Author Archives: kenneth

Globalist Agenda Watch 2023 – November Updates

NOTE (30 November 2023): The globalists are sending “commie” VP Kamala Harris to the “commie” Climate Change Summit in Dubai on December 1-2, which adds another target to the mix. So the “Nazionist” strike points for tonight/tomorrow include…

  • the gathered “commie as*holes” at the Dubai summit, including King Charles, Bill Gates, Kamala Harris and many others (it’s a one-stop shop for most of the outgoing elite),
  • the “commie” Pope at the “commie” Jesuit-controlled Vatican,
  • the “commie” UN, and
  • the “commie”-controlled Swamp (DC, where Biden and Congress will be).

The attacks would happen on what would have been the 8th Day of the Gaza Ceasefire and will start an 8-day count to the end of the Prince Harry / Pope Francis Tribulation [88, the Nazi number].

(30 November 2023) – The Mossad arranged a Hamas attack on an Israeli bus stop in Jerusalem today, so the pretext is in place to not only abandon the Gaza Ceasefire at midnight (Israel time), but to also expand Israeli raids into the West Bank and Jerusalem. And this will in turn create the pretext for the globalists to roll out the “Islamist” attacks on Israel and the West.

In a poor place like the Gaza Strip, it is the people who have money to pass around who have the power. So the leadership of Hamas is beholden to the Money Power and Mossad — they are proxies of the Mossad, just like ISIS and Al-Qaeda. “Hamas” is the Hebrew word for “violence” [1,2,3].

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Conflicting reports are circulating about the Gaza Ceasefire: the Wall Street Journal is reporting that an extension through Friday is in place, but Sky News is reporting that the Ceasefire will end at 7 AM Israel time tomorrow (midnight tonight in Washington, DC). What kind of world will we wake up to in the morning?

In case they go for it, Onnabugeisha has noted two important scripting cues for December 1 / 18 Kislev

• Pope Francis consecrates all humanity—especially Russia and Ukraine—to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Vatican News) Date: 25 March 2022, 616 days ago exactly on 12/1 -> 616 is the alternate Number of the Beast. [Ken: This means it’s a good time to artificially fulfill the Third Secret of Fatima prophecy, which is about the destruction of the Vatican and the death of a pope.]

Jewish calendar18 Kislev

18 Kislev – (Psalm11918)

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNN) Donald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Israel, formerly located in Tel Aviv (see Embassy of the United States, Jerusalem). Date: 6 December 2017  = 18 Kislev [Ken: This cue suggests that “the time is right to make it a reality” with the scripted endgame that would begin tomorrow.]

Don’t be fooled.

(29-30 November 2023) – I went online last night to check on the Gaza Ceasefire and found that it had expired, but negotiations had been extended for 7 hours to a midnight (Washington, DC time) deadline. And it was only half an hour until the negotiations were set to expire. So I quickly put together last night’s timeline as a Hail Mary. They ended up extending the ceasefire for one day.

It should be remembered that the intertwined Prince Harry / Pope Francis Tribulation timelines are offset by one day, so “Day 8” can be made to fall on December 7 or 8. Here’s the schedule (in Jerusalem time) if they opt for December 8…

12/1 – Day 1 of the Fall of Babylon / Erev Chassidic Rosh Hashanah
12/2 – Day 2 of the Fall of Babylon / Chassidic Rosh Hashanah Day 1
12/3 – Day 3 of the Fall of Babylon / Chassidic Rosh Hashanah Day 2 / Bona Dea opens the Gate to Hell / missiles stop after sunset
12/4 – Day 4: Fake Christian Rapture, followed by outpouring of the 7 bowls of wrath
12/7 – Day 7: Erev Hanukkah / Castor & Pollux rescue after sunset
12/8 – Day 8: Hanukkah Day 1 / End of Pope Francis Era (death, resignation or funeral), OR bowls of wrath continue to 150th day from the opening of Gate to Hell on 12/3
4/30/24 – Day 8 of Passover / Castor & Pollux rescue.

~ from last night – 29 November 2023 ~

A Quick Note on the Armageddon Timeline…

11/30 – Day 1 Fall of Babylon
12/1 – Day 2 Fall of Babylon
12/2 – Day 3 Fall of Babylon / Chassidic Rosh Hashanah Day 1 / missiles stop after sunset
12/3 – Day 4 / Chassidic Rosh Hashanah Day 2 / Bona Dea opening of the Gate to Hell / Fake Christian Rapture, followed by outpouring of the 7 bowls of wrath
12/7 – Day 8 / Hanukkah starts at sunset / Castor & Pollux rescue, or continues to 150th day from 12/3
4/30/24 – Day 8 of Passover / Castor & Pollux rescue.

~ MORE – 30 November 2023 ~

This bodes well…

…from AP

Keep an eye on the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6:00 PM EST today (November 30), which will take place an hour after the Gaza Ceasefire extension may expire. Both Biden and Harris will be there (to potentially get hit). We also need to watch for Pope Francis’s death or resignation over the next 8 days. More on that later.

(29 November 2023) – An “Atomic” Pearl Harbor

Joe Biden is scheduled to give a speech in Pueblo, Colorado at 1:30 PM (130) local time today in another instance of his Jewish Chief of Staff trotting him out to a location that symbolizes the Manhattan Project. The Los Alamos laboratory complex was built on the land of the Pueblo tribes, and many tribe members worked there as support staff. So once again Biden will symbolically stand in a place (tenuously) connected to America’s atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at a time when the Kabbalists intend to simulate a nuclear attack on the US using Artemis.

In Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, the number 130 relates to the words “the shedding of blood of the Edomites.” The Edomites were the enemies of ancient Israel, and “Edom” has become a general term for the enemies of the Jews, particularly the Romans and their descendants (modern “Mystery Babylon,” of which America is a big part).

Biden is scheduled to depart Pueblo for Washington, DC at 3:05 PM local time, which is five minutes after midnight in Israel — five minutes after the Gaza Ceasefire may end on Thursday, 17 Kislev, the Jewish anniversary of the Pearl Harbor sneak attack. Will America face an “atomic” Pearl Harbor today/tomorrow?

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Speaking of Pearl Harbor and of today/Thursday being the Jewish anniversary of that attack, Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 30th reveal the following Chinese tie-in…

Chinese calendar10th Month 18

Revelation 1810: Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: “’Woe! Woe to you, great city, you mighty city of Babylon! In one hour your doom has come!’

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) Date: 11 November 2022 = 10th Month 18, year of the Tiger

• Kuomintang’s retreat to Taiwan (Wikipedia) Date:  7 December 1949 (on the 8th [8 (Wikipedia)] anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor)10th Month 18, year of the Ox

[Kuomintang (Wikipedia) The KMT traces its ideological and organizational roots to the work of Sun Yat-sen, a proponent of Chinese nationalism and democracy who founded the Revive China Society at the capital of the Republic of Hawaii, Honolulu, on 24 November 1894].

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A reader has pointed out a potential target in New York City: the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting tonight. Here are some notable details…

(28 November 2023) – The Gaza Ceasefire has been extended through Wednesday, so it may expire at midnight Thursday morning Israel time. And Thursday the 30th is the Jewish day of 17 Kislev this year. In her notes for tomorrow, Onnabugeisha points out that 17 Kislev is the Jewish anniversary of

  • the Attack on Pearl Harbor,
  • the 1947-1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine, and
  • the First Intifada.

So the occult cues support the scripting of sneak attacks on (and in) Israel and her allies if Israel restarts the Gaza War on the night of Wednesday-Thursday. “Retaliation” targets will include the United States and the United Arab Emirates (who are Abraham Accords partners with Israel, host 5,000 American military personnel at Al-Dhafra Air Base, AND ARE HOSTING THE UN CLIMATE CHANGE SUMMIT THAT STARTS ON FRIDAY). The restart of the War is the pretext for the globalist-scripted attack on the Conference I warned about in the 24 November update.

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Just in case anyone is drinking the RFK Jr. and Javier Milei Kool-Aid, here are both of them groveling at the grave of the Kabbalist Lubavitcher Rebbe: Kennedy, Milei. As I’ve said repeatedly, this whole Left vs. Right drama is merely a scripted changing of the guard, with the Left Hand falling and the Right Hand rising. And after taking us to both extremes and convincing us that “humans are incapable of self-rule,” they’ll give us a God-King named “Jesus Christ” (the Kabbalah Christ).

The Kabbalists are clever, but they are little more than genius chimps living animal lives in pursuit of bananas (wealth) and silverback status (power) — their warped “spirituality” is self-serving pretense. So dance for us, monkeys. Put on a good show.

ALERT (27-28 November 2023): The globalists may be running a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario starting tomorrow, with Trump’s “positive intervention” scheduled for Friday, December 1. This intervention would begin an 8-day “New Sukkot” count to the end of Pope Francis’s Tribulation on December 8. Here are some preliminary details…

1) Biden and Harris will be in Atlanta tomorrow to attend a funeral event that occurs on the Chinese lunar anniversary (in China’s time zone) of the Burning of Atlanta during the Civil War (see the footnote below for details). This is a good time to script a “Chicom” move against Biden and Harris (supposedly to open the way for “Chicom slaveboy” Gavin Newsom to become the next “elected” president) and the sparking of an “Antifa/BLM”-instigated civil war when the “MAGA” Republican Speaker of the House takes over the presidency

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report

2) Tomorrow, both the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council will be meeting on the situation in the Middle East, which makes it a good day to blow up the “West-controlled” UN if they do (or don’t do) “the right thing”…

…from [top (arch), bottom (arch)]

3) The Drudge Report started a 50-day Trump countdown yesterday. Today the counter is showing 49

…So the count will reach the magic number of 45 on Friday, December 1 [the day “Commiepalooza” (the UN Climate Conference Summit) is scheduled to begin].

4) The intertwined Prince Harry / Pope Francis Tribulations are due to end on December 7-8. This will allow the Kabbalists to schedule a “New Sukkot” that starts on December 1 and ends on December 8 [“Judgment Day” (for Pope Francis)]. His reported illness is likely related to this scheduled endpoint…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report

This December 1-8 New Sukkot may be staged with or without the 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario feeding into it.

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Footnote on the Burning of Atlanta

The “official beginning” of the Burning of Atlanta occurred on the morning of 15 November 1864 as General Sherman’s troops began their March to the Sea. And since China time runs 13 hours ahead of US EST, the Burning began in the evening of 15 November there, which was the Chinese lunar date of Tenth Month 17.

The memorial event in Atlanta starts at 11:30 AM EST of November 28 (Tuesday), which is 12:30 AM of 29 November in China. And 29 November is the Chinese lunar date of Tenth Month 17.

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To summarize the globalist setup for Tuesday, they want to hit Biden and Harris in Atlanta to open the door to the presidency for the Republican Speaker of the House. And they’ll have the Dems and the mainstream media blame their deaths on a “vast right-wing Day X conspiracy among Trump, MAGA House Speaker Mike Johnson, and southern white supremacists to violently seize the presidency.” The crisis actors and dupes on both sides of the BLM/Antifa and Patriot/Constitutionalist divide will then be sent on the streets to act-out a Second Civil War. See Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday for the occult underpinnings of the scenario.

Tomorrow’s events would supposedly be “the day the South rises again like a phoenix”“the day General Sherman’s sins are revisited upon the Washington government.”

~ MORE – 28 November 2023 ~

Another cue for a nuke-appearing attack today is the number 53: today is the 53rd day of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and a reader notified me that there has been a ceasefire violation

…from The Times of Israel

The number 53 has repeatedly shown up in recent globalist setups. 53 is the atomic number of iodine (potassium iodide tablets are used to protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine in nuclear fallout), and 53 has also been associated with China and war. The number is also used as a cue for a Bible verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:3

While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

The UN is talking about peace and security in the Middle East today, and the General Assembly is aiming to pass a resolution about the “Syrian Golan.” Watch Damascus for a big explosion.

NOTE (26 November 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes for Monday the 27th are now up. Also worth noting is that the Drudge Report is featuring “Civil War” language two days before Biden and Harris will be in Atlanta, a city burned during the Civil War and symbolized by the phoenix…

…More on that tomorrow.

(26 November 2023) – With their plans for the Climate Change Conference revealed, the Kabbalists are maneuvering to narrate the death of Pope Francis so they can gather the leaders in Rome…


If they don’t kill him off today, they may be aiming for November 28-30 so they can stage his funeral on Monday, December 4. That way they can fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy on December 3 by having Bona Dea (an aspect of Ceres/Demeter) “open the Gate to Hell.” A 150-day “Torment of Humanity” scenario that begins on December 3 would end on April 30 of next year, which is Passover Day 8 (the Kabbalists love the 8th day of any Jewish holiday; it’s about “God’s Judgment”).

ALERT (25 November 2023): The globalists have set up a situation that can lead to the failure of the Gaza Ceasefire AS SOON AS ISRAEL ENTERS REIGN OF CHRIST SUNDAY at midnight IST. Since the Gaza civilians began moving back into the north after the ceasefire started, they would be caught out in the open when the Israeli bombardment resumes (and it would likely be the most fierce attack of the war). Their deaths would be the “Israeli Outrage” that causes worldwide “Islamist” attacks. See today’s update below for what may follow.

~ later ~

They’ve backed down.

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 26th are now up. And I fixed some glitchy links I added to them (links to applicable notes from the previous day).

(25 November 2023) – In recent updates, I’ve covered what is/was planned for Reign of Christ Sunday (tomorrow): nuke-looking explosions and the start of a 3-day rain of fire (of missiles or manmade meteors) leading to either a Messianic Arrival or a Fake Christian Rapture on the fourth day. Well on the fourth day, 29 November (the Jewish anniversary of Noah’s Ark touching down on Earth), there are “signs in the heavens”…

…from Stellarium and

The Moon (“Artemis“) being in Gemini (the “Divine Twins“) can symbolize “the (manmade) meteor STORM that brings in the messianic duo,” and the 4 currently ongoing meteor showers (including the Geminid Meteor Shower) are already producing notable fireballs. Saturn (the “Nazionist Antichrist”) being in (“the Age of”) Aquarius can symbolize his arrival to rule the Earth. So the astrology-obsessed Kabbalists are/were planning to have these alignments mark either the arrival of Saturn or the beginning of Saturn’s overwhelming assault (the pouring out of God’s wrath) upon humanity in advance of his arrival to “save us” from it.

Silly rabbits. Tricks are for kids.

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 25th are now up.

(24 November 2023) – The Kabbalist Setups for November 30 and December…

…from The National News

King Charles, Pope Francis, and leaders from all over the world will be traveling to Dubai next week to attend the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) Summit on Friday and Saturday, December 1-2. Since King Charles is giving the opening address, he’ll likely arrive the day before it begins, Thursday the 30th of November, and that day is 17 Kislev, the Jewish anniversary of Pearl Harbor! This provides the Kabbalists with yet another opportunity to fulfill their prophecy of the fiery deaths of the gathered “kings of the world, except those who have not yet arrived(the prophecy is supposed to take place in Rome, but they can say that the prophet mistook the city for Rome due to the presence of the Bishop of Rome).

Dubai is very close to Iran, and is within firing distance of the Iranian missiles held by the Houthis in Yemen. So watch for a Mossad/IDF false-flag missile attack that gets blamed on the Iranians or their proxies, and watch for the world to see through the ruse and turn on Israel with great fury. This is how they’ll draw the world into the Battle of Armageddon.

Of course, we must first get through Reign of Christ Sunday this weekend.

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Looking ahead at the other opportunities the Kabbalists have already set up for December, there are additional chances for summit hits…

We’re gonna push these bi*ches out of 2023. No Moshiach for you!…

(23 November 2023) – Beware of Black Friday Attacks on Shoppers (and leaders)

The past 24 hours have been interesting: the Rainbow Bridge “terror attack” narrative was rolled back, and the head of the Mossad pushed back the start of the Gaza ceasefire till tomorrow. It should also be noted that the political heads of “Mystery Babylon” (Biden, Michel, and von der Leyen) will still be in Nantucket and St. John’s tomorrow. So Friday provides a second chance to do much of what was planned for today.

If you look to the Bible’s Book of Revelation, chapters 14 and 15, it lays out a sequence of events that the globalists will be attempting to artificially fulfill…

  1. The Fall of Babylon (the UK/US/EU/G7/NATO Beast),
  2. The Harvest of the Earth (the Fake Christian Rapture), and
  3. The 7 Angels Pouring out 7 Bowls of God’s Wrath (77).

So we can anticipate the attacks that bring down the West to occur before the Fake Rapture, then “Apollyon’s Harvest” will begin (look at what the Bible says will happen to the people who go on the ships). And after the Harvest, the globalists will pour on the suffering until the desired day count is completed (it could end as soon as December 7 or as late as Passover next year).

Looking to Onnabugeisha’s notes for Friday the 24th, they show birthday 9/11s for Joe Biden and King Charles (suggesting the deaths of both on Jewish 9/11), so the occulted heads of Mystery Babylon (King Charles and Pope Francis) may also be on the chopping block tomorrow. Onna further notes that Friday is the 4th anniversary of Pope Francis standing in the places the atom bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He did that on 24 November 2019, which was Reign of Christ Sunday that year. So tomorrow and this Sunday (which is Reign of Christ Sunday this year) are excellent candidate days for atomic explosions to be mimicked by Artemis rods.

It must also be pointed out that tomorrow is Black Friday in the United States, and it’s happening on the Jewish day of Kislev 11, Jewish 9/11. Also happening on Jewish 9/11 — thanks to the Mossad-instigated delay — is the start of the Gaza ceasefire. So if the “evil Chabad-Mossad-IDF Deep State” are scripted to sabotage “Moshiach ben Yosef” Netanyahu‘s ceasefire, tomorrow would be an opportune day to stage worldwide attacks through their ISIS and Al-Qaeda proxies (and blame it on Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinians in general). And what better targets could they choose than American shoppers engaging in the “demonic orgy of materialism” known as Black Friday? Shopping malls, Walmarts, and (of course) Targets will be targets. And in an unusual development this year, crazed shoppers may be brawling over bandages instead of big-screen TVs.

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LOL! These Kabbalist clowns! A reader just notified me that a train derailed in Kentucky this afternoon, releasing fire and brimstone “to signal God’s impending wrath”

Fire and brimstone is an idiomatic expression referring to God’s wrath found in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Bible, it often appears in reference to the fate of the unfaithful. Brimstone, an archaic term synonymous with sulfur, evokes the acrid odor of sulfur dioxide given off by lightning strikes. The association of sulfur with divine retribution is common in the Bible. – from Wikipedia

Our world is run by idiots and drama queens.

ALERT (21-22 November 2023): The globalists are positioning for major false-flag attacks on Thanksgiving Day…

…from Newsweek and

With the Israel-Hamas ceasefire beginning tomorrow morning and with Putin suggesting peace talks with Ukraine today during a G20 Virtual Summit, “peace is threatening to break out all over.” This sounds like a job for “the evil warmongering Deep State and their false-flaggers,” who may be scripted to instead deepen the wars tomorrow by attacking various world leaders and blaming it on the usual suspects. Placing Putin at a CSTO Summit in Minsk, Belarus tomorrow adds another juicy target to a list that already includes Biden in Nantucket and the EU leaders in St. John’s. Will “Wagner Group diehards take revenge on Putin” tomorrow? Will Trump and Netanyahu be targeted as well?

Today’s “terror attack” on the Rainbow Bridge is another telling sign: rainbow symbolism has been prominently featured in connection with the coming “Gemini Twins” duo of false saviors

…from YouTube

What begins tomorrow may lead to “God’s Judgment” beginning on Reign of Christ Sunday, the 26th. That’s the final day of the 4-day Israel-Gaza ceasefire. More to come, along with links.

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Onnabugeisha points out that the Jewish day of Kislev 11 (9/11) begins at sunset in Jerusalem tomorrow; that’s 4:37 PM local time / 5:37 PM Minsk time / 9:37 AM Nantucket time. Watch for trouble to start on or after that time. Her notes on Thursday the 23rd are now up.

~ MORE ~

If the globalists go for it on Thanksgiving Day, the 23rd, they could make it the first day of a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that ends on Reign of Christ Sunday, the 26th, with the arrival of the Fake ETs and the Fake Messiah. So Give Thanks for the Reign of Christ to come.”

Alternatively, tomorrow could begin an escalation to a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that starts on Reign of Christ Sunday, the 26th, and culminates with the arrival of the False Messiah on November 29 / 16 Kislev (the day Noah’s Ark touched down on the Earth, which would be symbolically mirrored by the Fake ETs landing on Earth at the end of “God’s Judgment”).

As a third option, tomorrow could begin an escalation to “God’s Judgment” on Reign of Christ Sunday, which would be the first day of a 150-day count to the Fake Messiah’s intervention on 23 April 2024 (Passover Day 1). This 150-day scenario would also involve a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that would start on November 26 and culminate in a Fake Christian Rapture on November 29 / 16 Kislev (with the day Noah’s Ark touched down on the Earth being mirrored by the Fake ET Arks touching down on the Earth “to gather those chosen to survive the Judgment” like Noah gathered the animals). Later, I’ll show you why boarding the ships is inadvisable.

~ from yesterday, 21 November 2024 ~

Watch Biden, Michel, and von der Leyen on Thanksgiving Day

Both Onnabugeisha and I were partially sidelined with pain issues for the past two days, but we’re both nearly well and ready to resume the fight. Her notes for Wednesday the 22nd include references to some occult weirdness surrounding Nantucket Island (where Joe Biden is going today for Thanksgiving Holiday)…

President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden to return to Nantucket (Masslive) -> You wrote about Biden spending Thanksgiving holiday on Nantucket a year ago [your blog] WARNING (22 November 2022).

Essex (whaleship) – The American whaling ship Essex (Wikipedia) from NantucketMassachusetts was rammed by a sperm whale and later sank, inspiring the climactic scene in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick (1851). (HISTORY) Date: 20 November 1820 -> Joe Biden (Wikipedia) was born on 20 November 1942. 

Trump boasts of meeting ‘Prince of Whales’ (The Guardian) on 13 June 2019. 

The 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 59th quadrennial presidential election. Democrat Joe Biden defeated Republican Donald Trump, the incumbent, to become the 46th president of the United States. [Joe Biden breaks Obama’s record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential candidate (CBS News.] Date: 3 November 2020, 1115 days ago on 11/22 (inclusive) or 11/23-> Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a skull [Latin calvaria], the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull.

Nantucket’s flag and seal incorporate sperm whalesthe flag featuring a white one. And a whale is typically hunted with a harpoon, and Harpoon submarine-launched cruise missiles are in the possession of both the Israeli and Turkish submarine forces. If “white whale” Biden were to be hunted with a Harpoon while on Nantucket, it is doubtful that there are any defenses in place to reliably deal with such a threat. And such an attack could be conveniently laid at the feet of the Russian submarine force. Just sayin’.

It should also be noted that the two heads of the EU will participate in a summit with Canada’s Justine Castro (a.k.a. Trudeau) on Thanksgiving Day in St. John’s, Canada. So Biden and the heads of the EU will be in soft targets on islands at the edge of the North Atlantic Ocean on November 23. Interesting. Some “meteors” (Artemis rods) hitting the Ocean near the islands could kill them with tsunamis — a harpoon is essentially a big spear after all.

WARNING (20 November 2023) – The Kabbalists have a golden opportunity to simulate the opening of the Gate to Hell tonight/tomorrow. From Onna’s notes…

Ceres at solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 05:02 UTC

• The mundus of Ceres (Wikipediais open. The third of three annual openings of a mysterious pit or storage chamber with the official announcement “mundus patet” (“the mundus is open”), and offerings were made there to agricultural or underworld deities, including Ceres as goddess of the fruitful earth and guardian of its underworld portals. Its opening offered the spirits of the dead temporary leave from the underworld,… Date: November 8 (Julian) = November 21 (Gregorian).

• Eastern Orthodox liturgics – Synaxis of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salaphiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, Jeremiel and the Other Bodiless Powers (Wikipedia).  -> War in Heaven (Wikipedia) – In the New Testament of the Christian Bible, the Book of Revelation describes a war in heaven between angels led by the Archangel Michael against those led by “the dragon”, identified as the devil or Satan, who was defeated and thrown down to the earth.

Twice-Expanded NOTE (18-19 November 2023): King Charles is/was scripted to die on Reign of Christ Sunday, November 26

As we enter the potentially perilous 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, be sure to read the 2-3 May update in its entirety. Once you do, you’ll begin to realize that the 34th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 26 November 2023, is the day the globalists DEFINITELY plan to simulate (using Artemis) a nuclear war that will kill “Antichrist” King Charles. As part of this scenario, Pope Francis may be scripted to “die” this Sunday or Tuesday (Presentation of Mary). I’ll cover this in detail tomorrow.

The stupid Kabbalist monkeys won’t be getting their banana next week. Let them eat pork rinds.

~ MORE (Mod-2) – 19 November 2023 ~

The entire Coronation Tribulation has just opened up to me, and the information is pressing upon my mind with considerable energy. So I’m going to build this update in pieces. As it progresses, I’ll update the mod number above…

The first half of the Pope Francis and King Charles Coronation Tribulation — the 1260-day part — began in 2019 with the events of the Roman Catholic 33rd and 34th Sundays of Ordinary Time. On the 33rd Sunday, “Communist” Pope Francis gave a message about “the End of the World,” while on the same day, Communist China staged the first COVID-19 case to begin “Operation CORONA (Crown).” A week later on the 34th Sunday, Reign of Christ Sunday, Francis marked the first day of a 1260-day count to the beginning of the crowned reign of “Communist Antichrist” King Charles III on 6 May 2023. He did this while foreshadowing the end of the “Satanic Global Communist Deep State” by standing in the spot where the atom bomb exploded in Hiroshima, Japan. Coronation Day was meant to be the day of the explosions, but exposure deterred their planned actions.

The second half — the 1290-day and 1335-day part — began on Coronation Day. And the 1290th day of King Charles’s crowned reign will fall on 15 November 2026, which is the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time that year. This is the latest point at which the Kabbalists can script Prince Harry’s intervention to depose him. Harry would then achieve victory on the 34th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Reign of Christ Sunday. The 1335th day will fall on 30 December 2026, which is Saturnalia on the Julian calendar. This would be the day of his coronation, as he is playing the role of Saturn.

According to globalist prophecy doctrine, the Antichrist is supposed to openly rule the second half of the 7-year Tribulation period, and since “commie antichrists” Pope Francis and Prince Charles were active during the first half of the Tribulation, the second half was meant for “Nazi” King Harry’s rule. They foreshadowed his rise during the 33rd and 34th Sundays of Ordinary Time last year. He was trotted out to Pearl Harbor on Friday, 11/11/22 and was received like a king. That was two days before the 33rd Sunday last year, so the visit was about symbolizing the death and resurrection of Christ. The Friday visit to a graveyard, the USS Arizona Memorial, represented Good Friday and Christ’s death. And that 33rd Sunday represented Easter, Christ’s resurrection.

Now we’re in 2023, and this year’s 33rd and 34th Sundays of Ordinary Time are/were another chance to install Harry, but they’re screwed. Like a vampire’s tallywhacker, their narrative is falling to dust under exposure to the sunlight.

Links and lots more info to come.

(Expanded Note – 18 November 2023) – The 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time and the End of the World

Tomorrow is the Roman Catholic 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, the 7th “World Day of the Poor,” and is therefore a good day to start “communist” mischief. You may remember the 2-3 May update from earlier this year, which pointed out that Pope Francis’s message on the “End of the World” happened on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time in 2019, the same day the first case of COVID was staged in China.

On this 33rd Sunday, the Pope will be in St. Peter’s Basilica, the church he desecrated with Pachamama. And Catholic Joe Biden will be in Norfolk, Virginiaa major nerve center of the US Navy — among military families who hate his guts. Spectacular Artemis attacks, assassinations and/or the emergence of “Disease X” are scriptable possibilities. Remember that Elon Musk just launched another load of Artemis rods into orbit in a supposedly “failed” launch of his 33-engined Starship spacecraft today.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 19th are now up. They support all kinds of mischief that can be scripted for tomorrow, including the destruction of London [and perhaps all the cities visited by the Arch of Palmyra; London’s visit started on 19 April 2016, 7 years, 7 months ago (77) on Sunday]. One of her notes also points out that today’s launch of the 33-engined SpaceX Starship on the day before the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time happened 3 years, 333 days (3333) after the founding of Space Force on 20 December 2019.

NOTE (17 November 2023): The Leonid Meteor Shower that produced the Meteor Storm of 1833 (pictured below) peaks this year around Saturday. This will provide a prime opportunity as soon as tonight for the globalists to stage a 3-day “rain of fire” on the world and/or on Israel.

Watch for this over the next several days (November 12-23)…

(17 November 2023) – Threat Assessment for Saturday the 18th

Biden, Xi, and the other APEC leaders will be departing San Francisco today, so remember the plane bombing cues that showed up in Onnabugeisha’s notes for November 15. Somebody might not make it home.

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes for Saturday the 18th are now up, and they include another cue for the plane bombing on the Islamic calendar. Upon checking into it, I found out that Erdogan is in Germany for a one-day visit today and will presumably fly out this evening, after the Islamic day corresponding to Saturday has begun. Given his fierce criticism of Israel over the Gaza War, the Kabbalists may have scripted a “Mossad bombing” of his aircraft. Remember that the death of Erdogan has been tied to the Three Days of Fear / Three Days of Darkness by Neophytos of Morfou.

Looking at the other occult cues for Saturn’s Day, they strongly support a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that starts on Saturday (Jerusalem time) and ends on the 21st (November 8 on the Julian calendar and another candidate day for the opening of the Gate to Hell). A Messianic Event or Fake Christian Rapture could be conducted that day.

Also, today is the beginning of options expiration weekend, so watch for any big moves in the after-hours market that may precede an overnight Israeli attack on Iran.

(Enhanced Note – 17 November 2023) – The press, the White House website and the Congressional Bill Tracker now reflect that Biden has signed H.R.6363, the Continuing Resolution, into law. It was reportedly flown to San Francisco and signed last night at the Legion of Honor Museum. So had the Museum gotten hit, the bill would have been destroyed along with Biden. Now that it’s signed, though, it is likely that they’ve backed off of their plans for this week.

It must nonetheless be noted that the Night of Hecate continues until sunset today, so the globalists continue to have mythological support to act-out the opening of the Gate to Hell. And they have arranged something at the United Nations for 10 AM New York time this morning: the General Assembly will be meeting on “the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip” and the Security Council will be discussing “peace and security”

…from (top, bottom)

While people are saying, “peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. – 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (BSB) on

So the current watch continues until Friday is over.

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 17th (a very unlucky day in Italy / the Vatican / “Rome”) are now up. Also, be advised that the threat will continue through 10 AM New York time on Friday — details to come.

NOTE: If the globalists proceed with “opening the Gate to Hell” in San Francisco this evening, it will happen in time to begin an inclusive 40-day count for a “Fire Judgment” that will end on Christmas Day. But this evening in San Francisco is tomorrow morning in Jerusalem, November 17 / 4 Kislev (the Jewish anniversary of the day Zechariah foretold the Messianic Era). So the San Francisco event will be tied to the coming of the Fake Jewish Messiah and will likely be tied to an event in Israel that will scatter the Israeli population to the wind. Why? Because November 17 begins a non-inclusive 38-day count to Christmas, and 38 is the number of years the Hebrews wandered in the wilderness before they were allowed to enter the Promised Land.

Speaking of entering the Promised Land, the Kabbalists also have the option of running a full 150-day “Torment of Humanity” from November 17 in Jerusalem. The 150th day would land on 15 April 2024 / 17 Nissan, the anniversary of the day the Jews prepared to enter Canaan and begin the conquest of the Promised Land. The Fake Jewish Messiah could make his apprearance at Mount Sinai that day, then begin his “triumphal procession” to Jerusalem (likely arriving on the 8th day of Passover, 30 April 2024).

~ MORE ~

The continuing resolution has passed the House & Senate and been sent to Biden’s desk. But as a reader has pointed out, Biden isn’t returning to Washington DC tomorrow. Will it be brought to him in San Francisco, Philly, or Delaware? Will he sign it with the autopen? Or are they trying to slide one past us again?

WARNING (16 November 2023): The Gate to Hell is/was to be Opened at the Golden Gate Cemetery

…from Alta. We are legion.”

LOL! Can you guess where they’re gathering Biden, Xi, and all the other Pacific leaders for the APEC Dinner tonight, the Night of Hecate [the goddess of graves and ghostsassociated with Artemis and Diana (mother of Harry) — who holds the key to the gate to the underworld]? At San Francisco’s Legion of Honor Museum, which is built atop burial grounds where most of the thousands of bodies (including many Chinese laborers) still remain, which is located in Lincoln Park (named after an assassinated President of the United States), and which was opened on Armistice Day, November 11, 1924 (11/11, the date of Prince Harry’s visit to PEARL HARBOR last year). Enjoy dinner in Hell, fellas! BOOM!

It will be interesting to see if any of the mainstream media mention the optics of Xi Jinping feasting tonight atop the desecrated graves of thousands of discarded Chinese immigrant laborers.

Enhanced NOTE: The 40 days / 40 nights of Al Aqsa Flood end at sunrise in Jerusalem (6:08 AM IST on 16 November 2023). That’s 11:08 PM Washington DC time / 8:08 PM [88] San Francisco time today (15 November 2023). So if we get hit today/tomorrow, the federal government will be left without a budget and the surviving president will have total emergency power over everything.

(15 November 2023) – November 16: The end of the Flood? The beginning of the Fire?

Not only does November 16 mark the end of the 40 days and 40 nights of Al Aqsa Flood — thereby making it a day that a momentous event can be scheduled (like the destruction of Al Aqsa Mosque) — but it also marks the following points in time (according to Onnabugeisha’s notes for tomorrow)…

November 16 could bring a spectacular event that may start a 40-day “Fire Judgment of God” that ends on Christmas Day or a ceasefire in Gaza (ending the Flood) to buy the Kabbalists some time to decide what to do next.

NOTE: The US House of Representatives has passed the continuing resolution to keep the government funded until the next two Messiah-related dates in early 2024 (see the 14 November update below). Assuming the globalists don’t attempt funny business again by delaying Biden’s signature, this could mean we’ve pushed them out of 2023. Close overwatch will continue nonetheless.

In case they are abandoning 2023, watch for temporary ceasefires in Ukraine and Gaza and peace talks to keep the conflicts simmering until January.

And speaking of a potential move against Putin tomorrow or a ceasefire, check this out: CIA boss heads for Z-Day in Kyiv as Ukraine falters.

The Threat Picture for November 15: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 15th are now up. They contain…

(14 November 2023) – It’s all about the Moshiach (the Kabbalists’ Fake Jewish Messiah)…

…from BRICS NWO propaganda site Zero Hedge

Unless Congress passes a new continuing resolution by the end of Friday, November 17, the US government will start shutting down. November 17 is the Jewish day of 4 Kislev this year, and 4 Kislev is known for this…

Zechariah Foretold Messianic Era (3410/-352)

A delegation from Babylonia put forth a query to the prophet Zechariah, asking whether the fast of the Ninth of Av was still in effect, now that the Second Temple had been built. In response, Zechariah transmitted G‑d’s message that it was not fasting that was most important, but to uphold justice, truth, kindness and compassion.

Zechariah also foretold what will occur to the fast days in the Messianic era: “So says the L‑rd of Hosts: The fast of the fourth month [the seventeenth of Tammuz], the fast of the fifth month [the ninth of Av], the fast of the seventh month [the third of Tishrei], and the fast of the tenth month [the tenth of Teves] will be to the House of Judah for rejoicing, happiness, and festivals.” (Zechariah 7–8) – from

January 19, the next date a shutdown is set to be scheduled, is 9 Shevat next year, and 9 Shevat is known for this…

Moshiach’s Torah Scroll” completed (1970)

The writing of the “Sefer Torah to greet Moshiach,” initiated at the behest of the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, in 1942, was concluded 28 years later at a special gathering convened by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Friday afternoon, the 9th of Shevat, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak’s passing. – from

February 2, the final date a shutdown is to be scheduled, is the day 24 Shavat begins after sunset (a Jewish Sabbath Day next year), and 24 Shevat is known for this…

Zechariah‘s Prophecy (351 BCE)

“On the 24th day of the 11th month, which is the month of Shevat, in the second year of the reign of Darius, the word of G-d came to Zechariah the son of Berechiah the son of Ido the prophet, saying: ‘…I will return to Jerusalem in mercy, my house will be built within her…and the Lord shall yet console Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem.'” (Zechariah 1:7-17) – from

If you’re noticing a pattern of engineered US government financial crises timed to correspond with potential arrival dates for the Fake Jewish Messiah, welcome to the party. We’ve been watching this happen over and over for years now, with every debt ceiling and budget deadline. It has to do with the return of Trump or Pence to “save America from the abyss.”

It’s the same old script, over and over and over, and it brings to mind the idiots in the religious schools who rock back and forth while they program themselves to disconnect from the gifts of Spirit and blindly follow the “sacred texts” written by power-hungry men. Stupid. Fu*king. Monkeys.

~ from earlier today ~

Besides the nuclear/radiological false-flag on Israel I’ve warned about, another way of scattering the Israelis into the neighboring nations is the outbreak of a terrible plague. So watch for potential news of such a plague coming out of Gaza, which would be attributed to the release of “an Israeli bioweapon designed to wipe out the Palestinians.” This would provide both the “Israeli Outrage” needed to start the Big War and the Kabbalist-desired scattering of the Israelis as “they flee the Israeli mistake, the plague that has blown back against them.” Remember the Denver International Airport mural that depicted a soldier wearing a CBRN mask (that can protect against biological agents).

(13 November 2023) – Looking ahead to the next three days…

Since both Xi and Biden are supposedly targets of the “Satanic Global Communist Deep State” — Xi because he is cast as a “good guy” / “Avatar” and Biden because his death would allow an Obama to become vice president — their deaths on one of these days would suit the globalist “End Times” script quite well.

Launching a fake 40-day “Fire Judgment of God” on the 14th, 15th, or 16th would allow it to end on December 24 or 25, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day (a good day to bring in a False Messiah). Such a “judgment” could be preceded by Operation Blackjack. And a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario started one of those days would allow a Fake Christian Rapture or an early messianic arrival to happen on the 4th day, which is November 17-19 (17: the Jewish day “Zechariah foretold the Messianic Era,” 18: the Julian anniversary of the Jesuit Gunpowder Plot, 19: the Catholic 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 14th are now up.

Be advised that Kamala Harris will be in San Francisco with Biden on Tuesday and Wednesday (at least). So if Sodom gets hit, the new “MAGA Republican” Speaker of the House could potentially inherit the presidency (if Washington doesn’t get hit the same day). Remember that the globalists foreshadowed a(n engineered) San Francisco earthquake in an earlier Biden visit this year.

(11-12 November 2023) – Tomorrow night, the night of November 12/13 (somewhere in the world, possibly over Jerusalem), is a candidate time for an artificial Artemis meteor storm that could begin a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that ends on November 15/16 (the 40 day / 40 night mark of Al Aqsa Flood)…

…from the Daily Mail. Note how they worked-in hints of the APEC Summit in San Francisco (Golden Gate Bridge), the devil,” and the situation in Iceland (exploding like a volcano).

The meteor storm would be the “sign in heaven” of the Red Dragon (“the devil”) from Revelation 12:3-4

3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads. 4 His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as she gave birth.

As you would expect, the globalists have cast Communist China in the role of the Red Dragon (MUST READ).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 12th are now up. And among them is the fact that tomorrow will be the 4th Chinese lunar anniversary of Pope Francis’s Pachamama Desecration — a good cue for the Red Dragon to do its thing. 4 is the number of death in China, and watch for ISIS moves too.

~ MORE – 12 November 2023 ~

If the Kabbalists start the “150 Days of Torment” today or tomorrow, November 12/13, they can land the end point — the Fake Jewish Messiah’s intervention — on 10 April 2024. That is the Jewish day of 2 Nissan, the anniversary of this…

First Red Heifer Prepared (1312 BCE)

On the 2nd of Nissan, one day after the inauguration of the Tabernacle, Moses prepared the very first Red Heifer, in order to ritually purify the Jewish nation in preparation for the bringing of the Paschal Lamb in the newly erected Sanctuary. – from

See the 31 October 2023 update for how the Red Heifer fits in with the “Moshiach’s” intervention.

This being said, we could see the 4-day Three Days of Darkness start today/tomorrow and end with a Fake Christian Rapture on November 15-16. And those who do not “go with the angels” would then be left to experience the remainder of the 150 days under the tyranny of the Red Dragon.

Alternatively, they can bring in the Fake Moshiach on the fourth day or cut the (150) days short and bring him in by Christmas (Western or Orthodox).

Be advised that this same 150-day scenario can be started on other days this week as well, specifically the timeframe of November 19-23, which would land on Yom HaAliyah or Shabbat HaGadol. Other scenarios not tied to the 150 days could start anytime. Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 13th are now up.

Scripting possibilities for tomorrow, 11/13: 1) Artemis Rodfall and the destruction of the Vatican [1,2,3], and/or 2) the destruction of Damascus [1,2].

WARNING (10 November 2023): On 11/11, the 7-day APEC Summit begins in San Francisco. Xi Jinping is slated to attend from the 14th through the 17th, and he will meet with Biden on the 15th. So both of them will be in “Sodom” when the 40-day and 40-night mark of Al Aqsa Flood hits on November 15/16.

Given that the “Kings of the East” will be gathered next week, watch for something to happen in Europe to gather the “Kings of the West” at the same time, so both sets of “Kings” can be destroyed. The Western gathering could materialize as an emergency summit of the EU or a papal funeral. Otherwise, the “Kings of the West” will be hit in their capitals by Operation Blackjack, which will also hit “Sodom.”

Alternatively, watch The 8th Day, the day after the 7 days of the APEC meeting. It’s November 18, Gunpowder Plot Day. After “the rising Kings of the East” spend a week amidst “the squalor of the fallen West,” the West would be put out of its misery by another Jesuit Treason by the Communist Pope.

(10 November 2023) – The good news is that I’m having no trouble identifying the Kabbalist danger dates; the bad news is… well…

Yesterday I did a sweep of the rest of November for potential danger dates, and I found plenty. So today we’ll start looking at them, beginning with 11/11. And after that, we’ll look at the one cue I missed; the one that could have stopped the Hamas attack on October 7.

Saturn’s Day [1,2], November 11th – 11/11 is a double “master number” date and a number combo that is assigned great significance in New Age circles. It is also the 1st anniversary of Rothschild-descended Prince Harry’s visit to Pearl Harbor on Veterans Day last year — a visit that foreshadowed his crowning as King of the Jews and King of the World. Additionally, 11/11 is 27 Cheshvan this year, which marks the Jewish anniversaries of the end of Noah’s Flood and the death of Yasser Arafat (11/11 is also the Gregorian anniversary of Arafat’s death).

Scripting possibilities – This date was scriptable as “the fourth-day-arrival of the King” of a 4-day 3DOD scenario that was to start on November 8. The 11/11 element suggests an event of great significance, the Prince Harry element suggests a Nazionist event (possibly a messianic one), the Pearl Harbor element suggests a big surprise event, the Veterans Day element again suggests Prince Harry (who focuses on veterans), the End of Flood element suggests peace or a ceasefire (or their “Satanic” opposites), and the Arafat element suggests a bad day for the Palestinians. One or more of these elements could be utilized in an alternate scripting for the date, such as a big sneak attack somewhere and/or an attack that kills a Palestinian leader (like the Hamas leader the press say is cornered in a bunker under Gaza city). The “Big Explosion” in Gaza is clearly scriptable.

Onna’s notes on 11/11 are now up: watch for something to happen to a “Hitler-like” figure, like the Hamas commander in the bunker, Zelensky, Netanyahu, Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Biden, Trump, or Bolsonaro. Biden and Harris will be an attractive target at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier tomorrow. But if it’s the Hamas guy who gets captured or killed, might that lead to a shock ceasefire in Gaza?

Other possibilities mentioned in Onna’s notes include…

(9 November 2023) – While we wait to see if Western Civilization gets destroyed between now and the end of November 10, I’ve stumbled upon another globalist set piece, the Gunpowder Plot of 2023. It started to come to me after noticing something about the headline of the Newsweek article below — about ISIS being a Simmering Powder Keg Under(neath) Biden.” This brought to mind the original Gunpowder Plot, in which Guy Fawkes and his fellow plotters placed barrels of gunpowder underneath Parliament that were to be exploded on November 5, 1605 of the Julian calendar (England did not switch to the Gregorian calendar until 1752).

This year, the Julian 5th of November will fall on the Gregorian date of November 18. This date falls two days after Al Aqsa Mosque’s possible destruction on November 16 and three days before November 21, the Julian 8th of November, the date on which the Romans opened the pit to the underworld. I’ll cover the related scenarios in more detail as we approach those dates (assuming we get through today and tomorrow).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 10th are now up.

(9 November 2023) – Biden in Chicago with “ISIS”…

…from Newsweek

Biden is traveling to Chicago — “Muslim” Barack Obama’s power center — today, November 9. And my partner Onnabugeisha has noted that November 10 is October 28 on the Julian calendar, the date when the ancient Romans started their Festival of ISIS, which ran from October 28 through November 3…

October 28 – Isia, a festival of Isis introduced probably in the 30s or 40s AD, beginning with the Castu Isidis, a day of abstention and loss. – from Wikipedia

Well November 10 begins in Rome at 5:00 PM Chicago Time today, a time when Biden will be attending a campaign reception there. So will “ISIS” be scripted to hit Biden in Chicago on Castu Isidis to start the “festivities”? (Keep in mind that it may first be blamed on MAGA.)

It should be noted that Isia’s end date of November 3 (Julian) is November 16 on the Gregorian calendar, the day when the 40 days and 40 nights of Al Aqsa Flood is supposed to reach its end. And it should also be noted that sunset in Chicago is at 4:36 PM local time today, so the Hebrew day of 2/26 will start there before the hit.

What would we do without our Onna watching over us?

ALERT (8 November 2023): As was mentioned in yesterday’s update (below), November 10 marks a major day in the Obama-Acropolis Tribulation timeline [1,2] — the theme of which is “the Destruction of Western Civilization.” So related events could begin as soon as Jerusalem enters the Jewish day equivalent to November 10, Cheshvan 26. And since Cheshvan is the second month of the Jewish civil year, Cheshvan 26 can be written as 2/26 (226), the same number featured In the Hezbollah teaser video!…

…from Twitter

Here are the related occult cues that Onnabugeisha put in her notes for November 9

Jewish calendar26 Cheshvan2/26!  -> your blog 3 November 2023: A reader sent me a link to a Hezbollah preview video  for today’s speech, and it prominently features the number 226 [2:26] at its beginning…” Gematria: Qasem Soleimani = The Star of David 4x (both 226) 

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park) and Hiroshima (Peace Memorial)(VaticanAmerica Magazine) on Sunday, 24 November 2019 =  26 Cheshvan [2/26]

• Hitler survives assassination attempt (HISTORY) on 8 November 1939 = 26 Cheshvan

• The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin (Russia Beyond). 6 November 1942 (Wrong car) = 26 Cheshvan

• Patriarch Kirill of Moscow (Wikipedia) Born: 20 November 1946 = 26 Cheshvan

[more examples of 2/26: Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia) was born on February 26 [2/26], Ariel Sharon (Wikipedia) was born February 26 [2/26], Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock (CBS). Date: 26 May 2014 = 26 Iyyar [2/26], President Donald Trump makes historic visit to Western Wall (CNN). Date: 22 May 2017 = 26 Iyyar [2/26]] [Just like Cheshvan is the second month of the Jewish civil year, Iyyar is the second month of their ecclesiastical year.]

Hijrah (Wikipedia) The Hijrah or Hijra was the journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina. The year in which the Hijrah took place is also identified as the epoch of the Lunar Hijri and Solar Hijri calendars. (in the year: 622).

[Ken’s note: The day of the Hezbollah attack on Israel (October 7) is listed in Wikipedia as “the epoch reference date (start) of the modern Hebrew calendar.”]

Jerusalem enters 2/26 after sunset of November 9 (11/9 <> 9/11), which occurs at 4:44 PM (444) local time (9:44 AM Washington DC time tomorrow). So the globalists may script the opening of the Gate to Hell tonight (the night of November 8/9), with the results dramatically manifesting soon after.

See the rest of Onna’s notes on tomorrow; they are a horror show.

~ MORE ~

Since a 226 and a 444 have popped up for tomorrow, 11/9 (US format) <> 9/11 (European format), let’s have a look at their supposed meanings…

Meaning of Numbers: The Number 444

According to the book “The Appointed Times of Jesus the Messiah,” there exist an interesting relationship between the Scriptural meaning of the number 444 and Christ’s earthly ministry.

As our Biblical timeline of Jesus’ life shows, his ministry began on September 11 in 26 A.D. the same day the devil began his forty days of temptation. This date will prove important for constructing 444. This day fell on a Wednesday, the 4th day of the week.

September 11 was not only the Day of Atonement in 26, it was the start of the Jubilee year (Luke 4:16 – 21, see also Isaiah 61:1 – 2). In Jesus’ first recorded public address in Nazareth, he links his ministry and message to this special period of liberty and freedom which occurred every 50th year and was announced on Atonement (Leviticus 25).

September 11 in 26 A.D. is thus an incredibly rare and momentous day in human history! [Ken: In Kabbalist numerology, 911 “reduces” to 11, then 2, so “2 in 26 A.D.” (226). It’s a stretch, but so is all of numerology.] The four-fold major events that took place, or began, on this day are the Day of Atonement, the start of the Jubilee Year, the start of Jesus’ ministry, and the beginning of the devil’s efforts to derail God’s plan to save humans.

Jesus’ public ministry ended on a Wednesday, on the same 4th day of the week it started. It ceased in 30 A.D. when he was crucified and died on April 5 (the day portion of Passover) as our perfect sacrifice for sin.

The Day of Atonement in 26 A.D. corresponds on the Hebrew calculated calendar (used to determine God’s annual Feast Days) to Tishri 10 in the Hebrew year 3787. Jesus’ death in 30 A.D. corresponds to Nisan 14 in Hebrew year 3790. This means his entire ministry lasted 44 months (Hebrew years 3787 and 3789 had 13 months in them) and 4 days for 444! If we add in the fact that the Lord’s earthly ministry both began and completed on a Wednesday, the fourth day of the week. we get 4444 or even 44444!…

According to the book “Number in Scripture” by Bullinger, the Hebrew Gematria of the word “Damascus” is 444 (section on three). – from

So watch for the possible destruction of Damascus and potential messianic action tomorrow.

~ MORE ~

Here’s a specific set piece to watch for this coming day: 1) the long-planned Mossad/IDF false-flag missile attack on Israel from Lebanon/Syria, 2) the resulting real or simulated release of radioactivity from the warheads and/or the hitting of the Dimona nuclear reactor, 3) the subsequent destruction of Damascus “at the hands of the Israelis” (or “at the hands of the Turkish Antichrist in a false-flag meant to look like an Israeli attack”) — this is meant to drive the Muslims insane, and 4) the execution of a global intifada and Operation Blackjack (billed as the “Muslims’ revenge”). A “messianic intervention” may occur to stop the unfolding nightmare (or it might happen at some point afterwards).

NOTE: Today, Wednesday the 8th, is the big day for the Shimon Peres Funeral Tribulation timeline. And just like yesterday, they’re putting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris together at the White House at 11:30 AM EST, and again this meeting isn’t being shown on the publicly displayed version of Biden’s schedule. So once again we wait to see if Washington gets hit.

WARNING (7 November 2023): The press are reporting that Gaza city has been completely encircled and a massive IDF ground attack is imminent. This attack will likely trigger the start of the Big War, so watch for the “Atrocity Event” — today or tomorrow would be the perfect time for the massive explosion in Gaza city I’ve warned about [1,2]. And since Day 1335 (see yesterday’s Tribulation Alert) is supposed to bring a positive development, the Atrocity and its consequences will trigger the scripted messianic intervention, sooner (as soon as November 7/8 or 11) or later (as late as 6 April 2024).

Remember that November 8 was one of the days the ancient Romans opened the portal to the underworld. So on this November 8 (or its corresponding Hebrew day), the Kabbalists can opt to technologically simulate the opening of the “Gate to Hell” (a “Dimensional Portal”). And out of that portal will pour one of two scripted things…

So if you see war disrupted by lights in the sky soon, rest assured that they have come to serve man (with some fava beans and a nice Chianti).

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on November 8 are now up. She has also sent these important notes for November 9-10

11/9 (inclusive) – 11/10

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), “the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency.”

Behind the Scenes: President Obama Visits the Acropolis in Athens and The President Abroad: A Look Ahead at Greece, Germany, and PeruDate: 16 November 2016 -> 11/16 -> 1116 Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a High place, (1260 + 1290) = 2550 days ago 

• Israeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia), formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, was proclaimed by David Ben-Gurion.  It declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the  State of Israel, which would come into effect on termination of the British Mandate at midnight that day. (The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel). Date: 14 May 1948, 3939 weeks ago. Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood

So there is another 7-year timeline, the Obama-Acropolis Tribulation, that hits Day 1290 of its second part on November 9/10. And its Day 1335 falls on Christmas Day! I’ll go into the exact timing details later. For now you can read our coverage on it that was posted back when it hit its 2520th day (7 prophetic years). Here is an excerpt…

If the globalists fail in staging this climax point on Tuesday/Wednesday, they’ll have another opportunity when we reach the 2550th day (1260 + 1290) since Obama stood atop the Acropolis, which is November 10. The Jewish day of 27 Cheshvan begins at sundown that day, which is the anniversary of the end of Noah’s Flood (a good day to bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah). The bulk of 27 Cheshvan falls on 11/11, exactly a year after Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor and was greeted like an arriving king.

Additional coverage on this timeline can be found in the 10 October 2023 update.

“It’s alive”

(7 November 2023) – As I mentioned in yesterday’s alert, the December 8 events can begin as soon as the Hebrew day that corresponds to December 8 begins in Jerusalem (at 9:45 AM Washington DC time today). And on this Hebrew day so pregnant with the possibility of the birth of Rosemary’s Baby, the Kabbalists have scheduled “White House Demo Day” (Demo as in “Demolition”).

At 11:30 AM EST of White House Demo Day, Biden and Harris will supposedly be together in the Oval Office receiving the Presidential Daily Briefing. Interestingly, the site that publishes Biden’s daily schedule omitted mention of this meeting, which is a hint that something is up. The meeting will provide an opportunity for the “demolition” to yield a twofer, “killing” both the president and vice president. This will be the first “demo” opportunity today.

Now let’s look at the second opportunity…

The Hebrew day that corresponds to 8 November, 24 Cheshvan, began after sunset in Jerusalem today at 4:45 PM local time. 4:45 is a time that combines Obama’s number (4:45) and Trump’s number (4:45). So with 44, 45, and 4:45 in mind, look at the events on Biden’s schedule today

So on the occult level, the defeat of the outgoing communist Antichrist and the triumphal entry of the incoming Nazionist Antichrist are encoded into Biden’s schedule. According to the script, Biden is Obama’s hand puppet who pulls the strings of presidential power on his behalf.

The Kabbalists will likely script a “pro-Palestinian demonstration greeting Biden at The Showroom, with a subsequent explosion taking him out. The mainstream media will then blame his death on a “MAGA white supremacist domestic violent extremist” counterprotester who wanted to kill Biden and a bunch of Middle Eastern people.

TRIBULATION ALERT (6 November 2023): A cue in Onnabugeisha’s notes for tomorrow revealed that we are nearing Day 1335 of a Tribulation timeline that started with Shimon Peres’s funeral…

(6 November 2023) – A reader has pointed out that “Commie” Pope Francis is being reported as ill, and he met with “Jesus’s enemies,” “Synagogue of Satan” rabbis, at the Vatican today. Should the globalists use this as an opportunity to script “God” killing him off today or tomorrow (11/7 <> 7/11), they can schedule his funeral for this Saturn’s Day, 11/11. And that would allow them to fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy of the kings of the world gathering in Rome for their destruction on 11/11, the anniversary of “Nazi” Prince Harry’s visit to Pearl Harbor.

(5 November 2023) – Did you know that Operation Al Aqsa Flood will complete its 40 days and 40 nights on November 16, a significant day in the history of the Jewish Temple?

You may remember that a terrorist attack was launched against Israel almost a month ago on October 7. It gained some degree of attention in the news media. Well here is a little of what Wikipedia says about it

A series of coordinated attacks, conducted by the Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas, from the Gaza Strip onto bordering areas in Israel, commenced on Saturday 7 October 2023, a Sabbath day and date of several Jewish holidays. The attacks initiated the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, almost exactly fifty years after the Yom Kippur War began on 6 October 1973. Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups named the attacks Operation Al-Aqsa Flood (or Deluge)

At around 6:30 a.m. Israel Summer Time (UTC+3) on Saturday 7 October 2023, Hamas announced the start of the operation, stating that it had fired over 5,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel within a span of 20 minutes. [Sunrise in Gaza was 6:39 AM local time that day.]

Here are some additional important facts about Operation Al Aqsa Flood

I discovered all this while doing a threat assessment for the first half of November. Based on my findings so far, here are four danger dates…

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 6th are now up. She notes that we’re about to enter calendar week 45 (Trump’s number) of 2023. And it will begin with Biden making a public appearance tomorrow, so it’s another opportunity for them to script his death. Also, a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario can be staged this week from November 8-11.

(4 November 2023) – Onnabugeisha’s notes on 11/5 are now up, and they include this…

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 9 years, 69 days ago [666, the Number of the Beast] on 11/5. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia). [The controversy was related to an escalated military response to ISIS in Syria, so watch for something like a Turkish invasion of northern Syria or the destruction of Damascus by a nuke-like explosion.]

Watch for a move by Turkey tomorrow (which could possibly be disguised as a move by someone else, a false flag)…

…from today’s Drudge Report. Note the Hitlerian image of Erdogan.

Candidate Turkish war moves include those listed above and these…

  • A massive Port of Beirut-style explosion in Gaza (caused by an “ammonium nitrate” bomb planted in the tunnels by Turkey and Hamas but blamed on a massive Israeli bomb or nuke).
  • One or more nuke-like explosions amidst the NATO fleet off Israel (to be blamed on a Russian Poseidon nuclear torpedo,” a “nuke-tipped Iranian missile out of Lebanon/Syria,” or “nukes aboard the Turkish ships — the Trojan Horses — within the fleet”).
  • Operation Blackjack (supposedly conducted by Turkey-allied ISIS but blamed on Iran-allied Hezbollah).

Should the globalists start things on 11/5, they have some good ending dates for a variety of war scenarios…

NOTE: If the globalists attempt to go for the Big War on the 11/5 danger date, be aware that it could start any time today. Jerusalem has already entered the Jewish day that corresponds to 11/5.

(4 November 2023) – Looking again at the Hezbollah teaser video for yesterday’s big speech, take note that it never shows Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah who was expected to give it. It shows only a man with a deep red “Ring of Muhammad” and a gray beard…

And although the ring is of the right size and on the right finger to be Nasrallah’s, it could also represent Qasem Soleimani’s red ring…

…from my 2 January 2020 update

Soleimani also has a gray beard, which he has probably let grow during his staged occultation.

The video also shows men activating their warfighting systems and pressing the launch button at the end…

…But the Nasrallah speech that ended up being aired yesterday was a nothingburger, and no holy war was launched.

Now take a moment to consider the circumstances that gave rise to the speech: Israel has invaded Gaza and placed all the Palestinians there at risk of mass death, and nobody in the world has taken any substantive step to save them from annihilation. This sounds like a job for the Mahdi, right? Well that’s who was supposed to show up yesterday at 3 PM.

(3 November 2023) – In the wee hours of this morning, after I’d had some sangria to unwind from a long day and was resolving to go to bed, a “messenger” came to me (in a very subtle, barely perceptible way). It caused me to go back to my computer and look over my notes again. And on a hunch, I decided to check the gematria of Qasem Soleimani’s name. That’s when my notes came together into a picture and I wrote the following update. Over the course of the day, I’ll enhance the update so you can see the picture clearly…

A reader sent me a link to a Hezbollah preview video for today’s speech, and it prominently features the number 226 at its beginning…

226 is the number for Qasem Soleimani (the globalist-selected Mahdi) in Reverse Ordinal gematria…

…from Gematria Effect News

Here is a short note on how Reverse Ordinal gematria works…

English Ordinal counts numbers from A=1, B=2, … Z=26. Reverse Ordinal does the same but backwards with Z=1, Y=2, … A=26. – from PEAKD

So in Reverse Ordinal, Z=1, Y=2, X=3, W=4, V=5, U=6, T=7, S=8, R=9, and so on.

I found this Reverse Ordinal gematria hit quite interesting considering that I had found another incidence of Reverse Ordinal coding yesterday. It happened after a reader contacted me about the Range Rover image in a notorious 2015 magazine cover from The Economist

It is a partially obscured photo of Queen Elizabeth driving one of her Range Rovers, with “A4” being the only part of license plate shown. The reader suggested that it means “Ace4 — “ace” as in the playing card…

In games based on numerical value, the ace normally counts 1, as in cribbage, or 11, as an option in blackjack. – from

So the A4 stands for 11/4, tomorrow’s date, in relation to Blackjack.

Upon seeing this, I decided to verify that the photo does indeed show Queen Elizabeth, so I tracked down a copy of the original…

…from the BBC

Upon seeing the full plate number, A444 RYV, I immediately knew what the first four digits meant…

And knowing the fanatical devotion to numerology that possesses the Kabbalists, I suspected that the three letters, RYV, must stand for numbers.

To figure out the numbers encoded by RYV, I first tried a simple letter-number cipher (in which A=01, B=02, …, Z=26). But the number it yielded didn’t check out. So I then tried a reverse letter-number cipher — a Reverse Ordinal cipher — and it yielded the number 925 (R=9, Y=2, V=5). Upon checking out this number, I came across the “New Bible Code” gematria system, which (quite notably) comes out of the UK.

According to the New Bible Code, 925 is the number of the name “Jesus Christ. And it’s also the number of this specific variant of the Star of David…


So the RYV (925) part of the license plate number represents the end of Prince Harry’s Tribulation, Day 1335 / December 7, when he takes on the role of the Fake Jesus Christ / Fake Jewish Messiah.

In the next section, I’ll show you the other ways the Hezbollah teaser video hinted at the coming of the Globalist Mahdi, Qasem Soleimani, today.

~ MORE ~

It looks like the globalists were aiming to take down the US banks today in coordination with Qasem Soleimani’s planned reappearance. According to one report (from a disinfo site), “severe disruptions” at the banks began “around 0800 ET” (which was 2 PM Lebanon time, an hour before the big speech was to begin at 3 PM).

Had they gone forward with “Imam Mahdi” Soleimani’s emergence, he would have led the Muslims into a holy war against the Great Satan (the UK-US), lots and lots of people on all sides would be dead, the banks would have shut down, and the markets would have plunged limit-down.

Spirit saved us all from something terrible today. Let’s be thankful.

That being said, tomorrow is a new battle and Onnabugeisha’s notes on it are now up. Here’s a sampler…

The Star of David is 226 too and GematriaQasem Soleimani = The Star of David 4x!…

Yes, Qasem Soleimani is a Kabbalist agent, and he’s probably a Crypto-Jew as well.

Tomorrow, 11/4, is a strong candidate day for Operation Blackjack and/or “God’s Judgment.” The corresponding Jewish day has already begun in Israel.

WARNING (2 November 2023): A preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear program may be imminent (between now and November 5) due to a green light given to Israel by the US House of Representatives yesterday…


Here is an excerpt from the Resolution

Resolved, That the House of Representatives declares it is the policy of the United States—

(1) that a nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran is not acceptable;

(2) that Iran must not be able to obtain a nuclear weapon under any circumstances or conditions;

(3) to use all means necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon; and

(4) to recognize and support the freedom of action of partners and allies, including Israel, to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Thanks to the reader who notified me of this.

(2 November 2023) – It appears that the 44th Plenary meeting on Israel-Gaza has ended without any action by the General Assembly and with deafening silence from the news media. And so far, no General Assembly or Security Council meetings on Gaza have been scheduled for Friday. I’ll keep my eye on the UN so they don’t try to slip one in.

Now we come to Friday, 11/3, the day that has been set as an Islamist deadline for a Gaza ceasefire and a speech from Hezbollah’s leader. So tomorrow we need to watch for the set pieces that have already been placed on the chessboard, including one or more of these…

  • a “preemptive” Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program,
  • a supposed “chemical weapon” attack by Hamas,
  • an Israeli atrocity in Gaza city (possibly a MOAB or MOP attack),
  • a “nuclear explosion” (Artemis strike) somewhere,
  • the IDF/Mossad “nuclear/radiological” false-flag,
  • a conventional military attack on Israel by its neighbors, and/or
  • Operation Blackjack.

Some or all of these events can also be scheduled for Saturday, 11/4 <> 4/11, a number that figures prominently in Prince Harry’s Tribulation timeline. This in turn would trigger “God’s intervention” on 11/5, beginning a 4-day, 40-day, or 150-day war.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 3rd are now up (and the occult cues support mischief).

More links to come.

CRITICAL ALERT (2 November 2023): Watch for the scripted application of “Yahweh’s Wrath against the UN” after the General Assembly launches a total economic boycott of Israel today

Last night, I warned about Chicom trouble at the UN. This morning, I’ve tracked it down on a Chinese military website…


So how can the UN General Assembly bring the Israel-Palestine conflict to an end without military enforcement by the UN Security Council? By economic enforcement from the member nations…

…from S&P Global. With China and the UN General Assembly calling for an economic boycott of Israel, watch for the OPEC members and many other trading partners of Israel to agree to it.

Sunset in Israel came at 4:50 PM (45, Trump’s number) local time today, so Jerusalem has already entered 19 Cheshvan, the Hebrew day that corresponds to 11/3

…See the 30 October 2023 update.

This means that the destruction of UN Headquarters can come any time after they pass the economic boycott resolution. It (or the water near it) will be hit with an Artemis rod (depicted by the arrow).

~ MORE ~

The globalists blocked the internet propagation of today’s Critical Alert at first, thus signalling that they definitely are/were going for the scenario it outlines. So if they decide to go forward and blow up the UN after it passes an economic embargo of Israel, who will get the blame? Israel of course. And this would cause the whole world, even the “Satanic” NATO fleet off Israel that’s ostensibly there to protect them, to attack them. This in turn would give rise to the second Artemis event on 21 Cheshvan (Cheshvan’s blackjack day, corresponding to 11/5), when “God intervenes with the Three Days of Darkness and delivers the Moshiach on 11/8.” Alternatively, they can run a 40-day “Fire Judgment” war out of 11/3 (landing the 40th day on the day before Essene Hanukkah) or out of 11/5 (landing it on Day 8 of mainstream Hanukkah, Hanukkah as Sukkot’s Shemini Atzeret). There are landing points for a 150-day war also, on April 1 & 2. Links to come.

See the updates below.

(1-2 November 2023) – Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday, November 2nd are now up. Pairing them with some things I’ve come across, Chicom trouble at the UN and Grey Wolf trouble in Bosnia and Herzegovina are potentially scriptable. Here are the indicators…

On another note, the Kabbalist-controlled Islamist leaders have set a Gaza ceasefire deadline for Friday the 3rd, just in time to activate the 11/3 & 11/5 fallback plan.

~ from earlier – 1 November 2023 ~

The globalists are trotting Joe Biden out to a family farm in Northfield, Minnesota today. The farm is just south of Minneapolis, a city with a Democrat Jewish mayor and a very large number of Muslims. And they are sending him on the anniversary of the attempted assassination of President Harry S. Truman by militant Puerto Rican nationalists.

Are they setting Biden up to be killed by militant pro-Palestinian demonstrators “in a mostly peaceful protest”? Will the mainstream media try to blame the assassination on “MAGA white supremacists” despite the obviously Muslim appearance of the hitters? Will they craftily edit the audio of the assassination so the hitters say “Trumpu Akbar”? See Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult cues for this, which have been added to her notes for November 1.

Also see the important alerts below…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2023 – October Updates

WARNING (31 October 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes on November 1 are now up. WATCH FOR A NUCLEAR-LOOKING ARTEMIS EXPLOSION IN DAMASCUS from now through Wednesday. Everyone will blame Israel and go to war with them, but the script will eventually have the Turkish Antichrist blamed for the blast.

(31 October 2023) – The 150-Day Option for November 1

The Kabbalists have a usable window for a 150-day “Torment of Humanity” scenario that begins tomorrow and ends 150 days later on 30 March 2024, Shabbat Parah (“Sabbath of the Red Heifer”), the day Jews ritually purified themselves for the Passover sacrifice via the Red Heifer. This would be the day the Fake Jewish Messiah would arrive and lead the Jews dispersed by the war on a triumphal pilgrimage back to Jerusalem for Passover. Here’s what says about this coming period

Ezekiel 36:16-36.

This week’s special haftorah mentions the “purifying waters” that G‑d will sprinkle upon us with the coming of Moshiach. This follows the theme of this week’s additional Torah reading — the purifying qualities of the “Red Heifer.”

The prophet Ezekiel transmits G‑d’s message: The Israelites have defiled the Holy Land with their idol-worship and immoral ways. As a result, they will be sent into exile. “And they came to the nations where they came, and they profaned My Holy Name, inasmuch as it was said of them, ‘These are the people of G‑d, and they have come out of His land.'” So G‑d will take them out of their exile — but not by virtue of the Israelites’ merits: “Not for your sake do I do this, O house of Israel, but for My Holy Name, which you have profaned among the nations.”

G‑d will bring the Israelites back to the Holy Land and purify them with the waters of the Red Heifer. The people will feel ashamed of their actions, and after they will have undergone the process of purification and repentance, G‑d will rebuild the country and bestow upon it prosperity and bounty.

“I will resettle the cities, and the ruins shall be built up. And the desolate land shall be worked, instead of its lying desolate in the sight of all that pass by. And they shall say, ‘This land that was desolate has become like the Garden of Eden, and the cities that were destroyed and desolate and pulled down have become settled as fortified [cities].'”

As I’ve mentioned in past updates, they’ll likely use “nuclear fallout / radiological contamination” as an excuse to scatter the Israelis.

NOTE (31 October 2023): The atrocity that may be planned for Gaza city is the dropping of a MOAB or MOP bomb to “crush the tunnel system under the city,” resulting in a mass death of the civilians that remain in the city and in the tunnels beneath it…


Israel renewed warnings for civilians to move from the north of Gaza to the south as it began an advance late on Friday to pursue Hamas militants it says are hiding in a labyrinth of tunnels under Gaza City.

Many Palestinians have stayed put, some fearing they might become homeless as in previous generations and some alarmed by Israeli aerial strikes further south.

Fadi, who lives in the Jabalia refugee camp on Gaza City’s northern outskirts and declined to give his last name, said the area was now in mortal danger from Israel’s ground offensive with tanks rumbling on its fringes. He vowed not to flee.

“No one in the entire neighbourhood has left. We are staying,” he told Reuters by phone. “Whether tanks or planes, there will not be another displacement (of Palestinians). That is our decision even if that will mean our martyrdom (death).” – from

Watch for the reported use of chemical weapons in the tunnels by Hamas. This would provide the pretext for using a MOAB or MOP.

WARNING (30-31 October 2023): Pondering the information in the updates below, it appears that the Kabbalists are/were aiming to stage a great atrocity for the Satanic High Holidays during the invasion of Gaza city — the atrocity that is scripted to trigger Kabbalist (KGB) agent Ali Khamenei to start a fiery blood sacrifice of Iran. Now we wait to see if they’ll go through with it and/or go with the fallback plan for Artemis strikes on 11/3 and 11/5.

The endpoint of a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario started on 11/5 would be November 8, one of the days the ancient Romans opened the gate to the underworld pit, the mundus cerealis, and the anniversary of the day Trump was elected president 7 years ago. So the return of Trump or Pence on that day would represent Apollyon rising from the pit of hell to rule the world beside King Harry.” The Nazionist Antichrists are knocking on the lapis manalis; don’t let them in.

~ from yesterday, 30 October 2023 ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Halloween are now up. And they point out the possibility that Trump (or Pence) could perform his savior act tomorrow. The potentially fateful Jewish day of 17 Cheshvan begins in Jerusalem after sunset of Halloween, 4:51 PM local time / 10:51 AM Washington DC time on October 31.

WARNING (30 October 2023): Setting aside for a moment the sequential scenarios we’ve looked at, as we enter Halloween (or its Jewish equivalent day that has already begun in Israel), we can expect a notable escalation in the conventional war in Gaza. And there is a good chance that Israel and their allies will be subjected to “blowback” on November 1 (or its Jewish equivalent day, which starts at sundown of Halloween in Jerusalem).

Have a look at the following portion from the Satanic holiday calendar and then look at what Netanyahu (clad in black) said on October 28

…from Scribd and X

Now have a look at this note from my partner Onnabugeisha on the significance of October 31

HalloweenWhat Is Samhain? Origin of Halloween Rooted in Pagan Holiday (Time) Samhain, a three-day ancient Celtic pagan festival, (meaning literally, in modern Irish, “summer’s end”) marked the end of summer and kicked off the Celtic new year. Ushering in a new year signaled a time of both death and rebirth, something that was doubly symbolic because it coincided with the end of a bountiful harvest season and the beginning of a cold and dark winter season that would present plenty of challenges. -> All Saints’ Day, also called All-hallows (Wikipedia) -> Halloween (Wikipedia).

And here is the significance of November 1 / 17 Cheshvan, according to the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist Cult that is helping to orchestrate this whole drama…

Great Flood Begins (2105 BCE)

The rains began to fall on the 17th of Cheshvan of the year 1656 from creation (2105), flooding the earth and rising above the highest mountains. Only Noah and his family survived, in the ark built to that end by Divine command, and a pair of each animal species, who entered with him into the ark. – 1

17 Cheshvan’s Torah reading: “And the Lord caused to rain down upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire, from the Lord, from heaven.” – 2

CRITICAL ALERT (29-30 October 2023): Watch for a global shock “nuclear” event on Monday (or the Jewish lunar day that corresponds to Monday, which has already begun in Israel). It will be an Artemis kinetic energy release equivalent to a 100-megaton nuclear weapon (Russia’s Poseidon torpedo), and it will happen amidst the NATO fleet massed off the Israeli coast. Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 30th are now up.

MORE ON THE CRITICAL ALERT: The explosion is/was to be followed-up by a very conspicuous mobilization of the world’s nuclear forces followed by…

  • Operation Apollyon’s Harvest on Halloween (10/31), a fake Christian Rapture likely utilizing UFOs,
  • the start of the 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario on November 1, likely featuring a different force of UFOs arriving to drive off the ones that showed up on Halloween, and
  • “The Arrival” of the False Messiah (possibly Trump or Pence) and his fake ETs on November 4 (11/4 or 4/11).

~ MORE – 30 October 2023 ~

Thanks to some reader comments, I’ve identified a fallback timetable for the scenario above, and it’s based on the cover art from a 2015 edition of the The Economist [that shows two arrows (Artemis rods) hitting on 11/3 and 11/5 near a pile of sand (a coastline)]…

In this second timetable…

This cover was released in the year before Trump’s election, just like the following cover from 2012 came out years before it was fulfilled…

…Note the hang gliders (foreshadowing Hamas’ paraglider attack on Israel) and that the Devil is directing the hellscape from an Economist cover. Also note that the conflict between Hamas and Israel creates an explosion of WRATH.

(28-29 October 2023) – Another sign that they’re setting up for the Truth Tsunami psyop are all the articles about Israel’s leaders “ignoring warnings” about the Hamas attack…

…from BRICS NWO propaganda site Zero Hedge

Once the Truth Tsunami hits, they’ll stop talking about “overlooked warnings” and “intelligence failures” and they’ll come right out and say that “the Israeli Chabad-Mossad-IDF Deep State purposefully allowed Hamas to attack so they could launch their Greater Israel campaign to expand their territory.” It’s a standard trick of the Bad Jews to “corrupt and then destroy” — in this case, to lure others into attacking them so they can play the victim and carry out their wicked designs.

It is important at this time to avoid giving in to indiscriminate hatred of Jews. There are decent people among them, just like there are in any large group of people. And if you were in the shoes of a Good Jew, how would you want to be treated? As in all cases, it comes back to the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Besides, even if you could kill every Jew in the world, some other group would pick up their toolbox of tricks and do the same things they did. The task at hand is to elevate awareness of these tricks so a larger portion of the population can see through them, thus reducing their effectiveness.

If you would live in a more human world, start by being more human. Don’t sink to the level of a violent monkey (unless a violent monkey comes directly at you or yours). You cannot count yourself a good person unless you do the right thing when it’s hard.

~ From Last Night, 28 October 2023 ~

The 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario could possibly start during the weekend, see Onnabugeisha’s notes that have been added to today’s update.

More signs that the Three Days of Darkness scenario may be imminent are media reports that have set the stage for the coming Truth Tsunami psyop. The New York Times has reported that Netanyahu was refusing to sign the Gaza invasion order, and reports came out yesterday about the deaths of former Chinese premier Li Keqiang and China’s chief epidemiologist Wu Zunyou (who was behind China’s “Zero COVID” campaign).

Once the Nazionist “heroes” intervene and take over the media, it will be claimed that “good guy Netanyahu did everything possible to hold off the Israeli Deep State‘s attempt to start World War III” and “good guy Xi Jinping was finally able to get rid of Western Deep State agent Li Keqiang and COVID-creator Wu Zunyou.” This is all part of the globalist fairy tale about “God’s Avatars who incarnated on Earth to infiltrate the evil power structures and defeat their plans to depopulate and enslave the world.”

Thanks to the reader who pointed out the Chinese deaths.

(28 October 2023) – News that Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza has officially begun broke in The Jerusalem Post right as the lunar eclipse began

The global sh*tstorm will soon follow.

It appears that deterrence failed to stop the globalists this time, and the cause may be that they’ve reached the mathematical limit of their ability to extend the current debt cycle. I recently saw a headline on Zero Hedge that said the US added $600 billion in debt in a single month, and that doesn’t strike me as sustainable. So it may be that they HAVE TO go for it now, even if the information environment is unfavorable to the long-term success of their pipe dreams. And now billions of aspects of Source must suffer for the stupidity of a bunch of half-witted cultists. Stupid. Fu*king. Monkeys. This world is quite a place.

Here are Onna’s notes for Sunday the 29th (her notes for today are a little further down)…

10/29 (Sunday)

Julian calendar: 10/16 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 08:14 UTC

The festival of Isis (Isia) continues (Wikipedia); Polar Bear Week during the first full week of November (National Today); GematriaWorld Stroke Day (Wikipedia) = President Putin 3x, Vladimir V Putin 2x 

• Fall of Babylon: on 29 October Cyrus himself entered Babylon, where he was proclaimed king, issued royal proclamations and appointed governors of his newly conquered realm (Wikipedia). -> Cyrus the Great Day (Wikipedia) is an unofficial Iranian holiday to commemorate Cyrus the Great, the founder of the ancient Achaemenid Persian Empire. -> your blog on 13 October 2023: The Hamas Attack and Donald Trump’s Era as Batman and the Moshiach ben Cyrus [I always feel an occult connection to Friedrich Nietzsche (Wikipedia)-> Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Wikipedia), Nietzsche contra Wagner (Wikipedia)…]

• Ottoman Empire in World War I (Wikipedia) – The Ottoman Empire entered the war by carrying out a surprise attack on the Black Sea coast of Russia on 29 October 1914, with Russia responding by declaring war on 2 November 1914. The Ottoman Empire’s defeat in the war in 1918 was crucial in the eventual dissolution of the empire in 1922.

• The 100th anniversary of the Declaration of the Turkish republic (Britannica) – On 29 October 1923 [1 year after the formal abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate on 1 November 1922 (Wikipedia).], the assembly declared Turkey to be a republic and elected Mustafa Kemal as its first president. The caliphate was abolished on March 3, 1924, and all members of the Ottoman dynasty were expelled from Turkey. A full republican constitution was adopted on April 20, 1924; it retained Islam as the state religion, but in April 1928 this clause was removed, and Turkey became a purely secular republic.

• Convention of Constantinople (Wikipedia) is a treaty concerning the use of the Suez Canal in Egypt. It was signed on 29 October 1888. According to the international rules that govern navigation through the Suez Canal, Egypt cannot forbid any vessel from passing through the Canal if there is no war between Egypt and that country (here).

• Suez Crisis (Wikipedia) was an invasion of Egypt and the Gaza Strip by Israel, followed by the United Kingdom and France. The aims were to regain control of the Suez Canal for the Western powers and to remove Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Date: Date: 29 October 1956 – 7 November 1956, Result: See Aftermath section 

• Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Safsaf massacre (Wikipedia): Israeli soldiers capture the Palestinian village of Safsaf in the Galilee; afterwards, between 52 and 64 villagers are massacred by the IDF. Date: 29 October 1948

• Israel’s prime minister David Ben-Gurion and five of his ministers are injured when Moshe Dwek (Wikipedia) throws a grenade into the Knesset. Date: 29 October 1957

• Francisco Martin Duran (Wikipedia) fires over two dozen shots at the White House; he is later convicted of trying to kill U.S. President Bill Clinton. Date: 29 October 1994

• Stock market crashes on Black Tuesday, 29 October 1929 (HISTORY)

• Pope Francis and Joe Biden enjoy unusually long meeting at the Vatican (America Magazine). Date: 29 October 2021

Numbers10/29 (inclusive) – 10/30 

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), the 5th and current paramount leader of China [an informal term for the most important political figure in the People’s Republic of China] since its foundation in 1949. Xi was elected president on 14 March 2013 (Reuters), 3882 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragonLeviathan (Wikipedia)

• United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall [one of the holiest sites in Judaism]. (NBC News) Date: 22 May 2017, 6 years, 23 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites /Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).

After sunset 🌅 – 10/30

Jewish calendar15 Cheshvan

• King Yeravam [Jeroboam] Declares a Pseudo-Sukkot

• Kristallnacht (Wikipedia) Date: 9–10 November 1938 = 15 – 16 Cheshvan

• Passing of Mattityahu (139 BCE)

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency. (the White House President Obama). His next stop [later that day, it looks like after sunset] Berlin, Germany (CBS news). Date: 16 November 2016 = 15 Cheshvan – 16 Cheshvan, 5777

~ from earlier ~

If the globalists start the Big War today and do an inclusive day count, they can land the 150th day of a “Torment of Humanity” war on Shushan Purim next year. And as I’ve covered in an earlier update, a 40-day “Fire Judgment from God” war can start on Saturday or Sunday and land on Prince Harry’s Pearl Harbor Day. Whatever may happen, don’t be fooled.

WARNING (27 October 2023): The globalists have a setup in place over the weekend to bring NATO into the Ukraine War and direct conflict with Russia. They have scheduled a Ukrainian Peace “Summit” in Malta that will bring together national security advisors and foreign ministry officials from 70 countries (including the NATO nations).

Their plan is to hit the meeting with one or more missiles out of Libya and blame it on Russia’s Wagner Group (or their proxies), which is still in Libya under the command of Russia’s defense ministry. This Russian attack on NATO (officials)” will provide the pretext for NATO’s military intervention in Ukraine. Of course, the Turkish military has forces in Libya too, and they (or their proxies) will be the ones who false-flag the attack (unless it’s “nuclear,” in which case Artemis will do the honors).

(27 October 2023) – “Now it has come to pass that the UN has joined the EU in inviting Yahweh’s Wrath”

According to the UN’s official story on the emergency session (arch), the Gaza Resolution was adopted at 3:48 PM New York time. In Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists in their “End Times” setups, number 348 is “Jezebel hinders” (here is the story of Jezebel, “evil enemy of Yahweh and his prophets,” and here is “hinder” in Galatians 5:7). Given that Jezebel was a prostitute, it would appear that the UN / New York is scripted as “the Whore of Babylon”

Babylon the Great, commonly known as the Whore of Babylon, refers to both a symbolic female figure and place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Her full title is stated in Revelation 17 (verse 5) as “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth” … Revelation 17 (verse 18) identifies the woman as a representation of “the great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth“. – from Wikipedia

This is what the UN article says about the Resolution…

The United Nations General Assembly on Friday adopted a resolution calling for an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce” between Israeli forces and Hamas militants in Gaza. It also demands “continuous, sufficient and unhindered” provision of lifesaving supplies and services for civilians trapped inside the enclave, as news reports suggest Israel has expanded ground operations and intensified its bombing campaign.

And here is the Israeli response to the Resolution’s adoption (note that it uses Pearl Harbor language in accordance with “Nazi Antichrist” Prince Harry’s Pearl Harbor theme)…

Gilad Erdan, Ambassador of Israel to the UN, said in response to the resolution passing that “today is a day that will go down in infamy”.

“We have all witnessed that the UN holds not even one ounce of legitimacy,” he said. “The UN is committed to ensuring further atrocity. According to the family of nations, Israel has no right to defend itself.”

There are no talks or discussions to be held with Hamas, he said, adding that Israel will not sit idly by to let them commit atrocities again. The resolution does not mention Hamas once, as if the war started on its own.

“What is going on here?” he asked, questioning whether the goal was to tie Israel’s hands. “The only way to destroy Hamas is to root them out. Why are you not holding Hamas accountable?”

“We know there is no humanitarian crisis in accordance with international humanitarian law,” he said, noting that every statistic comes from Hamas about information about Gaza.

Anyone interested in preventing violence should call on Hamas to lay down their arms, turn themselves in and return all hostages, he said.

“If this were to happen, the war would end immediately,” he said. “This is a dark day for the UN and mankind. Israel will defend itself and will do what must be done to eradicate Hamas’ capabilities and bring the hostages home.

The next stop on the Armageddon Express is the partial lunar eclipse over Israel tomorrow, which is scripted to bring disaster to Jews in Israel and around the world (and everyone else too). There is much I need to tell you about the 28th.

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 28th are so striking that I’m posting them on the home page today. Here they are (I’ll be adding to them later)…

10/28 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 10/15 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals:

15 October (Julian) – October Horse, (Wikipedia) sacrifice to Mars in the Campus Martius. [About the October Horse you wrote on 15 October 2023 here.]

28 October ~ 3 November, Isiaa festival of Isis introduced probably in the 30s or 40s AD, beginning with the Castu Isidis, a day of abstention and loss (Wikipedia). In the Imperial period, the deity who often represents November in Roman art is Isis. The festival of Isis, which began October 28, continued through November 3. (Wikipedia). Also November was under the guardianship (tutela) of Diana (the Roman counterpart of Artemis) (Wikipedia). 

Partial lunar eclipse (In The Sky) and Full Moon (In The Sky), the Hunter’s Moon (The Old Farmer’s Almanac) at 20:23 UTC. [In Greek mythology, Orion was a giant huntsman whom Zeus (or perhaps Artemis) placed among the stars (Wikipedia)]

• Beijing is officially designated the capital of the Ming dynasty when the Forbidden City is completed (Wikipedia). Date: 28 October 1420 

• Christopher Columbus lands in Cuba on his first voyage to the New World, surmising that it is Japan. (Wikipedia) 28 October 1492 (Julian) 

• The Liberation Day of Ukraine (Wikipedia), commemorates the Liberation of Ukraine from Nazi Germany on 28 October 1944.

• Republic Day (Turkey) (Wikipedia) is a  public holiday in Turkey commemorating the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey, on 29 October 1923 (100 years ago). The annual celebrations start at 1:00 pm on 28 October (Republic Day Eve) and continue for 35 hours. (Wikipedia)

• Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending the Cuban Missile Crisis. (HISTORY)

 • Pope Paul VI promulgates Nostra aetate, by which the Roman Catholic Church officially recognizes the legitimacy of non-Christian faiths. Date: 28 October 1965 

• The Statue of Liberty, a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States, is dedicated in New York Harbor by President Grover Cleveland (HISTORY). Date: 28 October 1886

• Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III) was born 28 October 1955 at 22:00 (Astro-Databank ) Seattle, Washington

• St. Louis’s Gateway Arch is completed on October 28, 1965 (HISTORY)

Chinese calendar9th Month 14, year of the Rabbit

• The Boxer Rebellion (Wikipedia) began with the Battle of Senluo Temple (Wikipedia) on 18 October 1899 = 9th Month 14, year of the Pig

• Puyi (Wikipedia), the last emperor of China as the eleventh and final monarch of the Qing dynasty, died on 17 October 1967 = 9th Month 14, year of the Goat

• From the Great Wall to the Western Wall, Chinese VP visits Israel (The Jerusalem Post) arrived on Monday and immediately went to the Western Wall. Date: 22 October 2018 = 9th Month 14, year of the Dog

Numbers10/28 (inclusive) – 10/29

• Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (Wikipedia). Date: 13 March 2013, 3882 days ago Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon Leviathan (Wikipedia)

• United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (Wikipedia) – The UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II). The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and a Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem. Date: 29 November 1947, 911 months ago

• United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall. (NBC News) Date: 22 May 2017, 77 months, 7 days ago [Does Donald Trump Align With the Biblical Sign of 7? (Charisma News), Is Trump fulfilling the will of God? (Ceres Courier)]

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the current prime minister of Israel. He was born on 21 October 1949, 888 months, 8 days old.

• David Barnea (Wikipedia), the current Director of the Mossad, Assumed office: 1 June 2021, 880 days ago

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, he also made a historic speech at the Knesset (abc NEWS). It was his first trip to the Middle East. Date: 23 January 2018, 69 months, 6 days ago

WARNING (26-27 October 2023) – Among Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult cues for Friday, October 27 is this one…

• The Pachamama Desecration of 27 October 2019, when Pope Francis ordered an Amazonian blood sacrifice chalice disguised as a planter to be placed on the altar of St. Peter’s Basilica, a place reserved for bread and wine (representing the body and blood of Jesus) used for the Eucharist. (from your blog: MORE – 19-20 April 2023)

If we read a little further down on the 19-20 April update, it also mentions that the Pachamama Desecration happened at “THE SAME TIME THE FIRST COVID CASE ORIGINATED IN CHINA: ‘A group of scientists estimate that the first case of Covid-19 emerged between October and mid-November 2019 in China’ – from Forbes.”




And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. – from Daniel 9:27 (NIV) on


If the globalists go for it, we’ll see their engineered fulfillment of the Third Secret of Fatima play out tomorrow. It would happen in conjunction with the partial destruction of the capital cities and sin cities of “Mystery Babylon” (the UK-US-EU-G7-NATO).

As a fallback, they can stage Pope Francis’s death tomorrow, then hit the Vatican when all the Western leaders gather there for the November 1 funeral.

Coverage of what happened at the UN and EU Summit comes in the morning.

~ MORE – 27 October 2023 ~

At the UN yesterday, the General Assembly moved to bypass the deadlocked Security Council by convening an emergency meeting on Gaza…


During this meeting, the Iranian foreign minister provided the “Mother of All False-Flag Enablers” by giving a speech that contained this warning: “The history of Iranian civilization shows that we have always supported peace and security. But, today in New York and from the headquarters of the United Nations I say frankly to the American statesmen and military forces who are now managing the genocide in Palestine, that we do not welcome the expansion and scope of the war in the region, but I warn if the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire.” So now the “evil Satanic Deep State” are free to carry out Operation Blackjack and blame it on Iran, Russia, Islamic terrorists, and “domestic violent extremists” (MAGA Christians).

Turning to the “Yahweh’s Judgment” side of this, the Israeli ambassador to the UN was thrown out during the Iranian foreign minister’s speech

…from TikTok

And the emergency meeting is continuing today, with a resolution calling for a ceasefire expected to pass…

…from The Times of Israel

So according to the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, the UN are setting themselves up for “Yahweh’s Judgment” by “betraying Israel and tying their hands in their war against their mortal enemies, Hamas.” And note the use of the words “peace and security” in the UN article on the emergency meeting, the Iranian foreign minister’s speech, and the UN Security Council’s schedule for today (arch).

While people are saying, “peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. – 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (BSB) on

The EU have likewise set themselves up for “Yahweh’s Judgment” by calling yesterday for “humanitarian pauses” (ceasefires) in Gaza…

…from Aljazeera

So as the UN and EU attempt to impose a ceasefire and provide aid to the Gazans, “Yahweh is set to judge them for giving aid and comfort to Israel’s enemies.” Now we wait to see what day the globalists will script “Yahweh’s Wrath,” which could be any day between today and November 1 (with opportunities beyond November 1 as well).

On a related note, watch for a potential dark horse scenario that involves a Project Blue Beam [1,2] alien attack that causes a world on the precipice of war to join together, with the Space Force and “friendly aliens” ultimately fighting them off.

~ MORE ~

The UN General Assembly have scheduled their vote on the Gaza Ceasefire Resolution for 3 PM today. And the Security Council will meet at 3 PM to discuss “Threats to International Peace and Security.” You know what 3 PM means.

(26 October 2023) – The window for the Big Event today opens at 11 AM Washington DC time when Biden and Harris will be at the White House receiving the Presidential Daily Briefing together (arch). At the same time in Brussels, the EU Summit will be underway and discussing Gaza-Israel and Ukraine. And in New York, the UN Security Council may be meeting with the Iranian foreign minister (arch) in the Consultations Room (after they failed yesterday to pass a resolution to help Gaza’s civilians).

In the afternoon, the Security Council will resume their meeting on “women and peace and security.” I don’t see why they need to meet on this again; the solution is as simple as buying a ball gag and hiding the frying pans.

~ MORE ~

Here are the occult cues that support scripting the Event (the Second 9/11) today…

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 26th are now up.

WARNING (25 October 2023): We’re entering the End-of-October Event Horizon

I spent Tuesday doing research, and I found some big cues that can be used for big events (which I’ll explain on Wednesday after I get some sleep)…

  • 10/26 – Creation of World (Ussher) (by some interpretations) / EU Summit
  • 10/27 – Pope Francis peace prayer / EU Summit
  • 10/28 – Hunter’s Moon (Artemis) Eclipse over Israel (bad news for Jews)
  • 10/29 – End of Vatican Synod (Francis to announce women priests)
  • 10/31 – Halloween / Fake Christian Rapture?
  • 11/1 – Anniversary of Noah’s Flood Beginning / Torah Reading on rain of fire on Sodom and Gomorrah

~ MORE ~

The Kabbalists’ opportunity to fulfill their prophecy for “the destruction of the kings of the world in Rome” begins at sunset today (Brussels time). Hitting Brussels and Washington DC this evening would kill all those “leaders” who have already arrived in Brussels for the EU Summit, along with Biden, Australia’s Prime Minister, and Kamala Harris (arch).

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that today, 25 October 2023, marks the 45th week of Donald Trump’s release of his first set of superhero NFT cards. The cards prominently feature the number 45, Trump’s president number and an occult timing cue for his “superheroic” rise as the Dark Knight.

Sunset of today is the beginning of 11 Cheshvan, the Jewish day equivalent to 26 October this year. And it is a suitable day for the Nazionists to create a “New World and a “New Order“…

…from prophecy propaganda mill SkyWatchTV

CRITICAL ALERT (25 October 2023): A reader has notified me that the UN Security Council will be meeting on the Gaza situation today. THEY’RE ALSO MEETING ON THE SUBJECT OF “WOMEN AND PEACE AND SECURITY“…

While people are saying, “peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. – 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (BSB) on

New York is targeted today, along with Brussels, Washington DC, and a number of other cities.

~ MORE ~

Here is the UN Security Council schedule for today (arch)…

…Note that they will be meeting on the Israel-Gaza situation at 3 PM, and remember this from the 8 October alert

According to common biblical interpretations, Jesus died at 3 PM (the “ninth hour”), and his death was preceded by Three Hours of Darkness over the whole Earth. So if the globalists are aiming to start the Three Days of Darkness today, it could be scripted to follow the “death of the Satanic UN” at the ninth hour. Watch for the possibility of “Savior Trump” doing what Batman did in The Dark Knight Rises: get captured, come back and save the day, then disappear.

As what the 3 PM meeting is about, it’s this: UN Security Council to vote on rival US, Russian plans for Israel, Gaza action. Here is an excerpt…

The United Nations Security Council will vote later on Wednesday on rival proposals by the United States and Russia for action on the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants Hamas in the Gaza Strip, diplomats said.

Both countries seek U.N. Security Council resolutions to address shortages of food, water, medical supplies and electricity in Gaza. But the U.S. has called for pauses to allow aid to enter Gaza, while Russia wants a humanitarian ceasefire.

Either plan would “tie Israel’s hands in their war against Hamas” and “give aid and comfort to Israel’s mortal enemies,” so the adoption of either of them can be scripted to trigger “Yahweh’s wrath.” And the failure to adopt either of them can lead to the scripting of “the wrath of Iran.” So is/was their plan to…

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on October 25 are now up.

NOTE (24 October 2023): Should we get all the way through October 24 without trouble, the next stop on the Armageddon Express is the EU Summit on October 26-27. The Kabbalists are setting up the EU and UN for “Yahweh’s judgment” by arranging for them to call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas (thus “betraying” Israel). Don’t be surprised if Pope Francis shows up on the first day of the meeting.

October 26-29 is a danger window, because starting the Big War on October 28/29 would yield a 40-day “Fire Judgment of God” war that ends on December 7, “King Harry’s” big day. But the most likely strike date is October 27, the day Pope Francis has scheduled a “Prayer for Peace” at St. Peter’s Basilica (the same place he performed the 2020 “Easter Mass of Desolation” after locking the Catholics out of their churches).

I’ll do a full write-up after today’s threat has faded.

(23 October 2023) – Threat Assessment for October 24, 2023

Based on Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult cues for Tuesday (and Monday), the following events are scriptable by the Kabbalists…


(22 October 2023) – Watch for a symbolic event involving Pope Francis — possibly even his death or resignation — starting from 14:59 UTC Monday through Tuesday. If the globalists stage such a symbolic event, they have the option of delaying the Big War Event if they wish to. But there is a good chance they could script Francis’s death in the Big War Event during that timeframe.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 23rd are now up. Watch for a mass casualty attack on US forces in the Middle East tomorrow (and possibly one in Russia too). And there are occult cues for Turkey joining the war and a Muslim leader dying. Watch Putin too.

(Twice-Expanded Note – 22-23 October 2023) – Watch for the Big War Event or a symbolic event before the end of Monday…

…from Car & Bike

As was covered in the 20 October warning and yesterday’s alert, we are currently in the Day 1290 point of intertwining 7-year Nazionist and Communist Tribulation timelines that will end with the replacement of the “Communist Antichrist” by the “Nazi Antichrist.” To recap…

The Nazionist Tribulation

  • started with the 30 October 2016 introduction of Meghan Markle* as Prince Harry’s girlfriend,
  • reached its Day 1260 midpoint with the 11 April 2020 Easter message of Queen Elizabeth,
  • reaches its Day 1290 post-midpoint on 23 October 2023, and
  • reaches its Day 1335 end on 7 December 2023.
    *The narrative may eventually reveal that Meghan Merckel is of German-Jewish descent (on her father’s side) with a bloodline connection to Adolf Hitler, thus making her a “Nazi princess.”

The Communist Tribulation

  • started with the 31 October 2016 celebration by Pope Francis of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation,
  • reached its Day 1260 midpoint with the 12 April 2020 celebration of Easter Mass before a globally empty Roman Catholic Church,
  • reaches its Day 1290 post-midpoint on 24 October 2023, and
  • reaches its Day 1335 end on 8 December 2023.

So the Day 1290 Big War Event can be scheduled on October 23rd or 24th, and the Jewish day corresponding to October 23 started after Sunday’s sunset in Israel (at 10:00 AM Texas time this morning). The Event will have to be staged before the whole world is out of October 24, which happens at 12:00 AM AoE time (12:00 UTC), October 25.

But here’s the thing: for Prince Harry to either get his crown or make his appearance on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7 — a very important part of the script — either the Big War Event or some sort of symbolic event will have to happen before Monday, October 23 ends in Jerusalem at midnight (11 PM in Rome and 2 PM in Montecito). And if they want to do the 45-day count in Jewish days, the symbolic event will have to happen before sunset on Monday. So SOMETHING must happen between now and then. Otherwise they have to abandon these timelines.

In fact, it may have already happened. Onnabugeisha has been tracking a “Lightning McQueen” occult thread for a long time, and look at where Harry was today: Prince Harry Is All Smiles as He Attends the F1 Grand Prix in Austin. The Mercedes Team that hosted Harry were racing car 44 (Obama’s number), and it came in second place (before being disqualified). They are known as the Silver Arrows (Artemis’s tungsten “Rods from God” can be characterized as “silver arrows”).

Speaking of Cars, “Nazi” Prince Harry, Mercedes, and “Commie” Obama’s president number, Onnabugeisha has pointed out some occult cues…

The Mercedes-Benz 770, also known as the Großer Mercedes (German for “Big Mercedes”), was a large luxury car built by Mercedes-Benz from 1930 until 1944. It is best known from its use by high-ranking Nazi German politicians and other Axis officials before and during World War II, including Adolf Hitler, Paul von Hindenburg, Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Ion Antonescu, Benito Mussolini and Hirohito, many of which were captured in archival footage. – from Wikipedia

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city. Date: 20 January 2009, 770 weeks ago on 10/23 (inclusive) or on 10/24.

First inauguration of Barack Obama (inaugural.senate.govWikipedia) was the 56th inauguration. Date: 20 January 2009, 770 weeks ago

2023 United States Grand Prix (Wikipedia) Distance: 56 laps

770 Eastern Parkway (Chabad Headquarters – Wikipedia), also known as “770

10/23 – 24 is on the Islamic calendar Rabi’II 8 – 9

Menachem Mendel Schneerson (WikipediaChabad) became the 7th Chabad Rebbe on 10 Shevat 1951/17 January 1951 = Rabi’II 9 or 8, 1370 AH

Ken’s Note: The United States Grand Prix that Harry attended in Austin today was won by a racer named Max Emilian Verstappen. See Onna’s new notes on related Gematria hits.

~ MORE – 23 October 2023 ~

I think I just figured out what the whole “Lightning McQueen” occult thread is about: Prince Harry’s status as the “Nazi Antichrist”…

So He told them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” – Luke 10:18 (BSB) from

Just like Barack Obama’s fake name breaks down to “Lightning (from a) High Place” (= “Satan”), “Lightning McQueen” breaks down to “Lightning, (grand)son of (the Nazi) Queen.”

I say that Prince Harry and Queen Elizabeth are/were “Nazis” because the Kabbalist press have positioned them as such…

Just like they have positioned King Charles [1,2] and Pope Francis [1,2] as “communists.”

~ MORE ~

Joe Biden will “participate in an event” today in a place on the White House grounds that is used for “high-profile events that require additional camera access”: the South Court Auditorium…

…from the Washington Examiner. Here is an excerpt…

President Joe Biden received his third COVID-19 vaccination shot last Monday on live television, but the event prompted rampant speculation about the room in which the event was staged, better known as the South Court Auditorium.

Since 2012, South Court has served as the White House’s de facto location to host high-profile events that require additional camera access.

The auditorium itself was constructed during a renovation of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, a large building housing both the Vice President’s ceremonial offices and working spaces for the hundreds of White House officials who don’t have offices in the White House itself. It’s located directly adjacent to the West Wing on the White House grounds.

“South Court Auditorium basically replaced the auditorium in the same building used by presidents for decades. It was known as Room 450″…

This “Bidenomics” event is scheduled for 2:15 PM EDT (arch). Strong’s 215 is to become inexpressible light,” a scripting cue for a nuclear explosion and/or death.

So if the globalists have a different sort of event in mind for 2:15, what will it be? Will an “Iranian” nuke take him out? Will he “die suddenly” from a health issue? Will he announce his resignation as part of a deal to save his son Hunter and himself?

Look at the Obama numbers in the recent updates. Will this be the day the door is opened for Michelle Obama to rise to the vice presidency? Will it be the day that “Antichrist Barack’s Satanic Global Communist Deep State” begins to fall, starting with his “proxy president,” Biden?

ALERT (21 October 2023): There are strong cues for the start of the “Three Days of Darkness” / “Rain of Fire” tomorrow

Sunday is October 22 / 7 Cheshvan, which carries this significance to Jews…

During the Second Temple Era (circa 230 BCE), Cheshvan 7 was the date on which the Jew most distant from the Holy Temple — who resided on the banks of the Euphrates River, a 15-day journey’s distance from Jerusalem — arrived at his homestead upon returning from the Sukkot pilgrimage. All Jews would wait for this before beginning to pray for rain

In the Land of Israel, prayers for rain … commence on Cheshvan 7… – from

And look at what our beloved Onnabugeisha turned up in her notes for tomorrow

Orionid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky) SUN, 22 OCT 2023 -> Orion_(mythology) was a giant huntsman whom Zeus (or perhaps Artemis) placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion. [The Artemis missions carry the Orion moon module. The moon program provides civilian cover for the Artemis Orbital Weapons System Trump/Pence built. And a meteor storm can provide cover for releasing these weapons (“Rods from God“).]

Exodus 10:22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days.

To make Prince Harry’s numbers work, they would likely start it after sunset in Jerusalem on Sunday; that way, there will be 45 Jewish days till Harry’s crowning on December 7. Sunset in Jerusalem tomorrow happens at 6:00 PM local time (10:00 AM Texas time)…

Remember too this note of Onna’s from yesterday…

United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall. (NBC News) Date: 22 May 2017, 77 months ago on 10/22 [Does Donald Trump Align With the Biblical Sign of 7?]

I noticed lots of chemtrailing this morning; this is how they can create the darkness using technological means.

WARNING (21 October 2023): Turkey may join the war just in time for Day 1290 / Monday the 23rd

The Turkish media are reporting [1,2] that Devlet Bahceli has said that if Israel does not cease fire on Gaza in 24 hours, Turkey may intervene. Bahceli is a Turkish Antichrist / Dajjal candidate I wrote about back in the 17-18 October 2022 update

Within the globalists’ End Times stageplay, the Muslim Antichrist (the Dajjal) is played by a Turk — either Erdogan or the “man behind his throne” (possibly Devlet Bahceli, cofounder of the Grey Wolves) — and he is supposedly trying to rebuild the Ottoman Empire and turn all of its historic defeats into victories…

Here’s more about him…

…from the Kurd Press

Devlet Bahçeli (born 1 January 1948) is a Turkish politician, economist, former deputy prime minister, and current chairman of the far-right, ultranationalist Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

An academic in economics from Gazi University, Bahçeli is a founder of the Grey Wolves, and was elected as the chairman of the MHP in the first congress held after the death of Alparslan Türkeş in 1997…

Bahçeli was initially a fierce critic of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan throughout the 2000s and 2010s until an interparty crisis occurred following MHP’s poor performance in the November 2015 general election. With Bahçeli’s newfound closeness to Erdoğan after the crisis, a schism occurred in MHP which culminated in Meral Akşener founding the Good Party in 2017.

Bahçeli formed an electoral alliance with the AKP called the People’s Alliance for the 2018 general election and maintained this alliance in the 2019 local elections. MHP currently supports president Erdoğan’s cabinet with confidence and supply in the Grand National Assembly. Bahçeli has been described as a kingmaker in Turkish politics. – from Wikipedia

WARNING (20 October 2023): We will reach Day 1290 of the second half of a (“Nazi”) Prince Harry / (“Commie”) Pope Francis Tribulation timeline on October 23. At that time, watch for Prince Harry to emerge as the Fake Messiah or for the Big War to begin with Harry emerging on Pearl Harbor Day (Day 1335). Details to come.

~ MORE ~

Here is the outline of the Prince Harry / Pope Francis 7-year Tribulation. Pope Francis’s part of the timeline falls one day after at each waypoint…

THE BEGINNING: On Sunday, 30 October 2016, news first broke that Prince Harry was dating Meghan Markle. Why is this important? Here’s one of Onnabugeisha’s notes from last year: “…Prince Harry’s wife is Rachel Meghan Markle. Her family, the Markle (formerly spelled Merckel) family is of German descent (Wikipedia: Family of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex). Meghan was coincidentally born exactly on Obama’s 20th birthday 8/4/1981 (4th of Av, Av is 11th month = 11/4 or 4/11),..”

THE MIDPOINT: On the 1260th day of Harry & Meghan’s public relationship, Saturn’s Day, 11 April 2020 (11/4 or 4/11), (“Nazi”) Queen Elizabeth publicly lit ONE CANDLE in an Easter (resurrection of Jesus) message about the Coronavirus (“corona” is Spanish for crown)…

…from USA Today

THE 1290th DAY AFTER THE MIDPOINT: This day arrives on 23 October 2023 (this coming Monday), the anniversary of the completion of Soloman’s Temple. The Temple was not dedicated until later.

THE 1335th DAY AFTER THE MIDPOINT: This day arrives on 7 December 2023, Pearl Harbor Day and Erev Hanukkah, the day ONE CANDLE is lit. Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple. And remember that Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor on 11/11/22 and was greeted like a king…

…from Geo News

It should also be noted that 7 December 2023 is the Jewish day of 24 Kislev — the day in Jewish history that this happened…

Construction of the Second Temple Resumes (353 BCE)

In the first year of rule of Cyrus, the King of Persia, Jews were given permission to return to Israel and rebuild the Holy Temple. – from

As for Pope Francis’s timeline, it started on 31 October 2016 when Pope Francis arrived in Sweden to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation (which was a Kabbalist endeavor to break the Church). Strong’s 500 is “God ascends” and “antichrist” = “antichrist ascends.” And it reached its 1260-day midpoint on Easter Sunday, 12 April 2020 when Francis performed Easter Mass to an empty St. Peter’s Basilica after locking Catholics out of their churches “on account of coronavirus”

…from NBC News

If you are a new reader, here is the significance of 1260, 1290, and 1335 days.

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After sleeping on the information from the warning, I awoke suspecting that the globalists are/were aiming to do a 4-day Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) scenario that starts today and culminates with the emergence of “Warlock and ManDevil” (Castor & Pollux = Trump or Pence & Prince Harry) on Monday, 23 October 2023 (with the Nazi Pope rising on the following day). Monday would be followed by 45 days of the “Truth Tsunami” to acclimatize the public to the new paradigm before Harry receives his crown and erects a Jewish Tabernacle on the Temple Mount on December 7.

Alternatively, the globalists might opt to run the 3DOD from Saturn’s Day, October 21 (October’s “Blackjack Day”) to October 24, the day when Pope Francis’s timeline reaches its 1290th day. And failing that, they could start the Big War on the 23rd or 24th and have Harry do his arrival on December 7 (but I’ll have to crunch the numbers on that scenario).

Saturn’s Day is notable in all this because Harry will be playing the role of the “returned Saturn.”

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Upon crunching the numbers, I’ve found three war-starting scenarios that could begin from October 23-26, then culminate on December 7…

  1. They can start the war on Day 1290 of Prince Harry’s timeline, October 23, and run a 40-day “Fire Judgment” war until the arrival of Harry’s forces on December 2, the Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism. Harry can then do a 6-day Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem, arriving on December 7.
  2. They can script the death of Pope Francis on Day 1290 of his timeline, October 24, then hit his funeral on October 28. This would create a perfect window for a 40-day war that runs from October 28 to December 7.
  3. They can hit the European Council Summit on October 26 and run a 40-day war from October 26 until the arrival of Harry’s forces on December 4 / 21 Kislev, a day in Jewish history when Jerusalem was saved. The end point would segue into a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that runs from December 4 to December 7.

Links to come.

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Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 21st are now up. Besides watching for Operation Blackjack tomorrow, watch for a move by or against Netanyahu and for something related to Trump (either tomorrow or on Sunday).

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Here’s one final scenario for today, and it’s a simple either/or…

  • Either the “Final Communist Onslaught” begins on Day 1290 and ends on Day 1335, December 7, with the arrival of Prince Harry & Trump or Pence,
  • Or the “The Patriot/Constitutionalist (actually Nazionist) Takedown of the Global Communist Deep State” begins on Day 1290 and concludes with Harry’s crowning on Day 1335, December 7.

Either way, that’s 45 days (remember that the Trump NFT superhero cards featured the number 45)…

Note to the Kabbalists: Now is the time to set aside your monkey-mind spiritual concepts and civilizational pipe dreams and listen to the true gifts of Spirit (your intuition, conscience, common sense, heart, and intellect all together, ignoring none). Your spiritual core tells you that what you’re about to do is disastrous, but you are allowing your cult programming to override it and “justify” your actions.

Remember that you are not this body. You are not your accumulated personality structure. You are not your religion (Kabbalah is only a made-up system of 99%-wrong human ideas). You are spirit, and you are about to deeply damage yourself and others. And when you get to the other side, you are not going to enjoy experiencing all the pain you are about to inflict on so many other pieces of you. Stop this insanity. Now.

NOTE (19 October 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 20th are now up, and they include cues for Turkey’s moves in the Mediterranean that are/were to accompany Israel’s move on Iran. And the critical alert issued on 17 October has been temporarily moved to the top. Today’s critical alert and update are below it…


If the globalists don’t go tomorrow, October 20 is definitely in play. As I mentioned yesterday, there is already a set piece in place for that day, the US-EU Summit in Washington, DC. BUT LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND ON THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL SCHEDULE

The Security Council will hold an open debate on Friday, 20 October 2023, at 10 a.m. in connection with “Peace through dialogue: the contribution of regional, subregional and bilateral arrangements to the prevention and peaceful resolution of disputes” under the agenda item “Maintenance of international peace and security” [S/2023/732].

Here’s something from the Bible…

While people are saying, “peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. – 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (BSB) on

These things are not coincidences; DC and NYC (and probably a number of other Western cities) are DEFINITELY targeted on Friday. This will be a 4-day Three Days of Darkness operation, with a “rain of fire” on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd followed by the ARRIVAL on October 23. [10/19 – Other war durations are also in play.]

CRITICAL ALERT (19 October 2023): I’ve found the excuse Israel will use to “preemptively” strike Iran’s nuclear program…

On October 18, 2023, the restrictions set forth in UN Security Council resolution 2231 (2015) to constrain Iran’s ballistic missile program are slated to expire. Resolution 2231 (2015) was based on the assumption that Iran would take the necessary steps towards restoring confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program. This has not happened. – from

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 was a 20 July 2015 resolution endorsing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the nuclear program of Iran. It sets out an inspection process and schedule while also preparing for the removal of United Nations sanctions against Iran. The 15 nations on the Security Council unanimously endorsed the resolution, which had been negotiated by the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States—plus Germany, the European Union, and Iran [Ken’s Note: all these are “targets of God’s judgment” on Friday]. – from Wikipedia

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WATCH FOR THE ISRAELI AIRSTRIKE ON IRAN AT MIDNIGHT JERUSALEM OR TEHRAN TIME (4:30 or 5:00 PM New York time). Midnight is the time the Hebrews administered “God’s Judgment” on the Egyptian firstborn, which led to the Exodus

At midnight of 15 Nissan 2448 (1313 BCE), G‑d broke the last manacle of Egyptian bondage by killing all Egyptian firstborn, and the nation of Israel was born as a free people. The time is significant: twice the Torah emphasizes that the event occurred exactly at midnight, and to this day, midnight is a factor in our annual re-experience of the Exodus at the Seder held each year on the eve of 15 Nissan. – from

This attack is scripted to lead to a New Exodus OUT of Israel after the Iranian counterattack begins (and radiation is supposedly released).

Since the New York markets close at 4 PM, The Plunge will begin in the after-hours markets and continue when the Asian markets open.

(19 October 2023) – Darkness has fallen in Jerusalem, so 5 Cheshvan has begun there. Now we wait to see what the night brings, which will set in motion what is/was planned for the world tomorrow. Will the Israelis launch their invasion of Gaza? Will they do their “missiles out of Lebanon/Syria” false-flag to “kill” Netanyahu, slaughter American servicemen, and/or “nuke” or “radiologically contaminate” Israel? Will they “preemptively” strike Iran’s nuclear facilities?

Should the Kabbalists pull the trigger and stage Operation Blackjack tomorrow, here are the three war durations that could result…

  1. a 4-day Three Days of Darkness war that runs from 20-23 October (inclusively) and brings in the Fake Jewish Messiah (the Fakeshiach) on the anniversary of the completion of Solomon’s Temple,
  2. a 40-day Fire Judgment from God war that runs from 20 October to 29 November and brings in the Fakeshiach on the Jewish anniversary of Noah’s Ark coming to rest after the Flood, or
  3. a 150-day Torment of Humanity war that runs from 20 October to 17 March 2024 (inclusively) and brings in the Fakeshiach on the Jewish anniversary of Moses’s birth and death.

WARNING (18 October 2023): Watch for the Markets to Plunge Tomorrow in Advance of “Judgment Day (for the Iran Nuclear Deal signatories)”

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 19th are now up. Among the cues is the anniversary tomorrow of 1987’s Black Monday, the largest one-day percentage decline in the history of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Remember that in the I, Pet Goat 2 predictive programming video, “markets plunge” precedes “war”…

Also noted is the fact that 5 Cheshvan (sundown of October 19th to sundown of the 20th) is the JEWISH ANNIVERSARY of the Adoption Day of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal) on 18 October 2015 / 5 Cheshvan 5776. Since Obama has been set up as the “Man of Nuclear Peace who will bring nuclear war,” 5 Cheshvan is a perfect day to script that war — the perfect day to script “God’s Judgment” on the signatory nations that “betrayed Israel” (which include the Western nations PLUS China and Russia)…

…from The New York Times

This would manifest as Operation Blackjack [possibly including hits on Beijing (“because of the Uyghurs“) and Moscow (“because of the Chechens“)] with “Iranian nukes”“the arsenal of nukes Netanyahu warned about back in 2015.” But the attacks will almost certainly be carried out with the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array, with the Turkish Muslim Antichrist and his “secret nuclear arsenal” eventually taking the blame. Operation Blackjack may be the trigger for the Three Days of Darkness or the beginning of a longer war.

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Right after “markets plunge” and “war” scroll across the child’s eyes in the I, Pet Goat 2 video, a “Masonic” airstrike hits a Muslim target which sends out five pillars of smoke (like missile trails) towards a city of skyscrapers and other unseen targets. Does this represent the airstrike on the Gaza hospital resulting in blowback for the P5, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (all of whom signed the Iran Nuclear Deal)? Hitting the P5 and the UN after they failed to produce a peace solution for the Gaza situation would “help them realize the necessity of eliminating one-nation vetoes in the UN Security Council,” which is part of the NWO reform agenda for the UN.

NOTE (18 October 2023): Watch for an Israeli False-Flag Against US Forces

A reader has pointed out that the US forces massing off the coast of Israel and in other nearby places can also be used as false-flag targets for Israel’s missiles under Lebanon and Syria. By faking a Hezbollah attack that kills a large number of American servicemen, they can draw America into fighting their Iran war for them. In fact, I recall disinfo agent Joel Richardson saying that Israel will not be directly involved in the coming war between Turkey and Iran (presumably Turkey will “answer their NATO duties” after the attack on US forces by helping America take out Iran).

BTW, the “rather unique” reader who sent me this tip thinks of himself as “the hidden samurai.” So I’m giving him an official team name: Gollum.

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Well, well, well… they’ve put the pin back in the “Yahweh’s judgment” grenade: US vetoes UN Security Council action on Israel, Gaza. That’s the second sign they might delay things. But I won’t be relaxing until October 24.

(18 October 2023) – I’m surprised that I didn’t wake up to more carnage. And I even ran across a sign that the globalists may push the delay button…

The Republican race for speaker has grown so wild, so uncertain, so contentious, the House just might settle for a de facto, short-term speaker in Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.)…

The latest hot solution: Make McHenry, 47, currently the chair-warming speaker pro tempore, a temporary speaker, House sources say. He’d have basically the same power as a real-deal elected speaker but need Democratic votes to hold the gig temporarily…

Punchbowl News notes that there’s “essentially no difference between a speaker and a speaker pro tem”:

There is a question whether a speaker pro tem would be in the presidential line of succession. There are also questions about whether he could take part in other speaker functions that have evolved over the years — Gang of Eight intelligence briefings, for instance.” – from Axios

This move would keep a Republican out of the presidential line of succession indefinitely, thus allowing the globalists to run their planned “communist” White House reshuffle at a later time window.

But first we have to get through today (without a UN resolution on Gaza), Friday, and the 23rd. See the notes and critical alert below.

NOTE (17 October 2023): The UN Security Council vote on the Brazilian resolution for Gaza has been delayed again till Wednesday. So will they now trigger “Yahweh’s judgment” while Biden is on the ground in Israel? Or will they keep delaying it till Friday?

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Check it out: the globalist weather engineers are erecting a heat dome over the area sliced by the solar eclipse and south…

…from Accuweather (top) and the Great American Eclipse (bottom)

Note that the heated area includes West Coast Sodom and Gomorrah (San Fran and LA), Sin City (Las Vegas), Phoenix, and the godawful sh*tzone surrounding the US-Mexico border. They are probably aiming to ramp up the heat, turn off the power, and attribute the resulting misery to “Yahweh’s Judgment.”

(17 October 2023) – The false-flag gun pointed at Netanyahu and Biden has been cocked…

Lebanon’s Hezbollah group denounced what they said was Israel’s deadly attack on a Gaza hospital that killed hundreds of Palestinians, announcing Wednesday “a day of unprecedented anger” against Israel and Biden’s visit to the country, according to a statement released by Hezbollah late on Tuesday. – from The Jerusalem Post

As I’ve covered in past updates, the Israelis possess tunnels into Lebanon (and Syria) and have hollowed-out underground missile silos there, so they have the ability to false-flag a Hezbollah missile attack or blend-in a precision strike of their own amidst an actual Hezbollah missile attack.

According to the Kabbalist script, the target of the IDF/Mossad “Israeli Deep State” false-flaggers will be Netanyahu and Biden, who are supposedly standing in the way of the war spreading throughout the Middle East. The death of Netanyahu will almost certainly be simulated rather than actual; they’ll need to “resurrect” him after the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah.

Among Onnabugeisha’s notes for tomorrow are the following cues: October 18 is the day…

So we could see the planned nuclear/radiological attack on Israel, possibly including an Artemis rod (or many). And the opening of the Gate to Hell tomorrow seems very much in reach (watch for “Islamist” terror attacks in the West). A Chinese sneak attack around the Pacific Rim (including Taiwan and Alaska) can also be scripted. With a global meeting taking place in Beijing on Wednesday, it would come as a total surprise.

ALERT (16 October 2023): Brazil is being set up for “God’s Judgment” (in accordance with the “solar eclipse omen” that sliced through the US and Brazil). Details to come.

(17 October 2023) – Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and caldron bubble. It’s time to blow the world to rubble; something wicked this way comes…

…from today’s Drudge Report

The globalists are concocting a deadly witch’s brew for Wedneday the 18th (6+6+6 Day). They’re taking one part false-flag enabler (Iran’s warning of preemptive action) and mixing it with two parts summit meetings (Xi and Putin in Beijing & Netanyahu and Biden in Tel Aviv), one part Julian October 5 (the opening of the mundus of Ceres), and a smattering of Artemis Rods from God. The result is rather explosive, but will depend on the addition of the final ingredient and how long they cook it. It may yield…

  1. a Three Days of Darkness scenario that will lead to a Jewish Tabernacle being erected on the Temple Mount on October 23 (the anniversary of the completion of Solomon’s Temple),
  2. a 40-Day “Fire Judgment of God” that ends on November 26 / 13 Kislev, the day the Talmud was completed, or
  3. a 150-Day Torment of Humanity that ends on March 16, 2024 with the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah’s forces and his 8-day triumphal procession to victory in Jerusalem on March 23, the day Purim begins at sunset.

So what is the final ingredient? The one that gives rise to “Yahweh’s Judgment”: the UN Security Council’s passage of “a ceasefire resolution that ties Israel’s hands in its war against Hamas.” This resolution was drafted by Brazil and will not be vetoed by the US, resulting in “Yahweh’s Judgment against Israel’s betrayers,” particularly Brazil and the US (which were sliced by the annular solar eclipse three days ago). Speaking of which…

[US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield] said the United States, which traditionally shields its ally Israel from council action, does “agree that this council should take action, but we have to get it right and we’ll work intensively with all members on the council to do so.”

A vote on the rival Brazilian-drafted resolution, which condemns “the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas,” was delayed until late Tuesday to give the council more time to negotiate. – from Reuters

WARNING (16 October 2023): While all eyes are on Israel, Putin and Xi and representatives of 130 nations are gathering in Beijing on Tuesday and Wednesday: two days that are good candidates for the opening of the Gate to Hell. Just think of the world war that would result if Beijing gets hit during that gathering.

In her notes on Tuesday the 17th, Onnabugeisha points out that Tuesday is a candidate day for the opening of the Gate to Hell because it is the Julian date of the Fast of Ceres (the Roman goddess who was the guardian of underworld portals) and the Chinese anniversary of the founding of CERN (the organization that is scripted to open the Gate)…

Julian calendar10/4 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Ieiunium Cereris (Wikipedia) (Latin: the fast of Ceres) a Roman festival devoted to the goddess Ceres. Your blog (here)

Chinese calendar9th Month 3

• CERN (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Formation: 29 September 1954 = 9th Month 3, year of the Horse [as in the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse and his Pale Horse]

• Puyi (Wikipedia), the last emperor of China as the eleventh and final monarch of the Qing dynasty, died on 17 October 1967, 56 years ago [so will “Emperor Xi” die on this day or rise on this day (if the West gets hit instead)]

This means that Wednesday the 18th — the day Putin and Xi have their bilateral meeting — is October 5 on the Julian calendar, one of the three days of the year that the Romans opened Ceres’s pit to the underworld. So the opening of the Gate to Hell can be scripted on either day.

Let’s see if Biden shows up in Israel “by surprise” tomorrow or Wednesday.

(16 October 2023) – A Important Note from Onna (with my addition)…

10/16 Monday

• The inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States took place on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 999 days ago

Number of the beast: 666the Number 999 (Bible Study), Strong’s Greek: 999. bothunos: a pit 


“The meaning of number 999 centers around God’s Holy Spirit, the power (not person) through which he accomplishes his will. It can symbolize the prophetic spiritual glory of the Godhead and the expression of its perfect character in the life of every called and converted Christian.

To a much lesser extent than above, 999 can also represent the manifestation of spiritual power from either a good or an evil source. It can also symbolize God’s righteous judgment.” – from

So will “God judge America” if Biden “betrays” Israel at the UN today (by ordering his UN representative to not veto Russia’s ceasefire proposal)? Note their craftiness in inserting this passage in the Reuters report about the Monday Security Council meeting

“A U.N. Security Council resolution needs at least nine votes in favor and no vetoes by the United States, Britain, France, China or Russia. The United States has traditionally shielded its ally Israel from any Security Council action.”

If they don’t go today, they’ll probably hit Biden and Netanyahu when they meet this week (they’re arranging this fallback as you read this).

NOTE (16 October 2023): The UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Israel has been moved to 6 PM today, but the Council still have a meeting at 3 PM in their Consultations Room, which was refurbished by Russia and inaugurated on 27 March 2013, Passover Day 2. Today will mark 550 weeks and 5 days [555] since that inauguration. And in the Bible, the number 555 supposedly relates to the following events…

  • “Multiple fives (555) are involved in Abraham’s negotiations with God to save the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.” [New York and Washington]
  • “Multiple fives (555) occur in regard to the tabernacle in the wilderness. When Moses finished setting up God’s tabernacle he anointed and consecrated the entire structure including its altar (Numbers 7:1). Each leader of Israel’s twelve tribes then presented a gift at the dedication of the altar.” – from [When the Fake Jewish Messiah arrives, he will set up a tabernacle on the Temple Mount (on the anniversary of the completion of Solomon’s Temple if the Kabbalists have their way)]

And Strong’s 555 are the words “a stripping off, increasing strength,” which relates to the destruction (casting off) of the current UN so a stronger, reformed UN can rise like a phoenix from its ashes…

(from previous updates) – The globalist “elite” are obsessed with the symbolism of the phoenix, the bird which explodes into flames and is then reborn from its own ashes. Now look again at the mural located in the UN’s Security Council chamber

The mural actually depicts the Security Council chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall in the background of the mural, then look at the color of the wall surrounding the mural. Also look at the shape and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at the semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council. But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.

So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the destruction of the Security Council chamber by fire. Blowing up the UN complex thus becomes the fulfillment of the mural.

~ from earlier ~

Here’s a strange “coincidence”: a train bridge over Interstate 25 just north of Pueblo, Colorado collapsed at 3:30 PM yesterday. Joe Biden WAS flying to Pueblo today. Now he’s not.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s note, Operation Blackjack may be attempted after the UN Security Council vote at their 3 PM meeting today. So is/was 3:30 PM the targeted time for the attack that will collapse America? The laying of the cornerstone of the UN complex was attended by the 33rd President of the United States, Harry Truman, who was a 33rd-degree Scottish Rite Freemason.

Opportunities for mischief abound this week, with a virtual European Union emergency summit scheduled for tomorrow and with Putin and representatives of more than 100 countries physically meeting in Beijing tomorrow and Wednesday. So if the globalists don’t go for it today, they’ll have opportunities in the next few days, including a set piece at the end of the week: the US-EU Summit.

The two heads of the EU will be meeting with Biden in Washington on Friday. So the Kabbalists have the option of hitting Washington DC on Thursday after they arrive or on Friday. This could start a Three Days of Darkness scenario that culminates on October 23 / 8 Cheshvan, the anniversary of the completion of Solomon’s Temple (the First Temple).

This year, the Gregorian and Jewish anniversaries of the completion of the First Temple fall on the same day, just like they did back in the year it was finished. And the Temple’s completion is a matter of enormous importance to Jews and Freemasons (the Freemasons track their origin back to Solomon’s Temple). So they will push hard to hit that date, and we have to push harder against them.

Speaking of Freemasons (who laid the cornerstones of today’s targets, the US Capitol and the UN Headquarters) and Israel, check out the final paragraph of this: A Remarkable Connection of Freemasonry and Israel.

NOTE (15 October 2023): LOL. It’s being reported that Israel is postponing its invasion of Gaza “due to weather.” I’ll complete my planned coverage regardless.

WARNING (15 October 2023): Operation Blackjack is/was planned for tomorrow. It may be set in motion by a UN Security Council vote on a Gaza ceasefire on Monday around 3 PM New York time. Targeted cities include New York, Washington DC, and London. Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 16th are now up. More in the morning.

(15 October 2023) – This morning let’s have a look at my partner Onna’s notes on the occult scripting cues for today and tomorrow

1) For October 15 there is a cue that is perfect for scripting the arrival of the Pale Horse of Revelation (“Death”): the Roman ritual sacrifice of the October Horse…

In ancient Roman religion, the October Horse (Latin: Equus October) was an animal sacrifice to Mars carried out on October 15 … Two-horse chariot races were held in the Campus Martius, the area of Rome named for Mars, after which the right-hand horse of the winning team was transfixed by a spear, then sacrificed. – from Wikipedia

This cue brings together the concepts of a (pale) horse and death, Mars (the Roman god of war), and a spear (a missile or Artemis rod). So the start of the Big War by means of a missile attack / airstrike is scriptable.

You can read about what the arrival of the Pale Horse brings in my November updates from last year, but I have changed one of my interpretations since then: the killings “by the beasts of the Earth” will come from both the “migrant” armies that have infiltrated the West and the native flash mobs that will take advantage of the breakdown of law and order. Note how the Hamas attackers have been labeled as “bloodthirsty animals” and “beasts.” Such beasts will run wild in the West too.

2) For October 15 and 16, there are WORMWOOD numbers that are connected to both the Iran Nuclear Deal and the Abraham Accords. In the Bible’s Book of Revelation, “Wormwood” is the name of a “star” (a “shooting star” like an incoming missile or Artemis rod) that poisons “a third of the waters.” This prophecy can be artificially fulfilled through the real or simulated release of radioactive contamination from a breached nuclear weapons facility (likely a number of them) and/or nuclear/radiological bombs and warheads.

So watch for the long-planned Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites and an “Iranian” attack on Israel’s Dimona reactor. Also watch for Iranian missiles out of Syria tipped with (supposed) nuclear or radiological warheads. This would open the way for the fulfillment of the prophesied destruction of Damascus.

We also shouldn’t discount the possibility that all of this will be avoided due to “the heroic behind-the-scenes work of the peacemaker, Vladimir Putin, and his multilateral and otherworldly friends.” I’m seeing indications that could lead to this “Peace Path” outcome.

3) More to come.

NOTE (14 October 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 15th are now up. They identify occult cues that can be used to script a “nuclear” (Artemis rod) explosion or radiological (dirty bomb or nuke site) explosion in the Middle East on Sunday (or possibly Monday), with a follow-on attack on the US Capitol on Monday. These events may be timed to occur during the Jewish day of 1 Cheshvan (which runs from sundown of Sunday to sundown of Monday). I’ll cover the details in the morning.

~ from earlier ~

Onnabugeisha has noted that Joe Biden will give the keynote address at a “LGBTQ+” dinner event in Washington DC at 6:30 PM tonight (local time). This presents an obvious target for a “Yahweh’s punishment” or “MAGA extremist attack” scenario. And Biden will travel to Pueblo, Colorado (within helicopter range of Denver International Airport) on Monday, 1 Cheshvan. See Onna’s new notes for additional details.

NOTE (13 October 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 14th are now up, and they including references to tomorrow’s annular solar eclipse. Given that the rabbinical Jews are writing the script of what we’re living through, keep this in mind: “…according to the Babylonian Talmud (Tractate Sukkah, 29b)… while a lunar eclipse is especially bad for Jews, since Jews rely on the moon for their calendar, a solar eclipse is bad for everyone who follows a solar calendar…” – from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. And I would imagine that a solar eclipse can be scripted as a particularly bad sign for the nations that get “sliced” by the path of totality…


Saturn’s Day is also the day of the New Moon, when the Moon is dark. This makes it a choice night for the Israelis to launch their full-scale invasion of unlit Gaza under cover of darkness. It gets dark in Israel after 6:09 PM local time tomorrow, which is 10:09 AM Texas time / 15:09 UTC time (a little over an hour before the eclipse starts to slice into the US).

Tomorrow is another day to watch for a move on the “Three Moshiachs” (Trump, Netanyahu, and Putin) and perhaps other “leaders” like Biden and Erdogan.

It should also be noted that Saturday, October 14 is the anniversary of the announcement of the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to (socialists) Yasir Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin for the Oslo Accords, which removed Israeli troops from Palestinian areas and established Palestinian self-government. So it would be a particularly good day to script the Nazionists destroying their legacy.

(13 October 2023) – The Hamas Attack and Donald Trump’s Era as Batman and the Moshiach ben Cyrus

On the day before the Hamas attack last week, my partner Onnabugeisha noted that Saturday the 7th would mark the 9th year and 11th week [911] of the “Trump Era,” which began on 23 July 2014. Here is an excerpt from one of last year’s updates to show you how that Era began…

(from 16 September 2022) – The globalist scriptwriters of the “End Times” stageplay have made a point of connecting Donald Trump to Batman…

…from The Washington Post

And Saturday, 17 September 2022 is Batman Day this year. So how might this have a bearing on what’s planned for this month? – Upon pondering this question in light of the The Dark Knight Trilogy written and directed by Christopher Nolan (a name which translates to “Noble Christ-bearer“) — which seems to be the globalists’ “official” Batman storyline — here are my thoughts…

  • In the Batman movies, Bruce Wayne is the son of a wealthy Gothamite.
    In the “End Times” stageplay, Donald Trump is the son of a wealthy New Yorker,
    Fred Christ Trump Sr.
  • In Batman, Wayne joined the League of Shadows, but broke ranks when he found out about their intention to bring justice to decadent Gotham by destroying it.
    In “End Times,” Trump joined the globalists, but supposedly broke ranks when he found out about their intention to bring justice to the decadent West by destroying it.
  • In Batman, Wayne falls to his League of Shadows adversaries and is placed in a prison pit while Gotham is terrorized until it is to be destroyed by a nuclear bomb.
    In “End Times,” Trump falls to the “Deep State” globalists in the presidential election and the West is terrorized until it is to be destroyed in Operation Blackjack.
  • In Batman, Wayne rises to battle his adversaries as the nuclear explosion draws near and saves the day, appearing to die in the end.
    In “End Times”, will Trump rise to battle the “Deep State” and save us from Operation Blackjack, appearing to die in the end?

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Among the other occult scripting elements found by Onnabugeisha is this series of odd and fascinating connections amongst Donald Trump, Batman, the death of the Queen, and the venue for the Queen’s funeral. Let’s start with this…

…from FiveThirtyEight

When this article about “the beginning of the Trump Era” starts getting to the point, it features a notable photograph (look at the heroic head pose, the hand sign, and the date)…

As you can see, the photo was taken at the groundbreaking of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC on July 23, 2014, and July 23, 2014 was the very first Batman Day. So on the occult level, the article was revealing the beginning of Trump’s Era as Batman.

This bit of occult signalling regarding the Era of Trump and Batman raises some obvious questions: How do we know that this one article from this one website has any real significance? And why was the news site named “FiveThirtyEight“?

Upon doing a check on the number 538, I discovered that it has a number of connections to “Judeo-Christian” history, including this most striking and relevant one: 538 BC was the year of Cyrus the Great issued his edict to allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple

…from the Jewish Virtual Library

And can you guess who is playing the role of the “reincarnated” Cyrus the Great in the Kabbalists’ “End Times” stageplay?…

…from Kabbalist prophecy propaganda site Israel365News (top, second, third, bottom)

Who is King Cyrus, and why did Netanyahu compare him to Trump?The Times of Israel

‘Trump is a modern-day Cyrus the Great’Israel Hayom

Is Trump Our Cyrus? The Old Testament Case for Yes and NoChristianity Today

Christians and Jews Now Compare Trump to Persian King Cyrus – Will He Build the Third Temple?Haaretz

The Edict of 538 BC followed the FALL OF BABYLON to an invasion by Cyrus in 539 BC, and if we look at the account of the Edict given in the Book of Ezra, we see that Cyrus was the one who enabled the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple…

The Proclamation of Cyrus

1 In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken through Jeremiah, the LORD stirred the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia to send a proclamation throughout his kingdom and to put it in writing as follows:

2 “This is what Cyrus king of Persia says:

‘The LORD, the God of heaven, who has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, has appointed me to build a house for Him at Jerusalem in Judah.

3 Whoever among you belongs to His people, may his God be with him, and may he go to Jerusalem in Judah and build the house of the LORD, the God of Israel; He is the God who is in Jerusalem. 4 And let every survivor, wherever he lives, be assisted by the men of that region with silver, gold, goods, and livestock, along with a freewill offering for the house of God in Jerusalem.’ ”

5 So the family heads of Judah and Benjamin, along with the priests and Levites—everyone whose spirit God had stirred—prepared to go up and rebuild the house of the LORD in Jerusalem.

6 And all their neighbors supported them with articles of silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with valuables, in addition to all their freewill offerings. – from Ezra 1 (BSB) on

With this in mind, look at what says about the month of Cheshvan, which begins Sunday evening…

Holy Temple Completed (827 BCE)

The Holy Temple, which took seven years to build, was completed by King Solomon during the month of MarCheshvan (I Kings 6:38), although not necessarily on this exact day. (Its dedication, however, was postponed until Tishrei of the following year—see calendar entry for 8 Tishrei). The First Temple served as the epicenter of Jewish national and spiritual life for 410 years, until its destruction by the Babylonians in 423 BCE.

So the month of Cheshvan would be a great time to script the erection of a temporary Jewish Tabernacle around which the Third Temple can be built [1,2]…

MarCheshvan (sometimes called Cheshvan) is the second month of the Jewish calendar counting from Rosh Hashanah (the eighth from Nisan). Cheshvan is the only month that does not have any holidays or special mitzvot. We are taught that it is “reserved” for the time of Moshiach, who will inaugurate the Third Temple in the month of Cheshvan. – from

Putting this all together, the globalists are setting up a situation in which Trump and Space Force will save the world from a full-scale nuclear war set in motion by what has started in Israel. With his forces, he will conquer “Mystery Babylon” (King Charles’s G7/NATO Empire) just like Cyrus defeated the Neo-Babylonian Empire. And he will open the way for all Jews to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple. But will he, like Batman in The Dark Knight Rises, disappear at the moment of his victory? Will his legal successor be the one who issues the New Edict?…

…from Breitbart (top) and The Atlantic (bottom). In the bottom image, note the weather, the color of Pence’s robe, and his Right Hand Path VVV/vav-vav-vav/666 hand sign. He is the “Satanic Grey Champion” who emerges during “The Storm.”

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 13th are now up.

(12 October 2023) – A reader has noted that the Drudge Report is making a point of doing an inclusive day count since the Hamas attack on Israel last Saturday, October 7 (which was September 24 on the Julian calendar)…

Given this and other developments, particularly the Islamist Global Day of Rage set for tomorrow, we’ll look at where this count could be going, starting with a “Ten Days of Darkness” scenario that would conclude with the triumphant return of “Messiah” Trump on October 16 / 1 Cheshvan. We’ll also look at a 45-day option and cover other scenarios, like the assassination setup for Biden in Philly tomorrow [which could bring the arrest of Trump that day or the next — the day the annular solar eclipse slices through America and Brazil, symbolizing division / civil war (so watch Bolsonaro that day too)].

Keep an eye on the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center (Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor) today too.

NOTE: Pushing the globalists out of October 11 would be a miracle, but we’ll need more miracles in the days ahead. Have a look at Onnabugeisha’s notes for Thursday the 12th (the ones in red caught my eye).

(Expanded Note – 11 October 2023) – Today’s Plan for the Staged Death of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Invasion of Gaza

If the Kabbalists go for it today, the global shi*tstorm will likely start with the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. And with the electricity being shut off there and the Moon only 10% illuminated, they’ll almost certainly take advantage of the darkness in beginning the assault. The Sun will set in Jerusalem today at 6:12 PM local time (11:12 AM Washington DC time), and that’s where Joe Biden comes in.

Biden’s Jewish chief of staff has arranged for him to give a speech in the White House Rose Garden — roses hold great symbolic value to the Rosicrucian (Christian Kabbalah) occultists — at the odd and specific time (in an otherwise empty morning) of 11:45 AM. Upon looking up the number 1145 in Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists in their “End Times” setups, I found the words…

dakruó: to weep, shed quiet tears, and
Ben-yemini: a descendant of Benjamin, Benjamite, of Benjamin.
So what would make the followers of Benjamin weep?…

“The immediate results of this war will be disastrous: Mashiach ben Yossef will be killed. This is described in the prophecy of Zechariah, who says of this tragedy that they shall mourn him as one mourns for an only child.” (Zechariah 12:10). His death will be followed by a period of great calamities. These new tribulations shall be the final test for Israel, and shortly thereafter Mashiach ben David shall come, avenge his death, resurrect him, and inaugurate the Messianic era of everlasting peace and bliss.” – from

It has also been arranged for Biden to meet with “Jewish community leaders” to express his “unwavering support for Israel” IN THE INDIAN TREATY ROOM (LOL) at 4:15 PM (11:15 PM Jerusalem time). Strong’s 415 are the words…

El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob [an altar is a place where burnt sacrifices are offered], and
aneleemon: without compassion, cruel.

So it seems that nighttime in Israel and Gaza has been mapped out. They will script “Moshiach ben Yosef” Benjamin Netanyahu‘s death at the hands of the IDF/Mossad “Israeli Deep State” not long after sunset there, then script the merciless sacrifice of the Gazans in the first invasion of the “War for Greater Israel” before midnight (while it is still October 11, the Essene Great Day — the Essene Dead Sea Scrolls calendar is a solar calendar).

Netanyahu’s death may be attributed to a missile attack out of Lebanon or Syria (possibly involving a dirty bomb or atomic bomb warhead). Watch for Damascus to get wiped out sometime afterwards (in scripted accordance with biblical prophecy). ALSO WATCH FOR A PLAY IN WHICH A NUKE-LOOKING EXPLOSION GOES OFF IN GAZA. IT WOULD BE SCRIPTED AS THE “TURKISH ANTICHRIST’S” PLAY TO TURN THE WORLD AGAINST ISRAEL, AND WOULD BE SIMILAR TO WHAT THEY DID IN THE PORT OF BEIRUT.

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A reader has alerted me to the following…

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and centrist opposition leader Benny Gantz have agreed to form an emergency unity government.

Netanyahu and Gantz, a former defence minister and military chief of staff, agreed to form a war cabinet comprising Netanyahu, Gantz and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, a joint statement from Gantz’s National Unity party said on Wednesday.

The statement said the unity government will not promote any unrelated policy or laws except those related to the ongoing fighting with Hamas in Gaza.

It was not immediately clear what would happen to Netanyahu’s existing government partners, a collection of far-right and ultra-Orthodox parties. from ALJAZEERA

This move serves to lessen the death grip the “ultra-right” have on Netanyahu’s neck, so it can later be narrated as either “Netanyahu’s first big move in stopping the Kabbalist Deep State’s destruction of Israel” or “the move that led to his assassination by the Deep State.”

NOTE: A very important addition has been made to the following update in red. And Onnabugeisha’s excellent notes on tomorrow have been added in green (with my enhancements placed among them).

(Twice-Expanded Note – 10 October 2023) – In the updates below, we’ve looked at “Communist Antichrist” Barack Obama’s highly symbolic “Death of the West” visit to the “Cradle of Western Civilization,” Athens, on 16 November 2016. And longtime readers will remember his “Desecration of the Holy Place” visit to the “Cradle of Christianity,” the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, on 22 March 2013 (3/22, the Skull and Bones number, and exactly 1260 days after he was declared the “Man of Peace” by the Nobel Committee on 9 October 2009)…

…from The Christian Post (top) and (bottom)

If we count out a 7-prophetic year Tribulation (7 years x 360 days/year = 2520 days) from the day Obama stood atop the Acropolis, we arrive at today or tomorrow (October 11), the Essene Jewish “Great Day” (Essene Shemini Atzeret, the 8th day of Tabernacles, “God’s real Judgment Day”).

And if we count out a 2550-day 7-year Tribulation (1260 days + 1290 days = 2550 days), we arrive at November 10, the day the Jewish anniversary of the end of Noah’s flood begins at sundown.

Finally, if we count out a full 2595-day 7-year Tribulation (1260 days + 1335 days = 2595 days), we arrive at December 25, Christmas Day. So Christmas will be the Kabbalists’ final opportunity to use this Obama-Athens Tribulation timeline to script the death or salvation of Western Civilization.

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Sunset of today (the 10th) to sunset of tomorrow (the 11th) is Rabiʻ I 26 on the Islamic lunar calendar. My beloved partner Onnabugeisha has found some more occult cues that relate to this day [my additions are in blue brackets]

 Pope Francis visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the only two cities in the world to be destroyed by atomic bombs (America MagazineVatican) on Sunday, 24 November 2019 = Rabi’I 26 [Convert a date] or  Rabi’I 27, 1441 AH. [This cue can be used to script Operation Blackjack tonight/tomorrow or after sunset tomorrow.]

 Mehmed II begins his siege of Constantinople on 6 April 1453 (Julian) = Rabi’I 26, 857 AH. The city falls 53 days later, and is renamed Istanbul. [Fall of Constantinople, Wikipedia] [This cue can be used to script the beginning of the siege of the current Roman Empire (the G7/NATO) tonight/tomorrow from within by the Turkish Grey Wolves and other terrorist groups (the “migrants”) under the control of the Turkish Antichrist character.]

 Oslo I Accord (WikipediaHISTORY) – It was the first face-to-face agreement between the government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)… The Oslo Accords were officially signed at a public ceremony in Washington, D.C. in the presence of PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and U.S. President Bill Clinton. Date: 13 September 1993 = Rabi’I 26, 1414 AH

[“In essence, the accords called for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from parts of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, and affirmed a Palestinian right of self-government within those areas through the creation of a Palestinian Interim Self-Government Authority.” – from Wikipedia. So tonight/tomorrow can be scripted as the day Israeli forces return and Palestinian self-government ends.]

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Onna’s notes for Wednesday the 11th fit what the globalists have planned for the day so well that I’m posting them here on the home page today…

10/11 (Wednesday)

Essene calendar: Tishrei 22 – Great Day

δ-Aurigid meteor shower (In The Sky) will be active from 10 October to 18 October, producing its peak rate of meteors around 11 October, in the constellation Auriga, a charioteer and again four horses (In The Sky).

[Ken’s Addition -This meteor shower can provide cover for an Artemis attack, and it ties-in to Obama’s visit to the Parthenon and the Four Horses of the Apocalypse: “In Greek mythology, Auriga is often identified as the mythological Greek hero Erichthonius of Athens, the chthonic son of Hephaestus who was raised by the goddess Athena. Erichthonius was generally credited to be the inventor of the quadriga, the four-horse chariot, which he used in the battle against the usurper Amphictyon, the event that made Erichthonius the king of Athens. His chariot was created in the image of the Sun’s chariot, the reason Zeus placed him in the heavens. The Athenian hero then dedicated himself to Athena and, soon after, Zeus raised him into the night sky in honor of his ingenuity and heroic deeds.” – from Wikipedia]

• Opening of the Second Vatican Council (Britannica) – The Second Vatican Council, announced by Pope John XXIII in 1959, opened on 11 October 1962, lasted for three years, and remains a symbol (controversial to some) of the church’s readiness to adapt to modern life.

[Ken’s Addition – According to the prophecy propagandists, the Second Vatican Council was when the Church succombed to internal Satanic influences and became an antichrist inversion of itself. It was during this Council that the traditionalist Catholic President of the United States, JFK, “was killed by those Satanic forces.”]

• Trump said: “We’re going to defeat socialism and put a man on the face of the Moon” (InsiderMSNBC) on Friday night 11 October 2019.

[Ken’s Addition – These seemingly separate goals are actually fulfilled by the same mechanism, Trump’s Artemis space program, which built an orbital kinetic weapon system under cover of a civilian program to put a man on the Moon.]

Chinese calendar8th Month 27

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) is a non-binding multilateral arrangement between the United States government and other world governments participating in the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2025, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: Tuesday, 13 October 2020 = 8th Month 27, year of the Rat 

• President Kennedy urges Americans to build bomb shelters (HISTORY) Date: 6 October 1961 = 8th Month 27, year of the Ox

• Kim Yo-jong (Wikipedia), the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. She is the Deputy Department Director of the Publicity and Information Department of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Born: 26 September [The U.S. Treasury lists her birthdate as 26 September 1989 = 8th Month 27, year of the Snake.]

[Ken’s Addition – It is Kim Yo-Jong who will be blamed for releasing one or more North Korean weapons to foreign entities while her brother, future NWO hero Kim Jong-Un, was supposedly incapacitated with an illness. It may narrated that she willingly did this in collaboration with the “hardcore communist North Korean Deep State” or that she did it to save her family’s position and her brother.]

• Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (Wikipedia) (Latin for To the Government of the Church Militant) was the papal bull promulgated by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540 (Julian)= 8th Month 27, year of the Rat, which gave a first approval to the Society of Jesus [the Jesuit Order was founded], also known as the Jesuits, but limited the number of its members to sixty.

[Ken’s Addition – It was through the Jesuit Order that the Kabbalist conversos gradually took over the Roman Catholic Church.]

Numbers10/11 (inclusive) – 10/12

• Trump Becomes First Sitting U.S. President to Visit Western Wall in Jerusalem (NBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 6 years, 20 weeks, 3 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).

After sunset 🌅 – 10/12

Jewish calendar27 Tishri 

• White House (Wikipedia) – Construction started: October 13, 1792 27 Tishri

Islamic calendarRabi’ I 27, 1445 AH

• Prince Harry was christened at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. 1984: Prince Harry’s Christening Brings the Royal Family Together – YouTube Date: Friday, 21 December 1984 = Rabiʻ I 27 [Convert a date] or Rabi’I 28, 1405 AH

GematriaWindsor Castle = Invictus Games 4x, last president 4x, Markets plunge 3x

Twice-Expanded NOTE (9-10 October 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 10th are now up. She has marked the following note as being of particular importance…

• Husayn ibn Ali (Wikipedia) a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad was killed at the Battle of Karbala (New World Encyclopedia) that took place on October 10, 680 (Julian). The battle is often marked as the event that separated Sunni and Shi’a Islam and  a defining moment in Islamic history.

So will someone who unites the Muslims rise tomorrow? The Turkish Dajjal? The Iranian Mahdi?

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I’ve received the following important notes (A&B) from Onna. I’ll cover them on Tuesday morning, events permitting. For now, just know that Tuesday is a candidate day for the destruction of the West. It’s also a day to watch for the “Satanic forces” to go after “Messiahs” Netanyahu, Trump, and/or Putin…

A) Just now I was closely watching the video attached to the article about Obama’s tour of the Acropolis and I noticed cranes (Wikipedia). Also there are four horses (?) behind Obama when he is in the museum at the 1:08 minute mark and the video gets darker towards the end. Do you remember the NYC crane collapse and what you wrote on July 26-27 about cranes (kensthoughtstream) – Orizuru (Wikipedia)? Also Crane (bird) (Wikipedia) in mythology and symbolism.

President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 2692  days ago on 10/10 exactly. Strong’s Greek: 2692. katastrophé: an overthrowing; Usage: overthrow, destruction, material or spiritual; overthrow, destruction: of cities

2 Peter 2:6 if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, reducing them to ashes as an example of what is coming on the ungodly;

B) Barack Obama visited the Acropolis in Athens on 16 November 2016 (obamawhitehouse)(11/16) -> 1116 -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place (more about the link between Obama and Strong’s 1116 on YouTube: Is Barack Obama the Antichrist ?). 11/16/2016 = 15 Cheshvan

1Passing of Mattityahu (139 BCE) In the 2nd century before the common era, the Holy Land was ruled by the Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks) who, with the collaboration of the Jewish Hellenists, introduced pagan idols into the Holy Temple and set about to forcefully Hellenize the people of Israel… His five sons the “Macabees” carried on the battle to their eventual victory, celebrated each year since by Jews the world over with the festival of Chanukah.

2. Kristallnacht (1938)(Wikipedia)

3. King Yeravam Declares a Pseudo-Sukkot.

Exactly on the 6th anniversary of Obama’s visit to the Acropolis of Athens, on 16 November 2022 Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) was successfully launched.

Obama’s first stop was Athens, Greece, his next stop was Berlin, Germany (medium com) another four horses. [note that the article was written by Ben Rhodes (Wikipedia)].

Ken’s Addition: Here are the two cranes (which might be one crane seen from different ends) and 4 horses Onna mentioned in note A…

…The four horses represent the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse and the crane(s) relate to the origami cranes that were presented to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum by Obama and the ones that were placed on the table in front of the G7+EU leaders when they visited Hiroshima earlier this year

…The cranes likely represent the “nukes” (Artemis rods) with which each country will be hit, just like the two cranes Obama gave the Japanese represented the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nukes. From the looks of it, America will get hit with six (probably targeting the “sin cities” of Washington DC, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas)….

(Expanded & Enhanced Note – 9 October 2023) – Here’s another note from Onnabugeisha that points to the climax point of “Commie Antichrist Obama’s conquest of Western civilization” happening on Tuesday or Wednesday…

1260 + 1260 = 2520 days (7 prophetic years) ago on 10/10 (inclusive) or on 10/11 (Essene Great Day) – President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), “the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency.” Behind the Scenes: President Obama Visits the Acropolis in Athens and The President Abroad: A Look Ahead at Greece, Germany, and Peru

[The Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess of warfare, Athena. And the photo description in the White House article also mentions Poseidon, god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses (think “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse“). Poseidon also carries a trident, the symbol of Ukraine.]

So will the moment of his triumph also be the moment of his fall?

Symbolism is of profound importance to the globalists/Kabbalists, so let’s take a moment to ponder the symbolic aspect of what happened in Athens that day:

Athens is widely regarded as the “Cradle of Western Civilization”


And like other Greek cities of the time, it had an acropolis

An acropolis was the settlement of an upper part of an ancient Greek city, especially a citadel, and frequently a hill with precipitous sides, mainly chosen for purposes of defense. The term is typically used to refer to the Acropolis of Athens, yet every Greek city had an acropolis of its own. Acropolises were used as religious centers and places of worship, forts, and places in which the royal and high-status resided. Acropolises became the nuclei of large cities of classical ancient times, and served as important centers of a community…

An acropolis is defined by the Greek definition of ἀκρόπολις, akropolis; from akros (άκρος) or akron (άκρον) meaning “highest; edge; extremity”, and polis (πόλις) meaning “city.” – from Wikipedia

The acropolis was a city’s stronghold, the final place to which its defenders would reposition in their effort to hold the city. So when Obama made his way up to the Acropolis of Athens, he was symbolically storming the last bastion of Western Civilization. And once he was there, they took pictures of him standing amidst its rubble (note how they positioned him next to a brick on the ground). The symbolic message: “The West has fallen.”

If the globalists fail in staging this climax point on Tuesday/Wednesday, they’ll have another opportunity when we reach the 2550th day (1260 + 1290) since Obama stood atop the Acropolis, which is November 10. The Jewish day of 27 Cheshvan begins at sundown that day, which is the anniversary of the end of Noah’s Flood (a good day to bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah). The bulk of 27 Cheshvan falls on 11/11, exactly a year after Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor and was greeted like an arriving king.

By the way, Tuesday or Wednesday will also mark 66 weeks since the Georgia Guidestones were blown up on 6 July 2022. And Tuesday, 10/10, is also a very significant date in the history of the Chinese Communist Party vs. Nationalists (Taiwanese) conflict. It could mark the day of an attack by or against the CCP. 10/10 also marks the birth of the Republic of China. Will it also mark its rebirth?

In Christian eschatological thinking, the end of a 7-year Tribulation brings “the end of the Antichrist at the hands of the Christ.” The Essene “Great Day” (Essene “Judgment Day”) on Wednesday the 11th would be a fine time to script such an outcome, don’t you think? The Three Days of Darkness could begin on that day, with the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah falling on October 14, the day of the annular solar eclipse.

If they get pushed out of these dates, though, Wednesday the 11th could be scripted to bring another big and nasty development — something of the scale of what happened on the 7th (or even bigger).

NOTE: The Sun will set in Jerusalem shortly (10:15 AM Texas time), and this will begin the Jewish day of 25 Tishrei. Here are Onna’s notes on the occult cues for what could begin after that point: Artemis attacks and a financial collapse…

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) is a non-binding multilateral arrangement between the United States government and other world governments participating in the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2025, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: Tuesday, 13 October 2020 = 25 Tishri

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (WikipediaIt was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929 = 25 Tishri, called Black Tuesday, when investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day.

Draconid meteor shower (In The Sky) in the constellation Draco (Latin for dragon)

The Israelis will likely start their Gaza invasion after it gets dark.

NOTE (9 October 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes for Monday the 9th are now up, and they point to a scriptable possibility that UN Headquarters could be attacked today on the anniversary of its completed construction. An aircraft with a bomb on board may be the attack vector. The UN Security Council is meeting on Ukraine at 10 AM (arch) and on ISIS and Al Qaeda at 3 PM…

A VIP-killing plane crash involving a bomb on board is also scriptable. Also watch for Israel’s invasion of Gaza to be the possible trigger for the false-flag nuclear/radiological attack on Israel. If the attack seemingly involves a “nuclear bomb,” it may be attributed to “a North Korean bomb obtained by Iran.” North Korea could also be part of the blame game involving any “nuclear bomb” attack on the UN, since they are technically still at war with the UN and remain under crushing UN sanctions.

And all this could happen on the following anniversary (from Onna’s notes)…

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (Wikipedia) was awarded to United States President Barack Obama. The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.

(8 October 2023) – Turkey and Mossad’s Hamas “9/11” & Tuesday’s Planned Crash of the Markets

According to the globalists’ “End Times” script, it is not Iran that set Hamas loose upon Israel. It was Erdogan and the Turkish Antichrist character, the Dajjal. And “the Turks did it in conjunction with the Israeli Deep State,” which is why the IDF and Mossad stood aside and let the invasion unfold, just like the US military and CIA stood aside (and even participated) in America’s 9/11.

The plan, they’ll say, was for the Turkish Antichrist and the “Satanic Israeli Deep State” to draw Hamas and Hezbollah into an attack on Israel so they can point the finger at the Iranians and attack Iran and their proxies throughout the Middle East. This would leave Israel, Turkey, and Azerbaijan in possession of all the new territory they would seize from “Iran and their allies, Lebanon and Syria.” It will be said that the whole thing was motivated by the concepts of “Greater Israel” and “Greater Turkey.”

After the incoming Nazionist “heroes” show up to save us from these “evil Satanic bad guys,” they will say that they were the villains behind both “9/11’s,” the American one and the Israeli one, and they will mass arrest them and hold show trials to punish them. So it will be “out with the old and in with the new.” What we’re witnessing is a Kabbalist-scripted changing of the guard, nothing more. Be ready to bow before your new Rothschild King, “Harry the Hero.”

On another note, my partner Onnabugeisha points out that this Tuesday is 25 Tishrei, the Jewish anniversary the Stock Market Crash of 1929 (which occurred on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 / 25 Tishrei). But this Tuesday may be known as “Blackest Tuesday,” because it will be either the precursor event to or the result of Israel’s attack on Iran’s nuclear sites (assuming they don’t trigger the Three Days of Darkness today instead).

[[[ A Quick Note on the Three Days of Darkness: the globalists possess highly advanced volumetric projection technology that can project solid-looking 3-D objects in the atmosphere (it involves bouncing lasers off of the chemtrail particles in the air). Lately I’ve been thinking: if they can project solid objects, might they also be able to project a black shield around the world that partially or totally blocks sunlight? I should think so. So if the sky grows dark near the end of this drama, it’s not “supernatural”; it’s just a bit of smoke-and-mirrors Hollywood magic. ]]]


A reader has informed me that the UN Security Council will be holding an emergency meeting today at 3:00 PM New York Time. According to common biblical interpretations, Jesus died at 3 PM (the “ninth hour”), and his death was preceded by Three Hours of Darkness over the whole Earth. So if the globalists are aiming to start the Three Days of Darkness today, it could be scripted to follow the “death of the Satanic UN” at the ninth hour. Watch for the possibility of “Savior Trump” doing what Batman did in The Dark Knight Rises: get captured, come back and save the day, then disappear.

~ MORE (in case this is not a Three Days of Darkness scenario) ~

In the past, I’ve written that the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan (ITA) Alliance would begin their land grab after the US, Russia, and UN get distracted by something else. So did “Satanic commie-controlled” Brazil call today’s emergency UNSC meeting so the Turkish Antichrist can blow up the UN and New York City in accordance with the Nostradamus prophecy? Will it later be claimed that the nuke was located inside the Turkevi Center, the “Trojan Horse” across the street from UN Headquarters? Such an attack would certainly “distract” the UN, and the “Satanic commie-controlled” Biden-Harris administration would blame it on Russia, leaving both the US and Russia too distracted with each other to focus on the ITA Alliance’s moves.

Remember that any nuke-looking explosion(s) would likely be the work of the Artemis Array.

(7 October 2023) – GET A LOAD OF THIS: ISRAEL’S “PEARL HARBOR” today comes exactly 330 DAYS AFTER PRINCE HARRY VISITED PEARL HARBOR ON 11/11/22 (US Veterans Day last year) AND WAS GREETED LIKE A KING…

from Zero Hedge (top) and Geo News (bottom)

And if the globalists opt to run World War 3 from 26 October to 24 March 2024 (as I mentioned in today’s notes), its end (Purim) will fall on the 500th day of Harry’s Pearl Harbor “kingship.” Strong’s 500 is “God ascends” and “antichrist.”

Prince Harry is the son of a full-blooded Jewish mother of Rothschild descent, Princess Diana, so I’ve previously identified him as a Fake Jewish Messiah candidate…

These numbers suggest that he may be the one who gets tapped for the role, as does this bit of prophecy propaganda…

…from The Jerusalem Post. Here is an excerpt…

Change on the British Isles

The most recent world event that people have claimed is linked to his book was the passing of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022. Following her death, the book broke sale records, and it seems to be linked to the following prediction:

“Because they disapproved of his divorce, a man who, later, they considered unworthy, the people will force out the King of the Islands, a man will replace him who never expected to be king.”

Some consider the passage to be referring to King Charles III and his famous divorce from Diana, Princess of Wales. They believe that, based on this, the King will abdicate in the coming year.

Moreso, they believe that the prediction states that he will be replaced by Prince Harry, rather than heir to the throne, William, Prince of Wales, due to the reference to a man “who never expected to be king.”

~ MORE ~

Watch for “a righteous governor” to get a “head wound” on the 8th or 9th, possibly Trump, Putin or Netanyahu.

Ronin’s notes for today and Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 8th are now up. Among Onna’s notes is this…

• Fast of Gedalia (Wikipedia) is a minor Jewish fast day from dawn until dusk to lament the assassination of Gedaliah, the righteous governor of what was the Kingdom of Judah. His death ended Jewish autonomy following the destruction of the First Temple and the fall of King Zedekiah. Karaite Jews observe this fast day on the 24th of the month since Book of Nehemiah states that the 24th was a fast day.

24 Tishrei runs from sundown of Sunday to sundown of Monday, and Onna’s gematria notes suggest a “head wound” to Trump. But in previous research, I came across the possibility that Vladimir Putin — who is playing the role of the “Real Jewish Messiah” (who will turn out to be the “Final Antichrist”) — may be presented as a Karaite Jew. So Putin is also a “head wound” candidate, and I wouldn’t count out Netanyahu either. An attack on one, two, or all three of these “real messiahs” could be scripted. And the attack(s) could come as soon as sunset in Jerusalem tomorrow, 6:16 PM local time [616 is the alternate Number of the Beast]. 6:16 PM Jerusalem time is 10:16 AM Texas time.

ALERT (7 October 2023): And on Kabbalist “judgment day” it begins…

…from this morning’s Drudge Report

So now watch for…

  1. Israel to savage Gaza with air strikes and a ground invasion,
  2. the IDF/Mossad to launch the radiological false-flag against their own people, blaming “Hezbollah joining the fight” from Syria/Lebanon, and
  3. Israel, Turkey and Azerbaijan to attack Iran, followed by all hell breaking loose.

~ MORE ~

I’ve already covered the shortest war duration that could spring from today (the Three Days of Darkness that would start tonight/tomorrow), so now I’m looking at the slower options, starting with the 150-Day Torment of Humanity option. So far I’ve found that if they stretch out the escalating war events till the EU summit on 26 October, they can hit the summit (likely during the night before it begins) and start a 150-day world war that lands on 24 March 2024, mainstream Jewish Purim (an ideal day to roll out the Fake Jewish Messiah). So if we do get through the next few days without World War 3 starting, we still have time to cut them off at the pass. Never give up.

~ MORE ~

LOL, these fuc#ers are so predictable: the EU has ANOTHER summit scheduled for December 14-15. And if they hit that summit — which happens during Hanukkah Day 8 [another Kabbalist “judgment day” (Hanukkah as Sukkot)] — the 150 days would land on May 12/13, Israel Memorial Day (the day before Israel Independence Day). So it’s another good date to roll in the Fake Moshiach. But will there ever really be a good day to roll out this ridiculous lie?

~ MORE ~

Look at the 40-day “God’s Fire Judgment” option, if the “Rain of Fire” starts after sundown today through Sunday, the Fake Messiah’s arrival would fall on November 17 / 4 Kislev, the day the “Messianic Era” was foretold

Zechariah Foretold Messianic Era (3410/-352)

A delegation from Babylonia put forth a query to the prophet Zechariah, asking whether the fast of the Ninth of Av was still in effect, now that the Second Temple had been built. In response, Zechariah transmitted G‑d’s message that it was not fasting that was most important, but to uphold justice, truth, kindness and compassion.

Zechariah also foretold what will occur to the fast days in the Messianic era: “So says the L‑rd of Hosts: The fast of the fourth month [the seventeenth of Tammuz], the fast of the fifth month [the ninth of Av], the fast of the seventh month [the third of Tishrei], and the fast of the tenth month [the tenth of Teves] will be to the House of Judah for rejoicing, happiness, and festivals.” (Zechariah 7–8) – from

So if all hell breaks loose this weekend and the Fakeshiach doesn’t show his clownish face by the end of Wednesday the 11th, he’ll show up on Friday, November 17.

It’s all just a paint-by-numbers script. None of this has anything to do with the real “God”/Source. We are ruled by idiot apes.

(6 October 2023) – What is/was planned for October 7-11

From sundown today till sundown on Saturday, we will be in mainstream Jewish Shemini Atzeret (Kabbalist “judgment day”). According to the Faux-Christian prophecy propagandists, this is the Shemini Atzeret of the “Synagogue of Satan,” the rabbinic Jews (the “scribes and Pharisees” rebuked by Jesus) who follow the Babylonian Talmud, the Kabbalah, and a false Jewish calendar.

On Wednesday the 11th, we will be in the Essene Jewish “Great Day” (Essene Shemini Atzeret). According to the same prophecy propagandists, the Essenes were the “good Jews” that followed only the Torah, kept “God’s true calendar” (the Dead Sea Scroll calendar), and accepted Jesus as the Jewish Messiah.

Looking at the two judgment days, I suspect the Kabbalist plan is/was to have the Satanic forces make their big move on mainstream Shemini Atzeret (Friday night/Saturday), then fake “God’s intervention” on Sunday with a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario. This would land the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah and the fake ETs on the “Great Day” of the Essenes, October 11.

In Ronin’s latest note, he points out that the First Balkan War started on October 8 (which is Sunday), and Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 7th include a Trump “Batman” cue on October 8.

~ from earlier today ~

Ronin suspects that the globalists will channel a bit of World War 2 history in scripting the Turkish attack and invasion of Greece. Here is his latest note…


I found out how the globalists are going to start the war!

They’ll have the Turks try to sink frigate “Kimon” in Lorient, and thus reenact both Pearl Harbor, and the Italian sinking of the Greek cruiser “Elli”, that preceded the Italian invasion of Greece in World War II. This is urgent. Details to follow.

In looking into the history of the attack, I found an article about it in the Greek Reporter that offers a tie-in to this Saturday’s anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto and Our Lady of the Rosary feast day

…Here is an excerpt…

Italians Torpedoing Greek Cruiser Elli

In the morning hours of August 15th, the submarine approached the port of Tinos, aiming to torpedo the passenger ships ‘Elsi’ and ‘Esperos’ carrying pilgrims, but the Italians considered them to be carrying troops.

From the perimeter, Aicardi saw the cruiser ‘Elli’ in the port and decided that should be the first target, as he admitted after the war. Cruiser ‘Elli’ had docked on Tinos to participate in the religious celebration.

At 8.25 a.m., just before the procession of the Virgin Mary icon at the port, thousands of people were waiting piously. At that moment, ‘Delfino’ fired three torpedoes at the Greek cruiser. Only one of the three torpedoes hit ‘Elli’ and that was in the engine room and the oil tanks. An hour later, ‘Elli’ sank, despite the crew’s efforts to keep it afloat.

The day of the attack, August 15, was/is the Assumption of Mary, mother of Jesus. And October 7‘s Our Lady of the Rosary is also a holiday of Mary. It’s notable, then, that Lorient has at least two Catholic churches named after Mary: the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and the Church of Our Lady of Victory, which got its name from a 1746 British raid on Lorient

The raid on Lorient was a British amphibious operation in the region around the town of Lorient from 29 September to 10 October 1746 during the War of the Austrian Succession…

The British troops only arrived in the outskirts of the town on 3 October and negotiations for the town’s surrender were ended by the bombardment of 5–7 October. On 7 October the British force was ordered to retreat. The British engineers’ incompetence and losses to disease and fatigue forced the commander to stop his offensive. At the same time, the French commander originally planned to surrender, believing his enemy to have an overwhelming numerical superiority and knowing the weakness of his defences and the poor training and weaponry of his own troops. He made a surrender offer on 7 October, shortly after the enemy’s departure, and never received a reply. – from Wikipedia

So if the Turkish attack on Lorient does indeed materialize, it could take the form of an amphibious (frogman) attack or a drone bombardment, either of which could be only partially effective. See Ronin’s newest notes for additional information.

(5 October 2023) – Tishrei 21 (Jewish blackjack day) starts at sunset today, so watch for potential overnight strikes “while the West is sleeping” in accordance with the following note. Also, Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 6th are now up, as are two additional notes from Ronin

Before we start looking deeper into October 7, let’s sweep and clear October 6 so we don’t get caught by surprise. October 6 is mainstream Jewish Hoshana Rabbah, which is the last of the Days of Judgment — a day that can be scripted as “Judgment Day” for a god eager to carry out his sentence on the wicked. It’s also the second day of the “Satanic” European leaders’ informal summit, which can be scripted as a target of “God’s Judgment.”

With this in mind, take a look at the mural they placed the G7 + EU leaders in front of as they signed the guest book during their ominous visit to Hiroshima earlier this year…


Now take a look at a potential vector through which “God’s Judgment can be carried out”

There are many meteor showers in October (In The Sky). The October Camelopardalid meteor shower is active 5-6 October, producing its peak rate of meteors around October 6 (In The Sky). Camelopardalis (Wikipedia) meaning “giraffe”, from camel + spotted. We saw camels in Hiroshima (G7 Hiroshima Summit 2023)Gematria: Camelopardalis  = nuclear strike 2x; Camelopardalus = Achilles tendon (Wikipedia) 2x. – from Onnabugeisha’s notes for October 6

A meteor shower is excellent cover for an Artemis strike.

Getting back to the second day of the Granada summit and the Turkish (and Kabbalist) motive to strike it, here is another of Onna’s notes for October 6…

The heads of state and government of the EU-27 will attend the informal meeting of Granada, where they will discuss the pillars of the future Strategic Agenda 2024-2029. (Council of the European UnionDate: 6 October 2023.

6 October is National Isabella Day (National Today) Since the 13th century, the names Isabella and Elizabeth have been interchanged in England.

And it was Queen Isabella of Castile (and Ferdinand II of Aragon) who issued  the Alhambra Decree (Wikipedia) (also known as Spanish: Edicto de Granada), ordering her 150,000 Jewish and Muslim subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion in March 1492.

Alhambra (Wikipedia) is a palace and fortress complex located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain.

(Isabella is also remembered for financing Columbus’ voyage to the New World.)

(5 October 2023) – There’s a good chance that we’ll get through today in one piece, as the globalists have just dropped an occult rescheduling hint for their far-flung legion of morons…

…from today’s Drudge Report

The numbers are the key. Here’s what my “secret decoder ring” says…

That was the best box of cereal I ever bought…

NOTE: Regarding the planned Turkish attack, Ronin reports that the US “coalition” has shot down a Turkish drone that was targeting “Kurdish terrorists” in Syria. How will the thin-skinned Erdogan be scripted to react to this “affront by NATO”?


They are gathering the “commie” wolves for slaughter in multiple places tomorrow, October 5: 1) in Mexico City, they’ve gathered Antony Blinken and key Homeland Security officials for meetings with their Mexican counterparts; 2) at the White House, they’re gathering key national security advisors and the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs for a meeting with Biden on Ukraine; 3) at San Francisco City Hall, they’re gathering Kamala Harris, Senator Chuck Schumer, and the California Democratic power elite for Dianne Feinstein’s memorial; and 4) in Granada, Spain they’re gathering all the European heads of state/government for a summit. They’re planning to “shower down God’s judgment” upon them all. Other “sin cities,” including New York, are scripted to be hit as well.

~ MORE – 5 October 2023 ~

It’s confirmed: the Kabbalist war clown Zelensky has shown up at the Granada summit, and the Ukrainians just blew up dozens of their own civilians to assist him in his panhandling efforts…

…from France 24 (top) and The Gleaner (bottom)

Let’s see if he merits “God’s judgment” today. Thanks to the reader who told me about the false flag.

(4 October 2023) – Our next stop on the Armageddon Express is 12 midnight Central European Time / 6 PM Washington DC time (either daylight savings time or standard time). Starting from that point, the Kabbalists will have the 24 hours of October 5 to simulate the opening of the Gate to Hell. And as we approach today’s “European Midnight,” the continent’s political leaders are gathering for a two-day summit that starts on the morning of the 5th…

…from SUR in English

So all it would take is one strike to decapitate almost all of the European nations (including Ukraine). According to the script, “How can the Russians refuse such an opportunity?”

To fulfill all of the occult cues for October 4 and 5, the strike would need to happen by 11:59:59 PM of October 4 AoE Time / 1:59:59 PM of October 5 Rome & Granada time.

~ MORE ~

Ronin’s (2) notes for today and Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 5th are now up. Onna’s notes include cues that can be used to script a Turkish attack on Rhodes and NATO (which I’ve highlighted in red) and these interesting bits of info…

> October 5 is 8th Month 21 on the Chinese lunar calendar [lucky number 8 and 21 is blackjack]. And 8th Month 21 is the Chinese anniversary of…

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (Wikipedia) was awarded to United States President Barack ObamaAnnouncement: 9 October 2009 = 8th Month 21, year of the Ox

• Mikhail Gorbachev becomes head of Soviet Union (HISTORY) Date: October 1, 1988 = 8th Month 21, year of the Dragon.

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia) Completed: October 9, 1952 = 8th Month 21,  year of the Dragon

So watch for the communist “Man of (Nuclear) Peace” to bring “nuclear” war, a coup attempt on Putin, and the fire sacrifice of UN Headquarters.

> They removed House Speaker Kevin Owen McCarthy (Wikipedia) on National Kevin Day (National Today, National Kevin Day). Gematria: National Kevin Day = Janet Louise Yellen 3x

…So watch for the possibility that they’ll remove Blinken from the board too. He’ll be in Mexico City tomorrow for the second day of talks at this INCREDIBLY JUICY TARGET…

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken will travel to Houston and Austin, Texas, as well as Mexico City, Mexico, from October 3-5, 2023

The Secretary will then travel to Mexico to co-chair the 2023 U.S.-Mexico High-Level Security Dialogue. Secretary Blinken, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas, U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, and White House Homeland Security Advisor Dr. Liz Sherwood-Randall, along with other senior U.S. government officials, will join their Mexican counterparts for a bilateral dialogue and stakeholder engagements. Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian A. Nichols, and Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Todd D. Robinson will join Secretary Blinken on this trip. – from

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other top officials from the Biden administration will visit Mexico on Wednesday to discuss shared security issues, foremost among them trafficking of the synthetic opioid fentanyl, but also arms trafficking and increasing migration.

The latest round of the High-Level Security Dialogue brings together Blinken, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, among others, with their Mexican counterparts for two days of talks. – from WITN

ALERT (3-4 October 2023): Signs of Imminent War Have Appeared…

…from today’s Drudge Report (top), the I, Pet Goat II video (middle), the US presidential line of succession on Wikipedia (bottom)

  1. As I said they would a few days ago, the Kabbalists have now removed the only Republican in the presidential line of succession, which suggests that they intend to remove both Biden and Harris from the board in order to make “commie” Catholic Patty Murray or the Jews Blinken or Yellen the new president.
  2. Markets PLUNGE” were the words that preceded WAR in the I, Pet Goat II predictive programming video. These words appear at the 3:03 mark [33] and are immediately followed by a “Masonic” air strike on a Muslim target, leading to the collapse of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount. Will the target be the Iranian nuclear sites? After the 5 fingers of dust arise from the explosion, the savior/antichrist character burns a butterfly (thyroid gland).
  3. Now that Trump has been gagged from talking about the trial judge’s staffers, he is just one (purposeful) outburst away from being ARRESTED for contempt of court. This would lead to government-initiated “MAGA violence” (the start of a made-for-TV civil war).
  4. At 5 PM Washington DC time today, it will turn midnight in Jerusalem, and Essene Tabernacles Day 1 will begin (the Essene calendar is a solar calendar, so its days may start at midnight or dawn — I haven’t been able to find out which).

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on October 4 and Ronin’s (4) notes today on Turkey vs. Greece are now up. And while we’re on the subject of removing Biden and Harris from the board, it should also be noted that they will take the Presidential Daily Briefing together at the White House tomorrow at the uncharacteristically late time of 2:15 PM (it’s typically a morning thing). Remember that Strong’s 215 is to become inexpressible light,” a scripting cue for a nuclear explosion and/or death. Also remember that Tabernacles/Sukkot is celebrated by spending time in makeshift shelters (sukkot, the plural of sukkah) “like the Hebrews did when they were wandering through the desert to the Promised Land.” With (real or simulated) nuclear fallout spreading in the aftermath of attacks on nuclear sites, look for Israelis and lots of other people to be on the move and sleeping in cars and sukkot during Essene Tabernacles.

~ MORE – 4 October 2023 ~

LOL, how did I miss this one? A reader has pointed out that today’s big test of the Emergency Alert System is scheduled for 2:20 PM, just 5 minutes after Biden and Harris get together at the White House for the Presidential Daily Briefing this afternoon (arch). The reader suggests this is no coincidence. I would agree with that assessment.

The US Senate is in session today (but not the House), so (commie Catholic) Senator Patty Murray could also be removed from the board if the explosion(s) take out both the White House and the Capitol Building. This means the Kabbalists are likely aiming to install America’s first openly Jewish president. Secretary of State Blinken is in Texas today, so it looks like he’ll get the job (unless he too gets hit and we end up with Janet Yellen).

~ MORE ~

Let’s go back again to one of Onnabugeisha’s notes from a few days ago…

• NATO (Wikipedia), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance between 31 member states – 29 European and two North American. Formation (The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C.): 4 April 1949, 894 months ago on 10/4. -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon.

Revelation 8:10-11 10 Then the third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star burning like a torch fell from heaven and landed on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters.

Revelation 18: Babylon is Fallen (in Act One of the “End Times” stageplay, Babylon the Great is the G7/NATO)

The Southern Hemisphere has more water and less land than the Northern Hemisphere, and the overwhelming majority of the world’s nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons facilities, and nuclear warhead targets are in the Northern Hemisphere [North America (US), Europe (EU & Western Russia) and Asia (China)]. So if the globalists hit the Northern Hemisphere with Artemis rods and military attacks on nuclear sites and then fake a nuclear fallout crisis (like they faked COVID), they can easily narrate a third of the world’s freshwater and saltwater as being contaminated. Cleaning all that up sounds like a job for the fake ETs, doesn’t it?

Should they proceed with what is/was planned for today, I would urge you to follow your internal guidance in the time ahead. Your intuitive sense — that still, small, mature voice that always warns you before you do stupid things — comes from Spirit and will guide you. If, instead, you allow yourself to be guided by the Kabbalist-controlled press and your kneejerk emotional reactions, you are dead meat.

(3 October 2023) – Initiate Coc#block: Here’s something that could be made into something much bigger…

…from the Daily Mail

This massive explosion in England on Putin’s Hebrew birthday, 18 Tishrei (which started at sundown last night), is reminiscent of the massive explosions and fires that have been rocking Russia since the Ukraine War started. Will the “lightning started it” explanation turn out to be “a cover story to prevent public panic and a backlash against arming Ukraine”? Will it later be narrated that the explosion was actually an infrastructure attack “by Spetsnaz” or “a Russian submarine-launched cruise missile”? Will England soon directly retaliate for “Russia’s impudent attack on His Majesty King Charles the Turd’s Empire”?

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on the October 3 occult cues and Ronin’s (4) notes on the European situation are now up. Although I suspect that the Big Event is/was planned for October 4/5, we might see very significant precursor events tomorrow (if they still intend to move forward).

(2 October 2023) – In the critical alert I posted on 30 September, I laid out the reasons why October 4/5 would be the perfect day to start the 150-Day Torment of Humanity. But the globalists also have the option of running shorter torment scenarios…

(2 October 2023) – Starting tomorrow (in Russia), we move much closer to what’s pictured here…

…from the 17 December 2022 update

Now that the globalists have been pushed out of the US government shutdown and their Kamala Harris – Michelle Obama switcheroo, we need to push them out of the war start that is/was planned for this week. Tomorrow is October 3, the day Russia will mobilize their nuclear war defenses under cover of an exercise. It’s also the date when this occult indicator hits…

• NATO (Wikipedia), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance between 31 member states – 29 European and two North American. Formation (The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C.): 4 April 1949, 894 months ago on 10/3 (inclusive)10/4.-> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Hebrew: 894.Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon – from Onnabugeisha’s notes

So October 3 or 4 can be scripted to bring a cataclysm upon NATO, with the most likely time being when the world straddles October 4 and 5.

Also, I did a number study on the pending Serbia-Kosovo war based on Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists in scripting their fake “End Times” drama. And in the very last number I looked at, I found the following:

October 4 will mark exactly 1280 weeks since NATO started bombing the Serbs back on 24 March 1999. And Strong’s 1280 are the words…

  • beriach: a bar [in Hebrew – noun masculine bar (compare Assyrian buru—u, spearshaft, spear, COTGloss)], and
  • diaporeó: to be greatly perplexed or at a loss [in Greek]

These cues could be used in scripting a stunning Artemis rod attack, either as part of the Balkans war start or as a result of it. NATO “peacekeepers” and their air support killing Serbs again can be used as the scripted “final straw” motivation for Putin to unleash a “nuke” attack (the globalists’ Operation Blackjack, which would be carried out by Artemis).

On another note, a reader has asked a question that I’m often asked: “If you are for real and are making a difference, why don’t the globalists just take you out?” In the past I’ve speculated about the possible reasons, but the short answer is “I don’t know.” There are only two possible answers, though: either they don’t want to take me out for some reason, or they can’t take me out for some reason. Either way, it doesn’t matter to me; I’ve got a job to do. And I am very much for real, and you already know that, deep down in your core. Most of the problems people encounter in their lives come from pretending they don’t know what they know and they do know what they don’t.

Since this is a FAQ, I’ll add it to the sidebar later.

NOTE (1 October 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes for Monday the 2nd are now up. They include cues that support the scripting of a Biden (or Trump) health incident. Also noted is that Monday or Tuesday (depending on how you count the days) marks 22 years, 22 days [44, Obama’s number] since the 9/11 Attacks. And after sunset tomorrow come the Jewish anniversaries of Putin’s birth, the start of the Cuban missile crisis, the beginning of Suleiman’s reign, the Battle of Lepanto (Christian vs. Ottoman) AND the Islamic anniversary of the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. See her notes for all the details.

WAR WARNING (1 October 2023): A globalist-scripted European Intifada by Turkey’s Grey Wolves and Turkish military attack on Greece are imminent. Targets include the meetings of European leaders in Granada, Spain on October 5 and 6

…from Anadolu Agency (Turkish, top) and Reuters (bottom)

Ronin is reporting troubling moves in Greece and Turkey towards war, and it ties-in with what I’ve uncovered about the meetings of European leaders in Granada, Spain on Thursday and Friday.

Let’s start with Ronin’s newest notes…

4) Today, the Turkish Parliament was supposed to return from its summer break and start with the ratification process of Sweden’s accession to NATO.

What happened instead is that the globalists caused an alleged “PKK terrorist attack on Turkey”, which caused Erdogan to give an aggressive speech directed against Europe, in which he said that “Those who support directly or indirectly hate crimes against Turks and Muslims are preparing their own end.”

(Here’s some footage from Greek TV, I haven’t found any other yet:

So, Intifada it is. Things are now escalating quickly.

5) The Telegraph reports that the Brits are considering to send warships for “defending commercial vessels from Russian attacks in the Black Sea”:

6) Greece is being prepared for war!

Greece’s alert siren system is going to be tested throughout the country tomorrow, October 2nd, from 11:00 am to 12:55 pm, in particular with respect to *scenarios involving air raids*.

This is all supposedly a part of the “Parmenion 2023 exercise”, but this is the first “exercise” I’ve ever heard about that does anything like that.

(Sorry, no auto-translation available.)

7) Alert!

They’ve rescheduled the “Parmenion exercise” to end on October, 4th (instead of October, 6th)!

We can assume the hostilities to start immediately thereafter.

More to come (on Granada’s history during the Spanish Inquisition, which targeted Muslims and Jews there, and which makes it the perfect place for some “historic payback”)…

…from the Daily Sabah (Turkey)

~ from earlier today ~

Ronin’s notes for today are very important, so I’m posting them here on the home page (I’ll also post them in his notes page a little later)…

The following exposition is important, because it will show the actual, occult, reasons for the upcoming war. Since this is going to get a bit longer, I’ll split it into three parts. This is Part 1, so bear with me.

The globalists are pushing for the upcoming war because they simply need a “demolition event”. They’ll use it to raze both the Vatican, St. Peter’s Basilica, the “sinful, apostatized, satanic, Catholic Church”, along with present-day Istanbul, and Turkey, in order to replace them by “God’s original, true, Orthodox Christian Church, centered in Christian Constantinople, with the Hagia Sophia as its holiest place of worship”. Which is meant to complement the upcoming “Messiah/Eastern Roman Emperor” Putin.

This is why the globalists had Erdogan transform the Hagia Sophia into a mosque (and “enrage God” so that Turkey gets “punished”), why their plan unfolds according to the script laid out in the Orthodox Christian “prophecies”, and why they’ve leaked that script to their moles in the Orthodox Church (like Neo the Fraud, a.k.a. Neophytos of Morfou).

In fact, Neo actually gave this plan away, when he told us in passing near the 7:30 mark of the following well-known video

that “the Virgin Mary wants to raise Orthodoxy, and make it a global religion”.

Of course, it’s the globalists and not the “Virgin Mary”, who will do all of the above. Being a fraud, Neo of course also had us focus on the lesser, but more spectacular sounding part of the plan, i.e. the Turkey-Russia war.

This is Part 2 on the occult reasons for the upcoming war.

Let’s see some evidence for what I mentioned in Part 1.

The following article, that was published by “pentapostagma”, the premier Greek speaking globalist propaganda site, quotes an important interview of former Turkish rear admiral Cihat Yaycı:

Yaycı is one of Erdogan’s closest collaborators, being the father of the Turkish “Blue Homeland” (a.k.a. “Lebensraum in the Aegean”) doctrine (

On the global stage, Yaycı plays the role of a Turkish nationalist, but in reality he is (like Erdogan) a globalist agent, so the following is coming directly from the “horse’s mouth”:

“Biden says: ‘I want to see the establishment of an independent Kurdish state.’ This is incompatible with being an ally. Do you know what will come next? A Greek Orthodox Vatican in Istanbul (Constantinople). They state this openly. This is a project that will disrupt the unity and the integrity of Turkey.”

You may now be wondering how a city with (presently) 15 million Muslim inhabitants can become the future center of Christianity. Greek speaking (propagandist) Athanasios Rakovalis, who claims to have gained his knowledge “directly from conversations with the Holy Elder Paisios back in the 1980s”, tells us how:

Since there are no subtitles available for the video, I’ll summarize here the bullet points in English:

– Turkey will be dissolved by the Europeans.

– Both the Kurds, the Armenians, and the Greeks will ultimately get back their ancestral lands.

– The East and the West will be fighting for the control of Istanbul/Constantinople and the Bosporus Strait, with none of them being able to vanquish the other.

– They will therefore need to compromise, and will agree to hand the city over to the Greeks.

– The Greek Army will enter Constantinople without a fight.

– Only the part of the city to the West of the Bosporus will be ceded to Greece, to guarantee freedom of navigation through the Strait.

– The Bosporus will become a free, international sea lane. [Own note: Given the equally “ecumenical” role of the “Orthodox Vatican”, the latter will likely be established in the city’s eastern part, i.e. outside of Greek jurisdiction.]

– Much of the city’s population will have perished in the war, and in a subsequent cholera epidemic.

– A large part of the surviving population will be passed over to the eastern side, and many of them will convert back to Christianity (because their original ancestors were Christians).

This is Part 3 on the occult reasons of the upcoming war.

What Greek propagandist Rakovalis stated in Part 2, is corroborated by the widely circulated “official” version of the “Paisios Prophecy”

but also by another “pentapostagma” propaganda article that speaks of the high risk of a future cholera epidemic in Istanbul:

The cholera epidemic, that Rakovalis is talking about, is likely to break out after the globalists will hit Istanbul with the “long-awaited magnitude 7 or above earthquake”, on which I’ve reported before, and that the “pentapostagma” propagandists do not tire of mentioning:

As the article indicates, this earthquake will also collapse the Hagia Sophia’s present minarets (to leave no Muslim traces in the city), but not the basilica itself (which is of crucial importance to the globalists).

Summarizing, the globalists’ plan is to have the war, an earthquake, and then a cholera epidemic erase Istanbul and its population in order to install there a replacement for the Vatican. In the bigger picture, both the (present-day) Vatican, Istanbul, and Turkey will all simply be “collateral damage” in the globalists’ greater plan to take us through a “religious reset”, or rather a sequence of such resets.


The globalists are trying to spin up the war by October 4the day after Russia’s nationwide nuclear defense drill/mobilization and the day of the big test of America’s Emergency Alert System — because that is Day 1 of Essene Tabernacles (Sukkot). Staging the big World-Changing Event on that day will allow them to simulate the “prophesied” 150-Day Torment of Humanity and land its end on [1,2] Essene Purim (2 March 2024).

Since October 5 was one of the days the ancient Romans opened the pit to the underworld (and October 4 was a fast day in honor of the goddess Ceres, the guardian of that underworld portal), I suspect they’ll stage the torment-starting opening of the “Gate to Hell” when part of the world is in October 4 and part of the world is in October 5. If they choose to “open” it at 12 midnight of October 5 in Rome and Geneva (the location of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider) for instance, it will still be October 4 west of that time zone and October 5 east of it.

Additional information to come on this, including the Kabbalists’ options of staging shorter wars that end during Essene Tabernacles or on the Ethiopian Jewish holiday of Sigd.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2023 – September Updates

(30 September-1 October 2023) – Watch for Monkeyshines with the Continuing Resolution

As of 5:23 PM Texas time, the news media are saying that a continuing resolution to keep the government from shutting down (HR 5860) has passed the House and will likely be passed by the Senate and signed by Biden before midnight. So far, though, I haven’t found this bill in Congress’ bill tracker…


We’ve seen mischief in the past regarding these funding bills, so we need to keep a careful watch on whether this continuing resolution is real or just a Congress-media hoax to keep the government open a few days before things go FUBAR.

~ MORE ~

Roughly 5 minutes after I posted about the possibility that the continuing resolution is a hoax, Biden’s press office sent the White House reporters home…

…from the NBC News live coverage of the continuing resolution drama

“Calling a lid”…

A “lid” is what White House press secretaries use to indicate that there will be no news coming out of the White House that day.

It can also be called a “full lid.”

A “lid” can be called at any time of the day and is an important signal for journalists, photographers, and other members of the press corps who need to know whether they will need to cover any more events that day.

Once a lid is called, reporters know that they will not miss any significant happenings by leaving the White House premises or turning their attention to other stories. – from

And as of 7:11 PM Texas time, HR 5860 is still a no-show in the Bill Tracker.

~ MORE – 1 October 2023 ~

Well the White House has posted that Biden signed HR 5860 into law on September 30, so now we wait till the weekend is over to see if it was real (or they decided to make it real). Watch the Bill Tracker on Monday.

~ MORE ~

As soon as I woke up this morning, I checked Congress’ Bill Tracker and found that they’d entered HR 5860, the continuing resolution to keep the government funded, during the early morning hours of Sunday…

I was hoping they would do this, since it takes away any excuse that “the Bill didn’t show up in the Tracker on Saturday because the guys who enter the data were off for the weekend.” Clearly, they WERE there, yet 5860 wasn’t entered until after they decided to make it real last night.

In case you’re wondering why they would go through the motions of passing a continuing resolution without doing the actual paperwork and getting the president’s signature, here are the reasons…

  • By making everyone think that the government was funded, the public would go back to sleep and federal workers would continue doing their jobs until America gets blown up or the next federal payday comes around.
  • Federal workers get paid every other Wednesday, with the money typically showing up in their accounts on Thursday. So even if this week is a payday week, they wouldn’t know that anything is off until their pay fails to materialize on Wednesday-Thursday, October 4-5 (the day everything is/was scheduled to blow up in the Big Event).
  • By not having either a budget or continuing resolution in place on October 4-5, the surviving presidential successor would enter office with total dictatorial control over the federal budget, completely unbound by any legislated limits.

There is a good chance now that the globalists will retreat from October 4-5, but I won’t take this for granted. I’ll continue exposing what is/was planned until those dates are behind us, starting with the gathering of ALL the European heads of state/government that is scheduled for October 5 [meaning that the vast majority of them will spend the night of October 4 in the same city (Granada, Spain), where they can conveniently be “inquisited”].

~ earlier on 30 September ~

Ronin’s (4) notes received today are now up, and Onnabugeisha’s notes on October 1 are up as well. Onna’s notes reflect the possibility that conventional warfare could be initiated and intensified in various places, which is something we need to watch for until “things go nuclear” around October 4. That being said, our awareness of what’s planned for October 4/5 and why it’s planned may cause them to abort the Sukkot timeframe and push the wars back.

WARNING (30 September 2023): It would appear that the globalists are attempting to trigger World War 3 in the Balkans, in accordance with Orthodox Greek prophecy propaganda…

…from The Guardian

In case you are unfamiliar with the region and the players, the following BBC article lays out the basics of the conflict: Kosovo: Why is violence flaring between ethnic Serbs and Albanians?

And I received this note from Ronin back on May 29…

Since the globalists are stirring up the conflict in Kosovo, here’s what an Orthodox propaganda site has to say about “the start of the war in the Balkans”.

I suspect that if the two sides start fighting, NATO/British “peacekeepers” will attempt to intervene and get shot, and that’s what will start the WW3 ball rolling.

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 30th are now up. The scriptable possibilities include an escalation in Armenia and the Israeli nuclear contamination false-flag.

(29 September 2023) – Two big news items just hit the web…

First is the news that California Senator Dianne Feinstein has died. This opens the way for the California governor to appoint Kamala Harris to the Senate seat so Michelle Obama can be appointed to the vice presidency. They already made an attempt to do this back in August; see the 18 August 2023 update for details on the scenario. More on this in the afternoon/evening.

Second is this: Putin to stage first nationwide exercise simulating nuclear attack from the West. This exercise will take place on October 3, the day before Essene Tabernacles (Sukkot) begins. And it is scripted to provide the “Satanic Western leaders” with a golden opportunity to attack their own people and blame it on Russia: “The Russians mobilized for nuclear war under cover of an ‘exercise’ today because they knew we would strike back after their sneak attack.” So we’d likely see Operation Blackjack on the 3rd, followed by a “Messianic intervention” on the 4th (Essene Tabernacles Day 1) to stop “an attempted full-on nuclear war.” They could also do both things on the 4th.

~ MORE ~

Now let’s look at how they’ve set things up to make Kamala Harris the “logical choice” for replacing Senator Feinstein…

…from Politico. Here is an excerpt…

The death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein places Gov. Gavin Newsom under intense pressure to quickly name a replacement as a bitterly divided Congress votes on a spending plan in the coming hours to avert a government shutdown.

Newsom had hoped to avoid the politically charged decision of selecting a second senator. But he will need to move swiftly as a budget standoff has the government on the verge of shutting down, and Senate Democrats could need every vote. Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) affirmed on Friday that the fast-moving political situation creates an imperative for Newsom to make a difficult decision quickly.

“He, you know, wants to be respectful and not name somebody while folks are still grappling with their grief,” Kaine said, but “we cannot afford to be one down. We really can’t.”

Newsom has committed to appointing a Black woman if he got a second Senate appointment, but he recently said that if Feinstein did not complete her term he would select an interim replacement rather than Rep. Barbara Lee, the only Black woman who is running for Feinstein’s seat. Lee excoriated Newsom over those comments.

Still, Newsom reiterated this month that he plans to appoint a Black woman. “We hope we never have to make this decision, but I abide by what I’ve said very publicly on a consistent basis,” he said during a Sept. 10 interview on “Meet the Press.”

So given the purposefully engineered political situation of a pending government shutdown, Newsom must immediately choose a black woman, preferably one who already has an existing relationship with the Senate and the ability to hit the ground running rather than clumsily learning the ropes as a newbie. And with well over two years of working with the Senate in her role as Vice President, Kamala Harris is the obvious choice. PLUS SHE’S ALREADY THERE. An “added benefit” is that her departure from the vice presidency will allow for the ascension of Michelle Obama to VP, who can later replace Biden as the incumbent president in the 2024 election.

Next, let’s see if the fall of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is another or alternative result of the government shutdown drama. His removal would temporarily eliminate any possibility of a Republican taking the presidency in a “death of the president and vice president” scenario. This would be the Kabbalists’ fallback if they fail in sneaking Michelle Obama into the vice presidency via the Senate appointment.

~ from earlier ~

Ronin’s newest (4) notes on the Europe vs. Turkey situation are now up.

WARNING (29 September 2023): A specific threat to watch for this morning is a false-flag “MAGA” attack on the Farewell Tribute for General Mark Milley. Both Biden and Harris will be attending, and last Friday Trump called Milley a “traitor who deserves the death penalty” (paraphrasing). The event will take place at 10:30 AM EDT in Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Arlington, Virginia, which is very close to a major arterial road (Washington Boulevard). A “drive-by attack using a backpack nuke” may be blamed, but an Artemis rod would likely be employed.

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The Kabbalists are/were definitely going for this hit. No mentions were made of the details of this Friday trip in either the site that publishes Biden’s daily schedule or in the news

They might make the excuse that “the information was withheld for security reasons due to Trump’s recent death threat towards Milley,” but the actual reason was they were trying to catch us all by surprise.

P.S. – I saw no articles in the “All” and “News” tabs of Google search shortly after I posted the first part of this warning. But now they’re starting to appear in the “All” tab. Let’s see if update their schedule too.

~ MORE ~

The Kabbalists running the prophecy fulfillment sh*tshow are heavily into gematria, so look what my partner Onnabugeisha found about today’s assassination setup…

…from Gematria Effect News

WARNING (28 September 2023): Tonight through Tomorrow Night is a Very Hazardous Time

In regards to the “Andromeda Strain” alert I posted on September 24, a reader alerted me to this yesterday…

…from the Daily Mail. Here is an excerpt…

NASA’s adventurous OSIRIS-REx space capsule that delivered a sample of an asteroid about 200 million miles away is already yielding surprises.

The agency’s staff cracked open the space capsule on Tuesday to discover that the inside of the lid is lined with mysterious black material, forcing them to halt work.

Unlike the handful of rocks and dust snatched from the asteroid’s surface, the black material looks finer, almost like grime layering a dirty car.

NASA said that the material will undergo a ‘quick-look analysis’ to see what exactly it is, but a scientist has weighed in ahead of the official verdict.

Speaking to MailOnline, Dr Brad Tucker, an astrophysicist at Australian National University in Canberra, said the fine dust is also likely material from the asteroid.

The discovery of this dust opens the way for the narration of extremophile microbe spores amidst the dust that survived reentry due to the protection of the sample container’s heat shield, leading to the reanimation of the microbes once exposed to the favorable conditions on Earth.” So will this narrative then expand into an “unstoppable alien plague” and/or a “zombie apocalypse” due to “the rabies-like disease process inflicted by the microbes”?

Onnabugeisha’s notes on September 29 are now up, and the occult indicators she’s found tell the story of what is/was planned for Friday. Four new notes from Ronin on the scripted conflict between Greece and Turkey are now up as well.

~ from earlier ~

Another reader has brought to my attention that Republican penguin Chris Christie spoke the “Donald Duck” keyword at the debate last night. So watch for another high-profile plane crash likely caused by a bomb planted on board. More on this later.

(26-27 September 2023) – One or more nuclear-looking explosions supplied by Artemis are scriptable today and tomorrow while Biden is in “Sodom” (San Fran) or Phoenix. The cues are in these notes from Onnabugeisha. If a full-on attack is attempted, it could mark the beginning of the Three Days of Darkness, with the Fake Messiah’s arrival falling on Erev Sukkot or Sukkot (Friday-Saturday). Onnabugeisha’s notes for Wednesday the 27th are now up: watch for a potential attack on Trump when he is among the “commie-run” United Auto Workers tomorrow. It would be the trigger for the Artemis attack.

~ MORE – 27 September 2023 ~

After taking a much-needed break to wash some dishes, my beloved partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that Joe Biden is staying at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, which has a notable history…

The hotel was nearly completed before the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Although the structure survived, the interior was heavily damaged by fire, and opening was delayed until 1907… In 1945, the Fairmont hosted international statesmen for meetings which culminated in the creation of the United Nations. Finessing of the United Nations Charter was conducted in the hotel’s Garden Room and a plaque at the hotel memorializes the event. – from Wikipedia

Given this, Biden’s death in an engineered earthquake [possibly accompanied by a “nuclear missile strike” (Artemis rod)] at the birthplace of the United Nations is scriptable today, and Onna has found gematria (one of the gypsy arts practiced by the Kabbalists) that support such a scripting.

~ MORE ~

Ronin’s (2) notes for today are now up.

You may have noticed something new in the sidebar. To honor reader Ronin’s great contribution to the mission, Onna and I thought it was high time to include him in the blog picture. So from bottom to top is Ken, Onna, Ronin, and the fourth samurai, who represents all the readers who keep watch in the places the three of us can’t see. It takes a spirited team to hold off a deadly and determined cult. Forward we go into the breach…

If you are reading this on a phone, scroll down to the very bottom to see the sidebar.

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on Thursday the 28th are now up. Here are some important takeaways…

What happens on September 28 could provide a segue into the Three Days of Darkness starting on September 29.

Next Potential Opening Date: September 29…

(26 September 2023) – Thus far it appears that we got through the “Ten Days of Awe +1” unscathed. So the next big danger date is Friday, September 29. Until then, we need to watch for something that will take Biden off the board (his death, incapacitation or resignation) and put Michelle Obama on the board. They may be aiming to get rid of him during the road trip he’s started today. See Onnabugeisha’s notes for details. Ronin’s September 26 notes (3) are now up.

(25 September 2023) – If the Kabbalists aim to “open the Gate to Hell” this week and put us through a full 150 days of torment, they have the option of landing the end on Purim Katan next year [1,2,3]. But to hit that window and make all their cues and numbers work, they’ll have to stage the opening of the Gate by 11:59:59 PM, September 25 AoE time. (that’s 11:59:59 UTC, September 26; 6:59:59 AM Texas time, September 26). I’ll explain why if the need arises.

All of Onnabugeisha’s notes on September 26 are now up. And Ronin has added two more notes.

~ MORE ~

Reader Ronin has issued an alert regarding an upcoming Greek exercise that is actually a war deployment in preparation for Turkey’s planned invasion of a Greek island. The deployment starts on September 30 (the day after the September 29 danger date we’ve identified). So the Greece-Turkey war could begin between today and the 30th, or on one of the Ottoman battle anniversaries in early October. For details, see Ronin’s notes on the new page I’ve created for them. He produces too much good information for me to let it go to waste.

(24 September 2023) – Yom Kippur (which starts in Israel today at 6:34 PM local time / 10:34 AM Texas time) and the first day of Sukkot (which starts at sunset on Friday) are days to watch for the scripted nuclear/radiological attack in Israel. More on this later.

~ MORE ~

Today on September 24 at sunset (local time around the world), Yom Kippur begins. And when it reaches its end at sunset of September 25, “God seals his judgment”

Rabbi Kruspedai said in the name of Rabbi Yochanan: Three books are opened on Rosh Hashana. One [book] for the completely wicked, one [book] for the completely righteous, and one [book] for the intermediate. The completely righteous are written and sealed right away for life, the completely wicked are written and sealed right away for death, and the intermediates are held in balance from Rosh Hashana until Yom Kippur. If they merit, they are written for life, and if they don’t merit they are written for death (Rosh Hashana 16b).

The deeper sources add that the judgment still continues until Shemini Atzeret. According to these sources, on Rosh Hashana one is judged and his verdict is written, on Yom Kippur his verdict is sealed, and at midnight on Hoshana Rabba his verdict is sealed with an additional outer seal, and the papers containing his verdict are given over to the messengers who will carry them out. These messengers though are not allowed to carry out the verdict until Shemini Atzeret… – from

According to this thinking, then, if God should decide that “enough is enough” and “humanity deserves immediate judgment,” he could close the books early on Yom Kippur or wait till its end and hand the verdicts over to the angels. So the sentence could be carried out on Yom Kippur or the following Jewish day. This year Yom Kippur falls on the Jewish day of 10 Tishrei, so the following day would be 11 Tishrei, when the Baal Shem Tov wrote that the day after Yom Kippur is an even greater holiday than Yom Kippur itself, a day called ‘Bshem HaShem’ or in Yiddish ‘Gott’s Nomen’, literally ‘The Name of God’.

This being said, both Monday and Tuesday are dangerous. And Onnabugeisha’s notes for September 25 / 10 Tishrei / 8th Month 11 include these…

• The Yom Kippur War (Wikipedia) began on Yom Kippur, 10 Tishrei [so it’s a day to watch for trouble in/around Israel]

• CERN Large Hadron Collider first went operational on 10 September 2008 (WikipediaHISTORY) = 8th Month 11, year of the Rat [so it’s a day the globalists could script the opening of the Gate to Hell (and China trouble)]

Her notes also reflect my suspicion that Friday the 29th is also very dangerous (and likely a fallback position for the Kabbalists if they fail to execute their plan by the end of Yom Kippur)…

• A “Christian” propagandist on YouTube uploaded video about a [Federal Reserve] shutdown in the US on 9/29 [and a government shutdown at the end of 9/30]. YouTube channel: Mark Allison 88, video September 29th Warning Burn the whole place down (here). [9/29 is Essene calendar: Day of Atonement and Jewish calendar: after sunset Sukkot I but also Michaelmas (Wikipedia), CERN (Wikipedia), Kyshtym disaster (Wikipedia), [Full Moon]…].

ALERT (24 September 2023): Will the Jesuits Unleash “the Andromeda Strain” in Texas on Yom Kippur?…

Get this: NASA’s occult-named OSIRIS-REx (“King Osiris,” the Egyptian god of the dead and rebirth) mission has returned with samples of material from Asteroid Bennu (the bennu bird is the PHOENIX). The capsule containing these samples, which are expected to include organic material, is set to be opened in Texas by a team that includes a Jesuit scientist, Bob Macke. And Macke is a cohort of another Jesuit scientist, Guy Consolmagno, who has been been involved in preparing the public for the arrival of “alien saviors” (the Nephilim).

So are the globalists planning on releasing a bioweapon in Houston and blaming it on another “lab leak,” this time from the Bennu laboratory? Will the Fake ETs be the only ones who can save us from this plague?

NOTE (23 September 2023): I just found out that yesterday’s saves of Onna’s notes and my “Nexus” entry got deleted from the Internet Archive. Evidently, the globalists really wanted to make their move today. Let’s see if they restore them…

(23 September 2023) – More Nuclear Indicators for Tomorrow

Looking ahead at Sunday the 24th, Erev Yom Kippur, the Tribulation day counts that were active today will still be active tomorrow. Sunday marks 1335 days since the Trump Peace Plan, 1290 days since Trump‘s Coronavirus National Emergency declaration, and 1260 days since Pope Francis locked Christians out of Easter services. And Onnabugeisha notes that…

Artemis, not nukes, will most likely provide any explosions tomorrow.

(23 September 2023) – Here’s the next setup: this Saturn’s Day evening, September 23, an opportunity will arise take both Biden and Harris off the stage. This is from Biden’s schedule

7:35 PM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to the Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC
South Grounds
In-Town Travel Pool (Gather 7:20 PM | Palm Room Doors)

9:00 PM THE PRESIDENT and THE VICE PRESIDENT deliver remarks at the 2023 Phoenix Awards Dinner; THE SECOND GENTLEMAN attends
Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC

So 735 and 900 are the numbers, and these are the words to which they correspond in Strong’s Bible Concordance…

735 Greek: “Artemis
735 Hebrew: “a way
900 Greek: “to deepen
900 Hebrew: “treachery

Nighttime in Washington DC today (9:00 PM) is the predawn morning in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur Eve (4:00 AM). So if Biden and Harris get hit, they would be Chabad’s kaparot sacrifices. And we’ve now reached the time of the month when they might move the Fake Messiah’s arrival to the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, which starts after nightfall next Friday (the 29th, which is also Essene Yom Kippur).

NOTE (22 September 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes on September 23 are up. Also, keep an eye out for a Turkish invasion of a Greek island, perhaps Rhodes. Details later.

(22 September 2023) – Now We Approach the Nexus, September 23

Reviewing what we’ve previously covered about Saturn’s Day, September 23…

…It is…

September 23 is also the date we’ll hit the Tribulation day counts put forward by the prophecy propaganda video we saw in the 16 September update. September 23, 2023 marks…

As the propagandist noted, coronavirus served as the abomination that brought desolation (to the Church) and ended the sacrifice (of Jesus celebrated on Easter Day).” But is Day 1335 of Trump’s Peace Plan scripted to bring the intervention of the False Messiah (“Saturn”) who will end the abomination even as it attempts to return?

See the 12 August 2023 update for more about the book cover pictured at the top of this update.

Expanded ALERT (22 September 2023): After publicly getting the cold shoulder from the UN, Washington, and Poland, Zelensky’s Ukraine used British and French-supplied “long-range” Storm Shadow missiles today to destroy the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet “on sovereign Russian territory, Crimea.” Within the scripted war, this is an obvious Ukrainian attempt to incite Russia into attacking the West, thus paving the way for NATO to attack itself and blame it on Russia.

So the false-flag enabler has been set for Operation Blackjack on the anniversary of the 1812 Fire of Moscow that marked the turning point in Napoleon’s invasion of Russia (remember that King Charles and Pope Francis are in France today). And from sundown of today (in Jerusalem or New York) is 8 Tishrei, Shabbat Shuva, and the Jewish anniversary of the Great Fire of New York (where Netanyahu is giving his UN speech today)…

• The Great Fire of New York (1776) (Wikipedia) was a devastating fire that burned through the night of September 20, 1776, and into the morning of September 21 = 8 TishriShabbat Shuva. It broke out in the early days of the military occupation of the city by British forces during the American Revolutionary War.

Sundown in Jerusalem comes at 6:36 PM local time, which is 11:36 AM in New York.

In addition to the Western capitals and Moscow, Beijing may also be targeted today…

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) The founding of the People’s Republic of China was formally proclaimed by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), on 1 October 1949 (at exactly 3:00pm Beijing Time) = 8 TishriShabbat Shuva, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

~ MORE ~

A reader I forgive alerted me to this one…

…from CNN

If the Kabbalists are going for a 150-day “Torment of Humanity” and the UN chief’s remark was meant as a temporal marker, they’ll probably cut the war short by a week or two (under the provision of Matthew 24:22) to hit an early February date that is significant to them.

NOTE (21 September 2023): Coverage of what is/was planned for Friday the 22nd is below the following update (which is also about what could begin tomorrow). And Onnabugeisha’s notes on September 22 are now up. Among them is this…

The “Revelation 12 Sign in the Heavens” of 23 September 2017 fell on the Shabbat of Return that year, and its 6th anniversary will do so again this year. In 2017, the Shabbat of Return spanned sundown of September 22 to sundown of September 23, and it falls on exactly the same dates this year. The Sign supposedly marked the birth of a male child who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter and who was snatched up to God and to his throne.” So this year’s Shabbat of Return would make a particularly good time to script his arrival on the Earth at the head of a heavenly army.”

(21 September 2023) – The Kabbalist/Globalist Plan for the Three Days of Darkness

It is common practice for the Kabbalists to leak the bullet points of their prophecy fulfillment plans to their propagandist moles in the various religions, who then pass them on to the public in the form of “prophecies from God.” That way, when they carry out their plans and the “prophecies” are fulfilled, it will appear that it was brought about by God, not a bunch of cultist central bankers. And reader Ronin has previously introduced us to one such propagandist mole in the Greek Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morfou (a.k.a. Neo the Fraud).

In this YouTube video, Neo the Fraud lays out the bullet points for what the globalists have planned for the Three Days of Darkness, which he calls the “Three Days of Fear”

Here are the bullet points and their approximate times within the video…

4:31 One day people will be drinking their coffee and hear that the Israelis have struck Iran’s nuclear sites. [So it will likely be a nighttime attack.]

4:48 During this time period, or a little before it, Turkey’s Erdogan will fall. [Neo later suggests the fall could be political or physical (thus keeping the scripting options open): 8:51.]

6:34 The Eastern Mediterranean region will pass through Three Days of Fear.

9:13 The Turkish administration that takes Erdogan’s place will attempt to fix his mistakes. [According to the prophecy propaganda out of Christian mole Joel Richardson, this new leader will be the Islamic Antichrist, known as the “Dajjal” to the Muslims. So he will arrive on the scene as a “reformer,” just like the Fake Jewish Messiah.]

9:37 The Turkish Antichrist will later close the Turkish Straits and trigger war with Russia, leading to the annihilation of Turkey. [This will likely happen about 42 months after the Three Days of Darkness / Three Days of Fear. That is when the wars that the Three Days appear to save us from will explode upon the world, leading to a last-minute savior event by Vladimir Putin, the “real Jewish Messiah / returned Jesus” who will turn out to be the “Final Antichrist.”]

Having spent the last several years documenting the Kabbalists setting all this up, I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty: none of what you’re about to see has anything to do with God, except that it will be carried out by a bunch of God’s most spiritually blind, misguided, and self-serving children.

WARNING (20 September 2023): The Turks have mobilized their naval fleet for war by the 22nd

While we wait to see if the Kabbalists screw the pooch today, let’s look ahead at their next opportunities to cement their status as Creation’s biggest morons.

My partner Onnabugeisha has reminded me that we are a day or two away (depending on how you count the days) from the climax point of the second half of the G20 / Shimon Peres Tribulation

…from Israel365News, a Kabbalist propaganda site. Here is the 7-year Tribulation timeline…

Shimon Peres died on 28 September 2016 (4 days before Obama’s first 7-year Tribulation was scheduled to end)
…and 1260 days later
The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020 (“and Obama used the pandemic to turn the tables on Trump, defeating him in a Shadow Coup on the Ides of March, 4 days after the pandemic declaration”)
…and 1290 days later
Will “God” and the Fake Jewish Messiah intervene with Three Days of Darkness on 22 September 2023 (the day the Shabbat of RETURN begins at sundown)?

And can you guess where the “real Moshiach ben Yosef” (Benjamin Netanyahu) will be on September 22? Giving a morning speech before the United Nations — a speech that was originally scheduled for the evening of September 21. Will this be when and where he’ll “die” in accordance with the Chabad script?

If we count the days of the second half of this Tribulation inclusively, the climax point can land tomorrow, Thursday the 21st. So which will it be? More later.

~ MORE ~

The advantages of striking on 9/21 (Onnabugeisha’s notes on 9/21 are now up)…

The advantages of striking on 9/22…

Of these two choices, I’d favor the 22nd. But I’d favor another delay even more.

~ MORE ~

Reader Ronin has reported that Turkey has deployed basically every available warship as part of an “exercise” that “ends” on September 22…

The Turks have mobilized almost their entire navy for “an exercise” as they say.

This mobilization includes their “TCG Anadolu” carrier, 10 (out of 16) of their frigates, 8 (out of 12) of their submarines, and many more other ships. Or as the “Pentapostagma” article writes: “[In] Total: 76 surface ships, 8 submarines, 27 aircraft, 20 helicopters and 18 unmanned aerial vehicles.”

It looks like they’ve mobilized everything that floats and isn’t presently undergoing maintenance. Be prepared for the “Turkish Provocation against Greece” that is mentioned by the “Paisios Prophecy”, and the subsequent sinking of the Turkish fleet that will trigger the war in the Mediterranean.

The Azeris are meanwhile about to occupy Artsakh/Nagorno Karabakh and start with their ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population there. So the globalists are obviously going all in. They’ll have the Azeris and Turks commit unspeakable war crimes, in order to later annihilate both of them completely, and have nobody complain about it.

NOTE (20 September 2023): According to Biden’s official schedule for today, he will not only skip the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine, but he’ll also stay away from the UN building altogether (by conducting his meetings at the InterContinental New York Barclay Hotel, about 700 meters away as the phoenix flies).

ALERT (19 September 2023): The hit on the UN may be scheduled between 2 and 3:30 PM on 20 September, after the Security Council begins meeting with Zelensky on Ukraine at 11:00 AM and possibly tosses out Russia [1,2]…

…from the Potential strike times include 2:16 PM (an “inexpressible light” again) and 3:30 PM, after the Kabbalist insiders have moved to safety during the suspension of the open debate. They may cut to prerecorded video before the blast.

NOTE: More links have been added to the warning below, including one in which the US Secretary of Defense talked about “an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”

WARNING (19 September 2023): September 20 is a Profoundly Hazardous Day

Tomorrow, September 20, will mark the 22nd anniversary of the day George W. Bush stood before Congress and announced the Global War on Terror: Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. This is one of a number of startling things you’ll find amidst Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday.

Tomorrow is also the Essene Feast of Trumpets (Essene Rosh Hashanah), and it may bring the globalist-scripted opening of the Fourth through Seventh Seals of Revelation (the Seventh Seal involves angels sounding trumpets). The Sixth Seal involves “terror” and a “great earthquake,” which brings to mind something reader Ronin sent recently…

Ken. The globalists are telegraphing now how they want to get rid of not only the Muslim population of Istanbul, but also of all the Muslim symbols in the city, to turn it into Roman Constantinople once again, in support of their plan to install their insane worldwide theocracy.

According to the script, the minarets of the Hagia Sophia will collapse in the “long awaited, magnitude 7 or above” earthquake (which will take out also much of the present population).

I had mentioned earlier that they obviously plan to destroy the minarets, because these were notably absent in one of those “Paisios Prophecy” videos that featured both (future) images of the Hagia Sophia, and statements like “Constantinople will have to be reconstructed and rebuild”.

But now, they are telling us how they are going to tear it down, first. Using an “earthquake”, with which “God” will apparently punish the “heathen Turks for their many sins”.

So watch for a big earthquake triggered by sequestered technology (along with Artemis Rodfall) either tomorrow or in the near future. We won’t be past this current danger period until after Yom Kippur (both mainstream and Essene), and then we’ll have 2 Sukkots to look forward to.

NOTE (19 September 2023): Links and more info have been added to the alert below (in the section about the precursor strikes). Also, reader Ronin reports that (Turkic) Azerbaijan has launched a military attack on Armenia and Turkey has positioned artillery in Northern Cyprus. The Three Days of Darkness appear imminent.

Expanded (3) ALERT (18-19 September 2023): Watch for Serious (“nuclear”) Precursor Attacks on Tuesday

Onnabugeisha’s notes for September 19 are now up. In accordance with them…

Watch for something bad to happen to Trump tomorrow and/or Wednesday. On the same days, also watch for an underground “nuclear” attack, possibly on the UN from the Queens-Midtown Tunnel and/or a Ukrainian city (Dnipro?) from the Soledar Salt Mine tunnels. These attacks will likely come on Tuesday and precede Artemis Rodfall (“Judgment Day”) on Wednesday.

Now let’s look at this point-by-point, starting with Trump…

Watch for Trump’s “death,” “incapacitation,” or disappearance on Tuesday/Wednesday. One of Onnabugeisha’s notes for Tuesday dovetails with what I wrote about in today’s first update about Mike Pence (which is below this alert)…

• James Abram Garfield, the 20th president of the United States died on September 19, 1881 as a result of infection, 79 days after his assassination (Wikipedia), 142 years ago

Here is something notable about the assassination (per the Wikipedia link)…

Garfield’s assassin was Charles J. Guiteau, who wanted revenge against Garfield for an imagined political debt and to elevate Chester A. Arthur to the presidency.

So the purpose of the assassination was to replace Garfield, a Republican, with his Republican running mate. This is precisely what would happen if Trump “dies” or disappears on Tuesday/Wednesday: he would be replaced by his running mate, Mike Pence. And can you guess who is scripted to provide evidence — after Trump is gone — that Trump and Pence are the duly-elected president and vice president?…

…from Newsweek

President Garfield was shot on one day and died on another, just like Lincoln and RFK. So one scripting option is to have Trump be shot or fall ill on Tuesday, then die or be confirmed as “permanently incapacitated” on Wednesday. Another option is to have him say something stupid/inciteful on Tuesday, then have him arrested and held incommunicado by one of his judges on Wednesday. A “follower” attacking someone involved in the prosecution or judging of his criminal cases (based on a previous “inciteful” statement) is also possible.

It should also be noted that Benjamin Netanyahu left for New York early on Monday, so he’ll be at the UN on Tuesday and Wednesday (he has a meeting with Biden there on Wednesday). This means the “real” Moshiach ben Cyrus (Trump) and the “real” Moshiach ben Yosef (Netanyahu) could be removed from the stage on the same day. It also means the “real” Moshiach ben David (Putin) may be in peril on Tuesday and Wednesday as well.

Watch for an “underground nuclear explosion” to destroy part of one or more cities on Tuesday. The most likely targets are Dnipro in Ukraine [1,2,3,4] and UN Headquarters in New York [1,2,3] . Here are some additional important points…

  • The occult cues support the use of the Artemis Array to produce the nuclear-appearing explosion(s). The cues are active for both the 19th and 20th, so they cover the Tuesday precursor attacks and the Wednesday main attack.
  • The post-attack narrative will blame the explosion(s) on “underground nukes” because the use of Artemis rods will leave deep craters which will need to be explained.
  • Attacks featuring the same deep craters on both a Ukrainian-held city in Ukraine and UN Headquarters will create the impression that Russia was behind both blasts.
  • Other disinformation chatter suggests the possibility that Stratcom Headquarters could be hit as well [1,2,3]. I originally suspected that Kamala Harris had been flown to Stratcom and might be hit there by the Marine F-35 that went missing yesterday. But after I posted about it, the F-35 was reported as having been found and news emerged that Harris would visit a school Tuesday afternoon. If Biden and Harris both get killed today or tomorrow, the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, would inherit Biden’s “stolen presidency.” And he would be amenable to handing the presidency over to Pence after the election fraud has been proven.

(18 September 2023) – Will “Antichrist” Mike Pence make his moves on September 19 & 20, Days 1335?…

Here are some things about Fake Messiah and Nazionist Antichrist candidate Mike Pence that my partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out recently…

Tuesday, September 19 marks 1335 days since Pence desecrated (“with his presence and touch”) the Western Wall in Jerusalem on 23 January 2020. 1335 days is one of the day counts associated with the Tribulation, and it’s supposed to bring something one would be blessed to see. And if you look at it from a Satanic perspective — as part of “a Fake Satanic Tribulation” — one would be blessed to see the day “God’s Chosen People” (the Israeli Jews) are once again scattered to the wind by the radiological attack I wrote about yesterday.

Wednesday, September 20 marks 1335 days since the Crypto-Catholic (and likely Crypto-Jew) Pence met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on 24 January 2020. It was part of Pence’s “Kiss the As$ / Kiss the Ring” tour of Israel and the Vatican that he had to do before he could become president. So will Wednesday be the day they script Trump’s death so Pence can be the “legitimate, duly-elected” President of the United States when the Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) end?

Remember that Pence was the driving force behind the creation of the Space Force — he even swore-in its commanding officer — and it will be the Space Force’s Artemis Orbital Weapons Array that will secretly stage the 3DOD. Space Force would also be behind the UFO arrival on the fourth day: it would be the arrival of Space Force and “allied ET” (fake ET) spacecraft. And triggering Artemis Rodfall on September 20 would mean that “God and the Messiah intervened on true Rosh Hashanah, Essene Rosh Hashanah.”

So will the cloned (“resurrected”) Lubavitcher Rebbe be Pollux and the “Fake Moshiach ben David”? And will Pence be Castor and the “Fake Moshiach ben Yosef,” his viceroy? If so, their scripted “Satanic” mission will be to bring Israel to the brink of total destruction in 42 months.

More links and more editing to come.

Expanded NOTE (17 September 2023): The links for today’s update have now been added. If you are a new reader, be sure to click on the link about Israel’s tunnels into Lebanon/Syria. And in the unlikely event that they launch the Three Days of Darkness on the 18th, the Fake Messiah’s arrival date would be September 21 / 6 Tishrei, the anniversary of the death of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s mother. So be sure to read Are you ready for the Rebberrection?, which is further down this page in the August updates.

(17 September 2023) – Watch for Israel’s Radiological False-Flag on Monday or Tuesday

Onnabugeisha’s notes for Monday the 18th are now up, and among them are three that can apply to either Monday or Tuesday. These cues, which I’ve highlighted in red, support the scripting of the radiological incident in Israel I’ve been warning about. The incident would involve…

  • the firing of a salvo of missiles out of southern Lebanon/Syria that supposedly carry “dirty bomb” warheads (which would release radioactive dust over Israel even if they’re intercepted), and/or
  • the firing of a salvo of missiles out of southern Lebanon/Syria that target and supposedly breach Israel’s Dimona nuclear weapons production facility, supposedly spreading high-level radioactive dust into the air over Israel.

The attack will be blamed on Hezbollah and Iran, but will actually be conducted by the IDF/Mossad. False-flag missiles capable of hitting Israel and Europe have been moved into hollowed-out underground silos in Lebanon and Syria via tunnels the Israelis have dug under the borders.

It is likely that the “radioactive release” will be faked/simulated by the Israeli (and neighboring nations’) “authorities” and news media (like COVID was). So if you are in Israel and possess a Geiger counter, DO NOT let the “authorities” see you with it, and DO NOT directly confront them over the lie. Because if you do, the best that could happen to you is having your device confiscated; the worst is being arrested and imprisoned or killed.

The supposed purpose of the false-flag is to justify Israeli strikes against “Iran’s nuclear program.” But the actual scripted objective is to create an excuse for Israel, Turkey, and Azerbaijan to crush Iran and its regional influence so they can seize territory. And the supposed release of major radioactive contamination and “the likelihood that it will quickly escalate to nuclear war” may be scripted to cause “God’s intervention via the Three Days of Darkness.”

(Expanded Note – 16 September 2023) – Onnabugeisha’s notes for Sunday the 17th (Rosh Hashanah Day 2) are now up, and they include the Julian anniversary of the Fall of Rome. Within Israel, Rosh Hashanah is a one-day holiday, but it is a two-day holiday for all the Jews outside of Israel. So if they do the Big Event tomorrow, they can still say that “it started on Rosh Hashanah.”

I also found out that Biden will be going back to Washington tomorrow, then flying on to New York in the evening. He’ll be arriving at the White House at 2:15 PM, and Strong’s 215 [G,H] is code for death and/or a nuclear explosion (both cause one to see an “inexpressible light”). The marking event for the end of the Western Roman Empire was the deposition of its “hapless” emperor, and killing off hapless Biden is one way of deposing him.

~ MORE ~

Here are some quick notes that I’ll flesh out in the coming days…

As I said, I’ll explain all this in the coming days.

NOTE (15 September 2023): My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for Saturday the 16th (Rosh Hashanah Day 1) are now up. They feature occult indicators that support the scripting of…

These possibilities may have been scripted as follow-ups to what was supposed to happen today. Or they could provide a second chance to go for it tomorrow.

NOTE (15 September 2023): If the globalists stage the Big Event today, it will likely start after 4 PM New York time, when options stop trading before their expiration tomorrow (see this previous update to understand the process). And see today’s very important update below (in red). It is now complete, and important new information has been added to the bottom (in blue). A new section, The West Triggers “Judgment Day” with Crimea Attack, has also been added below the blue section. It is now complete.

The Jewish New Year begins after sunset tonight. Will the Kabbalists start it off with a bang?

WARNING (14-15 September 2023): While it’s possible that the globalists have abandoned September 15, it still has the potential to be disastrous

A few days ago on 9/11, I wrote a warning about Friday, September 15. Apparently that is what led to the freezing of my site. And looking at Onnabugeisha’s notes on September 15, I see why they are/were aiming to do something really big tomorrow. This particular September 15 features some stunning anniversaries that support the scripting of a dies ater (a “black day,” as it was called in the days of ancient Rome). Be sure to look through her notes and read the 13 September update about the Seventh Seal on my backup page.

~ MORE – 15 September 2023 ~

According to the Putin/BRICS propagandists over at Zero Hedge, this is the biggest options expiration weekend in the history of September. So the Kabbalists are/were no doubt planning to make a killing from the killings scheduled for today — the killings that are/were scripted from the occult cues below.

September 15 is the Gregorian calendar anniversary of…

  • Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy,
  • Prince Harry’s birth (he is to be England’s NWO king),
  • the Incheon Landing (when the Korean war shifted in favor of the UN forces, suggesting another reversal in that unfinished war is/was planned for today),
  • the ratification of the Abraham Accords (a peace pact that is/was to be violated today by the “Children of Abraham” slaughtering each other), and
  • the adoption of the Great Seal of the United States (which, thanks to the Freemasons, features an eagle with a Star of David hanging over it — is/was today to be the day the country it represents gets shattered?).

September 15 (September 2 on the Julian calendar) is the Julian calendar anniversary of…

  • the Great Fire of London (is/was Operation Blackjack planned?), and
  • the Battle of Actium (when Octavian defeated his last rival, Mark Antony, in his rise to Roman emperorship — will Harry defeat those who stand between him and the throne?).

September 15, 2023 is the Hebrew calendar anniversary of…

September 15, 2023 is the Chinese lunar calendar anniversary of this…

September 5 is the anniversary of two very notable “Reigns of Terror”…

the Reign of Terror committed by the revolutionary government in France was officially decreed on that day in 1793 = 8th Month 1, year of the Ox, and

the Red Terror committed by the communist revolutionaries in Russia was officially decreed on that day in 1918 = 8th Month 1, year of the Horse.

You can find more details on all this in Onna’s notes. You’ll also find more indicators, such as this one that takes effect after sundown today…

• Assassination of William McKinley (Wikipedia) William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was shot on 6 September 1901 and died on 14 September 1901 = 1 Tishri as a result of initial injury and subsequent infection.

So will Biden or Trump get hit after sundown? Will Biden get shot? Will Biden “die suddenly” from an infection? Or will Marine One crash due to “MAGA” groundfire? Biden is scheduled to be in Marine One nearing New Castle, Delaware (arch) when the Sun sets there at 7:11 PM EDT. Remember that on the Roman calendar 9/11 is 7/11, because September was originally the seventh month.

~ MORE (now complete and enhanced) ~

The West Triggers “Judgment Day” with Crimea Attack

The Western press have now confirmed that “long-range” UK cruise missiles were used in the recent attack on Sevastopol, Crimea

…from Sky News. Here is an excerpt…

Ukraine used British cruise missiles in a significant attack against the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in occupied Crimea, Sky News understands.

A Russian submarine and warship were damaged in the pre-dawn barrage on the Sevastopol shipyard — potentially the largest strike against Russian naval targets of the war.

A Ukrainian and a Western source said that British Storm Shadow cruise missiles were deployed

France has also supplied the Ukrainian military with cruise missiles.

I first wrote about this attack in the 13 September update on my backup site

For Kabbalist Jews like Secretary of State Blinken, taking the Ukrainian pogrom global is as easy as 1 2 3


…from Reuters


…from Zero Hedge


…from Zero Hedge

They bring upon themselves what they choose to bring upon the rest of us. And so it is.

Here’s what Medvedev said about the trigger for the “Judgment Day response”…

The refusal of Ukraine and Western powers to recognise Moscow’s control of Crimea poses a “systemic threat” for Russia and any outside attack on the region will prompt a “Judgment Day” response, former president Dmitry Medvedev said on Sunday…

In the event of an attack on Crimea, Medvedev was quoted by TASS news agency as saying, “Judgment Day will come very fast and hard. It will be very difficult to hide.”

His comments were aired a day after a Ukrainian official suggested that Crimea, which most of the world still recognises as part of Ukraine, could be a target for U.S.-made HIMARS missiles, recently deployed by Kyiv as it battles Russian forces…

Crimea is of particular strategic importance to Russia as it includes the headquarters of its Black Sea fleet at Sevastopol. – from Reuters

So now that the Judgment Day trigger has been activated, the Kabbalists can carry out Operation Blackjack to take out G7/NATO “decision-making centers” (capitals)…

…from the Metro. Russia regards Crimea as Russian territory and has fully completed the legal process to make it part of Russia.

After the Fake Jewish Messiah “saves” us from the Apocalypse his Kabbalist masters orchestrated, the NWO Narrative will claim Blackjack “was a Western false-flag against themselves so they could blame Russia and take out Putin with a direct attack.” The Artemis Array will most likely be the source of the Blackjack explosions, not actual nukes.

The question now is whether they’ll attempt Blackjack tonight or on the 20th. Should they fall back to the 20th, the article’s mention that France also supplied Storm Shadows could be significant. Squidgy and her tampon, “Bloody Charles” the Turd, will be visiting France from September 20-22. On the 20th they’ll be in Paris starting their trip’s 21 royal engagements. 21 is blackjack.

(14 September 2023) – NEXT TARGET: September 20

It appears that I couldn’t receive comments while my site was frozen, but the first one to arrive after it unfroze brought a brilliant insight from reader Ronin. Check it out…

Ken. Looking a bit ahead, a particularly dangerous day is September 20th. Because of this.

So, Mitsotakis and Erdogan will be meeting in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. What a perfect opportunity for the Turkish “Muslim Antichrist” to nuke them there, seize power in Turkey, leave “Greece without a government”, start the war, and thereby fulfill both the “Vatopedinos Prophecy”, and the scene depicted on the mural of the UN Security Council’s chamber.

Ronin is really onto something here, because September 20 of this year is the Essene Feast of Tabernacles (Essene Rosh Hashanah)! The UN General Debate — the week when the “world leaders” gather to give their meaningless speeches — starts on September 19. Both Biden and Zelensky will be there to give speeches that day and will stay overnight into the 20th! The Security Council will hold a summit-level meeting on the 20th to discuss Ukraine! Biden and Zelensky will be there, but the other 4 leaders of the 5 permanent members of the Security Council (the UK’s Sunak, France’s Macron, Russia’s Putin, and China’s Xi) won’t be in town! Watch for the possibility that Russia will be expelled from the UN that day.

All this makes the 20th a perfect day for the artificial fulfillment of the Kabbalist prophecy of Rome’s destruction and/or the Three Days of Darkness (3DOD). Under a 3DOD scenario, the Fake Moshiach and his forces would arrive on the 4th day, Shabbat Shuva (the Shabbat of Return), possibly after appearing in the sky and/or in the media after sundown of the 22nd.

Tomorrow we’ll look at more war durations that could spring from the 20th.

(14 September 2023) – What to watch for today

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for Thursday the 14th point to the possibility of attacks against Kaliningrad and Moscow as further provocations to support the execution of Operation Blackjack. They also feature this historical scripting cue…

• President McKinley dies of infection from gunshot wounds (HISTORY) on 14 September 1901, 122 years ago

According to Biden’s schedule for today (arch), he’ll be leaving the White House this afternoon to visit Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland. There have been a number of mass shootings at colleges and junior colleges, so that’s something to watch for. There is also the possibility that they’ll script his “sudden death from the new COVID strain / Disease X.” This could be used to alarm the country and bring in the new lockdowns (and Michelle Obama as VP).

President McKinley was a MAGA-like Republican who served in the Civil War, so we also need to watch Trump (and Netanyahu and Putin). The “Deep State” going after one or more of the “Three Moshiachs/Avatars” today or tomorrow could be used to script “God’s judgment” on Friday.

NOTE (14 September 2023): If you are seeing this, it means that they’ve finally lifted the blockade on this site. Starting midway through September 11, none of my updates would show up on the internet — the site was frozen in time. I received no comments during that time as well. To see all the updates I made between 9/11 and today, visit my backup site, I’ll post them here later later.

(11 September 2023) – Today I’ll cover the threat profile for September 12, but I’ll also cover the date that the Kabbalists are most likely aiming for: September 15 (Erev Rosh Hashanah, the day Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown). On that day, they’d start a Three Days of Darkness scenario that culminates in the arrival on Mount Sinai of the Fake Moshiach ben David on the fourth day, 3 Tishrei (the Fast of Gedaliah). The “Fakeshiach” would then do his silly Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem, arriving by 8 Tishrei or 10 Tishrei (Yom Kippur).

If they proceed with this plan, we’ll see a (likely simulated) “nuclear fallout” emergency in Israel as soon as today or as late as Friday. They’ll want to scatter the Israeli people into the neighboring countries so the Fakeshiach can play the hero and bring them back. Fu*kers.

~ MORE ~

My day got swallowed by mundane tasks, so I’ll keep this brief…

Tomorrow is the day the green comet Nishimura makes its closest approach to Earth, so it could be scripted to mark the arrival of the pale green horse of the Fourth Seal. And if all hell breaks loose tomorrow, the most likely scenario would be Three Days of Darkness that culminate in the 4th-day arrival of the Fakeshiach on Friday, Erev Rosh Hashanah. The Triumphal Procession and the “Mass Arrests of the Global Deep State” psyop would then ensue during the Ten Days of Repentance/”Return” from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur.

I should have more time to write tomorrow, assuming “Death” and “Hades” are a no-show.

See Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 12th for more details.

Threat Assessment for September 11 (10 September 2023): It goes without saying that September 11 of any year brings the possibility of mischief. But since this is a “master number” anniversary, the 22nd, it’s more dangerous than usual. The war ending dates that flow out of Monday still favor a short war ending on September 14 or 22/23; the 40-day and 150-day landing dates are weak. See Onnabugeisha’s notes for people and things to watch for: the decapitation of Bashar Assad and Damascus, a special bombing “by Russia”, a Turkish offensive (to reverse historic Ottoman losses), the start of a war between China and the West, and more. Here are three of her notes…

9/11 on the Gregorian calendar = 7/11 on the Roman calendar

Revelation 9:11 They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon. [this relates to the opening of the Gate to Hell]

Genesis 7:11  …on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. [this relates to “God” beginning his judgment against the wicked]

September 11 (the 254th day of the year; 111 days remain until the end of the year) is reverse symmetrical to  April 21 (the 111th day of the year; 254 days remain). April 21 is the traditional date for the founding of Rome (Google Search). [the reverse symmetry of founding Rome is destroying Rome]

On September 11, 2001, New York City and the Pentagon were hit. And in Onnabugeisha’s notes for tomorrow there are strange potential connections among New York, the Pentagon, Mecca, construction cranes (possibly representing cranes), and the number 111 [1,2]. If the connections are real and intentional, they represent deep occultic nonsense and could be symbolic of an “Islamist” attack tomorrow.

Threat Assessment for September 10 (9 September 2021): September 10 — Sunday, the Christian Sabbath — is the second and final day of the Putin-and-Xi-free G20 summit of world leaders. It’s also the 15th anniversary of the activation of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC)…


Within the controlled alt-media, it’s been narrated that the LHC was built to open a dimensional gateway to the realm of the beings who control the “Global Satanic Deep State” — to open “the Gate to Hell.” And the Kabbalists’ prophecy propaganda corps have told us that this opening will lead to a 150-day torment of humanity by the beings who emerge from it. As “luck” would have it, a counting of 150 days after tomorrow lands on a good Jewish date for scripting the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah, who would put an end to the torment.

September 10 + 150 days brings us to February 7, 2022 / 28 Shevat 5784. 28 Shevat is the day in Jewish history that this happened…

Hasmonean Holiday (2nd century BCE)

On Shevat 28 (134 BCE?), Antiochus V abandoned his siege of Jerusalem and his plans for the city’s destruction. This day was observed as a holiday in Hasmonean times. (Megilat Taanit) – from

According to the Kabbalists’ “End Times” script, the Fake Jewish Messiah (who will also be posing as Jesus) will come to Jerusalem and defeat the forces of the Muslim Antichrist, freeing the city. So this landing date would work well.

But tomorrow is also a day the globalists can make some other scripting choices worthy of a good science fiction movie. Since “God is only one who will decide when the Gate to Hell will be opened and His judgment fulfilled,” they can script the Fake Messiah and his forces intervening to stop the humans from opening it with a Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) war and/or a Two-Week Mass Arrest of the Deep State.

The 4th day of 3DOD would fall on the Jewish anniversary of the third day of Creation, which could be narratively tied to Jesus’s resurrection on the third day of his death. And the Mass Arrests psyop could land on the Shabbat of Return.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on September 10 are now up, and Sunday is the first day of a week that continues on Monday with 9/11 and culminates on Saturday with Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year). So we’re entering a dangerous week and a profoundly perilous period of time that features Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, and it won’t end until after October 11 (Essene Shemini Atzeret). The month from hell is upon us, and we’ll have to get through it one day at a time.

unfinished Threat Assessment for September 9 (8 September 2023): Tomorrow, September 9 offers no good Jewish landing dates for a 40-day or 150-day war, but it offers acceptable Roman ones. And it provides good Jewish start and end points for a 4-day “Three Days of Darkness” (3DOD) war (making 3DOD the favored scenario, along with another one I’ll mention at the bottom of this entry)…

September 9 is…

  • the 22nd Jewish anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, so it’s a great day to script Global 9/11 on an anniversary that is a “master number,”
  • the first day of the G20 Summit, so it’s a great day to script a decapitation strike on the existing world order (remember that Obama formed the G20 in 2009; Xi wrested control of it from him 7 years later in 2016; and now Obama has wrested back control 7 years later in 2023), and
  • the Jewish anniversary of the dove bringing Noah an olive leaf, so it’s a great day to script an event that will lead to the imminent arrival of world peace under the Jewish Messiah (the olive leaf was a sign to Noah that dry land was in the offing; an event on the anniversary would be a sign to the world that peace is in the offing).

The 4-day end date would fall on September 12, which is…

  • the Jewish anniversary of the “Creation of Skies” (the second day of Creation), so it’s a great day to script the arrival of the “Prince of the Power of the Air,” the Fake Jewish Messiah / Antichrist and his forces (under 3DOD, the “rain of fire” would stop in the evening of 9/11, so it would start on Jewish 9/11 and end on Gregorian 9/11).

The 40-day Roman end date would fall on… (coming soon)

And the 150-day Roman end date would fall on… (coming soon)

Another landing option: a two-week Mass Arrests of the Deep State Psyop ending on September 22 for the Shabbat of Return, possibly starting with a Three Days of Darkness scenario. (coming soon)

Onnabugeisha’s notes on September 9 are now up. I’ve highlighted in red the ones that caught my eye, including the meteor shower that is supposed to peak on the 9th.

ALERT (7-8 September 2023): From sundown tonight to sundown of September 8 is the Jewish day of 22 Elul. And this may be quite significant considering what showed up on the Drudge Report at the end of August

At the time I saw this, I found it curious that they let a headline about an emergency alert test stay at the top of the column for so long, so I took a screenshot. And clicking the link took me to this article from

…Note the time of the test: 2:20 [22], which I also found curious. So I started to suspect that it may be an occult signal sent out to warn about September 22. But since these are Jews we’re dealing with, could it actually be warning about 22 Elul? The message is clear; I underlined it: “Massive nationwide emergency planned for the 22nd.”

See the threat assessment below for info on what is/was to occur.

~ MORE ~

I’ve written extensively about the Kabbalist prophecy of the destruction of Rome the globalists are aiming to fulfill…

“…the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.” – from

Well if you think about it, Obama’s G20 World Order (the present-day Roman Empire) is centered in New Delhi right now, because India holds the presidency of the G20 this year. And hitting New Delhi on the day before the G20 Summit starts there will kill the leaders who have gathered, with the exception of the late arrivals (just like the prophecy says). Among the dead would be Biden, and look at what’s on the Drudge Report TODAY…

As for the fire and hail and meteoric stones,” Onnabugeisha’s newest notes (not yet posted) mention this…

The September ε-Perseid meteor shower will be active from 5 September to 21 September, producing its peak rate of meteors around 9 September. – from

Assuming the Artemis Storm will take out NATO’s decision-making centers (cities like Rome, Brussels, London, Washington DC, et al.), all of present-day Rome will be decapitated. And “the people of the world will look to the heavens for salvation.” Cue “Shlomo Goldmanstein” (my provisional name for the Fake Jewish Messiah until we learn who steps forward into the role).

Also be advised that if this is a Three Days of Darkness scenario like I suspect, Turkey will attack in the Mediterranean and Israel will strike Iran tonight/tomorrow.

~ MORE – 8 September 2023 ~

Turning our attention to the Mediterranean, reader Ronin reports the following…

Ken, you are right in that this might be the date for which they’ve planned the Turkish attack. After setting the entirety of Greece ablaze over the last months, the globalists have now switched to drowning the country in torrents of rainfalls (allegedly due to a weather front named “Daniel”, LOL!).

Interestingly, in doing so they (again) hit the Volos/Larissa region, where the two largest air bases of the HAF are located. So it’s clear that what they are trying to do is to prepare the ground for the Turks in order to catch the Greek military with their pants down.

Another motivation for the globalists to do all of this BS is to expose the “non-functioning state institutions due to the rampant corruption in the country” and to thereby signal to the Greek sheeple that the “traitors who are running Greece” must immediately be stopped, “otherwise Greece will be lost”. So who could stop them? “Nazionist” Ilias Kasidiaris, of course…

Threat Assessment for September 8 (7 September 2023): Tomorrow, September 8 offers no good landing dates for a 40-day or 150-day war, but it offers great start and end points for a 4-day “Three Days of Darkness” war.

September 8 is…

The 4-day end date would fall on September 11, which is…

(7 September 2023) – Behold the Messiah of Imbeciles…

Recently, controlled-opposition propagandist Tucker Carlson sat down for an interview with controlled-opposition leader Viktor Orban in which Orban said this…

…from BRICS NWO propaganda site Zero Hedge

Hearing him parroting this globalist talking point reminded me of when Trump said it…

I will prevent World War III. … Without me, it will happen,” he said. “And this won’t be a conventional war with Army tanks going back and forth, shooting each other. This will be a nuclear war. This will be obliteration — perhaps obliteration of the entire world. I will prevent it. Nobody else can say that.” – from NBC News

And look at the fate “douchebag Carlson” is teasing for “savior Trump”…

…from Zero Hedge

According to the globalist “End Times” script, there are three Jewish messiahs: Trump is playing the role of the “Moshiach ben Cyrus,” Netanyahu is playing the “Moshiach ben Yosef,” and Putin is playing the “real Moshiach ben David” (the “fake Moshiach ben David” may be played by someone like Prince Harry or Jared Kushner). So it makes sense that an “evil Satanic Deep State” move to assassinate the messiahs would be the trigger for “God’s judgment and intervention.” In all likelihood, then, news of such attempts will immediately precede Artemis Rodfall.

So will Trump survive or be “resurrected” at the end of the war? Or will he die so “good cop” Mike Pence can play the role of the decoy Grey Champion?

Onnabugeisha’s notes for September 8 are now up.

WARNING (6 September 2023): Looking ahead to Thursday, September 7 (7/7 on the Roman calendar), it too is a high danger day due to its landing dates. By counting the days differently than today, the Kabbalists can still land a 40-day war on October 16 and a 150-day war on February 3, 2024 (see yesterday’s warning for details). The only difference is the 4-day war landing date…

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on September 7 contain some real gems…

(6 September 2023) – I’m sure you remember all the warnings I issued about Monday (Labor Day, September 4). Well I came across more evidence that it was a strong candidate date for the first full-scale use of the Artemis Orbital Weapons System. Have a look at this…

…from The Guardian

In the article’s quoted passages from The Trump Tapes, which you can hear for yourself here, Trump is actually bragging about Artemis: a weapons system that creates nuke-like explosions using kinetic energy instead of nuclear fission or fusion. This is why he said the system was something “nobody’s ever had in this country before” and something “Putin and Xi have never heard about before” — we already had nuclear weapons, and Putin and Xi have certainly heard about nukes and every possible way they can be delivered.

Also note that Trump said, I have built a weapon system,” in light of this…

The Artemis Program was established by the Trump administration in 2017, months after this article was first published…

…from the Daily Star (top) and Trump’s NFT cards that were released two days ago (bottom). Note that he is wearing an Artemis space suit that bears his president number, 45. The number 45 is also featured prominently beneath him. – from the 12 December 2022 update. (The Artemis Moon mission program provides public cover for the weapons program. They used the excuse of a manned mission to the Moon in order the build the super-heavy “SLS” rockets needed to lift the tungsten rods into space. In the same way, Elon Musk used his “mission to Mars” as an excuse to build his super-heavy “Starship” rockets for the same purpose.)

As it turns out, the first public release of The Trump Tapes happened on 24 October 2022 on [1,2]. And Labor Day Monday fell exactly 45 weeks later…

…This is one of Trump’s NFT cards. Note that it features the number 45, his president number, and shows him in a military uniform standing astride the Earth like a colossus, denoting his military domination of the world. The card also shows the Moon (Artemis) and shooting stars (an Artemis “Rods from God” meteor STORM), which tells you how he (or Mike Pence) will dominate (with the secret weapons of the Space Force, which was created by Mike Pence during Trump’s tenure as president).

WARNING (5 September 2023): Watch the ASEAN Summit on the September 6-7 Danger Days

While all eyes are on Biden, Onnabugeisha has noted something else that bears watching…

ASEAN Summit in Jakarta (5–7 September), Key Challenges Await Harris at ASEAN Summit in Jakarta (VOA News)

Another way to get Michelle Obama into the vice presidency is to physically terminate the existing vice president, Kamala Harris. And China has a built-in motive for decapitating the ASEAN leaders before they move on Taiwan: throwing the other Asian nations into political turmoil greatly reduces the likelihood that they’ll summon the will to band together and militarily oppose China’s move. The Nazionists can use this motive in hitting the ASEAN Summit and blaming it on the Chicoms. But everyone will first blame the North Koreans: South Korea’s Yoon will call for strong response to North’s nuclear weapons at ASEAN and G20 summits.


As a reminder: tomorrow, September 6 is a high danger day because a war started on that day has really good landing days — days of Jewish significance — for every war length that could be scripted…

Remember too that tomorrow, September 6 is August 24 on the Julian calendar, the day in ancient Rome that they opened the “gate to the underworld” (the mundus cerialis). It was also a date sacrifices were offered to the Moon. So it is an excellent candidate day for scripting the opening of the gate to hell.

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on September 6-7 are up. For Wednesday, they point to the scriptability of the Fall of the G7/NATO, the assassination of Trump (see the notes in red), action by Erdogan or the Turkish Antichrist, and a Russian move on the Baltic States (or vice versa). There are also Leviathan and Apollyon cues (representing catastrophe) and a conjunction of the Sun (representing “the Son,” Jesus, according to the prophecy propagandists) and Mercury (“the Messenger“). Mercury’s scripted message for tomorrow would be “Judgment and Redemption is at hand.”

Also, reader Ronin reports that Azerbaijan’s military has positioned invasion forces on the border of Armenia. This means an Israeli strike on Iran may be imminent. I’ll explain why tomorrow.

(4 September 2023) – As was previously noted, Putin was outside of “Fortress Moscow” today having a summit meeting with Turkey’s Erdogan in the Black Sea coastal city of Sochi. And a reader has pointed out that Netanyahu was likewise sent to a summit in Nicosia, Cyprus with the Greek and Cypriot leaders today. So Netanyahu was outside of Israel’s missile shield meeting on a hot-button issue for the Turks — energy — with two other leaders the “Turkish Antichrist” would like to see dead, and Cyprus is within easy reach of missiles from Syria or Lebanon. So the assassination missile salvo would have likely come from northern Lebanon where Turkey has proxies (though Hezbollah and Iran would have taken the blame), possibly with an Artemis rod mixed in for good measure.

The next danger dates will be September 6 and 7. Depending on how you count the days, trouble can be started on either day and still hit the landing days I’ve written about. On the 7th, Biden will be in the air traveling to the G20 Summit in India, so we’ll watch for an incident involving Air Force One. And since Putin and Xi aren’t attending the Summit, I’ll have to look at the landing dates for wars started on September 8-10. It will be easy for the Nazionists to blame the commies if the Summit is hit in Xi’s absence.

WARNING (4 September 2023 @ 1:10 AM Texas time): They’ve moved up Biden’s assassination trip to Philly to Monday; it was previously set for the 6th. Monday is a tad dangerous.

WARNING (3 September 2023): I’m finding evidence that a Three Days of Darkness scenario may be planned for Monday-Wednesday, with a triumphant Trump returning on Thursday, September 7 (7/7 on the original Roman calendar, and 45 months since Democratic lawyers gathered on Pearl Harbor Day to plot his first impeachment). Further details later today.

BTW, this means that the Netanyahu assassination attempt indicated for tomorrow would be used as an excuse for Israel to attack Iran, setting off the Three Days (according to the Greek Orthodox propaganda video from which these screenshots were taken).

~ MORE (unfinished) ~

Having seen the setup for Putin’s assassination in today’s first update (below), let’s now look to the occult cue for Netanyahu’s…

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter, 04 SEP 2023 AT 19:47 UTC (In-The-Sky

[On 6 April 2023 you wrote: otherwise bad events could stretch to Chai Elul … see notes featuring Caesarea; Netanyahu’s Caesarea home]  -> 9/4 is Chai Elul and 19:47 is 1187 minutes into the day.  -> Strong’s Greek: 1187. dexiolabos: probably a spearman or slinger, 1 occurrence in Acts 23:23 Then he called two of his centurions and said, “Prepare two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea in the third hour of the night. David has a sling (Wikipedia or David’s Sling)

Strong’s Hebrew: 1187. Baal Peor: “Baal of Peor,” a Moabite god  -> Peor (Wikipedia) meaning “opening

Decompressing and enhancing the information in Onnabugeisha’s note, here are the key points…

> The conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter represents “Artemis” and “Satan” meeting in the heavens, with Artemis being persuaded to shoot her arrows down to the Earth. So “the plagues about to be unleashed upon the world are of Satanic origin and are not a judgment from the Abrahamic God,” although the prophecy propagandists will claim “it is God’s judgment because he stops restraining Satan.”

> The conjunction begins at 19:47 UTC, which is 1187 minutes into the day (19 hrs X 60 min/hr = 1140 min + 47 min = 1187). And in Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 1187 are the words…

  • “dexiolabos: probably a spearman or slinger” in Greek, and
  • Baal Peor: ‘Baal of Peor,’ a Moabite god” in Hebrew.

> The Greek word “dexiolabos” appears in only one place in the Bible, Acts 23:23…

Then he called two of his centurions and said, “Prepare two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea in the third hour of the night.”

In the New International Version of the Bible, the third hour of the night is translated as nine tonight,” 9 PM. And if you set aside daylight savings time, the “Artemis-Satan” conjunction occurs at 9:47 PM Israel Standard Time (IST is 2 hours ahead of UTC). It’s also important to note that Caesarea, Israel is where Benjamin Netanyahu maintains his private home.

Since a modern-day spearman is a missileer, a false-flagged “Iranian missile attack out of Lebanon or Syria” (likely an Israeli mass missile attack out of Lebanon or Syria with an Artemis rod mixed in) on Netanyahu is indicated, which is a scenario I’ve previously tracked (read this; it contains info on Israel’s tunnels into Lebanon and Syria).

> More links and more points were planned, but I ran out of time and energy.

WARNING (2-3 September 2023): Watch for a Labor Day Offensive

Yep, the Kabbalists are/were planning to go with Operation Blackjack (and the scripted opening of Revelation Seals 4-6) on Monday…

…from AP

They will be meeting in Sochi, Russia, right on the Black Sea. And this will provide a golden opportunity to stage an attack that takes both Putin and Erdogan off the board. It is Putin’s supposed death (along with Netanyahu’s and Trump’s) that would “cause God to begin opening the remaining Seals and unleash his judgment on the world.” And Erdogan’s “death” would allow the “Dajjal” (the Turkish Muslim Antichrist) to take the throne in Turkey. But who will be the first to take the blame for the assassinations, and who will be second…

Should they go forward with their Monday plans, watch for them to stage the opening of the Seventh Seal — specifically the “Fifth Trumpet opening of the gate to hell” — on September 6.

~ The September 2 Warning ~

The Chicoms have issued a false-flag enabler for “the STORM

…from the Daily Express US

According to the globalist script, these Chinese communist threats will be used as cover by the Nazionists to carry out Operation Blackjack and blame it on the commies. And the threats have been issued just in time for the “commie” Labor Day holiday in the US and Canada on Monday. So they very likely have/had a Labor Day Offensive planned. See Onnabugeisha’s notes for Monday the 4th for the strong occult cues supporting this scripting (I’ve highlighted the important ones in blue). A staged assassination of Netanyahu is indicated, and they may also stage an attempt on Trump (and possibly Putin).

Also of note is the possibility that the accompanying “sign in the heavens,” the Loc-Nar (Comet Nishimura, which is already visible with binoculars or a telescope), could become visible to the naked eye as soon as Monday morning before sunrise. A article says it may be “reaching fifth magnitude and possibly becoming bright enough to glimpse with the unaided eye by Sept. 5.”

(1-2 September 2023) – As the world enters Saturday, September 2, keep an eye out for potentially explosive false-flag mischief in Transnistria (probably on Saturday night / Sunday morning), and the possible death of Joe Biden in Florida. In Transnistria, watch for the possibility of the globalists playing the Cobasna Disaster card, possibly including a narrative that chemical and/or biological weapons were dispersed by the explosion. To see the occult cues that support the scripting, see the four notes in red among Onnabugeisha’s notes for 9/2 (below this point).

~ MORE – 2 September 2023 ~

Since Biden’s planned assassination in Florida is/was the first thing on today’s schedule of Kabbalist destruction, let me show you how the silly little bi*ches set it up.

According to Biden’s official schedule for Saturday (archived), he will be arriving in Florida at 1:05 PM, taking an aerial tour of the hurricane-impacted area at 1:20 PM, and arriving at Live Oak, Florida at 2:00 PM. He will then tour a storm-damaged community at 3:50 PM and give a speech at 4:15 PM.

They scheduled his arrival in Live Oak at 2:00 because Strong’s 200 are the words…

They scheduled his tour of the community at 3:50 because Strong’s 350 are the words…

And they scheduled his speech at 4:15 because Strong’s 415 are the words…

  • “aneleemon: without compassion, cruelin Greek, and
  • “El Elohe Yisrael: ‘the mighty God of Israel,’ an altar of Jacob” in Hebrew.
  • And an altar is a place of sacrifice, submission, and relationship.”
  • So it is likely that the hit on Biden would take place at the time of his speech, where he will be cruelly sacrificed by the “commies” who want to put Michelle Obama into the vice presidency. The blame will likely fall on a “MAGA conspiracy theorist who blamed Biden for the hurricane — someone who had lost everything and was willing to trade his life for Biden’s.”

It’s important to note that Jacob built 2 altars…

After twenty years of wheeling and dealing, God told Jacob in Genesis 31:3 to head back to Canaan. When Jacob returned, he built his very first altar in Shechem and called it El-Elohi-Israel (Gen. 33:20). In Hebrew that name means the God of Israel. But after tragedy struck, God told him to go to Bethel. And when he arrived there, he built another altar, but he gave it a totally different name. Jacob called this altar El-Bethel, which in Hebrew means the God of the house of God (Gen. 35:7) – from glutenfreegodseeker

If we look to the Bible passage about Jacob’s second altar, El Bethel, we see why they’re sending Biden to Live Oak

Genesis 35 7 There Jacob built an altar, and he called that place El-bethel, because it was there that God had revealed Himself to Jacob as he fled from his brother. 8 Now Deborah, Rebekah’s nurse, died and was buried under the oak below Bethel. So Jacob named it Allon-bachuth [the Oak of Weeping].

Globalist Agenda Watch 2023 – August Updates

ALERT (30-31 August 2023): Lehman Weekend II is planned for Labor Day weekend (Friday-Monday, September 1-4)

September is a month full of Jewish days of significance, both mainstream and Essene, so it is the perfect month for the Kabbalists to schedule “Judgment Day” and the “arrival of the Messiah.” And it looks like they want to start September off with a bang (or at least a loud popping noise).

Last night, I noticed that Homeland Security asset Hal Turner was teasing “COVERT INTEL” on “Banks,” and he did this on the same day my partner Onnabugeisha sent me the following information…

9/1, Friday, is Elul 15 on the Hebrew calendar (Jewish ecclesiastical 6/15). And 615 in Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists in their prophecy fulfillment setups — are these words…

Greek – apokteinó or apoktennó: to kill, put to death
Hebrew – asir: a bondman, prisoner

Elul 15 is also the 15th Jewish anniversary of Lehman Brothers filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on 15 September 2008 / 15 Elul 5768.

If you take a moment to think about it, this 3-day weekend is the perfect time for the Kabbalist central bankers to allow something “systemically important” to pop in the current financial system. The controlled alt-media have long warned that “they’ll do it on a Friday,” and the 3-day weekend will give the banksters plenty of time to put on a show of “frantically scrambling to save the financial system” before the US markets begin their roller coaster ride to hell on Tuesday. The fact that it’s Labor Day weekend, America’s “International Workers Day / May Day,” will tacitly connect it to the “commies,” which is icing on the cake.

It should also be noted that September was originally the seventh month of the Roman calendar, and in the 27 August update below, I wrote about the Seventh Seal and the seven angels with trumpets. Well Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) falls in September this year, and it is the first day of the “Ten Days of Repentence” that culminate in Yom Kippur. The Christians (and Essenes) call this ten-day period the “Feast of Trumpets.” And this year…

Should the globalists opt to bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah this month, it will most likely happen during the Essene Feast of Trumpets. The “heavenly intervention” in the war would likely start on the 19th, with the “Moshiach ben David” possibly appearing on the 22nd, then possibly “resurrecting” Trump on the 26th. Trump’s (and/or Netanyahu’s and/or Putin’s) “death” or disappearance may be the trigger for “Judgment Day.”

~ MORE ~

BINGO! Now I see more of the reasons they’re planning to send Biden to Philly to die on September 6 (and also “open the gate to hell” that day)

Starting the “150 Days of Torment” on September 6 will land Day 150 on 3 February 2024 / 24 Shevat, a Jewish Sabbath day and the anniversary of Zechariah’s Prophecy: [G-d said] “…I will return to Jerusalem in mercy, my house will be built within her…and the Lord shall yet console Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem. This is perfect for bringing in the Fake Moshiach, who is scripted to build the Third Temple (G-d’s house).

If they decide to shorten the “Days of Torment” to a 40-day “Fire Judgment from God,” they can land Day 40 on October 16 / 1 Cheshvan, the month the First Temple, Solomon’s Temple, was completed. Chabad places it on 1 Cheshvan, while stating its completion was “not necessarily on this exact day”). Should the globalists opt for a 1 Cheshvan Arrival of the Fake Moshiach, it will likely be within the context of starting his scripted 8-day “Triumphal Procession” from Mount Sinai to Jerusalem. And on the 8th day of the Procession, 8 Cheshvan / October 23, he would erect a Jewish Tabernacle atop the Temple Mount. According to the Freemasons, 8 Cheshvan (a.k.a. 8 Bul) / October 23 was the day Solomon’s Temple was completed. And in 2023, both the Jewish anniversary and the Gregorian anniversary match, just like they did in the year the Temple was finished. I’ll further explain this tomorrow.

And if they decide to cut the “Days of Torment” even shorter, lest no flesh be left alive,” they can run a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario starting on September 19, 22 or 26.

It’s good to see the Kabbalists on the receiving end of some “Rods from God” today. Nice. Sometimes it’s fun to be the “keyboard monkey” who passes things along. As I told them, they must repent; G-d does not favor their enterprise.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on August 31 – September 2 are now up.

NOTE (30 August 2023): Biden’s assassination trip to Philly was rescheduled yesterday to September 6. He was supposed to go tomorrow (the 31st), which along with today is a candidate day for “the opening of the gate to hell” (see yesterday’s updates). So why is he now scheduled to go on September 6? Because September 6 is August 24 on the Julian calendar, the day on which the Romans did sacrifices to Luna (the Moon) and the day the mundus (the underworld pit) was opened. So it is another candidate day for “the opening of the gate to hell.” September 6 is also the day of Trump’s arraignment in Georgia, which provides a scripted motivation for “MAGA” to kill Biden “in retaliation.”

ALERT (30 August 2023): Did Putin just false-flag Russia into World War III? (Watch out for Operation Blackjack today and Thursday; see the updates below this alert)

Reuters is reporting the following…

…Here is an excerpt…

Aug 30 (Reuters) – Ukrainian drones swept across Russia in overnight attacks that damaged military aircraft and disrupted air traffic, Russian officials said early on Wednesday, hours after the funeral service for Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Attacks by unmanned aircraft were reported in Pskov, Bryansk, Kaluga, Orlov and Ryazan regions as well as the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula, Russian officials said.

The most significant attack appeared to be in Pskov about 660 km (411 miles) north of the Ukrainian frontier, near the borders with Estonia and Latvia, where Russian officials said four Il-76 military transport planes were damaged.

As you can see, the report attributes the attack to “Ukrainian drones,” but Pskov (the red pin) is quite a distance from Ukraine…

…and disinfo agent Hal Turner is suggesting that the drones originated from Estonia, a NATO country. So if the globalists pull the trigger, the narrative will move in that direction.

I find all this quite interesting due to something I ran across during my research today: Russia withdrew the last of its troops from Estonia (and Latvia) on 31 August 1994, 29 years ago come Thursday…

…from The Washington Post

And Russia also withdrew their troops from Lithuania on 31 August, but a year earlier in 1993.

So on the Thursday, August 31 anniversary of Russia’s military withdrawal from the Baltic States, will Putin return Russian troops to Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in order to seize a land bridge to Kaliningrad? This drone attack smells of a Russian false-flag to create a casus belli that allows “the restoration of Russia’s buffer zone with the West.” Did Putin use Wagner to carry it out (from Belarus)?

~ MORE ~

As I mentioned after the bizarre “Wagner Coup Show” that was put on for the public, both the Western media and the BRICS media are cooperating in presenting the globalist narrative that “the Wagner mutiny is real and poses a problem for Putin.” And in accordance with that narrative, the globalist media recently presented us with the “Wagner Contingency Plan”…

…from Newsweek. Here is an excerpt…

The Wagner Group established an emergency plan that would be activated in the event its leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, met an untimely death, reports claim.

Readovka, a pro-Kremlin publication associated with the Wagner Group, reported on Wednesday that the paramilitary group, which for months played a crucial role in Russia’s war in Ukraine, had planned for “full mobilization” should Prigozhin or Dmitry Utkin — Prigozhin’s right-hand man who helped establish the group in 2014 — die, regardless of who was responsible.

And the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel, which has close ties to Russian security forces, cited an unnamed source as suggesting that Prigozhin was keeping sensitive information, also known as kompromat, on Putin and his regime, which may now become public as part of a dead man’s switch contingency plan, activating after his death.

Given that the Reuters propaganda piece in the first part of this update made a point of tying the timing of the drone attack to Prighzhin’s funeral, the globalist scriptwriters are almost certainly planning to blame this drone attack on Wagner — but not until after the war. Why? Blaming it on Wagner will whitewash Putin’s role in ordering the attack to justify his invasion of the Baltic States. The public image of the BRICS NWO‘s future emperor must be kept immaculate — until it’s time to cast him as “the Final Antichrist who was behind all of this.”

In the current act of the “End Times” stageplay, Putin is playing the role of “the hero who is standing against the insane and Satanic West,” so “the West and their Atlantic Integrationist allies in Russia” are scripted to make an imminent move against him (and Trump and similar figures like Bolsonaro). This is what the “kompromat” mentioned in the Newsweek article is oriented towards, and it means Putin, Trump, and their allies may appear to die or disappear at some point between now and September 22. But they’ll be coming back as “saviors” as soon as September 26. I’ll explain why in the next installment.

On a related note, Wagner likely launched the drones from Belarus and routed at least some of them through Latvian and Estonian airspace to make it appear that the attack originated from NATO. To establish the plausibility of such an attack, the globalist press have narrated multiple overflights of NATO airspace by “undetected” Russian drones and Belarusian helicopters since the Ukraine War began.

Speaking of “NATO attacks on Russian soil” and the “Atlantic Integrationists,” here is a excerpt from a 2022 update (emphasis added)…

According to the globalist script (and their disinfo agent “The Saker”), Dmitry Medvedev is an “Atlantic Integrationist” who wants Russia to join the Western-version NWO. So when he threatened a strike against Western “decision-making centers” in response to any Ukrainian HIMARS rocket attack on Russian territory, he was handing NATO exactly what they need to carry out Operation Blackjack and blame it on Putin.

WARNING (29 August 2023): On Sunday night, the White House notified the White House press pool that Joe Biden would be traveling to Philadelphia on Thursday the 31st. As of today at 2:25 PM Texas time, no details about the trip have been released.

Since they’ve trotted Biden up to Philly for previous assassination attempts, I did a quick check on the history of August 31 and was struck by the sheer number of notable plane (and helicopter) crashes that have taken place on that day — I counted nine. Are they flying him up there so they can crash Air Force One or Marine One and move Michelle Obama into the vice presidency? August 31 was also the day of the false-flag that started World War 2 in Europe.

Do you remember the Donald Duck (plane crash) cue from last week? I thought it was intended for Biden’s flight into Maui. Maybe this is their attempt at a do-over.

(29 August 2023) – Turning our attention back to what’s directly in front of us, August 30 and/or 31 is a favorable day for the globalists to “open the gate to hell” and start the “150-day torment of mankind,” because Day 150 would fall on 27 January / 17 Shevat, Shabbat Shira

Shabbat of Song

This week’s Torah reading contains the “song at the sea” sung by the Children of Israel upon their deliverance from the Egyptians, when the Red Sea split to allow them to pass and then drowned their pursuers. Hence this Shabbat is designated as Shabbat Shirah, “Shabbat of song.” – from

Shabbat Shira is a good day to bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah, since “he will be arriving to deliver the Israelites and the world from the demonic onslaught.” And the Chabadniks will be sure to arrange for a throng of their enthusiastic cultists to greet him with songs of praise (just like record companies used to pay “fans” to greet new bands at the airport — an old PR trick).

Additionally, Onnabugeisha’s notes for August 30 contain scripting cues for the opening of the gate to hell (see the ones in red). Here are my notes on her notes…

> August 30 (Thursday) is August 17 on the Julian calendar, the day Portunalia, the festival of the Roman god Portunus, was celebrated

Portunus was the ancient Roman god of keys, doors, livestock and ports. He may have originally protected the warehouses where grain was stored, but later became associated with ports, perhaps because of folk associations between porta “gate, door” and portus “harbor”, the “gateway” to the sea, or because of an expansion in the meaning of portus…

Portunus’ festival, celebrated on August 17, the sixteenth day before the Kalends of September, was the Portunalia, a minor occasion in the Roman year. On this day, keys were thrown into a fire

Portunus appears to be closely related to the god Janus, with whom he shares many characters, functions and the symbol of the key. He too was represented as a two headed being, with each head facing opposite directions, on coins and as figurehead of ships. He was considered to be deus portuum portarumque praeses (lit. God presiding over ports and gates). The relationship between the two gods is underlined by the fact that the date chosen for the dedication of the rebuilt temple of Janus in the Forum Holitorium by emperor Tiberius is the day of the Portunalia, August 17. – from Wikipedia

> August 30 is also 7th Month 15 on the Chinese lunar calendar, Ghost Day, which brings the opening of the gates of Hell and Heaven.

These cues provide a mythological basis for the Kabbalists to script the unfolding of Revelation 9:1-6

The Fifth Trumpet

1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss. 2 The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.

3 And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months [150 days], and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them.

Based on Onna’s other notes, other scriptable possibilities include…

(28 August 2023) – Something else just clicked in my mind: if my interpretation of the 7 Seals is correct, it can be said that the First Seal was opened on 11 March 2020 when the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. That would fit right in with the Shimon Peres Tribulation timeline I wrote about in the 16 August update (below). So the First Seal was opened 1260 days after his death, the moment when the first half of the Tribulation ended and the second half of the Tribulation, the “Great Tribulation,” began.

As is noted in that update, the Shimon Peres “Great Tribulation” will hit its climax point on Day 1290, which is this September 22. So the globalists’ current plan may be to open Seals 4-6 while Comet Nishimura is in the sky, then cue the Fake Jewish Messiah’s arrival on September 22 under the provision of Matthew 24:22. This would mean a Three Days of Darkness scenario may be planned for September 19-22, with the launch of the NWO coming 45 days later on Day 1335.

~ MORE ~

I pored over the Tribulation timelines today and saw some new possibilities. Here are my raw notes (I’ll add links and flesh them out later)…

Two Timelines for Two Messiahs, Castor and Pollux?

The Shimon Peres Tribulation Timeline

Shimon Peres dies on 28 September 2016 (4 days before Obama’s first 7-year Tribulation is scheduled to end)
…and 1260 days later
The WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020 (“and Obama uses the pandemic to turn the tables on Trump, defeating him in a Shadow Coup on the Ides of March, 4 days after the pandemic declaration”)
…and 1290 days later
Will the Fake Jewish Messiah defeat Obama’s forces and reveal himself on 22 September 2023 (the day the Shabbat of RETURN begins at sundown)?

The Obama/Trump Double-Tribulation Timeline

Obama is declared the “Man of Peace” when his Nobel Peace Prize is announced on 9 October 2009
…and 1260 days later
Obama desecrates the “holy place,” the Church of Nativity, on 22 March 2013
…and 1290 days later
Obama’s Tribulation fails to end on 2 October 2016 (Erev Rosh Hashanah) — Shimon Peres died 4 days earlier
…and 1260 days later
Trump falls in a Shadow Coup on 15 March 2020
…and 1290 days later
26 September 2023 (Tishrei 11, Jewish Ecclesiastical 7/11), Trump or Pence returns and Obama burns, or vice versa? [1,2]

Another possibility: a messiah RETURNS after nightfall of September 22 (Jerusalem time) and does a Three Days of Darkness scenario. And on September 26, the victors start putting together a tabernacle on the Temple Mount.

(27 August 2023) – Get a load of this bit of predictive programming. When you click on the link to the Yahoo article about Comet Nishimura, the window opens with a video window above the picture of a green comet. And for the first second — before it starts loading the video stream — the video window displays a picture of asteroids striking the Earth…

…WTF? It’s a helluva hint, isn’t it? Check it out quick in case they change it.

NOTE (27 August 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes for Tuesday the 29th are now up, and they include a Wormwood cue for Xi Jinping. This brings to mind the rumors of a Chinese nuclear attack sub crashing underwater on August 21, the day before Xi Jinping skipped a key speech at the BRICS Summit. Was he too busy with sub-related crisis management to give his speech? Will we be told on Monday or Tuesday that the sub’s nuclear reactor has been breached and is leaking radiation into the ocean? Will this be the Wormwood incident that “poisons a third of the oceans”? The prophecy speaks of a star poisoning the waters, and look what’s on the flag displayed by Chinese subs…


(Mod 1) (27 August 2023) – Over the next week, I’ll be doing a systematic study of the Bible’s Book of Revelation. Having observed the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment efforts for years now, I’m interested to see what insights I’ll gain by looking through one of the main books they’ve used in developing their script. And based on an initial scanning of the key chapters, I’m already seeing things differently.

These are the globalists’ fulfillments of the “Seven Seals” of the Book of Revelation…

The First Seal was the COVID pandemic psyop. Behold a white horse…

…from (also see How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order). And the name “Fauci” means “sickle wielder,” as in a Grim Reaper that draws close to you to take your life…

The First Seal: The White Horse

1 Then I watched as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a thunderous voice, “Come!”

2 So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider held a bow. And he was given a crown, and he rode out to overcome and conquer. – from Revelation 6 (BSB)

The white horse represents the doctors in their white lab coats. A bow fires arrows, which pierce people like vaccine needles do. The crown is the corona virus; “corona” is the Spanish word for “crown”. And with their corona virus and vaccines they overcame and conquered most of the world, locking people down and piercing over 70% of the world population with their needles.

Also note this, which I included in my November 2022 writeup on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Wikipedia: “Under another interpretation, the first Horseman is called Pestilence, and is associated with infectious disease and plague. It appears at least as early as 1906, when it is mentioned in the Jewish Encyclopedia. This particular interpretation is common in popular culture references to the Four Horsemen [because the Kabbalist “Jews” are running the prophecy propaganda media].

The Second Seal was the Ukraine War.
The Third Seal is the food inflation we’ve all observed.

The Fourth Seal‘s “opening” is imminent, and it will be marked by the arrival of the “pale green horse,” Comet Nishimura, which will become visible in about two weeks. Its mid-September appearance is also the timeframe of the new COVID lockdown that disinfo agent Alex Jones has warned about. Other controlled alt-media sources are suggesting that the globalists will be releasing the binary activator for the COVID vaccine at that time: the new COVID variant that will kill off the people who had their immune systems compromised by the vax. The die-off will supposedly be so vast that there will be a considerable breakdown in social order and critical infrastructure, resulting in a quarter of the world’s population being killed by violence, famine, the disease, and wild animals.

The Fifth Seal is a “heavenly” thing we will not see.
The Sixth Seal blends in with the beginning of the Seventh Seal, and will consist of artificially-triggered earthquakes and artificial meteors (Artemis rods).
The Seventh Seal consists of Seven Trumpets (77)…

  • Trumpet 1 is Artemis Rodfall.
  • Trumpet 2 is either a large asteroid being driven into the ocean or Fukushima (more likely). After all, Fukushima is a great mountain (the containment vessel) burning with (nuclear) fire (that) was thrown into the sea (starting on August 24).
  • Trumpet 3 is more Artemis Rodfall.
  • Trumpet 4 is soot in the atmosphere kicked up by Artemis Rodfall.
  • Trumpet 5 is the opening of the gate to hell, which I now think may be the “evil aliens with whom America is working” coming up from their “underground bases” to torment humanity for 150 days.
  • Trumpet 6 is a war between the “evil aliens” and the “fake good guy aliens of the Antichrist.” The Antichrist will control both sides, of course, so he and his “good guys” will win and then build the NWO.
  • Trumpet 7 is the arrival of the globalist-selected “real Jesus” to defeat the globalist-selected Antichrist at the end of the NWO Tribulation.

I’ll be adding links and fleshing this out over the coming hours/days.

(26 August 2023) – My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for Sunday the 27th are now up, and they contain cues that could be used for scripting Pope Francis’s death on Sunday or Monday. This would set in motion a papal funeral 4-6 days later and an opportunity to hit Rome on August 31, an advantageous day to start a war (because one started that day could go 4 days, 40 days, or 150 days with good landing dates). Remember too that August 31 is the final day of the US-South Korea military exercise (war mobilization).

(25 August 2023) – The Outlook for the Weekend and a Correction (+ Flora, Wormwood, and “God’s Judgment”)

Let me start out with a small correction: today is the day Belarus finalized their independence from the Soviet Union/Russia; their declaration of independence came earlier, 27 July 1990, and the Independence Day they officially celebrate is July 3. I’ve corrected the wording in yesterday’s update.

Also be advised that the threat of a popular uprising / military coup there will continue into Saturday (9 Elul, the 32nd anniversary of the communist coup against Gorbachev). As was noted in the 22 August update (below), the globalists could start a Three Days of Darkness war on August 26 that segues into a “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” psyop that would culminate on…

Flora, Wormwood, and “God’s Judgment”

There is mounting occult evidence that the globalists could script Artemis Rodfall this weekend. Let’s start with my partner Onnabugeisha’s latest note about August 26 (keeping in mind that Flora is the Roman goddess of flowers)

8/26 (Saturday)

Asteroid 8 Flora at opposition (In-The-Sky ), 26 AUG 2023 AT 23:58 UTC [11:58 PM]. 8 Flora (Wikipedia) -> Popular culture: “In the 1968 science-fiction film The Green Slime [it feeds on radiation], an orbital perturbation propels the asteroid Flora into a collision course with Earth

Strong’s Greek: 2358. thriambeuó: to triumph; Usage: (properly: I lead one as my prisoner in a triumphal procession, hence) I lead around, make a show (spectacle) of, cause to triumph.

Strong’s Hebrew: 2358. chivvar: white and Belarus means White Russia. Etymology of Belarus (Wikipedia).

Strong’s Greek: 1158. Daniél: Daniel, the prophet

Ken’s additions: Strong’s Hebrew 1158. baah: to inquire, cause to swell or boil up, as in Isaiah 64:2

…from Bible Hub

In that vein, consider Wormwood of Revelation 8. Wormwood flowers are pale yellow, tubular, and clustered in spherical bent-down heads (capitula)… And this is the historical symbol for the asteroid Flora

…from Wikipedia

Now let’s look at the following Roman festival — primarily centered on the goddess Diana, the Roman equivalent to the Greek goddess Artemis — that was celebrated on the Julian dates of August 13-15, which are August 26-28 on our current Gregorian calendar…

August 13 (Ides): festival of Diana on the Aventine (Nemoralia), with slaves given the day off to attend; other deities honored at their temples include Vortumnus, Fortuna Equestris, Hercules Victor (or Invictus at the Porta Trigemina), Castor and Pollux, the Camenae, and Flora – from Wikipedia

So will they script a “fractured asteroid” (actually Artemis “Rods from God“) striking Earth over the weekend? Will they say it was “God’s judgment against the wicked carried out to save humanity from nuclear annihilation at the hands of the Satanist warmongers?”

By the way, Onna’s other new note for August 26 points out that Sergei Shoiguwho could be scripted as Putin’s betrayer (or the “real antichrist” behind Putin’s throne), and who was born on 21 May 1955 — turns exactly 666 months, 666 weeks old on August 26 or 27 (depending on whether you count his birthday as Day 0 or Day 1). 666 is the Number of the Beast. So if they go for it this weekend, watch for him to make a move.


A combination of occult scripting cues and real-world events suggests that Friday, August 25 will bring a scripted Belarus color revolution / popular uprising backed by “Wagner forces,” “dissident Belarusian military forces,” and (possibly) “little green men from NATO.” The reported presence of Russian nukes in Belarus will allow the scriptwriters to turn the uprising into a “nuclear weapons crisis.” Details to come. Until then, here are the relevant notes from Onnabugeisha…

8/25 (Friday)

• Belarus achieved its independence (Wikipedia) from the Soviet Union. Date: 25 August 1991, 32 years ago -> Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger

After sunset – 8/26 on Jewish calendar: 9 Elul

• 1991 Soviet coup d’état attempt (Wikipedia), was a failed attempt by hardliners of the Soviet Union ‘s Communist Party to forcibly seize control of the country from Mikhail Gorbachev. The failed coup led to both the immediate collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the dissolution of the USSR four months later. Date: 19–22 August 19919 Elul32 Jewish years ago

[Number 32 and the Messiah]

~ MORE ~

On Monday the 21st, the US Embassy in Minsk sent out this alert…

… from

Basically, it tells Americans to get out of Belarus because all the border crossings are about to be closed. So why are the NATO countries planning to lock down the Belarusian border? What do they have planned? Onna’s notes offer the answer: they started to get Americans out on Monday because Friday is Belarus’ Independence Day, and what better day to do a color revolution rabble-rousing than on the Belarusian “Fourth of July”?

August 25 marks 32 years since Belarus achieved its independence from the Soviet Union/Russia. And lately, the globalist propaganda organs have been narrating Belarus as being slowly drawn back into Russia under the leadership of Alexander Lukashenko. So their Independence Day is the obvious date to rally the pro-Western elements in Belarus to overthrow Lukashenko and “restore Belarus’ independence from Russia.”

Thanks to the staged killing (real or simulated) of Wagner Group’s head Yevgeny Prigozhin, Wagner forces in Belarus are supposedly ready to strike back against the Russian military and Putin. So they would back a popular uprising, as would Belarusian generals “who have been bought-off by NATO.” And if you add in some Polish/NATO troops in nondescript uniforms, you can unleash some real chaos inside a country that is supposedly hosting Russian nuclear weapons.

Of course, the Kabbalists are running both sides of this supposed conflict. After all, it was Putin who made the otherwise unfathomable decision to send Wagner to Belarus. He positioned them there to play their part when the “Revolution in Belarus Nuclear Crisis” scene begins. “Putin’s chef” played his part in the drama orchestrated by “Putin’s rabbi“…

A 40-day “Fire Judgment from God” war that starts tomorrow would end on October 34, Essene Tabernacles/Sukkot Day 1.

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for August 25-26 are now up.

NOTE (23 August 2023, per Onnabugeisha’s notes): On Thursday the 24th, Japan will begin releasing radioactive water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean, under a plan one might call “Operation Gojira.” But August 24 is also Ukrainian Independence Day (from the Soviet Union/Russia), so let’s see if some kind of radiation release takes place there tomorrow too (the long-anticipated “tactical nuke attack” or “nuclear power plant breach” false-flag). The NATO Treaty became effective on August 24, 1949, so will the “collective defense” clause be triggered by “radiation out of Ukraine detected over a NATO country” exactly 74 years (or 888 months) since the Treaty took force?

On a related note, in the 20 August update (below) I pointed out occult signalling that someone important would die in a plane crash soon. And today, that supposedly happened to “Putin’s chef,” Yevgeny Prigozhin. Is/was Prigozhin’s “death at the hands of NATO/Ukrainian special forces armed with anti-aircraft weapons on Russian soil” the event that provides the scripted motivation for “Putin’s (or Wagner Group’s) launch of a nuclear/radiological attack on Ukraine (or Poland)” on August 24? It’s also possible that Wagner Group, “blaming Russia’s top military leaders for Prigozhin’s death,” will attack them in Russia with a “nuke” under a variant of the “Dawn’s Early Light” scenario I’ve written about in past updates.

In the 8 July 2023 update on my backup page, I wrote about how Wagner supposedly got their hands on Russian nukes…

(8 July 2023) – Have the Wagner Group smuggled Russian backpack nukes from Rostov-on-Don into Vilnius and other NATO capitals?

Today I’ve been pondering the intended role of Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner Group Rebellion in the globalist script for the NATO Suicide Summit in Vilnius. The Rebellion supposedly failed because they didn’t seize Moscow and unseat Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov, but what if that was never their true objective. What if, with a wink and a nod from the Kremlin, they actually achieved their real goal with the one place they did seize…

>>> Prigozhin’s Wagner forces left Ukraine and marched into Russia Saturday, seizing control of the Russian military headquarters for the southern region in Rostov-on-Don, which oversees the fighting in Ukraine. – from CBS News <<<

What if their objective was to “seize the backpack nukes that were stored at Russia’s Ukraine War Headquarters for future Spetsnaz use against a NATO invasion?” Did Wagner then move those weapons into Belarus so they could be distributed to Wagner Green Light Teams and smuggled into NATO capitals, including nearby Vilnius?

Given the well-established smuggling routes into Europe maintained by the Russian mafia, smuggling mere backpacks and a few people into the NATO capitals was likely very easy — at least that is what the globalist narrative will eventually say. The explosion(s) will most likely be caused by the Artemis Array (Prompt Global Strike).

(23 August 2023) – Are you ready for the Rebberrection?…

…from Haaretz. G-d does not favor your enterprise. Repent.

An interesting thought crossed my mind this morning, which I’ll now present to you step-by-step…

It’s hard to say how likely this scenario is, but I wouldn’t put it past them. So I present it to you now so you won’t get suckered if they try it. The Kabbalists are a bunch of juvenile arsonists and gypsy tricksters. Don’t fall for their silly bullsh*t.

WARNING (22 August 2023): August 24 is shaping up to be a day from hell

Among Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 24th is news that Trump will surrender in Atlanta that day — an event that can easily be scripted to go very badly. On top of that, there are very ominous historical scripting cues: August 24 was the day of…

  • the 410 AD Sack of Rome“…the sack was a major shock to contemporaries, friends and foes of the Empire alike … The sacking of 410 is seen as a major landmark in the fall of the Western Roman Empire. St. Jerome, living in Bethlehem, wrote: ‘the city which had taken the whole world was itself taken’.”
  • the Burning of Washington (DC) by the British during the War of 1812.
  • and the Panic of 1857“the first worldwide economic crisis”.

If you add to this the fact that August 24 was one of the days the “gate to the underworld” was opened in ancient Rome, you have all the ingredients for a Kabbalist-scripted day from hell. The announcement of the BRICS “dollar-killer” currency and/or “global 9/11” are what to watch for that day. Tomorrow I’ll post a full write-up.

(22 August 2022) – The war prospects for Wednesday the 23nd

In the myth and religion of ancient Rome, August 23 was the festival day of Vulcan, the god of fire, metalworking, and the forge. So what better day could there be to set the world on fire to forge the new Global Roman Empire (the BRICS-version “reformed” UN/NWO)? But will the fire be a literal fire (war) or a financial fire (the public unveiling of the “dollar-killer” currency at the BRICS Summit)?

August 23 is also the day New York City’s mayor (who represents the “first 9/11”) will be in Tel Aviv to meet with Israeli tech moguls, and I would bet that Netanyahu will be in Tel Aviv also. So watch for a second 9/11 in Israel on Wednesday, perhaps one that targets Netanyahu.

Looking at the war ending dates…

Onnabugeisha’s notes on August 23 are now up. Prince Harry continues to have a Leviathan cue (suggesting a big attack) tomorrow, as well as “a day honoring Hercules Victor or Hercules Invictus cue on August 26 (which is August 13 on the Julian calendar). So he may figure-in to whatever happens under the 4-day war scenario.

The Roman holiday of Nemoralia — during which Hercules was among the honored gods — ran the three days of August 13-15 on the Julian calendar (August 26-28 on our calendar). And its Wikipedia page suggests that “the Catholic Church may have adapted the Nemoralia as the Feast of the Assumption (of Mary).” This means two things…

  1. Pope Francis’s death under the Third Secret of Fatima will again to be scriptable from August 26-28, and
  2. a Three Days of Darkness war could be launched on the 26th, with the “arrival” coming on August 29 (which is 12 Elul, the Jewish birthday of Nachmanides, the renewer of the Jerusalem community).

Nemoralia was also known as “the Festival of Torches” — another fitting time for a “rain of fire” that sets the world ablaze, isn’t it?

(21 August 2022) – The war prospects for Tuesday the 22nd

If they start the war on August 22, we may see a destructive event in Jerusalem tomorrow. They’ve trotted the idiot mayor of New York City to Jerusalem, and on Tuesday he’ll be meeting with both the people protesting the judicial reforms and Benjamin Netanyahu. A staged assassination attack on Netanyahu is a distinct possibility.

Looking at the war ending dates…

Onnabugeisha’s notes on August 22 are now up. Prince Harry has a Leviathan cue (suggesting a big attack) tomorrow, as well as “a sacrifice of a heifer to Hercules Invictus cue on August 25 (which is August 12 on the Julian calendar). So he may figure-in to what happens in Jerusalem (under the 4-day war scenario).

It should also be noted that tomorrow is another day to watch for Pope Francis’s death. August 22 is the Roman Catholic Church’s “Queenship of Mary” feast day. Generally speaking, any day connected to “Mother Mary” can bring the artificial, scripted fulfillment of the Third Secret of Fatima prophecy“the shooting death of a pope amidst a devastated city” — but the Queenship of Mary feast has a historical connection to Fatima that makes it an especially strong candidate day.

WARNING (20-21 August 2023): Besides watching Hawaii and Korea on Monday the 21st (August’s blackjack day), keep an eye out for a Black Sea or Turkish Straits naval incident involving Ukrainian grain. Tomorrow is another candidate day for the opening of the gate to hell.”

~ MORE ~

“Donald Duck” symbolism has reappeared at the top of the Drudge Report today. Be advised that someone important may die in a plane crash soon…

It could be Biden, Trump, Putin or someone on that level. See the 18 June 2023 update here for background on this (the page takes a minute to load; just wait, then scroll down to the proper date). A deliberate downing or disappearance of the target’s plane is also scriptable.

~ MORE – 21 August 2023 ~

Looking back at the Drudge headlines that accompanied the appearance of “Donald Duck,” they feature a “STORM,” “Aftershocks,” and the Earth shaking with the number 51 (“5.1 mag quake”)…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report

And looking to Biden’s official schedule for today, it shows him arriving in Oahu at 51 (5:10 PM EDT). In Hawaii time, that’s 11:10 AM, and Strong’s Hebrew 1110 is “balaq: to waste, lay waste, to devastate, annihilate.”

Since I don’t believe in numerical coincidences when Kabbalists are involved, we should note the supposed meaning of the number 51 in the Bible: “Elijah miraculously caused fire to come down from heaven on two sets of fifty-one men (a captain along with his fifty men).” Here is the story of what happened. Elijah was later “taken up into heaven” by a “chariot of fire” (UFO), so what happens in Oahu today would be scripted as the secret action of the (Nazionist) Space Force and their “ET” allies.

So do the “captain and his 50 men” that get consumed by “fire from heaven” represent Biden and the 50 states? Do the second captain and his fifty men represent King Charles and 50 of the Commonwealth countries? If so, it’s a good day to skewer some marshmallows and set them out in the yard. Lemons to lemonade, right?

Additional notes on today have been added to Onnabugeisha’s notes. And later, if the marshmallows are still white, we’ll look at the war prospects for the days of the BRICS Summit, August 22-24 (August 911 on the Julian calendar).

~ MORE ~

Here are Onna’s notes on 51

The President and The First Lady depart Reno, Nevada en route to Maui, Hawaii.

• Area 51 (Wikipedia) is the common name of a highly classified United States Air Force (USAF) facility within the Nevada Test and Training Range. -> UFO and other conspiracy theories

• Simple English Gematria: Batman = 51(Gematria Calculator)

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: 20 December 2019, 3 years, 34 weeks, days ago

Strong’s Hebrew: 3346. yeqedah: a burning-> 1 Occurence in Daniel 7:11 [and 7/11 is Donald Trump’s number (CNN)]  

• Hawaii is the 50th state ->

New bill would split Washington into two states; creating 51st state called Liberty (

51-star American flags line Pennsylvania Avenue as Washington, D.C. seeks statehood (Fox News)

Her notes bring to mind another interpretation of the 51 that get consumed by fire: the first set could be the 50 states plus D.C., and the second set could be the 51 Commonwealth countries that have King Charles as their monarch (5 of the 56 have their own separate monarchs)…

…from the BBC

(19 August 2023) – Behold what’s near the bottom of the Great Seal of the State of Hawaii

…a Bald Eagle-version of a phoenix on fire. Will what happens in Hawaii lead to America’s immolation? Note that the Bald Eagle Phoenix’s wings have transformed into the official colors (red and gold) of the Chinese Communist Party.

My brilliant partner’s notes on August 20-21 are now up, and she’s identified why the Kabbalists are sending Biden to Maui on the 21st (Yah has sent burning heat). She’s also found numbers that would support Biden’s assassination and the start of the war (right before the BRICS Summit starts).

After sunset on August 20, the Jewish day of 4 Elul begins. And since Elul is the 6th month of the ecclesiastical year, 4 Elul can be expressed as 4/6 (DD/MM) or 6/4 (MM/DD). Here are Onnabugeisha’s notes on the numbers 46 and 64 [with my comments in brackets]…

46: Joe Biden is the 46th president, John F Kennedy was assassinated at the age of 46. [And JFK was America’s first Catholic president; Biden is supposedly our second.]

46: John 2:20 – They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days? [The BRICS Summit starts on the 22nd and lasts for three days. And a Three Days of Darkness war psyop lasts for three days, ending with peace on the fourth day.]

64: Revelation 6:4 – Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword. [War begins.]

64: Genesis 6:4 – The Nephilim were on the earth in those days — and also afterward — when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. [According to “Christian Watchmen” prophecy propaganda, the “ETs” in the UFOs will be Nephilim, the offspring of fallen angel DNA mixed with human and other DNA. In reality, though, they are just globalist-bred GMO lab creatures who were raised and brainwashed in a totally controlled environment.]

As I mentioned in the 14 August update (further down this page), the BRICS are currently scripted to launch a “dollar-killing gold and commodities-backed reserve currency” at their Tuesday summit, and the “Satanic Deep State” are scripted to do anything possible to stop that from happening. So the script apparently calls for Biden to die during his Monday trip to Hawaii in order to start the war on the day before the BRICS Summit (remember that the US and South Korea are mobilizing for war on the Monday the 21st).

It should also be noted that the South Koreans have already scheduled a nuclear war civil defense drill for August 23. This will send their population into shelters so the US can launch preemptive nuclear strikes against North Korea.” And an attempt at such nuclear strikes would lead to the scripted ET intervention to stop nuclear war.”

Putting all of this together, what appears to be scripted is a Three Days of Darkness psyop. The “rain of fire” would start on the 21st, continue through the 22nd, and end in the evening of the 23rd with a UFO intervention to stop nuclear war. The GMO lab monkeys would then stage their peaceful “arrival” on the fourth day, August 24.

Alternatively, they can start a 40-day war that would result in the arrival or intervention of the fake Jewish Messiah on the first day of Sukkot, or a 150-day war that would end at the end of a Jewish era.”

Of course, for the “Deep State,” the next best thing to starting the war on the day before the BRICS Summit would be starting it DURING the Summit. So later we’ll have a look at the launch dates of August 22-24 and see where the war’s end would land.

(18 August 2023) – These Kabbalist idiots just can’t help themselves with the occult signalling and the telegraphing…

…from Yahoo News (top) and The Telegraph (bottom)

Joe Biden may be traveling to Lake Tahoe tonight to hold a secret meeting with California Governor Gavin Newsom tomorrow. They may be scheming to place Kamala Harris into Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat so they can bring Michelle Obama into the vice presidency. The Obamas will then be in position to retake the presidency when the scriptwriters kill off Biden.

For Obama’s appointment to become legal, it must be approved by a majority vote in both the House and the Senate, and Congress is in recess for all of August. So if they announce it this month and kill off Biden this month, there will be a dispute between the Democrats and Republicans over who becomes president: the Dems would (improperly) insist on Obama, and the Republicans would insist on House Speaker McCarthy. It could become a gateway to an engineered civil war / race war.

When I first found out that Biden was leaving for Lake Tahoe shortly after the trilateral summit at Camp David today, I found myself asking questions: Why don’t they let the old coot rest a night at Camp David after the summit? Why the big hurry to get to Lake Tahoe? Why aren’t they hurrying him off to Maui instead? But when I saw Onnabugeisha’s notes for today, I realized why.

The closest large California city to Lake Tahoe is Sacramento, the capital, where Governor Newsom is…

…from Google Maps

And upon looking back at the Yahoo article I’d seen a few days before — the one at the top of this update — I saw the reference to Lake Tahoe in the photo description.

Upon looking into how California handles US Senate vacancies, I also ran across an article from the Pew Research Center. Although it was published back on May 3 of 2022, it seems custom-written for the moment we now face…

In the event that a sitting senator resigns or dies, or the position otherwise becomes vacant, governors in 46 states have the power to appoint a temporary replacement. And in most of those states, governors have free rein to appoint whomever they wish, with the appointee serving until a successor is elected to fill out the rest of the term. The evenly split Senate means that even a single governor could, hypothetically, determine which party controls the chamber…

…California Democrat Dianne Feinstein… will turn 89 in June and is the chamber’s oldest current member.

Feinstein has been the subject of recent reporting in which some of her Senate colleagues have raised concerns about her cognitive abilities and fitness to continue serving. Feinstein, who has served in the Senate for almost 30 years, has insisted that she can still effectively represent her state.

Feinstein’s current term isn’t up until 2024, so should her seat become vacant before then, it would be up to Gov. Gavin Newsom, a fellow Democrat, to appoint a temporary replacement. Newsom, like most governors, would have no restrictions on whom he could appoint – other than the constitutional age, citizenship and residency requirements that apply to all senators.

Were they planning to announce the Harris/Obama moves at the beginning of next week’s news cycle — before they kill off Biden between the 21st and 24th? Having the Dems force Michelle Obama into the presidency despite it being illegal would be the cherry on top of the globalist propaganda effort to portray the Democrats as “the party of lawlessness” and Barack Obama as the man of lawlessness (the “Antichrist”).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on August 19 are now up. The occult cues highlighted in green support the possible scripting of the Kamala Harris scenario, the ones in red support the possible scripting of an attempted coup against Putin, and the one in blue supports the possible scripting of an attempted coup against Xi or a Chicom move against Taiwan. Coup attempts against Xi and Putin before the BRICS Summit next week would fit nicely in the script. The death, incapacitation or resignation of Pope Francis is also scriptable.

(17 August 2023) – Foreign aid may arrive within 40 days…

…from the Illuminati card game (note the outstretched Chinese hand)

I’ve prepared a list of significant upcoming events. We’ve all seen how hard they’ve been pushing the “alien UFO” propaganda in the mainstream media, and many of us are familiar with the “aliens won’t let us destroy Earth with nuclear weapons” mantra that has been circulated in the controlled alt-media. So at some point during these events, watch for a Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) scenario that culminates in a UFO arrival on the night of the third day or on the fourth day. This may be followed by a “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” psyop that lasts between a week or two.

Potential 3DOD start / end points…

Joe Biden in Scranton (Will he die at his birthplace?)
August 17

US-Japan-South Korea Summit at Camp David (“a preemptive strike target”)
August 17-18

Biden at Lake Tahoe on the Nevada Side (a state with permissive gun laws, hint-hint)
August 18-21

Biden in Maui (“North Korean nuclear tsunami“?)
August 21

US-South Korea War Mobilization (“Kim Warns of Imminent Nuclear War“)
August 21-31

BRICS Summit (“a prime Deep State target”)
August 22-24

Trump “Surrender” Deadline in Georgia
August 25

Day 2550 since Obama-Xi “face-off” at Hangzhou G20 2016
August 2728

September 5

G20 Summit
September 9-10

Rosh Hashanah
September 15-17

UN General Debate (“world leaders” give speeches)
September 19-23, 26

Shabbat Shuva (“Return!”)
September 22-23

Yom Kippur (the holiest day of Jewish year)
September 24-25

Of course, a 150-day war scenario that stretches into early next year is also a possibility, as is another delay. To fit in a 40-day war by Yom Kippur, they’d have to start it TODAY.

Here are my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Scranton…

Today 12:55 PM – The President privately pays respects to former Pennsylvania First Lady Ellen Casey in advance of a viewing (St. Peter’s Cathedral, Scranton, PA) – It’s again a bit strange, I’ll send a few Gematria overlaps separately.

Here are some suspicious points related to Ellen Casey.


• Former Pa. first lady Ellen Casey dies at 91.

• A funeral mass will be held at the cathedral on Friday at 10:00 a.m. and the burial will be private at Saint Catherine‘s Cemetery in Moscow, Also known as Moscow Cemetery.

Here are my notes about the number 91

91 (number)(Wikipedia) = duodecimal 77 -> The McCarthy 91 function is a recursive function, defined by the computer scientist John McCarthy (Wikipedia), one of the founders of the discipline of artificial intelligence.

Strong’s Greek: 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly

Strong’s Hebrew: 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for Haman

Onnabugeisha’s notes on August 18 are now up. The occult cues support a Chicom offensive tomorrow, hence the scripted threat to the trilateral summit at Camp David.

(16 August 2023) – We’re approaching the end of the G20 / Shimon Peres Tribulation

My partner Onnabugeisha sent a note yesterday that reminded me of the narrative context for what the globalists have planned for the coming weeks. Starting in early September of 2016, they were forced to script an inflection point in the “End Times” stageplay. Instead of bringing Barack Obama’s 2009-2016 Tribulation to its planned conclusion, they abandoned their exposed plot and scripted a “political divine intervention” in which…

…Xi Jinping took over “Antichrist” Obama’s G20 World Order…

…from The Guardian

…Donald Trump took over the US presidency…

…from the first Trump-Clinton presidential debate,

…and the death of Israeli leader Shimon Peres started a new 7-year Tribulation clock…

…from Israel365News

Three and a half years later, though — in March of 2020 — the globalists scripted the resurgence of the “Global Satanic Communist Deep State” with their fake COVID-19 pandemic. This began the second half of the 7-year Tribulation, the “Great Tribulation” period, and resulted in the fall of Donald Trump. And as we rapidly approach the imminent end of the 7 years, “the Deep State is pushing hard to start World War 3 before Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and the BRICS can checkmate them with a new global reserve currency to be unveiled during the BRICS Summit of August 22-24.”

The timer for this 7-year G20 / Shimon Peres Tribulation started on the day Peres died, 28 September 2016. And if you count forward…

Lisbon Earthquake (1755)

A great earthquake struck Lisbon, Portugal, destroying much of the city including the courthouse of the Inquisition. – from (Do you remember that the Kabbalists tried to destroy Lisbon again early this month?)

November 6 would likely be the day the BRICS-version “reformed” UN/NWO is launched.

On a related note, do you remember the 11-12 August updates when I warned about how dangerous Sunday the 13th was, with its “signs in the heavens” and all? It was more dangerous than I thought. As I noted at the time, had they started a 40-day “Fire Judgment from God” war on 13 August, it would have ended on 22 September (the same day this G20 / Shimon Peres Tribulation reaches its “dramatic end point”). So it was very likely a planned part of the Tribulation war scripting — they killed off Peres on that specific day so they could sync with those “signs in the heavens” seven years later.

(15 August 2023) – The Next Attempt on Biden is Scheduled for August 17

The globalists had their minions at the Atlanta courthouse stay up late last night to adjust their plans for Biden and the war. It appears that they’re now aiming to hit Biden on Thursday night (August 17) at Camp David (the night before the trilateral summit with Japan and Korea begins there). That would be Day 1 of a 40-day “Fire Judgment from God” that lands on Yom Kippur (sundown of September 24 to sundown of September 25).

Upon looking back at two past indictments against Trump and the number of criminal counts announced with each one, I’m beginning to wonder if the criminal counts are actually day counts to key events — part of an occult signalling method. Trump’s 41 Georgia counts weren’t publicly released until after sundown yesterday, August 14. And if you count 41 days from the night of August 14, you arrive at the night of September 24 (when Yom Kippur has begun).

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on August 17 are now up.

WAR WARNING (14 August 2023): The globalists are aiming to start World War 3 before or during the BRICS Summit

The Kabbalists have arranged for Joe Biden to leave Camp David immediately after the trilateral summit on Friday and travel to Lake Tahoe. He’ll be staying there through August 24, providing ample timing flexibility for carrying out his staged assassination.

The timing is quite interesting because the BRICS will be holding their summit — and presumably putting forward a gold and commodities-backed reserve currency to replace the dollar — on August 22-24. And if you count out 150 days from August 2224, you land on two days of great importance to the Kabbalists — January 19 and 20 — two days that are perfect for scheduling the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah at the end of the 150 days of torment that will follow “the opening of the Gate to Hell.”

Pondering “the opening of the Gate to Hell,” I am reminded of something: in ancient Rome, the portal to the underworld (the mundus cerialis) was opened three times per year, including August 24. So August 24 — which is also a day sacrifices were offered to Luna, Rome’s divine embodiment of the Moon — is/was scheduled to be a very dangerous day.

(14-15 August 2023) – Watch Biden in Milwaukee Tomorrow

Our Catholic “fake president” Joe Biden is being sent to Milwaukee on Tuesday the 15th for yet another assassination setup. His visit comes a week before a Republican presidential debate will be held there, and Milwaukee is a major “scene of the crime” in “2020’s stolen presidential election”…

…from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Here is an excerpt…

The Associated Press declared Democrat Joe Biden the winner in Wisconsin on Wednesday after the state once again went down to the wire in the presidential election.

Unofficial results showed Biden with a lead of about 20,000 votes out of 3.2 million cast, and the Trump campaign in a statement vowed it would request a recount.

Biden’s lead is very close to Trump’s winning margin in 2016 over Hillary Clinton.

Biden overtook Trump in the early morning hours when Milwaukee reported its roughly 170,000 absentee votes, which were overwhelmingly Democratic. Then early morning returns from Green Bay and Kenosha on Wednesday added to his slender lead.

Trump had nurtured a lead of more than 100,000 votes before those returns came in.

Milwaukee is a center for German-American culture (think “Nazis”), and August 15 is a Catholic holy day, the Assumption of Mary (celebrating Mary’s rise into heaven at the end of her earthly life). So will Joe Biden meet the end of his earthly life tomorrow at the hands of “a right-wing domestic violent extremist still angry about the stolen election”? Not so likely now, but rest assured that the Kabbalist numbnuts will continue trying to script Biden out of the play.

Watch Pope Francis tomorrow too. Any day connected to Mary could be scripted to bring the “Third Secret of Fatima” into play. Tomorrow could be “Day X.”

~ MORE ~

Well, well, well… it looks like some people had to make a hasty change of plans for Tuesday the 15th…

…from Reuters

So the plan was to reveal the charges against Trump today in order to trigger the (false-flag) “MAGA” assassination of Biden in Milwaukee tomorrow.


~ MORE – 15 August 2023 ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered the occult cues behind the scheduling of Biden’s Milwaukee events today…

Biden will speak at Ingeteam Inc.

Ingeteam Inc. USA (Google Search)

3550 W Canal St, Milwaukee, WI 53208, United States

Strong’s Greek: 5328. Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king


Ingeteam Milwaukee = President Joe Biden 3x 

Bidenomics = The Holocaust (Wikipedia) 3x overlap

1:05 PM – The President participates in a tour of Ingeteam, Inc. (12:05 PM Local)

Strong’s Hebrew: 1205. beathah: terror, dismay 

Strong’s Greek: 1205. deute: come!

2:00 PM – The President delivers remarks on how Bidenomics is Investing in America to grow the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down (1:00 PM Local)

1:00 PM = 13:00

Strong’s Hebrew: 1300. baraq: lightning

Strong’s Greek: 1300. diateleó: to accomplish thoroughly, i.e. to persist

NOTE (13 August 2023): Be advised that the chance of war for Monday and Tuesday remains significant because the 40-day landing date of September 23 (see “Temple Dedicated” and Shabbat Shuva) and the 150-day landing date of January 11 (see “Moses Repeats the Torah” and “Petulant Rebbe Demands Moshiach Now! 36 Years Ago”) will be reachable both days. And these are the Three Days of Darkness landing cues: Monday-Thursday, Tuesday-Friday.

(13 August 2023) – On Saturday, the globalists flourished their backup plan for the start of the war (note the Hawaii wildfire headlines and the main headline on the pending indictment / arrest of Trump)…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report

In the 4 August update, I noted that they’d be closing down streets near the Atlanta courthouse starting on Monday the 7th, but check out this little detail…

The Fulton County Sheriff’s Office in Atlanta will be increasing security and closing streets around the Fulton County Courthouse ahead of a possible indictment against former President Trump.

Pryor Street SW between MLK Jr. Drive and Mitchell Street will close to general traffic starting 5 a.m. Monday through Aug. 18, according to the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office. – from The Hill

They did this two-week lockdown to give themselves maximum flexibility in scheduling the indictment and staged forceful arrest of Trump, and they extended it through August 18 because of this…

…from Reuters

Had the Kabbalists been able to proceed with any of their previous setups, the Trump indictment would have come as early as last Monday. But now they’re planning to do it in the latter part of this week to tie it into the trilateral summit at Camp David on Friday the 18th. The Trump arrest will likely come first, then they’ll decapitate the US, Japan, and South Korea with another laser-initiated wildfire at Camp David.

Camp David is located in the northern part of Frederick County, Maryland in the middle of a forest, and that forest is currently experiencing moderate drought conditions (the little red circle on the map is Camp David)…


So the tinder is dry and ready for another laser-set firestorm like the one in Maui. Take a moment to think about it…

  • First, they circulate news of a Chinese satellite shooting lasers down on Hawaii.
  • Second, they burn down a town in Hawaii with a suspicious fire.
  • Third, they burn down Camp David with a suspicious fire.
  • So which nation would people suspect as the culprit? The one that was caught shooting lasers at Hawaii, right? The one that has an obvious motive to decapitate the US, Japan, and South Korea before starting a war: China (and their North Korea proxy).

As for the Trump arrest, which they’d likely schedule before Friday, it will allow the “commie” Harris administration to blame the Camp David fire on “MAGA revenge” for Trump’s forceful arrest / death.

It should also be noted that August 18 was chosen as the summit date because it is the Jewish day of 1 Elul, the day Moses ascended Mount Sinai for his third 40-day stay. So Friday is intended to start another 40-day count: that of the “Fire Judgment from God” War.

Here are two more reasons they scheduled the trilateral summit for the 18th…

  1. There will be a conjunction of the Moon and Mercury, Artemis and “Mercury, the Messenger,” at 7:26 AM EDT (Camp David time) on Friday (Mercury’s message: “Arrows are coming; take cover”).
  2. There will be a conjunction of the Moon and Mars, Artemis and “Mars, the god of war,” later that day at 7:07 PM EDT (77) (Rodfall begins).

(11-12 August 2023) – Sunday Weather Report: Hot, with a strong chance of Firestorms

Sunday, August 13 is looking very bad. It has Artemis signs all over it. See Onnabugeisha’s notes for the cues. And being big astrologers, the Kabbalists will want to take advantage of Sunday’s “signs in the heavens”: the Moon (Artemis) being in Gemini (the twin “saviors”), Saturn (the god of the New Aquarian Age) being in Aquarius, the peak of the Perseid meteor shower (cover for an orbital attack), and the 11:10 UTC conjunction of the Sun and Venus (the “morning star, Lucifer,” which will be at its closest point to the Earth, “between” the Earth and the Sun). Strong’s Hebrew 1110 is “balaq: to waste, lay waste, to annihilate.”

Meanwhile, reader Ronin reports that the Turks are now moving to pick a fight in the Mediterranean…

Apparently the show has started, with the Turks sailing (under the escort of a frigate) towards the NAVTEX area that they’ve claimed for themselves for drilling, and the Cypriots regarding this move as illegal are issuing an anti-NAVTEX.

I’ll explain everything in my writeup (probably tomorrow).

~ MORE – 12 August 2023 ~

To start out today, let me show you the “signs in the heavens” at the moment of the Venus-Sun conjunction tomorrow, starting with Saturn in Aquarius…

…from Stellarium-Web

Saturn has been swinging around the crotch of Aquarius for months now, so from the Kabbalist perspective, this stretch of time is an auspicious one for bringing the “god” Saturn — who will turn out to be a real di*k — to his throne.

A key element of the Kabbalists’ “End Times” stageplay is “the Second Coming of Saturn.” Have a look at this promotional page of a prophecy propaganda book on the subject — particularly the parts marked in red about Aquarius and Saturn

…from the SkyWatchTV prophecy propaganda mill

As for the Moon, it will be in Gemini only for the weekend (August 12-13), which is why today and tomorrow are auspicious days for beginning Artemis’s firestorm (so the Twin Messiahs can be brought in)…

…from Stellarium-Web

Do you remember the phoenix (symbolizing the Phoenix Moment) that featured in the closing ceremony of the highly symbolic London 2012 Olympics?…

…from The Atlantic

And do you remember the 2012/Zion logo and the one-eyed (Illuminati) TWIN mascots, Wenlock and Mandeville (“Warlock” and “ManDevil”) who ran along rainbows in the sky and fell to Earth in the midst of a STORM?…

…from the BBC (top) and the London 2012 YouTube channel (bottom)

These mascots represent the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux. The weaker twin (Castor) may be played by Mike Pence, Donald Trump, or Xi Jinping; the stronger twin (Pollux) by Jared Kushner, Prince Harry, or Vladimir Putin (as I’ve shown in previous updates, all three Pollux candidates are Jewish).

Next, we’ll look at the significance of the potential landing dates for the war’s end (August 16, September 22, and January 10 — with the final two, the day after is of interest).

~ MORE ~

Looking to the potential war periods that could flow out of a Sunday, August 13 Artemis Rodfall, a 4-day “Three Days of Darkness (3DOD)” war is a strong possibility, since…

> the Turks are moving on Cyprus’ EEZ, and 3DOD has been specifically tied to such a move in past prophecy propaganda…

(from 31 July 2022) – …I remembered something our favorite Greek Orthodox prophecy propagandist, Metropolitan Neophytos, said in a video…

…from YouTube

As you can see, he talked about how the Cypriots would someday experience 3 days of war fear in relation to Turkey, and he mentioned the previous intrusion of a Turkish drill ship into Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in connection with it.

> and the 3DOD event template calls for three days of fiery rain from heaven followed by a UFO arrival on the fourth day

(from 2 April 2023) – This weekend I ran across a propaganda piece pushing the “Three Days of Darkness” prophecy. Here is a key excerpt…

>>> The duration of the darkness will be as follows: one day and one night, followed by another day and a night, and another day. But on the third night, the earthquake and the fire will cease, the stars will shine, and the next morning, the Sun will rise again; and it will be spring. Angels will descend from Heaven and spread the spirit of peace over the Earth. A feeling of immeasurable gratitude will grip those who survive this horrific ordeal.

The Great Chastisement, although largely supernatural, and described above as A CONTINUOUS RAIN OF FIRE, may get EXPLAINED AWAY as something “natural” or synthetic such as some manmade form of WW3. – from <<<

The “continuous rain of fire” part sounds like the Artemis Rods from God + artificial meteors attack I’ve been warning about (note the propagandist’s attempt to dispel my narrative).

AND Onnabugeisha’s (now expanded) notes on August 13-16 include these cues that could be used to script the three days of fire and the August 16 “arrival”…

FIRE: Nemoralia (Wikipedia) (also known as the Festival of Torches or Hecatean Ides), a three-day festival originally celebrated by the ancient Romans on the Ides of August (August 13–15in honor of the goddess Diana. [Her Greek equivalent is Artemis and Hecate.]

ARRIVAL: United States Space Force (Wikipedia). Founded: 20 December 2019, 1335 days ago on 8/16. [1335 days is a time period in the Bible that relates to a fully complete 3.5 year Tribulation period.]

WARNING (10 August 2023): There is a Biden assassination setup in “New Jerusalem” (Salt Lake City) today

On the day after a Utah man was supposedly shot dead during an attempted arrest over threats he’d made to shoot Biden, Biden is in Salt Lake City, Utah where he will give a speech at a VETERANS medical center (which is full of old-school military men who want him dead). The speech is scheduled to start at 11:15 AM local time, and Strong’s Greek 1115 is Golgotha, The Place of the Skull” — a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. And get this…

…At the same time, Church leaders such as Brigham Young taught the importance of building Zion wherever the Saints were. Not long after they settled in the Salt Lake Valley, President Young spoke of their growing city as a New Jerusalem and the rising Salt Lake Temple as the focal point of the gathering. – from the Church of Jesus Christ (the Mormons)

It should also be noted that per Onnabugeisha’s notes, today marks 110 months and 15 days (1115) since (“the False Prophet“) Pope Francis stood atop the Temple Mount in (real) Jerusalem during his “Desecration Tour of the Holy Land” back in 2014. More on that later.

~ MORE ~

If Biden is assassinated today, it will trigger a conflagration tomorrow or Saturday. And we know this because shortly after Francis stood atop the Temple Mount and then departed Jerusalem on 26 May 2014, this happened…

…from The Guardian

This fire in Christ’s birthplace was symbolic of Christendom being set ablaze, which is what will happen during the Kabbalist-faked “Fire Judgment from God.” And the 27 May 2014 Nativity Fire was set in motion when Pope Francis desecrated the site during a “private visit” on the second day of his Tour (25 May 2014). Well guess what…

The 9 years and 11 weeks (9/11) mark of the Nativity Fire will be reached on August 11 or 12 (depending on how you count the days).

Expressed in different units of time…

The 110 months and 16 days (1116) mark will be reached on the same days [11,12].

And Strong’s Greek 1116 is “Gomorrah,” the city “God destroyed with RAIN OF FIRE” (Gomorrah represents “Babylon the Great,” the UK/US/G7/NATO, in the “End Times” stageplay).

It should also be noted that Strong’s Hebrew 1116 is “bamah: a high place,” representing both Barack Obama (“lightning from heaven“) and where the rain of fire would come from, the Artemis Array. The Kabbalists also have the option of scripting thousands of fires set by satellite-borne lasers. Did you see the news of the “apocalyptic” fires in Hawaii yesterday? Do you remember the news of green lasers from Chinese satellites being spotted over Hawaii? After drying out the West with “heat domes,” the tinder is dry and ready, and there is virtually no limit to the number of fires a satellite laser can set.

Of course, the conflagration that is planned for tomorrow or Saturday is also a “Nativity Fire.” It would mark the fiery birth of the New World Order phoenix.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on August 11-12 are now up, and they feature more cues (in red) that support(ed) the scripting of the Fire Storm on Friday or Saturday.

(8 August 2023) – Today’s alert will remain active through tomorrow, August 9, which is the anniversary of the Nagasaki atomic bombing and 3800 days since Xi Jinping became president of the Red Dragon. And based on what we learned from Revelation 16, globalist-initiated widespread power outages may precede Artemis Rodfall (so that is our cue to take shelter).

~ MORE ~

The Games of the Victorious Caesar

In past updates I’ve pointed out that the globalists are scripting parallels between Vladimir Putin’s rise to emperorship of the NWO and Octavian’s rise to emperorship of ancient Rome. So it should be noted that we are in the midst of an ancient Roman festival known as “Ludi Victoriae Caesaris,” the “Games of the Victorious Caesar.” The festival spanned July 20-30 on the Julian calendar, which is August 212 on our current calendar.

It should also be noted that August 2 (15 Av) was the day Russia started live-fire naval drills in the Baltic Sea and a joint Russia-China fleet was off the coast of Alaska — quite a way to begin the festivities. And now we are approaching the final four days of Caesar’s Games, August 9-12. Given this fact, here are the war prospects for the coming days…

Onnabugeisha has added more notes on August 9.

~ MORE ~

File this one under “things that make you go hmmm”

Don’t you find it interesting that…

82 days after the G7 leaders, including Biden, visited the Hiroshima atomic bombing site on May 19

…and in the wake of the 7/11 premiere of the heavily hyped Oppenheimer movie about the creation of the atom bomb…

Biden’s Jewish chief of staff has arranged for him to be in New Mexico — the state that hosted Oppenheimer’s Los Alamos Lab and the Trinity Site where the first atom bomb exploded — on the August 9 anniversary of the Nagasaki atomic bombing?


Oh, and here’s something about the number 82

The Hebrew primitive root word qalal (Strong’s #H7043), used many times to designate something is cursed or despised, is recorded 82 times in the Old Testament.

The Hebrew word qorban (Strong’s #H7133), found 82 times in the Old Testament’s original manuscripts, means something brought near an altar as a sacrificial present. Its New Testament Greek equivalent is korban (#G2878), translated as Corban in Mark 7:11. – from

Double hmmm.

So is the cursed and despised Biden being brought near the Trinity Site atomic altar as a sacrificial present?…

…I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.

By the way, look at the tail number of the bomber that nuked Nagasaki…

ALERT (7-8 August 2023): An Armageddon Alignment Falls on 8/8

Behold the Bible’s 7-headed, 10-horned Red Dragon and Beast from the Sea

…from (note that the Dragon’s legs and the Beast’s arms form a Masonic square and compass)

If the globalists have their way, these two creatures will make their big move by August 18, and possibly much sooner: My beloved Onnabugeisha has identified an Armageddon sign for tomorrow…

8/8 (Tuesday) 

88(number) (Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance

  • In Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and also “bye bye”
  • In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler. 

Conjunction of the Moon [representing Artemis, both the goddess and the orbital weapons system] and Jupiter [representing Satan]: TUE, 08 AUG 2023 AT 09:44 UTC (In-The-Sky) -> Strong’s Greek: 944. batrachos: a frog in Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs coming out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.

And as I’ve written about in previous entries on the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment stageplay, these are the entities assigned to be the dragon, beast, and false prophet in the First Tribulation:

> The Chinese Communist Party are playing the role of the Red Dragon…

BEGIN EXCERPT>>> (8 December 2022) – Behold the Red Dragon of Revelation 12…

As I mentioned in the 6 December update, the globalists have arranged for China to play the role of the Red (commie) Dragon of Revelation 12…

Revelation 12:3 NIV – Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.

The seven heads with crowns on them are the 7 members of the Politburo Standing Committee, the top political body in China. And this morning, I tracked down the 10 horns (with which the Dragon can gore its enemies): they are the 5 branches of the People’s Liberation Army plus the 5 branches of the Paramilitary Forces of China

  1. the Ground Force
  2. the Navy
  3. the Air Force
  4. the Rocket Force
  5. the Strategic Support Force
  6. the People’s Armed Police
  7. the China Coast Guard (a service branch of the People’s Armed Police)
  8. the Militia of China
  9. the People’s Liberation Army Reserve Service
  10. the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (still active)

In keeping with biblical prophecy, the globalists WILL script the fall of the Red Dragon — it’s just a question of when. Under their currently-active timeline (which incorporates the 2029 arrival of the Apophis asteroid as a key element), the Dragon’s fall must happen by the fall Jewish holy days of 2025 at the very latest. <<<END EXCERPT

> The G7/NATO are playing the role of the Beast from the Sea (that is under the control of the Red Dragon)…

BEGIN EXCERPT>>> (1 July 2023) – It should be noted that the Bible’s Book of Revelation features a sea monster…

Revelation 13:1 – Then I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the sea. There were ten royal crowns on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads.

As I’ve been pointing out for years, this beast (in the First Tribulation) is the G7…

The Beast of Revelation has seven heads, and upon those seven heads are ten horns, each with a crown. Now if we look at the G7, it consists of seven nations (the heads), and it has ten leaders (the horns with crowns). Those leaders are the 7 political heads of the member nations plus the 2 political heads of the EU…

…from Wikipedia

That makes 9 horns. So who is the tenth, you ask? It is the religious head of the G7, the Pope, who hails from the Vatican, a sovereign city-state at the very heart of a G7 member state. This makes Pope Francis the “Hidden Horn.”

So with this information set before us, let’s look at it in light of the controlled alt-media narrative that the globalists have been spinning…

“The institutions of the West have been slowly infiltrated by the communists / ‘socialists’ / ‘greens’, and with Chinese cash to back them up, they’ve taken control of many of the Western governments. And now that the leading Western nations are under communist control, the Chicoms have set them on a course (the Ukraine War) that will lead to nuclear war with Russia. They are doing this so that the US-EU and Russia will annihilate each other, leaving communist China as the world’s sole superpower.” <<<END EXCERPT

> And “Communist Antipope” Francis is playing the role of the False Prophet (see yesterday’s update on the number 38).

As for the point in (the artificial fulfillment of) biblical prophecy at which we find ourselves, it’s not a good place…

Revelation 16:8-21 [BSB, with my additions in brackets] – 8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was given power to scorch the people with fire. 9 And the people were scorched by intense heat, and they cursed the name of God, who had authority over these plagues; yet they did not repent and give Him glory. [Does this sound familiar this summer?]

10 And the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness [a “Chinese cyberattack on the electrical grids” or a fake EMP or fake Carrington Event], and men began to gnaw their tongues in anguish 11 and curse the God of heaven for their pains and sores; yet they did not repent of their deeds.

12 And the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East [“by the Turkish Antichrist/Dajjal”].

13 And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs coming out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14 These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.

15 “Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who remains awake and clothed, so that he will not go naked and let his shame be exposed.”

16 And they assembled the kings in the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon [Har-Magedon].

The Seventh Bowl of Wrath [This is Artemis Rodfall]

17 Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came from the throne in the temple, saying, “It is done!”

18 And there were flashes of lightning, and rumblings, and peals of thunder, and a great earthquake the likes of which had not occurred since men were upon the earth—so mighty was the great quake. 19 The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. And God remembered Babylon the great and gave her the cup of the wine of the fury of His wrath.

20 Then every island fled, and no mountain could be found. 21 And great hailstones weighing almost a hundred pounds each rained down on them from above. And men cursed God for the plague of hail, because it was so horrendous.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday, August 8 are now posted. And there are three potential endpoints for a war that starts tomorrow: August 11 (24 Av, the day Jewish law was restored in 100 BC), September 16 (Rosh Hashanah Day 1), or January 5, 2024 (December 23, 2023 on the Julian calendarthe final day of Julian Saturnalia).

(6 August 2023) – The scripting cues behind the alert for today will remain active through Monday the 7th, including the 40-day war’s end date of September 15 / Erev Rosh Hashanah.

Among Onnabugeisha’s notes for August 7 and 8 is this strong cue for scripting Artemis Rodfall

Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (Wikipedia), on 13 March 2013, 3800 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/8.

And I found this reference to the number 38 on a “Christian numerology” website…

The number 38 and punishment

Verse 38 of 1Kings 18 records Elijah calling down fire from heaven in order to consume his sacrifice to God. – from

[Ken’s Note: Part of Elijah’s sacrifice was grain. As for the globalists’ sacrifice, it will be the people consumed by the Artemis kinetic strikes offered as “a fire sacrifice to Lucifer / Satan” to bring good fortune in the launch of their (BRICS) NWO.]

The cues for August 7 also allow for the scripting of a naval war-starting incident. One potential scenario involves Putin traveling to Turkey for grain talks and a Turkish sub downing his plane over the Black Sea using a modified IDAS missile (the Turks are part of its development team). With no radar track of a plane firing the missile, everyone would assume that a NATO stealth jet did the deed, thus triggering the war between the Christian West and East the Turks desire. Putin’s apparent death would be the trigger for unleashing Operation Blackjack using the Artemis Array.


Here’s how they did the prophecy setup for it…

As was noted in Onnabugeisha’s notes for August 5-7, Pope Francis visited Fatima today — a place of much fake prophetic significance. And tomorrow he’ll be conducting an open-air Mass at the riverside Tejo Park in Lisbon, a city of seven hills (like Rome). This Mass will take place on the 500th day (Strong’s Greek 500 is “antichrist“) of his “Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary”…

The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a reigning pope was requested during a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima on 13 July 1917, according to Lúcia dos Santos (Sister Lúcia), one of the three visionaries who claimed to have seen the apparition. Sister Lucia said that at different times the Blessed Virgin Mary had given her a message of promise that the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary would usher in a period of world peace.

Popes Pius XII, Paul VI and John Paul II all consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, although without specifically referencing Russia or the USSR. On March 25, 2022, Pope Francis consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, alongside Ukraine, with both countries mentioned for the first time. This occurred during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. – from Wikipedia

This brings us to globalist disinfo agent Tom Horn’s prophecy propaganda about the Third Secret of Fatima

…The Washington Post was happy to point out these glaring contradictions on July 1, 2000, when under the stinging headline, “Third Secret Spurs More Questions: Fátima Interpretation Departs from Vision,” the newspaper opined:

>>> On May 13, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, a top Vatican official, announced the imminent release of the carefully guarded text. He said the Third Secret of Fátima foretold not the end of the world, as some had speculated, but the May 13, 1981, shooting of Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square.

Sodano said the manuscript…tells of a “bishop clothed in white” who, while making his way amid corpses of martyrs, “falls to the ground, apparently dead, under a burst of gunfire.”

But the text released Monday (June 26) leaves no doubt about the bishop’s fate, saying that he “was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him.” Everyone with the pontiff also dies: bishops, priests, monks, nuns and lay people. John Paul survived his shooting at the hands of a single gunman, Mehmet Ali Agca, and no one in the crowd was harmed in the attack.[xiv] <<<

Other facts the Washington Post did not point out is how, according to the prophecy, the pope is killed in “a big city half in ruins while walking to the top of a mountain and kneeling at the foot of a cross. – from

So will this attack be made to resemble Ukraine’s truck bomb and naval drone attacks on the Kerch Strait Bridge and Russian ships? Will they blame the attack on “Russian retaliation in league with their Iranian allies — a Russian/Iranian attack disguised as an ISIS attack to avoid accountability”?

It should also be noted that…

~ MORE ~

Reader Ronin has reminded me of something that’s in Onnabugeisha’s notes for the 6th…

Hiroshima Day (National today). The bomb exploded over Hiroshima at 8:15 [local time] on the morning of August 6, 1945 (Atomic Archive), [UTC: 5 August], the 78th anniversary. The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will. The surrender of Japan (Wikipedia) in World War II was announced by Emperor Hirohito on 15 August [8/15 -> 8/1+5=6 ]

[Ken’s Note: Sunday, August 6 will mark 3 years and 2 days since the Beirut Port Explosion, and Strong’s Greek 32 is “an angel“]

You may remember that the G7 Summit took place in Hiroshima back in May — a trip that was loaded with deliberately planned prophetic connections. So it’s possible that Operation Blackjackthe hitting of all the NATO decision-making centers — is/was planned for tomorrow (and the Lisbon attack is just part of that). Or they could do Lisbon to gather the Western leaders for a “decapitation funeral” in Rome on the 10th-11th (but that would likely involve using a conventional explosive for Lisbon — it would be hard to justify the leaders gathering if a nuke goes off in a NATO capital).

If the war starts tomorrow (Sunday), it will likely be a “40-day Fire Judgment” war; that would land its end on September 15, Erev Rosh Hashanah (the day the Jewish New Year begins at sunset).

(4 August 2023) – While I don’t anticipate the globalists making their big move this weekend, Onnabugeisha’s notes for August 5-7 suggest that they have/had the possibility of starting a Three Days of Darkness psyop today, leading to the “Arrival” on Monday. We’ll look at other scripting possibilities for those days later today.

~ MORE ~

Mischief is Afoot for Next Week

For Monday onward, the Kabbalists have set in motion a Biden visit to the hostile border states of Arizona and New Mexico while at the same time closing streets around an Atlanta courthouse where Trump may be indicted again. So the scripting is pretty predictable…

  • They’ll stage a “MAGA attack” on Biden and then arrest and hold Trump for instigating it, or
  • they’ll have Georgia arrest and hold Trump and then stage the “MAGA attack” on Biden.
  • At that point, all hell will break loose.

Also, Pope Francis’s death is again scriptable, with the aim being to gather the Western leaders for his funeral in Rome on August 10 or 11. A 150-day war started on either of those days [10,11] would reach its end on January 7, 2024 (Orthodox Christmas). Failing a papal death, watch for an emergency NATO Summit convened after Erdogan arrests Putin during his visit to Turkey.

A Three Days of Darkness scenario that runs from Monday or Tuesday through Thursday or Friday is also scriptable.

(3 August 2023) – The key thing to watch today is Trump’s arraignment in Washington DC at 4 PM EDT. Should the judge decide to keep him in custody until the trial (imprison him), it’s “game on” for Friday (and we might see assassination or imprisonment attempts on Netanyahu, Putin, Bolsonaro, and similar figures). If Trump is released, we might get through this weekend without big trouble.

WARNING (2 August 2023): Russia has launched naval drills in the Baltic Sea today [1,2], which brings to mind a piece of BBC predictive programming I ran across some time ago…

…from YouTube

This “fictional” BBC News video tracks a NATO-Russia confrontation in the Baltic Sea that quickly escalates to nuclear war. Let’s see if they try to act it out in real life between today and this weekend.

~ MORE ~

If they don’t start the war today, they can try again on Friday or Saturday (either day could be counted as Day 1290 of the Mike Pence Tribulation timeline), so Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday are now posted.

After rewatching the BBC predictive programming piece, something interesting happened: YouTube tried to start as the next video a report on the government whistleblower who said the government has recovered non-human bodies from crashed UFOs. Evidently, the YouTube algorithm has been tweaked to connect videos about the outbreak of nuclear war to videos about ETs, thus preparing people’s minds for the UFO/UAP “intervention to stop nuclear war” that is scripted.

(31 July-1 August 2023) – Israel, this week’s war — if it goes forward — will be brought to you by the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult…

…from [“770” is Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in New York]. Be sure to thank their chosen Moshiach properly when the bastard shows up to “save” you from the war they started.

Upon discovering the possibility of a scripted Six Day War (II) that would start today and conclude on Saturday, I found a report on The New Arab that says this…

Israeli defence minister Yaov Gallant approved plans on Sunday for a possible escalation with Lebanon’s Hezbollah paramilitary group.

Gallant ordered Israeli forces along the length of Israel-Lebanon border to prepare for various eventualities, Israel’s Walla news reported.

The plans were presented to Gallant by the Israeli army’s Northern Command chief Uri Gordin, who ordered Israeli forces overseeing the Shebaa Farms area to mobilise in order to test their readiness for an incursion by Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Unit.

This war could “escalate” on 15 Av and result in Mike Pence’s appearance as savior on Saturday (with the help of the Space Force). Essentially, the war that starts today would segue into a Three Days of Darkness scenario on 15 Av, with the arrival of the Space Force and/or Fake ETs on Saturn’s Day.

~ MORE ~

When I started out this morning, my aim was to check if there was a potential Three Days of Darkness (3DD) scenario that could flow out of 15 Av / August 2. And knowing that the timetable the Kabbalists have telegraphed for 3DD would land its final (fourth) day on Saturday, 18 Av, I checked Chabad’s historical summary for that day. It was then that I was reminded that 18 Av was one of the days of the Hebron Massacre…

Hebron Massacre (1929)

Sixty-seven Jewish men, women and children were slaughtered, and scores wounded, raped and maimed, by their Arab neighbors in the city of Hebron, who rioted for three days amid cries of “Slaughter the Jews.” The killings began on Friday afternoon, 17 Av, and most of the victims lost their lives on Shabbat, 18 Av. The survivors were forced to evacuate to Jerusalem, and the ancient Jewish community of Hebron, which had lived in relative peace in the city for hundreds of years, was not revived until after Israel’s capture of Hebron in the 1967 Six Day war. – from

It was this mention of the Six Day War that made me realize that they could do a historical repeat from today to Saturday. And upon checking the news and finding out what the Israeli government did yesterday, I sounded the alarm. Israel has now moved into August 1, so the window for that particular scenario is closed.

As for the significance of Hebron and how its connection to 18 Av could signal the arrival of the Fake Messiah…

On 9 March of last year, the globalists trotted Mike Pence (who is playing an antichrist character in the “End Times” stageplay) to Hebron so he could “desecrate” the Tomb of the Patriarchs — the second holiest site in Judaism and also a holy site to the Muslims — with his “Satanic presence”…

…from The Jerusalem Post

Since Pence was the key figure in establishing the public side of the Space Force, he (along with Trump, “who ordered its creation”) is a strong candidate to play the “Fake Moshiach ben David” that Chabad-Lubavitch will bring to power. But don’t get too accustomed to having him around. The Fake Moshiach and Chabad are both scripted to fall when the “Real Moshiach ben David,” Vladimir Putin (or, less likely, Sergei Shoigu), takes over the NWO (probably in 2025).

As for why the globalists specifically chose March 9, 2022 for Pence’s Hebron desecration, we finally know the answer: August 2, the day the war that brings in the Fake Moshiach could begin, falls 511 days since the desecration. And we’ve seen the number 511 quite a lot lately, haven’t we?…

~ MORE – 1 August 2023 ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on today and tomorrow have been posted, with the notes for August 2 placed at the top. Among them are occult cues that can be used to script one or more of the following events…

Also — being the other half of my brain — Onna reminded me of what I wrote in the “~ MORE – 27 June 2023 ~” update about a Mike Pence Tribulation timeline that reaches Day 1290 on Friday. Here is part of it…

Counting this Western Wall desecration event as Day 1 of the second half of a Pence Tribulation, Day 1290 falls on 4 August 2023, which is Barack Obama’s birthday and the Jewish anniversary of the Hebron Massacre (Hebron is another “holy” place Pence “desecrated”: Mike Pence walks in Abraham’s footsteps in Hebron). So if the globalists run this scenario, watch for Obama and Pence to meet the same bad fate that day. Also watch for the possibility that the “martyred” Trump (or Putin) will be “resurrected” 45 days later on Day 1335, which is September 18 / 3 Tishrei (Tzom Gedaliah, traditionally a day of mourning over the assassination of a “righteous” governor).

Under the Three Days of Darkness scenario, the “firestorm” would happen during Wednesday day and night, Thursday day and night, and Friday day, ending on Friday night (Day 1290 of the Pence timeline). So if they go forward with it, it will be interesting to see if Pence rises or falls that day. It may be scripted that Antichrist Obama falls and Antichrist Pence rises, or maybe Trump (or possibly even Putin) takes them both out.

We should also remember that the Kabbalists can opt for a longer war that lasts 40 days or 150 days, ending on September 11 or December 30 (Julian Saturnalia) respectively.

ONE MORE THING: In past updates I’ve written about the “Gemini Twins” element of the script in which TWO leaders will rise and work together to form the NWO. So if Pence rises, watch for the possibility that he’ll send Jared Kushner (of Abraham Accords fame) to the United Nations to reach a world peace deal and launch the “reformed UN” (NWO). In this case, Kushner will be playing the Fake Moshiach ben David and Pence will be playing the Fake Moshiach ben Yosef.


Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for 2025, Volume 1

For the previous volume of Onna’s notes, covering the days of July 30 through December 29 of 2024, click here.


Here are her notes on Sunday, March 2…

 Coronation of Charles III and Camilla (WikipediaBritannica) – In the first British coronation in some seven decades, Charles III and Camilla were crowned king and queen, respectively. Date: 6 May 2023 (5/6 -> 56 is the “corona number”), 666 days ago

• Raging Trump boots ‘disrespectful‘ Zelensky OUT of White House (The US Sun)

Gematria: disrespectful = the coronation 2x (+ Satanic and more)

3/2 (Sunday)

Julian calendar: 2/17 (Convert a date)

Gematria: Seventeenth of February = Saturn the keeper of time (Google Search) 3x

Genesis 7:11 – In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. [Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’ (YouTube – CNN)]

Roman festivalsFebruarius 17  (Wikipedia) – last day of the Fornacalia, an Ancient Roman religious festival celebrated in honor of the goddess Fornax (Wikipedia), the divine personification of the oven[Revelation 9:2 The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.]

• Rebbe Falls Ill (Chabad) – On the 27th of Adar I, 5752 (March 2, 1992), the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, suffered a disabling stroke while praying at the gravesite of the previous Rebbe, the 33rd anniversary 

• Communists International (Comintern) (Wikipedia) also known as the Third International, was an international organization founded on 2 March 1919 that advocated world communism, and which was led and controlled by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union…, 106 years ago [Hebrew: 106. egroph: a fist; Raised fist – Wikipedia]

Jewish calendar: 2 March 2025 = 2 Adar

• The trial of the Gunpowder Conspirators (UK Parliament) – Four conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot were executed in St Paul’s Churchyard. Date: 30 January 1606 (Julian) = 2 Adar I (Convert a date). The other four – Guy Fawkes,… were executed just outside Westminster Hall, in Old Palace Yard, the following day (HISTORY), 419 Jewish years ago

Numbers3/2 (inclusive) – 3/3

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, PBS NewsHour – YouTube). Date: 27 May 2016 [Japan Standard Time is UTC +9], 8 years, 9 months, 4 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894.apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – Atlas Obscura]

Here are her notes on Monday, February 17…

2/17 (Monday/day of Moon) [the ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, 217 weeks ago]

Julian calendar: 2/4 (Convert a date)

Gematria: Seventeenth of February = Saturn the keeper of time 3x

Genesis 7:11 – In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

Roman festivalsFebruarius 17  (Wikipedia) – last day of the Fornacalia, an Ancient Roman religious festival celebrated in honor of the goddess Fornax (Wikipedia), the divine personification of the oven.

[Revelation 9:2 The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.]

• British Minister of Defense Harold Macmillan announced plans to develop and produce hydrogen bomb (Britannica). Date: 17 February 1955, 70 years ago

Presidents’ Day (WikipediaNational today) officially Washington’s Birthday. Every third Monday of February we celebrate Presidents’ Day in all its patriotic glory. 

Essene calendar2 Adar

• The Knesset (WikipediaJewish Virtual Library), the parliament of Israel, convened for the first time on Monday, 14 February 1949 = 2 Adar, following the elections in January of that same year. 

Chinese calendar1st Month 20, year of the Snake

• Pluto discovered (HISTORY) – Pluto [named after Pluto/Hades – the ruler of  the Greek underworld], once believed to be the ninth planet, is discovered at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, by astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh. Date: 18 February 1930 = 1st Month 20, year of the Horse

• Malcolm X assassinated (HISTORY,  BBC) –  February 21, 1965 = 1st Month 20, year of the Snake: In New York City, Malcolm X, an African American nationalist and religious leader, is assassinated while addressing his Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights.

Numbers2/17  (inclusive) – 2/18

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack (2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel – Wikipedia) on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. Date: 7 October 2023, 500 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites]

After sunset 🌅 – 2/18 (Tuesday)

Jewish calendar20 Shevat (11/20), (One Messianic Gentile)

• Imam Ali struck on the head during prayer by Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam with a poisoned sword. (your blog – Enhanced Note – 9 April 2023) Date: Tuesday, 19 Ramadan (Wikipedia: herehere) 40 AH = Shevat 20 (Convert a date

• The First Red Scare (Wikipedia) was a period during the early 20th-century history of the United States marked by a widespread fear of far-left movements, including Bolshevism and anarchism. Duration: Tuesday, 21 January 1919 = 20 Shevat – April 1, 1920

• President Harry S. Truman established the National Intelligence Authority and the Central Intelligence Group (WikipediaOffice of the HistorianPOLITICOthe precursor of today’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Date: Tuesday, 22 January 1946  = 20 Shevat 

• Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s revolutionary computer Macintosh, two days after the groundbreaking commercial “1984” aired before a national TV audience and heralded the product’s impending release (BritannicaYouTube). Date: Tuesday, 24 January 1984 = 20 Shevat

Islamic calendarSha’ban 19 (8/19)

• Adolf Hitler (WikipediaAstro-databank) was an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. He rose to power as the leader of the Nazi Party, becoming the chancellor in 1933 and then taking the title of Führer und Reichskanzler in 1934. Born: 20 April 1889 at 18:30 = Sha’ban 19, 1306 AH, 140th Islamic anniversary of his birth.

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016 = Sha’ban 19 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 20, 1347AH, 9 Islamic years ago 

• UFO: Roswell incident (Wikipedia) July 8 [7/8 -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): “evil angels”] 1947 = Sha’ban 19, 1366 AH, issue of the Roswell Daily Record, featured a story announcing the Roswell Army Air Field “capture” of a “flying saucer” from a ranch near Roswell. [Roswell UFO Part 1 – FBILos Angeles Times], 80 Islamic years ago

• King of Jordan in historic Tel Aviv visit (BBC) Date: 10 January 1996 =  Sha’ban 18  (Convert a date) or Shaban 19, 1416 AH

• Mustafa Kemal Atatürk sets off the Turkish War of Independence (timeanddate, Wikipedia: herehere) – The fight against the allies of the Triple Entente ended some four years later. The Republic of Turkey was founded, and Atatürk became its first President. Start date: 19 May 1919 = Sha’ban 18 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 19, 1337 AH 

• Pope Paul VI visits Israel (VaticanThe Jerusalem Post). Becoming the first pontiff to leave Italy in more than a hundred years, and also becoming the first pope to fly in a plane, on January 4, 1964, the pope arrived in Jordan… =  Sha’ban 18  (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 19, 1383 AH

Here are her notes on the February 2-3 danger period…

2/2 (Sunday/day of the Sun)

Julian calendar: 1/20 (Convert a date)

February 2 (Wikipedia) is the 33rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar

Sementivae (Wikipedia) was a Roman festival of sowing. It was held in honor of Ceres (the goddess of agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth)….The festival honoring Ceres started on February 2.

Candlemas in Western Christianity (AnydayGuideWikipedia), also known as the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Feast of the Holy Encounter.

Groundhog Day (AnydayGuide), First Groundhog Day (HISTORY) – Date: 2 February 1887, 138 years ago 

Russia: Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad (AnydayGuide)

Iran: National Space Technology (AnydayGuide)

Gematria: Yorkshire Pudding Day (National Today) = John Fitzgerald Kennedy 3x, president Abraham Lincoln 2x, forty seventh president 2x, The Georgia Guidestones 2x; British Yorkshire Pudding Day = John F Kennedy Assassination 1x

• The FBI’s undercover criminal investigation known as Abscam was revealed to the public; it resulted in the convictions of various elected officials on an assortment of bribery and corruption charges (Britannica). Date: 2 February 1980, 45 years ago

Essene calendar17 Shevat

Chinese calendar1st month 5, year of the Snake

• Nazi Party (Wikipedia), officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was a far-right political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that created and supported the ideology of Nazism. Founded: 24 February 1920 = 1st Month 5, year of the Monkey, Munich, Germany

• Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany (WikipediaHISTORY) – On January 30, 1933 = 1st Month 5, year of the Rooster, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or führer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany.

• Adolf Hitler appoints himself as head of the Armed Forces High Command (Wikipedia). The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Wikipedia, Armed Forces High Command) was established. Date: 4 February 1938 = 1st Month 5, year of the Tiger

• Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill (Wikipediavatican.vaCBS News ) – Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill sign an Ecumenical Declaration in the first such meeting between leaders of the Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches since their split in 1054. Date: 12 February 2016 = 1st Month 5, year of the Monkey

Numbers2/2  (inclusive) – 2/3

• Prince Harry was christened Henry Charles Albert David on 21 December 1984 at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by Robert Runcie, the then Archbishop of Canterbury (WikipediaYouTube), 40 years, 44 days ago [444]

After sunset 🌅 – 2/3 (Monday)

Jewish calendar5 Shevat (5/5 or 11/5, d/m date format 5/11), (One Messianic Gentile)

• Augustus (Wikipedia), also known as Octavian, was the founder of the Roman Empire; he reigned as the first Roman emperor from 16 January 27 BC = 5 Shevat (Convert a date). He is granted the title Augustus by the Roman Senate, marking the beginning of the Roman Empire (Wikipedia).

• Jared Kushner (Wikipedia) – Born: 10 January 1981 = 5 Shevat44 Jewish years ago 

• Mahmoud Abbas (Wikipedia), 2nd President of the Palestinian National Authority. Assumed office: 15 January 2005 = 5 Shevat 5765, 20 Jewish years ago [The number 20 (Bible Study), which is one more than nineteen, is twice ten. It can convey a meaning of a complete or perfect waiting period.]

• CERN (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Israel became CERN’s 21st Member State on 6 January 2014 = 5 Shevat (CERN – Israel – International Relations), 11 Jewish years ago

• The Knesset passes a resolution confirming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, proclaiming that “Jerusalem is, and has always been, the capital of Israel (Wikipedia). Date: Monday, 23 January 1950 = 5 Shevat

• Inauguration of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany (WikipediaHitler’s First Radio Address – Jewish Virtual Library) – On 30 January 1933, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler. The new Reichskanzler Hitler addresses the German nation in a call of the Reichsregierung, broadcast over all German transmitters on 1 February the same year = 5 Shevat 

Islamic calendarSha’ban 4 (8/4)

• I, Pet Goat II (Wikipedia) – Release date: 24 June 2012 = Sha’ban 4, 1433 AH

• Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (WikipediaHISTORY) was one of the key events that led to World War I. Date: Sunday, 28 June 1914 = Sha’ban 4, 1332 AH, 114 Islamic years ago [The Quran is divided into 114 surahs (chapters) – Wikipedia]

• Assassination of James A. Garfield  (WikipediaHISTORY) James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, was shot [2x] at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C., at 9:30 am, July 2, 1881 = Sha’ban 4, 1298 AH. (He died in Elberon, New Jersey, 79 days later on September 19, 1881.)

• The Blitz begins as Germany bombs London (HISTORY) – On September 7, 1940 [at about 4:00 – Britannica] = Sha’ban 4, 1359 AH, 300 German bombers raid London, in the first of 57 consecutive nights of bombing. This bombing “blitzkrieg” (lightning war) would continue until May 1941.

• Arab revolt (Wikipedia: herehere), was a military uprising of Arab forces against the Ottoman Empire in the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I. Began: 5 June 1916 (publicly on 10 June) = Sha’ban 3 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 4, 1334 AH

• The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Wikipedia) is founded. Date: 23 April 1920 = Sha’ban 4, 1338 AH, 108 Islamic years ago [108 (number) – Wikipedia]

• Martin Luther King Jr. born (WikipediaHISTORYAstro-databank) Date: 15 January 1929 = Sha’ban 4, 1347 AH, 99 Islamic years ago 

• First inauguration of George Washington  (HISTORYWikipedia) – George Washington is sworn in as the first American president and delivers the first inaugural speech at Federal Hall in New York City Date: 30 April 1789 = Sha’ban 4, 1203 AH

• Operation Opera (WikipediaThe Week), also known as Operation Babylon, was a surprise airstrike conducted by the Israeli Air Force which destroyed an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor located 17 kilometres (11 miles) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq. The attack triggered widespread international condemnation of Israel. Date: 7 June 1981 at 15:55 local time (12:55 GMT) (Wikipedia) = Sha’ban 4, 1401 AH, 45 Islamic years ago


Netanyahu leaves for Washington looking to deepen ties with Trump (Reuters).

Trump says Japan PM Ishiba to visit him next week (Kyodo News).

2/3 (Monday/day of Moon)

Julian calendar: 1/21 (Convert a date)

Conjunction of Venus and Neptune (In The Sky) at 19:51 UTC in the constellation Pisces.

The Midpoint of Winter (Farmers’ Almanac) – Many people think the midpoint of winter is always Groundhog Day, but it varies. Monday, February 3, 2025 is the exact halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.

Gematria: February the third = Queen Elizabeth death 3x,  King Charles III 2x, Balmoral castle 2x, President Kennedy 2x, Muslim Brotherhood 3x

• 1972 Iran blizzard (Wikipedia) was the deadliest blizzard in history, as recorded by the Guinness Book of Records. A week-long period of low temperatures and severe winter storms, lasting 3–9 February 1972, resulted in the deaths of over 4,000 people, 53 years ago [about the number 53 – your blog on 15 March 2024 hereGematria (Reverse Pythagorean): Armageddon = 53, Zaporizhzhia 53, Fukushima 53]

Essene calendar18 Shevat

Chinese calendar1st Month 6, year of the Snake

• The Chelyabinsk meteor (SpaceWikipedia) was a small asteroid — about the size of a six-story building — that broke up over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia, on 15 February 2013 = 1st Month 6, year of the Snake. The blast was stronger than a nuclear explosion, triggering detections from monitoring stations as far away as Antarctica. Injured: 1491 people

Numbers2/3 (inclusive) – 2/4

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III (HISTORY). Date: 8 September 2022, 880 days ago [88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”. In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.]

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Created cardinal: 22 February 2014 (by Francis), 4000 days ago 

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) – the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: Monday, 8 August 2022, 911 days ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 2/4

Jewish calendar6 Shevat (5/6 or 11/6)

• The United States and the Holy See announced the establishment of diplomatic relations (Wikipedia). In sharp contrast to the long record of strong domestic opposition, this time there was very little opposition from Congress, the courts, and Protestant groups. Date: Tuesday, 10 January 1984 (after a 117-year break) = 6 Shevat

• The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal – Date effective: 16 January 2016 (implementation) = 6 Shevat

• The United Kingdom’s membership within the European Union ceases in accordance with Article 50, after 47 years of being a member state (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 31 January 2020 at 23:00 GMT = 6 Shevat 

Islamic calendarSha’ban 5

• Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting (Wikipedia) – Date: 24 June 1947 = Sha’ban 5, 1366 AH 

• Manhattan Project – Trinity (nuclear test)(WikipediaBritannica) – First atomic bomb exploded near Alamogordo, New Mexico The United States tested the first atomic bomb this day in 1945 near Alamogordo, New Mexico, and the following month dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, hastening the end of World War II. Date: 16 July 1945 at 5:29 a.m. = Sha’ban 5 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 6, 1364 AH, 82 Islamic years ago [Lead: atomic number 82. And lead is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia); the license plate on Trump’s beast: 800 002 – The Dallas Morning NewsGematria: Armageddon = 82, Zaporizhzhia = 82]

• Vladimir Putin – Visit to Israel (Kremlin); Victory Monument in Netanya (Wikipedia) – The monument was inaugurated at an official ceremony on 25 June 2012 = Sha’ban 5, 1433 AH with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Times of Israel) Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022 = Sha’ban 5 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 6, 1443 AH

Here are her notes on the January 21 National Prayer Service at Washington National Cathedral…

A Service of Prayer for the Nation, Washington National Cathedral. Date: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 (Washington National Cathedral)

GematriaService of Prayer for the Nation = Jupiter-Saturn conjunction 2x [Date: 21 December 2020, 4 years, 4 weeks, 4 days ago] 

A Service of Prayer for the Nation = Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin 2x [21 January is the 101st anniversary of the death of Vladimir Lenin – Wikipedia]

Prayer for the Nation  = Divine intervention 3x, the Phoenix is rising 3x, Emperor Donald Trump 3x, Melania Knauss Trump 2x, 

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde will preach (, Mariann Budde – Wikipedia, Washington’s first female diocesan bishop; in 2020 – Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde outraged by Trump visit to church (Google SearchYouTube, Donald Trump photo op at St. John’s Church – Wikipedia). Born: 10 December 1959, 65 years, 6 weeks old [Strong’s Hebrew: 656. aphes: To cease, to fail, to come to an end / Greek 656. aposunagógos: Expelled from the synagogue, excommunicated] 

Gematria: The Right Reverend Mariann Budde = The Great North American Eclipse (Google Search3x, presidential assassination 1x; The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde = Political assassination 2x; Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde = the Storming of the Bastille 2x, Donald John Trump assassination 2x, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton 1x

• Pope John Paul II became the first Catholic pontiff to visit Cuba (Business InsiderVatican). Date: 21 January 1998, the 27th anniversary 

Gematria:  Marco Antonio Rubio (Wikipedia) = Pope Francis ritual 4x, Iranian president 3xMarco Rubio = John Paul II 3x; The Rise of Marco Rubio ( = The JFK Assassination 2x

Washington National Cathedral (Wikipedia) – Construction began on 29 September 1907 when the foundation stone was laid,  42,850 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew  4285. machshak: darkness, a dark place; 21 January 2025 (after sunset) =  22 Tevet  (10/22) -> Exodus  10:22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days.]

The Cathedral was damaged during the Virginia earthquake (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 23 August 2011, 700 weeks ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier; Strong’s Hebrew 700. Arubboth: Windows, floodgates]

Gematria: National Cathedral = The Manhattan Project 2x

Here are her notes on the January 18-20 danger period…

Numbers1/18  (inclusive) – 1/19

• The Great North American Eclipse (SPACE, Solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 – WikipediaIn The Sky) and Asteroid 532 Herculina at opposition (In The Sky) – The origin of its name is not known; it may be named after the mythical Hercules, …(Wikipedia), 9 months, 11 days ago [9/11]

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia) – Born: 15 September 1984 at 16:20 (Astro-Databank), 40 years, 4 months, 4 days ago [444]

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People). Date: 11 November 2022, 800 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 800. eshshah: a fire – Jeremiah 6:29 The bellows blow fiercely, blasting away the lead (*) with fire. The refining proceeds in vain, for the wicked are not purged. / Greek: 800.asumphónos: dissonant, discordant] The number 800 (Bible Study)

* Lead is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia)

After sunset 🌅 – 1/19

Jewish calendar19 Tevet (10/19), (One Messianic Gentile)

• Roman emperor Nero (BritannicaWikipedia)  – who became infamous for his personal debaucheries and extravagances and, on doubtful evidence, for his burning of Rome and persecutions of Christians – was born. Date: 15 December AD 37 (Julian) = 19 Tevet (Convert a date) Antium, Italy [Both Obama and Trump could be a modern Nero (Obama – Google SearchTrump – Google Search)]

• The Treaty of Versailles takes effect (Wikipedia), officially ending World War I. And the League of Nations instituted (HISTORY) – the Covenant of the League of Nations (Wikipedia) enters into force. Date: Saturday, 10 January 1920 = 19 Tevet, 105 years Jewish years ago 

• The Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union meets and formally dissolves the Soviet Unionending the Cold War (Wikipedia). Date: 26 December 1991 = 19 Tevet33 Jewish years ago 

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia. He was also president of Russia and prime minister of Russia. And Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Russia. Assumed offices: 16 January 2020 = 19 Tevet5 Jewish years ago

• Archbishop Thomas Becket (WikipediaHISTORY) is brutally murdered in Canterbury Cathedral by four knights of King Henry II of England, apparently on orders of the king. [Thomas Becket: the murder that shook the Middle Ages – British Museum] Date: 29 December 1170 (Julian) = 19 Tevet (Convert a date)

• London Underground opens – “The Tube” is the world’s oldest underground railway (The British Newspaper ArchiveWikipedia). Date: Saturday, 10 January 1863 = 19 Tevet, 5623

Islamic calendarRajab 19 

• The Great Turkish War (Wikipedia) was a series of conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League consisting of the Holy Roman Empire, Poland-Lithuania, Venice, Russia, and the Kingdom of Hungary. Start date – The main Ottoman army laid siege to Vienna on 14 July 1683 (Wikipedia) = Rajab 19, 1094 AH 

• The Chemical Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) Signed: 13 January 1993 = Rajab 19 (Convert a date) or Rajab 20, 1413 AH 

• London Underground opens – “The Tube” is the world’s oldest underground railway (The British Newspaper ArchiveWikipedia). Date: Saturday, 10 January 1863 = Rajab 19, 1279 AH

1/19  (Sunday/ day of the Sun)

Julian calendar: 1/6 (Convert a date)

γ-Ursae Minorid meteor shower 2025 (In The Sky)

Mercury at aphelion (In The Sky)

World Religion Day (AnydayGuide)

Christmas in Jerusalem comes three times a year. Armenian Orthodox church in Jerusalem celebrates Christmas on 19 January (The Jerusalem Post, Wikipedia

Gaza Day in Iran (AnydayGuide) – It was established to express solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle against Israeli occupation.

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: The Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ (Baptism of the Lord) – Cross Procession with Great Blessing of Waters outdoors. (Wikipedia: herehereAnydayGuide) – It celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ.

• Holy See–Israel relations (Wikipedia)… A Vatican Nunciature in Israel and an Israeli embassy in Rome were simultaneously opened on 19 January 1994

Essene calendar3 Shevat 

• Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial airs during Super Bowl XVIII  on January 22, 1984 (HISTORYWikipediaYouTube) = Essene calendar: 3 Shevat

Chinese calendar12th Month 20, year of the Dragon

• Truman approves CIA precursor, 22 January 1946 = 12th Month 20, year of the Rooster (POLITICO). On this day in 1946, President Harry S. Truman signed an 800-word document entitled Directive on Coordination of Foreign Intelligence Activities that became the precursor of today’s Central Intelligence Agency.

• Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial airs during Super Bowl XVIII  on January 22, 1984 (HISTORYWikipediaYouTube) = 12th Month 20, year of the Pig

Numbers1/19 (inclusive) – 1/20

• Assassination of Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia), Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian major general, was targeted and killed by a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq while he was on his way to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi. Date: 3 January 2020 about 1:00 a.m. local, 60 months, 2 weeks, 3 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

• Iran nuclear deal (Wikipedia), an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 together with the European Union. Created: 14 July 2015, 9 years, 6 months, 6 days ago [966]

• William, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia) (William Arthur Philip Louis) Born: 21 June 1982 at 21:03 (Astro-Databank), 2222 weeks old

After sunset 🌅 – 1/20 

Jewish calendar20 Tevet (10/20 or 4/20), (One Messianic Gentile

Passing of Maimonides (1204)

20 Tevet (1483) – The first volume of the Babylonian Talmud, the tractate Berachot, is printed in Soncino, Italy (Wikipedia)

• The Continental Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris, formally ending the Revolutionary War with Great Britain and establishing the United States of America as a free sovereign nation (POLITICOHISTORY). Date: 14 January 1784 = 20 Tevet

• Batman (TV series) (Wikipedia) – The 120 episodes aired on the ABC network for three seasons from 12 January 1966 = 20 Tevet

• Manhattan Project (HISTORYatomic archive) – On December 28, 1942 = 20 Tevet President Roosevelt authorized the formation of the Manhattan Project to combine these various research efforts with the goal of weaponizing nuclear energy.

• President Truman announces U.S. has developed hydrogen bomb (HISTORY). Date: 7 January 1953 = 20 Tevet

• The Chemical Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) Signed: 13 January 1993 = 20 Tevet

Islamic calendarRajab 20 (7/20)

• Damascus captured by the Rashidun Caliphate (Wikipedia), Damascus was the first major city of the Eastern Roman Empire to fall in the Muslim conquest. of Syria. Date: 19 September 634 (Julian) = 20 Rajab (Convert a date)

• The Chemical Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) Signed: 13 January 1993 = Rajab 19 (Convert a date) or Rajab 20, 1413 AH

1/20 (Monday / day of the Moon)

Julian calendar: 1/7 (Convert a date)

Conjunction of Venus and Saturn (In The Sky) at 05:16 UTC in the constellation Aquarius. [Amos 5:16 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be wailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!’ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.]

Roman festivalsIanuarius 7 (Wikipedia) supplication for Jupiter Sempiternus to commemorate the assumption of the fasces (*) by Augustus. *The image has survived in the modern world as a representation of magisterial or collective power, law, and governance… it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived).

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: Synaxis of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John (Orthodox Church in AmericaWikipedia)

Second inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 47th president of the United States. Date: Monday, 20 January 2025

Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Wikipedia, When Will Trump Take Office? On MLK Day, Unfortunately – IntelligenceAnydayGuide

Robert E. Lee Day (AnydayGuide) – observed in some U.S. states on the third Monday of January. It commemorates the birth of Robert E. Lee, an American and Confederate soldier who served as a commander of the Confederate States Army in the American Civil War.

Blue Monday (National Today) rolls around every year on the third Monday in January. The meaning of this day is filled with controversy because it is supposedly the saddest day of the year. [awareness, mental health] 

National DJ Day (Disc Jockey Day)(AnydayGuide[JD Vance – Wikipedia]

 The first English parliament to include not only Lords but also representatives of the major towns holds its first meeting in the Palace of Westminster, now commonly known as the “Houses of Parliament” (Wikipedia) Date: 20 January 1265

• Trial of Charles I (Wikipedia) the first time a reigning monarch was tried and executed by his own subjects. The trial began on 20 January 1649 (Julian) in Westminster Hall and King Charles I of England was beheaded on 30 January 1649 (Julian) (Wikipedia,  HISTORY)

• The United States Senate allows the Navy to lease Pearl Harbor as a naval base. (Wikipedia). Date: 20 January 1887

• The Iran hostage crisis (WikipediaHISTORY) ended on the day of the Inauguration of Ronald Reagan. Date: 20 January 1981 (lasted 444 days), the 44th anniversary 

• Wannsee Conference (WikipediaHISTORY) was a meeting of senior government officials of Nazi Germany and Schutzstaffel (SS) leaders, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee. The purpose of the conference was to ensure the co-operation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question (Wikipedia), a plan for the genocide of individuals they defined as Jews. Date: 20 January 1942

• First confirmed case of COVID‑19 found in U.S. (HISTORY) – Date: 20 January 2020, 5 years ago [The WHO declares the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (Time), 1776 days ago; Corona = crown – Google Search]

Essene calendar4 Shevat (in d/m date format 4/11)

• Thriller (song) released (Wikipedia): Monday, 23 January 1984 (United States) = Essene calendar: 4 Shevat [Is Donald Trump a werewolf? – UnHerd]

Chinese calendar12th Month 21, year of the Dragon

• Batman (TV series) (Wikipedia) – The 120 episodes aired on the ABC network for three seasons from 12 January 1966 = 12th Month 21, year of the Snake [The Dark Knight Rises (Wikipedia) – release dates: 20 July 2012 (United States and United Kingdom), 4567 days ago -> Strong’s Greek 4567. Satanas: Satan]

• Seal of the United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Adopted: 15 January 2020 = 12th Month 21, year of the Pig

• Thriller (song) released (Wikipedia): Monday, 23 January 1984 (United States) = 12th Month 21, year of the Pig [Is Donald Trump a werewolf? – UnHerd]

• Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas (Wikipedia), the 7th United States Secretary of Homeland Security. He was born in Cuba to Jewish parents. Assumed office: 2 February 2021 = 12th Month 21, year of the Rat

• The Chemical Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) Signed: 13 January 1993 = 12th Month 21, year of the Monkey

Numbers1/20 (exactly)

• Republican Party (United States) (Wikipedia HISTORY) – Founded: 20 March 1854, 2050 months ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 2050. hathath: Terror, destruction / Greek: 2050. erémósis: Desolation, devastation] 

• 2018 Hawaii false missile alert (Wikipedia) – On the morning of January 13, 2018, a ballistic missile alert was “accidentally” issued via the Emergency Alert System in Hawaii. Duration: 38 minutes, 7 years 7 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier;  Gematria: US Capitol rotunda = Honolulu Hawaii US 2x; Michelle Obama to skip Donald Trump’s inauguration after solo holiday in Hawaii – The Telegraph]

• Capital One Arena (Wikipedia) in Washington, D.C. Located in the Chinatown [The Chinese-owned restaurants and businesses are largely gone.]. The arena was opened as MCI Center but renamed to Verizon Center. Date: 2 December 1997, 9911 days ago

Numbers1/20 (inclusive) – 1/21

• 2024 United States elections (Wikipedia), 77 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – Ceres Courier]

• Democratic Party (United States) (Wikipedia) Founded: 8 January 1828, 10,281 weeks ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 1281. bariach: Bar, bolt, fugitive, serpent. The metaphorical use of “bariach” to describe a serpent reflects the cultural perception of serpents as creatures that are both dangerous and elusive, often associated with chaos or evil in biblical literature.] 

• Notre-Dame fire (Wikipedia) – On Monday, 15 April 2019, 69 months, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 1/21

Jewish calendar21 Tevet  (10/21 or 4/21), (One Messianic Gentile), Hebrew Language Day in Israel

[Gregorian 4/21 is the traditional date for the founding of Rome – Google SearchWikipediaStrong’s Hebrew: 421. alah: to wail / Greek: 214. alalazó: to raise a war cry

• Abraham Accords: Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement (Wikipedia) Effective: 5 January 2021 = 21 Tevet Essene Calendar: 21 Tevet, Hebrew Language Day in Israel

• Democratic Party (United States) (Wikipedia) is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. Since the 1850s, its main political rival has been the Republican Party. Founded: 8 January 1828 = 21 Tevet, 197 Jewish years ago 

• The French invasion of Russia (Wikipedia)[initiated by Napoleon]. End date: 24 December 1812 = 21 Tevet

Islamic calendarRajab  21  (7/21 -> 7/7+7+7)

• Our Lady of Fatima (Wikipedia) – The controversial events at Fátima, including the Miracle of the Sun, gained fame due partly to elements of the secrets, prophecy and eschatological revelations allegedly related to the Second World War and possibly more global wars in the future, particularly the Virgin’s request for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Start date: 13 May 1917 = Rajab 21, 1335 AH, 111 Islamic years ago 

• Avalanche hits royal ski party (BBC) – The Prince of Wales has narrowly avoided death on the ski slopes of Switzerland in an avalanche that killed one of his closest friends. Date: 10 March 1988 = Rajab 21, 1408 AH, 38 Islamic years ago 

• Louis XIV (, the Sun King (le Roi Soleil), is crowned King of France. Coronation: 7 June 1654 = Rajab 21, 1064 AH, Reims Cathedral [your blog – 5 May 2022]

Here are her notes on Friday, January 10…

1/10 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 12/28 (Convert a date)

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 23:13 UTC

East Syriac RiteMassacre of the Innocents (Wikipedia) Feast: 10 January

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia (Wikipedia)

• Crossing the Rubicon (Wikipedia) is an idiom that means “passing a point of no return”. Scholars usually place it on the night of 10 and 11 January, 49 BC. It is often asserted that Caesar’s crossing of the river precipitated Caesar’s civil war. The civil war ultimately led to Caesar’s becoming dictator for life (Wikipedia). [Gematria: Crossing the Rubicon = the war to end all wars 3x]

• London Underground opens – “The Tube” is the world’s oldest underground railway (The British Newspaper Archive). Date: 10 January 1863, 162 years ago [Strong’s Hebrew 162. ahah: alas!] 

• The Treaty of Versailles takes effect (Wikipedia), officially ending World War I. And the League of Nations instituted (HISTORY, League of Nations Day – National Today) – the Covenant of the League of Nations (Wikipedia) enters into force. Date: 10 January 1920, 105 years ago 

• The first session of the United Nations General Assembly  (WikipediaHISTORY)  opened on 10 January 1946 at the Methodist Central Hall (also known as Central Hall Westminster) in London.

on the same day Project Diana (Wikipedia) named for the Roman moon goddess Diana, was an experimental project of the US Army Signal Corps in 1946 to bounce radar signals off the Moon and receive the reflected signals. The first successful echo detection came on 10 January 1946 at 11:58 am local time (Wikipedia), 79 years ago 

• The United States and the Holy See announced the establishment of diplomatic relations (Wikipedia). In sharp contrast to the long record of strong domestic opposition, this time there was very little opposition from Congress, the courts, and Protestant groups. Date: 10 January 1984, 41 years ago 

• Jared Kushner (Wikipedia) – Born: 10 January 1981, his 44th birthday

• Thomas Paine publishes his pamphlet “Common Sense“(HISTORYWikipedia), a 47-page pamphlet advocating independence from Great Britain to people in the Thirteen Colonies. Date: 10 January 1776, 249 years ago [Star Trek The Next Generation: The 47 Conspiracy – You Tube; Donald Trump was elected the 47th President]

• Florida seceded from the Union and the following month joined the Confederacy. (Library of Congress). Date: 10 January 1861

Essene calendar24 Tevet

Chinese calendar: 12th Month 11, year of the Dragon

Numbers1/10  (inclusive) – 1/11

• Xi Jinping (WikipediaCNN) became General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Date: 15 November 2012, 4440 days ago [Tetraphobia (Wikipedia) – is the practice of avoiding instances of the digit 4. It is a superstition most common in East Asian nations and is associated with death.] 

National Police Day in China (AnydayGuide)

• Coronation of Charles III and Camilla (Wikipedia) Date: 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey, 616 days or 88 weeks ago [616 is the alternate number of the beast – Wikipedia; [88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye” In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.]

After sunset 🌅 – 1/11

Jewish calendar11 Tevet (10/11 or 4/11), Tevet (One Messianic Gentile)

• Emmanuel Macron (Wikipedia) was born on 21 December 1977  = 11 Tevet at 10:40 AM (Astro-Databank), 47 Jewish years ago

• Safavid Iran (Wikipedia) was one of the greatest Iranian empire ruled by Safavid dynasty (Kurdish origin). It is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history, as well as one of the Gunpowder empires (refers to the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires). Established: 22 December 1501 = 11 Tevet (Convert a date)

• The Republic of China (Wikipediabegan on 1 January 1912  = 11 Tevet as a sovereign state in mainland China following the 1911 Revolution, which overthrew the Manchu-led Qing dynasty and ended China’s imperial history.

• China: Three Gorges Dam (Wikipedia) construction began on 14 December 1994 = 11 Tevet

• Union of Soviet Socialist Republics established (Britannica HISTORY) – The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, formed this day in 1922 with its capital in Moscow, eventually incorporated 15 republics and constituted (in area) the largest country in the world until its dissolution in 1991. Date: Saturday, 30 December 1922 = 11 Tevet

 Islamic calendarRajab 11 (7/11

• Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11‘(CNNYouTube – CNN

• Replica of Ancient Palmyra Arch unveiled at Trafalgar Square in London, Britain (VOA News). Date: 19 April 2016 = Rajab 11 (Convert a date) or Rajab 12 [Gematria: Ancient Palmyra Arch = false flag operation 3x]

Here are her notes on Thursday, January 9…

news: Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi has placed the Israeli military on high alert, warning that Iran may take extreme measures against Israel in the coming days ( The Jerusalem Post )

1/9 (Thursday/ Thor’s day/Jupiter’s day)

Julian calendar: 12/27 (Convert a date)

Roman festivals: Ianuarius 9: Agonalia in honor of Janus, after whom the month January is named; first of at least four festivals named Agonalia throughout the year

Janus (Wikipedia) “is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces. Janus presided over the beginning and ending of conflict, and hence war and peace. -> Ancient interpretations (Wikipedia): Another etymology proposed … Ianus would be Apollo and Diana Iana, by the addition of a D for the sake of euphony. “

Funeral of Jimmy Carter (WikipediaCBS News) – President Biden has pronounced Thursday, January 9, to be a national day of mourning for Jimmy Carter, a day that coincides with the 39th president’s state funeral.

January 9 is also National Carter Day (National Today

Gematria: Carter Day = Notre Dame 3x; National Carter Day = The Israel Hamas War 4x, Illegal immigrants 3x, catholic president 2x, Iran attacks Israel (or  Israel attacks Iran) 2x; Carter’s funeral = Baphomet ritual 3x; James Earl Carter Jr. = Benjamin Netanyahu 3x, Usha Bala Chilukuri (Wikipedia) 3x, death of Joe Biden 2x, Yeshua Hamashiach ( 2x,

Jimmy Carter – [1Happy Hanukkah (Library of Congress) – On December 17, 1979, President Jimmy Carter walked to Lafayette Square from the White House to participate in the first National Menorah Lighting, in celebration of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Initiated that year by the Washington, D.C. office of the Jewish organization Chabad-Lubavitch, 45 years ago, 2Iran hostage crisis (Wikipedia) – the crises lasted for 444 days and ended minutes after President Jimmy Carter left office in 1981. 3. U.S. recognizes communist China – President Jimmy Carter announced that the United States will formally recognize the communist People’s Republic of China and sever its diplomatic relations with Taiwan (Politico). Date: 15 December 1978. 4. The First Pope at the White House (The White House, – President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter welcome Pope John Paul II into the White House. Date: Saturday, 6 October 1979]

• The first shots of the American Civil War are fired – Star of the West” incident occurs near Charleston, South Carolina. It did not trigger the Civil War.(WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 9 January 1861, 164 years ago

• Mahmoud Abbas wins the election to succeed Yasser Arafat as President of the Palestinian National Authority, replacing interim president Rawhi Fattouh (Wikipedia). Date: 9 January 2005

Essene calendar23 Tevet

Chinese calendar12th Month 10, year of the Dragon

• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (WikipediaChabad), the Rebbe. On January 17, 1951 = 12th Month 10, year of the, the Rebbe formally accepted the leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch by delivering the traditional discourse of Chassidic teaching, maamar, at a gathering marking the first anniversary of his father-in-law’s passing. 

• Calvin Coolidge (Wikipedia), 30th President of the United States. Died: Thursday 5 January 1933  = 12th Month 10, year of the Monkey and on the same day 

Construction begins on the Golden Gate Bridge in the San Francisco Bay Area (HISTORY).

• Execution of Louis XVI (Wikipedia) – Louis XVI, former King of France since the abolition of the monarchy, was publicly executed on 21 January 1793  = 12th Month 10, year of the Rat during the French Revolution at the Place de la Révolution in Paris.

• The Pentagon (Wikipedia) –  the headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense, in Arlington County, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. Completed: 15 January 1943 = 12th Month 10, year of the Horse

• Shirley Chisholm for President (Library of Congress) – On January 25, 1972 = 12th Month 10, year of the Pig, at the Concord Baptist Church of Christ in Brooklyn, New York, Shirley Chisholm announced her candidacy for President of the United States, becoming the first African American to seek a major party’s nomination for President

Numbers1/9 (inclusive) – 1/10

• Great American Eclipse (Forbes – Jamie Carter, Senior Contributor, an award-winning reporter who covers the night sky.…, Solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 (WikipediaIn The Sky) and Asteroid 532 Herculina at opposition (In The Sky) The origin of its name is not known; it may be named after the mythical Hercules, …(Wikipedia), 6660 hours ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus (CBS News). Date: 22 March 2013, 616 weeks  ago [616 is the alternate number of the beast – Wikipedia; Strong’s Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners / Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth] 

After sunset 🌅 – 1/10

Jewish calendar10 Tevet (10/10), (One Messianic Gentile), Asara B’Tevet  – Tenth of Tevet (Wikipedia)

10 Tevet (588 BC) – Nebuchadnezzar II’s armies besiege Jerusalem [Jeremiah 52:4]

10 Tevet (479 BC) – Esther appears before Achashverosh for the first time and is chosen by him to be the queen.” (Wikipedia)

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus (Kremlin). Date: 7 January 2020 = 10 Tevet, 5 Jewish years ago

• The Arab Spring (WikipediaHISTORY) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s. Street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi self-immolates in Tunisia, igniting the Arab Spring Start date: Friday, 17 December 2010 = 10 Tevet

• 2020 Nashville bombing (Wikipedia) – On December 25, 2020 = 10 Tevet, Anthony Quinn Warner detonated a recreational vehicle (RV) bomb in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, United States, killing himself, injuring eight people and damaging dozens of buildings in the surrounding area.

• Aztec sun stone (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) was rediscovered on 17 December 1790 = 10 Tevet during repairs on the Mexico City Cathedral.

• Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (Wikipedia) the last native Prince of Wales died at the Battle of Orewin Bridge on Friday, 11 December 1282 = 10 Tevet

• Treaty on the Creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Wikipedia) Signed: 29 December 1922 = 10 Tevet 

• Boris Yeltsin announces the Soviet Union will cease to exist by New Year’s Eve (HISTORY). Date: 17 December 1991 = 10 Tevet

• Ministry of Emergency Situations (Russia) (Wikipedia). Formed: 27 December 1990 = 10 Tevet 

Islamic calendarRajab 10 (7/10)

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for 2024, Volume 3

For the previous volume of Onna’s notes, covering the days of March 14 through July 29 of 2024, click here.


Here are her notes on Sunday, December 29…

Numbers12/28 (inclusive) – 12/29

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki [Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park at 10:15, in some parts of the world still on 11/23 – Time Zone Converterand Hiroshima [Peace Memorial at 18:40, in some parts of the world still on 11/23 – Time Zone Converter](VaticanAmerica Magazine) – Date: 24 November 2019 [Japan Standard Time is UTC +9], 266 weeks ago [Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church [Hebrew Gematria: Man of Sin (Wikipedia) = 266, the man of sin is variously identified with Caligula, Nero, the papacy and the end times Antichrist. Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure, Hamartia (Wikipedia) is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.] 

• 2012 United States presidential election (Wikipedia). Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term. Date: 6 November 2012, 4436 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 4436. puthón: Python, a mythical serpent slain by Apollo, divination]

• President Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (WikipediaCNN). Date: 22 May 2017, 7 years, 7 months, 7 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier]

• Bombing of Hiroshima (HISTORYWikipedia) – On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima, 29,000 days or 696,000 hours ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 12/29

Jewish calendar28 Kislev, (One Messianic Gentile), Hanukkah 4

• Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia) was the last Iranian royal dynasty that ruled for roughly 53 years between 1925 and 1979. The dynasty was founded by Reza Shah Pahlavi, a non-aristocratic Mazanderani soldier… The dynasty was overthrown at the end of  the Iranian Revolution. Founded: 15 December 1925 = 28  Kislev

• The city of Bethlehem passes from Israeli to Palestinian control (Wikipedia). Date: 21 December 1995 = 28 Kislev.

• USA3 events on 14 December 2020 = 28 Kislev 1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news), 2.The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began., 3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes)

Islamic calendar: Jumada II 27 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 28 (6/28 – like Tau Day – AnydayGuide)

• The Day of the Four Popes (Catholic RegisterHistoric day of 4 popes – POLITICO) Pope Francis declared his two predecessors John XXIII and John Paul II saints …, an unprecedented ceremony made even more historic by the presence in St. Peter’s Square of emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. Date: Second Sunday of Easter [Quasimodo Sunday – Wikipedia], 27 April 2014 = Jumada II 26 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 27, 1435 AH, 11 Islamic years ago 

• Mohammad Shtayyeh (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of the State of Palestine. Born: 17 January 1958 = Jumada II 27 , 1377 AH or Jumada II 25 (Convert a date), 69 Islamic years old

Here are her notes on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 17-18…

12/18 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 12/5  (Convert a date) [in mm/dd date format 12/05 – Strong’s Hebrew: 1205. beathah: terror, dread / Greek: 1205. deute: come!]

December (Roman month) (Wikipedia) (from Latin decem, “ten”) was originally the 10th month Luke 10:18 So He told them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

Revelation 18:10 They will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say, “Alas! Alas! You great city, you mighty city, Babylon! For in a single hour your judgment has come.”

Roman festivalsSaturnalia (Wikipedia), Eponalia in honor of Epona (Wikipedia), a country festival for Faunus (Wikipedia)

Days: UN Arabic Language Day (WikipediaUnited Nations), International Migrants Day (United Nations), National Twin Day (AnydayGuide) in the USA

Military Counterintelligence Day in Ukraine (AnydayGuide)

Gematria: December eighteen = False flag operation 2x, The Battle of Jericho 2x

Haggai 2:10 (NLT) On December 18 of the second year of King Darius’s reign, the LORD sent this message to the prophet Haggai:

Conjunction of the Moon and Mars (In The Sky) at 8:48 UTC [= 8,8 hours or 528 minutes into the day [Strong’s Hebrew 528. Amon: an Eg. god, became the supreme god of the Egyptian Pantheon, the successor of the sun-god Ra and so-called Amon Ra. He was the secret god, who hid himself and was difficult to find]

• The United States celebrates its first Thanksgiving, marking October’s victory by the American rebels over British General John Burgoyne at Saratoga (Wikipedia). Date: 18 December 1777 

• Joseph Stalin (Wikipedia) was born on 18 December [O.S. 6 December] 1878

• Yoon Suk-yeol (Wikipedia), the 13th and current President of South Korea. Born: 18 December 1960

Essene calendar1 TevetHanukkah 8

• Charles III, King of the U.K. and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened Charles Philip Arthur George in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher (WikipediaRoyal Central). Date: Wednesday, 15 December 1948 = Essene Calendar: 1 Tevet

• The United States Air Force officially closed Project Blue Book (Wikipedia), a series of systematic studies of UFOs. Date: 17 December 1969 = Essene Calendar: 1 Tevet

Chinese calendar11th Month 18, year of the Dragon

• George Washington (Wikipedia, The mysterious death of George Washington – Constitution CenterMount VernonLibrary of Congress), 1st president of the US. Died: 14 December 1799, after sunset (*) = 11th Month 18, year of the Goat. [*Washington’s last words, said Lear, were spoken around 10 p.m. on December 14: “I am just going!… herealso it was 17 Kislev, I didn’t mention it yesterday], 225 years ago

Numbers12/18  (inclusive) – 12/19

• Abdel Fatah El-Sissi (Wikipedia), 6th and current president of Egypt since 2014. is a Jew and his uncle was a member of Haganah [a former Muslim Brotherhood official accused Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi of having Jewish origins and being part of a Zionist plot against Egypt – The Times Of Israel] Born: 19 November 1954, 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days old, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days). [Alternative result: Saturday, December 20-21, 2024, if the smaller units (days) are added first; Number of the beast: 666]

• Barack Obama (WikipediaAstro-Databank) (Barack Hussein Obama II), served as the 44th president of the US from 2009 to 2017. He was officially born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, at 19:24, 555,550 ~ 555,555 hours ago.

 Donald Trump claimed he had met “foreign governments” including the “Prince of Whales” (BBC) Date: 13 June 2019, 66 months, 6 days ago [Gematria: Prince of Whales = Lord of the Flies [Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon] 4x, Prophet Muhammad  2x]

 Pope Francis (Wikipedia) – Ordination: 13 December 1969, 660 months, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 12/19

Jewish calendar18 Kislev (9/18 or 3/18) [9/9+9], (One Messianic Gentile)

Revelation 9:18 A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur that proceeded from their mouths.

Revelation 18:9 Then the kings of the earth who committed sexual immorality and lived in luxury with her will weep and wail at the sight of the smoke rising from the fire that consumes her.

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNN) Donald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Israel, formerly located in Tel Aviv. Date: 6 December 2017 = 18 Kislev7 Jewish years ago

 • Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it (NBC news). The interview in Hebrew ran on Friday, 4 December 2020 = 18 Kislev and gained traction after parts were published in English by the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday 8 December. 

 • Intifada begins on Gaza Strip (HISTORY, First Intifada Wikipedia) – Start date: 9 December 1987 = 18 Kislev.

• Capture of Saddam Hussein (WikipediaHISTORY) – Saddam Hussein, the deposed president of Iraq, was captured by the United States military forces in the town of Ad-Dawr, Iraq on 13 December 2003 = 18 Kislev 

• Washington Monument completed (Library of CongressHISTORY)  – On December 6, 1884 = 18 Kislev, workers placed the 3,300-pound marble capstone on the Washington Monument and topped it with a nine-inch pyramid of cast aluminum, completing construction of the 555-foot Egyptian obelisk, 140 years ago.

Islamic calendar: Jumada II  17 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 18 (6/18) [6/6+6+6]

12/17 (Tuesday/ day of Mars – the god of war) 

Julian calendar: 12/4 (Convert a date)

Strong’s Greek 1217. démiourgos: builder, maker, creator/Hebrew: 1217. batseq: dough (for cooking)

Strong’s Hebrew: 1712. Dagon: a god and an idol of the Philistines [The word Palestinian has its roots in a Hebrew word meaning “Philistine.” – GotQuestions]

Roman festivals: December 17-23 – Saturnalia (Wikipedia)

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar (Wikipedia): Great-martyr Barbara, at Heliopolis in Syria (Wikipedia, Baalbek Wikipedia

• Cyrus the Great (Wikipedia) – Died: 4 December 530 BC (pre-Julian Roman calendar) 

• Ostrogoths Capture Rome (History TodaySack of Rome (546) – Wikipedia) – The Eternal City was captured after a year-long siege on 17 December 546, 1478 years ago [Strong’s Hebrew 1478. gava: to expire, perish, die] 

• The United Nations recognized the Day of Atonement — Yom Kippur — as an official holiday, following diplomatic efforts by Israel with American support (The Times of Israel). Date: 17 December 2015 

• Happy Hanukkah (Library of Congress) – On December 17, 1979, President Jimmy Carter walked to Lafayette Square from the White House to participate in the first National Menorah Lighting, in celebration of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Initiated that year by the Washington, D.C. office of the Jewish organization Chabad-Lubavitch, the National Menorah Lighting has since become an annual event, 45 years ago

• The United States Air Force officially closed Project Blue Book (Wikipedia), a series of systematic studies of UFOs. Date: 17 December 1969

• Boris Yeltsin announces the Soviet Union will cease to exist by New Year’s Eve (HISTORY). Date: 17 December 1991, 33 years ago

• Arab spring (Wikipedia, Street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi self-immolates in Tunisia, igniting the Arab Spring – HISTORY) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world. Start date: 17 December 2010 

• Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire (Wikipedia) is the pilot episode of the American animated television series The Simpsons. It first aired on Fox in the United States on 17 December 1989.

• Pope Francis (WikipediaAstro-Databank) – Born: 17 December 1936 at 21:00, his 88th birthday 

• Kim Jong-il (WikipediaHISTORY), 2nd Supreme Leader of North Korea. Died: 17 December 2011

• Herzl Halevi (Wikipedia) is the Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. Born: 17 December 1967 

• Christopher A. Wray (Wikipedia), the 8th and current director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Born: 17 December 1966

• Simon Bolívar (Wikipedia) was a Venezuelan military and political leader who led what are currently the countries of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, and Bolivia to independence from the Spanish Empire. He is known colloquially as El Libertador, or the Liberator of America. Died: 17 December 1830

Essene calendarTekufah Tevet (Winter), Hanukkah 7 

Chinese calendar11th Month 17, year of the Dragon

• Ceres (dwarf planet) (Wikipedia) – Discovery date: 1 January 1801 = 11th Month 17, year of the Monkey

Numbers12/17  (inclusive) – 12/18

• President Obama Chairs the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters (Obama White HouseUN). Date: 24 September 2014, 530 weeks, 28 days ago  -> Strong’s Greek: 5328.Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king [Obama is Pharaoh – Los Angeles Times]

• Emmanuel Macron (Wikipedia), the 25th and current President of France. Assumed office: 14 May 2017, 66,600 hours ago [Number of the beast: 666]

After sunset 🌅 – 12/18

Jewish calendar17 Kislev (9/17, 3/17) (One Messianic Gentile)

Ezra Cries and Prays

• The Attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, on Sunday, 7 December 1941 = 17 Kislev83 Jewish years ago

• 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine (Wikipedia) was the first phase of the 1947–1949 Palestine war. It broke out after the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution on 29 November 1947 = 16 Kislev recommending the adoption of the Partition Plan for Palestine. Start date: 30 November 1947 = 17 Kislev

Islamic calendar: Jumada II 16 (6/16)(Convert a date) or Jumada II 17 (6/17)

[616 is the alternate number of the beast – Wikipedia; Strong’s Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners / Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth

• The signing of the United States Declaration of Independence (National ArchivesWikipedia) Date: 2 August 1776 = Jumada II 16, 1190 AH, is one of the most important but least celebrated days in American history when 56 members of the Second Continental Congress started signing the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia (Constitution Center), 256 years ago (16×16, Sum of divisors 511 –

• Einstein–Szilard letter (Wikipedia), Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard [lion + lizards] wrote a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, urging him to begin the Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear weapon. Date: 2 August 1939 = Jumada II 15 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 16, 1358 AH

• The Northeast blackout of 2003 (Wikipedia) was a widespread power outage throughout parts of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, and most parts of the Canadian province of Ontario. At the time, it was the world’s second most widespread blackout in history. Date: 14 August 2003 = Jumada II 15, 1427 AH (Convert a date) or Jumada II 16, 1424 AH

Here are her notes on Friday the 13th Weekend, December 13-15…

12/15  (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 12/2 (Convert a date)

Roman calendar (Wikipedia): December (from Latin decem, “ten”) was originally the 10th of ten months  on the Roman calendar. 10/15 [5+5/5+5+5]

Roman festivalsConsualia (Wikipedia) in honor of Consus, a tutelary deity of the harvest and stored grain. 

Third Advent Sunday (AnydayGuideWikipedia)

• 15 December 2024: After Mass, at 5:30 pm, the Pope will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron at Ajaccio Airport – Vatican News

• Roman emperor Nero (BritannicaWikipedia) – who became infamous for his personal debaucheries and extravagances and, on doubtful evidence, for his burning of Rome and persecutions of Christians – was born. Date: 15 December AD 37 (Julian). [Obama si Nero – Google Search]

• Napoleon (Wikipedia) – Burial (Les Invalides, Paris): 15 December 1840, 184 years ago [Strong’s Hebrew 184. avah: to sign, mark, describe with a mark / Greek 184. Hakeldamach, Usage: The term “Hakeldamach” refers to a specific field in Jerusalem known as the “Field of Blood.” It is associated with the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot.; Gematria: Napoleon Bonaparte = As in the days of Noah 4x, a zombie apocalypse 4x, Great Fire of London 3x]

• Donald Trump launched his superhero NFT cards collection on 15 December 2022 [GematriaTrump Digital Trading Cards = the Large Hadron Collider 2x = nine eleven terrorist attacks (9/11) 2x]

• Charles IIIKing of the U.K. and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened Charles Philip Arthur George in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher (WikipediaRoyal Central). Date: 15 December 1948

• United States announces that it will recognize communist China (HISTORYPolitico) – President Jimmy Carter announced that the United States will formally recognize the communist People’s Republic of China and sever its diplomatic relations with Taiwan. [Carter set January 1, 1979 as the effective date of the change] Date: 15 December 1978

• Iran: Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia) was the last Iranian royal dynasty. Founded by Reza Shah Pahlavi: 15 December 1925, 99 years ago

• Architect of the Holocaust sentenced to die (HISTORY)- In Tel Aviv, Israel, Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi SS officer who organized Adolf Hitler’s “final solution of the Jewish question,” is condemned to death by an Israeli war crimes tribunal. Date: 15 December 1961

• Bill of Rights Day (National TodayLibrary of Congress) – On December 15, 1791, the new United States of America ratified the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, confirming the fundamental rights of its citizens.

Essene calendar29 Kislev, Hanukkah 5

Chinese calendar11th Month 15, year of the Dragon

Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a hill near Jer. a skull [Latin calvaria], the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull:

• 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) – A massive tsunami with waves up to 30 m (100 ft) high, known in some countries as the Boxing Day Tsunami after the Boxing Day holiday, devastated communities along the surrounding coasts of the Indian Ocean, killing an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries in one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Date: 26 December 2004 = 11th Month 15, year of the Monkey 

• Charles III, King of the U.K. and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened Charles Philip Arthur George in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher (WikipediaRoyal Central). Date: 15 December 1948 = 11th Month 15, year of the Rat

• United Nations created (HISTORY, Declaration by United Nations – Wikipedia) On 1 January 1942 = 11th Month 15, year of the Snake, during the Arcadia Conference, the Allied “Big Four”—the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China—signed a short document which later came to be known as the United Nations Declaration, and the next day the representatives of 22 other nations added their signatures. The Declaration became the basis of the United Nations (UN), which was formalized in the UN Charter, signed by 50 countries on 26 June 1945.

Numbers12/15  (inclusive) – 12/16

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) were a granite monument (and a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists) that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. The guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing and dismantled later that day. Dismantled date: 6 July 2022, 894 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)]

After sunset 🌅 – 12/16 

Jewish calendar15 Kislev (3/15 or 9/15), (One Messianic Gentile) [3/15 like the Ides of March, Genesis 3:15Gematria: King Charles III = the Ides of March 2x]

Revelation 9:15 So the four angels who had been prepared for this hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.

15 Kislev (167 BCE) (Wikipedia) – The Greeks set up the Abomination of Desolation” in the Temple [1 Maccabees 1:54 Catholic Bible: On the fifteenth day of the month of Kislev in the year 145, King Antiochus set up “The Awful Horror” on the altar of the Temple, and pagan altars were built in the towns throughout Judea.]

• The International Day against Nuclear Tests (Wikipedia) was established on December 2, 2009 = 15 Kislev, at the 64th (8×8) session of the United Nations General Assembly, 15 (5+5+5) Jewish years ago

• The Kecksburg UFO incident (Wikipedia) occurred on December 9, 1965 = 15 Kislev, at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, United States.

• Herzl Halevi (Wikipedia) is the Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. Born: 17 December 1967 (Saturnalia) = 15 Kislev

• United States announces that it will recognize communist China (HISTORYPolitico) – President Jimmy Carter announced that the United States will formally recognize the communist People’s Republic of China and sever its diplomatic relations with Taiwan. [Carter set January 1, 1979 as the effective date of the change] Date: 15 December 1978 = 15 Kislev

• 1945 Nuremberg trials begin (HISTORY) – Twenty-four high-ranking Nazis go on trial in Nuremberg, Germany, for atrocities committed during World War II beginning on November 20, 1945 = 15 Kislev

Islamic calendar: Jumada II 14 (6/14) (Convert a date) or Jumada II (6/15)

[Strong’s Hebrew: 614. asiph: ingathering, harvest

/ Greek: 614. apokruphos: hidden; Trump was born on 6/14 Gregorian]

• Donald Trump signed Space Policy Directive-4 to create a military space force on  February 19, 2019 (Space) = Jumada II 13 (Convert a date) or  Jumada II 14 

• The US officially enters World War I  (Library of CongressHISTORY) –  On 6 April 1917 = Jumada II 13 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 14, 1335 AH, the United States formally declared war against Germany and entered the conflict in Europe. 111 Islamic years ago

• 1921 Persian coup d’état (Wikipedia), known in Iran as 3 Esfand 1299 coup d’état refers to several major events in Qajar Persia in 1921, which eventually led to the deposition of the Qajar dynasty and the establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty as the ruling house of Iran in 1925. Date: 22 February 1921 = Jumada II 13 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 14, 1339 AH 

• Amin al-Husseini (Wikipediaisrael365news), “The Icon of the Palestinian Struggle”, grand Mufti of Jerusalem (in office 1921 – 1948). Holocaust was the brainchild of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who, Netanyahu claimed, suggested killing the Jews (rather than merely expelling them) to Hitler during a 1941 visit to Berlin (TIMEThe Mufti and the Führer – Jewish Virtual Library). Died: 4 July 1974 = Jumada II 13 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 14, 1394 AH, 52 Islamic years ago

• Kamala Harris (WikipediaAstro-databank), the 49th and current vice president of the United States since 2021, serving under President Joe Biden. Born: 20 October 1964 at 21:28 [sunset at 18:25] = Jumada II 14 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 15, 1384 AH 

• Enoch Brooks’ Curious Book (Library of Congress) Inside the Library of Congress’ copy of a rare children’s Bible, someone carefully wrote “Enoch Brooks’ Book, Princeton, March 13th, 1789,” in ink, with a flourish. Date: Friday, 13 March 1789 [Friday the 13th – Wikipedia] = Jumada II 15, 1203 AH 

• The Northeast blackout of 2003 (Wikipedia) was a widespread power outage throughout parts of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, and most parts of the Canadian province of Ontario. At the time, it was the world’s second most widespread blackout in history. Date: 14 August 2003 = Jumada II 15, 1427 AH (Convert a date) or Jumada II 16, 1424 AH 

• Einstein–Szilard letter (Wikipedia), Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard [lion + lizards] wrote a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, urging him to begin the Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear weapon. Date: 2 August 1939 = Jumada II 15 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 16, 1358 AH

• 2006 Lebanon War (Wikipedia) – Start date: 12 July 2006 = Jumada II 15 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 16, 1427 AH

From newsG7 leaders aranging virtual summit on December 13 over Russia, Middle East (Japan Today)

12/13 [Friday the 13th – Wikipedia]

Julian calendar: 11/30 (Convert a date)

[d/m date format 13/12 – Strong’s Greek: 1312. diaphthora: destruction, decay, corruption]

Revelation 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.

Revelation 13:12 And this beast exercised all the authority of the first beast and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed.

Gematria: December thirteenth = the Battle of Jericho 3x, false flag operation 3x

Roman festivals: 13 (Ides) (Wikipedia): dies natalis of the Temple of Tellus (“Mother  Earth”), and associated lectisternium [a ceremony consisting of a meal offered to gods] for Ceres.

Roman calendar (Wikipedia): December (from Latin decem, “ten”) was originally the 10th of ten months  on the Roman calendar. -> 10/13 [October 13 is 10/13. Hundreds of the Knights Templar (Wikipedia) in France are arrested at dawn by King Philip the Fair, and later confess under torture to heresy. Date: Friday, 13 October 1307 (Julian). Why Friday the 13th Spelled Doom for the Knights Templar (HISTORY) the Curse of Jacques de Molay ( Origins)]

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: Holy and All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called (Wikipedia), Saint Andrew’s Day (Wikipedia)

• Saint Lucy’s Day (WikipediaAnydayGuide) widely celebrated as a festival of light. Saint Lucy’s Day is viewed as a precursor of Christmastide, pointing to the arrival of the Light of Christ in the calendar on December 25th, Christmas Day. [On the darkest day, a tale of two “Lucys” – The Norwegian American, Lussi – Wikipedia]

The official mascot for the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year is named “Luce,” which is Italian for “light” (Catholic World ReportVice)  [ Strong’s Hebrew 2025. harel: mount of God, the altar of burnt-offering / Greek 2025. epichrió: to spread on, i.e. to anoint]

• Pope Celestine V [5] (Wikipedia) resigns the papacy after only 5 months. Date: 13 December 1294 (Julian) [= 23 Kislev 5055; From your blog on 12 December 2022: Celestine was the first pope to make it “legal” for a pope to resign (before he resigned himself). So his was the first legal resignation of a pope, and Francis’s resignation would be the last, since the “Nazi pope” who follows him will be “the Final Pope who is removed by Christ himself.”]

• Pope Francis (Wikipedia) – Ordination: 13 December 1969, 55 years ago

• Nanjing Massacre (WikipediaHISTORY) – was the mass murder of Chinese civilians by the Imperial Japanese Army in Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, immediately after the Battle of Nanking and retreat of the National Revolutionary Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Date: From 13 December 1937, for six weeks -> Nanking Massacre Memorial Day (AnydayGuide)

• Mossad (Wikipedia) – The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, is the national intelligence agency of the State of Israel. Formed: 13 December 1949

• Capture of Saddam Hussein (WikipediaBritannica, code name: Operation Red Dawn) –  Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was captured by U.S. forces during the Iraq War; three years later he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and was executed. Date: 13 December  2003

Essene calendar: 27 Kislev, Hanukkah 3

• Reich Chancellery meeting of 12 December 1941 (Wikipedia) was an encounter between Adolf Hitler and the highest-ranking officials of the Nazi Party. Almost all important party leaders were present to hear Hitler declare the ongoing destruction of the Jewish race, which culminated in the Holocaust. The meeting is less well-known than the later Wannsee Conference. Essene Calendar: 27 Kislev, Hanukkah 3 

Chinese calendar11th Month 13, year of the Dragon

• Establishment of the Republic of China: The Republic of China (ROC)  (Wikipedia) began as a sovereign state in mainland China on 1 January 1912 = 11th Month 13, year of the Pig following the 1911 Revolution, which overthrew the Manchu-led Qing dynasty and ended China’s imperial history. 

Numbers: 12/13 (exactly)

• WWII (Wikipedia) – The European phase of World War II begins with the Invasion of Poland (Wikipedia), a joint attack by Nazi Germany, the Slovak Republic, and the Soviet Union on 1 September 1939, 4450 weeks ago [Bible Strong’s Greek 4450. purrhos: red, fire-colored, fiery red; Occurrences: Revelation 6:4, Revelation 12:3]

After sunset 🌅 – 12/14

Jewish calendar13 Kislev – Talmud completed

• Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia) becomes the 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. [Constitution of Iran (Wikipedia) Ratified and effective] Date: 3 December 1979 = 13 Kislev45 Jewish years ago

• Charles III, King of the U.K. and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened Charles Philip Arthur George in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher (WikipediaRoyal Central). Date: 15 December 1948 = 13 Kislev

Islamic calendar: Jumada II 12 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 13 (6/13) [613 commandments – (Wikipedia), 613 in Kabbalah (Wikipedia), 613 (Bible Study)]

• Ignatius of Loyola is seriously wounded in the Battle of Pampeluna/Pamplona (Wikipedia, The Injury That Changed Everything (Ignatian Spirituality) Date: 20 May 1521 (Julian) = Jumada II 12927 AH [Jesuit order established on 9/27 (WikipediaHISTORY]

• Israel group mints Trump coin to honor Jerusalem recognition (AP News). The “Temple Coin” features Trump alongside King Cyrus. Published: 28 February 2018 = Jumada II 12, 1439 AH, 7 Islamic years ago

• Donald Trump signed Space Policy Directive-4 to create a military space force on  February 19, 2019 (Space) = Jumada II 13 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 14, 1440 AH

• Russia’s Putin unveils ‘invincible’ nuclear weapons (BBC News). RS-28 Sarmat (Wikipedia) known as “Satan II”,…. Date: 1 March 2018 = Jumada II 13, 1439 AH, 7 Islamic years ago

• Burning of Parliament (Wikipedia) – The Palace of Westminster, the medieval royal palace used as the home of the British parliament, was largely destroyed by fire on 16 October 1834 = Jumada II 12, 1250 AH 

• 2016 Brussels bombings (Wikipedia) – On 22 March 2016 = Jumada II 12 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 13, 1437 AH, two coordinated terrorist attacks in and close to Brussels, Belgium, were carried out by the Islamic State (IS). 

• 1921 Persian coup d’état (Wikipedia), known in Iran as 3 Esfand 1299 coup d’état refers to several major events in Qajar Persia in 1921, which eventually led to the deposition of the Qajar dynasty and the establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty as the ruling house of Iran in 1925. Date: 22 February 1921 = Jumada II 13 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 14, 1339 AH 

• The US officially enters World War I  (Library of CongressHISTORY) –  On 6 April 1917 = Jumada II 13 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 14, 1335 AH, the United States formally declared war against Germany and entered the conflict in Europe. 111 Islamic years ago

• Amin al-Husseini (Wikipediaisrael365news), “The Icon of the Palestinian Struggle”, grand Mufti of Jerusalem (in office 1921 – 1948). Holocaust was the brainchild of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who, Netanyahu claimed, suggested killing the Jews (rather than merely expelling them) to Hitler during a 1941 visit to Berlin (TIME, The Mufti and the Führer – Jewish Virtual Library). Died: 4 July 1974 = Jumada II 13 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 14, 1394 AH, 52 Islamic years ago

Here are her notes on Pearl Harbor Weekend, December 7-8…

The Festival of Reason is important. Even Tom Horn spoke about it but the video has unfortunately disappeared (YouTube: SkyWatchTv). 

12/6 after sunset 🌅 – 12/7

Jewish calendar6 Kislev, 6 Kislev (One Messianic Gentile)

 Festival of Reason (Wikipedia) – The official nationwide Fête de la Raison, supervised by Hébert and Momoro on 20 Brumaire, Year II (10 November 1793 = 6 Kislev) came to epitomize the new republican way of religion. …churches across France were transformed into modern Temples of Reason [during the French Revolution, a state atheist temple for a new belief system created to replace Christianity: the Cult of Reason – Wikipedia]. The largest ceremony of all was at the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. The Christian altar was dismantled and an altar to Liberty was installed and the inscription “To Philosophy” was carved in stone over the cathedral’s doors. [The Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution (Institute of World Politics).]

• John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (WikipediaAstro-databank) often referred to as John-John or JFK Jr. Born: 25 November 1960 at 00:22 = 6 Kislev, 64 (8x8) Jewish years ago 

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (WikipediaJFK Library) – John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Date: Friday, 22 November 1963 at 12:30 p.m. (CST, 19:30 Paris, France – Time Zone Converter, sunset Paris 17:04) = 6 Kislev 7 Kislev

• United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (Wikipedia), adopted on 10 November 1975 = 6 Kislev, “determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination“. It was revoked in 1991 – Resolution 46/86., 49 (7x7) Jewish years ago 

• David Ben-Gurion (Wikipedia) was the primary national founder of the State of Israel as well as its first prime minister. Died: 1 December 1973 = 6 Kislev 

• Palestinian state proclaimed by Yasser Arafat (BritannicaWikipedia) – Meeting at Algiers, the Palestine National Council, at the urging of PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, issued a declaration of independence for a state of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on this day in 1988. Date: 15 November 1988 = 6 Kislev, Ben-Gurion Day

• “Putin’s rabbi” Berel Lazar (Wikipedia, Google Search) was elected chief Rabbi of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia on 15 November 1999 = 6 KislevBen-Gurion Day

• Reagan and Gorbachev hold their first summit meeting (HISTORY). Date: 19 November 1985 =  6 KislevBen-Gurion Day

• The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin – Within shooting distance (Russia Beyond) Date: 16 November 1931 = 6 Kislev

12/7 (Saturday/ Saturn’s Day)

Julian calendar: 11/24 (Convert a date)

Conjunction of Venus and Pluto (In The Sky); Jupiter at opposition (In The Sky); Neptune ends retrograde motion (In The Sky)

Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

Roman festivalsbruma, beginning of the Brumalia (Wikipedia: herehere) – In Rome there had been the minor holiday of Bruma on November 24, which turned into large scale end of the year festivities in Constantinople and Christianity. The festival included night-time feasting, drinking, and merriment…Farmers would sacrifice pigs to Saturn and Ceres.

International Civil Aviation Day (United Nations)

• United States declaration of war on Austria-Hungary (WikipediaBritannica) – It occurred eight months after the earlier declaration of war against Germany that had brought the United States into World War I. Signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on 7 December 1917.

• Adolf Hitler issued his Night and Fog Decree, a secret order for the arrest and execution of “persons endangering German security. (BritannicaNacht und Nebel – Wikipedia). Date: 7 December 1941 [GematriaNacht und Nebel = Fall of Babylon 4x (and more like Satanic gematria etc.), Day of Judgement 2x, Queen Elizabeth 2x] 

• Pearl Harbor attack (BritannicaWikipedia)- On this day in 1941, Japanese bombers launched a surprise aerial attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, precipitating the entry of the United States into World War II. Date: 4 December 1941 -> National Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance (AnydayGuideWikipedia)

• Chinese Civil War: Retreat of the government of the Republic of China to Taiwan (Wikipedia). Date: 7 December 1949 

• American astronaut Eugene Andrew Cernan commanded the last crewed flight to the Moon, effectively ending the Apollo program (BritannicaApollo 17 – WikipediaThe Blue Marble – Wikipedia) – Date: 7 December 1972

• New world order (politics)(Wikipedia) “…the principal statement creating the new world order concept came from Mikhail Gorbachev‘s December 7, 1988 speech to the United Nations General Assembly. 

• International Day of Epidemic Preparedness [27 December] designated (Wikipedia) by the United Nations General Assembly in its Resolution on December 7, 2020. 

Essene calendar21 Kislev

Chinese calendar11th Month 7, year of the Dragon [d/m date format 7/11 – Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’- CNNYouTube – CNN, Genesis 7:11]

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASABBC) “…the closest giant planetary ‘kiss’ since 1623.” [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert- Amazon – “A new age began…]. Date: 21 December 2020 at 13:34 UTC (In The Sky) = 11th Month 7, year of the Rat

• The United Nations recognized the Day of Atonement — Yom Kippur — as an official holiday, following diplomatic efforts by Israel with American support (The Times of Israel). Date: 17 December 2015 = 11th Month 7, year of the Goat

Numbers12/7 (exactly) 

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (WikipediaHISTORY) – On 21 September 1949, CCP Chairman Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China with a speech at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Date: 21 September 1949 (This was followed by a mass celebration on October 1), 900 months, 11 weeks ago [911]

After sunset 🌅 – 12/8

Jewish calendar7 Kislev, (One Messianic Gentile), Ben-Gurion Day

• Jehoaikim, King of Judah, burnt a scroll dictated by the prophet Jeremiah [Gematria: Jeremiah = Ajaccio 2x; 15 December: After Mass, at 5:30 pm, the Pope will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron at Ajaccio Airport – Vatican News

• Death of King Herod (Chabad, Herod the Great – World History Encyclopedia)

• World War I (Wikipedia, The war to end war – Wikipediaends (HISTORYArmistice of 11 November 1918 – Wikipedia) – At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends. At 5 a.m. that morning, Germany, bereft of manpower and supplies and faced with imminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside Compiégne, France (Wikipedia). Date: 11 November 1918 = 7 Kislev106 Jewish years ago [Strong’s Greek: 106. azumos: unleavened Usage: unleavened, the paschal feast (a feast of the Hebrews); used in the context of the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread / Hebrew: 106. egroph: a fist]

• Palestinian state proclaimed by Yasser Arafat (BritannicaWikipedia) – Meeting at Algiers, the Palestine National Council, at the urging of PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, issued a declaration of independence for a state of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on this day in 1988. Date: 15 November 1988 = Ben-Gurion Day

 “Putin’s rabbi” Berel Lazar (Wikipedia, Google Search) was elected chief Rabbi of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. Date: 15 November 1999 = Ben-Gurion Day

• Reagan and Gorbachev hold their first summit meeting (HISTORY) Date: 19 November 1985 = Ben-Gurion Day

Islamic calendar: Jumada II 6 (6/6(Convert a date) or Jumada II 7

• Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia: herehereDied: 31 December  2022 at 9:34 a.m. Central European Time (UTC+01) = Jumada II 7, 1444 AH 

• John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (WikipediaAstro-databank) often referred to as John-John or JFK Jr. Born: 25 November 1960 at 00:22 = Jumada II 5 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 6, 1380 AH, 66 Islamic years ago

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021 = Jumada II 6 (Convert a date) or  Jumada II 7, 1442 AH 

• In New York City, the first Congress of the United States meets, putting the United States Constitution into effect (Wikipedia: here and hereConstitution Center). Date: 4 March 1789 = Jumada II 6, 1203 AH.

• First ever UPC barcode (HISTORYGoogle Search)  – On the morning of June 26, 1974 = Jumada II 5 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 6, 1394 AH, at a supermarket in Troy [!]Ohio, a pack of Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit chewing gum becomes the first grocery item scanned with a Universal Product Code, or UPC. 

• The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) (Wikipedia) (Army of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution or Sepah) – Founded: 5 May 1979 = Jumada II 7 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 8, 1399 AH [according to World Jewish Congress on 22 April 1979].

• The United Kingdom’s membership within the European Union ceases in accordance with Article 50, after 47 years of being a member state (Wikipedia: here,here). Date: 31 January 2020 at 23:00 GMT = Jumada II 6 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 7, 1441 AH

• Star Wars (retroactively titled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope) is released in US theaters (WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 25 May 1977 = Jumada II 6 (Convert a date) or  Jumada II 7, 1397 AH.

Quasimodo (Wikipedia) “…tries to fend them off by throwing stones and bricks down onto the mob and even pours deadly molten lead [Alchemy: Lead, corresponding with Saturn Wikipedia], the mob continues attacking until Phoebus [Wikipedia – His name comes from Phoebus, the Greek god of the sun (also called Apollo)and his soldiers arrive to fight and drive off the assailants.…“

Gematria: Quasimodo = Kim Jong Un 4x, rod of iron 3x, Trump card 3x, JFK junior 3x; Quasimodo Sunday (Wikipedia) = Statue Of Liberty 3x, terrorist attack 3x, Phoenix currency 2x,…

The Gallic rooster  (Wikipedia) –  is a national symbol of France as a nation, as opposed to Marianne representing France as a state and its values: the Republic. [ Rooster  – France as nation;  Marianne  – France as the Republic;  Marion Anne Perrine  ” Marine ”  Le Pen  WikipediaGematriaGallic rooster = the Antichrist 4x [more then 4x], son of the devil 3x, coronation day 3x

12/8  (Sunday)

Julian calendar: 11/25 (Convert a date)

Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn (In The Sky) at 08:55 UTC; Conjunction of Venus and Ceres (In The Sky) at 12:40 UTC; Monocerotid meteor shower (In The Sky)

Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Wikipedia) celebrates the sinless lifespan and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 8 December, nine months before the feast of the Nativity of Mary, celebrated on 8 September. It is one of the most important Marian feasts in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church celebrated worldwide.

Second Advent Sunday (AnydayGuide)

Worldwide Candle Lighting Day (AnydayGuide)

• Mary, Queen of Scots (WikipediaHISTORY) was born 8 December 1542 (Julian). [Babington Plot – Wikipedia]

• Closing of the Second Vatican Council (Wikipedia) The 21st and most recent ecumenical council of the Catholic Church, announced by Pope John XXIII in 1959, opened on 11 October 1962, lasted for three years, and remains a symbol (controversial to some) of the church’s readiness to adapt to modern life (Britannica). Date: 8 December 1965

• SpaceX became the first commercial company to release a spacecraft—the Dragon capsule—into orbit and successfully return it to Earth (BritannicaWikipedia). Date: 8 December 2010 [12/8, Revelation 12:8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels.] 

• UK woman becomes first in world to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (The Guardian) – Margaret Keenan [Margaret means “pearl” – Wikipedia] received the jab at 6.31am in Coventry, marking the start of a historic mass vaccination programme. Date: 8 December 2020 = Rabi’II 22 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 23, 1442 AH. 

On the same day, this was published: Former Israeli space security chief says  extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it (NBC news).

• The Belovezh Accords (Wikipedia) – The leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine sign an agreement dissolving the Soviet Union and establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States (Wikipedia). Date: 8 December 1991

Essene calendar22 Kislev

• Adolf Hitler issued his Night and Fog Decree, a secret order for the arrest and execution of “persons endangering German security. (BritannicaNacht und Nebel – Wikipedia). Date: 7 December 1941 = Essene Calendar: 22 Kislev [GematriaNacht und Nebel Fall of Babylon 4x (and more like Satanic gematria etc.), Day of Judgement 2x, Queen Elizabeth 2x]

on the same day 

• Pearl Harbor attack (BritannicaWikipedia) – On this day in 1941, Japanese bombers launched a surprise aerial attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, precipitating the entry of the United States into World War II. Date: 7 December 1941 = Essene Calendar: 22 Kislev

Chinese calendar11th Month 8, year of the Dragon

Revelation 8:11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters.

Revelation 11:8 Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city–figuratively called Sodom and Egypt–where their Lord was also crucified.

Gematria: Revelation eight eleven [8:1111:8] = John Fitzgerald Kennedy 3x, the Georgia Guidestones 4x, Francis Scott Key Bridge 2x, Vladimir Vladimirovich 2x

Numbers: 12/8  (inclusive) – 12/9

• President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation and appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acting president of Russia (Kremlin, Putin becomes acting president of Russia, following Yeltsin’s resignation – HISTORY) Date: 31 December 1999,  9110 days ago [911]

After sunset 🌅 – 12/9

Jewish calendar8 Kislev (9/8), (One Messianic Gentile)

• Papal tiara (Wikipedia) –  On 13 November 1964 = 8 Kislev, Pope Paul VI, breaking with tradition, donated his jewel-covered gold and silver three-tired tiara to the poor at a ceremony at St. Peter’s Basilica, making him the last pope to wear the ceremonial crown (AleteiaYouTube).

• Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia) Born: 6 November 1494 =  8 Kislev (Convert a date)

• Adolf Hitler meets the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini (WikipediaThe Times of Israel) at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin. “The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends, Haj Amin al-Husseini told the Nazi leader in 1941, because they had the same enemies — namely the English, the Jews and the Communists.”  Date: 28 November 1941 = 8 Kislev

Islamic calendar: Jumada II 7 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 8

• Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia: herehere) Died: 31 December 2022 at 9:34 a.m. Central European Time (UTC+01) = Jumada II 7, 1444 AH 

• The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) (Wikipedia) (Army of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution or Sepah) Founded: 5 May 1979 = Jumada II 7 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 8, 1399 AH [according to World Jewish Congress on 22 April].

• The United Kingdom’s membership within the European Union ceases in accordance with Article 50, after 47 years of being a member state (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 31 January 2020 at 23:00 GMT = Jumada II 6 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 7, 1441 AH

• Star Wars (retroactively titled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope) is released in US theaters (WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 25 May 1977 = Jumada II 6 (Convert a date) or  Jumada II 7, 1397 AH. 

Notre-Dame de Paris – It is believed that before the arrival of Christianity in France, a Gallo-Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter stood on the site of Notre-Dame ( Wikipedia ).

• Emmanuel Macron (WikipediaAstro-databank), 25th (5x5) President of France – Born: 21 December 1977 [Macron is Jupiter (Google Search), Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun (NASA Science). Atomic number 50Tin/Jupiter (The wondering alchemist, Notre Dame 50 heads of state – Google Search), The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASABBC) Date: 21 December 2020; GematriaNotre-Dame de Paris = Rothschild banker 4x (+ Satanic gematria; Macron is Rothschild banker –  Wikipedia

• Prince Harry was christened Henry Charles Albert David on 21 December 1984 at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie (Wikipedia, YouTube: 1984: Prince Harry’s Christening).

Only two monarchs were crowned at Notre Dame de Paris.

1. Napoleon Bonaparte I  (Coronation of Napoleon – Wikipedia) – Date: Sunday, 2 December 1804, 220 years and 1 week ago 

2. Henry VI of England (Wikipedia), the only English monarch to have been crowned King of France – Date: Sunday, 16 December 1431 (Julian, Convert a date), aged 10 = 10 Tevet (10/10), almost 593 years ago [108th prime number, Wikipedia (herehere): 108 (number); Prince Harry refers to King Henry VI as his “great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather” – Express]

15 December 2024: After Mass, at 5:30 pm, the Pope will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron at Ajaccio Airport – Vatican News). 

Napoleon (WikipediaBorn: Napoleone di Buonaparte 15 August 1769 Ajaccio, Corsica, Kingdom of France , 3064 months ago [Strong’s Hebrew 3064.Yehudi: Definition: Jew, Judean; Word Origin: Derived from Yehudah, meaning “Judah”; Napoleon and the Jews – Wikipedia]; Burial (Les Invalides, Paris): 15 December 1840, 184 years ago [Strong’s Hebrew 184. avah: to sign, mark, describe with a mark / Greek 184. Hakeldamach, Usage: The term “Hakeldamach” refers to a specific field in Jerusalem known as the “Field of Blood.” It is associated with the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot.] Gematria: Napoleon Bonaparte = As in the days of Noah 4x, a zombie apocalypse 4x, Great Fire of London 3x

Here are her notes on Friday, November 22…

11/22 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 11/9  (Convert a date) in d/m date format 9/11

Gematria: November twenty second = nine eleven attacks 2x; Friday November twenty two = nine eleven terrorist attacks 2x

Independence Day in Lebanon (AnydayGuide)

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (HISTORYWikipedia) Date: Friday, 22 November 1963

• Margaret Thatcher, the first female prime minister in British history, announced her resignation after a split occurred in the ranks of the Conservative Party (BritannicaHISTORY). Date: 22 November 1990

• Angela Merkel becomes Chancellor of Germany, The first woman to hold the position (HISTORY). Date: 22 November 2005

• Ukraine: Orange Revolution begins (Wikipedia). Date: 22 November 2004

Essene calendar6 Kislev

• John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (Wikipedia), JFK Jr., Born: Friday, 25 November 1960 = Essene Calendar: 6 Kislev

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (WikipediaHISTORY) Date: Friday, 22 November 1963 = Essene Calendar: 6 Kislev

Chinese calendar10th Month 22, year of the Dragon

Exodus 10:22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days.

• The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times (Wikipedia) is a nonfiction book written by Michelle Obama and published on 15 November 2022 = 10th Months 22, year of the Tiger by Crown Publishing.

Numbers11/22  (exactly)

Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) Release date: July 11, 2023 (Le Grand Rex, Paris), 500 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. Strong’s Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites]

11/22  (inclusive) – 11/23

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki [Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park at 10:15, in some parts of the world still 11/23 – Time Zone Converter] and Hiroshima [Peace Memorial at 18:40, in some parts of the world still 11/23 – Time Zone Converter](VaticanAmerica Magazine) – Date: 24 November 2019 [Japan Standard Time is UTC +9], 260 weeks, 6 days ago [Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church [Hebrew Gematria: Man of Sin (Wikipedia) = 266, the man of sin is variously identified with Caligula, Nero, the papacy and the end times Antichrist. Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure, Hamartia (Wikipedia) is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.] 

After sunset 🌅 – 11/23

Jewish calendar22 Cheshvan (2/22), 22 Cheshvan (One Messianic Gentile)

[Strong’s Hebrew: 222. Uriel: “flame of God,”]

• The October Revolution (Wikipedia) also known as the Great October Socialist Revolution, October coup, Bolshevik coup, or Bolshevik revolution, was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin that was a key moment in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917–1923.  It was the second revolutionary change of government in Russia in 1917. Result: Bolshevik victory, Beginning of the Russian Civil War. Date: 7 November 1917 [O.S. 25 October] = 22 Cheshvan

• The United States receives rights to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Wikipedia). Date: 9 November 1887 = 22 Cheshvan 

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. As the first major spaceflight of NASA’s Artemis program, Artemis 1 marked the agency’s return to lunar exploration after the conclusion of the Apollo program five decades earlier. Launch date: 16 November 2022 = 22 Cheshvan

Islamic calendarJumada I 21   (5/21)

• The dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire (Wikipedia) occurred on 6 August 1806 = Jumada I 21, 1221 AH, when the last Holy Roman Emperor, Francis II of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, abdicated his title and released all Imperial states and officials from their oaths and obligations to the empire. Since the Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Empire had been recognized by Western Europeans as the legitimate continuation of the ancient Roman Empire due to its emperors having been proclaimed as Roman emperors by the papacy. 

• Donald Trump launched his superhero NFT cards collection on 15 December 2022 = Jumada I 21, 1444 AH 

• Abraham Accords: Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement (Wikipedia) – Effective: 5 January 2021 = Jumada I 21, 1442 AH 

• Islamic Republic of Iran Army Day established (Wikipedia) – The day of the Iranian Army has been celebrated since 1921. The current holiday was established by the former Supreme Leader of Iran, Ruhollah Khomeini on 18 April 1979 = Jumada I 20 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 21 , 1399 AH

• Israel–Jordan peace treaty (IWikipedia) sometimes referred to as the Wadi Araba Treaty, is an agreement that ended the state of war that has existed between the two countries since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and established mutual diplomatic relations. The signing ceremony took place at the southern border crossing of Arabah on 26 October 1994 = Jumada I 20 or Jumada I 21 (Convert a date) 1415 AH. Jordan was the second Arab country, after Egypt, to sign a peace accord with Israel.

• Leo Szilard (lion lizards), waiting for a red light to change to green on Southhampton Row at Russell Square in Bloomsbury, conceived the idea of the nuclear chain reaction (Wikipedia). Date: 12 September 1933 = Jumada I 21 or Jumada I 22, 1352 AH (Convert a date)

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia. He also served as the president of Russia and as the prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: Thursday, 16 January 2020

Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia) Prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 = Jumada I 20 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 21, 1441 AH

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) also known as the Great Crash, Crash of ’29,… It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929 = Jumada I 20 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 21, 1348 AH, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929, called Black Tuesday.

Here are her notes on Thursday, November 21…

11/21  (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 11/8 (Convert a date), November 8 (Wikipedia) – 53 days remain until the end of the year.

[Twenty-one is Blackjackthe symbol for Jupiter looks like 21 – NASA]   

Revelation 8:11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters.

Revelation 11:8 Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city–figuratively called Sodom and Egypt–where their Lord was also crucified.

α-Monocerotid meteor shower (In The Sky)

Roman festivals: November 8 (Wikipedia): mundus patet, the third of three annual openings of a mysterious pit or storage chamber (The mundus of Ceres – Wikipedia Lapis manalis – Wikipedia).

21 November 164 BCE (Wikipedia) – Judas Maccabeus, son of Mattathias of the Hasmonean family, rededicates the Temple in Jerusalem, an event that is commemorated each year by the festival of Hanukkah (25 Kislev 3597 in the Hebrew calendar).  

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: November 8 (WikipediaSynaxis of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salaphiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, Jeremiel and the Other Bodiless Powers [War in Heaven (Wikipedia), Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.; Archangel Michael in Christian art (Wikipedia); Parting of the Red Sea and Michael – At this point, a pillar of cloud (and the angel Michael),… – Chabad; Flag of Kyiv (Wikipedia) with Archangel Michael centered on the flag.]

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Wikipedia), known in the East as The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, is a liturgical feast celebrated on November 21 by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and some Anglo-Catholic Churches. [Some but not all Eastern Rite churches reckon by the Julian calendar, in which this date falls 13 days later on December 4 of the Gregorian calendar.],


1. Dignity and Freedom Day (time and dateAnydayGuide) marks the anniversary of Euromaidan, a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest that led to the 2014 Ukrainian revolution [Revolution of Dignity – Wikipedia, Flag of Kyiv (Wikipedia) with Archangel Michael centered on the flag.]

2. Air Assault Forces Day (AnydayGuide)

Essene calendar5 Kislev (9/5)

Chinese calendar10th Month 21, year of the Dragon

• Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17 (South China Morning PostThe Guardian)[Date: Sunday, 17 November 2019 = 10th Month 21, year of the Pig] 

Numbers11/21 (inclusive) – 11/22

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park at 10:15) and Hiroshima (Peace Memorial at 18:40)(VaticanAmerica Magazine) – Date: 24 November 2019 [Japan Standard Time is UTC +9], 260 weeks, 6 days ago [Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church [Hebrew Gematria: Man of Sin (Wikipedia) = 266, the man of sin is variously identified with Caligula, Nero, the papacy and the end times Antichrist. Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure, Hamartia (Wikipedia) is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.] 

• Xi Jinping (WikipediaCNN Fast Facts), paramount leader of the People’s Republic of China. Born: 15 June 1953, 857 months, 7 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew 8577. tannin: Dragon, serpent, sea monster]

• John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (Wikipedia) Born: 25 November 1960, 3339 weeks old [Strong’s Greek 3339. metamorphoó: to transform, in Matthew 17:2 There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.] 

After sunset 🌅 – 11/22

Jewish calendar21 Cheshvan21 Cheshvan (Bul/Heshvan) (One Messianic Gentile)

• The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times (Wikipedia) is a nonfiction book written by Michelle Obama and published on 15 November 2022 = 21 Cheshvan, by Crown Publishing. 

Islamic calendarJumada I 20 

• The Fall of Constantinople (Wikipedia: here and here) – The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror puts a decisive final end to the Roman Empire, nearly one and a half thousand years after its foundation by Augustus, by capturing the capital, Constantinople. Date: 29 May 1453 (Julian) = Jumada I 20 (Wikipedia), 857 AH

• Islamic Republic of Iran Army Day established (Wikipedia) – The day of the Iranian Army has been celebrated since 1921. The current holiday was established by the former Supreme Leader of Iran, Ruhollah Khomeini on 18 April 1979 = Jumada I 20 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 21 , 1399 AH

• The Reichskonkordat (Wikipedia) (“Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich”) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. Ratified: 10 September 1933 = Jumada I 19 or Jumada I 20 (Convert a date), 1352 AH, it has been in force from that date onward.

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. He also served as the president of Russia and as the prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 and Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia), Prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 = Jumada I 20 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 21, 1441 AH

• The Soviet Union detonates Tsar Bomba (WikipediaBBC), the most powerful explosive device ever detonated. Date: 30 October 1961 = Jumada I 20  1381 AH. [Russia released secret footage of 1961 ‘Tsar Bomba’ hydrogen blast (Reuters)]

• Seal of the United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Adopted: 15 January 2020 = Jumada I 19 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 20, 1441 AH 

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) also known as the Great Crash, Crash of ’29,… It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929 = Jumada I 20 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 21, 1348 AH, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929, called Black Tuesday.

• The Israel–Jordan peace treaty (Wikipedia) sometimes referred to as the Wadi Araba Treaty, is an agreement that ended the state of war that has existed between the two countries since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and established mutual diplomatic relations. The signing ceremony took place on 26 October 1994 = Jumada I 20 or Jumada I 21 (Convert a date) 1415 AH. Jordan was the second Arab country, after Egypt, to sign a peace accord with Israel.

Here are her notes on Sunday, November 17…

11/17 (Sunday/ the day of the Sun – Wikipedia)

Julian calendar: 11/4 (Convert a date) [4/11 in DD/MM format, and 411 is supposedly “the number of God’s correction“]

2024 (leap year): November 17 is the 322nd day of the year (Wikipedia) [322 – Skull and Bones], 44 days remain until the end of the year.

Leonid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky)

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 14:54 UTC = 894 minutes into the day [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)]

Revelation 17:11 The beast that was, and now is not, is an eighth king, who belongs to the other seven and is going into destruction.

Gematria: November seventeen = The Land of Israel (Wikipedia) 2x, Donald Trump death 2x, Fallen is Babylon (Revelation 14:8) 2x

• Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17 (South China Morning PostThe Guardian)[Date: Sunday, 17 November 2019]

• A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the US. It is the first of a planned two-volume series. Publisher: Crown; Publication date: 17 November 2020 (11/17), 4 years ago [Strong’s Hebrew 1117. Bamah: a high place (for idols) in Isr.]

• Diocletian was acclaimed Roman emperor by his soldiers (Britannica) – Date: 17 November 284, 1740 years ago [according to Wikipedia it was on 20 November, Diocletianic Persecution – Wikipedia]

• At the death of Mary I this day, Elizabeth Tudor came to the English throne as Elizabeth I. Elizabethan Age Begins (HISTORYWikipedia). Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history. Date: 17 November 1558 (Julian)

• Modified Julian Day zero is 17 November 1858. (Google Searchtimeanddate) mostly used by astronomers and astrophysicists…

• Suez Canal opens (HISTORYLibrary of Congress) Date: 17 November 1869

• Congress submits the Articles of Confederation to the states for ratification (HISTORY) – Date: 17 November 1777 = 17 Cheshvan

• The U.S. Congress held its first session in Washington, D.C. (Britannica) Date: 17 November 1800

Essene calendar1 Kislev (9/1

Revelation 9:1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss.

• Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17 (South China Morning PostThe Guardian)[Date: Sunday, 17 November 2019] = Essene Calendar: 1 Kislev

Chinese calendar10th Month 17, year of the Dragon

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (later that day) was Berlin, Germany (CBS news) [your blog on 9-10 October 2023 – here] Date: 16 November 2016 = 10th Month 17, year of the Monkey

• Martin Luther posts 95 theses (HISTORYLibrary of Congress, Ninety-five Theses – Wikipedia) – On October 31, 1517 (Julian) = 10th Month 17, year of the Ox, legend has it that the priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing  the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. [Lightning McQueen#95 – Wikipedia]

• U.N. votes for partition of Palestine (HISTORY, United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine – Wikipedia) – Despite strong Arab opposition, the United Nations votes for the partition of Palestine into two sections: an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state. Date: 29 November 1947 = 10th Month 17, year of the Pig

• The Great Northeast Blackout (HISTORYWikipedia) – At dusk on 9 November 1965, Tuesday = 10th Month 17, year of the Snake, one of the biggest power failures in history occurs as all of New York state, portions of seven nearby states, and parts of eastern Canada are plunged into darkness.

• President Barack Obama welcomes Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, for a meeting in the Oval Office in Washington D.C. (Time). Date: 8 December 2014 = 10th Month 17, year of the Horse

• Alexander Bortnikov (Wikipedia), Director of the Federal Security Service. Born: 15 November 1951 = 10th Month 17, year of the Rabbit

Numbers: 11/17  (inclusive) – 11/18

After sunset 🌅 – 11/18

Jewish calendar17 Cheshvan, 17 Cheshvan (One Messianic Gentile) (d/m date format – 17/8)

Great Flood Begins (2105 BCE) – The rains began to fall on the 17th of Cheshvan of the year 1656 from creation (2105), flooding the earth and rising above the highest mountains. Only Noah and his family survived, in the ark built to that end by Divine command, and a pair of each animal species, who entered with him into the ark (Chabad, Genesis 7:11). [Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’ – CNNYouTube – CNN]

According to Wikipedia 17 Marheshvan/Cheshvan(circa 960 BCE) (Wikipedia ) – First Temple completed by King Solomon (it was not inaugurated until the following Tishrei however)

Revelation 17:8 The beast that you saw–it was, and now is no more, but is about to come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. And those who dwell on the earth whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world will marvel when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet will be.

• Ensisheim meteorite (Wikipedia) the oldest meteorite with a known date of impact, strikes the Earth around noon in a wheat field outside the village of Ensisheim, Alsace, France. Fall date: 7 November 1492 (Julian) = 17 Cheshvan (Convert a date)

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People). Date: 11 November 2022 = 17 Cheshvan, 2 Jewish years ago 

• Congress submits the Articles of Confederation to the states for ratification (HISTORY) – Date: 17 November 1777 = 17 Cheshvan

• The United Nations officially came into existence (HISTORYLibrary of Congress). The Charter of the United Nations (Wikipedia), the foundational treaty of the United Nations, took effect on 24 October 1945 = 17 Cheshvan

• Balfour Declaration letter written (HISTORY) – On 2 November 1917 = 17 Cheshvan, Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour writes an important letter to Britain’s most illustrious Jewish citizen, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, expressing the British government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The letter would eventually become  known as the Balfour Declaration (WikipediaHISTORY) , 107 Jewish years ago  [Strong’s Hebrew 107. iggereth: a letter, a epistle]. 

• 1937 tour of Germany by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor (Wikipedia) – Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor, and Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, visited Nazi Germany in October 1937. Edward had abdicated the British throne in December 1936, and his brother George VI had become king. Date: 11 – 23 October 1937. The tour culminated on 22 October 1937 = 17 Cheshvan, when they met Hitler (Meeting Hitler – Wikipedia) at the Berghof (Wikipedia). 

• Pope Meets With Muslim Leader, Rabbi Says “Esau Sending Ishmael to Complete the Holocaust” (israel365news, Pope receives Grand Imam of Al-Azhar – Vatican News) Date: 15 November 2019 = 17 Cheshvan

• The very beginning of the internet (Medium) – Date: 29 October 1969 = 17 Cheshvan

Islamic calendarJumada I 16  (5/16)

Amos 5:16 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be wailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!’ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.

Here are her notes on Tuesday, November 5…

11/5 (Tuesday/ day of Mars – the god of war)

Julian calendar: 10/23 (Convert a date)

World Tsunami Awareness Day (United NationsNational Today)

• Gunpowder Plot (HISTORY, Wikipedia), in earlier centuries often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason, was a failed attempt to blow up England’s King James I and the Parliament. The plot was organized by Robert Catesby in an effort to end the persecution of Roman Catholics by the English government. Catesby and others hoped to replace the country’s Protestant government with Catholic leadership. Date: Tuesday, 5 November 1605 (Julian – the Julian calendar was used in England until 1752), 419 years ago [Gunpowder Plot: what is the history behind Bonfire Night? (Royal Museums Greenwich); Strong’s Greek 419. anexeraunétos: unsearchable 1 occurence – Romans 11:33 O, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and untraceable His ways!]

Pope Night (Wikipedia), also called Pope’s Night, Pope Day, or Pope’s Day, was an anti-Catholic holiday celebrated annually on November 5 in the colonial United States. It evolved from the British Guy Fawkes Night (National TodayRoyal Museums Greenwich), which commemorates the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Pope Night was most popular in the seaport towns of New England, especially in Boston, where it was an occasion for drinking, rioting, and anti-elite protest by the working classGematria: Guy Fawkes Night = woman President 3x, the Trojan Horse (Wikipedia) 3x; Pope’s Night = Presidents 2x

• Lenin calls for the October/Bolshevik Revolution (Wikipedia: herehere) – Date: 5 November 1917 (Tallinn, Estonia)

• The order is given: Bomb Pearl Harbor (HISTORY) – Date: 5 November 1941

Essene calendar19 Cheshvan (Bul/Heshvan) 

• The October Revolution (Wikipedia) also known as the Great October Socialist Revolution, October coup, Bolshevik coup, or Bolshevik revolution, was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin that was a key moment in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917–1923.  It was the second revolutionary change of government in Russia in 1917. Result: Bolshevik victory, Beginning of the Russian Civil War. Date: Wednesday, 7 November 1917 [O.S. 25 October] but according to (HISTORY) Tuesday, 6 November 1917 = Essene calendar: 19 Cheshvan

Chinese calendar10th Month 5, year of the Dragon

• Gunpowder Plot (HISTORY, Wikipedia) Date: Tuesday, 5 November 1605 (Julian) = 15 November 1605 (Gregorian) = 10th Month 5, year of the Snake

• Roman Catholic Church officially recognizes the legitimacy of non-Christian faiths – Nostra Aetate (Wikipedia) – Date: 28 October 1965 = 10th Month 5, year of the Snake 

• Construction is completed on the Gateway Arch (WikipediaHISTORY), a spectacular 630-foot-high catenary curve of stainless steel marking the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial on the waterfront of St. Louis, Missouri. Date: 28 October 1965 = 10th Month 5, year of the Snake

Numbers11/5 (inclusive) – 11/6

• The State of Israel was admitted to the United Nations (UN) as its 59th member on 11 May 1949. (Center for Israel Education, International recognition of Israel – Wikipedia), 3939 weeks ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood; Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)]

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) was successfully launched from Kennedy Space Center on 16 November 2022, 1 year, 356 days ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days). Strong’s Hebrew: 1356. geb: beam, Definition: a pit, trench, ditch. 2 Kings 3:16 (NKJV) And he said, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’ / Greek: 1356. diopetés: fallen from heaven; Usage: fallen from the sky. 1 Occurrence – Acts 19:35 And when the town clerk had quieted the crowd, he said, “Men of Ephesus, who is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is temple keeper of the great Artemis, and of the sacred stone that fell from the sky

• Kamala Harris (Wikipedia), the 49th and current vice president of the United States since 2021, serving under President Joe Biden. Harris is the Democratic Party’s nominee for president in the 2024 election. Born: Tuesday, 20 October 1964 at 21:28 [Astro-Databank, sunset: 18:2560 years, 2 weeks, 3 days old [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

After sunset 🌅 – 11/6

Jewish calendar5 Cheshvan, 5 Cheshvan (One Messianic Gentile)

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House) = 5 Cheshvan

• The first Navy Day (WikipediaAnydayGuide), organized by the Navy League of the United States, was celebrated on October 27, 1922 = 5 Cheshvan

Islamic calendarJumada I 4 (5/4)

• Elon Musk (Elon Reeve Musk) (WikipediaAstro-databank) is a businessman and investor known for his key roles in the space company SpaceX and the automotive company Tesla, Inc. Other involvements include ownership of X Corp.,… Born: 28 June 1971 (Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa) = Jumada I 4 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 5, 1391 AH, his 55th Islamic birthday 

• Robert Francis Kennedy (WikipediaAstro-databank), RFK or Robert “Bobby” Kennedy, He served as the 64th United States attorney general, and as a U.S. senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968, when he was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. Born: 20 November 1925 = Jumada I 4, 1344 AH. [Gematria: Robert Francis Kennedy = Revelation Nine Eleven 3x – Revelation 9:11]

• Invictus Games (Wikipedia) – The Games were launched on 6 March 2014 = Jumada I 4 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 5, 1435 AH by Prince Harry at London’s Copper Box arena, used as a venue during the 2012 Olympics.

Here are the electoral count screenshots from the 2 AM hour of November 6…

Fox News

ABC News

NBC News

CBS News


Here are her notes on Monday, November 4…

the 47th president and the 47 conspiracy:  The next president of the United States will be the 47th president (Wikipedia); Technically, Donald Trump is not the 45th president. He’s the 44th –; If Trump were to win, he would become America’s 47th president while also being the nation’s 45th chief executive –; Star Trek The Next Generation: The 47 Conspiracy (You Tube)

11/4  (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 10/22   (Convert a date)

• The Iran hostage crisis (Wikipedia) begins after U.S. embassy in Tehran is stormed (HISTORY) – Student followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini send shock waves across America when they storm the U.S. embassy in Tehran. Date: 4 November 1979, 45 years ago

• Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (Wikipedia), the 5th prime minister of Israel, took place on 4 November 1995 at 21:30, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. 

• The National Security Agency (Wikipedia) is an intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Formed: 4 November 1952, 72 years ago [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• The 2008 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) – Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States (the first African American to be elected to the presidency). Date: 4 November 2008, 16 years ago (4×4)

Numbers11/4  (inclusive) – 11/5 (Tuesday/day of Mars – the god of war)

• Charles III (Wikipedia Astro-Databank), Charles Philip Arthur George, King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Born: 14 November 1948 at 21:14 (= 9:14 PM ) in London, England, 666,000 hours ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 216 weeks ago [6x6x6]

After sunset 🌅 – 11/5 [511; Tuesday/ day of Mars – the god of war]

Islamic calendarJumada I 3 (I 5/3) [the number 531 Thessalonians 5:3 While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.]

• Islamic Republic of Iran was established (BritannicaWikipedia) – Following overwhelming support in a national referendum, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini declared Iran an Islamic republic [the world’s first Islamic republic; Khomeini, Address to the nation – National Security Archive]. Date: 1 April 1979 = Jumada I 3 (Convert a date) or Jumada I 4, 1399 AH, 47 ! Islamic years ago 

• Oslo II Accord (WikipediaThe Jerusalem Post) – On September 28, 1995 = Jumada I 3, 1416 AH, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo II Accord [also known as the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip]. They were witnessed by US President Bill Clinton, as well as by representatives of Russia, Egypt, Jordan, Norway and the EU in Washington DC. 

• Yasser Arafat: Speech to the U.N. General Assembly Renouncing Terror  (Jewish Virtual LibraryPalestine Studies) – Arafat renounced terrorism and condemned all its forms. He also called for the implementation of the 1947 partition resolution and the withdrawal of Israel from the territories and said the conflict must be ended through an international conference. Date: Tuesday, 13 December 1988  = Jumada I 3 or Jumada I 4, 1409 AH (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on October 29-30…

Numbers10/29 (exactly)

• The 2013 papal conclave (WikipediaAmerica Magazine) elects Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio taking the name Pope Francis as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church (Wikipedia) – Date: 13 March 2013, 606 weeks, 6 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• Pope Francis prays alongside Grand Mufti in Istanbul’s Blue Mosque (The Guardian) – Facing Mecca, Francis bowed his head in prayer for several minutes while standing next to Istanbul’s Grand Mufti Rahmi Yaran. The Vatican described the gesture as a “moment of silent adoration” of God. Date: 29 November 2014, 9 years, 11 months ago -> 911

• Benjamin Netanyahu (WikipediaAstro-Databank), the current prime minister of Israel. He was born on 21 October 1949 (at 10:30 AM, 900 months, 1 week, 1 day old [911]

10/30 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 10/17(Convert a date)


seventeenth of October = The Battle of Jericho 2x 

Days: Mischief Night (National Today) = nuclear attack 2x; Create a Great Funeral Day (National Today ) = Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Wikipedia) 2x, Kamala becomes president 3x, president Joe Biden dies 1x, Donald Trump sacrifice 2x, First black president 1x, the red heifer sacrifice 1x, presidential assassination 1x, assassination of Donald Trump 1x

Disarmament Week (United Nations) – (24 – 30 October)

British summertime ends (National Today). 

• The Biblical patriarch Joshua ‘stopped the sun’ on October 30, 1207 BCE (pre-Julian Roman calendar) by way of a solar eclipse that may have been the first recorded in history, according to Cambridge researchers (Israel365 NewsForbes; Joshua 10:12 – 13)

Roman festivals:

Isia, a festival of Isis (Wikipedia) and Games for Sulla’s Victory” continue. Sulla (Wikipedia), was a Roman general and statesman. He won the first major civil war in Roman history and became the first man of the Republic to seize power through force [One man brought down democracy in Rome. Trump’s behaving similarly today. – The Washington Post]

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: Translation of the relics of St. Lazarus “Of the Four Days” (Wikipedia), Lazarus of Bethany (Wikipedia) also venerated as Righteous Lazarus, the Four-Days Dead in the Eastern Orthodox Church, is the subject of a sign of Jesus in the Gospel of John, in which Jesus restores him to life four days after his death. Feast: 17 October (Eastern Churches) 

• Orson Welles’s “War of the Worlds” radio play is broadcast (WikipediaHISTORY)  – The episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasion was taking place. Original release: 30 October 1938

• World War I: The Ottoman Empire signs the Armistice of Mudros (WikipediaHISTORY) with the Allies-> Partition of the Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia) Date: Wednesday, 30 October 1918 (– 1 November 1922)

• Russian Tsar Nicholas II (reluctantly) issues the October Manifesto (Wikipedia). Date: 30 October [O.S. 17 October] 1905 

• The Soviet Union detonates Tsar Bomba (WikipediaBBC), the most powerful explosive device ever detonated. Date: 30 October 1961. [Russia released secret footage of 1961 ‘Tsar Bomba’ hydrogen blast (Reuters), 4 years ago]

Essene calendar13 Cheshvan (Bul/Heshvan) 

• World War I: The Ottoman Empire signs the Armistice of Mudros (WikipediaHISTORY) with the Allies-> Partition of the Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia) Date: Wednesday, 30 October 1918 (– 1 November 1922) = Essene Calendar: 13 Cheshvan

Chinese calendar9th Month 28, year of the Dragon

• Xi Jinping is re-elected as the General Secretary of the ruling Communist Party of China for a record third five-year terma privilege only accorded to party founder Mao Zedong.(WikipediaCNNBusiness Today) – Date: 23 October 2022 = 9th Month 28, year of the Tiger 

• The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin (Russia Beyond). Date: 6 November 1942 (Wrong car) = 9th Month 28, year of the Horse

Numbers10/30  (inclusive) – 10/31

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 2595 days ago (1260 + 1335) 

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) are a series of non-binding multilateral arrangements between the United States government and other world governments  participating in the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2026, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: 13 October 2020, 48 months, 18 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 4818. merkabah: a chariot / Greek: 4818. sullupeó: to be moved to grief with (pass.) Usage: I am moved to grief by sympathy.]

After sunset 🌅 – 10/31 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Jewish calendar29 Tishrei, 29 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile)

• 27 October 1962 = 29 Tishrei – the peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis – could be called the most dangerous day in human history. Thanks to a submariner [Vasily Arkhipov (Wikipedia)], Armageddon likely was averted (U.S. Naval Institute), 62 years ago [the Number 62]

• The Yom Kippur War ends (Wikipedia, United Nations Security Council Resolution 340 – Wikipedia). Date: Thursday, 25 October 1973 = 29 Tishrei  [or from Britannica: With international pressure mounting, the war finally ceased on October 26. Israel signed a formal cease-fire agreement with Egypt on November 11 and with Syria on May 31, 1974.] 

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 27 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 28

• Canonization of St Ignatius of Loyola and St Francis Xavier – Date: 12 March 1622 = Rabi’II  28, 1031 AH (Jesuits in Europe), 415 Islamic years ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob Original / Greek: 415. aneleemon: without mercy; Usage: unpitying, unmerciful, without compassion, cruel

• Death of Diana, Princess of Wales (Wikipedia) – During the early hours of 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales, died from injuries sustained earlier that night in a fatal car crash in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris, France. Date: 31 August 1997 = Rabi’II 26 or Rabi’II 27, 1418

• Sinking of the Titanic (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) – At about 11:40 pm, April 14, 1912, the R.M.S. Titanic struck an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland and sank to the bottom of the sea at about 2:20 a.m. the next morning, taking the lives of more than 1,500 people. Date: 14 -15 April 1912 = Rabi’II 27, 1330 AH in the North Atlantic Ocean, 116 Islamic years ago

• U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in office (Constitution CenterWikipedia), Vice President Harry S. Truman becomes President upon Roosevelt’s death. Date: Thursday, 12 April 1945 = Rabi’II 28 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 29, 1364 AH

• Nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island (HISTORY) –  At 4 a.m. on March 28, 1979, one of the worst accidents in the history of the U.S. nuclear power industry begins when a pressure valve in the Unit-2 reactor at Three Mile Island fails to close.… Date: 28 March 1979 = Rabi’II 28 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 29, 1399 AH

Here are her notes on 22 Tishrei (sunset of Oct. 23 to sunset of Oct. 24) and its follow-on dates…

• The Completion of the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem (Ezekiel Bates Lodge A.F. & A.M.) It  was completed on the 8th day of the month called “Bul” [Cheshvan], corresponding with the 23rd day of October.

10/22 (inclusive) – 10/23

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia, Fast Facts – CNN), paramount leader of the People’s Republic of China. Born: 15 June 1953, 856 months, 8 days old [Strong’s Hebrew 8568. tannah: dragon

10/23 (inclusive) – 10/24

Jewish calendar: 22 Tishrei,  Shmini Atzeret (“the Eighth [day] of Assembly”)

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: 15 November 2012, 623 weeks ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]

10/24 (inclusive) – 10/25

Jewish calendar: 23 Tishrei,  Simchat Torah (“Rejoicing with/of the Torah”) 

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the current prime minister of Israel. Assumed office: 29 December 2022, 666 days ago [Netanyahu previously held the office in 1996–1999 and 2009–2021.] [Number of the beast: 666]

• Xi Jinping meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in Beijing (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping and Benjamin Netanyahu announced an innovative comprehensive partnership between both countries – Xinhua) – Date: 21 March 2017 = 23 Adar (6/23 – Apollyon ), 66,600 hours ago [Number of the beast: 666]

10/25 (inclusive) – 10/26

• United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall (WikipediaNBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 89 months, 4 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)]


Numbers10/22 (inclusive) – 10/23

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia, Fast Facts – CNN), paramount leader of the People’s Republic of China. Born: 15 June 1953, 856 months, 8 days old [Strong’s Hebrew 8568. tannah: dragon

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 9 months, 6 days old.

• The United States Capitol cornerstone laying (Wikipedia) was the Freemasonry ceremonial placement of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol on September 18, 1793. The cornerstone was laid by president of the United States George Washington (HISTORY) Leder of the Lodge of the Continental Army, assisted by the Grand Master of Maryland Joseph Clark, 230 years, 400 days ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first [Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering / Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).]

After sunset 🌅 – 10/23

Jewish calendar21 Tishrei, 21 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile), Sukkot VIIHoshana Rabbah ( Wikipedia

Prophecy of Haggai Encouraging the Building of the Second Temple (353 BCE)

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (WikipediaThe Nobel Peace Prize 2009) was awarded to United States President Barack Obama. The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009 = 21 Tishrei, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.

• Christopher Columbus Reaches the “New World” (HISTORYLibrary of Congress) – After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island on October 12, 1492 (Julian) = 21 Tishrei (Convert a date), believing he has reached East Asia. 

• Monumental Arch of Palmyra, Syria – Destruction (Wikipedia) – On 4 October 2015 = 21 Tishrei it was reported (VOA News) that Islamic State militants destroyed the Arch of Triumph. 

• The Office of Homeland Security (Wikipedia) is founded (HISTORY,  POLITICO) –  President George W. Bush announced the creation of a new office to “develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks” a mere ten days after September 11. On October 8 = 21 Tishrei, former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge assumed his role as director and the office opened.

• The Nuremberg executions (Wikipedia) took place on 16 October 1946 = 21 Tishrei, shortly after the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials. [1946: The Nuremberg Trials and the Ten Sons of Haman (]

• Fernsehturm (Television Tower) Berlin (Wikipedia) – When the sun shines on the Fernsehturm’s tiled stainless-steel dome, the reflection usually appears in the form of a Greek cross. Berliners nicknamed the luminous cross Rache des Papstes, or the “Pope’s Revenge” (Wikipedia). President Ronald Reagan mentioned this in his Tear down this wall speech. 

Completed: 3 October 1969 = 21 Tishrei

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 19 (4/19) (Convert a date) or  Rabi’II 20 (4/20)

• Adolf Hitler becomes dictator of Germany (HISTORYWikipedia) – With the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg (Wikipedia), Chancellor Adolf Hitler becomes absolute dictator of Germany under the title of Führer, or “Leader.” The German army took an oath of allegiance to its new commander-in-chief, and the last remnants of Germany’s democratic government were dismantled to make way for Hitler’s Third Reich. Date: 2 August 1934 = Rabi II 20 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 21, 1353 AH

• Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s revolutionary computer Macintosh, two days after the groundbreaking commercial “1984” aired before a national TV audience and heralded the product’s impending release (BritannicaYouTube). Date: 24 January 1984 = Rabi’II 201404 AH, 42 Islamic years ago [42 (number) – Wikipedia; Strong’s Hebrew 1404. gebereth: lady, queen, mistress / Greek 1404. drakón: a dragon (a mythical monster); Gematria: Steven Paul Jobs (Wikipedia) = The Beast System 4x]

The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times (Wikipedia) is a nonfiction book written by Michelle Obama and published on November 15, 2022 = Rabi’II 20 (Convert a date ) or  Rabi’II 21, 1444 AH by Crown Publishing

• The International Criminal Court (Wikipedia) —established to prosecute and adjudicate individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity—began sittings (Britannica, The Rome Statute – entered into force – Wikipedia). Date: 1 July 2002 = Rabi’II 20, 1423 AH 

• Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia) took effect on Thursday, 28 February 2013 at 20:00 CET (Rome sunset 17:59 – Google Search) = Rabi’II 18 or Rabi’II 19, 1434 AH following his announcement of it on 11 February 2013. 

• Lee Resolution presented to Continental Congress (HISTORYWikipedia) – Richard Henry Lee presents the “Lee Resolution” to the Continental Congress. The motion is seconded by John Adams and will lead to the United States Declaration of Independence. Date: 7 June 1776 =  Rabi’II 19, 1190 AH

• Theodor Herzl (Wikipedia) was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist, lawyer, writer, playwright and political activist who was the father of modern political ZionismDied: Sun, 3 July 1904 (aged 44) = Rabi’II 19, 1322 AH; The Tragic Herzl Family History (The Times of Israel)


Texas on 10/22:

•  After helping defeat Mexico in the Texas Revolution, Sam Houston (Wikipedia) was inaugurated as the first president of the Republic of Texas (Britannica). Date: 22 October 1836 

• Gregory Wayne Abbott (Wikipedia), 48th governor of Texas. Born: 13 November 1957 = Rabi’II 19 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 20, 1377 AH

10/23 (Wednesday)

Julian calendar: 10/10 (Convert a date)

Conjunction of the Moon and Mars (In The Sky) at 19:56 UTC; Comet C/2024 S1 (ATLAS) will make its closest approach to the Earth on 23 October (In The SkyHalloween Comet – Google Search)

Gematria: Halloween Comet = the sign of Jonah ( 3x, the Moon landing 3x, Steven M. Greer (Wikipedia) 3x, weather balloon 3x, market collapse 2x, Jacques de Molay 2x, the Great Reset 2x, America is Egypt 2x, the Temple Mount 2x

Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer (Wikipedia) – is a Catholic liturgical feast. It is celebrated in Venice and also by the Redemptorists and was celebrated in the City of Rome.

• The Completion of the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem (Ezekiel Bates Lodge A.F. & A.M.) – The Temple was completed on the 8th day of the month called “Bul”[Cheshvan], corresponding with the 23rd day of October. 

Roman festivals: October 23: “Purification of the Trumpets” (Wikipedia)

• Liberators’ civil war (Wikipedia): Mark Antony and Octavian decisively defeat an army under Brutus in the second part of the Battle of Philippi, with Brutus, a leading conspirator in the assassination of Julius Caesar,  committing suicide (HISTORY) and ending the civil war. Date: 23 October 42 BC

• The Battle of Karbala (Wikipedia, New World Encyclopedia), the event that separated Sunni and Shi’a Islam. The battle marks the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali (Wikipedia) a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Date: 10 October 680 (Julian) [The Shia Muslims annually commemorate his martyrdom on the 10th of Muharram, Ashura (Wikipedia) an Aramaic word meaning ‘tenth‘. 10 October is even 10/10.] 

• Ignatius of Loyola (Wikipedia) venerated as Saint Ignatius of Loyola, was a Basque Spaniard Catholic priest and theologian, who, with six companions, founded the religious order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and became its first Superior General, in Paris in 1541. He was born c. 23 October 1491 (Julian) [Jesuit order established (HISTORY) – the Society of Jesus—a Roman Catholic missionary organization—receives its charter from Pope Paul III. on September 27, 1540 (Julian) = 7 October 1540 (Convert a date; Proleptic Gregorian – Wikipedia)] 

• Xi Jinping is elected as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party by the Central Committee, beginning his norm-breaking third term of the paramount leader of China (WikipediaCNNBusiness Today) – Date: 23 October 2022

• The second meeting of the first session of the United Nations General Assembly (Wikipedia) opened in Flushing Meadows–Corona Park, New York, on 23 October 1946, 78 years ago

• The International Atomic Energy Agency was created with the purpose of increasing the contribution of atomic energy to world peace (Britannica). The Statute of the IAEA was approved on 23 October 1956 and came into force on 29 July 1957.

• 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing (WikipediaHISTORYBBC) – On October 23, 1983, two truck bombs were detonated at buildings in Beirut, Lebanon, housing American and French service members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF), a military peacekeeping operation during the Lebanese Civil War. 

• Moscow theater hostage crisis (WikipediatimeanddateHISTORY) – On October 23, 2002, about 50 Chechen rebels storm a Moscow theater, taking up to 800 people hostage during a sold-out performance of a popular musical. The second act of the musical “Nord Ost” was just beginning at the Moscow Ball-Bearing Plant’s Palace of Culture… Result: Numerous civilian casualties caused by narcotic gas pumped in by Russian security forces [How Opioids Were Used as Weapons During the Moscow Theater Hostage Crisis – HISTORYGematria: the musical “Nord Ost” = Julius Oppenheimer 2x, Comet of the Century (Google Search), Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (Google Search) 2x]

Essene calendar6 Cheshvan (Bul/Heshvan) (8/6) [Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia).]

Chinese calendar9th Month 21

• Christopher Columbus Reaches the “New World” (HISTORYLibrary of Congress) – After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island on October 12, 1492 (Julian) = 9th Month 21, year of the Rat, believing he has reached East Asia

• Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho awarded Nobel Peace Prize ( – Date: 16 October 1973 = 9th Month 21, year of the Ox

Numbers10/23 (inclusive) – 10/24

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: Thursday, 15 November 2012, 623 weeks ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) – the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: 8 August (8/8) 2022, 808 days ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 10/24 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Jewish calendar22 TishreiShemini Atzeret – “Eighth [day] of Assembly”(Wikipedia) [7/22 is Pi Approximation Day – Wikipedia and Rat-catcher’s Day – Wikipedia

Lubavitcher Rebbe Suffers Heart Attack (1977) [Rebbe returned to public life just 38 days later – Chabad

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack (2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel – Wikipedia) on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. Date: 7 October 2023 = 22 Tishrei

• Adolf Hitler delivers his first public address at a meeting of the German Workers’ Party (Wikipedia). Date: Thursday, 16 October 1919 = 22 Tishrei

• Paul von Hindenburg (Wikipedia), president of Germany from 1925 until his death. He played a key role in the Nazi seizure of power in 1933 when he appointed Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany. Born: 2 October 1847 = 22 Tishrei

• Obamas Break Ground on Presidential Center (NBC Chicago) in the historic Jackson Park neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side. Date: 28 September 2021 = 22 Tishrei

• Killing of Muammar Gaddafi (WikipediaHISTORY) – On Thursday, October 20, 2011 = 22 Tishrei, Muammar al-Qaddafi, the longest-serving leader in Africa and the Arab world, is captured and killed by rebel forces… [YouTube: CBS News: Hillary Clinton jokes with reporter on unconfirmed Qaddafi’s death [Gematria:  We came, we saw, he died = Year of the Wood Dragon 1x, Now I Am Become Death (Google Search) 4x] 

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 4 (4/20) (Convert a date) or  Rabi’II 21 (4/21)

[April 21 – (4/21) is the traditional date given for the founding of Rome (World History) and also The Temple of Solomon (Ezekiel Bates Lodge A.F. & A.M.)]

• Sir Francis Drake claims a land he calls New Albion (Wikipedia: here, here)(modern California) for England. Date: 17 June 1579 (Julian) = Rabi II 21, 987 AH (Convert a date)

• Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s revolutionary computer Macintosh, two days after the groundbreaking commercial “1984” aired before a national TV audience and heralded the product’s impending release (BritannicaYouTube). Date: 24 January 1984 = Rabi’II 201404 AH, 42 Islamic years ago [42 (number) – Wikipedia; Strong’s Hebrew 1404. gebereth: lady, queen, mistress / Greek 1404. drakón: a dragon (a mythical monster); Gematria: Steven Paul Jobs (Wikipedia) = The Beast System 4x]

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. As the first major spaceflight of NASA’s Artemis program, Artemis 1 marked the agency’s return to lunar exploration after the conclusion of the Apollo program five decades earlier. Launch date: 16 November 2022 = Rabi’II 21 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 22, 1444 AH

• Adolf Hitler becomes dictator of Germany (HISTORYWikipedia) – With the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg (Wikipedia), Chancellor Adolf Hitler becomes absolute dictator of Germany under the title of Führer, or “Leader.” The German army took an oath of allegiance to its new commander-in-chief, and the last remnants of Germany’s democratic government were dismantled to make way for Hitler’s Third Reich. Date: 2 August 1934 = Rabi II 20 (4/20) (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 21, 1353 AH [Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April (4/20).]

• The inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States marked the commencement of Donald Trump’s term as president and Mike Pence’s term as vice president. Date: 20 January 2017 = Rabiʻ II 21 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 22, 1438 AH 

• The Reichstag Bloodbath (Wikipedia), the bloodiest demonstration in German history, occurred on January 13, 1920 = Rabi’II 21, 1338 AH in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin during negotiation by the Weimar National Assembly on the Works Councils Act.

• The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times (Wikipedia) is a nonfiction book written by Michelle Obama and published on November 15, 2022 = Rabi’II 20 (Convert a date ) or  Rabi’II 21, 1444 AH by Crown Publishing.

• The International Criminal Court (Wikipedia) — established to prosecute and adjudicate individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity—began sittings (Britannica, The Rome Statute – entered into force – Wikipedia). Date: 1 July 2002 = Rabi’II 20, 1423 AH


10/24 (ThursdayThor’s day)

Julian calendar: 10/11 (Convert a date)

Leonis Minorid meteor shower (In The Sky) in the constellation Leo Minor

Gematria: twenty fourth of October = Six hundred and sixty six 3x; eleventh of October = The Dragon’s Prophecy (Google Search – Jonathan Cahn’s latest book) 2x

• United Nations Day (United Nations), on 24 October, marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter (Wikipedia). With the ratification of this founding document by the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, the United Nations officially came into being. It’s the 79th anniversary. 

World Development Information Day (United Nations)

Disarmament Week (United Nations) – Starting on 24 October, the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the week-long annual observance (24 – 30 October). 

RussiaSpecial Forces Day (AnydayGuideWikipedia) – Memorial, enacted in 2006, honoring the 1950 raising of the first Spetsnaz companies.

Bat Appreciation Week (Bat Week, October 24-31), is an international celebration of the role of bats in nature. [Donald Trump is Batman – The Washington Post]

• The cornerstone of the UN Permanent Headquarters was laid on UN Day (Wikipedia, Harry S. Truman – Address in New York City at the Cornerstone Laying of the United Nations Building – Truman Library) Date: 24 October 1949

• The Second Opium War (Wikipediaformally comes to a close – The Convention of Peking (Wikipedia) is an agreement comprising three distinct unequal treaties concluded between the Qing dynasty of China and Great Britain, France, and the Russian Empire in 1860. Date: 24 October 1860 (Anglo-Chinese). 

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) also known as the Great Crash, Crash of ’29,… It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929, called Black Tuesday.

• Benito Mussolini helped plan the March on Rome, which began on October 28 and resulted in him becoming dictator of Italy.” (Britannica: herehere) Date: 24 October 1922

• Termination of the State of War With Germany (The American Presidency ProjectHISTORY) – On October 24, 1951, President Harry Truman finally proclaims (Proclamation 2950) that the nation’s war with Germany, begun in 1941, is officially over. Fighting had ended in the spring of 1945.

Persian calendar: 3 Aban (Convert a date)

The Yom Kippur War ends (WikipediaUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 340 – Wikipedia) Date: 25 October 1973 = 3 Aban (Convert a date) [from Britannica: With international pressure mounting, the war finally ceased on October 26. Israel signed a formal cease-fire agreement with Egypt on November 11 and with Syria on May 31, 1974.] 

Essene calendar7 Cheshvan (Bul/Heshvan) 

[Israel: 7 Cheshvan on the standard Jewish calendar is Yom HaAliyah, Observed in schools –Wikipedia] 

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) also known as the Great Crash, Crash of ’29,… It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929called Black Thursday Essene calendar: 7 Cheshvan, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929, called Black Tuesday.

Chinese calendar9th Month 22

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) also known as the Great Crash, Crash of ’29,… It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929 = 9th Month 22, year of the Snake, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929, called Black Tuesday.

• The Nuremberg executions (Wikipedia) took place on Wednesday, 16 October 1946 = 9th Month 22, year of the Dog, shortly after the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials. [1946: The Nuremberg Trials and the Ten Sons of Haman, The

Numbers10/24  (inclusive) – 10/25

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the current prime minister of Israel. Assumed office: 29 December 2022, 666 days ago [Number of the beast: 666, Netanyahu previously held the office in 1996–1999 and 2009–2021.]

• President Xi Jinping Meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in Beijing (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping and Benjamin Netanyahu announced an innovative comprehensive partnership between both countries – Xinhua) – Date: 21 March 2017 = 23 Adar (623 – Apollyon ), 66,600 hours ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• Charles III, King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened Charles Philip Arthur George (WikipediaRoyal Central) on 15 December 1948 in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher, 910 months, 10 days ago [911]

After sunset 🌅 – 10/25

Jewish calendar23 Tishrei, 23 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile), Simchat Torah (Wikipedia) in the Diaspora

• Mein Kampf (Wikipedia) (lit. ’My Struggle’) is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The book outlines many of Hitler’s political beliefs, his political ideology and future plans for Germany and the world. Published in English (abridged): Friday, 13 October 1933 = 23 Tishrei

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 21 (4/21) (Convert a date) or  Rabi’II 22  (4/22)

• Sir Francis Drake claims a land he calls New Albion (Wikipedia: here, here)(modern California) for England. Date: 17 June 1579 (Julian) = Rabi II 21, 987 AH (Convert a date

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. As the first major spaceflight of NASA’s Artemis program, Artemis 1 marked the agency’s return to lunar exploration after the conclusion of the Apollo program five decades earlier. Launch date: 16 November 2022 = Rabi’II 21 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 22, 1444 AH

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: 20 December 2019 = Rabi’II 22 (Convert a date) or Rabi’ II 23, 1441 AH

• 1.26.84 at 09.15 is the date and time shown in Apple’s 1984 ad (YouTube) featuring Artemis throwing Thor’s Hammer and disrupting a totalitarian regime. If 1.26.84 meant 26 January 1984 it was  Rabi’II 221404 AH on the Islamic calendar, 42 Islamic years ago [42 (number) – Wikipedia; Strong’s Hebrew 1404. gebereth: lady, queen, mistress / Greek 1404. drakón: a dragon (a mythical monster); Gematria: Steven Paul Jobs (Wikipedia) = The Beast System 4x; 1.26.84 may have also meant 26 Nisan 5784 or 26 Tishrei 5784.]

• Adolf Hitler becomes dictator of Germany (HISTORYWikipedia) – With the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg (Wikipedia), Chancellor Adolf Hitler becomes absolute dictator of Germany under the title of Führer, or “Leader.” The German army took an oath of allegiance to its new commander-in-chief, and the last remnants of Germany’s democratic government were dismantled to make way for Hitler’s Third Reich. Date: 2 August 1934 = Rabi II 20 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 21, 1353 AH

• The inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States marked the commencement of Donald Trump’s term as president and Mike Pence’s term as vice president. Date: 20 January 2017 = Rabiʻ II 21 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 22, 1438 AH 

• The Reichstag Bloodbath (Wikipedia), the bloodiest demonstration in German history, occurred on January 13, 1920 = Rabi’II 21, 1338 AH in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin during negotiation by the Weimar National Assembly on the Works Councils Act.

• The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times (Wikipedia) is a nonfiction book written by Michelle Obama and published on November 15, 2022 = Rabi’II 20 (Convert a date) or  Rabi’II 21, 1444 AH by Crown Publishing.

Here are her notes on Sunday, October 20…

Numbers10/19 (inclusive) – 10/20

• The inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 45 months ago

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020, 4 years, 1 months, 5 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob Original / Greek: 415. aneleemon: without compassion, cruel]

After sunset 🌅 – 10/20

Jewish calendar18 Tishrei (1/18 or 7/18), Sukkot IV

Revelation 1:18, Revelation 18:7, Commandment 187

• Adoption of the Gregorian calendar: Last day of the Julian Calendar in Catholic countries: Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Spain (Wikipedia). Thursday, 4 October 1582 = 18 Tishrei (Convert a date), was followed by Friday, 15 October 1582 = 19 Tishrei (Convert a date), with ten days skipped (Wikipedia). 

• Suleiman the Magnificent is proclaimed sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia) – Date: 30 September 1520 (Julian) = 18 Tishrei (Convert a date)

• Vladimir Putin (WikipediaAstro-databank), President of Russia. Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: 7 October 1952, 72 Jewish years ago [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• Cuban Missile Crisis (Wikipedia, (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library) – The thirteen days marking the most dangerous period of the Cuban missile crisis begin. Date: 16 October 1962 = 18 Tishrei (Day 1 – President Kennedy and principal foreign policy and national defense officials are briefed on the U-2 findings). 

• 1961 Syrian coup d’état (Wikipedia) was an uprising by disgruntled Syrian Army officers on 28 September 1961 = 18 Tishrei, that resulted in the break-up of the United Arab Republic and the restoration of an independent Syrian Republic

• The Battle of Lepanto (Wikipedia) was a naval engagement that took place on 7 October 1571 (Julian) = 18 Tishrei (Convert a date) when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of Catholic states arranged by Pope Pius V, inflicted a major defeat on the fleet of the Ottoman Empire in the Gulf of Patras. [-> The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (Wikipedia)]

• Wuchang Uprising (Wikipedia) was an armed rebellion against the ruling Qing dynasty that took place in Wuchang (now Wuchang District of Wuhan) in the Chinese province of Hubei on 10 October 1911, beginning the Xinhai Revolution (1911 Revolution (Wikipedia), also known as Hsinhai Revolution) that successfully overthrew China’s last imperial dynasty. Date: 10 October 1911 = 18 Tishrei

• Babington plot (Wikipedia) – Ballard and Babington were executed on 20 September 1586 (Julian) = 18 Tishrei (Convert a date) along with the other men who had been tried with them.

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 16 (4/16) (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 17 (4/17)

• The Knesset (WikipediaJewish Virtual Library), the parliament of Israel, convened for the first time on 14 February 1949 = Rabi’II 15 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 16, 1368 AH, following the elections in January of that same year. This inaugural sitting succeeded the provisional government that had functioned as the Jewish community’s parliament during the Mandate era and the first few months of the state, 78 Islamic years ago. [The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used. The phrase is utilized in relation to the plagues God sent upon Egypt in order to free the children of Israel from slavery. Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.]

• 1961 Syrian coup d’état (Wikipedia) was an uprising by disgruntled Syrian Army officers on Thursday, 28 September 1961 = Rabi’II 17 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 18, 1381 AH, that resulted in the break-up of the United Arab Republic and the restoration of an independent Syrian Republic. 

• The history of Hamas-Fatah relations begins with the eruption of the first intifada (WikipediaThe Washington InstituteHISTORY) on 8 or 9 December 1987 = Rabi’II 16 or Rabi’II 17, 1408 AH

• The Investiture of Charles, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia), Prince of Wales (later King Charles III), took place in Caernarfon Castle, north Wales (Wikipedia), on Tuesday, 1 July 1969 = Rabi’II 15 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 16, 1389 AH. The ceremony formally presented the title of Prince of Wales to the 20-year-old Charles, eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II. He was the 21st heir to the English or British throne to hold the title.  

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) – Date: Friday, 11 November 2022 = Rabi’II 16 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 17, 1444 AH

The United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) gave temporary regulatory approval for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine, becoming the first country to approve the vaccine and the first country in the Western world to approve the use of any COVID‑19 vaccine (here and Date: 2 December 2020 = Rabi’II 16 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 17, 1442 AH

10/20 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 10/7  (Convert a date)

• 3761 BC – The epoch reference date (start) of the modern Hebrew calendar. Jewish Anno Mundi (Wikipedia, October 7, 3761 B.C.E., is the date on which the world was created – HaaretzBritannica)  [or October 6 – Anno Mundi – Wikipedia]

Roman festivals: October 7 (Nones) (Wikipedia): rites for Jupiter Fulgur (Jupiter of daytime lightning) and Juno Curitis

Moldova at the crossroads: tensions with Transnistria ahead of EU membership referendum (EuronewsGoogle Search) – On October 20, Moldovans will vote in a referendum on putting EU membership as a national objective into the Constitution.

• The Battle of Lepanto (Wikipedia) was a naval engagement that took place on 7 October 1571 (Julian) when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of Catholic states arranged by Pope Pius V, inflicted a major defeat on the fleet of the Ottoman Empire in the Gulf of Patras. [-> The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (Wikipedia)]

• Battle of Navarino (WikipediaBritannica) – Part of the Greek War of Independence. Allied forces from Britain, France, and Russia decisively defeated Ottoman and Egyptian forces which were trying to suppress the Greeks, thereby making Greek independence much more likely. Date: 20 October 1827 

• Kamala Harris (WikipediaAstro-databank), the 49th and current vice president of the United States since 2021, serving under President Joe Biden. Harris is the Democratic Party’s nominee for president in the 2024 election. Born: 20 October 1964 at 21:28, her 60th birthday. 

On the same day Herbert Hoover (Wikipedia), the 31st president of the United States, died.

• Killing of Muammar Gaddafi (WikipediaHISTORY) – On October 20, 2011, Muammar al-Qaddafi, the longest-serving leader in Africa and the Arab world, is captured and killed by rebel forces… [YouTube: Hillary Clinton jokes with reporter on unconfirmed Qaddafi’s death [Gematria: “We came, we saw, he died” = Year of the Wood Dragon 1x]

• On October 20, 1803, the Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase Treaty (Library of CongressWikipedia).

Essene calendar3 Cheshvan

Chinese calendar9th Month 18 (9/9+9)

• The 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on 3 November 2020 = 9th Month 18, year of the Rat. Joe Biden defeated the incumbent Republican president, Donald Trump.

• Cuban Missile Crisis (WikipediaJohn F. Kennedy Presidential Library) – The thirteen days marking the most dangerous period of the Cuban missile crisis begin. Date: 16 October 1962 = 9th Month 18, year of the Tiger (Day 1 – President Kennedy and principal foreign policy and national defense officials are briefed on the U-2 findings). 

• Balfour Declaration letter written (HISTORY) – On November 2, 1917 =  9th Month 18, year of the Snake, Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour writes an important letter to Britain’s most illustrious Jewish citizen, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, expressing the British government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The letter would eventually become known as the Balfour Declaration(Wikipedia).

• Nazis launch Kristallnacht  (HISTORYWikipedia) – On November 9, 1938 = 9th Month 18, year of the Tiger, in an event that would foreshadow the Holocaust, German Nazis launch a campaign of terror against Jewish people and their homes and businesses in Germany and Austria. The violence, which continued through November 10 and was later dubbed “Kristallnacht,” or “Night of Broken Glass”, 86 Chinese years ago. [Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). Gematria: Harmagedon (a variant spelling of Armageddon, Harmagedon) = 86] on the same day 

Assassination attempt on Hitler (HISTORY) on 9 November 1938: Maurice Bavaud’s Plot = 9th Month 18, year of the Tiger

• Brighton hotel bombing (Wikipedia) On 12 October 1984 = 9th Month 18, year of the Rat, the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) attempted to assassinate members of the British government, including the prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, at the Grand Hotel in Brighton, England. Five people were killed.

Numbers10/20  (inclusive) – 10/21

• Notre-Dame de Paris fire (Wikipedia) – On 15 April 2019, just before 18:20 CEST, a structural fire broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame de Paris, a medieval Catholic cathedral in Paris, France. By the time the fire was extinguished, the cathedral’s spire had collapsed, 66 months, 6 days ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 10/21

Jewish calendar19 Tishrei, 19 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile)

• The night the world almost almost ended (BBC), 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident (Wikipedia)… Soviet Air Force officer Stanislav Petrov identifies a report of an incoming nuclear missile as a computer error and not an American first strike. This is seen as having prevented a retaliatory nuclear strike against the United States and its NATO allies, which would likely have resulted in a full-scale nuclear war, Date: Monday, 26 September 1983 = 19 Tishrei or 20 Tishrei 

• British mandate in Palestine (BritannicaWikipedia) – Set in motion by the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the British mandate for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine was finally approved by the Council of the League of Nations and came into force this day in 1923. And France was assigned the League of Nations Mandate for Syria and Lebanon (Wikipedia), which included the territory of present-day Lebanon and Alexandretta in addition to modern Syria. Date effective: 29 September 1923 = 19 Tishrei [? according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel The mandates for Palestine and Syria came into force simultaneously on September 29, 1922.]

• U.S. takes possession of Alaska (HISTORY, the Alaska Purchase – Wikipedia) On October 18, 1867 = 19 Tishrei, the U.S. formally takes possession of Alaska after purchasing the territory from Russia for $7.2 million, or less than two cents an acre.

• The establishment of the US Navy (Wikipedia), as the Continental Navy, on 13 October 1775 = 19 Tishrei

• Turkish War of Independence (Wikipedia) was a series of military campaigns and a revolution waged by the Turkish National Movement, after the Ottoman Empire was occupied and partitioned following its defeat in World War I. End date (armistice): 11 October 1922 = 19 Tishrei

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 17 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 18

• League of Nations instituted (HISTORY) – On January 10, 1920 = Rabi’II 18, 1338 AH, the League of Nations formally comes into being when the Covenant of the League of Nations, ratified by 42 nations in 1919, takes effect. The Covenant of the League of Nations (Wikipedia) was signed as Part I of the Treaty of Versailles, and became effective together with the rest of the Treaty.[The Treaty of Versailles (Wikipedia) was the most important of the peace treaties of World War I. Although a ceasefire had been in place since November 11, 1918, World War I officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles.]

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) – Date: 11 November 2022 = Rabi’II 16 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 17, 1444 AH

• 1961 Syrian coup d’état (Wikipedia) was an uprising by disgruntled Syrian Army officers on 28 September 1961 = Rabi’II 17 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 18, 1381 AH, that resulted in the break-up of the United Arab Republic and the restoration of an independent Syrian Republic. 

• The history of Hamas-Fatah relations begins with the eruption of the first intifada (WikipediaThe Washington InstituteHISTORY) on 8 or 9 December 1987 = Rabi’II 16 or Rabi’II 17, 1408 AH 

• Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia) took effect on 28 February 2013 at 20:00 CET (Rome sunset 17:59 – Google Search) = Rabi’II 18  (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 19, 1434 AH following his announcement of it on 11 February 2013. 

• COVID-19 vaccine (Wikipedia) – The United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) gave temporary regulatory approval for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine, becoming the first country to approve the vaccine and the first country in the Western world to approve the use of any COVID‑19 vaccine (here and Date: 2 December 2020 = Rabi’II 16 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 17, 1442 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, October 16…

10/16 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 10/3 (Convert a date)

Roman festivals: October 3–12 (Wikipedia): Ludi Augustales, established 14 AD after the death of Augustus, based on the Augustalia.

• China joins A-bomb club, detonates its first nuclear weapon (HISTORY) Date: 16 October 1964 [year of the Dragon], 60 years ago

• Burning of Parliament (Wikipedia) – The Palace of Westminster, the medieval royal palace used as the home of the British parliament, was largely destroyed by fire on Thursday, 16 October 1834, 190 years ago

• Cuban Missile Crisis (WikipediaJohn F. Kennedy Presidential Library) – The thirteen days marking the most dangerous period of the Cuban missile crisis begin. Date: 16 October 1962 (Day 1 – President Kennedy and principal foreign policy and national defense officials are briefed on the U-2 findings). 

• David Ben-Gurion (Wikipedia) was the primary national founder of the State of Israel and the first prime minister of Israel. He was born David Grün [Grün (surname) a German word and surname meaning “green“; Zelensky (surname) is a Slavic surname, meaning ‘green’] on 16 October 1886. 

• First Non-Italian to Win the Papacy since 1523 –  Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, the Archbishop of Kraków, is elected to the papacy as Pope John Paul II (Wikipedia). Date: 16 October 1978 = 15 Tishrei [The jewish “roots” of Karol Wojtyla –]

• Adolf Hitler delivers his first public address at a meeting of the German Workers’ Party. (Wikipedia) – Date: 16 October 1919 [Shmini Atzeret], 105 years ago

• Major event during the Reign of Terror (Wikipedia) – On Wednesday, 16 October 1793, Marie Antoinette (Wikipedia), the last Queen of France before the French Revolution, was executed. The trial of the Girondins started on the same day. On its 153rd anniversary -> 

• The Nuremberg executions (Wikipedia) took place on Wednesday, 16 October 1946, shortly after the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials. [1946: The Nuremberg Trials and the Ten Sons of Haman,]

• The Long March (HISTORY) – On October 16, 1934, the embattled Chinese Communists break through Nationalist enemy lines and begin an epic flight from their encircled headquarters in southwest China.

• Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho awarded Nobel Peace Prize ( Date: 16 October 1973

Essene calendar29 Tishrei

• The Nuremberg executions (Wikipedia) took place on Wednesday, 16 October 1946 = Essene calendar: 29 Tishrei, shortly after the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials. [1946: The Nuremberg Trials and the Ten Sons of Haman,]

Chinese calendar9th Month 14, year of the Dragon

• Ze’ev Jabotinsky (Wikipedia)  was a Revisionist Zionist leader. With Joseph Trumpeldor, he co-founded the Jewish Legion of the British army in World War I. [Ze’ev (Wikipedia), also spelled Zeev or Zev, is a name of Hebrew origin which means wolf]. Born: 17 October 1880 [12 Cheshvan – Jabotinsky Institute] = 9th Month 14, year of the Dragon

• The United States detonates the world’s first thermonuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb, on Eniwetok atoll in the Pacific (HISTORY, Ivy Mike – Wikipedia). The test gave the United States a short-lived advantage in the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union. Date: 1 November 1952 = 9th Month 14, year of the Dragon

• From the Great Wall to the Western Wall, Chinese VP visits Israel (The Jerusalem Post) arrived on Monday and immediately went to the Western Wall. Date: 22 October 2018 = 9th Month 14, year of the Dog, 6 years ago

• The Boxer Rebellion (Wikipedia) began with the Battle of Senluo Temple (Wikipedia) on Wednesday, 18 October 1899 = 9th Month 14, year of the Pig

• Puyi (Wikipedia), the last emperor of China, reigning as the eleventh and final monarch of the Qing dynasty. Died: 17 October 1967 = 9th Month 14, year of the Goat.  [Gematria: the last emperor of China = President Xi Jinping 1x, century of humiliation (Wikipedia) 2x]

• Burning of Parliament (Wikipedia) – The Palace of Westminster, the medieval royal palace used as the home of the British parliament, was largely destroyed by fire on 16 October 1834 = 9th Month 14, year of the Horse

Numbers: 10/16  (inclusive) – 10/17

After sunset 🌅 – 10/17 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Jewish calendar15 Tishrei, 15 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile), Sukkot I (Feast of Booths or Feast of Tabernacles – Wikipedia)

• First Non-Italian to Win the Papacy since 1523 – Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, the Archbishop of Kraków, is elected to the papacy as Pope John Paul II (Wikipedia). Date: 16 October 1978 = 15 Tishrei [The jewish “roots” of Karol Wojtyla –]

• The First Pope at the White House (The White House, – President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter welcome Pope John Paul II into the White House. Date: 6 October 1979 = 15 Tishrei

• President Donald Trump warned of “the calm before the storm” while posing with a group of military leaders at the White House (Time). Date: Thursday, 5 October 2017 = 15 Tishrei

• The Windscale fire (Wikipedia) of 10 October 1957 = 15 Tishrei  was the worst nuclear accident in the United Kingdom‘s history, and one of the worst in the world, ranked in severity at level 5 out of 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale. Gematria: Windscale fire = Reichstag fire (Wikipedia) 3x, Winds Of Change (Wikipedia) 3x, The Light We Carry (Wikipedia) 2x

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 13 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 14 [dd/mm date format – 14/04 –Strong’s Hebrew 1404. gebereth: lady, queen, mistress / Greek 1404. drakón: a dragon (a mythical monster]

• United States Armed Forces (Wikipedia) – Founded: Wednesday, 14 June 1775  = Rabi’II 14, 1189 AH

• The Arc de Triomphe, one of the largest triumphal arches in the world, was officially inaugurated in Paris. (BritannicaWikipedia) – Date: 29 July 1836 = Rabi’II 14, 1252 AH

• Bashar al-Assad (Wikipedia), the current and 19th president of Syria. Assumed office: 17 July 2000 = Rabi’II 14 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 15,  1421 AH 

• The beginning of NATO intervention (Wikipedia) during the 2011 Libyan Civil War (Wikipedia) – Date: 19 March 2011 = Rabi’II 13 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 14, 1432 AH [the war ended three days after the death of Muammar Gaddafi – YouTube: Hillary Clinton jokes with reporter on unconfirmed Qaddafi’s death – Gematria:  We came, we saw, he died = Year of the Wood Dragon 1x]

Here are her notes on Sunday, October 13…

10/13  (Sunday / the day of the Sun – Wikipedia)

Julian calendar: 9/30 (Convert a date)

Jewish calendar: 11 Tishrei (1/11 or 7/11), Chinese calendar: 9/11, year of the Dragon [Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’– CNNYouTube – CNN], Essene calendar: 26 Tishrei (7/26) [Strong’s Greek 726. harpazó: to seize, catch up, snatch away is the Rapture (Wikipedia) number.]

Propaganda: 1. Christian Rapture watch channel: The Rapture Puzzle (YouTube) – many videos related to 13 October 2024.  2. Gematria: October 13, 2024, the 77th anniversary of Project Cirrus (Gematria Effect News) [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier].

President Biden’s schedule: On Sunday, October 13, 2024, the President will travel to Florida to visit areas impacted by Hurricane Milton (Forth). 

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (United Nations), also called Disaster Day (National Today) [Gematria:  Day for Disaster Risk Reduction = President Biden was shot and killed 2x]; Hurricane Milton (Wikipedia) [Gematria: Hurricane Milton = Inauguration Day 3x, ‘The storm is coming’ (The Times of Israel) 3x]

Yorkshire Pudding Day (National TodayAnydayGuide) [Gematria:  Yorkshire Pudding Day = John Fitzgerald Kennedy 3x, President Abraham Lincoln 2x, Forty seventh president 2x, The Georgia Guidestones 2x]

• Miracle of the Sun (Wikipedia) also known as the Miracle of Fátima, is a series of events reported to have occurred miraculously on 13 October 1917, attended by a large crowd (30,000~100,000 people) who had gathered in Fátima, Portugal, in response to a prophecy made by three shepherd children…, 107 years ago

Roman festivals:

Fontinalia in honour of Fontus (Wikipedia) or Fons, a god of wells and springs in ancient Roman religion.

• White House cornerstone laid (HISTORYLibrary of Congress) – Date: 13 October 1792, 232 years ago

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) is a series of non-binding multilateral arrangements between the United States government and other world governments. The Accords are related to the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2026, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: 3 October 2020, 4 years ago

• Nero (Wikipedia) was a Roman emperor and the final emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Reign: Sunday, 13 October 54 (Julian) [Barack Obama, America’s Nero – Google Search]

• Hundreds of the Knights Templar (Wikipedia: herehere) in France are arrested at dawn by King Philip the Fair, and later confess under torture to heresy. Date: Friday, 13 October 1307 (Julian), 717 years ago [Strong’s Hebrew 717. arah: to gather, pluck/ Strong’s Greek 717. Harmagedón: Har-Magedon, Usage: Armageddon

• Mein Kampf (Wikipedia) (lit. ’My Struggle’) is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Published in English (abridged): 13 October 1933 [or 11 October 1933 – Wikipedia]

• USA: Navy Birthday (National Today)  – celebrates the establishment of the US Navy (Wikipedia), as the Continental Navy, on 13 October 1775.

Born: 1925 – Margaret Thatcher (Wikipedia); 1989 – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Wikipedia)

Julian calendar: Suleiman the Magnificent is proclaimed sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia) – Date: 30 September 1520 (Julian)

Essene calendar26 Tishrei (7/26) [Strong’s Greek 726. harpazó: to seize, catch up, snatch away is the Rapture (Wikipedia) number.] 

Chinese calendar9th Month 11, year of the Dragon

• The Great Disappointment (Wikipedia: herehereAsk An Adventist Friend) – On October 22, 1844 = 9th Month 11, year of the Dragon!, The Millerites (followers of Baptist preacher William Miller) anticipate the end of the world in conjunction with the Second Advent of Christ. The following day becomes known as the Great Disappointment.

• China joins A-bomb club (HISTORY,  Project 596 – Wikipedia) – The People’s Republic of China joins the rank of nations with atomic bomb capability, after a successful nuclear test on 16 October 1964 = 9th Month 11, year of the Dragon!

• The Yom Kippur War (Wikipedia) brings United States and USSR to brink of conflict (HISTORY) – The surprise attack by Egyptian and Syrian forces on Israel in October 1973 throws the Middle East into turmoil and threatens to bring the United States and the Soviet Union into direct conflict for the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Start date (Operation Badr (1973) – Wikipedia): Date: 6 October 1973 = 9th Month 11, year of the Ox

• Francis of Assisi (Wikipedia)

Died: 3 October 1226 (Julian) = 9th Month 11, year of the Dog, aged approximately 44 years, Assisi, Umbria, Papal States. [Why the pope chose the name Francis – Catholic News Service – YouTube], 798 years ago [Strong’s Greek 798. astron Strong’s Concordance astron: a star]

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Appointed: 15 October 2013 = 9th Month 11, year of the Snake


• One World Trade Center (Wikipedia) officially opens in New York City, on the site of the Twin Towers (HISTORY) Date: 3 November 2014 = 9th Monthbis (leap month) 11, year of the Horse

Numbers10/13  (inclusive) – 10/14

• Charles III (Wikipedia), Charles Philip Arthur George, King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Born: 14 November 1948 at 21:14 (Astro Databank ) in London, England, 911 months old 

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day ( [Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post), explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014, 10 years, 11 weeks, 6 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place / Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea].

After sunset 🌅 – 10/14 (Monday/day of the Moon – Wikipedia)

Jewish calendar12 Tishrei (d/m date format 12/7 or 12/1), 12 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile

Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

• The United States Capitol cornerstone laying (WikipediaHISTORY) was the Freemasonry ceremonial placement of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol on September 18, 1793 = 12 Tishrei. The cornerstone was laid by president of the United States George Washington Leder of the Lodge of the Continental Army, assisted by the Grand Master of Maryland Joseph Clark. 

• Trump said: “We’re going to defeat socialism and put a man on the face of the Moon” (InsiderMSNBC) on Friday night, 11 October 2019 (after sunset ?) = 12 Tishrei or 13 Tishri

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 10 (Convert a date) or  Rabi’II 11 (4/11)

Amos 4:11 “Some of you I overthrew as I overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and you were like a firebrand snatched from a blaze, yet you did not return to Me,” declares the LORD.

• The Syrian Civil War (Wikipedia) is an ongoing multi-sided conflict in Syria involving various state-sponsored and non-state actors. Start date [Syrian revolution – Wikipedia]: 15 March 2011 = Rabi’II 9 (Convert a date) or  Rabi’II 10, 1432 AH 

• Fall of the Berlin Wall (Wikipedia) was a pivotal event in world history which marked the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curtain and one of the series of events that started the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe. Date: Thursday, 9 November 1989 (d/m date format 9/11) = Rabi’II 9 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 10, 1410 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, October 10…

10/10 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 9/27 (Convert a date)

World Space Week (United Nations) celebrates the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition. Date: 4-10 October

• The Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia) is a multilateral treaty that forms the basis of international space law. Negotiated and drafted under the auspices of the United Nations… Effective: 10 October 1967  

World Mental Health Day (WHO)

The Draconid meteor shower is active from 6 October to 10 October (In The Sky).

Southern Taurid meteor shower, in the constellation Cetus (WikipediaGoogle Search), sometimes called ‘the whale‘ in English [Trump met ‘Prince of Whales’ – The Guardian]. Peak: around 10 October – In The Sky or according to Star Walk early peak: 12-13 October and peak: November 4-5. 

Durga Ashtami (National TodayWikipedia) –  One of the most significant and cherished Hindu holidays. This Pan-Indian event entails the ceremonial adoration of Goddess Durga (Wikipedia), a major Hindu goddess. She is associated with protection, strength, motherhood, destruction, and wars. Durga’s legend centres around combating evils and demonic forces that threaten peace, prosperity, and dharma, representing the power of good over evil. …often depicted as a beautiful woman, riding a lion or tiger [compare Goddess Durga – Google Search with the Whore of Babylon – Google Search] Consort: Shiva

• The Battle of Karbala marks the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali (Wikipedia) a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad was killed at the Battle of Karbala (New World Encyclopedia) that took place on October 10, 680 (Julian). The battle is often marked as the event that separated Sunni and Shi’a Islam and  a defining moment in Islamic history

• Jesuit order established – Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (WikipediaHISTORY) (Latin for To the Government of the Church Militant) was the papal bull promulgated by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540 (Julian), which gave a first approval to the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits.

China, Taiwan (The Republic of China): National Day (AnydayGuideWikipedia), also referred to as Double Ten Day or Double Tenth Day. It commemorates the start of the Wuchang Uprising on 10 October 1911 which ultimately led to the establishment of the Republic of China on 1 January 1912, and the collapse of the imperial Qing dynasty, ending 2,133 years of imperial rule of China since the Qin dynasty. 

• The Kuomintang (Wikipedia) is a Chinese political party that ruled mainland China from 1927 to 1949 prior to its relocation to Taiwan as a result of the Chinese Civil War. Re-established (current form): 10 October 1919

• Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (Wikipedia) Current form: 10 October 1947, 77 years ago 

North KoreaParty Foundation Day (AnydayGuideWikipedia) – Significance: Founding of the North Korea Bureau of the Communist Party of Korea (1945)

VietnamCapital Liberation Day (AnydayGuide, HISTORY) – On this day, the people of Vietnam celebrate the liberation of Hanoi by the Viet Minh troops in 1954.

Cuba: The anniversary of beginning of the Ten Years’ War (AnydayGuideWikipedia)

• The Windscale fire (Wikipedia) of 10 October 1957 was the worst nuclear accident in the United Kingdom‘s history, and one of the worst in the world, ranked in severity at level 5 out of 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale. Gematria: Windscale fire = Reichstag Fire 3x, Winds Of Change (Wikipedia) 3x, The Light We Carry (Wikipedia) 2x

• The Nazi Party, was formally abolished on 10 October 1945 by the Allied Control Council, followed by the process of denazification along with trials of major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg (Wikipedia).

• Vice President Agnew resigns (HISTORY) – Less than a year before Richard M. Nixon’s resignation as president of the United States, Spiro Agnew becomes one of the first U.S. vice presidents to resign in disgrace. Date: 10 October 1973 

• Joseph-Ignace Guillotin (Wikipedia) was a French physician, politician, and freemason who proposed on 10 October 1789 the use of a device to carry out executions in France, as a less painful method of execution than existing methods. -> World Day Against The Death Penalty (National Today)

• Major event during the Reign of Terror (Wikipedia) – On 10 October 1793 the Convention decreed that “the provisional government shall be revolutionary until peace. 

Essene calendar23 Tishrei

• Opening of the Second Vatican Council (BritannicaWikipedia) – The Second Vatican Council, announced by Pope John XXIII in 1959, opened on 11 October 1962 = Essene calendar: 23 Tishrei, lasted for three years, and remains a symbol (controversial to some) of the church’s readiness to adapt to modern life.

Chinese calendar9th Month 8 [2x panic]

• The Panic of 1907 (Wikipedia), also known as the 1907 Bankers’ Panic or Knickerbocker Crisis, was a financial crisis that took place in the United States over a three-week period starting in mid-October, when the New York Stock Exchange fell almost 50% from its peak the previous year. Timeline: Monday, October 14 = 9th Month 8, year of the Goat – Otto Heinze begins purchasing to corner the stock of United Copper (Wikipedia). 

• The War of the Worlds (WikipediaHISTORY) – The episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasion was taking place. Original release: 30 October 1938 at 8–9 pm ET = 9th Month 8, year of the Tiger

Numbers10/10 (inclusive) – 10/11

• Donald Trump Launches His NFT Card Collection (Blockzeit) Date: Thursday, 15 December 2022, 666 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 10/11 

Jewish calendar9 Tishrei, 9 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile), Erev Yom Kippur

Kaparot (Wikipedia)

• The Second Opium War (WikipediaHistory Today) between several western powers and China begins with the Arrow Incident on the Pearl River. Date: 8 October 1856 = 9 Tishrei

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 7 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 8

Rabi’II 8 or 10 (Wikipedia), the birth of the Eleventh Imam Hasan al-Askari

• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Wikipedia) – On 17 January 1951 = Rabi’II 8 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 9, 1370 AH, the Rebbe formally accepted the leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch by delivering the traditional discourse of Chassidic teaching, maamar, at a gathering marking the first anniversary of his father-in-law’s passing (1950: Leadership –

• Arab League formed (HISTORY) – Representatives from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen meet in Cairo to establish the Arab League, a regional organization of Arab states. Date: Thursday, 22 March 1945 [322 – Skull and Bones]
= Rabi’II 7 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 8, 1364 AH

• Conclusion of the American Civil War (Wikipedia) Legally, the war did not end until a proclamation by President Andrew Johnson on August 20, 1866 = Rabi’ II 8, 1283 AH, when he declared “that the said insurrection is at an end and that peace, order, tranquillity, and civil authority now exist in and throughout the whole of the United States of America.

Here are her notes on Wednesday, October 9…

10/9  (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 9/26 (Convert a date)

September (Wikipedia) (from Latin septem, “seven”) was originally the 7th month in the oldest known Roman calendar – 7/26 – Strong’s Greek 726. harpazó: to seize, catch up, snatch away is the Rapture (Wikipedia) number.

Roman festivals

September 26 (Wikipedia) – dies natalis for the Temple of Venus Genetrix  [a personal ancestress of the Julian lineage and, more broadly, the divine ancestress of the Roman people.]

October 9 (Wikipedia) – dies natales of temples for the Genius Publicus (“Public Genius”), Fausta Felicitas, and Venus Victrix (Wikipedia) on the Capitoline.  *Venus Victrix, a Romanised aspect of the armed Aphrodite that Greeks had inherited from the East, where the goddess Ishtar “remained a goddess of war, and Venus could bring victory to a Sulla or a Caesar.” [Jonathan Cahn and his Ishtar propaganda – Google Search]

The Draconid meteor shower is active from 6 October to 10 October (In The Sky).

World Space Week (United Nations) celebrates the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition. Date: 4-10 October

Feast of Denis of Paris (Wikipedia) – 9 October [Ignatius of Loyola and six classmates took initial vows, leading to the creation of the Society of Jesus in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis – Wikipedia].

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar

September 26 (Wikipedia) – Righteous Gideon, Judge of Israel (c. 1307 BC); Repose of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (Wikipedia). [Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist are the  patron saints of Freemasonry – WikipediaMasons of California]

• Francis Drake finishes his circumnavigation of the Earth (Wikipedia) in Plymouth, England. Date: 26 September 1580 (Julian), 444 years ago

IranIslamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Day (AnydayGuide) – Its date was chosen to honor Husayn ibn Ali, the third Shia Imam. He refused to pledge allegiance to caliph Yazid I and was subsequently killed and beheaded in the Battle of Karbala that took place on October 10, 680. The death of Husayn ibn Ali ultimately led to the Abbasid Revolution that overthrew the Umayyad Caliphate.

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (WikipediaThe Nobel Peace Prize 2009) was awarded to United States President Barack Obama. The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world. 15 years ago

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia) – Completed: 9 October 1952, 72 years ago [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• Washington Monument (Wikipedia), obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, was opened on 9 October 1888 (Wikipedia). 

• Che Guevara is executed (HISTORY)  – On October 9, 1967, socialist revolutionary and guerrilla leader Che Guevara, age 39, is killed by the Bolivian army.

• Meteorite crashes into Chevy Malibu (HISTORY) Date: 9 October  1992; Hoover Dam begins transmitting electricity to Los Angeles (HISTORY) Date: 9 October 1936


• 9 October 1911, An accidental bomb explosion triggers the Wuchang Uprising (Wikipedia) against the Qing dynasty, beginning the Xinhai Revolution (Wikipedia) ended China’s last imperial dynasty and led to the establishment of the Republic of China. 

• Murder of 9 Catholic priests in Zhengding (Wikipedia), China, who protected the local population from the advancing Japanese army on 9 October 1937.

• North Korea conducts its first nuclear test (Wikipedia) on 9 October 2006. 

Essene calendar22 Tishrei – Great Day [7/22 is Pi Approximation Day – Wikipedia]

Chinese calendar9th Month 7, year of the Dragon

• Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia) formally the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, is a multilateral treaty that forms the basis of international space law. Negotiated and drafted under the auspices of the United Nations. Effective: 10 October 1967 = 9th Month 7, year of the Goat

• U.N. representatives vote to seat the People’s Republic of China as a permanent member and expels Taiwan, led by the Chinese Nationalist Party (HISTORY). Date: 25 October 1971 = 9th Month 7, year of the Pig [btw, Gematria: Taiwan = Persia 3x]

Numbers: 10/9  (inclusive) – 10/10

• NATO (Wikipedia), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance between 32 member states – 30 European and two North American. It was formed with the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty (Wikipedia) in Washington, D.C., by a committee which was chaired by US diplomat Theodore Achilles (Wikipedia). [NATO Achilles’ heel – Google Search, Achilles’ heel – Wikipedia]. Date: 4 April 1949, 906 months, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 10/10 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Jewish calendar8 Tishrei (m/d date format 1/8 or 7/8), 8 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile)

[7/8 – The Number 78 (Bible Study): “evil angels”]

Temple Dedicated (826 BCE) – The 14-day dedication festivities, celebrating the completion of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem built by King Solomon, commenced on the 8th of Tishrei of the year 2935.

Massacres at Babi Yar (1941) German forces aided by Ukrainian collaborators massacred over 30,000 Jews in the Babi Yar ravine near Kiev, Ukraine.

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) The founding of the People’s Republic of China was formally proclaimed by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), on 1 October 1949 (at exactly 3:00 pm Beijing Time) = 8 TishreiShabbat Shuva, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. 

• The Great Fire of New York (1776)(Wikipedia) was a devastating fire that burned through the night of September 20, 1776, and into the morning of September 21 = 8 TishreiShabbat Shuva. It broke out in the early days of the military occupation of the city by British forces during the American Revolutionary War.

• Pope Paul VI visits the U.S. (POLITICO) – Pope Paul VI made a one-day visit to the United States. In doing so, he became the first pontiff to visit the Western Hemisphere. Paul VI was also the first pope to leave Italy since 1809. Date: 4 October 1965 = 8 Tishrei 

• Napoleonic Wars: French occupation of Moscow (Wikipedia) French Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte’s Grande Armée  enters  Moscow on 14 September 1812 = 8 Tishrei and the Fire of Moscow (HISTORYWikipedia) begins. Result: Most of Moscow destroyed by fire, vandalism and looting

• President Woodrow Wilson suffers a near-fatal stroke (HISTORY) on 2 October 1919 = 8 Tishrei

• Assassination of Anwar Sadat (WikipediaHISTORY), the 3rd President of Egypt, was assassinated on 6 October 1981 = 8 Tishri = during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Operation Badr [Part of the Yom Kippur War]. The assassination was undertaken by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. His controversial peace negotiation with Israel made him a target of extremists across the Middle East.

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 6 (4/6) (Convert a date) or  Rabi’II 7 (4/7)

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) – commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal Date effective: 16 January 2016 (implementation) = Rabi’II 5 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 6, 1437 AH 

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011 = Rabi’II 5 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 6, 1432 AH

Here are her notes on Monday, October 7…

10/7 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 9/24 (Convert a date)

3761 BC the epoch reference date epoch (origin) of the modern Hebrew calendar. Jewish Anno Mundi (Wikipedia, October 7, 3761 B.C.E., is the date on which the world was created  – HaaretzBritannica)  [or October 6 – Anno Mundi – Wikipedia]

Roman festivals: October 7 (Nones) (Wikipedia): rites for Jupiter Fulgur (Jupiter of daytime lightning) and Juno Curitis”

World Space Week (United Nations) – celebrates the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition. Date: 4-10 October

• in 2022: September 24 Conspiracy Theories are everywhere (Insider); and also in 2015:  Why September 24 Could be the Most Important Day of the Most Important Year of Our Lives (HuffPost)]

• Siege of Mecca (Wikipedia: herehere) – The Umayyad army led by Husayn ibn Numayr al-Sakuni besieges Mecca, during which the Kaaba (“Sacred House”) catches fire and is burned down” Start date: 24 September 683 CE (Julian)

• The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (Wikipedia) formerly known as Feast of Our Lady of Victory and Feast of the Holy Rosary is celebrated on 7 October, the anniversary of the decisive victory of the combined fleet of the Holy League of 1571 over the Ottoman navy at the Battle of Lepanto (Wikipedia). 

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia), President of Russia. Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: Tue, 7 October 1952, his 72nd birthday [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack (2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel – Wikipedia) on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip

[Gematria: seventh of October = Great Tribulation (GotQuestions) 3x; 10/7 or d/m date format 7/10 like ‘seven heads and ten horns’ – Bible Questions]

• A fly landed on Mike Pence’s head (CBS News) -> Beelzebub (Wikipedia, Judaism Lord of the “fly” – Wikipedia) – Date: 7 October 2020

• Dumbarton Oaks Conference (Wikipedia) was an international conference at which proposals for the establishment of a “general international organization”, which was to become the United Nations, were formulated and negotiated. The conference was led by the Four Policemen – the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China. Dates: from 21 August 1944 to 7 October 1944.

• The Alexandria Protocol (Wikipedia) was an agreement signed on 7 October 1944, in Alexandria, by five Arab countries agreeing to the formation of a joint Arab Organization, which led to the formation of the League of Arab States in the following year.

Essene calendar20 Tishrei – Tabernacles 6

Chinese calendar9th Month 5

• The Second Opium War finally ends at the Convention of Peking with the ratification of the Treaty of Tientsin, an unequal treaty (Wikipedia, Peking’s Summer Palace destroyed – HISTORY). Date: 18 October 1860 = 9th Month 5, year of the Monkey

Numbers: 10/7 (inclusive) – 10/8

After sunset 🌅 – 10/8

Jewish calendar6 Tishrei, 6 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile)

• Barack Obama presided historic UN Security Council Summit on nuclear disarmament (YouTube-United NationsUN Press). The Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1887 (Wikipedia) Subject: Maintenance of international peace and security, Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. Date: 24 September 2009 = 6 Tishri, 15 years ago

• Superman: Doomsday (Wikipedia) is a 2007 American animated superhero film adapted from the DC Comics storyline “The Death of Superman”, which focuses on the death and return of the superhero Superman. Running time: 77 minutes, Release date: 18 September 2007 = 6 Tishri, 17 years ago

• The Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia) is a multilateral treaty that forms the basis of international space law. Negotiated and drafted under the auspices of the United Nations. Effective: 10 October 1967 =  6 Tishri

new calendars

• The Gregorian Calendar Adopted in England (History Today). The country skipped ahead 11 days. Wednesday, 2 September 1752 (Julian) = 5 Tishrei (Convert a date or September 13, 1752 – Google Search) was followed by Thursday, 14 September = 6 Tishrei

• Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy (WikipediaHISTORY) – During the French Revolution, it was a proclamation by the National Convention of France announcing that it had abolished the French monarchy on 21 September 1792 = 5 Tishrei, giving birth to the French First Republic. This dramatic change was powerful encouragement to the growing wave of anticlericalism which sought a dechristianisation of France. The new French Republican Calendar (Wikipedia) discarded all Christian reference points and calculated time from the Republic’s first full day after the monarchy, 22 September 1792 = 6 TishreiShabbat Shuva,  the first day of Year One.

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 4 (4/4)(Convert a date) or Rabi’II 5 (4/5)

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. Date effective: 16 January 2016 (implementation) = Rabi’II 5 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 6, 1437 AH

• The United States, the United Kingdom, the U.S.S.R., and 59 other states signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in an attempt to halt the spread of nuclear weapons (BritannicaWikipedia). Date: Mon, 1 July 1968  = Rabi’II 4 (Convert a date) or  Rabi’II 5, 1388 AH

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011 = Rabi’II 5 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 6, 1432 AH

• The Chelyabinsk meteor (SpaceWikipedia) was a small asteroid — about the size of a six-story building — that broke up over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia, on 15 February 2013 = Rabi’II 4 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 5, 1434 AH. The blast was stronger than a nuclear explosion, triggering detections from monitoring stations as far away as Antarctica. Injured: 1491 people

• The Palestinian Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia)  formally established the State of Palestine, and was written by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish and proclaimed by Yasser Arafat on 15 November 1988 = Rabi’II 5, 1409 AH  in Algiers, Algeria.

Here are her notes on Sunday, October 6…

10/6  (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 9/23 (Convert a date)

The Fast of Gedalia (Wikipedia) is a minor Jewish fast day from dawn until dusk to lament the assassination of Gedaliah, the righteous governor of what was the Kingdom of Judah. His death ended Jewish autonomy following the destruction of the First Temple and the fall of King Zedekiah.

Anno Mundi (Wikipedia) (from Latin “in the year of the world“) is a calendar era based on the biblical accounts of the creation of the world. The calendar’s epoch, corresponding to the calculated date of the world’s creation, is equivalent to sunset on the Julian proleptic calendar date 6 October 3761 BCE.

Roman festivals: September 23 (Wikipedia) – 1. dies natalis for the Temple of Apollo and Latona  [a goddess and the mother of Apollo and Artemis] at the Theater of Marcellus; 2. dies natalis of Divus [usually translated as “divine.” – WikipediaAugustus (Wikipedia) – Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavian, was the founder of the Roman Empire; he reigned as the first Roman emperor. He was born on 23 September 63 BC (Julian).

October 6 (Wikipedia): dies ater (“black day“) to mark the anniversary of the battle of Arausio (105 BC). The Roman army was defeated by Germanic tribes. 

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: September 23  (Wikipedia) – The Conception of the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John (Wikipedia)

World Space Week (United Nations) celebrates the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition. Date: 4 -10 October 

National German-American Day (Wikipedia) was first celebrated in the 19th century. Its celebrations were discontinued during the First World War. The holiday was reestablished by President Ronald Reagan.

• The Yom Kippur War brings United States and USSR to brink of conflict (HISTORYWikipedia) – The surprise attack by Egyptian and Syrian forces on Israel in October 1973 throws the Middle East into turmoil and threatens to bring the United States and the Soviet Union into direct conflict for the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

SyriaTishren Liberation Day (AnydayGuide) is annually observed to commemorate the beginning of October War (Yom Kippur War) in 1973. The war began on Hafez al-Assad’s (Wikipedia) birthday. He was the 18th president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad’s father. 

EgyptArmed Forces Day (AnydayGuide) – Celebration of this public holiday is connected with the events of October War (Yom Kippur War) in 1973, when Egyptian and Syrian armies united and launched joint attack against Israel to recapture their territories.

The president of Egypt is assassinated (HISTORYAssassination of Anwar Sadat –  Wikipedia) – Islamic extremists assassinate Anwar Sadat as he reviews troops on the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. Date: 6 October 1981

• Austria‑Hungary annexes Bosnia‑Herzegovina (HISTORY) On October 6, 1908, the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary announces its annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, dual provinces in the Balkan region of Europe formerly under the control of the Ottoman Empire.

• Battle of Chamdo (Wikipedia) Date: 6–24 October 1950, a military campaign (by China) that resulted in the Annexation of Tibet. 

UkraineTerritorial Defense Day (AnydayGuide) – It was officially established by President Volodymyr Zelensky’s decree. 

Essene calendar: Tishrei 19 – Tabernacles 5

Chinese calendar9th Month 4

Numbers10/6 (inclusive) – 10/7

• Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus (CBS News). Date: 22 March 2013,  602 weeks, 3 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) – Date: 11 November 2022, 696 days ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 10/7

Jewish calendar: 5 Tishrei, 5 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile)

• The United States Bill of Rights passes Congress (HISTORYWikipedia) Date: Friday, 25 September 1789 5 Tishrei

new calendars

• The Gregorian Calendar Adopted in England (History Today). The country skipped ahead 11 days. Wednesday, 2 September 1752 (Julian) = 5 Tishrei (Convert a date or September 13, 1752 – Google Search) was followed by Thursday, 14 September = 6 Tishrei

• Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy (WikipediaHISTORY) – During the French Revolution, it was a proclamation by the National Convention of France announcing that it had abolished the French monarchy on 21 September 1792 = 5 Tishrei, giving birth to the French First Republic. This dramatic change was powerful encouragement to the growing wave of anticlericalism which sought a dechristianisation of France. The new French Republican Calendar (Wikipedia) discarded all Christian reference points and calculated time from the Republic’s first full day after the monarchy, 22 September 1792 = 6 Tishrei, the first day of Year One.


• German annexation of part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland – The Munich Agreement (Wikipedia, 1938: ‘Peace for our time’ – Chamberlain – BBC) was an agreement reached in Munich on Friday, 30 September 1938 = 5 Tishrei, by Nazi Germany, the United Kingdom, the French Republic, and Fascist Italy. 

• Russian annexation of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts (Wikipedia) Date: Friday, 30 September 2022 = 5 Tishrei

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ II 3 (Convert a date) or Rabi’II 4 (4/4)

• JFK Jr. killed in plane crash (HISTORY, 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash – Wikipedia) – On Friday, 16 July 1999 (according to Wikipedia at about 9:41 p.m., sunset  at 20:14 (EDT) = Rabi’II 3 or Rabi’II 4, 1420 AH, John F. Kennedy, Jr.; his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy; and her sister, Lauren Bessette, die when the single-engine plane that Kennedy was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. 26 Islamic years ago [The Number 26 (Bible StudyWikipedia) is the gematric number of the name of God in Hebrew YHWH – Tetragrammaton. And in Simple English Gematria: God = 26

• The Chelyabinsk meteor (SpaceWikipedia) was a small asteroid — about the size of a six-story building — that broke up over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Friday, 15 February 2013 = Rabi’II 4 or Rabi’II 5, 1434 AH. The blast was stronger than a nuclear explosion, triggering detections from monitoring stations as far away as Antarctica. Injured: 1491 people. 

• The Knesset passes a resolution confirming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, proclaiming that “Jerusalem is, and has always been, the capital of Israel (Wikipedia). Date: Monday, 23 January 1950 = Rabi’II 3 or Rabi’II 4, 1369 AH, 77 Islamic years ago

Here are her notes on Tuesday, October 1 and Wednesday, October 2…

10/1 (Tuesday) 

[October (Wikipedia) retained its name (from Latin and Greek ôctō meaning “eight”; 8/1]

Julian calendar: 9/18 (Convert a date) 9/9+9

Roman festivals: September 18 – Ludi Triumphales (Wikipedia) for Constantine. No description of these games has survived, but they are significant in the historical transformation of Roman religious and state institutions under the Christian emperors, an era inaugurated by the conversion of Constantine (Wikipedia). 

Independence Day in Cyprus (AnydayGuideNational Today)

Ukraine, Russia

Intercession of the Theotokos (AnydayGuide), also known as the Feast of Intercession and the Protection of the Theotokos, is one of the great feasts celebrated by the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is celebrated on October 1; churches that follow the Julian calendar observe it on October 14 in the Gregorian calendar. In Ukraine, it is also celebrated as a public holiday, Day of the Defender of Ukraine (AnydayGuide). -> 

Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News) – Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Date: 25 Mar 2022, 2 years, 6 months, 6 days ago [Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Hebrew Gematria Man of Sin (Wikipedia) = 266, the man of sin is variously identified with Caligula, Nero, the papacy and the end times Antichrist. Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure, Hamartia (Wikipedia) is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.]

Ukrainian Cossacks Day (AnydayGuide

Ground Forces Day in Russia (AnydayGuide

• Mikhail Gorbachev becomes head of Soviet Union (HISTORY) Date: 1 October 1988


National Day of the People’s Republic of China (WikipediaAnydayGuide), a public holiday in China celebrated annually on 1 October as the national day of the People’s Republic of China, commemorating Mao Zedong’s formal proclamation of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) on Saturday, 1 October 1949 (at exactly 3:00pm Beijing Time), in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

On its 8th anniversary [and on the Chinese calendar: 8th Month(leap) 8] -> British public gets ‘Asian Flu‘ vaccine (BBC) – Date: Tuesday, 1 October 1957; Raccoon Day (National TodayAnydayGuide) takes place on October 1 every year. [New data links Covid-19’s origins to raccoon dogs at Wuhan market (The Guardian)]

• 120 Martyrs of China (WikipediaCatholic News Agency) were canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 1, 2000. The majority were killed during the Boxer Rebellion of 1900.

Armed Forces Day in South Korea (AnydayGuide)

Essene calendar14 Tishrei (7/7+7)

Chinese calendar8th Month 29

Numbers10/1 (inclusive) – 10/2

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (WikipediaHISTORY) – On 21 September 1949, CCP Chairman Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China with a speech at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Date: 21 September 1949, 900 months, 11 days ago [911]

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia), was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. Launch date: 16 November [11/16] 2022,  1 year, 10 months, 16 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place]

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020, 405 % [Donald Trump – President number 45] or 211 weeks and 1 day [Strong’s Hebrew 2111. zua: to tremble, quake]

• Pope Francis’ historic speech to Congress (ABC News, 2015 visit by Pope Francis to North America – Wikipedia) Date: 24 September 2015 (at 9:20 a.m.), 9 years, 1 weeks, 1 day ago [911]

After sunset 🌅 – 10/2

Jewish calendar29 ElulErev Rosh Hashana

The Fifth Day of Creation: Creation of Creatures and Birds (3760 BCE)

The shofar is not sounded on the day before Rosh Hashana

Death of False Prophet Hananiah son of Azur (3760 BCE)

• Oslo II Accord (Wikipedia) – The Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip commonly known as Oslo II or Oslo 2, was a key and complex agreement in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process. The Oslo II Accord was first signed in Taba (in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt) by Israel and The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) on 24 September 1995 = 29 Elul

• Barack Obama presided over the UN Security Council for the second time, the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters (whitehouse.govUnited Nations Secretary-General) – Date: 24 September 2014 = 29 Elul

• Dow suffers record-breaking single-day drop (HISTORY) after Congress failed to pass a $700 billion bank bailout plan, the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 777.68 points—at the time, the largest single-day point loss in its history. The huge decline followed the bankruptcies of Wall Street brokerage firm Lehman Brothers,… Date: September 29, 2008 = 29 Elul

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 28 (Convert a date) or Rabi’ I 29

• Prince Harry was christened (Wikipedia) Henry Charles Albert David at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie. (1984: Prince Harry’s Christening – YouTube) Date: 21 December 1984 = Rabi’I 28, 1405 AH

• The Simpsons: Thank God, It’s Doomsday (Wikipedia), Season 16, Episode 19. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on  8 May 2005 = Rabi’I 29, 1426 AH, 20 Islamic years ago 

10/2 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 9/19 (Convert a date)

Biden will visit storm-ravaged North Carolina on Wednesday (Reuters).

Annular solar eclipse (In The Sky) from 15:44 UTC – visible from southern Chile and southern Argentina; New Moon at 18:50 UTC (In The Sky)

• Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels (Wikipedia) – Devotion to the angels is an ancient tradition which the Christian Church inherited from Judaism. The feast was created under the influence of the Society of Jesus, some speculate. It is believed that the feast was intended to be a kind of supplement to the Feast of St. Michael.

• National Michelle Day (WikipediaHoliday Calendar) – Michelle is a given name derived from the Hebrew name Michael meaning “Who is like God?”.

IranMehregan Festival (AnydayGuide) – The Mehregan festival is dedicated to the Zoroastrian deity Mithra (Wikipedia). Outside of Zoroastrianism, Mehregan is regarded as a traditional autumn harvest festival.

Nehemiah 6:15 (NLT) So on October 2 the wall was finished—just fifty-two days after we had begun.

• Siege of Jerusalem (1187) (Wikipedia: herehere) – Saladin captures Jerusalem, after the Crusaders led by Balian of Ibelin surrender the ‘Holy City’. The take-over of the city is relatively peaceful; Saladin agrees to let the Muslims and Christians leave the city, taking with them their goods. Balian joins his wife Maria Komnene and family, in the County of Tripoli. Date: 20 September to 2 October 1187 (Julian)

• President Woodrow Wilson, who had just cut short a tour of the country to promote the formation of the League of Nations, suffers a stroke on October 2, 1919 (HISTORY). 

• President Trump announces he and the first lady tested positive for COVID-19 (HISTORY) on 2 October 2020 = 14 Tishri. Trump’s announcement precipitates several days of uncertainty in Washington and around the country.… Trump was considered to be at very high risk.

• First shots of the Texas Revolution (WikipediaHISTORY) fired in the Battle of Gonzales – On October 2, 1835, the growing tensions between Mexico and Texas erupt into violence when Mexican soldiers attempt to disarm the people of Gonzales, sparking the Texan war for independence.

• Assassination of Jamal Khashoggi (WikipediaBBC) – On 2 October 2018, Jamal Khashoggi, a US-based journalist and critic of Saudi Arabia’s government, walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, where he was murdered.

Essene calendar15 TishreiTabernacles 1

Chinese calendar8th Month 30

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the current prime minister of Israel. Born: 21 October 1949 (at 10:30 AM – Astro Databank) = 8th Month 30, year of the Ox

ʻOumuamua (Wikipedia) is the first interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System on 19 October 2017 = 8th Month 30, year of the Rooster approximately 40 days after it passed its closest point to the Sun on 9 September. 

Numbers10/2 (inclusive) – 10/3

• President Obama’s Speech in CairoA New Beginning (Wikipedia) – Date: Thursday, 4 June 2009,  800 weeks ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 800. eshshah: a fire – Jeremiah 6:29 The bellows blow fiercely, blasting away the lead (*) with fire. The refining proceeds in vain, for the wicked are not purged. [*Lead is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia)]

/ Greek: 800. asumphónos: dissonant, discordant]

• Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus (CBS News). Date: 22 March 2013, 601 weeks, 6 days ago [616 is the alternate number of the beast – Wikipedia; Strong’s Hebrew: 616.assir: prisoners / Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth to] 

• The North Atlantic Treaty (Wikipedia) is the treaty that forms the legal basis of, and is implemented by, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Effective: 24 August 1949, 901 months, 10 days ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first [911]

• Xi proposes a ‘new Silk Road’ (China DailyBelt and Road Initiative – Wikipedia) – Xi Jinping proposed that China and Central Asian countries build an “economic belt along the Silk Road”, a trans-Eurasian project spanning from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea. Date: 7 September 2013, 4044 days ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 10/3 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Jewish calendar1 Tishrei, 1 Tishrei (One Messianic Gentile), Rosh Hashana (Wikipedia) is the New Year in Judaism. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah (lit. “day of shouting/blasting“) -> Ten Days of Repentance (Wikipedia)

The Sixth Day of Creation (Genesis 1:24-31), Adam & Eve, 1st Sin & Repentance, Dove’s 3rd Mission, …, Baal Shem Tov’s Vision of Moshiach (1746)

• U.S. President William McKinley dies of infection from gunshot wounds (HISTORY, Assassination of William McKinley – Wikipedia) – McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was shot twice in the stomach while attending the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York on September 6, 1901, six months into his second term. He died on 14 September 1901 (at 2:15 a.m.) = 1 Tishrei  as a result of initial injury and subsequent infection.

• The Vela incident (Wikipedia) was an unidentified double flash of light detected by an American Vela Hotel satellite on 22 September 1979 (1 Tishrei at 00:53 UTC near the South African territory. Today, most independent researchers believe that the flash was caused by a nuclear explosion —an undeclared joint nuclear test carried out by South Africa and Israel.

• Nord Stream pipelines sabotage (Wikipedia) a series of underwater explosions and consequent gas leaks occurred on 3 of 4 pipes of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipelines, two of 23 gas pipelines between Europe and Russia. Date: 26 September 2022 = 1 Tishrei 

• The 2001 anthrax attacks (Wikipedia), also known as Amerithrax (from its FBI case name), occurred in the United States over the course of several weeks beginning on 18 September 2001 = 1 Tishrei, one week after the September 11 terrorist attacks. Gematria: Amerithrax = Fake terror 4x

Islamic calendar: Rabi’ I 29 (Convert a date), Rabi’ I 30

• The Simpsons: Thank God, It’s Doomsday (Wikipedia), Season 16, Episode 19. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on  8 May 2005 = Rabi’I 29, 1426 AH, 20 Islamic years ago 

• The US Congress convened for the first time in Philadelphia, then the capital of Pennsylvania and America’s largest city (POLITICO). (The Residence Act of 1790 – Wikipedia, enacted the previous July, prompted the move). Date: 6 December 1790 = Rabi’I 29, 1205 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, September 25…

9/25 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 9/12 (Convert a date)

Conjunction of the Moon and Mars (In The Sky) at 11:50 UTC [Mars (mythology) (Wikipedia) is the god of war].

• Bill of Rights passes Congress (HISTORYWikipedia). Date: 25 September 1789 

Essene calendar8 Tishrei 

• US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nations) and a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). On the same day,  President Trump: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel) [in 2024, Trump: Reaching a two-state solution now ‘very, very tough’ –]. Date: 26 September 2018 = 8 Tishrei

Chinese calendar8th Month 23

• Adolf Hitler delivers his first public address at a meeting of the German Workers’ Party (Wikipedia). Date: 16 October 1919 [Shmini Atzeret], Munich = 8th Month 23, year of the Goat

Numbers9/25 (inclusive) – 9/26

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (WikipediaAstro databank), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February 1954 [at 04:25 AM – unverified], 70 years, 7 months old. [In the Islamic tradition, “77” figures prominently – Wikipedia.]

After sunset 🌅 – 9/26 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Jewish calendar23 Elul (6/23 or 12/23) [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

Dove brings Olive Leaf (2105 BCE)

 The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia, Timeline for the day of the September 11 attacks – Wikipedia) commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated Islamist terrorist suicide attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States. Date: 11 September 2001 = 23 Elul

• Nevada is site of first‑ever underground nuclear explosion (HISTORYWikipedia) on Thursday, September 19, 1957 = 23 Elul, the United States detonates a 1.7-kiloton nuclear weapon in an underground tunnel at the Nevada Test Site.

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the Vatican’s Secretary of State. Consecration: 12 September 2009 by Benedict XVI = 23 ElulLeil Selichot

• Mandate for Palestine: The Transjordan memorandum (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) was a British memorandum passed by the Council of the League of Nations on 16 September 1922 = 23 Elul, as an addendum to the Mandate for Palestine.

• The Treaty of Nanking (Wikipedia) was the peace treaty which ended the Anglo-Sino War also known as the First Opium War (Wikipedia) between Great Britain and the Quinn dynasty of China. It was the first of what the Chinese later termed the Unequal Treaties (Wikipedia). Signed: 29 August 1842 = 23 Elul [Papaver somniferum (Wikipedia), commonly known as the opium poppy; your blog: The Prince and the Popper on 9-10 December 2022.]. 

• The Boxer Protocol (WikipediaBritannica) was signed on September 7, 1901 = 23 Elul Leil Selichot, between the Qing Empire of China and the Eight-Nation Alliance, after China’s defeat in the intervention to put down the Boxer Rebellion (an anti-foreign, anti-imperialist, and anti-Christian uprising in North China). It is regarded as one of the unequal treaties. 

• Lin Biao incident (Wikipedia: herehere) – Chairman Mao Zedong’s second in command and successor Marshal Lin Biao flees China after the failure of an alleged coup. His plane crashes in Mongolia, killing all aboard. Date: 13 September 1971 (at 3:00 am) 1971 = 23 Elul53 Jewish years ago [about the number 53 – your blog on 15 March 2024 – here]

• Cold War: Korean Air Lines Flight 007 (Wikipedia: here and hereHISTORY) – is shot down by a Soviet jet fighter after the commercial aircraft strayed into Soviet airspace, killing all 269 on board, including Congressman Lawrence McDonald. Date: Thursday, 1 September 1983 = 23 Elul 

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 22 (Convert a date) 3/22 [322 – Skull and Bones], Rabi’I (WikipediaRabi’I 23

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack (2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel – Wikipedia) on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. Date: 7 October 2023  = Rabi’I 22, 1445 AH, the 1st Islamic anniversary 

• The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Wikipedia) is the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (Wikipedia). It was adopted at a diplomatic conference in Rome, Italy on 17 July 1998 = Rabi’I 22, 1419 AH [Gematria: The Rome Statute = President Putin 3x, Vladimir V Putin 2x; International Justice Day (Wikipedia) = The Great Reset Initiative 3x]

• Abdel Fatah El-Sissi (Wikipedia), the 6th and current president of Egypt since 2014. Born: 19 November 1954 = Rabi’I 23, 1374 AH [Former Muslim Brotherhood official alleges that Egypt’s strongman — a devout Muslim — is a Jew acting in the Zionist interest – The Times Of Israel)], his 72nd Islamic birthday [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Wikipedia), the 6th president of Iran from 2005 to 2013. He was known for his hardline views and nuclearisation of Iran [Ahmadinejad: US orchestrated 9/11 to save Zionist regime – The Jerusalem Post, Ahmadinejad: Benjamin Netanyahu a “Skilled Killer” – CBS News] –  Born: 28 October 1956 = Rabi’I 23, 1376 AH, his 70th Islamic birthday [the number 70 – in Islamic interpretation – Wikipedia; Why is 70 Special? – Chabad]

Here are her notes on Monday, September 23…

9/23 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 9/10 (Convert a date)

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 11:22 PM (UTC) 

Roman festivals: September (Roman month) 23 (Wikipedia) –  1. dies natalis for the Temple of Apollo and Latona  [a goddess and the mother of Apollo and Artemis] at the Theater of Marcellus; 2. dies natalis of Divus [usually translated as “divine.” – WikipediaAugustus

(Wikipedia) – Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavian, was the founder of the Roman Empire; he reigned as the first Roman emperor. He was born on 23 September 63 BC (Julian).

• 1509 Constantinople earthquake (Wikipedia) or historically ‘Minor Judgment Day‘ occurred in the Sea of Marmara on 10 September 1509 (Julian), at about 22:00 (local time). Casualties: thousands dead, houses destroyed,… The Grand Mosque of Hagia Sophia survived almost unscathed, although a minaret collapsed.

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 7 years ago 

• National Day in Saudi Arabia (AnydayGuideWikipedia) is a public holiday in Saudi Arabia to commemorate the proclamation of the Kindgom of Saudi Arabia on 23 September 1932. 

• Planet Neptune is discovered (HISTORYBritannica) – Date: 23 September 1846 [Neptune (mythology) – Wikipedia, symbol: Trident (Wikipedia) [the Coat of Arms of Ukraine, Vladimir the Great and a Khazar-inspired trident (Wikipedia)] 

• Pope Francis became only the third pontiff in history to pay a visit to the White House (Papal Visits to the White House – White House Historical AssociationThe Guardian) – Date: 23 September 2015, Yom Kippur 

• President Truman announces Soviets have exploded a nuclear device (HISTORY) – Date: 23 September 1949

Essene calendar6 Tishrei (m/d 7/6) 

Chinese calendar8th Month 21, year of the Dragon [Twenty-one is Blackjack]

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia) – Completed: 9 October 1952 = 8th Month 21, year of the Dragon72 Chinese years ago [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (WikipediaThe Nobel Peace Prize 2009) was awarded to United States President Barack Obama The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009 = 8th Month 21, year of the Ox, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.

• Mikhail Gorbachev becomes head of Soviet Union (HISTORYWikipedia) – Date: October 1, 1988 = 8th Month 21, year of the Dragon. Having forced the resignation of Soviet leader Andrei Gromyko, Mikhail Gorbachev names himself head of the Supreme Soviet (Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union). 

• A fly landed on Mike Pence’s head during the debate and rested there for nearly two minutes (CBS News) [Beelzebub (Wikipedia) -> Judaism: lord of the “fly”.] – Date: 7 October 2020  = 8th Month 21, year of the Rat

Numbers9/23 (exactly) [9/22 (inclusive) – 9/23]

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack (2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel – Wikipedia) on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. Date: Saturday, 7 October 2023, 11 months, 16 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place / Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea].

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) – The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: 8 August 2022, 777 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier]

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States  – Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 20 months, 3 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

• Times Square Ball (Wikipedia) – The first annual ball drop at Times Square Date: 31 December 1907 (here), 6090 weeks, 6 days ago

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program reached in Vienna on 14 July 2015, 9 years, 10 weeks, 1 day ago [911]

• Killing of Osama bin Laden (Wikipedia) – Date: 2 May 2011, 699 weeks ago 

Numbers9/23 (inclusive) – 9/24

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (WikipediaJFK Library ) Date: 22 November 1963, 22,222 days ago 

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIME) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date: 25 June 2018, 6 years, 2 months, 30 days  ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

After sunset 🌅 – 9/24 

Jewish calendar21 Elul [Twenty-one is Blackjackthe symbol for Jupiter looks like 21 (NASA)]

• Leo Szilard (Wikipedia), waiting for a red light to change to green on Southhampton Row at Russell Square in Bloomsbury, conceived the idea of the nuclear chain reaction (Wikipedia). Date: 12 September 1933 = 21 Elul

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 20 (Convert a date), Rabi’I 21

• Government of Israel Decree on Annexation of East Jerusalem (1967) – ECF) – A decree published by the Government of Israel on 28 June 1967, by which Israeli administration and jurisdiction were unilaterally extended to East Jerusalem and neighboring villages, recently taken over from Jordan during the Six Day War. The annexation was denounced by UN General Assembly Resolutions. [Jerusalem Officially Reunited – Center for Israel Education, Israel’s 1967 Annexation of Arab Jerusalem – Institute for Palestine Studies) Date: Wed, 28 June 1967 = Rabi’I 20, 1387 AH

• Proclamation of the Republic of Turkey (WikipediaBritannica) –  On 29 October 1923, time: 20:30 (approx.) (TRT) – after sunset = Rabi’I 19 or Rabi’I 20, 1342 AH. (1 year after the formal abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate on 1 November 1922 –Wikipedia), the assembly declared Turkey to be a republic and elected Mustafa Kemal as its first president. [Monday, October 29, 1923 Sunset in Ankara, Turkey at 4:51 PM – Google Search]

• Sikhote-Alin meteorite (Wikipedia) – An iron meteorite fell on the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, in southeastern Russia, in 1947. Fall date: At around 10:30 AM on 12 February 1947 = Rabi’I 20 or Rabi’I 21 (Convert a date) eyewitnesses observed a large bolide brighter than the sun…

Here are her notes on Saturday, September 21…

9/21 (Saturday/ Saturn’s Day, [Twenty-one is Blackjack, Roman calendar (Wikipedia – September = Seventh Month) 7/7+7+7]
Julian calendar: 9/8 (Convert a date)

• U.S. President Joe Biden will host a Quad leaders summit with leaders from Australia, India and Japan on September 21 in Delaware (Reuters, 2024 Quad Leaders Summit – The White House)

Neptune at opposition (In The Sky) at 00:08 UTC

International Day of Peace (United NationsWikipedia

Batman Day (WikipediaNational Today) [Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) and the “Trump Era” began ( on the first Batman Day (Wikipedia);  your blog on 16 September 2022]

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (WikipediaAnydayGuide)

IranBirthday of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Sadeq (timeanddateAnydayGuide

The Sacred Defence Week (Wikipedia) – commemorates the 1980–1988 Iran–Iraq War (often called “the Sacred Defence” in Iran). It is set by the Iranian calendar and begins on Shahrivar 31.

• Lodge–Fish Resolution (Wikipedia) was a joint resolution of both houses of the US Congress that endorsed the British Mandate for Palestine. Effective: 21 September 1922

• Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy (WikipediaHISTORY) – During the French Revolution, it was a proclamation by the National Convention of France announcing that it had abolished the French monarchy on 21 September 1792, giving birth to the French First Republic

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (WikipediaHISTORY) – On 21 September 1949, CCP Chairman Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China with a speech at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Date: 21 September 1949 (This was followed by a mass celebration on October 1) on its 50th anniversary -> 

Earthquake kills thousands in Taiwan (HISTORY, 1999 Jiji earthquake – Wikipedia) Date: 21 September 1999

• 1993 Russian constitutional crisis (Wikipedia – herehere) – Russian President Boris Yeltsin triggers a constitutional crisis when he suspends parliament and scraps the constitution. Date: 21 September – 4 October 1993)

• Joseph Smith’s vision of Moroni (Britannica) – According to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Moroni was an angel or resurrected being who appeared to Joseph Smith on this day in 1823 and instructed him to restore God’s church on earth.

Essene calendar4 Tishrei (m/d – 7/4)

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017 = 4 Tishrei7 Essene years ago 

Chinese calendar8th Month 19, year of the Dragon

• Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia) – Reign: from 30 September 1520 = 8th Month 19, year of the Dragon

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia), President of Russia – He has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: 7 October 1952 = 8th Month 19, year of the Dragon

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Medvedev was also president of Russia and prime minister of Russia. Born: 14 September 1965 8th Month 19, year of the Snake

• A recreation of Palmyra’s Arch of Triumph was unveiled in New York (The Guardian) on Monday, almost a year after Islamic State militants destroyed the original structure. 19 September 2016 = 8th Month 19, year of the Monkey

Numbers9/21 (exactly – non-inclusive)

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA); (BBC) “…the closest giant planetary ‘kiss’ since 1623.” [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]; The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon). A new age began December 21, 2020, 45 months ago. [Donald Trump – President number 45]

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (, Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post)  [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014, 530 weeks, 3 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 5303. Nephilim: “giants,” name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood;

Nephilim – Wikipedia]

• The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” –  President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020, 242 weeks 4 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.] Gematria: the deal of the century [called by its proponents ] = Eleventh of September 4x

• Chinese leader Xi Jinping secured an unprecedented third term as general secretary of China’s Communist Party (POLITICO). Date: 23 October 2022, 699 days ago or 99 weeks 6 days ago.

numbers: 9/21  (inclusive) – 9/22

• Vladimir Putin becomes President of Russia – The first inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia (Wikipedia) took place on 7 May 2000, 8904 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)]

• Ali Khamenei (Wikipedia), the current and 2nd Supreme Leader of Iran. Khamenei officially succeeded Ruhollah Khomeini after Khomeini’s death, being elected as the new Supreme Leader by the Assembly of Experts on 4 June 1989 (Wikipedia), 1842 weeks ago [Strong’s Greek 1842. exolethreuó: to destroy utterly, Usage: I destroy utterly, annihilate, exterminate, root out.

• The 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 3 years, 323 days ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first. Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump. [Strong’s Hebrew: 3323. yitshar: fresh oil, NASB Translation anointed / Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ. Usage: Messiah, the Anointed One.]

After sunset 🌅 – 9/22

Jewish calendar: 19 Elul, 19 Elul (One Messianic Gentile)

• The Reichskonkordat ( (“Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich”) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. It was ratified 10 September 1933 = 19 Elul and it has been in force from that date onward.

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 18 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 19

• 1929 Hebron massacre (Wikipedia, 18 Av – Chabad) was the killing of sixty-seven or sixty-nine Jews on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, Mandatory Palestine. The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Date: 24 August 1929 = Rabi’I 18 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 19, 1348 AH

• Turkish President Erdogan visits Prophet Muhammad’s mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia (Daily Sabah) – Date: Tuesday night, 29 December 2015 [after sunset] = Rabi’ I 18 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 19, 1437 AH 

• Proclamation of the Republic of Turkey (WikipediaBritannica) –  On 29 October 1923, time: 20:30 (approx.) (TRT) – after sunset = Rabi’I 19 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 20, 1342 AH. (1 year after the formal abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate on 1 November 1922 –Wikipedia), the assembly declared Turkey to be a republic and elected Mustafa Kemal as its first president. [Monday, October 29, 1923 Sunset in Ankara, Turkey at 4:51 PM – Google Search]

Here are her notes on Thursday, September 19…

9/19 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 9/6 (Convert a date)

• Suleiman I (Wikipedia) commonly known as Suleiman the Magnificent in Western Europe and Suleiman the Lawgiver  in his Ottoman realm, was the longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. Under his administration, the Ottoman Empire ruled over at least 25 million people. Died (before an Ottoman victory at the siege of Szigetvár, Hungary): 6 September 1566 (Julian) [Watch for the fall of Erdogan]

• Two French shepherd children, Mélanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud, experience a Marian apparition on a mountaintop near La SaletteFrance, now known as Our Lady of La Salette (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 19 September 1846 [Watch for the fall of Pope Francis (Third Secret of Fatima apparition)]

• Nevada is site of first‑ever underground nuclear explosion (HISTORYWikipedia) on September 19, 1957, the United States detonates a 1.7-kiloton nuclear weapon in an underground tunnel at the Nevada Test Site. [NUKE CUE]

• 1976 Tehran UFO incident (Wikipedia), on the same day…

Turkish Airlines Flight 452 (Wikipedia) – the deadliest aviation accident in Turkey‘s history. Date: 19 September 1976

• The Washington Post and The New York Times publish the Unabomber manifesto (HISTORYWikipedia) also known as Industrial Society and Its Futurea 1995 anti-technology essay by Ted Kaczynski. Date: 19 September 1995 [Watch for a VIP plane crash]

• The New York Times article: A Nuclear Bomb Inside the Vatican (The New York Times) was published on 19 September 2018 [NUKE CUE – VATICAN]

• Replica of Syrian arch destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City (The Guardian) – Date: 19 September 2016 [NUKE CUE – NEW YORK]

• President James A. Garfield dies (HISTORY) of complications from his wounds 79 days after being shot (Assassination of James A. Garfield – Wikipedia). Date: 19 September 1881 [Watch for the fall of Biden]

• Eruption in La Palma, Canary Islands – 2021 Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption (Wikipedia) – Start date: 19 September 2021 [The Canary Islands “mega-tsunami” hypothesis – Google Search] [Watch for “Russian Tsunami Nuke”]

Essene calendar2 Tishrei (7/2)

Chinese calendar8th Month 17

• The G20 or Group of 20 (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union (EU). It works to address major issues related to the global economy, such as international financial stability, climate change mitigation and sustainable development. Formation: 26 September 1999  = 8th Month 17, year of the Rabbit

• The Kuomintang (Wikipedia) (also known as the Chinese Nationalist Party that governed China from 1928-1949), now in Taiwan was founded (re-established). The Kuomintang is one of two major historical contemporary parties in China, the other being the CCP. Date: 10 October 1919 8th Month 17, year of the Goat

Numbers: 9/19 (inclusive) – 9/20

After sunset 🌅 – 9/20

Jewish calendar17 Elul, 17 Elul (One Messianic Gentile)

Noah Dispatches Dove (2105 BCE)

Outbreak of World War II (1939)

• World War II (Wikipedia): Nazi Germany and Slovakia invade Poland, beginning the European phase of World War II. (Invasion of Poland – Wikipedia,  HISTORY). Date: Friday, 1 September 1939 = 17 Elul 

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Medvedev was also president of Russia and prime minister of Russia. Born: 14 September 1965 = 17 Elul

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 16 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 17

• The birthday of Muhammad – According to the majority of Sunni Muslims and most Shias, Muhammad was born on Rabi’I 12. Many Twelver Shia Muslims on the other hand assert that Muhammad was born on Rabi’I 17 – Wikipedia. [Iran: Birthday of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Sadeq (timeanddateAnydayGuide) – 21 September 2024

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (WikipediaCNN) – American president Donald Trump, who signed the presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, constituting what is now the Embassy of the United States in Jerusalem. Date: 6 December 2017 = Rabi’I 17 (Convert a date) or Rabi’ I 18, 1439 AH, 7 Islamic years ago.

• Hitler purges members of his own Nazi party in Night of the Long Knives (HISTORYWikipedia, also called the Röhm purge or Operation Hummingbird) – In Germany, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future. Date: 30 June 1934 = Rabi’I 17 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 18, 1353 AH

Here are her notes on Friday, September 6…

9/6  (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 8/24 (Convert a date)

Joe Biden schedule (Forth): Friday, September 6, 2024 – In the afternoon, the President will travel to Ann Arbor, Michigan (Wikipedia).

Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky (In The Sky). Mercury (mythology – Wikipedia) is a major god in Roman religion and mythology. He is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld and the “messenger of the gods”.

Roman festivals:

Sextilis/Augustus 24 (Wikipedia): sacrifices to Luna (Rome’s divine embodiment of the Moon  – Wikipedia) on the Graecostasis; and the first of three days when the mysterious ritual pit called the mundus was opened (The mundus of Ceres (literally “the world” of Ceres) –  Wikipedia, Lapis manalis – Wikipedia).

• Sack of Rome (410) (Wikipedia) was undertaken by the Visigoths led by their king, Alaric.… This was the first time in almost 800 years that Rome had fallen to a foreign enemy, and the sack was a major shock to contemporaries, friends and foes of the Empire alike. The sacking of 410 is seen as, a major landmark in the fall of the Western Roman Empire. St. Jerome, living in Bethlehem, wrote: “the city which had taken the whole world was itself taken”. Date: 24 August 410 AD (Julian), 1614 years ago [Bible Strong’s Hebrew 1614. gophrith: brimstone]

• Suleiman I (Wikipedia) commonly known as Suleiman the Magnificent in Western Europe and Suleiman the Lawgiver  in his Ottoman realm, was the longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. Under his administration, the Ottoman Empire ruled over at least 25 million people. Died (before an Ottoman victory at the siege of Szigetvár, Hungary): 6 September 1566 (Julian)

• President William McKinley Assassinated (Library of Congress, HISTORY) – McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was shot twice in the stomach while attending the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Date: 6 September 1901

• South African prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd, the architect of apartheid, is assassinated (HISTORYWikipedia). Date: 6 September 1966

• The Soviet Union recognized the independence of the Baltic states—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. (Britannica) Date: 6 September 1991

• Benedict Arnold orders burning of New London (HISTORY), Connecticut. Date: 6 September 1781

• Israel executes the air strike Operation Orchard (Wikipediato destroy a suspected nuclear reactor in Syria. Outcome: Successful destruction of the site; Casualties: 10 North Korean nuclear scientists allegedly killed. Date: 6 September 2007

Palestinian terrorists:

1. Dawson’s Field hijackings (WikipediaBBC) – Four New York-bound airliners (and one for London) have been hijacked over western Europe in an unprecedented operation carried out by a militant Palestinian group (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – Wikipedia). Date: 6 September 1970

2. Munich massacre: Nine Israeli athletes die (along with a German policeman) at the hands of the Palestinian “Black September” terrorist group after being taken hostage at the Munich Olympic Games. Two other Israeli athletes were slain in the initial attack the previous day (Wikipedia). Date: 6 September 1972 

3. In Istanbul, two terrorists from the Abu Nidal Organization (ANO – a Palestinian militant group) kill 22 and wound six congregants inside the Neve Shalom Synagogue during Shabbat services (Wikipedia). Date: 6 September 1986

4. The Gilboa Prison break (Wikipedia) was a security event in Israel which occurred on 6 September 2021, when six Palestinian prisoners escaped from Gilboa Prison, a maximum security prison in northern Israel, through a tunnel. By September 19, all 6 escapees had been re-captured.

Chinese calendar8th Month 4

• The Revelation 12 Sign (unsealed.orgVatican Observatory) occurred on 23 September 2017 = 8th Month 4, year of the Rooster

• National Security Act of 1947 (Wikipedia) was a law enacting major restructuring of the US government’s military and intelligence agencies following World War II. Effective: 18 September 1947 = 8th Month 4, year of the Pig, 77 Chinese years ago

• In an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, U.S. President George W. Bush declares a “War on Terror“(The White HouseHISTORY), saying, “Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.” Date: 20 September 2001 = 8th Month 4, year of the Snake

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014 = 8th Month 4, year of the Horse, 10 Chinese years ago and on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) … For Obama, the tan suit controversy became a topic to joke about at future events (People).

• 1980 Turkish coup d’état (Wikipedia) – Date: 12 September 1980 = 8th Month 4, year of the Monkey

• Mikhail Gorbachev (Wikipedia) was a Soviet and Russian politician and statesman who served as the last leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to the country’s dissolution in 1991. Died: 30 August 2022 at approximately 10:00 p.m. Moscow time (Wikipedia) = 8th Month 4, year of the Tiger

Numbers9/6 (inclusive) – 9/7

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People). Date: Friday, 11 November 2022, 666 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: Friday, 20 December 2019, 4 years, 8 months, 18 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 4818. merkabah: a chariot]

After sunset 🌅 – 9/7

Jewish calendar4 Elul, 4 Elul (One Messianic Gentile)

• Ignatius of Loyola, a Spaniard from the Basque city of Loyola, and six others mostly of Castilian origin, all students at the University of Paris, met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis, now Saint Pierre de Montmartre, to pronounce promises of poverty, chastity, and obedience – initial vows, leading to the creation of the Society of Jesus (Wikipedia). Date: 15 August 1534 (Julian) = 4 Elul 5294 (Convert a date), the 490th (7×70) Jewish anniversary 

• The Panic of 1857 (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) was a financial panic in the United States caused by the declining international economy and over-expansion of the domestic economy. Because of the invention of the telegraph by Samuel F. Morse in 1844, the Panic of 1857 was the first financial crisis to spread rapidly throughout the United States. The world economy was more interconnected by the 1850s, which made the Panic of 1857 the first worldwide economic crisis. Start date: Mon, 24 August 1857 (Wikipedia: herehere) = 4 Elul

• Mikhail Gorbachev (Wikipedia) was a Soviet and Russian politician and statesman who served as the last leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to the country’s dissolution in 1991. Died: 30 August 2022 at approximately 10:00 p.m. Moscow time (Wikipedia), after sunset [Sunset in Moscow, Russia at 7:29 p.m. – Google Search] = 4 Elul

• 1953 Iranian coup d’état (Wikipedia) was the U.S.- and UK-instigated, Iranian army-led overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on 19 August 1953. It was aided by the United States (under the name “Operation Ajax”). Start date: 15 August 1953 = 4 Elul 

• The Blitz begins as Germany bombs London (HISTORY). On September 7, 1940 [at about 4:00 in the afternoon (Britannica)] = 4 Elul, 300 German bombers raid London, in the first of 57 [The Number 57] consecutive nights of bombing. This bombing “blitzkrieg”  (lightning war) would continue until May 1941. 

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 3 (Convert a date), Rabi’I 4

• Mehmed the Conqueror (Wikipedia) was twice the sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Died: 3 May 1481 = Rabi’I 4, 886 AH, 560 Islamic years ago. [Ottoman armies under Mehmed II conquered Constantinople and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire – ending the Roman Empire after over 2,000 years (Wikipedia).]

• Kyshtym disaster (Wikipedia), the second worst nuclear incident by radioactivity released, after the Chernobyl disaster. Location: Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union. Date: 29 September 1957 = Rabi’I 4 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 5, 1377 AH

• Blue Line (withdrawal line) (Wikipedia) is a demarcation line dividing Lebanon from Israel and the Golan Heights. It was published by the United Nations on 7 June 2000 = Rabi’I 4 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 5, 1421 AH. It is the subject of an ongoing border dispute between Israel, Lebanon, and Hezbollah.

Here are her notes on Thursday, September 5…

9/5 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 8/23 (Convert a date)

Joe Biden’s schedule (Forth): In the afternoon, the President will travel to Westby, Wisconsin (Wikipedia).

GematriaWestby, Wisconsin (219, 66, 186, 87) = The Yom Kippur War 2x, Year of the Wood Dragon (Wikipedia)  2x, Stock market collapse (Google Search) 2x, United States dollar 2x, St. Ignatius, Loyola 2x

Westby, Vernon County, Wisconsin (405, 126, 324, 144) = US Declaration of Independence 2x, The America We Deserve (Wikipedia) 1x

Westby, Vernon County, Wisconsin, United States (562, 166, 491, 221) = Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici (Knights Templar – Wikipedia, Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon) 1x

Calendar of Astronomical Events 5 September (In The Sky) – …, Conjunction of the Moon and Venus (In The Sky) at 10:16 UTC = 616 minutes into the day [616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners]

International Day of Charity (United Nations) – Global Solidarity to Eradicate Poverty

Roman festivals:

Augustus 23 (Wikipedia) [Sextilis/Augustus was originally the sixth month in the Roman calendar – Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon]: Vulcanalia in honour of Vulcan, along with sacrifices to Maia, the Nymphs in campo (“in the field”, perhaps the Campus Martius), Ops Opifera, and a Horam.-> Mount Vesuvius begins stirring, on the feast day of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire (Wikipedia). Date: 23 August 79 

September 5 (Wikipedia) : anniversary of one of the temples to Jupiter Stator; 5–19, Ludi Romani or Ludi Magni, “the oldest and most famous” of the ludi”

Julian calendar

• After the successful invasion of Egypt, Octavian executes Marcus Antonius Antyllus, the eldest son of Mark Antony, and Caesarion, the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt and only child of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra (Wikipedia). Date: 23 August 30 BC

• Odoacer, chieftain of the Germanic tribes, is proclaimed rex Italiae (“King of Italy”) by his troops (Wikipedia, Wikipedia) Date: 23 August 476 [Romulus Augustulus abdicates on 4 September 476 = Fall of the Western Roman Empire (Wikipedia)]

• Siege of Moscow (Wikipedia): The Golden Horde led by Tokhtamysh lays siege to the capital of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Date: 23 August 1382 

• September 5 is the anniversary of two very notable “Reigns of Terror”… (your blog on 4 September 2021 – here) the Reign of Terror committed by the revolutionary government in France and the Red Terror committed by the communist revolutionaries in Russia.

  1. The Reign of Terror began (Britannica: herehere) as harsh measures were undertaken against those suspected of being enemies of the French Revolution (nobles, priests, and hoarders); in Paris a wave of executions followed. Date: 5 September 1793
  2. The Red Terror (WikipediaTime) in Soviet Russia was a campaign of political repression and executions which was carried out by the Bolsheviks, chiefly through the Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police. The Council of People’s Commissars issued a decree “On Red Terror” on 5 September 1918, 106 years ago [Hebrew: 106. egroph: a fist]

• The First Labor Day (Library of Congress) – On September 5, 1882, some 10,000 workers assembled in New York City to participate in America’s first Labor Day parade. 

• Gerald Ford survives first assassination attempt (HISTORY) – Date: 5 September 1975

• People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (Wikipedia) is an Iranian dissident organization. Founded: 5 September 1965

Palestinian terrorists

• Munich massacre (WikipediaHISTORY): A Palestinian terrorist group called “Black September” attacks and takes hostage 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games. Two die in the attack and nine are murdered the following day. Date: 5 September 1972

• Pan Am Flight 73 (Wikipedia) was hijacked while on the ground at Karachi by four armed Palestinian terrorists of the Abu Nidal Organization. Date: 5 September 1986

Chinese calendar8th Month 3

• Xi proposes a ‘new Silk Road’ (China DailyBelt and Road Initiative – Wikipedia) – Xi Jinping proposed that China and Central Asian countries build an “economic belt along the Silk Road”, a trans-Eurasian project spanning from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea. Date: 7 September 2013 = 8th Month 3, year of the Snake11 Chinese years ago 

• United States Army Military Government in Korea (Wikipedia) was the official ruling body of the Southern half of the Korean Peninsula from 8 September 1945 = 8th Month 3, year of the Rooster. 

Numbers9/5 (inclusive) – 9/6

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus (Kremlin). Date: 7 January 2020, 240 weeks, 24 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.]

• Vladimir Putin becomes President of Russia – The first inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia (Wikipedia) took place on 7 May 2000, 8888 days ago. [888 (number) (Wikipedia), 8888-Angel-Number (wikihow)]

After sunset 🌅 – 9/6

Jewish calendar3 Elul, 3 Elul (One Messianic Gentile) [m/d date format 12/3 – Revelation 12:3 NIV: Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.]

• Oslo I Accord (Wikipedia) was an attempt in 1993 to set up a framework that would lead to the resolution of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. It was the first face-to-face agreement between the government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Negotiations concerning the agreement, an outgrowth of the Madrid Conference of 1991, were conducted secretly in Oslo, Norway, hosted by the Fafo institute, and completed on 20 August 1993 (here) = 3 Elul 

Islamic calendar: Rabi I 2 (Convert a date) or Rabi I 3

• Jared Kushner (Wikipedia) the son-in-law of former president Donald Trump through his marriage to Ivanka Trump, and served as a senior advisor to Trump from 2017 to 2021. He was also Director of the Office of American Innovation. Born: 10 January 1981 = Rabi’I 3 or 4 (Convert a date), 1401 AH, his 45th Islamic birthday

Here are her notes on Thursday, August 29 and Friday, August 30…

(Since she was unable to follow her normal procedure in double-checking these notes, they may contain an error or two.)

8/29 (Thursday/ Thor’s day) Julian calendar: 8/16 (Convert a date) [Antichrist (Wikipedia)-Jeremiah

8:16] August 29 (Wikipedia) / August 16 (Wikipedia)

Jewish calendar: 25 Av (5/5×5)

Islamic calendar: Safar 25 [2/25 War and the Number 225(or 23 – Convert a date)

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 26

Haggai 1:1 On August 29 of the second year of King Darius’s reign, the LORD gave a message through the prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest.

International Day against Nuclear Tests (United Nations)

• August 29th is the official date given by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character in the film ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day‘ (IMDbWikipedia)

• The Feast of the Beheading of St John the Baptist – Translation of Relic (Wikipedia). The head of John the Baptist is now in Umayyad Mosque in Damascus according to Christian and Muslim tradition (Wikipedia). Umayyad Mosque is the mosque visited by Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu (Kremlin).

• United States Space Command (Wikipedia) was reestablished on 29 August 2019 = 28 Av. Trump Launches US Space Command to Control the ‘Next Warfighting Domain’ (Space) Pentagon Activates Space Command to Prepare for War in the Final Frontier (

• The Soviet Union tests its first atomic bomb, known as First Lightning, Izdeliye 501…(Wikipedia). The United States assigned it the code-name Joe-1, in reference to Joseph Stalin. Date: 29 August 1949

• The Treaty of Nanking (Wikipedia) was an unequal treaty between Great Britain and the Qing dynasty of China to end the First Opium War (Wikipedia). Signed: 29 August 1842 

• World Zionist Organization (Wikipedia) was founded at the initiative of Theodor Herzl at the First Zionist Congress (Wikipedia) in Basel, Switzerland. Date: August 29–31, 1897.

Jewish calendar:

• The Communist Control Act of 1954 (Wikipedia) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954 = 25 Av, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party…, 70 Jewish years ago 

• Taishan Nuclear Power plant (Wikipedia) – Excavation work began on August 26, 2008 = 25 Av

Islamic calendar:

• The Biological Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) is a disarmament treaty that effectively bans biological and toxin weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use. Signed: 10 April 1972 = Safar 25, 1392 AH

Chinese calendar

• The Communist Control Act of 1954 (Wikipedia) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954 = 7th Month 26, year of the Horse, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party…

• Assassination of James A. Garfield (Wikipedia) – James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, was shot [2x] at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C., at 9:30 am on Saturday, July 2, 1881. He died in Elberon, New Jersey, 79 days later on 19 September 1881 = 7th Monthbis 26, year of the Snake

Numbers 8/28 (inclusive) – 8/29

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, PBS NewsHour – YouTube). Date: 27 May 2016 [Japan Standard Time is UTC +9], 8 years, 94 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIMEThe Times of Israel) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date: 25 – 28 June 2018, 6 years, 2 months, 3 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

• Kim Jong Un (Wikipedia) – Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army. Assumed office: 30 December 2011 (or 31 December – CNN) , 660 weeks, days ago [Gematria: Kim Jong = Lincoln 4x, closing 4x].

• Lightning struck (twice) St Peter’s Basilica just hours after Pope Benedict announced his resignation (BBC). Date: 11 February 2013, 602 weeks, 3 days ago. [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, about 6066 % of a common year (365 days)

• Donald Trump Launches His NFT Card Collection (Blockzeit) Date: Thursday, 15 December 2022, 623 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

• Vladimir Putin becomes President of Russia – The first inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia (Wikipedia) took place on Sunday, Date: Sun, 7 May 2000, 8880 days ago [888 (number) (Wikipedia), Hebrew 888.  beesh: to be evil, bad, the Number 888 (Bible Study)]

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News). Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Date: 25 Mar 2022, 888 days ago  [888 (number) (Wikipedia), Hebrew 888.  beesh: to be evil, bad, The Number 888 (Bible Study)]. Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia) -> The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a reigning pope was requested during a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima on 13 July 1917. (Wikipedia)

Numbers 8/29 (inclusive) – 8/30

• Three Gorges Dam at full capacity (China Daily) – Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest hydropower project, started working at full capacity Wednesday as the last of its 32 large turbine generators was put into operation. Date: 4 July 2012, 4440 days ago

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIMEThe Times of Israel) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date: 25 – 28 June 2018, 6 years, 2 months, 3 days  ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

Numbers 8/30 (inclusive) – 8/31

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus. (Kremlin) Date: 7 January 2020, 242 weeks, 4 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.] 

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIMEThe Times of Israel) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date: 25 – 28 June 2018, 6 years, 2 months, 3 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

Here are her notes on Thursday, August 8…

8/8 (Thursday/Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 7/26  (Convert a date)

Fourteen Holy Helpers (Wikipedia)

14 and 88: Why white supremacists love the numbers (SLATE) [88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye” / In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.]

Christian watchmen connect the number 726 with the Rapture – Strong’s Greek 726. harpazó: to seize, catch up, snatch away.  Usage: I seize, snatch, obtain by robbery. 726 harpázō – properly, seize by force; snatch up, suddenly and decisively – like someone seizing bounty (spoil, a prize); to take by an open display of force (i.e. not covertly or secretly

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force [ lit. ’Jerusalem Force’] He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957

• Richard Nixon’s resignation speech (WikipediaHISTORY) President Richard Nixon made an address to the American public from the Oval Office to announce his resignation from the presidency due to the Watergate scandal. Date: 8 August 1974 at 9:01 pm. The following morning, August 9, Nixon submitted a signed letter of resignation to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, becoming the only U.S. president to resign from office. Vice President Gerald Ford became the 38th president [the only person to serve as president without being elected to either the presidency or the vice presidency.] Gematria: Richard Milhous Nixon = Big boy press conference [Biden survives his “big boy” press conference – Economist] 2x 

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) – the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: 8 August 2022 

• The United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France signed the London Agreement, which authorized the Nürnberg trials, in which former Nazi leaders were indicted and tried as war criminals by the International Military Tribunal (BritannicaWikipedia). Date: 8 August 1945 

• President Harry S. Truman signs the United Nations Charter (HISTORY), and the United States becomes the first nation to complete the ratification process and join the new international organization. Date: 8 August 1945

• Lloyd Austin (Wikipedia), the 28th and current United States secretary of defense. Born:  8 August 1953. 

• 1975 Banqiao Dam failure (Wikipedia) – The Banqiao Dam and 61 others throughout Henan, China collapsed following the landfall of Typhoon Nina. The dam collapse created the third-deadliest flood in history. Date: 8-9 August 1975

• The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, commonly abbreviated as ASEAN (Wikipedia), is a political and economic union of 10 states in Southeast Asia. Created: 8 August 1967

 Chinese calendar7th Month 5

• The Panic of 1857 (Wikipedia) was a financial panic in the United States caused by the declining international economy and over-expansion of the domestic economy. Because of the invention of the telegraph by Samuel F. Morse in 1844, the Panic of 1857 was the first financial crisis to spread rapidly throughout the United States. The world economy was more interconnected by the 1850s, which made the Panic of 1857 the first worldwide economic crisisStart date: 24 August 1857 (Wikipedia: herehere) ( = 7th Month 5, year of the Snake

• Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (Wikipedia, born  Rachel Meghan Markle) is an American member of the British royal family and a former actress. She is married to Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex. Born: Tuesday, 4 August 1981 (Obama’s 20th birthday) = 7th Month 5, year of the Rooster. [Family of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (Wikipedia) – The Markle (formerly spelt Merckel) family is of German descent and originates in Alsace on the modern French–German border].

• A second national referendum in France confirmed Napoleon as “First Consul for Life” (Wikipedia). Date: 2 August 1802 = 7th Month 5, year of the Dog

After sunset 🌅 – 8/9

Jewish calendar5 Av, 5 Av(One Messianic Gentile)

[11/5 or 5/11 – President Zelenskyy’s 5.11 Shirt (Athlon OutdoorsWikipedia, your blog on 15 July 2023); Jewish Gematria: Saturn = 511, Mary = 511; Gregorian 11/5 is Gunpowder Plot – Wikipedia), 5/11= 0.45454545…]

Passing of “Ari” (1572) – Isaac Luria (Wikipedia, The Holy Ari – Chabad, on numerous occasions Elijah the Prophet revealed himself and taught the Ari the mysteries of the Torah –  here,…) was a leading rabbi and Jewish mystic in the community of Safed in the Galilee region of Ottoman Syria, now Israel. He is considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah, his teachings being referred to as Lurianic Kabbalah. Died: 25 July 1572 (proleptic Gregorian calendar) or 15 July (Julian) = 5 Av Safed, Damascus Eyalet, Ottoman Empire, 452 Jewish years ago [Strong’s Hebrew 452Eliyyah: “Yah is God,” a well-known prophet of Isr., also three other Isr., Elijah (Wikipedia)] 

• Washington, D.C. was founded – Congress declares new nation’s capital shall rise along the Potomac River (HISTORYLibrary of Congress). Date: 16 July 1790 = 5 Av 5550 [5/5/5550, five fives], 234 years ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering / Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).]

• World War I begins – Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 28, 1914 = 5 Av, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War. 110 Jewish years ago

• First White Terror (Wikipedia) The White Terror was a period during the French Revolution in 1795 when a wave of violent attacks swept across much of France. The victims of this violence were people identified as being associated with the Reign of Terror – followers of Robespierre and Marat, and members of local Jacobin clubs. -> Timeline of events leading to the White Terror (Wikipedia): 1 August 1794 = 5 Av – Arrest of Fouquier-Tinville. The Convention repeals the Law of 22 Prairial

• South African anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela was arrested (AP News) on charges of leaving the country without a passport and inciting workers to strike; it was the beginning of 27 years of imprisonment. Date: 5 August 1962 = 5 Av

• Belarus: The Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (Wikipedia) was a formal document issued by the Supreme Soviet of Belarus to assert its independence from the Soviet Union. Passed on 27 July 1990 = 5 Av [the declaration started the process of Belarus’ eventual independence on 25 August 1991.]

• Mary, Queen of Scots (Wikipedia, Babington Plot – Wikipedia) Burial: 30 July 1587 (Julian) = 5 Av (Convert a date)

Islamic calendar: Safar 3 (Convert a date) or Safar 5

• July Revolution (Wikipedia) – The French Revolution of 1830, also known as the Second French Revolution, or Trois Glorieuses (“Three Glorious [Days]”). Outcome: Abdication of Charles X, Ascension of Louis Philippe to the French throne and establishment of the constitutional July Monarchy. Start date: 26 July 1830 = Safar 5, 1246 AH

• European Central Bank (Wikipedia) – Established: 1 June 1998  = Safar 5 (Convert a date) or Safar 6, 1419 AH

• At the death of Mary I this day, Elizabeth Tudor came to the English throne as Elizabeth I. Elizabethan Age Begins (HISTORYWikipedia). Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history. Date: November 17, 1558 (Julian) = Safar 5, 966 AH

• Amerigo Vespucci (Wikipedia) was an Italian explorer and navigator from the Republic of Florence, from whose name the term “America” is derived. Born: 9 March 1451 = Safar 5, 855 AH

Safar 4 

• Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy (Wikipedia) – During the French Revolution, it was a proclamation by the National Convention of France announcing that it had abolished the French monarchy on 21 September 1792 = Safar 4, 1207 AH, giving birth to the French First Republic.

• The 1138 Aleppo earthquake (Wikipedia) was among the deadliest earthquakes in history. Its name was taken from the city of Aleppo, in northern Syria, where the most casualties were sustained. Local date: 11 October 1138 (Julian) = Safar 4

• Ich bin ein Berliner (Wikipedia) is a speech by US President John F. Kennedy given on June 26, 1963, in West Berlin. It is one of the best-known speeches of the Cold War and among the most famous anti-communist speeches (underlining the support of the United States for democratic West Germany shortly after Soviet-supported East Germany erected the Berlin Wall – Wikipedia) Date: 26 June 1963 = Safar 3 (Convert a date) or Safar 4, 1383 AH

• The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuit Order or the Jesuits: On 15 August 1534  (Wikipedia) = Safar 4, 941 AH, Ignatius of Loyola, a Spaniard from the Basque city of Loyola, and six others mostly of Castilian origin, all students at the University of Paris, met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis [Denis of Paris (Wikipedia)], now Saint Pierre de Montmartre, to pronounce promises of poverty, chastity, and obedience, 505 Islamic years ago 

• The Eastern Schism, also known as the 2018 Moscow–Constantinople schism (Wikipedia), is a schism between the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC, also known as the Moscow Patriarchate) and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Date: 15 October 2018 (~ present) = Safar 4 (Convert a date) or Safar 6, 1440 AH

Here are her notes on Tuesday, August 6…

8/6  (Tuesday/ day of Mars – the god of war)

Julian calendar: 7/24 (Convert a date)

Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). Gematria: Harmagedon [a variant spelling of Armageddon, Harmagedon] = 86

• The Feast of the Transfiguration (WikipediaAnydayGuide) in honor of the transfiguration of Jesus, an event described in the New Testament, where Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain. It is unique among the rest of the miracles because it happened to Jesus himself rather than was performed by him.

• Atomic bombings of Hiroshima (HISTORYWikipedia) – On August 6, 1945, the United States becomes the first and only nation to use atomic weaponry during wartime when it drops an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima [Little Boy (Wikipedia) was the name of the type of atomic bomb used in the bombing. Gematria: Little Boy = Communism 4x, Kim Jung Un 4x, fake story 4x]. -> Hiroshima Day (National Today)

• Ali Khamenei (Wikipedia) is the 2nd and current Supreme Leader of Iran. Assumed office: 6 August 1989, 35 years ago

Chinese calendar7th Month 3

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)( IAEA) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. It was established in 1957 as an autonomous organization within the United Nations system… Formation: 29 July 1957 = 7th Month 3, year of the Rooster [On the same day, Fumio Kishida (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Japan was born].

Numbers8/6  (inclusive) – 8/7

• United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall. (WikipediaNBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 7 years, 77 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier]

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 203 days old. [Strong’s Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites] 

After sunset 🌅 – 8/7

Jewish calendar3 Av (5/3 or 11/3) [the number 53 – your blog on 15 March 2024; 3 Av on the Essene calendar is First Fruits of New Wine] 

• The Hijrah of Muhammad begins, marking the beginning of the Islamic calendar (Wikipedia). Date: 16 July 622 (Julian) = Muharram 1 = 3 Av (Convert a date), 1402 years ago [Strong’s Greek 1402. douloó: to enslave, bring under subjection].

• Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) Release dates:  21 July 2023 (United States and United Kingdom) = 3 Av

• Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (WikipediaDefense Department News) the leader of the Salafi jihadist group al-Qaeda, was killed by a United States drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. Date: 31 July 2022 at 6:18 a.m. Kabul, Afghanistan = Washington DC 30 July 2022 at 21:48 (after sunset)  = 3 Av [Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh (Wikipedia) occurred also on 31 July

Islamic calendarSafar 3 [or Safar 1 (Convert a date)]

• Vladimir Putin becomes President of Russia – The first inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia (Wikipedia) took place on Sunday. Date: 7 May 2000 = Safar 2 (Convert a date) or Safar 3, 1421 AH, 25 Islamic years ago [25 (number) In religion (Wikipedia, Bible Study: In Ezekiel’s vision of a new temple: The number twenty-five is of cardinal importance in Ezekiel’s Temple Vision (in the Bible, Ezekiel chapters 40–48). In Islam, there are 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran.]

• Mikhail Gorbachev (Wikipedia), the last leader of the Soviet Union, died on 30 August 2022 (aged 91) = Safar 2 (Convert a date) or Safar 3, 1444 AH

• Carrington Event (Wikipedia) was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 = 3 Safar, 1276 AH

Here are her notes on Sunday, August 4…

8/4 (Sunday)

Chinese calendar7th Month 1

• NATO (Wikipedia), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance of 32 member states—30 European and 2 North American. Established in the aftermath of World War II, the organization implements the North Atlantic Treaty (Wikipedia) – Effective: 24 August 1949 = 7th Monthbis 1, year of the Ox, 75 Chinese years ago

• The Black Tom explosion (Wikipedia)  was an act of sabotage by agents of the German Empire, to destroy U.S.-made munitions that were to be supplied to the Allies in World War I. It was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in history. Date: 30 July 1916 at 2:08:00 a.m. in New York Harbor = 7th Month 1, year of the Dragon

• Kamala Harris makes history as first woman of color to accept a major party nomination for vice president (The Washington Post), 19 August 2020 = 7th Month 1, year of the Rat [on the same day from Barack Obama covertly declared the beginning of the “American Communist Revolution” (NBC news) your blog on 24 February -> COSMIC ALERT], 4 Chinese years ago

After sunset – 8/5 (Monday)

Jewish calendar1 Av (5/1 or 11/1), 1 Av (One Messianic Gentile)

Ezra Arrives in Israel (348 BCE)

Av (month) (Wikipedia) – The Babylonian Talmud states that “when we enter [the month of] Av, our joy is diminished“. This is because the darkest events in Jewish history occurred during the first week and a half of this month, particularly the Nine Days which culminate in Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of Av. 

Av 1 (from 17 Cheshvan – Chabad): The mountain peaks break the water’s surface.

The Sequence of Plagues (Hebrew for Christians) – 1 Av 1 – Blood

• The Dark Knight Rises (Wikipedia) – Release dates: 20 July 2012 (United States and United Kingdom) = 1 Av

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)( IAEA) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. It was established in 1957 as an autonomous organization within the United Nations system… Formation: Monday, 29 July 1957 = 1 Av [On the same day, Fumio Kishida (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Japan was born].

• Ali Khamenei, 2nd Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 17 July 1939 (Jewish Virtual Library) = 1  Av, 5699 [or 15 July 1939 (Britannica) or 19 April 1939 (Wikipedia)]

• The Montreux Convention (Wikipedia) is an international agreement governing the Bosporus and Dardanelles. Straits in Turkey (Wikipedia, Straits Question- Britannica) – This Convention mandates that Republic of Turkey allow the free passage of all civilian vessels in peacetime, and requires Turkey to allow warships of some nations to traverse the straits in peacetime, but only under strict conditions… Signed: 20 July 1936 =  1 Av, 5696

• Turkish invasion of Cyprus (Wikipedia): Forces from Turkey invade Cyprus after a coup d’état, organised by the dictator of Greece, against president Makarios (Wikipedia). Date: 20 July 1974 = 1 Av, 50 Jewish years ago

• Zachary Taylor (Wikipedia,  HISTORY), the 12th president of the United States, dies unexpectedly after only 16 months in office. The exact cause of his death is still disputed by some historians. Date: 9 July 1850 (at 10:35 p.m., after sunset) = 1 Av.

Islamic calendar: Muharram 29 (Convert a date) or 

Safar 1

1 Safar 61 AH, prisoners of Karbalā entered Yazid’s Palace in Syria (Wikipedia)

• CERN (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world.  Formation: 29 September 1954 = Safar 1, 1374 AH ->

• Killing of Ahmed Yassin (Wikipedia) – On 22 March 2004 = Safar 1, 1425 AH, the Palestinian leader and one of the founders of the Hamas militant organization, Ahmed Yassin, was assassinated in Gaza City. His assassination caused a state of anger and Palestinian factions vowed revenge, with Hamas saying that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon “opened the gates of hell.”

• Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu (Wikipedia), 9th Prime Minister of Israel, assumed office (the first time): 18 June 1996 = Safar 1, 1417 AH. [Twenty-seventh government of Israel (Wikipedia) –  First Netanyahu Cabinet. Netanyahu formed the government after winning the country’s first ever direct election for Prime Minister. This government was the first formed by an Israeli national born in the state after independence in 1948.]

• November 2015 Paris attacks (WikipediaHISTORY) – A series of coordinated Islamist terrorist attacks took place on Friday, 13 November 2015 (after sunset) = Safar 1 (Convert a date) or Safar 2, 1437 AH in Paris, France, and the city’s northern suburb, Saint-Denis. Beginning at 21:16 (after sunset), three suicide bombers struck outside the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, during an international football match. 

• United States announces that it will recognize communist China (HISTORYPolitico).

President Jimmy Carter states that as of January 1, 1979 = Safar 1 (Convert a date) or Safar 2, 1399 AH, the United States will formally recognize the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) and sever relations with Taiwan.

• Hitler descends into his bunker (HISTORY). Hitler took up residence in the Führerbunker on 16 January 1945  = Safar 1 (Convert a date) or Safar 2, 1364 AH(Wikipedia), and it became the centre of the Nazi regime until the last week of World War II in Europe.

• Pakistan successfully conducted several underground nuclear tests, making it the seventh country to possess nuclear weapons (Britannica). Date: 28 May 1998 = Safar 1 (Convert a date) or  Safar 2, 1419 AH [Youm-e-Takbir (AnydayGuide) (the day of greatness) is a Pakistani holiday commemorating the anniversary of the country’s first nuclear tests.]

Here are her notes on Saturday, August 3…

8/3 (Saturday / Saturn’s Day)

Julian calendar: 7/21 (Convert a date) [7/7+7+7]

Augustus 3 (Wikipedia): Supplicia canum (“punishment of the dogs”) an unusual dog sacrifice and procession at the temples of Iuventas (“Youth”) and Summanus, connected to the Gallic siege. 

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendarProphet Ezekiel (Wikipedia) [Ezekiel’s vision of God and the chariot – The Torah]

• Columbus’s first transatlantic voyage begun (BritannicaHISTORY). Hoping to find a westward route to India. Date: 3 August 1492

• WWI: Germany declares war on France (HISTORY). Date: August 3, 1914

Essene calendar16 Av (m/d date format 5/16)

Amos 5:16  Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be rwailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!‘ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.

Chinese calendar6th Month 29

• Atomic bombing of Hiroshima – Date: 6 August 1945 (Google) = 6th Month 29, year of the Rooster

• Al-Qaeda is formed (The Guardian), 11 August 1988 = 6th Month 29, year of the Dragon 

Numbers8/3 (inclusive) – 8/4

• COVID-19 vaccine: UK woman becomes the first patient in the world to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine after its approval in the UK (The Guardian, Britain becomes first to roll out clinically approved BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine – NBC News). Date: 8 December 2020 (at 6:31 a.m.), 1335 days ago [On 24 June 2020, China approved the CanSino vaccine for limited use (Wikipedia). On 11 August 2020, Russia announced the approval of its Sputnik V vaccine for emergency use (Wikipedia).]

On the same day (8 December 2020) this was published-> Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it (NBC News). 

• President Obama’s Speech in Cairo: A New Beginning ( 12) Date: 4 June 2009 = Jumada II 10, 1430 AH [Convert a date],  5 years, 30 month, 2800 days ago if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days).-> Strong’s Greek: 5328. Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king

• NASA created (BritannicaWikipedia) – Criticized for allowing the Soviet Union to launch the first man-made satellite to orbit Earth (Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957), U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation that created NASA. Date: 29 July 1958, 66 years, 6 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

After sunset 🌅 – 8/4 

Jewish calendar29 Tammuz, 29 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

Jabotinsky Day (HebcalWikipedia) commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky. On this day; a state memorial service is held on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. [With Joseph Trumpeldor, he co-founded the Jewish Legion of the British Army in World War I., established the militant organization Irgun,…; Ze’ev (Wikipedia) is a masculine given name of Hebrew origin meaning wolf.]. Jabotinsky died on 3 August 1940, 84th Jewish anniversary of his death 

• The 20 July plot (Wikipedia) was a failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler, the chancellor and leader of Nazi Germany, and overthrow the Nazi regime on 20 July 1944 (at 12:42 pm the bomb detonated) = 29 Tammuz. Location: Wolf’s Lair (Wikipedia) Outcome: Hitler survives with minor injuries; Military coup fails within 5 hours; 7,000 arrested, 4,980 executed (including 200 conspirators), 80 years ago

• The Black Tom explosion (Wikipedia)  was an act of sabotage by agents of the German Empire, to destroy U.S.-made munitions that were to be supplied to the Allies in World War I. It was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in history. Date: 30 July 1916 at 2:08:00 a.m. in New York Harbor = 29 Tammuz

• Marco Polo Bridge Incident or the July 7 Incident (WikipediaBritannica), conflict between Chinese and Japanese troops near the Marco Polo Bridge outside Beiping (now Beijing), which developed into the warfare between the two countries that was the prelude to the Pacific side of World War II. Date: 7 July 1937 (on the night of 7 July – Wikipedia) = 29 Tammuz

• North Korea’s “Great Leader”dies (HISTORY, Wikipedia). Kim Il-Sung (Wikipedia), the communist dictator of North Korea since 1948, dies of a heart attack at the age of 82. Date: 8 July 1994 (at around 2:00 am local time) = 29 Tammuz, the 30th Jewish anniversary of his death. 

Islamic calendar: Muharram 28  (Convert a date) or Muharram 29

• Pope Francis arrived in Sweden to mark the 500th anniversary [your blog on 21 October 2023 – hereCBS News] of the Protestant Reformation (which was a Kabbalist endeavor to break the Church). Date: 31 October 2016 = Muharram 30, 1438 AH or Muharram 29 (Convert a date)

• Lodge–Fish Resolution (Wikipedia) was a joint resolution of both houses of the US Congress that endorsed the British Mandate for Palestine. On September 21, 1922 = Muharram 29, 1341 AH, US President Warren G. Harding signed the joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine, per the 1917 Balfour Declaration, 105 Islamic years ago.

• Samuel Byck attempts to hijack an aircraft at Baltimore/Washington International Airport with the intention of crashing it into the White House to assassinate Richard Nixon, but commits suicide after being wounded by police (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 22 February 1974 = Muharram  29, 1394 AH [Gematria: Samuel Byck(112, 31, 158, 59) = Artemis 1x]

• North Korea’s “Great Leader”dies (HISTORY, Wikipedia). Kim Il-Sung (Wikipedia), the communist dictator of North Korea since 1948, dies of a heart attack at the age of 82. Date: 8 July 1994 (at around 2:00 am local time) = Muharram 28, 1415 AH or Muharram 29 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Thursday, August 1…

Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh (Wikipedia)

Gematria: Ismail Haniyeh (133, 70, 218, 74) = Notre Dame Fire 4x, King of Babylon 2x, The Dragon King (Wikipedia) 3x 

8/1 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 7/19 (Convert a date)

Roman calendarAugustus (Sextilis) (Wikipedia) Until renamed for Augustus Caesar, this month was called Sextilis, originally the sixth month (sext-) when the year began in March.

Holy Maccabean Martyrs (Wikipedia) Feast: 1 August (Traditional Catholics)

Harvest festivals: Lughnasadh (WikipediaAnydayGuide) is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season.; Lammas (WikipediaNational Today) is a Christian wheat harvest festival that is also known as Loaf Mass Day.; Pachamama Raymi (AnydayGuide) – “Mother Earth feast“) in Ecuador and Peru.

Syrian Armed Forces (timeanddate)

Lebanese Armed Forces (WikipediaAnydayGuide) Founded:  1 August 1945 

China: Army Day or PLA Day (Wikipedia) is a professional military holiday celebrated annually by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). It commemorates of the founding of the PLA during the 1927 Nanchang Uprising. The Nanchang Uprising marks the first major Nationalist Party of China (Kuomintang) – Chinese Communist Party engagement of the Chinese Civil War. [Flag of the People’s Liberation Army (Wikipedia) – A Chinese red field with a yellow star at the canton, and the Chinese numerals for “8” and “1]

Memorial Day for the Victims of World War I in Russia (AnydayGuide); Warsaw Uprising Memorial Day in Poland (AnydayGuide)

• Mary I (Wikipedia) also known as Mary Tudor, and as “Bloody Mary” by her Protestant opponents, replaces Lady Jane Grey (or Edward VI) as Queen of England (timeanddateHISTORY) Date: 19 July 1553 (Julian) 

• First White Terror (Wikipedia) – The White Terror was a period during the French Revolution in 1795 when a wave of violent attacks swept across much of France. The victims of this violence were people identified as being associated with the Reign of Terror – followers of Robespierre and Marat, and members of local Jacobin clubs. -> Timeline of events leading to the White Terror (Wikipedia): 1 August 1794 – Arrest of Fouquier-Tinville. The Convention repeals the Law of 22 Prairial.

• First World War erupts (HISTORY) – Four days after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Germany and Russia declare war against each other, France orders a general mobilization, and the first German army units cross into Luxembourg in preparation for the German invasion of France. Date: 1 August 1914

• Cyprus dispute: The United Nations Security Council authorizes the UNFICYP to create the “Green Line”, dividing Cyprus into two zones (Wikipedia). Date: 1 August 1974 

• Hitler oversees Berlin Olympics opening ceremony (HISTORY)Date: 1 August 1936

Essene calendar14 Av

Chinese calendar6th Month 27

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (, Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014 = 6th Month 27, year of the Horse

Numbers: 8/1 (inclusive) – 8/2

• The Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States took place on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, marking the start of the four-year term of Joe Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice president, 1290 days ago 

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, PBS NewsHour – YouTube). Date: 27 May 2016 [Japan Standard Time is UTC +9], 8 years, 9 weeks, 4 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)]

• President Obama’s Speech in Cairo: A New Beginning (Wikipediaobamawhitehouse) Date: 4 June 2009, years, 30 month, 2800 days ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first -> Strong’s Greek: 5328. Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king. Usage: Pharaoh, the title of ancient Egyptian kings.

• John F. Kennedy Jr. (WikipediaAstro-databank) – Born: 25 November 1960, 3323 weeks old [Strong’s Hebrew: 3323. yitshar: fresh oil, NASB Translation anointed / Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ. Usage: Messiah, the Anointed One.

• Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia) formally the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, is a multilateral treaty that forms the basis of international space law. Negotiated and drafted under the auspices of the United Nations, it was opened for signature in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union on 27 January 1967, 690 months, 6 days ago.

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (WikipediaCNN) – President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there, a move expected to inflame tensions in the region and unsettle the prospects for peace. Date: 6 December 2017, about 666 % of a common year (365 days) [Number of the beast: 666]

• The Federal Reserve System (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on 23 December 1913, 40,400 days ago [Barack Obama President number 44].

After sunset 🌅 – 8/2 

Jewish calendar27 Tammuz, 27 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

Third expulsion from France (1322)

• The House of Windsor (Wikipedia) is a British royal house, and currently the reigning house of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. Founded (Britain’s King George V changes royal surname…, the decidedly Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, to Windsor (HISTORY). Date: 17 July 1917  = 27 Tammuz

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) together with the European Union.

Created: 14 July 2015 = 27 Tammuz [The Obama White House: The President Announces a Historic Nuclear Deal with Iran]

• Isaac Herzog (Wikipedia), 11th President of Israel. Assumed office: 7 July 2021 = 27 Tammuz

• The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI(WikipediaHISTORY) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States and its principal federal law enforcement agency. Formed: 26 July 1908 = 27 Tammuz116 years ago

Islamic calendar: Muharram 26 (Convert a date) or Muharram 27

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain. Signed: 15 September 2020 = Muharram 27, 1442 AH

• The Iranian Revolution (Wikipedia) was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979. The revolution also led to the replacement of the Imperial State of Iran by the present-day Islamic Republic of Iran, as the monarchical government of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was superseded by the theocratic government of Ruhollah Khomeini. Start date: 7 January 1978 = Muharram 27, 1398 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, July 31…

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) 30 July at 23:54 (11:54 PM) UTC [Strong’s Greek 1154. Damaskos: Damascus, a city of Syria]

7/31 (Wednesday)

Julian calendar: 7/18 (Convert a date) [d/m date format 18/7 – Positive Commandment 187]

Ezekiel 1:1 (NLT) On July 31 of my thirtieth year, while I was with the Judean exiles beside the Kebar River in Babylon, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. [Ezekiel’s Vision of the “Chariot” (Chabad)]

Harry Potter’s Birthday on 31 July (AnydayGuide)

Roman festivals: Quintilis 18 (Wikipedia): a dies ater (“black day,” meaning a day of ill omen) marking the defeat of the Romans by the Gauls at the Battle of the Allia in 390 BC, leading to the sack of Rome by the Gauls.

• Nero’s Rome burns (HISTORYGreat Fire of Rome – Wikipedia) – The great fire of Rome breaks out and destroys much of the city beginning on July 18 (National Geographicor 19 in the year 64 (Julian). Despite the well-known stories, there is no evidence that the Roman emperor, Nero, either started the fire or played the fiddle while it burned. Still, he did use the disaster to further his political agenda. [Obama Nero – Google Search, or Hitler’s Nero Decree – Wikipedia]

• The Edict of Expulsion (Wikipedia) was a royal decree expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England that was issued by Edward I 18 July 1290 [Julian) = 9 Av (Convert a date)]; it was the first time a European state is known to have permanently banned their presence, 734 years years ago [Strong’s Greek 734. Artemas: “gift of Artemis,” Artemas, a friend of the apostle Paul] and

• All remaining Jews are expelled from Spain when the Alhambra Decree takes effect (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: by 31 July 1492 (Julian)

• Feast Day of Ignatius of Loyola (AnydayGuide) – Ignatius of Loyola (WikipediaHISTORY) was a Spanish-French Basque Catholic priest and theologian, who, with six companions, founded the religious order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and became its first Superior General, in Paris in 1541(*). Died: 31 July 1556, Rome, 468 years ago [*On 15 August 1534, Ignatius of Loyola, a Spaniard from the Basque city of Loyola, and six others mostly of Castilian origin, all students at the University of Paris, met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis (Denis of Paris – Wikipedia), now Saint Pierre de Montmartre, to pronounce promises of poverty, chastity, and obedience (Wikipedia). 2024 Summer Olympics closing ceremony (Wikipedia) Venue: Stade de France (Wikipedia), location: Saint-Denis, France].

• Preparations for the Final Solution to the Jewish Question begin (HISTORYWikipedia) – On 31 July 1941, Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring wrote to Reinhard Heydrich (Himmler’s deputy and chief of the RSHA), authorizing him to make the “necessary preparations” for a “total solution of the Jewish question”. 

• Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (WikipediaCNN) the leader of the Salafi jihadist group al-Qaeda, was killed by a United States drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. Date: 31 July 2022 at 6:18 a.m. Kabul, Afghanistan 

Essene calendar13 Av (5/13)

Chinese calendar6th Month 26 

• Benito Mussolini (Wikipedia) was an Italian dictator who founded and led the National Fascist Party (PNF). He was Prime Minister of Italy, as well as Duce of Italian fascism (Wikipedia) = Head of Government, Leader of Fascism and Founder of the Empire. Born: 29 July 1883 at 14:00 (Astro-databank) = 6th Month 26, year of the Goat

 The United States and NATO – The United States Senate ratifies the North Atlantic Treaty ( Date: 21 July 1949 = 6th Month 26, year of the Ox

Numbers: 7/31 (inclusive) – 8/1 

After sunset 🌅 – 8/1 

Jewish calendar26 Tammuz (4/26), 26 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile) [the Chernobyl disaster (Wikipedia) occurred on 4/26 (Gregorian).]

• 1st Masonic Grand Lodge formed in London (HISTORY, Premier Grand Lodge of England – Wikipedia). Date: 24 June 1717 (Julian) = 26 Tammuz (Convert a date)

• Mein Kampf (WikipediaHISTORY) (lit. ’My Struggle’) is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Hitler originally wanted to call his forthcoming book Four and a Half Years [of Struggle] Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice [4.5 years ] (Wikipedia). Publication date: 18 July 1925 = 26 Tammuz

• The Reichskonkordat ( (“Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich”) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. Signed: 20 July 1933 =  26 Tammuz. [It was ratified 10 September 1933 and it has been in force from that date onward.]

• The Tennessean, the largest newspaper in the state of Tennessee, ran a full-page advertisement from a fringe religious group Sunday that cited the Bible and warned Nashville residents that a nuclear bomb will be set off by “Islam” next month [on 18 July 2020 = 26 Tammuz] (Newsweek). It featured images of Donald Trump and Pope Francis.

• Ismail I (Wikipedia), also known as Shah Ismail, was the founder of the Safavid dynasty of Iran. His reign is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history. During Ismail’s reign, the first steps for the Habsburg–Persian alliance were set as well… against the common Ottoman Turkish enemy. Born: 17 July 1487 (here) (Julian) = 26 Tammuz (Convert a date)

• The Mandate for Palestine (WikipediaJewish Virtual Library) was a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan – which had been part of the Ottoman Empire for four centuries – following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. In Palestine, the Mandate required Britain to put into effect the Balfour Declaration’s “national home for the Jewish people” alongside the Palestinian Arabs, who composed the vast majority of the local population (Wikipedia). The Mandate was approved on Sat, 22 July 1922 = 26 Tammuz at a private meeting of the Council of the League of Nations at St. James Palace in London (Wikipedia), a public statement confirming this was made by the president of the council on 24 July = 28 Tammuz (Wikipedia).

Islamic calendar: Muharram 25 (Convert a date) or Muharram 26

Here are her notes on Tuesday, July 30…

7/30 (Tuesday/day of Mars – the god of war)

Julian calendar: 7/17 (Convert a date) Julian “World Emoji Day” 📅 (WikipediaGematria:  = Coronation Day 4x, Knight Templar 4x, the Antichrist 3x, Lord of the Flies [Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon] 2x, I am John F Kennedy 2x, Prince of Whales 2x (The Guardian)

Southern δ-Aquariid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky); α-Capricornid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky); Conjunction of the Moon and Mars (In The Sky) at 10:38 UTC

• The first Masonic Grand Lodge in the future United States is constituted in Massachusetts (Wikipediamassmoments). Date: 30 July 1733

• President Eisenhower signs “In God We Trust” into law (HISTORY) On July 30, 1956, two years after pushing to have the phrase “under God” inserted into the pledge of allegiance, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a law officially declaring “In God We Trust” to be the nation’s official motto. 

• Death of Bismarck (WikipediaHistory Today), the first chancellor of the German Empire. Otto von Bismarck was a Prussian statesman and diplomat who oversaw the unification of Germany. Bismarck’s Realpolitik and firm governance resulted in his being popularly known as the Iron Chancellor.  Date: 30 July 1898

• The Black Tom explosion (Wikipedia)  was an act of sabotage by agents of the German Empire, to destroy U.S.-made munitions that were to be supplied to the Allies in World War I. It was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in history. Date: 30 July 1916 

• Ismail I (Wikipedia), also known as Shah Ismail, was the founder of the Safavid dynasty of Iran. His reign is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history. During Ismail’s reign, the first steps for the Habsburg–Persian alliance were set as well… against the common Ottoman Turkish enemy. Born: 17 July 1487 (here) (Julian) 

• Jerusalem Law (Wikipedia), is a common name of Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel passed by the Knesset on 30 July 1980, 44 years ago. Although the law did not use the term, the Israeli Supreme Court interpreted the law as an effective annexation of East Jerusalem. The United Nations Security Council condemned the attempted change in status to Jerusalem and ruled the law “null and void” in United Nations Security Council Resolution 478. 

• Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (WikipediaCNN) the leader of the Salafi jihadist group al-Qaeda, was killed by a United States drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. Date: 31 July 2022 at 6:18 a.m. Kabul, Afghanistan = 30 July 2022 (EDT)

Essene calendar: 12 Av 

• World War I begins – Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 28, 1914 = 12 Av (Essene) one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War. 110 years ago

Chinese calendar6th Month 25

• The Gulf of Tonkin incident (Wikipedia) was an international confrontation that led to the United States engaging more directly in the Vietnam War. Date: 2 August 1964 = 6th Month 25, year of the Dragon

• Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 29, 1921 = 6th Month 25, year of the Rooster, Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party. Under Hitler, the Nazi Party grew into a mass movement and ruled Germany as a totalitarian state from 1933 to 1945, 103 years ago

Numbers7/30 (inclusive) – 7/31 

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. As the first major spaceflight of NASA’s Artemis program, Artemis 1 marked the agency’s return to lunar exploration after the conclusion of the Apollo program five decades earlier. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 623 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]

• Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNN). Date: 22 May 2017, 7 years, 70 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier or 770 Eastern Parkway (Wikipedia)].

After sunset 🌅 – 7/31

Jewish calendar25 Tammuz, 25 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (, Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014 = 25 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 24 (Convert a date) [see 7/29 notes] or Muharram 25

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for 2024, Volume 2

For the previous volume of Onna’s notes, covering the days of January 1 through March 13 of 2024, click here.


Here are her notes on Monday, July 29…

7/29 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 7/16 (Convert a date)

Essene calendar: 11 Av [11/5 or 5/11 – President Zelenskyy’s 5.11 Shirt (Athlon OutdoorsWikipedia, your blog on 15 July 2023); Jewish Gematria: Saturn = 511, Mary = 511; 11/5 (Julian) is Gunpowder Plot (Wikipedia)]

Joe Biden: On Monday, July 29, the President will travel to Houston, Texas (Forth).

Special Operations Forces Day in Ukraine (AnydayGuide

from your blog on 14 June 2024: Day 1335 of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline and the Feast of Lazarus (so look for someone to “come back from the dead” that day). -> JFK Jr. killed in plane crash (HISTORY, 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash – Wikipedia) – On July 16 (7/16), 1999, John F. Kennedy, Jr.; his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy; and her sister, Lauren Bessette, die when the single-engine plane that Kennedy was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, 300 months, 13 days ago [Strong’s Greek 313. anagennaó: to beget again, Usage: I beget again, beget into a new life. 313 anagennáō (from 303 /aná, “up, again,” which intensifies 1080 /gennáō, “give birth”) – properly, born-again or “born from on high.”]

[Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, one of the greatest of the Post-Impressionists, died in Auvers-sur-Oise, France, two days after shooting himself (Britannica). Date: 29 July 1890]

GematriaLazarus of Bethany (Wikipedia) (194, 68, 238, 85) = Our Lady of Fatima (Wikipedia) 3x;  Lazarus, Bethany = Knights Templar (Wikipedia) 3x

• The Arc de Triomphe, one of the largest triumphal arches in the world, was officially inaugurated in Paris. (BritannicaWikipedia) – Date: 29 July 1836, the 188th anniversary [Strong’s Hebrew 188. oy: woe! (Probably from ‘avah (in the sense of crying out after); lamentation; also interjectionally Oh! — alas, woe.)]

• Benito Mussolini (Wikipedia) was an Italian dictator who founded and led the National Fascist Party (PNF). He was Prime Minister of Italy, as well as Duce of Italian fascism (Wikipedia) = Head of Government, Leader of Fascism and Founder of the Empire. Born: 29 July 1883 at 14:00 (Astro-databank). 

• Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 29, 1921, Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party. Under Hitler, the Nazi Party grew into a mass movement and ruled Germany as a totalitarian state from 1933 to 1945, 103 years ago

• The Neo-Babylonian Empire sacks Jerusalem and destroys the First Temple (Wikipedia) Date: 29 July 587 BC

• The Hijrah of Muhammad begins, marking the beginning of the Islamic calendar (Wikipedia). Date: 16 July 622 (Julian) [Muharram 1; 3 Av – Convert a date], 1402 years ago

[Strong’s Greek 1402. douloó: to enslave, bring under subjection]

 • Start of the “Great Schism”/ East–West Schism (National GeographicWikipedia) – On July 16, 1054 (Julian), Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cerularius was excommunicated, starting the “Great Schism” that created the two largest denominations in Christianity—the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox faiths. 

• Francis of Assisi (Wikipedia), (Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone). Canonized: 16 July 1228 (Julian) [Patron Saint of Ecology – Google Search; Francis of Assisi Laudato si’ – Google Search; Why the pope chose the name Francis (Catholic News Service – YouTube)], the 796th anniversary [Strong’s Greek 796. astrapé Strong’s Concordance astrapé: lightning, brightness. Usage: a flash of lightning, brightness, luster.]

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)( IAEA) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. It was established in 1957 as an autonomous organization within the United Nations system… Formation: 29 July 1957 [On the same day, Fumio Kishida (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Japan was born].

• NASA created (BritannicaWikipedia) – Criticized for allowing the Soviet Union to launch the first man-made satellite to orbit Earth (Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957), U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation that created NASA. Date: 29 July 1958, 66 years ago

• Planetary scientists formally announced the discovery of what was believed to be the 10th planet; it was later designated a dwarf planet and given the name Eris(Britannica) [Eris (mythology), the Greek goddess of strife and discord – Wikipedia] Date: 29 July 2005, 19 years ago

Chinese calendar6th Month 24

• Abraham AccordsIsrael–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement (WikipediaU.S. Embassy in Israel) was initially agreed to in a joint statement by the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates on August 13, 2020 = 6th Month 24, year of the Rat

Numbers7/29 (inclusive) – 7/30

After sunset 🌅 – 7/30

Jewish calendar24 TammuzJews of Jerusalem are set aflame (1099)

• Benito Mussolini (Wikipedia), was an Italian dictator who founded and led the National Fascist Party (PNF). He was Prime Minister of Italy, as well as Duce of Italian fascism (Wikipedia) = Head of Government, Leader of Fascism and Founder of the Empire. Born: 29 July 1883 at 14:00 (Astro-databank) = 24 Tammuz 

• Simon Bolívar (WikipediaNational Geographic) On July 24, 1783 = 24 Tammuz, Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas, in what is now Venezuela. Bolivar became the most powerful leader in South America, nicknamed “El Libertador” (the liberator) for helping nations become independent from Spain.

 The United States and NATO – The United States Senate ratifies the North Atlantic Treaty ( Date: 21 July 1949 = 24 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 23 (Convert a date), Muharram 24 (1/24

Daniel 10:4 On the twenty-fourth day of the first month, as I was standing on the bank of the great river, the Tigris, [Daniel’s Vision by the Tigris – Daniel 10

• Balfour Declaration (Wikipedia) was a public statement issued by the British government during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917 = Muharram 23 or Muharram 24 (Convert a date), 1336 AH  

• Partition of the Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia) was a geopolitical event that occurred after World War I and the occupation of Constantinople by British, French, and Italian troops in November 1918. Date: 30 October 1918 [Armistice of Mudros (Wikipedia) = Muharram 24, 1337 AH] – 1 November 1922

Here are her notes on Sunday, July 28…

7/28 (Sunday) 156 days remain until the end of the year (Wikipedia) [156th prime is 911 – Google Search]

Julian calendar: 7/15 (Convert a date)

Piscis Austrinid meteor shower (In The Sky)

Roman festivals: Quintilis 15 – Festival of Castor and Pollux (Wikipedia: herehere) are twin half-brothers in Greek and Roman mythology, known together as the Dioscuri or Dioskouroi. The Transvectio equitum (Wikipedia) (English: “review of the cavalry”) was a parade of the young men of the Roman equestrian class that took place annually on 15 July. The procession stopped at the Temple of Castor and Pollux … The religious rite traced its origins to the battle of Lake Regillus when the Dioscuri gave aid to the Romans during the battle itself.

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir the Great (Wikipedia) (Basil in holy baptism), Enlightener of the Russian Land (Wikipedia

Baptism Day of Kyivan Rus (National Today)

Navy Day (Russia) (WikipediaAnydayGuide), is national holiday in the Russian Federation and a senior holiday in the Russian Armed Forces. Celebrated: on the last Sunday of July

• Jerusalem (Julian calendar) 3xFirst Jewish–Roman War: Titus and his armies breach the walls of Jerusalem. (17th of Tammuz in the Hebrew calendar)(Wikipedia). Date: 15 July 70 (the 17th of Tammuz = 14 July 70 according to Convert a date and Calendar Converter for Near East Historians); 1099 – First Crusade: Christian soldiers take the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem after the final assault of a difficult siege (WikipediaHISTORY) = 23 Tammuz; 1149 – The reconstructed Church of the Holy Sepulchre is consecrated in Jerusalem (Wikipedia).

• Beginning of World War I – Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 28, 1914, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War. Date: 28 July 1914, 110 years ago

• 1976: Chinese earthquake (Tangshan earthquake – Wikipediakills hundreds of thousands (BBC, One of the worst earthquakes in modern history destroys Chinese city – HISTORY) Date: 28 July 1976 (year of the Dragon)

• Hillary Clinton accepts Democratic nomination for president, becoming first woman to lead a major U.S. political party (HISTORY) Date: 28 July 2016

• Plane crashes into Empire State Building (HISTORY) Date: 28 July 1945

• Thomas Cromwell (Wikipedia) was an English statesman and lawyer who served as chief minister to King Henry VIII from 1534 to 1540, when he was beheaded on orders of the king, who later blamed false charges for the execution. Executed: 28 July 1540

• Maximilien Robespierre (Britannica), a radical Jacobin leader and one of the principal figures in the French Revolution, was guillotined before a cheering mob on the Place de la Révolution in Paris. Date: 28 July 1794

• Jacqueline Kennedy (Wikipedia, Astro-databank) Jacqueline “Jackie” Lee Kennedy Onassis (née Bouvier), served as the first lady of the United States from 1961 to 1963, as the wife of former president John F. Kennedy. Born: 28 July 1929 

• Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Wikipedia), the 1st Caliph of the Islamic State from 2014 until his death in 2019. Born: 28 July 1971, the 53rd anniversary of his birth [about the number 53 – your blog on 15 March 2024 hereGematria (Reverse Pythagorean): Armageddon = 53]

Chinese calendar6th Month 23

Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites [Abaddon – Wikipedia

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) (Barack Hussein Obama II), served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. Born: 4 August 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii (Astro-Databank) = 6th Month 23, year of the Ox

• Hillary Clinton was officially nominated for president, becoming the first woman to top the presidential ticket of a major party in the United States (BritannicaCNN Fast Facts). Date: 26 July 2016 = 6th Month 23, year of the Monkey 

Numbers: 7/28  (inclusive) – 7/29

After sunset 🌅 – 7/29

Jewish calendar23 Tammuz, 23 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

• First Crusade: Christian soldiers take the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem after the final assault of a difficult siege (WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 28 July 1099 = 23 Tammuz (Convert a date)

• The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia) by a reigning pope was requested during a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima on Friday, 13 July 1917 = 23 Tammuz, according to Lúcia dos Santos (Sister Lúcia), one of the three visionaries who claimed to have seen the apparition.

• Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 29, 1921 = 23 Tammuz, Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party. Under Hitler, the Nazi Party grew into a mass movement and ruled Germany as a totalitarian state from 1933 to 1945.

• King David Hotel bombing (Wikipedia) – The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization the Irgun during the Jewish insurgency. Date: 22 July 1946  = 23 Tammuz

• A diplomatic conference adopts the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Wikipedia: herehere), establishing the permanent international court in The Hague, to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression (Wikipedia). Date: 17 July 1998 = 23 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 22 (Convert a date), Muharram 23

• Balfour Declaration (Wikipedia) was a public statement issued by the British government during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917 = Muharram 23 or Muharram 24 (Convert a date), 1336 AH  

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city… Date: 20 January 2009 = Muharram 23, 1430

• President Truman declares war with Germany is officially over (HISTORYThe American Presidency Project) – On October 24, 1951 = Muharram 22, 1371 AH or 23 Muharram (Convert a date), President Harry Truman finally proclaims that the nation’s war with Germany, begun in 1941, is officially over. Fighting had ended in the spring of 1945.

Here are her notes on Saturday, July 27…

7/27  (Saturday/Saturn’s Day)

Julian calendar: 7/14 (Convert a date) (7/7+7)

Essene calendar: 9 Av

• Armistice ends Korean War hostilities (HISTORY) Date: 27 July 1953 -> National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day (AnydayGuide), Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War (Wikipedia

• Remembrance Day in Vietnam (AnydayGuide) – This memorial day honors those who died in service or were injured during the Vietnam War and other military engagements within Vietnam and abroad.

• Terrorist attack at Atlanta Olympics (Britannica, Centennial Olympic Park bombing – Wikipedia) – On this day in 1996 a pipe bomb exploded in Olympic Centennial Park in Atlanta, Georgia, killing 1 person and injuring 111 in the first terrorist attack at the Olympics since the 1972 Games in Munich, West Germany. Motive: Far-right extremism. Date: 27 July 1996

• 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony (Wikipedia) in the Olympic Stadium, London. The Games were formally opened by Queen Elizabeth II. Date: 27 July 2012

• Robespierre overthrown in France (HISTORY) Maximilien Robespierre (Wikipedia), the architect of the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror, is overthrown and arrested by the National Convention. The day after his arrest, Robespierre and 21 of his followers were guillotined before a cheering mob in the Place de la Revolution in Paris. Date: 27 July 1794 

• Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Wikipedia), Shah of Iran from September 1941 until February 1979, when he was overthrown by the Islamic Revolution. Died: Date: 27 July 1967

• House begins impeachment of Nixon (HISTORY) Date: July 27, 1974

Belarus: The Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (Wikipedia) was a formal document issued by the Supreme Soviet of Belarus to assert its independence from the Soviet Union. Passed on 27 July 1990 [the declaration started the process of Belarus’ eventual independence on 25 August  1991.]

Chinese calendar6th Month 22 (622 or 226)

Strong’s Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove/ Greek: 622.: to destroy, destroy utterly Usage: (a) I kill, destroy, (b) I lose, mid: I am perishing (the resultant death being viewed as certain).

• Storming of the Bastille (BritannicaHISTORYWikipedia) – On this day in 1789, a mob advanced on the Bastille in Paris, demanding the arms and munitions stored there, but, when the guards resisted, the crowd captured the prison, an act that symbolized the end of the ancien régime. -> the beginning of the French Revolution, a decade of political turmoil and terror in which King Louis XVI was overthrown and tens of thousands of people, including the king and his wife Marie Antoinette, were executed. Date: 14 July 1789 = 6th Month 22, year of the Rooster

• Jacqueline Kennedy (Wikipedia, Astro-databank) Jacqueline “Jackie” Lee Kennedy Onassis (née Bouvier), served as the first lady of the United States from 1961 to 1963, as the wife of former president John F. Kennedy. Born: 28 July 1929 = 6th Month 22, year of the Snake

• Adolf Hitler becomes dictator of Germany (HISTORYWikipedia) – With the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg (Wikipedia), Chancellor Adolf Hitler becomes absolute dictator of Germany under the title of Führer, or “Leader.” The German army took an oath of allegiance to its new commander-in-chief, and the last remnants of Germany’s democratic government were dismantled to make way for Hitler’s Third Reich. Date: 2 August 1934 = 6th Month 22, year of the Dog

• Biden names Harris as his running mate, making her the first Black and South Asian American woman to run on a major political party’s presidential ticket. Date: 11 August 2020 (CNN) = 6th Month 22, year of the Rat

Numbers7/27 (inclusive) – 7/28

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 90 months, 1 week, 1 day [911]

After sunset 🌅 – 7/28

Jewish calendar22 Tammuz (m/d date format: 4/22 or 10/22), 22 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

Exodus 10:22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days.

• Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) premiered at Le Grand Rex in Paris on Tue, 11 July 2023 = 22 Tammuz 

• An Air France Concorde jet crashes (HISTORY, Air France Flight 4590 – Wikipedia) upon takeoff in Paris on July 25, 2000 = 22 Tammuz, killing 109 passengers and crew onboard as well as four people on the ground [nationality: Germany – 97].

• John Calvin (Wikipedia) was a French theologian, pastor and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism (Wikipedia). Born: 10 July 1509 (Julian) =  22 Tammuz (Convert a date)

Islamic calendar: Muharram 21 (Convert a date) or Muharram 22

• President Truman declares war with Germany is officially over (HISTORYThe American Presidency Project) – On October 24, 1951 = Muharram 22, 1371 AH or 23 Muharram (Convert a date), President Harry Truman finally proclaims that the nation’s war with Germany, begun in 1941, is officially over. Fighting had ended in the spring of 1945.

• Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency of the US (WikipediaAmerican Rhetoric) – On February 10, 2007 = Muharram 22, 1428 AH, Barack Obama, then-junior United States senator from Illinois, announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States in Springfield, Illinois. Obama announced his candidacy at the Old State Capitol building, where Abraham Lincoln had delivered his “House Divided” speech. [Obama (Wikipedia) was born on 4 August 1961. He was 45 years, 6 months, 6 days old on that day -> Strong’s Greek: 4566. Satan]

• Assassination of Jamal Khashoggi (Wikipedia) – On 2 October 2018 = Muharram 21 (Convert a date) or Muharram 22, 1440 AH, Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident journalist, was killed by agents of the Saudi government at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. Motive: Allegedly to remove a prominent dissident and critic of the Saudi government.

• The October Revolution (WikipediaHISTORY), also known as the Great October Socialist Revolution (in Soviet historiography), October coup, Bolshevik coup, or Bolshevik revolution, was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin -> Bolshevik victory, beginning of the Russian Civil War,… In the early morning of 24 October (O.S.; 6 November N.S.), a group of soldiers loyal to Kerensky’s government marched on the printing house of the Bolshevik newspaper, Rabochiy put (Worker’s Path), seizing and destroying printing equipment and thousands of newspapers (Wikipedia). Date: 6 November 1917 = Muharram 20, 1336 AH or Muharram 21 (Convert a date) -> 7 November = Muharram 21, 1336 AH or Muharram 22 (Convert a date) – In response, at 9 a.m. the Bolshevik Military Revolutionary Committee issued a statement denouncing the government’s actions.

Here are her notes on Friday, July 26…

7/26 (Friday

Julian calendar: 7/13 (Convert a date), Friday the 13th (Wikipedia)

Essene calendar: 8 Av (DSS calendar)

Roman festivalsQuintilis 13 Last day of the Ludi Apollinares, with a sacrifice at the Temple of Apollo in the Campus Martius (Wikipedia, Ludi Apollinares – Wikipedia)

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel (Orthodox Church in AmericaWikipedia)

• Francis Drake (Wikipedia), the English explorer, discovers a “fair and good” bay on the coast of the Pacific Northwest (probably Oregon or Washington) (Wikipedia). Date: 26 July 1579 (Julian) 

• July Revolution (Wikipedia) – The French Revolution of 1830, also known as the Second French Revolution, or Trois Glorieuses (“Three Glorious [Days]”). Outcome: Abdication of Charles X, Ascension of Louis Philippe to the French throne and establishment of the constitutional July Monarchy. Start date: 26 July 1830

• Suez Canal seized (BritannicaHISTORY) – On this day in 1956, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser seized control of the Suez Canal and nationalized it, sparking a crisis that later resulted in French, British, and Israeli forces briefly occupying parts of Egypt. Date: 26 July 1956

• At the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton was officially nominated for president, becoming the first woman to top the presidential ticket of a major party in the United States (BritannicaCNN Fast Facts). Date: 26 July 2016

• The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is founded (WikipediaHISTORY) Date: 26 July 1908, 116 years ago

• National Security Act of 1947 (WikipediaHISTORY) – Cold War: U.S. President Harry S. Truman signs the National Security Act of 1947 into United States law creating the Central Intelligence Agency, United States Department of Defense, United States Air Force, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the United States National Security Council (Wikipedia). Date: 26 July 1947, 77 years ago

• Attack on the Moncada Barracks (WikipediaBritannica) – This armed attack is widely accepted as the beginning of the Cuban Revolution (Wikipedia). Date: 26 July 1953 -> National Rebellion Day in Cuba (National Today

• Stanley Kubrick (Wikipedia), Widely considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time … [2001: A Space Odyssey – Wikipedia, Monolith (Space Odyssey) – Wikipedia)] Born: 26 July 1928 [= 9 Av, Tish’a B’Av], 96th anniversary of his birth 

Chinese calendar6th Month 21 [Twenty-one is Blackjack; the symbol for Jupiter looks like 21 (NASA)]   

• Richard Nixon’s resignation speech (Wikipedia) – On August 8, 1974, U.S. President Richard Nixon delivered a nationally-televised speech to the American public from the Oval Office announcing his intention to resign the presidency the following day due to the Watergate scandal. Date: 8 August 1974 at = 6th Month 21, year of the Tiger 

• Barack Obama’s “Dreams from My Father” is published (HISTORYWikipedia) – Date: 18 July 1995 6th Month 21, year of the Pig

• Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (Wikipedia) crashed in separatist-held territory in Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board; a Dutch investigation later determined that the aircraft was shot down by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile (Britannica). Date: 17 July 2014 =  6th Month 21, year of the Horse

Numbers7/26 (inclusive) – 7/27

• The Edict of Thessalonica (Wikipedia), issued on Thursday, 27 February AD 380 by Theodosius I, made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire. It condemned other Christian creeds such as Arianism as heresies of “foolish madmen,” and authorized their punishment, 600,609 days ago.[669 -> 666 -> Number of the beast: 666]

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city, … Date: 20 January 2009, 809 weeks, 4 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)]

• Prince Harry was christened (Wikipedia) Henry Charles Albert David at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by Robert Runcie, the then Archbishop of Canterbury. [ITN archive: 1984: YouTube Prince Harry’s Christening Brings the Royal Family Together – YouTube.] Date: 21 December 1984, 39 years, 30 weeks, 9 days ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days). [Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)]

• The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” –  President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020, about 450%  of a common year (365 days) [Donald Trump – President number, 45Gematria: the deal of the century [called by its proponents ] = eleventh of September 4x 

After sunset 🌅 – 7/27

Jewish calendar21 Tammuz, 21 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile) [m/d date format 4/21 and April 21 (4/21) is the traditional date for the founding of Rome (Google SearchWikipedia)]

• The International Criminal Court (Wikipedia) —established to prosecute and adjudicate individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity—began sittings (Britannica). Date: 1 July 2002 = 21 Tammuz 

• Marie Curie (Wikipedia), a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. Died: 4 July 1934 = 21 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 20 (Convert a date) or Muharram 21

• Adolf Hitler delivers his first public address at a meeting of the German Workers’ Party. (Wikipedia) – Date: 16 October 1919 [Shmini Atzeret] = Muharram 21, 1338 AH

• Burning of Smyrna (Wikipedia) – The fire completely destroyed the Greek and Armenian quarters of the city; the Muslim and Jewish quarters escaped damage. The event is considered one of the most catastrophic urban fires in history and it is widely regarded as an act of genocide and a war crime; the event is still a source of tension between Greece and Turkey. Date: 13 (–22 September) 1922 = Muharram 21, 1341 AH

• Palestine Liberation organization -> founding (Wikipedia) – The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. After concluding the meeting, the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964 = Muharram 21, 1384 AH

• The October Revolution (WikipediaHISTORY), also known as the Great October Socialist Revolution (in Soviet historiography), October coup, Bolshevik coup, or Bolshevik revolution, was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin -> Bolshevik victory, beginning of the Russian Civil War,… In the early morning of 24 October (O.S.; 6 November N.S.), a group of soldiers loyal to Kerensky’s government marched on the printing house of the Bolshevik newspaper, Rabochiy put (Worker’s Path), seizing and destroying printing equipment and thousands of newspapers (Wikipedia). Date: 6 November 1917 = Muharram 20, 1336 AH or Muharram 21 (Convert a date) -> 7 November = Muharram 21, 1336 AH or Muharram 22 (Convert a date) – In response, at 9 a.m. the Bolshevik Military Revolutionary Committee issued a statement denouncing the government’s actions. 

• Assassination of Jamal Khashoggi (Wikipedia) – On 2 October 2018 = Muharram 21 (Convert a date) or Muharram 22, 1440 AH, Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident journalist, was killed by agents of the Saudi government at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. Motive: Allegedly to remove a prominent dissident and critic of the Saudi government.

Here are her notes on Wednesday, July 24…

7/24 (Wednesday)

Julian calendar: 7/11 (Convert a date) [Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11′(CNNYouTube – CNN)]

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

Lunar occultation of Saturn and conjunction of the Moon and Saturn (In The Sky) at 20:45 UTC 

Roman festivals: Quintilis 6-13 (Wikipedia): Ludi Apollinares, games in honour of Apollo

Simón Bolívar Day (National Geographic) – On July 24, 1783, Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas, in what is now Venezuela. Bolivar became the most powerful leader in South America, nicknamed El Libertador” (the liberator) for helping nations become independent from Spain. The Venezuelan War of Independence (Wikipedia) ended on Bolívar’s 40th birthday.

• Mary, Queen of Scots (Wikipedia), was formally deposed after rebellious Scottish nobles deserted her army at Carberry Hill and forced her to abdicate in favour of her one-year-old son, James (BritannicaHISTORY). Date: 24 July 1567 

• The Mandate for Palestine (WikipediaJewish Virtual Library) was a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan – which had been part of the Ottoman Empire for four centuries – following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. In Palestine, the Mandate required Britain to put into effect the Balfour Declaration’s “national home for the Jewish people” alongside the Palestinian Arabs, who composed the vast majority of the local population (Wikipedia). The Mandate was approved on 22 July 1922, a public statement confirming this was made by the president of the council on 24 July (Wikipedia).

• The Treaty of Lausanne (Wikipedia) is signed between Turkey and the countries that formed the Allied Powers in the First World War. Under the treaty, Turkey had to give up all the territorial claims made by the Ottoman Empire and agree to new borders (timeanddate). Date: 24 July 1923

• The 1998 United States Capitol shooting (Wikipedia) occurred on July 24, 1998, when Russell Eugene Weston Jr. entered the Capitol and fatally shot two United States Capitol Police officers.

Chinese calendar6th Month 19

• Chinese Communist Party (Wikipedia) (CCP), officially the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the founding and sole ruling party of the People’s Republic of China. Founded: 23 July 1921 = 6th month 19, year of the Rooster

• The signing of the United States Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) – August 2, 1776 = 6th Month 19, year of the Monkey, is one of the most important but least celebrated days in American history when 56 members of the Second Continental Congress started signing the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia (Constitution Center). [In an 1811 letter to Adams, Benjamin Rush recounted the signing on August 2 in stark fashion, describing it as a scene of “pensive and awful silence”. Rush said the delegates were called up, one after another, and then filed forward somberly to subscribe what each thought was their ensuing death warrant – Wikipedia].

Numbers7/24  (inclusive) – 7/25 

• President Obama Chairs the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters (Obama White HouseUN) Date: 24 September 2014, 9 years, 10 months, 1 day ago -> 911  or 118 months, 1 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew 1181. baale bamoth: lords of (the) high places, Word Origin: from Baal and bamah]

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (, Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014, 3655 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 3655. ombros: a violent rain]

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: 20 December 2019, 55 months, 5 days ago [Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia)]. 

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016, 96 months, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 7/25

Jewish calendar19 Tammuz, 19 Tammuz ( One Messianic Gentile)

• Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (Wikipedia) crashed in separatist-held territory in Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board; a Dutch investigation later determined that the aircraft was shot down by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile (Britannica). [note the trident symbol]. Date: 17 July 2014 = 19 Tammuz

• On Nelson Mandela Day at U.N., Prince Harry tells world leaders to “be brave” in face of climate change and other crises – (CBS News) Date: 18 July 2022 = 19 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 18 (Convert a date), Muharram 19

• Donald Duck makes his film debut in The Wise Little Hen (Wikipedia). Release dates: Thu, 3 May 1934 (Carthay Circle Theater) = Muharram 18 (Convert a date) or Muharram 19, 1353 AH

Gematria Results on the Grand Boule…

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.’s Grand Boulé

Gematria:  Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc s Grand Boule (396, 162, 495, 189) = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Wikipedia2x, Great October Socialist Revolution (Wikipedia) 1x, United States Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) 1x, Barack Hussein Obama son of perdition (Wikipedia) 1x, America’s comeback starts right now [Donald Trump announces candidacy – ABC News] 1x, I’m built a little differently, I guess. [Trump addresses criminal indictments on ‘Meet the Press’ (FOX 5)] 1x, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated 1x, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Wikipedia) 1x, Massachusetts Air National Guard (Wikipedia),Vancouver British Columbia Canada (Wikipedia)1x, Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi (Wikipedia) 1x, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Karelin (Wikipedia)1x, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea  (Wikipedia) 1x, and let Satan stand at his right hand. [Psalm 109:6 (KJB) Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand] 1x

Here are her notes on Tuesday, July 23…

7/23 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 7/10  [Convert a date]

Roman festivalsQuintilis 6-13 (Wikipedia): Ludi Apollinares, games in honour of Apollo

Quintilis 23: Neptunalia (Wikipedia), was a two-day festival in honor of Neptune as god of waters. Respecting the ceremonies of this festival nothing is known, except that the people used to build huts of branches and foliage (umbrae, according to Festus, under ” Umbrae”), in which they probably feasted, drank, and amused themselves (Wikipediawas it something like a sukkah ? – (Chabad) [Poseidon/Neptune’s trident (Wikipedia: here, here), Britannia (Wikipedia), the personification of Great Britain usually depicted to hold a trident. The coat of arms of Ukraine – (Wikipedia) is a blue shield with a golden trident. Vladimir the Great and a Khazar-inspired trident (Wikipedia), your blog on 21 April 2022 – here]. GematriaNeptune = 95 [the same number as Lightning McQueen (Wikipedia)]. 

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: The Placing of the Precious Robe of the Lord [Seamless robe of Jesus – Wikipedia] at Moscow (1625) (Wikipedia).

 • Chinese Communist Party (Wikipedia) (CCP), officially the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the founding and sole ruling party of the People’s Republic of China. Founded: 23 July 1921 

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (, Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014, the 10th anniversary 

• Egyptian monarchy toppled by coup – On this day in 1952, the Free Officers, a nationalistic military group led by Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, engineered a coup that overthrew King Farouk I of Egypt, ending the monarchy and bringing Nasser to power (BritannicaHISTORY) -> Revolution Day (Egypt) (Wikipedia)

• Austria-Hungary issues ultimatum to Serbia (HISTORY) – Date: 23 July 1914

Chinese calendar6th Month 18 (6/6+6+6)

• A Russian-North Korean summit was held in Pyongyang (Kremlin) – North Korean leader Kim Jong-il met Russian President Vladimir Putin… Date: 19 July 2000 = 6th Month 18, year of the Dragon

Numbers7/23  (inclusive) – 7/24

• The Edict of Thessalonica (Wikipedia), issued on Thursday, 27 February AD 380 by Theodosius I, made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire. It condemned other Christian creeds such as Arianism as heresies of “foolish madmen,” and authorized their punishment, 600,606 days ago. [Number of the beast: 666]

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. As the first major spaceflight of NASA’s Artemis program, Artemis 1 marked the agency’s return to lunar exploration after the conclusion of the Apollo program five decades earlier. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 616 days [ the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia)] or 88 weeks ago [88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”. In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.]

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (WikipediaCNN) – President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there, a move expected to inflame tensions in the region and unsettle the prospects for peace. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 230 days ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first. [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss [Abaddon – Wikipedia] / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites].

After sunset 🌅 – 7/24

Jewish calendar18 Tammuz (d/m date format: 18/4 or 18/10), 18 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

Revelation 18:10 Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: “’Woe! Woe to you, great city, you mighty city of Babylon! In one hour your doom has come!’

Golden Calf Destroyed (1313 BCE) – Moses destroyed the Golden Calf, and re-ascended Mount Sinai to plead G-d’s forgiveness for the Jewish people. 

Islamic calendar: Muharram 17 (Convert a date) or Muharram 18

• Donald Duck makes his film debut in The Wise Little Hen (Wikipedia). Release dates: Thu, 3 May 1934 (Carthay Circle Theater) = Muharram 18 (Convert a date) or Muharram 19, 1353 AH

• Cyrus the Great (Wikipedia) –  Died: 4 December 530 BC = Muharram 18, 1185 [Convert a date

• David Ben-Gurion (WikipediaAstro-databank) was the primary national founder of the State of Israel as well as its first prime minister. He was born David Grün [a German word and surname meaning “green”(Wikipedia); Zelensky is a Slavic surname, meaning ‘green’ (Wikipedia)] on 16 October 1886  = Muharram 17 (Convert a date) or Muharram 18, 1304 AH 

• Ruhollah Khomeini (WikipediaAstro-databank), 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 17 May 1900 [or 24 September 1902] = Muharram 17 (Convert a date) or Muharram 18, 1318 AH

• 2021 Kabul airport attack (Wikipedia) Date: 26 August 2021, at 17:50 local time [Sunset in Kabul, Afghanistan at 6:28:PM] = Muharram 17 (Convert a date) or Muharram 18, 1443 AH

• Ziyad al-Nakhalah (Wikipedia) Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine (Wikipedia) (*) since 28 September 2018 = Muharram 17 (Convert a date) or Muharram 18, 1440 AH, which has been designated a terrorist organisation by the United States, the European Union,…. Al-Nakhalah was designated a Specially Designated Terrorist by the US. *State allies: Iran, Syria; Non-state allies: Hezbollah, Hamas

Here are her notes on Monday, July 22…

7/22  (Monday)

Julian calendar: 7/9  [Convert a date]

Pi Approximation Day (National TodayWikipedia), Ratcatcher’s Day (National TodayWikipedia) commemorating the myth of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. the piper plays on a “magic silver flute” (Wikipedia). [John F. Kennedy Jr. was killed when the light aircraft (Piper Saratoga – Wikipedia) he was flying crashed into the Atlantic Ocean] 

Mary Magdalene (Wikipedia) – feast: 22 July 

Roman festivals: Quintilis 6-13 (Wikipedia): Ludi Apollinares, games in honour of Apollo

• Prince George, first child of Prince William and Kate Middleton, is born (HISTORY). Date: 22 July 2013 

• King David Hotel bombing (Wikipedia) – The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization the Irgun during the Jewish insurgency. Date: 22 July 1946 

• 2011 Norway attacks (Wikipedia), also called 22 July or 22/7 in Norway, were two domestic terrorist attacks by far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp, in which a total of 77 people were killed. Date: 22 July 2011. Motive: far-right extremism, white supremacy, Islamophobia, anti-immigration, belief in white genocide conspiracy theory

Chinese calendar6th Month 17

• Korean Armistice Agreement (Wikipedia) – Cessation of hostilities is achieved in the Korean War when the United States, China, and North Korea sign an armistice agreement. Syngman Rhee, President of South Korea, refuses to sign but pledges to observe the armistice (Wikipedia). Signed: 27 July 1953 = 6th Month 17, year of the Snake

• Second International (Wikipedia), also called the Socialist International, was an organisation of socialist and labour parties, formed on 14 July 1889 = 6th Month 17, year of the Ox, at two simultaneous Paris meetings in which delegations from twenty countries participated. Ideology: Marxism, Socialism, Social democracy, Anti-colonialism, Antimilitarism

• Battle of Tientsin (Wikipedia) occurred on 13–14 July 1900 = 6th Month 17, year of the Rat, during the Boxer Rebellion in Northern China. A multinational military force, representing the Eight-Nation Alliance, rescued a besieged population of foreign nationals in the city of Tianjin (Postal: Tientsin) by defeating the Chinese Imperial army and Boxers. The capture of Tianjin gave the Eight-Nation Alliance a base to launch a rescue mission for the foreign nationals besieged in the Legation Quarter of Beijing and to capture Beijing.

Numbers7/22  (inclusive) – 7/23

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (WikipediaCNN) – President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there, a move expected to inflame tensions in the region and unsettle the prospects for peace. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 230 days ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days)) [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss [Abaddon – Wikipedia] /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites].

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 6 months, 6 days old. [Number of the beast: 666]

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia) – Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which started in 2014. Date: 24 February 2022, 880 days ago [88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye” / In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.]

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia), the 6th and current president of Ukraine. Assumed office: 20 May 2019, 62 months, 3 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss [Abaddon – Wikipedia] /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites].

After sunset 🌅 – 7/23

Jewish calendar: 17 Tammuz, 17 Tammuz (One Messianic GentileWikipedia), Seventeenth of Tammuz (Wikipedia)

• United States Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia, HISTORY) – In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776 = 17 Tammuz, the Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain and its king.

• Chinese Communist Party (Wikipedia) (CCP), officially the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the founding and sole ruling party of the People’s Republic of China. Founded: 23 July 1921 = 17 Tammuz 

• Night of the Long Knives (HISTORYWikipedia), also called the Röhm purge or Operation Hummingbird called Operation Hummingbird. In Germany, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future. The event became known as the Night of the Long Knives. Start date: 30 June 1934 = 17 Tammuz

• Vladimir Putin visited the Transfiguration of the Saviour Patriarchal Monastery on Valaam (Kremlin). Date: 11 July 2017 = 17 Tammuz7 Jewish years ago 

• Diana, Princess of Wales (WikipediaAstro-databank) – She was the first wife of Charles III (then Prince of Wales) and mother of Princes William and Harry. Born: 1 July 1961 at 19:45 (= 7:45 PM) = 17 Tammuz [July 1, 1961 Sunset in Sandringham, UK at 9:26 PMVictoria Nuland (Wikipedia) was born on the same day.] 

• Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Wikipedia), Emir of Qatar. Reign: 25 June 2013 = 17 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 16 (Convert a date) or Muharram 17

17 Muharram: Arrival of the “people of the elephant” in Mecca, a reference to al-Fil (lit. ’the elephant’), a surah (chapter) in the Quran (Wikipedia: hereherequran.comAbraha, the Abyssinian, Christian king of Himyarite marched upon the Ka‘bah in Mecca with a large army, which included war elephants, intending to demolish it. However, the lead elephant, known as ‘Mahmud’, is said to have stopped at the boundary around Mecca, and refused to enter. It has been mentioned in the Quran that the army was destroyed by small birds that carried pebbles that destroyed the entire army and Abraha perished.

• David Ben-Gurion (WikipediaAstro-databank) was the primary national founder of the State of Israel as well as its first prime minister. He was born David Grün [a German word and surname meaning “green”(Wikipedia); Zelensky is a Slavic surname, meaning ‘green’ (Wikipedia)]. Date: 16 October 1886  = Muharram 17 (Convert a date) or Muharram 18, 1304 AH 

• Ruhollah Khomeini (WikipediaAstro-databank), 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 17 May 1900 [or 24 September 1902] = Muharram 17 (Convert a date) or Muharram 18, 1318 AH

• Vladimir Putin (WikipediaAstro-databank), President of Russia. Born: 7 October 1952 at 9:30 = Muharram 17, 1372 AH, his 74 Islamic birthday [Strong’s Greek 74. agónia: a contest, great fear, the atomic number of tungsten (Wikipedia), the Number 74 (Bible Study)]

• Diana, Princess of Wales (WikipediaAstro-databank) – She was the first wife of Charles III (then Prince of Wales) and mother of Princes William and Harry. Born: 1 July 1961 at 19:45 (= 7:45 PM) = Muharram 17, 1381 A [July 1, 1961 Sunset in Sandringham, UK at 9:26 PMVictoria Nuland (Wikipedia) was born on the same day.] 

• Ziyad al-Nakhalah (Wikipedia), Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine (Wikipedia) (*) since 28 September 2018 = Muharram 18, 1440 AH or Muharram 17 (Convert a date), which has been designated a terrorist organisation by the United States, the European Union,…. Al-Nakhalah was designated a Specially Designated Terrorist by the US. 

*State allies: Iran, Syria; Non-state allies: Hezbollah, Hamas

• Eli Cohen (WikipediaBritannica) was an Egyptian-born Israeli spy who infiltrated the highest ranks of the Syrian military and government by posing as a Syrian businessman. Between 1961 and 1965, Cohen passed Syrian secrets to the Israeli government in what is remembered as one of the most daring and productive intelligence-gathering operations in Israeli history. Died (executed by hanging): 18 May 1965 = Muharram 16 or Muharram 17 (Convert a date), 1385 AH

• Balfour Declaration letter written (HISTORY) – On November 2, 1917 = Muharram 16, 1336 AH or Muharram 17 (Convert a date). Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour writes an important letter to Britain’s most illustrious Jewish citizen, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, expressing the British government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The letter would eventually become known as the Balfour Declaration.

• War in Iraq begins (HISTORYWikipedia) – The United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq. Date: At 5:34 am Baghdad time on 20 March 2003 (9:34 pm, 19 March EST – after sunset) = Muharram 16 (Convert a date) or Muharram 17, 1424 AH

• Gas Explosion at Russian Lab That Holds Ebola and Smallpox Samples (TIME). Date: Monday, 16 September 2019 = Muharram 16 (Convert a date) or Muharram 17, 1441 AH 

• 2021 Kabul airport attack (Wikipedia) Date: 26 August 2021, at 17:50 local time [Sunset in Kabul, Afghanistan at 6:28:PM] = Muharram 17 (Convert a date) or Muharram 18, 1443 AH

Here are her notes on Sunday, July 21…

7/21 (Sunday) (7/7+7+7)

Julian calendar: 7/8  [Convert a date]

Full Moon the “Buck Moon” (In The Sky) at 10:17 UTC The Buck Moon 

[Christian propaganda related to the Buck Moon: stevefletcher222or does it have something to do with Buckingham Palace (Wikipedia)?] 

Essene Calendar3 Av – First Fruits of New Wine -> SkyWatchTV at about the 3:30 minutes mark: Do these hidden biblical feasts reveal 2025 is the start of the final age of man !?

Roman festivals: Quintilis 6-13 (Wikipedia): Ludi Apollinares, games in honour of Apollo

Daniel (biblical figure) (Wikipedia) is the main character of the Book of Daniel. Feast: July 21 (Roman Catholicism)

Asalha Puja (National TodayWikipedia) commemorates Buddha’s first sermon after enlightenment. The festival offers a chance for Buddhists to reflect on the sermon’s four noble truths: there is suffering, suffering is caused by attachment, there is a plane beyond attachment, and the way to that plane is the Noble Eightfold Path. 

National Ice Cream Day (Wikipedia, Joe Biden and ice cream – Google Search)

The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is destroyed by arson (Wikipedia). Date: 21 July 356 BC

Guam Liberation Day (National Today) – It is a day to commemorate the island’s liberation from the Japanese by U.S. Soldiers.

• The United States and NATO – The United States Senate ratifies the North Atlantic Treaty ( Date: 21 July 1949, the 75th anniversary 

• Transnistria War (Wikipedia), part of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, between pro-Transnistria forces which were supported by elements of the Russian 14th Army, and pro-Moldovan forces. Result: Russian–Transnistrian victory. End date: 21 July 1992

• Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) Release dates: 21 July 2023 (United States and United Kingdom)

Chinese calendar6th Month 16 – 616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners 

• Bashar  al-Assad (Wikipedia) is the current and 19th president of Syria. Assumed office: 17 July 2000  = 6th Month 16, year of the Dragon

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016 6th Month 16, year of the Monkey

• Greg Abbott (Wikipedia), 48th Governor of Texas. On July 14, 1984 = 6th Month 16, year of the Rat, at age 26, Abbott was paralyzed below the waist when an oak tree fell on him while he was jogging after a storm (Wikipedia). [Abbott (surname) – Wikipedia, is an English surname, derived from the word “abbot“; Donar’s Oak (also Thor’s Oak or, via interpretatio romana, Jove’s Oak) – Wikipedia).

• Attack on the Moncada Barracks (Wikipedia). This armed attack is widely accepted as the beginning of the Cuban Revolution (Wikipedia). Date: 26 July 1953 = 6th Month 16, year of the Snake

Numbers7/21  (inclusive) – 7/22

• President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation and appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acting president of Russia (KremlinHISTORY) Date: 31 December 1999, 24 years, 204 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.] or 8970 days ago [Strong’s Greek 897. Babulón: “gate of god(s ),” Babylon, a large city situated astride the Euphrates river].

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) together with the European Union. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House: Today marks an important milestone…), 8 years, 9 months, 4 days [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)] or 3200 days ago [Number 32 and the Messiah (Bible Study), Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger Usage: a messenger, generally a (supernatural) messenger from God, an angel, conveying news or behests from God to men.]

After sunset 🌅 – 7/22

Jewish calendar16 Tammuz (4/4×4), Tammuz 16: The Day Before (Chabad), Tammuz 16 (One Messianic Gentile)

Golden Calf Made; Hur Killed (1313 BCE)

• World Bank (Wikipedia) was established along with the International Monetary Fund at the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference. Date: 7 July 1944 = 16 Tammuz 5704

• Treaty of Wanghia (Wikipedia) (Treaty of peace, amity, and commerce, between the United States of America and the Chinese Empire) was the first of the unequal treaties imposed by the United States on the Qing dynasty. Signed: 3 July 1844 = 16 Tammuz  [From tea to iPhones, US-China trade tensions span centuries –], 180 Jewish years ago

• Battle of Tientsin (Wikipedia) occurred on 13–14 July 1900 = 16 Tammuz , during the Boxer Rebellion in Northern China. A multinational military force, representing the Eight-Nation Alliance, rescued a besieged population of foreign nationals in the city of Tianjin (Postal: Tientsin) by defeating the Chinese Imperial army and Boxers. The capture of Tianjin gave the Eight-Nation Alliance a base to launch a rescue mission for the foreign nationals besieged in the Legation Quarter of Beijing and to capture Beijing.

• The 2006 Lebanon War (Wikipedia), also called the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War begins (Hezbollah cross-border raid – Wikipedia) – At around 9 am local time on 12 July 2006 = 16 Tammuz, Hezbollah launched diversionary rocket attacks toward Israeli military positions near the coast and near the border village of Zar’it as well as on the Israeli town of Shlomi and other villages (Wikipedia). 

• A Russian-North Korean summit was held in Pyongyang (Kremlin). Date: 19 July 2000 = 16 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 15 (Convert a date) or  Muharram 16

On this day, the Islamic prophet Muhammad set the Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem as the qibla, towards which early Muslims prayed. This was superseded later by the ancient Ka’ba sanctuary in Mecca in connection with verse 2:144 of the Quran, the central religious text in Islam (Wikipedia). 

• Palestine Liberation Organization (Wikipedia,  HISTORY) is a Palestinian nationalist coalition that is internationally recognized as the official representative of the Palestinian people. Founded: 28 May 1964 = Muharram 16, 1384 AH, 62 Islamic years ago [The Number 62 – Bible Study

• 1983 Beirut barrack bombing (Wikipedia) – On October 23, 1983 = Muharram 16, 1404 AH, two truck bombs were detonated at buildings in Beirut, Lebanon, housing American and French service members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF), a military peacekeeping operation during the Lebanese Civil War. The attack killed 307 people: 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel, six civilians, and two attackers.

• The Act of Settlement, the law that continues to regulate the succession to the throne of the United Kingdom, was passed by Parliament (Britannica). Date: 12 June 1701 (Julian) = Muharram 16 

(Convert a date)

• US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nations) and simultaneously a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). In addition to that, Full text of Trump-Netanyahu: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel) [-> the Division Of the Land [Joel 3:2]. But this May Trump said “Reaching a two-state solution now ‘very, very tough’ – (] Date: 26 September 2018 =  Muharram 15 (Convert a date) or Muharram 16, 1440 AH.

• Balfour Declaration letter written (HISTORY) On November 2, 1917 =  Muharram 16, 1336 AH or Muharram 17 (Convert a date). Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour writes an important letter to Britain’s most illustrious Jewish citizen, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, expressing the British government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The letter would eventually become known as the Balfour Declaration (HISTORY).

• United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (WikipediaHISTORY) – Despite strong Arab opposition, the United Nations votes for the partition of Palestine into two sections: an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state. Date: 29 November 1947 = Muharram 15 (Convert a date) or Muharram 16, 1367 AH 

• War in Iraq begins (HISTORY, Wikipedia) – The United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq. Date: At 5:34 am Baghdad time on 20 March 2003 (9:34 pm, 19 March EST – after sunset) = Muharram 16 (Convert a date) or Muharram 17, 1424 AH

• Gas Explosion at Russian Lab That Holds Ebola and Smallpox Samples (TIME). Date: Monday, 16 September 2019 = Muharram 16 (Convert a date) or Muharram 17, 1441 AH or

Here are her notes on Thursday, July 18…

7/18 (Thursday/ Thor’s day), [d/m date format 18/7 – Positive Commandment 187 – We are commanded to kill the members of the Seven Canaanite Nations—to utterly eradicate them.]

Julian calendar: 7/5 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Quintilis 18 (Wikipedia): a dies ater (“black day,” meaning a day of ill omen) marking the defeat of the Romans by the Gauls at the Battle of the Allia in 390 BC, leading to the sack of Rome by the Gauls. 

Mandela Day (WikipediaUNyour blog on 16 July 2020 “Nelson Mandela International Day” Weekend Overwatch); Nelson Mandela (Britannica) – Born: 18 July 1918, the 106th anniversary of his birth [Hebrew: 106. egroph: a fist, Mandela Day fist (Google Search), Raised fist (Wikipedia)]

• Nero’s Rome burns (Wikipedia) – The great fire of Rome breaks out and destroys much of the city beginning on July 18 in the year 64. Despite the well-known stories, there is no evidence that the Roman emperor, Nero, either started the fire or played the fiddle while it burned. Still, he did use the disaster to further his political agenda. Date: 18 July 64 [Obama Nero – Google Search, or Hitler’s Nero Decree – Wikipedia]

• Barack Obama’s “Dreams from My Father” is published (HISTORY) – Date: 18 July 1995 

• Mein Kampf (WikipediaHISTORY) (lit. ’My Struggle’) is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Hitler originally wanted to call his forthcoming book Four and a Half Years [of Struggle] Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice [4.5 years ] (Wikipedia). Publication date: 18 July 1925

•The Edict of Expulsion (Wikipedia) was a royal decree expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England that was issued by Edward I 18 July 1290 [Julian) = 9 Av (Convert a date)]; it was the first time a European state is known to have permanently banned their presence, the 734th anniversary [Strong’s Greek 734. Artemas: “gift of Artemis,” Artemas, a friend of the apostle Paul].

• The Tennessean, the largest newspaper in the state of Tennessee, ran a full-page advertisement from a fringe religious group Sunday that cited the Bible and warned Nashville residents that a nuclear bomb will be set off by “Islam” next month [on 18 July 2020 ](Newsweek). It featured images of Donald Trump and Pope Francis.

• The first Vatican Council, also known as Vatican I, decrees the doctrine of Papal infallibility (Wikipedia). The doctrine claims that the Pope cannot err when speaking on issues of morality and/ or faith. (timeanddate). Date: 18 July 1870

• AMIA bombing (WikipediaChabad) – Arab terrorists exploded a bomb in the the Jewish community center (“Argentine Israelite Mutual Association”) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, killing 86 and wounding more than 300, in the most lethal attack against any diaspora Jewish community since the Holocaust. Perpetrators: Suspected Hezbollah and Iranian involvement. Responsibility reportedly claimed by Ansar Allah, a Hezbollah-allied Palestinian group

Date: 18 July 1994, the 30th anniversary

Chinese calendar6th Month 13 [6/13 – In Kabbalah, the number 613 (Wikipedia) is very significant, with every complete entity seen as being divisible into 613 parts: 613 parts to every Sefirah…, the Number 613 (Bible Study)] 

Numbers7/18 (inclusive) – 7/19 

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece)the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany. [your blog: Twice-Expanded NOTE (9-10 October 2023)], CBS news. Date: 16 November 2016, 7 years, 35 weeks ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first. [Strong’s Greek 735. Artemis: Artemis, the name of the Gr. goddess of the hunt] 

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) -> Historical background: CCP Chairman Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China with a speech at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Date: 21 September 1949, 3903 weeks, 9 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (Wikipedia)

• Prince Harry treated like Prince of America in Pearl Harbor (Geo News), Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) Date: 11 November 2022, 616 days [ 616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia)] or 88 weeks ago [88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye” / In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.] 

• Attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) – Date: 7 December 1941, 990 months, 6 weeks ago 

• Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) (Western nickname:The Shadow Commanderwas an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force (lit. ’Jerusalem Force‘). Soleimani was assassinated in 2020 by a U.S. drone strike. Born: 11 March 1957, 808 months, 8 days ago. [888 (number) (Wikipedia),Gematria: Qasem Soleimani = the Star of David 4x (Reverse Simple English 226)]

After sunset 🌅 – 7/19 (Friday)

Jewish calendar13 Tammuz, 13 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile) – Friday the 13th (Wikipedia)

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016 = 13 Tammuz

 Altona Bloody Sunday (Wikipedia)  – A riot between the Nazi Party paramilitary forces, the SS and SA and the German Communist Party ensues 

Date: 17 July 1932 = 13 Tammuz

• Spider-Man: Homecoming (Wikipedia) – Release dates: Fri, 7 July 2017 (United States) = 13 Tammuz, 5777

Islamic calendar: Muharram 12 or Muharram 13

• Benjamin Netanyahu elected prime minister of Israel (HISTORYTIME ) – Date: May 31, 1996 = Muharram 13, 1417 AH

• Charles III (Wikipedia)  (Charles Philip Arthur George) is King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Born: 14 November 1948 at 21:14 (= 9:14 PM – after sunset) in London, England (Astro Databank) [Sunset in London at 4:13 PM] = Muharram 13

• 1963 demonstrations in Iran (Wikipedia), the 15 Khordad uprising, were protests in Iran against the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini after his denouncement [a speech on 3 June] of Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Israel.  Date: 5 June 1963 = Muharram 12 (Convert a date) or Muharram 13, 1383 AH 

• Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia) becomes the 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. The office was established by the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Wikipedia). Ratified and date effective: 3 December 1979 = Muharram 13, 1400 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, July 17…

7/17 (Wednesday)

Julian calendar: 7/4 [Convert a date]

Strong’s Greek: 717. Harmagedón: Har-Magedon, a mountain of unc. location Usage: Armageddon (Wikipedia)

Gematria: July seventeenth = Great Britain 2x, Andrey Belousov (Wikipedia) 3x

World Emoji Day 📅 (WikipediaGematria:  = Coronation Day 4x, Templar Knight 4x, the Antichrist 3x, Lord of the Flies [Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon] 2x, I am John F Kennedy 2x, Prince of Whales 2x (The Guardian)

World Day for International Justice (Wikipedia) is an international day celebrated throughout the world on July 17 as part of an effort to recognize the emerging system of international criminal justice. July 17 is the date of the adoption of the treaty (*) that created the International Criminal Court (Wikipedia). *Rome Statute (Wikipedia) – Signed: 17 July 1998

Roman festivals: Quintilis 17 (Wikipedia) – sacrifices to the deities Honor and Victory

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia (1918) (Wikipedia) Tsar Nicholas II, Tsaritsa Alexandra,…

• The House of Windsor (Wikipedia) is a British royal house, and currently the reigning house of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. Founded (Britain’s King George V changes royal surname…, the decidedly Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, to Windsor (HISTORY). Date: 17 July 1917

Birthday of the Queen Consort in the UK (AnydayGuide) – Queen Camilla was born on 17 July 1947.

• Bomb blast at the Tower of London (BBCWikipedia) – An explosion in the Tower of London has left one person dead and 41 injured. Date: 17 July 1974 [Queen Elizabeth I was held in the Tower of London before being moved to Woodstock]

• Ismail I (Wikipedia), also known as Shah Ismail, was the founder of the Safavid dynasty of Iran, ruling as its King of Kings… His reign is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history. Born: 17 July 1487 (here)

• Ali Khamenei, 2nd Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 17 July 1939 (Jewish Virtual Library) or 15 July 1939 (Britannica) or 19 April 1939  (Wikipedia)

• Bashar  al-Assad (Wikipedia) is the current and 19th president of Syria. Assumed office: 17 July 2000 

• Angela Merkel (Wikipedia), retired German politician who served as Chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021 and was the first woman to hold that office. Born: 17 July 1954

• Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (Wikipedia) crashed in separatist-held territory in Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board; a Dutch investigation later determined that the aircraft was shot down by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile (Britannica). Date: 17 July 2014

 Altona Bloody Sunday (Wikipedia)  – A riot between the Nazi Party paramilitary forces, the SS and SA and the German Communist Party ensues. Date: 17 July 1932 

• Allied leaders gather at Potsdam (Potsdam Conference – Wikipedia) – The leaders of the three Allied nations have gathered in the German city of Potsdam to negotiate terms for the end of World War II. Date: 17 July 1945

Chinese calendar: 6th Month 12

• Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (UK Parliament) – The Great Bell’s strikes are heard for the first time on 11 July 1859 (Later that year, Big Ben is found to be fractured again). = 6th Month 12, year of the Goat

Numbers7/17 (inclusive) – 7/18

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany. [your blog: Twice-Expanded NOTE (9-10 October 2023)], CBS news. Date: 16 November 2016, 7 years, 35 weeks ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days). [Strong’s Greek 735. Artemis: Artemis, the name of the Gr. goddess of the hunt] or 400 weeks, 1 day ago [Strong’s Greek: 4001. pentakosioi: five hundred and Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, Hebrew: 4001. mebusah: a treading down, subjugation]

After sunset 🌅 – 7/18

Jewish calendar12 Tammuz, 12 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

• Liberation of R. Yosef Yitzchak (1927)- On the 12th of Tammuz of 1927, the sixth Lubavitcher rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, was officially granted release from his sentence of exile to Kastroma in the interior of Russia. The actual release took place on Tammuz 13, and Tammuz 12-13 is celebrated as a “festival of liberation” by the Chabad-Lubavitch community.

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIME) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date:  25 June 2018 = 12 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 11 (Convert a date) or Muharram 12

• 1927 Jericho earthquake (Wikipedia) Date: 11 July 1927 = Muharram 11 (Convert a date) or Muharram 12, 1346 AH, 100 Islamic years ago

• 1963 demonstrations in Iran (Wikipedia), the 15 Khordad uprising, were protests in Iran against the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini after his denouncement [a speech on 3 June] of Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Israel.  Date: 5 June 1963 = Muharram 12 (Convert a date) or Muharram 13, 1383 AH 

Here are her notes on Tuesday, July 16…

7/16  (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 7/3 [Convert a date]

Ashura (National TodayWikipedia) – In Shia IslamMourning the death of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the third Shia imam / In Sunni Islam: Commemorating God’s parting of the Red Sea and his salvation of Moses and the Israelites from their slavery under the pharaoh

World Snake Day (AnydayGuide)

Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day (National Today)

Guinea Pig Appreciation Day (National Today), a guinea pig (idiom)

Holocaust Remembrance Day in France (AnydayGuide)- This date was chosen to commemorate the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup (Wikipedia), a mass arrest of Jewish families by French police and gendarmes at the behest of the German authorities, that took place in Paris on 16–17 July 1942 (beginning at 4:00 a.m. on 16 July 1942 – here)

• The Hijrah of Muhammad begins, marking the beginning of the Islamic calendar (Wikipedia). Date: 16 July 622

 • Start of the “Great Schism”/ East–West Schism) (National GeographicWikipedia) – On July 16, 1054 (Julian), Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cerularius was excommunicated, starting the “Great Schism” that created the two largest denominations in Christianity—the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox faiths.

• Washington, D.C. was founded – Congress declares new nation’s capital shall rise along the Potomac River (HISTORYLibrary of Congress) Date: 16 July 1790, 234 years ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 234.azkarah: a memorial offering / Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).]

• Manhattan Project – Trinity (nuclear test)(WikipediaHISTORY) – The United States tested the first atomic bomb this day in 1945 near Alamogordo, New Mexico, and the following month dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, hastening the end of World War II (Britannica). Date: 16 July 1945, 79 years ago 

• Romanov family executed, ending a 300-year imperial dynasty (HISTORY, Murder of the Romanov family – Wikipedia) In Yekaterinburg, Russia, Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed by the Bolsheviks. Date: 16 July 1918

• President George W. Bush announces his plan for strengthening homeland security (HISTORY) in the wake of the shocking September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C. Date: 16 July 2002

• JFK Jr. killed in plane crash (HISTORY, 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash – Wikipedia) – On July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy, Jr.; his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy; and her sister, Lauren Bessette, die when the single-engine plane that Kennedy was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

• The Dark Knight Rises (Wikipedia) – Release dates: 16 July 2012 (New York City)

• 1969: Apollo 11 takes off for the Moon (BBCHISTORY) – An estimated one million people gathered from all over the state to see the giant Saturn 5 booster rocket blast off.

Chinese calendar6th Month 11 [according to Wikipedia the attempted assassination of Donald Trump occurred at 6:11 p.m.] 

Numbers7/16 (inclusive) – 7/17

• A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the US. It is the first of a planned two-volume series. Publisher: Crown Publication date: 17 November 2020, 44 months ago 

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III. (HISTORY) Date: 8 September 2022, 96 weeks, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 7/17

Jewish calendar11 Tammuz (d/m date format: 4/11), 11 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

• 1927 Jericho earthquake (Wikipedia) – Date: 11 July 1927 = 11 Tammuz 

• The U.S. Secret Service began operation under the Treasury Department to aid in the prevention of counterfeiting (BritannicaWikipedia). Date: 5 July 1865 = 11 Tammuz 

• Moon Treaty (Wikipedia), the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. It has not been ratified by any state that engages in self-launched human spaceflight … thus it has little to no relevancy in international law. Effective: 11 July 1984 = 11 Tammuz40 Jewish years ago 

Islamic calendar: Muharram 10 (Convert a date), Muharram 11

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force. He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957 =  Muharram 11, 1377 AH

• Iraq invades Kuwait (HISTORY, Gulf War  – WikipediaOperation Desert Shield), on August 2, 1990, (at about 2 a.m. local time) Muharram 10 (Convert a date) or  Muharram 11, 1411 AH

• Arab spring (WikipediaHISTORY)  or the First Arab Spring (to distinguish from the Second Arab Spring) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s. Start date: 17 December 2010 (Saturnalia) = Muharram 10  (Convert a date) or Muharram 11, 1432 AH [Protests arose in Tunisia following Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation.)]

Here are her notes on the Trump assassination show and Monday, July 15…

Trump and Marat

Attempted assassination of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) – Date: 13 July 2024

Trump bloodbath (Google Search) -> bloodbath – (meaning: Merriam-Websteror it could mean a blood bath literally -> Reign of Terror -> Major events during the Terror (WikipediaWikipedia) -> On 13 July 1793 the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat (World History EncyclopediaWikipedia), a Jacobin leader and journalist—resulted in a further increase in Jacobin political influence.

Trump and Vincent Van Gogh (Why Vincent Fusca?

Trump says bullet “pierced the upper part of my right ear” when shots were fired at Pennsylvania rally (CBS News) – Vincent van Gogh chops off his ear (HISTORY) Date: 23 December 1888. Texas exhibit reunites amazing art JFK slept with before his death (The Seattle Times); Museum offers gold toilet to Trump instead of Van Gogh’s work (BBC)

GematriaVincent Willem van Gogh (Wikipedia) = President John Kennedy 4x; A Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh (Bible Gematria)

7/15 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 7/2 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of Mars and Uranus (In The Sky) at 9:22 UTC 

Castor and Pollux (Wikipedia, Temple of Castor and Pollux – Wikipedia) (or Polydeuces) are twin half-brothers in Greek and Roman mythology, known together as the Dioscuri. Festivals: Feast of the Dioskouroi, July 15

The Day of the Baptism of Rus’ (AnydayGuide) is an annual observance commemorating the baptism of Grand Prince Volodymyr the Great and the start of the Christianization of Kyivan Rus’. It is celebrated on July 15 in Ukraine and on July 28 in Russia.

Vladimir the Great (Wikipedia) – was Prince of Novgorod from 970 and Grand Prince of Kiev from 978 until his death in 1015. The Eastern Orthodox Church canonised him as Saint Vladimir. Died: 15 July 1015 [The Eastern Orthodox, Byzantine Rite Lutheran and Roman Catholic churches celebrate the feast day of St. Vladimir on 15/28 July.] 

Day of Ukrainian Statehood (WikipediaAnydayGuide) is a national holiday in Ukraine in commemoration of the Christianization of Kievan Rus’.

Ukrainian Peacekeepers’ Day (AnydayGuide)

• 2016 Turkish coup attempt  (Wikipedia)- On 15 July 2016, a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces, organized as the Peace at Home Council, attempted a coup d’état against state institutions, including the government and president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. -> The Democracy and National Unity Day of Türkiye is one of the public holidays in Turkey, commemorating the national unity against the coup d’état attempt for democracy in 2016 (WikipediaAnydayGuide).

• Jerusalem captured in First Crusade (HISTORY) – During the First Crusade, Christian knights from Europe capture Jerusalem after seven weeks of siege and begin massacring the city’s Muslim and Jewish population. Date: 15 July 1099

• GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump tweets that he has chosen Pence to be his running mate (CNN). Date: 15 July 2016 – The formal announcement takes place July 16.

• Ali Khamenei, 2nd Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 15 July 1939 (Britannica) or 19 April 1939  (Wikipedia) or 17 July 1939 according to (Jewish Virtual Library)

• 1955 Mainau Declaration is signed by 18 Nobel laureates (Wikipediatimeanddate)

The declaration against the use of nuclear weapons was initiated by German scientists Otto Hahn and Max Born.

• Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film) (Wikipedia). Release dates: 15 July 2009 (United Kingdom and United States)

Chinese calendar6th Month 10

Numbers7/15 (inclusive) – 7/16

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city, … Date: 20 January 2009, 808 weeks ago or 5656 days ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 7/16

Jewish calendar10 Tammuz, 10 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)
King Zedekiah captured (423 BCE)

Islamic calendar: Muharram 9 (Convert a date) or  Muharram 10 – Ashura (Wikipedia

In Shia IslamMourning the death of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the third Shia imam / In Sunni Islam: Commemorating God’s parting of the Red Sea and his salvation of Moses and the Israelites from their slavery under the pharaoh

• Arab spring (WikipediaHISTORY)  or the First Arab Spring (to distinguish from the Second Arab Spring) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s. Start date: 17 December 2010 (Saturnalia) = Muharram 10 (Convert a date) or Muharram 11, 1432 AH [Protests arose in Tunisia following Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation.)] 

• Emmanuel Macron (WikipediaAstro-databank), 25th president of France. Born: 21 December 1977 at 10:40 = Muharram 10, 1398 AH

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: 8 August 2022 = Muharram 10, 1444 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, July 11…

7/11 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 6/28 [Convert a date] – Tau Day on the Julian calendar (AnydayGuideyour blog: 27 June 2021)

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’(CNNYouTube – CNN

Roman festivals: Quintilis 6-13 (Wikipedia): Ludi Apollinares, games in honour of Apollo

World Population Day (United NationsWikipedia); International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica (United Nations

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: Saints Sergius and Herman, founders and abbots of Valaam MonasteryWonderworkers (c. 1353)(Wikipedia). On this day in 2017, Vladimir Putin visited Valaam (Kremlin), 7 years ago 

• Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (UK Parliament) – The Great Bell’s strikes are heard for the first time on 11 July 1859 (Later that year, Big Ben is found to be fractured again).

• Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) premiered at Le Grand Rex in Paris on 11 July 2023.

• Moon Treaty (Wikipedia) – The Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. It has not been ratified by any state that engages in self-launched human spaceflight … thus it has little to no relevancy in international law. Effective: 11 July 1984, 40 years ago 

Chinese calendar6th Month 6

Double Sixth Festival (Wikipedia) – The most recognized official name is Tiankuang Festival, meaning “The reward from heaven“. 

• World War I begins (WikipediaHISTORY) – On July 28, 1914 = 6th Month 6, year of the Tiger, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War .

• The United States, the United Kingdom, the U.S.S.R., and 59 other states signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in an attempt to halt the spread of nuclear weapons (BritannicaWikipedia). Date: 1 July 1968 = 6th Month 6, year of the Monkey

• Battle of Britain (timeanddateWikipedia) – The German air force or Luftwaffe launched an air campaign against England. It was one of the first battles during the Second World War fought entirely between air forces and it ended a few months later with a British victory. Date: 10 July 1940 = 6th Month 6, year of the Dragon

Numbers: 7/11 (inclusive) – 7/12

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) -> the Fukushima nuclear disaster (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011, 696 weeks ago

After sunset 🌅 – 7/12

Jewish calendar6 Tammuz, 6 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

• Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting (WikipediaBritannica) – American businessman Kenneth Arnold saw a number of objects “flying like saucers” while piloting a small plane over Mount Rainier in Washington; it was considered the first modern sighting of UFOs and gave rise to the term flying saucer. Date: 24 June 1947 = 6 Tammuz 

• Establishment Of Diplomatic Relations Between Israel And The Holy See – The Holy See and the Israeli government jointly announced the formal establishment of diplomatic relations as a result of ongoing negotiations that began with the signing of the Fundamental Agreement the previous December (On This Day In Messianic Jewish Date: 15 June 1994 = 6 Tammuz, 30 years ago

• Yonatan Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the older brother of Benjamin Netanyahu, was killed in action on July 4, 1976 = 6 Tammuz, while commanding the rescue mission during Operation Entebbe (Wikipedia) or Operation Thunderbolt (retroactively codenamed Operation Yonatan). 

Islamic calendar: Muharram 5 (Convert a date) or Muharram 6 

2–10 Muharram (Wikipedia): Most mourning rituals for Karbala take place during the first ten days of Muharram, culminating on the tenth with processions in major Shia cities.

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) together with the European Union. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House: Today marks an important milestone…) = Muharram 4 (Convert a date) or Muharram 5, 1437

Here are her notes on Tuesday, July 9…

Joe Biden – week ahead guidance July 8 – 14 (Forth)

7/9 (Tuesday/day of Mars, the god of war)

Julian calendar: 6/26 [Convert a date] d/m date format 26/6 [Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure, Hamartia (Wikipedia); Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope].

Roman festivals: Quintilis 6-13 (Wikipedia): Ludi Apollinares, games in honour of Apollo

Our Lady of Peace (Wikipedia), Mother of Peace, Queen of Peace or Our Lady Queen of Peace is a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. Feast: 9 July (in the General Roman Calendar)

120 Martyrs of China (Catholic News AgencyWikipedia) On July 9 the Church celebrates the feast of the 120 Martyrs of China.

Argentina Independence Day (Wikipedia)

• Nikola Tesla—a Serbian American inventor and researcher who discovered the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery—was born this day or the next in Smiljan, Croatia. (Britannica). Born: 9 or 10 July 1856

• Zachary Taylor (Wikipedia,  HISTORY), the 12th president of the United States, dies unexpectedly after only 16 months in office. The exact cause of his death is still disputed by some historians. Date: 9 July 1850

Chinese calendar6th Month 4

JFK Jr. killed in plane crash (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 16, 1999 = 6th Month 4, year of the Rabbit, John F. Kennedy, Jr.; his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy; and her sister, Lauren Bessette, die when the single-engine plane that Kennedy was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

Numbers7/9 (inclusive) – 7/10

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People). Date: 11 November 2022, 6 months, 60 weeks, 6 days ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days). [Number of the beast: 666]

• Lightning McQueen: Cars (film) (Wikipedia) is a 2006 American computer-animated sports comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. Release dates: 9 June 2006 (United Sates), 6606 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• Xi Jinping (WikipediaCNN Fast Facts), the paramount leader of the People’s Republic of China. Born: Mon, 15 June 1953 Born: 15 June 1953 = 623,000 hours old. -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall. (WikipediaNBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 7 years, 7 weeks ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier]

After sunset 🌅 – 7/10

Jewish calendar4 Tammuz (4/4), 4 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

• Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor (HISTORY)  – On Wednesday, June 17, 1885 = 4 Tammuz, the dismantled Statue of Liberty, a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of America, arrives in New York Harbor, 139 Jewish years ago [34th prime – Google SearchDonald Trump and 34 – Google Search]

• Coup of June 1907 (Wikipedia), sometimes known as Stolypin’s Coup, is the name commonly given to the dissolution of the Second State Duma of the Russian Empire, the arrest of some its members and a fundamental change in the Russian electoral law by Tsar Nicholas II on 16 June [O.S. 3 June] 1907 = 4 Tammuz. This act is considered by many historians to mark the end of the Russian Revolution of 1905 (Wikipedia), 117 years ago

• The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand  (Wikipedia,  Library of Congress) was one of the key events that led to World War I. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were assassinated on 28 June 1914  = 4 Tammuz by Bosnian Serb student Gavrilo Princip. 

• Ich bin ein Berliner (Wikipedia) is a speech by US President John F. Kennedy given on June 26, 1963 = 4 Tammuz, in West Berlin. It is one of the best-known speeches of the Cold War and among the most famous anti-communist speeches (underlining the support of the United States for democratic West Germany shortly after Soviet-supported East Germany erected the Berlin Wall – Wikipedia). Gematria: Ich bin ein Berliner = The Prince of Darkness (Wikipedia) 2x, Wagner Group rebellion 2x ->

• Wagner Group rebellion (Wikipedia) – On 23 June 2023 =  4 Tammuz, the Wagner Group, a Russian private military company, engaged in a major uprising against the Government of Russia. It marked the climax of the Wagner Group–Ministry of Defense conflict, which had begun about six months earlier. Wagner Group (Wikipedia), also known as Musicians, Orchestra,…; Controversies surrounding Richard Wagner – Wikipedia

• Germans capture Lvov—and slaughter ensues (HISTORY) Date: 29 June 1941 = 4 Tammuz 

• I, Pet Goat II (Wikipedia) – Release date: Sunday, 24 June 2012 = 4 Tammuz

 • Spider-Man: Homecoming (Wikipedia) Release dates: Wed, 28 June 2017 (Hollywood, TCL Chinese Theatre) = 4 Tammuz

• A large asteroid just misses the Earth (timeanddate) – 2002 MN (Wikipedia), a 73-meter lump, was three times closer to Earth than the Moon. It was first discovered three days after its closest approach. Date: 14 June 2002 = 4 Tammuz, 22 Jewish years ago

• Canonization of 117 Vietnamese Martyrs (Wikipedia) also known as the Martyrs of Annam, Martyrs of Tonkin and Cochinchina, collectively Martyrs of Indochina, are saints on the General Roman Calendar who were canonized by Pope John Paul II. Date: 19 June 1988 = 4 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 3 (Convert a datesee 7/8 notes) or Muharram 4

2–10 Muharram (Wikipedia): Most mourning rituals for Karbala take place during the first ten days of Muharram, culminating on the tenth with processions in major Shia cities.

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) together with the European Union. 

Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House: Today marks an important milestone…) = Muharram 4 (Convert a date) or Muharram 5, 1437, 9 Islamic years ago

• Ali Khamenei (Wikipedia) is the 2nd and current Supreme Leader of Iran. Assumed office: 6 August 1989 = Muharram 3 (Convert a date) or Muharram 4, 1410 AH

• Unabomber mail bomb injures Yale professor (HISTORY) – Date: 24 June 1993 = Muharram 4, 1414 AH (1/4/1414)

Here are her notes on Friday, July 5…

7/5 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 6/22 [Convert a date] 622 or 226 [Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly / Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove; about the number 226 (your blog on 8 November 2023)]

The Earth at aphelion (In The Sky), the point in the orbit of a planet, comet, or other body most distant from the Sun, at 05:06 UTC 

New Moon (In The Sky) at 22:58 UTC

Roman festivals: Quintilis 5 (Wikipedia), Poplifugia (Latinthe people’s flight) – This festival commemorated Romans’ flight during a critical period when the inhabitants of Ficuleae and Fidenae took up arms against them. This occurred shortly after the city had been ravaged by the Gauls (see Battle of the Allia). 

• Pope Celestine V (Wikipedia), also known as Pietro da Morrone, Peter of Morrone, and Peter Celestine, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States for five months, when he resigned. He was also a monk and hermit who founded the order of the Celestines as a branch of the Benedictine order. [Pope Francis prays at tomb of Celestine V, urges mercy and humility – America Magazine]. Papacy began: 5 July 1294 (Julian), 730 years ago

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: June 22 (Wikipedia) – Saint Alban (Wikipedia) is venerated as the first-recorded British Christian martyr, for which reason he is considered to be the British protomartyr. He is traditionally believed to have been beheaded in Verulamium (modern St Albans). 

Venezuela Independence Day and National Armed Forces Day (AnydayGuide)

• Israel’s Law of Return passed (Britannica) – Passed this day in 1950 by the Knesset, the Law of Return granted Jews the freedom to immigrate to Israel and receive immediate citizenship, but it proved controversial when the question “Who is a Jew?” raised other issues. Date: 5 July 1950, 74 years

or 888 months ago

• The U.S. Secret Service began operation under the Treasury Department to aid in the prevention of counterfeiting. (Britannica). Date: 5 July 1865

Chinese calendar5th Month 30

• Kim Il-Sung (Wikipedia), the founder of North Korea. Died: 8 July 1994 at 02:00 am PST (Wikipedia) = 5th Month 30, year of the Dog, the 30th Chinese anniversary of his death

Numbers7/5 (inclusive) – 7/6

• Notre-Dame de Paris fire (Wikipedia) – On 15 April 2019, just before 18:20 CEST, a structural fire broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame de Paris, a medieval Catholic cathedral in Paris, France. By the time the fire was extinguished, the cathedral’s spire had collapsed. Michelle Obama was on an dinner cruise along the Seine River in Paris when the Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire (Daily Mail Online), 62 months, 3 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

After sunset 🌅 – 7/6

Jewish calendar30 Sivan, Sivan (One Messianic Gentile)

• The Treaty of Versailles (BritannicaWikipediaHISTORY)  was a peace treaty signed on 28 June 1919 = 30 Sivan. As the most important treaty of World War I, it ended the state of war between Germany and most of the Allied Powers. It was signed in the Palace of Versailles, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which led to the war. Location: Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, Paris, France. 

• The 7 July 2005 London bombings (Wikipedia), also referred to as 7/7, were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks carried out by Islamic terrorists that targeted commuters traveling on London’s public transport during the morning rush hour. Date: 7 July 2005 at 8:49~ = 30 Sivan [September 11 attacks (Wikipedia) at 8:46:30 a.m.: Flight 11 crashes into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99.]

• 99942 Apophis (Wikipedia) – Discovery date: 19 June 2004  = 30 Sivan [(Space, SkyWatchTv Asteroid Apophis – Google Search)] 

• William, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia(William Arthur Philip Louis) Born: 21 June 1982 at 21:03 (Astro-Databank) -> 18 minutes before sunset (sunset London 21 June 1982 – 21:21) = 30 Sivan, his 42nd birthday on the Jewish calendar [42 (number) – Religion (Wikipedia)]

• George Orwell (Wikipedia), English author. He is known for the allegorical novella Animal Farm (1945) and the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). Born: 25 June 1903 = 30 Sivan

• On 12 June 1991 = 30 SivanBoris Yeltsin was elected Russia’s first president in a presidential election held on 12 June 1991 (Wikipedia)

• Operation Agatha (Wikipedia), sometimes called Black Sabbath, was a police and military operation conducted by the British authorities in Mandatory Palestine. Soldiers and police searched for arms and made arrests in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and several dozen settlements; the Jewish Agency was raided. Objective: Arrest Zionist underground members. Date 29 June = 30 Sivan

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Hijjah 29 (Convert a datesee 7/4 notes) or  Dhuʻl-Hijjah 30

• Grand Mosque seizure (Wikipedia) – Date: 20 November – 4 December 1979 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 29 (Convert a date) – Dhuʻl-Hijjah 30, 1399 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, July 4…

7/4 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 6/21 [Convert a date]

Ezekiel 31:1 (NLT) – On June 21, during the eleventh year of King Jehoiachin’s captivity, this message came to me from the LORD:  [Ezekiel 31 (Wikipedia) In the New King James Version, this chapter is sub-titled “Egypt Cut Down Like a Great Tree“. -> category Verse 1 The date corresponds to June 21, 587 BCE,…, around 7 weeks after the proclamation against Egypt in Ezekiel 30:20–26

• Kaliningrad (Wikipedia)  – City Day: 4 July; observed on the first Saturday of July

• Day of Remembrance of Jewish Genocide in Latvia (AnydayGuide ) – It marks the anniversary of the burning of the Great Choral Synagogue in Riga in 1941.

• World Bank Group (Wikipedia)  – Established: 4 July 1944

• Fourth of July (National Today) – 1776 United States Declaration of Independence (timeanddateWikipediaNational Archives) is adopted in Philadelphia – The statement declared the independence of the 13 British colonies from the British crown. It also announced the creation of a new country called the United States of America. Then handwritten declaration was approved by the Second Continental Congress and was signed by 56 delegates on August 2, 1776.

• Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die (HISTORY: herehere) – On July 4, 1826, former Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who were once fellow Patriots and then adversaries, die on the same day within five hours of each other.

• James Monroe (Wikipedia), 5th President of the United States. Died: 4 July 1831

• Hannibal Hamlin (Wikipedia), 15th Vice President of the United States, during President Abraham Lincoln’s first term. He was the first Republican vice president. Died: 4 July 1891

• Yonatan Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the older brother of Benjamin Netanyahu, was killed in action on July 4, 1976, while commanding the rescue mission during Operation Entebbe (Wikipedia )or Operation Thunderbolt (retroactively codenamed Operation Yonatan). 

Chinese calendar5th Month 29

• The Treaty of Nanking (Wikipedia), was an unequal treaty between Great Britain and the Qing dynasty of China to end the First Opium War (1839–1842). Effective: 26 June 1843 = 5th Month 29, year of the Rabbit

• The Rebbe and Rebbetzin Arrive in America (Chabad: herehere) – Date: 23 June (6/23 – Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites) 1941 at 10:30 A.M. = 5th Month  29, year of the Snake

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany)together with the European Union.

Created: 14 July 2015 = 5th Month 29, year of the Goat

• The House of Windsor (Wikipedia) is a British royal house, and currently the reigning house of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. Founded: 17 July 1917 = 5th Month 29, year of the Snake

• Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die (HISTORY: herehere) – Date: 4 July 1826 = 5th Month 29, year of the Dog

Numbers7/4 (inclusive) – 7/5

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III. (HISTORY) Date: 8 September 2022, 666 days ago

• The 2012 Summer Olympics (Wikipedia), officially the Games of the XXX Olympiad[a] and officially branded as London 2012, were an international multi-sport event held from 27 July to 12 August 2012 in London, England, United Kingdom, 623 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) on 11 November 2022, 86 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). 

• 2018 North Korea–United States Singapore Summit (Wikipedia) was a summit meeting between North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump, held at the Capella Hotel, Sentosa, Singapore. It was the first-ever meeting between leaders of North Korea and the United States. Date: 12 June 2018, 6 years, 23 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• Mahmoud Abbas (Wikipedia), 2nd President of Palestine. Born 15 November 1935, 777,000 hours old

After sunset 🌅 – 7/5

Jewish calendar29 Sivan, 29 Sivan (One Messianic Gentile)

Spies Dispatched (1312 BCE)

• On 18 June 2004 = 29 SivanCERN unveiled an unusual new landmark, a 2m tall statue of the Indian deity Lord Shiva (CERN, Shiva – Wikipedia)  [The God of Destruction], 20 Jewish years ago -> The number 20 (Bible Study) , which is one more than nineteen, is twice ten. It can convey a meaning of a complete or perfect waiting period.

• 2018 North Korea–United States Singapore Summit (Wikipedia) was a summit meeting between North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump, held at the Capella Hotel, Sentosa, Singapore. It was the first-ever meeting between leaders of North Korea and the United States. Date: Tue, 12 June 2018 = 29 Sivan

• Donald Trump announced that he is running for president during a speech at Trump Tower (Donald Trump’s Grand Escalator Entrance). (ABC NewsThe Guardian) Date: 16 June 2015 = 29 Sivan 

• The Tennessean, the largest newspaper in the state of Tennessee, ran a full-page advertisement from a fringe religious group Sunday that cited the Bible and warned Nashville residents that a nuclear bomb will be set off by “Islam” next month [on 18 July 2020] (NewsweekHuffPost). It featured images of Donald Trump and Pope Francis. Published: 21 June 2020 = 29 Sivan

• Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die (HISTORY: herehere) – Date: 4 July 1826 =  29 Sivan 

• Haganah (Wikipedia) (lit. ’The Defense’) was the main Zionist paramilitary organization that operated for the Yishuv in the British Mandate for Palestine. Haganah was established by Vladimir Jabotinsky on June 15, 1920 ( = 29 Sivan

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Hijjah 28 (Convert a datesee 7/3 notes) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 29

• Barack Obama covertly declared the beginning of the “American Communist Revolution” with his speech before the “pandemic”-emptied, all-virtual Democratic National Convention on 19 August 2020 (from your blog on 24 February 2024 hereNBC newsand Kamala Harris makes history as first woman of color to accept a major party nomination for vice president (The Washington Post), 19 August 2020 (Wednesday night) = Dhu’l Hijjah 29, 1441 AH or after sunset Muharram 1.

• Yitzhak Kaduri (Wikipedia) – The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime (Amazon) Died: 28 January 2006 at around 10 p.m. (after sunset) [Sunset in Jerusalem, Israel at 19:18 – (Google Search)] = Dhu’l-Hijjah 29, 1426 AH

• Grand Mosque seizure (Wikipedia) – Date: 20 November 1979 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 29 (Convert a date) – Dhuʻl-Hijjah 30, 1399 AH

• Lateran Treaty ratified  (BritannicaWikipedia)  – Through the Lateran Treaty—signed February 11, 1929, by Benito Mussolini for Italy and by Pietro Gasparri, cardinal secretary of state, for the papacy and ratified this day in 1929—Vatican City became a sovereign state. Date: Fri, 7 June 1929 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 28 (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 29, 1347 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, July 3…

7/3 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 6/20 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 08:29 UTC

Roman festivals:

Iunius 20 (Wikipedia): anniversary of the Temple of Summanus (Wikipedia: herehere), the god of nocturnal thunder in ancient Roman religion, as counterposed to Jupiter, the god of diurnal (daylight) thunder. According to Martianus Capella, Summanus is another name for Pluto as the “highest” (summus) of the Manes. …and Milton, in a simile to describe Satan visiting Rome: “Just so Summanus, wrapped in a smoking whirlwind of blue flame, falls upon people and cities”.…

• Rosalia (festival) (Wikipedia)

Independence Day in Belarus (AnydayGuide)

• Theodor Herzl (Wikipedia) was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist, lawyer, writer, playwright and political activist who was the father of modern political Zionism. Died: 3 July 1904, the 120th anniversary

• Treaty of Wanghia (Wikipedia) (Treaty of peace, amity, and commerce, between the United States of America and the Chinese Empire) was the first of the unequal treaties imposed by the United States on the Qing dynasty.

Signed: 3 July 1844 [From tea to iPhones, US-China trade tensions span centuries –], 180 years ago

Chinese calendar5th Month 28

• The Tennessean, the largest newspaper in the state of Tennessee, ran a full-page advertisement from a fringe religious group Sunday that cited the Bible and warned Nashville residents that a nuclear bomb will be set off by “Islam” next month, on 18 July 2020 = 5th Month 28, year of the Rat (NewsweekHuffPost). It featured images of Donald Trump and Pope Francis.

• Mein Kampf (Wikipedia) (lit. ’My Struggle’) is a autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Hitler originally wanted to call his forthcoming book Four and a Half Years [of Struggle] Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice [4.5 years ]. Publication date: Saturday, 18 July 1925 = 5th Month 28, year of the Ox 

• The Reichskonkordat ( (“Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich“) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. Signed: 20 July 1933 [It was ratified 10 September 1933 and it has been in force from that date onward.] = 5th Monthbis (leap) 28, year of the Rooster

• Operation Barbarossa (HISTORYWikipedia) – Germany violated the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact of 1939 (Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact – Wikipedia)  and attacked the Soviet Union during World War II (Britannica) -> the start of the Great Patriotic War (Wikipedia) or the Eastern Front (World War II)(Wikipedia). Date: 22 June 1941 = 5th Month 28, year of the Snake

• 2019 Koreas–United States DMZ Summit (Wikipedia) was a one-day summit held at the Korean Demilitarized Zone between North Korean chairman Kim Jong Un, U.S. president Donald Trump, and South Korean president Moon Jae-in. Date: 30 June 2019 = 5th Month 28, year of the Pig [Trump takes 20 steps into North Korea, making history as first sitting US leader to enter hermit nation (CNN) -> the number 20 (Bible Study), which is one more than nineteen, is twice ten. It can convey a meaning of a complete or perfect waiting period.] 

Numbers7/3 (inclusive) – 7/4

• Barack and Michelle Obama make first joint return to the White House for unveiling of official portraits (CNN). Date: 7 September 2022, 666 days ago 

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), paramount leader of the People’s Republic of China. Assumed office (as the President of China): 14 March 2013, 11 years, 16 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place / Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea

• 2018 North Korea–United States Singapore Summit (Wikipedia), was a summit meeting between North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump. Date: 12 June 2018, 6 years, 22 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove / Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly

After sunset 🌅 – 7/4

Jewish calendar: 28 Sivan, Torah Reading – Korach: Numbers 16:1-13 (Chabad)

• The Treaty of Nanking (Wikipedia), was an unequal treaty between Great Britain and the Qing dynasty of China to end the First Opium War (1839–1842). Effective: 26 June 1843 = 28 Sivan

• The Rebbe and Rebbetzin Arrive in America (Chabad: herehere) – Date: 23 June (6/23 – Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites) 1941 at 10:30 A.M. = 28 Sivan 5701. 

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Hijjah 27 (see 7/2 notes) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 28

• Al-Qaeda is formed at a meeting attended by Bin Laden, Zawahiri and Dr Fadl in Peshawar, Pakistan. The creation of the group brings together extraordinary Saudi wealth, the expertise of a lifetime Egyptian militant, and a philosophical foundation for jihad from a Cairo intellectual (The Guardian). Date: 11 August 1988 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 27 (Convert a date) or Dhu’l-Hijjah 28, 1408 AH

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the 9th and current  Prime Minister of Israel. Born: 21 October 1949 at 10:30 AM (Astro-databank) = Dhu’l-Hijjah 28, 1368 AH

• Architect of the Holocaust hanged in Israel (HISTORY) – Near Tel Aviv, Israel, Adolf Eichmann (Wikipedia), the Nazi SS officer who organized Adolf Hitler’s “final solution of the Jewish question,” was executed for his crimes against humanity. Date: 31 May – 1 June 1962 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 27 (Convert a date) or Dhu’l-Hijjah 28, 1381 AH. [The hanging, scheduled for midnight at the end of 31 May, was slightly delayed and thus took place a few minutes past midnight on 1 June 1962 (Wikipedia)] Gematria: Otto Adolf Eichmann = Jacqueline Kennedy 4x, Archangel Metatron (Google Search) 3x; Adolf Eichmann = American dream 3x 

• United States Space Command  (Wikipedia) active (Second incarnation): Thursday, 29 August 2019 – present = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 28, 1440 AH Pentagon Activates Space Command to Prepare for War in the Final Frontier (

• Lateran Treaty ratified (BritannicaWikipedia)  – Through the Lateran Treaty—signed February 11, 1929, by Benito Mussolini for Italy and by Pietro Gasparri, cardinal secretary of state, for the papacy and ratified this day in 1929—Vatican City became a sovereign state. Date: Fri, 7 June 1929 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 28 (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 29, 1347 AH

Here are her notes on Tuesday, July 2…

Joe Biden – week ahead (7/1 – 7/7) (Forth)

7/2 (Tueday) -> 72 (number

Julian calendar: 6/19 [Convert a date]

Neptune enters retrograde motion (In The Sky) at 9:19 UTC

Roman festivals:

Iunius 19 (Wikipedia) dies natalis for the Temple of Minerva on the Aventine – Minerva assisted the hero Hercules (Wikipedia).

World UFO Day (WikipediaAnydayGuide) is an awareness day for people to gather together and watch the skies for unidentified flying objects (UFO). The day is celebrated by some on June 24, and others on July 2, the date of the supposed UFO crash in the 1947 – Roswell incident (Wikipedia) Date: 2 July 1947, the 77th anniversary 

• The Lee Resolution (Wikipedia) was the formal assertion passed by the Second Continental Congress on July 2, 1776, resolving that the Thirteen Colonies (then referred to as the United Colonies) were “free and independent States” and separate from the British Empire. This created what became the United States of America. John Adams wrote that July 2 would be celebrated as “the most memorable epoch in the history of America.” Instead, the day has been largely forgotten in favor of July 4, when Jefferson’s edited Declaration of Independence was adopted (HISTORY).

• Assassination of James A. Garfield (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) – James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, was shot [2x] at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C., at 9:30 am on Saturday, July 2, 1881. He died in Elberon, New Jersey, 79 days later. 

• Civil Rights Act signed (BritannicaHISTORY) – On this day in 1964, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, perhaps the most important U.S. law on civil rights since Reconstruction (1865–77) and a hallmark of the American civil rights movement, the 60th anniversary 

Chinese calendar5th Month 27

Numbers7/2 (inclusive) – 7/3

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA); (BBC) “…the closest giant planetary ‘kiss’ since 1623.” [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]; The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon) “A new age began December 21, 2020, 1290 days ago

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), paramount leader of the People’s Republic of China. Assumed office (General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission): 15 November 2012, 606 weeks, 6 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 1260 days ago

•The 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 44  months or 3 years, 8 months ago. Joe Biden defeated the incumbent Republican president, Donald Trump. [Joe Biden breaks Obama’s record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential candidate (CBS News)]. 

• The 2013 papal conclave (WikipediaAmerica Magazineelects Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio taking the name Pope Francis as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church (Wikipedia) – Date: 13 March 2013, 11 years, 16 weeks ago -> Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place / Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea 

After sunset 🌅 – 7/3

Jewish calendar27 Sivan, 27 Sivan ( One Messianic Gentile)

27 Sivan (Wikipedia)  (1790) “Purim of Florence” – Florentine Jews were saved from a mob. 

• Operation Barbarossa (HISTORYWikipedia) – Germany violated the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact of 1939 (Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact – Wikipedia)  and attacked the Soviet Union during World War II (Britannica) -> the start of the Great Patriotic War (Wikipedia) or the Eastern Front (World War II)(Wikipedia). Date: 22 June 1941 = 27 Sivan

• 2019 Koreas–United States DMZ Summit (Wikipedia) was a one-day summit held at the Korean Demilitarized Zone between North Korean chairman Kim Jong Un, U.S. president Donald Trump, and South Korean president Moon Jae-in. Date: 30 June 2019 = 27 Sivan [Trump takes 20 steps into North Korea, making history as first sitting US leader to enter hermit nation (CNN) -> the number 20 (Bible Study), which is one more than nineteen, is twice ten. It can convey a meaning of a complete or perfect waiting period.] 

• IranHaft-e Tir bombing (Wikipedia) – A powerful bomb went off at the headquarters of the Islamic Republican Party (IRP) in Tehran, while a meeting of party leaders was in progress. Seventy-four leading officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran were killed. Date: 28 June 1981 at 20:20 local time [after sunset, Sunset in Tehran 19:25] = 27 Sivan

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Hijjah 26 (see 7/1 notes) (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 27

• Shimon Peres (Wikipedia) – The Last Of Israel’s Founding Leaders (NPR), died on 28 September 2016 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 27, 1437 AH or Dhu’l-Hijjah 25 (Convert a date)

• Obama’s speech on the state of American democracy

(CBS News) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on 7 September 2018 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 27, 1439 AH or Dhu’l-Hijjah 26 (Convert a date). [In his speech Obama said: “You cannot sit back and wait for a savior. … . You don’t need a messiah.”]

Here are her notes on Thursday, June 27…

6/27  (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 6/14 [Convert a date]

European Council summit on 27-28 June 2024

June Bootid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky)

Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn (In The Sky) at 14:59 UTC 

• Sir Francis Drake claims a land he calls New Albion (Wikipedia)(modern California) for England. Date: 17 June 1579 (Julian calendar) = 27 June  (Proleptic Gregorian calendarConvert a date)

• Pope Francis (Wikipedia) – Consecration: 27 June 1992

• President Truman orders U.S. forces to South Korea (HISTORY) to aid the democratic nation in repulsing an invasion by communist North Korea. Date: 27 June 1950

Chinese calendar5th Month 22 (5/22

• Lech Kaczyński (Wikipedia), who served as President of Poland from 2005 until his death in a 2010 plane crash (Wikipedia), and  his identical twin brother Jarosław Kaczyński (Wikipedia), who served as the Prime Minister of Poland were born on 18 June 1949 = 5th Month 22, year of the Ox [Ted  Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber (Wikipedia) was born on 22 May 1942 (5/22).] 

Numbers6/27 (inclusive) – 6/28

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), paramount leader of the People’s Republic of China. Assumed office (as the President of China): 14 March 2013, 11 years, 106 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place / Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea

• 2015 visit by Pope Francis to North America (Wikipedia) 24 September (Washington, D.C.; New York City) – Pope Francis became the first pope to address a joint session of the United States Congress,…, 8 years, 9 months, 4 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city [-> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)]

• The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” –  President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020, 4 years, 5 months [Donald Trump – President number, 45] or  53 months  [the number 53 – your blog: MORE – 28 November 2023n – here] or 230 weeks, 3 days. Strong’s Hebrew: 2303. chaddud: sharpened, sharp, pointedJob 41:30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. / Greek: 2303. theion: brimstone. 2303 theíon – properly, sulfur (“brimstone,” i.e. smoky, burning rocks), i.e. sulphurous, named for the sulphur-smell left by lightning; (figuratively) the fire of heaven, bringing down God’s judgment to display His awesome, unstoppable power. Gematria: The deal of the century [called by its proponents ] = Eleventh of September 4x

After sunset 🌅 – 6/28

Jewish calendar: 22 Sivan [3/22 – 322 (Skull and Bones) and Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) – Opening date: 3/22], 22 Sivan  (One Messianic Gentile)

• Hugues de Payens (Wikipedia) was the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Died: 24 May 1136 (aged 66) Kingdom of Jerusalem = 22 Sivan (Convert a date). The circumstances and date of his death are not recorded in any chronicle, though the Templars commemorated him every year on 24 May.

• Coronation of French King Louis XIV (, also known by the nickname the Sun King (le Roi Soleil) Date: Sunday 7 June 1654 = 22 Sivan, Reims Cathedral [from your blog – 5 May 2022: The globalist press have made a point of calling Macron the “Sun King,” a reference to King Louis XIV of France… (, the 370th anniversary on the Jewish calendar].

• Major event during the Reign of Terror, Insurrection of 31 May – 2 June 1793 =  22 Sivan (Wikipedia: herehere) – The fall of the Girondins (World History Encyclopedia) marked the end of a bitter power struggle between the Girondins and the Mountain during the French Revolution (1789-99). It was significant for ensuring the dominance of the Jacobins over the Revolution, and for leading into the period of the Reign of Terror (1793-94).

• Palestine Liberation organization -> founding (Wikipedia) – The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. After concluding the meeting, the PLO was founded on Tue, 2 June 1964 = 22 Sivan, the 60th anniversary on the Jewish calendar 

• Königsberg / Kaliningrad (Wikipedia – 12) – By the Rathäusliche Reglement of 13 June 1724 = 22 Sivan, 300 years ago, King Frederick William I of Prussia merged Altstadt, Löbenicht, Kneiphof, and their respective suburbs into the united city of Königsberg. From news: Russia may store 100 nuclear warheads in Kaliningrad Oblast, Polish FM claims (The Kyiv Independent)

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Hijjah 21 (see 6/26 notes) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 22

• Big Ben clock stops (HISTORY) – On Wed, 30 April 1997 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 22, 1417 AH, at exactly 12:11 pm, London’s iconic Big Ben clock stops ticking. For 43 minutes, the most famous clock in the world, which strikes the note of E every hour, failed to keep time.

• Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace prize in person at the Oslo City Hall in Norway. (Wikipedia, YouTube:  2009 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture by Barack Obama) – Date: 10 December 2009 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 22 (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 23, 1430 AH

• Reza Pahlavi (Wikipedia), Crown Prince of Iran and the Head of the House of Pahlavi  -> from category Political activities in exile (Wikipedia):  “On his 20th birthday (at Koubbeh Palace, Cairo), Reza Pahlavi declared himself to be the new king of Iran, Reza Shah II, and the rightful successor to the throne of Pahlavi dynasty.” Date: 31 October 1980 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 21  (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 22 

Here are her notes on Wednesday, June 26…

On Thursday, June 27, the President will travel to Atlanta, Georgia (Forth).

6/26 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 6/13 [Convert a date] [613 commandments (Wikipedia) and in Kabbalah, the number 613 (Wikipedia) is very significant…]

Azerbaijan Armed Forces Day (AnydayGuide)

• The Charter of the United Nations (UN) (WikipediaHISTORY) is the foundational treaty of the United Nations. It establishes the purposes, governing structure, and overall framework of the UN system, including its six principal organs: the Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Trusteeship Council. Singed: 26 June 1945 In the Herbst Theater auditorium in San Francisco 

• Treaty of Nanking (Wikipedia), the peace treaty which ended the First Opium War (1839–1842) between Great Britain and the Quinn dynasty. Effective: 26 June 1843

• IranMohammad Mokhber (Wikipedia), Acting President of Iran. Born: 26 June 1955

Chinese calendar5th Month 21

Numbers6/26 (inclusive)  [d/m date format 26/6 -> 266, Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church] – 6/27

Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure; Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.”

• The 2013 papal conclave (WikipediaAmerica Magazineelects Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio taking the name Pope Francis as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church (Wikipedia) – Date: 13 March 2013, 11 years, 106 days ago -> Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place / Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea 

• 2015 visit by Pope Francis to North America (Wikipedia) – Date: 23 September 2015 – Washington, D.C. (Wikipedia), 8 years, 9 months, 4 days ago-> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood [-> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)] / Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city 

• Opening of the Second Vatican Council  (BritannicaWikipedia) – The Second Vatican Council opened on 11 October 1962, lasted for three years, and remains a symbol (controversial to some) of the church’s readiness to adapt to modern life, 3220 weeks -> 322 [Skull and Bones]

After sunset 🌅 – 6/27

Jewish calendar21 Sivan, 21 Sivan (One Messianic Gentile)

• Nero (Wikipedia), the 5th Roman emperor and final emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty Died: 9 June 68 (Obama Nero – Google Search) = 21 Sivan (Convert a date)

• Fall of Constantinople: Ottoman armies under Sultan Mehmed II capture Constantinople after a 53-day siege, ending the Roman Empire after over 2,000 years (Wikipedia). Date: 29 May 1453 (Julian) = 7 June (Gregorian) = 21 Sivan (Convert a date)

• In Humen, China, Lin Tse-hsu destroys 1.2 million kilograms of opium confiscated from British merchants, providing Britain with a casus belli to open hostilities, resulting in the First Opium War (Wikipedia). (All other supplies were confiscated and a blockade of foreign ships on the Pearl River was ordered – Wikipedia). Date: 3 June 1839 = 21 Sivan

• David Barnea (Wikipedia), the current Director of the Mossad. Assumed office: 1 June 2021 = 21 Sivan

• Ted Kaczynski (WikipediaAP News) – Theodore John Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber for years of attacks, died on 10 June 2023 = 21 Sivan (at the federal prison medical center in Butner, North Carolina).

• Lech Kaczyński (Wikipedia), who served as President of Poland from 2005 until his death in a 2010 plane crash (Wikipedia), and  his identical twin brother Jarosław Kaczyński (Wikipedia), who served as the Prime Minister of Poland were born on 18 June 1949 = 21 Sivan – [The Two Who Stole the Moon (Wikipedia), The Kaczynski twins (From child star to president),  Kaczynski Surname ( – Derived from the Polish, kaczor, meaning ‘drake’ (male duck). Roasted: Court Says Kaczynski Can Be Called a Duck (DER SPIEGEL), Court Rules It’s OK to Call Polish Leaders ‘Ducks’ (Fox News). Han Duck-soo (Wikipedia), the 34th and current Prime Minister of South Korea. Born: 18 June 1949 = 21 Sivan75 Jewish years ago -> the number 75 on… -> dragon (your blog on 18 June 2024)

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Hijjah 20 (see notes on June 25) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 21

• two events:  2012 United States presidential election (Wikipedia). Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term and Sergei Shoigu was appointed Defence Minister of the Russian Federation (Kremlin) – Date: 6 November 2012 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 21, 1433 AH

• Biden names Harris as his running mate, making her the first Black and South Asian American woman to run on a major political party’s presidential ticket. Date: 11 August 2020 – (CNN or CNN)= Dhu’l-Hijjah 21, 1441 AH, 4 Islamic years ago 

• Reza Pahlavi (Wikipedia), Crown Prince of Iran and the Head of the House of Pahlavi -> from category Political activities in exile (Wikipedia):  “On his 20th birthday on 31 October (1980 at Koubbeh Palace, Cairo), Reza Pahlavi declared himself to be the new king of Iran, Reza Shah II, and the rightful successor to the throne of Pahlavi dynasty.” Date: 31 October 1980 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 21  (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 22

Here are her notes on Tuesday, June 25…

6/25 (Tuesday)

Julian calendar: 6/12 [Convert a date]

Esther 8:9 (NLT) So on June 25 the king’s secretaries were summoned, and a decree was written exactly as Mordecai dictated. It was sent to the Jews and to the highest officers… (23 Sivan – ChabadWikipedia)

• Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia kills 19 U.S. airmen (HISTORYWikipedia) – On June 25, 1996, a tanker truck loaded with 25,000 pounds of explosives rips through the U.S. Air Force military housing complex Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 U.S. airmen and wounding nearly 500 others. The bombers, later identified as members of the pro-Iran Islamic militant group Hezbollah.

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIME) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date: 25 June 2018

• Korean War begun (BritannicaHISTORY) – On this day in 1950, North Korea unleashed an attack southward across the 38th parallel, after which the UN Security Council (minus the Soviet delegate) passed a resolution calling on UN members to assist South Korea. Date: 25 June 1950

Chinese calendar5th Month 20

Numbers6/25 (inclusive) – 6/26 (d/m date format 26/6)

• The 2013 papal conclave (WikipediaAmerica Magazine) elects Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio taking the name Pope Francis as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church (Wikipedia) – Date: 13 March 2013, 11 years, 105 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a hill near Jer. a skull [Latin calvaria], the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull:

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany (CBS news). Date: 16 November 2016, 91 months, 10 days ago  -> 911

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 8 years, 8 months, days ago -> The Number 888 (Bible Study)

After sunset 🌅 – 6/26

Jewish calendar20 Sivan, 20 Sivan (One Messianic Gentile)

• Lee Resolution presented to Continental Congress (HISTORYWikipedia) – Richard Henry Lee presents the “Lee Resolution” to the Continental Congress. The motion is seconded by John Adams and will lead to the United States Declaration of Independence. Date: 7 June 1776 = 20 Sivan

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Hijjah 19 (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah  20

• Manhattan Project (HISTORY) – On December 28, 1942 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 19 (Convert a date) or Dhu’l-Hijjah 20, 1361 AH, President Roosevelt authorized the formation of the Manhattan Project to combine these various research efforts with the goal of weaponizing nuclear energy.

• 2000 Russian presidential election (Wikipedia)

Incumbent prime minister and acting president Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin after his resignation on 31 December 1999 … won the elections in the first round. Date: 26 March 2000 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 20, 1420 AH, 25 Islamic years ago

Here are her notes on Monday, June 24…

6/24 (Monday)

Julian calendar: 6/11 [Convert a date]

Whit Monday (Wikipedia) (Eastern) or Holy Spirit Monday (National Today) – Celebrates the emergence of the Holy Spirit in the form of flames.

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar: 11 June (Wikipedia: here, here) – 222 Chinese New Martyrs of the Boxer Uprising, at Beijing and other places (1900)

World UFO Day (AnydayGuide) – U.S. Air Force reports on Roswell (HISTORY) – Date: 24 June 1997

Nativity of John the Baptist (Wikipedia) (or Birth of John the Baptist, or Nativity of the Forerunner, or colloquially Johnmas or St. John’s Day (in German) Johannistag) – Celebrates the birth of John the Baptist, Jesus’ precursor and relative. 

St. John’s Day, Masonic feast (Wikipedia) – Freemasons historically celebrate two feasts of saints who are both named John. The feast of John the Baptist falls on 24 June, and that of John the Evangelist on 27 December, roughly marking mid-summer and mid-winter. 

1st Masonic Grand Lodge formed in London (HISTORY). Date: 24 June 1717 

• I, Pet Goat II (Wikipedia) – Release date: Sunday, 24 June 2012

• Russia invaded by Napoleon (BritannicaWikipedia) and his Grand Army – On this day in 1812, French Emperor Napoleon—who had massed his troops in Poland in the spring to intimidate Russian Tsar Alexander I—and 600,000 troops of his Grand Army launched an ill-fated invasion of Russia. Date: 24 June 1812 

• Surfside condominium collapse (WikipediaThe Washington Post) – Champlain Towers South, a 12-story beachfront condominium in the Miami suburb of Surfside, Florida, United States, partially collapsed, causing the deaths of 98 people. Date: 24 June 2021

• Unabomber mail bomb injures Yale professor (HISTORY) – Date: 24 June 1993

 Chinese calendar: 5th Month 19

• The Declaration of Independence (WikipediaNational Archives), headed The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, is the founding document of the United States. It was adopted unanimously by the 56 delegates to the Second Continental Congress, who had convened at the Pennsylvania State House, later renamed Independence Hall, in the colonial era capital of Philadelphia. Ratified: 4 July 1776  = 5th Month 19, year of the Monkey

• Night of the Long Knives (WikipediaHISTORY), also called the Röhm purge (German: Der Röhm-Putsch) or Operation Hummingbird. In Germany, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future. Date: Saturday, 30 June to 2 July 1934 = 5th Month 19, year of the Dog

Numbers6/24 (inclusive) – 6/25

• The United States Capitol cornerstone laying (Wikipedia) was the Freemasonry ceremonial placement of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol on 18 September 1793, 230 years, 40 weeks ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first -> Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering /Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).

After sunset 🌅 – 6/25

Jewish calendar19 Sivan 

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Hijjah 19 or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 18 (Convert a date)

Ghadīr Khumm (Wikipedia), Eid al-Ghadir (Wikipedia) is an Islamic commemorative holiday, and is considered to be among the significant holidays of Shi’ite Muslims and Alawites. …The Islamic prophet Muhammad was said to have appointed Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor. 

• A recreation of Palmyra’s Arch of Triumph was unveiled in New York (The Guardian) on Monday, almost a year after Islamic State militants destroyed the original structure. 19 September 2016 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 18, 1437 AH or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 16 (Convert a date)

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia) – Born: 15 September 1984 at 16:20 (Astro-Databank) = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 19, 1404 AH, his 41st Islamic birthday 

• Vice President Calvin Coolidge becomes U.S. President (Wikipedia) -> The ‘strange’ death of President Warren G. Harding (PBS NewsHour). Date: At 7:20 p.m. on the evening of 2 August 1923 (after sunset) (*) = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 19, 1341 AH or 20 (Convert a date)  *August 2, 1923 (GMT-8) Sunset in San Francisco, CA, Google Search); Warren G. Harding – a forgotten Zionist hero (The Jerusalem Post‏).

Here are her notes on Saturday, June 22…

6/22 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 6/9 [Convert a date]

Strong’s Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove / Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly; Usage: (a) I kill, destroy, (b) I lose, mid: I am perishing (the resultant death being viewed as certain)

d/m date format: 22/6 -> 226 (your blog on 8 November 2023)

Full Moon (In The Sky) SAT, 22 JUN 2024 at 01:07 UTC

Roman festivals:

Iunius 7–15: Vestalia, in honour of Vesta; June 9 was a dies religiosus to her (Wikipedia: herehere) Vesta was the goddess of the hearth and the burning continuation of the sacred fire of Rome.

FeastsSaint Alban (Wikipedia) is venerated as the first-recorded British Christian martyr, for which reason he is considered to be the British protomartyr. He is traditionally believed to have been beheaded in Verulamium (modern St Albans). 

Ten thousand martyrs (Wikipedia) Feast: 22 June 

World Camel Day (AnydayGuide) Date: 22 June 2024 -> G7 – camels [ “Peace Caravan (East) Sun” mural] at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (Hiroshima convention & visitors Bureau). From news: Camels are returning to the Alamo on Saturday during World Camel Day (KSAT.comThe Alamo). Gematria: World Camel Day = Hiroshima 1x.

• Nero (Wikipedia), the 5th Roman emperor and final emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty Died: 9 June 68 (Julian) (Obama Nero – Google Search)

• Operation Blackjack – A slide show story (The Telegraph) – the story of a series of terrorist nuclear attacks on major western cities and the aftermath. (The events portrayed in this slide show are entirely fictitious). Blackjack Part 1: June 22 at 8.03.20 am – explosion

• 1812 French declaration of war on Russia (Wikipedia) – The First French Empire declared war on Russian Empire on 22 June [O.S. 10 June] 1812, starting Napoleon’s invasion two days later.

• Germany violated the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact of 1939 (Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact – Wikipedia) and attacked the Soviet Union during World War II (Britannica). – Operation Barbarossa (HISTORYWikipedia) -> the start of the Great Patriotic War (Wikipedia) or the Eastern Front (World War II) (Wikipedia). Date: 22 June 1941

-> Day of Remembrance and Sorrow (Wikipedia), a memorable date celebrated annually on 22 June in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Gematria: Operation Barbarossa = Crispy aromatic duck (is popular in the United Kingdom – Wikipedia) 2x, Theodore Kaczynski 2x

• Putin held a meeting with the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kremlin) to reorganize the Russian science effort, and he spoke of the contribution Russian science had made in winning that war (from your blog – 14 June 2024). Date: 22 June 2017, 7 years ago 

• Diego Maradona scored two goals, the Hand of God goal  (Wikipedia) and the Goal of the Century (WikipediaGematria: Diego Maradona = movie Oppenheimer 2x, nuclear holocaust 2x 

Chinese calendar5th Month 17

• Tear down this wall! (Wikipedia, HISTORY: 1How Reagan’s speech marked a Cold War turning point 2) – On June 12, 1987 = 5th Month 17, year of the Rabbit, in one of his most famous Cold War speeches, President Ronald Reagan challenges Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down” the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the repressive Communist era in a divided Germany.

• World Bank (Wikipedia) was established along with the International Monetary Fund at the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference. Date: 7 July 1944 = 5th Month 17, year of the Monkey

• The Charter of the United Nations (UN) (Wikipedia) is the foundational treaty of the United Nations. It establishes the purposes, governing structure, and overall framework of the UN system, including its six principal organs: the Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Trusteeship Council. Singed: 26 June 1945 = 5th Month 17, year of the Rooster. Location: San Francisco, California, United States

• Investiture of Charles, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia), the ceremony formally presented the title of Prince of Wales to the 20-year-old Charles, eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II. He was the 21st heir to the English or British throne to hold the title. Date: 1 July 1969 = 5th Month 17, year of the Rooster 

• The Lee Resolution (Wikipedia) was the formal assertion passed by the Second Continental Congress on July 2, 1776 = 5th Month 17, year of the Monkey, resolving that the Thirteen Colonies (then referred to as the United Colonies) were “free and independent States” and separate from the British Empire. This created what became the United States of America.

John Adams wrote that July 2 would be celebrated as “the most memorable epoch in the history of America.” Instead, the day has been largely forgotten in favor of July 4, when Jefferson’s edited Declaration of Independence was adopted (HISTORY). 

• United States Armed Forces (Wikipedia) are the military forces of the US. Founded: 14 June 1775  = 5th Month 17, year of the Goat

Numbers6/22 (inclusive) – 6/23 -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (FiveThirtyEight), Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014, 9 years, 11 months or 119 months ago -> 911

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany (CBS news). Date: 16 November 2016, 91 months, 1 week ago  -> 911 or  normalized to 7 years, 7 months, 7 days ago

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City (gov.ilThe Times of Israel); Mike Pence and Pope Francis meet in a surprisingly long first visit (america magazine),  [your blog on 22-23 January Kiss the As$ / Kiss the Ring” World Tour]. Date: 23 ~ 24 January 2020, 53 months [the number 53Gematria: Armageddon 53, Hiroshima 53] o4 years, 5 months -> 45 or 230 weeks, 3 days ago  -> Strong’s Hebrew: 2303. chaddud: sharpened, sharp, pointedJob 41:30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. / Greek: 2303. theion: brimstone. 2303 theíon – properly, sulfur (“brimstone,” i.e. smoky, burning rocks), i.e. sulphurous, named for the sulphur-smell left by lightning; (figuratively) the fire of heaven, bringing down God’s judgment to display His awesome, unstoppable power.

After sunset 🌅 – 6/23

Jewish calendar17 Sivan, 17 Sivan (One Messianic Gentile)

Noah’s Ark on Mt. Ararat (2105 BCE)

Hasmonean Victory (circa 140 BCE)

• 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum (Wikipedia), the Brexit referendum, took place in the United Kingdom (UK) and Gibraltar to ask the electorate whether the country should remain a member of, or leave, the European Union (EU). The referendum resulted in 51.9% of the votes cast being in favour of leaving the EU. Date: 23 June 2016  = 17 Sivan 

• The Act of Settlement, the law that continues to regulate the succession to the throne of the United Kingdom, was passed by Parliament (BritannicaWikipedia). Date: 12 June 1701 (Julian, the Gregorian calendar was adopted in England in 1752 – History Today)  = 23 June (Gregorian) = 17 Sivan (Convert a date)

• Palestine Liberation Organization (Wikipedia,  HISTORY) is a Palestinian nationalist coalition that is internationally recognized as the official representative of the Palestinian people. Founded: 28 May 1964 = 17 Sivan, 60 years ago

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Hijjah 17 (12/17 – like Saturnalia) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 16  (Convert a date)

• Carlo Maria Vigano (Wikipedia) is an Italian Catholic prelate who served as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States 2011 to 2016. He previously served as secretary-general of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 2009 to 2011. He is known for having publicized the Vatican leaks scandal of 2012.  Born: 16 January 1941 = 17 Dhuʻl-Hijjah (Convert a date) = 18 Dhuʻl-Hijjah, 1359 AH-> news: Carlo Maria Vigano (Google Search) – Vatican charges pope critic  Carlo Maria Viganò with the ‘crime of schism’

• The International Chess Federation or World Chess Federation, commonly referred to by its French acronym FIDE (Wikipedia). Formation: July 20, 1924 =  Dhuʻl-Hijjah 17, 1342 AH. [Putin is still king at world chess organization (DW) – Putin likes to be seen with prominent chess player].

Here are her notes on Friday, June 21…

6/21 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 6/8 [Convert a date]

International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice (UN)

Pagan holidaysMidsummer / Litha (Wikipedia, Boston Public Library), which is marked around 21 June (summer solstice), is one of the four solar holidays and is considered the turning point at which summer reaches its height. …The sun in its greatest strength is greeted and celebrated on this holiday. While it is the time of greatest strength of the solar current, it also marks a turning point, for the sun also begins its time of decline as the wheel of the year turns.

Ezekiel 31:1 (NLT) – On June 21, during the eleventh year of King Jehoiachin’s captivity, this message came to me from the LORD:  [Ezekiel 31 (Wikipedia) In the New King James Version, this chapter is sub-titled “Egypt Cut Down Like a Great Tree“. -> category Verse 1 The date corresponds to June 21, 587 BCE,…, around 7 weeks after the proclamation against Egypt in Ezekiel 30:20–26] [Obama’s Egypt, the West]

• William, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia(William Arthur Philip Louis) Born: 21 June 1982 at 21:03 (Astro-Databank) -> Birthday of the Prince of Wales in the UK (AnydayGuide) [The King William, then King Harry scenario]

• Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (Wikipedia) colloquially known by his initials MBS or MbS, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. He was appointed crown prince on 21 June 2017, following the King’s decision to depose Muhammad bin Nayef and make his own son the heir to the throne. The change of succession had been predicted in December 2015 by an unusually blunt and public memo published by the German Federal Intelligence Service. 

• Boxer RebellionChinese Empress Cixi declares war on foreigners (Oxford University Press,  Wikipedia)- On Thursday, 21 June 1900, in the midst of anti-western attacks in China, the Dowager Empress of China, 65-year-old Cixi, tried to seize the chance to restore Chinese authority and declared war on all foreigners.

• The Tianjin Massacre (BritannicaWikipedia) —a violent outbreak of Chinese xenophobic sentiment toward Westerners—erupted. Date: 21 June 1870

• The Tennessean, the largest newspaper in the state of Tennessee, ran a full-page advertisement from a fringe religious group Sunday that cited the Bible and warned Nashville residents that a nuclear bomb will be set off by “Islam” next month [on 18 July 2020 ](Newsweek). It featured images of Donald Trump and Pope Francis. Published: 21 June 2020

Chinese calendar: 5th Month 16

Amos 5:16 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be wailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!’ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.

• Three Gorges Dam at full capacity (China Daily) – Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest hydropower project, started working at full capacity Wednesday as the last of its 32 large turbine generators was put into operation. Date: 4 July 2012 = 5th Month 16, year of the Dragon

 • 1938 Yellow River flood (Wikipedia) was a man-made flood from June 1938 to January 1947 created by the Chinese National Army’s intentional destruction of dikes (levees) on the Yellow River. The flood was planned in 1935 by a group of German military advisers led by Alexander von Falkenhausen. Casualties: hundreds of thousands deaths. Date: The first wave of floods hit Zhongmu County on Mon, 13 June 1938 (Wikipedia) = 5th Month 16, year of the Tiger

Numbers6/21(inclusive) – 6/22

• Donald Trump Launches His NFT Card Collection (Blockzeit) Date: Thursday, 15 December 2022, 555 days ago -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany, CBS news. Date: 16 November 2016, 66,600 hours ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 3 years, 22 weeks ago -> 322 [Skull and Bones]

After sunset 🌅 – 6/22

Jewish calendar16 Sivan, 16 Sivan (One Messianic Gentile)

• Pope Celestine V (Wikipedia), also known as Pietro da Morrone, Peter of Morrone, and Peter Celestine, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States for five months, when he resigned. He was also a monk and hermit who founded the order of the Celestines as a branch of the Benedictine order. [in 2022, Pope Francis prays at tomb of Celestine V, urges mercy and humility – America Magazine]. Died: 19 May 1296 (Julian)  = 16 Sivan (Convert a date)

• Huanggutun incident (Wikipedia) – President of the Republic of China Zhang Zuolin is assassinated by Japanese agents. 4 June 1928 = 16 Sivan

Islamic calendar Dhuʻl-Hijjah 16 or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 15 

• Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi formally asks the international community to call Persia by its native name, Iran (Wikipedia) Date: Thu, 21 March 1935  = Dhu’l-Hijjah 16, 1353 AH or 15 (Convert a date)

• A recreation of Palmyra’s Arch of Triumph was unveiled in New York (The Guardian) on Monday, almost a year after Islamic State militants destroyed the original structure. 19 September 2016 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 18, 1437 AH or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 16 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, June 19…

6/19 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 6/6 [Convert a date]

Essene Calendar: 1 Tammuz – Summer Day of Remembrance (dsscalendar

Roman festivals:

Iunius 6 (Wikipedia) – Colossus coronatur: the colossal statue of Sol was wreathed (Imperial era)

Iunius 19 (Wikipedia) dies natalis for the Temple of Minerva on the Aventine – Minerva assisted the hero Hercules (Wikipedia).

International Box Day (National Today) [it brings to mind -> Boxing Day Tsunami (Wikipedia), Boxer Rebellion (Wikipedia)] Gematria: International Box Day = Global currency reset 4x, CERN Particle Physics 3x, Disastrous Mega Flood 3x, Russian interference 2x

National Watch Day (National Today) = nuclear tidal wave 3x

New Church Day (Wikipedia)

• 99942 Apophis (Wikipedia) – Discovery date: 19 June 2004  [(Space, SkyWatchTv Asteroid Apophis – Google Search)] 

• Canonization of 117 Vietnamese Martyrs (Wikipedia) also known as the Martyrs of Annam, Martyrs of Tonkin and Cochinchina, collectively Martyrs of Indochina, are saints on the General Roman Calendar who were canonized by Pope John Paul II on 19 June 1988. 

• Kim Jong-il’s entry to the WPK Central Committee in North Korea (AnydayGuideWikipedia) this public holiday marks Kim Jong Il’s 1964 graduation from Kim Il Sung University and start of work in the party organization, the 60th anniversary

• present-day China: At least 73,000 people died in the 1718 Tongwei–Gansu earthquake due to landslides in the Qing dynasty (Wikipedia). Date: 19 June 1718 

• Ayman al-Zawahiri (Wikipedia)  served as the 2nd General Emir of al-Qaeda from June 2011 until his death in July 2022. Born: 19 June 1951

• The Communist Party of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is founded in Moscow (Wikipedia). Date: 19 June 1990 

• Abolition of slavery announced in Texas on “Juneteenth” (HISTORY) – In what is now known as Juneteenth (Wikipedia), on June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrive in Galveston, Texas with news that the Civil War is over and slavery in the United States is abolished. 

Chinese calendar5th Month 14

• World Bank Group (Wikipedia) – Established: 4 July 1944 = 5th Month  14, year of the Monkey

• Korean War Veterans Memorial (Wikipedia) – President George H. W. Bush conducted the groundbreaking for the Memorial on June 14, 1992 = 5th Month 14, year of the Monkey, Flag Day, and thus construction was started.

• Pledge of Allegiance (Wikipedia), a patriotic recited verse that promises allegiance to the flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America. The most recent alteration of its wording came on Flag Day (June 14) in 1954, when the words “under God” were added (Wikipedia). Date: 14 June 1954 = 5th Month 14, year of the Horse 

Numbers6/19 (inclusive) – 6/20

• Covid vaccine: UK woman becomes has become the first patient in the world to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine after its approval in the UK (The Guardian). Date: 8 December 2020, 1290 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 6/20

Jewish calendar14 Sivan

• Muhammad, the prophet who spread Islam, dies (HISTORYWikipedia) – In Medina, located in present-day Saudi Arabia, Muhammad, one of the most influential religious and political leaders in history, dies in the arms of Aisha, his third and favorite wife. Some scholars have identified the date as June 8, 632 = 14 Sivan (Convert a date). 

• Ignatius of Loyola is seriously wounded in the Battle of Pampeluna (Wikipedia, The Injury That Changed Everything – Ignatian Spirituality) Date: 20 May 1521 (Julian) = 14 Sivan (Convert a date)

• Nicholas II is crowned as the last Tsar of Imperial Russia. – Coronation of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna (Wikipedia) took place on Tuesday, 14 May (O.S., 26 May N.S.) 1896 = 14 Sivan  [Conspiracy Theory Claims Medvedev Descendant of Nicholas II  – Google Search]

• A landslide dam on the Dadu River created by an earthquake ten days earlier collapses, killing 100,000 in the Sichuan province of China (Wikipedia: herehere) – Date: 10 June 1786 = 14 Sivan

 • Republic of China Armed Forces (Wikipedia) – (Taiwan) Founded: 16 June 1924 (as National Revolutionary Army) = 14 Sivan, the 100th anniversary 

 • 1938 Yellow River flood (Wikipedia) was a man-made flood from June 1938 to January 1947 created by the Chinese National Army’s intentional destruction of dikes (levees) on the Yellow River. The flood was planned in 1935 by a group of German military advisers led by Alexander von Falkenhausen. Casualties: hundreds of thousands deaths. Date: The first wave of floods hit Zhongmu County on 13 June 1938 (Wikipedia) = 14 Sivan

• Sinking of Dongfang zhi Xing (Wikipediatranslated as Oriental Star or Eastern Star) was a river cruise ship that operated in the Three Gorges region of inland China. On the night of 1 June 2015, the ship was traveling on the Yangtze River when it capsized during a thunderstorm in Jianli, Hubei Province with 454 [Birth Of Moshiach (Gematrix) Hebrew/Jewish Gematria: 454] people on board. Deaths: 442. Date: 1 June 2015 at 21:28 (UTC+8) after sunset = 15 Sivan or UTC time = 14 Sivan

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Hijjah 13 (Convert a date)  or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 14 

• 2020 Beirut explosion (Wikipedia) – a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the Port of Beirut in the capital city of Lebanon exploded, causing at least 218 deaths, 7,000 injuries,… Date: 4 August 2020 = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 14, 1441 AH 

• Iran hostage crisis (Wikipedia) begins after U.S. embassy in Tehran is stormed (HISTORY). Student followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini send shock waves across America when they storm the U.S. embassy in Tehran . The radical Islamic fundamentalists took 90 hostages. The students were enraged that the deposed Shah had been allowed to enter the United States. Date: 4 November 1979 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 13 (Convert a date) or Dhu’l-Hijjah 14, 1399 AH (the crises lasted for 444 days and ended minutes after President Jimmy Carter left office in 1981).

• International Day against Nuclear Tests (Wikipediawas established on December 2, 2009 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 14 (Convert a date) or Dhu’l-Hijjah 15, 1430 AH, at the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Here are her notes on Thursday, June 13…

When are Hajj and Eid al-Adha 2024? (Al JazeeraHajj (Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca – Wikipedia) will start on June 14, with Eid al-Adha (or the Feast of Sacrifice – Wikipedia) being celebrated on June 16.

Kremlin welcomes Turkey’s reported desire to join BRICS (Reuters) – the subject would be on the agenda of the organisation’s next summit.

6/13 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 5/31 [Convert a date]

Feast of the Ascension in Eastern Christianity (Wikipedia) commemorates the Christian belief of the bodily Ascension of Jesus into Heaven.

• Königsberg / Kaliningrad (Wikipedia – 12) By the Rathäusliche Reglement of 13 June 1724, King Frederick William I of Prussia merged Altstadt, Löbenicht, Kneiphof, and their respective suburbs into the united city of Königsberg, 300 years ago. 

From news: Russia may store 100 nuclear warheads in Kaliningrad Oblast, Polish FM claims (The Kyiv Independent)

• The United States withdrew from the landmark 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty (WikipediaArms Control Association) on 13 June 2002. 

• 2000 inter-Korean summit (Wikipedia), the leaders of South Korea and North Korea met in the first inter-Korean summit since the Korean War 1950-1953. Date: 13 – 15 June 2000

• Berel Lazar (Wikipedia), Chief Rabbi of Russia (one of two claimants to the title). Began: 13 June 2000. Because of his connections to Russian President Vladimir Putin he is sometimes called “Putin’s rabbi.”

Chinese calendar5th Month 8, year of the Dragon

Numbers6/13 (inclusive) – 6/14

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia) Born: 15 September 1984, 39 years, 39 weeks old, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days).-> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood [Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)]

• JFK Jr. killed in plane crash (HISTORY) – 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash (Wikipedia), John F. Kennedy, Jr.; his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy; and her sister, Lauren Bessette, die when the single-engine plane that Kennedy was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Date: 16 July 1999, 1300 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 1300. baraq: lightning/ Greek: 1300. diateleó: to accomplish thoroughly, i.e. to persist or 9100 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly / Hebrew: 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for Haman

After sunset 🌅 – 6/14

Jewish calendar8 Sivan (3/8), 8 Sivan (One Messianic Gentile)

• John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Wikipedia), often referred to by his initials JFK, served as the 35th president of the US. Born: 29 May 1917 = 8 Sivan

• Berel Lazar (Wikipedia), Chief Rabbi of Russia (one of two claimants to the title). Because of his connections to Russian President Vladimir Putin he is sometimes called “Putin’s rabbi.” Born: Tue, 19 May 1964 = 8 Sivan,his 60th Jewish birthday

• Viktor Orban (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Hungary. Born 31 May 1963 = 8 Sivan [Orban (Wikipedia)]

• United States Cyber Command (Wikipedia) – Founded: 21 May 2010 = 8 Sivan

• Star Wars (retroactively titled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope) is released in US theaters (Wikipedia,   HISTORY) Date: 25 May 1977 = 8 Sivan

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Hijjah 8 or 7 (Convert a date)

• Sadat’s historic Israel, Jerusalem visit (Wikipedia, Arab News) – on 19 November 1977 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 7 (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 8, 1397 AH, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat becomes the first Arab leader to officially visit Israel, addressing the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, the next day. Sadat’s visit was a game-changer: A harbinger of what Shimon Peres would later call “the new Middle East”(The Jerusalem Post).

• Assassination of Anwar Sadat (WikipediaHISTORY), Islamic extremists assassinate Anwar Sadat, the president of Egypt, as he reviews troops on the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. His controversial peace negotiation with Israel made him a target of extremists across the Middle East. Sadat had also angered many by allowing the ailing Shah of Iran to die in Egypt. Date: 6 October 1981 =  Dhuʻl-Hijjah 7 (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 8, 1401 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, June 12…

6/12 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 5/30 [Convert a date]

On Wednesday, June 12, the President will travel to Brindisi, Italy for the G7 Summit (Forth)

50th G7 summit (Wikipedia)

• Siege of Jerusalem: Titus and his Roman legions breach the Second Wall of Jerusalem. Jewish defenders retreat to the First Wall (Wikipedia). Date: 30 May, 70 (Julian calendar) 

Superman Day (National Today) is celebrated on June 12 every year. Superman Day was founded in 2013 by D.C. Entertainment, leading up to the release of “Man of Steel.” The day was originally called “Man of Steel Day”. Gematria: Superman Day = The Last Pope 3x, the Templars 4x, the reptiles 3x, Royal Family 3x

International Shia Day (International Shia Day), Gematria: International Shia Day = The Balfour Declaration 2x, Fukushima nuclear plant 2x

• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Wikipedia), known to adherents of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement as the Lubavitcher Rebbe or simply the Rebbe, was an Orthodox rabbi and the most recent Rebbe of the Lubavitch Hasidic dynasty. He is considered one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century. Died: Sun, 12 June 1994, 30th anniversary of his death 

• Tear down this wall! (Wikipedia, HISTORY: 12) – On June 12, 1987, in one of his most famous Cold War speeches, President Ronald Reagan challenges Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down” the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the repressive Communist era in a divided Germany. Gematria: Tear down this wall = Janet Louise Yellen (Wikipedia) 3x, Ursula von der Leyen (Wikipedia) 2x, VP Kamala Harris 2x Date: 12 June 1987 ->

Russia Day (AnydayGuide, Wikipedia), the day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) on 12 June 1990.… the beginning of constitutional reform in the Russian Soviet state.

On 12 June 1991 = 30 Sivan, Boris Yeltsin was elected as the first President of the Russian Federation (Wikipedia)

• Nelson Mandela and seven of his comrades were jailed for life in what became known as the Rivonia Trial (Nelson Mandela Foundation). Date: Fri, 12 June 1964, 60 years ago

• 2018 North Korea–United States Singapore Summit (Wikipedia) was a summit meeting between North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump, held at the Capella Hotel, Sentosa, Singapore. It was the first-ever meeting between leaders of North Korea and the United States. Date: 12 June 2018

Chinese calendar5th Month 7, year of the Dragon

Numbers6/12 (inclusive) – 6/13

• Mossad (Wikipedia), the national intelligence agency of the State of Israel. Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counter-terrorism. Formed: 13 December 1949, 894 months ago -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city  -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)

• The attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. Date: 7 December 1941, 990 months, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 6/13

Jewish calendar: 7 Sivan, 7 Sivan (One Messianic Gentile), Shavuot

7 Sivan (c. 1233 BCE) – Moses was “drawn out” of the water at three months old, and thus given the name “Moshe” also observed on the holiday of Shavuot.” (Wikipedia)

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Hijjah 7 (12/7) or 6 (Convert a date)

Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) was a granite monument (and a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists) that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. On the morning of July 6, 2022 (Wednesday) = Dhuʻl-Hijjah 7, 1443 AH, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing and dismantled later that day.

• Jens Stoltenberg (Wikipedia), the 13th and current Secretary General of NATO. Assumed office: 1 October 2014 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 7, 1435 AH

• Sadat’s historic Israel, Jerusalem visit (Wikipedia, Arab News) – on 19 November 1977 = Dhu’l-Hijjah 7 (Convert a date) or Dhuʻl-Hijjah 8, 1397 AH, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat becomes the first Arab leader to officially visit Israel, addressing the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, the next day. 

Sadat’s visit was a game-changer: A harbinger of what Shimon Peres would later call “the new Middle East.”(The Jerusalem Post)

Here are her notes on Sunday, June 2…

6/2 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 5/20 [Convert a date]

Essene calendar: Sivan 15 (3/15Pentecost [3/15 – Ides of March (Wikipedia); 3:15 The Genesis of All Prophecy: Part 1 (SkyWatchTV); Part 2 (SkyWatchTV), (SkyWatchTVStore)]

• The Israeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia), formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, was proclaimed on 14 May 1948 by David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and soon to be first Prime Minister of Israel. The ceremony was held at 4 p.m. before the British left to avoid making the declaration on Shabbat. It took 17 minutes to read the entire 664-word document (Jewish Virtual Library). Special Age Calculator (timeanddate) – Sunday, 2 June 2024, 10:40:00 – 40,000,000 minutes ago or at 10:00 666,666 hours ago [it could be also counted from 4:17 PM]. 40 (number) -> In religion – Judaism (Wikipedia: herehere , The number 40 has great significance throughout the Torah and the Talmud:  transition or change, the concept of renewal, a new beginning, it has the power to lift a spiritual state.

• Sack of Rome (455) (Wikipedia) marked a pivotal moment in European history when the Vandals, a Germanic tribe led by King Genseric, invaded the city. Start date: 2 June 455 AD 

• Ignatius of Loyola is seriously wounded in the Battle of Pampeluna (Wikipedia, The Injury That Changed Everything (Ignatian Spirituality) Date: 20 May 1521 (Julian) 

• United States anarchist bombings (Wikipedia) – Anarchists simultaneously set off bombs in eight separate U.S. cities (Wikipedia). Date: 2 June 1919

• The coronation of Elizabeth II (Wikipedia) as queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms took place on 2 June 1953.

• Palestine Liberation organization -> founding (Wikipedia) – The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. After concluding the meeting, the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964, the 60th anniversary

Chinese calendar4th Month 25

• Berlin Declaration (1945) (Wikipedia or Liberation Route Europe), the Declaration regarding the defeat of Germany, had the governments of the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France, acting on behalf of the Allies of World War II, jointly assume de jure “supreme authority” over Germany. Date: 5 June 1945 = 4th Month 25, year of the Rooster

Numbers6/2 (inclusive) – 6/3

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA); (BBC) “…the closest giant planetary ‘kiss’ since 1623.” [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]; The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Google Search) “A new age began December 21, 2020, 1260 days ago

• Barack Obama sat as the President of the UN Security Council for the second time (UNthe White House) – the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters. Date: Wednesday, 24 September 2014, 505 weeks, 5 days ago -> Strong’s Greek 5055. teleó: to bring to an end, complete, fulfill;  Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia).

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 9 years, 9 months, 6 days ago and on the same day: Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia). 

• Assassination of Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) – Soleimani (Western nickname:The Shadow Commanderwas an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force (lit. ’Jerusalem Force). He was killed by a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq while he was on his way to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi. Date: 3 January 2020, about 1:00 a.m. (local time, UTC+3), 53 months 

[GematriaArmageddon = 53; your blog: MORE – 28 November 2023 (here)] or 4 years, 5 months [45] or 1613 days [Strong’s Greek 1613. ektarassó: to throw into great trouble] or 230 weeks, 3 days ago Strong’s Hebrew: 2303. chaddud: sharpened, sharp, pointed, Job 41:30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge / Greek: 2303. theion: brimstone. 2303 theíon – properly, sulfur (“brimstone,” i.e. smoky, burning rocks), i.e. sulphurous, named for the sulphur-smell left by lightning; (figuratively) the fire of heaven, bringing down God’s judgment to display His awesome, unstoppable power.

• Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Russia Born: 3 March 1966, 699 months old 

After sunset 🌅 – 6/3

Jewish calendar26 Iyar – Iyar 26 can be written as 2/26 (226), the same number featured in the Hezbollah teaser video 2:26 (Twitter) and about the number 226 (your blog on 8 November 2023) 

GematriaQasem Soleimani = The Star of David 4x (both 226); Jewish gematria (Gematrix): Harmagedon [a variant spelling of Armageddon, Harmagedon] = 226

26 Iyar (Wikipedia) – Day of Liberation and Rescue has been established as an official day to remember the date of the liberation from Nazi Germany. 

Red Army vets promote ‘Rescue Day of European Jewry’ (Times of Israel)

Jerusalem – historic visits

  1. Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Vatican) – Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock (CBS NEWS). Date: 26 May 2014 = 26 Iyar
  2. United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism.(WikipediaNBC News). Date: 22 May 2017 = 26 Iyar

• German Instrument of Surrender (Wikipedia) was a legal document effecting the unconditional surrender of the remaining German armed forces to the Allies, which ended World War II in Europe, with the surrender taking effect at 23:01 CET on the same day. Signed: 8 May 1945 (after sunset) = 26 Iyar

• Six-Day War begins (HISTORY, Wikipedia) – Israel responds to a build-up of Arab forces along its borders by launching a preemptive aerial attack against Egypt. Date: 5 June 1967 at 7:45 = 26 Iyar

• High-ranking Nazi official Adolf Eichmann captured 

(HISTORY) On May 23, 1960 =  26 Iyar, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion announces to the world that Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann has been captured and will stand trial in Israel. (Eichmann, the Nazi SS officer who organized Adolf Hitler’s “final solution of the Jewish question,” was seized by Israeli agents in Argentina on May 11 1960.)

• The Chinese Communist Party issues the “May 16 Notice“, marking the beginning of the Cultural Revolution (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 16 May 1966 = 26 Iyar

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 26 

• Times Square Ball (WikipediaTimes Square Ball, your blog on 8 January 2024 – here) – First held on December 31, 1907 (after sunset) = Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah 26, 1325 AH or 27 (Convert a date), to welcome 1908, the ball drop has been held annually since, except in 1942 and 1943 …, 120th Islamic anniversary

• Enabling Act of 1933 (WikipediaBritannica), law passed by the German Reichstag on March 23, 1933, that enabled Chancellor Adolf Hitler to assume dictatorial powers. Signed and commenced: 23 March 1933 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 26, 1351 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, May 29…

Joe Biden – week ahead  (Forth) Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The President will travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Later, the President and the Vice President will participate in a campaign event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After, the President will depart Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, en route to Wilmington, Delaware.

Gematria: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (253, 118, 395, 125) = The great divorce completed 4x, The emblem of Skull and Bones (Wikipedia) 3x, George Herbert Walker Bush 3x, Prime Minister of Israel 2x, Holy Roman Catholic Church 2x 

5/29 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 5/16 [Convert a date]

May 29 (Wikipedia) – 216 (6x6x6) days remain until the end of the year.

Roman festivals: Ambarvalia (Wikipedia) was a Roman agricultural fertility rite, involving animal sacrifices and held on 29 May in honor of Ceres, Bacchus and Dea Dia. However, the exact timing could vary…

The International Day of UN Peacekeepers (United NationsWikipedia) commemorates sacrifice made by UN personnel on peacekeeping missions. It was so designated… after an official request of the Ukrainian Peacekeepers Association and the Government of Ukraine to the UN General Assembly. May 29, marks the anniversary of the creation of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (Wikipedia) in 1948 to monitor the ceasefire after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which was the first ever UN peacekeeping mission. United Nations peacekeepers are often referred to as Blue Berets or Blue Helmets (Wikipedia). Gematria: Blue Helmets = Staged event 4x, All Fools’ Day 4x, Pope Francis 3x, JFKennedy Jr. 3x, Sin offering 3x

Oak Apple Day (National TodayAnydayGuide), also known as Royal Oak Day, used to be a public holiday in England. It commemorated the restoration of the English monarchy.

• The Fall of Constantinople (Wikipedia: here and here) – The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror puts a decisive final end to the Roman Empire, nearly one and a half thousand years after its foundation by Augustus, by capturing the capital, Constantinople. Mortars are (perhaps) used in battle for the first time in this action. The consequent closure of the traditional overland route from Western Europe to the Far East, and need to identify new maritime routes, leads to the Age of Discovery, and ends the Middle Ages. Date: 29 May 1453 (Julian) -> Conquest of Istanbul Day (AnydayGuide), End of the Middle Ages Day (National Today).

• Viktor Orbán (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Hungary. Assumed office: 29 May 2010 -> Orban (Wikipedia), also known as Urban (Hungarian: Orbán; died 1453), was an iron founder and engineer from Brassó, Transylvania (*), in the Kingdom of Hungary, who cast large-calibre artillery for the Ottoman siege of Constantinople in 1453. He had offered his services to the Byzantines in 1452, a year before the Ottomans attacked the city, but the Byzantine emperor Constantine XI could not afford Orban’s high salary… [*Why King Charles will find true peace alone in Transylvania (Daily Mail)]

• Benjamin Netanyahu becomes Israel’s prime minister (timeanddate, 1996 Israeli general election – Wikipedia). Date: 29 May 1996, 28 years ago 

• John Fitzgerald Kennedy (WikipediaHISTORY), often referred to by his initials JFK, served as the 35th president of the US. Born: 29 May 1917 at 15:00 (Astro-databank), the 107th (28th prime) anniversary of his birth. 

• The U.S. President Ronald Reagan begins his first visit to the Soviet Union when he arrives in Moscow for a superpower summit with the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev (Wikipedia). Date: 29 May 1988, 36 years ago 

• World War II Memorial (Wikipedia) is dedicated by President George W. Bush on May 29, 2004. 

Chinese calendar4th Month 22

• In Humen, China , Lin Tse-hsu destroys 1.2 million kilograms of opium confiscated from British merchants, providing Britain with a casus belli to open hostilities, resulting in the First Opium War (Wikipedia). Date: 3 June 1839 = 4th Month 22, year of the Pig

 • Palestine Liberation organization -> Founding (Wikipedia) – The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. After concluding the meeting, the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964 = 4th Month 22, year of the Dragon

Numbers: 5/29 (inclusive) – 5/30 

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) (Barack Hussein Obama II), served as the 44th president of the US. He was officially born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, at 19:24 (Astro-Databank), 62 years, 300 days old, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days) -> Strong’s Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites  

• 2000 Russian presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent prime minister and acting president Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin after his resignation on 31 December 1999, … won the elections in the first round. Date: 26 March 2000, 24 years, 2 months, 4 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.

• 2015 visit by Pope Francis to North America (Wikipedia) – Pope Francis visited North America (Cuba and the United States) from 19 to 27 September 2015. 22 September (Washington, D.C.) 4:00 p.m. – Arrival from Cuba at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, outside Washington, D.C. (Wikipedia), 8 years, 8 months, 8 days ago -> 888 -> Strong’s Hebrew 888. beesh: to be evil, bad; 888 (number) -> Symbolism and numerology (Wikipedia)

  • The number 888 is often symbolised within the international labour movement to symbolise the 8-hour day. Workers protested for 8 hours work, 8 hours rest and 8 hours time to themselves.
  • In some Christian numerology, the number 888 represents Jesus, or sometimes more specifically Christ the Redeemer. 
  • In Chinese numerology, 888 usually means triple fortune

After sunset 🌅 – 5/30

Jewish calendar22 Iyar, 22 Iyar (One Messianic Gentile)

• The fourth inauguration of Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia) as the president of Russia took place on Monday, 7 May 2018 = 22 Iyar, in the Hall of the Order of St. Andrew of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow. The inauguration marked the commencement of the new six-year term of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia.

• Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia), 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 17 May 1900 or 24 September 1902 = 22 Iyar   

• China Completes Three Gorges Dam (CBS News) – China finished building an enormous dam across the Yangtze River on Saturday, an important milestone for the world’s largest hydroelectric project. Date: 20 May 2006 = 22 Iyar

• The global eradication of smallpox (PubMedWHO) – On 8 May 1980 = 22 Iyar, the 33rd World Health Assembly officially declared: ‘The world and all its peoples have won freedom from smallpox.’, the 44th anniversary

• Richard Wagner (Controversies surrounding Richard Wagner – Wikipedia) – The German composer Richard Wagner was a controversial figure during his lifetime, and has continued to be so after his death. Even today he is associated in the minds of many with Nazism and his operas are often thought to extol the virtues of German nationalism. Born: 22 May 1813 = 22 Iyar [Wagner Group (Wikipedia), is a Russian state-funded private military company controlled until 2023 by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a former close ally of Russia’s president Vladimir Putin. Wagner Group is also known as Wagnerites, Wagners, Musicians, Orchestra]

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 22

• Killing of Muammar Gaddafi (Wikipedia) took place on 20 October 2011 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 22, 1432 AH after the Battle of Sirte. Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured by NTC (National Transitional Council) forces and executed shortly afterwards. ->  Speaking between network interviews, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton jokes with reporter on early, unconfirmed reports that deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed. (YouTube: CBS News) -> Gematria: “We came, we saw, he died,”= Now I Am Become Death 4x, (Google Search)

• German declaration of war against the United States (WikipediaBBC) and Italian declaration of war on the United States (Wikipedia) – On 11 December 1941 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 22, 1360 AH, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States declaration of war against the Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany and Italy declared war against the United States. (… It has been referred to as Hitler’s “most puzzling” decision of World War II.) -> Congress declares war on Nazi Germany and Italy (POLITICO) [Germany declares war on the United States (HISTORY) The United States Congress declared war on Germany (Wikipedia) and Italy (Wikipedia) hours after Germany declared war on the United States.]

Here are her notes on Tuesday, May 28…

5/28 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 5/15 [Convert a date]

Roman festivalsMercuralia (Wikipedia), in honor of Mercury (Hermes) – “the messenger” and “the keeper of the boundary between our world and the underworld” (your blog – 24 May, 2024).

Border Guard Day in Russia, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan (AnydayGuide)

• An 18-year-old West German pilot, Mathias Rust, evades Soviet Union air defences and lands a private plane in Red Square in Moscow, Russia (Wikipedia). Date: 28 May 1987

Republic Day Armenia (AnydayGuide), Azerbaijan (AnydayGuide)

Whooping Crane Day (AnydayGuide) in the USA -> Gematria: Whooping Crane Day = Lightning McQueen 4x, London’s burning 2x, Andrey Belousov (Wikipedia) 2x, the old post office  (Wikipedia) 3x, Ark Of The Covenant 2x, St Peters Basilica 2x, King Of Saturnalia 2x, House of Rothschild 2x

•The Eclipse Of Thales – A solar eclipse occurs, as predicted by the Greek philosopher and scientist Thales, while Alyattes is battling Cyaxares in the Battle of the Eclipse, leading to a truce. This is one of the cardinal dates from which other dates can be calculated. It is also the earliest event of which the precise date is known (WikipediaHistory Daily). Date: 28 May 585 BC

• Palestine Liberation Organization (Wikipedia) is a Palestinian nationalist coalition that is internationally recognized as the official representative of the Palestinian people. Founded (HISTORY). Date: 28 May 1964, 60 years ago 

• In Milan, Italy, after 22 years of restoration work, Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece The Last Supper is put back on display (Wikipedia). Date: 28 May 1999

• Palestine Liberation Organization is a Palestinian nationalist coalition that is internationally recognized as the official representative of the Palestinian people. Founded (HISTORY). Date: 28 May 1964, 60 years ago 

• Pakistan successfully conducted several underground nuclear tests, making it the seventh country to possess nuclear weapons (Britannica). Date: 28 May 1998 -> Youm-e-Takbir (AnydayGuide) (the day of greatness) is a Pakistani holiday commemorating the anniversary of the country’s first nuclear tests

Chinese calendar4th Month 21

• The coronation of Elizabeth II (Wikipedia) as queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms took place on 2 June 1953 = 4th Month 21, year of the Snake at Westminster Abbey in London.  [On the Gregorian calendar, 4/21 is the traditional date for the founding of Rome (Google SearchWikipedia) and Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday]

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, PBS NewsHour – YouTube). Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 = 4th Month 21, year of the Monkey

• Richard Henry Lee presents the “Lee Resolution” [also known as “The Resolution for Independence” –Wikipedia] to the Continental Congress. The motion is seconded by John Adams and will lead to the United States Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia, HISTORY). Date: 7 June 1776 = 4th Month 21, year of the Monkey 

Numbers: 5/28(inclusive) – 5/29 

 Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) took the reins of both the Communist party and the military in China (The Guardian). Date: 15 November 2012, 601 weeks, 6 days  ago -> 616 is the alternate Number of  the Beast (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 39 months, 39 days, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)

After sunset 🌅 – 5/29

Jewish calendar21 Iyar

• Our Lady of Fatima (Wikipedia) – On 13 May 1917 = 21 Iyar, three shepherd children reported seeing a woman “brighter than the sun, shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than a crystal goblet filled with the most sparkling water and pierced by the burning rays of the sun. The controversial events at Fátima, including the Miracle of the Sun, gained fame due partly to elements of the secrets, prophecy and eschatological revelations allegedly related to the Second World War and possibly more global wars in the future, particularly the Virgin’s request for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 21

• The United States Department of Homeland Security begins operations (Politico). Date: 24 January 2003 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 21, 1423 AH

Here are her notes on Monday, May 27…

5/27 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 5/14 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Maius 14 (Wikipedia) anniversary of the Temple of Mars Invictus (Mars the Unconquered) [Mars is the Roman god of war]

Memorial Day (Wikipedia), originally known as Decoration Day, is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial beginning of summer.

• World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaims an “unlimited national emergency“ (Wikipedia). Date: 27 May 1941

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (Vatican) – A fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Tuesday, just hours after Pope Francis wrapped up a three-day Middle East pilgrimage during which he visited the shrine (The Guardian). Date: 27 May 2014 

• President Barack Obama becomes the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, PBS NewsHour – YouTube). Date: Fri, 27 May (5/27) 2016, 8 years ago [Atomic bombing of Hiroshima occurred on 6 August 1945 (Google Search) = 27 Av (5/27)].

• Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich (Wikipedia), Operation Anthropoid, Reinhard Heydrich, the commander of the German Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), the acting governor of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and a principal architect of the Holocaust, was assassinated during the Second World War in a coordinated operation by the Czechoslovak resistance. Heydrich was wounded in the attack and died of his injuries on 4 June. Outcome: Estimated 13,000 arrested and interrogated; estimated 5,000 executed. 

• 1960 Turkish coup d’état (Wikipedia) – In Turkey, a military coup removes President Celâl Bayar and the rest of the democratic government from office (Wikipedia). Date: 27 May 1960

• Golden Gate Bridge opens (HISTORY) – San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, a stunning technological and artistic achievement, opens to the public after five years of construction. Date: 27 May 1937. Gematria: Golden Gate Bridge = the fall of America 2x; San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge = The Central Intelligence Agency 2x, make America great again, again 2x [Donald Trump declares that he will make America great again, again (Economist)]

• The world’s first chess tournament is held in London (timeanddate). Date: 27 May 1851

Chinese calendar4th Month 20

Numbers5/27 (inclusive) – 5/28

• US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nations) and simultaneously a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). In addition to thatFull text of Trump-Netanyahu: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel) -> the Division Of the Land [Joel 3:2]. Date: 26 September 2018, 66 months, 9 weeks ago. 

• Donald Trump claimed he had met “foreign governments” including the “Prince of Whales” (BBC). Date: 13 June 2019, 4 years, 50 weeks ago  -> Donald Trump President number 45 (Google Search). Gematria: Prince of Whales = Lord of the Flies [Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon] 4x, Prophet Muhammad 2x

• The International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Wikipedia) was designated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005, 969 weeks ago.

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 39 months, 39 days, if the smaller units (days) are added first -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood ->  Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (Wikipedia)

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) took the reins of both the Communist party and the military in China (The Guardian) on Thursday morning. Date: 15 November 2012 (the year of the Dragon, specifically Water Dragon) Chinese 10/2 = 1 Kislev, 6,066,000 minutes or 601 weeks days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 615. asir: a bondman, prisoner / Strong’s Greek: 615. apokteinó or apoktennó: to kill 

After sunset 🌅 – 5/28

Jewish calendar20 Iyar

Journey From Sinai (1312 BCE)

Numbers 10:11 On the twentieth day of the second month of the second year, the cloud was lifted from above the tabernacle of the Testimony, 

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah 20

• The Nuremberg executions (Wikipedia) took place on 16 October 1946 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 20, 1365 AH, shortly after the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials. [1946: The Nuremberg Trials and the Ten Sons of Haman,], 80 Islamic years ago

• International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust (Wikipedia) was a two-day conference in Tehran, Iran that opened on 11 December 2006 = Dhu’l-Qidah 20, 1427 AH. The conference was widely described as a “Holocaust denial conference” or a “meeting of Holocaust deniers.”, 18 (6+6+6) Islamic years ago

Here are her notes on Sunday, May 26…

Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly (WHO) is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27 May – 1 June 2024. The theme of this year’s Health Assembly is: All for Health, Health for All. [Iyar 19 (2/19), Coronavirus disease 2019 = Covid-19] 

5/26 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 5/13 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Lemuria (festival) (Wikipedia) resumes. [Lemuria (Wikipedia) or Limuria, was a continent proposed in 1864 by zoologist Philip Sclater, theorized to have sunk beneath the Indian Ocean, later appropriated by occultists in supposed accounts of human origins.]

Trinity Sunday (National Today)

Kyiv Day ( is a holiday dedicated to the capital of Ukraine. It has been celebrated since 1982, on the last Sunday of May. This year, Kyiv Day falls on May 26.

World Dracula Day (AnydayGuide) – Count Dracula is one of the most iconic fictional characters and the “archetypal” vampire in Western fiction… -> Is King Charles related to Count Dracula? (Metro News)

Indianapolis 500 (National Today, Coors Light Snake Pit on Sunday, May 26 (Indianapolis Motor Speedway)

Cars (film) – (Wikipedia) -> Lightning McQueen #95. Release dates: 26 May 2006 (Lowe’s Motor Speedway)-> Charlotte Motor Speedway (Wikipedia) Location: 5555 .…, 18 (6+6+6) years ago

-> Martin Luther declared a heretic by the Edict of Worm(Britannica). Date: 26 May 1521, 50years ago. [German Martin Luther nailed his 95 Ninety-five Theses (HISTORY)].

• Israel Defense Forces (Wikipedia) – Founded: 26 May 1948

• Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock. (CBS NEWS, Vatican: here and  here). Date: 26 May 2014

• American Civil War (Wikipedia), One of the last Confederate generals surrenders (HISTORY). End date: 26 May 1865

Chinese calendar4th Month 19

• Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia), 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 17 May 1900 (or 24 September 1902) = 4th Month 19, year of the Rat

Numbers5/26 (inclusive) – 5/27 

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news
  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the US (Wikipediabegan -> ‘The weapon that will end the war’: First coronavirus vaccine shots given outside trials in U.S. (Washington Post)
  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes) -> 1260 days ago 

and South America – Solar eclipse of December 14, 2020 (Wikipedia)

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city, … Date: 20 January 2009, 800 weeks, 6 days ago-> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). 

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia) – On 6 January 2021, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. was attacked by a mob of supporters of then-U.S. president Donald Trump, two months after his defeat in the 2020 presidential election, 3 years, 20 weeks, 2 days ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days) -> 322 [Skull and Bones]

After sunset 🌅 – 5/27

Jewish calendar19 Iyar, 19 Iyar (Psalm11918) [Covid-19], 34th day of the Omer (Hebcal)

The number 34Selenium [named after Selene, Greek goddess of the moon (Wikipedia)], has the atomic number 34; 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) – Trump received 304 electoral votes;  Trump’s 34 charges in his New York criminal trial (NBC News); GematriaOverman [Übermensch (Wikipedia)] = 34

• Mustafa Kemal Atatürk sets off the Turkish War of Independence (timeanddateWikipedia) – The fight against the allies of the Triple Entente ended some four years later. The Republic of Turkey was founded, and Atatürk became its first President. Start date: 19 May 1919 = 19 Iyar

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 = 19 Iyar 

• During a procession outside the shrine of the Virgin Mary in Fátima, Portugal, security guards overpower Juan María Fernández y Krohn before he can attack Pope John Paul II with a bayonet (Wikipedia). Date: 12 May 1982 = 19 Iyar

Islamic calendar Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah 19 

Here are her notes on Saturday, May 25…

5/25 (Saturday)

Julian calendar: 5/12 [Convert a date]

Memorial Day Weekend (Google Search) Date (2024): Saturday, May 25 –  Monday, May 27

“Star Wars” opens in theaters (HISTORY) – On May 25, 1977, Memorial Day weekend opens with an intergalactic bang as the first of George Lucas’ blockbuster Star Wars movies hits American theaters.

International Missing Children’s Day (Wikipedia), 6-year-old Etan Patz—boy on milk carton—goes missing (HISTORY). Date: 25 May 1979

World Thyroid Day (National TodayThyroid Federation International) is observed on May 25 to raise awareness about this crucial gland in the body. 

Gematria: World Thyroid Day = demon possession 3x

• Apollo program: U.S. President John F. Kennedy announces, before a special joint session of the U.S. Congress, his goal to initiate a project to put a “man on the Moon” before the end of the decade (WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 25 May 1961

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land, 25 May at 15:00 (Vatican) – Private visit to the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Pope Francis and Justice for Children in Palestine (America Magazine); Francis and Bartholomew Meet in Jerusalem: Fifty years later, another historic encounter between pope and patriarch (America Magazine), 10 years ago

• Former US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke in front of tens of thousands of people before the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin (DW); 1 day, 2 presidents: Merkel meets with Obama, then Trump (CNN). [2017 – the 500th anniversary of the Reformation]. Date: 25 May 2017, 7 years ago

• The Republic of Formosa [a short-lived republic that existed on the island of Taiwan] is formed, with Tang Jingsong as its president (Wikipedia). Date: 25 May 1895

• Sholom Schwartzbard assassinates Symon Petliura, the head of the government of the Ukrainian People’s Republicwhich is in government-in-exile in Paris (Wikipedia). Date: 25 May 1926

• The Gateway Arch (Wikipedia and  here) in St. Louis, Missouri, is dedicated. Date: 25 May 1968

• The first of a series of bombings orchestrated by the Unabomber (Ted Kaczynski) detonates at Northwestern University resulting in minor injuries (Wikipedia). Date: 25 May 1978

• North Korea allegedly tests its second nuclear device, after which Pyongyang also conducts several missile tests, building tensions in the international community (Wikipedia). Date: 25 May 2009

• Constitutional Convention begins (HISTORYBritannica) – Four years after the United States won its independence from Great Britain, 55 state delegates, including George Washington, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin, convene in Philadelphia to compose a new U.S. constitution on 25 May 1787.

• George Floyd is killed by a police officer, igniting historic protests (HISTORY). Date: 25 May 2020

Chinese calendar4th Month 18

After sunset – 5/26

Jewish calendar18 Iyar, 18 Iyar  (Psalm11918), Lag BaOmer (Wikipedia)

• Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia), 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 17 May 1900 (or 24 September 1902) = 18 Iyar

• Statue of Freedom -> Restoration  (Wikipedia) – “…after being in place almost 130 years, the statue was brought down from its pedestal by helicopter for restoration.”Date: 9 May, 1993 = 18 Iyar

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 18

• Attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, on Sunday, December 7, 1941 = Dhu’l-Qi-dah 18, 1360 AH, 85 Islamic years ago

Here are her notes on Friday, May 24…

5/24 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 5/11 [Convert a date]

International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament (AnydayGuide)

The Feast of Mary Help of Christians is celebrated on May 24 (Wikipedia, Catholic News Agency). The church has traditionally focused on two aspects of Our Lady’s help on this feast day. Firstly, the church focuses on the role of Our Lady’s intercession in the fight against sin in the life of a believer. Secondly, the church focuses on Our Lady as one who assists Christians as a community, through her intercession, in fighting against anti-Christian forces.

The Madonna Della Strada (Wikipedia) is a painting of Mary, mother of Jesus at the Church of the Gesù in Rome, mother church of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The Madonna Della Strada is the patron saint of the Society of Jesus. [The obscure fresco that led St. Ignatius in founding the Jesuits (Aleteia)] Feast day: 24 May

Roman festivals

Maius 11 (Wikipedia) – Lemuria, a festival of the dead with both public and household rites, possibly with a sacrifice to Mania (Wikipedia) was a goddess of the dead, spirits and chaos: she was said to be the mother of ghosts, the undead, and other spirits of the night, as well as the Lares and the Manes. She, along with Mantus, ruled the underworld. Her counterpart in Greek mythology, also named Mania (or Maniae), was the goddess of insanity and madness.

Athenian festivals

• Thargelia (Wikipedia) was one of the chief Athenian festivals in honour of the Delian Apollo and Artemis, held on their birthdays, the 6th and 7th of the month Thargelion (about May 24 and May 25).

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014) Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock. (CBS NEWS) Date: 24 – 26 May 2014 and Bethlehem church catches fire after pope’s visit (The Guardian) on 27 May. 

• Trump visited Vatican and had a private audience with Pope Francis. Trump to Pope Francis After Vatican Meeting: I ‘Won’t Forget What You Said’  (NBC News) Date: 24 May 2017

Gematria: Won’t Forget What You Said = Subliminal message 2x, The Israel Hamas War 2x 

• Hugues de Payens (Wikipedia) was the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Died: 1136. The circumstances and date of his death are not recorded in any chronicle, though the Templars commemorated him every year on 24 May. 

Chinese calendar4th Month 17

Strong’s Hebrew: 417. elgabish: hail / Greek: 417. anemos: wind

• Palestine Liberation organization -> Founding (Wikipedia) – The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964 = 4th Month 17, year of the Dragon. After concluding the meeting, the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964, 60 Chinese years ago 

Numbers5/24 (inclusive) – 5/25 

• Mike Pence and Pope Francis meet in a surprisingly long first visit (America Magazine). Date: 24 January 2020, 38,000 hours ago. [Mike Pence’s visit to Israel and Vatican (your blog on 22-23 January 2020 “Kiss the As$ / Kiss the Ring” World Tour)]. The Pope gave Vice President Pence a medallion depicting “the angel of peace,” a copy of his message for the [53rd  (Vatican )] World Day of Peace 2020.

• Steve Jobs (WikipediaAstrodatabank) – Born: 24 February 1955, 69 years, 90 days ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first. [Gematria: Steven Paul Jobs = The Beast System 4x]

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack (2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel – Wikipedia) on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. Date: 7 October 2023, 33 weeks ago

After sunset 🌅 – 5/25

Jewish calendar17 Iyar (2/17) 17 Iyar (Psalm11918)

Great Flood Begins (2105 BCE) “…according to Rabbi Joshua’s interpretation, the Flood began on Iyar 17, and above dates should be moved ahead six months. (17 Cheshvan – Chabad). Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

• Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker (History). Soon after, Germany unconditionally surrendered to the Allied forces, ending Hitler’s dreams of a “1,000-year” Reich. Date: 30 April 1945 = 17 Iyar 

• Israel Defense Forces (Wikipedia) – Founded: 26 May 1948 = 17 Iyar [or the government order creating the Israel Defense Forces was issued on Lag BaOmer 1948 (Wikipedia)]. 

• Tea act (Wikipedia) – It received the royal assent on 10 May 1773 = 17 Iyar.

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 17

• Chinese Communist Party (Wikipedia), officially the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the founding and sole ruling party of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).  Founded: 23 July 1921 =  Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah 17, 1339 AH

• First 9-1-1 call is placed in the United States (HISTORY). Date: 16 February 1968 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 17, 1387 AH.

Here are her notes on Sunday, May 19…

5/19 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 5/6 [Convert a date]

Pentecost (Western) (Wikipedia) (also called Whit Sunday, Whitsunday or Whitsun) is a Christian holiday which takes place on the 49th day (50th day when inclusive counting is used) after Easter Sunday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Mary, mother of Jesus and the Apostles of Jesus while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31). 

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar – May 6 (Wikipedia) – Righteous Job the Long-suffering  -> Book of Job (Wikipedia) – It addresses theodicy (why God permits evil in the world) through the experiences of the eponymous protagonist.

• Sack of Rome (1527) (Wikipedia) – Spanish and German troops sack Rome; many scholars consider this the end of the Renaissance (Wikipedia). Date: 6 May 1527 (Julian) 

• New England’s Dark Day (Wikipedia) occurred on May 19, 1780, when an unusual darkening of the daytime sky was observed over the New England states and parts of eastern Canada. The darkness was so complete that candles were required from noon on. It did not disperse until the middle of the next night. Religious interpretations -> Day of Judgment. 

• Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day in Turkey (Wikipedia) – Mustafa Kemal’s landing at Samsun on May 19, 1919, which is regarded as the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence in the official historiography.

Greek Genocide Remembrance Day (AnydayGuide)

• Soviets ratify treaty banning nuclear weapons from outer space (HISTORY) – One of the first major treaties designed to limit the spread of nuclear weapons goes into effect as the Soviet Union ratifies an agreement banning nuclear weapons from outer space. Date: 19 May 1967

• Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail is published – King used the open letter to defend his nonviolent resistance against racism and segregation. It became one of the central texts for the civil rights movement in the United States (timeanddateWikipedia). Date: 19 May 1963

• Malcolm X Day (AnydayGuide) – Malcolm X (Wikipedia) was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist who was a prominent figure during the civil rights movement. A spokesman for the Nation of Islam (NOI) until 1964, he was a vocal advocate for Black empowerment and the promotion of Islam within the Black community. Born: 19 May 1925.

• Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (Wikipedia), the wife of President John F. Kennedy. Died: 19 May 1994 

• Prince Harry weds Meghan Markle (HISTORY) – On May 19, 2018, Prince Harry of Britain marries Meghan Markle, an American actress, in St. George’s Chapel within the grounds of Windsor Castle. 

Chinese calendar4th Month 12

[24051920] Numbers5/19 (inclusive) – 5/20

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 39 months, 3 weeks, 9 days ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl), Monument of the Third Angel – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura).

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 88 months ago -> 

88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”. In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler. 

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: 20 December 2019, 4 years, 5 months or 53 months ago -> 45 or [the number 53] Gematria: Mike Pence = 45 (2x), Lex Luthor (Wikipedia) = 45 (2x)

After sunset 🌅 – 5/20

Jewish calendar: 12 Iyar, 12 Iyar (Psalm11918)

70 CE- Roman legions under Titus breached the middle wall of Jerusalem. A counter-attack by the Jews restored the wall to their command.

 • The State of Israel was admitted to the United Nations (UN) as its 59th member on 11 May 1949 (Jewish Virtual library) = 12 Iyyar

 • Traditional reckoning of the Fall of Troy marking the end of the legendary Trojan War, given by chief librarian of the Library of Alexandria Eratosthenes, among others (Wikipedia). Date: 24 April 1183 BC (Proleptic Julian calendar) = 12 Iyar (Convert a date)

• Bavarian Illuminati (Wikipedia) – Founded: 1 May 1776 = 12 Iyar

• Der Krach: The Vienna stock exchange crash heralds the Long Depression. (WikipediaAnalyzing Alpha). Date: 9 May 1873 = 12 Iyar

• The Holocaust: The first prisoners arrive at a new concentration camp at Auschwitz (Wikipedia). Date: 20 May 1940 = 12 Iyar .

• Diary of the Hitler Diary Hoax (The New Yorker) – On April 25, 1983 = 12 Iyar, Stern magazine—the German answer to Life—held a press conference to make a sensational announcement: their star reporter had discovered.

• Operation Chastise (Wikipedia), commonly known as the Dambusters Raid, was an attack on German dams carried out on the night of 16-17 May 1943 = 12 Iyar .. 1,600 civilians killed. 

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 12 

Here are her notes on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, May 18-20…

Numbers5/18 (inclusive) – 5/19 

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 39 months, 3 weeks, 9 days, if the smaller units (days) are added first-> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 666 % of a common year (365 days) 5/18

• Blackjack – A slide show story (The Telegraph) Operation Blackjack – the story of a series of terrorist nuclear attacks on major western cities and the aftermath. Published: 12 January 2009, 8:59am, 800 weeks, 6 days ago -> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). 

After sunset 🌅 – 5/19 

Jewish calendar11 Iyar, 11 Iyar  (Psalm11918) – 2/11 or 8/11 or 9/11 [but technically 9/11 on this Jewish leap year], 26th day of the Omer -> The Number 26 (Bible Study)

26 (Wikipedia) is the gematric number of the name of God in Hebrew YHWH -Tetragrammaton. Simple English Gematria: God = 26 [Gematria calculator].  

🇮🇱 Herzl Day 🇮🇱 in Israel

Revelation 8:11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters.

Revelation 11:8  Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city–figuratively called Sodom and Egypt–where their Lord was also crucified.

• On Tuesday 5 May 2020 [5/5] = 11 Iyyar, Reuters published an exclusive report (*) that the Donald Trump administration was drafting a new international agreement [the Artemis Accords] for mining on the Moon, which would draw from the 1967 Outer Space Treaty.

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Qiʻdah’ 11 (11/11

• Joe Biden (Wikipedia), the 46th and current president of the United States. Born: 20 November 1942, at 8:30 AM (Astro-Databank) = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 11, 1361 AH, his 84th Islamic birthday.

Numbers5/19 (inclusive) – 5/20 

5/19 Sun, May 19, 2024 Whitsun, Pentecost 

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 39 months, 3 weeks, 9 days, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 88 months ago -> 

88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”. In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: 20 December 2019, years, 5 months or 53 months ago -> 45 or [the number 53]

Here are her notes on Friday, May 17…

5/17 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 5/4 [Convert a date]

Friday the 17th in Italy (Wikipedia) – In Italian popular culture, Friday the 17th (and not the 13th) is considered a bad luck day. The origin of this belief could be traced in the writing of the number 17, in Roman numerals: XVII. By shuffling the digits of the number one can get the Latin vīxī (“I have lived”, implying death at present), an omen of bad luck.

Asteroid 2 Pallas (Wikipedia) at opposition (In The Sky) at 07:10 UTC. Asteroid 2 Pallas will be well placed, lying in the constellation Hercules, well above the horizon for much of the night. The old astronomical symbol of Pallas, still used in astrology, is a spear or lance (Wikipedia). 

Essene calendar: 29 Iyar 

• Declaration of Israel’s statehood (BritannicaIsrael State Archive) – On 14 May 1948 = Essene 29 Iyar – just before the expiry of the British mandate in Palestine (Wikipedia) – David Ben-Gurion and the Jewish People’s Council proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel, precipitating the first Arab-Israeli war.

• Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia), 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 17 May 1900 or 24 September 1902

• Operation Chastise (Wikipedia), commonly known as the Dambusters Raid, was an attack on German dams carried out on the night of 16-17 May 1943. 1,600 civilians killed.

• One million protesters take to the streets in Beijing (HISTORY) – a crowd of protesters, estimated to number one million, marches through the streets of Beijing calling for a more democratic political system. Just a few weeks later, the Chinese government moved to crush the protests. Date: 17 May 1989 

• The New York Stock Exchange (Wikipedia) is an American stock exchange in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. It is the largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization. Founded: 17 May 1792 

Chinese calendar: 4th Month 10

[24051718] Numbers5/17 (inclusive) – 5/18 

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), 45th President of the United States. Born: Friday, 14 June 1946,

77 years, 7 months, 7 weeks, 77 days old, if the smaller units (days) are added first. [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 69 weeks ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first.

• The New York Times article: A Nuclear Bomb Inside the Vatican (The New York Times) was published on 19 September 2018, 66 months, 60 days ago. 

After sunset 🌅 – 5/18

Jewish calendar: 10 Iyar

Genesis 7:4 For seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living thing I have made. […according to Rabbi Joshua’s interpretation, the Flood began on Iyar 17, and all above dates should be moved ahead six months (17 Cheshvan – Chabad).]

10 Iyar (Psalm11918) – The Jews were defeated by the Philistines and 30,000 soldiers were slaughtered. The Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant, killing Hophni and Phinehas, two sons of Eli, the High Priest who died of shock when he heard the news (1 Samuel 4:1-18). The Tabernacle at Shiloh was destroyed.

• Birthday of Theodor Herzl (Wikipedia), the father of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state. Born: 2 May 1860 = 10 Iyar (If the 10th of Iyar falls on Shabbat, Herzl Day is postponed until Sunday.)

• Alaska Purchase (Wikipedia) was the United States’ acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. The United States purchased Alaska for $7.2 million. Ratified: 15 May 1867 = 10 Iyar 

• Deportation of Armenian intellectuals on 24 April 1915 = 10 Iyar (Wikipedia) is conventionally held to mark the beginning of the Armenian genocide, the systematic destruction of the Armenian people and identity in the Ottoman Empire during World War I.

• Church of Satan (Wikipedia) a religious organization dedicated to the religion of Satanism as defined by Anton Szandor LaVey. Founded in San Francisco on 30 April 1966 = 10 Iyar

• Li Hongzhi (Wikipedia) is a Chinese religious leader. He is the founder and leader of Falun Gong. Li began his public teachings of Falun Gong on 13 May 1992 = 10 Iyar in Changchun, and subsequently gave lectures and taught Falun Gong exercises across China.

Islamic calendar: Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah 10

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia) – Construction started (groundbreaking): September 14, 1948 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 10, 1367 AH

• The coronation of Shah Abbas I of Persia – Abbas the Great (Wikipedia) – He is generally considered one of the greatest rulers of Iranian history and the Safavid dynasty. Date: 1 October 1588 (Wikipedia) = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 10996 AH 

• Kim Jong Un (Wikipedia) – State-run Korean Central News Agency reports that the power was transferred to him on 8 October, 2011 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 10, 1432 AH at the behest of his father (CNN).

Here are her notes on Thursday, May 16…

5/16 (Thursday / Thor’s day)

Julian calendar5/3 [Convert a date]

Amos 5:16 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be wailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!’ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.

International Day of Living Together in Peace (United Nations)

International Day of Light (unesco) the anniversary of the first successful operation of the laser in 1960.

1888 – Nikola Tesla delivers a lecture …to transmit electric power over long distances

1891 – The International Electrotechnical Exhibition ……featuring the world’s first long-distance transmission of high-power. (Wikipedia)

• The Chinese Communist Party issues the “May 16 Notice“, marking the beginning of the Cultural Revolution (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 16 May 1966

Chinese calendar4th Month 9

May Thirtieth Movement (Wikipedia) was a major labor and anti-imperialist movement during the middle-period of the Republic of China era. It began when the Shanghai Municipal Police opened fire on Chinese protesters in Shanghai’s International Settlement on May 30, 1925 (the Shanghai massacre of 1925). The shootings sparked international censure and nationwide anti-foreign demonstrations and riots. Date: Sat, 30 May 1925 = 4th Monthbis 9, year of the Ox

Numbers5/16 (inclusive) – 5/17

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence’s term as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 69 weeks ago. (If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days).)

After sunset 5/16 – 5/17

Jewish calendar9 Iyar, 9 Iyar (Psalm11918)

• The French Revolution of 1789 (Library of congressWikipedia) which brought down the Monarchy and the ancien régime — and resulted in the beheading of King Louis XVI and his famous wife, Marie Antoinette began on 5 May 1789 = 9 Iyyar. The Revolution lasted until 1792 at which point the National Assembly abolished the monarchy and declared the First Republic (1792-1799).

• First blood in the Civil War (HISTORY) – On April 19, 1861 = 9 Iyyar, the first blood of the American Civil War is shed when a secessionist mob in Baltimore attacks Massachusetts troops bound for Washington, D.C. Four soldiers and 12 rioters were killed.

• Attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II (Wikipedia) –  On 13 May 1981 = 9 Iyyar, in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City, Pope John Paul II was shot and wounded by Mehmet Ali Ağca while he was entering the square. The Pope was struck twice and suffered severe blood loss. (“Down with the Pope, down with the Second Vatican Council” –Wikipedia)

• Hitler admits defeat (HISTORY)  – Adolf Hitler, learning from one of his generals that no German defense was offered to the Russian assault at Eberswalde, admits to all in his underground bunker that the war is lost and that suicide is his only recourse. Date: 22 April 1945 = 9 Iyar

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 9 (11/9)

• Adolf Hitler meets the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini (Wikipedia) at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin (The Times of Israel). Date: 28 November 1941 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 9, 1360 AH.

Here are her notes on Monday, May 13…

(Revelation 13:5 The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months.)

5/13 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 4/30 [Convert a date]

Uranus at solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 09:04 UTC. 

• Our Lady of Fatima (Wikipedia) – Feast day: 13 May 

On 13 May 1917, three shepherd children reported seeing a woman “brighter than the sun, shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than a crystal goblet filled with the most sparkling water and pierced by the burning rays of the sun, 107 years ago (like 10/7; 28th prime, the Number 107 – Bible Study). [See the Third Secret of Fatima (about the death of a pope)]

• Attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II (Wikipedia) – On 13 May 1981, in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City, Pope John Paul II was shot and wounded by Mehmet Ali Ağca while he was entering the square. The Pope was struck twice and suffered severe blood loss. (“Down with the Pope, down with the Second Vatican Council” – Wikipedia)

Chinese calendar4th Month 6

• First inauguration of George Washington (HISTORYWikipedia) – George Washington is sworn in as the first American president and delivers the first inaugural speech at Federal Hall in New York City. Date: Thursday, 30 April 1789 = 4th Month 6, year of the Rooster

• Israeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia), End of the British Mandate for Palestine (Wikipedia). Date: 14 May 1948 = 4th Month 6, year of the Rat

[24051314] Numbers5/13 (inclusive) – 5/14

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack (2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel – Wikipedia) on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. Date: 7 October 2023, 7 months, 7 days ago -> 77

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNN) – President Donald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 160 days ago -> 616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth to / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners. Or Strong’s Hebrew: 6160. arabah: a steppe or desert plain, also a desert valley running S. from the Sea of Galilee [also 77 months, 7 days ago on 5/12-13]. 

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia Astro databank), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February 1954 [at 04:25 AM – unverified], 70 years, 77 days old, if the smaller units (days) are added first. 

After sunset 🌅 – 5/14

Jewish calendar6 Iyar (2/6 or 8/6 -> Strong’s Greek 86. Hades (Wikipedia); 21st day of the Omer), 6 Iyar (Psalm11918)

Yom HaAtzma’ut (Hebcal) – Israeli Independence Day. Commemorates the declaration of independence of Israel in 1948 (Wikipedia). 

• 1920- The 28-year British mandate in the Land of Israel begins (Psalm11918) [or Mandate assigned (Wikipedia) Date: 25 April 1920 = 7 Iyar]

• The 1948 Arab–Israeli War (Wikipedia), also known as the First Arab–Israeli War, followed the civil war in Mandatory Palestine as the second and final stage of the 1948 Palestine war. Start date: 15 May 1948 = 6 Iyar (War of Independence (1948) – One day after the State of Israel was proclaimedthe surrounding Arab nations — Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq —declared war on the fledgling state, with the objective of “driving the Jews into the sea.” Tel Aviv was bombed on that very first day of the War of Independence. – Chabad).

• Apocalyptic blood-red sky perplexes locals in eastern China (AccuWeather) – The sky in Zhoushan, China, turned blood red on May 7, leaving residents to speculate about the cause, with some even attributing it to the start of the apocalypse. Date: May 7, 2022 = 6 Iyar.

Islamic calendarDhu’l-Qi’dah 6 (11/6)

• United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (Wikipedia), adopted on 10 November 1975 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 6, 1395 AH, “Determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination”. It officially condemned the national ideology of the State of Israel. (The resolution was revoked 16 years later – Resolution 46/86). 

• The 2008 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 56th quadrennial presidential election, held on 4 November 2008 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 6, 1429 AH. Barack Obama, the junior senator from Illinois, defeated John McCain, the senior senator from Arizona, to become the 44th president of the United States, 16 (4×4) Islamic years ago.

Here are her notes on Friday, May 10…

President Biden will visit Seattle on Friday and Saturday for campaign events (Washington State Standard).

5/10 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 4/27 [Convert a date] 

• British parliament passes unpopular Tea Act (HISTORY) – On May 10, 1773, the British Parliament passes the Tea Act, a bill designed to save the faltering East India Company from bankruptcy by greatly lowering the tea tax it paid to the British government and, thus, granting it a de facto monopoly on the American tea trade.

• Panic of 1837 (Wikipedia), was a financial crisis in the US. The bank run came to a head on May 10, 1837, when banks in New York City ran out of gold and silver. 

• Victoria Woodhull becomes the first woman nominated for President of the United States by the newly formed Equal Rights Party, at Apollo Hall, New York City. (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 10 May 1872

• Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first Black president, is inaugurated (HISTORY) Date: 10 May 1994, 30 years ago

Chinese calendar4th Month 3

• Senator Joseph McCarthy dies (WikipediaHISTORY) – McCarthy had been a key figure in the anticommunist hysteria popularly known as the “Red Scare” that engulfed the United States in the years following World War II. [Sen. Joseph McCarthy Announces “Enemies Within”- Zinn Education Project] Died: Thu, 2 May 1957 (aged 48) = 4th Month 3, year of the Rooster

[24051011] Numbers5/10 (inclusive) – 5/11

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 6 years, 230 days ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first. -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), served as the 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 1946, 77 years, 7 months, 7 weeks, 70 days old, if the smaller units (days) are added first. [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (WikipediaThe Nobel Peace Prize 2009) was awarded to United States President Barack Obama. The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world, 5328 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 5328. Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king

• The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal (WikipediaThe Obama White HouseThe President Announces a Historic Nuclear Deal with Iran), is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) together with the European Union. Created: 14 July 2015, 8 years, 9 months, 4 weeks ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first. -> Strong’s Greek: 894apsinthos: wormwood – a bitter plant known as wormwood” (figuratively) what is intensely bitter (grievous), bringing on very sad results (used only in Rev 8:11) [Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl).]

• Qasem Soleimani  (Wikipedia) (Western nickname:The Shadow Commanderwas an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force (lit. ’Jerusalem Force’). Soleimani was assassinated in 2020 by a U.S. drone strike. Born: 11 March 1957, 806 months ago  -> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). 

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, 7th President of the People’s Republic of China. Born: 15 June 1953, 666 months, 666 weeks, 966 days old, if the smaller units (days) are added first.

• 2018 North Korea–United States Singapore Summit (Wikipedia), was a summit meeting between North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump. Date: 12 June 2018, 2160 days ago (6x6x60)

After sunset 🌅 – 5/11 [5.11 Tactical (Wikipedia), Zelensky, your blog on (15 July 2023, here), The Story Behind President Zelenskyy’s 5.11 Shirt with the Ukrainian Flag (Athlon OutdoorsJewish Gematria: Saturn = 511Mary = 511].

Jewish calendar3 Iyar, 3 Iyar  (Psalm11918)

Islamic calendarDhu’l-Qi’dah 3

• National Security Act of 1947 (Wikipedia) was a law enacting major restructuring of the US government’s military and intelligence agencies following World War II…the act established the National Security Council and the CIA… Effective: 18 September 1947 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 3, 1366 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, May 9…

5/9 (Thursday/Thor’s day

Julian calendar: 4/26 [Convert a date]

Feast of the Ascension (WikipediaNational Todaycommemorates the Christian belief of the bodily Ascension of Jesus into Heaven.

Victory Day (9 May) (Wikipedia) is a holiday that commemorates the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. It was first inaugurated in the 15 republics of the Soviet Union following the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender late in the evening on 8 May 1945 (9 May Moscow Time). Observed by: Russia and some former states of Soviet Union, …Israel,…

Europe Day is a day celebrating “peace and unity in Europe” (Wikipedia) celebrated on 9 May by the European Union… in commemoration of the 1950 Schuman Declaration (Wikipedia) which first proposed the European Coal and Steel Community, leading it to be referred to by some as “Schuman Day” or “Day of the united Europe”.

• Der Krach: The Vienna stock exchange crash heralds the Long Depression (WikipediaAnalyzing Alpha). Date: 9 May 1873

• Statue of Freedom (Wikipedia) “…after being in place almost 130 years, the statue was brought down from its pedestal by helicopter for restoration.”Date: 9 May, 1993

• West Germany joins NATO (HISTORY). Date: 9 May 1955

Chinese calendar4th Month 2

• Gestapo (Wikipedia), was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and in German-occupied Europe.… After the war ended, the Gestapo was declared a criminal organisation by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at the Nuremberg trials. Formed: Wed, 26 April 1933 = 4th Month 2, year of the Rooster, the 91st anniversary -> Strong’s Hebrew: 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for Haman / Greek: 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly

Numbers: 5/9 (inclusive) – 5/10

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima [Atomic bombings of Hiroshima… – Wikipedia] and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 415 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob Original / Greek: 415. aneleemon: without compassion, cruel

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 6 years, 230 days ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days). -> Strong’s Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites.

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack (2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel – Wikipedia) on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. Date: 7 October 2023, 216 days ago (6x6xdays ago)

After sunset 🌅 – 5/10

Jewish calendar2 Iyar, 2 Iyar (Psalm11918)

2 Chronicles 3:2 Solomon began construction on the second day of the second month in the fourth year of his reign.

• The American Civil War (Wikipedia) was a civil war in the United States between the Union (“the North”) and the Confederacy (“the South”), which had been formed by states that had seceded from the Union. Start date (Civil War begins as Confederate forces fire on Fort Sumter – HISTORY):  Fri, 12 April 1861 = 2 Iyyar163 Jewish years ago  [Strong’s Greek: 163. aichmalótizó: to take or lead captive; Usage: I take captive (in war); I subdue, ensnare.; 38th prime]

• Vladimir Putin becomes President of Russia – The first inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia (Wikipedia) took place on Sunday, Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 = 2 Iyyar 

• Victoria Woodhull becomes the first woman nominated for President of the United States. (Wikipedia). Date: 10 May 1872 = 2 Iyyar

Islamic calendarDhu’l-Qi’dah 2

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: Thursday, 28 August 2014 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 2, 1435 AH. On the same day: Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia), 10 years ago

• 1980 Turkish coup d’état (Wikipedia), headed by Chief of the General Staff General Kenan Evren, was the third coup d’état in the history of the Republic of Turkey. Result: 43rd government of Turkey overthrown, Military junta rule under martial law until 1983 Turkish general election,… Date: 12 September 1980 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 2, 1400 AH, 45 Islamic years ago

• Reichstag fire (Wikipedia) was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday, 27 February 1933 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 2, 1351 AH, precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. The event is considered pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

Here are her notes on Sunday, May 5…


• Israeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia), formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, was proclaimed on 14 May 1948 by David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and soon to be first Prime Minister of Israel, 666,000 hours ago-> [Number of the beast: 666]

•The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) (also known as the Boxing Day Tsunami.  Casualties: 227,898 dead. Date: 12/26/2004, 7070 days ago 

Jewish calendar27 Nissan, 27 Nisan (Psalm11918)

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943) – …In tribute to the uprising, the Israeli government designated the 27th of Nissan as its official “Holocaust and Bravery Day,” 

• Yom HaShoah (Wikipedia) ‘Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day’, in Israel. It is held on the 27th of Nisan. If the 27th day of Nisan falls on a Sunday [as in 2024], the day is commemorated on Monday, the 28th day of Nisan. On May 3, 1951 = 27 Nisanthe first officially organized Holocaust Remembrance Day event was held at the Chamber of the Holocaust on Mount Zion (here). 

• The Iron Curtain begins to crumble as Hungary dismantles its border fence with Austria (timeanddate) By gradually opening its border to Austria, Hungary facilitated the escape of hundreds of East Germans in the months before the Berlin Wall fell.(Removal of Hungary’s border fence with Austria  – Wikipedia, When Hungary began dismantling the Iron Curtain – Adam Smith Institute). Date: Tue, 2 May 1989 = 27 NisanYom HaShoah

• The Day of the Four Popes (Catholic Register, Historic day of 4 popes – POLITICO) Pope Francis declared his two predecessors John XXIII and John Paul II saints …, an unprecedented ceremony made even more historic by the presence in St. Peter’s Square of emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. Date: Second Sunday of Easter, 27 April 2014 = 27 Nisan, 10 years ago

• Pope Francis celebrated his inauguration on 19 March 2013 and was installed as Bishop of Rome on Sunday, 7 April 2013 (Reuters) = 27 Nisan, 11 years ago 

• Mehmed II (Wikipedia), commonly known as Mehmed the Conqueror. He was twice the sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Born: 30 March 1432  = 27 Nisan (Convert a date)

• Mehmed II begins his siege of Constantinople (Wikipedia: herehere). The city falls on May 29, and is renamed Istanbul. Date: 6 April 1453 (Julian) = 27 Nisan (Convert a date); [Names of Istanbul – Wikipedia]

Islamic calendarShawwal 26 

• Christopher Seiders (Wikipedia) (or Snider) was a boy who is considered to be the first American killed in the American Revolution. He was 11 years old when he was shot and killed by customs officer Ebenezer Richardson. Date: Thu, 22 February 1770 =  Shawwal 26, 1183 AH in Boston. Gematria: Christopher Snider = Christ Crucifixion 3x; Ebenezer Richardson = King Nebuchadnezzar 2x, Chinese Communist Party 2x

Here are her notes on Friday, April 26…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

4/26 (Friday) 

Julian calendar4/13  [Convert a date] – Friday the 13th (Wikipedia)

April 13 – Cerealia continue (Wikipedia: herehere) was the major festival celebrated for the grain goddess Ceres [the mundus of Ceres]; (monthly Feriae Iovis, a procession and sacrifice of a ram to Jove (Jupiter) on the arx; dies natalis of the Temple to Jupiter Victor and the Temple to Jove the Liberator (Wikipedia))

Ezekiel 29:17 On April 26, the first day of the new year, during the twenty-seventh year of King Jehoiachin’s captivity, this message came to me from the LORD: Ezekiel 29:1829:19

• Constantinople falls to the Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ending the Byzantine Empire (Wikipedia). Date: 13 April 1204 (Julian) 

• The Chernobyl disaster (Wikipedia, Chernobyl: Timeline of Events – began on Saturday, 26 April 1986 at 01:23 (Moscow Time) =  Friday, 25 April at 21:23 UTC (Time Zone Converter) with the explosion of the No. 4 reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR, close to the border with the Byelorussian SSR, in the Soviet Union. It is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history, 38 years ago [Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)]

• Gestapo (Wikipedia), was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and in German-occupied Europe.… After the war ended, the Gestapo was declared a criminal organization by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at the Nuremberg trials. Formed: 26 April 1933, the 91st anniversary -> Strong’s Hebrew: 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for Haman / Greek: 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly

Chinese calendar3rd Month 18

• Action Comics #1 (Wikipedia) is the first issue of the original run of the comic book/magazine series Action Comics. It features the first appearance of several comic-book heroes—most notably the Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster creation, Superman. The cover has been compared to Hercules and the Hydra by Antonio del Pollaiuolo. Publication date: 18 April 1938 (on sale) = 3rd Month 18, year of the Tiger, 86 Chinese years ago -> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). 

• TIME’s Iconic Cover: Is God Dead?(TIMEWikipedia) Published: Good Friday, 8 April 1966 = 3rd Month 18, year of the Horse

• Liberation of Dachau (Holocaust Encyclopedia) On the same day -> Adolf Hitler’s wedding (Adolf and Eva marry – History) Date: 29 April 1945 = 3rd Month 18, year of the Rooster

• Chernobyl disaster (Chernobyl disaster) the world’s worst-ever civil nuclear incident. Date: 26 April 1986 = 3rd Month 18, year of the Tiger

[24042627] Numbers4/26 (inclusive) – 4/27

• Bethlehem church catches fire after pope’s visit (The Guardian) – A fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Tuesday [27 May 2014], just hours after Pope Francis wrapped up a three-day Middle East pilgrimage during which he visited the shrine, 9 years, 11 months  or 119 months ago -> 911

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (, Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post)  [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014, 3566 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 3566. numphios: a bridegroom / Hebrew: 3566. Koresh: a Pers. king, NASB Translation Cyrus

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence’s term as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 66 weeks ago. (If the smaller units (days) are added first.) -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNN) President Donald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Jerusalem. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 20 weeks, 3 days ago (If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days)) -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia Astro databank), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February 1954 [at 04:25 AM – unverified], 666 months, 666 weeks, 696 days  old. (If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days).) -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Xi proposes a ‘new Silk Road’ (China Daily). Date: 7 September 2013, 555 weeks ago -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia).

After sunset 🌅 – 4/27

Jewish calendar19 NissanPesach V4th day of the Omer, 19 Nisan (Psalm11918)

• Predecessor: The League of Nations (UN) – As of 20 April 1946 = 19 Nisanthe League of Nations ceased to exist, having handed over all of its assets to the United Nations, and having granted the new UN Secretariat full control of its Library and archives. 

• Adolf Hitler (WikipediaAstrodatabank) was born on Sat, 20 April 1889 at 18:30 in Braunau, Austria = 19 Nisan [Sunset in Braunau am Inn, Austria at 7:11 PM (Google Search)].

• The RS-28 Sarmat (Wikipedia), often colloquially referred to as Satan II, is one of six new Russian strategic weapons unveiled by Russian president Vladimir Putin in 2018. It made its first test flight on 20 April 2022 (Wikipedia) = 19 Nisan.

• Kim Jong-un (Wikipedia), Supreme Leader of North Korea,  General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Assumed office: 11 April 2012 = 19 Nisan

• The Korean People’s Army (Wikipedia) encompasses the combined military forces of North Korea and the armed wing of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK). Founded: 25 April 1932 = 19 Nisan

• Abraham Lincoln shot (BritannicaLibrary of Congress)- On this day in 1865, just after the effective end of the Amverican Civil War, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth while attending a production at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C., and died the next morning. Date: 14 April 1865 at 10:15 PM (died April 15, 1865, at 7:22 AM – Wikipedia) =  19 Nisan

• The Coercive (Intolerable) Acts of 1774 (Mount Vernon) – The Coercive Acts of 1774, known as the Intolerable Acts in the American colonies, were a series of four laws passed by the British Parliament to punish the colony of Massachusetts Bay for the Boston Tea Party. the Coercive Acts. The Boston Port Act (Wikipedia) was the first of the Coercive Acts. Parliament passed the bill on 31 March 1774 = 19 Nisan, the 250th anniversary. 

• The siege of Boston (Wikipedia) was the opening phase of the American Revolutionary War (Wikipedia), also known as the American War of Independence. Start date: 19 April 1775 = 19 Nisan

Islamic calendarShawwal 18 (d/m date format 18/10) 

Revelation 18:10 In fear of her torment, they will stand at a distance and cry out: “Woe, woe to the great city, the mighty city of Babylon! For in a single hour your judgment has come.”

Here are her notes on Thursday, April 25…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

Gematria: Second day of the Omer (17 Nisan) = Hezbollah Israel war 3x, The Year of The Dragon 3x, Operation Al Aqsa Storm (nournews) 2x, Joe Biden has died 2x, Vice President Harris 1x 

4/25 (Thursday/Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 4/12 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals:

Cerealia  (Wikipedia: herehere) was the major festival celebrated for the grain goddess Ceres [the mundus of Ceres]. Date: 12-19 April 

Aprilis 28 (WikipediaRobigalia, The Serapia…… the day was a sacrum or rite for Serapis along with Isis Pharia, “Isis of the Lighthouse (Pharos) of Alexandria”.

• President Truman is briefed on Manhattan Project (HISTORY) – President Harry S. Truman learns the full details of the Manhattan Project, in which scientists are attempting to create the first atomic bomb, on 25 April 1945. 

• The Chernobyl disaster (Wikipedia, Chernobyl: Timeline of Events – began on Saturday, 26 April 1986 at 01:23 (Moscow Time) =  Friday, 25 April at 21:23 UTC (Time Zone Converter) with the explosion of the No. 4 reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR, close to the border with the Byelorussian SSR, in the Soviet Union. It is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history, 38 years ago [Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)]

• Korean People’s Army Foundation Day in North Korea (AnydayGuide)

• San RemoThe Forgotten Milestone to the Liberation and Creation of Israel (The Israel Forever Foundation), San Remo conference – Wikipedia) On Sunday, April 25, 1920, after hectic deliberation, the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the U.S. acting as an observer) adopted the San Remo Resolution — a 500 [Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist] word document which defined the future political landscape of the Middle East out of the defunct Ottoman Empire.

Chinese calendar3rd Month 17

• Death of Benito Mussolini (Wikipedia) in Giulino, Azzano, Italy. Date: 28 April 1945  = 3rd Month 17, year of the Rooster

• Earth Day (Wikipedia) – The first Earth Day (HISTORY), an event to increase public awareness of the world’s environmental problems, is celebrated in the United States for the first time on Wed, 22 April 1970 = 3rd  Month 17, year of the Dog

• 100,000 Chinese students gather at Tiananmen Square, demand to meet Li Peng (HISTORY, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre (Wikipedia). Date: Sat, 22 April 1989 = 3rd Month 17, year of the Snake 

[24042526] Numbers4/25(inclusive) – 4/26

• President Obama chaired the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Summit on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Disarmament (YouTube-United NationsUN Press). The Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1887 (Wikipedia) Subject: Maintenance of international peace and security, Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. Date: Thursday/Thor’s day, 24 September 2009, 5328 days ago -> Strong’s Greek 5328. Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king Usage: Pharaoh, the title of ancient Egyptian kings. [Obama Akhenaten –  Google Search]

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014) – Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock (CBS NEWS). Date: 26 May 2014, years, 11 month ago -> 911

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 66 weeks ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

After sunset 🌅 – 4/26

Jewish calendar18 NissanPesach IV3rd day of the Omer, 18 Nisan (Psalm11918)

Pharaoh Becomes Aware of Escape (1313 BCE) – Exodus 14:5Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Brit (1902) [The Covenant of Circumcision – Genesis 17:12

• TIME’s Iconic Cover: Is God Dead?(TIMEWikipedia) Published: Good Friday, 8 April 1966 = 18 Nisan

Islamic calendarShawwal 17

• Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia) is proclaimed sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Date: 30 September 1520 (Julian) = Shawwal 17, 926 AH (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, April 24…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

4/23 (Tuesday) – Full Moon – Pink Moon (In The Skytimeanddate)

at 23:48 UTC.

4/24 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 4/11 [Convert a date]

Space Day in China (AnydayGuide)

National Brandon Day (National Today) -> Let’s Go Brandon (Wikipedia) is a political slogan used by critics of Joe Biden. 

• Traditional reckoning of the Fall of Troy marking the end of the legendary Trojan War, given by chief librarian of the Library of Alexandria Eratosthenes, among others (Wikipedia). Date: 24 April 1183 BC

• Russo-Turkish War: Russian Empire declares war on Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia). Date: 24 April 1877

• Officials of North Korea informed U.S. diplomats that it had nuclear weapons and was making bomb-grade plutonium (Britannica). Date: 24 April 2003, 21 years ago

• Iran hostage rescue mission ends in disaster (HISTORY) On April 24, 1980, an ill-fated military operation to rescue the 52 American hostages held in Tehran ends with eight U.S. servicemen dead and no hostages rescued, 44 years ago.

• Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day (AnydayGuideWikipedia) – The Armenian Genocide took place in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. On April 24, 1915, about 250 Armenian intellectuals were arrested in Constantinople. These arrests initiated systematic extermination of Armenians by the Ottoman government.

• Papal Inauguration of Benedict XVI (Wikipedia: herehere) Benedict celebrated the Papal Inauguration Mass in St. Peter’s Square, during which he was invested with the Pallium and the Ring of the Fisherman. Date: 24 April 2005, 19 years ago 

Chinese calendar3rd Month 16 

[24042425] Numbers4/24 (inclusive) – 4/25

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (UK Parliament) – 1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May, 60,230 days -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss./ Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) is a series of non-binding bilateral arrangements between the United States government and other world governments that elaborates on the norms expected to be followed in outer space. The accords are related to the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2026, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: 13 October 2020, 1290 days ago

• Replica of Palmyra’s Arch of Triumph destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City (The Guardian) on 19 September 2016, 66,600 hours ago. -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Replica of Palmyra’s Arch of Triumph destroyed by Isis unveiled  in London‘s Trafalgar Square on 19 April 2016 (VOA news), 96 months, 6 days ago.

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia) is the 6th and current President of Ukraine. Born: 25 January 1978, 555 months old -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia)

• A New Beginning (speech) (WikipediaWhite House) is the name of a speech delivered by United States President Barack Obama from the Major Reception Hall at Cairo University in Egypt. Date: Thursday, 4 June 2009, 777 weeks ago

• World Health Organization (Wikipedia) is a specialized agency of the UN responsible for international public health. Founded: 7 April 1948, 666,666 hours ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

After sunset 🌅 – 4/25 (Thursday / Thor’s day)

Jewish calendar17 Nissan (1/17 or 7/17 like 📆 – Wikipedia), 17 Nisan  (Psalm11918), Pesach III2nd day of the Omer

Noah’s Ark came to rest on mountains of Ararat (Wikipedia) – Genesis 8:4 On the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.

Haman Hanged (357 BCE)

d/m date format 17/1-> Revelation 17:1 – Then one of the seven angels with the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters.

• The Chernobyl disaster (Wikipedia) began on Saturday, 26 April 1986 (at 01:23 local time) = 17 Nisan with the explosion of the No. 4 reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR, close to the border with the Byelorussian SSR, in the Soviet Union. It is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history, 38 Jewish years ago

• Dissolution of the League of Nations – On Thursday / Thor’s day), April 18, 1946 = 17 Nisan the 21st session of the Assembly of the League of Nations adopted the following Resolution for the Dissolution of the League of Nations (Office of the Historian). 1. (1) With effect from the day following the close  [*] of the present session of the Assembly, the League of Nations shall cease to exist (here).  -> ‘The League is Dead. Long Live the United Nations.’ (The National WWII Museum), the 78th Jewish anniversary.

*The 34-member League of Nations, in its last meeting, transferred its assets to the United Nations and disbanded at midnight Geneva time (2300 GMT) (Wikipedia)

[The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used. The phrase is utilized in relation to the plagues God sent upon Egypt in order to free the children of Israel from slavery. Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.;

What Trump’s 34 Felony Charges Are All About (Bloomberg), Overman [Übermensch (Wikipedia) = Gematria: 88, 34, 101, 38]

Islamic calendarShawwal 16 (10/16) -> Strong’s Greek: 1016. bous: an ox, a cow

Here are her notes on Tuesday, April 23…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

4/23 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 4/10 [Convert a date]

Daniel 10:4 (NLT) On April 23, as I was standing on the bank of the great Tigris River, -> (Daniel’s Vision by the Tigris – Daniel 10)

π-Puppid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky)

Saint George’s Day (AnydayGuide, Wikipedia) is the feast day of Saint George, notably England’s patron saint, but celebrated also by Christian churches, countries, and regions of which he is the patron saint, including Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Greece, Georgia, Portugal, Romania, Syria, Lebanon, Catalonia, Alcoi, Aragon, and Rio de Janeiro. Saint George’s Day is celebrated on 23 April, the traditionally accepted date of the saint’s death in the Diocletianic Persecution. It coincides with the assumed birth and actual death dates of English playwright and poet William Shakespeare.

• The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) is founded in Ankara. The assembly denounces the government of Sultan Mehmed VI and announces the preparation of a temporary constitution (Wikipedia). Date: 23 April 1920 -> National Sovereignty and Children’s Day (Wikipedia)

• Chinese Civil War: Establishment of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (Wikipedia). Date: 23 April 1949

Chinese calendar3rd Month 15 (3/15 – Chinese Ides of March date) 

• The United States officially enters World War I (HISTORY) – April 6, 1917 = 3rd Month 15, year of the Snake: Two days after the U.S. Senate voted 82 to 6 to declare war against Germany, the U.S. House of Representatives endorses the declaration by a vote of 373 to 50. As a result, America formally enters World War I.

[24042324] Numbers4/23 (inclusive) – 4/24

• The cornerstone of the UN Permanent Headquarters was laid on UN Day (Wikipedia). Harry S. Truman – Address in New York City at the Cornerstone Laying of the United Nations Building (Truman Library). Date: 24 October 1949, 894 months ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood  -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)

• Barack Obama sat as the President of the UN Security Council for the second time (UNthe White House) – the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters. Date: Wednesday, 24 September 2014, 500 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• Xi proposes a ‘new Silk Road’(China DailyDate: 7 September 2013, 3882 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon Leviathan (Wikipedia)

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) – General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: Thursday, 15 November 2012, 11 years, 160 days  ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first) -> Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016, 777 % of a common year (365 days) ago -> [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

After sunset 🌅 – 4/24

Jewish calendar16 Nissan (1/16), 16 Nisan (Psalm11918), 1st day of the OmerPesach II 

Sodom Overturned (1714 BCE),…

• Black Death is created, allegedly (HISTORY) – According to scholars at the University of Paris, the Black Death is created on March 20, 1345 (Julian) = 16 Nisan from what they call “a triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the 40th degree of Aquarius, occurring on that day.” Despite what these 14th-century scholars claimed the most common ailment known as the Black Death is caused by the yersinia pestis bacterium.

• Earth Day (Wikipedia) – The first Earth Day (HISTORY) , an event to increase public awareness of the world’s environmental problems, is celebrated in the United States for the first time on Wed, 22 April 1970 = 16 Nisan

Islamic calendarShawwal 15

• Reformation Day (Wikipedia) –  31 October 1517 (Julian) = 15 Shawwal, 923 AH was the day German Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Electorate of Saxony in the Holy Roman Empire (HISTORY).

• Greg Abbott (Wikipedia), 48th Governor of Texas. On Sat, 14 July 1984 = Shawwal 15, at age 26, Abbott was paralyzed below the waist when an oak tree fell on him while he was jogging after a storm (Wikipedia).

Here are her notes on Monday, April 22…

4/22 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 4/9 [Convert a date]

Lyrid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky, The radiant of the meteor shower is located near the constellations Lyra and Hercules, near the bright star Vega – Wikipedia]

International Mother Earth Day (United Nations

Earth Day (Wikipedia, The first Earth Day – HISTORY)

• Confederate Memorial Day (United States) (AnydayGuide) is observed in the Southern United States to honor the memory of Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War.

• In God We Trust Day (National Today) On April 22, 1864 [Coinage Act of 1864 – Wikipedia], the United States Congress passed an act allowing for ‘In God We Trust’ to begin appearing on U.S. coins, 160 years ago. 

• The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) (World Jewish CongressWikipedia) (lit. ‘Army of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution’) It was officially established by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on the 22 April 1979 following the Islamic Revolution and the overthrow of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. [According to Wikipedia -> The IRGC was formed on 5 May 1979 (here)]

• J. Robert Oppenheimer (Wikipedia)(Julius Robert Oppenheimer) was an American theoretical physicist. He was director of the Manhattan Project’s Los Alamos Laboratory during World War II and is often called the “father of the atomic bomb”. Born: 22 April 1904, the 120th anniversary of his birth. 

• Vladimir Lenin (Wikipedia) – Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Vladimir Lenin, was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as the first and founding head of government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1917 until his death in 1924, and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Born: 22 April 1870 

• Hitler admits defeat (HISTORY) – On April 22, 1945, Adolf Hitler, learning from one of his generals that no German defense was offered to the Russian assault at Eberswalde, admits to all in his underground bunker that the war is lost and that suicide is his only recourse.

• Richard Nixon (Wikipedia), the 37th President of the US. Died: 22 April 1994, the 30th anniversary of his death. 

• Sirius (2013 film) – (Wikipedia) – Sirius is a 2013 pseudo-documentary directed by Amardeep Kaleka, based upon ufologist Steven M. Greer’s book Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge. Release date: 22 April 2013, 11 years ago 

Chinese calendar3rd Month 14

• Robert E. Lee surrenders – HISTORYLibrary of Congress) In Appomattox, Virginia, on April 9, 1865 = 3rd Month 14, year of the Ox, Robert E. Lee surrenders his 28,000 Confederate troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War.

[24042223] Numbers4/22 (inclusive) – 4/23

• Times Square Ball (Wikipedia) – The first annual ball drop at Times Square Date: 31 December 1907 (here), 6069 weeks ago

• Yitzhak Kaduri (Wikipedia) – The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime (Bible Society in Israel) Died: 28 January 2006 (at around 10 p.m.) in Jerusalem, 6660 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) – General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: Thursday, 15 November 2012, 11 years, 160 days ago -> Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016, 405 weeks ago -> Donald Trump: President number 45

After sunset 🌅 – 4/23

Jewish calendar15 Nissan, 15 Nisan (Psalm11918), Pesach I

• The Passover massacre (Wikipedia) was a suicide bombing carried out by Hamas at the Park Hotel in Netanya, Israel on 27 March 2002 (after sunset at 7:30 PM, Sunset in Netanya, Israel 5:57 PM) = 15 Nisan, during a Passover seder. Deaths: 30 civilians (+1 assailant). 

Islamic calendar Shawwal 14

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016 = Shawwal 13 or Shawwal 14, 1437 AH 

• Prince William visits Western Wall, prays for world peace (timesofisrael). Date: Thursday, 28 June 2018 = Shawwal 14, 1439 AH

• 2014 Turkish presidential election (Wikipedia) – Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was elected outright with an absolute majority of the vote in the first round. Date: 10 August 2014 = Shawwal 13 or Shawwal 14, 1435 AH. Gematria: Recep Tayyip Erdogan = William, Prince of Wales 1x 

• The Camp David Accords (WikipediaHISTORY) were a pair of political agreements between Israel and Egypt. Signed (at the White House): 17 Septembere 1978 = Shawwal 14, 1398 AH

Here are her gematria notes on Biden’s trip to Virginia on Monday, April 22

Prince William Forest Park (273, 120, 348, 141) = Kobe Bryant helicopter crash (Wikipedia) 3x, Thursday April eighteenth 3x [it was this year – timeanddate], Friday March twenty second [also this year timeanddate] 2x, World Trade Center Complex (Wikipedia) 2x, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti [‘birthday of the Invincible Sun’ – Wikipedia] 2x, president Biden passes away 2x , nuclear power plant accident 2x, President Grover Cleveland (Wikipedia) 2x, Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant 1x, John F. Kennedy assassination 1x 

Triangle, Virginia (175, 94, 257, 104) February revolution (Wikipedia) 2x, Ted Theodore Kaczynski (Wikipedia) 2x, The September eleven attacks 1x 

Triangle, VA (109, 46, 161, 62) = the Titanic 4x, terminated 4x, Noah’s Flood 3x, Great Reset 2x

Here are her notes on Thursday, April 18…

4/18 (Thursday / Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 4/5 [Convert a date] -> Donald Trump – President number 45

Gematria: Mike Pence = 45 (2x), Lex Luthor = 45 (2x)(a supervillain, originally appeared in Action Comics #23 – Wikipedia)

• Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’(CNNYouTube – CNN) Date: Monday evening, 18 April 2016 in Buffalo, New YorkAnd the very next day – Replica of Ancient Palmyra Arch Unveiled at Trafalgar Square in London, Britain (VOA News). Date: Tuesday, 19 April 2016 = 11 Nisan, 5776 (1/11 or 7/11). Gematria: Ancient Palmyra Arch = False flag operation 3x

• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Wikipedia), the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe. Born: 5 April 1902 (O.S.) = Fri, 18 April 1902

• Islamic Republic of Iran Army Day (Wikipedia) – The day of the Iranian Army has been celebrated since 1921. The current holiday was established by the former Supreme Leader of Iran, Ruhollah Khomeini. Date: 18 April 1979, 45 years ago. 

• Action Comics #1 (Wikipedia) is the first issue of the original run of the comic book/magazine series Action Comics. It features the first appearance of several comic-book heroes—most notably the Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster creation, Superman. The cover has been compared to Hercules and the Hydra by Antonio del Pollaiuolo. Publication date: 18 April 1938 (on sale), 86 years ago -> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades(Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). 

• The midnight ride of Paul Revere (Wikipedia) on the night of April 18, 1775

• 1906 San Francisco earthquake (Wikipedia, (Library of Congress) – A massive earthquake destroys San Francisco. About 700 – 3000+ people died in the disaster. Over 80 percent of the city was destroyed by the quake and resulting fires [The Fairmont San Francisco (Wikipedia) hotel was heavily damaged by fire, and opening was delayed until 1907. In 1945, the Fairmont hosted international statesmen for meetings which culminated in the creation of the United Nations]. Date: 18 April 1906 [= 23 Nisan 5666]

• The European Coal and Steel Community (Wikipedia),  a precursor of the European Union, is established. Date: 18 April 1951

Chinese calendar3rd Month 10

• A small group of students initiates pro-democracy protest on Tiananmen Square in Beijing -> Tiananmen Square protests and massacre –  Wikipedia) were student-led demonstrations in 1989 calling for democracy, free speech and a free press in China. Start date: 15 April 1989 = 3rd Month 10, year of the Snake

[24041819] Numbers4/18 (inclusive) – 4/19

• Replica of Syrian arch destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City (The Guardian) on Monday 19 September 2016, 7 years, 7 months ago

• 2000 Russian presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent prime minister and acting president Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin after his resignation on 31 December 1999, … won the elections in the first round. Date: Sunday, 26 March 2000, 24 years, 24 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.

After sunset 🌅 – 4/19

Jewish calendar11 Nissan, 11 Nisan (Psalm11918) -> 1/11 or 7/11

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened., [The world premiere of Oppenheimer (Wikipedia) took place on July 11, 2023 (7/11), at the Grand Rex Cinema in Paris.]

• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Wikipedia), the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe. Born: 5 April 1902 (O.S.) = Fri, 18 April 1902 = 11 Nisan, the 122nd Jewish anniversary of his birth -> the Number 122 (Bible Study) Strong’s Greek: 122. aigeios: of a goat 

 • Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. (CBS News). Date: Friday, 22 March 2013 = 11 Nisan11 Jewish years ago 

• Palmyra Arch Of Triumph Replica Unveiled In London‘s Trafalgar Square on Tuesday 19 April 2016 = 11 Nisan (Replica of Ancient Palmyra Arch Unveiled in London, VOA News)

• German city Munich (München) is first mentioned as forum apud Munichen in the Augsburg arbitration by Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich I. (Wikipedia). Date: 12 March 1158 = 11 Nisan [the Nazi Party was established  and maintained its headquarters at Brown House in Munich (Münchner Stadtmuseum)]. 

• 2022 New York City Subway attack (Wikipedia) – Date: April 12, 2022 = 11 Nisan

Islamic calendarShawwal 10 (10/10

• Donald Trump claimed he had met “foreign governments” including the “Prince of Whales” (BBC) Date: 13 June 2019 = Shawwal 10, 1440 AH -> Gematria: Prince of Whales = Lord of the Flies [Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon] 4x

Here are her notes on Thursday, April 11 (after sunset and beyond)…

4/11 (Thursday) After sunset

Mercury at inferior solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 22:58 UTC

Jewish calendar:  4 Nissan

• The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (Wikipedia), is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The agency’s primary purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. Founded: 1 April 1979 = 4 Nisan45 Jewish years ago

• Former President Barack Obama returned to the White House for the first time since leaving office Obama started his remarks by jokingly referring to the current president as “Vice President Joe Biden” (CBS News). Date: 5 April, 2022 = 4 Nisan

Numbers4/11 (inclusive) – 4/12

• NATO (Wikipedia), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed with the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty (Wikipedia) in Washington, D.C. Date: 4 April 1949, 900 months, 1 week, 1 day -> 911

4/12 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 3/30 [Convert a date]

Cerealia (Wikipedia: herehere) was the major festival celebrated for the grain goddess Ceres. Date: 12-19 April 

• Sack of Constantinople (Wikipedia) – The Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade breach the walls of Constantinople and enter the city, which they completely occupy the following day (Wikipedia). Date: 12–15 April 1204 (Julian), 820 years ago

Space and space flights: 1633 – Galileo is accused of heresy (HISTORY), International Day of Human Space Flight (Wikipedia) is the annual celebration, held on 12 April, of the anniversary of the first human space flight by Yuri Gagarin (USSR). In the Soviet Union, 12 April was commemorated as Cosmonautics Day (Wikipedia) since 1963, and is still observed in Russia and some former Soviet states. Yuri’s Night (Wikipedia), also known as “World Space Party” is an international observance initiated in the United States in 2001, on the 40th anniversary of Gagarin’s flight. Day of Space and Rocket Industry Workers in Ukraine (AnydayGuide). 1981 – The space shuttle Columbia is launched for the first time (HISTORY). 

• The American Civil War (Wikipediabegins as Confederate forces fire on Fort Sumter (HISTORY) Date: 12 April 1861. On 12 April, 1864 (during the Civil War), Hundreds of Union soldiers killed in Fort Pillow Massacre (HISTORY). 

• Shanghai massacre (Wikipedia): Chiang Kai-shek orders the Chinese Communist Party members executed in Shanghai, ending the First United Front. Date: 12 April 1927 

• U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in office; Vice President Harry S. Truman becomes President upon Roosevelt’s death (Wikipedia). Date: 12 April 1945 

• Harold Lee Washington (Wikipedia) becomes the first African-American to be elected Mayor of Chicago (1983 Chicago mayoral election – Wikipedia)

• Tulsi Gabbard (Wikipedia) – Born: 12 April 1981

• April 12 (Wikipedia) events: suicide bombers 3x

Chinese calendar3rd Month 4

Numbers4/12 (inclusive) – 4/13

• Bashar al-Assad (Wikipedia) is the current and 19th president of Syria. He was born on 11 September 1965, 666 months, 66 weeks 666 days old.

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) – General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: 15 November [11/15] 2012, 11 years, 150 days ago (If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days) -> Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a hill near Jer. a skull [Latin calvaria], the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull.

• 2000 Russian presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent prime minister and acting president Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin after his resignation on 31 December 1999, … won the elections in the first round. Date: 26 March 2000, 24 years, 2 weeks, 4 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.

After sunset 🌅 – 4/13

Jewish calendar5 Nissan, 5 Nisan (Psalm11918)

Spies to Jericho (1273 BCE)

• The Nero Decree (Wikipedia) was issued by Adolf Hitler on 19 March 1945 = 5 Nisan, ordering the destruction of German infrastructure to prevent its use by Allied forces as they penetrated deep within Germany. It was officially titled Decree Concerning Demolitions in the Reich Territory and has subsequently become known as the Nero Decree, after the Roman Emperor Nero, who, according to an apocryphal story, engineered the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD.

• NATO (Wikipedia), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance between 31 member states – 29 European and two North American. It was formed with the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty (Wikipedia) in Washington, D.C. on 4 April 1949 = 5 Nisan75 years Jewish years ago

• Sverdlovsk anthrax leak (Wikipedia) – On 2 April 1979 = 5 Nisan, spores of Bacillus anthracis (the causative agent of anthrax) were accidentally released from a Soviet military research facility in the city of Sverdlovsk, Soviet Union (now Yekaterinburg, Russia). The ensuing outbreak of the disease resulted in the deaths of at least 68 people, although the exact number of victims remains unknown, 45 Jewish years ago 

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) was a granite monument that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. Controversial from its time of construction, it ultimately became the subject of conspiracy theories. Opening date: Saturday, 22 March 1980 = 5 Nisan44 years ago 

Islamic calendarShawwal 4

• Inauguration of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany (WikipediaHISTORY) On Monday, 30 January 1933 = Shawwal 4, 1351 AH or Shawwal 3 (Convert a date). Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler.

• Pope Francis (Wikipedia) – Born: 17 December 1936 at 21:00  (Astro Databank, Sunset in Buenos Aires, Argentina 20:04) =  Shawwal 4 [Convert a date], his 90th Islamic birthday

• Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (WikipediaAstro-databank) (Rachel Meghan Markle) is an American member of the British royal family and a former actress. She is married to Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, the younger son of King Charles III. Born: August 4, 1981 at 04:46 = Shawwal 4, 1401 AH or Shawwal 3  (Convert a date), her 44th Islamic birthday 

[Family of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (Wikipedia) the Markle (formerly spelled Merckel) family is of German descent.]

• The first Super Bowl is played in Los Angeles (HISTORY) – Date: 15 January 1967 = Shawwal 4, 1386 AH or Shawwal 3 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, April 10…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

4/10 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 3/28 [Convert a date]

Close approach of Saturn and Mars (In The Sky) at 20:35 UTC

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 21:09 UTC

Martius 28 (WikipediaWikipedia) – Initium Gaiani, sometimes interpreted as initiations into the mysteries of the Magna Mater and Attis at the Gaianum, near the Phrygianum sanctuary at the Vatican Hill.

Aprilis 10 Megalesia (Wikipedia: herehere) in honor of the Magna Mater or Cybele, whose temple was dedicated April 10, 191 BC

• The Biological Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) is a disarmament treaty that effectively bans biological and toxin weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use. Signed: 10 April 1972

• Smolensk air disaster (Wikipedia) – On 10 April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft operating Polish Air Force Flight 101 crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk, killing all 96 people on board. Among the victims were the president of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, and his wife, Maria; the former president of Poland in exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski;…, 14 years ago

Chinese calendar3rd Month 2

• Jacques de Molay (Wikipedia),  the 23rd and final Grand Master of the Knights Templar, is burned at the stake 11 March 1314 or 18 March 1314 = 3rd Month 2, year of the Tiger-> The Curse of Jacques de Molay ( Origins

[24041011] Numbers: 4/10 (inclusive) – 4/11

• Opening of the Second Vatican Council (Britannica) – The Second Vatican Council opened on 11 October 1962, lasted for three years, and remains a symbol (controversial to some) of the church’s readiness to adapt to modern life, 61 years, 6 months ago exactly -> 616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia)

• Joe Biden names Kamala Harris as his running mate, making her the first Black and South Asian American woman to run on a major political party’s presidential ticket. Date: Tuesday, 11 August 2020 (CNN , NBC news), 44 months ago 

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 1177 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 1177. (Baal Chanan) – “Baal is gracious,” a king of Edom

• King Charles III (then the 21st Prince of Wales) launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset (WikipediaWEF) Date: 3 June 2020, 3 years, 9 months, 39 days ago (If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days).)-> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood

After sunset 🌅 – 4/11

Jewish calendar3 Nisan, 3 Nisan (Psalm11918)

• Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon issue the Alhambra Decree (Wikipedia: herehereHISTORY) (also known as the Edict of Expulsion; Spanish: Decreto de la Alhambra, Edicto de Granada), ordering her 150,000 Jewish and Muslim subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion on 31 March 1492 (Julian) = 3 Nisan

• Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (WikipediaAmerica Magazine). Date: 13 March 2013 (after sunset), at 19:06 local time white smoke and the sounding of the bells of St. Peter’s Basilica announced that a pope had been chosen [sunset in Rome 18:14] = 3 Nisan11 years ago 

• Queen Elizabeth II meets Pope Francis for the first time (Catholic Herald). ‘I say, Your Holiness, do you fancy a drop of Balmoral whisky? … (Daily Mail Online). Date: 3 April 2014  = 3 Nisan

• China’s leader Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) becomes 7th President of the People’s Republic of China, completing the formal transition of power to a new generation… (The Guardian). Date: Thursday, 14 March 2013  = 3 Nisan11 years ago

• International Day of Human Space Flight (UN) – The General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/65/271 of 7 April 2011 = 3 Nisandeclared 12 April as the International Day of Human Space Flight 

• The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Wikipedia)  is the principal security agency of Russia and the main successor agency to the Soviet Union’s KGB Formed: 3 April 1995 = 3 Nisan

• Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov (Wikipedia), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Born: 21 March 1950 = 3 Nisan

Islamic calendarShawwal 2

Here are her notes on Tuesday, April 9…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

4/9 (Wikipedia) (Tuesday) is the 100th day in leap years in the Gregorian calendar; 266 days remain until the end of the year [Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church]. 

Julian calendar: 3/27 [Convert a date]

• Baghdad falls to U.S. forces (HISTORYBBC) – On April 9, 2003, just three weeks into the invasion of Iraq, U.S. forces pull down a bronze statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad’s Firdos Square, symbolizing the end of the Iraqi president’s long, often brutal reign, and a major early victory for the United States. It is Baghdad Liberation Day in Kurdistan (Office Holidays). 

• National Nuclear Technology Day in Iran (AnydayGuide) is officially celebrated in Iran on 20 Farvardin (April 9 in the Gregorian calendar, or April 8  [Convert a date]). It was established in 2006 to celebrate Iran’s progress and achievements in the field of nuclear technology.

• His Majesty’s Wedding Day in the UK (AnydayGuide)- The wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles took place at the Windsor Guildhall on April 9, 2005, the 19th anniversary. [corona = crown COVID-19]

• In the United States, Appomattox Day (National TodayRobert E. Lee surrenders – HISTORYLibrary of Congress) In Appomattox, Virginia, on April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrenders his 28,000 Confederate troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War.

Chinese calendar3rd Month 1

• Nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island (HISTORY) – At 4 a.m. on March 28, 1979, one of the worst accidents in the history of the U.S. nuclear power industry begins when a pressure valve in the Unit-2 reactor at Three Mile Island fails to close.… Date: Wed, 28 March 1979 = 3rd Month 1, year of the Goat

After sunset 🌅 – 4/10

Jewish calendar: 2 Nisan, 2 Nisan (Psalm11918)

First Red Heifer Prepared

• Apostolic journey of Pope Francis to Malta (Vatican) – Visit to the Grotto of St Paul at the Basilica of St Paul in Rabat. Tradition has that the Apostle stayed there after shipwrecking on the island on his way to Rome…. (Vatican News). Date: 3 April 2022 = 2 Nisan

• Pope Celestine II (Wikipedia), the first pope listed in the Prophecy of Saint-Archbishop Malachy – Prophecy of the Popes (Wikipedia). Died: 8 March 1144 = 2 Nisan 

• World Trade Center (1973–2001) (Wikipedia) was a large complex of seven buildings in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. It opened on April 4, 1973 = 2 Nisan, and was destroyed during the September 11 attacks in 2001.

•The Book of Mormon (Wikipedia: herehere) is published in Palmyra, New York. Date: 26 March 1830 = 2 Nisan

Islamic calendar Shawwal 1Shawwal (Wikipedia) is the tenth month of the lunar based Islamic calendar. Every 1st day of Shawwāl, Eid al-Fitr  is celebrated throughout the Muslim World for three consecutive days until the 3rd day of this month (Wikipedia).

Here are her notes on Monday, April 8 (Day X)…

There is a connection between Corona (COVID-19) and April 8, and I remembered that Stellar corona (Wikipedia) – is most easily seen during a total solar eclipse. [some occult propaganda – hoax buster: (YouTubeYouTube)]. 

Joe Biden schedule: week ahead 4/7-4/14 (Forth)

4/8 (Monday/Day of the Moon – Wikipedia)

Julian calendar: 3/26 [Convert a date]

Gematria: April eighth twenty-twenty four = Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds 2x

Solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 (WikipediaIn The Sky)

Asteroid 532 Herculina at opposition (In The Sky) – The origin of its name is not known; it may be named after the mythical Hercules, …(Wikipedia)

New Moon (In The Sky) at 18:21 UTC

Ezra 7:9 (NLT) He had arranged to leave Babylon on April 8, the first day of the new year, and he arrived at Jerusalem on August 4, for the gracious hand of his God was on him.

Roman festivals

Aprilis 8 – dies natalis for the Temple of Castor and Pollux (after mid-1st century AD) (Wikipedia); Megalesia (Wikipedia) continue 

First Eid al-Fitr celebration (Wikipedia) Date: 26 March 624 (Julian), 1400 years ago [Eid al-Fitr – Hindustan Times]

Eastern Orthodox Church: Feast of the Archangel Gabriel (Wikipedia: herehere). Gabriel is an archangel with the power to announce God’s will to mankind. 

Buddha’s Birthday (WikipediaAnydayGuide) – Date (varies by region): April 8 (Japan)

• TIME’s Iconic Cover: Is God Dead?(WikipediaTIME) – Published: 8 April 1966

• New START (Wikipedia) is a nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation. Signed (by U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev): 8 April 2010

Chinese calendar 2nd Month 30

Numbers: 4/8(inclusive) – 4/9

• Abraham Accords: Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement (Wikipedia) was initially agreed to in a joint statement by the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates on August 13, 2020 (U.S. Embassy in Israel), 1335 days ago

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 3 years, 2 months, 20 days ago -> 322 [Skull and Bones]

After sunset 🌅 – 4/9

Jewish calendar1 Nisan, 1 Nisan (Psalm11918), Nisan (Wikipedia)

Creation of man (in thought), Jewish Calendar Inaugurated, Mishkan [Tabernacle] Inaugurated,…

Sequence of Plagues (Hebrew for Christians): Nisan 1 – Darkness

• Canonization of St Ignatius of Loyola and St Francis Xavier – Date: 12 March 1622 = 1 Nisan [A little-known day of Jesuit thanksgiving was celebrated on March 12 to mark the canonizations of two of the most famous Jesuits… (]

Islamic calendarRamadan 30

President Joe Biden – Public Schedule Calendar (Factba) on 8 April 2024.

President Biden to visit Madison College Truax campus (Madison College), 1:15 or 12:15 PM (Local) The President delivers remarks on lowering costs for Americans. 

Gematria: Madison College Truax campus = Assassination John F Kennedy 4x, Lech Aleksander Kaczynski (Wikipedia) 1x, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama 1x, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton 1x, Crown Prince of Iran 1x

Gematria: lowering costs for Americans = American Revolutionary War 3x [almost 4x],  Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers 1x 

The President departs Madison, Wisconsin en route to Chicago O’Hare International Airport: Address (Google Search) 10000 W Balmoral Ave, Chicago, IL 60666

On Thursday September 8, 2022 [911 days after the WHO declares the COVID-19 [Corona – crown] virus a pandemic (Time)], Queen Elizabeth II dies at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III (HISTORY, Death and state funeral of Elizabeth II – Wikipedia). It was 19 months ago exactly -> Covid-19 (Wikipedia

The WHO declared the COVID-19 virus a pandemic on 11 March 2020, 4 years, 4 weeks ago 

The President arrives at Soldier Field Landing Zone. I don’t know where the landing zone is but Soldier Field (Wikipedia) -> In popular culture: In the Marvel Comics event Siege, Soldier Field is inadvertently destroyed mid-game by Thor’s friend Volstagg when he is tricked into fighting the U-Foes …

Here are her notes on Saturday, April 6 (and 7)…

The number 45 in GematriaMike Pence = 45 (2x), Lex Luthor = 45 (2x)(a supervillain, originally appeared in Action Comics #23 – Wikipedia), Saint Malachy = 45 (1x) (Prophecy of Saint-Archbishop Malachy – Wikipedia), Canossa = 45 (1x)(Road to Canossa –  Wikipedia)

4/6( Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 3/24 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Mars (In-The-Sky) at 03:51 UTC; Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn (In The Sky) at 09:24 UTC. 

• Mehmed II begins his siege of Constantinople. The city falls on May 29, and is renamed Istanbul (Wikipedia). Date: 6 April 1453 (Julian);  [Names of Istanbul – Wikipedia]

• Bavarian Soviet Republic (Wikipedia) was a short-lived unrecognised socialist state in Bavaria during the German Revolution of 1918–1919. Established: 6 April 1919

• U.S. Enters World War I (Library of Congress) – On Fri, 6 April 1917, the United States formally declared war against Germany and entered the conflict in Europe.

• The Bosnian War (Wikipedia) was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995. Start date: 6 April 1992

• Ziyad al-Nakhalah (Wikipedia), Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine. Born: 6 April 1953

Chinese calendar2nd Month 28

• Sinking of the Titanic (Wikipedia) – The British passenger liner RMS Titanic hits an iceberg in the North Atlantic and begins to sink. Date: Sun, 14 April 1912 (at 23:40) = 2nd Month 28, year of the Rat

• Kim Il Sung (Wikipedia), the founder of North Korea, which he led as Supreme Leader from the country’s establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994. Born: 15 April 1912 = 2nd Month 28, year of the Rat 

• Enabling Act of 1933 (Wikipedia) was a law that gave the German Cabinet – most importantly, the Chancellor [Adolf Hitler] – the power to make and enforce laws without the involvement of the Reichstag or Weimar President Paul von Hindenburg, leading to the rise of Nazi Germany. Critically, the Enabling Act allowed the Chancellor to bypass the system of checks and balances in the government. Signed and commenced: Thu, 23 March 1933 = 2nd Month 28, year of the Rooster. 

[24040607] Numbers4/6 (inclusive) – 4/7

• Ebrahim Raisi (Wikipedia) is the 8th and current president of Iran. Born: 14 December 1960, 555,000hours old ->  Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia).

• The inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 7 years, 77 days ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first) [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

After sunset 🌅 – 4/7

Jewish calendar28 Adar II, 28 Adar (Psalm11918

Purim Cairo (1524). 

• The Bank of England is nationalized – The Bank of England Act 1946 (Wikipedia)  brought all of the stock of the Bank of England into public ownership on the “appointed date” (Friday, 1 March 1946) = 28 Adar I 

• Moscow becomes the capital of Russia again (Wikipedia) – Vladimir Lenin, fearing possible foreign invasion, moved the capital from Petrograd (Saint Petersburg) back to Moscow on March 12, 1918 = 28 Adar

Islamic calendarRamadan 28

• Sergei Shoigu (Wikipedia), Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation. Born: 21 May 1955 = Ramadan 28, 1374 AH or Ramadan 29 (Convert a date), his 71st Islamic birthday.

• Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War,……, (Wikipedia) – End date: 25 October 1973 = Ramadan 28, 1393 AH. [The current Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) started one day after the 50th anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War.]

Here are her notes on Friday, April 5…

4/5 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 3/23 [Convert a date]

Numbers4/5 (inclusive) – 4/6

• Bethlehem church catches fire after pope’s visit (The Guardian). – A fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Tuesday [27 May 2014], just hours after Pope Francis wrapped up a three-day Middle East pilgrimage (Vatican) during which he visited the shrine, 9 years, 10 months, 10 days ago -> 911

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 7 years, 77 days ago (If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days).) [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

After sunset 🌅 – 4/6 

Jewish calendar27 Adar IIShabbat HaChodesh, 27 Adar (Psalm11918); [See my notes: After sunset 3/6- 3/7]…

27 Adar I (Psalm11918)

Rebbe Falls Ill (1992) – On the 27th of Adar I, 5752 (March 2 (3/2), 1992), the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, suffered a disabling stroke while praying at the gravesite of the previous Rebbe (Chabad 12), 32 Jewish years ago -> Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger, usage: a messenger, generally a (supernatural) messenger from God, an angel, conveying news or behests from God to men; Number 32 and the Messiah], 32 sun rays on the Jesuit logo (Google Search)

• Transnistria War (Wikipedia) Result: Russian–Transnistrian victory. Transnistria becomes a de facto independent state, but remains internationally recognized as part of Moldova. Date: 2 November 1990 – 21 July 1992; Date (Main phase): 2 March (3/2) = 27 Adar I – 21 July 1992, 32 Jewish years ago

• Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Wikipedia) – Effective: 5 March 1970 = 27 Adar I

• Abolition of the Caliphate (Wikipedia) – The Ottoman Caliphate, the world’s last widely recognized caliphate, was abolished on 3 March 1924 = 27 Adar I, by decree of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The process was one of Atatürk’s reforms following the replacement of the Ottoman Empire with the Republic of Turkey, the 100th anniversary on the Jewish calendar.

• Coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor (Wikipedia) In 1530 Charles V (Wikipedia) became the last Holy Roman emperor to be crowned by a pope, Clement VII, albeit in Bologna. Coronation: 24 February 1530 = 27 Adar IThereafter, until the abolition of the empire in 1806, no further crownings by the Pope were held. Later rulers simply proclaimed themselves Imperator Electus Romanorum or “Elected Emperor of the Romans” after their election by the princes and coronation as German king.

• The Department of Homeland Security (Wikipedia Homeland Security) began operations on March 1, 2003 = 27 Adar I after being formed as a result of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, enacted in response to the September 11 attacks, 22 Jewish years ago. 

• Chicago (Wikipedia) – Incorporated (city): 4 March 1837 =  = 27 Adar I

• Merkel’s speech in UK Parliament –  Parliament welcomes Angela Merkel like the Queen of Europe (The Guardian, by Esther Addley). Date: Thursday 27 Feb 2014 = 27th of Adar I

• Golda Meir elected in Israel (HISTORY) On March 17, 1969 = 27 Adar, 70-year-old Golda Meir makes history when she is elected as Israel’s first female prime minister55 Jewish years ago

• Jair Messias Bolsonaro (Wikipedia) is a Brazilian politician and retired military officer who served as the 38th president of Brazil. Born:  21 March 1955 = 27 Adar

• Yuri Gagarin (Wikipedia), was a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut who, aboard the first successful crewed spaceflight, became the first human to journey into outer spaceDied (a routine training flight crash -> conspiracy theories ): 27 March 1968 = 27 Adar , 56 Jewish years ago 

27 Adar II

• World Health Organization (Wikipedia) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Founded 7 April 1948 = 27 Adar II

• Klaus Martin Schwab (Wikipedia), a German engineer, economist and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Chairman of the World Economic. Forum Born: 30 March 1938 = 27 Adar II

• Renaissance (RE) (Wikipedia) is a liberal and centrist political party in France. The party was originally known as En Marche ! and later La République En Marche ! (translated as ‘The Republic on the Move’ or ‘Republic Forward’). Founded: 6 April 2016 = 27 Adar II by Emmanuel Macron

new additions

• Michelangelo, arguably the greatest of the Italian Renaissance artists, is born (HISTORY) on 6 March 1475 (Julian) =  27 Adar -> The Last Judgment (Michelangelo) (Wikipedia)

• Guam (Wikipedia) – Ferdinand Magellan, while in the service of Spain, was the first European to visit and claim the island on March 6, 1521 = 27 Adar50Jewish years  ago 

• Halabja massacre (Wikipedia) also known as the Halabja chemical attack, was a massacre of Kurdish people that took place on 16 March 1988 (during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War). The incident was the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history, killing between 3,200 and 5,000 people and injuring 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians. Date: Wed, 16 March 1988 = 27 Adar

Islamic calendarRamadan 27

Night of Power (Wikipedia ; Laylat al-Qadr 2024 – Google Search)

• The House of Windsor (Wikipedia) is a British royal house, and currently the reigning house of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. Founded: 17 July 1917 = Ramadan 27, 1335 AH (Convert a date), 110 Islamic years ago

• King Edward VIII abdicates (HISTORYWikipedia)- After ruling for less than one year, Edward VIII becomes the first English monarch to voluntarily abdicate the throne. He chose to abdicate after the British government, public, and the Church of England condemned his decision to marry the American divorcée Wallis Warfield Simpson. Date: 11 December 1936 (on 10 December, he signed his written abdication notices) = Ramadan 26, 1355 AH or Ramadan 27 (Convert a date), 90 Islamic years ago. [Exactly 45 weeks later they met Hitler – 1937 tour of Germany by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor – (Wikipedia)].

• The Iran nuclear deal (Wikipedia) is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 together with the European Union. [The Obama White House (YouTube): The President Announces a Historic Nuclear Deal with Iran]. Created: 14 July 2015 = Ramadan 27, 1436 AH, 9 Islamic years ago

Here are her notes on Sunday, March 31…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/31 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 3/18 [Convert a date]

Passion Week (GotQuestions): Easter Sunday (Resurrection Sunday) (Wikipedia) commemorates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

Roman festivals: dies natalis of the Temple of the Moon on the Aventine Hill (Wikipedia)

• Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon issue the Alhambra Decree (WikipediaHISTORY)(also known as Spanish: Edicto de Granada), mandating that all Jews be expelled from the country. This comes not long after they had conquered the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada, finally freeing Spain from Muslim rule after nearly 800 years. Date: 31 March 1492 (Julian) 

•”The Matrix” released in theaters (HISTORY) Date: 31 March 1999

Chinese calendar2nd Month 22 [2/22 – Hebrew: 222. Uriel: “flame of God,”]

• Republican Party (Wikipedia, HISTORY), also referred to as the GOP (“Grand Old Party”), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. Founded: March 20, 1854= 2nd Month 22, year of the Tiger, Ripon, Wisconsin, U.S. 

• Mussolini founds precursor to the Fascist party (HISTORY) – Benito Mussolini, an Italian World War I veteran and publisher of Socialist newspapers, breaks with the Italian Socialists and establishes the nationalist Fasci di Combattimento. Date: Sun, 23 March 1919  = 2nd Month 22, year of the Goat

[24033101] Numbers3/31(inclusive) – 4/1

• US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nations) and simultaneously a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). In addition to that, Full text of Trump-Netanyahu: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel) -> the Division Of the Land [Joel 3:2]. Date: 26 September 2018, 66 months, 6 days ago

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city. Date: 20 January 2009, 555days ago -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia); The Number 555 (Bible Study)

Mao Zedong’s formal proclamation of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) on 1 October 1949, 894 months ago. Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon

• The International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Wikipedia) was designated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005, 960 weeks, 6 days days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 4/1 

Jewish calendar22 Adar II, 22 Adar  (Psalm11918) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove / Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly; d/m date format 22/6 -> 226 Harmagedon [12]

• Jacques de Molay (Wikipedia), the 23rd and final Grand Master of the Knights Templar, is burned on the stake 11 March 1314 (Julian) =  22 Adar (Convert a date) [or 18 March 1314 = 29 Adar 5074]

• European Economic Community (Wikipedia) was a regional organisation created by the Treaty of Rome (Wikipedia), aiming to foster economic integration among its member states. It was subsequently renamed the European Community (EC) upon becoming integrated into the first pillar of the newly formed European Union in 1993. Signed: 25 March 1957 = 22 Adar II (HISTORY)

• U.S., other powers kick Russia out of G8 (CNNWikipedia) – President Barack Obama and other world leaders have decided to end Russia’s role in the group of leading industrialized nations, the White House said Monday. Date: 24 March 2014 = 22 Adar II

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News), Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Date: 25 Mar 2022 = 22 Adar II

• Pope John Paul II (Wikipediadied on 2 April 2005 = 22 Adar II. (He succeeded John Paul I, the ‘smiling’ pope who died in 1978 only 33 days after his election). 

• President Vladimir Putin visited the Shaolin Monastery (KremlinChina Daily). Date: Wed, 22 March 2006 = 22 Adar, China, Henan Province

[ 22 Adar I • Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) is the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Created cardinal: Saturday 22 February 2014 = 22 Adar I, by Francis

• United States President John Tyler signs a bill authorizing the United States to annex the Republic of Texas (Wikipedia) Date: 1 March 1845 = 22 Adar I 

• 2019 North Korea–United States Hanoi Summit (Wikipedia) was a two-day summit meeting between North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. president Donald Trump, held at the French Colonial Hôtel Métropole in Hanoi, Vietnam. Date: 27–28 February 2019 = 22 Adar I – 23 Adar I]. 

Islamic calendarRamadan 22

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the Vatican’s Secretary of State, Consecration: 12 September 2009 by Benedict XVI = Ramadan 22, 1430 AH.

Here are her notes on Saturday, March 30…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/30 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 3/17 [Convert a date]

Passion Week (GotQuestions): Holy Saturday (Wikipedia) commemorates the Harrowing of Hell while Jesus Christ’s body lay in the tomb.

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar:

• Lazarus of Bethany (Wikipedia 2) , also venerated as Righteous Lazarus, the Four-Days Dead in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Feast: 17 March

• Venerable Patrick, Bishop of Armagh and the Enlightener of Ireland (461) (Wikipedia)

Land Day in Palestine (AnydayGuideWikipedia) commemorates the events of March 30, 1976, when a general strike took place in response to the Israeli government’s announcement of a plan to expropriate lands in the Galilee for official use.

• Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan (WikipediaHISTORY) – On March 30, 1981, President of the United States Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C., as he was returning to his limousine after a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton.

• Alaska Purchase (Wikipedia, Seward’s Folly – Library of Congress) was the United States’ acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. Signed: 30 March 1867

Chinese calendar2nd Month 21

• 2000 Russian presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent prime minister and acting president Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin after his resignation on 31 December 1999 … won the elections in the first round. Date: 26 March 2000 = 2nd Month 21, year of the Dragon

• G7 (Wikipedia) – The Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental political and economic forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States; additionally, the European Union (EU) is a “non-enumerated member”. Formation (Library Group): 25 March 1973 = 2nd Month 21, year of the Ox

[24033031] Numbers3/30 (inclusive) – 3/31

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 1946, 7 years, months, 77 days old. If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days). [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• 2015 visit by Pope Francis to North America (Wikipedia) 23 September (Washington, D.C.) – The White House – Pope Francis became only the third pontiff in history to pay a visit to the White House, 444 weeks, 4 days ago 

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia Astro databank), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February 1954 at 04:25 [unverified], 666 months, 666 weeks, 669 days old. If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days).

• Prince William’s historic trip to Israel and the West Bank. (TIME) Date: Mon Jun 25 2018, 69 months, 6 days ago; Gematria: William, Prince of Wales = Recep Tayyip Erdogan 1x

After sunset 🌅 – 3/31 

Jewish calendar21 Adar II, 21 Adar (Psalm11918)

• G7 (Wikipedia) – The Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental political and economic forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States; additionally, the European Union (EU) is a “non-enumerated member”. Formation (Library Group): 25 March 1973 = 21 Adar II

• Mussolini founds precursor to the Fascist party (HISTORY) – Benito Mussolini, an Italian World War I veteran and publisher of Socialist newspapers, breaks with the Italian Socialists and establishes the nationalist Fasci di Combattimento. Date: Sun, 23 March 1919  = 21 Adar II

• Avalanche hits royal ski party (BBC) – The Prince of Wales has narrowly avoided death on the ski slopes of Switzerland in an avalanche that killed one of his closest friends. Date: 10 March 1988 = 21 Adar

• St. Francis Dam fails – St. Francis Dam or the San Francisquito Dam, was a concrete gravity dam located in Los Angeles County, California. Two and a half minutes before midnight on March 12, 1928 (after sunset) = 21 Adar, the St. Francis Dam catastrophically failed (Wikipedia). 

• 99942 Apophis passed by Earth (Space) and Pope Francis’s visit to Iraq (Wikipedia). Date: Friday, 5 March 2021 = 21 Adar

• Abdication of Nicholas II (WikipediaHISTORY)- Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne of the Russian Empire on 2 March (O.S.) / 15 March (N.S.) 1917 = 21 Adar, in the midst of World War I and the February Revolution… , the rule of the 300-year-old House of Romanov ended. Power in Russia then passed to the Russian Provisional Government, signaling victory for the February Revolution.

[ 21 Adar I• German socialist Kurt Eisner is assassinated. His death results in the establishment of the Bavarian Soviet Republic [a short-lived unrecognised socialist state ] and parliament and government fleeing Munich, Germany (Wikipedia). Date: Fri, 21 February 1919 = 21 Adar I

Islamic calendar Ramadan 21

21 Ramadan, Caliph Ali  martyred/died (WikipediaAssassination of Ali – Wikipedia)

Here are her notes on Friday, March 29…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/29 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 3/16 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: The procession of the Argei (Wikipedia)

Gematria: Twenty ninth of March =  Batman and Robin 2x, Joe Biden resigns 2x

Passion Week (GotQuestions): Good Friday (Wikipedia) commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Great and Holy Friday (also Holy and Great Friday), and Black Friday

• Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) Release dates: …March 29, 2024 (Japan)

 • The 1190 Massacre (History of York,  English Heritage) – One of the worst anti-Semitic massacres of the Middle Ages took place in York on 16 March 1190 (Julian).

• The Terracotta Army is discovered in Xi’an, China (National Geographic),  8,000 life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Date: Friday, 29 March 1974

• David “Dadi” Barnea (Wikipedia) is the current Director of the Mossad. Born: 29 March 1965.

• Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia join NATO as full members (Wikipedia) 29 March 2004.

Chinese calendar2nd Month 20

• President Donald Trump declares the COVID-19 pandemic to be a national emergency in the United States (Trump White House). Date: Friday, March 13, 2020 = 2nd Month 20, year of the Rat

• Gold standard: The U.S. Congress repeals the requirement for a gold reserve to back US currency (Wikipedia). Date: Mon, 18 March 1968 = 2nd Month 20, year of the Monkey. It was signed by President Johnson on 19 March (The National Interest).

[24032930] Numbers3/29 (inclusive) – 3/30

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia), was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. Launch date: 16 November [11/16] 2022, 500 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah./ Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• Prince Harry (Wikipediawas christened Henry Charles Albert David at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie. YouTube: 1984: Prince Harry’s Christening Brings the Royal Family Together. Date: 21 December 1984, 39 years, 3 months, 9 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood

• President Obama Chairs the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters (Obama White HouseUN) Date: 24 September 2014, 9 years, 6 months, 6 days or 3475 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 3475. Móusés: Moses, a leader of Isr. or 496 weeks 3 days -> Strong’s Greek: 4963. sustrophé: a twisting together, hence a concourse or conspiracy

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 7 years, 70 days ago

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 1946, 77 years, 7 months, 77 days old (If the smaller units (days) are added first)  [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955, 606,600 hours old -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud  (Wikipedia), also known by his initials MBS or MbS, is Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. Mohammed bin Salman is the wild card in the Middle East’s new conflict. …38-year-old crown prince (Reuters). He was appointed crown prince on 21 June 2017, years, months, 9 days or 2474 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2474. Israél: Israel, the name of the Jewish people and their land 

After sunset 🌅 – 3/30 

Jewish calendar20 Adar II, 20 Adar (Psalm11918), Shabbat Parah (Orthodox Union)- Shabbat of the Red Heifer, The Mystery of the Red Heifer (hebrew4christians), Yeshua our Red Heifer (hebrew4christians )

Choni the Circle Maker prays for rain (1st Century BCE)

• Texas secedes (HISTORY) On March 2, 1861 = 20 Adar, Shabbat Parah, Texas becomes the seventh state to secede from the Union. The first official move for secession actually came a month earlier, on February 1, when a state convention voted 166 to 8 in favor of the measure…, independence was officially declared on March 2.

• New York Stock Exchange (Wikipedia, NYSE) – A constitution was adopted on March 8, 1817 = 20 AdarShabbat Parah, creating the New York Stock & Exchange Board, the forerunner of today’s NYSE.

• The 1918 Influenza Pandemic – Spanish flu (U.S. Census BureauWikipedia) – Doctors documented the “first” case of the H1N1 influenza pandemic on March 4, 1918 = 20 Adar, in a U.S. Army cook stationed at Camp Funston, Fort Riley, KS, named Albert Gitchell.

• The Truman doctrine (Wikipedia) is an American foreign policy that pledges American “support for democracies against authoritarian threats.” It was announced to Congress by President Harry S. Truman on Wed, 12 March 1947 = 20 Adar

• Republican Party (Wikipedia), also referred to as the GOP (“Grand Old Party”), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. Founded: 20 March 1854 = 20 Adar

• Alaska Purchase (Wikipedia) was the United States’ acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. Signed: March 30, 1867 = Shabbat Parah

[ 20 Adar I

• The first mass inoculation against polio begins (HISTORY) – On February 23, 1954 = 20 Adar I, a group of children from Arsenal Elementary School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, receive the first injections of the new polio vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk.

• Russia officially recognized the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine. Three days later, the Russian army would invade Ukraine (Wikipedia). Date: 21 February 2022 = 20 Adar I]

Islamic calendar: Ramadan 20

• Batman (TV series) (Wikipedia) The 120 episodes aired on the ABC network for three seasons from 12 January 1966 = Ramadan 20, 1385 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, March 28…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/28 (Thursday / Thor’s day

Julian calendar: 3/15 (Ides of March)  

March 28 (Wikipedia) is the 88th day of the year in leap years in the Gregorian calendar [88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance: in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”, in neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.]

Passion Week (GotQuestions): Maundy Thursday (Wikipedia) is the name given to the day on which 1) Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples, known as the Last Supper. 2) Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. 

Julian calendar: 

Book – 3:15 – The Genesis of All Prophecy (SkyWatchTVStore) – Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.

Martius 15  (Wikipedia) – Feriae Iovi, the monthly sacrifice to Jupiter, Feast of Anna Perenna

• Mamuralia (Wikipedia) (“Rite for Mamurius”) was a festival held on March 14 or 15. It is usually regarded as a ritual marking the transition from the old year to the new. It shares some characteristics with scapegoat or pharmakos ritual [in Ancient Greek religion was the ritualistic sacrifice or exile of a human scapegoat or victim].

• Assassination of Julius Caesar (Wikipedia44 BC

• Cybele – ‘Holy week’ in MarchMarch 15 (Ides) (Wikipedia) – Canna intrat (“The Reed enters“), marking the birth of Attis and his exposure in the reeds along the Phrygian river Sangarius, where he was discovered—depending on the version—by either shepherds or Cybele herself. The reed was gathered and carried by the cannophores” -> [Baby Moses in the reeds (Google Search)]

Gregorian calendar:

March 28 (Wikipedia) – Initium Caiani, sometimes interpreted as initiations into the mysteries of the Magna Mater and Attis at the Gaianum, near the Phrygianum sanctuary at the Vatican Hill.

• Constantinople renamed Istanbul (Britannica) – Built as Byzantium about 657 bce, then renamed Constantinople in the 4th century CE after Constantine the Great made the city his capital, the Turkish city of Istanbul officially received its present name. Date: 28 March 1930

• Nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island (HISTORY) – At 4 a.m. on March 28, 1979, one of the worst accidents in the history of the U.S. nuclear power industry begins when a pressure valve in the Unit-2 reactor at Three Mile Island fails to close.…45 years ago

Chinese calendar2nd Month 19

[24032829] Numbers3/28 (inclusive) – 3/29

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 6 years, 6 months, 6 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666

• CERN (Wikipedia), the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Formation: 29 September 1954, 69 years, 6 months ago 

• World Health Organization (Wikipedia) is a specialized agency of the UN responsible for international public health. Founded: 7 April 1948, 666,000 hours ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower ( – 1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May, 60,203 days -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11). / Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations began on Thursday, 2 June 2022 (The Guardian), 666 days ago. 

• Blackjack – A slide show story (The TelegraphOperation Blackjack – the story of a series of terrorist nuclear attacks on major western cities and the aftermath. Published: 12 January 2009, 8:59am, 5555 days ago

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 9 weeks, 9 days old. 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 22 years, 200 days ago (If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days)). -> Hebrew: 222. Uriel: “flame of God,” two Israelites 

After sunset 🌅 – 3/29

Jewish calendar19 Adar II, 19 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Diocletianic Persecution: Roman emperor Diocletian orders the destruction of the Christian church in Nicomedia, beginning eight years of Diocletianic Persecution, the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. Date: 23 February 303 (Wikipedia: herehere) = 19 Adar (Convert a date)

• 2000 Russian presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent prime minister and acting president Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin after his resignation on 31 December 1999 … won the elections in the first round. Date: 26 March 2000 =  19 Adar II

• Death of Joseph Stalin (Wikipedia) Joseph Stalin, second leader of the Soviet Union, died at his Kuntsevo Dacha after suffering a stroke four days earlier. Date: Thursday, 5 March 1953 at 9:50 p.m. (Wikipedia) – after sunset = 19 Adar [The Jerusalem Post: Purim 1953 in the USSR: When Joseph Stalin had his fatal stroke]. 

• Malcolm X assassinated (HISTORY,  BBC)-  February 21, 1965 = 19 Adar I : In New York City, Malcolm X, an African American nationalist and religious leader, is assassinated while addressing his Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights. [there are rumors that Malcolm X was Obama’s father – Google Search]

• Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia) took effect on 28 February 2013 at 20:00 CET (Rome sunset 17:59 – Google Search) = 19 Adar,  following his announcement of it on 11 February 2013. 

• North Korea announces that it will withdraw from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and refuses to allow inspectors access to its nuclear sites (Wikipedia). Date: 12 March 1993 = 19 Adar

• 1993 Bombay bombings (Wikipedia) was a series of 12 terrorist bombings that took place in Bombay (now Mumbai), Maharashtra, on 12 March 1993 = 19 Adar. The single-day attacks resulted in 257 fatalities and 1,400 injuries

• Albert Einstein (Wikipedia, Astro-databank),  a theoretical physicist who is widely held to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time. Born: Fri, 14 March 1879 [Pi Day] at 11:30 AM = 19 Adar

• On Sun, 19 March 1911 = 19 Adarthe first International Women’s Day (Wikipedia).

Islamic calendarRamadan 19

• 19 Ramadan (Wikipedia) – Imam Ali struck on the head during prayer by Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam with a poisoned sword. [Died: 21 Ramadan]

• Pluto discovered (HISTORY) – Pluto [named after Pluto – the ruler of  the Greek underworld], once believed to be the ninth planet, is discovered at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, by astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh. Date: 18 February 1930  = Ramadan 19, 1348 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, March 27…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/27 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 3/14  [Convert a date] – Pi Day (Wikipedia), because the mathematical constant π (pi) can be rounded down to 3.14.

Passion Week (GotQuestions): Holy / Spy Wednesday (Wikipedia)

National Joe Day (National Today); World Theatre Day (Wikipedia)

Roman festivalsMamuralia (Wikipedia) (“Rite for Mamurius”) was a festival held on March 14 or 15 [3/15 – Ides of March]. It is usually regarded as a ritual marking the transition from the old year to the new. It shares some characteristics with scapegoat or pharmakos ritual [in Ancient Greek religion was the ritualistic sacrifice or exile of a human scapegoat or victim.].

Equirria (Wikipedia) were two ancient Roman festivals of chariot racing, or perhaps horseback racing, held in honor of the god Mars (the god of war), one 27 February and the other 14 March.; 

Cybele (Wikipedia) ‘Holy week’ in March “March 27: Lavatio (“Washing” – Wikipedia)

• UN General Assembly Resolution 68/262  (Wikipedia) was adopted on 27 March 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled “territorial integrity of Ukraine … underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum

• The Passover massacre (Wikipedia) was a suicide bombing carried out by Hamas at the Park Hotel in Netanya, Israel on 27 March 2002, during a Passover seder. Deaths: 30 civilians (+1 assailant). 

Chinese calendar2nd Month 18

• Sun Yat-sen  (Wikipedia) was the first provisional president of the Republic of China and the first leader of the Kuomintang. He is called the “Father of the Nation” in the present-day Republic of China, and the “Forerunner of the Revolution” in the People’s Republic of China for his instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai Revolution. Died: Thursday, 12 March 1925 = 2nd Month 18, 99 Chinese years ago [China’s century-old support for Zionism surfaces in letter – The Times of Israel].

• The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11 declared COVID-19 a pandemic (Time). Date: Wednesday, 11 March 2020 =  2nd Month 18, year of the Rat

• Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation (Wikipedia) – Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the treaty of accession (annexation) with Crimean leaders in Moscow, 18 March 2014 = 2nd Month 18, year of the Horse

[24032728] Numbers3/27 (inclusive) – 3/28

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020, 1290 days ago

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia Astro databank), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February 1954 at 04:25 [unverified], 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days old.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: Thursday, 28 August 2014, 500 weeks ago. On the same day: Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah./ Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNN) President Donald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Israel, formerly located in Tel Aviv. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 16 weeks ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first). -> 616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners 

• Bethlehem church catches fire after pope’s visit (The Guardian). – A fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Tuesday [27 May 2014], just hours after Pope Francis wrapped up a three-day Middle East pilgrimage (Vatican) during which he visited the shrine, 9 years, 10 months, 1 day ago -> 911

• The New York Times article: A Nuclear Bomb Inside the Vatican (The New York Times) was published on 19 September 2018, 66 months, 9 days  ago

• The Iran nuclear deal (Wikipedia) is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 together with the European Union. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 440 weeks, 4 days ago or 3084 days -> Strong’s Greek: 3084. lutroó: to release by paying a ransom, to redeem. Usage: I release on receipt of ransom; mid: I redeem, release by paying ransom, liberate.

• The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” –  President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020, 50 months ago [50 (number) – WikipediaBible Study, atomic number 50: Tin/Jupiter (The wondering alchemist)]. Gematria: The deal of the century [called by its proponents] = Eleventh of September 4x 

After sunset 🌅 – 3/28

Jewish calendar18 Adar II, 18 Adar  (Psalm11918)

• United States recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel (Wikipedia), Proclamation on Recognizing the Golan Heights as Part of the State of Israel – The White House (Trump White House) – Date: 25 March 2019 = 18 Adar II

• 1994 Brooklyn Bridge shooting (WikipediaCollive) Lebanese terrorist Rashid Baz shot at a van of 15 Chabad Yeshiva students traveling on the Brooklyn Bridge, murdering Ari Halberstam. Date: 1 March 1994 = 18 Adar

• Gold standard: The U.S. Congress repeals the requirement for a gold reserve to back US currency (Wikipedia). Date: Mon, 18 March 1968 = 18 Adar. It was signed by President Johnson on 19 March (The National Interest).

[18 Adar I 

• On Thursday, 25 February 1932 = 18 Adar IAdolf Hitler became a naturalized citizen of Germany in time for the presidential election (Citizenship by Investment JournalNational Geographic). 

• Revolution of Dignity (Wikipedia) also known as the Maidan Revolution or the Ukrainian Revolution, took place in Ukraine in February 2014 at the end of the Euromaidan protests. Date: 18–23 February 2014 = 18 Adar I – 23 Adar I 

• The French Revolution of 1848 (Wikipedia), was a period of civil unrest in France, in February 1848, that led to the collapse of the July Monarchy and the foundation of the French Second Republic. It sparked the wave of revolutions of 1848 -> the Springtime of the Peoples [reverse 322]or the Springtime of Nations (Wikipedia). Date: 22–24 February 1848 = 18 Adar I.]

Islamic calendarRamadan 18

Here are her notes on Tuesday, March 26…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/26 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 3/13 [Convert a date]

Passion Week (GotQuestions): Holy Tuesday (Wikipedia)

• The Battle of Badr (National Geographic), Saudi Arabia, was a major turning point in the spread of Islam. The Muslim victory over a stronger force of secular merchants from Mecca established Mohammed as one of the most powerful leaders on the Arabian Peninsula. From Islam Channel: This battle is mentioned several times in the Quran, including Surat Al-Anfal where Allah (SWT) promised the small Muslim army would be reinforced with angels. Date: Tuesday, 13 March (Julian) 624 (Wikipedia) = 16 Adar II (Convert a date), 1400 years ago

• Israel-Egypt peace agreement signed (HISTORYWikipedia) – In a ceremony at the White House, Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin sign a historic peace agreement, ending three decades of hostilities between Egypt and Israel and establishing diplomatic and commercial ties. Date: 26 March 1979

• 2000 Russian presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent prime minister and acting president Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin after his resignation on 31 December 1999 … won the elections in the first round. Date: 26 March 2000 

• Dr. Jonas Salk announces polio vaccine (HISTORY) Date: 26 March 1953

• The Biological Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) is a disarmament treaty that effectively bans biological and toxin weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use. Effective: 26 March 1975 

Chinese calendar2nd Month 17

Genesis 7:11 – In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 

• Enoch Brooks’ Curious Book (Library of Congress) – Inside the Library of Congress’ copy of a rare children’s Bible, someone carefully wrote “Enoch Brooks’ Book, Princeton, March 13th, 1789 in ink, with a flourish. Date: 13 March 1789. It was Friday [Friday the 13th – Wikipedia] = 2nd Month 17, year of the Rooster 

• War in Iraq begins (HISTORY) – On March 19, 2003 = 2nd Month 17, year of the Goat, the United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq. – Operation Iraqi Freedom Day (National Today)

• Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi formally asks the international community to call Persia by its native name, Iran (Wikipedia) Date: Thu, 21 March 1935 = 2nd Month 17, year of the Pig

[24032627] Numbers3/26 (inclusive) – 3/27

• Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wallvisited the Dome of the Rock (CBS NEWSVatican). Date: 26 May 2014, 9 years, 10 months, 1 day ago -> 911

• 2015 visit by Pope Francis to North America (Wikipedia) 23 September (Washington, D.C.) -The White House – Pope Francis became only the third pontiff in history to pay a visit to the White House, 444 weeks ago 

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia), the 6th and current president of Ukraine. Assumed office: 20 May 2019, 4 years, 44 weeks, 4 days ago

• Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (Wikipedia), also known by his initials MBS or MbS, is Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. He was appointed crown prince on 21 June 2017, following the King’s decision to depose Muhammad bin Nayef and make his own son the heir to the throne, 6 years, 9 months, 6 days ago. Mohammed bin Salman is the wild card in the Middle East’s new conflict. …38-year-old crown prince (Reuters).

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNN) President Donald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Israel, formerly located in Tel Aviv. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 16 weeks ago (If the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days)) -> 616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia)

After sunset 🌅 – 3/27 

Jewish calendar17 Adar II, 17 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Battle of the Alamo (Wikipedia 12HISTORY) was a pivotal event and military engagement in the Texas Revolution. After a thirteen-day siege by an army of 3,000 Mexican troops, the 187 Texas volunteers, including frontiersman Davy Crockett and colonel Jim Bowie, defending the Alamo are killed and the fort is captured. Date: 6 March 1836  = 17 Adar

• President Donald Trump declares the COVID-19 pandemic to be a national emergency in the United States (The White House). Date: Friday, March 13, 2020 = 17 Adar

• Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (Wikipedia) On March 10, 2023 = 17 Adar, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed after a bank run, marking the third-largest bank failure in United States history and the largest since the 2007–2008 financial crisis.

[17 Adar I • Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto (Wikipedia) in London, language: German. Date: 21 February 1848 = 17 Adar IGematria: Das Kommunistische Manifest = His Majesty King Charles III 2x ].

Islamic calendarRamadan 17

• The Battle of Badr (National GeographicWikipedia), Saudi Arabia, was a major turning point in the spread of Islam. The Muslim victory over a stronger force of secular merchants from Mecca established Mohammed as one of the most powerful leaders on the Arabian Peninsula. From Islam Channel: This battle is mentioned several times in the Quran, including Surat Al-Anfal where Allah (SWT) promised the small Muslim army would be reinforced with angels. Date: Tuesday, 13 March 624 (Julian) = Ramadan 17 (Wikipedia) 2 AH, 1443 Islamic years ago

• Jerusalem Law (Wikipedia), is a common name of Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel passed by the Knesset on 30 July 1980 = Ramadan 17, 1400 AH. …,the Israeli Supreme Court interpreted the law as an effective annexation of East Jerusalem. The United Nations Security Council condemned the attempted change in status to Jerusalem and ruled the law “null and void” in United Nations Security Council Resolution 478. -> Strong’s Greek: 478. antikathistémi: to set down against, i.e. to replace, oppose

• Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Wikipedia), was a Turkish field marshal, revolutionary statesman, author, and the founding father of the Republic of Turkey, serving as its first president. Died: 10 November 1938 = Ramadan 17, 1357 AH, 88 Islamic years ago

• First NATO military action (HISTORYNATO, First active combat action, air-to-air or otherwise, in NATO’s history – Banja Luka incident (Wikipedia) – In the first military action in the 45-year history of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), U.S. fighter planes shoot down four Serbian warplanes engaged in a bombing mission in violation of Bosnia’s no-fly zone. Date: 28 February 1994 = Ramadan 17, 1414 AH

• Calder Hall (Wikipedia), the world’s first commercial nuclear power station, is demolished in a controlled explosion. U.K. Takes Down A Piece Of Nuclear History (CBS News). Date: 29 September 2007 = Ramadan 17, 1428 AH

Here are her notes on Monday, March 25…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/25 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 3/12 [Convert a date]

The Micro Death Moon of 2024 (timeanddate) – When the Sun, Earth, and Moon almost perfectly align on March 25 at 07:00 UTC for a Full Moon, it also coincides with a whole bunch of lunar events. Penumbral lunar eclipse (In The Sky) from 04:53 UTC to 09:32 UTC.

Roman festivals: March 25 (Wikipedia) (vernal equinox on the Roman calendar): Hilaria (“Rejoicing”), when Attis was reborn. Some early Christian sources associate this day with the resurrection of Jesus. Damascius attributed a “liberation from Hades” to the Hilaria.

Passion Week (GotQuestions): Holy Monday (Wikipedia) According to tradition, Holy Monday is the day on which Jesus cleansed the temple, was praised by local children, and cursed the fig tree. 

Old New Year’s Day (National Today), Why March 25, the Annunciation, Was Once New Year’s Day (Catholic Register); New Year’s Day (Lady Day – Wikipedia) in England, Wales, Ireland, and some of the future United States and Canada from 1155 through 1751, until the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 moved it to 1 January (and adopted the Gregorian calendar. (The year 1751 began on 25 March [Julian]; the year 1752 began on 1 January.) (Wikipedia)

Is March 25 the historical date of the crucifixion? (Aleteia) “Some theologians believe the date that Jesus died was on April 3, 33. However, medieval traditions tell a different story. Christians of ages past believed Jesus died on March 25 and ascribed a number of other important events to that day : …the creation of Adam and Eve as well as the day of their disobedience in the Garden…the day when Lucifer fell from Heaven and when the Israelite people passed through the Red Sea to begin their journey to the promised land.…the day when Isaac was to be offered as a sacrifice by his father Abraham…the day when the archangel Gabriel visited the Blessed Virgin Mary (The Feast of the Annunciation)

From your blog on 21 February 2024 (ETWN.comGoogle Search) –  In 2024, because it would otherwise fall during Holy Week, the Annunciation will be observed on Monday, April 8

Holi (AnydayGuide) is an ancient Hindu spring festival, also known as the festival of colors. In different parts of India, there are different legends that explain the celebration of Holi. “…Other Hindu traditions link the legendary significance of Holi to Shiva (*), his wife Parvati and the goddess of love Kama, whom Parvati asked to bring her husband back into the world from his deep meditation.” *Lord Shiva (Wikipedia) [The God of Destruction] Statue Unveiled (CERN).

Crane Day in Sweden (AnydayGuide)[about cranes – your blog 9-10 October 2023]

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News), Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Date: 25 Mar 2022

• Freedom Day in Belarus (AnydayGuideWikipedia); Andrey Yushchinsky is murdered in Kiev, leading to the Beilis affair (Wikipedia) Date: 25 March 1911; The Tetiev pogrom occurs in Ukraine, becoming the prototype of mass murder during the Holocaust (Wikipedia) Date: 25 March 1919; More than 92,000 kulaks are suddenly deported from the Baltic states to Siberia (Wikipedia) Date: 25 March 1949 -> Commemoration Day for the Victims of Communist Genocide (WikipediaAnydayGuide)

• United States recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel (Wikipedia), Proclamation on Recognizing the Golan Heights as Part of the State of Israel – The White House (Trump White HouseU.S. Embassy in Israel). Date: 25 March 2019

• King Faisal of Saudi Arabia is assassinated by his nephew (BBC ON THIS DAYHISTORY) Date: 25 March 1975

• European Economic Community (Wikipedia) was a regional organisation created by the Treaty of Rome (Wikipedia), aiming to foster economic integration among its member states. It was subsequently renamed the European Community (EC) upon becoming integrated into the first pillar of the newly formed European Union in 1993. Signed: 25 March 1957 (HISTORY)

• G7 (Wikipedia) – The Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental political and economic forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States; additionally, the European Union (EU) is a “non-enumerated member”. Formation (Library Group): 25 March 1973

Chinese calendar2nd Month 16 (2/16) [216 = 6x6x6]

• Pope John Paul II makes first ever pontifical visit to Israel (World Jewish Congress) The only previous visit of a high-ranking pastor of the Church was Pope Paul VI on 4 January 1964. However, there were a number of differences between the two… Date: Tue, 21 March 2000 = 2nd Month 16, year of the Dragon

[24032526] Numbers3/25 (inclusive) – 3/26

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) is a series of non-binding bilateral arrangements between the United States government and other world governments that elaborates on the norms expected to be followed in outer space. The accords are related to the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2026, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: Tuesday, 13 October 2020, 1260 days ago

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (UK Parliament). 1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May,  8600 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). 

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land24-26 May 2014 (Vatican) Sunday, 25 May – 15:00 (3 PM) Private visit to the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem 9 years, 10 months, 1 day ago

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955, 69 years, 9 weeks, 6 days or 69 years, 69 days old. 

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 6023 of a common year (365 days) old [the time of her birth is unknown – Astro databank] -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites. or 60 years, 9 weeks, 6 days or 60 years, 69 days old. 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 1176 weeks -> Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine god; Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon. In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan.

• The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” –  President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020, 217weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 217. ur: a flame;  Gematria: The deal of the century [called by its proponents ] = Eleventh of September 4x

• 1st BRIC summit (WikipediaBRICS information portal) – The inaugural BRIC summit took place in Yekaterinburg, Russia. Date: 16 June 2009, 770 weeks, 7 days ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 3/26 

Jewish calendar16 Adar II, 16 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation (Wikipedia) – Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the treaty of accession (annexation) with Crimean leaders in Moscow, 18 March 2014 = 16 Adar II .

• Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi formally asks the international community to call Persia by its native name, Iran (Wikipedia) Date: Thu, 21 March 1935 = 16 Adar II 

• Martin Luther (Wikipedia) – German priest and theologian. He was the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation. Died: 18 February 1546 at 2:45 a.m. (Julian) = 16 Adar (Convert a date).

Sun Yat-sen (Wikipedia) – Chinese revolutionary, politician, 1st President of the Republic of China. Died: 12 March 1925 = 16 Adar

• Henri Becquerel Discovers Radioactivity (Advancing Physics). Date: 1 March 1896 = 16 Adar, 5656

• The seventh planet from the Sun, Uranus is discovered (WikipediaHISTORY) – German-born English astronomer William Herschel discovers Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun. Herschel named the planet Georgium Sidus, or the “Georgian Planet,”)… Date: 13 March 1781  = 16 AdarGematria: Georgian Planet = The God of Israel 4x , Pearl Harbor Day 3x but also Georgium Sidus = Planet Jupiter 3x. [Caelus (2) indicates that he was …the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Uranus, who was of major importance in the theogonies of the Greeks, and the Jewish god Yahweh. … Some Roman writers used Caelus or Caelum as a way to express the monotheistic god of Judaism (Yahweh).]

[16 Adar I

• Transfer of Crimea in the Soviet Union (WikipediaWikipedia) – On 19 February 1954 = 16 Adar I, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union issued a decree transferring the Crimean Oblast from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. 

• The United States Republican Party opens its first national [informal] convention in Pittsburgh (Wikipedia herehere. Date: 22 February 1856 = 16 Adar I]

Islamic calendarRamadan 16

• Nazis launch Kristallnacht (HISTORY, Wikipedia) – On November 9, 1938 = Ramadan 16, 1357 AH, in an event that would foreshadow the Holocaust, German Nazis launch a campaign of terror against Jewish people and their homes and businesses in Germany and Austria. The violence, which continued through November 10 and was later dubbed “Kristallnacht,” or “Night of Broken Glass”.

• Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in San Francisco (Wikipedia) Date: 22 September 1975 = Ramadan 16

Here are her notes on Sunday, March 24…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

Zaporizhzhia (Wikipedia) -> see flag and coat of arms [downward facing bow and arrows like Artemis Orbital Weapons Array 1,2]

Gematria: Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant = Silicon Valley bank collapse 2x

3/24 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 3/11 [Convert a date]

Palm Sunday (Western) (WikipediaAnydayGuide) Triumphal Entry

Passion Week (GotQuestions), also known as Holy Week, is the time from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday (Resurrection Sunday).

• Feast of the Archangel Gabriel (Wikipedia) (24 March Western Rite Orthodoxy)

National Tsunami Awareness Week (National Today

• Kosovo War: NATO began attacks on Yugoslavia without United Nations Security Council (UNSC) approval, marking the first time NATO has attacked a sovereign country (Wikipedia) -> Day of Remembrance of the Victims of NATO Bombing in Serbia (AnydayGuide) Date: 24 March 1999 at 19:00 UTC (NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, Wikipedia)

• 40th G7 summit (Wikipedia)  It was originally scheduled to be held as the “40th G8 summit” and be hosted by Russia in the Black Sea resort of Sochi. However, the other seven countries decided on 24 March [2014] that the summit would be instead held without Russia in Brussels. G7 countries snub Putin and refuse to attend planned G8 summit in Russia (The Guardian). 

Chinese calendar2nd Month 15

• February Revolution (Wikipedia), was the first of two revolutions which took in Russia in 1917. The demonstrations and armed clashes ultimately resulted in the demise of the Russian Empire. Start date: 8 March 1917  = 2nd Month 15, year of the Snake

• 2011 military intervention in Libya (Wikipedia) – On 19 March 2011 = 2nd Month 15, year of the Rabbit, a multi-state NATO-led coalition began a military intervention in Libya to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 (UNSCR 1973), in response to events during the First Libyan Civil War.

[24032425] Numbers: 3/24 (inclusive) – 3/25

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 60 weeks, days (If the smaller units (days) are added first)

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 500 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• The New York Times article: A Nuclear Bomb Inside the Vatican (The New York Times) was published on 19 September 2018 = 66 months, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 3/25

Jewish calendar15 Adar IIShushan Purim, 15 Adar (Psalm11918)

15 Adar (1st century CE) – Jerusalem Gate Day – King Agrippa I (circa 21 CE) began construction of a gate for the wall of Jerusalem; the day used to be celebrated as a holiday (Wikipedia)

• Enoch Brooks’ Curious Book (Library of Congress) Inside the Library of Congress’ copy of a rare children’s Bible, someone carefully wrote “Enoch Brooks’ Book, Princeton, Friday] March 13th, 1789 in ink, with a flourish. Date: 13 March 1789 was Friday [Friday the 13th – Wikipedia] = 15 Adar

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID-19 [Corona – crown] virus a pandemic (Time). Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020 = 15 Adar

• War in Iraq begins (HISTORY) – On March 19, 2003 = 15 Adar II, the United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq. [Operation Iraqi Freedom Day (National Today)]

• Konrad Adenauer and David Ben-Gurion, met at New York’s Astoria Hotel. There, they laid the foundation for a highly unlikely relationship between Germany and Israel. (Deutsche Welle) on Mon, 14 March 1960 = 15 Adar 

• Death of Joseph Stalin (Library of CongressWikipedia) – Stalin collapsed on March 1, 1953 = 14 Adar or after sunset 15 Adar, and remained unconscious until he died on March 5. [The Jerusalem Post: Purim 1953 in the USSR: When Joseph Stalin had his fatal stroke]

[ 15 Adar I

• Coat of arms of Ukraine (Wikipedia) is a blue shield with a gold trident. Officially referred to as the Emblem of the Royal State of Volodymyr the Great. Adopted: 19 February 1992 = 15 Adar I

Islamic calendarRamadan 15

• Herzl Halevi (Wikipedia) is the Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. Born: 17 December 1967 =  Ramadan 15, 1387 AH

• Janet Yellen (Wikipedia), 78th United States secretary of the treasury. Born: 13 August 1946 = Ramadan 15, 1365 AH, her 80th birthday on the Islamic calendar

• Lehman Brothers (Wikipedia) files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history. Date: 15 September 2008 = Ramadan 15, 1429 AH, 16 Islamic years ago

Here are her notes on Saturday, March 23…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/23 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 3/10 (Convert a date)

• Mussolini founds precursor to the Fascist party (HISTORY) – Benito Mussolini, an Italian World War I veteran and publisher of Socialist newspapers, breaks with the Italian Socialists and establishes the nationalist Fasci di Combattimento. Date: 23 March 1919

• Enabling Act of 1933 (Wikipedia) was a law that gave the German Cabinet – most importantly, the Chancellor [Adolf Hitler] – the power to make and enforce laws without the involvement of the Reichstag or Weimar President Paul von Hindenburg, leading to the rise of Nazi Germany. Critically, the Enabling Act allowed the Chancellor to bypass the system of checks and balances in the government. Signed and commenced: 23 March 1933, 91 years ago -> Strong’s Greek: 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly / Hebrew: 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for Haman

Chinese calendar2nd Month 14

• The news of the discovery of Pluto [named after Pluto – the ruler of  the Greek underworld] is announced (WikipediaBritannica) by Lowell Observatory. Date: 13 March 1930, 1930 = 2nd Month 14, year of the Horse

• Vox in excelso (Wikipedia) is the name of a bull issued by Pope Clement V on 22 March 1312 (Julian) = 2nd Month 14, year of the Rat. The directives given within the bull were to formally dissolve the Order of the Knights Templar. [Gematria:  Vox in excelso = Spiritual War 3x (almost 4x)] 

• Assassination of Alexander II of Russia (Wikipedia), the Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland was assassinated in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Alexander II was seen as tolerant towards Jews… Alexander III, who succeeded his father, reversed this trend. Date: 13 March 1881  =  2nd Month 14, year of the Snake 

• 2016 Brussels bombings – (Wikipedia) – On 22 March 2016 = 2nd Month 14, year of the Monkey, two coordinated terrorist attacks in and close to Brussels, Belgium, were carried out by the Islamic State (IS). Deaths: 35 (32 victims, 3 perpetrators); Injured 340

[24032324] Numbers3/23 (inclusive) – 3/24

• The Iran nuclear deal (Wikipedia) is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 together with the European Union. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 3080 or  44weeks ago -> Barack Obama: President number 44

• Blackjack – A slide show story (The Telegraph) – Operation Blackjack – the story of a series of terrorist nuclear attacks on major western cities and the aftermath. Published: 12 January 2009, 8:59am, 5550 days ago -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia).

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), served as the 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 1946, 77 years, 7 months, 70 days old [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 60 weeks, 9 days ago 

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016, 400 weeks, 5 days ago -> Donald Trump: President number 45 or Greek: 4005. pentékosté: fiftieth, Pentecost, the second of the three great Jewish feasts

• Pope Francis meets Fidel Castro in ‘intimate and familial’ encounter, Cuba (The Guardian). Date: 20 September 2015, 444 weeks

• Israeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia), formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, was proclaimed on 14 May 1948 by David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and soon to be first Prime Minister of Israel, 910 months, 10 days ago-> 911

• The Knesset, the parliament of Israelconvenes for the first time (KnessetWikipedia) 14 February 1949 in Jerusalem, 90months, 10 days ago -> 911

After sunset 🌅 – 3/24

Jewish calendar14 Adar IIPurim, 14 Adar (Psalm11918)

Moses’ Circumcision (1393 BCE), Purim Victory Celebrated (356 BCE), Conclusion of First Gulf War (1991)

• Pope John Paul II makes first ever pontifical visit to Israel (World Jewish Congress). The only previous visit of a high-ranking pastor of the Church was Pope Paul VI on 4 January 1964. However, there were a number of differences between the two, … Date: 21 March 2000 = 14 Adar II 

• Another plot to kill Hitler foiled (HISTORY) – Date: 21 March 1943 = 14 Adar II 

• Death of Joseph Stalin (Wikipedia) – Stalin collapsed on March 1, 1953 = 14 Adar or after sunset 15 Adar, and remained unconscious until he died on March 5. [The Jerusalem Post: Purim 1953 in the USSR: When Joseph Stalin had his fatal stroke]

• In significant first, Pompeo visits Western Wall accompanied by Netanyahu (The Times of Israel)…, the first time that Washington’s top diplomat has visited Jerusalem’s contested Old City accompanied by a senior Israeli official. Date: Thursday, 21 March 2019 = 14 Adar II

• RS-28 Sarmat (Wikipedia) known as Satan II” unveiled by Russian president Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018 (here) = 14 Adar. [Here’s The Six Super Weapons Putin Unveiled During Fiery Address – The Warzone

• February Revolution (Wikipedia), was the first of two revolutions which took place in Russia in 1917. The demonstrations and armed clashes ultimately resulted in the demise of the Russian Empire. Start date: 8 March 1917 = 14 Adar 

• The Cave of the Patriarchs massacre (Wikipedia), also known as the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre or the Hebron massacre, 25 February 1994 = 14 Adar

[14 Adar I 

• President Donald Trump signed Space Policy Directive-4, ordering the Pentagon to establish the Space Force (Space). Date: 19 February 2019 = 14 Adar I (Purim Katan)]

Islamic calendarRamadan 14

Here are her notes on Friday, March 22…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/22 (Friday) -> 322 [Skull and Bones]

Julian calendar: 3/9 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of Venus and Saturn (In The Sky) at 01:59 UTC = 119 minutes into the day

National Donald Day (National Today)

Roman festivals: [Roman festivals] – 22 March marked the celebration of Arbor intrat, or “The Tree Enters.” (Italian Art Society)

• Vox in excelso (Wikipedia) is the name of a bull issued by Pope Clement V on 22 March 1312. The directives given within the bull were to formally dissolve the Order of the Knights Templar

 • Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. (CBS News). Date: 22 March 2013, 11 years ago 

• President Vladimir Putin visited the Shaolin Monastery (KremlinChina Daily). Date: March 22, 2006, China, Henan Province, 18 years ago 

• The seeds of Revolution: The Stamp Act protests in Boston (Constitution Center) It was on this day in 1765 that the British Parliament signed the Stamp Act, a move that lit the fuse for a revolution in the American colonies that burned for a decade. The American Revolution (1765–1783) is usually considered the starting point of the Age of Revolution (Wikipedia). Start date: 22 March 1765

• Arab League formed (HISTORY) Representatives from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen meet in Cairo to establish the Arab League, a regional organization of Arab states. Date: 22 March 1945.

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) was a granite monument that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. Controversial from its time of construction, it ultimately became the subject of conspiracy theoriesOpening date: 22 March 1980 (dismantled in 2022), 44 years ago 

• Killing of Ahmed Yassin (Wikipedia) – On 22 March 2004, the Palestinian leader and one of the founders of the Hamas militant organization was assassinated in Gaza City. His assassination caused a state of anger and Palestinian factions vowed revenge, with Hamas saying that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon “opened the gates of hell.

• 2016 Brussels bombings – (Wikipedia) – On 22 March 2016, two coordinated terrorist attacks in and close to Brussels, Belgium, were carried out by the Islamic State (IS). 

• 2017 Westminster attack – (Wikipedia) – On 22 March 2017, a terrorist attack took place outside the Palace of Westminster in London. Motive: Revenge for Western military action in the Middle East

Chinese calendar2nd Month 13

[24032223] Numbers3/22 (inclusive) – 3/23

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia), the 6th and current president of Ukraine. Assumed office: 20 May 2019, 4 years, 44 weeks ago

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 66 days old -> Number of the beast: 666

After sunset 🌅 – 3/23

Jewish calendar13 Adar II,13 Adar (Psalm11918), Erev Purim,  Shabbat Zachor (Sabbath [of] remembrance) – Remember what Amalek did to you – Deuteronomy 25:17 – 25:19 When the LORD your God gives you rest from the enemies around you in the land that He is giving you to possess as an inheritance, you are to blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget!

• The discovery of Pluto [named after Pluto – the ruler of  the Greek underworld] was announced on 13 March 1930 (Britannica) = 13 Adar

• Iran: Nuclear Protection and Security Corps (Wikipedia) is a unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps tasked to protect the Iranian nuclear facilities. Founded: 16 March 2022 = 13 Adar II

• The beginning of NATO intervention (Wikipedia) during the 2011 Libyan Civil War (Wikipedia) Date: Sat, 19 March 2011 = 13 Adar IIShabbat Zachor 

• The Baltimore Plot (WikipediaHISTORY) were alleged conspiracies in February 1861 to assassinate President-elect Abraham Lincoln en route to his inauguration. Date: Sat, 23 February 1861  = 13 AdarShabbat ZachorErev Purim 

Shabbat Zachor

• The beginning of the end of the Siege of Boston (HISTORY) – On March 2, 1776 = Shabbat Zachor. General George Washington orders American artillery forces to begin bombarding Boston. 

• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Wikipedia) is a major financial agency of the United Nations, and an international financial institution funded by 190 member countries, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. On 1 March 1947 = Shabbat Zachor, the IMF began its financial operations (Wikipedia).

•The KGB (Wikipedia) was the main security agency for the Soviet Union. Formed 13 March 1954, Shabbat Zachor. Officially dissolved in 1991.

• Assassination of Boris Nemtsov (Wikipedia) – Date: 27 February 2015 at 23:31 (UTC+03:00) = Shabbat Zachor 

Islamic calendarRamadan 13

• 1992 Buenos Aires Israeli embassy bombing (WikipediaChabad) – A group called Islamic Jihad Organization, which has been linked to Iran and possibly Hezbollah, claimed responsibility. Date: 17 March 1992 = Ramadan 12 or Ramadan 13 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Thursday, March 21…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/21 (Thursday – Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 3/8 [Convert a date]

Close approach of Venus and Saturn  (In The Sky) at 23:15 UTC (11:15 PM) -> Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a hill near Jer. a skull [Latin calvaria], the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull.

International Day of Nowruz (National Today)

Big Bang Day (National Today)

• Passing of Saint Benedict (Wikipedia) Date: 21 March 547 (Julian). He founded the present-day Order of Saint Benedict, Feast: 21 March (pre-1970 Calendar). In 1964 Pope Paul VI declared Benedict a patron saint of Europe.

• Emperor Heraclius returns the True Cross, one of the holiest Christian relics, to Jerusalem (Wikipedia: here and here) Date: 21 March 630 (Julian) 

• Pope Celestine II (Wikipedia), the first pope listed in the Prophecy of Saint-Archbishop Malachy – Prophecy of the Popes (Wikipedia). Died: 8 March 1144 (Julian) 

• Thomas Cranmer a leader of the English Reformation and Archbishop of Canterbury, was burnt at the stake for heresy.  On the day of his execution in Oxford, former archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer deviates from the scripted sermon by renouncing the recantations he has made and adds, “And as for the pope, I refuse him, as Christ’s enemy, and Antichrist with all his false doctrine [Wikipedia; Cowardice, Courage, and the Death of Cranmer (The Master’s SeminaryEnglish History]. Date: 21 March 1556 (Julian). On its 444th anniversary-> 

• Pope John Paul II makes first ever pontifical visit to Israel (World Jewish Congress) The only previous visit of a high-ranking pastor of the Church was Pope Paul VI on 4 January 1964. However, there were a number of differences… Date: 21 March 2000 

• Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi formally asks the international community to call Persia by its native name, Iran (Wikipedia). Date: 21 March 1935

• The first cases of the 1983 West Bank fainting epidemic (Wikipedia) begin ; Israelis and Palestinians accuse each other of poison gas, but the cause is later determined mostly to be psychosomatic (Wikipedia). Date: 21 March 1983

• Otto von Bismarck is appointed as the first Chancellor of the German Empire (Wikipedia). Date: 21 March 1871, 153 years ago

• Another plot to kill Hitler foiled (HISTORY). Date: 21 March 1943

• Jair Messias Bolsonaro (Wikipedia) is a Brazilian politician and retired military officer who served as the 38th president of Brazil. Born:  21 March 1955, his 69th birthday 

• Great New Orleans Fire (1788) (Wikipedia) was a fire that destroyed 856 of the 1,100 structures in New Orleans, Louisiana (New Spain). Date: 21 March 1788

• 3.21 Explosive Accident – 2019 Xiangshui chemical plant explosion (Wikipedia) in China. 78 people were killed and 617 injured. Date: 21 March 2019

Chinese calendar2nd Month 12

• Fight of the Century (Wikipedia) was a heavyweight championship boxing (*) match. Joe Frazier triumphs over Muhammad Ali ->  How the Ali-Frazier ‘Fight of the Century’ Became a Proxy Battle for a Divided Nation (HISTORY). Date: 8 March 1971 = 2nd Month 12, year of the Pig, 53 Chinese years ago, about the number 53 (from your blog) [*reasons why I care about boxing: Boxer movement (Wikipedia); Boxing Day Tsunami (Wikipedia); occult propaganda related to boxing: YouTube channel: hoax buster 1,2].

[24032122] Numbers3/21 (inclusive) – 3/22 [Skull and Bones]

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 3 years, 2 months, 2 days  ago -> 322 [Skull and Bones]

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 60 weeks, 6 days ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first) -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• World War I begins (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 28, 1914, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War, 40,050 days ago

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: 20 December 2019 = 222 weeks ago -> Hebrew: 222. Uriel: “flame of God,” two Israelites. the Number 222, 2222 in the Bible (Bible Study)

After sunset 🌅 – 3/22

Jewish calendar12 Adar II, 12 Adar (Psalm11918)

• 1992 Buenos Aires Israeli embassy bombing (WikipediaChabad) – A group called Islamic Jihad Organization, which has been linked to Iran and possibly Hezbollah, claimed responsibility. Date: Tue, 17 March 1992 = 12 Adar II

• Alexander II of Russia (Wikipedia) the Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland was assassinated. Alexander II was seen as tolerant towards Jews… Alexander III, who succeeded his father, reversed this trend. Date: Sun, 13 March 1881 = 12 Adar II

• Ukrainian Air Force (Wikipedia) was established on 17 March 1992 = 12 Adar II.

[ 12 Adar I

• Hassan Nasrallah (Wikipedia), the 3rd Secretary-General of Hezbollah since his predecessor, Abbas al-Musawi, was assassinated (Wikipedia) by the Israel Defense Forces on 16 February 1992 = 12 Adar I.]

Islamic calendarRamadan 12

12 Ramadan (Wikipedia), the Gospel was bestowed on Jesus according to Islam

• 1992 Buenos Aires Israeli embassy bombing (WikipediaChabad) Date: 17 March 1992 = Ramadan 12 or Ramadan 13 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, March 20…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

March 24 is also Palm Sunday (Wikipedia) – The feast commemorates Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

3/20 (Wednesday)

Julian calendar: 3/7 [Convert a date]

From your blog: March 20 is Essene Jewish 1 Nissan, the beginning of the Essene Jewish year and the Spring Day of Remembrance (“build an ark; the Flood comes”).

Nowruz ( Wikipedia) is the Iranian or Persian New Year.  It is a festival based on the Iranian Solar Hijri calendar, on the spring equinox (In The Sky).

Alien Abduction Day (National Today)

Roman festivalsPelusia (Wikipedia) – In the Roman Empire, the Pelusia was a religious festival held March 20 in honor of Isis and her child Harpocrates. 

Equinox Earth Day (AnydayGuide) – There are two major dates for celebration of Earth Day. The first one falls on the spring equinox. The traditional observance of Earth Day is ringing the Japanese Peace Bell (United Nations), a United Nations peace symbol.

• Black Death is created, allegedly (HISTORY) – According to scholars at the University of Paris, the Black Death is created on March 20, 1345 (Julian) from what they call “a triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the 40th degree of Aquarius, occurring on that day.” Despite what these 14th-century scholars claimed the most common ailment known as the Black Death is caused by the yersinia pestis bacterium.

• The Great Boston Fire of 1760 (Wikipedia) was a major conflagration that occurred on March 20, 1760, in Boston in the Province of Massachusetts. The fire destroyed 349 (*) buildings in the area between the modern Washington Street and Fort Hill, as well as several ships in port, and it left more than a thousand people homeless. *70th prime and Strong’s Greek: 349. to cry out / Hebrew: 349. ek: how?

• Republican Party (Wikipedia, HISTORY), also referred to as the GOP (“Grand Old Party”), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. Founded: 20 March 1854, the 170th anniversary 

• The Tokyo subway sarin attack (WikipediaHISTORY) was an act of domestic terrorism perpetrated on 20 March 1995 in Tokyo, Japan, by members of the cult movement Aum Shinrikyo. In five coordinated attacks, the perpetrators released sarin on three lines of the Tokyo Metro during rush hour.

• Cuban thaw (Wikipedia) – Obama in Cuba on historic visit (ReutersPOLITICO) – When Air Force One landed in Havana on this day in 2016, President Barack Obama became the first U.S. president to visit Cuba since Calvin Coolidge in 1928 and the first one since an insurgency led by Fidel Castro toppled a pro-American regime in 1959. Date: 20 March 2016 


• Sung Chiao-jen, a founder of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang), is wounded in an assassination attempt and dies 2 days later (Wikipedia). Date: 20 March 1913

• Canton Coup (Wikipedia) also known as the Zhongshan Incident or the March 20th Incident, was a purge of Communist elements of the Nationalist army in Guangzhou (then romanized as “Canton”) undertaken by Chiang Kai-shek. Date: 20 March 1926

Chinese calendar2nd Month 11

• 2011 the Syrian Civil War (Wikipedia) – Start date: 15 March 2011 (the Ides of March) = 2nd Month 11, year of the Rabbit

• Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. (CBS News – pictures) [note: a sandstorm hit his trip – Google Search]. Date: 22 March [322 – Skull and Bones] 2013 = 2nd Month 11, year of the Snake

[24032021] Numbers3/20 (inclusive) – 3/21

Gematria: bloodbath = Mao Donald 4x

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 60 weeks, 6 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (WikipediaHISTORY)  – On 21 September 1949, CCP Chairman Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China with a speech at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, 894 months ago -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)

• President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation and appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acting president of Russia (Kremlin) Date: 31 December 1999, 2424 % of a common year (365 days) -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.

After sunset 🌅 – 3/21

Jewish calendar11 Adar II, 11 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Joseph Vladimirovich (Volfovich) Trumpeldor (Wikipedia), killed defending the settlement of Tel Hai from an attack by its Arab neighbors (Battle of Tel Hai – Wikipedia) and subsequently became a Jewish national hero. Date: 1 March 1920 = 11 Adar [your blog MORE – 22 February 2021] 

• Grover Cleveland (Wikipedia) was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States. He is the only president in U.S. history to serve non-consecutive presidential terms. Born: 18 March 1837 = 11 Adar II. [Trump Calls Himself 45th and 47th President (Newsweek).] 

• Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Russia. Born: 3 March 1966 = 11 Adar 

• Fight of the Century (Wikipedia), a heavyweight championship boxing match, Joe Frazier triumphs over Muhammad Ali ->  How the Ali-Frazier ‘Fight of the Century’ Became a Proxy Battle for a Divided Nation (HISTORY). Date: 8 March 1971 (3/8) = 11 Adar53 Jewish years ago

• Siege of Boston (HISTORYWikipedia) – On March 2, 1776 = 11 Adar, General George Washington orders American artillery forces to begin bombarding Boston from their positions at Lechmere Point. It marked the beginning of the end of the Siege of Boston and Britain’s wartime occupation of Boston.

Islamic calendarRamadan 11 [Convert a date] (9/11)

Ramadan (calendar month) (Wikipedia)

Here are her notes on Tuesday, March 19…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/19 (Tuesday)

Julian calendar: 3/6 [Convert a date]

Essene Calendar: Tekufah Nisan (Spring)

• Augustus (Wikipedia) – On 6 March 12 BC (Proleptic Julian calendar), after the death of Lepidus, he additionally took up the position of Pontifex Maximus, the high priest of the college of the pontiffs, the most important position in Roman religion. (Wikipedia)

• The Farewell Sermon (Wikipedia) also known as Muhammad’s Final Sermon or the Last Sermon, is a religious speech, delivered by the Islamic prophet Muhammad on Friday the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah, 10 AH (6 March 632*) in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat, during the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj. 

• Michelangelo is born (HISTORY) on 6 March 1475 (Julian) -> The Last Judgment (Michelangelo) (Wikipedia)

Eastern Orthodox liturgics

• Uncovering of the Precious Cross and the Precious Nails by the Empress St Helena in Jerusalem (326) (Wikipedia)

• 42 Martyrs of Amorium (Wikipedia)

• Chenstokhovskaya” (Poland) Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Black Madonna of Częstochowa) (Wikipedia)

• Papal inauguration of Pope Francis (Wikipedia) was held on 19 March 2013 in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican. Holy Mass was celebrated by Pope Francis before political and religious leaders from around the world. It was the first papal inauguration attended by the Patriarch of Constantinople in over 1,000 years. Date: 19 March 2013, 11 years ago

• Gold standard: The U.S. Congress repeals the requirement for a gold reserve to back US currency (Wikipedia). Date: 18 March 1968. It was signed by President Johnson on 19 March (The National Interest).

Roman festivals:

Quinquatria (Wikipedia) was a festival sacred to the Goddess Minerva, celebrated from the 19–23 of March.

• On March 19, 1911, the first International Women’s Day (Wikipedia) was marked by over a million people in Austria-Hungary, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. In Austria-Hungary alone, there were 300 demonstrations, with women parading on the Ringstrasse in Vienna, carrying banners honoring the martyrs of the Paris Commune (Wikipedia).


Saint Joseph’s Day (National TodayWikipedia), also called the Feast of Saint Joseph or the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, is in Western Christianity the principal feast day of Saint Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary and legal father of Jesus Christ, celebrated on 19 March. It is also Father’s Day in some Catholic countries. 

• War in Iraq begins (HISTORY) – On March 19, 2003, the United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq. – Operation Iraqi Freedom Day (National Today), 21 years ago 

• Commemoration of the Victory over Gaddafi in Libya (AnydayGuide) It celebrates the anniversary of the beginning of NATO intervention during the 2011 Libyan Civil War (Wikipedia) (the war ended three days after the death of Muammar Gaddafi – YouTube: Clinton on Qaddafi: We came, we saw, he died [Gematria:  We came, we saw, he died = Year of the Wood Dragon 1x]

• The Nero Decree (Wikipediawas issued by Adolf Hitler on 19 March 1945, ordering the destruction of German infrastructure to prevent its use by Allied forces as they penetrated deep within Germany. It was officially titled Decree Concerning Demolitions in the Reich Territory. The decree was deliberately disobeyed by Albert Speer shortly before the fall of the Nazi regime, 79 years ago. [Gematriabloodbath = 79]

• Gold standard: The U.S. Congress repeals the requirement for a gold reserve to back US currency (Wikipedia). Date: 18 March 1968. It was signed by President Johnson on 19 March (The National Interest).

• William Joseph Burns (Wikipedia), the 8th and current Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Assumed office: 19 March 2021

Chinese calendar2nd Month 10

• Qasem Soleimani  (Wikipedia) (Western nickname: The Shadow Commanderwas an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force. Soleimani was assassinated in 2020 by a U.S. drone strike. Born: 11 March 1957 = 2nd Month 10, year of the Rooster; Gematria: Qasem Soleimani = The Star of David 4x;  The Shadow Commander = King Nebuchadnezzar 3x

[24031920] Numbers3/19 (inclusive) – 3/20

•The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) were a granite monument that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. Controversial from its time of construction, it ultimately became the subject of conspiracy theories… The guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing and dismantled later that day. Dismantled date: 6 July 2022, 623 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• The inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 38 months ago 

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) is the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955, 69 years, 9 weeks old. 

After sunset 🌅 – 3/20

Jewish calendar10 Adar II, 10 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Russia: Heroes of Fatherland Day (WikipediaPresidential Library, Russia) was approved by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin on 28 February 2007 = 10 Adar

• Reza Shah Pahlavi (Wikipedia) was an Iranian military officer and the founder of the Pahlavi dynasty. Date: 15 March 1878 = 10 Adar II

• Gulf War ground offensive begins (HISTORY) – After six weeks of intensive bombing against Iraq and its armed forces, U.S.-led coalition forces launch a ground invasion of Kuwait and Iraq. Date: 24 February 1991 = 10 Adar 

• The Unilateral Declaration of Egyptian Independence (Wikipedia) on 28 February 1922 = 10 Adar 

• Cuban thaw (Wikipedia) – Obama in Cuba on historic visit (ReutersPOLITICO) – When Air Force One landed in Havana on this day in 2016, President Barack Obama became the first U.S. president to visit Cuba since Calvin Coolidge in 1928 and the first one since an insurgency led by Fidel Castro toppled a pro-American regime in 1959. Date: 20 March 2016 = 10 Adar II

[Adar I • Babington Plot – (Wikipedia) – Mary, Queen of Scots beheaded (HISTORY, Wikipedia –2) …on the evening of 7 February 1587 (Julian), Mary was told she was to be executed the next morning. Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed by beheading. Date: 8 February 1587 (aged 44) = 10 Adar I (Convert a date); Gematria: bloodbath = the Maiden (Maiden (guillotine) – The device was introduced in 1564 during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots – Wikipedia) 3x]

Islamic calendarRamadan 10 (9/10)

10 Ramadan (Wikipedia), death of Khadija [or Khadijah] bint Khuwaylid, the wife of Muhammad; Gematria: bloodbath = Khadijah (“The Mother of Believers” in Islam – Wikipedia) 3x 

• CERN Large Hadron Collider first went operational on 10 September 2008 (WikipediaHISTORY) = Ramadan 10, 1429 AH or Ramadan 9 (Convert a date)

• Qatar diplomatic crisis (Wikipedia) – Six Arab countries—Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates—cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, accusing it of destabilising the region. Date: 5 June 2017 = Ramadan 10, 1438 AH

These are Onna’s notes on the gematria of “bloodbath”…

…from the 3/17 Drudge Report

Gematria: bloodbath = Akhenaten 4x (WikipediaObama Akhenaten – Google Search)

Gematriabloodbath (The Death of Marat – Wikipedia) = Akhenaten = Mao Donald (The American Mao: Donald Trump has led the Republican Party into a cultural revolution – Salon) = Alamodome (Wikipedia) = seven dead (*) = baby whale (Trump boasts of meeting ‘Prince of Whales’ – The Guardian) = manganese (Wikipedia)  [4x] [Ken: poisoning by manganese resembles Parkinson’s Disease and could explain some of the symptoms exhibited by Biden and/or Trump (1,2)] card game (Donald Trump launched his superhero – NFT cards collection) 3x, Ukraine 3x, the Maiden (Maiden (guillotine) – The device was introduced in 1564 during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots – Wikipedia) 3x, Khadijah (“The Mother of Believers” in Islam – Wikipedia) 3x, Zechariah (Wikipedia) 3x 

bloodbath  (79, 34, 164, 47) – Reverse Pythagorean is 47. The next US president will be the 47th president.

Trump Calls Himself 45th and 47th President, Playing Into Potential for 2024 Campaign (Newsweek). Grover Cleveland (Wikipedia) was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States.  He is the only president in U.S. history to serve non-consecutive presidential terms. Born: 18 March, 1837 = 11 Adar IIShabbat Zachor

*’seven dead’ – it might have something to do with this -> Revelation 17:10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. 17:11 The beast that was, and now is not, is an eighth king, who belongs to the other seven and is going into destruction. [Christian watchman on YouTube: Hello People of God: The Short Space & The Rapture (YouTube)]

Here are her notes on Monday, March 18…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/18 (Monday)

Julian calendar: 3/5 [Convert a date]

Navigium Isidis (Wikipedia) was an annual ancient Roman religious festival in honor of the goddess Isis, held on March 5.

International Launch of Global Money Week (National Today)

National Supreme Sacrifice Day ( National Today)

Ten thousand martyrs (Wikipedia) The Roman Martyrology contains two separate commemorations. The first is on March 18, corresponding to the very same date in the Greek Orthodox Synaxarion, where it is referred to as the “Myriads of Holy Martyrs, by the sword, at Nicomedia”.

• Jacques de Molay (Wikipedia), the 23rd (*)and final Grand Master of the Knights Templar, is burned at the stake on 11 March 1314 or 18 March 1314 -> the Curse of Jacques de Molay ( Origins[*…the senators stabbed Caesar 23 times” (Assassination of Julius Caesar – Wikipedia).]

• Gold standard: The U.S. Congress repeals the requirement for a gold reserve to back US currency (Wikipedia). Date: 18 March 1968. It was signed by President Johnson on 19 March (The National Interest).

• World War II: Axis powers: Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini meet at Brenner Pass in the Alps and agree to form an alliance against France and the United Kingdom. Date: 18 March 2024 (Wikipedia) [YouTube channel: British Movietone – Hitler & Mussolini at Brenner Pass; The Brenner Pass (Wikipedia) was part of the ratlines that were used by some fleeing Nazis after the German surrender in 1945.] 

• Hawaii Admission Act (Wikipedia) dissolved the Territory of Hawaii and established the State of Hawaii as the 50th state to be admitted into the Union. Effective: March 18, 1959

• Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation (Wikipedia) – Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the treaty of accession (annexation) with Crimean leaders in Moscow, 18 March 2014

Chinese calendar2nd Month 9

• The Boston Massacre [known in Great Britain as the Incident on King Street] lights the fuse of revolution (Constitution CenterWikipedia) – On March 5, 1770 = 2nd Month 9, year of the Tiger. British soldiers fired upon a group of rowdy colonists, killing five and wounding others. “On that night, the foundation of American Independence was laid,” wrote John Adams. 

[24031819] Numbers3/18 (inclusive) – 3/19

• 1st BRIC summit (WikipediaBRICS information portal) – The inaugural BRIC summit took place in Yekaterinburg, Russia. Date: 16 June 2009, 770 weeks ago

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) was a granite monument (and a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists) that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. They were heavily damaged in a bombing and dismantled later that day. Dismantled date: 6 July 2022, 622 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly / Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove

After sunset 🌅 – 3/19

Jewish calendar9 Adar II, 9 Adar (Psalm11918)

• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Wikipedia) is a major financial agency of the United Nations, and an international financial institution funded by 190 member countries, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. On 1 March 1947 = 9 Adar, the IMF began its financial operations (Wikipedia).

• 2007 The Shanghai Stock Exchange fell 9%. – Chinese stock bubble of 2007 (Wikipedia) was the global stock market plunge of February 27, and November 2007, which wiped out hundreds of billions of market value. Date: Tue, 27 February 2007 = 9 Adar

• The Syrian Civil War (Wikipedia) is an ongoing multi-sided conflict in Syria involving various state-sponsored and non-state actors. Start date: 15 March 2011 (the Ides of March) = 9 Adar II

• Augustus (Wikipedia) – On 6 March 12 BC (Julian) = 9 Adar II (Convert a date), after the death of Lepidus, he additionally took up the position of pontifex maximus, the high priest of the college of the pontiffs, the most important position in Roman religion.

• Assassination of Boris Nemtsov (Wikipedia), a Russian politician opposed to the government of Vladimir Putin, Date: 27 February 2015 at 23:31 (UTC+03:00) = 9 Adar

Islamic calendar: Ramadan 9

• Operation Badr (1973) (Wikipedia) was the code name for the Egyptian military operation to cross the Suez Canal and seize the Bar Lev Line of Israeli fortifications on 6 October 1973 = Ramadan 9, 1393 AH

Here are her notes on Sunday, March 17…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/17 (Sunday)

Julian calendar: 3/4  [Convert a date]

March 17 (Wikipedia) is the 77th day of the year in leap years. 

Neptune at solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 11:13 UTC – [Neptune is named after the Roman god of freshwater and the sea (Wikipedia). The trident is the tool of Neptune (Wikipedia) and also a symbol associated with Ukraine (Wikipedia).]

Ukrainian Air Force (Wikipedia) was established  on 17 March 1992, 32 years ago

Mobilization Employee Day in Ukraine (AnydayGuide). 

Saint Patrick’s Day – Saint Patrick (Wikipedia) was a fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the “Apostle of Ireland”. He is the primary patron saint of Ireland, Enlightener of Ireland. From your blog (16 March 2023): “the Israeli press have pointed out the similarities between St. Patrick and two Biblical figures, Moses and Joseph/Yosef. (The Secret Jewish History of St. Patrick’s Day – Haaretz )“; Patrick banishes snakes from Ireland – here).

• Tzemach Tzeddek (Wikipedia) – The third Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn of Lubavitch, died on 17 March 1866 (Julian)

• 1992 Buenos Aires Israeli embassy bombing (WikipediaChabad) – A group called Islamic Jihad Organization, which has been linked to Iran and possibly Hezbollah, claimed responsibility. Date: 17 March 1992

• Golda Meir elected in Israel (HISTORY) On March 17, 1969, 70-year-old Golda Meir makes history when she is elected as Israel’s first female prime minister.  She was known as the “Iron Lady” before British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher rose to power (HISTORY), 55 years ago

• 1948 – Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom sign the Treaty of Brussels, a precursor to the North Atlantic Treaty establishing NATO (Wikipedia) Signed: 17 March 1948 

Evacuation Day (Massachusetts) (Wikipedia, AnydayGuide) is a holiday observed on March 17 in Suffolk County, Massachusetts. The holiday commemorates the evacuation of British forces from the city of Boston following the siege of Boston, early in the American Revolutionary War (the first major American military victory in the American Revolutionary War). Related to: Saint Patrick’s Day

Chinese calendar2nd Month 8

• Papal inauguration of Pope Francis (Wikipedia) was held on 19 March 2013 in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican. Holy Mass was celebrated by Pope Francis before political and religious leaders from around the world. It was the first papal inauguration attended by the Patriarch of Constantinople in over 1,000 years. Date: 19 March 2013 = 2nd Month 8, year of the Snake

• Jens Stoltenberg (Wikipedia), the 13th and current Secretary General of NATO. Born: 16 March 1959 = 2nd Month 8, year of the Pig

[24031718] Numbers3/17 (inclusive) – 3/18

• King Charles III, (then the 21st Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset (WikipediaWEF) Date: 3 June 2020, 44 month, 44 days ago 

• The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” –  President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020 = 4 years, 50 days ago -> Donald Trump’s President number 45Gematria: The deal of the century(*) = Eleventh of September 4x *called by its proponents

After sunset 🌅 – 3/18

Jewish calendar8 Adar II, 8 Adar (Psalm11918

• The KGB (Wikipedia) was the main security agency for the Soviet Union. Formed: 13 March 1954 = 8 Adar II. Officially dissolved in 1991.

• Qasem Soleimani  (Wikipedia) (Western nickname: The Shadow Commanderwas an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force. Soleimani was assassinated in 2020 by a U.S. drone strike. Born: 11 March 1957 = 8 Adar IIGematria: Qasem Soleimani = The Star of David 4x;  The Shadow Commander = King Nebuchadnezzar 3x

• On this day, the Boston Massacre [known in Great Britain as the Incident on King Street] lights the fuse of revolution (Constitution CenterWikipedia) On March 5, 1770 = 8 Adar, British soldiers fired upon a group of rowdy colonists, killing five and wounding others. “On that night, the foundation of American Independence was laid,” wrote John Adams

• Cato Street Conspiracy: A plot to murder all the British cabinet ministers is exposed and the conspirators arrested (Wikipedia) Date: 23 February 1820 = 8 Adar

[8 Adar I 

• Russian Orthodox leader Patriarch Kirill visits Antarctica (The Russian Orthodox Church) Date: 17 February 2016 = 8 Adar I 

• J. Robert Oppenheimer (Wikipedia) was an American theoretical physicist. He was director of the Manhattan Project’s Los Alamos Laboratory during World War II and is often called the “father of the atomic bomb“. Died: 18 February 1967 = 8 Adar I

Julius Robert Oppenheimer] 

 Islamic calendarRamadan 8

Here are her notes on Saturday, March 16…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/16 (Saturday)

Julian calendar: 3/3  [Convert a date]

National Archer Day (National Today)

Roman festivals: The procession of the Argei (Wikipedia)

 • What Is the Equilux? (timeanddate) – Twice a year, day and night reach a perfect balance of 12 hours each, creating a little-known event called the equilux. In Jerusalem on 16 March (Jerusalem Coordinates: 31.7683° N Google Search)

 John 11:9 Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? If anyone walks in the daytime, he will not stumble, because he sees by the light of this world.

 • The 1190 Massacre (History of York,  English Heritage) – At the foot of Clifford’s Tower a plaque marks the darkest chapter in the history of York’s Jewish community. On March 16 1190 a wave of anti-Semitic riots culminated in the massacre of an estimated 150 Jews – the entire Jewish community of York…

• Josef Rudolf Mengele (WikipediaGematria: Josef Rudolf Mengele = Year of the Wood Dragon [= 2024 (Google Search)] 2x. Mengele was a German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer and physician during World War II. Nicknamed the “Angel of Death“, he performed deadly experiments on prisoners at the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) concentration camp, where he was a member of the team of doctors who selected victims to be murdered in the gas chambers, and was one of the doctors who administered the gas. Born: 16 March 1911. Exactly on the 77th anniversary of his birth ->

• Halabja massacre (Wikipedia) also known as the Halabja chemical attack, was a massacre of Kurdish people that took place on 16 March 1988 (during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War). The incident was the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history, killing between 3,200 and 5,000 people and injuring 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians. Date: Wed, 16 March 1988 = [Year of the Dragon], Halabja Remembrance Day in Iraqi Kurdistan (AnydayGuide). 

• The My Lai massacre (Wikipedia) was a war crime committed by United States Army personnel on 16 March 1968, involving the mass murder of unarmed civilians in Sơn Tịnh district, South Vietnam, during the Vietnam War.  It is the largest publicized massacre of civilians by U.S. forces in the 20th century. Date: 16 March 1968

• 1945 – Ninety percent of Würzburg, Germany is destroyed in only 20 minutes by British bombers, resulting in at least 4,000 deaths (Wikipedia

there are more bombings on March 16 (Wikipedia) -> Find on Page: ‘bomb’

• The Nuclear Protection and Security Corps (Wikipedia) is a unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps tasked to protect the Iranian nuclear facilities. Founded: 16 March 2022

• Jens Stoltenberg (WikipediaAstro databank), the 13th secretary general of NATO. Born: 16 March 1959 at 5:55 PM [Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia)].

• United States Military Academy at West Point (Library of Congress) – On March 16, 1802 = 12 Adar II, Congress approved legislation establishing the United States Military Academy at West Point, one of the oldest military service academies in the world, 222 years ago

• In a popular referendum, Crimea voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation; despite opposition from numerous countries, Russia later annexed the region (Britannica). Date: 16 March 2014, 10 years ago

Chinese calendar2nd Month 7

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) ->  Fukushima nuclear accident (Wikipedia) [Fukushima Timeline (HISTORY)] Date: 11 March 2011 = 2nd Month 7, year of the Rabbit 

• Bombing of the Vatican (Wikipedia)Vatican City was bombed twice during World War II. The second bombing was on 1 March 1944 = 2nd Month 7, year of the Monkey

[24031617] Numbers3/16 (inclusive) – 3/17

• JFK Jr. killed in plane crash (HISTORY) or 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash (Wikipedia), John F. Kennedy Jr. …, dies when the single-engine plane that Kennedy was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Date: 16 July 1999 (according to Wikipedia at about 9:41 p.m.),  9011 days ago; Gematria: President John Fitzgerald Kennedy  = Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews 2x

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) is the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955, 69 years, 60 days old (at some point during the day)

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 69 weeks, days  ago 

• 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony (Wikipedia) took place in the Olympic Stadium, London. Date: 27 July 2012 at 21:00, 60weeks, 9 days ago  [YouTube: James Bond and The Queen London 2012 Performance]. 

After sunset 🌅 – 3/17

Jewish calendar: 7 Adar II, 7 Adar (Psalm11918

Moses’ Birth & Passing (1393 and 1273 BCE)

• The International Criminal Court holds its inaugural session in The Hague (WikipediaCNN). Date: 11 March 2003 =  7 Adar II.  [from last year: 17 March 2023 : ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Putin (International Criminal Court); 20 March 2023: Medvedev threatens to strike court in The Hague (; 23 March 2023: Russia’s Medvedev says Putin’s arrest would be ‘declaration of war’ (]

• The First government of Israel (Wikipedia) was formed by David Ben-Gurion on 8 March 1949 (3/8) = 7 Adar, a month and a half after the elections for the first Knesset.  

• Osama bin Laden (Wikipedia) was a Saudi-born Islamic dissident and militant leader who was the founder and first general emir of al-Qaeda from 1988 until his death in 2011. He is most widely known as the mastermind of the September 11 attacks in the United States. Born: 10 March 1957 = 7 Adar II 

• The hijacking of Lufthansa Flight 649 (Wikipedia) was an act of terrorism committed by a Palestinian group that took place between 22 and 23 February 1972 = 7 Adar. Eventually, all hostages were released among them Joseph Kennedy, the then 19-year-old son of Robert F. Kennedy].

Islamic calendarRamadan 7

• The War of the Worlds (WikipediaHISTORY). The episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasion was taking place. Original release: 30 October 1938 at 8–9 pm ET. (after sunset) = Ramadan 7

Here are her notes on Friday, March 15…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/15 (Friday)

Julian calendar: 3/2 [Convert a date]

Book: 3:15 – The Genesis of All Prophecy (SkyWatchTVStore)

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.

Roman festivals, datesIdes of March (Wikipedia); Martius 15  (Wikipedia) – Feriae Iovi, the monthly sacrifice to Jupiter, Feast of Anna Perenna; “Holy week” for Cybele and Attis

Close approach of the Moon and the Pleiades (M45) at 03:53 UTC (In The Sky) -> Greek mythology: The Pleiades (Wikipedia) were the seven sister-nymphs, companions of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.

• Ufology: World Contact Day (Wikipedia) A day attempting to make ET contact

• Brutus Day (National Today) is on the Ides of March and it’s observed in remembrance of the betrayal committed by a loyal and trusted friend. 

• Assassination of Julius Caesar (Wikipedia) – Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of senators on the Ides of March (15 March) of 44 BC during a meeting of the Senate at the Curia of Pompey of the Theatre of Pompey in Rome where the senators stabbed Caesar 23 times. They claimed to be acting over fears that Caesar’s unprecedented concentration of power during his dictatorship was undermining the Roman Republic. Despite the death of Caesar, the conspirators were unable to restore the institutions of the Republic. 

• Abdication of Nicholas II (WikipediaHISTORY)- Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne of the Russian Empire on 2 March (O.S.) / 15 March (N.S.) 1917, in the midst of World War I and the February Revolution… , the rule of the 300-year-old House of Romanov ended. Power in Russia then passed to the Russian Provisional Government, signaling victory for the February Revolution.

• The Syrian Civil War (Wikipedia) is an ongoing multi-sided conflict in Syria involving various state-sponsored and non-state actors. Start date [Syrian revolution – Wikipedia]: 15 March 2011

Chinese calendar2nd Month 6

• Invictus Games (Wikipedia) – The Games were launched on 6 March 2014 = 2nd Month 6, year of the Horse, by Prince Harry at London’s Copper Box arena, used as a venue during the 2012 Olympics, 10 Chinese years ago 

• 1993 World Trade Center bombing (WikipediaHISTORY) a van bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Date: February 26, 1993 = 2nd Month 6, year of the Rooster. Deaths: 6, Injured: 1,042

[24031516] Numbers3/15 (inclusive) – 3/16

• World War I begins – On July 28, 1914, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War (HISTORYWikipedia),  40,044 days ago.

• The inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 3 years, 8 weeks ago 

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III. (HISTORY) Date: 8 September 2022, 555 days ago -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia); The Number 555 (Bible Study)

After sunset 🌅 – 3/16

Jewish calendar: 6 Adar II, 6 Adar (Psalm11918)

Moses Completes the Torah (1273 BCE)

• Jens Stoltenberg (WikipediaAstro databank), 13th  Secretary General of NATO. Born: 16 March 1959 at  5:55 PM [Sunset in Oslo, Norway at 6:20 PM – Google Search] = 6 Adar II  -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia).

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel) Date: 9 March 2022 = 6 Adar II 

• Bombing of the Vatican (Wikipedia)Vatican City was bombed twice during World War II. The second bombing was on 1 March 1944 = 6 Adar (Wikipedia). There is less debate about the identity of the British plane that dropped bombs on the edge of Vatican City =

• Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (Wikipedia) was an international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that disappeared from radar on 8 March 2014 = 6 Adar II while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its planned destination, Beijing Capital International Airport in China. 

• In New York City, the first Congress of the United States meets, putting the United States Constitution into effect (Wikipedia). Date: 4 March 1789 = 6 Adar. On this day, government begins under our Constitution (Constitution Center)

Islamic calendarRamadan 6 

• Jens Stoltenberg (Wikipedia), 13th  Secretary General of NATO. Born: 16 March 1959 = Ramadan 6, 1378 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, March 14…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/14 (Thursday – Thor’s day

Julian calendar: 3/1 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) THU, 14 MAR at 01:03 UTC

Roman festivals, datesMartius 1 (Kalends) (Wikipedia: 12 ): the original New Year’s Day when the sacred fire of Rome was renewed; the dancing armed priesthood of the Salii celebrated the Feriae Marti (holiday for Mars), which was also the dies natalis (“birthday”) of Mars

Matronalia (Wikipedia) was a festival celebrating Juno Lucina, the goddess of childbirth (“Juno who brings children into the light“), and of motherhood (mater is “mother” in Latin) and women in general. Women were also expected to prepare a meal for the household slaves, as Roman men did at the Saturnalia.

Mamuralia (Wikipedia) (“Rite for Mamurius”) was a festival held on March 14 or 15. It is usually regarded as a ritual marking the transition from the old year to the new. It shares some characteristics with scapegoat or pharmakos ritual [in Ancient Greek religion was the ritualistic sacrifice or exile of a human scapegoat or victim.].

Equirria (Wikipedia) were two ancient Roman festivals of chariot racing, or perhaps horseback racing, held in honor of the god Mars (the god of war), one 27 February and the other 14 March.

The International Day of Mathematics (Wikipedia) is 14 March. It is also known as the Pi Day (Wikipedia), because the mathematical constant π (pi) can be rounded down to 3.14Gematria: International Day of Mathematics = US Declaration of Independence 2x, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1x 

• Albert Einstein (Wikipedia, Astro-databank), a German-born theoretical physicist who is widely held to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time. Born: 14 March 1879.

• TIME Magazine Cover: Superman at 50 (TIME). Date: March 14, 1988, 36 years ago + 50 = 86 -> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). [The Big Five – oh (Merriam-Webster) or the Big Five are the Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (Wikipedia)]

• Karl Heinrich Marx (Wikipedia) was a German philosopher, economist, ….and socialist revolutionary. His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto and the four-volume Das Kapital. Died: 14 March 1883 = 5 Adar II, London, England

• Konrad Adenauer and David Ben-Gurion, met at New York’s Astoria Hotel. There, they laid the foundation for a highly unlikely relationship between Germany and Israel. (Deutsche Welle) on March 14, 1960 

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), 7th President of the People’s Republic of China. China’s leader Xi Jinping has become president, completing the formal transition of power to a new generation… (The Guardian) on 14 March 2013, 11 years ago

• Mikhail Gorbachev elected president of the Soviet Union. Date:  March 14, 1990 (HISTORY)

• 2004 Russian presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent President Vladimir Putin was seeking a second full four-year term. It was a landslide victory for Putin, who was re-elected with 72% of the vote. Date: 14 March 2004. 

Chinese calendar2nd Month 5

[24031415] Numbers3/14 (inclusive) – 3/15

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the 9th and current Prime Minister of Israel. Born: 21 October 1949, 3882 weeks old (Astro-Databank) Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragonLeviathan (Wikipedia)

• Israeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia ), formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, was proclaimed on 14 May 1948 by by David Ben-Gurion, 910 months, 1 day ago-> 911

• The Knesset, the parliament of Israel, convenes for the first time (KnessetWikipedia) 14 February 1949 in Jerusalem, 901 months, 1 day ago -> 911

• John F. Kennedy Jr. (Wikipedia) Born: 25 November 1960 in Washington, D.C., 3303 weeks ago

• Joseph Vladimirovich (Volfovich) Trumpeldor (Wikipedia) died defending the settlement of Tel Hai from an attack by its Arab neighbors (Battle of Tel Hai – Wikipedia) and subsequently became a Jewish national hero. Date: 1 March 1920, 38,000 days ago

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNNDonald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Israel, formerly located in Tel Aviv. Date: 6 December 2017, years, 99 days ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first).

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declared the COVID-19 [Corona – crown] virus epidemic a pandemic (Time). Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020, 4 years, 4 days ago 

After sunset – 3/15

Jewish calendar5 Adar II, 5 Adar (Psalm11918)

Moses’ Last Day of Leadership (1273 BCE)

• 1993 World Trade Center bombing (WikipediaHISTORY) a van bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Date: February 26, 1993 = 5 Adar Deaths: 6, Injured: 1,042

• Texas Revolution: The Siege of the Alamo (prelude to the Battle of the Alamo) begins in San Antonio, Texas (Wikipedia). Date: Tue, 23 February 1836  = 5 Adar

• The Chelyabinsk meteor (SpaceWikipedia) was a small asteroid — about the size of a six-story building — that broke up over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Feb. 15, 2013 = 5 AdarThe blast was stronger than a nuclear explosion, triggering detections from monitoring stations as far away as Antarctica. Injured: 1491 people 

• Nazi Party (Wikipedia), officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was a far-right political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that created and supported the ideology of Nazism. Founded: Tue, 24 February 1920 = 5 Adar, in the Hofbräuhaus beer hall (Wikipedia) in Munich, Germany

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) ->  Fukushima nuclear accident (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011 = 5 Adar II [Fukushima Timeline (HISTORY)]

• The Phoenix Lights (Wikipedia) (sometimes called the “Lights Over Phoenix”) were a series of widely sighted unidentified flying objects observed in the skies over the southwestern U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada on March 13, 1997 (between 7:30 pm and 10:30 pm MST – after sunset Google Search) = 5 Adar II

• Karl Heinrich Marx (Wikipedia) Died: 14 March 1883 = 5 Adar II, London, England

• Assassination of Talaat Pasha (Wikipedia) Armenian student  assassinated Talaat Pasha – former  Grand Vizir of the Ottoman Empire and the main architect of the Armenian genocide – in Berlin. Date: 15 March 1921 = 5 Adar II in Berlin.

[5 Adar I

• New Amsterdam (later renamed The City of New York) is incorporated as a city (Wikipedia). Date: 2 February 1653 = 5 Adar I 

• Assassination of Rafic Hariri (Wikipedia) On 14 February 2005 = 5 Adar Iformer Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafic Hariri was killed along with 21 others in an explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. ]

Islamic calendarRamadan 5

• World War I Begins (HISTORYWikipedia) – Convinced that Austria-Hungary was readying for war, the Serbian government ordered the Serbian army to mobilize and appealed to Russia for assistance. On July 28 [1914], Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the tenuous peace between Europe’s great powers quickly collapsed. Within a week, Russia, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Serbia had lined up against Austria-Hungary and Germany, and World War I had begun. Start date: 28 July 1914 = Ramadan 5 , 1332 AH, 113 Islamic years ago

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for 2024, Volume 1

For the previous volume of Onna’s notes, covering the days of November 10 through December 31 of 2023, click here.


Here are her notes on Wednesday, March 13…

3/13 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 2/29 [Convert a date]

Assassination of Julius Caesar (Wikipedia) 15 March 44 BC (Julian calendar) = Wednesday, 13 March 43 BC (Proleptic Gregorian calendar) [Convert a date: -44 BC is – 43 BC, Persian Date: 666 but -665 according to Calendar Converter]

The early Roman calendar designated 1 March as the first day of the year (Wikipedia). 14 March = 1 March on the Julian calendar.

Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 22:44 UTC (10:44 PM) 

• The Battle of Badr (National Geographic) – The Battle of Badr, Saudi Arabia, was a major turning point in the spread of Islam. The Muslim victory over a stronger force of secular merchants from Mecca established Mohammed as one of the most powerful leaders on the Arabian Peninsula. From Islam Channel: This battle is mentioned several times in the Quran, including Surat Al-Anfal where Allah (SWT) promised the small Muslim army would be reinforced with angels. Date: 13 March  (Julian) 624 (Wikipedia) = Ramadan 17 (Convert a dateWikipedia) = Adar II 16 (Convert a date), 1400 years ago

• Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis in Vatican City (AnydayGuide,  2013 papal conclave – Wikipedia) – Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Date: 13 March 2013, 11 years ago 

• The news of the discovery of Pluto is announced (Wikipedia) by Lowell Observatory. Date: March 13, 1930 (Pluto was the Greek God of Hades, the underworld);

The seventh planet from the Sun,  Uranus is discovered (WikipediaHISTORY) – German-born English astronomer William Herschel discovers Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun. Herschel named the planet Georgium Sidus, or the “Georgian Planet,”)… Date: 13 March 1781  Gematria: Georgian Planet = The God of Israel 4x , Pearl Harbor Day 3x but also Georgium Sidus = Planet Jupiter 3x  [Caelus (2)… was the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Uranus, who was of major importance in the theogonies of the Greeks, and the Jewish god Yahweh. … Some Roman writers used Caelus or Caelum as a way to express the monotheistic god of Judaism (Yahweh).]

• Enoch Brooks’ Curious Book (Library of Congress) Inside the Library of Congress’ copy of a rare children’s Bible, someone carefully wrote “Enoch Brooks’ Book, Princeton, March 13th, 1789 in ink, with a flourish. Date: 13 March 1789. It was on Friday [Friday the 13th – Wikipedia] = 15 Adar,  Shushan Purim = 2nd Month 17, year of the Rooster -> Genesis 7:11]

• The Phoenix Lights (Wikipedia) (sometimes called the “Lights Over Phoenix”) were a series of widely sighted unidentified flying objects observed in the skies over the southwestern U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada on March 13, 1997. 27 years ago 

• Benjamin Harrison (Wikipedia), 23rd president of the United States, died from pneumonia at his home in Indianapolis on March 13, 1901, at the age of 67. 

• President Donald Trump declares the COVID-19 pandemic to be a national emergency in the United States (The White House). Date: Friday, March 13, 2020

• Alexander II of Russia assassinated (WikipediaHISTORY) – Czar Alexander II, the ruler of Russia since 1855, is killed in the streets of St. Petersburg by a bomb thrown by a member of the revolutionary “People’s Will” group. Date: 13 March 1881 and from psalm11918 : …, ending a relatively peaceful period for the Jews 

• KGB (Wikipedia), was the main security agency for the Soviet Union

Founded: March 13, 1954, 70 years ago 

• The German revolutions of 1848–1849 (Wikipedia) begin in Vienna.

• Anschluss (Wikipedia), was the annexation of the Federal State of Austria into the German Reich on 13 March 1938. 

Chinese calendar: 2nd Month 4

• Reichstag fire (Wikipedia) was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on 27 February 1933 = 2nd Month 4, year of the Rooster, precisely four weeks after Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. The event is considered pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

[24031314] Numbers3/13 (inclusive) – 3/14

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 69 weeks, 6 days ago 

• 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony (Wikipedia) took place in the Olympic Stadium, London. Date: 27 July 2012 at 21:00, 60weeks, 6 days ago. [You Tube: James Bond and The Queen London 2012 Performance] 

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNN) – Donald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Israel, formerly located in Tel Aviv. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 99 days ago

• Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (HISTORYWikipedia), the world’s first deployed atomic bomb. Date: 6 August 1945, 78 years, 7 months, 8 days -> 78 and 78  -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used. The phrase is utilized in relation to the plagues God sent upon Egypt in order to free the children of Israel from slavery. Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.


After sunset 🌅 – 3/14 Thursday (Thor’s day)

Jewish calendar4 Adar II, 4 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Christianity becomes the religion of the Roman Empire (Deutsche Welle) [Thursday – Thor/Jupiter’s day], “27 February AD 380 = 4 Adar II (Convert a date) marks a milestone in European history, because on that day, Jewish-Christian roots were bound to those of Greek and Roman antiquity – a symbiosis that can still be felt today. “-> The Edict of Thessalonica (Wikipedia), issued on 27 February AD 380 (Julian) by Theodosius I, made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.  [The Edict is the first which definitely introduces catholic orthodoxy as the established religion of the Roman State.]

• Siege of Rome (537–538)by the Ostrogothic army (Wikipedia) The First Siege of Rome during the Gothic War lasted for a year and nine days, from 2 March 537 (Julian) = 4 Adar II (Convert a date).

• Menachem Begin (Wikipedia), an Israeli politician, founder of Likud and the sixth Prime Minister of Israel. Before the creation of the state of Israel, he was the leader of the Zionist militant group Irgun, the Revisionist breakaway from the larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah. Died: March 9, 1992 = 4 Adar II

• Invictus Games (Wikipedia) – The Games were launched on Thursday, 6 March 2014 = 4 Adar II, 1435 AH by Prince Harry at London’s Copper Box arena, used as a venue during the 2012 Olympics, the 10th Jewish anniversary 

Islamic calendar: Ramadan 4

• Former President Barack Obama returned to the White House for the first time since leaving office (CBS News). Obama started his remarks by jokingly referring to the current president as “Vice President Joe Biden.” Date: 5 April, 2022 = Ramadan 4, 1443 AH

• 1993 World Trade Center bombing (WikipediaHISTORY) a van bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Deaths: 6, Injured: 1,042; Date: February 26 [2/26], 1993 = Ramadan 4, 1413 AH

Here are her notes on Monday, March 11…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/11 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 2/27 [Convert a date]

Roman festivalsEquirria (Wikipedia) were two ancient Roman festivals of chariot racing, or perhaps horseback racing, held in honor of the god Mars (the god of war), one 27 February and the other 14 March.

• Constantine the Great (Wikipedia), first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity. Born: 27 February 272 -> Constantinian shift (Wikipedia)

• Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) (Western nickname:The Shadow Commander) was an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force (lit. ’Jerusalem Force‘). Soleimani was assassinated in 2020 by a U.S. drone strike. Born: 11 March 1957; Gematria: Qasem Soleimani = The Star of David 4x (Reverse Simple English 226)  

• National COVID-19 Day (National Today) falls on March 11 of each year, as this was the day that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a global pandemic (Time), 4 years ago.  

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia->  Fukushima nuclear accident (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011 [Fukushima Timeline (HISTORY)], 13 years ago 

• The 2004 Madrid train bombings (Wikipedia)(also known in Spain as 11M) were a series of coordinated, nearly simultaneous bombings against the Cercanías commuter train system of Madrid, Spain, on the morning of 11 March 2004. The explosions killed 193 people and injured around 2,050, 20 years ago. 

• Lithuania became the first Soviet republic to declare its independence from the U.S.S.R. (Britannica). Date: 11 March 1990

• The International Criminal Court holds its inaugural session in The Hague (WikipediaCNN). Date: 11 March 2003, 21 years ago  [from last year: 17 March 2023 : ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Putin (International Criminal Court); 20 March 2023: Medvedev threatens to strike court in The Hague (; 23 March 2023: Russia’s Medvedev says Putin’s arrest would be ‘declaration of war’ (]

Chinese calendar2nd Month 2

Longtaitou Festival, conflated with the Zhonghe Festival beginning one day earlier (Wikipedia, National Today) is a traditional Chinese festival held on the second day of the second month of the Chinese calendar. Its name means “Dragon raising its head“. 

• King Tut’s tomb opened (Britannica). Date: 6 March 1924 = 2nd Month 2, year of the Rat

[24031112] Numbers3/11 (inclusive) – 3/12

Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) Launch date: 16 November 2022, years, 116 days ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first) -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea /Hebrew: 1116.bamah: a high place

•United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNN) Donald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Israel, formerly located in Tel Aviv. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 96 days ago. (If the smaller units (days) are added first)

• 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash (HISTORY) – John F. Kennedy Jr.,…, die when the single-engine plane that Kennedy was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Date: 16 July 1999 (according to Wikipedia at about 9:41 p.m.), 24 years, 240 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr. GematriaPresident John Fitzgerald Kennedy = Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews 2x 

After sunset 🌅 – 3/12 

Jewish calendar2 Adar II,  2 Adar (Psalm11918)

2 Adar (598 BCE) (Wikipedia) – Jerusalem falls to Nebuchadnezzar and Jeconiah is captured

Inter gravissimas (Wikipedia) (English: “Among the most serious”) was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on 24 February 1582 (Julian) = 2 Adar II =  2nd Month 2, year of the Horse. The document reformed the Julian calendar that is now known as Gregorian calendar. 

• The Gregorian calendar was implemented in Russia on 14 February 1918 = 2 Adar by dropping the Julian dates of 1–13 February 1918 pursuant to a Sovnarkom decree signed by Vladimir Lenin (Wikipedia). 

• Winston Churchill delivers Iron Curtain speech (HISTORY) Date: Tue, 5 March 1946 = 2 Adar II 

• Steve Jobs (Wikipedia) – Born: 24 February 1955 = 2 AdarGematria: Steven Paul Jobs = The Beast System 4x

Islamic calendar Ramadan 2 (9/2)

2 Ramadan (Wikipedia), the Torah was bestowed on Moses according to Islam

Revelation 9:2 The star [He] opened the pit of the Abyss [bottomless pit], and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964  = Ramadan 2, 1383 AH, her 62nd Islamic birthday.

• Michelangelo (computer virus) – (Wikipedia) begins to affect computers. Date: 6 March 1992 = Ramadan 1, 1412 AH or Ramadan 2 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Sunday, March 10…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/10 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 2/26  [Convert a date]-> about the number 226 (your blog on 8 November 2023 and Harmagedon 12]

New Moon (In The Sky) at 09:01 UTC -> Strong’s Greek: 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly / Hebrew: 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for HamanRamadan 1 is 9/1Reichstag fire 91 Jewish years ago; Revelation 9:1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss.

• Osama bin Laden (Wikipedia) was a Saudi-born Islamic dissident and militant leader who was the founder and first general emir of al-Qaeda from 1988 until his death in 2011. He is most widely known as the mastermind of the September 11 attacks in the United States. Born: 10 March 1957

• Avalanche hits royal ski party (BBC) – The Prince of Wales has narrowly avoided death on the ski slopes of Switzerland in an avalanche that killed one of his closest friends. Date: 10 March 1988

• Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (Wikipedia) –  On March 10, 2023, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed after a bank run, marking the third-largest bank failure in United States history and the largest since the 2007–2008 financial crisis.

Chinese calendar 2nd Month 1

• Communists International (Comintern) (Wikipedia) also known as the Third International, was an international organization founded on 2 March 1919 = 2nd Month 1, year of the Goat that advocated world communism, and which was led and controlled by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

• Taiwan suffered a widespread electrical blackout and the power outage disrupted a meeting between former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen (Washington Times). Date: 3 March 2022 = 2nd Month 1, year of the Tiger. 

[24031011] Numbers3/10 (inclusive) – 3/11

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia), was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 1 years, 116 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea /Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• Prince Harry (Wikipedia) was christened Henry Charles Albert David at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie. YouTube: 1984: Prince Harry’s Christening Brings the Royal Family Together. Date: 21 December 1984, 2046 weeks, days ago -> Strong’s Greek:  2463. iris: a rainbow

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNNDonald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Israel, formerly located in Tel Aviv. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 96 days ago 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 22 years, 6 months ago -> 226 – Harmagedon 2

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASABBC) [The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon) A new age began…] Date: 21 December 2020, 3 years, 80 days ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first) or 1176 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine god; Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon. In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan


After sunset 🌅 – 3/11

Jewish calendar1 Adar II, 1 Adar (Psalm11918)

Plague of Darkness (1313 BCE)

Ezekiel Foretells Egypt’s Downfall (421 BCE)

According to the website Hebrew for Christians (The Sequence of Plague), 1 Adar is the 8th Plague of Locusts. 

• Sultan Mehmed II (*) inherits the throne of the Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia). Date: 3 February 1451 = 1 Adar. *At the age of 21, Mehmed II conquered Constantinople and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire. After the conquest, Mehmed claimed the title caesar of Rome (Wikipedia).

• Hagia Sophia – Church of Justinian I (current structure) (Wikipedia) – On 23 February 532 (Julian) = 1 Adar II  [Convert a date] Emperor Justinian I inaugurated the construction. 

• The Reichstag fire (Wikipedia) was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday, 27 February 1933 = 1 Adar, precisely four weeks after Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany, 91 Jewish years ago 

• 1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden (Wikipedia) – The largest ever pro-Nazi rally in United States history Americans hold a Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden (HISTORY) Date: February 20, 1939 = 1 Adar, 5699

• Yitzhak Rabin (Wikipedia), the 5th Prime Minister of Israel, Nobel Prize laureate, serving two terms in office, 1974–1977, and from 1992 until his assassination in 1995. Born: 1 March 1922 = 1 Adar

• Michelangelo (computer virus) – (Wikipedia) begins to affect computers. Date: 6 March 1992 = 1 Adar II

• Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia) – On 11 February 2013 = 1 Adar, the World Day of the Sick, a Vatican holy day, Pope Benedict XVI announced his intention to resign at the Apostolic Palace in the Sala del Concistoro, at an early morning gathering held to announce the date of the canonisation of 800 Catholic martyrs. -> Lightning struck St Peter’s Basilica twice just hours (after sunset = 2 Adar) after Pope Benedict announced his resignation (BBCThe Guardian).

[ 1 Adar I • Benito Mussolini of Italy and Pietro Gasparri of the Vatican signed the Lateran Treaty, recognizing papal sovereignty over Vatican City, an enclave in Rome (BritannicaWikipedia). Date: 11 February 1929 = 1 Adar I95 Jewish years ago -> [Lightning McQueen, #95 (Wikipedia) and Prince Harry (your blog), Americiumatomic number 95. (Wikipedia)]

Islamic calendarRamadan 1 (9/1)

Ramadan (calendar month) (Wikipedia) is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, and the month in which the Quran is believed to be revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Ramadan (Wikipedia

• Atomic bombing of Nagasaki (Wikipedia) – Date: 9 August 1945 = Sha’ban 29 (Convert a date) or Ramadan 1, 1364 AH

• White Revolution (Wikipedia) or the Shah and People Revolution was a far-reaching series of reforms resulting in aggressive modernization in IranStart date: 26 January 1963 (by the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) = Sha’ban 30 or Ramadan 1 (Convert a date).

Here are her notes on Saturday, March 9…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/9 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 2/25 [Convert a date]

Gematria: Transnistria = March ninth 2x

• Purim Vincent (1616) – The execution of Vincenz Fettmilch (Wikipedia) – Date: 20 Adar (Chabad) = 28 February (Julian) = 9 March 1616 on the Gregorian calendar (Convert a date). 

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Times of Israel) Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022

• Emergency Banking Act of 1933 (Wikipedia). Signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on Thursday, 9 March 1933 

Chinese calendar1st Month 29

• The Department of Homeland Security (Wikipedia) began operations on March 1, 2003 = 1st Month 29, year of the Goat (*) after being formed as a result of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, enacted in response to the September 11 attacks. * 21 Chinese years ago. 

• Michelangelo is born (HISTORY) on 6 March 1475 (Julian) = 1st Month 29, year of the Goat -> The Last Judgment (Michelangelo) (Wikipedia)

• Pope Francis (Wikipedia) – Created cardinal: 21 February 2001 by John Paul II = 1st Month 29, year of the Snake

• Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (Wikipedia) or the Two Plus Four Agreement is an international agreement that allowed the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s. Effective: 15 March 1991 (Ides of March) 1st Month 29, year of the Goat

[24030910] Numbers3/9 (inclusive) – 3/10

• 2014 Turkish presidential election (Wikipedia) – Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was elected outright with an absolute majority of the vote in the first round. Date: 10 August 2014, 500 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• Chinese leader Xi Jinping secured an unprecedented third term as general secretary of China’s Communist Party (POLITICO). Date: 23 October 2022, 72 weeks ago -> [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• 2015 visit by Pope Francis to North America (Wikipedia) 23 September (Washington, D.C.) –The White House – Pope Francis became only the third pontiff in history to pay a visit to the White House. 10months, 16 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASABBC) [The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon) A new age began…] Date: 21 December 2020, 3 years, 80 days ago


After sunset 🌅 – 3/10

Jewish calendar30 Adar I, 30 Adar (Psalm11918) – Bombing of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem

• King Tut’s tomb opened (Britannica) – The Egyptian government opened the mummy case of King Tutankhamen, ruler of Egypt in the 14th century bce, whose burial chamber had been discovered in 1922. Date: Thursday, 6 March 1924  = 30 Adar I100 Jewish years ago

• Security Council of the Russian Federation (Wikipedia) Formed: Thursday, 5 March 1992 = 30 Adar IDeputy Chairman: Dmitry Medvedev

• Communists International (Comintern) (Wikipedia) also known as the Third International, was an international organization founded on 2 March 1919 = 30 Adar I, that advocated world communism, and which was led and controlled by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

• Taiwan suffered a widespread electrical blackout and the power outage disrupted a meeting between former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen (Washington Times). Date: Thursday, 3 March 2022 = 30 Adar I

Islamic calendarSha’ban 29

• Theodor Herzl publishes Der Judenstaat (Wikipedia) (The Jewish State), it is considered one of the most important texts of modern Zionism. Published: 14 February 1896 = Sha’ban 29 (Convert a date) or Shaban 30, 1313 AH 

• Atomic bombing of Nagasaki (Wikipedia) – Date: 9 August 1945 = Sha’ban 29 (Convert a date) or Ramadan 1, 1364 AH

• Zachary Taylor [the 12th president of the US] dies unexpectedly (HISTORY) The exact cause of his death is still disputed by some historians. Date: 9 July 1850 Taylor died at 10:35 p.m. (after sunset) on July 9, 1850 =  Sha’ban 29, 1266 AH.

• William, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia(William Arthur Philip Louis) Born: 21 June 1982 at 21:03 (Astro-Databank) -> 18 minutes before sunset (sunset London: 21:21) = Sha’ban 28 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 29, 1402 AH, his 43rd Islamic birthday (14th prime)

• Babington Plot – (Wikipedia): Mary, Queen of Scots (WikipediaHISTORY) was born on  8 December 1542 (Julian)= Sha’ban 29 (Convert a date). She ascended to the Scottish throne just six days after her birth.

• Natanz incident (Wikipedia) refers to a suspected attack on the Natanz nuclear site in Iran. Date: 11 April 2021 = 29 Sha’ban or Sha’ban 28 (Convert a date), 1442 AH

• Donald Trump announces that he is running for president during a speech at Trump Tower (CNN, The Escalator Ride That Changed America – Politico). Date: 16 June 2015 (6/16, time ?) = Sha’ban 29, 1436 AH or Sha’ban 28 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Friday, March 8…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/8 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 2/24 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Mars (In The Sky) at 05:00 UTC -> 500; Conjunction of the Moon and Venus (In The Sky) at 17:00 (5:00 PM) UTC -> 500 [Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites]

Roman festivals: Regifugium (Wikipedia) (“Flight of the King”) or Fugalia (“Festival of the Flight”) was an annual religious festival that took place in ancient Rome every February 24. 

• Inter gravissimas (Wikipedia) (English: “Among the most serious”) was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on 24 February 1582 (Julian). The document reformed the Julian calendar that is now known as Gregorian calendar. 

Orthodox liturgical calendar/Eastern Christians

First and Second Findings of the Precious Head of St. John the Baptist (Wikipedia)

Maha Shivaratri (Wikipedia) (lit. The Great Night of Shiva,’. Shiva (Wikipedia) – The God of Destruction. [In 2004, CERN unveiled an unusual new landmark, a 2m tall statue of the Indian deity Lord Shiva (CERN), Nataraja (Wikipedia)]. 

• Pope Celestine II (Wikipedia), the first pope listed in the Prophecy of Saint-Archbishop Malachy – Prophecy of the Popes (Wikipedia). Died: 8 March 1144 (Julian), 880 years ago

International Women’s Day 2024 (United Nations): under the theme “Invest in women: Accelerate progress”. Gematria: Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress = Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 3x

 Russia 3x

[-> International Women’s Day protests in Petrograd mark the beginning of the February Revolution (Wikipedia) The women’s protest that sparked the Russian Revolution – The Guardian).]

• February Revolution (Wikipedia), was the first of two revolutions which took place in Russia in 1917. The demonstrations and armed clashes ultimately resulted in the demise of the Russian Empire. Start date: 8 March 1917

• Russian Bolshevik Party becomes the Communist Party (HISTORY) On March 8, 1918, the ascendant Bolshevik Party formally changes its name to the All-Russian Communist Party.

• Reagan refers to U.S.S.R. as “evil empire,” again  (HISTORY) – Speaking to a convention of the National Association of Evangelicals in Florida on March 8, 1983, President Ronald Reagan publicly refers to the Soviet Union as an evil empire for the second time in his career. Date: 8 March 1983

• Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (Wikipedia) was an international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala to its planned destination, Beijing10 years ago 

• The First government of Israel (Wikipedia) was formed by David Ben-Gurion on 8 March 1949, a month and a half after the elections for the first Knesset, 75 years ago 

• Safavid Iran (Wikipedia) was one of the greatest Iranian empire ruled by Safavid dynasty. It is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history. Disestablished (Nader Shah crowned): 8 March 1736

• 1985 Beirut car bombings (Wikipediaa failed assassination attempt by a Lebanese counter-terrorism unit linked to the Central Intelligence Agency. Date: 8 March 1985

Syria 2x

Arab Kingdom of Syria (Wikipedia) was proclaimed on 8 March 1920.

Revolution Day in Syria (Holidays Calendar) It commemorates the Syrian coup d’état that caused power in the country to be seized by the military committee of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party – 1963 Syrian coup d’état (Wikipedia)

• New York Stock Exchange (Wikipedia, NYSE) – A constitution was adopted on March 8, 1817, creating the New York Stock & Exchange Board, the forerunner of today’s NYSE.

• Fight of the Century (Wikipedia), a heavyweight championship boxing match, Joe Frazier triumphs over Muhammad Ali ->  How the Ali-Frazier ‘Fight of the Century’ Became a Proxy Battle for a Divided Nation (HISTORY). Date: 8 March 1971, 53 years ago

Chinese calendar1st Month 28

• The Bank of England is nationalized – The Bank of England Act 1946 (Wikipedia) brought all of the stock of the Bank of England into public ownership on the “appointed date” 1 March 1946 = 1st Month 28, year of the Dog

• Merkel’s speech in UK Parliament  –  Parliament welcomes Angela Merkel like the Queen of Europe (The Guardian, by Esther Addley). Date: Thursday 27 Feb 2014 = 1st Month 28, year of the Horse

• Abolition of the Caliphate (Wikipedia) – The Ottoman Caliphate, the world’s last widely recognized caliphate, was abolished on 3 March 1924 = 1st Month 28, year of the Rat, the 100th anniversary on the Chinese calendar.

[24030809] Numbers3/8 (inclusive) – 3/9

• Chinese leader Xi Jinping secured an unprecedented third term as general secretary of China’s Communist Party (POLITICO). Date: 23 October 2022, 503 days ago -> [From your blog: MORE – 28 November 2023 (here) – “The number 53 has repeatedly shown up in recent globalist setups. 53 the atomic number of iodine (potassium iodide tablets are used to protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine in nuclear fallout), and 53 has also been associated with China and war. The number is also used as a cue for a Bible verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:3…”]


After sunset 🌅 – 3/9

Jewish calendar: 29 Adar I Shabbat Shekalim, 29 Adar (Psalm11918

• Isra’ and Mi’raj (Wikipedia) – Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then through the seven Heavens. Western calendar: 26 February 621 (Wikipedia) = 29 Adar I (Convert a date), 1403 Jewish years ago -> Hebrew: 1403. Gabriel: “man of El,” an archangel 

• Jacques de Molay (Wikipedia),  the 23rd and final Grand Master of the Knights Templar, is burned at the stake (11 March 1314) or 18 March 1314 = 29 Adar (Convert a date) -> The Curse of Jacques de Molay (

• Age of Revolution (Wikipedia)  is a period from the late-18th to the mid-19th centuries during which a number of significant revolutionary movements occurred in most of Europe and the Americas. The period is noted for the change from absolutist monarchies to representative governments with a written constitution, and the creation of nation states. Influenced by the new ideas of the Enlightenment, the American Revolution (1765–1783) is usually considered the starting point of the Age of Revolution. Start date: 22 March 1765 (*) = 29 Adar [*Stamp Act 1765 (Wikipedia)]

• The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (Wikipedia) or the Two Plus Four Agreement is an international agreement that allowed the reunification of Germany. It was negotiated between the ‘two’, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, in addition to the Four Powers which had occupied Germany at the end of World War II in Europe: France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Effective: Friday, 15 March 1991 (Ides of March) = 29 Adar

Shabbat Shekalim (Hebcal): 

• Hezbollah (Wikipedia) – 1985 manifesto (Wikipedia) on 16 February 1985 = Shabbat Shekalim 

• The Department of Homeland Security (Wikipedia) began operations on March 1, 2003 = Shabbat Shekalim 

• 61st Regiment Farm fire (Wikipedia) Date: 18 February 1977 (after sunset) = Shabbat Shekalim, the deadliest fire in China after 1949. 

Islamic calendarSha’ban 28

• William, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia(William Arthur Philip Louis) Born: 21 June 1982 at 21:03 (Astro-Databank) -> 18 minutes before sunset (sunset London: 21:21) = Sha’ban 28  (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 29, 1402 AH, his 43rd Islamic birthday (14th prime).

• Donald Trump announces that he is running for president during a speech at Trump Tower (CNN, The Escalator Ride That Changed America – Politico). Date: 16 June 2015 (6/16, time ?) = Sha’ban 29, 1436 AH or Sha’ban 28 (Convert a date)

• Execution of the Báb (Wikipedia) – To Baháʼís, the Báb fills a similar role as Elijah in Judaism or John the Baptist in Christianity: a forerunner or founder of their own religion (here). Date: 9 July 1850 Sha’ban 28, 1266 AH

• The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (Wikipedia) – Effective: 15 March 1991 = Sha’ban 28, 1411 AH 

• Natanz incident (Wikipedia) refers to a suspected attack on the Natanz nuclear site in Iran. Date: 11 April 2021 = 29 Sha’ban or Sha’ban 28 (Convert a date), 1442 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, March 7…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/7 (Thursday – Thor’s day

Julian calendar: 2/23 [Convert a date] -> Strong’s Hebrew: 223. Uwriyah: Uriah, Definition: “flame of Yah”

Roman festivalsTerminalia (festival) (Wikipedia) in honour of the god Terminus, who presided over boundaries. Date: 23 February 

• a second festival for Vediovis (Wikipedia) was portrayed as a young man, holding a bunch of arrows (or lightning bolts), or a pilum, in his hand, and accompanied by a goat. He is occasionally identified with Apollo and young Jupiter. Date: 7 March

• Nazi leader Adolf Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact by sending German military forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone along the Rhine River in western Germany (HISTORY). Date: 7 March 1936 

• Iranian prime minister Ali Razmara is assassinated by Khalil Tahmasebi, a member of the Islamic fundamentalist Fada’iyan-e Islam, inside a mosque in Tehran (Wikipedia). Date: 7 March 1951

• On March 7, 1965, in Selma, Alabama, a 600-person civil rights demonstration ends in violence when marchers are attacked and beaten by white state troopers and sheriff’s deputies. The day’s events became known as “Bloody Sunday.” (HISTORY)

Chinese calendar1st Month 27

• Christopher Seiders (Wikipedia) (or Snider) was a boy who is considered to be the first American killed in the American Revolution. Date: Thursday, 22 February 1770 = 1st Month 27, year of the Tiger 

• George Washington (HISTORY), the first president of the United States, was born on February 22, 1732 = 1st Month 27, year of the Rat.

• Naruhito (Wikipedia), Emperor of Japan. Born: 23 February 1960 = 1st Month 27, year of the Rat

[24030708] Numbers3/7 (inclusive) – 3/8

 • Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. (CBS News). Date: 22 March 2013, 4004 days ago [Barack Obama President number: 44]

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 58th (*) quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 88 months ago -> 88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”

In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler. * Super Bowl LVIII (58) (Wikipedia) – Gematria: Jewish Messiah = 58 (Pythagorean Gematria)

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: Thursday, 28 August 2014,  9 years, 6 months, 9 days ago and on the same day: Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia)


After sunset 🌅 – 3/8

Jewish calendar28 Adar I, 28 Adar (Psalm11918)

• The Bank of England is nationalized – The Bank of England Act 1946 (Wikipedia)  brought all of the stock of the Bank of England into public ownership on the “appointed date” (Friday, 1 March 1946) = 28 Adar I 

• Moscow becomes the capital of Russia again (Wikipedia) – Vladimir Lenin, fearing possible foreign invasion, moved the capital from Petrograd (Saint Petersburg) back to Moscow on March 12, 1918 = 28 Adar

[28 Adar II (ChabadPurim Cairo (1524)]

Islamic calendar: Sha’ban 27

• Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (HISTORYWikipedia), the world’s first deployed atomic bomb. Date: 6 August 1945 = Sha’ban 27, 1364 AH or Sha’ban 26 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, March 6…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/6  (Wednesday)

Chinese calendar1st Month 26

Julian calendar: 2/22 [Convert a date] -> Hebrew: 222. Uriel: “flame of God,” two Israelites

• National Day of Tolerance and Coexistence in Iraq  (AnydayGuide) It is celebrated on March 6 to commemorate the historic meeting of Pope Francis and Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani that took place during the Pope’s 2021 visit to Iraq.

• King Tut’s tomb opened (Britannica) The Egyptian government opened the mummy case of King Tutankhamen, ruler of Egypt in the 14th century bce, whose burial chamber had been discovered in 1922 by renowned British archaeologist Howard Carter. Date: 6 March 1924, 100th anniversary  -> The Curse of King Tut’s Tomb (National Geographic)

• Augustus (Wikipedia) – On 6 March 12 BC, after the death of Lepidus, he additionally took up the position of pontifex maximus, the high priest of the college of the pontiffs, the most important position in Roman religion. 

• Michelangelo is born (HISTORY) on 6 March 1475 -> The Last Judgment (Michelangelo) (Wikipedia)

• The Farewell Sermon (Wikipedia) also known as Muhammad’s Final Sermon or the Last Sermon, is a religious speech, delivered by the Islamic prophet Muhammad on Friday the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah, 10 AH (6 March 632*) in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat, during the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj. *or Saturday, 7 March (Julian) (Convert a dateCalendar Converter)

(March 6  Wikipedia) 1964 – Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad officially gives boxing champion Cassius Clay the name Muhammad Ali, 60 years ago)

• Invictus Games (Wikipedia) – The Games were launched on 6 March 2014 by Prince Harry at London’s Copper Box arena, used as a venue during the 2012 Olympics, the 10th anniversary 

• Battle of the Alamo (Wikipedia 12HISTORY) was a pivotal event and military engagement in the Texas Revolution. After a thirteen-day siege by an army of 3,000 Mexican troops, the 187 Texas volunteers, including frontiersman Davy Crockett and colonel Jim Bowie, defending the Alamo are killed and the fort is captured. Date: 6 March 1836

[24030607] Numbers3/6 (inclusive) – 3/7 (Thursday – Thor’s day)

• World Health Organization (Wikipedia) is a specialized agency of the UN responsible for international public health. Founded: 7 April 1948, 911 months ago

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III. (HISTORY) Date: Thursday, 8 September 2022 (*), 78 weeks ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used. The phrase is utilized in relation to the plagues God sent upon Egypt in order to free the children of Israel from slavery. Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will. [*Elizabeth II died 911 days after the WHO declared the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (TIME)]

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 1 year, 116 days ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first.) -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place 

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) – General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: Thursday, 15 November 2012, 11 years, 16 weeks ago ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first.) -> Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• A New Beginning (speech) (WikipediaWhite House) is the name of a speech delivered by United States President Barack Obama from the Major Reception Hall at Cairo University in Egypt. Date: Thursday 4 June 2009, 770 weeks ago [770 Eastern Parkway (Wikipedia) -> See below – 27 Adar  Rebbe Falls Ill;  more about the number 770 – Your blog (here): Twice-Expanded Note – 22-23 October 2023; Mercedes-Benz 770 and Hitler (WikipediaCar & Bike)] 

• Mike Pence (Wikipedia), Michael Richard Pence served as the 48th vice president of the United States. Born: 7 June 1959, Columbus, Indiana, U.S., 777 months ago (inclusive) [The Number 777 (Bible Study)] 

• 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Democrat Joe Biden defeated Republican Donald Trump, 40 months, 4 days -> Barack Obama President number 44 [Joe Biden breaks Obama’s record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential candidate (CBS News)].

• War in Donbas (Wikipedia) -> Timeline of the war in Donbas (2014) (Wikipedia)

7 April: At 3:30 am, a group of pro-Russian activists stormed the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) offices in Donetsk and Luhansk…, 9 years, 11 months ago


After sunset 🌅 – 3/7

Jewish calendar27 Adar I, 27 Adar I (Psalm11918)

Rebbe Falls Ill (1992) – On the 27th of Adar I, 5752 (March 2 (3/2), 1992), the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, suffered a disabling stroke while praying at the gravesite of the previous Rebbe (Chabad 12), 32 Jewish years ago -> Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger, usage: a messenger, generally a (supernatural) messenger from God, an angel, conveying news or behests from God to men; Number 32 and the Messiah], 32 sun rays on the Jesuit logo (Google Search)

• Transnistria War (Wikipedia) Result: Russian–Transnistrian victory. Transnistria becomes a de facto independent state, but remains internationally recognized as part of Moldova. Date: 2 November 1990 – 21 July 1992; Date (Main phase): 2 March (3/2) = 27 Adar I – 21 July 1992, 32 Jewish years ago

• Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Wikipedia) – Effective: 5 March 1970 = 27 Adar I

• Abolition of the Caliphate (Wikipedia) – The Ottoman Caliphate, the world’s last widely recognized caliphate, was abolished on 3 March 1924 = 27 Adar I, by decree of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The process was one of Atatürk’s reforms following the replacement of the Ottoman Empire with the Republic of Turkey, the 100th anniversary on the Jewish calendar.

• Coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor (Wikipedia) In 1530 Charles V (Wikipedia) became the last Holy Roman emperor to be crowned by a pope, Clement VII, albeit in Bologna. Coronation: 24 February 1530 = 27 Adar IThereafter, until the abolition of the empire in 1806, no further crownings by the Pope were held. Later rulers simply proclaimed themselves Imperator Electus Romanorum or “Elected Emperor of the Romans” after their election by the princes and coronation as German king.

• The Department of Homeland Security (Wikipedia Homeland Security) began operations on March 1, 2003 = 27 Adar I after being formed as a result of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, enacted in response to the September 11 attacks, 22 Jewish years ago. 

• Chicago (Wikipedia) – Incorporated (city): 4 March 1837 =  = 27 Adar I

• Merkel’s speech in UK Parliament –  Parliament welcomes Angela Merkel like the Queen of Europe (The Guardian, by Esther Addley). Date: Thursday 27 Feb 2014 = 27th of Adar I

• Golda Meir elected in Israel (HISTORY) On March 17, 1969 = 27 Adar, 70-year-old Golda Meir makes history when she is elected as Israel’s first female prime minister55 Jewish years ago

• Jair Messias Bolsonaro (Wikipedia) is a Brazilian politician and retired military officer who served as the 38th president of Brazil. Born:  21 March 1955 = 27 Adar

• Yuri Gagarin (Wikipedia), was a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut who, aboard the first successful crewed spaceflight, became the first human to journey into outer spaceDied (a routine training flight crash -> conspiracy theories ): 27 March 1968 = 27 Adar , 56 Jewish years ago 

[ 27 Adar II

• World Health Organization (Wikipedia) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Founded 7 April 1948 = 27 Adar II

• Klaus Martin Schwab (Wikipedia), a German engineer, economist and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Chairman of the World Economic. Forum Born: 30 March 1938 = 27 Adar II

• Renaissance (RE) (Wikipedia) is a liberal and centrist political party in France. The party was originally known as En Marche ! and later La République En Marche ! (translated as ‘The Republic on the Move’ or ‘Republic Forward’). Founded: 6 April 2016 = 27 Adar II by Emmanuel Macron

Islamic calendarSha’ban 26 (8/26) -> Strong’s Greek: 826. augazó: to shine forth/ Hebrew:  826. ashaph: a conjurer, enchanter; [8 Tishri (Chabad) – Temple Dedicated (826 BCE)]

• The Dark Knight Rises (Wikipedia) – Release dates: 16 July 2012 [on the 13th anniversary of death of JFK Jr. (Wikipedia )], (New York City) = Sha’ban 26; July 20, 2012 (United States and United Kingdom) = Ramadan 1, 1433 AH 

• Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (HISTORYWikipedia), the world’s first deployed atomic bomb. Date: 6 August 1945 = Sha’ban 26 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 27, 1364 AH 

• Naruhito  (WikipediaAstro databank) is Emperor of Japan. Born: 23 February 1960 at 16:15 (= 4:15 PM) = Sha’ban 26, 1379 AH (or Sha’ban 25), his 66th Islamic birthday -> Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob Original / Greek: 415.aneleemon: without compassion, cruel

• IranHaft-e Tir bombing (Wikipedia) – On 28 June 1981, a powerful bomb went off at the headquarters of the Islamic Republican Party (IRP) in Tehran, while a meeting of party leaders was in progress. Seventy-four leading officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran were killed. Date: Sunday, 28 June 1981 at 20:20 local time [after sunset, Sunset in Tehran 19:25] = Sha’ban 26, 1401 AH 

• Barack Obama  is officially nominated and accepts the Democratic nomination for U.S. president, becoming the first African American candidate in US history to lead a major party (CNN Reuters). Date: (27)-28 August 2008 = Sha’ban 26 – 27, 1429 AH or Sha’ban 24 – 25 (Convert a date

Here are her notes on Tuesday, March 5…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/5 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 2/21 [Convert a date]

Navigium Isidis (Wikipedia) was an annual ancient Roman religious festival in honor of the goddess Isis, held on March 5.

• 99942 Apophis passed by Earth (Space) and 2021 visit by Pope Francis to Iraq (Wikipedia, Vatican). Date: Friday, 5 March 2021

• Michael of Russia (Wikipedia) is unanimously elected Tsar by a national assembly, beginning the Romanov dynasty (Wikipedia) of Imperial Russia. Date: 21 February 1613 (Julian). [Dmitry Medvedev looks like Tsar Nicholas II. Google Search].

• Security Council of the Russian Federation (Wikipedia) Formed: 5 March 1992

• Katyn massacre (WikipediaSeventeen Moments in Soviet History) – On 5 March 1940, six members of the Soviet Politburo, including Joseph Stalin, signed an order to execute 25,700 Polish “nationalists and counterrevolutionaries” kept at camps and prisons in occupied western Ukraine and Belarus.

• Death of Joseph Stalin (Wikipedia) – Stalin, the longest serving leader of the Soviet Union, dies at his Kuntsevo Dacha in Moscow after suffering a stroke four days earlier. Date: 5 March 1953 

• On this day, the Boston Massacre [known in Great Britain as the Incident on King Street] lights the fuse of revolution (Constitution CenterWikipedia) – On March 5, 1770, British soldiers fired upon a group of rowdy colonists, killing five and wounding others. “On that night, the foundation of American Independence was laid,” wrote John Adams.

Chinese calendar1st Month 25

[24030506] Numbers3/5 (inclusive) – 3/6

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, year, 116 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place 

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) – General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: Thursday, 15 November 2012, 11 years, 16 weeks ago -> Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• Chinese leader Xi Jinping secured an unprecedented third term as general secretary of China’s Communist Party. (POLITICO). Date: 23 October 2022, 500 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• Ali Khamenei (Wikipedia) is the 2nd and current Supreme Leader of Iran. Assumed office: 6 August 1989, 415 months ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob /Greek: 415. aneleemon: without compassion, cruel

After sunset 🌅 – 3/6

Jewish calendar26 Adar I, 26 Adar (Psalm11918)

Islamic calendar Sha’ban 25 

• Great Fire of New York (Wikipedia) – The fire began on the evening of 16 December 1835  = Sha’ban 25 (or after sunset – Sha’ban 26), 1251 AH; The Forgotten Fire That Leveled New York (HISTORY) destroys 53,000 square metres (13 acres) of New York City’s Financial District.

• Barack Obama is officially nominated and accepts the Democratic nomination for U.S. president, becoming the first African American candidate in US history to lead a major party (CNN Reuters). Date: (27)-28 August 2008 = Sha’ban 26 – 27, 1429 AH or Sha’ban 24 – 25 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Monday, March 4…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

President Biden – Week ahead  (Forth)

3/4 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 2/20 [Convert a date]

• In New York City, the 1st Congress of the United States (*) meets, putting the United States Constitution into effect (Wikipedia). Date: 4 March 1789 [On this day, government begins under our Constitution (Constitution Center)]; * 1st United States Congress (Wikipedia) met from March 4, 1789, to March 4, 1791, during the first two years of George Washington’s presidency, first at Federal Hall in New York City and later at Congress Hall in Philadelphia.

• Inauguration Day (Library of Congress) – Until the ratification of the Twentieth Amendment in 1933, the official day for presidential inaugurations was March 4.; John Adams is inaugurated (Wikipedia) as the 2nd President of the United States of America, the first President to begin his presidency on March 4 (1797); The “presidency” of David Rice Atchison (Wikipedia) on March 4–5, 1849; Andrew Johnson’s drunk vice-presidential inaugural address (Wikipedia) on March 4, 1865.

• March 4 1861 (Wikipedia) – The first national flag of the Confederate States of America (the “Stars and Bars“) is adopted, 163 years ago (38th prime, Wikipedia); 1865 – The third and final national flag of the Confederate States of America is adopted by the Confederate Congress.

• Chicago (Wikipedia) – Incorporated (city): March 4, 1837

• The 1918 Influenza Pandemic (U.S. Census BureauWikipedia) – Doctors documented the “first” case of the H1N1 influenza pandemic on March 4, 1918, in a U.S. Army cook stationed at Camp Funston, Fort Riley, KS, named Albert Gitchell.

• Poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal (Wikipedia) was an  assassination attempt to poison Sergei Skripal (Wikipedia) [born June 23 ->  623. Apollyon] , a former Russian military officer and double agent for the British intelligence agencies in the city of Salisbury, England on 4 March 2018. Date: 4 March 2018

Chinese calendar1st Month 24

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia, Address by the President of the Russian Federation)Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Date: 24 February 2022 = 1st Month 24, year of the Tiger

[24030405] Numbers3/4 (inclusive) – 3/5

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 6 weeks, 6 days old -> Number of the beast: 666

• Kamala Harris (Wikipedia), the 49th and current vice president of the United States. Born: 20 October 1964 -> 3098 weeks old ->  Greek: 3098. Magog, a foreign nation Revelation 20:8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth–Gog and Magog–to assemble them for battle. Their number is like the sand of the seashore. (What are Gog and Magog GotQuestions).

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) is the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955, 606,006 hours old (at some point during the day) -> Number of the beast: 666

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel (Wikipedia). Start date: 7 October 2023, 150 days ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 3/5

Jewish calendar25 Adar, 25 Adar (Psalm11918)  (6/25 or 12/25 – the same number as Christmas in Western Christianity) 

• Chaya Mushka Schneerson (Wikipedia) referred to by Lubavitchers as The Rebbetzin, was the wife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh and last rebbe (spiritual leader) of the Chabad-Lubavitch branch of Hasidic Judaism. Born: 16  March 1901 (March 3, 1901 (OS) = 25 Adar

• TIME Magazine Cover: Superman at 50 (TIME). Date: March 14, 1988 = 25 Adar, 36 years ago + 50 = 86 years -> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). [The Big Five – OH (Merriam-Webster) or the Big Five are the Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (Wikipedia)]

• Safavid Iran (Wikipedia) was one of the greatest Iranian empire ruled by Safavid dynasty (Kurdish origin). It is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history, as well as one of the Gunpowder empires (refers to the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires). Disestablished (Nader Shah crowned): 8 March 1736 = 25 Adar [Iran does not use the Gregorian calendar]. 

 Katyn massacre (WikipediaSeventeen Moments in Soviet History) – On 5 March 1940 = 25 Adar I, six members of the Soviet Politburo, including Joseph Stalin, signed an order to execute 25,700 Polish “nationalists and counterrevolutionaries” kept at camps and prisons in occupied western Ukraine and Belarus.

[25 Kislev (ChabadMishkan completed (1312 BCE) …Mishkan was not assembled, however, until 3 months later, when, beginning on Adar 25 of that year, it was erected and taken down daily for a 7-day (*) “training” period prior to its dedication on the 1st of Nissan. * it is a 7-day  “training” until 1 Nisan but  Adar (Wikipedia) -> Number of days 29 (30 Adar I and 29 Adar II) ??]

[25 Adar II 

Nebuchadnezzar died (397 BCE (Chabad) – Death of King Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian emperor who conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the first Holy Temple 26 years earlier, died on the 25th of Adar of the year 3364 from creation. (Jeremiah 52:31) [Obama Nebuchadnezzar (Google Search)] 

• David “Dadi” Barnea (Wikipedia) is the current Director of the Mossad. Born: 29 March 1965 = 25 Adar II.

• UN General Assembly Resolution 68/262 (Wikipedia) was adopted on 27 March 2014 = 25 Adar II, in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled “territorial integrity of Ukraine”. … it underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.]

Islamic calendarSha’ban 24

• Montreux Convention (Wikipedia) is an international agreement governing the Bosporus and Dardanelles. Straits in Turkey (Wikipedia).  Effective: 9 November 1936 = Sha’ban 24, 1355 AH, 90 Islamic years ago

Here are her notes on Sunday, March 3…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/3 (Sunday) 

303 days remain until the end of the year (Wikipedia)

Julian calendar: 2/19 [Convert a date

• Abolition of the Caliphate (Wikipedia) – The Ottoman Caliphate, the world’s last widely recognized caliphate, was abolished on 3 March 1924 by decree of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The process was one of Atatürk’s reforms following the replacement of the Ottoman Empire with the Republic of Turkey, the 100th anniversary. 

• Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Russia. Born: 3 March 1966

• “The Star-Spangled Banner” becomes official U.S. national anthem (HISTORY). Date: March 3, 1931

• National Robin Day (National Today) – Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama or Batman & Robin

Chinese calendar1st Month 23

[24030304] Numbers3/3 (inclusive) – 3/4

• Bethlehem church catches fire (The Guardian) A fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Tuesday, just hours after Pope Francis wrapped up a three-day Middle East pilgrimage during which he visited the shrine. Date: 27 May 2014, 9 years, 9 months, 6 days [666] or 117 months 6 days ago  -> Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine god. Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon. In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan.

• President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation and appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acting president of Russia (Kremlin) Date: 31 December 1999, 24 years, 2 months, 4 days ago. Putin becomes acting president of Russia, following Yeltsin’s resignation (HISTORY) -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah.


After sunset 🌅 – 3/4

Jewish calendar24 Adar I, 24 Adar (Psalm11918

(6/24 or 12/24 – the same number as Christmas Eve) 

• Former Warsaw Pact members the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland join NATO (NATO) 12 March 1999 = 24 Adar

• Rafael Mariano Grossi (Wikipedia), 6th Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Born: 29 January 1961  or 12 March 1961 = 24 Adar [according to Wikipedia in Spanish (Wikipedia) for example].

[24 Adar II

• Schengen Agreement (Wikipedia)  is a treaty which led to the creation of Europe’s Schengen Area, in which internal border checks have largely been abolished. Effective: Sun, 26 March 1995 = 24 Adar II

• Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan (Wikipedia) – President of the United States Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C., as he was returning to his limousine after a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton. Date: 30 March 1981 = 24 Adar II ]

Islamic calendarSha’ban 23

• Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein (Wikipedia), King of Jordan. He is a member of the Hashemite dynasty and is considered a 41st generation direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad. Born: 30 January 1962 = Sha’ban 23, 1381 AH

• Russia activates its nuclear command systems for the first time (HISTORY). Date: 25 January 1995 = Shaban 23, 1415 AH

Here are her notes on Saturday, March 2…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/2 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 2/18 [Convert a date]

• Siege of Rome (537–538) (Wikipedia) The First Siege of Rome during the Gothic War lasted for a year and nine days, from 2 March 537 (Julian). The city was besieged by the Ostrogothic army.

• Texas Independence Day (Wikipedia) is the celebration of the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836.

• Texas secedes (HISTORY) On March 2, 1861 [a bit like the number 861 – ‘more nuke taunt’ (Gematrix)], Texas becomes the seventh state to secede from the Union. The first official move for secession actually came a month earlier, on February 1, when a state convention voted in favor of the measure…, independence was officially declared on March 2.

• Transnistria War (Wikipedia) Result: Russian–Transnistrian victory. Transnistria becomes a de facto independent state, but remains internationally recognized as part of Moldova. Date (Main phase): 2 March – 21 July 1992

Chinese calendar1st Month 22 

• Sikhote-Alin meteorite (Wikipedia) – An iron meteorite fell on the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, in southeastern Russia, in 1947. Fall date: at around 10:30 AM on 12 February 1947 (eyewitnesses observed a large bolide brighter than the sun) = 1st Month 22, year of the Pig

[24030203] Numbers3/2 (inclusive) – 3/3

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 6 years, 23 weeks ago (if the smaller units (days) are added first) -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” –  President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020 = 4 years, 5 weeks ago -> Donald Trump President number 45.  Gematria: The deal of the century(*) = Eleventh of September 4x, *called by its proponents

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014) – Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock. (CBS NEWS) Date: 26 May 2014, 9 years, 9 month, 6 days or 117 months 6 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine god. Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon. In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan.

• Napoleon crowned emperor (HISTORYWikipedia) – In Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Napoleon I, the first Frenchman to hold the title of emperor in a thousand years. Pope Pius VII handed Napoleon the crown that the 35-year-old conqueror of Europe placed on his own head. Date: 2 December 1804, 80,080 days ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 3/3 

Jewish calendar23 Adar I  (6/23), 23 Adar (Psalm11918) -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11) / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites [The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001 = 23 Elul (6/23)]

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February (2/26) 1954 = 23 Adar I , his 70th Jewish birthday 

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia, Address by the President of the Russian Federation) – Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Date: 24 February 2022 =  23 Adar I 

• Ukraine: Revolution of Dignity (Wikipedia) also known as the Maidan Revolution, took place at the end of the Euromaidan protests, when deadly clashes between protesters and state forces in the capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of elected President Viktor Yanukovych, the return to the 2004 Constitution of Ukraine, and the outbreak of the 2014 Russo-Ukrainian War. Date: 18–23 February 2014 = 18 Adar I – 23 Adar I 

• Alaska Purchase (Wikipedia) was the United States’ acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. Signed: March 30, 1867 = 23 Adar II

Islamic calendarSha’ban 22

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News). Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Date: 25 March 2022 = Sha’ban 22, or Sha’ban 21 (Convert a date), 1443 A

• United States withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) (WikipediaThe White House), also known as the “Iran nuclear deal” or the “Iran deal.” Date: 8 May 2018 = Sha’ban 22, 1439 AH

• Ismail Haniyeh (Wikipedia) is the current chairman of Hamas’s political bureau; as of 2023, Haniyeh lives in Qatar. Born: 29 January 1962 = Sha’ban 22, 1381 AH

Here are her notes on Friday, March 1…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

3/1 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 2/17 [Convert a date]

Julian calendar:

Genesis 7:11 – In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

• Battle of Rudau (Wikipedia) was a medieval pitched battle fought between the Teutonic Knights  and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on 17 or 18 February 1370 (Julian) near Rudau village, north of Königsberg (now Melnikovo village in the Kaliningrad oblast). [on a related note Iron Cross – Wikipedia]

Gregorian calendar

March (Wikipedia) In the Northern Hemisphere, the meteorological beginning of spring occurs on the first day of March. The name of March comes from Martius, the first month of the earliest Roman calendar. It was named after Mars, the Roman god of war, and an ancestor of the Roman people through his sons Romulus and Remus.

Martius (month)(Wikipedia)… was also a time for public celebration of …Isis and Cybele.

Martius 1 (Kalends) (WikipediaWikipedia): the original New Year’s Day when the sacred fire of Rome was renewed; the dancing armed priesthood of the Salii celebrated the Feriae Marti (holiday for Mars), which was also the dies natalis (“birthday”) of Mars.

Matronalia (Wikipedia) was a festival celebrating Juno Lucina, the goddess of childbirth (“Juno who brings children into the light“), and of motherhood (mater is “mother” in Latin) and women in general. Women were also expected to prepare a meal for the household slaves, as Roman men did at the Saturnalia.

• Henri Becquerel Discovers Radioactivity (Advancing Physics). Date: 1 March 1896, 128 years ago [Christian propaganda – Steve Fletcher 222 (YouTube video: The Rapture of Philip)

• RS-28 Sarmat (Wikipedia) known as “Satan II” unveiled by Russian president Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018, 6 years ago 

• Bombing of the Vatican (WikipediaVatican City was bombed twice during World War II. The second bombing – there is less debate about the identity of the British plane that dropped bombs on the edge of Vatican City on 1 March 1944 (Wikipedia), 80 years ago

Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day in the Marshall Islands (AnydayGuide) – This day commemorates the victims and survivors of nuclear testing done in the area in the 1950s. The Marshall Islands were the ground for the U.S. nuclear testing for over a decade. The most destructive nuclear testing was held on 1 March 1954 under a code name Castle Bravo (Wikipedia), the 70th anniversary on the same day -> 

The Capitol  (Wikipedia)

• The 1954 United States Capitol shooting (Wikipedia) was an attack by four Puerto Rican nationalists who sought to promote the cause of Puerto Rico’s independence from US rule. Injured: 5. Date: 1 March 1954,

• Bomb explodes in Capitol building (HISTORY) in Washington, D.C., causing an estimated $300,000 in damage but hurting no one. Date: 1 March 1971, 53rd anniversary 

• Salem Witch Hunt begins (HISTORYLibrary of Congress). It was the deadliest witch hunt in the history of colonial North America (Wikipedia). Date: 1 March 1692 (Julian ?) [Trump witch hunt (Google Search)]

• The Department of Homeland Security (Wikipedia) began operations on March 1, 2003 after being formed as a result of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, enacted in response to the September 11 attacks, 22 years ago

• The Articles of Confederation (WikipediaNational Archives) was an agreement among the 13 states of the United States that served as the nation’s first frame of government. Date effective: 1 March 1781 (until 1789 when the present-day Constitution went into effect)


• Convention of 1836 – A convention of delegates from 57 Texas communities convenes in Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas, to deliberate independence from Mexico (Wikipedia). Date: 1 March 1836 -> The Texas Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) was adopted on 2 March and was formally signed the next day after mistakes were noted in the text (3 March 1836), 188 years ago -> Gematria: Washington-on-the-Brazos,Texas = John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 2xWashington-on-the-Brazos = Pearl Harbor Hawaii 2x, Year of the Wood Dragon 2x [ 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon – Google Search]

• United States President John Tyler signs a bill authorizing the United States to annex the Republic of Texas (Wikipedia) Date: 1 March 1845, 179 years ago Greek: 179. akatalutos: indissoluble / Hebrew: 179. Obil: overseer of David’s camels -> [We saw some camels in Hiroshima last year – The Japan Times.] 

• The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note or Zimmermann Cable*) (Wikipedia) is reprinted in newspapers across the United States (WikipediaHISTORY) Date: 1 March 1917. * was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between the German Empire and Mexico if the United States entered World War I against Germany. With Germany’s aid, Mexico would recover Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. The telegram was intercepted by British intelligence. ->  Gematria: Zimmermann Telegram = Nine Eleven Attacks 2x, Recep Tayyip Erdogan 2x (almost 4x); Zimmermann Cable = The land of Israel 4x, Babylon is fallen 3x, Donald Trump Death 3x; the Zimmermann Cable = False flag operation 4x; the Zimmermann Note = Nagasaki Japan 2x 


• Assassination of Alexander II of Russia (Wikipedia) On 13 March [1 March, Old Style] 1881, Alexander II, the Emperor of Russia, was assassinated in Saint Petersburg, Russia. 

• Yitzhak Rabin (Wikipedia), the 5th Prime Minister of Israel, Nobel Prize laureate, serving two terms in office (the second term from 1992 until his assassination in 1995). Born: 1 March 1922

• Joseph Vladimirovich (Volfovich) Trumpeldor (Wikipedia), killed defending the settlement of Tel Hai from an attack by its Arab neighbors (Battle of Tel Hai – Wikipedia) and subsequently became a Jewish national hero. Date: 1 March 1920 [your blog MORE – 22 February 2021]. 

• Death of Joseph Stalin (Library of CongressWikipedia) Stalin collapsed on March 1, 1953, and remained unconscious until he died on March 5.


• The Bank of England is nationalized – The Bank of England Act 1946 (Wikipedia)  brought all of the stock of the Bank of England into public ownership on the “appointed date” (Friday, 1 March 1946). 

• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Wikipedia) is a major financial agency of the United Nations, and an international financial institution funded by 190 member countries, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. On 1 March 1947, the IMF began its financial operations (Wikipedia), 77 years ago

Chinese calendar1st Month 21

• Franklin D. Roosevelt escapes assassination attempt in Miami (WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 15 February 1933  = 1st Month 21, year of the Rooster

[24030102] Numbers3/1 (inclusive) – 3/2

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 6 years, 23 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land 24-26 May 2014 (Vatican) Sunday, 25 May – Bethlehem, Jerusalem

15:00 (3 PM) Private visit to the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem, 9 years, 9 month, 6 days or 117 months 6 days ago  -> Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine god; Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon. In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan.

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 777 % of a common year (365 days) ago

• Donald Trump (WikipediaAstro databank, 45th U.S. President –  Born: 14 June 1946 at 10:54 AM, 7777 % of a common year (365 days) old [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• Donald Trump Launches His NFT Card Collection (Blockzeit) Date: Thursday, 15 December 2022, 443 days ago  -> Greek: 443. anthrópoktonos: a manslayer, a murderer

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia) – Date: 6 January 2021, 3 years, 8 weeks ago

• The Covenant of the League of Nations (Wikipedia) was signed as Part I of the Treaty of Versailles (*), and became effective together with the rest of the Treaty. Date: 10 January 1920 = League of Nations instituted (HISTORY), 38,038 days ago  *The Treaty of Versailles (Wikipedia) was the most important of the peace treaties of World War I. Although a ceasefire had been in place since November 11, 1918, World War I officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles.  [your blog WARNING (22 January 2024) “The Kabbalists are signaling that the wait to enter the Moshiach’s NWO is at an end” -> number 38,000]

After sunset 🌅 – 3/2

Jewish calendar22 Adar I (6/22 or 12/22), 22 Adar (Psalm11918) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove / Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly; d/m date format 22/6 -> 226 Harmagedon [12]

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) is the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Created cardinal: Saturday 22 February 2014 = Adar I, by Francis

• United States President John Tyler signs a bill authorizing the United States to annex the Republic of Texas (Wikipedia) Date: 1 March 1845 = 22 Adar I 

• 2019 North Korea–United States Hanoi Summit (Wikipedia) was a two-day summit meeting between North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. president Donald Trump, held at the French Colonial Hôtel Métropole in Hanoi, Vietnam. Date: 27–28 February 2019 = 22 Adar I – 23 Adar I 

• poisoning and witchcraft: Catherine Deshayes, Madame Monvoisin, known as “La Voisin” (Wikipedia), was burned at the stake in Paris for her involvement in the Affair of the Poisons (Wikipedia). Date: 22 February 1680 =  22 Adar I

• Jacques de Molay (Wikipedia), the 23rd and final Grand Master of the Knights Templar, is burned on the stake 11 March 1314 (Julian) =  22 Adar (Convert a date) [or 18 March 1314 = 29 Adar 5074]

[22 Adar II 

• U.S., other powers kick Russia out of G8 (CNNWikipedia)

President Barack Obama and other world leaders have decided to end Russia’s role in the group of leading industrialized nations, the White House said Monday. Date: 24 March 2014 [Shushan Purim this year] = 22 Adar II

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News), Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Date: 25 Mar 2022 [Shushan Purim this year] = 22 Adar II

• Pope John Paul II (Wikipediadied on 2 April 2005 = 22 Adar II. (He succeeded John Paul I, the ‘smiling’ pope who died in 1978 only 33 days after his election). ]

Islamic calendarSha’ban 21

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News), Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Date: 25 March 2022 = Sha’ban 21 [Convert a date] or Sha’ban 22, 1443 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, February 29…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/29  (Thursday – Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 2/16 (6x6x6)  [Convert a date]

Superman’s Birthday (comic book)

Chinese calendar1st Month 20

• Pluto discovered (HISTORY) – Pluto, once believed to be the ninth planet, is discovered at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, by astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh. Date: 18 February 1930 = 1st Month 20, year of the Horse

[24022901] Numbers2/29 (inclusive) – 3/1

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) (Barack Hussein Obama II), served as the 44th president of the US from 2009 to 2017. He was officially born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu,  62 years, 30 weeks old -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss

/ Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites  

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 77 months, 7 days or 6 years, 160 days ago -> 616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia)

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 66 weeks, 9 days ago

• 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash (Wikipedia) – On July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy Jr. died when the light aircraft he was flying crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, 1285 weeks ago -> Greek: 1285. diasapheó: to make clear, explain fully / Hebrew 1285. berith: a covenant

After sunset 🌅 – 3/1

Jewish calendar21 Adar I, 21 Adar (Psalm11918)

• St. Francis Dam fails – St. Francis Dam or the San Francisquito Dam, was a concrete gravity dam located in Los Angeles County, California. Two and a half minutes before midnight on March 12, 1928 (after sunset) = 21 Adar, the St. Francis Dam catastrophically failed (Wikipedia). 

• 99942 Apophis passed by Earth (Space) and 2021 visit by Pope Francis to Iraq (Wikipedia). Date: Friday, 5 March 2021 = 21 Adar

[21 Adar II

• G7 (Wikipedia) – The Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental political and economic forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States; additionally, the European Union (EU) is a “non-enumerated member”. Formation (Library Group): 25 March 1973 = 21 Adar II].

Islamic calendarSha’ban 20

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016 = Sha’ban 20 or Sha’ban 19 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, February 28…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/28 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 2/15 [Convert a date]

Mercury at superior solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 08:52 UTC in the constellation of Aquarius. It marks the end of Mercury’s apparition in the morning sky and its transition to become an evening object over the next few weeks. -> Hebrew: 852. ath: a sign

Saturn at solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 21:15 UTC [9:15 PM]

Lupercalia (Wikipedia) was a pastoral festival of Ancient Rome observed annually on February 15. The festival was originally known as Februa (“Purifications” or “Purgings“); Lupercalia (Gematria Effect News) -> Lupercalia and the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Narrative (Gematria Effect News)

• President John Tyler narrowly escapes death on the USS Princeton. Date: 28 February 1844 (HISTORY)

• First NATO military action (HISTORYNATO) – In the first military action in the 45-year history of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), U.S. fighter planes shoot down four Serbian warplanes engaged in a bombing mission in violation of Bosnia’s no-fly zone. Date: 28 February 1994; [31 NATO members (NATO)  -> Zelensky says 31,000 troops killed (BBC News)] 

• The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia) took effect on Thursday, 28 February 2013 at 20:00 CET = 1st Month 19, year of the Snake, following his announcement of it on 11 February, 11 years ago. 

• The Waco siege (Wikipedia, HISTORY), also known as the Waco massacre, was the siege by U.S. federal government and Texas state law enforcement officials of a compound belonging to the religious cult known as the Branch Davidians. Start date: 28 February 1993 

• Day of Remembrance for Victims of Massacres in Armenia (AnydayGuide); Taiwan228 Memorial Day (National TodayWikipedia) – The number “228” represents the date of February 28, when an uprising led to the massacre of thousands of people in Taiwan.

• Assassination of Olof Palme (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Sweden – On 28 February 1986, at 23:21 CET (after sunset) = 20 Adar I. Even though over 130 people have confessed to the murder, the case has never been solved. 38 years ago 

Chinese calendar1st Month 19

• The Battle of the Alamo (Wikipedia), Remembering the Alamo (Library of Congress) was a pivotal event in the Texas Revolution. Following a 13-day siege, Mexican troops under President General Antonio López de Santa Anna reclaimed the Alamo. Date: Sun, 6 March 1836 = 1st Month 19, year of the Monkey

[24022829] Numbers2/28 (inclusive) – 2/29 (February 29 is Superman’s Birthday – comic book)

• Yitzhak Kaduri (Wikipedia) – The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime (Bible Society in Israel) Died: 28 January 2006 (at around 10 p.m.) in Jerusalem, 6606 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Kim Jong Un (Wikipedia) – Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army. Assumed office: 30 December 2011 (or 31 December – CNN)4444 days ago -> Tetraphobia (Wikipedia)

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), 7th President of the People’s Republic of China. Assumed office: Thursday, 14 March 2013, 4004 days ago

Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) – General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: Thursday, 15 November 2012, 11 years, 10days ago -> Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• Donald Trump Launches His NFT Card Collection (Blockzeit) Date: Thursday, 15 December 2022, 14 months, 14 days ago -> 14 (number)(Wikipedia): in religion; the atomic number of silicon [Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (Wikipedia)]; In Mandarin-speaking regions in China, 14 and 74 are considered more unlucky than the individual 4 (Wikipedia); Fourteen Words (Wikipedia); 14 and 88: Why white supremacists love the numbers (Slate).

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 6016% of a common year (365 days) old [at some point on 2/28 or 2/29,

the time of her birth is unknown Astro databank] -> 616 is the alternate “Number of the Beast (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth to / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners 

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III (HISTORY). Date: Thursday, 8 September 2022, 77 weeks ago

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), served as the 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 1946, 4054 weeks, 6 days old -> Strong’s Greek: 4546. Sampsón: Samson, a judge in Isr. Samson, one of the Israelite judges, famous for his strength and courage, the Hebrew Hercules. Samson (Wikipedia) “man of the sun”; Trump Samson (Google Search).

• John F. Kennedy Jr. (Wikipedia) Born: 25 November 1960 in Washington, D.C., 23,106 days ago -> Greek: 2316. theos: God, a god

After sunset 🌅 – 2/29

Jewish calendar20 Adar I, 20 Adar (Psalm11918)

Purim Vincent (1616) the evil Vincent Fettmilch,…(Wikipedia)

• The 1918 Influenza Pandemic (U.S. Census BureauWikipedia) – Doctors documented the “first” case of the H1N1 influenza pandemic on March 4, 1918 = 20 Adar, in a U.S. Army cook stationed at Camp Funston, Fort Riley, KS, named Albert Gitchell.

• The first mass inoculation against polio begins (HISTORY) – On February 23, 1954, a group of children from Arsenal Elementary School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, receive the first injections of the new polio vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk. Date: 23 February 1954  = 20 Adar I

• The Truman doctrine (Wikipedia) is an American foreign policy that pledges American “support for democracies against authoritarian threats.” It was announced to Congress by President Harry S. Truman on Wed, 12 March 1947 = 20 Adar

• The Russo-Ukrainian War (Wikipedia) and the annexation of Crimea (Wikipedia) – Military operation began on 20 February 2014 = 20 Adar I.

• Russia officially recognized the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine. Three days later, the Russian army would invade Ukraine (Wikipedia). Date: 21 February 2022 = 20 Adar I 

• New York Stock Exchange (Wikipedia, NYSE) – A constitution was adopted on March 8, 1817 = 20 Adar, creating the New York Stock & Exchange Board, the forerunner of today’s NYSE.

(20 Adar II – Choni the Circle Maker prays for rain )

Islamic calendarSha’ban 19

• Adolf Hitler (Wikipedia) was an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. He rose to power as the leader of the Nazi Party, becoming the chancellor in 1933 and then taking the title of Führer und Reichskanzler in 1934. Born: 20 April 1889  = Sha’ban 191306 AH, 139th Islamic anniversary of his birth

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016 = Sha’ban 19 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 20, 8 Islamic years ago 

• UFO: Roswell incident (Wikipedia) July 8 [7/8 -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): “evil angels”] 1947 = Sha’ban 19, issue of the Roswell Daily Record, featured a story announcing the Roswell Army Air Field “capture” of a “flying saucer” from a ranch near Roswell. [Roswell UFO Part 1 – FBILos Angeles Times], 79 Islamic years ago

• King of Jordan in historic Tel Aviv visit (BBC) Date: 10 January 1996 =  Sha’ban 18  (Convert a date) or Shaban 19, 1416 AH

Here are her notes on Tuesday, February 27…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/27 (Tuesday ) 

Julian calendar: 2/14 [Convert a date]

February 27 (Wikipedia) is the 58th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 30days remain in leap years [Super Bowl LVIII (58) (Wikipedia); Gematria: Jewish Messiah = 58 (Pythagorean Gematria)]

Roman festivalsEquirria (Wikipedia) were two ancient Roman festivals of chariot racing, or perhaps horseback racing, held in honor of the god Mars (the god of war), one 27 February and the other 14 March.

Quadriga 2024 (Wikipedia) -> A quadriga is a car or chariot drawn by four horses (Wikipedia), Brandenburg Gate (Wikipedia)

GematriaDragon twenty four (Wikipedia) = 226 [the same number as Harmagedon 12]

Special Operations Forces Day in Russia (National Today) – It was established by President Vladimir Putin in 2015.

• Constantine the Great (Wikipedia), first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity.  Born: 27 February 272 -> Constantinian shift (Wikipedia)

• Christianity becomes the religion of the Roman Empire (Deutsche Welle) [Thursday – Thor/Jupiter’s day], “27 February AD 380 marks a milestone in European history, because on that day, Jewish-Christian roots were bound to those of Greek and Roman antiquity – a symbiosis that can still be felt today. “-> The Edict of Thessalonica (Wikipedia), issued on 27 February AD 380 (Julian) by Theodosius I, made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.  [The Edict is the first which definitely introduces catholic orthodoxy as the established religion of the Roman State.]

• Reichstag fire (Wikipedia) was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on 27 February 1933, precisely four weeks after Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Outcome: The Reichstag Fire Decree which nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens and was used as the legal basis for the imprisonment of anyone considered to be opponents of the Nazis. 91 years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for Haman / Greek: 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly 

Interestingly, on its 81st anniversary [Hebrew 81. abaqah: powder / Greek 81 adelphotés: brotherhood]-> Merkel’s speech in UK Parliament Adar Parliament welcomes Angela Merkel like the Queen of Europe (The Guardian, by Esther Addley). Date: Thursday 27 Feb 2014 

• 2007 The Shanghai Stock Exchange fell 9%. – Chinese stock bubble of 2007 (WikipediaBlack Tuesday In ChinaForbes) was the global stock market plunge of February 27 (Tuesday), and November 2007, which wiped out hundreds of billions of market value. 

• 2019 North Korea–United States Hanoi Summit (Wikipedia) was a two-day summit meeting between North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. president Donald Trump, held at the French Colonial Hôtel Métropole in Hanoi, Vietnam. Date: 27–28 February 2019 

 U.S. President George H.W. Bush ordered a cease-fire effective at midnight and declared victory in the Persian Gulf War (Wikipedia), a conflict triggered by Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait in August 1990 (Britannica) Date: 27 February 1991

• U.S. aircraft carrier Langley is sunk (HISTORY) by Japanese warplanes (with a little help from U.S. destroyers), and all of its 32 aircraft are lost. Date: 27 February 1942 

Chinese calendar1st Month 18

• Sandford Fleming first proposes the adoption of Universal Standard Time at a meeting of the Royal Canadian Institute (Wikipediatoronto public library) Date: 8 February 1879 = 1st Month 18, year of the Rabbit

• The French Revolution of 1848 (Wikipedia), was a period of civil unrest in France, in February 1848, that led to the collapse of the July Monarchy and the foundation of the French Second Republic. It sparked the wave of revolutions of 1848 -> the Springtime of the Peoples or the Springtime of Nations (Wikipedia). Date: 22–24 February 1848 = 1st Month 18–20, year of the Monkey. 

• First 9-1-1 call is placed in the United States (HISTORY) – The first 911 call was placed by Rep. Rankin Fite, the Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives, in the town of Haleyville, Alabama. Date: 16 February 1968 =  1st Month 18, year of the Monkey

[24022728] Numbers2/27(inclusive) – 2/28

• Pope Francis was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (WikipediaAmerica Magazine). Date: 13 March 2013, 4004 days ago. 

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) is the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955, 69 years, 6 weeks old 

• Mohammad Shtayyeh (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority since March 2019. Born: 17 January 1958, 66 years, 6 weeks old [Number of the beast: 666] – news: Palestinian PM Shtayyeh hands resignation to Abbas over Gaza ‘genocide’ (Al Jazeera)

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia), the 6th and current president of Ukraine. Assumed office: 20 May 2019, 4 years, 40 weeks, 4 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 2/28 

Jewish calendar19 Adar I, 19 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Diocletianic Persecution: Roman emperor Diocletian orders the destruction of the Christian church in Nicomedia, beginning eight years of Diocletianic Persecution, the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. Date: 23 February 303 (Wikipedia: herehere) = 19 Adar [Calendar Converter

• Malcolm X assassinated (HISTORY,  BBC)-  February 21, 1965 = 19 Adar I : In New York City, Malcolm X, an African American nationalist and religious leader, is assassinated while addressing his Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights. [there are rumors that Malcolm X was Obama’s father – Google Search]

• Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia) took effect on 28 February 2013 at 20:00 CET (Rome sunset 17:59 – Google Search) = 19 Adar,  following his announcement of it on 11 February 2013, 11 Jewish years ago 

• North Korea announces that it will withdraw from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and refuses to allow inspectors access to its nuclear sites (Wikipedia). Date: 12 March 1993 = 19 Adar

[ 19 Adar II • 2000 Russian presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent prime minister and acting president Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin after his resignation on 31 December 1999 … won the elections in the first round. Date: 26 March 2000 = 19 Adar II]

Islamic calendarSha’ban 18

• Mustafa Kemal Atatürk landed at Samsun which is regarded as the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence (Wikipedia) in the official historiography. The day is celebrated as the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day (Wikipedia) and the same day is commemorated as the Greek Genocide Remembrance Day in Greece. Start date: 19 May 1919 = Sha’ban 18 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 19, 1337 AH

• King of Jordan in historic Tel Aviv visit (BBC) Date: 10 January 1996 =  Sha’ban 18  (Convert a date) or Shaban 19, 1416 AH

Here are her notes on Monday, February 26…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

Joe Biden: WEEK AHEAD 2/24 – 3/3

(Forth)- Monday: Biden visiting NYC to tape rare interview with late-night host Seth Meyers (New York Post).

2/26 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 2/13 [Convert a dateCalendar Converter]

About the number 226 (your blog on 8 November 2023); Jewish gematria (Gematrix): Harmagedon [a variant spelling of Armageddon, Harmagedon] = 226

Days: Day of Resistance to Occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol in Ukraine (AnydayGuide)

Black Lives Matter Day (National Today)

• Isra’ and Mi’raj (Wikipedia) – Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then through the seven Heavens. Western calendar: 26 February 621 (Wikipedia), 1403 years ago -> Hebrew: 1403.Gabriel: “man of El,” an archangel

• 1993 World Trade Center bombing (WikipediaHISTORY) a van bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Date: 26 February 1993. Deaths: 6, Injured: 1,042

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February 1954, his 70th birthday. 

• Ariel Sharon (Wikipedia) was an Israeli general and politician who served as the 11th Prime Minister of Born: 26 February 1928, the 96th anniversary of his birth 

Chinese calendar: 1st Month 17

[24022627] Numbers2/26 (inclusive) – 2/27

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020, 1260 days ago

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force (lit. ’Jerusalem Force’). He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957, 6660 % of a common year (365 days) old [666 is the Number of the Beast

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 66 weeks, 6 days ago

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: 8 August 2022 [8/8], 80 weeks, 8 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 2/27

Jewish calendar18 Adar I, 18 Adar (Psalm11918)

• The French Revolution of 1848 (Wikipedia), was a period of civil unrest in France, in February 1848, that led to the collapse of the July Monarchy and the foundation of the French Second Republic. It sparked the wave of revolutions of 1848 -> the Springtime of the Peoples or the Springtime of Nations (Wikipedia). Start date: Tuesday 22 February 1848 = 18 Adar I. Gematria: Springtime of the Peoples = Joe Biden sacrifice 2x

• The Revolution of Dignity (Wikipedia) also known as the Maidan Revolution or the Ukrainian Revolution, took place in Ukraine in February 2014 at the end of the Euromaidan protests -> the outbreak of the 2014 Russo-Ukrainian War. Start date: Tuesday 18 February 2014 = 18 Adar I

• United States recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel (Wikipedia), Proclamation on Recognizing the Golan Heights as Part of the State of Israel – The White House ( Date: 25 March 2019 = 18 Adar II

• Death of Joseph Stalin (WikipediaStalin, second leader of the Soviet Union, died at his Kuntsevo Dacha after suffering a stroke four days earlier. Date: Thursday, 5 March 1953 = 18 Adar.

Islamic calendarSha’ban  17

Here are her notes on Sunday, February 25…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/25  (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 2/12 [Calendar Converter]

Matthias the Apostle (Wikipedia) was, according to the Acts of the Apostles,  chosen by God through the apostles to replace Judas Iscariot following the latter’s betrayal of Jesus and his subsequent death. His feast was originally celebrated on February 24 or February 25 in leap years. In the revision of the General Roman Calendar in 1969, his feast was transferred to 14 May [Israeli Declaration of Independence was proclaimed on 14 May 1948].

• Cave of the Patriarchs massacre (Wikipedia) or the Hebron massacre, was a shooting massacre carried out by Baruch Goldstein, an American-Israeli physician and extremist of the far-right ultra-Zionist Kach movement. Date: 25 February 1994, 30 years ago 

Events in the area of ​​the former Eastern Bloc (Wikipedia) on 2/25: The Warsaw Pact is disbanded (Wikipedia) – Date: 25 February 1991, 33 years ago [Warsaw Pact was a collective defense treaty between the Soviet Union and seven other Eastern Bloc socialist republics of Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War.]; 1336 – Pilėnai (Wikipedia) a symbol of Lithuanian struggles and resistance (against the Teutonic Order); 1918 – World War I: German forces capture Tallinn to virtually complete the occupation of Estonia (Wikipedia); 1921 – Georgian capital Tbilisi falls to the invading Russian forces after heavy fighting and the Russians declare the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic (Wikipedia); 1947- Abolition of Prussia (Wikipedia); Soviet NKVD forces in Hungary abduct Béla Kovács (Wikipedia) – Memorial Day for the Victims of the Communist Dictatorships in Hungary (AnydayGuide); 1948 – Communists take power in Czechoslovakia (HISTORY). 

Chinese calendar1st Month 16

[24022526] Numbers: 2/25 (inclusive) – 2/26 [about the number 226 (your blog on 8 November 2023)]

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia) has been President of Russia since 2012. Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Assumed office: 7 May 2012, 616 weeks -> the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia)

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016, 7 years, 7 months, 7 days ago-> [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• Times Square Ball (Wikipedia) – The first annual ball drop at Times Square Date: 31 December 1907, 6060 weeks, 6 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

After sunset 🌅 – 2/26

Jewish calendar17 Adar I, 17 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto (Wikipedia) in London, language: German. Date: 21 February 1848 = 17 Adar IGematriaDas Kommunistische Manifest = His Majesty King Charles III 2x

• Battle of the Alamo (Wikipedia) was a pivotal event and military engagement in the Texas Revolution. Date: Sunday, 6 March 1836 = 17 Adar

Islamic calendarSha’ban 16

• Geneva Protocol (Wikipedia) is a treaty prohibiting the use of chemical and biological weapons in international armed conflicts. Effective: 8 February 1928  = Shaban 16, 1346 AH

Here are her notes on Saturday, February 24…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/24 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 2/11 [Calendar Converter]

Full Moon – The Snow Moon (In The Sky) at 12:30 UTC

Gematria: Whooping Crane Festival (National Today) = Fall of the United States 2x (Date: February 24 to 27)

Roman festivalsRegifugium (Wikipedia) (“Flight of the King“) or Fugalia (“Festival of the Flight”) was an annual religious festival that took place in ancient Rome every February 24. 

• Inter gravissimas (Wikipedia) (English: “Among the most serious…”) was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on 24 February 1582 (Julian). The document reformed the Julian calendar that is now known as Gregorian calendar. From Britannica: Although the reform was welcomed by such astronomers as Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe and by the Catholic princes of Europe, many Protestants saw it as the work of Antichrist and refused to adopt it. The Gregorian calendar was gradually accepted by the countries of Europe, though Russia did not accept it until 1918 [Greece in 1923].

• Nazi Party (Wikipedia), officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was a far-right political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that created and supported the ideology of Nazism. Founded: 24 February 1920, 10years ago 

• Gulf War ground offensive begins (HISTORY) After six weeks of intensive bombing against Iraq and its armed forces, U.S.-led coalition forces launch a ground invasion of Kuwait and Iraq. Date: 24 February 1991 

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia and Address by the President of the Russian Federation – Kremlin). Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Date: Thursday (Thor’s day), 24 February 2022 [23 Adar I6/23 Apollyon]

• Steve Jobs (WikipediaAstrodatabank) – Born: Thursday (Thor’s day), 24 February 1955 at 7:15 PM, the 69th anniversary of his birth [Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s revolutionary computer Macintosh, two days after the groundbreaking commercial “1984” aired before a national TV audience and heralded the product’s impending release (BritannicaYouTube), the date ,26 January 1984, shown in Apple’s 1984 ad was Thor’s day too]. GematriaSteven Paul Jobs = The Beast System 4x

Chinese calendar1st Month 15

• Donald Trump signed Space Policy Directive-4 to create a military space force on  February 19, 2019 = 1st Month 15, year of the Pig (Space) -> The biggest full moon supermoon of 2019 (EarthSky).

[24022425] Numbers2/24(inclusive) – 2/25

• The Knesset, the parliament of Israel, convenes for the first time (KnessetWikipedia) 14 February 1949 in Jerusalem, 900 months, 11 days ago -> 911

• The International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Wikipedia) was designated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005, 6690 days ago.

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 66 weeks, 9 days ago

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), the 7th President of the People’s Republic of China. Assumed office: 14 March 2013, 4000 days ago

• Pope Francis meets Fidel Castro in ‘intimate and familial’ encounter, Cuba (The Guardian). Date: 20 September 2015, 308days or 440 weeks ago

After sunset 🌅 – 2/25

Jewish calendar16 Adar I, 16 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Martin Luther (Wikipedia), German priest and theologian. He was the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation. Died: 18 February 1546 = 16 Adar, 478 Jewish years ago -> Hebrew: 478. Elishaphat: “God has judged,”/ Greek: 478. antikathistémi: to set down against, i.e. to replace, oppose 

• Henri Becquerel Discovers Radioactivity (Advancing Physics). Date: 1 March 1896 = 16 Adar, 5656

• The United States Republican Party opens its first national [informal] convention in Pittsburgh (Wikipedia herehere), on February 22, 1856 = 16 Adar I

• Transfer of Crimea in the Soviet Union (WikipediaWikipedia) – On 19 February 1954 = 16 Adar I, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union issued a decree transferring the Crimean Oblast from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 70 Jewish years ago. 

[16 Adar II 

• Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation (Wikipedia) – Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the treaty of accession (annexation) with Crimean leaders in Moscow, 18 March 2014 = 16 Adar II ].

Islamic calendarSha’ban 15

Lailatul Barat (National today), Mid-Sha’ban (Wikipedia) is a Muslim holiday observed by Shia and Sunni Sufi Muslim communities on the eve of 15th of Sha’ban. It is regarded as a night when the fortunes of individuals for the coming year are decided and when Allah may forgive sinners. Additionally, Twelver Shia Muslims commemorate the birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi on this date.

• Ceres (dwarf planet) (WikipediaDiscovery date: Thursday, 1 January 1801 = Sha’ban 15, 1215 AH

Here are her notes on Friday, February 23…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/23 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 2/10 [Calendar Converter]

Strong’s Hebrew: 223. Uwriyah: Uriah Definition: “flame of Yah

Roman festivals

Terminalia (Wikipedia) in honour of the god Terminus, who presided over boundaries. 

Defender of the Fatherland Day (WikipediaNational Today) is a holiday observed in Russia, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Significance: Celebrates the armed forces and commemorates the founding of the Red Army.

• Diocletianic Persecution: Roman emperor Diocletian orders the destruction of the Christian church in Nicomedia, beginning eight years of Diocletianic Persecution, the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. Date: 23 February 303 (Julian) (Wikipedia: herehere)

• The Baltimore Plot (WikipediaHISTORY) were alleged conspiracies in February 1861 to assassinate President-elect Abraham Lincoln en route to his inauguration. Date: 23 February 1861

• Cato Street Conspiracy: A plot to murder all the British cabinet ministers is exposed and the conspirators arrested. Date: 22 – 23 February 1820 (Wikipedia)

• Texas Revolution: The Siege of the Alamo (prelude to the Battle of the Alamo) begins in San Antonio, Texas (Wikipedia). Date: Tue, 23 February 1836  

• The hijacking of Lufthansa Flight 649 (Wikipedia) was an act of terrorism committed by a Palestinian group that took place between 22 and 23 February 1972. Eventually, all hostages were released among them Joseph Kennedy, the then 19-year-old son of Robert F. Kennedy.

Chinese calendar1st Month 14

• RS-28 Sarmat (Wikipedia) known as “Satan II” unveiled by Russian president Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018 (here) = 1st Month 14, year of the Dog

[24022324] Numbers2/23 (inclusive) – 2/24

• Abraham Accords (WikipediaU.S. Embassy in Israel) – Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates – U.S. Embassy in Israel Date: Thursday, 13 August 2020, 1290 days ago

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia), the 6th and current president of Ukraine. Assumed office: 20 May 2019, 4 years, 40 weeks ago

• Pope Francis was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (WikipediaAmerica Magazine). Date: 13 March 2013, 4000 days ago.

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) – The proclamation of the People’s Republic of China was made by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), on October 1, 1949, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, 3882 weeks ago ->  Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon -> Leviathan (Wikipedia)

After sunset 🌅 – 2/24

Jewish calendar15 Adar IShushan Purim Katan, 15 Adar (Psalm11918)

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID19 [Corona – crown] virus a pandemic (Time). Date: 11 March 2020 = 15 Adar4 Jewish years ago 

• Coat of arms of Ukraine (Wikipedia) is a blue shield with a gold trident. Officially referred to as the Emblem of the Royal State of Volodymyr the Great. Adopted: 19 February 1992 = 15 Adar I32 years ago-> Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger

Islamic calendarSha’ban 14

Here are her notes on Thursday, February 22…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/22 (Thursday, Thor’s day) – February 22 (Wikipedia) is the 53rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; Hebrew: 222.Uriel: “flame of God

Julian calendar: 2/9 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of Venus (Lucifer) and Mars (the Roman god of war) at 15:31 UTC (In The Sky

• Hugues de Payens (Wikipedia) was the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights TemplarBorn: 9 February 1070

Feast of the Chair of St. Peter (Wikipedia)

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Created cardinal: 22 February 2014 by Francis, 10 years ago 

• Great Northern War (Wikipedia) was a conflict in which a coalition led by the Tsardom of Russia successfully contested the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. Date: 22 February 1700 – 10 September 1721

• Washington’s Birthday (Library of CongressHISTORY) – George Washington, the first president of the United States, was born on February 22, 1732, 292 years ago 

Gematria: Washington’s Birthday = February twenty second more than 3xGeorge Washington’s Birthday = President Joe Biden Death 1x 

National Margarita Day (National Today) = Death of Alexei Navalny (Wikipedia Google Search3xJoe Biden assassinated 1x

• Christopher Seiders (Wikipedia) (or Snider) was a boy who is considered to be the first American killed in the American Revolution. Date: Thursday, 22 February 1770. Gematria: Christopher Snider = Christ Crucifixion 3x 

• The French Revolution of 1848 (Wikipedia), was a period of civil unrest in France, in February 1848, that led to the collapse of the July Monarchy and the foundation of the French Second Republic. It sparked the wave of revolutions of 1848 -> Springtime of the Peoples or the Springtime of Nations (Wikipedia) Date: 22–24 February 1848. Gematria: Springtime of the Peoples = Joe Biden sacrifice 2x; Springtime of Nations = Civil Rights Movement 4x, Robert Kennedy Junior 4x, Forty fifth president 2x (almost 4x), Donald J Trump head wound 2x

• The United States Republican Party opens its first national [informal] convention in Pittsburgh (Wikipedia: herehere), on 22 February 1856. 

• Samuel Byck (Wikipedia) attempts to hijack an aircraft with the intention of crashing it into the White House to assassinate Richard Nixon (Wikipedia). Date: 22 February 1974

Chinese calendar1st Month 13

• New Queen proclaimed for UK – Princess Elizabeth has formally proclaimed herself Queen and Head of the Commonwealth and Defender of the Faith (BBCWikipedia). Date: 8 February 1952 = 1st Month 13, year of the Dragon72 Chinese years ago [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• The Bank of England is nationalized – Bank of England Act 1946 (Wikipedia) came into force on 14 February 1946 = 1st Month 13, year of the Dog. 

• The Nasdaq Stock Market (Wikipedia) is an American stock exchange based in New York City. On 8 February 1971 = 1st Month 13, year of the Pig, the Nasdaq stock market began operations as the world’s first electronic stock market. 

[24022223] Numbers2/22 (inclusive) – 2/23

• Charter of the United Nations (Wikipedia) Drafted: Thursday, 14 August 1941, 990 months, days  -> Meaning of the Number 999 in the Bible (Bible Study)

• President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation and appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acting president of Russia (Kremlin,  HISTORY) Date: 31 December 1999, 1260 weeks ago.

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 404 weeks ago

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 1 months, 6 days old. -> 616 is the alternate “Number of the Beast (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth to / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners

After sunset 🌅 – 2/23

Jewish calendar14 Adar I (6/14 or 12/14), Purim Katan, 14 Adar (Psalm11918)

Strong’s Hebrew: 614. asiph: ingathering, harvest / Greek: 614. apokruphos: hidden; Usage: hidden away, secret, stored up.

• Donald Trump signed Space Policy Directive-4 to create a military space force on 19 February 2019 (Space) = 14 Adar I (Purim Katan)

• RS-28 Sarmat (Wikipedia) known as “Satan II” unveiled by Russian president Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018 (here) = 14 Adar

• February Revolution (Wikipedia), was the first of two revolutions which took place in Russia in 1917. Result: End of the monarchy, dissolution of the Russian Empire,… Date: 8–16 March 1917 [O.S. 23 Feb. – 3 Mar.] = 14 Adar

Islamic calendarSha’ban 13 

• IranNuclear Protection and Security Corps (Wikipedia) is a unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps tasked to protect the Iranian nuclear facilities. Founded: 16 March 2022 [Ta’anit Esther] = Sha’ban 13 or Sha’ban 12 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, February 21…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/21 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 2/8  [Convert a date]

Eastern Orthodox liturgicsProphet Zechariah (520 BC) ( The eleventh of the Minor Prophets, he worked together with the Prophet Haggai to persuade Prince Zerubbabel to restore the Temple in Jerusalem. 

• Babington Plot (Wikipedia) – Mary, Queen of Scots beheaded (WikipediaHISTORY) for her complicity in a plot to murder Queen Elizabeth I. Date: 8 February 1587 (Julian) 437 years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 437. allon: an oak 

• Pope Francis (Wikipedia) – Created cardinal: 21 February 2001 by John Paul II 

• Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto (Wikipedia) in London, language: German. Date: 21 February 1848. Gematria: Das Kommunistische Manifest = His Majesty King Charles III 2x

• German socialist Kurt Eisner is assassinated. His death results in the establishment of the Bavarian Soviet Republic [a short-lived unrecognised socialist state ] and parliament and government fleeing Munich, Germany (Wikipedia). Date: 21 February 1919

• Malcolm X assassinated (HISTORY) –  February 21, 1965: In New York City, Malcolm X, an African American nationalist and religious leader, is assassinated while addressing his Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights. [there are rumors that Malcolm X was Obama’s father – Google Search]

• 1972 visit by Richard Nixon to China (WikipediaBBC) The seven-day official visit to three Chinese cities was the first time a U.S. president had visited the PRC; Nixon’s arrival in Beijing ended 25 years of no communication or diplomatic ties between the two countries and was the key step in normalizing relations between the U.S. and the PRC. Date: 21 – 28 February 1972

• Russia officially recognized the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine. Three days later, the Russian army would invade Ukraine (Wikipedia). Date: 21 February 2022

• 1921 Persian coup d’état (Wikipedia), refers to several major events in Qajar Persia in 1921, which eventually led to the deposition of the Qajar dynasty and the establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty as the ruling house of the country in 1925. Date: 21 February 1921

Chinese calendar1st Month 12

China: 1556 Shaanxi earthquake (WikipediaHISTORY) It was the deadliest recorded earthquake in history, and in turn one of the deadliest natural disasters in Chinese history. Date: 23 January 1556 = 1st Month 12 , year of the Dragon

• The Soviet Union dissolution: On 7 February 1990 = 1st Month 12, year of the Horse, the Central Committee of the CPSU accepted Gorbachev’s recommendation that the party give up its monopoly on political power (Wikipedia).

[24022122] Numbers2/21(inclusive) – 2/22

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 66 weeks, 6 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• The Knesset, the parliament of Israel, convenes for the first time (KnessetWikipedia) 14 February 1949, 900 months, 1 week, 1 day ago -> 911

• Barack Obama  is officially nominated and accepts the Democratic nomination for U.S. president, becoming the first African American candidate in US history to lead a major party (CNN Reuters). Date: (27)-28 August 2008, 808 weeks ago -> 88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye” / In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

After sunset 🌅 – 2/22

Jewish calendar13 Adar I, 13 Adar (Psalm11918)

• The discovery of Pluto [named after Pluto – the ruler of  the Greek underworld) was announced on March 13, 1930 (Britannica) = 13 Adar Ta’anit Esther

• The Baltimore Plot (WikipediaHISTORY) were alleged conspiracies in February 1861 to assassinate President-elect Abraham Lincoln en route to his inauguration. Date: Sat, 23 February 1861 = 13 Adar

[13 Adar II

• IranNuclear Protection and Security Corps (Wikipedia) is a unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps tasked to protect the Iranian nuclear facilities. Founded: 16 March 2022 = 13 Adar II [Ta’anit Esther]= Sha’ban 12 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 13]

Islamic calendar Sha’ban 12

• 1948 Cairo bombings (Wikipedia), which targeted Jewish areas, took place during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. The first bomb was planted on June 20, 1948 =  Sha’ban 12, 1367 AH in Harat Al-Yahud Al-Qara’In, the Karaite quarter of Cairo.

Here are her notes on Tuesday, February 20…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

Special Note: February 24 to 25 – Lailatul Barat (National today) or 26, Mid-Sha’ban (Wikipedia) …Additionally, Twelver Shia Muslims commemorate the birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi on this date.

2/20 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 2/7 [Convert a date]

• Edward of Carnarvon became the first English Prince of Wales (British Heritage TravelWikipedia). Date: 7 February 1301 (Julian) -> see Numbers – Prince William

• Heavenly Hundred Remembrance Day in Ukraine (AnydayGuide) honor the memory of those who died during the events of Euromaidan, Revolution of Dignity (Wikipedia) -> The Russo-Ukrainian War (Wikipedia) and the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation (Wikipedia). Start date: 20 February 2014

• The Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast votes to secede from Azerbaijan and join Armenia, triggering the First Nagorno-Karabakh War (Wikipedia). Date: 20 February 1988

• 1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden (WikipediaHISTORY), the largest ever pro-Nazi rally in United States history. Date: February 20, 1939. [Gematria: February twentieth  = Hitler’s manifesto 2x]

Chinese calendar1st Month 11

[24022021] Numbers2/20 (inclusive) – 2/21

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASABBC)[The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon) A new age began…] Date: 21 December 2020, 38 months ago

• William, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia) (William Arthur Philip Louis) Born: 21 June 1982 at 21:03 (Astro-Databank), 500 months old 

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (, Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog – 16 September 2022] Date: 23 July 2014, 500 weeks ago 

Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

After sunset 🌅 – 2/21

Jewish calendar12 Adar I, 12 Adar (Psalm11918) (6/12 or 12/12

• Hassan Nasrallah (Wikipedia), the 3rd SecretaryGeneral of Hezbollah since his predecessor, Abbas al-Musawi, was assassinated (Wikipedia) by the Israel Defense Forces on 16 February 1992 = 12 Adar I

[ 12 Adar II

• 1992 Buenos Aires Israeli embassy bombing (WikipediaChabad) – A group called Islamic Jihad Organization, which has been linked to Iran and possibly Hezbollah, claimed responsibility. Date: Tue, 17 March 1992 = 12 Adar II

• Alexander II of Russia (Wikipedia) the Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland was assassinated. Alexander II was seen as tolerant towards Jews… Alexander III, who succeeded his father after his assassination, reversed this trend. Date: Sun, 13 March 1881 = 12 Adar II]

Islamic calendarSha’ban 11 (8/11) 

• The Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom, Shlomo Argov (WikipediaTablet Magazinewas shot. He survived the assassination attempt by Palestinian terrorists but remained permanently paralysed. The event triggered the 1982 Lebanon War. Date: 3 June 1982 (time?) = Sha’ban 10 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 11

Here are her notes on Monday, February 19…

2/19 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 2/6 [Convert a date]

John 2:19 Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again.” 20 “This temple took forty-six years to build,” the Jews replied, “and You are going to raise it up in three days?” -> Joe Biden is the 46th president

Presidents’ Day (WikipediaNational today) officially Washington’s Birthday. Every third Monday of February we celebrate Presidents’ Day in all its patriotic glory

• Donald Trump signed Space Policy Directive-4 to create a military space force on 19 February 2019 (Space) = (Purim Katan), 5 years or  500.55 % of a common year (365 days) (inclusive) ago -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia), or 260 weeks, 6 days -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure. Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.”

• Coat of arms of Ukraine (Wikipedia) is a blue shield with a gold trident. Officially referred to as the Emblem of the Royal State of Volodymyr the Great. Adopted: 19 February 1992 = (Shushan Purim Katan), 32 years ago-> Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger

• Transfer of Crimea in the Soviet Union (WikipediaWikipedia) – On 19 February 1954, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union issued a decree transferring the Crimean Oblast from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 70 years ago 

• British Cyprus (Wikipedia) – Signed on 19 February 1959, the London and Zurich Agreements started the process for the constitution of an independent Cyprus. 

Chinese calendar1st Month 10

• George Washington is unanimously elected the first president of the United States (HISTORY). Date: 4 February 1789  = 1st Month 10, year of the Rooster

[24021920] Numbers2/19 (inclusive) – 2/20

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 58th (*) quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 380 weeks or 2660 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure. Hamartia (Wikipedia). * Super Bowl LVIII (58) (Wikipedia) – GematriaJewish Messiah = 58 (Pythagorean Gematria)

After sunset 🌅 – 2/20

Jewish calendar11 Adar I (12/11 or 6/11), 11 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Joseph Vladimirovich (Volfovich) Trumpeldor (Wikipedia), killed defending the settlement of Tel Hai from an attack by its Arab neighbors (Battle of Tel Hai – Wikipedia) and subsequently became a Jewish national hero. Date: 1 March 1920 = 11 Adar [your blog MORE – 22 February 2021] 

• Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Russia. Born: 3 March 1966 = 11 Adar, [Ta’anit Esther]

• Fight of the Century (Wikipedia), Joe Frazier triumphs over Muhammad Ali ->  How the Ali-Frazier ‘Fight of the Century’ Became a Proxy Battle for a Divided Nation (HISTORY).  Date: 8 March 1971 (3/8) = 11 Adar

Islamic calendarSha’ban 10

• President George W. Bush signs the Patriot Act (HISTORYWikipedia), an anti-terrorism law drawn up in response to the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center on 9/11. Date: 26 October 2001 = Sha’ban 10, 1422 AH or Sha’ban 8 (Convert a date)

• The Israeli ambassador to the UK, Shlomo Argov (WikipediaTablet Magazinewas shot. He survived the assassination attempt by Palestinian terrorists but remained permanently paralysed. The event triggered the 1982 Lebanon War. Date: 3 June 1982 (time?) = Sha’ban 10 (Convert a date) or Sha’ban 11

Here are her notes on Friday, February 16…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/16 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 2/3 [Convert a date]

Gematria: February sixteenth = Hitler’s manifesto 2x, the Lateran Treaty 2x

Close approach of the Moon and the Pleiades (M45) – at 20:18 UTC (In The Sky) -> Greek mythology: The Pleiades (Wikipedia) were the seven sister-nymphs, companions of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.

• The Knesset (Israel’s unicameral parliament) – Name “Knesset” approved for the Constituent Assembly; the Knesset starts convening in Tel Aviv (Wikipedia). Date: 16 February 1949

• Hezbollah is founded (Wikipedia) – Hezbollah -> 1985 manifesto (Wikipedia) – On 16 February 1985, Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin issued Hezbollah’s manifesto… Its first objective was to fight against what Hezbollah described as American and Israeli imperialism including the Israeli occupation of Southern Lebanon and other territories. The second objective was to gather all Muslims into an “ummah” (*), under which Lebanon would further the aims of the 1979 Revolution of Iran. *a supra-national community with a common history. 

• Hassan Nasrallah (Wikipedia), the 3rd Secretary-General of Hezbollah since his predecessor, Abbas al-Musawi, was assassinated (Wikipedia) by the Israel Defense Forces on 16 February 1992.

• Day of the Shining Star (Wikipedia) is a public holiday in North Korea, the anniversary of the birth of the country’s second leader, Kim Jong-Il (Wikipedia). Along with the Day of the Sun, the birthday of his father Kim Il-Sung, it is the most important public holiday in the country. The holiday begins on 16 February and lasts for two days.

• First 9-1-1 call is placed in the United States (HISTORY) – The first 911 call was placed by Rep. Rankin Fite, the Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives, in the town of Haleyville, Alabama. Date: 16 February 1968. 

Chinese calendar1st Month 7

• Texas Revolution: The Siege of the Alamo (prelude to the Battle of the Alamo) begins in San Antonio, Texas (Wikipedia). Date: Tue, 23 February 1836 = 1st Month 7, year of the Monkey

• Brexit – The United Kingdom’s membership within the European Union ceases in accordance with Article 50, after 47 years of being a member state (Wikipedia). Date: 31 January 2020 = 1st Month 7, year of the Rat

• Inauguration of Hitler as Chancellor of the German Reich (Wikipedia) On 30 January 1933, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler. The new Reichskanzler Hitler addresses the German nation in a call of the Reichsregierung, broadcast over all German transmitters on 1 February = 1st Month 7, year of the Rooster the same year.

[24021617] Numbers2/16 (inclusive) – 2/17 [Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.]

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. Founded: 29 July 1957 = 6660 % of the of a common year (365 days)  [Number of the beast: 666].

After sunset 🌅 – 2/17 

Jewish calendar8 Adar I, 8 Adar (Psalm11918)

• Russian Orthodox leader Patriarch Kirill visits Antarctica (The Washington Post) Date: Wed, 17 February 2016 = 8 Adar I 

[ 8 Adar II 

• The KGB (Wikipedia) was the main security agency for the Soviet Union. Formed: 13 March 1954 = 8 Adar II. Officially dissolved in 1991. The KGB’s main successors are the FSB (Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) and the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service).

• Qasem Soleimani  (Wikipedia) (Western nickname: The Shadow Commander) was an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force. Soleimani was assassinated in 2020 by a U.S. drone strike. Born: 11 March 1957 = 8 Adar IIGematria: Qasem Soleimani = The Star of David 4x;  The Shadow Commander = King Nebuchadnezzar 3x]

Islamic calendarSha’ban 7 

• Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting (Wikipedia) On June 26, 1947 = Sha’ban 7, 1366 AH , the Chicago Sun coverage of the story may have been the first use ever of the term “flying saucer“.

• Berel Lazar (Wikipedia) was elected chief Rabbi of Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia on 15 November 1999 = Sha’ban 7, 1420 AH or Sha’ban 6 (Convert a date)

• Holy See–Israel relations (Wikipedia)… A Vatican Nunciature in Israel and an Israeli embassy in Rome were simultaneously opened on 19 January 1994 = Shaban 7, 1414 AH or Sha’ban 6 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Thursday, February 15…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/15 (Thursday, Thor’s day

Julian calendar: 2/2 [Convert a date]

Hebrew: 215. or: to be or become light / Greek: 215. alalétos: inexpressible

February 15 (Wikipedia) is the 46th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar [Joe Biden is the 46th president (Google Search)]

Conjunction of Mars and Pluto at 06:59 UTC (In The Sky); Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter at 08:16 UTC (In The Sky)

Zachariah’s Prophecy (351 BCE) ->  24 Shevat (Chabad) – Zechariah 1:7 NLT: Three months later, on February 15, the LORD sent another message to the prophet Zechariah son of Berekiah and grandson of Iddo.

Sementivae (Wikipedia) was a Roman festival of sowing. It was held in honor of Ceres (the goddess of agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth)….The festival honoring Ceres occurred one week later, starting February 2

Lupercalia (Wikipedia) was a pastoral festival of Ancient Rome. The festival was originally known as Februa (“Purifications” or “Purgings“); Lupercalia (Gematria Effect News) -> Lupercalia and the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Narrative (Gematria Effect News).

National Black Girl Magic Day (National Today) is observed on February 15 annually in the United States. The day celebrates the beauty, power, and resilience of Black women. 

Eastern Orthodox liturgics: The Presentation of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple (also The Meeting of the Lord, or Hypapante), 40 days after His sacred birth (WikipediaAnydayGuide). 

• The Chelyabinsk meteor (SpaceWikipedia) was a small asteroid — about the size of a six-story building — that broke up over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia, on 15 February 2013 = 1st Month 6, year of the SnakeThe blast was stronger than a nuclear explosion, triggering detections from monitoring stations as far away as Antarctica. Injured: 1491 people

• FDR escapes assassination attempt in Miami. Giuseppe Zangara attempts to assassinate US President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt, but instead shoots Chicago mayor Anton J. Cermak, who dies of his wounds on March 6. Date: 15 February 1933 (WikipediaHISTORY). [Zangara shouted “Too many people are starving!” -> Gematria: Too many people are starving = the Year of the Wood Dragon 2x, Four hundred and fifty four (454) more than 1x]

• Remember the Maine! (Library of Congress) – On February 15, 1898, an explosion of unknown origin sank the battleship U.S.S. Maine in the Havana, Cuba harbor, killing 266 of the 354 crew members. The sinking of the Maine incited United States’ passions against Spain, eventually leading to a naval blockade of Cuba and a declaration of warGematria: Maine = Alamo 3x 

Chinese calendar1st Month 6

[24021516] Numbers2/15 (inclusive) – 2/16 (216 = 6x6x6)

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia) Born: 15 September 1984, 39 years, 3 months, 9 weeks old -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood

• Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (Wikipedia) MBS, is Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. He was appointed crown prince on 21 June 2017, following the King’s decision to depose Muhammad bin Nayef and make his own son the heir to the throne, 666 % of a common year (365 days) ago.  Mohammed bin Salman is the wild card in the Middle East’s new conflict. …38-year-old crown prince (Reuters).

• The inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 1122 days ago [Assassination of JFK (Wikipedia11/22]

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020, 3 years, 2 months, 2 days ago -> 322 [Skull and Bones]

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news)
  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began -> ‘The weapon that will end the war’: First coronavirus vaccine shots given outside trials in U.S. (Washington Post)
  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes)

After sunset 🌅 – 2/16

Jewish calendar7 Adar I, 7 Adar (Psalm11918) (m/d date format: 6/7 or 12/7)

Moses’ Birth & Passing 

Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

• AD 62 Pompeii earthquake (Wikipedia) – On 5 February AD 62 = 7 Adar I (Convert a date), an earthquake struck the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, severely damaging them. The earthquake may have been a precursor to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, which destroyed the same two towns. 

• The First government of Israel (Wikipedia) was formed by David Ben-Gurion on 8 March 1949 (3/8) = 7 Adar, a month and a half after the elections for the first Knesset.  

• Henry VIII (Wikipedia) was King of England. He initiated the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. Died: 28 January 1547 = 7 Adar I

• Johann Adam Weishaupt (Wikipedia) was a German philosopher, professor of civil law and later canon law, and founder of the Illuminati. Born: 6 February 1748 = 7 Adar I

[Adar 7 II 

Osama bin Laden (Wikipedia) was a Saudi-born Islamic dissident and militant leader who was the founder and first general emir of al-Qaeda from 1988 until his death in 2011. He is most widely known as the mastermind of the September 11 attacks in the United States. Born: 10 March 1957 = 7 Adar II]

Islamic calendarSha’ban 6 (8/6) -> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades (Wikipedia), the abode of departed spirits.

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel). Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022 = Shaban 6, 1443 AH or Sha’ban 5 1443 AH (Convert a date)

• Trinity (nuclear test, Wikipedia) was the code name of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon. It was conducted by the United States Army as part of the Manhattan Project. Date: 16 July 1945, at 5:29 a.m. = Sha’ban 6, 1364 AH or Sha’ban 5 (Convert a date)

• Berel Lazar (Wikipediawas elected chief Rabbi of Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia on 15 November 1999 = Sha’ban 7, 1420 AH or Sha’ban 6 (Convert a date)

• Holy See–Israel relations (Wikipedia)… A Vatican Nunciature in Israel and an Israeli embassy in Rome were simultaneously opened on 19 January 1994 = Sha’ban 7, 1414 AH or Sha’ban 6 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, February 14…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/14 (Wednesday) – February 14 (Wikipedia) is the 45th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. 

Julian calendar: 2/1 [Convert a date] -> 21 

Februarius 1 (Wikipedia)

• dies natalis of the Temple to Juno Sospita (Wikipedia); Circenses for Hercules

Strong’s Greek: 214. alalazó: to raise a war cry / Hebrew: 214. otsar: treasure, store, a treasury, storehouse

Lent (Wikipedia) is the solemn Christian religious observance in the liturgical year commemorating the 40 days [40 days later is 24 March = PurimJesus Christ spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, before beginning his public ministry. Begins: Ash Wednesday (Wikipedia)

Armenian Apostolic Church (*): Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Wikipedia); Eastern Orthodox liturgics: Forefeast of the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple (Wikipedia)

*Armenian Apostolic Church (Wikipedia) is one of the most ancient Christian institutions. The Kingdom of Armenia was the first state to adopt Christianity as its official religion…

Valentine’s Day (Wikipedia)

• GematriaGeneralissimo Day in North Korea (AnydayGuide) = Deep Underground Military Bases 3x

• The Gregorian calendar was implemented in Russia on Thu, 14 February 1918, by dropping the Julian dates of 1–13 February 1918 pursuant to a Sovnarkom decree signed by Vladimir Lenin (Wikipedia). 

• 1130 papal election (Wikipedia) (held February 14, Julian) was convoked after the death of Pope Honorius II and resulted in a double election. Part of the cardinals elected Gregorio Papareschi as Pope Innocent II (Wikipedia), but the rest of them refused to recognize him and elected Cardinal Pietro Pierleoni [Pierleoni family (Wikipedia), Pier Leoni (Wikipedia)], the Jewish Crassus], who took the name of Anacletus II (Wikipedia). [Pietro Pierleoni almost like Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia); Gematria: Pietro Parolin = Anacletus II 2x, brink of abyss (your blog) 2x]

• Theodor Herzl publishes Der Judenstaat (Wikipedia) (The Jewish State), it is considered one of the most important texts of modern Zionism. Published: 14 February 1896 -> on its 53rd anniversary, The Knesset, the parliament of Israel, convenes for the first time (KnessetWikipedia) 14 February 1949.

• Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeincalls on Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie, author of “The Satanic Verses” (HISTORY) – Satanic Verses controversy (Wikipedia) -> category Fatwa by Ayatollah Khomeini (Wikipedia) – On 14 February 1989, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran and one of the most prominent Shi’a Muslim leaders, issued a fatwa calling for the death of Rushdie and his publishers. This created a major international incident that persisted for many years. Date: 14 February 1989

• The Bank of England is nationalised – Bank of England Act 1946 (Wikipedia) is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom which came into force on 14 February 1946. 

• Rafic Hariri Memorial Day (AnydayGuide) in Lebanon -> Assassination of Rafic Hariri (Wikipedia) On 14 February 2005, former Prime Minister of Lebanon was killed along with 21 others in an explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. Several sources reported that the U.N. Special Tribunal for Lebanon found compelling evidence for the Lebanese militia Hezbollah’s involvement.

• The United States flag is formally recognized by a foreign naval vessel for the first time, when French Admiral Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte renders a nine gun salute to USS Ranger, commanded by John Paul Jones (Wikipedia). Date: Sat, 14 February 1778 ->  [Donald Trump (Wikipedia), the 45th president of the United States, was born on 14 June = Flag Day (United States) (Wikipedia).]

Chinese calendar1st Month 5, year of the Dragon

• New Amsterdam (later renamed The City of New York) is incorporated as a city (Wikipedia). Date: 2 February 1653 = 1st Month 5, year of the Snake

• Texas Day (National Todaywas first celebrated in 2017. Date: 1 February 2017 = 1st Month 5, year of the Rooster

• Inauguration of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany (WikipediaHISTORY) On Monday, 30 January 1933 = 1st Month 5, year of the Rooster, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler. The new Reichskanzler Hitler addresses the German nation in a call of the Reichsregierung, broadcast over all German transmitters on 1 February.

• Adolf Hitler appoints himself as head of the Armed Forces High Command. (Wikipedia) Date: 4 February 1938 = 1st Month 5, year of the Tiger

• Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill (Wikipedia

Pope signs unity declaration with Orthodox Patriarch in Cuba.

“Pope Francis landed in Cuba earlier in the day for the first-ever papal meeting with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, a historic development in the 1,000-year schism within Christianity” (CBS News). Date: 12 February 2016 =  1st Month 5, year of the Monkey

[24021415] Numbers2/14 (inclusive) – 2/15

• Queen Elizabeth II also touched a globe -> The Queen symbolically led the lighting of the principal jubilee beacon by touching the Commonwealth Globe of Nations, created for the beacons project, in the quadrangle at Windsor Castle. That was the signal for Prince William, 22 miles away at Buckingham Palace, to convey the Queen’s command to illuminate the 3,500 lights on the beacon centrepiece, a 21-metre Tree of Trees sculpture. (The Guardian). Date: Thursday (Thor’s day) June 2 2022, 623 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss/ Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (WikipediaJFK Library) Date: November 22, 1963, 22,000 days ago

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASABBC)[The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon) A new age began…] Date: 21 December 2020, 3 years, 8 weeks ago

After sunset 🌅 – 2/15

Jewish calendar6 Adar I, 6 Adar (Psalm11918)

• In New York City, the first Congress of the United States meets, putting the United States Constitution into effect (Wikipedia). Date: 4 March 1789 = 6 Adar. On this day, government begins under our Constitution (Constitution Center)

Adar 6 II 

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel). Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022 = 6 Adar II 

• Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (Wikipedia) was an international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that disappeared from radar on 8 March 2014 = 6 Adar II while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its planned destination, Beijing Capital International Airport in China. 

• Jens Stoltenberg (WikipediaAstro databank), the 13th secretary general of NATO. Born: 16 March 1959 at  5:55 PM (Sunset in Oslo, Norway at 6:20 PM – Google Search) = 6th of Adar II -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia).]

Islamic calendar: Sha’ban 5

• Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting (Wikipedia) Date: 24 June 1947 = Sha’ban 5, 1366 AH; Gematria: Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting = Munich Security Conference 3x; the Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting = East Palestine Train Derailment 1x

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel). Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022 = Sha’ban 6 or Sha’ban 5 1443 AH (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Tuesday, February 13…

Super Bowl LVIII (58) (Wikipedia)

GematriaJewish Messiah = 58 (Pythagorean Gematria)

Birth of Moshiach (Gematrix) = 454 (Jewish Gematria); English (Sumerian) Gematria: 924 [like 9/24 – Why September 24 Could be the Most Important Day of the Most Important Year of Our Lives (HuffPost); September 24 Conspiracy Theories (Insider)]

Munich Security Conference (Wikipedia), the 60th Munich Security Conference will take place from 16 to 18 February 2024 and will celebrate its 60th anniversary (Munich Security Conference

2/13 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 1/31 [Convert a date]

February 13 (Wikipedia) is the 44th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 322 days remain until the end of the year in leap years.

Revelation 13:2 The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

Extraterrestrial Culture Day (National Today)

• Faunus (Wikipedia) a horned god. Festivals: Faunalia (13 February and 5 December) -> Horned deity (Wikipedia) Deities depicted with horns or antlers are found in many religions across the world. In Abrahamic religions, horned deities are closely associated with demonology. Christian demons are described as having horns in the Book of Revelation, and other demons such as Satan, Baphomet, and Beelzebub are typically portrayed with horns.

Chinese calendar: 1st Month 4, year of the Dragon

• New Order (Nazism) (Wikipedia) – Planning for the Neuordnung had already begun long before the start of World War II, but Adolf Hitler proclaimed a “European New Order” publicly on 30 January 1941 = 1st Month 4, year of the Snake: “The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of a great European New Order!”

• The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” [called by its proponents “the deal of the century”].  President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020 = 1st Month 4, year of the Rat.  Gematria: The deal of the century = Eleventh of September 4x

• Richard Johnson becomes the first and only Vice President of the United States chosen by the Senate (Wikipedia) – The day the Senate picked a U.S. vice president on its own (Constitution Center) Date: 8 February 1837 = 1st Month 4, year of the Rooster

• The Treaty on European Union, commonly known as the Maastricht Treaty (WikipediaHISTORY), is the foundation treaty of the European Union (EU). Signed: 7 February 1992 = 1st Month 4, year of the Monkey

[24021314] Numbers2/13(inclusive) – 2/14

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: 8 August 2022, 555 days ago -> Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia).

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020, 38 months ago

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news)
  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began -> ‘The weapon that will end the war’: First coronavirus vaccine shots given outside trials in U.S. (Washington Post)
  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes)

• World Health Organization (Wikipedia) is a specialized agency of the UN responsible for international public health. Founded: 7 April 1948, 910 months, 1 week ago -> 911

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) – On 21 September 1949, CCP Chairman Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China with a speech at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, 3882 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon; Leviathan (Wikipedia)

After sunset 🌅 – 2/14

Jewish calendar5 Adar I, 5 Adar I (Psalm11918) (6/5 or 12/5

Revelation 12:5 And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

Strong’s Hebrew: 1205. beathah: terror, dismay / Greek: 1205. deute: come!

• New Amsterdam (later renamed The City of New York) is incorporated as a city (Wikipedia). Date: 2 February 1653 = 5 Adar I 

• Assassination of Rafic Hariri (Wikipedia) On 14 February 2005 = 5 Adar I, former Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafic Hariri was killed along with 21 others in an explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. 

• The 1993 World Trade Center bombing (Wikipedia) was a terrorist attack carried out on February 26, 1993 = 5 Adar, when a van bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Deaths: 6, Injured: 1,042

• Texas Revolution: The Siege of the Alamo (prelude to the Battle of the Alamo) begins in San Antonio, Texas (Wikipedia). Date: Tue, 23 February 1836  = 5 Adar

• The Chelyabinsk meteor (SpaceWikipedia) was a small asteroid — about the size of a six-story building — that broke up over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Feb. 15, 2013 = 5 AdarThe blast was stronger than a nuclear explosion, triggering detections from monitoring stations as far away as Antarctica. Injured: 1491 people 

• Ariel Sharon (Wikipedia) was an Israeli general and politician who served as the 11th Prime Minister of Israel. Born: 26 February 1928 = 5 Adar

[Adar 5 II

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) -> the Fukushima nuclear disaster (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011 = 5 Adar II

• Phoenix Lights (Wikipedia) were a series of widely sighted unidentified flying objects observed in the skies over the southwestern states of Arizona and Nevada on 13 March 1997 (between 7:30 pm and 10:30 pm MST – after sunset Google Search) = 5 Adar II

• Karl Heinrich Marx (Wikipedia) was a German philosopher, economist, ….and socialist revolutionary. His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto and the four-volume Das Kapital. Died: 14 March 1883 = 5 Adar II, London, England]

Islamic calendar: Sha’ban 4 (8/4), [Barack Obama (Wikipedia) was officially born on 8/4 (Gregorian).]

• I, Pet Goat II (Wikipedia) – Release date: 24 June 2012 = Sha’ban 4, 1433 AH

• Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Wikipedia) was one of the key events that led to World War I.  Date: 28 June 1914 = Sha’ban 4, 1332 AH

• The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Wikipedia) is founded. Date: 23 April 1920 = Sha’ban 4, 1338 AH

• Assassination of James A. Garfield (Wikipedia) James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, was shot [2x] at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C., at 9:30 am on Saturday, July 2, 1881 = Sha’ban 4, 1298 AH. He died in Elberon, New Jersey, 79 days later on September 19, 1881. 

• The Blitz begins as Germany bombs London (HISTORY). On September 7, 1940 [at about 4:00 in the afternoon (Britannica)] = Sha’ban 4 , 1359 AH, 300 German bombers raid London, in the first of 57 [The Number 57] consecutive nights of bombing. This bombing “blitzkrieg”  (lightning war) would continue until May 1941.

• Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Library of Congress), twentieth-century America’s most compelling and effective civil rights leader, was born on 15 January 1929 = Shaban 4, 1347 AH, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Here are her notes on Super Bowl Sunday…

2/11 (Sunday)  = 2 Adar I, 2 Adar I (Psalm11918)

Julian calendar: 1/29 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn (In The Sky) at 0:40 UTC = 0.666… hours (40/60 time calculator)

Super Bowl LVIII (58) (Wikipedia) -> Cerium (Ce) (Wikipedia) – Atomic Number 58 – Cerium was named by Berzelius after the asteroid Ceres… The asteroid is itself named after the Roman goddess Ceres (Wikipedia). [Remember that Saturn is the father of Ceres, and Ceres is the guardian to the underworld pit. So this is the key for “opening the Gate to Hell.”]

GematriaSuper Bowl fifty eight = Iran nuclear deal 2x, Crown prince of Iran 2x

Allegiant Stadium Paradise Nevada = Operation Swords Of Iron 2x, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (*) 2x, Son of perdition Barack Hussein Obama 2x 

* Islamic State (Wikipedia) – ISIS; Son of perdition (GotQuestions)

Numbers2/11(inclusive) – 2/12

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 22 years, 22 weeks ago 

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia), President of Russia – He has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: 7 October 1952, 26,06days old -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure; Usage: prop: missing the mark; hence: (a) guilt, sin, (b) a fault, failure (in an ethical sense), sinful deed.

Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.”

After sunset 🌅 

• Steve Jobs (WikipediaAstro databank) – Born: Thu, 24 February 1955 at 7:15 PM, after sunset (Google Search) = 3 Adar, the 69th Jewish anniversary of his birth [Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s revolutionary computer Macintosh, two days after the groundbreaking commercial “1984” aired before a national TV audience and heralded the product’s impending release (BritannicaYouTube).] Gematria: Steven Paul Jobs = The Beast System 4x

Here are her notes on Thursday, February 8…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/8 (Thursday, Thor’s day

Julian calendar: 1/26 [Convert a date]

February 8 (Wikipedia) is the 39th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 327 days remain until the end of the year in leap years. -> Hebrew: 327. achashteran: royal

Conjunction of the Moon and Mars (In The Sky) at 06:31 UTC -> Strong’s Hebrew:  631. asar: to tie, bind, imprison; α-Centaurid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky); Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury (In The Sky) at 22:00 UTC

Isra and Mi’raj (National Today) refers to a miraculous nighttime journey undertaken by the Prophet Muhammad, in two legs. First from Mecca to Jerusalem, and then from Jerusalem to the heavens. 

Iran Air Force Day (AnydayGuide)

Parinirvana Day (AnydayGuideWikipedia) also referred to as Nirvana Day.  It celebrates the day when the Buddha is said to have achieved Parinirvana, or complete Nirvana, upon the death of his physical body. 

• Babington Plot (Wikipedia) – Mary, Queen of Scots beheaded (WikipediaHISTORY) On 8 February 1587 (Julian), in front of 300 witnesses, Mary, Queen of Scots [aged exactly 530 months], was executed by beheading, 437 years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 437. allon: an oak

-> On its 365th anniversary New Queen proclaimed for UK – Princess Elizabeth has formally proclaimed herself Queen and Head of the Commonwealth and Defender of the Faith (BBC ON THIS DAYWikipedia). Date: 8 February 1952 -> Strong’s Greek: 365. ananeoó: to renew / Hebrew: 365. ayeleth: hind, definition: “lofty tree“, a city and harbor on the Red Sea [The day Elizabeth became queen in a treehouse in Kenya – The Washington Post], 72 years ago [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

-> International Scotch Day (AnydayGuide) was launched by the Scotch Whisky Experience, the world’s largest Scotch whisky museum. Scotch whisky is whisky made according to specific regulations: …must be produced from water and malted barley and matured in oak casks for at least three years. 

• Peter the Great dies (HISTORY) – On February 8, 1725, Peter the Great, emperor of Russia, dies and is succeeded by his wife, Catherine I. -> Putin and Peter the Great (Google Search)

• Richard Johnson becomes the first and only Vice President of the US chosen by the Senate (Wikipedia) – The day the Senate picked a U.S. vice president on its own (Constitution Center) Date: 8 February 1837

• Sandford Fleming first proposes the adoption of Universal Standard Time at a meeting of the Royal Canadian Institute (Wikipediatoronto public library) – Date: 8 February 1879 [15 Shevat, Tu BiShvat and Shabbat Shirah]

• Geneva Protocol (Wikipedia) is a treaty prohibiting the use of chemical and biological weapons in international armed conflicts. Effective: 8 February 1928, 96 years ago

• Stasi (Wikipedia) – The Ministry for State Security, commonly known as the Stasi, an abbreviation of Staatssicherheit, was the state security service of East Germany. The Stasi’s function in East Germany resembled that of the KGB in the Soviet Union⁠—it served as a means of maintaining state authority, i.e., as the “Shield and Sword of the Party” (German: Schild und Schwert der Partei). This was accomplished primarily through the use of a network of civilian informants. This organization contributed to the arrest of approximately 250,000 people in East Germany. Formed: 8 February 1950 -> Putin’s Stasi spy ID pass found in Germany (BBC News). Gematria: Schild und Schwert der Partei = RIP Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 3x, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin 1x, Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas] 2x,…

• The Nasdaq Stock Market (Wikipedia) is an American stock exchange based in New York City. On 8 February 1971, the Nasdaq stock market began operations as the world’s first electronic stock market, 53 years ago

• The Birth of a Nation – On February 8, 1915, D. W. Griffith’s controversial silent film premiered in Los Angeles, California. (Library of CongressHISTORY)

Chinese calendar12th Month 29

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City ( or Date: 23 January 2020 = 12th Month 29, year of the Pig

[24020809] Numbers2/8 (inclusive) – 2/9

• President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there (CNN) – United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia) Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 2 months, 3 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss, Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11) / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• The inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 1115 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a hill near Jer. a skull [Latin calvaria], the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull

• The New START (Wikipedia), a nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation was signed by U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Date: 8 April 2010 , 5055 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 5055. teleó: to bring to an end, complete, fulfill and Hitler received the number 555. (Wikipedia).

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Founded: 20 December 2019, 216 weeks ago [6x6x6]

• Fall of the Berlin Wall (Wikipedia) was a pivotal event in world history which marked the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curtain. It was one of the series of events that started the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe. Date: 9 November 1989, 411 months ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 2/9

Jewish calendar30 ShevatFamily Day in Israel (Hebcal), 30 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• The Greenwich Time Signal (GTS) (Wikipedia), popularly known as the pips, is a series of six short tones (or “pips”) broadcast at one-second intervals by many BBC Radio stations. The pips have been broadcast daily since 5 February 1924 (here) = 30 Shevat, it’s the 100th Jewish anniversary.

• Theodor Herzl publishes “Der Judenstaat” (Wikipedia) (The Jewish State), it is considered one of the most important texts of modern Zionism. Published: 14 February 1896 = 30 Shevat128 Jewish years ago 

• New START (Wikipedia) -> On 21 February 2023 = 30 ShevatRussia suspended its participation in New START. However, it did not withdraw from the treaty, and clarified that it would continue to abide by the numerical limits in the treaty.

Islamic calendar: Rajab 28 or Rajab 29 [Convert a date]

Here are her notes on Wednesday, February 7…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/7 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 1/25 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Venus (In The Sky) at 18:52 UTC

Isra and Mi’raj (Laylat al-Mi’raj) (AnydayGuide) or 8 February (National Today) a miraculous nighttime journey undertaken by the Prophet Muhammad, in two legs. First from Mecca to Jerusalem, and then from Jerusalem to the heavens.

• Edward of Carnarvon became the first English Prince of Wales (British Heritage Travel). Date: 7 February 1301

• Babington Plot (Wikipedia) – Mary, Queen of Scots (Wikipedia) On the evening of 7 February 1587 (Julian), Mary was told she was to be executed the next morning. …on 8 February 1587, in front of 300 witnesses, Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed by beheading (Wikipedia), 437 years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 437. allon: an oak

• One of the largest earthquakes in U.S. history occurred along the New Madrid Fault (Britannica) – Earthquake causes fluvial tsunami in the Mississippi River (HISTORY). Date: 7 February 1812

• The Great Baltimore Fire begins. Date: 7 February 1904 (HISTORY)

• Full U.S.-Cuba embargo is announced (HISTORY). – On February 7, 1962, President John F. Kennedy issues an executive order broadening the United States’ restrictions on trade with Cuba.

• British Invasion launched with Beatles’ arrival in U.S. – The musical British Invasion began when the Beatles landed in New York City… (BritannicaHISTORY) Date: 7 February 1964.

• National Tap Dance Day (Wikipedia) – The idea of National Tap Dance Day was first presented to U.S. Congress on 7 February 1989 [I, Pet Goat II at 0:32 George W. Bush tap-dances; recent news: Queen Camilla reveals she’s ‘always wanted to tap dance’ (Google Search)].

• The Treaty on European Union, commonly known as the Maastricht Treaty (WikipediaHISTORY), is the foundation treaty of the European Union (EU). Signed: 7 February 1992

• The Soviet Union dissolution: On 7 February 1990, the Central Committee of the CPSU accepted Gorbachev’s recommendation that the party give up its monopoly on political power (Wikipedia).

• Abdullah II of Jordan (Wikipedia), King of Jordan, having ascended the throne on 7 February 1999. 

Chinese calendar12th Month 28

• The World Economic Forum (Wikipedia) – Founded:  24 January 1971 = 12th Month 28, year of the Dog (by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab).

[24020708] Numbers: 2/7(inclusive) – 2/8

• Blackjack – A slide show story (The TelegraphOperation Blackjack – the story of a series of terrorist nuclear attacks on major western cities and the aftermath. Published: 12 January 2009, 8:59am, 5505 days ago -> Hitler received the number 555. (Wikipedia).

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: 20 December 2019, 4 years, 50 days ago -> [Trump’s number 45]

• World Health Organization (Wikipedia) is a specialized agency of the UN responsible for international public health. Founded: 7 April 1948,

910 months, 1 day ago -> 911

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020, 3 years, 8 weeks ago

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news)
  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began -> ‘The weapon that will end the war’: First coronavirus vaccine shots given outside trials in U.S. (Washington Post)
  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes)

After sunset 🌅 – 2/8

Jewish calendar29 Shevat, Yom Kippur Katan Adar I (Hebcal) “Minor Day of Atonement”, is a practice observed by some Jews on the day preceding each Rosh Chodesh (Wikipedia), 29 Shevat (Psalm11918). 

• Columbia Tragedy; Israeli Astronaut Perishes (2003), 21 (7+7+7) Jewish years ago. Columbia Space Shuttle mission ends in disaster (HISTORY) – On 1 February 2003 = 29 Shevat, the space shuttle Columbia breaks up while entering the atmosphere over Texas [at an altitude of about 40 miles (60 km) (Britannica)], killing all 7 crew members on board. Space Shuttle Columbia (Wikipedia) – First flight: April 12–14, 1981; (Dry mass: 81,600 kilograms); American Civil War (Wikipedia) – Start date: April 12, 1861Tulsi Gabbard (Wikipedia) was born on April 12, 1981

Islamic calendar: Rajab 27 or Rajab 28 [Convert a date]

Here are her notes on Tuesday, February 6…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/6 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 1/24 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Sementivae (Wikipedia) was a festival of sowing. It was held in honor of Ceres and Tellus (Mother Earth).

• On 24 January 1918 (Julian), Vladimir Lenin signed a decree to adopt the Gregorian calendar in Russia. The Gregorian calendar was implemented on 14 February 1918 by dropping the Julian dates of 1–13 February 1918 (Wikipedia). 

• Johann Adam Weishaupt (Wikipedia), a German philosopher, professor of civil law and later canon law, and founder of the Illuminati. Born: 6 February 1748, Ingolstadt, Germany 

• Elizabeth II becomes Queen of the United Kingdom and her other Realms and Territories and Head of the Commonwealth upon the death of her father, George VI. At the exact moment of succession, she was in a tree house at the Treetops Hotel in Kenya (WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 6 February 1952, 72 years ago [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• Woman claiming to be Anastasia Romanov (the youngest daughter of the murdered Russian czar Nicholas II ) arrives in the U.S. (HISTORY). Date: 6 February 1928

• Ronald Reagan Day (California, United States) (Wikipedia). Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, was born on 6 February 1911 (HISTORY) and on 6 February 1985, the “Reagan Doctrine” is announced (HISTORY)

Chinese calendar12th Month 27

[24020607] Numbers2/6 (inclusive) – 2/7

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) was launched on 16 November 2022, 1 year, 11 weeks, 6 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia) has been President of Russia since 2012. Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Assumed office: 7 May 2012, 11 years, 9 months ago

• President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there (CNN). United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia). Date: 6 December 2017, 322 weeks ago 322 [Skull and Bones]

• In Alaska, President Barack Obama becomes 1st president to enter the Arctic (CBS news). Date: 2 September 2015, 440 weeks ago [Barack Obama President number 44]

After sunset 🌅 – 2/7

Jewish calendar28 Shevat, 28 Shevat (Psalm11918)

Hasmonean Holiday, on Shevat 28, Antiochus V abandoned his siege of Jerusalem and his plans for the city’s destruction. 

• Pope Francis (Wikipedia) – Created cardinal: 21 February 2001 = 28 Shevat

• Edward of Carnarvon became the first English Prince of Wales (British Heritage Travel). Date: 7 February 1301 = 28 Shevat 

• Enzo Ferrari (Wikipedia) was born on 18 February 1898 = 26 Shevat  in Modena, Italy. Reportedly, his birth was recorded on 20 February = 28 Shevat because a heavy snowstorm had prevented his father from reporting the birth… GematriaEnzo Ferrari = Prince Harry 4x 

• Mayerling incident (Wikipedia) is the series of events surrounding the apparent murder–suicide pact of Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria, and his lover, baroness Mary Vetsera. They were found dead on 30 January 1889 = 28 Shevat in an imperial hunting lodge in Mayerling.

• Hunter Biden (Wikipedia), the 2nd son of U.S. President Joe Biden Born: 4 February 1970 = 28 Shevat, his 54th Jewish birthday. 

• The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Library of Congress) was signed on February 2, 1848 = 28 Shevat, ending the Mexican War and extending the boundaries of the United States west to the Pacific Ocean. The terms of the agreement confirmed U.S. claims to Texas and established the border between the U.S. and Mexico at the Rio Grande and the Gila River. 

Islamic calendarRajab 26 or Rajab 27 [Convert a date]

27 Rajab (WikipediaGoogle Search) event of Isra and Mi’raj (Wikipedia) (Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then through the seven Heavens)

27 Rajab 583 AH, Conquest of Jerusalem by the Ayyubids

-> Siege of Jerusalem (1187) (Wikipedia) – Saladin captures Jerusalem, after the Crusaders led by Balian of Ibelin surrender the ‘Holy City’. The take-over of the city is relatively peaceful; Saladin agrees to let the Muslims and Christians leave the city, taking with them their goods. Balian joins his wife Maria Komnene and family, in the County of Tripoli (Wikipedia). Date: 20 September to 2 October 1187 (Julian) = Rajab 15 – Rajab 27, 583 AH 

 • Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014). Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall and visited the Dome of the Rock (Arab newsCBS NEWS). Date: 26 May 2014 = Rajab 27

Here are her notes on Monday, February 5…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/5 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 1/23 [Convert a date]

Disaster Day (National Today)

Western Monarch Day (National TodayGematria: Western Monarch Day = The Knights Templar 4x 

• AD 62 Pompeii earthquake (Wikipedia) – On 5 February AD 62, an earthquake struck the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, severely damaging them. The earthquake may have been a precursor to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, which destroyed the same two towns. 

• China: 1556 Shaanxi earthquake (WikipediaHISTORY) It was the deadliest recorded earthquake in history, and in turn one of the deadliest natural disasters in Chinese history. Date: 23 January 1556 (Julian)

• The Greenwich Time Signal (GTS) (Wikipedia), popularly known as the pips, is a series of six short tones (or “pips”) broadcast at one-second intervals by many BBC Radio stations. The pips have been broadcast daily since 5 February 1924 (here), it’s the 100th anniversary [it was 1st Month 1, year of the Rat on the Chinese calendar. And the Rat or Mouse is the 1st (Wikipedia: here and here) of the repeating 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac, constituting part of the Chinese calendar system].

• The biggest gold nugget in history is found – The “Welcome Stranger” (Wikipedia) was found in Australia. Date: 5 February 1869 [24 Shevat], Gematria: Welcome Stranger = Ark of the Covenant (Wikipedia3x

Chinese calendar12th Month 26

[24020506] Numbers2/5 (inclusive) – 2/6

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel) Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022, 699 days ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 2/6 

Jewish calendar27 Shevat, 27 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• Execution of Charles I (WikipediaHISTORY) occurred on Tuesday, 30 January 1649 (Julian) = 27 Shevat [Convert a date] outside the Banqueting House on Whitehall. The execution was the culmination of political and military conflicts between the royalists and the parliamentarians in England during the English Civil War. 

• Battle of Stalingrad ends (HISTORY) – The last German troops in the Soviet city of Stalingrad surrender to the Red Army, ending one of the pivotal battles of World War II. Date: 2 February 1943 = 27 Shevat

• Civil rights icon Rosa Parks is born (HISTORY). – Parks’ name has become synonymous with her refusal to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus in 1955, a defining moment of the civil rights movement. Born: 4 February 1913 = 27 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 25  or Rajab 26 [Convert a date]

Here are her notes on Sunday, February 4…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/4 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 1/22 [Convert a date]

Essene calendar (dsscalendar): 17 Shevat – Mid-winter

• George Washington is unanimously elected the first president of the United States (HISTORY). Date: 4 February 1789  

• American Civil War: In Montgomery, Alabama, delegates from six breakaway U.S. states meet and initiate the process that would form the Confederate States of America on February 8 (Wikipedia). Date: 4 February 1861, 163 years ago -> Properties of the number 163 (number empire)- 38th prime. [Provisional Congress of the Confederate States (WikipediaHISTORY)].

• Rosa Parks Day (AnydayGuide); Civil rights icon Rosa Parks is born (HISTORY) – Parks’ name has become synonymous with her refusal to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus in 1955, a defining moment of the civil rights movement. Born: 4 February 1913, 111 years ago 

• Adolf Hitler appoints himself as head of the Armed Forces High Command (Wikipedia). Date: 4 February 1938

• Yalta Conference foreshadows the Cold War (HISTORY) Date: 4 February 1945

• Yasser Arafat becomes the 3rd Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) (Wikipedia) Date: 4 February 1969

• Hunter Biden (Wikipedia), the 2nd son of U.S. President Joe Biden Born: February 4, 1970, his 54th birthday. 

Chinese calendar12th Month 25 (12/25)

• The 1911 Revolution (Wikipedia), also known as the Xinhai Revolution or Hsinhai Revolution, ended China’s last imperial dynasty, the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, and led to the establishment of the Republic of China. End date: 12 February 1912 = 12th Month 25, year of the Pig

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the US. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city. Date: 20 January 2009 = 12th Month 25, year of the Rat

• Russia activates its nuclear command systems for the first time (HISTORY). Date: 25 January 1995 = 12th Month 25, year of the Dog

• On 16 January 2023 = 12th Month 25, year of the Tiger, it was reported that Russia has produced the first set of Poseidon nuclear capable super torpedoes (WikipediaReuters).

[24020405] Numbers2/4 (inclusive) – 2/5

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 1946 at 10:54 AM = 0.45… days, 7770 %  of a common year (365 days) [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• Killing of Osama bin Laden (Wikipedia) 2 May 2011, 666 weeks ago  -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• World War I begins – On July 28, 1914, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War (HISTORYWikipedia), 40,004 days ago. 

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan).  Date: 27 May 2016, 770 % of a common year (365 days)

After sunset 🌅 – 2/5 

Jewish calendar26 Shevat, 26 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• The Great Turkish War (Wikipedia) also called the Wars of the Holy League, was a series of conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League consisting of the Holy Roman Empire,… The war was a defeat for the Ottoman Empire. End date: 26 January 1699 = 26 Shevat =>The Treaty of Karlowitz (Wikipedia) was signed. Also known as “The Austrian treaty that saved Europe”, it marks the end of Ottoman control in much of Central Europe, with their first major territorial losses in Europe, beginning the reversal of four centuries of expansion (1299–1683). The treaty established the Habsburg monarchy as the dominant power of the region.

• Abraham Lincoln (Wikipedia), 16th President of the United States. Born: 12 February 1809 = 26 Shevat and on the same day Charles Darwin was born (Wikipedia).

Islamic calendarRajab 24 or Rajab 25 [Convert a date]

• Ismail I (Wikipedia), His reign is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history,

Born: (14) or 17 July 1487 (Julian) =  Raiab 25, 892 AH

Here are her notes on Saturday, February 3…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/3 (Saturday)

Julian calendar: 1/21 [Convert a date]

• Sultan Mehmed II inherits the throne of the Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia). Date: 3 February 1451 

• London Protocol of 1830 (Wikipedia) establishes the full independence and sovereignty of Greece from the Ottoman Empire as the final result of the Greek War of Independence. Signed: 3 February 1830

• Richard Wagner (Controversies surrounding Richard Wagner (WikipediaDied: 3 February 1883

 President Woodrow Wilson severed diplomatic relations with Germany (POLITICO). Wilson acted after Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg, the German chancellor, declared that Germany would resume unlimited submarine warfare. Date: 3 February 1917 and 7 years later on this day -> Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States died on 3 February 1924 (HISTORY). 

• 1972 Iran blizzard (Wikipedia) was the deadliest blizzard in history, as recorded by the Guinness Book of Records.

Chinese calendar12th Month 24

• League of Nations (Wikipedia) – On 25 January 1919 = 12th Month 24, year of the Horse, in Paris, delegates to the peace conference formally approve the establishment of a commission on the League of Nations (History). U.S. President Woodrow Wilson insisted on chairing the commission … The first meeting of the commission was held on February 3…[The Nobel Peace Prize 1919: Thomas Woodrow Wilson “for his role as founder of the League of Nations”]. 

• Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial (YouTube)- The 40th Chinese anniversary of the date (26 January 1984 = 12th Month 24, year of the Pig) shown in Apple’s 1984 ad featuring Artemis throwing Thor’s Hammer and disrupting a totalitarian regime (your blog). 

[24020304] Numbers2/3 (inclusive) – 2/4

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 450 days ago 

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. Founded: 29 July 1957 = 66 years, 6 months, 6 days ago

• The International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Wikipedia) was designated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005, 6669 days ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 2/4 

Jewish calendar25 Shevat; 25 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• Hugues de Payens (Wikipedia), the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights TemplarBorn: 9 February 1070 = 25 ShevatTroyes, Kingdom of France

• Hezbollah (Wikipedia) -> 1985 manifesto (Wikipedia) On 16 February 1985 = 25 Shevat ,[Shabbat Shekalim], Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin issued Hezbollah’s manifesto. Its first objective was to fight against what Hezbollah described as American and Israeli imperialism. The second objective was to gather all Muslims into an “ummah” (*), under which Lebanon would further the aims of the 1979 Revolution of Iran. * a supra-national community with a common history.

• Abdullah II of Jordan (Wikipedia), King of Jordan, was born on 30 January 1962 = 25 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 23 or Rajab 24… [Convert a date]

• The Great Turkish War (Wikipedia) also called the Wars of the Holy League, was a series of conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League consisting of the Holy Roman Empire,… The war was a defeat for the Ottoman Empire. End date: 26 January 1699 = Rajab 24 =>The Treaty of Karlowitz (Wikipedia) was signed. Also known as “The Austrian treaty that saved Europe“, it marks the end of Ottoman control in much of Central Europe, with their first major territorial losses in Europe, beginning the reversal of four centuries of expansion (1299–1683). The treaty established the Habsburg monarchy as the dominant power of the region.

Here are her notes on Friday, February 2…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/2 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 1/20 [Convert a date]

February 2 (Wikipedia) is the 33rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 333 days remain until the end of the year in leap years. [2024 is a leap year (Google Search)]

Sementivae (Wikipedia) was a Roman festival of sowing. It was held in honor of Ceres (the goddess of agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth)….The festival honoring Ceres occurred one week later, starting February 2.

World Wetlands Day (United Nations)

Candlemas in Western Christianity (AnydayGuideWikipedia), also known as the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Feast of the Holy Encounter. This holiday celebrates one of the early episodes in life of Jesus Christ. Mary and Joseph took their baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem forty days after his birth. This would complete Mary’s ritual purification after childbirth and perform the redemption of the firstborn son.

Groundhog Day (AnydayGuide) – The roots of Groundhog Day can be traced back to the Lutheran celebration of Candlemas (Presentation of Jesus at the Temple) that occurs 40 days after Christmas. First Groundhog Day (HISTORY) Date: 2 February 1887, 137 years ago [137 is the 33rd prime, 137 has been the subject of psychological speculation by Carl Jung concerning his theory of synchronicity. (Wikipedia)].

• Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad (AnydayGuide), Battle of Stalingrad ends (HISTORY) – The last German troops in the Soviet city of Stalingrad surrender to the Red Army, ending one of the pivotal battles of World War II.

• The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Library of Congress) was signed on February 2, 1848 [176 years ago, 11th pentagonal number], ending the Mexican War and extending the boundaries of the United States west to the Pacific Ocean. The terms of the agreement confirmed U.S. claims to Texas and established the border between the U.S. and Mexico at the Rio Grande and the Gila River.

• New Amsterdam (later renamed The City of New York) is incorporated as a city (Wikipedia). Date: 2 February 1653

• Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas (Wikipedia) 7th United States Secretary of Homeland Security. He was born in Cuba to Jewish parents. Assumed office: 2 February 2021

Chinese calendar12th Month 23

• The inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017 = 12th Month 23, year of the Monkey

• Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency of the US (WikipediaAmerican Rhetoric) – On February 10, 2007 = 12th Month 23, year of the Dog. Obama announced his candidacy at the Old State Capitol building in Springfield, Illinois, where Abraham Lincoln had delivered his “House Divided” speech. Obama (Wikipedia) was born on 4 August 1961. He was 45 years, 6 months, 6 days old  -> Strong’s Greek: 4566. Satan

[24020203] Numbers: 2/2(inclusive) – 2/3

• King Charles III, (then Prince of Wales) launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset (World Economic Forum), Date: 3 June 2020, 44 months ago

• The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (Wikipedia), is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The agency’s primary purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. Formed: 1 April 1979, 44 years, 44 weeks ago

• Salman of Saudi Arabia (Wikipedia) is King of Saudi Arabia. He assumed the throne on 23 January 2015, 9 years, 11 days ago. 

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel) Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022, 696 days ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 2/3

Jewish calendar24 ShevatZachariah’s Prophecy, (Zechariah 1 :7–16) 24 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• Ismail Haniyeh (Wikipedia) the current chairman of Hamas’s political bureau; as of 2023, Haniyeh lives in Qatar. Born: 29 January 1962 = 24 Shevat

• League of Nations (WikipediaHistory) – In Paris, delegates to the peace conference formally approve the establishment of a commission on the League of Nations. Date: Saturday, 25 January 1919 = 24 Shevat -> Founded: See 10 January by the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War. 

 The 1911 Revolution (Wikipedia), also known as the Xinhai Revolution or Hsinhai Revolution, ended China’s last imperial dynasty, the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, and led to the establishment of the Republic of China. End date: 12 February 1912 = 24 Shevat

• Russia activates its nuclear command systems for the first time (HISTORY). Date: 25 January 1995 = 24 Shevat 

Islamic calendarRajab 22 or Rajab 23 [Convert a date]

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia), Address by the President of the Russian Federation (Kremlin) – Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Date: 24 February 2022 =  Rajab 23, 1443 AH or Rajab 22 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Thursday, February 1…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

2/1 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 1/19  [Convert a date]

Februarius 1 (Wikipedia) dies natalis of the Temple to Juno Sospita (Wikipedia); Circenses for Hercules

Imbolc or Imbolg (WikipediaAnydayGuide) is a Gaelic traditional festival. It marks the beginning of spring, and for Christians, it is the feast day of Saint Brigid (Wikipedia), Ireland’s patroness saint. It is held on 1 February, which is about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox (AnydayGuide)

Gematria: February first = Vladimir Putin 4x, Pietro Parolin 2x, the next Hitler 3x

• Fajr decade (‘decade of dawn’) (Wikipedia)  is a ten-day celebration of Ruhollah Khomeini’s return to Iran in 1979 (HISTORYWikipedia). The annual celebration is held between 1 and 11 February. Its beginning coincides with the date of Khomeini’s arrival and ending with the Iranian Revolution; a day called Islamic Revolution’s Victory Day. 

National Baked Alaska Day (National Today) Baked Alaska was first called ‘Alaska Florida’. On National Baked Alaska Day everyone is expected to enjoy a sweet bite of this yummy retro dish that is often served in flames.; National Serpent Day (National Today)

National Freedom Day (AnydayGuide) – This day honors the signing of resolution that later became the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Abraham Lincoln signed the document that outlawed slavery on February 1, 1865. Although this resolution was ratified by the states later, it was the very first step to make all people regardless of their origin and color of skin free. 

On this day: Poet and writer Langston Hughes (Library of Congress), famous for his elucidations of black American life in his poems,…was born; Greensboro sit-in begins (HISTORYWikipedia) Four black college students…; Antislavery crusader and Civil War veteran Harriet Tubman becomes the first African American woman to appear on a U.S. postage stamp (HISTORY); Rear Admiral Lillian E. Fishburne becomes the first female African American to be promoted to rear admiral (Wikipedia). 


• Texas Day (National Today) was first celebrated in 2017.

• Texas secedes (HISTORY) – On February 1, 1861, Texas becomes the 7th state to secede from the Union when a state convention votes 166 to 8 in favor of the measure.

• Columbia Space Shuttle mission ends in disaster (HISTORY) – On February 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia breaks up while entering the atmosphere over Texas [at an altitude of about 40 miles (60 km) over Texas (Britannica)], killing all 7 crew members on board.

Chinese calendar12th Month 22

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia. He also served as the president of Russia and as the prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020

Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia) Prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 = 12th Month 22, year of the Pig

• The United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (UNAEC) (Wikipedia) was founded on 24 January 1946 = 12th Month 22, year of the Rooster by the very first resolution of the United Nations General Assembly “to deal with the problems raised by the discovery of atomic energy. [The UN General Assembly officially disbanded UNAEC in 1952.], 78 Chinese years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study)

• Treaty of Paris Ratified (Library of Congress) – The Continental Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris on 14 January 1784 = 12th Month 22, officially establishing the United States as an independent and sovereign nation.

• Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s revolutionary computer Macintosh, two days after the groundbreaking commercial “1984” aired before a national TV audience and heralded the product’s impending release (BritannicaYouTube). Date: 24 January 1984 = 12th Month 22, year of the Pig

• The U.S. Department of Homeland Security begins operations (Politico). Date: 24 January 2003 = 12th Month 22, year of the Horse 

[24020102] Numbers2/1(inclusive) – 2/2

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (

1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May and the Great Bell’s strikes are heard for the first time on 11 July (7/11), 60,106 days ago 

-> 616 is the alternate “Number of

the Beast (Wikipedia). Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth to/ Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners 

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 1 year, 11 weeks, 6 days -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place or 64 (8×8) weeks or 448 days -> Strong’s Hebrew: 448. Eliathah: “God has come,”/Greek: 448. anileós: without mercy

After sunset 🌅 – 2/2

Jewish calendar23 Shevat, 23 Shevat (Psalm11918War on Benjamin

Islamic calendarRajab 21 or Rajab 22 [Convert a date]

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia), Address by the President of the Russian Federation (Kremlin) – Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Date: 24 February 2022 = Rajab 23, 1443 AH or Rajab 22 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, January 31…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/31 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 1/18  [Convert a date]

• Bernard of Clairvaux (Wikipedia), was an abbot, mystic, co-founder of the Knights Templar, and a major leader in the reformation of the Benedictine Order through the nascent Cistercian Order, a Doctor of the Church. Canonized: 18 January 1174 (Julian)

• The trial of the Gunpowder Conspirators (UK Parliament) -> The death of Guy Fawkes (HISTORY) At Westminster in London, Guy Fawkes, a chief conspirator in the plot to blow up the British Parliament building, jumps to his death moments before his execution for treason. Date: 31 January 1606 (Julian)

• Truman announces development of H-bomb (HISTORY) – U.S. President Harry S. Truman publicly announces his decision to support the development of the hydrogen bomb, a weapon theorized to be hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan during World War II. Date: 31 January 1950

• The United Kingdom’s membership within the European Union ceases in accordance with Article 50, after 47 years of being a member state (Wikipedia). Date: 31 January 2020 at 23:00 GMT

Chinese calendar12th Month 21

• Batman (TV series) (Wikipedia) The 120 episodes aired on the ABC network for three seasons from 12 January 1966 = 12th Month 21, year of the Snake

• Seal of the United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Adopted: 15 January 2020 = 12th Month 21, year of the Pig

• The Chemical Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) Signed: 13 January 1993 = 12th Month 21, year of the Monkey

[24013101] Numbers1/31 (inclusive) – 2/1

• World War I begins – On July 28, 1914, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War (HISTORYWikipedia), 40,000 days ago. 

• The International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Wikipediawas designated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005, 6666 days ago.

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (, Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014, 9 years, 6 months, 9 days ago

 After sunset 🌅 – 2/1

Jewish calendar22 Shevat (11/22 or 5/22), 22 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• Caliph Ali  martyred (died) (Wikipedia): 21 Ramadan AH 40 = 22 Shevat (Convert a date)

• Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial (YouTube)- The 40th Jewish anniversary of the date (26 January 1984 = 22 Shevat) shown in Apple’s 1984 ad featuring Artemis throwing Thor’s Hammer and disrupting a totalitarian regime (your blog). 

• The United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (UNAEC) (Wikipedia) was founded on 24 January 1946 = 22 Shevat by the very first resolution of the United Nations General Assembly “to deal with the problems raised by the discovery of atomic energy. [The UN General Assembly officially disbanded UNAEC in 1952.], 78 Jewish years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study)

• Sikhote-Alin meteorite (Wikipedia) – An iron meteorite fell on the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, in southeastern Russia, in 1947. Large iron meteorite falls have been witnessed and fragments recovered but never before, in recorded history, a fall of this magnitude. An estimated 23 tonnes of fragments survived the fiery passage through the atmosphere and reached the Earth. Fall date: at around 10:30 AM on 12 February 1947 (eyewitnesses observed a large bolide brighter than the sun) = 22 Shevat

• Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency of the US (WikipediaAmerican Rhetoric) – 

On February 10, 2007 = 22 Shevat, Barack Obama, then-junior United States senator from Illinois, announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States in Springfield, Illinois. Obama announced his candidacy at the Old State Capitol building, where Abraham Lincoln had delivered his “House Divided” speech. Obama (Wikipedia) was born on 4 August 1961. He was 45 years, 6 months, 6 days old  -> Strong’s Greek: 4566. Satan

• Turkey and Greece joined NATO bringing the total number of members to 14. Date: 18 February 1952 (Wikipedia) = 22 Shevat (Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs), 72 Jewish years ago [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

• Senator McCarthy says communists are in State Department (HISTORY), “Enemies within“(Wikipedia). Date: 9 February 1950 = 22 Shevat, a Lincoln Day speech to the Republican Women’s Club of Wheeling, West Virginia.

• Wilhelm II (Wikipedia) was the last German Emperor  (German: Kaiser) and King of Prussia from 1888 until his abdication in 1918, which marked the end of the German Empire and the House of Hohenzollern’s 300-year reign in Prussia and 500-year reign in Brandenburg. Born: 27 January 1859 = 22 Shevat

Islamic calendar20 Rajab or Rajab 21 [Convert a date]

• Damascus captured by the Rashidun Caliphate (Wikipedia), Damascus was the first major city of the Eastern Roman Empire to fall in the Muslim conquest. of Syria. Date: 19 September 634 (Julian) = 20 Rajab (Convert a date)

• The Chemical Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) Signed: 13 January 1993 = Rajab 20, 1413 AH or Rajab 19 (Convert a date).

Here are her notes on Tuesday, January 30…

1/30 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 1/17  [Convert a date]

Joe Biden schedule: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 – The President will travel to Palm Beach, Florida (Forth). 

• Inauguration of Hitler as Chancellor of the German Reich (WikipediaHISTORY) On 30 January 1933, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler. 

• Hitler’s prophecy (Wikipedia) – During a speech at the Reichstag on 30 January 1939 (Wikipedia). Adolf Hitler threatened “the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe” in the event of war: If international finance Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, the result will be not the Bolshevization of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.

• New Order (Nazism) (Wikipedia) – Planning for the Neuordnung had already begun long before the start of World War II, but Adolf Hitler proclaimed a “European New Order” publicly on 30 January 1941. “The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of a great European New Order!”.

• Execution of Charles I (WikipediaHISTORY) – Charles I, the king of England, Scotland, and Ireland, was executed on Tuesday, 30 January 1649 outside the Banqueting House on Whitehall, London. The execution, carried out by beheading the king, was the culmination of political and military conflicts between the royalists and the parliamentarians in England during the English Civil War.

• Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, is ritually executed (*) more than two years after his death, on the 12th anniversary of the execution of the monarch [Charles I] he himself deposed (Wikipedia). Date: 30 January 1661 *[posthumous execution, Oliver Cromwell’s head (Wikipedia)]

• Andrew Jackson [7th President of the United States] narrowly escapes assassination (HISTORYWikipedia) – On January 30, 1835, Jackson becomes the first president to experience an assassination attempt.

• Mayerling incident (Wikipedia) is the series of events surrounding the apparent murder–suicide pact of Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria, and his lover, baroness Mary Vetsera. They were found dead on 30 January 1889 in an imperial hunting lodge in Mayerling. Mayerling Remains A Mystery (The New York Times

• Martyrs’ Day (National Today) – Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi (Wikipedia) Date: 30 January 1948

• Martin Luther King Jr.’s home is bombed (HISTORY) On January 30, 1956, an unidentified suspected white supremacist terrorist bombed the Montgomery home of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. No one was harmed, but the explosion outraged the community and was a major test of King’s steadfast commitment to non-violence.

• Bloody Sunday (1972) (Wikipedia, HISTORY) was a massacre on 30 January 1972 when British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians during a protest march in the Bogside area of Derry, Northern Ireland. Fourteen people died. The march had been organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association to protest against imprisonment without trial.

• Abdullah II of Jordan (Wikipedia), King of Jordan, was born on 30 January 1962

Chinese calendar12th Month 20

• President Harry S. Truman established the National Intelligence Authority and the Central Intelligence Group (WikipediaOffice of the Historian), the precursor of today’s CIA. Date: 22 January 1946 = 12th Month 20, year of the Rooster, 78 Chinese years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study)

• Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial airs during Super Bowl XVIII (HISTORYWikipedia). Date: 22 January 1984 = 12th Month 20, year of the Pig

[24013031] After sunset 🌅 – 1/31

Jewish calendar21 Shevat, 21 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• The U.S. Department of Homeland Security begins operations (Politico). Date: 24 January 2003 = 21 Shevat

• Abdullah II of Jordan (Wikipedia), King of Jordan, having ascended the throne on 7 February 1999 = 21 Shevat.

Islamic calendarRajab 19 or Rajab 20 [Convert a date]

• Damascus captured by the Rashidun Caliphate (Wikipedia), Damascus was the first major city of the Eastern Roman Empire to fall in the Muslim conquest of Syria. Date: 19 September 634 (Julian) = 20 Rajab (Convert a date)

• The Chemical Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) Signed: 13 January 1993 = Rajab 20, 1413 AH or Rajab 19 (Convert a date).

These notes also apply to January 30…

Numbers1/29 (inclusive) – 1/30

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 400 weeks, 4 days ago -> Barack Obama – President number 44 

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (WikipediaJFK Library) Date: November 22, 1963, 623 % of a common year (365 days) Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11) / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum (Wikipedia) (the Brexit referendum) took place on 23 June 2016 (6/23 – Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss and 2016-> 216 = 6x6x6),  7 years, 7 months, 7 days ago

• President Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNNNBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 80 months, 8 days ago -> 88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”; In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

After sunset 🌅 – 1/30

Jewish calendar20 Shevat, 20 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• The First Red Scare (Wikipedia) was a period during the early 20th-century history of the United States marked by a widespread fear of far-left movements, including Bolshevism and anarchism. Duration: 21 January 1919 = 20 Shevat, Seattle General Strike (Wikipedia) – April 1, 1920

• Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas (Wikipedia) 7th United States Secretary of Homeland Security. He was born in Cuba to Jewish parents. Assumed office: 2 February 2021 = 20 Shevat

• President Harry S. Truman established the National Intelligence Authority and the Central Intelligence Group (WikipediaOffice of the Historian), the precursor of today’s CIA. Date: 22 January 1946 = 20 Shevat78 Jewish years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study)

• Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s revolutionary computer Macintosh, two days after the groundbreaking commercial “1984” aired before a national TV audience and heralded the product’s impending release (BritannicaYouTube). Date: 24 January 1984 = 20 Shevat, 40 Jewish years ago, Judaism and the Numbers 4 and 40 (learnreligions)

• Imam Ali struck on the head during prayer by Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam with a poisoned sword. (your blog – Enhanced Note – 9 April 2023) Date: 19 Ramadan (Wikipedia) 40 AH = Shevat 20 (Convert a date

• Jerome Hayden “Jay” Powell (Wikipedia), 16th chair of the Federal Reserve, having served since 5 February 2018 = 20 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 18 or Rajab 19 [Convert a date] 18 Rajab: Death of Abraham (according to Shi’a Islam) (Wikipedia)

• United States recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel (Wikipedia) Proclamation on Recognizing the Golan Heights as Part of the State of Israel (trumpwhitehouse) – Date: 25 March 2019 = Rajab 18, 1440 AH

• Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Wikipedia), Emir of Qatar. Born: 3 June 1980 = Rajab 19, 1400 AH 

• The Great Turkish War (Wikipedia) was a series of conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League consisting of the Holy Roman Empire, Poland-Lithuania, Venice, Russia, and the Kingdom of Hungary. Start date – The main Ottoman army laid siege to Vienna on 14 July 1683 (Wikipedia) = Rajab 19, 1094 AH 

• The Chemical Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) Signed: 13 January 1993 = Rajab 19 (Convert a date) or Rajab 20, 1413 AH

Notes on the occult weirdness surrounding Greg Abbott…

The Abbott (ThoughtCo.) surname means “abbot” or “priest,” from the Old English abbod or Old French abet, which in turn derive from the Late Latin or Greek abbas, from the Aramaic abba, meaning “father.”

Greg Abbott (Wikipedia) [a Catholic] On July 14 (7/7+7), 1984, at age 26 (number In religion), Abbott was paralyzed below the waist when an oak tree fell on him while he was jogging after a storm. Two steel rods were implanted in his spine.

[Saint Walpurga’s (Walpurgis Night) uncle was Saint Boniface (Saint Boniface felling Donar’s Oak)]

Donar’s Oak = Thor’s Oak (Wikipedia) was a sacred tree of the Germanic pagans located in an unclear location around what is now the region of Hesse, Germany.…the Anglo-Saxon missionary Saint Boniface and his retinue cut down the tree.…Wood from the oak was then reportedly used to build a church at the site dedicated to Saint Peter. .…Sacred groves and sacred trees were venerated throughout the history of the Germanic peoples and were targeted for destruction by Christian missionaries during the Christianization of the Germanic peoples (here). 

• Travis County judge apologizes for saying Gov. Greg Abbott “hates trees because one fell on him” (The Texas Tribune

Gematria: “hates trees because one fell on him” =  Prince Harry Duke of Sussex 1x, assassination of Abraham Lincoln 2x 

Greg Abbott’s spine of steel (msnbc) = John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 2x, The United States Of America 2x. 

• Greg Abbott’s accident: Saturday, July 14, 1984 = Shawwal 15  = 14 Tamuz = 6th Month 16, year of the Rat (6/16)

Born: November 13, 1957 = Julian 31 October 

Reformation Day (Wikipedia) is a Protestant Christian religious holiday celebrated on 31 October in remembrance of the onset of the Reformation. …, 31 October 1517 (Julian) = Shawwal 15 was the day German Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Electorate of Saxony in the Holy Roman Empire (HISTORY).

Here are her notes on Friday, January 26…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/26 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 1/13  [Convert a date] – Friday the 13th (Wikipedia)

Roman festivalsIanuarius 13 (Wikipedia) Ludi circenses for Jupiter Stator, the god of the sky and thunder, and king of the gods in ancient Roman religion and mythology. Ianuarius 26: day on which Sementivae (Wikipedia) most often ended. 

National Diane/Diana Day (National Today)

• Pope Recognizes Knights Templar (HISTORY), On [Friday] January 13, 1128, Pope Honorius II grants a papal sanction to the military order known as the Knights Templar, declaring it to be an army of God. 

• Assassination of Ali (Wikipedia) – On 26 or 28 or 30 January 661 (17 or 19 or 21 Ramadan 40 AH), when Ali arrived at the mosque to lead the morning prayer, Ibn Muljim attacked and wounded Ali on the crown of his head with a poisoned sword either during the prayer, or as he was entering the mosque. (your blog – Enhanced Note – 9 April 2023)

• The White Revolution (Wikipedia) or the Shah and People Revolution was a far-reaching series of reforms resulting in aggressive modernization  in the Imperial State of Iran launched on 26 January 1963 by the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, which lasted until 1979.

• Basketball star Kobe Bryant dies in helicopter crash (HISTORY). Date: 26 January 2020

Chinese calendar12th Month 16

• Vladimir Lenin (Wikipedia) served as the first and founding head of government of Soviet Russia and of the Soviet Union. Under his administration, Russia, and later the Soviet Union, became a one-party socialist state governed by the Communist Party. Died: 21 January 1924 = 12th Month 16, year of the Pig

[24012627] Numbers1/26 (inclusive) – 1/27

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (WikipediaJFK Library) Date: 22 November 1963, 60 years, 66 days ago [Number of the beast: 666].

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 7 years, 7 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

After sunset 🌅 – 1/27 

Jewish calendar17 ShevatShabbat Shirah, 17 Shevat (Psalm11918)

 GematriaShabbat Shirah = A big tidal wave 4x, Goat sacrifice 3x, Usama bin Laden (*) 3x, Female messiah 3x, Murder Joe Biden 2x, Kamala D Harris 3x  [*The FBI and CIA, …, have used either “Usama bin Laden” or the accepted transliteration “Usama bin Ladin”(Wikipedia).]

• The Paris Peace Conference (HISTORYLibrary of Congress) – On 18 January 1919 = 17 Shevat – Shabbat Shirah, in Paris, France, some of the most powerful people in the world meet to begin the long, complicated negotiations that would officially mark the end of the First World War.

• Geneva Protocol (Wikipedia) is a treaty prohibiting the use of chemical and biological weapons in international armed conflicts. Effective: 8 February 1928 = 17 Shevat

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia) is the 6th and current President of Ukraine. Born: 25 January 1978 = 17 Shevat

 • Liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp (Wikipedia) On 27 January 1945 = Shabbat Shirah

 • Death and state funeral of Ariel Sharon (Wikipedia) After eight years in a coma, Israel’s 11th prime minister Ariel Sharon died on 11 January 2014 at 14:00 local time (12:00 UTC) = Shabbat Shirah 

• First appearance of the Democratic Party donkey (HISTORY) – Date: 15 January 1870 (or January 19, Wikimedia) = Shabbat Shirah

Islamic calendarRajab 15  or Rajab 16 [Convert a date]

• The Gleiwitz incident (Wikipedia) was a false flag attack on the radio station Sender Gleiwitz in Gleiwitz (then Germany and now Gliwice, Poland) staged by Nazi Germany on the night of 31 August 1939 (after sunset) = Rajab 16. Along with some two dozen similar incidents, the attack was manufactured by Germany as a casus belli to justify the invasion of Poland-> World War II (Wikipediabegan in Europe on 1 September 1939 = Rajab 16, 1358 AH  with the German invasion of Poland (Wikipedia) and the United Kingdom and France’s declaration of war on Germany two days later on 3 September 1939.

• The Trotsky Assassination (History Today), Leon Trotsky (Wikipedia) Lev Davidovich Bronstein, was a Russian revolutionary,… Along with Vladimir Lenin, he was a central figure in the October Revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union. He was attacked on 20 August 1940 = Rajab 16, 1359 AH and died of his injuries the following day.

Here are her notes on Thursday, January 25…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/25 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 1/12  [Convert a date]

Full Moon (Wolf Moon) at 17:53 UTC (In The Skytimeanddate) ->  1073 minutes into the day. Strong’s Greek: 1073. gemó: to be full / Hebrew: 1073. bakkurah: firstripe (first +‎ ripe)

Roman festivals: continuation of Sementivae (Wikipedia) on its most frequently observed date (Wikipedia). 

• The Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle (Wikipedia) is a feast celebrated during the liturgical year on 25 January, at the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. [Jesuit missionaries founded the city of São Paulo (now in Brazil) (Wikipedia) on the anniversary of the conversion of St. Paul (Britannica). Date: 25 January 1554.]

• NASA’s Day of Remembrance (National Today) is observed annually on the last Thursday of January 

• League of Nations (Wikipedia) – On 25 January 1919, in Paris, delegates to the peace conference formally approve the establishment of a commission on the League of Nations (History).

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia) is the 6th and current President of Ukraine. Born: 25 January 1978, his 46th birthday.

• Russia activates its nuclear command systems for the first time (HISTORY). Date: 25 January 1995

Chinese calendar12th Month 15

• The Security Council held its first session (UN) on 17 January 1946 = 12th Month 15, year of the Rooster, at Church House, Westminster, London. Since its first meeting, the Security Council has taken permanent residence at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, 78 Jewish years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study)

• First group of Korean immigrants enter Hawaii (HISTORY) – Date: 13 January 1903 = 12th Month 15, year of the Tiger

[24012526] Numbers1/25 (inclusive) – 1/26

• The International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Wikipediawas designated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005, 6660 days ago -> 666 [Number of the beast]

• The attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. Date: 7 December 1941, 30,000 days ago

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia) – Born: 15 September 1984 at 16:203938,9% of a common year (365 days) -> 3939 Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 19464050 weeks old

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 3022 days ago -> 322 [Skull and Bones]

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) is the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955, 69 years, 9 days old 

 • Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014) Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock. (CBS NEWS) Date: 26 May 2014, 116 months ago

• Arturo Sosa (Wikipedia) is a Venezuelan Catholic priest who serves as the 31st and present superior general of the Society of Jesus. Installed: 14 October 2016, 2660 days or 380 weeks ago.  -> Pope Francis is the 266th and current pope of the Roman Catholic Church (Learn Religions). (Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure. Hamartia (Wikipedia)  is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.)

• Mohammad Shtayyeh (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority since March 2019. Born: 17 January 1958, 66 years, 9 days old

After sunset 🌅 – 1/26

Jewish calendar16 Shevat (5/16 or 11/16), 16 Shevat (Psalm11918)

Strong’s Greek: 1116Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116bamah: a high place

Amos 5:16 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be wailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!’ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.

• Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia) formally the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, is a multilateral treaty that forms the basis of international space law. Negotiated and drafted under the auspices of the United Nations, it was opened for signature in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union on 27 January 1967 = 16 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 14 or Rajab 15 [Convert a date]

• The siege of Jerusalem (1099) – (Wikipedia) was carried out by the Crusader army, which successfully captured Jerusalem from the Fatimid Caliphate and subsequently founded the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Start date:  7 June 1099  (Julian) = Rajab 15, 492 AH 

• Saladin begins the Siege of Jerusalem (1187) (Wikipedia) Date: from 20 September 1187 = Rajab 15

Here are her notes on Wednesday, January 24…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/24 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 1/11  [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Sementivae (Wikipedia) was a festival of sowing. It was held in honor of Ceres (the goddess of agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth).

Feast of Our Lady of Peace in Roman Catholic Church (AnydayGuideWikipedia) is celebrated annually on January 24 in Hawaii and in some churches of the United States.

Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib (AnydayGuide)

• The United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (UNAEC) (Wikipedia) was founded on 24 January 1946 by the very first resolution of the United Nations General Assembly “to deal with the problems raised by the discovery of atomic energy. [The UN General Assembly officially disbanded UNAEC in 1952.]

• World Economic Forum (Wikipedia), an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation based in Cologny, canton of Geneva, Switzerland. Founded:  24 January 1971(by German engineer Klaus Schwab), 53 years ago

• Mike Pence and Pope Francis meet in a surprisingly long first visit (America Magazine). Date: 24 January 2020. 

• Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s revolutionary computer Macintosh, two days after the groundbreaking commercial “1984” aired before a national TV audience and heralded the product’s impending release (BritannicaYouTube). Date: 24 January 1984, 40 years ago 

Chinese calendar12th Month 14, year of the Rabbit

• Kim Jong-un (Wikipedia), supreme leader of North Korea

Born: 8 January 1982 (or 1983, 1984) = 12th Month 14, year of the Rooster

• First appearance of the Democratic Party donkey (HISTORY) 15 January 1870 (or January 19, Wikimedia)= 12th Month 14, year of the Snake

• Liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp (Wikipedia) On 27 January 1945 = 12th Month 14, year of the Monkey. 

• 1919 – Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, two of the most prominent communists in Germany, are clubbed and then shot to death by members of the Freikorps at the end of the Spartacist uprising. (WikipediaHISTORY) Date: 15 January 1919  = 12th Month 14, year of the Horse

[24012425] Numbers1/24 (inclusive) – 1/25

• Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) – Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates – U.S. Embassy in Israel (U.S. Embassy in Israel) Date: 13 August 2020, 1260 days ago

• Charles III, King of the U.K. and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened (WikipediaRoyal Central) on 15 December 1948, 901 months 10 days ago -> 911

After sunset 🌅 – 1/25

Jewish calendar15 Shevat (5/15 or 11/15 (*)) New Year for Trees – Tu BiShevat. This is the season in which the earliest-blooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle. -> *Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a hill near Jer. a skull (Latin: calvaria), the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull.

• The Security Council held its first session (UN) on 17 January 1946 = 15 Shevat at Church House, Westminster, London. Since its first meeting, the Security Council has taken permanent residence at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, 78 Jewish years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used. The phrase is utilized in relation to the plagues God sent upon Egypt in order to free the children of Israel from slavery. Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.

• Vladimir Lenin (Wikipedia) served as the first and founding head of government of Soviet Russia and of the Soviet Union. Under his administration, Russia, and later the Soviet Union, became a one-party socialist state governed by the Communist Party. Died: 21 January 1924 = 15 Shevat

1913 Ottoman coup d’état (Wikipedia), also known as the Raid on the Sublime Porte. During the coup, the Minister of War, Nazım Pasha, was assassinated and the Grand Vizier was forced to resign. Date: 23 January 1913 =  15 Shevat

• on the 444th day of the Iran hostage crisis (Wikipedia), 

twenty minutes after Ronald Reagan is inaugurated as the 40th President of the United States of America, Iran releases 52 American hostages (Wikipedia, Did Iran Delay Hostages Release To Ensure Reagan’s Election? WRMEA) Date: 20 January 1981 = 15 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 13 or Rajab 14 [Convert a date]

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), served as the 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 1946 = Rajab 14 (7/7+7), 1365 AH [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• The Great New York City Fire of 1845 (Wikipedia) broke out in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The fire started in a whale oil (*) and candle manufacturing establishment and quickly spread to other wooden structures. Date: 19 July 1845 =  Rajab 14, 1261 AH . * Trump boasts of meeting ‘Prince of Whales’ (The Guardian).

Here are her notes on Tuesday, January 23…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/23 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 1/10  [Convert a date]

National King Day (National Today) …… a king “must be murdered as soon as his abilities begin to weaken.” (National Today)

World Freedom Day in Taiwan (AnydayGuide)

• Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon [The phrase “crossing the Rubicon” is an idiom that means “passing a point of no return”.], signalling the start of civil war (Wikipedia). Date: 10 January 49 BC (Julian).

• China: 1556 Shaanxi earthquake (WikipediaHISTORY) It was the deadliest recorded earthquake in history, and in turn one of the deadliest natural disasters in Chinese history. Date: 23 January 1556 = 1 Shevat

• 1913 Ottoman coup d’état (Wikipedia), also known as the Raid on the Sublime Porte. During the coup, the Minister of War, Nazım Pasha, was assassinated and the Grand Vizier was forced to resign. Date: 23 January 1913

• The Knesset passes a resolution confirming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, proclaiming that “Jerusalem is, and has always been, the capital of Israel (Wikipedia). Date: 23 January 1950

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City (abc NEWS). It was his first trip to the Middle East. Date: 23 January 2018

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City ( or Date: 23 January 2020

• Madeline Albright is sworn in as America’s first female Secretary of State (HISTORYAlbright was the highest ranking female official in U.S. history, a distinction that led some to declare that the “glass ceiling” preventing the ascension of women in government had been lifted. Date: 23 January 1997

Chinese calendar: 12th Month 13

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus. (Kremlin) Date: 7 January 2020  = 12th Month 13, year of the Pig

• Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.  (Wikipedia) is a son of U.S. attorney general and senator Robert F. Kennedy. [Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 2024 presidential campaign (Wikipedia)] – Born: 17 January 1954 = 12th Month 13, year of the Snake 

[24012324] Numbers1/23 (inclusive) – 1/24

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 99 months, 6 days ago

•The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 7 years, 77 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News].

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Founded: 20 December 2019, 4 years, 5 weeks ago [Trump’s number 45]

• The Covenant of the League of Nations (Wikipedia) was signed as Part I of the Treaty of Versailles (*), and became effective together with the rest of the Treaty. Date: 10 January 1920 = League of Nations instituted (HISTORY), 38000 days ago  *The Treaty of Versailles (Wikipedia) was the most important of the peace treaties of World War I. Although a ceasefire had been in place since November 11, 1918, World War I officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles

After sunset 🌅 – 1/24

Jewish calendar14 Shevat, 14 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• 1919 – Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, two of the most prominent communists in Germany, are clubbed and then shot to death by members of the Freikorps at the end of the Spartacist uprising. (WikipediaHISTORY) Date: 15 January 1919 = 14 Shevat

• CERN (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. -> Israel Joins CERN (CERN). UNESCO officially recorded Israel’s accession as a new CERN Member State on 6 January 2014 Ceremony: 15 January 2014 = 14 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 12  or Rajab 13 [Convert a date]

13 Rajab: ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib,  was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, the fourth Rashidun caliph and the first Shia Imam, who ruled from 656 to 661. Born: (Wikipedia)

• International recognition of Israel (Wikipedia) – The State of Israel was admitted to the United Nations (UN) as a full member state on 11 May 1949 = Rajab 12, 1368 AH or Rajab 13 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Monday, January 22…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

SPECIAL ADVANCE NOTE: [1/24 (inclusive) – 1/25

Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) – Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates – U.S. Embassy in Israel (U.S. Embassy in Israel) Date: 13 August 2020, 1260 days ago]

1/22 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 1/9  [Convert a date]

• Bloody Sunday or Red Sunday (1905) (WikipediaHISTORY) was the series of events on Sunday, 22 January 1905 in St Petersburg, Russia, when unarmed demonstrators, led by Father Georgy Gapon, were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard as they marched towards the Winter Palace to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. The massacre on Bloody Sunday is considered to be the start of the active phase of the Revolution of 1905 (Wikipedia). 

• Unity Day in Ukraine (AnydayGuide) In the beginning of the 20th century the modern territory of Ukraine was divided between the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. By 1918, both empires ceased to exist. As a result, two countries proclaimed their independence: the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) and the West Ukrainian People’s Republic (ZUNR). On 22 January 1919, the UNR and the ZUNR signed the Unification Act (Wikipedia), and a unified Ukrainian state was created.

• President Harry S. Truman established the National Intelligence Authority and the Central Intelligence Group (WikipediaOffice of the Historian), the precursor of today’s CIA. Date: 22 January 1946, 78 years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used. The phrase is utilized in relation to the plagues God sent upon Egypt in order to free the children of Israel from slavery. Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.

• Ted Kaczynski pleads guilty (HISTORY) to all federal charges against him, acknowledging his responsibility for a 17-year campaign of package bombings attributed to the “Unabomber.” Date: 22 January 1998

• The Supreme Court of the United States delivers its decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, legalizing elective abortion in all fifty states (WikipediaHISTORY) Decided: 22 January 1973 -> Roe vs. Wade Day (National Today) vs. National Sanctity of Human Life Day (National TodayWikipedia)

• National Vincent Day (National Today) is commemorated on January 22 annually.

JFK Jr. is Vincent Fusca (The Independent). Gematria: National Vincent Day = Concentration camps 4x

• Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial airs during Super Bowl XVIII  on January 22, 1984 (HISTORYWikipediaYouTube), 40 years ago -> on the screen DATE: 1.26.84, TIME: 09.15  And sign: WITH THEIR OWN CONFUSION.

Gematria: with their own confusion = Operation Swords of Iron (*) 3x, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) 2x; *is the name given to the IDF’s campaign against Hamas in the Gaza Strip (Israel–Hamas war, Wikipedia).

More notes about Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial: at the beginning is the number 14 (Wikipedia), Fourteen Words (Wikipedia), 14 and 88: Why white supremacists love the numbers, In Mandarin-speaking regions in China, 14 and 74 are considered more unlucky than the individual 4 (Wikipedia);  the atomic number of silicon is 14

Thor (Wikipedia) In Norse mythology, he is a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of humankind, hallowing, and fertility. And here: Thor is frequently referred to …– as either the Roman god Jupiter (also known as Jove) or the Greco-Roman god Hercules.” [Prince Harry is Hercules]

On the screen is the time 09.15 and the last time that can be seen is 09.19 (the alternate Number of the Beast, 616, inverted) -> Prince Harry (Wikipedia) was (reportedly) born 15 September 1984 = 9/151984 – Nineteen Eighty-Four (Wikipedia) Orwell, a democratic socialist, modelled the authoritarian state in the novel on the Soviet Union in the era of Stalinism, and Nazi Germany and from Britannica: “Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-four as a warning after years of brooding on the twin menaces of Nazism and Stalinism.”

1984 was 40 years ago -> Judaism and the Numbers 4 and 40 (learnreligions).

Chinese calendar12th Month 12 (12/12) 

[24012223] Numbers1/22 (inclusive) – 1/23

• President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there (CNNUnited States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia) Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 6 weeks, 6 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Mohammad Shtayyeh (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority since March 2019. Born: 17 January 1958, 66 years, 6 days old [Number of the beast: 666]

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955, 69 years, 6 days old 

• King Charles III, (as  Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset (World Economic Forum), Date: 3 June 2020, 3 years, 33 weeks, 3 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 1/23

Jewish calendar13 Shevat, 13 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• Liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp (Wikipedia) On 27 January 1945 = 13 Shevat, (Shabbat Shirah). Auschwitz concentration camp in occupied Poland where more than a million people were murdered as part of the Nazis’ “Final Solution” to the Jewish question—was liberated by the Soviet Red Army. 

• First appearance of the Democratic Party donkey (HISTORY) January 15, 1870 = 13 Shevat (Shabbat Shirah) (or January 19, Wikimedia), the first recorded use of a donkey to represent the Democratic Party appears in Harper’s Weekly. 

• Janet Louise Yellen (Wikipedia), 78th United States Secretary of the Treasury and Antony Blinken (Wikipedia) 71st United States Secretary of State. Assumed offices: 26 January 2021 = 13 Shevat

• Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (Wikipedia) is a son of U.S. attorney general and senator Robert F. Kennedy. [Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 2024 presidential campaign (Wikipedia)] – Born: 17 January 1954 (time ?) = 13 Shevat (or 14)

Islamic calendarRajab 11 (7/11) or Rajab 12 [Convert a date] (d/m date format 12/7)

Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

• International recognition of Israel (Wikipedia) – The State of Israel was admitted to the United Nations (UN) as a full member state on 11 May 1949 = Rajab 12, 1368 AH or Rajab 13 (Convert a date)

• On Monday evening (after sunset ?, in Buffalo, New York), 18 April 2016 – Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’(CNNYouTube – CNNAnd the very next day – Replica of Ancient Palmyra Arch Unveiled at Trafalgar Square in London, Britain (VOA News). Date: Tuesday, 19 April 2016 = Rajab 11 (Convert a date) or Rajab 12Gematria: Ancient Palmyra Arch = False flag operation 3x

Here are her notes on Sunday, January 21…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/21 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 1/8  [Convert a date]

The third Sunday in January is World Religion Day (AnydayGuideWikipedia) This observance is aimed to promote interfaith understanding and harmony. Gematria: World Religion Day = misunderstanding 2x

• During the French Revolution – Execution of Louis XVI (WikipediaThe Guardian) Louis XVI (Louis Auguste), former king of France since the abolition of the monarchy, was publicly executed [by guillotine] on 21 January 1793 (at 22 minutes after 10 o’clock in the forenoon) at the Place de la Révolution [Place de la Concorde (Wikipedia)] in Paris. Often viewed as a turning point in both French and European history, this “regicide” inspired various reactions around the world. (“Jacques de Molay, thou art avenged”, Wikipedia).

• Grigori Rasputin (Wikipedia) is best known for having befriended the imperial family of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of Russia, through whom he gained considerable influence in the final years of the Russian Empire. Born: 21 January 1869

• The First Red Scare (Wikipedia) was a period during the early 20th-century history of the United States marked by a widespread fear of far-left movements, including Bolshevism and anarchism. Duration: 21 January 1919, Seattle General Strike (Wikipedia) – April 1, 1920

• Vladimir Lenin (WikipediaHISTORY), the architect of the Bolshevik Revolution. Under his administration, Russia, and later the Soviet Union, became a one-party socialist state governed by the Communist Party. Died: 21 January 1924, the 100th anniversary of his death 

• Pope John Paul II became the first Catholic pontiff to visit Cuba (Business InsiderVatican). Date: 21 January 1998, 26 years ago 

• 2017 Women’s March (WikipediaHISTORY) was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as US president. It was the largest single-day protest in U.S. history.

• First confirmed case of COVID-19 found in U.S. (HISTORYCDC) Date: (20) or 21 January 2020. 

Chinese calendar12th Month 11

• Ariel Sharon (Wikipedia) 11th Prime Minister of Israel. Died: 11 January 2014 = 12th Month 11, year of the Snake

• Hitler’s prophecy (Wikipedia) During a speech at the Reichstag on 30 January 1939 = 12th Month 11, year of the Tiger, Adolf Hitler threatened “the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe” in the event of war: If international finance Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, the result will be not the Bolshevization of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.

[24012122] Numbers1/21 (inclusive) – 1/22

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Created cardinal: 22 February 2014, 9 years, 11 month ago -> 911

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 62 weeks, 3 days ago-> 623 -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11) / Hebrew: 623.Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

After sunset 🌅 – 1/22

Jewish calendar12 Shevat, 12 Shevat (Psalm11918)

Warsaw Ghetto Insurgency Begins (1943)

• Rafael Mariano Grossi (Wikipedia) 6th Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Born: 29 January 1961 = 12 Shevat

• Frank Oppenheimer (Wikipedia), a younger brother of renowned physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. Died: 3 February 1985 = 12 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 10 or Rajab 11 (7/11) … (Convert a date)

On Monday evening (after sunset ?, in Buffalo, New York), 18 April 2016 – Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’(CNNYouTube – CNNAnd the very next day – Replica of Ancient Palmyra Arch Unveiled at Trafalgar Square in London, Britain (VOA News). Date: Tuesday, 19 April 2016 = Rajab 11 (Convert a date) or Rajab 12Gematria: Ancient Palmyra Arch = False flag operation 3x.

Here are her notes on Saturday, January 20…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/20 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 1/7 [Convert a date]

Pluto at solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 21:54 UTC (9:54 PM) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 2154. zimmah: a plan, device, wickedness / Greek: 954. Beelzeboul: Beelzebul, a name of Satan; Usage: …the chief of evil spirits. -> Pluto (mythology) (Wikipedia) was the ruler of the Greek underworld. The earlier name for the god was Hades. [other notes: Bident (Wikipedia) is a two-pronged implement resembling a pitchfork. In Greek mythology, the bident is a weapon associated with Hades (Pluto)Bidental (Wikipedia) – In ancient Roman religion, a bidental was a sacred shrine erected on the spot where lightning had struckBidens (Wikipedia) is a genus of flowering plants in the aster family. One of its common names is black jack.]

Close approach of the Moon and the Pleiades (M45) (In The Sky) at 14:39 UTC. -> Greek mythology: The Pleiades (Wikipedia) were the seven sister-nymphs, companions of Artemis.

Roman festivals/datesIanuarius 7 (Wikipedia) supplication for Jupiter Sempiternus to commemorate the assumption of the fasces (*) by Augustus. *The image has survived in the modern world as a representation of magisterial or collective power, law, and governance… it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived).

Day of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Ukraine (AnydayGuide), Day of Remembrance of the Defenders of the Donetsk Airport in Ukraine (AnydayGuide), Martyr’s Day in Azerbaijan (AnydayGuide)

Inauguration Day takes place every four years on January 20, and will take place next on January 20, 2025. (National Today). Until the ratification of the Twentieth Amendment in 1933, the official day for presidential inaugurations was March 4 (Library of Congress). 

• Wannsee Conference (Wikipedia) was a meeting of senior government officials of Nazi Germany and Schutzstaffel (SS) leaders, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee. The purpose of the conference was to ensure the co-operation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question (Wikipedia), a plan for the genocide of individuals they defined as Jews. Date: 20 January 1942

Chinese calendar12th Month 10

• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Wikipedia) – On January 17, 1951 = 12th Month 10, year of the Tiger, the Rebbe formally accepted the leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch (

• The Pentagon (Wikipedia) – Ground was broken on 11 September 1941, and the building was dedicated on 15 January 1943 = 12th Month 10, year of the Horse.

[24012021] Numbers1/20 (inclusive) – 1/21

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), 45th U.S. President – Born: 14 June 1946, 77 years, 7 months, 7 days old -> 7777 [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III. (HISTORY) Date: 8 September 2022, 500 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• Two significant events occurred on the same day Sergei Shoigu was appointed Defence Minister of the Russian Federation (Kremlin) and 2012 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term. Date: 6 November 2012, 11 years, 10 weeks, 6 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea/Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place 

After sunset 🌅 – 1/21

Jewish calendar11 Shevat (5/11 or 11/11), 11 Shevat (Psalm11918), [Zelenskyy’s 5.11 Shirt with the Ukrainian Flag (Athlon Outdoors)]

Islamic calendar: Rajab 9 or Rajab 10 [Convert a date]

Here are her notes on Friday, January 19…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/19 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 1/6 [Convert a date]

γ-Ursae Minorid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky) in the constellation Ursa Minor.  Ursa Minor (informally called the Little Dipper). [The Little Dipper twin stars of Pherkad and Kochab are analogs to Castor and Pollux (your blog – MORE – 21 January 2023).] 

Eastern Orthodox liturgics: January 6 (Wikipedia, AnydayGuide) – The Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ (Baptism of the Lord) – Cross Procession with Great Blessing of Waters outdoors. Traditionally, the beginning of the season of house blessings with Holy Water”

Christmas ( Wikipedia) – January 19 (O.S. January 6) Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem -> The Holy Land is unique in celebrating Christmas three times; on December 25th, January 6th and January 19th (The Jerusalem Post).

Day of Gaza ( – January 19, marks Gaza Day in Iran, a day in which Iranians voice their support for the resistance of the people of Gaza Strip against Israeli hostilities.

Confederate Heroes Day in Texas ( and Robert E. Lee’s Birthday (Wikipedia).

• Holy See–Israel relations (Wikipedia)… A Vatican Nunciature in Israel and an Israeli embassy in Rome were simultaneously opened on 19 January 1994.

Chinese calendar12th Month 9

• Benito Mussolini declares himself dictator of Italy (HISTORY) Date: 3 January 1925 = 12th Month 9, year of the Rat

• Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia) – Died on 31 December 2022 = 12th Month 9, year of the Tiger

• Assassination of Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) – Soleimani (Western nickname:The Shadow Commanderwas an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force. He was killed by a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq while he was on his way to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi. Date: 3 January 2020 about 1:00 a.m. (local time, UTC+3), = 12th Month 9, year of the Pig

• The Second inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. A private (official) swearing-in ceremony took place on Sunday, January 20, 2013 = 12th Month 9, year of the Dragon in the Blue Room of the White House, followed by a public inauguration ceremony on Monday, January 21, 2013, at the West Front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.

• President Harry S. Truman officially proclaims the end of hostilities in World War II. – Presidential Proclamation 2714 (Wikipedia). Date: 31 December 1946 = 12th Month 9, year of the Dog 

• The America We Deserve (Wikipedia)  is a book about public policy written by American businessman (and later, 45th U.S. President) Donald Trump and author Dave Shiflett. Originally published (Google Search): January 15, 2000 = 12th Month 9, year of the Rabbit

[24011920] Numbers1/19 (inclusive) – 1/20

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House) , 8 years, 94 days -> Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: Babylon / Greek: 894apsinthos: wormwood; 894 ápsinthos – a bitter plant known as wormwood” (figuratively) what is intensely bitter (grievous), bringing on very sad results (used only in Rev 8:11) -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (Wikipedia)

• Michelle Obama was on a Paris cruise when Notre Dame caught fire (Daily Mail Online). Notre-Dame fire (Wikipedia) On 15 April 2019, just before 18:20 CEST, a structural fire  broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame de Paris, a medieval Catholic cathedral in Paris, France, 4 years, 40 weeks ago -> [Barack Obama’s President number is 44 (Google Search)].

• The Russo-Ukrainian War (Wikipedia) and the annexation of Crimea (Wikipedia) began on 20 February 2014, 9 years, 11 months ago -> 9/11

• Kim Jong Un (Wikipedia) Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army – Assumed office: 30 December 2011, 4404 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 1/20

Jewish calendar10 Shevat (5/10 or 11/10), 10 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• Hitler’s prophecy (Wikipedia) – During a speech at the Reichstag on 30 January 1939 = 10 Shevat 5699, Adolf Hitler threatened “the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe” in the event of war”.

Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Wikipedia), the Rebbe. On January 17, 1951 = 10 Shevat, 5711, the Rebbe formally accepted the leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch by delivering the traditional discourse of Chassidic teaching, maamar, at a gathering marking the first anniversary of his father-in-law’s passing (chabad here and here).

• Death and state funeral of Ariel Sharon (Wikipedia) After eight years in a coma, Israel’s 11th prime minister Ariel Sharon died on 11 January 2014 at 14:00 local time (12:00 UTC) = 10 Shevat, the 10th Jewish anniversary of his death. Hamas rejoiced at the death of a “criminal” who had “hands … covered with Palestinian blood (Wikipedia).

• The Second inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. A private (official) swearing-in ceremony took place on Sunday, January 20, 2013  in the Blue Room of the White House, followed by a public inauguration ceremony on Monday, January 21, 2013 = 10 Shevat , at the West Front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Islamic calendarRajab 8 or Rajab 9 [Convert a date]

• The Edict of Expulsion (Wikipedia) was a royal decree issued by King Edward I expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England, the first time a European state permanently banned their presence. Date: 18 July 1290 = Rajab 9, 689 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, January 18…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/18 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 1/5 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 20:42 UTC. 

Eastern Orthodox liturgics: Eve of the Theophany of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Wikipedia).

Christmas Eve (Wikipedia) is the evening or entire day before Christmas Day, the festival commemorating the birth of Jesus. Date: 18 January (Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem) -> The Holy Land is unique in celebrating Christmas three times; on December 25th, January 6th and January 19th (The Jerusalem Post).

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity every year from January 18 to January 25 (National Today).

Winnie the Pooh Day (National Today), A. A. Milne, creator of Winnie the Pooh, was born on 18 January 1882 -> Xi Jinping is Winnie the Pooh (Google Search)

• Bernard of Clairvaux (Wikipedia), was an abbot, mystic, co-founder of the Knights Templar, and a major leader in the reformation of the Benedictine Order through the nascent Cistercian Order, a Doctor of the Church. Canonized: 18 January 1174, Rome, Papal States by Pope Alexander III.

• Proclamation of the German Empire (Wikipedia) on 18 January 1871, Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles, France.

• The Paris Peace Conference (Library of CongressHISTORY) – On January 18, 1919, a few months after the end of World War I, leaders from the Allied nations began a series of discussions that became known as the Paris Peace Conference to settle issues raised by the war and its aftermath.

• 1943 – Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: The first uprising of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto (Wikipedia). 

Chinese calendar12th Month 8

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021 = 12th Month 8, year of the Rat

• The United States and the Holy See announced the establishment of diplomatic relations (Wikipedia). In sharp contrast to the long record of strong domestic opposition, this time there was very little opposition from Congress, the courts, and Protestant groups. Date: 10 January 1984 (after a 117-year break) = 12th Month 8, year of the Pig

• Pope Francis makes his first papal visit to Rome synagogue (The GuardianVatican). Date:  Sunday, 17 January 2016 = 12th Month 8, year of the Goat

• The first session of the United Nations General Assembly (Wikipedia) opened on 10 January 1946 = 12th Month 8, year of the Rooster at the Methodist Central Hall (also known as Central Hall Westminster) in London. On the same day Project Diana (Wikipedia).

[24011819] Numbers: 1/18 (inclusive) – 1/19

• 1937 tour of Germany by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor – Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor (Edward had abdicated the British throne in December 1936), and Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, visited Nazi GermanyMeeting Hitler (Wikipedia) The tour culminated on 22 October, when they met Hitler at the Berghof (Wikipedia), 4500 weeks ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 1/19

Jewish calendar9 Shevat (5/9 or 11/9), 9 Shevat (Psalm11918)

Moshiach’s Torah Scroll” completed (1970)

• Pope Recognizes Knights Templar (HISTORY), On Friday January 13, 1128 = 9 Shevat 4888 (Convert a date), Pope Honorius II grants a papal sanction to the military order known as the Knights Templar, declaring it to be an army of God

• Grigori Rasputin (Wikipedia), Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was a Russian mystic and holy man. He is best known for having befriended the imperial family of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of Russia, through whom he gained considerable influence in the final years of the Russian Empire. Born: 21 January 1869, Pokrovskoe, Russia = 9 Shevat

• The Second inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. A private (official) swearing-in ceremony took place on Sunday, January 20, 2013 = 9 Shevat in the Blue Room of the White House, followed by a public inauguration ceremony on Monday, January 21, 2013, at the West Front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.

• The Pentagon (Wikipedia) – Ground was broken on 11 September 1941 (9/11), and the building was dedicated on 15 January 1943 = 9 Shevat (11/9). 

Islamic calendarRajab 7 (7/7) or Rajab 8 (7/8) [Convert a date]

• First Russo-Chechen War (WikipediaHISTORY) begins. In the largest Russian military offensive since the 1979 invasion of Afghanistan, thousands of troops and hundreds of tanks pour into the breakaway Russian republic of Chechnya. Date: 11 December 1994 = Rajab 8, 1415 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, January 17…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

150 days later is June 15th – the Day of Arafah (WikipediaNational today) followed by Eid al-Adha (Wikipedia)

1/17 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 1/4 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of Venus and Ceres at 02:15 UTC (In The Sky) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 215. or: to be or become light / Greek: 215. alalétos: inexpressible -> Venus is Lucifer (Wikipedia) (Light-Bringer)

The Seventy disciples (Wikipedia), known in the Eastern Christian traditions as the seventy apostles or seventy-two apostles, were early emissaries of Jesus mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. Feast: 4 January (Eastern Orthodoxy)

Revelation 17:1 (NKJV) Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters.

• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Wikipedia) – On 17 January 1951, the Rebbe formally accepted the leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch by delivering the traditional discourse of Chassidic teaching, maamar, at a gathering marking the first anniversary of his father-in-law’s passing (1950: Leadership –, the 73rd anniversary. 

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955, his 69th birthday. 

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, her 60th birthday. 

• Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.  (Wikipedia) is a son of U.S. attorney general and senator Robert F. Kennedy. [Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 2024 presidential campaign (Wikipedia)] – Born: 17 January 1954, his 70th birthday. 

• Pope Francis makes his first papal visit to Rome synagogue (The GuardianVatican). Date:  Sunday, 17 January 2016

• Mohammad Shtayyeh (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority since March 2019. Born: 17 January 1958, his 66th birthday.

• The Security Council held its first session on 17 January 1946 at Church House, Westminster, London. Since its first meeting, the Security Council has taken permanent residence at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City (UN), 78 years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.

• Gulf War (Wikipedia) – Operation Desert Storm began on 17 January 1991, 33 years ago.

• Americans overthrow Hawaiian monarchy (HISTORY) …The coup occurred with the foreknowledge of John L. Stevens, the U.S. minister to Hawaii, and 300 U.S. Marines from the U.S. cruiser Boston were called to Hawaii, allegedly to protect American lives. Date: 17 January 1893. 

Day of Judgment (National Today) – Even though it sounds serious, it is a fun holiday… they say 

GematriaHot Buttered Rum Day (National Today) = The Trump Quicksand 4x [Trump asks ‘Who is going to enter the Trump Quicksand?’ in bizarre Truth Social post (The Independent)]

Chinese calendar12th Month 7

Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

• The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal – Date effective: 16 January 2016 = 12th Month 7, year of the Goat [Implementation Day – President’s remarks on the impact of U.S. leadership in Iran (YouTube)]

•US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, he also made a historic speech at the Knesset (abc NEWS). It was his first trip to the Middle East. Date: 23 January 2018 = 12th Month 7, year of the Rooster

• The New York Stock Exchange opens its first permanent headquarters at 10-12 Broad near Wall Street (Old NY Tours). Date: 4 January 1865 = 12th Month 7, year of the Rat

[24011718] Numbers: 1/17 (inclusive) – 1/18

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (People) in Honolulu, Hawaii – Date: 11 November 2022, 61 weeks, 6 days -> 616 is the alternate “Number of the Beast (Wikipedia) or 623,000 minutes ago (at some point during the day or the next day, depending on the time they count from) -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11) / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 58th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 7 years, 10 weeks, 1 day ago -> 711 – Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’ (YouTube – CNN)

• The United States Capitol cornerstone laying (Wikipedia) was the Freemasonry ceremonial placement of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol on 18 September 1793, 230 years, 4 months ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering /Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).-> 

After sunset 🌅 – 1/18

Jewish calendar8 Shevat (5/8 or 11/8) , 8 Shevat (Psalm11918)

Revelation 8:11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters.

Revelation 11:8  Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city–figuratively called Sodom and Egypt–where their Lord was also crucified. ->

• Execution of Louis XVI (Wikipedia) by guillotine, a major event of the French Revolution, was publicly executed on 21 January 1793 = 8 Shevat at the Place de la Révolution (“Revolution Square”, formerly Place Louis XV, and renamed Place de la Concorde in 1795) in Paris.

• The America We Deserve is a book about public policy written by American businessman (and later, 45th U.S. President) Donald Trump and author Dave Shiflett (Wikipedia) Originally published (Google Search): 15 January 2000 = 8 Shevat

• The first session of the United Nations General Assembly (Wikipedia) opened on 10 January 1946  = 8 Shevat at the Methodist Central Hall (also known as Central Hall Westminster) in London.

on the same day Project Diana (Wikipedia) named for the Roman moon goddess Diana, was an experimental project of the US Army Signal Corps in 1946 to bounce radar signals off the Moon and receive the reflected signals. The first successful echo detection came on 10 January 1946 at 11:58 am local time (Wikipedia). 

• George Washington is unanimously elected the first president of the United States (HISTORY). Date: 4 February 1789  = 8 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 6 or Rajab 7 [Convert a date]

• Architect of the Holocaust sentenced to die (HISTORY)- In Tel Aviv, Israel, Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi SS officer who organized Adolf Hitler’s “final solution of the Jewish question,” is condemned to death by an Israeli war crimes tribunal. 15 December 1961 = Rajab 7, 1381 AH

• Operation Entebbe (Wikipedia) or Operation Thunderbolt (retroactively codenamed Operation Yonatan) … Netanyahu’s older brother is killed in action – Yonatan Netanyahu (Wikipedia) – Date: 4 July 1976 = Rajab 6, 1396 AH or Rajab 7 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Tuesday, January 16…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/16 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 1/3 [Convert a date]

Ianuarius 16 (Wikipedia) – supplication for Augustus on the day he received the title Augustus (Feriale Cumanum)”  – Augustus (Wikipedia), also known as Octavian, was the founder of the Roman Empire; he reigned as the first Roman emperor from 16 January 27 BC = 5 Shevat. He is granted the title Augustus by the Roman Senate, marking the beginning of the Roman Empire (Wikipedia).

Appreciate a Dragon Day (National Today)

• 550 – Gothic War: The Ostrogoths, under King Totila, conquer Rome after a long siege, by bribing the Isaurian garrison (Wikipedia)

• 1547 – Grand Duke Ivan IV of Muscovy becomes the first Tsar of Russia, replacing the 264-year-old Grand Duchy of Moscow with the Tsardom of Russia (Wikipedia)

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia. He also served as the president of Russia and as the prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 and Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia) Prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 

• On 16 January 2023, it was reported that Russia has produced the first set of Poseidon nuclear capable super torpedoes (WikipediaReuters).

• The League of Nations (Wikipedia) holds its first council meeting in Paris, France. Date: 16 January 1920

• Hitler descends into his bunker (HISTORY). Hitler took up residence in the Führerbunker on 16 January 1945 (Wikipedia), and it became the centre of the Nazi regime until the last week of World War II in Europe.

• Iranian Revolution: The last Iranian Shah flees Iran with his family for good and relocates to Egypt (WikipediaHISTORY) Date: 16 January 1979. (Two weeks later, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returnes after 15 years of exile and took control of Iran.)

• The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal – Date effective: 16 January 2016 (implementation)

• Herzl Halevi (Wikipedia)  is the Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, having taken the oath of office on 16 January 2023

• The Persian Gulf War begins (HISTORY) Date: January 16, 1991 [or Gulf War (Wikipedia) – Operation Desert Storm began on 17 January 1991]

• Carlo Maria Vigano (Wikipedia) is a bishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. He previously served as secretary-general of the Governorate of Vatican City State from. He is best known for having two major Vatican scandals. Born: 16 January 1941

Chinese calendar: 12th Month 6

• Grigori Rasputin was murdered by Russian conservatives—who reportedly poisoned, shot, and then drowned the Siberian mystic—in an effort to halt his influence over Empress Alexandra and the royal family (BritannicaHISTORY

Date: 30 December, 1916 = 12th Month 6, year of the Dragon

• Salman of Saudi Arabia (Wikipedia) is King of Saudi Arabia since 2015. Born: 31 December 1935 = 12th Month 6, year of the Pig

• Leviathan gas field (Wikipedia) – Start of production: December 31, 2019 = 12th Month 6, year of the Pig, Leviathan (Wikipedia)

[24011617] Numbers1/16 (inclusive) – 1/17

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 58th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States.

7 years, 70 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the US. It is the first of a planned two-volume series. Publisher: Crown Publication date: 17 November 2020, 38 months ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 1/17

Jewish calendar7 Shevat (11/7 or 5/7), 7 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• Holy See–Israel relations (Wikipedia)… A Vatican Nunciature in Israel and an Israeli embassy in Rome were simultaneously opened on 19 January 1994  = 7 Shevat

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, he also made a historic speech at the Knesset (abc NEWS). It was his first trip to the Middle East as vice president. Date: 23 January 2018 = 7 Shevat

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021 = 7 Shevat 

• Patriarch Kirill of Moscow (Wikipedia) is a Russian Orthodox bishop. He became Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’ and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church on 1 February 2009 = 7 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 5 or Rajab 6 [Convert a date]

• End of the British Mandate for Palestine (Wikipedia) from midnight on 14 May 1948 = 6 Rajab (Convert a date) -> 1948 Arab–Israeli War (Wikipedia

• Operation Entebbe (Wikipedia) or Operation Thunderbolt (retroactively codenamed Operation Yonatan) … Netanyahu’s older brother is killed in action – Yonatan Netanyahu (Wikipedia) – Date: 4 July 1976 = Rajab 6, 1396 AH or Rajab 7 (Convert a date).


1/17 Conjunction of Venus and Ceres at 02:15 UTC (In The Sky) – Strong’s Hebrew: 215. or: to be or become light / Greek: 215. alalétos: inexpressible -> Venus is Lucifer (Wikipedia) (Light-Bringer)

Here are her notes on Monday, January 15…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/15 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 1/2 [Convert a date]

Lunar occultation of Neptune (In The Sky, Neptune (mythology) Wikipedia) Symbol: Horse, trident, dolphin

• The America We Deserve is a book about public policy written by American businessman (and later, 45th U.S. President) Donald Trump and author Dave Shiflett (Wikipedia). Originally published (Google Search): 15 January 2000

• First appearance of the Democratic Party donkey (HISTORY) January 15, 1870 (or January 19, Wikimedia), the first recorded use of a donkey to represent the Democratic Party appears in Harper’s Weekly. 

• 1919 – Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, two of the most prominent communists in Germany, are clubbed and then shot to death by members of the Freikorps at the end of the Spartacist uprising (WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 15 January 1919 

• Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Wikipedia) (officially Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., and often referred to shorthand as MLK Day) (Library of Congress). Born: 15 January 1929

• Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (Wikipedia) was a French socialist, politician, philosopher, and economist who founded mutualist philosophy and is considered by many to be the “father of anarchism“. Born: 15 January 1809

• The Pentagon (Wikipedia) – Ground was broken on 11 September 1941, and the building was dedicated on 15 January 1943. 

• Seal of the United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Adopted: 15 January 2020 

• The first Super Bowl is played in Los Angeles (HISTORY) – Date: 15 January 1967

• Mahmoud Abbas (Wikipedia) is the 2nd President of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). Assumed office: 15 January 2005

 Chinese calendar12th Month 5  -> mm/dd date format 12/05 -> Strong’s Hebrew: 1205. beathah: terror, dismay / Greek: 1205. deute: come!

• Jared Kushner (Wikipedia) – Born: 10 January 1981 = 12th Month 5, year of the Monkey

[24011516] Numbers1/15 (inclusive) – 1/16

• Charles III, King of the U.K. and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened Charles Philip Arthur George in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher (WikipediaRoyal Central). Date: 15 December 1948, 901 months, 1 day ago -> 911

• President Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNNNBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 666 % of a common year (365 days) at some point during the day.

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel) Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022, 96 weeks, 6 days days ago 

• Kim Jong Un (Wikipedia) Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army – Assumed office: 30 December 2011, 4400 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 1/16

Jewish calendar6 Shevat (5/6 or 11/6), 6 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal – Date effective: 16 January 2016 (implementation) = 6 Shevat

• The United States and the Holy See announced the establishment of diplomatic relations (Wikipedia). In sharp contrast to the long record of strong domestic opposition, this time there was very little opposition from Congress, the courts, and Protestant groups. Date: 10 January 1984 (after a 117-year break) = 6 Shevat

• Richard Skrenta writes the first PC virus code, which is 400 lines long and disguised as an Apple boot program called “Elk Cloner“. Date: 30 January 1982 = 6 Shevat (Wikipedia)

Islamic calendarRajab 4 or Rajab 5… [Convert a date]

• Israeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) was proclaimed on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708) = Rajab 5, 1367 (*)AH by David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and soon to be first Prime Minister of Israel. It declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel. -> End of the British Mandate for Palestine (Wikipediafrom midnight on 14 May 1948. -> 1948 Arab–Israeli War (Wikipedia) – It formally began following the end of the British Mandate for Palestine. *78 Islamic years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (WikipediaJFK Library ) Date: November 22, 1963 = Rajab 5, 1383 AH

• The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin – Within shooting distance (Russia Beyond) Date: 16 November 1931 = Rajab 5, 1350 AH

Here are her notes on Sunday, January 14…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/14 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 1/1 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn (In The Sky) at  09:33 UTC

The Julian calendar takes effect for the first time on New Year’s Day, January 1, 45 B.C. (HISTORY). 

Old New Year (Wikipedia), the start of the New Year by the Julian calendar

January 1 (Eastern Orthodox Church) – The Feast of the Circumcision of Christ (Wikipedia) is a Christian celebration of the circumcision of Jesus in accordance with Jewish tradition, eight days after his birth, the occasion on which the child was formally given his name. …the first time the blood of Christ was shed. 

(Purim Rome (Chabad) is Shevat 2) = January 14, 1793, a frenzied mob gathered around the Jewish ghetto of Rome with the intention of setting it on fire. Miraculously, heavy rains began to fall…, also known as Moed di Piombo (“Holiday of Gray [Clouds]”), has been celebrated as a day of thanksgiving by the Jews of Rome.

• Ratification Day (United States) (Library of CongressHISTORY) It is the anniversary of the ratification of the Treaty of Paris that officially ended the Revolutionary War. The Continental Congress ratified the treaty on 14 January 1784, 240 years ago. 

Chinese calendar12th Month 4

• The German Workers’ Party (Wikipedia), the precursor of the Nazi Party, was established in Munich. Date: 5 January 1919 = 12th Month 4, year of the Horse

• Wannsee Conference (Wikipedia) was a meeting of senior government officials of Nazi Germany and Schutzstaffel (SS) leaders, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee. The purpose of the conference was to ensure the co-operation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question (Wikipedia), a plan for the genocide of individuals they defined as Jews. Date: 20 January 1942 = 12th Month 4, year of the Snake

[24011415] After sunset 🌅 – 1/15

Jewish calendar5 Shevat (5/5 or 11/5), 5 Shevat (Psalm11918) – In the time of the Holy Temple, on this day barley would be planted (70 days before Pesach), so it would be ready for the Omer offering.

• Mahmoud Abbas (Wikipedia) is the 2nd president of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). Assumed office: 15 January 2005 = 5 Shevat 5765

• Jared Kushner (Wikipedia) – Born: 10 January 1981 = 5 Shevat 

• Adolf Hitler’s first radio address as Chancellor of Germany (Hitler Archive) – Date: 1 February 1933 = 5 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 3 or Rajab 4 [Convert a date]

• U.S. President George W. Bush declares a “War on Terror” (The White House) on 20 September 2001 = Rajab 2 (Convert a date) or Rajab 3, 1422 AH 

• Gunpowder Plot (HISTORY, Wikipedia) – Date: 5 November 1605 (Julian) = 15 November 1605 (Gregorian) = Rajab 4, 1014 AH (Convert a date)


! 1/15 (after sunset) – 1/17 (depending on the converter)

Islamic calendarIsraeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) – Created: 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708) = Rajab 5, 1367 AH, the 78th anniversary on the Islamic calendar. -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.

Here are her notes on Saturday, January 13…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/13 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 12/31 [Convert a date] – Julian New Year’s Eve, the eve before the Old New Year (Wikipedia) [the last eve of the year by the old Julian calendar.]

Revelation 13:1 NIV: The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.

Roman festivals (Wikipedia): 13 “Ludi circenses for  Jupiter Stator”, the god of the sky and thunder, and king of the gods in ancient Roman religion and mythology. 

• Pope Recognizes Knights Templar (HISTORY), On Friday January 13, 1128, Pope Honorius II grants a papal sanction to the military order known as the Knights Templar, declaring it to be an army of God. 

• The Reichstag Bloodbath (Wikipedia) occurred on January 13, 1920 in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin during negotiation by the Weimar National Assembly on the Works Councils Act. The number of people killed and injured is controversial, but it is certainly the bloodiest demonstration in German history.

• 2018 Hawaii false missile alert (Wikipedia) On the morning of January 13, 2018, a ballistic missile alert was “accidentally” issued via the Emergency Alert System in Hawaii. Duration: 38 minutes

• Korean American Day (National Today), First group of Korean immigrants enter Hawaii (HISTORY) – Date: 13 January 1903; 38th parallel north (Wikipedia)

• Chemical Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) – Signed: 13 January 1993 

• David Lau (Wikipedia), Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel. Born: 13 January 1966 

GematriaNational Rubber Ducky Day (National TodayAnydayGuide) = The sinking of the Titanic 2x; Rubber Ducky Day = the Vatican City 4x, nuclear missile 3x, The Russian Bear 3x

Chinese calendar12th Month 3

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964 = 12th Month 3, year of the Rabbit, her 60th birthday on the Chinese calendar

• United States recognizes communist China (HISTORYPolitico). President Jimmy Carter states that as of January 1, 1979 = 12th Month 3, year of the Horse, the United States will formally recognize the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) and sever relations with Taiwan. -> Taiwan Relations Act (Wikipedia), 45 Chinese years ago 

[24011314] Numbers1/13 (inclusive) – 1/14

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia) has been President of Russia since 2012. Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Assumed office [Fourth inauguration of Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia)]: 7 May 2012, 60weeks, 6 days ago

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), served as the 45th president of the United States Born: 14 June 1946, 77 years 7 months old [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• The Iran nuclear deal (Wikipedia) between Iran and the P5+1 together with the European Union. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 8 years, 88 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 1/14

Jewish calendar4 Shevat, 4 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• The German Workers’ Party (Wikipedia), the precursor of the Nazi Party, was established in Munich. Date: 5 January 1919 = 4 Shevat

Islamic calendarRajab 2 or Rajab 3 … [Convert a date]

• In an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, U.S. President George W. Bush declares a “War on Terror” (The White House) on 20 September 2001 = Rajab 2 (Convert a date) or Rajab 3, 1422 AH

• Nostra Aetate (Wikipedia) or the Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions, is an official declaration of the Vatican II, an ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. Date: 28 October 1965 = Rajab 3, 1385 AH

Here are her notes on Friday, January 12…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/12 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 12/30 [Convert a date]

• Batman (TV series) (Wikipedia) – The 120 episodes aired on the ABC network for three seasons from 12 January 1966

• Blackjack – A slide show story (The TelegraphOperation Blackjack – the story of a series of terrorist nuclear attacks on major western cities and the aftermath. Published: 12 January 2009

• Donald Trump traveled to Alamo, Texas, near the border, to mark the completion of more than 450 miles of wall” (CNN) Date: 12 January 2021 

• The Harrisburg Seven: Rev. Philip Berrigan and five other activists are indicted on charges of conspiring to kidnap Henry Kissinger and of plotting to blow up the heating tunnels of federal buildings in Washington, D.C. Date: 12 January 1971 (Wikipedia)

Chinese calendar12th Month 2

[24011213] Numbers1/12 (inclusive) – 1/13

• Pope Francis met Charles (then Prince of Wales) at the Vatican, telling him to be a man of peace (Reuters) Date: 4 April 2017, 6 years, 9 months, 9 days ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 1/13

Jewish calendar3 Shevat (5/3 or 11/3), 3 Shevat (Psalm11918)

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964 = 3 Shevat

• Inauguration of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany (WikipediaHISTORY) – On Monday, 30 January 1933 = 3 Shevat, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler. 

• Inauguration of John F. Kennedy (Wikipedia) as the 35th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 1961 = 3 Shevat, at the East Portico of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. This was the 44th inauguration… Kennedy was the first Catholic to become president, the youngest person elected to the office, and the first U.S. president to have been born in the 20th century.

• Salman of Saudi Arabia (Wikipedia) Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is King of Saudi Arabia. He assumed the throne on 23 January 2015 = 3 Shevat.

Islamic calendarRajab 1 or Rajab 2 [Convert a date]

• In an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, U.S. President George W. Bush declares a “War on Terror” (The White House) on 20 September 2001 = Rajab 2 (Convert a date) or Rajab 3, 1422 AH.

Here are her notes on Thursday, January 11…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/11 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 12/29 [Convert a date]

Roman festivalsCarmentalia; dies natalis of the cult of Juturna in the Campus Martius” (Wikipedia). Juturna (Wikipedia) was a goddess of fountains, wells and springs -> a connection with Castor and Pollux 

New Moon (In The Sky) at 11:58 UTC in the constellation Sagittarius (Wikipedia) – Latin for “archer” -> Greek: 1158. Daniél: Daniel, the prophet

December 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) – Saints (Wikipedia) – The 14,000 Infants (Holy Innocents) slain by Herod at Bethlehem, the first Christian martyrs.- Massacre of the Innocents (Wikipedia)

• Death and state funeral of Ariel Sharon (Wikipedia) After eight years in a coma, Israel’s 11th prime minister Ariel Sharon died on 11 January 2014 at 14:00 local time (12:00 UTC), the 10th anniversary of his death. Hamas rejoiced at the death of a “criminal” who had “hands … covered with Palestinian blood (Wikipedia).

Chinese calendar12th Month 1

• Eisenhower’s farewell address (Wikipedia) – He warned against the accumulation of power by the “military–industrial complex” Date: 17 January 1961 = 12th Month 1, year of the Rat

[24011112] Numbers1/11 (inclusive) – 1/12

• President Obama Chairs the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters ( Date: 24 September 2014,

9 years, 110 days ago -> 911

• A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the US. It is the first of a planned two-volume series. Publisher: Crown Publication date: 17 November 2020, 3 years, 8 weeks ago 

• Countdown To ‘Great North American Eclipse‘ (Forbes) – Date: 8 April 2024, 88 days away on this day or on 1/12 (inclusive) -> 88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye” and in neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) was a granite monument (controversial and a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists) that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. On the morning of July 6, 2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing, and were dismantled later that day, 555 days ago -> German Workers’ Party – Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia).

After sunset 🌅 – 1/12

Jewish calendar2 Shevat, 2 Shevat (Psalm11918)

Purim Rome (1793) (Chabad)

• Wannsee Conference (Wikipedia) was a meeting of senior government officials of Nazi Germany and Schutzstaffel (SS) leaders, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee. The purpose of the conference was … the implementation of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question (Wikipedia), a plan for the genocide of individuals they defined as Jews. Date: 20 January 1942 = 2 Shevat 5702 on its 78th (*) Jewish anniversary -> 

The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” [called by its proponents “the deal of the century“]. President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020 = 2 Shevat 5780.  GematriaThe deal of the century = Eleventh of September 4x; * The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.

• Gulf War (Wikipedia) was an armed conflict between Iraq and a 42-country coalition led by the United States. Two key phases: Operation Desert Shield, and Operation Desert Storm, which began with the aerial bombing campaign against Iraq on 17 January 1991 = 2 Shevat and came to a close with the American-led Liberation of Kuwait on 28 February 1991, the 33rd Jewish anniversary 

• Nikola Tesla (Wikipedia) was a Serbian-American, inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist. Died: 7 January 1943 after 10 PM EST [after sunset] = 2 Shevat, in Room 3327 of the Hotel New Yorker. New York City, U.S. -> Strong’s Greek: 3327. metabainó: to pass over, withdraw, depart; Usage: I change my place (abode), leave, depart, remove, pass over.

Islamic calendarJumada II 30 or Rajab [Convert a date]

Rajab (Wikipedia) is the 7th month of the Islamic calendar. The lexical definition of the classical Arabic verb rajaba is “to respect”, which could also mean “be awe or be in fear”… This month is regarded as one of the four sacred months in Islam in which battles are prohibited. Muslims believe Rajab is the month in which Ali [13 Rajab] was born. Rajab is also the month during which Isra and Mi’raj (Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then through the seven Heavens) [27 Rajab] took place.

• Turkish invasion of Cyprus (Wikipedia) Start date: 20 July 1974 = Jumada II 30 or Jumada II 29, 1394 AH [Convert a date]

• The Second Intifada (Wikipedia) started on 28 September 2000 = Rajab 1, 1421 AH or Jumada II 28 (Convert a date), after Ariel Sharon, a Likud party candidate for Israeli Prime Minister, made a visit to the Temple Mount, also known as Al-Haram Al-Sharif, an area sacred to both Jews and Muslims, accompanied by over 1,000 security guards. He stated on that day, “the Temple Mount is in our hands and will remain in our hands. It is the holiest site in Judaism and it is the right of every Jew to visit the Temple Mount. 

• Gulf War (Wikipedia): Operation Desert Storm began on 17 January 1991 = Rajab 1, 1411 AH.

Here are her notes on Wednesday, January 10…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/10 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 12/28 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Mars (In The Sky) at 08:32 UTC

Massacre of the Innocents – (Wikipedia) Feast: 10 January (East Syriac) (Is it on the Gregorian calendar?)

• Crossing the Rubicon (Wikipedia) The phrase “crossing the Rubicon” is an idiom that means “passing a point of no return”. Scholars usually place it on the night of 10 and 11 January, 49 BC. It is often asserted that Caesar’s crossing of the river precipitated Caesar’s civil war. The civil war ultimately led to Caesar’s becoming dictator for life (dictator perpetuo). (Your blog: 9 January 2021, 9 January 2023 )

• League of Nations Day (National Today), the precursor to the United Nations. 

The Covenant of the League of Nations (Wikipedia) was signed as Part I of the Treaty of Versailles (*), and became effective together with the rest of the Treaty. Date: 10 January 1920 = League of Nations instituted (HISTORY).

*The Treaty of Versailles (Wikipedia) was the most important of the peace treaties of World War I. Although a ceasefire had been in place since November 11, 1918, World War I officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles.

 The first session of the United Nations General Assembly (Wikipedia) opened on 10 January 1946 at the Methodist Central Hall (also known as Central Hall Westminster) in London.

on the same day Project Diana (Wikipedia) named for the Roman moon goddess Diana, was an experimental project of the US Army Signal Corps in 1946 to bounce radar signals off the Moon and receive the reflected signals. The first successful echo detection came on 10 January 1946 at 11:58 am local time (Wikipedia).

• The United States and the Holy See announced the establishment of diplomatic relations (Wikipedia). In sharp contrast to the long record of strong domestic opposition, this time there was very little opposition from Congress, the courts, and Protestant groups. Date: 10 January 1984, 40 years ago 

• Jared Kushner (Wikipedia) – Born: 10 January 1981, his 43rd birthday 

• Thomas Paine publishes his pamphlet “Common Sense“(HISTORY) – It advocated independence for the American colonies from Britain and is considered one of the most influential pamphlets in American history. “Common Sense” played a remarkable role in transforming a colonial squabble into the American Revolution. Date: January 10, 1776

• Florida seceded from the Union and the following month joined the Confederacy. (Library of Congress). Date: 10 January 1861

• London Underground opens – “The Tube” is the world’s oldest underground railway (The British Newspaper Archive). Date: 10 January 1863 

Chinese calendar11th Month 29

[24011011] After sunset 🌅 – 1/11

Jewish calendar1 Shevat (5/1 or 11/1) – Moses Repeats the Torah (Deuteronomy 1:3); 1 Shevat (Psalm11918); The Sequence of Plagues: Shevat 1 – Hail and Fire (hebrew4christians)

Shevat (Wikipedia) is the 5th month of the civil year starting in Tishri and the 11th month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar starting in Nisan.

• The White Revolution (Wikipedia) or the Shah and People Revolution was a far-reaching series of reforms resulting in aggressive modernization in the Imperial State of Iran launched on 26 January 1963 = 1 Shevat by the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, which lasted until 1979.

Islamic calendarJumada II 29

• Ze’ev  Jabotinsky, Jewish Revisionist Zionist leader, died of a heart attack shortly before midnight [after sunset] on 3 August 1940 (Wikipedia) = Jumada II 29, 1359  in Hunter, New York.

• Operation Entebbe (Wikipedia )or Operation Thunderbolt (retroactively codenamed Operation Yonatan) – Air France Flight 139 (Tel Aviv-Athens-Paris) is hijacked en route to Paris by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and redirected to Entebbe, Uganda. Date: 27 June 1976 = Jumada II 29 , 1396 AH  [7 days later, Netanyahu’s older brother was killed in action – Yonatan Netanyahu Wikipedia]

Here are her notes on Tuesday, January 9…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/9 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 12/27 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury (In The Sky) at 18:49 (UTC) 

National Balloon Ascension Day (AnydayGuide)

• Mahmoud Abbas wins the election to succeed Yasser Arafat as President of the Palestinian National Authority, replacing interim president Rawhi Fattouh (Wikipedia). Date: 9 January 2005

• The first shots of the American Civil War are fired – “Star of the West” incident occurs near Charleston, South Carolina (WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 9 January 1861

Chinese calendar11th Month 28

[24010910] Numbers1/9 (inclusive) – 1/10

• Trump Administration Announces Framework and Leadership for ‘Operation Warp Speed‘ (U.S. Department of DefenseYouTube) Date: 15 May 2020, 1335 days ago 

• President Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNN). Date: 22 May 2017, 2424 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr. 

• Pope Francis met Charles (then Prince of Wales) at the Vatican, telling him to be a man of peace (Reuters) Date: 4 April 2017, 6 years, 9 months, 6 days ago

• Mahmoud Abbas (Wikipedia), the president of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority was born on 15 November 1935, 88 years, 8 weeks old. 

After sunset 🌅 – 1/10

Jewish calendar29 Tevet marks the end of winter (According to Rabbi Judah). 29 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• The Julian calendar takes effect for the first time on New Year’s Day, January 1, 45 B.C. (HISTORY) = 29 Tevet 3716 [Convert a date]

• Yitzhak Kaduri (Wikipedia) – The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime (Bible Society in Israel) Died: 28 January 2006 (at around 10 p.m.) = 29 Tevet, Jerusalem

• U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivers a televised farewell address to the nation three days before leaving office, in which he warns against the accumulation of power by the “military–industrial complex” as well as the dangers of massive spending, especially deficit spending (Wikipedia). Date: 17 January 1961 = 29 Tevet

• Andrew Jackson becomes the first American president to experience an assassination attempt (HISTORYU.S. Senate). Date: 30 January 1835 = 29 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 28

Here are her notes on Monday, January 8…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/8 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 12/26 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Venus (In The Sky) at 20:12 UTC; Lunar occultation of Antares (In The Sky), the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius (Wikipedia).

Julian December 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) (WikipediaSecond Day of the Feast of the Nativity; Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos (Orthodox Church in America); Commemoration of the Flight into Egypt of the Most Blessed Theotokos (Wikipedia); Commemoration of Saint Joseph, King David and Saint James.

Plough Monday (National Today)

• Kim Jong-un’s Birthday in North Korea (AnydayGuide)

• The Democratic Party (United States) (Wikipedia) is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. Since the 1850s, its main political rival has been the Republican Party. Founded: 8 January 1828, 196 (14×14) years ago 

• U.S. President Woodrow Wilson announces his “Fourteen Points as conditions for ending World War I (Wikipedia). The Fourteen Points was a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I. Date: 8 January 1918 

• President Lyndon B. Johnson declares a “War on Poverty” in the United States (Wikipedia). Date: 8 January 1964, the 60th anniversary. -> Pope Francis: “How I would like a church that is poor and that is for the poor (Archdiocese of Baltimore).

Chinese calendar11th Month 27

• 2018 Hawaii false missile alert (Wikipedia) On the morning of January 13, 2018 = 11th Month 27, year of the Rooster, a ballistic missile alert was “accidentally” issued via the Emergency Alert System in Hawaii. Duration: 38 minutes

• Times Square Ball (Wikipedia) – The first annual ball drop at Times Square Date: 31 December 1907 = 11th Month 27, year of the Goat

[24010809] Numbers1/8 (inclusive) – 1/9

• Second inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th President of the United States was the 57th inauguration. …A private swearing-in ceremony took place on Sunday, January 20, 2013, in the Blue Room of the White House, followed by a public inauguration ceremony on Monday, January 21, 2013, at the West Front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., 4005 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 4005. pentékosté: fiftieth, Pentecost, the second of the three great Jewish feasts. 

• Syrian Civil War (Wikipedia) – Start date: 15 March 2011 (Ides of March), 669 weeks ago. 

After sunset 🌅 – 1/9

Jewish calendar28 Tevet, 28 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• Iranian Revolution (Wikipedia) – Start date: 7 January 1978 (1978 Qom protest – Wikipedia) = 28 Tevet

•”…, Trump traveled to Alamo, Texas, near the border, to mark the completion of more than 450 miles of wall” (CNN) Date: 12 January 2021 = 28 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 27

• Mohammad Shtayyeh (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of the State of Palestine. Born: 17 January 1958. Born: 17 January 1958 = Jumada II 27 , 1377 AH or Jumada II 25 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Sunday, January 7…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/7 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 12/25 [Convert a date]

Roman festivalsIanuarius 7 (Wikipedia) supplication for Jupiter Sempiternus to commemorate the assumption of the fasces (*) by Augustus. *The image has survived in the modern world as a representation of magisterial or collective power, law, and governance… it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived).

Christmas (WikipediaAnydayGuide) is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Date: 7 January – (most Oriental Orthodox and part of the Eastern Orthodox churches)

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Wikipedia), is the feast day commemorating the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus. (Kremlin) Date: 7 January 2020 

• Iranian Revolution (Wikipedia), was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979. The revolution also led to the replacement of the Imperial State of Iran by the present-day Islamic Republic of Iran, as the monarchical government of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was superseded by the theocratic government of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Start date: 7 January 1978 (1978 Qom protest – Wikipedia)

• President Truman announces U.S. has developed hydrogen bomb (HISTORY). Date: 7 January 1953

• Bank of North America (Wikipedia), the first chartered bank in the United States, and served as the country’s first de facto central bank. Opened in Philadelphia: 7 January 1782

• Nikola Tesla (Wikipedia) – Died: 7 January 1943, New York City, U.S. 

Chinese calendar: 11th Month 26

• The Federal Reserve System (Wikipedia) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on 23 December 1913 = 11th Month 26, year of the Ox, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act

• The Soviet Union legally ceased to exist, Russia and other former Soviet republics having declared themselves independent and having founded the Commonwealth of Independent States on December 21, 1991 (Britannica). Date: 31 December 1991 = 11th Month 26, year of the Goat 

[24010708] After sunset 🌅 – 1/8

Jewish calendar27 Tevet, 27 Tevet (Psalm11918) 

• Mike Pence’s visit to Israel and Vatican [your blog on 22-23 January 2020 “Kiss the As$ / Kiss the Ring” World Tour] – US Vice President Mike Pence visited Jerusalem and the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City (gov.ilThe times of Israel: Pence’s speech to Holocaust Forum ) and Mike Pence and Pope Francis meet in a surprisingly long first visit (America Magazine). Date: 23 ~ 24 January 2020 = 26 – 27 Tevet

• The first shots of the American Civil War are fired – “Star of the West” incident occurs near Charleston, South Carolina (Wikipedia). Date: 9 January 1861 = 27 Tevet

 Times Square Ball (Wikipedia) – The first annual ball drop at Times Square Date: 31 December 1907 (after sunset) = 26 Tevet  27 Tevet.

• World Economic Forum (Wikipedia), an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation based in Cologny, canton of Geneva, Switzerland. 

Founded:  24 January 1971 = 27 Tevet

Islamic calendar: Jumada II 26

Here are her notes on Saturday, January 6…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/6 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 12/24 [Convert a date]

Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky (In The Sky)

Christmas Eve (Wikipedia) is the evening or entire day before Christmas Day, the festival commemorating the birth of Jesus. Date: 6 January (Eastern Orthodox Churches that follow the Old Julian Calendar and most Oriental Orthodox Churches)

Epiphany (AnydayGuide), also known as Theophany [an appearance of a deity to a human], Little Christmas, or Three King’s Day, is one of the most important Christian feasts. It celebrates the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ.

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia) – On 6 January 2021, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. was attacked by a mob of supporters of then-U.S. president Donald Trump, two months after his defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

Chinese calendar11th Month 25

• Joseph Stalin (Wikipedia) was born on 18 December [O.S. 6 December] 1878 = 11th Month 25, year of the Tiger 

• Kim Jong-un (Wikipedia), Supreme leader of North Korea, was born on 8 January 1983 (or 1982) = 11th Month 25, year of the Dog

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Founded: 20 December 2019 = 11th Month 25, year of the Pig 

• Martin Luther excommunicated (HISTORY) Pope Leo X issues the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem (Wikipedia) which excommunicates Martin Luther from the Catholic Church. Date: 3 January 1521 = 11th Month 25, year of the Dragon. 

[24010607] Numbers1/6 (inclusive) – 1/7

• Trump Becomes First Sitting U.S. President to Visit Western Wall in Jerusalem, one of the holiest sites in Judaism  (NBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 6 years, 230 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11)./ Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel) Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022, 669 days ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 1/7

Jewish calendar26 Tevet (4/26) [the Chernobyl disaster (Wikipedia) occurred on 4/26 (April 26)]26 Tevet (Psalm11918) Sicilian Jews Forced to Wear Jewish Badges (1369)

• Mike Pence’s visit to Israel and Vatican [your blog on 22-23 January 2020 “Kiss the As$ / Kiss the Ring” World Tour] – US Vice President Mike Pence visited Jerusalem and the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City (gov.ilThe times of Israel: Pence’s speech to Holocaust Forum) and Mike Pence and Pope Francis meet in a surprisingly long first visit (America Magazine). Date: 23 ~ 24 January 2020 = 26 – 27 Tevet

• 2018 Hawaii false missile alert (Wikipedia) On the morning of January 13, 2018 = 26 Tevet, a ballistic missile alert was “accidentally” issued via the Emergency Alert System in Hawaii. Duration: 38 minutes

Times Square Ball (Wikipedia) – The first annual ball drop at Times Square was held on 31 December 1907 = 26 Tevet  [Onna’s Correction] >>> Times Square Ball (Wikipedia) – The first annual ball drop at Times Square Date: 31 December 1907 (after sunset) = 27 Tevet.

Islamic calendarJumada II 25

25 Jumada II (Wikipedia) of 564 AH, Saladin became amir of Egypt [Mausoleum of Saladin (Wikipedia) – It is adjacent to the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria; 7 January is the 4th anniversary of Putin’s visit to the Umayyad Mosque (Kremlin)]. 

• Ebrahim Raisi (Wikipedia) the 8th and current president of Iran; Born: 14 December 1960 = Jumada II 25, 1380 AH or Jumada II 24 (Convert a date), his 65th Islamic birthday. 

• Mohammad Shtayyeh (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of the State of Palestine. Born: 17 January 1958 = Jumada II 25 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 27 , 1377 AH

Here are her notes on Friday, January 5…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/5 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 12/23 [Convert a date]

newsJoe Biden will travel to near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania on Friday, January 5. -> Biden-Harris reschedules first campaign event of 2024 (abcNEWS) – The campaign previously announced the event would be held on Jan. 6, but it was changed on Wednesday due to “impending inclement weather in the Philadelphia area this weekend…”

Roman festivals:

December 23 (Wikipedia): Larentalia; commemorations for the temples of Diana and Juno Regina in the Circus Flaminius, and for the Tempestates; Sigillaria (Wikipedia) – the last day of the Saturnalia, devoted to gift-giving. 

• Twelfth Night (also known as Epiphany Eve)(WikipediaNational Today) is a Christian festival on the last night of the Twelve Days of Christmas, marking the coming of the Epiphany. Different traditions mark the date of Twelfth Night as either 5 January or 6 January. 

• The German Workers’ Party (Wikipedia), the forerunner of the Nazi Party, was established in Munich. Date: 5 January 1919

Chinese calendar11th Month 24

• On 19 December 2019 = 11th Month 24, year of the Pig, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 74/245, which designated 4 December as the International Day of Banks (United Nations) …

• Bank of North America (Wikipedia), the first chartered bank in the United States, and served as the country’s first de facto central bank. Opened in Philadelphia: 7 January 1782 = 11th Month 24, year of the Ox

• President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation and appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acting president of Russia (KremlinHISTORY) Date: 31 December 1999 = 11th Month 24, year of the Rabbit 

• Alaska (Wikipedia) becomes the 49th U.S. state. Date: 3 January 1959 = 11th Month 24, year of the Dog

[24010506] Numbers1/5 (inclusive) – 1/6

• The Iran nuclear deal (Wikipedia) between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) together with the European Union. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 8 years, 80 days ago -> 88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance – Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”; neo-Nazism: an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: 20 December 2019, at some point during the day 405 % of a common year (365 days) ago [Trump’s number 45]

After sunset 🌅 – 1/6

Jewish calendar25 Tevet, 25 Tevet (Psalm11918)

25 Tevet – Alexander the Great met the high priest after the Samaritans said the Jews intended to betray him (WikipediaPsalm11918, Chabad’s site: 21 Kislev or According to an alternative version (see Talmud Yoma 69a), this episode occurred on the 25th of Tevet.)

• Mohammad Shtayyeh (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of the State of Palestine. Born: 17 January 1958 = 25 Tevet, his 66th birthday on the Jewish calendar 

Islamic calendarJumada II 24

Here are her notes on Thursday, January 4…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/4 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 12/22 [Convert a date]

Quadrantid meteor shower (In The Sky)

• On this day, January 4th, 1865, the New York Stock Exchange opens its first permanent headquarters at 10-12 Broad near Wall Street (Old NY Tours).

Chinese calendar11th Month 23

• International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Wikipedia) Formation: 27 December 1945 = 11th Month 23, year of the Rooster

• Kim Jong-Il (Wikipedia), the 2nd supreme leader of North Korea. Died: 17 December 2011 = 11th Month 23, year of the Rabbit 

• The Reichstag Bloodbath (Wikipedia) occurred on 13 January 1920 = 11th Month 23, year of the Goat.

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia) – On 6 January 2021 = 11th Month 23, year of the Rat, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. was attacked by a mob of supporters of then-U.S. president Donald Trump. 

[23010405] Numbers1/4 (inclusive) – 1/5

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) -> the Fukushima nuclear disaster (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011, 669 weeks ago

• 2021 Natanz incident (WikipediaBBC News), refers to a suspected attack on the Natanz nuclear site in Iran. Date: 11 April 2021, 999 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 1/5

Jewish calendar24 Tevet,  24 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• Shneur Zalman of Liadi (Wikipedia), a rabbi and the founder and first Rebbe of Chabad, a branch of Hasidic Judaism a rabbi and the founder and first Rebbe of Chabad, a branch of Hasidic Judaism, the author of the Tanya. Died: 24 Tevet

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city. Date: 20 January 2009 = 24 Tevet

• Crossing the Rubicon (Wikipedia) The phrase “crossing the Rubicon” is an idiom that means “passing a point of no return”. Scholars usually place it on the night of 10 and 11 January, 49 BC = 24 Tevet [Convert a date]. It is often asserted that Caesar’s crossing of the river precipitated Caesar’s civil war. The civil war ultimately led to Caesar’s becoming dictator for life (dictator perpetuo). (Your blog: 9 January 2021, 9 January 2023)

• The Soviet Union legally ceased to exist, Russia and other former Soviet republics having declared themselves independent and having founded the Commonwealth of Independent States on December 21, 1991 (Britannica). Date: 31 December 1991 = 24 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 23 (6/23)

Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11)/ Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001,  Jumada II 22  [Convert a date] or Jumada II 23 (6/23), 1422 AH.

Here are her notes on Wednesday, January 3…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/3 (Wednesday ) 

Julian calendar: 12/21 [Convert a date]

DaysEarth at Perihelion (National TodayIn The Sky) – On this day, the Earth is at the point in its orbit where it is closest to the Sun at 00:38 UTC. 

Roman festivals (Julian calendar): Divalia in honor of Angerona; Hercules and Ceres also received a sacrifice (Wikipedia) -> [Prince Harry and Hercules (Heart)] 

• Martin Luther excommunicated (HISTORY) Pope Leo X issues the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem (Wikipedia) which excommunicates Martin Luther from the Catholic Church. Date: 3 January 1521

• Assassination of Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) Soleimani (Western nickname:The Shadow Commanderwas an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force. He was killed by a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq while he was on his way to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi. Date: 3 January 2020, about 1:00 a.m. (local time, UTC+3), 4 years ago 

• Benito Mussolini declares himself dictator of Italy (HISTORY) Date: 3 January 1925 

• Alaska (Wikipedia) becomes the 49th U.S. state. Date: 3 January 1959

• United States severs diplomatic relations with Cuba (HISTORY), President Dwight D. Eisenhower closes the American embassy in Havana. Date: 3 January 1961 

Chinese calendar11th Month 22

• Donald Trump launched his superhero NFT cards collection on 15 December 2022 = 11th Month 22, year of the Tiger

[24010304] Numbers1/3 (inclusive) – 1/4

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel) Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022, 666 days ago

• Ali Khamenei is the 2nd and current Supreme Leader of Iran. Khamenei officially succeeded Ruhollah Khomeini after Khomeini’s death, being elected as the new Supreme Leader by the Assembly of Experts on 4 June 1989 (Wikipedia), 415 months ago. ->  Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob /Greek: 415. aneleemon: without compassion, cruel

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President ObamaHis next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany.  [your blog: Twice-Expanded NOTE (9-10 October 2023)] Date: 16 November 2016, 7 years, 7 weeks ago

After sunset 🌅 – 1/4

Jewish calendar: 23 Tevet, 23 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Wikipedia) is a major financial agency of the United Nations, and an international financial institution funded by 190 member countries, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. Formation: 27 December 1945 = 23 Tevet

• Kim il Sung (Wikipedia) becomes first president of North Korea Date: 28 December 1972 = 23 Tevet

• Kim Jong-un (Wikipedia), Supreme leader of North Korea, was born on 8 January 1983 (or 1982) = 23 Tevet

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955 = 23 Tevet

• Herzl Halevi (Wikipedia)  is the Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, having taken the oath of office on 16 January 2023 = 23 Tevet.

Islamic calendarJumada II 22 (6/22, 22/6) -> about the number 226 (your blog on 8 November 2023) and  Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove / Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly; Usage: (a) I kill, destroy, (b) I lose, mid: I am perishing (the resultant death being viewed as certain).

• Abu Bakr (Wikipedia) a father-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Following Muhammad’s death in 632, Abu Bakr succeeded the leadership of the Muslim community as the first Rashidun Caliph. Died: 23 August 634 = 22 Jumada II

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on Tuesday, 11 September 2001 = Jumada II 22  [Convert a date] or Jumada II 23 (6/23),1422 AH. 

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey since 2014. Born: 26 February 1954 (2/26) = Jumada II 22, 1373 AH, his 72nd Islamic birthday [72 (number)(Wikipedia)]. 

Here are her notes on Tuesday, January 2…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/2 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 12/20 [Convert a date]

• Palmer Raids – On this day, massive raids during the Red Scare (Constitution Center) – The Constitution faced a major test on this day in 1920 when raids ordered by Attorney General Mitchell Palmer saw thousands of people detained without warrants merely upon general suspicion. This occurred during the “Red Scare” of the 1920s, a period of anti-Communist fervor in the United States. Date: 2 January 1920

Chinese calendar11th Month 21

• The Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union meets and formally dissolves the Soviet Unionending the Cold War (Wikipedia). Date: 26 December 1991 = 11th Month 21, year of the Goat

[24010203] Numbers1/2 (inclusive) – 1/3

• President Obama Chairs the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters ( Date: 24 September 2014, years, 101 days ago -> 911

• Killing of Osama bin Laden (Wikipedia) – Date: 2 May 2011, 660 weeks, 9 days weeks ago

Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. (CBS News). Date: 22 March 2013, 3939 days ago -> Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 7 years, months, 7 days ago

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) was a granite monument (and a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists) that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. On the morning of July 6, 2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing, and were dismantled later that day, 78 weeks ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia and Address by the President of the Russian Federation) – Russia invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that started in 2014. The invasion was the biggest attack on a European country since World War II. Date: 24 February 2022, 96 weeks, 6 day days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 1/3

Jewish calendar: 22 Tevet (10/22), 22 Tevet (Psalm11918)

Purim of the Curtains (1623)

Exodus 10:22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days.

• 22 Tevet (1496) – Expulsion of Jews from Portugal, four years after the expulsion from Spain (Wikipedia). 

• The inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States marked the commencement of Donald Trump’s term as president and Mike Pence’s term as vice president. Date: 20 January 2017 = 22 Tevet 5777, 7 Jewish years ago -> [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia) On 6 January 2021 = 22 Tevet, year of the Rat, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. was attacked by a mob of supporters of then-U.S. president Donald Trump, two months after his defeat in the 2020 presidential election. 

• The Reichstag Bloodbath (Wikipedia) occurred on 13 January 1920 = 22 Tevet in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin during negotiation by the Weimar National Assembly on the Works Councils Act. The number of people killed and injured is controversial, but it is certainly the bloodiest demonstration in German history.

• President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation and appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acting president of Russia (KremlinHISTORY) Date: 31 December 1999 = 22 Tevet

• Albert Pike (Wikipedia) – Born: December 29, 1809 = 22 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 21



• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001,  Jumada II 22  [Convert a date] (6/22, 22/6) or Jumada II 23 (6/23), 1422 AH [about the number 226 (your blog on 8 November 2023) and Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss].

Here are her notes on Monday, January 1…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

1/1 (Monday) 2024

Julian calendar: 12/19 [Convert a date]

The Julian calendar takes effect for the first time on New Year’s Day, January 1, 45 B.C. (HISTORY

The World Day of Peace (Wikipedia) is an annual celebration by the Catholic Church, dedicated to universal peace. The day was first observed on 1 January 1968, 56 years ago.

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Wikipedia) is a feast day of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the aspect of her motherhood of Jesus Christ, whom She had circumcised on the eighth day after His birth according to Levitical Law. Christians see Him as the Lord and Son of God. Related to: Feast of the Circumcision of Christ (Wikipedia)

• Ceres (dwarf planet) (Wikipedia) – Discovery date: 1 January 1801, 223 years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 223. Uwriyah: Uriah Definition: “flame of Yah”

• United Nations created (HISTORY) – Declaration by United Nations (Wikipedia) – On 1 January 1942, during the Arcadia Conference, the Allied “Big Four”—the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China—signed a short document which later came to be known as the United Nations Declaration, and the next day the representatives of 22 other nations added their signatures. The Declaration became the basis of the United Nations (UN), 82 years ago [ Lead has atomic number 82. And lead is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia)]

• The United States officially severed diplomatic ties with the Republic of China (Taiwan). This decision marked a significant shift in U.S. foreign policy, turning to view the People’s Republic of China as the sole legitimate representative of China (Wikipedia). The United States and the People’s Republic of China establish full diplomatic relations (Wikipedia). Date: 1 January 1979, 45 years ago

Economy: 1958 -The European Economic Community is founded (Wikipedia). The EEC was a predecessor of today’s European Union (EU); 1994 – North American Free Trade Agreement (Wikipedia) (NAFTA) went into effect.; 1995 – World Trade Organization (Wikipedia) was formed; 1999 – The euro was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency (Wikipedia) and 2002 the day-to-day operating currency; Eurasian Economic Union (Wikipedia)

Chinese calendar11th Month 20

• The Bill of Rights (Library of Congress) – On December 15, 1791 = 11th Month 20, year of the Pig, the new United States of America ratified the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, confirming the fundamental rights of its citizens.

• The Treaty of Versailles (Wikipedia) was the most important of the peace treaties of World War I. Although a ceasefire had been in place since November 11, 1918, World War I officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles. Effective: 10 January 1920 = 11th Month 20, year of the Goat

• Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as President of the Soviet Union (the union itself is dissolved the next day). Ukraine’s referendum is finalized and Ukraine officially leaves the Soviet Union (Wikipedia). Date: 25 December 1991 = 11th Month 20, year of the Goat

• Capture of Saddam Hussein (WikipediaHISTORY) Saddam Hussein, the deposed president of Iraq, was captured by the United States military forces in the town of Ad-Dawr, Iraq on 13 December 2003 = 11th Month 20, year of the Goat.

[24010102] Numbers1/1 (inclusive) – 1/2

• Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) are a series of non-binding multilateral agreements between the United States government and other world governments participating in the Artemis Program. Signed: 13 October 2020, 3 years, 2 months, 20 days -> 322 [Skull and Bones] or 1176 days  Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine god -> Beelzebub (Wikipedia) – In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan.

After sunset 🌅 – 1/2

Jewish calendar21 Tevet, 21 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• Bank of North America (Wikipedia), the first chartered bank in the United States, and served as the country’s first de facto central bank. Opened: 7 January 1782 = 21 Tevet

• David Lau (Wikipedia) Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel. Born: 13 January 1966 = 21 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 20 – Muhammad’s daughter Fatima Zahra was born (Wikipedia).

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for 2023, Volume 2

For Volume 1 of Onna’s notes, covering the days of August 4 through November 9, click here.


Here are her notes on Sunday, December 31…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/31 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar12/18 [Convert a date] – December (Roman month) (Wikipedia) was originally the 10th month -> Luke 10:18 So He told them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven; Revelation 18:10 Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: “’Woe! Woe to you, great city, you mighty city of Babylon! In one hour your doom has come!’

Jupiter ends retrograde motion (In The Sky) at 02:41 UTC.

• New Year’s Eve (Wikipedia) also known as Old Year’s Day or Saint Sylvester’s Day (*) is the evening or the entire day of the last day of the year, 31 December. In many countries, New Year’s Eve is celebrated with dancing, eating, drinking, and watching or lighting fireworks. [Amos 8:10 I will turn your feasts into mourning and all your songs into lamentation….]

Some Christians attend a watchnight service (Wikipedia). * Most accounts of Saint Sylvester’s life are fictional. One of the most popular legends has him slaying a dragon and resurrecting its victims, so the saint is often depicted with the dying beast (AnydayGuide).

• Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia) Died: 31 December 2022

International Solidarity Day of Azerbaijanis (National Today)

• President Harry S. Truman officially proclaims the end of hostilities in World War II. – Presidential Proclamation 2714 (Wikipedia). Date: 31 December 1946, 77 years ago

• The Soviet Union legally ceased to exist, Russia and other former Soviet republics having declared themselves independent and having founded the Commonwealth of Independent States on December 21, 1991 (Britannica). 

• President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation and appointed Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acting president of Russia (KremlinHISTORY) Date: 31 December 199924 years ago

• The United States officially handed over control of the Panama Canal to Panama. Date: 31 December 1999 (HISTORY)

• Salman of Saudi Arabia (Wikipedia) – Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is King of Saudi Arabia, reigning since 2015. Born: 31 December 1935, his 88th birthday 

• Israel: Leviathan gas field (Wikipedia) – Start of production: 31 December 2019 -> Leviathan (Wikipedia).

• The Bank of North America (Wikipedia) was the first chartered bank in the United States, and served as the country’s first de facto central bank. Founded: 31 December 1781

• On 31 December 2019, the WHO first learned of “viral pneumonia” cases in Wuhan, China; the disease was later determined to be COVID-19, which became a global pandemic the following year (BritannicaWHOHISTORY)

• Triumph of the Revolution (Wikipedia) is a celebration in Cuba of the anniversary of the victory of the revolution led by Fidel Castro in 1959 which established the present government in Cuba. The holiday is celebrated on January 1 every year. The previous president, Fulgencio Batista fled the country on 31 December 1958. 

Chinese calendar11th Month 19

• Mao Zedong (Wikipedia), also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People’s Republic of China was born 26 December 1893 = 11th Month 19, year of the Snake

[23123101] Numbers12/31 (inclusive) – 1/1

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 66,600 hours ago [Number of the beast: 666]

After sunset 🌅 – 1/1

Jewish calendar20 Tevet, 20 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• 1482 – The first volume of the Babylonian Talmud, tractate Berachot, was printed in Soncino, Italy.

Islamic calendarJumada II 19 (6/19) 

• The Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union meets and formally dissolves the Soviet Unionending the Cold War (Wikipedia). Date: 26 December 1991 = Jumada II 19, 1412 AH

Here are her notes on Saturday, December 30…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/30 (Saturday – Saturn’s Day (Wikipedia))

Julian calendar12/17 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Saturnalia (Wikipedia) in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December (Julian). 

• Ostrogoths Capture Rome (History Today) or Sack of Rome (546) (Wikipedia) The Eternal City was captured after a year-long siege on 17 December 546 (Julian). 

• The 1066 Granada massacre (Wikipedia) took place on 30 December 1066 (Julian), when a Muslim mob stormed the royal palace in Granada, in the Taifa of Granada, killed and crucified the Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Naghrela, and massacred much of the Jewish population of the city.

• Grigori Rasputin was murdered by Russian conservativeswho reportedly poisoned, shot, and then drowned the Siberian mystic—in an effort to halt his influence over Empress Alexandra and the royal family (BritannicaHISTORYDate: 30 December 1916

• Union of Soviet Socialist Republics established – The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, formed this day in 1922 with its capital in Moscow, eventually incorporated 15 republics and constituted (in area) the largest country in the world until its dissolution in 1991 (Britannica HISTORY). Date: 30 December 1922

• Israel establishes diplomatic relations with Vatican City and also upgrades to full diplomatic relations with Ireland (Wikipedia) – Fundamental Agreement Between the Holy See and the State of Israel (Wikipedia). Date: 30 December 1993 (= 11th Month 18, year of the Rooster)

• Execution of Saddam Hussein (Wikipedia) Date: 30 December 2006

Chinese calendar11th Month 18

• George Washington who served as the 1st president of the US died on 14 December 1799 = 11th Month 18, year of the Goat. – The mysterious death of George Washington (Constitution Center)

[23123031] Numbers12/30 (inclusive) – 12/31

• Killing of Osama bin Laden (Wikipedia) Date: 2 May 2011, 660 weeks, 6 days ago  -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Pope Francis consecrates all humanity—especially Russia and Ukraine—to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Vatican News) Date: 25 March 2022, 6 months, 66 weeks ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) – Date: 11 November 2022, 415 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob Original / Greek: 415. aneleemon: without compassion, cruel

• JFK Jr. killed in plane crash (HISTORY) or 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash (Wikipedia), John F. Kennedy, Jr.; his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy; and her sister, Lauren Bessette, die when the single-engine plane that Kennedy was piloting crashes into the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Date: 16 July 1999, 24 years, 24 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.

After sunset 🌅 – 12/31

Jewish calendar19 Tevet (10/19), 19 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• Roman emperor Nero (Britannica) – who became infamous for his personal debaucheries and extravagances and, on doubtful evidence, for his burning of Rome and persecutions of Christians – was born. Date: 15 December AD 37 (Julian) = Tevet 19 [Convert a date] Antium, Italy -> Obama si Nero (Google Search)

• The Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union meets and formally dissolves the Soviet Unionending the Cold War (Wikipedia). Date: 26 December 1991 = 19 Tevet

• The Treaty of Versailles (Wikipedia) was the most important of the peace treaties of World War I. Although a ceasefire had been in place since 11 November 1918, World War I officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles. Effective: 10 January 1920 = 19 Tevet

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia. He was also president of Russia and prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 and Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia) Prime Minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 = 19 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 18

Here are her notes on Friday, December 29…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/29 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 12/16 [Convert a date]

Joe Biden is staying at the Residence of Bill and Connie Neville ( -> Gematria: Residence of Bill and Connie Neville = King Of Babylon Barack Hussein Obama 2x, Emmanuel Jean Michel Frederic Macron 2x

• Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, is assassinated inside Canterbury Cathedral by followers of King Henry II; he subsequently becomes a saint and martyr in the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church (Wikipedia). Thomas Becket: the murder that shook the Middle Ages (British Museum). Date: 29 December 1170 (Julian) 

• London is devastated by German air raid (HISTORY) – The Second Great Fire of London (Wikipedia) was caused by one of the most destructive air raids of the Blitz during World War II. The Luftwaffe raid caused fires over an area greater than that of the Great Fire of London in 1666. Date: 29 December 1940

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia) has been serving as the prime minister of Israel since 2022, having previously held the office from 1996 to 1999 and again from 2009 to 2021. Assumed office: 29 December 2022

• Turkish President Erdogan visits Prophet Muhammad’s mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia (Daily Sabah). Date: 29 December 2015

Chinese calendar11th Month 17

• Decembrist Revolt (Wikipedia) – Advocates of liberalism in Russia rise up against Czar Nicholas I in the Decembrist revolt, but are later suppressed. Date: 26 December [O.S. 14 December] 1825 = 11th Month 17, year of the Rooster

• Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) – Significant date: 23 December 1980 = 11th Month 17, year of the Monkey, when it was declared a National Historic Landmark. 

[23122930] Numbers12/29 (inclusive) – 12/30

• Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud  (Wikipedia) colloquially known by his initials MBS or MbS, is Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. He was appointed crown prince on 21 June 2017, following the King’s decision to depose Muhammad bin Nayef and make his own son the heir to the throne, 6 years, 6 months, 9 days ago.  Mohammed bin Salman is the wild card in the Middle East’s new conflict. …38-year-old crown prince (Reuters).

After sunset 🌅 – 12/30

Jewish calendar18 Tevet (4/18 or 10/18), 18 Tevet (Psalm11918)

Luke 10:18 So He told them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

Revelation 18:10 Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: “’Woe! Woe to you, great city, you mighty city of Babylon! In one hour your doom has come!’

• Seal of the United States Space Force (Wikipedia) was adopted on 15 January 2020 = 18 Tevet 

• Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as President of the Soviet Union (the union itself is dissolved the next day). Ukraine’s referendum is finalized and Ukraine officially leaves the Soviet Union (Wikipedia). Date: 25 December 1991 = 18 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 17

• Mao Zedong (Wikipedia), also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People’s Republic of China. Born: 26 December 1893 = Jumada II 17, 1311 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, December 28…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/28 (Thursday ) 

Julian calendar: 12/15 [Convert a date]

Asteroid 5 Astraea at opposition (In The Sky) at 02:22 [Hebrew: 222. Uriel: “flame of God”, two Israelites] UTC, it also makes its closest approach to the Earth-> Astraea (Wikipedia)”… her name was also suggested for the planet Uranus. Astraea, the celestial virgin, was the last of the immortals to live with humans during the Golden Age. … According to myth, Astraea will one day come back to Earth, bringing with her the return of the utopian Golden Age of which she was the ambassador. (Astraea returns, returns old Saturn’s reign).

Consualia (Wikipedia ) in honor of Consus, a tutelary deity of the harvest and stored grain.

Massacre of the Innocents – (Wikipedia) – Feast 28 December(Catholic Church, Lutheran Church, Anglican Communion)

GematriaNational Card Playing Day (AnydayGuide) = President Kamala D Harris 3x , Robert Francis Kennedy 2x, Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio 1x, Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu 2x 

Pledge of Allegiance Day (AnydayGuide)

• Yom HaShoah (Wikipedia) -> Origins: The first Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel took place on 28 December 1949, 74 years or 888 months ago

• The original Westminster Abbey (Wikipedia), located in London, was consecrated and opened on 28 December 1065.

• Kim Il Sung (Wikipedia) becomes first president of North Korea – Date: 28 December 1972

• Citing political differences with President Andrew Jackson and a desire to fill a vacant Senate seat in South Carolina, John C. Calhoun becomes the first vice president in U.S. history to resign the office (HISTORY). – Date: 28 December 1832

Chinese calendar11th Month 16 -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• U.S. recognizes communist China, 15 December 1978 (Politico com)  = 11th Month 16, year of the Horse

 • Separation of Charles and Diana announced (HISTORY), 9 December 1992 = 11th Month 16, year of the Monkey

[23122829] Numbers12/28 (inclusive) – 12/29

• The European phase of World War II begins with the Invasion of Poland (Wikipedia), a joint attack by Nazi Germany, the Slovak Republic, and the Soviet Union on 1 September 1939, 30,800 days or 4400weeks ago

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA) occurred on 21 December 2020, 3 years, 8 days ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 12/29

Jewish calendar17 Tevet, 17 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• Mao Zedong (Wikipedia), also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People’s Republic of China. Born: 26 December 1893 = 17 Tevet

• Carlo Maria Vigano (Wikipedia) is a bishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. He previously served as secretary-general of the Governorate of Vatican City State from. He is best known for having publicized two major Vatican scandalsBorn: 16 January 1941 = 17 Tevet

• Iranian Revolution: The last Iranian Shah flees Iran with his family for good and relocates to Egypt (1979 WikipediaHISTORY) Date: 16 January 1979 = 17 Tevet. (Fourteen days later, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned after 15 years of exile and took control of Iran.)

Islamic calendarJumada II 16 [6/16 ->  616 is the alternative “Number of the Beast (Wikipedia)]

• 2006 Lebanon War (Wikipedia) , also called the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War – Start date: 12 July  2006 = Jumada II 16, 1427 AH 

• Einstein–Szilard letter (Wikipedia) – Date: 2 August 1939 = Jumada II 15 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 16, 1358 AH 

• The G20 or Group of 20 (Wikipedia) – Formation: 26 September 1999  = Jumada II 15 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 16, 1420 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, December 27…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/26 After sunset 🌅 – 12/27

Jewish calendar15 Tevet 

(4/15 or 10/15)  -> Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob / Greek: 415. aneleemon: without compassion, cruel 

Islamic calendarJumada II 14

• Kamala Harris (Wikipedia), the 49th and current vice president of the United States. Born: 20 October 1964 at 21:28 (Astro) = Jumada II 15, 1384 AH or Jumada II 14 (Convert a date)

12/27 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 12/14 [Convert a date

Isaiah 14:12 (New KJV) How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!

International Day of Epidemic Preparedness (United Nations), Emergency Rescuer’s Day in Russia (AnydayGuide), Massacre of the Innocents (Wikipedia) – Feast: 27 December (West Syriac), Constitution Day in North Korea (AnydayGuide)

• Constantinople is severely damaged by an earthquake, which cracks the dome of Hagia Sophia (Wikipedia). Date: 14 December 557 (Julian)

• Related to the Babington Plot (Wikipedia):  1. Princess Mary Stuart becomes Queen of Scots, also known as Mary I of Scotland at the age of one week on the death of her father, James V of Scotland (Wikipedia). Date: 14 December 1542 (Julian)

2. The Casket Letters,  found to be damaging to the career of Mary, Queen of Scots, were produced at Westminster before a body of English commissioners appointed by Queen Elizabeth I. (Britannica). Date: 14 December 1568 (Julian)

• United Grand Lodge of England (Wikipedia) is the governing Masonic lodge for the majority of freemasons in England, Wales, and the Commonwealth of Nations. Formation: 27 December 1813, 210 years ago 

St. John’s Day, Masonic feast (Wikipedia) – Freemasons historically celebrate two feasts of saints who are both named John. The feast of John the Baptist falls on 24 June, and that of John the Evangelist on 27 December, roughly marking mid-summer and mid-winter. 

• International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Wikipedia) is a major financial agency of the United Nations, and an international financial institution funded by 190 member countries, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. Formation: 27 December 1945 

Chinese calendar11th Month 15  -> Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a hill near Jer. a skull (Latin: calvaria), the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. -> And Joe Biden will travel to St. Croix [meaning “island of the Holy Cross” (Wikipedia)], U.S. Virgin Islands where they will remain through the New Years holiday (Forth).

• Charles III, King of the U.K. and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened Charles Philip Arthur George in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher (WikipediaRoyal Central). Date: 15 December 1948 = 11th Month 15, year of the Rat

• The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) known in some countries as the Boxing Day Tsunami – Date: 26 December 2004 = 11th Month 15, year of the Monkey [Boxer movement (Wikipedia)]

[23122728] Numbers12/27 (inclusive) – 12/28

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 6 years, 96 days ago

• The Chinese Communist Party issues the “May 16 Notice”, marking the beginning of the Cultural Revolution (Wikipedia). Date: 16 May 1966, 690 months, 6 weeks ago

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held on 8 November 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 2606 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure; Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.”

• Barack Obama is officially nominated and accepts the Democratic nomination for U.S. president, becoming the first African American candidate in US history to lead a major party (CNNReuters). Date: (27)-28 August 2008, 800 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 800. eshshah: a fire in Jeremiah 6:29: The bellows blow fiercely, blasting away the lead with fire. The refining proceeds in vain, for the wicked are not purged. / Greek: 800. asumphónos: dissonant, discordant 

After sunset 🌅 – 12/28

Jewish calendar16 Tevet (4/4×4), 16 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• Decembrist Revolt (Wikipedia) – Advocates of liberalism in Russia rise up against Czar Nicholas I in the Decembrist revolt, but are later suppressed. Date: 26 December [O.S. 14 December] 1825 = 16 Tevet

• Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) ->  Significant date: 23 December 1980 = 16 Tevet, when it was declared a National Historic Landmark.

• Israel establishes diplomatic relations with Vatican City and also upgrades to full diplomatic relations with Ireland (Wikipedia) -> Fundamental Agreement Between the Holy See and the State of Israel (Wikipedia) – Signed: 30 December 1993 = 16 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 15

• Kamala Harris (Wikipedia), the 49th and current vice president of the United States. Born: 20 October 1964 at 21:28 (Astro) = Jumada II 15, 1384 AH or Jumada II 14 (Convert a date

• Einstein–Szilard letter (Wikipedia), Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard [lion + lizards] wrote a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, urging him to begin the Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear weapon. Date: 2 August 1939 = Jumada II 15 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 16, 1358 AH 

• The G20 or Group of 20 (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 sovereign countries, the European Union (EU), and the African Union (AU). It works to address major issues related to the global economy, … Formation: 26 September 1999  = Jumada II 15 (Convert a date) or Jumada II 16, 1420 AH

Here are her notes on Tuesday, December 26…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

Joe Biden – Week ahead (White House Pool,  Forth)

12/26 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 12/13 [Convert a date]

13 (Ides) (Wikipedia): dies natalis of the Temple of Tellus (“Mother Earth”), and associated lectisternium [a ceremony] for Ceres.

• Pope Celestine V (Wikipediaresigns the papacy after only five months. Date: 13 December 1294 (Julian). 

Full Moon Wed, 27 December at 00:33 UTC (In The Sky) = 26 December at 7:33 PM (EST). In December, the Full Moon is called the Cold Moon, Long Nights Moon, the Moon before Yule, Oak Moon (timeanddate). 

Boxing Day (Wikipedia) is a holiday celebrated after Christmas Day, occurring on the second day of Christmastide.

• 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) A massive tsunami with waves up to 30 m (100 ft) high, known in some countries as the Boxing Day Tsunami after the Boxing Day holiday, devastated communities along the surrounding coasts of the Indian Ocean, killing an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries in one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Date: 26 December 2004

• Mao Zedong (Wikipedia), also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People’s Republic of China. Born: 26 December 1893, the 130th anniversary of his birth

• The Cold War (Wikipedia), a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union on 26 December 1991.

• Harry S. Truman (Wikipedia) was the 33rd president of the United States, serving from 1945 to 1953. Died: 26 December 1972 

• Gerald Ford (Wikipedia) was the 38th president of the United States from 1974 to 1977. Ford is the only person to become U.S. president without winning an election for president or vice president. Died: 26 December 2006

Chinese calendar11th Month 14

• Republic of China (Taiwan) Armed Forces (Wikipedia) Current form: 25 December 1947 = 11th Month 14, year of the Pig. (The Constitution of the Republic of China – Taiwan (Wikipedia) was adopted)

• Hu Jintao (Wikipedia), the only living former paramount leader of the People’s Republic of China. Born: 21 December 1942 = 11th Month 14, year of the Horse 

[23122627] Numbers12/26 (inclusive) – 12/27

President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 7 years, 7 months or 91months ago -> Strong’s Greek: 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly; Usage: I act unjustly towards, injure, harm. / Hebrew: 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for Haman

• A fly landed on Mike Pence’s head (CBS News) – Date: Wednesday night, 7 October 2020, 3 years, 2 months, 20 days ago -> 322 [Skull and Bones] or  1176 days  ago -> Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine god; Beelzebub (Wikipedia)-> category Judaism: Rabbinical literature commentary equates Baal-zebub of Ekron as lord of the “fly”.

• Assassination of Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) Soleimani (Western nickname:The Shadow Commanderwas an Iranian military officer – the commander of the Quds Force. He was killed by a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq while he was on his way to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi. Date: 3 January 2020 about 1:00 a.m. (local time, UTC+3), 1454 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1454. egersis: a rousing, a rising (from death) Usage: a waking up, resurrection.

• Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud(Wikipedia) colloquially known by his initials MBS or MbS, is Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. He was appointed crown prince on 21 June 2017, following the King’s decision to depose Muhammad bin Nayef and make his own son the heir to the throne, 6 years, 6 months, 6 daysago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held on 8 November 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 7 years, 7 weeks ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

Here are her notes on Monday, December 25…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/25 (Monday)

Julian calendar: 12/12 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: December 25 (Wikipedia): Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (“Birthday of the Unconquered Sun”); Brumalia.

Sol Invictus (Wikipedia) “Invincible Sun” or “Unconquered Sun”) was the official sun god of the late Roman Empire and a later version of the god Sol. The main festival dedicated to him was the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (‘birthday of the Invincible Sun’) on 25 December.

Christmas (Wikipedia) is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. -> Date of birth of Jesus (Wikipedia).

• Black Christmas: December 25 in Jewish History ( For centuries, Christmas, along with Easter, was a time of terror and danger for many European Jews.

• News: For the first time since 1917, Ukraine is celebrating Christmas on 25 December. (BBC News) The move is more than just a change of date from 7 January…It’s the continuation of a significant cultural shift in the country – the latest attempt to eradicate Moscow’s influence in Ukraine.

• Gorbachev resigns as president of the Soviet Union, which is formally dissolved the following day (HISTORYWikipedia). Date: 25 December 1991

• Republic of China (Taiwan) Armed Forces (Wikipedia) Current form: 25 December 1947

(The Constitution of the Republic of China – Taiwan (Wikipedia) was ratified 1946 and adopted 1947.)

[23122526] Numbers: 12/25 (inclusive) – 12/26

• Bethlehem church catches fire after pope’s visit (The Guardian). – A fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Tuesday [27 May 2014], just hours after Pope Francis wrapped up a three-day Middle East pilgrimage during which he visited the shrine, 500 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ),  Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah./ Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

After sunset 🌅 – 12/26

Jewish calendar14 Tevet 
• Purim Hebron

 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) A massive tsunami with waves up to 30 m (100 ft) high, known in some countries as the Boxing Day Tsunami after the Boxing Day holiday, devastated communities along the surrounding coasts of the Indian Ocean, killing an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries in one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Date: 26 December 2004 = 14 Tevet

Here are her notes on Sunday, December 24…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/24 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 12/11 [Convert a date]

4th Sunday of Advent (AnydayGuide); Christmas Eve in Western Christianity (National Today); Adam and Eve Day (The Free Dictionary); Time for a Visit from St. Nicholas (Library of Congress)

Close approach of the Moon and the Pleiades (M45) (In The Sky) at 08:56 UTC = 536(*) minutes into the day. Greek mythology: The Pleiades (Wikipedia), were the seven sister-nymphs, companions of Artemis. *Strong’s Greek 536. the beginning of a sacrifice, i.e. the first fruit

Chinese calendar: 11th Month 12

Three Gorges Dam (Wikipedia) – Construction began: 14 December 1994 = 11th Month 12, year of the Dog

• Gerald R. Ford sworn-in as first unelected Vice President of the United States (Gerald R Ford Foundation). Date: 6 December 1973 = 11th Month 12, year of the Ox

[23122425] Numbers12/24 (inclusive) – 12/25

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany.  [your blog: Twice-Expanded NOTE (9-10 October 2023)], CBS news. -> [How Obama, Hitler, and the throne of Satan [the Great Altar of Zeus] are connected to “the mystery of Jesus. SkyWatchTv (YouTube) at about the 9:00 minutes mark.] Date: 16 November 2016, 2595 (1260 days + 1335 days ) days ago 

 • Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014) Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock (CBS NEWS). Date: 26 May 2014, 500 weeks ago [and on 27 May – Bethlehem church catches fire after pope’s visit (The Guardian)]. 

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia and Address by the President of the Russian Federation) Russia invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that started in 2014. The invasion was the biggest attack on a European country since World War II. Date: 24 February 2022, 669 days ago

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Founded: 20 December 2019, 4 years, 5 days ago [Trump’s number: 45]

• World Health Organization Declares COVID-19 a ‘Pandemic.’ Here’s What That Means (Time). Date: 11 March 2020, 44 months, 44 days ago

• Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic

Church on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (Wikipedia). Date: 13 March 2013, at 19:06 local time, white smoke and the sounding of the bells of St. Peter’s Basilica announced that a pope had been chosen, 3939 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood.

And the next day in China -> Xi Jinping has become president, completing the formal transition of power to a new generation…” (The Guardian)

After sunset 🌅 – 12/25

Jewish calendar13 Tevet 

• Hu Jintao (Wikipedia) Born: 21 December 1942 = 13 Tevet [Hu Jintao’s Exit From China’s Communist Party Congress Causes a Stir -(WSJ)]

Islamic calendarJumada II 12 (6/12)

Here are her notes on Saturday, December 23…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/23 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 12/10 [Convert a date]

Ursid meteor shower (In The Sky) in the constellation Ursa Minor. Ursa Minor (informally called the Little Dipper). [The Little Dipper twin stars of Pherkad and Kochab are analogs to Castor and Pollux (your blog – MORE – 21 January 2023).] 

Roman festivals:

23 (Wikipedia): Larentalia; commemorations for the temples of Diana and Juno Regina in the Circus Flaminius, and for the Tempestates; Sigillaria (Wikipedia) – the last day of the Saturnalia, devoted to gift-giving. 

• The journal “Science” publishes first report on nuclear winter (HISTORY) – Residents of Earth receive a chilling early Christmas present on 23 December 1983, when a group of scientists including Carl Sagan releases a paper titled “Nuclear Winter: Global Consequences of Multiple Nuclear Explosions.”, 40 years ago

• George Washington resigns as commander in chief (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) of the Continental Army and retires to his home at Mount Vernon, Virginia. His voluntary action has been described as “one of the nation’s great acts of statesmanship” and helped establish the precedent of civilian control of the military. Date: 23 December 1783 

• The Federal Reserve System (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on 23 December 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act (Wikipedia)

• Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) ->  Significant date: 23 December 1980 (National Historic Landmark)

Chinese calendar11th Month 11  (11/11)

• Nanjing Massacre (Wikipedia) was the mass murder of Chinese civilians in Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, immediately after the Battle of Nanking in the Second Sino-Japanese War, by the Imperial Japanese Army. Beginning on 13 December 1937 = 11 Month 11, year of the Ox

• Emmanuel Macron (Wikipedia) he is the 25th President of France. Born:  21 December 1977 at 10:40 (Astro) = 11th Month 11, year of the Snake

[23122324] Numbers12/23 (inclusive) – 12/24

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (parliament.uk1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May and the Great Bell’s strikes are heard for the first time on 11 July (7/11), 60,066 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014) Sunday, 25 May –Bethlehem, Jerusalem – 15:00 Private visit to the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem Date: 25 May 2014, 500 weeks ago. Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ); Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. / Hebrew 500.Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites

• The Iran nuclear deal (Wikipedia) is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 8 years, 9 week, 4 days -> Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: Babylon / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood; 894 ápsinthos – a bitter plant known as “wormwood”(figuratively) what is intensely bitter(grievous), bringing on very sad results (used only in Rev 8:11) -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (Wikipedia)

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia) – Born: 15 September 1984, 39 years, 3 months, 9 days old -> 3939 Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia) has been President of Russia since 2012. Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Assumed office: 7 May 2012, 606 weeks, 6 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• Charles III (Wikipedia) – (Charles Philip Arthur George), King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Born: 14 November 1948 at 21:14 in London, England (Astro Databank ), 901 months, 10 days old – > 911

After sunset 🌅 – 12/24

Jewish calendar12 Tevet, 12 Tevet (Psalm11918)

Ezekiel Prophesies Egypt’s Downfall (424 BCE)

• Republic of China (Taiwan) Armed Forces (Wikipedia) Current form: 25 December 1947 = 12 Tevet(The Constitution of the Republic of China – Taiwan (Wikipedia) was adopted.)

Islamic calendarJumada II 11 (6/11)

• President Obama’s Speech in Cairo: A New Beginning ( 1Wikipedia) Date: 4 June 2009 = Jumada II 10, 1430 AH [Convert a date] or Jumada II 11, 1430 AH, 15 Islamic years ago

• Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (Wikipedia) the 5th prime minister of Israel, took place on 4 November 1995 at 21:30 after sunset (Sunset in Tel Aviv – 16:49) = Jumada II 11, 1416 AH, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv.

• Safavid Iran (Wikipedia) was one of the greatest Iranian empire ruled by Safavid dynasty (Kurdish origin). It is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history. Established: 22 December 1501 = Jumada II 11, 907 AH

Here are her notes on Friday, December 22…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/22 (Friday)

Julian calendar: 12/9 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 14:24 UTC; Mercury at inferior solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 18:50 UTC.

• The Feast of the Conception of the Virgin Mary (Wikipedia) is a liturgical holiday celebrated on December 9 by the Orthodox Church and a number of Eastern Catholic Churches.

• IranKhorram rooz (Wikipedia) is the first day of Dey, the 10th month = December 22 [Convert a date] of the Iranian calendar. Both religious and non-religious traditions are associated with this day, such as the ancient Persians considering it the first day of the winter and rebirth of the sun.

• Safavid Iran (Wikipedia) was one of the greatest Iranian empire ruled by Safavid dynasty (of Kurdish origin). It is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history, as well as one of the gunpowder empires. Established: 22 December 1501 = 11 Tevet  [Convert a date]

• The Dreyfus affair (HISTORYWikipedia), a political scandal that divided the Third French Republic from 1894 until its resolution in 1906, begins in France. It remains one of the most notable examples of a complex miscarriage of justice and antisemitism. Date: 22 December 1894

• German reunification: Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate re-opens after nearly 30 years, effectively ending the division of East and West Germany, (BBC). Date: 22 December 1989

[23122223] After sunset 🌅 – 12/23

Jewish calendar11 Tevet (4/11 or 10/11), 11 Tevet (Psalm11918)

Three Gorges Dam (Wikipedia) construction began: 14 December 1994 = 11 Tevet

• Safavid Iran (Wikipedia) – Established: 22 December 1501 = 11 Tevet [Convert a date]

Islamic calendarJumada II 10

• President Obama’s Speech in Cairo: A New Beginning ( 12) Date: 4 June 2009 = Jumada II 10, 1430 AH [Convert a date] or Jumada II 11, 1430 AH, 15 years ago

• Victory of Ali in the Battle of Bassorah = Battle of the Camel (Wikipedia) one of the possible dates is Jumada II 10 (Wikipedia),

Here are her notes on Thursday, December 21…

12/21 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar12/8 [Convert a date]

Winter Solstice (timeanddate) – According to the astronomical definition, winter begins with the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. Friday, 22 December 2023, 03:27 UTC, Washington DC 21 December,  22:27 (December Solstice (National Today); Yule (National Today); China: Dongzhi (National Today))

• St. Thomas’s Day (AnydayGuide) – Although the Roman Catholic Church has celebrated the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle on July 3 since 1969, some Western Christian churches prefer the original date, which is December 21. -> Thomas – Twin of Jesus(Google Search)

Roman festivals: Divalia in honor of Angerona; Hercules and Ceres also received a sacrifice (Wikipedia) -> Hercules in Ancient Rome (Wikipedia) -> category Festivals and rituals: She [goddess Bona Dea] also shared some characteristics with Ceres, with whom Hercules was honored jointly on December 21, with the sacrifice of a pregnant sow, loaves of bread, and mulsum, sweet wine. -> [Prince Harry and Hercules (Heart)] 

• (Babington Plot – Wikipedia) – Mary, Queen of Scots (HISTORY) was born on 8 December 1542 (Julian) and six days later she became queen of Scotland.

• Prince Harry was christened Henry Charles Albert David on 21 December 1984 at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie (Wikipedia). YouTube: 1984: Prince Harry’s Christening Brings the Royal Family Together –

Sol (Roman mythology) -> category Sol Invictus (Wikipedia) – There is some debate over the significance of the date December 21 for the cult of Sol. According to a single, late source, the Romans held a festival on December 21 of Dies Natalis Invicti, “the birthday of the unconquered one.” -> The Invictus Games were founded by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia). GematriaWindsor Castle = Invictus Games 4x, last president 4x, Markets plunge 3x 

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA); (BBC) “…the closest giant planetary ‘kiss’ since 1623.” [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]; The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon) “A new age began December 21, 2020…”

• The city of Bethlehem passes from Israeli to Palestinian control. On 21 December 1995, Israeli troops withdrew from Bethlehem, and three days later the city came under the administration and military control of the Palestinian National Authority in accordance with the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (Wikipedia).

• Bloody Christmas (1963) (Wikipedia) begins in Cyprus, ultimately resulting in the displacement of 25,000–30,000 Turkish Cypriots and destruction of more than 100 villages.

• Emmanuel Macron (Wikipedia) was born on 21 December 1977 at 10:40 (Astro).; 1958 Charles de Gaulle was elected president of the French Fifth Republic. (HISTORY)

• Hu Jintao (Wikipedia), served as the general secretary of the CCP from 2002 to 2012, the president of China from 2003 to 2013… Born: 21 December 1942 [Hu Jintao’s Exit From China’s Communist Party Congress Causes a Stir -(WSJ)]

GematriaNational Flashlight Day (National Today) = President Biden will die 2x; Flashlight Day = the false light 4x, Princess Diana 3x

(International) Dalek Remembrance Day (Days Of The Year) = Muhammad ibn Abdullah [(He is the Prophet Muhammad (World History Encyclopedia)] 3xKing of the United Kingdom 2x, September eleven attacks 2x, President Donald John Trump 1x

Chinese calendar11th Month 9 (11/9)

[23122122] Numbers12/21 (inclusive) – 12/22 

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia and Address by the President of the Russian Federation) Russia invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that started in 2014. The invasion was the biggest attack on a European country since World War II. Date: Thursday, 24 February 2022, 666 days ago. [Number of the beast: 666]

• Netanyahu visits the Rebbe: The Rebbe and Bibi Netanyahu: Politicians for Redemption (YouTube) Date: 18 November 1990, 33 years, 33 days exactly

After sunset 🌅 – 12/22

Jewish calendar10 Tevet (10/10), 10 Tevet  (Psalm11918), Asara B’Tevet – Tenth of Tevet (Wikipedia) begin at 72 minutes before sunrise on 22 December

Siege of Jerusalem (425 BCE)

10 Tevet (479 BC) – Esther appears before Achashverosh for the first time and is chosen by him to be the queen (Wikipedia).

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus (Kremlin). Date: 7 January 2020 = 10 Tevet 

• The Arab Spring (Wikipedia) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s. Street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi self-immolates in Tunisia, igniting the Arab Spring (HISTORY) Start date: 17 December 2010 = 10 Tevet

• Aztec sun stone (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) was rediscovered on 17 December 1790 = 10 Tevet during repairs on the Mexico City Cathedral.

Islamic calendarJumada II 9

• (Babington Plot – WikipediaMary, Queen of Scots (Wikipedia) Coronation: 9 September 1543 (Julian)  = Tishri 11 = Jumada II 9, 950 AH

Here are her notes on Tuesday, December 19…


Numbers12/18 (inclusive) – 12/19

• The Syrian civil war (Wikipediabegan on 15 March 2011 (the Ides of March), 666 weeks ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• President and Mrs. Obama become a part of White House history with reveal of official portraits (Obama FoundationCNN) Date: Wednesday, 7 September 2022, 66 weeks, 6 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), the 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 1946, 4044 months, 4 days old

After sunset 🌅 – 12/19

Jewish calendar7 Tevet, 7 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• Princess Mary Stuart (Wikipediabecomes Queen of Scots, also known as Mary I of Scotland at the age of one week on the death of her father, James V of Scotland. Date: 14 December 1542 = 7 Tevet [Convert a date] (Babington Plot – Wikipedia)

• Perhaps the first official English Thanksgiving in the New World (Daughters of the American Colonists) took place when the ship Margaret of Bristol landed her 38 passengers at Berkeley Hundred (Wikipedia) on 4 December 1619 (Julian) = 7 Tevet [Convert a date], 404 Jewish years ago

• Ostrogoths Capture Rome (History Today) or Sack of Rome (546) (Wikipedia) The Eternal City was captured after a year-long siege on  17 December 546 = 7 Tevet [Convert a date

Islamic calendarJumada II 6 (6/6)

12/19 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 12/6 [Convert a date]

Essene calendar (2023/24): Tekufah Tevet (Winter) [Tekufat (Wikipedia) Tevet is the winter solstice], Hanukkah 7

Lunar occultation of Neptune (In The Sky) from 13:18 to 15:14 UTC; Moon at First Quarter (In The Sky) at 18:39 UTC

Roman festivalsOpiconsivia (Wikipedia) The festival marked the end of harvest, with a mirror festival on December 19 (during Saturnalia) concerned with the storage of the grain. Ops (a consort of Saturn) was deemed a chthonic (underworld, inside the earth) goddess.

St. Nicholas Day (AnydayGuideWikipedia) …in fact, Santa Claus and Father Christmas derive from this patron saint of Children. It is observed on 18/19 December in Eastern Christian countries.

• The Siege of Kiev (Wikipedia) by the Mongols took place between 28 November and 6 December 1240 (Julian), and resulted in a Mongol victory. (Kiev plundered, most of the population was massacred).

National Harry Day (National Today)

• Adolf Hitler appoints himself as head of the Oberkommando des Heeres (lit. ’Upper Command of the Army’)(HISTORYWikipedia) Date: 19 December 1941, 82 years ago -> Lead has atomic number 82. And lead is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia)

• International Day of Banks (United Nations) – On 19 December 2019, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 74/245, which designated 4 December as the International Day of Banks…

• The Sino-British Joint Declaration (Wikipedia) – Britain agrees to return Hong Kong to China (HISTORY) Signed: 19 December 1984 

• Impeachment trial of Bill Clinton (WikipediaHISTORY)  President Clinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives on December 19, 1998. It was the second impeachment trial of a U.S. president, preceded by that of Andrew Johnson. Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remained in office

Chinese calendar11th Month 7 (d/m date format 7/11) 

On (8 August 2023) you wrote about 7:11; Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’ (YouTube – CNN) -> FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) Date: 8 August 2022  = 7 Month 11, year of the Tiger

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA); (BBC) “…the closest giant planetary ‘kiss’ since 1623.” [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]; The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon) “A new age began December 21, 2020…” = 11th Month 7, year of the Rat

• The United Nations recognized the Day of Atonement; — Yom Kippur — as an official holiday, following diplomatic efforts by Israel with American support (The Times of Israel). Date: 17 December 2015 = 11th Month 7, year of the Goat

[23121920] Numbers12/19 (inclusive) – 12/20

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III. (HISTORY) Date: 8 September 2022,  66 weeks, 6 days ago 

• Proclamation of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) – The founding of the People’s Republic of China was formally proclaimed by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), on October 1, 1949, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, 888 months, 80 days ago -> 888 (number) (Wikipedia) – In Chinese numerology …)

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia), President of Russia – He has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: 7 October 1952, 26,006 days old -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure; Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.” Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

After sunset 🌅 – 12/20

Jewish calendar8 Tevet, 8 Tevet (Psalm11918)

Torah translated into Greek (246 BCE)

• First Russo-Chechen War (Wikipediabegins. Russian President Boris Yeltsin orders Russian troops into Chechnya (BBC). Date: 11 December 1994 = 8 Tevet

• Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi SS officer who organized Adolf Hitler’s “final solution of the Jewish question,” is condemned to death by an Israeli war crimes tribunal (HISTORY). Date: 15 December 1961 = 8 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 7

• The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Ground Forces – History: The Guardians of the Islamic Revolution Ground Forces (Wikipedia) was officially established on 5 May 1979 = Jumada II 7 [Convert a dateor Jumada II 8, 1399 AH.

Here are her notes on Saturday, December 16…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/16 (Saturday)

Julian calendar: 12/3 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: 12/3 : Bona Dea rites (Wikipedia) on the Julian calendar 

Martyrdom of Fatimah in Iran (AnydayGuide)

National Wreaths Across America Day (National Today)

• Boston Tea Party (Britannica, Wikipedia) – On 16 December 1773, American colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians threw 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company into Boston Harbor to protest a tax on tea [the Tea Act 1773 (Wikipedia), an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain).

• Great Fire of New York (Wikipedia), The Forgotten Fire That Leveled New York (HISTORY) …the city’s entire financial district went from the thriving center of American business to a pile of ash and rubble. The fire began on the night of 16 December 1835.

Volcanic eruptions and extreme earthquakes:

• 1575 Valdivia earthquake (Wikipedia); 1707 Last eruption of Mount Fuji (Wikipedia) – The highest volcano in Japan erupted for the last time in what is known as the Hōei Eruption; 1631 eruption of Mount Vesuvius (Wikipedia) – At least 4,000 people were killed by a major eruption of Mount Vesuvius; 1811–1812 New Madrid earthquakes (Wikipedia); 1920 Haiyuan earthquake (Wikipedia) rocks the Gansu province in China, killing more than 250,000.

Chinese calendar11th Month 4

• Pope Francis (WikipediaBorn: 17 December 1936 = 11th Month 4, year of the Rat

[23121617] Numbers12/16 (inclusive) – 12/17

• Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People”, was a proposal by the Trump administration to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Date: 28 January 2020, 3 years, 323 days  -> Bible Strong’s Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ.

After sunset 🌅 – 12/17

Jewish calendar5 Tevet (4/5), 5 Tevet (Psalm11918)

Sefarim victory (1987) Tevet 5 is celebrated as a day of rejoicing in the Chabad-Lubavitch community.…

News of Jerusalem’s Defeat Reaches Babyonia (422 BCE)

(Ezekiel’s Vision of the “Chariot” is on Tammuz 5 (Chabad) which is 4/5. – Ezekiel 1:1 In the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was among the exiles by the River Kebar, the heavens opened and I saw visions of God.)

Islamic calendar: Jumada II 4

Here are her notes on Friday, December 15…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/15 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 12/2 [Convert a date]

The Orion Nebula (In The Sky) and The Running Man cluster (In The Sky) are well placed.

Orion (mythology)(Wikipedia) was a giant huntsman whom Zeus (or perhaps Artemis) placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.

Roman festivals:

Consualia (Wikipedia) in honor of Consus, a tutelary deity of the harvest and stored grain

• Roman emperor Nero (BritannicaWikipedia) – who became infamous for his personal debaucheries and extravagances and, on doubtful evidence, for his burning of Rome and persecutions of Christians – was born. Date: 15 December AD 37  (Julian) -> Obama si Nero (Google Search). 

• Donald Trump launched his superhero NFT cards collection on 15 December 2022.

• Charles III, King of the U.K. and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened Charles Philip Arthur George in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher (Wikipedia). Date: 15 December 1948 

• Bill of Rights Day (National Today) – On December 15, 1791, the new United States of America ratified the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, confirming the fundamental rights of its citizens. (Library of Congress)

• United States announces that it will recognize communist China (HISTORYPolitico).

President Jimmy Carter states that as of January 1, 1979, the United States will formally recognize the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) and sever relations with Taiwan. Date: 15 December 1978

• Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia) was the last Iranian royal dynasty. Founded by Reza Shah Pahlavi: 15 December 1925

• In Tel Aviv, Israel, Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi SS officer who organized Adolf Hitler’s “final solution of the Jewish question,” is condemned to death by an Israeli war crimes tribunal (HISTORY). Date: 15 December 1961

Chinese calendar11th Month 3

• Boston Tea Party (Wikipedia) Date: 16 December 1773 = 11th Month 3, year of the Snake

• Philadelphia nurse overhears British plans to attack Washington’s army Date: 2 December 1777 (HISTORY) = 11th Month 3, year of the Rooster

[23121516] Numbers12/15(inclusive) – 12/16

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, years, 110 days (911) ago. On the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia)

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (parliament.uk1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May, 60,099 days ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 12/16

Jewish calendar4 Tevet (4/4), 4 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• Pope Francis (Wikipedia) Ordination: 13 December 1969 = 4 Tevet

• Pope Francis was born on 17 December 1936 after sunset (Astro Databank) = 4 Tevet. Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina, his 87th Jewish birthday 

• The coronation of Charlemagne (Wikipedia) as Holy Roman Emperor, in Rome. On 25 December 800 (Julian) = 4 Tevet [Convert a date], at mass on Christmas Day, Leo [Pope Leo III] acclaimed Charlemagne as emperor and crowned him. In doing so, Charlemagne became the first reigning emperor in west since the deposition of Romulus Augustulus in 476.

• United Grand Lodge of England (Wikipedia) Formation: 27 December 1813 = 4 Tevet

• Christopher A. Wray (Wikipedia) is the 8th and current director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Born: 17 December 1966 = 4 Tevet

• Kim Jong Un (Wikipedia) was appointed as Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army on 30 December 2011 = 4 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada II 3

3 Jumada II (Wikipedia), death of Muhammad’s daughter Fatimah in 11 AH. 

• Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People”, was a proposal by the Trump administration to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Date: 28 January 2020 = Jumada II 3, 1441 AH or 2 Jumada II [Convert a date]

Here are her notes on Thursday, December 14…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/14 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 12/1 [Convert a date]

• Geminid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky) [about the Geminids in detail: your blog on 25 November 2022]

Gematria: December fourteen = Carlo Maria Vigano (Wikipedia3x, Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) 1x, Vladimir Putin 1x 

Chernobyl Liquidators Day in Ukraine (AnydayGuide)

• Constantinople is severely damaged by an earthquake, which cracks the dome of Hagia Sophia (Wikipedia). Date: 14 December 557

• Ebrahim Raisi (Wikipedia) the 8th and current president of Iran. Born: 14 December 1960, his 63rd birthday. 

Related to the Babington Plot (Wikipedia): 

  1. Princess Mary Stuart (Wikipedia) becomes Queen of Scots, also known as Mary I of Scotland at the age of one week on the death of her father, James V of Scotland. Date: 14 December 1542 
  2. The Casket Letters,  found to be damaging to the career of Mary, Queen of Scots, were produced at Westminster before a body of English commissioners appointed by Queen Elizabeth I. Date: 14 December 1568.

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news)
  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began -> ‘The weapon that will end the war’: First coronavirus vaccine shots given outside trials in U.S. (Washington Post)
  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes)

• George Washington (Library of Congress) who served as the 1st president of the US died  on 14 December 1799. The mysterious death of George Washington (Constitution Center).

• Roald Amundsen’s team becomes the first to reach the South Pole (HISTORY) 14 December 1911.

• Soviet Antarctic Expedition becomes the first to reach the southern Pole of Inaccessibility (Wikipedia). Date: 14 December 1958 [The Pole Or Bust! The Loneliest (And Coldest) Lenin (Radio Free Europe)]

Chinese calendar11th Month 2

• Antarctic Treaty System (Wikipedia) and related agreements, collectively known as the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS), regulate international relations with respect to Antarctica, Earth’s only continent without a native human population. It was the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War. Signed: 1 December 1959 = 11th Month 2, year of the Pig

[23121415] Numbers12/14 (inclusive) – 12/15

• Charles III (Wikipedia) – (Charles Philip Arthur George), King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Born: 14 November 1948 at 21:14 in London, England (Astro Databank ), 901 months, 1 day old – > 911

• King Charles III, (as  Prince of Wales) launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset (World Economic ForumThe Royal Family). Date: 3 June 2020, 1290 days ago

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011, 666 weeks ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipediaas the 45th president of the United States

Date: January 20, 2017, 2520 days = 7 prophetic years ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

After sunset 🌅 – 12/15

Jewish calendar3 Tevet, Hanukkah day 8, 3 Tevet (Psalm11918)

Islamic calendarJumada II 2

Here are her notes on Wednesday, December 13…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

New Moon (In The Sky) 12 December 2023 at 23:33 UTC.

12/13 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 11/30 [Convert a date]

in dd/mm date format 13/12 -> Strong’s Greek: 1312. diaphthora: destruction, corruption / Hebrew: 1312. Bishlam: perhaps “son of peace,” a Pers.

Roman festivals

13 (Ides) (Wikipedia): dies natalis of the Temple of Tellus (“Mother  Earth”), and associated lectisternium [a ceremony] for Ceres.

• Saint Lucy’s Day (Wikipedia) widely celebrated as a festival of light. Saint Lucy’s Day is viewed as a precursor of Christmastide, pointing to the arrival of the Light of Christ in the calendar on December 25th, Christmas Day. But there are two Lucys -> On the darkest day, a tale of two “Lucys” (The Norwegian American) “Santa Lucia and Lussi-Long Night: the Saint and Witch battling for control of the solstice”. -> Lussi (Wikipedia) a female being with evil traits, like a female demon or witch, was said to ride through the air with her followers, called Lussiferda. This itself might be an echo of the myth of the Wild Hunt (Wikipedia). 

Nanjing Massacre Memorial Day (Wikipedia)

Kalavryta massacre (Wikipedia)

Acadian Day of Remembrance (AnydayGuide)

Martial Law Victims Remembrance Day in Poland (AnydayGuide) – General Wojciech Jaruzelski declares martial law in Poland (Wikipedia)

• Pope Celestine V (Wikipediaresigns the papacy after only five months. Date: 13 December 1294 (Julian). From your blog on 12 December 2022: Celestine was the first pope to make it “legal” for a pope to resign (before he resigned himself). So his was the first legal resignation of a pope, and Francis’s resignation would be the last, since the “Nazi pope” who follows him will be “the Final Pope who is removed by Christ himself.”

• Pope Francis (Wikipedia) Ordination: 13 December 1969

• The Wold Cottage meteorite (Wikipedia) fell near Wold Cottage farm in 1795, a few miles away from the village of Wold Newton in Yorkshire, England. Fall date: 13 December 1795

• Mossad (Wikipedia) – The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, is the national intelligence agency of the State of Israel. Formed: 13 December 1949, 74 years or 888 months ago

• Capture of Saddam Hussein (WikipediaHISTORY) Saddam Hussein, the deposed president of Iraq, was captured by the United States military forces in the town of Ad-Dawr, Iraq on 13 December 2003. Code name: Operation Red Dawn

• Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (Wikipedia) -> United States withdrawal (Wikipedia): On 13 December 2001, George W. Bush gave Russia notice of the United States’ withdrawal from the treaty.

• From your blog  24 November: on December 13-15 with the EU-Western Balkans Summit and European Council meeting in Brussels.

Related anniversaries:

  1. On Friday, 13 December 2002 at Copenhagen Council (Eurofound)– European Union enlargementThe EU announces that Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia will become members on May 1, 2004.
  2. The Treaty of Lisbon (Wikipedia) is signed by the EU member states to amend both the Treaty of Rome and the Maastricht Treaty which together form the constitutional basis of the EU. Date: 13 December 2007

Essene calendar: 25 Tevet Hanukkah 1 (here)

[23121314] Numbers12/13 (inclusive) – 12/14

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia), President of Russia – He has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: 7 October 1952, 26000 days old -> 26 (Wikipedia) is the gematric number of the name of God in Hebrew YHWH – Tetragrammaton. 

And in Simple English Gematria: God = 26 [Gematria calculator].

After sunset 🌅 – 12/14

Jewish calendar2 Tevet, Hanukkah day 7, 2 Tevet (Psalm11918)

• Boston Tea Party (Wikipedia) Date: 16 December 1773 = 2 Tevet

• Nelson Mandela (Wikipedia)  was a South African anti-apartheid activist and politician who served as the first president of South Africa. Died: 5 December 2013 = 2 Tevet, the 10th Jewish anniversary 

Islamic calendarJumada II 1, the 6th month of the Islamic calendar (Wikipedia). 

• Tunguska event (Wikipedia), a massive explosion over Eastern Siberia. The largest impact event on Earth in recorded history. Cause: Probable meteor air burst of small asteroid or comet.  Date: 30 June 1908 = Jumada II 1, 1326 AH, 119 Islamic years ago 

• Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon issue the Alhambra Decree (Wikipedia), ordering her Jewish and Muslim subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion. Date: 31 March 1492 (Julian) = Jumada II 1, 897 AH

• 7 July 2005 London bombings (Wikipedia), also referred to as 7/7, were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks carried out by Islamic terrorists. Date: 7 July 2005 = Jumada II 1, 1426 AH

Here are her notes on Tuesday, December 12…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

news: What’s UN Resolution 377A, can it help in efforts to stop Israel-Gaza war? (Al Jazeera) Egypt and Mauritania on Monday invoked Resolution 377A (V) to call for an emergency meeting of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Tuesday.

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: Tuesday, 11 September 2001,  1161 weeks ago on 12/11 (inclusive) or 12/12 -> Strong’s Hebrew: 1161. biuthim: terrors, alarms in Job 6:4 (NLT) For the Almighty has struck me down with his arrows. Their poison infects my spirit. God’s terrors are lined up against me.

12/12 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 11/29 [Convert a date]

σ-Hydrid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky Wikipedia) a faint, minor (Class II) meteor shower… Long-period comet Nishimura has been suggested to be the parent body of the meteor shower …… There is a chance of increased activity during the 2023 meteor shower. 

• Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico. Devotees honor the day when Virgin Mary made an appearance to a young man on this day in 1531. (National Today), also in the USA (timeanddate)

• Ukrainian Ground Forces Day (AnydayGuideWikipedia) – The Ground Forces were officially established on 6 December 1991 as part of the armed forces, with a presidential decree on 12 December – from then on marked as Ground Forces Day – being the first that designated the Soviet Army’s Ukrainian formations as the ground component of the new force.

• Reich Chancellery meeting of 12 December 1941 (Wikipedia) was an encounter between Adolf Hitler and the highest-ranking officials of the Nazi Party. Almost all important party leaders were present to hear Hitler declare the ongoing destruction of the Jewish race, which culminated in the Holocaust. 

• North Korea successfully launches its first satellite, Kwangmyŏngsŏng-3 Unit 2 (Wikipedia) Launch date: 12/12/2012

Chinese calendar10th Month 30

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020 = 10th Month 30, year of the Rat

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news)
  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began.
  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes)

• Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia) Founded: 15 December 1925 = 10th Month 30, year of the Ox.

[23121213] Numbers12/12 (inclusive) – 12/13

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) is a non-binding multilateral arrangement between the United States government and other world governments participating in the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2025. Signed: Tuesday, 13 October 2020, 38 months ago or 3 years, 2 months -> Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger [Number 32 and the Messiah], 32 sun rays on the Christogram of the Jesuits (Wikipedia). 

• Mahmoud Abbas (Wikipedia) is the 2nd president of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). Assumed office: 15 January 2005, 6906 days ago 

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 8 years, 8 weeks ago

After sunset 🌅 – 12/13

Jewish calendar: In a regular (kesidran) year Kislev has 30 days, but because of the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules, in some years it can lose a day to make the year a “short” (chaser) year (Wikipedia). 

Tevet (Wikipedia) is the 4th month of the civil year and the 10th month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. Esther made Queen (362 BCE), in the 10th month (Esther 2:16 – 17). 

1 Tevet (4/1 or 10/1), Hanukkah day 6, Chag HaBanot – Girls’ Day (Judaism) (Wikipedia)

• The Wold Cottage meteorite (Wikipedia) fell near Wold Cottage farm in 1795, a few miles away from the village of Wold Newton in Yorkshire, England. Fall date: 13 December 1795 = 1 Tevet

• The Belovezh Accords (Wikipedia) is the agreement declaring that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) had effectively ceased to exist … The documentation was signed in Belarus on 8 December 1991 = 1 Tevet

• Simon Bolívar (Wikipedia) was a Venezuelan military and political leader who led what are currently the countries of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, and Bolivia to independence from the Spanish Empire. He is known colloquially as El Libertador, or the Liberator of America. Died: 17 December 1830 =  1 Tevet

Islamic calendarJumada I 29 

or Jumada II 30  [Convert a date][Each month of the Islamic calendar can have 29 or 30 days depending on the visibility of the Moon, astronomical positioning of the Earth and weather conditions (Wikipedia)].

• Assassination of William McKinley (Wikipedia) William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was shot on the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, on 6 September 1901. He died on 14 September 1901 = Jumada I 30 , 1319 AH as a result of initial injury and subsequent infection. From your blog (14 September 2023) “President McKinley was a MAGA-like Republican who served in the Civil War, so we also need to watch Trump (and Netanyahu and Putin).”

Here are her notes on Monday, December 11…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/11 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 11/28 [Convert a date]

National Caesar Day (National Today)

Krymchaks and Crimean Jews Remembrance Day (AnydayGuide) is observed in Crimea on December 11 to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust in the Crimean Peninsula.

• Battle of Jerusalem (Wikipedia) occurred during the British Empire’s “Jerusalem Operations” against the Ottoman Empire, in World War I. Result: British Empire victory – On 11 December 1917, General Edmund Allenby entered the Old City on foot through the Jaffa Gate instead of horse or vehicles to show respect for the holy city. He was the first Christian in many centuries to control Jerusalem, a city held holy by three great religions. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Lloyd George, described the capture as “a Christmas present for the British people”.

• Roman Catholic papal encyclical Quas primas (Wikipedia) (from Latin: “In the first”) introduces the Feast of Christ the King. Date: 11 December 1925

• German declaration of war against the United States (WikipediaBBC) and Italian declaration of war on the United States (Wikipedia) – On 11 December 1941, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States declaration of war against the Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany and Italy declared war against the United States. (… It has been referred to as Hitler’s “most puzzling” decision of World War II.) -> Congress declares war on Nazi Germany and Italy (POLITICO).

 • First Russo-Chechen War (WikipediaBBCbegins. Russian President Boris Yeltsin orders Russian troops into Chechnya. Date: 11 December 1994 

 • International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust (Wikipedia) was a two-day conference in Tehran, Iran that opened on 11 December 2006. It was widely described as a “Holocaust denial conference” or or a “meeting of Holocaust deniers.”


• Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (Wikipedia) the last native Prince of Wales died at the Battle of Orewin Bridge on 11 December 1282.

• The Statute of Westminster 1931 (Wikipedia)

• King Edward VIII abdicates (HISTORYWikipedia)- After ruling for less than one year, Edward VIII becomes the first English monarch to voluntarily abdicate the throne. He chose to abdicate after the British government, public, and the Church of England condemned his decision to marry the American divorcée Wallis Warfield Simpson. Date: 11 December 1936 (on 10 December, he signed his written abdication notices). Exactly 45 weeks later they met Hitler (Wikipedia – 1937 tour of Germany by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor).

Chinese calendar10th Month 29

• Prince Harry was christened (Wikipedia) at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle Date: 21 December 1984 = 10th Monthbis (leap month) 29, year of the Rat 

[23121112] Numbers12/11 (inclusive) – 12/12 

• Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (WikipediaCNNthe leader of the Salafi jihadist group al-Qaeda, was killed by a United States drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. Date: 31 July 2022, at 6:18 a.m. local time, Washington DC, USA (EDT) 30 July 2022 at 21:48500 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites

• Xi Jinping (WikipediaThe Guardian) General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Chairman of the Central Military Commission.  Assumed office: 15 November 2012, 4044 days ago

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city. Date: 20 January 2009,  777 weeks ago

After sunset 🌅 – 12/12

Jewish calendar29 Kislev, Hanukkah day 5, 29 Kislev (Psalm11918)

• The current armed forces of Ukraine (Wikipedia) were formed after Ukrainian independence in 1991. Date: 6 December 1991 = 29 Kislev

Islamic calendarJumada I 28  or Jumada I 29 [Convert a date]

• Ali Khamenei is the 2nd and current Supreme Leader of Iran since 1989. He was born on 17 July 1939 [according to the Jewish Virtual Library] = Jumada I 29, 1358 AH. 

• Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia) was the last Iranian royal dynasty. Founded by Reza Shah Pahlavi: 15 December 1925 = Jumada I 29, 1344 AH

• Battle of Gaza (2007) (Wikipedia), also referred to as Hamas’s takeover of Gaza, was a military conflict between Fatah and Hamas that took place in the Gaza Strip. End date: 15 June 2007 = Jumada I 29, 1428 AH, Result: Hamas victory; Territorial changes: Hamas takes over the Gaza Strip

Here are her notes on Sunday, December 10…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

Joe Biden: WH travel pool report week ahead (White House Pool – Forth) – On Monday, the President will travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania …

12/10 (Sunday)

21 days remain until the end of the year (Wikipedia). December (Roman month) (Wikipedia) (from Latin decem, “ten”) was originally the tenth month of the Roman calendar. December 10 is 10/10.

Julian calendar: 11/27 [Convert a date]

• Pope Urban II orders first Crusade (HISTORY) on November 27, 1095 (Julian)

Second Sunday in Advent (Wikipedia)

• The Nobel Prize award ceremonies and banquets ( – Since 1901, the Nobel Prizes have been presented to new laureates at ceremonies on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. As stipulated in the will of the Swedish-born inventor and international industrialist Alfred Nobel, which was opened after his death in 1896, the Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine and literature are awarded in Stockholm, Swedenwhile the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway. Both ceremonies are followed by banquets. -> So I find it interesting that it falls  exactly on the anniversary of the Nyköping Banquet (Wikipedia), King Birger of Sweden’s Christmas celebration on the night between 10 and 11 December 1317 (Julian). Among the guests were his two brothers Duke Valdemar and Duke Eric, who later that night were imprisoned (as revenge for earlier Birger’s sufferings) and subsequently starved to death in the dungeon of Nyköping Castle.

• On 10 December 1520 (Julian), Martin Luther publicly set fire to the papal bull Exsurge Domine (Wikipedia) at Wittenberg. As a result, he was excommunicated by Pope Leo X on 3 January 1521.

Chinese calendar10th Month 28

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park) and Hiroshima (Peace Memorial) on Sunday, 24 November 2019 =  10th Month 28, year of the Pig (VaticanHiroshima for Global Peace), 4 Chinese years ago. 

• The Nefertiti (*) Bust (Wikipedia)  is discovered. Date: 6 December 1912 = 10th Month 28,  year of the Rat in Amarna, Egypt (present location: Berlin), 111 Chinese years ago. 

• John Hansonso-called first president, dies (HISTORY). He was the first president of the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation. Date: November 22, 1783 = 10th Month 28, year of the Rabbit, 240 Chinese years ago. 

[23121011] Numbers12/10(inclusive) – 12/11 

• Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNN). Date: 22 May 2017 (5/22), 6 years, 203 days  ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) was the commander of the Quds Force, …considered by some analysts to be the right-hand man of the Supreme Leader of Iran as well as the second-most powerful person in Iran behind him. Born: 11 March 1957, 66 years, 9 months ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 12/11

Jewish calendar28 Kislev, Hanukkah day 4

• Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia) was the last Iranian royal dynasty, ruling for almost 54 years between 1925 and 1979. The dynasty was founded by Reza Shah Pahlavi, a non-aristocratic Mazanderani soldier… The dynasty was overthrown at the end of  the Iranian Revolution.  Founded: 15 December 1925 = 28  Kislev

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020 = 28 Kislev

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news)
  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began.
  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes)

• Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (Wikipedia) -> United States withdrawal (Wikipedia): On 13 December 2001 = 28 Kislev, George W. Bush gave Russia notice of the United States’ withdrawal from the treaty.

Islamic calendarJumada I 27 or Jumada I 28 [Convert a date]

• Operation Neptune Spear – Killing of Osama bin Laden (Wikipedia), the founder and first leader of the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda. Date: 2 May 2011 = Jumada I 28, 1432 AH

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City (The Times of Date: 23 January 2020 (after sunset) = Jumada I 28 [Convert a date] or Jumada I 29, 1441 AH and Mike Pence and Pope Francis meet in a surprisingly long first visit (america magazine) Date: 24 January 2020

• The peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis – could be called the most dangerous day in human history. Thanks to a submariner [Vasily Arkhipov (Wikipedia)], Armageddon likely was averted (U.S. Naval Institute). Date: 27 October 1962 = Jumada I 28, 1382 AH

Here are her notes on Saturday, December 9…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/9 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 11/26 [Convert a date]

Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

Monocerotid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky ); Conjunction of the Moon and Venus (In The Sky) at 16:54 UTC

International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime (United Nations)

• Russia: Day of Heroes of the Fatherland (Wikipedia,  AnydayGuide

• Saint George’s Day (Wikipedia)- The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the dedication of the Church of St George in Kyiv by Yaroslav the Wise in 1051 on 26 November (Julian calendar), which currently falls on 9 December on the Gregorian calendar.

• Smallpox is officially declared eradicated (HISTORY) Date: 9 December 1979, 44 years ago

• Intifada begins on Gaza Strip – Date: December 9, 1987 (HISTORYFirst Intifada Wikipedia

• British captured Yerushalayim from the Ottoman Empire – Jerusalem surrenders to British troops (HISTORY) On the morning of December 9, 1917, after Turkish troops move out of the region after only a single day fighting, officials of the Holy City of Jerusalem offer the keys to the city to encroaching British troops. General Edmund Allenby entered the Holy City two days later. 

Chinese calendar10th Month 27

• Kuomintang (Wikipedia) The KMT traces its ideological and organizational roots to the work of Sun Yat-sen, a proponent of Chinese nationalism and democracy who founded the Revive China Society at the capital of the Republic of Hawaii, Honolulu, on 24 November 1894 = 10th Month 27, year of the Horse

• Great Fire of New York (Wikipedia) – The fire began on the evening of 16 December 1835 = 10th Month 27, year of the Goat, The Forgotten Fire That Leveled New York (HISTORY)

[23120910] Numbers12/9 (inclusive) – 12/10 

• President Obama chairs the U.N. Security Council meeting on foreign terrorist fighters ( Date: 24 September 2014, 9 years, 11 weeks (911) or 110 months, 16 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism ( Date: 22 May 2017 (5/22), 77 months, 7 weeks [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News] or 6 years, 20days -> 622 -> Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly / Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove

After sunset 🌅 – 12/10

Jewish calendar: 27 Kislev, 27 Kislev (Psalm11918)

Kislev 27: Forty days of rain end; begin 150 days of water’s swelling and churning, during which the water reaches a height of 15 cubits above the mountain peaks. (Chabad)

• Prince Harry was christened (WikipediaYouTube) at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle Date: 21 December 1984 = 27 Kislev, 5745

• Pope Urban II orders first Crusade (HISTORY) On November 27, 1095 (Julian) = 27 Kislev, Pope Urban II makes perhaps the most influential speech of the Middle Ages, giving rise to the Crusades by calling all Christians in Europe to war against Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land, with a cry of “Deus vult!” or “God wills it!”, 928 Jewish years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 928. behalah: dismay, sudden terror or ruin / Greek: 928. basanizó: to torture

• Pope Clement V issues the papal bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae (Wikipediawhich instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets. Date: 22 November 1307 (Julian) = 27 Kislev

Islamic calendarJumada I 26 or Jumada I 27 [Convert a date]

• Bernard of Clairvaux (Wikipedia), was an abbot, mystic, co-founder of the Knights Templar (Wikipedia), and a major leader in the reformation of the Benedictine Order through the nascent Cistercian Order, a Doctor of the Church. He died on 20 August 1153 (Julian) = Jumada I 27, 548 AH.

Here are her notes on Friday, December 8…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/8 (Friday)

Julian calendar: 11/25 [Convert a date]

Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Wikipedia) celebrates the sinless lifespan and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 8 December, nine months before the feast of the Nativity of Mary, celebrated on 8 September. It is one of the most important Marian feasts in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church celebrated worldwide.

Revelation 12:8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels.

-> The American aerospace venture SpaceX became the first commercial company to release a spacecraft—the Dragon capsule—into orbit and successfully return it to Earth. (BritannicaWikipedia) Date: 8 December 2010

Roman festivals – December 8: festival for Tiberinus Pater and Gaia (Wikipedia) -> Tiberinus (Wikipedia) is also known as the river god who found the twins Romulus and Remus and gave them to the she-wolf Lupa (who had just lost her own cubs) to suckle. Gaia (Wikipedia) is the personification of the Earth.

2023 National Christmas Tree Day (AnydayGuide)

• A woman (either Margaret Hughes or Anne Marshall) appears on an English public stage for the first time, in the role of Desdemona in a production of Shakespeare‘s play Othello. Date: 8 December 1660 (Julian) and on its 360th anniversary -> Covid-19 vaccine: 1st British Man to Get Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine (Business Insider) – The first recipient was Margaret Keenan. Moments later, 81-year-old William Shakespeare became the first man to be inoculated. Date: 8 December 2020 

• United States declaration of war on Japan (WikipediaHISTORY) – On December 8, 1941 at 12:30 PM ET the 77th United States Congress declared war on the Empire of Japan in response to its surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and subsequent declaration of war the prior day. Following the U.S. declaration, Japan’s allies, Germany and Italy, declared war on the United States, bringing the United States fully into World War II

• The Second Vatican Council (Wikipedia) was the 21st and most recent ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. The council was closed on 8 December 1965

• Atoms for Peace (Wikipedia) was the title of a speech delivered by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower to the UN General Assembly in New York City on December 8, 1953

• Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (WikipediaHISTORY) was an arms control treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union (and its successor state, the Russian Federation). Signed (by US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev): 8 December 1987 -> (President Donald Trump announced on 20 October 2018 that he was withdrawing the US from the treaty… Expiration: 2 August 2019.)

•The Belovezh Accords (Wikipedia) is the agreement declaring that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) had effectively ceased to exist … The documentation was signed in Belarus on 8 December 1991. 

Chinese calendar10th Month 26

• Ebrahim Raisi (Wikipedia) is the 8th and current president of Iran

Born: 14 December 1960 = 10th Month 26, year of the Rat

[23120809] Numbers12/8 (inclusive) – 12/9

• [Pope Francis Tribulation only] from your blog on 21 October 2023: Pope Francis arrived in Sweden to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation (CBS News) (which was a Kabbalist endeavor to break the Church). Strong’s Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” / Greek: 500.  “antichrist” = “antichrist ascends.” – Date: 31 October 2016,  2595 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 12/9

Jewish calendar26 KislevHanukkah day 2, 26 Kislev (Psalm11918)

• Battle of Jerusalem (Wikipedia) occurred during the British Empire’s “Jerusalem Operations” against the Ottoman Empire, in World War I. Result: British Empire victory

On 11 December 1917 = 26 Kislev, General Edmund Allenby entered the Old City on foot through the Jaffa Gate instead of horse or vehicles to show respect for the holy city. He was the first Christian in many centuries to control Jerusalem, a city held holy by three great religions. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Lloyd George, described the capture as “a Christmas present for the British people”.

• Moshe Lion (Wikipedia), the current Mayor of Jerusalem. Assumed office: 4 December 2018 = 26 Kislev 

• The Nefertiti Bust (Wikipedia)  is discovered. Date: 6 December 1912 = 26 Kislev, Amarna, Egypt and present location: Berlin. -> Back to the future: Akhnaten and Nefertiti meet the Obamas – (Los Angeles Times)

• Dedication of the Oldest Synagogue in the U.S. (Haaretz) On December 2, 1763 = 26 Kislev, the building now known as the Touro Synagogue, in Newport, Rhode Island, was dedicated.

• Great Fire of New York (Wikipedia) – The fire began on the evening of 16 December 1835 (after sunset) = 26 Kislev, The Forgotten Fire That Leveled New York (HISTORY)

• Treaty of Paris (1898) (Wikipedia) was signed by Spain and the United States on December 10, 1898 = 26 Kislev, that ended the Spanish–American War. It marked the end of the Spanish Empire and the beginning of the United States as a world power.

Islamic calendarJumada I 25 or Jumada I 26 [Convert a date]

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929 Jumada I 26, 1348 AH or or Jumada I 25 [Convert a date], called Black Tuesday when investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day.

• 1509 Constantinople earthquake (Wikipedia) or historically ‘Minor Judgment Day‘ occurred in the Sea of Marmara on 10 September 1509 (Julian) at about 22:00 (after sunset) = Jumada I 26   [Convert a date] Casualties: 1,000 to 13,000 dead, 10,000 + injured 1070 houses destroyed,… The Grand Mosque of Hagia Sophia survived almost unscathed, although a minaret collapsed. Inside the mosque, the plaster that had been used to cover up the Byzantine mosaics inside the dome fell off, revealing the Christian images (Wikipedia here). 

• Operation Barbarossa (Wikipedia) was the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and many of its Axis allies. For some it was the start of the Great Patriotic War (Wikipedia), the Eastern Front (World War II)(Wikipedia). Start date: 22 June 1941 (22/6) [about the number 226 on your blog on 8 November 2023] = Jumada I 26, 1360 AH or Jumada I 27 [Convert a date]

Here are her notes on Thursday, December 7…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/7 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 11/24 [Convert a date] November (from Latin novem, “nine“) was originally the ninth of ten months on the Roman calendar.

(Wikipedia) -> again 9/24

Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

Puppid-Velid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky)

Brumalia (Wikipedia) – In Rome there had been the minor holiday of Bruma on November 24, which turned into large scale end of the year festivities in Constantinople and Christianity. The festival included night-time feasting, drinking, and merriment…Farmers would sacrifice pigs to Saturn and Ceres.

• Adolf Hitler issued his Nacht und Nebel (Wikipedia), meaning Night and Fog, a directive targeting political activists and resistance “helpers” in the territories occupied by Nazi Germany during World War II, who were to be imprisoned, murdered, or made to disappear. Date: 7 December 1941

• The Attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, on Sunday, 7 December 1941

• Kuomintang’s retreat to Taiwan (Wikipedia) refers to the exodus of the remnants of the internationally recognized Kuomintang-ruled government of the Republic of China (ROC) to the island of Taiwan (Formosa) on December 7, 1949, after losing the Chinese Civil War in the mainland. [Kuomintang (Wikipedia) The KMT traces its ideological and organizational roots to the work of Sun Yat-sen, a proponent of Chinese nationalism and democracy who founded the Revive China Society at the capital of the Republic of Hawaii, Honolulu. And Barack Obama (Wikipedia) was officially born in Honolulu.]

• New world order (politics)(Wikipedia) “…the principal statement creating the new world order concept came from Mikhail Gorbachev’s December 7, 1988 speech to the United Nations General Assembly.”

Chinese calendar10th Month 25

• Nuclear Fission (Library of Congress, Chicago Pile-1 Wikipedia) – On the afternoon of December 2, 1942 = 10th Month 25, year of the Horse, the Atomic Age began

[23120708] Numbers12/7 (inclusive) – 12/8

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Assumed office: 15 November 2012, 404days 

• Kim Jong-un (Wikipedia), Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army. Assumed office: 30 December 2011, 623 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss

After sunset 🌅 – 12/8

Jewish calendar25 KislevHanukkah day 1, 25 Kislev (Psalm11918)

The first murder: Cain Kills Abel; Mishkan completed, not assembled, however, until 3 months later,… ; Chanukah Miracle (139 BCE) – the Maccabees liberated the Holy Temple

[The Books of the Maccabees (Britannica), four books, none of which is in the Hebrew Bible but all of which appear in some manuscripts of the Septuagint.]

1 Maccabees 1:54 – On the fifteenth day of the month of Kislev … 1 Maccabees 1:59 Catholic Bible: On the twenty-fifth of the month, these same evil people offered sacrifices on the pagan altar erected on top of the altar in the Temple.

• Ebrahim Raisi (Wikipedia) the 8th and current president of Iran. Born: 14 December 1960 = 25 Kislev

• The Alhambra Decree (also known as the Edict of Expulsion was formally and symbolically revoked on 16 December 1968 = 25 Kislev by the regime of Francisco Franco, following the Second Vatican Council (Wikipedia). 

Islamic calendarJumada I 24 or Jumada I 25 [Convert a date]

• Pope Clement V issues the papal bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae (Wikipediawhich instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets. Date: 22 November 1307 (Julian) = Jumada I 25, 707 AH

• Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (Wikipedia) (Latin for To the Government of the Church Militant) was the papal bull promulgated by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540 (Julian) = Jumada I 25, 947, which gave a first approval to the Society of Jesus [the Jesuit Order was founded], also known as the Jesuits, but limited the number of its members to sixty.

• The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) (World Jewish Congress ) was established by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on 22 April 1979 = Jumada I 25, 1399 AH or Jumada I 24 [Convert a date] following the Islamic Revolution and the overthrow of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. According to Wikipedia -> The IRGC was formed on 5 May 1979.

• Hezbollah (Wikipedia) -> 1985 manifesto (Wikipedia) – On 16 February 1985 = Jumada I 26, 1405 AH or Jumada I 25 [Convert a date], Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin issued Hezbollah’s manifesto… Its first objective was to fight against what Hezbollah described as American and Israeli imperialism…

Here are her notes on Wednesday, December 6…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/6  (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 11/23 [Convert a date]

December φ-Cassiopeid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky)

St. Nicholas Day (AnydayGuide) in fact, Santa Claus and Father Christmas derive from this patron saint of Children…

Armed Forces Day in Ukraine (AnydayGuide) – The current armed forces of Ukraine (Wikipedia) were formed after Ukrainian independence in 1991. Date: 6 December 1991

• The Siege of Kiev (Wikipedia) by the Mongols took place between 28 November and 6 December 1240 (Julian), and resulted in a Mongol victory. (Kiev plundered, most civilians slaughtered).

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia CNNDonald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the diplomatic mission to Israel(*), formerly located in Tel Aviv. Date: 6 December 2017 -> The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting on December 7, where 14 out of 15 members condemned it, but the motion was overturned by U.S. veto power. *Embassy of the United States, Jerusalem (Wikipedia). Address: 14 David Flusser Street. The Embassy opened at its Jerusalem location on May 14, 2018, the 70th Gregorian anniversary of the creation of the modern State of Israel.

• The Nefertiti (*) Bust (Wikipedia) is discovered. Date: 6 December 1912 [111 years ago], Amarna, Egypt and present location: BerlinHitler described the bust as “a unique masterpiece, an ornament, a true treasure”, and pledged to build a museum to house it. *Nefertiti was a queen of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, the great royal wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten. -> Back to the future: Akhnaten and Nefertiti meet the Obamas – (Los Angeles Times)

• Gerald R. Ford was sworn in as vice president of the United States, succeeding Spiro T. Agnew, who had resigned. (Gerald R Ford Foundation) Date: 6 December 1973, 50 years ago [Gerald Ford’s unique role in American history (National Constitution Center)]

• Joseph Stalin (Wikipedia) was born on 18 December [O.S. 6 December] 1878.

• President Roosevelt to Japanese emperor: “Prevent further death and destruction” on 6 December 1941 (HISTORY). 

Chinese calendar10th Month 24 

• Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace prize in person at the Oslo City Hall in Norway (Wikipedia). YouTube:  2009 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture by Barack Obama – Date: 10 December 2009 = 10th Month 24, year of the Ox, 14 Chinese years ago

“The Terminator” becomes “The Governator” of California  (HISTORY). The actor and former bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger is sworn in as the 38th governor of California at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Date: 17 November 2003 = 10th Month 24, year of the Goat, 20 Chinese years ago -> Meaning of the Number 20 (Bible Study) The number 20, which is one more than nineteen, is twice ten. It can convey a meaning of a complete or perfect waiting period.

• Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas (Wikipedia), 7th United States Secretary of Homeland Security. [He is a Cuban-American]. Born: 24 November 1959 = 10th Month 24, year of the Pig.

• Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (Wikipediathe 6th and current president of Egypt since 2014. (The Times Of Israel) Born: 19 November 1954 = 10th Month 24, year of the Horse

• UK woman [originally from Northern Ireland] becomes the first person in the world to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. Margaret Keenan received the jab at 6.31 am on 8 December 2020 = 10th Month 24, year of the Rat (The Guardian). 

[23120607] Numbers12/6 (inclusive) – 12/7

Harry: Queen Elizabeth lit this one candle exactly 1335 days before Prince Harry’s planned Pearl Harbor Day / Hanukkah crowning. And 1335 is the exact number of days of the fully complete second half of a 7-year Tribulation.  (From your blog: kensthoughtstream on 3 July 2023)

After sunset 🌅 – 12/7

Jewish calendar24 Kislev (3/24 or 9/24)

Construction of the Second Temple Resumes (353 BCE); Kindle One Chanukah Light tonight, 24 Kislev (Psalm11918)

Haggai 2:10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to Haggai the prophet, saying, 

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and your holy city to stop their transgression, to put an end to sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy Place. -> 70 weeks later is 8 April 2025 (inclusive) = 10  NisanYom HaAliyah 

• September 24 (9/24Conspiracy Theories are everywhere. QAnon(Insider), Why September 24 Could be the Most Important Day of the Most Important Year of Our Lives (HuffPost) in 2015

• Quas primas (Wikipedia) (from Latin: “In the first”) was an encyclical of Pope Pius XI. Promulgated on December 11, 1925 = 24 Kislevit introduced the Feast of Christ the King.

• Diocletian was acclaimed Roman emperor by his soldiers (Britannica) – Date: 17 November 284. According to Wikipedia it was on 20 November 284 = 24 Kislev [Convert a date] -> Diocletianic Persecution (Wikipedia)

• British captured Yerushalayim from the Ottoman Empire – Jerusalem surrenders to British troops (HISTORY) On the morning of December 9, 1917 = 24 Kislev, after Turkish troops move out of the region after only a single day fighting, 

officials of the Holy City of Jerusalem offer the keys to the city to encroaching British troops.

• Sergei Kirov is assassinated, paving way for the repressive Great Purge, and Vinnytsia massacre by General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin. Date: (WikipediaHISTORY). Date: 1 December 1934 = 24 Kislev

• 1991 Ukrainian independence referendum (Wikipedia) – A referendum on the Act of Declaration of Independence was held in Ukraine on 1 December 1991 = 24 Kislev. An overwhelming majority of 92.3% of voters approved the declaration of independence made by the Verkhovna Rada on 24 August 1991.

• Fidel Castro declares himself a Marxist-Leninist (HISTORY) – Date: 2 December 1961 = 24 Kislev

• Anthony Fauci (Wikipedia) was born on 24 December 1940 = 24 Kislev.

Islamic calendarJumada I 23 or Jumada I 24 [Convert a date]

• Battle of Gaza (2007) (Wikipedia), also referred to as Hamas’s takeover of Gaza, was a military conflict between Fatah and Hamas that took place in the Gaza Strip. Start date: 10 June 2007 = Jumada I 24, 1428 AH; Result: Hamas victory; Territorial changes: Hamas takes over the Gaza Strip

Here are her notes on Tuesday, December 5…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply. More notes have been added in red.

12/5 is Tuesday 

Revelation 12:5 And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia) – Born: 15 September 1984. He is 2046 weeks, 3 days old -> Strong’s Greek:  2463. iris: a rainbow

 23 Kislev is 9/23

YouTube channel: God’s Roadmap to the End – The Shocking Secrets of September 23 (923/239)(YouTube 

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017 (9/23), 2264 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2264. Héródés: perhaps “son of a hero,” Herod, the name of several kings of the Jews 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: Tuesday, 11 September 2001, 1160 weeks ago -> American Airlines Flight 11 – (Wikipedia) from Boston !

Joe Biden will travel to the greater Boston area of Massachusetts Tuesday, Dec. 5 (White House Pool – Forth, MassLive).

12/5 (Tuesday) -> mm/dd date format 12/05 -> Strong’s Hebrew: 1205. beathah: terror, dismay/Greek: 1205. deute: come!

Julian calendar: 11/22 [Convert a date

Faunalia, a festival for Faunus (Wikipedia). His Greek counterpart is Pan, after which Romans depicted him as a horned god (Wikipedia). In Abrahamic religions, horned deities are closely associated with demonology. Christian demons are described as having horns in the Book of Revelation, and other demons such as Satan, Baphomet, and Beelzebub are typically portrayed with horns.

Krampus Night (AnydayGuide) Western Christians celebrate the feast of Saint Nicholas on December 6, and in some countries Saint Nicholas’s Eve is known as Krampus Night. Krampus (a horned anthropomorphic creature) is Saint Nicholas’s antipode; while Nicholas brings gifts to well-behave children, Krampus is supposed to punish those who misbehave.

• Pope Clement V issues the papal bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets. Date: 22 November 1307 (Julian) 

• Summis desiderantes affectibus (Wikipedia) was a papal bull regarding witchcraft issued by Pope Innocent VIII on 5 December 1484 (Julian) 

• Nelson Mandela (Wikipedia) was a South African anti-apartheid activist and politician who served as the first president of South Africa. Ideologically an African nationalist and socialist, … Died: 5 December 2013, the 10th anniversary of his death. 

• Cheka (Wikipedia), was the first of a succession of Soviet secret-police organizations. Established: 5 December (Julian ) 1917 

• The “Stalin” Constitution adopted (Presidential Date: 5 December 1936 = 21 Kislev

• Battle of Moscow Day in Russia (AnydayGuide) – Commemoration of this day is connected with the events of October-January 1941-1942, when the Soviet troops defended and then launched the counteroffensive against Nazi Germany.

Chinese calendar10th Month 23

• The first World Aids Day  (Wikipedia) was observed on 1 December 1988 10th Month 23, year of the Dragon

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) Launch date: 16 November 2022 = 10th Month 23, year of the Tiger

[23120506] Numbers12/5 (inclusive)- 12/6

• International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Wikipedia) – It was designated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005, 6609 days ago -> 666 [Number of the beast]

After sunset 🌅 – 12/6

Jewish calendar: 23 Kislev (3/23 or 9/23); 23 Kislev (Psalm11918); dd/mm date format 23/03 -> Strong’s Hebrew: 2303. chaddud: sharpened, sharp, pointed, 1 Occurrence in Job 41:30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. / Greek: 2303. theion: brimstone, sulfur 

• Pope Celestine V (Wikipedia) resigns the papacy after only five months. Date: 13 December 1294 (Julian) = 23 KislevFrom your blog on 12 December 2022: Celestine was the first pope to make it “legal” for a pope to resign (before he resigned himself). So his was the first legal resignation of a pope, and Francis’s resignation would be the last, since the “Nazi pope” who follows him will be “the Final Pope who is removed by Christ himself.”

• Roald Amundsen’s team becomes the first to reach the South Pole (Wikipedia) 14 December 1911 = 23 Kislev

• Nuclear Fission (Library of Congress, Chicago Pile-1 Wikipedia) – On the afternoon of December 2, 1942 = 23 Kislev, the Atomic Age began

• Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace prize in person at the Oslo City Hall in Norway (Wikipedia). YouTube:  2009 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture by Barack Obama. Date: 10 December 2009 = 23 Kislev14 Jewish years ago 

Islamic calendarJumada I 22 or Jumada I 23 [Convert a date]

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955 = Jumada I 22, 1374 AH or Jumada I 23 [Convert a date]

Here are her notes on Monday, December 4…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

12/4 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 11/21 [Convert a date]

• Presentation of Mary in Eastern Christianity (AnydayGuideWikipedia) also known as the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, is one of the twelve Great Feasts in the Eastern Orthodox Church. 

• The Feast of St Barbara (Wikipedia) Patronage: firemen; firework makers; miners; tunnelers; lightning; chemical engineers; prisoners; Lebanon ……

• International Day of Banks (United Nations)

• Cyrus the Great (Wikipedia) died on 4 December 530 BC (Julian).

• Perhaps the first official English Thanksgiving in the New World (Daughters of the American Colonists) took place when the ship Margaret (*) of Bristol landed her 38 passengers at Berkeley Hundred (Wikipedia) on 4 December 1619 (Julian), 404 years ago. 

* The first person in the world to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine was British Margaret (The Guardian). 

• National Francis Day (National Today)

• General and dictator Francisco Franco (HISTORY) was born on 4 December 1892.

• Mayoralty of Dianne Feinstein (Wikipedia) – Feinstein was inaugurated the 38th mayor of San Francisco [the first female and Jewish] following the Moscone–Milk assassinations. Date: 4 December 1978, 45 years ago

Chinese calendar10th Month 22 

Exodus 10:22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days. => 

The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times (Wikipedia) is a nonfiction book written by Michelle Obama and published on November 15, 2022 = 10th Months 22, year of the Tiger by Crown Publishing.

[23120405] Numbers: 12/4 (inclusive) – 12/5

• The Abraham Accords  (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on September 15, 2020. Mediated by the United States. Other signatories: Sudan, Morocco

Signed: September 15, 2020, 3 years, 2 months, 20 days ago -> 322 or 322 % of a common year (365 days)

After sunset 🌅 – 12/5

Jewish calendar22 Kislev (3/22) [Kislev (Wikipedia) is the 3rd month of the civil year on the Hebrew/Jewish calendar] -> 322 [Skull and Bones]; 22 Kislev (Psalm11918)

• Joseph Stalin (Wikipedia) was born on 18 December [O.S. 6 December] 1878 = 22 Kislev.

• United States declaration of war on Austria-Hungary (Wikipedia) – It occurred eight months after the earlier declaration of war against Germany that had brought the United States into World War I. Signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson: 7 December 1917 = 22 Kislev

• Reich Chancellery meeting of 12 December 1941 (Wikipedia) = 22 Kislev was an encounter between Adolf Hitler and the highest-ranking officials of the Nazi Party. Almost all important party leaders were present to hear Hitler declare the ongoing destruction of the Jewish race, which culminated in the Holocaust.

• Mossad (Wikipedia) – The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, is the national intelligence agency of the State of Israel. Formed: 13 December 1949 = 22 Kislev

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: 20 December 2019 = 22 Kislev

• The first World Aids Day (Wikipedia) was observed on 1 December 1988 = 22 Kislev

• UK woman [originally from Northern Ireland] becomes the first person in the world to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. Margaret Keenan received the jab at 6.31 am on 8 December 2020 = 22 Kislev (The Guardian). 

Islamic calendarJumada I 21 or Jumada I 22 [Convert a date]

• Turkey and Greece joined NATO bringing the total number of members to 14. Date: 18 February 1952 (Wikipedia) = Jumada I 22, 1371 AH (Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs), 74 Islamic years ago

• Assassination of William McKinley (Wikipedia) William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was shot on the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, on 6 September 1901 = Jumada I 22, 1319 AH, six months into his second term. McKinley died on 14 September 1901. From your blog (14 September 2023) “President McKinley was a MAGA-like Republican who served in the Civil War, so we also need to watch Trump (and Netanyahu and Putin).…”

• 1966 Star Trek Makes its Television Debut (news4sanantonio). The first regular episode of Star Trek aired at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 8, 1966 =  Jumada I 22, 1386 AH.

Here are her notes on Sunday, December 3…

12/3 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 11/20 [Convert a date]

Revelation 12:3 (NIV) – Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.

3: Bona Dea  rites for women only

• Diocletian (Wikipediawas acclaimed Roman emperor by his soldiers on 20 November 284 (Julian) [but according to Britannica it was on the 17th.]-> Diocletianic Persecution (Wikipedia

• Diocletian (Wikipedia) Died: 3 December 311/312 (Julian) 

• Feast of St. Francis Xavier was a Spanish Catholic missionary and saint who co-founded the Society of Jesus (WikipediaAnydayGuide). 

• Advent – (Wikipedia) is a season observed in most Christian denominations as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for both the celebration of the Nativity of Christ at Christmas and the return of Christ at the Second Coming. First Sunday of Advent (National Today): 3 December 2023

• Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia) becomes the 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. The office was established by the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Wikipedia). Ratified and date effective: 3 December 1979, 44 years ago

• Bush and Gorbachev suggest Cold War is coming to an end. December 3, 1989 (HISTORYMalta Summit (Wikipedia)

Chinese calendar10th Month 21

•The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (Wikipedia) is the U.S. federal executive department responsible for public security, roughly comparable to the interior or home ministries of other countries was founded on Formed [Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Wikipedia)]: November 25, 2002 = 10th Month 21, year of the Horse, 21 Chinese years ago

[23120304] Numbers12/3 (inclusive) – 12/4 

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 111 months, 6 days ago. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) -> Strong’s Greek: 1116.Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

After sunset 🌅 – 12/4

Jewish calendar21 KislevAlexander in Jerusalem (313 BCE), 21 Kislev (Psalm11918)

• Diocletian was acclaimed Roman emperor by his soldiers (Britannica).  Date: 17 November 284 = 21 Kislev [Convert a date]. [according to Wikipedia it was on 20 November] ->  Diocletianic Persecution (Wikipedia)

• Donald Trump launched his superhero NFT cards collection on 15 December 2022 = 21 Kislev

• German declaration of war against the United States (Wikipedia). Later that day, the U.S. declared war on Germany (Wikipedia). Date: 11 December 1941 = 21 Kislev

• Kim Jong Il (Wikipedia) Died: 17 December 2011 = 21 Kislev

• The “Stalin” Constitution adopted (Presidential Library). Date: 5 December 1936 = 21 Kislev

Islamic calendarJumada I 20 or Jumada I 21 [Convert a date]

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia. Medvedev served as president of Russia and prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 and Mikhail Mishustin (Wikipedia), Prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020 =  Jumada I 20  [Convert a date] or Jumada I 21, 1441 AH

• Leo Szilard (lion lizards), waiting for a red light to change to green on Southhampton Row at Russell Square in Bloomsbury, conceived the idea of the nuclear chain reaction (Wikipedia). Date: 12 September 1933 = Jumada I 21, 1352 AH or Jumada I 22 [Convert a date]

• Richard Wagner (Controversies surrounding Richard Wagner – Wikipedia) Born: 22 May 1813 = Jumada I 21, 1228 AH

• Donald Trump launched his superhero NFT cards collection on 15 December 2022 = Jumada I 21, 1444 AH.

Here are her notes on Friday & Saturday, December 1-2…

12/1 (Friday) 

Chinese calendar10th Month 19 

• Attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, on Sunday, December 7, 1941 = 10th Month 19, year of the Snake.

After sunset 🌅 – 12/2

Jewish calendar19 Kislev (Wikipedia), Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism -> What Is Yud Tes Kislev? (Chabad)

• Cyrus the Great (Wikipedia) Died: 4 December 530 BC = 19 Kislev 3232 [Convert a date], 2552 Jewish years ago

• Operation Morvarid (Wikipedia)(lit. ’Operation Pearl‘) was an operation launched by the Iranian Navy and Air Force against the Iraqi Navy sites on 27-28 November 1980 (Navy Day in Iran) = 1920 Kislev

• Smallpox is officially declared eradicated (HISTORY) – On December 9, 1979 = 19 Kislev, a commission of scientists declare that smallpox has been eradicated, 44 Jewish years ago. 

• Bill of Rights is finally ratified (HISTORYLibrary of Congress) – Following ratification by the state of Virginia, the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, known collectively as the Bill of Rights, become the law of the land. Date: 15 December 1791 = 19 Kislev, 5552

• Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire (Wikipedia) is the pilot episode of the American animated television series The Simpsons. It first aired on Fox in the United States on [Saturnalia] 17 December 1989 = 19 Kislev

12/2 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 11/19 [Convert a date]

Revelation 12:2 She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.

• Pheonicid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky) …producing its peak rate of meteors around 2 December. -> Phoenicids (Wikipedia) Like other meteor showers, the Phoenicids get their name from the location of their radiant, which is in the constellation Phoenix

• International Day against Nuclear Tests (Wikipedia) was established on 2 December 2009 at the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly, 14 years ago

• Nuclear Fission (Library of Congress, Chicago Pile-1 Wikipedia)- On the afternoon of December 2, 1942, the Atomic Age began inside an enormous tent on a squash court under the stands of the University of Chicago’s Stagg Field…

• The United Arab Emirates is formed (HISTORY) On December 2, 1971, the United Arab Emirates is formed. The union of six small Gulf kingdoms—to which a seventh was soon added—created a small state with an outsized role in the global economy. -> National Day (United Arab Emirates) (Wikipedia)

• Constitution Day in Iran (AnydayGuide) Date in the current year: 2 December 2023. It was established to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 (Wikipedia).

• COVID-19 vaccine (Wikipedia) -> category history: On 2 December 2020, the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) gave temporary regulatory approval for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine, becoming the first country to approve the vaccine and the first country in the Western world to approve the use of any COVID‑19 vaccine (here and

Numbers12/2 (inclusive) – 12/3

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia), 9 years, 96 days ago (exactly)

• International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Wikipedia) – It was designated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005, 660days ago (inclusive) – 12/3 -> 666 [Number of the beast]

 After sunset 🌅 – 12/3

Jewish calendar20 Kislev – Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism, 20 Kislev (Psalm11918)

• Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Wikipedia) was introduced in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks and subsequent mailings of anthrax spores.  It was signed into law by President George W. Bush on 25 November 2002 = 20 Kislev , 21 Jewish years ago [Twenty-one is Blackjack]. HSA created the United States Department of Homeland Security (Wikipedia) and the new cabinet-level position of Secretary of Homeland Security.

Islamic calendarJumada I 19 or Jumada I 20 [Convert a date]

• The Reichskonkordat (Wikipedia) (“Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich”) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. Effective: 10 September 1933 = Jumada I 19, 1352 AH, it has been in force from that date onward.

• The Fall of Constantinople (Wikipedia: here and here) – The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror puts a decisive final end to the Roman Empire, nearly one and a half thousand years after its foundation by Augustus, by capturing the capital, Constantinople. Date: 29 May 1453 (Julian) = Jumada I 20, 857 AH, 588 Islamic years ago. [Jumada al-Awwal (Wikipedia) -> Islamic events].

• The Soviet Union detonates Tsar Bomba (Wikipedia), the most powerful explosive device ever detonated. Date: 30 October 1961 = Jumada I 20  1381 AH, 64 Islamic years ago [Russia released secret footage of 1961 ‘Tsar Bomba’ hydrogen blast (Reuters), more than 3 years ago]

• Israel–Jordan peace treaty (Wikipedia) sometimes referred to as the Wadi Araba Treaty, is an agreement that ended the state of war that has existed between the two countries since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and established mutual diplomatic relations. The signing ceremony took place at the southern border crossing of Arabah on 26 October 1994 = Jumada I 20, 1415 AH, 30 Islamic years ago. Jordan was the second Arab country, after Egypt, to sign a peace accord with Israel.

Here are her notes on Wednesday, November 29…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

11/29 (Wednesday) the 333rd day of the year (Wikipedia)

Julian calendar: 11/16 [Convert a date] Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

Essene calendar (here): 11 Kislev (9/11)

• International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (United Nations) In 1977, the General Assembly called for the annual observance of 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People On that day, in 1947, the Assembly adopted the resolution on the partition of Palestine -> United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (WikipediaHISTORY)

• Pope Francis took everybody by surprise… 1) Pope Francis Prays in the Blue Mosque in Istanbul (America Magazine) and 2) Pope Asks Orthodox Patriarch in Istanbul to Bless him and the Church of Rome (America Magazine) Date: November 29, 2014, 9 years ago

Chinese calendar10th Month 17

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany.  [your blog: Twice-Expanded NOTE (9-10 October 2023)]. Date: 16 November 2016 = 10th Month 17, year of the Monkey, 7 Chinese years ago or 367 weeks ago on 11/28 (inclusive) or 11/29 -> Strong’s Hebrew: 367. emah: terror, dread

• Martin Luther posts 95 theses (HISTORY) – On October 31, 1517 (Julian) = 10th Month 17, year of the Ox

• Partition Plan for Palestine (Wikipedia) – Date: 29 November 1947 = 10th Month 17, year of the Pig

• The Great Northeast Blackout (HISTORYWikipedia)- At dusk on 9 November 1965 = 10th Month 17year of the Snake, one of the biggest power failures in history occurs as all of New York state, portions of seven nearby states, and parts of eastern Canada are plunged into darkness. Over 30 million people and 80,000 square miles (207,000 km2) were left without electricity for up to 13 hours.

• Alexander Bortnikov (Wikipedia), Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Born: 15 November 1951 = 10th Month 17, year of the Rabbit

Numbers11/29 (inclusive) – 11/30

• Kim Jong Un (Wikipedia) became Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army on 30 December 2011 but according to: Kim Jong Un Fast Facts (CNN) “State-run Korean Central News Agency reports that the power was transferred to him on October 8 at the behest of his father.” Counted from 8 October 2011, it is 4436 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 4436. puthón: Python, a mythical serpent slain by Apollo, divination

After sunset 🌅 – 11/30

Jewish calendar17 Kislev, 17 Kislev (Psalm11918)

•Ezra Cries and Prays (348 BCE)

• The Attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, on Sunday, 7 December 1941 = 17 Kislev , 82 Jewish years ago -> Lead – atomic number 82. And lead is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia). 

• 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine (Wikipedia) It broke out after the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution recommending the adoption of the Partition Plan for Palestine. Start date: 30 November 1947 = 17 Kislev

• First Intifada (Wikipedia) – Start date: 8 December 1987 = 17  Kislev

Islamic calendarJumada I 16 or Jumada I 17 [Convert a date]

• Death of Adolf Hitler (Wikipedia) – Date: 30 April 1945 = Jumada I 17, 1364 AH

• Battle of Lepanto (Britannica), naval engagement  between the allied Christian forces of the Holy League and the Ottoman Turks…The battle marked the first significant victory for a Christian naval force over a Turkish fleet. According to some “the battle that saved the Christian West”. Date: 7 October 1571 (Julian) = Jumada I 17 

Here are her notes on Tuesday, November 28…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

11/28 (Tuesday) Acts 28:11 (NIV) After three months we put out to sea in a ship that had wintered in the island—it was an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin gods Castor and Pollux.

Julian calendar11/15 [Convert a date] -> Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: a skull [Latin calvaria], the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull. 

November Orionid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky) – in the constellation Orion. In Greek mythology, Orion (Wikipedia) was a giant huntsman whom Zeus (or perhaps Artemis) placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion. [The Artemis missions carry the Orion moon module.]; The Hyades cluster is well placed (In The Sky) Hyades (mythology) – 

(Wikipedia) “rain-makers” or “the rainy ones”.

• Kim Yo-jong (Wikipedia), the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. She is the Deputy Department Director of the Publicity and Information Department of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Assumed office: 28 November 2014

• Adolf Hitler meets the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini (Wikipedia) at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin. “The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends, Haj Amin al-Husseini told the Nazi leader in 1941, because they had the same enemies — namely the English, the Jews and the Communists. (The Times of Israel) Date: 28 November 1941

• The Tehran Conference (codenamed Eureka was a strategy meeting of Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill from 28 November to 1 December 1943, after the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran. It was held at the Soviet Union’s embassy at Tehran in Iran (Wikipedia , FDR attends Tehran Conference HISTORY)

Iranian Navy (Wikipedia) – Anniversaries: 28 November. It commemorates Operation Morvarid of 1980, a major Iranian Navy victory during the Iran–Iraq War.

• Wasfi al-Tal, Prime Minister of Jordan, is assassinated by the Black September unit of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Date: 28 November 1971 (Wikipedia)

Numbers11/28 (inclusive) – 11/29

• The North Atlantic Treaty (Wikipedia) is the treaty that forms the legal basis of, and is implemented by, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The treaty was signed in Washington, D.C., on 4 April 1949. Effective: 24 August 1949, 3875 weeks ago (inclusive)-> Strong’s Hebrew 3875. lot: envelope, covering; 1 Occurrence Isaiah 25:7 (Amplified Bible) And on this mountain He will destroy the covering that is [cast] over all peoples, And the veil [of death] that is woven and spread over all the nations.

• Sergei Shoigu was appointed Defence Minister of the Russian Federation (Kremlin) and 2012 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term. Date: 6 November 2012, 4040 days ago

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House), 96 months, 6 weeks ago. 

After sunset 🌅 – 11/29

Jewish calendar16 KislevNoah’s Ark Comes to Rest16 Kislev (Psalm11918)

• 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine (Wikipedia) was the first phase of the 1947–1949 Palestine war. It broke out after the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution on 29 November 1947 = 16 Kislev recommending the adoption of the Partition Plan for Palestine. Start date: 30 November 1947 = 17 Kislev

Islamic calendarJumada I 15 or Jumada I 16 [Convert a date] (5/15 or 5/16)

Amos 5:16 (NIV) Therefore this is what the Lord, the LORD God Almighty, says: “There will be wailing in all the streets and cries of anguish in every public square. The farmers will be summoned to weep and the mourners to wail.

• Bashar al-Assad (Wikipedia), the 19th and current president of Syria. He was born on 11 September 1965 = Jumada I 15, 1385 AH, his 60th Islamic birthday.

Evacuation of the last French soldier at the end of the French mandate of Syria after Syria’s proclamation of full independence in 1941. (Evacuation Day (Syria) Wikipedia) Date: 17 April 1946 = Jumadq I 15, 1365 AH

• Death of Benito Mussolini (Wikipedia) in the final days of World War II in Europe, when he was summarily executed by an Italian partisan … the circumstances of Mussolini’s death, and the identity of his executioner, have been subjects of continuing dispute and controversy in Italy. Date: 28 April 1945 = Jumada I 15, 1364 AH

Here are her notes on Monday, November 27…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

11/27 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 11/14 [Convert a date]

Full Beaver Moon in Gemini is joined by Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn (SpaceNew York Post) at 09:16 UTC -> Beavers build dams. Also beaver (genus Castor) (Wikipediathis calls to mind Castor and Pollux and then there is this dark and obscure fable about selfinjuring beavers ascribed to Aesop The Beaver (fable) (Wikipedia). 

Marines Day in Russia (AnydayGuide)

Cyber Monday (AnydayGuide)

• Pope Urban II orders first Crusade (HISTORY) – On November 27, 1095 (Julian), Pope Urban II makes perhaps the most influential speech of the Middle Ages, giving rise to the Crusades by calling all Christians in Europe to war against Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land, with a cry of “Deus vult!” or “God wills it!”

• Assassination of Iranian nuclear physicist and scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh (Wikipedia). Fakhrizadeh was regarded as the chief of Iran’s nuclear program. Date: 27 November 2020 

• Gerald Ford’s unique role in American history (National Constitution Center) – The U.S. Senate voted to confirm Gerald R. Ford’s succession to the vice presidency on November 27, 1973, 50 years ago. 

Numbers11/27 (inclusive) – 11/28

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 6 years, 66 days ago -> 666 [Number of the Beast]. 

• Donald Trump becomes the first sitting U.S. President to visit Western Wall in Jerusalem, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (NBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 6 years, 6 months, 6 days ago -> 666 [Number of the Beast]. 

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia), he has served as the Vatican’s Secretary of State since October 2013. Created cardinal (by Francis): 22 February 2014, 9 years, 9 months, 6 days ago. 

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park) and Hiroshima (Peace Memorial) on 24 November 2019 (VaticanHiroshima for Global Peace), 4 years, 4 days ago -> 44 [Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the US.]

After sunset 🌅 – 11/28

Jewish calendar15 Kislev, 15 Kislev (Psalm11918)

15 Kislev (167 BCE) – The Greeks set up the “Abomination of Desolation” in the Temple (Wikipedia) -> 1 Maccabees 1:54 On the fifteenth day of the month of Kislev in the year 145, King Antiochus set up “The Awful Horror” on the altar of the Temple, and pagan altars were built in the towns throughout Judea.

• Herzl Halevi (Wikipedia) is the Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. Born: 17 December 1967 (Saturnalia) = 15 Kislev

• U.S. recognizes communist China – President Jimmy Carter announced that the United States will formally recognize the communist People’s Republic of China and sever its diplomatic relations with Taiwan (Politico). Date: 15 December 1978 = 15 Kislev

• 1945 Nuremberg trials begin (HISTORY) – Twenty-four high-ranking Nazis go on trial in Nuremberg, Germany, for atrocities committed during World War II beginning on November 20, 1945 = 15 Kislev

Here are her notes on Sunday, November 26…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

Parashat (parashah or parasha) the weekly Torah portion (Wikipediaseems to matter too. Here is one video: The Parashat prophecy (YouTube). It’s related to Hitler and Putin. 

11/26 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar11/13 [Convert a date], Epulum Jovis (Wikipedia)

• Feast of Christ the King (Wikipedia) 2023 date: 26 November (ordinary form)->  Pope Francis visited Nagasaki (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park at ) and Hiroshima (Peace Memorial) on Sunday [Feast of Christ the King], 24 November 2019 (VaticanHiroshima for Global Peace), 4 years ago

• Totensonntag (Wikipediatimeanddate)(Sunday of the Dead), also called Ewigkeitssonntag (Eternity Sunday)…, is a Protestant  religious holiday in Germany and Switzerland, commemorating the faithfully departed. It falls on the last Sunday before the First of the Sundays of Advent. Traditionally, the last Sunday of the liturgical year deals in a special way with the expectation of Judgement Day.

• Thanksgiving Day – In his first presidential proclamation, George Washington designated November 26, 1789 as a Day of National Thanksgiving. The next president to issue a Thanksgiving Proclamation was Abraham Lincoln, who in 1863, also designated November 26 (Library of Congress).

• Mother’s Day in Russia (on the last Sunday in November) – November 26, 2023 (AnydayGuide)

• 1476 –  Vlad the Impaler becomes the ruler of Wallachia for the third time (Wikipedia). King Charles is related to Vlad the Impaler [the inspiration for the character of Count Dracula](Google Search).

• 2008 Mumbai attacks (ChabadWikipedia) (also referred to as 26/11 attacks or 26 November attacks), 10 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant Islamist organisation from Pakistan, carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. One of the terrorists’ chosen targets was the local Chabad House. Date and time: 26 November (21:30) – 29 November 2008 (08:00) 

Chinese calendar10th Month 14

• Charles III (Wikipedia) is King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Born: 14 November 1948 = 10th Month 14, year of the Rat

After sunset 🌅 – 11/27

Jewish calendar14 Kislev

• 1820 The American whaling ship Essex (a whaling ship from Nantucket, Massachusetts) was rammed by a sperm whale and later sank, inspiring the climactic scene in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick (1851). (HISTORYyour blog on 21 November). Date: 20 November 1820 = 14 Kislev

• Second Vatican Council (Wikipedia) was closed on 8 December 1965 =  14 Kislev.

Here are her notes on Saturday, November 25…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

11/25 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 11/12 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 11:14 UTC

• Evacuation Day (New York) (WikipediaHISTORY) marks the day when the British Army departed from New York City on Manhattan Island, after the end of the American Revolutionary War. Date: 25 November 1783

Intel Bulletin Issues Warning to NY Ahead of Holiday Weekend (Townhall) … “an increasing terrorist threat to New York State” amid Iran-backed terrorists’ war against Israel…”

• Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Wikipedia) was introduced in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks and subsequent mailings of anthrax spores. It was signed into law by President George W. Bush on 25 November 2002, 21 years ago [Twenty-one is Blackjack] HSA created the United States Department of Homeland Security (Wikipedia) and the new cabinet-level position of Secretary of Homeland Security.

• Many natural disasters on 25 November (Wikipedia): earthquakes and tsunamis, cyclones,…

• Anti-Comintern Pact (Wikipedia), was an anti-Communist pact concluded between Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan on 25 November 1936. 

• Fidel Castro (Wikipedia) was a Cuban dictator, revolutionary and politician who was the leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2008 and the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba until 2011. Died: 25 November 2016

• JFK buried at Arlington National Cemetery  (HISTORY) exactly on the 3rd birthday of his son John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (Wikipedia) Born: 25 November 1960 

Chinese calendar10th Month 13

• Joe Biden (Wikipedia), the 46th and current president of the United States. Born: 20 November 1942 = 10th Month 13, year of the Horse

Numbers11/25 (inclusive) – 11/26

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 6 years, 2 months, 3 days -> 623 Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey since 2014. Born: 26 February 1954, 69 years, 9 months old

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III. (HISTORY) Date: 8 September 2022, 444 days ago

(2 hidden numbers:

• Proclamation of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) – The founding of the People’s Republic of China was formally proclaimed by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), on October 1, 1949, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, 888 months, 8 weeks ago -> 888 (number) (Wikipedia) In Chinese numerology, 888 usually means triple fortune…)

•Pope Francis consecrates all humanity—especially Russia and Ukraine—to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Vatican News) Date: 25 March 2022, 6 months, 60 weeks, 6 days ago exactly).

After sunset 🌅 – 11/26

Jewish calendar13 Kislev – Talmud completed (475 CE) The Talmud (Wikipedia) is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology. Until the advent of modernity, in nearly all Jewish communities, the Talmud was the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life and was foundational to “all Jewish thought and aspirations”, serving also as “the guide for the daily life” of Jews.

Charles III, King of the U.K. and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Charles was christened Charles Philip Arthur George in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher (WikipediaRoyal Central). Date: 15 December 1948 = 13 Kislev

• Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia) becomes the 1st Supreme Leader of Iran. The office was established by the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Wikipedia). Ratified and date effective: 3 December 1979 = 13 Kislev44 Jewish years ago. 

It was during the Iran Hostage Crisis (HISTORY) which began on 11/4 and lasted 444 days and ended just a few hours after Ronald Reagan delivered his inaugural address. Many historians believe that hostage crisis cost Jimmy Carter a second term as president. Rosalynn Carter (Wikipedia) died just a few days ago (aged 96 like Queen Elizabeth II). 

• Suez Canal opens November 17, 1869 (HISTORY) = 13 Kislev -> [Ben Gurion Canal Project (Wikipedia) Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger”): “Gaza being exterminated to make way for lucrative Ben Gurion CANAL that will cut across Israel to the Red Sea.” (Brighteon)]

Islamic calendarJumada I 12 or Jumada I 13 [Convert a date]

Here are her notes on Friday, November 24…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

On Tuesday, November 28th, the President and the First Lady will travel to Atlanta, Georgia. The President and the First Lady will attend a tribute service for former First Lady Rosalynn Carter. The Vice President and the Second Gentleman will also attend. (White House Pool – Forth)

11/24 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 11/11 [Convert a date] November (from Latin novem, “nine”) was originally the ninth of ten months on the Roman calendar (Wikipedia) -> 9/11

• Lincoln’s Birthday (observed) in Indiana 2023 – 24 November (Office Holidays) [Mike Pence (Wikipedia) was born in Columbus, Indiana]

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park) and Hiroshima (Peace Memorial) on Sunday [Feast of Christ the King], 24 November 2019 (VaticanHiroshima for Global Peace), 4 years ago 

• Joint Plan of Action – (Wikipedia) was a pact signed between Iran and the P5+1 countries in Geneva, Switzerland on 24 November 2013. The negotiations under it which followed eventually led to the Iran nuclear deal. 

• Alejandro Mayorkas (Wikipedia), 7th United States Secretary of Homeland Security. Born: 24 November 1959

Chinese calendar10th Month 12

• Modified Julian Day zero is 17 November 1858. (Google Search) = 10th Month 12, year of the Horse

• The Coup d’état of 18 Brumaire (Wikipedia) brought General Napoleon Bonaparte to power as First Consul of France and in the view of most historians ended the French Revolution. Date: 9 November 1799 = 10th Month 12, year of the Goat

• Fall of the Berlin Wall (Wikipedia) was a pivotal event in world history which marked the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curtain. It was one of the series of events that started the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe. Date: 9 November 1989 = 10th Month 12, year of the Snake

Numbers11/24 (inclusive) – 11/25

• Charles III (Wikipedia)  Charles Philip Arthur George, King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Born: 14 November 1948,  900 months, 11 days old (911)

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 322 [Skull and Bones] weeks ago 

• Cultural Revolution of China (Wikipedia) Start date: 16 May 1966, 690 months, 9 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 11/25

Jewish calendar: 12 Kislev

Here are her notes on Thursday, November 23…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

11/23 (Thursday), 38 days remain until the end of the year (Wikipedia).

Julian calendar: 11/10 [Convert a date] – November (Roman month) – Beginning of winter according to Varro (Wikipedia)

Thanksgiving Day (National Today) U.S. and Brazil

Chinese calendar10th Month 11

• Martin Luther (Wikipedia), the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, and his theological beliefs form the basis of Lutheranism. Born: 10 November 1483 (Julian) = 10th Month 11, year of the Rabbit

After sunset 🌅 – 11/24

Jewish calendar11 Kislev (9/11), 11 Kislev (Psalm11918)

• Joe Biden (Wikipedia), the 46th and current president of the United States. Born: 20 November 1942, at 8:30 AM (Astro-Databank) = 11 Kislev (9/11), his 81st Jewish birthday

• On Thursday, 6 December 1973 = 11 Kislev (9/11) and after sunset 12  Kislev), Gerald R. Ford sworn-in as first unelected Vice President of the United States (Gerald R Ford Foundation). It was two months after Spiro Agnew’s resignation (HISTORY) on 10 October 1973 = 14 Tishrei (Erev Sukkot). Ford is the only person to become U.S. president [the 38th] without winning an election for president or vice president. [btw, Dianne Feinstein (Wikipedia and your blog – 29 September 2023 “Now let’s look at how they’ve set things up to make Kamala Harris the “logical choice” for replacing Senator Feinstein…”) Died: 29 September 2023 = 14 Tishrei  (Erev Sukkot)]. 

• Martin Luther (Wikipedia), the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, and his theological beliefs form the basis of Lutheranism. Born: 10 November 1483 (Julian) =  11 Kislev (9/11)

• Anti-Comintern Pact (Wikipedia), was an anti-Communist pact concluded between Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan on 25 November 1936 = 11 Kislev (9/11) and was directed against the Communist International (Comintern).

Islamic calendarJumada I 10 or Jumada I 11 [Convert a date] (5/11-> President Zelenskyy’s 5.11 – Athlon Outdoors)

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus. (Kremlin) Date: 7 January 2020 = Jumada I 11 [Convert a date] or  Jumada I 12, 1441 AH (Islamic)

It was the anniversary of the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (WikipediaBritannica) Signed: 21 July 1774 = Jumada I 12, 1188 AH

• Kursk submarine disaster (Wikipedia) The nuclear-powered submarine Kursk sank in the Barents Sea. Date: 12 August 2000 = Jumada I 11 [Convert a date] or  Jumada I 12, 1421 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, November 22…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/21 (inclusive) – 11/22 

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel) -> Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post) Date: 9 March 2022, 623 days ago Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss, Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11) / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• Assassination of Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia), Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian major general, was targeted and killed by a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq while he was on his way to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi. Date: 3 January 2020 about 1:00 a.m. local , 3 years, 323 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the O.T. title corresponding to Christ

• Cultural Revolution of China (Wikipedia) Start date: 16 May 1966, 690 months, 6 days ago


President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden to return to Nantucket (Masslive) -> You wrote about Biden spending Thanksgiving holiday on Nantucket a year ago [your blog] WARNING (22 November 2022).

Essex (whaleship) – The American whaling ship Essex (Wikipedia) from NantucketMassachusetts was rammed by a sperm whale and later sank, inspiring the climactic scene in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick (1851). (HISTORY) Date: 20 November 1820 -> Joe Biden (Wikipedia) was born on 20 November 1942. 

Trump boasts of meeting ‘Prince of Whales’ (The Guardian) on 13 June 2019. 

The 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 59th quadrennial presidential election. Democrat Joe Biden defeated Republican Donald Trump, the incumbent, to become the 46th president of the United States. [Joe Biden breaks Obama’s record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential candidate (CBS News.] Date: 3 November 2020, 1115 days ago on 11/22 (inclusive) or 11/23. -> Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a skull [Latin calvaria], the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull.

11/22 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 11/9 <> 9/11 [Convert a date]

α-Monocerotid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky)

• Pope Clement V issues the papal bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets. Date: 22 November 1307 

• John Hanson, so-called first presidentdies (HISTORY). He was the first president of the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation. Date: November 22, 1783, 240 years ago

• Charles de Gaulle, 18th President of France was born on 22 November 1890. Historians have accorded Napoleon and de Gaulle the top-ranking status of French leaders in the 19th and 20th centuries. (Wikipedia)

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (WikipediaJFK Library ) Date: November 22, 1963, the 60th anniversary of his death 

• Margaret Thatcher announced her resignation as British prime minister (HISTORY) Date: 22 November 1990, 33 years ago

• Angela Merkel becomes Chancellor of Germany (HISTORY). Date: 22 November 2005

• The Orange Revolution (Wikipedia) begins in Ukraine. Date: 22 November 2004

Chinese calendar10th Month 10  [like Double Ten Day]

• Shanghai Stock Exchange (Wikipedia) the world’s third largest stock market by market capitalization. It is also Asia’s biggest stock exchange. Unlike the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is still not entirely open to foreign investors and often affected by the decisions of the central government, due to capital account controls exercised by the Chinese mainland authorities. Founded: 26 November 1990 = 10th Month 10, year of the Horse, 33 Chinese years ago

Numbers11/22 (inclusive) – 11/23

• Emmanuel Macron (Wikipedia)is the 25th and current President of France. Assumed office: 14 May 2017, 6 years, 6 months, 9 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 11/23

Jewish calendar10 Kislev , 10 Kislev (Psalm11918

• Liberation from prison of the Mitteler Rebbe, the second Chabad Rebbe -> Kislev 10, is celebrated amongst Chabad Chassidim as a “festival of liberation.”

 Modified Julian Day zero is 17 November 1858. (Google Search) = 10 Kislev 

• Soviets launch counterattack at Stalingrad. Date: November 19, 1942 = 10 Kislev (HISTORY) – Operation Uranus (Wikipedia)

Islamic calendarJumada I 9 or Jumada I 10 [Convert a date] (5/10)

Jeremiah 52:12  On the tenth day of the fifth month, in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign over Babylon, Nebuzaradan captain of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, entered Jerusalem.52:13 He burned down the house of the LORD, the royal palace, and all the houses of Jerusalem–every significant building.

• On 10 Jumada I 11 AH, Fatima bint Muhammad (Fatima al-Zahra) beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad died in Medina at the young age of 23 years according to Sunni Muslim sources. (Wikipedia)

• Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. (CBS News ) [note: a sandstorm hit his trip – Google Search]. Date: 22 March [322 – Skull and Bones] 2013 = Jumada I 10, 1434 AH, the 11th Islamic anniversary of his visit

• Reza Pahlavi (Wikipedia), before the Islamic Revolution in 1979, he was the crown prince and the last heir apparent to the throne of the Imperial State of Iran. Born: 31 October 1960  = Jumada I 10, 1380 AH, his 65th Islamic birthday

• Marion Anne Perrine “Marine” Le Pen (Wikipedia), is a politician who ran for the French presidency in 2012, 2017, and 2022. Born: 5 August 1968 = Jumada I 10, 1388 AH

Here are her notes on Sunday, November 19…

FROM YESTERDAY: These notes from yesterday also apply.

11/19 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar11/6 [Convert a date]

• The Walls of Constantinople are severely damaged by an earthquake, which destroys large parts of the structure, including 57 towers. The population is threatened by a plague. (Wikipedia) Date: 6 November 447 (Julian)

• Suleiman I, commonly known as Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia) in the West and Suleiman the Lawgiver in his realm, was the longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. Born: 6 November 1494 (Julian). Walls of Jerusalem (Wikipedia) In 1535, when Jerusalem was part of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan Suleiman I ordered the ruined city walls to be rebuilt. 

• Sadat’s historic visit to Israel – on 19 November 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat becomes the first Arab leader to officially visit Israel, addressing the Israeli parliament (the Knesset) the next day. Sadat’s visit was a game-changer: A harbinger of what Shimon Peres would later call “the new Middle East.”(Arab NewsThe Jerusalem Post,…)

• Abdel Fatah El-Sissi (Wikipedia) is the 6th and current president of Egypt since 2014. Born: 19 November 1954, his 69th birthday. 

Chinese calendar10th Month 7

•The 2008 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 56th quadrennial presidential election, held on 4 November 2008 = 10th Month 7, year of the Rat. Barack Obama (the junior senator from Illinois) defeated John McCain (the senior senator from Arizona) to become the 44th president of the United States.

• Major event during the Reign of Terror (Wikipedia) 1793 Anti-clerical sentiments increased during 1793 and a campaign of dechristianization occurred. On 10 November, the Hébertists organized a Festival of Reason. -> SkyWatchTv at 14:58) Date: 10 November 1793 = 10th Month 7, year of the Ox

• The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin – Within shooting distance (Russia Beyond) Date: 16 November 1931 = 10th Month 7, year of the Goat

• Kim Yo-jong (Wikipedia), the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. She is serving as the Deputy Department Director of the Publicity and Information Department of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Assumed office: 28 November 2014 = 10th Month 7, year of the Horse

Numbers11/19 (inclusive) – 11/20

• Emmanuel Macron (Wikipedia)is the 25th and current President of France. Assumed office: 14 May 2017, 6 years, 6 months, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 11/20

Jewish calendar7 Kislev

Death of King Herod [Herod the Great – World History Encyclopedia]

• World War I ends (HISTORY) At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 = 7 Kislev, the Great War ends.

Islamic calendarJumada I 6 or Jumada I 7 [Convert a date]

• Assassination of Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia), Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian major general, was targeted and killed by a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq while he was on his way to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi.

Date: 3 January 2020 about 1:00 a.m. local = Jumada I 7 [Convert a dateor Jumada I 8, 1441

Here are her notes on Saturday, November 18…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/17 (inclusive) – 11/18

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) were a granite monument (and a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists) that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. On the morning of July 6, 2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing, and were dismantled later that day, 500 days ago ->  Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites.

11/18 (Saturday) is the 322nd [Skull and Bones -The Brotherhood of Death] day of the year (Google Search)

Leonid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky) -> The 1833 Leonid Meteor Storm (Library of Congress); Mars at solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 05:14 UTC [Mars is named after the Roman god of war (Wikipedia)]; The Pleiades cluster is well placed (In The Sky) [Greek mythology: The Pleiades (Wikipedia), were the seven sister-nymphs, companions of Artemis].

Julian calendar: 11/5 [Convert a date]

• Gunpowder Plot (HISTORY, Wikipedia), in earlier centuries often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason, was a failed attempt to blow up England’s King James I and the Parliament on November 5, 1605 (Julian). 

International Occult Day (National Today)

18 November (Roman month)(Wikipedia) – dies natalis of a cult to Deus Sanctus Sol established by Licinius (Wikipedia); new year in the province of Syria, and according to Clement of Alexandria the birth of Christ

Gematria: November Eighteenth = Joe Biden resignation 2x, Joe Biden has died 2x, Biden impeachment 2x, President Biden was shot 1x

Many papal events: (see Wikipedia: November 18)

326 – The old St. Peter’s Basilica is consecrated by Pope Sylvester I.; 1095 – The Council of Clermont begins: called by Pope Urban II, it led to the First Crusade to the Holy Land.; 1105 – Maginulfo is elected Antipope Sylvester IV in opposition to Pope Paschal II.; 1210 – Pope Innocent III excommunicates Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV for invading the Kingdom of Sicily after promising to recognize papal control over it.; 1302 – Pope Boniface VIII issues the Papal bull Unam sanctam (Wikipedia), claiming spiritual supremacy for the papacy; 1626 – The new St. Peter’s Basilica (St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, the largest church in the world – Wikipedia) in Rome is consecrated.; 2012 – Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria becomes the 118th Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria (Wikipedia).

• Adam Weishaupt (Wikipedia) was a German philosopher, professor of civil law and later canon law, and founder of the Illuminati. Died: 18 November 1830, Gotha, Germany, 193 years ago [44th prime].

• The Utah monolith (Wikipedia), built sometime in 2016 is discovered by state biologists of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources on 18 November 2020. 

• Netanyahu visits the Rebbe: The Rebbe and Bibi Netanyahu: Politicians for Redemption (YouTube) Date: 18 November 1990 (Sunday), 33 years ago 

Chinese calendar10th Month 6

• Sun Yat-sen (Wikipedia). Born: 12 November 1866 = 10th Month 6, year of the Tiger

• League of Nations (Wikipediathe first meeting of the Assembly of the League took place on 15 November 1920 = 10th Month 6, year of the Monkey

Numbers11/18 (inclusive) – 11/19

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016, 88 months ago

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held on 8 November 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 7 years, 11 days ago [Donald Trump and 7/11, YouTube – CNN]

• Palmyra Arch Of Triumph Replica Unveiled In London‘s Trafalgar Square on Tuesday 19 April 2016 (VOA news), 7 years, 7 months ago

• John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Wikipedia), the 35th president of the United States. Born: 29 May 1917, Brookline, Massachusetts, United States, 5555 weeks, 5 days ago 

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Founded: 20 December 2019, 3 years, 333 days ago (on 11/18 exactly)

After sunset 🌅 – 11/19

Jewish calendar6 Kislev, [Ben-Gurion Day]; 6 Kislev (Psalm11918)

• United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (Wikipedia), adopted on 10 November 1975 = 6 Kislev, “determine that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination“. It was revoked 16 years later with Resolution 46/86.

• Berel Lazar (Wikipedia) was elected chief Rabbi of of Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia on 15 November 1999 = Ben-Gurion Day – 6 Kislev 

• Palestinian Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) formally established the State of Palestine, proclaimed by Yasser Arafat on 15 November 1988 = Ben-Gurion Day – 6 Kislev in Algiers, Algeria.

from today’s news: French court issues arrest warrant for Bashar al-Assad for complicity in war crimes (The Guardian) and three others – including Assad’s brother Maher (Wikipedia). Born: 8 December 1967 = 6 Kislev

• Major event during the Reign of Terror (Wikipedia) 1793 Anti-clerical sentiments increased during 1793 and a campaign of dechristianization occurred. On 10 November, the Hébertists organized a Festival of Reason. -> SkyWatchTv at 14:58). Date: 10 November 1793 = 6 Kislev

The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin – Within shooting distance (Russia Beyond) Date: 16 November 1931 = 6 Kislev

Islamic calendarJumada I 5 or Jumada I 6 [Convert a date]

• Theodore John Kaczynski (Wikipedia) Born: 22 May 1942  = Jumada I 6, 1361 AH

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, he also made a historic speech at the Knesset (abc NEWS). It was his first trip to the Middle East. Date: 23 January 2018 = Jumada I 6, 1439 AH

Here are her notes on Friday, November 17…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/16 (inclusive) – 11/17 

• World War II (Wikipedia) is generally considered to have begun on 1 September 1939, when Nazi Germany, under Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. (The United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany on 3 September). 1010 months, 16 days [and this day is 11/16]-> Greek: 1116.Gomorra/Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

11/17 (Friday

Julian calendar: 11/4 [Convert a date]

In Italy, Friday the 17th is considered an unlucky day and the unluckiest day of all would be a Friday the 17th in November (ThoughtCo)

• At the death of Mary I this day, Elizabeth Tudor came to the English throne as Elizabeth I. Elizabethan Age Begins (HISTORYWikipedia). Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history.

 A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the US. It is the first of a planned two-volume series. Publisher: Crown; publication date: 17 November 2020

Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger”): “Gaza being exterminated to make way for lucrative Ben Gurion CANAL that will cut across Israel to the Red Sea.” (Brighteon)

• Suez Canal opens November 17, 1869 (HISTORY) -> Ben Gurion Canal Project (Wikipedia) is a proposed canal project through the state of Israel. It would connect the Gulf of Aqaba to the Mediterranean Sea. The canal would rival the Suez Canal, which runs through Egypt and has had many disturbances in its history.  Ben-Gurion Day (Wikipedia) is 6 Kislev [Saturday, 18 November after sunset], the date of David Ben-Gurion’s death.

more 11/17 

• Diocletian was acclaimed Roman emperor by his soldiers (Britannica). Date: 17 November 284 [according to Wikipedia it was on 20 November] -> Diocletianic Persecution (Wikipedia)

• Modified Julian Day zero is 17 November 1858 (Google Search).

 “The Terminator” becomes “The Governator” of California (HISTORY). The actor and former bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger is sworn in as the 38th governor of California at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Schwarzenegger, who became a major Hollywood star in the 1980s with such action movies as Conan the Barbarian and The Terminator, defeated Governor Gray Davis in a special recall election on October 7, 2003. Date: 17 November 2003, 20 years ago -> Meaning of the Number 20 (Bible Study) The number 20, which is one more than nineteen, is twice ten. It can convey a meaning of a complete or perfect waiting period.

Chinese calendar10th Month 5

• Gunpowder Plot (HISTORY, Wikipedia) – Date: 5 November 1605 (Julian) = 15 November 1605 (Gregorian) = 10th Month 5, year of the Snake

Numbers11/17 (inclusive) – 11/18

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) were a granite monument (and a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists) that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. On the morning of July 6, 2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing, and were dismantled later that day, 500  days ago ->  Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites.

After sunset 🌅 – 11/18

Jewish calendarKislev, 5 Kislev (Psalm11918)

5 Kislev 9/5 [Lightning McQueen, #95 (Wikipedia)  and the 95 (Ninety-five Theses )]

• Gunpowder Plot (HISTORY, Wikipedia), in earlier centuries often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason, was a failed attempt to blow up England’s King James I and the Parliament on November 5, 1605. The plot was organized by Robert Catesby in an effort to end the persecution of Roman Catholics by the English government. Catesby and others hoped to replace the country’s Protestant government with Catholic leadership. Date: 5 November 1605 (Julian) = 15 November 1605 (Gregorian) = 5 Kislev

• Becoming (book)(Wikipedia) is the memoir by former First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama, published on November 13, 2018 = 5 Kislev

Islamic calendarJumada I 4  or Jumada I 5 [Convert a date]

Here are her notes on Thursday, November 16…

11/16 (Thursday)

Julian calendar: 11/3 [Convert a date]

Revelation 11:3  And I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.

Isia concludes with the Hilaria (“Rejoicing”) (Wikipedia)

• The first Act of Supremacy (Wikipedia) was passed on 3 November 1534 (Julian) by the Parliament of England. It granted King Henry VIII of England and subsequent monarchs royal supremacy, such that he was declared the supreme head of the Church of England… In the Act of Supremacy, Henry [Henry is Harry Wikipedia] abandoned Rome completely.

November 16 is 11/16 -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, Usage: Gomorrah, one of the destroyed cities on the Dead Sea./Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place. About the connection bamah – Obama: Did Jesus give us the name of the Anti-Christ (YouTube)

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (later that day): Berlin, Germany (CBS news), Date: 16 November 2016, 7 years ago  

Also Obama’s First Visit to China (CBS news), 15–18 November (The Great Wall of China) 2009, 14 (7+7) years ago

The Night of Hekate: November 16 — (Celebrate Pagan Holidays, Days Of The Year) Hecate was closely identified with Diana/Artemis in the Roman era. (Wikipedia)

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. As the first major spaceflight of NASA’s Artemis program, Artemis 1 marked the agency’s return to lunar exploration after the conclusion of the Apollo program five decades earlier. Launch date: 16 November 2022

• The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin – Within shooting distance (Russia Beyond) Date: 16 November 1931

• The Federal Reserve Bank of of the United States officially opens on 16 November 1914 (Federal Reserve History)

Chinese calendar: 10th Month 4

• The Utah monolith (Wikipedia), built sometime in 2016 is discovered by state biologists of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources 18 November 2020 = 10th Month 4, year of the Rat

• Adolf Hitler was arrested and charged with high treason for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch (Smithsonian Magazine). Date: 11 November 1923 = 10th Month 4, year of the Pig

• A research assistant is injured when a package from the Unabomber (Ted Kaczynski) addressed to a University of Michigan professor explodes. (Wikipedia) Date: 15 November, 1985 = 10th Month 4, year of the Ox

Numbers11/16 (inclusive) – 11/17 

• World War II (Wikipedia) is generally considered to have begun on 1 September 1939, when Nazi Germany, under Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. (The United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany on 3 September). 1010 months, 16 days [and this day is 11/16]-> Greek: 1116.Gomorra/Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

After sunset 🌅 – 11/17

Jewish calendar4 Kislev, 4 Kislev (

Zechariah Foretold Messianic Era (3410/-352)

• League of Nations (Wikipedia) the first meeting of the Assembly of the League took place on 15 November 1920 = 4 Kislev

• Sun Yat-sen (Wikipedia) was the first provisional president of the Republic of China and the first leader of the Kuomintang. He is called the “Father of the Nation” in the present-day Republic of China (Taiwan) and the “Forerunner of the Revolution” in the People’s Republic of China. Born: 12 November 1866 = 4 Kislev

Islamic calendarJumada I 3 or 4 [Convert a date]

• Robert Francis Kennedy (Wikipedia) also known by his initials RFK and by the nickname Bobby was born on 20 November 1925 = Jumada I 4, 1344 AH. Gematria: Robert Francis Kennedy = Revelation Nine Eleven 3x – [Revelation 9:11 They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon]

Here are her notes on Wednesday, November 15…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers: 11/14 (inclusive) – 11/15

• King Charles III, (as  Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset (World Economic ForumThe Royal Family), Date: 3 June 2020, 1260 days ago

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (Time). Date: 11 March 2020, 44 months, 4 days ago

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held on 8 November 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 7 years, days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News].

• 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash (WikipediaJohn F. Kennedy Jr. (Wikipediadied when the light aircraft he was flying crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, on 16 July 1999, 8888 days ago

• Sergei Shoigu (Wikipediawas appointed Minister of Defence by Putin (Kremlin) and on the same day 2012 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term. Date: 6 November 2012, 11 years, 9 days ago

11/15 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 11/2 [Convert a date]

• Isia continues with the Ter novena, a joyful performance by a choir of 27 men (Wikipedia)

• The Articles of Confederation were adopted by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777. This document served as the United States’ first constitution. It was in force from March 1, 1781, until 1789 when the present-day Constitution went into effect. (National Archives)

• League of Nations (Wikipediathe first meeting of the Assembly of the League took place on 15 November 1920.

 Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: 15 November 2012

 • 2x bombings carried out by Kaczynski:

1. American Airlines Flight 444 (Wikipedia) – A package from Unabomber Ted Kaczynski begins smoking in the cargo hold of a flight from Chicago to Washington, D.C., forcing the plane to make an emergency landing. Date: 15 November 1979

2. A research assistant is injured when a package from the Unabomber addressed to a University of Michigan professor explodes. (Wikipedia) Date: 15 November,1985 

• Mahmoud Abbas (Wikipedia), the 2nd president of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority. Born: 15 November 1935. 

• Palestinian Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) formally established the State of Palestine, proclaimed by Yasser Arafat on 15 November 1988 in Algiers, Algeria.

• The declaration of Independence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (Wikipediawas a unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) from the Republic of Cyprus by the Turkish Cypriot parliament on 15 November 1983.

• Alexander Bortnikov (Wikipedia), Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, he was born on 15 November 1951. 

• Berel Lazar (Wikipedia) was elected chief Rabbi of of Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia on 15 November 1999.

• The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times (Wikipedia) is a nonfiction book written by Michelle Obama and published on 15 November 2022.

Chinese calendar10th Month 3

• A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the US. It is the first of a planned two-volume series. Publisher: Crown, publication date: 17 November 2020 = 10th Month 3, year of the Rat

After sunset 🌅 – 11/16

Jewish calendar3 Kislev, 3 Kislev (Psalm11918)

• Adolf Hitler was arrested and charged with high treason for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch (Smithsonian Magazine). Date: 11 November 1923 = 3 Kislev

• Earth rang like a bell: Strange waves rippled around the world, and nobody knows why (National Geographic). Date: 11 November 2018 = 3 Kislev

Islamic calendarJumada I 2 or 3 [Convert a date]

• Oslo II Accord (Wikipedia) – The Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip commonly known as Oslo II or Oslo 2, was a key and complex agreement in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process. The Accord was officially signed on 28 September 1995 = Jumada I 3, 1416 AH

Here are her notes on Tuesday, November 14…

14 (number)(Wikipedia): the number of pieces the body of Osiris was torn into by his fratricidal brother Set.; the atomic number of silicon [Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (Wikipedia)]; In Mandarin-speaking regions in China, 14 and 74 are considered more unlucky than the individual 4 (Wikipedia); Fourteen Words (Wikipedia).

11/14 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 11/1 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury – In The Sky at 14:39 UTC

• November 1 (Julian) – Isia, which began October 28, continues with the Heuresis, a “finding out” ceremony of the return to life of Osiris, with 24 circus races. (Wikipedia)

• Ottoman Empire declares a holy war (HISTORY), the Ottoman Jihad (International Encyclopedia of the First World War) – On November 14, 1914, in Constantinople, capital of the Ottoman Empire, the religious leader Sheikh-ul-Islam declares an Islamic holy war on behalf of the Ottoman government, urging his Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro in World War I.

• Charles III (Wikipedia)  (Charles Philip Arthur George) is King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. Born: 14 November 1948 at 21:14 (= 9:14 PM ) in London, England (Astro Databank ).

• 2008 G20 Washington summit (Wikipedia) – The first meeting of the G20 leaders on financial markets and the world economy was held in Washington, D.C. on November 14–15, 2008, at the National Building Museum

• Joseph McCarthy (Wikipedia) a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin was born on 14 November 1908. McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period in the United States in which Cold War tensions fueled fears of widespread communist subversion. He alleged that numerous communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers had infiltrated the United States federal government, universities, film industry, and elsewhere.

Chinese calendar10th Month 2

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), thus the paramount leader of China. Assumed office: 15 November 2012 = 10th Month 2, year of the Dragon, specifically Water Dragon), 11 Chinese years ago 

• November 2015 Paris attacks (WikipediaHISTORY) – On Friday, 13 November – 14 November 2015 = 10th Month 2 – 3, year of the Goat

Numbers: 11/14 (inclusive) – 11/15

• King Charles III, (as  Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset (World Economic ForumThe Royal Family), Date: 3 June 2020, 1260 days ago

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (Time). Date: 11 March 2020, 44 months, 4 days ago

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held on 8 November 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 7 years, days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash (WikipediaJohn F. Kennedy Jr. (Wikipediadied when the light aircraft he was flying crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, on 16 July 1999, 8888 days ago. 

• Sergei Shoigu (Wikipediawas appointed Minister of Defence by Putin (Kremlin) and on the same day 2012 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term. Date: 6 November 2012, 11 years, 9 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 11/15

Jewish calendar2 Kislev2 Kislev (

• Adam Weishaupt (Wikipedia) was a German philosopher, professor of civil law and later canon law, and founder of the IlluminatiDied: 18 November 1830, Gotha, Germany = 2 Kislev, 193 Jewish years ago [44th prime]

• November 2015 Paris attacks (WikipediaHISTORY) – On Friday, 13 November 2015 (began at 21:16, after sunset) = 2 Kislev

• The Utah monolith (Wikipedia), built sometime in 2016 is discovered by state biologists of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources 18 November 2020 = 2 Kislev

•The Battle of Jerusalem (Wikipedia) occurred during the British Empire’s “Jerusalem Operations” against the Ottoman Empire, in World War I, when fighting for the city developed from 17 November = 2 Kislev, continuing after the surrender until 30 December 1917, to secure the final objective of the Southern Palestine Offensive during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. 

Islamic calendarJumada I 1, or  Jumada I 2 [Convert a date]. 

• Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected pope on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (Wikipedia). Date: 13 March 2013, at 19:06 local time [sunset in Rome – 18:14] = Jumada I 2, 1434 AH, white smoke and the sounding of the bells of St. Peter’s Basilica announced that a pope had been chosen. [At this time, it was already 14 March in China.] -> Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) was elected the 7th President of the People’s Republic of China on 14 March 2013 = Jumada I 2, 1434 AH

• Iran: Islamic Republic established – on 30 March – 1 April 1979 = Jumada I 1-3 [Convert a date] or 24, in a referendum, voters overwhelmingly approved the creation of an Islamic Republic. Khomeini declared April 1 the first day of “the government of God.” (The Iran PrimerWikipedia)

Here are her notes on Monday, November 13…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/12 (inclusive) – 11/13

• The Syrian civil war (Wikipedia) began on 15 March 2011 (the Ides of March), 660 weeks, 6 days ago.

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 9 years, 11 weeks (911) ago. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) or 110 months, 16 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001, 22 years, 2 months, 2 days ago

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (parliament.uk1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May, 60,066 days ago.

11/13 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 10/31 [Convert a date]

Revelation 13:11 Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. This beast had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon.

• Martin Luther posts 95 theses (HISTORY) – On October 31, 1517 (Julian), legend has it that the priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing the 95 (Ninety-five Theses ) revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation.

• Papal tiara (Wikipedia) – The day the pope gave up his papal tiara to feed the poor (Aleteia). Date: Friday,13 November 1964

• November 2015 Paris attacks (WikipediaHISTORY) On Friday, 13 November 2015, a cell of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant commits a string of terrorist attacks across Paris, killing 131 and injuring over 400. It was the deadliest day in France since World War II, as well as the deadliest operation ISIL has carried out in Europe to date.

Chinese calendar10th Month 1

• Pope Francis arrived in Sweden to mark the 500th anniversary (your blogCBS News ) of the Protestant Reformatio. Date: 31 October 2016 = 10 Month 1, year of the MonkeyYou wrote about the same day also on 3 July~MORE~ (kensthoughtstream): I’ve tracked down the events upon which the Kabbalists constructed the Tribulation timeline that ends with Prince Harry’s coronation in December. It started on 31 October 2016, a day that had been prophesied to bring the end of the world, with Mike Pence hinting at his intention to build the Space Force7 Chinese years ago

After sunset 🌅 – 11/14

Jewish calendar1 KislevWinter – As per the Talmud, the month of Kislev marks the onset of the winter season in the Holy Land and is the third month of the “Season of the Rains.” Kislev – (Wikipedia), is the third month of the civil year and the ninth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. Kislev 1 (

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), thus the dparamount leader of China. Assumed office: 15 November 2012 (the year of the Dragon, specifically Water Dragon) = 1 Kislev11 Jewish years ago

• A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the US. It is the first of a planned two-volume series. Publisher: Crown Publication date: 17 November 2020 = 1 Kislev

Islamic calendarRabi’II 30 or Jumada I 1 [Convert a date]. Jumada I (Wikipedia) is the fifth month of the Islamic calendar.

Here are her notes on Sunday, November 12…

11/12 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 10/30 [Convert a date]

• The Biblical patriarch Joshua ‘stopped the sun’ on October 30, 1207 BCE (pre-Julian Roman calendar) by way of a solar eclipse that may have been the first recorded in history, according to Cambridge researchers (Israel 365 News, Solar eclipse of 1207 BC helps to date pharaohs Oxford Academic), Joshua 10:12 – 13

• Isia continues (Julian) (Wikipedia 12)

• Northern Taurid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky)

• The Great Leonid Meteor Storm 1833 (Sky and telescope); They thought it was judgment day’: The night the stars fell on the US south (The Irish Times) on the night of November 12th to 13th, 1833.

• Remembrance Sunday (Wikipedia) is held in the United Kingdom as a day to commemorate the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts. It is held on the second Sunday in November (the Sunday nearest to 11 November, Armistice Day, the anniversary of the end of hostilities in World War I in 1918). Remembrance Sunday, within the Church of England, falls in the liturgical period of Allsaintstide. -> Remembrance poppy (Wikipedia)… they were first used near the end of World War I to commemorate British Empire and United States military casualties of the war. Madame Guérin(*) established the first “Poppy Days”. *Anna Guérin (Wikipedia) was born at Vallon (-Pont-d’Arc), Ardèche, France. She was the originator of the Remembrance Poppy Day. Prior to this, she was a teacher in Madagascar[Ceres’ signs and iconography include poppies (Wikipedia) – symbolic of fertility, sleep, death and rebirth.]

• Madagascar Plan (Wikipedia) – Nazi leader Hermann Goering announced that in order to “solve the problem of the Jews,” the African island of Madagascar was being considered as a giant ghetto for 4 million European Jews. (Psalm11918School history) Date: 12 November 1938, 85 years ago [ -> Earth rang like a bell: Strange waves rippled around the world, and nobody knows why (National Geographic). The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar.]

• Arturo Sosa (Wikipedia) is a Venezuelan Catholic priest who serves as the 31st and present superior general of the Society of Jesus. Born: 12 November 1948, his 75th birthday. 

• Sun Yat-sen (Wikipedia) was the first provisional president of the Republic of China and the first leader of the Kuomintang. He is called the “Father of the Nation” in the present-day Republic of China (Taiwan) and the “Forerunner of the Revolution” in the People’s Republic of China for his instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the 1911 Revolution. Sun is unique among 20th-century Chinese leaders for being widely revered by both the Communist Party in Mainland China and the Nationalist Party in Taiwan. Born: 12 November 1866

Chinese calendar9th Month 29

• the “Pachamama Desecration” of 27 October 2019 = 9th Month 29, year of the Pig, when Pope Francis ordered an Amazonian blood sacrifice chalice disguised as a planter to be placed on the altar of St. Peter’s Basilica, a place reserved for bread and wine (representing the body and blood of Jesus) used for the Eucharist (from your blog: MORE – 19-20 April 2023).

And on the same day 

• Death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Wikipedia) On 26–27 October 2019 = 9th Month 29, year of the Pig, the United States conducted a military operation code named Operation Kayla Mueller that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the then-leader and self-proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization. -> President Trump tweeted “Something very big has just happened!” (Reuters)

• The peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis – could be called the most dangerous day in human history. Thanks to a submariner [Vasily Arkhipov (Wikipedia)], Armageddon likely was averted (U.S. Naval Institute). Date: 27 October 1962 = 9th Month 29, year of the Tiger

• First session of the United Nations General Assembly (Wikipedia) – The second meeting of the first session opened in Flushing Meadows–Corona Park, New York, on 23 October 1946 = 9th Month 29, year of the Dog

Numbers11/12 (inclusive) – 11/13

• The Syrian civil war (Wikipedia) began on 15 March 2011 (the Ides of March), 660 weeks, 6 days ago.

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 9 years, 11 weeks (911) ago. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) or 110 months, 16 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001, 22 years, 2 months, 2 days ago

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (parliament.uk1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May, 60,066 days ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 11/13

Jewish calendar29 Cheshvan, Sigd; 29 Cheshvan (

• Sigd (HebcalWikipedia) – Ethiopian Jewish holiday occurring 50 days after Yom Kippur Sigd is an Amharic word meaning “prostration” or “worship” and is the commonly used name for a holiday celebrated by the Ethiopian Jewish community on the 29th of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan… according to Ethiopian Jewish tradition is also the date that G-d first revealed himself to Moses.

• 2008 Mumbai attacks (ChabadWikipedia) (also referred to as 26/11 attacks or 26 November attacks), 10 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant Islamist organisation from Pakistan, carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. One of the terrorists’ chosen targets was the local Chabad House. Deaths : 175 (including 9 attackers), Injured: 300+  Date and time: 21:30 (26/11) – 08:00 (29/11) 2008 = 29 Cheshvan

• The Khan Yunis massacre (Wikipedia) took place on 3 November 1956 = 29 Cheshvan  perpetrated by the Israel Defense Forces in the Palestinian town of Khan Yunis and the nearby refugee camp of the same name in the Gaza Strip during the Suez Crisis.

• Beer Hall Putsch begins (HISTORY), Adolf Hitler, president of the far-right Nazi Party, launches the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, his first attempt at seizing control of the German government. Date: 8 November 1923 = 29 Cheshvan

• Bill Gates (Policy Exchange UK YouTube) warns of smallpox terror attacks and urges leaders to use ‘germ games’ to prepare. Video uploaded: 4 November 2021 = 29 Cheshvan 

Islamic calendar: Rabi’II 29

Here are her notes on Saturday, November 11…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/10 (inclusive) – 11/11 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001,  8096 days ago ago -> Strong’s Greek: 896. Baal, a Canaanite deity. Usage: Baal, chief deity of the Phoenicians and other Semitic nations. Baal (Wikipedia) was particularly associated with the storm and fertility god Hadad and his local manifestations.

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (

1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May  and the Great Bell’s strikes are heard for the first time on 11 July (7/11), 60023 days ago on 11/10 (inclusive) or 11/11. -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apollyon, the angel of the abyss / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites.

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (Time). Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020, 44 months ago.

Joe Biden – week ahead  (White House Pool – Forth)

11/11 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 10/29 [Convert a date]

• Isia continues (Julian) (Wikipedia 12)

• Fall of Babylon: on 12 October 539 BC (pre-Julian Roman calendar), the army of Cyrus [the Great of Persia] without a battle entered Babylon (Wikipedia: here or here). Seventeen days later, on 29 October (Roman pre-Julian calendar), Cyrus himself entered Babylon, where he was proclaimed king, issued royal proclamations and appointed governors of his newly conquered realm (Wikipedia). 

• Earth rang like a bell: Strange waves rippled around the world, and nobody knows why (National Geographic). Date: 11 November 2018, 5 years ago

• St. Martin’s Day (Wikipedia) or Martinmas, sometimes historically called Old Halloween or Old Hallowmas Eve, is the feast day of Saint Martin of Tours and is celebrated in the liturgical year on 11 November. In the Middle Ages and early modern period, it was an important festival in many parts of Europe, particularly Germanic-speaking regions. In these regions, it marked the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter and the “winter revelling season”. Celebrations by culture: English (hereMartinmas eventually died out in England as a result of the English Reformation, the emergence of Guy Fawkes Night (5 November).

• World War I [WWIThe war to end war] ends -> Armistice of 11 November 1918 (Wikipedia) was the armistice signed at Le Francport near Compiègne that ended fighting on land, sea, and air in World War I between the Entente [Allies of World War I] and their last remaining opponent, Germany. It was concluded after the German government sent a message to American president Woodrow Wilson to negotiate terms on the basis of a recent speech of his and the earlier declared “Fourteen(*) Points“(Wikipedia), which later became the basis of the German surrender at the Paris Peace Conference. It was officially signed at 5:45 a.m. [4:45 UTC] and came into force at 11:00 a.m. Central European Time (CET) [10:00 UTC] on 11/11.  [*14 and 88: Why white supremacists love the numbers (Slate); the atomic number of silicon and 14 (number) Wikipedia].

Armistice Day (Wikipedia), later known as Remembrance Day (or Poppy Day) in the Commonwealth and Veterans Day in the United States, is commemorated every year on 11 November to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany. 

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People), Prince Harry treated like Prince of America in Pearl Harbor (Geo News) Date: 11 November 2022, 1 year ago and your blog on 9-10 December 2022: The Prince and the Popper.

• Adolf Hitler was arrested and charged with high treason for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch (Smithsonian Magazine). Date: 11 November 1923

• Yasser Arafat (Wikipedia) 1st President of the Palestinian National Authority. Died: 11 November 2004

Chinese calendar9th Month 28

• Chinese leader Xi Jinping secured an unprecedented third term as general secretary of China’s Communist Party. (POLITICO). Date: 23 October 2022 = 9th Month 28, year of the Tiger

• The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin. (Russia Beyond) – Wrong car on 6 November 1942 = 9th Month 28, year of the Horse

Saturday (Veterans Day) Joe Biden:  Wreath-Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (

Gematria : The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier = Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin 3x

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier = Barack Hussein Obama 2x, Former President Obama 2x

After sunset 🌅 – 11/12

Jewish calendar: 28 Cheshvan

Islamic calendar: Rabi’II 28

Here are her notes on Friday, November 10…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/9 (inclusive) – 11/10 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001,  8095 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 895. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon

11/10 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 10/28 [Convert a date]

28 October ~ 3 November (Julian), Isia, a festival of Isis introduced probably in the 30s or 40s AD, beginning with the Castu Isidis, a day of abstention and loss (Wikipedia). In the Imperial period, the deity who often represents November in Roman art is Isis. The festival of Isis, which began October 28, continued through November 3. (Wikipedia). Also November was under the guardianship (tutela) of Diana (the Roman counterpart of Artemis) (Wikipedia). 

Marine Corps Birthday (National Today 1, 2)

Turkey: Atatürk Memorial Day (Google Search) – 10 November. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Wikipedia), was a Turkish field marshal, revolutionary statesman, author, and the founding father of the Republic of Turkey, serving as its first president. Died: 10 November 1938, the 85th anniversary of his death.

• Martin Luther (Wikipedia), the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, and his theological beliefs form the basis of Lutheranism. Born: 10 November 1483 (Julian) 

• Major event during the Reign of Terror (Wikipedia) 1793 Anti-clerical sentiments increased during 1793 and a campaign of dechristianization occurred. On 10 November, the Hébertists organized a Festival of Reason.

• United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (Wikipedia), adopted on 10 November 1975, “determine that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination”. It was revoked 16 years later with Resolution 46/86.

Chinese calendar9th Month 27

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) is mostly associated with October 24, 1929, called Black Thursday and October 29 =  9th Month 27, year of the Snake, called Black Tuesday.

Numbers11/10 (inclusive) – 11/11 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001,  8096 days ago ago -> Strong’s Greek: 896. Baal, a Canaanite deity. Usage: Baal, chief deity of the Phoenicians and other Semitic nations. Baal (Wikipedia) was particularly associated with the storm and fertility god Hadad and his local manifestations.

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (

1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May  and the Great Bell’s strikes are heard for the first time on 11 July (7/11), 60023 days ago on 11/10 (inclusive) or 11/11. -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apollyon, the angel of the abyss / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (Time). Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020, 44 months ago.

World Immunization Day is celebrated on November 10 (National Today)

After sunset 🌅 – 11/11

Jewish calendar27 Cheshvan – Flood ends (2104 BCE) on this day G-d commanded Noah to “Come out of the ark” and repopulate, settle and civilize the earth.

• Yasser Arafat (Wikipedia) 1st President of the Palestinian National Authority. Died: 11 November 2004 = 27 Cheshvan