Category Archives: Globalist Agenda Watch 2024

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – October Updates

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The NWO Transition Event Overwatch
Don’t Be Fooled when it comes

NOTE: Yesterday I got caught up wrestling with a dragon; enhancements to the alert will resume today. The first one is a previous writing, “Things you need to remember when the cities are burning”, that has been added to the bottom. The second one has now been added in blue. And my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on 22 Tishrei have been expanded.

Expanded MAJOR WARNING (20-22 October 2024): On this coming Wednesday-Thursday, the Jewish day of 22 Tishrei, there is a “Quadruple Convergence” of factors that points to the staging of the NWO Transition Event. These factors include…

  • planned real-world events,
  • favorable prophecy event schedules,
  • preparatory prophecy propaganda, and
  • occult scripting cues.

So over the course of the next couple of days, I’ll be covering it all in detail — starting with the basics…

Real World Events

On 22 Tishrei, there will be at least two hittable summits: 1) the October 22-24 BRICS Summit in Russia (featuring Putin and Xi), and 2) the October 21-26 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa (featuring Charles the Turd, who will arrive on the 23rd). This would be the day World War III goes hot. And the BRICS Summit offers an alternative “peace path” option of launching a “gold-backed” currency, or even the New World Order.

Reader Sohei has passed along news that Paris will host an international meeting on Lebanon on Shemini Atzeret (October 24)…

This ministerial conference will bring together Lebanon’s partner States, the United Nations, the European Union and international, regional and civil-society organizations. It will aim to rally the international community to respond to the Lebanese people’s needs for protection and emergency relief and identify ways of supporting Lebanon’s institutions, especially those of the Lebanese armed forces, which guarantee the country’s internal stability. – from

This meeting to organize “aid and comfort to Israel’s wartime enemies” is a rather dangerous thing to be doing on Kabbalist Judgment Day. So Paris, whose sole sister city is Rome, and Macron, the putative “Jupiterianemperor of the EU, are targets on 22 Tishrei…


Will the Kabbalists try for a weak fulfillment of their Destruction of Rome prophecy that day, with Paris playing the role of “New Rome”?

Paris will also be in danger on October 26, which is the Julian calendar date of October 13. It was on Julian October 13, 1307 that Jacques de Molay and his fellow Knights Templar were arrested in Paris. He was later burned to death on the Island of the Jews in the River Seine.

Favorable Prophecy Event Schedules

22 Tishrei is Shemini Atzeret. And according to Kabbalist doctrine, “God will hand his final judgment to the angels to be carried-out” when it begins at sunset of the 23rd. Counting forward from the 23rd-24th, the Kabbalists will have good landing dates for a range of scripting options, from a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario to a 1260-day Reign of the Beast scenario.

Starting the NWO Transition Event on Shemini Atzeret, 22 Tishrei / 23-24 October, can result in the Fake Jewish Messiah / Antichrist being brought in…

Preparatory Prophecy Propaganda

I’ve monitored more than one of the “Christian Watchmen” prophecy propagandists promoting this Shemini Atzeret as the day the Christian Rapture might happen. This points to a 1260-day Red Dragon scenario being planned (in which the Christian Church will be carried away to a place where they’ll be “safe and secure” for 1260 days).

Occult Scripting Cues

My partner Onnabugeisha has already identified a number of striking cues for October 23 and the days that follow. They point to Xi Jinping, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump, and a potential 4-day scenario that creates movement towards the building the Third Temple.

Things you need to remember when the cities are burning

WARNING (19 October 2024): The Kabbalists may script Biden’s death on Sunday

In the time between now and the next critical date, 22 Tishrei (sunset of Oct. 23 to sunset of Oct. 24), we need to keep watch for major precursor events, such as the “death” of Biden, Harris, Pope Francis, Charles the Turd, Erdogan, Putin, Netanyahu or Trump (or some combination of deaths among them). And the Kabbalists may be moving to stage Biden’s death tomorrow…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report

In the photo of Harris, note that she’s wearing purple, the color of America’s “Uniparty Communist Color Revolution” (“RINO” Republican red mixed with Democrat blue), and she’s being sworn-in. Also note that the headline features the number 72 and “She Wins.”

The moment I saw this yesterday, I recalled from my morning research that 74 days were left in the year, so 72 days would remain on Sunday the 20th. And if Biden dies that day, “commie” Kamala would win the presidency — a post she could keep if some major world event were to cause the election to be “delayed,” as was done by Zelensky in Ukraine

Presidential elections were scheduled to be held in Ukraine in March or April 2024. However, since the incumbent Volodymyr Zelenskyy issued, and the Ukrainian parliament approved, a declaration of martial law on 24 February 2022 in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, no elections were held because Ukrainian law does not allow presidential elections to be held when martial law is in effect.

Looking at my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for Sunday the 20th, they also point to Joe Biden and a war/peace action by Israel (if the US-Israeli Zionists kill Biden and blame it on the Iranians — who are known for their expertise with drones — they will have a justification to attack Iran)…

Numbers10/19 (inclusive) – 10/20

• The inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 45 months ago [45 is Trump’s number]

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020, 4 years, 1 months, 5 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob Original / Greek: 415. aneleemon: without compassion, cruel] [The Abraham Accords are Trump’s peace deal]

The note on the Abraham Accords features the number 415. And as “coincidence” would have it, Biden will be departing Camp David for the White House aboard Marine One at 4:15 PM EDT tomorrow. Camp David is an isolated place out in the woods — an excellent place to mount a drone attack on Marine One (“Iranian” MANPADS could also be used; they are copies of a Chinese design).

There are additional notes from Onna that also point to others in the dead pool, such as this one that features the number 72

Sunday, 20 October 2024 = 18 Tishrei on the Jewish calendar

• Vladimir Putin (WikipediaAstro-databank), President of Russia. Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: 7 October 1952 = 18 Tishrei, 72 Jewish years ago [72 (number) – In religion (Wikipedia)]

I’ll be posting the other notes soon. If they were to use them all, we could be looking at Operation Blackjack.

By the way, if Pope Francis were to die tomorrow, his funeral could be scheduled 4 days later on October 24, which is 22 Tishrei (Shemini Atzeret = Kabbalist Judgment Day). This would cause all the Western leaders to gather in Rome for his funeral at the same time the Eastern leaders are gathered in Kazan, Russia for the final day of the BRICS Summit. BOOM.

~ MORE ~

In a precursor to the precursor, an “Iranian” drone crashed into the unoccupied home of Benjamin Netanyahu this morning…

…from Zero Hedge

As you can see from the photo, the apparently captured drone was escorted to its target by an IDF attack helicopter — was the Apache’s gunner piloting the thing? This “attempted drone assassination of the leader of Israel by Iran’s proxy” sets the precedent for the “drone assassination of the leader of America by Iran’s proxy” that is/was planned for tomorrow. Additionally, this false flag can be used as justification for Israel’s attack on Iran’s leaders (= “firstborn”) in keeping with the Abraham Accords scripting cue Onna found.

All of Onna’s notes on Sunday the 20th are now up. Of particular importance is the fact that tomorrow is October 7 on the Julian calendar, so Onna’s notes show the same note I saw before the October 7 Attack last year. Had I seen this scripting cue along with another cue, the 2000 Hezbollah cross-border raid that captured 3 IDF soldiers, I would have written something like this on October 6 last year: “Also watch for a possible cross-border raid into Israel tomorrow, potentially involving the taking of Israeli hostages.”

Ever since October 7, I’ve wondered if I was just one cue away from preventing it.

(17 October 2024) – The third (and most dangerous) of the Three Midnights in the Middle East comes today. And the European Council have evidently cancelled the second day of their summit, scheduled for tomorrow the 18th, so the leaders of the UK, France and Germany can meet Biden in Berlin that day. Biden is scheduled to arrive in Berlin today at 9:50 PM CET, which is before midnight in both Tehran and Jerusalem

In Tehran, midnight o’clock occurs at 4:30 PM Washington DC time / 10:30 PM Berlin time today. And rabbinical midnight occurs at 4:20 PM / 10:20 PM.

In Jerusalem, midnight o’clock occurs at 5:00 PM Washington DC time / 11:00 PM Berlin time today. And rabbinical midnight occurs at 5:24 PM / 11:24 PM.

So “midnight watch” today spans 4:20 PM to 5:24 PM EDT.

In looking ahead at the longer scenarios that can spring from a midnight attack today, I found that Purim of 2025 is a Triple Purim — a Purim that is celebrated for three Jewish days instead of just two — so a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario that starts on October 18 can still land on Purim: Purim Meshulash on 16 March 2025.

Furthermore, the three Jewish days of next year’s Triple Purim span four Gregorian days, which gives the Kabbalists the option of scheduling a 4-day Three Days of Darkness “divine intervention” to end the 150-day period…

Also, my partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that October 18 is October 5 on the Julian calendar — here is past writing about that date…

October 5 is one of the three days the ancient Romans opened the Mundus Cerialis, the underworld pit, so it can be scripted to mark the “opening of the Gate to Hell.” Once released, the “underworld entities” can either pose as benevolent angels (fake ETs) accompanying the False Messiah (Saturn/Moshiach) or start the 150-day Torment of Humanity.

Should the Kabbalists opt instead for a 1260-day / 42 prophetic month Revelation 1213 scenario, starting it on October 18 would land the Fake Messiah’s arrival on 30 March 2028. That is the Jewish day of 3 Nissan, which was the day Moses sprinkled the ashes of the red heifer to purify peoplethis has a strong tie-in to the Fake Messiah / Moshiach.

You can read about the 40-day Fire Judgment scenario in my previous update about today: “The Fallback” from 14 October 2024 (further down this page).

~ MORE ~

In case the Kabbalists decide to abandon the midnight element of their scripting or convert their planned attack on the Berlin meeting into a precursor to the Big Event, we must remain on alert until October 18 has passed. After that, we should be in the clear until 22 Tishrei (sunset of October 23 to sunset of October 24). From that day, they can run a 150-day scenario that lands on the Shabbat of the Red Heifer or a 1260-day scenario that lands on Essene Passover. A detailed warning on the 23rd-24th is coming.

CRITICAL INFORMATION (15-16 October 2024): Today’s (10/16) additions to this update will be posted in a Q&A format. Here they are…

Why is Sukkot so dangerous this year?

The globalists / Kabbalists want people to believe that their carefully choreographed “End Times” stageplay is actually the real-life fulfillment of religious prophecy. For this reason, they’re attempting to schedule big events on days of religious significance so people will believe that “the hand of God” is what’s driving this stupid drama (it isn’t; it’s just a bunch of chimps). And Sukkot is a Jewish holiday that’s particularly well suited for scheduling the planned “Final Chastisement of Israel” / Second Exodus from Israel

During the existing holiday of Sukkot, Jews eat and sleep in makeshift shelters called sukkah to commemorate how they lived during the Exodus from Egypt. The holiday lasts for 7 days, ending on a day called Hoshana Rabbah, and has an 8th day added onto it called Shemini Atzeret. According to Kabbalist doctrine, the end of Hoshana Rabbah at sunset is when God’s judgment on a person or nation is finalized and handed over to the angels to be executed. So the angels carry out the judgment after sunset on Shemini Atzeret, Kabbalist “judgment day.” – from an earlier update

So if they start today (once Israel enters October 17), the 7+1 days of Sukkot offer an opportunity to stage a week-long Second Exodus followed by “God’s mercy judgment to send in the Moshiach” on the 8th day, Shemini Atzeret. They can then run continuing action until a final resolution on October 30, the end of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline. There are longer timelines that could start today too, of course, and they’re listed below in the red section of this update.

Why is midnight significant in what’s planned?

The Kabbalists are scripting the Second Exodus as a historical parallel of the First Exodus, and the First Exodus began on the morning after a midnight attack on Egypt’s firstborn…


So the Second Exodus will be scripted to begin in the morning after a midnight (Tehran or Jerusalem time) attack on Iran’s firstborn — their “firstborn” nukes and their leaders (= “firstborn”). And midnight can be 12 midnight on the clock or rabbinical midnight (halfway between sunset and sunrise).

~ from yesterday, 15 October 2024 ~

STOP THE PRESSES – The trigger event for tomorrow’s midnight attack has been set. Watch for Biden’s death and Israel’s Iran attack tomorrow, followed by JFK Junior’s public return on November 25.

Joe Biden will be attending a Kennedy family funeral at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington DC at 1 PM EDT on Wednesday. As you probably know, Biden is America’s second Catholic president. And the funeral of America’s assassinated first Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, was held at St. Matthew’s.

In the course of my research today, I found that a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario started at midnight of October 17 in Israel — which is 5 PM tomorrow in Washington — would land its end on November 25. But since I couldn’t find an occult cue for that day, I didn’t include it on my list of Fake Jewish Messiah landing dates (the one in red below). As it turns out, though, JFK’s funeral was held on November 25.

So watch for a Biden assassination (possibly by drone attack) or “sudden death” (by clot shot) before 5 PM EDT tomorrow. This could lead to the scripting of Israel’s attack on Iran soon after — “before commie Kamala can move to shut down Israel’s war effort.” That, in turn, would lead to the “Axis of Resistance” launching an immediate counterattack. The end of the conflict would then come on the 40th day, November 25, with the reemergence of JFK Jr. (who attended Trump’s fake assassination show in MAGA drag)…

Alternatively (and much less likely), they could trot out JFK Jr. at the funeral tomorrow. This would signal the launch of a 2-week “Mass Arrest of the Communist Deep State” psyop that ends on October 30, the end date of the Revelation 12 Tribulation.

~ from earlier today ~

There are three consecutive midnights in Israel this week that are extremely dangerous…

  • midnight of October 15-16, which has just passed over us and was covered in the first part of the Alert below;
  • midnight of October 17-18, which is covered in the second part of the Alert; and
  • midnight of October 16-17, the one in-between, which will occur during the first day of Sukkot (a very dangerous day for scripting the start of the “Fire Phase” of the Gog-Magog War / World War 3 and the Second Exodus).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 16th are now up. And I’ll begin my coverage of Wednesday-Thursday night (Jerusalem time) in the coming hours.

Also, be sure to save a fresh offline copy of this home page NOW. With the Internet Archive down for so many days, readers’ saves may be the only historical record of this information (and a great deterrent to the mischief makers). Also be sure you have saves of the “End Times” Deception page and the UFO/ET Con page.

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A war started on October 17 (Jerusalem time) — which is Day 1 of Sukkot — can bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah / Antichrist…

ALERT (14 October 2024): The Planned October 15-16 Summit Attacks and the Rise of the Next Antichrist Character

The Drudge Report is featuring two notable numbers in red headlines today, 500 and 43

In Strong’s Bible concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, number 500 is “antichrist” and “God ascends“, so they’re “Trumpeting” the rise of the Antichrist, “the god of this fallen world.”

And in the Bible, the meaning of the number 43 is supposedly related to this…

Book 43 out of 49 in the originally canonized version of Scripture is 2Thessalonians. This short work, only the second of fourteen to be penned by the Apostle Paul, was recorded in 51 A.D. The book is noteworthy in that it reveals that an apostasy must take place just prior to the Lord’s Second Coming back to earth.

Do not let anyone deceive you by any means because that day will not come unless the apostasy shall come first, and the man of sin shall be revealed – the son of perdition, the one who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is an object of worship; so that he comes into the temple of God and sits down as God, proclaiming that he himself is God (2Thessalonians 2:3 – 4).” – from

The next opportunity for the new antichrist character to start his (or her) rise is October 15-16, when hits on a summit city in the East (Islamabad) and a summit city in the West (Brussels) can kick off the hot phase of the “Gog-Magog War” / World War III.

A war started on October 16 (Jerusalem time) — which is Erev Sukkot — can bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah / Antichrist…

The likely strike time is at midnight o’clock or rabbinical midnight of October 16 Jerusalem time.

~ MORE ~

The Fallback

The Kabbalists have arranged for Joe Biden to be in Berlin, Germany from the evening of October 17th to the evening of the 18th. And reader Sohei has passed along news that the NATO defense ministers will be meeting in Brussels on the 17th and 18th, the same days the European Council summit will be taking place there. So it appears that the Kabbalists are falling back to October 17-18 for their attempt to stage Operation Blackjack. And this morning I stumbled across a possible reason why…

(13 October 2024) – October 14: The Precursor to a Planned Nuclear Terror Op by the End of the Month

…from an FAS article on Steadfast Noon

On October 15 and 16, there is a confluence of occult scripting cues, prophecy event scheduling factors, and real world events that favor the scheduling of the NWO Transition War. And on October 14, there are two notable events that will set the stage for the associated nuclear war drama…

     1) NATO will commence their two-week “Steadfast Noon” nuclear strike exercise, during which they’ll be loading dummy nuclear weapons aboard their aircraft and flying simulated airstrikes. All that would be needed to take this exercise live is simply loading the real nukes instead of the dummies (perhaps even real nukes that have been painted to look like dummies).

     2) Eastern Orthodox Christians will celebrate the holiday of the Intercession / Protection of the Virgin Mary. The theme of this holiday is Mary’s protection and intervention on behalf of humanity, and it is most fervently observed in the current European warzone of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia — the warzone within striking distance of Steadfast Noon…

The feast is commemorated in Eastern Orthodoxy as a whole, but by no means as fervently as it is in Russia, Belarus, and, especially, Ukraine. In the Slavic Orthodox Churches it is celebrated as the most important solemnity besides the Twelve Great Feasts and Pascha. In Ukraine, it has a special meaning through its connection to the spirituality of the Ukrainian Cossacks and, accordingly and more recently, to Defenders of Ukraine Day. – from Wikipedia

Given all this, keep an eye out for increased UFO/UAP sightings over Europe starting tomorrow. These could be scripted as “angels in the sky sent (by Mary) to protect humanity from the outbreak of nuclear war.” And since tomorrow is a Marian holiday, it provides another opportunity to script Pope Francis’s death. His death on Monday could lead to a funeral on Friday or Saturday — a funeral that can be hit as a fallback to what’s planned for the 15th-16th.

By the way, the Kabbalists are obsessed with gematria, so consider this: noon is when both hands of the clock point to 12, “twelve noon,” and midnight is also when both hands point to 12, “twelve midnight.” So what will the Doomsday Clock read during Steadfast Noon?…

…from Gematria Effect News (Steadfast Noon = Twelve Midnight = 72, and 72 is a number of great importance to Kabbalist numerologists)

Israeli Holocaust / Fall of the West Overwatch for October 10-18

(10-12 October 2024) – With the October 30 end date of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline fast approaching, the timeframe of October 10-18 is a high-probability period for the Second Holocaust in Israel and the Fall of the West / “Mystery Babylon” (a messianic save is alternatively scriptable). This time period contains the important Jewish holidays of Yom Kippur and Sukkot, as well as the Jewish anniversary — according to some sources — of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction.

During these holidays the Kabbalists have arranged for four international summits — all of which present juicy targets for war-starting decapitation strikes: the ASEAN / East Asia Summits (Oct. 10-11), the EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit (Oct. 16), and the European Council Summit (Oct. 17-18). So all the pieces are in place for the globalists to fake major “End Times” events over the next eight days, including the start of the NWO Transition War.

Starting this afternoon/evening (Texas time), I’ll post a standardized assessment of the different scenarios that are actionable each day through October 18. It’s a bit tedious, but I have no choice. And looking at the calendar of events, the most dangerous-looking days are (in Jerusalem time)…

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If Israel gets scattered on October 11, watch for the Fake Jewish Messiah to come on October 14 or November 10 or 17. See the section below. Given the conveniently-timed hack attack that has taken down the Internet Archive, be sure to save a fresh offline copy of this page now.

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If the globalists launch the Big Event on October 11 / 9 Tishrei (Jerusalem time)…

~ MORE – 11 October 2024 ~

Reader Sohei has reminded me of the October 22-24 BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, which I forgot to put on the October event calendar (it’s now added). That summit coincides with the October 23 danger date I came across in my research, and there are two obvious plays that could be scripted for it: 1) a strike on the gathered leaders by the Western-Israeli terror proxy ISIS-K or Ukraine, or 2) the launch of a BRICS gold standard that triggers a currency crisis in the West.

If they don’t go for the fake spiritual event before the US presidential election, they may aim to create the perfect storm to stampede the electorate to Trump. This would be accomplished by Israel striking Iran’s oil sites to cause a spike in oil prices and the BRICS triggering a US financial / currency crisis to cause an inflationary spike in prices for all imported goods. Such an “Inflation Tsunami” would sweep America’s voters straight into the Trump camp.

Turning our attention back to October 12, Yom Kippur has already begun in Israel, so it’s a good time to start a Second Yom Kippur War. And looking at my partner Onnabugeisha’s key notes on tomorrow, it’s also a good day to take down “Mystery Babylon” (the West)…

Roman festivals: October 12  (WikipediaAugustalia, celebrated from 14 AD in honour of the divinized Augustus, established in 19 BC with a new altar and sacrifice to Fortuna Redux (a form of the goddess Fortuna who oversaw a return, as from a long or perilous journey – Wikipedia)

• Fall of Babylon: on 12 October 539 BC (pre-Julian Roman calendar) the army of Cyrus the Great of Persia without a battle entered Babylon (Wikipedia: here or here). -> 17 days later, on 29 October, Cyrus himself entered Babylon, where he was proclaimed king, issued royal proclamations and appointed governors of his newly conquered realm (Wikipedia). 

• Christopher Columbus Reaches the “New World” (HISTORYLibrary of Congress) – After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island on October 12, 1492 (Julian), believing he has reached East Asia, 532 years ago

Using these occult cues, the Kabbalists could script Babylon’s fall giving rise to a New World under Augustus (Putin) and Cyrus (Trump).”

On another note, reader Sohei has found two more summits that are taking place during the October 10-18 danger period…

  1. The International Conference “Interconnection of Times and Civilizations – the Basis of Peace and Development” took place today, October 11, in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The summit venue was in the Greater Khorasan area, ISIS-K‘s home turf (so it was targetable). Vladimir Putin attended, and spoke of creating a “New World Order”.
  2. Another Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit will take place on October 15-16 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The SCO already held a summit in early July, and this second one is taking place right outside the Greater Khorasan area in a country (Pakistan) that has already seen terrorist attacks on the encroaching Chinese. Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are not attending, so this meeting may be intended for a fire sacrifice. And it is taking place one day after the SCO’s Western counterpart, NATO, begins its annual two-week nuclear exercise, “Steadfast Noon”.

As I’ve mentioned previously, October 15-16 is very dangerous (in both the West and East) — it’s a great opportunity for scripting “nuke-possessing Israel to get the East and West fighting each other so they can have a free hand in the Middle East.”

~ MORE – 12 October 2024 ~

Threat Assessment for Sunday, October 13 / 11 Tishrei

The primary threat posed by the upcoming day is the possible scripting of “Israel striking Iran now that Yom Kippur is over.” This would, in turn, trigger the counterattack on Israel and the West that the “Axis of Resistance” have planned (along with false-flags against themselves that Israel and the West have planned to add in). Additionally, my partner Onnabugeisha sees tomorrow as a very dangerous day based on the occult cues she has uncovered. Tomorrow is 9/11 on the Chinese lunar calendar, and there are associated Dragon-related nuclear / terrorism / war cues. There are also Catholic cues that favor the scripted death of Pope Francis [see the ones highlighted in red (China) and blue (Pope Francis)].

11 Tishrei begins in Israel at 6:10 PM local time / 11:10 AM Washington DC time today. And Chinese 9/11 starts at midnight local time / noon Washington DC time today.

Should the attacks go forward on October 13, a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario would land the 4th-day Arrival on October 16 (Erev Sukkot, the day Sukkot begins at sunset). The Kabbalists would likely bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah at Mount Sinai that day, then have him lead his Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem the following morning. Sukkot is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, when Jews are commanded to visit the Temple in Jerusalem.

If you start a 1260-day Revelation 12 “Flight to the Wilderness” timeline on October 13, you reach Day 1260 on 25 March 2028, the Jewish day of 27 Adar. And 27 Adar was the death date of Zedekiah, the last king of the Davidic line to rule in the “Holy Land”. So it would be a good day to bring in the next king of the Davidic line, the Moshiach ben David, to bring an end to the Beast’s 42 (prophetic) month rule.

The most likely timing for the attack on Iran would be midnight o’clock or rabbinical midnight (halfway between sunset and sunrise) in Tehran or Jerusalem.

WARNING (9 October 2024): Here are some reasons the globalists might start the Fire Judgment on 10/10…

Remember that Communist China has been cast as the earthly Red Dragon of Revelation 12, so it makes sense that the fiery climax of the First Tribulation would begin with a big move by the CCP.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on October 10 are now up.

(7-8 October 2024) – Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 9th are now up. See the 6-7 October update below to see why the 9th is a danger day.

Reader Sohei has passed along news that Biden’s overseas trips have been postponed and there are summits in Asia on October 10-11. The summits have been added to the calendar in the blue section below.

Xi Jinping will not be attending the Asian summits, so “a Chicom hit on the Asian leaders in advance of a Chinese military move in the region” is scriptable, most likely for October 11 after sunset in Jerusalem, when Yom Kippur begins (the Jewish anniversary of the Yom Kippur War). That would likely be the night Israel strikes Iran.

Given the plethora of significant Jewish holidays and hittable summits on the calendar through October 18, the Kabbalists will have multiple fallback plans in place. And then comes October 23.

~ from yesterday, 7 October 2024 ~

In the time since I put together the event calendar in early September, the Kabbalists have added some new elements. And those new elements make October 15-16 (and other dates) very dangerous days for a scripted mass attack on the West and Israel. See the blue addition at the bottom of the following update…

(6-7 October 2024) – The next big danger date is 7 Tishrei (Tuesday-Wednesday)

The next timing window for the Big Event is the Jewish day of 7 Tishrei (sunset of October 8 to sunset of October 9, Jerusalem time), most likely after Israel enters October 9. Watch for the Israeli strike on Iran during that time or in the hours/day prior.

The Dragon (Draconid) Meteor Shower will be near its peak on October 9, and if they’re aiming for a long Revelation 12 (1260-day) and Revelation 13 (42-month) scenario…

If they instead aim for a short scenario, we might see a 4-day Three Days of Darkness on October 9, 10, 11 and 12. It would start with Essene Judgment Day and a 3-day “kinetic intervention by God,” and it would end with “the Arrival” of the Fake Jewish Messiah and his fake ETs on mainstream Jewish Yom Kippur. They could then run the Triumphal Procession Show from Yom Kippur to October 30, the final day of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline.

The nature of the Israeli strike on Iran will be determined by the opportunities that are open for the Kabbalists to run their “End Times” script. If they have a chance to go for the NWO Transition War, Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear sites. But if those doors are closed to them, they’ll hit Iran’s oil infrastructure (to cause a spike in oil prices to help Trump in the election).

~ MORE – 7 October 2024 ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 7th are now up, and her notes on the Jewish and Muslim days that begin at sunset today are the most striking…

These cues make sunset today through tomorrow a good time to script a nuclear-related incident, such as an apparent nuclear explosion or the release of radioactivity from a dirty weapon or a breached nuclear power plant or nuclear weapons facility. This would segue into the 7 Tishrei scenario outlined in yesterday’s update below.

Sunset in Jerusalem today comes at 6:16 PM local time (616 is the alternate Number of the Beast) / 11:16 AM Washington DC time (in Strong’s Bible Concordance, 1116 is attached to the words “bamah: a high place” and “Gomorrah,” as in “Gomorrah being destroyed by a weapon from a high place”). Could Gomorrah be Tel Aviv, “the gay capital of the Middle East”?

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The October Event Calendar
(updated as of October 11, with new additions in red)

October 8 – Essene Tabernacles Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 8-9 – Draconid meteor shower
October 9 – Essene Great Day (Shemini Atzeret)
October 10-13 – Joe Biden in Berlin, Germany [postponed]
October 10 – ASEAN / East Asia Summits, Day 1
October 11 – ASEAN / East Asia Summits, Day 2
October 12 – Yom Kippur (10 Tishrei / Jewish anniversary of Yom Kippur War start)
October 13-15 – Joe Biden in Luanda, Angola (X marks the spot) [postponed]
October 14 – Orthodox Protection of the Virgin Mary
October 14 – NATO’s 2-week nuclear exercise “Steadfast Noon” begins
October 15 – Jewish anniversary of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction [13 Tishrei1,2]
October 15-16 – SCO Summit in Islamabad, Pakistan
October 15 – Leaders start gathering in Brussels for EU summits
October 16 – EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit
October 16 – Erev Sukkot

October 17 – Sukkot Day 1
October 17 – European Council Summit, Day 1
October 18 – European Council Summit, Day 2
October 22-24 – BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia
October 23 – Sukkot Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 24 – Shemini Atzeret
October 24-25 – Persian (Iranian) anniversary of Yom Kippur War end (3-4 Aban)

October 25 – Simchat Torah
October 25-26 – Gregorian anniversary of Yom Kippur War end (1,2)

October 30 – Revelation 12 Tribulation end point (by day counts)

WARNING (6 October 2024): Will Israel’s Second Exodus begin tomorrow morning?

According to news reports, Iran has halted flights in its airspace tonight, which could be an indicator of an outgoing attack on Israel or an anticipated incoming attack from Israel. Today, October 6, is the Gregorian anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War. And tomorrow, October 7, is the Gregorian anniversary of the start of the Israel-Hamas War. Launching a new war tonight could lead to a fake messianic arrival, fake divine intervention, or fake Rapture on October 9, the Essene Great Day (Shemini Atzeret). Watch for the attack at midnight o’clock or rabbinical midnight (halfway between sunset and sunrise) Tehran or Jerusalem time tonight — they may want Israel’s Second Exodus to start in the same manner as their first.

~ a couple of hours later ~

Well that attempt didn’t last long…

Iran lifts flight restrictions ahead of schedule after grounding all flights for ‘operational restrictions’: “At around midnight, state media reported that the flight restrictions had been lifted in Iran after ensuring safe conditions. The announcement came hours before the grounding was supposed to come to an end.”

NOTE (5 October 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 6th are now up, and they include the fact that this Sunday is Territorial Defense Day in Ukraine (a holiday decreed by the Ukrainian dictator Zelensky, who is Jewish) AND, after sunset, the Jewish anniversary of Russia’s annexation of parts of Ukraine. If you pair this with this week’s murder by Ukraine of the Ukrainian head of security of Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, they might be setting up a nuclear event there. So watch for false-flag drama in Ukraine on Sunday-Monday.

Keep in mind that the controlled alt-media have been narrating that Zelensky was “visibly agitated” during his recent meeting with Trump and that the Ukrainian front lines are collapsing. So the scripted motivation for this false-flag would be “Zelensky attempting to bring NATO into the war before Trump’s possible election leads to a forced capitulation and loss of territory to Russia.”

NOTE (4 October 2024): Saturday the 5th is also a day to watch for Second Civil War-starting assassinations…

(4 October 2024) – 3 Tishrei — the Jewish day that marks the 7th year of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign” and corresponds to Saturday, October 5 — begins at sunset in Israel at 6:20 PM local time / 11:20 AM Washington DC time today. That’s when the danger window opens for Israel’s attack on Iran, which would likely come overnight in the Middle East as they enter Saturday (IF the globalists still intend to go for it on Saturday). This would be followed by Operation Blackjack in the West, seemingly perpetrated by “foreign and domestic extremists” among the “Shut It Down for Palestine” protesters (see the picture above for the true source of the explosions).

The quickest scenario that could flow from this is a 4-day Three Days of Darkness that begins after Israel enters October 6 (Tzom Gedaliah) but the West is still in October 5. This would allow the Kabbalist scriptwriters to script Netanyahu’s death and the resulting meteor storm on Sunday and the Fake Jewish Messiah‘s arrival on October 9, Essene Shemini Atzeret (“Judgment Day“).

Another quick scenario would involve the massive exchange of missiles, the scattering of the Israelis, and Operation Blackjack on Saturday the 5th (the Essene and Persian anniversaries of the start of the Yom Kippur War). “God’s judgment to save Israel from total destruction” would then come at the end of Essene Hoshana Rabbah (October 8), which would trigger the 4-day Three Days of Darkness / meteor storm on October 8-9. The Fake Jewish Messiah would then arrive on the fourth day, Yom Kippur (October 11-12). This scenario prominently features Yom Kippur and takes place over 8 days, so I call it “Yom Kippur Sukkot.”

Either of these quick scenarios — ending with the 9 or 12 October arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah — could segue into his Triumphal Procession from Sinai to Zion, which would reach its conclusion on October 30, the final day of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline.

The long (1260-day) scenario is covered in yesterday’s update below.

NOTE (3 October 2024): In the course of writing today’s update (below), I realized that the West and Israel are scripted to enter 1260 days of hell starting this Saturday — don’t miss the section in blue at the bottom. Here is the book in the Bible the Kabbalists will use as the template for their manmade destruction of the West this Saturday, October 5 (watch for a tsunami to possibly be featured).

ALERT – CRITICAL INFORMATION (3 October 2024): The (current) world (order) may end with two sweeps of a dragon’s tail…

3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads. 4 His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. – from Revelation 12 on

As we approach the final day of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline on October 30, it’s important to note that we’ll see stars from the sky” falling from the Dragon (Draco constellation) twice in the next six days…

  1. The first time will be when the Camelopardalid meteor shower reaches its peak on October 5, the day that marks 7 Jewish years since the Revelation 12 Star Sign. Through their ingrained obsession with symbolism, the globalists / Kabbalists have connected the “nuclear” destruction of the G7 nations to this “sign in the heavens”…

    …from the 2023 G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan
  2. The second time will be when the Dragon (Draconid) meteor shower is near its peak on October 9. This “sign in the heavens” can be used as cover for the release of massive numbers of artificial meteors and orbital kinetic weapons to fake “God’s Judgment” through a storm of meteors.

Using one or both of these meteor showers, the Kabbalists can script artificial prophecy fulfillment scenarios that could bring in their Moshiach, the Fake Jewish Messiah, as early as this coming Essene Shemini Atzeret (October 9) or as late as Shabbat Parah of 2028 (the Shabbat of the Red Heifer on March 17-18, 2028).

More info to come. But since I already revealed the outline of the short (Yom Kippur) scenario in yesterday’s update, I should reveal the outline of the long (Shabbat Parah) scenario now…

Revelation 12 speaks of fleeing into the wilderness for 1260 days, and a 1260-day count from October 5 lands on 1718 March 2028 (Shabbat Parah). This scenario would flow from the Kabbalists doing everything on October 5, including marking the end of the Revelation 12 Tribulation. It would be said that “the Tribulation ended after 7 Jewish years when Israel and the West fell on October 5, thus stopping the war and chaos they brought upon the world.” So these 1260 days would be a hellish period for Israel and the West and “a triumph for the rest of the world.”

Of course, Revelation 12 precedes Revelation 13, and look at what my beloved partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered about that…

What is the significance of the forty-two months …? (GotQuestions)  – In Revelation 13 John records a vision of a beast with ten horns and seven heads. According to Revelation 13:5, the beast will be given authority for forty-two months (three and a half years) and will rule over the whole earth during that time (Revelation 13:7–8). Earlier in the book of Revelation, John recorded someone saying that the holy city (Jerusalem) would be trampled under foot by the nations for forty-two months (Revelation 11:2). 

5 October 2024 + 42 months = Tuesday, 4 April 2028 (4/4), Essene calendarPassover or Wednesday, 5 April 2028 (4/5), Jewish calendarYom HaAliyah – is an Israeli national holiday celebrated annually on the tenth of the Hebrew month of Nisan to commemorate the Jewish people entering the Land of Israel as written in the Hebrew Bible. 

So this Saturday, October 5, could be scripted to mark a crushing victory of the “Global Communist Deep State” over Israel and the West. That being the case, watch for something to happen to Trump, Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin that day. And watch for the Fake Jewish Messiah’s arrival at Mount Sinai / Jebel al-Lawz in 2028 on Shabbat Parah, followed by his Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem entering Israel or Jerusalem on Essene Passover.

NOTE (2 October 2024): I’ve added another meteor shower to the event calendar below: the Draconids, which are active and near their peak on October 9. Like the Camelopardalids, their radiant lies in the Draco (“Dragon”) constellation, which links them to Revelation 12 and the Red Dragon. They also have a history of producing significant storms and come at just the right time to start a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario on October 9.


So will the big fireworks display begin today, Saturday, or Wednesday?…

…from MSN

In yesterday’s update (at the bottom of the following alert), we looked at the globalist symbolism from the G7 Summit in Hiroshima last year — symbolism that involved camels and cranes that hinted at the scripted “nuclear” attack on the West. We also looked at the Camelopardalid meteor shower and its connection to the planned “Rain of Fire.” So now let’s look at the scripted scenario that will flow from these events.

The “Rain of Fire” can be scripted as…

  • a massive, days-long exchange of missiles, suicide drones, and aerial bombs;
  • a “natural” / “supernatural” meteor storm (involving massive numbers of artificial meteors mixed with orbital kinetic weapons from the Artemis Array);
  • or first the airstrikes, then the meteors a few days (or hours) later.

With that in mind, let’s look at the event calendar from today through Yom Kippur (“the holiest day on the Jewish calendar”)

October 2 – The Holy Guardian Angels
October 2 – Essene Tabernacles Day 1 (Sukkot)
October 2 – Erev Rosh Hashana
October 2 – Annular solar eclipse (“bad omen for the world”)
October 3 – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
October 4 – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
October 4 – Saint Francis of Assisi Memorial
October 5 – Essene Israel-Hamas War anniversary (Essene 18 Tishrei – 1,2)
October 5 – Essene anniversary of Yom Kippur War start (Essene 18 Tishrei – 1,2)

October 5 – Persian (Iranian) anniversary of Yom Kippur War start (14 Mehr)
October 5 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (mainstream Jewish 3 Tishrei – 1,2)
October 5 – Camelopardalid meteor shower
October 5 – Shabbat Shuva (Return)
October 6 – Tzom Gedaliah
October 6 – Gregorian anniversary of Yom Kippur War start

October 7 – Israel-Hamas War Gregorian anniversary
October 7 – Our Lady of the Rosary
October 8 – Essene Tabernacles Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 8-9 – Draconid meteor shower
October 9 – Essene Great Day (Shemini Atzeret)
October 12 – Yom Kippur (10 Tishrei / Jewish anniversary of Yom Kippur War start)

Seeing how these events line up, the Kabbalists could schedule the massive airstrike exchanges to start in the Middle East tonight (Jerusalem time, October 2nd), with Operation Blackjack coming to the West on October 5th and “divine intervention” (the meteor storm) beginning immediately after the cities are burned (or saved). Or they could script all three events to happen on the 5th.

Tomorrow, October 3, I’ll flesh out the scenario that could flow from October 5: an 8-day “Yom Kippur Sukkot” that runs from October 5 to 12, with an embedded 4-day Three Days of Darkness that runs on October 9, 10, 11 and 12. We’ll also look at the fallback: an October 6-9 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario.

CRITICAL ALERT (29 September – 1 October 2024): Operation Blackjack is scheduled for October 5, with major precursor events possible as early as sunset of October 1 (Jerusalem time)

On Saturday, October 5, the leftist patsies will be gathered at strategic locations throughout the West for Artemis Rodfall

…from Shut It Down For Palestine (top) and Gematria Effect News (bottom). Note the number 153

1 Thessalonians 5:3 – “While people are saying, ‘Peace and security,’ destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

Reader Sohei has come across news that Israel may have already begun clearance operations on the Lebanese side of the border in preparation for their main advance, so I’d better cut to the chase: there are two dates ahead that would be ideal for scheduling the Big Event, 29 Elul (sunset of October 1 to sunset of October 2) and 3 Tishrei (sunset of October 4 to sunset of October 5). Let’s have a look at them.


> October 2 is Day 1 of the Essene Feast of Tabernacles / Sukkot. And Sukkot is a holiday during which Jews dwell in temporary structures to commemorate the Exodus out of Egypt…

42 You are to dwell in booths for seven days. All the native-born of Israel must dwell in booths, 43 so that your descendants may know that I made the Israelites dwell in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.’ ” – from Leviticus 23 on

This makes 29 Elul (on the mainstream Jewish calendar) an ideal day to script the Second Exodus out of Israel that I’ve warned about — an Exodus that would be triggered by a massive WMD attack (real or simulated) on Israel, presumably in retaliation for Israel invading Lebanon. Watch for the IDF/Mossad to secretly participate in the attack on Israel. Netanyahu may be among those killed [1,2].

> October 2 is mainstream Jewish Erev Rosh Hashana, the day the Jewish New Year begins at sunset. So the Israeli Jews would begin their New Year running for their lives, wandering and dying in the desert like the Exodus Hebrews.

> October 2 is the day of the annular solar eclipse. And since superstitious / religious Jews consider a solar eclipse a “bad omen for the world”, it could mean that the attack on “Israel’s Western enablers” might be launched at the same time (or later on 3 Tishrei / October 5).

> October 2 is the day of the Catholic Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels, so watch for UFO/UAP activity in the sky that day (possibly even the fake Christian Rapture).

As for the scenarios that could spring from October 2…


>This Saturday is an ideal day for scripting the beginning of a big war involving Israel because it is the Jewish Sabbath (a time the Muslims would aim for) and it marks three anniversaries of two previous Israeli war-starts…

1) It is the Persian/Iranian calendar anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War. The War began on 6 October 1973, which was the Iranian day of 14 Mehr. This year, 14 Mehr falls on October 5.

2) It is the Essene calendar anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War. The War began on 6 October 1973, which was the Essene day of 18 Tishrei. This year, Essene 18 Tishrei falls on October 5.




The Sign occurred on 23 September 2017, which was the mainstream Jewish day of 3 Tishrei. This year, 3 Tishrei falls on October 5. So Saturday could be scripted one of two ways…

  1. It could be used to mark the end of the “7 Jewish-year Revelation 12 Tribulation.” This could occur if a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario is started on October 2.
  2. It could be used to mark the beginning of the final conflict that will bring the end of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline on October 30.

> October 5 is Shabbat Shuva, the Shabbat of “Return!” So it could be scripted to mark the return of Saturn — the Fake Jewish Messiah and Fake Returned Christ — to either land victorious or begin his battle against the “Dark Forces.”

> October 5 is one of the three days the ancient Romans opened the Mundus Cerialis, the underworld pit, so it can be scripted to mark the “opening of the Gate to Hell.” Once released, the “underworld entities” can either pose as benevolent angels (fake ETs) accompanying the False Messiah (Saturn/Moshiach) or start the 150-day Torment of Humanity. In the latter case, Day 150 would fall on 3/3/2025, which is 3 Adar, the day the Second Temple was completed (alternatively, they could “cut the days short” to end it by Essene Purim, March 1).

~ MORE – 30 September 2024 ~

Things you need to remember when the cities are burning

~ MORE – 1 October 2024 ~

What do camels and cranes have to do with this week’s planned “Rain of Fire“? – Find out below…


It should be noted that October 5 is the peak day of the October Camelopardalid meteor shower. These meteors emerge from a radiant in the Draco (“Dragon”) constellation, which fits right in with the Red Dragon of Revelation 12. So it’s possible that the Kabbalists could script a (manmade) “meteor storm” with an “early peak” tonight or tomorrow, or they could wait for the 5th (which is the 7-year Jewish anniversary of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign”). Here are Onna’s notes from last year on the Camelopardalids…

Camelopardalis (Wikipedia) meaning “giraffe”, from camel + spotted. We saw camels in Hiroshima (G7 Hiroshima Summit 2023). Gematria: Camelopardalis  = nuclear strike 2x; Camelopardalus = Achilles tendon (Wikipedia) 2x…

…from Gematria Effect News

MAKE OFFLINE COPIES NOW of this homepage, The “End Times” Deception page, and The UFO/ET Con page… just in case deterrence doesn’t work this time. They contain all the information needed to see clearly through what’s ahead.

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for Tuesday and Wednesday are now up.

Updates from September and the previous months of 2024 are under the following two sections; click here to go to them.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – September Updates

(28 September 2024) – The Deaths of Nasrallah and Trump and What Comes on Tuesday & Saturday

What do Hassan Nasrallah and Donald J. Trump have in common? – Ted Kaczynski. And what will they soon have in common? – A supposed death involving an AIRCRAFT and a BOMB

…from The Dark Knight Rises (top) and Gematria Effect News (bottom)

The “Drake cue” Onnabugeisha found for September 27 was fulfilled when an Israeli aircraft dropped a bomb that supposedly killed Mossad asset Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah. Tomorrow, I’ll show you why Donald J. Trump‘s staged death will also involve an aircraft and a bomb.

As for the larger picture, it appears that the Nasrallah killing will now be used as an escalation point to what’s planned for the October 2-9 danger period. The danger period will begin after sunset of October 1 in Jerusalem when Essene Sukkot begins (this coming Tuesday).


On another note, keep a continued watch for Pope Francis’s death. October 2-5 would be an ideal timeframe for a papal funeral (from a Kabbalist scripting perspective).

ALERT (27 September 2024): Operation Blackjack in now in play

After I finished lunch, I checked the news and found that Israel has just kicked the Hezbollah hornets nest with a strike on their leader in Beirut. And Fox News is reporting that Netanyahu authorized the strike and will return to Israel tonight. So now there are two options for the follow-on event:

  1. Stage “Hezbollah’s retaliation” while the UN Security Council meets on the Middle East situation (starting at 3 PM) and Netanyahu is still in town.
  2. Or stage the retaliation after Netanyahu leaves but it is still Essene Tishrei 11 in Israel.

Sunset of September 27 to sunset of September 28 is Essene Tishrei 11 (7/11), and my partner Onna has found this…

Essene calendar11 Tishrei (7/11) [Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’– CNNYouTube – CNN]

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

Know this…

NOTE: As a fallback scenario, Pope Francis’s death in Brussels today or tomorrow would result in a hittable papal funeral 4-6 days later. This could land it on October 2, a potentially momentous day that starts the October 2-9 danger period I’ve previously written about. So keep an eye on the old devil.

WARNING (27 September 2024): This morning could bring an assassination or two

The Kabbalists have arranged for Joe Biden to be in Scranton, Pennsylvania for a funeral this morning from 10:15 AM to 1 PM EDT, which is the timeframe in which Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu will be at the UN (the General Debate speeches start at 9 AM EDT and Netanyahu is the third speaker). Since this is a spur of the moment trip for Biden, Secret Service preparations for his safety will be minimal. So are “Palestinian protesters” / “Hezbollah” scripted to kill Biden, Bibi or both?

Additionally, my partner Onnabugeisha has found a “Drake cue” on the Chinese calendar today, so Biden could die in an aircraft crash too…

Chinese calendar8th Month 25

• The Washington Post and The New York Times publish the Unabomber manifesto (WikipediaHISTORY) also known as Industrial Society and Its Futurea 1995 anti-technology essay by Ted Kaczynski. Date: 19 September 1995 = 8th Month 25, year of the Pig

This Unabomber cue can also be applied to script a series of explosions and cyberattacks that cripples “industrial society” (Operation Blackjack).

Be advised that they’ve also arranged for Pope Francis to be in a NATO capital, Brussels, today and tomorrow. And Netanyahu will be staying in the US until after sunset on Saturday. So mischief will be afoot tomorrow too.

WARNING (26 September 2024): The Threat Picture for Thursday-Friday

Well, the big day I wrote about in the 24 September Warning (below yesterday’s notes) is upon us. Today is 23 Elul on the rabbinical Jewish calendar and 9 Tishrei on the Essene calendar. To “Synagogue of Satan” Jews, today is the Jewish anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. And to the Torah-only Essenes, today is the day Yom Kippur begins at sunset. And Yom Kippur is one of the Jewish holidays that can be scripted as “Judgment Day

According to Jewish tradition, on Rosh Hashanah God inscribes each person’s fate for the coming year into the Book of Life, and waits until Yom Kippur to “seal” the verdict. This process is described dramatically in the poem Unetanneh Tokef, which is recited on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur:

A great shofar will be blown, and a small still voice will be heard. The angels will make haste, and be seized with fear and trembling, and will say: ‘Behold, the day of judgment!’On Rosh Hashanah it is written, and on the Yom Kippur fast it is sealed, how many will pass and how many will be created, who will live and who will die, who in his time and who not in his time… But repentance, prayer, and charity remove the evil of the decree… For You do not desire a person’s death, but rather that he repent and live. Until the day of his death You wait for him; if he repents, You accept him immediately.” – from Wikipedia

So from sunset of Thursday through Friday night, the Kabbalists could script “God’s sudden judgment of apostate Israel and Israel-hating Edom.”

Trouble could begin as early as sunset in Jerusalem today (6:30 PM local time / 11:30 AM Washington DC time). And the prime danger time comes at “midnight” Jerusalem time (either on the clock, at 5 PM New York time, or at the midpoint between sunset and sunrise (about 12:30 AM of Friday, Jerusalem time). The danger period will then continue past Friday’s sunset to the next “midnight.”

The Kabbalists do have an alternative, though, and it’s found in Chabad’s notes on 23 Elul: today is also the Jewish anniversary of a dove bringing an olive leaf to Noah. And since both doves and olive branches are symbols of peace, a ceasefire could be reached today (to delay the Big Event till early next month).

~ MORE ~

If you’ve been a reader for at least the past few months, you may remember all the occult references to bucks and deer we’ve come across recently. They appeared in relation to…

Well tomorrow, Essene Yom Kippur, marks the 357th day of the Israel-Hamas War. And in Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 357 is the Hebrew word deer“, the name of several cities in Palestine.

So be on the lookout for the “Israeli Outrage” tonight/tomorrow — the event that would make the Muslims strike out in uncontrollable rage against Israel and the West. The Outrage event [1,2,3] would be scripted as “the Israeli Deep State‘s big move while Netanyahu is out of the country,” and it may manifest as a massive explosion in a Palestinian area.

Will the Second Yom Kippur War begin tonight/tomorrow?

NOTE (24-25 September 2024): The AP are now reporting that Netanyahu’s speech has been moved to Friday. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ve abandoned their plans for tomorrow — Netanyahu can just as easily be “killed” in Israel while New York and Washington get hit — but it does mean that they might move the Big Event to coincide with Essene Yom Kippur on Friday.

Here is what the Dead Sea Scrolls-oriented prophecy propagandists say about the Essene Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), with my additions [in brackets]…

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, teaches of the Second Coming and the destruction of the Antichrist. [The “Second Coming” that’s about to happen is scripted to be that of Saturn, the Nazionist Antichrist, who will put on a show of destroying the Islamic Antichrist and then pretend to be Jesus and the Moshiach ben David.]

At the Second Coming, the Antichrist will be destroyed in Megiddo in a battle called Armageddon. [Saturn, the incoming fake messiah, will destroy the decoy Antichrist so he can pose as a good guy.]

The ritual of the two goats (Leviticus 16) is performed on this day. [The ritual involves two goats: one selected by lot to be a sacrifice, and the other selected to be a scapegoat that is sent into the wilderness — Netanyahu might be the sacrificial goat and the Israeli population might be the scapegoats who are driven into the wilderness.]

The identical goats signify that the Antichrist will be indistinguishable from the Messiah to those who do not study prophecy! [This is a hint that the Messiah who shows up will be the (Nazionist) Antichrist.]

There’s a possibility that the Kabbalists will modify the script and take out Netanyahu (by plane crash), Trump (“by Iran”), and Putin (“by long-range Western missile”) tomorrow evening into Friday morning. I’ll explain why if they attempt it.

~ from yesterday – 24 September 2024 ~

All the links have now been added to today’s warnings. And due to quick Kabbalist damage control on Wikipedia, I had to change the link on Netanyahu’s UN speech date. Their plans are in flux.

WARNING (24 September 2024): Thursday, September 26 is shaping up to be a very high danger day. Details to come.

~ MORE ~

Here are some things you need to know about Thursday (Thor’s Day)…

My partner Onna’s notes point out something important that applies to sunset of Wednesday to sunset of Thursday (Jerusalem or New York time), which is Essene 9 Tishrei (the day of Netanyahu’s UN speech) and mainstream Jewish 23 Elul: IT IS THE JEWISH ANNIVERSARY OF THE 9/11 ATTACKS, and therefore the perfect day for Global 9/11 / Nuclear 9/11.

WARNING (24 September 2024): What “Foreign Terrorist Fighters” Could Bring on Wednesday…


The threat picture for tomorrow is essentially the same as today’s: there is a chance for an early (before Thursday) hit on the UN that would take out both Biden and Erdogan. But there is risk of an “Iranian” hit on Trump too (in order to trigger the Ram-Goat War). Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 25th are now up, and they include this…

25 September 2024 is Essene 8 Tishrei (The Essenes)

• US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nations) and a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). On the same day,  President Trump: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel) [in 2024, Trump: Reaching a two-state solution now ‘very, very tough’ –]. Date: 26 September 2018 = 8 Tishrei

Tonight/tomorrow, Essene 8 Tishrei of 2024, is also the Essene anniversary of the second time “Commie Antichrist” Barack Obama sat as President of the UN Security Council on 24 September 2014 (Essene 8 Tishrei). The subject of that meeting was foreign terrorist fighters.

So will “Obama’s” foreign terrorist fighters hit the UN or Trump tomorrow?

NOTE (24 September 2024): Today, both Joe Biden and Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be giving consecutive speeches on the opening day of the UN General Debate

Both “men” are prime assassination targets — as is UN Headquarters — and I’ve already written about what will happen when Biden is offed and Erdogan falls. At 3 PM, the Security Council will be having a meeting on the “maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine” that would provide a nice backdrop for the UN’s sudden destruction.

As my beloved partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out, 24 September marks 22,222 days since America’s first Catholic president, JFK, was assassinated. Biden is America’s 2nd Catholic “president,” and by the looks of it, today could be a quintuply -shi*ty day for him.

All I know for sure is that these inbred Kabbalist retards mean business. And when they’re not chasing random cars down Eastern Parkway, they’re trying to wreck Israel and the world so they can bring in their Moshiach ben David. So keep an eye on them today and the next two days — they’re the really ugly ones in the black hats and the undertaker suits. Apparently, dressing like ghoulish clowns brings them closer to “God”… or something like that.

Expanded NOTE (23 September 2024): If the Kabbalists’ intent is to reenact the Battle of Jericho in the invasion of Lebanon/Syria, the invasion could come today (Monday the 23rd). Israel entered the “New Phase” of their war on Hezbollah late last Monday (when their security cabinet met after the Hebrew day of 14 Elul began), The pager attack, which “trumpeted their coming,” then happened later on 14 Elul at 3:30 PM local time. And today, 20 Elul, marks the 7th day, which is the day Jericho’s walls fell. This, in turn, could lead to Operation Blackjack (“the response of Iran and its allies against Israel and their Western enablers”) happening sometime after sunset today on 21 Elul (Jerusalem or New York time).

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has sent me a note on this…

According to, Jericho’s Wall Collapsed on 28 Nissan. And according to you, it could now be 20 Elul, in m/d date format 6/20 -> Joshua 6:20: So when the rams’ horns sounded, the people shouted. When they heard the blast of the horn, the people gave a great shout, and the wall collapsed. Then all the people charged straight into the city and captured it. [Ken – Here’s something Wikipedia says about the Hebrew month of Elul: “The shofar (ram’s horn) is blown every morning from the first day of Elul until Rosh Hashanah (except on Shabbat).”]

Onna’s notes on Monday the 23rd are now up.

Expanded WARNING (22 September 2024): The Risk to New York Rises Tomorrow

Joe Biden is scheduled to arrive in New York on Monday the 23rd at 4:10 PM EDT, so both he and Erdogan will be hittable there from that time through the 25th. And on the 25th, the twofer will become a threefer when Netanyahu joins them. Assuming we get to later today without incident, we’ll look at the possibilities for Monday the 23rd (which are quite similar to today’s).

~ MORE ~

The next five days will each be an Essene anniversary of a day that the Arch of Palmyra stood in New York, symbolically marking the city for destruction “by ISIS”…

…from The Guardian (top)

The Arch was displayed in City Hall Park on the days of 19-23 September 2016. So Monday the 23rd will mark the Gregorian anniversary of the final day it stood. And, of course, Monday the 23rd is also the 7-year Gregorian anniversary of the Revelation 12 Star Sign and the day Joe Biden will arrive in New York for his scripted death in the timeframe of the 23rd through 25th. The day the Arch was unveiled at the Park, 19 September 2016, was the Essene day of 6 Tishrei. And this year, Essene 6 Tishrei falls on September 23 (tomorrow).

Monday the 23rd will be the third day in a row that will allow the Kabbalists to trigger a big event on a 7-year anniversary of the Revelation 12 Star Sign, then run a set-piece “God’s judgment” scenario (in tomorrow’s case, a 38-day Wandering and Dying in the Wilderness scenario) and land the end on October 30, the final day of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline.

(21-22 September 2024) – The Possibilities for September 22

Events permitting, we’ll have a look later today at the rest of the high-risk time window for the Second Holocaust / Global 9/11: September 22-26 (Netanyahu will join Biden at the UN on the 25th, and he’ll likely speak on the 26th). We’re looking at a 38-day Wandering in the Wilderness scenario over the next couple of days.

~ MORE ~

Sunday, September 22nd is 1 Mehr on the Persian/Iranian calendar, and it was on 1 Mehr (23 September 2017) 7 years ago that “the Revelation 12 Star Sign appeared in the heavens.” So tomorrow it is scriptable that the governments / “Deep States” of Israel and the West will be dealt a mortal wound — setting in motion the end of the Great Tribulation they have brought upon the world — and it will appear to involve Iran and their proxy forces.

Looking to Chabad’s information on Sunday, 19 Elul, their Daily Thought is titled First Day, and their Torah study hints at a chastisement by God of an apostate Israel

24 So all the nations will ask, ‘Why has the LORD done such a thing to this land? Why this great outburst of anger?’

25 And the people will answer, ‘It is because they abandoned the covenant of the LORD, the God of their fathers, which He made with them when He brought them out of the land of Egypt. 26 They went and served other gods, and they worshiped gods they had not known—gods that the LORD had not given to them. 27 Therefore the anger of the LORD burned against this land, and He brought upon it every curse written in this book. 28 The LORD uprooted them from their land in His anger, rage, and great wrath, and He cast them into another land, where they are today.’ – from Deuteronomy 29 on Bible Hub

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for today (and some for tomorrow) are now up. Here are the ones that apply to September 22…

~ MORE – 22 September 2024, early AM ~

Should the globalists go for it on the 22nd, they could stage a 38-day Wandering and Dying in the Wilderness scenario that would start on the Persian 7-year mark of the Revelation 12 Star Sign and end after sunset on October 29. That’s when the Jewish day that corresponds to October 30 (28 Tishrei) begins — October 30 is the end of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline. This is Chabad’s Torah study for that day.

WARNING (18-20 September 2024): The Second Holocaust is Mere Hours/Days Away

Israel has already entered the second day of the Essene Feast of Tabernacles (Thursday), so should they decide to launch the invasion of Lebanon/Syria before it ends, there are plenty of occult scripting cues to support big trouble (Onnabugeisha’s notes are up; see the ones in red with my comments added in brackets).

I’d be surprised, though, if they don’t wait till Chai Elul (September 21) to launch Operation Blackjack (the global conflagration) — it’s an important day for the Chassidim and Chabad [the people who are about to intentionally bring Israel to destruction so they can roll out their Fake Jewish Messiah (Moshiach)]. The Second Holocaust is afoot, brought to the Jews by the same people, the Kabbalists, who orchestrated the first one…

Remember who financed the rise of the Nazis and shepherded the Zionist movement and the establishment of the State of Israel: the Rothschilds and their associated Kabbalist bankster families. With their left hand (Nazism), they swept the Jews out of Europe; with their right hand (Zionism), they set up Global Auschwitz (the modern State of Israel). Now comes the fire sacrifice of the sheep they’ve gathered there.

~ MORE – 19 September 2024 ~

SEPTEMBER 21 (Jerusalem time) IS A PROFOUNDLY DANGEROUS DAY for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is this…

If the Kabbalists start a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario on September 21 (the Essene 7-year mark of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign“), its end will land on October 30, which is the end of the 7-year Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline (as calculated by biblical day counts).

So let’s look at all the reasons the Kabbalists view Chai Elul (September 21) as an excellent day to begin the fire sacrifice…

> September 21 is the day world leaders will begin arriving in New York to participate in the September 22-23 UN Summit of the Future. So many of the “kings of the world” will be gathered there that day, but not yet all, and this presents a perfect opportunity to artificially fulfill a Kabbalist prophecy about the destruction of (New) Rome. Here is a passage from the late prophecy propagandist Tom Horn that quotes the prophecy (the first paragraph)…

“the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.”

Is he hinting at the destruction of Mystery Babylon? He notes that not all kings will be destroyed. Of those remaining, he says: “These will commence anew to make other wars. From that time the Messiah will begin to declare himself, and round him there will be gathered many nations and many hosts from the uttermost ends of the earth.” – from

> In Iran this year, September 21 is the day they celebrate the births of the Prophet Muhammad (the founder of Islam) and Imam Sadeq (a Shia Twelver Imam who had many followers who believed he would return as the Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah). So the 21st would be an excellent time for the Kabbalists to cue their selected Mahdi (probably Qasem Soleimani) to come out of occultation and strike a deathblow to the “Great Satan” and the “Little Satan” (or to have such a deathblow false-flagged and blamed on the Iranians).


> September 21 is the Orthodox Christian Nativity of the Virgin Mary, a day that celebrates the birth of “Mary, mother of Jesus”…

The Most Holy Virgin Mary was born at a time, when people had reached such limits of decay of moral values, that it seemed altogether impossible to restore them. The best minds of this era were aware and often said openly, that God must come down into the world, so as to restore faith and not tolerate the ruination of the race of mankind…

The Birth of the Mother of God marks the change of the times, wherein the great and comforting promises of God begin to be fulfilled about the salvation of the human race from slavery to the devil. – from

As a Marian holiday, the 21st lends itself to scripting the fulfillment of the Third Secret of Fatima prophecy (which is based upon a supposed Marian apparition – 1,2). The prophecy speaks of the death of a pope…

  • a “bishop clothed in white” who, while making his way amid corpses of martyrs, “falls to the ground, apparently dead, under a burst of gunfire.”
  • he “was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him.” Everyone with the pontiff also dies: bishops, priests, monks, nuns and lay people.
  • the pope is killed in “a big city half in ruins” while walking to the top of a mountain and kneeling at the foot of a cross

Pope Francis is scheduled to be in Rome on the 21st.

> September 21 is Batman Day [1,2], and the occultists have gone out of their way to tie Trump to Batman. So when the Kabbalists trigger the NWO Transition Event, watch for Trump to follow the script of The Dark Knight Rises when the “League of Shadows” mount their capture of Gotham: he may disappear when they make their move, then return as the nuclear climax approaches to save us from annihilation — appearing to die in the process.

We should also keep in mind that on September 15 — which was Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline — the Kabbalists staged two marker events

  1. they had the Dragon (space capsule) fall down to Earth to begin a 45-day count, and
  2. they staged another fake Trump assassination attempt.

So September 21’s 40-day Fire Judgment would be part of the 45-day Trump count, with both counts ending on October 30, Day 1335 of the Tribulation.

Speaking of the September 21 Fire Judgment, it should be noted that on the original Roman calendar, September was the 7th month. And the number 21 is 7+7+7. So 9/21 can be expressed as 7/7+7+7 or 7777, and this is a number of supposed significance regarding Israel and “God’s correction”

If, in spite of the manifold trials received, God’s people still harden their hearts against him, then a fourth and most severe seven-fold penalty (7777) would be administered. Its fierceness will cause parents to resort to cannibalizing their own children. The cities will be destroyed and many will experience a horrible death. Those who survive are taken away from their homes (Leviticus 26:27 – 33). – from

So September 21 can bring the fourth seven-fold penalty to Israel (“and their Western enablers”). The prophecy propagandists refer to this as the Final Chastisement of Israel,” and it can last until 30 October 2024 (if they opt for the expected Nazionist victory) or 26 February 2028 (if they opt for a temporary commie victory).

~ MORE – 20 September 2024 ~

It’s that time of month again — options expiration — and reader Sohei has noted that the Fed cut interest rates to pump up the market right before it hits. This means the globalists are/were intending to make a killing in the market once they start the killing in the battlefields. So watch for trouble to start after the markets close but before after-hours trading ends (if they haven’t already pushed the delay button on the whole thing).

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The Kabbalists are obsessed with gematria, so check out this jackpot…

…from Gematria Effect News (Archmere Academy = death of Joe Biden)

On Saturday, September 21, Joe Biden is convening the Quad Summit at Archmere Academy, his old Catholic prep school in Delaware, at 4 PM EDT (the Chinese number of death). If the globalists decide to go for it, it’s located in a perfect spot to be hit by an inland tsunami from a “Russian tsunami nuke” strike in Delaware Bay. And such a strike would start a NATO vs. Russia war, leaving China the last superpower left standing — this rationale will be used when it’s time for the “patriots / constitutionalists” (Nazionists) to blame the commies for the September 21 attacks.

NOTE (17-18 September 2024): While we wait to see if the globalists make use of the lunar eclipse and Essene Feast of Trumpets (see the 17 September update below), I’ve looked ahead at the next danger period, the “UN High-Level Phoenix Window” — it’s a golden opportunity for scripting the current world order to burn and the New World Order to rise, and it runs from September 21-30 (I’ve added the UN events to the event calendar).

~ MORE – 18 September 2024 ~

The White House has announced that Joe Biden will participate in the UN meetings on September 23, 24 & 25, which means he may travel to New York on September 22. So the scripted strike window appears to be September 22-25 — a hit on one of those days will take out the current UN and Biden, opening the way for Kamala’s presidency and Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama’s rise. And right on cue, Hillary is back in the news again…

…from The Wrap

The UN/Blackjack attacks would give her just the excuse she needs to launch a campaign of mass arrests against political dissenters (the Commie Reign of Terror).

It should be noted that September 21 is also a very strong candidate for the day of the strike (if they intend to leave Biden in place for the start of the war). It’s a good day to script the death of Pope Francis.

(17 September 2024) – Sunset happens in Jerusalem at 6:42 PM local time today, 11:42 AM Washington DC time (EDT), and it will be midnight there at 5 PM EDT. At one of those times, the two-day Essene Feast of Trumpets (Essene Jewish New Year) will begin. And given the importance the prophecy propagandists have ascribed to the Essenes, the two days of Essene Trumpets are to be closely watched for the scripted starts of Israel’s War in the North, the fake Christian Rapture, and the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah (Moshiach)

Feast of Trumpets, Fall Day of Remembrance

  • Also called “The Last Trump” or the festival of Rosh Hashanah
  • Called “Yom Teruah”, or “the Day of the Awakening Blast” (Numbers 29:1)
  • Also called “Yom HaKeseh”, or “the Day of Concealment”, signifying the concealment of the church from the tribulation by the Rapture
  • This is a two day festival, so if the Rapture were to occur on this day, no one would know the day or the hour
  • Also called “Yom HaMalek” or “the Day of the King”. It is the time of the Messiah’s coronation, and the beginning of His Kingdom (the Second Coming)
  • The coronation of a new King in Israel would always be on this day. Psalm 45 would be read, and the king would always have his bride with him (signifying the presence of the Raptured church at the Second Coming).
  • The awakening blast would be from a shofar for an army to wake up and prepare for the day’s battle
  • This will also be the day of the resurrection of the dead (at the same time as the Rapture) (1 Corinthians 15:22)
  • Also called “Yom HaZikkaron” or “the Day of Remembrance”. This is a remembrance of “the four days of remembrance” commanded by Noah (Leviticus 23:24), which starts on this day
  • The seven days between Trumpets and Yom Kippur are called Yamin Noraim, or “the days of awe”, signifying the seven year tribulation period (Joel 2:11) – from

In the 15 September update and the 16 September note, I’ve shown how all this could be played out over the course of the next four days, with the end coming at the 7-year mark of the Revelation 12 Tribulation on Essene 4 Tishrei. And if they start it on the second day of Trumpets, the end may come on the 7-year mark of the Revelation 12 Tribulation on the Persian/Iranian calendar.

NOTE (16 September 2024): There’s been another delay to the Israeli security cabinet meeting (to start the War in the North on Wednesday) because Netanyahu is supposedly bringing Gideon Saar into the defense minister post. Saar is a guy I’ve written about before — the guy who would replace Netanyahu after his scripted death: Saar and Pence: Judases to the moshiachs.

Saar may start the war after betraying Netanyahu to his death. And if they run the 4-day Three Days of Darkness over September 18-21 like I’m expecting, the end of the “Rain of Fire” will come after sunset of the 20th, with the “Arrival” on the ground coming on the 21st.

The 20th will mark 349 days since the Israel-Hamas War began, and Strong’s 349 is to cry outHow‘?!” And the 21st will mark 350 days since the War began

The Hebrew words malak, Strong’s #H4427, appears 350 times in 284 Hebrew Old Testament verses. It is recorded the most in the book of 2Kings (92 times), then 2Chronicles (79) followed by 1Kings (62). The word means to be or become a king or queen, to ascend to a throne or to reign. It can refer to a human ruler or one who is divine. – from

Will Netanyahu rise from the dead on the 3rd day with the Fake Jewish Messiah and merkabahs in the sky?

WARNING (16 September 2024): Watch for Biden’s Assassination in Philly Today

With Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation being marked yesterday by the Dragon space capsule’s fall to Earth and another fake Trump assassination attempt, watch for the Kabbalists to script “MAGA payback” today in Philadelphia. Joe Biden will be speaking there at 2:30 PM EDT today. Keep in mind that…

Joe Biden was inaugurated as president on 20 January 2021, so today marks 1335 days since that happened. And since 1335 days can be used to mark the end of a Tribulation, it may used to mark the end of Joe Biden’s tumultuous presidency. This would put Kamala Harris into the presidency today and open the way for the appointment of Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton to the vice presidency. Later, I’ll show you how this can be scripted to bring about what is “prophesied” in Revelation 13.

After Harris takes office, watch for her to approve the long-range strikes into Russia. And since her “friend of Chabad” Jewish husband/handler will be running the show, watch for Israel to make its move on Lebanon and Syria…


~ MORE ~

Reader Sohei has found news reports that set up Elon Musk and Donald Trump to take the fall for today’s planned assassination…

Elon Musk Faces Firestorm Over ‘Appalling’ Assassination ‘Joke’ About Biden, Harris

Trump Breaks Silence to Say Who He Blames for Assassination Bid (the “highly inflammatory language” of Biden and Harris)

So after Biden goes down, President Harris will blame Musk and Trump for “siccing their MAGA crazies on Biden.”

NOTE (16 September 2024, early AM): So the Dragon (space capsule) fell to Earth off of Florida at 3:37 AM on Sunday (Strong’s 337 is Alas! I murder), thus setting an event marker for Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline. And later that day, there was a “second (fake) assassination attempt on Trump” in Florida. Keep watch for more events that show “the Dragon at work” between now and September 18.

All hail the Nazionist hero Trump for surviving another fake assassination attempt! Let’s see if Elon Musk, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Vladimir Putin are next. What’s life without some manufactured heroes to worship?

(15 September 2024) – Yahweh’s Li’l Retards (the Kabbalists) are at it again

Eagle-eyed reader Sohei has pointed out that the Kabbalists running Israel have set things in motion to once again attempt to start the “War in the North” with Hezbollah. And this is exactly what we’d expect from them as the September 18 lunar eclipse over Israel approaches (lunar eclipses are considered a bad omen for the Jews/Israel).

The next opportunity to close out the Revelation 12 Tribulation comes during the September 18-21 time window that starts with the supermoon eclipse on Essene Rosh Hashanah and ends on the 7-year mark of the Revelation 12 Star Sign on the Essene calendar (Essene 4 Tishrei – 1,2). So watch for a Kabbalist-engineered 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario to run over September 18, 19, 20 and 21.

(13-14 September 2024) – Polaris Dawn and the NWO Transition Event

On Sunday, 15 September 2024, the world will reach Day 1290 of the 7-year Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline. In Christian eschatology, the “Tribulation” is a “prophesied” 3.5 or 7-year period of time that is essentially “the time of the Antichrist.” And it is supposed to bring great worldwide upheaval (like the COVID “pandemic” and the wars in Ukraine and Gaza) and then end with “the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”

The current Tribulation timeline the globalists/Kabbalists are using to artificially fulfill the prophecies, this Revelation 12 one, follows their standard doctrinal format, which is composed of day counts from the Bible (1260 days, 1290 days and 1335 days) that are commonly associated with the Tribulation period

~ from yesterday – 13 September 2024 ~

In the time since the Polaris Dawn orbital mission and its Dragon space capsule took flight on Tuesday morning, it has become clear that the naming and timing of the mission and its components were done to occultly connect the mission to both 9/11 and the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline (see the previous days’ updates below). So the mission itself represents a flashy, highly public occult ritual intended to act-out the Revelation 12 Dragon’s fall to Earth on Sunday, September 15, which is Day 1290 of the Tribulation timeline.

That being the case, let’s look at the verses from Revelation 12 that relate to the Dragon’s fall…

7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels. 9 And the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens,
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea;
with great fury the devil has come down to you,
knowing he has only a short time.”

13 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle to fly from the presence of the serpent to her place in the wilderness, where she was nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.

As you can see, the Dragon is supposed to lash out in fury when he falls to Earth, which may be scripted to manifest in the form of a 9/11-style attack. And Kabbalist prophecy doctrine holds that “a time, and times, and half a time” means “1260 days” [a prophetic year (360 days), and two prophetic years (720 days), and half a prophetic year (180 days) = 1260 days]. BUT, there are other meanings that can be assigned to that timespan, such as…

  • a time” =10 days
  • and times” (three 10-day periods) = 30 days
  • and half a time” = 5 days
  • totaling 45 days, which would land the end of the Dragon’s time at the Day 1335 end of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline [Day 1335 – Day 1290 = 45 days].

So the Dragon’s time of rage can be scripted to last until the October 30 end of the timeline, or it can be expanded out to 1260 days (to end on 26 February 2028, which is Essene Purim).

By the way, the Kabbalists sometime script events in parallel to their Torah study, and their Torah study for October 30 (28 Tishrei) makes for a fitting end to a Great Tribulation (with “Moses’s Tabernacle” being constructed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem). The reading begins with this…

Exiting the Ark

15 Then God said to Noah, 16 “Come out of the ark, you and your wife, along with your sons and their wives. 17 Bring out all the living creatures that are with you—birds, livestock, and everything that crawls upon the ground—so that they can spread out over the earth and be fruitful and multiply upon it.”

18 So Noah came out, along with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives. 19 Every living creature, every creeping thing, and every bird—everything that moves upon the earth—came out of the ark, kind by kind.

Noah Builds an Altar

20 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD. – from Genesis 8

~ MORE ~

It’s Friday the 13th, and reader Sohei has pointed out that Trump will visit Las Vegas’ version of the World Trade Center today…

The Federal Aviation Administration issued a temporary flight restriction over Las Vegas Valley airspace for between 5 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday. That means Trump will land just before he is scheduled to speak to a crowd of supporters at 7 p.m. Friday at the Expo at World Market Center in downtown Las Vegas. – from the Las Vegas Review-Journal

This reminds me of President William McKinley, who was shot at the Pan-American Exposition back in 1901. And in Septenary gematria (Trump’s gematria), World Trade Center = World Market Center

…from Gematria Effect News

Since this has a tie-in to 9/11 and could result in Trump’s “resurrection” on Sunday when the “Revelation 12 War begins in heaven,” his “death” tonight could be part of the setup for Sunday’s Big Event.

Another thing that’s happening today, Friday the 13th, is that the “communist” leaders of Canada and the UK are supposedly pressuring Biden to allow Ukraine to conduct long-range strikes into Russia with Western missiles. And the Kabbalists on the other side of the conflict have had Putin threaten a state of war with NATO if such strikes take place. So this is the “real world” development that’s scripted to trigger the 9/11-style event on Sunday.

Alternatively or additionally, a staged assassination strike on Putin, Netanyahu and/or Trump could be used as the trigger. Also watch for a hit on Biden that would put “commie” Kamala into the presidency to approve the long-range strikes. An aircraft accident may also be used on one of the assassination targets.

CRITICAL INFORMATION (12 September 2024): Hold the presses — I looked back to my August 1 update and remembered some things…

  1. September 15the day the Dragon space capsule “is cast down to Earth”marks Day 1335 of Joe Biden’s presidency (Obama’s Third Term).
  2. If you use a non-inclusive day count on the second half of the Revelation 12 Tribulation, Day 1290 falls on September 15 (which is Fake Jewish Messiah candidate Prince Harry’s birthday).
  3. If they choose not to end things this year, they have the option of tacking a 1260-day half-Tribulation onto September 15 (see the earlier part of this note).

So we’re potentially looking at a new, reversed Tribulation timeline in which the 1260-day half-Tribulation follows the 1335-day half-Tribulation. But who will be the Antichrist figure for the 1260-day second half, “Nazionist” Prince Harry or “communist” Barack/Michelle Obama? There are scripting cues I’ll show you that could be used to take it either way, though I still expect a “Nazionist victory.”

I’ll continue exploring and thinking it through and begin a comprehensive update on Friday.

~ from earlier ~

Later, we’ll look at the longer scenarios — ones that involve war — that could flow out of the September 15-18 time window. One of them is a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario that starts on Sunday and ends on mainstream Jewish Shemini Atzeret (Kabbalist Judgment Day). Another is a 1260-day half-Tribulation that ends on Essene Purim 2028.

NOTE (11-12 September 2024): It’s important to keep in mind that a feature of the Revelation 12 storyline is the Dragon being hurled down to the Earth. So if Polaris Dawn makes its reentry on September 14, Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline, we can expect all hell to break loose (or, at least, that was the plan). See the 10 September note below for more details.

~ MORE – 12 September 2024 ~

Yesterday, I could find no firm date in the news on Polaris Dawn’s return to Earth. But a report from this morning places it on Sunday, so they may have backed off of September 14. We should still watch for a marker event on Saturday — one they can point to if they decide to come back to the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline on October 29 (its Day 1335).

In the event they opt to use the Dragon’s September 15 fall to Earth as its own standalone marker, they can start the Three Days of Darkness on Sunday and land the 4th day “Arrival” on September 18, which is the Essene Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) and the day the partial lunar eclipse appears over Israel — a fitting “ill omen” for the arrival of a False Messiah. They could also extend the four days into an 8-day New Sukkot that ends on September 22, which is the 7-year mark of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign” on the Persian/Iranian calendar (1 Mehr).

~ MORE ~

Well lookie lookie here — the Kabbalist numerology freaks at SpaceX left us with another clue…

…from Gematria Effect News [Polaris Dawn = a red dragon = 51 (a red dragon is part of Revelation 12)]

It should be noted that the number 51 also carries significance. The Book of Isaiah chapter 51 is titled “Salvation for Zion,” and this is verse 9…

Awake, awake, put on strength,
O arm of the LORD.
Wake up as in days past,
as in generations of old.
Was it not You who cut Rahab to pieces,
who pierced through the dragon?

NOTE (10-11 September 2024): My partner Onna has also found that the launch of the Polaris Dawn mission yesterday was occultly connected to both the “Revelation 12 Star Sign” and the 9/11 Attacks. The Kabbalists running SpaceX arranged for the rocket to take flight at 09:23 UTC [and 49 (7×7) seconds]. 9/23 was the Gregorian date of the Star Sign…

The 9/11 Attacks occurred on the Essene day of 24 Elul, which was a Tuesday. And yesterday was Essene 24 Elul and a Tuesday.

~ MORE ~

Reader Sohei has pointed out that there will be a double-assassination opportunity out in the woods of Shanksville, Pennsylvania today, September 11. Biden and Harris will be there at 12:45 PM EDT to lay a wreath for Flight 93.

~ from yesterday – 10 September 2024 ~

It should be noted that Russia and China mobilized their navies earlier today under cover of the Ocean 2024 exercise (1,2), which is supposed to continue through September 16. So they’re poised for war / force preservation through the danger dates of September 11 and September 14.

Today’s alerts (below) will remain in effect through September 11. After that, we’ll face another window of opportunity for a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario over the timeframe of September 14-17. September 14 is Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline, and September 17 is Essene Tekufa Tishrei (the Essene anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords) (the Essenes). So we could face Three Days of Darkness and then peace on the fourth day.

CRITICAL ALERT (10 September 2024): My partner Onnabugeisha just figured out that today, September 10 / Essene 24 Elul, is the Essene anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. If you add this to the information in the alert below, it means that ANOTHER 9/11 IS DEFINITELY PLANNED FOR TODAY (US TIME), POSSIBLY AFTER ISRAEL ENTERS 9/11 AT 5 PM NEW YORK TIME. CHINA, THE RED DRAGON, HAS ALREADY ENTERED 9/11. Watch Benjamin Netanyahu closely.

Also, reader Sohei has pointed out that US Secretary of State Blinken could get hit in Kyiv. Will an Iranian ballistic missile be blamed? Is this what will trigger the Ram-Goat War against Iran?

ALERT (10 September 2024): The Dragon Has Taken Flight Right Before 9/11 Begins

The Dragon space capsule of SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn mission took off this morning at 5:24 AM New York time. Upon seeing this news, I got a poke from my intuition and immediately found this…

…from Gematria Effect News (Polaris Dawn = Nine Eleven)

Keep in mind that…

So watch for a 9/11-type event in those locations. Also watch for the death/fall of a forerunner: possibly Netanyahu, the forerunner of the Fake Jewish Messiah, or Turkish president Erdogan, the forerunner of the Turkish Muslim Antichrist whose fall is the precursor to the “Three Days of Fear”.

See the updates below for more information on the September 11-14 window for a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario — September 14 ties into the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline (and could bring the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah to either stand victorious or begin his “fight to save the world”). An 8-day New Sukkot scenario is also scriptable over the September 11-18 time window, as is a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario over the September 11 – February 7 time window (Feb. 7 is when Shabbat Shirah begins next year).

9/11 begins in Israel, Ukraine and Turkey at 5 PM New York time TODAY, the day the Dragon took flight.

NOTE (9 September 2024): I’ve added the start and end dates of the Yom Kippur War into the September-October calendar. Take special note of all the cues pointing to October 5. As I mention below the calendar, October 2-5 and October 2-9 have “October Surprise” written all over them in neon letters, especially given that they’re planning to stage a US government shutdown as we enter October.

Later today or early tomorrow, I’ll cover the scenarios that could spring from September 11. In the meantime, keep an eye out for US-NATO airstrikes on Iran “on account of ballistic missiles they’re shipping to Russia.”

(7-9 September 2024) – The Threat Picture for September-October 2024

I’ve now completed the calendar of significant events for September through October. Everything has been checked, all the links have been added, and there are some glaring opportunities for the Kabbalists to run 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenarios (which are highlighted in red and blue, with overlaps shown in purple). As you can see, the first chance runs from September 11 through September 14, and it would likely begin with the Fall of Netanyahu (who is playing the Moshiach ben Yosef character, the forerunner of the Moshiach ben David)…

September 8 – Essene First Fruits of New Oil
September 11 – Orthodox Beheading of the Forerunner John the Baptist
September 15 – Revelation 12 Tribulation Day 1290 (inflection point)
September 14 – Exaltation/Triumph of the Holy Cross
September 17 – Essene Tekufa Tishrei
September 17-18Partial supermoon eclipse (“bad omen for Israel”)
September 18 – Essene Feast of Trumpets (Jewish New Year)
September 21 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (Essene 4 Tishrei – 1,2)
September 21 – Orthodox Nativity of Virgin Mary
September 21 – Heads of state/government gather in New York ahead of summit
September 22 – UN Summit of the Future, Day 1
September 22 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (Persian calendar – 1 Mehr)
September 23 – UN Summit of the Future, Day 2
September 23 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (Gregorian, French calendars – Vend. I du Duodi)
September 24 – UN General Debate begins / Biden speaks
September 26 – UN High-level Meeting on Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
September 27 – Orthodox Elevation of the Cross
September 27 – Essene Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
September 28 – Leil Selichot
September 30 – Final day of UN General Debate
October 2 – The Holy Guardian Angels
October 2 – Essene Tabernacles Day 1 (Sukkot)
October 2 – Erev Rosh Hashana
October 2 – Annular solar eclipse (“bad omen for the world”)
October 3 – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
October 4 – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
October 4 – Saint Francis of Assisi Memorial
October 5 – Essene Israel-Hamas War anniversary (Essene 18 Tishrei – 1,2)
October 5 – Essene anniversary of Yom Kippur War start (Essene 18 Tishrei – 1,2)

October 5 – Persian (Iranian) anniversary of Yom Kippur War start (14 Mehr)
October 5 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (mainstream Jewish 3 Tishrei – 1,2)
October 5 – Shabbat Shuva (Return)
October 6 – Tzom Gedaliah
October 6 – Gregorian anniversary of Yom Kippur War start

October 7 – Israel-Hamas War Gregorian anniversary
October 7 – Our Lady of the Rosary
October 8 – Essene Tabernacles Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 9 – Essene Great Day (Shemini Atzeret)
October 12 – Yom Kippur (10 Tishrei / Jewish anniversary of Yom Kippur War start)
October 14 – Orthodox Protection of the Virgin Mary
October 16 – Erev Sukkot
October 17 – Sukkot Day 1
October 23 – Sukkot Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 24 – Shemini Atzeret
October 24-25 – Persian (Iranian) anniversary of Yom Kippur War end (3-4 Aban)

October 25 – Simchat Torah
October 25-26 – Gregorian anniversary of Yom Kippur War end (1,2)

October 30 – Revelation 12 end point (by day counts)

As we approach each window of opportunity for a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario or an 8-day New Sukkot scenario, I’ll do a full write-up on it. October 2-5 (4 days) and October 2-9 (8 days) are very dangerous periods of time.

(6 September 2024) – The Threat Picture for the Weekend of September 7-8

Starting this weekend, we enter the fall holiday season of the mainstream and Essene Jews. Sunset of September 7 through sunset of September 8 marks the Essene First Fruits of New Oil, which could bring an event that involves the “activation” of the Fake Jewish Messiah (possibly his disappearance or death as he goes before God to be anointed and receive his heavenly army”). This could kick off a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario that ends on October 17, which is mainstream Jewish Sukkot Day 1.

Watch Vladimir Putin and Moscow this weekend. I’ll tell you why if they go for it.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – August Updates (+ September’s first five days)

NOTE (5 September 2024): 8th Month 4, the day that marks the end of the 7-year Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline on the Chinese lunar calendar, has already begun in China. And it will begin in points west at 12 AM local time of September 6. Onna’s notes on the occult scripting cues for September 6 are now up.

WARNING (4 September 2024): Watch for the Red Dragon to move over the next two days…

The Kabbalist-run Prophecy Propaganda Corps have invested a lot of time and energy into elevating the significance of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign.” And this “sign in the heavens” occurred on 23 September 2017, which was 8th Month 4 on the Chinese lunar calendar. As it turns out, we will reach the 7-year Chinese anniversary of the Sign on September 6 (this Friday).

The Chinese anniversary of the Sign is particularly important because Revelation 12 speaks of the Red Dragon, and the communist Chinese state has been deliberately structured to meet the Revelation 12 prophetic qualifications to play the role. Also remember that September 6 is August 24 on the Julian calendar, one of the days the ancient Romans opened the gate to the underworld, which makes it a suitable day to script the opening of the Gate to Hell.”

Be on the lookout tomorrow, September 5, for major precursor events. Specifically watch Putin in Vladivostok, Pope Francis in Jakarta, and Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel (something could scatter the Israelis tomorrow).

By the way, 8th Month 4 (August 4) on the Gregorian calendar is “Communist Antichrist” Barack Obama’s birthday.

~ Additional Details (3) ~

1) The Kabbalists have missed the opportunity to start a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario on 1 Elul. But if they script the scattering of Israel on September 5, they can still run a 38-day “Wandering in the Wilderness” scenario and land its end on October 12 (Yom Kippur). That’s why we need to watch for a big event in Israel tomorrow (one that will possibly include the Fall of Netanyahu, either physically or politically). Alternatively, they could stage the scattering on September 6 and have the wandering end on 11 Tishrei / October 13, AFTER the Israelis atone on Yom Kippur.

2) Reader Sohei has pointed out that Vladimir Putin is attending the 9th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok today and tomorrow, and that “Vladivostok” means “Lord of the East” / “Ruler of the East”something straight out of the Book of Revelation. Will Putin’s death in Vladivostok tomorrow stir the “Kings of the East” to war (or will they wait for September 6 to kill him off in a plane crash or something)?

3) Getting back to the possibility of September 5 featuring precursor events for 8th Month 4, here are some occult cues my partner Onnabugeisha found…

Numbers9/4 (inclusive) – 9/5

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), paramount leader of the People’s Republic of China. Assumed office (General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission): 15 November 2012, 616 weeks ago [616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners]

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post). Date: Wednesday, 9 March 2022, 911 days ago [Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post).]

• President Obama visits Havana, March 20, 2016, Obama lands in Cuba as first US president to visit in nearly a century (The GuardianPolitico), 101 months, 16 days ago [Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place / Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea]

9/5 (inclusive) – 9/6

You wrote: “Basically, then, the Fake Jewish Messiah could arrive on September 6 or October 5.” 

• Vladimir Putin becomes President of Russia – The first inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia (Wikipedia) took place on 7 May 2000, 8888 days ago [888 (number) (Wikipedia), 8888-Angel-Number (wikihow)]

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus (Kremlin). Date: 7 January 2020, 240 weeks, 24 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.]

[In 2026 on 21 May Shavuot I in the Diaspora, Shavuot in Israel: 

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus (Kremlin). Date: 7 January 2020, 332 weeks, 3 days ago -> 3323 [Strong’s Hebrew 3323. yitshar: fresh oil / Strong’s Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ. 3323 Messías – literally, “the anointed one,” referring to Jesus as the Christ – supremely empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish all of the divine plan.]

• Sergei Shoigu (Wikipedia) – born 21 May 1955 !]

 9/6 (inclusive) – 9/7

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People). Date: Friday, 11 November 2022, 666 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: Friday, 20 December 2019, 4 years, 8 months, 18 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 4818. merkabah: a chariot]

Onnabugeisha’s full notes on Thursday the 5th are now up

NOTE (3 September 2024): Today is the 333rd day of the Israel-Hamas War, and tomorrow will mark 333 days since the war began (the difference is in how you count the days). So we are on a watch for big trouble as soon as Jerusalem enters the Jewish day of 1 Elul at sunset (7 PM local time today / noon Washington DC time).

All the links for yesterday’s updates have been added…

~ MORE ~

September 4 is another candidate day for Pope Francis’s scripted death. He is currently in Jakarta, Indonesia. I’ll cover the details if they do it.

NOTE (2 September 2024): With Putin now in Mongolia, an ICC country, it should be remembered that the Chinese Communist Party has a scripted motivation to trigger a nuclear war between Russia and the West so China would be left as the sole remaining superpower. And since China consumes almost 80% of Mongolia’s exports, the Chinese have much more economic leverage over the Mongolians than the Russians do. So if an attempt to arrest Putin is made tomorrow, “it will be by the CCP’s hidden hand,” but everyone will suspect that the West arranged it.

A move against “Moshiach ben David” Vladimir Putin is just the sort of thing that would trigger “Yahweh’s Fire Judgment” on 1 Elul.

NOTE (2 September 2024): The Kabbalists have scripted trouble to surround the Three Moshiachs today and tomorrow. Trump will become a target after a “MAGA” assassination or terror attack, Netanyahu is now surrounded by demonstrators that want his head, and Putin will be traveling to a country where he faces arrest (or a head injury or death during an arrest attempt). Watch for moves against all three and for the Three Days of Darkness to begin Tuesday, September 3 after sunset in Jerusalem.

A Three Days of Darkness scenario that starts sometime after sunset in Jerusalem tomorrow would manifest as a “Rain of Fire” (of missiles or manmade meteors) that lasts until sunset of September 6. And September 6 is August 24 on the Julian calendar, which is one of the days the ancient Romans opened the gate to the underworld. So sunset of the 3rd day would be the moment the Kabbalists cue “the creatures from the Abyss to come upon the Earth.”

At that point, the script could go in one of two directions…

  1. “Apollyon and his creatures” could pose as the arriving “messiah and his angels” and bring peace to the world by Yom Kippur, or
  2. they can can play the bad guys and start tormenting the world until the Jewish end of the 7-year Revelation 12 Tribulation on October 5. October 5 is another day the Romans opened the gate to the underworld, so they’d bring in the “messiah and his angels” that day and run an 8-day New Sukkot from October 5-12, landing on Yom Kippur.

Basically, then, the Fake Jewish Messiah could arrive on September 6 or October 5. If he shows up on 9/6, we’d see him run the “Mass Arrest of the Communist Deep State” psyop and do his “Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem” for the remainder of the 40 days. If he shows on 10/5, he’d bring peace to the world in a week.

WARNING (2 September 2024): Today marks 1335 days (the second half of a Tribulation period) since the January 6 “attack” at the US Capitol, and Biden & Harris will be together in Pittsburgh, the city where Barack Obama launched his G20 NWO. Watch for the potential death of Biden and/or Harris (in a way that will open a path for Michelle Obama’s rise or for a 4-day Three Days of Darkness to start tomorrow). Here are the occult markers from Onnabugeisha…

Numbers9/1  (inclusive) – 9/2

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia), following the defeat of U.S. President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a mob of his supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Date: 6 January 2021, 1335 days ago

Numbers9/2  (inclusive) – 9/3

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 230 days old. [Strong’s Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites] 

• The 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 46 months ago. Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump [Joe Biden breaks Obama’s record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential candidate (CBS News); Joe Biden is the 46th president (Google Search), How House of Cards reveals the fate of #46 – Gematria Effect News, John F Kennedy was assassinated at the age of 46. John 2:19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”John 2:20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?”]

(31 August 2024) – The Kabbalists’ 1 Elul to Yom Kippur Fire Judgment Plan

Starting at sunset of September 3 Jerusalem time, a golden opportunity to stage the globalists’ artificial “Fire Judgment” will present itself. It will come in the form of a 40-day period specifically mentioned in the Bible — a period that is ideally suited to the theme and events they want to present to the public with their Fire Judgment psyop. This period will begin on the Jewish day of 1 Elul, which “just so happens” to also be the 333rd day of the Israel-Gaza War.

So let’s begin to examine what’s planned for 1 Elul by looking into the Kabbalists’ account of the Jewish history of that day…

Moses ascends Sinai for 3rd 40 days (1313 BCE)

On the early morning of the 1st of Elul of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE) Moses ascended Mount Sinai, taking with him the stone tablets he had hewn by divine command (see “Today in Jewish History” for yesterday, Av 30), for G-d to re-inscribe the Ten Commandments. On the mountain, G-d allowed Moses to “see My back, but not My face” (which Maimonides interprets as a perception of G-d’s reality but not His essence) — the closest any human being ever came to knowing G-d — and taught him the secret of His “Thirteen Attributes of Mercy” (Exodus 33:18-34:8).

Moses remained on the mountain for 40 days, until the 10th of Tishrei (Yom Kippur), during which time He obtained G-d’s whole-hearted forgiveness and reconciliation with the people of Israel following their betrayal of the covenant between them with their worship of the Golden Calf. This was the third of Moses’ three 40-day periods on Mount Sinai in connection with the Giving of the Torah. Ever since, the month of Elul serves as the “month of Divine mercy and forgiveness.” – from

So this 40-day period was about Moses ascending to meet God to beg forgiveness and reconciliation for an Israel that had betrayed their covenant — then returning with that forgiveness and with the Law. This can be scripted as Benjamin Netanyahu, the Moshiach ben Yosef, dying on 1 Elul and going before God to do the same thing — this time returning with the Moshiach ben David and his “heavenly army” (Space Force and/or the Fake ETs).

Here’s some more 1 Elul history…

Prophecy of Haggai Encouraging Building of the Second Temple (353 BCE)

On this day, the prophet Haggai received a divine message to pass on to “Zerubavel son of She’altiel ruler of Judah and Joshua son of Jehozadak the High Priest” (Haggai 1:1), instructing them to continue their efforts to build the Second Temple, whose construction had been halted some seventeen years prior. (See entry for 21 Tishrei for a similar prophecy transmitted by Haggai seven weeks later.) – from

So this “divine message” from Haggai was about the building of the Jewish Temple after a long hiatus. And the upcoming 40-day Fire Judgment will bring the same thing: the building of the Third Temple around Moses’s Tabernacle, which will be placed upon the Temple Mount at the end of the Judgment period.

With the history of 1 Elul in mind, let’s now look at the significance (to Kabbalist numerologists) of the number 333

King David’s Punishment

The number 333 plays an unusual role in an event that took place when David was king over Israel.

David, enticed by Satan the devil (1Chronicles 21:1), wants to conduct a census to count all the potential fighting men in Israel. When he asks Joab, the head of his army, to oversee this task he is warned that the act would be foolish and bring condemnation upon the people. Unconvinced by Joab’s words, David goes ahead and has the census carried out anyway (verses 2 – 5).

God, as Joab warned, is displeased about the census and sends a man named Gad to the king. David is told to choose one of three options, each involving the number 3 for 333, for how the Lord should punish him for his sin.

Either three years of famine, or three months to be swept away before your foes, while the sword of your enemies overtakes you, or else three days of the sword of the Lord (333), even the plague in the land, and the angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the border of Israel (1Chronicles 21:12, HBFV).

David chooses the third of the three options.

And David said to Gad, “I am in great distress. Let me fall now into the hand of the Lord, for His mercies are very great. But do not let me fall into the hand of man.” (1Chronicles 21:13).

Seventy thousand men are killed in Israel before the death angel is stopped in a location that would later be used for God’s temple (1Chronicles 21:28 – 22:1). – from

Over the course of the next few days, I will add additional information and links until this update is complete.

NOTE (29 August 2024): These are some things to watch for through Friday, August 30…

NOTE (28 August 2024): Since both August 29 and 30 are danger dates, I’ve posted all of my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for those days here. Today’s critical information has been moved into the warning below.

WARNING (26-28 August 2024): The Danger Days Ahead

We’re at a particularly perilous juncture right now because the end days of this month are within the 40-day and 38-day striking window of the Jewish end of the 7-year Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline (October 5 – 1,2)…

  1. A 40-day Fire Judgment started on August 27 (tomorrow) would land its Day 40 end on October 5, the end of the Tribulation timeline.
  2. A 38-day “Wandering and Dying in the Desert” started on August 29 would land its Day 38 end on October 5 as well.
  3. And a 40-day Fire Judgment started on August 30 would land its Day 40 end on October 8, which would allow the Kabbalists to script a 4-day Three Days of Darkness “divine intervention” over the days of October 5, 6, 7 & 8.

The third scenario that starts on August 30 comes with the following bonuses…

~ MORE – 27 August 2024 ~

Be advised that tomorrow, 8/28, is a candidate day for scripting Pope Francis’s death (I’ll cover the reasons if they go for it), and it is the Jewish anniversary of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident [1,2,3,4] and the Nixon Shock [1,2,3]. I’ve also discovered this: Day 333 of the Israel-Hamas War falls on September 34. And the Essene 1-year anniversary of the Israel-Hamas War falls on October 5 [1,2], the Jewish end date for the 7-year Revelation 12 Tribulation [1,2].

~ CRITICAL INFORMATION – 28 August 2024 ~

As we discovered yesterday, the Israel-Hamas War will reach Day 333 on the Jewish day of 1 Elul (which runs from sunset of September 3 to sunset of September 4 this year). According to the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult, 1 Elul is the day Moses ascended Mount Sinai for 40 days to beg God’s full forgiveness for the Golden Calf and to get the second set of the Ten Commandments. These 40 days, which run from 1 Elul through 10 Tishrei (Yom Kippur), can be used for staging the artificial Fire Judgment.

So under this timeline, the 40-day Fire Judgment would begin with “King David’s Punishment” on Day 333 of the Israel-Hamas War, continue to October 5 (when the Fake Jewish Messiah would land atop Mount Sinai at the Jewish end of the Revelation 12 Tribulation), then finish up with an 8-day New Sukkot scenario from October 5 through 12 (Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar).

I’ll do a full write-up on this scenario as we draw closer to it. (Cue the ceasefire deal.)

~ MORE – 27 August 2024 ~

Watch for a VIP plane crash today or in the coming days…

…from today’s Drudge Report

You may remember this in the news back on Friday, August 9: Trump’s plane diverted in Montana due to mechanical issue.

And now the Kabbalists have placed the “Donald Duck” cue at the top of Drudge. Here is something I wrote about it in a past entry…

For quite a while, my partner Onnabugeisha has been tracking a bizarre occult theme underlying the Kabbalists’ scripting of events. It revolves around ducks / Drakes / Kaczynskis, and it involves plane crashes (Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, put a bomb aboard a plane (Flight 444); Lech Kaczyński, a former President of Poland, died in a plane crash in Russia).

Here is a potentially related note from Onna…

• 4 years ago, The Simpsons didn’t predict death of Donald Trump on 27 August 2020, despite Twitter claims (The Independent).

(25 August 2024) – August 26 is a danger day with a lead-in of overnight strikes last night

If the Kabbalists initiate the Big Escalation in the Middle East tonight, they can start the Israelis’ 38-days of “Wandering and Dying in the Wilderness” and land the end on October 2. August 26 begins in Israel at 5 PM New York time today, and it is 22 Av on the Hebrew calendar. Since Av is the eleventh month of the civil year, Av 22 can be expressed as 11/22, the Gregorian assassination date of JFK. So watch for Netanyahu’s scripted death tomorrow too.

Here are some occult reasons they are/were aiming to scatter Israel tomorrow (per Onnabugeisha’s notes)…

Tomorrow, then, “Commie Antichrist” William can be scripted to set Israel’s destruction in motion and Final Antichrist Putin can begin his messiah moves to save Israel and the world from communist destruction.

NOTE (24 August 2024): Looking at Sunday the 25th, the only historical cue that has an attached real-world development is the 1941 Anglo-Soviet Attack on Iran. This time, they would script a US-NATO air assault on Iran to supposedly stop the shipment of ballistic missiles to Russia. Also, by adjusting their timelines slightly, they could make another attempt at today’s scenario (see yesterday’s update).

There is also a Belarusian “independence” marker that could lead to the scripting of a “Ukrainian attempt to restore Belarus’ independence from Moscow through an invasion and deposing of Lukashenko.”

(23 August 2024) – The next danger day we’ll encounter is Saturday, August 24 (tomorrow)

…from The Kyiv Independent

August 24…

A 40-day Fire Judgment that ends on October 2 could be the start of a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that ends on October 5, the 7-year Jewish anniversary [1,2] of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign.” And October 5 is another date on which the ancient Romans opened the Mundus, so it would be “the Antichrist, the fallen angels, and their Nephilim spawn” who would show up at the end of the 7-year Revelation 12 Tribulation posing as saviors.

~ MORE ~

There are increasing hints that the West is/was scripted to false-flag a “Russia-caused Chernobyl-Level Meltdown” (real or simulated) tomorrow that causes radioactive contamination to cross into NATO territory so they can invoke Article 5 against Russia

…from Newsweek. Here is an excerpt…

Germany is investigating drone flights, suspected to be Russian surveillance drones, flying over key nuclear infrastructure in the north of the country.

The drones, which have not yet been identified, have been spotted flying over nuclear power facilities in Brunsbüttel, a city north of Hamburg near the coast of the North Sea, according to German newspaper Bild.

…from Vanity Fair

(21 August 2024) – The Democratic National Convention scenarios for today and tomorrow are the same: an Artemis hit that takes out the building and allows the Biden administration to declare martial law and round up MAGA before the election. Either today or tomorrow can be counted as 76 days (the revolution number) before the election. Either today or tomorrow would allow a 38-day “Wandering in the Wilderness” Fire Judgment to land on the final Shabbat before Jewish New Year (which runs from sunset of 9/27 to sunset of 9/28). And alternatively (or additionally), either today or tomorrow would allow for a 45-day “Savior Trump” scenario to land on October 5, the 7-year Jewish anniversary [1,2] of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign.”

~ MORE ~

After finishing the first part of this update, I realized something: September 28 (the final Shabbat before Jewish New Year) through October 5 (the 7-year Jewish anniversary of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign”) is an 8-day period during which the Kabbalists could run a New Sukkot scenario. If they do that, they’d likely schedule the Fake Messiah’s arrival on Mount Sinai / Jebel al-Lawz on September 27-28 (September 27 is the Essene Day of Atonement / Yom Kippur).

And here’s a notable scripting cue from my partner Onnabugeisha…

• The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 (Wikipedia) – the “Great American Eclipse” occurred and Big Ben was silenced for repairs (The Guardian), 7 years ago

There are a number of “signs in the heavens” today too…

August 21 (In The Sky) – Close approach of the Moon and Saturn, Lunar occultation of Saturn, Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn (In The Sky) at 03:01 UTC, The Moon at perigee, Lunar occultation of Neptune

(20 August 2024, early AM) – The Scenario for Tuesday: Out with Harris, In with Obama

In a “weird” move, they’re having Kamala Harris leave the Democratic National Convention (DNC) today to hold a campaign rally at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, the place the Republican National Convention was held. They’re also having Barack and Michelle Obama come to the convention today to give speeches. Their aim is to false-flag a MAGA attack on Harris so the DNC can replace her with Michelle — a move they’ve previously hinted at

Keep in mind that buck and deer-related occult weirdness surrounds Fiserv Forum, and it has to do with Artemis and the Obamas…

(19 August 2024) – Be advised that reader Sohei has found an occult marker that can be used to script a “Hezbollah” attack on the US and Israel today: the “August Full Super Blue Moon” reaches its peak illumination at 2:26 PM Washington DC time on Monday

…from X

Blue is the color the media have assigned to the Democratic Party (even though it should be red), and moonrise in Chicago is 8:05 PM local time today, during prime time when the “Tribute to Joe Biden” should be taking place. Prime time would be the most attractive strike time: when Biden and Harris are there together and the whole country is watching. But it could also happen earlier after both arrive at the Convention site — Biden gets there during the 3 o’clock hour (when the UN Security Council will be holding consultations on Lebanon and related matters during a meeting that starts at 3 PM New York time).

Given recent press reports raising the possibility that Harris could take the presidency before the election [1,2], a potential fallback scenario could have Joe Biden resign the presidency following tonight’s tribute. It would supposedly involve him handing the presidency over to Harris in exchange for presidential pardons for his family and him after the election.

And here’s something from Onna’s notes: today marks exactly four years since Barack Obama symbolically declared the start of the American Communist Revolution. Here’s what I wrote about it in a previous update…

…Barack Obama covertly declared the beginning of the “American Communist Revolution” with his speech before the “pandemic”-emptied, all-virtual Democratic National Convention on 19 August 2020…

…from NBC News on YouTube

The speech was given from the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia exactly 76 days before the November 3rd presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump — thus invoking the Revolutionary Spirit of ‘76. And it began with these words

“As you’ve seen by now, this isn’t a normal convention. It’s not a normal time. So tonight, I want to talk as plainly as I can about the stakes in this election. Because what we do these next 76 days will echo through generations to come.”

August 21, August’s “Blackjack Day” and the third day of this year’s Democratic National Convention, will mark 76 days before this year’s November 5 election. And on that day, Bill Clinton will give a headlining speech. Since the Kabbalists are gematria freaks, the gematria of his name tells us what could be scripted for that night…

…from Gematria Effect News

The Artemis Orbital Weapons System, named after the Greek goddess of the Moon and the hunt, would be the source of any nuke-looking explosions in an Operation Blackjack scenario.

“So we’ve got that going for us…

…which is nice.”

NOTE (18 August 2024): As we head into the Democratic National Convention (DNC) tomorrow, here are some things to keep in mind…

  • For any hypothetical “MAGA insurrectionist cell armed with a Russian suitcase nuke,” the DNC would be the juiciest target of the year — you could wipe out the core of the entire “Democratic Communist Party” with one bomb AND potentially put Republican Mike Johnson into the presidency. Rest assured that the Kabbalist scriptwriters have that in mind.
  • In scheduling the DNC on August 19-22, they intentionally used the exact dates from the Soviet August Coup, which happened over August 19-22, 1991. IN FACT, THE DNC MARKS THE 33rd ANNIVERSARY OF THE AUGUST COUP. And the result of that coup was both the immediate collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the USSR a short time later. Is that the fate that awaits the Democratic Communist Party and the “Global Communist Deep State”?
  • If the globalists start the Fire Judgment on any day of the DNC, they can utilize the September 21-28 New Sukkot endgame I mentioned today. This is because they can use either a 40-day or 38-day count to get to the end, and they can land the end on sunset of the 27th or on the 28th (which is the same Jewish day, the Shabbat before Jewish New Year).
  • The Kabbalists also have the fallback option of killing off Kamala Harris separately, which would allow the DNC to nominate Michelle Obama in her place. And they could kill off Joe Biden at any time to put Kamala directly into the presidency. If they do so, will she nominate Walz, Hillary Clinton, or Michelle Obama as her VP?
  • If the “Gate to Hell” is opened tonight, the Kabbalists could also apply the August Coup template in Moscow tomorrow while Putin is off in Azerbaijan.

(17-18 August 2024) – A 48-Hour Look Ahead at the Democratic National Convention and Its Lead-In

On Monday, August 19 — a Gregorian date marked by the start of a historic communist coup d’etat, the rise of a Nazi Fuhrer, and the beginning of a Great Purge of communistsboth Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will attend the opening day of the Democratic National Convention. The Convention will meet in Chicago at the United Center — a venue no doubt chosen for its gematria value…

…from Gematria Effect News

So if the Kabbalists script the “MAGA” blowing up of Biden and Harris that day, Speaker of the House (and Nazionist) Mike Johnson will rise to the presidency. Alternatively, a failed assassination attempt would lead to a purge of the “far-right.”

And on Sunday, the day before the convention, Vladimir Putin will begin a two-day (August 18-19) visit to Azerbaijan where he can face a scripted assassination attempt or a coup during his absence from Moscow. This Sunday evening is when “the Gate to Hell is opened in Asia,” and Azerbaijan is where Europe ends and Asia begins.

Thanks to Onnabugeisha and Sohei for their excellent notes. More details on Sunday.

~ MORE – 18 August 2024 ~

Today we’ll begin by looking at first things first. Here are my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on today, 7th Month 15 on the Chinese lunar calendar…

7/15 – Ghost Day – Significance: The opening of the gates of Hell and Heaven, permitting all ghosts to receive food and drink.

Ghost Festival (Wikipedia), in China. On 15th night of the 7th month. The 7th month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month. On the 15th day the realms of Heaven and Hell and the realm of the living are open… [7th Month 15, year of the Dragon = 18 August 2024].

• 2014 Turkish presidential election (Wikipedia) Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was elected outright with an absolute majority of the vote in the first round

Date: 10 August 2014 = 7th Month 15, year of the Horse [think the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”]

•”We begin bombing in five minutes” (Wikipedia) is the last sentence of a controversial, off-the-record joke made by U.S. President Ronald Reagan in 1984, during the Cold War. Date: 11 August 1984, at 9:06 a.m. [+ 5 minutes = > 9:11 a.m.] = 7th Month 15, year of the Rat

These occult cues can be used to script a 9/11-magnitude event in Asia that involves Turkey’s Erdogan, who is playing the role of the decoy Muslim Antichrist. And Vladimir Putin is traveling to Azerbaijan today — the Azeris are a Turkic people with close ties to Erdogan, who is scripted to betray Putin. There is also rumored to be a secret American military presence in neighboring Armenia right now (a hit team?).

Putin’s assassination in Azerbaijan would certainly “open the Gate to Hell.” And it could serve as the trigger for a Turkey-Russia war in accordance with Greek prophecy propaganda [1,2]. It would also likely result in a counter-assassination of Erdogan in accordance with other Greek prophecy propaganda.

Of course, Putin’s assassination in Azerbaijan at a time when US Special Forces are secretly in Armenia would bring America under suspicion for his death. And that, in turn, would put Russia under suspicion for any “suitcase nuke” (Artemis) explosion that blows up Biden and Harris at the DNC tomorrow.

After crunching some numbers, I found that if the Kabbalists start a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario tomorrow, August 19 (which is Jewish Tu B’Av), it will end on September 27 (which is the Essene Day of Atonement / Yom Kippur). So the 40-day Fire Judgment would…

On another note, reader Sohei has passed along news that Harris and Walz are doing a campaign bus tour in Pennsylvania today — a day that the Drudge Report is featuring these Trump words about Kamala Harris in quotation marks: “I’m a better looking person“…

Upon seeing this, I immediately sensed something that I quickly found in the gematria of that statement…

…from Gematria Effect News

NOTE (17 August 2024, early AM): On Saturday the 17th, there are occult cues that would support the scripting of attacks on Netanyahu and/or Putin. But I’m not yet tracking anything in particular.

(16 August 2024) – So what will trigger the Harris Shock? And will it happen today, on Options Expiration Weekend?

Reader Sohei has noted that yesterday was the 53rd anniversary of the Nixon Shock, a big financial disruption, and he also pointed out that the Drudge Report is featuring the number 53 under a photo of Kamala Harris

So “a Nixon Shock under Harris” or “a Nixon Shock related to a Kamala Harris event” is being occultly signalled. What will cause the Harris Shock, her assassination or her “election”? Or will it be her speech today?…

Harris to lay out her vision for the economy in a policy speech in Raleigh, N.C.

Today she’ll be in Raleigh, North Carolina, the site of the largest Confederate surrender of the Civil War [1,2] — a good place to false-flag “MAGA’s vengeance.” They might also hit her at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which starts in 3 days. If they do it on the final day of the Convention, August 22, they can run a number 53-connected 45-day “Savior Trump” scenario to October 5 (a date I wrote about in yesterday’s update)…

Be sure to see the double Tribulation warning below. And the UN Security Council schedule shows them having the same meeting as yesterday at 3 PM today, so watch 3, 4:30, and 5 PM New York time for potential strikes.

~ MORE ~

In the Drudge headlines above, note the strange, italicized word combination under the number 53: “BABY BOOMERS FLEEING THE DON“. The occultists associate The Don, Donald Trump, with the number 7, so look at what those strange words equal in Septenary gematria

…from Gematria Effect News

So it looks like Kamala Harris might get 86’d.

~ MORE ~

Another way to trigger a Harris Shock is to put her into the presidency today. Joe Biden’s original schedule for Friday had him leaving Washington for Camp David an hour before the 3 PM UN Security Council meeting. But this morning, they changed the schedule to take him to Philly and Hagerstown, possibly for a pop-up assassination / air disaster / “die suddenly” scenario. He leaves Washington at 3:30 PM EDT and arrives in Philly at 4:10 (right after the markets close, which is an important element).

WARNING (15 August 2024): Watch for colliding Tribulations on August 16-17

Since the Kabbalists’ monkey minds are steeped in thousands of years of accumulated gypsy bullsh*t — the Kabbalah itself is one giant petrified, polished turd — mythical astrology is of great importance to them. And there are certain astronomical events that they’ve made central to their prophecy fulfillment / NWO Transition plans. These include…

That being said, there will be another conjunction over the next two days that we need to watch for: the conjunction of two Tribulation endpoints on August 16-17.

My partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that we’ll reach the end of 7 prophetic years (2520 days) since the “Revelation 12 Star Sign” on August 16 or 17, depending on how you count the days. And we’ll also reach the end of the Valaam Tribulation timeline (Day 1335 since the “Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn”) on those same days, August 16 or 17. This means there is a very high risk of the Kabbalists scheduling an “inflection point event” over the next two days. And August 16 begins in Jerusalem at 5 PM New York time today.

~ MORE ~

Another thing my research turned up is this: a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario started today, 15 August, would end on 23 September. And 23 September marks 7 Gregorian years since the 23 September 2017 “Revelation 12 Star Sign”. So starting the Fire Judgment today is another way of ending a 7-year Tribulation next month. See this update from yesterday on today’s potential strike times. Also, watch for a hit on a Taylor Swift concert (per Sohei’s notes).

~ MORE ~

To prevent potential end dates for the Revelation 12 Tribulation from sneaking up on us, I tracked down all the 7-year anniversaries…

7-Year End Dates for a Revelation 12 Tribulation on Various Calendars

  • Islamic lunar: (already passed)
  • 7 prophetic years: (August 16-17)
  • Chinese lunar: 8 Month 4 (September 6)
  • Essene: 4 Tishrei (September 21)
  • Persian: 1 Mehr (September 22)
  • Gregorian: (September 23)
  • French Republican: Vendemiaire I du Duodi (September 23)
  • Hebrew: 3 Tishrei (October 5, Shabbat Shuva, the “Shabbat of Return!“)
  • 7-year Standard Tribulation: (October 29)

NOTE (14 August 2024): Pope Francis can be scripted as an “ISIS” target in Saint Peter’s Square on Thursday. August 15 is a Marian holiday, the Assumption of Mary, so the Jesuit Kabbalists could act out the Third Secret of Fatima prophecy.

WARNING (14 August 2024): Japan is at risk of an engineered earthquake on August 15 (which they’ve already entered)

Last week’s earthquake in Japan came after news that Israel hadn’t been invited to the Nagasaki peace ceremony. And that quake, which happened near Kagoshima, led to a “megaquake advisory“. Well look at my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday, 15 August (8/15)…

• The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuit Order or the Jesuits: On 15 August 1534, Ignatius of Loyola, a Spaniard from the Basque city of Loyola, and six others mostly of Castilian origin, all students at the University of Paris, met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis [Denis of Paris (Wikipedia)], now Saint Pierre de Montmartre, to pronounce promises of poverty, chastity, and obedience (Wikipedia). 

Jesuit priest Francis Xavier comes ashore at Kagoshima (Traditional Japanese date: 22 July 1549) (Wikipedia). Date: 15 August 1549

• Victory over Japan Day (Wikipedia) is the day on which Imperial Japan surrendered in World War II, in effect bringing the war to an end. Date: 8/15, The bomb exploded over Hiroshima at 8:15 on the morning of August 6, 1945. (Atomic Archive). [8/1+5 -> 8/6 Hiroshima and 8/9 Nagasaki; Yuko Kishida (Wikipedia), the wife of Prime Minister of Japan, was born 15 August 1964 and Melinda Gates(Wikipedia) too].

Obon festival (Wikipedia) is a fusion of the ancient Japanese belief in ancestral spirits and a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one’s ancestors.…the spirits of ancestors are supposed to revisit the household altars.

Exotic (Tesla tech) weapons are said to exist — by none other than a former US Secretary of Defense — that are capable of generating earthquakes. Here are the remarks of US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy at the Georgia Center, Mahler Auditorium, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga on April 28, 1997…

Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important.” – from the Internet Archive

Will the Kabbalists use that tech on Japan on Thursday?

NOTE: It should be noted that at sunset today, the world will enter the Hebrew day of 11 Av. Av is the 11th month of the civil year and the 5th month of the ecclesiastical year, so 11 Av is 11/11 and 5/11 — a good date (in the Kabbalists’ eyes) for scripting a big event, particularly in Ukraine…

…from The New York Times

(14 August 2024) – The Kabbalists have opted to keep the game going for extra innings: they cancelled Secretary of State Blinken’s “peacemaking” trip to the Middle East, Hamas is boycotting the ceasefire talks, and Iran is refusing to give up on an Israel strike.

The scriptwriters’ objective in doing this is rather clear:

Tomorrow morning, Thursday the 15th, the UN Security Council will be holding consultations on the Middle East, then their 1373 Committee will have a formal meeting at 3 PM…

…from (top) and Wikipedia (bottom)

The 1373 Committee, a.k.a. the Counter-Terrorism Committee, meets to ensure compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 1373, which is the post-9/11 antiterrorism resolution. So UN headquarters could be scripted to burn from “Nuclear 9/11” tomorrow while the Counter-Terrorism Committee is meeting about the first 9/11. This would come after their do-nothing meeting on the Gaza War yesterday, and it could be used to kick off a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario…

Tomorrow will have the same watch times for the attack as yesterday: 3 PM, 4:30 PM, and 5 PM New York time.

(13 August 2024) – Today, Tisha B’Av — the anniversary of the Roman burning of the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem — a raging fire continues its approach to the Temple of Western Civilization, the Parthenon in Athens, Greece…

…from CNN

Here’s what the Kabbalah Cultists say about the burning of the Temple…

Holy Temple Burns (69)

The Romans set the Temple aflame on the afternoon of Av 9 and it continued to burn through Av 10. For this reason, some of the mourning practices of the “Nine Days” are observed through the morning hours of Av 10. – from

On the afternoon of this Av 9 (at 3 PM New York time), the UN Security Council will be meeting on the Gaza War…


So will Western Civilization be set aflame during this meeting or because of it? Or will Secretary of State Blinken’s sudden trip to the Middle East tonight yield a ceasefire deal so the globalists can push the delay button again?

Since the mourning of the “Nine Days” continues until after mid-day tomorrow and the concurrent 4-day Three Days of Darkness and 8-day New Sukkot scenarios can still hit their intended end dates if started tomorrow, we will remain in the danger zone until August 14 is over.

~ MORE ~

The nuts and bolts of the plan of the nuts and dolts

> The Kabbalists’ first opportunity to script the Big Attack will come today during the 3 o’clock hour when the UN Security Council is meeting on the Gaza War. Here is a past writing on such a scenario…

According to common biblical interpretations, Jesus died at 3 PM (the “ninth hour”), and his death was preceded by Three Hours of Darkness over the whole Earth. So if the globalists are aiming to start the Three Days of Darkness today, it could be scripted to follow the “death of the Satanic UN” at the ninth hour. Watch for the possibility of “Savior Trump” doing what Batman did in The Dark Knight Rises: get captured, come back and save the day, then disappear.

> The second opportunity will come when midnight strikes in Tehran (at 4:30 PM New York time) or Jerusalem (at 5 PM in NY). Depending on how long the UNSC meeting lasts, the attack could come during it or afterwards. And doing the attack at midnight would allow the Kabbalists to start the Second Exodus in the same way the original Exodus began.

If the globalists intend to go for it today, any outcome of the Security Council meeting could be weaponized…

  • A strike during the meeting or after it ends without action could be narrated as “the Islamists attacking the West for enabling Israel’s genocide and the UN for not stopping the war.”
  • A strike after a meeting that ends with a binding resolution to force a ceasefire could be narrated as “Yahweh’s judgment on Obama’s Egypt for betraying Israel.”
  • And a strike after a meeting that ends with a resolution to grant the “State of Palestine” full UN membership could be narrated as “Yahweh’s judgment for dividing Israel and Jerusalem.”

As for which midnight they’d choose, it might have something to do with whose “firstborn” are scripted to die first: midnight in Iran could bring the death of their firstborn under an Israeli “preemptive” strike, and midnight in Israel could bring the death of theirs under a Hezbollah and/or Iranian attack.

> The third opportunity would come in the form of an overnight / early morning (Middle East time) Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear and missile sites. It would be aimed at fulfilling the Orthodox “Christian” prophecy propaganda about the start of the “Three Days of Fear”. And a NATO strike in Iran on “Russia-bound ballistic missiles” could be substituted.

NOTE (12-13 August 2024): LOL! 2024 is a leap year, which means August 13 is the 226th day of the year! Do you remember the number (226) that was featured in the Hezbollah video about when the War in the North would start?…

…from X

Our world is under assault by idiot numerologists. The Kabbalists planned this whole thing, including Hezbollah’s part (the Money Power funds such groups and controls their leadership). So all Israelis should take the time to personally thank each Chabadnik they encounter for what they’ve intentionally brought upon Israel this Tisha B’Av. Remember who did this to you. Never forget

~ MORE ~

The Kabbalists have missed the midnight window for starting the attack today, but they are setting up a Russia-organized UN Security Council meeting tomorrow that will happen at midnight in Ukraine and Israel. So we must continue watching for a war-starting attack during the night through 5 PM Washington DC time tomorrow. Details on tomorrow’s two significant UN meetings and the highly symbolic fire approaching Athens to come in the morning thanks to reader Sohei’s vigilance.

~ MORE – 13 August 2024 ~

The Russian Arria-formula meeting at the UN is taking place at 10 AM New York time today.

NOTE (12 August 2024): The Exodus of the ancient Hebrews from Egypt was set in motion by the Hebrew men rising up at midnight to slaughter Egypt’s firstborn. So if the Kabbalists want to kick off the Tisha B’Av Second Exodus (from Israel) with historical symmetry, they’ll probably have the IDF launch their “preemptive” attack on Iran at midnight tonight Tehran time or Jerusalem time (which is 4:30 and 5:00 PM Washington DC time respectively).

We should also watch for attacks against the “Three Moshiachs” (Trump, Netanyahu, and Putin), which could be the scripted trigger for immediate “divine intervention” in the form of the Three Days of Darkness (artificial) meteor storm. They can then do the “Mass Arrests of the Communist Deep State” psyop with the remaining days of the Valaam Tribulation timeline or let the drama continue on until as late as Orthodox Christmas.

See yesterday’s warning for additional details.

NOTE (11 August 2024): Another thing we need to watch for is the potential Israeli “preemptive attack” on Iran of course. If they launch that that, we’ll face the 4-day Three Days of DarknessRain of Fire” on Monday night (Israel time). That is the night the Perseid Meteor Shower peaks, so the “STORM” might look like this

WARNING (11 August 2024): Now that we’re through the Olympics safely, we face Tisha B’Av

The 9th of Av runs from sunset of Monday, August 12 to sunset of Tuesday, August 13 this year, and it begins in Jerusalem at 7:26 PM local time tomorrow (which is 12:26 PM Washington DC time). It has been suggested as the day when Iran and/or Hezbollah might attack Israel…

…from The New York Sun

Tisha B’Av, as the 9th of Av is known, is the anniversary of a number of Jewish tragedies and is considered the saddest day on the Hebrew calendar. So the Kabbalist “End Times” scriptwriters intend to add one more tragedy to the list: a devastating attack on Israel that scatters the Jewish people into the wilderness. This is at the top of the Cult’s webpage on Tisha B’Av…

Exodus Generation Condemned to Die in Desert (1312 BCE)

On the Ninth of Av of the year 2449 from creation (1312 BCE), the generation of Jews who came out of Egypt under Moses’ leadership 16 months earlier were condemned to die in the desert and the entry into the Land of Israel was delayed for 40 years.

As related in Numbers 14, when the Spies that Moses sent to the Land of Canaan returned with their disheartening report (see “Today in Jewish History” for yesterday, Av 8), the people wept all night — the night of Av 9th — proclaiming that they’d rather return to Egypt than attempt to conquer and settle it; G-d decreed that the entire generation would wander in the desert for 40 years until the last of them died out, and that their children, under the leadership of Joshua, will enter the land He promised as Israel’s heritage.

This is the first of five national tragedies that occurred on Av 9 listed by the Talmud (Taanit 4:6), due to which the day was designated as a fast day. The other four are: the destruction of the two Temples, the fall of Betar, and the plowing over of Jerusalem. – from

It is the bolded red section that reveals their plan for this Tisha B’Av: they intend to scatter Israel with the attack so the Fake Jewish Messiah can come in and lead them back to the Promised Land. And there are two ways they can do it…

  1. If they follow the “40” numerical cue, they’ll have the Israelis wander for 40 days, with the end coming on September 21. This will allow them to run an 8-day New Sukkot scenario from September 14 (Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline) to September 21.
  2. But if they want to go a quicker route, they’ll run the 8-day New Sukkot scenario from 9 Av to 16 Av, with the final four days being a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that starts on Shabbat Nachamu, which is the Day 1335 end of the Valaam Tribulation timeline.

NOTE (10 August 2024): Israel struck another school in Gaza today, which has led to a call for a UN Security Council emergency meeting on TUESDAY, which is TISHA B’AV. So if they don’t hit the West and Israel tomorrow, Tisha B’Av is the fallback.

In addition to the 9-10 August warning below, here are two links to previous coverage on what is/was planned for August 11: 1) WARNING FOR PARIS: The Plan for the Freemasonic Hit on the Paris Olympics Closing Ceremony, 2) Parisians Beware: The Kabbalist bankers are undeniably planning to have “ISIS” burn Paris during the July 26 – August 11 Olympic Games.

Twice-Expanded WARNING (9-10 August 2024): What is/was in store for Paris and the world on August 11

As we now cast our attention on the disasters planned for August 11 — the day of the Paris Olympics closing ceremony — it is important to view current events in their proper context…

What’s is/was about to happen is meant to bring the ongoing “7-year Christian Tribulation” to a close. The Tribulation is a prophesied period of time that is supposed to start with the arrival of the Antichrist, bring great worldwide upheaval [like COVID], and then end with “the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”

But our current Tribulation — which is an artificial stageplay being put on by the “globalists” (the Kabbalist Central Banking families and the royal families) — is scripted to be “Satan’s Great Deception,” in which “Satan is running a decoy Tribulation with a decoy communist antichrist whom he’ll defeat at the end so he can take Christ’s place.” So at the end of this Tribulation, the arriving Nazionist antichrist will be hailed by the Jews as the “Moshiach ben David” (the Jewish Messiah) and hailed by the Kabbalist-controlled Christian denominations as “the returned Jesus Christ.” And his name is Vladimir Putin (or, in a scripting possibility I consider remote, Sergei Shoigu).

With this in mind, it should be noted that on Saturday, August 17, a Putin-related Tribulation timeline (the Valaam Tribulation timeline), reaches its end point. And the Kabbalists intend to trigger a major disaster (or savior event) on August 11 to run the Tribulation endgame that leads up to August 17 and beyond. It should also be noted that August 11 will mark the 310th day of the Israel-Hamas War. And in Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 310 means “to cry out after [an event].” So what is/was to happen this Sunday will make people cry out to God.

Looking at how all the timelines and Jewish & Christian holidays fall together, the Kabbalists have likely scripted “God’s answer to their cries” to come in the form of a divine intervention — a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario — that will run August 17, 18, 19 and 20…

~ MORE – 10 August 2024 ~

Additional Points (2)

1) Reader Sohei has passed along news of another way the globalists can trigger the August 11 attacks: by having NATO strike a Russia-bound ballistic missile shipment in Iran…

European intelligence believes that Iran may soon supply Russia with “hundreds” of short-range ballistic missiles, the use of which is already being mastered by the Russian military…

The United States refused to confirm the information about the possible delivery of ballistic missiles, but John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the White House, stressed that NATO and G7 allies are ready for a swift and severe response if Iran makes such a transfer. – from Pravda

And a mechanism that can be used to kill Vladimir Putin (so he can be “resurrected”) has been introduced: Pentagon Refuses To Rule Out Strikes On Moscow In Shocking Exchange On Ukraine’s Incursion Into Kursk. Keep in mind that the Ukrainian Army’s raid into Kursk constitutes “a Nazi invasion of Russian sovereign territory,” crossing a red line that will allow the false-flagged destruction of the Western capitals to be blamed on “Russian retaliation.”

2) Will the Kabbalists opt for the Valaam Tribulation timeline (which connects to the “2020 Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn”), the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline (which connects to the “2017 Revelation 12 Star Sign”), or both?

If the globalists follow the Valaam Tribulation timeline, the likely scripting will have Israel being “scattered into the wilderness” starting on August 11, with a remnant of them regrouping at Mount Sinai / Jebel al-Lawz to witness the Fake Jewish Messiah’s arrival on August 19. This remnant will be primarily composed of behavior-modeling Kabbalist crisis actors who will react in the manner they want the general public to react: with awe and reverence. Monkey see, monkey do.

In the 8 August warning (below), I point out why August 11 is the chosen date to start the Big Event.

But should the globalists decide to switch to the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline, the Israelis would spend 38 days wandering and dying in the desert before the Fake Jewish Messiah’s landing. The Revelation 12 timeline reaches its Day 1290 “reversal of fortunes” point on September 14 (a Christian feast day called The Exaltation of the Holy Cross / The Triumph of the Cross), which would be when the 4-day Three Days of Darkness “divine intervention” would start. So it would run on September 14, 15, 16 and 17 (when the Fake Messiah would arrive on the ground to lead them back to the Promised Land). August 11 to September 17 is exactly 38 days.

Under a hybrid Valaam-Revelation 12 timeline, the False Messiah could begin the Triumphal Procession on August 20, cross the Jordan river into Israel or fight the Battle of Armageddon on September 14, and arrive in Jerusalem on September 17.

(8 August 2024) – As Harris-Walz prepare to take their “Battleground State Tour” to the gun-toting West, the media are dropping subtle hints that MAGA may target the crowds at their campaign events…

…from yesterday and today’s Drudge Report

On Friday, they will be appearing in Phoenix — a symbolically appropriate place to terminate them given our current proximity to the NWO Phoenix Event — at Desert Diamond Arena

…from Gematria Effect News (note the appearance of the number 88, the Nazi number).

It’s important to note that this sports arena appearance is happening on the heels of the cancellation of Taylor Swift concerts in Austria due to extremists hired as stadium security guards who were planning to bomb and mass shoot concert attendees

…from The U.S. Sun

Could such a bombing / mass shooting be planned at the arena in Phoenix tomorrow? Will it be blamed on “MAGA payback for the shooting of Trump and his rally attendees in Butler?

If the Kabbalists can’t false-flag their deaths there, Harris-Walz will be going to sin city Las Vegas on Saturday — the site of the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting — for the same basic scenario.

See the 7 August update below for more on the planned assassination of Kamala Harris.

WARNING (8 August 2024, Mod 1) – Today is a high danger day for a “nuclear” (Artemis) attack, and August 11 is even worse

Let’s begin with an obligatory recap of where we are in this now moment:

> Today, 8 August 2024, is the anniversary of the August 9 Nagasaki atomic bombing on the Persian calendar (Iran’s Solar Hijri calendar), the French Republican calendar (in use during the French Revolution), and the Essene Jewish calendar

  • Persian: 9 August 1945 was Mordad 18; 8 August 2024 is Mordad 18
  • French: 9 August 1945 was Thermidor III du Primidi; 8 August 2024 is Thermidor III du Primidi [calendar converter]
  • Essene: 9 August 1945 was 21 Av; 8 August 2024 is 21 Av


  • The Persian anniversary is significant because there is a looming attack by or against Iran that could involve a nuclear-looking explosion or radiological fallout from damaged nuclear sites.
  • The French anniversary is significant because the “Olympics of Doom” are now ongoing in Paris — at a time when a “Western Communist Revolution” modeled after the French Revolution is also ongoing.
  • The Essene anniversary is significant because the Kabbalists have been using it to stealthily mark the dates of key events in their artificial prophecy fulfillment endeavors.
  • Today’s triple anniversary will intersect with the August 9 Gregorian anniversary at midnight, which is the Kabbalists’ preferred strike time. And midnight in Jerusalem comes at 5 PM Washington DC time today.

So today is a major candidate day for the Kabbalists to script an outbreak of war and chaos. And given that press reports have suggested that the Iranians are holding back their strike until Tisha B’Av  — a day of disaster in Jewish history — the next major candidate day will be August 11, which comes two days before Tisha B’Av. August 11 this year marks the day of 7 Av on the mainstream Jewish calendar, and 7 Av is a day of disaster in Jewish history

First Temple Invaded (423 BCE)

After nearly a month of fierce fighting inside Jerusalem (see “Today in Jewish History” for Tammuz 9), the armies of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia broke through into the Temple compound, where they feasted and vandalized until the afternoon of Av 9, when they set the Holy Temple aflame. – from

This means that on the day of the Paris Olympics closing ceremony, August 11 / 7 Av, the Kabbalists can script the Iranian attack or the Israeli “preemptive” attack [supposedly “to preempt an Iranian attack on Tisha B’Av” (9 Av)]. This would likely be accompanied by Operation Blackjack in Paris and other cities (to be blamed on “far-right domestic violent extremists,” “Islamist terrorists,” and “white supremacist Christian prophecy nuts”).

> Reader Sohei passed along this news about the annual peace ceremony to be held in Nagasaki today (as of this writing, they have already entered August 9)…

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will not attend an annual peace ceremony to be held in the southwestern Japan city of Nagasaki on Friday, sources at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo said Wednesday. On behalf of Emanuel, Chuka Asike, principal officer at the U.S. Consulate in Fukuoka, near Nagasaki, will take part in the ceremony to mark the 79th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Nagasaki, according to the sources.

British Ambassador to Japan Julia Longbottom said Tuesday that she would miss the ceremony because Israeli Ambassador to Japan Gilad Cohen was not invited to the event amid the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas. – from The Japan News

Due to this “Japanese affront to Israel,” watch for Nagasaki to be among the targets in Japan that will be hit by Artemis.

NOTE (7 August 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 8th are now up. See the blue section in the note below for a look at two important ones.

ALERT (7 August 2024): An Israel or Iran Attack (or a Last-Minute Gaza Ceasefire Deal to Delay It) Appears Imminent

Reader Sohei has sent along this: the Straits Times is reporting a time window for the Iranian retaliation of 1-4 AM GMT, August 8 (9 PM, August 7 to 12 AM, August 8 Washington DC time), and MEMRI is reporting an outline of the targets, which include “Moshiach ben YosefBenjamin Netanyahu. With this information out in public, Israel now has justification for a “preemptive strike” on Iran. And it is already 8/8 over there. Remember that “the Israeli Deep State” may mix-in false-flags of their own with the Iranian attack, particularly in the case of Netanyahu.

3X-Enhanced NOTE (7 August 2024): The Kabbalists haven’t released to the press where Kamala Harris and her running mate will go in Detroit on Thursday, 8/8 (“Nazi Day“). But if they send her to Renaissance High Schoolwhere Biden and his running mate (Harris) went together in 2020 and where Biden went before dropping out of the presidential race — there could be big trouble tomorrow.

Also, watch for another market plunge tomorrow morning — it would be a leading indicator of another attempt at the Big Event on tomorrow’s triple anniversary of the Nagasaki atomic bombing. One thing that could cause a plunge in the markets on Thursday is news of a strike by Israel or Iran; another is the failure of Three Gorges Dam on 8/8,

Onna’s points out that tomorrow is the Gregorian anniversary of a catastrophic dam failure in China AND the Chinese lunar anniversary of the Panic of 1857, “the first worldwide economic crisis.” Can you imagine the market panic that would be triggered if Three Gorges Dam gets busted tomorrow (by blowing the demolition charges inside it and/or inducing an earthquake of higher than 7.0 magnitude, its design limit)?

(7 August 2024) – What we are watching for right now is a false-flagged “MAGA white supremacist” assassination of Kamala Harris during her just-launched “Battleground State Tour.” Her death before or during the August 19-22 Democratic National Convention would clear the way for Michelle Obama to become the nominee (which has already been signalled occultly)…

…from Zero Hedge

Scripting Kamala’s death “by MAGA” would not only hand Michelle the nomination, it would also make Kamala the female George Floyd — the martyred “black” female whose death can be atoned only by the election of a black “woman” president. And if they add in the exposure of Trump faking the assassination attempt, Obama would easily win. Under one version of the Kabbalist script, this would be the completion of Trump’s mission as a Democratic mole / controlled-opposition leader…

“Yeah, I convinced them I was a Christian too…”

NOTE (6 August 2024): Take a look at Chabad’s Torah reading for 4 Tevet / 4 January 2025

One Nation with One King

15 Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 16 “And you, son of man, take a single stick and write on it: ‘Belonging to Judah and to the Israelites associated with him.’ Then take another stick and write on it: ‘Belonging to Joseph—the stick of Ephraim—and to all the house of Israel associated with him.’ 17 Then join them together into one stick, so that they become one in your hand.

18 When your people ask you, ‘Won’t you explain to us what you mean by these?’ 19 you are to tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel associated with him, and I will put them together with the stick of Judah. I will make them into a single stick, and they will become one in My hand.’

20 When the sticks on which you write are in your hand and in full view of the people, 21 you are to tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘I will take the Israelites out of the nations to which they have gone, and I will gather them from all around and bring them into their own land. 22 I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel, and one king will rule over all of them. Then they will no longer be two nations and will never again be divided into two kingdoms.

23 They will no longer defile themselves with their idols or detestable images, or with any of their transgressions. I will save them from all their apostasies by which they sinned, and I will cleanse them. Then they will be My people, and I will be their God. 24 My servant David will be king over them, and there will be one shepherd for all of them. They will follow My ordinances and keep and observe My statutes.

25 They will live in the land that I gave to My servant Jacob, where your fathers lived. They will live there forever with their children and grandchildren, and My servant David will be their prince forever. 26 And I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant. I will establish them and multiply them, and I will set My sanctuary among them forever. 27 My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be My people. 28 Then the nations will know that I the LORD sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary is among them forever.’ ” – Ezekiel 37:15-28 from

This can be applied as a narration to the Moshiach ben David’s ingathering of the Jewish diaspora (or the war-scattered Jews of Israel) upon his arrival, and Chabad reads this section 150 days after tomorrow.

In Onna’s notes on today, she points out that Michelle Obama is flashing the number 623 tomorrow — the number of “Apollyon, the angel of the Abyss” — so this can be used as a scripting cue to open the Abyss and begin the 150-day Torment of Humanity. And the Torment could be scripted to end with a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that runs on January 4, 5, 6 and 7, thus placing the triumphant landing of Vladimir Putin and the fake ETs on Orthodox Christmas Day.

It should be noted that the 150-day mark can be reached from either August 7 or 8, so the starting event could be scheduled for the preferred strike time: midnight, 8/8, in Jerusalem / 5 PM Washington DC time tomorrow.

NOTE (6 August 2024): There are occult cues on the Muslim calendar that support the scripting of Vladimir Putin’s death on Safar 3 (Jerusalem time or local time to the event). So watch for an attempt on his life that day, possibly involving “ISIS-K.” Safar 3 begins in Jerusalem at 7:31 PM today / 12:31 PM today in Washington DC. If the assassination is part of the Big Attack, the preferred strike time is midnight in Jerusalem / 5 PM in Washington DC.

Expanded & Twice-Enhanced Warning (6 August 2024): Today’s scenario involves the Kabbalists setting up Kamala Harris for a staged assassination in Philly around the time Jerusalem hits midnight. Her (currently planned) choice of a Jewish homosexual as her running mate is scripted to “enrage MAGA Christian white supremacists who were already angry about her candidacy.” They, along with “Islamist terrorists angry over the Biden-Harris administration’s failure to stop the Gaza genocide,” will initially be blamed for the explosion(s). Details after some sleep.

~ MORE ~

Here’s a fun fact: yesterday, August 5 — the day of the global markets plunge that was to precede a Masonic airstrike and war — was the anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bombing on the Persian calendar (Iran’s Solar Hijri calendar), the French Republican calendar (in use during the French Revolution), and the Essene Jewish calendar

  • Persian: 6 August 1945 was Mordad 15; 5 August 2024 was Mordad 15
  • French: 6 August 1945 was Thermidor II du Octidi; 5 August 2024 was Thermidor II du Octidi [calendar converter]
  • Essene: 6 August 1945 was 18 Av; 5 August 2024 was 18 Av

So Iran and Paris dodged some “nuclear” bullets yesterday, but the watch continues today and onwards. And as you might suspect, the anniversary of the 9 August 1945 atomic bombing of Nagasaki will be marked on the three calendars on August 8, so that’s a day to watch — along with August 11, the day of the Paris Olympics closing ceremony.

Thrice-Expanded CRITICAL ALERT (5 August 2024): Will the Big Explosion(s) come on August 6 (Jerusalem time), the Gregorian anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and the Essene anniversary of the Beirut port explosion?

The Times of Israel came out with an article yesterday that said the Iran attack could happen in 24-48 hours. One of the reasons they added the extra day is that August 6 is 19 Av on the Essene Jewish calendar, which is the Essene anniversary of the 1 kiloton explosion at the Port of Beirut (on 4 August 2020 / 19 Av Essene).

My partner Onna recently discovered that the Essene calendar is playing a larger role in the timing of the ritualized NWO rollout than we previously thought. As an example, the 2012 London Olympics — which featured symbolism in its opening and closing ceremonies related to the “NWO Phoenix Event” — started on the same Essene day (8 Av) as the Paris Olympics, which is intended to feature the actual carrying-out of the Phoenix Event.

The Essene calendar is a solar calendar, but I’ve not yet run across information that specifies when its days begin (at sunset, midnight, or dawn). So if its days begin at sunset, we could see a big explosion somewhere as early as sunset in Jerusalem (7:32 PM local time / 12:32 PM Washington DC time). But given that the ancient Hebrews attacked Egypt’s firstborn at midnight, that would be the preferred time for the strike (midnight, August 6, in Israel / 5:00 PM today in Washington DC).

It is important to note that the 24-48 hour attack estimate was given by US Secretary of State Blinken in a call with the G7 foreign ministers, AND THE G7 MADE A VERY SYMBOLIC VISIT TO HIROSHIMA LAST YEAR. One symbolic element was the origami cranes that were placed in front of each leader — each crane represented a “nuclear” explosion that will occur in that leader’s country.

Additional Information, point-by-point

> Here is a little background information about the Essenes from the 19 March update…

Within the scripted netherverse of Kabbalist prophecy propaganda, the Essenes (of Dead Sea Scroll fame) have been promoted as the keepers of “God’s True Calendar” and the infallible prophets of the ancient Jewish world. For this reason, the Essene (Dead Sea Scroll) calendar is usable for scripting the Kabbalists’ artificial prophecy fulfillment events, particularly those to be cast as “God’s True Judgment” or “God’s True Deliverance.”

> Should the Israelis proceed with a “preemptive strike” against Iran, remember the Orthodox prophecy propaganda about what would happen next: the “Three Days of Fear,” with the fall of Turkey’s Erdogan coming a little before or during those days.

> Let’s see if there will be a “ceasefire deal breakthrough” that will allow the Kabbalists to abort/delay the Big Event. This would permit them to script the Iranians backing-off of their retaliation “so the Palestinians can have some peace.” Also, Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for Tuesday the 6th are now up.

NOTE (4 August 2024): As we face a dangerous looking day in the coming hours, it should be remembered that the Valaam Tribulation timeline — a Vladimir Putin timeline — reaches its Day 1335 end point on August 17, which is the 13th of Av and Shabbat Nachamu, the Sabbath of Comforting that comes after Tisha B’Av. So if the Kabbalists kick off a two-weekMass Arrests of the Communist Deep State” psyop on 1 Av, Shabbat Nachamu will mark the victory point. The attempted nuclear attacks would be the scripted pretext to trigger the “Deep State’s” final takedown.

By the way, the markets are plunging, as was portrayed in the I, Pet Goat II preparatory propaganda video about the NWO Transition Event. In the video, a “Masonic” airstrike immediately followed (Israel “preempting” Iran?)…

WARNING (4 August 2024): Tomorrow (Jerusalem time) is particularly hazardous

Reader Sohei has sent me some headlines that suggest Iran may attack Israel on Monday. And my partner Onnabugeisha has sent me some blockbuster notes on Monday, which is 1 Av on the Hebrew calendar and 1 Safar on the Muslim calendar. Once you see the list of things that have happened on 1 Av & 1 Safar and how they relate to our current situation, you will sh*t roughly ten bricks. Suffice it to say, then, that tomorrow offers abundant occult support for the Kabbalists to script chaos.

It should be noted that if they go for it tomorrow (Jerusalem time), they have an extreme shortcut available to them: they can run a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario over August 5, 6, 7 and 8, which could result in the arrival of the Nazionist False Messiah and the fake ETs on August 8, 8/8 (88 is the Nazi number for “Heil Hitler”, making Thursday a good day to bring in a Nazi leader). In this scenario, they would move to “save us from complete collapse.” For the longer scenarios — the ones that run 38 and 150 days — see the earlier August updates below.

Keep in mind that…

I will try to cover some details from Onna’s notes later today. Here’s a preview…

“Nine Days” Begin

“When Av begins, we diminish [our] rejoicing” (Talmud, Taanit 26b).

On the 1st of Av, “The Three Weeks” mourning period over the destruction of the Holy Temple – which began 13 days earlier on Tammuz 17 – enters an intensified stage. During “The Nine Days” from Av 1st to the Ninth of Av, a heightened degree of mourning is observed… – from

NOTE (3 August 2024): I’ve added additional information to the 2-3 August update, which is below the following warning.

Also, have the Kabbalists already pushed the delay button? A reader has noted that the mainstream propagandists have begun to move people’s expectations away from an imminent Iranian attack: Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av – the Jewish day of disasters, Western intelligence says. Tisha B’Av runs from sunset of August 12 to sunset of August 13 this year, but I will, of course, continue my coverage of all the waiting traps between now and then. It’s been my experience that “Western intelligence” isn’t particularly genuine…

3X-Expanded WARNING (3 August 2024): There’s more evidence of trouble on Sunday or Monday

I’ve uncovered something else about August 4 (which Jerusalem has already entered): it marks the 303rd day of the Israel-Hamas War. And there are four notable things about the number 303…

1) Since Kabbalists allow themselves to ignore zeroes whenever it helps their silly number voodoo work, the number 303 is also the number 33, the favorite number of the Freemasons.

2) There are two words that appear in the Old Testament of the Bible 303 times. And their combined meanings are to seek accusatively those of a kind. As for which kind…

3) The number 303 is associated with Rome’s final attempt to eradicate Christianity

The last in a long series of Roman state-sponsored persecutions of Christians, which first started under Emperor Nero [Obama], began in 303 A.D. Diocletian became Emperor over the Roman Empire in 284 A.D. In 303, as Emperor over Rome’s eastern provinces, he issued edicts that ordered the full power of the state be used to eradicate Christianity. – from

4) The number 303 will occur again on Monday, August 5, the 303rd day since the start of the Israel-Hamas War.

So watch for something to happen on Sunday or Monday that will be used to start a witch-hunt against Christians in the United States or the entire Western world (such as one or more big explosions that will be blamed on them).

~ from earlier today ~

KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR A BIG EXPLOSION SOMETIME AFTER ISRAEL ENTERS 29 TAMMUZ (at 7:34 PM Jerusalem time / 12:34 PM Washington DC time today). It could happen in Israel or the West and possibly involve an assassination, or it could happen at the Cobasna weapons depot in Transnistria. Here are the related occult cues from Onna…

• The 20 July plot (Wikipedia) was a failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler, the chancellor and leader of Nazi Germany, and overthrow the Nazi regime on 20 July 1944 (at 12:42 pm the bomb detonated) = 29 Tammuz. Location: Wolf’s Lair (Wikipedia) Outcome: Hitler survives with minor injuries; Military coup fails within 5 hours; 7,000 arrested, 4,980 executed (including 200 conspirators), 80 years ago

• The Black Tom explosion (Wikipedia)  was an act of sabotage by agents of the German Empire, to destroy U.S.-made munitions that were to be supplied to the Allies in World War I. It was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in history. Date: 30 July 1916 at 2:08:00 a.m. in New York Harbor = 29 Tammuz

~ MORE ~

August 4, the Gregorian day that corresponds to 29 Tammuz, is also the anniversary of the Beirut Port Explosion. Will it be Tel Aviv this time? Paris? Gaza? Jerusalem? Keep in mind that Israel enters the 4th at midnight (the preferred strike time), which is 5 PM New York time today. Additional potential targets, like Rome, may be found among Onna’s notes on today. It should also be noted that Sunday, August 4, is Mordad 14 on the Persian calendar. And Mordad 14 was the date of the Beirut Port Explosion. This suggests an Israeli or Iranian target.

(TwiceExpanded Note – 2-3 August 2024) – A high chance of rain (of fire) and “The Storm” continues from Saturday through Monday

We continue to wait for the promised Iranian retaliation for “Israel’s” assassination attack in Tehran. [And since Israel has neither claimed nor denied responsibility for the hit, it could also be narrated that “the Turkish Muslim Antichrist staged the attack to get Israel and Iran to weaken each other so he can move against both.”]

So to see when the Kabbalists might “release the hounds” after today, I started a calendar sweep of the days ahead and found an occult basis for launching the attack in the August 3-5 timeframe. It has to do with 9/11, Saturnalia, and the final days of Hanukkah. And to keep the explanation of it as simple as possible, I’m going to cover each day separately, starting with August 3.

Back in 2001, a false-flag attack occurred in New York and Washington DC that moved the world in a decidedly negative direction. It happened on September 11 on the Gregorian calendar, which was Shahrivar 20 on the Persian (Iranian) calendar and Elul 24 on the Essene Jewish calendar. And it just so happens that September 10 of this year marks both the Persian and Essene anniversaries of 9/11.

Why does this matter? – Because if the Kabbalists carry out the implosion strike against the West and Israel tomorrow, August 3, 38 days later will come September 10. And this would allow them to use the 9/11 anniversary to stage another big event that moves the world in a different direction: the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah atop Mount Sinai / Jebel al-Lawz.

Alternatively, if they start the 150-day Torment of Humanity with the attack tomorrow, they can land its end on December 30, which is the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia (December 17 on the Julian calendar). This would be the perfect time to script a big event related to “Saturn’s Second Coming.”

Keep in mind that August 3 begins at midnight in Israel, which is 5 PM Washington DC time today. And midnight in Israel is the preferred time for the attack.

~ MORE – 3 August 2024 ~

Continuing on from yesterday’s update, let’s have a look at the occult underpinnings of a West-collapsing / Israel-scattering war event staged on Sunday, August 4 or Monday, August 5.

Here is the breakdown for August 4…

Here is the breakdown for August 5…

  • If they start the 38 days on Monday, they can land their end on September 11.
  • And if they start the 150 days on Monday, they can land their end on January 1 (Hanukkah Day 7 / “Hoshana Rabbah”) or January 2 (Hanukkah Day 8 / “Shemini Atzeret”). Either day could bring “God’s judgment” / a Big Event — it would happen after sunset on Day 7 or before sunset on Day 8 (Jerusalem time).

And here is how they would tie the 38-day or 150-day scenario to a Tribulation timeline…

WAR ADVISORY FOR FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 (1 August 2024): Many of the historical/occult elements that make Thursday a strong candidate day for the implosion attack on the West and Israel will still be active on Friday — most importantly including these…

Remember that tomorrow, Friday the 2nd, begins in Israel at 5 PM Washington DC time today.

~ MORE ~

Watch for the possibility that a “stealth drone” will take out “Moshiach ben YosefBenjamin Netanyahu today or tomorrow (with IDF/Mossad’s help, according to the script). That would be a proportional retaliation “by Iran” for the Israeli killing of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

~ MORE ~

The 8-day period featured in tomorrow’s extended scenario would be New Sukkot. During the existing holiday of Sukkot, Jews eat and sleep in makeshift shelters called sukkah to commemorate how they lived during the Exodus from Egypt. The holiday lasts for 7 days, ending on a day called Hoshana Rabbah, and has an 8th day added onto it called Shemini Atzeret. According to Kabbalist doctrine, the end of Hoshana Rabbah at sunset is when God’s judgment on a person or nation is finalized and handed over to the angels to be executed. So the angels carry out the judgment after sunset on Shemini Atzeret, Kabbalist “judgment day.”

Once the Kabbalists trigger the Second Exodus (out of Israel this time), the surviving Israelis will once again live in sukkah as they wander and die in the desert. And the end of that wandering and dying will come when the Fake Jewish Messiah lands upon Mount Sinai / Jebel al-Lawz “to lead Israel north, back to the Promised Land.” So New Sukkot is scripted to be a joyous 8 days when the Jews are led back to Jerusalem as the Messiah’s “heavenly forces” (Space Force and the fake ETs, the “Galactic Federation”) crush his enemies. His victory would likely come with the defeat of the Muslim Antichrist outside Jerusalem after sunset on the 7th day, per “God’s judgment,” and his victorious arrival in Jerusalem would come on the 8th day (when the Jews will dance in the streets with the Torah).

NOTE (1 August 2024, early AM): As part of today’s planned “Satanic festivities” — or as a fallback alternative to them — Kamala Harris will speak at a funeral in a black church in Houston on Thursday, thus presenting an opportunity to run the standard “MAGA Assassination of Kamala Harris” template.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – July Updates

GET THIS: Onnabugeisha notes that August 1 will mark the 1290th day of Joe Biden’s (“stolen”) presidency, and that means the 1335th day will fall on September 15, which is the 4th anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords, AND Prince Harry’s birthday (Harry is a Fake Jewish Messiah candidate, and 9/15 would be his big day).

The start date for this Tribulation timeline would be 9-10 August 2017, and I’m looking for the event. One interesting find so far is that the news on August 9 featured “sonic devices” that caused severe hearing loss among US diplomats in Cuba. A sonic attack was featured in Obama’s preparatory propaganda movie Leave the World Behind.

Alternatively, this second half of a Tribulation timeline could be scripted as Obama’s redo of the second half of his first, failed Tribulation (2009-2016). He completed the first half, but not the second.

They will likely have the “Rainbow Twins” do their “lights in the sky” intervention after sunset of September 14 (Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline), then have them land on September 15 (the end date of this Obama/Biden Tribulation timeline).

More links to come.

CRITICAL ALERT: The attack could come as early as today at 5:00 PM New York time, 31 July 2024 — that’s when Israel enters August 1 at midnight. Midnight was when the Hebrews attacked Egypt’s firstborn on Passover, so it would be a preferred timing for the attacks. And reader Sohei has pointed out that the UN Security Council will be meeting on the Israeli assassination strike starting at 4 PM New York time. So UN Headquarters could be destroyed during the meeting, which is being hosted by this month’s Security Council president, Russia.

WAR ALERT FOR ISRAEL, PARIS, AND THE WEST (31 July 2024): The Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel currently intends to make another attempt to blow us up tomorrow

Israel’s strike today on the Hamas leader in Tehran was intended to provide a basis for scripting Mossad/Chabad’s false-flagging of “Iran’s retaliation” on August 1 (Jerusalem time or Paris time)…

…from today’s Drudge Report

According to the Kabbalist script, Mossad will stage tomorrow’s big attacks (or blend their big attacks in with Iran’s actual attacks), and everyone will blame it all on Iran. This will trick the US and NATO into devastating Iran with airpower so Israel doesn’t have to. Israel, Turkey, and Azerbaijan will then take advantage of a weakened Iran to launch ground attacks and expand their territories into Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. And once the Israelis’ culpability for the false-flags is eventually presented to the public, the whole world will turn to attack Israel, thus staging the “Battle of Armageddon” and allowing the Kabbalists to roll out their Fake Jewish Messiah (Moshiach).

There are strong historical and occult cues to support this scripting, and they are laid out in my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on tomorrow. In the afternoon/evening (Texas time), I’ll spell it all out in a way that’s easy to understand.

More links to come. Be sure to see yesterday’s note (below) for additional information.

~ from earlier today ~

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on today are now up. They point out an interesting connection between Saint Denis and the founding of the Jesuit Order (through which the Kabbalists gained control of the Roman Catholic Church).

NOTE (30 July 2024): Now that their August 11 plans are infinitely more compromised, the Kabbalists may try to move early on the Destruction of the West / Scattering of Israel event and then bring in the Fake Messiah on September 8, Essene First Fruits of New Oil. They can hit that date from a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario (that would start tomorrow) or a 38-day “Wandering and Dying in the Desert” scenario (that would start on August 1 or 2). It would connect to the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline on September 14 — I’ll tell you how tomorrow.

(30 July 2024) – BINGO! I was doing some research on the Tribulation timelines in relation to the August 11 closing ceremony of the Olympics, and I think I’ve figured out what they plan to do after the August 11 attack

> August 11 is scripted to bring the fall of the West and the scattering of the Israelis, and this will begin an 8 Jewish-day New Sukkot that reaches its end on August 19. [The 8/11 attack will come after Jerusalem has entered 8 Av, so the inclusive 8-day count will run from 8 Av to 15 Av.]

> August 19 is Orthodox Transfiguration of Jesus day (when Jesus appeared in radiant glory atop a mountain — think Mount Sinai / Jebel al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia this time) AND Jewish Tu B’Av (15 Av, the day the Jews stopped wandering and dying in the desert). So this is the day the Fake Jewish Messiah would arrive with his “heavenly army” (UFOs/UAPs).

> The denouement of the First Tribulation storyline would then run until January 7, Orthodox Christmas — that might be the day the New World Order (the “Antichrist’s Global Roman Empire”) begins (as a seeming republic).

> This chain of events is planned as part of the Valaam Tribulation timeline, which reaches its Day 1335 endpoint on August 17. That may be the day Putin dies/disappears to go before God (his supposed god, Satan) to receive his heavenly army.” He would then return on the 3rd day (“like Jesus did”) to “divinely intervene” in the war. So August 17-19 could be the Three Days of Darkness.

WARNING (29 July 2024): A golden war-starting opportunity will present itself at 12:30 UTC on Tuesday the 30th: the swearing-in ceremony of Iran’s newly elected president.

The ceremony will be attended by over 300 foreign dignitaries, including a high-powered Chinese delegation. So if the Kabbalists script some form of deadly proxy or mystery (stealth) attack on the event, it’s not hard to imagine who will be blamed (Israel and their Western enablers). And it’s not hard to imagine how the Kabbalist agents — who include KGB asset Ali Khamenei and Kabbalist sockpuppet Xi Jinping — will be instructed to respond (BOOM).

~ from earlier today ~

If the Kabbalists attempt to go for it before the closing ceremony, starting tomorrow (July 30) would allow them to land the end of a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario on September 7 (7/7 on the original Roman calendar) or September 8, Essene First Fruits of New Oil, a good day to anoint a False Messiah. As Onna pointed out in a previous note, in Strong’s Hebrew, fresh oil has the same number as Messiah, the O.T. title corresponding to Christ in Greek (3323). Starting tomorrow would also allow them to land the end of a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario on December 26, Day 1 of Hanukkah. And there are occult cues in Onna’s notes on Tuesday the 30th that would support such a scripting.

Also, all of the links have now been added to today’s warning (below). The ones in bolded green lead to important information, so be sure to read them (or at least the ones you haven’t already read).

Expanded & Enhanced WARNING FOR PARIS (29 July 2024): The Plan for the Freemasonic Hit on the Paris Olympics Closing Ceremony

the association between the rooster and the Gauls/French was developed by the kings of France for the strong Christian symbol that the rooster represents: prior to being arrested, Jesus predicted that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed on the following morning. At the rooster’s crowing, Peter remembered Jesus’s words. Its crowing at the dawning of each new morning made it a symbol of the daily victory of light over darkness and the triumph of good over evil. It is also an emblem of the Christian’s attitude of watchfulness and readiness for the sudden return of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment of humankind. That is why, during the Renaissance, the rooster became a symbol of France as a Catholic state and became a popular Christian image on weather vanes, also known as weathercocks. – from the Gallic rooster in Wikipedia

As I’ve looked deeper into the Olympics and August 11, I’ve found some interesting things…

> The Paris Olympics is the 33rd Olympiad — the Freemason’s favorite number — so it’s no wonder that Paris was chosen. Striking Paris will allow them to take revenge for the burning there of Jacques de Molay and the destruction of the Knights Templar — their supposed predecessorsat the hands of French King Philip IV.

> The closing ceremony will take place at the Stade de France, which is only 1 kilometer (as the phoenix flies) from the Basilica of Saint-Denis, where the body of Philip IV is entombed. The Basilica was built in the shape of a Christian cross, and like the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, its spire is being reconstructed.

> Last December at Notre-Dame, the golden rooster was reinstalled atop its spire. And guess what…

The installation by a crane of a new golden rooster, reimagined as a dramatic phoenix with licking, flamed feathers, goes beyond being just a weathervane atop the cathedral spire. It symbolizes resilience amid destruction after the devastating April 2019 fire… – from The Guardian

> Putting this all together suggests a likely scenario for a “nuking” during the closing ceremony: it will be narrated that a nuke was detonated in or near the spire of the Basilica of Saint-Denis — it will serve as the “phoenix nest” for the burning of Paris and the fiery transition to the BRICS UN/NWO. The actual explosion will almost certainly be provided by the Artemis system — the cross-shaped Basilica looks like an “X that marks the spot” from orbit. And a blast yield of 1-2 kilotons will shake the nearby Stade de France and break its glass — a higher yield than that starts to bring some real damage. This is 2 kt…

> The closing ceremony runs from 8:00 PM-11:30 PM Paris time, and sunset in Paris on August 11 is at 9:12 PM, so the strike will likely be timed for 9:11. Choosing this strike time will symbolize the last moment of twilight before the Sun sets on the West and it falls into darkness.” 9:11 is also the final minute in Paris of the Jewish day of 7 Av, the day the Jews’ First Temple was invaded by the Babylonians (the West is “Mystery Babylon” in the End Times storyline).

> The targeting of the cross-shaped Basilica of Saint-Denis by an Artemis rod would accomplish three important symbolic acts for the Freemasons (and their Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel masters):

  1. The kinetic energy released upon impact would atomize the Basilica, thereby symbolizing the obliteration of the Holy Cross as the “Satanic legions” begin their 150-day assault on (what remains of) Western Christian Civilization. These legions will then be “defeated” by the “Final Antichrist” — “the one who takes the place of Christ,” Vladimir Putin — on Orthodox Christmas Day, January 7. This coming January 7 will will mark 5 years since Putin went to Damascus to fulfill Islamic prophecy expectations for the arrival of Isa (Jesus); see Isa’s Descent at the White Minaret.
  2. The “fire” unleashed by the rod impact would also atomize the entombed body of King Philip IV — he would be burned with a fire much hotter than the one used to burn Jacques de Molay. Revenge achieved.
  3. The (partial) destruction of Paris — and likely all the capitals and sin cities of the West (which is both “Mystery Babylon” and Third Rome) — would serve as Jewish revenge for the destruction of their First and Second Temples (by the Babylonians and the Romans).

~ from yesterday – 28 July 2024 ~

While I was giving my son his dinner, I had a hunch about the Paris Olympics closing ceremony, and it checked out…

If you start a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario on the day of the closing ceremony, August 11, Day 150 will fall on 7 January 2025 (Russian Orthodox Christmas). This cue points to Vladimir Putin’s victory on his symbolic birthday (as the “reincarnated Christ”).

The title of the ceremony is “Records”; Onna will look into the gematria of it. And I’ll find any supporting Tribulation timelines.

NOTE (28 July 2024): It should be noted that Monday the 29th carries the same risks today did. Here is what I wrote about it in the 16 June update [with an addition in brackets]…

Upon doing some further checks, I discovered a BONUS TIMELINE connected to JULY 29: if the Kabbalists start a 150-day Torment of Humanity that day, ITS END WILL LAND ON DECEMBER 25, WHICH IS BOTH CHRISTMAS DAY AND THE DAY HANUKKAH BEGINS AT SUNSET THIS YEAR. So they have the option of scripting the start of a 150-day Torment of Humanity (by “the demons from the Abyss”) — or flipping the script with a 150-day Comforting of Humanity (by “the angels” = “the demons from the Abyss playing nice by the command of the Final Antichrist”)from the end of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline. If they choose the Comforting, the July 29 “Patriotic Victory” could lead to the launch of the NWO 150 days later on Christmas Day / Hanukkah. Otherwise, December 25 [the endpoint of the Pope Francis Communist Tribulation timeline] will provide an ideal day to stage a savior moment to end the Torment.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 29th are now up. Given tomorrow’s scripting cues, watch for potential trouble in Ukraine, Jerusalem, and at the Arc de Triomphe. Also watch for someone to come back from the dead.

NOTE (28 July 2024): Here is a photo of Kamala Harris waving goodbye before boarding the vice president’s plane…

…from today’s Drudge Report, a site that frequently features occult signalling.

And here is the gematria of the words below the photo, “Kamala’s shortlist”…

…from Gematria Effect News

In the Bible, the number 54 is associated with Nero, who in turn is associated with Barack Obama (fiddling while Rome burns, like Michelle Obama sipped wine while Notre Dame burned)…

One way or another, they’re aiming to get Michelle Obama onto the Democratic presidential ticket.

Expanded WARNING (27 July 2024): Considering the contents of today’s update (below this warning), this occurred right on cue: Israel says Hezbollah rocket kills 11 at football ground, vows response“The Hezbollah attack today crossed all red lines, and the response will be accordingly. We are approaching the moment of an all-out war against Hezbollah and Lebanon,” Foreign Minister Israel Katz told Axios.

And the Iranian response to an Israeli invasion of Lebanon has already been announced: Iran warns Israel of ‘obliterating war’ if it attacks LebanonIran has warned Israel against “full-scale military aggression” in Lebanon and said it would lead to an “obliterating war”, the Islamic republic’s United Nations mission said. [Obliterate” is the same word used in describing what should happen to Iran if Trump is assassinated by them]

Reader Sohei passed along a report that Netanyahu has accelerated his departure from the US to rush back to Israel, so it’ll be interesting to see if he makes it home to stop the invasion. Did Mossad attack the soccer field to provide a pretext for the invasion? Did they also sabotage Netanyahu’s aircraft so he won’t make it back to stop it?

~ MORE ~


Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 28th are now up. Here’s one of them that points to the simulated opening of the Gate to Hell on the Chinese lunar (communist) calendar tomorrow…

Chinese calendar6th Month 23

Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites [Abaddon – Wikipedia]

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) (Barack Hussein Obama II), served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. Born: 4 August 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii (Astro-Databank) = 6th Month 23, year of the Ox

And I have a note too — get this…

If the Kabbalists start the 150-day Torment of Humanity tomorrow, it will reach Day 150 on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, just in time to end the Pope Francis Communist Tribulation timeline! So watch for the arrival/victory of the Fake Messiah on Christmas. Also watch for a fake Christian Rapture by the “gatherer” tomorrow.

(27 July 2024) – Will the Israelis schedule a ram roasting in Iran tomorrow?

Reader Sohei has passed along some Israeli preparatory propaganda that could be used to narrate the crash of Netanyahu’s plane tomorrow. And he also passed along news that the Iranians are shutting down their whole country on Sunday “because it’s hot” while also holding a gathering of all their top leaders in one place (a most tempting target).

Upon checking for an occult underpinning for a big event, I found — in Chabad’s Torah study schedule for today — support for an 8-day Sukkot / ram sacrifice scenario (as in the Ram-Goat War) that would span from this Sunday to next. This Sunday is the fifteenth day of the seventh month (on the Julian calendar) and next Sunday is August 4, the day the Jewish month of Av begins at sundown (a good time to script another big event, either “good’ or bad).

I’ll enhance and expand this update over the course of the day.

(26 July 2024) – Essene 9 Av offers a second chance to carry out what was planned for today

Reader Sohei has passed along news that clearly signals the Kabbalists’ intent to trigger the Daniel 8 Ram-Goat War (the war in which Israel tricks the US and NATO into destroying Iran for them)

…from the New York Post

And my partner Onna has pointed out that tomorrow is 9 Av on the Essene Jewish calendar. While that day held no known significance to the Essenes, it does hold great significance to the “Synagogue of Satan’s” mainstream Jewish calendar — it is the most tragic day of their Jewish year. So its Essene occurrence can serve as a scripting cue for a great Jewish tragedy tomorrow, like the death of the Moshiachs (Trump, Netanyahu, and perhaps even Putin). Haaretz reports that Netanyahu won’t return to Israel until Sunday (which means he’s probably in sin-city Miami with his son Yair).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 27th are now up.






In the 24 July Important Information update (below), I warned that Mossad would attempt to make good on the Israeli “you’re next” threat to Europe and America and blame it on Iran. Well look at who’s pointing the finger at Iran on the day before the planned attack…

…from Reuters

If the Kabbalists intend to hit Paris with a “nuclear” explosion (Artemis attack) tomorrow, the most likely strike point is Pont Neuf, the bridge that was built over the Île aux Juifs where Jacques de Molay was burned alive. The Parade of Nations funerary procession will pass under Pont Neuf as they sail from Pont d’Austerlitz to Pont d’Iéna. It could be narrated that the bomb was sealed inside the bridge or buried under it by Muslim maintenance personnel.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, READ MY JUNE UPDATE ON THIS: Parisians Beware: The Kabbalist bankers are undeniably planning to have “ISIS” burn Paris during the July 26 – August 11 Olympic Games.


~ MORE – 26 July 2024 ~

Today a pharaonic funerary procession is to take place along the River Seine in Paris. So it should be noted that another pharaonic procession, the Pharaohs’ Golden Parade, took place in Egypt back on 3 April 2021, which was 3 years, 3 months, 23 days ago (3323). In Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 3323 has some notable meanings. Here is Onna’s note on it…

Pharaohs’ Golden Parade (Wikipedia) Date: 3 April 2021, 3 years, 3 months, 23 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 3323. yitshar: fresh oil, NASB Translation anointed* (1)/ Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ. 3323 Messías – literally, “the anointed one,” referring to Jesus as the Christ – supremely empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish all of the divine plan.]

So one of the occult scripting cues for today is a Messiah indicator. And as I’ve previously noted, three days from today, July 29, is Lazarus Day and marks a key date in a Tribulation timeline that could feature Vladimir Putin as the Messiah. So a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario is scriptable for July 26-29.

On related notes…

  • the UN Security Council is meeting today on the Palestinians (a suitable subject to meet about on the day they are destroyed), and
  • there are occult cues for a notable plane crash today.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION (24 July 2024): Since Biden went into hiding last week, the schedule for Netanyahu’s meetings with Biden, Harris, and Trump has been in constant flux as the Kabbalists have looked for an opening to start trouble…

Trump initially said on Truth Social the meeting was Wednesday, then clarified it was Thursday before announcing in a new Truth Social post the meeting was moved to Friday at Netanyahu’s request. – from Forbes

Wherever Netanyahu goes becomes the strike point, and the person who gets hit with him determines the direction the narrative takes. A hit during his Thursday visit with Kamala Harris puts Michelle Obama in the presidential race; a hit during his Friday Mar-a-Lago visit with Trump becomes a war with Iran. And on a related note, Netanyahu’s son Yair is living in Miami and his birthday is on Friday, so Yair might go to Mar-a-Lago or host his dad in Miami, one of America’s “sin cities” and a target for destruction.

Friday is a particularly attractive day for conducting Operation Blackjack given that the Paris Olympics opening ceremony begins at 1:30 PM EDT (Florida time) that day with this…

The highlight of the Opening Ceremony is the Parade of Nations, where thousands of Olympians representing 206 countries make their grand entrance into the Games. This year, rather than marching into a stadium, they will arrive by boat on the Seine. – from NBC Chicago

This is reminiscent of the funerary boats that used to cross the River Nile in Egypt, so it presents a great opportunity for the Mossad to fulfill the Israeli threat of you’re next that it issued to Europe and America back in November of last year. The fulfillment would feature “Iran-backed terrorists and Quds Force sleeper cells” blowing up the capitals and sin cities of the West, including attempted or successful hits on Trump and Netanyahu (and possibly Putin too).

For more information on the planned Olympics attack, read Parisians Beware: The Kabbalist bankers are undeniably planning to have “ISIS” burn Paris during the July 26 – August 11 Olympic Games.

NOTE (25 July 2024): Onna and I may have found the day the Kabbalists intend to end the Israel-Hamas War: 17 September 2024. That would come on the fourth day after the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline reaches its Day 1290 reversal point, so we might see a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario run from September 14-17. Details in the afternoon/evening.

On another note, Biden will be meeting Netanyahu at the White House at 1 PM EDT, and Harris will be meeting him there at 4:30 PM. SO BIDEN, HARRIS, AND NETANYAHU WILL ALL BE TOGETHER AT THE WHITE HOUSE FROM THE 4 O’CLOCK HOUR ON, WITH LOTS OF PROTESTERS OUTSIDE TO MASK THE PRESENCE OF “TERRORIST” NO-GOODNIKS. If you mix that with the recent theme of incompetent DEI government security personnel, it could result in a hit on the White House, House Speaker Johnson taking the presidency, civil war, and an Iran War.

Links to come.

3X-Enhanced WARNING (24 July 2024): Today is an Operation Blackjack candidate day

Today marks the 103rd anniversary (on the Chinese lunar calendar) of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. And on a deep occult level, the number 103 can be connected to “Communist Antichrist” Barack Obama

The Hebrew bamah, Strong’s #H1116, is found 103 times in 93 Hebrew Old Testament verses. It is written the most in 2Kings (27 times) followed by 2Chronicles (17). The word refers to something that is elevated or high such as a battlefield, ridge or mountain. In the King James, it is frequently translated as “high places.” These high places were sometimes elevations of land used either to worship the true God or false deities. – from

As the prophecy propagandists have been pointing out for years, “Barack Obama” is a disguised spelling of Baraq O’bamah, “Lightning from a high place / heaven” (Satan), with the “O” being an exclamation or meaning “descendant of (Satan),” the “Antichrist.” With this in mind, have a look at an occult scripting cue my partner Onna found…

Numbers7/24  (inclusive) – 7/25 

• President Obama Chairs the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters (Obama White HouseUN) Date: 24 September 2014, 9 years, 10 months, 1 day ago -> 911  or 118 months, 1 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew 1181. baale bamoth: lords of (the) high places, Word Origin: from Baal and bamah]

During his US presidency, “O’bamah” sat as president of the UN Security Council twice; the first time was about nuclear proliferation, and the second was about foreign terrorist fighters. So if you put the two together with today, you get an idea of what the Kabbalists might script: Operation Blackjack (a bunch of “foreign terrorist fighters,” with some of them among the thousands of demonstrators in Washington DC today, setting off small “nukes”) — remember that Artemis will likely provide any nuclear-looking explosions. And if they hit the Capitol and the White House today, we’ll have a communist dictator (Kamala Harris) take over the whole country under emergency powers. Happy birthday, CCP!

Speaking of “commie” Kamala Harris, today she’ll be attending a “Social Justice” Town Hall and Luncheon at “Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.’s Grand Boule” in Indianapolis. Onna checked the gematria on it and found this…

…from Gematria Effect News

All the results from the gematria check have been appended to her notes for today.

Also scriptable today is the shooting of Benjamin Netanyahu at the Capitol by a radical member of Congress or staffer. Whatever happens to Trump happens to Netanyahu.

See the updates below for further information about today.

NOTE (23 July 2024): Will the hammer fall on Washington or Indianapolis tomorrow?

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 24th are now up. And as was previously noted, today was the anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party on the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars, BUT TOMORROW WILL BE THE ANNIVERSARY ON THE CHINESE LUNAR CALENDAR. So the “Global Communist Deep State” still has the opportunity to celebrate the 103rd year of the CCP by installing “commie” Kamala Harris into the US presidency — all they have to do is blow up Washington DC tomorrow while Harris is away at a sorority party in Indianapolis. The hit could take place during Netanyahu’s speech to Congress (scheduled to start at 2 PM EDT) or during Biden’s primetime address to the nation (scheduled to start at 8PM EDT). The “stars will align” for destruction tomorrow.

In a possible fallback scripting, Kamala Harris could be targeted by government false-flaggers in a “MAGA” mass shooting / bombing. It is a black sorority she’ll be visiting, so the globalists could work the “white supremacist” and race war angles with such a hit. And killing a “black” woman candidate for president would likely result in the Democrats choosing a black “woman” to replace her: Michelle Obama.

WARNING (22-23 July 2024): Congress may get roasted like Peking Duck tomorrow

Joe Biden’s meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly been moved to Thursday. So unless Biden dies today, it would appear that the globalist false-flaggers will fall back to Wednesday, the day of Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

As I noted yesterday, a destruction of the US Capitol during the speech would leave many vacancies in Congress: all the pro-Israel Zionists and Republicans would be dead, and all the anti-Israel commies boycotting the speech would live. This means the commie-types would be left with complete control of Congress, as well as have an excuse (a nuke went off on US soil!) to be very aggressive. The hit would also fulfill the Kabbalist prophecies about the death of the Moshiach ben Yosef, Benjamin Netanyahu

Moshiach ben Yosef will be killed in the war against Gog and Magog. Again, it is unclear whether the death will be in physical battle, or as a result of the spiritual battles which he will wage against the forces of evil. Either way, the prophet Zechariah (12:10) describes the national mourning that will follow his death. – from

Within Chabad’s “End Times” deception, Netanyahu is playing the Moses-like role of shepherding Israel through the decade-long Gog-Magog War. And in scripting key events for Netanyahu and other actors in their stageplay, they look to history, mythology, and even their own Torah study schedule. So it should be noted that Wednesday, 18 Tammuz is…

~ MORE ~

Biden was supposed to depart for Washington DC at 12:30 EDT, but the press pool hasn’t reported any movement yet. Will he “continue to rest until his Thursday meeting with Netanyahu” now? Will we see a “deep fake” audio or video call from his home to assure us he’s alive?

~ from yesterday – 22 July 2024 ~

Weekend at Biden’s – Is Biden already “dead,” or will he “die” on Tuesday or Wednesday?

[UPDATE 1 – Biden’s schedule for tomorrow is now out, and it has him flying back to the White House in the afternoon. So barring a “sudden death” or a crashed aircraft, it would seem that he’ll live to face the 23rd and 24th.]

Tuesday the 23rd is both the Gregorian and Jewish anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party on 23 July 1921 / 17 Tammuz. So will America get its first communist president, Kamala Harris, tomorrow? Biden has not been seen in public since Wednesday, so he may already be “dead.” And if he does show up at the White House tomorrow, he could be hit while Harris is out of town — she’s scheduled to be in Milwaukee at least part of tomorrow and in Indianapolis at least part of Wednesday (the day Netanyahu gives his speech before Congress, which many Democrats will not attend, especially the commie types). So a hit on Congress on Wednesday would leave the leftist Democrats firmly in control of the House and Senate. And the last I heard, Harris isn’t planning to attend the speech either.

All this being said, Harris could take the presidency tomorrow, or they can have her take Biden’s place meeting Netanyahu tomorrow while he “stays in Delaware with COVID (dead)” until after the Congress hit. They could then narrate that he died on the 24th in a related attack.

Onna’s notes on tomorrow are now up.

(22 July 2024) – The Kabbalists are/were planning to blow up the White House tomorrow

Here is the motive (and cover) for the “Israeli Deep State” to kill three birds with one fissile stone on Tuesday, 17 Tammuz…

…from CNN

According to the Kabbalist script for the fake struggle between the “Communist Deep State” and Team Moshiach (Trump-Netanyahu-Putin), here is the “Deep State’s” motivation for an Israeli false-flag “demolition nuke” attack on the White House tomorrow…

“The Iranians are only a week or two away from a nuke, the Biden-Harris administration is hampering our war moves, and we haven’t been able to get past Benjamin Netanyahu’s blocking of an attack on Iran. So let’s just blow them up on Tzom Tammuz and blame it on an ‘already finished’ Iranian nuke so President Mike Johnson will attack them.” [This would trigger the Ram-Goat War]

~ from earlier ~

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on today (and some on tomorrow) are up, and here are four of them that support the scripting of big trouble in Israel and Ukraine on 17 Tammuz (sunset of today to sunset of tomorrow, Jerusalem time or local time to an event)…

Numbers7/22  (inclusive) – 7/23

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (WikipediaCNN) – President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there, a move expected to inflame tensions in the region and unsettle the prospects for peace. Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 230 days ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days)) [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss [Abaddon – Wikipedia] /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites].

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia), the 6th and current president of Ukraine. Assumed office: 20 May 2019, 62 months, 3 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss [Abaddon – Wikipedia] /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites].

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia) – Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which started in 2014. Date: 24 February 2022, 880 days ago [88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye” / In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.]

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 6 months, 6 days old. [Number of the beast: 666]

According to the most recent report I’ve seen, Kamala Harris will meet with Benjamin Netanyahu at some point tomorrow. So if something should happen to them during that meeting, the way would be opened for Michelle Obama to emerge as the Democratic nominee. And if that “something” is a small “nuclear” explosion near the White House, we could see Speaker of the House Mike Johnson emerge as president (something the Israelis would very much like to make happen, since Harris is supposedly unfriendly to Israel and Johnson is a ZioToady).

NOTE (21 July 2024): Watch for the Kabbalists to repeat history by scripting a real or false-flagged Hezbollah cross-border raid into Israel on 16 Tammuz. This would be used to ignite the War in the North while Netanyahu is out of Israel on his way to Washington DC (they’ve moved his meeting with Biden to 17 Tammuz). The NWO narrative would attribute the move to the Israeli Deep State taking advantage of Netanyahu’s absence.

WARNING (20 July 2024): If the globalists do intend to go for it next week, they might be aiming to simulate the opening of the Gate to Hell when Sunday’s full moon, the Buck Moon, reaches peak illumination at 10:17 UTC (5:17 AM Texas time). Keep in mind that…

So the Red Dragon’s hunt for Christians could start tomorrow, which means the fake Christian Rapture could be staged tomorrow. Onna notes that tomorrow is Essene First Fruits of New Wine. And this is what a religious propaganda site says about that festival…

Festival of the First Fruits of New Wine

  • The only Scripture that refers to this festival is Judges 21
  • The Feast of New Wine is a celebration of the grape harvest, and a time for weddings
  • On this day, a couple could get married without parental consent
  • Paints a picture of the Messiah snatching away his bride at the Rapture of the Church
  • Just as marriage is dedication to one spouse, the Festival of New Wine teaches that the Holy Spirit indwelt believer needs to be completely dedicated to God, just as Jesus is wholly sanctified to his bride, the Church. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
  • The believer becomes one body, neither Jew nor Greek but Christian (Matthew 19:5-6)
  • Jesus turned water to wine at the wedding in Cana on the Festival of New Wine (John 2:1)
  • The Marriage supper of the Lamb shows this dedication (Ephesians 5:26)
  • The 144,000 are First Fruits, not of the Barley Harvest, but of the New Wine grape harvest (Revelation 14:4) – from

Should they do this, watch for scary events to start happening around the world tomorrow — events that may escalate as we approach 17 Tammuz (22-23 July). Alternatively, a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario could start tomorrow. And remember that a temporary communist victory can be scripted under the “Great Conjunction” Tribulation timeline.

NOTE: Be sure to see the Weekend Advisory below today’s update. Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 21st are now up. One of them relates to Transnistria, so keep an eye on Cobasna. If the Kabbalists want to go for it this week, we can expect them to script another attempt to neuter Russia’s UN membership.

Also, important information has been added to today’s update, expanded in red.

(Expanded Note – 20 July 2024) – Whose walls will be breached on 17 Tammuz?

One thing yesterday’s big computer crash accomplished was burying other news that would have headlined. And reader Sohei has pointed out that the UN’s International Court of Justice ruled against Israel on Friday — something that would have been at the top of the news…

The top United Nations court said Friday that Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is unlawful and called on it to end, and for settlement construction to stop immediately, issuing an unprecedented, sweeping condemnation of Israel’s rule over the lands it captured 57 years ago.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly denounced the nonbinding opinion issued by the 15-judge panel of the International Court of Justice, saying the territories are part of the Jewish people’s historic homeland. But the resounding breadth of the decision could impact international opinion and fuel moves for unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. – from AP

What a remarkable “coincidence” it is that this ruling was issued on the Friday before the Monday Netanyahu arrives in Washington. And what a remarkable “coincidence” it also is that the UN Security Council is holding a meeting on the situation in the Middle East on Monday too…


Since numerologists allow themselves to ignore zeroes and flip sixes & nines whenever it helps their silly number voodoo to work, the UNSC’s 9690th meeting is a 666 meeting. And in one more remarkable “coincidence,” it is occurring on the day 17 Tammuz begins at sunset — a Jewish day that commemorates a number of Jewish tragedies including Moses’s breaking of the tablets and the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem by the Romans in the year 69. 17 Tammuz also marks the beginning of the Three Weeks (of mourning) that run to Tisha B’Av.

With this set before us, it’s not hard to see that trouble has likely been scripted for 17 Tammuz, which runs from sundown of Monday to sundown of Tuesday (Jerusalem time or local time for any big event). Specific scenarios include moves in the UN to…

  • formally recognize and grant full membership to a Palestinian state,
  • pass a binding Security Council ceasefire resolution for Gaza, and/or
  • move against Israel under the Uniting for Peace resolution.

It should be remembered that Netanyahu’s trip to Washington is playing out against the backdrop of Biden’s impending withdrawal from the presidential race. It can therefore be narrated that “Biden will move directly towards the Deep State’s goals without having to worry about what people think or the political consequences.” And this allows his Jewish handlers to script a change in the US stance at the UN — one that will allow Palestinian statehood and bind Israel’s hands in the war. Remember that the goal of the Kabbalists is to bring about a ruinous attack against Israel so they can bring in their Fake Jewish Messiah, the “Moshiach.”

So will Netanyahu break his tablets after meeting with Biden on Monday? Will Israel immediately punish Washington and the UN with a “nuclear” false-flag? Will Third Rome’s walls be breached on 17 Tammuz? Will Israel’s?

~ MORE ~

In my 11 June 2024 note, I wrote about how a big event on 17 Tammuz would complement the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline. So I’ll post a modified version of that note here…


Back in the 7 June update, I noted that the Kabbalists had pushed back Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress to July 24 — the day after Tzom Tammuz — and that this will allow them to script a big event on July 23. Today we’re going to look at some numbers that show why they did this and how it fits in with the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline, which is summarized here…

The end of this Revelation 12 timeline is currently scripted to bring the victory of the Nazionist antichrists over the communist antichrists, and its Day 1335 end will most likely feature the Fake Jewish Messiah standing victorious in Jerusalem or New Jerusalem (Kyiv).

So with all this set before us, let’s look at how Tzom Tammuz will play into it…

> The 1290-day “reversal day” of the Revelation 12 timeline, September 14, falls 53 days after Tzom Tammuz. The number 53 is significant to the Kabbalists on account of this…

Construction of 2nd Temple (370 BCE)

Fifty three years following the destruction of the First Holy Temple (see Jewish History for the 9th of Av), Zerubabel and Joshua the High Priest began construction of the Second Temple, with permission from King Cyrus of Persia.

The offering of sacrifices had actually commenced a few months earlier, on the vacant lot where the 1st Temple stood, however it was only after the construction started on the 1st of Iyar that the Levites began accompanying the service with song and music.

The construction was later halted after the hostile Samaritans supplied false slanderous information to Cyrus about the Jews’ intentions. The construction was resumed many years later, and completed 21 years later under the reign of King Darius (see Jewish History for the Third of Adar). – from [Remember that Trump is playing the role of Cyrus.]

So the rebuilding of Old Jerusalem or New Jerusalem can be scripted to begin on Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation.

> Counting from Tzom Tammuz to the end of the Tribulation on October 29 — when the Fake Jewish Messiah may stand victorious in Old or New Jerusalem — there are 99 days. And 99 is significant to the Kabbalists on account of this…


More info to come later, including a companion Tribulation timeline that began after Trump’s second impeachment trial started and will reach its 1260th day on Tzom Tammuz. The presence of this timeline indicates that Tzom Tammuz may be a bad day for Trump, Netanyahu, and Putin (the “persecuted Moshiachs“).


WEEKEND ADVISORY FOR JULY 20-21 (19 July 2024): You may have heard about the IT problem that was experienced outside of Russia today. It should be noted, then, that one way for the Kabbalists to fulfill a Three Days of Darkness scenario is to shut down the power grids for three days. This would likely be accompanied by a deployment onto the streets of domestic agents-provocateur and migrant forces to create disorder that would attract “opportunistic elements of the population” to join in. The biblical plague of “devouring locusts” that follows the opening of the Abyss would be upon us.

Therefore, it should also be noted that occult cues exist for the Kabbalists to script big trouble on Saturday or Sunday. In one possibility, a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario launched this weekend would reach its third or fourth day on Tzom Tammuz, a good day to cue the arrival of the “lights in the sky.” There is also a Prince William cue for opening the Gate to Hell this weekend (hence the locusts). And Sunday is the 21st, July’s blackjack day (as in Operation Blackjack), which is an all-sevens day (7/21 >>> 7/7+7+7Donald Trump and the number 7).

Remember that the Chinese Communist Party and the current European Political Community — all supposedly part of the “Global Communist Deep State” — ended all-hands meetings just yesterday. It can be narrated that they were making final preparations for what comes in the next few days.

It’s also possible, though, that the Kabbalists will wait until after Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in Washington DC on Monday. They could then start the trouble on Tzom Tammuz.

Here are two of the occult cues for weekend mischief I mentioned — they’re from my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes…

Numbers7/20 (inclusive) – 7/21

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany (CBS news). Date: 16 November 2016, 400 weeks, 4 days ago -> 44, Obama’s number [This is a cue for the destruction of the Western World]

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIMEThe Times of Israel) – Prince William visits Western Wall, prays for world peaceDate: 28 June 2018, 6 years, 23 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites]. [This is a cue for the opening of the Gate to Hell and a fake Rapture (gathering) of the Christians]

The (simulated) opening of the Gate to Hell this weekend would start the 150-day Torment of Humanity. The Torment would reach its final day on December 17, which is Saturnalia and Day 7 of Essene Hanukkah (the Hoshana Rabbah of “Hanukkah as Sukkot“) — a good day to bring in Prince Harry to defeat “Commie Antichrist” King William.

NOTE (18 July 2024): Now that we’re safely through July 18, we’ll turn our attention to Biden’s rumored imminent withdrawal from the presidential race by bringing today’s other note back to the top. And the Kabbalists still have the option of starting trouble on Saturday or Sunday.

Twice-Enhanced NOTE (18 July 2024): Will Trump take a dive so Michelle Obama and/or Hillary Clinton can rise?

Here’s another way this whole thing might go…

In the past I’ve brought up the possibility that Trump was scripted as a Democratic plant intended to lead the Republicans to ruin. So consider this: they may have purposefully bungled the assassination psyop so Trump would be exposed as a phony. And with Biden dropping out of the race to make space for an Obama/Clinton or Harris/Clinton ticket, either would have a clear path to an election victory.

This idea came to me after I noticed that X hasn’t taken down the video of Trump cutting his own ear and I read a piece from someone I regard as a disinfo guy suggesting the assassination attempt was faked to boost Trump.

Will the Secret Service standdown order be traced to a pro-Trump official?

Twice-Expanded WARNING (18 July 2024): A Fire May Begin Tonight

WMD ATTACK ALERT: Target = Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, WI; Time = 18 July 2024 at 9:00-10:30 PM CDT; Attack Mode: orbital kinetic bombardment (Artemis rod), narrated as a nuclear explosion; Attack Type: false flag, with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force, Russia, and others being patsied; Additional Info: radiological and biological attacks are also possible, and attacks on multiple cities are possible.

Here is the preparatory propaganda, which has shown up in multiple news outlets in the past few days…

…from AFP. Here is an excerpt…

The US National Security Council said it had been “tracking Iranian threats against former Trump administration officials for years” as Tehran sought revenge for the 2020 killing of Revolutionary Guards commander Qasem Soleimani.

~ from earlier today ~

Assuming everyone leaves the European Political Community Summit alive today, the world’s attention will turn to President Donald J. Trump‘s” 9-10:30 PM CDT speech at Fiserv Forum (a sports venue) tonight. And given that the Great Fire of Rome started at a sports venue, the Kabbalists will have the chance to start the Great Fire of Third Rome at the time of the speech.

Will Vincent Fusca / JFK Jr. emerge alongside Trump as the “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” Psyop is launched? Will Fiserv Forum be blown-up with a nuclear-looking explosion by “ISIS” or “Iranians seeking retribution for Trump’s killing of Qasem Soleimani”? If the latter is the case, watch for America and possibly the entire Western world to be locked down “in case more nukes are on the loose” and for a communist reign of terror to begin this weekend “as the government hunts down all those who aided and abetted the bombers.” A full-on Operation Blackjack is also scriptable.

~ MORE ~

Have a look at the occult scripting cues Onna has found concerning Fiserv Forum and Trump…

Numbers7/18 (inclusive) – 7/19

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. As the first major spaceflight of NASA’s Artemis program, Artemis 1 marked the agency’s return to lunar exploration after the conclusion of the Apollo program five decades earlier. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 611 days ago [according to Wikipedia the attempted assassination of Donald Trump occurred at 6:11 p.m.Strong’s Hebrew 611. ason: mischief, evil, harm / Greek: 611. apokrinomai: to answer, respond]

Fiserv Forum (Wikipedia) is a multi-purpose arena located in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is the home of the Milwaukee Bucks (Wikipedia), located in Deer District (Wikipedia). [Artemis (Wikipedia) -> find in page: deer (52 times)], Opened: 26 August 2018, 2152 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew 2152.zalaphah: raging heat, NASB Translation: burning, burning heat, burning indignation]


Fiserv Forum (152, 62, 145, 64) = Sputnik five (Wikipedia) 3x, King of the Jews 3x, Western Wall 3x, mass shooter 3x, planet Pluto 2x, Qasem Soleimani 2x, The Star of David 2x, civil unrest 2x, Fornacalia (Wikipedia) 1x

Fiserv Forum Complex Center [Full name] (305, 125, 343, 127) = King of Babylon Barack Hussein Obama 1x, The Ataturk Olympic Stadium (Wikipedia) 2x, Prime Minister Keir Starmer (Wikipedia) 2x, angel of the bottomless pit (Abaddon/Apollyon)Wikipedia) 1x 

Milwaukee Bucks (156, 48, 222, 87) = destroy America 3x, The Beast rising (Revelation 13:113:11) 3x, New Pearl Harbor 2x, Walls of Jericho (Wikipedia) 2x, …

BTW, the top headline on the Drudge Report today is “OBAMA LOWERS THE BOOM“…

…from Gematria Effect News. The Kabbalists orchestrating all this drama are obsessed with gematria, and 95 is the number of Lightning McQueen / Prince Harry — it is related to his scripted role as a Nazionist antichrist.

~ from earlier today ~

Here is a video from the “assassination attempt” that seems to show Trump cutting his own ear with something he then places on the podium. But I’m sure a surgeon has since added appropriate damage for a gunshot.

Also, reader Sohei is monitoring some activity that suggests the “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” Pysop is/was in play. The question is if they’ll attempt it as a standalone op or at the end of a fire event.

NOTE (17 July 2024): My partner Onnabugeisha has once again shown that she’s the best battle mate a man could ask for. Her notes on Thursday the 18th are now up (and are full of striking cues for tomorrow). One of them points to this…

…from National Geographic (top). The article notes that the “fire started in the enormous Circus Maximus stadium in Rome…” What a remarkable “coincidence” it is, then, that Trump’s July 18 acceptance speech is to take place in a sports arena, Fiserv Forum.

But with today’s news that Biden has tested positive for COVID, they may have already switched to Plan B.

See the update below for related information…

(17 July 2024) – Since time is short, I’m going to give an abbreviated tour of the occult foundations of what is/was planned for 12 Tammuz, and it begins with three things the globalists have staged in the past…

  1. They arranged for Prince Harry to be received like a king at Pearl Harbor, the site of a war-starting sneak attack, on 11/11/2022 (Veterans Day). You can read about it here.
  2. On 16 November 2016, they arranged for Barack Obama to ascend the Acropolis in Athens, Greece and stand amidst the rubble of the Parthenon. In doing this, he symbolized storming the last bastion of Western Civilization and standing in its ruins. You can read about it here.
  3. In the death of Queen Elizabeth II, they played out a historic reenactment of the Babington Plot against Elizabeth I featuring Prince Charles and the Pope as the successful Catholic plotters. You can read about it here.

So in choosing Woodstock as the site of the July 18 European Political Community Summit, they connected it to the Catholic versus Protestant drama that surrounded both Queens Elizabeth. And by choosing Fiserv Forum — located at 1111 Vel R. Phillips Avenue in Milwaukee (a city known as “the German Athens of America“) — for the Republican National Convention, they connected Trump’s July 18 acceptance speech to a war-starting Nazi sneak attack that appears to be Obama’s and leads to the rise of King Harry.

So why would the Nazionist attack that destroys the current Western power structure appear to be Obama’s? Because the numbers from Obama’s day on the Acropolis point to subjugation by the Antichrist

Numbers7/17 (inclusive) – 7/18

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President Obama). His next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany. [your blog: Twice-Expanded NOTE (9-10 October 2023)], CBS news. Date: 16 November 2016, 7 years, 35 weeks ago, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days). [Strong’s Greek 735. Artemis: Artemis, the name of the Gr. goddess of the hunt] or 400 weeks, 1 day ago [Strong’s Greek: 4001. pentakosioi: five hundred and Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, Hebrew: 4001. mebusah: a treading down, subjugation] – from Onna’s notes on today

So this is what we are/were looking at: the Nazionists are scripted to use Artemis to stage either Operation Blackjack or the Three Days of Darkness. And after their victory, they’ll claim “the commies did it in an attempt to jumpstart their NWO before Trump could be elected.”

NOTE: Remember that Princes William and Harry are both Jewish Rothschild descendants (through their full-blooded Jewish mother Diana). And Israel is a Rothschild colony. So who else would sit as King of Israel?

(16 July 2024) – The Meeting of the European Political Community, a.k.a. the Order of the Phoenix

Behold Blenheim Palace, the place where the West is meant to go to die this week…

On July 17-18, the Jewish day of 12 Tammuz, the Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel are gathering essentially all of the leaders of Europe — except those of Belarus and Russia — for what is/was to be a massive fire sacrifice or “mass arrest” to kick off the New World Order Transition Event.

On that day, the heads of state/government of 47 nations, plus the head of NATO and King Charles the Turd, will assemble in the UK town of Woodstock for the 4th European Political Community Summit. It was in Woodstock that the Catholic Queen (Bloody) Mary I imprisoned the Protestant Queen Elizabeth I, and it is there that the globalists are/were to act out a key event in the phony, scripted war between the “Catholic Commies” and the “Protestant Nazionists” that is supposedly raging within the House of Windsor and the West at large. In a “fire sacrifice” scripting, the assembled leaders will be slaughtered so “Commie Antichrist” Prince William can briefly become king before being defeated by “Nazionist Antichrist” Prince Harry and his pals; in a “mass arrest” scripting, they will transition straight to King Harry.

Over the coming hours/day, I’ll take you on a tour of the rich occult sub-narrative that underlies this planned event. Then we can watch together as they bail on the plan and nothing happens. Kabbalists are nothing if not reliable cowards…

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 17th are now up. They contain key occult scripting cues — highlighted in red — that pertain to what’s planned for 12 Tammuz. Here’s are some important ones — ones that point to a “fire sacrifice” scripting that gives rise to “Antichrist William”…

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIME) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date:  25 June 2018 = 12 Tammuz

Numbers: 7/17 (inclusive) – 7/18

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – It began when Hamas launched a surprise attack (2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel – Wikipedia) on southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. Date: 7 October 2023, months, 11 days  [911] or 40 weeks 5 days ago [45, Trump’s number

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIMEThe Times of Israel) – Date: 25 – 28 June 2018, 6 years, 23 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyssUsage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).

Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites].

(From the beginning of his trip to Israel to the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war (the initial Hamas attack), 1930 days [Strong’s Hebrew 1930. ho: ah! , NASB Translation alas2 Occurrences in Amos 5:16 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be wailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!’ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.

Western Wall (Wikipedia) (Hebrew: הַכּוֹתֶל הַמַּעֲרָבִי, romanized: HaKotel HaMa’aravi, lit. ’the western wall’, often shortened to the Kotel or Kosel), known in the West as the Wailing Wall, and in Islam as the Buraq Wall.)

Ken’s Note: William visited the Wailing Wall and prayed for world peace on the fourth day of his trip, 28 June 2018, so the 623 Apollyon/gatherer cue will occur again this weekend. This means that if the Kabbalists run a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario, the fourth day “Angelic” Arrival will happen on Saturday or Sunday. And on that fourth day, they could script the opening of the Gate to Hell, the gathering of the Christians by the “fallen angels” in a fake Rapture, and the start of the 150-day Torment of Humanity. The Torment would reach its final day on December 17, which is Saturnalia and Day 7 of Essene Hanukkah (the Hoshana Rabbah of “Hanukkah as Sukkot“) — a good day to bring in Prince Harry.

Also keep an eye out for scenarios involving Bashar Assad, Ali Khamenei, and a plane crash that kills a VIP (possibly a Russian).

~ MORE ~

Be advised that the danger day of 12 Tammuz will begin in Jerusalem tomorrow after 7:45 PM local time / 5:45 PM London time / 9:45 AM Las Vegas time (where Joe Biden will be). And 12 Tammuz will begin locally in London tomorrow after 9:09 PM / 1:09 PM Las Vegas time. Biden is scheduled to leave Las Vegas at 4:50 PM local time.

So if the Kabbalists aim to fulfill their prophecy of (New) Rome’s destruction by launching Operation Blackjack or the Three Days of Darkness before all the leaders arrive in Woodstock — while also hitting Joe Biden while he is still in Sin City — the fireworks would start between 9:45 AM and 4:50 PM Las Vegas time tomorrow. In Woodstock, that’s 5:45 PM July 17 to 12:50 AM July 18.

WARNING (15 July 2024): Joe Biden will be in Sin City (Las Vegas) on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday he’ll speak at the 115th NAACP National Convention (blacks), and on Wednesday at the UnidosUS Annual Conference (Hispanics). This will provide a scriptable opportunity for “the Democrats to steal Trump’s thunder” by staging another Las Vegas Mass Shooting blamed on “MAGA retaliation for the attempt on Trump’s life.” They could then send their Black Lives Matter-type groups back into the streets to start a race war.

Also, my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 16th reveal that it is the anniversary of the Trinity nuclear test, the New York release of The Dark Knight Rises, the founding of Washington DC, and JFK Jr’s plane crash. This means “God’s Wrath against Biden and America’s sins” through the Three Days of Darkness is also scriptable.

NOTE: Reports are emerging that Trump will announce his VP pick today, which means they’ve probably abandoned JFK Jr. already. So Junior may be relegated to the Truth Tsunami spokesman role instead of VP (when he finally emerges). See the paragraph at the bottom of today’s update.

~ later ~

VP JD? Really??? They’ve thrown their plans in reverse and stepped on the gas. Tomorrow we’ll make sure they stay in reverse all the way through July 18.

(15 July 2024) – What will Thor’s Day Bring: Operation Blackjack, VP JFK Jr., VP Tulsi Gabbard, or VP RFK Jr.?

Our world is run by a cult of very strange people. If you doubt this, just pull a dollar bill from your wallet and take a look at the bizarre symbolism found on it. And then have a look at the weird Masonic art you find outside government buildings. It’s all tied to Jewish mysticism — the Kabbalah — and the ancient mystery religions that came before it. And it’s all a bunch of made-up gypsy bullsh*t (with a modicum of spiritual truth mixed-in to make it palatable).

I tell you this because I’m going to show you the occult (hidden) side of what the globalists are trying to do this week. Be sure to read the sidebar of this webpage — which you’ll find at the bottom if you’re using a cell phone — for more of an explanation on how these Kabbalist clowns operate.

So let’s get started now by looking at the surface manifestations of their silly plot…

Even before Trump got his piercing on Saturday, the press were building up the importance of his July 18 acceptance speech…

…from The Hill. Here is an excerpt…

It’s going to be one of the most important speeches Donald Trump has ever made.

Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican convention next week will be seen by tens of millions, or more. It’s the former president’s chance to set the stage for his election. If he hits a home run, he could stretch his lead to a near-insurmountable level. If he blows it, he could lose everything – the presidency, his money and his freedom.

Now that “Trump has so dramatically and defiantly faced death by an assassin’s bullet,” the importance of the speech has risen exponentially. And look at what he’s telegraphing about it…

…from The Guardian

What better way is there to “bring the whole country together” than to share his nomination speech with a Democratic icon who survived his own “Deep State” assassination attempt, John F. Kennedy Jr.? By bringing JFK back on the world stage now, they would instantly snap rank-and-file Democrats out of the current dark days of Biden and the age of shrill leftist demagoguery and return them to the days of John F. Kennedy and the Age of Camelot

The term “Camelot” is often used to describe [John F. Kennedy’s] presidency, reflecting both the mythic grandeur accorded Kennedy in death and powerful nostalgia for that era of American history. According to Richard Dean Burns and Joseph M. Siracusa, the most popular theme surrounding Kennedy’s legacy is its replay of the legend of King Arthur and Camelot from medieval England. In an interview following Kennedy’s death, his widow Jacqueline mentioned his affection for the Broadway musical Camelot and quoted its closing lines: “Don’t let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief, shining moment that was known as Camelot.” Critics, especially historians, have mocked the Camelot myth as a distortion of Kennedy’s actions, beliefs, and policies. However, in the public memory, the years of Kennedy’s presidency are still seen as a brief, brilliant, and shining moment.

It is important to note that the concept of “Camelot” stems from the legends about King Arthur, the mythical King of Britain. And this is where the occult elements surrounding the Republican National Convention and the European Political Community Summit come into play. We’ll look at those in the next installment.

By the way, if we push them out of doing the “JFK Jr. reveal” this week, watch for Trump to name Democrat Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate. I have documented the globalists’ grooming of her to join a “reconciliation” ticket with a Republican for years on this blog. It would be said that “Trump’s brush with death convinced him of the need to choose a Democrat as his VP in order to heal the divide.” RFK Jr. would be the second fallback.

NOTE (15 July 2024): Today I had a commitment I had to keep, so tomorrow I’ll begin my in-depth coverage of the intended endgame of the assassination show. Here are the basics of what I’m seeing…

As I pointed out in yesterday’s first update — written before Trump got his ear pierced by the Secret Service — the Kabbalists have arranged for a European Political Community Summit outside London on July 18, the same day Trump is scheduled to give his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. So this assassination attempt with Vincent Fusca in attendance may be scripted as “Trump’s ‘enough is enough’ moment with the Communist Deep State” that precedes the public return of JFK Jr. during the July 18 speech. And the globalists have the option of scripting either a big attack on the Summit (and possibly the entire West) that forestalls the speech or the “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” psyop to precede the speech.

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult side of the Trump assassination show and Monday the 15th are now up. And today’s new information has been moved below the pictures. It is the section in blue.

(13-14 July 2024) – LOL!!! These fu*king clowns! Is that “Vincent Fusca” (JFK Jr. in disguise) I see standing behind Trump during today’s “assassination attempt”?…

…from X. Here’s a clear indicator of orchestration: after the Secret Service take Trump to the ground, the camera doesn’t focus on him; it instead moves up to show Fusca. I’ll tell you why later.

Here is a photo of Fusca from a mainstream “promote by bashing” article…

…from The Independent

It’s important to keep in mind that the entire alt-media and mainstream media know about Vincent Fusca. In the past, there have been articles about him everywhere. And how many of them are noting his GLARING PRESENCE at the assassination show on Saturday? This serves to show you who is for real and who isn’t in the alt-media. Anyone who is for real would have spotted this immediately and reported it; those who aren’t are sticking to their assigned talking points. Our world is full of liars and sellouts (and cowards).

Based on what I’ve seen so far, this is what I think happened…

  • The shooter/patsy = real, probably an MKUltra-type programmed to miss close, and really dead.
  • The Secret Service letting him shoot = real, but not to kill Trump; to let the psyop unfold. Trump is the Kabbalists’ controlled opposition figure, and they want him to come out looking like a hero (just like Putin).
  • Trump’s ear injury = possibly administered by a Secret Service agent with a large gauge ear piercer while they covered him on the ground; that’s why the blood dribbled down his face to his mouth. I haven’t yet seen any photos of his ear injury before he went to the ground, and I wouldn’t trust any that surface now.
  • The controlled alt-media talking points: “The Deep State ordered Trump killed and Biden’s Secret Service tried to let it happen.”

This Trump “assassination attempt” was very clearly a staged event intended to foreshadow a scripted Trump savior move and the vindication of the QAnon psyop. I can’t wait till the Truth Tsunami hits and I can hear JFK Jr. talk about the trauma of watching Trump getting shot at like his father was. It’ll bring tears to the eyes of the soccer moms. Will he be Trump’s choice for VP like the mainstream article suggests?

~ MORE – 13 July 2024 ~

Isn’t it a remarkable “coincidence” that they staged an attempted Trump assassination and an appearance of JFK Jr. on the weekend before the Republican National Convention (July 15-18) begins and Trump chooses his running mate?

Given what is possible tomorrow (see yesterday’s update) and Israel’s strike on a Palestinian safe zone today, be sure to save an offline copy of this page (in case they try something exotic tomorrow, like a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario).

I’ve added some of my previous notes on Fusca / Kennedy below, and I’ll be adding more over the next 24 hours. In order to get the info to you more quickly, I’ll post links to it right here and add it to the update later: 1) JFK Jr. as the Fake Jewish Messiah or his cohort, 2) Donald Trump as “Batman” and its connection to JFK Jr’s supposed death, 3) JFK Jr. and the release of the remaining JFK assassination files, and 4) JFK Jr. and Trump as World Savior.

~ Previous Notes ~

Here is an excerpt from my 16 October 2020 update titled The Ultimate October Surprise: Will JFK Jr. reemerge on October 30 to deliver Trump a landslide victory?


Back in my 16-17 May update, I brought up a video from the Q-Anon disinformation front that establishes the backstory for [JFK Jr’s] return…

The video has since been deleted by “Big Data’s purge of Q-Anon,” but it suggested that JJ had faked his death and gone undercover to “fight the evil Cabal that killed his father and was trying to kill him.” And it pointed to someone known as Vincent Fusca as being the persona he adopted to hide his identity when in public. This Vincent Fusca is a big Trump supporter who was shown in the video attending one of Trump’s rallies. Here is something I wrote about it in the 19 May update…

Getting back to the Qanon video about JFK Jr, a reader has suggested that the elements that show Vincent Fusca and his companion may have been deep-faked. While this is possible, I consider it unlikely for the following reason: JFK Jr. really would be the ideal choice for the Truth Tsunami spokesman. Think about it…

The Truth Tsunami revelations will be absolutely devastating to the Democratic Party, so if the globalists have a Republican or conservative do the narration, many Democrats will see it as just another partisan attack and close their minds to the revelations. But if a Democratic Party icon like JFK Jr. does the narration, they will be open to hearing what he has to say. And Republicans will accept the narrative because it confirms all of their suspicions about the Democrats.

On top of this, JFK Jr.’s involvement in the “takedown of the Cabal” will bring satisfaction to all Americans that “the people who murdered JFK have finally been brought to justice.” And offering emotional closure is a powerful weapon of manipulation. The abstract concept of the “Deep State” would be made real and believable when they’re identified as “the bastards who assassinated President Kennedy” — “the bastards who finally got what was coming to them.”

Another notable thing about Vincent Fusca are the online rumors that he was in a car crash in his “Trump-mobile” van last month, which may or may not have killed him (there are conflicting accounts)…

…from YouTube

From the graphics presented in the video, I was able to track down two reports of the accident, neither of which named who was involved…

…from Facebook (top) and WTAE (bottom)

Interestingly, this September 27 car crash happened just hours before Yom Kippur…

…from Google

Yom Kippur… also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism…

According to Jewish tradition, God inscribes each person’s fate for the coming year into a book, the Book of Life, on Rosh Hashanah, and waits until Yom Kippur to “seal” the verdict. – from Wikipedia

So what verdict was sealed for Vincent Fusca that day? Did he die, or will he show up at the end of this month to point the finger of blame at Biden and stand beside Trump? If it’s the latter, remember what I wrote in the 18 July update:

…be advised that if “John-John” really is alive, he has unquestionably sold out to the Kabbalists who killed his father, and that makes him a real piece of sh*t. Fu*k that pathetic worm and the garbage he’ll be feeding the sheep. It’s better to die as a man than live as a worm.


Here’s a previous update about the QAnon video from 16-17 May 2020


A reader sent me a URL which linked to a page on containing ten propaganda videos from the Qanon disinfo front. Have a look at the tenth video; I think you’ll find it quite interesting…

…from YouTube (The screenshot shows JFK Junior’s wife at a Trump rally in disguise.)

The video suggests that JFK Jr. will be the spokesman for the “good guys” after the mass arrests take place, so it looks like he will be the “trusted face” of the Truth Tsunami PSYOP in the US. And the video also shows the absurd stunts the globalists have staged to provide building blocks for their cartoonish narrative. Having JFK Jr. attend Trump rallies in prosthetic makeup? How remarkably hacky and juvenile. Who do they have scripting this thing? Disney??

After spending decades hammering people with negative programming about “conspiracy theories” and “tin foil hats,” the globalists are going to present the public with the most ridiculously over-the-top conspiracy theory they’ve ever heard. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.


(13 July 2024) – The Kabbalists are currently planning big trouble for July 17-18

It should be noted that the globalists have arranged for the entire European Political Community (including Volodymyr Zelensky and the head of NATO) to gather for slaughter outside London on July 18, the same day Trump is scheduled to give his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. I’ve found a number of occult elements related to both event locations and the timing, so mischief is definitely planned. Details after the weekend.

Expanded NOTE (12 July 2024): Biden’s last visit to Renaissance High School happened on 9 March 2020, just two days before the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. His visit there today is bad jewju.

~ MORE ~

If trouble is meant to follow two days after Biden’s visit to Renaissance High School (like it did in March of 2020 with the COVID pandemic declaration), a big event will come on July 14. So after checking what that event might be, I found out that Al Aqsa Mosque was closed on 15 March 2020 “on account of COVID, the Zionist biological terrorist attack.” And July 14 marks exactly 226 weeks since that occurred. 226 is the numerical cue that has been given for the Hezbollah attack on Israel, so keep an eye out for such an attack — or its Peace Path opposite, a ceasefire deal — on the 14th. If it occurs after sunset in Israel, it will happen on 9 Tammuz, the day the Babylonians breached Jerusalem’s walls in 423 BC

…from X

(12 July 2024) – When will the other shoe drop on Joe Biden? Today in Detroit, perhaps?

Joe Biden’s resignation, incapacitation, removal, or death can be scripted any day now. And that being the case, I’ve found some interesting things concerning his campaign stop in Detroit today…

President Joe Biden has been here before.

The Democrat will step into familiar territory when he visits Detroit Friday, July 12. Biden plans to deliver remarks at 6 p.m. to a crowd at Renaissance High School, campaign officials said.

It’s not his first time at Renaissance High, located about 10 miles northwest of Comerica Park. He last visited the school in early March 2020, days before the COVID-19 pandemic led to the discontinuation of such public gatherings for months. – from

Interestingly, this high school was built on the former site of Sinai Hospital, and its mascot is the phoenix

…from the school website

It is also 98% black and within the stomping grounds of the “Michigan Militia” and other such fed-manipulated paramilitary groups. So if the Kabbalists want to go with a staged “white supremacist attack” that ignites a staged race war, it is a good target for the DHS’ false-flaggers. And the Wikipedia page on the Michigan Militia notes “Millennialism” as part of their ideology, which could result in “prophecy-believing Christians / Christian doomsday cultists” being blamed for the attack — just like they were in Operation Blackjack

So will the other shoe drop on Biden while he is among the phoenixes? Does his return there signal the impending launch of the next pandemic psyop? Stay tuned to the “End Times” Show to find out.

NOTE (11 July 2024): Reader Sohei offers a notable observation about Biden’s hastily arranged 6:30 PM press conference today and the fact that many news sources are calling it the “Big Boy” press conference

Interesting term ‘Big Boy’ makes one think of the Oppenheimer film (your notes), or the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant being discussed at the UN today, or Biden could just bomb out in front of the world with his press conference, also possible for a strike on NATO anywhere (your notes).

To me, “Big Boy” sounds like a cross between the “Big Ivan” and “Little Boy” nukes. So will “the Russians” nuke Washington during the press conference, or did Biden’s aides set him up to humiliate himself so he’ll finally drop out of the election race (and perhaps even his presidency)?

By the way, with the press conference being scheduled for 6:30 PM EDT, I decided to check number 630 in Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups. Look at the results…

630 Hebrew – Aspatha: a son of Haman [an enemy of Israel who was hanged when the Jews destroyed their enemies in Esther 9]
630 Greek – apoluó (usage): I release, let go, send away, divorce, am rid; mid: I depart.

So it looks like Biden’s Jewish chief of staff is letting Biden go tonight, one way or another.

~ from this morning ~

Looking at the UN General Assembly’s schedule for today, they’ve moved war crimes to the first item of business and Ukraine to the second. And as they begin meeting on war crimes, remember that this week Russia reportedly attacked a Ukrainian children’s hospital and Israel attacked a UN-operated school in Gaza where children were at play. So watch for the possibility that the General Assembly will move against Russia’s UN membership and move against Israel under the “Uniting for Peace” resolution (which allows members of the General Assembly to take action without the approval of the Security Council).

If they do act today, the consequences could be almost immediate or come on July 13.

WARNING (9-10 July 2024): Assuming we get through the night okay, the globalists will try again to run today’s scenario on July 11, the final day of the NATO Summit. The Russians hold the rotating presidency of the Security Council this month, so during this morning’s emergency meeting, “the West” arranged for Russia to…

So today, the UN General Assembly scheduled its 99th Plenary on July 11 to address the situation in Ukraine and war crimes


This means the current “West-controlled” UN will have another opportunity to neuter Russia’s membership on Thor’s Day. And the scripted disastrous results of this action will set the stage for the after-war reform of the destroyed UN into the multilateral / multipolar BRICS UN/NWO.

~ MORE – 10 July 2024 ~

Israel could come under massive attack as soon as 5PM EDT (midnight in Jerusalem) today

If the globalists intend to go for it tomorrow, the Valaam Tribulation timeline may be active. And if you count the days of July 11 through August 17 (the end date of that timeline), there are 38 (corresponding to the number of years Israel wandered and died in the desert before entering the Holy Land). So watch for something very big to happen to Israel over the next 24 hours — they may be creating the pretext for the disaster with their actions today.

Reader Sohei has an interesting idea on what the Israelis will do to bring judgment against themselves: blow up Anglican-run Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City, which is reopening on July 11 “following reassurances from the Israeli army.” With such an attack, Israel would join Russia in being in hot water with the UN over hospital attacks on the day the General Assembly meets on war crimes. In their feigned outrage, the UN could then take action against both nations. Ditto with Hezbollah against Israel and “its Western enablers.”

~ MORE ~

Later in the day, we’ll look at the possibility that they’ll send Putin to Valaam tomorrow for his staged death from a Ukraine-NATO missile/drone strike. We’ll also look at how Valaam connects to Jerusalem and the Antichrist ritual Putin performed in Israel.

~ later ~

Vladimir Putin has made many visits to the Valaam Monastery, with a number of them coming on July 11, which is the day that celebrates its founders. Within the script of the Kabbalists’ “End Times” stageplay, the Valaam complex may play the role of the “Temple of the Antichrist” — his spiritual center. And it lies roughly 40 miles away from the border of NATO-member Finland, so it’s not hard to imagine what kind of trouble could be scripted if Putin shows up there tomorrow (exactly 7 Gregorian years after he started a Tribulation timeline there).

One part of the wider Valaam complex, the Resurrection Skete, connects Valaam to Jerusalem…

Resurrection skete is one of the points on the map of Valaam that reproduce the Holy Land…

The skete is also known as New Jerusalem and Red (all its buildings are made of red brick)…

The Holy of Holies of the Resurrection Skete is a copy of the Cuvuklia, the domed chapel in the Jerusalem Church of the Resurrection of Christ, better known as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Here is stored a particle of the Tomb of Jesus, brought from the Holy Land. – from

With this in mind, it should be noted that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the seat of Theophilos III, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem and Zion, who has visited Valaam as well. It was Theophilos III who led Putin through his Antichrist ritual in Israel by which he took the place of Jesus. Here are two previous updates combined and modified to tell the story…


Here is Theophilos III visiting the Valaam Monastery in Russia…

Guess who else hangs out there

And here is Putin meeting with Theophilos III in Jerusalem

This is what the two of them did together…

“During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre

Entering the church, Vladimir Putting kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud.

After that the president was taken to the Kuviklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour.

Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross

In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born

Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters.

The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born.” – From

Take a moment to think about this ritual Putin went through. It started at NIGHT at the places associated with Christ’s death at his First Coming, then that NIGHT ended in the MORNING when Vladimir Putin received the Star of Bethlehem and lit a candle at Christ’s birthspot. That’s a helluva symbolic ritual, was it not? Putin returned Christ’s light to the world after a long night — he is the resurrected Christ.


My beloved partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 11th are now up. Here are two that got my attention…

• Genesis 7:11: In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. [This cue supports the scripting of the start of the “Rain of Fire” on 7/11.]

• Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11‘ with ‘7/11(CNNYouTube – CNN)

CRITICAL INFORMATION (9 July 2024): Be advised that there is an indicator that suggests the globalists may go forward this time. I intend that today’s warning (below) will tip the balance.

As I’ve previously warned, “the West” may neuter Russia’s UN membership today. Look at what reader Sohei found on that…

The President of the United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis, said that he had not seen a single document confirming that Russia legitimately holds the seat of a permanent member of the UN Security Council with a veto. – from

And if that happens and Russia launches its long-warned nuclear attack on NATO decision-making centers (capitals)” today, look at what else Sohei found will be happening at 5 PM (an attack time I specifically mentioned in today’s warning)…

U.S. President Joe Biden welcomes the heads of NATO member states to Washington on Tuesday for their annual summit, Reuters reported…

Aides said Biden’s opening speech, expected at 5 p.m. Eastern Time (9 p.m. GMT), will emphasize what his administration sees as a key achievement: a stronger and more cohesive NATO under Washington’s leadership, with more members and a determination to meet its collective security needs. – from

WARNING (9 July 2024): What is/was planned for today is designed to hit the public like a bolt out of the blue. The emergency meeting on Russia is now on the UN Security Council’s Programme of Work, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at it (unless you ran across the relatively few articles about it in the news)…


And longtime readers understand why they chose the words peace and security

…from 1 Thessalonians on

Something my partner Onna discovered should also be noted: today is the Catholic feast day of Our Lady of Peace / Notre Dame de Paix, a day devoted to the Virgin Mary. You may remember that on 25 March 2022, Pope Francis “consecrated all humanity — especially Russia and Ukraine — to the Immaculate Heart of Mary”

The Pope’s renewal of the Consecration came in response to the war in Ukraine and at the request of the Blessed Virgin Mary made in an apparition at Fatima on 13 July 1917

He said the renewal of the Act of Consecration is meant to consecrate the Church and all the whole of humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine, to Mary’s Immaculate Heart…

Pope Francis recalled that God chose the Virgin Mary to change history by beginning a new story of “salvation and peace“…

The Pope went on to reflect on Mary’s encounter with the angel Gabriel at the Annunciation, in which God invites her to become the mother of the Son of God

May she now take our own journey into her hands. May she guide our steps through the steep and arduous paths of fraternity and dialogue, along the way of peace.” – from

So will “the Holy Virgin act today to bring peace and salvation to Russia, Ukraine and all humanity by destroying Mystery Babylon, the driver of the war”?

It should also be remembered that on the day the Second Great American Eclipse Xed-out America, it was the Feast of the Annunciation, mentioned by Pope Francis during the Consecration.

The UN meeting begins at 10 AM New York time, and they have until 12:48 PM to start the fireworks before Jerusalem exits 3 Muharram / 3 Tammuz. But if they choose to time the event by New York time, they have until 8:29 PM, which would allow them the opportunity to start at 5:00 PM (when midnight strikes in Jerusalem). The coverage I’ve given their plot should be more than adequate to deter it, though, unless they are in such a weak position that they have no choice but to go for it now.

~ MORE ~

Today is the Islamic day of 3 Muharram, and Onna also notes that it is the Chinese lunar day of Sixth Month 4, 2024, year of the Dragon

• Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) Release date: 21 July 2023 (United States and United Kingdom) = 6th Month 4, year of the Rabbit = Muharram 3, 1445 AH

• Charter of the United Nations (Wikipedia) – Effective: 24 October 1945, 4107 weeks ago [Strong’s Hebrew 417. elgabish: hail, NASB Translation – hailstones – 3 Occurrences – Ezekiel 13:1113:1338:22

~ MORE ~

A few days ago, a reader showed me this article about a coming fake religious event from Clif High, a guy who does technomage divination using his supposed “Web Bots” computer program. The article featured a notable picture and paragraph…

We have a tendency to suspect it will occur between the 12th of July and the 17th of July. It may be wise to take what precautions one may, and specifically if you do go tripping suddenly while there are Giant Virgins and Angels in the sky, may want to wait until a few days after you come down before chopping off body parts & joining new cults.

July 12 would be Day 4 of the 4-day Three Days of Darkness, the day the Merkabahs would land. And July 13 is the anniversary of the key apparition of Mary at Fatima. So watch for everyone’s favorite Ever-Virgin to show up if the globalists go for it. And there is one scenario by which she might bring “peace” instead of “judgment, then peace”: through a “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” psyop.

The New Age disinfo guys have long promoted the idea of “THE EVENT” — a time when “positive ET and human forces” would intervene to save the world — which would last about two weeks. It could be triggered by a staged attempt at a nuclear attack today. And if you count two weeks from today, you land on Tzom Tammuz, a Jewish fast day that offers a good arrival date for the Fake Jewish Messiah.

While I don’t consider this a particularly likely scenario, I decided to cover it “just in case.” Today is the end of a candidate Tribulation timeline after all.

Twice-Expanded NOTE (8 July 2024): I’ve found the media schedule for the NATO Summit, and it shows that the official leaders’ meetings don’t start until the 8 AM hour on the 10th. So most of the leaders will likely trickle into New Rome — Washington DC, the capital of Third Rome — over the course of Tuesday the 9th. This will create the perfect conditions for artificially fulfilling the Kabbalist prophecy of Rome’s destruction tomorrow…

“the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.”

Is he hinting at the destruction of Mystery Babylon? He notes that not all kings will be destroyed. Of those remaining, he says: “These will commence anew to make other wars. From that time the Messiah will begin to declare himself, and round him there will be gathered many nations and many hosts from the uttermost ends of the earth.” – from (a prophecy propaganda site of the late Tom Horn)

Watch for the possibility of something happening to Putin (a disappearance or seeming death) tomorrow. Then watch for his “resurrection.”

~ from earlier ~

Reader Sohei has passed along the news that the UN Security Council will be convening an emergency meeting on Russia tomorrow

So watch for the possibility that they’ll play a card they’ve been holding back: stripping Russia of its UN membership or voting rights on the pretext that Russia never reapplied for UN membership after the Soviet Union fell. This would trigger “Judgment Day” while the UN and NATO are meeting tomorrow. I wrote about a similar scenario last year: “…shock the world with a “war atrocity” and trigger the UN’s “suspension” of Russia’s “illegal” membership…”

For a Kabbalist, what is the best city in the world? – AtroCity.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 9th are now up.

Links and important information have been added to the warning below. A particularly hazardous moment to watch today is 5 PM Washington DC time (midnight in Jerusalem).

Twice-Enhanced WARNING (8 July 2024): Is the whole Western World about to “have a case of the Mondays”?…

…from the Putin-worshipping controlled alt-media site Zero Hedge

My ever-brilliant partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that from sunset of July 8 to sunset of July 9 is the Islamic day of 3 Muharram 1446, which marks the 7-year Muslim anniversary of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign” that occurred on 3 Muharram 1439 / 23 September 2017. So 3 Muharram can be used to mark the end of the “7-year Revelation 12 Tribulation.”

Since 3 Muharram is also 3 Tammuz on the Jewish calendar this year, the end of the Tribulation would be marked by the Three Days of Darkness scenario I wrote about at the top of the 6 July Critical Information update below. And 3 Muharram/Tammuz begins in Jerusalem at 7:48 PM local time / 12:48 PM Washington DC time TODAY.

So if the Kabbalists still hope to salvage the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 30th death anniversary, watch for big events today (while Biden and Harris are at the White House together and the UN Security Council are meeting about the situation in the Middle East) and/or tomorrow (the first day of the July 9-11 NATO Summit in Washington DC, which will celebrate the alliance’s 75th anniversary). The start of THE Big Event could happen this evening (DC time), when some but not all of the NATO leaders have arrived in Washington (to fulfill this Kabbalist prophecy, with Washington playing the role of “New” Rome, the capital city of Third Rome).

Pondering what’s before us today, I’m seeing the recent election results in a new light: the “shockingly large” leftist victories in the UK and France serve to underscore a theme being put out by the “communist revolutionaries destroying the West” — the theme established in (“Obama sockpuppet”) Biden’s interview last week…

“Only an Act of God can remove us.”

So the Kabbalists now intend to script “God’s answer to their hubris” with an artificial 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario. That scenario begins with a “rain of fire” that lasts until late in the Third Day, which is when you may see Merkabahs in the sky. And on the fourth day, the Merkabahs will land to either harvest the Christians or start the move towards the NWO.

Speaking of NATO’s 75th anniversary and Revelation 12, let me remind you of something I wrote in the 18 June update about the number 75 and its connection to Revelation 12


…look at what I found when I looked up the number 75 on

The English word “dragon,” found thirteen times in the book of Revelation (Revelation 12:3 – 4, 7, 9, 13, 16 – 17, 13:2, 4, 11, 16:13 and 20:2), is derived from the Greek drakon (Strong’s Concordance #G1404). Dragons in the New Testament are symbolic of God’s chief adversary Satan the devil.

>>> And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon [China], having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born (Revelation 12:3 – 4, KJV). <<<

The Gematria, or total numeric value of the Greek word for dragon, is 4 + 100 + 1 + 20 + 800 + 50 for a value of 975. This total is 13 times 75. Thirteen is the number of sin, lawlessness and rebellion against God [so 13 relates to the “Man of Sin” in the Bible, the Antichrist, who is being played by Vladimir Putin – Ken].

The English word “white” is found 75 times in 66 King James verses. It is written the most in the book of Leviticus (20 times) followed by Revelation (19) and then Genesis (5).

White generally symbolizes purity, righteousness, holiness, wisdom and dedication to God. This color is used extensively in Revelation 19.

>>> And to her (the bride of Christ) was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints . . . And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war

And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean (Revelation 19:8, 11, 14, KJV). <<<

White” ties in to the occult theme, which features Albion and New Albion (where Prince Harry, the next King of England, resides). And the Revelation 19 part talks about Jesus’s return and victory over the Beast, which Putin — playing the “Final Antichrist” — will artificially fulfill at the end of the First Tribulation. So tomorrow could be the day he is caught up before God (in his case, Satan) to receive his heavenly army (of “fallen angels and demons” = UFOs and their occupants).”


(7 July 2024) – Hmmm… the press are reporting another surprisingly large election victory for the “left” — this time in France. But that’s what happens when you don’t stage a big event to start a stampede to the right before an election. If we see them strike a ceasefire deal in Gaza soon, the Kabbalist retreat from the current timeframe will be further solidified.

Expanded CRITICAL INFORMATION (6 July 2024): Be advised that there is also a chance that the Kabbalists will run a Three Days of Darkness scenario featuring a third-day Fake ET Arrival on July 7-9 or July 9-11. July 9 is 3 Tammuz this year, which will mark the 30th anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s death and is the anniversary of “Joshua’s Stopping of the Sun“. And July 11 is the 5 Tammuz anniversary of “Ezekiel’s Vision of the Chariot” (a UAP/UFO). Are you ready for the Rebberrection?

~ MORE ~

It is on July 11 when the Kabbalist storyline can go exotic. In the Hollywood predictive programming film Knowing, it was Merkabahs (“Chariots” / “Ezekiel’s Wheels“) that showed up in the end to take the chosen children away before the Earth was consumed by fire. So the ET arrival on July 11 could be scripted as the Fake Christian Rapture that harvests Christians before the Fire Judgment begins. And this is where the Tribulation timeline I mentioned in the 5 July alert could come into play.

That timeline starts with the “Great Conjunction” of 21 December 2020 and reached its Day 1260 midpoint on 2 June 2024, the day the pale green “Devil Comet” made its closest approach to Earth. Before the comet’s arrival, I noted that it could be narrated by the Kabbalists as the Pale Horse of Revelation appearing in the sky as a 40-day Jonah Warning to the Earth.” And July 11 marks the 40th day of its appearance.

So after the Church is harvested by the Fake ETs, the Kabbalists could act-out the 40-day Fire Judgment and 150-day Torment of Humanity concurrently, with the Fire Judgment ending on August 19 (Tu B’Av) and the Torment ending on December 7 (Pearl Harbor Day, a Prince Harry cue).

It is on December 7 that they could “cut short” the timeline with a Nazionist victory, or let it continue on as a communist victory that lasts until Day 1290 is hit on 14 December 2027 (Day 7 of Essene Hanukkah, which is Hoshana Rabbah of “Hanukkah as Sukkot”) and Day 1335 is hit on 28 January 2028 (the day the “greatest Roman emperor,” Trajan, began his reign — this would be Putin).

So which timeline will the Kabbalists be running, the “Bastille Day” Tribulation, the “Great Conjunction” Tribulation, or both somehow? It remains to be seen. But you are now armed with the key dates, so if they go forward with it this week, you have a map of what’s ahead. Be sure to save an offline copy of this page.

More links to come later.

NOTE (6 July 2024): What will be the scripted fate of the 7/7 French Revolution?

It is quite remarkable that on the day the “Bastille Day” Tribulation timeline (outlined in the alert below) reaches its Day 1290 — a day that’s supposed to bring a pivotal event which will result in a positive development 45 days later — the French people will be storming the ballot box to unseat the “Jupiterian” Macron. This “coincidence” suggests that years of premeditation went into the “shock” announcement and timing of this “snap election” in France.

Should the French be scripted to succeed in this New Revolution and produce a result that allows the “far-right” to form a government, there will be a key consequence that the media are already telegraphing: a partial pulling-back of support from the Ukraine war effort. And this “French political shift to the right that breaks Western unity” would happen on the eve of a July 9-11 NATO Summit in Washington DC that’s devoted to Ukraine (Zelensky the Tap-Dancing War Clown will be attending).

So tomorrow is a day that’s pregnant with possibility. But in what direction are/were the Kabbalists aiming to take the storyline?…

  • In a War Path scripting, the commies would be narrated as “launching the ‘by any means necessary’ phase of their global communist revolution by disrupting the French elections and collapsing the West with a massive wave of terror attacks.”
  • In a Peace Path scenario, tomorrow would be the day that everything starts to fall apart for the commies, leading to a major “positive” development during the Hebrew month of Av.

Let’s see how it turns out.

Edits and links to come.


Upon doing further precautionary timeline checks on tomorrow, I found a rather solid Tribulation timeline…

  • It began with Macron hosting Trump for Bastille Day festivities in France on July 14-15 2017. Bastille Day commemorates a major event, the Storming of the Bastille, in the French Revolution.
  • It reached its Day 1260 midpoint desecration on Christmas Day 2020 / Asara B’Tevet, when Pope Francis locked all but 100 Christians out of the Midnight Mass (normally attended by 10,000) “on account of COVID.”
  • It reaches Day 1290 (after the midpoint) tomorrow, when Biden will be in Philly and Pope Francis will be in Trieste, Italy (in the Balkans). His assassination there could be the Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment of World War 3.
  • It reaches Day 1335 on August 21 / 17 Av, the anniversary of the Hebron Massacre (Hebron is a Mike Pence cue), and potentially the third day of a Three Days of Darkness scenario that begins on Tu B’Av (15 Av).

This timeline favors a Nazionist victory during the month of Av (unless the scripting has Pence “selling out to the Commie Deep State, like he did on January 6”).

Links and more details after lunch.

~ from earlier today ~

File this one under “famous last words”…

…from the Drudge Report

(Twice-Enhanced Note – 6 July 2024) – The Kabbalists must have consulted one of their holy books, Hollywood Scriptwriting For Dummies, before concocting this one…

First, they hastily arranged a Biden campaign event — another one that wasn’t on his weekly scheduleON A SUNDAY AT A CHURCH in Philadelphia, the city where Barack Obama proclaimed the start of the American Communist Revolution.

Second, they arranged for him to say in an interview yesterday that he would step aside IF GOD TOLD HIM TO.

So what they’ve obviously planned for Biden on Sunday is a “divine revelation” or an “act of God” that will remove him from the presidential race. Will he wake up on Sunday from a “vision” and hand the campaign (and possibly his presidency) over to Kamala Harris? Will he have the vision at the church and then do the handover in Harrisburg later in the day? Will he keel over and “die suddenly,” thereby “dropping out”? Will he and/or Harris die in a plane crash or a “MAGA attack”? Watch for Harris to possibly accompany him on Sunday — that would be a key tell to what they’re up to.

It should also be noted that the Kabbalist numerologists have strongly identified Donald Trump with the number 7, especially multiple 7s. And Sunday is 7/7 of 2024, the day that marks the 1260th day (half of a 7-year Tribulation count) of the Democrats’ lawfare campaign against Trump (which began on 25 January 2021, five days after Biden’s inauguration)…

The House impeachment managers formally triggered the start of the impeachment trial on January 25 by delivering to the Senate the charge against Trump. – from the Second Impeachment of Donald Trump in Wikipedia

So if a single or double assassination “by MAGA” is part of the script tomorrow, expect them to attempt an arrest and imprisonment of Trump.

ALERT (5 July 2024): There is a pop-up assassination setup for Biden today in Madison, Wisconsin, where “X” marks the spot…

…pictured: the X-shaped Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin.

On the symbolism side, the city seal of Madison features the (X-shaped) Capitol building with a large glowing cloud behind it

…from Wikipedia. Two things that can create a large glowing cloud are a nuclear explosion and the impact of a kinetic weapon / “meteor” (which produces a brilliant impact flash).

Today marks the 88th day88 is the Nazi number — since the Second Great American Eclipse completed the Xing-out of America…

Today is also the day they’re trotting Dodderin’ Joe Biden out to Madison for a hastily arranged campaign eventone that wasn’t on his weekly schedule. He’ll be arriving there at 12:35 PM CDT, which is after darkness has fallen in Israel.

So today we face pretty much the same scenarios as yesterday. A Biden assassination at least, and a start of the Israel-Hezbollah War and Operation Blackjack at most. See the updates below for details.

BTW, the campaign event is scheduled for 1:15 PM CDT, which is 2:15 PM Washington DC time. And in Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 215 is “to become inexpressible light,” an occult cue for a nuclear explosion and/or death.

~ MORE ~

They are keeping the location of Biden’s “campaign appearance” under wraps, but I found one local newspaper that says it will occur at a “city middle school.” Undoubtedly, it will be a black school, which will give them the chance to act-out a “MAGA white supremacist attack” that kills Biden and scores of black children. And after the attack, a “black” woman (Kamala Harris) will take the presidency. Gee, I wonder if she’ll bring in a black woman as her VP — Michelle Obama perhaps?

~ later ~

It will happen at Sherman Middle School, a school that is 68% minority, primarily Latino and black (two key demographics for the Dems, and they’ve been losing ground to Trump in both), with 59% of students being “economically disadvantaged.”

NOTE (4 July 2024): The press are reporting exit polls that show the commies (Labour) consolidating power under commie King Charles. We’ll have to wait to see if this is a “Dewey Wins” situation, if there were “election irregularities,” or if we’re in a “Commies Win” Tribulation. I’ll have to check the days of the NATO Summit in Washington for timelines.

~ MORE ~

Upon doing timeline checks, I found a 4-day Three Days of Darkness timeline that starts today and ends on 7/7. It could be an independent timeline or part of the larger one that is/was to start this evening.

~ MORE ~

I’ve identified the next timeline; its elements were in my previous notes about June 2 and July 11. So if we get through tonight okay, they’ll try again on July 11 (the final day of the NATO Summit). In the timeline’s full form, the commies will run wild until 14 December 2027; in its abbreviated form, the Nazionists will make saving moves this year on Tu B’Av and Pearl Harbor Day. I’ll lay out all the details later.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 5th are now up.


Will today — Thor’s Day, the Fourth of July — be “Day X”?…

…from The New York Times (top) and (bottom)

These are the scripted motivations for the attacks that are/were planned for the Fourth of July…

1) The UK election will end at 10 PM local time / 5 PM Washington DC time. And after the voting stops, the exit polls will reveal the “far-right gains” before the official results are announced in the wee hours of Friday the 5th. So the time between the public finding out about Nigel Farage’s gains and the announcement of the official results will provide a “most excellent” window for scripting Operation Blackjack via Artemis. This timing will allow the patriot/constitutionalist (Nazionist) “saviors” (like future king Harry de Rothschild) to claim that “the commies blew up the country before the official results were ready in order to cling to power and complete their revolution by any means necessary.”

2) Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be together at the White House starting at 8 PM Washington DC time. Staging their “deaths” there would lead to House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican and Trump ally, ascending to the presidency — “something the communists cannot allow.” So this evening provides a “most excellent” window for scripting the start of the made-for-TV Second Civil War / Second American Revolution.

This is what I wrote about Johnson’s ascension back in the 28 May update…


The attack could be a Purge-style conventional assault featuring drones, fertilizer bombs and feds-in-MAGA-drag firing assault rifles or a “suitcase nuke” explosion, and it would leave House Speaker Mike Johnson as the inheritor of the presidency. You may have seen the news about Johnson visiting the Trump trial recently; note how the AP report was worded…

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson assailed the hush money case against Donald Trump Tuesday as an illegitimate “sham,” becoming the highest-ranking Republican to show up at court, embrace the former president’s claims of political persecution and attack the U.S. system of justice.

It was a remarkable moment in modern American politics: The House speaker amplifying Trump’s defense and turning the Republican Party against the federal and state legal systems that are foundational to the U.S. government and a cornerstone of democracy.

Johnson, who is second in line for the presidency, called the court system “corrupt.”

Can you see how this wording paints Johnson as an insurrectionist? It sets the stage for the civil war dynamic I wrote about in a previous update

…the Kabbalists could leave Speaker Johnson in place. And when they hit Biden and Harris, one of two things could happen…

  1. The Democrats could block him from taking office, claiming that he helped instigate the assassinations as part of a “far-right coup.” This would enrage the “political right,” sparking civil war.
  2. Johnson could take office, with the mainstream media screaming that he helped instigate the assassinations as part of a “far-right coup.” This would enrage the “political left,” sparking civil war.

Either way, Operation Blackjack would be triggered, with the Democrats blaming it on “MAGA / Christian domestic violent extremists and ISIS armed with Russian suitcase nukes” and the Republicans blaming it on “the Communist Deep State armed with Chinese / North Korean nukes.” Artemis would be the actual source of the explosions.

Be aware that there are no “good guys” on either the Democrat or Republican side; just Kabbalist Jews, Jesuit Catholics, and Freemasons carrying out their insane plan to remake the world in the most dimwitted and destructive way possible. Stupid. Fu*king. Monkeys.


All this being said, the likelihood that they’ll go through with the attacks is now greatly diminished. So this is just another “failed prediction” from Ken, the world’s worst journalist (or best quantum anti-historian)…

Expanded ALERT (3 July 2024): The Kabbalists may order the Hezbollah attack on Israel and the West as soon as Jerusalem enters July 5 at midnight, which is 5 PM of July 4 in Washington DC.

Israel just killed another Hezbollah leader, and July 5 on the Gregorian calendar is June 22 (6/22 or 22/6) on the Julian calendar (2:26 is the timing cue Hezbollah have given for the attack in a video). Remember that the Julian calendar is used by the Russian Orthodox Church, so it is one of the two “official” calendars of Vladimir Putin, the “Final Antichrist” (who is supposedly directing all this so he can rise to global emperorship). The Hebrew calendar is his other official calendar, which brings this occult nuclear cue to bear on 29 Sivan / July 5 (Jerusalem time).

~ MORE ~

Watch for suicide drone attacks on July 4

They’ve scheduled Biden and Harris to be together outside on the Fourth of July watching the fireworks at 9:09 PM Washington DC time. Upon seeing this, I immediately went to the Book of Revelation to check chapter 9, verse 9

The Fifth Trumpet

1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss. 2 The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.

3 And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them.

7 And the locusts looked like horses prepared for battle, with something like crowns of gold on their heads, and faces like the faces of men. 8 They had hair like that of women, and teeth like those of lions. 9 They also had thoraxes like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the roar of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. 10 They had tails with stingers like scorpions, which had the power to injure people for five months. 11 They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon.

12 The first woe has passed. Behold, two woes are still to follow. – Revelation 9 from

You know what a racket one drone makes; imagine the sound of a thousand released from locations in and around DC converging on the White House (using camera-based terrain mapping instead of jammable GPS or radio guidance). And these attacks could happen in various locations around the country.

So this could be the beginning of the 150-day (five prophetic month) Torment of Humanity scenario that starts with the faked opening of the Gate to Hell by CERN. And this grabbed my attention because of one of Onna’s notes on tomorrow

• On 18 June 2004 = 29 SivanCERN unveiled an unusual new landmark, a 2m tall statue of the Indian deity Lord Shiva (CERN, Shiva – Wikipedia)  [The God of Destruction], 20 Jewish years ago -> The number 20 (Bible Study) , which is one more than nineteen, is twice ten. It can convey a meaning of a complete or perfect waiting period.

It will be 29 Sivan in Jerusalem starting after 12:48 PM Washington DC time, and Washington will enter 29 Sivan after 8:37 PM.

More info to come tomorrow.

NOTE: There is a threat of globalist mischief during and after the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit. See the note and warnings below for details.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 3rd and Thursday the 4th are now up. Conventional terror attacks in the US and UK are scriptable for the Fourth of July, as is something much bigger; I’m pulling the countdown I’ve been running to the top…

D minus 0 DAYS (BST)
D = deadline to drive the UK and French electorates rightward with a scripted Big Event before the July 4 UK election.

In one scenario, watch for scripted “Muslim migrant” mischief during the European Council summit on June 27-28 — conveniently scheduled to immediately precede the June 30 first round of the French election.

Another scenario involves July 4 itself: it will mark the 88th day of the Second Great American Eclipse, which Xed-out America. So it would be a good day for the “Fourth Reich” to unleash Artemis to destroy the current world order (including the USA). This would start a 40-day Fire Judgment that ends on Tisha B’Av. Tisha B’Av is “the saddest day on the Jewish calendar,” so the Fake Jewish Messiah’s intervention on that day would “turn those Jewish frowns upside down.” And a 150-day Torment/Comforting of Humanity started on July 4 would end on Sigd, the Ethiopian Jewish holiday that comes 50 days after Yom Kippur — it is “Yom Kippur’s Pentecost.” It’s regarded as the date that “God first revealed himself to Moses,” which makes it a great day to mark the Fake Jewish Messiah‘s revelation and final victory (or the start of his messianic kingdom, the BRICS UN/NWO).

WARNING (2 July 2024): Conflict tracks for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit have been identified

Reader Sohei has pointed out that Belarus is to be granted full membership in the SCO at the beginning of their Summit (July 3)…

…from Interfax

And my partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that July 3 is Belarus’ Independence Day.

If you overlay this information with recent media reports about a Ukrainian military buildup along the Belarus border — along with speculation that this buildup will lead to an attack on Belarus — you begin to see the first track for conflict: a NATO-Ukraine attack on the SCO’s newest member during or shortly after the Summit. How will the SCO be scripted to respond?

For the second track, Sohei has noted that the Kabbalists are sending their shoe-shine boy Xi Jinping to Dushanbe, Tajikistan on July 4-6 (immediately after the Summit). Tajikistan is part of the Greater Khorasan region in which ISIS-K operates, is the nation where the 4 “ISIS-K” attackers of Crocus City in Moscow supposedly came from, and is the nation where CSTO are holding their Rubezh-2024 military exercise (on the Afghan border). So how will China and CSTO respond if Xi Jinping is “assassinated” by ISIS-K in Dushanbe?

Speaking of Dushanbe, have a look at this section from the SCO’s Wikipedia entry

In June 2014, in the Tajik capital Dushanbe, the idea was brought up to merge the SCO with the Collective Security Treaty Organization. However, as of late 2022, in the wake of Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, many SCO and even CSTO members had distanced themselves from military cooperation with Russia.

So will the distancing from military cooperation with Russia end, and this merger of the SCO and CSTO into a military alliance be forged in fire, by what happens in Belarus and Dushanbe between July 4 and 11?

NOTE (30 June – 1 July 2024): With Joe Biden on the ropes, Nigel Farage on the prowl in the UK, and Marine Le Pen’s “far-right” party reportedly doing well in today’s first round of the French election, the globalists can now narrate a “Red Panic” in the “Global Communist Deep State”…

…from Mint

And this supposed panic sets the stage for scripting the Nazionists’ use of Artemis to false-flag a “commie nuke attack” on the SCO Summit and the West in the next 72 hours (July 2-4, Astana time)…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Such an attack would allow the incoming Nazionist leaders to swoop in like saviors and mass arrest the commies, claiming “they blew up the world in order to cling to power and complete their Global Communist Revolution by any means necessary.” This “Day X” attack would allow the Nazionist New Order to begin with a clean slate.

~ MORE – 1 July 2024 ~

I’ve been trying to figure out the simplest way to present the information about how all of the candidate Tribulation timelines tie-in to what is/was planned for July 2-4. So I boiled it down to this…

If something really big and fiery happens on July 2-4, watch for significant follow-on events on one or both of the following days:

  1. Tisha B’Av (sundown of 12 August to sundown of 13 August, Jerusalem time or local time to the event). It could mark the end of a manufactured 40-day Fire Judgment scenario.
  2. Sigd (sundown of 29 November to sundown of 30 November). It could mark the end of a manufactured 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario, and it is a milestone date in two of the candidate Tribulation timelines.

They could run either the 40-day or 150-day scenario, or they can run them both concurrently. And watch for them to stage a 4-day Three Days of Darkness at the beginning or end of either scenario.

WARNING (28 June – 1 July 2024): THE SCO SUMMIT IS ALMOST CERTAINLY SCRIPTED TO BE HIT ON JULY 3-4 given the factors at play…

Since the July 3-4 scenario is closer at hand than the Paris Olympics scenario — and it’s all I can think about right now — I’ll begin my coverage of it today and return to the Paris Warning when the Olympics draw closer.

~ from yesterday – 28 June 2024 ~

My beloved partner Onnabugeisha has found a key clue to what’s planned for July 3-4…

7/2 (inclusive) – 7/3

• The Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA); (BBC) “…the closest giant planetary ‘kiss’ since 1623.” [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]; The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon) “A new age began December 21, 2020, 1290 days ago

I’ve already checked the standard day counts and found that this is a legit Tribulation timeline, and it’s related to Vladmir Putin, the returning “Saturn Christ” (the “Final Antichrist”), and Jerusalem. Remember that July 3-4 are the dates of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit.

~ MORE – 30 June 2024 ~

Putin-Christ the Savior” visits Valaam at the start of the Tribulation…

…from X

The Tribulation timeline associated with July 2-3 (the Jewish day of 27 Sivan) follows the Kabbalists’ standard 7-year Tribulation template that is based upon date counts found in the Bible

Later I’ll cover the significance of the dates in this timeline. Then we’ll look at how it complements the other active Tribulation timelines. It may be the case that the globalists will utilize just one of these timelines, but it’s also possible that each antichrist character — both among the commie goats and the Nazionist “heroes” — has his own Tribulation timeline that marks his fall or rise.

~ MORE – 1 July 2024 ~

The Kabbalists also have the option of scripting a communist victory on July 2-4

Look at what showed up in Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 2nd

Numbers7/2 (inclusive) – 7/3

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 1260 days ago

This means the July 2-4 attack could mark the midpoint of a Commie Tribulation timeline and the starting point of its “Great Tribulation” (the second, rougher half of a 7-year Tribulation period). That would mean another 3.5 years of increased agony under Hillary Clinton or an Obama here in the US. So watch for the possibility of Biden’s fall during July 2-4.

The Second Half / Great Tribulation part of this candidate timeline would reach its milestones as follows…

Given that Mike Pence has previously performed his desecration event in Hebron, Israel, this timeline might feature him as one of the saviors.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – June Updates

Partially-Completed WARNING (27-28 June 2024): Parisians Beware: The Kabbalist bankers are undeniably planning to have “ISIS” burn Paris during the July 26 – August 11 Olympic Games…

…from TMZ

I’m going to start this update with some questions (and show you everything later)…

Are you aware that the Paris 2024 Olympics logo was purposefully designed to subtly display the initials “iS” (as in “Islamic State“)?

Take a careful look at the logo…

…from Wikipedia

As you can see, the first three letters, “PAR“, are uppercase and of a stylish font that features letters with large tops and small bottoms.

The fourth letter, “i“, is differentiated from the first three letters by being lowercase. Given the simple nature of an uppercase “I”, it would be difficult for an observer to know if the “I” matched or differed from the font of the first three letters, so they had to use letter case to differentiate it.

The fifth letter, “S“, is differentiated from the first three letters by being of an inverted font: the “S” has a small top and large bottom — the opposite of the first three letters — which can be more easily noticed by flipping the logo vertically and horizontally…

So now that it’s abundantly clear that the logo designers purposefully differentiated the “iS” in the logo, the obvious question is “why?” At this point in the update, you already know the answer. And by using opposite letter case on the “i” and opposite font on the “S”, they were able to achieve the desired signalling in a subtle manner. Had they done it like this: PARis, even a casual observer would have noticed it and asked “WTF?” The Kabbalists are sneaky little bastards who like to dangle things in front of their victims.

As for the logo graphic, you can look at it as a white flame with a gold background or as a white woman’s face with her hair and lips in gold. So it conveys the concept of a “fire associated with a woman.” And since it can be explained-away as representing the Olympic flame, it too is a subtle bit of signalling.

Have you noticed the preparatory propaganda rollout for an Islamic State (ISIS) attack on the Paris Olympics?

Here is just a sampling…

…from Google search

Are you cognizant of the fact that this “ISIS strike on the Olympics” is a recycled plan from the unsuccessful 2009-2016 Obama Tribulation?

Do you remember that on the day the Notre-Dame de Paris was set on fire, Michelle Obama watched it while sipping wine on a boat on the Seine River?

Have you heard that on the day of the opening ceremony, they’re planning to have the Parade of Nations take place aboard boats on the Seine?

Do you know that the day of the opening ceremony, July 26, comes 1929 days after the burning of Notre-Dame, and that this number is tied to the Fall of Modern-Day Egypt (Obama’s “communist” G7/NATO/UN)?

Do you also know that July 29, “the fourth day of the Destruction of Paris,” is the final day of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline on the Feast of Lazarus and will mark the 1933rd day of the Notre-Dame fire (1933 was the year Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany).

Do you recall that President Macron has worked (and is working) for the Kabbalist bankers — specifically the Rothschild family — and can you see how they’re using him to drive you into the waiting arms of their controlled-opposition candidate Marine Le Pen?

So does the flame / woman’s face of the Paris 2024 logo symbolize the Hilarion (Hillary Clinton), Baphomet (Michelle Obama), or the future Franco-Fuhrer (Marine Le Pen)?

Of course, there will be other opportunities for the Kabbalists to set the West on fire before the Olympics come along, so let’s see if we can make it that far. I’m betting we can — and that we can get through the Olympics too.

More to come on this.

NOTE (27 June 2024): Today I’ll be adding the missing links to yesterday’s updates. But the fact that they didn’t make the war move yesterday suggests that they’ve backed off until July 3-4 (barring any surprises that turn up in our research in the days ahead). Since the Trump-Biden debate is today, I’ve moved yesterday’s update about it to the top.

~ later ~

I’ve added the links to the update below (the important ones are in bolded green). But I’ll leave the alert below it unfinished (I found something else I need to spend my energy on).

(26 June 2024) – Julian Assange, Hillary Clinton, and the “Insurance Files” + the Debate

As I’ve noted in the past, WikiLeaks is a rather obvious intelligence agency front that has two basic missions: 1) to serve as a sting operation to catch people who naively try to release classified information to them, and 2) to conduct limited hangout operations in support of the globalist narrative of geopolitical events (the driving force behind “geopolitics” is not the crap the think tanks and the press feed to the sleepers).

With this in mind, don’t you find it interesting that Julian Assange — the man involved in the leaks of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton State Department emails — has been released at the same time Hillary Clinton is reemerging into politics?

I suspect that the intended narrative of this psyop is that “Julian Assange and his associates have been holding insurance files on Hillary Clinton and the leading Democrats, so the Dems cut a deal to allow him to go free in exchange for the files remaining unreleased.” But I suspect that the psyop script will feature the release of the files “at a most-sensitive moment.”

Remember that the Democrats and the “Left” are the scapegoats in this stageplay, and the Libertarians and the “Right” are the heroes. What’s about to happen is not a revolution; it’s a carefully orchestrated changing of the guard.

Looking ahead to the presidential debate tomorrow, it is a golden opportunity to bring Hillary Clinton (or an Obama) into the vice presidency (and afterward the presidency). All they have to do is…

  • kill off Joe Biden in a plane crash or have him “die suddenly,” or
  • arrange for “Dementia Joe” to show up for the debate, thus clearly and unequivocally establishing his incapacity in front of the whole country. Shortly afterwards, they would arrange for his resignation.

Of course, there will be other opportunities to bring in the new VP in the coming days/weeks. And looking at the logo of the Paris Olympics [which is an Olympic flame that also resembles a woman’s face (symbolizing the Hilarion?)], I suspect that timeframe will offer one of those chances.

On another note, watch for a very prominent person to die (or disappear) in a plane crash today or over the next week. It could be Biden, Trump, Putin, Erdogan, or someone else at that level.

(7x) Expanded ALERT (26 June 2024): I’m seeing clear indications that the Kabbalists are/were intending to go for it today/tomorrow, so watch for the Israeli invasion of Lebanon — possibly starting at midnight Jerusalem time / 5 PM Washington DC time today — and the resultant triggering of Operation Blackjack.

Here’s what I’m seeing…

> Fresh off of yesterday’s reports about Sara Netanyahu claiming that the heads of the Israeli military are attempting a coup against her husband (Netanyahu’s son has claimed this too), Israeli Minister of Defence Yoav Gallant met with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan today at the White House. Since “the IDF are chomping at the bit to invade Lebanon” and “Jake Sullivan has a vested interest in seeing them do it before Joe Biden’s mental incapacity gets exposed in tomorrow’s presidential debate,” it can be narrated that “the decision to invade Lebanon on the night of June 26-27 was made at the meeting.”

> The invasion of Lebanon is very likely scripted to trigger an immediate “Islamic Response,” which would be a massive assault on Israel and “their Western enablers.” This real response would be supplemented by globalist false-flags involving nuclear-looking explosions (Operation Blackjack carried out by Artemis) and radioactive fallout psyops. (Links to come)

> Since the Islamic Response is scripted to lead to the scattering of the Israelis (the Second Exodus), the Israeli invasion may start at midnight. That was supposedly the time that the ancient Hebrews attacked Egypt’s firstborn, which resulted in the First Exodus the following morning. (Links to come)

> As for the intended results of Operation Blackjack…

  • Joe Biden is at the White House today, so watch for him to be taken out (or, alternatively, Kamala Harris).
  • The leaders of the EU are currently in Brussels for their June 26-27 summit meeting, so watch for the decapitation of Europe’s political heads as they sleep. (Links to come)

> Remember that June 28 is the day of the Iranian presidential election, and there are scripted motivations for both the Iranian hardliners and the Israelis to forestall the election with war.

> Remember that there are motivations related to prophecy timelines for the Kabbalists to start the war on June 27 (Jerusalem time).

> Remember that a June 27 war-start would be part of the Pope Francis Communist Tribulation timeline (executed with the adjustment I wrote about in the 22-23 June update).

> My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 27th contain many interesting occult cues that underlie what the globalists have scripted for today/tomorrow.

NOTE (25 June 2024): All the links have now been added to today’s expansion of the alert below. If you are a new reader, be sure to visit the links in bolded red. The danger days of Tuesday and Wednesday are covered in the alert, and the danger day of Thursday is covered in the 22-23 June update.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 26th are now up. Among them are “Drake cues” on 21 Sivan (the Jewish day that corresponds to Thursday) for a plane crash. Thursday is the day Joe Biden flies to Atlanta for the presidential debate, so if they script his death in an Air Force One crash that day, there will be an outpouring of sympathy to replace all the scorn and contempt. And the way will be opened for the Hilarion (or an Obama) to be brought into the vice presidency.

With that in mind, look at what the cat dragged in to the Drudge Report today…

…Note the fresh facelift, just like the one Joe Biden got before he ran for president. Or is it a dead skin mask? Her kind are fond of that sort of thing…

Expanded ALERT (24-25 June 2024): Onnabugeisha has noted that Tuesday or Wednesday can mark Day 1290 of another Tribulation timeline…

Numbers6/25 (inclusive) – 6/26

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news
  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began -> ‘The weapon that will end the war’: First coronavirus vaccine shots given outside trials in U.S. (Washington Post)
  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes) -> 1290 days ago

South America – Solar eclipse of December 14, 2020 (Wikipedia)

I saw it reported somewhere that Israel gave Hezbollah a deadline to get out of southern Lebanon by today, so the Israelis can launch their invasion on Tuesday or Wednesday under this timeline. It reaches Day 1335 on Shabbat Chazon (the “Shabbat of Prophecy” / “Black Sabbath” that precedes Tisha B’Av).

~ MORE – 25 June 2024 ~

I’ve tracked down the marker event for the start of this new Tribulation timeline. It was a July 4 meeting of the strategic partnership that’s scripted to bring down the USA…


The article also mentions this…

After the talks, President Xi Jinping was awarded by Vladimir Putin the highest order of Russia, known as the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called.

This is notable because St. Andrew’s Day falls on November 30, which provides an occult link to what’s planned for this July 4 and Sigd. The St. Andrew connection is also notable because of this…

Tradition regarding the early Christian history of Ukraine holds that the apostle Andrew preached on the southern borders of modern-day Ukraine, along the Black Sea. A legend, recorded in the Primary Chronicle (pages 7.21–9.4), has it that he travelled from Sinope towards Chersonesus (Korsun), up the Dnieper River and reached the future location of Kyiv, where he erected a cross on the site where the Saint Andrew’s Church of Kyiv currently stands, and where he prophesied the foundation of a great Christian city. Next, he is said to have journeyed north to the Slovenes near the future site of Veliky Novgorod, although he had a negative attitude towards their customs; then he visited Rome and returned to Sinope. Because of this connection to Kyiv and Novgorod, Andrew is considered to be the patron saint of the two East Slavic nations descended from the Kievan Rus: Ukraine and Russia, the latter country using the Saint Andrew’s Cross on its naval ensign. – from Wikipedia

And can you guess who Christianized the Kievan Rus? Yep, Vladimir the Great…

Originally a follower of Slavic paganism, Vladimir converted to Christianity in 988, and Christianized the Kievan Rus. – from Wikipedia

Does this symbol ring a bell?…

…from Wikipedia

It is, of course, Vladimir Putin who is playing the role of Vladimir the Great. While posing as a “noble Russian Orthodox Christian fighting the Nazis,” the Khazarian Jewish King Putin is in the process of seizing the Ukrainian lands that were part of ancient Khazaria and ridding them of Christians in the process. This is why he and the Jew Zelensky send out capture teams to round up every man on the street, set up artillery kill boxes on the front line, and then march thousands upon thousands of untrained men into them. This isn’t a war; it’s an old fashioned pogrom — a meat grinder for Christians.

It should also be noted that if the Kabbalists make a war move between now and June 27, they can cause the cancellation or delay of the presidential debate on Thursday night, “thus saving Biden from public exposure of his [real or faked] dementia.”

NOTE (24 June 2024): Today was a research day. And in the course of poking about, I uncovered the Tribulation timeline associated with July 4. It originated with Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and it reaches its Day 1290 on November 30 (Sigd) and its Day 1335 on January 14 (Purim Hebron). It involves Trump and Pence, and I’ll cover the details tomorrow.

In case the globalists try something tomorrow, though, Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 25th are now up.

See the countdown section at the top of the page to see how July 4 feeds into this new timeline. And it should be noted that July 4 is the final day of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s July 3-4 summit meeting. So a hit on that meeting “by ISIS-K” or a decision made at that meeting is likely the scripted trigger for the fireworks.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION (22-23 June 2024): The Kabbalists’ next window of opportunity to plunge us into a catastrophe that brings a “Divine Intervention” on Christmas Day runs from sundown of June 23 through June 27. And June 27 is the most attractive date from the Kabbalists’ perspective. I’ll explain why tomorrow afternoon/evening (Texas time).

~ MORE – 23 June 2024 ~

Here’s the situation: there are certain prophetic expectations that must be fulfilled before the globalists can close out the First Tribulation. Among these are the expectations of…

One thing these expectations have in common is that they’re catastrophic, which means their fulfillment is best scripted at the end of the Tribulation before the intervention / arrival of the savior character on the final day. With that in mind, let’s focus for a moment on the two expectations that will take the longest to fulfill: the 40-day and 150-day scenarios.

At the beginning of last week, the Kabbalists had the opportunity to fake the death of Vladimir Putin during his trip to Asia. Had they done so and started the “catastrophic period” on June 20, they could have fulfilled the two scenarios consecutively (first the 40-day, then the 150-day) and landed the Fake Jewish Messiah’s Victorious Arrival on December 25 (Christmas/Hanukkah), thus marking the end of the Pope Francis Communist Tribulation timeline. Counting June 20 to December 25 gives you 189 days, which is the minimum day count needed to do the two scenarios consecutively (40 + 150 = 190 – 1 day they overlap = 189).

To run the two scenarios consecutively after the 20th, they had to make an adjustment for their second attempt on June 22nd

  1. They scheduled the 150-day scenario to run first,
  2. the 40-day scenario to run second, and
  3. they moved the 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario to run from Christmas Day.

This would have allowed them to stage the Messianic Intervention on Christmas Day (thus fulfilling the Tribulation timeline), but delay the Messianic Arrival until December 27-28 (27 Kislev) so the 189-190 day count could be reached.

Now the Kabbalah Cult is left with one more trick up its sleeve (to run the scenarios consecutively): run them while starting an 8-day “Hanukkah as Sukkot” scenario on Christmas Day. This will allow them to stage the Messianic Intervention on Christmas, but delay the Messianic Arrival until New Year’s Day 2025, which is the day Hanukkah Day 8 begins at sundown. In the “Hanukkah as Sukkot” scenario, Day 7 is Hoshana Rabbah and Day 8 is Shemini Atzeret. And according to Kabbalist doctrine, it is at sundown of Hoshana Rabbah, when Shemini Atzeret begins, that God’s Judgment is finalized and handed over to the angels for execution.

The best day for starting this scenario is June 27, because…

In case the globalists try to go for it after sunset today or tomorrow, though, here are Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 24th.

NOTE (22 June 2024): BINGO! After taking note of how the short-term endgame timelines seem to be aiming for Christmas Day (which is also the day Hanukkah begins this year), I decided to check for a Tribulation timeline that reaches its end on December 25. What I discovered is the “Pope Francis Communist Tribulation” that…

The details of this timeline are quite interesting, and I’ll be filling them in over the weekend.

NOTE (21 June 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturn’s Day the 22nd are now up. There are references to 9/11 and Apollyonic destruction, which I’ve highlighted in red.

~ MORE ~

It doesn’t feel like the Kabbalists have been deterred quite yet, so this morning I set about finding what I’m missing. And it may be this timeline…

So they may be opting for a 150-day + 40-day timeline that ends with Three Days of Darkness and results in the Messianic Arrival on December 27-28. This is a simple reversal of the expected sequence of events.

ALERT (20-21 June 2024): The Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel intends to order Hezbollah’s attack on Israel as soon as 6/22 starts there

A reader has pointed out that 6/22 is 22/6 in European DD/MM format. And guess what…

…from Twitter

When you consider some additional factors…

…you begin to see why they may cue the black swans as soon as Friday night strikes 12:00 in Israel / 5:00 PM in New Yorkan hour after options stop trading in the regular session.

The overall “Islamist” attack might be worldwide (Blackjack), and it would cue something dramatic — like the Fake Christian Rapture — on June 23rd (Orthodox Pentecost and the Jewish anniversary of Noah’s Ark touching down).

~ MORE ~

Conjuring up the black swans on options expiration weekend could be all about harvesting some purchasing power, but it might also be an integral part of the “good guys vs. bad guys” storyline. They could script it in such a way that the profiting trades get tracked back to the “Deep State” villains, and it will then be “discovered” that they were the same guys who profited off of 9/11. This will hang the blame snugly around the necks of the intended scapegoats, who will then face judgment at the hands of the “heroes” in a grand spectacle show trial like Nuremberg. Ah, the clownish pageantry of the changing of the guard…

If you are unfamiliar with options expiration, here is an excerpt from the 16-17 February 2023 update that explains it…


And as it turns out, the options expiration process is purposefully designed to give insiders — the ones who can stage and time big events to move the markets — the ability to slice and dice outsiders [my comment has been added in brackets]…

Here’s the skinny on options expiration. Options do expire at 4 p.m. EST on the third Friday of the month in the sense that they no longer trade. Here’s the catch – the stocks themselves do keep trading after hours!

So what could be an in-the-money (ITM) close at 4 p.m. on Friday can be out-of-the-money (OTM) by 5 p.m., or vice versa. Not knowing this one minor detail can be the difference between making money and losing money. – from Option Alpha

The majority of trading activity in the U.S. stock market occurs during regular trading hours, from 9:30 a.m. EST until 4:00 p.m. EST. However, most major brokerage firms facilitate after-hours trading for retail and institutional investors.

After-hours trading takes place from 4:00 p.m. EST to 8:00 p.m. EST.

Trading outside of regular hours is handled through electronic communication networks, or ECNs. ECNs allow traders to participate directly with one another while the exchanges are closed.

After-hours trading carries more risk, as less volume creates illiquid markets and wider bid-ask spreads and potential stock gaps, but it also allows investors to take advantage of unique opportunities after the market closes.

After-hours trading activity is typically greatest around events such as corporate earnings announcements [or major geopolitical events].

Extended hours overnight trading is available through some brokerage firms in major ETFs for near-continuous trading. – from Option Alpha

So who designs a system in which options stop trading before the actual stocks stop trading? Casino operators, that’s who. And it would appear that they’re looking to make a score…


My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 21st are now up. They include some striking occult cues (highlighted in red) that support the scripting of Operation Blackjack and big trouble surrounding China, Taiwan, and the Three Gorges Dam.

Remember too that if Hezbollah attacks Israel, Israel will strike Iran. And if Hezbollah strikes Cyprus, it could lead to a long-planned conflict between Turkey and Greece (and Erdogan’s scripted death/fall).

~ MORE ~

They are attempting to run the June 20 to July 29 to Christmas Day timeline (as the endgame of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline)

Upon digging a little deeper, I found that Hezbollah launched a new wildfire attack on Israel today, and this will allow the Kabbalists to mark the beginning of the 40-day Fire Judgment on June 20. Watch for them to continue fire attacks on northern Israel during June 21, then the Big Attack on June 22 will be the one that scatters all the Israelis “to wander in the wilderness for 38 days” till July 29. I’ve already written about this 40-day + 150-day timeline (that reaches an inflection point on July 29 and ends on Christmas Day / the first day of Hanukkah).

~ MORE – 21 June 2024 ~

The manufactured Tribulation timeline that started with a storm will end with “THE STORM“…

…from the Daily Mail

It should be noted that the overall Tribulation timeline that the planned 6/22 attack is based upon is the “Russian Great Patriotic War” timeline that you can read about in the 13 June Alert.

This timeline began on a 6/22, which is Russia’s Day of Remembrance and Sorrow that marks the anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Russia. And it reached its Day 1290 mark (after the midpoint) last Friday, June 14. That was the day “the peacemaker” Putin laid out the terms for an immediate truce with Ukraine (the current-day Nazis who are attacking Russia). So watch for Ukraine and/or the West to possibly invade Russian territory (perhaps in Kaliningrad or Crimea or a Russian base in Transnistria) this 6/22.

WARNING (17-18 June 2024): Putin’s death or disappearance — made to look like the US did it — during his trip to North Korea and Vietnam may be the intended trigger for the June 20 Fire Judgment I wrote about in yesterday’s entry.

Both North Korea and Vietnam have historical reasons to want to see the US burn and practical reasons to please China. And nothing would please China more than seeing the US+EU and Russia annihilate each other, leaving them the lone global superpower.

Putin will likely be traveling over Chinese airspace for the trips, so a plane crash / disappearance is one potential scenario. Another is North Korea’s Kim taking Putin to the DMZ for sniper practice.

Putin’s death or disappearance could lead to his Lazarus-like “resurrection” on July 29. And if it’s a disappearance, watch for UFOs when he comes back (he may even be accompanied by the people who were aboard Flight 370).

~ MORE – 18 June 2024 ~

Onnabugeisha has found historical-numerological support for a Putin plane crash during his trip to Asia, and Wednesday the 19th may be the planned date. Here are the details…

For quite a while, my partner Onnabugeisha has been tracking a bizarre occult theme underlying the Kabbalists’ scripting of events. It revolves around ducks / Drakes / Kaczynskis, and it involves plane crashes (Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, put a bomb aboard a plane (Flight 444); Lech Kaczyński, a former President of Poland, died in a plane crash in Russia). Well on the day Vladimir Putin started his plane trip to Asia, June 18 (today), look at what showed up…

• Lech Kaczyński (Wikipedia), who served as President of Poland from 2005 until his death in a 2010 plane crash (Wikipedia), and  his identical twin brother Jarosław Kaczyński (Wikipedia), who served as the Prime Minister of Poland were born on 18 June 1949, 75 years ago. [The Two Who Stole the Moon (Wikipedia), From child star to president: Lech Kaczynski remembered – ABC NewsKaczynski Surname ( – Derived from the Polish, kaczor, meaning ‘drake‘ (male duck).

Roasted: Court Says Kaczynski Can Be Called a Duck (DER SPIEGEL) – It wasn’t the first time the Kaczynskis have been roasted in the press; Court Rules It’s OK to Call Polish Leaders ‘Ducks’ (Fox News).

Han Duck-soo (Wikipedia), the 34th and current Prime Minister of South Korea. Born: 18 June 1949, his 75th birthday.

News: Saulos Chilima: Malawi vice-president confirmed dead in plane crash (BBC) – The wreck of a plane carrying Malawi’s vice-president has been found with no survivors, President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera (Wikipedia) has said.

Drake also means dragon. And look at what I found when I looked up the number 75 on

The English word “dragon,” found thirteen times in the book of Revelation (Revelation 12:3 – 4, 7, 9, 13, 16 – 17, 13:2, 4, 11, 16:13 and 20:2), is derived from the Greek drakon (Strong’s Concordance #G1404). Dragons in the New Testament are symbolic of God’s chief adversary Satan the devil.

>>> And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon [China], having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born (Revelation 12:3 – 4, KJV). <<<

The Gematria, or total numeric value of the Greek word for dragon, is 4 + 100 + 1 + 20 + 800 + 50 for a value of 975. This total is 13 times 75. Thirteen is the number of sin, lawlessness and rebellion against God [so 13 relates to the “Man of Sin” in the Bible, the Antichrist, who is being played by Vladimir Putin – Ken].

The English word “white” is found 75 times in 66 King James verses. It is written the most in the book of Leviticus (20 times) followed by Revelation (19) and then Genesis (5).

White generally symbolizes purity, righteousness, holiness, wisdom and dedication to God. This color is used extensively in Revelation 19.

>>> And to her (the bride of Christ) was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints . . . And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war

And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean (Revelation 19:8, 11, 14, KJV). <<<

White” ties in to the occult theme, which features Albion and New Albion (where Prince Harry, the next King of England, resides). And the Revelation 19 part talks about Jesus’s return and victory over the Beast, which Putin — playing the “Final Antichrist” — will artificially fulfill at the end of the First Tribulation. So tomorrow could be the day he is caught up before God (in his case, Satan) to receive his heavenly army (of “fallen angels and demons” = UFOs and their occupants).”

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 19 are now up. Among them is a possible Tribulation marker for another Tribulation timeline that started on 28 June 2017, reached its midpoint on 8 December 2020 (the day of the world’s first COVID shotit was still Pearl Harbor Day in the western US and Honolulu when the shot was given), reaches its Day 1290 on 20 June 2024 (Thursday, a candidate day for a Three Days of Darkness scenario and a 40-day Fire Judgment), and reaches its Day 1335 on 4 August 2024 (the day the Jewish month of Avthe saddest month on the Jewish calendar — begins at sundown).

(16 June 2024) – The Remaining 40-day Fire Judgment Timelines for 2024 + a Bonus Timeline

We know that the globalists are itching to artificially stage a 40-dayFire Judgment of the wicked” to close out the First Tribulation. So upon looking for windows of opportunity for this in relation to the Tribulation timelines we’ve uncovered, I’ve found three (so far)…

  1. June 20 to July 29 = 40 days – This false Fire Judgment would start with a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that brings the Fake Christian Rapture on June 23 (Orthodox Pentecost), then continue on to July 29 (Day 1335 of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline).
  2. September 14 to October 23 = 40 days – This false Fire Judgment would start on Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline and end on Hoshana Rabbah, which the Kabbalists regard as the day “God’s Judgment is finalized at nightfall,” then handed over to the angels for execution on Shemini Atzeret. Day 1335 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline would then follow on October 29, the 7th day of a count that starts on October 23 (when God will rest from completing his remodel of Earth).
  3. October 28 to December 7 = 40 days – This false Fire Judgment would start on Day 1335 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline and end on Pearl Harbor Day, thus connecting its end to the Rothschild-descended Prince Harry, the next King of England / the West.

Upon doing some further checks, I discovered a BONUS TIMELINE connected to JULY 29: if the Kabbalists start a 150-day Torment of Humanity that day, ITS END WILL LAND ON DECEMBER 25, WHICH IS BOTH CHRISTMAS DAY AND THE DAY HANUKKAH BEGINS AT SUNSET THIS YEAR. So they have the option of scripting the start of a 150-day Torment of Humanity (by “the demons from the Abyss”) — or flipping the script with a 150-day Comforting of Humanity (by “the angels” = “the demons from the Abyss playing nice by the command of the Final Antichrist”)from the end of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline. If they choose the Comforting, the July 29 “Patriotic Victory” could lead to the launch of the NWO 150 days later on Christmas Day / Hanukkah. Otherwise, December 25 will provide an ideal day to stage a savior moment to end the Torment.

(14 June 2024) – Watch for Hillary Clinton or an Obama to reemerge in the next few days

Looking ahead at the available decapitation targets over the next few days, Ukraine will hold its “peace summit” in Switzerland on Saturday and Sunday, and the EU will hold an informal summit in Brussels on Monday. That being said, keep the following points in mind…

  • All of the major European troublemakers — the ones who have given Ukraine “long range” missiles and the permission to use them on Russian territory — will be at the Ukrainian Peace Summit tomorrow: Macron of France, Scholz of Germany, and Sunak of the UK.
  • The “Russian Victory Day” Tribulation timeline reaches its Day 1335 tomorrow, so the timing is perfect for the Kabbalists to trigger the final implosion charge of the engineered collapse of the West. Remember that the midpoint desecration event of the Victory Day timeline was Pope Francis’s “International Meeting of Prayer for Peace,” so the timeline could fittingly end with Ukraine’s “International Meeting for Peace.”
  • The US is sending Kamala Harris as its representative, so her death there would open the way to bring Hillary Clinton or Barack/Michelle Obama into the vice presidency. This would soon be followed by Joe Biden’s “incapacitation” or “death” to allow the VP to take over.
  • On Thursday night after sunset (here is the video), Biden and Zelensky signed a 10-year security agreement between the US and Ukraine. Since it happened after the Jewish day corresponding to Friday the 14th had started, it can serve as a marker event for Day 1290 of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline. This means that timeline is still in play, including whatever event is planned for July 28-29 (Day 1335). [Since it would happen in 45 days, will it be the “resurrection” of Trump’s presidency? Is he (or Pence) Lazarus?]
  • You can read about the Tribulation timelines in yesterday’s alert below.

ALERT (13 June 2024): On Friday, June 14 — FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER — all the leaders of the First Tribulation’s Beast from the Sea will be gathered together in one place. And upon looking for an occult basis for a decapitation strike on the gathering, I’ve uncovered TWO “Russian Victory” Tribulation timelines. One of these timelines reaches its Day 1290 (the day a reversal of fortune takes place) tomorrow, and the other reaches its Day 1335 on Saturday. Day 1335, which is supposed to bring an event people will be “blessed” to see, will in this case bring “the first day of the post-Western world” (after the West is dealt its death blow tomorrow). Details to follow.

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The “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation Timeline

In checking for an occult basis for a scripted strike tomorrow, I looked back from June 14 using the standard day-counts the Kabbalists associate with the Christian Tribulation (1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days). And looking back 1290 days landed me on 2 December 2020, which is the day Vladimir Putin ordered the mass COVID-19 “vaccination” of Russia. Further checking also showed that he held a meeting on Russian nanotechnology that day (nanotech is rumored to be an ingredient of the Western COVID shots and is a key technology in blending humans with computers under the “Beast System”).

Looking back 1260 days from that midpoint landed me on 22 June 2017, the Russian anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War (World War II). On that day, Putin held a meeting with the Russian Academy of Sciences to reorganize the Russian science effort, and he spoke of the contribution Russian science had made in winning that war…

Today, June 22, marks the start of the Great Patriotic War, the day when the enemy treacherously attacked our homeland. On this occasion, I must recall here the tremendous contribution that Soviet and Russian science made to vanquishing the enemy. We all know the T-34 – experts admit it was the best tank in World War II – Katyusha rocket launchers, the forerunners of the multiple rocket launchers we use today; our attack planes that are among the best in the world, and so on. Soviet science did much indeed to defeat the cunning adversary.

Today, we must ensure our economy’s development, and we must do this in such a way as to make our country not just a part of the technological revolution that is underway, but one of the leaders of this revolution. Russia must be a leader in the new technology landscape taking shape. We have every chance we need to achieve this, despite the setbacks that Russian science suffered in the 1990s and early 2000s.

So this can be narrated as the day Putin resolved to win the Second Great Patriotic War with science, including vaccines, nanotech, nuclear tsunami torpedoes, and AI. Another check revealed that Day 1335 of this “Great Patriotic War” timeline will fall on 29 July 2024, the Feast of Lazarus (so look for someone to “come back from the dead” that day).

The “Russian Victory Day” Tribulation Timeline

Upon looking back 1335 days from June 14, I ran across an event that reaches 1335 days on June 15: Pope Francis’s “International Meeting of Prayer for Peace” at the Church of Saint Maria in Aracoeli on 20 October 2020. The Church is located on the highest summit of Capitoline Hill, so it represents the “High Place” of Rome’s government. And “Satanic Antipope Francis desecrated it with his presence and insincere prayer that day.” Intrigued, I looked back 1260 days from this possible midpoint and landed on 9 May 2017, Russian Victory Day (in the Great Patriotic War).

Here is an excerpt from The New York Times’ coverage of that day

Russia rolled out a rather subdued version of its annual Victory Day parade on Tuesday, with President Vladimir V. Putin calling for international cooperation in fighting terrorism even though foreign leaders had mostly stayed away…

Despite Mr. Putin’s call for cooperation, the parade served as a reminder of just how isolated Russia has become, particularly in light of strained ties with the West over a variety of issues, including the 2014 crisis in Ukraine and accusations of election meddling…

The parade marked the 72nd anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, during which the Soviet Union lost more than 20 million people, and Mr. Putin used the occasion to call for an effective fight against “terrorism, extremism, neo-Nazism and other threats.”…

Speaking in Kiev, Petro O. Poroshenko, the Ukrainian president, noted that this would be the last year Ukraine celebrated Victory Day in tandem with Russia. Next year, it plans to move the holiday to May 8, when it is marked in much of Europe.

Mr. Poroshenko accused Russia of using the holiday to celebrate its military incursions into Ukraine. The Kremlin has long denied that its military is directly involved in the fighting there…

The Islamic State released a video on Monday that it said showed the beheading of a Russian intelligence officer whom it accused of spying in Syria. The footage, published on SITE, a website that tracks the movements of radical groups, identified the victim as Capt. Yevgeny Petrenko, 36, who it said had infiltrated Islamist militant groups inside Russia, in the northern Caucasus and in Kazakhstan, before trying to do the same in Syria.

Thousands of militants from Russia and its former republics have gone to Syria, and Russia has vowed to fight them there rather than at home.

Note Putin’s call for cooperation in fighting terrorism and the specific mention of ISIS.

Upon doing further checks, I found that Day 1290 after the midpoint fell on 1 May 2024. That was the day Russia put captured Western war weapons on public display in advance of this year’s Victory Day. The display opened just a couple of days after news came out of Ukrainian retreats on the front lines, so Day 1290 brought a sign of Russia’s impending victory, which will be finalized tomorrow if the globalists pull the trigger and “kill” the G7 leaders (along with Ukraine’s Zelensky who is with them). Will ISIS deliver the attacks?

It is important to note that there is no need for “Final Antichrist” Putin to do a desecration event in either of these timelines. That’s because this is the First Tribulation, which is scripted to be “Satan’s fake Tribulation,” and Putin is the one who will emerge as the savior figure in the end. Here is something I wrote in a past entry about his taking of Christ’s place…


…From the Jewish World Review

While there, Putin made a point of meeting with both Jewish religious leaders…

…and Christian leaders…
…including Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem, whose territory includes “Holy Zion”…
…From Wikipedia

This is what Putin did while with the Christians…

During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre…

Entering the church, Vladimir Putting kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud.

After that the president was taken to the Kuviklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour.

Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross…

In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born

Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters.

The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born.” – From

Take a moment to think about this ritual Putin went through. It started at NIGHT at the places associated with Christ’s death at his First Coming, then that NIGHT ended in the MORNING when Vladimir Putin received the Star of Bethlehem and lit a candle at Christ’s birthspot. That’s a helluva symbolic ritual, was it not? Putin returned Christ’s light to the world after a long night.


NOTE (12 June 2024): In her notes on Thursday the 13th, Onnabugeisha points out that June 13 is Orthodox Ascension this year, which means that Orthodox Pentecost will come 10 days later on June 23 (June 23 is also the Jewish anniversary of Noah’s Ark touching down on Mount Ararat).

Since June 13th’s Ascension is about someone (Jesus) ascending into Heaven, the Kabbalists could script someone dying or being snatched up into Heaven, possibly one or more of the 3 Moshiachs (Trump, Netanyahu, and/or Putin) or Christians in the Fake Rapture. June 13 is also the second day of Shavuot and the first day of the G7 Summit.

And since June 23rd’s Pentecost is about something (the Holy Spirit) descending from Heaven to Earth, they could script the arrival of…

So let’s get our popcorn ready and see what kind of show these Kabbalist chimps have in mind. Dance for us, monkeys, dance!…

(12 June 2024) – The West’s Engineered Shift to the Political “Right” and the BRICS NWO

My P5 scoreboard from December of 2018…

While we wait to see if we get blown up during Shavuot (see the warnings below), it is important to note that “surprise” elections have been scheduled in the UK and France, and the US has an election this year as well. So all three of the Western nations among the Permanent Five (P5) members of the UN Security Council may elect new leaders. And if Trump, Le Pen and Farage end up on top, the P5 nations will all be led by Putin-friendly leaders, thus opening the way for the UN’s reform into the BRICS NWO.

With this in mind, let’s have a look at some of this blog’s updates from previous years, starting with an excerpt from 2016:

Now that we’ve seen what the real NWO will look like, let’s move our focus to the globalists’ two paths for getting us there: the war path and the peace path

> The war path involves a direct military conflict between Russia and the US orchestrated under the pretext of “the Western globalists’ last-gasp effort to save their agenda before Trump takes office.” It would play out something like this…

  • [The aftermath] would be devoted to Putin, Trump, and the newly elected “anti-Establishment” leaders of Europe putting the world back together both politically and economically. The “reformed” UN Complex (the UN, IMF, and World Bank) and a new “commodities-backed” financial system will be the result of their efforts.

> The peace path bypasses any direct US – Russia military conflict and instead uses a last-gasp “ISIS” terror barrage to plunge the world into an unconcealable economic depression

  • The terror barrage would result in widespread calls to “reform” the UN to prevent a conflict like Syria’s from ever again spinning out of control.
  • The terrible economic conditions, possibly augmented with a WikiLeaks operation targeting the EU, would lead to popular unrest in Europe and the election of “anti-Establishment” leaders, particularly in the P5 nations.

And here’s an excerpt from March of 2019, before they started initiating the “COVID Great Tribulation” late that year

Remember that the ultimate globalist goal in orchestrating these government transitions in France and the UK is to install Putin-friendly leaders. So if non-Putin-friendly transitional leaders are the first to be put in place, it means they’re opting for a “Great Tribulation” before the Putin-friendly leaders are put in

In past entries, I’ve talked about the globalist effort to shift people to the “political right” in preparation for the launch of the real “right-wing NWO” — the much publicized and feared “left-wing NWO” being just a decoy used to scare us to the right. This effort to move the herd rightward is the reason the media are using leftist dimwits like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [AOC] to scare the American public into thinking “the heroic Trump” is the only thing standing between them and a leftist catastrophe of open borders, political violence, silenced speech, grabbed guns, and a Venezuela-like socialist/communist economy.

Also noted in that 2019 update was the planned shift to a BRICS gold standard and an Austrian Economics-based NWO economic system…

The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers

Like it or not, here is more on the Rockefeller connection to Austrian economics

So we’ve now completed another circle back to where we were years ago. And we again face a war or terror barrage to bring in the BRICS NWO. Let’s see how it goes this time.

~ MORE ~

In light of the information I’ve just shown you, Sunak and Macron’s “incomprehensible” decisions to call snap elections at essentially the same time (July 4 in the UK and June 30 & July 7 in France) make a lot more sense, don’t they? It should be remembered that Sunak worked for Goldman Sachs and Macron worked for Rothschild & Co, so both are Establishment errand boys carrying out the script of their Kabbalist masters. And right now, that script calls for another go at launching the NWO (as the mathematics of the world’s debt load grow exponentially more absurd).

Given the short time between now and the elections, it will take a large-magnitude event to stampede the heavily-programmed UK herd towards Farage. So watch for the UK to be hit especially hard by the imminent “Russian attack” or “ISIS terror wave,” with migrants and the Left (the Labour Party) being positioned to look very bad in its aftermath. A significant portion of London will likely be destroyed, with migrants running wild in the streets afterwards. “Animal control” will become the chief concern among voters.

Alternatively, watch for the Mass Arrests and Truth Tsunami psyops to be launched “in the face of great danger” on the Fourth of July — a perfect time to script a save by Trump/Pence and the Space Force.

Learn about the heroes and the goats. And understand the NWO strategy.

WARNING (11 June 2024): Starting tomorrow, we face the possibility of a globalist-scripted “nuclear” attack that will ignite World War 3. And press reports will state that the G7 leaders (including Pope Francis) plus Turkish president Erdogan and the UAE’s president “were among the first casualties.” But reader Sohei has pointed out something that indicates their deaths will likely be faked

Borgo Egnazia [the compound where the G7 Summit will be taking place] has been expressly chosen for being a little out of the way, a pocket of luxury in the countryside more easily locked down than a more urban location.

The high-profile guest list means security at G7 summits is always extremely tight, and even the media this year are being kept well away.

The hundreds of journalists descending on Puglia to cover the event will be kept in a media centre in Bari around 60 kilometres away, and only bussed in for press conferences.

Demonstrations are similarly expected to be confined to nearby towns and cities. – from Malay Mail

[As Sohei notes, this means there will be no witnesses to what actually happens to the leaders at the Summit (or to establish that they’re even there), though it is conceivable that they’ll arrange for pre-recorded false footage of the disaster to be streamed from the Summit compound.]

The presence of the President of the United Arab Emirates is quite notable in light of my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for tomorrow. Here are some of particular interest…

Numbers: 6/12

• Abraham AccordsIsrael–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement (Wikipedia) was initially agreed to in a joint statement by the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates on August 13, 2020 (U.S. Embassy in Israel), 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 9 days -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood [Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)] [this is a nuclear contamination cue].

• President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there (CNN). United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia) Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 6 months, 6 days ago  -> [Number of the beast666]

• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel (Wikipedia). Start date: 7 October 2023, 6 months, 66 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

6/12 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 5/30 [Convert a date]

• Siege of Jerusalem: Titus and his Roman legions breach the Second Wall of Jerusalem. Jewish defenders retreat to the First Wall (Wikipedia). Date: 30 May, 70 (Julian calendar)

• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Wikipedia), known to adherents of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement as the Lubavitcher Rebbe or simply the Rebbe, was an Orthodox rabbi and the most recent Rebbe of the Lubavitch Hasidic dynasty. He is considered one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century. Died: Sun, 12 June 1994, 30th anniversary of his death 

• Tear down this wall! (Wikipedia, HISTORY: 12) – On June 12, 1987, in one of his most famous Cold War speeches, President Ronald Reagan challenges Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down” the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the repressive Communist era in a divided Germany. Gematria: Tear down this wall = Janet Louise Yellen (Wikipedia) 3x, Ursula von der Leyen (Wikipedia) 2x, VP Kamala Harris 2x Date: 12 June 1987 ->

Russia Day (AnydayGuide, Wikipedia), the day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) on 12 June 1990.… the beginning of constitutional reform in the Russian Soviet state. On 12 June 1991 = 30 Sivan, Boris Yeltsin was elected as the first President of the Russian Federation (Wikipedia)

Numbers6/12 (inclusive) – 6/13

• Mossad (Wikipedia), the national intelligence agency of the State of Israel. Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counter-terrorism. Formed: 13 December 1949, 894 months ago -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city  -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)

• The attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. Date: 7 December 1941, 990 months, 6 days ago

Be sure to read the important information offered in the updates below (down through the CRITICAL INFORMATION in the red section).

WARNING (11 June 2024): Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be scripted to play a role in the Fire Judgment that is/was planned for Wednesday-Thursday (Shavuot)


…it is entirely possible that an “AI-involved Russian nuclear attack” could be the narrated mechanism of the Fire Judgment that’s planned (with Artemis being the actual mechanism). Most likely, this “AI accident” would be attributed to the same factors that cause automated cars to have accidents in real-world driving conditions:

an unanticipated (by the system engineers) combination of conditions + human error + automated decision making = an accident.

Alternatively, it could be blamed on “rogue AI that bypassed human control,” but I doubt they’d narrate that until late in the Second Tribulation.

NOTE (11 June 2024): Back in the 7 June update, I noted that the Kabbalists had pushed back Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress to July 24 — the day after Tzom Tammuz — and that this will allow them to script a big event on July 23. Today we’re going to look at some numbers that show why they did this and how it fits in with the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline, which is summarized here…

The end of this Revelation 12 timeline is currently scripted to bring the victory of the Nazionist antichrists over the communist antichrists, and its Day 1335 end will most likely feature the Fake Jewish Messiah standing victorious in Jerusalem or New Jerusalem (Kyiv).

So with all this set before us, let’s look at how Tzom Tammuz will play into it…

> As has been noted in recent updates (below), a 40-day Fire Judgment started on Shavuot will reach its end on Tzom Tammuz, a fast that commemorates the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls. So the fall of Jerusalem can be scripted for that day.

> The 1290-day “reversal day” of the Revelation 12 timeline, September 14, falls 53 days after Tzom Tammuz. The number 53 is significant to the Kabbalists on account of this…

Construction of 2nd Temple (370 BCE)

Fifty three years following the destruction of the First Holy Temple (see Jewish History for the 9th of Av), Zerubabel and Joshua the High Priest began construction of the Second Temple, with permission from King Cyrus of Persia.

The offering of sacrifices had actually commenced a few months earlier, on the vacant lot where the 1st Temple stood, however it was only after the construction started on the 1st of Iyar that the Levites began accompanying the service with song and music.

The construction was later halted after the hostile Samaritans supplied false slanderous information to Cyrus about the Jews’ intentions. The construction was resumed many years later, and completed 21 years later under the reign of King Darius (see Jewish History for the Third of Adar). – from [Remember that Trump is playing the role of Cyrus.]

So the rebuilding of Old Jerusalem or New Jerusalem can be scripted to begin on Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation.

> Counting from Tzom Tammuz to the end of the Tribulation on October 29 — when the Fake Jewish Messiah may stand victorious in Old or New Jerusalem — there are 99 days. And 99 is significant to the Kabbalists on account of this…


More info to come later, including a companion Tribulation timeline that began after Trump’s second impeachment trial started and will reach its 1260th day on Tzom Tammuz. The presence of this timeline indicates that Tzom Tammuz may be a bad day for Trump, Netanyahu, and Putin (the “persecuted Moshiachs“).


WARNING (10 June 2024): The G7 Summit, AI, and the Fall of Jerusalem

What I was planning to write about on Sunday got shelved after reader Sohei pointed out some interesting things about this week. Among them is the news that Pope Francis will “intervene in the G7 Summit in Italy’s southern Puglia region in the session devoted to Artificial Intelligence (AI).” So Ol’ Scratch will attend the G7 Summit in order to “oversee preparations for Satan’s AI throne” (see the 8 June update below)…

“…the Pope’s presence will provide a decisive contribution to defining a regulatory, ethical, and cultural framework for artificial intelligence…” – from Vatican News

Ukraine’s Zelensky will be there too. And since the participants will start arriving at the Summit location of Apulia, Italy on June 12th for the start of their meetings on the 13th, they’ll be gathering on the two days of Shavuot (which runs from sunset of the 11th to sunset of the 13th). Shavout is one of the three Jewish festivals that involve making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, so the Summit will provide a golden opportunity to either…

Remember that the G7 + the Pope (the Atlantic Alliance) are the First Tribulation’s “Beast from the Sea”.

~ MORE ~

The UN Security Council is set to vote on a US-drafted Gaza ceasefire resolution this afternoon. If it passes, will it be the “betrayal of Israel that triggers Yahweh’s Wrath on the G7” this week, or will it be the pause in the war that allows the “Jonah Warning” to play out until Tzom Tammuz?


The UN Security Council ceasefire resolution has passed;
will Korah’s (Ben-Gvir’s) Rebellion and its Fire Judgment soon follow?

…from The New York Times

Yesterday, Benny Gantz and his party left the governing coalition that is keeping Netanyahu in power, which supposedly leaves Netanyahu more reliant on the “ultra-right wing warmongers” (“the crazies”) to hold the government together. And now that the UN has passed the ceasefire resolution, a scripted conflict will arise in which “Moshiach ben Yosef” Netanyahu will face a rebellion — or even an assassination attempt — by the crazies if he attempts to accept the ceasefire deal. Keep this in mind while I show you what follows:

It is important to remember that in the Kabbalists, we are dealing with wicked sub-humans / indoctrinated cultist idiots who are obsessed with numerology and history. With that in mind, it should be noted that…

June 12, Day 1 of Shavuot, will mark the 250th day of the Israel-Hamas War. And June 13, Day 2 of Shavuot, will mark 250 days since it began.

In the Bible’s Book of Numbers — the culmination of the story of Israel’s exodus from oppression in Egypt and their journey to take possession of the land God promised their fathersthe number 250 relates to Korah’s Rebellion (Ben-Gvir is Korah, and the Bible verses are in blue)…

Korah’s rebellion was led by a Levite named Korah and three men from the tribe of Reuben (Numbers 16:1). An additional 250 prominent Israelite leaders also joined the uprising. One of their complaints concerned the authority of Moses and Aaron over the people (verse 3).

Korah and the Levites involved in the rebellion also demanded the same priestly rights and privileges as Aaron (Numbers 16:8 – 11). God’s judgment of this unrighteous group first fell on Korah, the three Reubenites and their families.

And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up, and their households, and all the men who were for Korah, and all their goods (Num. 16:32, HBFV).

The Lord then punished the 250 Israelites, who were offering incense at the time, with fire.

And there came out a fire from the Lord and burned up the two hundred and fifty (250) men who offered incense (Num. 16:35, HBFV). – from

So the fall of the Israeli government and/or the assassination of Benjamin Netanyahu are scriptable for Shavuot this week, and it would unleash the (Kabbalist-simulated) “Wrath of Yahweh” upon the world.

Note to the Kabbalists: You are stupid. fu*king. monkeys. And you are meddling in matters that lie far beyond your comprehension. Sit down, eat a banana, and stop making trouble.

(8 June 2024) – Since it appears that we’ll get through the weekend okay, we have an opportunity to review a couple of important subjects before we start focusing on next week’s danger period: 1) the “AI is a threat to humanity” narrative, and 2) why the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array was (supposedly) built with conventional technology. Today we’ll look at the AI narrative…

Beware of charlatans spouting “evil Artificial Intelligence (AI)” propaganda

…from mainstream media outlet CNN (top) and controlled alt-media outlet All News Pipeline (bottom)

You may have noticed the massive mainstream and controlled alt-media coverage being given to the supposed threat to humanity posed by AI. This is part of the preparatory propaganda setup for the final stage of the Kabbalist-planned Second Tribulation, when “Satan himself will rule over Earth via AI.” Here is a modified version of what I wrote about it in the 16 February 2023 update:

…I thought we’d do a strategic strike of our own by exposing the stages of the Antichrist Deception — of which there are three…

1. The First Tribulation Stage, which is the Kabbalist-planned “Satan’s Fake Tribulation” that ends with the rise of the “Nazionist Antichrists” and their New World Order, in which it currently appears that Trump/Pence and Putin/Shoigu will defeat the decoy antichrist Obama (and/or Xi) and save the world from the “commie depopulation scheme.” The reign of Trump/Pence will be short, ending a few days before Rosh Hashanah of 2025 [possibly on September 19, during the 9-23 September UNGA that year (which ends on Rosh Hashanah)].

2. The Second Tribulation Stage, which is the Kabbalist-planned “God’s True Tribulation” that ends with the rise of the “Kabbalah Christ” and his Millennial Kingdom, in which Putin (or Shoigu) rises to leadership of the “reformed” UN and is later exposed as the “Final Antichrist.” His reign will last for either 3.5 or 7 years, depending on how the globalists choose to script 2029.

3. The Second Great Tribulation Stage, which is the Kabbalist-planned “Satan rules through AI” portion of the Second Tribulation, in which Putin will place a “quantum computer-based artificial intelligence” in charge of the global government’s management of the 2029 Apophis asteroid defense and recovery effort (“so all defense and recovery possibilities can be evaluated and implemented with lightning speed and impartiality”).

The “Satan as AI” Stage may last for only a short time or for 3.5 years depending on when the globalists schedule the arrival of their Jesus Christ imposter (a.k.a. the “Kabbalah Christ”). They could have “Jesus and his angels” arrive with Apophis on 13 April 2029, or they could have them arrive during the fall Jewish holidays of 2032. If they opt for the latter, Putin will be “the human figurehead of Satan’s oppressive Great Tribulation reign” until both are defeated by the incoming Kabbalah Christ and his tinklefairies.

A peek at the globalists’ fanciful “Satan as AI” narrative is offered in this video interview of New Age disinfo-doofus David Wilcock by fellow disinfo-dork Mike Adams. They begin touching on the subject and its relation to the COVID jab and the transhumanist movement at the 1:09:35 mark of the video, with Wilcock first mentioning that “Satan is an artificial intelligence” at the 1:12:36 mark.

It should be noted that the video is hosted on Mike Adams’s Brighteon website (Brighteon = Bright Eon = Age of Light = Age of Luciferian Light). Adams is apparently a New Ager who has been assigned to indoctrinate Christians in the New Age aspects of the “End Times” narrative by couching them in Christian terms. And Wilcock presents much of his recent disinfo drivel as revelations from Archangel Michael (the favorite angel of the Nazionists). Wilcock also promotes Vladimir Putin (who is playing the “Final Antichrist” character in the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay). In the stageplay, New Age spirituality is the “channeled doctrines of demons and Satan.”

NOTE (7 June 2024): LOL, these idiots… Netanyahu’s June 13 speech before the US Congress has been rescheduled for July 24 “on account of Shavuot” (as if they weren’t aware of Shavuot when they first scheduled it). This means he’ll be arriving in Washington on July 23, Tzom Tammuz (which commemorates the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls). So now we have a date in July to watch for mischief. But we must first get through this weekend and then the G7 Summit and EU Informal Summit next week (the G7 starts during Shavuot — they could have hit the G7 leaders in Italy and Netanyahu & Congress in Washington on June 13, so maybe they’re switching timelines or flying Netanyahu to the G7).


It has been the Kabbalists’ practice to have Dmitry Medvedev — in his fictional role as an “Atlantic Integrationist who plots to overthrow Putin and bring Russia into the Western-version NWO” — do the false-flag enablers (Russian statements that Western covert operations can point to in blaming Russia for their false-flags). And here is one that will come into play if they pull the trigger in France this week…

…from TASS. Here is an excerpt…

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev has warned that Russia will also act without restraint toward France, after French President Emmanuel Macron refused to honor any red lines when it comes to supporting Ukraine.

Macron said in a recent meeting that “there are no more red lines, there are no more limits” in terms of providing support to Ukraine, according to Le Monde. In a post on X, Medvedev quoted these words and responded, “Then it means there are no more red lines for Russia with respect to France.”

If you add to this Medvedev’s many warnings of striking NATO decision-making centers and Russian nuclear retaliation, you have a prescription for Operation Blackjack being blamed on Russian nukes (initially, by the commie side). And this week’s D-Day commemorations provide a nice symbolic backdrop for a joint “right-wing extremist + Islamist” offensive against Europe.

To be clear, the commies will blame Blackjack on the “far-right and Putin.” And the “patriots / constitutionalists” (Nazionists) will blame it on “the commies trying to stop the right from rising in the European Parliament elections” (that run from today through Sunday and could be suspended — just like elections have been suspended in Zelensky’s Ukraine — due to Blackjack). But both sides work for the Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel, and the scripted outcome of this farcical drama is the collapse of the Interim World Order and the rise of the “multilateral” BRICS New World Order (the Global Roman Empire under Putin/Augustus).

~ MORE ~

Keep in mind this news that came out yesterday…

Ukraine has struck inside of Russia with U.S. weapons for the first time since permission was granted by the Biden administration last week, according to a Ukrainian official.

Ukrainian parliament member Yehor Cherniev confirmed that U.S.-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) have hit Russian logistics and artillery locations inside of Russia near Ukraine’s northeast region of Kharkiv, where Moscow is conducting an offensive. – from The Hill

And consider it in light of what I wrote about in a 2022 update (emphasis added)…

According to the globalist script (and their disinfo agent “The Saker”), Dmitry Medvedev is an “Atlantic Integrationist” who wants Russia to join the Western-version NWO. So when he threatened a strike against Western “decision-making centers” in response to any Ukrainian HIMARS rocket attack on Russian territory, he was handing NATO exactly what they need to carry out Operation Blackjack and blame it on Putin.

~ MORE ~

You may have seen the news about Elon Musk’s “triumphant” Starship launch today. I’ve previously written about SpaceX‘s role in placing the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array into orbit…

The Artemis Moon mission program provides public cover for the weapons program. They used the excuse of a manned mission to the Moon in order the build the super-heavy “SLS” rockets needed to lift the tungsten rods into space. In the same way, Elon Musk used his “mission to Mars” as an excuse to build his super-heavy “Starship” rockets for the same purpose.

Whether today’s launch was an operational launch of more Artemis components or a symbolic launch celebrating Artemis’ impending victory, I encourage you to read more about the weapons system and its ties to Trump/Pence.

~ MORE ~

Here’s a thought that just crossed my mind: Given that the Ukraine War is the Kabbalist mechanism for consolidating and depopulating (of Slavs) the ancient lands of Khazaria under Jewish King Vladimir (Putin) the Great, it is entirely possible that current-day Israel will be completely wiped out during this artificially-staged Fire Judgment — something Henry Kissinger hinted-at back in 2012. And it is Jews worldwide who will be “wandering in the wilderness” as they run from the Kabbalist-planned explosion of Jew Hate that is right around the corner. This would lead to “Moshiach” Putin gathering the surviving Jews in New Khazaria and New Jerusalem (Kyiv) under his protection…

…from the New York Post (top), The New York Times (middle), and The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words… (bottom).

The scripted “Triumphal Procession from Sinai to Jerusalem” could then return the Jews to the Holy Land when the Kabbalah Christ comes to defeat Putin at the end of the Second Tribulation.

~ MORE ~

Today offered a target-rich environment for the execution of Operation Blackjack, but Friday will as well…

So look for New York, Paris, and Rome to be among the targets. No surprises there.

As for the start of the kinetic phase of the Israel-Hezbollah War, it could happen on Friday or Saturday. Saturday is the actual June 8 anniversary of the Vatican’s Invocation, and it is also the Jewish anniversary of the end of the Six Day Warthe day Israel captured the Golan Heights. So by scripting the start of full-on war that day, they’d be “picking up where they left off in 1967.”

Watch for the possibility that Tel Aviv will be one of the cities hit in Blackjack. They could use that as the mechanism for killing off the precursor Messiah (the Moshiach ben Yosef, played by Benjamin Netanyahu) like the Chabad script calls for. This would also leave Israel without a government, which is another scripted requirement for the arrival of the Moshiach.

~ from earlier today (early AM) ~

The Kabbalists backed off on Wednesday, but they are keeping Israel’s north in flames, so the Fire Judgment is still in play. And now they’ve moved Dodderin’ Joe Biden to France — the nation that is leading the way in provoking Russia — for meetings with Macron and Zelensky.

So Vladimir Putin’s (the Fake Jewish Messiah’s) three greatest enemies will be gathered in France over the next three days commemorating D-Day, the Anglo-American invasion of Nazi Europe. Are they being gathered there merely to enjoy tea and strumpets, or are they sheep gathered for slaughter? What better time is there for the Nazionists to unleash Artemis on Communist Europe?

Wink, wink. Nod, nod. Say no more…

WARNING (5 June 2024): Today is a candidate day for Operation Blackjack

In light of the possibility of Operation Wildfire erupting today (see yesterday’s alert below), today’s UN Security Council (UNSC) schedule bears scrutiny…


They will be meeting today on…

> “peace and security” – “While people are saying, ‘Peace and security,’ destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”1 Thessalonians 5:3

> “to promote accountability for crimes committed by ISIS” – This begs ISIS to hold the UN accountable for its crimes, and we’ve seen lots of occult cues in recent weeks pointing to ISIS being scripted to destroy cities.

> “Resolution 1718” – This UNSC resolution imposes sanctions on North Korea for an atomic bomb test, and North Korea is technically still at war with the UN since the Korean War ended with an armistice.

So the UNSC will be meeting about all the things you’d expect them to meet about when they are suddenly destroyed by ISIS armed with North Korean nukes.” And guess what: South Korea holds the UNSC presidency this month.

With this in mind, have another look at a photo and headline that was featured on the Drudge Report yesterday

Notice how the flattened Sun looks like a nuclear explosion in the distance. And since the Kabbalists who are scripting all this are obsessed with gypsy bullsh*t like numerology and gematria, I did a quick gematria check on “heat dome” and found this…

…from Gematria Effect News (note that the numbers reduce to 8 and 8 — 88, the Nazi number)

So if we read the headline a little differently, it says this: “ISIS bombs” to Scorch West(ern World) with Record Highs.” 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit would certainly qualify as a record high in most Western cities; such temperatures have been recorded only twice (in Japanese cities).

Long story short, Operation Blackjack is scriptable today.

ALERT (4-5 June 2024): May your villages burn

…from Zero Hedge (top) and today’s Drudge Report (bottom)

It is becoming clear that Chabad/Mossad and their terror proxies are intending to stage another October 7 on Jerusalem Day tomorrow, this time involving a FIRESTORM (widespread “Muslim” arson in Israel, the US, and possibly Europe). In doing this, they will be staging a historic reenactment of the Six-Day War on the Gregorian anniversary of its beginning (June 5), but this war will likely last longer (until at least September 14), and it will be disastrous for Israel (until Chabad’s Fake Jewish Messiah intervenes).

The fires will likely begin after sunset on Wednesday in Israel (the Jewish day corresponding to 6/6/24 >>> 666 day, the 44th day of the Omer count44 is Obama’s number). If the Israelis truly understood what happened on October 7, they would be burning down Mossad Headquarters and the Chabad Houses, and the war cabinet would be hanging from lampposts. All of this death and destruction is coming from their pernicious plot to bring in their accursed Moshiach. Greet the Moshiach with the limitless hostility he deserves.

~ MORE ~

It is being narrated that Hezbollah intensified their incendiary strikes on Monday…

…from Zero Hedge

And Monday was the Hebrew day of Iyar 26 (2/26, since Iyar is the second month of the ecclesiastical calendar). Do you remember the Hezbollah video that hinted at when the “War in the North” would start?…

…from Twitter

So it can be narrated that 26 Iyar (which began after sunset of June 2 and is the Jewish anniversary of the start of the Six Day War) was the day Hezbollah began their war against Israel, and you can rest assured that both the Israeli government and Hezbollah are working from the same script — a script written by the Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel via Chabad. The banksters are the paymasters of both sides.

“Operation Wildfire” / “Operation Firestorm” will be the excuse Israel uses to start the New Six Day War to once again expand their territories. And the reason they haven’t already invaded Lebanon and Syria is because the script calls for Jerusalem Day and the flag march to be the precipitating factors for the sh*t hitting the fan.

It should also be noted that the Kabbalists are the paymasters of the “patriots / constitutionalists” (Nazionists) too — the ones who will be stepping forward to save us on September 14 and October 29. Their role is to take you into a New World Order that will seem like heaven at first, but will end up killing a large swath of the human race 3.5 or 7 years later.

~ MORE ~

Have a look at some articles that have come out today…

Israeli war cabinet calls Lebanon meeting as Hezbollah tension spikes
Israel nears decision on Lebanon border offensive, army chief says
Hezbollah ‘ready’ for an all-out war with Israel, deputy head says

Be advised that Operation Blackjack is a possibility for tomorrow. Details to come.

~ MORE – 5 June 2024 ~

As expected…

Ben-Gvir threatens to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque during Jerusalem ‘Flag March’
Hamas warns Israel against any foolish act during flag march

There are 3,000 Israeli police who are supposed to keep the flag marchers in check today. But if Ben-Gvir — a cabinet minister and Israel’s national poster boy on the dangers of inbreeding — leads a charge up to the Temple Mount, will the police stand aside “on account of October 7? The desecration and burning of Al Aqsa Mosque would set exactly the right mood for carrying out Operation Wildfire, the burning of Israel and the West (with regular fire and possibly “nuclear” fire).

NOTE (3 June 2024): The Jerusalem flag march will take place on Wednesday and follow the usual route through the Muslim Quarter. And The Times of Israel made a point of mentioning this…

Police stressed that the march will not at any point pass through the Temple Mount or the Temple Mount gates.

So, of course, watch for that very scenario: rogue hardliners “taking the hill.”

There was another Israeli wildfire today — this one near the Lebanese border. That makes one in Jerusalem, one on the Syrian border, and one on the Lebanese border (the flashpoints for violence if things go wrong on Jerusalem Day).

(2 June 2024) – Today’s fire in Jerusalem is tied to the Revelation 12 and Saturn’s Possession Tribulation timelines

The fire in Jerusalem today occurred in the Valley of the Cross

…from The Jerusalem Post

On a hunch that this might be significant, I looked into it and discovered that the Valley of the Cross is named after the Monastery of the Cross. And under the high altar of the Monastery’s church lies the burial spot of Adam’s head … from which grew the tree that gave its wood to the cross on which Christ was crucified (the “Holy Cross“). Upon seeing this reference to the Holy Cross, I recalled the check I’d done into Day 1290 of the second half of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timelineDay 1290 falls on 14 September 2024, which is a Christian feast day called The Exaltation of the Holy Cross / The Triumph of the Cross.

I’ve been tracking these occultist nincompoops long enough to know that this is no “mere coincidence.” This was a very subtle marker event to keep the two Tribulation timelines alive. So the Fire Judgment started with a little fire today; let’s see if it will continue with another fire tomorrow before becoming a conflagration on Jerusalem Day.

~ from earlier ~

Fire in Jerusalem: Will Israeli Arabs turn to arson on Jerusalem Day?…

Given the fact that we’re waiting for the staged outbreak of a “Fire Judgment,” it is symbolically notable that fires broke out in Jerusalem and the Golan (the “Gateway to Damascus“) today. Because on Wednesday (Jerusalem Day), militant Israelis will pass through Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate during their provocative flag march

The event, which passes through the city’s Muslim Quarter, is regularly attended by far-right Jewish Israelis, including the far-right Lehava organisation, and is often accompanied by violence, especially against the Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem. Attendees regularly chant racist and anti-Arab songs such as “death to Arabs,” “A Jew is a soul, an Arab is the son of a whore,” and “may your villages burn.” Palestinian residents frequently shutter their businesses and homes on the day of the march for fear of being subjected to violence from Israeli marchers or after being ordered to do so by the Israel Police, who also institute closures and checkpoints in and around the Old City. – from Wikipedia

With what’s going on in the Gaza Strip, how will the Palestinians respond to the flag marchers’ intimidation this year? And will the marchers set fire to Palestinian homes and businesses “in retaliation for October 7“? Will Jerusalem Day turn into Devil’s Night?

A Kabbalist-engineered escalation spiral can easily arise from this. Watch for fires tomorrow to keep the momentum going into Jerusalem Day.

(1 June 2024) – The Tribulation Timelines and June 2

Since what is/was planned for June 2 involves multiple overlapping and concurrent timelines, today we’ll take a systematic look at everything so everyone can understand what’s going on. And we’ll start with something from The “End Times” Deception page…

In order to deceive the world into accepting their Kabbalah-Christ as the “real Jesus,” the globalists are planning to artificially fulfill the biblical prophecies TWICE. The first fulfillment will provide the “Satanic deception” that Christians are expecting, and the second will provide the “real Second Coming” they’re also expecting.

Currently, the globalists are trying to complete the First Tribulation, in which the “Real Antichrist” defeats a decoy Antichrist so he can be presented as the world savior (the Jewish Messiah / returned Jesus). And it appears that Vladimir Putin remains cast as the “Real Antichrist,” with Barack Obama, Pope Francis, or Xi Jinping playing the decoy.

With that in mind, we have two overlapping Tribulation timelines in progress…

  • the Antichrist Timeline, which started with the Revelation 12 Star Sign, reached its midpoint when Pope Francis went to Iraq and the Apophis asteroid flew by, and will reach its end when the Antichrist “saves the world” by defeating the decoy, and
  • the Satanic Possession Timeline, which started with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, will reach its midpoint on June 2, and will reach its end on its 150th day when the Antichrist Timeline ends on October 29.

The Satanic Possession Timeline involves the spirit of Saturn “crossing the dimensional divide with his demons” and possessing the body of the decoy on June 2. At that point the decoy will attempt to violently slaughter most of the human race and take complete dominion over the survivors. But his world-conquering “Great Tribulation” is scripted to be cut short at 150 days by the Antichrist / World Savior, “lest no flesh be left alive”.

~ MORE ~

In the now-unlikely event that the Great Tribulation breaks out tomorrow, who will be the main communist antichrist who gets possessed when the “Devil Comet” swings by Earth — who will be the one who embarks on a “Shock and Awe” campaign to take over the world? Will it be Barack Obama, Pope Francis, or Xi Jinping (or a “Chicom Deep Stater” who takes down Xi)?

When the Vatican had the child sacrifice set up last weekend in Rome, the Chinese military had surrounded Taiwan and were poised to strike. And it is communist China that precisely fits the description of the RED Dragon in Revelation 12 (A MUST READ). So in this particular combination of timelines, I’m leaning towards Xi being the decoy. It would fit in with Putin’s role as Octavian/Augustus — when Putin defeats Xi to begin his ascension as emperor of the New World Oder, it would mirror Octavian’s defeat of Mark Antony when he began his ascension…

…from the 12 March 2021 update (A MUST READ)

If you are interested in understanding how an artificial fulfillment of Revelation 12 can be scripted to lead to the rise of the “Final Antichrist,” read my 5 March 2021 update (yep, I wrote about it at the very midpoint of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline).

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – May Updates

NOTE (31 May 2024): Today and tomorrow I’ll be fleshing out the details of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline I found yesterday. The Kabbalists have many timelines in play, but this is a MAJOR one that ties into the big plans they have for the next Apophis asteroid flyby in 2029. They even went to the trouble of sending Ol’ Scratch (Pope Francis) to Iraq for the desecration event, which occurred when he entered the Syro-Catholic Cathedral of “Our Lady of Salvation” in Baghdad on 5 March 2021. That Cathedral was where Christian martyrs were massacred in a 2010 terror attack by ISIS. So the plan for June 2 is to have “ISIS” (“an Israeli-Turkish proxy group”) take down the West and destroy the Vatican on Corpus Christi (“The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ”).


CRITICAL INFORMATION (30-31 May 2024): In the 29 May update, I pointed out that if the globalists start the 150-day Torment of Humanity on June 2, Day 150 would fall on 29 October.

Well after wrestling with Tribulation timelines for the past few hours, I discovered something…

  1. If you start a 7-year Tribulation count on the day of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign” (23 September 2017), it reaches Day 1260 (the end of the first half of the Tribulation) on 5 March 2021the day Pope Francis arrived in Iraq and the Apophis asteroid flew by!
  2. And if you count forward from 5 March 2021, you reach Day 1335 (the end day of the second half of the Tribulation when something good is supposed to happen), on 29 October 2024!

If you put that together with what the prophecy propagandists have presented: that June 2 marks the 1260th day of the Great Conjunction of 21 December 2020, it all fits together! Revelation 12 specifically mentions 1260 days.

And since September 23, the day of the Star Sign, is also the BIRTHDAY of Emperor Augustus (who is being played by Vladimir Putin), it points to Putin showing up on October 29. The Great Conjunction has been tied to the Second Coming of Saturn, so Putin is Augustus / Saturn.

~ MORE – 31 May 2024 ~

Another element of Pope Francis’s mid-Tribulation trip to Iraq was his “symbolic visit” to Mosul, which is something that could give rise to ISIS showing up in Rome this Sunday…

…from the Express. Here is an excerpt…

Pope Francis gave a veiled ‘two-finger salute’ to ISIS during a symbolic trip to Mosul in Iraq. The Pope spoke and prayed among the ruins of Mosul’s churches, several of which were obliterated during the battle against ISIS. Christians were among those most brutally persecuted by ISIS when they seized Mosul in 2014…

Sky News’ Mark Stone spoke from Mosul: “In a trip full of historic firsts, this was the most symbolic moment.”

He continued: “The Pope, in the rubble of a city that came to define Islamic extremism, religious intolerance at its worst.

“It was declared just seven years ago the capital of the Islamic State’s so-called caliphate.

“It was a place where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, clad in black in a mosque not far from here, said the caliphate would stretch one day to Rome.

“Well, locals are pointing out that Rome has come to them.

This kind of taunting begs for the obvious response from ISIS on Sunday: The Caliphate has come to Rome“…

Onnabugeisha’s notes on June 2 are now up.

NOTE (30 May 2024): Trump has been found guilty, as expected, so now we wait to see if the UN Security Council schedules a vote on the Gaza ceasefire resolution before Sunday. If they do, Trump could be tossed in jail early (for post-conviction “incendiary remarks”) and we might be in for a bumpy ride.

It’s also important to note that Trump’s sentencing has been scheduled for July 11, the 40th day from Sunday, June 2. This means that the Kabbalists now have the option of…

(29 May 2024) – Let me show you something interesting…

Chabad’s Torah reading for 29 October 2024 is Genesis 7:178:14.

It begins with this verse…

7:17 – For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and the waters rose and lifted the ark high above the earth.

It continues with this verse…

7:24 – And the waters prevailed upon the earth for 150 days.

And it ends with this verse…

8:14 – By the twenty-seventh day of the second month, the earth was fully dry.

Looking at it at a cursory level, it outlines a 150-day period of catastrophe that starts with a 40-day onslaught and continues until 150 days have elapsed and the end is reached — it is an outline of the planned 40-dayFire Judgment” & 150-day “Torment of Humanity” concurrent timeline. And the Kabbalists read about it on October 29 (Day 150 of a count that starts on June 2, this Sunday). So they would be reading about what they just made happen — a godlike feeling for them, I would imagine.

As I’ve previously mentioned, June 2 is loaded with occult indicators. And one of them is the closest approach to Earth of the green “Devil Comet” (at 144,000,000 miles), which can be scripted as the arrival of the Pale Horse that brings destruction to the Roman Earth.” And the scripted real-world events that set it off can be…

  • the US allowing the new UN Security Council Gaza ceasefire resolution to pass (“infuriating Yahweh”) or vetoing it (“infuriating the Muslims”), and
  • a guilty verdict in the Trump criminal trial (“infuriating MAGA”).

Another Security Council veto and a Trump guilty verdict on Thursday or Friday can be scripted as “the final straws that drive the Muslims + MAGA to destroy the current order in the West.” Thursday and Friday also have the potential of being the start of a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that will reach its climax on June 2 [after the “Rain of Fire” stops, the “Pale Horse” and the “locusts” (migrants) commence their assault].

As for the 40-day mark, it would come on July 11 (7/11), a day we can expect UFO activity [1,2 — possibly the Fake Christian Rapture].

More info tomorrow.

(29 May 2024) – Today is the Kabbalists’ final opportunity to start a 150-day Torment of Humanity and land it during the Sukkot holidays in October. If they make today Day 1 by “opening the Gate to the Pit of Hell,” Day 150 will fall on October 25 [Simchat Torah, the day Jews dance with the Torah and the day after Shemini Atzeret (Kabbalist Judgment Day)]. Simchat Torah would be the day the Fake Jewish Messiah stands victorious in Jerusalem.

There is an occult cue in Onnabugeisha’s notes for today that supports the scripting of the opening of the Pit (the mundus of Ceres) with a sacrifice.

As for the 40-day Fire Judgment timeline, a start today would land Day 40 on 7/7, a date I’ve written about before…

…the staged intervention of the Moshiach [could come] on 7 July (7/7) / 1 Tammuz. That is the day the Chabadniks’ Torah study turns to Numbers 19:1-17, which is where the Book of Numbers turns to the subject of the Red Heifer. To the Kabbalists, the Red Heifer has great significance in regards to the “Messiah’s Intervention”.

~ MORE ~

As expected…

Algeria is circulating a proposed U.N. Security Council resolution that would demand an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and order Israel to halt its military offensive in the southern city of Rafah immediately.

The draft resolution, obtained Tuesday evening by The Associated Press, also demands that the cease-fire be respected by all parties. It also calls for the immediate release of all hostages taken during Hamas’ attack in southern Israel on Oct. 7.

Some diplomats said they hoped for a quick vote, even as early as Wednesday. – from AP

“Yahweh’s Judgment cometh, and that right soon”

WARNING (28 May 2024): Watch for the Biden administration to “betray Israel” in today’s UN Security Council Emergency Meeting by abstaining from a vote that passes a binding resolution to impose an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and/or grant full UN membership to the “State of Palestine.” This is scripted to set “Yahweh’s Judgment” in motion against the West the next day, after Trump is convicted in his criminal trial. At that point, “Yahweh will divide America in a civil war and race war” when Biden, Harris, the nation’s black “leaders,” and many black children are killed “by MAGA” in Philadelphia.

~ MORE ~

The UN Security Council Emergency Meeting on Gaza today is a closed-door affair that was scheduled to start at 3:30 PM [33, the Freemasons’ favorite number] in their Consultations Room…


This gives them two options:

  1. They can reach an agreement today, convene an official session, and pass the planned resolution, or
  2. they can reach a near-agreement today, complete it tomorrow (when they were already scheduled to meet on the Middle East), then convene a session and pass it.

Since the second option would allow them to pass the resolution at roughly the same time the Trump guilty verdict is announced — before Biden’s outdoor appearance at the black K-12 boarding school in Philly in the afternoon — they may opt for that. The Philly attack would be scripted as “Yahweh’s immediate judgment.”

Trump’s criminal trial in New York is expected to go to the jury tomorrow morning, and we can expect a quick guilty verdict if the globalists opt to go forward. And the judge in the trial has the option of immediately sending Trump to jail if they want to “add fuel to the fire of MAGA’s rage.” That rage would then be poured out in a “MAGA white supremacist” (DHS) attack on Biden at Girard College

…from The Philadelphia Inquirer

The attack could be a Purge-style conventional assault featuring drones, fertilizer bombs and feds-in-MAGA-drag firing assault rifles or a “suitcase nuke” explosion, and it would leave House Speaker Mike Johnson as the inheritor of the presidency. You may have seen the news about Johnson visiting the Trump trial recently; note how the AP report was worded…

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson assailed the hush money case against Donald Trump Tuesday as an illegitimate “sham,” becoming the highest-ranking Republican to show up at court, embrace the former president’s claims of political persecution and attack the U.S. system of justice.

It was a remarkable moment in modern American politics: The House speaker amplifying Trump’s defense and turning the Republican Party against the federal and state legal systems that are foundational to the U.S. government and a cornerstone of democracy.

Johnson, who is second in line for the presidency, called the court system “corrupt.”

Can you see how this wording paints Johnson as an insurrectionist? It sets the stage for the civil war dynamic I wrote about in a previous update

…the Kabbalists could leave Speaker Johnson in place. And when they hit Biden and Harris, one of two things could happen…

  1. The Democrats could block him from taking office, claiming that he helped instigate the assassinations as part of a “far-right coup.” This would enrage the “political right,” sparking civil war.
  2. Johnson could take office, with the mainstream media screaming that he helped instigate the assassinations as part of a “far-right coup.” This would enrage the “political left,” sparking civil war.

Either way, Operation Blackjack would be triggered, with the Democrats blaming it on “MAGA / Christian domestic violent extremists and ISIS armed with Russian suitcase nukes” and the Republicans blaming it on “the Communist Deep State armed with Chinese / North Korean nukes.” Artemis would be the actual source of the explosions.

Be aware that there are no “good guys” on either the Democrat or Republican side; just Kabbalist Jews, Jesuit Catholics, and Freemasons carrying out their insane plan to remake the world in the most dimwitted and destructive way possible. Stupid. Fu*king. Monkeys.

~ MORE ~

It can be narrated that the Great Tribulation I wrote about in the 26 May Warning (below) began with the Sunday night (19 Iyar) Israeli strike on Rafah. 19 Iyar this year corresponds to the Gregorian day of May 27, the date that needed to be hit. So what we’re seeing now is the escalation spiral that resulted from the marker event. It is therefore quite important that we nip this in the bud.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 29th are now up.

NOTE (27 May 2024): There was “Fire in the Holy Land” today (19 Iyar).

Out of an abundance of caution, it should be noted that Jerusalem entered the Jewish day of 20 Iyar after 7:37 PM local time today, and it will continue until 7:38 PM local time on May 28 (12:38 PM Washington DC time tomorrow). 20 Iyar is the day the ancient Israelites departed Sinai to begin their remaining 38 years of wandering in the desert. And should the Kabbalists trigger the scattering of the Israelis on 20 Iyar this year, they could have them spend 38 days wandering in the desert until the Fourth of July. So Tuesday the 28th is the last Gregorian day they can stage the Big Event and hit July 4. After that, the next currently foreseeable danger day is June 2.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 28th are now up.

WARNING (26 May 2024): Will the Whole World Pivot into the Great Tribulation Tomorrow?

Tomorrow, 27 May 2024, is Memorial Day here in the US, and it will mark 1260 days (the first half of a Tribulation period) since the events of 14 December 2020 (see the red section in yesterday’s update below). With that in mind, look at what was “trumpeted” that day…

…from The Trumpet

So will tomorrow bring the event that starts the Great Tribulation (the scarier second half of a 7-year Tribulation period under the Vatican’s “commie” NWO), or will it bring the event that leads to the end of the global “commie” insurrection — will it get Trumped?

It is important to note that The Trumpet is published by the Philadelphia Church of God, which is an offshoot of the Worldwide Church of God. Longtime readers may remember this group from my 9 December 2014 post titled Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders. Here is an excerpt…

By the way, here is the End Time Scenario promoted by the WCG and Kuhn (as found in the Wikipedia entry of an offshoot of the WCG)…

>>> PCG [Philadelphia Church of God] also has strong apocalyptic teachings inherited from WCG. It teaches a Great Tribulation will soon occur in which a united European power will emerge, composed of ten nations or groups of nations, which will conquer the modern descendants of Israel (the USA, Britain and Israel) and take them into slavery. An alliance of eastern powers (including Russia and China) will gather up its forces and wage war upon the European power. Then Jesus Christ will return and liberate the Israelites and usher in a thousand years of worldwide peace, which is called the world tomorrow. <<<

In that post, I show how the Worldwide Church of God was infiltrated by Kabbalists — including one that went on to become Xi Jinping’s personal handler — so they could control its “End Times” doctrine. It was part of the Kabbalists’ global effort to consolidate control of Christian eschatological doctrine in order to push their version, thus leading Christians to believe that the fulfillment of the Kabbalists’ worldly plans — which were deliberately formulated to follow their prophecy template — is the fulfillment of “God’s will as expressed in biblical prophecy.” That said, here is an excerpt from The Trumpet article…

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism, the China concordat and the pope’s meddling in American politics all have a common theme: They are bids to restore the Holy Roman Empire!

Bible prophecy describes a great church in the end time that holds significant political influence with “the kings of the earth.” It has special power over a union of nations described in symbolic terms as a “beast” (Revelation 17). This description can only apply to one church in modern history—a church that meddles in the affairs of nations and considers itself mother to all—a church aligned with the Holy Roman Empire.

Many prophecies reveal what this church will do in the time just ahead of us.

In Isaiah 47, for example, God calls this church the “daughter of Babylon” and the “lady of kingdoms.” Verse 6 of this chapter prophesies that God will deliver His people—speaking of the modern-day nations descended from ancient Israel, more specifically the United States and Britain—over to this “lady of kingdoms” because of their many sins.

Catholic leaders are making economic and political deals around the world to blot out free-market capitalism and its primary defender—the United States of America. If the pope can bring America’s enemies—foreign and domestic—into an economic alliance against the U.S., people will learn what it means to be victims of the Holy Roman Empire!

Given the nature of The Trumpet, it is highly likely that the release of this article on 14 December 2020 was a deliberate attempt to set a Tribulation marker. Consider the events of that day…

This sounds an awful lot like the Philadelphia Church of God’s prophecy narrative, doesn’t it?

With “Israel and Netanyahu being the last holdouts against the Neo-Communist Roman Empire,” let’s have a look at some select occult scripting cues from my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 27th [with my comments in blue brackets]

5/27 (Monday) – Julian calendar: 5/14 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Maius 14 (Wikipedia) anniversary of the Temple of Mars Invictus (Mars the Unconquered) [The dies natalis of Mars Invictus, the unconquered Roman god of war, is a good day to script Francis’s Holy Roman Empire going to war against the last holdouts.]

Memorial Day (Wikipedia), originally known as Decoration Day, is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial beginning of summer. [There has been a strong emphasis on associating Prince Harry with observances honoring veterans, so keep an eye out for his emergence as the new “Nazi” King of England.]

• World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaims an “unlimited national emergency“ (Wikipedia). Date: 27 May 1941 [What might cause an “unlimited national emergency” tomorrow, Operation Blackjack?]

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (Vatican) – A fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Tuesday, just hours after Pope Francis wrapped up a three-day Middle East pilgrimage during which he visited the shrine (The Guardian). Date: 27 May 2014 [This is a scripting cue for “a Fire in the Holy Land.”]

• President Barack Obama becomes the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, PBS NewsHour – YouTube). Date: Fri, 27 May (5/27) 2016, 8 years ago [Atomic bombing of Hiroshima occurred on 6 August 1945 (Google Search) = 27 Av (5/27)]. [This is a scripting cue for an “Atomic Fire.”]

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 39 months, 39 days, if the smaller units (days) are added first -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood ->  Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (Wikipedia) [This is a scripting cue for “nuclear contamination,” and since Artemis would likely supply the explosions, the “nuclear fallout” would likely be simulated/faked, not real.]

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) took the reins of both the Communist party and the military in China (The Guardian) on Thursday morning. Date: 15 November 2012 (the year of the Dragon, specifically Water Dragon) Chinese 10/2 = 1 Kislev, 6,066,000 minutes or 601 weeks days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 615. asir: a bondman, prisoner / Strong’s Greek: 615. apokteinó or apoktennó: to kill [Will Xi have someone killed (Biden?), or will he be killed?]

Erdogan may also fall tomorrow, in accordance with “prophecy”

• 1960 Turkish coup d’état (Wikipedia) – In Turkey, a military coup removes President Celâl Bayar and the rest of the democratic government from office (Wikipedia). Date: 27 May 1960

If the globalists opt to launch the Great Tribulation tomorrow, Day 1290 of it will come on 7 or 8 December 2027, exactly 7 years after Pope Francis’s Council for Inclusive Capitalism was formed. So they can stage a Pearl Harbor Day attack on Francis’s NWO on December 7.

Both Biden and Harris will be out in the open at Arlington National Cemetery tomorrow, so a twofer assassination is scriptable.

“Marked for destruction”

Expanded NOTE (25 May 2024): Here is one of Onna’s notes on Sunday, May 26

Islamic calendarDhuʻl-Qiʻdah 18

• Attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, on Sunday, December 7, 1941 = Dhu’l-Qi-dah 18, 1360 AH, 85 Islamic years ago

So if the globalists go for it tomorrow, the “nuclear” explosions would be narrated as an “ISIS sneak attack carried out on the Islamic anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack” (and on the Christian Sabbath) — the start of an Islamist “crusade” in the West and Israel. May 26 is Lag B’Omer, the 33rd day of the Omer count and the Jewish day that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were created in 1948 — a fitting day for “the Muslims to seek revenge on the IDF, Israel, and their Western enablers for their genocide against the Palestinians.”

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s full notes on Sunday the 26th are now up. And she has detected a STRONG 1260-day Tribulation count that lands on Sunday or Monday

Numbers5/26 (inclusive) – 5/27 

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news
  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the US (Wikipediabegan -> ‘The weapon that will end the war’: First coronavirus vaccine shots given outside trials in U.S. (Washington Post)
  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes) -> 1260 days ago 

and South America – Solar eclipse of December 14, 2020 (Wikipedia)

This means a “desecration of the holy place” event could be staged on Sunday or Monday. And based on another of her notes, it would likely entail a “nuke” placed atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and detonated, destroying Al Aqsa Mosque (Artemis would provide the explosion, and the “Muslim Antichrist” stirring the Muslims to war would provide the scripted motive)…

• Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock. (CBS NEWS, Vatican: here and  here). Date: 26 May 2014

If they intend for this to become a full 7-year Tribulation, Day 1290 of the second half would fall on Pearl Harbor Day of 2027.

As for the impact to the Fire Judgment timeline by shifting to a Sunday start, there are no major changes: the May 28 “opening of the Gate to Hell” would happen after sunset of Day 3 of the Three Days of Darkness instead of on Day 4, and the July 4 arrival would be pushed back to after sunset. But all the Gregorian days would remain the same.

(25 May 2024) – In the 22 May warning, I wrote this about the Fire Judgment timeline that starts today: “There is a fallback timeline that starts and ends one day later that I’ll also cover.” So it should be noted that the children who have been gathered in Rome for a burnt sacrifice will be attending Mass in Saint Peter’s Square tomorrow…


The May 26 Mass will mark the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, and Trinity was the codename of the first atomic bomb explosion — a test in New Mexico. So as a fallback, the children could be burnt in Saint Peter’s Square tomorrow as is depicted on the cover of this prophecy propaganda book from a prominent Kabbalist asset (both authors are now fittingly dead) (note the mushroom cloud next to the Basilica’s dome)…

Later, we’ll look at how the timeline would play out and what my partner Onna has uncovered.

NOTE (24 May 2024): Here’s a good sign: Iran’s Military Concludes No Foul Play In Raisi Helicopter Crash. This means the Fire Judgment has likely been cancelled… for now.

WARNING (22 & 24 May 2024): The Fire Judgment is/was scheduled to start this Saturday

With one final piece of the puzzle provided by my partner Onna today, I’ve put together the Kabbalists’ current plan for the Fire Judgment. It is scheduled to run for 40 days and 40 nights from this Saturday through July 3, when the decoy “Islamic Antichrist” will be defeated near Jerusalem. And it will be capped off on July 4 with the victorious arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah in Jerusalem (he may be accompanied by the Fake Mahdi). The plan entails…

There are lots of details underpinning all this, which I’ll begin covering a little later — starting this evening with the Vatican’s planned sacrifice of tens of thousands of children on Saturday. There is a fallback timeline that starts and ends one day later that I’ll also cover.

~ MORE ~

“Watch your cornholes, kids. The pope has invited you over for the weekend”

You may recall that the 2012 London Olympic ceremonies contained “a wee bit” of occult symbolism, including lots of fire and a multitude of children in hospital beds

…from USA Today

Well 12 years later, we find ourselves in another Olympic year. And on the Jewish anniversary of the Flood Judgment this Saturday, Pope Francis the Kabbalist will gather a multitude of children in Rome’s Olympic Stadium for a “Fire Judgment” burnt sacrifice…

…from the Catholic Review

The Jewish day of 17 Iyar — the “anniversary of the Flood Judgment” — starts after sundown of Friday the 24th and ends at sundown of Saturn’s Day the 25th, so the occult elements of both May 24 and May 25 can be drawn upon in scripting an event for that day. And May 24 adds a lot of occult context to the Vatican’s weekend barbecue.

May 24 is May 11 on the Julian calendar, which is the second day of the ancient Roman festival of Lemuria, a festival involving the appeasement of angry ghosts…

The Lemuralia or Lemuria was an annual event in the religion of ancient Rome, during which the Romans performed rites to exorcise any malevolent and fearful ghosts of the restless dead from their homes. These unwholesome spectres, the lemures or larvae were propitiated with chants and offerings of black beans.

In the Julian calendar the three days of the festival were 9, 11, and 13 May. Lemuria’s name and origin myth, according to Ovid, derives from a supposed Remuria instituted by Romulus to appease the angry spirit of his murdered twin, Remus. The philosopher Porphyry points out that Remus’ death was violent, premature, and a matter of regret for Romulus. Toynbee defines lemures as ordinary di Manes, made harmful and spiteful to the living because “kinless and neglected” in death and after it, having no rites or memorial, free to leave their dead body but unable to enter the underworld or afterlife. A less common but more “mischievous and dangerous” type of ghost, known as larvae was thought to wander about the house with the lemures … Lemuralia was meant to help those family members who had died in circumstances that prevented or delayed their admission to the afterlife; those who had died “before their time,” in their childhood or youth, through disease, war, assault or misadventure, or in circumstances that prevented their being given proper burial or funeral rites

Ovid uses both lemur and Manes for what are presumably the same ghosts, at the same festival, under different names but with little or no individuation other than differing levels of malice or benevolence. Presumably there was some overlap in identity. Larvae, on the other hand, were thought to have been entirely unforgiving, even demonic. Some of the literature presents them as persecuting the living, and torturing bad souls in Hades

According to some cultural historians, Lemuria was Christianized as a feast day commemorating all Christian martyrs. – from Wikipedia

So the Christian martyr children to be gathered in Rome’s Olympic Stadium on Saturn’s Day will be a burnt offering to malevolent spirits and demons, and previous prophecy propaganda tells us exactly which ones…

The supernatural entities known to the world thousands of years ago as Titans, Watchers, Anunnaki, and apkallu are the things that swarm out of the abyss in Revelation 9. That’s where they are now, confined until the Judgment. They get a short time to torment humanity, taking revenge on God’s prized creation for the punishment of watching their own children, the Nephilim/Rephaim, destroyed in the Flood of Noah.

How do we know? The Watchers from the abyss be allowed to torment those without the seal of God on their foreheads for five months. Now, note the length of time the ark of Noah was on the water before it came to rest:

>>> The fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, and the waters receded from the earth continually. At the end of 150 days the waters had abated, and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8:2–4, emphasis added) <<<

Measured in the thirty-day months of a lunar calendar, the standard in ancient Mesopotamia, 150 days is exactly five months. That’s how long Shemihazah, Asael, and their colleagues watched helplessly while their children were destroyed with the rest of all flesh on the earth. In the end, they’ll get 150 days to torment unrepentant humanity before Saturn’s reign is ended. The parallel is not coincidental, and it identifies the creatures from the abyss as the sinful angels mentioned in the epistles of Peter and Jude—the “sons of God” from Genesis 6, who were led by the entity who’s at the heart of this study, Shemihazah/Saturn. – from SkywatchTV

As this section points out, the Fire Judgment scenario can be drawn out to 150 days. Those days would start with the opening of the Gate to Hell on May 28 and end with an event on Shemini Atzeret (Kabbalist Judgment Day). But I’ll get to that later.

~ MORE – 24 May 2024 ~

Today is May 24, and the Fire Judgment Day of 17 Iyar will begin in Jerusalem at 7:35 PM local time / 12:35 PM Washington DC time. As the 22 May update pointed out, today is also May 11 on the Julian calendar, which is the second day of Lemuria (the ancient Roman “Festival of the Dead”). But Julian May 11 brings another occult element to Fire Judgment Day: the ancient Roman sacrifice to Mania

In ancient Etruscan and Roman mythology, Mania, also spelled Manea, was a goddess of the dead, spirits and chaos: she was said to be the mother of ghosts, the undead, and other spirits of the night, as well as the Lares and the Manes. She, along with Mantus, ruled the underworld. [1]

Manth, latinized as Mantus, is an epithet of the Etruscan chthonic fire god Śuri as god of the underworld

When paired with the epithet Mantus, his consort Catha was also called Mania; she was a goddess of the dead, spirits and chaos: she was said to be the mother of ghosts, the undead, and other spirits of the night, as well as the Lares and the Manes. She, along with Mantus, ruled the underworld. [2]

So the mass fire sacrifice of children in Rome that is/was planned for Fire Judgment Day is scripted as not just an offering to the malevolent spirits and demons in the underworld / abyss; it’s also an offering to the rulers of the abyss who will release the spirits and demons upon humanity. And if they pair the release to the planned 4-day Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) scenario, it will come on the fourth day, May 28, which is May 15 on the Julian calendarthe day of the Festival of Mercury

Mercury is a major god in Roman religion and mythology, being one of the 12 Dii Consentes within the ancient Roman pantheon. He is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld and the “messenger of the gods”

The name “Mercury” is possibly related to the Latin words merx (“merchandise”; cf. merchant, commerce, etc.), mercari (to trade), and merces (wages); another possible connection is the Proto-Indo-European root merĝ- for “boundary, border” (cf. Old English “mearc”, Old Norse “mark” and Latin “margō”) and Greek οὖρος (by analogy of Arctūrus/Ἀρκτοῦρος), as the “keeper of boundaries,” referring to his role as bridge between the upper and lower worlds. – from Wikipedia

According to the occult scripting, Mercury — “the messenger” and “the keeper of the boundary between our world and the underworld” — will be the angel who brings the key to unlock the abyss…

The Fifth Trumpet

1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss. 2 The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.

3 And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them. – Revelation 9 from Bible Hub

So this would begin the 5-prophetic month (150-day) Torment of Humanity, which would conveniently end on October 24 (Shemini Atzeret – the 8th day of Sukkot and Kabbalist “Judgment Day”).

Putting this together with the information in the 22 May update, we can see that the Kabbalists could script…

  • a 40-day Fire Judgment that starts on 17 Iyar and ends on July 4,
  • a 4-day Three Days of Darkness that starts on 17 Iyar and ends with the start of the 150-day Torment of Humanity, or
  • a combined timeline that incorporates 3DOD, the 40 days to the Fourth of July, and the 150 days to Kabbalist Judgment Day.
  • An example combined timeline: the Fake Jewish Messiah arrives at Mount Sinai on June 2, completes his Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem on July 4, then spends the rest of the 150 days rounding up the “Satanic Global Deep State” and trying them for crimes against humanity.
  • Another example timeline: Mike Pence arrives on July 4, then Vladimir Putin arrives on Shemini Atzeret.

~ MORE ~

There are 1260-day and 1335-day timelines that lead into June 2 (or 3), the possible arrival date of the Fake Jewish Messiah (Pence? Putin? The Rebbe?) atop Judaism’s original “holy place,” Mount Sinai. There is also a “planetary parade” that will mark his arrival.

Here is the 1260-day timeline, from Onna’s notes…

• 6/2 – The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA); (BBC) “…the closest giant planetary ‘kiss’ since 1623.” [Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]; The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert: “A new age began December 21, 2020,” 1260 days ago on 2 June 2024

from the SkyWatchTV prophecy propaganda mill

In a standard Kabbalist Tribulation timeline, 1260 days from a Tribulation-starting event is when a “desecration of the Holy Place” event occurs. It has happened twice before with Barack Obama’s visit to the Church of the Nativity and Mike Pence’s visit to the Tomb of the Patriarchs. So whether or not this 1260-day period is part of a Tribulation timeline, it is an indicator for a Holy Place desecration. And given the scenario we’re currently facing, the likely location of the desecration is the top of Mount Sinai, where the new antichrist character will arrive…

Moses at the Burning Bush

1 Meanwhile, Moses was shepherding the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian. He led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from within a bush. Moses saw the bush ablaze with fire, but it was not consumed. 3 So Moses thought, “I must go over and see this marvelous sight. Why is the bush not burning up?”

4 When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called out to him from within the bush, “Moses, Moses!”

“Here I am,” he answered.

5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” 6 Then He said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” – Exodus 3 from Bible Hub

And here is the 1335-day timeline: June 2 has multiple occult indicators pointing to it. Among them is that it’s Essene Pentecost. And this Essene Pentecost marks Day 1335 of a count that started on 7 October 2020 (Essene Shemini Atzeret – the “Great Day“, Vladimir Putin’s birthday, the day he and his Chabad handler published a message to Russia’s Jews, the day a fly famously landed on Mike Pence’s head, and the day Putin signalled his willingness to work with Biden on nuclear weapon treaties), Biblically, Day 1335 is the day something good is supposed to happen (like the arrival of a savior). The Kabbalists had to abandon their plans for Day 1290 of this timeline, but they did arrange a marker event involving Pence and Putin. How often do we hear news about Pence that we heard some on this specific day?

NOTE (21 May 2024): Second Passover will continue in Jerusalem until 7:34 PM local time / 12:34 PM Washington, DC time on Wednesday. Once we get safely past that point, I’ll cover the next opportunity for Kabbalist mischief: Fire Judgment Weekend.

~ from earlier ~

Here are some occult scripting cues Onnabugeisha found for today…

May 21 is the International Tea Day (United NationsWikipedia) -> Boston Tea Party (Wikipedia) and Tea Act (Wikipedia).  [The TEA Party was the forerunner of MAGA.]

• Prince William Meets President Joe Biden in Boston (PeopleDate: 2 December 2022, 536 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 536. aparché: the beginning of a sacrifice, i.e. the first fruit

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III (HISTORY). Date: 8 September 2022, 20 months, 14 days ago [Pesach Sheni is 2/14] or 622 days ago (inclusive) -> Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly / Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove

• Barack and Michelle Obama make first joint return to the White House for unveiling of official portraits (CNN). Date: 7 September 2022, 623 days ago (inclusive) -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

WARNING (20 May 2024): Tuesday is a candidate day for the start of the Big Event

Looking ahead from tomorrow onward…

~ from earlier today ~

The supposed crash of the Iranian president’s helicopter can easily be explained-away as a fog-related accident UNLESS THE KABBALISTS AIM TO MAKE TROUBLE. And if they do intend to make trouble, don’t forget the reports that at least two Israeli F-35s have been permanently stationed in Azerbaijan for a few years.

Are they holding back real photos of the helicopter so they can later reveal that it was hit by an air-to-air missile? Will “radar logs” also show the presence of a stealth aircraft in East Azerbaijan Province airspace? (Their presence is detectable, but their targeting is difficult.)

Thanks to reader Sohei for the photo link.

WARNING (19 May 2024): Reader Sohei has been pointing out some things: on the 40th Jewish day (in Jerusalem) since the X Eclipse, we’re waiting to see if the Iranian president was assassinated by the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan (ITA) Alliance. There were 40 rescue teams searching for his crashed helicopter, and this is happening on the heels of the Dow reaching 40,000.

Sohei also reports that Trump paused his NRA speech last night for 33 seconds — I counted 35 seconds, but I suspect they were trying for 33 — and spoke about Biden and the electric chair. So watch for a potential Biden assassination in Detroit tonight. Will they have a MAGA black man do it “to drive Trump-leaning blacks back into the Democratic camp” or will they go for a “white supremacist” suitcase nuke or “purge” attack? Also watch for moves against Trump and Netanyahu over the next few days.

Today could be the day they “open the Gate to Hell.” And if not today, watch the Jewish days of 14 Iyar and 17-18 Iyar. 14 Iyar (sundown of the 21st to sundown of the 22nd) is Second Passover“a day when death may not pass over us this time” — and 17 Iyar (sundown of the 24th to sundown of the 25th) is the Jewish anniversary of the Flood Judgment. What happens today could bring trouble on one of those days — or a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario between them. 18 Iyar is Lag B’Omer, the 33rd day of the Omer count.

It should be noted that Biden’s campaign event in Detroit tonight is the NAACP’s Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner. And when the Dow reached 40,000 on Thursday, the Drudge Report displayed a graphic showing New Year’s Eve-style fireworks around the Statue of Liberty, a “symbol of freedom

…Wink, wink. Nod, nod. Say no more…

(18 May 2024) – Onnabugeisha’s full notes on Sunday the 19th are now up. Should the globalists go for it tomorrow and mark the beginning of the 150-day Torment of Humanity, the mythological basis for “opening the Gate to Hell” would be Pentecost itself…

Holiday: Pentecost

AKA: “Birthday of the Church”

Religion Represented: Christianity

Date: Fifty days after Easter. (Pentecost literally means “50”)

Celebrates: The day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, causing them to speak in tongues.

Back Story: At his Last Supper, Jesus legendarily instructed his 12 disciples to go out into the world to minister and heal the sick on their own. It was at that point that they became “apostles.” Fifty days after Jesus’ death, as the story goes, the Holy Spirit (part of the Holy Trinity — God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) descended onto the apostles, making them speak in foreign tongues. This “Pentecostal” experience allowed the apostles direct communication with God, which signaled a major shift in the religious landscape and laid the foundation for what would become Christianity. – from

So Pentecost commemorates the day the “Holy Spirit” descended upon men and caused them to speak in tongues. In a “Judgment” scenario, it would mark the day “God allows the release of unholy spirits to descend upon men and cause madness and chaos.” “Demonic possession,” speaking in gibberish, and aberrant behavior can be technologically induced by remote activation of the vaxxed.

A 150-day Torment scenario launched tomorrow would end on October 16, which is Erev Sukkot (the day Sukkot begins at sundown).

NOTE (17 May 2024): On a hunch, I did some checking into Biden’s visit to Morehouse College on Sunday. Get a load of this occult sh*t…

So will Biden be assassinated at MLK’s alma mater on the 20,500th day of MLK’s assassination? Who will make a spoil of the White House on Sunday? Who is imagining mischief to bring desolation and sorrow?

Putting this together with the information from the updates below, we see that the “overturning of Nineveh” can be scripted on Saturday or Sunday. And Onnabugeisha has sent some remarkable notes on the occult scripting cues for this weekend, including the fact that Sunday is Jewish 9/11 this year. Have a look at the Wormwood cues too.

(17 May 2024) – Watch for a Trump Assassination Tonight

In the unlikely event that the globalists attempt to carry out their exposed civil war op this weekend, they will want to stage an event today to outrage Trump’s followers and “incur the wrath of MAGA.” One way to do this is to stage an assassination attempt tonight when Trump is in St. Paul, Minnesota at the Lincoln Reagan Dinnera dinner named after two US presidents who were shot. Trump’s shooting would come on the heels of the shooting of “Slovakia’s Trump” on Wednesday. So will Trump be Lincoln and die, or will he be Reagan and live?

Onnabugeisha’s research has uncovered occult cues that support the assassination scripting…

Friday the 17th in Italy (Wikipedia) – In Italian popular culture, Friday the 17th (and not the 13th) is considered a bad luck day. The origin of this belief could be traced in the writing of the number 17, in Roman numerals: XVII. By shuffling the digits of the number one can get the Latin vīxī (“I have lived”, implying death at present), an omen of bad luck.

Numbers5/17 (inclusive) – 5/18 

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), 45th President of the United States. Born: Friday, 14 June 1946, 77 years, 7 months, 7 weeks, 77 days old, if the smaller units (days) are added first. [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president and Mike Pence as the 48th vice president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 69 weeks ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first. [666, the Number of the Beast]

~ MORE ~

All of Onna’s notes on today are now up, and they include some cues that are also active on Saturday (or after sunset in Jerusalem today). Here’s a notable one…

• The New York Times article: A Nuclear Bomb Inside the Vatican (The New York Times) was published on 19 September 2018, 66 months, 60 days ago.

~ MORE ~

An Alternative Scripting and Timeline

This evening, the globalists have the option of staging the Trump assassination attempt that leads to the Big Event over the weekend. But one of Onna’s notes points out a second option: staging a precursor event on the Jewish day of 10 Iyar that leads to the Big Event on 17 Iyar (Jerusalem has already entered 10 Iyar, and St. Paul will enter it at sunset today)…

After sunset 🌅 – 5/18

Jewish calendar: 10 Iyar

Genesis 7:4 For seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living thing I have made. […according to Rabbi Joshua’s interpretation, the Flood began on Iyar 17… (17 Cheshvan – Chabad).]

According to the Kabbalists, 17 Iyar may have been the Jewish day on which the Flood Judgment began, so it would be a good day to begin the Fake Fire Judgment (using Artemis). And here’s the kicker: if they start a 40-day Rain of Fire on 17 Iyar (May 25), it will end on the Fourth of July — a perfect time for “hero” Trump (or Pence) and the Space Force to “save us.”

The 10 Iyar precursor event could happen anywhere, especially in Israel or America. And it could be the Trump assassination attempt. Alternatively, they could have Trump say something at the dinner tonight that will violate his gag order and lead to his attempted arrest and imprisonment tomorrow.

Keep your Jiffy Pop close at hand.

NOTE (16 May 2024): Looking ahead to the next minefield, the Kabbalists have arranged for Joe Biden to spend this weekend in Atlantaa city famously burned during the First Civil War. And with the 40th day since the “X” Eclipse coming on Saturday and Pentecost coming on Sunday, Biden’s visit presents a golden opportunity to script the beginning of the Second Civil War.

I’ve always wondered how they’ll arrange to finger “Christian doomsday cultists” as being parties to Operation Blackjack, and now I see: by doing it on the “40th day of the Jonah Warning” (or on another day of “prophetic significance”), the mainstream media can point to all the prophecy chatter about “the destruction/division of America” in Christian alt-media circles. If you are unfamiliar with “Jonah’s warning to Nineveh” and its connection to the Eclipse, read the 1 April update (the Kabbalists set up a 40-day Jonah Warning from Trump leading into the Eclipse, and we’re about to encounter the one they set up to run after it).

WARNING (15 May 2024): Fresh off of their supposed attack in Moscow, will “ISIS-K” be scripted to go nuclear in Beijing (and other cities) during Putin’s visit tomorrow?…

…from the South China Morning Post (top), The Guardian (middle), and Operation Blackjack (bottom).

As I pointed out yesterday, Thursday will mark the 222nd day since the Israel-Hamas War began. And Strong’s 222 is the Hebrew word “Uriel – flame of God” (God’s fire). So tomorrow is a good day for Israel to set the world aflame so they can proceed with their war plans in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria without interference.

If Putin and Xi were to be vaporized in a “nuclear” flame tomorrow, whom would the Chinese and Russians suspect? The West, right? And with the major powers focused on fighting each other, Israel and Turkey would be free to fight their war of territorial expansion.

So here are the elements of the Kabbalist script for Thursday…

~ MORE ~

In light of some additional information sent to me by others, there can be little doubt about what is/was planned for tomorrow.

1) Reader Sohei passed this along…

…from the Gulf Times. Here is an excerpt…

The 33rd session of the Arab League Summit of Heads of State will commence on Thursday in the Bahraini capital, Manama.

The Summit will discuss various issues related to joint Arab action in political, economic, social, cultural, and security fields.

The Palestinian cause and the Arab-Israeli conflict and its developments are expected to top the Summit’s agenda. Their Majesties, Highnesses, and Excellencies, the leaders of the participating Arab countries and the heads of delegations, will discuss several topics in this regard…

…in addition to issues of international peace and security related to the security of Arab states…

The Summit agenda also includes … the joint Arab strategy to combat terrorism, maintenance of Arab national security and counter-terrorism efforts, and the development of the Arab counter-terrorism system…

So all of the Arab leaders will be gathered together tomorrow at the 33rd Summit. And they will be “plotting against Israel” and saying “peace and security”

While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. – 1 Thessalonians 5:3

This sounds like a job for ISIS, who will “slaughter them to clear the way for their Caliphate.”

2) My partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out the snow cranes featured in The Guardian’s photo of Putin and Xi

Kabbalist-controlled organizations give their public warnings in the Cult’s symbolic shorthand; they can come in conspicuously-featured numbers, odd word combinations or words in quotation marks, and in the visual elements of staged events, photos and graphics. And the two cranes featured in this Putin-Xi photo have a well-established meaning…

(from the 9-10 October 2023 Update): …the crane(s) relate to the origami cranes that were presented to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum by Obama and the ones that were placed on the table in front of the G7+EU leaders when they visited Hiroshima earlier this year

…The cranes likely represent the “nukes” (Artemis rods) with which each country will be hit, just like the two cranes Obama gave the Japanese represented the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nukes. From the looks of it, America will get hit with six (probably targeting the “sin cities” of Washington DC, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas)….



…from CNN


~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 16th are now up, and they start with these…

5/16 (Thursday / Thor’s day)

Julian calendar5/3 [Convert a date] [the number 53]

Amos 5:16 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be wailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!’ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.

International Day of Living Together in Peace (United Nations)

International Day of Light (unesco) the anniversary of the first successful operation of the laser in 1960.

They also point to what happens after Operation Blackjack: made-for-TV revolution and civil war.

(14 May 2024) – The minefields ahead of us

Looking ahead to the next opportunities for Kabbalist mischief, we have…

  • Thursday, May 16, which presents an opportunity to script Pope Francis’s death.
  • Wednesday, May 22, which presents an opportunity to start a 4-day Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) scenario on Pesach Sheni (Second Passover). And as “coincidence” would have it, that is the day the UN Security Council will have its next meeting on the Middle East…

  • Sunday, June 2, which presents another opportunity to start a 3DOD scenario on Essene Pentecost. There are many occult indicators for this date.

So let’s look at the opportunity closest at hand, Thursday the 16th…

Wednesday the 15th will mark Day 222 of the Israel-Hamas War, and Thursday the 16th will mark the 222nd day since the war began — the difference is whether you count October 7 as Day 1 or Day 0.

If we look to Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 222 is the Greek word “Alexandrian.” And you may remember from the 7 May update that Pope Francis took a recent trip to Venice where he identified himself with Saint Mark the Evangelist, who was killed by Alexandrians. On top of this, the evil trolls of Chabad mark this Thursday as the anniversary of the First Crusade’s beginning. So putting these elements together points to the possibility of scripting Francis’s death on that day.

After a pope dies, it is Vatican custom to hold his funeral 4-6 days later. So a death on May 16 could result in a funeral on May 22 (6 days later), which would allow the Kabbalists to hit the Western leaders gathered for his funeral on Second Passover.

NOTE (13 May 2024): When the Kabbalists write a script for an event, it is based upon an underlying story drawn from history, mythology and other occult elements. And the underlying story of the scripted, fake battle between the Nazionists (the “patriot / constitutionalist good guys”) and communists involves Prince Harry’s (Hercules’s) battle against the Red Dragon — the communist forces that pushed him out of Albion (Great Britain) to New Albion (California), murdered Queen Elizabeth II to seize the throne under the New Babington Plot, and will now face defeat at his hands under ‘a rain of stones’ from the ‘Nazionist-controlled’ Space Force and Artemis Orbital Weapons Array.”

To see the deep occult underpinning of this story, scroll down to today’s (5/13) update at the bottom of yesterday’s alert. It is in commie red.

NOTE (12 May 2024): My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 13th are now up. They contain scripting cues that the Kabbalists can use to hit Pope Francis and the Vatican tomorrow (as part of Operation Blackjack and/or the Three Days of Darkness scenario)…

• Our Lady of Fatima (Wikipedia) – Feast day: 13 May 

On 13 May 1917, three shepherd children reported seeing a woman “brighter than the sun, shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than a crystal goblet filled with the most sparkling water and pierced by the burning rays of the sun, 107 years ago (like 10/7; 28th prime, the Number 107 – Bible Study). [See the Third Secret of Fatima (about the death of a pope)]

• Attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II (Wikipedia) – On 13 May 1981, in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City, Pope John Paul II was shot and wounded by Mehmet Ali Ağca while he was entering the square. The Pope was struck twice and suffered severe blood loss. (“Down with the Pope, down with the Second Vatican Council” – Wikipedia)

There is also a fallback setup for hitting the Vatican on Thursday which I’ll cover later. It could involve having Pope Francis “die suddenly” tomorrow and then hitting the Western leaders on Thursday night who have gathered in Rome for his Friday funeral. But let’s get back to the matter at hand…

By having both the UN General Assembly and the Security Council meet on Israel-Palestine tomorrow morning, the globalists have set up the possibility of having the Security Council vote again on recommending Palestine for full UN membership. But this time, the US would abstain and the measure would pass, allowing them to send it immediately to the General Assembly — already in session on the subject — for their immediate passage too. It would have struck like a bolt of lightning [Barack], leading to the activation of the NWO Transition Event over the next four days.

Let’s see if they go through with it now. See the 11-12 May updates below for more info on what is/was planned.

Thrice-Expanded ALERT (12-13 May 2024): Dividing Israel on Day 1335

Today is Day 1335 of the Obama-Trump “Man of Peace” Tribulation timeline, so if the globalists want to salvage it, they’ll have to stage an event that marks “the beginning of the end” of the Tribulation — an event that we’ll be blessed to see because it was the day the Satanic Global Deep State began to fall.” The first event can be staged during the Gregorian day of May 12 or during the Jewish day of 5 Iyar (which begins on May 12 and ends in Jerusalem at 12:28 PM of Monday Washington DC / New York time).

The globalists have arranged for the UN General Assembly to resume their meeting on Palestinian membership Monday morning, and the UN Security Council will be meeting on “the situation in the Middle East” that morning as well — possibly to hold another vote on recommending Palestine for full membership…

…from (top, bottom)

So the UN will have another chance to “divide Israel” on 5 Iyar, and all it will take to make it happen is a betrayal by the Biden administration (by abstaining rather than vetoing the resolution). By having “Obama’s Egypt betray and divide Israel,” the Kabbalists can script “Yahweh’s wrath” with Operation Blackjack and/or the Three Days of Darkness. And this would happen on a day of much significance to Israel…

Jewish calendar5 Iyar, 5 Iyar (Psalm11918)

• Yom HaZikaron  (Wikipedia) lit. ’Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism’

• Israeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) was proclaimed on 14 May 1948 =  5 Iyar 5708 by David Ben-Grunion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and soon to be first Prime Minister of Israel.

These are from my partner Onna’s notes, which also contain a scripting cue for something that could happen on Sunday or Monday and possibly be the first event: Erdogan’s fall / a change of government in Turkey…

• The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) is founded in Ankara. The assembly denounces the government of Sultan Mehmed VI and announces the preparation of a temporary constitution (Wikipedia). Date: 23 April 1920 = 5 Iyar

Past Kabbalist prophecy propaganda has said that Erdogan’s fall will coincide with “Three Days of Fear”.

~ MORE ~

Watch for an Explosion in Ankara (and New York) Tomorrow

The Tribulation that may reach “the beginning of the end” today/tomorrow is an ISIS timeline, and ISIS is a joint venture of the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan (ITA) Alliance: the Israelis supported it in Syria from the south and the Turks did the same in the north. And after Putin stepped in to play the messiah in Syria, trouble started between Azerbaijan and Armenia…

Shouts of pain pierced the gray skies over Artsakh. “For the sake of Allah, I beg you.” Pinned to the ground and surrounded by men in Azerbaijani military garb, there was nothing Yuri, an 82-year-old Christian man, could do to escape. His captors ignored his pleas, handing another a knife, saying, “Take this one.” He was then slowly and deliberately beheaded…

…who are they? Think to yourself for just a minute where else you’ve seen Islamic warriors decapitating their opponents.

Those doing the beheading were drawn from the ranks of ISIS and other Islamist fighters known as the “Grey Wolves.”

The Grey Wolves are a shadowy movement that seeks Turkey’s restoration of the glory days of the former Islamic Ottoman Empire. They are driven by hyper-nationalism and Islam and wish to increase Turkey’s regional influence to guarantee the preservation of Turkishness by whatever means necessary.

They are closely tied to Turkey’s nationalist MHP party, a political ally of Turkish President Erdogan’s ruling AKP.

They were the go-between that was responsible for recruiting Syrian ISIS fighters to fight in Azerbaijan’s war.

Many were promised $2,000 a month (with the opportunity for bonuses) depending on the atrocities committed against Armenian Christians. One captured Syrian mercenary shared, “They told us that for every beheaded Armenian, we would get $100. We were issued knives for that purpose.” – from

The leading candidate to play the role of “the Turkish Antichrist that rises after Erdogan’s fall” is a cofounder of the Grey Wolves. So I found it quite interesting when reader Sohei alerted me to the following…

Turkey’s Erdogan will meet with Greece’s Mitsotakis in Ankara on Monday (5 Iyar)

Turkey’s navy is in the midst of a large-scale military exercise in the area of the islands they dispute with Greece — which brings to mind two more of Onna’s notes on today/tomorrow…

Numbers5/12 (inclusive) – 5/13

• Blackjack – A slide show story (The Telegraph) Operation Blackjack – the story of a series of terrorist nuclear attacks on major western cities and the aftermath. Published: 12 January 2009, 8:59am, 800 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 800. eshshah: a fireGreek800. asumphónos: dissonant, discordant

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia Astro databank), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February 1954 [at 04:25 AM – unverified], 70 years, 77 days old, if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days).

So tomorrow presents an opportunity for the Kabbalists to script the Turkish Antichrist character using ISIS to blow up Erdogan and Mitsotakis (perhaps with drones or a “small nuke”) to trigger a standoff with Greece — a standoff that he could escalate into a war or use as an opportunity to play the peacemaker. And don’t forget that there is a Hollywood-promoted Nostradamus “prophecy” that suggests the Turkish Antichrist will destroy New York (perhaps with the help of the Israelis on Monday).

~ MORE ~

Here’s another piece of news reader Sohei passed along…

…from The Times of Israel

The number and identity of the nations participating in this “exercise” / mobilization are a sign. When “all the world turns against Israel,” will this be the force that invades from the east? Is this the “Obama-directed” force that will seize Jerusalem?

Day 222 of the Israel-Hamas War arrives on Wednesday the 15th, which would be Day 3 of a Three Days of Darkness scenario that starts tomorrow. Wednesday also brings the Jewish day of 7 Iyar, the day this supposedly happened…

Jerusalem Walls Dedicated (335 BCE)

The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem was celebrated with great jubilation nearly 88 years after they were destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia. – from

Will the modern-day walls of Jerusalem fall to “Mystery Babylon” that day, or will they be saved by the Fake Jewish Messiah after sunset of the Third Day of Darkness?

~ MORE – 13 May 2024 ~

Here’s something from the deep occult: my partner Onna has been tracking an underlying subnarrative in the Kabbalists’ plans involving Albion / New Albion, Drake (a male duck, a DRAGON, and the English explorer who “discovered” New Albion) and Prince Harry (Hercules). Look at what showed up when she looked at the gematria of the Jordanian military exercise, “Eager Lion”…

GematriaEager Lion (86, 50, 157, 49) = Red Dragon 4xWang Qishan [WikipediaThe Jerusalem Post] 3x, the archer [Artemis] 4x, Big Whales 3x (*), the Albion (**) 3x, Kavanaugh (Wikipedia) 3x, Big Dipper (Wikipedia) 3x, Republic 2x, Black swan (Wikipedia) 2x, Death hoax 2x,

*Trump boasts of meeting ‘Prince of Whales’ (The Guardian).

**Albion (Cambridge Dictionary) (WikipediaAlbion Versus Hercules –  Ancient Origins)…

Albion Versus Hercules

After a long reign, Albion went to the south of France (Called Gaul at the time) to help his army defeat Hercules. To ensure winning, Hercules summoned his father Zeus and a shower of stones fell from the sky. These were used as weapons against Albion and he was defeated. However, the giant race of Britain continued for hundreds more years, although their numbers decreased and ended up at southwestern tip of Cornwall, until the arrival of Brutus after the Trojan wars. However, Britain’s original name could also be from a Greek giantess called ‘Albina’…

And look at what else showed up in her notes…

5/13 (Monday)

Uranus at solar conjunction (In The Sky) at 09:04 UTC.

Uranus (mythology) (Wikipedia) is the personification of the sky; Etymology – Ouranos the “rain-maker“, or the “lord of rain”. Uranus is associated with the Roman god Caelus (Wikipedia) – Some Roman writers used Caelus or Caelum as a way to express the monotheistic god of Judaism (Yahweh). Juvenal identifies the Jewish God with Caelus as the highest heaven (summum caelum), saying that Jews worship the numen of Caelus; Florus has a passage describing the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Jerusalem as housing a “sky” (caelum) under a golden vine.

Planets in astrology (Wikipedia) -> Major planets discovered in the modern era: Uranus (Wikipedia) – In society, it rules radical ideas and people, as well as revolutionary events that upset established structures. …When it comes to medicine, Uranus is believed to be particularly associated with the sympathetic nervous system, mental disorders, breakdowns and hysteria, spasms, and cramps.

Here’s the gematria she mentions…

…from Gematria Effect News

(11 May 2024) – We enter the next danger period Sunday afternoon (US time)

The next window for Kabbalist mischief opens on Sunday, May 12 after 12:27 PM Washington, DC time, which is when Yom HaZikaron begins in Israel. The full translated name of Yom HaZikaron is Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism,” so we can expect the Israelis to be instructed to do something stupid vis-a-vis Rafah or Iran on that day “to avenge the victims of October 7 and prevent the next.” This could in turn trigger Operation Blackjack and the 4-day Three Days of Darkness over Monday-Thursday (Jerusalem time).

According to Chabad, Thursday (8 Iyar) is the Jewish anniversary of the beginning of the First Crusade…

1st Crusade Begins (1096)

In the early 1070s, the Muslim Turks commenced an offensive against the Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem. Pope Gregory VII offered his help to defend the Greek Christians, but the army he promised never materialized.

In 1095, his successor, Urban II, began to call for a holy war to liberate the Christians in Jerusalem. By the next year, more than 100,000 men had rallied to his call, forming the First Crusade. Urban and the local clergymen in Europe felt that the Crusade had another purpose as well — to annihilate all non-Christians in Europe who refused to convert to Christianity.

On their way to the Holy Land, the mobs of crusaders attacked many Jewish communities. On Shabbat, the 8th of Iyar, the Jews of Speyer (Rhineland-Palatinate), Germany were massacred. Many of the Jews of Worms, Germany were also massacred on this day; some of them took refuge in a local castle for a week before being slaughtered as they recited their morning prayers (see “Today in Jewish History” for Sivan 1).

So watch for the Kabbalists to begin the 150-day Torment of Humanity (particularly of “the Roman Earth”) by starting an “Inverse Crusade” (of the Muslim migrant armies slaughtering Christians in Christian Lands) on Thursday, May 16. The 150th day would fall on Yom Kippur.

Given that Russia launched an offensive in Ukraine on Friday, watch for the Ukrainians to do something stupid too.

More links and lots more information to come.

NOTE (10 May 2024): The revised draft resolution that the UN General Assembly will pass today appears to be a nothingburger. It grants the “State of Palestine” almost all the rights of a UN member state except an actual vote. And its wording on enforcement of a peace between Israel and Palestine appears vague and ineffectual…

7. Calls for renewed and coordinated efforts by the international community
aimed at achieving without delay an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967
and a just, lasting and peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in accordance with international law, the relevant United Nations
resolutions, including Security Council resolution 2334 (2016), the Madrid terms of
reference, including the principle of land for peace, and the Arab Peace Initiative, and
reaffirming in this regard its unwavering support for the two-State solution of Israel
and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security within recognized borders,
based on the pre-1967 borders;

Since it lacks any calls to real action (like an economic boycott of Israel), it doesn’t provide a solid basis for “extraordinary Israeli action” (unless the Kabbalists are desperate to initiate the NWO Transition and will use any excuse to begin). I’ll have a look at what the Israel press are saying about it to see if they’re overhyping it.

Expanded WARNING (9 May 2024): The UN General Assembly will meet tomorrow (Friday the 10th) on the subject of adding Palestine as a member state


The meeting will be the 49th (7x7) Plenary of the Tenth Emergency Special Session and is being held in accordance with Resolution 377A (V), Uniting for Peace, which will allow UN member states to bypass the Security Council and take political, economic, and even military action in the Israeli-Palestinian situation…

United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution 377 A, the “Uniting for Peace” resolution, states that in any cases where the Security Council, because of a lack of unanimity among its five permanent members (P5), fails to act as required to maintain international security and peace, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately and may issue appropriate recommendations to UN members for collective measures, including the use of armed force when necessary, in order to maintain or restore international security and peace. It was adopted 3 November 1950, after fourteen days of Assembly discussions, by a vote of 52 to 5, with 2 abstentions. The resolution was designed to provide the UN with an alternative avenue for action when at least one P5 member uses its veto to obstruct the Security Council from carrying out its functions mandated by the UN Charter.

To facilitate prompt action by the General Assembly in the case of a deadlocked Security Council, the resolution created the mechanism of the emergency special session (ESS). Emergency special sessions have been convened under this procedure on eleven occasions, with the most recent convened in February 2022, to address Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. However, unlike the preceding ESSs, the tenth ESS has been ‘adjourned’ and ‘resumed’ on numerous occasions over the past several years, and remains adjourned. Indeed, more than ten separate ‘meetings’ have been held by the Assembly, whilst sitting in the tenth ESS, since 2000. – from Wikipedia

1 Thessalonians 5:3

While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

The UN is (as of this writing) blocking access to the draft resolution on which they’ll be voting, but its passage could lead to the de facto establishment of a Palestinian state, THUS DIVIDING ISRAEL. It could also lead to an ENERGY/ECONOMIC BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL to compel their compliance with UN demands. This provides Israel with a motive for blowing up the UN tomorrow and saying “it was Yahweh’s Judgment for dividing Israel.”

A 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that starts tomorrow would reach sunset of the 3rd day — when the “Rain of Fire” is supposed to stop — on Sunday evening (New York or Jerusalem time). And a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario would end on Sunday, October 6 (Tzom Gedaliah and the Conception of John the Baptist, “the forerunner of Christ”). This would allow them to bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah on a Jewish day of mourning (“to turn those Jewish frowns upside down”).

~ MORE ~

Not long after I posted the unfinished warning this morning about the UN meeting tomorrow, they changed the draft resolution to Revision 1. And at some point later, they unblocked public access to it. Did they change their plans? I’ll be reading through it in the morning to see what’s what.

But for now, I’ve posted my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for Friday the 10th. They contain references to…

NOTE (8 May 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 9th are now up. And they point out that besides Thursday being Ascension Day and Russia’s Victory Day, it’s also Europe Day (celebrating “peace and unity in Europe”). So it’s the perfect day for the Ukrainians to stir up some sh*t (by trying to hand Russia a momentary defeat on Victory Day, perhaps by means of “Western long-range missiles”). Also watch for moves against Trump, Netanyahu and Putin — Thursday is “666 Day” for the Israel-Hamas War. These moves could set in motion what’s in today’s update below…

(8 May 2024) – On Day 1290, this happened — what will happen on Day 1335 (this Sunday)?…

…from NBC News

According to Kabbalist prophecy fulfillment doctrine, a “standard” 7-year Tribulation period…

In the Obama-Trump “Man of Peace” Tribulation timeline the Kabbalists are currently running (see the 6 May updates below), Day 1290 was 28 March 2024. That was the day the Democratic Party elite gathered in New York City at Radio City Music Hall. It was scripted to be a much more “explosive” event than it turned out to be, but it still served the purpose of marking the 1290th day: “the victorious villains gathered to party in Gomorrah and mock the persecuted hero Trump.” And 45 (Trump’s number) days after that, Day 1335 will come this Sunday, May 12…

So if they decide to follow through with the Tribulation scripting, Sunday should bring either the end or the beginning of the end

(7 May 2024) – The Setup for Wednesday, May 8

The potentially fateful day of Nissan 30 (1/30) in Jerusalem will continue through 11:24 AM Central Daylight Time of May 8, which will provide the necessary backdrop to trigger Operation Blackjack during Pope Francis’s General Audience or Joe Biden’s appearance in Racine, Wisconsin tomorrow.

Let’s begin by looking at Pope Francis, who laid the symbolic foundation of his May 8 death during an April 28 trip to Venice, Italy…

…from the Daily Mail. Here is an excerpt…

Pope Francis has visited Venice and took part in a canal tour weeks after asking worshippers to ‘pray for him’ following a health battle…

Francis’s Sunday morning visit represented an increasingly rare outing for the 87-year-old, who has been endured health and mobility problems that have ruled out any foreign trips so far this year…

In March he had unexpectedly withdrawn from a Good Friday procession to ‘preserve his health’, after battling respiratory problem all winter which have made it difficult for him to speak.

That last-minute decision had raised questions about how long Francis can continue to lead the Catholic Church, although he appeared to be in much better form in Venice on Sunday.

With Pope Francis’s health being a major point of focus on the trip, his itinerary took him to two notable places in Venice…

1) Santa Maria della Salute (the Basilica of “Saint Mary of Health”), a church built “as a votive offering for the city’s deliverance from the [plague].” It was dedicated to “Our Lady of Good Health,” a Marian apparition that occurred in India. Keep in mind that the “Third Secret of Fatima” about the death of a pope also came from a Marian apparition.

2) Saint Mark’s Square and Basilica, which “is dedicated to and holds the relics of Saint Mark the Evangelist, the patron saint of the city.” It was there in Saint Mark’s Square that the Pope held Mass. And afterwards he entered the Basilica privately to venerate the relics of the Saint


He also reenacted Saint Mark’s travel through Venice by wooden boat

…also from

The first notable thing about Saint Mark is that he was supposedly a martyr killed in Alexandria by a pagan mob who placed a rope around his neck and dragged him through the streets until he was dead. And get this part: “St. Mark’s death did not satisfy the rage of the pagans and their hatred. They gathered much firewood and prepared an inferno to burn him. A severe storm blew and heavy rains fell. The pagans became frightened, and they fled away in fear.” (I’ll come back to this later.)

The second notable thing about Saint Mark is that his Orthodox feast day is observed on May 8. And based on the symbolism of the Pope’s visit to Venice, his scripted death tomorrow can come by illness or “ISIS pagans.” The choice of method will determine the scenario that follows.

Looking now to Biden’s trip to Racine tomorrow, it is a perfect choice for a false-flagged “MAGA” attack on Joe Biden: “In the two years since the 2020 election, the city of Racine and the surrounding area have become a hotbed of right-wing election-related activism”

…from the Wisconsin Examiner

This will be especially true if they arrange for Donald Trump to be arrested and jailed for violating a gag order tomorrow…

…from X

We should also watch overnight for the other trigger event the controlled alt-media have been telegraphing: a Ukrainian strategic strike deep into Russia using long-range Western missiles — an attack that will supposedly elicit a “tactical nuke” response from Russia. If you check the dates on both propaganda pieces, you’ll see that the Trump arrest and the Ukraine attack were active for today, so tomorrow is an opportunity for another try.

So what we’re watching for on Wednesday is Operation Blackjack overnight or in the morning (US time), followed by an escalation to a full-on nuclear exchange and “divine intervention” (“the Storm”) later in the day. Alternatively we could see the death of Pope Francis by illness, followed by a hit on Rome on the night before his Monday funeral.

ALERT (7 May 2024): The beginning of “THE STORM” is scriptable today…

Should the globalists go for it today, Don’t Be Fooled.

CRITICAL ALERT (5-6 May 2024): Washington DC is/was marked for destruction on Monday, May 6 or Tuesday, May 7

It should be noted that almost all of the occult cues that apply to today also apply to Tuesday the 7th. And on Tuesday the 7th, the Kabbalists have arranged this at “the scene of the crime of the election theft”

Tuesday, May 7, 2024: The President will deliver the keynote address at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Annual Days of Remembrance ceremony at the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C.

Additionally, the day counts that would lead to the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah still work if they start on Tuesday, so this alert is now extended to include both Monday and Tuesday.

~ from yesterday – 5 May 2024 ~

I’ve already written about the plans the Kabbalists have/had for Monday (see the 3 May update below), but some new information has come to light that confirms those plans with an exclamation point…


  1. Donald Trump sat as President of the UN Security Council to conduct a meeting about NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION
  2. The reconstructed Arch of Palmyra — the original Arch was DESTROYED BY ISIS — was put on display in WASHINGTON DC…
  3. And Donald Trump met with Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN and endorsed a TWO-STATE SOLUTION for settling the Israel-Palestine conflict…

This information (and its numerological connection to Monday) was included in the notes my partner Onnabugeisha just sent me. Here they are…

Numbers5/5 (inclusive) – 5/6

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) is a series of non-binding multilateral agreements between the United States government and other world governments that elaborates on the norms expected to be followed in outer space. The accords are related to the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2026, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: 13 October 2020,  1301 days ago  -> Strong’s Hebrew  1301. Baraq: “flash of lightning,” an Israelite leader

Numbers5/6 (inclusive) – 5/7

• US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nations) and simultaneously a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). In addition to that, Full text of Trump-Netanyahu: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel) -> the Division Of the Land [Joel 3:2]. Date: 26 September 2018, 66 months, 6 weeks [Number of the beast: 666] or 2050 days ago Strong’s Greek 2050. erémósis: a making desolate  -> as in Matthew 24:15 So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination of desolation,’ described by the prophet Daniel (let the reader understand) 

• The International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Wikipedia) was designated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005, 966 weeks days ago

• Mossad (Wikipedia), the national intelligence agency of the State of Israel. Formed: 13 December 1949, 3882 weeks ago. Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon; Leviathan (Wikipedia)

• 1st BRIC summit (WikipediaBRICS portal) – The inaugural BRIC summit took place in Yekaterinburg, Russia. The four heads of government from the BRIC countries attended: Lula da Silva (Brazil), Dmitry Medvedev, (Russia), Manmohan Singh (India), Hu Jintao (China). Amongst the important issues discussed were United Nations reform. Date: Tuesday, 16 June 2009, 777 weeks ago

• Steve Jobs (WikipediaAstrodatabank) – Born: Thursday (Thor’s day), 24 February 1955 at 7:15 PM (after sunset Google Search), 606,600 hours ago [Number of the beast: 666Gematria: Steven Paul Jobs = The Beast System 4x]…

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: Thursday, 28 August 2014, 505 weeks, 5 days ago. On the same day: Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) -> Strong’s Greek 5055. teleó: to bring to an end, complete, fulfill or Hitler received the number 555 (Wikipedia

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia Astro databank), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February 1954 [at 04:25 AM – unverified], 70 years, 70 days old. (If the smaller units (days) are added first). 

• 2018 North Korea–United States Singapore Summit (Wikipedia), was a summit meeting between North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump. Date: 12 June 2018, 308 weeks ago -> the 38th parallel (Wikipedia) [A line of national division].

Later, I’ll be adding some context to all this. But for now, know this…

Operation Blackjack “conducted by ISIS+MAGA” using “proliferated nukes” is/was the plan for Monday, and it’s scripted as “God’s judgment to divide America for trying to divide Israel.”

~ MORE – 6 May 2024 ~

After some more thinking about how the globalists will narrate “the division of America,” I consider it likely that it will be something like this…

“After Trump erred in endorsing the division of Israel, God withdrew his protective hand from him and America and allowed their enemies to overcome them. This led to the Communist COVID Revolution, the fall and persecution of Trump, and the paralyzing political division of America. But now that Trump has repented from his mistake and Israel and America are very near destruction at the hands of Satan’s minions, God will once again anoint Trump to fulfill his destiny. Like Moses after his error, though, Trump will not live to see the victory he has worked toward.”

Here is Trump’s repentance…

…from the Chabad site

And here is what will happen after he “dies” / disappears and victory is achieved…

…from Breitbart and a previous (must read) update


My partner Onnabugeisha may have identified the reason the globalists are continuing to build towards a war climax this week: they are aiming for a big Tribulation-ending event on May 11-12…

5/10 (inclusive) – 5/11

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (Wikipedia,  The Nobel Peace Prize 2009) was awarded to United States President Barack Obama. The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world, 5328 days ago  -> Strong’s Greek: 5328. Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king 

5/11 (inclusive) – 5/12

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020, 1335 days ago

May 11 provides a numerological point of connection between Obama’s original “Man of Peace” Tribulation and Trump’s “Man of Peace” Tribulation, so it could serve as the day “commie antichrist” Obama reaches his peak moment, then succumbs to “Nazionist antichrist” Trump. In that case, May 11-12 may be the endpoint of a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that starts on May 8-9.

We’ll look at the details a little later. But for now, here are some previous writings on these timelines (both of which feature ISIS)…

(from 28 August 2023) – The Obama “Man of Peace” Tribulation Timeline

Obama is declared the “Man of Peace” when his Nobel Peace Prize is announced on 9 October 2009
…and 1260 days later
Obama desecrates the “holy place,” the Church of Nativity, on 22 March 2013
…and 1290 days later
Obama’s Tribulation fails to end on 2 October 2016 (Erev Rosh Hashanah)

(from 28 March 2024) – The Trump “Man of Peace” Tribulation Timeline

It began on 5 April 2017 when President Donald Trump and King Abdullah II of Jordan held a joint press conference discussing ISIS: Trump – We will destroy ISIS and we will protect civilization. We have no choice — we will protect civilization. King Abdullah and I also discussed measures to combat the evil ideology that inspires ISIS and plagues our planet.”

This timeline reached its 1260-day midpoint on the date referenced in this note from Onna about the Abraham Accords…

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 20201290 days ago

The 1290-day climax point will be reached today, and the 1335-day positive event mark will be reached on Sunday, May 12, the day Israeli Memorial Day begins at sundown. Israeli Memorial Day is followed by Israeli Independence Day after sundown of May 13.

So this Tribulation timeline began in the first few months of “Messiah Trump’s” presidency with Trump pledging to defeat ISIS and save global civilization. It reached its midpoint as Trump made peace between Abraham’s Jewish and Muslim people. And it reaches its climax after “the Democrats stole the 2020 election and helped ISIS to rebuild their global strength under the leadership of Obamakhenaten.”

Remember that there is no need for a “desecration of the holy place” event at the midpoint of this timeline because Obama already did that during the first Tribulation attempt.

NOTE (4 May 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 5th are now up. And after looking at some of them and doing some checking, I found that there is a setup in place for killing off Pope Francis tomorrow or on May 8. They laid the symbolic groundwork for it during his trip to Venice last Sunday, and it reads like something out of a Dan Brown novel.

His staged death tomorrow could be used to schedule a papal funeral for May 9 or 10 and a hit on Rome the night before. And his death on May 8 can be part of Operation Blackjack or be used to schedule the funeral and the Rome hit on May 12-14, the days of Israel’s Memorial Day and Independence Day.

We’ll look at the symbolism of his trip to Venice a little later.

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha has found occult cues that could be used as the basis to script a tsunami attack tomorrow — possibly on Gaza, possibly on Greece, and possibly involving the “Turkish Antichrist” (but blamed on the Russians).

(4 May 2024) – All day yesterday, the Drudge Report displayed occult signalling that verified what is/was planned for 28 Nissan…

Reader Sohei noted that in the graphic of the Statue of Liberty, the number of rays on her halo had been changed. The actual statue has 7 rays, but the Drudge graphic showed 9. This was a timing signal for May 9. And the rest of the graphic showed what New York would look like on the 4th day, May 9, after the Three Days of Darkness run on the 6th, 7th and 8th.

They’ll probably fall back to another time window now. But if they do go for it on Sunday-Monday, the only way New York and Israel would be saved is if they run a 4-day scenario that ends with Trump or Pence’s arrival with the Space Force on the 4th day.

(3 May 2024) – The Next Opportunity for Kabbalist Mischief, 28 Nissan

In order to forestall any deadly and unnecessary lead-in actions over the weekend, today I’ll jump ahead to the climax date of the “New Battle of Jericho,” 28 Nissan (sunset of Sunday the 5th to sunset of Monday the 6th).

You may remember that on 22 Nissan (Passover Day 8), the IDF got their “marching orders” to symbolically begin their “Encirclement of Jericho. And the climactic Day 7 of that encirclement falls on 28 Nissan. Well, upon looking at the day counts coming out of Monday the 6th (Jerusalem time), I’ve found that it’s a good day for the Kabbalists to script a historic reversal for the Israelites: the collapse of Israel’s walls (specifically its missile shields by means of an overwhelming attack)…

So as you can see, Monday is a perfect fit for their plans. Big trouble definitely is/was planned for 28 Nissan, but now they can draw an “X” over that date (“X” for “Xorro”)…

(2 May 2024) – Joe Biden’s trip to Wilmington, North Carolina today was not listed on the weekly schedule put out by the White House on April 28; it was added the next day. And it is a remarkably short visit, with Air Force One being scheduled to arrive at 3:55 PM EDT and depart at 6:05 PM — just 2 hours and 10 minutes of ground time. So the trip seems less about getting any actual work done and more about putting Joe Biden in this specific city on this specific day, and my partner Onnabugeisha’s research has uncovered the specific reasons why…

President Joe Biden to visit Wilmington (WECT News) On Thursday, May 2, the President will travel to Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss how his Investing in America agenda. 

Wilmington, North Carolina (Wikipedia) -> Wilmington massacre (Wikipedia) was a coup d’état and a massacre which was carried out by white supremacists on Thursday / Thor’s day, November 10, 1898, exactly 6547 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 6547. Paroh: a title of Egypt kings, Pharaoh; Gematria: Wilmington, North Carolina (Wikipedia) = Kamala Harris becomes president 2x, president Thomas Jefferson 2x…

…from Gematria Effect News

THIS SPECIFIC CITY: They chose Wilmington because it was the site of “a coup d’état and a massacre” by “insurrectionist white supremacists like MAGA.” And what is/was planned for today is a staged “MAGA+Islamist+Russian suitcase nuke” attack by water. It would involve an Artemis rod striking the Cape Fear River next to the Wilmington Convention Center where Biden will speak, triggering blast effects and a tsunami wave to massacre all the people gathered there. The explosion would be attributed to a small waterborne nuke carried by a boat / water taxi or a surface / subsurface drone (like the ones used by Ukraine to attack Russian ships – 1,2 — keep in mind that Ukraine’s war effort would benefit from this hit)…

…from Google Maps and Nukemap

There is also a fallback possibility of an Artemis strike on the ocean next to the city, which would generate a tsunami and be blamed on a Russian nuclear torpedo. Wilmington sits only 43 feet above sea level.

THIS SPECIFIC DAY: On the occult side, the timing of the attack connects to Pharaoh Obama of Modern-Day Egypt,” which is significant given that today is Essene Second Passover and Orthodox Maundy Thursday (the day that commemorates Jesus’s Last Supper — A PASSOVER SUPPER). So today is another Passover that is scripted to bring “Messiah Trump’s Last Supper” before the feds try to arrest him after Orthodox Good Friday begins in Jerusalem (after 5:00 PM EDT this evening).

Here are a few additional factors that contributed to the Kabbalists’ script for today…

  1. When the forces of the Washington government came to seize Wilmington during the Civil War, the attack came by sea and up the Cape Fear River. If you pair this with the fact that the Kabbalists are sending Biden to speak right beside the River, you can see why I’m expecting a waterborne attack.
  2. Today is April 19 on the Julian calendar, and it should be remembered that April 19 on the Gregorian calendar was the date of another supposed “far-right white supremacist” bombing: the Oklahoma City Bombing

    …from Wikipedia. If they go through with today’s attack, the Wilmington Convention Center will likely resemble the bombed Murrah Building.
  3. For the reasons stated in the previous days’ updates below, today is a good day to script the opening of the Gate to Hell, the beginning of the 4-day Three Days of Darkness (after Jerusalem enters May 3 at 5 PM EDT), the beginning of the 40-day Fire Judgment, and/or the beginning of the 150-day Torment of Humanity.

I have much more information about today, but not enough time and energy to get to it all. But this coverage should suffice.

~ later ~

Although the lead-in event in Wilmington today failed to materialize, it doesn’t necessarily mean the main event has been abandoned. Remember that an occult 72-hour (3-day) nuclear warning was issued on 22 Nissan (Monday-Tuesday), and we are now in that 72nd-hour window. 25 Nissan began in Jerusalem at 12:20 PM EDT today, and it won’t end until 12:21 PM EDT on Friday. This means at least one “nuclear” explosion could still take place in that timeframe somewhere and kick off the sequence of events outlined in yesterday’s update below.

(1 May 2024) – Today on “Commie Christmas,” Joe Biden will be at the Mayflower Hotel in DC and Kamala Harris will be in Jacksonville, Florida (speaking about abortion). A staged “MAGA” hit is scriptable on either one, which would allow an Obama or Clinton to slide into the VP slot (unconfirmed by Congress) before the 72 hours come to “nuclear” fruition on Thursday. Details to come.

~ MORE ~

Here are some quick notes on what could come out of the assassination scenarios of today and tomorrow…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – April Updates

(30 April 2024) – The Kabbalist Scheme for Nuclear Armageddon in 72 hours from Monday

From 12:18 PM Monday to 12:19 PM today (Washington DC time), Israel was in Day 8 of Passover — the day the Kabbalists hold the Moshiach’s Meal and mark the anniversary of the Encirclement of Jericho. And on that day, hopes of a ceasefire in Rafah were raised and the number 72 was featured (in relation to nuclear Armageddon)…

…from Monday’s Drudge Report (the number 72 was added sometime between 16:06 and 16:25 GMT, as Jerusalem entered Passover Day 8). Note how the picture of Netanyahu shows him with “scheming, evil eyes” and “thumbing his nose at being pressured into a truce.”

The number 72 also showed up in this article from The Sun, which was published before Jerusalem left Passover Day 8 (whether the published time of 11:12 AM is UK time or mine)…

Note the reference to MARCHING ORDERS.

According to Jewish history/myth, Jericho was the first city in the “Promised Land” that the Israelites came against, but they didn’t attack it straight away. Instead, they MARCHED around the city and blew their horns once a day for 6 days, then they did the same thing 7 times on the 7th day. This supposedly caused the Walls of Jericho to supernaturally fall. So we need to watch for the scripted Fall of Jericho — possibly Rafah or Israel and the West or the Western “commie” governments — on the 7th day, 28 Nissan (sunset of May 5 to sunset of May 6 Jerusalem time). But something big is planned to happen before then.

On Wednesday and Thursday, watch for the trouble to begin with the assassination of Joe Biden. It may be scripted for May Day (“Commie Christmas” on May 1) or Essene Second Passover (May 2). And it will give rise to an Operation Blackjack or Three Days of Darkness scenario that runs from Orthodox Good Friday (May 3) to Orthodox Easter (May 5). This scripted drama will feature Donald Trump, who has claimed that he is the only one who can save us from nuclear annihilation

…from the Hal Turner disinfo site (top, arch) and the Asia Times (bottom)

WARNING (28 April 2024): Watch for an overnight (in Israel) strike against Rafah or Iran, with the alternate possibility of Netanyahu calling off the Rafah operation and his government falling.

Today is a double-edged sword. Sometime after sunset in Jerusalem — 7:17 PM local time / 12:17 PM Washington DC time — the Kabbalists are/were planning to have Benjamin Netanyahu reenact the Jewish historical moment of “Moses’s Mistake” (of 21 Nissan 1274 BC)…

Moses Strikes (1274 BCE)

After Miriam’s passing (see entry for 10 Nissan), the miraculous well that supplied the Jews with water disappeared. The Jews complained to Moses, and G‑d instructed Moses to speak to a rock in the desert, causing it to give forth water. Instead, Moses struck the rock. It was exclusively due to this error that Moses did not merit to enter the Holy Land. – from

Netanyahu, who is playing the modern-day role of Moses (“the leader shepherding Israel through the Gog-Magog conflict), can be scripted to repeat the mistake by “striking instead of talking” or avoid the mistake by “talking instead of striking.” If he does the former, all hell will break loose; if he does the latter, his governing coalition will collapse (a necessary event in the Kabbalists’ “End Times” script)…

…from Google

~ MORE ~

As was noted in the 25 April warning below, we are currently in the anniversary time window of Pharaoh’s pursuit of the escaping Hebrews during the Exodus. And if we look to the Kabbalist account of how that pursuit ended, we can gain insight into what they are/were planning for us on 21 Nissan…

20 Nissan (the Jewish day that ended in Jerusalem at 12:17 PM EDT today)

Pharaoh Corners Jews (1313 BCE)

Pharaoh’s pursuit of the Jews (see Jewish History for the 18th of Nissan) ended on this day, on the shores of the Red Sea.

A terrified Jewish nation divides into several factions. Some advocated mass suicide, others wanted to surrender and return to Egypt, the bolder ones prepared to battle the Egyptians, while others advised the nation to pray.

G-d thought otherwise. He instructed the Jews to simply proceed onwards — despite the sea which stood in their path.

The Jews complied, and the entire following night they went through the parted waters of the Red Sea (see Jewish History for the 21st of Nissan). – from

So according to this story, the Hebrews found themselves trapped between their enemies and an impassable obstacle, and they faced a choice: “to trust God for their deliverance” or “to follow their own ideas and face ruin.” And through the globalist stage-managing of international events, the Israelites of today are portrayed as being equally trapped (in an engineered false choice): they’re “damned if they don’t strike Iran and invade Rafah to defeat Hamas,” and they’re damned if they do (by the world’s reaction to such a move).

21 Nissan (the Jewish day that runs in Jerusalem from 12:17 PM EDT today to 12:18 PM EDT of Monday)

Red Sea Splits (1313 BCE)

On the eve of the seventh day after the Exodus, the Children of Israel found themselves trapped between the Egyptian army and cavalry pursuing them from behind and the waters of the Red Sea before them. G-d commanded Moses: “Speak to the Children of Israel, that they should move forward!”

Nachshon ben Aminadav of the tribe of Judah was the first to jump into the sea; the water split, and “the children of Israel walked across on the dry land in the midst of the sea.” All that night, a pillar of fire intervened between the Egyptians and the Israelites. When the Egyptians followed, the waters returned to their natural state and place and drowned them. The Children of Israel sang the “Song at the Sea” in praise and gratitude to G-d. – from

So “the Hebrews chose to allow God to supernaturally deliver them,” which is what would happen if we see an offshore “asteroid” impact and resulting tsunami this 21 Nissan. And in Netanyahu’s choice to strike or talk,” we would see Israel’s almost immediate ruin or more time (“for God to arrange Israel’s redemption”).

~ MORE ~

The Jewish history of 21 Nissan, the Jewish day Israel just entered, features God’s destruction of Pharaoh’s army by seawater crashing down upon them“. And given that Rafah is near the sea and the US is building an aid port by the sea near Gaza City, could an offshore “asteroid” (Artemis) strike or “tsunami nuke” come into play Sunday/Monday?

WARNING (27 April 2024): The White House Correspondents’ Barbecue

Biden and Harris will be together tonight at the Washington Hilton (the “Hinckley Hilton” — the site of the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan) for the televised, prime-time White House Correspondents’ Dinner. So there is a definite possibility of a staged “MAGA”/”Islamist” assassination (possibly by “suitcase nuke” / Artemis), and it may be scheduled for 8:08 PM EDT to tie it to “Nazi MAGA.” This dual assassination would result in House Speaker Johnson becoming president, which would trigger a crisis-acted civil war and give rise to an “Israeli mistake”: a 21 Nissan strike or invasion of Rafah or strike on Iran. Details on the Israeli part to come.

WARNING (25 April 2024): Once we get past 12:15 PM Washington DC time today, the Kabbalists will transition away from using the story of Esther as the basis for scripting the Big Event and toward using the story of the ancient Hebrews’ flight from Egypt. And if we look at Chabad’s historical account of Pharaoh’s pursuit of the escaping Israelites, it forms the basis for Operation Blackjack or the running a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that begins on Friday morning in New York City — when Biden will be in NYC and the UN Security Council will be meeting on “peace and security” three times — and ends on Monday the 29th. So the “Great City Babylon” is once again targeted for destruction tomorrow. Details to come…

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 25th (and some of Friday the 26th) are now up. Among them is one that points to the “evil Pharaoh” who is/was scripted to act tomorrow…

• President Obama chaired the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Summit on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Disarmament (YouTube-United NationsUN Press). The Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1887 (Wikipedia) Subject: Maintenance of international peace and security, Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. Date: Thursday/Thor’s day, 24 September 2009, 5328 days ago -> Strong’s Greek 5328. Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king Usage: Pharaoh, the title of ancient Egyptian kings. [Obama Akhenaten –  Google Search]

In light of this note, have a look at the UN Security Council’s schedule for Friday…


Of course, this triple-dose of “peace and security” brings us back to 1 Thessalonians 5:3

While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Now let’s have a look at tomorrow…

18 Nissan
(sundown of April 25 to sundown of April 26, Jerusalem time)
(12:15 PM of Thursday to 12:16 PM of Friday New York time)

Keeping Pharaoh Obamakhenaten of modern-day “Egypt” in mind, here is the occult underpinning of what is/was planned for tomorrow…

Pharaoh Becomes Aware of Escape (1313 BCE)

Following the Jewish nation’s grand exodus from Egypt (see Jewish history for the 15th of Nissan), Pharaoh, who only gave official permission for the Jews to to leave for three days, was informed by secret agents whom he sent together with the Jews that they had no intention of returning.

Pharaoh decided to mobilize his army and pursue the Jews, with the intention of bringing them back to Egypt. This led to the drowning of the Egyptians in the Red Sea (see Jewish history for the 21st of Nissan). – from

So tomorrow would be the day Obamakhenaten would “unleash his forces against the true Moshiachs (Moshiach ben Cyrus Donald Trump, Moshiach ben Yosef Benjamin Netanyahu, and Moshiach ben David Vladimir Putin)” and violently move to complete the communist takeover of the West.”

As for what constitutes Obamakhenaten’s army, that was revealed during the two times he sat as President of the UN Security Council. The first meeting was about nuclear proliferation, and the second was about foreign terrorist fighters. So the army unleashed tomorrow would be “foreign terrorist fighters armed with proliferated nukes.” And it would be narrated that MAGA Christians worked in league with the Islamic terrorists

…from Operation Blackjack

So tomorrow could be the start of a 4-day Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) scenario that ends on the 21st of Nissan. Alternatively, it could be the day of Operation Blackjack, with 3DOD beginning on 21 Nissan and ending on 24 Nissan (Essene Second Passover).

~ MORE ~

Joe Biden is flying into Manhattan this evening and will be spending the night there. So if the globalists go for Operation Blackjack or the Three Days of Darkness on 18 Nissan, it’s possible that it could come during the night. It is merely my expectation that they would wait until after the UN begins its morning meetings.

Should the globalists abort the Big Event tomorrow, which is Friday the 13th on the Julian calendar, there are other precursor events that are scriptable (based on the occult cues), including…

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 26th/13th are up.

WARNING (23-24 April 2024): The Senate has passed the Ukraine and Israel aid package, and Biden has said this…

I will sign this bill into law and address the American people as soon as it reaches my desk tomorrow so we can begin sending weapons and equipment to Ukraine this week. The need is urgent: for Ukraine, facing unrelenting bombardment from Russia; for Israel, which just faced unprecedented attacks from Iran

This creates a scripted motivation for “Russia, Iran and their allies/proxies” to do one of the following…

  • attack tonight before Biden can sign the bill, or
  • attack shortly after he signs it (but before the weapons can be sent this week).

In the latter case, Biden will leave the White House tomorrow to give a lunchtime speech at the Washington Hilton. At the same time, the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly in New York will be meeting on the things you’d expect them to meet about on the day they get blown up.

Links and details to come. Onna’s notes on Wednesday the 24th are now up.

~ MORE – 24 April 2024 ~

After 12:15 PM Washington DC time today, Jerusalem will enter 17 Nissan and Joe Biden will be arriving at the Washington Hilton to give a speech to a union group. There are two highly notable things about this…

1) According the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist Cult, 17 Nissan is the Jewish anniversary of the execution of Haman, the Persian official who attempted to annihilate the Jews.

2) Kabbalists are superstitious numerology freaks who are obsessed with gematria (gypsy number tricks), so I had my beloved partner Onnabugeisha check into Joe Biden’s speech at the Washington Hilton today. She found this…

Washington Hilton (Wikipedia) – The hotel was the site of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan (Wikipedia)  by John Hinckley Jr. on March 30, 1981. The attempt occurred at the hotel’s T Street NW exit. As a result, the hotel is sometimes colloquially referred to by locals as the “Hinckley Hilton“.

Washington Hilton (208, 82, 224, 80) = Turn off the lights 4x, Operation Neptune (Normandy landings – Wikipedia) 4x, Islamic terrorist  3x, Trump arraignment 3x, Russia Ukraine war 2x, Prince of Persia (GotQuestions) 3x, Queen Elizabeth Two 3x, William Harrison (Wikipedia) 2x, Revelation twelve (The Woman and the Dragon Wikipedia) 2x, Dragon twenty four (Exercise Dragon 24 – The United States Army2x, the Permanent Five (Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – Wikipedia) 2x

Hinckley Hilton (165, 75, 213, 69) = Wood dragon year (is 2024 – Google Search)  4x, King Coronation 3x, Vincent Kennedy 3x (JFK Jr. is Vincent Fusca – The Independent), Nuclear fission (Wikipedia)  2x, Chester A. Arthur (the 21st president of the United States, assumed the presidency after James A. Garfield’s death – Wikipedia) 2x, fourteenth of May (Israeli Declaration of Independence – Wikipedia) 3x , Pope Franciscus (Pope Francis – Latin: Franciscus – Wikipedia) 2x

The Washington Hilton (241, 97, 272, 92) = Capitol insurrection (Google Search)  3x, RIP President Biden 2x, god of the underworld (Google Search) 2x, Christophorus Columbus (Christopher Columbus is the anglicisation of the Latin Christophorus Columbus – Wikipedia) 2x, nuclear accident 2x, Schumann resonance (Wikipedia) 2x, American Eclipse 2x, nuclear apocalypse 2x, God bless America (Wikipedia) 2x, Supreme leader of Iran (Wikipedia) 1x

The Washington Hilton hotel (301, 121, 347, 113) = American Revolutionary War (Wikipedia) 3x, Providence Rhode Island 2x, The Brotherhood of Death (Skull and Bones – Wikipedia)
1x, Pledge of Allegiance (Wikipedia) 1x

NABTU legislative conference (267, 114, 435, 147) = The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (Google Search) 3x, Catherine Elizabeth Middleton (Wikipedia) 2x, Catherine Princess of Wales 2x, Kobe Bryant sacrifice ritual (Wikipedia) 2x, Assassination of John F Kennedy (Wikipedia) 2x, Sayyid Ebrahim Raisolsadati [is Ebrahim Raisi, the President of Iran – The Muslim 500] 2x, (267 – Miami Florida United States, United States President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Unidentified flying objects, gunshot wound to the head 1x)

North America’s Building Trades Unions (Wikipedia) (381, 156, 510, 204) = Tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Wikipedia) 2x, The Coronation of His Majesty The King 2x, Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor (Charles III – Wikipedia) 1x, forty-seventh president of the United States 1x, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea – Wikipedia) 1x

~ MORE ~

Of course, the “execution of Haman” scripting cue is about more than just Joe Biden — it provides a basis for the Kabbalists to engineer “God’s Judgment” against all those who supposedly seek to annihilate, divide or corrupt Israel. So it’s about taking down the US and the West (“Egypt”), the United Nations, and the current “wicked” government and “apostate” people of Israel. And should they choose to script that judgment today — which is now 17 Nissan in Israel, the Jewish day corresponding to April 25 — they can run an 8-day window that reaches its final day on May 2, Essene Second Passover. That would be a good day to script the intervention of the Fake Jewish Messiah. Alternatively, they can bring him in on Shavuot.

So today, they scripted the assassination of Joe Biden “by the CIA” at the same place the CIA attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan (to put George H.W. Bush, the former CIA director, into the presidency). And look at what they’ve arranged for the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council to be meeting about today…

…from the UNGA schedule (top) and the UNSC schedule (bottom)

(23 April 2024) – Our Passover vigil continues after sunset in Jerusalem today (12:14 PM Washington DC time) with the beginning of 16 Nissan, which is Passover Day 2 and Day 1 of the 49-day Omer count to Shavuot. 16 Nissan is also the Jewish anniversary of Sodom’s destruction and Esther’s confrontation with the Persian official who attempted to exterminate the Jews. So if they go for it on 16 Nissan, modern-day Sodom (the current Israeli state and the West) would be destroyed and the follow-on events would unfold during the counting of the Omer (including the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah at “Mount Sinai” or in Jerusalem on Shavuot). The events that would unfold over the Omer count are covered in the updates below.

Speaking of Sodom, one of the other cities destroyed on the same day, Gomorrah, has shown up in my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for today (in green)…

Numbers4/23 (inclusive) – 4/24

• The cornerstone of the UN Permanent Headquarters was laid on UN Day (Wikipedia). Harry S. Truman – Address in New York City at the Cornerstone Laying of the United Nations Building (Truman Library). Date: 24 October 1949, 894 months ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood  -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)

• Barack Obama sat as the President of the UN Security Council for the second time (UNthe White House) – the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters. Date: Wednesday, 24 September 2014, 500 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• Xi proposes a ‘new Silk Road’(China DailyDate: 7 September 2013, 3882 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon Leviathan (Wikipedia)

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) – General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Assumed office: Thursday, 15 November 2012, 11 years, 160 days  ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first) -> Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016, 777 % of a common year (365 days) ago -> [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres CourierCharisma News]

After sunset 🌅 – 4/24

Jewish calendar16 Nissan (1/16), 16 Nisan (Psalm11918), 1st day of the OmerPesach II 

Sodom Overturned (1714 BCE),…

• Black Death is created, allegedly (HISTORY) – According to scholars at the University of Paris, the Black Death is created on March 20, 1345 (Julian) = 16 Nisan from what they call “a triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the 40th degree of Aquarius, occurring on that day.” Despite what these 14th-century scholars claimed the most common ailment known as the Black Death is caused by the yersinia pestis bacterium.

• Earth Day (Wikipedia) – The first Earth Day (HISTORY) , an event to increase public awareness of the world’s environmental problems, is celebrated in the United States for the first time on Wed, 22 April 1970 = 16 Nisan

Islamic calendarShawwal 15

• Reformation Day (Wikipedia) –  31 October 1517 (Julian) = 15 Shawwal, 923 AH was the day German Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Electorate of Saxony in the Holy Roman Empire (HISTORY).

• Greg Abbott (Wikipedia), 48th Governor of Texas. On Sat, 14 July 1984 = Shawwal 15, at age 26, Abbott was paralyzed below the waist when an oak tree fell on him while he was jogging after a storm (Wikipedia).

It should also be noted that Joe Biden will be arriving in Trump territory, Florida, in the afternoon (after 16 Nissan begins in Jerusalem). And at Donald Trump’s criminal trial in New York, they’re doing this today…

Judge in Trump trial holds hearing on gag order before witness testimony resumes: Judge Juan Merchan is hearing arguments on whether Trump violated a gag order with social media posts about two expected witnesses in the hush money trial

So if Biden gets hit by a false-flagged “MAGA” attack in Florida, Trump will be in court where he can be arrested for his “incendiary social media posts that have triggered his far-right followers, incited insurrection, and caused a presidential assassination.”

We also need to maintain watch today and throughout Passover for the globalists to play the “New Chernobyl” / Zaporizhzhia / Wormwood card (see Onna’s note in red above).

WARNING (22 April 2024): Passover starts in Jerusalem after 7:13 PM local time (12:13 PM EDT, Washington DC time), and midnight (nuclear/radiological strike time) comes to Jerusalem at 5:00 PM EDT. Here in the States, Joe Biden leaves for his “ill-fated” trip to Virginia at 12:40 PM EDT.

WE SHOULD ALSO WATCH FOR THE KABBALISTS TO PLAY THE ZAPORIZHZHIA NUCLEAR BREACH CARD TODAY [1,2]. Today is intended to be a day of “nuclear catastrophes.”

NOTE (21-22 April 2024): Judas Johnson and Jesus Trump

Is today Trump’s Last Supper? According to the Bible, two days before Jesus was crucified and died, Judas struck a bargain (on “Spy Wednesday“) to betray him. And according to the Gospel of Matthew, Judas then hanged himself (on “Good Friday“) upon finding out that Jesus was going to be killed.

Is this the reason House Speaker Johnson struck a bargain with the Democrats to pass the war money bills on (Spy) Saturday, April 20? Is Johnson currently scripted to resign — politically hang himself — on (Good) Monday, April 22, the day Trump is crucified (and Biden dies in a helicopter crash)? (More on Trump and the helicopter crash after I post Onnabugeisha’s notes.)

On another note, I’ve found another candidate window for the 4-day Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) scenario. Thursday, May 2 is Essene Second Passover, and May 5 is Orthodox Easter Sunday (which falls on April 22 on the Julian calendar). By making Essene Second Passover Day 1 of 3DOD, they would be mirroring “Maundy Thursday” (when Jesus held his Last Supper to celebrate Passover), and by making Orthodox Easter Sunday Day 4, they could bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah and his fake ETs on the day Jesus was resurrected.

So the war could start tomorrow on 4/22 (Gregorian) and end with a (fake) “intervention from God” on 4/22 (Julian). — a pleasing symmetry for Kabbalist numerology freaks.

Circling back around to the war money bills for Ukraine and Israel passed by the US House of Representatives, an AP News report says this about it…

The whole package will go to the Senate, which could pass it as soon as Tuesday. President Joe Biden has promised to sign it immediately.

So they’ve arranged the voting schedule in a way that would allow a Passover black swan event to stop the bills from becoming law. This provides a scripted motivation for Russia and Iran to strike now rather than later.

~ MORE – 22 April 2024 ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on today are up, and looking at the gematria surrounding Joe Biden’s trip to Virginia today, one wonders what would happen to Donald Trump if Marine One gets “shot down by MAGA” using an “advanced Russian MANPADS

…from Gematria Effect News

The gematria also include references to a nuclear power plant accident and Zaporizhzhia.

NOTE (21-22 April 2024): On the 100th day of the Hamas-Israel War, the military spokesman of Hamas stated that one of the reasons for the October 7 attack on Israel was the importation of the red heifers, which was a necessary step towards restarting Temple service on the Temple Mount (where Al-Aqsa Mosque is currently located). And as I pointed out in the 18 April note (below), Passover Day 1, when a red heifer sacrifice is rumored to take place on the Mount of Olives, marks the 200th day of the War. More info to come on this.

~ MORE – 22 April 2024 ~

It’s all about the red heifers and the Fake Jewish Messiah (with my addition in brackets)…

When Abu Obeida, a military spokesman for Hamas, began his televised speech marking 100 days since the October 7 attack, most of what he said followed the familiar mantra of praising Hamas’ military resistance and calling for all Muslims to rise against Israel. But as he began listing the motives for the October 7 massacre, he said that the aggression against “our path and Al-Aqsa” reached its peak with the “bringing of red cows.” To much of the world, such a statement sounds strange, but to a Messianic believer, the charge is loaded with Messianic implications. The “bringing of red cows” Obeida referred to was the 2022 arrival of five red heifers to the Temple Institute, a Jewish organization focused on establishing the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The site, currently occupied by the Al-Aqsa Mosque, is an Islamic holy site and is continually the center of tension in the region…

The current effort to rebuild the Temple is not supported by Israel’s government [LOL] or universally supported within Judaism, but the step toward performing the arcane red heifer ceremony doesn’t just imply a return to the Holy Temple service; it points to the nearness of Messiah and the ultimate redemption of Israel. From the belief that Messiah himself will prepare the tenth red heifer to the ceremony’s hinting at the resurrection of the dead, it’s no surprise that the current turmoil in the Holy Land can be traced to the preparation of the red heifer. – from

So the red heifer sacrifice on the Mount of Olives today would start the arrival countdown for the “Messiah,” and upon his arrival he will perform a red heifer sacrifice before people enter the Tabernacle he’ll place atop the Temple Mount. It has been said in past prophecy propaganda that the Messiah would arrive in Jerusalem at the Mount of Olives.

unfinished note (21 April 2024) – Looking forward to April 22, when 15 Nissan and Passover will begin after sunset, the scenarios we’re watching for remain fundamentally the same. It’s only the scripted triggers that change.

One possible trigger is “the Iranians deciding — on April 21, the anniversary of Haman’s Decree — to begin their annihilation of Israel on the day death passed over the ancient Jews, with the intention that death would not pass over the Jews this time.” This would be the scripted cover for the Kabbalists false-flagging an “Iranian/Hezbollah” attack on Israel’s nuclear sites before or after Passover begins on April 22 (Jerusalem time).

Another possible trigger is the staging of a red heifer sacrifice on Passover in Jerusalem. The Kabbalist/Mossad-controlled leadership of Hezbollah have already threatened to start a war if such a sacrifice is attempted. And the resulting scattering and “Final Chastisement” of Israel that would follow fits perfectly with the Jewish history of the day…

“Covenant Between the Parts” (1743 BCE)

On the 15th of Nissan of the year 2018 from creation (1743 BCE) G-d forged a special covenant with Abraham in which the destiny of the Jewish people was foretold: the Holy Land was bequeathed to them as their eternal heritage, but first they would have to experience galut — exile and persecution. “And He said to Abram: ‘Know surely that your descendants shall be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and they will be enslaved to them, and they will afflict them four hundred years… and afterwards they shall come out with great wealth.’ And when the sun went down and it was dark, behold, a smoking furnace and a burning torch which passed between those pieces… On that day G-d made a covenant with Abram, saying: ‘To your seed I have given these land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates'” (Genesis 15:13-18). – from

This covenant with Abraham connects the scripted Passover Event and what follows to Mike Pence, who did his prophetically-required “antichrist desecration of the holy place” in Hebron, Israel at the Cave of the Patriarchs / the Sanctuary of Abraham. And if the red heifer is sacrificed, it would “pave the way for the salvation of the Jews through the imminent arrival of Moshiach (the Fake Jewish Messiah).” This in turn would bring in the Nazionist New Order / Messianic Era, which will bring in Austrian economics and great material prosperity like the Covenant describes.

WARNING (20 April 2024): April 21 could bring the STORM that necessitates the “Rainbow Rescue,” and it could start today…

…from the London 2012 YouTube channel

April 21 (April’s Blackjack Day) is the Gregorian anniversary of the births of Rome and “NaziQueen Elizabeth II, so it would make a good day for the Nazionists to hit the “mother-murdering commie” King Charles and all his associated commies in a fiery birthday bash for the new Global Rome (the Nazionist BRICS UN/NWO).

April 21 is also the day of the ancient Roman festival of Parilia, devoted to a pair of gods known as Pales. Pales were a version of the Divine Twins, like Castor and Pollux, so this is an occult cue for scripting the arrival of the two Nazionist “heroes” who will save us from the “evil commies”. On Parilia, a purification ritual was performed in which cattle were driven through bonfires — we are meant to be the cattle, and the burning cities hit by the “suitcase nukes” or “nuclear missiles” (Artemis) will be the bonfires through which we are purified and driven into the NWO.

Additionally, April 21 is the Jewish Day of 13 Nissan, which is the anniversary of the day Haman’s Decree to annihilate the Jews was approved by the Persian king. So it will be an ideal day for the Israelis to false-flag the “Iranian (Persian)” attack on Israel’s nuclear sites. And since the approval of Haman’s Decree led to three days of fasting and repentance, the attack could be scripted as the start of the Three Days of Darkness / Rain of Fire.

So the (pushed back by a day) scenarios in yesterday’s warning (below) will be active again as soon as sunset in Jerusalem today, 12:12 PM Washington DC time (EDT) (though the initial attack would likely come at midnight Tehran or Jerusalem time, 4:30/5:00 PM EDT).

Remember that in the Bible, the rainbow was created after the Flood Judgment as a sign of God’s covenant with the survivors that he’ll never again destroy all life on Earth with a flood. So the symbolism of the “Rainbow Rescue” is that the two saviors come down to Earth amidst the Rain of Fire Judgment, bringing the rainbow with them to establish a new covenant.

WARNING (19 April 2024): Sunset in Iran and Israel happens at 11:12 AM and 12:11 PM Washington DC time respectively. That’s when Shabbat HaGadol — the “Great Shabbat” that precedes Passover — begins in those places. And midnight in Iran and Israel happens at 4:30 PM and 5:00 PM Washington DC time respectively. That’s the ideal time to strike in a Passover-related scenario.

To enable a strike scenario tonight, two things have happened…

  1. Israel has struck Iran, which means it’s Iran’s turn to strike Israel in a tit-for-tat escalation scenario, and
  2. the press have circulated a story that Iran has threatened to strike Israel’s nuclear facilities.

This provides a basis by which the Kabbalists can script the “Israeli Deep State” launching a false-flag attack against their own nuclear sites, then pointing the finger of blame at Iran and “retaliating in kind.” And since such strikes would presumably release high-level radioactive contamination over a wide area (real or simulated), there are two directions in which the story can be steered…

  1. The Fake Jewish Messiah and his forces intervene TONIGHT to stop the nuclear catastrophe and “Chabad’s evil plot,” or
  2. Chabad’s plot is carried out, with the Fake Jewish Messiah arriving at the end of it.

I wrote about the first scenario after midnight this morning, and I wrote about the second in yesterday’s notes. If they go with the second one and launch the attack between sunset and midnight today (perhaps at midnight Iran time), on April 19 in Israel, they can still land Day 38 of the Second Exodus on Lag B’Omer (by switching to an inclusive count). And they can still bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah on Shavuot.

~ from earlier this morning (after midnight) ~

Watch for a possible Passover curveball…

After hearing about Israel’s attack on Iran on 11 Nissan (local time), I started thinking about the possibility that the globalists will run a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario from 12-15 Nissan (from Shabbat HaGadol to Passover Day 1 — after an Israeli-Iranian attempt to escalate to nuclear attacks tonight, Middle East time). This would lead to the Fake Jewish Messiah’s appearance after sunset of April 22, when Passover begins.

Upon looking for a Tribulation timeline that would support this scenario, I found one…

If the Kabbalists choose this scripting option, the Truth Tsunami Psyop will co-opt my information and tell you how “hero” Pence saved us from what Chabad had planned. It’s all part of the NWO fairy tale they’ll try to sell. Don’t be fooled.

NOTE (18 April 2024): On a hunch, I decided to look ahead and check when the Hamas-Israel War would reach its 200th day. The answer was exactly what I was expecting: April 23, Day 1 of Passover (this is no mere coincidence, I assure you). And since the Kabbalists are such numerology freaks, the number 200 tells us what we can expect them to script for that day (if they can’t do it any sooner)…

Strong’s 200 Hebrew: folly – as in “the folly of the West in allowing millions of military-age migrants to invade their counties.”

Strong’s 200 Greek: locusts – as in “millions of migrants whose benefits are suddenly cut off, leaving them to roam the West like locusts consuming everything in their path.”

The number 200 in the Bible: The biggest number delineated in the Bible is 200 million. This huge group, likely a mix of deceived humans and demonic spirits, will be allowed to kill one third of humanity (Revelation 9:14 – 18). God allows this as part of his second “woe” to punish those who steadfastly refuse to repent (verses 20 – 21).” – from

Of course, the days between now and Passover are dangerous too, so we’ll have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death one day at a time until all of Passover (+ May Day) has passed over us. We’ll get there on May 2.

NOTE (18 April 2024): “According to Joshua 6:1–27, the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around the city walls once a day for six days, 7 times on the 7th day, with the priests blowing their horns daily and the people shouting on the last day.” – from Wikipedia

And according to the Kabbalists, today (the Jewish day of 10 Nissan) is the Jewish anniversary of this…

Israelites Cross Jordan (1273 BCE)

Three days after the two spies dispatched by Joshua scouted the city of Jericho, the children of Israel were ready to enter the land promised by G-d to their ancestors as their eternal heritage. As they approached the Jordan with the Holy Ark carried by the Kohanim (priests) in their lead, the river parted for them, as the waters of the Red Sea had split when their fathers and mothers marched out of Egypt 40 years earlier. – from

So today is the day the Israelis are/were scripted to “cross the Rubicon” with their attack on Iran. And it would have led to either Iran or Israel’s fall on the 7th day, April 24 / Passover Day 2 / Day 1 of the Omer count / the Jewish anniversary of Sodom’s destruction.

Today is also Yom HaAliyah, which celebrates Jewish immigration to Israel, and it would be marked by Jews fleeing Israel in the aftermath of the Iranian counterattack.

~ MORE ~

Today is/was the perfect setup for the Kabbalist-planned God’s final chastisement of a wicked, sodomite Israel scenario. By starting the “Jericho War” today and scripting Israel’s fall on the 7th day, Day 2 of Passover, they could have utilized the 50-day Omer count as the count-up to the Fake Jewish Messiah’s (Moshiach’s) triumphant arrival in Jerusalem on Shavuot.

By scattering the Israelis today, they could’ve had them wander and die in the wilderness for 38 days until the Moshiach’s arrival at “Mount Sinai” on Lag B’Omer (the 33rd day of the Omer count and a “Jews fight back” day). They could have then utilized the remainder of the Omer count for the Moshiach’s (utterly ridiculous) Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem.

They still have until midnight in Israel, 5 PM Washington DC time, to go for it. And they can still hit many of their marks if they go tomorrow, but the Friday setup isn’t anywhere near as perfect as today’s. Being pushed out of today is a real di*k punch for them.


The latest reports indicate that the UN Security Council will vote TODAY on whether to admit Palestine as a member of the UN. If the US unexpectedly allows it to pass, it could be the trigger for everything I’ve been writing about. (LATER – The US vetoed the measure, which saved our bacon for today. But it will come back to bite us when they unleash the angry jihadis on us later.)

WARNING (17-18 April 2024): Tomorrow and the Arch of Judgment and Fire…

…from The Guardian

My partner Onnabugeisha has found some troubling indicators that suggest a strike on Iran on 10 or 11 Nissan followed by Hezbollah’s “War in the North” and Operation Blackjack on 11 Nissan (all in Jerusalem time). Nissan 11 is 7/11 on the Hebrew civil calendar — but technically 8/11 on this Jewish leap year — and begins in Jerusalem on Thursday after 7:10/7:11 PM local time. That is 12:11 PM tomorrow in New York, where the UN Security Council will be holding an open debate on “the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question”.

It is important to note that tomorrow is the 7 year, 7 month mark [77] of the unveiling of the Palmyra Arch in New York City on 19 September 2016 (all cities visited by the Arch are slated for destruction, including London). So tomorrow (or Friday) is the perfect day to script the phoenix of the current UN burning to ashes so the reformed BRICS New World Order phoenix can rise.

There are lots more details to this setup, which is based on the Battle of Jericho, so more later.

~ MORE – 18 April 2024 ~

Hmmm… in the past I would have to have sex to get some bi*ches to abort…

…from ABC News

But now I just have to write about them. I guess it goes to show how a man’s repulsive power grows with his age.

(17 April 2024) – The threat for today (and tomorrow) is the same as yesterday, but with some occult cues supporting nuclear mischief. Here are some notes from Onna that are active on April 17 and 18…

Wednesday, 17 April (after sunset) – Thursday, 18 April = 10 Nisan

Esther 3:12 (NLT) – So on April 17 the king’s secretaries were summoned, and a decree was written exactly as Haman dictated. It was sent to the king’s highest officers, the governors of the respective provinces, and the nobles of each province in their own scripts and languages. The decree was written in the name of King Xerxes and sealed with the king’s signet ring.

Iran nuclear deal (Wikipedia, The Obama White House: The President Announces a Historic Nuclear Deal with Iran), an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1Created: 14 July 2015, 8 years, 9 months, 4 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 894apsinthos: wormwood – a bitter plant known as “wormwood”(figuratively) what is intensely bitter (grievous), bringing on very sad results(used only in Rev 8:11) -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)

• National Nuclear Technology Day in Iran was established in 2006. On the day [8 or 9 April] in 2006, Iranian scientists succeeded in producing a complete cycle of nuclear fuel on a laboratory scale. (Iran marks “National Nuclear Technology Day” – Iran PressAnydayGuide) April 8, 2006 = 10 Nisan,  Shabbat HaGadol

As for the Western targets, the EU leaders are gathered together for a summit in Brussels today and tomorrow where they’ll be discussing Ukraine and Israel-Iran, and Joe Biden is traveling to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh is the city where Barack Obama’s G-20 New World Order was announced on 25 September 2009, which makes it a good symbolic target for the “Nazionists who want to destroy the commie NWO”. And today will mark that NWO’s 5319th day. In Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 5319 is “to make wrestlings visible (the scripted wrestlings between the commies and Nazionists).

Here is a previous writing about the birth of Obama’s NWO…

On the same day Barack Obama sat as the President of the United Nations Security Council in New York, the G20 convened a summit in Pittsburgh to formally agree to enter his New World Order. And on the very next day, Friday, 25 September 2009, the newly-minted Antichrist traveled to Pittsburgh to announce it to the world…

…from The Guardian. It was at this Summit that the G20 officially replaced the G7 as the leading economic body of the world…

…from CNN

Of course, the groundwork for Obama’s NWO had already been laid at an earlier 2009 G20 Summit in Rothschildland (a.k.a. “England”). Note the terms Gordon Brown used to describe the result of the meeting…

…from The Telegraph

This section came from the 30 April 2022 update on THE FIRST TRIBULATION: “Satan’s counterfeit Tribulation”.

Tomorrow, April 18, Biden will travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the spiritual heart of the American Revolution and the place where Barack Obama declared the American Communist Revolution. This makes tomorrow another good day to script the Nazionists snuffing out the communist revolution in the West with Operation Blackjack / Day X.

WARNING (16 April 2024): Today/overnight carries a high risk of an Israeli strike on Iran followed by Operation Blackjack in the West, with a fallback option for Thursday

Look at the move the globalists were telegraphing yesterday…

…from The Telegraph, the paper that brought us the Operation Blackjack predictive programming slideshow

Now look at the flag of the city Joe Biden will be visiting today, Scranton, Pennsylvania

…from Wikipedia

Also look at what the Iranians are saying…

…from the Tehran Times. Here is an excerpt…

The dirty Zionist regime knows that another Middle East has been formed. After this operation, Israel will be humiliated immediately and more severely. Any group or government that cooperates with the barbaric and insolent Zionist regime or becomes the source of Israel’s mistake against Iran is complicit in its crimes and will regret like the evil regime. The success of this operation was while the enemy was in comprehensive and joint preparation, and America, England, and France supported Israel, the Islamic Republic of Iran opened the gates of hell to Israel.

Looking at all this and the war schedule in the updates below, today/tonight is when we could see Israel’s strike on Iran’s nuclear sites, followed by “Iran’s” nuclear response against Israel and the West. Alternatively, we could see an Israeli hit on Iranian military and government targets followed by a much stronger Iranian strike on Israel — with an escalation to the “nuclear” (Artemis)  strikes on Thursday.

So here is today’s schedule…

More information to come, including why Thursday is a good fallback day for nuclear mischief.

~ MORE ~

Reader Sohei has pointed out that a fire broke out yesterday at an ammunition plant that manufactures munitions for the Army and Ukraine. THE PLANT IS IN SCRANTON. This will allow the post-attack propaganda to narrate the presence of “Russian” or “Russia-allied” terrorists / saboteurs / Spetsnaz in Scranton “before Biden was killed.”

NOTE: I’ve found out that Biden will be arriving in Scranton after 9 Nissan has begun in Israel, so I’ve adjusted the war schedule to reflect that. Remember that the war could begin on the 16th, 17th or 18th (from the US time perspective), with the 16th and 18th being particularly dangerous. Details to come.

WARNING (14-15 April 2024): Now that the Israelis have goaded the Iranians into attacking, it’s hard to imagine them not using the opportunity to “retaliate” by striking Iran’s nuclear sites. And they will likely wait until after today’s UN Security Council emergency meeting at 4 PM EDT to launch their attack. This means the strikes could happen at or after midnight in Iran or Israel (4:30 PM or 5:00 PM EDT respectively).

So the Iran nuclear sites could be hit early on Monday morning — releasing clouds of radiation (real or simulated) — in keeping with Trump’s cryptic warning on Friday about all hell breaking loose on Monday. This attack would in turn lead to an all-out Muslim attack on Israel and the West: the Rain of Fire / Three Days of Darkness, scattering the Israeli civilian population “into the wilderness”.

Since the press are reporting that Biden is standing against an Israel counterattack, the strike could be delayed a day or two to sync up with the April 16-18 window I wrote about in the 12 April warning below. In that case, watch for Dimona to get hit by Thursday.

~ later ~

Controlled alt-media site Zero Hedge is reporting that Israel decided to delay an immediate counterattack after Biden and Netanyahu spoke on the phone. Also, the White House published Biden’s schedule for the week this morning — after the Iran Attack — and it still shows him spending Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in Pennsylvania. He’ll be hit there right before or right after Israel attacks Iran. So everything is lining up with the Esther timeline I wrote about on Friday. I’ll start covering the details soon.

~ The Esther War Schedule (Short Version) ~

This short-version timeline represents the Kabbalists’ quickest path to rolling out the Fake Jewish Messiah, and it combines the Ram-Goat War and the hot phase of the Gog-Magog War into one short, sharp conflict.

In the Bible, Esther was the savior of the Jews — she is credited with stopping their total extermination by a Persian official while Israel was under of the First Persian Empire. And “just as it was in the days of Esther,” the Fake Jewish Messiah is scripted to save the Jews from another attempt at total extermination. This is why they’re utilizing her Nissan timeline

Nissan 8 (*sunset of April 15 to *sunset of April 16, Jerusalem time)
The Day the Party Ends” – The final day before World War III

Nissan 9 (*16-*17)
The 7-Day War Begins
Biden in Scranton, Pennsylvania (Scranton’s flag features an atomic symbol);
EU leaders arriving in New Rome (Brussels) for April 17-18 summit (the Kabbalist prophecy);
Operation Blackjack

Nissan 10 (*17-*18)
“The 2nd Day” – The Israelis invade Syria/Lebanon and/or flee into Jordan

Nissan 11 (*18-*19)
“The 3rd Day”

Nissan 12 (*19-*20)
“The 4th Day”

Nissan 13 (*20-*21)
“The 5th Day” – The whole world turns against Israel to destroy it

Nissan 14 (*21-*22)
“The 6th Day” – A Jewish leader calls for three days of repentance and fasting
The 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario begins

Nissan 15 (*22-*23) – Passover Day 1
“The 7th Day” – The way is paved for the salvation of the Jews
By the red heifer ceremony? (The red heifer and the Moshiach)

Nissan 16 (*23-*24) – Passover Day 2
“The 8th Day” – The Fake Jewish Messiah appears
Sodom is Overturned

Nissan 17 (*24-*25) – Passover Day 3
The Extermination is Ended
The “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” and “Truth Tsunami” psyops begin

Next, I’ll start looking into the 40-day and 150-day variants. Thanks to the reader who sent the link on the red heifer.

~ MORE – 15 April 2024 ~

There are many ways the globalists could script upon the Esther template. So instead of trying to list out all the different ways, I think it’s better to look at the template in its most basic form…

With this raw template in hand, you can compare it to whatever they end up scripting and know that the whole thing is a Kabbalist-engineered fraud. Everything about it is fake, from the “Moshiach” that shows up “to save the Jews (and the world)” to the “ETs” that show up to impress the rubes. See The “End Times” Deception page for in-depth information.

NOTE (13 April 2024): The missiles are en-route to Israel, what’s next?

They’ve gone ahead and done it. The Kabbalists who run Iran (Khamenei and his clowns) have performed their part in the choreographed war by launching a slow-moving drone and cruise missile attack on Israel from Iranian territory. This frees the Kabbalists who run Israel (Netanyahu and his clowns) to do two things: 1) launch their own false-flag drones and cruise missiles on Israel (to ensure the scripted targets get hit) and 2) launch their attack on Iran’s nuclear sites. So…

While the press have not yet reported the important details of exactly when and where the Iran Attack commenced, it’s clear that it happened sometime after sunset on Saturday Middle East time — after the Jewish day of 6 Nissan began. And 6 Nissan is the day before 7 Nissan, when the ancient Hebrews mobilized to invade the “Promised Land” (see yesterday’s warning below).

~ from earlier today ~

As I continue pondering the timeline below, I’m coming to see that it’s not just about Iran. In this case, “Haman” represents all “Edomites / Amalekites” (the entire non-Jewish world). And the planned events through Passover are designed to bring about the final Jewish conquest of all goyim and the imposition of the (Jew-designed) New World Order — leading 7 years later to the (Kabbalist-designed) “Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ.” We’ll start looking at the events of the timeline tomorrow, but here’s a preview: Operation Blackjack may be timed for the 16th/17th, and the attempted full-on nuclear exchange / 3 Days of Darkness may begin on 13 Nissan (Jerusalem time).

WARNING (12 April 2024): I think I’ve cracked the Kabbalist schedule for the Ram-Goat War with Iran

I’ve been racking my brain all day to find the key to what the Kabbalists are planning vis-a-vis Iran, and I finally came to a realization…

It appears that the Kabbalists are setting the stage to follow the Nissan timeline of Esther in scripting what happens with Iran (Persia). I’m still assembling the data and putting the picture together, but big events are planned for…

Right now, we’re in the part of the story when “Haman casts lots to choose the date for the Jews’ annihilation” (“the Iranians are deciding when to strike Israel with nuclear / radiological weapons). And by Day 3 of Passover comes “Haman’s downfall and hanging” (not a good day for Iran).

Also keep in mind Trump’s message this morning: “72 HOURS UNTIL ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!” Ostensibly, the message was about his criminal trial that starts on Monday, but it may be occult signalling of Israel’s response to an “Iranian” attack and their planned invasion of Syria and Lebanon to expand their territory into “all the land God promised them.” Monday the 15th marks the Jewish anniversary of the day the Hebrews began their preparations to cross the Jordan into the “Promised Land”, and Thursday the 18th marks the day they crossed the Jordan and began their invasion.

(12 April 2024) – Here are a few things to note for today, Friday the 12th / 4 Nissan…

(11 April 2024) – It would appear that today’s foray into Kabbalist heifer-tipping fulfilled its purpose…

…from controlled alt-media site Zero Hedge

But the numbers undergirding today’s attempted folly will still work if they go for it on Friday, so please pardon us while Onna and I take another satisfying piss in the globalists’ Armageddon punchbowl

> If the globalists go for it on Friday, April 12, they can still land Day 150 of the Torment of Humanity on September 8 — they just have to switch to an inclusive day count. See today’s earlier notes below for details.

> The ancient Roman festival of Cerealia (associated with the timespan of April 12-19) will provide the Kabbalists with a mythological basis for scripting the opening of the Gate to Hellthe mundus of Ceres — on any day from tomorrow through next Friday. This will be useful because they’ve scheduled a fallback scenario next week on April 17-18, when they’ll gather the European Council for a scriptable slaughter in New Rome (Brussels).

> The Jewish day corresponding to September 8, 5 Elul, begins after sunset of September 7. And our beloved Onnabugeisha has found more Prince Harry indicators for that day…

9/6 (inclusive) – 9/7

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (PeopleGeo News)666 days ago

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia)
Founded: 20 December 2019, 4 years, 8 months, 18 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 4818. 
merkabah: a chariot [of fire]

So the “commie” leaders who torment the Roman Earth during the 150 days would experience a UFO-led Nazionist Pearl Harbor Attack after sunset Jerusalem time on September 7 (7/7 on the original Roman calendar). They’ll likely script “commie” King Charles’s death at the onset of the 150 days so “commie” Prince William can take the throne. “Antichrist” William would then meet his doom at the hands of “Nazi” Prince Harry around September 7.

> Onna’s new notes are up and can be found here.

Ahhh… what a relief. Now that’s what I call “spiking the punch.”

(11 April 2024) The reason the press have rolled out the “gates of hell” language today is this: if the globalists script the opening of the Gate to Hell and the beginning of the 150-day Torment of Humanity today, the Fake Jewish Messiah’s arrival on Mount Sinai or in Jerusalem would fall on September 8. That’s the day of Essene First Fruits of Oil this year (“messiah” means “anointed one” — anointed with oil). That day this year is also a date of significance regarding Jerusalem and immigration to the “Holy Land” by the Chassids (which would happen when the Fake Jewish Messiah shows up).

Additionally, my partner Onnabugeisha has found that in Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 3323 is “fresh (new) oil” and “messiah“. And upon doing a 33 month, 23 day lookback from September 8, I found that Fake Jewish Messiah candidate Prince Harry launched a crusade against “misinformation and disinformation” on 15 November 2021[1,2,3]. The document that was released that day is called the Commission on Information Disorder Final Report — and “Disorder” is something that necessitates a leader to come forward and restore “Order” (a New Order). Remember that the “Truth Tsunami” Psyop will be rolled out upon the “messiah’s” arrival, “correcting” all the “misinformation and disinformation” to which the public has been subjected.

WARNING (10-11 April 2024): Thursday is Eid al-Fitr Day 2 in Iran, and the “Iran Attack” could be scheduled for after it ends…

… from The Sun. Also see this article.

Tomorrow is April 11 (4/11 — a number and date that has been heavily featured in certain prophecy propaganda circles) and the Jewish day of 3 Nissan. And besides the “Iran Attack,” there are two scriptable events to watch for: 1) a hit on the 4:15 PM EDT meeting of Biden, Harris, Kishida and Marcos (Strong’s 415 is “unmerciful God of Israel” involving a sacrificial altar), and 2) the death of Pope Francis on the 3 Nissan Jewish anniversaries of the Alhambra Decree (part of the Vatican’s Inquisition), his election as pope, and his meeting with Queen Elizabeth (whom he helped kill, according to the not-yet-revealed NWO storyline).

~ MORE – 11 April 2024 ~

It should be noted that Iran declared Eid al-Fitr yesterday, but it is a two-day holiday there, so today is Eid al-Fitr Day 2. This creates an opportunity to schedule the “Iran Attack” for sometime after sunset today when the observance ends. They can say that “the Iranians waited until the end of the holiday to open the gates of hell on Israel and the West.” Sunset in Tehran happens at 6:35 PM local time / 11:05 AM Washington DC time today. And the trilateral summit at the White House starts at 4:15 PM EDT, just 15 minutes before midnight in Tehran (a prime time for launching a strike that’s scheduled by a bunch of Kabbalists).

A 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario started today would land the 4th day “Arrival” on Sunday, Essene First Fruits of Barley.

(10 April 2024) – Onnabugeisha’s notes on today are up, and today & tomorrow we’re watching for a hit on Biden, Harris and the Japanese prime minister in Washington DC and a missile attack on Israel. The big question is this: when Israel withdrew the bulk of their forces from southern Gaza, where did they go? They are massing for an attack somewhere; will it be Rafah, Syria/Lebanon, or both? Wherever they want to attack, Mossad will be sure to arrange missile fire from that location. And Benjamin Netanyahu will be a target. His scripted death would provide for the fall of the current Israeli government and eliminate internal resistance to full-on war (according to the script, it is Netanyahu who has held back the “Israeli Deep State” from plunging Israel into war and destruction).

~ later ~

Like I said this morning…

…from Bloomberg

The missiles/drones that hit key targets in Israel (including Netanyahu’s location) will be “high precision” because they’ll be Israeli equipment using IDF/Mossad targeting data. And they’ll penetrate the missile shield because they’ll be squawking the right IFF codes.

It should be remembered that Israel…

So the Israelis can conduct the “Iran Attack” themselves or mix their missiles/drones in with Iran’s/Hezbollah’s to ensure key targets like Netanyahu and Dimona are hit. Also watch for Israel to expend some of these false-flag missiles/drones on American targets (to draw the US into savaging Iran with airstrikes).

WARNING (9 April 2024): The Assassination Setup for Joe Biden

In past updates, I’ve written about the globalist-scripted geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East, specifically…

Well an “Iranian” assassination of Joe Biden using a “Russian suitcase nuke” today / this week would further all of these objectives. Once Kamala Harris and her “friend of Chabad” handler/husband take over the presidency, they’ll be scripted to let the Israelis have their way.

~ from earlier today, after midnight ~

The busy little beavers of the Kabbalah Cult have arranged a pop-up assassination opportunity for Biden today at Union Station in DC — a perfect place to get a suitcase / backpack nuke within striking distance of a president. He’ll be giving a speech there AFTER Ramadan has ended in Tehran. Details, including the Kabbalists’ gematria cues, later this morning (after some sleep).

~ later ~

Yesterday, the globalists had a clear setup in place to kill Joe Biden so they could start the Second Civil War and bring an Obama or Clinton into the vice presidency. But they were unable to execute, so they’re aiming to try again today.

Joe Biden’s speech at Union Station was not on the weekly schedule put out by the White House on early Sunday morning, so it’s something that was added on Sunday or Monday — possibly after word got out about Monday’s assassination setup. And if you were a Hollywood writer producing a script about an American president being taken out by a suitcase/backpack nuke, you couldn’t choose a better location than Union Station in Washington DC.

Washington Union Station, known locally as Union Station, is a major train station, transportation hub, and leisure destination in Washington, D.C. Designed by Daniel Burnham and opened in 1907, it is Amtrak’s headquarters, the railroad’s second-busiest station, and North America’s 10th-busiest railroad station. The station is the southern terminus of the Northeast Corridor, an electrified rail line extending north through major cities including Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston, and the busiest passenger rail line in the nation. In 2015, it served just under five million passengers. – from Wikipedia

Union Station gets fed by 4 different rail companies, 10 different bus companies, and 6 different rental car companies. It also features shopping, dining, and meeting facilities. So just image all of the suitcases, backpacks, luggage, parcels, commercial deliveries and vehicles flowing into it — any one of which could contain a “Russian/Iranian mini-nuke.”

Biden is going to Union Station in the wake of news that Israel has chosen a date to start the Rafah invasion and is preparing to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. And his speech is scheduled for 12:30 PM, which occurs after Tehran exits the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and enters Eid al-Fitr at 11:03 AM Washington DC time. So the globalists can narrate that “Iran waited until the holy month was over to strike Israel before Israel struck them, and they attacked on Eid al-Fitr because of its connection to Muhammad’s victory in the Battle of Badr.” MAGA and Christians will be named as accomplices to the Islamists who get patsied for the (Artemis) attack.

Of course, the Kabbalists’ gematria obsession played into choosing both the subject and venue of Biden’s speech…

12:30 PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on the care economy
Union Station

This is what Onna and I found on that…

the care economy = assassination = Joe Biden dies = 48 (in Septenary gematria)
the care economy = dies suddenly = fire judgment = 66 (in Reverse Pythagorean gematria)
the care economy (150, 69, 228, 66) = Queen Elizabeth 4x [this ties into “Nazionist revenge for the murder of their Queen by the communists”], Day of Judgement 3x, VP Kamala Harris 2x, Eclipse of the Sun 2x, Beer Hall Putsch (Wikipedia) 2x, the next Hitler 2x, John F. Kennedy Jr. 2x, European Union 2x, Joe Biden assassinated 1x, Pearl Harbor 1x, bishop of Rome 1x, Gunpowder Plot 1x, Chairman Mao 1x, World War III 1x, Janet Louise Yellen 1x, Benjamin Netanyahu 1x

Union Station = Baltimore Plot = 44 (in Septenary gematria)
Union Station (171, 54, 153, 72) = Paul the Apostle 3x, Michelle Obama 2x, Esmail Ghaani [or Qaani – Iran International] 2x, The Ku Klux Klan 2x, Bank of America 1x, Transnistria 1x

the care economy Union Station (321, 123, 381, 138) = Messianic destruction ritual 2x, President Of The United States 2x, Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov 2x

NOTE (8 April 2024): The eclipse passed uneventfully and was quite a sight, but the current danger period will not be over until April 14 (the Tribulation end date) is behind us. By adjusting the start time to tomorrow, 21 Farvardin (Persian “Blackjack Day”), they can still run the scenario that was planned for today through the 14th. And on the 10th-11th, they can run the hit on the US-Japan summit I wrote about yesterday.

All this being said, today likely broke the back of their plans for this week, and we’ll face their next serious attempt during Passover. I will continue to treat the remainder of this week seriously, though, and I’ve posted Onna’s notes on Tuesday the 9th. They contain cues that could be used to script the Tuesday deaths of Pope Francis, Joe Biden and King Charles (from health issues).

WARNING (8 April 2024 / Day X): What is/was planned for today and beyond

Here are some things you must know about Joe Biden’s speech in Madison, Wisconsin today…

  • It is scheduled for 1:15 PM CDT. And the eclipse totality will enter the US at Eagle Pass, Texas at 1:27:33 PM CDT. So if the totality entering America is the timing cue, the attack will happen during the speech.
  • Biden’s speech is taking place at “Madison College Truax campus“. And given the fact that the Kabbalists are a bunch of gematria freaks, my partner Onnabugeisha checked and found out exactly why this venue was chosen (an 8X match with “John F. Kennedy Assassination”, which is the strongest match I’ve seen)…

    …from Gematria Effect News (remember that JFK was America’s first Catholic president, and Joe Biden is the second)
  • The subject of Biden’s speech is “lowering costs for Americans“. Onna checked and found out precisely why they chose these exact words (a 4X match with “American Revolutionary War”, which is a strong match)…

    …from Gematria Effect News
  • On the symbolism side, the city seal of Madison features the (X-shaped) Capitol building with a large glowing cloud behind it

    …from Wikipedia. Two things that can create a large glowing cloud are a nuclear explosion and the impact of a kinetic weapon / “meteor” (which produces a brilliant impact flash).

Next Sunday the 14th will bring the Day 1335 end point of a strong Great Tribulation timeline based on the “American/Western Communist Revolution.” And if the globalists decide to go for it, there are only two ways to script the outcome: either the Revolution ends with the arrival of the Nazionist Antichrist, or the Revolution reaches its fruition with the return of a Communist Antichrist (an Obama or Clinton, likely Michelle or Hillary).

One way they could approach this is to kill off Biden today and stage the beginning of the kinetic (and phony) communists versus Zionists-Nazis war. By staging a Biden assassination in a single-city or Operation Blackjack hit from “Russian suitcase nukes” today, they could install an Obama or Clinton as the US vice president tomorrow, while simultaneously escalating towards a full-on nuclear war with Russia. They could then stage the attempted nuclear exchange on the 10th/11th, starting a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that ends on Sunday…

~ MORE ~

I’ve posted my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on today, and they include cues for the activation of Disease X and for (Nazionist) Prince Harry or (communist) Prince William receiving his crown (corona, as in coronavirus/COVID-19 and the Sun’s corona visible in the eclipse totality today). If the globalists’ plans do go forward, I urge you to preserve and spread the information on this page (and these: 1,2). And Don’t Be Fooled. I’ll see you on the other side (of an uneventful day or of this life).

WARNING (7 April 2024): On Day X tomorrow, the globalists will be sending Biden to the place where “X” marks the spot…

…pictured: the X-shaped Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin.

Joe Biden’s Jewish chief of staff has arranged for him to visit Madison, Wisconsin on the day the “Second Great American Eclipse” finishes drawing an X across the United States…

And my partner Onnabugeisha has found that on this same day, Joe Biden reaches the 3 year, 2 month, and 20 day mark of his presidency [the number 322, because numerologists allow themselves to ignore zeros when it helps them make their numbers work]. And 322 brings us to another “X” – that of the skull and crossbones of The Brotherhood of Death

To mark the occasion, the Kabbalists may have scripted…

  • a local (in Madison) “MAGA” conventional or “suitcase nuke” attack that “kills” Joe Biden,
  • widespread (including Madison) “MAGA” attacks of the same nature with the same result, or
  • Biden’s “sudden death” from a health issue.
  • Any conventional attacks could include mass shootings, bombings and drones/missiles, and any “suitcase nuke” attacks would likely involve the use of Artemis rods. Of course, any such attack would be scripted to unleash the “Commie Reign of Terror” as they go after the “right-wingers” (on the day the Gate to Hell opens and the 150-day Torment of Humanity begins).

~ MORE ~

If you’ve heard the news about Israel withdrawing from southern Gaza and the war possibly ending, don’t celebrate just yet. Because “the US-EU-UN forcing Israel to end the war before their enemies are vanquished” could be scripted as the very thing that “brings Yahweh’s Wrath against the West” this week. And Biden’s 45-minute ultimatum call to Netanyahu last week could be the thing that brings his death tomorrow.

It should also be noted that the withdrawal of IDF soldiers from southern Gaza could be a prelude to a massive bombing of the area — a bombing that would unleash the Iran Attack. Thanks to reader Sohei for his information.

NOTE (7 April 2024): Should the Iran attack happen today, watch for Netanyahu to be amongst its first victims. This would lead to the collapse of his governing coalition and leave Israel without a government when the Fake Jewish Messiah shows up.

In a good sign (for Monday), the globalists are preparing a backup scenario that involves a hit on Biden, Harris, and the Japanese Prime Minister at the White House on April 10-11, after Ramadan has ended. A 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario started then would land the fourth day “Arrival” on Sunday, April 14, Essene First Fruits of Barley.

First Fruits of Barley is connected to the “resurrection of Jesus” (and therefore to the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah or Apollyon) and the “harvest of the overcomers” (the Fake Christian Rapture / Apollyon’s Harvest). There is a Tribulation timeline that reaches its Day 1335 that day: the Great Tribulation timeline I wrote about in the 24 February Cosmic Alert. It reached its Day 1290 on February 29, the day Trump and Biden made competing visits to the Texas-Mexico border and Trump gave his “Jonah Warning”. More details to come if we get through today and tomorrow OK.

WARNING (6 April 2024): Watch for the next attempt to stage the “Iran Attack” during the night of Sunday-Monday (Jerusalem time)

Well, well, well… the Kabbalist-planned “Iran Attack” has gone from “within 48 hours” to “as soon as next week”

…from CNN

In light of this new language, it should be noted that most Muslim countries and Israel begin their work week on Sunday. And this particular Sunday is “Divine Mercy Sunday” in the West, a day that “divine mercy” can be scripted to turn to “divine judgment.”

It should also be noted that the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr) is a movable observance…

When is Laylatul Qadr?

This night occurs during the last 10 days of Ramadan. The exact day is unknown. It is often assumed to be on the 27th night (which this year begins in the evening of Friday 5 April); however, as Prophet Muhammad said:

“Search for the Night of Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan.” – from East London Mosque

So when is the next odd night of Ramadan this year? – The night that begins 29 Ramadan after sunset on Divine Mercy Sunday — the night that precedes the day of the eclipse. That night is the final odd night of this year’s Ramadan, with the final day of Ramadan beginning after sunset of eclipse day, when Jewish 1 Nissan begins.

Sunset of Divine Mercy Sunday begins in Jerusalem at 7:03 PM local time / 12:03 PM Washington DC time tomorrow, so the fireworks could begin at any time after that.

Starting in the afternoon/evening, we’ll look into how the event could be scripted to play out — as the beginning of either an extended cataclysm or a fake messianic intervention.

~ MORE ~

If the Kabbalists opt to begin the 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario on Sunday-Monday night (Jerusalem time), here is how it would likely play out…

DAY ONE OF THE RAIN OF FIRE, April 7-8, would start at or after midnight, April 8, in Tehran (4:30 PM of April 7 in Washington DC) or Jerusalem (5:00 PM of April 7 in Washington DC), with the “STORM” proceeding through the whole day.

DAY TWO OF THE RAIN OF FIRE, April 8-9, would see 24 hours of the “STORM.” They may wait until the eclipse begins on this day to spread the Rain of Fire into US and the West. And the window of time between its start in the Middle East and its start in the West would provide an opportunity to stage the Fake Christian Rapture.

DAY THREE OF THE RAIN OF FIRE, April 9-10, would see the “STORM” end sometime after sunset in Jerusalem on Tuesday (7:04 PM local time / 12:04 PM Washington DC time). This is when Jerusalem would enter 2 Nissan, the Jewish anniversary of the day the first red heifer was prepareda cue for the Fake Jewish Messiah’s arrival. At the same time, Jerusalem would enter 1 Shawwal / Eid al-Fitr, which marks Muhammad’s victory in the Battle of Badr — a cue for the Fake Muslim Mahdi’s arrival. Are they the Gemini Twins?

DAY FOUR (THE “ANGELIC ARRIVAL”), 2 Nissan and Eid al-Fitr, could go one of two ways. They could script either…

  1. the Fake Messianic Moment (FMM) or
  2. the continuation of the 150-day Torment of Humanity that began on April 8 (and would end with the FMM on a later date).

If they go with the April 10 FMM, we would see the two or three-week “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” Psyop, which would end on mainstream Passover Day 1 or Day 8.

WARNING (5 April 2024): Watch for a pop-up assassination or “sudden death” scenario for Biden in Baltimore this afternoon. It involves the occult cues of today’s Whitehouse Station earthquake, the Baltimore Plot to assassinate President Lincoln (on a train), and the collapse of the bridge in Baltimore, which is a gematria match with Biden’s name. More details later, if necessary.

(5 April 2024) – After the war starts today, will “Batman” Trump or “Robin” Pence save the day on Monday?

Today is 4/5 (45, Donald Trump’s president number and the number on his superhero NFT cards). And if the globalists pull the trigger today, it will be Day 1 of the 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario.

The 4th day of the scenario would fall on 4/8, eclipse day, and it would mark Day 45 of Trump standing before the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and saying this…

…from the Kansas Reflector. Here is an excerpted quote from Trump…

“They’ll soon have us losing World War III. We won’t even be in World War III, we’ll be losing World War III with weapons the likes of which nobody has ever seen before,” Trump told attendees at the conference, an annual gathering of conservatives. “These are the stakes of this election. Our country is being destroyed. And the only thing standing between you and its obliteration is me. It’s true.”

What people at CPAC didn’t know when Trump gave this speech is that it’s connected (as Day 1290) to a Tribulation timeline my partner Onnabugeisha detected. I wrote about it in the 22 February update further down this page, and it reaches Day 1335 since its midpoint — the day of a “positive” development — on April 8 / Day X. The Tribulation’s midpoint was marked on the day the first Abraham Accord was announced (“peace between Israel and Muslims”), and its end would be marked by the restoration of that peace after “Obama and Biden stole Trump’s second presidency and brought war between Israel and Muslims.”

Getting back to superhero Trump, when the Drudge Report headlines about the Iran attack first appeared (see the 4 April warning below), they featured these words in quotation marks: “within 48 hours“. Upon checking the gematria of them, Onna found a notable match in Reverse Pythagorean gematria: “The Dark Knight Rises“…

…from (which counts embedded numbers differently than Gematria Effect News). Also note that in Reverse Ordinal gematria, “within 48 hours” = 181. Today marks 181 days since the Hamas attack on Israel.

Remember that Trump is playing the role of both Batman and the Moshiach ben Cyrus. And I’ve previously written about how Trump could meet his end within that role…

Watch for the possibility of “Savior Trump” doing what Batman did in The Dark Knight Rises: get [his presidency] captured, come back and save the day, then disappear.

So watch for the rise of the “Grey Champion,” Mike Pence, on Monday. Here’s what I wrote about it back in the 13 October 2023 update…

Putting this all together, the globalists are setting up a situation in which Trump and Space Force will save the world from a full-scale nuclear war set in motion by what has started in Israel. With his forces, he will conquer “Mystery Babylon” (King Charles’s G7/NATO Empire) just like Cyrus defeated the Neo-Babylonian Empire. And he will open the way for all Jews to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple. But will he, like Batman in The Dark Knight Rises, disappear at the moment of his victory? Will his legal successor be the one who issues the New Edict?…

…from Breitbart (top) and The Atlantic (bottom). In the bottom image, note the weather, the color of Pence’s robe, and his Right Hand Path VVV/vav-vav-vav/666 hand sign. He is the “Satanic Grey Champion” who emerges during “The Storm.”

~ MORE ~

The UN Security Council started meeting on “the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question” at 10 AM New York time. So they will be in session when the Night of Power begins in Jerusalem at 12:02 PM New York time. Today may see them “die by fire” in front of the Security Council Chamber mural that depicts that very thing.

NOTE (4 April 2024): The Kabbalist (Chabadnik) setup for Iran’s attack on the Night of Power continues to reveal itself

In yesterday’s update, I wrote about the possibility of Ayatollah Khamenei’s death on Thursday and funeral on Friday, which would have preceded the Night of Power strike. But reader Sohei has pointed out that there WILL be a funeral on Friday — that of the people who died in the consulate strike in Damascus…

…from the Tehran Times

This is a perfect lead-in to the strike. Remember that Khamenei is an agent of the former-KGB, and it is through such intelligence agencies and secret police that the Kabbalist Jews exercise their shadow governance of the world’s nations.

~ from earlier today ~

After sunset tomorrow (Friday) in Israel, Jerusalem will enter the Night of Power, the Muslim day of 27 Ramadan, and the Hebrew day of 27 Adar II. 2024 is a Jewish leap year that features two Adars, Adar I and Adar II, and the Jews disagree over which of these two Adars is the “REAL Adar.” For this reason, any event that happened on a regular 27 Adar, a 27 Adar I, or a 27 Adar II can be used by the Kabbalists as a scripting cue for the Night of Power. With that in mind, I’ve added Onnabugeisha’s notes (old and new) that apply to 27 Adar and 27 Ramadan here. They show that the ends of Pope Francis, King Charles, and “Caliph” Erdogan are scriptable, as are many other things (which I’ll list here on the homepage tonight, time permitting).

unfinished WARNING (4 April 2024): The Global Armageddon Schedule for Friday-Saturday (April 5-6, 2024)

It looks like the show is running right on time…

…from today’s Drudge Report

As I’ve pointed out over the last few days, there are two good opportunities for the globalists to start the Big Event — the Three Days of Darkness — in the days ahead…

  1. during the Islamic Night of Power (the night of April 5-6) and
  2. during Day X (April 8-9).

Since the Night of Power will begin in Jerusalem tomorrow after 7:02 PM local time / 12:02 PM Washington DC time, let’s focus on this opportunity for now — by looking at how the publicized template of the Three Days of Darkness / Fire Judgment scenario would play out (in Middle East time)…

DAY ONE OF THE RAIN OF FIRE, April 6, would start at or after midnight, April 6, in Tehran (4:30 PM of April 5 in Washington DC) or Jerusalem (5:00 PM of April 5 in Washington DC), with the “STORM” proceeding through the whole day.

DAY TWO OF THE RAIN OF FIRE, April 7, would see 24 hours of the “STORM.”

DAY THREE OF THE RAIN OF FIRE, April 8, would see the “STORM” end sometime after sunset in Jerusalem (7:04 PM local time / 6:04 PM CERN time / 11:04 AM Texas time — 143 minutes before the eclipse totality enters the US). It is around that time that the scriptwriters would schedule the “opening of the Gate to Hell.” And it is after that opening — when “Apollyon, his fallen angels and their Nephilim demon children” will supposedly be released upon the world — that the globalists may script Apollyon’s Harvest (the Fake Christian Rapture).

DAY FOUR (THE “ANGELIC ARRIVAL”), 1 Nissan (Jerusalem time), could go one of two ways: they could script either…

  1. the Fake Messianic Moment (FMM) or
  2. the beginning of the 150-day Torment of Humanity (which would end with the FMM on a later date).

If they go with the April 9 FMM, we would see the two or three-week “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” Psyop, which would end on mainstream Passover Day 1 or Day 8.

If you are a new reader or are unfamiliar with the Three Days of Darkness “prophecy,” here is some background information…

As longtime readers will attest, I write about the “4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario” quite often. This is because a notable Greek Orthodox prophecy propagandist has connected the concept of “Three Days of Fear” to the long-planned Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites — a key event in what’s planned for the next few days. Here’s what I wrote about it in a previous update…

The Kabbalist/Globalist Plan for the Three Days of Darkness

It is common practice for the Kabbalists to leak the bullet points of their prophecy fulfillment plans to their propagandist moles in the various religions, who then pass them on to the public in the form of “prophecies from God.” That way, when they carry out their plans and the “prophecies” are fulfilled, it will appear that it was brought about by God, not a bunch of cultist central bankers. And reader Ronin has previously introduced us to one such propagandist mole in the Greek Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morfou (a.k.a. Neo the Fraud).

In this YouTube video, Neo the Fraud lays out the bullet points for what the globalists have planned for the Three Days of Darkness, which he calls the “Three Days of Fear”

Here are the bullet points and their approximate times within the video…

4:31 One day people will be drinking their coffee and hear that the Israelis have struck Iran’s nuclear sites. [So it will likely be a nighttime attack.]

4:48 During this time period, or a little before it, Turkey’s Erdogan will fall. [Neo later suggests the fall could be political or physical (thus keeping the scripting options open): 8:51.]

6:34 The Eastern Mediterranean region will pass through Three Days of Fear.

9:13 The Turkish administration that takes Erdogan’s place will attempt to fix his mistakes. [According to the prophecy propaganda out of Christian mole Joel Richardson, this new leader will be the Islamic Antichrist, known as the “Dajjal” to the Muslims. So he will arrive on the scene as a “reformer,” just like the Fake Jewish Messiah.]

9:37 The Turkish Antichrist will later close the Turkish Straits and trigger war with Russia, leading to the annihilation of Turkey. [This will likely happen about 42 months after the Three Days of Darkness / Three Days of Fear. That is when the wars that the Three Days appear to save us from will explode upon the world, leading to a last-minute savior event by Vladimir Putin, the “real Jewish Messiah / returned Jesus” who will turn out to be the “Final Antichrist.”]

Having spent the last several years documenting the Kabbalists setting all this up, I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty: none of what you’re about to see has anything to do with God, except that it will be carried out by a bunch of God’s most spiritually blind, misguided, and self-serving children.

The Three Days of Darkness/Fear prophecy stems from a Catholic schizophrenic… er, “seer”… who lived in the 1700-1800s…

The Three Days of Darkness is an eschatological concept regarding future events, held by some Catholic circles to be true. The prophecy foretells three days and nights of “an intense darkness” over the whole earth, against which the only light will come from blessed beeswax candles, and during which “all the enemies of the Church … will perish.”

The prophecy parallels the Ten Plagues against Egypt in the Book of Exodus (Ex. 10:21–29). The Apocalypse of John also mentions a plague of unnatural darkness as an effect of the sixth seal (Rev. 6:12) and fifth vial (Rev. 16:10)…

Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (1769–1837) is the most known seer associated with the Three Days of Darkness prophecy and reportedly described the event as follows:

“There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. Nothing can be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion. It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out, or leaves his home, will fall dead on the spot. During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy. All the enemies of the Church, whether known or unknown, will perish over the whole earth during that universal darkness, with the exception of a few whom God will soon convert. The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms.” – from Wikipedia

Some time ago, I ran across a notable propaganda piece pushing the Three Days of Darkness. It lays out the template for the event. Here is a key excerpt…

The duration of the darkness will be as follows: one day and one night, followed by another day and a night, and another day. But on the third night, the earthquake and the fire will cease, the stars will shine, and the next morning, the Sun will rise again; and it will be spring. Angels will descend from Heaven and spread the spirit of peace over the Earth. A feeling of immeasurable gratitude will grip those who survive this horrific ordeal.

The Great Chastisement, although largely supernatural, and described above as A CONTINUOUS RAIN OF FIRE, may get EXPLAINED AWAY as something “natural” or synthetic such as some manmade form of WW3. – from

The “continuous rain of fire” part sounds like the Artemis Rods from God + artificial meteors attack I’ve been warning about (note the propagandist’s attempt to dispel my narrative).

unfinished note (3 April 2024) – The Precursor Event(s) of 4/4

My partner Onnabugeisha is off this week taking care of some family business, but she still had time to send us a few occult scripting cues she wants us to see. They relate to April 4 (4/4 >>> 44, Obama’s number)…

4/3 (inclusive) – 4/4

• Ali Khamenei is the 2nd and current Supreme Leader of Iran. Khamenei officially succeeded Ruhollah Khomeini after Khomeini’s death, being elected as the new Supreme Leader by the Assembly of Experts on 4 June 1989 (Wikipedia), 34 years, 30days ago (If the smaller units (days) are added first) -> Strong’s Greek: 3434. Moloch: Moloch, the god of the Ammonites to which human victims, particularly young children, were offered in sacrifice.; Usage: Moloch, a god worshipped by several Semitic peoples.

• William, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia) was christened in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, on 4 August [1982], coinciding with the 82nd birthday of his paternal great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (here), 500 months ago -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah. / Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• Pope Francis was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (WikipediaAmerica Magazine). Date: 13 March 2013, 4040 days ago. -> Barack Obama President number 44

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land 24-26 May 2014 (Vatican) Sunday, 25 May – 15:00 (3 PM) Private visit to the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem 9 years, 10 months, 10 days ago -> 911

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia and Address by the President of the Russian Federation – Kremlin). Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Date: Thursday (Thor’s day), 24 February 2022,  770 days ago – Ukraine’s ‘Remember the Alamo!’ (The Week) -> 770 Eastern Parkway (Wikipedia)

So April 4 (local time to the event) carries a strong possibility of hosting a big precursor event. It’s also possible, but not particularly likely, that the Kabbalists could stage the Big Event that day. A 4-day Three Day of Darkness scenario started on Thursday would land Day 4 on Divine Mercy Sunday.

As for what the precursor event(s) could be, here are four possibilities…

  1. They can stage Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei’s death on Thursday — possibly by an (apparent) Israeli or MEK (Israeli proxy) attack — and hold his funeral on Friday (right before the Night of Power). After Ayatollah Khomeini died on 3 June 1989, his funeral took place on 5-6 June. But given the current wartime situation, the Iranian government may want to avoid gathering Iran’s leaders and the public for a big state funeral and instead bury Khamenei the next day, in keeping with the Islamic custom of burying the dead ASAP. This would free them to strike back against Israel during the Night of Power.
  2. They can stage the death of Pope Francis on Thursday and hold his funeral 4-6 days later in accordance with Vatican custom. This would allow them to gather the Western leaders for a funeral slaughter on Day X.
  3. They can stage the “sudden death” of the cancerous King Charles the Turd, thus allowing Prince William to become king before the Big Event. There’s a lot of longstanding controlled alt-media prophecy propaganda that points to William as the antichrist. So having “Antichrist William ascend” before the Event would allow “the heroic” Prince Harry to take him down and “save the world from the Final Antichrist” (of the First Tribulation).
  4. They can stage a major escalation event in the NATO-Russia War in Ukraine. This event could happen in Ukraine (like the breaching of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactors or the entry of regular NATO army formations) or in nearby territories (like a land and sea blockade of Kaliningrad, an invasion of Transnistria, or the Cobasna Disaster).

Edits, enhancements, and more links to come.

(2 April 2024) – The Israeli Mistake and the Night of Power

Do you remember what I said about always checking the gematria on words in quotation marks and odd word combinations you encounter in the media. Well here’s one from the Drudge Report today: “preparing strikes”

The controlled alt-media have long prattled-on about the “Israeli mistake”, an attack on Iran that would bring unfortunate results for Israel and the world. Is the strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus currently scripted to be that mistake?…

…from Gematria Effect News

If it is, the first good opportunity for scripting Iran/Hezbollah to strike (or for Israeli false-flaggers to strike Israel and blame it on them) is during the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr, which falls during the night of Friday-Saturday this week, 27 Ramadan). According to Islamic tradition, it is on this night that Muhammad received the first verses of the Koran, so this may be the night that the Fake Mahdi (Qasem Soleimani) emerges from occultation to lead the war against “the Great Satan and “the Little Satan“.

According the Kabbalists’ “End Times” script, the world will first receive the Fake Jewish Messiah (Moshiach) atop Mount Sinai, which is where the Torah was received. So it would be quite natural for them to script the receiving of the Fake Muslim Messiah on the night that the Koran was received. And since that night is both the Night of Power to the Muslims and Shabbat Hachodesh to the Jews, it would be a good time to schedule the fake messiahs’ joint intervention against the Satanic Powers.

The second good opportunity — the best opportunity — for this scripted event will come on Day X.

NOTE (2 April 2024): Will the globalists be projecting Planet X / Nibiru in the sky on Day X?

I’ve noticed that both the mainstream media and controlled alt-media are preparing people in the path of the eclipse totality to see something other than just darkness when the Moon blots out the Sun. Putting together what I’ve seen from various sources, I suspect the globalists may attempt to use their laser & chemtrail particle-based volumetric projection technology to project Planet X / Nibiru in the sky.

By adjusting the brightness of the projection, they can cause it to be visible in only the relatively small area that is being totally eclipsed. And by adjusting the angular position of the projection as the totality moves to the northeast, they can make Planet X appear to be in a fixed position in the sky (once people in different states compare their notes of where it was in the sky when they saw it).

I’ll enhance and expand this note over the course of Tuesday. In the meantime, I suggest you read the following sections from The UFO/ET Con page…

The section on volumetric projection

How the New World Order Agenda Drives the “Planet X / Nibiru” Myth

Planet 9 / Planet X / Nibiru continues to go mainstream

The Truth about “Planet 9 / Planet X / Nibiru” and its Supposed “Aliens”

As you look through these entries, compare the supposed horned shape of Planet X to the horned shape of the “devil comet” the mainstream media are talking about. And later, we’ll look at other projectable possibilities, including “ET motherships” and the Pale Horse (a green comet).

(1 April 2024) – I have an overwhelming amount of information to share about what the Occulted Powers have in mind for the April 8 eclipse and 1 Nissan, so the following sections will be enhanced and expanded over the coming days (on the Day X page).

In other words, this is only the beginning. And by the time I’ve completed my coverage, I expect roughly half of you to sh*t an actual brick. So here’s to building our understanding of the globalist agenda, one brick at a time…

The Kabbalist Script for Day X (April 8-9, 2024)
(Mod 0, posted 1 April 2024)

I spent all of 31 March 2024 pulling Mod 0 of this update together — then, in a remarkable bit of serendipity, reader Sohei sent me a link to something that confirms that what I’m writing about is the official Kabbalist script…

…from (a Kabbalist prophecy propaganda site). But we’ll get back to what they wrote after we look at what I wrote…

Trump in Eagle Pass was Jonah in Nineveh

During the April 8 total solar eclipse, the eclipse’s totality — the area on the ground where the Sun appears completely blocked by the Moon — will cross the Mexican border into Texas at approximately 1:27:33 PM CDT. And several time zones away in Israel, Jerusalem will have already entered the Jewish day of 1 Nissan (after 7:04 PM local time / 11:04 AM Texas time), the start of the Jewish month that features Passover. So the totality will enter America 143 minutes into Jerusalem’s 1 Nissan. And as luck would have it, Psalm 143, a Psalm of David, is a song of repentance by which one cries out to God for deliverance from judgment — a judgment carried out by one’s deadly enemies.

With all this in mind, let me show you two things I’ve learned thanks to a comment left by an alert reader…

1) As soon as the eclipse’s totality crosses the Mexican border, it will pass over the border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, which is ground zero for all the border drama that has been staged over the last few months, including the “Take Our Border Back” Convoy…

…from (top) and (bottom)

2) As the eclipse’s totality continues to slice across America in a northeasterly direction, it will pass over the town of Nineveh, Indiana…

…from (the blue line is the centerline of the totality)

Nineveh is noteworthy because of its name and because it is a town that has received the destructive touch of the Hollywood Kabbalists…

Nineveh took its name from Nineveh Creek, which in turn is named after Nineveh Berry [whose name can be traced back to the biblical city of Nineveh], a hunter who fell into the creek while hunting for deer [Artemis, the Greek goddess of the Moon, is also the goddess of the hunt. And Artemis is the name of the orbital weapons system that would be used to generate nuke-looking explosions in a “Fire Judgment” scenario]

Scenes from the film Hoosiers were shot in the old Nineveh Elementary School, which was renamed “Hickory High School” for the film. Nineveh’s last class of students attended here during the filming of the film in 1985, after which they relocated to Trafalgar to consolidate at Indian Creek Elementary School. The old school was lost to a fire just a few years after it was closed for consolidation. – from Wikipedia [with my additions in brackets]

Seeing this information on “a total eclipse over Nineveh” brought to mind Jonah’s interaction with Nineveh in the Bible…

The Ninevites Repent

1 Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time: 2 “Get up! Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message that I give you.”

3 This time Jonah got up and went to Nineveh, in accordance with the word of the LORD.

Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, requiring a three-day journey. 4 On the first day of his journey, Jonah set out into the city and proclaimed, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned!”

5 And the Ninevites believed God. They proclaimed a fast and dressed in sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least. – from Jonah 3

So Jonah went to Nineveh and warned them of God’s coming judgment 40 days in advance. Upon seeing this, I decided to do a 40-day lookback from April 8, and I found that such a warning had indeed been given to modern-day Nineveh (the USA), and it was given by fake messiah Donald Trump in Eagle Pass, Texas

…from Fox News. Here is an excerpt…

Former President Trump declared the Mexican border a “war zone” under President Biden, lamenting the lack of cooperation from Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and ripping Democratic governors of border states as the migrant deluge pivots to their lands.

During an exclusive “Hannity” interview at the border in Eagle Pass, Texas — where the former president toured earlier in the day while President Biden met with officials in the much quieter border confines of Brownsville — host Sean Hannity warned any of the unaccounted-for migrants could be plotting “the next 9/11 or worse.”

Trump entertained the notion, citing thousands of migrants who have arrived from U.S. rival nations like Iran, China, Russia and Afghanistan.

“We have a lot coming in from Iran,” he said. “We have a lot coming in from places we’re fighting right now.”

If you count forward from Trump’s visit to Eagle Pass on 29 February 2024, you’ll find that the 40th day lands on Day X (April 89, depending on how you count the days, and the Hebrew day of 1 Nissan runs from sundown of the 8th to sundown of the 9th). THIS TIMING IS NO MERE COINCIDENCE. Neither is it a coincidence that the February 3rd Eagle Pass visit of the Take Back Our Border Convoyan event that can be narrated as having led to the transfer of “suitcase nukes” from the Mexican side of the border to distribution vehicles in the Convoy — happened 66 days before April 89. 66 is a number of great significance to the Jews; it was in 66 AD that they began their first uprising against the Roman Empire.

So according to the Kabbalist script for Day X, America faces the prospect of being overturned or spared. Do you imagine that Americans will emulate the Ninevites by dressing in sackcloth and calling out to God in repentance by next Monday/Tuesday? Granted, many Americans now dress in clothes purchased at Walmart, but does that really qualify as sackcloth?

Opening the Gate to Hell at CERN

In the event America is to be overturned on Day X, a bit of news some other readers sent me will come into play…

…from MSN. Here is a notable sentence from the article…

Now, the team has restarted the LHC with hopes of unraveling more mysteries of the universe — specifically dark matter.

The Kabbalist bullsh*t artists who are putting on the “End Times” stageplay can easily twist this deliberately-timed experiment into a narrative that claims CERN is using the circular Large Hadron Collider “to open a portal to the dark dimension, through which the beings held in the abyss will be unleashed upon the Earth.”

The Hollywoodesque prophecy propaganda storyline the Kabbalists have built around CERN is well-summarized in the following article…

…from Here is an excerpt…

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, commonly known as CERN, is a research organization made up of 23 member states that was established in 1954 at Geneva, on the Franco-Swiss border for the purpose of pursuing research into atomic nuclei and high-energy physics, mainly the interactions between subatomic particles and their effects. The name CERN also applies to its sprawling laboratory, which employs nearly 3,000 scientific, technical, and administrative staff members, and is the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. CERN is perhaps most well-known for its massive Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and highest-energy particle collider

CERN and its particle accelerator would go on to generate all manner of conspiracy theories on secret research and interdimensional portals, somehow punching through the curtain that separates realities and even letting things from the other side bleed through

One of the more popular conspiracy theories is that the facility is actively engaged in opening rifts between dimensions in order to enable teleportation, form doorways to alternate realities, and by some of the more far-out accounts to even open a gate between Earth and Heaven and Hell, with one rumor in 2012 claiming that scientists at CERN had let in Biblical giants called the Nephilim through the gateway, which supposedly prompted them to shut the LHC down in order to make it more powerful

So according to the script of the “End Times” stageplay, the “Satanic Global Deep State” built the LHC — essentially an underground “stargate” — to open a gateway to the parallel dimension in which the spirits of the Nephilim and their Anunnaki parents are confined. And once this portal is opened, they can come in, possess living humans, and raise hell on Earth. Furthermore, the globalists’ leading prophecy disinformation mill, SkyWatchTV, have created an expectation that these Nephilim will be allowed to torment humanity for exactly 150 days

The supernatural entities known to the world thousands of years ago as Titans, Watchers, Anunnaki, and apkallu are the things that swarm out of the abyss in Revelation 9. That’s where they are now, confined until the Judgment. They get a short time to torment humanity, taking revenge on God’s prized creation for the punishment of watching their own children, the Nephilim/Rephaim, destroyed in the Flood of Noah.

How do we know? The Watchers from the abyss be allowed to torment those without the seal of God on their foreheads for five months. Now, note the length of time the ark of Noah was on the water before it came to rest:

>>> The fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, and the waters receded from the earth continually. At the end of 150 days the waters had abated, and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8:2–4, emphasis added) <<<

Measured in the thirty-day months of a lunar calendar, the standard in ancient Mesopotamia, 150 days is exactly five months. That’s how long Shemihazah, Asael, and their colleagues watched helplessly while their children were destroyed with the rest of all flesh on the earth. In the end, they’ll get 150 days to torment unrepentant humanity before Saturn’s reign is ended. The parallel is not coincidental, and it identifies the creatures from the abyss as the sinful angels mentioned in the epistles of Peter and Jude—the “sons of God” from Genesis 6, who were led by the entity who’s at the heart of this study, Shemihazah/Saturn. – from SkywatchTV

If we count out 150 days from April 8, we land on September 4 / 1 Elul, the first day of the Hebrew month of “Divine Mercy and Forgiveness” and a perfect day to bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah at Mount Sinai. And it just so happens that the first Sunday after Easter — the Sunday of April 7, the day before the eclipse — is known as “Divine Mercy Sunday“, a perfect day to stage the Fake Christian Rapture / Apollyon’s Harvest “to remove Christ’s bride, the church, before the rough stuff begins.” I wouldn’t recommend boarding the “chariots of fire” that show up to keep you safe and secure from the coming Tribulation.”

WARNING (1-2 April 2024): A pop-up scenario has been activated (right as Israel approaches Essene Passover Day 1), and the globalists could start the “Fire Judgment” today at 4:30 or 5:00 PM New York time…

…from today’s Drudge Report

The Israelis (or Turks) have bombed an Iranian consulate in Syria, setting Israel up for a big backlash from Iran. So at midnight Iran time or Israel time, a real or false-flagged “Iranian” attack on Israel (and their Western “enablers”) could be staged, thus allowing Israel to strike Iran “in retaliation.”

Since the final day (the “8th day”) of Essene Passover falls on April 9, 1 Nissan on the mainstream Jewish calendar, today’s “Passover attack” could lead to the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah that day (as early as sundown in Israel on the 8th).

Also be advised that the UN Security Council is meeting about the Middle East at 4:00 PM New York time today. So New York could be on the target list. Today could bring Operation Blackjack.

~ MORE – 2 April 2024 ~

Today is another day of caution for a “Passover attack”

The globalists have arranged for the UN Security Council to be talking about international “peace and security” today from 3 PM New York time onward…


At the same time (3 PM to 6 PM New York time), the UN General Assembly will be having an “informal meeting of the plenary on Human Security”


What is “Human Security“? It involves maintaining peace.

So as these talks of “peace and security” take place at UN Headquarters in New York, Israel will remain in Essene Passover Day 1 until at least midnight (the Dead Sea Scroll calendar is supposedly a pre-Moses solar calendar), which is 5 PM in New York (now that Israel has entered daylight savings time).

So from 3:00 to 5:00 PM New York time today is another window for the globalists to get an early start on the Fire Judgment. See the 1 April warning below for additional details.

But keep in mind that the highest-probability days for something big to happen are the 5th/6th (Laylat al-QadrShabbat Hachodesh) and the 8th/9th (Day X).

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – March Updates

NWO Transition War Overwatch

(30 March 2024) – Easter Sunday — 4 Easters removed from the “desecration” — and Beyond…

…from NBC News

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 31st are now up. It is Easter Sunday, and it’s the 4th one since 2020’s “Easter Sunday of Desecration,” when “Satanic Antipope” Francis locked Roman Catholics out of their churches “on account of the pandemic.” So the Kabbalists may script him to die or fall deathly ill that day (possibly after sunset or on April 1), with the aim of gathering “Egypt’s Red Heifers” (the “commie leaders of the West”) for slaughter at his funeral on Shabbat Hachodesh or 1 Nissan / Day X.

Evidently, the religious wingnuts in Israel have not yet slaughtered the red heifer (despite one reader reporting that someone on a forum claimed it happened). If they’d done so, we would have experienced the Good Friday scenario that was mentioned in the 28 March update below. Their next opportunities to do the deed will fall on Shabbat Hachodesh (April 5-6) and 1 Nissan (April 8-9, Day X), with 1 Nissan being more likely. I’ll explain the details in the updates to come.

It should also be noted that if a red heifer sacrifice did happen like the guy in the forum claimed, a “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” psyop could potentially be launched on Easter Sunday or April 2 (Jerusalem time). I don’t regard this as likely, but I have to cover it “just in case.”

You may have noticed the new Day X link at the top of the site. It’s a page I’ve created to gather all of my material related to April 8-9. Starting on Monday and over the course of this week, we’ll look ahead at the Big Event planned for that day. And we’ll pre-experience it in its different variations (as a day of “judgment” or “deliverance”), along with the narratives and events that are planned to flow from it. By taking an advance look at it in our mental space, we’ll obviate the need to experience it in the physical space. So when Day X comes, Schrodinger’s Cat — representing the Kabbalist plan for that day — will be quite dead.

~ WARNING – from earlier today ~

If anyone has encountered news of a red heifer sacrifice having actually occurred in Israel on Shabbat Parah (sundown of Friday, March 29 to sundown of Saturday, March 30 in Israel time), let me know. It could signal a sh*tstorm starting sometime between now and the end of Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday and April 2 (Jerusalem time, which is the beginning of the 8 days of Essene Passover and the 8 days of the Mishkan) are likely the globalists’ final opportunities to start the Big Event before the coming weekend.

NOTE (29 March 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 30th are now up. While it’s possible that the globalists could go for it on Saturday or Sunday, I don’t regard it as likely. The main thing I’d watch for this weekend is news that Pope Francis “died suddenly” on Easter Sunday. This could be used to gather the Western leaders for his funeral and their destruction.

In the meantime, information about what’s planned for April 8 (eclipse day) continues to fall into my lap. The globalists are aiming to simulate the opening of the Gate to Hell that day, beginning a 150-day Torment of Humanity that will end on September 4 / 1 Elul, the first day of the Hebrew month of “Divine Mercy and Forgiveness.” And guess what: the first Sunday after Easter — the Sunday of April 7, the day before the eclipse — is known as “Divine Mercy Sunday.” Talk about bookends from hell…

I’ll cover the details of this after I’ve done some more digging.

NOTE (28 March 2024): The Outlook for Good Friday

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 29th are now up, and the globalists retain the option of starting their 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario tomorrow. The events would be a carbon copy of what was planned for today, except the 4th day Arrival would fall on Monday, April 1 / 22 Adar II, the Jewish anniversary of Rome’s Jews being saved by an earthquake. The earthquake that would save them on Monday is the one that would occur on “Mount Sinai” with the “Arrival” of the fake ETs and the Fake Jewish Messiah. The Fake Messiah might then undertake his Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem over the 8 days of the Mishkan, arriving on Day X (April 8-9).

NOTE: All of yesterday and today’s notes have been put in proper order in the Alert below. To see all of the occult scripting cues my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered for Ides of March Thursday, go here.

ALERT (27-28 March 2024): The Armageddon Plan for Thursday, the Ides of March (on the Julian calendar)

Tomorrow (Thursday, Gregorian March 28 / Julian March 15) will be a prime day for the Kabbalists to schedule a “nuclear” (Artemis) hit on New York City and perhaps the entire Western world. To forestall such an attack, it is necessary to understand their exact reasons for doing it and how it fits into their overall strategy — because if they can’t control the narrative after it happens, the event would only weaken their position and hasten their inevitable demise.

That being said, let’s ruin their Thursday plan by having a look at its inner workings:

On the scripted events side…

>The “lawless ones” (Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) will be gathered together with New York’s Democratic bigwigs at Radio City Music Hall in New York City Thursday evening.

> At roughly the same time, the UN Security Council (UNSC) that has “infuriated Yahweh” with the Gaza ceasefire resolution will be gathered less than 5,000 feet away for their end-of-month champagne & brie soiree for the outgoing presidency of Japan. How fitting would it be if New York gets “nuked” while Japan holds the presidency of the UNSC?

On the prophetic scheduling side…

> A 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario started on Thursday would reach its 4th day on Easter Sunday, the day that commemorates “the resurrection / return of Jesus Christ.” So Sunday could be scripted as the day Christ returns for his bride in the Fake Christian Rapture or the day “Christ returns to Earth” in the form of the Fake Jewish Messiah (Moshiach).

> If the Fake Christian Rapture is staged on Easter Sunday, the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah could be scripted on Day X / April 8.

> If the Fake Jewish Messiah arrives at “Mount Sinai” on Easter Sunday, his arrival in Jerusalem could be scripted on Day X / April 8.

> Since April 8 is the “Annunciation of the Lord” this year — the first day of the 9-month count to Jesus’s birth — the end of the 9 months falls on January 7, 2025 (Orthodox Christmas). That is the day the “real” Jewish Messiah (and “Final Antichrist”) Vladimir Putin could be scripted to rise.

On the occult scripting cue side…

> As is noted in the sidebar of this page, “[The Kabbalists] align events with days of historical, religious, numerological, astrological and mythological significance.” So by monitoring the occult scripting cues and overlaying them with real-world events and prophecy fulfillment timelines, one can watch for convergences that signal the date and nature of planned events. Tomorrow is a day of high-level convergences, and the occult cues outline the nature of what’s planned, starting with the following:

> Thursday is the true Ides of March this year. The Julian calendar was adopted in Rome on 1 January 45 BC by edict of Julius Caesar. Caesar was then assassinated the next year on March 15, the Ides of March. It was the death of Caesar that set Octavian on a path of ending the Roman Republic and launching the Roman Empire, so it was a pivotal day in history. The takedown that’s planned for Thursday would be even more pivotal, setting modern-day Octavian (played by Vladimir Putin) on a path to becoming emperor of the Global Roman Empire (the BRICS-reformed UN/NWO).

> Maundy Thursday is a Passover cue…

Passion Week (GotQuestions): Maundy Thursday(Wikipedia) is the name given to the day on which 1) Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples, known as the Last Supper. 2) Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. 

It was at midnight on Passover that the Hebrews rose up and slaughtered Egypt’s firstborn. So watch for the possibility that the Big Attack will hit New York City (and possibly other places) at 4:30 PM EDT (midnight in Iran) or 6:00 PM EDT (midnight in Israel). Biden will be arriving at JFK in New York at around 12:35 PM. And if the “Fire Judgment” begins at or after midnight Jerusalem time, it will be Good Friday there, the day that commemorates “Jesus’s crucifixion and death.” So also watch for concurrent attacks on the fake messianic figures (Trump, Netanyahu and Putin). Yahweh is scripted to judge “apostate and wicked” Israel instead of passing them over this time, and he’ll judge Obamakhenaten’s Egypt at the same time.

> Maundy Thursday features 9/11 and “nuclear fire” cues for the Vatican and Pope Francis…

• Bethlehem church catches fire after pope’s visit (The Guardian). – A fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Tuesday [27 May 2014], just hours after Pope Francis wrapped up a three-day Middle East pilgrimage (Vatican) during which he visited the shrine, 9 years, 10 months, 1 day ago -> 911

• The New York Times article: A Nuclear Bomb Inside the Vatican (The New York Times) was published on 19 September 2018, 66 months, 9 days  ago. [Ken: Since the numerologists allow themselves to flip sixes and nines, 669 can be expressed as 666, the Number of the Beast.]

> Maundy Thursday features very strong “antichrist” cues associated with Turkish president Erdogan (and there is a Nostradamus prophecy the Kabbalists want to fulfill about a Turkish Islamist antichrist destroying New York City with a nuke)…

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia Astro databank), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Born: 26 February 1954 at 04:25 [unverified], 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days old. [666 is the Number of the Beast]

Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: Thursday, 28 August 2014, 500 weeks ago. On the same day: Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah./ Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

The Turkish antichrist character is being played by either Erdogan or the “man behind his throne“. And it’s possible that Erdogan is playing the decoy Turkish antichrist who will be killed (possibly in Istanbul) during “God’s Judgment” so the real Turkish antichrist can rise with the NWO.

~ ALERT – 28 March 2024 ~

There is an ISIS tribulation timeline that reaches its climax point today

It began on 5 April 2017 when President Donald Trump and King Abdullah II of Jordan held a joint press conference discussing ISIS: Trump – We will destroy ISIS and we will protect civilization. We have no choice — we will protect civilization. King Abdullah and I also discussed measures to combat the evil ideology that inspires ISIS and plagues our planet.”

This timeline reached its 1260-day midpoint on the date referenced in this note from Onna about the Abraham Accords…

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 20201290 days ago

The 1290-day climax point will be reached today, and the 1335-day positive event mark will be reached on Sunday, May 12, the day Israeli Memorial Day begins at sundown. Israeli Memorial Day is followed by Israeli Independence Day after sundown of May 13.

So this Tribulation timeline began in the first few months of “Messiah Trump’s” presidency with Trump pledging to defeat ISIS and save global civilization. It reached its midpoint as Trump made peace between Abraham’s Jewish and Muslim people. And it reaches its climax after “the Democrats stole the 2020 election and helped ISIS to rebuild their global strength under the leadership of Obamakhenaten.”

Remember that there is no need for a “desecration of the holy place” event at the midpoint of this timeline because Obama already did that during the first Tribulation attempt.

In addition to this Abraham Accords timeline, there is a strong gematria cue connecting Trump’s Israel-Palestine peace plan to 9/11 today…

• The Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” –  President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020, 50 months ago [50 (number) – WikipediaBible Study, atomic number 50: Tin/Jupiter (The wondering alchemist)]. [Ken: “The god Jupiter was the main deity of Rome until Christianity became the ruling religion. To the ancient Romans, Jupiter was also considered god of the sky and thunder.” In Kabbalist prophecy propaganda, Jupiter is Satan, so this occurrence of 50 can be narrated as a “Satan” indicator.]

Gematria: The deal of the century [called by its proponents] = Eleventh of September 4x

…from Gematria Effect News

~ MORE – 28 March 2024, 0’Dark:30 ~

And now it’s time for a little Late Night Gematria with Onnabugeisha

We’ve all observed the big media fuss made over the movie Oppenheimer, and this week we’ve looked into CERN, “Lord Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds“, and what’s planned for today, Maundy Thursday. Well get a load of what Onna has found…

…from Gematria Effect News

She also notes that the Oppenheimer movie will open in Japan on March 29, 2024. When Biden’s Radio City Music Hall fundraiser in New York begins at 8:05 PM today (why not 8:00?), it will be the morning of March 29 in Japan. The Kabbalists who control Hollywood and the “End Times” stageplay are up to something very wicked (and “atomic”) today and on April 8.

Here are Onna’s raw notes on this, which include additional information on the Ides of March…

Gematria (Reverse Simple English): Maundy Thursday twenty-twenty four = April eighth twenty-twenty four = Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds (*) = 342 and Gematria (Reverse Pythagorean) = 135 or 153 -> Strong’s Hebrew: 342. ebah: enmity  -> in Genesis 3:15 [Ides of March (Wikipedia); 3:15 The Genesis of All Prophecy: Part 1 (SkyWatchTV); Part 2 (SkyWatchTV)].
Shiva (Wikipedia+ J. Robert Oppenheimer (Wikipedia) – “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds
Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) Release dates: July 11, 2023 (Le Grand Rex); July 21, 2023 (United States and United Kingdom); March 29, 2024 (Japan) [Japan Standard Time is 13 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time].
Gematria: April eighth twenty-twenty four = Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds 2x

As for the odd timing of Biden’s fundraiser, 8:05, Strong’s 85 is “Abraham (the father of the Abrahamic religions) is deeply distressed” (by what is scripted to happen today).

NOTE (26 March 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 27th are now up. Our overwatch of 2024’s Holy Week from Hell continues…

~ from earlier ~

GET THIS: Reader Sohei has informed me that the ship that collided with the bridge in Baltimore was crewed by 22 Indians, and he suggested that it might have something to do with yesterday’s scripted opening of the Gate to Hell to let “Lord Shiva the Destroyer” through. Well have a look at this…

…from Gematria Effect News

He also informed me that agents of the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church met with the crew before they departed.

So watch for more of these incidents over Holy Week. The Kabbalist/Jesuit gematria freaks are on the prowl.

ALERT (26 March 2024): A “Nuclear” (Artemis) Scenario is Active Today (potential strike times are 3:00 PM, 3:30 PM, 4:30 PM & 6:00 PM — all in EDT)

There’s been another “hastily arranged” change to the UN Security Council’s schedule today…


As you can see, they’re talking about Gaza again this morning — to formulate enforcement actions against Israel perhaps? And starting at 3:00 PM (a potentially significant time)when Biden and Harris will be together in Raleigh — they’ll be meeting on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction” (the exact thing they discussed when Barack Obama first sat as president of a Security Council summit meeting).

So watch for one or more nuke-like explosion(s) today initiated by the “Nazionist-controlled” Artemis Orbital Weapons Array. Any such explosion(s) will be publicly blamed on “suitcase nukes” carried by “foreign terrorist fighters” (the topic of Obama’s second presidency of the UN Security Council).

By the way, the Security Council adopted resolution 1887 on the day Obama first sat as its president…

…from YouTube

In Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 1887 is “lo! behold!on the next day.” Today is the “next day” after the ceasefire resolution was adopted.

~ from earlier ~

Hmmm… we’d better keep an eye on Joe Biden today, “just in case” he collapses or something collides with him

…from Gematria Effect News

He is appearing today alongside Kamala Harris in Raleigh, North Carolina (the location of the largest Confederate surrender of the Civil War — 1,2 — a great place for “revenge”)…

They’ll participate in a campaign reception together at 5:30 PM (the number 53), thus presenting another twofer assassination opportunity. This would put the Nazionist Speaker of the House Mike Johnson into the presidency the day after Biden let the Gaza ceasefire resolution pass.

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 26th are now up.

(25 March 2024) – The Democrats will be bringing their fatted calves to Yahweh’s Barbecue on Maundy Thursday…


With today’s engineered passage of the Gaza ceasefire resolution, the Kabbalists have lit the fuse for scripting “Yahweh’s Wrath on modern-day Egypt” (the UK-US-EU-G7-NATO-UN “Empire”). And reader Sohei has passed along an Israeli article with a title that reflects this…

…from Israel National News

They first tried to light the fuse with Friday’s resolution, but they failed. And now they have been pushed out of the first two days of “Holy Week“, the week leading up to the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday — a Sunday that lies just 8 days away from Day X.

So when will they make their next attempt to start the fireworks?

My partner Onnabugeisha has identified the most likely answer: Maundy Thursday, the Holy Week day that commemorates the Last Supper

Here is some Christian propaganda: Mark Allison 88 (YouTube) – 666 Obama, Biden, Clinton in New York City for last supper
Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden are expected to bring traffic to a standstill in midtown March 28 when they take over Radio City Music Hall for a massive Democratic Party fundraiser (NEWSNATION)

So all of the Democrat “Lawless Ones” will be gathered at Radio City Music Hall in New York City that day, less than 5,000 feet away (as the phoenix flies) from the UN, where the UN Security Council will be holding its “wrap-up session” for the month…


This presents a prime target for “Yahweh’s Wrath.” And starting a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario on Thursday would allow the Kabbalists to bring in the fake ETs on the fourth day, Easter Sunday. These GMO lab creatures could be accompanied by the Fake Jewish Messiah, or they could carry out the Fake Christian Rapture in advance of the Fake Messiah and Fake Mahdi’s arrival on Day X.

ALERT (25 March 2024): As suspected…

The UN Security Council will vote Monday morning on a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during the month of Ramadan and calling for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, according to a draft resolution obtained by Axios.

Why it matters: The U.S. is not expected to veto the resolution and will likely abstain, according to two senior diplomats at the UN, which gives it a strong chance of being the first ceasefire resolution adopted by the council after four previous failures. – from Axios

~ later ~

The resolution has passed. Now we wait to see if they go for it today.

(25 March 2024) – Given the occult cues for scripting the opening of the Gate to Hell today, it should be noted that CERN’s statue of the Destroyer, Shiva/Apollyon, depicts him passing through a dimensional portal / stargate…

…from CERN. Note that the unveiling took place on 18 June, the 6+6+6 Day of the 6th month.

So if the US allows the new “Amalek Resolution” (the Gaza ceasefire) to pass in the UN Security Council this morning, it will be “game on.” Should that happen, here are some things to know…

NOTE (24 March 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 25th are now up, and they contain some doozies…

> They point out that tomorrow is a big day for Pope Francis, Russia, Ukraine, and all of humanity…

…from today’s Drudge Report

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News), Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Date: 25 Mar 2022

[Ken: “The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a reigning pope was requested during a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima on 13 July 1917, according to Lúcia dos Santos (Sister Lúcia), one of the three visionaries who claimed to have seen the apparition.” “He prayed the Act in communion with all Catholic Bishops across the globe, as the Papal Almoner, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, did the same at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, in Portugal.” This ties tomorrow to Mary and Fatima, which allows the Kabbalists to script the unfolding of the Third Secret of Fatima prophecy.]

> They also point to the potential death or resignation of Pope Francis tomorrow

…from the cover art of a prophecy propaganda book put out by the late Tom Horn. See also: With World’s Attention on Gaza, ISIS Is Making a Global Comeback.

Passion Week (GotQuestions): Holy Monday (Wikipedia) According to tradition, Holy Monday is the day on which Jesus cleansed the temple, was praised by local children, and cursed the fig tree.

• The New York Times article: A Nuclear Bomb Inside the Vatican (The New York Times) was published on 19 September 2018 = 66 months, 6 days ago [666, the Number of the Beast]

> Onna’s notes also point out strong occult cues for scripting the “opening of the Gate to Hell” tomorrow…

…from Mysterious Universe and Reuters

Holi (AnydayGuide), March 25 this year, is an ancient Hindu spring festival, also known as the festival of colors. In different parts of India, there are different legends that explain the celebration of Holi. “…Other Hindu traditions link the legendary significance of Holi to Shiva (*), his wife Parvati and the goddess of love Kama, whom Parvati asked to bring her husband back into the world from his deep meditation.” *Lord Shiva (Wikipedia) [The God of Destruction] Statue Unveiled (CERN).

[Ken: Shiva, the Destroyer, can be narratively linked to Apollyon, the Destroyer. Apollyon is the angel released from the bottomless pit when the Gate to Hell is opened.]

Roman festivalsMarch 25 (Wikipedia) (vernal equinox on the Roman calendar): Hilaria (“Rejoicing”), when Attis was reborn. Some early Christian sources associate this day with the resurrection of Jesus. Damascius attributed a “liberation from Hades” to the Hilaria.

See the 16-17 March update below for more info on Hilaria.

> The notes also link tomorrow to New Year’s Day and the Hebrews’ escape through the Red Sea to begin their wandering in the desert and eventual journey to the Promised Land…

…from YouTube. The sign in Times Square on New Year’s showed an explosion in Zion, and the confetti represented nuclear fallout — see the 8 January 2024 update below for details.

Old New Year’s Day (National Today), Why March 25, the Annunciation, Was Once New Year’s Day (Catholic Register); New Year’s Day (Lady Day – Wikipedia) in England, Wales, Ireland, and some of the future United States and Canada from 1155 through 1751, until the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 moved it to 1 January (and adopted the Gregorian calendar. (The year 1751 began on 25 March [Julian]; the year 1752 began on 1 January.) (Wikipedia)

Is March 25 the historical date of the crucifixion? (Aleteia) “Some theologians believe the date that Jesus died was on April 3, 33. However, medieval traditions tell a different story. Christians of ages past believed Jesus died on March 25 and ascribed a number of other important events to that day : …the creation of Adam and Eve as well as the day of their disobedience in the Garden…the day when Lucifer fell from Heaven and when the Israelitepeople passed through the Red Sea to begin their journey to the promised land.…the day when Isaac was to be offered as a sacrifice by his father Abraham…the day when the archangel Gabriel visited the Blessed Virgin Mary (The Feast of the Annunciation)

[From your blog on 21 February 2024 (ETWN.comGoogle Search) –  In 2024, because it would otherwise fall during Holy Week, the Annunciation will be observed on Monday, April 8.]

> See Onna’s notes for more. There are plenty.

(24 March 2024) – The Kabbalists will have another go at Pearl Harbor II tonight and tomorrow…

> If you count 11/11/22 as Day 0 instead of Day 1, Monday will mark 500 days since Prince Harry’s visit to Pearl Harbor, so we again have the “antichrist ascends” marker.

> Tonight there will be a “ill omen” / “sign in the heavens” — a “Micro Death Moon” and lunar eclipse — over America, which they can use in scripting our fall. From Onna…

The Micro Death Moon of 2024(timeanddate) When the Sun, Earth, and Moon almost perfectly align on March 25 at 07:00 UTC for a Full Moon, it also coincides with a whole bunch of lunar events.

Penumbral lunar eclipse (In The Sky) from 04:53 UTC to 09:32 UTC. 

> Tomorrow morning there will be another Gaza ceasefire meeting in the UN Security Council. They will be voting on a Russian-Chinese counterproposal to Friday’s resolution offered by the US. The Israelis expect the US to veto it, but the globalists may arrange for America to abstain and let it pass (like they did on 12/22), thus setting off “sudden destruction” while the Council talks about peace and security in the afternoon…


> In a scenario that aims to bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah and the Fake Mahdi on Day X (April 8-9), starting today or tomorrow would allow the Kabbalists to run the “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” and “Truth Tsunami” psyops over the expected two-week period. And Monday may be their only opportunity this week to hit the UN while both the Security Council and General Assembly are in the building. During their next window of opportunity for mischief, Good Friday through Easter Sunday, the UN will be on holiday.

~ MORE ~

Here’s a micro-scenario I’m compelled to cover “just in case”…

Joe Biden reportedly signed the spending bill on Saturday, even though he was in Delaware that day, but Congress’ website still shows it hasn’t yet become law. Did he sign it remotely with the autopen, or was it flown out to Delaware for his signature? And if it was flown out, has it been flown back to Congress, or is he bringing it with him when he returns to Washington DC today?

The reason these questions are potentially significant is that Biden is scheduled to fly back today at 4:30 PM EDT, WHICH IS MIDNIGHT IN IRAN. So if the Israelis decide to forestall the UN ceasefire vote tomorrow by attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities at midnight — just like the Hebrews killed Egypt’s firstborn starting at midnight — will Biden’s aircraft (and the spending bill) make it safely back to Washington? Or have the Israelis arranged for “ISIS” or “Iranians” to hit him with MANPADS in order to install Harris and her “friend of Chabad” husband?

Israel has already entered Shushan Purim, a good day for scheduling “an attack on the Persians to save the Jews from nuclear annihilation.”

NOTE (23 March 2024): As of 9:48 PM CDT, Congress’ bill tracker still shows that the spending bill has not been enrolled into law. So Pearl Harbor II remains a possibility overnight or in the morning. See today’s updates below for details.

WARNING (23 March 2024): NATO might move against Kaliningrad on Sunday…

Russian Region [Kaliningrad] Will Be ‘Neutralized’ if Moscow Moves on NATO: Ambassador (reported 2/27)
Grant Shapps plane’s GPS signal ‘jammed’ near Russia’s Kaliningrad (reported 3/14)
Russia Accuses Lithuania of ‘Blocking’ Commercial Traffic [to Kaliningrad] (reported 3/21)
Lithuania Government Warning: “War is imminent; Prepare immediately” (reported in controlled alt-media 3/22)

The attack may be preceded by a NATO false-flag perpetrated upon themselves or Ukraine but blamed on “misdirected Russian retaliation for the 3/22 terror attack in Moscow“…

…from today’s Drudge Report

~ from earlier ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 24th are now up. They point out that tomorrow is the Gregorian anniversary of the NATO attack on Yugoslavia and the Chinese lunar anniversary of the NATO attack on Libya, so watch for a NATO attack in Eastern Europe and/or the Middle East. They could potentially move troops into Ukraine or target Assad, Putin, Zaporizhzhia or Cobasna with airstrikes (among many other options).

Onna’s notes also contain a reason to watch the Vatican tomorrow…

• The New York Times article: A Nuclear Bomb Inside the Vatican (The New York Times) was published on 19 September 2018 = 66 months, 6 days ago

NOTE (23 March 2024): After watching the spending bill stagnate all morning, things moved very quickly after I sent out my updates. By 12:12 PM CDT, the bill got its name change. And by 12:58 CDT, it got sent to Biden (who has reportedly signed it). Now we wait to see if it gets enrolled into law before Sunday morning.

~ earlier ~

HOLD THE PRESSES: I started thinking about how this weekend’s spending bill situation (see the update below) constitutes a scripted window of vulnerability that leaves us open to an “enemy” sneak attack that would deprive the Pentagon and Homeland Security of funds to operate. Then I started thinking about how Sunday morning could be scripted as an “at dawn we slept” Pearl Harbor moment. And thinking of Pearl Harbor reminded me of Prince Harry’s visit there on 11/11/22 (Veterans Day)…

…from Geo News

GET THIS: Tomorrow, which is both Purim and Palm Sunday, will mark the 500th day of Harry’s Pearl Harbor visit. And in Strong’s Bible Concordance — a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups — number 500 is “antichrist” and “God ascends.” So will Sunday bring the Pearl Harbor attack that sets Prince Harry’s rise in motion?

(23 March 2024) – Here are a couple of things to note this Saturday morning…

1) The Kabbalists made another attempt to stage the Zaproizhzhia Nuclear Accident Psyop yesterday…

Major Russian Assault on Ukraine’s Energy Sector, Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant on Brink of Blackout

Ukraine says power line to Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant fixed after blackout risk

…so they did indeed have big plans for yesterday, and they backed out.

2) The government and media are saying that a US government shutdown has been averted, yet the spending bill, publicly identified as H.R.2882, appears to be an unrelated bill that is still in the “resolving differences” stage and has not been sent to Biden for his signature…


I’ve been trying to track down the details of the bill — to see if 2882 was repurposed and renamed as the spending bill — but I’m having difficulties because Congress’ bill tracker is glitching badly…

That being said, the spending bill is either an illusion or they’re deliberately slow-walking it over the weekend with the supposed aim of having Biden sign it when he returns to the White House Sunday evening. BUT SUNDAY IS PURIM, WHICH HAS ALREADY BEGUN IN ISRAEL. SO IF KABBALIST MISCHIEF IS STAGED DURING PURIM, THE SPENDING BILL WON’T MAKE IT TO LAW AND THE “TROUBLESOME PARTS” OF THE US GOVERNMENT WILL BE UNABLE TO FUNCTION COME MONDAY.

So from now through Sunday, we could face the start of the war or the start of the false savior event.

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 23rd are now up. And we will remain at risk for the Big Event until we reach March 26 (when the days of Purim are fully past).

ALERT (21-22 March 2024): In light of what is/was planned for today, I’ll temporarily post this “blast from the past” at the top of the page…

(from previous updates) – The globalist “elite” are obsessed with the symbolism of the phoenix, the bird which explodes into flames and is then reborn from its own ashes. Now look again at the mural located in the UN’s Security Council chamber

The mural actually depicts the Security Council chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall in the background of the mural, then look at the color of the wall surrounding the mural. Also look at the shape and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at the semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council. But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.

So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the destruction of the Security Council chamber by fire. Blowing up the UN complex thus becomes the fulfillment of the mural.

The UN Security Council will vote on the “Amalek Resolution” tomorrow morning, so watch for the Big Attack by 4:30 PM Washington DC time (EDT) on Friday. Also watch for key assassinations between now and the Big Attack. Possible targets of these staged attempts include Joe Biden (they’re sending Kamala Harris safely out of the country to Puerto Rico tomorrow), Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Volodymyr Zelensky, Bashar Assad, and the president or supreme leader of Iran. The strike on Iran’s nuclear sites is also indicated. See the warning and notes below.

~ MORE – 22 March 2024 ~

It’s O’Dark:30 Friday morning, and I’ve added some additional links and a screengrab of the Security Council schedule to what I wrote yesterday. Note that if they strike at the time I’m expecting, midnight Iran time / 4:30 PM New York time, the Security Council will be destroyed while they’re meeting about nuclear non-proliferation in regards to North Korea.

After the “commies” blame Russia for the “suitcase nukes” that strike the UN and the other cities, the “patriot-constitutionalist” (Nazionist) heroes will blame the “North Korean Deep State” for providing them. But the explosions will almost certainly result from kinetic energy rod strikes from the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array.

~ MORE ~

The “Amalek Resolution” was vetoed this morning, so the odds of Friday mischief are considerably reduced. But it ain’t over till it’s over.

WARNING (21 March 2024): Friday is a Tad Perilous…

As the UN Security Council meets to pass the “Amalek Resolution” today, my partner Onna’s notes for Friday the 22nd reflect that Israel will enter Shabbat Zachor tomorrow before noon UN time, when the Security Council will be meeting again to talk about “threats to international peace and security“…


1 Thessalonians 5:3: “While people are saying, ‘Peace and security,’ destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

Shabbat Zachor is the day Jews are reminded that they must annihilate Amalek, and it is the exact Jewish anniversary of NATO’s military intervention in Libya (think “Ukraine” or “Syria” this time). For these and other reasons I’ll cover today, 3/22 provides a highly suitable day for scripting the Sh*tstorm.

~ MORE ~

The Gregorian day of March 22 this year is a Friday that encompasses parts of two Jewish days…

  • until sundown, it is 12 Adar II and
  • after sundown, it becomes 13 Adar II, which is Shabbat Zachor and Erev Purim (the day Purim begins at sundown).

Given that Israel are “now at war with their enemies” and “the whole world is on the verge of turning against them (including America)” with a Gaza ceasefire resolution in the UN Security Council, Shabbat Zachor has great significance…

On the Shabbat before Purim, the holiday on which we celebrate the foiling of Haman the Amalekite‘s plot to destroy the Jewish people, the weekly Torah reading is supplemented with the Zachor (“Remember!”) reading (Deuteronomy 25:17-19) in which we are commanded to remember the evil of Amalek and to eradicate it from the face of the earth. – from

The Amalekites, descendants of Amalek, were an ancient biblical nation living near the land of Canaan. They were the first nation to attack the Jewish people after the Exodus from Egypt, and they are seen as the archetypal enemy of the Jews. The nation of Amalek is long gone, but they live on as the internal enemies that we each battle on a daily basis…

After the Jewish people crossed the Red Sea, they encamped in Rephidim, a barren location in the Sinai Desert. The people thirsted for water, and G‑d provided a miraculous well of water to accompany them on their journeys.

While the Jews were still at Rephidim, recuperating from their escape from Egypt, the nation of Amalek launched a vicious surprise attack on them—though the Jews had no designs on Amalekite territory and were not even headed in that direction.

Moses commanded his disciple Joshua to take an elite troop of soldiers into battle the next day. Moses himself ascended a nearby mountain to pray for G‑d’s salvation.

The Jews defeated Amalek in battle, killing their strongest warriors while allowing the others to return home.

Following the battle, G‑d commanded Moses to record the story of Amalek’s treacherous attack for posterity, and to enjoin Moses’ future successor, Joshua, to remember the attack as well. G‑d promised to completely wipe out the memory of Amalek from the earth, and to wage an eternal war with Amalek in every generation. G‑d swore that His name and throne would not be complete until Amalek was destroyed. – from



NOTE (20-21 March 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 21st are now up, and the UN Security Council has pushed back a planned meeting on North Korea so they can spend all day Thursday discussing “the situation in the Middle East” (on the International Day of Nowruz). So we’re back to watching for a March 21-22 Big Event in accordance with the schedule from the 16-17 March update.

~ MORE – 21 March 2024 ~

Now I see why the Security Council changed their schedule: The United States has circulated a draft United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an ‘immediate ceasefire tied to the release of hostages’ in Gaza, according to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken who is on a tour of the Middle East.

Should this resolution pass the Security Council today or tomorrow, it would provide the basis for scripting “Yahweh’s judgment” against “Israel’s unfaithful ally” America — right on schedule. And this is happening at the same time the controlled alt-media are spreading rumors that Western troops have entered Ukraine (providing a basis for false-flagging “Russia’s nuclear fury” against NATO).

(19-20 March 2024) – Big trouble is scriptable at midnight of March 20-21

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 20th are now up, and they point out that if the 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario were started on 11 Adar II / March 21 (Blackjack Day), the 4th day “Arrival” could be landed on Palm Sunday the 24th. 11 Adar II starts in Jerusalem after 11:51 AM Washington DC time tomorrow, and it’s the Fast of Esther and the day the Chabadniks study (slaughtered) sin offerings. Tomorrow is also the day they’re taking America’s second Catholic president to the city where America’s first Catholic president was assassinated: Dallas, Texas.

Here are some additional notes about tomorrow…


Midnight of the 20th-21st comes…

~ MORE – 20 March 2024 ~

In case the Kabbalists go for it today, here are the Fake Jewish Messiah’s potential arrival dates (on “Mount Sinai” or in Jerusalem)…

(19 March 2024) – The Essenes, the Tabernacle, and the Fake Jewish Messiah…

Within the scripted netherverse of Kabbalist prophecy propaganda, the Essenes (of Dead Sea Scroll fame) have been promoted as the keepers of “God’s True Calendar” and the infallible prophets of the ancient Jewish world. For this reason, the Essene (Dead Sea Scroll) calendar is usable for scripting the Kabbalists’ artificial prophecy fulfillment events, particularly those to be cast as “God’s True Judgment” or “God’s True Deliverance.”

It is therefore quite notable that the 8 days of Essene Passover run from April 2 to April 9 this year — notable because on Chabad’s Jewish calendar, those are the 8 days of the Mishkan…

April 2 / Essene 14 Nissan, Day 1 of Essene Passover / Mainstream 23 Adar II

Mishkan assembled; 7 “days of training” (1312 BCE)

The Children of Israel began building the “Mishkan” (also called the “Tabernacle” — a portable sanctuary to house the Divine presence in their midst as they journeyed through the desert) on the 11th of Tishrei of the year 2449 from creation (1312 BCE) — six months after their Exodus from Egypt, four months after the revelation at Sinai, and 80 days after their worship of the Golden Calf. The construction of the Mishkan, which followed a detailed set of instructions issued to Moses on Mount Sinai, lasted 74 days, and was completed on the 25th of Kislev; but the Divine command to erect the edifice came only three months later, on the 23rd of Adar, when Moses was instructed to begin a 7-day “training period.”

During the week of Adar 23-29, the Mishkan was erected each morning and dismantled each evening; Moses served as the High Priest and initiated Aaron and his four sons into the priesthood. Then, on the “eighth day” — the 1st of Nissan — the Mishkan was “permanently” assembled (that is, put up to stand until the Divine command would come to journey on), Aaron and his sons assumed the priesthood, and the divine presence came to dwell in the Mishkan. – from

April 9 / Essene 21 Nissan, Day 8 of Essene Passover / Mainstream 1 Nissan

Mishkan Inaugurated (1312 BCE)

On the eighth day following a 7-day training and initiation period, the portable Mishkan (“Tabernacle” or “Sanctuary”) built by the Children of Israel in the Sinai desert was erected, Aaron and his sons began serving as priests, and the Divine Presence came to dwell in the Mishkan; special offerings were brought, including a series of gifts by Nachshon ben Aminadav, the Prince of the Tribe of Judah (similar offerings were brought over the next 11 days by the other tribes of Israel). – from

So if the Kabbalists go for it this week, watch for them to script the erection of the Tabernacle on mainstream 1 Nissan (sundown of April 8 / Day X to sundown of April 9) under one of these two scenarios…

  1. In a recreation of the original exodus journey, a Moses-like figure would lead some of the scattered Israelis to “Mount Sinai” (Jebel al-Lawz in northern Saudi Arabia) and erect the Tabernacle there on 1 Nissan. That would be the day the Fake Jewish Messiah would come to lead them in a Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem.
  2. In an alternate scripting, the Fake Jewish Messiah would arrive at “Mount Sinai” on March 24-25 or April 2. He would then start his Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem, picking up the scattered Israelis as he moves north through Saudi Arabia and Jordan into Israel. The Tabernacle would then be erected on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on 1 Nissan (with the fake Mahdi by his side doing something similar for the Muslims).

Should the globalists pull the trigger this time, watch for the big events to start on mainstream 10 Adar II / Essene 1 Nissan (the beginning of the Essene Jewish year). 1 Nissan is the Essenes’ Spring Day of Remembrance (which relates to Noah’s Flood Judgment and the Kabbalists’ scripted Fire Judgment)…

New Year’s Day / Spring Day of Remembrance
Commemorated by Noah
Families gather for a feast and fellowship
Focus on the Testaments of the Patriarchs
Memorize prophecy
Prophecies fulfilled
Day God commanded Noah to build the ark (Book of Jubilees)
Day the waters of the flood receded and the earth became dry (Book of Jubilees) – from

As of this posting, 10 Adar II arrives in Jerusalem in about an hour.

NOTE (18 March 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 19th are now up. And we enter the danger zone for this week’s planned activities when Jerusalem enters 10 Adar II after 5:50 PM local time tomorrow [the number 55]. That’s 11:50 AM Washington DC time on a day Biden will be visiting Phoenix. As this time approaches, rumors of King Charles death are circulating as Obamakhenaten makes an unannounced visit to the UK PM in London. Are they moving into “go” position or are they beating a hasty retreat?

10 Adar II corresponds to the Gregorian day of March 20, and it is the day Chabad’s Torah study turns to Leviticus 3:1-17, the Laws for (Slaughtered) Peace Offerings. With the outbreak of the Big War looming in Ukraine and Israel, will the announced death(s) of King Charles and/or Benjamin Netanyahu be such an offering? And will Yahweh be scripted to find Netanyahu’s slaughter objectionable?

Today’s expansion to the update below is now complete.

(17-18 March 2024) – Just in time to start the week, today’s Drudge Report is flashing an occult signal for a communist bloodbath…

Note that the primary feature of the photo is the LEFT HAND, which is shaded in RED, the color of blood and communism. And it’s featured with the word “BLOODBATH.” It therefore hints at a “bloodbath (by or against) the Left Hand Path communists,” which is what the 16-17 March update below points to. Within the globalist script, the Left Hand Path communists/socialists are bringing global destruction and chaos so the Right Hand Path Nazis/Zionists can bring in the New Order. Onna will look into the gematria of “bloodbath” for us.

~ MORE – 18 March 2024 ~

Onna’s notes on the gematria of “bloodbath” are now up. And given what I’ve been covering over the past few days, there are four notes that grabbed my attention…

1) bloodbath = Akhenaten 4x…

…from Gematria Effect News

Here are my previous notes about “Obama as Akhenaten”…

(from 20 February 2023) – You may recall that the controlled alt-media — and even the mainstream media — have associated Barack Obama with the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten

And Pharaoh Obama’s Egypt is the “Western Satanist-controlled UN / G7 / NATO”…

…from YouTube. What made Obama’s first appearance as President of the UN Security Council “historic” was that it was the day the capstone (“the Communist Antichrist”) finally sat atop the “Communist UN NWO” pyramid that had been built for him.

(from 22 December 2023) – Another thing that ties the United States to the fate of Egypt is “Commie Antichrist” Obama, who has been presented as the “reincarnation” of Pharaoh Akhenaten [1,2,3]…

Obama-Akhenaten is the one who is supposedly calling the shots on all this through his puppet Joe Biden, and it is his “Egypt” (the “commie”-overrun UK-US-EU-G7-NATO-UN Empire) that will be annihilated. You may recall that he gave a “historic” speech in Cairo on 4 June 2009.

As for what happens to “Obamakhenaten’s Egypt,” Chabad is scripting a historical repeat (from the 22 December 2023 update)…

Ezekiel Prophesies Egypt’s Downfall (424 BCE)

On this day, Ezekiel prophesied that Egypt would be destroyed, as punishment for failing to keep their repeated promises to assist the Israelites. – from

God calls Egypt a “staff of reed to the house of Israel” (verse 6) — just as the Assyrians had described it more than a century earlier (see Isaiah 36:6). This is an allusion to Egypt’s weakness and unreliability as an ally for the Israelites — as well as the worthlessness and even danger of looking to this nation for protection. When the Israelites lean on Egypt for support, it shatters, leaving them seriously wounded (Ezekiel 29:7).

God says He will bring the sword of warfare on Egypt to lay it waste, showing that He, not the pharaoh, is the one who determines whether the nation exists or not (compare verses 8-9). – from

Just like Egypt — the superpower of that time — failed to uphold their promises to support and protect the Israel of that day, the United States have now done the same with today’s Israel (according to the Kabbalist prophetic narrative). And now “Yahweh will bring the sword of warfare on the United States to lay it waste.”

The rising “world savior” and “Final Antichrist” Vladimir Putin will also follow in the footsteps of Akhenaten.

2) bloodbath = Zechariah 3x…

According to Chabad, Zechariah prophesied the death of the Moshiach ben Yosef (the “End Times” stageplay character who is being played by Benjamin Netanyahu)…

“The immediate results of this war will be disastrous: Mashiach ben Yossef will be killed. This is described in the prophecy of Zechariah, who says of this tragedy that “they shall mourn him as one mourns for an only child.” (Zechariah 12:10). His death will be followed by a period of great calamities. These new tribulations shall be the final test for Israel, and shortly thereafter Mashiach ben David shall come, avenge his death, resurrect him, and inaugurate the Messianic era of everlasting peace and bliss.” – from

The Fall of Netanyahu is something that could be scripted this week on March 20 or 21 so his death can be mourned on the Fast of Esther.

Zechariah also “foretold the Messianic Era“…

Zechariah Foretold Messianic Era (3410/-352)

A delegation from Babylonia put forth a query to the prophet Zechariah, asking whether the fast of the Ninth of Av was still in effect, now that the Second Temple had been built. In response, Zechariah transmitted G‑d’s message that it was not fasting that was most important, but to uphold justice, truth, kindness and compassion.

Zechariah also foretold what will occur to the fast days in the Messianic era: “So says the L‑rd of Hosts: The fast of the fourth month [the seventeenth of Tammuz], the fast of the fifth month [the ninth of Av], the fast of the seventh month [the third of Tishrei], and the fast of the tenth month [the tenth of Teves] will be to the House of Judah for rejoicing, happiness, and festivals.” (Zechariah 7–8) – from

3) bloodbath = seven dead 4x…

Onna connects this to the 7 kings mentioned in Revelation 17:10

There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while.

So watch for 5 of the leaders of the G7 to die this week if the globalists go for it, with 2 more falling later.

Revelation 17 also provides a biblical tie-in to what prophecy propagandist Tom Horn wrote about Hillary Clinton as the Hilarion…

Horn: …these modern Thelemists actually believe Hillary is—or could be—the incarnation of the archetype divine feminine, the Whore of Babylon, the “Hilarion” that is set to take the throne of the most powerful nation on earth to assist Antichrist in his bid to rule the entire world.

Revelation 17: 3 And the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, where I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. She held in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. 5 And on her forehead a mysterious name was written:


As for the Whore of Babylon being dressed in purple (and scarlet = blood), here she is (from the 4 April 2017 update, with new additions in bolded brackets)…

5) On May 1, May Day [this was in 2017], paid anti-Trump agents provocateur will stage demonstrations and riots that could then be joined by people whose food stamps were not delivered [or whose benefit cards no longer work, including the millions of “migrants”]. Here is a preparatory propaganda piece setting expectations for what is to come…

…From Alex Jones has been talking about this on his show too.

And here is another propaganda piece from the Strategic Culture Foundation that talks about the “Purple Revolution”…

…I guess a Purple Revolution is what you get when a generation of Prince fans are running globalist psyops.

So if you put paid provocateurs onto the streets just in time to attract the attention of tens of millions of desperate people with no money for food, you have the recipe for a nationwide explosion of unrest.

The purple of the American color revolution reflects the blending of “Democrat blue” with “RINO-Republican red,” creating the purple “Uniparty” the controlled alt-media rail against.

4) bloodbath = card game 3x…

Onna links this cue to Trump’s NFT cards — it could be used to script the playing of his Artemis and superhero cards…

It could also be used in relation to another card game, blackjack / 21, with the scripting of Operation Blackjack. Blackjack is what would happen if Trump plays the Artemis card, and it is/was scheduled this week for the day of March 21/22 (depending on your time zone) to take out the five kings at the European Council Summit and elsewhere. Straddling the time zones like this enables the Kabbalist scriptwriters to tie the event to both Blackjack Day (3/21) and Skull and Bones Day (3/22)…

Onna’s notes on Monday the 18th are now up.

(16-17 March 2024) – Hillary the Hilarion on Hilaria, and the Kabbalists’ Armageddon Plan for This Week

On the 4th of this month, the globalists pulled a crusty old battle-axe out of the dustbin…

…from New York Magazine

And they wanted to draw people’s attention to it, so they headlined a MSN copy of the story on the Drudge Report

The aim of the propaganda piece was not to feature Bill Clinton, but Hillary and her “mentoring” relationship — particularly in foreign policy — to the very-soon-to-be president Kamala Harris. Here are the relevant excerpts from the article…

In recent months, the former secretary of state [Hillary Clinton] has begun convening groups of friends and political allies for private dinners to talk through the coming election season and to drum up badly needed support for Democratic candidates, starting with the president. The sessions are occasionally at the Clintons’ primary home in Chappaqua, but more often at their house in Washington, not far from the residence of Vice-President Kamala Harris, with whom she has quietly been keeping in touch

Hillary, meanwhile, has deepened her connection to Harris. At first, they linked up when the vice-president was preparing for her early foreign trips in 2021. In the years since, the talks between the first woman to hold the vice-presidency and the woman who’s come closest to being president have become less formal, more friendly, and more regular. They speak over the phone, and their chats have since expanded to political conversations on the sidelines of official events and advice for Harris about specific appearances, such as when Hillary gave her tips for speaking at the New York Times’s Dealbook conference last year. She has also visited Harris at her home.

The globalists are currently arranging multiple weekly attempts to stage the assassination, “sudden death,” or incapacitation of Joe Biden. If and when they finally succeed, Kamala Harris will become president and find herself on the brink of world war, surrounded by (deliberately engineered) foreign policy woes. So “Who she gonna call?” Her foreign policy mentor Hillary Clinton, that’s who — to be either her vice president (instead of Michelle Obama) or secretary of state (with Obama as VP). And this will give rise to a scenario featured in some longstanding prophecy propaganda about Hillary Clinton put out by the late Tom Horn

Accordingly, one would expect a female child was to be born around 1947, and, indeed, such an influential feminist was delivered that year who may offer the most promise for identifying the fruit of Parsons’ infamous ritual. That would be none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton…

I asked myself: 1) how many internationally influential feminists were 2) born in 1947 who are 3) named “Hillary” and that 4) have the potential to become the leader or vice president of the most powerful nation on earth, which 5) was dedicated from its inception to the enthronement of Osiris-Apollo, who 6) the Bible recognizes as Antichrist and 7) a spirit calling itself “Hillary” made clear to Jack Parsons sixty-nine years ago it was dedicated to helping the rise of the Man of Sin?…

Nevertheless all these questions came to my mind when reading the Wikileaks e-mail revelations and remembering how Hillary hinted “alien disclosure” would be made if she was elected president and how Abramovic, the Podestas and other close Hillary affiliates were manifest believers in the same UFOs and “contiguous aliens” that Parsons and Hubbard sought…

Rather, I straightway thought in the days leading up to the presidential election that these modern Thelemists actually believe Hillary is—or could be—the incarnation of the archetype divine feminine, the Whore of Babylon, the “Hilarion” that is set to take the throne of the most powerful nation on earth to assist Antichrist in his bid to rule the entire world.

So Hillary is the “Hilarion.” And can you guess which ancient Roman festival is coming up at the end of next week at the same time as Jewish Purim? Yep, Hilaria. So they have to get rid of Biden soon or they’ll miss the boat. More about that later.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on today, Sunday the 17th, are now up.

~ MORE – enhanced on 3/17 ~

Through the ages of ancient Rome — from kingdom to republic to empire with their changing calendars — there were some variances in the festivals that were observed and on which days they were celebrated. In the case of Hilaria, its celebration is associated with the dates of 22-25 March or 10-7 days before the April new moon

…from Wikipedia

And this year…

So let’s take a moment to look at the calendar of coming events…

As for the different varieties of Lego Armageddon the globalists can build with these blocks, they’ll likely script…

NOTE (15 March 2024): Tomorrow will be the 13th Jewish anniversary of the day Fukushima radiation escaped containment, so we’re not out of the woods yet. Onna’s notes on Saturday the 16th are now up, including one that shows tomorrow is the Chinese lunar anniversary of Fukushima.

Meanwhile, in Israel: Israeli PM Netanyahu gives green light to Rafah military ground operation. And he has done this on the eve of 7 Adar, Moses’s death date (which Israel will enter before noon Washington DC time tomorrow – 1,2). A ruinous air attack, a chemical weapons attack, and a massacre are scriptable on either side.

NOTE (15 March 2024): Upon doing a lookback for preparatory propaganda leading into today’s attempt to trigger a real or simulated Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Accident, I hit the jackpot. Over the past 8 days, the Western and Ukrainian media have been establishing the narrative that will accompany the “Russian sabotage of the plant.”

On March 7, Reuters came out with this

…Here is an excerpt…

The plant is near the front line in territory Moscow claims to have annexed from Ukraine. All six of its reactors are shut down, but it still needs constant power to keep fuel in those reactors cool and prevent a potentially catastrophic meltdown

In the past 18 months the plant has been cut off from external power eight times, forcing it to rely on diesel generators. Ukraine and Russia have blamed each other for shelling that has downed power lines.

On March 9, the Ukrainian media put out that the plant is down to a single power line to keep its safety systems functioning (so if that line gets knocked out, they’ll have to rely on the diesel generators fed by the diesel storage tanks that got attacked)


And on the 11th, the Ukrainian media narrated that Russia had placed explosive charges on the safety systems in order to turn the plant into a giant dirty bomb…

…from Here is an excerpt…

Russia mined the cooler and other objects on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, preparing it for destruction and release of radioactive materials. In addition, conditions have been technically created under which Russia can control this situation and make a nuclear disaster at any moment with a countdown from 10 hours to 14 days.

Chief of the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, revealed this in a new documentary from the series “Military Intelligence of Ukraine.”

On top of all this, I ran across a Wikipedia entry on the “Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant crisis” — it begins with this…

During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant has become the center of an ongoing nuclear safety crisis, described by Ukraine as an act of nuclear terrorism by Russia.

The plant, which is the largest of its kind in Europe, has seen destruction of its infrastructure via shelling, damage to its power lines, amounting to what Ukrainian authorities call the largest situation of its kind in history. A potential disaster may exceed the scale of previous disasters at nuclear power plants.

So on top of all the preparatory propaganda, the Kabbalists have a preestablished Wikipedia narrative dump that’s just waiting for Fukushima-type meltdowns to be added. And those meltdowns were set to happen today, on the Ides of March and the 13th Jewish anniversary of the Fukushima accident. Had they gone through with it, Thursday’s report of an explosive device “dropped near a fence where diesel fuel tanks are located” would have been followed by a Friday report of the tanks getting hit and the main power line getting cut. And all this would have happened before a “conveniently scheduled” UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine this afternoon.

This Zaporizhzhia scenario is obviously a major part of the globalists’ escalation plan for World War 3 (and likely has biblical prophecy fulfillment applications related to “Wormwood” (Chernobyl) and “the poisoning of the waters“), so we’ll have to maintain a constant watch on it from now on.

Expanded WARNING (15 March 2024): Everything old is new again…

…from Euractiv and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Reuters is reporting that “an explosive device [from the Ukrainian Army] was dropped near a fence where diesel fuel tanks are located, the [Zaporizhzhia nuclear power] plant reported.”This scenario is lifted straight out of the preparatory propaganda the Bulletin put out last year

Russia then attacks some of the diesel fuel storage tanks at the Khmelnitsky plant, leaving the plant with only several days’ worth of diesel fuel to run the emergency generators. Shortly after, Ukraine releases a video providing evidence of Russia’s responsibility for the attacks.

Will real or faked “radiation from Zaporizhzhia” be the trigger NATO uses to launch their “retaliation” today or on the 22nd?

~ MORE ~

The reason the Kabbalists attempted to script the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Accident today was in my partner Onna’s notes. Today, 5 Adar II, is the precise Jewish anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident (which also happened on a Jewish leap year)…

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) ->  Fukushima nuclear accident (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011 = 5 Adar II [Fukushima Timeline (HISTORY)]

It should also be noted that today is Friday, and it is the 13th Jewish anniversary of Fukushima, so Friday the 13th is part of the occult numbers mix. And upon checking the gematria, a familiar number came up for both Fukushima and Zaporizhzhia, the number 53

…from Gematria Effect News

Here’s a little about the number 53 from the 28 November 2023 update…

The number 53 has repeatedly shown up in recent globalist setups. 53 is the atomic number of iodine (potassium iodide tablets are used to protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine in nuclear fallout), and 53 has also been associated with China and war. The number is also used as a cue for a Bible verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:3: “While people are saying, ‘Peace and security,’ destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

And look at what the UN Security Council is talking about today…

…from (arch)

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 15th are now up. And the update on the meaning of the Weimar Triangle has been moved to the bottom of yesterday’s warning.

WARNING (13 March 2024):The leaders of France, Germany and Poland will be meeting  for “hastily arranged talks” in Berlin as the “Weimar Triangle” on Friday, the Ides of March. This is the same day Russia begins its presidential election. Will a false-flag attack and/or a NATO-Ukraine military move against Russia be conducted that day “in order to influence the Russian election”? It would be an opportune time to play the Transnistria and Cobasna Disaster cards.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 14th are now up, and they look particularly ugly for the period of sundown of Thursday through Friday (watch that period in Jerusalem time). Benjamin Netanyahu is flashing the Leviathan number, which the Chabadniks connect with the move to bring in their Fake Jewish Messiah (the Moshiach), and Israel is flashing 911s. Sundown of Thursday to sundown of Friday is also Ramadan 5, the Muslim anniversary of the beginning of World War I, which was set in motion by an assassination. So a number of signs point to the imminent scripted death — physical or political — of the “Moshiach ben Yosef”, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Sunset of Thursday, March 14 occurs in Jerusalem at 5:47 PM local time / 11:47 AM Washington, DC time.

~ MORE ~

The “Weimar Triangle”

In the 29 February 2024 update, I wrote…

Whenever I see odd word combinations or words in quotation marks on Drudge, I immediately wonder if they’re dropping a gematria hint (the Kabbalists are obsessed with gematria).

Well this time I saw an odd word combination in quotation marks on Reuters, and it was this…

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are set to meet in Berlin on Friday for hastily arranged talks on aid for Ukraine.

The talks, announced by Tusk and confirmed by a German government source, will be the first top-level meeting of the “Weimar Triangle” – a platform of political cooperation between Germany, France and Poland created in 1991 – since he returned as Polish prime minister late last year.

So again, I asked my brilliant and beloved partner Onna to look into it, and she promptly unlocked what the Kabbalists are signalling…

Weimar Triangle (Wikipedia) (155, 74, 223, 88) = Weimar Republic (Wikipedia4x [Republic = Triangle]…

…from Gematria Effect News

The Weimar Republic was the short-lived German republic that existed from the end of World War I to 1933. It is well-known for having experienced high price inflation — even worse than that of current-day Weimar America — before it fell with the rise of the Nazi dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. So this Friday’s Ides of March meeting of the Weimar Triangle is meant to signal a historic turning point when the republics of the West will fall and the Nazionist New Order Empire will rise (in the form of the “reformed” UN / BRICS NWO). It was after Caesar fell on the Ides of March that Octavian began his ascent to becoming Emperor Augustus. And as it was in the days of Octavian, the New Order Empire will start out looking like the answer to all our problems.

Here are all of Onna’s gematria findings on the Weimar Triangle, including a notable connection in Jewish gematria to Donald Trump and the number 1400

Weimar Triangle = Ronald DeSantis 3x, John Fitzgerald 3x, The king of kings 3x, lord of the earth 3x, The number eight 3x, Roswell incident (Wikipedia3x, Great Wall of China (Wikipedia) 3x, St Michael’s on Wyre (Wikipedia) 3x, Protestant Church 3xChiefs vs Vikings 3x, Numbers never lie 3x, Moon Enters Pisces (New York Post3x, Joe Biden resigns 3x, The Liberty Bell (Wikipedia) 2x, Syria gas attack 2x, Covenant Church (Wikipedia) 2x, Tel Aviv Israel 2x, The Final solution (Wikipedia) 2x, Nuremberg trials (Wikipedia) 2x, Sir Francis Drake (Wikipedia) 2x, Reichstag fire 2x, Caroline Kennedy 2x, Burnt offering (Wikipedia) 2x

The Weimar Triangle (188, 89, 271, 100) = Israel’s nine eleven 3x, New order of the ages (Wikipedia) 3x, Land of the Rising Sun (Google Search) 3x, Triangle of Sadness(Wikipedia) 3x, Presidential Alert 2x, The Number Twenty Three 2x, Republic of Serbia (Wikipedia) 2x , Texas Independence Day (Wikipedia) 2x,  Jacqueline Lee Kennedy  (Wikipedia) 2x, Brotherhood of Saturn (Wikipedia) 2x American Revolution (Wikipedia) 2x, kill President Biden 2x

(note: Texas Independence Day = Jackeline Lee Kennedy 4x)

Hebrew gematria (Gematrix)

Weimar Triangle =1287=Donald John Trump

The Weimar Triangle = 1400


The Battle of Badr (National GeographicWikipedia) – The Battle of Badr, Saudi Arabia, was a major turning point in the spread of Islam. The Muslim victory over a stronger force of secular merchants from Mecca established Mohammed as one of the most powerful leaders on the Arabian Peninsula. From Islam Channel: This battle is mentioned several times in the Quran, including Surat Al-Anfal where Allah (SWT) promised the small Muslim army would be reinforced with angels. Date: 13 March 624 (Julian) = 16 March (Proleptic Gregorian calendar) = Ramadan 17(Convert a dateWikipedia) 2 AH = 16 Adar II (Convert a date), 1400 years ago

• Jerusalem Law (Wikipedia), is a common name of Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel passed by the Knesset on 30 July 1980 = Ramadan 17, 1400 AH 

• Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Wikipedia), Emir of Qatar. Born: 3 June 1980 = Rajab 191400 AH

• Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia), Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini became the 1st Supreme Leader of Iran on 3 December 1979 = Muharram 131400 AH 

[Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Wikipedia). Ratified and date effective]

• 1980 Turkish coup d’état (Wikipedia) Date: 12 September 1980 = Dhu’l-Qi’dah 21400 AH

• Reza Pahlavi (Wikipedia), Crown Prince of Iran in exile. On his 20th birthday on 31 October 1980 (at Koubbeh Palace, Cairo) = Dhu’l-Hijjah 221400 AH, Reza Pahlavi declared himself to be the new king of Iran, Reza Shah II, and the rightful successor to the throne of Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia).

• Surfside condominium collapse (WikipediaThe Washington Post) – Champlain Towers South, a 12-story beachfront condominium in the Miami suburb of Surfside, Florida, United States, partially collapsed, causing the deaths of 98 people. Date: June 24, 2021, at 1:22 a.m. EDT = Tir 3, 1400 Persian date(Convert a date)


the Number Twenty Three -> “…the senatorsstabbed Caesar 23 times” (Assassination of Julius Caesar – Wikipedia).

(13 March 2024) – From today we face three days of Ides of March assassination possibilities, with any actor who can be cast as a leader of Rome being a scriptable target. This includes…

Any resulting assassination(s), disappearance(s) or “sudden death(s)” can be used as the trigger for the NWO Transition War or as the precursor(s) for a war-start next week (during the European Council Summit on March 21-22). And we must now watch for the possibility of the return of Hillary Clinton instead of Michelle Obama or alongside Michelle Obama — I’ll get into that later today.

See yesterday’s updates below for more information.

(12 March 2024) – Beware the Ides of March…

…from CNN

Will the Ides of March (March 15) be the final day of Netanyahu’s leadership of Israel? And will his staged death occur on the Third Day of Darkness (March 17)? We’ll look into this today, along with the Kabbalists’ fallback plan for next week involving Hillary Clinton, the Roman festival of Hilaria, and March 22 [322].

In the 10 March notes below, I pointed to March 15 as the most dangerous upcoming day this week. And upon looking into the history of the equivalent Jewish day, 5 Adar II (sundown of March 14 to sundown of March 15), I found something quite telling…

Moses’ Last Day of Leadership (1273 BCE)

Moses passed away on the 7th of Adar. Following G-d’s instruction that Joshua should succeed him and lead the Jewish nation into the Land of Israel, Moses transferred leadership duties to Joshua on the day before he passed away. Thus the fifth day of Adar was the last day of Moses’ leadership. – from

So Moses still led the Hebrews on 5 Adar, power passed to Joshua on 6 Adar, and Moses died on 7 Adar. This sounds like a good framework for a Three Days of Darkness scenario, doesn’t it? So let’s take a moment to think of how the Kabbalists can script it…

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 13th are now up, and they point out the possibility that the Ides of March could come early this year — as soon as sundown tomorrow in Jerusalem. To show you why, let’s first have a look at how the Wikipedia entry on the Ides of March begins…

The Ides of March … is the 74th day in the Roman calendar, corresponding to 15 March. It was marked by several religious observances and was a deadline for settling debts in Rome. In 44 BC, it became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar, which made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history.

Now let’s look at how Wikipedia’s article on March 15 begins…

March 15 is the 74th day of the year (75th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar…

Since this year is a leap year, it can be argued that the Ides of March falls on Thursday, March 14, which is the 74th day of 2024. And the Hebrew day that corresponds to March 14, 4 Adar II, begins in Jerusalem after 5:46 PM local time tomorrow / 11:46 AM Washington DC time. This means the Kabbalists could go for it on Wednesday or Thursday. They could take down Netanyahu a day or two early, or they could take down Biden, who will be away from the White House on both Wednesday and Thursday. Hitting Kamala Harris on Wednesday or Thursday is also an option of course.

There are occult cues tomorrow that would support the scripting of both the opening of the Gate to Hell and the triggering of “Disease X” amongst the vaccinated. And a 150-day Torment of Humanity started by opening the Gate to Hell on Jewish Thursday (sundown of the 13th to sundown of the 14th) would land on August 10 or 11 (Shabbat Chazon — the Shabbat of Prophecy / Shabbat of Vision — or the 7th of Av)

I’ll cover next week’s Hillary Clinton scenario tomorrow.

~ MORE ~

Onna’s notes on tomorrow point out that it is the 11th anniversary of Francis’s election as pope, so watch for the old fart to fall very ill tomorrow at Saint Peter’s Square and then “die” (on Wednesday or Thursday). His death could be used to set off next week’s fallback scenario with a papal funeral on the day of the spring equinox. Alternatively tomorrow…

…from the cover art of a prophecy propaganda book put out be the late Tom Horn

Let’s also remember that Putin is playing the role of Octavian, who was adopted by Julius Caesar before Caesar was killed on the Ides of March. And Onna’s notes contain a cue that can be used to script an attempt to assassinate Putin tomorrow. The assassination plot may involve NATO-supplied long-range missiles fired on a location provided by Alexander Bortnikov (on the 70th anniversary of the KGB’s founding).

NOTE (10 March 2024): Is Joe Biden attempting to “redirect” (steal) money from the spending bill to send to Ukraine under the pretext of it being part of the Global War on Terrorism? Will the “Deep State” soon conduct false-flagged “Russian terror attacks” on the West to justify the redirection of funds? As of 2:47 PM CDT of March 10, Congress’ website still shows that the spending bill has not been enrolled as law. [3/11: At sometime during the night of Sunday-Monday, Congress’ website was finally updated to show that the spending bill has become law.]

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 11th are now up, and they contain the following scripting cue for the use of the Artemis Weapons Array to inflict city-destroying attacks (that appear nuclear) from orbit

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia), was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 1 years, 116 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1116.Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea /Hebrew: 1116.bamah: a high place

If the globalists go for it on March 11, they’ll most likely do it at midnight (the moment March 11 begins), because that’s when God supposedly inflicted his final judgment on Egypt during the first Passover (according to the Kabbalist script, God will not pass over the Israelis this time)…

At midnight of 15 Nissan 2448 (1313 BCE), G‑d broke the last manacle of Egyptian bondage by killing all Egyptian firstborn, and the nation of Israel was born as a free people. The time is significant: twice the Torah emphasizes that the event occurred exactly at midnight, and to this day, midnight is a factor in our annual re-experience of the Exodus… – from

~ MORE ~

If the globalists don’t go for it on March 11, the Artemis 1 scripting cue can also be applied to March 12. And if they switch to inclusive day counts, they can go on March 12 and still hit the 40-day and 150-day [1,2] landing dates I covered in the 9 March update.

Beyond that, they could go on March 13, 14 or 15 and land a 40-day Fire Judgment on Passover Day 1 (April 22-23, and a prime target). And they could go on March 15, 16 or 17 and land a 150-day Torment of Humanity on Tisha B’Av (August 12-13, and also a prime target). The two possibilities overlap on March 15 (the Ides of March — a pivotal day in the history of ancient Rome), which is also the date referenced in this Israeli article about the start of the planned “War in the North” against Hezbollah…

…from The Times of Israel

Since March 15 fits so well, hits such premium landing dates, and affords them the scripting flexibility to go for either 40 or 150 days, I assess it as the most dangerous day this week once we get past the 11th.

NOTE (9 March 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on March 10 are now up. And a reader has pointed out that March 11 is the 13th anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident — a significant scripting cue given what we’re expecting at Iran’s nuclear sites and Dimona. Fukushima enters March 11 at 11 AM Washington DC time tomorrow, and Jerusalem enters 1 Ramadan and 1 Adar II at 11:44 AM Washington DC time tomorrow. Continue reading down through the 6 March updates for important information on what’s planned.

(9 March 2024) – Here are the Fake Jewish Messiah’s potential intervention dates for a “God’s Judgment” scenario that starts on 1 Ramadan / 1 Adar II (sunset of March 10 to sunset of March 11, Jerusalem time):

In a shake-n-bake (quick) scenario…

In a 40-dayFire Judgment scenario…

In a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario…

  • 88 (August 8): In a 150-day Torment counted from March 11, the Big Fakes could come in on August 8 (8/8) to begin the journey and the psyops. Not only does that day feature the Nazi number, 88; it’s also the day Chabad’s Torah study starts with Deuteronomy 2:2, when God supposedly began moving the Hebrews towards the Promised Land by telling them to “turn to the north” — a fitting marker for the day the Fake Jewish Messiah leads the scattered Israelis to the north from Mount Sinai / Jebel al-Lawz.
  • 7th of Av (August 10-11): In a 150-day Torment counted from March 14, the Big Fakes could come in on the 7th of Av to begin the journey and the psyops. 7 Av is the Jewish anniversary of the Babylonian invasion of the First Temple (before they burned it on the 9th of Av). It is also the day Chabad’s Torah study ends with Deuteronomy 4:4, which comes as Moses exhorts the Hebrews to obedience before they enter the Promised Land: “1 Hear now, O Israel, the statutes and ordinances I am teaching you to follow, so that you may live and may enter and take possession of the land that the LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you. 2 You must not add to or subtract from what I command you, so that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God that I am giving you. 3 Your eyes have seen what the LORD did at Baal-peor, for the LORD your God destroyed from among you all who followed Baal of Peor. 4 But you who held fast to the LORD your God are alive to this day, every one of you.

Expanded NOTE (9 March 2024): The mainstream media are narrating that the “US government avoids shutdown after Senate approves $460bn in spending” despite the fact that it is, at the time of this writing, 1:41 AM of March 9 and the spending bill (H.R.4366) is still in the “resolving differences” stage and has not been sent to or signed by Biden. Are they going to leave this hanging until the fireworks begin? I’ll get back to you in the morning.

~ later – 9:44 AM CST ~

Israel enters 29 Sha’banthe day President Zachary Taylor “died unexpectedly” — in about 10 minutes, and the spending bill still hasn’t been signed.

~ later ~

It is 4:07 PM CST of March 9, and the White House website says that Biden has signed the spending bill, yet Congress’ website shows it has not yet been enrolled as law.

It has finally dawned on me why the globalists divided the spending bills into two deadlines this time…

The controlled alt-media will say that House Speaker Johnson, an ally of “hero” Trump, did this “to take care of the American people and starve the police state beast during the takedown of the Satanic Communist Deep State.”

(8 March 2024) – Here are some key things to know going into the Weekend of 9/11 II…

An attack on Iran’s nuclear sites is scripted to lead to a retaliatory attack on Israel’s Dimona nuclear site, or vice versa. And a hit on Dimona and the resulting fallout (real or faked) can be used to “scatter the Israelis into the wilderness.”

Onna’s notes on Saturday the 9th are now up.

WARNING (7 March 2024): In yesterday’s update, I showed you why the Hebrew day of 1 Adar II (sunset of March 10 to sunset of March 11) is the ideal date to either start or end the Kabbalist-planned Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) scenario. So today we’ll look at when they’ll schedule the “messianic intervention” if they start 3DOD tonight and end it on 1 Adar II. That said, 1 ADAR II WOULD WORK BEST AS THE STARTING POINT, so I want to cover a couple of things about that first.

As I lay in bed this morning, it occurred to me that the globalists are scripting Hezbollah’s Ramadan Offensive to historically mirror Vietnam’s Tet Offensive, when the North Vietnamese took advantage of Vietnam’s biggest holiday to start a massive, multi-pronged attack on their enemies. And it just so happens that the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan runs from sundown of March 10 to sundown of March 11, the same as 1 Adar II. Furthermore, March 10 corresponds to the Julian calendar date of February 26 (2/26) — a number that Hezbollah has associated with their planned offensive…

…from Twitter

So if they are planning to start the “Rain of Fire” with Hezbollah’s missiles, rockets and drones after sunset of March 10, Biden’s State of the Union Address tonight has a different purpose than what I wrote about yesterday: it may be the moment they’ll have Biden either resign or act so incoherently in front the entire government and nation that he resigns shortly after. This would allow Kamala Harris to rise to the presidency and quickly nominate an Obama as her VP, allowing Congress to confirm the nomination by Monday morning. Congress is scheduled to be in session on Friday and Monday, though it isn’t strictly necessary that Obama gets confirmed — having “her-him” take on presidential power illegitimately could add interesting dimensions to the script.

Of course, there are other routes the globalists can take to get Michelle or Barack into the vice presidency before the Hezbollah attack, such as hitting (only) the Capitol during the State of the Union or scheduling Biden’s death/resignation while he is in Philly on Friday or Atlanta on Saturday (Harris could be hit too, in Phoenix or Las Vegas). But the idea is to get an Obama into the VP slot before 1 Adar II / 1 Ramadan begins, then have the president die during the Ramadan Offensive so “Antichrist” Obama can rise again.

As you ponder all this, keep in mind that the top leaders of Hezbollah — just like the top leaders of Hamas — are funded and controlled by the Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel through the Mossad and their minions. It is the job of these bankster-run terror groups to create “problems” that enable Kabbalist “solutions.” Al Qaeda’s CIA/Pentagon-assisted 9/11 Attacks were a classic example of this, enabling the Kabbalists to replace governments in the Middle East (particularly Iraq’s) in preparation for the NWO Transition War we now face. 9/11 II is nearly upon us.

I have more information on 1 Adar II as a starting date, but I’ll get to that later. For the rest of the day I want to focus on what’s directly ahead of us: the threat of a March 8-11 3DOD that starts this evening. So let’s have a look at the days the Kabbalists can schedule the “heroic intervention” of the Fake Jewish Messiah in a Fire Judgment that starts on March 8 (Jerusalem time)…

Onnabugeisha’s notes on today are up; I just forgot to link to them yesterday.

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 8th are now up, and they show that there is a cue for scripting CERN’s opening of the Gate to Hell on March 8…

• Maha Shivaratri (Wikipedia) (lit. The Great Night of Shiva,’. Shiva (Wikipedia) – The God of Destruction. [In 2004, CERN unveiled an unusual new landmark, a 2m tall statue of the Indian deity Lord Shiva (CERN), Nataraja (Wikipedia)]

There is also a Muslim cue for scripting a March 7-8 nuclear attack…

Sundown of March 7 to sundown of March 8 = Sha’ban 27

• Bombing of Hiroshima (HISTORYWikipedia), the world’s first deployed atomic bomb. Date: 6 August 1945 = Sha’ban 27, 1364 AH

Also, there are two more things to note before the State of the Union speech…

  1. The House has passed a funding bill that would keep the government from shutting down, but it has yet to pass the Senate and get Biden’s signature. So if something happens to Congress and Biden tonight, the US government will have no budget and the incoming designated survivor president will have total dictatorial power over how Washington spends its funds. Will it be Yellen?
  2. Keep an eye out for the possible return of Hillary Clinton, the “Hilarion.”

CRITICAL INFORMATION (6 March 2024): To understand why Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address may mark the beginning of the Kabbalists’ artificial Fire Judgment, it is necessary to look at the Jewish history that associates with 1 Adar II (sunset of March 10 to sunset of March 11)…

Plague of Darkness (1313 BCE)

The 9th plague to strike the Egyptians for their refusal to release the Children of Israel from slavery — a thick darkness that blanketed the land so that “no man saw his fellow, and no man could move from his place” (Exodus 10:23) — commenced on the 1st of Adar, six weeks before the Exodus.

Ezekiel Foretells Egypt’s Downfall (421 BCE)

On this date, in the year following the Holy Temple’s destruction, G‑d tells Ezekiel to take up a lamentation for Pharaoh, king of Egypt, foretelling his downfall in the hands of the Babylonians.

The Plague of Darkness over Egypt lasted for THREE DAYS, so 1 Adar II is the ideal day to mark either…

When all but one of America’s national leaders gather for the State of the Union Address on March 7 at 9 PM EST, it will be 4 AM of March 8 in Jerusalem, less than two hours before dawn. So the attacks could come in the morning before dawn in Jerusalem, just like they did on October 7 [1,2]. And March 8 marks Day 154 of the Israel-Hamas War

154 AH is a year in the Islamic calendar that corresponds to that corresponds to 770 – 771 AD” – from Wikipedia

“[Psalm 154] survived in Syriac biblical manuscripts and also was found in Hebrew, in the Dead Sea scroll 11QPs(a)154 (also known as 11Q5 – The Great Psalms Scroll), a first-century AD manuscript. It is listed as the second of the apocryphal psalms by Wright who calls it ‘The Prayer of Hezekiah when enemies surrounded him‘.” – from Wikipedia

Counting the days from October 7, 2023 differently, March 8 marks 153 days since the Israel-Hamas War began. And given what fanatics the Kabbalists are with numerology, we should remember that the number 153 has shown up in these updates before [1,2,3]. If the globalists are compelled to abort the current timeframe, will they announce a Gaza ceasefire on March 8 (Israel time)?

ALERT (5-6 March 2024) – March 6-7 is a Strong Window of Opportunity for the NWO Transition Event / War

The Weather Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday: Sodom, with a chance of Gomorrah…

In looking ahead at the danger dates — the most hazardous of which is March 11 — I’ve decided to cover them in sequential order so as not to overwhelm readers with information. So we’ll begin by looking at the danger date of Wednesday, March 6 (tomorrow). March 6, like March 7, is a date that offers a 33-day window for a Fire Judgment that would end on Day X (so both the 6th and 7th are danger days). And looking at Onnabugeisha’s notes, there are occult cues that provide a basis for scripting city-destroying attacks of the “Sodom and Gomorrah” variety on Wednesday…

  • Prince Harry is flashing the “Gomorrah” / “high place” number in relation to his “royal visit” to Pearl Harbor, so a sneak attack on at least one American city (by Artemis) is scriptable. It would be blamed on a nuke.
  • Xi Jinping is flashing the “Gomorrah” / “high place” number in relation to his rise to General Secretary of the CCP, so an Artemis attack on at least one Chinese city (perhaps Beijing) or the Three Gorges Dam is scriptable. In the Controlled Alt-Media / NWO Narrative, the attack in China will be blamed on the “CCP Deep State” — it will be said that they did it to create a crisis and opportunity to take down (NWO “hero”) Xi.
  • Xi Jinping is also flashing the “Antichrist” number in relation to securing his third term as General Secretary. So he will receive the ultimate blame for the attack in China after the BRICS NWO falls (7 years after it begins).
  • Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, is flashing the number of the “Hebrew god” and “without compassion,” so his “assassination by Israel” is scriptable. This would set off the Big War.

And in a sneak preview of one of Onna’s new notes for tomorrow, Barack Obama is flashing the address number of Chabad’s headquarters in relation to “A New Beginning” for Muslims — a new beginning that would come after America is hobbled by the attacks. Check it out…

• A New Beginning (speech) (WikipediaWhite House) is the name of a speech delivered by United States President Barack Obama from the Major Reception Hall at Cairo University in Egypt. Date: Thursday 4 June 2009, 770 weeks ago [770 Eastern Parkway (Wikipedia) -> See below – 27 Adar  Rebbe Falls Ill;  more about the number 770 – Your blog (here): Twice-Expanded Note – 22-23 October 2023; Mercedes-Benz 770 and Hitler (WikipediaCar & Bike)] 

Tomorrow, Joe Biden will be in Washington DC and Kamala Harris will be in Madison, Wisconsin. So in a Gomorrah scenario, Biden will perish in the attack on Washington, leading to the rise of “President Harris” and “Vice President Michelle Obama.” And in a fallback scenario, Harris can be hit in Madison to give rise to VP Obama.

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s new notes on Wednesday the 6th (and Thursday the 7th) are now up, and they reflect that the 6th and 7th share a number of the same occult scripting cues. So the threats posed by the two days are essentially carbon copies of each other. Furthermore, there are remarkable cues associated with the Hebrew day of 27 Adar I (and II), which runs from sundown of the 6th to sundown of the 7th.

Since 27 Adar I spans the 6th and 7th, it affords the Kabbalist scriptwriters the flexibility of staging events on the 7th that are based on indicators from the 6th, and vice versa. For all intents and purposes, then, the 6th and 7th form one long danger period for the staging of catastrophic world events. Look through Onna’s notes to see what those events are (while I draft a list of scriptable events over the coming hours).

~ MORE ~

The very dangerous Jewish day of 27 Adar I begins in Jerusalem on March 6 after 5:41 PM local time, which is March 6 after 10:41 AM Washington, DC time. And the Gregorian calendar date of March 6 is the Julian calendar date of February 22, 2/22. In Strong’s Bible concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, number 222 is the Hebrew name Uriel, which means “Flame of God” — an appropriate cue for scripting “God’s Fire Judgment.” And in “biblical numerology,” the number 222 is associated with the murder conspiracy against Jesus (indicating scriptable moves against fake, Nazionist “messiahs” Trump, Netanyahu and Putin).

That being said, this is a list of scriptable events for 27 Adar I / March 6-7…

It should be noted that if the globalists start the Fire Judgment on March 6, there are two directions they could go with it…

  1. they can go for a 40-day Fire Judgment that gets cut short at 33 days on Day X / April 8, or
  2. they can do a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario, script the opening of the Gate to Hell on the fourth day (March 9), then run the 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario to August 5 / 1 Av, when the Nine Days begin (the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah is scripted to elicit joy to replace the historic mourning of the Nine Days).

The basis for opening the Gate to Hell and beginning the 150 days of torment on 3/9 — 9/3 in European d/m format — is Revelation 9:3

1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss. 2 The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.

3 And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them. – from Revelation 9 (BSB) on

Should the globalists opt to go for it on the 7th, they’ll likely start the Fire Judgment with a hit on Biden’s State of the Union Address. Beginning on the 7th will still allow them to hit 33 days on April 8 / Day X, and they can still hit 150 days on August 5 / 1 Av by opening the Gate to Hell on the Third Day of Darkness (right after they stop the Rain of Fire after sundown of March 9).

(4 March 2024) – Onnabugeisha’s notes on today and Tuesday the 5th are now up, and there are two things to watch today (Day 150 of the Gaza War)…

  1. “Mystery Babylon” (the “UK-US-EU-G7-NATO-UN Empire”) are putting on a two-level scripted show today in which they’ll publicly press for a Gaza ceasefire while they privately “scheme to unseat Netanyahu and trigger a war that will destroy Israel.” Both the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council will be meeting on the situation in the Middle East today, and Benny Gantz will be meeting with US officials and VP Harris.
  2. The US government are putting on a scripted show today in which Kamala Harris is taking on the very presidential responsibility of meeting with Gantz while Joe Biden remains sequestered at Camp David until Tuesday. By doing this, they are likely setting the stage for Harris to continue taking the lead after Biden’s resignation on Thursday (at the State of the Union address), Friday (in Philadelphia, where the American Communist Revolution was declared), or Saturday (in Atlanta). A strike on Washington DC today is also a scriptable (but unlikely) possibility.

There are three tracks they can take in scripting the fall of Netanyahu and the triggering of the Fire Judgment…

  1. They can engineer Netanyahu’s assassination (by “Muslim” hands) or political fall, then have Gantz attack Lebanon/Syria or Rafah by Ramadan like he has threatened to do.
  2. The “Israeli Deep State” can have their agents in the IDF and Mossad stage the “Israeli Outrage,” then blame Netanyahu for it and remove him.
  3. They can engineer Netanyahu’s assassination or political fall, then have Gantz reach a ceasefire deal, thus leading to a purely “supernatural” Fire Judgment by Yahweh (or a pressing of the delay button till later in the year).

It should also be noted that Thursday’s State of the Union Address, when all of America’s national leaders will be gathered in the Capitol Building (except for the designated survivor — will it be Yellen?), presents a golden opportunity to stage the hit on Washington DC. And starting it that day would allow the 40-day Fire Judgment to be cut short at 33 days by the fake messianic arrival on April 8, Day X.

(3 March 2024) – Looking Ahead to the Ramadan War

As we approach the danger dates of March 8 & 11, it is important to remember that the 11th is the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in Iran (it begins at sundown of the 10th). And as I pointed out in the 16-17 February update, the final day of Ramadan starts at sundown on a very notable day…

Did you know that the final day of Ramadan and the first day of the Jewish ecclesiastical year (1 Nissan) both start after sunset of April 8, the day the “Second Great American Eclipse” finishes drawing an “X” across America?

This day presents a golden opportunity to bring in both the Fake Jewish Messiah and the Fake Muslim Mahdi for a messianic intervention

So Ramadan forms a very natural timeframe for the beginning and potential ending of the combined Ram-Goat War against Iran and Battle of Gog-Magog / Harmagedon. And to get it started, the globalists need to script an event that enrages the Muslims into starting a full-on war against Israel and the West right before Ramadan or on its first day — along with an event that enrages Yahweh into administering his “Fire Judgment.”

The event to enrage the Muslims could be…

And the event to enrage Yahweh would most likely be the death or political fall of the Moshiach ben Yosef, Benjamin Netanyahu, which is a longstanding part of Chabad’s script for bringing in the Fake Jewish Messiah. The globalists are currently portraying a major rift between Netanyahu and Gantz over the Gaza War, with Gantz making an “unauthorized” trip to Washington DC on Monday (“to betray Netanyahu with the Israel-hating Biden-Harris administration”). He will be meeting with VP Harris and other US officials, then he will fly on to London for similar meetings.

So “the fall of Netanyahu at the hands of the Israeli Deep State with the complicity of the West” will lead to the artificial staging of the Fire Judgment. The other Moshiachs, Trump and Putin, may also come under attack before the “Rain of Fire” begins on Friday the 8th or Monday the 11th. Also watch for the imminent political fall or death of Turkish President Erdogan, which is scripted to happen right before or during the Fire Judgment.

As for the end of the Fire Judgment, it could come on April 8 or be extended until it reaches a biblical count of 40 or 150 days. I’ll cover all the timing details next.

NOTE (2 March 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 3rd are now up. In them, she points out that tomorrow is 3/3, with 303 days remaining in the year. So it’s “Masonic Sunday” — a prime day for “Antichrist” mischief, and a day on which the fall of Pope Francis, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and/or Vladimir Putin is scriptable. Tomorrow, time permitting, I’ll go into the details of the March 8 & 11 danger days. I’m also doing preliminary checks on the dates of 3/14, 3/19-20, and 3/22.

~ from earlier ~

For reasons I’ll fully explain later, the key “nuclear” danger dates ahead of us are Friday, March 8 (the last day before the partial government shutdown) and 1 Adar II (sundown of March 10 to sundown of March 11, a notable day in “prophecy”-related Jewish history – 1,2). There are workable 40-day Fire Judgment and 150-day Torment of Humanity timelines coming out of those days, along with the short timeline that would end on Erev Purim this month. So watch for any gathering (such as a funeral or a “hastily arranged” summit) of Western leaders around next weekend. Big precursor events (like the fall of Pope Francis, Biden or Harris) could come before those days.

“Hezbollah attacks” with “Russian nukes” are planned for today or tomorrow

(1 March 2024) – Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 2nd are now up. And we cannot afford to go to sleep just because the continuing resolution (CR) has passed. Even with the CR’s funding extension through March 22, the US government is set to begin a full shutdown the moment we enter March 23, which is Erev Purim (the day Purim begins at sundown).

Should the globalists go for the “Fire Judgment” tomorrow or next week, they can — in the shortest version of the Fire Judgment script — schedule the “Cloud over Mount Sinai (Jebel al-Lawz)” event on Erev Purim, which would allow them to reenact the building of the Tabernacle and the days of training that would culminate on the 8th day, Shabbat Parah (the “Shabbat of the Red Heifer,” when the Fake Jewish Messiah would purify the surviving Israelis who were scattered into the wilderness by the attacks). The longer versions of the script are covered in the February updates below.

~ MORE ~

In another indication of what is/was planned for 22 Adar 1 (the Jewish day that runs from sundown of March 1 to sundown of March 2 this year), Chabad’s Shabbat Torah reading for that day includes 1 Kings 18:20-39, which is the story of Elijah calling fire down from heaven (that’s where Artemis comes in).

~ MORE ~

Both the congressional bill tracker and the White House website reflect that the one-week continuing resolution, H.R.7463, has passed Congress and been signed into law by Biden. So there is a good chance we’ll get through the weekend without any big explosions. Next week is another story.

~ MORE ~

Keep watch also for the imminent death or resignation of Pope Francis. The day of his funeral or replacement conclave (and its eve) will be another opportunity to stage Operation Blackjack. They might try for a funeral next Friday or on Monday the 11th, which means he’ll “die” 4-6 days before the target date.

NOTE (1 March 2024): Reader Sohei passed along two other February 29 propaganda pieces for what is/was planned for today…

  1. one gives Hezbollah a scripted motivation to go to war with Israel and the West: Hamas says West Gaza massacre carried out with American complicity, and
  2. the other gives Hezbollah the authorization to go to war: Iran ‘gives Hezbollah the green light to escalate attacks along Israel’s northern border’ and launch ‘large-scale assault’ amid warnings of an ‘October 7, part two’.

So watch for the possibility that today’s first attack will occur at 2:26 (local time) so everything can be tied to Hezbollah and Iran.

There is hope, though: yesterday the US House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution to push today’s government shutdown back by a week. This gives the Kabbalists the opportunity to press the delay button today. If they do so, the next key danger day will be 1 Adar II (sundown of March 10 to sundown of March 11, Jerusalem time). Details to come if we get through today safely.

~ MORE – Kamala Harris in Durham ~

It should also be noted that the globalists have separated Biden and Harris today. Biden will be meeting the Italian prime minister at the White House (with Secretary of State Blinken) and Harris will be in Durham, North Carolina. So…

  • if they go with Operation Blackjack, they can stage the death of Biden and the Italian PM, and “President” Kamala Harris can bring in Michelle Obama as the VP,
  • if they don’t go with Operation Blackjack, they can stage a MAGA attack to take out Harris, and Biden can bring in Obama, or
  • they can stage Blackjack and the death of both to bring in “President” Janet Yellen (she is still overseas, and everyone else ahead of her in the presidential line of succession will be in Washington or Durham), and she can bring in VP Obama.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – February Updates

ALERT (29 February 2024): On another note, today’s Drudge Report is featuring the nuke story from The Sun with a very odd choice of words for the headline: “MORE NUKE TAUNT“…

Whenever I see odd word combinations or words in quotation marks on Drudge, I immediately wonder if they’re dropping a gematria hint (the Kabbalists are obsessed with gematria). And upon asking our beloved Onnabugeisha to check into it, she found something very important (follow all the links in red)…

Gematria: more nuke taunt = Mass shootings 4x, Mesquite Texas 4x, USA President 3x, Trump arrested 2x, Patty Murray 2x, the old post office 2x, Lightning McQueen 2x, 

‘more nuke taunt’ in Hebrew/Jewish Gematria is 861 (Gematrix) -> 

Strong’s Hebrew: 861.attun: a furnace

Roman festivals: The Fornacalia was an Ancient Roman religious festival celebrated in honor of the goddess Fornax (Wikipedia), the divine personification of the oven. Her festival, the Fornacalia, was celebrated on February 17 (on the Julian calendar) -> 

3/1 (Friday)  = Julian calendar: 2/17 [Convert a date]

And here are some related cues from her notes on tomorrow…

Genesis 7:11 – In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

[Ken: Noah’s Flood / “God’s Flood Judgment” began on 2/17; the coming judgment the globalists will artificially fulfill (tomorrow) is “God’s Fire Judgment“.]

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 66 weeks, 9 days ago

[Ken: Since the numerologists allow themselves to flip sixes and nines, 669 can be expressed as 666, the Number of the Beast. And the Artemis Orbital Weapons System is what the globalists will use to produce nuke-like explosions tomorrow.]

BTW, here’s something I found: operation blackjack = suitcase nukes in Simple English / Ordinal Gematria.

See the “NUCLEAR” ATTACK WARNING FOR FRIDAY below (which is now complete, with all links added).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 1st are now up, and she considers tomorrow an important day. On the occult side, it is quint-pregnant with apocalyptic scripting cues.

“NUCLEAR” ATTACK WARNING FOR FRIDAY (posted 29 February 2024): Yesterday, 28 February 2024, the Kabbalists tried to blow up the West under a “suitcase nukeOperation Blackjack scenario. And on the day before the attempt, the Financial Times posted an “exclusive story” (preparatory propaganda) that established the rationale for blaming Russia and Putin for the attacks…

…Here is an excerpt [with my comment in brackets]

Vladimir Putin’s forces have rehearsed using tactical nuclear weapons at an early stage of conflict with a major world power, according to leaked Russian military files that include training scenarios for an invasion by China.

The classified papers, seen by the Financial Times, describe a threshold for using tactical nuclear weapons that is lower than Russia has ever publicly admitted, according to experts who reviewed and verified the documents…

While Russia’s president has the sole authority to launch a first nuclear strike [they put this in so Putin would be personally blamed for Operation Blackjack], the low threshold for tactical nuclear use set out in the documents conforms with a doctrine some western observers refer to as “escalating to de-escalate”.

Under this strategy a tactical weapon could be used to try to prevent Russia from becoming embroiled in a sprawling war, particularly one in which the US might intervene. Using what it calls “fear inducement”, Moscow would seek to end the conflict on its own terms by shocking the country’s adversary with the early use of a small nuclear weapon — or securing a settlement through the threat to do so.

They talk about ‘soberising’ their adversaries — knocking them out of the drunkenness of their early victories by introducing nuclear weapons,” said Alberque. “The best way that they think they can do that is to use what they call a lower ‘dosage’ of nuclear weapons at a much lower level of combat to prevent escalation.”

The Kabbalists made the Operation Blackjack attempt on Wednesday the 28th because Jerusalem entered Purim Vincent (20 Adar I) at 5:36 PM IST yesterday, which was 10:36 AM in New York. The New York bomb was set to blow after 1:30 PM local time, likely at 1:33 (the Masonic number) or 1:44 (because yesterday marked 144 days since the Gaza War began).

The next attempt to stage Operation Blackjack will come on Essene Purim, which falls on 2 March 2024 (Essene 14 Adar). The mainstream Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, and its days begin at sundown. But the Essene calendar is a solar calendar, and I haven’t yet come across an account of when its days begin (at sundown or midnight or dawn). So for the sake of safety, let’s assume that Essene Purim starts after sundown of March 1 and ends at dawn of March 3 (Jerusalem time).

That means the attack window…

Tel Aviv will likely be hit as well. And the preparatory propaganda for this next attempt was released today (the day before the attack window opens, just like last time)…

…from The Sun

~ MORE ~

Although I consider this a low-probability scenario, it bugs me enough to cover it briefly…

Biden is scheduled to depart Texas at 5:30 PM CST, and Air Force One will be flying out of Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport, which is just two miles from the Mexican borderwithin range of a Russian Verba man-portable air defense system fired from either side of the border. Do you know who uses Verbas? Syria, who are supposedly part of the “Aeroterror” connection to Venezuela and the (CIA-connected) drug cartels. So there it is, just in case.

NOTE (28 February 2024): Tomorrow Joe Biden will be giving a speech at 3:30 PM in Brownsville, Texas — a remarkably Masonic time at a place where literally every person around him wants him dead, even the Democrats. But I’m sure everything will be fine…

Today’s warning has been moved below the following Key Information.

Key Information (28 February 2024): It is rumored that the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria, Vladimir Putin, will announce the annexation of Transnistria on Thursday, 29 February 2024. Do you know why the Kabbalists have scheduled this event on this particular day? – Because it is the Jewish day of 20 Adar 1. And 20 Adar 1 is the day King Vladimir set in motion previous wars to expand his domain

• The Russo-Ukrainian War (Wikipedia) and the annexation of Crimea (Wikipedia) – Military operation began on 20 February 2014 = 20 Adar I.

• Russia officially recognized the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine (Wikipedia) on 21 February 2022 = 20 Adar I. Three days later, the Russian army would invade Ukraine.

Within the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, the “Jewish King who restores Khazaria” is not the only role assigned to Putin. He is also playing the role of Octavian, who gains control of the “reformed BRICS UN republic” and rises to become Emperor Augustus of the New World Order — the “Final Antichrist.” This is why you see so much Putin-worship in the controlled alt-media. Vladimir Putin is the ultimate false savior who will bring the world to ruin at the end of Act 2 of the stageplay: “the Second Tribulation” / “God’s True Tribulation”. And he is scripted to be defeated by the incoming “Jesus Christ,” who is the frontman through whom the Kabbalists plan to rule the world in a permanent theocracy.

See the 27 February warning below for more of what they have planned for Wednesday and Thursday.

WARNING (28 February 2024): In another “hastily arranged” movement of a political leader, the globalists are sending Kamala Harris to Manhattan for a possible hit this afternoon: Vice President Kamala Harris’ ‘Sherri’ appearance throws ‘RHOP’ reunion into ‘chaos’. In a notable “coincidence,” Chabad has a location (Chabad for Young Professionals) that is just one block over from the Chelsea TV studio where Harris will appear…

…from Google

Since Chabad is a religious front for the Mossad, this means the Mossad (the “Institute”) has a convenient location to plant the “nuclear” bomb (and then blame the attack on “Islamist anti-Semites targeting Jews”). The press can also blame MAGA Christians working with the Islamists in order to take revenge against Harris and New York.” I’ve already covered the reasons why Harris’s death would be a more efficient route for putting Michelle Obama into the presidency.

~ MORE ~

A reader has just notified me of more “hastily arranged” movements of leaders today…

Biden makes unexpected trip to Walter Reed for ‘physical’ as mental fitness speculation mounts

Pope Francis had diagnostic tests in a Rome hospital after his weekly audience

Both of these developments were forecast in yesterday’s warning. And they are obviously setting the stage for Biden to step aside after Harris is hit and Obama moves into the VP slot.

Here’s more of what we expected…

A Breakaway Region of Moldova Asks Russia for Protection: Transnistria declared independence in 1992 but is not recognized internationally. The request by the territory’s legislature could fuel regional tensions as the war in Ukraine rages.

Fears of Imminent Russian Invasion Sparked in European Country

~ MORE ~

Keep an eye out for the possibility that the Kabbalists will go for the savior move over the February 28 – March 2 period and follow it with “Truth Tsunami” and “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” psyops that will culminate on March 20 (1 Nissan on the Essene Jewish calendar) or March 23-25 (the days of mainstream Purim and Shushan Purim).

Today’s alert has been posted on my backup site in case this site goes down.


They have arranged for Joe Biden to give a televised speech “from the White House” at 1:30 PM EST today. That is the same time Kamala Harris will be making her TV appearance in Manhattan. Will Biden be notified of the hit on New York on camera, just like George Bush was notified in the classroom on 9/11?…

…from YouTube

The previously unscheduled speech will be about “his actions to fight crime and make our communities safer — in other words, it will be about “domestic peace and safety“…

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. – 1 Thessalonians 5:3

WARNING (27 February 2024): Tomorrow We Enter the Danger Zone

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 28th and her (early) notes on Wednesday the 29th are now up. The 28th (the 144th day since the Gaza War began) and the 29th (the Big War start date) are exponentially more risky than today. And in addition to the possibility of a major blowup in the Gaza War, they feature the possibility of the destruction of Three Gorges Dam in China (“by the West-connected Chicom Deep State in an attempt to take down hero Xi,” according to the NWO Narrative). “Commie” moves against the other NWO heroes are also scriptable (including Trump, Netanyahu, Putin, Bolsonaro, et al.). In the afternoon/evening, I’ll be laying out the possibilities.

~ MORE ~

Based on the occult cues Onna has uncovered, here are the scriptable possibilities for Wednesday the 28th (a number of them also apply to the 29th)…

NOTE (26-27 February 2024): For Tuesday’s attempt at mischief, it looks like they’re aiming to hit Washington and bring in our first openly Jewish president, Janet Yellen. Biden, Harris (1) and House Speaker Johnson (2) will be gathered at the White House. The Senate is in session, so Senator Patty Murray (3) will likely be at the Capitol. And Antony Blinken (4) will be at the State Department Building. So a hit on Washington tomorrow will take out Biden and the first four people in the presidential line of succession…

…from Wikipedia

This leaves Janet Yellen (5), who is safely away in Brazil…

…from X

And if they can’t make it work tomorrow, they’ve “hastily arranged” a Biden trip to Brownsville, TX on Thursday the 29th.

NOTE (26 February 2024): We dodged a bullet today. I only just now found out about the “hastily-arranged meeting” of 20 European leaders that took place in Paris. They were gathered there for a hit while Pope Francis was hiding from a hit on Rome, which means that we narrowly avoided Operation Blackjack today. But it remains in play through March 2 at least.

Did Spirit exact a price for their wickedness?

~ from earlier ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 27th are now up. Given that some Vatican cues are among them, watch for the potential announcement of Pope Francis’s death and the scheduling of his funeral on Saturday, March 2 — a good day to hit the gathered Western leaders.

~ from earlier ~

A reader has informed me that Pope Francis has used his health excuse to go hide in his bunker today. Mischief is afoot. This may be the day Israel orchestrates a “Hezbollah” attack on the West, like they’ve previously threatened. A copy of this alert has been posted to my backup site in case this site goes down.

CRITICAL ALERT (26 February 2024): New York City could face a massive bombing today and the Israel-Hezbollah War could begin

Per Onnabugeisha’s notes, Joe Biden’s Jewish chief of staff / handler is sending him to New York, New York today on 2/26 (Harmagedon Day), the anniversary of the first World Trade Center bombing

…from Wikipedia and a Hezbollah video. Note that the time (2:26) matches today’s date.

New York has seen some of the most disruptive pro-Palestinian protests since the Gaza War began and has led the “Democratic lawfare” effort against Donald Trump. And with last week’s US veto of the latest UN Security Council ceasefire resolution and Trump’s catastrophic New York legal judgment fresh in people’s minds, the time is ripe for Homeland Security to stage an “Islamist + MAGA Christian” terror strike on Creepy Joe…

Onna’s notes also show that it’s Turkish president Erdogan’s birthday (and the Turkish Antichrist / Dajjal is scripted to blow up New York at some point). And there are other occult scripting cues pointing to Iran’s Esmail Qaani, the FBI search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, and Artemis. So the planned attack on Biden and New York may involve the use of an Artemis rod (but be blamed on a “suitcase nuke”), with many such attacks throughout the West being a distinct possibility.

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 25th and Monday the 26th are now up.

(25 February 2024) – Today, the Polish military is mobilizing for war under cover of the Dragon-24 exercise, so we will begin our NWO Transition War Overwatch. We’ll also have a look at a possibility a reader brought up: that the Muslim oil-producing nations may be scripted to stage a boycott of the US dollar for oil transactions “in order to force the US into stopping Israel’s genocide in Gaza.” And it should be noted that Pope Francis, like the British Royals, has come up with a health excuse (the flu) to be able to cancel public appearances (like he did yesterday) and bunker-up when the war starts (either that or they’re about to script his death and a hit on the Western leaders who attend his funeral).


Sunday, February 25

Monday, February 26

Tuesday, February 27

Wednesday, February 28

  • The 144th day since the Gaza War began, with the same associated possibilities as Day 144.

Thursday, February 29

Friday, March 1

  • Possibly the “Second Day of Darkness.”

Saturday, March 2

  • Essene Purim – “Sinful Israel” gets hit with a “nuclear,” “radiological,” or “biological” attack, making it Day 1 of the Israelis wandering and dying in the desert for 38 days (until Day X, April 8).
  • Possibly the “Third Day of Darkness,” with the “Rain of Fire” ending at sundown — followed by another opportunity to stage the Fake Christian Rapture.

After this short war, the “Communist Reign of Terror” begins, with the migrant “locusts” unleashed to torment the West. This is supposed to last for 150 days, but the Kabbalists lack a good landing date for Day 150. So “the days will be cut short” at 38 days (April 8 / Day X) or 144 days (July 23 / 17 Tammuz).

COSMIC ALERT (24 February 2024): Upon deeper analysis of the events surrounding the 7-year Tribulation timeline associated with next week, I have determined the following…

The Great Tribulation (which is what the prophecy propagandists call the second, rougher half of the 7-year Tribulation period) began when Barack Obama covertly declared the beginning of the “American Communist Revolution” with his speech before the “pandemic”-emptied, all-virtual Democratic National Convention on 19 August 2020…

…from NBC News on YouTube

The speech was given from the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia exactly 76 days before the November 3rd presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump — thus invoking the Revolutionary Spirit of ‘76. And it began with these words

As you’ve seen by now, this isn’t a normal convention. It’s not a normal time. So tonight, I want to talk as plainly as I can about the stakes in this election. Because what we do these next 76 days will echo through generations to come.

Counting this speech as Day 1 of the “pandemic”-enabled Communist Revolution, the Revolution and its associated Great Tribulation reach their reversal point on Day 1290, which is 29 February 2024 (the day the NATO-Russia War is currently scheduled to start). See this special note about why they didn’t have to script a religious desecration event on Day 1290 (instead, Obama desecrated the cradle of the American Revolution this time).

~ MORE ~

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the nation’s governors will gather again at the White House at 7:15 PM EST today for a black-tie dinner followed by “entertainment” (hair sniffing?). This will come after today’s G7 Virtual Summit with Zelensky to promise him more support and Joe Biden’s mention today of the Odysseus Moon landing. Odysseus is a Greek hero famous for the plan to sack Troy using the Trojan Horse, and the Moon represents Artemis [1,2]. Will such a Trojan scenario play out this evening? I thought I’d better cover it just in case.

(23 February 2024) – Later this morning, Biden and Harris and most of the nation’s governors will be gathered at the White House. So if a “foreign foe” wanted to take out America’s “leaders,” it’s a one-stop shop. Alternatively, this grand gathering offers a sweet target for any “Deep State” that wants to mass arrest another. Might the “commies” arrest the “insurrectionist” Republican governors who show up? Might the “Nazionists” arrest the “nation-destroying” Democratic governors, Biden and Harris? All it would take is one false-flag to get things going.

~ MORE ~

As expected, a NATO versus Russia war is shaping up for next week…

…from Newsweek

The globalists activated the Transnistria/Cobasna scenario yesterday, and they’ve scheduled it to coincide with the February 29 – March 2 danger window next week. They had a hawkish Jew-run Washington think tank, the Institute for the Study of War, come out with a report that starts with this

Warning: The pro-Russian breakaway region of Transnistria may call for or organize a referendum on Transnistria’s annexation to Russia at a recently announced Transnistrian Congress of Deputies planned for February 28. The pretext for such a call would be the purported need to protect Russian citizens and “compatriots” in Transnistria from threats from Moldova or NATO or both. Russian President Vladimir Putin could, in the most dangerous course of action, declare Russia’s annexation of Transnistria during his planned address to the Russian Federal Assembly on February 29, although that appears unlikely. Putin will more likely welcome whatever action the Transnistrian Congress of Deputies takes and offer observations on the situation. ISW offers this assessment as a warning for a high-impact event of indetermined probability. Moldovan government officials state that the situation in Moldova is unlikely to worsen as of February 22.

This report has been picked up by the mainstream media and controlled alt-media, and TASS is reporting that Putin will indeed speak before the Federal Assembly on February 29.

This move towards Transnistria’s annexation is scripted to lead to Moldova calling out to NATO and Ukraine to “help stop Russia’s annexation of even more European territory.” Once that happens, the ongoing Steadfast Defender 2024 and related “exercises” will go live with a deployment to isolate or invade Transnistria, setting them against the Russian troops that are present there. NATO might then employ a stealth bomber to drop a bunker buster on the Cobasna arms depot, allowing them to blame the resulting devastation on “a Russian demolition ordered by Vladimir Putin,” or perhaps even a “Russian nuclear attack.”

It’s also possible that this Transnistria scenario is a contrived diversionary tactic set up to mask a false-flag-enabled NATO move on Kaliningrad, which is Russian sovereign territory. NATO’s conventional forces are far too weak to invade mainland Russia (to set off “nuclear war”), but Kaliningrad and Transnistria are doable.

Upon looking deeper into February 29, I’ve found another Tribulation timeline that reaches Day 1290 on February 29 and Day 1335 on April 14 (Essene First Fruits of Barley, which is connected to the resurrection of Jesus – 1,2). That could be the day the Fake Jewish Messiah departs for Jerusalem, arrives at the Jordan River, or arrives in Jerusalem (after landing at Mount Sinai / Jebel al-Lawz after sunset of April 8). Alternatively, they could have a “Divine Cloud” descend on Mount Sinai on the 8th, then have the Fake Messiah emerge from it on the 14th.

The beginning of this new 7-year Tribulation timeline was (once again) marked in Time on 8 March 2017 with this article: President Trump’s Allies Keep Talking About the ‘Deep State.’ What’s That?

Counting 1260 days from that day forward, it reached its midpoint on the day Joe Biden was nominated for president at the “pandemic”-emptied, virtual-only Democratic National Convention, 18 August 2020.

Counting 1290 days after Biden’s nomination, it reaches its high drama reversal day on 29 February 2024 (the day Putin addresses the Federal Assembly and NATO takes action).

And counting 1335 days after Biden’s nomination, it reaches its happy savior day on 14 April 2024 (Essene First Fruits of Barley / “Jesus’s resurrection day”).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 24th are now up.

CRITICAL ALERT (22 February 2024): My partner Onnabugeisha has detected a potential 7-year Tribulation timeline that hits Day 1290 on Friday or Saturday and Day 1335 on April 8 or 9 (Day X / 1 Nissan).

Its beginning was marked in Time on 3/3/2017 with this article: Donald Trump and the New Dawn of Tyranny

Counting 1260 days from that day forward, it reached its midpoint on the day the first Abraham Accord was announced13 August 2020.

Counting 1290 days from the first Accord forward, it reaches its high drama reversal day on 23 February 2024 (tomorrow) or 24 February 2024 (the anniversary of the Ukraine War).

And counting 1335 days from the first Accord forward, it reaches its happy savior day on 8 April 2024 (Day X) or 9 April 2024 (1 Nissan, which starts on Day X).

The time periods of 1260, 1290 and 1335 days are featured in “End Times” Bible prophecies.

There was no need to script a “desecration of the Holy Place” event to mark the midpoint of this Tribulation because they also launched the “Second Coming of Barack Obama” at the time it started (by giving him the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on 2 March 2017, 1260 days before the first Abraham Accord)…

from YouTube. Remember that Obama already performed the desecration event when he went to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem at the midpoint of his first Tribulation attempt…

(from 10 October 2023): …longtime readers will remember his “Desecration of the Holy Place” visit to the “Cradle of Christianity,” the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, on 22 March 2013 (3/22, the Skull and Bones number, and exactly 1260 days after he was declared the “Man of Peace” by the Nobel Committee on 9 October 2009)…

…from The Christian Post (top) and (bottom)

So this Tribulation is another iteration of “the defeat of Obama’s Global Commie Deep State (the ‘bad guys’) by Putin and Trump’s Nazionist New Order (the ‘good guys’).”

Also, now it is emerging that a “state actor” is supposedly behind today’s cyberattack. Gee, I wonder who will get fingered.

On Friday, the eve of the second anniversary of the Ukraine War, the US will announce new sanctions against Russia, with the EU to follow suit on Saturday. And as I’ve previously noted, both the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council will be focused on Ukraine tomorrow. So look for additional cyberattacks and other potential false-flags over the next two days (in advance of the Polish and German “military exercises” that are set to begin on Sunday and Monday).

Onna’s notes on Friday the 23rd are now up.

NOTE: It’s 2/22, and a precursor false-flag for the pending NATO invasion of Russian territory has already occurred…

…from today’s Drudge Report

In the 18 February warning, we looked at NATO’s war plans and a related preparatory propaganda article that said this…

According to Bild, Russia’s campaign against the West could begin as early as July this year with a series of plausibly deniable cyberattacks and a disinformation campaign aimed at inciting minority groups inside Eastern Europe. – from

Watch for more Ukraine-related trouble overnight and into Friday and Saturday, including a potential staged assassination of Ukraine’s Zelensky and the possible play of the Cobasna Disaster card (with the Ukrainian military supposedly starving for ammunition, a move on the Soviet ammo dumps in Transnistria is a logical next step).

WARNING (22 February 2024): Watch for trouble in/around Israel and blowback that reaches the West

After 5:31 PM Israel time (10:31 AM Washington DC time) today, the Sun will go down in Gaza, Purim Katan will begin in Jerusalem, and we’ll enter the February 22-24 danger period. Should the Kabbalists opt to go for it today, watch for the “Israeli Outrage” to be staged sometime during the night there, with the real or false-flagged “Iranian retaliation” to follow.

Here in the US, Joe Biden is scheduled to be at the “high place” in California for his assassination from 12:45 PM PST (3:45 PM Washington DC time). He would be one of the “retaliation” targets “on account of the US veto of yesterday’s UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate Gaza ceasefire.” His assassination could involve the downing of Air Force One or Marine One, but would likely entail a bombing, possibly even one that appears nuclear.

As I’ve previously noted, the British Royals have made medical excuses to allow themselves to cancel public engagements and bunker-up at a moment’s notice. And it should be noted that Pope Francis has done the same by scheduling “spiritual exercises” with the Vatican’s leadership that will continue into tomorrow…


So watch for the Vatican to be hit in the “retaliation,” and for the leaders of Rome to be narrated as being dead. King Charles may also “die,” making way for the rise of William at the same time Michelle Obama rises to the VP slot.

For details, see the 16-21 February updates below (down to the horizontal line). They have been put in chronological order, except for the 20 February warning directly below.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 22nd are now up.

WARNING (20 February 2024): “God’s Wrath” on Mystery Babylon (the “UK/US/EU/G7/NATO/UN Empire”) is set to be triggered today or on February 22

A reader has pointed out that the US is now pushing a Gaza ceasefire resolution in the UN Security Council (UNSC). The passage of such a resolution can serve as a trigger for both the assassination of Joe Biden and “God’s punishment of Israel’s traitorous allies who deny her right to self-defense”

…from Yahoo News

The UNSC are meeting on a rival resolution today, which is not expected to pass. But they have another meeting on the Middle East scheduled for February 22 (the day Biden will be taken to the “high place” to be sacrificed). The passage of a compromise ceasefire resolution on that day — triggering “God’s Wrath” — seems to be what’s planned…

…from (arch)

Of course, they could also pass the US resolution today and start aspects of “God’s Wrath” immediately — perhaps beginning with problems in the financial system.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 21st are now up.

The Threat Picture for the Remainder of February 2024

(19 February 2024) – The scripted trigger event for “God’s Judgment” appears to be Israel’s coming invasion of Rafah [or an “Israeli atrocity” (1,2,3) that occurs during it]…

…from NBC News

Looking ahead at the remaining 10 days of this month, there are two clear windows of opportunity for the globalists to start the NWO Transition Event / War: the February 22 – February 24 window this week, and the February 29 – March 2 window next week…

  • Both windows include Purim days, which give the Kabbalist scriptwriters the chance to script “God’s Fire Judgment” befalling a “wicked Israel” and its “traitorous allies (the US/Europe = ‘Egypt’)” at the hands of the Persians (Iranians).
  • Both windows start on a Thursday (Thor’s Day); remember that the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array — the tool the globalists will use to produce nuclear-looking explosions — started out as Project Thor.
  • The chosen window may feature a Three Days of Darkness scenario that runs on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It may also feature a Fake Christian Rapture (Apollyon‘s Harvest) that occurs on the fourth day, Sunday.
  • The chosen window can be the beginning of a 40-dayFire Judgment” that ends after sunset on the 40th day with the Fake Jewish Messiah’s arrival at Mount Sinai (Jebel al-Lawz, near Neom in Saudi Arabia). And this week’s window can be extended into a 5-month / 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario.
  • This week’s window can alternatively be used to stage precursor events for next week’s window, in which case…
  • It should be noted that Day 144 of the Gaza War can be marked on February 27 or 28, depending on how you count the days. This comes after the first window and right before the second. And in Revelation 7, the marking of the 144,000 comes between the openings of the Sixth Seal and Seventh Seal. So the first window may correspond with the artificial fulfillment of the Sixth Seal and the second window with the artificial fulfillment of the Seventh Seal.

(16-17 February 2024) – “X” Marks The Spot: The 40-Day “Fire Judgment” and the Final Day of Ramadan…

The Israelis have brought Ramadan into the Rafah mix today, and there’s a good reason for it…

Did you know that the final day of Ramadan and the first day of the Jewish ecclesiastical year (1 Nissan) both start after sunset of April 8, the day the “Second Great American Eclipse” finishes drawing an “X” across America?

This day presents a golden opportunity to bring in both the Fake Jewish Messiah and the Fake Muslim Mahdi for a messianic intervention. And it could occur at the end of a 38 or 40-day war that begins at some point from February 29March 2.

Perhaps the eclipse and the arrival of the Nazionist Antichrist on the 8th is what’s behind the Nazionist references to “X“, such as “Day X” and Elon Musk’s rebranding of Twitter as “X.

There are many details to add on this, which I’ll cover tomorrow.

~ MORE – 17 February 2024 ~

Going forward, we’ll call the danger period that starts on February 29 – March 2 and ends on April 8-9 the “Ramadan Window,” and it will begin on a Purim.

Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from a Persian plot to annihilate them, and a number of minor Purims have been established over the millennia to mark the various times groups of Jews were saved from similar plots. So given the Kabbalists’ clearly established intent to artificially stage “God’s punishment of Israel” and the following “redemption of the Jews by the Moshiach” (their pre-selected Fake Jewish Messiah), triggering the fall of Israel on a Purim will help them establish their narrative of “God’s Favor turning to God’s Judgment and then to God’s Redemption.” In other words, the Jews will be destroyed on a Purim instead of being saved, and they’ll once again “wander and die in the desert” until the Kabbalists send in their savior.

So the Ramadan Window will begin on one (or both) of the following Purims…

In a scenario in which both Purims are used, Three Days of Darkness would run the days of February 29, March 1, and March 2. And on March 2 (Essene Purim), the Israelis would be scattered to the wind in the Second Exodus to “wander and die in the desert” for 38 days.

The Second Exodus would be set in motion by the nuclear/radiological false-flag or a (seemingly) biological false-flag (Disease X). Israel has pushed the COVID vax and the deployment of 5G wireless technology very hard, so Disease X may turn out to be wirelessly triggered disease effects among the vaccinated. With 5G, precise control of these effects is achievable, right down to the targeting of specific individuals.

With “on-demand diseasing” of the population using the binary Vax + 5G weapons system, the globalists can potentially generate a variety of different “God-sent biblical plagues and maladies” and simulate “the demonic possession of people after the opening of the Gate to Hell” by turning them into “rage monkeys” or “zombies.” Of course, any disease that can be turned on wirelessly can also be turned off wirelessly, which would give the Fake Jewish Messiah the ability to “heal” people and “cast out demons” by simply waving a chip implanted in his hand. The Vax + 5G combo is an excellent tool in the hands of a Kabbalist magician.

Tomorrow we’ll review what we know about Vincent Fusca. Until then, here is an important note about the Nazionists from a 2022 update…

Don’t confuse the coming Nazionist “saviors” with their street-trash pawns…

It’s important to understand the difference between the coming Nazionist “good guys” and the symbol-bearing street-level Nazi and Zionist thugs that are running around Ukraine and Israel right now. As I’ve previously written, the Nazionist saviors will sweep in “without any visible swastikas, Stars of David, or other symbols that would give away their identity — they want to look like good guys, not bad guys.” They will portray themselves as conservative patriots and constitutionalists, and they will appear to defeat ALL the street-trash brownshirts — whether they be socialists, commies, Nazis or Zionists — just like they did during the original Night of the Long Knives.

The globalist political strategy is to steer humanity into a left-wing hell (where we are now), then engineer an overcorrection into a right-wing hell (which we’ll experience under “Antichrist Putin” after a few years of seeming good times have passed). This will allow their “Real Jesus” character to later sweep in, defeat the tyrant Putin, and lead humanity back to the common-sense middle path.

The whole process of driving us to the two polar extremes of “Left” and “Right” is meant to convince people that “we humans can’t govern ourselves — we always go too far — we need God to lead us.” And it is through their “Real Jesus” front man that the Kabbalists intend to provide us with that “godly leadership.”

WARNING (18 February 2024): NATO Plans War With Russia in Late February

Instead of looking at Vincent Fusca today, I’ll cover more details of the Ramadan Window. And we’ll start by looking at the Steadfast Defender 2024-connected German and Polish military exercises that begin on February 25-26. Although it isn’t overtly stated in media reports, it appears that a German panzer division will enter Poland and link up with Polish armored forces in an effort to seize the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad

…from See this image for the timing of “Grand Center”.

This move would be triggered by a false-flag attack on NATO territory or personnel blamed on Russia and would be done with the supposed aim of using Kaliningrad as a bargaining chip for the return of Ukrainian territory (and the scripted aim of “triggering nuclear war”). Any such seizure of Russian territory would result in Operation Blackjack (according to a new warning put out by Russia’s Medvedev). The “Russian retaliation” would likely occur on February 29 to start the “40-day Fire Judgment.”

It’s also possible that the false-flag event could be used to redirect the combined NATO forces into Ukraine, Belarus or Transnistria. Have a look at this 1-minute video that was put out to announce the start of Steadfast Defender, and take note of the over-the-top use of trident symbolism (the symbol of Ukraine) and the number of the ship that was dispatched to start the exercise (44, Obama’s number).

~ MORE ~

Behold the cover story for the prepositioning of invasion forces and the invasion-enabling false flag…

…from Here is an excerpt…

Germany’s worried. A leaked secret military report reveals it is exploring the idea of Russia being so emboldened by the United States’ abandonment of Ukraine that it also invades Poland. And it’s not alone…

Poland this week did a dramatic about-face and declared it would welcome German troops on its soil to help strengthen its borders – despite having been invaded by Adolf Hitler’s Nazis in 1939…

Without replacement stocks of advanced missiles – and ammunition, and spares for its Western-supplied tanks and armoured vehicles – Ukraine’s ability to resist could quickly evaporate

According to Bild, Russia’s campaign against the West could begin as early as July this year with a series of plausibly deniable cyberattacks and a disinformation campaign aimed at inciting minority groups inside Eastern Europe.

Keep in mind that the German tanks were likely already sent into Poland on trains — with everyone assuming they were being brought in for transfer to Ukraine. So now all they have to do is bring in the German tank crews in trucks.

(18-19 February 2024) – The second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine comes this Saturday, February 24. And this Thursday, 2/22, the Kabbalists are sending Joe Biden to Los Altos Hills, California for his assassination. Los Altos means “the heights”, so they are symbolically taking him to “a high place on a hill” for a human sacrifice. This sacrifice is scheduled on the day before both the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly will meet on the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.” So will Thor’s Day the 22nd bring the false-flag(s) that will justify NATO’s invasion plan for next week? Or will it bring an early start to the war?

It should be remembered that February 22-24 are Purim days: the 22nd is Erev Purim Katan [and the day of a Venus-Mars conjunction (Lucifer + war)], the 23rd is Purim Katan, and the 24th is Shushan Purim Katan. So the globalists could stage Operation Blackjack on one of those days and start a 5 month / 150-day Torment of Humanity that ends on 17 Tammuz (sundown of July 22 to sundown of July 23) [22,23,24]. 17 Tammuz is another desirable date for bringing in the Fake Jewish Messiah (“so the Moshiach can turn Jewish sadness into joy”).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 19th are now up.

~ MORE – 19 February 2024 ~

As it turns out, a war started this week on February 22 also carries the option of bringing in the Fake Jewish Messiah on the 40th day. Counting February 22 as Day 1 of a “40-day Fire Judgment,” Day 40 would fall on April 1. After sundown that day is 23 Adar II, the day the Hebrews began building the Mishkan (Moses’s Tabernacle) to house God’s presence and started their “7 days of training.” The Tabernacle was inaugurated at the end of the training on 1 Nissan (the target date of the Ramadan Window).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 20th are now up. And in accordance with them, keep an eye out over the next two days (and weeks) for an Israeli or Hezbollah assassination / bombing that could touch off the “War in the North” and for the “cancer death” of King Charles to bring in (temporary) “Antichrist” King William.

(21 February 2024) – More reasons why the Kabbalists plan to make April 8, the “Great American Eclipse X date” / “Day X”, a big deal

In Western Christianity this year, the “Annunciation of the Lord” falls on Day X…


So if April 8, 2024 marks Day 1 of Jesus’s 9-month gestation, can you guess his due date?

Yep, it’s January 7, 2025 — Eastern Orthodox Christmas Day. And since January 7 is when Russia celebrates Christmas, we can expect a big event in the life of “Fake Christ / Final Antichrist” Vladimir Putin, perhaps his rise to leadership of the “reformed, multilateral” UN / BRICS NWO. That day will mark 5 years since Putin went to Damascus to fulfill Islamic prophecy expectations for the arrival of Isa (Jesus); see Isa’s Descent at the White Minaret.

~ MORE ~

A Jewish day begins at sundown, several hours before its corresponding Gregorian day begins at midnight. Likewise, a Jewish day ends several hours before its corresponding Gregorian day ends. For this reason, the Gregorian day of April 8 will be the Jewish day of 29 Adar II until sundown, then it will become the Jewish day of 1 Nissan. So to see the additional reasons April 8 can be made into a big deal, one must look to the Jewish history connected to those two Hebrew dates…

8 April before sundown = 29 Adar (from

Jews Commanded 1st Mitzvah (1313 BCE)

Shortly before sundown on the 29th of Adar, G-d commanded Moses regarding the mitzvah of sanctifying the crescent new moon and establishing a lunar calendar. This is the first mitzvah [commandment] the Jews were given as a nation.

Moses had difficulty envisaging the moon’s appearance at the exact moment of its monthly rebirth. After the sun set, G-d showed Moses the crescent new moon of the new month of Nissan, showing him the precise dimensions of the moon at the moment the new month is to be consecrated.

For the generations that followed, each new month was ushered in when two witnesses testified before the Sanhedrin (rabbinic supreme court) that they had seen the molad, the new moon. In the 4th century CE, Hillel II foresaw that the Jews would no longer be able to follow a Sanhedrin-based calendar. So Hillel and his rabbinical court established the perpetual calendar which is followed today — until Moshiach will come and reestablish the Sanhedrin.

8 April after sundown = 1 Nissan (from

Jewish Calendar Inaugurated (1313 BCE)

On the first of Nissan of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE — two weeks before the Exodus), G-d showed Moses the crescent new moon and told him, “When you see the moon like this, sanctify [the new month].” This ushered in the first Jewish month, and commenced the lunar calendar Jews have been following ever since.

[Ken: So this day can be scripted as bringing the inauguration of the Jewish calendar of the Moshiach’s “Messianic Era”.]

Mishkan Inaugurated (1312 BCE)

On the eighth day following a 7-day training and initiation period, the portable Mishkan (“Tabernacle” or “Sanctuary”) built by the Children of Israel in the Sinai desert was erected, Aaron and his sons began serving as priests, and the Divine Presence came to dwell in the Mishkan; special offerings were brought, including a series of gifts by Nachshon ben Aminadav, the Prince of the Tribe of Judah (similar offerings were brought over the next 11 days by the other tribes of Israel).

[Ken: So this day can be scripted as bringing the inauguration of the New Tabernacle at Mount Sinai (Jebel al-Lawz) and the return of “God’s Divine Presence” in the form of the Moshiach.]

As was noted in the 19 February update, if the globalists use this week’s window to begin the 40-day Fire Judgment, the Kabbalists’ chosen Moshiach (or a “Divine Cloud”) will appear at Jebel al-Lawz around April 1 to start the building of the Mishkan and the 7 days of training.

The Jewish history of 1 Nissan also brings us back to the first part of this update…

Creation of man (in thought) (3761 BCE)

The Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 10b-11a) cites two opinions as to the date of G-d’s creation of the universe: according to Rabbi Eliezer: “The world was created in Tishrei” (i.e., the sixth day of creation — the day on which Adam and Eve were created — was the 1st of Tishrei, celebrated each year as Rosh Hashanah); according to Rabbi Joshua, “The world was created in Nissan.” As interpreted by the Kabbalists and the Chassidic masters, the deeper meaning of these two views is that the physical world was created in Tishrei, while the “thought” or idea of creation was created in the month of Nissan. – from

The creation of man (in thought)” = “man is conceived. And since April 8 this year marks the conception of Jesus, this ties-in to what I wrote about Russian Orthodox Christmas and Vladimir Putin. The Moshiach that arrives on April 1 or 8 could be Putin or the precursor to Putin’s later arrival, with the precursor possibly being the Moshiach ben Yosef (Netanyahu) or the Moshiach ben Cyrus (Trump or Pence). Pence could also be cast as the “Fake Moshiach,” and there are other candidates as well, such as Prince Harry and the Rebbe’s clone.

NOTE (16 February 2024): One of the subplots of the “End Times” stageplay involves Donald Trump as Batman. And if you’ve seen The Dark Knight Rises, you’ll remember that at the beginning of the League of Shadows’ Reign of Terror / Gotham’s Nuclear Terror, the dark leader emerged from Gotham’s sewers (“the underworld”) and set off a series of explosions. And one of the first to die in the explosions was Gotham’s leader (shown here)…

…from YouTube. Take note of the number featured: 322 (the Skull and Bones number).

Today and tomorrow we face the possibility of a series of explosions (Operation Blackjack) being set off, with the leader(s) of the West dying as the leader of the “Satanic Deep State” emerges from the underworld pit. And look at the number that showed up in Onnabugeisha’s notes for today…

• The inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States. Date: 20 January 2021, 1122 days ago [Assassination of JFK (Wikipedia11/22]

• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020, 3 years, 2 months, 2 days ago -> 322 [Skull and Bones]

  1. The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news)

  2. The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began -> ‘The weapon that will end the war’: First coronavirus vaccine shots given outside trials in U.S. (Washington Post)

  3. The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes)

(15 February 2024) – Friday the 16th, a danger date, just got more dangerous (and has expanded into Saturday the 17th)…

…from the Independent

A more direct path is opening for Michelle Obama to move into the presidency. They’ve sent Kamala Harris to Germany to attend the Munich Security Conference, which starts tomorrow. So instead of hitting Biden in East Palestine, they can hit Harris in Munich, blame it on the Russians, and move Michelle Obama (or even Barack) into the VP slot. They can then script Biden’s resignation, incapacitation or death to move Michelle into the big chair. Biden is easier to write out of the presidency than Harris, and they can do it soon — on any given day.

This is the wording of the presidential term limit: No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice… It doesn’t prevent an appointed VP from taking office from a fallen president, so Barack is eligible. But since Michelle can be elected in November — thus leaving more scripting options open — they’ll probably go with her, with Hillary Clinton as her VP. Michelle may take the role of the Usher of Desecration.

In the event the globalists wish to go straight to civil war and/or Trump’s intervention, they can take out both Biden and Harris to move Republican House Speaker Johnson into the presidency.

~ MORE ~

The 2024 Warmongers’ Jamboree and Sausage Fest — a.k.a. the “Munich Security Conference” — starts on Friday and runs through the weekend. Since it will bring together a number of NATO/EU leaders, Ukraine’s Jewish war clown Zelensky, America’s marked-for-death VP Kamala Harris, and the West’s “security elite”, it presents a very attractive target for “the Russians” in the farcical, highly scripted West versus East “conflict”.

The first two days of the Conference, Friday the 16th and Saturday the 17th, are the danger days because of…

So watch for the hit in East Palestine, the hit at the Sausage Fest, or a full-on Operation Blackjack on Friday or Saturday. And remember that a “nuke” going off anywhere would be used as a pretext for a martial law lockdown and roundup of either the “far-right” (in a “Commie Reign of Terror”) or the “left” (in a Trump/Pence “Mass Arrests” psyop). Also be advised that in a shortened war scenario, they could land its end on the days of Purim Katan (February 2224), Essene Purim (March 2), or mainstream Purim (March 2325).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 16th are now up, and they contain additional scripting cues for Friday and Saturday, including this rather striking one…

2/16 (inclusive) – 2/17 [Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.]

~ from 12 February 2024 ~

Friday the 16th is a danger date

This Friday is shaping up as the next target date. Biden will be going to East Palestine and the Munich Security Conference will be opening that day. Watch for the Israelis to create a crisis climax in Rafah by then. Details to come.

~ MORE ~

Here’s a little blast from the past that directly relates to this Friday, February 16. When Biden visits East Palestine that day, it will mark 378 days since the 3 February 2023 train derailment there. And in Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, number 378 is Ish-bosheth fulfilled (Ish-bosheth was assassinated).

To see what fulfilling Ish-bosheth has to do with Biden, have a look at what I wrote the last time they tried it…

NOTE (6 May 2022): Biden is traveling to Hebron, Kentucky todaya place named after the biblical city of Hebron — and there is much significance to this in terms of both biblical history and Mike Pence. It is a potential assassination site for Biden. I’ll expand on this later…

~ MORE ~

When my beloved partner Onnabugeisha passed along her excellent research on May 7 (which I’ll cover later today), she made a point of drawing my attention to one specific indicator for today, May 6: it is the anniversary of the 1527 Sack of Rome. Upon seeing this, my mind immediately went to the possibility of a precursor event in the US before the big day on Saturday.

Within the globalist script, the current “American Empire” is the Third Roman Empire — the first two being the original Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire. And the script calls for the American Third Roman Empire to experience a fiery fall into ashes so the Fourth and Final Global Roman Empire (the “reformed” UN/NWO) can rise like a phoenix from its ashes.

So what may be the first thing to mark the final collapse of the Third Empire? – The assassination of its Julius Caesar (Joe Biden) of course. This would make way for Octavian (Vladimir Putin) to consolidate power over the UN while appearing to “respect its Republican / Democratic traditions” until he openly controls it as the new Emperor Augustus.

That brings us to Hebron and the story of Ish-bosheth…

>>> Hebron became the capital of Judah, and from there David reigned for seven-and-a-half years. During David’s reign in Hebron, Abner, the former commander of Saul’s army, took Saul’s son Ish-bosheth across the Jordan River and set him up as king of Israel…

After Ish-bosheth was assassinated, David meted out justice against the assassins in Hebron; in this way, David’s integrity became known throughout all Israel (2 Samuel 4). David was eventually declared Israel’s rightful king, and he moved his capital from Hebron to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5:1–5). – from <<<

Within the current-day parallel of this story, Biden is Ish-bosheth. On the night of the 2020 presidential election, his handlers snuck him into a stolen presidency that would have been Mike Pence’s. And after his assassination, “duly elected” Pence will become the President of the United States (after Donald Trump is killed, presumably during the coming war). It was “Nazionist Antichrist” Pence who desecrated the holy place in Hebron on Wednesday, March 9, exactly 1260 days after Donald Trump sat as “King of the World” on September 26, 2018 (marking the beginning of the Second Tribulation)…

…from The Jerusalem Post. Here is a key excerpt…

>>> Pence took a tour of the city on Wednesday, visiting the Tomb of the Patriarchs, the second-holiest place in Judaism after the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. <<<

So the Kabbalists have clearly scripted Joe Biden in the role of Ish-bosheth. And if you’ve been wondering why he didn’t go to East Palestine on the anniversary of the train derailment (when he was invited to come), now you know the reason: his Jewish chief of staff wanted to send him at the 378 day mark for his assassination.

~ MORE – 12-13 February 2024 ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 13th and Wednesday the 14th are now up. Her notes on Wednesday have me wondering if Israel will conduct a Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre in Rafah.

Kamala Harris spent the day with Biden today after people have called on her to invoke the 25th Amendment on him and she has signalled her “willingness to serve”. And on Wednesday, Biden will have lunch with Secretary of State Blinken before being joined again by Harris for the Presidential Daily Briefing. So watch for a “shock resignation” from Biden as soon as tomorrow. The lunch with Blinken may be about instructing him to notify foreign governments before the announcement.

Here comes “VP” Michelle Obama.

In previous updates, I’ve covered what might happen when Kamala Harris ascends…

“Full-blooded commie” Kamala Harris is sworn-in as president, putting her Jewish, “friend of Chabad” handler-husband in charge. And with a friend of Chabad now running presidential decision-making, the “Commie Deep State” of Israel performs the “Israeli Outrage“; this triggers “hail and fire” from the Muslims.

So it’s possible that they could run a Three Days of Darkness scenario from Wednesday through Friday. Also keep in mind that Wednesday is the final day of the World Governments Summit, which is another possible target for a Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre.

ALERT (14 February 2024): After doing some checking, I’ve found that the possibility of the Kabbalists running a Three Days of Darkness scenario from today through Friday followed by a Fake Christian Rapture (“Apollyon’s Harvest“) on Saturday is quite high. It is due to two “signs in the heavens” involving the planet Pluto (the Greek god of the underworld), which will provide a mythological basis for starting a war today/tonight (Pluto meets Mars, the Roman god of war) and simulating the opening of the Gate to Hell on Saturday (Pluto meets Venus, which represents Lucifer). And a 150-day Torment of Humanity started on Friday or Saturday would land on July 14-15 / 9 Tammuz, a good day to script the intervention of the Fake Jewish Messiah. His “Trumphal Procession” could start on that day and reach Jerusalem on 17 Tammuz.

In my first attempt to post this, I was unable to edit this site, so monitor my backup site today too. And see the 12-13 February note below for additional details concerning today. Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 15th are now up.

(11 February 2024) – Next Stop: the World Governments Summit

In the previous February updates, I pointed out that both February 11 & 12 are danger dates. The obvious target on the 11th is the Super Bowl, and on the 12th, it’s the World Governments Summit in Dubai. Turkey’s president Erdogan will be attending the Summit, and prophecy propaganda we’ve observed in the past has suggested that Erdogan will fall around the time Israel strikes Iran and the “Three Days of Fear” begin.

The obvious scenario, then, is for the Israelis and their “Friends of Zion” to conduct a false-flag attack on the Summit and blame it on “Iran’s Houthi proxies and their missiles,” “Iran’s Hamas/Hezbollah suicide bombers,” or an “Iranian submarine and its cruise missiles.” The attack could involve the use of an Artemis rod to make it look nuclear. This would unleash Turkey against Iran for the Ram-Goat War.


Also remember the Zion-themed nuclear ball drop that happened in Times Square at the beginning of the year. It pointed to the possibility of a nuke going off on 1/30, and February 12 is 1/30 on the Julian calendar.

Super Bowl 58, the Fall of Babylon, and the Rise of Cyrus

If the globalists follow through with their plan to strike Las Vegas today, it’s important to remember why they did it…

There is no West versus East. There is no G7 versus BRICS. There is only the Central Banking Cartel’s plan to bring in the New World Order and simulate God’s real 7-year Tribulation.” Their objective in doing this is to install their Kabbalist God-King — whom they’ll call “Jesus Christ” — at the end.

To achieve this, they are having their Left Hand Path minions (the communists and socialists) act out an attempt to exterminate most of the human race and install an Orwellian NWO. This will allow their Right Hand Path minions (the Nazionists) to sweep in to save the world and install the BRICS NWO instead. That way, the public will welcome the NWO instead of resisting it. And when the NWO launches, it will seem like heaven… at first.

Read through all of the February updates below for the details of what’s coming.

(9-11 February 2024) – I’ve been wondering why the controlled media have been trying to gin up a “conspiracy theory” controversy over Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl, and today’s Drudge Report provided the answer…

…Note the NFL logo is cast in Masonic black & white, with four stars on each side of the football (44, Obama’s number).

The globalists want to draw as many eyes as possible to Las Vegas on Sunday, and it’s because a big spectacle is/was planned. As for what it might be, here are the leading possibilities…

  • the detonation of a “suitcase nuke” in Vegas to trigger a US government “Commie Reign of Terror” against MAGA [which will lead to a following “savior move” by Trump or Pence and Space Force (or Putin and the Fake ETs)],
  • the detonation of “suitcase nukes” in Vegas and many other cities (Operation Blackjack) to bring down all of Mystery Babylon (the UK/US/EU/G7/NATO),
  • a “Russian missile attack” against Vegas (and possibly all of Mystery Babylon) in response to the death or arrest of Putin during a “surprise” trip to Turkey (there are conflicting rumors about when he will go, “imminently” or after the Russian presidential election), or
  • a “lights in the sky” (UFO) savior event to stop such a “missile attack.”

Any actual explosions will likely be caused by the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array, which will allow the globalists to produce nuke-looking explosions without any radioactive fallout. But since the government and media will blame the explosions on nukes, they’ll pretend that there is fallout (just like they pretended there was a pandemic).

Remember that Trump is Batman.” And in The Dark Knight Rises, “decadent” Gotham’s nuclear terror began with an explosion at a football game

…from YouTube

So from tomorrow morning through kickoff time, I’ll be showing you a number of occult hints pointing to trouble on Super Bowl Sunday. You can preview some of them by reading the earlier February updates below.

~ MORE – 10 February 2024 ~

Today we’re going to start looking at the occult and overt cues surrounding what is/was planned for Super Bowl 58. For the sake of simplicity, I will write about it as if it’s still going to happen. And for the sake of new readers, let’s preface everything with an excerpt from the sidebar…

It’s important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians (with a particular focus on Jewish and Roman history) and superstitious followers of numerology, astrology, and mythology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the [End Times] play are acted-out. They align events with days of historical, religious, numerological, astrological and mythological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, Onnabugeisha, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

So let’s begin looking at the cues with something my partner Onnabugeisha just pointed out to me: the new NFL logo (which was introduced in 2008) is encoded with the number 454 (4 stars, a football with 5 laces, and 4 more stars)…

The graphic of the Take Our Border Back Convoy displayed by disinfo agent Alex Jones’s InfoWars site was also encoded with the number 454 (see the bumper lights on the lead truck). And the graphic put out by the Convoy’s organizers displays 454 too (see the 4 border fence pickets, the 5 guys, and 4 more fence pickets)…

So the numerology-obsessed globalists have connected the “MAGA extremist” Border Convoy to the NFL with the number 454. But why?

After digging a little deeper into the potential meanings of 454, I found the answer, which is Isaiah 45:4

God Calls Cyrus

1 This is what the LORD says to Cyrus His anointed,
whose right hand I have grasped
to subdue nations before him,
to disarm kings,
to open the doors before him,
so that the gates will not be shut:

2 “I will go before you
and level the mountains;
I will break down the gates of bronze
and cut through the bars of iron.
3 I will give you the treasures of darkness
and the riches hidden in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
the God of Israel, who calls you by name.
4 For the sake of Jacob My servant
and Israel My chosen one,
I call you by name;
I have given you a title of honor,
though you have not known Me.

Isaiah 44:23-45:8

God chooses Cyrus, the Persian ruler, to be God’s instrument to deliver Israel from Babylonian captivity.

…from (verses) and (summary)

So what’s planned for the Super Bowl tomorrow is scripted to trigger “God calling the Moshiach ben Cyrus, Donald Trump, into action to save Israel and the world.” See the 13 October 2023 update, The Hamas Attack and Donald Trump’s Era as Batman and the Moshiach ben Cyrus, for details.

Under a scenario in which the “suitcase nuke(s)” go off, the Biden-Harris administration and mainstream media will claim…

“There are Russian nukes on the loose in America! They are in the hands of Christian and Muslim extremists. The nukes were brought to Venezuela, smuggled to the border by the drug cartels and Islamists, and moved across the border by the MAGA Christian missionaries of the ranch where the Border Convoy overnighted before their racist rally.”

And in an overt cue of what’s planned, the globalists had Maduro move his military to the border of Guyana…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report

According to the script, “Maduro is preparing to invade because he knows the US is about to get hit with nukes and will be too preoccupied to defend Guyana.” In an interesting “coincidence,” Guyana holds the presidency of the UN Security Council this month.

~ MORE ~

Now let’s have a look at the two globes I mentioned in the 8 February Q & A: 1) Trump’s luminous orb and 2) the Las Vegas Sphere.

Here is Trump’s Orb…

…from The Guardian. Here is an excerpt…

Trump, King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Abdel Fatah al-Sisi were pictured standing with their hands on the miniature globe at the opening event for the new Global Centre for Combating Extremist Ideology on Sunday…

Local media reported that the leaders’ placing their hands on the globe “officially activated the centre and launched a splashy welcome video”.

Take a moment to think about what was symbolized by this event (and the article)…

  • The globe symbolized the world, and it was white in color with black continents (Masonic white & black).
  • Trump and two other leaders touched the globe and it gave off a brilliant white light (like the white flash that occurs after a nuke goes off).
  • This “nuclear light” set a global anti-extremist/anti-terrorist effort in motion and launched a “splashy welcome video.”
  • Also note that the article connects the event to Hydra (and nuclear weapons), and it features a link to another article about Trump “conquering extremism” (with a photo of him flashing a 666 hand sign).

It all symbolizes what’s planned for Las Vegas and its aftermath, doesn’t it? A nuclear flash (or a light in the sky that stops it), the “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” psyop, and the Truth Tsunami psyop.

With this in mind, let’s look at the following article on the Las Vegas Sphere (the construction of which was first announced the year after the orb was lit)…

…from The U.S. Sun

Take a moment to think about what was symbolized by this event (and the article)…

  • It symbolizes a pro-life activist ascending to the top of the world (Trump or Pence).
  • The article says the Sphere is 367 feet high (Wikipedia puts it at 366 feet), and Strong’s 367 is the Hebrew word “emah: terror, dread.”
  • The actual name of the facility is simply “Sphere” or “Sphere at the Venetian Resort,” but the article calls it the “Las Vegas Sphere.” In Pythagorean Gematria, “Las Vegas Sphere” has a value of 58, the same number as the Super Bowl. And the article goes out of its way to point out a temporal connection between the climber event and the Super Bowl.
  • The Sphere is located at 255 Sands Avenue, a long way from the sands of Saudi Arabia, but the orb really grew over the past 7 years, didn’t it? It should also be noted that 255 may be a reference to Psalm 25:5“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”

You may have noticed that on the article about Trump touching the “Testicle of Light,” I highlighted the Egyptian president, who also touched it. I did that because his is the first face you see when you go to the website of the 2024 World Governments Summit in Dubai…

…The Summit starts the day after the Super Bowl.

~ MORE ~

After looking at maps of the Super Bowl area, I think it likely that the explosion will be narrated as a “drive-by nuking.” The arena is right beside Interstate 15.

It should be noted that if the globalists start the “Commie Reign of Terror” tomorrow and draw it out into the planned 150-day Torment of Humanity, the messianic intervention will come on July 9 (3 Tammuz, the day “Joshua stopped the Sun”). Shorter scenarios are also possible, as is going straight to the intervention immediately before or after the Super Bowl event. An imminent Fake Christian Rapture is also scriptable.

~ MORE – 11 February 2024 ~

We’ll start looking at today’s occult cues with some that were sent to me by a reader…

> The appearance of the Super Bowl venue, Allegiant Stadium, has resulted in people nicknaming it “the Death Star.” It resembles a UFO “mothership” in my opinion, and death & UFOs will feature large in the NWO Transition drama.

> The Stadium’s physical address is 3333 Al Davis Way. So it features a double dose of Masonic 33s, which can also mean this…

The 33rd verse of Ezekiel 33 (3333) is God’s declaration that a day of reckoning will come to all those who pretend to love the Lord but deny him in their hearts and in their works. – from

And “Al Davis Way” = “mass death” in Reverse Ordinal Gematria, with a value of 153. 153 is a number we’ve seen the Kabbalists feature before in the UN vote to demand a Gaza ceasefire and the Coalition naval task force off of Yemen. “Al Davis Way” also equals “blackjack” in Reverse Pythagorean Gematria.

> The Stadium is located in the unincorporated town of Paradise, where the 2017 Las Vegas Mass Shooting event took place (the country singer who was performing at the time has tattoos of a Nazi Black Sun and two cards equalling blackjack).

In fact, the resort casino from which the shooter fired, the Mandalay Bay, IS RIGHT ACROSS THE HIGHWAY FROM THE STADIUM. So if a MAGA truck driver traveling on Interstate 15 sets off a suitcase nuke when he reaches the stadium, he’ll greatly damage both the stadium and the Mandalay Bay (along with the southern end of the Las Vegas Strip, “Sin Central,” and its famous welcome sign) — that will likely be the cover story for the Artemis attack

…from Bing Maps and

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Super Bowl Sunday are now up. They include the Super Bowl-related key for opening the Gate to Hell. And remember that in The Dark Knight Rises, the explosion at the football game created a pit to the underworld.

(8 February 2024) – Given the wealth of occult cues surrounding the Super Bowl, something big is/was planned

Q: What do Super Bowl 58, the 367-foot tall Las Vegas Sphere, the luminous orb Trump touched in Saudi Arabia, and the February 12-14 World Governments Summit all have in common?

A:Emah: terror, dread” that will trigger a crackdown on extremists, which will lead to the launch of the Global Nazionist New Order. Details to come, and lots more Super Bowl cues to come as well.

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 8th are now up.

WARNING (7 February 2024): The occult key to the next 8 days is the number 128

Based on some prophecy propaganda chatter my partner Onnabugeisha has monitored, she has uncovered the key for the 8-day period of 30 Shevat thru 7 Adar I (sundown of February 8 to sundown of February 16). Here are her notes on it…

After sunset 🌅 2/8 2/9

Jewish calendar30 Shevat

• Theodor Herzl publishes “Der Judenstaat” (Wikipedia) (The Jewish State), it is considered one of the most important texts of modern Zionism. Published: 14 February 1896 = 30 Shevat128 Jewish years ago

Der Judenstaat“(Wikipedia) was punished 128 years ago and Steve Fletcher 222 (YouTube video: The Rapture of Philip) promotes the number 128.

99942 Apophis ( Wikipedia) will make a close flyby of the Earth on Friday, 13 April 2029 = 28 Nisan (1/28), 62 months, 3 days [623 – Apollyon] away on 2/10 (*) or 2/11

Steve Fletcher then talks about the death of Moses. And I found that  the Chabadniks studied about the death of Moses on 7 October 2023 (Wikipedia)  -> Daily Study ( Deuteronomy 34:1-34:12)… -> Deuteronomy 34:5 So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD.

*On Saturday 2/10 is Chinese New Year (Wikipedia1st Month 1 of the Year of the Wood Dragon (Wikipedia). [Wood & Jupiter: Thursday, Thor’s day  -> In Japanese, the day is 木曜日 (木 [tree] represents Jupiter, 木星, Fifth Star – Wood (Wikipedia)]

Now let’s lay things out point-by-point…

1) The Israel-Hamas War started on 7 October 2023 / 22 Tishrei 5784, which was the 8th day of Sukkot (Shemini Atzeret). On that day, Chabad’s Torah study covered Deuteronomy 34:1-12, which recounts THE DEATH OF MOSES. These are verses 10-12:

10 Since that time, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face— 11 no prophet who did all the signs and wonders that the LORD sent Moses to do in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh and to all his officials and all his land, 12 and no prophet who performed all the mighty acts of power and awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.

The Kabbalists would add a verse 13 if they could: “And it will remain so until the arrival of Moshiach.”

2) “The Jewish State” was published by the founder of Zionism 128 years ago come 30 Shevat. And Jerusalem will enter 30 Shevat after 5:19 PM local time of February 8, which is 10:19 AM of February 8 in Washington DC (and Leesburg, where Biden will go tomorrow afternoon). Remember what I wrote about February 8 [1,2].

3) The Israel-Hamas War will mark 128 days on February 11 or 12, depending on how you count the days. Expressed in different time units, February 11 or 12 will mark 4 months, 5 days (45, Trump’s number). Remember what I wrote about February 11 or 12.

4) The mainstream Jewish date marking THE BIRTH AND DEATH OF MOSES is 7 Adar, the 8th day of a day count that starts on 30 Shevat. And Chabad notes that Moses may have been born on a Jewish leap year (like this year), on 7 Adar I (sundown of February 15 to sundown of February 16 this year). So they could script the Moshiach’s intervention or arrival for Thursday/Friday next week.

5) 7 Adar on the Essene Jewish calendar falls on 24 February this year, which is Shushan Purim Katan on the mainstream Jewish calendar. So this is an alternate day for scripting the Moshiach’s intervention or arrival, or it could be the day his Triumphal Procession arrives in Jerusalem.

Putting all of this together…

  • Watch February 8 for a big event like Israel and/or the US striking Iran or the assassination of Joe Biden.
  • Watch February 11/12 for another big event like a “nuking” of the Super Bowl or the assassination/arrest of Vladimir Putin in Turkey (a crash of Putin’s plane is also possible).
  • Watch February 15/16 and 24 for actions by the “Moshiach.”

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 7th are now up (be sure to check out these that apply to February 8).

(6 February 2024) – Danger Dates Ahead: February 8 and February 11 or 12

You may have noticed that the British Royals have extended their health-related excuses to be able to cancel their public appearances on any given day and bunker-up. And news has emerged in the Ukrainian media about Poland issuing navigation warnings of unplanned military activities related to national security along their eastern border for February 5 through May 5.

The first actionable date for starting the Big War is February 8 (this Thursday), for reasons I’ll explain today. The next dates are February 11 or 12. According to press reports, Putin is scheduled to go to Turkey on the 12th, but the Turkish government has refused to confirm this date. This means they could try to sneak-in an early visit on the 11th — the day of the Super Bowl in Las Vegas. The game is scheduled to start at 3:30 PM local time [1,2], and it is a perfect target for “the Army of God to set off a Russian suitcase nuke in Sin City as the people worship their football idols.”

~ MORE ~

The Danger Date of 8 February 2024

America’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is more than a space agency; it is Kabbalist “science theater.” It exists to set the limit of humanity’s imagination of what science has achieved, and it serves to distract our eyes away from the Secret Space Program run (and sequestered from public view) by the Central Banking Cartel. As part of the coming staged “Arrival” of the Fake ETs, we’ll soon see much closer to real limits of scientific and engineering progress, which will be presented to us as “alien technology.”

That being said, NASA is run by occultists, and its program and mission names, numbers and timings are riddled with mythological and numerological references. It is for this reason that we must take special note of the fact that during the Space Shuttle Program, two shuttles were lost…

  1. the shuttle Challenger, which was blown to bits during its ascent into space (killing all 7 of the crew aboard), and
  2. the shuttle Columbia, which burned and fell to pieces (“like a phoenix”) as it reentered the Earth’s atmosphere over Texas (killing all 7 crew aboard, including one Israeli).

This Thursday, February 8 is the Jewish day of 29 Shevat, which will mark 21 (blackjack) Jewish years since Columbia fell. And look at what says about it

Columbia Tragedy; Israeli Astronaut Perishes (2003)

On the morning of February 1, 2003, the Columbia Space Shuttle, returning from its STS-107 mission, was destroyed upon re-entry, 16 minutes before its scheduled landing. All its crew members perished, including Ilan Ramon, a combat pilot in the Israeli Air Force, who was the first Israeli astronaut. Prior to his departing to space on Space Shuttle Columbia, where his mission included the manning of a multispectral camera for recording desert aerosol, he arranged to take kosher food as well as a Kiddush cup, a Torah Scroll, and a dollar from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory.

Links: Pride, Pain and the Suddenness of Life; Remembering Ilan Ramon

Back in the 31 January update, I wrote that the Fall of Columbia (the female personification of America) can symbolize “America breaking into pieces over Texas (and its border situation).” But if you add the dollar given to the Israeli astronaut by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to the mix, it can symbolize “America breaking into pieces and the dollar being destroyed over Texas (and its border situation).” Operation Blackjack (supposedly carried out with nukes obtained at the Texas-Mexico border) would certainly lead to an immediate loss of global confidence in the dollar.

Looking now to the destruction of the Challenger, it happened 38 years ago (as of January 28). And to the Kabbalists, the number 38 represents a period of waiting before they enter the Promised Land (in this case, the Messianic Era). The Challenger was destroyed in a big explosion — kinda like the one planned for Vegas — which is how America’s end is scripted to come.

Also on Thursday, Joe Biden is scheduled to go to Leesburg, Virginia — a city of strategic significance during the Civil War. It is known for the Battle of Ball’s Bluff. And upon looking into the Kabbalist gematria/numerology cues for that battle, my partner Onnabugeisha found a tie-in to the Challenger disaster…

Biden will be in Leesburg, Virginia on the 8th (Forth) and the Battle of Ball’s Bluff:


Battle of Ball’s Bluff (Wikipedia) Date: 21 October 1861, 59,280 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 5928.alah or alath: burnt offering

GematriaThe Battle of Ball’s Bluff = John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 2x, Space Shuttle Challenger (Wikipedia) 2x

[Space Shuttle Challenger = 234 (Ordinal Gematria) – > Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering]

Battle of Ball’s Bluff = False Flag Operations 2x, Five eleven tactical 3x, The World Economic Forum 2x, Jorge Mario Bergoglio 2x, Alexander Lukashenko 2x, Meghan Duchess of Sussex 2x, Black Cube of Saturn 3x, Twenty second of November (Assassination of JFK – Wikipedia) 2x

Leesburg, Virginia = September Attacks 3x, Lightning McQueen 3x (a Prince Harry cue), Ark Of The Covenant 2x, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 2x

House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference = European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) 2x, September eleventh two thousand and one 1x, The president of the United States of America 1x, President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 1x, Coronation of Charles III and Camilla 1x [Biden is going to Leesburg to speak at this conference.]

So February 8 could be one of three things…

  1. the day of the Big Event,
  2. the day of a precursor event to the Big Event (perhaps Biden’s assassination), or
  3. a symbolic precursor to what is planned for Super Bowl Sunday (which also has tie-ins to “blackjack”).

If February 8 is the day of the Big Event, they could run the 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario until the staged intervention of the Moshiach on 7 July (7/7) / 1 Tammuz. That is the day the Chabadniks’ Torah study turns to Numbers 19:1-17, which is where the Book of Numbers turns to the subject of the Red Heifer. To the Kabbalists, the Red Heifer has great significance in regards to the “Messiah’s Intervention”. It is at that time that he would begin his Triumphal Procession from Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia to Mount Zion in Jerusalem, arriving on 17 Tammuz / July 23 (a day the Moshiach could turn Jewish frowns upside down) or Tisha B’Av.

NOTE: Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 5th and Tuesday the 6th are now up.

Enhanced NOTE (4 February 2024): The “Party of GodArmy of God transfer of Russian suitcase nukes” narrative I warned about last night is part of a double-edged psyop…

  • On one side, the Biden-Harris administration and the mainstream media will use the narrative to blame the coming “nuclear” explosion(s) on MAGA and Christians. And they will use the threat of additional nukes being moved around by “God’s Army” as an excuse to lock down the country and begin their “Commie Reign of Terror” roundups.
  • On the other side, the patriots/constitutionalists (Nazionists) and the controlled alt-media will be screaming about the implausibility of the narrative. They’ll point out that there was no way for such a transfer to occur given the Homeland Security scrutiny the convoy was under. They’ll also point out that the convoy was actually run by the feds and filled with “undercover units and individuals,” and they’ll suggest that Biden left the border open so “commie nukes from China-North Korea” could be brought across and handed over to the feds in the convoy.
  • After Trump or Pence makes his savior move, evidence will be presented to support controlled alt-media’s narrative of events. No one will point out that Artemis was the actual source of the explosion(s).

A little later, I’ll cover the details of the supposed nuke transfer and the symbolism that was displayed at the Christian ranch by the border where the convoy overnighted (“and got their nukes”) before the rally.

Here’s a preview: a celebratory partnership flag that features a lion (an Islamist symbol of bravery and martyrdom), an “H” (as in “Hezbollah”), and Saturn’s rings (a ubiquitous occultist symbol)…

…from controlled alt-media site ZeroHedge (top) and (bottom).

(3 February 2024) – Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 3rd and Sunday the 4th are now up. And now that the US has started heavy attacks on Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria, the door is open for the US government and Israel to false-flag “Iran’s retaliation” against the US. Blowing up Biden while he’s in Sin City tomorrow might be one way to go about it…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Any real retaliation would likely come some time after Monday’s emergency UN Security Council meeting.

BTW, I noticed that the Drudge headline had quotation marks around “brink of abyss,” so I did a quick gematria check and found this 2X match with “las vegas nuked”…

…from Gematria Effect News

~ MORE ~

If the globalists are aiming to attack one or more cities with “suitcase nukes” tomorrow or in the coming days/weeks, there is another way they can use the Take Our Border Back Convoy to their advantage: they can say that the “Army of God” truckers’ true purpose in going to the border was to pick up their nukes from the “Party of God (Hezbollah, who have longstanding relationships with Venezuela and the drug cartels)…

…More on this tomorrow.

(2 February 2024) – Onnabugeisha’s notes on today are now up. And here are some things you need to know today…

  • Saturday is the day that the fed-run “Take Our Border Back” convoy reaches the border to perform their mischief, and Joe Biden’s Kabbalist handlers have arranged for him to be in Los Angeles that day. LA is about a hundred miles away from San Ysidro, one of the three border areas the truckers will be visiting. Will a convoy truck with a “special payload” go to Los Angeles for a “drive-by” on Biden?
  • They have also arranged for Biden to go to Las Vegas (“Sin City”) on Sunday the 4th. This gives them the fallback option of hitting him there as part of “God’s Judgment on the capitals and sin cities of the West.”
  • February 8 is the Jewish anniversary of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. Watch for an event that day which will destroy the world’s confidence in the US dollar — perhaps the first formal movement towards secession by Texas or the outbreak of an armed conflict between Texas and the Washington DC regime.
  • The Kabbalists are sending Putin to Turkey on February 12 (1/30 on the Julian calendar, which is used by the Russian Orthodox Church). They’re aiming to stage his “death” or arrest (to face the “International Court of Justice”). This will provide another opportunity to stage Operation Blackjack, which will include a hit on the ICJ (“Yahweh’s punishment for their genocide ruling against Israel”).

More on the “Take Our Border Back” Patsy Parade

To know that the Take Our Border Back Convoy is a fed-run trap for conservative Americans “violent extremist Nazi White Supremacists,” one need only look closely at the images that InfoWars and the organizing group are displaying. What do these images symbolize? Let’s start to answer that question with the AI-generated image at the top of this InfoWars article

Have you noticed that on each side of the road there is a sea of white people — ONLY white people? And the image areas that show people are littered with flesh-colored shapes that make it appear that the people have their arms raised in a Nazi salute. There is also a ridiculous number of flags being displayed — the kind of over-the-top display one would have seen at a Hitler rally in Nazi Germany. If you imagine those flags as swastika banners and Hitler’s Mercedes 770 riding down the road instead of the trucks, you’ll see what’s being symbolized…

Now let’s look at this image put out by the convoy’s organizing group…

At the bottom is an image of five WHITE MEN blocking a gap in the border fence, and there are six pickets of fence to each side of them, forming the number 656. Strong’s 656 are the words…

aphes (Hebrew): to cease, fail, come to an end, and
aposunagógos (Greek): expelled from the congregation

At the top left, you’ll see a pickup truck featuring the word “Jesus.” And in the top middle, the five white guys have four pickets of fence to each side of them, forming the number 454. Strong’s 454 are the words…

anoia (Greek): folly, foolishness
Elyhow’eynay (Hebrew): Elihoenai, “toward Yah (are) my eyes”

Putting these occult number cues and definitions together, you’ll see that the people who show up for the patsy parade are being led into “folly with their eyes toward Yahweh,” which will result in their “failure and expulsion from the congregation” (by being arrested like the people who were lured by Trump into January 6). And if you look at the photos on each side of the top, you’ll see that each is supported by four pickets of fence, forming the number 44 (Obama’s number).

It’s also important to look at the preparatory propaganda in the mainstream media, particularly this…

…from Vice News

This “Army of God” concept is something the Pentagon has dusted off after seemingly discarding it back in 2011…


To jointly blame the “Army of God” and “militant Islamic groups” for Operation Blackjack…

…they have apparently discarded the original anti-abortion group and used a “former Green Beret” to create a whole new “Army of God”.

~ MORE ~

A reader has pointed out that in the “fine print” of the convoy website (arch), they disclose a “heavy law enforcement presence,” including “undercover units and undercover law enforcement officers.” They also instruct attendees to not interfere in the activities of the provocateurs and crisis actors…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – January Updates

(Expanded Note – 31 January 2024) – Another day, another attempt to stage the death of Joe Biden

Another Biden assassination setup is being put in place for tomorrow, February 1. They’re sending him to Michigan, a state well known for the fed-run Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot and for its fed-run and fed-infiltrated right-wing extremist hate groups, militias and anti-government groups.” So we’re looking at the possibility of a Homeland Security-scripted mass shooting and explosion (possibly of a “suitcase nuke” magnitude). Another attempt to start the Middle East War will almost certainly accompany this op.

If tomorrow doesn’t work out, they’ll trot Kamala Harris out to South Carolina on Friday and possibly Joe Biden to East Palestine on Saturday for more shots at it. They won’t give up on the current strike window until we get past the final day of Jewish significance in the series, February 3.

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 1st of February are now up, and they include these on Texas…

• Texas Day (National Today) was first celebrated in 2017.

• Texas secedes (HISTORY) – On February 1, 1861, Texas becomes the 7th state to secede from the Union when a state convention votes 166 to 8 in favor of the measure.

• Columbia Space Shuttle mission ends in disaster (HISTORY) – On February 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia breaks up while entering the atmosphere over Texas [at an altitude of about 40 miles (60 km) over Texas (Britannica)], killing all 7 crew members on board.

Looking at the third note, we should remember that Columbia is the female personification of America, so Columbia = America. This means that the Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster can symbolize America breaking into pieces over Texas (and its border situation).” That’s a heckuva scripting cue, isn’t it? So watch for the “far-right extremist” patsies who get blamed for the Biden hit to leave behind manifestos and social media posts expressing rage over Biden’s “betrayal on the border.”

Also remember that the Special European Council (a prime target) is being held tomorrow in Brussels, which is 6 hours ahead of US East Coast time. This means Operation Blackjack could happen overnight from the US perspective, or they could wait till Biden gets to Michigan.

The scenario we’re now facing is a one-day shake-n-bake: Operation Blackjack followed by a quick escalation to a strategic nuclear exchange. This will cue the “Moshiach’s Intervention.” Jerusalem will enter 23 Shevat (Messiah Day) tomorrow after 5:13 PM local time / 10:13 AM Washington DC time, so the Fake Messiah’s move can come any time after that. The only question is whether the intervention is scripted to come before Operation Blackjack (thereby stopping it and blaming it on the commies), or after (when the strategic launches begin).

~ from earlier today ~

The Threat Picture for Day 2

It looks like we temporarily dodged a bullet yesterday. In this week’s updates, I forgot to mention that 1/30 was one of the possible dates indicated by the Zion-themed Times Square “nuclear” ball drop at the start of the year (it was dropped down a 130-foot tower). Had they hit Biden while he was in Jupiter, Florida during the 2 PM EST hour, it would have been 9 PM in Jerusalem on 1/30. And they probably would have staged the nuclear/radiological false-flag in Israel at roughly the same time they hit Biden. This would have given rise to an attempted exchange of strategic nukes on DAY 3, which would have cued the “Moshiach’sFake ET intervention.

If they try again today, on DAY 2, it could happen as early as the time Biden and Harris are having lunch together at the White House (lunch is scheduled to start at 1:15 PM, but they might do the hit at 1:30). If you look to my notes on DAY 2, it is the day this is indicated…

18 Mount Sinai was completely enveloped in smoke, because the LORD had descended on it in fire. And the smoke rose like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked violently. 19 And as the sound of the ram’s horn grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and God answered him in the thunder.

With this Bible verse in mind, let’s ask ourselves a question: Is it Mount Sinai (Jebel al Lawz) that is symbolized in this scene of the “nuclear genie” being let out of the bottle in the Middle East?…

…from the predictive programming video I, Pet Goat 2

Will that happen today, 22 Shevat (sundown of 1/31 to sundown of 2/1)? If they do the hit at 1:30 PM Washington DC time today, it will be 7:30 PM in Brussels (when many of the EU’s leaders will probably be already in town for the Special European Council tomorrow) and 8:30 PM in Jerusalem (of 22 Shevat).

NOTE (30 January 2024): Based on an interaction with someone I know, the people who are caught up in the controlled alt-media’s Good Guy vs. Bad Guy Narrative are expecting something great to come out of this week and weekend. So watch for the “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” and “Truth Tsunami” psyops to begin by February 3rd. After the supposed “good guys” take control of the global airspace, they’ll be “mopping up the Cabal’s resistance on the ground” while the False Messiah makes his way to Jerusalem (arriving on one of the Purims later this month). See the updates below for details. And remember that the New World Order will seem like heaven… at first.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on today and Wednesday the 31st are now up. Also. her notes on the occult weirdness surrounding Greg Abbott are now posted.

(Enhanced Note – 30 January 2024) – There was a hopeful sign last night. After I completed all my updates for the day, I went to the Drudge Report and saw that they’d gotten rid of all the “Iran” and “Nuke” headlines they’d been building on and switched the subject to brain implants. Usually that means the globalists have pushed the delay button. But given my philosophy of “a double-tap never hurts,” I thought I’d take another shot at this week’s plans just to be sure.

If Biden gets hit during today’s visit to Florida and the Three Days of Darkness begin, they’ll end on the Fourth Day (February 2) with the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah, who will play the “Nazionist Antichrist” character in the “End Times” stageplay. So today would be the beginning of his ascent to power, which makes these January 30 scripting cues found by Onnabugeisha quite significant…

• Inauguration of Hitler as Chancellor of the German Reich (WikipediaHISTORY) On 30 January 1933, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichskanzler. 

• Hitler’s prophecy (Wikipedia) – During a speech at the Reichstag on 30 January 1939 (Wikipedia). Adolf Hitler threatened “the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe” in the event of war: If international finance Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, the result will be not the Bolshevization of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.

• New Order (Nazism) (Wikipedia) – Planning for the Neuordnung had already begun long before the start of World War II, but Adolf Hitler proclaimed a “European New Order” publicly on 30 January 1941. “The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of a great European New Order!”.

By the way, Biden is traveling to Palm Beach so he can attend a fundraiser in Jupiter. And Jupiter is the Roman god of the sky who tosses thunderbolts down on people. His sacred animal is the eagle…

…from Hitler’s 30 January 1939 speech on Wikipedia

Also, Jupiter is symbolized by the oak tree, which connects him to Texas governor Greg Abbott.

Expanded WARNING (29 January 2024): All signs point to the imminent start of the Big War. See The Globalist Schedule for the Apocalypse and the 28-29 January Alert below for details. And watch for the imminent disappearance or “death” of Trump or Putin, who may show up later as the arriving, “resurrected” Moshiach.

~ MORE ~

The big day of 21 Shevat begins in Jerusalem after 5:11 PM local time tomorrow, which is 10:11 AM in Washington DC. Trouble can start any time after that, and it looks like that’s exactly what’s planned.

Tomorrow they’re sending Joe Biden to yet another state (Florida) run by a Republican governor (Ron DeSantis) who is backing Texas in the border dispute. Not only that, they’re sending him to Trump’s home base of Palm Beach (and then on to Miami). Should Biden get hit “by MAGA” while he’s in Florida, we can expect the feds to immediately move to arrest Trump, which will kick off the Second Civil War just in time for the Israel-Hezbollah War.

So if we look at the days ahead from the perspective of the Gregorian calendar, the Three Days of Darkness will be January 30, January 31, and February 1, with the Fourth Day “Arrival” occurring on February 2.

The Globalist Schedule for the Apocalypse

(“sd” means “sundown”)

DAY 1, the First Day of Darkness: 21 Shevat (sd 1/30 to sd 1/31, Jerusalem time)

Chabad’s Torah study for this day covers Exodus 19:1-6. Here are the first two verses…

Israel at Mount Sinai

1 In the third month, on the same day of the month that the Israelites had left the land of Egypt, they came to the Wilderness of Sinai. 2 After they had set out from Rephidim, they entered the Wilderness of Sinai, and Israel camped there in front of the mountain.

This provides the basis for the Kabbalists to script the return of Israel to the wilderness on Day 1, specifically the wilderness in the vicinity of Mount Sinai. In the aftermath of the nuclear/radiological false-flag unleashed upon Israel on this day, the Israelis will scatter into the surrounding nations as they seek to escape the supposed radioactive fallout. And most Israelis will try to avoid the relatively hostile nations of Lebanon and Syria, opting instead for the Sinai Peninsula, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia [the land of Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), a Friend of Zion (a Kabbalist co-conspirator)].

These areas to which they’ll be fleeing are all near MBS’s new supercity of Neom, which itself was purposefully located near Jebel al Lawz (the mountain the Kabbalists have identified as the biblical Mount Sinai)…

…from Google Maps and

As you can see, the globalists have had this setup in the works for quite a while.

Day 1 will bring the long-expected strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities and Iran’s long-expected missile attack on Israel, with either one preceding the other. This Kabbalist-orchestrated conflict will then spread to the US-EU-NATO on either Day 1 or Day 2.

DAY 2, the Second Day of Darkness: 22 Shevat (sd 1/31 to sd 2/1, Jerusalem time)

Chabad’s Torah study for this day covers Exodus 19:7-19. In this section, Moses instructs the Israelites to prepare for God’s arrival on the third day, and a thick cloud descends upon Mount Sinai with thunder and lightning. Here are the final two verses…

18 Mount Sinai was completely enveloped in smoke, because the LORD had descended on it in fire. And the smoke rose like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked violently. 19 And as the sound of the ram’s horn grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and God answered him in the thunder.

So Day 2 will bring the start of the special effects show at Jebel al Lawz — “the signs preceding the arrival of the Moshiach.” Day 2 (specifically February 1) is also the day the EU leaders are scheduled to meet for a Special European Council on providing money to Ukraine. They are meeting in Brussels, which can be viewed as modern-day Rome, since it is the capital of the current “European Empire” and is a city of 7 hills. It is there that the Kabbalists will fulfill one of their “prophecies”…

“…the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.” – from

Since the prophecy mentions that some of the leaders will not yet be there, the hit will likely be scheduled before the meeting convenes, possibly during the night of 22 Shevat or even the late afternoon of 21 Shevat (when some — but not all — of the leaders will already be in Brussels in advance of the meeting). This is why I said that the war will spread to the West on either Day 1 or Day 2.

DAY 3, the Moshiach descends upon Mount Sinai: 23 Shevat (sd 2/1 to sd 2/2, Jerusalem time)

February 2 is the Christian Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ, and its corresponding Jewish day of 23 Shevat is when Chabad’s Torah study covers Exodus 19:2020:14. The first verse begins with this…

The LORD descended to the top of Mount Sinai…”

When this happened in the time of Moses, God supposedly gave the Ten Commandments and the Torah. This time he will supposedly give us the Moshiach, the Living Torah. And Moshiach will be accompanied by the Fake ETs.

DAY 4, the Moshiach begins his Triumphal Procession (sd 2/2 to sd 2/3, Jerusalem time)

I’ll flesh out Day 4 tomorrow morning (1/30) when my mind is fresh. For now, here are the basics and here is a sneak peek: Should the Moshiach’s Triumphal Procession begin on Day 4, they’ll probably be aiming to arrive in Jerusalem on Purim Katan or Shushan Purim Katan, when the Karaite Jews celebrate Purim. Remember my previous entry on Vladimir Putin possibly being a Karaite (it connects to Ukraine too). So will they go ahead and bring in Putin as the Moshiach, or will they wait till the NWO midpoint before bringing him in?

Expanded ALERT (28-29 January 2024) – The Kabbalists are planning to start the Israel-Hamas War and scatter the Israelis on 21 Shevat

Based on Chabad’s Torah study schedule and other occult cues, the globalists are planning to start the Israel-Hezbollah War on 21 Shevat (sundown Tuesday the 30th to sundown Wednesday the 31st, Jerusalem time). If they follow through with the plan, that will be the day the Israelis are “scattered into the wilderness,” and it will mark the first of Three Days of Darkness. The Kabbalists’ Fake Moshiach will then arrive on 24 Shevat at Mount Sinai (the one in Saudi Arabia), either ending the war or beginning his Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem to end the war. Details later.

Watch for a move to be made against Trump between now and Wednesday. And don’t be fooled by the magic show that accompanies the four days.

~ MORE – 29 January 2024 ~

The spark for the Israel-Hamas War has now been revealed: a US or Israeli strike on Iranian territory (even if the US aims to hit only proxy groups in Syria and Iraq, Israel’s Kabbalist leaders can launch a simultaneous strike directly on Iran “to hasten the coming of the Moshiach”)…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report (top) and Zero Hedge (middle, bottom)

Per yesterday’s note, watch for the strike to happen by (and likely on) the night spanning Tuesday and Wednesday (the night of 21 Shevat). Also watch for a potential market plunge on Tuesday (supposedly sparked by the Evergrande liquidation in China) or Wednesday (sparked by the consequences of the Iran strike)…

…from I, Pet Goat 2. <<< Watch this YouTube link to see the Masonic airstrike that triggers (Hezbollah) missiles to fly towards cities, followed by the burning butterfly (indicating radioactive fallout burning the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland).

As my longtime readers know, prophecy propaganda put out by the Christian Orthodox Church connects a strike on Iran with “Three Days of Fear” (the Three Days of Darkness)…

(from 21 September 2023) – The Kabbalist/Globalist Plan for the Three Days of Darkness

It is common practice for the Kabbalists to leak the bullet points of their prophecy fulfillment plans to their propagandist moles in the various religions, who then pass them on to the public in the form of “prophecies from God.” That way, when they carry out their plans and the “prophecies” are fulfilled, it will appear that it was brought about by God, not a bunch of cultist central bankers. And reader Ronin has previously introduced us to one such propagandist mole in the Greek Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morfou (a.k.a. Neo the Fraud).

In this YouTube video, Neo the Fraud lays out the bullet points for what the globalists have planned for the Three Days of Darkness, which he calls the “Three Days of Fear”

Here are the bullet points and their approximate times within the video…

4:31 One day people will be drinking their coffee and hear that the Israelis have struck Iran’s nuclear sites. [So it will likely be a nighttime attack.]

4:48 During this time period, or a little before it, Turkey’s Erdogan will fall. [Neo later suggests the fall could be political or physical (thus keeping the scripting options open): 8:51.]

6:34 The Eastern Mediterranean region will pass through Three Days of Fear.

9:13 The Turkish administration that takes Erdogan’s place will attempt to fix his mistakes. [According to the prophecy propaganda out of Christian mole Joel Richardson, this new leader will be the Islamic Antichrist, known as the “Dajjal” to the Muslims. So he will arrive on the scene as a “reformer,” just like the Fake Jewish Messiah.]

9:37 The Turkish Antichrist will later close the Turkish Straits and trigger war with Russia, leading to the annihilation of Turkey. [This will likely happen about 42 months after the Three Days of Darkness / Three Days of Fear. That is when the wars that the Three Days appear to save us from will explode upon the world, leading to a last-minute savior event by Vladimir Putin, the “real Jewish Messiah / returned Jesus” who will turn out to be the “Final Antichrist.”]

Having spent the last several years documenting the Kabbalists setting all this up, I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty: none of what you’re about to see has anything to do with God, except that it will be carried out by a bunch of God’s most spiritually blind, misguided, and self-serving children.

A breakdown of the 4-day war and magic show is to come.

NOTE: Today (January 27) is the Hebrew day of 17 Shevat, which began at nightfall yesterday and ends at nightfall today. Given that Shevat is the 11th month of the ecclesiastical year, today is 11/17 on the Hebrew calendar.

Strong’s 1117 is “Bamah: a high place for idols in Israel” (and also the basis for Barack Obama’s fake name, which means “Lightning, descendant of a High Place for idols” / “the Antichrist son of Satan“). At worst, this weekend is/was intended to bring Day X / Operation Blackjack, civil war and the start of the “Plagues of Egypt.” At least, this weekend is/was intended to bring Michelle Obama (“Who is Like God, descendant of a High Place for idols“) into the vice presidency before the Second Civil War starts next weekend with the Take Our Border Back Convoy.

SECOND ALERT: Kamala Harris will be in Las Vegas today, and she’ll be attending a campaign event just a mile away from a Trump event. Watch for her potential assassination “by MAGA.” See the red addition to the alert below.


This weekend brings another opportunity to start the Second Civil War: Joe Biden will be departing this afternoon for his assassination trip to Columbia, South Carolina. I wrote about this scenario in the 12-13 January update further down this page. While there, he will attend the “First-in-the-Nation Celebration Dinner” on Saturday, then visit a black church (Saint John Baptist Church) on Sunday.

While the dinner is about the South Carolina presidential primary being the first Democratic primary in the nation, it also provides an occult connection to South Carolina being the first state in the nation to secede from the Union before the Civil War. And South Carolina is under a Republican governor, Henry McMaster, who has come out in support of Texas’ move to stop the border invasion.

Alternate scenarios for the hit include striking Biden at the celebration dinner or hitting a different, unguarded black church while Biden is in town.

It should also be noted that Kamala Harris is leaving California today to visit “sin city” Las Vegas, Nevada. And Nevada too is under a Republican governor, Joe Lombardo, who has backed Texas. So she too is an assassination target, especially given the fact that she’s attending a political event in Las Vegas just a mile away from a Trump event. In a worst case scenario, this weekend could bring “Day X” / Operation Blackjack.

Due to what the globalists have planned for the coming week, today through Sunday, February 3rd is not a good time to be around Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. STAY CLEAR OF THEM BY AT LEAST A FEW MILES.

Expanded NOTE (26 January 2023): Some readers have pointed out the planned triggering event for the civil war: the “Take Our Border Back Convoy.” It’s basically another January 6-type setup — lure in the patriots and then unleash the mischief-making federal agents hiding amongst them — and it’s being promoted by a Pentagon special ops boy and Alex Jones. Watch for black ops mercenaries and MKUltra-types among the truckers to perform single and mass shootings of migrants and uniformed federal agents. This will make the migrant invaders and feds look like victims and those opposed to the invasion look like “racist, murderous monsters.”

The Convoy starts on January 29 and runs through February 3, just in time for the February 2/3 events I’ve been warning about.

Graphics and links to come later.

~ from earlier ~

Trump is now encouraging states to send National Guard troops to Texas in defiance of the federal government. In doing this, he’s following the globalist script by handing the “evil Biden-Harris Communist Revolutionary Government in Washington” the grounds to charge him with instigating an ARMED INSURRECTION. And this will lead to an attempted arrest, which could be used as the trigger to touch off the made-for-TV civil war. These idiots and their tired old tricks…

(26 January 2024) – Leaping leptons! There are 450 miles of Gaza terror tunnels that Israel can’t destroy!! This sounds like a job for… Jewperman!

Tomorrow’s threat for a nuclear-looking explosion (or many of them) comes from current real-world circumstances and Chabad’s Torah study for Saturday, which is Shabbat Shirah. They will be studying Exodus 17, which includes a story of an Israelite victory over the Amalekites. The fact that they’ll be studying this section on Shabbat Shirah, the day that commemorates the Israelites’ joyful singing after the forces of Egypt were consumed by the Red Sea, is quite significant. I’ll explain why later today.

It should be noted that Shabbat Shirah will begin in Jerusalem after 5:07 PM local time today, which is 10:07 AM in Washington DC. So from this morning through tomorrow we could see an Artemis strike on Gaza, the Western naval fleet in the Red Sea, and/or the capital and sin cities of the Western World. It all depends on how wide a net they want to throw on “Amalek.”

Expanded NOTE (25 January 2024): Watch for a hit on Nikki Haley amidst a mass shooting. See the warning added to today’s update below.

The threat of an explosion that looks nuclear will continue tomorrow because it is the 40th anniversary of the date (26 January 1984) shown in Apple’s 1984 ad featuring Artemis throwing Thor’s Hammer and disrupting a totalitarian regime. This cue will come back to us on February 1, which is the 40th Jewish anniversary of the date featured in the ad. “Coincidentally” February 1 is also the date the leaders of the EU will gather in Brussels for a Special European Council on budgeting money for Ukraine, presenting a wonderful opportunity to disrupt the increasingly-totalitarian regime in Brussels with Thor’s Hammer. This move by the Nazionist Space Force would benefit another Friends of Zion Award winner (besides Greg Abbott), Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Jair Bolsonaro, and Mohammed bin Salman (all heroes of the coming NWO) are also recipients.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 26th are now up, and they’re extensive.

(Expanded & Enhanced Note – 25 January 2024) – “My name is Greg Abbott, I’m a Nazionist sockpuppet helping to start a civil war, and I have a mangina”…

…from Go to the 3:44 mark to see Governor Abbott signalling his allegiance to the Nazionist-side Freemasonic agenda (with the same hand sign sockpuppet Trump always displays).

The same Occulted Powers (the Kabbalist central bankers, the Freemasons, the Jesuit-aligned Catholics) that are orchestrating the Gaza War are now orchestrating the Second Civil War in America. Texas Governor Greg Abbot issued an invasion proclamation yesterday [1,2], which brings us a big step forward to an armed conflict between the Left Hand Path commies in Washington DC and the Right Hand Path Nazionists (who are playing the “good guy patriot / constitutionalist resistance” against the “bad guy” commies). Both the Left Hand and the Right Hand are directed by the same occult power structure.

Freemasons are not just traitors to their fellow humans, they are also remarkably stupid and naive. Any who think their plan will lead to something good and worthy in the end do not grasp how utterly wicked and fallen their leaders have become. Humanity’s nightmare will never end until the top of the pyramid is cleansed. Direct your destructive activities there or accept the coming consequences (which will be profound).

~ WARNING (enhanced) ~

Today’s Drudge Report is hinting at a false-flagged “MAGA” hit on Nikki Haley…

…It would likely involve a mass shooting, with the scripted intent to “drive a wedge between the pro and anti-Trump Republicans,” “surge support for gun control among women and RINO Republicans,” and justify executive and judicial moves against gun rights, MAGA, and Trump.”

NOTE (24 January 2024): In light of this article on Hamas’ “indestructible” 450-mile tunnel network showing up today on controlled alt-media site Zero Hedge, the threat for Thor’s Day, January 25 and Friday, January 26 is Thor’s Hammer (Artemis) being used “by Trump” to smash Gaza. Everyone would assume that the explosion was the result of an Israeli nuclear attack, which would lead to other hammers falling on Israel and her allies (with everyone assuming that those explosions were set off by nuclear retaliation attacks). We wouldn’t find out that Artemis did it until the Kabbalah Christ shows up at the end of the drama.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 25th are now up.

CRITICAL ALERT (23 January 2024): An Israeli false-flag nuclear attack on the US coalition naval force in the Red Sea is indicated. Iran will be blamed so the US and NATO will do Israel’s work for them.

Here’s something weird and potentially dangerous…

So will a wave come crashing down on us tomorrow? A wave of terror perhaps? Will the Israelites sing like they danced after 9/11?

Or will a “nuclear drone’s” rogue wave hit the Western fleet massed off Yemen tomorrow? Just look at the giant hints they’re dropping…

…from today’s Drudge Report. Here is an excerpt from the linked article on Kim Jong Un preparing North Korea for war

Last week, North Korea said it had flight-tested a solid-fuel intermediate-range missile tipped with a hypersonic warhead, in its first ballistic test of the year. It also conducted another test of its nuclear-capable underwater attack drones, in protest against joint military drills by the United States, South Korea and Japan. Such tests are a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.

See also: the January 23 Joint Statement on Houthi Attacks from the White House (it includes South Korea).

In another parallel to Chabad’s “Bible Study for Demons,” Joe Biden’s Kabbalist handlers have arranged for him to go to Superior, Wisconsin on Thursday (right beside Lake Superior). Chabad’s Torah study for that day begins with this first verse and ends with the second…

  1. Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees, and they camped there by the waters.
  2. And as Aaron was speaking to the whole congregation of Israel, they looked toward the desert, and there in a cloud the glory of the LORD appeared.

So will a “nuke” go off in the desert somewhere on Thursday?

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 24th are now up.

WARNING (22 January 2024): The Kabbalists are signalling that the wait to enter the Moshiach’s NWO is at an end

Have a look at the number that Kabbalist-run Wall Street is featuring today…

…from today’s Drudge Report

The number 38 has great significance to them because after supposedly displeasing God, the Hebrews spent 38 years wandering and dying in the desert before they were allowed to enter the “Holy Land”…

…from Chabad on Facebook

So 38 represents a time of penitent waiting before the return of God’s favor, and it showed up also in the notes Onna sent me today

Numbers1/23 (inclusive) – 1/24

• The Covenant of the League of Nations (Wikipedia) was signed as Part I of the Treaty of Versailles (*), and became effective together with the rest of the Treaty. Date: 10 January 1920 = League of Nations instituted (HISTORY), 38000 days ago  *The Treaty of Versailles (Wikipedia) was the most important of the peace treaties of World War I. Although a ceasefire had been in place since November 11, 1918, World War I officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles.

So the first attempt at world government, the League of Nations, was born on the day World War 1 ended: “It rose like a phoenix from the ashes of the War to End All Wars.” And so too will the Fake Jewish Messiah’s NWO (the “reformed, multilateral” UN) rise from the ashes of the Big War they are even now attempting to trigger. This is why the UN General Assembly are meeting today and tomorrow on reforming the Security Council…


Expanding the Council to make it more “multilateral” and taking away the unilateral veto will allow the UN to trample any nation it pleases — a key NWO “reform” that was intended from the institution’s very formation.

It should also be noted that the Israelis may very well be wandering and dying in the desert again after they are scattered this week, which will provide the opportunity for the Fake Jewish Messiah to lead them back into the “Holy Land” after his arrival at “Mount Sinai.” Based on the scenarios I’ve covered recently, candidate arrival dates include January 26, February 2, and June 23. And if they count out 38 days starting on the 23rd, they can land his arrival on February 29, which is Purim Vincent (Vincent” showed up in Onna’s notes for today in connection with JFK Jr, a candidate to play the role of the Fake Jewish Messiah or one of his cohorts).

NOTE (22 January 2024): Did you know that Mike Pence has visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem twice before on a January 23rd? This is one of the many curiosities you’ll find in Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 23rd. Pence, who shepherded the Space Force into existence and will inherit the presidency if Trump is “martyred,” is one of the candidates to play the role of the Fake Jewish Messiah (or one of his cohorts). There are also numbers featuring Trump and the Space Force, and keep an eye out for the fall of Erdogan and the strikes on Iran (justified by Iran’s missile strikes on US forces in Syria and Iraq).

(22 January 2024) – Today is as dangerous as tomorrow

Kamala Harris is expected to arrive in Wisconsin around 10 AM EST, giving her speech some time afterwards. And in keeping with the occult cues outlined in yesterday’s entry, the UN Security Council will be talking “peace and security” around the same time — before their 1267 Committee meets in Conference Room 7 at 3:00 PM to talk about ISIS and Al Qaeda…

…from (arch)

It should also be noted that two highly significant days are coming up in early February: February 2 (the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem) and February 3 (Zechariah’s prophecy: I will return to Jerusalem…). So if something starts this week, the Kabbalist scriptwriters have the option of…

  • timing the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah in Jerusalem at that time, or
  • timing his arrival at “Mount Sinai” [which is in Chabad’s Torah study on Feb. 2 (1,2)] and the start of his “Triumphal Procession” to Jerusalem at that time.
  • In the latter case, you will see the Israelis be scattered this week.

February 2 will be Day 119 (911 reversed) of the Gaza War, which started on 7 October 2023 (“Israel’s 9/11“).

(21 January 2024) – Will “MAGA” retroactively abort Kamala Harris on Roe v. Wade Day?

In her notes for Monday the 22nd, my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered some rather potent occult cues that can be used to script a big precursor event on the eve of the January 23-26 danger period. Upon seeing them, I got a hunch to check if the globalists might trot Kamala Harris out for a staged assassination on Monday. I found they had arranged exactly that…

Vice President Harris to visit Waukesha County on Monday: VP Kamala Harris will launch her nationwide tour on abortion rights in SE Wisconsin

In the 17 January warning below, I pointed out the reason they might kill off Harris instead of Biden. And remember that Wisconsin is one of the states where Trump claims irregularities occurred in the 2020 election, so it’s a good place to stage some false-flagged “MAGA revenge.” If they go through with it (which is unlikely now), watch for bombs and mass shootings.

Here are some of Onna’s notes on tomorrow…

• Ted Kaczynski pleads guilty (HISTORY) to all federal charges against him, acknowledging his responsibility for a 17-year campaign of package bombings attributed to the “Unabomber.” Date: 22 January 1998

• The Supreme Court of the United States delivers its decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, legalizing elective abortion in all fifty states (WikipediaHISTORY) Decided: 22 January 1973 -> Roe vs. Wade Day (National Today) vs. National Sanctity of Human Life Day (National TodayWikipedia)

• National Vincent Day (National Today) is commemorated on January 22 annually.

JFK Jr. is Vincent Fusca (The Independent). Gematria: National Vincent Day = Concentration camps 4x

• Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial airs during Super Bowl XVIII  on January 22, 1984 (HISTORYWikipediaYouTube), 40 years ago -> on the screen DATE: 1.26.84, TIME: 09.15  And sign: WITH THEIR OWN CONFUSION.

Gematria: with their own confusion = Operation Swords of Iron (*) 3x, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) 2x; *is the name given to the IDF’s campaign against Hamas in the Gaza Strip (Israel–Hamas war, Wikipedia).

More notes about Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial: at the beginning is the number 14 (Wikipedia), Fourteen Words (Wikipedia), 14 and 88: Why white supremacists love the numbers, In Mandarin-speaking regions in China, 14 and 74 are considered more unlucky than the individual 4 (Wikipedia);  the atomic number of silicon is 14

Thor (Wikipedia) In Norse mythology, he is a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of humankind, hallowing, and fertility. And here: Thor is frequently referred to …– as either the Roman god Jupiter (also known as Jove) or the Greco-Roman god Hercules.” [Prince Harry is Hercules]

On the screen is the time 09.15 and the last time that can be seen is 09.19 (the alternate Number of the Beast, 616, inverted) -> Prince Harry (Wikipedia) was (reportedly) born 15 September 1984 = 9/151984 – Nineteen Eighty-Four (Wikipedia) Orwell, a democratic socialist, modelled the authoritarian state in the novel on the Soviet Union in the era of Stalinism, and Nazi Germany and from Britannica: “Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-four as a warning after years of brooding on the twin menaces of Nazism and Stalinism.”

1984 was 40 years ago -> Judaism and the Numbers 4 and 40 (learnreligions).

~ from earlier today ~

About my partner Onnabugeisha

For those of you who have been wondering about my mysterious partner Onna, the “Goddess of Numbers,” she started out as a longtime reader. Then one day, years ago, she summoned up the courage to contact me and send some information she thought might be useful. It was, and I included it in an update. After that, she sent more information from time-to-time, gradually building to the point that she sends full reports each and every day.

Onna prefers to make her contribution anonymously — that’s why I chose the handle “Onnabugeisha” for her — and it took a long time for her to share even her first name with me. Eventually she sent a picture too, and the most remarkable thing about her is her eyes: they burn with a fierce intelligence.

Ours is a match made in heaven. We complement and inspire each other with our work, and one of us is always on watch because she lives on the other side of the world from Texas (the poor thing). I have no doubt that Spirit nudged us into an intersection. And one day, when we are released from our earthly duties, we will finally meet each other beyond the Veil. We have a vacation spot already picked out.

WARNING (18-20 January 2024): January 23 is/was scheduled to be “Judgment Day”

…from Rolling Stone

Upon checking for the possibility of a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario stemming from the January 23-26 event period, I found that if they stage the opening of the Gate to Hell, the Fake Christian Rapture, and Day 1 of the 150 days on January 26, they can land the endpoint on June 23, the Jewish anniversary of Noah’s Ark touching down on the summit of Mount Ararat. That would be a good day to have the Fake Jewish Messiah’s UFO touch down on the summit of “Mount Sinai.”

In ancient Rome, January 26 was the typical end date of the Feriae Sementivae, a sowing festival involving the goddess Ceres, the guardian of the portal to the underworld. This provides the Kabbalist scriptwriters with a passable mythological basis for scheduling the (simulated) opening of the Gate to Hell on that date.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 19thSaturday the 20th, and Sunday the 21st are now up.

~ from 19 January 2024 ~

In an alternate scripting for the January 23 scenario, the Kabbalists could leave Speaker Johnson in place. And when they hit Biden and Harris, one of two things could happen…

  1. The Democrats could block him from taking office, claiming that he helped instigate the assassinations as part of a “far-right coup.” This would enrage the “political right,” sparking civil war.
  2. Johnson could take office, with the mainstream media screaming that he helped instigate the assassinations as part of a “far-right coup.” This would enrage the “political left,” sparking civil war.

Either way, Operation Blackjack would be triggered, with the Democrats blaming it on “MAGA / Christian domestic violent extremists and ISIS armed with Russian suitcase nukes” and the Republicans blaming it on “the Communist Deep State armed with Chinese / North Korean nukes.” Artemis would be the actual source of the explosions.

Be aware that there are no “good guys” on either the Democrat or Republican side; just Kabbalist Jews, Jesuit Catholics, and Freemasons carrying out their insane plan to remake the world in the most dimwitted and destructive way possible. Stupid. Fu*king. Monkeys.

~ from 18 January 2024 ~

Watch for the imminent removal of House Speaker Johnson over the passage of the continuing resolution. This would be done to remove him from the presidential line of succession before they hit Biden and Harris at an abortion event in Virginia on the 23rd. Multiple signs are pointing to the 23rd on both the Ukraine War and Gaza War fronts.

On the Ukraine War front…

On the Gaza War front…

On the US domestic front…

Looking at all this together, Operation Blackjack is indicated for the 23rd. The UK, UN, Kyiv, and Biden & Harris would be among the targets. And a hit at an abortion event would be used to add “Christian extremists” to the list of those blamed; the patsies would have social media posts and manifestos referencing End Times prophecy and “God’s wrath on a sinful America”

WARNING (17 January 2024): A reader has pointed out that the apish British Royals are making medical excuses to go to their bugout locations for the remainder of January, so the next two weeks are critical (as if we didn’t already know that). The fact that they would expend their “medical excuse” card now, though, indicates serious intent on their part. They will find themselves up against greater intent.

Now that the globalists have the 5-day window of the Day of Arafah through Eid al-Adha and the Summer Day of Remembrance (June 15-19) to stage their fake messianic intervention, it is theoretically possible for them to launch their 150 days of mischief from today through January 22. So each day we’ll keep an eye out for the precipitating event. For tomorrow, January 18, that event could be the staged “MAGA + Islamist” assassination of Joe Biden in Raleigh, North Carolina, which was the location of the largest Confederate surrender of the Civil War [1,2]. It may involve rockets.

While everyone is watching for a hit on Joe Biden, watch also for the possibility of a hit on Kamala Harris. False-flagging a “MAGA” assassination on “America’s first black and female Vice President” would be a great lead-in to the made-for-TV race war (especially if it occurs at a location filled with black people), and her death would all but require Joe Biden to replace her with another black female: Michelle Obama. More details to come…

Looking ahead at the short-term scenarios for a messianic arrival by February 2, one already stands out: a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that…

Shabbat Shirah commemorates the song sung by the Hebrews following the drowning of the Egyptian Army when the Red Sea unparted. And January 26 is January 13 on the Julian calendar, which can be scripted as the end of the countdown foreshadowed with the dropping of the Times Square Ball on New Year’s Eve. The symbolism of the ball reaching the bottom of the 130-foot tower can also be interpreted as marking the beginning of a New Year (a “New Age”) in Zion: the Messianic Era.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 18th are now up. And Biden’s speech in Raleigh tomorrow is scheduled for a familiar time, 2:15 PM. Strong’s 215 is “to become inexpressible light,” an occult cue for a nuclear explosion and/or death.

CRITICAL INFORMATION (16 January 2024): My brilliant partner Onnabugeisha has nailed the setup for the January 17 attack on Israel (and its allies)…

> The planned event would happen in accordance with the Islamic cue featured in yesterday’s update…

! 1/15 (after sunset) – 1/17 (depending on the converter)

Islamic calendarIsraeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) – Created: 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708) = Rajab 5, 1367 AH, the 78th anniversary on the Islamic calendar. -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): “Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James Bible translation where the phrase ‘evil angels‘ is used. The phrase is utilized in relation to the plagues God sent upon Egypt in order to free the children of Israel from slavery. Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will. [Lucifer is a fallen angel]

> It would start with tonight’s (17 January, 02:15 UTC) conjunction of Venus (“Lucifer”) and Ceres (“guardian of the underworld pit“), which would be the “sign in the heavens” to herald the opening of the Gate to Hell and the start of the 150-day Torment of Humanity. Here’s Onna’s note on the conjunction…

1/17 Conjunction of Venus and Ceres at 02:15 UTC (In The Sky) – Strong’s Hebrew: 215. or: to be or become light / Greek: 215. alalétos: inexpressible -> Venus is Lucifer (Wikipedia) (Light-Bringer)

> The 150 days would end on the Day of Arafah [1,2], which is the day the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha begins after sunset. Eid al-Adha commemorates an event that is of significance to all Abrahamic religions: Abraham’s attempt to perform a child sacrifice of his own son. So it’s a good day for “God’s sacrificed son” and the Mahdi (the “Gemini Twins“) to show up at nightfall to save the world together.

> Eid al-Adha is a four-day holiday, which affords the Kabbalists the opportunity to run a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that would end on 19 June [1,2]. And 19 June is Essene 1 Tammuz / the Summer Day of Remembrance (commemorating the time when the waters of Noah’s Flood were stopped).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 17th are now up, and they’re loaded with dangerous cues.

NOTE (15 January 2024): Israel is in danger on Tuesday and Wednesday

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 15th and Tuesday the 16th are now up, and among them are cues that could be used to script something really bad happening to Israel on the 16th/17th. These cues may have been factored-in to the 8-day war plan we looked at yesterday, but there is nothing stopping them from going straight to the 4-day Three Days of Darkness (16, 17, 18, 19) or using the cues to script something new. It should also be noted that if they start something on Tuesday the 26th, they can still land the end of the 150-day Torment of Humanity on 13 June / Shavuot Day 2.

Here is one of the cues…

! 1/15 (after sunset) – 1/17 (depending on the converter)

Islamic calendarIsraeli Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia) – Created: 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708) = Rajab 5, 1367 AH, the 78th anniversary on the Islamic calendar. -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.

WARNING (14 January 2023): Monday the 15th Remains a Profoundly Hazardous Day

Although it appears that we’ve pushed the Kabbalists/globalists back to March, there remains a possibility that they could make their move tomorrow around the time of Joe Biden’s newly-scheduled trip to Philadelphia. It would start with masses of missiles in the Middle East (the “Plague of Hail and Fire”), proceed to Operation Blackjack followed by violent mobs of Palestinians in the streets of Israel and migrant armies in the streets of the West (the “Plague of Locusts”), and end with the start of the Three Days of Darkness (the “Plague of Darkness”) — all in the course of a single day (depending on which time zone you’re in). Something big happening in or around Ukraine is also a possibility.

I’ve completed my look into Chabad’s Torah study schedule to gain insight into how they are/were intending to schedule the plagues leading to the January 19 Deliverance and/or Exodus. In the section below, the dates link to their study schedule and the plagues link to the specific parts of the Torah/Old Testament they read that day. An asterisk means that the section being read contains the specific verse marking the beginning of the plague…

~ MORE ~

Looking at the Torah study sequence and the real-world setups that were put in place in accordance with it, their original event schedule comes into focus…

They got pushed out of the first three days of their schedule, but by scheduling another Biden trip on Monday, they’ve afforded themselves an opportunity to play catch-up and carry out the remainder of their event sequence.

With this in mind, it’s important to remember that this whole drama is focused on Israel, particularly Jerusalem. So the “official time zone” of the operation is Jerusalem time (IST), and the “official calendar” is the Jewish calendar.

In Jerusalem, the dividing line between Jewish Monday (5 Shevat) and Jewish Tuesday (6 Shevat) occurs after 4:57 PM IST, which is 9:57 AM of Monday morning Washington DC time (EST). And as “coincidence” would have it, Biden’s handlers have arranged for him to be on the ground in Hagerstown, Maryland for a short period of time between 9:30 and 9:50 AM EST. If they use his arrival there as the trigger for the missile attack on Israel and then hit him there, both things will have occurred in proper sequence on Jewish Monday, and the Three Days of Darkness will then begin on Jewish Tuesday. They’ll be back on track.

Here’s why they might hit him in Hagerstown (a city with a German heritage)…

Hagerstown’s strategic location at the border between the North and the South made the city a primary staging area and supply center for four major campaigns during the Civil War. In 1861, General Robert Patterson’s troops used Hagerstown as a base to attack Virginia troops in the Shenandoah Valley. In the Maryland Campaign of 1862, General James Longstreet’s command occupied the town while en route to the Battle of South Mountain and Antietam. In 1863, the city was the site of several military incursions and engagements as Gen. Robert E. Lee’s army invaded and retreated in the Gettysburg Campaign. In 1864, Hagerstown was invaded by the Confederate army under Lt. Gen. Jubal Early. – from Wikipedia

So will a “MAGA insurrectionist incursion” take place in Hagerstown tomorrow morning? Will the Kabbalists go for a less-perfect fulfillment by starting the missile attack and staging Biden’s death while he’s in Philly? Or have they already given up on this week/month?

NOTE (14 January 2024): LOL, they’re resetting the government shutdown schedule now!…

…from Axios

Assuming this new continuing resolution passes, the two new shutdown dates will be March 1 and March 8. And March 8 is three days before the March 11 Jewish anniversary of the Plague of Darkness / Three Days of Darkness. So they’re aiming retry their plague sequence then, assuming we’re able to block all their other approaches in the meantime. If they start the 150-day Torment of Humanity on March 8, its end date would fall on the first day of the Jewish month of Av. So they would script the “Moshiach’s” arrival on “Mount Sinai” for 1 Av, then have him do his “triumphal procession” to Jerusalem, arriving on 9 Av (Tisha B’Av).

On a possibly related note, the Gaza War will reach its 150-day mark on March 4 or 5 (depending on how you count the days), and the first shutdown date occurs three days before that. Before we get there, I’ll look into whether this could be a potential intervention date for the “Moshiach’s” forces.

NOTE (13 January 2023): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th are now up. And the critical information below has been enhanced, with important links also added throughout. I’ve also added a section on their fallback plan for the end of this month.

Yesterday they scheduled YET ANOTHER Biden assassination trip to Philadelphia for MLK day on Monday the 15th, the day Chabad’s Torah study turns to the plagues of locusts and 3 days of darkness. It presents an excellent opportunity to trigger a made-for-TV race war (“locusts” running wild in the streets destroying or taking everything in their path) via a government false-flag attack blamed on “MAGA white supremacists.” But the trip was announced to the White House press pool roughly 20 minutes before I posted the “critical information” update, so has the planned mischief been cancelled?

At the very least, the trip confirms my suspicion that the Kabbalists are/were scheduling the plagues in accordance with their Torah study schedule. Tomorrow we’ll look at each day of that schedule through the end of next week.

CRITICAL INFORMATION (12-13 January 2024): What will come on 19 January 2024, Deliverance or Exodus?

Have a look at Chabad’s Daily Thought for January 19…


As was noted in yesterday’s update, Saturn’s Day the 13th gives the Kabbalists another chance to bring on the “hail and fire”; their daily Torah study for Saturday covers the verses about the “plague of hail” on Egypt. And if they are aiming to time their other plagues in step with their continuing study of Exodus, they’ll stage the climax on 19 January 2024, the day they read Exodus 12:29-51 about the killing of Egypt’s firstborn and the beginning of the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt. It’s also the day the Moshiach’s Torah Scroll was completed and the day of the first federal budget deadline, after which parts of the US government may shut down. That is the day they’ll either deliver their False Messiah or finish off the West and scatter the Israelis to the wind.

The remaining plagues are…

  • hail and fire [missiles or (artificial) “meteors”],
  • locusts [the migrant armies are activated in the West; intifada begins in Israel],
  • 3 days of darkness [1], and
  • the death of the firstborn [the Fake Christian Rapture/Apollyon’s Harvest/”sacrifice of the first fruit” or many Israelis die from “a pathogen” (vax activation)], leading to
  • Deliverance (“Moshiach”) OR Exodus (of Israel into captivity), or
  • Exodus (of the Christians in the Fake Rapture) AND Deliverance (“Moshiach”).

On a possibly related note, a reader pointed out that on Thursday NASA finally opened the main part of their sample container from the asteroid Bennu (“Phoenix”). So if they opt for an Israeli Exodus, will they scatter them with the nuclear/radiological psyop or with fear of an “alien pathogen” that has made its way to Israel [1,2]?

~ MORE (unfinished) ~

Why spoil just one Kabbalist plan when you can spoil two?

When the Kabbalists saw that their current plan was exposed, they activated their fallback plan by scheduling an assassination trip for Biden to Columbia, South Carolina on the weekend of January 27-28. “Columbia” is the female personification of America, and the City of Columbia was burned during the Civil War when the Union came to town. Also, South Carolina was the first state to secede before the Civil War. They’re aiming to kill him there on Friday night the 26th or Saturday the 27th, the day the Chabadniks study Exodus 17 (which talks about the Hebrews defeating the Amalekites — Amalek has become the general term for any “enemy of Israel”).

Biden’s assassination that weekend will trigger the same chain of events that is/was planned for this Saturn’s Day through next Saturn’s Day (the 19th). He’d die on Saturday the 27th, and they’d roll out the remaining plagues over the following days. The Three Days of Darkness would start on January 31 and end after sunset of February 2nd. February 2 is the second budget deadline for the US government and the Christian holiday of Candlemas (the “Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ”). And after sunset, it becomes the Jewish day of 24 Shevat, which also features a messianic connection…

Zachariah’s Prophecy (351 BCE)

“On the 24th day of the 11th month, which is the month of Shevat, in the second year of the reign of Darius, the word of G-d came to Zachariah the son of Berechiah the son of Ido the prophet, saying: ‘…I will return to Jerusalem in mercy, my house will be built within her…and the Lord shall yet console Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem.’” (Zechariah 1:7-17)

This was two years before the completion of the 2nd Temple on the 3rd of Adar, 3412 (349 BCE). – from

So the “rain of fire” would stop after sunset on the 2nd and the Fake Jewish Messiah and his Fake ETs would land on Saturn’s Day the 3rd / 24 Shevat.

I’ll add links and enhance & expand this update over the weekend.

ALERT (12 January 2024): The Communist Revolution is Being Signalled Today

The globalists went ahead and staged the strikes on the Houthis last night. Now we wait to see if they make a big deal out of it or not. The US has already been striking Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq, so adding Yemen to the mix is nothing really new. And noone can say that the Houthis didn’t have it coming. So if it becomes a big deal, it is because that’s how the Kabbalist central banking cartel has scripted it.

Judging by the way the Drudge Report looks today, they are intending to make it into something big…

At the top is the flag of Iowa. The real reason it was placed there is because it resembles the tricolor flag of France, which originated with the French Revolution — the globalists have borrowed heavily from the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution in scripting America’s Communist Revolution (which “took power with Biden, but has yet to fully consolidate control”). And the headlines atop the left column display all the language one would expect — “dramatic escalation,” “outrage in Middle East,” “Houthis vow unimaginable revenge” — to precede something like Operation Blackjack (speaking of which, here is one of Onnabugeisha’s notes on today)…

Blackjack – A slide show story (The TelegraphOperation Blackjack – the story of a series of terrorist nuclear attacks on major western cities and the aftermath. Published: 12 January 2009

If the globalists opt for a shortened timetable, we could see the Fake Jewish Messiah early next week. More likely, though, we’ll see 5 months of war or a few days of war followed by 5 months of a communist reign of terror (as they round up their enemies on the “political right” and consolidate control over a devastated West). The Fake Jewish Messiah would then come in to defeat them starting on Shavuot (and round up his enemies on the “political left”). The net result will be the elimination of resistance across the political spectrum to the globalists’ planned BRICS NWO, which will seem like paradise, at first.

See the updates below for more details.

(11 January 2024) – They are trotting Joe Biden out for another “MAGA” assassination setup tomorrow, this time in Allentown, Pennsylvania

Allentown played a central role in both inspiring the American Revolution and supporting the subsequent Revolutionary War. Some of the first Patriot resistance to British colonialism in the Thirteen Colonies began in and around present-day Allentown

Allentown holds historical significance as the location where the Liberty Bell, then known as the State House Bell, was successfully hidden for nine months by American patriots to avoid its capture by the British Army after the fall of Philadelphia during the Revolutionary War. – from Wikipedia

This visit is happening as the US-UK are starting attacks on the Houthis in Yemen [to set the Iran (Ram-Goat) War in motion].

Meanwhile, at the UN, the Secretary-General is apparently hosting a luncheon for the Security Council tomorrow after which the Council will meet on the situation in the Middle East at 3 PM


So tomorrow is a good day to hit the UN too (as well as the International Court of Justice, which is hearing a case about “Israel’s genocide in Gaza”).

All this makes tomorrow a candidate for Operation Blackjack and/or a Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) scenario. If they start 3DOD on the 12th, the fourth day will fall on the 15th, from which they can reach Shavuot with a 150-day inclusive count.

~ MORE ~

The Kabbalists have a good reason to start the “hail and fire” on Friday the 12th or Saturday the 13th. Friday is the day the Chabad-Lubavitchers do their Torah study on Exodus 8:19-9:16, and Exodus 9, verses 13-16 relate to the plague of hail and fire (thunder and lightning) that was supposedly unleashed on Egypt. Their Saturday Torah study covers the verses (17-35) that specifically mention the hail, thunder and lightning. And Saturday is the 13th, the day that would fulfill the symbolism of the Times Square Ball Drop I covered in the 8 January update below.

So on the day the little Chabadnik lemmings are doing their Torah study on the Plague of Hail, their cult leaders may be unleashing it upon Israel and the Western World. The Kabbalists are the enemies of every race of humankind, including all Jews who aren’t both Kabbalist and “elite” — rank-and-file Kabbalists and all other Jews are expendable pawns to them.

~ from earlier today ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 12th are now up. And getting back to Monday the 8th when they sent Biden to Dallas for assassination, Onna ran across this additional timing cue…

• Assassination of John F. Kennedy (Wikipedia) – Date: 22 November 1963. 8 January 2024 was its 60 years, 6 weeks and 6 days mark [666].

The watch for hail and fire continues through the weekend.

(9-10 January 2024) – Are Israel and their allies about to experience “hail and fire”?

Onnabugeisha and I have monitored chatter from the “Christian Watchmen” Propaganda Corps that is drawing attention to January 11 for a variety of bullsh*t reasons. But I suspect that Onna’s notes on Wednesday the 10th contain the real reason: the Gregorian date of January 11 (1/11) corresponds to the Jewish date of 1 Shevat (11/1) this year. And in the Jewish history of Moses’s time, 1 Shevat brought this part of “God’s judgment” on Egypt…


The Kabbalists may be intending to use the history of 1 Shevat as the basis for scripting a “Hail and Fire Judgment” on Israel that day, thus beginning the “Final Chastisement of Israel” their disinfo doofus Joel Richardson has spoken of.

1 Shevat is coming at a time when Israel is withdrawing thousands of troops from northern Gaza, and there are two ways the scriptwriters can frame the pullback…

  • “The Israelis are getting their troops out of the way before they hit Gaza with something really big, like a MOAB, MOP, or nuclear bomb to crush the tunnel network,” or
  • “The Israelis are withdrawing troops for the publicly stated reasons, but the Muslim Antichrist will take advantage of this by setting off a massive explosion in Gaza (either by ‘nuke,’ ‘fertilizer bomb,’ or ‘a meteor called down from heaven’) to make it look like Israel pulled out to unleash a big bomb.”

So we need to watch for the “Israeli Outrage” that is scripted to trigger the Muslims into unleashing “hail and fire” (their swarms of missiles with the expected “nuclear/radiological” psyop mixed in) on Israel. 1 Shevat may be the day “Zion’s desert escape” is planned to begin, and it starts in Jerusalem on January 10 after 4:53 PM local time. That’s 9:53 AM Washington DC time tomorrow, and Hiroshima will enter January 11 just 7 minutes later.

Of course, if Muslim fury is directed on Israel tomorrow, it will likely be directed on the US (and perhaps the entire Western World) as well. It should be noted, then, that the globalists have arranged for Biden and Harris to be at the White House together from around 11:30 AM through an after-meeting lunch. So the two birds will be awaiting their one stone.

~ MORE – 10 January 2024 ~

If you count forward 150 days (the “150-day Torment of Humanity“) from January 11, you arrive at 9 June / 3 Sivan, the day in Jewish history this happened…

Jews Prepare to Receive Torah (1313 BCE)

On Sivan 3, G-d instructed Moses to “set boundaries for the people around, saying, ‘Beware of ascending the mountain or touching its edge…'” (Exodus 19:10-12) in preparation for the Giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai three days later. To this day, we mark the “Three Days of Hagbalah (‘Boundaries’)” leading to the Giving of the Torah on Sivan 6. – from

And if you count forward 150-days from January 13 (see the 8 January update below about that date), you arrive on 11 June / 5 Sivan, the day in Jewish history this happened…

Jews Accept Torah (1313 BCE)

On this day, Moses made a covenant with the Jewish people at the foot of Mount Sinai at which the people declared, “All that G-d has spoken, we shall do and hear” (Exodus 24:7) committing themselves to observe the Torah’s commandments (“do”) and strive to comprehend them (“hear”), while pledging to “do” also before they “hear.” – from

[And on the next day, 6 Sivan, the Torah was given — “G-d revealed Himself on Mount Sinai“]

6 Sivan may be the night/day the Kabbalists are currently planning to bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah (Moshiach) at Mount Sinai. Will the Moshiach ben Yosef (Benjamin Netanyahu) make a covenant with the Jews on the day before his arrival?

This period of trouble may begin and end with 4-day event sequences, and one of those sequences might be the 4-day Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) scenario. If they do the 3DOD at the beginning, the Fake Christian Rapture (or, if they want to cut things short, the “Messianic Arrival”) would come on the fourth day. And the last four days of the 150 seem tailor-made for 3DOD — people would see the Fake ETs in the sky after sunset of the third day, then they would set down on Mount Sinai on the fourth day.

~ MORE ~

This morning during the 10 AM EST hour, Homeland Security asset Hal Turner reported about a cryptic message supposedly posted on Hezbollah’s website, and he warned that a massive attack on Israel would take place in an hour (arch). 10 AM EST was the same hour I posted the first note of today’s update, revealing the target date for the Fake Jewish Messiah’s arrival. So was Turner full of it, or did we dodge a bullet this morning? Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 11th are now up.

(8 January 2024) – Did you notice the symbolic nuke that went off over Times Square the moment we entered 2024?…

…from YouTube (top) and Wikipedia (middle, bottom)

I could write a whole entry about…

But I’ll cover all that later.

What I’d like to point out now is that the countdown ended with the crystal ball emitting a bright white flash that was followed by an explosion on the display board (the same sequence you see when a nuke goes off: a bright white flash, then a visible explosion). And above the explosion is the word ZION (covertly displayed in the KIA logo).

To make the new KIA logo, they flipped the word Zion front to back: here is the reversed Z (that has been rotated 90 degrees)…

Here is the I…

Here is the (angular) O…

And here is the reversed N…

If you look at this and still find yourself doubting that it really spells ZION and was intentionally designed to do so, allow me to point out that the redesigned logo made its debut in January of 2021 (to much consumer confusion and public scorn)

…from The Autopian

And 2021 was the model-year Kia featured the Sorento Zion Edition, a “desert escape” vehicle…

…from (arch)

Kia is a Korean auto manufacturer (with obvious high-level connections to the Occulted Powers). So were the Kabbalists symbolizing that a (North) Korean nuke is scripted to blow up New York (specifically the UN, which is technically still at war with North Korea)? Were they symbolizing that a nuke will blow up Zion (which is synonymous with Jerusalem and the Land of Israel) in 2024? Is that why Kia designed a Zion desert escape vehicle?

In light of this, one should note the (seemingly) unnecessary information offered in the final sentence of the video description (it was added for occult hinting purposes). The confetti “dispersed” over the crowd represented radioactive fallout, and the height of the pole (130 feet) is a reference to Strong’s 130 [the “shedding of blood” of the “Edomites” (the enemies of Israel, including the “now-communist” West, the descendants of Rome)].

The dropping of the 2024 New Year’s Ball/Bomb was an occult ritual representing what’s planned for this year (nuclear-looking mischief). And as my partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out, the Jewish anniversary of the first dropping of the Times Square Ball fell on today, January 8. And given that the number 130 is featured in the Times Square video description, we should keep an eye on January 13 (130) and January 30 (1/30).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 9th are now up.

(6-7 January 2024) – January 8 is a fallback date for starting the Ram-Goat War

There are three things you need to know today…

1) If the globalists opt-out of January 7, they can start the artificial fulfillment of the Daniel 8 War on Monday, January 8 and still hit their targeted 2300-day end date of Passover Day 8 of 2030 (by counting the days inclusively).

2) They’ve added something to the Monday schedule of America’s second Catholic “president” (Biden). After he goes to Charleston, South Carolina [where the “first shots (in major action) of the Civil War” were fired], he’s flying on to Dallas, Texas [where America’s first Catholic president (JFK) was assassinated]. This gives them the option of starting the Second Civil War in Texas on the Jewish anniversary of the Star of the West Incident [in which the “first shots (in minor action) of the Civil War” were fired]. Texas is known as the Lone Star State, and it was considered a western state back in Civil War days.

3) Onnabugeisha has corrected a note about the first New Year’s ball drop in Times Square. It occurred on the Jewish day of 27 Tevet (which is Monday, January 8 this year). On a hunch, I took a look at this year’s ball drop and found that it symbolized the countdown of the Doomsday Clock to an atomic bomb explosion. I’ll show you this tomorrow.

Tomorrow I’ll also show you their script for Biden’s assassination (whenever and wherever it ends up occurring). As I’ve covered before, “gun-owning MAGA white supremacists” are being set up to take the blame, and the post-assassination Homeland Security move to take away their guns is what will spark the Second Civil War. Red-blooded Texans won’t put up with that sh*t (although the citified metrosexuals might limp-wristedly hand them over).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 7th are now up.

~ MORE – 7 January 2024 ~

I don’t have much time to write today, so I’ll cut to the chase on the matter of the assassination setup for Joe Biden…

First, his handlers scheduled him to go to Philadelphia, the “spiritual heart of the American Revolution,” on the anniversary of the ridiculously farcical “January 6 Insurrection” (he ended up going a day earlier after they changed their plans).

Second, they scheduled him to go to Charleston, the location of the first major battle of the Civil War, on January 8.

Third, they scheduled him to go to Dallas, the location of the JFK presidential assassination, on January 8.

Are you beginning to see what they’re building up to with “Archduke” Biden?

Here is an excerpt from a news article about the Charleston visit tomorrow [with added links and my additions in brackets]…

On Monday, Jan. 8, Biden will deliver remarks at Mother Emanuel AME [black] Church in Charleston, a venue his campaign says “embodies the stakes for the nation at the moment [civil war].”

Mother Emanuel is the site of a mass shooting where nine people were killed.

The mass shooting happened on June 18, 2015, and impacted not only the people of South Carolina but the country as a whole

“Whether it is white supremacists descending on the historic [for racial tension] American city of Charlottesville, the assault on our nation’s capital on January 6 [“by MAGA“] or a white supremacist murdering churchgoers at Mother Emanuel nearly nine years ago, America is worried about the rise in political violence and determined to stand against it,” Biden-Harris 2024 Principal Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks said. – from

So what they have in mind for Biden’s staged assassination will involve government agents posing as “MAGA white supremacists” to shoot Biden and a bunch of black people either in Charleston or Dallas. That’s why they’ve arranged for Joe to go to a black church in Charleston and a wake at a black church in Dallas. On the menu for the wake: assorted finger foods, the flesh and blood of Jesus, and race war. The other assassination option involves Day X / Operation Blackjack and “suitcase nukes,” but I’ll cover that tomorrow morning afternoon.

Onnabugeisha’s notes for Monday the 8th are now up.

(5 January 2024) – Do you remember yesterday’s update about the Daniel 8 Ram-Goat War, the 2300 days, and January 7 (Sunday)? Well I just ran across occult confirmation of what I wrote about…

…from Yahoo / AFP. Here’s an excerpt…

An ancient palace where Alexander The Great was crowned King of Macedonia will reopen to the public on Sunday after a 16-year 20 million euro renovation aiming to restore its past glory.

At a ceremony on Friday, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis called the Palace of Aigai a “monument of global importance.”

The 4th century BC site spreads over 15,000 square meters was one of the most important in classical Greece alongside the Parthenon in Athens.

Aigai was capital of the Macedonian kingdom, the dominant military power of the time, and archeologists say the palace was the kingdom’s spiritual centre.

So the globalists are/were intending to kick off the 2300 days of the Daniel 8 prophecies on Sunday (Orthodox Christmas Day). And if you look at a map of Alexander’s conquests, it is reminiscent of the map of Erdogan’s desired Neo-Ottoman Empire. In accordance with Daniel 8, then, the globalist scriptwriters will likely assign the role of Alexander the Great to the Turkish Muslim Antichrist / Dajjal character…

Daniel’s Vision of a Ram and a Goat

1 In the third year of King Belshazzar’s reign, I, Daniel, had a vision, after the one that had already appeared to me. 2 In my vision I saw myself in the citadel of Susa in the province of Elam; in the vision I was beside the Ulai Canal. 3 I looked up, and there before me was a ram with two horns, standing beside the canal, and the horns were long. One of the horns was longer than the other but grew up later. 4 I watched the ram as it charged toward the west and the north and the south. No animal could stand against it, and none could rescue from its power. It did as it pleased and became great.

5 As I was thinking about this, suddenly a goat with a prominent horn between its eyes came from the west, crossing the whole earth without touching the ground. 6 It came toward the two-horned ram I had seen standing beside the canal and charged at it in great rage. 7 I saw it attack the ram furiously, striking the ram and shattering its two horns. The ram was powerless to stand against it; the goat knocked it to the ground and trampled on it, and none could rescue the ram from its power. 8 The goat became very great, but at the height of its power the large horn was broken off, and in its place four prominent horns grew up toward the four winds of heaven.

9 Out of one of them came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the south and to the east and toward the Beautiful Land. 10 It grew until it reached the host of the heavens, and it threw some of the starry host down to the earth and trampled on them. 11 It set itself up to be as great as the commander of the army of the Lord; it took away the daily sacrifice from the Lord, and his sanctuary was thrown down. 12 Because of rebellion, the Lord’s people a and the daily sacrifice were given over to it. It prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground.

13 Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to him, “How long will it take for the vision to be fulfilled—the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, the rebellion that causes desolation, the surrender of the sanctuary and the trampling underfoot of the Lord’s people?”

14 He said to me, “It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated.” – Daniel 8, verses 1-14 from / NIV Study Bible

Watch, therefore, for Turkey (the prominent horn between the goat’s eyes) to play a leading role in the Goat Powers’ destruction of Iran. Also watch for Turkey to be shattered into 4 parts and for the Fake Muslim Messiah / Dajjal to emerge from one of those parts.

As for the sequence of events, the vision starts with the ram (Iran) charging towards the west (Israel), north (Azerbaijan), and south (Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf, and the waters around Yemen). These charges will be the real or false-flagged Iranian attacks. The vision then narrates the goat furiously striking the ram and destroying it — this will be the “counteroffensive” by the Goat Powers.

It should also be noted that Alexander’s temple was rededicated today, making the Friday before Orthodox Christmas Sunday its dies natalis. This is a symbolic reenactment of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. So Sunday will give rise to the “resurrection” of the Fake Christ / Fake Jewish Messiah / Moshiach / Saturn. The Kabbalists have suggested that the Moshiach will begin to make his presence felt when the war begins.

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturday the 6th are now up. Keep in mind that the January 7 festivities can begin as soon as Jewish Sunday (26 Tevet) begins in Jerusalem at 4:50 PM of January 6 (45 is Trump’s number, and it’s associated with his superhero NFT cards). 4:50 PM in Jerusalem is 9:50 AM in Washington DC. And just look at the occult cues connected to 26 Tevet.

WARNING (4 January 2024): Today they launched the mainstream preparatory propaganda for the Israeli nuclear/radiological false-flag I’ve been warning about

…from The Hill

The ongoing war in the Gaza Strip is the Kabbalists’ springboard into two long-planned conflicts that are designed to artificially fulfill Bible prophecies: 1) the Ram-Goat War from Daniel 8 that will destroy Iran (the ram), which segues into 2) the Battle of Gog-Magog / First Battle of Armageddon that almost completely destroys Israel before the Space Force / Fake ET “lights in the sky” perform their scripted intervention.

So the next step in the scripted sequence is to start the war that destroys Iran. This would be accomplished by false-flag attacks that cause Turkey (+ Azerbaijan), Israel, Saudi Arabia and/or the United States / NATO to annihilate Iran with massive airstrikes, perhaps even “nuclear” strikes (which is why the Hill article talks about Israel using their nukes on Iran, although Artemis rods would likely be used to simulate nukes).

Here is Wikipedia’s summary of the Daniel 8 vision / prophecy of the Ram-Goat War

In the third year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon, Daniel in a vision sees himself in Susa, which is in Elam, in modern-day western Iran. In his vision he sees a ram with two horns, one greater than the other; the ram charges to the west, north and south, and no other beast can stand against it. Daniel then sees a male goat with a single horn come from the west without touching the ground; it strikes the ram and destroys it. At the height of his power the goat’s horn is broken and in its place four horns grow. One of the horns is small but grows great and prospers in everything it does, throwing stars down to the earth, stopping the daily sacrifice, destroying the sanctuary and throwing truth to the ground. Daniel is told the vision will be fulfilled in 2,300 evenings and mornings, when the sanctuary will be cleansed. The angel Gabriel appears and tells Daniel that this is a vision about the time of the end.

By employing real or false-flagged “Iranian” missiles out of Yemen, the globalists can strike Saudi Arabia and US forces in the region. And by employing real or false-flagged “Iranian” missiles out of Lebanon/Syria, they can strike Israel, Turkey, and US forces in that region. Turkish president Erdogan is scripted to die or fall from power right before or during the Ram-Goat War. Will his death be blamed on the Iranians or the Israelis?

Remember that the “goat” powers have forces inside Yemen that can perform false-flag missile attacks. And Israel has tunnels into Lebanon and Syria, with hollowed-out underground silos in those nations that can also be used for missile false-flags. Given that Iran’s Khamenei and his top men are Kabbalist assets (and probably Crypto-Jews), it really doesn’t matter who fires the missiles; it is only the why that matters.

~ MORE ~

It may be that the globalist scriptwriters are/were planning to schedule big attacks by or against Iran on January 7, which is this Sunday and Orthodox Christmas Day. That may be why they’ve scheduled Biden assassination opportunities on the days before and after (January 6 & 8). Big precursor events may occur between now and the 7th.

Depending on how you interpret verses 13-14 of Daniel 8, the 2300 days it mentions can be the time it takes for the unfolding of all the vision’s events from beginning to end or for the unfolding of the subset of events from the temple desecration to the end. If the globalists opt for “beginning to end” and start the artificial fulfillment on 7 January 2024, the 2300th-day end date will fall on 25 April 2030, Day 8 of Passover — the day the Chabadniks hold this…

Moshiach’s Meal

The last day of Passover (“Acharon Shel Pesach”) is particularly associated with Moshiach and the future redemption. The Haftarah (reading from the Prophets) for this day is from Isaiah 11, which describes the promised future era of universal peace and divine perfection. Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov instituted the custom of partaking of a “Moshiach’s meal” on the afternoon of the last day of Passover; in addition to the matzah eaten at “Moshiach’s meal”, the Rebbes of Chabad added the custom of drinking four cups of wine, as in the seder held on Passover’s first days. – from

This would be the date they’d unveil either their “Real” Jewish Messiah or their Kabbalah Christ, who will “reconsecrate the sanctuary.” See the 1 January update (below) for other details on January 6/7.

~ MORE ~

Biden’s first assassination setup has been moved to tomorrow. See Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 5th for details.

1/3: LOL, the Kabbalists are already arranging a fallback assassination setup for Biden in Charleston, South Carolina on January 8. Charleston was where the “first shots (in major action) of the Civil War” were fired. This setup is hilarious — pure paint-by-numbers; more later.

NOTE: On another note about what was planned for today, 3 January, they arranged for the UN Security Council to be talking “peace and security” on the Houthi / Red Sea situation at 3 PM this afternoon [1,2]. Another one down the drain. Let’s see if they try again on January 4.

Also, a reader has pointed out a historical connection that exists among the Quadrantid meteor shower, an exploded comet, and “stones that fell like rain” in Qingyang, China in the year 1490. Whether the connection is scientifically accurate or not is irrelevant — what’s relevant is that it can be used to support a narrative that “the Earth encountered larger fragments of the comet this year, like it did in 1490.”

(3 January 2024) – A fresh outrage against the Iranians has been staged today, on the eve of the following…

The Muslim calendar anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks is tomorrow, January 4, the day the Quadrantid meteor shower is due to peak. The meteors could provide cover for an Artemis attack on the West. And if the globalists start a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario on the 4th…

If they attempt this, the attacks could begin in the early morning of Thursday (when the meteors are expected to peak) or after sunset Thursday in the Middle East (to sync with other Muslim calendar coverters). Sunset in Jerusalem tomorrow begins at 4:48 PM local time, which is 9:48 AM Washington DC time.

~ MORE ~

January 4, 2024 on the Gregorian calendar is…
23 Tevet (until nightfall) / 24 Tevet (after nightfall) on the Jewish calendar, and
22 Jumada II (until nightfall) / 23 Jumada II (after nightfall) on the Islamic calendar.

According to Google, the 911 Attacks happened on the Islamic day of 23 Jumada II, but according to, they happened on 22 Jumada II. Both converters agree on tomorrow’s Islamic date. The converter on says the 23rd for 9/11, along with this: “There is a small probability of [a] one day error.”

With Thursday’s calendar dates in mind, here are some other notable things about tomorrow (from Onna’s previous notes)…

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel) Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022, 666 days ago on January 4. [Mike Pence was in charge of all space-related matters during the Trump administration and was intimately involved in bringing both the Artemis Program and the Space Force into existence. He’s also an antichrist candidate who may take “Trump’s stolen presidency” after the Space Force intervention.]

• Ali Khamenei is the 2nd and current Supreme Leader of Iran. Khamenei officially succeeded Ruhollah Khomeini after Khomeini’s death, being elected as the new Supreme Leader by the Assembly of Experts on 4 June 1989 (Wikipedia), 415months ago on January 4. ->  Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob /Greek: 415. aneleemon: without compassion, cruel

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency (the White House President ObamaHis next stop (Medium): Berlin, Germany.  [your blog: Twice-Expanded NOTE (9-10 October 2023)] Date: 16 November 2016, 7 years, 7 weeks ago on January 4. [Remember that this event symbolized his defeat of the Western world.]

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Born: 17 January 1955 = 23 Tevet [Parolin is a candidate for the “Nazi Pope” role, so watch for something to happen to Pope Francis tomorrow.]

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey since 2014. Born: 26 February 1954 (2/26) = Jumada II 22, 1373 AH, his 72nd Islamic birthday [72 (number)(Wikipedia)].  [Watch for Erdogan to die and/or for a move by the Turkish Antichrist character (the “man behind the throne” in Turkey).]

Islamic calendarJumada II 22 (6/22, 22/6) -> about the number 226 (your blog on 8 November 2023) and  Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove / Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly; Usage: (a) I kill, destroy, (b) I lose, mid: I am perishing (the resultant death being viewed as certain).

Onna’s new notes on Thursday the 4th are now up, and they’re quite interesting as well.

WARNING (2 January 2024): Will we go back to the future on January 3, this time in the Red Sea and Yemen/Iran?…


As of this writing, Israel is entering January 3, the anniversary of the “death” of Iran’s Qasem Soleimani. And a real or false-flagged Iran Revolutionary Guards attack against Israeli or American forces on Israel’s northern border or around Yemen is a distinct possibility. Watch for the possible sinking of a US or coalition warship in the Red Sea with “an advanced ‘Russian’ anti-ship missile” fired from Yemen, possibly by Mossad / CIA / GID but blamed on Iran. This is intended to goad the US into destroying Iran for Israel.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 3rd are now up, and they support the scripting of serious trouble, up to and including Operation Blackjack. See the red section of yesterday’s update below for other scriptable scenarios.

~ MORE ~

Here is some mainstream preparatory propaganda they rolled out today in preparation for tomorrow’s planned event: Putin Under Pressure to Attack British Military – from Newsweek. Here’s an excerpt…

Russia is being encouraged by some of its own to target the British military for helping Ukraine carry out a successful attack in the Black Sea last week…

Barinchik desires a response through the Iran-aligned Houthis, to sink the British ship that is currently participating in the 12-nation “Guardian of Prosperity” operation led by the U.S.

These talking points were put out in the controlled alt-media days ago, and on January 3rd the occult cues are aligned to attempt it.

(1 January 2024) – The first bogey of 2024 has popped up on the radar screen: a setup for January 6/7 that will begin with a hit on the Bidens in Philadelphia on the anniversary of the January 6 “Insurrection” this Saturday (Saturn’s Day). It would start a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario that would end on June 4/5, Jerusalem Day. More on this on January 5.

It’s going to be another paint-by-numbers year.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 2nd are now up. They contain some interesting numbers that apply to 22 Tevet / January 3. 22 Tevet starts in Jerusalem after 4:47 PM Tuesday (9:47 AM Tuesday in Washington DC). The nuclear/radiological false-flag in Israel is scriptable, as is something concerning the Ukraine War, perhaps the “Cobasna Disaster” or a move on Putin.