Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – October Updates

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The NWO Transition Event Overwatch
Don’t Be Fooled when it comes

Twice-Expanded IMPORTANT INFORMATION (15 October 2024): STOP THE PRESSES – The trigger event for tomorrow’s midnight attack has been set. Watch for Biden’s death and Israel’s Iran attack tomorrow, followed by JFK Junior’s public return on November 25

Joe Biden will be attending a Kennedy family funeral at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington DC at 1 PM EDT on Wednesday. As you probably know, Biden is America’s second Catholic president. And the funeral of America’s assassinated first Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, was held at St. Matthew’s.

In the course of my research today, I found that a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario started at midnight of October 17 in Israel — which is 5 PM tomorrow in Washington — would land its end on November 25. But since I couldn’t find an occult cue for that day, I didn’t include it on my list of Fake Jewish Messiah landing dates (the one in red below). As it turns out, though, JFK’s funeral was held on November 25.

So watch for a Biden assassination (possibly by drone attack) or “sudden death” (by clot shot) before 5 PM EDT tomorrow. This could lead to the scripting of Israel’s attack on Iran soon after — “before commie Kamala can move to shut down Israel’s war effort.” That, in turn, would lead to the “Axis of Resistance” launching an immediate counterattack. The end of the conflict would then come on the 40th day, November 25, with the reemergence of JFK Jr.

Alternatively (and much less likely), they could trot out JFK Jr. at the funeral tomorrow. This would signal the launch of a 2-week “Mass Arrest of the Communist Deep State” psyop that ends on October 30, the end date of the Revelation 12 Tribulation.

Links to come.

~ from earlier today ~

There are three consecutive midnights in Israel this week that are extremely dangerous…

  • midnight of October 15-16, which has just passed over us and was covered in the first part of the Alert below;
  • midnight of October 17-18, which is covered in the second part of the Alert; and
  • midnight of October 16-17, the one in-between, which will occur during the first day of Sukkot (a very dangerous day for scripting the start of the “Fire Phase” of the Gog-Magog War / World War 3 and the Second Exodus).

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 16th are now up. And I’ll begin my coverage of Wednesday-Thursday night (Jerusalem time) in the coming hours.

Also, be sure to save a fresh offline copy of this home page NOW. With the Internet Archive down for so many days, readers’ saves may be the only historical record of this information (and a great deterrent to the mischief makers). Also be sure you have saves of the “End Times” Deception page and the UFO/ET Con page.

~ MORE ~

A war started on October 17 (Jerusalem time) — which is Day 1 of Sukkot — can bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah / Antichrist…

ALERT (14 October 2024): The Planned October 15-16 Summit Attacks and the Rise of the Next Antichrist Character

The Drudge Report is featuring two notable numbers in red headlines today, 500 and 43

In Strong’s Bible concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, number 500 is “antichrist” and “God ascends“, so they’re “Trumpeting” the rise of the Antichrist, “the god of this fallen world.”

And in the Bible, the meaning of the number 43 is supposedly related to this…

Book 43 out of 49 in the originally canonized version of Scripture is 2Thessalonians. This short work, only the second of fourteen to be penned by the Apostle Paul, was recorded in 51 A.D. The book is noteworthy in that it reveals that an apostasy must take place just prior to the Lord’s Second Coming back to earth.

Do not let anyone deceive you by any means because that day will not come unless the apostasy shall come first, and the man of sin shall be revealed – the son of perdition, the one who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is an object of worship; so that he comes into the temple of God and sits down as God, proclaiming that he himself is God (2Thessalonians 2:3 – 4).” – from

The next opportunity for the new antichrist character to start his (or her) rise is October 15-16, when hits on a summit city in the East (Islamabad) and a summit city in the West (Brussels) can kick off the hot phase of the “Gog-Magog War” / World War III.

A war started on October 16 (Jerusalem time) — which is Erev Sukkot — can bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah / Antichrist…

The likely strike time is at midnight o’clock or rabbinical midnight of October 16 Jerusalem time.

~ MORE ~

The Fallback

The Kabbalists have arranged for Joe Biden to be in Berlin, Germany from the evening of October 17th to the evening of the 18th. And reader Sohei has passed along news that the NATO defense ministers will be meeting in Brussels on the 17th and 18th, the same days the European Council summit will be taking place there. So it appears that the Kabbalists are falling back to October 17-18 for their attempt to stage Operation Blackjack. And this morning I stumbled across a possible reason why…

(13 October 2024) – October 14: The Precursor to a Planned Nuclear Terror Op by the End of the Month

…from an FAS article on Steadfast Noon

On October 15 and 16, there is a confluence of occult scripting cues, prophecy event scheduling factors, and real world events that favor the scheduling of the NWO Transition War. And on October 14, there are two notable events that will set the stage for the associated nuclear war drama…

     1) NATO will commence their two-week “Steadfast Noon” nuclear strike exercise, during which they’ll be loading dummy nuclear weapons aboard their aircraft and flying simulated airstrikes. All that would be needed to take this exercise live is simply loading the real nukes instead of the dummies (perhaps even real nukes that have been painted to look like dummies).

     2) Eastern Orthodox Christians will celebrate the holiday of the Intercession / Protection of the Virgin Mary. The theme of this holiday is Mary’s protection and intervention on behalf of humanity, and it is most fervently observed in the current European warzone of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia — the warzone within striking distance of Steadfast Noon…

The feast is commemorated in Eastern Orthodoxy as a whole, but by no means as fervently as it is in Russia, Belarus, and, especially, Ukraine. In the Slavic Orthodox Churches it is celebrated as the most important solemnity besides the Twelve Great Feasts and Pascha. In Ukraine, it has a special meaning through its connection to the spirituality of the Ukrainian Cossacks and, accordingly and more recently, to Defenders of Ukraine Day. – from Wikipedia

Given all this, keep an eye out for increased UFO/UAP sightings over Europe starting tomorrow. These could be scripted as “angels in the sky sent (by Mary) to protect humanity from the outbreak of nuclear war.” And since tomorrow is a Marian holiday, it provides another opportunity to script Pope Francis’s death. His death on Monday could lead to a funeral on Friday or Saturday — a funeral that can be hit as a fallback to what’s planned for the 15th-16th.

By the way, the Kabbalists are obsessed with gematria, so consider this: noon is when both hands of the clock point to 12, “twelve noon,” and midnight is also when both hands point to 12, “twelve midnight.” So what will the Doomsday Clock read during Steadfast Noon?…

…from Gematria Effect News (Steadfast Noon = Twelve Midnight = 72, and 72 is a number of great importance to Kabbalist numerologists)

Israeli Holocaust / Fall of the West Overwatch for October 10-18

(10-12 October 2024) – With the October 30 end date of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline fast approaching, the timeframe of October 10-18 is a high-probability period for the Second Holocaust in Israel and the Fall of the West / “Mystery Babylon” (a messianic save is alternatively scriptable). This time period contains the important Jewish holidays of Yom Kippur and Sukkot, as well as the Jewish anniversary — according to some sources — of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction.

During these holidays the Kabbalists have arranged for four international summits — all of which present juicy targets for war-starting decapitation strikes: the ASEAN / East Asia Summits (Oct. 10-11), the EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit (Oct. 16), and the European Council Summit (Oct. 17-18). So all the pieces are in place for the globalists to fake major “End Times” events over the next eight days, including the start of the NWO Transition War.

Starting this afternoon/evening (Texas time), I’ll post a standardized assessment of the different scenarios that are actionable each day through October 18. It’s a bit tedious, but I have no choice. And looking at the calendar of events, the most dangerous-looking days are (in Jerusalem time)…

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If Israel gets scattered on October 11, watch for the Fake Jewish Messiah to come on October 14 or November 10 or 17. See the section below. Given the conveniently-timed hack attack that has taken down the Internet Archive, be sure to save a fresh offline copy of this page now.

~ MORE ~

If the globalists launch the Big Event on October 11 / 9 Tishrei (Jerusalem time)…

~ MORE – 11 October 2024 ~

Reader Sohei has reminded me of the October 22-24 BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, which I forgot to put on the October event calendar (it’s now added). That summit coincides with the October 23 danger date I came across in my research, and there are two obvious plays that could be scripted for it: 1) a strike on the gathered leaders by the Western-Israeli terror proxy ISIS-K or Ukraine, or 2) the launch of a BRICS gold standard that triggers a currency crisis in the West.

If they don’t go for the fake spiritual event before the US presidential election, they may aim to create the perfect storm to stampede the electorate to Trump. This would be accomplished by Israel striking Iran’s oil sites to cause a spike in oil prices and the BRICS triggering a US financial / currency crisis to cause an inflationary spike in prices for all imported goods. Such an “Inflation Tsunami” would sweep America’s voters straight into the Trump camp.

Turning our attention back to October 12, Yom Kippur has already begun in Israel, so it’s a good time to start a Second Yom Kippur War. And looking at my partner Onnabugeisha’s key notes on tomorrow, it’s also a good day to take down “Mystery Babylon” (the West)…

Roman festivals: October 12  (WikipediaAugustalia, celebrated from 14 AD in honour of the divinized Augustus, established in 19 BC with a new altar and sacrifice to Fortuna Redux (a form of the goddess Fortuna who oversaw a return, as from a long or perilous journey – Wikipedia)

• Fall of Babylon: on 12 October 539 BC (pre-Julian Roman calendar) the army of Cyrus the Great of Persia without a battle entered Babylon (Wikipedia: here or here). -> 17 days later, on 29 October, Cyrus himself entered Babylon, where he was proclaimed king, issued royal proclamations and appointed governors of his newly conquered realm (Wikipedia). 

• Christopher Columbus Reaches the “New World” (HISTORYLibrary of Congress) – After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island on October 12, 1492 (Julian), believing he has reached East Asia, 532 years ago

Using these occult cues, the Kabbalists could script Babylon’s fall giving rise to a New World under Augustus (Putin) and Cyrus (Trump).”

On another note, reader Sohei has found two more summits that are taking place during the October 10-18 danger period…

  1. The International Conference “Interconnection of Times and Civilizations – the Basis of Peace and Development” took place today, October 11, in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The summit venue was in the Greater Khorasan area, ISIS-K‘s home turf (so it was targetable). Vladimir Putin attended, and spoke of creating a “New World Order”.
  2. Another Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit will take place on October 15-16 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The SCO already held a summit in early July, and this second one is taking place right outside the Greater Khorasan area in a country (Pakistan) that has already seen terrorist attacks on the encroaching Chinese. Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are not attending, so this meeting may be intended for a fire sacrifice. And it is taking place one day after the SCO’s Western counterpart, NATO, begins its annual two-week nuclear exercise, “Steadfast Noon”.

As I’ve mentioned previously, October 15-16 is very dangerous (in both the West and East) — it’s a great opportunity for scripting “nuke-possessing Israel to get the East and West fighting each other so they can have a free hand in the Middle East.”

~ MORE – 12 October 2024 ~

Threat Assessment for Sunday, October 13 / 11 Tishrei

The primary threat posed by the upcoming day is the possible scripting of “Israel striking Iran now that Yom Kippur is over.” This would, in turn, trigger the counterattack on Israel and the West that the “Axis of Resistance” have planned (along with false-flags against themselves that Israel and the West have planned to add in). Additionally, my partner Onnabugeisha sees tomorrow as a very dangerous day based on the occult cues she has uncovered. Tomorrow is 9/11 on the Chinese lunar calendar, and there are associated Dragon-related nuclear / terrorism / war cues. There are also Catholic cues that favor the scripted death of Pope Francis [see the ones highlighted in red (China) and blue (Pope Francis)].

11 Tishrei begins in Israel at 6:10 PM local time / 11:10 AM Washington DC time today. And Chinese 9/11 starts at midnight local time / noon Washington DC time today.

Should the attacks go forward on October 13, a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario would land the 4th-day Arrival on October 16 (Erev Sukkot, the day Sukkot begins at sunset). The Kabbalists would likely bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah at Mount Sinai that day, then have him lead his Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem the following morning. Sukkot is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, when Jews are commanded to visit the Temple in Jerusalem.

If you start a 1260-day Revelation 12 “Flight to the Wilderness” timeline on October 13, you reach Day 1260 on 25 March 2028, the Jewish day of 27 Adar. And 27 Adar was the death date of Zedekiah, the last king of the Davidic line to rule in the “Holy Land”. So it would be a good day to bring in the next king of the Davidic line, the Moshiach ben David, to bring an end to the Beast’s 42 (prophetic) month rule.

The most likely timing for the attack on Iran would be midnight o’clock or rabbinical midnight (halfway between sunset and sunrise) in Tehran or Jerusalem.

WARNING (9 October 2024): Here are some reasons the globalists might start the Fire Judgment on 10/10…

Remember that Communist China has been cast as the earthly Red Dragon of Revelation 12, so it makes sense that the fiery climax of the First Tribulation would begin with a big move by the CCP.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on October 10 are now up.

(7-8 October 2024) – Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 9th are now up. See the 6-7 October update below to see why the 9th is a danger day.

Reader Sohei has passed along news that Biden’s overseas trips have been postponed and there are summits in Asia on October 10-11. The summits have been added to the calendar in the blue section below.

Xi Jinping will not be attending the Asian summits, so “a Chicom hit on the Asian leaders in advance of a Chinese military move in the region” is scriptable, most likely for October 11 after sunset in Jerusalem, when Yom Kippur begins (the Jewish anniversary of the Yom Kippur War). That would likely be the night Israel strikes Iran.

Given the plethora of significant Jewish holidays and hittable summits on the calendar through October 18, the Kabbalists will have multiple fallback plans in place. And then comes October 23.

~ from yesterday, 7 October 2024 ~

In the time since I put together the event calendar in early September, the Kabbalists have added some new elements. And those new elements make October 15-16 (and other dates) very dangerous days for a scripted mass attack on the West and Israel. See the blue addition at the bottom of the following update…

(6-7 October 2024) – The next big danger date is 7 Tishrei (Tuesday-Wednesday)

The next timing window for the Big Event is the Jewish day of 7 Tishrei (sunset of October 8 to sunset of October 9, Jerusalem time), most likely after Israel enters October 9. Watch for the Israeli strike on Iran during that time or in the hours/day prior.

The Dragon (Draconid) Meteor Shower will be near its peak on October 9, and if they’re aiming for a long Revelation 12 (1260-day) and Revelation 13 (42-month) scenario…

If they instead aim for a short scenario, we might see a 4-day Three Days of Darkness on October 9, 10, 11 and 12. It would start with Essene Judgment Day and a 3-day “kinetic intervention by God,” and it would end with “the Arrival” of the Fake Jewish Messiah and his fake ETs on mainstream Jewish Yom Kippur. They could then run the Triumphal Procession Show from Yom Kippur to October 30, the final day of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline.

The nature of the Israeli strike on Iran will be determined by the opportunities that are open for the Kabbalists to run their “End Times” script. If they have a chance to go for the NWO Transition War, Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear sites. But if those doors are closed to them, they’ll hit Iran’s oil infrastructure (to cause a spike in oil prices to help Trump in the election).

~ MORE – 7 October 2024 ~

Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 7th are now up, and her notes on the Jewish and Muslim days that begin at sunset today are the most striking…

These cues make sunset today through tomorrow a good time to script a nuclear-related incident, such as an apparent nuclear explosion or the release of radioactivity from a dirty weapon or a breached nuclear power plant or nuclear weapons facility. This would segue into the 7 Tishrei scenario outlined in yesterday’s update below.

Sunset in Jerusalem today comes at 6:16 PM local time (616 is the alternate Number of the Beast) / 11:16 AM Washington DC time (in Strong’s Bible Concordance, 1116 is attached to the words “bamah: a high place” and “Gomorrah,” as in “Gomorrah being destroyed by a weapon from a high place”). Could Gomorrah be Tel Aviv, “the gay capital of the Middle East”?

~ MORE ~

The October Event Calendar
(updated as of October 11, with new additions in red)

October 8 – Essene Tabernacles Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 8-9 – Draconid meteor shower
October 9 – Essene Great Day (Shemini Atzeret)
October 10-13 – Joe Biden in Berlin, Germany [postponed]
October 10 – ASEAN / East Asia Summits, Day 1
October 11 – ASEAN / East Asia Summits, Day 2
October 12 – Yom Kippur (10 Tishrei / Jewish anniversary of Yom Kippur War start)
October 13-15 – Joe Biden in Luanda, Angola (X marks the spot) [postponed]
October 14 – Orthodox Protection of the Virgin Mary
October 14 – NATO’s 2-week nuclear exercise “Steadfast Noon” begins
October 15 – Jewish anniversary of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction [13 Tishrei1,2]
October 15-16 – SCO Summit in Islamabad, Pakistan
October 15 – Leaders start gathering in Brussels for EU summits
October 16 – EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit
October 16 – Erev Sukkot

October 17 – Sukkot Day 1
October 17 – European Council Summit, Day 1
October 18 – European Council Summit, Day 2
October 22-24 – BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia
October 23 – Sukkot Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 24 – Shemini Atzeret
October 24-25 – Persian (Iranian) anniversary of Yom Kippur War end (3-4 Aban)

October 25 – Simchat Torah
October 25-26 – Gregorian anniversary of Yom Kippur War end (1,2)

October 30 – Revelation 12 Tribulation end point (by day counts)

WARNING (6 October 2024): Will Israel’s Second Exodus begin tomorrow morning?

According to news reports, Iran has halted flights in its airspace tonight, which could be an indicator of an outgoing attack on Israel or an anticipated incoming attack from Israel. Today, October 6, is the Gregorian anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War. And tomorrow, October 7, is the Gregorian anniversary of the start of the Israel-Hamas War. Launching a new war tonight could lead to a fake messianic arrival, fake divine intervention, or fake Rapture on October 9, the Essene Great Day (Shemini Atzeret). Watch for the attack at midnight o’clock or rabbinical midnight (halfway between sunset and sunrise) Tehran or Jerusalem time tonight — they may want Israel’s Second Exodus to start in the same manner as their first.

~ a couple of hours later ~

Well that attempt didn’t last long…

Iran lifts flight restrictions ahead of schedule after grounding all flights for ‘operational restrictions’: “At around midnight, state media reported that the flight restrictions had been lifted in Iran after ensuring safe conditions. The announcement came hours before the grounding was supposed to come to an end.”

NOTE (5 October 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 6th are now up, and they include the fact that this Sunday is Territorial Defense Day in Ukraine (a holiday decreed by the Ukrainian dictator Zelensky, who is Jewish) AND, after sunset, the Jewish anniversary of Russia’s annexation of parts of Ukraine. If you pair this with this week’s murder by Ukraine of the Ukrainian head of security of Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, they might be setting up a nuclear event there. So watch for false-flag drama in Ukraine on Sunday-Monday.

Keep in mind that the controlled alt-media have been narrating that Zelensky was “visibly agitated” during his recent meeting with Trump and that the Ukrainian front lines are collapsing. So the scripted motivation for this false-flag would be “Zelensky attempting to bring NATO into the war before Trump’s possible election leads to a forced capitulation and loss of territory to Russia.”

NOTE (4 October 2024): Saturday the 5th is also a day to watch for Second Civil War-starting assassinations…

(4 October 2024) – 3 Tishrei — the Jewish day that marks the 7th year of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign” and corresponds to Saturday, October 5 — begins at sunset in Israel at 6:20 PM local time / 11:20 AM Washington DC time today. That’s when the danger window opens for Israel’s attack on Iran, which would likely come overnight in the Middle East as they enter Saturday (IF the globalists still intend to go for it on Saturday). This would be followed by Operation Blackjack in the West, seemingly perpetrated by “foreign and domestic extremists” among the “Shut It Down for Palestine” protesters (see the picture above for the true source of the explosions).

The quickest scenario that could flow from this is a 4-day Three Days of Darkness that begins after Israel enters October 6 (Tzom Gedaliah) but the West is still in October 5. This would allow the Kabbalist scriptwriters to script Netanyahu’s death and the resulting meteor storm on Sunday and the Fake Jewish Messiah‘s arrival on October 9, Essene Shemini Atzeret (“Judgment Day“).

Another quick scenario would involve the massive exchange of missiles, the scattering of the Israelis, and Operation Blackjack on Saturday the 5th (the Essene and Persian anniversaries of the start of the Yom Kippur War). “God’s judgment to save Israel from total destruction” would then come at the end of Essene Hoshana Rabbah (October 8), which would trigger the 4-day Three Days of Darkness / meteor storm on October 8-9. The Fake Jewish Messiah would then arrive on the fourth day, Yom Kippur (October 11-12). This scenario prominently features Yom Kippur and takes place over 8 days, so I call it “Yom Kippur Sukkot.”

Either of these quick scenarios — ending with the 9 or 12 October arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah — could segue into his Triumphal Procession from Sinai to Zion, which would reach its conclusion on October 30, the final day of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline.

The long (1260-day) scenario is covered in yesterday’s update below.

NOTE (3 October 2024): In the course of writing today’s update (below), I realized that the West and Israel are scripted to enter 1260 days of hell starting this Saturday — don’t miss the section in blue at the bottom. Here is the book in the Bible the Kabbalists will use as the template for their manmade destruction of the West this Saturday, October 5 (watch for a tsunami to possibly be featured).

ALERT – CRITICAL INFORMATION (3 October 2024): The (current) world (order) may end with two sweeps of a dragon’s tail…

3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads. 4 His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. – from Revelation 12 on

As we approach the final day of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline on October 30, it’s important to note that we’ll see stars from the sky” falling from the Dragon (Draco constellation) twice in the next six days…

  1. The first time will be when the Camelopardalid meteor shower reaches its peak on October 5, the day that marks 7 Jewish years since the Revelation 12 Star Sign. Through their ingrained obsession with symbolism, the globalists / Kabbalists have connected the “nuclear” destruction of the G7 nations to this “sign in the heavens”…

    …from the 2023 G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan
  2. The second time will be when the Dragon (Draconid) meteor shower is near its peak on October 9. This “sign in the heavens” can be used as cover for the release of massive numbers of artificial meteors and orbital kinetic weapons to fake “God’s Judgment” through a storm of meteors.

Using one or both of these meteor showers, the Kabbalists can script artificial prophecy fulfillment scenarios that could bring in their Moshiach, the Fake Jewish Messiah, as early as this coming Essene Shemini Atzeret (October 9) or as late as Shabbat Parah of 2028 (the Shabbat of the Red Heifer on March 17-18, 2028).

More info to come. But since I already revealed the outline of the short (Yom Kippur) scenario in yesterday’s update, I should reveal the outline of the long (Shabbat Parah) scenario now…

Revelation 12 speaks of fleeing into the wilderness for 1260 days, and a 1260-day count from October 5 lands on 1718 March 2028 (Shabbat Parah). This scenario would flow from the Kabbalists doing everything on October 5, including marking the end of the Revelation 12 Tribulation. It would be said that “the Tribulation ended after 7 Jewish years when Israel and the West fell on October 5, thus stopping the war and chaos they brought upon the world.” So these 1260 days would be a hellish period for Israel and the West and “a triumph for the rest of the world.”

Of course, Revelation 12 precedes Revelation 13, and look at what my beloved partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered about that…

What is the significance of the forty-two months …? (GotQuestions)  – In Revelation 13 John records a vision of a beast with ten horns and seven heads. According to Revelation 13:5, the beast will be given authority for forty-two months (three and a half years) and will rule over the whole earth during that time (Revelation 13:7–8). Earlier in the book of Revelation, John recorded someone saying that the holy city (Jerusalem) would be trampled under foot by the nations for forty-two months (Revelation 11:2). 

5 October 2024 + 42 months = Tuesday, 4 April 2028 (4/4), Essene calendarPassover or Wednesday, 5 April 2028 (4/5), Jewish calendarYom HaAliyah – is an Israeli national holiday celebrated annually on the tenth of the Hebrew month of Nisan to commemorate the Jewish people entering the Land of Israel as written in the Hebrew Bible. 

So this Saturday, October 5, could be scripted to mark a crushing victory of the “Global Communist Deep State” over Israel and the West. That being the case, watch for something to happen to Trump, Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin that day. And watch for the Fake Jewish Messiah’s arrival at Mount Sinai / Jebel al-Lawz in 2028 on Shabbat Parah, followed by his Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem entering Israel or Jerusalem on Essene Passover.

NOTE (2 October 2024): I’ve added another meteor shower to the event calendar below: the Draconids, which are active and near their peak on October 9. Like the Camelopardalids, their radiant lies in the Draco (“Dragon”) constellation, which links them to Revelation 12 and the Red Dragon. They also have a history of producing significant storms and come at just the right time to start a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario on October 9.


So will the big fireworks display begin today, Saturday, or Wednesday?…

…from MSN

In yesterday’s update (at the bottom of the following alert), we looked at the globalist symbolism from the G7 Summit in Hiroshima last year — symbolism that involved camels and cranes that hinted at the scripted “nuclear” attack on the West. We also looked at the Camelopardalid meteor shower and its connection to the planned “Rain of Fire.” So now let’s look at the scripted scenario that will flow from these events.

The “Rain of Fire” can be scripted as…

  • a massive, days-long exchange of missiles, suicide drones, and aerial bombs;
  • a “natural” / “supernatural” meteor storm (involving massive numbers of artificial meteors mixed with orbital kinetic weapons from the Artemis Array);
  • or first the airstrikes, then the meteors a few days (or hours) later.

With that in mind, let’s look at the event calendar from today through Yom Kippur (“the holiest day on the Jewish calendar”)

October 2 – The Holy Guardian Angels
October 2 – Essene Tabernacles Day 1 (Sukkot)
October 2 – Erev Rosh Hashana
October 2 – Annular solar eclipse (“bad omen for the world”)
October 3 – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
October 4 – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
October 4 – Saint Francis of Assisi Memorial
October 5 – Essene Israel-Hamas War anniversary (Essene 18 Tishrei – 1,2)
October 5 – Essene anniversary of Yom Kippur War start (Essene 18 Tishrei – 1,2)

October 5 – Persian (Iranian) anniversary of Yom Kippur War start (14 Mehr)
October 5 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (mainstream Jewish 3 Tishrei – 1,2)
October 5 – Camelopardalid meteor shower
October 5 – Shabbat Shuva (Return)
October 6 – Tzom Gedaliah
October 6 – Gregorian anniversary of Yom Kippur War start

October 7 – Israel-Hamas War Gregorian anniversary
October 7 – Our Lady of the Rosary
October 8 – Essene Tabernacles Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 8-9 – Draconid meteor shower
October 9 – Essene Great Day (Shemini Atzeret)
October 12 – Yom Kippur (10 Tishrei / Jewish anniversary of Yom Kippur War start)

Seeing how these events line up, the Kabbalists could schedule the massive airstrike exchanges to start in the Middle East tonight (Jerusalem time, October 2nd), with Operation Blackjack coming to the West on October 5th and “divine intervention” (the meteor storm) beginning immediately after the cities are burned (or saved). Or they could script all three events to happen on the 5th.

Tomorrow, October 3, I’ll flesh out the scenario that could flow from October 5: an 8-day “Yom Kippur Sukkot” that runs from October 5 to 12, with an embedded 4-day Three Days of Darkness that runs on October 9, 10, 11 and 12. We’ll also look at the fallback: an October 6-9 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario.

CRITICAL ALERT (29 September – 1 October 2024): Operation Blackjack is scheduled for October 5, with major precursor events possible as early as sunset of October 1 (Jerusalem time)

On Saturday, October 5, the leftist patsies will be gathered at strategic locations throughout the West for Artemis Rodfall

…from Shut It Down For Palestine (top) and Gematria Effect News (bottom). Note the number 153

1 Thessalonians 5:3 – “While people are saying, ‘Peace and security,’ destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

Reader Sohei has come across news that Israel may have already begun clearance operations on the Lebanese side of the border in preparation for their main advance, so I’d better cut to the chase: there are two dates ahead that would be ideal for scheduling the Big Event, 29 Elul (sunset of October 1 to sunset of October 2) and 3 Tishrei (sunset of October 4 to sunset of October 5). Let’s have a look at them.


> October 2 is Day 1 of the Essene Feast of Tabernacles / Sukkot. And Sukkot is a holiday during which Jews dwell in temporary structures to commemorate the Exodus out of Egypt…

42 You are to dwell in booths for seven days. All the native-born of Israel must dwell in booths, 43 so that your descendants may know that I made the Israelites dwell in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.’ ” – from Leviticus 23 on

This makes 29 Elul (on the mainstream Jewish calendar) an ideal day to script the Second Exodus out of Israel that I’ve warned about — an Exodus that would be triggered by a massive WMD attack (real or simulated) on Israel, presumably in retaliation for Israel invading Lebanon. Watch for the IDF/Mossad to secretly participate in the attack on Israel. Netanyahu may be among those killed [1,2].

> October 2 is mainstream Jewish Erev Rosh Hashana, the day the Jewish New Year begins at sunset. So the Israeli Jews would begin their New Year running for their lives, wandering and dying in the desert like the Exodus Hebrews.

> October 2 is the day of the annular solar eclipse. And since superstitious / religious Jews consider a solar eclipse a “bad omen for the world”, it could mean that the attack on “Israel’s Western enablers” might be launched at the same time (or later on 3 Tishrei / October 5).

> October 2 is the day of the Catholic Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels, so watch for UFO/UAP activity in the sky that day (possibly even the fake Christian Rapture).

As for the scenarios that could spring from October 2…


>This Saturday is an ideal day for scripting the beginning of a big war involving Israel because it is the Jewish Sabbath (a time the Muslims would aim for) and it marks three anniversaries of two previous Israeli war-starts…

1) It is the Persian/Iranian calendar anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War. The War began on 6 October 1973, which was the Iranian day of 14 Mehr. This year, 14 Mehr falls on October 5.

2) It is the Essene calendar anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War. The War began on 6 October 1973, which was the Essene day of 18 Tishrei. This year, Essene 18 Tishrei falls on October 5.




The Sign occurred on 23 September 2017, which was the mainstream Jewish day of 3 Tishrei. This year, 3 Tishrei falls on October 5. So Saturday could be scripted one of two ways…

  1. It could be used to mark the end of the “7 Jewish-year Revelation 12 Tribulation.” This could occur if a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario is started on October 2.
  2. It could be used to mark the beginning of the final conflict that will bring the end of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline on October 30.

> October 5 is Shabbat Shuva, the Shabbat of “Return!” So it could be scripted to mark the return of Saturn — the Fake Jewish Messiah and Fake Returned Christ — to either land victorious or begin his battle against the “Dark Forces.”

> October 5 is one of the three days the ancient Romans opened the Mundus Cerialis, the underworld pit, so it can be scripted to mark the “opening of the Gate to Hell.” Once released, the “underworld entities” can either pose as benevolent angels (fake ETs) accompanying the False Messiah (Saturn/Moshiach) or start the 150-day Torment of Humanity. In the latter case, Day 150 would fall on 3/3/2025, which is 3 Adar, the day the Second Temple was completed (alternatively, they could “cut the days short” to end it by Essene Purim, March 1).

~ MORE – 30 September 2024 ~

Things you need to remember when the cities are burning

~ MORE – 1 October 2024 ~

What do camels and cranes have to do with this week’s planned “Rain of Fire“? – Find out below…


It should be noted that October 5 is the peak day of the October Camelopardalid meteor shower. These meteors emerge from a radiant in the Draco (“Dragon”) constellation, which fits right in with the Red Dragon of Revelation 12. So it’s possible that the Kabbalists could script a (manmade) “meteor storm” with an “early peak” tonight or tomorrow, or they could wait for the 5th (which is the 7-year Jewish anniversary of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign”). Here are Onna’s notes from last year on the Camelopardalids…

Camelopardalis (Wikipedia) meaning “giraffe”, from camel + spotted. We saw camels in Hiroshima (G7 Hiroshima Summit 2023). Gematria: Camelopardalis  = nuclear strike 2x; Camelopardalus = Achilles tendon (Wikipedia) 2x…

…from Gematria Effect News

MAKE OFFLINE COPIES NOW of this homepage, The “End Times” Deception page, and The UFO/ET Con page… just in case deterrence doesn’t work this time. They contain all the information needed to see clearly through what’s ahead.

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for Tuesday and Wednesday are now up.

Updates from September and the previous months of 2024 are under the following two sections; click here to go to them.