Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for 2023


Here are her notes on Thursday, November 9…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers: 11/8 (inclusive) – 11/9 

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia and Address by the President of the Russian Federation) Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War.  Date: 24 February 2022 [=  23 Adar I -> 6/23], 623 days ago. -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyonthe angel of the abyss Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11)/ Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001,  8094 days ago ago -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011, 660 weeks, 6 days ago

11/9 (Thursday) [Tisha B’Av is 9 Av, 11/9]

Julian calendar: 10/27 [Convert a date],

Lunar occultation of Venus (In The Sky) from 08:58 UTC to 12:11 UTC -> Conjunction of the Moon and Venus (In The Sky) at 09:30 UTC

National Hunter Day (National Today), GematriaChaos Never Dies Day (National Today) = Benjamin Netanyahu 3x

• Balfour Declaration (Wikipedia) was a public statement issued by the British government during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917.

• Nazis launch Kristallnacht (HISTORY) On November 9, 1938, in an event that would foreshadow the Holocaust, German Nazis launch a campaign of terror against Jewish people and their homes and businesses in Germany and Austria. The violence, which continued through November 10 and was later dubbed “Kristallnacht,” or “ Night of Broken Glass”. Gematria: Night of Broken Glass = Year of the Water Hare [is 2023 Wikipedia] 3x 

• The coup d’état of 18 Brumaire (Wikipedia) brought Napoleon Bonaparte to power as First Consul of France. In the view of most historians, it ended the French Revolution and led to the coronation of Napoleon as emperor. This bloodless coup d’état overthrew the Directory, replacing it with the French Consulate. Date: 9 November 1799 (About the “anti-god” French Revolution and Napoleon, whose name means Apollo or the son of Apollo -> SkyWatchTvrecommended).

• National Fascist Party (Wikipedia) was a political party in Italy, created by Benito Mussolini as the political expression of Italian Fascism. The party ruled the Kingdom of Italy from 1922 when Fascists took power with the March on Rome until the fall of the Fascist regime in 1943. Founded: 9 November 1921

• Assassination attempt on Hitler (HISTORY) on 9 November 1938: Maurice Bavaud’s Plot

• Fall of the Berlin Wall (Wikipedia) was a pivotal event in world history which marked the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curtain and one of the series of events that started the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe. Date: Thursday, 9 November 1989 -> World Freedom Day (United States) (Wikipedia) is a United States federal observance declared by then-President George W. Bush to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communist rule in Central and Eastern Europe. It started in 2001 and is celebrated on November 9.

• The Great Boston Fire of 1872 (Wikipedia) was Boston’s largest fire, and still ranks as one of the most costly fire-related property losses in American history. The conflagration began at 7:20 p.m. on Saturday, 9 November 1872.

• The Great Northeast Blackout (HISTORYWikipedia) – At dusk on 9 November 1965, one of the biggest power failures in history occurs as all of New York state, portions of seven nearby states, and parts of eastern Canada are plunged into darkness. Over 30 million people and 80,000 square miles (207,000 km2) were left without electricity for up to 13 hours.

• The United States receives rights to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Wikipedia). Date: 9 November 1887

• Nuclear false alarm, NORAD systems failed (Wikipedia). The NORAD computers and the Alternate National Military Command Center in Fort Ritchie, Maryland detected purported massive Soviet nuclear strike. After reviewing the raw data from satellites and checking the early-warning radars, the alert is cancelled. Date: 9 November 1979

Chinese calendar9th Month 26

• The October 27, 1997 [9th Month 26, year of the Ox], mini-crash (Wikipedia) is a global stock market crash that was caused by an economic crisis in Asia.

Numbers11/9 (inclusive) – 11/10 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001,  8095 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 895. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon

After sunset 🌅 – 11/10

Jewish calendar26 Cheshvan2/26!  -> your blog 3 November 2023: A reader sent me a link to a Hezbollah preview video  for today’s speech, and it prominently features the number 226 [2:26] at its beginning…” Gematria: Qasem Soleimani = The Star of David 4x (both 226) 

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park) and Hiroshima (Peace Memorial)(VaticanAmerica Magazine) on Sunday, 24 November 2019 =  26 Cheshvan [2/26]

• Hitler survives assassination attempt (HISTORY) on 8 November 1939 = 26 Cheshvan

• The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin (Russia Beyond). 6 November 1942 (Wrong car) = 26 Cheshvan

• Patriarch Kirill of Moscow (Wikipedia) Born: 20 November 1946 = 26 Cheshvan

[more examples of 2/26: Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia) was born on February 26 [2/26], Ariel Sharon (Wikipedia) was born February 26 [2/26], Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock (CBS). Date: 26 May 2014 = 26 Iyyar [2/26], President Donald Trump makes historic visit to Western Wall (CNN). Date: 22 May 2017 = 26 Iyyar [2/26]]

Hijrah (Wikipedia) The Hijrah or Hijra was the journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina. The year in which the Hijrah took place is also identified as the epoch of the Lunar Hijri and Solar Hijri calendars. (in the year: 622).

Here are her notes on Wednesday, November 8…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/7 (inclusive) – 11/8 

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Founded: 20 December 2019, 3 years, 323 days ago -> Bible Strong’s Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ. 3323 Messías – literally, “the anointed one,” referring to Jesus as the Christ – supremely empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish all of the divine plan.

• Donald Trump declared a national emergency over the coronavirus (CNBSThe White House) Issued on: March 13, 2020, 1335 days ago

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia and Address by the President of the Russian Federation) Russia invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that started in 2014. The invasion was the biggest attack on a European country since World War II. Date: Thursday, 24 February 2022, 622 days ago. Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly, 622 /apóllymi (“violently/completely perish”) implies permanent (absolute) destruction, i.e. to cancel out (remove); “to die, with the implication of ruin and destruction / Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove

11/8 (Wednesday ) 

Julian calendar: 10/26 [Convert a date]

• The mundus of Ceres (Wikipediais open (mundus patet), the third of three annual openings of a mysterious pit or storage chamber (Wikipedia).

• National Tap Dance Day (Wikipedia) was signed into US American Law by President George H.W. Bush, on 8 November 1989 [in the I, Pet Goat 2 YouTube predictive programming video at 0:30 George W. Bush performs tap dance].

• Azerbaijan  Victory Day (Wikipedia) a public holiday in Azerbaijan, in commemoration of Azerbaijani victory in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war (Wikipedia). 

• The Nazi exhibition Der ewige Jude  (“The Eternal Jew”, Wikipedia) opens in Munich, from 8 November 1937~…, 86 years ago -> Strong’s Greek: 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 58th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States. On this day also Abraham Lincoln (1864 Wikipedia), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1932 Wikipedia), John F. Kennedy (1960 Wikipedia), George H. W. Bush (1988 Wikipedia) were elected president).

• Beer Hall Putsch begins (HISTORY), Adolf Hitler, president of the far-right Nazi Party, launches the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, his first attempt at seizing control of the German government. Result: Reichswehr and Bavarian police forces victory, Putsch failure, 

Arrest of Nazi Party leadership. Date: 8 November 1923, 100 years ago

• Hitler survives assassination attempt (HISTORY) On 8 November 1939, on the 16th anniversary of Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch, a bomb explodes just after Hitler has finished giving a speech. He was unharmed.

Numbers: 11/8 (inclusive) – 11/9 

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia and Address by the President of the Russian Federation) Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War.  Date: 24 February 2022 [=  23 Adar I -> 6/23], 623 days ago. -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyonthe angel of the abyss Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11)/ Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001,  8094 days ago ago -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon

• 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia) caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster (Wikipedia) Date: 11 March 2011, 660 weeks, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 11/9

Jewish calendar25 Cheshvan

Islamic calendar: Rabi’II 25

• President Kennedy urges Americans to build bomb shelters (HISTORY) Date: 6 October 1961 = Rabi’II 26 or 25 [Convert a date], 1381 AH

Here are her notes on Tuesday, November 7…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/6 (inclusive) – 11/7

• Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. (CBS News – pictures , christianpost) [a sandstorm hit his trip – Google Search]. Date: 22 March [322 – Skull and Bones] 2013, 3882 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon; Leviathan (Wikipedia)

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, years, 10 weeks, days (911) ago. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia)

• 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash (WikipediaJohn F. Kennedy Jr. died when the light aircraft he was flying crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, on 16 July 1999, 8880 days ago 

• Replica of Syrian arch destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City (The Guardian) on 19 September 2016, 7 years, 7 weeks ago

11/7 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 10/25 [Convert a date]

[7/11 is Donald Trump’s favorite number, (YouTube – CNN)]

• Ensisheim meteorite (Wikipedia) the oldest meteorite with a known date of impact, strikes the Earth around noon in a wheat field outside the village of Ensisheim, Alsace, France. Fall date: 7 November 1492 (Julian)

• Battle of Tippecanoe (Wikipedia) was fought on November 7, 1811 -> the Curse of Tippecanoe (Wikipedia) is an urban legend about the deaths in office of presidents of the United States who were elected in years divisible by 20. According to the legend, Tenskwatawa, leader of Native American tribes defeated in 1811 at the Battle of Tippecanoe by a military expedition led by Harrison, had cursed the “Great White Fathers”. Joe Biden was elected in the year 2020 (2020/20= 101).

• 1983 United States Senate bombing (Wikipedia) was a bomb explosion at the United States Senate on November 7, 1983, as a protest against United States military involvement in Lebanon and Grenada. Perpetrators: Resistance Conspiracy of the May 19th Communist Organization, 40 years ago

Chinese calendar9th Month 24

• President Truman proclaims war with Germany is officially over – Proclamation 2950—Termination of the State of War With Germany (The American Presidency Project). Date: 24 October 1951 = 9th Month 24, year of the Rabbit

• The British government suddenly deregulates financial markets, leading to a total restructuring of the way in which they operate in the country, in an event now referred to as the Big Bang (Wikipedia). Date: 27 October 1986 = 9th Month 24, year of the Tiger 

• The Treaty of Nanking (Nanjing) was the peace treaty which ended the First Opium War (1839–1842) between Great Britain and the Qing dynasty of China. It was the first of what the Chinese later termed the Unequal Treaties. The treaty was ratified by the Daoguang Emperor on 27 October 1842 (Wikipedia) = 9th Month 24, year of the Tiger 

Numbers11/7(inclusive) – 11/8 

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Founded: 20 December 2019, 3 years, 323 days ago -> Bible Strong’s Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ. 3323 Messías – literally, “the anointed one,” referring to Jesus as the Christ – supremely empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish all of the divine plan.

• Donald Trump declared a national emergency over the coronavirus (CNBSThe White House) Issued on: March 13, 2020, 1335 days ago

• Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia and Address by the President of the Russian Federation) Russia invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that started in 2014. The invasion was the biggest attack on a European country since World War II. Date: Thursday, 24 February 2022, 622 days ago. Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly, 622 /apóllymi (“violently/completely perish”) implies permanent (absolute) destruction, i.e. to cancel out (remove); “to die, with the implication of ruin and destruction / Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove

After sunset 🌅 – 11/8

Jewish calendar: 24 Cheshvan

• Montreux Convention (Wikipedia) is an international agreement governing the Bosporus and Dardanelles. Straits Question (Wikipedia): This Convention gives the Republic of Turkey control over warships entering the straits but guarantees the free passage of civilian vessels in peacetime. Effective: 9 November 1936 = 24 Cheshvan

• Partition of the Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia)(30 October 1918 = 24 Cheshvan – 1 November 1922) – The Armistice of Mudros (Wikipedia) ended hostilities in the Middle Eastern theatre between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies of World War I. 

• The Patria disaster (Wikipedia) was the sinking on 25 November 1940 = 24 Cheshvan by the Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah of a French-built ocean liner, the 11,885-ton SS Patria, in the port of Haifa, killing 267 people and injuring 172.

• Suez Crisis (Wikipedia) was an invasion of Egypt and the Gaza Strip by Israel, followed by the United Kingdom and France. The aims were to regain control of the Suez Canal for the Western powers and to remove Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Date: 29 October 1956 = 24 Cheshvan – 7 November 1956, Result: See Aftermath section (HISTORY)

Here are her notes on Monday, November 6…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/5 (inclusive) – 11/6 

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (Time). Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020, 1335 days ago

11/6 (Monday), flipped and reversed 9/11

Julian calendar: 10/24 [Convert a date]

Calendar week 45 in the year 2023. 6 November  – 12 November (Epoch Converter)

NATIONAL MICHELE DAY (National Today) “…Also, don’t forget, even though her name is spelled slightly differently, we still embrace any excuse to talk about and honor Michelle Obama, who continues to inspire and influence people around the world.” 

• The Walls of Constantinople are severely damaged by an earthquake, which destroys large parts of the structure, including 57 towers. The population is threatened by a plague. (Wikipedia) Date: 6 November 447 (Julian) 

• Suleiman I, commonly known as Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia)  in the West and Suleiman the Lawgiver in his realm, was the longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. Born: 6 November 1494 (Julian). Walls of Jerusalem (Wikipedia) In 1535, when Jerusalem was part of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan Suleiman I ordered the ruined city walls to be rebuilt.

•The 4 times they tried to assassinate Stalin. (Russia Beyond). November 6, 1942 (Wrong car)

• The United States Atomic Energy Commission tests the largest U.S. underground hydrogen bomb, code-named Cannikin (Wikipedia), on Amchitka Island in the Aleutians. Date: 6 November 1971 

• November 6, 1973 – New York City elected its first Jewish Mayor, Abraham D. Beame (Psalm11918.org), the 50th Jewish anniversary. [the Number 50 in the Bible]

• On the same day, 6 November 2012 = 9th Month 23 , year of the Dragon Sergei Shoigu was appointed Defence Minister of the Russian Federation (en.kremlin.ru) and 2012 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term, 11 years ago

• Obama Day (Wikipedia) was a holiday celebrated in Kenya (held once) in November 2008 in honor of Barack Obama’s victory in the 2008 United States presidential election.

• October Revolution (Wikipedia), Bolsheviks revolt in Russia (HISTORY) – Led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin, leftist revolutionaries launch a nearly bloodless coup d’État against Russia’s ineffectual Provisional Government. Date: November 6, 1917 

• On this day in 1860, Americans elected as their president Abraham Lincoln, whose victory led to the secession of Southern states and the long and bloody Civil War that lasted until 1865 and ended slavery in the U.S.(Britannica)

Chinese calendar9th Month 23

• Reza Pahlavi (Wikipedia), Crown Prince of Iran (in exile), on his 20th birthday on 31 October 1980 = 9th Month 23, year of the Monkey, Reza Pahlavi declared himself to be the new king of Iran, Reza Shah II, and the rightful successor to the throne of Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia).

Numbers11/6 (inclusive) – 11/7

• Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. (CBS News – pictures , christianpost) [a sandstorm hit his trip – Google Search]. Date: 22 March [322 – Skull and Bones] 2013, 3882 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon; Leviathan (Wikipedia)

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, years, 10 weeks, days (911) ago. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia)

• 1999 Martha’s Vineyard plane crash (WikipediaJohn F. Kennedy Jr. died when the light aircraft he was flying crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, on 16 July 1999, 8880 days ago 

• Replica of Syrian arch destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City (The Guardian) on 19 September 2016, 7 years, 7 weeks ago

After sunset 🌅 – 11/7

Jewish calendar23 Cheshvan

• Hasmonean Holiday (137 BCE) In Talmudic times, Cheshvan 23 was commemorated as the day on which the stones of the altar which were defiled by the Greeks were removed from the Holy Temple.

• Abdel Fatah El-Sissi (Wikipedia), the 6th and current president of Egypt since 2014. Former Muslim Brotherhood official alleges that Egypt’s strongman — a devout Muslim — is a Jew acting in the Zionist interest (The Times Of Israel). Born: 19 November 1954 = 23 Cheshvan

• Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Wikipedia) served as the 6th president of Iran from 2005 to 2013. Ahmadinejad: US orchestrated 9/11 to save Zionist regime – (The Jerusalem Post), Netanyahu is a skilled killer, says Ahmadinejad (The Jerusalem Post). Born: 28 October 1956 = 23 Cheshvan

• Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas (Wikipedia) is the 7th and current United States Secretary of Homeland Security. Born: 24 November 1959 in Havana, Cuba = 23 Cheshvan.

Islamic calendarRabi’II 23

• The Washington Post and The New York Times publish the Unabomber manifesto (WikipediaHISTORY) also known as Industrial Society and Its Future, a 1995 anti-technology essay by Ted Kaczynski. Date: September 19, 1995 = Rabi’II 23, 1416 AH

Here are her notes on Sunday, November 5…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/4 (inclusive) – 11/5

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 9 years, 69 days ago. [666, the Number of the Beast] And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia).

11/5 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 10/23 [Convert a date]

Asteroid 18 Melpomene at opposition (In The Sky) at 16:46 UTC. Regardless of your location on the Earth, 18 Melpomene will reach its highest point in the sky around midnight local time. 18 Melpomene (Wikipedia) named after Melpomenē, the Muse of tragedy in Greek mythology.

World Tsunami Awareness Day (unescoUNDRR)

The feast of All Saints and Blessed of the Society of Jesus (Ignatian spirituality)

Daylight saving time ends (the United States, Canada and Cuba)(Reuters) = “winter begins”.

• Gunpowder Plot (HISTORY, Wikipedia), in earlier centuries often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason, was a failed attempt to blow up England’s King James I and the Parliament on November 5, 1605. The plot was organized by Robert Catesby in an effort to end the persecution of Roman Catholics by the English government. Catesby and others hoped to replace the country’s Protestant government with Catholic leadership.

Date: 5 November 1605 (Julian) = 15 November 1605 (Gregorian)

Guy Fawkes Night (Wikipedia) – Its history begins with the events of 5 November 1605 O.S., when Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot, was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed beneath the House of Lords. The Catholic plotters had intended to assassinate Protestant king James I and his parliament. 

• Bombing of the Vatican (Wikipedia) – Vatican City was bombed by a fascist Italian aircraft breaching the neutrality of Vatican during the Second World War. It occurred twice during World War II. The first occasion was on the evening of 5 November 1943, when a plane dropped bombs on the area south-west of St. Peter’s Basilica, causing considerable damage but no casualties.

• The order is given: Bomb Pearl Harbor (HISTORY) On November 5, 1941, the Combined Japanese Fleet receive Top-Secret Order No. 1: In just over a month’s time, Pearl Harbor is to be bombed, along with Malaya (now known as Malaysia), the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines.

• 1914 – World War I: France and the British Empire declare war on the Ottoman Empire. (Wikipedia)

Chinese calendar9th Month 22

• The October Revolution (Wikipedia), was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin that was a key moment in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917–1923. It was the second revolutionary change of government in Russia in 1917. It took place through an armed insurrection in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg) on 7 November 1917 [O.S. 25 October] -> The Russian Civil War (Wikipedia) begins. On 6 November 1917 = 9th Month 22, year of the Snake = 21 Cheshvan, the government shut down numerous newspapers and closed the city of Petrograd in an attempt to forestall the revolution.

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) is mostly associated with October 24, 1929 = 9th Month 22, year of the Snake, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929, called Black Tuesday… 

Jewish calendar22 Cheshvan (2/22) Strong’s Hebrew: 222. Uriel: “flame of God,” 

Numbers11/5(inclusive) – 11/6 

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (Time). Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020, 1335 days ago

Islamic calendarRabi’II 22 

• League of Nations (Wikipedia) – Formal commission is established on the League of Nations (History) Date: Saturday, 25 January 1919 = Rabi’II 22, 1337 AH

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Founded: 20 December 2019 = Rabi’ II 23 or 22 [Convert a date], 1441 AH

Here are her notes on Saturday, November 4…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers: 11/3 (inclusive) – 11/4

• Barack Obama (Astro-Databank) (Barack Hussein Obama II), the 44th president of the US from 2009 to 2017. He was officially born on Friday, 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, 62 years, 3 months ago. 

Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11)/ Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

The Star of David is 226 too and  GematriaQasem Soleimani = The Star of David 4x!

11/4 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 10/22 [Convert a date]

Saturn ends retrograde motion (In The Sky) at 07:16 UTC

• Unity Day (Russia) (Wikipedia) Significance: The expelling of Polish–Lithuanian occupation forces from Moscow in November 1612, the end of the Time of Troubles and the turning point of the Polish-Russian War (1605–1618). President Vladimir Putin reestablished the holiday in order to replace the commemoration of the October Revolution. The day is also the feast day of the Russian Orthodox icon of Our Lady of Kazan. There is a connection between Kazan and Fatima (Catholic Exchange). 

• Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (Wikipedia) the fifth prime minister of Israel, took place on 4 November 1995 at 21:30, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The assassin, an Israeli ultranationalist named Yigal Amir, radically opposed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords.

• Iran hostage crisis (Wikipedia) begins after U.S. embassy in Tehran is stormed (HISTORY) Student followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini send shock waves across America when they storm the U.S. embassy in Tehran . The radical Islamic fundamentalists took 90 hostages. The students were enraged that the deposed Shah had been allowed to enter the United States. Date: 4 November 1979, 44 years ago (the crises lasted for 444 days and ended minutes after President Jimmy Carter left office in 1981).

• The 2008 United States presidential election (WikipediaBarack Obama becomes the 

44th President of the United States (the first person of biracial or African-American descent to be elected as President of the United States). Date: 4 November 2008.

• National Security Agency (Wikipedia) Formed: 4 November 1952 on the same day

1952 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower won a landslide victory over Democrat Adlai Stevenson II, becoming the first Republican president in 20 years.

• The Paris Agreement (UNFCCC) a legally binding international treaty on climate change, entered into force on 4 November 2016. [The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (Wikipedia), more commonly referred to as COP 28, will be held from November 30 until December 12, 2023, at the Expo City, Dubai]

Chinese calendar9th Month 21

• Christopher Columbus Reaches the “New World” (HISTORY) After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island on October 12, 1492 (Julian) = 9th Month 21, year of the Rat, believing he has reached East Asia.

• The Alaska Purchase (WikipediaHISTORY), was the United States’ acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867 = 9th Month 21, year of the Rabbit through a treaty ratified by the United States Senate.

• The  Soviet Union detonates Tsar Bomba (Wikipedia), the most powerful explosive device ever detonated. Date: 30 October 1961 = 9th Month 21, year of the Ox. [Russia released secret footage of 1961 ‘Tsar Bomba’ hydrogen blast (Google Search), more than 3 years ago].

Numbers11/4 (inclusive) – 11/5

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 9 years, 69 days ago. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia).

After sunset 🌅 – 11/5

Jewish calendar21 Cheshvan

• Chaim Weizmann (Wikipedia), Israel’s first President died on 9 November 1952 =  21 Cheshvan

• Reza Pahlavi (Wikipedia), exiled Crown Prince of Iran Born: 31 October 1960. On his 20th birthday on 31 October 1980 = 21 Cheshvan, Reza Pahlavi declared himself to be the new king of Iran, Reza Shah II, and the rightful successor to the throne of Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia).

• Israel–Jordan peace treaty (Wikipedia) sometimes referred to as the Wadi Araba Treaty, is an agreement that ended the state of war that has existed between the two countries since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and established mutual diplomatic relations. The signing ceremony took place at the southern border crossing of Arabah on 26 October 1994 = 21 Cheshvan. Jordan was the second Arab country, after Egypt, to sign a peace accord with Israel.

• Two significant events occurred on 6 November 2012 Sergei Shoigu was appointed Defence Minister of the Russian Federation (en.kremlin.ru) and

2012 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) – Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term. Date: 6 November 2012 = 21 Cheshvan

• The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times (Wikipedia) is a nonfiction book written by Michelle Obama and published on November 15, 2022 = 21 Cheshvan, by Crown Publishing.

Islamic calendar: Rabi’II 21 (4/21)

[21 April (4/21) is the traditional date given for the founding of Rome (World History) and also The Temple of Solomon (Ezekiel Bates Lodge A.F. & A.M.)]

• Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany following the death of President Paul von Hindenburg (HISTORY). Date: 2 August 1934  = Rabi’II 21, 1353 AH

Here are her notes on Friday, November 3…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/2 (inclusive) – 11/3 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on 11 September 2001, 8088 days ago -> 888 (number) (WikipediaBible Study), ; Strong’s Greek: 888. achreios: useless, Usage: unprofitable, useless, unworthy. Cognate: 888 axreíos – properly, unneeded, describing behavior that (literally) “lacks utility (usefulness).” / Hebrew 888.  beesh: to be evil, bad

11/3 (Friday

Julian calendar: 10/21 [Convert a date]

[Twenty-one is Blackjackthe symbol for Jupiter looks like 21 (NASA)]   

Jupiter at opposition (In The Sky ) at 04:55 UTC, at around the same time that Jupiter passes opposition, it also makes its closest approach to the Earth – termed its perigee – making it appear at its brightest and largest.

Isia concludes with the Hilaria (“Rejoicing“) (Wikipedia)

Celebrate Godzilla Day (Collider), the King of the Monsters, is celebrating the 69th annual Godzilla Day on November 3 with tickets of Godzilla Minus One going on sale.… Godzilla/Gojira is a prehistoric reptilian monster, awakened and empowered after many years by nuclear radiation (Wikipedia). 11/3 is Culture Day in Japan (Wikipedia). Fukushima nuclear accident (Wikipedia) occurred on on 3/11660 weeks ago. Strong’s Hebrew: 660. epheh: (a kind of) viper / Greek: 660. apotinassó: to shake off -> Acts 28:5 But Paul shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. And Luke 9:5 If anyone does not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that town, as a testimony against them.

Gematria: Godzilla Minus One = President Obama 2xHiroshima Japan 2x 

Revelation 11:3  And I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.

• The first Act of Supremacy (Wikipedia) was passed on 3 November 1534 (Julian) by the Parliament of England. It granted King Henry VIII of England and subsequent monarchs royal supremacy, such that he was declared the supreme head of the Church of England… In the Act of Supremacy, Henry [Henry is Harry Wikipedia] abandoned Rome completely.

• David Ben-Gurion (Wikipedia) was the primary national founder of the State of Israel and the first prime minister of Israel. Assumed office: 3 November 1955. He was born David Grün [Grün (surname) a German word and surname meaning “green“; Zelensky (surname) is a Slavic surname, meaning ‘green’]. And here is one important Green One – Khidr (Wikipedia). And this could be a real coincidence but here is Queen Elizabeth in green (BBC ON THIS DAY) on 3 November. Or Communists and Klansmen clash in Greensboro. Greensboro massacre (HISTORY).

• The 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, 3 November 2020. Joe Biden breaks Obama’s record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential candidate (CBS News). It was on the 72nd anniversary of this: Newspaper mistakenly declares “Dewey Defeats Truman” (HISTORY)

• One World Trade Center officially opens in New York City, on the site of the Twin Towers on November 3, 2014  (HISTORY)

• Bob Kane (Wikipedia) was an American comic book writer, animator and artist who co-created Batman (with Bill Finger) and most early related characters for DC Comics. Died: 3 November 1998

Numbers: 11/3 (inclusive) – 11/4

• Barack Obama (Astro-Databank) (Barack Hussein Obama II), the 44th president of the US from 2009 to 2017. He was officially born on Friday, 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, 62 years, 3 months ago. 

Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11)/ Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

After sunset 🌅 – 11/4

Jewish calendar20 Cheshvan

• The Soviet Union detonates Tsar Bomba (Wikipedia), the most powerful explosive device ever detonated. Date: 30 October 1961= 20 Cheshvan  [Russia released secret footage of 1961 ‘Tsar Bomba’ hydrogen blast (Reuters), 3 years ago]

Here are her notes on Thursday, November 2…

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers11/1 (inclusive) – 11/2  

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) takes reins of Communist party and Chinese military (The Guardian) Date: 15 November 2012, 4004  days ago

•The Panmunjom Declaration for Peace (Wikipedia), Prosperity and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula was adopted between the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, and the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, on 27 April 2018, 66 months, 6 days ago

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 9 years, 66 days. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia)

• Jared Kushner launches the Abraham Accords Institute for Peace (The Times of Israel). Reported on 5 May 2021, 911 days ago

11/2 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 10/20 [Convert a date]

All Souls’ Day (Wikipedia) also called The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

• Balfour Declaration letter written (HISTORY) – On November 2, 1917, Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour writes an important letter to Britain’s most illustrious Jewish citizen, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, expressing the British government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The letter would eventually become known as the Balfour Declaration.

Chinese calendar9th Month 19

• The United Nations Charter (Wikipedia), the treaty that established the UN, took effect and the United Nations Security Council was founded (Wikipedia) on 24 October 1945 = 9th Month 19, year of the Rooster

Numbers11/2 (inclusive) – 11/3 

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on 11 September 2001, 8088 days ago -> 888 (number) (WikipediaBible Study), ; Strong’s Greek: 888. achreios: useless, Usage: unprofitable, useless, unworthy. Cognate: 888 axreíos – properly, unneeded, describing behavior that (literally) “lacks utility (usefulness).” / Hebrew 888.  beesh: to be evil, bad

After sunset 🌅 – 11/3

Jewish calendar19 Cheshvan

• Mahmoud Abbas (Wikipedia) the president of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). Born: 15 November 1935 = 19 Cheshvan

• Declaration of the Turkish republic (Britannica) – On 29 October 1923 = 19 Cheshvan, the assembly declared Turkey to be a republic and elected Mustafa Kemal as its first president.

• Ignatius of Loyola (Wikipedia) venerated as Saint Ignatius of Loyola, was a Spanish Catholic priest and theologian, who, with six companions, founded the religious order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and became its first Superior General, in Paris in 1541. He was born c. 23 October 1491 (Julian)  = c. 19 Cheshvan

Here are her notes on Wednesday, November 1…


11/1 (Wednesday)

President Biden will travel to Minneapolis and Northfield, Minnesota (KTTC). His administration is referring to this initiative as “barnstorming.” (Wikipedia)

• Attempted assassination of Harry! S. Truman (Wikipedia) occurred on 1 November 1950. It was carried out by militant Puerto Rican pro-independence activists. Truman was not harmed.

President’s Public Schedule (Factba.se)

3:50 PM – The President participates in a tour of a family farm in Northfield, Minnesota as part of his Administration’s Investing in Rural America Event Series

4:15 PM – The President delivers remarks highlighting how Bidenomics and his Investing in America agenda are ensuring rural Americans do not have to leave their hometowns to find opportunity -> Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob / Greek: 415.aneleemon: without compassion, cruel


Northfield, Minnesota President Donald Trump 2x

Investing in Rural America Event = Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton (*) 3x

Investing in Rural America = President Kamala Devi Harris 2x

Investing in America agenda = President Joe Biden has died 3x

Minneapolis, Minnesota = Max Emilian Verstappen (**4x, Prince Archie of Sussex (WikipediaArchie Harrison!3x 

The United States Grand Prix (Wikipedia) that Harry attended in Austin (Town&Country) was won by a racer named **Max Emilian Verstappen (Wikipedia). *Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton (Wikipedia) was disqualified (BBC SportFormula 1). -> Your blog on 22-23 October 2023 (here).

FROM YESTERDAY: Numbers10/31 (inclusive) – 11/1 

US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nations) and simultaneously a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). In addition to that, Full text of Trump-Netanyahu: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel) -> the Division Of the Land [Joel 3:2]. Date: 26 September 2018, 266 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure -> Hamartia (Wikipedia) is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.” Or  61 months, 6 days -> 616 is the alternate “Number of the Beast; Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners

Propagandist Mark Allison 88 (YouTube) – Update Damascus, Plot to assassinate Syrian President Assad [no details, just warning

Bashar al-Assad (Wikipedia) was born on 11 September 1965, 3033 weeks, 4 days old exactly -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3334. yatsar: be distressed, be narrow, be straitened in straits, be vexed / Strong’s Greek: 3334. metakineó: to move away, remove 

Assumed office: 17 July 2000, 23 years, 107 days ago exactly -> Strong’s Hebrew: 2317. Chadrak: a region in Aram (Syria) in Zechariah 9:1 This is the message from the LORD against the land of Aram and the city of Damascus, for the eyes of humanity, including all the tribes of Israel, are on the LORD.

11/1 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 10/19 [Convert a date]

November (Wikipedia), November (Roman month)(Wikipedia) (from Latin novem, “nine”) was originally the ninth of ten months on the Roman calendar.

• Isia, which began October 28, continues with the Heuresis, a “finding out” ceremony of the return to life of Osiris, with 24 circus races. (Wikipedia)

All Saints’ Day (Wikipedia) – The Christian celebration of All Saints’ Day stems from a belief that there is a powerful spiritual bond between those in heaven (the “Church triumphant”), the living (the “Church militant”), and the “Church penitent” which includes the faithful departed (here[interesting: On 13 May (*) 609 or 610, Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon at Rome to the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the martyrs, ordering an anniversary. Some liturgiologists base the idea that of Lemuria, was the origin of All Saints on their identical dates and their similar theme of “all the dead” (here), * 13 May is related to Our Lady of Fátima (Wikipedia). And Lemuralia or Lemuria is mentioned (here): The days when the mundus was open were among the very few occasions that Romans made official contact with the collective spirits of the dead, the Di Manes (the others being Parentalia and Lemuralia).]

• 1755 Lisbon earthquake (Wikipedia) also known as the Great Lisbon earthquake on the morning of Saturday, 1 November, Feast of All Saints. The earthquake had struck on an important religious holiday and had destroyed almost every important church in the city, causing anxiety and confusion amongst the citizens of a staunch and devout Roman Catholic country. Theologians and philosophers focused and speculated on the religious cause and message, seeing the earthquake as a manifestation of divine judgment. (Wikipedia)

• White House (Wikipedia) the official residence and workplace of the president of the United States. Completed: 1 November 1800, 223 years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 223. Uwriyah: Uriah Definition: “flame of Yah“, the name of a Hittite and of two Israelites

• Abolition of the Ottoman sultanate (Wikipedia) –  by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 1 November 1922 ended the Ottoman Empire, which had lasted from c. 1299.

• The United States detonates the world’s first thermonuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb (HISTORY, Ivy Mike (Wikipedia))…The nuclear arms race had taken a fearful step forward. Date: 1 November 1952 

• European Union officially established (The Maastricht Treaty came into effect) on November 1, 1993 (HISTORY) [again 17 Cheshvan]

Numbers11/1 (inclusive) – 11/2  

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) takes reins of Communist party and Chinese military (The Guardian) Date: 15 November 2012, 4004  days ago

•The Panmunjom Declaration for Peace (Wikipedia), Prosperity and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula was adopted between the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, and the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, on 27 April 2018, 66 months, 6 days ago

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 9 years, 66 days. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia)

• Jared Kushner launches the Abraham Accords Institute for Peace (The Times of Israel). Reported on 5 May 2021, 911 days ago

Jewish calendar18 Cheshvan, (Psalm11918)

Islamic calendarRabi’II 18, 1445 

• 1961 Syrian coup d’état (Wikipedia) was an uprising by disgruntled Syrian Army officers on 28 September 1961 = Rabi’II 18, 1381 AH, that resulted in the break-up of the United Arab Republic and the restoration of an independent Syrian Republic.

Here are her notes on Tuesday, October 31…

10/31 (Tuesday) 

HalloweenWhat Is Samhain? Origin of Halloween Rooted in Pagan Holiday (Time) Samhain, a three-day ancient Celtic pagan festival, (meaning literally, in modern Irish, “summer’s end”) marked the end of summer and kicked off the Celtic new year. Ushering in a new year signaled a time of both death and rebirth, something that was doubly symbolic because it coincided with the end of a bountiful harvest season and the beginning of a cold and dark winter season that would present plenty of challenges. -> All Saints’ Day, also called All-hallows (Wikipedia) -> Halloween (Wikipedia). 

• Romulus Augustulus (Wikipedia) who is typically regarded as the last Western Roman emperor, started his short reign. Date: 31 October 475

• Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy (Wikipedia). On 31 October 1922, following the March on Rome (28–30 October, Wikipedia), Mussolini was appointed prime minister by King Victor Emmanuel III, becoming the youngest individual to hold the office up to that time.

• Reza Pahlavi (Wikipedia), Crown Prince of Iran (in exile) – Born: 31 October 1960 and on his 20th birthday on 31 October 1980, Reza Pahlavi declared himself to be the new king of Iran, Reza Shah II, and the rightful successor to the throne of Pahlavi dynasty (Wikipedia). [Iranian Crown Prince prays at the Western Wall (Israel National News) on 4/18/2023 – Holocaust Memorial Day, The Cyrus of our time (The Jerusalem Post)

Battle of Bersheba (1917) (Wikipedia) Date: 31 October 1917 -> Comment: Balfour’s real victory came at Beersheba (The Jerusalem Post).

• Reformation Day (Wikipedia) is a Protestant Christian religious holiday celebrated on 31 October in remembrance of the onset of the Reformation. According to Philip Melanchthon, 31 October 1517 (Julian) was the day German Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Electorate of Saxony in the Holy Roman Empire (HISTORY).

[Lightning McQueen, #95 (Wikipedia) and Prince Harry (your blog), Donald Trump was born in Queens (Astro Databank).]

• Pope Francis arrived in Sweden to mark the 500th anniversary (your blogCBS News ) of the Protestant Reformation (which was a Kabbalist endeavor to break the Church). Strong’s Hebrew 500.Elale: “God ascends,” / Greek: 500.  “antichrist” = “antichrist ascends.”, Date: 31 October 20167 years ago

And your wrote about the same day also on 3 July~MORE~ (kensthoughtstream): “I’ve tracked down the events upon which the Kabbalists constructed the Tribulation timeline that ends with Prince Harry’s coronation in December. It started on 31 October 2016a day that had been prophesied to bring the end of the world, with Mike Pence hinting at his intention to build the Space Force (the force that will bring Rothschild-descended Harry to power). Evidently, Pence will play Castor to Harry’s Pollux.”

Numbers10/31 (inclusive) – 11/1 

• US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nations) and simultaneously a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). In addition to that, Full text of Trump-Netanyahu: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel) -> the Division Of the Land [Joel 3:2]. Date: 26 September 2018, 266 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure -> Hamartia (Wikipedia) is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.” Or  61 months, 6 days -> 616 is the alternate “Number of the Beast; Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners

After sunset 🌅 – 11/1

Jewish calendar17 Cheshvan  (2/17 or 8/17)

Great Flood Begins (2105 BCE) – The rains began to fall on the 17th of Cheshvan of the year 1656 from creation (2105), flooding the earth and rising above the highest mountains. Only Noah and his family survived, in the ark built to that end by Divine command, and a pair of each animal species, who entered with him into the ark. (Chabad); [2023 Hamas attack on Israel (Wikipedia) referred to as Operation Al-Aqsa Flood (or Deluge)].

Genesis 7:11 [7/11 is Donald Trump’s favorite number, YouTube – CNN)] In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

Matthew 24:37 As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. [So how come we know something, I always wonder…]

(17 Cheshvan in d/m date format 17/8 -> Revelation 17:8 The beast that you saw–it was, and now is no more, but is about to come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. And those who dwell on the earth whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world will marvel when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet will be.)

• an alternative date for the completion of the Temple of Solomon ->  Cheshvan (Wikipedia) In Jewish history and tradition: 17 Marcheshvan (circa 960 BCE) – First Temple completed by King Solomon (it was not inaugurated until the following Tishrei however)

• The Balfour Declaration (Wikipedia) was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. Created: (*) 2 November 1917 = 17 Cheshvan106 Jewish years ago 

*The declaration was contained in a letter from the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. -> Strong’s Greek: 106. azumos: unleavened Usage: unleavened, the paschal feast (a feast of the Hebrews); fig: uncorrupted, sincere. the Passover week – unleavened (bread). / Hebrew: 106. egroph: a fist

• The United Nations is born (HISTORY), The United Nations Charter (Wikipedia), the treaty that established the UN, took effect and The United Nations Security Council was founded (Wikipedia) on 24 October 1945 = 17 Cheshvan78 Jewish years ago -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.

31 October [= after sunset 17 Cheshvan] is National Prince Day (National Today) -> Prince Harry treated like Prince of America in Pearl Harbor (Geo News), Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People). Date: 11 November 2022 = 17 Cheshvan, 1st Jewish anniversary. 

• 1937 tour of Germany by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor – Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor [Edward had abdicated the British throne in December 1936], and Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, visited Nazi Germany. Meeting Hitler (Wikipedia) The tour culminated on 22 October = 17 Cheshvan, when they met Hitler at the Berghof (Wikipedia). 

• The very beginning of the internet (Medium) – Date: 29 October 1969 = 17 Cheshvan

Here are her notes on Monday, October 30…

10/30 (Monday) 

Julian calendar: 10/17 [Convert a date]

The festival of Isis (Isia) continues (Wikipedia)

Close approach of the Moon and The Pleiades (M45) (In The Sky) at 15:49 UTC.  -> Pleiades (Greek mythology) (Wikipedia) were the seven sister-nymphs, companions of Artemis

• The Biblical patriarch Joshua ‘stopped the sun’ on October 30, 1207 BCE by way of a solar eclipse that may have been the first recorded in history, according to Cambridge researchers (Israel365 News), Joshua 10:12 – 13.

• The War of the Worlds (WikipediaHISTORY). The episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasion was taking place. Original release: 30 October 1938.

• Partition of the Ottoman Empire (Wikipedia)(30 October 1918 – 1 November 1922) – The Armistice of Mudros (Wikipedia) ended hostilities in the Middle Eastern theatre between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies of World War I. 

• Project Solarium (Wikipedia) -> President Eisenhower approves the top-secret document NSC 162/2  concerning the maintenance of a strong nuclear deterrent force against the Soviet Union. Date: 30 October 1953 -> Gematria: Rumble in the Jungle (Wikipedia) [on 30 October 1974] = Dwight D. Eisenhower 2x, Gaius Julius Caesar 2x 

• The Soviet Union detonates Tsar Bomba (Wikipedia), the most powerful explosive device ever detonated. Date: 30 October 1961. [Russia released secret footage of 1961 ‘Tsar Bomba’ hydrogen blast (Reuters), more than 3 years ago]

Numbers10/30 (inclusive) – 10/31 

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president. (CNN) Date: 19 July 2016, 2660days or 380 weeks ago -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure; Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.”

After sunset 🌅 – 10/31

Jewish calendar16 Cheshvan

• The 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) Democrat Joe Biden defeated Republican Donald Trump. Date: 3 November 2020 = 16 Cheshvan – 17 Cheshvan 

• 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing (Wikipedia) – Two truck bombs struck buildings in Beirut, Lebanon, housing American and French service members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF), a military peacekeeping operation during the Lebanese Civil War. The attack killed 307 people: 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel, six civilians, and two attackers. Perpetrator: Islamic Jihad Organization (claimed responsibility), Iranian Ministry of Intelligence (court finding). Date: 23 October 1983 = 16 Cheshvan, at 06:22 -> Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly

• Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Wikipedia), was a Turkish field marshal, revolutionary statesman, author, and the founding father of the Republic of Turkey, serving as its first president until his death. Died: 10 November 1938 = 16 Cheshvan, 5699

•Alexander Bortnikov (Wikipedia) is the director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Born: 15 November 1951 = 16 Cheshvan, his 72nd Jewish birthday [Wikipedia 72 (number)]

Islamic calendarRabi’II 16, 1445 AH

• The First Intifada or First Palestinian Intifada, also known as Stone Intifada (Wikipedia). Start date: 8 December 1987 = Rabi’II 16, 1408 AH

GematriaCreate a Great Funeral Day (National Today ) = Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Wikipedia2x, National League Wild Card 4x, Kamala becomes president 3x 

Haunted Refrigerator Night (National Today) = The Kennedy Assassination 2x, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 3x, (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 2x) there is more like Mischief Night (National Todayor National Candy Corn Day (National Today) = The Nine Eleven Attacks 3x, Diana Princess Of Wales 3x

Here are her notes on Sunday, October 29…

10/29 (Sunday)

Julian calendar: 10/16 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) at 08:14 UTC

The festival of Isis (Isia) continues (Wikipedia); Polar Bear Week during the first full week of November (National Today); GematriaWorld Stroke Day (Wikipedia) = President Putin 3x, Vladimir V Putin 2x 

• Fall of Babylon: on 29 October Cyrus himself entered Babylon, where he was proclaimed king, issued royal proclamations and appointed governors of his newly conquered realm (Wikipedia). -> Cyrus the Great Day (Wikipedia) is an unofficial Iranian holiday to commemorate Cyrus the Great, the founder of the ancient Achaemenid Persian Empire. -> your blog on 13 October 2023: The Hamas Attack and Donald Trump’s Era as Batman and the Moshiach ben Cyrus [I always feel an occult connection to Friedrich Nietzsche (Wikipedia)-> Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Wikipedia), Nietzsche contra Wagner (Wikipedia)…]

• Ottoman Empire in World War I (Wikipedia) – The Ottoman Empire entered the war by carrying out a surprise attack on the Black Sea coast of Russia on 29 October 1914, with Russia responding by declaring war on 2 November 1914. The Ottoman Empire’s defeat in the war in 1918 was crucial in the eventual dissolution of the empire in 1922.

• The 100th anniversary of the Declaration of the Turkish republic (Britannica) – On 29 October 1923 [1 year after the formal abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate on 1 November 1922 (Wikipedia).], the assembly declared Turkey to be a republic and elected Mustafa Kemal as its first president. The caliphate was abolished on March 3, 1924, and all members of the Ottoman dynasty were expelled from Turkey. A full republican constitution was adopted on April 20, 1924; it retained Islam as the state religion, but in April 1928 this clause was removed, and Turkey became a purely secular republic.

• Convention of Constantinople (Wikipedia) is a treaty concerning the use of the Suez Canal in Egypt. It was signed on 29 October 1888. According to the international rules that govern navigation through the Suez Canal, Egypt cannot forbid any vessel from passing through the Canal if there is no war between Egypt and that country (here).

• Suez Crisis (Wikipedia) was an invasion of Egypt and the Gaza Strip by Israel, followed by the United Kingdom and France. The aims were to regain control of the Suez Canal for the Western powers and to remove Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Date: Date: 29 October 1956 – 7 November 1956, Result: See Aftermath section 

• Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Safsaf massacre (Wikipedia): Israeli soldiers capture the Palestinian village of Safsaf in the Galilee; afterwards, between 52 and 64 villagers are massacred by the IDF. Date: 29 October 1948

• Israel’s prime minister David Ben-Gurion and five of his ministers are injured when Moshe Dwek (Wikipedia) throws a grenade into the Knesset. Date: 29 October 1957

• Francisco Martin Duran (Wikipedia) fires over two dozen shots at the White House; he is later convicted of trying to kill U.S. President Bill Clinton. Date: 29 October 1994

• Stock market crashes on Black Tuesday, 29 October 1929 (HISTORY)

• Pope Francis and Joe Biden enjoy unusually long meeting at the Vatican (America Magazine). Date: 29 October 2021

Numbers10/29 (inclusive) – 10/30 

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), the 5th and current paramount leader of China [an informal term for the most important political figure in the People’s Republic of China] since its foundation in 1949. Xi was elected president on 14 March 2013 (Reuters), 3882 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragonLeviathan (Wikipedia)

• United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall [one of the holiest sites in Judaism]. (NBC News) Date: 22 May 2017, 6 years, 23 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites /Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).

After sunset 🌅 – 10/30

Jewish calendar15 Cheshvan

• King Yeravam [Jeroboam] Declares a Pseudo-Sukkot

• Kristallnacht (Wikipedia) Date: 9–10 November 1938 = 15 – 16 Cheshvan

• Passing of Mattityahu (139 BCE)

• President Obama climbed the Acropolis and toured the Parthenon in Athens (Greece), the birthplace of democracy during the final overseas trip of his presidency. (the White House President Obama). His next stop [later that day, it looks like after sunset] Berlin, Germany (CBS news). Date: 16 November 2016 = 15 Cheshvan – 16 Cheshvan, 5777

Here are her notes on Saturday, October 28…

10/28 (Saturday) 

Julian calendar: 10/15 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals:

15 October (Julian) – October Horse, (Wikipedia) sacrifice to Mars in the Campus Martius. [About the October Horse you wrote on 15 October 2023 here.]

28 October ~ 3 November, Isiaa festival of Isis introduced probably in the 30s or 40s AD, beginning with the Castu Isidis, a day of abstention and loss (Wikipedia). In the Imperial period, the deity who often represents November in Roman art is Isis. The festival of Isis, which began October 28, continued through November 3. (Wikipedia). Also November was under the guardianship (tutela) of Diana (the Roman counterpart of Artemis) (Wikipedia). 

Partial lunar eclipse (In The Sky) and Full Moon (In The Sky), the Hunter’s Moon (The Old Farmer’s Almanac) at 20:23 UTC. [In Greek mythology, Orion was a giant huntsman whom Zeus (or perhaps Artemis) placed among the stars (Wikipedia)]

• Beijing is officially designated the capital of the Ming dynasty when the Forbidden City is completed (Wikipedia). Date: 28 October 1420 

• Christopher Columbus lands in Cuba on his first voyage to the New World, surmising that it is Japan. (Wikipedia) 28 October 1492 (Julian) 

• The Liberation Day of Ukraine (Wikipedia), commemorates the Liberation of Ukraine from Nazi Germany on 28 October 1944.

• Republic Day (Turkey) (Wikipedia) is a  public holiday in Turkey commemorating the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey, on 29 October 1923 (100 years ago). The annual celebrations start at 1:00 pm on 28 October (Republic Day Eve) and continue for 35 hours. (Wikipedia)

• Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending the Cuban Missile Crisis. (HISTORY)

 • Pope Paul VI promulgates Nostra aetate, by which the Roman Catholic Church officially recognizes the legitimacy of non-Christian faiths. Date: 28 October 1965 

• The Statue of Liberty, a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States, is dedicated in New York Harbor by President Grover Cleveland (HISTORY). Date: 28 October 1886

• Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III) was born 28 October 1955 at 22:00 (Astro-Databank ) Seattle, Washington

• St. Louis’s Gateway Arch is completed on October 28, 1965 (HISTORY)

Chinese calendar9th Month 14, year of the Rabbit

• The Boxer Rebellion (Wikipedia) began with the Battle of Senluo Temple (Wikipedia) on 18 October 1899 = 9th Month 14, year of the Pig

• Puyi (Wikipedia), the last emperor of China as the eleventh and final monarch of the Qing dynasty, died on 17 October 1967 = 9th Month 14, year of the Goat

• From the Great Wall to the Western Wall, Chinese VP visits Israel (The Jerusalem Post) arrived on Monday and immediately went to the Western Wall. Date: 22 October 2018 = 9th Month 14, year of the Dog

Numbers10/28 (inclusive) – 10/29

• Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (Wikipedia). Date: 13 March 2013, 3882 days ago Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon Leviathan (Wikipedia)

• United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (Wikipedia) – The UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II). The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and a Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem. Date: 29 November 1947, 911 months ago

• United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall. (NBC News) Date: 22 May 2017, 77 months, 7 days ago [Does Donald Trump Align With the Biblical Sign of 7? (Charisma News), Is Trump fulfilling the will of God? (Ceres Courier)]

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the current prime minister of Israel. He was born on 21 October 1949, 888 months, 8 days old.

• David Barnea (Wikipedia), the current Director of the Mossad, Assumed office: 1 June 2021, 880 days ago

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, he also made a historic speech at the Knesset (abc NEWS). It was his first trip to the Middle East. Date: 23 January 2018, 69 months, 6 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 10/29

Jewish calendar: 14 Cheshvan

Here are her notes on Friday, October 27…

10/27 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 10/14 [Convert a date]

The Perseus Double Cluster is well placed (In The Sky) -> Perseus and Andromeda (Google Search)

Gematria: Frankenstein Friday (National Today) = Nationwide Blackout 3x

• Constantine is said to have received his famous Vision of the Cross (Wikipedia) on the evening of 27 October 312 AD (Julian) before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. It led him to fight under the protection of the Christian God. According to Christian chroniclers …, the battle marked the beginning of Constantine’s conversion to Christianity.

• The Pachamama Desecration of 27 October 2019, when Pope Francis ordered an Amazonian blood sacrifice chalice disguised as a planter to be placed on the altar of St. Peter’s Basilica, a place reserved for bread and wine (representing the body and blood of Jesus) used for the Eucharist.(from your blog: MORE – 19-20 April 2023)

• Navy Day in the United States, unofficial but still largely recognized (Wikipedia). The first Navy Day, organized by the Navy League of the United States, was celebrated on October 27, 1922.

• 27 October 1962 – the peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis – could be called the most dangerous day in human history. Thanks to a submariner [Vasily Arkhipov (Wikipedia)], Armageddon likely was averted (U.S. Naval Institute). 

• The British government suddenly deregulates financial markets, leading to a total restructuring of the way in which they operate in the country, in an event now referred to as the Big Bang (Wikipedia). Date: 27 October 1986 

• The October 27, 1997, mini-crash (Wikipedia) is a global stock market crash that was caused by an economic crisis in Asia.

• Egyptian President Anwar Sadat [He was assassinated 3 years later.] and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin are jointly awarded the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts in bringing about peace between Israel and Egypt. (1978 – Nobel Peace Prize Center for Israel Education). Date: 27 October 1978, 45 years ago 

• At a concert near Tel Aviv, the music of German composer Richard Wagner, which many associate with the Nazi regime, was played for the first time in public in Israel. (BritannicaThe Jewish News). Date: Friday, 27 October 2000. [Controversies surrounding Richard Wagner (Wikipedia) – Wagner was promoted during the Nazi era as one of Adolf Hitler’s favourite composers]. 

• Death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Wikipedia) On 26–27 October 2019, the United States conducted a military operation code named Operation Kayla Mueller that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the then-leader and self-proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization. -> President Trump tweeted “Something very big has just happened!” (Reuters)

Chinese calendar: 9th Month 13, year of the Rabbit

• Second Vatican Council (Wikipedia) The council was opened on 11 October 1962 by John XXIII  = 9th Month 13, year of the Tiger. [The Cuban Missile Crisis began a few days later. Also interestingly this occurred in Cuba (on another day, more than 7 years ago) -> ‘Finally!’: Pope and Russian patriarch meet for first time in 1,000 years (The Guardian)]

• Trump said. “And we’re gonna defeat socialism and put a man on the face of the moon.” (InsiderMSNBC) on Friday, 11 October 2019 = 9th Month 13, year of the Pig.

Numbers10/27 (inclusive) – 10/28 

• The United States Capitol cornerstone laying (Wikipedia) was the Freemasonry ceremonial placement of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol on 18 September 1793, 230 years, 40 days -> Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering/Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).

After sunset 🌅 – 10/28

Jewish calendar13 Cheshvan

• White House (Wikipedia) – Completed: 1 November 1800 = 13 Cheshvan

• Charles III (Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor), King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms, was born on 14 November 1948 at 21:14 (Astro Databank) = 13 Cheshvan, [Sunset in London: 4:13 PM].

• Hillary Clinton (Hillary Diane Rodham) was born on 26  October 1947 at 18:45 (Astro Databank) = 13 Cheshvan, [Sunset in Chicago, Illinois: 4:54 PM].

• Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III) was born on 28 October 1955 at 22:00 (Astro-Databank ) = 13 Cheshvan, [Sunset in Seattle, Washington: 4:59 PM]

Here are her notes on Thursday, October 26…

10/26 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 10/13 [Convert a date]

Fontinalia in honor of Fontus (Wikipedia) or Fons, a god of wells and springs in ancient Roman religion.

• Hundreds of the Knights Templar (Wikipediain France are arrested at dawn by King Philip the Fair, and later confess under torture to heresy. Date: Friday, 13 October 1307 (Julian), 716 years ago  -> Strong’s Greek: 716. harma: a chariot; of war-chariots (i. e., armed with scythes), chariots drawn by many horses.

• Mossad agents assassinate Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Fathi Shaaqi (Wikipedia). Shaqaqi was shot six times on 26 October 1995 (aged 44) in front of the Diplomat Hotel in Sliema, Malta by a hit team said to be composed of two Mossad agents.

• Assassination of Park Chung Hee (Wikipedia) Park Chung Hee, the third President of South Korea, was assassinated  by the director of Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) and the president’s security chief. Four bodyguards and a presidential chauffeur were also killed. The incident is often referred to as “10.26” in South Korea.

• Israel–Jordan peace treaty (Wikipedia) sometimes referred to as the Wadi Araba Treaty, is an agreement that ended the state of war that has existed between the two countries since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and established mutual diplomatic relations. The signing ceremony took place at the southern border crossing of Arabah on 26 October 1994. Jordan was the second Arab country, after Egypt, to sign a peace accord with Israel.

• 1774 – American Revolution: The First Continental Congress (Wikipedia) adjourns in Philadelphia.

• President George W. Bush signs the Patriot Act (HISTORY), an anti-terrorism law drawn up in response to the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center on 9/11. Date: 26 October 2001.

• Hillary Clinton (Wikipedia) Born: 26  October 1947, her 76th birthday. 

• Ali Maow Maalin (Wikipedia), the last natural case of Variola minor smallpox, develops a rash in Somalia. [Rahima Banu (Wikipedia) – Variola major smallpox, the more deadly variety of the disease.]

Chinese calendar9th Month 12

• Kim Jong Un – December 31, 2011 – Assumes command of the North Korean army. State-run Korean Central News Agency reports that the power was transferred to him on October 8 (Yom Kippur)  = 9th Month 12, year of the Rabbit at the behest of his father (CNN).

Numbers10/26 (inclusive) – 10/27 

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) on 11 November 2022, 11 months 16 days days ago on 10/26 – 10/27 -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea/Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

• Donald Trump launched his superhero NFT cards collection on 15 December 2022, 45 weeks ago exactly 

After sunset 🌅 – 10/27

Jewish calendar12 Cheshvan

• Ze’ev Jabotinsky (Wikipedia)  was a Revisionist Zionist leader. With Joseph Trumpeldor, he co-founded the Jewish Legion of the British army in World War I. [Ze’ev (Wikipedia), also spelled Zeev or Zev, is a name of Hebrew origin which means wolf]. He was born: 17 October 1880 = 12 Cheshan

• The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (Wikipedia), the fifth prime minister of Israel, took place on 4 November 1995 at 21:30 = 12 Cheshvan, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. -> The Rebbe and Rabin (Chabad

• Peter I took the imperial title (Peter the Great, the All-Russian Emperor), Russia became an empire on 22 October 1721 (Julian) =  12 Cheshvan [Convert a date] – (Presidential Library Russia), [Putin Peter the Great, Google Search]

• The United Nations voted to equate Zionism with Racism. Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Chaim Herzog, noted the irony of the vote coming (on the English calendar) exactly 37 years after Kristallnacht. (Psalm11918) Date: 17 October 1975 = 12 Cheshvan

Here are her notes on Wednesday, October 25…

10/25 (Wednesday) 

Julian calendar: 10/12 [Convert a date]

Leonis Minorid meteor shower 2023  (In The Sky)

• Fall of Babylon: on 12 October 539 BC (pre-Julian Roman calendar), the army of Cyrus [the Great of Persia] without a battle entered Babylon (Wikipedia: here or here). Seventeen days later, on 29 October, Cyrus himself entered Babylon, where he was proclaimed king, issued royal proclamations and appointed governors of his newly conquered realm (Wikipedia). 

• Christopher Columbus Reaches the “New World” (HISTORY) After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island on October 12, 1492 (Julian), believing he has reached East Asia. 

• October Revolution (Wikipedia) or the Great October Socialist Revolution, was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin -> Bolshevik victory, beginning of the Russian Civil War. Date: 7 November 1917 [O.S. 25 October]. 

• Yom Kippur War (Wikipedia) End date: 25 October 1973

• Taiwan Retrocession Day (ReWikipedia)

commemorates the end of Japanese rule of Taiwan and Penghu, and the claimed retrocession (“return”) of Taiwan to the Republic of China on 25 October 1945.

• The Battle of Balaclava (Wikipedia) fought on 25 October 1854 during the Crimean War, was part of the Siege of Sevastopol, an Allied attempt to capture the port and fortress of Sevastopol, Russia’s principal naval base on the Black Sea. ->  The Charge of the Light Brigade (HISTORY) the most heroic or disastrous episodes in British military history, during the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War, resulting in many casualties to the cavalry.

• The U.N. seats the People’s Republic of China and expels Taiwan (HISTORY) on 25 October 1971.

Chinese calendar9th Month 11 (9/11)

• China joins A-bomb club, detonates its first nuclear weapon (HISTORY) Date: 16 October 1964 = 9th Month 11 , year of the Dragon

• One World Trade Center (Wikipedia) was officially opened on 3 November 2014 = 9th Monthbis (leap month) 11, year of the Horse

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Appointed: 15 October 2013 = 9th Month 11, year of the Snake

• Francis of Assisi (Wikipedia) died on 3 October 1226 = 9th Month 11, year of the Dog -> Pope Francis explains why he chose St. Francis of Assisi’s name (Archdiocese of Baltimore)

Numbers10/25 (inclusive) – 10/26

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States, Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 9 months, 6 days ago

The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11. Date: 11 September 2001, 8080  days ago -> 88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye” In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

After sunset 🌅 – 10/26

Jewish calendar11 CheshvanYitzhak Rabin Memorial Day [The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the 5th prime minister of Israel, took place on 12 Cheshvan but if the date falls either on Friday or Saturday, the memorial day will be held on the preceding Thursday (Wikipedia)]

11 Cheshvan (1973) – New York City elected its first Jewish Mayor, Abraham D. Beame. (Psalm11918.org), the 50th Jewish anniversary. [the Number 50 in the Bible]

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia), the current Vatican’s Secretary of State. Appointed: 15 October 2013 = 11 Cheshvan

• Three-year-old Rahima Banu, from Bangladesh, is the last known case of naturally occurring smallpox. Date: 16 October 1975 = 11 Cheshvan 

Here are her notes on Tuesday, October 24…

10/24 (Tuesday) 

Julian calendar: 10/11 [Convert a date]

Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn (In The Sky) TUE, 24 OCT 2023 AT 07:55 UTC 

136108 Haumea at solar conjunction (In The Sky)  TUE, 24 OCT 2023 AT 13:20 UTC

Haumea (mythology) is the goddess of fertility and childbirth in Hawaiian mythology (Wikipedia)

Bat Appreciation Week (Bat Week), National Elizabeth Day (National Today), World Polio Day (WHO) Polio is a life-threatening disease caused by the poliovirus.

United Nations Day (United Nations) marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. With the ratification of this founding document by the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, the United Nations officially came into being, the 78th anniversary [The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will.]

• The cornerstone of the UN Permanent Headquarters was laid on UN Day (Wikipedia), 24 October 1949. Harry S. Truman – Address in New York City at the Cornerstone Laying of the United Nations Building (Truman Library

• President Truman proclaims war with Germany is officially over – Proclamation 2950—Termination of the State of War With Germany (The American Presidency Project). Date: 24 October 1951

• Russian Special Forces Day, a professional holiday celebrating the nation’s elite special forces, also known as the Spetsnaz, is marked on October 24 (tass.com)

• Benito Mussolini helped plan the March on Rome, which began on 28 October 1922  and resulted in him becoming dictator of Italy (Britannica) Date: 24 October 1922

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) – It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929, called Black Tuesday.

• 1930 Coup in Brazil – The Brazilian military junta of 1930 (Wikipedia), also known as the Pacification Junta, seized power during the Revolution of 1930 and governed Brazil from 24 October to 3 November 1930, when the junta leaders handed power over to revolutionary leader Getúlio Vargas.

• The Second Opium War finally ends at the Convention of Peking with the ratification of the Treaty of Tientsin, an unequal treaty. (Wikipedia) -> The treaties with France and Britain were signed in the Ministry of Rites building immediately south of the Forbidden City on 24 October 1860 (Wikipedia), 163 years ago [Strong’s Greek: 163. aichmalótizó: to take or lead captive; Usage: I take captive (in war); I subdue, ensnare.; 38th prime]

Chinese calendar9th Month 10 

• The Second Opium War (Wikipedia) between several western powers and China begins with the Arrow Incident (History Today) on 8 October 1856 [Erev Yom Kippur] = 9th Month 10, year of the Dragon

Numbers10/24 (inclusive) – 10/25 

• Pope Francis arrived in Sweden to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation (CBS News) (which was a Kabbalist endeavor to break the Church). Strong’s Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” / Greek: 500.  “antichrist” = “antichrist ascends.”,  (your blog), date: 31 October 2016, 2550 (1260 + 1290) days ago on 10/24 – 10/25

After sunset 🌅 – 10/25

Jewish calendar10 Cheshvan, (Psalm11918.org)

• The Chalcedonian Creedregarding the divine and human nature of Jesus, is adopted by the Council of Chalcedon, an ecumenical council. (Christian history Institute), 22 October 451 (Julian) = 10 Cheshvan (Convert a date)

• Reza Pahlavi (Wikipedia), Crown Prince of Iran (in exile). Born: 31 October 1960 = 10 Cheshvan  [Iranian Crown Prince prays at the Western Wall (Israel National News) on 4/18/2023 – Holocaust Memorial Day, The Cyrus of our time (The Jerusalem Post)]

• One World Trade Center (Wikipedia) was officially opened on 3 November 2014 = 10 Cheshvan

• The People’s Republic of China joins the rank of nations with atomic bomb capability, after a successful nuclear test on October 16, 1964 = 10 Cheshvan (HISTORY)

• Arturo Sosa (Wikipedia) is a Venezuelan Catholic priest who serves as the 31st and present superior general of the Society of Jesus. Born: 12 November 1948 = 10 Cheshvan

Islamic calendarRabi’ II 10, 1445 AH

• 2011 the Syrian Civil War (Wikipedia) Start date: 15 March 2011 (the Ides of March) = Rabi’II 10, 1432 AH

• 1138 Aleppo earthquake (Wikipedia), one of the most destructive earthquakes ever. Local date: 11 October 1138 (Julian), the 885th Julian anniversary.

Here are her notes on Monday, October 23…

10/23 (Monday)

Julian calendar: 10/10 [Convert a date]

• The Completion of the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem (Ezekiel Bates Lodge A.F. & A.M.) It  was completed on the 8th day of the month called “Bul” [Cheshvan], corresponding with the 23rd day of October.

• Husayn ibn Ali (Wikipedia) a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad was killed at the Battle of Karbala (New World Encyclopedia) that took place on October 10, 680 (Julian). The battle is often marked as the event that separated Sunni and Shi’a Islam and  a defining moment in Islamic history.

• Ignatius of Loyola (Wikipedia) venerated as Saint Ignatius of Loyola, was a Spanish Catholic priest and theologian, who, with six companions, founded the religious order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and became its first Superior General, in Paris in 1541. He was born c. 23 October 1491 (Julian) 

• First session of the United Nations General Assembly (Wikipedia) The second meeting of the first session opened in Flushing Meadows–Corona Park, New York, on 23 October 1946, 77 years ago

• Xi Jinping formally begins his norm-breaking third term ruling China. (CNN) on 23 October 2022.

• 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing (Wikipedia

• Moscow theater hostage crisis (Wikipedia)

Chinese calendar: 9th Month 9 – Double Ninth Festival (Wikipedia), also called, ”Double Yang Festival”.

Numbers10/23 (inclusive) – 10/24

• Pope gives Easter address to empty basilica (NBC news). The Roman Catholic Church (and many Protestant churches) locked Christians out of Easter services over the coronavirus on April 12, 2020. 1290 days ago on 10/23 (inclusive) or 10/24.

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city. Date: 20 January 2009, 770 weeks ago (inclusive) or on 10/24.

• Sergei Shoigu was appointed Defence Minister of the Russian Federation (Kremlin) and 2012 United States presidential election (Wikipedia). Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term. Date: 6 November 2012, 4004 days ago (inclusive) or on 10/24.

After sunset 🌅 – 10/24

Jewish calendar9 Cheshvan

• Ottoman Empire in World War I (WikipediaThe Ottoman Empire entered the war  by carrying out a surprise attack on the Black Sea coast of Russia on 29 October 1914 = 9 Cheshvan , with Russia responding by declaring war on 2 November 1914. The Ottoman Empire’s defeat in the war in 1918 was crucial in the eventual dissolution of the empire in 1922.

Gematria on the United States Grand Prix attended by Prince Harry on 10/22…

Max Verstappen (Wikipedia) = Solomon Temple 3x, Charles III 3x, King William 3x, Ariel Sharon 3x, the Trump card 3x, Babington Plot 2x, Klaus Schwab 2x, Hunter Biden 2x, the Big Five (Wikipedia) 2x. 

Max Emilian Verstappen = Prince Archie of Sussex 3x, Wagner Group rebellion (Wikipedia), Lech Aleksander Kaczynski (Wikipedia) 2x 

Mercedes-AMG Petronas (*) = False Flag Operations 4x, Electromagnetic wave 4x , Meghan Duchess of Sussex 3x, Jorge Mario Bergoglio 3x, Alexander Lukashenko 3x, Belarus enters war 2x, Vilnius Lithuania 2x, Heliofant I Pet Goat II 3x, The World Economic Forum 2x, the next Nine Eleven 2x, Five Eleven Tactical 2x, Lightning strikes 2x  

*Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex visits the Mercedes-AMG Petronas garage at the Formula 1 Lenovo United States Grand Prix at Circuit of the Americas on Sunday October 22, 2023. (Austin American-Statesman)

Here are her notes on Sunday, October 22…

from today’s news: Netanyahu’s Vow to ‘Fight Until Victory’ (msn.com)

Gematria: Fight Until Victory = Trump Inauguration 2x, The Ninety-five Theses (Wikipedia) 3x

10/22 (Sunday) 

Julian calendar: 10/9 [Convert a date]

Orionid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky) SUN, 22 OCT 2023 -> Orion_(mythology) was a giant huntsman whom Zeus (or perhaps Artemis) placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.

Exodus 10:22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days.

• The Chalcedonian Creed, regarding the divine and human nature of Jesus, is adopted by the Council of Chalcedon, an ecumenical council. (Christian history Institute), 22 October 451 (Julian)

• The Great Disappointment – On October 22, 1844 [= Chinese date9th Month 11, year of the Dragon], thousands of Christians in the Northeastern United States gathered outside to witness what they believed would be the second coming of Jesus. The day came and went, and those same Christians–disappointed and disillusioned–returned to their homes. From then on, October 22, 1844 would be known as The Great Disappointment. (Ask An Adventist FriendWikipedia)

• From the Great Wall to the Western Wall, Chinese VP visits Israel (The Jerusalem Post) arrived on Monday and immediately went to the Western Wall. Date: 22 October 2018

• Enthronement of the Japanese emperor (WikipediaNaruhito, Date: 22 October 2019 [Simchat Torah

• Peter I took the imperial title (Peter the Great, the All-Russian Emperor), Russia became an empire on 22 October 1721 (Julian) (Presidential Library Russia[Putin Peter the Great, Google Search]

• 1937 tour of Germany by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor – Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor (Edward had abdicated the British throne in December 1936), and Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, visited Nazi Germany. Meeting Hitler (Wikipedia) The tour culminated on 22 October, when they met Hitler at the Berghof (Wikipedia). Gematria: October Twenty Two = Windsor Castle 2x, Invictus Games 2x, last president 2x

• Operation Osoaviakhim (Wikipediawas a secret Soviet operation under which more than 2,500 former Nazi German specialists from companies and institutions relevant to military and economic policy in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany (SBZ) and Berlin, as well as around 4,000 more family members, totalling more than 6,000 people, were transported from former Nazi Germany as war reparations in the Soviet Union. It took place in the early morning hours of October 22, 1946.

• Cuban missile crisis (BritannicaHISTORY) – On this day in 1962, President John F. Kennedy alerted Americans to the Cuban missile crisis, declaring a naval blockade to prevent further missile shipments to the island country 90 miles (145 km) off the coast of the U.S.

Numbers10/22 (inclusive) – 10/23

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City (gov.il) Date: 23 January 2020, 45 months ago

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia), the Iran nuclear deal,  Created: 14 July 2015, 99 months, 9 days ago -> Number of the beast: 666, the Number 999 (Bible Study), Strong’ Greek: 999. bothunos: a pit 

• The world’s first deployed atomic bomb: Bombing of Hiroshima (HISTORY) on 6 August 1945 -> 78 years, 78 days -> The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will. 

After sunset 🌅 – 10/23

Jewish calendar8 Cheshvan (8/8)

• The Completion of the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem (Ezekiel Bates Lodge A.F. & A.M.) It  was completed on the 8th day of the month called “Bul” [Cheshvan], corresponding with the 23rd day of October…

• Bank of Italy (United States)(Wikipedia) was founded in San Francisco, California, United States, on 17 October 1904 = 8 Cheshvan. It grew by a branch banking strategy to become Bank of America

Islamic calendarRabi’II 8 [like the 8th Rabbi ?] 1445 AH

• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (WikipediaChabadbecame the 7th Chabad Rebbe – On the first anniversary of his father-in-law’s passing, 10 Shevat 1951 [17 January 1951] = Rabi’II 9 or 8, 1370 AH, in a ceremony attended by several hundred rabbis and Jewish leaders from all parts of the United States and Canada, Schneerson delivered a Hasidic discourse (Ma’amar), the equivalent to a President-elect taking the oath of office, and formally became the Rebbe.

Here are her notes on Saturday, October 21…

10/21 (Saturday) [Twenty-one is Blackjack; the symbol for Jupiter looks like 21 (NASA)], also 21 is 7+7+7

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Israel. Born: 21 October 1949, his 74th birthday = 888 months

• The Capitulation of Tainan (Wikipedia), on 21 October 1895, was the last act in the Japanese invasion of Taiwan. The capitulation ended the brief existence of the Republic of Formosa and inaugurated the era of Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan.

Chinese calendar9th Month 7

• The Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia) is a multilateral treaty that forms the basis of international space law. Negotiated and drafted under the auspices of the United Nations. Effective: 10 October 1967 = 9th Month 7, year of the Goat

Numbers10/21 (inclusive) – 10/22

• United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall. (NBC News) Date: 22 May 2017, 77 months ago [Does Donald Trump Align With the Biblical Sign of 7?]

After sunset 🌅 – 10/22

Jewish calendar7 CheshvanYom HaAliyah (Wikipedia)

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 58th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, 8 November, 2016 = 7th  Cheshvan, 5777

Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States.

Here are her notes on Friday, October 20…

on 3 July you wrote this: (kensthoughtstream.com)

Queen Elizabeth lit this one candle exactly 1335 days before Prince Harry’s planned Pearl Harbor Day / Hanukkah crowning. And 1335 is the exact number of days of the fully complete second half of a 7-year Tribulation, so the war will likely take a turn on the 1290th day, October 22 / 7 Cheshvan, the day “the last Jew comes home”. That 

would likely be the day when Harry begins his “Triumphal Procession” to Jerusalem. 

10/20 (Friday) 

Mercury at superior solar conjunction (In The Sky)

FRI, 20 OCT 2023 AT 05:49 UTC -> 349 minutes into the day Strong’s Greek: 349. anakrazó: to cry out 349 anakrázō (from 303 /aná “up to a high point,” intensifying 2896 /krázō, “cry out”) – properly, cry out loudly (in a passionate, excited way), usually with shrieks or screams

Julian calendar10/7 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals – 7 (Nones): rites for Jupiter Fulgur (Jupiter of daytime lightning) and Juno Curitis (Wikipedia)

• The Battle of Lepanto (Wikipedia) was a naval engagement between the allied Christian forces of the Holy League and the Ottoman Turks. The engagement was a significant defeat for the Ottomans, who had not lost a major naval battle since the fifteenth century. Date: 7 October 1571 (Julian)

• Battle of Navarino (Wikipedia) – Part of the Greek War of Independence. Allied forces from Britain, France, and Russia decisively defeated Ottoman and Egyptian forces which were trying to suppress the Greeks, thereby making Greek independence much more likely. Date: 20 October 1827 

• Killing of Muammar Gaddafi (Wikipedia) on 20 October 2011 -> “We came, we saw, he died,” [Gematria: Now I Am Become Death 4x, Google Search] Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shared a laugh with a television news reporter moments after hearing deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed (YouTube: CBS News).

• Herbert Hoover (Wikipedia) the 31st president of the United States died. And on the same day 

• Kamala Harris (Wikipedia), the 49th and current vice president of the United States,was born. Date: 20 October 1964, 59 years ago

Chinese calendar9th Month 6

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia), the Iran nuclear dealDate effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House) = 9th Month 6, year of the Goat

After sunset 🌅 – 10/21

Jewish calendar6 Cheshvan (2/6 or 8/6

6 Cheshvan (Psalm11918.org), Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits.

• The Coverdale Bible [the first complete Modern English translation of the Bible] is printed (Wikipedia), 4 October 1535 (Julian) = 6 Cheshvan

• 2018 Moscow–Constantinople schism, a schism between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople began on 15 October 2018 = 6 Cheshvan

• The War of the Worlds (Wikipedia). The episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasion was taking place. Original release: October 30, 1938 at 8–9 pm ET = 6 Cheshvan ‘War of the Worlds’: Behind the 1938 Radio Show Panic (National Geographic)

Islamic calendar: Rabi’II 6

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia), the Iran nuclear deal. Date effective:16 January 2016 (implementation) = Rabi’II 6, 1437 AH

Here are her notes on Thursday, October 19…

10/19 (Thursday) [10/19]

International Shakeout day (National Today ) The first ever shakeout drill took place in California, then known as The Great Southern California ShakeOut.

National Jared Day (National Today)  [Jared Kushner (Wikipedia), Jared is a Hebrew boys’ name that means “he descends.”]

Julian calendar: 10/6 [Convert a dateOctober 6: dies ater (“black day“) to mark the anniversary of the battle of Arausio (105 BC) (Wikipedia) The Roman army was defeated by Germanic tribes.

 Armilustrium (Wikipedia) was a festival in honor of Mars, the god of war. Observances: Ritual purification of weapons

•ʻOumuamua (Wikipedia) is the first interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System. Discovery date: 19 October 2017, 6 Strange Facts about the Interstellar Visitor ‘Oumuamua Scientific American)

• The largest-ever one-day percentage decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average comes not in 1929 but on “Black Monday”, October 19, 1987. (HISTORYWikipedia)

Chinese calendar9th Month 5

• The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was formally abolished on 10 October 1945 = 9th Month 5, year of the Rooster, by the Allied Control Council, followed by the process of denazification along with trials of major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg (Wikipedia). On the same day ->

• North Korea: The foundation of the North Korea Bureau of the Communist Party of Korea. Date: 10 October 1945 = 9th Month 5, year of the Rooster, North Korea: Party Foundation Day (Wikipedia)

• Washington Monument (Wikipedia), obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, was opened on October 9, 1888 = 9th Month 5, year of the Rat

• The Second Opium War finally ends at the Convention of Peking (Wikipedia) with the ratification of the Treaty of Tientsin, an unequal treaty. (Wikipedia) -> Peking’s Summer Palace destroyed (HISTORY) 18 October 1860 = 9th Month 5, year of the Monkey, 163 Chinese years ago [Strong’s Greek: 163.: to take or lead captive; Usage: I take captive (in war); I subdue, ensnare.; 38th prime]

Numbers10/19 (inclusive) – 10/20

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal. Created: 14 July 2015, 99 months, 6 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]

• Ebrahim Raisi (Wikipedia), the 8th and current president of Iran since 3 August 2021, 808 days ago -> 88 (number)(Wikipedia)

After sunset 🌅 – 10/20

Jewish calendar5 Cheshvan

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal. Date effective: 18 October 2015 = 5 Cheshvan (adoption, Obama White House)

Islamic calendarRabi’II 5, 1445 AH

• The Chelyabinsk meteor (Wikipedia) was a superbolide that entered Earth’s atmosphere over the southern Ural region in Russia on 15 February 2013 = Rabi’II 5 or 4 at about 09:20 YEKT (03:20 UTC) [Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger]. The meteor exploded in a meteor air burst, injuring 1,491 people. 

• Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Wikipedia) – Signed: 1 July 1968 = Rabi’II 5 or 4.

Here are her notes on Wednesday, October 18…

10/18 (Wednesday)

ε-Geminid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky) in the constellation Gemini

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption – Obama White House)

• Azerbaijan: Day of Restoration of Independence (Wikipedia)

• The Alaska Purchase (WikipediaHISTORY), was the United States’ acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867, through a treaty ratified by the United States Senate, 156 years ago [the 156th prime is 911]. Celebrated annually in the state as Alaska Day.

• The Second Opium War finally ends at the Convention of Peking with the ratification of the Treaty of Tientsin, an unequal treaty. (Wikipedia) -> Convention of Peking (WikipediaOn 18 October 1860, at the culmination of the Second Opium War, the British and French troops entered the Forbidden City in Beijing. Following the decisive defeat of the Chinese … The original plan was to burn down the Forbidden City as punishment for the mistreatment of Anglo-French prisoners by Qing officials. Because doing so would jeopardize the treaty signing, the plan shifted to burning the Old Summer Palace and Summer Palace instead (HISTORY). The treaties with France and Britain were signed in the Ministry of Rites building immediately south of the Forbidden City on 24 October 1860., 163 years ago [Strong’s Greek: 163. aichmalótizó: to take or lead captive; Usage: I take captive (in war); I subdue, ensnare.; 38th prime]

• Boxer Rebellion (Wikipedia) was an anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian uprising in China between 1899 and 1901, towards the end of the Qing dynasty, by the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists. The rebels were known as the “Boxers” in English because many of its members had practised Chinese martial arts, which at the time were referred to as “Chinese boxing”. The Boxer Rebellion began with the Battle of Senluo Temple (Wikipedia) on 18 October 1899.

Chinese calendar9th Month 4

• The Capitulation of Tainan (Wikipedia), on 21 October 1895 = 9th Month 4, was the last act in the Japanese invasion of Taiwan. The capitulation ended the brief existence of the Republic of Formosa and inaugurated the era of Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan.

Numbers10/18 (inclusive) – 10/19 

• A brief history of Big Ben and Elizabeth Tower (parliament.uk)

1859: The Great Clock starts ticking on 31 May and the Great Bell’s strikes are heard for the first time on 11 July (7/11), 60,000 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 10/19

Jewish calendar4 Cheshvan – “Purim Algiers” (1541)

Here are her notes on Tuesday, October 17…

10/17 (Tuesday) 

World Trauma Day (National Today) = Guy Fawkes Night 2x [Gematria]

Haggai 2:1 Then on October 17 of that same year, the LORD sent another message through the prophet Haggai. [About Haggai 2:1 (Chabad – 21 Tishri) Prophecy of Haggai Encouraging the Building of the Second Temple]

Lazarus of Bethany (Wikipedia)  also venerated as Righteous Lazarus, the Four-Days Dead in the Eastern Orthodox Church, is the subject of a sign of Jesus in the Gospel of John, in which Jesus restores him to life four days after his death. 

Julian calendar10/4 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Ieiunium Cereris (Wikipedia) (Latin: the fast of Ceres) a Roman festival devoted to the goddess Ceres. Your blog (here)

Chinese calendar9th Month 3

• CERN (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Formation: 29 September 1954 = 9th Month 3, year of the Horse

•The cornerstone of the UN Permanent Headquarters was laid on UN Day (Wikipedia), 24 October 1949 = 9th Month 3, year of the Ox. Harry S. Truman – Address in New York City at the Cornerstone Laying of the United Nations Building (Truman Library)

• Puyi (Wikipedia), the last emperor of China as the eleventh and final monarch of the Qing dynasty, died on 17 October 1967, 56 years ago

• Milestones of a Monarch: The Queen’s first state visit to the Vatican (Royal Central) or Pope welcomes Queen to the Vatican (BBC ON THIS DAY), 17 October 1980. 

• The first commercial nuclear power station is officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II in Sellafield (Wikipedia), England, 17 October 1956 – [-> about 1 year later  Windscale fire (Wikipedia), the House of Windsor]

• Bank of Italy (United States)(Wikipedia) was founded in San Francisco, California, United States, on 17 October 1904. It grew by a branch banking strategy to become Bank of America

• The Panic of 1907 (Wikipedia), also known as the 1907 Bankers’ Panic or Knickerbocker Crisis, was a financial crisis that took place in the United States over a three-week period starting in mid-October, when the New York Stock Exchange fell almost 50% from its peak the previous year.

• Ze’ev Jabotinsky (Wikipedia) was a Revisionist Zionist leader, founder of the Jewish Self-Defense Organization in Odesa. With Joseph Trumpeldor, he co-founded the Jewish Legion of the British army in World War I. Later he established several Jewish organizations, including the militant organization Irgun in Mandatory Palestine.

He was born on 17 October 1880. Ze’ev (Wikipedia), is a name of Hebrew origin which means wolf, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, arguably the most famous Ze’ev]

• Battle of Kosovo (1448) (Wikipedia) was a land battle between a Hungarian-led Crusader army and the Ottoman Empire at Kosovo field that took place from 17–20 October 1448 (Julian). Result: Ottoman victory

• Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia declare war on the Ottoman Empire, joining Montenegro in the First Balkan War. (Wikipedia) Date: 17 October 1912

After sunset 🌅 – 10/18 (6+6+6)

Jewish calendar3 Cheshvan

• The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was formally abolished (Wikipedia) on 10 October 1945 = 3 Cheshvan by the Allied Control Council, followed by the process of denazification along with trials of major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg.

On the same day

• North Korea: The foundation of the North Korea Bureau of the Communist Party of Korea. Date: 10 October 1945 = 3 CheshvanNorth Korea: Party Foundation Day (Wikipedia)

• The Capitulation of Tainan (Wikipedia), on 21 October 1895 = 3 Cheshvan, was the last act in the Japanese invasion of Taiwan. The capitulation ended the brief existence of the Republic of Formosa and inaugurated the era of Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan.

Islamic calendarRabi’II 3

• JFK Jr. killed in plane crash (HISTORYWikipediaDate: 16 July 1999 = Rabi’II 3 or 2, 1420 AH

• Salman of Saudi Arabia (Wikipedia) has been King of Saudi Arabia since 23 January 2015 = Rabi’II 3 or 2, 1436

Here are her notes on Monday, October 16…

more 1 Cheshvan 

• The cornerstone of the UN Permanent Headquarters was laid on UN Day (Wikipedia), 24 October 1949 = 1 Cheshvan Address in New York City at the Cornerstone Laying of the United Nations Building (Truman Library)

• Washington Monument (Wikipedia) – Designated, October 15, 1966 = 1 Cheshvan

10/16 (Monday) 

• Burning of Parliament (Wikipedia) – The Palace of Westminster, the medieval royal palace used as the home of the British parliament, was largely destroyed by fire on 16 October 1834, 189 years ago 

• The thirteen days marking the most dangerous period of the Cuban missile crisis begin. Day 1 (October 16, 1962) – President Kennedy and principal foreign policy and national defense officials are briefed on the U-2 findings. (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library), 61 years ago (18th prime)

• David Ben-Gurion (Wikipedia) was the primary national founder of the State of Israel and the first prime minister of Israel. He was born David Grün [Grün (surname) a German word and surname meaning “green”; Zelensky (surname) is a Slavic surname, meaning ‘green’] on 16 October 1886, the 137th anniversary of his birth [33rd primeThe Enigma of 137Wikipedia]

• On 16 October 1793, Marie Antoinette (Wikipedia), the last Queen of France before the French Revolution, was executed, 230 years ago

• Adolf Hitler delivers his first public address at a meeting of the German Workers’ Party. (WikipediaDate: 16 October 1919 [Shmini Atzeret], 104 years ago  [14 and 88: Why white supremacists love the numbers.]

• The Nuremberg executions (Wikipedia) took place on 16 October 1946, shortly after the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials. [1946: The Nuremberg Trials and the Ten Sons of Haman, TheTorah.com], 77 years ago

• China detonates its first nuclear weapon (HISTORY) on 16 October 1964, 59 years ago (17th prime)

After sunset 🌅 – 10/17

Jewish calendar2 Cheshvan

• Odessa: 1905 pogrom and 1941 massacre (Psalm11918.org)

Islamic calendarRabi’ II 2, 1445 AH

• A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the US. It is the first of a planned two-volume series. Publisher: Crown; Publication date: 17 November 2020 = Rabi’II 2, 1442 AH

Here are her notes on Sunday, October 15…

10/15 (Sunday) 

• October Horse, (Wikipedia) sacrifice to Mars in the Campus Martius

• Capitoline Games (Wikipedia) They were instituted by Camillus, 387 BC, in honor of Jupiter Capitolinus, and in commemoration of the Capitol’s not being taken by the Gauls that same year. The games lasted sixteen days, starting on October 15.

• The United States Capitol cornerstone laying (Wikipedia) was the Freemasonry ceremonial placement of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol on September 18, 1793, 230 years, 4 weeks ago on 10/16 or 10/15 (inclusive) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering 

Strong’s Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).

• Adoption of the Gregorian calendar (Wikipedia), Friday, 15 October 1582 was the first day of the Gregorian calendar, 441 years ago

• Stepan Bandera (Wikipedia) a Ukrainian far-right leader of the radical militant wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Assassinated (by cyanide gas): 15 October 1959, Munich, Germany. Who was Stepan Bandera ? (Google Search)

Numbers10/15 (inclusive) – 10/16 

• Iran nuclear deal (Wikipedia), an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1. Created: 14 July 2015, 8 years, 94 days  ago -> Strong’s Greek: 894absinthes: wormwood

894 ápsinthos – a bitter plant known as “wormwood“(figuratively) what is intensely bitter (grievous), bringing on very sad results (used only in Rev 8:11)

• Jared Kushner launches the Abraham Accords Institute for Peace (The Times of Israel) reported on Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 894 days ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 10/16

Jewish calendar: 1 Cheshvan, [Hebcal

Cheshvan (Wikipedia) Marcheshvan (literally, ‘eighth month’), sometimes shortened to Cheshvan, is the 2nd month of the civil year (which starts on 1 Tishrei), and the 8th month of the ecclesiastical year (which starts on 1 Nisan) on the Hebrew calendar.

Islamic calendar: Rabi’II 1, 1445 AH

Rabiʽ al-Thani (Wikipedia) (lit. ’The second Rabi’, also known as Rabi’ al-Akhirah (lit. ’The final Rabi’), Rabiʽ al-Akhir, or Rabi’ II is the 4th month of the Islamic calendar. 

Here are her notes on Saturday, October 14…


10/14 (Saturday) Biden (factba,Forth)

5:35 PM – The President departs the White House en route to the Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC. 

Gematria: The Washington Convention Center = President Joe Biden has died 1x 

6:30 PM – The President and The First Lady deliver remarks at the 2023 Human Rights Campaign National Dinner

6:30 PM is 18 hours 30 minutes into the day = 1,1110 minutes = 66,600 seconds [Time Calculator] [11/11 and 666]

(Gematria: Human Rights Campaign = Accidental overdose 2x; Biden-Harris Administration Announces $450 to Beat the Overdose Epidemic & Save Lives (The White House), 44 or 45 days ago).

About the eclipse: The path of totality will go through New Mexico [Trinity – nuclear test, the Los Alamos Laboratory, the Roswell incident,..] and Nevada -> Is US Preparing Nuclear Tests in Nevada? What We Know (Newsweek).

10/16 (Monday) – Media Advisory for President Joe Bidens Trip to Colorado | White House Pool  (Forth)

10/14  (Saturday) 

Julian calendar10/1 [Convert a date]

Annular solar eclipse SAT, 14 OCT 2023 FROM 15:05 UTC TO 20:55 UTC  (In The Sky)

New Moon SAT, 14 OCT 2023 AT 17:56 UTC (In The Sky)

Intercession of the Theotokos (Wikipedia) , or the Protection of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary [Until last year, it used to be Defenders Day in Ukraine. The fourteenth of October is also the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks. (Wikipedia)]

• Attempted assassination of Theodore Roosevelt (Wikipedia) Date: October 14, 1912, 111 years ago

• The Nobel Peace Prize 1994: Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, and two Israelis – the Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres – are the winners of this year’s Nobel peace prize (The Nobel Peace Prize 1994), Oslo, October 14, 1994. 

• Nikita Khrushchev ousted as premier of Soviet Union, 14 October 1964 (HISTORY).

• Dwight D. Eisenhower (Wikipedia), the 34th U.S. President was born on 14 October 1890, Denison, Texas, United States. In his farewell address, he warned against the establishment of a “military-industrial complex” (National Archives).

• The Cuban Missile Crisis begins on October 14, 1962, bringing the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear conflict. Soviet missiles photographed in Cuba, October 14, 1962  (HISTORY). According to some other sources it began on October 16 (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library). President Kennedy and principal foreign policy and national defense officials are briefed on the U-2 findings.

• The cornerstone for the Knesset [the unicameral parliament of Israel,] building was laid on October 14, 1958 [30 Tishri] in Jerusalem. (Rothschild’s gift to Israel – Jerusalem Post, video: Israel Film Archive).

Chinese calendar8th Month 30

• Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the current prime minister of Israel. He was born on 21 October 1949 = 8th Month 30, year of the Ox

• ʻOumuamua (Wikipedia) is the first interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System on 19 October 2017 = 8th Month 30, year of the Rooster approximately 40 days after it passed its closest point to the Sun on 9 September. 

Numbers10/14 (inclusive) – 10/15

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014, 9 years, 6 weeks, 6 days on 10/14 (inclusive) – 10/15 And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia)

• 2014 Turkish presidential election (Wikipedia) Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was elected outright with an absolute majority of the vote in the first round. Date: 10 August 2014, 9 years, 66 days ago on or (inclusive). 

After sunset 🌅 – 10/15

Jewish calendar: 30 Tishri

Here are her notes on Friday, October 13…

[Sunday or Monday

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1. Created: 14 July 2015, 8 years, 94 days  ago on 10/15(inclusive) – 10/16 -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood, 894 ápsinthos – a bitter plant known as “wormwood”(figuratively) what is intensely bitter (grievous), bringing on very sad results (used only in Rev 8:11) 

• Jared Kushner launches the Abraham Accords Institute for Peace (The Times of Israel) reported on Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 894 days ago on 10/15 (inclusive)-10/16]

Gematria: President Biden was shot = Donald Trump indictment 4x 

Friday the thirteenth = The Rosicrucian Order 3x 

10/13 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 9/30 [Convert a date]

Fontinalia in honor of Fontus (Wikipedia) or Fons, a god of wells and springs in ancient Roman religion.

• The Navy Birthday is on October 13 and celebrates the establishment of the US Navy in 1775. (time and date)

• Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia) is proclaimed sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Sword girding) on 30 September 1520 (Julian), 503 (96th prime) years ago 

Walls of Jerusalem (Wikipedia) In the 16th century, during the reign of the Ottoman Empire in the region, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent decided to rebuild the city walls fully, partly on the remains of the ancient walls. Being built in circa 1537–1541, they are the walls that exist today.

Friday the 13th (Wikipedia) is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition

• Hundreds of the Knights Templar (Wikipediain France are arrested at dawn by King Philip the Fair, and later confess under torture to heresy. Date: Friday, 13 October 1307 (Julian) [Convert a date], 716 years ago  -> Strong’s Greek: 716. harma: a chariot; of war-chariots (i. e., armed with scythes), chariots drawn by many horses

Why Friday the 13th Spelled Doom for the Knights Templar (HISTORY), the Curse of Jacques de Molay (history.co.uk)

• Friday the 13th mini-crash (Wikipedia) was a stock market crash that occurred on Friday, October 13, 1989. The crash, referred to by some as “Black Friday”. The crash is often pinpointed as the start of the early 1990s recession.

• Mein Kampf (Wikipedia) (lit. ’My Struggle’) is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Published in English: 13 October 1933 

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipediastate.gov) is a non-binding multilateral arrangement between the United States government and other world governments participating in the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2025, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: Tuesday, 13 October 2020.

• Miracle of the Sun (Wikipedia) also known as the Miracle of Fátima, is a series of events reported to have occurred miraculously on 13 October 1917, attended by a large crowd (30,000~100,000 people) who had gathered in Fátima, Portugal, in response to a prophecy made by three shepherd children.

• The present church building at Westminster Abbey was consecrated (Westminster-Abbey) on 13 October 1269; Cornerstone of the White House Laid (Library of Congress) – Date: 13 October 1792; Christ the Redeemer (statue) (Wikipedia) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Completion date: Dedicated October 13, 1931;

• Canonisation of John Henry Newman (Wikipedia) Canonized: 13 October 2019 -> Prince Charles receives gift from the Pope in Rome as pair meet for historic celebration.(Express.co.uk).

• First known conversation in modern Hebrew (Wikipedia) – On 13 October 1881, while in Paris, Ben-Yehuda began speaking Hebrew with friends in what is believed to be the first modern conversation using the language. Later that year, he made aliyah and came to live in Jerusalem.

After sunset 🌅 – 10/14

Jewish calendar: 29 TishriShabbat Bereishit -The Shabbat after Simchat Torah- “Shabbat of Beginning” — the first Shabbat of the annual Torah reading cycle, on which the Torah section of Bereishit (“In the Beginning”) is read.… The Rebbes of Chabad would say: “As one establishes oneself on Shabbat Bereishit, so goes the rest of the year.””

• Passing of Simeon the Righteous, the last member of the Men of the Great Assembly

• The Statue of Liberty (HISTORY) was dedicated on October 28, 1886 = 29 Tishri

There is a statue which partly resembles (the number of rays is different, so is the star,…) the Statue of Liberty in the I, Pet Goat II  predictive programming video at the 2:32 mark. Only its torch breaks off.

ʻOumuamua (Wikipedia) is the first interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System. Discovery date: 19 October 2017 = 29 Tishri, 6 Strange Facts about the Interstellar Visitor ‘Oumuamua Scientific American)

Islamic calendarRabi’ I 29, 1445

• Battle of Navarino (Wikipedia) Part of the Greek War of Independence. Allied forces from Britain, France, and Russia decisively defeated Ottoman and Egyptian forces which were trying to suppress the Greeks, thereby making Greek independence much more likely. Date: 20 October 1827 (O. S. 8 October) 1827 = Rabi’I 29, 1243 AH, [Convert a date]

the 202nd anniversary on the Islamic calendar and on the Jewish calendar 196th anniversary [29 Tishri].

Here are her notes on Thursday, October 12…

10/12 (Thursday) 

Augustalia (Wikipedia) in honor of Augustus, the first Roman. Roman festivals were often named for the deities they honored. The establishment of the Augustalia thus marks a major development in what was to become Imperial cult.

Chinese calendar8th Month 28 -> Strong’s Greek: 828. Augoustos: Augustus, the name of a Roman emperor; Usage: Augustus, a title conferred on the first Roman Emperor, C. Iulius Octauianus, denoting sanctity (almost divinity).

• Shimon Peres (Wikipedia), The Last Of Israel’s Founding Leaders (NPR), died on 28 September 2016 = 8th Month 28, year of the Monkey, the 7th anniversary of his death on the Chinese calendar. 

• The International Workingmen’s Association (Wikipedia), often called the First International, was an international organisation which aimed at uniting a variety of different left-wing socialist, communist and anarchist groups and trade unions that were based on the working class and class struggle. Formation (was founded in London, St. Martin’s Hall Meeting, London): 28 September 1864 = 8th Month 28, year of the Rat

• Fall of Babylon: on 12 October 539 BC (pre-Julian Roman calendar), the army of Cyrus [the Great of Persia] without a battle entered Babylon (Wikipedia: here or here). Seventeen days later, on 29 October, Cyrus himself entered Babylon, where he was proclaimed king, issued royal proclamations and appointed governors of his newly conquered realm (Wikipedia).

In 1971 – 2,500-year celebration of the Persian Empire (Wikipedia) was a national event in Iran to celebrate the founding of the ancient Achaemenid Empire by Cyrus the Great.

• Columbus Day (Library of Congress) – Early in the morning of October 12, 1492 (Julian), a sailor on board the Pinta sighted land, beginning a new era of European exploration and expansion. The next day, the ninety crew members of Columbus’ three-ship fleet ventured onto the Bahamian island that he named San Salvador.

Numbers10/12 (inclusive) – 10/13

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014 (8/28), 3333 days ago (inclusive) or 3332 days ago (exactly) -> Strong’s Greek: 3332. metairó: to remove, depart; Usage: I change my position, depart, removeOn the same day: Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia)

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force (lit. ’Jerusalem Force’). He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957, 66 years, 66 days old on 10/13 or 10/12 (inclusive).

• Pope Francis to Prince Charles: Be a Man of Peace (National Catholic Register) Prince Charles and his wife Camilla met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. “Wherever you go may you be a man of peace,” the Pope told the prince. “I’ll do my best,” Charles replied. Date: 4 April 2017, 6 years, 6 month, days ago [666 is the Number of the beastGematria:  I’ll do my best = Columbus Day 3x

After sunset 🌅 – 10/13

Jewish calendar28 Tishri  (7/7+7+7+7)

28 Tishrei (Psalm11918) 290- The Romans removed the last Nasi, Rabban Gamliel (the fourth), from office, destroying the last vestiges of Jewish self-government after the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.

• Siege of Jerusalem (1187) (Wikipedia) – the Crusaders surrendered the city to Saladin’s army [and allowed Jews to return to the city after an absence of 88 years, psalm11918] on October 2 = 28 Tishri, 4948 [Convert a date]

• Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu (Wikipedia), the current prime minister of Israel. He was born on 21 October 1949 = 28 Tishri. [Birthday effect], his 74th Jewish anniversary. 

• On 20 October 1930 = 28 Tishri, the British government issued the Passfield White Paper (World Jewish Congress). The document was the second of three “white papers” issued by the British government detailing its policy in Palestine and severely limiting official Jewish immigration to Palestine.

• The second meeting of the first session of the United Nations General Assembly opened in Flushing Meadows–Corona Park, New York, on 23 October 1946 (Wikipedia) = 28 Tishri.

• Chinese President Xi Jinping was on Sunday [23 October 2022 = 28 Tishri] re-elected as the General Secretary of the ruling Communist Party of China for a record third five-year term, a privilege only accorded to party founder Mao Zedong. (Business Today)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, October 11…

1. NASA to Host Asteroid Sample Media Call; Provide Experts for Interviews  (NASA) Following a public unveiling of the United States’ first asteroid sample at 11 a.m. EDT Wednesday, Oct. 11, NASA will host a media teleconference and separate in-person interviews in English and Spanish with experts from the agency and the University of Arizona.

2. Iran helped plan Hamas attack on Israel (Daily Mail Online), Iran is branded a ‘terrorist state’

(Daily Mail Online).

3. Friday is the 13th and on Friday, October 13, 2023: The President will travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (White House Pool | Forth). The President will discuss how his Bidenomics agenda is creating good-paying union jobs, investing in infrastructure, accelerating the transition to a clean energy future, and combatting the climate crisis.

10/11 (Wednesday)

Essene calendar: Tishrei 22 – Great Day

δ-Aurigid meteor shower (In The Sky) will be active from 10 October to 18 October, producing its peak rate of meteors around 11 October, in the constellation Auriga, a charioteer and again four horses (In The Sky).

• Opening of the Second Vatican Council (Britannica) – The Second Vatican Council, announced by Pope John XXIII in 1959, opened on 11 October 1962, lasted for three years, and remains a symbol (controversial to some) of the church’s readiness to adapt to modern life.

• Trump said: “We’re going to defeat socialism and put a man on the face of the Moon” (InsiderMSNBC) on Friday night 11 October 2019.

Chinese calendar8th Month 27

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) is a non-binding multilateral arrangement between the United States government and other world governments participating in the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2025, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: Tuesday, 13 October 2020 = 8th Month 27, year of the Rat 

• President Kennedy urges Americans to build bomb shelters (HISTORY) Date: 6 October 1961 = 8th Month 27, year of the Ox

• Kim Yo-jong (Wikipedia), the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. She is the Deputy Department Director of the Publicity and Information Department of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Born: 26 September [The U.S. Treasury lists her birthdate as 26 September 1989 = 8th Month 27, year of the Snake.]

• Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (Wikipedia) (Latin for To the Government of the Church Militant) was the papal bull promulgated by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540 (Julian)= 8th Month 27, year of the Rat, which gave a first approval to the Society of Jesus [the Jesuit Order was founded], also known as the Jesuits, but limited the number of its members to sixty.

Numbers10/11 (inclusive) – 10/12

• Trump Becomes First Sitting U.S. President to Visit Western Wall in Jerusalem (NBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 6 years, 20 weeks, 3 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).

After sunset 🌅 – 10/12

Jewish calendar27 Tishri 

• White House (Wikipedia) – Construction started: October 13, 1792 27 Tishri

Islamic calendarRabi’ I 27, 1445 AH

• Prince Harry was christened at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. 1984: Prince Harry’s Christening Brings the Royal Family Together – YouTube Date: Friday, 21 December 1984 = Rabiʻ I 27 [Convert a date] or Rabi’I 28, 1405 AH

GematriaWindsor Castle = Invictus Games 4x, last president 4x, Markets plunge 3x

Here are her notes on Tuesday, October 10…


10/10 (after sunset 🌅) – 10/11

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 26

• Pope Francis visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the only two cities in the world to be destroyed by atomic bombs (America MagazineVatican) on Sunday, 24 November 2019 = Rabi’I 26 [Convert a date] or  Rabi’I 27, 1441 AH.

• Mehmed II begins his siege of Constantinople on 6 April 1453 (Julian) = Rabi’I 26, 857 AH. The city falls 53 days later, and is renamed Istanbul. [Fall of Constantinople, Wikipedia]

• Oslo I Accord (WikipediaHISTORY) – It was the first face-to-face agreement between the government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)… The Oslo Accords were officially signed at a public ceremony in Washington, D.C. in the presence of PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and U.S. President Bill Clinton. Date: 13 September 1993 = Rabi’I 26, 1414 AH

10/10 (Tuesday) 

Essene calendar: Tishri 21 – Tabernacles 7

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia), President of Russia, he has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: 7 October 1952 = 21 Tishri-Tabernacles 7 on the  Essene Calendar. [October 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict  (Wikipedia) began on Putin’s birthday, 7 October]

Conjunction of the Moon and Venus TUE, 10 OCT 2023 AT 09:45 UTC (In The Sky)

Southern Taurid meteor shower (In The Sky) in the constellation Cetus (Wikipedia), sometimes called ‘the whale‘(*) in English. The Cetus (Google Search) was a sea monster in Greek mythology which both Perseus (Google Search) and Heracles [known as Hercules in Rome] needed to slay. * Gematria: Prince of Whales (Trump met ‘Prince of Whales’ The Guardian) = Lord of the Flies (Wikipedia4x, I am John F Kennedy 3x

• The Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia) is a multilateral treaty that forms the basis of international space law. Negotiated and drafted under the auspices of the United Nations. Effective: 10 October 1967 

Important !

• Husayn ibn Ali (Wikipedia) a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad was killed at the Battle of Karbala (New World Encyclopedia) that took place on October 10, 680 (Julian). The battle is often marked as the event that separated Sunni and Shi’a Islam and  a defining moment in Islamic history.

• The Windscale fire (Wikipedia) of 10 October 1957 was the worst nuclear accident in the United Kingdom’s history, and one of the worst in the world, ranked in severity at level 5 out of 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale, 66 years ago. 

Gematria: Reichstag Fire 3x, Winds Of Change (Wikipedia) 3x, The Light We Carry (Wikipedia) 2x

• The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was formally abolished on 10 October 1945 by the Allied Control Council, followed by the process of denazification along with trials of major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg (Wikipedia).

China, Korea

• North Korea: Party Foundation Day (Wikipedia), one of the most important holidays of the country Significance: Founding of the North Korea Bureau of the Communist Party of Korea (1945)

• Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (Wikipedia) Current form: 10 October 1947

• National Day of the Republic of China (Wikipedia) also referred to as Double Ten Day commemorates the start of the Wuchang Uprising on 10 October 1911 which ultimately led to the collapse of the imperial Qing dynasty and establishment of the Republic of China. 

• The Kuomintang (Wikipedia) (also known as the Chinese Nationalist Party that governed China from 1928-1949), now in Taiwan was founded (re-established). The Kuomintang is one of two major historical contemporary parties in China, the other being the CCP. Date: 10 October 1919

Chinese calendar: 8th Month 26

• First-Ever Underground Nuclear Explosion (HISTORY) on September 19, 1957 = 8th Month 26, year of the Rooster, the United States detonates a 1.7-kiloton nuclear weapon in an underground tunnel at the Nevada Test Site. 

• Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (Wikipedia) Current form: 10 October 1947 = 8th Month 26, year of the Pig

Boxers: Thrilla in Manila (Wikipedia) was the third and final boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. The bout is almost universally regarded as one of the best and most brutal fights in boxing history. Date: October 1, 1975 = 8th Month 26, year of the Rabbit


• Cuba Independence Day (Office Holidays) also known as the Anniversary of the Beginning of the War of Independence (Ten Years’ War) marks the start of Cuba’s struggle for independence from Spain (10 October 1868).

• Miguel Díaz-Canel (Wikipedia) became the President of the Republic of Cuba on 10 October 2019.

After sunset 🌅 – 10/11

Jewish calendar26 Tishri

• Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (Wikipedia) (Latin for To the Government of the Church Militant) was the papal bull promulgated by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540 (Julian) = 26 Tishri, [Convert a date], which gave a first approval to the Society of Jesus [the Jesuit Order was founded], also known as the Jesuits, but limited the number of its members to sixty.

• October 22, 1973- A cease-fire resolution was passed by the U.N. Security Council to halt the Yom Kippur War. Shuttle diplomacy by Henry Kissinger compelled Israel and Egypt to accept the cease-fire. (Psalm11918.org)

• Black Monday (1987) (Wikipedia) was the global, severe and largely unexpected stock market crash on Monday, October 19, 1987 = 26 Tishri

Here are her notes on Monday, October 9…

10/9 (Monday) 

Draconid meteor shower (In The Sky) in the constellation Draco (Latin for dragon

The Peekskill meteorite (Wikipedia) crashed into a parked car in Peekskill, New York. Fall date: 9 October 1992

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (Wikipedia) was awarded to United States President Barack Obama The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.

Roman festivals: Venus Victrix (Wikipedia), a Romanised aspect of the armed Aphrodite that Greeks had inherited from the East, where the goddess Ishtar “remained a goddess of war, and Venus could bring victory to a Sulla or a Caesar.”


• 9 October 1911, An accidental bomb explosion triggers the Wuchang Uprising (Wikipedia) against against the Qing dynasty, beginning the Xinhai Revolution (Wikipedia) ended China’s last imperial dynasty and led to the establishment of the Republic of China. 

GematriaOperation Iron Swords = the last Emperor of China 2x, President Xi Jinping 1x, Century of humiliation 2x; Operation Al Aqsa Flood = last Emperor of China 1xSwords of Iron = the Republic of China 1x, Anglo-Sino War 1x, Tsai Ing-wen 1x

• Murder of 9 Catholic priests in Zhengding (Wikipedia), China, who protected the local population from the advancing Japanese army on 9 October 1937.

• North Korea conducts its first nuclear test (Wikipedia) on 9 October 2006.

GematriaOperation Swords of Iron = Supreme Leader of North Korea 1x

Julian calendar9/26 [Convert a date]

• Ottoman Turks fought against a Serbian army at the Battle of Maritsa (Wikipedia) South Serbia fell under Ottoman power after this battle on 26 September 1371 (Julian)

GematriaOperation Swords of Iron = Recep Tayyip Erdogan 1x

• Francis Drake finishes his circumnavigation of the Earth (Wikipedia) in Plymouth, England. Date: 26 September 1580 (Julian) 

Columbus Day (National Today)

Leif Erikson Day (National Today). Leif Erikson (Wikipedia) also known as Leif the Lucky, was a Norse explorer who is thought to have been the first European to set foot on continental North America, approximately half a millennium before Christopher Columbus.

Romania: National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust (Wikipedia). October 9 was chosen as a date for this event because it marks the beginning of Romanian deportations of Jews to Transnistria (Wikipedia) -> the Cobasna Disaster card your blog on 1-2 September 2023. 

GematriaThird Intifada = Bucharest Romania 1x

• Vilna Gaon (Wikipedia), was a Jewish Talmudist, halakhist, kabbalist, and the foremost leader of misnagdic (non-hasidic) Jewry of the past few centuries, “the pious genius from Vilnius. He predicted this: “When Russia enters Constantinople (Istanbul)Turkey, that will be the time to put on Shabbos clothes and to go out and greet Moshiach.”(The Times of Isael) Died: 9 October 1797, the 226th anniversary of his death -> (Strong’s Greek: 226. alétheuó: to speak the truth / Hebrew: 226. oth: a sign). I will send gematria related to Russia separately.

• Washington Monument (Wikipedia), obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, was opened on October 9, 1888. I will send gematria related to the US separately.

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia) – Completed: October 9, 1952

• Che Guevara is executed (HISTORY) on October 9, 1967

Chinese calendar: 8th Month 25

• The Washington Post and The New York Times publish the Unabomber manifesto (WikipediaHISTORY) also known as Industrial Society and Its Futurea 1995 anti-technology essay by Ted Kaczynski. Date: September 19, 1995 = 8th Month 25, year of the Pig 

Gematria:  Swords of Iron = Ted Kaczynski 1x

• British Occupation of Philadelphia (Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia) On September 26, 1777 = 8th Month 25, year of the Rooster, the British army marched into Philadelphia, beginning an occupation that lasted until the following spring.

Gematria:  Operation Al Aqsa Flood = The Church of Philadelphia (Got Questions) 2x

Numbers10/9 (inclusive) – 10/10

Ebrahim Raisi (Wikipedia) Sayyid Ebrahim Raisolsadati the 8th and current president of Iran. Born: 14 December 1960, 62 years, 300 days -> Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).

GematriaSwords of Iron = Ebrahim Raisi 1xOperation Iron Swords = Sayyid Ebrahim Raisolsadati 1x, Ali Hosseini Khamenei 1x, Assassination Qasem Soleimani 1x; The Third Intifada = Crown Prince of Iran 1x, Iran nuclear deal 1x

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force (lit. ’Jerusalem Force’). He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957, 66 years, 9 weeks old. 669 -> [666 is the Number of the beast

• Pope Francis to Prince Charles: Be a Man of Peace (National Catholic Register) Prince Charles and his wife Camilla met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. “Wherever you go may you be a man of peace,” the Pope told the prince. “I’ll do my best,” Charles replied. Date: 4 April 2017, 6 years, 6 month 6 days [666 is the Number of the beast]

Gematria I’ll do my best = Columbus Day 3xOperation Swords of Iron = William, Prince of Wales 1x; Operation Iron Swords = British royal family 1x; Iron Swords = Diana  Spencer 1x, Prince of Whales (Trump met ‘Prince of Whales’ The Guardian); Third Intifada = Bishop of Rome 1x, Queen Elizabeth II 1x; Operation Al Aqsa Flood = Queen Elizabeth the second 1x

After sunset 🌅 – 10/10 (Tuesday) 

Jewish calendar: 25 Tishri

• The Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) is a non-binding multilateral arrangement between the United States government and other world governments participating in the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2025, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond. Signed: Tuesday, 13 October 2020 = 25 Tishri

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (WikipediaIt was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929 = 25 Tishri, called Black Tuesday, when investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day.

GematriaIron Swords = Great Reset 1x, Dollar collapse 1x, Great Crash 1x 

related to water:  1799 – HMS Lutine sinks with the loss of 240 men and a cargo worth £1,200,000; 1873 – A meeting at the U.S. Naval Academy establishes the U.S. Naval Institute; 1913 – The steamship SS Volturno catches fire in the mid-Atlantic; 1936 – Boulder Dam (later Hoover Dam) begins to generate electricity and transmit it to Los Angeles; 1963 – In Italy, a large landslide causes a giant wave to overtop the Vajont Dam, killing over 2,000.

Here are her notes on Sunday, October 8…

10/8 (Sunday) 

World Octopus (*) Day (National Today) on October 8, [*(oktō, “eight”) and (pous, “foot”)]. -> But I think they mean “Kraken (Wikipedia) Day” and this year it coincides with the 29th Jewish anniversary of the Sinking of the MS Estonia (Wikipedia) Date: 28 September 1994 = 23 Tishri

Harbormaster Appreciation Day (National Today)

National Lance Day (National Todaythis brings to mind St George killing the Dragon with his Lance (History Today) and its pre-Christian origins like Perseus and Andromeda (Google Search)

China, (North Korea)

• Treaty of the Bogue (Wikipedia) The treaty’s key provisions granted extraterritoriality and most favored nation status to Britain. In China, the treaty is widely regarded as an imperialist one, which paved the way for the subjugation of China to Western imperialism. Signed: 8 October 1843 [Erev Sukkot]

• The Second Opium War (Wikipedia) between several western powers and China begins with the Arrow Incident (History Today) on 8 October 1856 [Erev Yom Kippur]

• Kim Jong Un (Fast Facts CNN) – December 31, 2011 – Assumes command of the North Korean army. State-run Korean Central News Agency reports that the power was transferred to him on 8 October [Yom Kippur] at the behest of his father.

• Proclamation of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) – The founding of the People’s Republic of China was formally proclaimed by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), on October 1, 1949, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, 888 months, 8 days ago on 10/8 (inclusive) or 10/9 -> 888 (number) (Wikipedia) In Chinese numerology, 888 usually means triple fortune… + 8 days it must mean quadruple fortune and on the 8th it’s quintuple and Chinese 8th Month,….

Chinese calendar8th Month 24 (8/8+8+8)

• Paul von Hindenburg (Wikipedia), President of Germany from 1925 until his death. During his presidency, he played a key role in the Nazi seizure of power in January 1933 when, under pressure from his advisers, he appointed Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. Born: 2 October 1847 = 8th Month 24, year of the Goat 

• Mein Kampf (Wikipedia) (lit. ’My Struggle’) is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Published in English: 13 October 1933 = 8th Month 24, year of the Rooster

• State funeral of Elizabeth II (Wikipedia) was held on 19 September 2022 = 8th Month 24, year of the Tiger

Julian calendar: 9/25  [Convert a date

• Ottoman Emperor Bayezid I defeats a Christian army at the Battle of Nicopolis [Ottoman Empire] (Wikipedia) By their victory at Nicopolis, the Turks discouraged the formation of future European coalitions against them. They maintained their pressure on Constantinople, tightened their control over the Balkans, and became a greater threat to central Europe. Date: 25 September 1396 (Julian) 

• Siege of Belgrade (1690)(Wikipedia) Result: Ottoman victory

• Siege of Belgrade (1789)(Wikipedia) Result: Austrian victory

• The First Balkan War (Wikipedia) begins when Montenegro declares war against the Ottoman Empire on 8 October 1912. The Balkan League (the Kingdoms of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro) against the Ottoman Empire. Result: Balkan League victory

• according to Wikipedia on 8 October 319 BC – Pyrrhus of Epirus was born. He was a Greek king, statesman of the Hellenistic period, one of the strongest opponents of early Rome. He had been regarded as one of the greatest generals of antiquity. Several of his victorious battles caused him unacceptably heavy losses, from which the term “Pyrrhic victory” was coined.

• Battle of Navarino (Wikipedia) – Part of the Greek War of Independence. Allied forces from Britain, France, and Russia decisively defeated Ottoman and Egyptian forces which were trying to suppress the Greeks, thereby making Greek independence much more likely. Date: 8 October 1827 (Julian) 

• 2022 Crimean Bridge explosion (Wikipedia) – Date: 8 October 2022

• Bush creates Office of Homeland Security, Oct. 8, 2001 (POLITICO). Acting less than a month after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, on this day President George W. Bush announced the formation of the Office of Homeland Security (Wikipedia).

• Peshtigo fire (Wikipedia) The most devastating fire in United States history, burns in Wisconsin on October 8, 1871 (HISTORY), on the very same day The Great Chicago Fire (Wikipedia) begins.

After sunset 🌅 – 10/9

Jewish calendar24 Tishri (1/24)

Returning Exiles Commit to Follow the Torah (335 BCE)

Daniel 10:4  On the twenty-fourth day of the first month [maybe in Nisan but maybe not Bible Hub], as I was standing on the bank of the great river, the Tigris. -> Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

• Fast of Gedalia (Wikipedia) is a minor Jewish fast day from dawn until dusk to lament the assassination of Gedaliah, the righteous governor of what was the Kingdom of Judah. His death ended Jewish autonomy following the destruction of the First Temple and the fall of King Zedekiah. Karaite Jews observe this fast day on the 24th of the month since Book of Nehemiah states that the 24th was a fast day.

• Mehregan (Wikipedia) is an Iranian festival honoring the Zoroastrian yazata (angelic divinity) Mithra. Under the Achaemenid Empire [founded by Cyrus the Great], the Armenian subjects of the Persian king gave him 20,000 horses every year during the celebration of Mehregan. -> Mithraic mysteries (Wikipedia) inspired by Iranian worship of Mithra, is viewed as a rival of early Christianity. Date: October 1–2, October 8

• President Truman proclaims war with Germany is officially over – Proclamation 2950—Termination of the State of War With Germany (The American Presidency Project). Date: 24 October 1951 = 24 Tishri

8 October is also National Heroes’ Day (National Today) -> The Terminator takes on California (BBC ON THIS DAY) The film star Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor of California on 8 October 2003 = Great Day (Essene Calendar)

Arnold Schwarzenegger (Wikipedia) is an Austrian and American actor [Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German].

Gematria Notes

Operation Iron Swords = Operation Neptune Spear (Killing of Osama bin Laden, Wikipedia) 3x, Trump’s assassination 2x. Otherwise Iranian, Chinese, Kennedy’s, British Royal family connections 1x. And they call it also Operation Swords of Iron and Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

October 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict (Wikipedia) The Palestinian militant groups have dubbed their assault Operation Al-Aqsa Flood (romanized: ʿamaliyya ṭūfān al-ʾAqṣā), while Israel has announced the beginning of a counteroffensive effort called Operation Swords of Iron (romanized: Mivtsa Cherevot Barzel).

Operation Swords of Iron = Islamic State Of Iraq and Syria 2x, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 2x, Donald J Trump indicted 1x, US President Donald Trump 1x

Operation Al Aqsa Flood = Donald J. Trump indicted 3x, Donald J. Trump head wound 3x, The Church of Philadelphia (Got Questions2x

Here are her notes on Saturday, October 7…

NewsPutin’s birthday plans include the ‘doomsday’ ‘flying Chernobyl‘ nuclear missile – (WION)

10/7 (Saturday)

Julian calendar: 9/24  [Convert a date]

from last year: September 24 Conspiracy are everywhere (Insider)

Roman festivals – 7 (Nones): rites for Jupiter Fulgur (Jupiter of daytime lightning) and Juno Curitis (Wikipedia)

3761 BC – The epoch reference date (start) of the modern Hebrew calendar (Wikipedia, Anno Mundi (Wikipedia))

• The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (Wikipedia)

• The Battle of Lepanto was a naval engagement that took place on 7 October 1571 (Julian) (Wikipedia) when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of Catholic states (comprising Spain and most of Italy) arranged by Pope Pius V, inflicted a major defeat on the fleet of the Ottoman Empire in the Gulf of Patras.

 Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia), President of Russia – He has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: 7 October 1952, his 71st birthday 

• Dumbarton Oaks Conference (Wikipedia) was an international conference at which proposals for the establishment of a “general international organization”, which was to become the United Nations, were formulated and negotiated. The conference was led by the Four Policemen – the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China. Dates: from 21 August 1944 to 7 October 1944.

• Triggered by the September 11 attacks, the Afghanistan War (Wikipedia) began, as U.S. and British warplanes started bombing Taliban targets. Date: 7 October 2001, 22 years ago

• A fly landed on Mike Pence’s head (CBS News) -> Beelzebub (Wikipedia) -> Judaism: lord of the “fly”.  Date: 7 October 2020

• Balloons: Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (National Today) and 1870 – Franco-Prussian War: Léon Gambetta escapes the siege of Paris in a hot-air balloon. [That reminded me of the Chinese balloon incident].

• Route 66 (TV series) (Wikipedia) is an American adventure crime drama television series that premiered on CBS on October 7, 1960. [Lightning McQueen and Route 66 ]

Numbers: 10/7 (inclusive) – 10/8

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began (FiveThirtyEight.com) Date: 23 July 2014, 9 years, 11 weeks ago [911]

After sunset 🌅 – 10/8

Jewish calendar23 TishriSimchat Torah (Wikipedia) in the Diaspora

• Mein Kampf (Wikipedia) (lit. ’My Struggle’) is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Published in English: 13 October 1933 = 23 Tishri

• Sinking of the MS Estonia (Wikipedia) The sinking was one of the worst maritime disasters of the 20th century. It is one of the deadliest peacetime sinkings of a European ship. Deaths: 852; Date: 28 September 1994 = 23 Tishri

• With her coronation (1 October 1553, Julian = 23 Tishri), Mary I of England became the first queen to rule England in her own right; she was later nicknamed “Bloody Mary” because of her persecution of Protestants in a vain attempt to restore Roman Catholicism in the country (from Britannica).

• Enthronement of the Japanese emperor (Wikipedia) 2019 Japanese imperial transition (Wikipedia). Previous event, Naruhito: 22 October 2019 = 23 Tishri

Here are her notes on Friday, October 6…

There are many meteor showers in October (In The Sky). The October Camelopardalid meteor shower is active 5-6 October, producing its peak rate of meteors around 6 October (In The Sky). Camelopardalis (Wikipedia) meaning “giraffe”, from camel + spotted. We saw camels in Hiroshima (G7 Hiroshima Summit 2023)Gematria: Camelopardalis  = nuclear strike 2x; Camelopardalus = Achilles tendon (Wikipedia) 2x.

10/6 (Friday) 

The heads of state and government of the EU-27 will attend the informal meeting of Granada, where they will discuss the pillars of the future Strategic Agenda 2024-2029. (Council of the European UnionDate: 6 October 2023.

6 October is National Isabella Day (National Today) Since the 13th century, the names Isabella and Elizabeth have been interchanged in England.

And it was Queen Isabella of Castile (and Ferdinand II of Aragon) who issued  the Alhambra Decree (Wikipedia) (also known as Spanish: Edicto de Granada), ordering her 150,000 Jewish and Muslim subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion in March 1492.

Alhambra (Wikipedia) is a palace and fortress complex located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain.

(Isabella is also remembered for financing Columbus’ voyage to the New World.)

Julian calendar9/23 [Convert a date]

Feasts: The Conception of the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John (Wikipedia). Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist. 

September 23: anniversary of the rededication of the Temple of Apollo in the Campus Martius; Latona [a goddess and the mother of Apollo and Artemis] was also honored (Wikipedia).

• Augustus (Wikipedia) Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavian, was the founder of the Roman Empire; he reigned as the first Roman emperor. He was born on 23 September 63 BC (Julian).

October 6: dies ater (“black day“) to mark the anniversary of the battle of Arausio (105 BC) (WikipediaThe Roman army was defeated by Germanic tribes

National German-American Day (Wikipedia)

• President Kennedy urges Americans to build bomb shelters (HISTORY) Date: 6 October 1961 = also on the Essene Calendar: 17 Tishri – Tabernacles 3 [shelters]. 

• The Naval War College of the United States (Wikipedia) was founded in Rhode Island on 6 October 1884.

Israel, Egypt, Syria

• Yom Kippur War (Wikipedia) – The war began on October 6, 1973, when the Arab coalition jointly launched a surprise attack against Israel [Operation Badr] on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur. Following the outbreak of hostilities, both the United States and the Soviet Union initiated massive resupply efforts to their respective allies during the war, which led to a confrontation between the two nuclear-armed superpowers (HISTORY).

Yom Kippur War began on Hafez al-Assad’s (Wikipedia) birthday. He was the 18th president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad’s father. 

• In Egypt, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on 6 October, the date on which the Yom Kippur War of 1973 began (National Today).

• Assassination of Anwar Sadat (Wikipedia), the 3rd President of Egypt, was assassinated on 6 October 1981 during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Operation Badr. The assassination was undertaken by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina

• Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina (HISTORY) – On 6 October 1908 [or 5 October Bosnian Crisis – Wikipedia], the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary announces its annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, dual provinces in the Balkan region of Europe formerly under the control of the Ottoman Empire.

• Serbian campaign (1915) (Wikipedia) – On 7 October [or 6 October Wikipedia] Combined Austro-Hungarian and German Central Powers launched a new offensive against Serbia.

Chinese calendar8th Month 22

• Obamas Break Ground on Presidential Center (NBC Chicago) in the historic Jackson Park neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side. Date: 28 September 2021 = 8th Month 22, year of the Ox

• Bush creates Office of Homeland Security, Oct. 8, 2001 (POLITICO)  = 8th Month 22, year of the Snake. Acting less than a month after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, on this day President George W. Bush announced the formation of the Office of Homeland Security (Wikipedia).

• Titanic (Wikipedia) – Ordered: 17 September 1908 = 8th Month 22, year of the Monkey

Numbers10/6(inclusive) – 10/7 

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force (lit. ’Jerusalem Force‘). He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957, 66 years, 60 days old -> [Number of the beast: 666

After sunset 🌅 – 10/7

Jewish calendar22 TishriShemini Atzeret (Wikipedia)

• Lubavitcher Rebbe Suffers Heart Attack (1977) 

• Obamas Break Ground on Presidential Center (NBC Chicago) in the historic Jackson Park neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side. Date: Tuesday, 28 September 2021 = 22 Tishri

• Killing of Muammar Gaddafi (Wikipedia) on 20 October 2011 = 22 Tishri -> “We came, we saw, he died,” [Gematria: Now I Am Become Death 4xGoogle Search] Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shared a laugh with a television news reporter moments after hearing deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed (YouTube: CBS News). 

Here are her notes on Thursday, October 5…

They removed Kevin Owen McCarthy (Wikipedia) on National Kevin Day (National Today , National Kevin Day). Gematria: National Kevin Day = Janet Louise Yellen 3xIf only I had more time for Gematria. 

In my notes are two typos yesterday…

1. Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014 = 9 years, 1 month, 1 week (7 days) [911] or 911% of a common year (365 days) ago  on 9/28 (inclusive) – 9/29 on 10/5.

2. Also I wrote “Leviathan (Wikipedia), in the Book, instead of in the Book of Job”

10/5 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar: 9/22 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: mundus patet, the second of three days in the year when a mysterious pit or underground chamber was opened (WikipediaThe mundus of Ceres)

• October 5 is National Rhode Island Day (National Today) and Ronin mentioned the island of Rhodes several times (hereherehere) there is an obvious connection between Rhode Island, a U.S. state in New England and the island of Rhodes, Greece  (Wikipedia) plus  -> category Name: The island’s name might be derived from erod, Phoenician for snakesince the island was home to many snakes in antiquityThis ties in with the 2022 Snake Island campaign (Wikipedia) on the first day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Then we have Genesis 3:15  “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” a heavily promoted verse from the Bible. (The war against The Serpent as the “Genesis of all prophesy, SkyWatchTv

Ronin also wrote a lot about the port city of Volos. The mayor of Volos (Wikipedia) is Achilleas Beos, his name  comes from the  Greek word αχος (achos), which means pain (greek-names) and his name suggests Achilles’ heel.

North Atlantic Treaty, the treaty that forms the legal basis of, and is implemented by, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The treaty was signed in Washington, D.C., by a committee which was chaired by US diplomat Theodore Achilles (Wikipedia). 

And in fact, NATO has many Achilles’ heels (Google Search).

• 2 events in Constantinople on 5 October(Wikipedia)

610 – Heraclius arrives at Constantinople, kills Byzantine Emperor Phocas, and becomes emperor. 869 – The Fourth Council of Constantinople is convened to depose patriarch Photios I.”

• Bulldozer Revolution in former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Overthrow of Slobodan Milošević (Wikipedia) began in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia after the general election on 24 September 2000 and culminated in the downfall of Slobodan Milošević’s government on 5 October 2000. 

Chinese calendar: 8th Month 21 

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (Wikipedia) was awarded to United States President Barack ObamaAnnouncement: 9 October 2009 = 8th Month 21, year of the Ox

• Mikhail Gorbachev becomes head of Soviet Union (HISTORY) Date: October 1, 1988 = 8th Month 21, year of the Dragon.

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia) Completed: October 9, 1952 = 8th Month 21,  year of the Dragon

After sunset 🌅 – 10/6

Jewish calendar21 Tishri , Sukkot VII (Hoshana Raba)

Prophecy of Haggai Encouraging the Building of the Second Temple

21 Tishri (Psalm11918.org) – King Solomon finishes the dedication ceremonies of the First Temple.

• The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (Wikipedia) was awarded to United States President Barack Obama The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009 = 21 Tishri, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.

• Christopher Columbus Reaches the “New World” (HISTORY) After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island on October 12, 1492 (Julian) = 21 Tishri, believing he has reached East Asia.

[Google Search shows “Gregorian calendar” but it converts from Julian date as you can see here Convert a date]

• Monumental Arch of Palmyra (Wikipedia) Syria-> category Destruction – On 4 October 2015 (21 Tishri) it was reported (VOA News) that Islamic State militants destroyed the Arch of Triumph. 

 Bush creates Office of Homeland Security, Oct. 8, 2001 (POLITICO= 21 Tishri. Acting less than a month after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, on this day President George W. Bush announced the formation of the Office of Homeland Security (Wikipedia).

• The Nuremberg executions (Wikipedia) took place on 16 October 1946 = 21 Tishri, shortly after the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials. [1946: The Nuremberg Trials and the Ten Sons of Haman (TheTorah.com).]

Here are her notes on Wednesday, October 4…

• Crimean War (Wikipedia) On 16 October  [O.S. 4 October] 1853, having obtained promises of support from France and Britain, the Ottomans declared war on Russia.

Mark Allison 88 (a propagandist on YouTube) ties 4 October with Zombies in his two videosOctober 4thOctober 4th UpdateHe mentions: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse (Wikipedia), Havana syndrome (Wikipedia),…

10/4 (Wednesday), 88 days remain until the end of the year. 

Julian calendar: 9/21 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals: Ieiunium Cereris (Wikipedia) a Roman festival devoted to the goddess Ceres.  

Essene calendar: 15 Tishri – Tabernacles 1

• CERN (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Formation: 29 September 1954 = Essene calendar: 15 Tishri –  Tabernacles 169 years ago.

• World Space Week (United Nations) 4-10 October – The theme for World Space Week 2023, “Space and Entrepreneurship”. On 4 October 1957, the launch into outer space of the first human-made Earth satellite, Sputnik 1 (Sputnik Launched – HISTORY), opened the way for space exploration, 66 years ago

And President Lincoln watches a balloon ascension near Washington, D.C. (HISTORY), 4 October 1861.

• The Coverdale Bible [the first complete Modern English translation of the Bible] is printed (Wikipedia) on 4 October 1535.

• Adoption of the Gregorian calendarLast day of the Julian Calendar in Catholic countries: Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Spain (Time and date). Thursday, 4 October 1582 (18 Tishri), was followed by Friday, 15 October 1582, with ten days skipped. Most Eastern Orthodox Churches and Oriental Orthodox Churches have not adopted it at all and continue to reckon their ecclesiastical years by the Julian calendar (Wikipedia) .

• Feast of St Francis of Assisi (Wikipedia) Date: 4 October -> Pope Francis explains why he chose St. Francis of Assisi’s name (Archdiocese of Baltimore); Pope consecrates Synod for the Amazon to Saint Francis of Assisi (Vatican News) on 4 October 2019, 4 years ago.

October 4, 1965: Pope Paul VI became the first pope to visit the United States and address the United Nations (The GuardianVatican), 58 years = 696 month ago

• On 4 October 2015 (Hoshana Rabbah) it was reported (VOA News) that Islamic State militants destroyed the Arch of Triumph (Wikipedia), Palmyra Syria, 8 years = 96 month ago

Chinese calendar8th Month 20

• Prince HarryDuke of Sussex (Wikipedia) was born on 15 September 1984 = 8 Month 20, year of the Rat

Numbers10/4 (inclusive) – 10/5

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) was successfully launched from Kennedy Space Center on 16 November 2022 at 1:47:44 am EST (6464 seconds into the day), 322 [Skull and Bonesdays ago exactly.

• Israel is accepted as a member of the United Nations (israeled.org) on May 11, 1949, 3882 weeks ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon; Leviathan (Wikipedia), in the Book, Leviathan is a primeval monster defeated by the god Baal Hadad. [Leviathan gas field (Wikipedia) is in Israeli waters.]

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014 = 9 years, 1 month, 1 week (7 days) [911] or 911% of a common year (365 days) ago on 9/28 (inclusive) – 9/29. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia)

After sunset 🌅 – 10/5

Jewish calendar20 TishriSukkot VI

• A fly landed on Mike Pence’s head (CBS News) Date: Wednesday night (after sunset ?), 7 October 2020 = 20 Tishri  [Beelzebub (Wikipedia)-> Judaism: Rabbinical literature commentary equates Baal-zebub of Ekron as lord of the “fly”.]

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia) – It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929 = 20 Tishri, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929, called Black Tuesday, when investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day.

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia)

Completed: 9 October 1952 = 20 Tishri

Here are her notes on Tuesday, October 3…

10/3 (Tuesday)

Close approach of the Moon and M45 – the Pleiades at 05:45 UTC (In The SkyWikipediaGreek mythology: The Pleiades (Wikipedia), were the seven sister-nymphs, companions of Artemis.

And just today I heard one of the prophecy propagandists on YouTube talking about the Moon and the Pleiades (YouTube channel: The Return of the King, video: Exodus, … at about 28:30). He mentioned Job 38:31 Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loosen the belt of Orion? Then he explained that “binding and loosening in the Bible has to do with imprisoning or releasing imprisoned Spirits, fallen angels.”

Julian calendar: 9/20 [Convert a date]

• Saladin begins the Siege of Jerusalem (1187) (Wikipedia) on 20 September 1187 (Julian)

• Francis of Assisi (Wikipedia) died on 3 October 1226 (Julian), Assisi, Umbria, Papal States. [The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels, observed on 2 October, was first kept by the Franciscan order (Wikipedia)]. -> Pope Francis explains why he chose St. Francis of Assisi’s name (Archdiocese of Baltimore)

On October 3, 1992, Sinéad O’Connor tears up a photo of Pope John Paul II on “Saturday Night Live” (HISTORY)

• Gaecheonjeol (Wikipedia) lit.The day the sky opened‘) is a public holiday in South Korea on 3 October, [the day is also recognized in North Korea]. It celebrates the legendary formation of the first Korean state of Gojoseon in 2333 BC.

• Organization of Turkic States (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization comprising prominent independent Turkic countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan. Hungary, Northern Cyprus and Turkmenistan are observer states to the organization. The General Secretariat is in Istanbul. It was founded on 3 October 2009 (Sukkot I), 14 years ago

After sunset 🌅 – 10/4

Jewish calendar19 TishriSukkot V

• Passing of Vilna Gaon (Wikipedia) (1797), the famed Talmudist and Kabbalist, Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna (now Vilinus), Lithuania. And he predicted this: “When Russia enters Constantinople (Istanbul) Turkey, that will be the time to put on Shabbos clothes and to go out and greet Moshiach.”(The Times of IsraelDied: 9 October 1797 = 19 Tishrei, the 226th Jewish anniversary -> (Strong’s Greek: 226. alétheuó: to speak the truth / Hebrew: 226. oth: a sign).

• The Mandate for Palestine (Wikipedia) was a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan, both of which had been concede by the Ottoman Empire following the end of World War I in 1918. And France was assigned the League of Nations Mandate for Syria and Lebanon (Wikipedia), which included the territory of present-day Lebanon and Alexandretta in addition to modern Syria. Date effective: 29 September 1923 = 19 Tishri , the 100th Jewish anniversary but The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs says this: “The mandates for Palestine and Syria came into force simultaneously on September 29, 1922(?).

• Ziyad al-Nakhalah (Wikipedia) is a Palestinian militant, leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Wikipedia) (*) since 28 September 2018 = 19 Tishri =, which has been designated a terrorist organisation by the United States, the European Union,…. Al-Nakhalah was designated a Specially Designated Terrorist by the US. 

*The organization’s financial backing has historically come mainly from Syria and Hezbollah. Since 2014, PIJ has seen its power steadily increase with the backing of funds from Iran.

• The Alaska Purchase (Wikipedia) was the United States’ acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on 18 October 1867 = 19 Tishri, through a treaty ratified by the United States Senate.

Islamic calendarRabi’I 19

• Following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Turkey becomes a republic. The proclamation of the Turkish republic (History of Turkey – Wikipedia) …the republic was officially proclaimed on October 29, 1923 = Rabi’I 19 or Rabi’I 18 [Convert a date] 1342 AH, the 103rd anniversary on the Islamic calendar, in the new capital of Ankara. Mustafa Kemal became the republic’s first President of Turkey and subsequently introduced many radical reforms with the aim of founding a new Secular Republic from the remnants of its Ottoman past.

Here are her notes on Monday, October 2…

10/2 (Monday) 

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter AT 03:19 UTC (In The Sky)

Asteroid 29 Amphitrite (*) at opposition AT 04:46 UTC (In The Sky) (*named after Amphitrite, the goddess of the sea with tridentWikipedia)

• Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels (Wikipedia) Devotion to the angels is an ancient tradition which the Christian Church inherited from Judaism. The feast was created under the influence of the Society of Jesus, some speculate. It is believed that the feast was intended to be a kind of supplement to the Feast of St. Michael.

• National Michelle Day (National Today), a female name derived from the Hebrew ‘Michael.’ In Hebrew, Michael means ‘who is like God?’ or ‘who resembles God?’

• President Woodrow Wilson suffers a near-fatal stroke (HISTORY) on 2 October 1919. (there is an interesting video attached to the article).

• President Trump announces he and the first lady tested positive for COVID-19 (HISTORY) on 2 October 2020. Trump’s announcement precipitates several days of uncertainty in Washington and around the country. He was considered to be at very high risk. 

Chinese calendar8th Month 18

• Gas Explosion at Russian Lab That Holds Ebola and Smallpox Samples (time.com). Date: Monday, 16 September 2019 = 8th Month 18, year of the Pig 

Numbers: 10/2 (inclusive) – 10/3

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/1122 years, 22 days ago on 10/2 (inclusive)- 10/3.

After sunset 🌅 – 10/3

Jewish calendar: 18 TishriSukkot IV

You wrote about Putin and Russia’s first nationwide nuclear attack exercise that will take place on October 3 18 Tishri and what it means (RedefiningGod).

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia), President of Russia – He has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999. Born: 7 October 1952 = 18 Tishri, his 71st Jewish birthday

• Cuban Missile Crisis (Wikipedia) was a 13-day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, when American deployments of nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey were matched by Soviet deployments of nuclear missiles in Cuba. Start date: 16 October 1962 = 18 Tishri

• Battle of Lepanto (Britannica), naval engagement  between the allied Christian forces of the Holy League and the Ottoman Turks…The battle marked the first significant victory for a Christian naval force over a Turkish fleet. According to some “the battle that saved the Christian West”. Date: 7 October 1571 (Julian) = 18 Tishri (Convert a date

• Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia) Reign began: 30 September 1520 (Julian)= 18 Tishri (Convert a date)

(Louis Vuitton welcomed Trump to the opening of its new factory. And yes, it was odd. (The Washington Post) “The president is radioactive. Entering his orbit means stepping into the white-hot heat of a brutal sun or into a deadly nuclear meltdown….” Date: 17 October 2019 = 18 Tishri)

Islamic calendarRabi’I 18

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia) The United States officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel on December 6, 2017 = Rabi’ I 18, 1439 AH, 6 Islamic years ago. American president Donald Trump, who signed the U.S. presidential proclamation, also ordered the relocation of the American diplomatic mission to Israel, formerly located in Tel Aviv. 

Here is one important number 10/3 (inclusive)-10/4: 

• NATO (Wikipedia), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance between 31 member states – 29 European and two North American. Formation (The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C.): 4 April 1949, 894 months ago on 10/3 (inclusive)-10/4.-> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Hebrew: 894.Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon

Here are her notes on Sunday, October 1…

10/1 (Sunday)

Chinese calendar8th Month 17


• The National Day of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) is a public holiday in China celebrated annually on 1 October, commemorating Mao Zedong’s formal proclamation of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) on 1 October 1949, 74 years ago which is 888 months. -> 888 (number) (Wikipedia) In Chinese numerology, 888 usually means triple fortune…

• The Kuomintang (Wikipedia) (also known as the Chinese Nationalist Party that governed China from 1928-1949), now in Taiwan was founded. The Kuomintang is one of two major historical contemporary parties in China, the other being the CCP. Founded (re-established): 10 October 1919 = 8th Month 17, year of the Goat

(Boxers: Thrilla in Manila (Wikipedia) was the third and final boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. The bout is almost universally regarded as one of the best and most brutal fights in boxing history. Date: October 1, 1975).

• Armed Forces Day (South Korea) (Wikipedia) -The day that South Korean forces broke through the 38th parallel in 1950 during the Korean War.

• The G20 or Group of 20 (Wikipedia) Formation: 26 September 1999 = 8th Month 17, year of the Rabbit


• October 1–2 – Mehregan (Wikipedia) is an Iranian festival honoring the Zoroastrian yazata (angelic divinity) Mithra. Under the Achaemenid Empire [founded by Cyrus the Great], the Armenian subjects of the Persian king gave him 20,000 horses every year during the celebration of Mehregan. -> Mithraic mysteries (Wikipedia) inspired by Iranian worship of Mithra, is viewed as a rival of early Christianity.

• Alexander the Great of Macedonia defeats Darius III of Persia in the Battle of Gaugamela (Wikipedia). It was the second and final battle between the two kings, and is considered to be the final blow to the Achaemenid Empire(*see Nuremberg trials) (also known as the First Persian Empire). Date: 1 October 331 BC (Roman calendar)

• The coronation of Shah Abbas I of Persia (Wikipedia) – He is generally considered one of the greatest rulers of Iranian history and the Safavid dynasty. Date: 1 October 1588

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1. Created: 14 July 2015, 8 years, 80 days ago on 10/1 (inclusive) – 10/2. -> 88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance: In neo-Nazism: an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

• Jared Kushner launches the Abraham Accords Institute for Peace (The Times of Israel) reported on Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 880 days ago on 10/1 (inclusive)-10/2.

• Nuremberg trials – On 1 October 1946, 12 high-ranking Nazis are sentenced to death by the International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg (HISTORY). Ten of them were executed by hanging on 16 October. -> Purimfest 1946: The Nuremberg Trials and the Ten Sons of Haman (TheTorah.com). [Haman (Wikipedia) is the main antagonist in the Book of Esther, who according to the Hebrew Bible was an official in the court of the Persian empire under King Ahasuerus. He is said to have ruled over the Achaemenid Empire.]

• Islamic calendar after sunset –10/2Rabi’I 17 – According to the majority of Sunni Muslims and some Shi’as, Muhammad was born on the 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal. Many Twelver Shia Muslims (Wikipedia) on the other hand assert that Muhammad was born on the 17th of Rabi’ al-Awwal (Wikipedia here or here).


• Day of National Minorities of the Republic of Armenia (time and date) and Gregory the Illuminator (Wikipedia) Feast: October 1 (Catholic Church, Extraordinary Form)

• Prosecutor’s Day in Azerbaijan (AnydayGuide)

• 1827 – Russo-Persian War: The Russian army under Ivan Paskevich storms Yerevan, ending a millennium of Muslim domination of Armenia (Wikipedia).

Ukraine and Russia:

• Defenders Day (Ukraine) (Wikipedia) Significance:

1. Celebrating the armed forces during Intercession of the Theotokos, the Protection of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (Wikipedia) – The Orthodox Church of Ukraine and Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on 1 October from 2023.

2. 1 October is also the date of the founding of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks [and you wrote about Cossacks on 14 March 2021, your blog – “All hail Emperor Putin, King of Earth, King of Russia, King of Khazaria, and Commander of the Cosplay Cossacks!”…]

• Ground Forces Day in Russia (AnydayGuide) to commemorate the day, when Tsar of All Russians Ivan the Terrible issued a special document, that became crucial in further development of the Russian Army.

• Mikhail Gorbachev becomes head of Soviet Union (HISTORY) Having forced the resignation of Soviet leader Andrei Gromyko, Mikhail Gorbachev names himself head of the Supreme Soviet on 1 October 1988. 

• The Russo-Ukrainian War (Wikipedia) and the annexation of Crimea (Wikipedia) began on 20 February 2014, 500 weeks, 11 days ago on 10/2 or 10/1 (inclusive). Jewish Gematria: Saturn = 511; 5.11 Tactical (Wikipedia), Zelensky, your blog on (15 July 2023, kensthoughtstream) The Story Behind President Zelenskyy’s 5.11 Shirt with the Ukrainian Flag (Athlon Outdoors)

• Pope Francis consecrates all humanity—especially Russia and Ukraine—to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Vatican NewsWikipedia) Date: 25 Mar 2022, 555 days ago (exactly) and 

A lightning bolt struck the top of the Vatican’s St Peter’s Basilica [twice (BBC)], just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his surprise resignation (The Guardian) on 11 February 2013, 555 weeks ago on 10/1(inclusive) – 10/2.


• Independence Day of Cyprus (Wikipedia) from United Kingdom in 1960.

• Jens Stoltenberg (Wikipedia), the 13th secretary general of NATO. Assumed office: 1 October 2014

• With her coronation (on 1 October 1553, Julian), Mary I of England became the first queen to rule England in her own right; she was later nicknamed “Bloody Mary” because of her persecution of Protestants in a vain attempt to restore Roman Catholicism in the country (Britannica).

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia) – Date: 6 January 2021, 999 days ago on 10/1 (inclusive) – 10/2.

After sunset 🌅 – 10/2

Jewish calendar17 TishriSukkot III [1/17  Revelation 17:1  and  7/17 The Calendar Emoji 📅 shows  (July) 7/17]

• US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nationsand simultaneously a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). In addition to that, Full text of Trump-Netanyahu: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel) -> the Division Of the Land [Joel 3:2Date: 26 September 2018 = 17 Tishri  or 8th Month 17, year of the Dog

• David Ben-Gurion (Wikipediawas the primary national founder of the State of Israel and the first prime minister of Israel. He was born David Grün [a German word and surname meaning “green”; Zelensky (surname) is a Slavic surname, meaning ‘green’] on 16 October 1886  = 17 Tishri, 137 Jewish years ago (33rd prime number, Bible Study)

• Calder Hall (Wikipedia), the world’s first commercial nuclear power station, is demolished in a controlled explosion. U.K. Takes Down A Piece Of Nuclear History (CBS News) “Explosive charges leveled two giant cooling towers…” Date: 29 September 2007 = 17 Tishri

• Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in San Francisco (Wikipedia) Date: September 22, 1975 = 17 Tishri

(gematria bonus: Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein = President Biden was shot and killed 2x).


Here are her notes on Saturday, September 30…

9/30 (Saturday)

• Gregory the Illuminator (Wikipedia) was the founder and first official head of the Armenian Apostolic Church (Wikipedia). He converted Armenia from Zoroastrianism to Christianity in the early fourth century (traditionally dated to 301), making Armenia the first state to adopt Christianity as its official religionFeast: September 30 (Eastern Orthodoxy; Catholic Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Ordinary Form)

Blasphemy Day (Wikipedia) is celebrated on September 30 to coincide with the anniversary of the 2005 publication of satirical drawings of Muhammad in one of Denmark’s newspapers, resulting in the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy (Wikipedia).

• Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia) is proclaimed sultan of the Ottoman Empire on 30 September 1520 (Julian).

• The U.S. Navy submarine USS Nautilus is commissioned as the world’s first nuclear-powered vessel (HISTORY). Date: 30 September 1954

• The Tokaimura nuclear accident (Wikipedia) refer to two nuclear related incidents near the village of Tōkai, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The first accident occurred on 11 March 1997 [btw. the Fukushima nuclear accident (Wikipedia) occurred on its 14th anniversary, on 11 March 2011.] The second, more serious Tokaimura nuclear accident occurred on 30 September 1999.

Chinese calendar8th Month 16

• Mao Zedong (Wikipedia), the founder of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) died on 9 September 1976 = 8th Month 16, year of the Dragon, 47 Chinese years ago

The atomic number of silver (Wikipedia) is 47.

• Lehman Brothers (Wikipedia) files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history. Date: 15 September 2008 = 8th Month 16, year of the Rat. 

Numbers: 9/30 (inclusive) – 10/1

G7 (Wikipedia) The Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States; additionally, the European Union (EU) is a “non-enumerated member”. Formation: 25 March 1973, 606 months, 6 days [Number of the beast: 666] ago on 9/30 (inclusive) or 10/1.

After sunset 🌅 – 10/1

Jewish calendar: 16 TishriSukkot II 

• Saladin begins the Siege of Jerusalem (1187) (Wikipedia) lasted from 20 September to 2 October 1187 (Julian) = 16 Tishri [Convert a date or Google Search]

• The G20 or Group of 20 (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union (EU).  It works to address major issues related to the global economy, such as international financial stability, climate change mitigation and sustainable development. Formation: 26 September 1999 = 16 Tishri

• The Kuomintang (Wikipedia) also known as the Chinese Nationalist Party,… It was the sole ruling party in China during the Republican Era from 1928 to 1949, when most of the Chinese mainland was under its control. The party retreated from the mainland to Taiwan in 1949, following its defeat in the Chinese Civil War. Founded: 10 October 1919 = 16 Tishri

• The Angel Moroni (Wikipedia) is an angel whom Joseph Smith reported as having visited him on numerous occasions, beginning on September 21, 1823 = 16 Tishri [the 200th anniversary on the Jewish calendar]. According to Smith, the angel was the guardian of the golden plates, buried in the hill Cumorah near Smith’s home in western New York; Latter Day Saints believe the plates were the source material for the Book of Mormon.

Here are her notes on Friday, September 29…

9/29 (Friday) 

Essene CalendarDay of Atonement

Full Moon (In The Sky) FRI, 29 SEP 2023 AT 09:57 UTC, Harvest Moon (Space) and the last supermoon of the year. 9 hours 57 minutes in decimal is 9.95 hours (Calculatio) Strong’s Greek: 995boé: a cry …like a heartfelt cry for help. 1 Occurrence in James 5:4 Look, the wages you withheld from the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of Hosts.

Chinese calendar: 8th Month 15

Mid-Autumn Festival (Wikipedia) also known as the Moon Festival, is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture. Significance: To commemorate and to celebrate the end of the autumn harvest. Date: 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

• Treaty of the Bogue (Wikipedia) The treaty’s key provisions granted extraterritoriality and most favored nation status to Britain. In China, the treaty is widely regarded as an imperialist one, which paved the way for the subjugation of China to Western imperialism. Signed: 8 October 1843 = 8th Month 15, year of the Rabbit

• Dow suffers record-breaking single-day drop (HISTORY) after Congress failed to pass a $700 billion bank bailout plan, the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 777.68 points—at the time, the largest single-day point loss in its history. The huge decline followed the bankruptcies of Wall Street brokerage firm Lehman Brothers,… Date: September 29, 2008

• Michaelmas (Wikipedia) also known as the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels. … the Archangel Michael is considered as the greatest of all the angels; being particularly honored for defeating Lucifer in the war in heaven (Wikipedia) between angels led by the Archangel Michael against those led by “the dragon”, identified as the devil or Satan, who was defeated and thrown down to the earth. Date: 29 September (Western Christianity)

• CERN (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Formation: 29 September 1954

• The Mandate for Palestine (Wikipedia) was a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan, both of which had been conceded by the Ottoman Empire following the end of World War I in 1918. And France was assigned the League of Nations Mandate for Syria and Lebanon (Wikipedia), which included the territory of present-day Lebanon and Alexandretta in addition to modern Syria. Date effective: 29 September 1923, the 100th anniversary but Ministry of Foreign Affairs gov.il says this: “The mandates for Palestine and Syria came into force simultaneously on September 29, 1922(?).

• Babi Yar massacre begins (HISTORY) The Babi Yar massacre of nearly 34,000 Jewish men, women and children begins on the outskirts of Kiev in the Nazi-occupied Ukraine. Date: 29  September 1941

• Kyshtym disaster (Wikipedia) was a radioactive contamination accident that occurred at Mayak, a plutonium production site for nuclear weapons and nuclear fuel reprocessing plant located in the closed city of Chelyabinsk-40 (now Ozyorsk) in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union. The disaster is the second worst nuclear incident by radioactivity released, after the Chernobyl disaster. Date: 29 September 1957, 66 years ago

• Calder Hall (Wikipedia), the world’s first commercial nuclear power station, is demolished in a controlled explosion. U.K. Takes Down A Piece Of Nuclear History (CBS News). Date: 29 September, 2007.

Numbers: 9/29 (inclusive) – 9/30

•The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (Wikipedia) Founded: July 29, 1957 = 66 years, weeks ago on 9/30 or 9/29 (inclusive).

After sunset 🌅 – 9/30

Jewish calendar: 15 TishriSukkot I

• President Donald Trump warned of “the calm before the storm” while posing with a group of military leaders at the White House (Time), 6 years ago on Sukkot I (5 October 2017).

• Islamic calendarRabi I 15 (3/15 like the Ides of March)

Here are her notes on Thursday, September 28…

9/28 (Thursday) 

Daytime Sextantid meteor shower 2023 (In The Sky)

International Day for Universal Access to Information (UN)

World Rabies Day (WHO)

• California “discovered”the first Europeans to visit California (nps.gov). Date: 28 September 1542 (Julian)

1961 Syrian coup d’état (Wikipedia) was an uprising by disgruntled Syrian Army officers on 28 September 1961, that resulted in the break-up of the United Arab Republic and the restoration of an independent Syrian Republic, 62 years ago [The meaning of number 62 (Bible Study) comes, in part, from its role in the famous 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel 9.]

• Oslo II Accord (Wikipedia) – The Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip commonly known as Oslo II or Oslo 2, was a key and complex agreement in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process. The Accord was officially signed on 28 September 1995.

• Second Intifada (Wikipedia) – The general triggers for the unrest are speculated to have been centred on the failure of the 2000 Camp David Summit…. Outbreaks of violence began in September 2000, after Ariel Sharon, then the Israeli opposition leader, made a provocative visit to the Al-Aqsa compound on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Date: 28 September 2000

• Shimon Peres (Wikipedia), The Last Of Israel’s Founding Leaders (NPR), died on 28 September 2016, the 7th anniversary of his death.

• Obamas Break Ground on Presidential Center (NBC Chicago) in the historic Jackson Park neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side. Date: 28 September 2021

• The International Workingmen’s Association (Wikipedia), often called the First International, was an international organisation which aimed at uniting a variety of different left-wing socialist, communist and anarchist groups and trade unions that were based on the working class and class struggle. Formation: 28 September 1864

Numbers9/28 (inclusive) – 9/29

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) on 11 November 2022, 322 [Skull and Bones] days ago on 9/28(inclusive) – 9/29

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014 = 9 years, 1 month, 1 day [911] ago on 9/28(inclusive) – 9/29. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) [related to elevating military force in Syria]

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia), following the defeat of U.S. President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a mob of his supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. on 6 January 2021, 996 days ago on 9/28 (inclusive) – 9/29. [996 >>> 666]

After sunset 🌅 – 9/29

Jewish calendar14 TishriErev Sukkot

Here are her notes on Wednesday, September 27…

9/27 (Wednesday)

Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn WED, 27 SEP 2023 AT 01:29 UTC:(In The Sky)

• Equilux: When Day and Night Are Equal (time and datein Jerusalem on 9/27 [Jerusalem Coordinates (Google Search)]

• Jesuit order established – Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (Wikipedia) (Latin for To the Government of the Church Militant) was the papal bull promulgated by Pope Paul III on September 27, 1540 (Julian), which gave a first approval to the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, but limited the number of its members to sixty.

Chinese calendar8th Month 13

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III. (HISTORY) Date: 8 September 2022 = 8th Month 13, year of the Tiger

Numbers9/27 (inclusive) – 9/28

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States took place on 20 January 2017, 80 months, 8 days, on 9/27 (inclusive) or 9/28.

88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance: 

In Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and also “bye bye”

In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

news: Trump to skip next Republican debate, give speech to auto workers (Reuters) – Former U.S. President Donald Trump plans to give a speech in Detroit on Sept. 27.

After sunset 🌅 – 9/28

Jewish calendar: 13 Tishri

• 13 Tishri – As Guilty As Sodom (Shoreshim Ministries or  Psalm11918) On this day it is believed that God rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed the cities of the plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah. A Massive Meteor May Have Destroyed The Biblical City Of Sodom (Forbes)

• Volcano erupts on La Palma in Spain’s Canary Islands (WikipediaStart date: 19 September 2021 = 13 Tishri

• Stepan Bandera (Wikipedia) was a Ukrainian far-right leader of the radical militant wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. He was killed in Munich on 15 October 1959 = 13 Tishri64 Jewish years ago. Stepan Bandera: Hero or Nazi collaborator ? (DW).


Fairmont Hotel = Robert Kennedy 4x, Martin L King Jr 3x, Trump indicted 3x, radioactivity 3x, nuclear strike 2x


Fairmont Hotel San Francisco = President Vladimir Putin 2x, Call of Duty Modern Warfare II (Wikipedia) 3x


Fairmont San Francisco 322 = Joe Biden sacrifice 322 = 1x

Fairmont San Francisco = President Biden will die 2x = Golden Gate Bridge collapse 2x


Here are her notes on Tuesday, September 26…

9/26 (Tuesday) 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023: The President will travel to Wayne County, Michigan.…The President will travel to the San Francisco Bay Area, California (forth.news).

National Day of Praise and Worship (National Today), National Situational Awareness Day (National Today)

• Double Asteroid Redirection test (Wikipedia) – Impact date: 26 September 2022, Asteroid behaving unexpectedly after Nasa’s deliberate Dart crash (Google Search)

Numbers: 9/26 (inclusive) – 9/27

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 88 months ago on 9/26 (inclusive) or 9/27.

88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance

  • In Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and also “bye bye”
  • In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler

Or 2678 days ago exactly Strong’s Hebrew: 2678. chetsi: arrow; Strong’s Greek: 2679. kataskaptó: to dig down; Usage: I dig down under, demolish, undermine.

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) Launch date: 16 November 2022, 45 weeks ago on 9/26 (inclusive) or 9/27.

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (FiveThirtyEight.com), Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014, 9 years, 66 days on 9/27 or 9/26 (inclusive) or 9 years, 65 days exactly -> Strong’s Hebrew: 965. bazaq: lightning flash in Ezekiel 1:14 (KJB) And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.

After sunset 🌅 – 9/27

Jewish calendar: 12 Tishri (1/12 or 7/12)

Revelation 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

• Trump said: We’re going to defeat socialism and put a man on the face of the Moon”(MSNBC) on Friday night 11 October 2019 (after sunset ?) = 12 Tishri or 13 Tishri, 4 Jewish years ago

• The United States Capitol cornerstone laying (Wikipedia) was the Freemasonry ceremonial placement of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol on 18 September 1793 = 12 Tishri.

• The China Three Gorges Corporation (Wikipedia) – is a Chinese state-owned power company, established on 27 September 1993 = 12 Tishri.

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 12

Mawlid (Wikipedia), also known as Eid-e-Milad an-Nabi (lit. ’feast of the birth of the prophet‘) Commemoration of the birth of Muhammad

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA(Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. Founded: July 29, 1957= 66 years, 60 days ago on 9/26 (inclusive) or 9/27 -> [Number of the beast: 666

Gematria: Kevin Owen McCarthy = Theodore Kaczynski 4x = Batman and Robin 2x = Joe Biden resigns 2x, September twenty sixth 1x 

And I also wanted to show you this…

9/26 is 9/13 Julian calendar [Convert a date]

Roman festivalsSeptember (Roman month) September 13 (Ides of September) 

• sacrifice of the Ides sheep (ovis idulis) for Jupiter Optimus Maximus

• Epulum Jovis (Wikipedia) banquet for Jove along with Juno and Minerva, the Capitoline Triad Ides of September.

• clavis annalis, the ritual of the year-nail. …in the early Republic it is associated with the appointment of a dictator clavi figendi causa, “dictator for the purpose of driving the nail,”It may be that in addition to an annual ritual, there was a “fixing” during times of pestilence or civil discord that served as a piaculum. Livy says that in 363, a plague had been ravaging Rome for two years. It was recalled that a plague had once been broken when a dictator drove a ritual nail, and the senate appointed one for that purpose.

September 26 – dies natalis for the Temple of Venus Genetrix  [a personal ancestress of the Julian lineage and, more broadly, the divine ancestress of the Roman people.] Julius Caesar dedicates a temple to Venus Genetrix, fulfilling a vow he made at the Battle of Pharsalus. (Wikipedia)


~ earlier notes ~

• International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (United Nations)

• Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Wikipedia) – Commission date: 26 September 1977, 46 years ago 

• 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident (Wikipedia) Soviet Air Force officer Stanislav Petrov identifies a report of an incoming nuclear missile as a computer error and not an American first strike. This is seen as having prevented a retaliatory nuclear strike against the United States and its NATO allies, which would likely have resulted in a full-scale nuclear war40 years ago.

• US President Donald Trump presides over a meeting of the Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (UN NewsYouTube: United Nationsand simultaneously a reconstruction of the Arch of Triumph in Palmyra, Syria was unveiled in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (The Institute for Digital Archaeology). In addition to that, Full text of Trump-Netanyahu: ‘I like 2-state solution. You heard me, right?’ (The Times of Israel)

Date: 26 September 2018, 5 years or 260 weeks, 6 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure; Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.” Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

• Kim Yo-jong (Wikipedia), the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. She is the Deputy Department Director of the Publicity and Information Department of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Born: 26 September [-> category Early life: The U.S. Treasury lists her birthdate as 26 September 1989, while South Korean sources place her birth on 26 September 1987.], her 34th or 36th birthday.

•The G20 or Group of 20 (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union (EU).  It works to address major issues related to the global economy, such as international financial stability, climate change mitigation and sustainable development. Formation: 26 September 1999, 24 years ago.

• British Occupation of Philadelphia (Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia ) On September 26, 1777 [246 years ago], the British army marched into Philadelphia, beginning an occupation that lasted until the following spring.

• Francis Drake circumnavigates the globe (HISTORY) English seaman Francis Drake returns to Plymouth, England, in the Golden Hind, becoming the first British navigator to sail the earth. Date: 26 September 1580 (Julian) – 443 years ago

Chinese calendar8th Month 12

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia)

Construction started: 14 September 1948 =  8th Month 12, year of the Rat

• Barack and Michelle Obama make first joint return to the White House for unveiling of official portraits (CNN). Date: 7 September 2022 = 8th Month 12, year of the Tiger 

• Ron DeSantis (Wikipedia), the 46th governor of Florida [Joe Biden is the 46th U.S. President] Born: 14 September 1978 = 8th Month 12, year of the Horse

• The China Three Gorges Corporation (Wikipedia) – is a Chinese state-owned power company, established on 27 September 1993 = 8th Month 12, year of the Rooster. The company was responsible for the construction of the Three Gorges Dam-project, the world’s largest hydroelectric power plant, that went into operation in 2008.

• 1999 Jiji earthquake (Wikipedia) in Taiwan (Max. intensity X (Extreme)) Date: 21 September 1999 = 8th Month 12, year of the Rabbit

Here are her notes on Monday, September 25…

1) On Tuesday, September 26, the President will travel to Michigan. After, he will travel to the San Francisco and to the Phoenix area of Arizona (forth.news). 

2A “Christian” propagandist on YouTube uploaded video about a government shutdown in the US on 9/29. YouTube channel: Mark Allison 88, video September 29th Warning Burn the whole place down (here). [9/29 is Essene calendar: Day of Atonemen and Jewish calendar: after sunset Sukkot I but also Michaelmas (Wikipedia), CERN (Wikipedia), Kyshtym disaster (Wikipedia),…].

9/25 (Monday)

• The Yom Kippur War (Wikipedia) began on Yom Kippur, 10 Tishri 

• Bill of Rights passes Congress (HISTORYWikipedia) The amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, were designed to protect the basic rights of U.S. citizens, guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, assembly, and exercise of religion; the right to fair legal procedure and to bear arms; and that powers not delegated to the federal government were reserved for the states and the people. Created: September 25, 1789, 234 years ago ->  Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering 

Chinese calendar8th Month 11

• CERN Large Hadron Collider first went operational on 10 September 2008″ (WikipediaHISTORY) = 8th Month 11, year of the Rat

After sunset 🌅 – 9/26

Jewish calendar: 11 Tishri (1/11 or 7/11)

11 Tishrei (Wikipedia) – The Baal Shem Tov wrote that the day after Yom Kippur is an even greater holiday than Yom Kippur itself, a day called “Bshem HaShem” or in Yiddish “Gott’s Nomen”, literally “The Name of God”.

Here are her notes on Sunday, September 24…

9/24 (Sunday)

Julian calendar9/11 [Convert a date] or 7/11 on the ancient Roman calendar [Trump says 7-11 Instead of 9-11 (YouTube – Associated Press)]

• The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)(Wikipedia) It was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, but has not entered into force, as eight specific nations have not ratified the treaty. Signed: 24 September 1996

• President Barack Obama chaired meeting of the U.N. Security Council on nuclear disarmament (YouTube-United NationsUN Press). The Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1887 (Wikipedia) Subject: Maintenance of international peace and security, Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. Date: 24 September 2009, 14 years ago

• Barack Obama sat as the President of the UN Security Council for the second time, the U.N. Security Council Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters (whitehouse.gov) Date: 24 September 2014, 9 years ago

• 2015 Mina stampede (Wikipedia) On 24 September 2015, a crowd crush resulted in the death of more than 2,000 individuals, many of whom were suffocated or crushed, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, making it the deadliest Hajj disaster in history.

Chinese calendar8th Month 10

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) The founding of the People’s Republic of China was formally proclaimed by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), on 1 October 1949 (at exactly 3:00 pm Beijing Time) =

8th Month 10, year of the Ox

• The Liaoshen campaign (Wikipedia), was the first of the three major military campaigns launched by the Communist People’s Liberation Army (PLA) against the Kuomintang Nationalist government during the late stage of the Chinese Civil War. Date: 12 September 1948 = 8th Month 10, year of the Rat

After sunset 🌅 – 9/25

Jewish calendar: 10 Tishri , Yom Kippur

Here are her notes on Saturday, September 23…

9/23 (Saturday)

September equinox SAT, 23 SEP 2023 AT 06:46 UTC (In The SkyWikipedia) -> category Culture: harvest festivals, the first day of the French Republican Calendar,…

Julian calendar: 9/10 [Convert a date]

• 1509 Constantinople earthquake (Wikipedia) or historically ‘Minor Judgment Day‘ occurred in the Sea of Marmara on 10 September 1509 (Julian), at about 22:00.  Casualties: thousands dead, houses destroyed,… The Grand Mosque of Hagia Sophia survived almost unscathed, although a minaret collapsed.

Roman festivals (Wikipedia): September 23: anniversary of the rededication of the Temple of Apollo in the Campus Martius; Latona [a goddess and the mother of Apollo and Artemis] was also honored. 

• Augustus (Wikipedia) Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavian, was the founder of the Roman Empire; he reigned as the first Roman emperor. He was born on 23 September 63 BC (Julian).

• Concordat of Worms (Wikipedia) Pope Callixtus II and Holy Roman Emperor Henry V agree to the Concordat of Worms to put an end to the Investiture Controversy. Signed on 23 September 1122 (Julian) in the German city of Worms, 90years ago.

• Discovery of Neptune (Wikipedia) on the night of September 23–24, 1846, at the Berlin Observatory. 

• Martyrdom of Imam Hassan al-Askari (National Today)

• Saudi National Day (Wikipedia) is a public holiday in Saudi Arabia to commemorate the declaration of the unification of Saudi Arabia on 23 September 1932, the 91st anniversary -> Strong’s Greek: 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly /Hebrew: 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for Haman

news: Peace with Saudi Arabia will create a new Middle East, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an address to the United National General Assembly’s 78th session on Friday afternoon (The Jerusalem Post).

• Lithuania: National Memorial Day for the Genocide of the Lithuanian Jews (European Jewish press).

Numbers9/23 (inclusive) – 9/24

And on 16 September 2023 you mentioned three numbers from Steve Fletcher on YouTube (here).

• Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People”, was a proposal by the Trump administration to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020, 1335 days ago on 9/23 (inclusive) or 9/24.

• Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (The White House) Issued on: March 13, 2020, 1290 days ago on 9/23 (inclusive) or 9/24.

• 12 April 2020 was Easter Sunday (Calendar Date) – “Pope Francis has celebrated Easter Sunday with a mass held behind closed doors at a deserted St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican” (BBC News), 1260 days ago on 9/23 (inclusive) or on 9/24.

After sunset 🌅 – 9/24

Jewish calendar9 TishriErev Yom -> Preparing for Yom Kippur (Chabad)

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 9,

Omar Koshan (Wikipedia) “the Killing of Umar”), also known as Jashn-e Hazrat-e Zahra (“Celebration of Fatima al-Zahra'”) or Eid-e-Shuja’ (“Feast of the Courageous One” is a yearly festival held by some Twelver Shi’i Muslims in Iran.

Here are her notes on Friday, September 22…

Pope Francis will be in Marseille, France. And here Pope Francis: his pilgrimage to Marseille -> 2x 4:15 PM [Strong’s Hebrew: 415. El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob Original / Greek: 415. aneleemon: without compassion, cruel]. He will visit Notre-Dame de la Garde. The first stone was laid on the 11th of September 1853 (Google Search). And I found one Artemis and Apollo in Marseille too. -> History of Marseille (Wikipedia). 

9/22 (Friday)

The Vela incident (Wikipedia) was an unidentified double flash of light detected by an American Vela Hotel satellite on 22 September 1979 (Rosh Hashana), at 00:53 UTC near the South African territory. Today, most independent researchers believe that the flash was caused by a nuclear explosion —an undeclared joint nuclear test carried out by South Africa and Israel. 44 years ago

• Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in San Francisco (Wikipedia) On September 22, 1975, Sara Jane Moore attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford in San Francisco. Moore fired two gunshots at President Ford, both of which missed.

• On September 22, 1945, Gen. George S. Patton tells reporters that he does not see the need for “this denazification thing” and compares the controversy over Nazism to a “Democratic and Republican election fight.” (HISTORY)

Chinese calendar8th Month 8

88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”

In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

• Operation Paperclip (Wikipedia) In a secret directive circulated on September 3, 1946 = 8th Month 8, year of the Dog, President Truman officially approved Operation Paperclip and expanded it to include 1,000 German scientists under “temporary, limited military custody”, 77 Chinese years ago

• The Plaza Accord (Wikipedia) was a joint–agreement between France, West Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to depreciate the U.S. dollar in relation to the French franc, the German Deutsche Mark, the Japanese yen and the British pound sterling by intervening in currency markets. Signed: 22 September 1985 = 8th Month 8, year of the Ox, 38 years ago

After sunset 🌅 – 9/23

Jewish calendar: 8 Tishri [7/8 – The Number 78 (Bible Study): “evil angels”], Shabbat Shuva (“Sabbath [of] Return”, Wikipedia)

• Temple Dedicated (826 BCE)

• Massacres at Babi Yar (1941)

German forces aided by Ukrainian collaborators massacred over 30,000 Jews in the Babi Yar ravine near Kiev, Ukraine.

• The Revelation 12 Sign (unsealed.org) occurred on 23 September 2017 = Shabbat Shuva

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) The founding of the People’s Republic of China was formally proclaimed by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), on 1 October 1949 (at exactly 3:00pm Beijing Time) = 8 TishriShabbat Shuva, in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

• The Great Fire of New York (1776)(Wikipedia) was a devastating fire that burned through the night of September 20, 1776, and into the morning of September 21 = 8 TishriShabbat Shuva. It broke out in the early days of the military occupation of the city by British forces during the American Revolutionary War.

• Napoleonic Wars: French occupation of Moscow (Wikipedia) French Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte’s Grande Armée  enters  Moscow on 14 September 1812 = 8 Tishri and the Fire of Moscow (HISTORY) begins. Result: Most of Moscow destroyed by fire, vandalism and looting

Islamic calendarRabi’I 8, 1445 AH

• Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (Wikipedia) On June 5, 1968 = Rabi’I 8, 1388 AH [57 Islamic years ago], Robert F. Kennedy was shot by Sirhan Sirhan (a Palestinian-Jordanian man, born to an Arab Christian family in Jerusalem) at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Kennedy was pronounced dead at 1:44 a.m. on June 6, nearly 25 hours after the shooting.

Gematria: Robert Francis Kennedy = Revelation Nine Eleven 3x [Revelation 9:11]

Here are her notes on Thursday, September 21…

Shimon Peres (Wikipedia) the 8th prime minister of Israel and the 9th president of Israel died on 28 September 2016, 2550 (1260 + 1290) days ago on 9/21 (inclusive) – 9/22.

The funeral of Shimon Peres was held on 30 September 2016 (Israel365News), 2550 days ago on 9/23 (inclusive) – 9/24.

Istanbul/Constantinople/Byzantium has something to do with Artemis too, unfortunately…

Byzantium (Wikipedia) or Byzantion was an ancient Greek city in classical antiquity that became known as Constantinople in late antiquity and Istanbul today. -> category Emblem “Some Byzantine coins of the 1st century BC and later show the head of Artemis with bow and quiver, and feature a crescent with what appears to be an eight-rayed star on the reverse. According to accounts which vary in some of the details, in 340 BC the Byzantines and their allies the Athenians were under siege by the troops of Philip of Macedon. On a particularly dark and wet night Philip attempted a surprise attack but was thwarted by the appearance of a bright light in the sky…“

9/21 (Thursday) [Twenty-one is Blackjack]

International Day of Peace (United Nations)

Nativity of Mary (Wikipedia) 21 September: Most Oriental Orthodox and part of the Eastern Orthodox churches.

• Armenia Independence Day (Wikipedia); news ‘Armenia’ (Google Search)

• Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy (Wikipedia) – During the French Revolution, it was a proclamation by the National Convention of France announcing that it had abolished the French monarchy on 21 September 1792, giving birth to the French First Republic. 231 [3x77] years ago

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) -> category Historical background ->…On 21 September 1949, CCP Chairman Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China with a speech at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. (This was followed by a mass celebration on October 1), 74 years or 888 months ago -> 888 (number)(WikipediaIn Chinese numerology, 888 usually means triple fortune,…

•The Battle of Palikao (Wikipedia) lit. ‘Battle of the Eight-Mile Bridge’ was fought at the bridge of Palikao by Anglo-French forces against the Qing Empire during the Second Opium War [btw. National Opioid Awareness Day is September 21]. It allowed Western forces to take the capital Beijing and eventually defeat the Qing Empire. Date: on the morning of 21 September 1860 =  8th Month 7, year of the Monkey, 163 Gregorian and Chinese years ago -> [Strong’s Greek: 163.aichmalótizó: to take or lead captive; Usage: I take captive (in war); I subdue, ensnare.; 38th prime]

• Great Britain left the gold standard on 21 [Blackjack] September 1931 [Yom Kippur] (National Archives UK), The pound and September: a torrid month for Britain’s currency (The Guardian), 92 years ago [another pentagonal number, the 8th (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 92. adikéma: a wrong, injury; Usage: a legal wrong, crime (with which one is charged), misdeed, crime against God, a sin.]

• Lodge–Fish Resolution (Wikipedia) was a joint resolution of both houses of the US Congress that endorsed the British Mandate for Palestine. On September 21, 1922 President Warren G. Harding signed the joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine, per the 1917 Balfour Declaration, 101 years ago [26th primeWikipedia -> in religion]

• The Angel Moroni (Wikipedia) is an angel whom Joseph Smith reported as having visited him on numerous occasions, beginning on September 21, 1823 [the 200th anniversary]. According to Smith, the angel was the guardian of the golden plates, buried in the hill Cumorah near Smith’s home in western New York; Latter Day Saints believe the plates were the source material for the Book of Mormon.

Chinese calendar: 8th Month 7

• North Korea (Wikipedia), officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) established: 9 September 1948 (Google Search) = 8th Month 7, year of the Rat, the 75th anniversary on the Chinese calendar. 

Numbers: 9/21(inclusive) – 9/22

•The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (Time). Date: Wednesday 11 March 2020, 1290 days ago on 9/21(inclusive) or 9/22. 

After sunset 🌅 – 9/22

Jewish calendar7 Tishri (1/7 or 7/7)

• The Plaza Accord (Wikipedia) was a joint–agreement between France, West Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to depreciate the U.S. dollar in relation to the French franc, the German Deutsche Mark, the Japanese yen and the British pound sterling by intervening in currency marketsSigned: 22 September 1985 = 7 Tishri38 years ago

• Jens Stoltenberg (Wikipedia), the 13th and current secretary general of NATO. Assumed office: 1 October 2014 = 7 Tishri

Here are her notes on Wednesday, September 20…

9/20 (Wednesday)

Essene calendar: Fall Day of RemembranceTrumpets [Remember that trumpets are featured in the opening of the Seventh Seal of Revelation, and under a Three Days of Darkness scenario, the Fourth through Seventh Seals would be opened within those days.]

Julian calendar9/7 [Convert a date]

• Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE) (Wikipedia) Following a five-month siege, the Romans destroyed the city and the Second Jewish Temple. Herod’s Palace fell on 7 September, and the city was completely under Roman control by 8 September 70 CE (Julian).

• Saladin begins the Siege of Jerusalem (1187) (Wikipedia). The siege lasted from 20 September to 2 October 1187 (Julian).

• Babington plot (Wikipedia)- Ballard and Babington were executed (hanged, drawn, and quartered) on 20 September 1586 (Julian) along with the other men who had been tried with them.

• The Great Fire of New York (1776) (Wikipedia) was a devastating fire that burned through the night of September 20, 1776, and into the morning of September 21, on the West Side of what then constituted New York City at the southern end of the island of Manhattan. It broke out in the early days of the military occupation of the city by British forces during the American Revolutionary War., 247 years ago [247 is the 13th pentagonal number (Wikipedia), I found it interesting that the number 1335 is also a pentagonal number.]

• Battle of the Alma (Wikipedia) was a battle in the Crimean War between an allied expeditionary force (made up of French, British, and Ottoman forces) and Russian forces defending the Crimean Peninsula on 20 September 1854, 169 years ago

• In an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, U.S. President George W. Bush declares a “War on Terror”(The White House) on 20 September 2001, 22 years ago [the 4th pentagonal number].

Chinese calendar8th Month 6

Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits.

• The Blitz begins as Germany bombs London (HISTORY). Date: 7 September 1940 = 8th Month 6, year of the Dragon.

• Kyshtym disaster (Wikipedia), the second worst nuclear incident by radioactivity released, after the Chernobyl disaster. Date: 29 September 1957 = 8th Monthbis (leap month) 6, year of the Rooster, 66 Chinese years ago

Numbers9/20 (inclusive) – 9/21

• Benjamin Netanyahu (Wikipedia) the prime minister of Israel. Assumed office: 29 December 2022 (Netanyahu previously held the office from 1996 to 1999 and again from 2009 to 2021.), 266 days or 38 weeks ago on 9/20 (inclusive) or 9/21 -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure; Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.” Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

• John F. Kennedy Jr. (Wikipedia) often referred to as John-John or JFK Jr.. He was a son of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Born: 25 November 1960, 62 years, 300 days ago on 9/21 or 9/20 (inclusive) -> Strong’s Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11). /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• Kamala Harris (Wikipedia) is the 49th[7x7] and current vice president of the United States. She was born on 20 October 1964, 707 months old exactly.

After sunset 🌅 – 9/21

Jewish calendar6 Tishri

• President Barack Obama chaired meeting of the U.N. Security Council on nuclear disarmament (YouTube-United NationsUN Press). The Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1887 (WikipediaSubject: Maintenance of international peace and security, Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. Date: 24 September 2009 = 6 Tishri14 Jewish years ago

Here are her notes on Tuesday, September 19…

9/19 (Tuesday)

Neptune at opposition, when it lies opposite to the Sun in the sky. [Neptune carries a Trident, the symbol of Ukraine, so this astronomical event (“sign in the heavens”) can be used to script a big event in Ukraine.]

TUE, 19 SEP 2023 AT 11:09 UTC (In The Sky) At around the same time that Neptune passes opposition, it also makes its closest approach to the Earth – termed its perigee – making it appear at its brightest. 11:09 is 669 minutes into the day or 11.15 hours [Time Calculator] -> Strong’s Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a hill near Jer.a skull (Latin-calvaria), the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull:

Julian calendar9/6 [Convert a date]

• Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia) died on 6 September 1566 (Julian), 457 years ago (88th prime number).-> Strong’s Greek: 457. anoixis: an opening; Usage: the act of opening

• First-Ever Underground Nuclear Explosion (HISTORYWikipedia) on 19 September 1957. The United States detonates a 1.7-kiloton nuclear weapon in an underground tunnel at the Nevada Test Site, 66 years ago

• The Washington Post and The New York Times publish the Unabomber manifesto (HISTORYWikipedia) also known as Industrial Society and Its Futurea 1995 anti-technology essay by Ted Kaczynski. Date: 19 September 1995, 28 years ago

• Replica of Syrian arch destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City (The Guardian) on 19 September 2016, 7 years ago

• Death and state funeral of Elizabeth II (Wikipedia) Elizabeth’s state funeral was held on 19 September 2022.

• James Abram Garfield, the 20th president of the United States died on September 19, 1881 as a result of infection, 79 days after his assassination (Wikipedia), 142 years ago

Numbers: 9/19 (inclusive) – 9/20

• Volodymyr Zelensky (Wikipedia), the 6th and current president of Ukraine. Assumed office: 20 May 2019, 4 years, 4 months or 1584 days ago on 9/19 (inclusive) – 9/20. -> Strong’s Hebrew: 1584. gamar: to end, come to an end, complete / Greek 1584. eklampó: to shine out

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) Founded: 20 December 2019, 45 month ago on 9/19 (inclusive) – 9/20

• Artemis 1 (Wikipedia) Launch date: 16 November 2022, 308 days or 44 weeks ago on 9/19 (inclusive) – 9/20.

After sunset 🌅 – 9/20

Jewish calendar: 5 Tishri

• King Charles and Queen Camilla will be in France [(The Royal Family)] exactly on the 231st [3×77] anniversary of the Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy (Wikipedia) during the French Revolution, giving birth to the French First Republic. “What need do we have of discussion when everyone is in agreement? Kings are as much monsters in the moral order as in the physical order. The Courts are a workshop for crime, the foyer for corruption and the den of tyrants. The history of kings is the martyrology of nations!.” on 21 September 1792 = 5 Tishri 5553. End of an era: This dramatic change was powerful encouragement to the growing wave of anticlericalism which sought a dechristianisation of France. The new French Republican Calendar discarded all Christian reference points and calculated time from the Republic’s first full day after the monarchy, 22 September 1792, the first day of Year One.

• The United States Bill of Rights (comprises the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution) passes Congress (HISTORYWikipedia). The amendments were designed to protect the basic rights of U.S. citizens, guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, assembly, and exercise of religion; the right to fair legal procedure and to bear arms; and that powers not delegated to the federal government were reserved for the states and the people. Created: 25 September 1789 = 5 Tishri , 234 Jewish years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering / Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution; Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).

• The Battle of Palikao (Wikipedia) was fought at the bridge of Palikao by Anglo-French forces against the Qing Empire during the Second Opium War. It allowed Western forces to take the capital Beijing and eventually defeat the Qing Empire. Date: on the morning of 21 September 1860 = 5 Tishri163 Jewish years ago -> Strong’s Greek: 163. aichmalótizó: to take or lead captive; Usage: I take captive (in war); I subdue, ensnare.

Here are her notes on Monday, September 18…

9/18 (Monday) 

Chinese calendar8th Month 4

Venus at greatest brightness MON, 18 SEP 2023 AT 12:09 UTC (In The Sky)

• The United States Capitol cornerstone laying (Wikipedia) was the Freemasonry ceremonial placement of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol. The cornerstone was laid by president of the United States George Washington Leder of the Lodge of the Continental Army, assisted by the Grand Master of Maryland Joseph Clark, in a Masonic ritual. Date: 18 September 1793, the 230th anniversary.

• National Security Act of 1947 (Wikipedia) was a law enacting major restructuring of the US government’s military and intelligence agencies following World War II…the act established the National Security Council, the CIA, the U.S. Air Force,…Effective: 18 September 1947 = 4 Tishri = 8th Month 4, year of the Pig, 76 years ago

• The Revelation 12 Sign (unsealed.org) occurred on 23 September 2017 = 8th Month 4, year of the Rooster

• Superman: Doomsday (Wikipedia) is a 2007 American animated superhero film adapted from the DC Comics storyline “The Death of Superman”, which focuses on the death and return of the superhero Superman. Running time: 77 minutes, Release date: 18 September 2007, 16 years ago

• The Day the Earth Stood Still – (Wikipedia) Set in the Cold War during the early stages of the nuclear arms race, the storyline involves a humanoid alien visitor who comes to Earth, accompanied by a powerful robot, to deliver an important message that will affect the entire human race. The film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”. Release date: 18 September 1951, 72 years ago

Numbers: 9/18 (inclusive) – 9/19 

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City (gov.il or The Times of Israel) Date: 23 January 2020, 1335 days ago on 9/18 (inclusive) – 9/19

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force (lit. ’Jerusalem Force). He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957, 66 years, 6 weeks old on 9/19 or 9/18 (inclusive). -> [666 is the Number of the Beast]

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program reached in Vienna on 14 July 2015, 8 years, 9 weeks, 4 days ago on 9/19 or 9/18 (inclusive) -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood; 894 ápsinthos – a bitter plant known as “wormwood”(figuratively) what is intensely bitter (grievous), bringing on very sad results (used only in Rev 8:11). or 2989 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2989. lampó: to shine. Usage: I shine, give light.

[On 19 September – 1976 Tehran UFO Incident (Wikipedia) “In the early hours of 19 September 1976, a shining object was reported in the sky above Tehran …described as flashing with intense red, green, orange and blue lights so bright that I was not able to see its body,…radiating a high bright light.”]

• The White Paper of 1939 on Palestine (Jewish Virtual LibraryWikipedia) ratified: 23 May 1939, 30800 days or 4400 weeks ago on 9/18 (inclusive) – 9/19

• The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) were a granite monument (and a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists) that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. The guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing and dismantled later that day.

Dismantled date: 6 July 2022, 440 days ago on 9/18 (inclusive) – 9/19

After sunset 🌅 – 9/19

Jewish calendar4 Tishri

 The Kyshtym disaster (Wikipedia) was a radioactive contamination accident that occurred at Mayak, a plutonium production site for nuclear weapons and nuclear fuel reprocessing plant located in the closed city of Chelyabinsk-40 (now Ozyorsk) in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union. The disaster is the second worst nuclear incident by radioactivity released, after the Chernobyl disaster. Date: 29 September 1957 = 4 Tishri66 Jewish years ago

• Oslo II Accord (Wikipedia) – The Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip commonly known as Oslo II or Oslo 2, was a key and complex agreement in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process. The Accord was officially signed on 28 September 1995 = 4 Tishri , 28 Jewish years ago

• Wall Street bombing (HISTORYWikipedia) – A bomb in a horse wagon exploded on Wall Street killing 40 and injuring hundreds. Date: 16 September 1920 = 4 Tishri 

Here are her notes on Sunday, September 17…

• Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) passes perihelion, SUN, 17 SEP 2023 (In-The-Sky), its closest approach to the Sun. Evening sightings of new comet are promising (Earth Sky)

9/17 (Sunday)

Julian calendar: 9/4 [Convert a date]

• Fall of the Western Roman Empire (Wikipedia), Deposition of Romulus Augustus (WikipediaBy convention, the Western Roman Empire is deemed to have ended on 4 September 476, when Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustulus and proclaimed himself ruler of Italy.

• World Patient Safety Day 2023: Engaging Patients for Patient Safety (WHO

• National Unity Day (Belarus) (Wikipedia) marks the unification of the West Belarus and East Belarus which happened on the day of the Soviet invasion of Poland during World War II. The Polish Institute of National Remembrance described the holiday as the “Holiday of the Unity of the Two Totalitarisms”, which hurts the memories of the victims of Hitler’s and Stalin’s regimes.

• Soviet invasion of Poland (Wikipedia) the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east, 16 days after Nazi Germany invaded Poland from the west. Result: Soviet victory, territory of Eastern Poland annexed by the Soviet Union. Date: 17 September 1939, 84 years ago 

• Constitution Day (United States) (Wikipedia), is an American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is normally observed on September 17, the day in 1787 that delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document in Philadelphia, 236 years ago -> Constitution Week (Wikipedia) until September 23.

• American Civil War: the bloodiest day in American military history. The Battle of Antietam (HISTORY) on 17 September 1862, 161 years ago -> 161(number)(Wikipedia) 161 is used by Anti Fascist Action as a code for AFA (A=1, F=6, by order of the alphabet), sometimes used in 161>88 (88 is code for Heil Hitler among neo-nazis, as H=8). Strong’s Greek: 161. aichmalósia: captivity

• Titanic (Wikipedia) RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner, operated by the White Star Line, that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after striking an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City, United States. Ordered: 17 September 1908, 115 years ago

• Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force (Wikipedia) is the strategic missile, air, and space force within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran. Founded: 17 September 1985 = 2 Tishri38 years ago

• Camp David Accords (WikipediaHISTORY), a pair of political agreements between Israel and Egypt. Signed (at the White House): 17 September 1978, 45 years ago

Chinese calendar8th Month 3

• Xi proposes a ‘new Silk Road’(China Daily) – Xi Jinping proposed that China and Central Asian countries build an “economic belt along the Silk Road”, a trans-Eurasian project spanning from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea. -> Belt and Road Initiative (Wikipedia) Date: 7 September 2013 = 8th Month 3, year of the Snake10 Chinese years ago

• United States Army Military Government in Korea (Wikipedia) was the official ruling body of the Southern half of the Korean Peninsula from 8 September 1945 = 8th Month 3, year of the Rooster

After sunset 🌅 – 9/18

Jewish calendar: 3 Tishri

Fast of Gedalia (Wikipedia) is a minor Jewish fast day from dawn until dusk to lament the assassination of Gedaliah, the righteous governor of what was the Kingdom of Judah. His death ended Jewish autonomy following the destruction of the First Temple and the fall of King Zedekiah.

• The Revelation 12 Sign (unsealed.org) occurred on 23 September 2017 = 3 Tishri6 Jewish years ago

Here are her notes on Saturday, September 16…

9/16 (Saturday)

Conjunction of the Moon [Artemis] and Mars [War] on 16 SEP 2023 AT 19:20 UTC (In The Sky)

Batman Day (National Today) [Trump is Batman]

• Gas Explosion at Russian Lab That Holds Ebola and Smallpox Samples (time.com). Date: Monday, 16 September 2019

• Wall Street bombing (The Mysterious Wall Street Bombing, HISTORYWikipedia), A bomb in a horse wagon exploded on Wall Street killing 40 and injuring hundreds. Date: 16 September 1920, 103 years ago

Numbers9/16 (inclusive) – 9/17

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the US took place on 20 January 2017, 666 % of a common year (365 days) ago on 9/16 (inclusive) – 9/17.

• Sergei Shoigu (Wikipedia), Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation – Born: 21 May 1955, 666 months, 669 weeks olon 9/17 or 9/16 (inclusive).

After sunset 🌅 – 9/17

Jewish calendar2 TishriRosh Hashana II

• CERN (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Formation: 29 September 1954 = 2 Tishri69 Jewish years ago [CERN is scripted “to open the Gate to Hell” at some point]

• Double Asteroid Redirection Test (Wikipedia) was a NASA space mission aimed at testing a method of planetary defense against near-Earth objects (NEOs). Impact date: 26 September 2022, 23:14 UTC = 2 Tishri

Recent articles: Asteroid behaving unexpectedly, weirdly, mysteriously after Nasa’s deliberate Dart crash (Google Search) [According to the prophecy propagandists, asteroids and comets are both angels/demons and physical objects, and the angelic/demonic aspect of the asteroids and comets are what can steer them towards targets that are subject to God’s Judgment. By this ridiculous line of thinking, the spiritual aspect of the asteroid struck by NASA didn’t appreciate getting hit.]

Here are her notes on Friday, September 15…

Barack Obama sat as the President of the UN Security Council for the second time. Remarks by President Obama (White House) United Nations General Assembly Hall at 10:13 A.M. EDT. Date: 24 September 2014 = 29 Elul – Erev Rosh Hashana9 years ago

9/15 (Friday) 

Julian calendar9/2 [Convert a date]

• The Great Fire of London (Wikipedia) Date: 2 September 1666 – 6 September 1666 (Julian), 357 years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 357. Ayyalon: “deer,” the name of several cities in Palestine [Buckingham Palace; and a dear in I, Pet Goat II at about 1:18]

• The Battle of Actium (Wikipedia), the climax of over a decade of rivalry between Octavian and Antony. Date: 2 September 31 BC (Julian)

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia) was born on 15 September 1984 at 16:20, his 39th birthday.

• Lehman Brothers (Wikipedia) files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history. Date: 15 September 2008, 15 years ago

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are a series of joint normalization agreements initially between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, mediated by the United States. Other signatories: Sudan, Morocco. Ratified: 15 September 2020, 3 years ago

• The Great Seal of the United States (Wikipedia) On September 15, 1789, the United States Congress ordered “that the seal heretofore used by the United States in Congress assembled, shall be, and hereby is declared to be, the seal of the United States.”, 234 years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 234.azkarah: a memorial offering.

• Korean War: Incheon landing was turning point for war, nation and world (Korea JoongAng Daily), date: 15 September 1950, 73 years ago

Chinese calendar8th Month 1

September 5 is the anniversary of two very notable “Reigns of Terror”…

the Reign of Terror committed by the revolutionary government in France was officially decreed on that day in 1793 = 8th Month 1, year of the Ox, and

the Red Terror committed by the communist revolutionaries in Russia was officially decreed on that day in 1918 = 8th Month 1, year of the Horse.

After sunset 🌅 – 9/16

Jewish calendar1 TishriThe Sixth Day of Creation (Genesis 1:24-31), Adam & Eve, 1st Sin & Repentance, Dove’s 3rd Mission, …

Rosh Hashana, (Wikipedia) is the Jewish New Year. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah (lit. “day of shouting/blasting“) -> Ten Days of Repentance (Wikipedia)

• United States Army Military Government in Korea (Wikipedia) from 8 September 1945  = 1 Tishri

• 2022 Nord Stream pipeline sabotage (Wikipedia) a series of clandestine bombings and subsequent underwater gas leaks occurred on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipelines. Date: 26 September 2022 = 1 Tishri

• Assassination of William McKinley (Wikipedia) William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was shot on 6 September 1901 and died on 14 September 1901 = 1 Tishri as a result of initial injury and subsequent infection.

Here are her notes on Thursday, September 14…

9/14 (Thursday) 

Julian calendar9/1 [Convert a date]

Roman festivals (Wikipedia-> September 1 (Kalends*): ceremonies for Jupiter Tonans (“the Thunderer“) on the Capitolium (Wikipedia), and Juno Regina on the Aventine. (Wikipedia)

*Calends (Wikipedia) or Kalends – The Romans called the first day of every month the calends, signifying the start of a new lunar phase.

New Moon FRI, 15 SEP 2023 AT 01:41 UTC (In-The-Sky) -> [EDT 14 September 9:41 PM (Time Zone Converter)]; Strong’s Greek: 141. hairetikos: causing division or 101 minutes into the day Strong’s Hebrew: 101. aggan: a bowl, basin [This is in Hebrew. The seven bowls are in Greek, the New Testament], the Number 101 (Bible Study). 

• Kaliningrad (Wikipedia) – Founded: 1 September 1255 (Julian), 768 years ago Strong’s Hebrew: 768.arnebeth: a hare, rabbit [2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, CNN]

• Feast of the Cross (WikipediaVatican News) to honour the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. I remembered King Charles’ Coronation Cross (Google Searchwith fragments of wood believed to be from the cross Jesus.

• Death of Prophet Muhammad (National Today) and Martyrdom of Imam Hassan 2023 in Iran (time and date)

• Napoleonic Wars: French occupation of Moscow (Wikipedia) French Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte’s Grande Armée  enters  Moscow on 14 September 1812 and the Fire of Moscow (HISTORY) begins. Result: Most of Moscow destroyed by fire, vandalism and looting, 211 years ago

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia. He also served as the president of Russia and as the prime minister of Russia. Born: 14 September 1965, his 58th birthday

• Ron DeSantis (Wikipedia), the 46th and current governor of Florida [Joe Biden is the 46th president] Born: 14 September 1978, his 45th birthday.

• President McKinley dies of infection from gunshot wounds (HISTORY) on 14 September 1901, 122 years ago

• A Soviet rocket crashes into the moon’s surface, becoming the first man-made object sent from earth to reach the lunar surface. (HISTORY) Date: 14 September 1959 (Moscow time) or 13 Sep. GMT Luna 2 (Wikipedia), 64 years ago

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia) – Construction started: 14 September 1948, 75 years ago

After sunset 🌅 – 9/15

Jewish calendar29 ElulErev Rosh Hashana (the day before Rosh Hashana)

The fifth day of Creation, Creation of Creatures and Birds (Genesis 1:20-23)

Death of False Prophet Hananiah son of Azur

The false prophet Hananiah ben Azur died within the year, as Jeremiah had foretold. (see Jeremiah 28) Hananiah prophesied the Jews’ victory within two years and the return of the dispersed Israelites and the Temple utensils instead of their captivity by Nebuchadnezzar.” (from Psalm11918)

Here are her notes on Wednesday, September 13…

9/13 (Wednesday)

Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury at 17:41 UTC (In The Sky)

• Epulum Jovis (Wikipedia) was a sumptuous ritual feast offered to Jove (Jupiter) on the Ides of September (September 13).

• Lin Biao incident (Wikipedia) Chinese Communist politician Lin Biao died when an aircraft carrying him and several members of his family crashed in Mongolia at 3:00 am on 13 September 1971, allegedly after attempting to assassinate Mao and defect to the Soviet Union, 52 years ago

• Oslo I Accord (WikipediaHISTORY) were officially signed at a public ceremony in Washington, D.C. in the presence of PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and U.S. President Bill Clinton. Date: 13 September 1993, 30 years ago

• The final act of the Greco-Turkish War, the burning of Smyrna (Wikipedia), commences. Date: 13–22 September 1922, 101 years ago

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 29

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia) …CCP Chairman Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China with a speech at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Date: 21 September 1949 = 7th Monthbis 29 (leap month), year of the Ox, 74 Chinese years ago

After sunset 🌅 – 9/14

Jewish calendar: 28 Elul

The fourth day of Creation, Creation of Celestial Bodies (Genesis 1:14-19)

 Fall of the Western Roman Empire (Wikipedia) By convention, the Western Roman Empire is deemed to have ended on 4 September 476 (Julian) = 28 Elul [Convert a date] , when Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustulus and proclaimed himself ruler of Italy. Romulus Augustulus (Wikipedia) is typically regarded as the last Western Roman emperor.

• Lodge–Fish Resolution (Wikipedia) was a joint resolution of both houses of the US Congress that endorsed the British Mandate for Palestine. On September 21, 1922 = 28 Elul, US President Warren G. Harding signed the joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine, per the 1917 Balfour Declaration, 101 Jewish years ago.

Here are her notes on Tuesday, September 12…

9/12 (Tuesday) 

Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) (Wikipedia) passes perigee (In The Sky), its closest approach to the Earth

Discovered by Hideo Nishimura  (Japanese amateur astronomer)

Gematria: Hideo Nishimura = David vs. Goliath 3x overlap

Julian calendar: 30 August [Convert a date] On Tisha B’Av, 70 CE (August 30), Roman forces overwhelmed the defenders and set fire to the Temple (Wikipedia).

Nayrouz (Wikipedia) in Egypt: Tue, September 12, 2023, lit. ’the crown of the year, the start of the Coptic new year and its first month. The name of the feast comes from Persian – a festival of Nowruz

• 1933 – Leó Szilárd (Wikipedia), waiting for a red light on Southampton Row in Bloomsbury, conceives the idea of the nuclear chain reaction (Wikipedia), 90 years ago

• 1634 Valletta explosion (Wikipedia) a Hospitaller gunpowder factory in Valletta, Malta accidentally blew up, killing 22 people and causing severe damage to a number of buildings. The  Church of the Jesuits (Wikipedia), Valletta was severely damaged in the explosion. Date: 12 September 1634, 389 years ago

• Hercules Powder plant disaster (Wikipedia) in the United States kills about 52 people and injures over 200. Date: 12 September 1940, 83 years ago

• The Liaoshen campaign (Wikipedia), was the first of the three major military campaigns launched by the Communist People’s Liberation Army (PLA) against the Kuomintang Nationalist government during the late stage of the Chinese Civil War. Date: 12 September 1948, 75 years ago

• “We choose to go to the Moon” (Wikipedia), officially titled the Address at Rice University on the Nation’s Space Effort, is a speech by United States Press John F. Kennedy to further inform the public about his plan to land a man on the Moon before 1970.

September 12, 1962, 61 years ago

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 28

• Barack Obama is officially nominated and accepts the Democratic nomination for U.S. president, becoming the first African American candidate in US history to lead a major party (CNN Reuters). Date: (27)-28 August 2008 = 7th Month 28, year of the Rat 

• Obama’s speech on the state of American democracy (CBS News) at the University of Illinois on Friday, September 7, 2018. In his speech he said: “You cannot sit back and wait for a savior. …You don’t need a messiah.”[According to some of the “Christian Watchmen” this proves that he is the Antichrist.Date: September 7, 2018 = 7th Month 28

• Red Terror (Wikipedia) -The first official announcement of a Red Terror was published in Izvestia. Date: 3 September 1918 = 7th Month 28, year of the Horse

• The Soviet Union recognized the independence of three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) on 6 September 1991 (Wikipedia) = 7th Month 28, year of the Goat

Numbers: 9/12 (inclusive) – 9/13

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA), 21 December 2020, 996, days ago on 9/12 (inclusive)

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States Date: 20 January 2021, 966 days (inclusive) od on 9/13

• Prince Harry was christened at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on 21 December 1984, 1984: Prince Harry’s Christening Brings the Royal Family Together, 38 years, 38 weeks ago on 9/13 or 9/12 (inclusive)

After sunset 🌅 – 9/13

Jewish calendar: 27 Elul

The third day of Creation, Creation of Dry Land and Vegetation (Genesis 1:9-13)

• The Babi Yar Massacre (Jewish Virtual Library) On September 19, 1941 = 27 Elulthe German army captured Kiev, Ukraine. 

• Oslo I Accord (Wikipedia)

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, U.S. President Bill Clinton and PLO head Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo I Accord, Date: September  13, 1993 = 27 Elul

• Kaliningrad (Wikipedia)

Founded: 1 September 1255 (Julian)  = 27 Elul [Convert a date]

• Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Wikipedia), CCP Chairman Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China with a speech at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Date: 21 September 1949 = 27 Elul

• The Soviet Union recognized the independence of three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) on 6 September 1991 (Wikipedia) = 27 Elul

• Obama’s speech on the state of American democracy (CBS News) at the University of Illinois on Friday, September 7, 2018. In his speech he said: “You cannot sit back and wait for a savior. …You don’t need a messiah.”[According to some of the “Christian Watchmen” this proves that he is the Antichrist.Date: September 7, 2018 = 27 Elul

Islamic calendarSafar 28

28 Safar (Wikipedia)

  • 11 AH, Muhammad fell deathly ill
  • 28 Safar 50 AH, Martyrdom of Imam Hasan ibn ‘Alī, grandson of Muhammad

• Ali Khamenei (Wikipedia) the 2nd and current Supreme Leader of Iran

Born: 19 April 1939 = Safar 28  [Convert a date] or Safar 29

Here are her notes on Monday, September 11…

9/11 (Monday)

September 11 (the 254th day of the year; 111 days remain until the end of the year) is reverse symmetrical to  April 21 (the 111th day of the year; 254 days remain). April 21 is the traditional date for the founding of Rome (Google Search).

Revelation 9:11 They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon.

Julian calendar: 8/29 [Convert a date]

Eastern Orthodox liturgics: The Beheading of the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John (Wikipedia) The head of John the Baptist is now in Umayyad Mosque in Damascus according to Christian and Muslim tradition (Wikipedia). The mosque visited by Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu (Kremlin).

• Bashar al-Assad (Wikipedia), the 19th and current president of Syria. He was born on 11 September 1965, his 58th birthday.

9/11 is 7/11 on the Roman calendar. September (from Latin septem, “seven”) (Wikipedia)

Trump says 7/11 instead of 9/11 (AP YouTube, AP news) 9 p.m. Donald Trump made an unfortunate slip-of-the-tongue while campaigning in Buffalo, New York, on Monday evening… Date: Monday, April 18, 2016. It was after sunset [Sunset in Buffalo, NY, USA at 20:02 or 8:02 PM (Google Search)] =>

[Donald Trump said 7/11 on 7/11 on the Jewish and Islamic calendars and it was about 7/11 on the Roman calendar.] Genesis 7:11  …on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

• Mecca crane collapse (Wikipedia) A crawler crane collapsed over the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, around 5:10 p.m. on 11 September 2015, killing 111 people and injuring 394 others. The city was preparing for the Hajj pilgrimage, 8 years ago.

possibly related to:

  • Your blog: ALERT (26 July 2023): There was a crane collapse in NYC today (kensthoughtstream)
  • The Ark of Gabriel: Unearthing an Ancient Secret Weapon (Google Search)
  • “PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Flanked by cranes and shipyard workers, President Joe Biden made the pitch Thursday” (PBS)

• The Pentagon (Wikipedia) is the headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense. Construction started: September 11, 1941, 82 years ago

[Lead has atomic number 82. And lead is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia). Obama’s limousine (CBS News – pictures), the picture “One of President Obama’s limousines” shows 82].

• 2007 – Russia tests the largest conventional weapon ever, the Father of All Bombs (Wikipedia), 16 years ago

Ottoman history

  • Great Siege of Malta (Wikipedia) Ottoman forces retreat from Malta ending the Great Siege of Malta. Date: 11 September 1565
  • Battle of Vienna (Wikipedia): The battle marked the first time the Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire had cooperated militarily against the OttomansThe defeat is often seen as a turning point for Ottoman expansion into Europe, after which they would gain no further ground. Date: 12 September 1683 -> The Day of the Siege: September Eleven 1683 (Wikipedia) a historical drama film based on the 1683 Battle of Vienna
  • The Battle of Zenta (Wikipedia): a major engagement in the Great Turkish War (1683–1699) and one of the most decisive defeats in Ottoman history. Date: 11 September 1697

Chinese calendar7th Month 27

• First Opium War (Wikipedia), also known as the Anglo-Sino War, was a series of military engagements fought between the British Empire and the Qing dynasty of China between 1839 and 1842. The immediate issue was the Chinese enforcement of their ban on the opium trade [it was about poppy -> Papaver somniferum (Wikipedia), your blog The Prince and the Popper on 9-10 December 2022].

Start date: 4 September 1839 = 7th Month 27, year of the Pig, Battle of Kowloon (Wikipedia), 184 years ago

Numbers: 9/11(inclusive) – 9/12

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia) Date: 6 December 2017, 69 month, 6 days ago on 9/11 (inclusive) – 9/12

After sunset 🌅 – 9/12

Jewish calendar: 26 Elul

The Second Day of Creation, Creation of Skies (3760 BCE) (Genesis 1:6-8)

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are a series of joint normalization agreements initially between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, Mediated by the United States. Other signatories: Sudan, Morocco

Ratified: 15 September 2020 = 26 Elul3 Jewish years ago.

Here are her notes on Sunday, September 10…

9/10 (Sunday)

Revelation 9:10 They had tails with stingers like scorpions, which had the power to injure people for five months. [other ‘five month’ verses in the Bible: Genesis 8:4, Revelation 1:24, Luke 9:5]

Julian calendar: 8/28 [Convert a date]

• dies natalis for the Temple of Sol and Luna, the Sun and the Moon (Wikipedia)

Essene calendar: 22 Elul (6/22) – First Fruits of New Oil -> In Strong’s Hebrew fresh oil has the same number as Messiah, the O.T. title corresponding to Christ  in Greek (3323).

SkyWatchTV: Do these hidden biblical feasts reveal 2025 is the start of the final age of man !?, at about the 3:30 minutes mark. 

Strong’s Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove/Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly or Strong’s Hebrew:  226. oth: a sign

• The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, described as the biggest scientific experiment in history, is powered up in Geneva, Switzerland (Wikipedia -> Operational history, HISTORY) Date: 10 September 2008, 15 years ago

• The Reichskonkordat (Wikipedia) (“Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich”) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats that the Vatican negotiated during the pontificate of Pius XI. It is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust.

Effective: 10 September 1933 (It has been in force from that date onward.), 90 years ago

Numbers: 9/10(inclusive) – 9/11

• Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) was the commander of the Quds Force, …considered by some analysts to be the right-hand man of the Supreme Leader of Iran as well as the second-most powerful person in Iran behind him. Born: Monday, 11 March 1957, 66 years, 6 months ago on 9/10 (inclusive) – 9/11.

• Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014 and on 27 May 2014 Bethlehem church catches fire after pope’s visit (The Guardian)), 9 years, 110 days on 9/10 (inclusive) – 9/14.

After sunset 🌅 – 9/11

Jewish calendar: 25 Elul

• The 1st day of creation, on which G-d created existence, time, matter, darkness and light, was the 25th of Elul.  (Genesis 1)

• Jerusalem Walls Rebuilt (335 BCE). So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days (Nehemiah 6:15)

• Battle of Zenta (Wikipedia) between Ottoman and Holy League armies during the Great Turkish War. The battle was the most decisive engagement of the war, and it saw the Ottomans suffer an overwhelming defeat by an Imperial force half as large sent by Emperor Leopold I. Date: 11 September 1697 = 25 Elul, 326 years ago

Islamic calendar: Safar 25  or 26

• Six-Day War (Wikipedia) Date: 5-10 June 1967. On 5 June 1967 = 26 Safar, 1387 AH, …Israel launched a series of pre-emptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields and other facilities, launching its war effort, 58 Islamic years ago.

Here are her notes on Saturday, September 9…

9/9 (Saturday)

September ε-Perseid meteor shower (In-The-Sky)

• Mary, Queen of Scots (Wikipedia)

Coronation: 9 September 1543 (Julian), 480 years ago

• Martyrs’ Day (Afghanistan)(Wikipedia) to honour national hero Ahmad Shah Massoud and those who died fighting for the country. He was assassinated on September 9, 2001 in a suicide attack [2 days before 9/11].

• North Korea: Day of the Foundation of the Republic (Wikipedia) DPRK was established on 9 September 1948, 75 years ago 

September 2016 North Korean nuclear test (Wikipedia) on 9 September 2016. 

• Mao Zedong (Wikipedia), the founder of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) died on 9 September 1976, the 47th anniversary of his death.

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 25

• The Boxer Protocol (Wikipedia) was signed on 7 September 1901 = 7th Month 25, year of the Ox, 122 years ago

After sunset 🌅 – 9/10

Jewish calendar: 24 Elul

September 9 (Wikipedia

  • Divisions, unions

337 – The Roman Empire is divided between the three Augusti.

1000 – Battle of Svolder (WikipediaResult: partitioning of Norway, backlash against Christianity. 

1488 – Anne -> the struggle for influence that leads to the union of Brittany and France.

1561 – The ultimately unsuccessful Colloquy of Poissy opens in an effort to reconcile French Catholics and Protestants.

1776 – The Continental Congress officially names its union of states the United States.

1993 – The Palestine Liberation Organization officially recognizes Israel as a legitimate state (Wikipedia).

  • Voyages, journeys 

1493 – Christopher Columbus sails on second voyage

1499 – the triumphal return of the explorer Vasco de Gama

1588 – Thomas Cavendish completes the first deliberately planned voyage of circumnavigation.

  • Russia

1801 – Alexander I of Russia confirms the privileges of Baltic provinces.

1855 – Crimean War: The Siege of Sevastopol comes to an end when Russian forces abandon the city.

  • Turkey

1922 – Turkish victory over the Greeks in Smyrna.

1923 – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk founds the Republican People’s Party.

  • Other

1947 – First case of a computer bug

Here are her notes on Friday, September 8…

9/8 (Friday)

• Nativity of Mary (WikipediaCNA),

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Marymas or the Birth of the Virgin Mary, refers to a Christian feast day celebrating the birth of Mary, mother of Jesus. Feast: 8 September (Western Christianity and part of the Eastern churches).

• Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE) (Wikipedia) Following a five-month siege, the Romans destroyed the city and the Second Jewish Temple. Herod’s Palace fell on 7 September, and the city was completely under Roman control by 8 September 70 CE (Julian).

• Victory Day (Malta) (Wikipedia) is a public holiday celebrated in Malta on 8 September and recalls the end of three historical sieges made on the Maltese archipelago

The Siege of Leningrad (HISTORY,Wikipedia) – On September 8, 1941, German forces closed in around the Soviet city of Leningrad, initiating a siege that would last nearly 900 days and claim the lives of 800,000 civilians. Result: Soviet victory, 82 years ago [Lead has atomic number 82. And lead is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia)]

• Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, dies at age 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The crown passes to her eldest son, now King Charles III. (HISTORY) Date: 8 September 2022 

•1966 Star Trek Makes its Television Debut (news4sanantonio) – The first regular episode of Star Trek aired at 7:30 p.m. September 8, 1966, 57 years ago = 7th Month 24, year of the Horse = 23 Elul

Chinese calendar7th Month 24

•The Treaty of Nanking (Wikipedia) was the peace treaty which ended the Anglo-Sino War also known as the First Opium War (Wikipedia) between Great Britain and the Quinn dynasty of China.  It was the first of what the Chinese later termed the Unequal Treaties. Signed (on board HMS Cornwallis corn+wall): 29 August 1842 = 7th Month 24, year of the Tiger, 181 years ago (6th star number42nd prime)

Strong’s Hebrew: 181. ud: a brand, firebrand …perhaps bent stick used to stir fire; firebrand (Wiktionary) (See occult Kaczynski)

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on  11 September 2001 = 7th Month 24, year of the Snake 

• Assassination attempts on Vladimir Lenin (Wikipedia) The most famous of them was committed on August 30, 1918 = 7th Month 24, year of the Horse , by the Socialist Revolutionary Party member Fanny Kaplan, as a result of which Lenin was seriously wounded. -> Red Terror (Wikipedia)

• Assassination of William McKinley (Wikipedia) William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was shot on the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, on 6 September 1901 =  7th Month 24, year of the Ox, six months into his second term. (McKinley died on 14 September 1901 as a result of initial injury and subsequent infection), 122 years ago

• Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (Wikipedia) or the Two Plus Four Agreement is an international agreement that allowed the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s. Signed: 12 September 1990 = 7th Month 24, year of the Horse, 33 Chinese years ago.

Numbers: 9/8 (inclusive) – 9/9

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)( IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. Formation: 29 July 1957, 66 years, weeks ago on 9/9 or 9/8 (inclusive). -> 666 [Number of the Beast] ago or on 9/8 (inclusive). On the same day, Fumio Kishida (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Japan [think nuclear/atomic] was born, he will be 66 years, 6 weeks old.

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia). Founded: 20 December 2019, 1359 days ago (inclusive) or on 9/9 Greek: 1359. Dioskouroi: the Dioscuri, twin sons of Zeus (Castor and Pollux)

After sunset 🌅 – 9/9

Jewish calendar23 Elul (6/23), Leil Selichot

Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).

Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• Dove brings Olive Leaf (2105 BCE)

• Yahrzeit of the 9/11 Terror Attack Victims (2001)23 Elul22 Jewish years ago

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the Vatican’s Secretary of State Consecration: 12 September 2009 by Benedict XVI = 23 ElulLeil Selichot14 years ago

• The Treaty of Nanking (Wikipedia) Signed: 29 August 1842 = 23 Elul [see above]

• The Boxer Protocol (Wikipedia) was signed on September 7, 1901 [122 Jewish years ago] = 23 Elul Leil Selichot, between the Qing Empire of China and the Eight-Nation Alliance, after China’s defeat in the intervention to put down the Boxer Rebellion (Wikipedia). It is regarded as one of the unequal treaties.

Islamic calendar: Safar 24 (2/24)

• Jerusalem surrenders to British troops (HISTORY) On the morning of December 9, 1917 = Safar 24, after Turkish troops move out of the region after only a single day s fighting, officials of the Holy City of Jerusalem offer the keys to the city to encroaching British troops.

[This occurred after sunset local time. It’s 24 Elul not 23 Elul as I wrote before.]

• The Russian apartment bombings (Wikipedia) -> The Original Sin That Stained Putin (FPIF) Date: 4 September 1999, at 22:00 (local time or 18:00 GMT) = 24 Elul

Here are her notes on Wednesday-Thursday, September 6-7…

9/6 (Wednesday)

Mercury at inferior solar conjunction WED, 06 SEP 2023 AT 11:04 UTC (In-The-Sky)

Julian calendar8/24 (Convert a date)

The mundus of Ceres (literally “the world” of Ceres) was opened on this day and sacrifices to Luna ( “the opening of the Gate to Hell, from your blog).

• Sack of Rome (410) (Wikipedia) was undertaken by the Visigoths.  The sacking of 410 is seen as, a major landmark in the fall of the Western Roman Empire. St. Jerome, living in Bethlehem, wrote: “the city which had taken the whole world was itself taken”. Date: 24 August 410 AD (Julian), 1613 years ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1613. ektarassó: to throw into great trouble -> in Acts 16:20 They brought them to the magistrates and said, “These men are Jews and are throwing our city into turmoil.

• Suleiman the Magnificent (Wikipedia) Died: 6 September 1566  (Julian), 457 years ago (88th prime  number), Strong’s Greek: 457. anoixis: an opening; Usage: the act of opening.

• Assassination of William McKinley (Wikipedia) William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was shot on the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, on 6 September 1901. (McKinley died on 14 September 1901  as a result of initial injury and subsequent infection), 122 years ago

• The Soviet Union recognized the independence of three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) on 6 September 1991 (Wikipedia), 32 years ago

Numbers: 9/6(inclusive) – 9/7

• Second inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as President of the United States was the 57th inauguration. Date: 20 January 2013 (official) and January 21, 2013 (public), 3882 days ago on 9/6 (inclusive) – 9/8.

Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon; Leviathan (Wikipedia)

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States – Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 230 days ago on 9/7 or 9/6 (inclusive) -> Strong’s Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss

Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…; i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).

Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• Donald Trump launched his superhero NFT cards collection on 15 December 2022, 266 days or 38 weeks ago on 9/6 (inclusive) – 9/7.

Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure; Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.”

Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

After sunset 🌅 – 9/7

Jewish calendar: 21 Elul

[Twenty-one is Blackjack; the symbol for Jupiter looks like 21 (NASA)]

• Leo Szilard (Wikipedia), waiting for a red light to change to green on Southhampton Row at Russell Square in Bloomsbury, conceived the idea of the nuclear chain reaction. (Wikipedia) Date: 12 September 1933 = 21 Elul90 years ago

9/7 (Thursday)

Julian calendar: 8/25 [Convert a date]

The Opiconsivia (Wikipedia) festival marked the end of harvest.

Superhuman Day (National Today), the day honors people with disabilities. I mention this because the word superhuman is controversial term to say the least (Superhuman – Wikipedia). And the day is also somewhat related to “Nazi” Prince Harry (Hercules) and his Invictus Games. 

NewsHarry could upstage Charles and William in U.K. on anniversary of queen’s death: reports (The Mercury News) The Duke of Sussex will be the star speaker at a high-profile public engagement in London on Sept. 7, the eve of the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s death… Harry will deliver a speech at the WellChild Awards that Thursday night (he will likely be in the U.K. for the Sept. 8 anniversary of his grandmother’s death), then fly off to Dusseldorf, Germany, for the opening of the Invictus Games (Wikipedia) on Sept. 9. -> Invictus Games Düsseldorf 2023 (Invictus Games)

• The Blitz begins as Germany bombs London (HISTORY) On September 7, 1940, 300 German bombers raid London, in the first of 57 consecutive nights of bombing. This bombing “blitzkrieg” (lightning war) would continue until May 1941, 83 years ago [The Number 83 in the Bible].

• The Boxer Protocol (Wikipedia) was signed on September 7, 1901 [122 years ago], between the Qing Empire of China and the Eight-Nation Alliance, after China’s defeat in the intervention to put down the Boxer Rebellion (Wikipedia). It is regarded as one of the unequal treaties. On its 112th anniversary -> Xi proposes a ‘new Silk Road’(China Daily) Date: 7 September 2013, 10 years ago

• Obama’s speech on the state of American democracy (CBS News) at the University of Illinois on Friday, September 7, 2018. In his speech he said: “You cannot sit back and wait for a savior. …You don’t need a messiah.”[Some of the “Christian Watchmen” draw attention to it].

• Barack and Michelle Obama make first joint return to the White House for unveiling of official portraits (CNN). Date: 7 September 2022

Numbers: 9/7 (inclusive) – 9/8

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan). Date: 27 May 2016, 2660 days or 380 weeks ago 9/7(inclusive)- 9/8. -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure. Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.”; Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014 = 9 years, 11 days ago 9/7(inclusive) – 9/8. And on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia).

After sunset 🌅 – 9/8

Jewish calendar: 22 Elul (6/22 -> 622)

Islamic calendar: Safar 23

Strong’s Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove

Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly

Usage: (a) I kill, destroy, (b) I lose, mid: I am perishing (the resultant death being viewed as certain).

• Assassination attempts on Vladimir Lenin (Wikipedia) The most famous of them was committed on August 30, 1918 = 22 Elul, by the Socialist Revolutionary Party member Fanny Kaplan, as a result of which Lenin was seriously wounded. -> Red Terror (Wikipedia)

• Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (Wikipedia) or the Two Plus Four Agreement is an international agreement that allowed the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s. Signed: 12 September 1990 = 22 Elul33 Jewish years ago.

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) (Barack Hussein Obama II), served as the 44th president of the US from 2009 to 2017. He was officially born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, at 19:24 (Astro-Databank) it was 15 minutes after sunset  -> Sunset in Honolulu, HI, USA 19:09.  Islamic calendarSafar 22 or 23 

(depending on the converter), 1381 AH, 64 Islamic years ago.

Here are her notes on Sunday-Monday, September 3-4…

9/3 (Sunday)

Julian calendar8/21 (Convert a date)

Consualia (Wikipedia) in honor of the god Consus, the protector of the harvest and stored grain. 

• The naval Battle of Naulochus (Wikipedia) Octavian’s victory and the end of the Pompeian resistance to the Second Triumvirate. Date: 3 September 36 BC (Julian).

Victory over Japan Day (Wikipedia) September 3 is recognized as V-J Day in mainland China.

Armed Forces Day in Taiwan (AnydayGuide)

• Red Terror (Wikipedia) – The first official announcement of a Red Terror was published in Izvestia on 3 September 1918, 105 years ago

• Operation Paperclip (Wikipedia) President Truman officially approved Operation Paperclip and expanded it to include 1,000 German scientists under “temporary, limited military custody”. Date: 3 September 1946, 77 years ago

• The Treaty of Paris (Wikipedia), signed in Paris by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States on September 3, 1783, officially ended the American Revolutionary War, 240 years ago

Numbers9/3 (inclusive) – 9/4

• Donald Trump (CNN fast-facts) announced that he is running for president during a speech at Trump Tower. Date: Tuesday 16 June 2015, 8 years, 80 days ago on 9/4 or 9/3 (inclusive).

[14 and 88: Why white supremacists love the numbers (SLATE)

88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”

In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.]

After sunset 🌅 – 9/4

Jewish calendar18 Elul 

Chassidic Movement Founded, Chassidic Holiday “Chai Elul” (Chabad)

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (Wikipedia) was born on 15 September 1984 at 16:20 18 Elul, his 39th Jewish birthday.

9/4 (Monday)

Labor Day (National Today) U.S.

Ludi Romani – “Roman Games” (Wikipedia) Date: September 4–19. These games—the chief Roman festival—were held in honor of Jupiter.

Jupiter enters retrograde motion (In-The-Sky) -> …turning to move westwards.

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter, 04 SEP 2023 AT 19:47 UTC (In-The-Sky

[On 6 April 2023 you wrote: otherwise bad events could stretch to Chai Elul … see notes featuring Caesarea; Netanyahu’s Caesarea home]  -> 9/4 is Chai Elul and 19:47 is 1187 minutes into the day.  -> Strong’s Greek: 1187. dexiolabos: probably a spearman or slinger, 1 occurrence in Acts 23:23 Then he called two of his centurions and said, “Prepare two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea in the third hour of the night. David has a sling (Wikipedia or David’s Sling)

Strong’s Hebrew: 1187. Baal Peor: “Baal of Peor,” a Moabite god  -> Peor (Wikipedia) meaning “opening

• Fall of the Western Roman Empire (Wikipedia) By convention, the Western Roman Empire is deemed to have ended on 4 September 476, when Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustulus and proclaimed himself ruler of Italy.

• The Russian apartment bombings (Wikipedia) -> The Original Sin That Stained Putin (FPIF) Date: 4–16 September 1999, 24 years ago

• First Opium War (Wikipedia), also known as the Anglo-Sino War, was a series of military engagements fought between the British Empire and the Qing dynasty of China between 1839 and 1842. The immediate issue was the Chinese enforcement of their ban on the opium trade. Start date: 4 September 1839, Battle of Kowloon (Wikipedia), 184 years ago

 [it was about poppy -> Papaver somniferum (Wikipedia), commonly known as the opium poppy; your blog: The Prince and the Popper on 9-10 December 2022. And Prince Harry’s Jewish birthday is on 9/4, Monday].

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 20

•The Battle of Peking (Wikipedia), or historically the Relief of Peking, was the battle fought on 14–15 August 1900 in Peking, in which the Eight-Nation Alliance relieved the siege of the Peking Legation Quarter during the Boxer Rebellion. Chinese date: 7th Month 20 – 21, year of the Rat, 123 Chinese years ago

Numbers: 9/4 (inclusive) – 9/5

• Alexander Lukashenko (Wikipedia) is the current President of BelarusHe is the longest-sitting European president. Born: 30 August 1954, 69 years, 6 days old. 

After sunset 🌅 – 9/5

Jewish calendar: 19 Elul

Here are her notes on Thursday-Saturday, August 31 – September 2…

8/31 (Thursday) 

Blue Moon (In-The-Sky) THU, 31 AUG 2023 AT 01:35 UTC [95 minutes into the day, Martin Luther’s 95 Theses (Bible Study), 95 Lightning McQueen (Wikipedia)]

Chinese calendar7th Month 16

• Michael Schumacher (Wikipedia -> Formula One career -> Jordan (1991)) made his Formula One Debut with the Irish Jordan-Ford team at the 1991 Belgian Grand Prix, driving car number 32 as a replacement for the imprisoned Bertrand Gachot.

Date: 25 August 1991 = 7th Month 16, year of the Goat = 15 Elul 32 Chinese and Jewish years ago. Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger

Gematria overlaps (calculator): Michael Schumacher = Archangel Gabriel 3x (I will send Gematria separately.)

• Death of Diana, Princess of Wales (Wikipedia) =  31 August 1997 Type: Car accident, Death caused by dangerous driving, 26 years ago -> 

The Number 26 (Bible Study)

• Gleiwitz incident (Wikipedia), a false flag manufactured by Germany (casus belli to attack Poland), thus starting WWII in Europe. Date: 31 August 1939, 84 years ago

After sunset 🌅 – 9/1

Jewish calendar: 15 Elul

Strong’s Greek:  615. apokteinó or apoktennó: to kill / Strong’s Hebrew: 615. asir: a bondman, prisoner

• Lehman Brothers files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy (ABC NewsDate: September 15, 2008 = 15 Elul, 15 Jewish years ago

9/1 (Friday)

Revelation 9:1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss.

• The Aurigid meteor shower (Wikipedia) – Date of peak: September 1

Lunar occultation of Neptune FROM 07:42 UTC TO 09:0UTC (In The Sky)

• Carrington Event (Wikipedia) was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859, 164 years ago


Julian calendar8/19 (Convert a date)

• Augustus (Wikipedia) also known as Octavian died on 19 August AD 14 (Julian).

• Pope Celestine V (Wikipedia) – Consecration: 19 August 1294 (Julian)

• Kaliningrad (Wikipedia) – Founded: 1 September 1255 (Julian), 768 years ago Strong’s Hebrew: 768. arnebeth: a hare, rabbit [2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, CNN]

• 1939 – World War II: Nazi Germany and Slovakia invade Poland, beginning the European phase of World War II. Germany invades Poland (BBC)

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 17 📅

• Gleiwitz incident (Wikipedia), a false flag manufactured by Germany (casus belli to attack Poland), thus starting WWII in Europe. Date: 31 August 1939 = 7th Month 17, year of the Rabbit

• Northeast blackout of 2003 (Wikipedia) – At the time, it was the world’s second most widespread blackout in history Date: 14 August 2003 = 7th Month 17, year of the Goat

Numbers: 9/1(inclusive) – 9/2

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia), following the defeat of U.S. President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a mob of his supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Date: 6 January 2021, 969 days ago

After sunset 🌅 – 9/2 

Jewish calendar16 Elul  (6/16 or 12/16)

[616 is the  alternate “Number of the Beast”Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth / Strong’s Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners

• Gleiwitz incident (Wikipedia), a false flag manufactured by Germany (casus belli to attack Poland), thus starting WWII in Europe Date: on the night [1,2] of 31 August 1939 = 17 Elul, 5699

• Gas Explosion at Russian Lab That Holds Ebola and Smallpox Samples (time.com). Date: Monday, 16 September 2019 = 16 Elul

Jewish calendar: 17 Elul (17/12 or 12/17 like Saturnalia)

Strong’s Greek: 1712. emporion: a trading placeU.S. Department of the TreasuryTransnistria.…


Pope Francis Apostolic Journey to Mongolia (Vatican)

9/2 (Saturday)

Julian calendar: 8/20 (Convert a date)

• The Battle of Actium (Wikipedia) was a naval battle fought between a maritime fleet of Octavian led by Marcus Agrippa and the combined fleets of both Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII Philopator. The battle took place on 2 September 31 BC (Julian) in the Ionian Sea, near the former Roman colony of Actium, Greece, and was the climax of over a decade of rivalry between Octavian and Antony.

• Bernard of Clairvaux (Wikipedia), was an abbot, mystic, co-founder of the Knights Templar, and a major leader in the reformation of the Benedictine Order through the nascent Cistercian Order, a Doctor of the Church. He died on 20 August 1153 (Julian).

• The Great Fire of London (Wikipedia) Date: 2 September 1666 – 6 September 1666 (Julian), 357 years ago

Strong’s Hebrew: 357. Ayyalon: “deer,” the name of several cities in Palestine [Buckingham Palace; I, Pet Goat II at 1:14]

• The Gregorian Calendar Adopted in England (History Today) The country skipped ahead 11 days on 2 September, 1752, 271 years ago. (Wednesday, 2 September 1752, was followed by Thursday, 14 September)

• Transnistria (Wikipedia) – Independence from SSR of Moldova declared on 2 September 1990 = 12 Elul and it’s also the date when Transnistria conflict (Wikipedia) [About Transnistria you wrote on 2 March 2023.], 33 years ago

• U.S. Department of the Treasury is formed (Wikipedia) on September 2, 1789, 234 years ago

Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering 

Strong’s Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).

• Navy Day (Wikipedia) -> by country -> Taiwan (ROC) Navy Day is celebrated on September 2. It commemorates the September 2 Naval Battle in 1958 during the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis.

• In Alaska, Obama becomes 1st president to enter the Arctic (CBS News), Date: 2 September 2015

Some old articles: The plan was abandoned upon Stalin’s death (Common Sense Show) Putin’s Plans to Seize Eastern Europe and Alaska (The Common Sense Show)

Chinese calendar7th Month 18, year of the Rabbit

• World War II: Nazi Germany and Slovakia invade Poland, beginning the European phase of World War II. Germany invades Poland (BBCDate: 1 September 1939 = 7th Month 18, year of the Rabbit

Numbers: 9/2 (inclusive) – 9/3

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus (Kremlin).

Date: 7 January 2020, 1335 days ago on 9/2 (inclusive) or 9/3.

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) (Barack Hussein Obama II), served as the 44th president of the US from 2009 to 2017. He was officially born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, 62 years, 30 days ago on 9/2 (inclusive) or 9/3. -> 623 Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss

Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).

Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites 

After sunset 🌅 – 9/3 

Jewish calendar: 17 Elul (17/12 or 12/17 like Saturnalia)  -> Noah Dispatches Dove (2105 BCE)

Strong’s Greek: 1217. démiourgos: builder, maker, creator

Strong’s Greek: 1712. emporion: a trading place Usage: a place of traffic, mart, market, market-house./ Strong’s Hebrew: 1712. Dagon: a god and an idol of the Philistines (Wikipedia)

• Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (also served as the president of Russia 2008-2012)

Born: 14 September 1965 = 17 Elul, his 58th Jewish birthday 

• World War II: Nazi Germany and Slovakia invade Poland, beginning the European phase of World War II. Germany invades Poland (BBC) – Date: 1 September 1939 = 17 Elul

Here are her notes on Wednesday, August 30…

8/30 (Wednesday) 

Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn WED, 30 AUG 2023 AT 18:07 UTC (In The Sky)

Strong’s Greek: 1807. exaireó: to take out, to deliver… emphasizes total removal (“wholly out from”) ->

International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances (United Nations)

Julian calendar: 8/17 (Convert a date)

Portunalia (Wikipedia), in honour of Portunus, the ancient Roman god of keys, doors, livestock and ports. [Bible Search: key, Revelation 9:1, 20:1,..]

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 15

[Chinese] Ghost Day (WikipediaSignificance: The opening of the gates of Hell and Heaven, permitting all ghosts to receive food and drink.

Victory Day (Turkey)(Wikipedia)

• Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE) (Wikipedia) On Tisha B’Av, 70 CE (August 30), Roman forces overwhelmed the defenders and set fire to the Temple. Resistance continued for another month, but eventually the upper and lower parts of the city were taken as well, and the city was burned to the ground.”

• Assassination attempts on Vladimir Lenin (Wikipedia) The most famous of them was committed on August 30, 1918, by the Socialist Revolutionary Party member Fanny Kaplan (Wikipedia), as a result of which Lenin was seriously wounded -> Red Terror (Wikipedia), 105 years ago

• 1981 Iranian Prime Minister’s office bombing (Wikipedia) President and Prime minister of Iran were assassinated in a bombing committed by the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK)  30 August 1981, 42 years ago

• Mikhail Gorbachev (Wikipedia), the last leader of the Soviet Union, died on 30 August 2022 (aged 91)

• Alexander Lukashenko (Wikipediais the current President of BelarusHe is the longest-sitting European president. Born: 30 August 1954, his 69th birthday.

After sunset 🌅 – 8/31

Jewish calendar: 14 Elul

• The Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine (Wikipedia) was adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR on 24 August 1991 = 14 Elul32 Jewish years ago [Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger and Number 32 and the Messiah]

• Bashar al-Assad (Wikipedia), the 19th and current president of Syria. He was born on 11 September 1965 = 14 Elul

• Mao Zedong (Wikipedia), the founder of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Died: 9 September 1976 = 14 Elul, 47 Jewish years ago on the Jewish calendar.

Here are her notes on Tuesday, August 29…

8/29 (Tuesday) 

• The Feast of the Beheading of St John the Baptist – Translation of Relic (Wikipedia). The head of John the Baptist is now in Umayyad Mosque in Damascus according to Christian and Muslim tradition (Wikipedia). It is the mosque that was visited by Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu on Orthodox Christmas Day (Kremlin).

• International Day against Nuclear Tests (United Nations)

• August 29th is the official date given by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character in the film ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day‘ (IMDb).

• The Soviet Union tests its first atomic bomb, known as First Lightning, Joe 1, Izdeliye 501…(Wikipedia) on 29 August 1949 at 7:00 a.m. = 4 Elul

Joe in combination with the number 51 we saw one week ago on 21 August, your blog: here and it was 4 Elul.

• United States Space Command (Wikipedia) was reestablished on 29 August 2019. Trump Launches US Space Command to Control the ‘Next Warfighting Domain (Space).

• World Zionist Organization (Wikipedia) was founded at the initiative of Theodor Herzl at the First Zionist Congress (Wikipedia) in Basel, Switzerland. Date: August 29–31, 1897.

 The Treaty of Nanking (Wikipedia) was the peace treaty which ended the First Opium War (1839–1842) between Great Britain and the Qing dynasty of China on 29 August 1842. It was the first of what the Chinese later termed the Unequal Treaties181 years ago (6th star number42nd prime), Strong’s Hebrew: 181. ud: a brand, firebrand …perhaps bent stick used to stir fire; firebrand (Wiktionary)

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) has been serving as the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (and chairman of the Central Military Commission since 15 November 2012, 3939 days ago exactly or on 8/28 (inclusive) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood

• The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (Wikipedia), is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The agency’s primary purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities.

Founded: 1 April 1979, 44 years, 4 months, 4 weeks ago exactly or 8/28 (inclusive)

Numbers: 8/29 (inclusive) – 8/30

• Assassination of Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) Soleimani was killed by a U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq while he was on his way to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi. Date: 3 January 2020, about 1:00 a.m. (local time, UTC+3, it means 2 January), 1335 days ago on 8/29 (inclusive) or 8/30.

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), served as the 45th president of the United States. Born: 14 June 1946, 77 years, 77 days old on 8/30 or 8/29 (inclusive).

• January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia), …following the defeat of U.S. President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a mob of his supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Date: 6 January 2021, 966 days ago on 8/29 (inclusive) or 8/30.

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Times of Israel). Date: 9 March 2022, 77 weeks ago on 8/29 (inclusive) or 8/30. 

After sunset 🌅 – 8/30

Jewish calendar: 13 Elul (6/13) – The 613 commandments and in Kabbalah, the number 613 is very significant (Wikipedia).

Here are her notes on Sunday, August 27…

8/27 (Sunday)

Saturn at opposition (In-The-Sky), 27 AUG 2023 AT 08:20 UTC. At around the same time that Saturn passes opposition, it also makes its closest approach to the Earth.

  • 8:20 -> Lead – atomic number:  82. And lead is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia)
  • you wrote about the number 82 on 8 August 2023 (here)
  • 8:20 = 500 minutes into the day -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist / Hebrew 500.Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites
  • Obama’s limousine 82 [CBS News – pictures, 82 is on the picture: “One of President Obama’s limousines”]

Numbers: 8/27 (inclusive) – 8/28

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia) the Vatican’s Secretary of State; Created cardinal by Francis on 22 February 2014, 9 years, 6 months, 6 days ago on 8/27 (inclusive) or 8/28.

• Pope Francis Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014), Date: 24 May 2014 (Jordan), 9 years, 96 days ago on 8/28 or 8/27 (inclusive). 

Here are her notes on Friday-Saturday, August 25-26…

8/25 (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 8/12 (Convert a date) -> Augustus 12: sacrifice of a heifer to Hercules Invictus (Wikipedia)

Opiconsivia (Wikipedia) an ancient Roman religious festival held August 25 in honor of Ops (“Plenty”), also known as Opis, a goddess of agricultural resources and wealth. Although Ops is a consort of Saturn, she was closely associated with Consus, the protector of grains and subterranean storage bins (silos). Consus is therefore thought to be an alternate name of Saturn in the chthonic aspect as consort.

• The Day of Songun (Wikipedia) in North Korea, a holiday which promotes the legitimacy of the Kim family’s “military first” rule of the country.

• Belarus declared its independence (Wikipedia) from the Soviet Union. Date: 25 August 1991, 32 years ago -> Strong’s Greek: 32. aggelos: an angel, messenger

After sunset 🌅 – 8/26

Jewish calendar: 9 Elul 

• Birth of Dan (1566 BCE) – Dan, the son of Jacob and Bilhah, 5th of the Twelve Tribes, was born on 9 Elul in Haran. He lived to the age of 125 (5x5x5). Antichrist (Wikipedia)-> History -> Early Church: …the antichrist would be of the tribe of Dan, evoking Jeremiah 8:16This would correlate to the Talmudic view of the Jewish Messiah coming from the tribe of Dan on his maternal line…

• 1991 Soviet coup d’état attempt (Wikipedia), was a failed attempt by hardliners of the Soviet Union ‘s Communist Party to forcibly seize control of the country from Mikhail Gorbachev. The failed coup led to both the immediate collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the dissolution of the USSR four months later. Date: 19–22 August 1991 = 9 Elul32 Jewish years ago

• Conclusion of the American Civil War (Wikipedia) Legally, the war did not end until a proclamation by President Andrew Johnson on August 20, 1866 = 9 Elul, when he declared “that the said insurrection is at an end and that peace, order, tranquillity, and civil authority now exist in and throughout the whole of the United States of America.”

8/26 (Saturday)

Julian calendar: 8/13 (Convert a date)

Nemoralia-Festival of Torches (Wikipedia, your blog: here), a three-day festival in honor of the goddess Diana/Greek equivalent: Artemis, Hecate; Related to the Feast of the Assumption of Mary

International Bat Night (National Today) August 26-27Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post). Explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022

The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began (FiveThirtyEight.com) Date: 23 July 2014, 3323 days ago on 8/27 (inclusive) – 8/28 -> Strong’s Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the O.T. title corresponding to Christ 

Chinese calendar7th Month 11

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: 8 August 2022 = 7 Month 11year of the Tiger

additional info related to 7/11:

  • Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’ (cnn.com), 88 months, 8 days ago exactly.
  • his another 7:11 (PM) is in this video (CNN but right now it’s showing me an error).
  • Genesis 7:11 …all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.
  • Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) premiered at Le Grand Rex in Paris on 7/11.

• Conclusion of the American Civil War (Wikipedia) Legally, the war did not end until a proclamation by President Andrew Johnson on August 20, 1866, when he declared “that the said insurrection is at an end and that peace, order, tranquillity, and civil authority now exist in and throughout the whole of the United States of America.” Date: 20 August 1866 = 7th Month 11year of the Tiger

• Kuomintang (Wikipedia) was initially founded on 23 August 1912, by Sun Yat-sen but dissolved in November 1913  = 10 Elul = 7th Month 11, year of the Rat

8/26 (Saturday)

Asteroid 8 Flora at opposition (In-The-Sky ), 26 AUG 2023 AT 23:58 UTC [11:58 PM]. 8 Flora (Wikipedia) -> Popular culture: “In the 1968 science-fiction film The Green Slime [it feeds on radiation], an orbital perturbation propels the asteroid Flora into a collision course with Earth.”

Strong’s Greek: 2358. thriambeuó: to triumph; Usage: (properly: I lead one as my prisoner in a triumphal procession, hence) I lead around, make a show (spectacle) of, cause to triumph.

Strong’s Hebrew: 2358. chivvar: white and Belarus means White Russia. Etymology of Belarus (Wikipedia).

Strong’s Greek: 1158. Daniél: Daniel, the prophet 

• Sergei Shoigu (Wikipedia), Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation – Born: 21 May 1955, 666 months, 666 weeks old on 8/27 or 8/26 (inclusive).

After sunset 🌅 – 8/27 

Jewish calendar10 ElulNoah Dispatches Raven (2105 BCE)

• Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia). Construction started: 14 September 1948 = 10 Elul 

• The bombing of Buckingham Palace during WWII (The Independent),Date: Friday, 13 September 1940 = 10 Elul

Here are her notes on Tuesday-Thursday, August 22-24…

8/22 (Tuesday)

August 22 (Wikipedia) is the 234th day of the year

Strong’s Greek: 822. atmis: vapor -> Acts 2:19 And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke;

Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering

Strong’s Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 7 -> 77

Qixi Festival (Wikipedia) Literal meaning: Evening of Sevens“., is a Chinese festival celebrating the annual meeting of Zhinü and Niulang (*) in Chinese mythology.

*The Cowherd and the Weaver GirlI think the point is somewhere here: Wikipedia, Swan maiden.

• The siege of Tsingtao (Wikipedia) was the attack on the German port of Tsingtao in China during WWI by Japan and the UK. The siege was the first encounter between Japanese and German forces, the first Anglo-Japanese operation of the war, and the only major land battle in the Asian and Pacific theatre during World War I. Start Date: 27 August 1914 = 7th Month 7, year of the Tiger

Numbers: 8/22 (inclusive) – 8/23

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), served as the 45th president of the United States

Born: 14 June 1946, 77 years, 70 days old on 8/23 or 8/22 (inclusive). Articles related to Trump and 7s:  Charisma NewsDonald Trump, Israel & The Number 7. And Xi Jinping (Wikipedia) was born on 15 June 1953, he is 70 years old. His 7s come one day after Trump’s 7s (or less because he was born in Beijing which is 12 hours ahead of EDT).

• Prince Harry was christened at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle (YouTube: 1984: Prince Harry’s Christening Brings the Royal Family Together) on 21 December 1984, 38 years, months, 2 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/23 -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3882. Livyathan: “serpent,” a sea monster or dragon; Leviathan (Wikipedia)

8/23 (Wednesday)

• Vulcanalia (Wikipedia) in honour of Vulcan, the god of fire in ancient Roman religion.

• Abu Bakr (Wikipedia) a father-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, the first Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate died on 23 August 634.

• On August 23, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fully approves the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine (HISTORY).

• World Health Organisation (WHO) Declares COVID-19 a ‘Pandemic.‘ (Time). Date: Wednesday, 11 March 2020, 1260 days ago exactly.

• The Great Reset Initiative was launched by King Charles III, (then Prince of Wales) (WikipediaWEF) on Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 1176 days ago exactly -> Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine god; Beelzebub (Wikipedia).

8/24 (Thursday)

Jewish calendar: 7 Elul 

Lunar occultation of Delta Scorpii (In The Sky)

The mundus of Ceres (literally “the world” of Ceres) was opened on this day and sacrifices to Luna (“the opening of the Gate to Hell”, from your blog).

news: Trump plans to surrender Thursday (Google Search)

Japan to release Fukushima water into ocean starting Aug 24 (Reuters)

• Sack of Rome (410)(Wikipedia) was undertaken by the Visigoths led by their king, Alaric. This was the first time in almost 800 years that Rome had fallen to a foreign enemy, and the sack was a major shock to contemporaries, friends and foes of the Empire alike. The sacking of 410 is seen as, a major landmark in the fall of the Western Roman Empire. St. Jerome, living in Bethlehem, wrote: “the city which had taken the whole world was itself taken”. Date: 24 August 410 AD (Julian), 1613 years ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1613. ektarassó: to throw into great trouble > in Acts 16:20 They brought them to the magistrates and said, “These men are Jews and are throwing our city into turmoil.

• The Burning of Washington (Wikipedia) was a British invasion of Washington City, the capital of the United States, during the Chesapeake campaign of the War of 1812. It was the only time since the American Revolutionary War that a foreign power has captured and occupied the capital of the United States. Date: August 24, 1814, 209 years ago

• The Panic of 1857 (Wikipedia) was a financial panic in the United States caused by the declining international economy and over-expansion of the domestic economy. Because of the invention of the telegraph by Samuel F. Morse in 1844, the Panic of 1857 was the first financial crisis to spread rapidly throughout the United States. The world economy was more interconnected by the 1850s, which made the Panic of 1857 the first worldwide economic crisis. Start date: 24 August 1857166 years ago

• The North Atlantic Treaty (Wikipedia) is the treaty that forms the legal basis of, and is implemented by, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)Effective: Wednesday, 24 August 1949, 74 years or 888 months ago

• 1929 Hebron massacre (Wikipedia) The Hebron massacre was the killing of sixty-seven or sixty-nine Jews on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were planning to seize control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. (At about 8.30 am Saturday morning, the first attacks began to be launched against houses where Jews resided.)

• The Communist Control Act of 1954 (Wikipedia) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party…, 69 years ago

Numbers: 8/24 (inclusive) – 8/25

• Obamas Break Ground on Presidential Center (NBC Chicago), Date: Tuesday, 28 September 2021, 696 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/25. [Number of the beast: 666]  or Strong’s Hebrew: 696. oreb: an ambuscade / Strong’s Greek: 696. arguros: silver

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia), served as the 44th president of the US. He was officially born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, 62 years, 3 weeks old on 8/25 or 8/24 (inclusive) -> Strong’s Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss

• The Vatican City State was founded with the Lateran Treaty (Wikipedia). Effective: 7 June 1929, 4916 weeks ago inclusive  -> Strong’s Greek: 4916. sunthaptó: to bury with

After sunset 🌅 – 8/25

Jewish calendar8 Elul

• 1934 German referendum (Wikipedia) approves Adolf Hitler’s appointment as head of state with the title of Führer. Date: 19 August 1934 = 8 Elul.

Here are her notes on Sunday-Monday, August 20-21…

8/20 (Sunday)

• Bernard of Clairvaux (Wikipedia), was an abbot, mystic, co-founder of the Knights Templar, and a major leader in the reformation of the Benedictine Order through the nascent Cistercian Order, a Doctor of the Church. He died on 20 August 1153 (Julian), the 870th anniversary of his death.

• Conclusion of the American Civil War (Wikipedia) Legally, the war did not end until a proclamation by President Andrew Johnson on August 20, 1866, when he declared “that the said insurrection is at an end and that peace, order, tranquillity, and civil authority now exist in and throughout the whole of the United States of America.” Date: 20 August 1866, 157 years ago

• The Assassination of Leon Trotsky: The exiled Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky (*)(Wikipedia) was attacked by a Soviet agent in Mexico City and died of his injuries the following day, 20-21 August 1940, 83 years ago (about the number 83 – Wikipedia and Bible Study)

The Trotsky Assassination (HISTORY) “Leon Trotsky awaited the inevitable as he fed his rabbits on the afternoon…” -> 2023 is a year of the Water Rabbit (Wikipedia)

On its 80th anniversary (on 20 August 2020), Russian opposition figure and anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny was poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent and was hospitalized in serious condition. Poisoning of Alexei Navalny (Wikipedia).

Numbers8/20 (inclusive) – 8/21

• The Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia) was signed on 27 January 1967 [27 January is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day; Gematria overlaps: Bidenomics = The Holocaust 3x], 20,660 days ago on 8/20 (inclusive) or on 8/21.

Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure; Hamartia (Wikipedia), Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

• Joe Biden (Wikipedia), the 46th and current president of the United States. Born: 20 November 1942, 80 years, 273 days old on 8/20 -> Strong’s Hebrew: 8273. sharab: burning heat, parched ground 

And 80 years, 274 days old on 8/21. -> Strong’s Hebrew: 8274.

Sherebeyah: “Yah has sent burning heat,” an Israelite name

After sunset 🌅 – 8/21

Jewish calendar: 4 Elul (6/4 or d/m date format 46,…(*))

• On 15 August 1534 (Julian), Ignatius of Loyola and six classmates take initial vows, leading to the creation of the Society of Jesus (Wikipedia). Jewish calendar: 4 Elul 5294 (Convert a date)


*from my notes about the number 46 or (64): 

Revelation 6:4 Then another horse came out, a fiery red one …, Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward…

Joe Biden is the 46th president, John F Kennedy was assassinated at the age of 46.

John 2:20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?”

8/21 (Monday)

Julian calendar: 8/8 (Convert a date)

88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance

  • In Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and also “bye bye”
  • In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism (United Nations)

• The “Great American Eclipse” occurred (time and date) and Big Ben was silenced for repairs (BBC News) on 21 August 2017.

Numbers 8/21 (inclusive) – 8/22

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) “The Duke of Sussex, 41 [41 he was and still is 38], visited Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii, last Friday afternoon…” Date: Friday, 11 November 2022,  9 months11 days [like 9/11] on 8/21 (inclusive) or on 8/22. 

Seal of Hawaii (Wikipedia) “Below the heraldic shield, the bird phoenix has it wings outstretched arising from flames. The phoenix’s body is black and wings half yellow and half dark red.”

more 8/21 [Twenty-one is Blackjack]

• Hawaii (Wikipedia) – Admitted to the Union: August 21, 1959; 64 years ago

Consualia (Wikipedia) in honor of the god Consus, the protector of the harvest and grain. The shrine of Consus was underground, it was covered with earth all year and was only uncovered for this one day.

more 5 Elul (6/5 or 12/5 -> mm/dd date 12/05)

Strong’s Hebrew: 1205. beathah: terror, dismay 

Strong’s Greek: 1205. deute: come!

• Augustus (Wikipedia) (born Gaius Octavius), also known as Octavian died on 19 August AD 14 = Elul 5 (Convert a date)

• North Korea (Wikipedia), officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) was established on 9 September 1948 = 5 Elul 

• Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Wikipedia) – Construction began: 15 August 1972 = 5 Elul

After sunset 🌅 – 8/22

Jewish calendar5 Elul 

First Chassidic Aliya (1777), Ezekiel Envisions Jerusalem’s Downfall (428 BCE)


Numbers 8/22 (inclusive) – 8/23

•The WHO (World Health Organisation) declares the COVID-19 virus a pandemic (Time). Date: 11 March 20201260 days ago on 8/22 (inclusive) or on 8/23.

Here are her notes on Saturday, August 19…

8/19 (Saturday)

Julian calendar: 8/6 (convert-a-date)

Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits.

Eastern Orthodox liturgics August 6 -> Feasts:  The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ (Second “Feast of the Savior” in August) (Wikipedia) is an event described in the New Testament, where Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain.

• Augustus (Wikipedia) (born Gaius Octavius), also known as 

Octavian died on 19 August AD 14 (Julian). 

• Pope Celestine V (Wikipedia) – Consecration: 19 August 1294 (Julian)

• 1934 German referendum (Wikipediaapproves Adolf Hitler’s appointment as head of state with the title of Führer.

• 1991 Soviet coup d’état attempt (Wikipedia), was a failed attempt by hardliners of the Soviet Union ‘s Communist Party to forcibly seize control of the country from Mikhail Gorbachev. The failed coup led to both the immediate collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the dissolution of the USSR four months later.

• Kamala Harris makes history as first woman of color to accept a major party nomination for vice president (The Washington Post), 19 August 2020.

Chinese calendar7th Month 4, year of the Rabbit

• The Chinese Civil War (Wikipedia) began with the Nanchang Uprising (Wikipedia) and the People’s Liberation Army (Wikipedia), the principal military force of the People’s Republic of China was founded. Date: 1 August 1927= 7th Month 4, year of the Rabbit, 96 Chinese years ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 8/20

Jewish calendar: 3 Elul 

• Mikhail Gorbachev (Wikipedia) the last leader of the Soviet Union, died on 30 August 2022 (aged 91) = 3 Elul

Numbers (inclusive) – 8/20

• Joe Biden (Wikipedia), the 46th and current president of the United States. Born: 20 November 1942, 969 months old on 8/19 (inclusive) or 8/20. [666, an indicator of potential mischief]

Here are her notes on Friday, August 18…

8/18 (Friday)

• The Red August (Wikipedia), is a term used to indicate a period of political violence and massacres in Beijing during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. It began on 18 August 1966: Mao Zedong met with student Red Guards on Tiananmen, triggering a wave of mass killings in Beijing. [Chinese: 7th Month 3, year of the Horse = Jewish: 2 Elul], 57 years ago

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 3

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)( IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. Formation: 29 July 1957 = 7th Month 3, year of the Rooster, 66 Chinese years ago

On the same day, Fumio Kishida (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Japan was born. His 66th Chinese birthday. [The birthday effect is a statistical phenomenon where an individual’s likelihood of death appears to increase on or close to their birthday; one of the examples is Moses]

• The Opening Campaign (Wikipedia) was the start of second phase of the Chinese Civil War, beginning at the end of World War II with the surrender of Japan. Start date: 10 August 1945 = 7th Month 3, year of the Rooster

• Berlin Wall (Wikipedia)

construction started: 13 August 1961 = 7th Month 3, year of the Ox

• The Great Purge (Wikipedia) of the Soviet Union begins when the first of the Moscow Trials is convened, the “Case of the Trotskyite–Zinovievite Terrorist Center” on 19 August 1936 = 7th Month 3, year of the Rat. 

On the same day in history: the trial of the Pendle witches and  Urbain Grandier was burned at the stake after being convicted of witchcraft. And recently, Donald Trump believes he’s the victim of a political witch hunt“.

Numbers8/18 (inclusive) – 8/19

• John F. Kennedy Jr. plane crash (Wikipedia) – Date: 16 July 1999, 8800 days ago and 3800 days later ->

Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace prize in person at the Oslo City Hall in Norway. YouTube: 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture by Barack Obama

Date: 10 December 2009, 5000 days ago [I know that Strong’s Greek: 500. is ‘antichrist’ but 5000? Like 10x ‘antichrist’? Bible Study5000 or Strong’s Hebrew: 5001. naam: to utter a prophecy, speak as a prophet. Anyway, it’s an anniversary, I thought.]

After sunset 🌅 – 8/19

Jewish calendar: 2 Elul

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014 = 2 Elul9 Jewish years and on the same day ->

Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) – President Barack Obama held a live press conference on increasing the military response against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria while wearing a tan suit. Obama’s appearance on television in the tan suit sparked significant attention and led to media and social media criticism.… For Obama, the tan suit controversy became a topic to joke about at future events.

Here are her notes on Wednesday-Friday, August 16-18…

8/17 (Thursday)

Julian calendar: 8/4

• On August 4, 1558 [Julian], the first print edition of the Zohar appeared (Haaretz)

Portunalia (Wikipedia), in honour of Portunus, the ancient Roman god of keys, doors, livestock and ports. [Bible Search: key, Revelation 9:1, 20:1,..]

Jeremiah 52:12 On August 17 [or on the 10th day of the 5th month -> see below] of that year, which was the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard and an official of the Babylonian king, arrived in Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 52:13 He burned down the Temple of the LORD, the royal palace, and all the houses of Jerusalem. He destroyed all the important buildings in the city.

According to the Bible, the First Temple’s destruction began on the 7th of Av (2 Kings 25:8) and continued until the 10th (Jeremiah 52:12). According to the Talmud, the actual destruction of the Temple began on the Ninth of Av (from Wikipedia)

I put 8/16 (inclusive) – 8/18 numbers together only this time because the 17th of August is mentioned in the Bible and Rosh Hashana LaBehemot begins after sunsetWikipedia.

Numbers: 8/16 (inclusive) – 8/17

Barack Obama visited the Holy Land and made a pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. (CBS News – picturesthe picture “One of President Obama’s limousines” shows 82 and a sandstorm hit his trip – Google Search). Date: 22 March [322 – Skull and Bones] 2013(*), 3800 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/17.

The number 38 and punishment

Verse 38 of 1Kings 18 records Elijah calling down fire from heaven in order to consume his sacrifice to God. – from BibleStudy.org

*on the Islamic calendar it was on Jumada I 10, 1434 AH [Jumada I (Wikipedia) is the fifth month -> Obama visited Jerusalem and Bethlehem on the 10th day of the 5th month as in Jeremiah 52:12 and on 10 Jumada I in 11 AH, Fatima bint Muhammad (Fatima al-Zahra) beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad died in Medina at the young age of 23 years according to Sunni Muslim sources (Wikipedia). [Wasn’t she “the real” Fatima? So what about The “Third Secret of Fatima”?]

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA) – Date: 21 December 2020, 969 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/17. -> 666 [Number of the Beast]

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held on 8 November 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 6 years, 9 months, days ago (inclusive) or on 8/17 again 666

or Strong’s Hebrew: 699. arubbah: a lattice, window, sluice NASB Translation: chimney (1), floodgates(2), lattices (1), windows (5). as in

  • Genesis 7:11 (*)NAS: burst open, and the floodgates of the sky
  • Genesis 8:2 NAS: of the deep and the floodgates of the sky

On (8 August 2023) you wrote about the number 82 and 7:11Also lead has atomic number 82 and is associated with Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia) and Obama’s limousine [see above]. Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’ (CNN). His another 7:11 PM is in this video (CNN).

Numbers8/17 (inclusive) – 8/18

• The National Security Act of 1947 (Wikipedia) was a law enacting major restructuring of the United States government’s military and intelligence agencies following World War II (the act established the NSC and the CIA). The majority of the provisions of the act took effect on September 18, 1947, 911 months (inclusive) or on 8/18. 

• Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia) The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a reigning pope was requested during a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima

Pope Francis consecrates all humanity—especially Russia and Ukraine—to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Vatican News). Date: 25 March 2022 = 511 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/18.

• 2014 Turkish presidential election (Wikipedia) Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was elected outright with an absolute majority of the vote in the first round.

Date: 10 August 2014 = 9 years, 1 week, 1 day ago on 8/18 or 8/17 (inclusive). -> 911

Chinese calendar7th Month 2

• Nagasaki atomic bombing (Wikipedia) occurred on 9 August 1945 = 7th Month 2 , year of the Rooster

• The Manhattan Project (Wikipedia), officially created on 13 August 1942 = 7th Month 2, year of the Horse

After sunset 🌅 – 8/18

Jewish calendar: 1 Elul

• The First Zionist Congress (Wikipedia) was the inaugural congress of the Zionist Organization (ZO) held in Basel on August 29–31, 1897. It was convened and chaired  by Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionism movement.

The conference was covered by the international press, making a significant impression; the publicity subsequently inspired the antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Date: 29 August 1897 = 1 Elul

• The Great Purge (BritannicaWikipediaof the Soviet Union begins when the first of the Moscow Trials is convened, the “Case of the Trotskyite–Zinovievite Terrorist Center” on 19 August 1936  = Elul 1

• Berlin Wall (Wikipedia) – Construction started: 13 August 1961 = 1 Elul

• The Opening Campaign (Wikipedia) was the start of second phase of the Chinese Civil War, beginning at the end of World War II with the surrender of Japan. Start date:  10 August 1945  = 1 Elul

Here are her notes on Sunday-Tuesday, August 13-15…

8/13 (Sunday)

Perseid meteor shower (In-The-Sky

Venus at inferior solar conjunction AT 11:10 UTC (In-The-Sky)

Nemoralia (Wikipedia) (also known as the Festival of Torches or Hecatean Ides), a three-day festival originally celebrated by the ancient Romans on the Ides of August (August 13–15) in honor of the goddess Diana. [Her Greek equivalent is Artemis and Hecate.]

• The Manhattan Project (WikipediaGoogle) was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with support from the United Kingdom and Canada. It was officially created on 13 August 1942, 81 years ago.

• Barbed Wire Sunday (Wikipedia) the military and police of East Germany closed the border between East and West Berlin and began the construction of what would become the Berlin Wall. The intention of closing the border was to prevent the migration of East Germans to the West. 800 people managed to escape East Berlin before the end of the day. Only a few dozen managed to escape the following day. The Berlin Wall had officially been established. Date: 13 August 1961, 62 years ago

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia)…Mediated by the United States, the initial announcement of August 13, 2020, concerned only Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Chinese calendar6th Month 27

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014 = 6th Month 27, year of the Horse, 9 Chinese years ago

Numbers: 8/13 (inclusive) – 8/14

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force. He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957, 66 years, 6 days old or 6606.03% of a common year (365 days) (inclusive) or on 8/14.

• The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held on 8 November 2016. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States, 6 years, 9 months, 6 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/14.

• Mike Pence (Wikipedia), Michael Richard Pence served as the 48th vice president of the United States. Born: 7 June 1959, Columbus, Indiana, U.S., 770 months, 7 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/14.

After sunset 🌅 – 8/14

Jewish calendar: 27 Av (5/27 or 11/27) Strong’s Greek: 1127. grégoreó: to be awake, to watch

Islamic calendar27 Muharram

• Atomic bombing of Hiroshima – Date: 6 August 1945 (Google) = 27 Av (5/27). President Barack Obama visited Hiroshima on 5/27 (Gregorian).

And it was also 5/27 when a fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity after Pope Francis’ visit.

• Barack Obama accepts the Democratic nomination for U.S. president, becoming the first African American candidate in US history to lead a major party (CNN Reuters). Date: 27-28 August 2008 = 26 – 27 Av 

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are a series of joint normalization statements initially between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. Ratified: 15 September 2020 = Muharram 27, 1442 AH

• Iranian Revolution (Wikipedia) was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979. The revolution also led to the replacement of the Imperial State of Iran by the present-day Islamic Republic of Iran, as the monarchical government of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was superseded by the theocratic government of Ruhollah Khomeini. Start date: 7 January 1978 = Muharram 27, 1398 AH, 47 Islamic years ago

more Numbers8/13 (inclusive) – 8/14

• The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (NASA) – Date: 21 December 2020, 966 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/14. -> 666 [Number of the Beast]

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki (Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park at 10:15) and Hiroshima (Peace Memorial at 18:40) on Sunday, 24 November 2019 (VaticanAmerica Magazine), 1359 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/14. -> Strong’s Greek: 1359. Dioskouroi: the Dioscuri, twin sons of Zeus. (Castor and Pollux)

8/14 (Monday)

• Northeast blackout of 2003 (Wikipedia) – At the time, it was the world’s second most widespread blackout in history. Date: 14 August 2003, 20 years ago 

After sunset 🌅 – 8/15

Jewish calendar28 Av (5/28 or 11/28  -> d/m date format 28/11Acts 28:11 (NIV) After three months we put out to sea in a ship that had wintered in the island—it was an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin gods Castor and Pollux.

• United States Space Command (Wikipedia) was reestablished on 29 August 2019 = 28 Av,

4 Jewish years ago. Trump Launches US Space Command to Control the ‘Next Warfighting Domain‘ (Space)

8/15 (Tuesday) 

Numbers: 8/15 (inclusive) – 8/16

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia). Founded: 20 December 2019, 1335 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/16.

8/14 (Monday)

• The Battle of Peking (Wikipedia), or historically the Relief of Peking, was the battle fought on 14–15 August 1900 in Peking, in which the Eight-Nation Alliance relieved the siege of the Peking Legation Quarter during the Boxer Rebellion, 123 years ago.

Numbers8/14 (inclusive) – 8/15

The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on 11 September 2001, 8008 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/15.

88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye”

In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

more After sunset 🌅 – 8/15

Jewish calendar: 28 Av 

• Al-Qaeda is formed (The Guardian), 11 August 1988 = 28 Av, 35 Jewish years ago 

• Death of Diana, Princess of Wales (Wikipedia) = 31 August 1997 = 28 Av, 26 Jewish years ago

8/15 (Tuesday)

• Feast day of the Assumption of Mary (Wikipedia) is one of the four Marian dogmas of the Catholic Church. Significance: the bodily taking up of Mary, the mother of Jesus into Heaven.

• The Flooding of the Nile (Wikipedia) has been an important natural cycle in Egypt since ancient times. It is celebrated by Egyptians as an annual holiday for two weeks starting August 15. The flooding of the Nile was poetically described in myth as Isis’s tears of sorrow for Osiris when killed by his brother Set.

• According to chabad.org King Yeravam Declared a Pseudo-Sukkot on 15 Cheshvan (8/15), but 15 August is also 8/15 so I’ve added it here.

1 Kings 12:32 And Jeroboam instituted a religious festival in Bethel, held on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in imitation of the annual Festival of Shelters in Judah. There at Bethel he himself offered sacrifices to the calves he had made, and he appointed priests for the pagan shrines he had made.

• Starting date of the First Crusade (Wikipedia) as set by Pope Urban II.

• On 15 August 1534 (Julian), Ignatius of Loyola and six classmates take initial vows, leading to the creation of the Society of Jesus (Wikipedia).

• Napoleon (Wikipedia), Napoleon Bonaparte, later known by his regnal name Napoleon I was born on 15 August 1769.

• Victory over Japan Day (Wikipedia) is the day on which Imperial Japan surrendered in World War II, in effect bringing the war to an end.

• The National Liberation Day of Korea (Wikipedia) is celebrated in both South and North Korea.  It commemorates the day the United States and the Soviet Union liberated Korea from 35 years of Japanese colonial rule.

• The United States Army Military Government in Korea (Wikipedia) – Ended: 15 August 1948.

• Independence Day (India) (Wikipedia) commemorating the nation’s independence from the United Kingdom on 15 August 1947.

• 1953 Iranian coup d’état  (Wikipedia) was the U.S.- and UK-instigated, Iranian army-led overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on 19 August 1953. It was aided by the United States (under the name “Operation Ajax”). Start date: 15 August 1953, 70 years ago

• Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Wikipedia) – Construction began: 15 August 1972

Chinese calendar: 6th Month 29

• Atomic bombing of Hiroshima – Date: 6 August 1945 (Google) = 6th Month 29, year of the Rooster

• Al-Qaeda is formed (The Guardian), 11 August 1988 = 6th Month 29, year of the Dragon 

After sunset 🌅 – 8/16

Jewish calendar: 29 Av

• The North Atlantic Treaty (Wikipedia) is the treaty that forms the legal basis of, and is implemented by, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Effective: Wednesday, 24 August 1949 = 29 Av

• The “Great American Eclipse” occurred (time and date) and Big Ben was silenced for repairs (BBC News) on 21 August 2017 (Julian 8/8) = 29 Av 5777

Here are her notes on Wednesday-Saturday, August 9-12…

8/11 (Friday) 

Nehemiah 6:15 (NLT) So on October 2 the wall was finished—just fifty-two days after we had begun. -> 11 August + 52 days = 2 October [or 12 August inclusive counting]

• National Presidential Joke Day (National Today) This day itself is built upon a joke made by then-President Ronald Reagan. During a soundcheck for his regular Saturday evening radio broadcast on NPR, Reagan said, “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes” (Wikipedia), on 11 August 1984 at 9:06 a.m. (PST) + 5 minutes = 9:11. 

• Al-Qaeda is formed (The Guardian), 11 August 1988, 35 years ago

[The Obama/Pence Tribulation you wrote about on 27 June began on 11 August 2016, 7 years ago].

Numbers8/11 (inclusive) – 8/12

• Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) Signed: 13 October 2020, 2 years, 303 days ago on 8/12 or 8/11 (inclusive) -> Strong’s Hebrew: 2303. chaddud: sharpened, sharp, pointed, Job 41:30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. / Greek: 2303. theion: brimstone 

2303 theíon – properly, sulfur (“brimstone,” i.e. smoky, burning rocks), i.e. sulphurous, named for the sulphur-smell left by lightning; (figuratively) the fire of heaven, bringing down God’s judgment to display His awesome, unstoppable power.

[Ken’s Note: The chaddud potsherds represent the rods fired by the Artemis Array and are related to Leviathan, a sea monster (“Obama’s G7/NATO Beast from the Sea”). The sulfur relates to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (London and New York): Genesis 19:24“Then the LORD rained down sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah – from the LORD out of the heavens.”]

8/12 (Saturday)

Russian Air Force Day (Wikipedia)

Festival for Hercules Invictus (Wikipedia)

Lychnapsia (Wkipedia), a festival of lamps in honor of Isis.

Too many massacres, accidents and disasters on August 12 (Wikipedia) -> events Find in page the word ‘massacre’ or ‘kill’…

8/10 (Thursday)

• The Opening Campaign (Wikipedia) was the second phase of the Chinese Civil War. Date: 10 August 1945, 78 years ago

• Insurrection of 10 August 1792 (Wikipedia), a defining event of the French Revolution, when armed revolutionaries in Paris, increasingly in conflict with the French monarchy, stormed the Tuileries Palace. The conflict led France to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic, 231 years ago

• 2014 Turkish presidential election (Wikipedia) Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was elected outright with an absolute majority of the vote in the first round. Date: 10 August 2014, 9 years ago

Numbers8/10 (inclusive) – 8/11

• Pope Francis consecrates all humanity – especially Russia and Ukraine – to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Vatican NewsWikipedia)

Date: 25 Mar 2022 = 72 weeks ago (inclusive) or on 8/1. The Number 72 (Bible Study) Jewish Angelology teaches that there are seventy angels that each act as a heavenly guardian or prince over a nation. It is also believed that Michael, as Israel’s angel-prince, has been set as ruler over the seventy with God over all. It is these 72 spirit beings, according to this angelology, that sit in council when holding judgment over the world. And 72 (number) (Wikipedia) -> In religion

• Donald Trump announced that he is running for president during a speech at Trump Tower (CNN).(known as The Grand Escalator Entrance or the Golden escalator ride,…). Date: 16 June [616] 2015, years, 8 weeks ago on 8/11 (*) or 8/10 (inclusive).

*The 2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was held on 11/8.

After sunset 🌅 – 8/11

Jewish calendar: 24 Av

• The Gulf of Tonkin incident (Wikipedia) was an international confrontation that led to the United States engaging more directly in the Vietnam War. Date: 2 August 1964 = 24 Av, 59 Jewish years ago

• Ignatius of Loyola (Wikipedia) died on 31 July 1556 (Julian) = 24 Av (convert-a-dategoogle), 467 (91st prime) years ago.

I found that lead has atomic number 82 and lead is Saturn in alchemy (Wikipedia). 

I also learned that Pope Francis’ trip to Israel was more complicated. 

Numbers: 8/9 (inclusive) – 8/12 

Pope Francis’ Pilgrimage To The Holy Land (24-26 May 2014)

Sunday, 25 May

  • 15:00 Private visit to the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem

Monday, 26 May

  • 08:15 Visit to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in the building of the Great Council on the Esplanade of the Mosques [Temple Mount] -> Pope Francis entered the Dome of the Rock (Al Arabiya news)
  • 09:10 Visit to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Tuesday, 27 May ->  Bethlehem church catches fire after pope’s visit (The Guardian). A fire broke out in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Tuesday, just hours after Pope Francis wrapped up a three-day Middle East pilgrimage during which he visited the shrine. …the blaze broke out in the cave underneath the 4th-century basilica where Christians believe Mary gave birth to Jesus.

Date: 25 May 2014, 9 years, 11 weeks [911] or 110 months, 16 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/10. -> Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea / Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place. Or Greek: 1115. Golgotha: Golgotha, a hill near Jer. a skull (Latin calvaria), the name of a place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; so called, apparently, because its form resembled a skull…

Counted from the fire on 5/27 ->  8/12 (Saturday).

Here are her notes on Tuesday-Wednesday, August 8-9…

8/8 (Tuesday) 

88(number) (Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance

  • In Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and also “bye bye”
  • In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler. 

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter: TUE, 08 AUG 2023 AT 09:44 UTC (In-The-Sky) -> Strong’s Greek: 944. batrachos: a frog in Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs coming out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.

• Joe Biden will be in Arizona(*) and Kamala Harris is to travel to Philadelphia (The Inquirer). *[Arianism (Wikipedia) vs Aryanism (Wikipedia)]

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force. He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957, his 66th birthday.

• Lloyd Austin (Wikipedia), the 28th and current United States secretary of defense. Born: 8 August 1953, his 70th birthday. 

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia), On 8 August 2022, the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida.

• Richard Nixon’s resignation speech (Wikipedia) due to the Watergate scandal. Date: 8 August 1974, 49 [7x7] years ago.

Numbers8/8 (inclusive) – 8/9 

• Xi Jinping (Wikipedia), the 5th and current paramount leader of China since its foundation in 1949. “China’s leader Xi Jinping has become president, completing the formal transition of power to a new generation…“ (from The Guardian) on 14 March 2013, 3800 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/9.

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), served as the 45th president of the United States. He was born on 14 June 1946 (the 4th of 5 kids), at 10:54 (*)AM = 0.45 days, 77 years, 7 weeks, 7 days old on 8/9 or 8/8 (inclusive). *[16 July 1054: Great Schism] note that Trump was born at 10:54 and JFK Jr. died in plane crash (HISTORY) on 16 July 1999, 24 years, 24 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/9. -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah,…His next “2424 Jesus Day” will fall on Fall Day 9/20 Essene Trumpets.

• Fall of the Berlin Wall (Wikipedia) was a pivotal event in world history which marked the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curtain and one of the series of events that started the fall of communism in Central and Eastern EuropeDate: 9 November 1989 (11/9), 405 months ago (inclusive) or 8/9. -> 45 or Strong’s Greek: 405. andrapodistés: a slave dealer, Usage: an enslaver, one who forcibly enslaves, a kidnapper.

Chinese calendar6th Month 22

Strong’s Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove / Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly

• The Storming of the Bastille (Wikipedia) occurred on 14 July 1789 = 6th Month 22, year of the Rooster, 234 Chinese years ago. Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering/ Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).

• Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany following the death of President Paul von Hindenburg (HISTORY) on 2 August 1934 = 6th Month 2289 years ago.

After sunset 🌅 – 8/9

22 Av (11/22)

[Assassination of John F. Kennedy (Wikipedia) on 11/22 on the Gregorian calendar]

• Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire (Wikipedia) occurred de facto on 8/6/1806 =  22 Av 5566217 Jewish years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 217. ur: a flame 

• Insurrection of 10 August 1792 (Wikipedia), a defining event of the French Revolution, when armed revolutionaries in Paris, increasingly in conflict with the French monarchy, stormed the Tuileries Palace. The conflict led France to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic. Jewish date: 22 Av, 231 Jewish years ago. 

8/9 (Wednesday) is Nagasaki Memorial Day (National Today) -> Nagasaki (Nuclear Museum)

8/9 (Wednesday) 

9: public sacrifice for Sol Indiges on the Quirinal Hill (Wikipedia) -> dates. Sol is the personification of the Sun and a god in ancient Roman religion. [But there is also Sol Invictus.]

Chinese calendar6th Month 23 -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) was born on 4 August 1961 = 6th Month 23, year of the Ox, his 62nd Chinese birthday.

• Hillary Clinton officially becomes the Democratic Party nominee for president (CNN Fast Facts). Date: 26 July 2016 = 6th Month 23, year of the Monkey

Numbers8/9 (inclusive) – 8/10

• Trump peace plan (Wikipedia) officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People”, was a proposal by the Trump administration to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020, 1290 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/10.

• A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama. Published on November 17, 2020, it is the first of a planned two-volume series. Publisher: Crown, 996 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/10.

After sunset 🌅 – 8/10

Jewish calendar23 Av

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) was officially born on 4 August 1961 at 19:24 (Astro-Databank) in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was 15 minutes after sunset  -> Sunset in Honolulu, HI, USA 19:09 = 23 Av, his 62nd Jewish birthday. 

• Abraham Accords (Wikipedia).… Mediated by the United States, the initial announcement of August 13, 2020 [23 Av], concerned only Israel and the United Arab Emirates.


PS: Here is some occult stuff about atomic bombs and the sun from a controlled, fake “buster” on YouTubeChannel: hoax buster Mercury Heralds the Coming of the Sun, it begins at the 3:50 mark.

Here are her notes on Saturday-Monday, August 5-7…

8/5 (Saturday)

Chinese calendar: 6th month 19

• Chinese Communist Party (Wikipedia), officially the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the founding and sole ruling party of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Founded: 23 July 1921 = 6th month 19, year of the Rooster, 102 Chinese years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 102. agaph: a band, army; Greek: 102. adunatos: unable, powerless; Gematria: Art of War = 102, World War = 102, Russian Invasion = 102

• The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA(Wikipedia), is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The agency’s primary purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. Founded: April 1, 1979, 44 years, 4 months, 4 days ago

• The Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima will be visited by the Pope on the morning of Saturday 5 August. (Vatican News)

8/6 (Sunday)

Hiroshima Day (National today). The bomb exploded over Hiroshima at 8:15 [local time] on the morning of August 6, 1945 (Atomic Archive), [UTC: 5 August], the 78th anniversary. The Number 78 (Bible Study): Psalm 78 is unique as it is the only place in the King James translation where the phrase “evil angels” is used… Verse 49 of Psalm 78 is also unique in that it records God directly using fallen angels to fulfill his will. The surrender of Japan (Wikipedia) in World War II was announced by Emperor Hirohito on 15 August [8/15 -> 8/1+5=6 ]

• Ukrainian Air Force Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in August (AnydayGuide).

• Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire (Wikipedia) occurred de facto on 6 August 1806, when the last Holy Roman Emperor, Francis II of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, abdicated his title and released all imperial states and officials from their oaths and obligations to the empire. Since the Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Empire had been recognized by Western Europeans as the legitimate continuation of the ancient Roman Empire due to its emperors having been proclaimed as Roman emperors by the papacy, 217 years ago -> Strong’s Hebrew: 217. ur: a flame

Numbers: 8/6 (inclusive) – 8/7 (Monday)

• Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (WikipediaPope Francis consecrates all humanity—especially Russia and Ukraine—to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Vatican News). Date: 25 Mar 2022 = 500 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/7. -> Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah.; Strong’s Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites 

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)(IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. Formation: 29 July 195, 66 years, 9 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/7.

• The September 11 attacks (Wikipedia), commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 8000 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/7. -> Strong’s Hebrew 8000. shelem: to be complete; completed, deliver in full, put an end. -> in Daniel 5:26 (NAS) This is the interpretation of the message: ‘MENE’—God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it.

• Mike Pence (Wikipedia), Michael Richard Pence served as the 48th vice president of the United States. Born: 7 June 1959, Columbus, Indiana, U.S., 770 month ago (inclusive) or on 8/7.

8/7 (Monday)

• Zohar Published (20 Av)

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) Barack Hussein Obama II, served as the 44th president of the U.S. from 2009 to 2017. He was officially born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, at 19:24 (Astro-Databank), 62 years, 3 days old -> Greek: 623Apollyon

Chinese calendar: 6th Month 21 [Twenty-one is Blackjack; the symbol for Jupiter looks like 21 (NASA)] and the following days:

  • 6/22 -> Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly / Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove
  • 6/23 -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss / Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites. Barack Obama (Wikipedia) was born on 4 August 1961 = 6th Month 23 -> 623Apollyon, year of the Ox

• Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (Wikipedia) was a scheduled passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that was shot down by Russian-controlled forces, while flying over eastern Ukraine. Date: 17 July 2014 = 6th Month 21 (6/21), year of the Horse, 9 Chinese years ago. Or

9 years, 21 days ago -> 921 -> Strong’s Greek: 921. Barnabas, an Israelite companion of Paul, in Acts 14:12 (KJB) And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker./Strong’s Hebrew 921. bedar: to scatter

• Battle of Gangut (Wikipedia) between the Swedish Navy and Imperial Russian Navy. It was the first important victory of the Russian fleet in its history. It is commemorated in Russia as one of the Days of Military Honour. Date: 7 August 1714, 309 years ago

• The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (Wikipedia) or the Southeast Asia Resolution, was a joint resolution that the 88th United States Congress passed on August 7, 1964, in response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident. It is of historic significance because it gave U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson authorization, without a formal declaration of war by Congress, to use conventional military force in Southeast Asia. It was 59 years ago.

• Richard Nixon’s resignation speech (Wikipedia) President Richard Nixon made an address to the American public from the Oval Office to announce his resignation from the presidency due to the Watergate scandal. Date: 8 August 1974 at 9:01 pm(*) (Eastern Time, UTC-04:00) [Sunset in Washington, DC, USA: 20:12] = 21 Av = 6th Month 21, year of the Tiger.

* [“The McCarthy 91 function” -> and Ford became the 38th president on 8/9, the only person to serve as president without being elected to either the presidency or the vice presidency.]

8/7 (inclusive) – 8/8 (Tuesday)

• The 2008 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 56th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 4 (11/4), 2008. Barack Obama defeated John McCain (the senior senator from Arizona) to become the 44th president of the United States, 770 weeks ago (inclusive) or on 8/8. 

• Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic on the second day of the 2013 papal conclave (Wikipedia), on 13 March 2013, 3800 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/8.

After sunset 🌅 – 8/8 (Tuesday)

Jewish calendar: 21 Av (5/21 or 11/21)

Islamic calendar: Muharram 21 (1/21)

• Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany following the death of President Paul von Hindenburg (HISTORY) on 2 August 1934  = 21 Av89 Jewish years ago. 

• Vice President Calvin Coolidge becomes U.S. President -> The ‘strange’ death of President Warren G. Harding (PBS NewsHour). Died: 2 August 1923 at around 7:20 or 7:30 PM, [Sunset in San Francisco, CA, USA: 19:18] = 21 Av, the 100th Jewish anniversary of his death.

Warren G. Harding – a forgotten Zionist hero (The Jerusalem Post‏).

• Palestine Liberation organization -> founding (Wikipedia): 2 June 1964 = Muharram 21, 1384 AH, 61 Islamic years ago

Here are her notes on Friday, August 4 (starting at sunset of August 3 when Jewish and Islamic Friday begins)…

more 8/3 (Thursday) after sunset 🌅 ~ 4 August

Jewish calendar: 17 Av (5/17 or 11/17)

Islamic calendar: Muharram 17 (1/17), 1445 AH

Islamic calendar:

• Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia), President of Russia. Born: 7 October 1952 = Muharram 17 (1/17), 1372 AH, his 73rd Islamic birthday. 

[note: Michelle Obama, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., Pietro Parolin, they were all born on 17 January (1/17 Gregorian) and Jared Kushner was born 1/10, 1/17 was the eighth day of his life -> the Covenant of Circumcision: Genesis 17:11-12; the Rebbe officially assumed leadership of the Chabad movement on 1/17. Perhaps it is related to Revelation 17:1]

Jewish calendar:

• The Declaration of Independence (National Archives) The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It was engrossed on parchment and on August 2, 1776 = 17 Av delegates began signing.

• Einstein–Szilard letter (Wikipedia), Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard wrote a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, urging him to begin the Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear weapon. Date: 2 August 1939 = 17 Av

• Jerusalem Law (Wikipedia), is a common name of Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel passed by the Knesset on 30 July 1980 = 17 Av

8/4 (Friday), the 216th [6x6x6] day of the year

Julian calendar: 22 July [Convert a date], Pi Approximation Day on the Julian calendar

Ezra 7:9 (NLT) He had arranged to leave Babylon on April 8 [4/8], the first day of the new year, and he arrived at Jerusalem on August 4 [8/4], for the gracious hand of his God was on him. [*The Great North American Eclipse will take place on April 8 2024 (SPACE).]

• On August 4, 1558, the first print edition of the Zohar appeared (Haaretz), 465 years ago

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City (gov.il or The Times of Israel) and the following day Mike Pence and Pope Francis met in a surprisingly long first visit (America Magazine). Date: 23 ~ 24 January 2020, 1290 days (inclusive) on 8/4 ~ 1290 days on 8/6 [Hiroshima Day]

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)(IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. Formation: 29 July 1957, 66 years, 6 days ago -> 666 [Number of the Beast]

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia). Founded: 20 December 2019, 3 years, 32 weeks, 3 days -> 3323 -> Bible Strong’s Greek 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ. 3323 Messías – literally, “the anointed one,” referring to Jesus as the Christ – supremely empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish all of the divine plan.

• Barack Obama (Wikipedia) (Barack Hussein Obama II), served as the 44th president of the US from 2009 to 2017. He was officially born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, at 19:24 (Astro-Databank), it was 15 minutes after sunset -> Sunset in Honolulu, HI, USA 19:09. His 62nd birthday.

• Rachel Meghan Markle (Wikipedia), an US-born member of the British royal family, the wife of Prince Harry. Born: 4 August 1981 at 04:46 (Astro-Databank) -> Family of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (Wikipedia) the Markle (formerly spelled Merckel) family is of German descent

• Prince Harry (Wikipedia) Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People) the article says: “The Duke of Sussex, 41, visited Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii, last Friday afternoon.” [There is a problem with this sentence. Harry is 38 not 41. It could be a mistake but it could also mean something. The attack on Pearl Harbor was in 1941]. Date: 11 November 2022, 266 days or 38 weeks ago (or inclusive on 8/3). Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure. Hamartia (Wikipedia) “hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.” Pope Francis is the 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

• William Joseph Burns (Wikipedia), the 8th and current director of the CIA. Born: 4 April 1956, 808 months old.

Chinese calendar: 6th month 18 (6+6+6)

• Battle of Tientsin (Wikipedia) during the Boxer Rebellion in Northern China. A multinational military force, representing the Eight-Nation Alliance, rescued a besieged population of foreign nationals in the city of Tientsin by defeating the Chinese Imperial army and Boxers. The capture of Tientsin gave the Eight-Nation Alliance a base to launch a rescue mission for the foreign nationals besieged in the Legation Quarter of Beijing and to capture Beijing in the Battle of Peking (14–15 August 1900). Date: 13-14 July 1900 = 6th month 17-18, 123 years ago

[Calendar note: Chinese calendar (Wikipedia) -> Days begin and end at midnight, and months begin on the day of the new moon. Years start on the second (or third) new moon after the winter solstice.]

Ronin’s Notes on Greece vs. Turkey and Other Subjects

Here are Ronin’s (2) notes received on October 7…

1) It seems like we foiled the original globalist plan of a precursor event (their attack on Lorient and/or a Greek island), with which they initially intended to dispose of Erdogan. Apparently, they now switched to their Plan B to achieve this goal, by having Erdogan-steered Hamas invade Israel instead:


As you may remember, Erdogan in his recent speech in front of the Turkish parliament warned anyone “who is directly or indirectly supporting hate crimes against Turks and Muslims”, explicitly including all Muslims. Hence the invasion of Israel will be credited to him, which will force the West to take action against him very soon.

This will bring in the “Turkish Antichrist”, who will then set in motion the “Third Balkan War” with its full-scale invasion of Greece, possibly on October 17th, which is then scripted to grow into WW III.

Hence, it appears, that the globalists are simply trying to salvage their original plan, by going through the detour of Israel to get rid of Erdogan. Conveniently, razing Al-Aqsa mosque in the process, by means of “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”:


We can expect the Iranians to get involved in all of this, soon, which will then lead to Israel’s attack on Iran, to fulfill Neo the Fraud’s “Mountain-dwelling Elder Prophecy”.

2) The attack on Israel seems to have happened “suddenly over night” to support the narrative that Erdogan is its perpetrator:


Here are Ronin’s (4) notes received on October 6…

1) Alert!

I found out how the globalists are going to start the war!

They’ll have the Turks try to sink frigate “Kimon” in Lorient, and thus reenact both Pearl Harbor, and the Italian sinking of the Greek cruiser “Elli”, that preceded the Italian invasion of Greece in World War II. This is urgent. Details to follow.

2) The US Navy had the the “USS Gerald R. Ford” sail into the Ionian Sea. They’re preparing for the shooting.

3) Let me explain now, why I suspect that the globalists plan to reenact both the sinking of Greek cruiser “Elli”, and the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Look at the first photo of the following “Kathimerini” newspaper article that shows the ship moored in Lorient. It contains a major anomaly (Hint: look at the water):


What you see there is a torpedo net that is spanned around the ship!

This means that the management of Naval Group in Lorient knows that the ship is going to be attacked by Turkish submarines, while being fitted out in their shipyard!

The connection to Greek cruiser Elli, that was torpedoed by the Italians, while also at anchor, is self-evident: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_cruiser_Elli_(1912)

But what does this have to do with Pearl Harbor? Two points:

– Just next to “Kimon”, the shipyard in Lorient is working on “Amiral Ronarc’h”, the first FDI frigate for the French Navy. The globalists could have the Turks attack both ships, to provide the French public with enough “motivation” to join the war against Turkey.

– In the attack on Pearl Harbor, a number of US battleships, like the USS West Virginia, sank within port, but were subsequently raised and repaired by the US, and ultimately participated in decisive action against the Japanese:


Can you see now how “Kimon” will be victorious even in (or despite its scripted) “death”?

Why then did the French shipyard protect the ship with a torpedo net? Because they only want the ship to be damaged, not completely sunk.

The Turks have, of course, seen that the ship is being protected against torpedoes. So they’re likely going to carry out their attack using Harpoon missiles fired from their Type 214 or Type 209 submarine(s):


A Harpoon hits its target above the waterline, and hence cannot sink such a large ship. Modern torpedoes, on the other hand, explode beneath a ship, breaking its keel. They therefore typically result in a total loss.

4) Look at this:

” The First Balkan War
Montenegro began the First Balkan War on 8 October 1912. Before the other allies could join in, the Ottomans declared war on the Balkan League on 17 October. The main theater of the ensuing conflict was Thrace. ”

Sounds familiar, no?

I’ve actually found a video (see the 6:30 min mark) that states that the First Balkan War was declared on *October 5th*, 1912, and that on that day Admiral Kountouriotis “set sail”, and left with the “Georgios Averof” for the Aegean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzuZphv_1eM

Either way we caught them with their pants down. The attack on “Kimon” in Lorient would have been the precursor, and the war would have started anytime between October 5th and 8th culminating in a naval battle.

They may nevertheless try to have the neo-Ottomans declare war on the West on October 17th, which is just one day after the next planned Mitsotakis-Erdogan meeting. But at this point it would be totally ludicrous, and they should simply admit defeat.

Here are Ronin’s (4) notes received on October 5…

1) The globalists have apparently decided to escalate, by going with the “alternative Dendias speech” that they’ve passed to the press, instead of what Dendias actually said in front of the audience in Lorient.

In his “alternative” speech, i.e. that of a “strongman”, we find the sentence “What is being threatened won’t be demilitarized.” (referring, of course, to the Aegean islands).

This is obviously meant as crypto-Kabbalist Dendias’s answer to a statement of a Turkish newspaper that was published on the day before the launch ceremony, namely that “the Greeks have stopped arming the islands, as a result of the peace talks between the Mitsotakis and Erdogan governments”:


The “pentapostagma” globalist tools are now reporting that the “Turks are reacting confused”:


and they quote them as saying “[Greece] waves an olive branch and points a missile”, referring to the Israeli Spike NLOS missiles that Greece ordered months ago. The above article finally closes by summarizing the Turkish expansionist plans against Greece.

As I’ll explain in a subsequent note, it won’t be merely the (35 km range) Spike NLOS missiles mentioned in the “pentapotagma” article, that the globalists apparently want Greece to point in Turkey’s direction. If I am right in what I am suspecting, then the globalists have some major pain in store for the Turks, possibly even before the scripted Turkey-Russia war.

2) The most important news today is that US forces shot down a Turkish Bayraktar drone, that the Turks were using in their ongoing strikes against the Kurds:


This will be narrated as the US having finally made up their mind to take military action against Erdogan led Turkey, which will lead to them participating in the upcoming sea battle against the “neo-Ottomans”. Just as the British reluctantly agreed to participate in action against the original Ottomans, which then led to the Battle of Navarino: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Navarino

Note that Erdogan in his speech in front of the Turkish parliament, just after the recent bombing in Ankara, re-emphasized that “we will suddenly come one night”, and that he then lashed out at the Kurds the following night.

Since Erdogan, in the past, has made the same threat against Greece, expect the Turkish attack on Greece during night hours. My personal estimate is that the globalists will probably miss the immediate window of opportunity that extends to October 8th. But I may be wrong, so we need to remain vigilant.

3) Let’s return to the biggest anomaly I’ve found regarding yesterday’s launch of frigate “Kimon”. I’ve split this topic again into two parts. This is Part 1.

Have a close look at the following illustration of how frigate “Kimon” will finally look like:


As you can see, behind its main 76mm gun, the ship will feature the SYLVER vertical missile launch system, which in the ship’s final configuration will consist of two rows of missile cells. Each row consisting of 2 x 8 = 16 cells, resulting in 2 (rows) x 16 (cells) = 32 total launch cells.

This is the so-called FDI HN configuration (HN for Hellenic Navy), also called Standard-2, which differs from the Standard-1 configuration featured by the French ships of the same type, which possess only 16 launch cells:


Why is this important? Because “Kimon” was originally planned to become the second FDI frigate of the *French* Navy. But given the urgency with which Greece needed new ships, the French Navy agreed to have its projected 2nd and 3rd ship of this type be sold by Naval Group to Greece, and to wait a bit longer for its own vessels.

Still, there was a caveat. Naval Group, the manufacturer, allegedly couldn’t accommodate the Greek wishes for heavier armament of these ships, while still complying with the original delivery schedule. Hence, the Greeks supposedly agreed to have the ships be built and delivered in the original French configuration, and to upgrade them by 16 additional launch cells later, i.e. by the year 2027. The Greek parliament actually voted this very decision into law.

4) Now, let’s look at the 5th photo (counting from the bottom) of the following link, that shows the area in front of the actual ship’s bridge (compare this also to the illustration mentioned in Part 1):


As you can clearly see, there are *already* two rows of launch cells installed, even though they’re covered by some protective sheets. Hence, the ship already has 32 launch cells! Thus, they lied to us, and the Greek speaking globalist press actually brazenly continues to do so:


If they lied to us about the number of cells, then they likely also lie about the type of launcher they installed. The ship was allegedly ordered for area air-defense duties with the Sylver A-50 launcher:


This launcher can only accommodate surface-to-air missiles, like the Aster 30 or some smaller types. In the past, there was an outcry in Greece why the ship wasn’t ordered with the (optional) longer A-70 launcher, which would allow it to also launch the SCALP Naval (MdCN) cruise missile with a range of at least 1400 km, the French equivalent to the US Tomahawk:


My suspicion is that the globalists indeed installed the A-70 launcher, and that therefore this ship is a formidable missile platform, able to launch a maximum of 32 long-range cruise missiles at once. “Kimon” could thus be victorious over Turkey, even from a long distance, and even in a non-fully functional (“dead”) state.

Being a French equivalent to the Tomahawk, the MdCN is likely to have also an unannounced nuclear warhead delivery capability. Given the occult symbolism that the Greek speaking globalist media are pushing regarding this ship, which already stinks to high heaven, imagine the sinister globalist scripting options that all of this would enable.

I believe this is the reason why the globalists’ narrative makes such a big fuss regarding this ship, and why crypto-Kabbalist Dendias not only explicitly referred to it in his recent speech in Cyprus, but later went on to state that “A Hellenic Navy without over the horizon capabilities is unfathomable”. Supposedly referring to the ship’s area air-defense and long-term deployment capabilities, but actually meaning something completely different.

Here are Ronin’s (2) notes received on October 4…

1) LOL!

The globalists kept Mitsotakis in Athens and sent, instead, Greek Defense Minister Dendias to attend today’s launch ceremony in Lorient.

The latter spoke only for a few minutes in front of the audience there, mainly emphasizing the bilateral Greek-French defense pact (as preparatory propaganda for what we all know is scripted to happen), and making the ambiguous statement that “A Hellenic Navy without over the horizon capabilities is unfathomable” (I’ll explain the globalists’ intention behind this in an upcoming note).

The observation that is of importance right now is that no new Greek warship acquisitions were announced.

More later.

2) The launch ceremony of Greek frigate “Kimon” today, and the reporting on it by the Greek press contained a number of anomalies. For instance, parts of the press have published statements of Greek Defense Minister Dendias, that have nothing to do with what he said in front of the audience in Lorient.

(Greek speakers may compare the statement that is published here
to what Dendias actually said in the following live video stream of the launch ceremony

It seems that the globalists either changed his speech at the last minute, or that they passed a different speech to the press. I am keeping an eye on the situation.

What will happen next depends on how they’ll make the Turks react to Dendias’s statements. If they’ll go with what he actually said in front of the audience, then I’d consider the danger for something major happening tomorrow in either the Aegean or the Eastern Mediterranean as rather low.

More to come.

Here are Ronin’s (4) notes received on October 3…

1) I’ll cover today’s political developments later. Let’s have a look first at the military ones. The following article from the Greek press gives us an overview of the ongoing training in the Greek “Parmenion 2023” exercise, which appears to be absolutely massive as “almost the entire fleet” is participating:


Notice how the article mentions a simulated landing of the 32nd Greek Marine Brigade on Chios island. Guess where the home base of the 32nd Marine Brigade is located.

You guessed right: the town of Volos!

As you see, the globalists interfered with their weather warfare not only with Greece’s ability to defend Thrace, but also with its ability to recapture an island on its own. So that Greece will have to ask the French and the EU for help, which will then escalate things towards the scripted large sea battle.

Remember also the names of the other islands mentioned in the article, like Kastelorizo. This may provide a hint where the hostilities are scripted to start.

2) In the meantime, the globalists’ drowning of the Greek base of Stefanovikio near Volos, and its AH-64 Apache and Kiowa Warrior helicopters seems to have been a complete “success”. As the Greek defense (or rather globalist “alternative” media) site defence-point.gr reports, a large fraction of these helicopters (that are crucial for Greece’s defense) has drowned, while this is being hidden from the Greek public by the mainstream media:


Here’s the most important paragraph of this article:

“The transport [of the damaged helicopters] from Stefanovikio to the camp in Velestino took place exclusively at night, with the helicopters covered, on tank carriers. Upon arrival at 304 PEV, the helicopters were washed in the factory’s tank washing machine and then moved to the aforementioned areas. There, with the use of brushes and ethyl alcohol (as DP [defence-point.gr] is informed the arrival of loads of barrels of ethyl alcohol is continuous), the Air Force technicians, working at a feverish pace, attempt to dry the electronic units, boards, wiring and in general the electrical system of the helicopters to rescue as many as they can.”

Let’s give these poor guys with their hardworking brushes a bit more time, by pushing the globalist morons out of the present window.

3) Returning to Greece’s “Parmenion 2023” military deployment for countering the upcoming Turkish attack, the “pentapostagma” propagandists are reporting today that a part of the Greek reserves has been mobilized, expressing at the same time their feigned astonishment as to why this has happened:


The article is remarkable on a few additional grounds:
– It mentions the “L’Express” video of a Turkish invasion scenario that I’ve reported about previously.
– It emphasizes that “we are very likely to have a possible sharp escalation”.
– And it states that the Orthodox Church has supported the recent test of the alert siren system by simultaneous bell-ringing exercises (of course they did, as they’re privy to the globalists’ plan).

4) While the globalists certainly caused the recent “PKK bombing” in Ankara and the subsequent Turkish strikes on Kurdish positions in Iraq with the prospect of using them as Erdogan led Turkey’s “Gleiwitz moment” (i.e. the beginning of its end), they can still pull back from all of this without embarrassing themselves too much.

They can simply chalk it up as just another terrorist attack and subsequent retaliation operation, as they’ve done it in case of the relatively recent Istanbul bombing.

This won’t be possible for them, though, once they’ll attempt to start the war in Kosovo, let alone the Turkish invasion of Greece. In contrast to any Turkish strikes on the Kurds, both these latter events are an explicit part of the globalists’ “prophecies”. In these cases, they’ll have to go the whole hog, which is extremely risky for them, especially after the amount of exposure their plans have already received.

To convince them to make the right decision, let’s have a look into the occult reasons for the scripted Kosovo war. For the globalists, erasing Istanbul and Turkey, but leaving the (religious and ethnic) traces of former Ottoman rule in the Balkans intact, would only be a partial job. Why? Because their actual plan is to take us through a religious reset.

Hence, we can expect them to proceed with the Muslim populations of the Balkans in exactly the same fashion as they plan to proceed with the Turks: have them start a suicidal war that they can’t win, have them be decimated in that war, have any survivors convert to Christianity, and have the lands that they formerly inhabited be incorporated into the neighboring (Christian) countries.

The Kosovo will thus fall to Serbia, Albania will be split between Serbia and Greece, etc. The latter, in a nutshell, is what the globalists’ “Vatopedinos Prophecy” “predicts”. The above is also the reason why the globalists caused the break-up of Yugoslavia, the subsequent wars there, and why they have kept the resulting conflicts in this region smoldering for years.

So what we need to watch out for are aggressive moves by the politicians that the globalists have installed in Kosovo and Albania, either against the Christian minorities there, or against the neighboring countries. And lo and behold we do not have to look far:




Here are Ronin’s (4) notes received on October 2…

1) After yesterday’s “Gleiwitz incident” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident) in Turkey, the globalists had Erdogan start the war by striking Kurdish positions in Iraq:


At the same time they had Greek Defense Minister, Nikos Dendias, together with the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, visit Cyprus where Dendias stated that

“For this Greece of the Rafales [i.e. Dassault Rafale fighters], Belharras [FDI frigates], and Vipers [F-16 Block 72 jets] Cyprus isn’t far”:


This is clearly war rhetoric. Also, it looks like the Turks might strike Cyprus first. So the naval battle could take place there. Remember that the Orthodox Church, responsible for the globalists’ “Paisios Prophecy”, never stopped viewing Cyprus as being an integral part of Greece.

2) Why did Greece’s Defense Minister Dendias

state that “For this Greece of the Belharras, Rafales, and Vipers, Cyprus isn’t far”? (I actually slightly misquoted him previously, he mentioned the “Belharra” [i.e. FDI] frigates first.)

Why is he putting so much emphasis on the Greek FDI frigate “Kimon” that was floated just a few days ago, and is still under construction, and thus *dead in the water* with no hope of participating in any present operations (while the other weapons systems he mentions are already operational and deployed)?

The answer is that Kimon was an Athenian admiral who led a Greek naval expedition to Cyprus against the Persians, got killed in action there, but with the Greeks nevertheless prevailing in that sea battle:

He is quoted as having said “Even in death I was victorious”:

The above looks like an occultist hint, that Cyprus (with European help) will be victorious even with present-day (frigate) “Kimon” being dead in the water of the French shipyard in Lorient. So we need to include Cyprus in our watch.

The hostilities are probably planned to break out on October, 5th, and culminate in a great sea battle with the sinking of the Turkish fleet on Lepanto Day, October, 7th, resulting in “Three Days of Fear”.

Alternatively, the globalists could start them a day later, and have them culminate on (Julian) Navarino Day, October, 8th.

3) In our effort to stay ahead of the globalist curve, let’s recall an interesting statement that the Greek propagandist Athanasios Rakovalis made in the video that I referred to earlier. Namely, that it will be the Europeans who will dissolve Turkey.

In fact, in his interview, Rakovalis actually added that they will do this using their “gloved hand”. What does he mean by that, and how could Europe actually do such damage to Turkey?

What Rakovalis is obviously referring to is that (after Erdogan has set in motion the Intifada, and his invasion of Greece/Cyprus) Europe will impose such crushing sanctions on Turkey, that the inflation and earthquake ravaged Turkish state will simply implode economically, and dissolve by itself.

Europe is Turkey’s largest trade partner. Hence it stands to reason that it will be the European economic sanctions that will bring Turkey to its knees. The “gloved hand” metaphor thus refers to Europe’s enormous economic power.

4) Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti is now openly accusing Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and his staff of having carried out the recent provocation that I reported about, because of “a wider plan to annex the north of Kosovo”:


We need to watch out for them starting the war there, according to their “Vatopedinos Prophecy”, and only then have it expand to Greece and/or Cyprus.

Here are Ronin’s (7) notes received on October 1…

1) The following exposition is important, because it will show the actual, occult, reasons for the upcoming war. Since this is going to get a bit longer, I’ll split it into three parts. This is Part 1, so bear with me.

The globalists are pushing for the upcoming war because they simply need a “demolition event”. They’ll use it to raze both the Vatican, St. Peter’s Basilica, the “sinful, apostatized, satanic, Catholic Church”, along with present-day Istanbul, and Turkey, in order to replace them by “God’s original, true, Orthodox Christian Church, centered in Christian Constantinople, with the Hagia Sophia as its holiest place of worship”. Which is meant to complement the upcoming “Messiah/Eastern Roman Emperor” Putin.

This is why the globalists had Erdogan transform the Hagia Sophia into a mosque (and “enrage God” so that Turkey gets “punished”), why their plan unfolds according to the script laid out in the Orthodox Christian “prophecies”, and why they’ve leaked that script to their moles in the Orthodox Church (like Neo the Fraud, a.k.a. Neophytos of Morfou).

In fact, Neo actually gave this plan away, when he told us in passing near the 7:30 mark of the following well-known video


that “the Virgin Mary wants to raise Orthodoxy, and make it a global religion”.

Of course, it’s the globalists and not the “Virgin Mary”, who will do all of the above. Being a fraud, Neo of course also had us focus on the lesser, but more spectacular sounding part of the plan, i.e. the Turkey-Russia war.

2) This is Part 2 on the occult reasons for the upcoming war.

Let’s see some evidence for what I mentioned in Part 1.

The following article, that was published by “pentapostagma”, the premier Greek speaking globalist propaganda site, quotes an important interview of former Turkish rear admiral Cihat Yaycı:


Yaycı is one of Erdogan’s closest collaborators, being the father of the Turkish “Blue Homeland” (a.k.a. “Lebensraum in the Aegean”) doctrine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cihat_Yayc%C4%B1).

On the global stage, Yaycı plays the role of a Turkish nationalist, but in reality he is (like Erdogan) a globalist agent, so the following is coming directly from the “horse’s mouth”:

“Biden says: ‘I want to see the establishment of an independent Kurdish state.’ This is incompatible with being an ally. Do you know what will come next? A Greek Orthodox Vatican in Istanbul (Constantinople). They state this openly. This is a project that will disrupt the unity and the integrity of Turkey.”

You may now be wondering how a city with (presently) 15 million Muslim inhabitants can become the future center of Christianity. Greek speaking (propagandist) Athanasios Rakovalis, who claims to have gained his knowledge “directly from conversations with the Holy Elder Paisios back in the 1980s”, tells us how:


Since there are no subtitles available for the video, I’ll summarize here the bullet points in English:

– Turkey will be dissolved by the Europeans.

– Both the Kurds, the Armenians, and the Greeks will ultimately get back their ancestral lands.

– The East and the West will be fighting for the control of Istanbul/Constantinople and the Bosporus Strait, with none of them being able to vanquish the other.

– They will therefore need to compromise, and will agree to hand the city over to the Greeks.

– The Greek Army will enter Constantinople without a fight.

– Only the part of the city to the West of the Bosporus will be ceded to Greece, to guarantee freedom of navigation through the Strait.

– The Bosporus will become a free, international sea lane. [Own note: Given the equally “ecumenical” role of the “Orthodox Vatican”, the latter will likely be established in the city’s eastern part, i.e. outside of Greek jurisdiction.]

– Much of the city’s population will have perished in the war, and in a subsequent cholera epidemic.

– A large part of the surviving population will be passed over to the eastern side, and many of them will convert back to Christianity (because their original ancestors were Christians).

3) This is Part 3 on the occult reasons of the upcoming war.

What Greek propagandist Rakovalis stated in Part 2, is corroborated by the widely circulated “official” version of the “Paisios Prophecy”


but also by another “pentapostagma” propaganda article that speaks of the high risk of a future cholera epidemic in Istanbul:


The cholera epidemic, that Rakovalis is talking about, is likely to break out after the globalists will hit Istanbul with the “long-awaited magnitude 7 or above earthquake”, on which I’ve reported before, and that the “pentapostagma” propagandists do not tire of mentioning:


As the article indicates, this earthquake will also collapse the Hagia Sophia’s present minarets (to leave no Muslim traces in the city), but not the basilica itself (which is of crucial importance to the globalists).

Summarizing, the globalists’ plan is to have the war, an earthquake, and then a cholera epidemic erase Istanbul and its population in order to install there a replacement for the Vatican. In the bigger picture, both the (present-day) Vatican, Istanbul, and Turkey will all simply be “collateral damage” in the globalists’ greater plan to take us through a “religious reset”, or rather a sequence of such resets.

4) Today, the Turkish Parliament was supposed to return from its summer break and start with the ratification process of Sweden’s accession to NATO.

What happened instead is that the globalists caused an alleged “PKK terrorist attack on Turkey”, which caused Erdogan to give an aggressive speech directed against Europe, in which he said that “Those who support directly or indirectly hate crimes against Turks and Muslims are preparing their own end.”

(Here’s some footage from Greek TV, I haven’t found any other yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRcCqBYE_54)

So, Intifada it is. Things are now escalating quickly.

5) The Telegraph reports that the Brits are considering to send warships for “defending commercial vessels from Russian attacks in the Black Sea”:


6) Greece is being prepared for war!

Greece’s alert siren system is going to be tested throughout the country tomorrow, October 2nd, from 11:00 am to 12:55 pm, in particular with respect to *scenarios involving air raids*.

This is all supposedly a part of the “Parmenion 2023 exercise”, but this is the first “exercise” I’ve ever heard about that does anything like that.


(Sorry, no auto-translation available.)

7) Alert!

They’ve rescheduled the “Parmenion exercise” to end on October, 4th (instead of October, 6th)!


We can assume the hostilities to start immediately thereafter.

Here are Ronin’s (4) notes received on September 30…

1) Let’s start today with what the globalists have in mind for Armenia. Behold these two globalist (Grey) Wolves in sheep’s clothing:

Now that they’ve achieved the globalist objective to drive tens of thousands of Armenians from their homes in Nagorno Karabakh, they are about to realize the next step in the globalists’ plan, and do the same in Armenia proper. By “opening a corridor” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zangezur_corridor) through southern Armenia with which they plan “to connect Turkey to Azerbaijan”. Or in other words, by grabbing southern Armenia.

The purpose of this insanity is to support another insane globalist narrative, namely the creation of the “Great Turan” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turanism) by the Turks, through which they will attempt to remove the Turkic republics of the former Soviet Union from Russian influence, to establish a new order of Turkic states in Asia, under Turkish lead.

This will provide the future, equally pseudo-scientific, “geopolitical” reason as to why the Russians “had to get rid of Turkey by all means”. “All”, here, includes nuclear means, according to Neo the Fraud (Neophytos of Morfou). More on the globalists’ pseudo-science of “geopolitics” (with which they attempt to conceal their true, occult, motives) later.

2) Returning to the Greece vs. Turkey situation, we’ll have to watch out for two additional dangerous dates in October:

October, 28th: Anniversary of the (attempted) 1940 Italian Invasion of Greece during WW II.
October, 29th: The centennial anniversary of the formation of the modern Turkish state.

3) From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greco-Italian_War:

“On 28 October, Mussolini issued an ultimatum to Greece demanding the cession of Greek territory, which the Prime Minister of Greece, Ioannis Metaxas, rejected.”

So will Erdogan also issue an ultimatum to Greece on October 28th, demanding the cession of Greek islands, to (supposedly) realize his dream of the “Blue Homeland”, in time for Turkey’s 100th anniversary on October 29th?

Or will Turkey rather not get to celebrate this birthday, because it will be called by Erdogan to attend this funeral beforehand:



Note the red and white flowers on the “coffin”, and the clock which signals that “time is up”. And here’s the same brazen globalist mocking of the Turkish public, from the official page of the Turkish Security Council:

Let’s see how long they’ll keep that photo up there.

4) I originally intended to expose the following after the closing of this year’s “New Battle of Navarino” window. But they are coming out with it now, so here we go. What do this


and this


have in common? The ship in the first link above is Greece’s first new FDI frigate “Kimon” which has now been floated, but is still under construction. Whereas the ship in the second link is the legendary “Georgios Averof”, which during the First Balkan War single-handedly defeated the entire Ottoman fleet, and *liberated many Greek islands from Ottoman rule*.

The resemblance of both ships, with their unusual inverted bows, is astonishing, so you can probably guess where all of this is heading. You can also assume that the globalists’ sale of new ships with such a highly unusual feature to Greece (just before the start of a major war, as it was the case back in 1911), is no coincidence. Especially, since the actual sales contract *was signed on the very deck of the “Georgios Averof” itself* in March of 2022:


The (properly translated) first lines of the following preparatory propaganda piece


are therefore quite telling (emphasis mine):

“Seventy-one years after the 1952 decommissioning of the Battleship of Victory, Admiral Kountouriotis’s living legend of the naval battles of the 20th century [meant is the “Georgios Averof”], a main warship with an inverted bow *is preparing to revive again the glorious pages [of history] written by our navy*.

Certainly, no one wishes for *Greece to live through war operations similar to those of the past* and the digital Belh@rra [FDI] frigates are tools of deterrence …”

Reading between the lines, this insinuates that the Turks will invade some Greek island(s), and frigate “Kimon” will help liberate them (and, according to the developing globalist narrative, save their population from the “Nagorno type plans” of the Turks).

Frigate “Kimon” is planned to enter Greek service in the beginning of 2025, but the French shipyard in Lorient is making fast progress, and should be able to deliver her to the Hellenic Navy in time for next year’s “Battle of Navarino” globalist window, i.e. October of 2024.

Which begs the question whether the globalists’ propaganda machine attempts to distract us away from what they’ve planned for this year.

Here are Ronin’s (4) notes received on September 29…

1) You might be wondering now why the globalists want the Turks to successfully invade mainland Greece from Thrace, if their actual, long-term goal is to wipe Turkey from the map. The answer has again to do with the globalists’ “Paisios Prophecy”.

The Turks will have to use the 1st Corp of their 1st Army to carry out the invasion of Greece. This is the army that is tasked with the defense of Istanbul and the Straits:

The globalist goal seems to be to have these forces be occupied, and ultimately trapped, in mainland Greece, so that the Russians will have a much easier job occupying Istanbul and the Straits.

The trapped Turkish army will ultimately be annihilated by Greek strikes from the West and Russian strikes from the East, forcing the Turks to relocate and reassign the forces with which they are presently occupying Cyprus (and Syria), for the defense of Istanbul and the Straits, as stated by the “Paisisos Prophecy”.

Which will lead to the “liberation of Cyprus without a war” that Neo the Fraud is talking about. Whether this scenario will all play out simultaneously, or whether the globalists will choose to carry out the naval battle first (as a precursor, to dispose of Erdogan), and to only then escalate towards the land war remains to be seen.

2) Things are getting real now. The Swedes are allegedly deploying their army to their streets in order to counter “Turkish and other gangs”:


In reality, this will serve to suppress the “Intifada within Europe” that Erdogan and his Grey Wolves will set in motion in all European countries that have absorbed larger numbers of Muslim refugees, or have sizeable Turkish communities.

You can be absolutely sure that many Turks, Pakistanis, and Azeris who are living abroad will not take the globalists’ annihilation of Turkey too well. The globalists, of course, know this, and they have therefore taken care to make themselves the leaders of any such Muslim uprising. Which they will then suppress by bringing their right-wingers, like Le Pen, into power in Europe in order to restore order.

3) The French shipyard (props to them) apparently had enough of the globalists’ silly numerology games, and has already floated the first Greek FDI frigate (to make enough room in the construction building for the subsequent ships of this type), despite the official ceremony having been (re-)scheduled for October 4th:


We thus wait and see, whether Mitsotakis will show up there on the 4th.

4) I am seeing some indications that we are significantly affecting the globalists’ war propaganda effort in Greece. I’ll comment on this in more detail, once the present danger period is over.

Here are Ronin’s (4) notes received on September 28…

1) The globalists are relentless in hitting Greece with engineered “natural” disasters, so let’s summarize (in chronological order) what they did over the past months, in order to arrive at some conclusions:

– During the summer they had their agents cause huge wildfires. Almost the entirety of Greece was burned, but three regions stood particularly out:

The *island of Rhodes* in the south-east Aegean, *the Evros region in Thrace* which marks Greece’s north-eastern border to Turkey, and the *plain of Thessaly* (especially around the town of Volos) where the wildfires ended with the explosion of an ammunition depot of the Hellenic Air Force (HAF):


– A few weeks ago, the globalists then hit the plain of Thessaly with enormous rainfalls using an engineered thunderstorm called “Daniel”, that drowned the town of Volos, and much of the region.

– Yesterday, they hit the plain of Thessaly with another storm, this time called “Elias”, to cause even more “biblical” damage. The town of Volos drowned again.


So why are they doing this, and what is so special about the town of Volos? The answer is that all of these actions are globalist preparations for the Turkish invasion.

The wildfires served to get rid of as much vegetation as possible in the “theatres of operation” where the globalists plan the Turks to invade. This will make it more difficult for the Greeks to hide their armored vehicles, which will make them vulnerable to Turkish drone strikes.

Hence, we can expect the Turks not only to carry out landing operations in the Aegean, but at some point to *invade the Greek mainland* from Thrace as well. And lo and behold, the following “Pentapostagma” article


explicitly states that the “Parmenion 2023 exercise” (read war deployment) that I mentioned earlier, will take part not only in the south-east Aegean but also in Thrace.

Which brings us to the plain of Thessaly and the town of Volos. This plain houses three military bases that are absolutely crucial for repelling a Turkish attack on Thrace and the rest of mainland Greece (all of the following is based on unclassified, publicly available information):

– Greece’s largest air base, Nea Anchialos, near the town of Volos (home to three HAF F-16 squadrons)
– The large air base near the town of Larissa (housing HAF F-16s, and USAF Reaper drones), and
– The base of Stefanovikio near Volos, where AH-64 Apache and Kiowa Warrior helicopters were stationed.

I say “were” because the latter base had to be given up, and the helicopters relocated to the other two bases, since the globalists did this:


Thus Greece is already left without the helicopter base it needs to support aerial anti-tank missions, once the Turkish tanks will be rolling through Thrace. And now the globalists are attempting to fully take out also the other two air bases that are tasked with defending northern Greece, so that the Greek infantry and armored units will have insufficient air cover during the war.

Some of the globalists “alternative” media meanwhile narrate that the Greek government itself caused the aforementioned ammunition depot explosion at Nea Anchialos during the wildfires, because earlier they had transferred the munition stored in this depot to the Evil Clown in Ukraine, and thus needed to erase the evidence of their treason.

This will serve to get rid of Mitsotakis shortly before the war starts, and “leave Greece without a government” to fulfill with the globalist “prophecies”. So look out for this.

2) The Greek media are reporting that the Greek armed forces are having their hands full, committing significant resources (like special operation forces!) to the rescue and relief operations in the flooded areas of Thessaly:


What a great invitation for the Turks! The next days will be critical.

Also, be advised that the globalists (being cultists) might weave a “supernatural” element into what is to come, to make it appear that “Greece was saved by God himself”.

The globalists possess, for instance, (conventional) technology with which they can sink the entire Turkish invasion fleet within mere minutes, if they so wish. They could thus make the sinking appear like “an act of God”, as their “Paisios Prophecy” seems to insinuate. I’ll cover the details later, if necessary.

3) The Israelis have allegedly thwarted “an Iranian plot to assassinate National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir”: https://www.ynetnews.com/article/s1tnwfzxa

Something like this was to be expected, given that, according to the “Mountain-dwelling Elder Prophecy” that was narrated by Neo the Fraud, the fall of Erdogan (which appears to be pretty much imminent) and the “Israeli strike of Iran’s nuclear program” should roughly coincide.

4) Looking a bit ahead, the Greek press reports that Mitsotakis still plans to attend the launch ceremony of Greece’s first FDI frigate on October 4th, in Lorient, France (hint: in Greek, “P.N.” is used as an abbreviation for the Hellenic Navy):


The above article makes also explicit mention of the 1571 Battle of Lepanto (“Battle of Nafpaktos”, in Greek) to remind us of the importance of naval power. Indications are that they’ll go ahead with announcing the acquisition of the new Greek corvettes, to narrate that “this finally provoked the Turkish attack”.

Here are Ronin’s (2) notes received on September 27…

1) Since today has been rather quiet, let’s use this opportunity to look into the background of why the gutting of both the Turkish Air Force (TuAF) and Navy are so important for the globalists.

In fact, they are so important, that the globalists had Erdogan fabricate the 2016 “coup” against himself, in order to subsequently carry out mass purges and incarcerations of TuAF pilots, which has left the TuAF with, at best, only 65% of the pilots it needs to man its fighter jets:


This move already almost halved the strength of the TuAF. But Erdogan then went a step further, and ordered the S-400 air defense system from Russia (to “close Turkey’s air defense gap”, which he, of course, created himself).

This led to the expulsion of Turkey from the F-35 program and the subsequent (unofficial) weapons embargo of the US against Turkey (via CAATSA sanctions). The TuAF, which had the prospect of acquiring more than 100 F-35s and become the most formidable air force in the region, is now even facing a severe lack of spare parts for its existing F-16 fleet. And soon, the Turkish Navy will also be “downsized” in the upcoming “New Battle of Navarino”.

The attrition, that Erdogan is subjecting the Turkish armed forces to, serves to support the globalists’ narrative for the upcoming Turkey-Russia war. As Neo the Fraud stated, Erdogan’s successor(s) will “attempt to fix his mistakes” (i.e. his betrayal of the West) and will “close the Bosporus Straits” at some point, which will lead to war with Russia. According to the globalist “Paisios Prophecy”


the Russians will therefore “descend to the Bosporus” (i.e. occupy the Straits and Istanbul). There’s no way the anemic Russian Black Sea fleet, consisting in its main part of a few corvettes and frigates,


could pull off such a feat against a large functional navy that is, moreover, supported by a functional, western equipped, air force, the size of Turkey’s. That’s why the globalists installed Erdogan in Turkey. He is tasked with playing the role of Turkey’s undertaker.

2) The globalists’ media tools in Greece are now starting to circulate the narrative that the removal of Robert Menendez from the Chair of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, has been carried out by the CIA, and was instigated by the “Turkish and Qatari Lobbies in collaboration with the Military Industrial Complex” (suggesting that the latter tries to accomplish, in this way, the sale of its products to the Turks).

They’ve also started telegraphing “Turkish Nagorno type plans for the Aegean”, meaning occupation of Greek islands and ethnic cleansing of their population:


Here are Ronin’s (3) notes received on September 26…

1) With the (temporary) removal of Senator Robert Menendez from the stage (more precisely the “Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee”), the globalists have now opened their hand.

As I’ve mentioned before, Menendez is the staunchest supporter of Cyprus, Greece, and Armenia in Congress. With his removal, the globalists have now given the go to their Azeri and Turkish lackeys, to start with the invasion of Greece, and the ethnic cleansing in the Caucasus, which as the globalists’ premier geopolitical propagandist Michael Rubin puts it, has “greenlit World War III”:

Now we can expect Erdogan to have the Turkish parliament ratify Sweden’s accession to NATO, in order for him to get the new F-16 Block 70 jets that he allegedly covets so much:


To further demonstrate “Turkey’s allegiance to the West”, I expect that part of this F-16 deal will be Turkey’s transfer of its old F-16 Block 30 jets to the Evil Clown in Ukraine.

Erdogan will agree to that, because these fighters are allegedly “too old to be of use in modern operations anyway”. But in reality, he’ll undermine the planned Turkish “ÖZGÜR” modernization program for these jets:

Thus, in reality, Erdogan will be continuing with his gutting of the Turkish Air Force, that he so expertly executed over the last seven years. Any new F-16 jets as replacements will take years to arrive in Turkey, if they arrive at all, given the sanctions that Turkey will face once it invades Greece. The globalist plan is to have Turkey be long gone before the arrival of any such jets, by having Turkey be wiped from the map by the “infuriated, betrayed Russians”.

2) Yesterday, the Turkish Ministry of Defense published a video of the recent “KARARLILIK 2023” (“Determination 2023”) exercise that took place between September 18th and 22nd (the mobilization of the Turkish fleet that I’ve reported about).

Guess what they trained? Here’s the answer:

Such suicidal “Kararlilik” of the Turkish Navy brass hats, to mobilize almost their entire fleet in order for it to be sunk in the upcoming “New Battle of Navarino/Three Days of Fear Scenario” (or “The Great Aegean Turkey Shoot”, as I personally call it – pun intended), is astonishingly impressive, indeed.

3) In the relatively unlikely event that the globalists will proceed with the Turkish invasion tomorrow, September 27th, let’s recall the bullet points of the “Hypothetical Turkish Invasion Scenario of Two Greek Islands” video


that was published by the French magazine L’Express about a month ago:

– The Turks invade and occupy the (uninhabited) Greek island(s) of Imia, using their “TCG Anadolu” carrier and a naval force consisting of two frigates and a submarine.

– The Greeks react immediately, but suffer heavy losses, and cannot repel the Turks on their own.

– The French deploy a “Mistral” class carrier/landing ship along with two nuclear subs to the region.

– After *three days of fighting* and hundreds of dead soldiers on both sides, the islands are reconquered, and the Turks are driven back to Turkey.

– *Erdogan resigns* due to the humiliating military defeat.

So much for the globalists’ preparatory propaganda. In reality, this thing will be much more fierce, and on a larger scale (think “Iwo Jima in the Aegean”).

The actual goal of the globalists is to eliminate the entirety of the Turkish fleet, in order to artificially fulfill their “prophecies” in support of their long-term plans for the region. The sinking of almost the entirety of the Turkish Navy (with thousands, not hundreds) of sailors is such a drastic act, that they’ll have to make the Turks invade and occupy a large inhabited island (probably Rhodes) in order to justify it.

Otherwise, I expect them to play it out pretty much as they said. These will likely be the “Three Days of Fear” that Neo the Fraud is talking about. This should also be the long-awaited precursor event with which the globalists will dispose of Erdogan, in order to start their actual (bigger) war.

Here are Ronin’s (8) notes received on September 25 (ALERT included)…

1) Yesterday, September 24th, was the anniversary of the Battle of Salamis (which saved western civilization from conquest by an eastern dictatorial power).

If the globalists had any plans to do the Turkish invasion of a Greek island and the sinking of the Turkish fleet on this day, they obviously held back. It’s pretty clear now that they’ll try to realize their plans on the Battle of Navarino anniversary, which fits their “prophecy” narrative much better. October will be dangerous.

2) I should add that wikipedia has the Battle of Salamis listed to have occurred on either September 26th or 27th, 480 BC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Salamis

The Greek festivities to commemorate the battle took place yesterday, but it seems that there’s some sort of ambiguity regarding the actual date. So we might not be out of the woods just yet.

3) Summarizing this, with an eye also on October, here are the immediate danger dates for the scripted sea battle:

September, 26th or 27th: Battle of Salamis
October, 7th: Battle of Lepanto
October, 8th (Julian) or 20th (Gregorian): Battle of Navarino

I think it’s pretty clear from this, that the recent mobilization of the Turkish fleet is no coincidence.

4) Alert!

Greece has reserved a region in the Southeast Aegean that includes the islands of *Rhodes, Kastellorizo, and Karpathos* for its “Parmenion” military exercise, whereas the Turks are “proceeding with a mobilization exercise”:


By “pure coincidence” Greece has recently declared Full Operational Capability for the 332nd squadron of the HAF’s 114th Fighter Wing, with its 18 Rafale fighter jets, that are going to partake in that “Parmenion” exericse. The 332nd is the only squadron of the HAF that is specifically tasked with anti-ship missions, since the Rafales are the *only* jets of the HAF that command over specific anti-ship weaponry (French Exocet missiles).

So the globalists are preparing the “theatre of operations” for the scripted naval battle in exactly the same region I’ve warned about.

5) I’ve found out that the Greek “Parmenion 2023” exercise is planned to take place from September 30th to October 6th:


So the Turkish attack could occur anytime now, especially before or after the exercise.

6) So the evil clown has received his first Abrams tanks “months ahead of schedule”:


Yeah, it’s quite obvious that they are trying to go for it, within this window of opportunity. But they will fail, … again.

7) Here’s another indication that they are trying to go for it in concert with the upcoming “exercises” (mobilization) of the armed forces on both sides.

The launch of Greece’s first out of a total of three new FDI frigates has been rescheduled by its manufacturer, Naval Group, to take place on October, 4th:


The original date was planned for the end of September:


Now, this might seem innocuous, unless one adds that Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis himself is expected to be present in Lorient, France, for the launch ceremony, and hence the rescheduling of such an important date is no small thing.

During the ceremony, I expect Mitsotakis to announce the resurgence of Greece’s program for four new corvettes, and the selection of Naval Group as their manufacturer. This will serve to send a message of defiance to the Turks, at a time when both countries are allegedly in “negotiations”, in order to establish better relations.

As the first link indicates, the globalists tried to do this already last year, in order to get the war started. They had Mitsotakis announce that he would visit Naval Group in Lorient, but then they gave up on it and canceled his visit, seemingly along with the entire program for new corvettes. Due to this, the latter program became an uttermost travesty, for which the Greek government received a lot of flak from the press.

Now, they are going to try the same thing again, in order to give the Turks a reason to “attack now, before they are going to receive all these modern warships, and all the other new weapons systems that they’ve ordered”.

8) It seems like the globalists, before starting the Greek-Turkish showdown, will attempt to stay true to their so-called “Vatopedinos Prophecy”, which (among other things) states that WW III will be set in motion in a small Balkan country. This is why they caused the following provocation in Kosovo:


[This post was created on 25 September 2023, but I’ve backdated it so it won’t change the home page.]

Globalist Agenda Watch – June 2022-April 2023 Updates

(23 April 2023) – The Occult Reasons for the Saturn’s Day, May 6, 2023 Coronation of King Charles III

(alternatively titled Reasons You Should Take a Holiday Out of London Before May 5)

For the sake of new readers, allow me to preface my remarks with my standard disclaimer…

The national and international dramas we see swirling around us now are part of the globalist “End Times” stageplay that’s being acted out for the public. And while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added — all on the fly.

It’s also important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians and superstitious followers of numerology, astrology and mythology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the play are acted out. They align events with days of historical, numerological, astrological and mythological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, Onnabugeisha, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

That being said, a key element of the Kabbalists’ “End Times” stageplay is “the Second Coming of Saturn.” Have a look at this promotional page of a prophecy propaganda book on the subject — particularly the parts marked in red about Aquarius and Saturn

…from the SkyWatchTV store (a globalist disinformation site)

This brings us to REASON ONE for May 6 being chosen: it is a day when Saturn is in the midst of the Aquarius constellation (the orange arrow points to it), heralding Saturn’s arrival to rule

…from stellarium-web.org

As for REASON TWO, it’s particularly sobering: it is the day that’s scripted to bring “God’s” destruction of the Great City Babylon — in this scripting, London, the worldwide headquarters of the Rothschilds — along with the destruction of all the other political/financial capitals where the Rothschilds hold sway. May 6 is the peak of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower, which will be used as cover to stage an artificial METEOR STORM from the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array, hitting the targeted cities along with random places to make it look “natural, but supernaturally influenced”

…from amsmeteors.org (top) and in-the-sky.org (bottom)

Take careful note of the radiant from which the meteors come (the green circle in the graphic below). It is near the stars Eta Aquarii (for which the shower is named), Zeta Aquarii, and Gamma Aquarii

…from in-the-sky.org. 5:00 AM CDT is 11:00 AM in London, the time the Coronation Ceremony starts.

Now if we look at the location of the Eta Aquariids radiant on stellarium-web, we see that the meteors emerge from the bowl held by Aquarius

And this connects it to the “bowls of God’s wrath” poured out by the seven angels in the Bible’s Book of Revelation, Chapter 16

…from BibleGateway.com

So the globalists intend to simulate the seventh angel’s pouring out of God’s wrath on May 5-6 (depending on the exact timing and your timezone). And this will lead to either a 3-Days of Fear / 3-Days of Darkness psyop that ends at sunset of May 8 (when Lag B’Omer begins) or the outbreak of the 150-Day War.

There is much more information and many nuances to add to all this, so I’ll be doing so in the coming hours/days. This update is available as a standalone post here.

(22 April 2022) – Pachamama Calls on YOU to Sacrifice, and to Live in Harmony with Nature (as compost)

“Hey kids, did you know that the environment is better off if you’re dead? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for a better world (for Kabbalists), or are you just a selfish, bad person? We at the United Nations know you’re a good person, and that you want to do your part. So paint a rainbow on your face, get your COVID shot, and read this”

…from UNEP.org (note the rainbow-colored Earth surrounded by stylized Saturn rings)

~ MORE ~

Quelle surprise! A Catholic and a Jew make the case for turning Earth DayInternational Mother Earth Day‘s same-day older sister — into a religious holiday…

…from Time

Note that today is the 53rd Earth Day, and in the past year we’ve been tracking occult instances of the number 53 in relation to China and War. So “Operation Pachamama” connects to the planned war as well.

Upon looking deeper into International Mother Earth Day, I found out that it was brought into being by the former communist leader of Bolivia, Evo Moralesthis Evo Morales…

…from The Guardian

And I also discovered that the documentation pertaining to the UN resolution that established it was distributed to the public on May 1, 2009 [May Day, 14 (the Nazi number) years ago this May 1]. So May Day is an obvious day to watch for drama between the commies and Nazionists — a fitting day for a CCP assault on Taiwan perhaps.

It should be noted that May 1 is when Israel’s Knesset will hold the first plenum of its next legislative session — the session during which Netanyahu’s controversial judicial overhaul will again be attempted. It’s also the day that the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, will be speaking before the Knesset. Just imagine what would happen in both Israel and the US if that session got hit by a precision-guided “Iranian missile fired by Hezbollah” (Israeli false-flag missile fired by Mossad/Chabad).

(21 April 2023) – These are the April 21 title notes that accompanied the update below…

As it turns out, what is/was planned for April 21-22 is tied to the Pachamama Desecration. My partner has pointed out that April 22 is the UN’s International Mother Earth Day, and Pachamama is the Amazonian version of Mother Earth (a version that received human sacrifice / child sacrifice on a massive scale — and on a smaller scale, still does today). Today I’ll introduce you to the details of the Desecration. In the meantime, though, check out what the Vatican’s controlled opposition leader, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, said about the Pachamama incident — it’s in the note below, and it ties in to the Tribulation timeline I’ve been writing about.


Here is what the fake opposition leader Carlo Maria Vigano — who is contributing to the globalist narrative and playing his assigned part in the “End Times” stageplay — said about the Pachamama incident in a LifeSiteNews interview (since he is playing the role of Jesus’s wingman, his words are in red)…

Former papal nuncio Vigano goes after Pachamama
Watch video of man who tossed idol into the Tiber

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is urging the re-consecration of St. Peter’s Basilica, in light of what he calls “the appalling idolatrous profanations” that have been committed in its walls through the veneration of the Pachamama statue.

In a Nov. 6 interview on the Amazon Synod with LifeSiteNews, Archbishop Viganò has said: “The abomination of idolatrous rites has entered the sanctuary of God and has given rise to a new form of apostasy whose seeds, which have been active for a long time, are growing with renewed vigor and effectiveness.”

Here below is an excerpt of the LifeSiteNews interview on the Amazon Synod with Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

LifeSiteNews: Your Excellency, how would you characterize the arc of the synod narrative? Is there an image that aptly summarizes it?

Archbishop Viganò: The barque of the Church is in the grip of a raging storm. To quell the tempest, those Successors of the Apostles who have tried to leave Jesus on the shore, and who no longer perceive His presence, have begun to invoke the Pachamama!

Jesus prophesied: “When you see the desecrating sacrilege … there will be a great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be” (Mt 24:15;21).

The abomination of idolatrous rites has entered the sanctuary of God and has given rise to a new form of apostasy, whose seeds — which have been active for a long time — are growing with renewed vigor and effectiveness. The process of the internal mutation of the faith, which has been taking place in the Catholic Church for several decades, has seen with this Synod a dramatic acceleration towards the foundation of a new creed, summed up in a new kind of worship [cultus]. In the name of inculturation, pagan elements are infesting divine worship in order to transform it into an idolatrous cult. – from California Catholic Daily

So here is none other than the famous globalist agent Vigano tying the Pachamama Desecration — “the abomination that causes desolation” — to the Tribulation. You can read what I’ve discovered about this in the blue and red sections of the following update…

(18-20 April 2023) – This Week’s Gateway to Hell

This is the April 20 title note that relates to the update below…

My partner Onnabugeisha has noted that Joe Biden will be “going into the bunker” on Friday the 21st. He is reportedly traveling to Camp David at 5 PM and remaining there through the whole weekend. This is another bad sign for Friday.

On the Big Day, watch for things to emerge from the center of such a spiral…

…from AP News

In past updates, I’ve written about the globalist plan to simulate the opening of the gate to hell that leads to 150 days of misery for mankind (in the form of a 150-day war and/or a 150-day “Communist Reign of Terror”). Presumably, this 150-day period would end with the arrival of the Kabbalists’ Fake Moshiach ben David. And back in the 3 March update, I wrote this…

As the Kabbalists stand on the threshold of bringing in their Fake Jewish Messiah, it is their intention to schedule the major events that lead to his arrival on Jewish dates of significance. This will make it appear that the events were “set in motion by God in fulfillment of prophecy.”

We have now entered a time of the year in which there will be many opportunities to stage a gate opening that lands the end of the 150-day period on a significant day of the fall Jewish holidays. Should they “open the gate” this Friday, for example, the 150th day would fall on Rosh Hashanah Day 2, which is both the first Sunday of this year’s Rosh Hashanah and the Jewish anniversary of the very first Shabbat: the “7th Day of Creation when God rested from his work.” It would be a fitting day to allow the world to enjoy their “First Sabbath with the Messiah and a rest from the miseries of the End Time,” and it would mark the completion of the Kabbalists’ creation of the Fake Messianic Arrival.

Be advised that they may mark the opening of the gate to hell with a blue spiral in the sky somewhere (possibly over the Large Hadron Collider), like they did over Alaska on the morning of 4/15. Also be advised that my estimate could be a day off, with the event coming on Thursday or Saturday. Most likely, though, the event will span the days of Friday and Saturday (depending on the time zone you’re in), unless they delay again of course.

~ MORE ~

Here are the scripting cues that point to Friday the 21st (into Saturday the 22nd) being the Big Day…

  • The end of Ramadan (when Muslims would become more amenable to attacking the Israelis) comes at sunset of Thursday or Friday (depending on the sighting of the crescent moon, which if delayed will cause Friday to be another Quds Day with Ramadan ending at sunset — a bad combo).
  • Friday is the day after the hybrid solar eclipse (which features both a total eclipse and a “ring of fire” eclipse, an omen of doom and a symbol of Obama, so watch for a potential outrage from the commies on Thursday).
  • Friday is the day of a Moon-Mercury conjunction (the Moon is Artemis and Mercury is “the Messenger,” so it brings a message from Artemis).
  • Friday is April 21, the birthday of ancient Rome and “Nazi” Queen Elizabeth II, whose “untimely death” could be avenged by the Nazionists’ Artemis Orbital Weapons Array on her birthday, the same day “Global Rome” — the Nazionist New World Order — is conceived in fire.
  • Friday is the 21st day of the month = blackjack.
  • Friday is April 21, a day when Mars (“the war planet”) will be between the twins of the Gemini constellation…

    …from stellarium-web.org
  • Friday is April 21, the festival of Parilia in ancient Rome, in honor of Pales (the “Divine Twins“: remember this year’s updates about the Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux, and the 2012 London Olympic twin mascots, “Warlock and Mandevil,” who fell to Earth during a STORM).
  • Friday is another day during the ongoing Lyrids 2023 meteor shower, which peaks this weekend. Will the shower become a STORM?
  • Friday is options expiration day in the financial markets (a perfect time for insiders to harvest wealth and place their assets in “crash position”).
  • Saturday is the day the Greek parliament is scheduled to dissolve in advance of the coming elections. Reader Ronin states that there are Greek Orthodox prophecies about war with Turkey “when Greece has no government.” Another way for Greece to have no government is for Athens to get hit on Friday.

~ MORE ~

There is reason for the Kabbalists to schedule a papal funeral on April 25, so watch for the scripted death of Pope Francis from April 19-21. Alternatively, he could be scripted to resign on April 25. Details later…

~ MORE – 19-20 April 2023 ~

  1. In a longstanding setup prepared by the Kabbalists, the Vatican is scheduled to be destroyed on 9 May 2023 — which is Jewish Lag B’Omer this year, the 33rd day of the Omer Count — during a papal funeral or conclave. This is to occur exactly 1290 days after the “Pachamama Desecration” of 27 October 2019, when Pope Francis ordered an Amazonian blood sacrifice chalice disguised as a planter to be placed on the altar of St. Peter’s Basilica, a place reserved for bread and wine (representing the body and blood of Jesus) used for the Eucharist. 45 days after the Vatican is to be destroyed, on 23 June 2023, the globalists will attempt to gather up the Christians in a Fake Rapture: June 23 >>> 6/23 >>> Strong’s 623 – “Apollyon” “gatherer.” These events are scripted to mimic the prophecy offered in the Bible’s Book of Daniel, Chapter 12, specifically the 1290 days and 1335 days it mentions in verses 11-12.
  2. Upon looking further into things, there is a possibility that the Kabbalists are running the Daniel 12 time period (the full 1335 days) BEFORE the Revelation 12 time period (1260 days). This means that the Fake Rapture of June 23 would be immediately followed by the Red Dragon’s pursuit of the Church for 1260 days, with the “raptured” Christians who “fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for them to be nourished” supposedly being safe from the persecution. This means the Tribulation would end 1260 days after June 23, which is 4 December 2026, the day Hanukkah 2026 begins at sunset. SO THIS 7-YEAR (2019-2026) TRIBULATION BEGAN ON 27 OCTOBER 2019 – THE SAME TIME THE FIRST COVID CASE ORIGINATED IN CHINA: “A group of scientists estimate that the first case of Covid-19 emerged between October and mid-November 2019 in China” – from Forbes.
  3. (4/20) – So to recap: the first half of this scripted 7-Year Tribulation period began on 27 October 2019 (with the Pachamama Desecration and the Pandemic Psyop — a true tribulation for humanity), reaches its 1290-day mark on 9 May 2023 (with the destruction of the Vatican), and reaches its 1335-day mark (and end) on 23 June 2023 (with “the Satanic Fake Rapture of frightened and foolish Christians”). The second half begins on the same day the first half ends, 23 June (with the pursuit and persecution of the remaining Christians by the “Satanic Global Communist Deep State”), and will end at its 1260-day mark, 4 (or 5) December 2026, Hanukkah Day 1.
  4. BUT it’s quite possible that the Kabbalists will script the second half of the Tribulation as being cut short under the provision of Matthew 24:22“If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.” Under this scenario, the Nazionist Fake Jewish Messiah would show up to save us at some point. This could come as soon as Fake Rapture Day, 23 June, which comes 45 days after the Vatican’s destruction (remember Trump’s superhero NFT cards and their focus on the number 45). It could also come near or at the end of the 150-Day War (later this year or in a following year).

WARNING (16 April 2023): There is a rare hybrid solar eclipse coming on April 19-20, and it will be visible in the China Seas and Taiwan. The globalists will want to make use of it.

TITLE NOTE (16 April 2023): The globalists will have an opportunity tomorrow, April 17, to script an attack on Iran at the beginning of Laylat al-Qadr (the holiest night of the Muslim year), thus beginning a 33-day war that will culminate with the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah on Yom Yerushalayim (Israeli Jerusalem Day, 19 May 2023) OR beginning a longer war in which the “Turkish Muslim Antichrist’s” forces reach or conquer Jerusalem on 19 May. The script can also have the strike occur during the early morning hours of the 18th, after which “Israel will be punished for 38 days before the Fake Messiah arrives on Shavuot (this is a historical parallel to a previous 38-year punishment). SEE OUR UPDATED NOTES ON APRIL 17-18 FOR DETAILS.

TITLE NOTE (15 April 2023): Pope Francis is (now was) scripted to resign the papacy tomorrow on Orthodox Easter Sunday. This would have landed the start of his replacement conclave on May Day / Herzl Day — a good day to fulfill the prophecies of Rome’s destruction with an Artemis attack (to be blamed on the communists). SEE MY PARTNER’S NOTES ON THIS (THE NOTES ALSO COVER POTENTIAL MISCHIEF INVOLVING TRUMP).

TITLE NOTE (15 April 2023): Get this: today, 4/15, marks 415 days since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Remembering Strong’s 415, it looks like we avoided something really big today (like a massive expansion of the war there).

NOTE (14 April 2023): As Onnabugeisha covered in her notes, Strong’s 415 (mentioned in today’s first update) applies to the whole day of Saturday 4/15

Strong’s Hebrew 415 – El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob
Strong’s Greek 415 – aneleemon: without compassion, cruel

So April 15 is/was scripted to be a day of merciless blood sacrifice — a sacrifice that will start the final chain of events that brings in Chabad’s Fake Moshiach (Jewish Messiah). Let’s hope exposure will works its magic again and buy us another week. Life is bought as life is lived: one day at a time.

TITLE NOTE (14 April 2023): Looking ahead to tomorrow, Saturday the 15th, the 150-Day War will still be in play. 4/15 is the day all the big occult indicators hit, and if it becomes Day 1 of the war, Day 150 will hit on 9/11 (which this year is the Jewish day of 25 Elul, “the first day of creation”). Tomorrow is an exceptionally hazardous day.

(14 April 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the update below…

Some sneaky Kabbalist numerology has dictated that we must watch for their last chance to start the war today when Biden embarks on his return to America. SEE TODAY’S (4/14) LATEST UPDATE BELOW FOR DETAILS…

Here’s something curious and “final chancy”: Air Force One is scheduled to depart Dublin for the US at 7:05 PM Washington, DC time

Strong’s 705 (Greek/Hebrew) – “to number” “forty

So if today is Day 40, what was Day 1? – As it turns out, it was March 6 / 13 Adar (the Fast of Esther, and the day in 356 BC when the Jews launched attacks on their enemies throughout the Persian Empire — the empire under which all the Jews of that day lived, kinda like the “American Empire” of today). So “after restraining themselves for 40 days and 40 nights,” will the Jews finally launch their attack today? And will Air Force One get shot down or will Biden “die suddenly” after embarking on his return to America?

The Eris solar conjunction will occur at 10:50 PM Washington DC time, while Biden is in the air (the domain of the Prince of the Power of the Air). And here’s the kicker: 10:50 PM Washington time is exactly 3 hours and 45 minutes [345] after Air Force One’s scheduled 7:05 PM departure, and the 356 BC Jewish attack happened on the Jewish year of 3405 [345]. What are the odds all of this is just a coincidence? It’s obviously the work of superstitious Kabbalist dildos.

Application for mischief rejected.

(14 April 2023) – According to Joe Biden’s official schedule, he’ll be giving his speech at St. Muredach’s Cathedral at 4:15 PM Washington DC time (9:15 PM Ireland time)…

Strong’s Hebrew 415 – El Elohe Yisrael: “the mighty God of Israel,” an altar of Jacob
Strong’s Greek 415 – aneleemon: without compassion, cruel

So the Cathedral is/was scripted to be a place of merciless blood sacrifice — a sacrifice that will start the final chain of events that brings in Chabad’s Fake Moshiach (Jewish Messiah). And this sacrifice is/was scheduled to occur after sunset at the Cathedral (after the Jewish Sabbath begins there) and during daylight in Washington (fulfilling the first Day of Darkness).

That being said, I’d be quite surprised if they went ahead with it now. There will be other opportunities next weekend and during May. Just to be sure we’ve covered everything, though — and because my site is under brute-force attack today (possibly by North Korea’s cyber army of TRS-80s) — I’ve added new 4/14-15 notes from Onnabugeisha on North Korea (they are “4/14-15” notes because it can be 4/14 in the US when 4/15 events happen in Korea).

TITLE NOTE (13 April 2023): Be advised that US Strategic Command have mobilized the US nuclear forces under cover of the Global Thunder 23 exercise. It started on 4/11 and will likely continue through the second opportunity to start this weekend’s war (which will come on April 21-22).

NOTE (13 April 2023): See my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on April 14-15 for more information on what is/was planned for this Friday-Sunday weekend. As a preview, here are two of her notes on “Eris/Discordia Day” (Saturday the 15th)…

Notre-Dame fire (Wikipedia)
Date: 15 April 2019, 4 years ago

[Ken’s Note: Remember that Notre Dame’s spire was incinerated in the blaze; see today’s title notes for another cathedral spire that may burn tomorrow in Ireland. Also watch for violence against the “Jupiterian” Macron.]

1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre (Wikipedia)
Date: 15 April 1989 – 4 June 1989, 34 years ago
from timeanddate com, On this day – April 15

[Ken’s Note: Remember that Trump recently got hit with 34 felony charges. Two days later, Israel got hit with 34 rockets fired from Lebanon. And this Saturday, China gets hit with the 34th anniversary of Tiananmen Square. Kabbalists and their silly numbers…]

(12-13 April 2023) – An Eris/Discordia solar conjunction is nearly here and this happens?…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Here are the April 12-13 title notes on the war window we enter on Thursday evening…

(4/12) – There is a post-Passover danger of a globalist-scripted intifada / multi-front attack on Israel from Thursday evening to Saturday evening (Jerusalem time). As was noted in the bolded 4/11 title note below, Friday is Quds Day (Jerusalem Day) for the Muslims, and it segues into the Jewish Sabbath at sunset. And this particular Sabbath Day, 24 Nisan, is the anniversary of the very first Sabbath, which was celebrated after the Exodus Hebrews crossed the Red Sea and were finally beyond Pharaoh’s grasp. So this Friday-Saturday’s Sabbath provides an opportunity for the Kabbalists to script “a sinful Israel falling back into the grasp of Pharaoh (Obama) and his Muslim allies.” Additionally, there is a “sign in the heavens” to support this scripting: a solar conjunction of the dwarf planet Eris on 15 April (Saturday) at 5:50 AM Jerusalem time. Eris was named after “Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Her Roman equivalent is Discordia, which means the same. Eris’s Greek opposite is Harmonia, whose Roman counterpart is Concordia. Homer equated her with the war-goddess Enyo, whose Roman counterpart is Bellona.” – from a Google Search on (eris mythology).

(4/13) – There are two potential strikepoints for a staged assassination of Joe Biden during the remainder of his stay in Ireland. They can hit him on Thursday while he is supposedly spending the night at the Deerfield Residence in PHOENIX Park, Dublin [after having twice rung the “Peace Bell” (war bell) there earlier in the day]. And on Friday evening, they could hit him during his speech outside St. Muredach’s Cathedral in Ballina — its spire was designed by an architect named James Joseph McCarthy, providing an occult connection to the American anti-communist crusader Joseph McCarthy. There is also a connection between the Cathedral saint and St. Patrick (“who drove the snakes out of Ireland”).

Onnabugeisha’s notes for today have reminded me that Friday the 14th is Orthodox Good Friday, Saturday the 15th is Orthodox Black Saturday (the “Harrowing of Hell”), and Sunday the 16th is Orthodox Easter. And at nightfall on Friday, the Jews count “9 Days to the Omer”; at nightfall on Sunday, “11 Days to the Omer” – 9/11. These three days present another “3 Days of Darkness” opportunity, with the intervention coming after sunset on Easter Sunday. Watch for something bad to happen to Trump and Netanyahu (and perhaps Putin) during the day on Friday, and for something bad to happen to Biden after sunset. Biden could also get hit tonight, which would set the dark events of Friday in motion. Optional follow-on or alternative events may continue into the May Jewish holidays.

Should the globalists opt for the “150-Day War” option instead of the “3 Days of Darkness” option tomorrow (4/14), the war will end on 9/11. And this year, September 11 corresponds to the Jewish day of 25 Elul, “the 1st day of creation, on which G-d created existence, time, matter, darkness and light” (according to the Kabbalists). So the Fake Jewish Messiah would arrive on that day to start a new creation, the “Messianic Era.”

(11-12 April 2023) – These are the April 11-12 title notes — I’ll sort them out a little later. The 4/11 note about Quds Day has been bolded

(4/12) – It would appear that the Passover war plans have been abandoned. Netanyahu has now banned non-Muslims from entering the Temple Mount until the end of Ramadan. But this situation will emerge again as we approach the Jewish holidays of May.

(4/11) – See the following notes on China for April 12 (Wednesday); they can be used to script the Chinese part of World War 3 or the end of the Chinese Communist Party tomorrow: (https://redefininggod.com/2023/04/onnabugeishas-china-notes-for-april-12-2023-a-repost-of-the-planned-chinese-civil-war/)

(4/11) – Updated Note: It is past sunset in Israel today, so they have entered the Jewish date of 21 Nisan (when Pharaoh’s chariots pursued the Hebrews into the Red Sea to subjugate them). The conflict can begin at any time, but if they’re running a “Three Days of Darkness” scenario, the fireworks may start at some point after sunrise of 4/12 (it may also happen while Biden is touring Stormont, STORM mountain, in Northern Ireland). And it would end after sunset on the 14th.

(4/11) – I’ve figured out another reason why the Kabbalists are including Friday: in case they need another day to run a “Three Days of Darkness” scenario. This would have the Fake Jewish Messiah arrive in Jerusalem after sunset on Friday when Shabbat begins. And this Shabbat falls on the anniversary of the very first Shabbat, which was celebrated right after the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea and were finally beyond the grasp of Pharaoh. So on the anniversary of the very first Shabbat they may celebrate the very first Shabbat with the “Moshiach” (the Fake Jewish Messiah chosen by the Kabbalists). Hooray for the Jews?!?

(4/11) – The globalists have now activated Friday, April 14 as a war date. In a propaganda piece released on an Italian website, they repeat the talking points about an imminent multi-front Muslim attack on Israel led by the “ghost of Qasem Soleimani,” stating “Israel’s security establishment is preparing for ‘World Jerusalem Day’ which falls on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, believing that the Iranian-led ‘axis of evil’ may try to surprise Israel at that very moment.” This may be an indication that they’ve pushed the war date out of Passover, but more likely it’s meant to establish a “deadline” by which Israel intends to “preemptively attack” — meaning the conflict will come before Friday.

(4/11) – Jordanian news site Al Bawaba has chimed in on the Israeli strike on Maher al-Assad’s compound, suggesting that Maher was not present but Ismail Qaani was injured (https://www.albawaba.com/node/was-maher-assad-targeted-israeli-airstrike-1515050). This could mean that the globalists are walking back the story and abandoning their plans. It could also mean that they’re mimicking the assassination story of Ali ibn Abi Talib, who forbade retaliation against his assassin until he died. Ali died on 21 Ramadan, which is tomorrow, April 12 (and the 21st, blackjack, on both the Hebrew and Islamic calendars). Is that the day Ismail Qaani will “die”? Is that the day the Nazionist Space Force will hit us with “Day X” using the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array? Will the Space Force then swoop in after sunset with their “exotic assets” to stop a “retaliatory” all-sides nuclear launch and pose as our saviors? Details are below, with more to come…

(10 April 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the update below…

Will “God” and “the Avatars” and their allies (Putin, Xi, Trump, Netanyahu, Modi, Bolsonaro, Kim Jong Un, et al.) and their muscle (the US Secret Space Program/Space Force and/or the fake ETs) save us from World War III and free the world from the grasp of Pharaoh Obama and his Global Communist Deep State on Wednesday, 21 Nisan? More on this later…

Speaking of “the Avatars saving us on Wednesday” thing I mentioned in today’s title note, look at the incredible numbers Onnabugeisha has found for that day…

4/12 (Wednesday)
International Day of Human Space Flight

United States Space Force (Wikipedia)
Founded: 20 December 2019, 3 years 3 months 23 days ago -> 3323
Bible Strong’s Greek 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ

Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) are a series of non-binding multilateral agreements between the United States government and other world governments participating in the Artemis Program
Signed: 13 October 2020, 911 days ago

So will the “Avatars” and their allies enforce their takedown of the “commies” with UFOs/UAPs or the more conventional kinetic weapons of the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array? We’ll look at that tomorrow, events permitting, when I cover the scenario.

The scripting indicators for 4/11 been added to the following update in red.

(Thrice-Expanded Note – 10 April 2023) – Is/Was this meant to be the 19 Nisan war spark I wrote about yesterday (an attack on the Assads and Iranian leaders)…

Reports are coming in indicating that a missile strike by an “unknown” aircraft, killed the BROTHER of Syria President Bashar Assad along with some Iranian officials in Syria.

Again, these reports are, as yet, UNCONFIRMED. Working to get more info. – from Homeland Security disinfo agent Hal Turner

If the globalists opt to confirm these “unconfirmed reports,” watch for Israel to false-flag a missile attack on themselves and begin their war of territorial expansion. Netanyahu remains a false-flag target for a “precision-guided Iranian weapon.” Here’s another excerpt from the Jerusalem Post article I wrote about today…

[Hezbollah’s] power has also grown exponentially since then. It not only has an arsenal of more than 100,000 rockets, but it has developed more sophisticated systems, such as precision-guided munitions.

~ MORE ~

Citing “Israeli sources,” a site called “Atlas News” reported yesterday that the IRGC Quds Force commander, Ismail Qaani, was killed in an airstrike on the home of Maher al-Assad (Bashar Assad’s brother). But this site too says it is “unconfirmed.”

There’s also this report posted on The Syrian Observer.

~ MORE ~

The report posted on The Syrian Observer states that the “Israeli” hit on the Assad compound occurred “in the early hours of Sunday morning.” So if it turns out to be factual, the assassinations likely came before I wrote about it and a day earlier than I would have expected. But upon checking my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Sunday the 9th, I found this…

4/9 (Sunday)

April 9 is the 99th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 266 days remain until the end of the year.

[Strong’s] Greek 266. hamartia: a sin, failure Usage: prop: missing the mark; hence: (a) guilt, sin, (b) a fault, failure (in an ethical sense), sinful deed

Hamartia (Wikipedia)… the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster. Pope Francis is the 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

So if the strike did occur and the Israelis are the ones who did it, this may be the Israeli Mistake the prophecy propagandists have been talking about for years. AND ISRAEL MAY BE SCRIPTED TO FACE BIG TROUBLE TOMORROW (see the 9 April War Plan update below).

~ MORE ~

The occult cues my partner Onnabugeisha has found for April 11 support the scripting of conflict between Israel and Iran. Here are her raw notes…

4/11 (Tuesday, the Latin name dies Martis = “day of Mars”)
Mars: God of war, guardian of agriculture and the Roman people
Symbols: Spear, Sword, Shield
Festivals: among others May 14 Mars Invictus (Israeli Declaration of Independence)
Children: Romulus and Remus (twin brothers whose story tells of the events that led to the founding of the city of Rome)

Jewish calendar: 20 Nisan (1/20 or 7/20) Pesach VI, 5th day of the Omer
Islamic calendar: Ramadan 20 (9/20)

Jupiter at solar conjunction
TUE, 11 APR 2023 AT 21:55 UTC (9:55 PM) -> 1315 minutes into the day
Strong’s Greek 955. Beliar: “lord of the forest,” Beliar, a name of Satan
Usage: Belial, a demon, and in fact a name for Satan.
Strong’s Greek 1315. diacheirizomai: I lay my hands upon, slay, kill
2 Occurrences one of them is
Acts 5:30 (KJB)
The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.

Islamic calendar:
• Ramadan (calendar month) (Wikipedia) -> events: 20 Ramadan, the Conquest of Mecca (Wikipedia) by Muhammad. It marked the end of paganism in the Arabian Peninsula
(-> Dates: Ancient sources vary as to the dates of these events.)

• Ebrahim Raisi, the 8th and current president of Iran
Assumed office: Tuesday, 8/3/2021, 88 weeks ago
or 616 day ago [616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (to 666)]

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program ..between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) together with the European Union.
Created: Tuesday, 14 July 2015, 404 weeks ago [44]
Iran deal reached, Obama hails step towards ‘more hopeful world’ (reuters com) or YouTube The President Announces a Historic Nuclear Deal with Iran.

• 2021 Natanz incident (Wikipedia)
Iran says Natanz nuclear site hit by terrorism – TV (reuters com)
Date: 4/11/2021

• Iran claims nuclear breakthrough (theguardian com)
Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has announced that his country has succeeded in enriching uranium while insisting that Tehran has no plans to produce nuclear weapons.
Date: Tuesday, 4/11/2006, 17 years ago

• Tel Aviv (Wikipedia), the most populous (or second most populous) city and the economic and technological center of Israel.
Founded: 4/11/1909 = 20 Nisan 5669, 114 years ago

• Passing of Nachmanides (1270)
Torah scholar, Kabbalist, philosopher, physician and Jewish leader
Date: 11 Nisan 5030 (chabad org) = 4/11/1270 (proleptic Gregorian), 753 years ago
Strong’s Greek 753. architektón: a master builder

Jewish calendar:
• 2002 Siege of the Church of the Nativity (Wikipedia) the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in the West Bank was besieged by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), targeting suspected Palestinian militants who had taken shelter in the church.
Date: 2 April – 10 May 2002 = 20 Nisan

(10 April 2023) – I came across something this morning that made me laugh. While I was writing about the Kabbalist war plan yesterday, the Kabbalists were laying the groundwork for what I was writing about…

…from The Jerusalem Post. Here are some key passages…

A week of attacks on Israel, including rockets fired from Lebanon, Gaza and Syria, represents the manifestation of an Iranian strategy to confront Israel with multiple threats on different fronts. Although different groups may be behind the attacks from those places, these groups are likely all linked to Iran. The groups involved include Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and others that may go by different or new names, but which are proxies of Tehran…

The Islamic Republic also supported Islamic Jihad, which is even more of an Iranian proxy than Hamas. The group not only has an arsenal thought to include thousands of rockets, but it has gunmen in the West Bank and its leadership often resides in Damascus

The multi-front war is made possible by Iran’s entrenchment in Syria. In the past, it could threaten Israel using Hezbollah in Lebanon or Islamic Jihad in the West Bank and Gaza, and Hamas in Gaza. Israel has launched operations to neutralize the Jihad and Hamas threats in the past. Since last year, it has also been battling Jihad gunmen in Jenin and other Palestinian factions that are emboldened against the Jewish state.

Israel has generally tried to isolate these threats, or at least manage these conflicts. Overall, it has concentrated more heavily on the Iranian threat and containing Iranian entrenchment in Syria. This operation has been called the “War Between the Wars” campaign and it has gone on for several years, involving many airstrikes on sites in Syria. This has also involved larger operations such as Operation House of Cards in Syria in 2018. Islamic Jihad was also targeted there in November 2019.

Nevertheless, the Iranian threat has not gone away and its proxies and allies appear to have begun a multi-front conflict with Israel over the past week. This involved the Iranian drone operation on April 1, Gaza rocket fire from April 5-7 and 34 rockets fired at Israel from Lebanon on Passover, April 6. In addition, there was rocket fire from Syria on April 8 and 9. There were also shooting attacks in the West Bank and a drone launched from Gaza on April 3.

When one looks at the larger picture, the Iranian octopus of partners and groups is seeking to threaten Israel from multiple areas. This is also unprecedented in terms of the rocket fire from Lebanon and Syria over such a small period of time. In general, peace has prevailed along the Lebanese border since 2006. Now Iran is showing it can heat up any border using various groups whenever it wants to.

As you can see, the article lays out the Israeli rationale for striking Damascus, invading Lebanon and Syria (along with the Gaza Strip), and locking down the West Bank. And as always, Kabbalist numerology is featured: note that 34 rockets where supposedly fired from Lebanon two days after Trump got hit with 34 felony charges. Upon doing a quick number search, I found Strong’s 340: to renew hostility.”

NOTE: If Damascus gets hit hard tomorrow, the attack may bear a resemblance to the August 4, 2020 Beirut Port Explosion (another explosion the Turkish Muslim Antichrist had motive to cause). Come tomorrow, that was 139 weeks and 6 days ago (1396).

Strong’s Hebrew 1396: gabar: to be strong, mighty; to prevail.
Strong’s Greek 1396: doulagógeó: to enslave, fig. subdue; bring into subjection.

These words fit what the Turks have been trying to do to the Syrians, don’t they?


(Enhanced Note – 9 April 2023) – To see how the Kabbalists will script the unfolding of the Middle East War, let’s look at the Hebrew and Islamic calendars and the historical events that fell on the four dates ahead…

Monday, April 10 (Gregorian)
19 Nisan (Hebrew): Purim Fossanothe Jews (of Fossano, Italy) are saved by a falling bomb.
19 Ramadan (Islamic): Ali Ibn Abi Talib was wounded by an enemy. He was Muhammad’s successor and his followers became the Shia branch of Islam (Iran’s branch).
On this day, watch for an Israeli attack on Iran or its leadership. Alternatively, watch for an apparently Israeli attack on Bashar Assad, an Alawite Muslim (they venerate Ali ibn Abi Talib) who was born on a 9/11, and for the possible destruction of Damascus.

Tuesday, April 11 (4/11)
20 Nisan: Pharaoh Corners the Jews at the Red Sea.
20 Ramadan: The Conquest of Mecca.
Watch for a full-on attack against Israel — possibly in response to Israel’s Monday attack (or the Turkish Muslim Antichrist’s false-flag attack on Damascus that gets blamed on Israel) — by means of an intifada and possibly mass missile strikes. The Palestinians will attempt to seize Jerusalem.

Wednesday, April 12
21 Nisan: God intervenes, the Red Sea splits, the Jews are saved, and their enemies drown.”
21 Ramadan: Ali Ibn Abi Talib dies of his injury.
Watch for a repeat of history or a “Satanic inversion” of it: the Jewish Messiah’s “Chariots of Fire” intervene to save Israel or Israel begins drowning from the overwhelming Muslim attack.

Thursday, April 13
22 Nisan: The Moshiach’s Meal and the Encirclement of Jericho.
Watch for the Jewish Messiah to stand in Jerusalem at the end of Three Days of Darkness, or for the Muslim armies to encircle Jerusalem and Israel. “The Zionist Entity” may fall completely as soon as 28 Nisan (April 19), the day Jericho’s walls fell, and their shocking collapse over these days would represent the beginning of God’s Final Chastisement of a sinful Israel as predictively programmed by Kabbalist prophecy propagandist Joel Richardson.


“Let no one deceive you in any way, for it will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness—the son of destruction—is revealed.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:3

These are the title notes that preceded the update below…

(4/8) – If the globalists hope to launch the new 2023-2026 Obama Tribulation Timeline outlined in yesterday’s (4/7) update, the “commies” must move on Trump (playing Jesus) before the end of the weekend in one of three ways: 1) he must die on the day Jesus was resurrected (a Satanic inversion), 2) he must return to his tomb on the day he was found missing from his tomb (another Satanic inversion – this one involving Trump being arrested and taken to the Manhattan Detention Complex, known as “The Tombs,” 3) he must disappear like Jesus disappeared from his tomb. The numbers can also work if they act against him on Easter Monday, and this would provide a nice tie-in to the Biden assassination scenario in Northern Ireland (given the Easter Rising that occurred in Ireland on Easter Monday of 1916). Biden’s assassination after the move on Trump would allow Barack or Michelle Obama to rise to the vice presidency under Kamala Harris.

(4/8) – Upon checking Wikipedia – which tends to reflect the globalists’ official story on things – I found that Jesus supposedly died in the year 30 AD or 33 AD. This means that if they start the new Obama Tribulation on Sunday or Monday, they can run a full 7-year Obama Tribulation that runs to 2030 (landing on Pesach Sheni of 2030 if they start it tomorrow). They can also run a 3.5 year Obama Tribulation that segues into a 7-year Putin Tribulation that runs to 2033. I’ll be looking further into the exact dates/numbers of both options.

(4/9) – If the globalists opt to go with the “second half of Obama’s Tribulation segues into a full Putin Tribulation” option starting today or tomorrow, I’ve found the first half of Obama’s Trib: it started on Monday, 28 October 2019 when Barack and Michelle Obama were in Chicago to start the Third Obama Foundation Summit – Trump was also in Chicago that day: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/10/obama-chicago-foundation-summit/601054/ Details to come…

(9 April 2023) – Should the globalists choose to activate it, it will be said that Barack Obama’s Second Tribulation — his first spanned the years of 2009-2016 — began on 28 October 2019 with Satan and God’s opposing servants REVEALING THEIR PURPOSE.”

“Satan’s servant, the Antichrist Barack Obama” stood in Chicago on that day and declared his intention to continue and expand the policies that turned his city into a hellhole, spreading them throughout the United States and the world through his private army of Obama Foundation activists…

…from Obama.org

And “God’s servant, the Messiah Donald Trump” stood in Chicago, the home turf of the “Man of Lawlessness,” and declared his intention to restore law and order…

…from Politico

“From that point forward, a great conflict ensued, with the Antichrist gaining the upper hand and ultimately defeating the Messiah…

on the 1260th day, 9 April 2023 (or)
1260 days later on 10 April 2023.”

So this covers the first half of Obama’s potential Second Tribulation. Now let’s look at the second half…

(coming later, if necessary)

NOTE (8 April 2023): Onnabugeisha’s new notes for April 8-9 can be found here. I’ve bolded and highlighted in red the notes that support the scripting of Erdogan’s fall on 17 Ramadan / April 8.

(7 April 2023) – These are the title notes that accompanied the update below…

If the globalists decide to proceed in launching the Final Intifada today (4/7), it will happen after sunset in Israel so the Muslims can attack the Jews in their synagogues on Shabbat (just like the Jews attacked the Muslims inside Al Aqsa Mosque this week). After sunset also marks the beginning of the Islamic day of Ramadan 17, the anniversary of the Battle of Badr, “in Islamic history, [a] major military victory led by the Prophet Muhammad that marked a turning point for the early Muslim community (ummah) from a defensive stance toward one of stability and expansion.” – from Britannica.com

After sunset in Israel is after noon (12:02 PM) in Washington DC, so the Trump and Netanyahu dramas would also start after that time. And Vladimir Putin may face an attack as well (with Sergei Shoigu playing the role of Judas).

Ramadan 17 (which has just begun in Israel and Turkey) may also be scripted to bring the overthrow of Erdogan at the hands of the “Turkish Muslim Antichrist” character. See Onnabugeisha’s notes for April 8.


A “commie” Tribulation that could start this Easter weekend

My partner Onnabugeisha has done a numbers study on “Obama as Pharaoh,” and she’s found that a new 3.5-year communist Tribulation period can be started this weekend if the globalists decide to throw the Easter victory to Obamy’s Commies (by taking Trump, Netanyahu, and possibly Putin off the board). To preclude the running of this scenario, let’s have a look at it (straight from Onnabugeisha’s notes)…

In the Bible, Pharaoh has the number 6547.
Strong’s Hebrew 6547. Paroh: a title of Egypt kings
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
Pharaoh Of Egyptian derivation; Paroh, a general title of Egyptian kings — Pharaoh.

And this number is not so easy to reach clearly. For example 6 years 547 days is 7 years and about 6 months, 65 months 47 days is 66 months 16-17 days etc. (But I think they use the numbers in this way too). I was looking for a clear 6547 in relation to Obama (hidden 6547s are almost all gone anyway).

Here are my two points:

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 and he will turn 65 years 47 days on 9/20/2026 = Erev Yom Kippur and after sunset Yom Kippur

and 65 years 4 months 7 days on 12/11/2026 = Hanukkah Day 7-8

4/9/2023 + 1260 days = 9/20/2026 (after sunset Yom Kippur)
4/9/2023 + 1335 days = 12/4/2026 (after sunset Hanukkah Day 1)
4/8/2023 + 42 months = 10/8/2026, and it will be exactly 6547 days since Barack Obama was elected president (2008 US presidential election was held on 11/4)

biblestudy org – In Scripture, the meaning of the number 42 is derived from its direct connection to the coming Antichrist. His evil efforts will last forty-two months in the end time, and thus it is firmly associated with him.

[Ken’s Note: According to globalist prophecy doctrine, the first half of the 7-year Tribulation Period lasts for 1260 days, and the second half lasts for 1335 days. 3.5 years, which is 42 months, is also associated with a half of the Tribulation.]

(6 April 2023) – These are the title notes and warnings that accompanied the update below…

WARNING (6 April 2023): 1) Joe Biden is going into hiding — supposedly at Camp David — from this afternoon through Sunday (all of Easter weekend); 2) According to overhyped press reports, Trump has triggered the scripted “incendiary remarks that lead to MAGA terrorism” trap by talking about the New York judge’s family and Alvin Bragg after being warned to stop — now we await the “MAGA” false-flag on one of those he’s mentioned (an attack on Bragg would allow them to play up the “white supremacist” angle); 3) Onnabugeisha has identified occult scripting cues that point to Biden as Pontius Pilate on Good Friday, April 7; 4) Saturday, April 8 presents an excellent opportunity for the globalists to order the corrupt Palestinian leaders to launch the Final Intifada.



See today’s (4/6) update below for critical information.

Watch for the possibility of Netanyahu being taken out with an Israeli or Russian (from Shoigu) missile fired from Lebanon or Syria

Let me start today’s update with some critical information I’ve written about before: Israel’s excuse to expand their lands into Lebanon and Syria and their secret tunnels into Lebanon (and almost certainly Syria too).

In order to fulfill their part of the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan Alliance plan for territorial expansion, Israel will be launching a ground offensive into southern Lebanon and Syria. And their excuse for doing so will be “to stop Hezbollah and the (Iranian) Quds Force from launching Iranian missiles into Israel from those areas.” THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THIS EXCUSE IS IN PLAY NOW. But the trouble with it is that there’s a very good chance that the IDF and Mossad are the ones who are actually firing the missiles. Have a look at this excerpt from the 11 December 2018 update (>>> in red <<<)…

>>> As for the other option of firing ground-launched ballistic missiles from Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon or Iran, that would be more problematic, but doable… to get one into Lebanon would likely involve digging a tunnel from Israel into Lebanon and moving a Jericho II missile through it to an underground silo.

On the matter of Israeli tunnel-digging into Lebanon, have a look at what this article from The Times of Israel says…

…Here is an excerpt…

As far back as 2014, residents of northern towns raised the alarm regarding the possibility of the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror group tunneling below the border to carry out attacks…

Manelis told Army Radio that the tunnels identified by the IDF were not necessarily located in areas where residents had complained of noise.

“Hezbollah tunnels are not an immediate threat, and we have ruled out the existence of tunnels in places where residents reported digging noise — the location of the tunnels does not necessarily coincide with the complaints of the civilians,” he said.

The attack tunnels were long rumored to have been dug from southern Lebanon into Israeli territory by the Iran-backed terror group, but Israeli defense officials repeatedly either denied their existence or refused to discuss the matter.

MK Itzik Shmuli of the opposition Zionist Union faction tweeted Tuesday that “it is amazing that those who mocked the residents’ reports of excavation noise are now telling us with a straight face that it is a serious and concrete threat.”

In 2014, residents of the town of Zarit were so concerned by the noise and what they perceived to be inaction from the IDF after they submitted complaints that they announced their intention to start an independent digging operation, saying they would coordinate any finds with the IDF.

As you can see, northern Israelis heard tunneling noises under their homes as far back as 2014, but the IDF “denied their existence,” “refused to discuss the matter,” and “mocked the residents’ report of excavation noise.” So why would the IDF respond in such a manner?…


To maintain the coverup, the IDF are now putting on a show (Operation Northern Shield) of looking for Hezbollah tunnels in an area away from where people were hearing the excavation noises. They wouldn’t want to dig up their own tunnels, now, would they?

Here’s another article that unintentionally sheds light on the subject…

…from Israel Today

The operation against Hezbollah was launched hours after Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benyamin Netanyahu met US Secretary of Defense Mike Pompeo in Brussels, Belgium where he discussed “a list of developments in the region” with the Secretary.

One of these developments is Iran’s increasing belligerent activity in Lebanon where it has built underground missile facilities which manufacture guided ballistic missiles…

The Americans are training and equipping 30.000 men of the Syrian Democratic Forces who will confront the Quds Force and Iranian-backed Shiite militias in northern and eastern Syria while the U.S. uses local Iraqi Sunni militias against the Iranian-backed Hashd al-Shaabi umbrella organization of predominantly Shiite militias in northern Iraq.

So by saying that Iran and Hezbollah have built underground missile facilities in Lebanon, the media are preparing people to believe that any ballistic missiles fired from hidden underground silos there are Iran and Hezbollah’s…

Of course, building the tunnels and silos to make it look like Iran and Hezbollah were firing the missiles would be a more effective setup if people in Lebanon witnessed the launch. For this reason, the Israelis will position Arab sellouts in the right places to get cellphone videos of the missiles rising from the ground. They’ll be shouting “Allahu Akbar!” to cement the idea that it’s a Muslim launch. Afterwards, the Israelis will collapse the tunnels and hit the silos with “retaliatory” airstrikes to cover up the evidence. <<<

Watch for the possibility of Netanyahu being taken out with one of those missiles — the scripting for this is written in the occult cues. Here are some of Onnabugeisha’s notes for April 7-8 [with my additions in brackets]…

4/7 (Friday) or 4/6 inclusive

• Benjamin Netanyahu, the 9th and current Prime Minister of Israel
born: 21 October 1949, 3833 weeks old (inclusive on 4/6)
Strong’s Greek 3833. panoplia: full armor
Strong’s Hebrew 3833. labiy’: great
Definition: a lion

[These cues hint at Netanyahu the Lion putting on his full armor (a defensive move) in the face of his scripted enemy, “commie” Pharaoh Obama…]

4/8 (Saturday) or 4/7 inclusive

Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus. (Vladimir Putin visited Syria, en.kremlin ru).
Date: January 7, 2020, 1187 days ago
Strong’s Greek 1187. dexiolabos: probably a spearman or slinger
Usage: one posted on the right hand, a spear-man.
1 Occurrence Acts 23:23 (NIV)
Then he called two of his centurions and ordered them, “Get ready a detachment of two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea at nine tonight.
(Strong’s Greek 1188. dexios: the right hand or side)

[Netanyahu’s private home is in Caesarea, so this cue points to him. And Sergei Shoigu is Putin’s right hand man. Will his spear (missile) be the one that pierces Netanyahu’s armor?]

(5 April 2023) – Mike Pence as the Good Judas

These are the title notes that accompanied the update below…

ALERT: The Israeli government took action yesterday to trigger the Final Intifada during Passover. This “Passover Intifada” would initiate a sequence of events that will lead to the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan Alliance’s attack on Iran. It should be noted that during the original Passover, the “angel of death” struck at midnight on the first night, which arrives in Jerusalem about 3 hours after I post this (midnight in Jerusalem = 4 PM Texas time), so the Final Intifada could start as soon as then. AN ADDITIONAL DAY TO WATCH FOR THIS IS SATURDAY, APRIL 8 (for reasons I’ll explain a little later).

Do you remember when Mike Pence betrayed Donald Trump in the Senate on January 6 and received a coin after doing so, like Judas did after betraying Jesus? Will the globalist script narrate that Trump asked Pence to do it? See “Mike Pence as the Good Judas” below…

(4-5 April 2023) – My partner Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on April 5 can be found here. I’ll be reviewing them tonight and adding any notes by noon tomorrow.

~ MORE – 5 April 2023 ~

In the 4 January 2023 Warning, I wrote this…

Behold America’s Third Catholic President…

…Cover from The Atlantic. Note Pence’s Right Hand Path VVV/vav-vav-vav/666 hand sign. He is the “Grey Champion” who emerges during “The Storm”

Given Pence’s history, we can expect his NWO to be anti-Putin UNLESS the globalists’ Truth Tsunami narrative states that “Pence was fully cooperating with Trump by playing Good Cop to the Deep State while Trump played Bad Cop.”

Well Onnabugeisha has identified the occult underpinning for such a “Pence is actually one of the good guys” narrative…

Judas helped Jesus, Re: 4/5 Mike Pence is Judas
to make it even more complicated … -> Judas ‘helped Jesus save mankind’

Gospel of Judas (britannica com), apocryphal Christian scripture from the 2nd century ad attributed to the apostle Judas Iscariot. The gospel advances a Gnostic cosmology and portrays Judas in a positive light as the only apostle who fully understands Jesus’ teachings.

Gospel of Judas (Wikipedia)
On April 6, 2006 (Thursday, 17 years ago) , “the National Geographic Society in the US published the first translation of the text from Coptic to English … and showed some of the papyrus pages for the first time.”

Lost Gospel Revealed; Says Jesus Asked Judas to Betray Him

BBC News (April 7, 2006). Judas ‘helped Jesus save mankind‘”. BBC News.

Saint Peter’s Square
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
Judas Iscariot and Matthias (vatican va)

BTW, noting Pence’s hand sign on The Atlantic cover shown above, I remembered something I wrote about in the 19 January 2020 update…

Speaking of the “Antichristy” things I talk about in the Timetable article… I suddenly find myself noticing that Pope Francis gave the “vav vav vav” / “666” hand sign when he made his first appearance as Pope…

…He did it in a subtle way (by offsetting his thumb), but with the two fingers held together like they were, it’s clear that the hand sign was intentional. Try making the sign with your own hand; it just isn’t natural or comfortable.

~ MORE ~

Here are some additional raw notes from Onnabugeisha…

gotquestions org: How did Judas die?
“Matthew says that Judas died by hanging. Luke says that Judas fell into a field and that his body ruptured.”

On 30-31 March 2023, you wrote:
“This brought to mind something I’ve seen in the I, Pet Goat 2 predictive programming video… from YouTube. Note what’s on the chalkboard: a house on fire, a shark, and a hangman gallows”…

-> The Hanged Man (tarot card) (Wikipedia) “the card is meant to represent self-sacrifice more so than it does corporal punishment or criminality…In other interpretations, The Hanged Man is a depiction of the Norse god Odin. There is also a Christian interpretation that portrays Judas Iscariot.

divinatory associations: 12. THE HANGED MAN.—Wisdom, circumspection, discernment, trials, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy. Reversed: Selfishness, the crowd, body politic.

In astrology, the Hanged Man card is associated with the planet Neptune and the Pisces zodiac sign.

Odinism and white supremacists articles:

Odinic Rite (Wikipedia)

White supremacists are killing in the name of an ancient Nordic religion (theworld org)

The Changing Face of American White Supremacy (house gov) -> find on page ‘Odin’,

I have his book: The Gospel according to Judas (Wikipedia), by Jeffrey Archer with the assistance of Francis J. Moloney who has been closely associated with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI.). And in that book Judas doesn’t hang himself or anything like that but thirty days after the crucifixion and death of Jesus he departed from the Holy City and went to Khirbet Qumran(*) where he joined the Essenes 🙂 but later Qumran was overrun by Roman soldiers and Judas died as Jesus did, crucified by the Romans. (that’s the end of the book)

*Qumran is where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

Pope Benedict spoke about Judas Iscariot and Matthias who was chosen by the apostles to replace Judas Iscariot.
St. Matthias, apostle; Feast day: May 14 = Israeli Declaration of Independence.

(4 April 2023) – So Trump is arraigned on 4/4, and the Manhattan DA was originally scheduled to hold his press conference at 4 PM [444]. Remembering that Trump is playing a Jesus figure in the current act of the “End Times” stageplay, look at what I found about the number 444 on BibleStudy.org: “Jesus’ public ministry ended on a Wednesday, on the same 4th day of the week it started. It ceased in 30 A.D. when he was crucified and died on April 5 (the day portion of Passover) as our perfect sacrifice for sin.” Another page from the same website gives the details of his April 5 death. And on a different site I found, they point to the Jewish date of 14 Nisan as the day of this death. Putting these two accounts together, it can be argued that Jesus died on April 5 / 14 Nisan. And can you guess what day tomorrow is? April 5 / 14 Nisan.

That being said, Trump and his supporters will hold a “last supper” upon his return to Mar-a-Lago tonight: “Trump is scheduled to return to his Palm Beach, Florida, home, Mar-a-Lago, on Tuesday evening to give remarks. At least 500 prominent supporters have been invited, with some of the most pro-Trump congressional Republicans expected to attend.” – from Fox 16. The same article also notes this: “A judge has warned former President Donald Trump to refrain from rhetoric that could inflame or cause civil unrest.”

The mechanism for Trump’s death or disappearance will likely be “inflammatory statements” he’ll make that will be followed by a false-flag attack blamed on his supporters, thus leading to a deadly confrontation between Trump’s security and the feds, Trump’s arrest and internment, or Trump’s escape and evasion. Will he make those inflammatory statements tonight? Will the false-flag that triggers his death or disappearance come tomorrow or by/during Easter weekend? Or will they simply hit tonight’s Mar-a-Lago gathering and blame it on Iranians seeking revenge for Qasem Soleimani?

Of course, they could also take things in an entirely different direction on 4/5

NOTE: My partner Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on April 4 can be found here. They may contain important clues that I’ve not yet had the time to process.

(Title Note – 4 April 2023) – The big day is here. Trump is to be arraigned in New York City, the “Great City Babylon,” at 2:15 PM today on 4/4 (Obama’s number). This time was not chosen by accident; in Strong’s Bible Concordance, number 215 is the Greek word for “inexpressible, too deep for words” and the Hebrew word for “to be or become light, make a fire.” So how will they apply these definitions? Will today’s event give rise to an “inexpressible fire” (the Fire Judgment)? Is it a reference to Obama/Lucifer’s “inexpressible light”? Will Trump be killed and “become inexpressible light”? Will a seemingly nuclear explosion (or many of them) give off an “inexpressible light”? SEE THE APRIL 2-3 UPDATES BELOW FOR MORE INFO ON WHAT WE COULD FACE IN THE DAYS AHEAD.

(3 April 2023) – These are the title notes that accompanied the update below…

My partner Onnabugeisha and I have just uncovered some key pieces of info that factor into the globalists’ scripting options for the coming days. SEE THE RED ADDITION TO TODAY’S (4/3) UPDATE.

Joe Biden will be in Fridley, Minnesota today (4/3) to visit a Cummins power generation facility. And my partner Onnabugeisha has noted that “Fridley, Minnesota” = “President Lincoln” in four different gematria systems. Also of note is that Cummins is headquartered in Mike Pence’s hometown of Columbus, Indiana, and being a former Indiana governor, Pence knows the management very well – his older brother Ed Pence was a Cummins VP! And Pence is positioned to inherit the presidency after Biden dies, Trump is martyred, and Space Force launches its Artemis transition operation (remember that Trump put Pence in charge of the creation of the Space Force and Pence swore-in its current commander). So a false-flagged “MAGA” attempt on Biden’s life in Fridley today would be grounds to deny Trump bail tomorrow and hold him incommunicado “so he doesn’t stir up further insurrectionary violence.” Is this why the Drudge Report is showing a photo of Trump’s head without his mouth? Such a move by the Democrats would set off the fireworks that are planned to follow. SEE THE EXPANDED NOTE BELOW FOR GRAPHICS AND LINKS…

From the title note…


~ MORE ~

This graphic of Trump was featured on yesterday’s (4/2) Drudge Report

…Upon pondering its meaning, “twins” came to mind, as in the twin stars Castor and Pollux of the Gemini constellation.

The planet Mars, representing “war,” is currently transiting through Gemini. Go to stellarium-web.org, search for the Gemini constellation, and observe the motions of Mars and later Venus (representing Lucifer/Obama or Trump or Pence) as you cycle through the days using the Stellarium clock at the lower right. See where Mars/War is today, 4/3 (on the LEFT leg of Castor, remembering Biden’s frequent stumbling on the stairs of Air Force One), and see where it is on the final day of Passover (April 13). And as you cycle forward through the days, see how Venus (the Fake Messiah / “antichrist”) enters the constellation as Mars/War exits it. Note where the two planets are on Lag B’Omer (May 8-9) and on Jerusalem Day (May 18-19). [Graphics to come]

~ MORE ~

Will THE STORM begin on Storm Mountain, Northern Ireland?…

Working on her own line of research, Onnabugeisha also came across Castor and Pollux…

Aprilis (Wikipedia) -> Dates

8 • dies natalis for the Temple of Castor and Pollux (after mid-1st century AD)

When I went to the Aprilis Wikipedia entry to see this for myself, I came across a good definition of a “dies natalis”…

A dies natalis was an anniversary such as a temple founding or rededication, sometimes thought of as the “birthday” of a deity.

So April 8 is one of Castor and Pollux’s birthdays, and this year it falls on Black Saturday, which “commemorates the Harrowing of Hell while Jesus Christ’s body lay in the tomb” — the “Harrowing of Hell” being the day Jesus “descended into the underworld.”

We can therefore anticipate something very bad happening (probably to Trump) over the Good Friday-Black Saturday-Easter Sunday weekend. The Drudge Report image we looked at in the first part of this update can be interpreted as a picture of Trump “descending into a dark place” (by dying or being “locked deep away in a communist gulag” like the J6ers).

Looking further into the Aprilis entry, I saw something startling: April 12 marks the beginning of Ludi Cereri, the “Games of Ceres.” As longtime readers are aware, Ceres is the Roman Goddess of the Harvest (when you reap what you’ve sown), and she is the god associated with the mundus (the Roman “underworld,” which is blocked off by a stone gate). So the globalists can script the opening of the gate to Hell on that day, thus “unleashing the Nephilim and all manner of foul creatures to torment the living for 150 days.” And counting from April 12, you arrive at 150 days on September 9, Leil Selichot, the day when the Jews pray after midnight for forgiveness before the High Holidays — and the day the Fake Messiah could answer those prayers.

April 12 also marks Biden’s second day in Northern Ireland — the day he’ll tour Stormont (“STORM mountain”) at the invitation of the Irish Republicans, and the day he’ll likely reap what he’s sown with Trump by “dying” in a false-flagged “Unionist” (actually MI5) assassination. This would unleash the worldwide communist onslaught against the conservatives — an onslaught that will continue for 150 days (unless the Fake Messiah makes an early entry on April 13 for the Moshiach’s Meal).

~ MORE ~

The Games of Ceres start on April 12 and end on Cerealia on April 19 (which is also the day the walls of Jericho fell on the Jewish calendar). If they choose Cerealia as the day “the gate to hell” is opened, the 150 days of torment will end on September 16, Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year).

(2 April 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the update below…


45 (4/5) is right around the corner (as is Passover, Easter and Orthodox Easter)…

…Note Trump’s Artemis spacesuit and the number 45.

This weekend I ran across a propaganda piece pushing the “Three Days of Darkness” prophecy. Here is a key excerpt…

The duration of the darkness will be as follows: one day and one night, followed by another day and a night, and another day. But on the third night, the earthquake and the fire will cease, the stars will shine, and the next morning, the Sun will rise again; and it will be spring. Angels will descend from Heaven and spread the spirit of peace over the Earth. A feeling of immeasurable gratitude will grip those who survive this horrific ordeal.

The Great Chastisement, although largely supernatural, and described above as A CONTINUOUS RAIN OF FIRE, may get EXPLAINED AWAY as something “natural” or synthetic such as some manmade form of WW3. – from HenryMakow.com

The “continuous rain of fire” part sounds like the Artemis Rods from God + artificial meteors attack I’ve been warning about (note the propagandist’s attempt to dispel my narrative). And we should remember that Trump’s NFT cards featured an image of him in an Artemis suit bearing his president number, 45. 45 could also be a reference to 4/5, the day after he surrenders himself in New York City (and the day Passover begins at sunset).

So in case they’re planning to run the Three Days of Darkness Psyop during Passover, I thought I should point out the four time windows they could use…

  • April 3-5, starting with a Monday false-flag, continuing with the Artemis attack, and ending with the Fake Messiah (or his forces) appearing after sunset on 4/5 (when Passover begins).
  • April 4-6, starting with Trump receiving “unexpected treatment” when he turns himself in on 4/4 (44, Obama’s number), continuing with “God’s Final Plague on Obama’s Egypt” (the Artemis attack) after sunset on 4/5, and ending with the Fake Messiah (or his forces) appearing after sunset on 4/6 (the end of Passover Day 1 and the start of the Counting of the Omer).
  • April 7-9, starting on Good Friday (the day Jesus supposedly died) and ending on Easter (the day he supposedly rose from the dead).
  • April 11-13, starting with the day Pharaoh cornered the Jews by the Red Sea (20 Nisan), continuing with the day God supposedly saved the Jews by parting the Red Sea and drowning Pharaoh’s forces with the waters (21 Nisan, blackjack, the Artemis attack), and ending on the day the Kabbalists celebrate the Moshiach’s (Messiah’s) Meal (22 Nisan).

They could also do the Three Days on Orthodox Good Friday through Easter (April 14-16). This would likely involve Vladimir Putin or Sergei Shoigu in the Fake Messiah role.

~ MORE ~

Let’s explore the globalists’ other scripting possibilities for Passover by looking at the myth and the reality of the Passover story. We’ll start with the myth as offered by Chabad.org

The Exodus (1313 BCE)

At the stroke of midnight of Nissan 15 of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE), 210 years after Jacob settled in Egypt and 430 years after the “Covenant Between the Parts,” G-d visited the last of the ten plagues on the Egyptians, killing all their firstborn. Earlier that evening, the Children of Israel conducted the first “seder” of history, eating the roasted meat of the Passover offering with matzot and bitter herbs, and sprinkling the blood of the sacrifice on their doorposts as a sign that G-d will “pass over” their homes when inflicting the plague upon the Egyptians. Pharaoh’s resistance to free them was broken, and he virtually chased his former slaves out of the land. Several million souls — 600,000 adult males, plus the woman and children, and a large “mixed multitude” of non-Hebrews who joined them — left Egypt on that day, and began the 50-day trek to Sinai and their birth as G-d’s chosen people.

And here is the reality of the Passover story, as I wrote in the 26 March 2021 update…

>>> So the Israelites spread the word among themselves to place lamb’s blood on their doorposts that night. And once night fell, the able-bodied Israelite men rose up and invaded all the homes that were not thus marked, killing the eldest child in each house. This was an early example of the Israelites using a “preemptive strike” / “terror attack,” and it was a false-flag at that (because the carnage was blamed on an “angel of god”)…

That night, God sent the angel of death to kill the firstborn sons of the Egyptians. God told Moses to order the Israelite families to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood on the door of their houses. In this way the angel would know to ‘pass over’ the houses of the Israelites. This is why the festival commemorating the escape from Egypt is known as Passover – from bl.uk

Guess what… “angels” don’t need blood on doorposts to know whom to kill. But men do. In pointing this out, I’m not condemning the Israelites for what they did. They were being held in bondage, and they did what was necessary to gain their freedom. But the whole drama with Iran is pure globalist theater, so killing Iranians to act out the NWO transition drama is unacceptable. There is no real threat there. It’s all bullsh*t. <<<

So if you set aside the whitewashed version of history recorded by the “scribes and Pharisees” and apply your God-given common sense, you see that midnight of 15 Nisan was the time the Hebrews launched a horrific attack on their enemies of that era, the Egyptians. And midnight of 15 Nisan this year — the midnight that bridges the night of 4/5 to the morning of 4/6 — can bring another horrific Israeli attack on their enemies of the day, Iran and/or “Obama’s Egypt” (the current “commie-infested” UN/G7/NATO).

Given that Israel has been very deliberately politically-engineered to be a “house divided” at the current moment, it stands ready to fall when the blowback from their attack hits them hard. And I suspect that in an “Israel Falls” scenario, the fall could come quickly on 21 Nisan (the day during the First Exodus that God supposedly saved the cornered Jews by parting the Red Sea, BUT NOT THIS TIME). The Muslim Antichrist would then stand in Jerusalem on the 8th day of Passover, 22 Nisan, commencing 150 days of torment that will end with the Fake Messiah’s intervention when the first prayers of Leil Selichot are offered after midnight of September 9-10.

In other versions of the Passover attack scenario…

  • the Fake Messiah could make his move to save Israel from the fall on 21 Nisan (April 12) and stand in Jerusalem on 22 Nisan (April 13),
  • Israel could fall on another Jewish holiday later in the year, with the end of the 150 days falling later too (such as a Lag B’Omer fall and a Shemini Atzeret intervention 150 days later),
  • Israel could fall on 21 Nisan with the Fake Messiah making his move on Shavuot (Day 45 of the fall), or
  • Israel could fall on 21 Nisan or another Jewish holiday later in the year and stay fallen until some point in 2025.

Be advised that a false-flag nuking of Damascus (done by the Turkish “Muslim Antichrist” and blamed on Israel) is another option for the Passover attack.

(Title Notes – 1 April 2023) – Later today or tomorrow we’ll look at what didn’t happen on Friday (the formal announcement / press conference on Trump’s indictment). But first let me offer this guess as to why they went ahead with the indictment instead of putting it off for a month: As noted in the 29 March title notes below, the UK’s MI5 were planning to false-flag an Irish Republican attack that would have led to a false-flagged retaliation attack by the Unionists which would kill Joe Biden (an Irish Catholic) during his 5-day visit there this month. It is likely that exposure caused them to abandon the first attack, so the indictment of Trump took its place as the event that can be narrated as “motivating the Ulster Unionist extremists to violence against Joe Biden and the Catholics” (Trump has supporters among the “right-wing” Unionists).

Trump will turn himself in to be photographed and fingerprinted on 4/4 [44, Obama’s president number], just 7 days before Biden arrives in Northern Ireland. And Biden’s itinerary seems designed to anger the Unionists: “…he’s scheduled to visit Stormont, the parliamentary complex overlooking Belfast, at the invitation of its caretaker speaker, Alex Maskey of the Irish republican Sinn Fein party.” – from Politico.eu

Be on the lookout for a scripted attack on someone involved in the Trump case, such as Alvin Bragg or Stormy Daniels. This would be done to provide cause to deny or cancel bail on Trump and hold him incommunicado starting on Tuesday or Good Friday.

(30-31 March 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the following updates…

(3/31) – Given all the public and occult cues noted in the updates below, it is clear that today is meant to mark the start of America’s Second Civil War. Now we just wait to see if it’s accompanied by any immediate attack(s).

Mediaite is reporting that New York City is having every cop they have show up in uniform today, and this is because the charges against Trump will be formally announced today. This means Strong’s 1225 is a direct hit today — see the new information in blue in the 30-31 March updates below. MORE INFORMATION HAS BEEN ADDED BELOW THAT IN RED AND GREEN…

So the sneak attack begins after all…

…from today’s Drudge Report

From NOW through Passover (and possibly on through the May Jewish holidays), these scripted events are in play…

  • Operation Blackjack, a “good guy” intervention to stop it, or a “good guy” intervention following it.
  • Assassinations or arrests of Biden, Lula, Macron and “other commies” and/or of their opposing leaders (Trump, Bolsonaro, Le Pen, Netanyahu and “other right-wingers”).
  • Civil wars in the US, France, Brazil, Israel (and perhaps in other countries like Turkey).
  • A crash in the global markets.
  • An escalation to the attempted all-sides launch of nuclear missiles.

These events and their “miraculous” resolution could be contained within the March 31 – April 13 time period, or the conflict could drag out — in the form of “the Great Satanic Communist Terror” — till one of the fall Jewish holidays or a point in 2025. However short or long the conflict, it will end with a scripted “messianic” intervention (and the implementation of the real “BRICS-version” New World Order).

~ MORE ~

On Friday the 31st, Joe Biden will be visiting Rolling Fork, Mississippi, the county seat of Sharkey County. This brought to mind something I’ve seen in the I, Pet Goat 2 predictive programming video…

…from YouTube. Note what’s on the chalkboard: a house on fire, a shark, and a hangman gallows (which resembles a lower case r, making the word “revoLUTION”). Also note what Obama’s tassel points to: a Chinese dragon whose tongue points to lightning splitting the left and right apart.

With this in mind, remember that Trump carried Mississippi in the 2020 election (so Biden will be in a hostile Southern state) and Onnabugeisha’s notes for tomorrow contain connected cues for Biden’s death, his president number (46), Obama’s trip to Hiroshima, and flint/fire.

~ MORE – 31 March 2023 ~

LOL, they’re taking Biden to an elementary school today, just like Bush on 9/11 and Obama in I, Pet Goat 2

…from Factba.se. And Biden is scheduled to be there at 12:25. 12/25 is Christmas, representing “Christ the Savior” (and Trump). And Strong’s Greek 1225 is…

diaballó: to bring charges (usually with hostile intent)
Usage: I thrust through, slander, complain of, accuse.

Strong’s Hebrew 1225 is bitstsaron: a stronghold
1 Occurrence: Zecharaiah 9:12. Context…

Zion’s Coming King
…11 As for you, because of the blood of My covenant, I will release your prisoners from the waterless pit. 12 Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; even today I declare that I will restore to you double

~ MORE ~

The “house on fire” in the I, Pet Goat 2 video does indeed appear to signify civil war (based on a historical cue)…

…from The Civil War Months

And Onnabugeisha has uncovered some additional occult scripting cues for today. This is one of them…

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia)

as the 46th president of the United States

Date: 1/20/2021, 800 days ago exactly

Strong’s Hebrew 800. eshshah: a fire

1 Occurrence Jeremiah 6:29 (NIV)

The bellows blow fiercely to burn away the lead with fire, but the refining goes on in vain; the wicked are not purged out.

this is a very alchemical verse (Lead represents Saturn)

Also note the civil war undertones of Strong’s Greek 800

asumphónos: dissonant, discordant
Usage: dissonant, discordant; met: at variance.

~ MORE ~

As was noted in yesterday’s (3/30) title note, today is an important day in Biblical lore. It marks 5 days before Passover begins (at sunset on 4/5), and 5 days before Passover is when the Book of John says Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jeruasalem. It can also be argued that 5 days before Passover is a day when Jesus chased the money changers out of the Temple.

That being said, let’s also remember what was noted in the 26 March title notes…

March 31 is the most likely date for the “civil wars” because it is the day 10 Nisan begins at sunset. And 10 Nisan is the day in Exodus-year Jewish history when the Egyptian firstborn (representing the Trump-Bolsonaro side) fought a civil war against Pharaoh’s forces (Obama’s commies) in an attempt to set the Jews free before “God’s final plague” was to descend upon them on Passover.

This is what the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult says about it…

War of Egyptian Firstborn (1313 BCE)

On the Shabbat before the Exodus — Nissan 10th on that year — the first-born of Egypt, who occupied the senior positions in the priesthood and government, fought a bloody battle with Pharaoh’s troops, in an effort to secure the release of the Israelites and prevent the Plague of the Firstborn. This “great miracle” is commemorated each year on the Shabbat before Passover, which is therefore called Shabbat HaGadol, “The Great Shabbat.” (This is one of the rare instances in which a commemorative date in the Jewish calendar is set by the day of the week rather than the day of the month.) – from Chabad.org

Since the Kabbalists and similar “bad Jews” look at everyone who isn’t stridently Jewish as Amalekites — “the enemy” (just like the Egyptians at the time of the Exodus) — they are aiming to foment civil war in a number of places. And if they’re looking to start a time of trouble that will last till this fall or 2025, Passover may be scripted to bring blowback to Israel — blowback so severe that the “lesser Jews” [Jews who are not both Kabbalist and elite (i.e. “Holocaust material” to the Kabbalists)] will start a New Exodus OUT of Israel (and into captivity).

Since 10 Nisan continues to sunset of 1 April, and since 1 April is also 5 days to Passover (if you count the days inclusively), a really bad event is also schedulable for after sunset today or for tomorrow (if they fail to go for it during daytime).

(Title Notes – 30 March 2023) – Tomorrow, March 31, is/was scheduled to be a very big day. It stands 5 days before Passover, when Jesus supposedly made his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (see John 12:1 & John 12:12-13). So it could be scripted as the day the False Jewish Messiah intervenes to stop something big and bad from happening (like Operation Blackjack), followed by an epic two-week scripted battle against the “Satanic Deep State” that culminates on the final day of Passover. It can also be scripted as the day Jesus overturns the global financial system (“cleanses the Temple” – see John 2:13-16), followed by a war that can culminate on the final day of Passover, on Leil Selichot this year, or in the year 2025. In the past few days, I’ve seen indications (Netanyahu delaying the judicial overhaul for a month & the Trump grand jury delaying an indictment decision for a month) that this plan may have been pushed back from Passover to the May Jewish holidays, but it would be foolish to disregard the March 31 – April 13 time period.

Will Pope Francis die or resign on the 4th Jewish anniversary of the Notre Dame fire? Will Macron? Here are my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 31st.

(Title Notes – 29 March 2023) – Be on the lookout for an imminent MI5 false-flag in Northern Ireland as soon as tomorrow (3/30), the 6th Jewish anniversary of Prince Charles’s visit to the Vatican (where Pope Francis urged him to “be a man of peace”). The globalists are looking to restart “The Troubles” so King Charles can step in and play peacemaker by leading the Church of England back into the Catholic Church under the Pope. Will the return of England to Catholicism be dying Pope Francis’s final wish (cue the violins…)?

I suspect MI5’s strategy will be to false-flag a rather shocking (“Catholic, left-wing”) Irish Republican attack, possibly on the leader of the (“Protestant, right-wing”) Democratic Unionist Party. They’ll then false-flag a unionist retaliation strike that will kill (Catholic) Joe Biden during his visit to Belfast, Northern Ireland around April 11. Only a shock of this magnitude would make it feasible for Bloody Charles to “end the rift between the Church of England and the Catholic Church” and/or “set Northern Ireland free to unite with the (Catholic) Republic of Ireland.”

On another note, the Trump grand jury in Manhattan are going to delay their decision for a month, further confirming that the globalists may have switched “The Event” from Passover to the May Jewish holidays. But all bets are off if Pope Francis dies or resigns in the next day or two (as this would land his funeral or replacement conclave during Passover).

(Title Note – 28 March 2023) – Operation Blackjack is possible today. See the new notes below.

In the aftermath of Trump threatening death and destruction last week, Tuesday the 28th is the Ides of March on the Julian calendar. And there are occult cues that would support the assassination of Joe Biden during his visit to North Carolina today. SEE TODAY’S UPDATE BELOW FOR DETAILS…

Enhanced NOTE: As Biden faces a possible scripted assassination this week, France’s Macron does also…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Remember “Macron as Jupiter” and the ongoing 5-planet alignment in the sky…

Jupiter may sink into the sunset and get lost in sunlight after the 28th, though, so aim to see this relatively rare cosmic event by then. – from Science Alert

Possible Translation: “The 28th is the last sunset you may see Jupiter/Macron. He’ll get lost in the thermonuclear flash after that.” After sunset in Paris is the afternoon in Durham (Paris time is 6 hours ahead of EDT in the US). Biden’s speech starts at 2:30 PM [the number 23].

(28 March 2023) – Joe Biden will be traveling to North Carolina today — a state that Trump won in the 2020 election — and he’ll be visiting a semiconductor manufacturer in Durham called Wolfspeed. Here are my partner Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on this:

Today is…

  • Tuesday, March 28 on the Gregorian calendar,
  • March 15, the Ides of March, on the Julian calendar, and
  • 6 Nisan on the Hebrew calendar

Wolfspeed, Inc, Headquarters
4600 Silicon Drive
Durham, North Carolina, 27703

Joe Biden is the 46th president of the US.

Bible Strong’s Greek 2773. kermatistés: a moneychanger

Usage: properly: a changer of large into smaller coins, a money-changer.

From Silk to Silicon, Silicon Valley Bank

…the similarity of words silicon and silk occurred to me. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Xi’s “Silk Road Economic Belt”. So I did some internet searching and found a book titled…

From Silk to Silicon: The Story of Globalization Through Ten Extraordinary Lives
Published in UK by Amberley Publishing Limited, March 15, 2016
Harper Paperbacks; Reprint edition, March 14, 2017
Silicon, atomic number 14
In the Bible ‘silicon’ is ‘flint’.

• I searched: ‘Durham movie’ and found a romantic comedy 🙂

Bull Durham (Wikipedia)

It is partly based upon the minor-league baseball experiences of writer/director Ron Shelton and depicts the players and fans of the Durham Bulls. [the starring character’s name is “Crash” Davis; his student is named Ebby Calvin “Nuke” LaLoosh]

But baseball (a bat-and-ball sport) ? I remembered the recent Trump news

Donald Trump posts disturbing baseball bat photo [because he is Batman], threatens ‘death and destruction’

Jewish calendar: 6 Nisan

Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., an African-American clergyman and civil rights leader

Attack type: Sniper assassination

Date: April 4, 1968 = 6 Nisan 5728

The assassination was one of four major assassinations of the 1960s in the US, coming several years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 and the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965, and two months before the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in June 1968.

Here are the title notes for the past couple of days…

(3/27) – The globalists may have pressed the delay button today to try again during the May Jewish holidays. Details later…

(3/27) – You can add Netanyahu to the list of “right-wing” (“counterrevolutionary”) leaders the “commies” will attempt to arrest this week: https://apnews.com/article/israel-netanyahu-politics-judicial-overhaul-protests-crisis-courts-aefbf9607a6e3a0e1bb5e3355e733043 And Onnabugeisha has noted that Tuesday, March 28 is the Ides of March (on the Julian calendar, which currently runs 13 days behind the Gregorian).

(3/26) – WARNING: THE GLOBALISTS ARE SCRIPTING A MULTINATIONAL “NAZIONIST” ATTACK ON THE “COMMUNISTS” BY MARCH 31. The media are portraying Brazil’s Bolsonaro in a carbon-copy situation to that of Trump, with a WaPo article from yesterday (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/bolsonaro-s-return-poses-risks-for-the-former-president-and-brazil/ar-AA193Kn8) suggesting that he’ll return to Brazil “in late March” where his “bolsonaristas” stand ready to “protest,” “rise up,” and “fight.” March 31 is the most likely date for the “civil wars” because it is the day 10 Nisan begins at sunset. And 10 Nisan is the day in Exodus-year Jewish history when the Egyptian firstborn (representing the Trump-Bolsonaro side) fought a civil war against Pharaoh’s forces (Obama’s commies) in an attempt to set the Jews free before “God’s final plague” was to descend upon them on Passover.

WARNING (3/26): On Friday night, Joe and “Dr.” Biden left the White House to spend the weekend at their home in New Castle, Delaware – a common occurrence. But on Saturday evening at 8:25 PM – after the Trump rally in Waco – they left New Castle and returned to the White House. Did Biden return in order to “huddle with his national security staff over Trump’s terroristic threats against a public official (the Manhattan DA) and his growing rhetoric in support of an violent insurrection”? Have the feds now decided to act upon “Trump’s criminal behavior”? If that’s how the press narrate it after the move on Trump, it can be said that the American Apocalypse was set in motion in Waco.

(3/26) – Well the “American Apocalypse” (= “the End of the American World”) didn’t happen in Waco as planned, but we can be sure that the globalists have not postponed it for long. They’ll roll out the New York grand jury again this week, and tomorrow (Monday, March 27) marks exactly 6 years, 66 days [666] since Trump’s inauguration. It should also be noted that today, Sunday the 26th, is the 6 year, 66 day mark of his (“partially stolen”) presidency. And if you count the 6 year, 69 day [666] mark both ways, it falls on March 29-30 (Wednesday and Thursday). SEE TODAY’S (3/26) UPDATE BELOW FOR DETAILS…

(26 March 2023) – Here are the date calculations mentioned in today’s title note — they’re based on what my partner Onnabugeisha found…

  • Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017, so that was Day 1 of his presidency. This means that the 6-year, 66th day of his “interrupted (by fraud)” presidency is today, 26 March 2023 (Sunday). 666 is the “Number of the Beast” (a “bad omen” the globalist scriptwriters can use to schedule something distressing).
  • Monday, 27 March 2023, will mark 6 years66 days since he became president. In this “non-inclusive” method of counting the days, his inauguration day is counted as Day 0.
  • Wednesday, 29 March 2023, will mark the 6-year, 69th day [669] of his “interrupted (by fraud)” presidency. This also counts as the Number of the Beast, 666, because numerologists (gypsy quasi-mathematicians) allow themselves a number of tricks to make the numbers fit like they want them to, such as flipping 6s and 9s.
  • Thursday, 30 March 2023, will mark 6 years69 days since he became president — 666 again.

(25 March 2023) – The Waco Gun Rally

Trump’s rally in Waco begins at 5 PM today (the day the 5 planets will align in the sky), and it’s being held at Waco Regional Airport. Upon looking into it, I was struck by how much the airport’s aircraft apron resembles a handgun — complete with a hammer and a trigger guard (in the parking area) — that points to the Waco Gun Club (a skeet shooting range adjacent to the airport)

…from Google Maps. Zoom in on the airport to better see the trigger guard.

Also near the airport is a US Army Corps of Engineers worksite, which would be a handy location from which to operate if you’re engineering a nasty, potentially explosive surprise at the airport.

~ MORE ~

LOL! Homeland Security agents really know how to ham it up, don’t they?…

…from today’s Drudge Report. Note the “1776” (which showed up in the notes in yesterday’s update). As for the article to which the headline links, note this hint at what is/was planned…

WACO, Texas (AP) — Staring down a possible indictment, a defiant Donald Trump is hoping to put on a show of force Saturday at the first rally of his 2024 presidential campaign, in a city made famous by deadly resistance against law enforcement. – from AP News

Biden and Trump both work for the same people, but in assigned adversarial roles in the puppet theater of politics. I would say that few are stupid enough to fall for what might happen today, but that’s what I thought about the even more absurd Pandemic Psyop.

In case they do go through with it, remember what I wrote in the 10 September 2022 update further down this page: don’t be fooled.

(23-24 March 2023) – Trump in Waco

There are the title notes that accompanied the updates below…


(3/24) – The preparatory propaganda setup for a Trump assassination has continued into Friday, and the occult scripting cues supporting it continue into Saturday (when Trump will have his first campaign rally in Waco, Texas, the site of the Branch Davidian massacre). They’re probably aiming to hit him there — in the heart of gun country — and blame it on a “MAGA antivaxxer angry with Trump over Operation Warp Speed and his promotion of the Covid shot.” An alternative scripting: The feds attempt to arrest him in Waco (just like they did with the Branch Davidians) and undercover FBI agents among the MAGA crowd (like January 6) fire on the feds, touching off an “armed insurrection.”

Today’s “insurrectionary” cause for tomorrow’s effect?…

…from Mediaite

Based on the occult scripting cues she’s found, my partner Onnabugeisha suspects that something may happen to Trump on Friday (arrest? assassination? a chase?). Is this why the Manhattan District Attorney has stretched out the grand jury process so long this week? Here are Onnabugeisha’s raw notes, with my additions in blue

3/24 (Friday, “day of Venus“)

Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
FRI, 24 MAR 2023 AT 10:27 UTC

Bible Strong’s Greek 1027. bronté: thunder [the sound made when someone is struck down by lightning from heaven]

Lunar occultation of Venus [meaning Venus will fall out of sight because the Moon is blocking it]
FRI, 24 MAR 2023 AT 10:32 UTC
(visible from Asia and Africa)

From my understanding Venus is Esther and Esther is Trump.

Queen Esther the Morning Star

Trump Is Like Biblical Queen Esther Who Saved Jews in Persia, Says Pompeo

Jewish calendar: 2 Nisan

First Red Heifer Prepared [sacrificed] (1312 BCE)


Cybele (Wikipedia) -> category Roman Cybele -> Festivals and cults -> ‘Holy week’ in March

or Hilaria (Wikipedia)

March 24: “Day of Blood”

March 25 (vernal equinox on the Roman calendar): Hilaria (“Rejoicing”), when Attis was reborn. Some early Christian sources associate this day with the resurrection of Jesus. Damascius attributed a “liberation from Hades” to the Hilaria. [See “the Hilarion” (Hillary Clinton)]


Reign of Terror (Wikipedia)

Major events during the Terror

By the end of 1793, two major factions had emerged, both threatening the Revolutionary Government: the Hébertists, who called for an intensification of the Terror and threatened INSURRECTION, and the Dantonists,…The major Hébertists were tried before the Revolutionary Tribunal and executed on 24 March. The Dantonists were arrested on 30 March, tried on 3 to 5 April and executed on 5 April.


• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia)

The event was the 58th presidential inauguration.

Date: January 20, 2017, 322 weeks ago

[322 is the Skull and Bones number]…


•The National Security Act of 1947 (Wikipedia) was a law enacting major restructuring of the US government’s military and intelligence agencies following World War II. became effective on 9/18/1947, 906 months 6 days ago [666, the Number of the Beast]


Mike Pence and Pope Francis meet in a surprisingly long first visit (americamagazine org),

Date: 1/24/2020, 38 months ago

[38, the number of “Lucifer” in Pythagorean Gematria (a system of gypsy bullsh*t highly valued by Kabbalist morons), has been showing up like a rash in the globalists’ recent setups (along with 44 and 53). 38 is also the number of “The Donald“.]

Watch Netanyahu too.

~ MORE – 24 March 2023 ~

Here are the raw notes Onnabugeisha has sent me for March 25, THE BIRTHDAY OF THE BEAST (THE G7) and the day Trump will be in Waco. My comments will be added in blue over the course of the day. And speaking of presidential assassination…

…from Melania Trump Channels Jackie Kennedy in a Baby-Blue Ralph Lauren Dress on Inauguration Day. See also robin’s egg blue and blood red

March 25

A Christian watchman on YouTube

channel: Mark Allison 88 uploaded a video titled: Trump Waco Texas/March 25th

this information is from the video, not my words…

-> Twitter: Michael Letts:

“Not predicting anything, but you must admit that this is CRAZY. Trump is doing a rally in Waco, TX on Saturday 3/25. And Netflix is releasing Waco: American Apocalypse tomorrow. In the 1958 Trackdown episode called The End of the World, Walter TRUMP gets shot/killed in Texas.” [Plot Synopsis: “Hoby has to deal with a snake oil salesman selling the end of the world to a town filled with gullible people.” The “End of the World” is also called the “Apocalypse.” And according to Wikipedia, there were 72 episodes of Trackdown (71 + the pilot). To the Kabbalists, the number 72 is related to the name of their god and is the demon number.]

Waco: American Apocalypse (Wikipedia)

It was released on Netflix on March 22, 2023. [3/22 >>> 322]


City of Waco expecting 15K to attend Saturday’s Trump rally; officials discuss road closures and logistics

Interestingly, the video attached to this article lasts 3:22.


Some Trump’s numbers:

Donald John Trump

born: June 14, 1946, 76 years 9 months 11 days old

…[76 as in 1776?]…

2016 United States presidential election (Donald Trump and Mike Pence defeated Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine)

Date: November 8, 2016, 76 months 17 days ago

Strong’s Hebrew 7617. shabah: to take captive

[This cue allows for an alternative scripting: The feds attempt to arrest Trump in Waco (just like they did with the Branch Davidians) and undercover FBI agents among the MAGA crowd (like January 6) fire on the feds, touching off an “armed insurrection.” This would allow the feds to hold Trump incommunicado at an undisclosed location “to prevent further incitement to insurrection,” resulting in his complete disappearance from public view (just like Venus when it is occulted by the Moon).]

-> Hilaria (Wikipedia), were ancient Roman religious festivals ..to honor Cybele.

25 March. “The Day of Joy” (Hilaria) celebrating the resurrection of Attis. This was the hilaria proper (as opposed to the mournful tone of the previous days).

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia)

Date: January 20, 2017, 6 years 2 months 5 days ago

Strong’s Greek 625. Apollós: Apollos, an Alexandrian Jewish Christian [an Alexandrian Jew who became a Christian and a teacher of Christianity, attached to the (traitorous) apostle Paul (who was a Pharisee Jew and possibly the first Christian Crypto-Jew).]

It is widely rumored that Donald Trump is a Crypto-Jew, and when he is greeted by Chabad rabbis, they do so in the manner specifically reserved for a Jewish king.

Strong’s Hebrew 625. oseph: a gathering

•Why March 25, the Annunciation, Was Once New Year’s Day (ncregister com)

Feast of the Annunciation (Wikipedia) …or Conceptio Christi (Christ’s Conception), commemorates the visit of the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, during which he informed her that she would be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

the ancient martyrologies assign to 25 March the creation of Adam and the crucifixion of Jesus; also, the fall of Lucifer, the passing of Israel through the Red Sea and the immolation of Isaac.

Pope John Paul II established 25 March as the International Day of the Unborn Child, for its commemoration of the conception of Jesus.

G7 (Wikipedia) [the “Atlantic Alliance” / First TribulationBeast from the Sea“]

The international Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States; additionally, the European Union (EU) is a “non-enumerated member”. Members are great powers in global affairs and maintain mutually close political, economic, diplomatic, and military relations.

Formation: 25 March 1973, the 50th anniversary

• European Economic Community (Wikipedia) (EEC) was a regional organisation created by the Treaty of Rome of 1957, aiming to foster economic integration among its member states. It was subsequently renamed the European Community (EC) upon becoming integrated into the first pillar of the newly formed European Union in 1993.

Treaty signed: 25 March 1957, 66 years ago

~ MORE ~

The globalists may have aborted “Operation Waco” this afternoon (3/24) and punted to next week. NBC News reported this at 3:31 PM EDT

The FBI and NYPD are investigating a letter containing a death threat and white powder that was mailed to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, whose office is investigating former President Donald Trump, law-enforcement sources told NBC News…

The letter comes in the wake of Trump announcing — falsely — that he would be arrested in the probe this past Tuesday and that people should “protest.” His rhetoric has become more heated in the days since, including warning on his social media website early Friday of “potential death and destruction” if the DA indicts him.

An indictment in the case could come down as soon as next week, as there are indications the investigation is in its final stages.

(Title Notes – 22 March 2023) – The Shaking of One Vanderbilt

A reader has pointed out that One Vanderbilt, the New York City tower that violently shook yesterday (in a possible preliminary attack on the structure of the building), houses The Carlyle Group on floors 34-38. Carlyle is a private equity firm with reported ties to the Bush family, the Bin Laden family, and 9/11, so this building may be targeted in the next 9/11 in order to destroy their records. There may also be other important targets in the building, such as Walker & Dunlop, a provider of financial services to owners of commercial real estate that suspiciously resides on the 33rd floor (and has 38 offices in the US).

~ MORE ~

It should be noted that under the “Savior Option,” it could be narrated that the shaking of One Vanderbilt came from an attack that was “foiled by the good guys in a desperate, last-minute covert battle in the hidden spaces of the tower.”

~ MORE ~

A couple of readers have pointed out the possibility that the shaking of One Vanderbilt could have been caused by the false-flaggers de-tuning the tuned mass damper used to stabilize the building. A de-tuned damper can actually amplify the structural response to high wind, ground shaking, or a tsunami wave (meaning it could cause structural failure if the building is exposed to outsized stresses).

(22 March 2023) – For the second day in a row, the numbnutted Chabadniks have treated me to a good laugh…

…from the controlled alt-media site Zero Hedge (top) and Science Alert (bottom). Here is a brief excerpt from the science article…

Jupiter may sink into the sunset and get lost in sunlight after the 28th, though, so aim to see this relatively rare cosmic event by then.

So as we look at the possibility of “The Event” being postponed from tomorrow to next Friday (see yesterday’s title note below), the 5 ominous events in the financial sector will be heralded by an ominous sign in the heavens next week: a rare cosmic event of 5 planets aligning in the sky” starting on March 25th (5X5). It should be noted that…

As for the symbolic meanings of the planets involved in the alignment…

(21 March 2023) – George Soros and 911

Check this out: Homeland Security rat Hal Turner is reporting this today

The White House issued an EMBARGOED statement expressing condolences to the family of George Soros on his death. It is not known when this was written. I got the copy below, today.

Let me offer a guess as to when it was written: on Shabbat HaChodesh (Saturday, March 18). Why? – Because of this story from The Atlantic from Thursday, April 18, 2013

Reuters Killed George Soros

At 5:41 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, the 162-year-old news agency accidentally published a prewritten obituary for Soros, complete with dummy text for the place and time of his future death. And it was pretty harsh!

Last Saturday, March 18, 2023, marked 9 years and 11 months [911] (or, alternatively, 119 months — reverse 911) since “Reuters killed him.” Counting the days differently (inclusively), they can also say he died on Friday, March 17 (Shabbat HaChodesh began at sunset that Friday).

I’ll get into what this means later. But beware of the possibility that the day the press reveal his supposed death will mark the next 9/11 (or reverse 9/11, a potentially positive event).

~ MORE ~

LOL! These Kabbalists are so ridiculous! Note the two numbers prominently featured in the Atlantic article, 541 and 162

Strong’s Hebrew 541 – aman: turn to the right, turn to the right hand [George Soros is a Left Hand Path guy (a “commie”), and the globalists are trying to drive the sheeple to the political right (the “Nazionists”).]

Strong’s Greek 162 – aichmalóteuó: to lead captive (the sheeple)

~ MORE ~

Pondering this setup for Soros’s death announcement, the following things came to mind…

  • It may be a way for the globalists to discreetly signal their people: “When you see a report of George Soros’s death from ‘X’ news source, you have ‘Y’ hours after its release to get to your Event positions [whether it’s a shelter position or an action position].”
  • They’ll probably make the excuse that the public announcement was delayed so the family could bury him in peace (“without being disturbed by far-right violent extremists”).
  • They are/were intending to claim his day of death was Shabbat HaChodesh (the Shabbat preceding the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan) to tie it (on an occult level) to 1 Nisan (the targeted “Judgment Day”) and to Artemis: On the first day of Nisan, G-d presented the first commandment of how to ‘sanctify the new moon‘…

(Title Note – 21 March 2023) – While we should not overlook the potentially catastrophic days of March 22-23, another sign has appeared indicating that the globalists may have pushed the delay button. Today (3/21), the day Trump said he would be arrested, the Daily Mail came out with this: “Former president is expected to be indicted tomorrow and Secret Service will make plans for his surrender and appearance in New York court NEXT WEEK.” In case this really does signal a delay, I did some checking and found the next obvious date to schedule “Judgment Day,” and it is March 31. March 31 is “Palm Friday” — a good day to script “Jesus Cleansing the Temple of the moneychangers (bankers).” It is also the dies natalis of the Temple of Luna (Artemis) in Rome (I’ll explain it all later). This could start a 14-day “Event” that would lead to the appearance/arrival of Chabad’s Fake Jewish Messiah on the final day of Passover, April 13, which is the day the Kabbalists celebrate the Moshiach’s Meal. JUST IN CASE THEY PROCEED TOMORROW, THOUGH, ADDITIONAL RAW NOTES ON MARCH 22-23 HAVE BEEN POSTED HERE.

(Title Note – 20 March 2023) – The press are reporting that barricades have been unloaded in Manhattan in advance of the highly anticipated Trump arrest (possibly on Tuesday). And new occult indicators hint at the possibility that the “Savior Option” may be in play. Is the attempted arrest of Trump the scripted trigger for the “Patriot-Constitutionalist Deep State” (the Nazionists) to move against the commies? Or will they move when Operation Blackjack is attempted, framing the commies for it? Or after it is carried out and a next-day nuclear response takes flight? If the UBS-Credit Suisse merger represented the globalists pushing the delay button, the arrest may turn out to be no big deal… for now.

(19 March 2023) – Well lookie-lookie here…

…from Stratfor

As I’ve covered in recent updates, March 20-23 is a very dangerous period of time. Let’s look at some of the moving parts…

unfinished note (19-20 March 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the update below…

The globalists seem to be flourishing Credit Suisse as the next big domino to fall in the engineered financial collapse (if they don’t opt to announce a solid merger deal with UBS before the banks and markets open on Monday). In light of this, my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the financial scripting cues for next week are quite interesting. See today’s (3/19) update below…

Here are Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on the occult cues the globalists will use in their financial scripting this week. I’ll add context to them in blue over the course of the day. Monday and Tuesday are now enhanced….

3/20 (Monday)

• The New York Stock Exchange (Wikipedia) (NYSE, nicknamed “The Big Board”) is an American stock exchange in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City. It is by far the world’s largest stock exchange by market capitalization.

Founded: Thursday, May 17, 1792, 2770 months 3 days ago (and 3/21 -> 4 days and then 3/22 -> 5 days ago)

Strong’s Greek 2773. kermatistés: a moneychanger (see “Jesus Cleanses The Temple“)

Usage: properly: a changer of large into smaller coins, a money-changer.

…and on Tuesday the 21st, 2770 months 4 days ago…

Strong’s Greek 2774. kephalaion: of the head, the main point

Usage: (a) the chief matter, the main point, (b) a sum of money.

…and on Wednesday the 22nd, 2770 months 5 days ago…

Strong’s Greek 2775. kephalaioó kephalaioó: to strike on the head

Usage: I wound in the head.

There is a Bible verse, Revelation 13:3, about the 7-headed, 10-horned Beast from the Sea (the 7-nation, 10-leader G7 Atlantic Alliance) being wounded in one of its heads. This prophecy was artificially fulfilled when Donald Trump was awarded the 2016 presidential election (instead of “Satanist” Hillary Clinton); the wound was later healed when “the Beast stole back the presidency in 2020.” On the 22nd-23rd, the Beast may be wounded in all of its heads (its financial centers, and possibly the the NATO decision-making centers that Russia’s Medvedev has threatened to strike).

3/21 (Tuesday)

• Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers (Wikipedia) [The Chairman of Credit Suisse at the time of yesterday’s merger was Axel Lehmann]

Date: September 15, 2008, 5300 days ago

The number 53 has repeatedly shown up in recent globalist setups. 53 the atomic number of iodine (potassium iodide tablets are used to protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine in nuclear fallout), and 53 has also been associated with China and war. Will “fallout” from the Western bank failures hit China’s markets on Tuesday? Will Operation Blackjack be carried out on 3/21 (blackjack) and later be blamed on China?

• London Stock Exchange (Wikipedia)

Founded: 30 December 1801; 80800 days ago

The number 88 is Nazi shorthand for “Heil Hitler,” and it will be the Nazionists who carry out Operation Blackjack. In the original predictive programming slideshow that gave Operation Blackjack its name, London is the first city that’s shown being hit (and it is the true capital of the Atlantic Alliance). In an alternate scenario, we could see a market plunge in London related to the bank failure situation.

(3/20): Here are some more of Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on Tuesday the 21st — the day Trump expects to be arrested — with [my comments in brackets]

3/21 (Tuesday)
the 80th day of the year
Julian calendar: 3/8 -> 38
Jewish calendar: 28 Adar (6/28 or 12/28) Jewish “Tau Day[related to the circle: “what goes around comes around”]

New Moon AT 17:24 UTC in-the-sky org (1,044 minutes into the day)

Strong’s Hebrew 1044. Beth-eqed: “house of binding
KJV: them at the pit of the shearing house,

[The day the sheeple get sheared in a wealth harvest by the Kabbalist bankers?]

1 Ceres at opposition AT 17:37 UTC in-the-sky org

At around the same time that 1 Ceres passes opposition, it also makes its closest approach to the Earth – termed its perigee – making it appear at its brightest.

[1 Ceres is named after Ceres, the Roman goddess of the harvest (the time you reap what you sow). Ceres is associated with the mundus, Rome’s pit/gateway to the underworld. Will it be opened this day? Remember too that Prince Harry wears the poppy, the symbol of Ceres. HE WORE IT WHEN HE VISITED PEARL HARBOR ON 11/11/2022]

Purim Cairo (1524) chabad org

….Ahmed decided to exact revenge against Cairo’s Jewish community. He imprisoned many of their leaders, and threatened to execute them unless …Ahmed captured and beheaded…a day of celebration (chabad org), 499 years ago

[Any Purim can be used to script an Israeli attack on Iran. See the original Purim story.]

• Archbishop Thomas Cranmer Death By Execution (englishhistory net)

Cranmer was executed on 21 March 1556 (Julian). Imprisoned by the Catholic Queen Mary I, Cranmer wrote a recantation of Protestantism, but he denied that recantation before he died.

Mary had good cause to dislike Cranmer. Not only was he the premier Protestant in England, he also annulled her parents’ marriage and subsequently married King Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn…, 467 years ago

Strong’s Greek 467. antapodidómi: to give back as an equivalent, recompense [repay]

[The Commie Catholics versus the Nazionist Protestants — a theme in the New Babington Plot that supposedly led to Queen Elizabeth II’s assassination last year. Will “Commie” King Charles be on the receiving end of payback from “Nazi” Prince Harry for the Queen’s death?]

• Another plot to kill Hitler [by one of his own generals] foiled (history com)

On March 21, 1943, the second military conspiracy plan to assassinate Hitler in a week fails, 80 years ago

[Who would be scripted as Hitler tomorrow? Putin? Erdogan? Trump? Macron? Bolsonaro?]

• Another subpoena a few days ago ->

Brazil’s Bolsonaro will be subpoenaed in jewelry scandal, says minister (reuters com)

Jair Messias Bolsonaro, a Brazilian politician who served as the 38th president of Brazil from 2019 until 2022.

Born: March 21, 1955, his 68th birthday

[Will Bolsonaro get treated like Trump tomorrow?]

Jewish calendar: 28 Adar

• The Bank of England is nationalised

Bank of England Act 1946 (Wikipedia) is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom which came into force on 14 February 1946. The Act brought all of the stock of the Bank of England into public ownership on the “appointed date” (1 March 1946 = 28 Adar I).

[Will the Bank of England be “liquidated (nuclear tsunami)” or vaporized tomorrow?]

3/23 (Thursday)

• Black Thursday (*) 10/24/1929, 4874 weeks ago exactly

Strong’s Hebrew 4874. mashsheh: a loan

1 Occurrence Deuteronomy 15:2

INT: every archer creditor able what

from this verse -> Deuteronomy 15:2 (NIV)

This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite. They shall not require payment from anyone among their own people, because the LORD’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed.

-> What is the Shemitah? (gotquestions org)

• Tokyo Stock Exchange

Founded: May 15, 1878, 144 years 44 weeks 4 days ago

3/28 (Tuesday)

4874 weeks since Black Tuesday*

* Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Wikipedia)
was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects. The Great Crash is mostly associated with October 24, 1929, called Black Thursday, the day of the largest sell-off of shares in U.S. history, and October 29, 1929, called Black Tuesday, when investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. The crash, which followed the London Stock Exchange’s crash of September, signaled the beginning of the Great Depression.

(18 March 2023) – The “Savior” and “Financial Crash” Options for “Judgment Day”

As I wrote in the 15 March update, another globalist option for “Judgment Day” (sunset of March 22 to sunset of March 23) is to script the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah and/or his forces (UFOs) to save the world from “nuclear Armageddon.” And if they do that, they would have to back-narrate the start of the 150-Day War. So I counted back 150 days from “Judgment Day” and landed on October 25, 2022.

October 25 was the day the UK Prime Minister appointed by “Nazi” Queen Elizabeth shortly before her “assassination,” Liz Truss, was replaced by a PM appointed by “Commie” King Charles, Rishi Sunak. Sunak is a Hindu who took his oath as a Member of Parliament on the Bhagavad Gita, a Hindu scripture about a spiritual conversation that took place at the beginning of a “righteous war.” So Sunak could be playing the role of Shiva, the Destroyer (the Hindu god whose statue is on display at CERN), and the globalists can narrate a covert war between the “communists” and “patriot-constitutionalists” (Nazionists) as having taken place from his ascension to power to “Judgment Day.”

Should the globalists go with this “savior option,” keep an eye out for a possible psyop involving a “mothership.” I’ve noticed chatter about it from both the mainstream media and certain prophecy propagandists. And after the “Judgment Day” arrival, watch for a 14-day “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” Psyop that will culminate on Passover.

It’s also possible that something else significant happened on October 25 and I just haven’t found it yet.

~ MORE ~

The Financial Crash Option

Today we looked at the timetable for the “Judgment Day” Savior Option, and in the 5 March and 12 March updates, we looked at the War Option. But there’s also a third, more mundane, option: that “Judgment Day” will bring a seizing up of the global financial system, with war or the Mass Arrests Psyop coming later.

Let’s start by looking at the “official story” of the recent bank failures as told by Wikipedia

During March 2023, two large banks in the United States with significant exposure to the technology sector or to cryptocurrency failed, while another entered liquidation under financial distress.

By March 16, large interbank flows of funds were occurring to shore up bank balance sheets and numerous analysts were reporting on a more general US banking crisis.

March 16 was, of course, the Jewish day of 23 Adar — when the Jews began their 7 days of training/preparation for what was to come on 1 Nisan (sunset of March 22 to sunset of March 23 this year). So if you ask yourself a very straightforward question…

What are the Jews preparing for this coming 1 Nisan?

…you arrive at a very straightforward answer…

A banking / financial system collapse; specifically another Black Thursday (there have been two before, in 1929 and 2020). And this Black Thursday can come on its own, or in tandem with the Savior or War Option.

NOTE (17 March 2023): The globalists are trying to stir civil wars / civil unrest (in Israel, France and other places) to provide cover for destroying key Western cities (and possibly Tel Aviv, “the gayest city on Earth”).

(17 March 2023) – Yesterday I wrote about the potential for something money-related to happen today. As it turns out, “U.S. stocks set for wild swings as trillions in options contracts set to expire Friday: Friday’s ‘quadruple witching’ futures and options expiry could trigger wild swings in stocks.” Unless you’re talking about a kinky romp with some goth Wiccan girls, “quadruple witching” just doesn’t sound good. See last month’s coverage of options expiration weekend for more information on the process.

~ MORE ~

As expected, the globalists have scheduled Xi’s visit to Moscow for March 20-22. So the assassination attempt on the two leaders would come on one of those days, likely Wednesday the 22nd, and that in turn would unleash “Judgment Day” for 1 Nisan (sunset of the 22nd through sunset of the 23rd).

Do you remember the “Ukrainian cross-border commando raid into Russia” that was staged at the beginning of this month? Have you seen today’s report of Bashar Assad claiming that the US is training Islamic terrorists in Syria and sending them into Ukraine with advanced weapons? If you put these two stories together, you see what’s planned for next week: a terror attack on Moscow “by Islamist terror proxies of the US.” Even if Putin and Xi don’t die in the attack, it could be used to trigger “Judgment Day” (by the West supposedly starting it themselves with Operation Blackjack and blaming it on Russia-China).

On an interesting side note, the Western news reports initially revealed the days of the visit (“Monday to Wednesday”), then were revised to be unclear about it (“early next week“). They’re trying to slip this one past us.

~ MORE ~

Here’s another clue that they are/were intending to do Operation Blackjack on March 22-23…

…from The Wall Street Journal. Note the conspicuous references to Jupiter and the photo of the rioters, and be aware that Macron will be facing no-confidence votes “early next week.”

Upon doing some checking, I found that there is a conjunction of the Moon (Artemis) and Jupiter (Satan) on March 22 at 19:56 UTC. And within the Roman pantheon, the god Jupiter is known for striking down those who displease him with lightning bolts from heaven, which is akin to what the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array is designed to do. The Artemis Array uses metal rods — like the Moon Goddess Artemis’s arrows and spears — instead of electricity, though.

So at the same time Xi will be in Moscow and Jupiter will be approaching the Moon, Macron will be facing no-confidence votes from groups of lawmakers including the “far-right” National Rally (Le Pen’s party). And angry protesters will be in the streets of Paris. This will provide the perfect cover for an Artemis strike on Paris which the Macron government will blame on a “Russian nuke” set off by “Putin-loving far-right domestic extremists,” just like Operation Blackjack suggests…

Of course, Paris will not be the only G7/NATO city hit on that day.

If you see a strong Democrat move against Trump this weekend or “early next week,” you’ll know it’s game on (because it will make the American “far-right” fighting mad).

~ MORE ~

Speaking of a “strong Democrat move against Trump,” look at what I came across not long after I wrote about it…

…from NBC News. Here’s an excerpt…

Local, state and federal law enforcement and security agencies are preparing for the possibility that former President Donald Trump will be indicted as early as next week, according to five senior officials familiar with the preparations.

Law enforcement agencies are conducting preliminary security assessments, the officials said, and are discussing potential security plans in and around the Manhattan Criminal Court, at 100 Centre Street, in case Trump is charged in connection with an alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels and travels to New York to face any charges.

The officials stress that the interagency conversations and planning are precautionary in nature because no charges have been filed.

The agencies involved include the NYPD, New York State Court Officers, the U.S. Secret Service, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, the officials said.

It’s interesting that the Democrat move will come at 100 Centre Street, because it’s inside the boundaries of Manhattan’s Chinatown (and not far from the Financial District). If something (such as a nuke-like explosion) happens there, it will come in handy when it’s time for our Nazionist saviors to point the finger of blame at “Obama and China’s Global Communist Deep State.” First, the “Biden-Harris communist revolutionary government” will blame “MAGA and a Russian nuke”; then our saviors will blame “the Global Communist Deep State and a Chinese / North Korean nuke”; and all along it will have been a rod from Artemis.

(16 March 2023) – These are the title notes that accompanied the update below…

Reports suggest that the South Korean President will remain in Tokyo on Friday to meet with Japanese and South Korean business leaders, so the threat to Tokyo remains in effect until he leaves. Also, it has been reported that Xi Jinping’s spring trip to Moscow has been moved up to next week. Will they schedule his visit to coincide with “Judgment Day” (sunset of March 22 to sunset of March 23)? If they do, it’s game on for an assassination play in Moscow.

It looks like the globalists are trying to trigger either a French revolution or a French election. If it’s the latter, we could be looking at another step towards a Peace Path end to the global conflict.

On Friday, watch for a development related to Benjamin Netanyahu (possibly his assassination or an Israeli attack on Assad). A sudden banking crash/holiday is also a possibility. SEE TODAY’S (3/16) UPDATE BELOW FOR DETAILS…

Mmm hmm, so were they planning to start the Israeli “civil war” tomorrow by assassinating (or attempting a trumped-up arrest on) Netanyahu? (And is/was the same to happen to Trump?)..

…from The Guardian

So are the “Communist Deep Staters” in Israel scripted to make common cause with Israel’s enemies to get rid of Netanyahu?

Factors to watch on Friday the 17th (an unlucky date in Italian belief)…

> It brings a 10:53 UTC conjunction of Mercury (“the messenger”) and the Sun, so it’s a good day for somebody to “send a message.” Neptune (Poseidon) will also be in close attendance (so the “tsunami nuke” scenario remains in play, for any city).

> It is St. Patrick’s Day, and the Israeli press have pointed out the similarities between St. Patrick and two Biblical figures, Moses and Joseph/Yosef.

> The Kabbalists have given Benjamin Netanyahu the role of “Moshiach ben Yosef,” the precursor (fake) Jewish Messiah from the tribe of Yosef, in the “End Times” stageplay.

> The Chabad script calls for the Moshiach ben Yosef to die during his struggle to prepare the way for the main (fake) Jewish Messiah, the Moshiach ben David (so watch for his potential assassination by a roadside bomb or something like that).

> Both Bashar Assad and (the not-necessarily-dead) Qasem Soleimani are flashing 666s on Friday (based on their birthdays), and they are two people who supposedly want to “send a message to the Israelis.” My partner Onnabugeisha notes that Assad was born on September 11, 1965, and he’ll turn 690 months and 6 days old (666) on 3/17. Qasem Soleimani was born on March 11, 1957, and he’ll turn 66 years and 6 days old (666). In an alternative scripting based on these cues, Assad could on Friday meet the same supposed fate as Soleimani (death by airstrike).

> The Irish Taintsneak (the Irish word for “prime minister,” at the current moment), Leo Varadkar, will be in Washington D.C. to meet with Biden and Harris (so watch for potential mischief there by non-binary Kabbalist leprechauns).

> St. Patrick’s Day is about green, so something money-related could happen (like a banking collapse, in which case the announced bank bailouts would be revealed as temporary smoke screens so the system could prepare for an “orderly collapse”).

> Donald Trump, born June 14, 1946, turns 4005 weeks old [45] on Friday (and he would be a good person for the commies to blame if something happens in DC). A messiah move by Trump in conjunction with Netanyahu is also an unlikely possibility.

(Title Note – 15 March 2023) – Netanyahu has shortened his Berlin trip — presumably due to “developments in national security” — and will return to Israel on Thursday the 16th.

WARNING (15 March 2023): This is the title note that accompanied the update below…

The globalists have set up another opportunity for a “North Korean” Nuclear Pearl Harbor in Tokyo on Thursday (see the 14-15 March updates below)…

Here is NPR’s headline on the Japan-South Korea Summit to be held on Thursday, March 16th

…Note the occult numbers (11 and 33 are “master numbers” that add up to 44, “Commie Antichrist” Obama’s president number, and is the reporter related to the Kuhn banking family by any chance?).

With the potential for Nuclear Pearl Harbor in Tokyo looming over March 16, and the potential for “God’s Judgment” being scheduled for 1 Nisan, my partner Onnabugeisha notes the following [with my additions in brackets]…

3/16 (Thursday)

Neptune [the Roman god of freshwater and the sea; trident] at solar conjunction

WED, 15 MAR 2023 AT 23:30 UTC = 84,600 seconds into the day.

At 8:46 a.m. (Eastern Time), the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center. (9/11 timeline, history com)

23:30 is like 23/3 (dd/mm date format) = 1 Nisan.

It could signify a “7 days warning” just like in the Bible Genesis 7:4 (NKJV)

“For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights….”

3/16 + 7 days = 3/22 ~ 23. [1 Nisan]

[In Tokyo, the conjunction will occur on 16 March at 8:30 AM.]

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In addition to the missile scenario I wrote about in the 14 March update, watch for a potential “nuclear tsunami attack” or (artificial) “meteor strike” on Tokyo Bay. This would take out both the Summit and Yokosuka naval base with one hit.

Regarding the March 15/16 Neptune-Sun conjunction: Remember that Neptune, the Roman God of the Sea, is the equivalent of Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea. “Poseidon” is also the name of Russia’s supposed nuclear tsunami weapon, which Putin revealed to the public during a State of the Nation Address on 1 March 2018, 1841 days ago (as of March 16, 2023). In Strong’s Bible Concordance, word number 1841 is…

(15 March 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the update below…

On Putin’s official schedule, his meeting with Assad was announced yesterday at 20:50 Moscow time: Strong’s 2050 – (Hebrew) “imagine mischief”; (Greek) “a making desolate.” Should the meeting start or continue after sunset, the potential assassination would take place on the Jewish day of 23 Adar, when the “7 days of training/preparation” begin for what happens on the 8th day, 1 Nisan.

In recent updates, I’ve talked about the “7 days of training/preparation” beginning on 23 Adar (sunset of March 15 to sunset of March 16 this year). To see what the globalists might be scripting, let’s look at what the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult says about it

Mishkan assembled; 7 “days of training” (1312 BCE)

The Children of Israel began building the “Mishkan” (also called the “Tabernacle” — a portable sanctuary to house the Divine presence in their midst as they journeyed through the desert) on the 11th of Tishrei of the year 2449 from creation (1312 BCE) — six months after their Exodus from Egypt, four months after the revelation at Sinai, and 80 days after their worship of the Golden Calf. The construction of the Mishkan, which followed a detailed set of instructions issued to Moses on Mount Sinai, lasted 74 days, and was completed on the 25th of Kislev; but the Divine command to erect the edifice came only three months later, on the 23rd of Adar, when Moses was instructed to begin a 7-day “training period.”

During the week of Adar 23-29, the Mishkan was erected each morning and dismantled each evening; Moses served as the High Priest and initiated Aaron and his four sons into the priesthood. Then, on the “eighth day” — the 1st of Nissan — the Mishkan was “permanently” assembled (that is, put up to stand until the Divine command would come to journey on), Aaron and his sons assumed the priesthood, and the divine presence came to dwell in the Mishkan.

So the “7 days of training” were about preparing for “God’s divine presence” to come down from heaven to dwell amongst men on the 8th day, 1 Nissan (sunset of March 22 to sunset of March 23 this year). As for what the Kabbalists could script for that day, the options include…

  • “God’s Mercy”: the Fake Jewish Messiah and/or his forces (UFOs) may come down from heaven to save the world from “nuclear Armageddon” (which the “7 days” will bring us to the brink of),
  • “God’s Judgment”: “his angels” may come down from heaven to dispense judgment upon a sinful world (by unleashing a 14-day or 150-day war), or
  • archaeologists may announce the supposed discovery of Moses’s Tabernacle (so it can be placed atop the Temple Mount at the end of the coming conflict).

It should be noted that the “7 days” followed by the “8th day” follows the template of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. And the “8th day” of Sukkot is regarded by the Kabbalists as the day “God’s Judgment” is dispensed. Also, the “8th day” of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, occurs on the 22nd and 23rd of the Hebrew month of Tishrei.

(14 March 2023) – These are the title notes that accompanied the update below…

Is Putin setting up a surprise summit with Syria’s Assad and Turkey’s Erdogan in Moscow on the Ides of March? Will the assassination of the three leaders be the 22 Adar surprise, or will it be a historic peace breakthrough? See the note below for links and more…

Longtime readers may recall the Greek Orthodox prophecy propaganda that says Erdogan will fall during the same time period, or a little before, the Jews hit the nuclear program of Iran (see the 28 June 2022 update below). Well disinfo rat Hal Turner has now reported that the Israeli attack may be in motion (on the day Erdogan may show up in Moscow to be killed — Eurasia has already entered March 15). The Greek elder also spoke of “3 days of fear.” Well 3 days after March 15 is March 18 / 25 Adar, the Jewish anniversary of King Nebuchadnezzar’s death. Google “Obama Nebuchadnezzar” to see why Obama may “die” on that day. So will they bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah early, perhaps on 1 Nisan?

Here are the links related to Assad’s — and possibly Erdogan’s — meeting with Putin in Moscow tomorrow. So will Putin meet Caesar’s fate on the Ides of March at the hands of his own Kremlin insiders?…

Many members of the Senate, a group of appointed (not elected) political leaders, resented Caesar’s popularity and arrogance. After Caesar attained the status of dictator for life in 44 B.C.E., these officials decided to strike the ultimate blow against his power. – from National Geographic

Or will he achieve a huge diplomatic victory like China did with Saudi Arabia and Iran, possibly leading to a Peace Path outcome for the world conflict?

And here’s a final question that the Kabbalist “End Times” playwrights were asking themselves when they wrote this part of the script: What price would the Satanic West pay Russian traitors to kill Putin, Assad, and Erdogan all at once?

~ MORE ~

Is a Turkish traitor coordinating with Washington on the hit in Moscow tomorrow?…

…from ERT News. Here is an excerpt…

Today he is expected to meet with White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. There is also a meeting scheduled with the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland.

Yep, he’s meeting with THAT Victoria Nuland, the porcine Hebrew war hag who helped take down the Ukrainian government and replace it with Jewbots.

Thanks to reader Ronin for the link. And by the way, is it kosher for a Jewish woman to be porcine? You’d think there’d be a commandment against it or something…

WARNING (14 March 2023): This is the title note that preceded the update below…

The US and South Korea on Monday launched a large-scale military exercise dubbed “Freedom Shield,” which involves “the ROK Military, United States Forces Korea (USFK), UNITED NATIONS COMMAND (UNC), and subordinate component commands under CFC, along with augmentees, civilian personnel and representatives of the United Nations sending states.” Should this exercise go live, it will provide the scripted motivation for the detonation of “smuggled North Korean nukes” in the US, including one that would take out UN Headquarters. Freedom Shield is an 11-day exercise, ending on or after March 23, which is 1 Nisan (“Judgment Day,” see the 12 March update below).

Watch for Pearl Harbor 2 X 3 on March 14-15 (local time to one of the attacks)

Continuing on with the “Freedom Shield Shilled” exercise mentioned in the title note, North Korea reportedly launched two submarine-launched “strategic” cruise missiles in protest (attaching the word “strategic” to the missiles implies that they’re nuke-capable)…

…from The Korea Herald. Ballistic missiles were also reportedly fired.

These launches open the door to the false-flag that could make the exercise go live: an Israeli submarine near Korea launching a (possibly nuke-tipped) Popeye Turbo SLCM or a modified Sparrow ballistic missile to destroy an American military target (with everyone assuming that the missile was fired by the North Koreans). I’ve previously tracked this scenario in 2017 and 2021, and both times it involved hitting US aircraft carriers.

According to USNI News, the American carriers closest to Korea are the USS America and the USS Ronald Reagan, and they’re both at their home ports in Japan with their defensive systems turned off (just like the USS George H.W. Bush, which is currently docked in Souda Bay, Greece till the Ides of March / March 15 / 22 Adar)…

These three “strategic” targets are sitting ducks right now. So the false flaggers in Asia have the opportunity for a twofer: they can conduct a PEARL HARBOR 2 ATTACK IN TOKYO BAY (sinking the USS Ronald Reagan) and SINK AMERICA (the USS America) at the same time. And since the Chinese have for years been talking about sinking two US aircraft carriers (see ‘Sink two aircraft carriers’: Chinese Admiral’s chilling recipe to dominate the South China Sea), everyone would blame “the Chinese and their North Korean proxies” for the attack (as the Israelis smirk with satisfaction).

(13 March 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the update below…

During Biden’s assassination risk days this week (see the 10 March updates below), he’ll be in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. Today, March 13, he’ll be meeting the UK and Australian prime ministers at Navy Gateway Inns & Suites Point Loma in San Diego. That’s just 12 miles from the Mexican border (as the narco-crow flies), and it’s perfectly positioned for a strike from a “Russian nuclear tsunami weapon” or a “cartel narco-submarine carrying a ‘North Korean’ nuke smuggled by Iran through Venezuela.” See my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes below…

This bit of preparatory propaganda may come into use today (though such an attack would first be blamed on the Russians)…

…from Business Insider (top) and Google Maps (bottom)

Here is where Biden will be meeting with his fellow assassination targets today. And here are Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues with [my additions in brackets]…

Joe Biden is flying to California (his Strong’s ‘death’ days) -> President Joe Biden meets Australian, British leaders in California on nuclear submarines deal. [a deal the Chinese want to stop]

10:10 AM – The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to San Diego, California

10:10 reminds me of

Double Ten Day which is a big thing in Chinese-Taiwanese revolutionary history (I used your words) -> National Day of the Republic of China (Wikipedia)

and also the Party Foundation Day (Wikipedia) in North Korea marking the 10/10/1945 foundation of the “Central Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of North Korea”, known as the “North Korea Bureau of the Communist Party of Korea” which according to its Wikipedia entry was established on the 13th (or 10-13 October 1945) On 3/15 it will be 4040 weeks ago [44, Obama’s president number].

3/14 (Tuesday) Pi Day [related to the circle: “what goes around comes around”]

Joe Biden will travel to Monterey Park, California. [the site of the January 21 mass shooting, and 3/14 is 21 Adar] [Biden will also travel to Las Vegas (the site of another mass shooting).]

Xi Jinping became the 7th President of the People’s Republic of China on 3/14/2013, the 10th anniversary

3/15 (Wednesday) Ides of March

• Joe Biden will discuss his plan to lower prescription drug costs in Las Vegas. [“Sin City,” perfect for a “biblical” destruction]

• Xi Jinping, the paramount leader of China,

Born: June 15, 1953, 69 years and 9 months. [666, the Number of the Beast]

The similarity of words silicon and silk occurred to me. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Xi’s “Silk Road Economic Belt”. So I did some internet searching and found a book titled From Silk to Silicon: The Story of Globalization Through Ten Extraordinary Lives

release date: March 1, 2016 = 21 Adar

Amberley Publishing Limited, March 15, 2016

Harper Paperbacks; Reprint edition, March 14, 2017

Silicon, atomic number 14

In the Bible ‘silicon’ is ‘flint’.

And see this 10 March update for the Kabbalist numerology underpinning the assassination threat.

~ MORE ~

As of earlier this morning, the globalists still appeared to be moving forward with their plans. Here is some preparatory propaganda for the coming Rods from God strikes from the Artemis Weapons Array (which will be blamed on Russian and Chinese hypersonic missiles)…

…from The U.S. Sun

The strikes could come as early as sunset of Tuesday to sunset of Wednesday, but they’ll more likely hit between sunset and midnight of March 22 [when the Jewish day of 1 Nisan — a day that’s all about the Moon (Artemis) — begins].

(12 March 2023) – I’ve put together their new schedule for the 150-Day War: there may be a precursor event that will shake the current world order on March 15, and this will be followed the next day by “seven days of preparation” that will lead to the 8th day, “Judgment Day,” between sunset and midnight of March 22. That will be Day 1 of a war that will culminate with the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah at Mount Sinai on Day 150, August 18. He’ll then undertake his Triumphal Procession to Jerusalem, arriving on Yom Kippur. I’ll expand on this later.

~ MORE ~

A reader has brought up an interesting possibility. The financial guys are calling on Biden to bail out the banks or face a “catastrophic market meltdown.” Is this how the Kabbalists are planning to drain the US government’s cash and bring on an early sovereign debt default? Will what’s planned for sunset of Tuesday through sunset of Wednesday turbocharge the cash drain?

~ MORE ~

I’ve posted my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for Monday, March 13 here. Tomorrow will give us a rare opportunity to see what they script and compare it to the occult scripting cues. My deterrence efforts today faced a roadblock due to the combination of a rough, sleepless night caring for my mother and daylight savings time, so let’s hope that the exposure of their war schedule will cause them to think twice before proceeding with the “bank run contagion” scripting.

(Title Note – 11 March 2023) – Is the bad banking news that came out yesterday about providing a pretext for the Fed to unexpectedly lower rates “to help troubled banks borrow”? The globalists may be looking to do a repeat of Black Wednesday — when George Soros broke the Bank of England back in 1992 — on the Federal Reserve Bank this month. It would come either this Wednesday (the Ides of March / 22 Adar) or the following Wednesday (March 22, when the FOMC will have its regular meeting). Be advised that the Fed has already put out an “Advanced Notice of a (Closed) Meeting under Expedited Procedures” for March 13 at 11:30 AM. Strong’s 113 GreekHebrew = lawless lord/god. Watch for any who are building a massive short position against the dollar; they are the crooks.

(Title Note – 10 March 2023) – “The Ides of March” this year, March 15 / 22 Adar, is the Jewish anniversary of an earthquake that shook Rome and saved the Jews (from a “convert or die” decree). So how are the Kabbalists planning to shake Rome (the “commie” West) next Wednesday? Sneak attacks? Assassinations and removals? Lehman 2? All of the above? More on this and the 8 days that come after it tomorrow.

(10 March 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the 10 March update below…

(3/9) – Tomorrow, March 10 (when Shabbat Parah begins at sunset), the focus shifts to the Mediterranean, where the US Navy will be parking an aircraft carrier in Souda Bay, Greece to serve as a sitting duck for a Turkish surprise attack. It will remain there till the Ides of March (another potential mischief date). Details in the morning…

Back in late 1941, the US Navy put the aircraft carriers out to sea before the “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor. Not this time…

…from FlashNews.gr. Many thanks to reader Ronin for providing this link and maintaining his watch over the Mediterranean situation.

The article goes on to note that the USS Bush is carrying Carrier Air Wing 7, and the last time it docked in Souda before last year was back in March of 2017. It should also be noted that today’s docking will take place exactly 119 days (911 reversed) since Prince Harry made his “surprise” visit to Pearl Harbor on 11/11 last year.

As for the purpose for the Bush being there, it has to do with a surprise attack to kick off Turkey’s war on its neighbors — an attack that aims to reverse the historic Ottoman defeat at the Battle of Navarino and prevent the US Navy from interfering with their invasions of Cyprus, Syria, and Lebanon. When it was docked there last October, it was there for the same reason.

That said, the article states that the USS Bush will anchor at Souda Bay for five days, from March 10 to the Ides of March. Speaking of that timeframe…

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For the Kabbalist scriptwriters, Joe Biden’s death (either physical or political) remains numerologically-active through the Ides of March. Look at what my partner Onnabugeisha found while we were sleeping…

Joe Biden, born 20 November 1942, turns the following ages on the following days:

Of course, March 15 is the Ides of March, the day Julius Caesar was killed. Caesar was the head of ancient Rome at the time of his death, and Biden is the putative head of Third Rome (the “US-UK-EU-G7-NATO Empire”). I say “putative” because according to the “End Times” script, Biden has been compromised by the communists and is “Commie Antichrist Obama’s puppet.”

(3-9 March 2023) – Hamana Hamana, Esther’s looking mighty fine in that robe…

…from Wikipedia

As the Kabbalists stand on the threshold of bringing in their Fake Jewish Messiah, it is their intention to schedule the major events that lead to his arrival on Jewish dates of significance. This will make it appear that the events were “set in motion by God in fulfillment of prophecy.” And starting at sunset today, we enter an important cluster of Jewish dates of significance — a March 3 through March 11 cluster that relates to an ancient Persian plot to annihilate the Jews and the holiday that commemorates the plot’s defeat, Purim.

Here is the Purim story straight from Chabad-Lubavitch, the Kabbalist cult that is helping to orchestrate the ongoing “End Times” stageplay…

The Persian Empire of the 4th century BCE extended over 127 lands, and all the Jews were its subjects. When King Ahasuerus had his wife, Queen Vashti, executed for failing to follow his orders, he arranged a beauty pageant to find a new queen. A Jewish girl, Esther, found favor in his eyes and became the new queen, though she refused to divulge her nationality.

Meanwhile, the Jew-hating Haman was appointed prime minister of the empire. Mordechai, the leader of the Jews (and Esther’s cousin), defied the king’s orders and refused to bow to Haman. Haman was incensed, and he convinced the king to issue a decree ordering the extermination of all the Jews on the 13th of Adar, a date chosen by a lottery Haman made.

Mordechai galvanized all the Jews, convincing them to repent, fast and pray to G‑d. Meanwhile, Esther asked the king and Haman to join her for a feast. At a subsequent feast, Esther revealed to the king her Jewish identity. Haman was hanged, Mordechai was appointed prime minister in his stead, and a new decree was issued, granting the Jews the right to defend themselves against their enemies.

On the 13th of Adar, the Jews mobilized and killed many of their enemies. On the 14th of Adar, they rested and celebrated. In the capital city of Shushan, they took one more day to finish the job.

Fast forwarding to the current day, the Zionists have for many years been promoting the narrative that the modern-day Persians, the Iranians, have been working towards building nuclear weapons so they can exterminate all the Jews in Israel, just like Haman plotted to do. And on February 28, the globalists trotted out a Pentagon official to claim that Iran could now produce one bomb’s worth of fissile material in about 12 days. So the Zionists now have an excuse to kill their contemporary Persian enemies before March 12 (and during the March 3-11 date cluster).

In the next section, we’ll look at the dates in the cluster…

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I was in the process of researching for the next part of today’s update when I ran across something that knocked my socks off. I found it on the UN Security Council’s daily schedule (arch)…

Upon seeing the March 7 (Purim) event, I remembered a Bible passage about people saying “peace and security” when sudden destruction comes — the Christian prophecy propagandists harp on it all the time. So upon tracking down the Bible verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, and remembering that it mentions a woman (just like the UN event does), my head almost exploded…

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (BSB) – While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

So I dug further by looking into the numbers related to the March 7 UNSC event and found this…

  • Towards the 25th anniversary of resolution 1325 (2000)” – Upon looking at the number 25, I found this in Wikipedia: “In Ezekiel’s vision of a new temple: The number twenty-five is of cardinal importance in Ezekiel’s Temple Vision (in the Bible, Ezekiel chapters 40–48).” I then looked into Ezekiel’s Temple Vision on Chabad.org and found this: In the 25th year of the Babylonian exile, G‑d showed a vision of the future Temple to the prophet Ezekiel. Yet the Second Temple was built only partially based on the description in the book of Ezekiel, as this prophetic description was reserved for the Third and final Temple.” So when the UNSC schedule says “towards the 25,” they mean “towards the Third Temple“; the destruction of UN Headquarters will signify the destruction of the current world order, and the Fake Jewish Messiah’s New World Order is scripted to rise from its ashes and build the Third Temple.
  • “Towards the 25th anniversary of resolution 1325 (2000)” – Upon looking at the number 1325, I found the following in Strong’s Bible Concordance, which is one of the tools the globalists use in their numerology: Strong’s Greek 1325 – didomi: to give, to hand out lots; Strong’s Hebrew 1325 – bath: a bath (a unit of liquid measure). According to the Purim story, Haman chose the date for his judgment of the Jews — which became the date when the Jews judged their enemies — by casting lots. And a bath is what New York City would take if “God measures his judgment against the Great City Babylon in water (supposedly by means of a Russian tsunami nuke). On that note, have a look at this…

    …from Fox News (top) and the Gothamist (bottom)

~ MORE – 4 March 2023 ~

This is the title note that accompanied the following continuation of the 3 March update…

The Kabbalist plan for war next week likely follows the pattern of the Jewish attack on their enemies in the time of Haman. Back then, they attacked on 13 Adar and continued their assault in the capital city of the empire that ruled all the Jews of that time, Shushan/Susa of the First Persian Empire, on 14 Adar (Purim). Since the “communist” UN is the “Israel-hostile” empire that rules all the Jews of the current day, they intend(ed) to strike its capital, New York (“the Great City Babylon”), on 14 Adar of this year (Purim). So the first event of the attack sequence is/was planned to occur as early as sunset of March 5 (when 13 Adar begins), with a good possibility of it occurring at dawn of the 6th (when the Fast of Esther begins). The attack on UN Headquarters would then follow as early as sunset of the 6th (when 14 Adar / Purim begins). If they carry out the full attack sequence over the course of March 6, they would fulfill Haman’s intention of annihilating all his enemies “in a single day.” And Bible verses, such as Revelation 18:8, speak of Babylon falling in a single day. All this being said, the next attack window spans sunset of the 5th through sunset of the 7th (Jerusalem time or local time to the event).

Continuing where the 3 March update left off, here are more of the numbers I looked into…

  • “Towards the 25th anniversary of resolution 1325 (2000)” – Upon looking at the number 2000, I found the following in Strong’s: Strong’s Greek 2000 – episphales: prone to fall (usage: dangerous, likely to fall – 1 occurrence, Acts 27:8Now when much time was spent, and when sailing was now dangerous, because the fast was now already past, Paul admonished [them]…); Strong’s Hebrew 2000 – hamam: to make a noise, move noisily, confuse, discomfit [NASB Translation: brought (1), confounded (1), confuse (1), confused (1), confusion (1), crushed (1), damage (1), destroy (1), disturb (1), routed (3), throw into confusion (1), troubled (1)]. The Fast of Esther spans dawn to nightfall on March 6 (during the Hebrew day of 13 Adar), so the Fast will be past and the danger for UN Headquarters will start when 14 Adar (Purim) begins at sunset, just like I described in today’s title note. Once the Fast of Esther ends, the current world order is prone to fall. And the Hebrew word “hamam” effectively expresses the results of the UN strike (and all the other strikes that will accompany it): the West and its world order will be crushed, destroyed, routed, and thrown into confusion.
  • Women and peace and security” – It is no accident that for Purim of 2023 the globalists composed this UNSC scheduling note with the precise words needed to connect the day to 1 Thessalonians 5:3 [the number 53]. My partner Onnabugeisha and I have noted the peculiar occurrences of the number 53 in the Kabbalist setups a number of times in recent months, including in this photo and note from the 21 February update (as you can see, 53 is connected to war)…

    …Note that in the carefully-staged propaganda photo, 53 is the only number fully visible. And the numbered vehicle is an amphibious assault vehicle, which is suitable for either invading Taiwan or providing disaster relief in the flooded Chinese countryside [after the Three Gorges Dam is deliberately breached].

It is also important to note that 1 Thessalonians 5:3 is related to “The Day of the Lord.” This is the beginning of 1 Thessalonians 5 (BSB)

The Day of the Lord

1 Now about the times and seasons, brothers, we do not need to write to you. 2 For you are fully aware that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

As for what “The Day of the Lord” represents in 1 Thessalonians 5, have a look at this write-up from Israel My Glory. I’ve highlighted in red the part we are/were scheduled to see this week, and I’ve added something [in brackets]

The major subject of 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11 is the future Day of the Lord, which refers to God’s future intervention into world events to accomplish His purpose in history — to glorify Himself by demonstrating the fact that He alone is the sovereign God. In order to accomplish this purpose, God has determined to have His day in the end times of world history.

In light of this determination, the Day of the Lord will have at least two phases. The first will be a period of judgment, as God intervenes to destroy the dominion of Satan [“Communist Antichrist” Obama’s UN/NATO Empire and the allied Chinese Communist Party “Deep State”] and rebellious man over the world system and thereby ends their day in the world. This phase will be characterized by darkness and an outpouring of God’s wrath (Joel 2:1–2; Amos 5:18–20; Zeph. 1:14–15).

The second phase will be a period of divine dominion, as God restores and exercises His theocratic kingdom rule over the world system through Jesus Christ (Zech. 14:1–9; Rev. 19:11–20:4). This phase will be characterized by light and an outpouring of God’s blessing (Isa. 2:13; 11:1–9; 30:23–26; 60; Zech 14:1, 7–11, 20–21; Mt. 19:28; Acts 3:19–21). It would be strange for the God who is light (1 Jn. 1:5) to have His day consist totally of darkness with no period of light, especially since the present day of Satan and rebellious man is characterized by a rule of darkness (Eph. 6:12; Col. 1:13).

So the “first phase” will end with the victorious arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah, who will then establish his benevolent-looking Nazionist New World Order (the “reformed” UN, possibly headquartered in Jerusalem) and build the Third Temple. It should be noted that all 2 or 3 saviors you’ll see between now and 2032 are false saviors who work for the globalists.

~ MORE – 5 March 2023 ~

The Nut

Today we’ll have a look at how the war will play out if the globalists proceed as scheduled this week. Here are some key inflection points…

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If World War 3 starts on March 5 (this evening), the globalists can still land the Fake Jewish Messiah’s 150th day arrival on August 2 / Tu B’Av. In that case, August 2 will occur 150 days AFTER the war starts — it’s just a subtle difference in how you count the days (by counting the day the war starts as Day 0 or Day 1).

~ MORE – 6 March 2023 ~

THE WATCH PERIOD IS NOW EXTENDED THROUGH SHUSHAN PURIM (sunset of Tuesday through sunset of Wednesday). I’ll explain why a bit later.

~ MORE – 7 March 2023 ~

This is the title note that preceded the following update…

WARNING: On Shushan Purim, watch for another Kabbalist attempt to unleash what they’d planned for Monday and Tuesday AND/OR for the deliberate busting of Three Gorges Dam in China (likely via EM-induced earthquake). SEE TODAY’S (3/7) UPDATE BELOW FOR DETAILS…

Have you noticed that China has been headlining the Drudge Report from Sunday through Tuesday morning?…

Let me show you why…

In her research, my partner Onnabugeisha has found the key to what the Kabbalists have scripted for 15 Adar, the Jewish day that corresponds to the Gregorian date of March 8 (and spans sunset of today through sunset of tomorrow). The key is a Bible verse…

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

So according to the story of Noah’s Flood, the 17th day of the 2nd month was the day all hell broke loose in an event that was both a flood and a “Judgment of God upon a sinful world.”

As it turns out, March 8 corresponds to the date of 2nd Month 17 — the 17th day of the 2nd month — on the Chinese Lunar Calendar. And the Chinese consider 8 to be a lucky number, so they schedule important events to begin on 8s — like they did for the 2008 Beijing Olympics…

The opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Beijing started at 8 seconds and 8 minutes past 8 pm (local time) on 8 August 2008. – from Wikipedia

So the Kabbalists have two choices for Adar 15 / Shushan Purim / 2nd Month 17…

  • they can schedule the start of “God’s second judgment of a sinful world, the Fire Judgment,” (remember that the Fake Jewish Messiah will blame the “commies” for the war, so he’ll say they started it on the 8th for good luck), and/or
  • they can schedule the popping of the Three Gorges Dam in order to unleash a “biblical” flood in China (in which case “Xi’s Nazionists” will ultimately be blamed for triggering it on the 8th to bring good luck in bringing down the CCP).

~ MORE ~

Here’s an important hint to what’s planned for March 8 (China time): note that Xi is pictured as a radiant from which streaks emerge, such as in a meteor shower

We’ve this symbolism before — when tracking the “meteor storm” / “Rods from God” attack that may have been planned for November 25 of last year…

(from 24 November 2022) – Tomorrow, November 25, is JFK Jr’s birthday, and the globalists may have planned some birthday fireworks for him this year (note how the white dots in the illustration emerge from a radiant — just like a meteor shower does — that centers on him)…

…from The Daily Beast

Have the globalists scripted the fulfillment of the Qanon Disinformation Front’s predictions of “The Storm” and “JFK Jr’s Return” for tomorrow morning?

~ MORE ~

It appears that the globalists will miss their preferred starting dates of March 6 and 7. And given that the Drudge Report has “changed the subject” today, they’ll likely miss March 8 as well.

Should they go forward with the Shushan Purim scripting, they will lose their perfect 150-day alignment with Tu B’Av, but the adjustment is a rather simple one: they’d stage the appearance of the Fake Messiah on Tu B’Av as planned, then extend the 150-day war action to August 4 or 5 (the Jewish anniversary dates of the Hebron Massacre). And on one of those dates, they’d script his saving of Jews from a similar situation.

In case the apparent Fake Jewish Messiah turns out to be Mike Pence (or the Pence/Kushner combo), this “Hebron extension” will work particularly well. Because it was Hebron and the Tomb of the Patriarchs that Pence visited to do his obligatory “antichrist desecration of the holy place” last year (see the 6 May 2022 note for details).

After March 8, the next opportunity for the start of the war is Shabbat Parah (sunset of March 10 through sunset of March 11). This would land the 150th day of the war on 20 Av (August 7), which is the anniversary of the first printing of the Zohar (“the fundamental work of the Kabbalah”). And to the Chabadniks, it is also “Chof Av,” a day of great importance to the now-dead Lubavitcher Rebbe. Ending the war on that day would be a show of respect to the Rebbe (who was obsessed with bringing in the Fake Moshiach) and his father.

~ MORE – 8 March 2023 ~

I sense that the globalists are/were planning to script the disappearance or destruction of Benjamin Netanyahu’s flight to Rome tomorrow (3/9), and it has something to do with the two Malaysia Airlines flights that met the same fates. Details to come…

~ MORE ~

The Drudge Report is displaying attack symbolism — a right-hand fist [symbolizing a Nazionist attack (likely masquerading as a communist attack)] — on the day before the following occult scripting cues become active (these are raw notes from Onnabugeisha, followed by a note of mine at the end)…

3/9 (Thursday)
Chinese Lunar calendar: 2nd Month 18 (2/18)
Jewish calendar: 16 Adar (6/16 -> 616 [the alternate Number of the Beast to 666] or 12/16)

Chinese calendar:

• Sun Yat-sen (Wikipedia) was the first provisional president of the Republic of China and the first leader of the Kuomintang. He is called the “Father of the Nation” in the Republic of China, and the “Forerunner of the Revolution” in the People’s Republic of China for his instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai Revolution.

Died: March 12, 1925 = 2nd Month 18, the 98th Chinese anniversary of his death

and this time on the Chinese Lunar calendar on the 95th death anniversary of Sun Yat-sen.

• The WHO (World Health Organisation) declared the COVID-19 virus [corona = crown] a pandemic, on Wednesday 3/11/2020

COVID-19 a ‘Pandemic.’ Here’s What That Means (time com), 3/11/2020 = 2nd month 18

The ‘Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (nasa gov) on 12/21/2020, 808 days ago [88 is the Nazi number]

Noah’s Flood Genesis 7:11 “… on the seventeenth day of the second month..” and the Great Conjunction was 11th Month 7 on the Chinese Lunar calendar.

The Chinese add a whole leap month approximately every three years. The leap month’s place in the Chinese calendar varies. This year is a leap year and they decided to repeat the 2nd month. So 4/7 will be another Chinese Noah’s Flood.

Jewish calendar:

Rebuilding of Jerusalem Wall Begun (c. 41 CE)

The 16th of Adar, the day when the construction commenced, was instituted to be a joyous day. (chabad org)

• Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation (Wikipedia) Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the treaty of accession (annexation) with Crimean leaders in Moscow, 18 March 2014 = 16 Adar II 5774

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron

Pence tours Hebron, meets local Jewish settlers, runs into Ben Gvir and Marzel (timesofisrael com) 3/9/2022, 1 year ago

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move, 12/6/2017 (nytimes com), 1919 days ago

Strong’s Hebrew 1919. Hadassah: “myrtle,” Esther’s Jewish name

articles: Is Trump a King Cyrus or a Queen Esther? (aljazeera com)

Pompeo says Trump is like Bible’s Queen Esther (dw com)

I’m almost sure that Esther is Venus/Aphrodite. And Trump? I’m not so sure…

Ken’s Note – If the Kabbalists go with the war tomorrow or in the days that follow, they can land the 150th day on one of the Jewish anniversaries from the 1929 Palestine Riots.

~ MORE – 9 March 2023 ~

“Civil War-starting assassinations” are/were the theme todaynot only in Israel (Netanyahu was scripted to die today — see the 8 March note), but in the USA. They’re flying Biden’s tired old bones up to Philly again…

Biden plans to roll out the tax-and-spending plans at a Philadelphia union [as in the Union vs. the Confederacy] hall, a venue in a competitive battleground state… – from Reuters

This alone would be unremarkable, but if you look at it in tandem with my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for today, you start to see the possibility of the numerology-obsessed Kabbalists scripting a “MAGA” assassination…

but these are strange numbers…

RFK and Joe Biden share the same birthday.

Joe Biden
Born: November 20, 1942
Robert Francis Kennedy
Born: November 20, 1925

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (Wikipedia)
Date: June 5, 1968, 20000 days ago
[he died a day later on June 6, also 20000 days (counted inclusively)]
(you wrote about the number 2000 a few days ago…)

Inauguration of Joe Biden
Date: January 20, 2021, 111 weeks 1 day ago (like 11/11)

Given all the 20’s, I looked up the supposed meaning of the number 20 on a “biblical numerology” site. This is what it said [with my addition in brackets]…

The number twenty (20), which is one more than nineteen, is twice ten. It can convey a meaning of a complete or perfect waiting period. [between an inauguration and a “de-inauguration”] – from BibleStudy.org

(2 March 2023) – Tomorrow (3/3) at sunset in Jerusalem (10:38 AM New York time), the Purim Event Window opens with the start of Shabbat Zachor — a Shabbat devoted to remembering the nation of Amalek (who have come to generally represent “The Evil Enemy” to the Jews). The modern-day “Amalekites” include Iran, Joe Biden, and the UN. So sunset of March 3 to sunset of March 4, viewed from Jerusalem or the US East Coast, could bring Kabbalist-scripted attacks on Washington DC and New York City. This would precede an attack on the “Amalekite descendants of Haman,” the Iranians, by March 11 (possibly on March 5-6 / 13 Adar). Details tomorrow…

(2 March 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the update below…

Will the “Cobasna Disaster,” the deliberate demolition of the Cobasna military depot in Transnistria, be the ecological and human catastrophe that “galvanizes the UN to expel non-member Russia and compels China to abstain so the Security Council can take action”? It sure looks like that’s what’s scripted.

The first I heard of the big weapons and ammunition depot in Transnistria was from the Putin-worshipping controlled alt-media. With Western ammunition stocks running low, they warned that Ukraine was massing forces to invade Transnistria so they could seize the depot and keep their war effort going. But as I tracked down information on the depot, I was struck by the peculiar focus of each article on the possibility of it exploding and the devastating effects it would cause…

The ammunition depot in Cobasna presents a serious technogenic and ecological danger not only for the Republic of Moldova but also for Ukraine. In 2005, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova published an expert report on the threats posed by the accumulation of weapons in the Transnistrian region.

A possible explosion of the military depot in Cobasna can be compared to the detonation of a 10-kiloton nuclear bomb, which was dropped on the city of Hiroshima in 1945.

After the explosion, a crater with a radius of 1.5 kilometers and a depth of 75 meters would form. However, given that Cobasna is located in a rural area, the range of the explosion can reach 40-50 kilometers. Therefore, the effects of the explosion can be compared to the damage caused by an earthquake of 7-7.5 degrees.

Experts point out that an explosion of the ammunition depot in the village of Cobasna will lead to population damage and a humanitarian and ecological catastrophe in the northeastern region of the Republic of Moldova and the territory of Ukraine on an area of 500 to 3000 square kilometers. – from Arnika.org

Upon seeing this, it occurred to me that it would be highly useful to the West if such a catastrophe occurred and could be blamed on Russia. And upon exploring a bit further, I found a report that sets up Russia to take the blame from a Serbian news station that was started with seed money from George Soros and USAID

…from b92. Here is an excerpt…

The former military inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense of Moldova announced that the armed forces of Transnistria planted explosives in all weapons warehouses in that region.

According to the media, this includes planting explosives in the Cobasna ammunition depot, so that if any military operation begins, it will cause catastrophic damage in parts of Moldova, Transnistria and Ukraine.

By the way, the Cobasna ammunition storage is the largest in Eastern Europe and contains up to 20,000 tons of weapons and ammunition from the Soviet era. It is believed to be guarded by around 1,500 Russian soldiers.

It is the largest ammunition depot in Eastern Europe.

So to shock the world with a “war atrocity” and trigger the UN’s “suspension” of Russia’s “illegal” membership, all the globalist scriptwriters have to do is cue an apparent ground incursion into Transnistria followed by a stealthy US bunker buster strike on the Cobasna depot. As an added bonus to NATO, most of the Russian “peacekeepers” in Transnistria would be blown to bits by the blast. And in the aftermath, everyone would assume that the Russians triggered the explosion to keep the depot from falling into Ukrainian hands.

(28 February – 1 March 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the following update…

See yesterday’s (2/27) update below for information on the globalists’ plan to start World War 3 this week (links have been added). In the specific scenario of a Ukrainian false-flag attack in Transnistria/Moldova, watch for Ukrainians / NATO special forces dressed in Russian military uniforms to attack MOLDOVAN GOVERNMENT TARGETS. This will give the newly-installed Moldovan Prime Minister an excuse to call for military assistance from NATO, the US, and Ukraine. And since neither Moldova nor Transnistria border Russia, the call will be answered by the Ukrainian forces massing outside Transnistria and by the US air assault units that are forward-deployed in Romania. Once NATO has openly engaged the Russian forces in Transnistria, the war will explode. See today’s note below for links explaining the Transnistrian situation.

Behold Transnistria, NATO’s back door into the Ukraine-Russia War…

…from Al Jazeera. But are NATO leaders like Macron open to such backdoor adventures? All signs point to yes.

This CNN article provides background on the situation in Transnistria. And this Turkish article covers the Russian warnings about it.

~ MORE – 1 March 2023 ~

These are the title notes that accompanied the following update…

There are occult cues that could lead to the scripting of mischief today (watch Biden). See Onnabugeisha’s notes for clues. And this week, watch for the potential destruction of the Cobasna ammunition depot in Transnistria — it would generate a strong explosion that could be “mischaracterized” as a nuclear blast (and would kill so many Russians that false-flag “retaliation” could be carried out).


The Russians have started a full military mobilization of Transnistria today…

…from AA.com.tr

Note that they are “accepting applications” from Transnistrian civilians, which means they’re recruiting fighters for the war, just like they did in the breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine.

Here are links to information on the Cobasna ammunition depot: 1,2.

(27 February 2023) – It appears that Spirit has successfully pushed the Kabbalists out of February, but we won’t have to wait long for their next timing window for starting the Big War, the “Purim Window” of March 3-11. They will try again to blow up UN Headquarters and NATO’s decision-making centers during the timespan of sunset this Friday, March 3 [3/3 >>> 33] to sunset of March 4. This would lead to the attack on Iran commencing during the timespan of March 6-11. Starting the Big War on 3/3 — which is when Essene Purim and Shabbat Zachor will begin at sunset — will lead to 33 days passing till the first day of Passover [which will bring the next inflection point in the war script (as mentioned in the 20 February update below — scroll down till you see Trump in a superhero outfit)].

March 3 is the 62nd day of the year, with 303 days remaining [303 >>> 33]. It is also the day in 1918 when Russia lost control of Ukraine during World War (with their signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk). It would therefore be a good day to schedule the rumored Ukrainian attack on Crimea (or Transnistria) that would kick off the expanded Russia-Ukraine War (and trigger “Russia’s red line response of attacking NATO’s decision-making centers”). See “Russia’s Medvedev: Attack on Crimea will ignite ‘Judgement Day’ response.”

The War Trigger This Week: Watch for Ukrainian military attacks in Crimea or Ukrainian false-flag attacks in Transnistria/Moldova that will bring about a call for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. Russia’s UN delegation will be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that Russia is not legally a member of the UN “and therefore cannot be allowed to use their undeserved permanent seat on the UNSC to continue the Ukraine war / start another Ukraine war in Moldova.” Russia’s exclusion will begin a 72-hour or less countdown to Operation Blackjack, and if the emergency meeting is called for Friday evening, the countdown may be expressed in minutes rather than hours.

(26 February 2023) – Had the globalists gone through with the expulsion of Russia from the UN on Friday, it would have completed the setup for the blame game that is to follow the destruction of UN Headquarters (which currently is/was planned to occur between sunset of today and sunset of Monday, Jerusalem or New York time). The current “commie” US government would blame Russia of course, but after the Nazionist savior steps in to defeat the “Satanic Global Communist Deep State,” he would blame it on “Erdogan’s Turkey armed with a nuke provided by the North Korean Deep State” (see the 18 February update below).

The UN Security Council is meeting tomorrow to discuss matters of importance to both Turkey and North Korea, and in the aftermath of the West weaponizing the UN against Russia, Turkey and North Korea would have supposedly acted to prevent its weaponization against their interests. According to the globalist script, a UN weaponized by the G7 (with China granting their consent in exchange for the US selling out Taiwan) could get in the way of Turkey’s planned war of territorial expansion (the war on Iran). And North Korea is technically still at war with the UN, and is living under crushing UN sanctions. So both nations have scripted motivations to bring about a bonfire in Manhattan.

(25 February 2023) – The planned expulsion of Russia from the UN yesterday was meant to provide cause for the “communists” to blame Putin for the February 27 destruction of the UN and the NATO decision-making centers: “It was Putin’s revenge!” In the next update, I’ll show you how it all fits together.

(24 February 2023) – It looks like I was right about what they were planning today. After yesterday’s anti-Russian General Assembly vote, they were going to simply exclude the Russian delegation from the Security Council today on the grounds that they are not legal members of the UN. Here’s the justification for it that was released in the press last night at 10:30 PM EST: Russia Doesn’t Belong in the United Nations. No action by the UN would have been necessary to implement the exclusion.

(23 February 2023) – These are the title notes that preceded and accompanied the following update…

The next scheduled stop on the Armageddon Express is February 27, the 90th Gregorian anniversary of the Reichstag Fire. A 150-day war started on that day would result in the arrival of the Fake Messiah on Tisha B’Av, “turning the saddest day on the Jewish calendar to the most joyous.” Full coverage to come in the days ahead…

Mischief may be scripted to take place at the UN Security Council on tomorrow’s anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. SEE TODAY’S (2/23) UPDATE FOR DETAILS…

Whilst poking about the net today to find the globalists’ scent, I caught a whiff of goat-stank in this post from Homeland Security rat Hal Turner’s site

So I started digging and found that our Jewish Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, made a special trip to be at the UN today and tomorrow…

…from State.gov. Note what’s underlined in red (I’ll get to the part I underlined in blue when I cover what’s planned for the 27th).

Blinken will “call upon the international community to endorse UN actions that will help secure a just and durable peace in Ukraine,” eh? But how could such a Security Council resolution pass with permanent members Russia and China having the veto power to stop it? THAT is where some unprecedented mischief may come in.

On the February 24 anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, will the US and EU agree to bilaterally enforce an anti-Russian Security Council resolution that fails due to a Russian veto? Alternatively, will they find a way to exclude the Russian and Chinese representatives from a vote so such a resolution can pass?

Bizarrely, today’s meeting of the UNSC is its 9268th…

…from the UN Security Council Programme of Work

This meeting number is the same as the flight numbers of two Russian airliners that have crashed in recent years, Metrojet Flight 9268 and Red Wings Airlines Flight 9268. So I’m catching a whiff of something distinctly fishy too. Occult mayhem may be at work — remember that two airliner-type aircraft were involved in the takedown of the Twin Towers on the first 9/11.

I’m not currently tracking any scenarios for today, February 23, but here are some raw notes on the occult cues for the 23rd-24th from a reader and from Onnabugeisha.

~ MORE ~

Aha! Another piece of the puzzle just hit the news!…

…from CNN. Here is an excerpt…

The Biden administration is expecting China to put a peace plan on the table Friday with their ideas for resolving Russia’s war in Ukraine, a US State Department official said Thursday.

“We await to see what the Chinese put on the table, this is supposedly to be announced tomorrow,” Victoria Nuland, the State Department under secretary of political affairs, said during a conversation with the Washington Post.

China’s top diplomat Wang Yi had previewed the forthcoming plan during remarks at the Munich Security Conference last weekend. After Wang traveled to Moscow later this week, however, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said he had not discussed the reported plan with China’s top diplomat.

Nuland did not say how the Chinese will present the plan. There is a meeting tomorrow of the UN Security Council where China could plausibly make this presentation. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will be at the meeting.

Remember that Victoria Nuland, who is also a Jew, was deeply involved in the color revolution in Ukraine that threw out the Russia-friendly leader there. And note that she, the Biden administration, and the Western security elite seem to know more about the Chinese plan than Lavrov and the Russians. So now we face another possibility for tomorrow…

Will the Chicoms side with the “communist revolutionary governments of the West” and present a peace plan tomorrow that cuts Putin off at the knees?

This could humble Russia and result in Putin’s removal or resignation while the intentional and malicious mismanagement of the communist revolutionary governments brings down the US and EU too. Is this how China plans to become the only superpower left standing?

I’ll have to dig up my old writings about Xi’s potential scripting as a sidle-up traitor to Putin.

~ MORE ~

I’ve found some of my old writings about Xi betraying Putin. I wrote this back before I fully understood the Nazionists vs. communists subplot of the ongoing globalist stageplay, so I crossed out the incorrect parts in the following excerpt (and I added an important link on Xi’s Illuminati handler)…

(from 21 February 2020) – …As for the shape the NWO outcome will take, there are four possibilities (which I’ll present in order from most likely to least likely)…

Outcome 2: We’ll see a Western multilateral “evil, liberal” NWO rise to dominance in global affairs. It would most likely be headed by “Antichrist Pence” and/or “Antichrist Kushner,” but “Antichrist Trump” and/or “Antichrist Xi” could also be scripted-in as leaders (it would be said that Trump and/or Xi were Western controlled-opposition leaders who were assigned to befriend and then betray Putin).

Outcome 4: We’ll see a Chinese unipolar world order rise to dominance in global affairs. It would be headed by “Antichrist Xi,” but in an hour we’d be hungry for another world order.

Looking at these two outcomes through the lens of the phony Nazionists vs. communists conflict, each would represent a temporary communist victory. But a Nazionist and/or Putin victory will be scripted either this year or in 2025.

~ MORE – 24 February 2023 ~

Well the Chinese setup seems to have died a quick overnight death. But now the scriptwriters have cued this…

The President gathers with G7 Leaders and President Zelenskyy for a virtual meeting to continue coordinating our efforts to support Ukraine and hold Russia accountable for its war -from Biden’s public schedule on Factba.se

So there will be a sudden G7+Ukraine virtual summit at 9 AM Washington, DC time. What sort of mischief are they planning now?

(21 February 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the following updates…

WARNING: 1 Adar (sunset of the 21st to sunset of the 22nd) could be a real sh*t sandwich. See today’s and other recent updates below (and stock up on spicy mustard).

Among my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for 1 Adar are occult cues that could be used to script additional assassinations outside of Europe (and even the popping of the Three Gorges Dam). And today’s Drudge Report features China-Russia developments that would provide the US with a scripted motivation to sideline China with an electromagnetically-induced earthquake.

(21 February 2023) – The press have just introduced a key narrative element to the potential strike on Putin at his Luzhniki Stadium rally on Wednesday: Leader of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, accuses Shoigu and Gerasimov of Treason.” So if a long-range missile is fired out of Ukraine tomorrow and strikes the rally, who and what will be blamed?…

The Russian leadership may blame Ukraine and the West, but which of the others is scripted to be “secretly” behind the hit?

~ MORE ~

It isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that the globalists will script a communist victory this year, with the Nazionists striking back in 2025. But recent signs point more to a Nazionist victory.

All of my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for February 21-22 can be found in this standalone post.

(21 February 2023) – After the Red Dragon raises its head today, what will spew forth from its mouth tomorrow: fire (in the form of an apparently communist Operation Blackjack) or water (in the form of a flood from the busted Three Gorges Dam)? Perhaps both? Here are two of Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on 1 Adar (with a picture I added)…

2/21 (Tuesday)

• Longtaitou Festival (Wikipedia), is a traditional Chinese festival held on the second day of the second month of the Chinese calendar. Its name means “Dragon raising its head” because the dragon was regarded as the deity in charge of rain, an important factor in ancient agriculture. The festival is sometimes simply called “2 Month 2”.

2/22 (Wednesday)
the 53rd day of the year

…from the 14 November 2022 update. Note that in the carefully-staged propaganda photo, 53 is the only number fully visible. And the numbered vehicle is an amphibious assault vehicle, which is suitable for either invading Taiwan or providing disaster relief in the flooded Chinese countryside.

Xi Jinping was elected the 7th President of the People’s Republic of China. It was on 14 March 2013 = 2nd Month 3, year of the Snake, the 10th Chinese anniversary

or 3632 days ago

Strong’s Hebrew 3632. kalil: entire, whole, a holocaust

NASB Translation: all (2), burned entirely (1), completely (1), entirely (1), perfect (3), perfection (1), pure (1), whole (2), whole burnt offering (2), whole burnt offerings (1).

or on 2/21

Strong’s Hebrew 3631. killayon: failing, pining, annihilation

And this is strange ->

Mao Zedong died on 9 September 1976, 2424 weeks ago (inclusive)

Strong’s Greek 2424. Iesous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah

The Mao-Messiah number hints at Xi Jinping, who is “the New Mao”, being China’s savior (from the CCP or the West).

(21 February 2023) – As we enter the profoundly dangerous day of 1 Adar, let’s take a moment to remind ourselves of what’s really going on in our world right now…

The globalists, who at the top are the Kabbalist banking families plus the intermarried royal families, are subjecting the world to a carefully-scripted “End Times” stageplay. The purpose of this contrived global drama is to fulfill the eschatological beliefs of the world’s religions so they can consolidate their global control under a “benevolent dictator”: their bred-for-purpose “Jesus Christ.” And to get us to accept their “Jesus” and his “Millennial Reign,” they are taking us through a series of plot twists and reversals that involve “antichrist deceptions” which are currently scheduled to end in either 2029 or 2032.

So with the Truth set before us, let’s now look at the three basic layers of the Kabbalist Lie…

1) When the Kabbalah Christ presents himself in 2029 or 2032, we’ll be subjected to the Millennial Narrative. He will tell us that the Final Antichrist (Putin, or possibly Shoigu) divided up his Satanic minions into two camps, the Nazi-Zionists and the communists, and had them pretend to fight each other so he could sweep in, stop the fighting, and take the throne of Christ. This is the top layer of the Lie.

2) When the Nazionist Messiah (presumably Mike Pence) presents himself between now and 2025, we’ll be subjected to the NWO Narrative (which is already being featured in the controlled alt-media). It tells us that the “evil communists” are trying to depopulate and conquer the world so they can establish a totalitarian prison planet. And it tells us that the only people standing it their way are Vladimir Putin and the world’s “Christians, conservatives, patriots, and constitutionalists” (who are led by Nazionist pied pipers like Trump). This is the middle layer of the Lie.

3) Currently, the global public are being subjected to the Mainstream Narrative, which bombards them with “insane” outrages and obvious lies. And the only source of “truth” to which they can turn is the controlled alt-media, where Nazionists like Steve Bannon are preparing them to accept the Nazionist Messiah’s arrival. This is the bottom layer of the Lie.

(20 February 2023) – Should the globalists proceed with Operation Blackjack / Global Reichstag on 1 Adar (sunset of the 21st through sunset of the 22nd, Jerusalem time or local time to the key event), one should be aware of the Jewish history of the First of Adar…

Ezekiel Foretells Egypt’s Downfall (421 BCE)

On this date, in the year following the Holy Temple’s destruction, G‑d tells Ezekiel to take up a lamentation for Pharaoh, king of Egypt, foretelling his downfall in the hands of the Babylonians.

Plague of Darkness (1313 BCE)

The 9th plague to strike the Egyptians for their refusal to release the Children of Israel from slavery — a thick darkness that blanketed the land so that “no man saw his fellow, and no man could move from his place” (Exodus 10:23) — commenced on the 1st of Adar, six weeks before the Exodus. – from Chabad.org

You may recall that the controlled alt-media — and even the mainstream media — have associated Barack Obama with the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten

And Pharaoh Obama’s Egypt is the “Western Satanist-controlled UN / G7 / NATO”…

…from YouTube. What made Obama’s first appearance as President of the UN Security Council “historic” was that it was the day the capstone (“the Communist Antichrist”) finally sat atop the “Communist UN NWO” pyramid that had been built for him.

So the 21st-22nd is/was scripted to plunge Obama’s Egypt into a plague of darkness that will come six weeks (42 days) before Passover, which begins at sunset of 4/5 [45]…

…from Trump’s NFT cards

And at Passover, the globalists could script the following…

  • the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah (likely Trump or Pence), and/or
  • a New Exodus of Jews out of captivity and into Israel (if the Fake Messiah arrives), or
  • a New Exodus of Jews out of an under-attack, possibly irradiated Israel into captivity (until the Fake Messiah arrives on the Black Sabbath to take them home).

Here is the scripted lead-up to the New Exodus…

After the West gets hit with the planned attacks, the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan Alliance will use the opportunity to launch their war against Iran. And at some point right before or during this war, Erdogan is scripted to die so the “Muslim Antichrist” can take his place. It is this Antichrist figure who will break Erdogan’s deal with the Israelis and turn Turkey’s forces against Israel. So in this way, the Iran War will segue into the “Battle of Gog-Magog” (either immediately or with a span of time separating the two). The following excerpt offers more on how this will all transpire…

BEGIN 25 May 2022 EXCERPT>>>

With this in mind, we must look to the predictive programming put out by New York Times bestselling author, Crypto-Jew prophecy propagandist, and Kabbalist dildo-licker Joel Richardson. Richardson has been telegraphing that Israel will be punished by God and many Israelites will be taken into captivity until they are freed by the “Triumphal Procession” of the returning “Messiah.” … Here is what I wrote about Richardson’s propaganda in an update from last year…

(from 25 April 2021) – Now let’s turn our attention back to Joel Richardson’s preparatory propaganda for “Jesus Christ’s royal procession from Sinai to Zion”

In the first podcast, Richardson offers the route of the procession…

At the 14:27 mark: “[Bible passages] portray God Almighty, Jesus, Yahweh God Almighty in the flesh, when He comes back, and there’s going to be this royal procession through the desert of the Exodus that actually goes through Sinai — Mount Sinai in the south — up through the desert, up through Edom, through Basira, until He’s finally enthroned as king in Jerusalem…”

In the second podcast, Richardson goes on to make the following points…

At the 4:22 mark: “[the Old Testament of the Bible] speaks of this procession, and it describes God setting the prisoners free… (5:07) It’s literal. He is going to set the prisoners of the Antichrist free. It says in Luke 21, “the inhabitants of Jerusalem will fall by the sword.” They will be led captive to many of the surrounding, adversarial nations. And some of them have fled; they’ve been given a place of refuge. But He is literally marching… (5:58) …plague goes before Him; pestilence falls in His steps… they’re singing, they’re setting the prisoners free, they’re marching… He is described as crushing His enemies like grapes…”

At the 7:56 mark: “…when Armageddon ultimately concludes, He is slaying the armies of the [Muslim] Antichrist… but then they get to Jerusalem and that’s the culmination — that’s where Jesus himself will slay the Antichrist…”

Starting at the 24:29 mark of the second podcast, Richardson talks of “Jacob’s trouble” and the “final chastisement of Israel”…

At the 24:59 mark: “…eventually you’ll be invaded, you’ll be conquered — most of you will be killed, and you’ll be led captive to the nations… well, scripture says it’s going to happen one last time… the ultimate, final time of chastisement, Antichrist will invade Israel, many will be slain, many will be led away as captives, because they are described as returning IN BELIEF… this chastisement will bring about the final salvation of Israel.”

Richardson has also laid down preparatory propaganda for the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan versus Iran-Hezbollah-Hamas war … In a now-deleted SkywatchTV video (note the Masonic handshake)…

…Richardson suggested that there will be a massive regional war between Turkey and Iran before the Gog-Magog War. He further said there is a possibility that Erdogan will be killed during this war, and a Turkish antichrist will rise out of the ashes to lead Gog-Magog against Israel.

<<<END 25 May 2022 EXCERPT

(19 February 2023) – Operation Blackjack as the Global Reichstag Fire

My most beloved partner Onnabugeisha has brought the following to my attention: sunset of the 21st through sunset of the 22nd, which is the Jewish day of 1 Adar 5783, marks the 90th Jewish anniversary of the Reichstag Fire in Nazi Germany

The Reichstag fire was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday 27 February 1933 [1 Adar 5693], precisely four weeks after Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch “council communist”, was the apparent culprit; however, Hitler attributed the fire to Communist agitators. He used it as a pretext to claim that Communists were plotting against the German government, and induced President Paul von Hindenburg to issue the Reichstag Fire Decree suspending civil liberties, and pursue a “ruthless confrontation” with the Communists. This made the fire pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany. – from Wikipedia

As I’ve noted in previous updates (here’s one), within the ongoing “Nazionists vs. Communists” Pysop to which the public is being treated, it will be the Nazionists who initiate the big attack that will bring down the current world order. They’ll then blame the commies (who will appear to be the real perpetrators) and round them up so they can install their New Order (which will outwardly appear to be conservative, patriotic, and constitutionalist). And this New Order will restore global economic stability, just like it did when they took over Germany.

Looking at Onnabugeisha’s research on the 21st-22nd, a number of world leaders appear to be in the crosshairs on 1 Adar. It looks to be an unprecedented bloodbath. I’ll post her raw notes soon.

NOTE: The following update is now complete. Links to important information have been added throughout, and I’ve added the possibility that Gostiny Dvor or Luzhniki Stadium could be hit by a long-range missile out of Ukraine. If you are a relatively new reader, be sure to follow the links related to Sergei Shoigu’s potential role as Putin’s Judas.

(19 February 2023) – This Tuesday and Wednesday are looking a tad perilous

These are the title notes that preceded the following update…

(2/17) – In the 13 February update below, I wrote about the three days the globalists could start the big war. Looking ahead to the second opportunity, sunset of the 21st to sunset of the 22nd, CNN has now confirmed that Biden will be meeting with the Bucharest Nine (the leaders of the NATO countries that border Ukraine and Belarus) in Poland on the 22nd. And on the same day, Putin is slated to attend a 200,000-person concert-rally at Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow. Under the war-starting scenario, both gatherings may get hit — on the same day there will be a conjunction of the Moon (Artemis) and Venus (Lucifer, the morning star) in the morning sky.

(2/18) – Today, February 18, we continue our watch to see if the globalists will blow up Munich (and possibly more Western cities) during the sunset of the 18th through sunset of the 19th war window. The window will likely open and close by Jerusalem or Munich time, and the Sun sets in Munich today at 5:40 PM local time / 10:40 AM Texas time. So while we’re waiting, we might as well take another look at the second war window, sunset of the 21st to sunset of the 22nd. As it turns out, Putin will give his State of the Nation Address on the 21st, presumably after sunset, and the venue at which he’ll be speaking is the literal bullseye of Moscow. More on this later…

I found the venue for Putin’s State of the Nation Address in this report from TASS

And upon looking up the location of Moscow Gostiny Dvor on Google Maps, I found something quite telling (and humorous): it sits smack dab in the middle of Moscow’s ring roads, forming what looks like a bullseye…

So the State of the Nation Address will present an inviting archery target for a “Rod from God” loosed from the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array (or a long-range missile out of Ukraine), and a rich target too: a strike during the speech would take out the entire elected federal government of Russia. But don’t be surprised if Sergei Shoigu turns out to be Russia’s “designated survivor.” He gained his reputation by managing large national emergencies, so such an attack would leave him the de facto ruler of Russia.

In the 16 February update below, The Three Stages of the Antichrist Deception, I mention that either Putin or Shoigu is scripted to play the role of the “Real” Jewish/Christian Messiah: the “reincarnated Jesus who saves the Jews and the World from Antichrist Obama and his Satanic communist-controlled Western Empire.” So if Shoigu has been selected for the Jesus role, killing off Putin and the elected government is what’s needed to let him rise to leadership and save the day. But if the Jesus role is Putin’s, Shoigu may be playing the role of Judas [1,2], and he will die before or during Putin’s “resurrection” and return (either at the end of the war or in 2025).

The speech will take place on Tuesday, February 21 (and 21 is blackjack, as in Operation Blackjack). So Tuesday evening (Moscow time) could be the time the globalists blow up Moscow, then subsequently blow up the NATO “decision-making centers” in what will look like Russia’s retaliation. Presumably, the Bucharest Nine will arrive in Poland by Tuesday evening in order to dine and talk with each other before their formal meeting on the 22nd, so they would be among the first to die.


  • the Kabbalists could blow up the Gostiny Dvor on the 21st and stage “the Russian retaliation against the NATO decision-making centers” on the 22nd, or
  • they could instead target Putin’s rally at Luzhniki Stadium and Biden’s Bucharest Nine meeting on the 22nd, doing everything on that day.

Looking at these possibilities, the globalists’ adherence to numerology points to everything happening on Wednesday, 2/22. In my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes over the past year, the numbers 222 and 2222 have been showing up like a rash. And I think that I’ve finally found out why; it has to do with the Jesus and Judas roles that Putin/Shoigu will play…

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 222

The overall meaning of multiple number twos (e.g. 222, 2222, 2:22, and so on) is somewhat unclear in Scripture. They are related, however, to not only the creation of Eve and the first marriage but also to Jesus’ return to earth! They additionally reveal how rewards will be distributed upon entering the kingdom of heaven and how we must deal with temptation.

Both Luke 22:2 and 22:22 (a use of 2222) are linked to the murder conspiracy against Jesus. The second verse of Luke 22 is one of the only places where it is recorded people were actively seeking to kill him (see also Matthew 26:4, John 5:18, 7:1) before his arrest. Verse 22 of the same chapter reveals Christ, at his last Passover, knew all along who was the person who would betray him to the religious authorities [Judas]. – from BibleStudy.org

(18 February 2023) – I’ve found out something else about February 22: on that day, senior US and South Korean war planners will be gathered at the Pentagon “simulating” a joint military response to a North Korean nuclear attack. After this “Deterrence Strategy Committee Tabletop Exercise” was announced, North Korea threatened the US, South Korea, and the UN Security Council with an unprecedentedly persistent, strong response (note: nuclear fallout is persistent).

I also found a backstory that would support a narrative of North Korea providing Erdogan with the nuke that’s supposedly sitting across the street from the UN in the Turkevi Center. The Turkish communist who would be credited with the transfer is from Gaziantep, the city near the epicenter of the big “US-induced” earthquake in Turkey…

…from VOA News

(16-17 February 2023) – Will the big war move start with Biden this evening?

These are the title notes that accompanied the following update…

(2/16) – My partner Onnabugeisha has warned me that something Joe Biden-related could happen on Friday. So after keeping an eye on things all day, I find myself asking, “Are the financial market sheep about to get fleeced after regular trading hours on Friday?” First, Joe Biden got a “routine” physical today (Thursday). Afterwards, Jill Biden “postponed” a planned Friday visit to a school in Indiana with Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh and Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm. And I also find out that at 4 PM EST on Friday, $1.8 trillion in options will stop trading before their monthly expiration at noon on Saturday. Will Joe Biden die “suddenly” or resign tomorrow evening “for health reasons” (on Presidents’ Day weekend)? Will certain (out of the loop) option holders then get fleeced in after-hours trading? I’ll expand on this in the morning…

(2/17) – As we approach Presidents’ Day weekend — which will cause the US markets to be closed on Monday — we find that today is the Jewish birthday (26 Shevat) of the assassinated President Abraham Lincoln [1,2,3]. Will something happen today that will cut short Biden’s presidency like Lincoln’s? And are the Kabbalist Wall Streeters getting ready to cash in on it this evening (like they did on 9/11)? See today’s update below…

Being largely unfamiliar with the paperwork machinations of the financial abattoirs … “markets” — I find money-related subjects as dull as dishwater — I decided to poke around a bit after I saw this headline on disinfo site Zero Hedge

And as it turns out, the options expiration process is purposefully designed to give insiders (the ones who can stage and time big events to move the markets) the ability to slice and dice outsiders [my comment has been added in brackets]…

Here’s the skinny on options expiration. Options do expire at 4 p.m. EST on the third Friday of the month in the sense that they no longer trade. Here’s the catch – the stocks themselves do keep trading after hours!

So what could be an in-the-money (ITM) close at 4 p.m. on Friday can be out-of-the-money (OTM) by 5 p.m., or vice versa. Not knowing this one minor detail can be the difference between making money and losing money. – from Option Alpha

The majority of trading activity in the U.S. stock market occurs during regular trading hours, from 9:30 a.m. EST until 4:00 p.m. EST. However, most major brokerage firms facilitate after-hours trading for retail and institutional investors.

After-hours trading takes place from 4:00 p.m. EST to 8:00 p.m. EST.

Trading outside of regular hours is handled through electronic communication networks, or ECNs. ECNs allow traders to participate directly with one another while the exchanges are closed.

After-hours trading carries more risk, as less volume creates illiquid markets and wider bid-ask spreads and potential stock gaps, but it also allows investors to take advantage of unique opportunities after the market closes.

After-hours trading activity is typically greatest around events such as corporate earnings announcements [or major geopolitical events].

Extended hours overnight trading is available through some brokerage firms in major ETFs for near-continuous trading. – from Option Alpha

So who designs a system in which options stop trading before the actual stocks stop trading? Casino operators, that’s who. And it would appear that they’re looking to make a score tonight.

Then there’s the fact that US markets will be closed on Monday (while the overseas markets will open normally)…

…from Barron’s

I would imagine that the Kabbalists have a way to use this to their advantage as well.

Biden’s resignation or death this evening and the subsequent moves in the after-hours markets would segue nicely into the sunset of Saturday to sunset of Sunday war event opportunity involving an attack on the Munich Security Conference (which started today). See the 13 February update below for more on that.

If the globalists decide to proceed with this plan despite its exposure, there’s a topper: the Kabbalist astromythologists can point to tomorrow’s conjunction of the Moon (“Artemis”) and Mercury (“the Messenger”) as a sign from God heralding the start of the NATO-Russia direct war. Kabbalists, like werewolves, center their lives around the Moon.

~ MORE ~

In case the globalists intend to start the big war by blowing up Munich this weekend, it is necessary to understand how they will script the assignment of blame for the attack.

The blame game will begin with Germany’s leftist government pinning the attack on “Neo-Nazis / Far-Right-Wing Extremists armed with a Russian nuke who were aiming to bring down the German government and the EU in alliance with Putin”

…from the BBC

This narrative will allow NATO to enter the Ukraine War as retaliation and the Western governments to start arresting “right-wing domestic violent extremists” (conservatives who oppose the commie revolution in the West).

Later on, the blame will shift to “Erdogan’s Grey Wolves, armed with a nuke made from Russian enriched uranium purchased from (Belarus or Ukraine), attempting to trigger nuclear war between the Christian East and the Christian West so Islam can vanquish Europe”

…from Open Democracy

But the real source of the attack will be a “Rod from God” loosed by Artemis (as is heralded by the Moon-Mercury conjunction tomorrow).

(16 February 2023) – The Three Stages of the Antichrist Deception

While we wait to see if the globalists carry out a strategic strike on one of the upcoming Three Days I’ve written about, I thought we’d do a strategic strike of our own by exposing the stages of the Antichrist Deception — of which there are three…

1. The “Fake” Jewish/Christian Messiah Stage in which it currently appears that Nazionist(s) Pence or Pence/Kushner will defeat the decoy antichrist Obama and save the world from the “commie depopulation scheme.” The reign of this false messiah will be short, ending a few days before Rosh Hashanah of 2025 [possibly on September 19, during the 9-23 September UNGA that year (which ends on Rosh Hashanah)].

2. The “Real” Jewish/Christian Messiah Stage in which Putin (or Shoigu) rises to leadership of the “reformed” UN and is later exposed as the “Final Antichrist.” His reign will last for either 3.5 or 7 years, depending on how the globalists choose to script 2029.

3. The “Satan as AI” Stage in which Putin will place a “quantum computer-based artificial intelligence” in charge of the global government’s management of the Apophis asteroid defense and recovery effort. According to a disinformation narrative I’ve heard from Mike Adams and David Wilcock, “it is Satan himself who will be channeled by this AI.”

The “Satan as AI” Stage may last for only a short time or for 3.5 years depending on when the globalists schedule the arrival of their Jesus Christ imposter (a.k.a. the “Kabbalah Christ”). They could have “Jesus and his angels” arrive with Apophis on 13 April 2029, or they could have them arrive during the fall Jewish holidays of 2032. If they opt for the latter, Putin will be “the human figurehead of Satan’s oppressive Great Tribulation reign” until both are defeated by the incoming Kabbalah Christ and his tinklefairies.

I pieced-together this timetable based on a variety of disinformation narratives I’ve monitored over the past few years. And over the coming hours and days, I’ll add links and additional supporting information that you can check out for yourself.

NOTE TO THE KABBALISTS: The universe in which your silly little Kabbalah Christ will arrive — a universe in which a significant portion of incarnate humanity are fully aware of what you’re doing and what he is — is an entirely different universe than the one in which you imagined him arriving (one in which nobody saw this coming). To say that this new universe is disadvantageous to the long-term success of your endeavor is a profound understatement. So what will you do now: stupidly and disastrously press ahead or find a new path forward that all will accept?

~ MORE ~

A peek at the globalists’ fanciful “Satan as AI” narrative is offered in this video interview of New Age disinfo agent David Wilcock by fellow disinfo agent Mike Adams. They begin touching on the subject and its relation to the COVID jab and the transhumanist movement at the 1:09:35 mark of the video, with Wilcock first mentioning that “Satan is an artificial intelligence” at the 1:12:36 mark.

It should be noted that the video is hosted on Mike Adams’s Brighteon website (Brighteon = Bright Eon = Age of Light = Age of Luciferian Light). Adams is apparently a New Ager who has been assigned to indoctrinate Christians in the New Age aspects of the “End Times” narrative by couching them in Christian terms. And Wilcock presents much of his recent disinfo drivel as revelations from Archangel Michael (the favorite angel of the Nazionists). Wilcock also promotes Vladimir Putin (who is playing the “Final Antichrist” character in the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay). In the stageplay, New Age spirituality is the “channeled doctrines of demons and Satan.”

(13-15 February 2023) – The Nine Days and the Three Starting Dates

The following article was posted on February 9, so 10 days later would fall on February 19…

…from the New York Post. Continue reading below to see why this is significant…

From sunset of July 18 to sunset of July 19 this year will be the Jewish Day of 1 Av, when the “Nine Days” begin…

On the 1st of Av, “The Three Weeks” mourning period over the destruction of the Holy Temple — which began 13 days earlier on Tammuz 17 — enters an intensified stage. During “The Nine Days” from Av 1st to the Ninth of Av, a heightened degree of mourning is observed… – from Chabad.org

It is the intention of the Kabbalists to bring in their decoy Jewish Messiah during these Nine Days, “converting a time of great mourning into a time of great joy for the Jewish people” and placing a tabernacle on the Temple Mount while the Third Temple is built. But in order for the Fake Messiah to save the Jews and the rest of humanity in July, he needs something to save them from — that’s where the One Hundred-Fifty Day War comes in.

The Kabbalists and their Freemason lackeys in the “Christian Watchmen” Propaganda Corps have set the expectation that CERN will open the gate to hell in order to loose the Nephilim to torment humanity with war and chaos for 150 days.” And if the globalists want to hit one of the three key dates of the Nine Days — 1 Av (the beginning), 4 Av (Shabbat Chazon, the Black Sabbath / Sabbath of Vision / Sabbath of Prophecy), or 9 Av (Tisha B’Av, the end date on which the first two Jewish temples were destroyed) — they need to kick off the war on one of three specific dates in February. As “coincidence” would have it, the globalists have scheduled events for each of the three days…

  1. A war started on February 19 (sunset of the 18th to sunset of the 19th) would end on July 19 / 1 Av (sunset of the 18th to sunset of the 19th), 150 days later. February 19 is the final day of the Munich Security Conference, “the Davos of defense,” a prime target for the Russians (and for Western false-flaggers). Kamala Harris will be attending.
  2. A war started on February 22 (sunset of the 21st to sunset of the 22nd) would end on July 22 / Shabbat Chazon (sunset of the 21st to sunset of the 22nd), 150 days later. February 22 is the final day of Joe Biden’s visit to Poland, a prime target for the Russians (and for Western false-flaggers).
  3. A war started on February 27 (sunset of the 26th to sunset of the 27th) would end on July 27 / Tisha B’Av (sunset of the 26th to sunset of the 27th), 150 days later. February 27 is Special Operations Forces Day in Russia, which commemorates the day of Russia’s covert invasion of Crimea on February 27, 2014 — a fitting day for Russia (or Western false-flaggers) to conduct covert decapitation strikes on the West to kick off a new offensive in Ukraine.

As for CERN, an opening of the portal to hell can be narrated on any of these three days…

Start dates for CERN’s operations will remain the same in 2023 and 2024, with the lab getting major work underway again as scheduled in late February. – from Hackaday

~ MORE ~

Have a look at this screenshot my partner Onnabugeisha has sent…

She has noted that 2/14 is Valentine’s Day, and in gematria “Valentine’s Day” = “The Great Reset” in three different gematria systems.

As for the Yahoo article she shows, it is about Mike Pence and a subpoena, and it features a seemingly unrelated picture of a buck. But the picture is actually an occult hint: the Buck Moon is the name of the full moon in the month the Fake Jewish Messiah is scheduled to arrive, July. And in gematria, “subpoena” = “capstone” in four different gematria systems…

The “capstone” is the top of the Illuminati pyramid that comes down to sit atop the New World Order that has been constructed by the people on the ground…

As I’ve written many times before, Mike Pence is a candidate to play the Nazionist Jewish Messiah. It is also possible that he will move into the US presidency and send Jared Kushner, another Nazionist Jewish Messiah candidate, to the UN to play the “Man of Peace.” The two of them may be “Castor and Pollux.”

~ MORE – 14 February 2023 ~

If we can get past February without the delusional Kabbalists creating more needless damage by starting the 150-Day War, we’ll have to start looking to other scenarios involving Purim (March 6-8) and Pesach (Passover, April 5-13). Here’s one thing I’ve noticed on that: Pesach begins in the evening of 4/5 [45], so it provides the Kabbalist scriptwriters with another chance to schedule a Trump/Pence savior moment (in accordance with Trump’s superhero NFT cards, which heavily featured the number 45). I’ll write more on all that after we get through this month.

~ MORE – 15 February 2023 ~

Reader Ronin reports that elements of the European press are claiming the big Russian offensive in Ukraine has already started (here’s a report from Greece). If this is so, the three false-flag dates featured in the 13 February “Nine Days” update above will provide opportunities to draw NATO into the war on Ukraine’s side. All three scenarios involve the deaths of NATO leaders on NATO soil, which will provide the pretext for a NATO “counteroffensive.”

(13 February 2023) – Are/were the globalists planning to “go live” with NORAD’s air defense drill over Washington, DC tonight?…

…from Fox News. Here is an excerpt…

The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, will conduct an air defense exercise on Tuesday, February 14, between midnight and 2:30 a.m. EST, according to officials, around the Washington, D.C. area.

You may recall this little detail from the September 11 attacks, also involving NORAD…

On September 11, 2001, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) was involved in an ongoing operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to northeastern North America. – from Wikipedia

So with Xi Jinping flashing 9/11 numbers on February 14 (see today’s earlier update), will we see a related event in Washington, DC tonight between midnight and 2:30 AM [the number 23]? The Kabbalist scriptwriters would want the public to see this parallel to the first 9/11; it will help them sell their limited hangout revelations during the Truth Tsunami.

(13 February 2023) – On the next scheduled globalist danger day, February the 15th, the Kabbalists have multiple scripting options regarding China. The scenario I covered in the 9 February update, the busting of the Three Gorges Dam via EM-induced earthquake with resulting panic in the financial markets, is one option. And two other options are hinted at with the February 15 release of the new Winnie-the-Pooh slasher movie (a strong connection between Xi Jinping and Winnie-the-Pooh has been established in the media)…

…from Wikipedia

So when Xi Jinping-the-Pooh goes into slasher mode on February 15, whom will he attack?…

Given the recent UFO activity over the US and China, I would bet on the Nazionist Revolution. But will it follow the busting of the Dam — which would highlight the CCP’s deadly incompetence and cause furious public anger that can be channeled by Xi into the mass arrest of the “Chicom Deep State” — or happen instead of it? The safest bet is that they’ll abandon their February 15 plans altogether now.

~ MORE ~

In case the globalists try to catch us by surprise by staging something tomorrow instead of Wednesday, here are Tuesday’s scripting cues as uncovered by Onnabugeisha [with my comments in brackets]…

2/14 (Tuesday), the 45th day of the year [remember Trump’s superhero NFT cards and how they beat you over the head with the number 45]

in dd/mm date format ->1402

Strong’s Hebrew 1402. Gibbar: “hero,”

1 Occurrence Ezra 2:20

KJV: The children of Gibbar, ninety and five

(Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses, 95 Lightning McQueen)

Julian calendar: 2/1 -> 21 [blackjack – the Julian calendar currently runs 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar, so 2/14 Gregorian is 2/1 Julian]

•The Knesset, the parliament of Israel, convenes for the first time

The Knesset’s Anniversary, Opening Sitting of the Constituent Assembly, February 14, 1949

(knesset gov il), 74 years ago = 888 months

And it was precisely on the 53rd anniversary of the publication of Der Judenstaat (Wikipedia), literally The State of the Jews, commonly rendered as The Jewish State, by Theodor Herzl. It is considered one of the most important texts of modern Zionism.

Published: 14 February 1896

• Ebrahim Raisi, the 8th and current president of Iran

Born: December 14, 1960, 62 years 2 months-> 622

Bible Strong’s Greek 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly

news: Iran’s Raisi leads large delegation in first state visit to China (aljazeera com) [So Raisi will be in China on both Tuesday and Wednesday this week. This means he could get taken out by Xi or with Xi, depending on the scripting options the Kabbalists choose.]

Xi Jinping was elected the 7th President of the People’s Republic of China. It was on 14 March 2013, 9 years and 11 months -> 911 or 119 months ago

And on the Chinese Lunar calendar: 1st Month 24 (1/24)

Daniel’s Vision of a Man

Daniel 10:4 (New King James Version)

Now on the twenty-fourth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great river, that is, the Tigris,

• Satanic Verses controversy (Wikipedia) -> category Fatwa by Ayatollah Khomeini

On 14 February 1989, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling for the death of Rushdie and his publishers. This created a major international incident that persisted for many years.

And look again Cuba …

• Miguel Díaz-Canel, the third first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba

Assumed office: 4/19/2021, 666 days ago exactly

President of Cuba

Assumed office: October 10, 2019, 40 months 4 days -> 44

Born: 4/20/1960, interestingly he shares his birthday with Adolf Hitler. Díaz-Canel is exactly 62 years and 300 days old -> 623

Strong’s Greek 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss

some Trump’s numbers …(?) 2/14 or 2/15

Donald Trump, the 45th president of the US

Born: 6/14/1946, 4000 weeks and 4 days old -> 44 or 45 (inclusive)

January 6 United States Capitol attack (Wikipedia) 1/6/2021, 770 days ago (also inclusive ) [This means the 770 will also hit on Wednesday the 15th]

since Trump was elected President

2016 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) held on Tuesday, 11/8/2016, 2289 days ago

Strong’s Greek 2289. thanatoó: to put to death

Usage: I put to death, subdue; pass: I am in danger of death, am dead to, am rid of, am parted from.

or 6 years 14 days and Trump was born 6/14.

Or 6 years 99 days (inclusive) [666].

(12 February 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

With unidentified flying objects currently being shot down by the “commie-controlled” conventional US military, the globalists are featuring the number 115 in the Super Bowl matchup between quarterbacks Hurts and Mahomes (see my partner Onnabugeisha’s screenshot below). And Onnabugeisha has informed me that February 12 marks exactly 1150 days since the US Space Force was founded on December 20, 2019. Additionally, the father of the Space Force, Mike Pence, becomes exactly 3323 weeks old on February 12 (in Strong’s Greek, 3323 is the word Messias: “Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ”). So watch for potential lights in the sky and the “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” Psyop after sunset on Super Bowl Sunday [when the Jewish day of Shevat 22, 11/22 (the JFK assassination number), begins].

Here is Onnabugeisha’s screenshot (mentioned in the title note)…

~ MORE ~

As Super Bowl LVII approaches, we must also remember that it’s being held in Glendale, Arizona — part of the PHOENIX metro area — which is only about 120 miles from the Mexican border. Drug cartels have a strong presence and well-established smuggling routes in border states like Arizona, so the globalists can script a terror attack in which a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) comes across Biden’s open border and is detonated.

In the past, I’ve written about a false-flag scenario in which one or more WMDs are unleashed against America and blamed on “Iran’s ‘Aeroterror’ transporting Chinese / North Korean WMDs into Venezuela where they were then smuggled into America by the drug cartels, particularly the Sinaloa Cartel.” This scenario may be in play today. Have a look at occult scripting cues Onnabugeisha has found…

2/12 (Sunday)

Skull and Bones 322 days remain until the end of the year

• Super Bowl LVII

Gematriaeffect news promotes it mainly as yet another birthing ritual. They released many articles during the past year.

It’s sick, insane and tiring at the same time, these “rituals”, unfortunately such a severe level of psychopathy cannot be cured, I’m losing hope… (Some say they that losing all hope means freedom, at least I can be free if nothing else)

Gematria: LVII = last (3x overlap)

Patrick Mahomes (*) = Qasem Soleimani = the Star of David (4x overlap) = Black Swan Event (3x)

*is an American football quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs

(Gematriaeffect news calls matching numbers ‘overlap’)

• Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States

Born: 2/12/1809, the 214th anniversary of his birth, 11166 weeks

and Darwin Day (International)

Charles Darwin was born on the same day as Lincoln.

• Gateway Arch

Construction started: 2/12/1963, 60 years or 720 months ago or 3130 weeks 5 days-> 3135

Strong’s Greek 3135. margarités: a pearl (like Pearl Harbor)

news on Sunday 6/21/2020, exactly on Prince William’s 38th birthday: Tennessee paper religious ad claims ‘Islam’ will detonate nuclear bomb in Nashville

article: Tennessee Newspaper Apologizes for ‘Utterly Indefensible’ Anti-Muslim Ad (nytimes com), 966 days ago

Sikhote-Alin meteorite (Wikipedia)

Fall date: At around 10:30 AM on 12 February 1947, eyewitnesses in the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Primorye, Soviet Union, observed a large bolide brighter than the sun

2/12/1947, 76 years ago ->

like Georgia Guide Stones (Wikipedia), on the morning of 7/6/2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing, and were dismantled later that day, 7 months 6 days ago

NASA: Artemis I

Launch date: Nov. 16, 2022 , 88 days ago (the Nazi number)

Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are a series of joint normalization statements between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, effective since September 15, 2020, 880 days ago (the Nazi number)

Jewish calendar: 21 Shevat [21 is blackjack]

• Homeland Security Department begins operations, Jan. 24, 2003 (politico com) = 21 Shevat, the 20th Jewish anniversary

Remember that any apparent nuclear explosion would likely be a “Rod from God” strike from Artemis. So the Space Force would be saving us from… the Space Force.

~ MORE ~

If the Super Bowl false-flag goes forward, this will be the sequence of blame…

The “commie” Biden-Harris administration will blame racially/ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) armed with Russian weapons smuggled into the US through an international network of far-right white supremacist organizations and biker gangs under the influence of the Russian intelligence services.

They will say that “MAGA white supremacists” attacked the Super Bowl for two reasons…

  1. to symbolically strike back against white replacement by attacking an event that embodied it: a Super Bowl featuring two black starting quarterbacks, and
  2. to effectively strike back against white replacement by framing innocent migrants for the attack(s), forcing the border to be closed, and providing Republican lawmakers with the ammunition they need to successfully impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas, “President” Joe Biden, and “Border Czar” Kamala Harris.

And after the Space Force moves in “to save us from the commie onslaught”

The Pence administration will blame the Super Bowl attack on the network I described in today’s update (armed with weapons “provided by the Chicom / North Korean Deep State”).

(11 February 2023) – This was the title note for February 11…

You can’t fix stupid, especially in the case of Kabbalists. This is evidenced by the fact that they’re arranging yet another paint-by-numbers setup to start World War 3 by having Biden go to Poland and meet with the Bucharest Nine leaders during the days of February 20-22. This gathering near the February 24 anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine will present a false-flag decapitation target that would begin the war 150 days before Jewish Black Sabbath (Shabbat Chazon, July 21-22). That’s when the Chabad-chosen Fake Jewish Messiah would begin or complete his intervention to stop the conflict. Watch for the war-starting strike to occur between sunset of February 21 and sunset of February 22 (Jerusalem or Warsaw time, which are one hour apart). That day is 1 Adar on the Hebrew calendar: the day the Plague of Darkness fell upon Egypt.

(9 February 2023) – This was the title note for February 9 (with links added)…

There is an Anthony Migchels article making the rounds which claims that Chat GPT has predicted a market crash on February 15 caused by something China-related. Upon looking into why the globalists may be circulating this rumor, I’m seeing very clear indicators that they’re setting the stage for a Turkey-style earthquake attack on the Three Gorges Dam. The Dam is built atop 2 major fault lines and is designed to withstand only a magnitude 7 quake. Turkey’s quake and major aftershock were magnitudes 7.8 and 7.5, separated by 9 hours, and they notably caused cracks in the Ataturk Dam. A hit like that should do the trick on a Chicom-constructed dam. And if they trigger it on February 15, it will occur exactly 880 months and 14 days since Mao proclaimed the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949. Since 88 and 14 are the Nazi numbers, the quake attack would be a “Nazionist attack to destroy the communists,” and it would occur on the day of a conjunction of Venus (“the morning star,” representing LUCIFER) and Neptune (the Roman god of FRESHWATER and the sea).

(8 February 2023) – This was the title note for February 8…

Looking at today, February 8, and onward, the Biden death/assassination watch continues (if they try it today, we have the numbers to show why). And yesterday Erdogan found it in his heart to bomb the Kurds despite the ongoing earthquake recovery efforts in Turkey and Syria. So look forward to more mischief from Crypto-Kabbalist Erdogan when the Turkish national mourning period for the earthquake ends at sunset of February 12, which is also the date of the second round of the Cyprus election.

My partner Onnabugeisha notes that February 9 is January 27 on the Julian calendar (the date of the establishment in Rome of the Temple of Castor and Pollux). And there are numbers that support action by Xi Jinping / China / the communists on February 9 (which has already begun in China).

(7 February 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

Now that the first threat for today, February 7, has passed, it’s time to look at the second threat: that of a major attack/event at the time of Biden’s State of the Union Address tonight. Looking at current events and the striking occult cues my partner Onnabugeisha has identified, a “terror” attack, an arrest event, or Biden’s resignation / “sudden” death could be scripted. Details in today’s update below…

Biden’s schedule for this past weekend showed him slipping away to Camp David for another secret meeting…

…from Factba.se

As you can see, he left his home in Delaware on Saturday morning, and he ended up at Camp David in the afternoon. He didn’t return to Washington, DC until noon on Monday. So his secret Sunday meeting happened on the day after the Chinese spy balloon was shot down, a day before the earthquake in Turkey, and two days before his State of the Union Address tonight. Mischief is clearly afoot, and looking at the occult cues for today, we may be facing a Nazionist-initiated Pearl Harbor of some sort.

Speaking of an impending Nazionist attack, the “commie-controlled” Department of Justice put out this news of a “Nazi attempt to destroy a US city” by cutting the power…

…from Zero Hedge

The news came out yesterday, the day before the State of the Union. So watch for power outages or a faked EMP attack to accompany any drama that might happen tonight (an EMP attack can be faked by sending out a kill code to the microprocessors imbedded in practically everything, including the power grid). According to the globalist script, the “commies” put this in the press to set the precedent for blaming the “Nazionists” for tonight’s planned attacks.

Here are Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on February 7. I’ll be adding [my comments in brackets] and highlighting important points as I can make time today (I’m caring for my mother again)…

the Biden resignation/assassination watch continues through Tuesday or maybe even worse (like the next 9/11 or ?)

How to Watch President Biden’s 2023 State of the Union Address

Tuesday, February 7th, 2023, 9 PM ET (whitehouse gov)

9:00 pm is 21:00 [blackjack]


is the 38th day of the year and 327 days remain until the end of the year.

Strong’s Hebrew 327. achashteran: royal

Jewish calendar: 16 Shevat (5/16 or 11/16)

Strong’s Greek l 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea

Sodom and Gomorrah (Wikipedia) were two legendary biblical cities destroyed by God for their wickedness.

Strong’s Hebrew 1116. bamah: a high place

According to torahcalendar com website (new moon sightings, the Jewish month begins when the new moon first appears/is visible in the night sky), 2/7 is TuB’Shvat (New Year for Trees), it’s one day later than on the standard Jewish calendar.

• Axis of evil (Wikipedia)

The phrase “axis of evil” was first used by U.S. President George W. Bush and originally referred to Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. It was used in Bush’s State of the Union address on January 29, 2002 = 16 Shevat 5762, 21 Jewish years ago.

[“Nazi”] George W. Bush (served as the 43rd president of the United States) [4+3=7]

Born: 7/6/1946 and on his 76th birthday Georgia Guide Stones were destroyed

Georgia Guide Stones (Wikipedia)

Opening date: 3/22/1980

Dismantled date: on the morning of 7/6/2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing, and were dismantled later that day, 216 days (6x6x6) ago

(there are 322 days between 3/22 ~ 2/7) [322 is the Skull and Bones number, and both “Nazi” Presidents Bush belonged to Skull and Bones. So did the Nazionists have the “commie depopulation-promoting” Guidestones destroyed?]

• Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor 11/11/2022, 88 [88 = “Heil Hitler”] days ago

Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor on Veterans Day

Prince Harry Salutes Navy Sailors in New Pics from Pearl Harbor Visit (people.com)

• Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

Born: 15 September 1984, 14024 days old

Strong’s Greek 1424. dusmé: a setting (as of the sun), by impl. (the) western (region)

Usage: a setting (of the sun), hence: the West.

• On this day: Edward of Carnarvon became the first Prince of Wales (*) (britishheritage com)

Feb 7, 1301, 722 years ago

*The investiture of Charles, Prince of Wales (Wikipedia), took place in Caernarfon Castle, north Wales, on 1 July 1969, more than 53 years ago and William? Prince of Wales has no plans for investiture, Kensington Palace confirms (bbc com)

Welsh Dragon (Wikipedia) meaning ‘the red dragon‘; is a heraldic symbol that represents Wales and appears on the national flag of Wales.

• Henry VIII, king of England (Wikipedia)

Died: 1/28/1547 = Proleptic Gregorian 2/7, 476 years ago (4×119 = 476)

Henry is best known for his six marriages, and for his efforts to have his first marriage (to Catherine of Aragon) annulled. His disagreement with Pope Clement VII about such an annulment led Henry to initiate the English Reformation, separating the Church of England from papal authority.


Pythagorean Gematria (Reduction Gematria)

• 84 seventh of February = the next nine eleven = twenty third of Elul (9/11 was 23 Elul on the Jewish calendar. Elul is the sixth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Jewish calendar.

6/23 -> Strong’s Greek 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss)

• 76 Sixteenth of Shevat = Biden will get shot

• 72 February seventh = Prince William = Prince Harry = and also (Prince Henry)

• 62 February seven = Biden resigns = Kevin McCarthy

• 54 Shevat sixteen = Michelle Obama

• 66 Number of the Beast = Tsunami warning

(And I mention this because of U.S. Route 66)

Reverse Simple English (also called Reverse Ordinal)

• 190 February seven = Jared Kushner

• 199 Biden resigns = Kevin McCarthy = Nuclear bombs

Reverse Pythagorean (also called Reverse Reduced)

• 87 Seventh of February = Twenty third of Elul (9/11 on the Jewish calendar) = Number of the Beast = Tsunami warning =Twenty third of June (Twenty third of June is 6/23 and Twenty third of Elul is 6/23 -> 623)

• 86 Sixteenth of Shevat = Biden will get shot

• 81 February seventh = Prince William

• 73 February seven = Biden resigns = Jared Kushner = Nuclear bombs = Kevin McCarthy

• 72 Shevat sixteen = Michelle Obama

2/7 is Tuesday

February 7 after sunset is 17 Shevat-> 11/17

September 11 attacks (Wikipedia)

Date: 9/11/2001

The day of the week was Tuesday, 1117 weeks ago or 7819 days

Strong’s Hebrew 1117. Bamah: a high place (for idols) in Isr.

Strong’s Greek 1117. gomos Strong’s Concordance gomos: a ship’s freight, cargo

Strong’s Hebrew 7819. shachat: to slaughter, beat

• First Opium War (Wikipedia), also known as the Opium War or the Anglo-Sino War was a series of military engagements fought between Britain and the Qing dynasty of China between 1839 and 1842

Date: 4 September 1839 (*)– 29 August 1842

* Battle of Kowloon, 66996 days ago

What caused the Opium Wars? ->

China’s attempts to suppress the opium trade.

What is opium? Opium is a highly addictive non-synthetic narcotic that is extracted from the poppy plant, Papaver somniferum.

Do you remember your post The Prince and the Popper?

2023 China balloon incident (Wikipedia)

Date: January 28 – February 4, 2023

Sementivae (Wikipedia) The festival honoring Ceres occurred one week later, starting February 2.

Ceres (Wikipedia) symbol: poppy

category Cults and cult themes -> Poppies

No Need to Pop This Balloon (theatlantic com) pop like poppy?

• Xi Jinping

7th President of the People’s Republic of China

Assumed office: 14 March 2013, 3617 days ago

Strong’s Greek 3617. oikodespotés: the master of a house

Strong’s Hebrew 3617. kalah: completion, complete destruction, consumption, annihilation


Chinese Spy Balloon = September eleventh (4x perfect match)

(6 February 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

Is “God” intervening to stop the Turkey War? That’s the question the globalists want us asking ourselves, especially if they plan to go with the “Three Days of Fear, then Mass Arrests” Psyop instead of the World War 3 scenario. Here are the remarks of US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy at the Georgia Center, Mahler Auditorium, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga on April 28, 1997: “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important.” – https://web.archive.org/web/20100308231809/http://www.defense.gov/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=674 So are we really going through a “pole shift” or is that just a cover story for the geomagnetic anomalies caused by the globalists’ increasing use of EM weapons to create “End Times” weather, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions?


Reader Ronin has pointed out that the Turkish press are already floating the idea that the US may be responsible for creating today’s earthquake. This could provide motivation for Erdogan to strike back against the US in a big way, perhaps by hitting the US aircraft carrier that will remain anchored off Greece through noon tomorrow.

Remember that the anchored aircraft carrier, the USS George H.W. Bush, is CVN-77. And February 7 will mark the 88th day (88 means “Heil Hitler”) since Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor on 11/11/22.

(4 February 2023 Title Note) – If the Kabbalists hope to launch a 150-Day War Crisis that ends on the significant Jewish days of 17 Tammuz (July 5-6), 1 Av (July 18-19) or 9 Av (July 26-27), then it will begin on or about February 5-6 (during Cyprus’ elections), February 18-19 (during the Munich Security Conference), or February 26-27 (a few days after the Ukraine invasion anniversary). If they choose the first time window, watch for Turkey to announce the annexation of North Cyprus during the Cyprus election process (which starts tomorrow, Sunday the 5th, and could drag on through the 12th). Details to come. As for the significance of the 150 days, see the 20 December 2022 update below…

(3 February 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

The Biden resignation/assassination watch continues through Friday with Biden and Harris traveling together to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “the birthplace of our nation.” Both Biden and Harris are scheduled to speak at 3:15 PM (the Ides of March number). This is where he could hand over the presidency to her. Later that day, both are scheduled to speak again at the Democratic National Committee Winter Meeting at 6 PM, after the sun has set in Philadelphia (at 5:22) and the city has entered the Jewish day of 13 Shevat. So when Biden and Harris give their speeches at the DNC meeting, it will be Jewish Friday the 13th, a perfect time for “MAGA and Putin” to assassinate both of them, with the deaths of the DNC being icing on the cake. Much love to Onnabugeisha for keeping watch while we sleep. | THE MASS ARRESTS PSYOP IS AN ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO FOR TODAY. SEE TODAY’S (2/3) UPDATE.

Hold the presses! Here’s another scenario…

Friday the 13th (after sunset today it will be Jewish Friday the 13th) is associated with a famous mass arrest: that of the Knights Templar. So what if today is slated to be the beginning of the Mass Arrests Psyop? Biden and Harris’s first speech in Philly today, at “Ides of March o’clock,” is happening at the Belmont Water Treatment Center. This provides an occult connection to Alan H. Belmont, the man who ran the FBI cover-up of the JFK assassination…

…from Spartacus Educational

As you probably know, the JFK assassination is a central theme in the Qanon Disinformation Front’s narratives. So will “The Plan” bring the arrests of “Deep State” today? Will JFK Jr. show up in Philly?

The Biden-Harris schedule for today can be found here.

(2 February 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

In case the globalists are still planning to have Biden announce his Friday resignation on Thursday (like Nixon) so Hunter can have a carefree and crack-filled 53rd birthday on Saturday, I would advise them against it. We have the occult cues that show why you’re doing it today. So shut up; sit down.

Here are Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on Biden’s potential resignation move on Thursday the 2nd. Links have been added along with [my additions in brackets]…

Richard Nixon announced his intention to resign on the evening of August 8, 1974, and resigned the following day. So if Joe Biden were to resign, he would probably announce it a day in advance.

8/8/1974 was Thursday, the 220th day of the year

2/2/2023 is Thursday.

2/3 (Friday) [the day the resignation would take effect]…

• Barack Obama

Born: August 4, 1961, 737 months 30 days old -> 7373

Strong’s Hebrew 7373. ratob: green Definition: moist, juicy, fresh [thriving]

[Stubborn Biden’s removal would allow “Communist Antichrist Obama’s World War 3 / depopulation agenda” to thrive under the submissive Harris, a woman of foreign descent who is married to a Jewish “friend of Chabad”. Also remember that the green comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) made its closest approach to the Earth yesterday and is at peak visibility in the night sky.]

• Kamala Harris

Born: October 20, 1964, 21290 days old

Strong’s Greek 2129. eulogia: praise, blessing

Usage: adulation, praise, blessing, gift.


3041 weeks 3 days old -> 3413

[Strong’s Hebrew 3413. Yeremay (Jeremai): an Israelite guilty of intermarriage with a foreign woman (Ezra 10:33)]

Strong’s Greek 3413. Michael: Michael, the archangel [who will “stand up” to protect the faithful during the war/depopulation]

• Robert Hunter Biden

Born: February 4, 1970, on Saturday is his 53rd birthday

[So if Biden were to resign before the weekend, he could save his son and himself from big trouble. Just yesterday (2/1) Biden met with the Republican Speaker of the House — at 3:15 PM (the Ides of March number) — who will be putting the screws to Joe and Hunter with investigations.]

For more info on the setup for the resignation, see the 29 January update below. The globalists may have abandoned the resignation after that.

(1 February 2023) – Now that Ukraine has been denied fighter jets in the face of an imminent Russian offensive, how will they get around it? – By playing the sympathy card of course. My partner Onnabugeisha has found occult cues that would support the scripting of the staged assassination of Volodymyr Zelensky on February 2 (Ukraine time). And upon looking at the Drudge Report this morning, there is a photo of Zelensky holding 2 fingers to his chin. Wink, wink. Nod, nod. Say no more…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Also, reader Ronin notes that the globalists may use the recent crash of a Greek F-4 performing a low-level training mission as a pretext to start the Greece-Turkey war, perhaps claiming that it was shot down by an IDAS or AIM-9X missile fired from a Turkish submarine.

These are the updates that were placed in the sidebar while the site was having trouble. I’ll straighten them up a bit later…

Title Note – (1/31) – False-Flag Warning: New York City – Will the Muslim Antichrist destroy New York City today while Biden is there? SEE THE SIDEBAR FOR INFO. | Has the 38-Day War on Iran already begun? See today’s (1/30) update at the top of the sidebar (it will be near the bottom of the page if you are using your phone, or turn your phone on its side to view the site in landscape mode).

False-Flag Warning: New York City (WITH STRIKE TIME ADDED)

Since Joe Biden is being portrayed as holding back the “commies’ World War 3” by blocking F-16s to Ukraine and a full-on Israeli attack on Iran, getting rid of him NOW is a priority of the “bad guys” in the “End Times” stageplay. His supposed death could come any day.

It is therefore notable that he will fly in and out of John F. Kennedy Airport (named after the only other Catholic president besides Biden, who was assassinated) in New York today and speak at the West Side Rail Yard (less than two miles as the crow flies from UN Headquarters). The UN Security Council met on the situation in Cyprus yesterday — a topic of enormous importance to the Turks — and extended the UN mandate there. The President of the Security Council will be briefing the UN member states today.

Remember that there is a Nostradamus prophecy that supposedly foretells the destruction of New York by a Muslim Antichrist. Also remember that I’ve previously written about the possibility that the Turks have stashed a nuke in Turkevi Center across the street from UN Headquarters.

Hitting New York today would eliminate Biden and the current UN and disorient America so the Iran War can proceed. In fact, the Hollywood movie made about the Nostradamus prophecy depicts American confusion at the time of the nuke attack.

MORE (31 January 2023): The likely planned time for the New York hit is/was 3:30 PM EST [33]. Biden is supposed to attend a reception for the Democratic National Committee at that time and the Japanese President of the UNSC will be starting his briefing at 3:00 PM in Conference Room 4 (4 is the number of death in Asian cultures). I can find no information on where Biden’s reception is being held, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s relatively close to UN Headquarters (within the blast radius).

A “Russian” tsunami attack is an alternate possibility.

30 January 2023 update

There are rumors circulating that the “drone attacks” on Iran are happening on a larger scale than the mainstream media are letting on. If so, the 38-day Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan War on Iran may have begun with the first drone explosion at 23:30 Iran time on January 28 (check out Strong’s 332). Since the 38th day after January 28 is March 7, Purim, and Purim commemorates the saving of the Jews from a Persian extermination plot (this time a supposed nuclear extermination), it makes sense that these drone attacks could be the opening salvo of a war on Iran that will end in victory (and the possible appearance of Chabad’s fake “Jewish Messiah”) on March 7.

It should be noted that these attacks are likely preparing the battlefield for a full-on attack to come soon, probably during the first week of February. And this attack will likely be accompanied by a Turkish sneak attack in the Mediterranean. February 7 will mark 88 days [88 = “Heil Hitler”] since Prince Harry’s 11/11 visit to Pearl Harbor, so it is a candidate day for a Turkish attack on the US Navy in the Med. And the days of February 3-6, when the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) will reportedly be at the Port of Piraeus in Greece, would also do nicely for a Pearl Harbor-style attack. Thanks to reader Ronin for doing such an excellent job of monitoring the situation there.

The following was the title note for the past few days…

(1/30) – My partner Onnabugeisha has checked the occult cues regarding a presidential event today, and she’s found a number of indicators that would support a scripted assassination too. Biden is going to Baltimore today to speak about the Baltimore and Potomac (train) Tunnel, which offers a historical connection to the 1861 Baltimore Plot to assassinate President-Elect Abraham Lincoln during his train travel through Baltimore to Washington for his inauguration. Like Lincoln, Biden will be stopping in Baltimore on his way to the White House. | (1/29) – Did Biden have a secret meeting at Camp David on Saturday? Will he resign this week? SEE TODAY’S UPDATE IN THE SIDEBAR FOR DETAILS. | The globalists’ have been pushed out of the 27th, but they could still trigger the fake meteor storm on Sunday the 29th. For details on this, see the 19 January update below and today’s update in the sidebar. Should the globalists act tomorrow, we could see either the two-week “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” Psyop or (more likely) a war that ends with the Psyop around March 7 (the day Saturn leaves Aquarius – an important event to the astrology-obsessed Kabbalists). March 7 is also Purim this year, which is the holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jews from an extermination plot during the First Persian Empire (modern day Turkey, Iran, Egypt, et al.). Purim would be a good day to script the Jerusalem arrival of the fake Jewish Messiah.

28-29 January 2023 Update (expanded with info on the March change in the COVID Narrative and Biden’s potential resignation this week)

The possibility of the “meteor storm” (Artemis Rods from God mixed with artificial meteors) occurring tomorrow is encoded in one of Trump’s NFT cards. This is what I wrote about it on 18 December 2022…

…”Note that behind him is the Moon, representing Artemis (the Goddess of the Moon), and see the shooting stars near his legs, representing The (Meteor) Storm that will give rise to his domination of the Earth (which lies beneath his feet). His military uniform denotes military domination.”

On his right chest, you’ll also see the number 45, his president number (and also a timing cue). Sunday the 29th will mark 45 days since the NFT cards were released on 15 December 2022. And as was noted in the 19 January update, January 29 is also 7 Shevat, the day the Kabbalists recite Kiddush Levanah (the sanctification of the moon).

~ MORE ~

Expanding on what’s written in the title note, astrology isn’t the Kabbalists’ only obsession. They are also avid practitioners of numerology, and they’re big into scripting mythological and historical parallels, particularly from Jewish and Roman history. That said, here are some interesting notes on January 29 and beyond…

1) My partner Onnabugeisha has noted that the number 45 — which is prominently featured in all the Trump NFT cards I’ve seen — is the number of Mike Pence in Pythagorean/Reduction Gematria and Reverse Pythagorean Gematria. Interestingly, 45 is also the number of the word Ubermensch (the “Roman Caesar with Christ’s soul”) in Pythagorean Gematria.

2) If “The Storm” starts tomorrow and January 29 becomes Day 1 of the staged world war between the Nazionists and communists, and if they end the war on Purim (March 7), then it will span 38 days. 38, which is the gematria number for Lucifer, has been prominently featured by the globalists in recent months.

3) March 7 will mark 180 days (as in “do a 180”) since Nazi Queen Elizabeth was murdered by the Commie Pope and Commie Prince (Charles).” And it will mark 116 days since Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor on 11/11 (116 is 911 reversed and flipped). Both these cues suggest a complete reversal — a turning of the tables by the Nazionists on the commies that day.

4) If Trump should “die” during The Storm, “duly elected” vice president Pence would inherit the presidency. This would parallel the ancient Roman history surrounding Vindex (Trump), the leader who tried to unseat Nero (Obama) but could not complete the task before dying. Galba (Pence), with military support (Space Force), later finished the job and became emperor, striking coins to commemorate Vindex.

~ MORE – 29 January 2023 ~

As was mentioned in the current title note, Saturn will leave Aquarius on March 7 — I ran across this information on another site. In the article, it associated Saturn being in Aquarius with the COVID tyranny. And upon checking into it, the correlation between Saturn in Aquarius and two key stages of the COVID Psyop are remarkable…

After last exiting Aquarius on 28 January 1994, Saturn returned to Aquarius on 21 March 2020, just days after the first COVID lockdowns started in the US on 15 March 2020 (the Ides of March). It later exited on 1 July 2020. And Saturn entered Aquarius again on 17 December 2020 (Gregorian Saturnalia), just days after the first COVID vaccines were administered in the US on 14 December 2020. It has remained in Aquarius since then, and will finally exit on 7 March 2023 (Purim). So the COVID narrative will likely hit another inflection point within days of March 7, which is why the globalists are allowing all the bad press about the vaccine and Pfizer to circulate.

On or about 7 March 2023, the globalist script will likely have the commies take the fall for “releasing the COVID bioweapon” and later “substituting genetic bioweapons in place of COVID vaccines.” The Nazionists will then offer a “clean vaccine” or a “safe treatment protocol” to supposedly “rid the population of both bioweapons.” Beware of such things.

~ MORE – The End of Biden? ~

I noticed an anomaly in Joe Biden’s official schedule for Saturday (Saturn’s Day) the 28th: there wasn’t a schedule for that day. Biden typically flies to his Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home on Fridays, but this Friday, his schedule showed him traveling to Camp David at 5:30 PM [53]. After that, there is a black hole in his schedule where Saturday should be — there isn’t even the typical “On Saturday, the President has no public events scheduled” or “Out-of-Town Pool Call Time.” There’s just nothing (and I have screenshots in case they try to backfill). Then his Sunday schedule shows him traveling to Wilmington, Delaware in the afternoon. So why would Biden split his weekend between Camp David and his home in Wilmington?

Upon looking into it, I found an article on The Washington Times website titled Biden heads to Camp David, distances himself from classified documents crisis. It reads like a cover story, implying that he stayed away from Rehoboth Beach because it might be searched for more classified documents. But I found myself asking a question…

If Biden wanted to have a secret meeting with the Democrat bigwigs to arrange his resignation in exchange for pardons for himself and his son Hunter, where would he hold it?

Not in Washington, DC. All kinds of people would notice the gathering and start talking to the press. And not in Delaware — his neighbors would notice the comings and goings and talk to the press. But Camp David, a place out in the woods in the middle of nowhere, would do nicely.

Is that why Biden’s schedule was blacked out on Saturday? Will he resign this week (maybe tomorrow)?

My partner Onnabugeisha has found a number of occult cues that could be used to script a big NWO-related event tomorrow.

27 January 2023 Update

This is the title note from January 25-27…

>>> WARNING FOR FRIDAY THE 27th: The current Greek government faces a scripted no confidence vote on Friday. If the government falls, it’s a “war on” signal (with Turkey). Also watch for a Friday “asymmetric attack” on the West “by Russia and China” via a supposed cyberattack on the financial system and possibly other sectors. The globalists will then narrate that the January 24 “market glitch” at the New York Stock Exchange was “a shot across the bow warning the US to not send tanks to Ukraine.” See the 20 January and 19 January updates below for information on the other possibilities we may face on Friday. <<<

(27 January 2023) – In the first good sign for today, the Mitsotakis government survived the no confidence vote. The press had been forecasting his win, but reader Ronin reports that news was being circulated in the Greek alt-media that Mitsotakis would send some Greek Leopard tanks to Ukraine, weakening the Greek military at a time when war with Turkey is imminent. Had some kind of official confirmation of this surfaced before Friday (which was apparently the plan), Mitsotakis would have lost enough patriot support within his party to lose the vote.

25-26 January 2023 Update

A reader sent this very interesting note [with my additions in brackets]…

More Jan 27 danger points:
Exactly 11 months and 3 days (311) since the start of the Ukraine war. [Also Strong’s 113 = “lawless” “lord/god” (Antichrist)]
I Pet Goat 2, tank scene“Leopard” tanks baring teeth [the tanks are black, the color of a black panther (which is a black leopard)] – Year of Tiger girl deters [she has a tiger on the back of her jacket, and the Year of the Tiger ended last weekend], but Chinese New Year fireworks happen [behind the skeleton man] (shadows [on the ground] show Yin-Yang symbol, balance of world changes) and her face darkens (right and left cheeks are nuclear radioactive symbol and heart symbol = nuclear peace/nuclear deterrence). So nuclear deterrence is broken after Chinese New Year and the tanks fail to be stopped.
Recently Germany and US reached an agreement to send tanks to Ukraine
All of the astrological / meteor shower signs you already mentioned [the first Leopard tank features a green light, representing the green Comet Loc-Nar (C/2022 E3 ZTF)]
Also saw a forum comment (Godlike Productions) mentioning the same about Jan. 27 planetary predictions

~ MORE – 26 January 2023 ~

I will post additional notes below over the course of the day…

Note 1: Reader Ronin does a superb job of tracking the situation in the Mediterranean regarding Greece and Turkey, and he has said that there are Greek Orthodox prophecies — which the globalists will contrive to fulfill — that speak of a war with Turkey at a time WHEN GREECE HAS NO GOVERNMENT. It therefore grabbed our attention when a motion of no confidence was initiated in the Greek Parliament just a few days after Chinese Lunar New Year weekend (which was last weekend, the 21st-22nd, when the Year of the Tiger ended).

The no confidence vote is slated to happen on Friday. And since Athens time is 7 hours ahead of New York time, a vote to take down the Mitsotakis government could be the first domino to fall tomorrow. If the government does go down, watch for a Friday military incident between the Greeks and the Turks that triggers a war.

Note 2: Will the war that leads to the “Antichrist’s peace covenant” be launched on his Jewish birthday?

My partner Onnabugeisha notes that Friday the 27th is the Jewish day of 5 Shevat, and it was on this Jewish day 42 years ago that Jewish Messiah / Antichrist candidate Jared Kushner was born (10 January 1981 / 5 Shevat 5741).

In previous updates, I’ve written of a scenario in which Trump or (more likely) Pence regains the presidency and then sends Jared Kushner to the UN to hammer out a world peace deal. This would happen due to “Kushner’s experience and success in bringing long-time foes together under the Abraham Accords.” If this happens, Kushner will be the actual Antichrist for the next scene in the “End Times” stageplay.

If this is how the globalists script the “twin leaders” (Castor and Pollux) element I’ve written about, Trump/Pence would be Castor and Kushner would be Pollux, the more luminous and immortal of the twins.

By the way, 42 is an important occult number.

Alternatively, it should be noted that the globalists have also tied Pence to the Abraham Accords. And he can be looked at as the “father” of the Space Force (which will intervene to stop nuclear Armageddon).

Note 3: Today’s supposed near miss (by “just 2,200 miles“) of the Earth by an asteroid was featured on the Drudge Report

So is this “near miss” meant to signal that they’ve cancelled tomorrow’s festivities, or is it meant to be the first detected asteroid of the incoming “meteor storm” (Rods from God attack)? Remember that any nuclear-looking explosion(s) you might see tomorrow will likely be caused by Artemis, not an actual nuclear bomb. Personally, I’m not going to sweat any media-generated fear of nuclear fallout, and I will never take any iodine pills, especially if the government handed them out for free.

The Title Note from January 23-25

(25 January 2023): Since yesterday I’ve been blocked from updating the main page, so I put today’s update in the sidebar (the bottom of the page if you’re viewing this on your phone). Also note that nuke targets Biden and Harris will be together at the White House again today. | WARNING (24 January 2023): Biden, Harris, the Democratic congressional leaders, and the new members of Congress will be gathering at the White House this afternoon. And they’ll do this the day after the US and Israel started the massive “Juniper Oaks” military exercise – an exercise targeting Iran that they kept secret until it started yesterday. The obvious play for today is to detonate a 1 KT or larger nuke near the White House and blame it on the usual suspects, including Iran. Juniper Oaks would then go live. But who will inherit the presidency? McCarthy? Blinken? Yellen? | Next Stop: January 27-29. After that, the globalists will transition to their spring scenarios and we’ll need to closely watch the Turkey-Greece tensions. Looking past this month, the next foreseeable candidate date for the war start is February 27 – a day when the prophecy narrative could have CERN open the gate to hell. MORE: My partner Onnabugeisha’s research is showing that something big is/was planned for the Vatican tomorrow on January 24.

(23 January 2023) – What do the following two events have in common? January 24 of course…

…from The Tablet (top) and America Magazine (bottom)

My partner Onnabugeisha has found a wealth of occult cues that would support the Kabbalist scripting of something big happening at the Vatican tomorrow, such as Pope Francis’s death and/or some disaster there. But what I don’t know is if the script is still in motion or if it’s already dead because they were prevented from carrying out some precursor event(s). So just in case it’s still alive, let’s look at two of the more prominent cues…

  • January 24, 2023 marks exactly 2121 days [“double blackjack” or 33] or, expressed in different time units, 303 weeks [33] since Prince Charles visited Pope Francis at the Vatican on 4/4/2017. There was great significance to this meeting of the two commie collaborators who killed Elizabeth II under the New Babington Plot.” And given the “double blackjack” numbers associated with King Chucky’s visit, a disaster at the Vatican may potentially be accompanied by a disaster in London. If not, Chucky may die after traveling to Rome for the Pope’s funeral.
  • January 24, 2023 marks exactly 3 years since Vice President Mike Pence [one of the most likely candidates to play the Nazionist Antichrist] visited Pope Francis at the Vatican on 24 January 2020. This happened during Pence’s “Kiss the As$” / “Kiss the Ring” World Tour to Israel and the Vatican — the Tour he had to undertake to prepare him for the presidency (which he was supposed to take after Trump’s impeachment).

Speaking of Pence as the Nazionist Antichrist and of his World Tour, have a look at these events that happened during his Israel visit…

…from CNBC (top) and Breitbart (bottom)

So the Commie Prince snubbed the Nazionist Prince, and now the commie is scripted to die so the Nazionist can rise. Netanyahu has returned to power and Pence will return shortly, and the two will collaborate to build the Third Jewish Temple.

~ MORE ~

Here are Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on the scripting cues for January 24. If I can find time today, I’ll point out their significance…

1/24 (Tuesday) is Julian calendar 1/11

Pietro Parolin has suspicious numbers and 1/24 also sort of mirrors Parolin’s numbers on the day of Pope Benedict’s XVI death.

• Sementivae (Wikipedia)

was a Roman festival of sowing. It was held in honor of Ceres (the goddess of agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth).

The initial half of the event was a festival in honor of Tellus which ran from January 24 through January 26. (The festival honoring Ceres occurred one week later, starting February 2.)

At the same time the Paganalia were observed in the country.

• Pietro Parolin OMRI became the Vatican’s Secretary of State on Tuesday 10/15/2013, 9 years 101 days -> 911

or 3388 days ago (like the number 38 doubled) [or 33, the Kabbalist-Freemason master number paired with 88, the Nazi number]

mayoclinic org: Fetal development 38 weeks after conception “38 weeks after conception – your baby is considered full term.”

Strong’s Greek 3388. metra: the womb

Luke 2:23 (NKJV) (as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the LORD ”)

or 111 months 9 days -> 1119 and Pope Benedict’s death 110 months 16 days —> 1116

Strong’s Greek 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea

Strong’s Hebrew 1116. bamah: a high place

or 484 weeks and Pope Benedict’s death 480 weeks and 4 days -> 484

Pope Benedict XVI died 3 weeks and 3 days ago [33], on 12/31/2022. Pietro Parolin was the Vatican’s Secretary of State 9 years and 11 weeks [911] on that day.

I noted that 1/24 is Sementivae and that since Parolin became the Cardinal Secretary of State (Wikipedia) on 10/15/2013 it is 3388 (Greek métra: the womb) days ago

Parolin’s ordination: 27 April 1980, 2230 weeks 2 days ago -> 2232

Strong’s Hebrew 2232. zara: to sow, scatter seed

• Artemis Accords (Wikipedia) are a series of non-binding multilateral agreements between the United States government and other world governments participating in the Artemis Program

Signed: 13 October 2020, 119 weeks ago

• World Economic Forum (Wikipedia) (WEF) is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation based in Cologny, canton of Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on Sunday 24 January 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab.


King Charles III, (as the 21st Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset, on 6/3/2020, 966 days ago (inclusive)

• Purim Rome (1793)

On this day, Shevat 2 (January 14, 1793), a frenzied mob gathered around the Jewish ghetto of Rome with the intention of setting it on fire. Miraculously, heavy rains began to fall…, also known as Moed di Piombo (“Holiday of Gray [Clouds]”), has been celebrated as a day of thanksgiving by the Jews of Rome. (chabad org)

230 Jewish years ago

• United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (Wikipedia) was founded on 24 January 1946 by the very first resolution of the United Nations General Assembly “to deal with the problems raised by the discovery of atomic energy.” 1/24/1946, 77 years ago

• Homeland Security Department begins operations, Jan. 24, 2003 (politico com), 20 years ago

~ MORE ~

Reader Ronin has taken note of something quite interesting: the Crypto-Jew Recep Tayyip Erdogan — the man the globalists have assigned to lead Turkey to destruction — has arranged for the Turkish elections to be held on May 14, the 75th Gregorian anniversary of Israel’s Independence Day and the 38th day of the Counting of the Omer this year. We’ll take a closer look at this in a future update.

(20 January 2023) – Saturday the 21st and Sunday the 22nd will arrive after a long week of Drudge headlines foreshadowing a “massive” Russian offensive and a Russian nuclear attack…

And this week began on Monday with the launch of Russian-Belarusian air force drills that will continue through the end of this month — drills that can turn live this weekend to support a new ground offensive…

…from euractiv

Behind these visible clues of looming trouble, there are the hidden cues that underlie the Kabbalists’ event scripting for the time period of the 21st-29th…

January 21 is Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve and the Jewish birth of the new moon (the molad). The molad will occur at 11:56 PM on January 21 (Jerusalem/Ukraine time) / 5:56 AM on January 22 (Taiwan time). So Russia-China could launch a simultaneous midnight offensive in Ukraine and pre-dawn blockade around Taiwan (5:56 AM is exactly 44 minutes before sunrise in Taipei that day).

January 21 marks 66 days since the launch of Artemis 1the moon-connected NASA mission that carried “Rod from God” weapons into orbits around the Earth and Moon. In Jewish history, 66 AD was the year the Jews attacked the Romans in the First Jewish Revolt. So from the perspective of the Kabbalists, the 66th day of Artemis would be the perfect time to throw one or more rods down on Third Rome’s (US-EU-NATO) cities as “G-d’s punishment.” The Western governments would blame the explosion(s) on a Russian nuke attack.

~ MORE ~

After the precursor event(s)/attack(s) of January 21, something more serious would happen 6 days later on January 27. In addition to being the 77th day since Prince Harry visited Pearl Harbor (hinting at a surprise attack related to the NWO transition)…

January 27 marks 72 days since the launch of Artemis 1, and to the Kabbalists, the number 72 is related to the name of their god and is the demon number. This makes the 27th a day on which they can script “God’s judgment raining down upon the Earth at the hands of the angels/demons (guiding the supposed ‘space rocks’).”

January 27 is also the day that Comet Loc-Nar (see yesterday’s update) not only makes its closest approach to the star Gamma Ursae Minoris (Pherkad), but also “points” to the star at one point (as if to cue it into action)

…from Wikipedia

And since that star is associated with the Gamma Ursae Minorid meteor shower, we may see what appears to be a late meteor storm from that area on that day…

…from In-The-Sky.org

The graphic from the top of today’s Drudge Report hints at the coming meteor storm (see the smoke grenades falling beside the tank; they’re the reason they chose this particular picture)…

Operation Blackjack or an attempt at a full-on nuclear exchange are also possibilities for January 27. And given that Joe Biden will supposedly be at his home on the Delaware coast over this weekend, a tsunami-related event is another possibility for January 21-22.

More details on the events planned for January 21-29 are offered in yesterday’s update below…

(19 January 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

I awoke this morning to a realization that stopped me from looking past January, and it was this: January 27 will mark 77 days since Prince Harry’s surprise visit to Pearl Harbor. SEE TODAY’S (1/19) UPDATE BELOW to understand why this is potentially significant.

Sunday, January 29 will be the 45th day since Trump released his “Q-Anon” superhero NFT cards…

That’s the day of the NFL’s AFC and NFC championship games. Gee, I wonder who’s scripted to win that day.

Since my realization this morning, the details of the setup for the January 21-29 time period have fallen into place. Should the globalists attempt to go forward with it, here’s how things will play out…

January 21 at 11:56 PM Jerusalem time marks the molad (birth of the new moon), so that’s the time the Kabbalists would trigger the event that causes the 6-day world crisis. 11:56 PM Jerusalem time is 4:56 PM Washington DC time and 9:56 PM London time.

January 27 marks the 77th day since Prince Harry made his surprise visit to Pearl Harbor. It also marks the establishment date of the Roman Temple of Castor and Pollux (see the 6 January update for the significance of that). Since Pearl Harbor is associated with a war-starting surprise attack and the number 77 is associated with the New World Order transition, a scary war event would happen on that day. This would be the beginning of the 3 Days of Fear / 3 Days of Darkness.

January 29, the “3rd Day of Fear,” marks the 45th day since Donald Trump launched his superhero NFT cards, which prominently featured Artemis (associated with the moon) and the number 45 (his president number and a timing cue — see the right side of his chest)…

January 29 is also 7 Shevat, the day the Kabbalists recite Kiddush Levanah (the sanctification of the moon), so this would be the day the Jewish Messiah (Trump or his successor) would arrive (possibly after sunset). Since January 27 is a Friday and January 29 is a Sunday, the false messiah’s arrival would mirror the death and resurrection of Jesus.

If the globalists want to gather the “kings of the world” in Rome to fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy of their slaughter by “meteoric stones,” they’ll want to schedule a papal funeral for January 27 or 28. So Pope Francis’s “sudden, unexpected” death would be scripted for January 21-24.

~ MORE ~

The setup for January 27 just keeps getting funnier and funnier. As it turns out, Comet Loc-Nar [the green comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)] will make its closest approach to the star Gamma Ursae Minoris (the Little Dipper star associated with the Gamma Ursae Minorid meteor shower) on January 27. Cue the meteoric stones, Artemis! LOL. More on this and its connection to Castor and Pollux later…

~ MORE – 21 January 2023 ~

January 27 is the anniversary of the establishment of the Roman Temple of Castor and Pollux, the mythological twins who were supposedly transformed into stars in the Gemini constellation. And these Gemini Twins were featured in the predictive programming of the 2012 London Olympic Games as the mascots Wenlock and Mandeville (see the 25 November update for details).

As it turns out, the Little Dipper twin stars of Pherkad and Kochab are analogs to Castor and Pollux. And over the course of January 27, Comet Loc-Nar will make its closest approach to both stars, “pointing” first at Pherkad (Castor) early in the day and then to Kochab (Pollux) later in the day. This will allow the globalists to maintain their mythological subnarrative of the twin leaders who will emerge during the NWO; just like the twin stars, the first leader will be “less luminous” than the second.

(18 January 2023) – Tomorrow is 1/19, 911 reversed, and my partner Onnabugeisha notes that it is also the peak day of the Gamma Ursae Minorid meteor shower. There is also a minor numerological connection tying the day to the Chernobyl Disaster. This makes Thursday a candidate day for a Rod from God strike or a nuclear incident in Ukraine, but I rate the probability of that as low at this point. The globalists are busy moving their chess pieces into place for the spring.

(16 January 2023) – These are the title notes that accompanied the following update…

1) Tomorrow, January 17, is the 72nd Gregorian anniversary of the day Menachem Mendel Schneerson took leadership of the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist Cult. The now-dead Schneerson was the 7th and final Lubavitcher Rebbe (since the group is scripted to be scapegoated before the “Millennial Kingdom” of the globalists’ Kabbalah Christ begins), and he was utterly obsessed with bringing about the artificial arrival of the Jewish Messiah. So given that it’s his 72nd anniversary tomorrow and the number 72 is very special to the numerology-obsessed Chabadniks – it represents the “72-fold-name of G-d” to them, among other things – they may attempt to script something big for the day. Pope Francis’s “sudden, unexpected” death is among the possibilities.

2) The Jersey Devil (DHS disinformation agent Hal Turner) is reporting that both Klaus Schwab and George Soros have made excuses to skip the WEF meeting in Davos. So it may be that the NAZIONIST COUNTERMOVE TO THE COMMUNIST TAKEOVER possibility for tomorrow was supposed to be a Rod from God aimed at Davos. See today’s (1/16) update for details…

(16 January 2023) – Onnabugeisha’s Raw Notes on 17 January 2023 + My Additions

17 January 2023 is 1/17 or 17/1 (in DD/MM format), and is also 24 Tevet 5783 on the Hebrew calendar (24 Tevet starts at sunset of the 16th)…

Revelation 17:1 NIV – One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters.

In the following notes, events that are scriptable on January 17 are in blue with their scripting cues listed below them…


Such an event would be scripted to happen at the hands of the Turkish Muslim Antichrist, either Erdogan or the man behind his throne.

• United Nations the Security Council (un.org)

The Security Council held its first session on 17 January 1946 at Church House, Westminster, London. Since its first meeting, the Security Council has taken permanent residence at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.

77 years ago

On 17 January 2023, the UN Security Council will be discussing the UN peacekeeping operation in Cyprus and “threats to international peace and security”…

…from UN.org (UNFICYP)


• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 = 24 Tevet, 14 [7+7] Jewish years ago

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia) (Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama)

Born: January 17, 1964, her 59th birthday [59 >>> 5+9 =14 = 7+7]


• 1/17 is reverse-symmetrical to 12/14 (January 17 is the 17th day of the year with 348 days remaining; December 14 is the 348th day of the year with 17 days remaining)

On Monday 12/14/2020

Electoral College makes it official: Biden won, Trump lost (apnews.com) 109 weeks 1 day ago -> 1091

Strong’s Hebrew 1091. ballahah: terror, dreadful event, calamity, destruction

• Eisenhower farewell address (Wikipedia) warning about the (“Nazionist controlled”) Military-Industrial Complex delivered in a television broadcast on January 17, 1961, 62 years ago

(Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower was succeeded by John F. Kennedy.)


• Pope Francis visited the Great synagogue of Rome on Sunday 1/17/2016

Pope Visits Rome’s Great Synagogue: You Are Our ‘Elder Brothers’ (haaretz.com)…

Pope Francis denounced all violence committed in the name of God during a visit to Rome’s main synagogue Sunday, joining the oldest Jewish community in the diaspora in a sign of interfaith friendship at a time of religiously-inspired attacks around the globe.”

Visit to the Synagogue of Rome (vatican.va), 7 years ago

• Passing of R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1812),

The founder of Chabad Chassidism and first Rebbe of Chabad, the “Alter Rebbe” passed away on the eve of the 24th of Tevet, 5573, at approximately 10:30 pm (chabad.org), the 210 Jewish anniversary of his death.

He died on 12/27/1812 Gregorian, 210 years and 21 days ago (inclusive or on 1/17)

21 is blackjack

Pietro Parolin OMRI, the Vatican’s Secretary of State (and a candidate to be the Nazi pope after Pope Francis)

Born: 1/17/1955 = 23 Tevet, his 68th Jewish birthday.

Pope Pius V

Born: 1/17/1504

“…arranged the forming of the Holy League against the Ottoman Empire, as the result of which the Battle of Lepanto was won” (according to the “End Times” script, the Turkish Muslim Antichrist wishes to reverse that victory)


• “Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. is an American environmental lawyer and author known for promoting anti-vaccine propaganda and conspiracy theories. Kennedy is a son of U.S. senator Robert F. Kennedy and a nephew of President John F. Kennedy.”

Born: January 17, 1954, his 69th birthday

(15 January 2023) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

Looking ahead to the week of January 16-22, Janet Yellen has told Congress that we’ll hit the debt ceiling on Thursday the 19th. So if they go for Operation Blackjack and the war/intervention on January 21-22, the US government’s disposable cash will be eaten up in a matter of days, pushing it into bankruptcy. This, in turn, will render the recently-passed federal budget null and void, giving the incoming crisis president free rein to command the US government and economy under emergency powers. Also watch January 17 for a significant event. Should the globalists bail on this event window, the next foreseeable opportunity to start the war will come near the end of February, 150 days before Tisha B’Av. SEE TODAY’S (1/15) UPDATE BELOW FOR MORE ON THE WEEK AHEAD…

(15 January 2023) – The Communist Revolutionary Convention of the West will hold their 53rd annual meeting from January 16 through January 20…

…from weforum.org

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is having its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland this week, and coming across this news brought to mind something my partner Onnabugeisha offered in her notes for January 17…

The execution of Louis XVI, a major event of the French Revolution, took place publicly on 21 January 1793 at the Place de la Revolution (“Revolution Square”, formerly Place Louis XV, and renamed Place de la Concorde in 1795) in Paris. At a trial on 17 January 1793, the National Convention had convicted the king of high treason in a near-unanimous vote; while no one voted “not guilty”, several deputies abstained. Ultimately, they condemned him to death by a simple majority. – from Wikipedia

Within the “Communist Revolution of the West” the globalists have been scripting, the WEF can be seen as the supranational revolutionary government orchestrating the communist takeover, so it is the analog of the National Convention in Revolutionary France. So which “king” will the 53rd WEF Convention decide to execute this week? Which Western leader has been seen as slowing down the communist (“progressive”) agenda? – Probably the same leader they have been setting up for a fall with the classified documents scandal, Joe Biden…

…from The Washington Post

A January 21 Operation Blackjack would kill Joe Biden and be seen as the big communist move to collapse the West and do an old-school roundup of their enemies. And it would give the Nazionists the perfect opportunity to make their hero move on the 45th day of Trump’s superhero count (or later during the spring or fall Jewish holidays).

unfinished note (13 January 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the following update…

WARNING (13 January 2022): Today, January 13, is not just Friday the 13th; it’s also Julian New Year’s Eve — New Year’s Eve as celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church. So tonight (Russia time) offers the Russians the opportunity to “start the new year off right” in Ukraine by launching a fresh offensive. Likewise, January 21 is Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve, offering the Chinese the opportunity to start the new year off right in relation to Taiwan by launching a Chicom Tet Offensive. A “quarantine” (blockade) of Taiwan started that night could lead to the US Navy testing it the next day, which would commence a historical repeat of the last six days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, culminating on January 27 (see the 6 January update below for info on why that day is important). The globalists could script this stepwise progression to a World War 3 nuclear crisis or they could have both China and Russia move on the same night, either January 13-14 or January 21-22. MORE SCRIPTING DETAILS IN TODAY’S UPDATE BELOW, including the possibility of Pope Francis “dying suddenly” on January 15-17…

Globalist scripting notes for the January 13-29 time period

> Globalist New Age / controlled alt-media propaganda has suggested that the “mass arrest of the Deep State (psyop)” will take about two weeks. So if they were to start it on Friday the 13th — the day associated with the mass arrest of the Knights Templar — it would take us to January 27.

> According to Vatican custom, a pope’s funeral must take place 4-6 days after his death. And after a pope dies or resigns, the conclave to elect his successor begins 15 days later. So…

  • If Pope Francis resigns today, Friday the 13th, the cardinals would meet at the Vatican on January 28 to elect his successor. This would open the possibility of the globalists artificially fulfilling the Kabbalist prophecy of the Vatican’s destruction on January 27 (when most but not all of the cardinals will have already arrived, like the prophecy suggests).
  • If Pope Francis dies during the January 15-17 timeframe, they could schedule his funeral for Saturday (Saturn’s Day), January 21 (21 is blackjack). This would gather the Western leaders and the Catholic cardinals in Rome for a fulfillment of the Kabbalist prophecy during Operation Blackjack.

The most recent pope to have a Saturday funeral was Pope Paul VI, who was an agent of the Jesuits…

Pope Paul VI …was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 21 June 1963 to his death in August 1978. Succeeding John XXIII, he continued the Second Vatican Council, which he closed in 1965, implementing its numerous reforms

He attended the Cesare Arici school, run by the Jesuits

His confessor, the Jesuit Paolo Dezza, said that “this pope is a man of great joy”… – from Wikipedia

Since Pope Paul VI was party to the Jesuit Kabbalization of the Roman Catholic Church and was buried on Saturn’s Day, it would be no surprise if the first Jesuit pope is buried on Saturday too.

> When viewed from the disinformation layer that is the Geostrategic Narrative, the US are applying the principles of Sun Tzu against Russia and China. They’re portraying inviting weakness in their conventional forces (“we’re spread too thin around the world, our equipment is worn out, our ammunition stocks are depleted”) while at the same time engaging in provocative actions to goad the Russians and Chinese into attacking…

“If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”

Once the attack happens, the US plans to hit back with strategic strikes on Russian and Chinese territory using their black-budget weapons — strikes that will neutralize Russian and Chinese strategic forces, eliminate key leaders and key concentrations of regime power, and create imbalances of force between domestic factions so they’ll start fighting amongst themselves (“Putin’s Eurasian Sovereigntists” vs. “Medvedev’s Atlantic Integrationists,” the “Xi Faction” vs. the “Jiang Faction,” and the Chinese people vs. the CCP’s police and paramilitary units).

In keeping with this strategy, the US recently had a Marine general publicly admit that they are “preparing the theater” of war in Asia by arming Taiwan so it will become China’s Ukraine. And this creates a scripted motivation for the CCP to move sooner rather than later to stop the flow of weapons into the island, just like the US did during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The “six days that shook the world” started with this…

Showdown at Sea: U.S. Blockades Cuba

A crucial moment in the unfolding crisis arrived on October 24, when Soviet ships bound for Cuba neared the line of U.S. vessels enforcing the blockade. An attempt by the Soviets to breach the blockade would likely have sparked a military confrontation that could have quickly escalated to a nuclear exchange. But the Soviet ships stopped short of the blockade. – from History.com

Watch for US weapons shipments or the US Navy to do the same on January 22 if China blockades Taiwan. That would be the first of the six days.

On the sixth day of the Cuban crisis, October 29, the news broke that nuclear war had been averted. But on the sixth day of the Taiwan crisis, January 27, watch for the nuclear missiles to fly (and for UAPs / UFOs to stop them).

(12 January 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the following update…

ADVISORY: IF the globalists still intend to go for it this month, we can expect an enlarged Russian attack on Ukraine and a Chinese “quarantine” of Taiwan on either Friday the 13th or Saturday the 21st (Chinese New Year’s Eve). Details later… | SEE TODAY’S (1/12) UPDATE BELOW FOR THE GLOBALIST STRATEGY BEHIND THE BIDEN CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS BROUHAHA.

(12 January 2023) – The Democratic strategy for pushing out Joe Biden

You may have noticed this bit of Biden news in the past few days…

…from NBC News

There are three curious things about this development…

  1. Biden’s own aides are “finding” these documents,
  2. they are leaking the news to the press instead of just covering it up, and
  3. the Democrat press are giving it heavy coverage.

Obviously, the Democrats are making a move against Joe Biden, and they’re doing it before a backdrop in which the Republicans have taken over the House of Representatives and are vowing to investigate the illegal activities of the Democrats.

So what is the scripted strategy of the Democratic actors in this stageplay? – They are deliberately placing Joe Biden in personal legal jeopardy, like his son Hunter, in order to force him to resign in return for Kamala Harris pardons for him and his son — “otherwise, we feed you to the Republicans.” This will open a path to bring Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton into the vice presidency before “President Harris” later resigns to elevate the VP to the presidency before the campaigning for the next election begins. And this will bring America its second-ever unelected president (the first was Gerald Ford, the 38th president).

A particular scenario to watch for is one in which the Democrats prosecute Trump for the classified documents found in Mar-a-Lago (or for some other reason) and the Republicans respond by impeaching Biden over his documents (or for some other reason). This will bring about such public hostility between and within the Republicans and Democrats that a deal cannot be made to raise the government debt ceiling, resulting in a US default. Biden will likely resign before the Senate trial.

Also watch for an expanded Russian assault on Ukraine and a Chinese move to “quarantine” (blockade) Taiwan. This will drain the US government’s cash and bring the X-date much earlier in the year.

(11 January 2023) – These are the title notes that accompanied the following update…

It’s the morning of the 11th, and I still can’t find any “Biden Departs Mexico City” reports in the press – it is standard for them to report his departure from a major event along with a picture of him boarding Air Force One. Not this time. It has me wondering if they snuck him out on a smaller plane from an alternate airport. It is nonetheless necessary to maintain watch for the January 11-12 and January 27-29 timeframes (and in between). Looking beyond that, though, I’ve found the most blatant false-flag setup I’ve ever seen. It’s set for July, and you can read about it below…

If the globalists hope to salvage January, we may see something happen to Pope Francis soon (which will gather the “kings of the world” in Rome). According to my partner Onnabugeisha’s research, Friday the 13th is a particular day to watch for papal mischief. Watch for the pope to collapse, suffer a heart attack, or die “suddenly.” This will trigger his automatic resignation or funeral and will eventually be attributed to his receiving the COVID vaccine or being poisoned by “conservatives” (“Nazionists”) within the Vatican.

(11 January 2023) – Get a load of this sh*t…

…from NATO.int

So let’s get this straight…

“We face the most complex and unpredictable security environment since the Cold War” — with NATO warring against Russia in Ukraine and with Belarus serving as a staging area for Russian strategic and invasion forces — AND NATO IS GOING TO GATHER ITS HEADS OF STATE ON 7/11 IN A CITY, VILNIUS, LITHUANIA, THAT’S JUST 20 MILES FROM THE BELARUS BORDER?!? AND NATO ANNOUNCED THIS ON 9 NOVEMBER 2022 (9/11 IN EUROPEAN DD/MM FORMAT)?!?

This Summit will occur just two weeks before Tisha B’Av — a day that would serve well as an arrival date for the Nazionist savior (antichrist).

More on this absurdity later…

(10 January 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the following update…

WARNING: OPERATION BLACKJACK IS IN PLAY JANUARY 10-12. SEE TODAY’S (1/10) EXPANDED AND ENHANCED UPDATE FOR DETAILS. Given what’s planned for the 10th-12th, an old question presents itself again: Will the globalists script the “patriots and constitutionalists” (the Nazionists) arresting the commies when they attempt Operation Blackjack, or after the deed is done? While preemption is possible, their investment in Artemis suggests post-disaster arrests. Artemis launched 55 days ago today. And in “biblical numerology,” the number 55 is related to the reign of the evil King Manasseh (representing the Commie Antichrist ruling through Biden) and to the Psalm 55 heartfelt plea of King David (representing the Moshiach ben David, the incoming Nazionist savior) for God to save him from his enemies who are oppressing him. Cue the arrival of Archangel Michael…

(10 January 2023) – Afghan MANPADS After Sunset for the win…

…from the Daily Beast

Biden’s schedule for January 10 is being hidden so far, and the Internet Archive is hiding a save of this site that was made last night, so it appears that the assassination show is still in play. But if I were to wager on when Biden gets hit, it would be as Air Force One takes to the air for its return to the US.

They’ll probably schedule the departure for after dark “for security reasons,” and the globalists will have positioned dozens of night-vision-equipped MANPADS operators in the neighborhoods on both sides of the runway. It is doubtful that Biden will actually be on the plane.

In the aftermath of the pyrotechnic display, the US government will claim that the attackers used “Russian-supplied” MANPADS, but our Nazionist saviors will later narrate that MANPADS seized by the Taliban after Biden abandoned Afghanistan were actually responsible. “Karma is a bi*ch,” they’ll say.

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Looking at the occult underbelly of an after-sunset hit on Biden, my partner Onnabugeisha notes that it would occur after the Jewish day of 18 Tevet has begun. The 18th is “666 Day” of any month (18 = 6+6+6 >>> 666, the Number of the Beast). And since Tevet is the 10th month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, 18 Tevet can be expressed as 10/18 (or 18/10 in DD/MM format), thus allowing the numerologists to tie the assassination and Operation Blackjack to these biblical passages…

Luke 10:18 NKJV – And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

Revelation 18:10 NKJV – standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come.’

These verses hint at “Satan” coming down to the Earth tonight to bring war and the destruction of the great city Babylon, which can represent New York City, Washington DC, Brussels, or all the major cities of Third Rome (the US-EU-NATO). Remember that any nuclear-looking explosions would likely come from Artemis, not actual nukes. And personally, I would take no chances with my health by consuming any iodine tablets, especially if the government provided them.

Speaking of Satan falling like lightning from heaven, Onnabugeisha also notes this…

Pope Benedict announced his resignation on 11 February 2013. That night, lightning struck the Vatican (twice)…

…from The Guardian

On 11 January 2023, that night of 11 February 2013 will have occurred exactly 9 years, 11 months ago [9/11]. In alternative time units, it was 119 months ago [reverse 9/11]. So is it time for the Nazionists to avenge their fallen pope tonight? Will Archangel Michael fall like lightning from heaven tonight (to battle Satan)? If so, we might see artificial meteors overnight.

(9 January 2023) – This is the title note that accompanied the following update…

The Tuesday, January 10 assassination of Joe Biden in Mexico City would trigger the Phoenix Moment — the moment when the current world order becomes engulfed in flames and burns to ashes so the Nazionist (“conservative, patriot, constitutionalist”) New World Order can rise in its place. And as my partner Onnabugeisha notes, there is a reason the globalists chose this date: January 10 is the 77th anniversary of the very first meeting of the UN General Assembly in 1946. It met in London under the leadership of a British Lord, 1st Baron Gladwyn. So within the globalist stageplay, the Phoenix Moment will be the moment when Barack Obama, King Charles and Pope Francis attempt a final “Communist Onslaught” that leads to the launch of their commie NWO “only to be stopped by the heroic Trump/Pence, Prince Harry, JFK Junior, et al.” It’s all puppet theater, folks, and the Right Hand puppets are going to win (between now and the end of 2025). SEE TODAY’S COMPLETED UPDATE BELOW FOR MORE ON JANUARY 10…

(9 January 2023) – “America needs a SuperCaesar”

…from Trump’s NFT card release, which will reach its 45th day on January 28.

My partner Onnabugeisha has found some other reasons the globalists chose December 10 as a day to kill Biden and trigger the Phoenix Moment; they’re based on their obsession with numerology. This is one of them…

January 10 is reverse-symmetrical to December 21 (January 10 is the 10th day of the year, with 355 days remaining; December 21 is the 355th day of the year, with 10 days remaining). This numerologically connects the two days, and December 21 has profound significance to occultists in relation to a long-awaited world changing event [remember December 21, 2012]. Also, 21 is blackjack [as in Operation Blackjack (nuclear 9/11)]…

Hezbollah militants backed by Iranian mullahs plotting alongside Venezuelan generals, Colombian revolutionaries and drug lords to first flood the US with cocaine and then launch the next 9/11 attack.

It sounds like your typical Hollywood action flick, yet it stems from the highest political and judicial echelons in Washington. – from the Middle East Eye

And this is another reason…

The phrase “crossing the Rubicon” is an idiom that means “passing a point of no return”. Its meaning comes from allusion to the crossing of the river Rubicon by Julius Caesar in early January 49 BC. The exact date is unknown. Scholars usually place it on the night of 10 and 11 January, based on speeds at which messengers could travel at that time.

His crossing of the river precipitated Caesar’s civil war, which ultimately led to Caesar’s becoming dictator for life (dictator perpetuo). – from Wikipedia

In 49 BC, Caesar openly defied the Senate’s authority by crossing the Rubicon and marching towards Rome at the head of an army. This began Caesar’s civil war, which he won, leaving him in a position of near unchallenged power and influence in 45 BC. – from Wikipedia

Biden’s January 10 death and his “communist” administration’s response of going after the “conservatives, patriots, and constitutionalists” (the Nazionists) would touch off civil war within the Third Roman Empire (US-EU-NATO), leading to the Nazionists under Trump Caesar crossing the Rubicon.

(8 January 2023) – Watch for big trouble in Mexico City Sunday through Tuesday (especially Tuesday)

They’re sending Joe Biden into a hornet nest today, Mexico City, at a moment when the Sinaloa Cartel are engaging in open war with the Mexican government over the arrest of their leader’s son. They’ve taken over an entire city and are even shooting at aircraft. And the press have narrated recent Sinaloa Cartel warlike activity in Mexico City. If you pair this with Trump’s vow last Thursday to engage the Mexican drug cartels with the full force of the US military, you begin to see the outlines of a setup. Remember that the Sinaloa Cartel are allied with Venezuela’s Cartel of the Suns, which has also been tied to Iran-backed Hezbollah and Hamas. This means that they have access to military hardware, including surface-to-air missiles (to engage Air Force One), anti-tank guided missiles (to engage the presidential limo), and suicide drones (to engage ground targets). It also means that an attack on Biden would provide justification for war in a number of places, including Iran.

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Even as we approach Biden’s arrival tonight in Mexico City, an “evil omen” approaches Earth: the green-glowing Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), which I’ve named “Comet Loc-Nar.” It will travel through the Celestial North, the same region of the sky whence the ongoing Quadrantid Meteor Shower originates. And if you look up the Quadrantids in Wikipedia, you’ll find a narrative connecting them to the 1490 Ch’ing-yang Event, in which “stones fell like rain” from the sky and killed many people. A “Rods from God” strike by Artemis is therefore in play this month, to be blamed on the Quadrantids.

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Biden will be arriving in Mexico City tonight to attend the 10th North American Leaders’ Summit on Monday and Tuesday. And the Mexican government has initiated a full-on war with the Sinaloa Cartel just in time for the meeting. As The Guardian wrote in a January 6 article, “‘Nobody is above the law,’ Mexico’s security chief, Rosa Icela Rodriguez, declared on Friday as she celebrated Guzman’s detention ON THE EVE OF NEXT WEEK’S VISIT BY JOE BIDEN. Culiacan’s day of drama began at about 4:40am [44, Obama’s number] on Thursday…”

It is no accident that this war was started right before Biden’s visit — Mexico City is obviously intended to be his Dealey Plaza — and I suspect that they aim to hit him on Tuesday the 10th. This would allow the big war to break out on 1/11, and hitting him on the 10th during the 10th Summit would bring in the “Double Ten” numerology to support what will happen in China. See the 6 January update below for what might happen on the 11th-12th and the 27th-29th.

This is hilarious: a reader has pointed out that the Brazilian communists have just staged a January 6-style “attack” on the Brazilian Congress to be blamed on Bolsonaro and his supporters. It looks like the “Communist Onslaught” is slated to begin by Wednesday.

(7 January 2023) – Run, rabbit, run!

This is the title note that preceded the following update…

The House finally got the go-ahead to elect a speaker, Kevin McCarthy. In all likelihood, this means a globalist capitulation for this time period. We’ll know for sure come January 8. After that comes a blast from the past: anti-communist McCarthy hearings that will continually up the pressure on the “Communist Deep State” as we approach the spring Jewish holidays. On another note, did Biden dodge the Grim Reaper last night? Details below…

There’s a peculiarity in Biden’s official schedule for yesterday and today…

…from Factba.se

As you can see, yesterday’s schedule didn’t show him leaving the White House for Delaware — it didn’t show anything after his scheduled lunch with Harris. But today’s schedule shows him returning from Delaware after sunset today. Did Biden sneak out of Washington yesterday to avoid being there during Purim Hebron? I guess the old codger wants to live a little longer.

(6 January 2023) –  These are today’s title notes…

1) Enhanced WARNING: The January 6 attempt at a hit on Washington DC seems to be scheduled for the 12 o’clock hour: “House to convene for 4th day to try to elect speaker after 11 failed rounds of voting” (CBS News). 4-11 numerology has been very prominently featured in “Christian Watchmen” prophecy propaganda. As for the placement of the targets, the House convenes at 12:00 PM and Biden and Harris will be in the White House having lunch by 12:45 PM. Remember that without a Speaker of the House, “Commie Catholic” Senator Patty Murray would inherit the presidency, thus making the commies look culpable for the attack (and setting up the Nazionists, posing as patriots and constitutionalists, to look like heroes when they sweep in to save us). | Operation Blackjack remains in play through January 7. And remember that January 6 is the second anniversary of the “January 6 Insurrection” at the US Capitol – a day that can be scripted to bring a “real insurrection.” It should also be noted that if a conflict is started on January 6 or 7, the messianic arrival can be stretched out to January 11-12 or January 28-29 for reasons explained below. On the occult side, my partner Onnabugeisha notes that January 6 is 13 Tevet, so it’s Jewish Friday the 13th. And there will be a Full Moon (Artemis) on January 6 near the stars Castor and Pollux (the Gemini Twins whose temple in Rome had a dies natalis of January 27, the day before the 45th day of the Trump NFT card release, which falls on January 28).

2) As we continue to watch January 6 (details below), the obvious play for Orthodox Christmas Day (January 7) is for the “Satanic Deep State” to escalate their war against Russia. This would be “their devilish response to Putin’s call for a Christmas ceasefire” and would fall on the third anniversary of Putin and Shoigu’s Christmas visit to Damascus – the one they used to fulfill Islamic prophecies concerning Isa (Jesus). Watch for something big in Ukraine, Belarus or Syria (especially Damascus) and/or for a coup/assassination attempt against Putin. This would create a scripted motivation for Russia to strike back against “NATO decision-making centers,” thus enabling a “Satanic Deep State false-flag against the West.”

More on Putin’s 7 January 2020 trip to Damascus: Isa’s Descent at the White Minaret

3) The US House of Representatives will convene again at 10 PM (January 6) in an attempt to elect a speaker (again providing a scripted motivation for the commies to destroy the House before the Republicans can get their act together and take it over). This will happen after sunset, and after January 7 has started in Ukraine and the Jewish day of 14 Tevet has begun. In Jewish history, 14 Tevet was the day of Purim Hebron, the day when the Jews of Hebron were saved from being sold into slavery by an Ottoman official. And if you recall, Joe Biden made a trip to Hebron (Kentucky) two days ago, so there is a symbolic linkage in this. But how will they script it? Will a modern-day Ottoman (a Turk) attempt something evil on January 7? Will the Israelis act to attack the Iranians (Iran was part of the Ottoman Empire) “to save the Jews”? Will a Nazionist offensive against the “Satanic Global Communist Deep State” save Israel from a ruinous war against Iran? HERE’S A THOUGHT: ON THE DAY BIDEN TRAVELED TO HEBRON, HE GAVE A SPEECH AT A BRIDGE THAT WAS OPENED ON THE DAY OF JFK’s FUNERAL (foreshadowing his own), SO WILL BIDEN’S DEATH ON PURIM HEBRON LEAD TO “THE SALVATION OF ISRAEL” (by enabling an attack on Iran or preventing one)? The Nazionists’ behavior vis-a-vis Iran will depend on if they are scripted to be Putin-friendly (therefore Iran-friendly) or Putin-hostile (therefore Iran-hostile).

(6 January 2023) – The Kabbalist drama queens and their silly little “signs in the heavens”… oy vey

…from EarthSky.org

Looking ahead to the January 11-12 and January 28-29 time periods mentioned in the title note…

> January 11 will mark the 2300th day of a time period which began when Benjamin Netanyahu met Donald Trump and Jared Kushner in New York on 25 September 2016. This meeting occurred after…

The Netanyahu-Trump-Kushner meeting happened in the runup to the 2016 presidential election in which Trump upset Hillary Clinton — supposedly a moment of “divine intervention that interrupted the completion of the Deep State’s takedown of the Middle East and the imposition of their New World Order.” And for this reason, the meeting can be narrated as the start of the 2300-day period from Daniel 8“a period of messianic intervention to save the world from the designs of the Satanic Global Communist Deep State.”

So January 11 (or 12) is a day that can bring the arrival of the false messiah or the beginning of the final phase of the intervention, the takedown and mass arrest of the “Deep State.”

> January 28 will mark Day 45 of Donald Trump’s 15 December 2022 release of NFT cards that depict him as a superhero (and in an Artemis space suit). This is significant because the number 45, his president number, was gratuitously displayed in the cards and may be a timing cue.

It should be noted that Day 44 of the count, January 27, is the establishment date of the Roman Temple of Castor and Pollux, the Gemini Twins. You can read through the 25 November 2022 update to see how the Twins tie-in to the NWO Transition Event. Something significant, such as an artificial meteor storm and/or a fleet of UFOs in the sky, may be scheduled for the 27th or 28th to herald the arrival of the false messiah on January 28 (or 29).

Later we’ll look at how the time between the New York meeting and this month fulfilled Daniel 8.

(5 January 2023) – We have now entered the terminal period of the Julian Saturnalia-Orthodox Christmas time period. So if the Kabbalists still hope to bring in their phony Jewish messiah — who is Saturn, an antichrist, within the “End Times” narrative — they have to move very soon…

  • January 5 is Day 7 of Saturnalia (as Sukkot), the equivalent of Hoshana Rabbah (the day a final judgment is made “by God”),
  • January 6 is the Day 8 extension, equivalent to Shemini Atzeret (the day the final judgment is carried out), and
  • January 7 is Orthodox Christmas (the day the messiah arrives).

In Jerusalem, Day 7 turned to Day 8 at sunset today (9:49 AM Washington DC time), so we are now in Saturnalia’s judgment delivery day. And the entire presidential line of succession, with the possible exception of one [1,2], are being gathered in Washington DC.

An alternative outcome for the remaining days of this timeframe is that a war will be started that will culminate in the arrival of the false messiah during the spring Jewish holidays.

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This is the title note that preceded the update above…

ALERT: OPERATION BLACKJACK IS IN PLAY. Jerusalem has entered Saturnalia judgment day and the lambs are being gathered for slaughter in Washington DC. Today BIDEN AND HARRIS WILL HOLD A CABINET MEETING WHILE THE HOUSE WILL BE ATTEMPTING TO ELECT A SPEAKER. So a strike on Washington could take out the entire presidential line of succession with the possible exception of the new president pro tem of the Senate, Patty Murray (“the Chicoms’ favorite US Senator” and a Catholic), who may not be in DC.

(4 January 2023) – These are the title notes from Wednesday…



The House of Representatives are due to reconvene at 8 PM Washington time – after Biden has returned – to make another attempt at electing a speaker. Should the globalists opt to go for it, we could see an explosion as soon as 8:08 [88, the Nazi number]. Otherwise, the globalists may retreat by permitting the election of a speaker. No action would mean a delay till the 5th, 6th or 7th.

WARNING (4 January 2023): Behold America’s Third Catholic President…

…Cover from The Atlantic. Note Pence’s Right Hand Path VVV/vav-vav-vav/666 hand sign. He is the “Grey Champion” who emerges during “The Storm.”

My partner Onnabugeisha lives half a world away from God’s Country (Texas), so she keeps watch while I sleep and I keep watch while she sleeps. So whilst I and the rest of America were sawing logs, she was uncovering this…

COVINGTON, Ky. – President Joe Biden will be in Covington on Wednesday to talk about his infrastructure plan and the new companion bridge to the Brent Spence Bridge. – from WLWT

As it turns out, Brent Spence Bridge was opened on 25 November 1963, THE DAY OF JFK’S FUNERAL (JFK was America’s first Catholic president; Biden is supposedly the second). And JFK was carried to the funeral on a wagon followed by a riderless horse named Black Jack

…from Wikipedia

This means Operation Blackjack is definitely in play from today through January 7 (with nuclear-looking explosions provided by Artemis).

Here is Biden’s schedule for today…

…from Factba.se. Note that “the president” is scheduled to arrive at the White House at 4:40 PM [44, Obama’s president number]. So the hit on Biden could happen at any point today.

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As 6 May and today’s updates point out, the Biden assassination (and the Black Jack that follows it) would be Pence‘s Bridge to becoming America’s third Catholic president (Pence is a born & raised Catholic pretending to be an evangelical for political purposes). Only he will be a Nazionist president, unlike Biden [who has, according to the globalist script (and Nazionist Archbishop Vigano), been compromised by the communists].

Given Pence’s history, we can expect his NWO to be anti-Putin UNLESS the globalists’ Truth Tsunami narrative states that “Pence was fully cooperating with Trump by playing Good Cop to the Deep State while Trump played Bad Cop.”

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Looking a little deeper into the rabbit hole of numerological cues the Kabbalists followed in scripting Biden’s assassination today, Onnabugeisha’s notes offer this: Joe Biden was born on 20 November 1942, so…

  • On 4 January 2023 (today), he turned exactly 80 years, 45 days old [8045]. And in Strong’s Bible Concordance — which is one of the tools the globalists use in their numerology — number 8045 is the Hebrew word shamad: to be exterminated or destroyed.
  • Expressed in different time units, Biden turned exactly 4180 weeks, 5 days old [4185] today. And Strong’s number 4185 is the Hebrew word mush: to depart, remove.

Counting or not counting zeroes, flipping sixes and nines, reversing numbers — these are just a few of the little tricks numerologists use to make their silly bullsh*t work. Numerology is to mathematics what astrology is to astronomy: the Frankensteinian pile of feces one gets when charlatans twist and stretch real science to fit their fantasies and cons. The Kabbalists are true masters of numerology because they are the kings of self-deluding fantasies and con artistry. Long may they reign over their Empire of Excrement.

(3 January 2023) – As we enter 4 (2+2) January 2023, my partner Onnabugeisha notes that it will mark exactly 22000 days since the opening of the Second Vatican Council on 11 October 1962 — the Council with which the Kabbalists remade the Church in their image.

According to “biblical numerology”…

The number 22, which is double eleven (which symbolizes disorder and chaos), can mean a concentration of disorganization…

The meaning of the number 11 is important in that it can symbolize disorder, chaos and judgment.

4 January 2023 is 11 Tevet on the Hebrew calendar, and it turns into 12 Tevet at sunset. Here is what the Kabbalists say about the history of 12 Tevet…

Ezekiel Prophesies Egypt’s Downfall (424 BCE)

On this day, Ezekiel prophesied that Egypt would be destroyed, as punishment for failing to keep their repeated promises to assist the Israelites. – from Chabad.org

So is/was January 4-5 scripted to bring the fall of modern Egypt and its spiritual center, the commie Vatican?…

(3 January 2023) – Looking ahead to the final opportunities for a globalist Hail Mary play during the Saturnalia-Orthodox Christmas danger period, I’m seeing this…

(1 January 2023) – Saturnalia-Orthodox Christmas Overwatch

It is necessary to continue overwatch until the Julian Saturnalia through Orthodox Christmas timeframe expires on January 8. And in keeping with that, it must be noted that January 2-3 / 10 Tevet is another potential start time for the Daniel 8 War (the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan attack on Iran). So watch for airstrikes against Iran on those days. Details below…

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Hopefully by this point I’m pumping rounds into the smoking carcass of the globalists’ plans for 2022, but you never count a win until the clock goes to zero. And as was noted in the calendar from the 8-9 November update, the final danger period for 2022 has not yet expired…

So let’s look for cues as to what events the globalists could script during the remainder of this final danger period…

> A JANUARY 2-3 EVENT: In the 26 December alert, we noted that if the globalists scheduled Day 1 of the Daniel 8 War on 27 December, the 2300-day period it mentions would expire on 13 April 2029 — the day the Apophis asteroid arrives, which is a big event in the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment scheme. They missed that opportunity.

So if we look to the Jewish holidays that immediately follow 13 April 2029, we see that Israel Independence Day spans sunset of 19 April to sunset of 20 April, and that would be a good fallback date for the globalists to aim for. They could schedule the arrival of “Christ’s” forces on 13 April 2029 (Apophis Day), then have their fake Jesus achieve victory in Jerusalem on 20 April 2029 (Israel Independence Day).

That being said, if they script this January 3 as Day 1 of the 2300 days, Day 2300 would fall on 20 April 2029. They could have their messiah appear at sunset of that day after a rousing victory. And if they go a day earlier on January 2, they could have him appear as early as sunset of 19 April, when Israel Independence Day begins.

Should they opt to go this route, I suspect that the war would begin on 10 Tevet (sunset of January 2 to sunset of January 3). It is the Jewish day that corresponds to January 3 on the Gregorian calendar. Why this date?…

– Because January 3 on the Gregorian calendar is December 21, 2022 on the Julian calendar — a date that has significance to the New Age community (and 21 is blackjack).

– Because January 3 is the 53rd day of Prince Harry’s Pearl Harbor count that started on 11/11 last year, and the number 53 has been prominently featured in the globalists’ recent numerology cues.

– Because 10 Tevet is a Jewish day of fasting on account of this…

Siege of Jerusalem (425 BCE)

On the 10th of Tevet of the year 3336 from Creation (425 BCE), the armies of the Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem. Thirty months later — on Tammuz 17, 3338 — the city walls were breached, and on 9 Av of that year, the Holy Temple was destroyed. The Jewish people were exiled to Babylonia for 70 years. – from Chabad.org

If Israel attacks Iran on January 2-3, a new siege of Jerusalem would begin. You would see the Palestinians launch a full-on intifada in Jerusalem and the rest of Israel, and Israel would come under massive missile attack from all directions. The globalists could use this turmoil to bring in the Fake Moshiach by Orthodox Christmas or during the spring Jewish holidays.

A 10 Tevet attack would also allow something big to be scripted for China on the same day. Tevet is the tenth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, so 10 Tevet is 10/10. And Double Ten Day is a big thing in Chinese-Taiwanese revolutionary history and has been prominently featured in the globalists’ event planning.

Next we’ll look at a potential January 5 event.

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My partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that Qasem Soleimani was supposedly assassinated on 3 JANUARY 2020 while Netanyahu was the Israeli PM. So now that Netanyahu is back in office, the false-flag will be blamed on an Iranian attempt at revenge for the Soleimani killing. Will Netanyahu be targeted (by the “Israeli Deep State”)? Will Trump – who supposedly ordered the assassination – be targeted (by the “American Deep State”)? Onnabugeisha further points out that this Tuesday is the 3rd Jewish anniversary of Putin and Shoigu’s trip to Damascus on Orthodox Christmas Day 2020, which was 10 Tevet that year. So will Damascus and/or Putin be targeted by the Israelis in their “retaliatory” strike?

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Monday, January 2, is a federal holiday. And most federal offices were closed over New Year’s weekend. So the first time all government offices are set to open since last Friday’s government funding deadline is Tuesday, January 3. Will they open?

In recent updates I documented the irregularities regarding the omnibus spending bill, and I posited that it could be for two reasons: 1) that the bill was real and they were playing “hide the salami” to avoid signing it until the Big Event made it impossible to do so, or 2) they were delaying signing it because it wasn’t real at all — they just passed an unrelated bill and pretended it was the omnibus because they had no intention to fund the government on account of the Big Event.

It will probably turn out that all the weirdness was caused by the first reason, but I still can’t help wondering if the government offices will remain locked on Tuesday. Sunset in Jerusalem on January 3 comes at 9:48 AM Washington DC time, so the January 2-3 attack will have happened by then.

(31 December 2022) – Here we go… They’ve narrated the death of Papa Rat and set his funeral for 9:30 AM on the final day of Julian Saturnalia, January 5. Under the most likely scenario, the globalists will hit Rome with Artemis after sunset on the 4th. This would start “Three Days of Darkness” / “Three Days of Fear” that would culminate with an attempted nuclear exchange after sunset on the 7th. And that would cue the arrival of the false messiah. Alternatively, we could see “special fireworks” tonight that kick off the “Mass Arrests of the Global Communist Deep State” Psyop or the start of a long war after Rome is hit.

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Now that the globalists have narrated the death of Pope Benedict, there’s a tremendous amount of information coming to mind about what’s ahead, and it’s coming in with a lot of energy. So while I get my mind focused to write, here’s a previous post I recommend you read…

Why the Globalists are Splitting Up the Catholic Church

It covers who will be elected pope after Pope Francis is killed (along with many world leaders and most Catholic cardinals) by “a Judgment from God” on January 4-5. And there is a dark horse candidate for the “Final Pope” that we need to watch for: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. Should he be elected pope by the surviving cardinals, he’ll likely take the name of Pope Peter II “in order to reflect a reconsecration of the Church in the service of Christ in the tradition of Saint Peter.” But his actual reason for taking the name will be to fulfill the Prophecy of the Popes. Rome will be destroyed again during the next (Nazi) pope’s reign at the end of the Second Tribulation.

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It’s possible that they’ve waved-off whatever mischief they had planned for Benedict’s funeral. Get a load of this from Reuters: “Papal funerals typically draw heads of state from around the world, but the Vatican has said that official delegations will come only from Italy and from Benedict’s native Germany, suggesting the event will be relatively low key. Representatives from other countries or organisations can attend in a private capacity, diplomats were told.” So we need to watch carefully who will attend. If the G7 leaders and Brazil’s Lula show up, the strike may still take place. BUT IF THE GLOBALISTS PUSH BACK THE ARRIVAL OF THE MOSCHIACH TO THE SPRING JEWISH HOLIDAYS, THEY’LL LIKELY STRIKE THE VATICAN ON LAG B’OMER, THE 33RD DAY OF THE OMER COUNT, WHICH IS MAY 9, 2023. THIS WILL MARK EXACTLY 1290 DAYS SINCE POPE FRANCIS DESECRATED ST. PETER’S ALTAR WITH A PAGAN PACHAMAMA OFFERING (THUS “DISPLACING JESUS’S SACRIFICE WITH MOTHER EARTH’S”). WATCH FOR POPE FRANCIS’S ILLNESS-INDUCED RESIGNATION 15 DAYS BEFORE THAT.

WARNING (29-30 December 2022): Tomorrow, December 30, is Day 1 of Julian Saturnalia. And it has the potential to bring a globalist-contrived Big Event that will change the direction of our world. They could script a Nazionist move that would bring down the commies and restore Trump or his successor as early as Orthodox Christmas, or they could script a “Commiegeddon” takedown of the G7/NATO “before the US House of Representatives falls under Republican control on January 3.” At the beginning, both scenarios would look the same. But whichever way it ends up, remember that there are no opposing sides in this supposed conflict; there are only Left Hand Path Globalists and Right Hand Path Globalists acting out a stageplay together. Save copies of this page so you’ll have a guide to what’s coming.

ALTERNATIVE STRIKE SCENARIO: Pope Benedict dies tomorrow, and they schedule his funeral for 3 January 2023, the same day the new US Congress takes office and the 53rd day since Prince Harry started his Pearl Harbor count on 11/11. The strike could come on the 2nd or 3rd.

~ MORE – 30 December 2022 ~

The globalists are dropping some pretty broad hints that a Putin assassination / disappearance is currently in play. Particular dates to watch for this are the 31st, 3rd, 5th and 7th. If they choose one of the first three dates, his “resurrection” on Orthodox Christmas is a possibility. Sergei Shoigu’s rise to leadership of Russia is another possibility. And in a parallel operation, Pope Benedict’s scripted death remains in play through the 3rd.

(29 December 2022) – The Curious Case of the Omnibus Spending Bill

These are the title notes that accompanied the following updates…


ALERT (28 December 2022): THEY’RE ABOUT TO NARRATE THE DEATH OF THE NAZI POPE (AND THERE’S 9/11 NUMEROLOGY TIED TO IT HAPPENING TOMORROW), NETANYAHU IS ON THE PRECIPICE OF RETURNING TO POWER TOMORROW, AND THE OMNIBUS SPENDING BILL STILL HASN’T MOVED A SINGLE INCH TOWARD BEING SIGNED. WE ARE DEFINITELY BEING SET UP FOR SOMETHING. Is Pope Benedict’s death tomorrow the scripted trigger for Operation Blackjack / Artemis? Or is Netanyahu’s? Watch for one (or both) of them to fall on Thursday, “Thor’s Day,” followed by all hell breaking loose.

(12/29) – Benjamin Netanyahu and his new government’s ministers have now been sworn-in, so Israel has a government. But at some point between now and the end of 2023, Netanyahu’s government will fall, either from his death or the withdrawal of some coalition partners. Then they will try again. The only way this won’t happen is if they go with the “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” Psyop, in which case Netanyahu’s return presages the imminent return of Trump (or his “lawful” successor).

The omnibus spending bill, which the press report is H.R. 2617, may be nothing more than smoke and mirrors — a farce acted out by the Congress on an unrelated bill and reported as real by a complicit press. Look at what they called it back on Wednesday, December 21 (the press narrated that it passed the Senate on Thursday, but note what the bill tracker said on Wednesday)…

Look at what they called it last night…

And look at what they’re calling it today…

On top of this shifting of names — which is meant to keep the public confused — Congress’ website started to block any saves of the bill tracker after December 21

…from the Internet Archive

Here’s what happened when I tried to save it today…

The US government will begin to shut down this weekend, if it doesn’t get blown up first.

~ MORE ~

If the globalists fail to go through with the Big Event before Saturday, the government will shut down and the Congress will say something like this…

Due to the hasty and last-minute manner in which the final version of the omnibus was put together, there were technical problems / parliamentary issues with the long and complex bill that will require Congress to return and pass a corrected version.

~ MORE ~

Have the globalists just capitulated for 2022?

So last night, H.R. 2617 was still at the “Resolving Differences” stage. And by this morning, its name had changed and it was still at the “Resolving Differences” stage. NOW, IT HAD ITS NAME CHANGED BACK AND HAD THE “TO PRESIDENT” STAGE BACKDATED TO YESTERDAY…


~ MORE ~

It looks like we’re going into extra innings: the press are now reporting that the omnibus spending bill — if it truly exists — will be physically flown to St. Croix to be signed. THIS IS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY, SINCE THERE IS AN ESTABLISHED PROCEDURE FOR THE PRESIDENT TO SIGN BILLS REMOTELY USING THE AUTOPEN. So why are they doing it? Because if the bill gets vaporized in an explosion or swept away by a tsunami while it’s in St. Croix with Biden, the government will have no budget after the temporary extension expires tomorrow night.

There is just no limit to how far these idiots will go to run their scams.

~ MORE ~

The White House website now shows that the omnibus has been signed. Now we wait to see if they fly it back to Washington or if it stays with Biden until he returns from St. Croix.

(28 December 2022) – Here are my thoughts on our current situation…

Since the House approved the Senate’s version of the omnibus appropriations bill last Friday, they have done absolutely nothing to move it to Biden’s desk so it can be signed into law. This is a screenshot of the bill tracker on Congress’ website on Wednesday night…

…As you can see, nothing has changed since Friday the 23rd.

They did the same exact thing with the omnibus they passed in March — they moved it in slow motion after it was passed to give themselves time to stage the Big Event that would leave the country without a budget (and leave the successor president with total power over how the government’s money is spent). The delay has absolutely nothing to do with the bill being “long and complex” as they claim. Here is what I wrote about that excuse back in March…

(from 11 March 2022) – GMAFB! Get a load of this BS…

…from The Hill


As a comparison, consider the 2232-page, $1.3 trillion 2018 omnibus spending bill: the Senate passed it early Friday, March 23 and got it to Trump’s desk for his signature on the very same day. So why are they delaying the signing of this year’s omnibus for up to 4 days? At first they said they needed the Ides of March Stopgap “to buy time for the Senate to clear the huge package,” but they rushed it through yesterday. Now the four days are apparently needed to allow time to attach the bill to a trained snail that will slither it from the Senate to the White House.

The real reason they’re delaying the signature on the omnibus is to keep the scripted motivation in place for the planned false-flag: “The Russians killed Biden before he could sign the bill in order to stop all the funding for the Pentagon and Ukraine and shut down the US government.” And when the presidential successor takes office, he or she will not sign the bill “because it is no longer relevant given the new spending priorities under the dire national emergency we have now entered.” All power will then be in the hands of the replacement president, and America will officially be off the rails.

So if the new omnibus doesn’t get signed by midnight of Julian Saturnalia (12/30), the government will start to shut down, and it would be very hard for the Democrats to explain why it happened. This means they are planning for the Big Event to happen before then, and December 29 and 30 are the only days they have left.

More to come…

(Expanded Note – 28 December 2022) – This is the title warning that preceded the following update…

WATCH FOR POPE BENEDICT’S IMMINENT DEATH AND THE SLAUGHTER OF THE WESTERN LEADERS THAT WILL FOLLOW IT. | The globalists have taken a de-escalatory step today (12/27) by having the Supreme Court keep Title 42 in place till next year. And Biden can still sign the omnibus spending bill from St. Croix by using the autopen (it remains unsigned, despite what Wikipedia says). But only if he survives the night.

It looks like they’re ready to sacrifice Pope Benedict so they can gather the Western leaders for slaughter in Rome at his funeral…

…from CBS News

Here is what I wrote about it in the 15 December update

Given that the globalists have cancelled the second day of the European Council meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow, some emergent event will be necessary to gather the Western leaders and/or Catholic cardinals if the globalists still intend to fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy of their deaths. The gathering could be an “emergency” summit or the funeral of a pope or a major Western leader. Watch for such a death over the next few days…

So when will they have Benedict kick the bucket? An answer may be found in my partner Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on the subject…


• Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia)

Papacy ended: 28 February 2013, 9 years 10 month 1 day ago -> 911

• Georg Ratzinger (Wikipedia), the elder brother of Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger), died 7/1/2020, 911 days ago

12/30 (Julian Saturnalia)

Pope Francis was born on Gregorian Saturnalia

2 popes died:

274 – Pope Felix I

1591 – Pope Innocent IX


Pope Sylvester I died -> Saint Sylvester’s Day (Wikipedia)

If “Nazi” Pope Benedict dies today, it will happen exactly 111 days after the death of “Nazi” Queen Elizabeth II on 8 September. So Benedict’s funeral gathering will give the “Nazionist” Space Force a chance to strike back (with Artemis) against “commie” King Charles and “commie” Pope Francis “who deposed Benedict and killed the Queen.” And the commie response will make it look like they were the ones who did it.

WARNING (27 December 2022): Joe Biden is scheduled to fly to the US Virgin IslandsAND AWAY FROM THE MAINLAND US — at 4:30 PM today. He’ll supposedly be there through New Year’s. And there is still no signed omnibus appropriations bill (H.R. 2617), even though the press are incorrectly reporting that it was signed on Friday [1,2,3]. I’m beginning to wonder if the omnibus is even real, or if it was just a psyop to keep the population calm until they turn off the lights in the US come midnight of December 30 (Julian Saturnalia Day 1, when the temporary funding bill Biden signed on Friday expires). And is Joe Biden’s supposed trip to St. Croix (the “island of the Holy Cross,” nicknamed “Twin City“) a bugout, or are they positioning him to be hit by a tsunami caused by a “meteor” (Artemis) impact (thereby crucifying him on the “Holy Cross”)? This was headlining the Disinfo Ranger’s website this morning…

…from Natural News (archived)

~ MORE ~

By the way, Joe Biden’s departure from Washington DC at 4:30 PM today will come 23 minutes before the Sun sets on the city (and, by extension, the country).

Should the globalists decide to narrate the opening of the pit to hell tonight — 7777 days after the 9/11 Attacks — the first full day of the 150-day Daniel 8 War would be December 28, thus landing Day 150 on May 26 (Shavuot Day 1). That’s the day the Nazionist Antichrist would appear (possibly as the victor over Iran and “their existential threat to Israel and all Jews”). Remember that the opening of the pit will involve “shooting stars.” You can read about the details in recent updates.

ALERT (26 December 2022): Onnabugeisha notes that the timespan starting on 27 December 2022 and ending on 13 April 2029 (the arrival date of the Apophis asteroid) is 2300 days, the exact number of days featured in Daniel 8

13 Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to him, “How long will it take for the vision to be fulfilled — the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, the rebellion that causes desolation, the surrender of the sanctuary and the trampling underfoot of the Lord’s people?”

14 He said to me, “It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated.” – Daniel 8:13-14 NIV

Daniel 8 begins with a vision of a goat savaging a ram. And according to the prophecy propaganda put out by globalist disinfo agent Joel Richardson, this represents a war in which Turkey will subjugate Iran [1,2]. The start of this war would set off a chain of events that would culminate on the 2300th day with the arrival of Apophis, which may coincide with the scripted arrival of the globalists’ “Jesus Christ” to defeat the Antichrist.

If the globalists go this route, we may not see the Turkish Coalition invasion of Israel until 2025.

~ MORE ~

Upon looking into a Tribulation timeline that would match up with the 2300-day timespan, I was led right back to the Putin-Apophis Timeline I wrote about in the 4 August update. But upon looking deeper into things, I’m making one adjustment to it: I suspect that Day 1 of the timeline was April 21, not April 20.

April 21 was the day of the famous Putin-Shoigu meeting, and it is also the reputed anniversary of the founding of Rome (the NWO will be the “Global Roman Empire” / Fourth Rome). So the first half of the Tribulation runs the 1260 days of 21 April 2022 through 1 October 2025 (Erev Yom Kippur), when the midpoint desecration of the Third Temple will take place — possibly due to Jerusalem falling to the “Muslim Antichrist.” And the second half of the Tribulation would end 1290 days later on 13 April 2029, the day Apophis arrives.

Another side effect of looking deeper at the start date of this Tribulation timetable is a growing suspicion that it is actually Sergei Shoigu’s timetable, not Putin’s. Just like the Turkish Antichrist character may emerge after Erdogan’s fall, the Russian Antichrist character may emerge after Putin’s. But more on that possibility later…

As I looked into these things I remembered that April 21 was Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday, and I ran across this…

…from Style Caster

So Prince Harry said that the Queen needed to be protected from the people around her, eh? This fits perfectly with the “Nazi versus commie royal infighting” subplot and the New Babington Plot murder of the Queen I’ve been writing about.

(26 December 2022) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

My partner Onnabugeisha notes that December 27 will mark 7777 days since the 9/11 Attacks, and the 27th and 28th feature numerological cues that point to Trump, Biden and Pope Francis. So if the globalists want to get an early start on Saturnalia, they may do the big kickoff event on those days (possibly during the night between them).

Here are the scripting cues Onnabugeisha found for the 27th and 28th…

Remember that Vatican time is currently 6 hours ahead of Washington DC time, so something that happens on the night of the 27th in Washington happens in the morning of the 28th at the Vatican.

(26 December 2022) – It just won’t stop…

Looking ahead to 2023, I’ve identified a timespan that’s suitable for another attempt at the 150-day war. Day 1 would fall on Day 8 of Passover (April 13) and Day 150 would fall on Leil Selichot [September 9 (9/9) / 23 Elul, 2023‘s Jewish anniversary of 9/11, the day a “dove brought Noah an olive leaf,” and the day the Jews begin their penitential prayers in advance of Rosh Hashanah, which begins at sunset of September 15]. Their prayers would bring forth the saving intervention of the Fake Moshiach, who would arrive in Jerusalem on one of the following holidays (possibly Shemini Atzeret on October 7).

Just like this year, the globalists will want Israel to be without a government and the US government to be broke when TSHTF. So watch for Netanyahu’s coalition government to collapse next year or for it to not form in the first place. They may opt to play coalition games for a while longer before scheduling another election next year (then play coalition games again). And the US Congress conveniently failed to address the debt limit in their budget bill, so it will shut off government funding at some point next year.

The news this morning says that Netanyahu will try to form his government on Thursday the 29th, the day before Julian Saturnalia begins. If his attempt fails AND Biden hasn’t yet signed the omnibus, we could be in for trouble during Saturnalia.

I’ll continue looking into other candidate time periods for next year, including one that my partner Onnabugeisha has identified.

(25 December 2022) – An Artemis meteor storm may be in play tonight

If the globalists start a 150-day war on Hanukkah Day 8, it may begin with a falling star (or two falling stars, or many) over Geneva, Switzerland tonight. This is the biblical prophecy they would be contriving to fulfill…

1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss. 2 The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.

3 And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them. – Revelation 9:1-6 (BSB)

According to globalist prophecy propagandist Tom Horn, the center of the circle formed by the Large Hadron Collider was the site of an ancient temple of Apollo, the king of the Abyss, so that is where the “gate to Hell” will supposedly be opened. The globalists likely have more than just the LHC buried in that area — like an underground lab filled with GMO miscreants.

An Artemis meteor storm tonight could also be used to kick off the short war scenario that features the “Mass Arrest of the Deep State” Psyop. It would culminate in the victory of the East on Orthodox Christmas Day (January 7).

This is the title note that preceded the following updates…

Joe Biden typically leaves DC for his home in Delaware on the weekend. So why does his official schedule place him in DC today, on Christmas weekend? Has he been staked out to die? WATCH FOR FALLING STARS ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT.

Joe Biden at the White House on Christmas weekend 2022…

(24 December 2022) – If the globalists start the long (150-day) war tomorrow, we’ll see a traveling circus led by a carnival freak begin its Middle East tour next Shavuot…

…from globalist disinfo dildoid Joel Richardson

Starting at sunset on the first day of Passover each year, the Jews begin the Counting of the Omer, a 49-day count that climaxes on Day 50 with the holy day of Shavuot. The supposed spiritual significance of the Count is as follows…

When the Jews left Egypt, they were filled with excitement. In 49 days, they were going to receive the Torah from G‑d at Mt Sinai.

They began to count the days. One day, two days… till they had counted seven full weeks.

Then it happened. G‑d gave them the Torah.

Today, we still count the days between Pesach and Shavuot, as we prepare to receive the Torah again on the Festival of Shavuot. This is called “Counting the Days of the Omer,” or “Sefiras Ha’Omer.” – from Chabad.org

So the Counting of the Omer has taken on the meaning of a count-up to the revealing of the Torah on Mount Sinai on Shavuot. In 2023, Shavuot will span sunset of May 25 through sunset of May 26 (the Jewish day of 6 Sivan). Here is what the Chabadniks say about the history of that day

Torah Given (1313 BCE)

On the 6th Sivan of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE), seven weeks after the Exodus, G-d revealed Himself on Mount Sinai. The entire people of Israel (600,000 heads of households and their families), as well as the souls of all future generations of Jews, heard G-d declare the first two of the Ten Commandments and witnessed G-d’s communication of the other eight through Moses. Following the revelation, Moses ascended the mountain for 40 days, to receive the remainder of the Torah from G-d.

Passing of King David (837 BCE)

David, a descendent of Judah the son of Jacob as well as of Ruth, a Moabite convert to Judaism, was anointed King of Israel by Samuel in 878 BCE. All future legitimate kings of Israel were David’s descendents, as will be Moshiach (the messiah), who will “restore the kingdom of David to its glory of old.”

King David passed away on the 6th of Sivan of the year 837 BCE, age 70.

Should the globalists start the long war tomorrow after sunset of Christmas Day (Jerusalem time or the time zone local to the trigger event), next Shavuot will be the day they roll out their phony Moshiach. Once again “G-d will reveal himself on Mount Sinai” and “the descendant of David will restore the kingdom of David to its glory of old” by setting out on a triumphal procession from Mount Sinai (the real one in Saudi Arabia) to Mount Zion in Jerusalem, “crushing his enemies underfoot and freeing Israeli prisoners on his march home.”

Such ridiculous, contrived bullsh*t.

(23 December 2022) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

Ha! The House passed the omnibus spending bill today, and they also passed a temporary funding bill to keep the government operating until Saturnalia while they slow-walk the omnibus to Biden for his signature AFTER CHRISTMAS. So the Democrats are delaying the completion of the spending bill until after Christmas, just like Netanyahu is delaying the formation of his government until after Hanukkah. Everyone is buying time to let the crisis script unfold. A Democratic double-cross is also a possibility. They may keep enough Democrat congresspersons and proxies in DC to form a quorum while the Republicans rush home to beat the weather. With the Republicans gone, they can pass a Democratic “dream omnibus” and have Biden sign it. MEANWHILE, IN THE MEDITERRANEAN, SOMETHING MAY HAPPEN IN LIBYA TOMORROW THAT WILL TRIGGER THE TURKISH WAR. SEE TODAY’S UPDATE FOR INFO…

Some news sites are incorrectly reporting that Biden has signed the omnibus spending bill — I don’t know if they’re doing it for propaganda purposes (to lull the public to sleep before the big shock) or if they’re just lazy and imprecise “journalists.” But the only bills Biden signed today are the National Defense Authorization Act (so the planned war can be fought) and the “Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act” to fund the government through December 30 (Julian Saturnalia).

So now that the globalists have brought Julian Saturnalia into the mix, we face two war scenarios that could spring from Christmas Day…

  1. a short war (“the Event“) that starts on December 25 and ends on Orthodox Christmas, spanning a total of 14 days and likely including the “Mass Arrest of the Global Communist Deep State” Psyop, or
  2. a long war that starts on December 25 and spans 150 days till Shavuot next year, which I mentioned in the 22 December update.

On Saturday we’ll look deeper into these scenarios (events permitting).

(23 December 2022) – Rome is burning. For which fiddler will the bell toll?…

…from Florida Politics

There is a numerological indicator for December 24 that supports the scripting of the deaths of two (or even four) “emperors” on Saturday. Will it be Biden & Pope Francis, Xi & Putin, or all of them? More details to come…

~ MORE ~

Among my beloved partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for the days of Hanukkah, there is one numerological indicator for Saturday, December 24…

In Strong’s Bible Concordance, which is one of the tools the globalists use to assign meanings to numbers, number 6969 is the Hebrew word “qonen: to chant an elegy or dirge” (for the dead).

And in biblical numerology, 69 is associated with the deaths of two Roman emperors and the rise of one Roman emperor that led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple.

So this numerological indicator, double 69s, can be used to script the death of two emperors, or the death of one and the rise of another.

Notably, one of the two emperors who died in association with the number 69 was Nero, who died on a June 9 (6/9). And there are four present-day emperors who have been associated with Nero

  1. Xi Jinping, Emperor of China,
  2. Vladimir Putin, Emperor of Russia,
  3. Joe Biden, Emperor of Political Third Rome, and
  4. Pope Francis, Emperor of Spiritual Third Rome.

So if the globalists opt to trigger the Event this weekend, which emperor(s) will die? The Western emperors, Biden and Francis? The Eastern emperors, Xi and Putin? Will Biden die so Xi can rise as Emperor of Fourth Rome (the NWO) for its first 3.5 years? Will Xi die so Putin can rise as sole Emperor of Fourth Rome in 2025?

On another note, the press are reporting that General Haftar may make a move in Libya on Saturday that could touch off the planned Turkish War in the Mediterranean. Thanks to reader Ronin for passing it along.

(23 December 2022) – Here is the title note that preceded the following update…

UPDATE: The Congress are dragging their feet again, using the size of the bill as an excuse to delay finishing it until as late as December 30 (which is Julian Saturnalia). Mischief remains afoot: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3785841-house-to-vote-on-funding-bill-friday/ | WARNING (22 December 2022): If the globalists still hope to start the war before the US budget is signed into law, they’ll have to do it overnight. The spending bill has passed the Senate and gone back to the House for approval, which is slated to happen late Thursday. It would then be sent to the White House for Biden’s signature on Friday morning… unless Washington DC gets blown up. Friday the 23rd will mark exactly 70 years, 77 days [777] since Vladimir Putin was born and exactly 9 years, 9 months, 9 days [999 or 666] since Xi Jinping became President of the PRC. And 23 is a “holy number” to the Kabbalists who are scripting this whole thing. Will Putin & Xi make a move tonight / tomorrow morning, or will the Nazionists make the move for them? SEE TODAY’S (12/23) UPDATE BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS…

For new readers, here’s a little about Saturnalia…

Saturnalia is an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. – from Wikipedia

If one celebrates Saturnalia from December 17 of the current calendar, “Gregorian Saturnalia,” then today, December 23, is its 7th and final day. But if one celebrates it from December 17th of the Julian calendar, “Julian Saturnalia,” it won’t begin until December 30 on the current calendar (during this century, the Julian calendar runs 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar). Saturnalia is significant to the NWO Transition Event because the globalists’ mythological narrative says that evil Saturn is returning to lead the Earth into a new Golden Age (the NWO).”

Julian Saturnalia will run from December 30 through January 5 — that’s 7 days, just like Jewish Sukkot. So if you tack a “Day 8 Judgment Day” onto it — just like the Jews tack Shemini Atzeret (Day 8) onto Sukkot — it will fall on January 6, the day before Orthodox Christmas. This affords the globalists with the opportunity to stage “the god Saturn’s intervention” on January 6, then have him reveal himself to the world on Eastern Christmas, as if he is Jesus.

It also remains possible that they could apply this scripted sequence during Gregorian Saturnalia, with Saturday (Saturn’s Day) being the Day 8 Judgment/Intervention Day and Christmas Day being the day he reveals himself to the world. He would appear in Jerusalem on Hanukkah Day 8 (which begins Christmas evening).

If they go for it this weekend, you’ll see some huge crisis situation break out and bring us to the brink of all-out nuclear war between now and Saturday night.

(22 December 2022) – Looking ahead to tomorrow, December 23, my partner Onnabugeisha has found numerological cues that would support the scripting of significant action by or against Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. And looking further ahead to after sunset on Christmas Day, it offers the opportunity to kick off a 150-day war that would begin to end at sunset of May 25 as Shavuot begins. At that time, the fake Jewish Messiah would appear on Mount Sinai and begin a triumphal procession to Mount Zion in Jerusalem — a procession that may climax in the month of Av. Details later…

(21 December 2022) – This is the title note that preceded the following updates…

WATCH FOR THE WAR SIGNAL: THE SUPREME COURT ALLOWING TITLE 42 TO EXPIRE. On the pivotal day of December 21, the globalists have arranged a pivotal event: the appearance of Ukrainian president Zelensky in Washington DC today, exactly 300 days after Russia invaded Ukraine [biblical numerologists regard “3” as the number of completion]. He will be giving a speech before Congress at 7:30 tonight BEFORE they have passed the budget, thereby making the gathering an obvious false-flag target. Also, Zelensky traveled by ground to Poland before flying to the US, so a secondary false-flag target would be to hit him in Poland on the 22nd while he is returning. The assassination attack on Polish soil would enable NATO to directly enter the war. It should also be noted that today marks Pope Francis’s 9 year, 9 month & 9th day as pope, and tomorrow marks 999 SINCE he became pope, so something may happen to him too. Remember also that the Russian-Chinese naval strike group is conducting live-fire exercises off Japan from today to the 27th, so they’re in position to go to war at any point during Hanukkah. MORE INFORMATION IS IN TODAY’S UPDATE BELOW…

There are a number of issues that the globalists have deliberately kept in limbo until it’s time for the NWO Transition Event/War. Among those issues are these…

> The formation of a stable Israeli government. They have delayed this for years now because they want Israel to be without a government when the fake Moshiach (Jewish Messiah) arrives. He will then appoint Netanyahu as his viceroy over Israel (if Netanyahu survives the Transition or is “resurrected”).

> The stability of the US federal budget. They have scripted brinkmanship over the budget and debt limit for years because they want the federal government to be without a budget when the new crisis president comes in under emergency powers, thus allowing him to direct the money as he sees fit.

> The border crisis. They have delayed securing the border so it can be thrown wide open before the crisis president comes into power, thus allowing him to be the hero who stops the nation-crushing flood of migrants.

> The direct NATO vs. Russia-China Alliance War. They have kept the war in Ukraine simmering so it can explode into a full-on nuclear war crisis that the false savior and his forces can stop.

Today (and during the rest of Hanukkah), all four of these issues are at an inflection point — very much on purpose.

As for the war we’ll see, it will take one of two forms…

  1. the (First) Battle of Armageddon, which will start on the 21-23 and end with a pyrotechnic show on Christmas evening and the false messiah’s arrival in Jerusalem on Hanukkah Day 8, or
  2. the “Gog-Magog” War, which will span 150 days and end during the Jewish Counting of the Omer next year.

Here is what the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult says about the war

The prophet Ezekiel describes a climactic war, the Battle of Gog and Magog, that will occur prior to the arrival of the Moshiach. This topic is shrouded in mystery: we are uncertain as to the identity of Gog and Magog, whether Gog and Magog are the names of nations or individuals, whether this battle will be a physical or spiritual battle, and even whether it has already occurred or not.

As I’ve previously written, the Kabbalists left their description of the war very vague in order to afford themselves maximum flexibility in its scripting, and what we’re seeing this Hanukkah is a prime example of this (especially that last part bolded in red)…

  • If they opt for the short war, they’ll narrate it as the final battle of a Gog-Magog War that has spanned the past 10 years. And they’ll point to various events since 2012 as fulfilling the prophetic expectations for the war.
  • If they opt for the long war, they’ll carefully script it to fulfill all the prophetic expectations over the course of the 150 days of conflict.

Remember that the “Illuminati” / Kabbalists are nothing more than gypsy bullsh*t artists operating on a global scale and with delusions of spiritual grandeur. In reality, they are dirt-dwelling brutish monkeys flinging feces at the entire human race.

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As I wrote back on 10 November…

In the “Communist Deep State” versus “Nazionist Deep State” subplot of the “End Times” stageplay, the two supposedly-warring Satanic sides are vying for control over who will run the New World Order. And at the current moment, the commies are supposedly hellbent on starting World War 3 before Nazionist Benjamin Netanyahu can form a “right-wing” government in Israel

Well today the Knesset passed a law that will allow Netanyahu to form his government, but the new government may not be sworn-in until after Hanukkah next Tuesday. This gives the “Communist Deep State” a scripted motivation to start World War 3 during Hanukkah (and hopefully kill off Netanyahu in the process). The Nazionists will point out this motivation to the public after they start the war themselves, defeat the communists, and start narrating themselves as the heroic saviors.

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If the war starts with a false-flag in Washington DC after sunset today, it will still begin on December 21, but on the Jewish day of 28 Kislev. This means that in the case of a 150-day war, the victorious appearance of the false messiah would be staged after sunset on Jerusalem Day next year.

WARNING (20 December 2022): Will a 6-day or a 150-day war start on 27 Kislev?

This is the title note that preceded the following update…

The Sun has already set in Jerusalem today, so the Jewish day of 27 Kislev (their equivalent to Wednesday, December 21) has begun. And there is a new possibility to watch for: a 150-day war may begin during 27 Kislev which will culminate in the fake Jewish Messiah’s victory in Jerusalem on Jerusalem Day next year. Given that there is a joint Russian-Chinese naval strike group preparing to begin a live-fire “exercise” near Japan on Wednesday (Asia time), the war may begin with a Pearl Harbor-style mass missile strike on key Japanese and American targets. This would immediately precede a Chinese move on Taiwan that will open a second front in the East-West War. Details below…

In recent weeks, I’ve written extensively about all the indicators that point to December 21 / 27 Kislev being a potentially dramatic day, so I will not belabor those points by repeating them now. Instead let’s focus on one key element that influences the Kabbalist script: the history of 27 Kislev in relation to “God’s Flood Judgment” back “in the times of Noah”

Kislev 27: Forty days of rain end; begin 150 days of water’s swelling and churning, during which the water reaches a height of 15 cubits above the mountain peaks. – from Chabad.org

Using this bit of “history,” the Kabbalists can script the end of their fake “Fire Judgment” in two ways:

  1. They can focus on the “forty days of rain end” part and script the Nazionist intervention to stop the “communist flood” on 27 Kislev. This intervention would spell the beginning of the end of the Fire Judgment, with the end being reached on Western or Eastern Christmas (December 25 or January 7).
  2. They can focus on the “begin 150 days of [fire’s] swelling and churning” part and script the beginning of a 150-day “Gog and Magog” war.

As I’ve covered previously, the prophecy propagandists have created an expectation that the “gate to hell” will be opened by CERN and that the “Nephilim demons and fearsome beasts” who come through it will plunge the Earth into war and chaos for 150 days. And they specifically connected this 150 days to Noah’s Flood…

The supernatural entities known to the world thousands of years ago as Titans, Watchers, Anunnaki, and apkallu are the things that swarm out of the abyss in Revelation 9. That’s where they are now, confined until the Judgment. They get a short time to torment humanity, taking revenge on God’s prized creation for the punishment of watching their own children, the Nephilim/Rephaim, destroyed in the Flood of Noah.

How do we know? The Watchers from the abyss be allowed to torment those without the seal of God on their foreheads for five months. Now, note the length of time the ark of Noah was on the water before it came to rest:

>>> The fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, and the waters receded from the earth continually. At the end of 150 days the waters had abated, and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8:2–4, emphasis added) <<<

Measured in the thirty-day months of a lunar calendar, the standard in ancient Mesopotamia, 150 days is exactly five months. That’s how long Shemihazah, Asael, and their colleagues watched helplessly while their children were destroyed with the rest of all flesh on the earth. In the end, they’ll get 150 days to torment unrepentant humanity before Saturn’s reign is ended. The parallel is not coincidental, and it identifies the creatures from the abyss as the sinful angels mentioned in the epistles of Peter and Jude—the “sons of God” from Genesis 6, who were led by the entity who’s at the heart of this study, Shemihazah/Saturn. – from SkywatchTV

So if the globalists decide to go for the 150-day war option, 27 Kislev will be the day the “gate to hell” is opened and humanity’s 150-days of torment begin. And if December 21 is Day 1, Day 150 will fall on 19 May 2023, which is Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day)

The Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were liberated during the 1967 Six-Day War (see “Today in Jewish History” for Iyar 26). The day is marked in Israel as “Jerusalem Day.” – from Chabad.org

On that day, the fake Jewish Messiah would liberate Jerusalem from the forces of the Turkish Muslim Antichrist, who will have captured it earlier in the 150-day war.

But if the globalists opt for ending this on Hanukkah Day 8, 26 December 2022, the fake messiah will appear in Jerusalem on that day, having liberated it from its current “leftist / Satanist” government at the end of the Second Six-Day War that starts on Wednesday (December 21-26 = six days).

NOTE (19 December 2022): Given that possibility that Trump may soon emerge as the false messiah, it is important to note that the globalists have laid the groundwork to script him as a Crypto-Jew so he can be proclaimed as the Jewish Messiah. Here is something I wrote on the subject back in December of 2019…

According to Jewish law, there are two ways a Jew can greet a king or head of state, and the way he chooses is based on whether the king is a Jew or not:

When a Jew greets a king who is a Jew, he says…
Barukh…… shenathan mik’vodo levasar vedam, “Blessed be He … who gave some of His glory to flesh and blood.”

And when greeting a king who isn’t a Jew, he says…
Barukh…… shenathan mik’vdo liv’ru’av, “who gave some of His glory to His creatures.”

That being said, Trump attended a meeting of Orthodox Jews while he was in New York last month, and he was greeted by a Chabad rabbi who addressed him as a Jewish king (in a way that only a Jew “in the know” would detect). If you listen to the last two words of the greeting, you’ll clearly hear “levasar vedam,” not “mik’vdo liv’ru’av.”

Whether Trump is actually Jewish or not is irrelevant, but what is relevant is that Chabad are now presenting him as a Jew, which means he’s eligible to pose as the Jewish Messiah / Christian Antichrist this March. The Jewish Messiah, who is known as the “Moshiach ben David,” has to be a Jew who can trace his lineage back to King David, and you can be certain that Chabad has cooked up just such a pedigree for Trump. So under the globalist script’s “Trump as Antichrist” option, he will pose as the Moshiach ben David with Chabad’s help. And he’ll then be defeated 3.5 years later by the “real” Moshiach ben David, Vladimir Putin. – from Chabad Rabbi Greets Trump as a Jewish King (+ a repost of “Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew”)

Mike Pence, who personally oversaw the creation of the US Space Force, is also scriptable as a Crypto-Jew. I’ll track down my previous writings on it.

(19 December 2022) – Here’s something interesting that my partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out…

If you count the attacks of September 11, 2001 as Day 1 of a prophecy fulfillment period, Day 7770 [777] is today, Hanukkah Day 1. And if you keep counting on to Day 7777, you land on December 26, Hanukkah Day 8. This must have been an important setup for the globalists. TFB.

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Yesterday the globalists activated their fallback to Julian Saturnalia: “ROME, Dec 18 (Reuters) – Pope Francis revealed in a new interview published on Sunday that after he was elected in 2013 he signed a letter of resignation to be used if someday severe and permanent health problems made it impossible to carry out his duties.” Occult indicators suggest that they’ll attempt to script such a severe health problem for Pope Francis on December 21, 22 or 23. This would gather the cardinals in Rome for a conclave 15 days later on January 5, 6 or 7 (during the end of the Julian Saturnalia-Orthodox Christmas timeframe). As for the current Hanukkah timeframe, they may attempt an arrest on Trump this week to spark “Day X.”

(18 December 2022) – Trump’s “Qanon” NFT Cards

…Note that behind him is the Moon, representing Artemis (the Goddess of the Moon), and see the shooting stars near his legs, representing The (Meteor) Storm that will give rise to his domination of the Earth (which lies beneath his feet). His military uniform denotes military domination.

It should be noted that Trump released his “superhero” NFT cards on Thursday, December 15, exactly 11 days before December 26 (Hanukkah Day 8, which starts at sunset on Christmas Day, which is a Sunday this year). To the press and general public, the release of the cards appeared ridiculous and tone deaf, but some of them offer Qanon-style teasers of what’s planned for Trump’s savior moment on the 45th day of the 11/11 count, December 26.

If you are familiar with the Qanon disinformation front, you’ll know that JFK, his assassination, and JFK Jr. are prominently featured in their narrative. And on the same day Trump released his cards, the Biden administration released a document dump of JFK assassination records. This was a coordinated effort — another example of the globalist Left Hand (the commies) working in concert with the globalist Right Hand (the Nazionists) to unfold the Kabbalist plan.

~ MORE ~

While I’m working on the next update, I recommend that you read a series of my past writings from 2019: Trump’s Path to World Savior / World Leader Status. Here is an excerpt…

~ MORE – 26 June 2019 ~

In the past, the thing that kept me from considering Trump as a main Antichrist candidate was this: after all the bad press and ridicule he’s received, how can the rest of the world possibly take him seriously enough to follow him into a New World Order? As it turns out, the Secret Space Program (SSP) and its technologies provide the answer.

Once he unveils the SSP, the conventional militaries of the world, including Russia’s and China’s, will be rendered utterly impotent. Trump will stand astride the world like a colossus, and resistance against him will be futile. And since the unveiling will likely happen amidst a global economic meltdown, access to the SSP technologies will hold the key for moving the nations out of desperate poverty into almost instant abundance.

Faced with the choice of rooting around in the mud like starving monkeys or joining a high-tech global paradise, the nations of the world will sign-on to any national and international reforms Trump requires of them. Their acceptance of his reforms will be further aided by the fact that they’ll be popular, commonsense measures — the very ones the BRICS themselves have been seeking to implement.

As for the world’s acceptance of Trump as a leader, it will be helped by the extensive propaganda of the post-Crisis Truth Tsunami and by the new populist, Trump-friendly leaders who will sweep into power around the globe (like Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen).

Another thing that would aid the world’s acceptance of Trump’s leadership would be JFK Junior coming back from the dead and shilling for him. But it’s also possible that they’ll script Trump’s death during the Transition Crisis so Junior or another of the antichrist candidates can take the helm.

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A reader has pointed out something very interesting about the release of the “Trump as Superman” NFT cards on December 15

The first Christopher Reeve Superman movie debuted across the United States on December 15, 1978, exactly 44 (Obama’s number) years ago on the day of the card release. And the plot of the movie involved Superman intercepting nuclear missiles — a duty presumably reserved in the Hanukkah stageplay for Space Force and/or “alien” UFOs/UAPs firing laser beams.

In another connection to JFK, the movie premiered on December 10 at the Kennedy Center, 5 days before the general release.

(17 December 2022) – The Four Profiles of an Artemis Attack

The Artemis Program was established by the Trump administration in 2017, months after this article was first published…

…from the Daily Star (top) and Trump’s NFT cards that were released two days ago (bottom). Note that he is wearing an Artemis space suit that bears his president number, 45. The number 45 is also featured prominently beneath him. And remember that the 45th day since Prince Harry started the Fire Judgment countdown on 11/11 is Day 8 of Hanukkah, which starts at sunset on Christmas.

Should the globalists initiate an Artemis “Rod from God” attack in the coming days, the impacting rod will release so much kinetic energy that it will appear to be a nuclear explosion. And if such an explosion happens, the globalist script will have the commies and Nazionists offer competing narratives on what caused it…

  • The commies will blame it on a “Russian hypersonic nuke attack” or a “Russian backpack nuke supplied to right-wing domestic violent extremists.” This will allow them to lock down the West, arrest their political opponents, and start a direct war with Russia.
  • The Nazionists (who are posing as “patriots,” “conservatives” and “constitutionalists”) will blame it on a “commie false-flag using a nuke (or a ‘Chicom orbital weapon‘)” or on an “Act of God.”

This is what I wrote about the planned attack in the 18 November update

As I’ve covered in previous entries, we could see an Operation Blackjack-style suitcase nuke attack or a “Rods from God Meteor Judgment” to trigger the NWO Transition Event. But there’s also a third option: the Artemis rod attack could be used to simulate either a “Russian/White Supremacist” suitcase nuke attack or a “Russian” ballistic/hypersonic missile attack WITHOUT UNLEASHING RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT. If the tungsten rods were designed to have clean reentry characteristics, they would appear to be falling nuclear warheads to the untrained eye. And if the attack comes by day, no one would see anything – it would seem like “nuclear” explosions went off out of nowhere. And afterwards, the governments and media would narrate it as a nuke attack and people would take their poison pills (the “iodine” tablets various governments have been distributing).

With that in mind, let me offer clarification on the four forms an Artemis attack can take and how the “commies” would narrate it…

  1. A nighttime attack in which an object can be seen entering the atmosphere and streaking down to the target. This would be blamed on a Russian “hypersonic” nuke attack.
  2. A nighttime attack in which artificial meteors fill the sky and a rod amongst them hits the target. This would be blamed on a “meteor impact” or a “Russian hypersonic nuke attack using a natural meteor shower as cover.”
  3. A daytime attack in which the impacting rod cannot be seen and the government narrates that an incoming warhead caused it. This would be blamed on a Russian hypersonic nuke attack.
  4. A daytime attack in which the impacting rod cannot be seen and the government narrates that a terrorist ground nuke caused it. This would be blamed on a “Russian nuke supplied to right-wing domestic violent extremists.”

Of course, we are likely looking at more than just one attack / one explosion if they proceed with their plans.

According to the broader storyline of Act One of the “End Times” stageplay, the “aliens” have forbidden the earthly governments from using nukes so that the Earth doesn’t get destroyed by the radioactive fallout. So using orbital kinetic bombardment will allow them to get around that limitation and carry out nuke-like attacks. And when the Nazionist kinetic attack leads to a communist attempt at a full nuclear launch, that’s when the “aliens” will intervene.

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This is the note that appeared in the page title prior to the update above…

What to Watch For Tomorrow, December 17: Watch for the possible scripted death of Pope Francis. December 17th is his 86th birthday, a Saturday (Saturn’s Day), and the first day of Gregorian Saturnalia. Should he die, the Vatican would schedule his funeral for December 21, an important day for the Event script.

LOOKING AHEAD TO SUNDAY THE 18th, it should be noted that 25 Kislev (Hanukkah Day 1) begins in Jerusalem at sunset, 4:38 PM, which is 9:38 AM Washington DC time. Since 25 Kislev is the day “Cain killed Abel” (“brother killed brother”), we can expect the crisis-starting killing event as early as Sunday morning here in America. The event could be the death/assassination of a pope or national leader, or it could be a military or terrorist attack. And given Prince Harry’s Pearl Harbor symbolism, it might be scheduled for the time that attack began: 7:48 AM Honolulu time / 12:48 PM Washington DC time.

Hanukkah Overwatch 2022

“Just try to relax”

(16 December 2022) – Looking ahead to Hanukkah, which runs from sunset of December 18 to sunset of December 26, there are three fundamental “Big Event” variations the globalists can throw at us: a positive sequence, a negative sequence, or a mixed sequence.

The mixed sequence seems the most likely. It would involve the death of a pope or Western leader on Saturday, Sunday or Monday, followed by a funeral gathering of Western leaders that gets wiped out on the 21st, 22nd or 23rd (a sudden crisis that spurs an emergency summit can be substituted for the death and funeral). This would be followed by the “Mass Arrest of the Global Deep State” Psyop, with the false messiah appearing after sunset of Christmas Day or the day after.

The positive sequence would begin at sunset (Jerusalem time) on Sunday. The internet and telephones would go down and the Emergency Broadcast System would take over all TV and radio stations. This would end after the third day — “Three Days of Fear” / “Three Days of Darkness” — with a reassuring face commandeering all media on December 21 to tell us “what’s really going on: the Mass Arrest of the Global Deep State.” The false messiah would then step forward victorious after sunset of Christmas Day or the day after.

The negative sequence might not start till after sunset on Christmas Day when “CERN opens the gate to hell.” The “demons and foul creatures” thus released would torment humanity with war and chaos for 150 days, ending on 25 May 2023 (the day Shavuot begins at sunset) — that’s when the false messiah’s forces would arrive to end the torment.

If all three of these scenarios sound ridiculous to you, congratulations, you’re sane. The same can’t be said of the Kabbalist cult that runs our world. Their minds are fevered by the poisonous beliefs they hold in them.

(16 December 2022) – Understanding “Hanukkah as Sukkot” and the Faking of God’s Judgment

Let’s start off today by reading this…

…from AISH (It would seem that the Jews, especially the Chassids, are always looking for a loophole that will allow them to sin for just a little bit longer: “Just give me a few more weeks, O Lord, and I’ll kill a chicken and we’ll call it even.”)

As I’ve covered in past updates, the Kabbalists are attempting to stage the deliverance of “God’s Final Judgment of the World” during the 8 days of Hanukkah. And in doing so, they’re treating it as if it’s Sukkot, another 8-day Jewish holiday.

According to Kabbalist doctrine, God’s judgment against a person or nation (or world) can be reversed as late as the very end of Hoshana Rabbah, the 7th day of Sukkot. The judgment is then delivered by the angels after sunset that day on the “8th day of Sukkot,” Shemini Atzeret…

Hoshanah Rabbah, the last day of the festival of Sukkot, is considered a day of judgment. According to the Zohar, although one is judged on the Day of Atonement, that verdict is not delivered until the last day of Sukkot, and until then a person may still repent (Zohar, Va-Yehi 120a; Terumah 142a). However, according to the Zohar the day on which the verdict is delivered is actually Shemini Atzeret, the final day of the festival, and not Hoshanah Rabbah (the day before). Hesed le-Avraham explains away the contradiction as follows– the last chance to change one’s judgment is actually Hoshanah Rabbah; whoever has not yet repented by then has his verdict handed down on Shemini Atzeret. – from Bar-Ilan University

So in treating Hanukkah as Sukkot, they will deliver God’s judgment on its 8th day, “Hanukkah’s Shemini Atzeret.” And since there are two Hanukkahs that will be overlapping each other, they can deliver two judgments…

  1. a destructive judgment of the bad people on the 8th day of Essene Hanukkah (sunset of December 20 to sunset of December 21), and
  2. a judgment of deliverance for the good people on the 8th day of regular Hanukkah (sunset of December 25 to sunset of December 26).

There is a historical precedent for treating Hanukkah as Sukkot…

Jewish scholars have also suggested that the first Hanukkah may have been a belated celebration of Sukkot, which the Jews had not had the chance to observe during the Maccabean Revolt. – from History.com

They also have a rationale for staging “God’s Final Judgment” during Hanukkah in the rabbi-invented bullsh*t featured in the article at the top of this entry.

Thanks for offering such a thrilling show, guys, but we’d rather have dreidels this year.

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The US Congress has passed a one-week continuing resolution to keep the government funded through December 23. According to the published congressional calendar for this year, the US House of Representatives was scheduled to have its final pre-Christmas session yesterday, with the Senate having their last day on the 21st. But now both chambers of Congress will remain in Washington through the upcoming danger days. And if Washington gets hit and they’re killed, the presidential successor will have total dictatorial power over a government that has no legislative branch and no budget.

(15 December 2022) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

I’m seeing indicators that the globalists have abandoned Essene Hanukkah and are aiming for regular Hanukkah. And since Essene Hanukkah, Gregorian Saturnalia, and regular Hanukkah overlap, we may see an event sequence that reflects that. Essene Hanukkah is ongoing, Saturnalia begins on the 17th, and Hanukkah begins at sunset on the 18th. Given that the globalists have cancelled the second day of the European Council meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow, some emergent event will be necessary to gather the Western leaders and/or Catholic cardinals if the globalists still intend to fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy of their deaths. The gathering could be an “emergency” summit or the funeral of a pope or a major Western leader. Watch for such a death over the next few days. Onnabugeisha notes that “commie” Pope Francis’s birthday is on Saturnalia, December 17. He was born in 1936, the year Nazi Germany undertook its first military action in Rhineland, and he will be 86 [8+6=14, the Nazi number]. His death on his birthday would land his funeral on an important date.

The following calendar shows how the days of December, the days of Prince Harry’s Fire Judgment count from 11/11, and the days of Essene Hanukkah, Saturnalia, and regular Hanukkah overlap. The days boxed in red are major event days, and the days boxed in yellow hold the potential for major events…

Looking at the dates and events as they are, they suggest a war starting during the Jewish day of 25 Kislev (sunset of the 18th to sunset of the 19th, when “brother killed brother” for the first time). So the 18th, 19th, and 20th could be the “three days of fear” the prophecy propagandists have telegraphed. These days of fear would then end on the 21st with “God’s Judgment to punish the wicked and save humanity.” And the messiah would reveal himself after sunset of Christmas Day when the 8th day of Hanukkah begins.

I’ll enhance and expand this entry tomorrow, and we’ll look at the potential for “superhero Trump” showing up on Day 45 of Prince Harry’s count. His laser beam eyes would come in handy for shooting down nuclear missiles and lighting Hanukkah candles, wouldn’t they?…

…top from America needs a superhero – the Daily Mail

WARNING (14 December 2022): Be wary of a Turkey Scenario today and tomorrow. The “Turkish Antichrist” has a scripted motive to hit the US-Africa Summit (Egypt’s president is there), Xi Jinping (due to his treatment of the Uyghurs, a Turkic people), and the EU leaders and Putin (to trigger a nuclear war between the Christian West and East). | The Big Event Watch will continue into December 15, the final day of the US-Africa Summit and the day “EU leaders will meet in Brussels to discuss Russia’s war against Ukraine, energy and economy, security and defence, the EU’s southern neighbourhood and external relations [Turkey].” My partner Onnabugeisha also notes that December 15 is Eleventh Month 22 (11/22) on the Chinese lunar calendar. 11/22 was the date on the Gregorian calendar when a president (JFK) was shot dead, and 12/15 was the date on the Gregorian calendar when two Chinese emperors fell. So the fall of Xi Jinping is scriptable, and there is an indicator for Putin as well.

(13 December 2022) – Today’s is quite a setup. With an Artemis strike by sunset of the 14th, the Right Hand Path Nazionists can take out the gathered leaders of the US, Africa, Asia and Europe. And after the fight is over and they’ve stepped up as our saviors, they can blame what happened on a CCP orbital strike conducted by the Left Hand Path Communists. The Orion capsule splashed down on Sunday, so no one would suspect Artemis 1 because they think the mission has ended.

“Who other than China had the motive to slaughter the leaders of the US, EU, and ASEAN?” they would say, “And with the African leaders dead too, the resource-rich continent would have been wide open for China to install their own puppet governments.”

On another note, today’s warning was written before the critical alert, so the two updates reflect a progression of thought. At first I thought an attack on today’s signing ceremony would trigger a chain of events leading to an overnight Operation Blackjack or Artemis Attack. But now I’m leaning more towards a spontaneous Operation Blackjack/Artemis Attack that is cast as “God’s Judgment for the straw that broke the camel’s back, the signing of the Sodom Marriage Act.” The attack could come as soon as the signing ceremony today or overnight.

Within the overall stageplay, the commies will recognize the Big Attack as coming from the Nazionists and retaliate. The ensuing battle would then escalate to a massive nuke attack that gets stopped cold by the “heavenly forces” of the Nazionist messiah, leading to his appearance in Jerusalem on December 21. Alternatively, they could let the chaos continue for 150 days and schedule the intervention of the messiah during the counting of the Omer next year, culminating with his arrival on Shavuot.

CRITICAL ALERT (13 December 2022): The globalists have lured the leaders of Africa (and Secretary of State Antony Blinken) to Washington, DC today for the December 13-15 US-Africa Leaders Summit. So if a nuke or a “meteoric stone” / Artemis “Rod from God” takes out Washington at around 3:30 PM today, Blinken and the African “kings of the world” will die along with Biden, Harris, and the congressional leadership. And 3:30 PM Washington time is 9:30 PM Brussels time, so most if not all of the EU and ASEAN leaders will be in Brussels preparing for the Wednesday EU-ASEAN Summit (and will meet the same fate by nuke or “rock” as the Africans). Today is definitely the day (the Kabbalists had better back down).

WARNING (13 December 2022): This is the title warning that preceded the following update…

Biden and Harris will be outside the White House on the South Lawn at 3:30 today [33] to sign a gay marriage bill into law. Should that ceremony be false-flagged and blamed on Domestic Violent Extremists, it could kick off a communist police state response that triggers “Day X.” The watch for big Trump news and its triggering of “Day X” started on Monday and will continue into the Jewish day of 19 Kislev (which ends at sunset on Tuesday). Within the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, Trump is playing the second coming of Cyrus the Great, the only non-Jew ever considered a messiah by the Jews. And according to Cyrus’s “official” death date and certain date conversion tools, he died on 19 Kislev. Trump’s death on Tuesday would certainly kick off “Day X,” wouldn’t it? WE ALSO NEED TO WATCH FOR A DEATH OR RESIGNATION OF A POPE OVER THE COMING DAYS; this would be used to set up an alternate attack date. Details below…

The globalists have set up their trigger sequence for the big fireworks show tonight. This is from Biden’s official schedule for today…

…from Factba.se

The Respect for Marriage Act not only codifies gay marriage into federal law, it also forces the states to legally recognize gay marriages that were conducted in other states. It therefore establishes “marriage tourism,” in which a gay couple can go to a neighboring state, get married, then come back home and have it be recognized by the state — much the same way “abortion tourism” has been established. The Act also applies to interracial marriages — they put that in the bill so they can blame “white supremacists” for the attack on the signing ceremony.

Needless to say, “right-wingers” do not like this bill and do not want it to become law. So the stage is set for the globalists to carry out the following sequence to initiate the Phoenix Moment / NWO Transition…

  1. kill off Biden, Harris, and the congressional leadership at the signing ceremony,
  2. have the current “communist revolutionary government” and the presidential successor blame it on “right-wing white supremacist domestic violent extremists” so they can take out Trump and move against MAGA, and
  3. have the Nazionists trigger “Day X in response to the communist moves.

If both House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President pro tempore of the Senate Patrick Leahy attend the signing ceremony and are “killed,” America would have a Jewish president, Antony Blinken (if he survives the attack) or Janet Yellen (if he doesn’t). So to the average awakening American who feeds on controlled alt-media propaganda, it would appear that the “communist Jews” killed off the other leaders to put one of their own in the presidency, then used the killings as a false-flag to attack Trump and MAGA. The commies and leftist Jews would get the blame for everything, thus setting up the Nazionists to sweep in as saviors and creating raging Jew hate that will drive all the Jews to Israel, just like the Kabbalists want.

Given that the Drudge Report put Yellen at the top of their page yesterday in Christmas colors, it looks like Santa <> Satan will be gifting us with an early Christmas present: President Yellen…

So will they pull the trigger this time?

(12 December 2022) – Blocking the Fallbacks…

…from VOA

Among Onnabugeisha’s notes for Tuesday, 12/13 are these two [with my addition in brackets]…

Pope Francis ordination date: 13 December 1969 (Wikipedia or Google search) 53 years ago. [again the number 53]

•Saint Celestine V (britannica com) the first pontiff to abdicate on 12/13/1294 (Julian).

There were other papal resignations before Celestine’s, but he was the first pope to make it “legal” for a pope to resign (before he resigned himself). So his was the first legal resignation of a pope, and Francis’s resignation would be the last, since the “Nazi pope” who follows him will be “the Final Pope who is removed by Christ himself.”

Pope Francis’s actions this year, such as his August visit to the resting place of Celestine V, have led to widespread rumors that he’ll resign. And what better day to step down than on the anniversary of his becoming a priest and of Celestine’s resignation? So if Pope Francis resigns tomorrow, when will the conclave to name his successor be held?

Unless circumstances prevent it, the conclave takes place inside Vatican City and begins 15 days after death or resignation of the pope. – from America Magazine

Fifteen days after 12/13 would be 12/28, unless they must delay the conclave for the observance of Christmas Eve and Christmas. In that case, it would convene on December 30, the first day of Julian Saturnalia and a perfect day for the Nazis to fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy of the kings of the world (the Catholic cardinals) being killed by “meteoric stones” sent by God. The Nazi cardinals would use various excuses to delay their arrival so they can be the ones who elect Francis’s successor.

But Celestine V’s papacy can also be likened to Pope Benedict’s. And Celestine died in a prison castle after having been placed there by his successor, just like Nazi Pope Benedict has been imprisoned on the Vatican grounds since the “communist Jesuits” pushed him out. Should Benedict die tomorrow, his funeral would be held 4-6 days later in accordance with Vatican custom. This means they could schedule it for December 19, the first day of regular Hanukkah and a perfect date to hit the kings of the world (the Western leaders) who will gather for his funeral on December 18-19.

(11 December 2022) – This is the title note that preceded the following update…

Looking ahead to December 12, watch for big news concerning Donald Trump –– a development that constitutes a major “communist” move against him. This would be the scripted trigger for the Nazionists launching their “Day X” on the 13th/14th. Details below…

What’s Ahead of Us Next Year and Tomorrow

It is inevitable that the Kabbalists will be pushed out of this year without being able to trot out their False Messiah. Consciousness is rolling over their body of work like a freight train rolls over the body of a drunk hobo, cutting it into 42 pieces that are eaten by rail yard dogs.

So today I started looking into their setups for next year, and so far I’ve identified three dates on which they’ll attempt to roll out their Moshiach: April 26, May 5, and September 22. I’ll go into the details later.

~ MORE ~

Speaking of Consciousness rolling over drunken Kabbalist hobos, my partner Onnabugeisha has identified which track they’ll be on tomorrow. Here are her notes for Monday, with my addition in brackets…

12/12 (Monday) 12×12 = 144

18 Kislev (3/18 or 9/18)

•FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia), on 8/8/2022, 4 months 4 days ago [44, Obama’s president number]

•Donald Trump was born on 6/14/1946, he is 27940 days old

Strong’s Greek 2794. kindunos: danger

Usage: danger, peril, risk.

As for the number 144, that is a war psalm of King David (whose supposed descendant is the Moshiach, the Jewish Messiah)…

Psalm 144 is the 144th psalm of the Book of Psalms, part of the final Davidic collection of psalms, comprising Psalms 138 to 145, which are specifically attributed to David in their opening verses. In the King James Version its opening words are “Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight“. In Latin, it is known as “Benedictus Dominus”…

The Jerusalem Bible notes that the psalm has two parts: it refers to verses 1-11 as a “war hymn” and suggests that verses 12-15 portray “the fruits of victory”, and also by extension the prosperity of the messianic age. – from Wikipedia

Here is a section of Psalm 144 that sounds like King David / the Moshiach calling in a Rods from God strike from Artemis 1

5 Part your heavens, Lord, and come down;
touch the mountains, so that they smoke.

6 Send forth lightning and scatter the enemy;
shoot your arrows and rout them.

7 Reach down your hand from on high;
deliver me and rescue me
from the mighty waters,
from the hands of foreigners

8 whose mouths are full of lies,
whose right hands are deceitful.

So if you look at these cues through the eyes of a Kabbalist scriptwriter, they guide you to script a communist move against Donald Trump — such as an indictment, arrest, or assassination attempt — that triggers the Moshiach to go to war, bringing us “Day X” and/or the Artemis attack on the leaders gathering for the EU-ASEAN Summit.

Reader Ronin has pointed out that “Day X” was featured in the news just 4 days ago, thus setting the stage for what is to come…

…from the BBC

(9-10 December 2022) – This is the title note that preceded the following series of updates…

WARNING: Multiple occult indicators suggest that the globalists will make a second attempt at the Pearl Harbor Event over the weekend. The Jewish anniversary of the original Pearl Harbor attack, 17 Kislev, begins at sunset on Saturday and runs through sunset on Sunday. So that is the likely strike window. This attack would lead to “an intervention from on high” on the 13th/14th, which is Day 1 of Essene Hanukkah, the anniversary of Ezra the Scribe’s gathering of the Jews at the Second Temple, and “Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism.”

~ MORE ~

The Prince and the Popper

…from Express.co.uk

With a radius of 296 miles (476 kilometers), Ceres is 1/13 the radius of Earth. If Earth were the size of a nickel, Ceres would be about as big as a poppy seed. – from NASA.gov

Here’s where things get weird — where you see the occultism that pervades the consciousness of the globalist inbreds “elites”…

1 Ceres is a dwarf planet and is the largest object in the asteroid belt. It is named after Ceres, the Roman goddess of the harvest (the time when you reap what you sow) whose pit in Rome, the mundus, is said to be the portal to the underworld.

In past entries, I’ve talked about the prophecy propaganda narrative that CERN will open a portal to the underworld, thus “unleashing the Nephilim demons to possess humanity and drive us to war.” And now we have a new candidate date for the occurrence of that event: after sunset on Saturday, December 10 — the moment when 1 Ceres is supposedly at its perihelion (the point in its orbit when it’s closest to the Sun).

My partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered some occult signalling involving Prince Harry and Ceres, and it starts with the poppy he wore when he visited Pearl Harbor on 11/11. The poppy is a symbol of Ceres

…from Wikipedia. Here is an excerpt…

Ceres’ signs and iconography, like Demeter’s from early Mycenae onwards, include poppies — symbolic of fertility, sleep, death and rebirth. Poppies readily grow on soil disturbed by ploughing, as in wheatfields, and bear innumerable tiny seeds. They were raised as a crop by Greek and Roman farmers, partly for their fibrous stems and for the food value of their seeds. Where the poppy capsule alone is shown, this probably belongs to the opium poppy (papaver somniferum, the “sleep-bearing poppy”. The Roman poet Vergil, in Georgics, 1.212, describes this as Cereale papaver, or “Ceres’ poppy”, which eases pain and brings sleep — the deepest sleep of all being death. Poppies are often woven into Ceres’ wheat-stalk crown, the corona spicea, worn by her priestesses and devotees.

Prince Harry is known for wearing poppies, marking himself as a member of the Cult of Ceres (at least for narrative purposes).

In the next section of this update, I’ll show you why “Georg” is bolded in blue in the Wikipedia excerpt. I’ll also show you why Ceres’s perihelion may have occurred on 7 December (Pearl Harbor Day) and was intentionally moved to 10 December by NASA changing their data.

~ MORE – 10 December 2022 ~

Let’s start off today by looking at another strange thing: in the Wikipedia entry on 1 Ceres, its perihelion date is listed as December 7, the Gregorian anniversary of Pearl Harbor…

…[Also note the symbol of 1 Ceres, which looks like a combination of an inverted Christian cross and a sickle (a harvest tool and also a communist symbol). This can symbolize a “communist antichristian harvest” / an attack on the “Christian nations.”]

But at In-The-Sky.org, the 1 Ceres perihelion date is listed as December 10

Looking at the given time of the perihelion, 18:11 UTC, a numerologist would say it’s a 9/11. And if we look at the corresponding time in Switzerland, where CERN is located, it is 7:11 PM (19:11 CET)…

…from TimeAndDate.com

Since sunset in Geneva today is at 4:49 PM local time, the perihelion will supposedly occur after CERN has entered the Jewish day of 17 Kislev, the Jewish anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack. So if “CERN opens a portal to the underworld” at that time, the “Nephilim demons” would supposedly come busting through and trigger an immediate war with a New Pearl Harbor Attack over the following hours.

So what are the odds that a simple data error resulted in the time of 1 Ceres’s perihelion being listed on both the Gregorian and Jewish anniversaries of the original Pearl Harbor Attack? Pretty slim, I’d say. So let’s look at where In-The-Sky got its data

The circumstances of this event were computed using the DE430 planetary ephemeris published by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) [part of NASA].

This event was automatically generated by searching the ephemeris for planetary alignments which are of interest to amateur astronomers, and the text above was generated based on an estimate of your location.

So after the globalists missed the opportunity to stage New Pearl Harbor on December 7, did NASA change their data to move the perihelion to December 10 at 18:11 UTC? Or did they enter incorrect data into Wikipedia to mislead us into thinking New Pearl Harbor would happen on the 7th? Either way, the December 10, 18:11 time generates “perfect” occult indicators. As Onnabugeisha notes…

> 18:11 is 1091 minutes into the day. And in Strong’s Bible Concordance, number 1091 gives us these words…

(Hebrew) ballahah: terror, dreadful event, calamity, destruction

(Greek) geórgion: cultivation [this connects to the bolded blue word (Georgics) in yesterday’s update, to St. George (who defeats the dragon), and to Ceres, who is also the Goddess of Cultivated Crops)

> 19:11 CET is 69060 seconds into the day [696, or 666 to a numerologist]. 696/666 is also featured in the CERN logo…

~ MORE ~

In the event the globalists go forward with their attacks tonight / tomorrow (which I consider improbable now), it would likely be a coordinated terror attack all across the Western world. Onnabugeisha notes that Sunday, December 11 marks exactly 3000 days since Barack Obama chaired his second UN Security Council Summit on 9/24 of 2014. The subject of the summit was foreign terrorist fighters, and in “biblical numerology,” 3 is the number of completion, though to a lesser degree than the number 7 as in completion of the ‘communist’ plot to bring foreign terrorist fighters into the West as refugees, then arm them and set them loose.” Do you remember the propaganda about 9/24?…

…from Insider.com

The recent attacks against power substations in the US are precursors to this Big Attack. And both the precursors and the Big Attack have been scripted to be carried out by the Nazionists but blamed on the communists.

I’m not expecting the Artemis attack until the 13th/14th when the Geminid Meteor Shower peaks. It would be the beginning of the Nazionist “rainbow rescue” which would culminate on December 21 [21 being 3×7 (completion squared)] with the arrival of the Moshiach. In keeping with the Kabbalist “prophecy” (plot point) that Israel will have no government when the Moshiach arrives, the Israelis have been deliberately dragging out the formation of the new government — the new deadline for which is December 21.

(8 December 2022) – A Storm Approacheth…

When I wrote yesterday’s update about the “abbreviated event sequence” the globalists would have to implement to fit the Phoenix Moment into the 8 days of Essene or regular Hanukkah, the original draft included this closing sentence…

“An abbreviated event sequence would likely involve a staged intervention by the fake aliens.”

But I left it out so I could devote an entire update to the subject. Now I wish I’d left it in, because the “Christian Watchmen” Disinfo Corps have come out with new talking points about a Nazi/Alien Plan to Conquer the U.S. based on a “Torah Code” (computerized gypsy bullsh*t).

Soon I’ll start writing about the details of what the abbreviated event sequence would look like, but here are the basics for today…

  1. It would start with an apparent meteor storm (an Artemis attack), with a “meteor” destroying at least one city: the one where the Western leaders have gathered.
  2. The commie/leftist-led governments around the world would “get medieval on our as$es,” going into a frenzy like ants whose mound has been kicked open. This frenzy would lead to an attempt at a full nuclear attack exchange with Russia.
  3. The “Nazi-Alien Alliance” would intervene with anti-gravity craft (UFOs/UAPs) to bring “Nuclear Armageddon” to a dead stop.
  4. JFK Jr. and Prince Harry (“the twins”) would emerge to kick off the Truth Tsunami, telling the world “what’s really been going on” and introducing us to our benevolent space brothers.”

If they attempt the abbreviated sequence during Essene Hanukkah, the city that would be destroyed is Brussels, where the EU/ASEAN Summit is to be held on the 14th. And if they attempt it during regular Hanukkah, we may see a pope die around the 14th so the leaders will gather for their destruction in Rome on the 18th/19th. Other NATO capitals and “sin cities” may be destroyed during “The (Meteor) Storm” as well.

In a possible variation of the sequence, the Nazi-Alien Alliance would intervene on Day 1 to stop a “Chicom” orbital attack on the West, with the Mass Arrests Psyop unfolding until the appearance of the twins on Day 8.

(8 December 2022) – The Nazi Prince receives his hero’s welcome on the day the Fire Judgment began…

…from Geo News

My partner Onnabugeisha has found yet another strong occult clue that the globalists started a 40-day judgment countdown to December 21 when they trotted Harry Plotter out to Pearl Harbor on 11/11.

> The day Prince Harry made his “surprise visit” to Pearl Harbor, November 11, was the Jewish day of 17 Cheshvan. And 17 Cheshvan is the anniversary of the beginning of Noah’s Flood

Great Flood Begins (2105 BCE)

The rains began to fall on the 17th of Cheshvan of the year 1656 from creation (2105), flooding the earth and rising above the highest mountains…

Kislev 27: Forty days of rain end… – from Chabad.org

Of course, 27 Kislev this year falls on December 21, Prince Harry’s “christening day.”

(8 December 2022) – Behold the Red Dragon of Revelation 12…

As I mentioned in the 6 December update, the globalists have arranged for China to play the role of the Red (commie) Dragon of Revelation 12…

Revelation 12:3 NIV – Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.

The seven heads with crowns on them are the 7 members of the Politburo Standing Committee, the top political body in China. And this morning, I tracked down the 10 horns (with which the Dragon can gore its enemies): they are the 5 branches of the People’s Liberation Army plus the 5 branches of the Paramilitary Forces of China

  1. the Ground Force
  2. the Navy
  3. the Air Force
  4. the Rocket Force
  5. the Strategic Support Force
  6. the People’s Armed Police
  7. the China Coast Guard (a service branch of the People’s Armed Police)
  8. the Militia of China
  9. the People’s Liberation Army Reserve Service
  10. the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

In keeping with biblical prophecy, the globalists WILL script the fall of the Red Dragon — it’s just a question of when. Under their currently-active timeline (which incorporates the 2029 arrival of the Apophis asteroid as a key element), the Dragon’s fall must happen by the fall Jewish holy days of 2025 at the very latest. And it could begin as soon as December 13/14 (it was supposed to start last night).

(7 December 2022) – Today I decided to plug the two numbers the press featured in relation to Liz Truss’s PM tenure and Queen Elizabeth’s death, 38 and 44, into Prince Harry’s Pearl Harbor timetable. The results (in red) landed on the first day of Hanukkah and Christmas Day.

Remember that Prince Harry paid a surprise visit to Pearl Harbor on 11/11. His visit came…

So assuming the globalists have aborted their plans for 12/7 and nothing happens tonight, their final opportunity to hit the December 21 messiah arrival date is to stage an abbreviated event sequence during Essene Hanukkah (in blue). After that, their last resort would be an abbreviated event sequence during regular Hanukkah, with Prince Harry emerging as messiah on Christmas Day (probably on or after sunset).

(6 December 2022) – Will Prince Harry engage the Red Dragon tomorrow and defeat it by the winter solstice?…

I came online this morning to a reader’s question that brought up an important point: the day Prince Harry is/was scheduled to debut as the false messiah, December 21, is also the winter solstice. Additionally, December 21 is exactly 2 years or 730 days since the “Great Conjunction” (which is connected to the return of Saturn, an antichrist)…

…from the Skywatch TV Store

Looking up number 730 in Strong’s Bible Concordance, we get these words…

  • (Greek) arrén: male, man
  • (Hebrew) erez: a cedar (in simile, of outward power, stateliness & majesty)

…so a man of power, stateliness, and majesty.”

And if we look up the numerical value of “Saturn” in Pythagorean/Reduction Gematria, it is 21 (as in December 21).

~ MORE ~

I think I’ve figured out why we’re seeing the number 38 so much lately. In the book description featured in today’s first note, it says, Lucifer is Saturn, not Satan.” So Saturn = Lucifer, and the numerical value of the word “Lucifer” in Pythagorean/Reduction Numerology is 38.

So in gematria, “Saturn” = 21 and “Lucifer” = 38. This means that Prince Harry’s planned rise on December 21, which is the 38th anniversary of his christening, marks him as Saturn/Lucifer, the false messiah, and the next antichrist [Vladimir Putin (or Sergei Shoigu) will be the Final Antichrist (circa 2025)].

It should also be noted that Harry’s December 21, 1984 christening occurred at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. As you may know, there is a legend about St. George killing a dragon, and that legend brings us to tomorrow, Pearl Harbor Day, 12/7

Revelation 12:7 (NIV): Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

The dragon in Revelation 12 is an enormous red dragon with 7 heads,” and in today’s world, China is an “enormous red (commie) dragon with 7 heads (the Politburo Standing Committee).” So will tomorrow be the day that war breaks out between Prince Harry’s “Nazionist (‘patriot, constitutionalist’) Deep State” and China’s “Global Communist Deep State”?

~ MORE ~

As we approach the day that is/was planned to bring the outbreak of a “war in heaven” pitting the Nazionists and their Artemis 1 spears (“Rods from God”) against the Red Dragon communists and their space weapons, look at what showed up in the news…

…from The Washington Times

As I’ve noted in previous updates, Artemis 1 likely went aloft with two weapons packages aboard: one in the SLS rocket meant for Earth orbit, and another in the ICPS meant to approach the Earth at high velocity from the Moon. Is the ICPS package designed to blindside the Chinese orbital systems in a surprise attack — a “Space Pearl Harbor”?

~ MORE ~

If we needed any more evidence that major mischief is/was planned for Pearl Harbor Day, I’d say this fits the bill…

December’s full Cold Moon rises on the night of Wednesday, December 7, 2022. On this extra-special night, the full Moon occults the planet Mars, obscuring it from view! Learn more about the Cold Moon and what makes it special.

December’s Cold Moon reaches peak illumination on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at 11:09 P.M. EST. – from Almanac.com

So in addition to blocking/replacing Mars tomorrow night, it will be a full moon that reaches peak illumination at 11:09 PM [reverse 9/11] Washington, DC time. Pardon the expression, but it looks like Artemis was planning to be a busy little beaver tomorrow.

~ MORE – 7 December 2022 ~

In recent updates, two men have emerged as Nazionist antichrist candidates, the in-hiding JFK Jr. and Prince Harry. And back in the 25 November update, we looked at how the two London 2012 Olympic mascots, Wenlock and Mandeville (Warlock and ManDevil), were portrayed as falling to Earth in the midst of a storm. I’ve further come across a reference to the expected emergence of two men on the global scene from the globalists’ prophecy propaganda pointman, Tom Horn. Are these foreshadowed two men JFK Jr. and Prince Harry?

When the Qanon disinformation front speak of JFK Junior’s reemergence, they refer to it as The Return of the King.” And if Prince Harry returns to the UK to take the throne after the fall of Charles, William, and William’s descendants, that would also be “The Return of the King.”

It’s certainly something to watch for as we go forward.

(4-5 December 2022) – Here is the 12/3 title note that started the following series of updates…

The globalist scriptwriters will have two opportunities over the next two days to remove Biden from the stage. The first will come tomorrow with the Kennedy Center Honors — Biden will host the honorees at the White House and attend the ceremony. And the second will come on Monday, his 80th Jewish birthday, which features very strong occult numbers pointing to his death [probably by Artemis strike, but possibly by a “sudden, unexpected” death (“caused by the COVID vaccine”)].

~ MORE – 4 December 2022 ~

Had the globalists gone forward with their Artemis “earthshot” on Friday, a nuke-like mushroom cloud would have sprouted in Boston, taking out Joe Biden and Prince William. It would have been the first Nazionist attack after Prince Harry “declared war” the day before. And the communist Harris administration would have responded by blaming the explosion on a Russian nuke triggered by “domestic far-right extremists,” locking down the country, and going after Trump and MAGA in their counterattack against the Nazionists. This would have been their first move before launching a worldwide communist sneak attack on December 7.

They have a chance to run this scenario again today or tomorrow…

On Sunday, the President will return to Washington, D.C., from Camp David. In the afternoon, the President and the First Lady will host Kennedy Center honorees in the East Room…

In the evening, the President and the First Lady, the Vice President and the Second Gentleman will attend the 45th Kennedy Center Honors [remember that Biden met Prince William at the Kennedy Library (the strike point) on Friday]…

On Monday, the President and the First Lady will host the Congressional Ball on the state floor. – from WhiteHouse.gov

Should the globalists go with the Artemis option and strike Washington tonight or Monday night, the presidential successor’s response will trigger the Second Civil War — a war that will reverse the outcome of the First Civil War by permanently breaking the US into pieces (“smaller units” as the Rockefellers and globalist minion Ron Paul like to call them). And if it should happen tonight, the Reverse Civil War will start on the reverse date (12/4) of the First Civil War (which began on 4/12 of 1861).

My partner Onnabugeisha pointed out this reverse dating possibility in her notes from 2 years ago. Later today I’ll show you what she’s pointed out for tomorrow, including the alternative possibility that Biden will be scripted to suffer a “sudden and unexpected” death from the Clot Shot — likely while he’s dancing at the Congressional Ball on his 80th Jewish birthday.

~ MORE – 5 December 2022 ~

Now it’s time to look at the occult indicators Onnabugeisha found for today. The cues are so numerous and strong that the script practically writes itself…

Today is 12/5 on the Gregorian calendar, which is…

Since Kislev is the third month of the Jewish civil year and the ninth month of their ecclesiastical year, it can be expressed as…

So looking at these numbers so far, they lend themselves to the scripting of the death of the US president due to something COVID-related or the scripting of a Nazi assassination of the US president by means of a major false-flag terror attack.

Continuing on…

12/5 expressed in mm/dd format is 12/05 [1205]. And in the numerologist-used Strong’s Bible Concordance, number 1205 refers to the words…

beathah: terror, dismay (Hebrew), and

deute: come! (Greek)…

“Terror come! Dismay come!”

12/5 marks exactly 684 days since Joe Biden was inaugurated as president on 20 January 2021. And Strong’s 684 (Greek) is apóleia: destruction, loss.

Also, Biden was born on 20 November 1942, which was the Jewish day of 11 Kislev (the same as today), Hebrew 3/11 or 9/11. So today is his 80th Jewish birthday, and he’s flashing both COVID and false-flag terror numbers.

Additionally, on 25 October 2022 Biden received his third booster shot and his fifth dose of a coronavirus vaccine in total. That was exactly 5 weeks, 6 days ago [56]. And I wrote about how the number 56 appears in connection to coronavirus news events back in 2020…

56 has been used with inordinate frequency in connection with coronavirus news…

…from Bing

The reason the globalists stress the number 56 in relation to the coronavirus is because of gematria…

Gematria – a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters. – from Google search

The globalists are obsessed with numerology, especially gematria. And as it turns out, the words “coronavirus” and “COVID vaccine” both have the numerical value of 56 (in Pythagorean / Reduction Gematria).

Getting to who will be blamed by the commies for a “nuclear” (Artemis) terror attack — should the globalists choose that option — there’s this…

The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine started on 24 February 2022, exactly 9 months, 11 days ago [9/11]. Expressed in alternative time units, it was also exactly 40 weeks, 4 days ago [44, “Communist Antichrist” Obama’s president number].

Speaking of Obama, on 27 May 2016 he became the first sitting US president to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. That was exactly 6 years, 6 months, 9 days ago (inclusive counting) [666]. Had the globalists gone forward with the attack planned for last Friday, 12/2, it would have been 666 on the dot. So think of Obama’s Hiroshima visit as Day 1 of a clock that was supposed to lead to the next apparent nuclear attack on a city on Day 666. The Nazionists will point this out in blaming the “Satanist commies” for the “nuke” attack (they won’t want to admit that it was their Artemis that did it).

Of course, if Biden is killed tonight, the presidency will be filled by a successor and the vice presidency will be open for whomever that successor chooses (assuming Congress agrees). There are numbers covering this too, and I’ll get to them today (hopefully).

~ MORE ~

I was hoping to finish the numbers today, but I got distracted by a troll. My roommate was watching some Norwegian troll movie, and I got pulled in as it proceeded to its thrilling climax: the defeat of the troll by an improvised tanning bed. Genius! Perhaps we should try UV light on Prince Harry…

Anyhoo, the Congressional Ball has already started, and I wouldn’t expect anything more from it than really bad dancing…

(3 December 2022) – When I began my coverage of yesterday, I said this…

…looking into the occult side of what’s planned for Friday… there are three ways it can go: 1) it could be a day a momentous event happens, 2) it could be part of the “symbolic preamble” to a series of momentous events that unfold later, or 3) it could be both.

If a momentous mass death event was planned, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that there was, it was clearly aborted. But the “symbolic preamble” part was definitely fulfilled — on the day before…

…from the Daily Mail

The press are narrating the release of the Netflix documentary trailer during William and Kate’s US visit as an “ambush” (a surprise attack, like Pearl Harbor). And they are using the language of war to describe the outbreak of a conflict between Prince Harry (Harry Potter) and the mudblood-hating royal family (the Death Eaters).

Looking at the outbreak of this “war” from the perspective of the globalist “End Times” script, it features the Nazi Prince, Harry, battling against the Commie King Charles and his biological son, Commie Prince William, over the death of the Nazi Queen Elizabeth: “While the Nazi Prince was away in exile in America, the Commies infected the Nazi Queen with COVID [1,2,3], then finished her off in a Satanic sacrifice ritual at Balmoral Castle. Due to deliberate sabotage of his travel arrangements, Prince Harry arrived too late to fight for her.”

So where does this war go from here? Straight to Pearl Harbor day, December 7. Prince Harry started the “40 days” to his ascension by visiting Pearl Harbor, so something very big is planned for that day. Will it be a commie attack on the eve of the Netflix documentary release on December 8? Or will it be a Nazionist attack to take down the commies over the course of two weeks (“The Event“)?

Remember this little detail about Prince Harry (which came up in my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for yesterday)…

[Harry] was christened Henry Charles Albert DAVID on 21 December 1984 at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie. – from Wikipedia

So Harry, the Jewish Prince born to the full-blooded Jewish Princess Diana, is scripted to rise as the Christed savior and Moshiach ben DAVID on December 21, 2022 (the 38th anniversary of his christening).

I found this reference to the number 38 at BibleStudy.org

Two years after leaving Egypt the Israelites send spies from Kadesh, where they were located, into the Promised Land. Their task was to report on all they saw, including the number and strength of cities they viewed and the quality of the farmland (Num. 13:17 – 20). Upon their return, their faithless report brings God’s wrath on the people and causes them to wander the wilderness an additional 38 years (Num. 32:8 – 13).

The Lord, at the completion of Israel’s punishment (38 years after the initial report from their spies), finally commands the people to travel north. They are allowed to cross the Zered River into the territory belonging to the Moabites (Deuteronomy 2:13 – 15). Then, only after the death of both Aaron and Moses, are the Israelites allowed to go west and cross the Jordan into their inheritance.

So Harry will bring an end to the communist persecution of Israel, and they will finally enter the “Promised Land of the Messianic Era.” It makes sense that a nation started by the Rothschilds will find its deliverance at the hands of a Rothschild descendant, Prince Harry.

~ MORE ~

I’ve completed this update by adding some links, including the links to show the “deliberate infection of the Queen with COVID by Prince Charles.” This was the sequence of events…

  1. The BBC reported that Charles tested positive for COVID on Thursday, 10 February 2022. They also reported that he met the Queen two days before that, on 8 February.
  2. According to the CDC, COVID symptoms “may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.”
  3. The AP reported that a symptomatic Queen tested positive for COVID on Sunday, 20 February 2022, 12 days after meeting Charles.

If you pair this with the New Age media’s fanciful — but still within the realm of possibility — claims that the royals use Balmoral Castle for human sacrifices, you get the NWO Narrative for how the Queen died: “She was deliberately infected with the communists’ COVID bioweapon in order to weaken her, then she was finished off in a blood sacrifice at Balmoral Castle to gain demonic assistance for advancing Prince Charles’s depopulation agenda. Prince Harry, who had previously fled with his wife from the Satanic royals, was not in attendance.”

Artemis/Diana preparing to loose an arrow…

Expanded ALERT (30 November – 2 December 2022): Here is the page title that accumulated over the period of this alert…

ALERT: A MASS DEATH EVENT IS/WAS PLANNED FOR BOSTON (AND PERHAPS OTHER CITIES) ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2. SEE TODAY’S UPDATE FOR MORE ON THIS. (11/30) – Looking ahead to tomorrow, Thursday the 1st of December, it will mark 911 days SINCE Prince (now King) Charles launched his Great Reset Initiative (today was the 911th day OF the Initiative). It will also be a day that the US Air Force aircraft that drilled with the Israelis on striking Iran will still be in the area to launch a real attack. As for Friday the 2nd, the emergent scenario involves the City of Boston, Prince William, Joe Biden, the John F. Kennedy Foundation and “Earthshot” (as in “the Earth gets shot by Artemis”): https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-63815461

~ MORE – 30 November 2022 ~

My partner Onnabugeisha and I have started looking into the occult side of what’s planned for Friday, and there are three ways it can go: 1) it could be a day a momentous event happens, 2) it could be part of the “symbolic preamble” to a series of momentous events that unfold later, or 3) it could be both.

Remember that Prince Harry paid a surprise visit to Pearl Harbor on 11/11. His visit came…

Seeing that Prince Harry is the one who marked the start of the 40 days of God’s Fire Judgment,” it looks like he, son of Diana (Rome’s equivalent to the Greek goddess Artemis), is yet another candidate for the false messiah / Nazionist Antichrist figure.

~ MORE – 1 December 2022 ~

It would appear that Princess Diana was a Jew, and PRINCE HARRY IS THEREFORE A JEW. Now this ridiculous setup is starting to make sense! And here it is, straight from a Chabad website…

…from ChabadNaples.com

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As I lay in bed upon waking this morning, I realized something: Friday, December 2 will mark exactly 21 days since Prince Harry’s 11/11 visit to Pearl Harbor. And 21 is blackjack, as in Operation Blackjack. [This has now been added to yesterday’s note above.]

So Friday may indeed be a day something big is/was planned — something that would set in motion the events of December 7, 14 and 21.

Also, my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered a mass of occult indicators pointing to something big happening on Friday, including this occult hint at a holocaust in Boston

In Strong’s Bible Concordance, which is one of the tools the Kabbalist numerologists use in choosing their numbers and planning their event details, number 3646 is holokautóma: “a whole burnt offering,” literally “an offering that is completely burned up.”

~ MORE ~

Will the Earth get shot by Artemis tomorrow?

It should be remembered that Artemis 1 launched on November 16 and reached the Moon on November 21, five days later. That was 10 days ago, so there’s been more than enough time for the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (ICPS) to orbit the Moon and return to Earth. This means it could strike the Earth with its tungsten rods at any time, be it tomorrow or on December 14, depending on how long they decided to hold it in Moon orbit.

In a magic show, the magician draws audience attention to one thing in order to distract it from another. This is called misdirection. The Artemis “Rods from God” strike works the same way: while everyone’s attention is fixed on the Orion module out by the Moon (boxed in yellow), no one is watching the SLS rocket that was shed in Earth orbit or the ICPS that was cast off on its way to the Moon (both boxed in red)…

…from NASA

It is in these unwatched objects that the real payload of Artemis 1, the weapons packages, were hidden. The SLS package of HMOV (High Mass / Orbital Velocity) rods have been in Earth orbit since the launch date awaiting the command to fire, and the ICPS package of LMHV (Low Mass / High Velocity) rods are either in Moon orbit or on their way back to Earth now. See the 20 November update further down this page for more details on the mechanics of the Artemis attack(s).

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Before we go into the occult side of this, allow me to post my standard disclaimer for the sake of new readers…

The national and international dramas we see swirling around us now are part of the globalist “End Times” stageplay that’s being acted out for the public. And while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added — all on the fly.

It’s also important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians and superstitious followers of numerology, astrology and mythology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the play are acted out. They align events with days of historical, numerological, astrological and mythological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, Onnabugeisha, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

That being said, let me now show you the prophecy fulfillment framework the globalists have set up for their December 2-21 event sequence. I’ll start with a basic three-point summary because I won’t have time to get to the details tonight…

  1. Today at sunset began “Reverse Yom Kippur,” which can also be termed “Satan’s Yom Kippur.” A big event may happen during it or after it ends at sunset of Friday (December 2).
  2. Five days later (on December 7, Pearl Harbor Day) is Day 1 of “Satan’s Sukkot.” It may begin with a big event, and it will culminate with the delivery of a Judgment Event on its 8th day (December 14, EU/ASEAN Summit Day). Strong communist activity can be expected during this timeframe, and the Judgment Event will be of a “biblical disaster” nature. But it may be prevented by what comes next…
  3. Also on December 14 is Day 1 of “God’s Sukkot” / Essene Hanukkah. It will begin with the completion or prevention of the December 14 Judgment Event and will culminate with its own Judgment Event on Day 8, December 21. Strong “patriot/constitutionalist” (Nazionist) activity can be expected during this timeframe, and the Judgment Event will be a deliverance by the false savior / Nazionist Antichrist (Rothschild descendant Prince Harry?).

If I have enough time before the Friday event (if it’s still going forward), I’ll cover the hows and whys of this framework, then I’ll cover as many of Onnabugeisha’s occult indicators as I can (there is a wealth of them).

~ MORE – 2 December 2022 ~

Friday is 38 Special for #44

According to Biden’s official schedule, he’ll be arriving in Boston at 2:15 PM EST and will meet Prince William at 2:50 PM. He’ll depart Boston at 6:55 PM.

Can you guess where he’s meeting Prince William? – At the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum!

Remember that JFK was the first Catholic president and Biden is the second. Also remember that JFK was assassinated with a shot on November 22, 1963, exactly 3080 weeks ago [38]. Remember too that the number 38 (along with the number 44) took a starring role in connection to the Queen’s death and PM Truss’s “catrusstrophic” tenure. 38 and 44 also appear in my partner Onnabugeisha’s raw notes for today [with my addition in brackets]…

Obama, JFK and Prince Harry:

> Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, (Henry Charles Albert David; was born 9/15/1984, he is 38 years old. Harry’s Christening, 21 December 1984, on 12/21/2022, 38 years ago.

[So Harry becomes Christ, the savior, on December 21 as I suspected. See yesterday’s final update.]

> Prince Harry’s wife is Rachel Meghan Markle. Her family, the Markle (formerly spelled Merckel) family is of German descent (Wikipedia: Family of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex). Meghan was born exactly on Obama’s 20th birthday 8/4/1981 (4th of Av, Av is 11th month = 11/4)

> JFK was born on 5/29/1917 = 8 Sivan (Sivan is the third month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar) -> 3/8 -> 38. Also he was born 38538 days ago on 12/2.

I wrote that Obama’s numbers coincide with Kennedy’s (JFK’s mainly, Jr.’s I don’t know much) and I just recalled some examples:

Barack Obama was born on Friday August 4, 1961 = 22 Av (Av is the 11th month of the civil year on the Hebrew calendar) -> he was born on Jewish 11/22. John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Friday, 11/22 (1963).

Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the United States.
John F. Kennedy was elected president in the 44th quadrennial presidential election (1960 United States presidential election, Wikipedia)

John F. Kennedy was born on 5/29/1917 and 44 years and 67 days later Barack Obama was born on 8/4/1961.

John F. Kennedy was assassinated on 11/22/1963 and 44 (almost 45) years later on 11/4/2008 Obama was elected president.

Remember that if Biden is assassinated, the VP position will come open for an Obama (or Hillary Clinton) to move into.

(30 November 2022) – Upon checking Biden’s official schedule for today, I came across a golden opportunity for the globalist scriptwriters to remove him and his VP from the stage…

…from Factba.se. One wonders if the “First Family” means that Hunter Biden will also be in attendance.

The National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony is happening outdoors in the park across the street from the White House, and both Biden and Harris will be there. It is scheduled for 5:30 PM, and the number 53 has loomed large in the globalist numerology surrounding the NWO Transition Event — carrying with it a connection to nuclear/radiological fallout (see the 14 November warning further down the page).

In the event that the globalists pull the trigger on this one, the deaths of Biden and Harris would…

  • lead to Nancy Pelosi taking over the presidency this evening,
  • set in motion the rise of Hillary Clinton or an Obama to the vice presidency, and
  • trigger the Big War.

With the Nazionist Grinch lurking about, the Secret Service should be wary of any suitcase-sized Christmas tree ornaments.

~ MORE ~

If the globalists script a hit on Biden & Harris today, they might also script a concurrent attack on Benjamin Netanyahu (they put out preparatory propaganda for this back on the 22nd: Iran commander threatens to kidnap and enslave Netanyahu). This would allow Israel to jump in front of the narrative and blame the attacks on Iran, claiming it is “their long-awaited retaliation for the killing of Qasem Soleimani” and “their preemptive attack against the ongoing US-Israeli aerial drills targeting Iran.”

In blaming Iran for the attack on Biden and Harris, the following bit of preparatory propaganda will come in handy…

…from The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Here is an excerpt…

…The case also offers unique insight into how and when Iran might ask Hezbollah IJO cells to carry out attacks. During one of [Ali] Kourani’s meetings with the FBI, an interviewing agent recalled, Kourani “sat back in his chair, squared his shoulders and stated, ‘I am a member of 910, also known as Islamic Jihad or the Black Ops of Hezbollah. The unit is Iranian-controlled.’” Within Hezbollah, the unit reports directly to Nasrallah, according to Kourani, but Iran oversees the unit’s operations.

Kourani went on to describe himself to the FBI as being part of a “sleeper cell,” and explained, “There would be certain scenarios that would require action or conduct by those who belonged to the cell.” Kourani said that in the event that the United States and Iran went to war, the U.S. sleeper cell would expect to be called upon to act. And if the United States were to take certain unnamed actions targeting Hezbollah, Nasrallah himself, or Iranian interests, Kourani added, “in those scenarios the sleeper cell would also be triggered into action.”

Under this scenario, Trump may be targeted too.

(29 November 2022) – I’m extending the Tuesday-Wednesday danger period to include Thursday for reasons I’ll explain tomorrow. But judging by how the “confluent crises” are sliding down from the headlines to be replaced by the Iran flag distraction at the World Cup, the globalists may have already aborted.

Here is the page title that has accumulated over the past number of days — I’ll convert it to an update a little later…

ALERT: “Israel, US to hold air drill simulating striking Iran nuclear program from Tuesday until Thursday”: https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-723558. Also, watch for a potential attack on the British royals on Tuesday or Wednesday. WARNING: The G7/NATO are scripted to stage a false-flag nerve gas attack in Ukraine on November 30. A companion chemical false-flag may be scheduled for Israel around the same time. SECOND WARNING: The dramatically tightening “COVID” lockdown of China is designed to lead to either an internal war (a New Xinhai Revolution to unseat “Emperor Xi” and/or the “Chicom Deep State”) or an external war (an invasion of Taiwan and/or Alaska). This too is in play for the coming week. Be advised that there are troubling indicators for Tuesday, 11/29, as well.

(28 November 2022) – Prince Harry’s past choice of a Nazi party costume was no ill-considered accident…

…see The U.S. Sun

Tuesday, November 29 is the Jewish anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, a Jesuit conspiracy to kill King James and install a Catholic monarch over England. So are the Nazionists scripted to blow up the British royal family — including “commie” King Charles — this week in order to restore Nazionist control over the British Throne (under King Harry) that was lost when Prince Charles and Pope Francis killed “Nazi” Queen Elizabeth II in the New Babington Plot?…

…see The Sun (It was also no accident that the “secret film” showing the salute was leaked to the press.)

I’ll try to post the details over the course of the day. This one is quite interesting.

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Here is something I posted back in June of 2020

On another note, a reader has brought a self-proclaimed “real” King of England to my attention as a possible replacement for the royal family when they take their planned drubbing during the NWO transition. Here is what I wrote back [to him]…

>>> It’s possible they might bring in some dark horse from another “noble line” to take on the public face of the British Monarchy. But it’s also possible they might bring back Prince Harry to play that role (son of the “beloved” Diana and her lover James Hewitt, not Prince Charles). The supposed break between the Queen and Harry may have been an effort to “put him on a lifeboat way off in America” before the planned sinking of the “Royal Titanic” during the NWO transition. <<<

~ MORE ~

The Mauna Loa volcano has erupted in Hawaii, and in the course of looking into what potential impact its ash cloud might have on transpacific military flights, I came across this…

…from People

So on 11/11, Prince Harry made a surprise visit to a place made famous by a massive surprise attack. And he did this 6+6+6 days before 11/29, the Jewish anniversary of the regicidal Gunpowder Plot and a day the royal family may be hit in another massive surprise attack.

~ MORE ~

So will a Mossad hit on the British royals be blamed on “terrorists linked to Iran’s IRGC and their proxy Hezbollah operating in the UK”?…

…from VOA News

And will the attack utilize dirty bombs or a nuke? Will this be what turns the Tuesday-Thursday US-Israeli aerial attack drill live?

Biden would be hesitant to attack Iran, but dead British royals might force his hand.

Remember that London was one of the cities that “mocked God” with the “climate repentance” ceremony during COP27.

WARNING (26 November 2022): The globalists’ next move is to have the G7/NATO stage a “Russian” chemical attack in Ukraine…

…from the Mirror

Based on the occult scripting indicators my partner Onnabugeisha has identified, they’ve likely chosen the date of November 30 for the false-flag…

> 11/30 is the Hebrew day of 11 Kislev (9/11) on the Essene calendar. And given that “The Storm” is planned for December 13-14 (Hanukkah Day 1 on the Essene calendar), it makes sense that they’ll follow the same calendar for this precursor attack.

> 11/30 is the 911th day (9/11) of the Great Reset Initiative, a joint initiative of the World Economic Forum and King Charles (Day 1 was June 3, 2020). So to unstick and move forward the King’s Initiative, my guess is that the UK government will be responsible for the Novichok attack, just like they were in Salisbury.

> 11/30 is the UN’s Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare

Behold the Doofnamic Duo who are responsible for the planned attack (according to the NWO Narrative)…

…from weforum.org

~ MORE ~

A reader has passed along some news that confirms a war-starting chemical attack is in play for next week…

…from Fox News. Here’s an excerpt…

Hezbollah has transported hundreds of missiles with a chemical payload to a warehouse near the Lebanese-Syrian border.

“Despite the severe unrest, humanitarian crises and the unraveling of the Lebanese state, Hezbollah continues to focus its resources on acquiring and developing game-changing military capabilities that it intends to deploy against Israel, directly funded by Iran,” retired Brigadier General Amir Avivi, the CEO and founder of the Israel Defense and Security Forum, told Fox News Digital.

Avivi’s comments come after Sunday reports in the Saudi Al-Hadath news that Hezbollah has moved 110 Fajr missiles and over 300 Fateh missiles to Al Qusayr, Syria, near the Lebanese border. The missiles carry thionyl chloride, a toxic chemical which was reportedly injected into the missiles by experts from North Korea under the supervision of Iranian chemical weapons expert, Qassem Abdullah Massoudyan.

The missiles were then transported by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to the border, putting them closer to being capable of threatening Israel… Israel’s TPS news agency reported [a “TPS report”] that Israeli authorities will hold a chemical attack drill in parts of Tel Aviv on Tuesday. The drill will simulate a chemical strike against the Tel Aviv light railway system.

Here is the compound summary on thionyl chloride…

Thionyl chloride appears as a colorless to yellow fuming liquid with a suffocating pungent odor. Boiling point 79 °C. A lachrymator [an eye irritant that causes tears]. Highly corrosive and toxic. Long-term inhalation of low concentrations or short-term inhalation of high concentrations has adverse health effects. – from PubChem

It also “reacts exothermically with water to form sulfur dioxide [the chemical that produces the characteristic odor of burnt matches] and hydrochloric acid [exposure effects]” – from Wikipedia

So now that hundreds of these chemical weapon-tipped missiles have been narrated as being in Lebanon and Syria within striking distance of Israel, the Israelis have an excuse to launch massive airstrikes and a ground invasion on both nations “to hunt down the missiles and destroy them.” All they need is a scripted motivator, and that motivator will be the “Russian” nerve gas attack on Ukraine: “We will not wait for Hezbollah to do to us what Russia did to Ukraine!” They may also launch some false-flag CS gas attacks in Israel and claim it was Hezbollah missiles containing thionyl chloride.

The reason the Saudis fingered Al Qusayr, Syria as the staging point for the missiles is because it’s a strategic location the Israelis want to attack at the outset of the war. They will send an airborne task force to that area to block the N4 and M5 motorways south of Homs in order to bisect Syria and block the lines of communication between northern Syria and Damascus. This will inhibit the ability of the Syrian Army to resist the Turkish forces coming in from the north and the Israeli forces coming in from the south…

…from Google Maps (the red pin is Al Qusayr)

The full attack plan of the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan Alliance can be found in the 6-7 October updates further down this page. War will break out in the Mediterranean as well, with both Turkey and Israel stabbing the West in the back.

~ MORE ~

As I wrote in the overwatch calendar in the 8-9 November updates, Essene Hanukkah “could serve as the final phase of a war that began earlier.” So if the big war kicks off with the chemical attack on November 30, Essene Hanukkah Day 1 (13-14 December) would be the day the false messiah figure begins his 8-day intervention.

(25 November 2022) – Looking ahead to the next obvious danger period on the calendar, sunset of December 13 through December 16 (the EU Summits), we find another meteor shower the globalists can make use of…

…from amsmeteors.org

And if we look closely at the physical characteristics of the Geminids, their 3200 Phaethon parent body (an “active Apollo asteroid”; Strong’s 32 = “an angel, messenger” and “my father is might“), and the mythology of Phaethon, we see that they are particularly well-suited to fulfill the globalists’ scripting needs.

The Geminids emerge from a radiant in the constellation Gemini (which means “TWINS” in Latin). With this in mind, let’s recall a few things about the ubercreepy 2012 London Olympics:

Do you remember the phoenix (symbolizing the Phoenix Moment) that featured in the closing ceremony?…

…from The Atlantic

And do you remember the 2012/Zion logo and the one-eyed (Illuminati) TWIN mascots, Wenlock and Mandeville (“Warlock” and “ManDevil”) who ran along rainbows in the sky and fell to Earth in the midst of a storm?…

…from the BBC (top) and the London 2012 YouTube channel (bottom)

Well look at the rainbow colors of the Geminid meteors…

…from PetaPixel

So will the payload contents of the Artemis 1 rocket turn the Geminid Meteor Shower into “The Storm” on the night of December 13-14 (the first day of Essene “Hanukkah as Sukkot”)? And will JFK Jr. later provide the “Rainbow Rescue” on December 21 (the 8th day / Shimini Atzeret of Essene “Hanukkah as Sukkot,” and exactly ten years after the megahyped date of December 21, 2012)?

(Thrice-Expanded Note – 24 November 2022) – Tomorrow, November 25, is JFK Jr’s birthday, and the globalists may have planned some birthday fireworks for him this year (note how the white dots in the illustration emerge from a radiant — just like a meteor shower does — that centers on him)…

…from The Daily Beast

Have the globalists scripted the fulfillment of the Qanon Disinformation Front’s predictions of “The Storm” and “JFK Jr’s Return” for tomorrow morning? Have a look at one of my partner Onnabugeisha’s raw notes for Black Friday (and remember that Friday is the Jewish day of 1 Kislev)…


Leonid meteor shower 2022 (in-the-sky org) “Over this period, there will be a chance of seeing Leonid meteors whenever the shower’s radiant point – in the constellation Leo (link ->Leo is a large equatorial constellation which represents a lion.) – is above the horizon”

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. was born on 11/25/1960, 62 years or 744 months ago.
Strong’s Hebrew 744. aryeh: a lion

A Promised Land (Wikipedia) is a memoir by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, published on 11/17/2020 = 1 Kislev, 2 Jewish years or 738 days ago.
Strong’s Hebrew 738. ari: a lion

(I’ve seen Kennedy’s numbers coinciding with Obama’s several times.)

When viewed from the US, the Constellation Leo will be rising from the eastern horizon early Friday morning…

…from Stellarium-Web

“Rising from the East” is a big thing amongst the Freemasons, and speaking of that, Xi is locking down China (“on account of COVID”) in preparation for something big…

…from this morning’s Drudge Report

~ MORE ~

In addition to the possible emergence of JFK Jr. (a.k.a. Vincent Fusca) tomorrow, Onnabugeisha has uncovered these Friday numbers for Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin…

Xi Jinping assumed office as General Secretary of the CCP and Chairman of the Central Military Commission since 11/15/2012 = 1 Kislev, 10 Jewish years ago

or [on the Gregorian calendar] 10 years and 10 days ago (like Double Ten Day)

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on 10/7/1952. [He is] 70 years 7 weeks old [77] or 70 years and 49 days (7×7) [on 11/25].

The First Inauguration of Vladimir Putin (Wikipedia) as the President of Russia took place on Sunday, May 7, 2000, 22 years 202 days ago [= 44, Obama’s president number].

~ MORE ~

Looking again at JFK Junior, his death date was 16 July 1999, 8533 days ago on Friday. In Strong’s Bible Concordance, number 8533 is the Hebrew word for “thirty,” as in “30 days.” And 30 days after Black Friday comes Christmas Day. So he might not be “resurrected” till then, in which case the meteor storm would trigger war and a thirty-day countdown until his end-of-Hanukkah return.

Up until now, I haven’t been tracking JFK Jr. as the possible Nazionist Savior/Antichrist. But if Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin go down tomorrow and Junior comes forward on Christmas, that’s exactly who he is. His mother, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, may have been a Jesuit Crypto-Jew…

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28, 1929, at Southampton Hospital in Southampton, New York, to Wall Street stockbroker John Vernou “Black Jack” Bouvier III and socialite Janet Norton Lee. Her mother was of Irish descent, and her father had French, Scottish, and English ancestry. Named after her father, she was baptized at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola [a Jesuit church] in Manhattan and raised in the Roman Catholic faith. – from Wikipedia

So JFK Jr. may be another maternal-side Catholic Crypto-Jew, and when Qanon talk of his return, they call it “The Return of the King” [Moshiach?]

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s death during “The Storm,” will a document emerge in which Trump fires the “traitorous” Mike Pence as his Vice President and names Junior as his replacement?

~ MORE ~

Here’s another of Onnabugeisha’s notes that relates to Black Friday…

Kislev (Wikipedia) is the ninth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. So 1 Kislev is 9/1

Revelation 9:1 (KJB)

And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

Remember that according to the “End Times” script, the opening of the bottomless pit will release the Nephilim demons and foul creatures that will bring war and havoc upon the Earth.

NOTE (23 November 2022): It should be noted that with the 2022 Leonid Meteor Shower currently ongoing, the Artemis Attack could also be timed for the night America transitions from Thanksgiving Day to Black Friday: “The Leonid meteor storm was seen across the United States in the night and early morning of November 12th and 13th, 1833. Those who were awake to witness the storm were in awe as between 50,000 and 150,000 meteors fell each hour.”

November 12 of 1833 was the Jewish day of 30 Cheshvan, but The Storm happened after sunset on the 12th when the Jewish day of 1 Kislev had begun. 1 Kislev this year is Black Friday, November 25, and it begins at sunset tomorrow. So America will go from “giving thanks to God” on Thursday to “a violent orgy of materialism” on Friday — will “God” punish us for it this time?

unfinished note (23 November 2022) – My partner Onnabugeisha’s research has turned up some rather striking occult indicators for November 24 that would support the scripting of the Artemis Attack / “God’s Fire Judgment” (probably in the early morning). So to ensure that the globalists don’t avail themselves of the opportunity, let’s cast an Expecto Patronum to drive them out of Thanksgiving. Who can enjoy their turkey with a bunch of Kabbalist Dementors hovering about?

As I’ve written previously…

In the “Communist Deep State” versus “Nazionist Deep State” subplot of the “End Times” stageplay, the two supposedly-warring Satanic sides are vying for control over who will run the New World Order. And at the current moment, the commies are supposedly hellbent on starting World War 3 before Nazionist Benjamin Netanyahu can form a “right-wing” government in Israel…

And in recent months we’ve looked at how Artemis 1 — named after the Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt, and Sudden Destruction who shoots arrows and throws spears at her prey — is serving as a “Rods from God” platform for “Nazionist” NASA’s false-flag destruction of the West “at the hands of the communists (or God).” I’ve also mentioned that the “commies” will likely blame the explosions on a “far-right” nuclear attack and the Nazionists will later blame it on meteor strikes or a Chicom orbital bombardment in order to hide their culpability for it.

With that context in mind, let’s look at what Onnabugeisha has found. The following are our raw notes; I probably won’t have time to finish them before Thanksgiving…

> 11/24 is 11/11 on the Julian calendar. 11/11 is a number of great significance to the New Agers and numerologists, and there is a general expectation among them that it is connected to some big event.


> 11/24 is also 9/24, because November was originally the ninth of ten months in the pre-Julian Roman calendar (“Novem” is Latin for 9). So this allows the globalist scriptwriters to connect it to the 9/24 hype we saw earlier this year…



> 11/24 is the 77th day since “Nazi” Queen Elizabeth II’s murder by “commie” Prince Charles and “commie” Pope Francis in the New Babington Plot. The number 77 is playing a huge role in the NWO transition; the UN is currently in its 77th General Assembly.


> 11/24 is Thanksgiving Day here in the US.


“…It originated as a day of thanksgiving (*) and harvest festival” [remember that Ceres was the Roman god of the harvest, and her pit was the gate to the underworld]

(*)Days of humiliation and thanksgiving (Wikipedia) In Protestant Christianity,… was a publicly proclaimed day of fasting and prayer in response to an event thought to signal God’s judgment…. Puritans also saw them as days to look forward to the coming of the Kingdom of God.

> 11/24 is the first day of the ancient Roman festival of Brumalia.

Brumalia is a festival is related to Saturn, Ceres… In fact, it may be a beginning of prolonged Saturnalia, (later it could be on the Julian calendar too).

Brumalia (Wikipedia) “was an ancient Roman, winter solstice festival honouring Saturn/Cronus and Ceres/Demeter, and Bacchus in some cases.

Farmers would sacrifice pigs to Saturn and Ceres. Civic officials would bring offerings of firstfruits (including wine, olive oil, grain, and honey) to the priests of Ceres.”

….In Rome there had been a minor fest, Bruma on November 24, which, with the moves to Constantinople and Christianity, turned into large scale End of the Year festivities.

more information about it can be found here..

roger-pearse com: On “bruma” and “brumalia” in ancient Rome, as found in the OLD “According to that secondary source it was celebrated between November 24 and December 17. “
historyandarchaeologyonline com/roman-solstice-celebrations: Roman Solstice Celebrations

> 11/24 is Thursday (Thor’s Day), and “Project Thor was an idea for a weapons system that launches telephone pole-sized kinetic projectiles made from tungsten from Earth’s orbit to damage targets on the ground.” (Wikipedia)

> 11/24 is the 3rd anniversary of “commie” Pope Francis’s visit to Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the only two cities ever attacked with nuclear bombs.

Apostolic Journey of the Holy Father to Thailand and Japan (19-26 November … (vatican va)

Pope in Nagasaki: We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past (vaticannews va)
The Popes and the atomic threat: Appealing to world’s conscience (vaticannews va)
Pope Francis visited Hiroshima (hiroshimaforpeace com), an “interesting“ photo gallery

> 11/24 marks exactly 40400 days [44, “commie” Obama’s president number] since the sinking of the Titanic in the early morning hours of April 15, 1912. At the time, the Titanic was regarded as an unsinkable ship, just like the USA is regarded by many Americans as an undefeatable nation. But an early morning quiver of arrows from Artemis can put an end to that illusion.

Sinking of the Titanic (Wikipedia) 14–15 April 1912.

> 11/24 marks exactly 7304 days [734] since the “Nazi” George Bush signed the Homeland Security Act into law on 11/25/2002. In Strong’s Bible Concordance the number 734 is Artemas: “gift of Artemis.” Of course, the gift Artemis bears is a payload of tungsten rods. Onnabugeisha also notes that…

– 11/24 is the birthday of the Alejandro Mayorkas, the Jewish (“Zionist”) 7th Secretary of Homeland Security, and 11/24 will mark exactly 660 days [66] since he took office on 2/2/2021. In the year 66, the Jews revolted against Rome.

– the Department of Homeland Security’s headquarters is located at St. Elizabeths West Campus, Washington, D.C., U.S. 38.8547°N 77.0000°W [so we again see Elizabeth and the number 77].

> 11/24 is the Jewish day of 30 Cheshvan, which starts at sunset of the 23rd and ends at sunset of the 24th. And it marks the Jewish anniversary of the Great Meteor Storm of 1833.

Jewish calendar:

30 Cheshvan and after sunset 1 Kislev

Great Meteor Storm of 1833 = 30 Cheshvan

The Leonid meteor storm was seen across the United States in the night and early morning of November 12th and 13th, 1833.

the Leonids (Wikipedia) meteor shower is

6 November – 30 November (their spectacular meteor storms occur about every 33 years. The last Leonid meteor storm happened in 2002, according to NASA).


Abe lincoln and the Leonids (skyandtelecope com)
‘They thought it was judgment day’: The night the stars fell on the US south (irishtimes com)
The Horrifying Meteor Shower of 1833 That Made Some People Think The World Was Ending

WARNING (22 November 2022): Here’s something odd: on 11/22, the 59th anniversary of JFK’s assassination, Joe Biden will be traveling to Nantucket, Massachusetts, which is the location of a NUCLEAR BOMB SHELTER that was built for JFK. JFK was America’s first Catholic president and Biden is supposedly its second. What is being signalled by this trip?

~ MORE ~

There’s a Cold War-era bunker that was built to shelter President Kennedy on Nantucket, where Joe Biden will be traveling today to spend Thanksgiving holiday with his family. And as it turns out, the Nantucket bunker had a sister facility…

President Kennedy had two vacation bomb shelters. A sister bunker was built in 1961 on Peanut Island, near Palm Beach, Florida, where the family spent time in the winter. Kennedy visited the Florida bunker twice while participating in a drill, but it’s unclear if he ever saw the Nantucket shelter. – from Yesterday’s Island

Peanut Island is a small island adjacent to the Palm Beach barrier island where Trump’s home, Mar-a-Lago, is located.

Here’s another notable thing concerning this Nantucket trip…

On September 1, 1963 President John F. Kennedy and his family went for a cruise on the yacht Honey Fitz and briefly visited Nantucket for a short time. The president and Jacqueline Kennedy, along with a party of friends, took a day sail across Nantucket Sound from their summer home in Hyannisport, Massachusetts.

Moored in the harbor, neither the president nor the first lady got off the 92-foot yacht, but seven children, including Caroline and John Kennedy Jr., were taken to the Brant Point Coast Guard Station. – from Yesterday’s Island

JFK’s visit to Nantucket took place 82 days before he was assassinated, and 82 days ago on September 1, 2022 is when Joe Biden gave his “Red Wedding” speech in Philadelphia…

…from CNN

82 is also the age of Nancy Pelosi, the person who would become president if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris die before the next Congress starts in January. My partner Onnabugeisha also notes the following…

So will they script the death of the Biden family in Nantucket at the hands of MAGA? It would be a convenient way to move both Joe and Hunter out of the way in the wake of the FTX-Ukraine revelations. And will the attack target more than just the Bidens?

~ MORE ~

Today is the Hebrew day of 28 Cheshvan 5783. So Biden’s trip to Nantucket is happening on the 14th [7+7] Jewish anniversary of the start of the Mumbai Terror Attacks on 26 November 2008 / 28 Cheshvan 5769 (although Biden will technically arrive after sunset on 29 Cheshvan). The Mumbai attacks took place over four days and involved multiple targets, among which were a Chabad House, a Jesuit college, and the Oberoi Trident Hotel (remember that the trident is a symbol of Ukraine). So the Mumbai attacks are of considerable occult significance to the Kabbalists, although I have yet to fully grasp why.

That being said, a “MAGA” attack today could involve more than just hitting the Bidens; we could see “Day X” / Operation Blackjack / “God’s Fire Judgment” over the Thanksgiving holiday. And what could trigger such a ferocious attack “from MAGA”? The indictment or arrest of their hero, Donald Trump…

…from “Citizens for Ethics

~ MORE ~

Upon looking closer at the timing of the Mumbai Attacks, I came across something notable on Chabad.org

Mumbai Terror Attacks (2008)

The city of Mumbai, India, was hit with a series of coordinated terror attacks, starting on Wednesday evening, the 29th of Cheshvan 5769, which left close to 200 dead and scores more injured.

You see, Wednesday, 26 November 2008 was the Hebrew day of 28 Cheshvan until sunset. But after the Sun set that evening, 29 Cheshvan began, and the attacks happened after that.

Likewise, Tuesday, 22 November 2022 is the Hebrew day of 28 Cheshvan until sunset. But after the Sun sets this evening, 29 Cheshvan will begin. Biden is scheduled to arrive in Nantucket at 7:30 PM, well after the Sun sets there at 4:16 PM. So he will arrive on 29 Cheshvan at roughly the same time the attacks happened 14 Jewish years ago.

It would seem, therefore, that today’s attack(s) are/were planned to occur between sunset and midnight EST. But they can delay them as long as sunset of the 23rd and still hit on 29 Cheshvan.

On the Turkish war front, reader Ronin has noted that Erdogan threatens Syria ground operation ‘as soon as possible’. If the “Nantucket Attacks” go forward, Turkey and Israel will launch their “war against everybody” in the immediate aftermath.

(19 & 21 November 2022) – I wrote the bare-bones version of this entry on November 19 when I was rushing to get information out before today’s danger date. I’ve now gone back and added all the information I originally wanted to include.

Behold a Red Horseman – a Cossack (Ukrainian)

Over the course of the next few weeks or the next few years — depending on how long the globalists are forced to stretch this out — they’ll attempt to show us all Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and one of four horse’s as$es as a false messiah. The Four Horsemen are…

1) The White Horseman, “Pestilence“…

And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. – Revelation 6:2 NKJV

Wikipedia: “Under another interpretation, the first Horseman is called Pestilence, and is associated with infectious disease and plague. It appears at least as early as 1906, when it is mentioned in the Jewish Encyclopedia. This particular interpretation is common in popular culture references to the Four Horsemen [because the Kabbalist “Jews” are running the prophecy propaganda media].

Looking at this verse, it should be noted that white is the color of physicians’ lab coats, a bow fires arrows (vax syringes), and “crown” in Spanish is “corona,” as in coronavirus/COVID. Do you see what clever little buggers the globalists are in artificially fulfilling prophecy?

2) The Red Horseman, “War“…

Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. – Revelation 6:4 NKJV

The Red Horseman can be construed as a reference to Cossack war leaders — the Ukrainian Nazionists who triggered the big global war — and fiery red” can describe the reddish orange Core Stage of Artemis 1 (the Nazionists’ “great sword“)…

3) The Black Horseman, “Famine“…

When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” – Revelation 6:5-6 NKJV

When I ponder the Black Horseman of Famine, it brings to mind the “Grim Reaper of the Dread Harvest” using his scales to measure out food at inflated prices…

…and the globalists have already cued his appearance on the world stage…

…from wfp.org

4) The Pale Horse, “Death“…

So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. – Revelation 6:8 NKJV

Wikipedia: “This fourth, pale horse, was the personification of Death, with Hades following him, jaws open and receiving the victims slain by Death. Death’s commission was to kill upon the Roman Earth with all of the four judgements of God — with sword, famine, pestilence and wild beasts. The deadly pale and livid appearance displays a hue symptomatic of approaching empire dissolution.”

Wikipedia’s entries tend to follow the globalists’ talking points, so I found it quite interesting when I saw the preceding passage in their entry on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. What makes it all the more interesting is the fact that if you add together the landmasses of Europe, North America, Oceania and Japan — the domain of the G7 (the current incarnation of the Roman Empire) — it adds up to 28.9% of the world’s total landmass. And if you subtract from that Mexico & Central America’s share of North America and Russia’s share of Europe, you likely come very near “a fourth of the Earth,” as in “power was given to them over a fourth of the earth — the Roman Earth — to kill with sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts.”

So if you pair Revelation 6:8 with the Kabbalist talking point about the Roman Earth and empire dissolution, you see that they have something very sinister in store for the G7. And it will likely be triggered when the Red Horseman wields his “great sword” (Artemis 1) and CERN supposedly opens the “Gate to Hades,” thus loosing “all the Nephilim demons and other accursed creatures” upon Western Europe.

Simulating the Pale Horse Judgment against the G7/NATO won’t be hard…

Death by the Sword will come when the “Rods from God” fall to Earth and war is triggered on the G7 from within (by the migrant armies that have been brought through the borders and then armed by weapons shipments funneled through Ukraine and the Mexican drug cartels) and from without (by the Russian, Chinese, and allied militaries).

Famine will come when the financial system collapses and takes the West’s logistics system down with it. Both systems are already creaking (by design and deliberate globalist sabotage).

Pestilence will presumably come when the globalists turn on the RF/microwave activation signals to trigger various psychological, disease, and death effects amongst the jabbed (and “Iodine”-pilled) population. It must be remembered that the mRNA “vaccines” were distributed primarily to the people of the G7 nations — the poorer nations couldn’t afford the vaccines and the freezer systems needed to keep them fresh, and Russia and China used different formulations for their people.

Wild Beasts will come from COVID-vaxxed animals and GMO creatures created in the globalist black labs. They’ve been breeding more than fake ETs down in their bunkers; watch the movie The Mist to see some potential examples of “the beasts that will arise from the bottomless pit when CERN opens the gateway to hell.”

As for the four possible false messiahs who will sweep in to save the world from the unfolding catastrophe, they are…

  1. Obama or “commie” Xi Jinping who will bring in an evil communist NWO,
  2. Trump/Pence/Kushner/Merkel who will bring in either an evil Nazionist NWO or a Putin-friendly NWO,
  3. “Nazionist” Xi Jinping who will destroy the CCP and bring in a Putin-friendly NWO, and
  4. Vladimir Putin, the “Jewish Messiah” and “returned Jesus Christ.”

The Bible verse the false messiah will lean upon in stopping the mayhem is Matthew 24:22

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.Matthew 24:21-22 NKJV

And the mechanism through which he/she will save the day is either the NaziZionist Space Force or a faction of fake ETs. We’ll just have to wait and see how far they let things go before they send in the cavalry (if they ever get that far).

(20 November 2022) – NASA has already admitted that Artemis’s ICPS carries a payload (of cubesats), so what else is tucked up in there?

Should the globalists opt-out on the Artemis strikes tomorrow, they have another way to start the war: with Erdogan unleashing attacks on all his neighbors using the pretext of the false-flag explosion in Istanbul. Reader Ronin has pointed out that the Turks have started airstrikes on the Kurds in Syria and Iraq, which could be the opening salvo of a ground invasion and an attack on the Greeks/NATO and others.

(20 November 2022) – The Mechanics of the Artemis 1 Attack(s)

Let’s start out the day today by looking at the technical aspects of a “Rods from God” attack by Artemis 1…

…from Business Insider. Here is an excerpt…

One Quora user who claims to work in the defense aerospace industry quoted a cost of no less than $10,000 a pound to fire anything into space. With 20 cubic feet of dense tungsten weighing in at just over 24,000 pounds, the math is easy. Just one of the rods would be prohibitively expensive. The cost of [$240] million a rod was unimaginable during the Cold War.

So pursuit of the “Rods from God” kinetic bombardment system was supposedly abandoned because it would be too expensive to send the rods into orbit. And to send up more than one of the 24,000-pound rods would have required a very powerful rocket.

As it just so happens, the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket of Artemis 1 is the most powerful rocket ever built…

…from usra.edu. Note that the Rocket of Doom is 322 feet tall, and 322 is the Skull and Bones number (which is associated with the “Nazi” Bush family)…

With the capacity to heave 154,000 pounds into Earth orbit, Artemis 1 could carry as many as 6 full-sized rods. Or it could send up fewer full-sized rods along with a number of smaller rods, which I suspect is the case. The large rods would be placed in the Core Stage that gets shot into Earth orbit, where they would be released on their targets at orbital velocity. And the smaller rods would be placed in the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (ICPS) that gets shot into Moon orbit. After orbiting the Moon for however long they choose, they can send the ICPS on a return trajectory to the Earth, accelerating as it approaches. This would allow it to release its much smaller tungsten rods at much higher terminal velocity, achieving the same impact energy as the large rods.

Here are the likely rod locations (boxed in red)…

…from NASA. The rods didn’t make Artemis top-heavy because below them in the Core Stage sat 700,000 pounds of rocket fuel.

So putting this all together, Artemis 1 is capable of striking on both of the danger dates I’ve identified. It launched on November 16, so the lower attack module — the one with the big rods — is now in Earth orbit awaiting the command to release on fewer than 6 targets on November 21. And the upper attack module is on its way to the Moon. The Orion capsule will return to Earth on December 11, just three days before the December 14 EU-ASEAN Summit. So the upper attack module — the ICPS — will hold in Moon orbit three days longer to return on the 14th.

(19-20 November 2022) – I just noticed something: here is NASA’s official “Artemis 1 Identifier” (the symbol that goes on the Artemis 1 mission patch)…

…from NASA

Note the three gray spikes emerging from the exhaust clouds and pointing to targets on land, and then note that tungsten is a gray metal. They put the tungsten “Rods from God” right on the mission patch!

What else could they possibly represent? NASA says the globe is the Moon and the three spikes represent the three lightning towers of the launch pad. It’s funny that they all point to what would be land if the globe were Earth, isn’t it?

~ MORE – 20 November 2022 ~

A reader has pointed out that the Artemis 1 Identifier also has embedded phoenix symbolism: Artemis is rising like a phoenix out of the gray ashes. This is indicative that it will be responsible for triggering the Phoenix Moment, when the current world order will burn and fall to ashes and the Nazi New Order will rise over the globe. Also note that the red Saturn ring (representing the commies) is covered by the ashes while the blue Saturn ring (representing the Nazionists) isn’t.

(19 November 2022) – Behold a Red Horseman – a Cossack (Ukrainian)

Over the course of the next few weeks or the next few years — depending on how long the globalists are forced to stretch this out — they’ll attempt to show us all Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and one of four horse’s as$es as a false messiah. The Four Horsemen are…

  1. the White Horseman – “Pestilence,” who bears a crown (Coronavirus/COVID),
  2. the Red Horseman – “War,” who bears a great sword (Cossacks/Ukrainians),
  3. the Black Horseman – “Famine,” who bears a scale (to measure out food at inflated prices), and
  4. the Pale Horse – “Death” (of the Empire / current world order).

And the four possible false messiahs are…

  1. Obama or “commie” Xi Jinping who brings in an evil communist NWO,
  2. Trump/Pence/Kushner/Merkel who brings in either an evil Nazionist NWO or a Putin-friendly NWO,
  3. “Nazionist” Xi Jinping who destroys the CCP and brings in a Putin-friendly NWO, and
  4. Vladimir Putin, the “Jewish Messiah” and “returned Jesus Christ.”

NOTE: Updates from the previous three days have been placed in chronological order…

WARNING (16-18 November 2022) – The next danger dates, November 21-22, are related to the Orthodox Synaxis of the Archangel Michael (11/21 Gregorian | 11/8 Julian) and the “master number” Kennedy assassination date (11/22). Watch for a serious precursor event. And as it turns out, THERE IS a big summit coming up in December. It starts in Brussels (a “City of 7 Hills” like Rome) with an EU-ASEAN Summit on December 14 and continues into a European Council meeting on December 15-16. Watch for the US to show up too.

Since the summit dates fall during Essene Hanukkah, the new target date for fulfilling the Kabbalist prophecy of the destruction of modern-day “Rome” (Brussels) and the “Kings of the World” (the assembled Western & ASEAN leaders) will be sunset of December 13 to sunset of the 14th, which is Essene Hanukkah Day 1. And the attack will likely come early in that timespan before all the leaders have arrived. The prophecy can be found here.

~ MORE – 17 November 2022 ~

NATO have mobilized 5 aircraft carrier strike groups in the waters around Europe ahead of the November 21 danger date. And on the occult side, November 21 is “Blackjack Day” and the Gregorian date corresponding to November 8 on the Julian calendar. Julian November 8 is the day the Roman mundus (pit to the underworld) was opened and is the Orthodox Synaxis of the Archangel Michael (who will fight the entities that come out of the pit CERN opens, according to prophecy propaganda). So November 21 could bring more than a precursor attack; it could bring WWIII.

~ MORE – 18 November 2022 ~

Attack Advisory for November 21 & December 14

As I’ve covered in previous entries, we could see an Operation Blackjack-style suitcase nuke attack or a “Rods from God Meteor Judgment” to trigger the NWO Transition Event. But there’s also a third option: the Artemis rod attack could be used to simulate either a “Russian/White Supremacist” suitcase nuke attack or a “Russian” ballistic/hypersonic missile attack WITHOUT UNLEASHING RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT. If the tungsten rods were designed to have clean reentry characteristics, they would appear to be falling nuclear warheads to the untrained eye. And if the attack comes by day, no one would see anything – it would seem like “nuclear” explosions went off out of nowhere. And afterwards, the governments and media would narrate it as a nuke attack and people would take their poison pills (the “iodine” tablets various governments have been distributing).

~ MORE ~

Here’s a thought: Are the government-distributed “iodine” pills designed to trigger hyperthyroidism and zombie-like aggressive behavior? If so, the prophecy propagandists would attribute it to “demonic possession” brought about by CERN’s opening of the “bottomless pit.”

~ MORE ~

Starting at some point yesterday, my site started working normally again. But today I faced a different problem…

The hacking spree was initiated from/through dozens of cities around the world, with particular concentrations in Strang, Germany; Reading, England; Roubaix, France; Hong Kong and Singapore. But the most interesting part was that the intruders were locked out by the security software exactly 88 times (yep, the Nazi number), and three of the lockouts consecutively occurred in Ashburn, Virginia, on the rural outskirts of the Washington DC metro area. My WordPress provider has a data center in Ashburn, and one of the three lockouts came through their internal company ISP there, with the other two coming through a German ISP in Ashburn, Hetzner Online GmbH — is there a German/Nazi mole in the company? It was fun playing detective today, but tomorrow it’s back to work.

unfinished note (16 November 2022) – Artemis has now risen into the heavens to hold the Sword of Damocles over our heads, and as it turned out, Joe Biden bugged out of Bali about an hour before it launched.


My partner Onnabugeisha has noted that according to the Wikipedia entry for Artemis 1, it took off at 1:47:44 AM EST, which is 6464 seconds into the day [so we again see the occultists at NASA featuring the number 64, as in Revelation 6:4 and 64 = 8 x 8 (88)]. Here are some other numerological factors they baked into the launch time…

6464 can factor into 8 x 808 (8 and 88). We know 88 is the Nazi number, and this is what the number 8 means in “biblical numerology”…

>>> The number 8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man’s true ‘born again’ event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life. <<<

6464 can also factor into 8 x 8 x 101 (88 and 11). And this is what the number 11 means…

>>> The meaning of the number eleven is important in that it can symbolize disorder, chaos and judgment. <<<

What a twisted bunch of freaks we have running our space program. No wonder it takes them so long to launch a rocket.




So what the globalists need now is an excuse to hold another gathering of world leaders, especially those of the West. And since I know of no more big summits this year, it will likely take the form of a funeral for a big leader like a pope, president or prime minister (or perhaps a “peace summit”). Watch, therefore, for someone to die or for a peace initiative to be made before November 21/22, which is the next danger date. Otherwise it will happen in December close to one of the manufactured Shemini Atzerets (see the calendar in the 8-9 November updates).

Artemis Mission Briefing

unfinished note (15 November 2022) – Today I’m going to gather together all the details concerning tonight’s launch of the Rocket of Doom. Much of the key information has already been posted in previous entries, so if they start blocking me again, just use your browser’s FIND feature to look for the word Artemis on this page. You’ll know I’ve been blocked if I don’t add more info or pictures before midnight Texas time today.

One of the reasons they’re launching Artemis in the middle of the night at 1:04 AM is so they can have the option of unleashing its payload of “Rods from God” kinetic bombardment weapons on the G20 Summit in Bali (then blame the results on a meteor shower). At the time of launch, it will be 2:04 PM in Bali on the final day of the Summit. And to prevent suspicion of Artemis’s role in causing the disaster, they may narrate it as being destroyed by one of the meteors or disintegrating at high altitude after launch. They may even show a pre-made video of it coming apart as seen by a NASA tracking telescope; they’ve already placed the pre-made explanation for its disintegration in the press.

Beyond the practical reason of launching in the early morning to hit the Summit before the world leaders disperse, there is an occult reason for Artemis being scheduled to launch at the specific time of 1:04 AM. I put forth a guess for the occult reason back in the 9 November update, but I think my partner Onnabugeisha has dug up the real one.

I’ve mentioned before that according to the globalists’ NWO Narrative, NASA and the Secret Space Force are controlled by the Nazis & Zionists (Nazionists, who are supposedly intent on destroying “Obama’s commie NWO” — hence the G20 hit by Artemis — so they can launch their New Order instead). Well Onnabugeisha has uncovered some connections regarding the Nazis’ favorite numbers, 14 and 88, and Revelation 6:4. Here are her raw notes (which I’ll enhance later if I’m able to update again)…

1:04 AM is like 14

1 (hour):04 (minutes) is 60 + 4 minutes = 64

1:04 EST is 06:04 UTC (*) another 64 (8x8)

the Nazi numbers 14, 88 (White Supremacists by the Numbers, slate com).

(*06:04 is 364 minutes like days in a year)

(universal time coordinated or UTC is important – Greenwich, England …)

Revelation 6:4

Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. (New King James Version)

What color is fiery red ?

-> Merriam-Webster.com fiery red definition: a strong reddish orange that is paler and slightly yellower than poppy, redder and paler than paprika, and redder and darker than fire red.

What color is Artemis 1?

-> nasa gov: Artemis I Identifier “The orange rocket and flames represent the firepower of SLS.”

So Artemis is maybe fiery orange, I’d say fiery rust.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Wikipedia)

-> White horse -> As infectious disease “Under another interpretation, the first Horseman is called Pestilence, and is associated with infectious disease and plague”

Revelation 6:2

And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him… Crown/corona/(Covid-19) we’ve already had, it might only get worse.

-> Red Horse

“The rider of the second horse is often taken to represent War (he is often pictured holding a sword upwards as though ready for battle) or mass slaughter.”

When NASA planned to launch Artemis 1 on 11/14 at 12:07 you wrote about Revelation 12:7 “Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels…”

11/16 at 1:04 AM is War and the Nazi numbers. Maybe…

~ MORE (unfinished) ~

Artemis’s 3 most important parts are the Core Stage, the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage, and the Orion Crew Vehicle. The first two (weaponized) parts can be placed in orbit around the Earth and Moon for later use (if not used tomorrow). See the 12 September note. Also: Along with the main weapon rods, reentry objects of various types and masses will be released to burn up in the atmosphere and impact Earth. This will give the attack the appearance of a natural meteor shower. https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/block_1_crew_expanded_rev30.png | https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/artemis_i_3_28_22.jpg

NOTE: Details on the Kabbalists’ plans for the G20 Summit timeframe can be found in the 8-9 November updates.

(14 November 2022) – The Kabbalists favor the fall Jewish holidays for the staged appearance of the Moshiach (the Jewish Messiah / Christian Antichrist) for two basic reasons…

1) Having the Moshiach appear during a Jewish holy period allows them to cast their scripted drama as the fulfillment of Jewish/Christian prophecy, specifically some “prophecy” they pre-planted in the media well before the event.

2) The fall holiday of Sukkot provides them with an 8-day span of time during which they can script momentous world events that culminate in the “angelic delivery of God’s Judgment” on the 8th day, Shemini Atzeret. And on that Judgment Day, they can script either a punishment (a biblical disaster) or a deliverance (the appearance of the Moshiach).

Since they were unable to go forward with their plans for both standard Jewish Sukkot and Essene Sukkot, they are now having to invent a Sukkot to use by creating a rationale based on a plausible biblical, historical or mythological reason…

> November’s “Month Off” Sukkot is based on a biblical argument about the proper observance of the Jewish calendar.

> December’s “Hanukkah as Sukkot” is based on a historical argument.

> And December’s “Saturnalia as Sukkot” is based on a mythological argument: Jesus was born on Sukkot and was circumcised on Shemini Atzeret (marking his entry into the Jewish covenant with God), so when the Antichrist (Lucifer/Saturn) attempts to steal his throne, he will come during ‘Lucifer’s Sukkot,’ Saturnalia.”

Here is what I wrote about “Saturnalia as Sukkot” last year…

After completing the calendar, I noticed something: Saturnalia is listed as a seven-day festival, just like Sukkot. So…

– if you tack a “Roman version” 2-day “Shemini Atzeret” to the end of Gregorian Saturnalia, you land on Christmas, and

– if you tack on the same two days to Julian Saturnalia, you land on Orthodox Christmas.

That said, if the globalists are unable to hit the two Hanukkahs, they might attempt to pull some Saturnalia-Sukkot connection out of their as$es and hit the two Saturnalias instead (the Roman version of Sukkot would be oriented to the “god” Saturn). I’ve therefore added this potential backup plan to the calendar to save them from embarrassing themselves.

You can find this year’s “manufactured” Sukkots on the calendar in the 8-9 November updates.

WARNING (14 November 2022): In the 14 October update, I wrote about the number 53 coming up in Onnabugeisha’s research of recent globalist numerological patterns — they’re big into numerology. She also noted that the number 53 appeared in a staged propaganda photo of China’s mobilization for war…

…from Sky News Australia

Well Biden will be meeting Xi today at 5:30 PM [53] Bali time / 4:30 AM Washington DC time. This may be significant because 53 is the atomic number of Iodine, which is used to protect the thyroid from nuclear bomb fallout. So are they hinting at a G20 nuclear hit or a North Korean nuclear test?

~ MORE ~

After I posted the warning about the Biden-Xi meeting early this morning, my site went down completely for a short time. It was quite a reaction. And upon waking this morning and reading a CNN report on the meeting, I realized something: it started at 5:30 PM Bali time and lasted a little over three hours. And since sunset in Bali today was at 6:18 PM, the meeting spanned the last hour of “Month Off” Hoshana Rabbah and the first couple hours of “Month Off” Shemini Atzeret (“Judgment Day”). So had the explosion happened during the meeting, it would have happened as soon as Bali entered Judgment Day. Interestingly, the last time I wrote about the number 53 was also concerning Hoshana Rabbah (on the standard Jewish calendar), and it involved China.

The block on my ability to update from my PC momentarily lapses at times, but is still in effect. This was posted from a different PC.

(13 November 2022) – “God and Moses have now been mocked on Mount Sinai” by “Antichrist” Obama’s UN/G20/”Communist Deep State” Complex

…from The Times of Israel

So let’s see if the Kabbalists follow their script to deliver “God’s Judgment” by sunset of November 16. See the 8-9 November updates below for the details.

(13 November 2022) – Biden’s trilateral meeting with the South Korean and Japanese leaders happens at 3:30 PM [33] Phnom Penh time / 2:30 AM Texas time. Let’s see if we wake up with a Jewish president (Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’s Jewish handler/husband).

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Biden has made it to the G20 Summit alive. But after thinking about what I wrote in this title last night, I realized that we already have a Jewish president: White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain. With Biden acting like a doddering old fool, who else is running things if not the Chief of Staff?

Now we face the G20 Summit, but we do so with a ray of hope: one of the major BRICS NWO propagandists, Pepe Escobar, has suggested that a “Minsk 3” ceasefire may be in store for Ukraine. Should this happen, it may represent the pressing of the delay button until December (or even till the spring Jewish holidays). To be safe, though, I will proceed as if they’re still going for it.

(12 November 2022) – Biden and Xi have an in-person meeting at the G20 on Monday. So a hit on the G20 would take out Xi (Mark Antony) and the other G20 leaders, leaving only the non-attending Vladimir Putin (Octavian) left standing. Remember that the G20 is “Antichrist” Obama’s NWO, so it’s fit for “God’s Judgment.”

But first, Sunday the 13th will provide the next opportunity for the Biden hit. At the very least, I would expect a North Korean nuclear test that day — possibly one on land or sea. Details below.

On another note, reader Ronin reports a possible scenario change for the Turkish War in the Mediterranean: the Turks may confront a Western hydrocarbon exploration ship to trigger the conflict (rather than the other way around).

(12 November 2022) – If the Biden hit is to go down before the G20 Summit, it will happen on Sunday the 13th — the same day the UN’s COP27 will be “mocking God on Mount Sinai and in London”

President Joe Biden will meet Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan and South Korean President Yoon Suk-Yeol during an upcoming trip to Asia to discuss how to stem North Korea’s nuclear program, a White House official said on Wednesday.

The leaders will meet in Cambodia on Sunday, Nov. 13, when Biden visits Asia for meetings with ASEAN and the Group of 20 industrialized nations. – from US News

The strike will most likely be nuclear, and given North Korea and China’s recent behaviors, it will appear to be a North Korean attack done on behalf of China. North Korea will receive the initial public blame. But the actual scripted perpetrators are Israel’s Mossad, with the strike being conducted by Mossad agents on the ground (possibly Israeli security contractors working for the event) with a suitcase/backpack nuke or by an Israeli submarine with a specially modified Sparrow missile.

The Sparrow missile is an air-launched ballistic target missile that is designed to mimic the flight and sensor characteristics of a variety of foreign ballistic missiles. As such, it is the perfect false-flag weapon. On radar and infrared sensors, it will look and fly just like a North Korean sub-launched ballistic missile.

Additional scripting options for this attack include the nuclear missile being shot down by a UAP/UFO or a “space rock” falling on the event. The nuclear or “space rock” attack may target the ASEAN event only or be a global strike on a variety of cities (“Judgment Day”). A one-city “space rock” attack would have the advantage of not deterring the face-to-face G20 Summit on “Month Off” Shemini Atzeret days 1 and 2. Should a nuke go off at a gathering of world leaders in Cambodia, the G20 Summit would go virtual — the leaders would not gather.

(11 November 2022) – Since I’m still locked out from updating the site from my own PC, this will have to be short and primitive.

My partner Onnabugeisha has found some interesting occult scripting cues for what may be planned for us on November 12 / 18 Cheshvan, when Biden will be in Cambodia at the ASEAN Summit. Here are her raw notes…

•Sun Yat-sen was the first provisional president of the Republic of China and the first leader of the Kuomintang: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Yat-sen

He is called the “Father of the Nation” in the Republic of China, and the “Forerunner of the Revolution” in the People’s Republic of China for his instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai Revolution.

He was born 11/12/1866, 156 years ago.

911 is the 156th prime Number.

•Return of Taiwan to the Republic of China ruled by Kuomintang on 10/25/1945 = 18 Cheshvan, it’s celebrated as Retrocession Day (Wikipedia): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrocession_Day

Ken’s Note: The globalists have the option of scripting Xi Jinping as either…

  • a terrible communist dictator who helps start WW3 and is destroyed along with the communists at its end, or
  • the “good guy” who took total control over the CCP so he could take it down and free the Chinese people.

And he may be scripted to act on Sun Yat-Sen’s “9/11” birthday tomorrow to overthrow something that dominates China (just like Sun overthrew the Qing dynasty).

If they choose the first option, Xi may finally and completely “free China from Western domination” by decapitating the US and China’s ASEAN neighbors and launching his attack “to liberate Taiwan.”

If they choose the latter option, Xi may use his now-mobilized military to mass arrest the CCP…

…from YouTube

With those options in mind, let’s look at another of Onnabugeisha’s notes…

•The Northern Taurid meteor shower will be active from 20 October to 10 December, producing its peak rate of meteors around 12 November.

Upon checking into the Taurids, I found a connection between the constellation Taurus and Artemis. Also, the Taurids are associated with Comet Encke, which in turn is associated with the Anunnaki “god” Enki. So the Taurids are scriptable as the source of “God’s Judgment,” thus providing a cover story for an orbital bombardment. And as I’ve pointed out in previous entries, China has tested an aerospace vehicle that can be used for an orbital kinetic bombardment. See the 29 June update further down this page.






Onnabugeisha has also found an indicator that would support the scripting of a Turkish move to take advantage of a war situation as early as sunset tomorrow.

NOTE (10 November 2022): Now I know why they’re blocking me so doggedly: tomorrow is another Kabbalist “Judgment Day”…

…from Chabad.org

So will “God’s Second Judgment of Humanity,” the “Fire Judgment,” come on the Jewish anniversary of “God’s First Judgment of Humanity,” the “Flood Judgment”? If so, there’s no limit to how ugly tomorrow might get.

(Enhanced and Expanded Note – 10 November 2022) – Looking at the setup for Biden’s overseas trip during the November 11-16 time period, there are three clear target points for his assassination…

  1. On 11/11 during his bilateral meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi at Sharm El-Sheikh. Since Sisi is a scripted enemy of the Western intelligence agencies, Turkey’s Erdogan, and their mutual Muslim Brotherhood proxy group [1,2], it will appear that the Turks hit him (though Iran would be publicly blamed at first).
  2. On 11/12-13 while he is attending the ASEAN meeting & East Asia Summit in Cambodia. It will appear that Xi and China did it, since Biden will be there to rally them against Xi and China has very publicly mobilized for war…

    …from Sky News Australia
  3. On 11/16 while he is attending the G20 Summit. It will appear to be an “Act of God.”

In all these cases, though, the Nazionists are scripted to be the ones who did it (in order to start a war with the commies, checkmate them with the Secret Space Force and the fake Jewish Messiah, and launch the Nazionist NWO).

It should be noted that Putin is skipping COP27, the East Asia Summit, and the G20 Summit. And Xi Jinping is skipping COP27 and the East Asia Summit, with attendance at the G20 being unclear.

~ MORE – I’m being blocked from my PC, so this was posted with another’s ~

In the “Communist Deep State” versus “Nazionist Deep State” subplot of the “End Times” stageplay, the two supposedly-warring Satanic sides are vying for control over who will run the New World Order. And at the current moment, the commies are supposedly hellbent on starting World War 3 before Nazionist Benjamin Netanyahu can form a “right-wing” government in Israel next week…

…from The Times of Israel

So that is the communists’ scripted motivation to assassinate Biden and false-flag Ukraine tomorrow: to trigger a free-for-all war that will take out Nazionist Netanyahu before he takes over in Israel and Nazionist Trump before he announces his presidential bid on the 15th. And after the Nazionists actually carry out the attacks, they will point to the commies’ motivation in blaming them for it all. The commies are going to be the NWO’s fall guys.

(8-9 November 2022) – I’ve updated the calendar of remaining danger periods to include the “official” Month-Off Jewish Calendar dates…

As you can see, “Month Off” Shemini Atzeret — the day the Kabbalists believe “the angels deliver God’s Judgment” — runs from sunset of November 14 to sunset of November 15 (the first day of the G20 Summit and a day when the November 6-18 COP27 event will still be ongoing).

Given this, it is most notable that…

> On November 13, the UN’s COP27 Conference and “One World Religionists” will “mock God” on Mount Sinai (AND IN LONDON) by delivering the “Climate Justice Ten Commandments”…

…from Israel365News

Here’s another source on the event: “Returning to Sinai” – A Prophetic Call for Climate Justice and Ceremony of Repentance. As it turns out, the Ceremony of Repentance part will take place in London on Sunday, November 13 from 3:30 PM to 8:00 PM GMT. And since sunset in London that day is at 4:14 PM GMT, the Ceremony will be completed on the 7th day of “Month Off” Sukkot, which is “Month Off” Hoshana Rabbah: the last chance to change one’s judgment is actually Hoshanah Rabbah; whoever has not yet repented by then has his verdict handed down on Shemini Atzeret.”

Given that the participants will be “mocking God rather than repenting and atoning for their sins,” the globalist scriptwriters have written-in a rather harsh judgment: a hail of AGMs (Angel-Guided Meteors) directed onto the “cities of sin.” These “meteors” will be supplied in the form of tungsten rods released from the Rocket of Doom (Artemis) and blamed on the Orionid Meteor Shower (in mythology, Orion was Artemis’s hunting partner).

> On November 14, the Rocket of Doom (Artemis 1) is set to take flight. “Month Off” Shemini Atzeret begins that day at sunset, when the world leaders — except for those who will have not yet arrived or will boycott attendance — will be gathered in Bali for the G20 Summit that begins the next day. It will be interesting to see if they use the likely-weather-engineered tropical storm that is approaching Florida as an excuse to push the delay button on the launch.

Also, watch for the possibility of Pope Benedict dying during the 11/8 – 11/11 timeframe. This would create a competing draw on world leaders for a papal funeral in Rome on November 14 or 15.

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In the 3 September update, I wrote this…

Kabbalistic occultism reigns supreme in our world right now, and it dictates many details in public life, including the naming and timing of NASA space missions.

With that in mind, it should be noted that NASA plans to launch Artemis 1 on November 14 at 12:07 AM Florida time. So why 12:07? Why not 12:00 or 12:15? – Because of this…

Revelation 12:7 (BSB) – Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

According to the Kabbalist “End Times” script, NASA and the Secret Space Program are controlled by the Nazis who came to the US under Operation Paperclip following World War II. And Archangel Michael is revered by the “fascist far-right”…

…from Slate. Here is the Wikipedia entry on the Legion of the Archangel Michael.

So the launch of Artemis 1 at 12:07 is meant to signal the start of the war “in heaven” (from space) between the Nazionists (represented by Archangel Michael and his angels) and the communists (represented by the dragon, Satan, and his angels — China is associated with the dragon). The Nazionists will pound the communist leaders with “Rods from God from heaven,” and the communists will fight back. And by an appointed time, the communists will be defeated and the Nazionist Savior / Jewish Messiah / Antichrist will appear in Jerusalem (probably on Western or Eastern Christmas — see today’s calendar).

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Well that didn’t take long: NASA delays Artemis 1 moon launch to Nov. 16 due to Tropical Storm Nicole. November 16 is…

  • “Month Off” Shemini Atzeret Day 2 (outside of Israel), so it can still bring “God’s Judgment.”
  • Day 2 of the G20 Summit, so the world leaders will still be gathered for slaughter.
  • a day when COP27 — the November 6-18 Conference that will “mock God” this Sunday — will still be ongoing.

According to the NASA blog, the November 16 flight window starts at 1:04 AM Florida time / 2:04 PM Bali time.

~ MORE – 9 November 2022 ~

In exploring why the occultists at NASA chose 1:04 AM for the November 16 launch time of Artemis 1, I came across a candidate reason in Lamentations 1:4 (BSB)…

The roads to Zion mourn, because no one comes to her appointed feasts. All her gates are deserted; her priests groan, her maidens grieve, and she herself is bitter with anguish.

Seeing this verse brought to mind the Chabad-Lubavitch cult’s narration of the fate of the Moshiach ben Yosef — likely played by Benjamin Netanyahu — in the planned conflagration…

The prophet Ezekiel describes a climactic war, the Battle of Gog and Magog, that will occur prior to the arrival of the Moshiach. This topic is shrouded in mystery: we are uncertain as to the identity of Gog and Magog, whether Gog and Magog are the names of nations or individuals, whether this battle will be a physical or spiritual battle, and even whether it has already occurred or not.

According to tradition, the central personality in this war is Moshiach ben Yosef — Moshiach of the tribe of Joseph, who will be killed in this battle. – from Chabad.org

Moshiach ben Yosef will be killed in the war against Gog and Magog. Again, it is unclear whether the death will be in physical battle, or as a result of the spiritual battles which he will wage against the forces of evil. Either way, the prophet Zechariah (12:10) describes the national mourning that will follow his death. – from Chabad.org

Given that the 1:04 AM launch would result in a Nazionist attack against the communist / “left-wing” leaders, the communists would be scripted to immediately strike back against the Nazionist / “right-wing” leaders, killing Netanyahu in the process. In fact, the commies are scripted to come very close to total victory before the Moshiach ben David and his flying “Chariots of Fire” sweep in to save the day.

Of course, I’ll need to check chapter 1, verse 4 of every book in the Bible (and some other things) before I’m sure this is the right reason for the launch timing choice.

(7 November 2022) – This morning we’ll look at what lies beyond November 8 in the unlikely event that the globalists decide to push ahead despite exposure.

The Kabbalist script is currently aimed at ending the First Tribulation either this year or by fall of 2025 at the latest. And once the Second Tribulation begins — the 7-year period during which “Final Antichrist” Vladimir Putin (or Sergei Shoigu) will at some point reveal himself as both the “true” Jewish Messiah (the Moshiach) and the returned Jesus Christ — the world will experience an unprecedented economic boom brought about by the unveiling of sequestered technologies (most notably technology that provides abundant energy at practically zero cost)…

The Messianic Era will be one of tremendous prosperity — “delicacies will be commonplace like dust.” – from What Will Happen When Moshiach Comes? on Chabad.org

[The Antichrist] will be able to accomplish [this] because Daniel (11:43) prophesies – ‘He shall control the riches of gold and silver and all the treasures of Egypt.’ “With this wealth he will gather together in arms all the nations of the world, to fight against those who oppose him – (Revelation 20:7)” and “seduce the nations” and “peoples, that is, with gold and silver and honors.”

St. Vincent continues, “There will indeed be signs in the Sun of justice, for then it will be obscured in the hearts of Christians, since from those hearts it will not give forth the light of Faith; all preaching of a better life will cease, owing to the interposition of… clouds of temporal goods.”

Materialism takes over. – from The Prophetic Saint Who Foretold What the End of the World Will Be Like on the National Catholic Register

I wrote about what the transition from the First Tribulation to the Second will be like back in 2014…

The globalists are in the process of running a problem / reaction / SOLUTION scam on us, not a problem / reaction / PROBLEM scam.

This means that when we reach the end result of this transition process, the NWO will look like the SOLUTION to all our problems, not another PROBLEM (such as a dark, scary fascist regime) we need to overcome. It will appear as though the corrupt have been defeated, World War 3 has been stopped, all regional conflicts have been resolved, biowarfare against the population has been halted, poverty has been alleviated, debt money has been abolished, secrets have been revealed, and so on and so forth. And the masses, after having been force-fed negativity and conditioned to expect a scary NWO for so long, are expected to be so overcome with joy that they’ll willingly embrace the New Order.

That’s how a problem / reaction / solution scam works when you’re using it to create a New Order for the entire planet…

1) you intentionally create an overwhelming number of terrible problems,
2) you make sure the public are fully aware of all those problems (by carpet-bombing their consciousness with mainstream and alternative media coverage of all the ills in the world), then
3) you present them with the solution to all their problems (the NWO).

In that final phase, you don’t present them with something ugly and scary; you give them something attractive and inviting.

According to the latest prophecy propaganda from the globalists’ leading agent, Tom Horn, the Second Tribulation…

  • will begin during the fall Jewish holidays of 2025,
  • will reach its midpoint when the Apophis asteroid impacts Earth in the spring of 2029, and
  • will end with the victorious arrival of “Jesus Christ” during the fall Jewish holidays of 2032.

This raises an obvious question: if the Second Tribulation and the true NWO begin in 2025, how will they fill the time between now and then? – Based on the totality of the preparatory propaganda I’ve seen, this is what I currently see as the most likely scenario…

They could start the BRICS NWO ASAP under a precursor Antichrist like Xi Jinping, Mike Pence (as US prez) / Jared Kushner (at the UN), or Angela Merkel. Putin could then rise to world leadership in 2025 and later hand world control over to an AI (“Satan’s intercom”) in advance of the 2029 asteroid strike (“since AI can manage a global emergency more effectively and impartially than any human”). The Kabbalah Christ would then show up in 2032 to unseat Satan.

And here are two notable alternative scenarios…

  1. They could launch an evil communist or Nazionist NWO ASAP, then have the fake ETs intervene to stop it in fall of 2025. The BRICS NWO would then rise, with Putin taking control of it in 2029 when the “ETs” save us from the asteroid. The Kabbalah Christ would come in 2032 to unseat Putin.
  2. They could launch the BRICS NWO ASAP, then have Putin take over in 2025. The Kabbalah Christ would then show up with the asteroid in 2029.

Here are the recent updates on the November 8 scenario in chronological order>>>

WARNING (3 November 2022): The globalists’ fallback plan for starting the Iran War is to have Turkey strike the COP27 “Climate Change” Conference being held on the Sinai Peninsula at the Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Since Iran supposedly maintains weapons smuggling routes from Sudan and Libya through the Sinai Peninsula to the Gaza Strip [1,2], the attack may be blamed on Iranian proxies armed with smuggled-in “special weapons.” The attack may also be conducted by missiles (cruise and/or ballistic) and long-range drones supposedly fired over the Red Sea by Iranian proxies on Red Sea ships or in Yemen.

What bears mentioning, though, is that Turkey also has weapons smuggling routes from Sudan and Libya through the Sinai Peninsula to the Gaza Strip [1,2]. The Turks also maintain military bases in Sudan and Somalia that can stage missile attacks that fly over Yemen and the Red Sea. And since the “Turkish Muslim Antichrist” is likely to be the one scripted to start the war, a false-flag from the Turks blamed on Iran matches the story the globalists want to tell.

In the 18 July update, we looked at an Eastern Orthodox prophecy propagandist who “prophesied” that Erdogan would “fall” around the time Israel strikes Iran…

“…you will hear that the Jews hit the nuclear program of Iran. This is when the big events will commence and during that same time period, or a little before that, Erdogan will fall.”

Well the news is saying that Erdogan will likely attend COP27. So “killing” him there will allow the Turks to evade suspicion for the war-starting attack and permit the Turkish Antichrist character to emerge in the aftermath of the conflict.

Here is what I wrote about COP27 back on 4 October (I’ll get to the “mundus” part a little later)…

Onnabugeisha has noted that the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) will run from November 6 to November 18 on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt (within easy reach of Mossad false-flaggers). Over 90 heads of state will attend the leaders’ meetings on November 7-8, so we may see a Middle East war sparked as soon as the mundus is opened at sunset that day.

Yesterday, it was announced that Squidgy’s Tampon (a.k.a. King Charles) will not be attending (perhaps it’s happening at the “wrong time of the month” for him). Given his scripted climate fanaticism, his absence hints that a decision was made to “weaponize” the Conference. A nuking of it in the evening of November 8 would strike the right tone to begin a countdown to a November Shemini Atzeret nuclear Armageddon (or a “lights in the sky” intervention to stop one) on November 16.

~ MORE ~

Reader Ronin is reporting that the Turks are set to make a move in the Mediterranean on November 8. And the “Month Off” Jewish calendar from the prophecy propaganda site I mentioned on Tuesday — the calendar that runs a day earlier than mine — marks November 8 as Day 1 of Sukkot. I’ll get to the details on all this later. For now, know that November 7 and 8 are extreme danger days for an attempt to trigger the NWO Transition War/Event.

(4-5 November 2022) – Yesterday I got bogged down by the tremendous amount of information that was coming to mind about the setups for Saudi Arabia this week and COP27 next week. Now I see November 8 not as the fallback target, but the main target. And the Saudi Arabia strike planned for the 3rd was a precursor to set things in motion for the 8th.

The globalists’ intention was to stage the death of Pope Francis in Bahrain on November 3 (“Month Off” Yom Kippur). This would have led to the scheduling of his funeral on November 8 (“Month Off” Sukkot Day 1), thus creating competing draws for world leaders. The “heavyweights” (like Bloody Charles and the other G7 leaders) would go to Rome for the funeral, and the “lightweights” would have stayed at COP27. This is a repeat of the competing draws they set up for the Queen’s funeral and the UN General Debate. Both gatherings were to be struck (along with other cities).

According to the Eastern Orthodox prophecy propagandist I mentioned yesterday, people will supposedly endure “3 days of fear” at the outbreak of the big events. So November 8, 9, and 10 were supposed to be those three days — meaning something would have happened on 11/11 to stop the fear. This event would have been the fake Rapture and/or the start of the intervention by the “Jewish Messiah’s” forces. A fiery “Final Judgment by God” or the unveiling of the Messiah would have then occurred 4 days later on November 15 (“Month Off” Shemini Atzeret). Here is the “official” Month-Off Jewish Calendar presented by the prophecy propaganda corps…

…from The Sword of God channel on YouTube

All this being said, it’s now November 4 — the last day they can hit the pope and still hold his funeral on the 8th (papal funerals must occur 4-6 days after death) — and the pope is still alive. If he stays that way till the 5th, the November 8 attack may be abandoned. I’ll continue coverage just to be sure.

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Here are some more indicators of what a big day November 8 was/is scripted to be…

> November 8 is one of the three days of the year that the mundus, the underworld pit, was ritually opened in ancient Rome…

The mundus cerialis (literally “the world” of Ceres or Caereris mundus) was a hemispherical pit or underground vault in Rome. Its location is uncertain. It was usually sealed by a stone lid known as the lapis manalis. On August 24, October 5 and November 8, it was opened with the official announcement “mundus patet” (“the mundus is open”), and offerings were made there to agricultural or underworld deities, including Ceres as goddess of the fruitful earth and guardian of its underworld portals. Its opening offered the spirits of the dead temporary leave from the underworld, to roam lawfully among the living, in what Warde Fowler describes as ‘holidays, so to speak, for the ghosts’. – from Wikipedia

November 8 would have therefore been the day this year that “CERN would have opened the interdimensional gate to hell,” thus “loosing supernatural entities that would have possessed mankind and driven them into immediate chaos and war”

…from CERN

> November 7/8 is the day of a total eclipse of the Moon — a “Blood Moon” — that will be visible over China, Eastern Russia and the US…

…from TimeandDate.com

As you can see, it will be centered on the area where Russia almost touches Alaska, thereby foreshadowing a Russo-Chinese invasion of Alaska. To the Chinese, the number 8 marks a lucky day to start such an endeavor. But this November 8 Blood Moon may cut both ways, as I noted in the 14 August update…

Get this: There will be a total lunar eclipse on November 8, 2022 (the day of the US election and a day that will potentially fall during the 20th National Congress of the CCP). It spans the Pacific from moonrise in China to moonset in the US, and it starts just 2 minutes after 8 AM UTC, reaching its peak just a minute before 11 AM UTC. It starts just 2 minutes after 4 PM Beijing time (the number 4 equals “death” in Chinese superstition).

In Ancient China, solar and lunar eclipses were regarded as heavenly signs that foretold the future of the Emperor. Will this eclipse be scripted to herald the fall of the CCP?

> November 8 is US election day. Americans would have gone to bed on the 7th thinking they would vote out the Democrats the next day… only to awaken to a Red Dawn and a totally changed world (and no elections) on the 8th.

> November 7/8 may be the day(s) that Pope Francis makes a surprise visit to the COP27 Conference to salvage the globalist attack plan. He is scheduled to depart Bahrain for Rome at 1 PM local time on November 6, and Sharm El-Sheikh is only a minor detour along his flightpath. Will Bloody Charles meet him there “to spur progress towards meeting the Conference’s goals”? Boom.

~ MORE ~

Before I continue coverage of the November 8 scenario, I need to mention what could happen tomorrow, November 5 (Gunpowder Plot Day). My partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered a cluster of occult scripting indicators pointing to the Jesuits and bombings on that date, and the globalists could potentially save their November plan if they script the Pope’s death at one of his two public appearances in Bahrain tomorrow. Should they do this, I will cover both the occult indicators that led to the scripting and the events that will be scripted to follow. You can run but you can’t hide, cucarachas.

~ MORE – 5 November 2022 ~

They’re hauling Joe Biden up to Philadelphia again today, and this time he’ll be campaigning beside Barack Obama for a stroke victim named Fetterman to become a senator. So will the recently jabbed Biden keel over (with a stroke) in the presence of the “Antichrist” like Zion Williamson did? Will we see a “MAGA” bombing in Philly on Gunpowder Plot day (Trump is also in Pennsylvania today — they’ll say he instigated the attack)? The election is only 3 days away.

(6 November 2022) – Today and tomorrow we’ll look at a number of additional points about the extreme danger day of November 8

POINT 1: As my longtime readers know, the Chinese superstition of 8 being a lucky number looms so large in their culture that even the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) schedules important events in accordance with it…

The opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Beijing started at 8 seconds and 8 minutes past 8 pm (local time) on 8 August 2008. – from Wikipedia

With this in mind, it should be noted that within the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay the newly elevated King Charles is cast as “Britain’s Pol Pot” — a “commie Pope”-loving closet communist who is eager to push the communist Great Reset upon humanity. In fact, he spoke at the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Launch Session on June 3, 2020

…from weforum.org. A video of the launch ceremony can be found here on YouTube.

My partner Onnabugeisha has discovered that this November 8 will mark exactly 888 days since that Great Reset launch ceremony, thus making Tuesday a “triple lucky” day to trigger the “communist onslaught” that will bring about the final freefall collapse of the West and the current financial / economic system. According to the script, this fact will be exploited by the Nazionists when they false-flag the communist attacks on the 8th so they can step up to save us from the commies later. The globalists use the Left Hand (the communists) to bring disorder so the Right Hand (the Nazionists) can sweep in to restore order (in a new form — a New Order).

And while we’re on the subject of the number 8, a reader has pointed out a pattern in recent significant events. On…

As you can see, all of these events favored the communists and all happened on the 8th (the Crimea Bridge explosion was a “commie move” because “it was meant to cross Vladimir Putin’s ‘red line’ and trigger a mutually-destructive direct war between the Christian West and East, leaving China as the sole superpower left standing”).

In Point 2, we’ll look at the two angels (Michael and Uriel) who will supposedly be involved in the November 8 “Fire Judgment” and the two options, nuclear and “space rock,” the globalists can use to simulate it.

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Since time is moving so fast and I’m moving too slow, let me give you Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on the angels [with my additions in brackets]…

•Uriel (Wikipedia)
feast day: 8 November (Eastern)
gotquestions org: Is there an archangel (or angel) named Uriel?

“The name Uriel means ‘fire of God’ or ‘light of God.’ Some stories involving Uriel identify him as the angel that guarded Eden (Genesis 3:24), one of the angels in charge of Tartarus (*), or the angel that slaughtered the Assyrians encamped against Jerusalem (2 Kings 19:35).”

* In ancient Greek mythology, Tartarus was a horrible pit of torment in the afterlife. It was lower than even Hades, the place of the dead. According to the Greeks, Tartarus was populated by ferocious monsters and the worst of criminals.

[According to the “End Times” script, Archangel Uriel will carry out God’s Fire Judgment against our sinful and unrepentant world by allowing CERN to open the pit to the underworld (Tartarus / the Mundus) on November 8.]

•Michaelmas (Wikipedia)
date: 8 November (Eastern Christianity)
(On the eighth of November, is the Synaxis of the Chief Commanders Michael and Gabriel, with the other bodiless and heavenly orders.)
Wikipedia: November 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)

[Also according to the End Times script, Archangel Michael will police the released underworld entities (the Nephilim and others) to ensure that none of “God’s Select” are harmed. This may involve removing the “Select” from the Earth in “the Rapture” on 11/11. The relevant Bible verse, Daniel 12:1 (BSB), follows…]

The End Times

1 “At that time Michael, the great prince who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress, the likes of which will not have occurred from the beginning of nations until that time. But at that time your people — everyone whose name is found written in the book — will be delivered.

~ MORE ~

Reader Ronin points out that the NAVTEX for the current location of Erdogan’s hydrocarbon exploration vessel Abdulhamid Han expires on November 7. So if the ship starts moving tomorrow towards a new position in another nation’s Exclusive Economic Zone, it will be an early sign of a potential armed conflict in the Mediterranean (the Turkish War) as soon as November 8. Remember that November 7 and 8 are the “Month Off” anniversaries of the battles of Lepanto and Navarino.

WARNING (1 November 2022): Watch for a Turkish False-Flag out of Qatar to Start the Iran War (before Netanyahu can take office)

For the last couple of days, I’ve been enjoying some much-needed time off and taking my son on a couple of outings. But now that we’re approaching the next danger window, it’s time to get my head back in the game.

My partner Onnabugeisha has found a version of the “Month-Off” Jewish calendar on a “Christian” prophecy propaganda site that runs a day off of mine. It shows “Month Off” Yom Kippur falling on November 3, a day sooner than the November 4 I calculated. So be advised that the “Month Off” Yom Kippur event could fall from sunset of November 2 to sunset of November 5. And as I say this, look at what’s in the news…

…from The Wall Street Journal. Here’s an excerpt…

Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with the U.S. warning of an imminent attack from Iran on targets in the kingdom, putting the American military and others in the Middle East on an elevated alert level, Saudi and U.S. officials said…

Iran has already attacked northern Iraq with dozens of ballistic missiles and armed drones since late September, one of which was shot down by a U.S. warplane as it headed toward the city of Erbil, where American troops are based. Tehran has publicly blamed what it calls Iranian Kurdish separatist groups based there for fomenting the unrest at home…

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia accused Iran of carrying out a drone and missile attack on the kingdom in 2019 that targeted the country’s oil industry. Iran denied carrying out the attack.

In an interesting “coincidence,” Pope Francis will be traveling to the Middle East during the November 2-5 Danger Window…

…from BahrainPapalVisit.org. Here’s an excerpt…

His Holiness Pope Francis will visit the Kingdom of Bahrain from 3-6 November 2022. His itinerary will include a public Mass at the Bahrain National Stadium, an address to the Bahrain Forum for Dialogue and a host of other programmes.

The visit is in response to the invitation from His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain.

During his stay in the Kingdom, the Holy Father will address the Bahrain Forum for Dialogue, a conference that will focus on the theme “East and West for Human Coexistence”. [LOL]

If you look at a map of the main island of Bahrain, you’ll see that it lies roughly 10 miles from both Saudi Arabia and Qatar. And Qatar hosts a Turkish military base

…from Google Maps

Turkey is known for its drones, and news came out just recently about a Turkish ballistic missile test. So what the globalists have scripted is for the “Turkish Antichrist” to act in collaboration with the “Satanic Global Deep State” (in the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar) to launch a false-flag attack that will allow all those states to strike Iran. Pope Francis may be hit as well, in what is known in false-flag circles as “the cherry on top.”

Will the Moshiach ben Yosef (presumably played by Benjamin Netanyahu) rise to stop this dastardly plot, or will he be killed in his “mission of peace”? Or has this become a “delay”-button moment once again? Trick or treat, bi*ches.

(28 October 2022) – The Globalist Big Play Opportunity for October 29: It’s World Stroke Day, and Biden supposedly received an “updated COVID-19 booster vaccine” four days before on October 25. This stroke option will remain in play for a few weeks.

(27-28 October 2022) – October Surprise

The supposed leaders of America’s “Communist Revolutionary Government,” Biden and Harris, will be traveling together to Philadelphia tomorrow — a city strongly associated with the American Revolution and patriotism. Watch for them to “die” there in a “MAGA” terror attack, a “Cuban-Russian” missile attack, or an “Act of God” impact of a “meteor.”

~ MORE – 28 October 2022 ~

Today at around 7 PM, 11 days before the midterm elections, mischief is/was planned…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report

Democrats are betting that President Biden and Vice President Harris can put Democratic Senate hopeful John Fetterman over the top despite a faltering debate performance that has operatives more worried than ever they could lose the pivotal race.

Biden and Harris will head to Philadelphia to campaign together on Friday, a rare occurrence for the duo who typically don’t travel alongside one another.

With less than two weeks till Election Day, Biden and Harris are set to participate in a reception for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. – from The Hill (the link boxed in red)

Even a sleeper can see this one coming…

According to the script, the Democrats are heading into an election they fear losing, and the widely unpopular Biden and Harris are hanging like a millstone around the necks of all the Democratic congressional candidates. So to turn this situation around, the “commie” Dems can do one of two things…

  1. Stage the assassination of Biden & Harris tonight and blame it on MAGA, ISIS and Putin, thereby demonizing their Republican opponents, garnering a sympathy vote, and gaining an excuse to go to direct war with Russia (once the initial investigation indicates that Russia was involved).
  2. Stage the assassination of Biden & Harris in the opening salvo of World War 3 tonight, thereby delaying the election indefinitely and leading to Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama taking over as president (via Nancy Pelosi).

Here are my partner Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on the occult scripting indicators for October 28 (I’ll add to them if I can find the time today)…

On gematriaeffect news:

“October 28, 2022, 246 days after the Russia-Ukraine war began (and Bill Gates’s 67th birthday)

…while the United States of America is 246 year old.” [2022 – 1776 = 246]

Only rarely, they write about future dates.

•Wikipedia: October (Roman month)-> category Dates -> 28 Isia a festival of Isis introduced probably in the 30s or 40s AD, beginning with the Castu Isidis, a day of abstention and loss

•Liberation Day (Ukraine)(Wikipedia), commemorates the Liberation of Ukraine from Nazi Germany on 28 October 1944.

•Republic Day (Turkey) (Wikipedia) is a public holiday in Turkey commemorating the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey, on 29 October 1923 (99 years ago). The annual celebrations start at 1:00 pm on 28 October (Republic Day Eve) and continue for 35 hours.

It is also observed by Northern Cyprus.

•Ohi Day or Oxi Day lit. ‘Anniversary of the No’ commemorates the rejection by Greek prime minister Ioannis Metaxas of the ultimatum made by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.. and the subsequent Hellenic counterattack against the invading Italian forces.

•1492 – Christopher Columbus lands in Cuba on his first voyage to the New World, surmising that it is Japan. (Wikipedia: October 28 -> events)


The first voyage of Christopher Columbus

(britannica com)

(from my understanding this is on the Julian calendar)


1962 – Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending the Cuban Missile Crisis (history.com)

•Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III) was born 10/28/1955, his 67th birthday

•1886 October 28 Statue of Liberty dedicated (history com). Originally known as “Liberty Enlightening the World”, 136 years ago

•Gateway Arch (Wikipedia) is a 630-foot-tall monument in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. It was completed on 10/28/1965.

•Nostra aetate (Wikipedia) is the Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions of the Second Vatican Council. This declaration was promulgated on 28 October 1965 by Pope Paul VI.

What Is Nostra Aetate And What Does It Have To Do With Catholic-Jewish Relations? (huffpost com)

•Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an Iranian conservative politician who served as the sixth president of Iran. He is currently member of the Expediency Discernment Council. He was known for his hardline views and nuclearisation of Iran.

his UN speech: Ahmadinejad tells U.N. most blame U.S. government for 9/11 (reuters com) etc. He was born on 10/28/1956, his 66th birthday.

(25 October 2022) – Why the “Month Off” Rosh Hashanah Threat Persists to Sunset of the 27th

In modern Judaism — and most importantly among the Chabadniks who are scripting out the “End Times” drama — Rosh Hashanah lasts for two days…

The Torah defines Rosh Hashanah as a one-day celebration, and since days in the Hebrew calendar begin at sundown, the beginning of Rosh Hashanah is at sundown at the end of 29 Elul. Since the time of the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem in 70 CE and the time of Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai, normative Jewish law appears to be that Rosh Hashanah is to be celebrated for two days, because of the difficulty of determining the date of the new moon. – from Wikipedia

So we won’t be past the current threat window until sunset of the 27th, the end of Day 2 of “Month Off” Rosh Hashanah. And if we look to Jewish tradition, we can see how the Kabbalists will structure “God’s Judgments” during the “Month Off” Fall Holidays (if they proceed with their plans)…

According to tradition, God judges all creatures during the 10 Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, deciding whether they will live or die in the coming year. Jewish law teaches that God inscribes the names of the righteous in the “book of life” and condemns the wicked to death on Rosh Hashanah; people who fall between the two categories have until Yom Kippur to perform “teshuvah,” or repentance. As a result, observant Jews consider Yom Kippur and the days leading up to it a time for prayer, good deeds, reflecting on past mistakes and making amends with others. – from History.com

So if the globalists do the false-flag to start the war on the 26th/27th, it will be said that God judged the wicked to death on Rosh Hashanah Day 1, and “the angels” delivered the judgment on Day 2. We’ll then see another harsh judgment of the unrepentant on the day after “Month Off” Yom Kippur (sunset of November 4 to sunset of November 5, Gunpowder Plot day).

Following these harsh judgments of the wicked, God’s judgment for the righteous will be delivered on the first day of “Month Off” Sukkot, when the “Jewish Messiah” (Moshiach) begins his intervention. And final judgment for the righteous and the repentant will be delivered on the 8th day of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, when the conflicts end and the Moshiach stands victorious before the world.

Alternatively, the Kabbalists can script the Moshiach’s intervention on behalf of the righteous on Rosh Hashanah Day 2, stopping the false-flag, the wars, and Operation Blackjack at the moment they’re initiated. His forces would then spend the time from Day 2 onward delivering judgment to the wicked (the “global Satanic Deep State”) by defeating those who fight and rounding up those who surrender to face earthly judgment. And on Shemini Atzeret, he would stand victorious before the world.

(24 October 2022) – The October 25 Sequence of Events (should the globalists pull the trigger) – a nuclear or radiological bomb will go off in the early afternoon (Kiev time) while the European markets are open and the American markets are about to open. This will trigger a Black Tuesday “as traders anticipate an aggressive NATO response and direct war with Russia.” The NATO attack on Crimea and Operation Blackjack (the attack on NATO “decision making centers”) will then take place the night of October 25-26. Here are the details…

Tomorrow’s partial solar eclipse over Europe and the Middle East will begin at 8:58 UTC time / 3:58 AM Texas time…

…from TimeandDate.com

The total eclipse event will span a little over four hours. And at around 10:30 UTC / 1:30 PM Kyiv time / 6:30 AM New York time, the darkest area of the eclipse will fall over Belarus, Ukraine, Western Russia, Crimea, and the Black Sea…

…from TimeandDate.com

If I were a globalist “End Times” scriptwriter, that’s when I would schedule the false-flag nuclear/radiological event: while a “dark omen” is hanging in the sky over the area. This would also provide the right timing to crash the NATO/G7 markets.

As for targets, they might hit a Ukrainian city or dam, or they might target London. Today’s earlier warning noted that it’s “666 Day” since the “Arch of Destruction” was unveiled in Trafalgar Square, and it’s also been 2380 days. And according to Strong’s Bible Concordance, which the globalists use to assign meanings to numbers, word number 2380 is the following…

  • Strong’s Hebrew 2380: chazuth – conspicuous
  • Strong’s Greek 2380: thuo – to offer, sacrifice [to kill as a sacrifice and offer on an altar. 2380 /thuo (“sacrifice”) means more than “kill” as it also suggests offering something as a spiritual sacrifice.]

So will a section of London be “conspicuously sacrificed” tomorrow morning to start the war, or will they have to wait till that night? One has to imagine that the new Indian prime minister isn’t to the liking of the UK’s “Putin-allied Racially and Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists

…from The Telegraph

WARNING (24 October 2022): Onnabugeisha notes that tomorrow is the anniversary of the infamous “Charge of the Light Brigade” in CRIMEA. So watch for a potential Ukrainian-US offensive against Crimea on Tuesday night. The Ukrainian Army would push through Kherson (which the Russians are currently evacuating)

…on their way to Crimea while elements of the US 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions (the “Light Brigade,” currently staged in Poland and Romania) would land on the Crimean Peninsula itself. Tomorrow will also mark 6 years, 6 months, and 6 days [666] since the Arch of Palmyra was unveiled in London, so watch for the cities the Arch visited to be attacked “in retaliation for the Western assault on the Russian sovereign territory of Crimea.”

Be advised that a false-flag attack, such as the dirty bomb attack Russia warned about over the weekend, would likely be used to justify such direct NATO action in the Ukraine War.

(22-23 October 2022) – The “Month Off” Scenario for October 25 – November 16

So far, it’s looking like the globalists’ plans for October 21-22 are dead, but we won’t have to wait long for their next opportunity. It will come on Tuesday, October 25, which is…

So according to the script, the West will receive their warning in the morning (the eclipse), and “the sun will set on the West” that day in the evening. The next morning will bring “the Dawn of a New Day.”

Don’t bet on it.

~ MORE – 23 October 2022 ~

When the globalists’ prophecy propaganda corps advanced the idea that “the Jewish Calendar is a Month Off” last year, the net result was that all the Jewish holidays were pushed back by 30 days on the invented “Month Off” calendar. For example, the Feast of Tabernacles / Sukkot, which according to the standard Jewish calendar fell on 15 Tishrei / September 21 in 2021, fell on 15 Tishrei / October 21 on the “Month Off” calendar. And if we apply that 30-day pushback to this year’s Fall Holidays, we get some very interesting results.

In 2022 on the standard Jewish calendar, Rosh Hashanah fell on 1 Tishrei / September 26 (so it began at sunset on September 25). On the “Month Off” calendar, it falls on 1 Tishrei / October 26 (so it begins at sunset on October 25). And if October 26 is “Month Off” 1 Tishrei, then…

  • 10 Tishrei, Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement, which “ends with God sealing his verdict”) falls on November 4, the day before the Gunpowder Plot anniversary,
  • 15 Tishrei, Sukkot Day 1, falls on November 9 (11/9 <> 9/11), and
  • 22 Tishrei, Shemini Atzeret, (the day “God’s judgment is delivered”) falls on November 16, the final day of the G20 Summit next month.

So the plan is/was to start something the night of October 25-26 that will trigger a “divine intervention” on November 9 and culminate in the rise of the Jewish Messiah on November 16.

The fallback plan for this “Month Off” scenario is already in place too: the next two candidate launch dates for the Rocket of Doom (Artemis 1) are November 14 and 16, the day before and the final day of the G20 Summit. So if “Month Off” fails, they’ll have Putin and Xi (and perhaps other BRICS leaders) sit out the G20 Summit so they can hit the Western leaders with Artemis. We’d then see the “divine intervention” and rise of the Moshiach in December during Hanukkah, which can be sold as Sukkot…

Jewish scholars have also suggested that the first Hanukkah may have been a belated celebration of Sukkot, which the Jews had not had the chance to observe during the Maccabean Revolt. One of the Jewish religion’s most important holidays, Sukkot consists of seven days of feasting, prayer and festivities. – from History.com

(20-21 October 2022) – So what do the occultist mad hatters of the British Crown have planned for Saturday the 22nd?

We’ve now seen the mainstream media prominently connect UK PM Truss to two numbers: 38 and 44

…from the Drudge Report (top, bottom)

Well take a look at some raw notes from my partner Onnabugeisha (we’ll explore what they might mean a little later)…

Mary Elizabeth Truss (Russ?) resigned after just 44 days in office. It’s also 44 days since she visited the Queen at Balmoral Castle, Scotland on 9/6/2022.

The 2016 Brexit referendum occurred exactly 330 weeks ago [33] today (it happened on 6/23/2016, Strong’s Greek 623 = Apollyon, the destroyer).

10/22 is 44 days since the Queen’s death.

Queen Elizabeth II died on the Nativity of Mary and exactly 440 weeks [44] = 3080 days [38] after meeting Pope Francis in Vatican: Queen Elizabeth II meets with Pope Francis at Vatican, on 4/3/2014. (from ctvnews ca).

This is just the beginning of the rabbit hole, which also involves Bloody Mary and Elizabeth I. But we’ll get into that later too.

Methinks mischief is afoot.

~ MORE ~

All the occult stuff pointing to October 21st and 22nd boils down to this: the globalists’ next attempt to set the already smoldering phoenix of the current world order afire will likely come between sunset of the 21st and sunset of the 22nd (London or Jerusalem time). That time period is Jewish “Shabbat Bereishit, the ‘Shabbat of Beginning’ — the first Shabbat of the annual Torah reading cycle, on which the Torah section of Bereishit (‘In the Beginning’) is read.” Either war will break out all over or an unprecedented “natural” disaster will take down the West, possibly leading all to set aside their differences to provide aid.

~ MORE – 21 October 2022 ~

Today I’m going to start writing about Prince Charles and Pope Francis’ “New Babington Plot” to murder Elizabeth II. Here are the two plotters meeting at the Vatican on 4/4/2017 [44]…

…from the Facebook page of Squidgy and Her Tampon. And here’s an important detail of the meeting…

Before meeting the pope, the prince and duchess were given a private tour of the Vatican Secret Archives, where they were welcomed by Archbishop Jean-Louis Brugues, archivist and librarian of the Vatican Library.

The royal couple were shown original rare documents relating to the once-complicated history between the Catholic Church and Britain.

Among the documents they were shown was the last letter written by Mary, Queen of Scots before her execution in 1587 for treason. – from the Archdiocese of Baltimore

With this in mind, let’s begin by reviewing the basics of the original Babington Plot…

The Babington Plot was a plan in 1586 to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I, a Protestant, and put Mary, Queen of Scots, her Catholic cousin, on the English throne. It led to Mary’s execution, a result of a letter sent by Mary (who had been imprisoned for 19 years since 1568 in England at the behest of Elizabeth) in which she consented to the assassination of Elizabeth.

The long-term goal of the plot was the invasion of England by the Spanish forces of King Philip II and the Catholic League in France, leading to the restoration of the old religion. The plot was discovered by Elizabeth’s spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham and used to entrap Mary for the purpose of removing her as a claimant to the English throne.

The chief conspirators were Anthony Babington and John Ballard. Babington, a young recusant, was recruited by Ballard, a Jesuit priest who hoped to rescue the Scottish Queen… – from Wikipedia

So the original Babington Plot involved a Jesuit priest plotting with Queen Elizabeth I’s Catholic cousin, Mary, to kill Elizabeth so Mary could take the throne and place England back under the Vatican.

Fast forwarding to today, the New Babington Plot involved a Jesuit Pope plotting with Queen Elizabeth II’s son, Charles, to kill Elizabeth so Charles could take the throne and place England back under the Vatican and the commie-version New World Order.

Within the globalist script for this entirely contrived drama, then, these are the core characters…

  • Queen Elizabeth II as Elizabeth, the betrayed Christ-like figure,
  • Pope Francis as John Ballard, the St. Paul-like plotter and betrayer of Christ,
  • Prince Charles as Mary, Elizabeth’s Catholic-leaning [1,2] successor who not only consented to her assassination to gain the throne, but actually performed it.

Here are my notes from September on that last part…

  1. So will the storyline reflect that the death of Queen Elizabeth II (publicly attributable to the “communist bioweapon” COVID / COVID vaccine) was a Babington Plot II orchestrated by the communist Jesuit Pope Francis to put “Britain’s Pol Pot,” Charles, on the throne?
  2. (8 September 2022) – Queen Elizabeth II’s reported death today, which a reader has pointed out occurred exactly 200 days after she tested positive for COVID [1,2] and exactly 911 days after COVID was declared a pandemic by the WHO [1,2]…
  3. My partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out the flipside of the Queen’s death: Prince Charles became King Charles (he received his crown) 911 days after the Corona (crown) virus hysteria began. Was Charles responsible for giving his mother the virus that weakened and ultimately killed her?
  4. Onnabugeisha also notes that the Queen was reportedly born on 4/21/1926, Rome’s birthday. So her death foreshadows the death of her Rome and the anticipated birth of Charles’s Global Rome.
  5. Within the fanciful occult narrative proffered by the controlled alt-media, Balmoral Castle — where the Queen died — is a place where the royals participate in occult rituals and perform blood sacrifices. So we may one day be told that the Queen was ritually sacrificed — that her still-beating heart was plucked out and burnt on an altar — to gain good fortune for their grand endeavor.

With all this set before us, let’s now pick up where we left off yesterday with some more of the Kabbalist scripting cues uncovered by Onnabugeisha and me…

  • Jesus’ Crucifixion Date Possibly Friday April 3 [4/3], 33 A.D., According To Earthquake Study (huffpost.com) [this connects 4/3 to “Christ-like” Elizabeth]
  • Queen Elizabeth II meets with Pope Francis at Vatican on 4/3/2014 (from ctvnews.ca) [the plotter meets his mark]

On the same 4/3 date, but in 2022, the year Elizabeth II died…

  • Pope Francis prays at St. Paul’s Grotto in Malta (catholicnewsagency.com) on Sunday 4/3/2022. [this ritually marked the betrayal and crucifixion of Elizabeth]
  • Prince Charles attends church at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Sandringham (hellomagazine.com) on Sunday 4/3/2022. [This connects him to Mary on Elizabeth’s crucifixion day. This church is also where Princess Diana, mother of coming King Harry, was baptised.]

These two events happened exactly 5 months, 5 days [55] before Elizabeth II was murdered on September 8. And in biblical numerology, this is what’s noted about 55

One meaning of number 55 is linked to King Manasseh of Judah. He was the longest reigning monarch of either the Kingdom of Judah or Israel at 55 years (2Kings 21:1, 2Chronicles 33:1). He first co-ruled with his father, the righteous Hezekiah, from 696 to 686 B.C. He then became sole king from 686 until his death in 642. [686 – 642 = 44]

Manasseh’s reign of 55 years marked one of the most evil and violent periods in the history of God’s people. The king indulged in various forms of evil, such as rebuilding the pagan altars torn down by his father (2Kings 21:3). This rebuilding even included erecting idolatrous altars within the confines of Jerusalem’s temple (verses 4 – 5)! He also willingly burned one of his sons alive as a sacrifice to a pagan deity (verses 6). [just like “Charles burned Elizabeth’s heart at Balmoral”]

Manasseh was so unique in his bloodiness that God’s word states the following.

“Manasseh also shed very much innocent blood until he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another; besides his sin with which he made Judah to sin in doing the evil in the sight of the Lord” (2Kings 21:16). – from BibleStudy.org

According to the globalists’ “End Times” script, King Charles is Manasseh, and the 44 days of his “catrusstrophic” sole reign may be scripted to end on Saturday, when “God’s fiery judgment is poured down upon him and his communist comrades.”

This is also worth noting: it has been arranged for “communist” Kamala Harris to be in St. Paul, Minnesota on Saturday. Will she die too, or will she survive because she is so far away from the East Coast (while Biden is at his beach house in Delaware)?

So what is the significance of Pope Francis praying at St. Paul’s Grotto and Kamala Harris being in St. Paul, Minnesota? BETRAYAL…

…from clovegarden.com

CORRECTED WARNING (20 October 2022): So today the British PM is out at 44 days (44 is Obama’s number), and Joe Biden will go to Pittsburgh (where Obama’s G20 NWO was launched in 2009) and Philadelphia (the de facto headquarters of the Colonies during the American Revolution and where the Declaration of Independence was signed). There is, therefore, a heightened risk of assassination today for Biden, supposedly at the hands of MAGA. And the controlled alt-media would sell it as an effort by the “commie” Democrats to demonize Republicans and gain a sympathy vote in the upcoming elections. Just yesterday, Drudge was pushing the narrative that the Democrats are worried about losing: “We peaked too early.” As for Kamala Harris, she won’t go to Philly with Biden until the 28th, which will provide a second opportunity for an “October Surprise.”

NOTE (19 October 2022): If the globalists want to go with a “God’s Judgment by space rocks” scenario instead of nukes on Friday, Onnabugeisha has pointed out that the Orionids meteor shower peaks on October 21

…from KGW.com. Note the subtitle: “A huge meteor from this long-lasting shower has already startled one major city.” An interesting bit of foreshadowing, no?

The Orionids come from Halley’s Comet, which has a higher density than the comet whose pieces impacted Jupiter (so it would suffice as the narrated source of destructive space rocks). And Orion is connected to Artemis, which has figured large in the occult aspect of the space rocks scenario. More on this tomorrow.

NOTE: Reader Ronin has passed along the news that the Oruc Reis, a Turkish hydrocarbon exploration ship, is currently underway and heading towards of Cyprus. The war is scripted to start over a confrontation between such a Turkish ship and a foreign navy inside a foreign Exclusive Economic Zone (possibly that of Cyprus).

Note to Email Subscribers: I’ve been sending lots of emails because we are on the precipice of the largest disaster in known human history. So if you’d rather receive just one message per day (sent at the end of the day on days there are updates), send me an email titled “one a day.”

(19 October 2022) – In previous updates, I’ve noted that the globalists’ “End Times” script is trying to connect the day Columbus stumbled upon the “New World” (by coming across San Salvador Island) with the day the world stumbles upon the “New World Order” (by coming across the NWO Transition War/Event). Well Onnabugeisha has found some very notable fine print in the Wikipedia entry on Columbus Day that renews the connection…

Columbus Day is a national holiday in many countries of the Americas and elsewhere, and a federal holiday in the United States, which officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492.[a]

Further down the page, we find out about [a]

a. ^ This date is according to the Julian Calendar; it would have been October 21, 1492, on the Gregorian Proleptic Calendar, which extends the Gregorian Calendar to dates prior to its adoption on October 4, 1582.

Apparently, the Gregorian Proleptic Calendar assumes that the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars — which was 10 days during the 1500s — would have been only 9 days during the 1400s. So under that 9-day adjustment, the Columbus Day anniversary will fall on Friday the 21st (and 21 is blackjack).

Now Onnabugeisha has found that if we take the Proleptic anniversary of 21 October 1492 and plug it into the Hebcal Gregorian to Hebrew date converter — which doesn’t recognize the 9-day difference — it gives a Hebrew equivalent date of 21 Tishrei 5253. Blackjack again. And 21 Tishrei of any Jewish year is Hoshana Rabbah, “the final day of judgment.”

So in this occult manner, we find the “discovery of the New World” connected to October 21 (“Operation Blackjack Day” — the day the phoenix of the current world order will burst into flames to later be reborn as the new world order) and “Judgment Day” (the day “God will issue his second death judgment against a sinful and unrepentant humanity — a judgment of fire,” and the day nukes explode all around the world in the Terminator movies).

And Onnabugeisha has found a topper to boot: Friday, October 21 marks…

500 weeks since Barack Obama (with Mahmoud Abbas) visited the Church of the Nativity [the “holy place” of Christ’s birth] in Bethlehem on 3/22/2013.

Strong’s Greek 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ)

Strong’s Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends

So the “Communist Antichrist,” Barack Obama, will attempt to begin his ascent to “Christ’s throne” with the NWO Transition War/Event that is/was rescheduled for this Friday. “Who will save us?” – that duty will fall on the Nazionist False Savior, but when will he send in his “lights in the sky”? Will it be on the day Operation Blackjack is attempted, will it be “on the third day,” or will it be at a later date when a full-on nuclear Armageddon is attempted? Only the globalist “End Times” scriptwriters know the answer to that one.

(17-18 October 2022) – A Tale of Two Battles (and Two Calendars)

Within the globalists’ End Times stageplay, the Muslim Antichrist (the Dajjal) is played by a Turk — either Erdogan or the “man behind his throne” (possibly Devlet Bahceli, cofounder of the Grey Wolves) — and he is supposedly trying to rebuild the Ottoman Empire and turn all of its historic defeats into victories, including the Battle of Lepanto…

Battle of Lepanto, (October 7, 1571), naval engagement in the waters off southwestern Greece between the allied Christian forces of the Holy League and the Ottoman Turks during an Ottoman campaign to acquire the Venetian island of Cyprus. The battle marked the first significant victory for a Christian naval force over a Turkish fleet and the climax of the age of galley warfare in the Mediterranean. – from Britannica.com

The Battle took place 11 years before the Gregorian calendar was introduced. And although my partner Onnabugeisha and I tried to pin down whether the October 7 date given for it is a Julian date or a date adjusted to the Gregorian calendar, we were unable to find an answer. This means the globalist scriptwriters have the flexibility to treat it as a Julian date, which if adjusted to the Gregorian calendar would land its anniversary on October 20.

Should the globalists attempt a redo on the 20th, their prophecy propagandists could attempt to connect it to Shemini Atzeret by saying that the sighting of the Moon in Jerusalem (to officially begin the current Jewish month) was delayed by two days — I’ve already heard one of the “Christian Watchmen” claim this. This would allow them to say that the Battle began on Shemini Atzeret Day 2. But if they instead redo Lepanto on October 21, they can throw in Operation Blackjack on the same day. Both October 20 and 21 are hazardous, as is 28 Tishrei / October 23, the adjusted Jewish anniversary of the Battle. So the watch period for this is October 20-23.

Of course, since the new Battle of Lepanto would take place under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, historians may end up calling it the “Battle of LePantload.”

~ MORE – 18 October 2022 ~

Another Ottoman naval defeat the Turkish Muslim Antichrist will act to reverse is the Battle of Navarino…

The Battle of Navarino was a naval battle fought on 20 October (O. S. 8 October) 1827, during the Greek War of Independence (1821–29), in Navarino Bay (modern Pylos), on the west coast of the Peloponnese peninsula, in the Ionian Sea. Allied forces from Britain, France, and Russia decisively defeated Ottoman and Egyptian forces which were trying to suppress the Greeks, thereby making Greek independence much more likely. An Ottoman armada which, in addition to Imperial warships, included squadrons from the eyalets (provinces) of Egypt and Tunis, was destroyed by an Allied force of British, French and Russian warships. It was the last major naval battle in history to be fought entirely with sailing ships, although most ships fought at anchor. The Allies’ victory was achieved through superior firepower and gunnery. – from Wikipedia

In this battle, the Ottoman armada was attacked and devastated while it was at anchor in Navarino Bay. And this occurred at a time after the British and French had adopted the Gregorian calendar, but before Russia had done so — the Russians were still using the Julian calendar (which ran 12 days behind the Gregorian at that time). So a British or French captain participating in the battle would have logged the day as October 20, while a Russian captain would have logged it as October 8.

Now let’s turn our own calendar back to October 6-10, when the USS George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group was anchored at Souda Bay on the Greek island of Crete. Had they come under massive Turkish missile attack like I warned about, they would have been devastated while at anchor just like the Ottomans were at Navarino Bay. And had a US captain written the date of the attack in his log, he would have recorded October 8 (give or take a day), just like the Russian captains recorded at Navarino. And on the same day, the Turks would have invaded (the rest of) the island of Cyprus and engaged the NATO (Christian alliance) navies at sea just like they had during the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571.

So as you can see, the globalists had planned to do the reverse reenactments of the two battles in early October. And now that we’re approaching October 20-21, they have a second opportunity to stage the redos — all thanks to the two calendars.

~ MORE ~

After doing adjustments among the Julian, Gregorian and Hebrew calendars, I’ve identified these as the specific dates to watch for the battle redos:

  • Potential Gregorian Anniversaries: October 17, 20, and 21.
  • Potential Jewish Anniversaries: sunset of October 22 to sunset of October 26.
  • Overall Watch Period from Today: October 20-26.

I won’t go into all the details of how I calculated this, but here are my notes for those who want to work it out for themselves…

Oct 8 + 12 = Oct 20, 1827 -> 29 Tishrei 5588 -> 29 Tishrei 5783 = Oct 23-24
Oct 8 + 13 = Oct 21, 1827 -> 30 Tishrei 5588 -> 30 Tishrei 5783 = Oct 24-25

Oct 7 + 10 = Oct 17, 1571 -> 28 Tishrei 5332 -> 28 Tishrei 5783 = Oct 22-23
Oct 7 + 13 = Oct 20, 1571 -> 1 Cheshvan 5332 -> 1 Cheshvan 5783 = Oct 25-26

As for the whys of my calculations, I added 10 to Julian Lepanto because the difference between the two calendars during that century was 10 days. And I added 13 in case the globalists converted the original Julian date using the current 13-day difference. With Navarino, I added 12 days because the calendar difference was 12 days that century, and I added 13 in case they used the current 13-day difference. I then used Google search on the resulting adjusted dates, assuming that the Google calculator uses Gregorian dates.

(17 October 2022) – The MSM are reporting that China are evacuating their citizens from Ukraine and that NATO’s first strike nuclear drill will continue to the end of the month, so the stage is set for a broader conflict in the days ahead. They may be aiming to redo the Battle of Lepanto on October 21 (this Friday), launching Operation Blackjack (21) on the same day. It would be a “shock and awe” attack on the West. There are also dangerous indicators pointing to Tuesday the 18th.

(17 October 2022) – Before I continue on with coverage of what might happen on October 20-23, we need to look at some rather stunning indicators Onnabugeisha has found for October 18 (Shemini Atzeret Day 2). Here are her raw notes [with my additions in brackets]

10/18 (Tuesday)
23 Tishri (Shemini Atzeret)

The “Great” Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (nasa gov) culminated on 12/21/2020, exactly 666 days ago.

“From our vantage point, we’ll be able to be to see Jupiter on the inside lane, approaching Saturn all month and finally overtaking it on December 21…. t’s been nearly 400 years since the planets passed this close to each other in the sky, and nearly 800 years since the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter occurred at night…”

[This “Great Conjunction” has major significance in the “End Times” script]…

…from the SkyWatch TV Store

•since the September 11 attacks, 9/11/2001, 7707 days or 1101 weeks,

3 x 367 is a factorization(*) of 1101

Strong’s Hebrew 367. emah: terror, dread

(*) Factorization (Wikipedia) consists of writing a number or another mathematical object as a product of several factors, usually smaller or simpler objects of the same kind.

(is 1101 to numerologists product of 3 x emah?)

1st BRIC summit (Wikipedia) the inaugural BRIC summit took place in Yekaterinburg, Russia on 6/16/2009, 696 weeks ago [both Numbers of the Beast are indicated, 616 and 666, and the BRICS NWO is the real NWO the globalists have been building; it is the “Beast System,” though it will look like a paradise at first.]

The four heads of government from the BRIC countries attended:

Lula da Silva (Brazil), Dmitry Medvedev, (Russia),Hu Jintao (China), Manmohan Singh (India)

•The Boxer Rebellion (Wikipedia), was an anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian uprising in China began on 10/18/1899, 123 years ago

Battle of Senluo Temple (Wikipedia)

But many other sources including Google search say that the Boxer Rebellion began on 11/2

The Second Opium War, also known as the Second Anglo-Sino War, the Arrow War, …was a war, lasting from 10/8/1856 – 10/18/1860 (Google search), which pitted the British Empire and the French Empire against the Qing dynasty of China.

The end of the war -> Convention of Peking (Wikipedia) -> category Background: “On 18 October 1860, at the culmination of the Second Opium War, the British and French troops entered the Forbidden City in Beijing -> treaties with Britain and France and also Russia. The original plan was to burn down the Forbidden City … Because doing so would jeopardize the treaty the Old Summer Palace and Summer Palace were burned down instead…

Needless to say that the Convention of Peking is considered Unequal treaty (Wikipedia) by the Chinese.

An original copy of the convention is located in the National Palace Museum in Taiwan.

[So is it time for another anti-Western, anti-Christian Chinese war?]

•the Alaska Purchase (Wikipedia) was the United States’ acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. [I wrote about the looming Russo-Chinese invasion of Alaska in the 1 September updates]

Signed: 3/30/1867 = 23 Adar II (6/23) Greek 623. Apolluon: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss, Hebrew 623. Asaph: “gatherer”

Effective: 10/18/1867, 155 years ago

•1775 American Revolutionary War: The Burning of Falmouth (now Portland, Maine), 248 years ago [Biden went to Portland, Oregon for the second time this year last Friday — his trips there have some sort of occult significance in connection to Portland, Maine (perhaps the Chinese Navy or their agents will burn Portland, Oregon, which hosts the 142nd Fighter Wing)]

this revelation has a suspicious number…

10/18 written in dd/mm format 18/10

Revelation 18:10 (New King James Version)

standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come.’

These are rather harrowing indicators. And a (supposedly Russian) nuking (or tsunami-ing) of New York on the 18th would certainly serve to distract the major powers from countering a Turkish and Israeli move in the Middle East on the 20th-23rd.

(16 October 2022) – With the globalist setup for Sunday through Tuesday well-covered (and possibly quite dead), it’s time to look ahead at the next danger window, which starts on October 20. Tomorrow we’ll look at the histories of the naval battles of Lepanto and Navarino, and I’ll show you why I think the globalists were actually attempting to reprise the Battle of Navarino while the US Navy strike group were anchored at Souda Bay, and why they’ll attempt to reprise the Battle of Lepanto as soon as October 20. It has to do with the differences between the Julian and Gregorian calendars — we’ll look at the Jewish dates too.

Expanded ALERT (15-16 October 2022): Sunday is the 38th day since Queen Elizabeth’s death, and on Friday the media were signalling the number 38 in connection to the words “catastrophic,” “disaster,” and “insanity.” They were signalling either the big explosions on Sunday or a UK Lehman Sunday which will tank the markets on Monday. Details below…

This morning a reader suggested that the next Lehman Moment would occur in London; recent news would certainly support that. And it got me thinking about what I saw on the Drudge Report and in the news yesterday…

…from Broadcasting+Cable (bottom)

Note that the number 38 appears in connection to the words “catastrophic,” “disaster,” and “insanity.” So on a hunch, I decided to see how many days it’s been since the Queen’s death, and I discovered that tomorrow (Sunday the 16th, Hoshana Rabbah) will mark 38 days.

Also note in the bottom graphic that the number 38 is associated with a Chinese (American) basketball player (wearing the number 17, as in October 17, Shemini Atzeret) who played in New York City (specifically Madison Square Garden). There is also a reference to “taking the nation by storm.”

  • So is there a nuke in Madison Square Garden (and/or the White House garden, whose gardener was featured in the news this week)?
  • Is there a nuke in China (Beijing)?
  • Will the Chinese attempt to conquer America starting on Sunday or Monday?

Alternatively (or additionally), the Drudge Report headlines featured news about Liz Truss (Liz is short for Elizabeth, her middle name, thus connecting her to the Queen and her death), who just fired her finance chief. So are they signalling that the UK financial crisis will bring a Lehman-like decision on Sunday which will topple the markets on Monday? Will this in turn bring on the Chinese “Linsanity” on Monday or Tuesday?

~ MORE ~

In my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes today is a historical cue pointing to a revolution on Monday and/or Tuesday (the two days of Shemini Atzeret)…

On November 6 and 7, 1917 (or October 24 and 25 on the Julian calendar, which is why the event is often referred to as the October Revolution), leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’etat against the Duma’s provisional government.

The provisional government had been assembled by a group of leaders from Russia’s bourgeois capitalist class. Lenin instead called for a Soviet government that would be ruled directly by councils of soldiers, peasants and workers.

The Bolsheviks and their allies occupied government buildings and other strategic locations in Petrograd, and soon formed a new government with Lenin as its head. Lenin became the dictator of the world’s first communist state.

Civil War broke out in Russia in late 1917 after the Bolshevik Revolution. – from History.com

November 6 and 7, 1917 on the Gregorian calendar were the days of 9th Month 22 and 23 on the Chinese Lunar Calendar. And this year, 9th Month 22 and 23 fall on the Gregorian days of October 17 and 18, the two days of Shemini Atzeret.

So whose revolution is/was scheduled for Monday and Tuesday? China’s or America’s (or both)?

Will the CCP leaders gathered at the 20th National Congress on those days be arrested by Xi’s Faction? Will Xi’s Faction be arrested by Jiang’s Faction allied with other Anti-Xi Factions? Or will both sides be blown up by a nuke or “meteor” (fired by the Nazionist Space Force)?

[Onnabugeisha notes that Jiang Zemin (born August 17, 1926), the original leader of the Shanghai Gang, will turn exactly 96 years, 60 days old (666) on Sunday the 16th (Hoshana Rabbah). Does this indicate that God will find him and his “Deep State” faction guilty?]

Will Biden and the US Senate (which will be in session the week of the 17th) get blown up by a nuke planted in the White House garden on the 17th or 18th? This would leave a presidential successor (or a “legitimately elected” alternative president) with dictatorial emergency powers in charge of the US government. Will that person be a commie or a Nazionist?

In pondering that last question, look at this article about the head White House gardener that showed up in The Washington Post a week ago…

…Note that he is an older white man, and that the article was published on the 8th at 8 AM [88, “Heil Hitler,” the Nazi number].

So will the Nazionists be false-flagging a “commie nuclear onslaught” / “meteoric judgment of God” so they can save the day and seize control in China and the US? Or will this be a straight commie revolution to take down the world?

~ MORE – 16 October 2022 ~

The sequence of images that begin at the 183-second mark of the I, Pet Goat II video hints at the sequence of events that are/were planned for today through Tuesday…

  1. A news ticker rolls across a child’s eyes. It first says “markets plunge,” immediately followed by “war.” [This suggests that a market plunge on Monday (or Tuesday) will immediately precede the outbreak of war.]
  2. Three Masonic-looking aircraft strike a Muslim target, creating a dark cloud. [Israel+Turkey+Azerbaijan (3) strike Iran’s nuclear sites, spreading clouds of radiation.] The explosion sends out five streamers that look like a Left Hand reaching out to a city of skyscrapers [New York will be targeted “in retaliation.”].
  3. The domed mosque implodes. [The Dome of the Rock (Al Aqsa Mosque) will be destroyed after Iran is struck (likely due to its seizure by Palestinian militants and the ensuing combat).]

Also, my partner Onnabugeisha offers the following notes about the number 38 [with my additions in brackets]…

The 38th parallel north formed the border between North and South Korea prior to the Korean War. [Look for a “North Korean” nuke or a “North Korea-sourced” nuke to play into the war script, possibly as the first nuke to explode.]

•the number 38 is so important to Kabbalists for this particular reason…

A full-term pregnancy lasts 38 weeks from the day of conception to the day the baby is born
[The press went on and on about the Queen’s death being the “end of an era” (the end of her world order). Her death marked the date of conception of the “New World,” and the birth pains will begin on the 38th day since.]

38 weeks = 266 days

Strong’s Greek 266. hamartia: a sin, failure

Hamartia (Wikipedia) “to miss the mark” or “to err”. It is most often associated with Greek tragedy. [This is related to the world’s sin and lack of atonement leading to God’s “guilty” verdict at sunset of Hoshana Rabbah today. It could also be related to the “Israeli mistake” the controlled alt-media have long prophesied.]

[And as Onnabugeisha has previously noted, Pope Francis is the 266th pope. So keep an eye out for drama at the Vatican also. Francis has “erred” too.]

(14 October 2022) – How the Kabbalists Will Simulate “God’s Judgment” of the Chinese Communist Party…

…from The Epoch Times

Check out this setup…

These three points are critically important because of this…

After a judge makes his final judgment on the guilt or innocence of a suspect, he issues a separate sentencing order which is immediately carried out by the corrections officers. According to Kabbalist thought, Hoshana Rabbah brings God’s final judgment of guilt or innocence, and Shemini Atzeret brings the sentencing order that is immediately implemented by the angels.

So when the Chinese Communist Party gather for their Congress on Hoshana Rabbah, who will be found guilty?…

  1. Will the CCP/”Chinese Deep State” be found guilty by “Avatar” Xi Jinping?
  2. Will Xi Jinping be found guilty by the CCP/”Chinese Deep State”?
  3. Will both Xi Jinping and the CCP/”Chinese Deep State” be found guilty?

And what sentence will befall the guilty on Shemini Atzeret? Arrest by humans or fake ETs, or death by nuke or “meteor”?

Of course, there’s always Option 4: A little light cast upon the Kabbalists’ plan will send them scattering like cockroaches (as usual).

~ MORE ~

Should the globalists proceed with their plans for Hoshana Rabbah and Shemini Atzeret, I suspect they’ll implement “God’s judgment” at the moment the two days meet: sunset in Jerusalem on Sunday (6:06 PM Jerusalem time / 11:06 PM Beijing time / 11:06 AM Washington DC time). And the indications are that it will be nuclear. I’ll explain the reasons why a little later — they’re quite interesting and occulty.

~ MORE ~

Let’s begin with something from my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes for Saturday the 15th…

Xi Jinping was elected to the posts of General Secretary of the CCP and Chairman of the Central Military Commission since 11/15/2012, 9y.11m. or 119 months ago

And since 119 is 911 reversed, Xi Jinping will be flashing two 9/11s [9/11 II] on Gregorian Saturday.

With this in mind, let’s remember that Jewish Sunday begins at sunset on Gregorian Saturday. So Hoshana Rabbah will begin in Jerusalem at 6:07 PM local time on Saturday, which is 11:07 PM on Saturday in Beijing. This means that Xi Jinping will still be flashing his two 9/11s during the first 53 minutes of Hoshana Rabbah.

The reason this is significant relates to the weird connections to iodine and the number 53 Onnabugeisha has been encountering in her research. Here is one of her notes from October 12 [with my additions in brackets]…

It’s the 530th anniversary of Columbus [discovering the “New World“]

Number 530 is [number 53 if you drop the zero like numerologists do]

Wikipedia 53 (number)

The code for international direct dial phone calls to Cuba.
The atomic number of iodine

from news:

Kyiv’s city council to give out potassium iodine pills
Russians distribute iodine tablets
Poland Distributes Iodine Pills
Potassium Iodide Distribution Event in Middletown on October 13

So the beginning of Hoshana Rabbah tomorrow comes with Kabbalist hints pointing to 9/11 II and iodine (which is used to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive fallout) — they’re hinting at Nuclear 9/11 in other words.

Here’s one more of Onnabugeisha’s notes…


I, Pet Goat II at the 3:09 minute mark, right after the explosion you wrote about, the Christ-like character burns a butterfly

butterfly – thyroid connections

the thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland situated at the base of the front of your neck, just below your Adam’s apple.

Here is the scene she’s referencing…

…from I, Pet Goat II on YouTube

The Christ-like character represents the next False Messiah / Antichrist, and he’s burning a thyroid gland, presumably with radioactive fallout. Of course, there is another way to burn people’s thyroid glands: with tainted iodine pills that they take in a panic after seeing a mushroom cloud. Remember that nukes aren’t the only things that create mushroom clouds; massive conventional explosives, thermobaric weapons and “meteor” strikes can generate them too. I personally have no intention of taking any pill the government hands out for free (like they handed out the COVID “vaccine”).

~ MORE – 15 October 2022 ~

Let’s start out today by looking at the Wikipedia writeup for Hoshana Rabbah [with my additions in brackets]…

Hoshana Rabbah is known as the last of the Days of Judgment, which begin on Rosh Hashana. The Zohar [a core Kabbalist work] says that while the judgment for the new year is sealed on Yom Kippur, it is not “delivered” until the end of Sukkot (i.e., [the end of] Hoshana Rabbah, the last day of Sukkot), during which time one can still alter their verdict [guilt or innocence] and decree [sentence if guilty] for the new year.

So according to the Kabbalists, a person has until the very last moment of Hoshana Rabbah to atone for his sins and sway God away from a “guilty” verdict. But if his atonement doesn’t cut it, God’s punishment becomes deliverable starting at the very first moment of Shemini Atzeret and remains deliverable until the final moment of the second day of Shemini Atzeret (for those outside of Israel).

This year, the final moment of Hoshana Rabbah and the first moment of Shemini Atzeret meet at sunset in Jerusalem on Sunday, October 16 at 6:06 PM, which is 11:06 PM in Beijing and 11:06 AM in Washington DC. And 11:06 is 9/11 flipped and reversed (11:06 flipped is 11:09, and 11:09 reversed is 09:11.).

So as Hoshanah Rabbah begins, Xi Jinping will be flashing two 9/11s. And as it ends, Washington and Beijing will each be flashing a 9/11. This is why I view sunset in Jerusalem as the (originally) targeted time for the fireworks.

Does all this sound ridiculous and contrived to you? It certainly does to me. But you have to remember that we’re dealing with Kabbalists here — a bunch of gullible, brain-dead cultists who believe in an amassed load of petrified gypsy bullsh*t like numerology, astrology and mythology. Their contrived creations reflect their confused minds.

Should the globalists back off of their “explosive” Sunday plans, they can still stage a plunge in the markets on Monday and start the fireworks on Monday or Tuesday. The current danger period isn’t over until every world time zone gets past sunset on Tuesday, which will close out Shemini Atzeret.

WARNING (13 October 2022): IF the Kabbalists still intend to stage a biblical disaster during Shemini Atzeret (sunset of Sunday to sunset of Tuesday), Friday the 14th will be a pivotal day. They’ll likely trigger a Black Friday in the markets (leading into “Lehman II Weekend“) and start a historical parallel of the first three days of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The three-day buildup will culminate in a one or more of the following during Shemini Atzeret: an Israeli strike on Iran (touching off a broader conflict), a NATO “preemptive” nuclear strike on Russia or Belarus, a kinetic orbital bombardment masquerading as a meteor shower, a man-made tsunami hitting the US East Coast, and Operation Blackjack (suitcase nukes and/or dirty bombs in the NATO capitals). Also watch for a smallpox outbreak in New York tomorrow (stemming from a subway attack on a 77 year old man 7 days before). Details on all this to come…

~ MORE ~

To see why I issued today’s warning, let’s have a look at some select notes on October 14 from my partner Onnabugeisha (with my additions in blue)…

10/14 (Friday) is also…
Jewish 19 Tishri (1/19 or 7/19), Sukkot V
Chinese 9th month 19

Black Friday, on September 24, 1869 = 19 Tishri, the U.S. gold market collapsed.

“When plummeting gold prices precipitated a securities market panic. The crash was a consequence of an attempt by financier Jay Gould and railway magnate James Fisk to corner the gold market and drive up the price” (from britannica.com)

or Black Friday (1869) (Wikipedia), 153 years ago

If we pair this Black Friday cue with the “financial nuke” inflation report that came out this morning and the Bank of England’s planned end of their bond intervention tomorrow, all the pieces are in place to script another Black Friday.

Let’s also remember that in the I, Pet Goat II preparatory programming video, a crash in the markets immediately precedes an air attack on a Muslim target. And that air attack brings us to another of Onnabugeisha’s notes…

•According to some sources, the Cuban Missile Crisis began 10/14/1962 when an American reconnaissance aircraft took photographs of Soviet ballistic missiles being installed in Cuba, 60 years ago

Here is what History.com offers on the first three days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the dates of which correspond to this Friday, Saturday and Sunday…

October 14, 1962: A U.S. U-2 spy plane piloted by Maj. Richard Heyser takes hundreds of photos of newly-built installations in the Cuban countryside. As Heyser will recall years later in an Associated Press interview, he worries that he will be looked upon as the man who started a war.

October 15: CIA analysts spot launchers, missiles and transport trucks that indicate the Soviets are building sites to launch missiles capable of striking targets nearly across the United States, according to a 2013 article by Peter Kornbluh, a senior analyst and Cuba expert at the National Security Archive in Washington.

October 16: President John F. Kennedy meets with a team of advisers known as Ex-Comm, to discuss how to respond to the missile threat. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara presents JFK with three options: diplomacy with Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev, a naval quarantine of Cuba, and an air attack to destroy the missile sites, which might kill thousands of Soviet personnel and trigger a Soviet counterattack on a target such as Berlin.

Kennedy rejects the attack, and favors a quarantine to buy time to negotiate a missile withdrawal. JFK and his advisers are careful to call it a quarantine because a blockade is considered an act of war.

So the three-day sequence of events is as follows…

  1. Key pieces of intelligence are obtained on Friday.
  2. Intelligence analysts put the pieces together and detect a grave security threat on Saturday.
  3. The decision makers choose a course of action on Sunday.

On Sunday during the 1962 crisis, President Kennedy decided against air strikes that would set a nuclear war in motion. Would the current leaders of the US and Israel make the same choice?

  • So will Israel supposedly obtain intelligence tomorrow that will lead to a Saturday determination of a grave security threat and a Sunday decision to “preemptively” strike Iran?
  • Will NATO supposedly obtain intelligence tomorrow that will lead to a Saturday determination of a grave security threat and a Sunday decision to “preemptively” strike Russia or one of their allies?
  • Will Russia supposedly obtain intelligence tomorrow that will lead to a Saturday determination of a grave security threat and a Sunday decision to “preemptively” strike NATO decision-making centers?
  • Will astronomers supposedly spot a cloud of asteroids on Friday that will lead to a Saturday determination of a grave impact threat and a Sunday decision to implement martial law above ground while the government go below?

The Israeli scenario brings us to another of Onnabugeisha’s notes…

10/14/1994 – Yasser Arafat, Yitzah Rabin and Shimon Peres receive the Nobel Peace Prize for their role in the establishment of the Oslo Accords and the framing of future Palestinian self government.

So what better day than tomorrow for the “Israeli Deep State” to set in motion the death of peace (by either fabricating intelligence or striking Iran on Friday). I mention the possibility that the Israel strike might go forward between sunset tonight and sunset on Friday because in the I, Pet Goat II video, the airstrike against the Muslim target sends 5 streamers into the air, and tomorrow is Sukkot Day 5…

On a hopeful note, this is in the news today: Dow closes 800 points higher after a historic one-day turnaround (despite the inflation report). Is this sudden turnaround the globalists aborting their weekend plans or just a final pump before the dump?

(12 October 2022) – Looking Ahead to Tomorrow

Thursday, October 13 was previously scripted to bring the New Dawn following the 40-day, 40-night Fire Judgment that was to commence with the launch of Artemis 1 back on September 3 (see the 3-4 September update for details). So I’ve already written about the scripting cues for tomorrow (which point to a big day for Putin and Xi)…

> October 13 falls on the 4th day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

> October 13 is the second anniversary of the signing of the Artemis Accords.

> October 13 is the 70th Jewish birthday of Vladimir Putin. Putin was born on October 7, 1952, which was the Jewish day of 18 Tishri 5713. And October 13, 2022 will be the Jewish day of 18 Tishri 5783.

> October 13 marks exactly 500 weeks since Xi Jinping became President of the People’s Republic of China on March 14, 2013. And if you look up word number 500 in Strong’s Bible Concordance, you get…

  • God ascends (Hebrew), and
  • antichristos (Greek), so
    “the antichrist ascends in place of God (Christ).”

Back in the 14 August update, I said this…

At the G20 Summit in November, the NWO could launch under the apparent de facto leadership of Xi Jinping, either as a communist NWO (if he is elected “People’s Leader”) or a Nazionist NWO (if he arrests and ends the CCP).

One other thing we need to remember about the current Sukkot danger period is that the Delta Aurigids meteor shower runs from October 10 to October 18, so the globalists can do an orbital bombardment and blame it on space rocks at any time during this period. You can read about why they may make use of the Aurigids meteor showers in the 3-4 September update.

~ MORE ~

Here are some additional notes from my partner Onnabugeisha regarding October 13 [with my comments in brackets]

10/13 (Thursday) on the Gregorian calendar is also…

•the Wuchang Uprising (1911 Revolution – Xinhai Revolution), also known as the Xinhai Revolution, ended China’s last imperial dynasty, the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, and led to the establishment of the Republic of China. 10/10/1911 = 18 Tishri 5672, 111 Jewish years ago

[So a regime change uprising in China is scriptable tomorrow, either against Xi or the “Chicom Deep State”]

Miracle of the Sun (Wikipedia) also known as the Miracle of Fatima, is a series of events reported to have occurred miraculously on 13 October 1917, attended by a large crowd (30,000~100,000 people) who had gathered in Fatima, Portugal, in response to a prophecy made by three shepherd children

[Another day the death of a pope is scriptable, which would land his funeral on October 17]

The Cornerstone Of The White House Was Laid, October 13, 1792, 230 years ago (just one day after Columbus Day was first celebrated – in New York City)

[Another day Biden’s death/incapacitation or the destruction of the White House is scriptable]

Mawlid, the “Prophet” Muhammad’s birthday observed by Twelver Shia Muslims (the state religion of Iran)

[Some Iran-related event is scriptable, perhaps a false-flag blamed on them]

Celebrate the Navy Birthday (military com) October 13 marks the birthday of the U.S. Navy, which traces its roots back to the early days of the American Revolution. On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress established a naval force, hoping that a small fleet of privateers could attack British commerce and offset British sea power.

[An attack on a US Navy ship is scriptable, perhaps an Israeli attack to be blamed on the Iranians]

•1307 – Hundreds of the Knights Templar in France are arrested at dawn by King Philip the Fair, and later confess under torture to heresy, 715 years ago

[Trump, Putin or Xi arrested? Anti-Xi CCP leaders arrested?]

(11 October 2022) – In what is a hopeful sign for this week and a worrying sign for the next, the globalists came out today and activated their fallback plan: NATO to hold nuclear deterrence exercise as Russia rages at Ukraine

An annual NATO exercise focused on nuclear weapons deterrence will take place next week in a regular show of force displayed against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine…

Fourteen NATO allies participated in the October 2021 installment of Steadfast Noon, as the annual exercise is known, and the alliance emphasized that “no live weapons are used.” – from the Washington Examiner

From last year’s Steadfast Noon…

NATO announced Monday that it had started its annual nuclear exercise code-named Steadfast Noon. The week-long exercise is taking place over Southern Europe and involves aircraft and personnel from 14 NATO countries.

According to the NATO statement, “Steadfast Noon involves training flights with dual-capable fighter jets, as well as conventional jets, backed by surveillance and refuelling aircraft. No live weapons are used. This exercise helps to ensure that NATO’s nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure and effective.” – from FAS.org

So basically, NATO are going to load “dummy” nuclear weapons on their jets starting Monday and “simulate” nuclear attacks on Russia — except the script will reflect that real nukes will be loaded and the “exercise” will go live with a “preemptive” nuclear strike against the Russians. And can you guess what day Monday is? – Yep, it’s Shemini Atzeret on the standard Jewish calendar, October 17.

When “Synagogue of Satan” Shemini Atzeret begins on sunset of Sunday the 16th, then, a scripted motivation will be in place for Russia to launch asymmetric nuclear attacks to preempt the West. And the script will have the West use this motive as cover to carry out Operation Blackjack against themselves, blame Russia for it, then launch total war both at home and abroad.

Alternatively, the “Russian motivation to stop the West’s nuclear sneak attack next week” can be used to blame Russia for a false-flag attack on the NATO defense ministers gathered in Brussels on October 12-13. This would mean this week’s attack is still live, and the announcement of the nuclear exercise was done to complete the backstory for Operation Blackjack.

NOTE: Look at what happened at 8 AM (Washington DC time) today…

The President and G7 Leaders hold a virtual meeting to discuss their unwavering commitment to support Ukraine and hold Putin accountable in the face of Russia’s aggression and atrocities, including Russia’s recent missile strikes across Ukraine; President Zelenskyy of Ukraine joins Leaders at the top of the meeting. – from Factba.se

If the globalists proceed with their plan, it will be said that the Big Event flowed from a decision made at this G7/NATO meeting.

Onnabugeisha’s notes for October 11-12 have been added to the Warning below. Some of them point to the possible scripting of an assassination or coup attempt against Putin.

NOTE (11 October 2022): Here are more hints from the globalists that we’re about to get hit with a wave — a wave of attacks and/or a literal water wave…

Crimea bridge explosion mystery as wave’ spotted just moments before it was blown up (Express)

The Crimea attack triggered a wave of strikes on Ukraine. But mystery swirls over who blew up Putin’s bridge (CNN)

And from 2021 (the “commies” prepping people to blame the “far-right” for Operation Blackjack)…

Both this alleged plot and the insurrection at the Capitol could be cited as examples of an “accelerationist” ideology, in which far-right groups promise a moment when the institutions of government, society and the economy will be wiped out in a wave of catastrophic violence, clearing the way for a utopia that will supposedly follow. Cynthia sees this thinking present in both the German and American far right. – “The Threat of Day X” from The New York Times

Expanded & Enhanced WARNING (10-11 October 2022): Given the attack on the Russia-Crimea bridge and current chatter in the controlled alt-media, sunset of October 11 to sunset of October 12 (Jerusalem time) has become a critically dangerous day

…from the 6 November 2021 update

October 12 is Essene Shemini Atzeret, and the Kabbalists regard Shemini Atzeret as “the day God’s judgment is delivered.” So the globalists may script a judgment event — either a punishment or deliverance — that could take the form of a biblical disaster or an arrival of a false messiah (a disaster is far more likely at this point in the show). Candidate events include a massive wave of military and sabotage attacks around the world (the open outbreak of World War III), a nuclear attack in one or more cities (Operation Blackjack), and a man-made tsunami on the US East Coast.

October 12 also marks both the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s discovery of the New World and the 33rd day of the Columbus ritual Joe Biden began in Columbus, Ohio on September 9. These cues support the scripting of the transition point from the Old World (order) to the New World (order). And since Columbus sailed from the Canary Islands (where La Palma, an island falsely associated with a tsunami threat to the US, is located), they provide support for the tsunami disaster option.

By the way, October 12 marks exactly 230 years [the number 23] since Columbus Day was first celebrated — in New York City on October 12, 1792. That city would be a prime target on (Jewish) Wednesday. October 12 is also Augustalia, thus making it “Putin Day” because Putin’s rise to eventual leadership of the NWO is being scripted to parallel Octavian’s rise to becoming Emperor Augustus.

Sunset in Jerusalem on Tuesday is 6:12 PM local time / 11:12 AM NYC time. On Wednesday, it’s 6:11 PM / 11:11 AM. The Kabbalists will likely schedule the event(s) according to Jerusalem time, but they might also follow local time (between the sunsets of the two days locally).

~ MORE – 11 October 2022 ~

Here are my brilliant partner Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on October 11-12 (I will add to them over the course of the day)…

10/11 (Tuesday)
16 Tishri (1/16 or 7/16, Sukkot II)
Essene 21 Tishri (Tabernacles 7)
Rabiʻ I 15 (3/15 Islamic “Ides of March”)

•Vladimir Putin was born 10/7/1952 = Essene 21 Tishri, his 70th Essene birthday

•Vladimir Putin and Sergey Shoigu made a surprise Orthodox Christmas visit to Umayyad Mosque (the Great Mosque of Damascus) on 1/7/2020, 144 weeks ago

[see Isa’s Descent at the White Minaret]

•the Security Council of the Russian Federation was formed on 3/5/1992, 30 years and 220 days (322)

•Dmitry Medvedev assumed office as the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia on 1/16/2020, 999 days ago

and on the same day

•Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin assumed office as the prime minister of Russia, 999 days ago

•Mossad, the national intelligence agency of Israel. Formed: 12/13/1949, 26600 days ago

Strong’s Greek 266. hamartia: a sin, failure

Hamartia (Wikipedia) “to miss the mark” or “to err”. It is most often associated with Greek tragedy.

•Pope Francis (the 266th Bishop of Rome) was elected to the papacy on 3/13/2013, 500 weeks ago (inclusive counting)

Strong’s Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,”

Strong’s Greek 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ)

•The Second Vatican Council (was the 21st ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church) was opened on 10/11/1962 by John XXIII (pope during the preparation and the first session), 60 years ago

Jewish calendar:

•the G20 or Group of Twenty an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union (EU). It was founded 9/26/1999 = 16 Tishri Sukkot II

Essene Great Day 22 Tishri( 7/22 – Pi Approximation Day)
Jewish 17 Tishri (1/17 or 7/17)

Strong’s Greek 717. Harmagedón: Har-Magedon, a mountain of unc. location

usage: Armageddon

Armageddon (Wikipedia)

news: President Joe Biden said Thursday that the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is at the highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile


(1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, major confrontation that brought the US and the Soviet Union close to war over the presence of Soviet nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba.

Google search: Start date October 16, 1962 = 18 Tishri (Putin’s 70th Jewish birthday, this year 10/13)

•Augustalia, in honor of Augustus, the first Roman emperor.

•10/12/1971 – 10/16/1971 was 2,500-year celebration of the Persian Empire (Wikipedia)

the founding of the ancient Achaemenid Empire by Cyrus the Great. Some later historians argue that this massive celebration contributed to events that culminated in the 1979 Iranian Revolution. I just mention it because of the date

October 12 (Wikipedia)

539 BC– The army of Cyrus the Great of Persia takes Babylon(*), ending the Babylonian empire …Wikipedia specifically states (Julian calendar) And again in case of Columbus (Julian calendar), I don’t recall seeing this before.
1492 – Christopher Columbus’s first expedition makes landfall in the Caribbean, specifically on San Salvador (lit. ’Holy Savior’) Island. (Julian calendar), 530 years ago.
Another calendar mess (?)

12 October (onthisday com)

1492 Christopher Columbus’s expedition makes landfall on a Caribbean island he names San Salvador (likely Watling Island, Bahamas). The explorer believes he has reached East Asia (OS 21 Oct)
Old Style (O.S.) date, indicating use of an earlier calendar (in Anglophone countries, the Julian Calendar), as opposed to “N.S.” (new style), usually indicating use of the Gregorian Calendar

according to Wikipedia it was Julian 10/12 (the anniversary on the Julian calendar will be on 10/25)

according to onthisday com it was OS (Julian) 10/21 (the anniversary on the Julian calendar in this case would be on 11/3)

It’s the 530th anniversary of Columbus

Number 530 is 10×53

Wikipedia 53 (number)

The code for international direct dial phone calls to Cuba.
The atomic number of iodine
from news:

Kyiv’s city council to give out potassium iodine pills
Russians distribute iodine tablets
Poland Distributes Iodine Pills
Potassium Iodide Distribution Event in Middletown on October 13
And this one is strange…

Iodine drives substantial ground-level ozone loss in Arctic, climate change altering natural processes: Such high concentrations of Iodine was not seen in Arctic before (downtoearth org)

Christopher Columbus Steped Foot on the New World and

•1960 Nikita Khrushchev’s Famous Shoe Pounding Incident (during the 902nd Plenary Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly held in New York City)

•Christ the Redeemer statue (Wikipedia) on Mount Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro. After its completion, the statue was dedicated on October 13, 1931, 91 (*) years ago (inclusive counting)

Consecrated October 12, 2006, 16 years ago

(*) Bible Strong’s Greek 91. adikeó: to do wrong, act wickedly

Bible Strong’s Hebrew 91. Agagi: a descriptive term for Haman

•Pope Francis (the 266th Bishop of Rome) was elected to the papacy on 3/13/2013, 500 weeks ago

(9 October 2022) – Today I thought I’d jump ahead and expose all of the Kabbalists’ key dates for the remainder of the year. As the note at the bottom of the table says, they can hold a short war during one of these time periods or launch the “good guy” intervention to stop an ongoing war during one of them. In the latter case, the intervention would start on the first day of the time period and culminate with the arrival of the Moshiach in Jerusalem on the final day. So the time period would represent the “triumphal procession” of the False Messiah…

unfinished, enhanced WARNING (8 October 2022): Three long nights of fear before the dawn of a new world

My partner Onnabugeisha has found a wealth of occult indicators that would support the scripting of the outbreak of “The Big Crisis” from sunset of Sunday the 9th through Monday the 10th (this happens to be when the “Synagogue of Satan” / rabbinical Jews celebrate Day 1 of Sukkot this year). And if we remember back to the Greek Cypriot prophecy propagandist that reader Ronin introduced to us, Metropolitan Neophytos, he spoke of “three days of fear”…

…from YouTube (from the 31 July 2022 update)

So if war breaks out in the Mediterranean after sunset on Sunday (while the Bush Carrier Strike Group is still at anchor at Souda Bay), the “three days (or nights) of fear” would terminate on Wednesday, October 12 which is…

> the 8th day of Essene Sukkot (the “Great Day”/Shemini Atzeret), and
> the anniversary of the day Christopher Columbus stumbled upon the “New World” (while journeying toward something else).

So October 12 could be a potential “White Hat” (or “ET” or Space Force) intervention day. In fact, it could be the fake “ET” Rapture, which would remove select people before the false Messiah arrives on “Synagogue of Satan” Shemini Atzeret (October 17).

In case my posting gets blocked after I put this up, here are Onnabugeisha’s raw notes for October 9-10 [with my additions in brackets]…

10/9 (Sunday)

The next full Moon will occur on Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 4:54 PM EDT (20:54) UTC), and is known as the Hunter’s Moon. (In Greek mythology, Orion was a hunter).

[Orion and Artemis were hunting partners, and the Artemis 1 space capsule is named Orion]

•Headquarters of the United Nations (Wikipedia) Completed: 10/9/1952

[a good day for the Turkish Muslim Antichrist to blow it up in a false-flag operation]

1911 – An accidental bomb explosion triggers the Wuchang Uprising against the Qing dynasty, beginning the Xinhai Revolution.

[just think of what an apparent regime bombing of the protesters in Iran would do right now]

•The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (Wikipedia) was awarded to Barack H. Obama. The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009.

[“the man of nuclear peace who will bring nuclear war”]

•Oct. 9, 1967: Che Guevara Executed · On this day in 1967, revolutionary leader Che Guevara was killed by U.S. military backed-Bolivian forces

Jewish calendar:

c 996 BCE- King Solomon completed construction of the first Temple (Psalm11918 org)

•Blood Moon Prophecy (Wikipedia), The tetrad ended with the lunar eclipse on September 27-28 = on the Jewish calendar it was on 14-15 Tishri Sukkot I = 10/9-10/2022), 7 years ago

[the prophecy propagandists would say that the completion of the tetrad marked “a 7-year warning from God”]

10/10 (Monday)

15th of Tishri (Sukkot I)

•Columbus Day 2022 in the United States

[also a bank and bond market holiday here – a good time to start another financial crisis]

•World Mental Health Day (theme: Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority)

[one wonders how the world’s mental health will hold up if TSHTF on Monday]

North Korea:

Party Foundation Day (Wikipedia) marking the 10/10/1945 foundation of the “Central Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of North Korea”, a predecessor to the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea. 77 years ago
news: U.S., Japan, and the Republic of Korea Conduct a Trilateral Ballistic Missile Defense Exercise

China, Taiwan:

On 10/16, the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (Wikipedia) will be held and Jiang Zemin (born 8/17/1926) will surprisingly turn 96y.60d. old exactly on that day (666 but also the Queen died aged 96)

How likely is it that something would happen before the congress? Anyway 10/10 is an important Chinese date.

National Day of the Republic of China, Double Tenth Day. It commemorates the start of the Wuchang Uprising -> the 1911 Revolution, also known as the Xinhai Revolution which ended China’s last imperial dynasty, the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, and led to the establishment of the Republic of China. 111 years ago
On 3/3/2022, Taiwan hit by widespread power outage as Pompeo meets president (from the Washington times) 7m.7d. ago
also 10/10/1945 -The Double Tenth Agreement or 10/10/1928 – Chiang Kai-shek becomes Chairman of the Republic of China…)

A lot of news from Iran and I think this is why….


•The Iranian Revolution (Wikipedia), was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and the replacement of his government with an Islamic republic under the rule of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. And the overthrow and also the end of the Iranian Revolution occurred on

2/11/1979 = Rabiʻ I 14, 1399 AH

10/10/2022 = Rabiʻ I 14, 1444 AH, the 45th Islamic anniversary

•10/10/680 – the Battle of Karbala marks the Martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali (this is actually Ashura (Wikipedia) on the Gregorian calendar, not officially celebrated, it’s my invention).

from britannica com: Battle of Karbala, brief military engagement in which a small party led by al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad and son of ʿAlī, the fourth caliph, was defeated and massacred by an army sent by the Umayyad caliphYazīd I. The battle helped secure the position of the Umayyad dynast, but among Shiʿi Muslims (followers of Ḥusayn) the 10th of Muḥarram (or ʿĀshūrāʾ) became an annual holy day of public mourning. Battle of Karbala (Wikipedia) -> category Impact ->Iranian revolution “Karbala and Shi’a symbolism played a significant role in the Iranian Revolution of 1979….. Ruhollah Khomeini labelled the Shah as the Yazid of his time…

Also Impact-> Shi’a Islam “…. This revenge is believed to be one of the fundamental objectives of the future revolution of the twelfth Shi’a Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi, whose return is awaited.

•Ebrahim Raisi became the eighth and current president of Iran on 8/3/2021, 61w.6d. ago

[616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (to 666)]

could be related to Russia, Ukraine:

•The Nazi Party (NSDAP) was dissolved on 10/10/1945, 77 years ago

•the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia) began on the 102nd(*) anniversary of the foundation of the Nazi Party (NSDAP)

(*) the number 102 has a connection to 9/11: 102 Minutes That Changed America (Wikipedia)

•The Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia), formally the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, is a multilateral treaty that forms the basis of international space law, came into force on 10/10/1967

(the Treaty was signed on 1/27/1967,

1/27 is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the date when the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Red Army in 1945).

•Malta gained independence from the UK on 9/21/1964 = 15 Tishri, Sukkot I

•Cuba celebrates Independence Day, the Anniversary of the Beginning of the War of Independence, Ten Years’ War (Wikipedia)

•Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez became the 25th and current president of Cuba on 10/10/2019 (btw. he shares his birthday with Adolf Hitler)

NOTE: The Israeli-Turkish-Azerbaijani war plan has been posted below yesterday’s update. Just scroll down a little to the red section.

NOTE (7 October 2022): Biden will be visiting Hagerstown, Maryland today. It was the site of an anti-draft riot during the Whiskey Insurrection, so it has the historical background to serve as a Biden assassination site.

(7 October 2022) – Here’s another reason why today is a hazardous day: somebody seems to be signalling something…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Onnabugeisha has noted that at sunset today — when the birthday of the “Prophet” Muhammad begins — the Jewish day of 13 Tishrei also begins, and that was supposedly the day Sodom and other sin cities were destroyed “by God” with fire and brimstone [1,2].

So will the Sun finally set on the West this evening?

(Expanded Note – 6-7 October 2022) – Let’s have a look at why October 7 is a dangerous day…

The USS George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group will be tied up at port with their defensive weapons turned off and their crews on shore leave. This will provide the ITA Alliance (Israel + Turkey + Azerbaijan) with a golden opportunity to sink the only American carrier strike group in the Mediterranean right now, thereby substantially reducing the US Navy’s ability to interfere with the Turkish seizure of Cyprus and the Israeli and Turkish invasions of Syria and Lebanon.

The seizure of Cyprus will take out the closest Mediterranean NATO airbase to Syria/Lebanon — reducing the US Air Force’s ability to interfere with the invasions — and also take out NATO’s surveillance base on the island. It will then become an “unsinkable aircraft carrier” for Turkish jets protecting the western flank of the invasions.

Should this military campaign be triggered tomorrow, we can also expect the ITA Alliance to launch airstrikes on Iran at roughly the same time. Iran’s military response to those strikes will be used as the pretext to launch the invasions (“to remove the Hezbollah missile threat to Israel”). So the region will go from zero to sh*tstorm in one day. And here at home, a Turkish nuke may go off in New York City in fulfillment of a Nostradamus prophecy the globalists have promoted. A false-flag nuke going off in Russia is also a possibility (to pit the “Christian West” and “Christian East” against each other in a nuclear showdown).

So why October 7, you ask? My partner Onnabugeisha’s research provides us with the answer…

It should also be kept in mind that the globalists may have already abandoned the current war window, as they have failed to carry out a number of preliminary events. But it is unwise to lower one’s guard before the window closes.

~ MORE ~

I’ve previously written about the ITA Alliance war plan. Here it is again…

  • Massive airstrikes will be launched from Israel, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and (possibly) Saudi Arabia. Among the first targets will be Iran’s nuclear sites (to maintain the pretense that the war is all about Iran’s nuclear program — it’s actually about pushing Iran out of the way so the ITA Alliance can gain territory).
  • Turkey and Azerbaijan will launch a ground invasion of northwest Iran. That region is filled with ethnic Azeris, so it is the territory Azerbaijan will gain.
  • Turkey will also launch ground invasions of the Kurdish areas in northern Iraq and Syria, and they’ll advance down the Syrian coast towards Damascus. Additionally, they will commandeer civilian ferries to land forces in the northern Lebanon port of Tripoli. These forces will link up with local militias and advance along two axes: 1) east to cut off Syria’s M5 motorway below Homs (this will bisect Syria and sever the lines of communication between Damascus and the north), and 2) south to place military pressure on the Lebanese Army.
  • Israel will launch ground invasions of southern Lebanon and Syria and drive north until they meet the Turks at a predetermined line of control.
  • There is a good chance that the script will have Erdogan (or the “Muslim Antichrist” who replaces him) betray the Israelis at this point. Instead of holding at the line of control in accordance with ITA’s secret agreement, the Turkish forces will attack the Israelis and push them back into northern Israel (the Megiddo valley), then drive on to Jerusalem. This will necessitate the scripted appearance of the Kabbalists’ fake Jewish Messiah.

NOTE: I’ve extended the war alert period through Friday due to indicators my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered. They point to a massive attack on the West [a “phoenix event” (specifically the first part when the old phoenix bursts into flames and turns to ash)]. More on this a little later.

(3-4 October 2022) – A reader has informed me that NASA will attempt to go for a mid-November launch for Artemis 1, so it will occur around the time of the G20 Summit (November 15-16). And after running some numbers, I’ve detected a fallback plan the Kabbalists will attempt to use if they can’t proceed this week…

I’ll cover this scenario in detail when I write about the opening of the mundus, probably tomorrow.

~ MORE – 4 October 2022 ~

Onnabugeisha has noted that the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) will run from November 6 to November 18 on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt (within easy reach of Mossad false-flaggers). Over 90 heads of state will attend the leaders’ meetings on November 7-8, so we may see a Middle East war sparked as soon as the mundus is opened at sunset that day.

Yesterday, it was announced that Squidgy’s Tampon (a.k.a. King Charles) will not be attending (perhaps it’s happening at the “wrong time of the month” for him). Given his scripted climate fanaticism, his absence hints that a decision was made to “weaponize” the Conference. A nuking of it in the evening of November 8 would strike the right tone to begin a countdown to a November Shemini Atzeret nuclear Armageddon (or a “lights in the sky” intervention to stop one) on November 16.

(October 3-7 +12)

(3 October 2022) – This week lies at the intersection of Roman history and Jewish holy days, and the way the dates overlap this year provides fertile ground for the scripting of profound events. Let’s start our overview of what’s planned by looking at my partner Onnabugeisha’s raw notes for this week [with my additions in brackets]

3–12: Ludi Augustales, based on the Augustalia [Ludi Augustales = “the games of Augustus”: this is the period during which Augustus (Putin) will defeat the current G7/NATO Roman Empire]

Erev Yom Kippur
Chinese Double Ninth Festival (has too much yang and is thus a potentially very auspicious date)
feast day of Francis of Assisi (died 10/3)
leiunium Cereris, a day of fasting in honour of Ceres [goddess of the harvest, and the West will reap what it has sown during this period; watch for the death of Pope Benedict]

Yom Kippur [the Day of Atonement for the “Synagogue of Satan” — at sunset of this day, “God’s Judgment” is sealed]
Essene Tabernacles 1 [the “Harvest Festival” and a time for being on the move and living in temporary shelters]
second of the three days when the mundus was opened [the mundus was an underground pit, so this is a day they can narrate CERN opening a portal for the Nephilim to enter our world and cause chaos and war; also a candidate day for a fake Rapture and/or a “judgment from God”]

10/6 [disaster]
Essene Tabernacles 2
Chinese 9/11
Julian 9/23
dies ater (“black day”) to mark the anniversary of the battle of Arausio [a catastrophic day for the West due to the start of war (at the hands of Erdogan most likely), an economic collapse, and/or a “judgment of God”]

Essene Tabernacles 3
Julian 9/24 (the much-hyped day but on the Julian calendar, it’s Putin’s 70th birthday)

Essene Great Day [Tsunami Day for USA? On September 9, Biden initiated a 33-day “Columbus” ritual that leads to this day. And today, October 3, it is being reported that the Russian “tsunami sub” has gone to sea. So the Games of Augustus have commenced.]
Sukkot III

Later, I’ll go into the details of all this.

(2 October 2022) – If Pope Benedict doesn’t die today, there are other opportunities tomorrow and Tuesday. Here are Onnabugeisha’s raw notes on Monday, October 3

Saint Francis of Assisi died on this day 796 years ago [at 44 years of age]

Strong’s Greek 796. astrape: lightning, brightness

(A lightning bolt struck the top of the Vatican’s St Peter’s Basilica, just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his surprise resignation, on 2/11/2013)

Benedict XVI was elected the 265th pope (his papacy began) on 4/19/2005, 911 weeks ago (inclusive counting) or on 10/4 which is the Feast of St Francis of Assisi

And here is a key note on what Putin (Octavian) and Xi (Mark Antony) may do on Monday…

•the Battle of Philippi (Wikipedia) was the final battle in the Wars of the Second Triumvirate between the forces of Mark Antony and Octavian (of the Second Triumvirate) and the leaders of Julius Caesar’s assassination, Brutus and Cassius in 42 BC

Date: 3 and 23 October [after the initial attack on October 3, the battle was settled a few weeks later]

Monday is also the Jewish anniversary of Mao’s Proclamation of the Establishment of the People’s Republic of China. [The Proclamation occured on October 1, 1949 / 8 Tishri 5710, and Monday is October 3, 2022 / 8 Tishri 5783]

So Putin and Xi may attack their enemies (the G7/NATO) tomorrow, but it may be an economic attack instead of a military one. Russia and China may announce economic sanctions on Monday that will kick the legs from under the already staggering West. And “in an effort to fashion a response,” the Western leaders may gather for a meeting in Rome in conjunction with Benedict’s funeral.

~ MORE ~

Tuesday, October 4 is September 24

My partner Onnabugeisha has come across something rather bizarre and potentially important (to the Kabbalist numerologists and scriptwriters). Here is her note on it…

•The Russian invasion of Ukraine [24 February 2022] began on the 440th anniversary of issuing of Inter gravissimas (Wikipedia) “was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on 24 February 1582. The document, written in Latin, reformed the Julian calendar. The reform came to be regarded as a new calendar in its own right and came to be called the Gregorian calendar.”

-> Ten Days That Vanished: The Switch to the Gregorian Calendar (from britannica.com)

The reforms were based on the suggestions of the Italian scientist Luigi Lilio, with some modifications by the Jesuit mathematician and astronomer Christopher Clavius… The most surreal part of implementing the new calendar came in October 1582, when 10 days were dropped from the calendar to bring the vernal equinox from March 11 back to March 21. The church had chosen October to avoid skipping any major Christian festivals. So, in countries that adopted the new calendar, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4, 1582, was directly followed by October 15.

(Is this a coincidence? and Who is Elon? Strong’s Hebrew 440. Eloni: a descendant of Elon)

…end note

Setting aside all the complexities of how the Julian and Gregorian calendars operate, if one were to simply remove the 10-day jump forward that took place after the Feast of St. Francis in 1582, this Tuesday would be September 24. And you might recall that a big deal was made about September 24 in recent weeks. Here is a key part of our September 23 coverage of it…

~ MORE ~

Onnabugeisha has also noted that September 24 is the anniversary of the death of Pope Liberius, whose papacy bears some resemblance to that of Pope Benedict

>>> Some historians have postulated that Liberius resigned the papacy in 365, in order to make sense of the pontificate of Felix II, who has since been regarded as an antipope. That view is overwhelmingly outnumbered by the writings of historians and scholars which document Liberius’ staunch orthodoxy through the end of his pontificate ended by his death. – from Wikipedia <<<

Just think of Pope Liberius as Pope Benedict, Antipope Felix II as “Antipope” Francis, and Emperor Constantius (who foisted Felix II upon the Church) as “Antichrist” Obama. Also bear in mind that the September 24 rumors were started by a German lawmaker, and since Pope Emeritus Benedict is German, his death … would hit the Germans hardest. It would also provide a way to gather the “kings of the world” in Rome for a papal funeral…

It should also be noted that Pope Liberius died in the year 366, before the calendar jumped forward 10 days in 1582. And if you look at what’s happening within the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay regarding the popes, this is how the narrative is flowing…

“Antichrist Obama ordered the communist Jesuits to forcefully unseat Nazi Pope Benedict and remake the Catholic Church into a Satanic body, and the conservative Nazis have been pushing back ever since. To regain the papacy, the Nazis plan to send Benedict to his eternal reward so the Satanic leaders of the Church and the leftist leaders of the Western nations will gather in Rome for his funeral. There they will be destroyed by the Nazionist Space Force, with the blame falling on ‘space rocks’ from a broken asteroid.”

~ MORE ~

One other thing to watch for on Monday is a cyberattack that could serve as cover for the takedown of the current financial system. The Western mainstream media will blame it on Russia and China.

(1 October 2022) – Pope Benedict may be scheduled to die tomorrow

What may be planned for tomorrow comes straight out of a Dan Brown novel, and it involves the death of Pope Benedict. My partner Onnabugeisha has noted that Sunday, October 2 is the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels

The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels is a memorial of the Catholic Church officially observed on 2 October…

Devotion to the angels is an ancient tradition which the Christian Church inherited from Judaism. It began to develop with the birth of the monastic tradition. The feast was first kept by the Franciscan order in 1500. This feast, like many others, was local before it was placed in the General Roman Calendar in 1607 by Pope Paul V. The papal decree establishing the feast was cosigned by Robert Bellarmine, which has led some scholars to speculate that the feast was created under the influence of the Society of Jesus

The Feast of the Guardian Angels was of seminal importance to Josemaria Escriva, who considered himself to have been inspired by God to found Opus Dei on October 2, 1928. The significance of the day of his inspiration was evident to Escriva, who believed that it was a sign that the work of the order would be carried out under the protection of angels. – from Wikipedia

As it turns out, Opus Dei is a conservative organization that “commie” Pope Francis neutered back in August…

…from Barron’s

So the plot would be that Opus Dei, acting in accordance with the perceived guidance of the Guardian Angels, will send a willing Pope Benedict to his “eternal rest” so the “Satanic Western leaders” and Pope Francis’s “Satanic cardinals” will gather in Rome for his funeral. There they will receive “divine judgment” at the hands of the angels, who will guide fiery meteors from the splintered Didymos asteroid onto Rome (and perhaps other “sin cities” as well).

A funeral for a pope typically happens 4-6 days after his death, so Benedict’s death on October 2 could result in an October 6 funeral (and October 6 is the most likely day for WW3 to begin). This would mean the kinetic orbital strike would be scheduled for October 5 (after most of the leaders have arrived in Rome) or October 6 (the day of the funeral). There are also indications that a “savior intervention” could happen on those days, before or after the “space rock” event.

By the way, tomorrow Opus Dei will turn 95 years old, the same age as Pope Benedict. And Benedict met the latest batch of “Francis’s Satanic cardinals” last month — note the focus on his health (they’re preparing the public for his imminent death)…


NOTE (1 October 2022): In the unlikely event that they go ahead and trigger Operation Blackjack today, it would likely happen at 3 PM Washington DC time. That’s the time of day Mao proclaimed the establishment of the PRC in Tiananmen Square. Otherwise, there will be another opportunity for China and Russia to attack the West on Monday.

(30 September 2022) – A Historical Note for October 1

Saturday is the 5th anniversary of the DHS’ 2017 Las Vegas Mass Shooting. The country singer who was performing when the shots rang out is named Jason Aldean, and he has a left arm tattoo of a jack card and ace card under a Black Sun (a Nazi symbol)…

A jack and an ace are 21, Blackjack. So Operation Blackjack is a possibility on Saturday. What better day to do it than on the day the People’s Republic of China was founded? That would tie the Chicoms to the attacks (in the public mind).

NWO Transition Watch for September 25 – October 18

Current Watch Item(s):

  • *NOTE: THIS WATCH ITEM HAS BEEN EXTENDED INTO SATURDAY BECAUSE OCTOBER 1 IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING CEREMONY OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE SIGNING OF THE US-REPUBLIC OF KOREA MUTUAL DEFENSE TREATY.* Be on the lookout for an open-air nuclear test by North Korea. A false-flag nuclear attack blamed on North Korea is also possible, and it may target the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, which is conducting naval drills with South Korea’s navy this week. Either nuclear incident would start an escalation spiral to an attempted full nuclear exchange by October 17. [220926]
  • Be on the lookout for a major event during the timeframe of September 29 (after sunset) to October 1 (until nightfall). Candidate events include a nuclear attack on Kiev, a major Palestinian uprising in Israel, the capture or death of a prominent Jewish leader, and a Second Lehman Moment in the Western financial system. [220928]
  • Be on the lookout for the death of one of the two living popes from September 29 through October 13. This death will be scheduled to gather the “kings of the world” in Rome 4-6 days later for a papal funeral on one of the key days of the fall Jewish holidays (both standard and Essene). The deaths of the gathered leaders will be staged either on the day before the funeral or the day of. [220928]

(29 September 2022) – The Key Understanding

Pointing out that this NWO Transition Crisis is being timed in accordance with the Hebrew fall holiday calendars is insufficient — in and of itself — to deter the Kabbalists this time. This is because it is their intention to throw the Jews under the bus at the end of this. They aim to generate so much Jew-hate after the crisis that all Jews will willingly rush to the “safety and security” offered by Israel and the “Jewish Messiah” / Moshiach ben David…

The following are the criteria for identifying the Moshiach, as written by Maimonides:

If we see a Jewish leader who (a) toils in the study of Torah and is meticulous about the observance of the mitzvot, (b) influences the Jews to follow the ways of the Torah and (c) wages the “battles of G‑d” — such a person is the “presumptive Moshiach.”

If the person succeeded in all these endeavors, and then rebuilds the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and facilitates the ingathering of the Jews to the Land of Israel — then we are certain that he is the Moshiach. – from Chabad.org

The raging Jew-hate generated by the post-crisis Truth Tsunami Psyop will aid the Kabbalists’ fake Moshiach in gathering the Jews in Israel. And there they will later be exterminated in the next big crisis that will come at the end of Vladimir Putin’s reign over the NWO.

There is no place for Jews or Muslims in the “Millennial Kingdom of Christ” the Kabbalists have planned. Their ultimate aim is to unite the world under ONE government and ONE religion, both fronted by their Kabbalah Christ puppet. The “Religious UN” we’ll see during the NWO is just an intermediate step towards the installation of Kabbalized Christianity as Earth’s only religion.

(29 September 2022) – A Second Plaza Accord is currently scheduled for this Sunday (with this being one of the justifications)…

…from Zero Hedge

Speaking of the potential for the globalists to stage a Second Lehman Moment this weekend as a “judgment” arising from Essene Yom Kippur (Friday, September 30), my partner Onnabugeisha has made an interesting discovery about the Plaza Accord…

The Plaza Accord was a joint–agreement signed on September 22, 1985 [a Sunday], at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, between France, West Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to depreciate the U.S. dollar in relation to the French franc, the German Deutsche Mark, the Japanese yen and the British Pound sterling by intervening in currency markets… The following Monday when the meeting was made public, the dollar fell 4 percent in comparison to the other currencies. – from Wikipedia

Looking into the Sunday, 22 September 1985 date of the Accord, Onnabugeisha found that it landed on the Hebrew day of 7 Tishrei. And 7 Tishrei this year is Sunday, 2 October 2022 (this Sunday). If you pair this with the fact that the dollar is currently soaring against the British pound and the euro — so much so that a crisis nearly erupted in the UK yesterday — it’s not hard to see what the Architects of Human Misery have in mind.

Onnabugeisha also noted that Rosh Hashanah (Day 1) this year (September 26) marked the 444th month and 4th day (4444, a double appearance of “Antichrist” Obama’s president number) since the Plaza Accord. And Essene Yom Kippur (September 30) falls 4 days after Rosh Hashanah Day 1.

Here’s something else about Rosh Hashanah…

Rosh HaShanah is the Jewish New Year. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah, literally “day of shouting or blasting.” – from Wikipedia

A “day of blasting” indeed, because that was the day the Kabbalists blew up the Nord Stream pipelines flowing to Western Europe (the G7/NATO Third Roman Empire).

The Jewish “10 Days of Awe” that began on Rosh Hashanah are obviously planned to bring “shock and awe” to Third Rome (the West). And they will culminate on standard Yom Kippur, October 5, which is also Sukkot/Tabernacles Day 1 on the Essene calendar. That will be a hella hazardous day.

(28 September 2022) – My partner Onnabugeisha has noted that Friday, September 30 is the Essene Day of Repentance (Yom Kippur), which starts at sunset on Thursday and runs to sunset on Friday. At that point, Shabbat Shuvah (the “Sabbath of Return”) begins on the standard Hebrew calendar and runs to sunset on Saturday. Since the prophecy propagandists promote the Essene calendar as “God’s true calendar,” Essene Yom Kippur can be scripted to bring “God’s judgment” against the “wicked” rabbinical Jews (the “Synogogue of Satan”). So something big is likely scheduled for the sunset of Thursday through sunset of Saturday timeframe.

Candidate events include…

  • a “false-flag” nuclear attack on Kiev, which is making war against “Messiah” Putin,
  • the outbreak of the Final Intifada within Israel,
  • the staged capture or killing of a prominent Jewish leader [possibly Yair Lapid (who called for a Jerusalem-dividing two-state solution at the UN last Thursday) or Volodymyr Zelensky (who is supposedly leading the war against “Messiah” Putin)], and
  • a Second Lehman Moment in the rabbinical Jew-run Western financial system.

(26 September 2022) – My partner Onnabugeisha has reminded me of the necessity of watching the Essene Jewish calendar in the days ahead. And after looking into it this morning, I came across something interesting…

Seven years ago on September 28, 2015, “Messiah” Putin and “Antichrist” Obama clashed at the UN over Ukraine and Syria. And two days later on September 30, Putin launched his airpower intervention in Syria. As it turns out, September 30, 2015 was Day 1 of Sukkot/Tabernacles on the Essene calendar.

Fast forwarding to this year’s Essene calendar, Day 1 of Sukkot/Tabernacles falls on October 5, which is the same day as Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) on the standard Hebrew calendar.

So October 5 promises to be a very significant day. More to come on this…

~ MORE ~

NASA decided this morning to roll the Artemis rocket back to its assembly building, so the Artemis space rock ritual is postponed once again. In previous projections of when Artemis 1 might launch if it had to roll back to the assembly building on account of the storm, NASA said this…

So far, NASA is considering an October 5 launch, as the current window, which runs until October 4, is likely to be missed. If the hurricane does not decrease, then the date will be postponed again. Thereafter, launch windows may be October 17-31, excluding October 24-26 and October 28. – from Gadget Tendency

This morning we discovered why they’ll be going for October 5 (see today’s first update), and we’ve long known why they’ll go for October 17 (it’s Shemini Atzeret / Kabbalist “Judgment Day”). We’ll make sure they miss those launch dates as well. My best advice to them it to keep rolling Artemis all the way back to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC.

(25 September 2022) – Showtime Begins this Evening

Sunset today marks the beginning of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) and the fall Jewish holidays that run through October 18. So it’s showtime. My partner Onnabugeisha’s research on tomorrow, September 26 (Rosh Hashanah Day 1) points to a possible nuclear incident involving a bomb, missile, or the faked release of radioactivity from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine. Here are her raw notes (with my additions in brackets)…

9/26 (Monday)

•1st of Tishri is the 6th day of creation, “G-d formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7)

That day they were banished from Garden of Eden (from Psalm11918.org, Tishri 1)

•International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons is 26 September

(un.org, Sculpture depicting St. George slaying the dragon.)

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Wikipedia) commission date 9/26/1972, the 45th anniversary [Chernobyl is in Ukraine.]

•President Obama’s Trip to Cuba: What You Need to Know (abcnews) on 3/20/2016

President Barack Obama became the first U.S. president to visit Cuba since Calvin Coolidge in 1928, 6y.6m.6d. since his visit. [Think “Cuban missile crisis.”]

•Jupiter will be closest to Earth in 70 years on September 26, all you need to know (from msn.com) [According to the leading prophecy propagandists, Jupiter represents Satan, “Antichrist” Obama’s step-daddy.]

~ MORE ~

The nuclear incident that may be planned tomorrow could be an open-air North Korean nuclear test aimed at intimidating the leaders gathering for Abe’s state funeral…

Vice President Kamala Harris will lead a delegation of nearly a dozen U.S. officials on an official visit to Japan, where they will attend the funeral of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo before traveling to the Republic of Korea….

The vice president will arrive in Tokyo on Monday alongside Rahm Emmanuel, the current U.S. ambassador to Japan; Katherine Tai, the U.S. trade representative; Sen. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., who served as ambassador to Japan under former President Donald Trump and several other government officials.

Harris will meet with a number of world leaders during her overseas trip, including a Monday bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. On Tuesday, she will meet with Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and South Korea’s Prime Minister Han Duck-soo before traveling to Korea on Thursday.

In Korea, Harris will meet with President Yoon Suk-yeol to “underscore the strength of the U.S.-ROK Alliance and discuss the threat posed by the DPRK, the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, our growing economic and technology partnership, and a range of regional and global issues,” senior administration officials said in part. – from NY1

(24 September 2022) – “International Space Rock Day” is delayed again

First, Obama pulled out of the September 27 Abe state funeral, and now NASA has scrubbed the September 27 launch of the Rocket of Doom (Artemis 1) on account of weather. It appears, then, that the globalists’ plans for September 27 have been delayed. NASA is still holding out hope — until a decision tomorrow — that they can launch on October 2, though, so I looked into what they might have in mind.

If you count forward 45 days from October 2, you land on November 16, the second day of the G20 Summit in Bali. So they may be back-constructing another Obama Tribulation timeline that started on October 9, 2015 and reaches its 2550th day (the climax point) on October 2. It would then reach its 2595th day (the day when something “good” happens) on November 16 (when the non-commie NWO is agreed-to).

Alternatively, a launch on October 2 would mean the capsule would return to Earth on 11/11. So they may deliver their kinetic bombardment on that day or during the G20 Summit. To hit the Summit, they would have to put the upper stage of the rocket (minus the capsule) into Moon orbit for a while and then bring it (and its payload) back to Earth on 11/15-16.

By the way, October 2 (10/2) is 7/7 on the Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar [1,2]. And on a related note, reader Ronin notes that the US Navy has scheduled a port call for the USS George HW Bush aircraft carrier (CVN 77) at Souda Bay on the Greek island of Crete from October 6 to 10 [1,2]. He suspects that the Turks will attempt a reverse Battle of Navarino during that time by attempting to sink the carrier in port. So the Turkish attack on Greece and the Israeli attack on Iran are currently scheduled for the October 6-10 timeframe, likely on the 7th or 8th.

I’ll explain all the details as we approach those dates, unless the planned events evaporate before then.

~ MORE – 25 September 2022 ~

There is nothing to stop the globalists from proceeding with their “space rock” attack on September 27 except their desire to do it as a grand public ritual involving Artemis. They already have orbital platforms and black-budget aerospace vehicles capable of mounting an orbital bombardment with metal rods, but using Artemis 1 gives them the satisfaction of building the most powerful chemical rocket rocket ever made, naming its mission after the “Goddess of Sudden Death who shoots arrows and throws spears,” and launching it right in front of a cheering public — a public cheering their own imminent doom.

If they stick with the Artemis 1 ritual at a later date, the bombardment can still be blamed on “space rocks” from NASA’s DART interception of the Didymos asteroid. They can simply say that the asteroid was intercepted when it was “X” days away from Earth (with “X” being the number of days between the DART interception and the attack).

(23 September 2022) – Now let’s have a quick look at the much-hyped day of September 24…

…from Insider

These are the occult indicators my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered for tomorrow. They support the possible scripting of a 9/11-style attack and a follow-on Communist Red Terror…

September 24 (9/24) on the Gregorian calendar is 9/11 on the Julian calendar (which is still used by the Russian Orthodox Church, which would become the world’s leading Christian church if the Roman Catholic Church collapses).

September 24 this year is 28 Elul on the standard Hebrew calendar. And both the French Revolution’s terror declaration and the Russian Revolution’s terror decree were issued on the Hebrew day of 28 Elul [1,2].

September 24 marks the 13th anniversary of Barack Obama becoming the first US president to preside over a UN Security Council meeting (on September 24, 2009). The focus of the meeting — which was a summit of world leaders — was “Nuclear Non-Proliferation And Nuclear Disarmament.”

September 24 marks the 8th anniversary of Barack Obama’s second time presiding over a UN Security Council meeting (on September 24, 2014). The focus of the meeting — which was also a summit of world leaders — was “stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters into – and out of – Iraq and Syria.”

September 24 marks the 7-year anniversary of Pope Francis becoming the first pope to speak before a Joint Session of the US Congress (on September 24, 2015). During his speech, he mentioned this…

All of us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms.

It should be noted that Pope Francis and the Roman Catholic Church are well-known as targets of “ISIS” and “Al Qaeda” — both of which are in Syria — and Pope Francis will be attending a global youth conference tomorrow in Assisi that is devoted to the (communist) “New Economy.”

So if September 24 is going to be a big day, the script pretty much writes itself: Pope Francis is assassinated overnight at the Vatican or during his Saturday visit to Assisi by “right wing” + “Islamic” extremists armed with a “Russian” WMD. This WMD — possibly a mini-nuke mounted on a short range rocket — will have supposedly been smuggled into Italy via Syria. Other Western cities may be hit as well. NATO will then point the finger at Russia, lock down their nations, and start rounding up “domestic extremists who may be armed with more WMDs.”

As an alternative, space rocks hitting the Pope are possible too, but I’m not really expecting those until September 27.

I previously wrote about September 24 in my 15 September update, which is further down this page.

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Onnabugeisha has also noted that September 24 is the anniversary of the death of Pope Liberius, whose papacy bears some resemblance to that of Pope Benedict

Some historians have postulated that Liberius resigned the papacy in 365, in order to make sense of the pontificate of Felix II, who has since been regarded as an antipope. That view is overwhelmingly outnumbered by the writings of historians and scholars which document Liberius’ staunch orthodoxy through the end of his pontificate ended by his death. – from Wikipedia

Just think of Pope Liberius as Pope Benedict, Antipope Felix II as “Antipope” Francis, and Emperor Constantius (who foisted Felix II upon the Church) as “Antichrist” Obama. Also bear in mind that the September 24 rumors were started by a German lawmaker, and since Pope Emeritus Benedict is German, his death tomorrow would hit the Germans hardest. It would also provide a way to gather the “kings of the world” in Rome for a papal funeral on September 27 or 28.

WARNING (22 September 2022): Be on the lookout for a fake Rapture by September 27…

Something has been bothering me about the September 19 through October 17 timeline. Reader Ronin has been keeping me apprised of the steady preparations the globalists are making for a Turkish war in October, but how can they have a war in October if they stage a savior event in September? I may have found the answer quite by accident today. In looking at Matthew 24 in the Bible today, I saw verses 29-31

29 “But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 “And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory. 31 “And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.

What is described in these verses sounds a lot like a ground-impacting meteor storm, its effects, and a savior event to take advantage of frightened sheep…

  • “The stars (tungsten rods) will fall from the sky.”
  • The sky will appear to shake because the ground will be moving beneath us.
  • The light of the Sun and Moon will be partially blocked by the dust kicked up by the impacts.
  • UFOs and volumetrically projected images will appear in the sky.
  • And the UFOs and the (fake) ETs will gather certain people from all across the world to keep them “safe and secure.”

What this is describing is the Christian “Rapture” — as simulated by the globalists. And this may be the savior event that is planned in September. So after the “lights in the sky” leave with their “human harvest,” the world will limp forward into the October wars and the second savior event: the arrival of different-looking UFOs to stop the war at the point a full-on nuclear exchange is staged, thereafter giving rise to the “Antichrist’s” New World Order.

All this means a “Harvest of Suckers” may be planned to occur between now and September 27. I don’t recommend boarding the craft.

~ MORE ~

In response to an email…

This blog is committed to the unflinching pursuit of the Truth to the best of my ability to discern it. Readers’ emotional reactions to what I write are based on their personal belief systems and are their business, not mine. If you are looking for someone to support your current belief system, give you false hope, and blow sunshine up your keister, look elsewhere — there just aren’t any straws long enough for me to even consider trying.

All I can say that is hopeful about humanity’s current situation is what I’ve personally observed in manifested reality: a Greater Consciousness — whether you choose to look at it as “God,” the “Great Spirit,” “Source,” or “Scribbles the Creator” — seems to disagree with what the spiritual basement-dwelling Kabbalists have planned and is exposing their secrets for all to see. This seems to have the effect of quashing those plans, day-by-day. Whether “Scribbles” intends to completely stop them or not and how “Scribbles” might go about doing that are not things to which I am privy. I know only my role: to serve as a network printer through which the unexpressed realizations of many people find physical expression.

I am not at all worried about my spirit or yours. What we’re worrying about here is the fate of the homo sapiens species through which our spirits interact with this reality system. Will these hairless apes make it? That remains to be seen. Help a monkey out, Scribbles.

NOTE: There is one thing to watch today, 22 September 2022: Biden will participate in a Democratic National Committee reception in New York City at 4:40 PM today (44, Obama’s president number). The timing is fishy, so Biden’s staged death there is a possibility.

Today’s (9/22) update has been added below yesterday’s.

(Expanded Note – 21-22 September 2022) – Starting tomorrow, September 22, the globalists will shift from a “terrorist nuke” threat to a “space rock” threat, and there are two ways they could do it…

  • They can wait till September 26/27 and hit us with a one-day barrage of kinetic rods that are claimed to be “space rocks” from the DART-intercepted and splintered Didymos asteroid.


  • They can hit us as soon as tomorrow and over multiple days with rods that are claimed to be “space rocks” from an undetected (or unreported to the public), splintered long-period comet or asteroid (unless they intend to say that NASA lied about the day Didymos would approach Earth).

There is also evidence that the “End Times” script will have “CERN open a dimensional gateway on September 23,” just in time for the “released entities” to attack Pope Francis in Assisi on the 24th.

I’ll go into the fine details tomorrow, but here are a few pieces of the puzzle to get you started…

I came across this list of predictive programming hints for September 22-23 on a controlled alt-media site…

…from Gab

And I came across this hint about CERN from Elon Musk in some media reports [1,2]…

…from Twitter

Musk published his twit on August 21, exactly 33 days before September 23.

~ MORE – 22 September 2022 ~

Let’s start exploring the “fine details” by first looking at CERN…

The Hollywoodesque prophecy propaganda storyline the Kabbalists have built around CERN is well-summarized in the following article…

…from MysteriousUniverse.org. Here is an excerpt…

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, commonly known as CERN, is a research organization made up of 23 member states that was established in 1954 at Geneva, on the Franco-Swiss border for the purpose of pursuing research into atomic nuclei and high-energy physics, mainly the interactions between subatomic particles and their effects. The name CERN also applies to its sprawling laboratory, which employs nearly 3,000 scientific, technical, and administrative staff members, and is the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. CERN is perhaps most well-known for its massive Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and highest-energy particle collider

CERN and its particle accelerator would go on to generate all manner of conspiracy theories on secret research and interdimensional portals, somehow punching through the curtain that separates realities and even letting things from the other side bleed through

One of the more popular conspiracy theories is that the facility is actively engaged in opening rifts between dimensions in order to enable teleportation, form doorways to alternate realities, and by some of the more far-out accounts to even open a gate between Earth and Heaven and Hell, with one rumor in 2012 claiming that scientists at CERN had let in Biblical giants called the Nephilim through the gateway, which supposedly prompted them to shut the LHC down in order to make it more powerful

So according to the script of the “End Times” stageplay, the “Satanic Global Deep State” built the LHC — essentially an underground “stargate” — to open a gateway to the parallel dimension in which the spirits of the Nephilim and their Anunnaki parents are confined so they can come in, possess living humans, and raise hell on Earth. Furthermore, the globalists’ leading prophecy disinformation mill, SkyWatchTV, have created an expectation that these Nephilim will be allowed to torment humanity for exactly 150 days

The supernatural entities known to the world thousands of years ago as Titans, Watchers, Anunnaki, and apkallu are the things that swarm out of the abyss in Revelation 9. That’s where they are now, confined until the Judgment. They get a short time to torment humanity, taking revenge on God’s prized creation for the punishment of watching their own children, the Nephilim/Rephaim, destroyed in the Flood of Noah.

How do we know? The Watchers from the abyss be allowed to torment those without the seal of God on their foreheads for five months. Now, note the length of time the ark of Noah was on the water before it came to rest:

>>> The fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, and the waters receded from the earth continually. At the end of 150 days the waters had abated, and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8:2–4, emphasis added) <<<

Measured in the thirty-day months of a lunar calendar, the standard in ancient Mesopotamia, 150 days is exactly five months. That’s how long Shemihazah, Asael, and their colleagues watched helplessly while their children were destroyed with the rest of all flesh on the earth. In the end, they’ll get 150 days to torment unrepentant humanity before Saturn’s reign is ended. The parallel is not coincidental, and it identifies the creatures from the abyss as the sinful angels mentioned in the epistles of Peter and Jude—the “sons of God” from Genesis 6, who were led by the entity who’s at the heart of this study, Shemihazah/Saturn. – from SkywatchTV

After being shut down for a few years for the installation of upgrades to make it more powerful, the LHC was turned back on earlier this year…

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, has restarted after a break of more than three years for maintenance, consolidation, and upgrade work. Today, April 22, 2022, at 12:16 CEST, two beams of protons circulated in opposite directions around the Large Hadron Collider’s 27-kilometer (16.8 mile) ring at their injection energy of 450 billion electronvolts (450 GeV). – from SciTechDaily

As you can see, it was restarted on April 22, 2022 (2+2/22/22), EXACTLY 150 DAYS BEFORE THE QUEEN’S FUNERAL on September 19, 2022. So had the globalists gone forward with a savior intervention to stop Operation Blackjack on the day of the Queen’s funeral, the prophecy punks would have claimed that CERN opened the portal as soon as they restarted the LHC on April 22, thus fulfilling the 150 days. But now that this 150-day timeline is blown, the globalists will have to resort to a backup. And there are two ways they can go about it…

1) They can count back 150 days from the day they stage the savior intervention and say that the portal was secretly opened on that date. Manufactured evidence will support their claim.

2) They can say that the portal was opened on September 23 (tomorrow) and claim that the 150 days were cut short by God’s mercy in accordance with Matthew 24:21-22

21 “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. 22 “Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.

If they proceed with the September 23 option and stage the intervention on the most likely day for it, October 17 (the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret), the 150 days will be cut short to only 3 weeks and 3 days (33).

NOTE (21 September 2022): The update block I experienced yesterday relented in the evening after Putin’s Tuesday night speech was delayed till Wednesday morning (Russia time). Let’s hope that postponement was the result of the globalists pushing the delay button on what was planned for today. Yesterday’s update has now been completed.

WARNING: The Western World is Scheduled for a 9/11-Style Controlled Demolition by the End of this Month (and it could happen as early as the 19th)

The Globalist Setup for September 19-21

(20 September 2022) – Being bound by the superstitions associated with their artificial belief system, the globalists/Kabbalists like to schedule big events for days that carry related numerological, astrological, mythological, and historical (particularly Jewish and Roman) significance. That being said, my beloved partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered quite a lot of such “occult indicators” / “scripting cues” that make September 21 a significant day. Here they are…

September 21 is the Feast of Trumpets / Rosh Hashanah / Jewish New Year on the Essene Jewish calendar. And the globalist prophecy propagandists have been promoting the Essene calendar as the true calendar of God observed by faithful Torah-only Jews (as opposed to the “Synagogue of Satan” Jews who follow the Babylonian Talmud and other such rabbinical texts). I’ve come across a lot of prophecy propaganda over the years suggesting that the Jewish Messiah or Jesus would come on the Feast of Trumpets.

September 21 is the 77th day since the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed on July 6, 2022. Their destruction foreshadowed “the destruction of the commie-version New World Order and its insane, genocidal depopulation plot” (which was featured on the Guidestones). So the destruction of the “commie” UN tomorrow — which is currently holding its 77th UN General Assembly — will bring the final destruction of “Communist Antichrist Obama’s unholy kingdom” and the end of his second 7-year Tribulation. And the current UN’s destruction could be either a physical destruction by a nuke or a destruction by its seizure and the arrest of its leaders.

September 21 is the Russian Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a feast day celebrating the birth of Mary, mother of Jesus. In Western churches, the feast is celebrated on September 8, the day the Queen died. So just as September 8 brought the Queen’s death, September 21 may bring the death of her world order. Mary’s nativity feast may also give rise to the reappearance of her son Jesus (in the form of either “Savior” Mike Pence or “Savior” Vladimir Putin).

September 21 is the UN-sanctioned International Day of Peace (World Peace Day — an excellent day to either start a terrible world war or have “the man of peace” save the world)…

To inaugurate the day, the United Nations Peace Bell is rung at UN Headquarters (in New York City). The bell is cast from coins donated by children from all continents except Africa, and was a gift from the United Nations Association of Japan, as “a reminder of the human cost of war”; the inscription on its side reads, “Long live absolute world peace”. – from Wikipedia

The Japanese Peace Bell is a bell donated to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City via the United Nations Association of Japan in June 1954. It is a bonsho (a Buddhist temple bell) that is 60 centimeters in diameter, 1 meter in height, and 116 kg in weight. It was established by Chiyoji Nakagawa.

Ceremonies are held at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in September each year as well as on the International Day of Peace on September 21, when the bell is rung in honor of world peace by the Secretary General, UN executives, and other public figures. – from Wikipedia

As you can see, the bell weighs 116 kg, and 116 is 911 flipped over. So the UN Secretary General will ring the inverse 911 bell tomorrow. Whether that will bring a bookend 9/11 attack or the inverse of that, a peace intervention, remains to be seen. And Japanese Prime Minister Kishida will be at the UN that day too…

Kishida’s U.S. trip is also intended to push for a world without nuclear weapons. On Wednesday, he is set to host the first summit of leaders from countries ratifying the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. – from Arab News Japan

It would be quite ironic if the UN were blown up with a nuke on the day the Japanese Peace Bell is rung and the Japanese Prime Minister is leading a meeting on nuclear disarmament.

~ MORE ~

Since I’m facing severe complications in posting updates and time is running short, I’m posting Onnabugeisha’s raw notes with my brief introductions and additions. Which of these scripting cues are used and how they are applied will vary according to the globalists’ storyline choices. Note that September 21 this year is 25 Elul on the standard Hebrew calendar and Eighth Month 26 on the Chinese lunar calendar. Here we go…

This cue supports the scripting of Operation Blackjack tomorrow and the Western governments’ crackdown on the political right that will follow…

•The Red Terror officially starts (Google search) 9/2/1918 = 25 Elul

These cues can be used to script a change tomorrow in the Chinese government or the world government (the UN)…

•9/21/1949 “At the opening of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Peking, Mao Zedong announces that the new Chinese government will be “under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.”
The September 1949 conference in Peking was both a celebration of the communist victory in the long civil war against Nationalist Chinese forces and the unveiling of the communist regime that would henceforth rule over China.
(from history com, Mao Zedong outlines the new Chinese government), 73 years ago
•Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy (Wikipedia), during the French Revolution, was a proclamation by the National Convention of France announcing that it had abolished the French monarchy on 9/21/1792, giving birth to the French First Republic, 230 years ago

These cues can be used to script a takedown of Xi Jinping and/or Vladimir Putin…

•The Battle of Palikao (Wikipedia) was fought at the bridge of Palikao by Anglo-French forces against the Qing Empire during the Second Opium War on the morning of 9/21/1860. It allowed Western forces to take the capital Beijing and eventually defeat the Qing Empire, 162 years ago
•Li Keqiang became premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on 3/15/2013, 9y.6m.6d. ago (666)
•Sergei Shoigu was born 5/21/1955, 808 month old (88)

These cues can be used to script the Chinese going to war tomorrow (internally and/or externally)…

•The First Opium War, also known the Anglo-Sino War was a series of military engagements fought between Britain began on 9/4/1839 = 25 Elul
•The People’s Liberation Army (Wikipedia) is the principal military force of the People’s Republic of China
Current form: 10/10/1947 = Chinese Eighth Month 26

This cue can be used to script a human-induced “natural disaster” by means of black tech or known tech…

•1999 Jiji earthquake (Wikipedia) also known as the great earthquake of September 21, (2415 killed), 23 years ago. Remember that an underwater “earthquake” can trigger a tsunami.

This cue can be used to script some sort of mischief involving the Knights of Malta…

•Malta Independence from the UK on 9/21/1964, 58years = 696 months (666)

These cues are of Jewish historical significance and support the scripting of something big…

On the Gregorian calendar:
21 September
•Lodge–Fish Resolution (Wikipedia)
On 9/21/1922 the then President Warren G. Harding signed the joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine, per the 1917 Balfour Declaration, 100 years ago

On the Jewish calendar:
25 Elul (6/25 or 12/25 – Gregorian 12/25 is Christmas)
•Creation (3760 BCE)
The 1st day of creation, on which G-d created existence, time, matter, darkness and light…
•Jerusalem Walls Rebuilt (335 BCE) (from chabad org)
•The first day of Creation: “In the beginning G-d created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).
•The first Jewish U.S. Secretary of State, Henry A. Kissinger, was sworn in (on Shabbat!) 9/22/1973, 49 (7x7) Jewish years ago (from Psalm11918 org) Kissinger was the architect of the BRICS New World Order.

And finally, there’s this cue that relates to the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline…

•September 21, 2022 / 25 Elul 5782 marks exactly 7 Jewish lunar calendar years since the “SANHEDRIN PASSES JUDGEMENT AGAINST POPE FRANCIS, OBAMA ON MT. ZION”, 9/9/2015 / 25 Elul 5775

So this is another cue underscoring the end of a 7-year Obama Tribulation, just like the one I showed you yesterday…

•September 21 marks exactly 2550 days since “Antichrist” Obama and “Savior” Putin clashed at the UN over Ukraine and Syria on September 28, 2015, the first day of that year’s General Debate. And since 2550 days is the exact number of days in a Christian 7-year tribulation period, doing Operation Blackjack (or the intervention to stop it) on that day could be narrated as the culmination of Obama’s 7-year Tribulation.

An attempt at Operation Blackjack tomorrow could lead to…

  • a phony “White Hat” intervention to stop it,
  • explosions and the rise of a commie NWO, or
  • explosions, the attempted rise of a commie NWO, and a phony “White Hat” intervention to stop it as late as October 17.

In the first and third cases, the “White Hat” intervention could lead to…

  • the rise of a Nazionist Antichrist & NWO with Putin and Xi out of power, or
  • the rise of the BRICS NWO with one or both of them still in power.

And here’s something else a reader put me on to…

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on Russian producers of military equipment to up their production and supplies to Russian troops. Putin was also set to give a major speech to the country on Tuesday — only to later postpone it until Wednesday without explanation. – from CNBC

So Putin has delayed a “major speech” so he can give it on September 21, the same day to which Biden delayed his UN speech. Very interesting.

Having done my best to deter what’s planned for tomorrow, let’s see what happens…

(19 September 2022) – Will the clash between “Antichrist” Obama and (False) “Messiah” Putin end exactly 7 Bible prophecy years after this…

…from U.S. News

The globalists have extended the September 19-20 danger period to include September 21 (blackjack) by postponing Biden’s UN General Debate speech till that day. And after checking the numbers, I found this…

  • September 21 marks exactly 2550 days since “Antichrist” Obama and “Savior” Putin clashed at the UN over Ukraine and Syria on September 28, 2015, the first day of that year’s General Debate. And since 2550 days is the exact number of days in a Christian 7-year tribulation period, doing Operation Blackjack (or the intervention to stop it) on that day could be narrated as the culmination of Obama’s 7-year Tribulation.
  • September 21 + 45 days (the 2595th day of the Tribulation, when something good is supposed to happen) lands on November 5, the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot. So will the good development be the fall of the Crown (the House of Windsor + the Rothschilds)? If there is a king after that date, it will be Harry (Diana’s love child who is not of Windsor blood).

~ MORE ~

As New York City faces the prospect of an attack by a suitcase nuke, Turkevi nuke, tsunami nuke, or sail-by nuke on September 20-21, the press are hinting at a coming “Storm”…

…from India Today / AP (top). Note the word “martyr” used in connection to Trump. Here is an excerpt from the article…

After winking at QAnon for years, Donald Trump is overtly embracing the baseless conspiracy theory, even as the number of frightening real-world events linked to it grows.

On Tuesday, using his Truth Social platform, the Republican former president reposted an image of himself wearing a Q lapel pin overlaid with the words “The Storm is Coming.” In QAnon lore, the “storm” refers to Trump’s final victory, when supposedly he will regain power and his opponents will be tried, and potentially executed, on live television.

So Trump and the mainstream media are giving rise to the expectation of Trump’s Batman move to save Gotham during “The Storm,” which could materialize as soon as the day Operation Blackjack is attempted or as late as October 17, after the world has been terrified by some degree of destruction and war.

Speaking of the possibility of some destruction and war, Turkey’s Erdogan is in New York City and wants to meet with Biden. So if they blow up the UN Building on Wednesday while Biden is there, Erdogan will be among the dead. This would open the way for the Turkish Muslim Antichrist to rise as his replacement. It would be most interesting if the Turkish Antichrist blows up Erdogan with a nuke hidden in the Turkevi Center (which is right across the street from the UN).

(18 September 2022) – My most brilliant and beloved partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered what may be the key occult clue as to why the globalist scriptwriters scheduled Queen Elizabeth II’s death and funeral for this particular point in time. It has to do with an episode in British history known as the Babington Plot

The Babington Plot was a plan in 1586 to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I, a Protestant, and put Mary, Queen of Scots, her Catholic cousin, on the English throne. It led to Mary’s execution, a result of a letter sent by Mary (who had been imprisoned for 19 years since 1568 in England at the behest of Elizabeth) in which she consented to the assassination of Elizabeth.

The long-term goal of the plot was the invasion of England by the Spanish forces of King Philip II and the Catholic League in France, leading to the restoration of the old religion. The plot was discovered by Elizabeth’s spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham and used to entrap Mary for the purpose of removing her as a claimant to the English throne.

The chief conspirators were Anthony Babington and John Ballard. Babington, a young recusant, was recruited by Ballard, a Jesuit priest who hoped to rescue the Scottish Queen…

The conspirators were sentenced to death for treason and conspiracy against the crown, and were to be hanged, drawn, and quartered… Ballard and Babington were executed on 20 September 1586… – from Wikipedia

It should also be noted that…

So will the storyline reflect that the death of Queen Elizabeth II (publicly attributable to the “communist bioweapon” COVID / COVID vaccine) was a Babington Plot II orchestrated by the communist Jesuit Pope Francis to put “Britain’s Pol Pot,” Charles, on the throne? If this is the case, London may be safe tomorrow (so Charles won’t get hurt), and the hammer blow may instead fall at the UN on September 20, the anniversary of the deaths of the Babington plotters. Most of the “kings of the world” gathered for the funeral will travel on to New York to attend the first day of the UN General Debate on Tuesday, so it will be a target-rich environment.

~ MORE ~

In the 16 September update, I talked about the Batman scripting underlying Trump’s character in the “End Times” stageplay. But there is one plot point I didn’t cover, and it’s this…

  • In Christopher Nolan’s Batman, after Bruce Wayne stops the nuclear destruction of the decadent and decaying Gotham — appearing to die in the process — the Bat Cave and all the Bat Vehicles are left to Robin.
    In the “End Times” stageplay, after Donald Trump stops the nuclear destruction of the decadent and decaying West — appearing to die in the process — his “duly-elected” presidency and command of the Space Force will be left to Pence.

The world-saving Space Force intervention ordered by Batman and Robin (Trump and Pence) could occur during any of the danger periods I’ve outlined: September 19-20, September 26-27, or October 16-17. And Onnabugeisha has found a numerological indicator that would support a scripted Pence intervention tomorrow…

Here are the other updates in this series in chronological order>>>

(8 September 2022) – Queen Elizabeth II’s reported death today, which a reader has pointed out occurred exactly 200 days after she tested positive for COVID [1,2] and exactly 911 days after COVID was declared a pandemic by the WHO [1,2], will set in motion two gatherings of the “kings of the world” in the near future: one at her funeral and one at King Charles’s coronation ceremony. It will be interesting to see what dates they set. Neither will be events a wise person would attend. Watch this weekend [9/9/2022 (666) – 9/11].

~ later ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out the flipside of the Queen’s death: Prince Charles became King Charles (he received his crown) 911 days after the Corona (crown) virus hysteria began. Was Charles responsible for giving his mother the virus that weakened and ultimately killed her?

(MODIFIED EXCERPTS from 9 September 2022)

1) …So the death of the Third Roman Empire (the US/G7/NATO) would allow the Fourth Roman Empire (the reformed UN/NWO) to rise like a phoenix from its ashes. And the decoy Western NWO would attempt to rise under the occult leadership of newly crowned King Charles. Perhaps Londoners will now recognize why hospital beds (representing COVID) and the phoenix bird (representing the birth of the NWO) were part of the 2012 London Olympics ceremonies — and why the Queen “died” exactly 911 days after COVID was declared a pandemic by the WHO.

Onnabugeisha also notes that the Queen was reportedly born on 4/21/1926, Rome’s birthday. So her death foreshadows the death of her Rome and the anticipated birth of Charles’s Global Rome.

2) …And while it’s possible that 9/11 will mark the first day and night of the 40-day, 40-night Fire Judgment — meaning the final day will fall on October 20 — it is more likely they’ll count “the day of the Queen’s sacrifice,” September 8, 2022, as the first day. This would allow the final day to fall on October 17, which is Shemini Atzeret / Kabbalist Judgment Day in Jerusalem.

Within the fanciful occult narrative proffered by the controlled alt-media, Balmoral Castle (where the Queen died) is a place where the royals participate in occult rituals and perform blood sacrifices. So we may one day be told that the Queen was ritually sacrificed — that her still-beating heart was plucked out and burnt on an altar — to gain good fortune for their grand endeavor.

(10 September 2022) – Don’t Be Fooled

Two days ago, the globalists/Kabbalists played the “Queen Sacrifice card.” It was a major card for them to place on the table, and in playing it they may have irretrievably committed themselves to going forward with what they’ve planned for tomorrow. We’ll see. But whether they move forward tomorrow, on September 19-20, on September 26-27, on October 17, or on November 15-16, don’t be fooled.

The artificially manufactured “Fire Judgment from God” we’re about to experience is just a scene in the “End Times” stageplay put on by the Kabbalist central banking families and the world’s royals (whom I collectively call “the globalists”). And there are no “good guys” or “bad guys” on the global stage; there are only actors playing opposing roles under the same producers, directors and writers. The Money Power pays for the whole show. So…

  • Don’t be fooled when the “good guys” step forward to save us this year or in 2025 — they are just the Right Hand sent to save us from the Left Hand.
  • Don’t be fooled when the House of Windsor, the Rothschild family, and the Rockefeller family are “brought to justice” — they are just the public faces of the Kabbalist hydra, and there is a back door in every prison.
  • Don’t be fooled when Chabad-Lubavitch and the Kabbalah are publicly denounced — very few people understand Kabbalism, so they’ll continue moving forward in immersing us in it.
  • Don’t be fooled when the fake ETs appear before you and the RF-generated good vibrations sweep over you — all of these black-tech props and magic tricks were paid for with the wealth they stole from us.
  • And don’t be fooled when someone calling himself “Jesus Christ” shows up in 2029 or 2032-33 to defeat “Final Antichrist Putin” and his New World Order — he’s just another front man through whom the Kabbalists aim to rule over us for a thousand years.

Just enjoy the show, and if you see any nuclear missiles or falling meteors coming your way, remember the five Ds…

(11 September 2022): Has 9/11 II been rescheduled?

The Queen’s funeral has been scheduled for September 19. Who would have guessed that?

September 19 is the day before the UN General Debate begins, so setting that as the funeral date has created complications: UN General Assembly week casts a shadow on date for Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral. Many world leaders will likely change their travel plans to be in London for the funeral, and in The Telegraph’s Operation Blackjack predictive programming slideshow, the first nuclear explosion happens in London and leaves Big Ben a hollowed-out ruin…

It just so happens that the Queen’s funeral will take place at Westminster Abbey, right across the street from the Palace of Westminster where the House of Commons and the House of Lords meet. The Palace is also home to Elizabeth Tower and Big Ben, so one has to wonder if the nuke has been placed in Big Ben by the construction crews that have been renovating it. It would thus be another Gunpowder Plot, but this time the explosive will be in Elizabeth Tower instead of the undercroft.

So have the globalists pushed back today’s planned activities to the 19th?

By the way, my partner Onnabugeisha has noted that September 19, 2022 is the Hebrew day of 23 Elul 5782. As such, it is the 21st Jewish anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, which happened on 23 Elul 5761 / September 11, 2001.

And 21 is Blackjack!…

Looking at the Blackjack graphic above, take note that the mushroom cloud touches the towers of Westminster (take that as a hint). Also note the date, June 22, which can be expressed as 6/22. If you look back to POINT 5 in yesterday’s updates, you’ll see that 9/11 this year falls on 6/22 on the Essene Jewish calendar. So the date in the graphic provides another occult connection to 9/11 and the meanings covered in POINT 5.

Let us be thankful that our adversaries are paint-by-the-numbers hacks instead of true artists.

(EXCERPT from 7&12 September 2022) – I’ve uncovered some interesting facts concerning the danger days ahead of us…

> CONCERNING THE SEPTEMBER 19-20 DANGER DATE: President Barack Obama arrived in New York City on September 27, 2015 to speak on the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals at the 70th UN General Assembly. The next day, on September 28, both he and Putin gave speeches on the first day of the General Debate, and Obama “confronted” Putin at a meeting between the two later that day. Two days later, Putin started bombing Western regime change forces in Syria.

If you count Obama’s arrival at the UN on September 27 as Day 1 of a 7-year (2550-day = 1260 days + 1290 days) Tribulation period, Day 2550 falls on September 19, 2022. And if you count out 2550 days after September 27, Day 1 would fall on September 28 (the day “Antichrist” Obama and “Savior” Putin clashed at the UN), and the final day would fall on September 20, 2022.

So a strike on a gathering of Western leaders on September 19 or 20 can be sold by the globalists as the end of a 7-year Obama Tribulation.

(12 September 2022) – There is definitely another Gunpowder Plot afoot, and it involves the roundup and execution of “traitors.” Get a load of the setup…

…from NPR. Here is an excerpt…

The British government dubbed the intricate protocol of handling Elizabeth’s death “Operation London Bridge.” It ranges from succession rules to the process of bringing the queen’s coffin from Balmoral Castle in Scotland to London.

So why are they using the term “Operation London Bridge”? – It all has to do with the history of the Bridge, particularly this part about Old London Bridge…

The three major buildings on the bridge were the chapel, the drawbridge tower and the stone gate, all of which seem to have been present soon after the bridge’s construction… The stone gate was last rebuilt in the 1470s, and later took over the function of displaying the heads of traitors. The heads were dipped in tar and boiled to preserve them against the elements, and were impaled on pikes. The head of William Wallace was the first recorded as appearing, in 1305, starting a long tradition. Other famous heads on pikes included those of Jack Cade in 1450, Thomas More in 1535, Bishop John Fisher in the same year, and Thomas Cromwell in 1540. In 1598, a German visitor to London, Paul Hentzner, counted over 30 heads on the bridge:

“On the south is a bridge of stone eight hundred feet in length, of wonderful work; it is supported upon twenty piers of square stone, sixty feet high and thirty broad, joined by arches of about twenty feet diameter. The whole is covered on each side with houses so disposed as to have the appearance of a continued street, not at all of a bridge. Upon this is built a tower, on whose top the heads of such as have been executed for high treason are placed on iron spikes: we counted above thirty.”

The last head was installed in 1661; subsequently heads were placed on Temple Bar instead, until the practice ceased. – from Wikipedia

And as you may now suspect, one of the heads reportedly displayed at Old London Bridge was that of Guy Fawkes (of Gunpowder Plot fame)…

…from the BBC

So OPERATION LONDON BRIDGE IS OPERATION BLACKJACK, and there is both a public and an occult aspect to it. Publicly, the current Western governments will use the attack as an excuse to go after “enemies of the state” / “traitors.” But on the occult level, the attack itself represents the execution of the “traitors to the West” (the current Western leaders).

(13 September 2022) – As we approach the potentially fateful day of September 19 (or 20), we see Russia being set up to take the blame for the nuking of the Western capitals.

The press are breathlessly portraying a Russian collapse on the Ukrainian battlefield…

…from MSN/WaPo

They’re also suggesting that the military collapse in Ukraine will lead to Putin resorting to tactical nukes…

…from CNBC

And with the Eastern leaders (including Putin and Xi) gathering for the September 15-16 Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit just a few days before the Western leaders gather for the Queen’s funeral (and potentially the Pope’s funeral too), it can be narrated that the final decision to blow up the West was made at the Summit.

Alternatively, Putin and Xi could get hit in Uzbekistan (another Turkic nation). That’s where the SCO Summit is taking place.

(14 September 2022) – Dmitry Medvedev has issued his nuclear false-flag enabler for the third time…

…from RT. Here is an excerpt…

Western “half-wits” from “stupid think tanks” are leading their countries down the road of nuclear armageddon with their hybrid war against Moscow, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel on Tuesday. Endlessly funneling weapons and support to Ukraine while pretending not to be directly involved in the conflict will not work, added the deputy chair of the Russian Security Council.

The “security guarantees” proposal unveiled by Kiev on Tuesday was “really a prologue to the Third World War,” said Medvedev, calling it a “hysterical appeal” to Western countries engaged in a proxy war against Russia.

If the West continues its “unrestrained pumping of the Kiev regime with the most dangerous types of weapons,” Russia’s military campaign will move to the next level, where “visible boundaries and potential predictability of actions by the parties to the conflict” will be erased and the conflict will take on a life of its own, as wars always do, Medvedev argued.

“And then the Western nations will not be able to sit in their clean homes, laughing at how they carefully weaken Russia by proxy. Everything will be on fire around them. Their people will harvest their grief in full. The land will be on fire and the concrete will melt,” Medvedev wrote, before citing a Bible verse from Revelations 9:18.

In recent entries, I’ve talked about how the Kabbalists want to artificially manufacture “God’s Fire Judgment.” Well this is what Revelation 9:18 (BSB) says…

A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur that proceeded from their mouths.”

As for the first two times Medvedev issued the enabler, here is my previous coverage on them…

WARNING (18 July 2022): On top of the Tehran Summit dangers tomorrow, Russia’s Medvedev has reissued his “false-flag enabler”…

…from Reuters. Here is what I wrote about it after he issued it the first time (back in early June)…

BEGIN JUNE 5 EXCERPT>>> And just yesterday, the false-flag enabler was put in place…

…from the Metro

According to the globalist script (and their disinfo agent “The Saker”), Dmitry Medvedev is an “Atlantic Integrationist” who wants Russia to join the Western-version NWO. So when he threatened a strike against Western “decision-making centers” in response to any Ukrainian HIMARS rocket attack on Russian territory, he was handing NATO exactly what they need to carry out Operation Blackjack and blame it on Putin.

Now all NATO have to do is order Ukraine to strike Russia at the right time, then they can set off “Russian” suitcase nukes in their own capital cities (including Madrid) on June 28. This will allow them to lock down their nations and bring them into the New World Order. It will also give them an excuse to move hard against Putin (and his partner Xi). <<< END JUNE EXCERPT

In reissuing his enabler, he makes reference to Judgment Day,” which in the Terminator movies refers to a day when nukes go off in cities all over the place. So we could be looking at the imminent implementation of Operation Blackjack OR “the White Hat intervention to stop it” (the Mass Arrests Psyop).

(14 September 2022) – Will the globalists shock us with a Project Blue Beam / War of the Worlds type of intervention?

The Bible verse Medvedev quoted in his “apocalyptic warning” yesterday, Revelation 9:18, is part of “The Sixth Trumpet” judgment of Revelation 9 (with my additions in brackets)…

The Sixth Trumpet

13 Then the sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar before God 14 saying to the sixth angel with the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.”

15 So the four angels who had been prepared for this hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 And the number of mounted troops was two hundred million; I heard their number.

17 Now the horses and riders in my vision looked like this: The riders had breastplates the colors of fire [orange], sapphire [blue], and sulfur [yellow]. The heads of the horses [which walk on legs] were like the heads of lions [large in proportion to their bodies due to the mane], and out of their mouths proceeded fire, smoke, and sulfur. 18 A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur that proceeded from their mouths. 19 For the power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; indeed, their tails were like snakes, having heads with which to inflict harm.

As I was pondering the description of the horses and riders, especially the part about the tails, I recalled the War of the Worlds and its walking “tanks.” In this concept art from the 2005 version of the movie, note that each “tank” has a large head, a “breastplate” with two blue lights and a central orange/yellow light, and snakelike tails with ends that inflict harm. And in the movie, each had an alien riding inside…

The attackers bear a remarkable resemblance to the Revelation description, don’t you think? The movie may have been another example of predictive programming, with the aim being to foreshadow a battle with bad ETs.

Then there’s the news article about the UFOs some readers sent me today…

…from Vice. Here is an excerpt…

The scientists divided the phenomenon they observed into two different categories: cosmics and phantoms. “We note that Cosmics are luminous objects, brighter than the background of the sky. We call these ships names of birds (swift, falcon, eagle),” the paper said. “Phantoms are dark objects, with contrast from several to about 50 percent.”

I’ve long expected the globalists to script “lights in the sky” to intervene when a full-on nuclear missile launch is attempted by the warring powers. But this new information has me wondering if we’ll also see a battle in the sky between Dark UFOs and Light UFOs, with the Light UFOs (the supposed “good guys”) winning. So if there is a “White Hat” intervention to stop either Blackjack or the nuclear war culmination that will follow it, it looks like either Space Force and/or “benevolent” (fake) ETs will be doing the heavy lifting. It should be a helluva show.

(16 September 2022) – My partner Onnabugeisha has found occult indicators pointing to Trump and Batman on September 17. Based on what she’s found, tomorrow could be the day Trump is scheduled to be arrested, killed, or disappeared. And this would provide the public outrage necessary to blame Operation Blackjack on “MAGA and their worldwide network of allied right-wing violent extremists.” On a related note, keep an eye out for a “suiciding” of Steve Bannon.

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The globalist scriptwriters of the “End Times” stageplay have made a point of connecting Donald Trump to Batman…

…from The Washington Post

And Saturday, 17 September 2022 is Batman Day this year. So how might this have a bearing on what’s planned for this month? – Upon pondering this question in light of the The Dark Knight Trilogy written and directed by Christopher Nolan (a name which translates to “Noble Christ-bearer“) — which seems to be the globalists’ “official” Batman storyline — here are my thoughts…

  • In the Batman movies, Bruce Wayne is the son of a wealthy Gothamite.
    In the “End Times” stageplay, Donald Trump is the son of a wealthy New Yorker,
    Fred Christ Trump Sr.
  • In Batman, Wayne joined the League of Shadows, but broke ranks when he found out about their intention to bring justice to decadent Gotham by destroying it.
    In “End Times,” Trump joined the globalists, but supposedly broke ranks when he found out about their intention to bring justice to the decadent West by destroying it.
  • In Batman, Wayne falls to his League of Shadows adversaries and is placed in a prison pit while Gotham is terrorized until it is to be destroyed by a nuclear bomb.
    In “End Times,” Trump falls to the “Deep State” globalists in the presidential election and the West is terrorized until it is to be destroyed in Operation Blackjack.
  • In Batman, Wayne rises to battle his adversaries as the nuclear explosion draws near and saves the day, appearing to die in the end.
    In “End Times”, will Trump rise to battle the “Deep State” and save us from Operation Blackjack, appearing to die in the end?

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Among the other occult scripting elements found by Onnabugeisha is this series of odd and fascinating connections amongst Donald Trump, Batman, the death of the Queen, and the venue for the Queen’s funeral. Let’s start with this…

…from FiveThirtyEight

When this article about “the beginning of the Trump Era” starts getting to the point, it features a notable photograph (look at the heroic head pose, the hand sign, and the date)…

As you can see, the photo was taken at the groundbreaking of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC on July 23, 2014, and July 23, 2014 was the very first Batman Day. So on the occult level, the article was revealing the beginning of Trump’s Era as Batman.

But wait, there’s more!…

The Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. was constructed within the Old Post Office Building…

The Old Post Office, listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Old Post Office and Clock Tower, is located at 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C…

In 2013, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) leased the property for 60 years to a consortium headed by “DJT Holdings LLC”, a holding company that Donald Trump owns through a revocable trust. Trump developed the property into a luxury hotel, the Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C., which opened in September 2016 and closed on May 11, 2022, after its sale to CGI Merchant Group. It reopened as the Waldorf Astoria Washington DC on June 1, 2022.

The building’s 315-foot (96-meter) high clock tower houses the “Bells of Congress,” and its observation level offers panoramic views of the city and its surroundings. – from Wikipedia

So Trump’s former hotel has a clock tower that is 96 meters tall, the same height to the meter as Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) at the Palace of Westminster. And the Queen died at age 96. But Trump’s tower is a foot shorter at 315 feet (as in 3/15, the Ides of March, the death of the emperor), and I’ve previously pointed out that the NWO narrative will likely say that the Queen was ritually sacrificed with a dagger at Balmoral Castle.

But wait, there’s more!…

Trump’s tower houses the Bells of Congress…

High in the clock tower, a bronze symbol of friendship between two great nations hangs aloft. The Bells of Congress were a gift to Congress from the Ditchley Foundation, a privately-funded charity founded in 1958 by philanthropist Sir David Wills to support the Transatlantic Alliance between the United States and Europe. Wills was determined to commemorate the bicentenary of American Independence, so he arranged for replicas of the bells of Westminster Abbey to be cast by the Whitechapel Foundry in 1976 (the same foundry that had cast the Abbey’s bells four centuries earlier).

Six years after they were cast, a home was found for the bells in the Old Post Office Tower… – from Bells.org

So Trump’s tower houses bells that are replicas of those in Westminster Abbey, the venue of the Queen’s funeral.

All this being said, there are lots of strange hidden connections tying everything together. Is it all mere coincidence, then? Not bloody likely — not when you’re dealing with a bunch of occult weirdos. It would appear that they’ve been setting up this particular bit of theater for decades.

(Twice-Enhanced Note – 16 September 2022) – A reader has reminded me of something I came across earlier but haven’t covered yet…

…from the Catholic News Agency

As you can see, the Jesuit (Kabbalist) Pope Francis has ordered all of the Roman Catholic Church’s financial eggs to be placed in one basket in Vatican City by the end of this month. So when Vatican City is destroyed in accordance with Kabbalist prophecy on or about the 27th, the basket will be destroyed with it, and the Church will be financially devastated. With both the Vatican and the Church’s finances left in rubble, the Kabbalists will finally have their revenge for the burning of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Second Temple, the Spanish Inquisition, and other such Roman imperial offenses against the Jews.

On a related note, the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, and Pope Francis gave his speech to the UN at the 70th UNGA, 7 years ago. So will the current UN “Temple” be destroyed during the currently ongoing 77th UNGA? All signs point to yes. The “terrorist” nukes or “space rocks” will leave the current Roman Empire (G7/NATO/current UN) a smoldering ruin… unless “Batman” saves us (seriously; I’ll explain later).

As a reminder, the Rocket of Doom (Artemis 1) is currently scheduled to launch on September 27. And NASA’s DART interception of the Didymos asteroid is currently scheduled to happen on September 26 at 23:14 UTC. So if “space rocks from Didymos” is the cover story for Artemis’s “Rods from God” attack, we’ll be told that “NASA nuked Didymos as it drew close to Earth in order to break it into smaller, less-devastating pieces. And due to the asteroid’s great speed, the pieces hit the Earth mere hours after we intercepted it.”

~ MORE ~

The currently scheduled 70-minute launch window for the Rocket of Doom, Artemis 1, starts on September 27 at 11:37 AM EDT. In the Bible, Hebrews 11:37 (NIV) begins with the words They were put to death by stoning.” And if it launches during this window, the Orion capsule will return to Earth on November 5, the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot.

(Expanded Note – 15 September 2022) – The rumors about September 24

Some readers have asked about the report circulating in the controlled alt-media (CAM) that “a German lawmaker let slip that everyone will remember where he or she was on September 24.” I too ran across this report, and have recently monitored chatter in the CAM that stretches the date to a September 24-26 window.

If there is any validity to these reports, my initial guess would be that it’s related to the Earth-approaching asteroid Didymos and NASA’s DART mission to intercept it. In that case, September 24-26 could be either the date the public is told about Didymos’s (supposed) coming impact or the date the impact happens “because NASA lied about its orbit to prevent panic.”

Once we get past the September 19/20 danger period, my partner Onnabugeisha and I will look at those dates for any other possibilities. And I’ll cover Didymos in more depth as we approach that time window. See the 5-6 September update further down the page for more info on Didymos and Dimorphos.

Widening our view a bit, Russia’s strong suggestions of impending nuclear war and the potential of a near-kilometer-sized asteroid hitting Earth provides a nice setup for the globalist-chosen Jewish Messiah to come forward with some Unidentified Aerial Phriends (UAPs) and save us from it all as early as September 24-27. Rosh Hashanah starts at sunset on September 25, and the Kabbalists may want to roll out their Moshiach right before or right after Jewish New Year begins. Otherwise, we may have to wait for his arrival till October 17, Shemini Atzeret / Kabbalist “Judgment Day” — the day before the Kabbalists dance with their Torah scrolls on Simchat Torah.

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has informed me that exactly 7 years ago come the day of the Queen’s funeral, Pope Francis began his 19-28 September 2015 “Apostolic Journey” to Cuba, the US, and UN Headquarters. During the trip, he landed in the US on the 22nd and was greeted by the Obamas and Bidens. He then gave speeches before Congress on the 24th and the UN on the 25th. And he visited 9/11 Ground Zero on the 25th and met with Catholic sex abuse victims on the 27th (a good day for “God to judge the Vatican” this year). Clues to what lies ahead can likely be found in the Vatican record of his trip. If you find anything interesting, send me a comment or email.

Onnabugeisha also notes that 9/24 is 9/11 on the Julian calendar, which the Russian Orthodox Church uses. And upon looking up 9/24 on the Papal schedule, I found out that Pope Francis will be visiting Assisi, the place where Saint Francis of Assisi — from whom Pope Francis’s name was taken — was born and died. He’ll be attending a “New Economy” event there…

…from FrancescoEconomy.org

So watch for his potential assassination there at the hands of a “right-winger.” This could lead to his funeral being scheduled for as soon as September 28, thus gathering the “kings of the world” for destruction in Rome on the 27th.

WARNING (13 September 2022): Keep an eye out for the potential assassination of Pope Francis by Erdogan’s Grey Wolves between now and Thursday. During that time, the Pope will be in Kazakhstan, and the Kazakhs are a Turkic people. By Vatican custom, the funeral for a fallen pope must take place 4-6 days after his death. So the globalists could script-in another funeral gathering of Western leaders in Rome around the time of the Queen’s funeral. His death tomorrow would land his funeral on the 18th or 20th — more likely the latter.

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has informed me that Xi Jinping is visiting the capital of Kazakhstan tomorrow (September 14) in advance of his visit to neighboring Uzbekistan for the Shanghai Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit on the 15th and 16th. The Pope is already in the Kazakh capital, so there is speculation in the press that the two will meet.

Will the globalist script have the Pope make a sacrifice play by luring Xi into an ambush in which they’ll both be killed? Should Xi fall, the West-allied “Chicom Deep State” would seize power in China, leaving Putin without his most important ally at a time when he’s facing two-front war trouble in Ukraine and Armenia. Remember that the Pope just finished packing the College of Cardinals to ensure that another “commie” pope will be elected after his death.

NOTE (12 September 2022): NASA announced today that the ROD MUNCH (Artemis 1) launch has been rescheduled for September 27 (the day the world leaders will be in Tokyo for the Abe funeral). You can read about the significance of September 27 in the second entry down.

It should also be noted that a launch on September 27 can be made to target October 16-17 or November 15-16. Targeting October 16-17 would entail having the lower part of the rocket — the part that propels the upper part of the rocket into Earth orbit — maintain Earth orbit until it’s time to release the large tungsten rods it carries at orbital speed. And targeting November 15-16 would entail placing the upper part of the rocket — the part that takes the Orion capsule to the Moon — into Moon orbit until it’s time to fly back to Earth to release its smaller tungsten rods at much higher speed.

I’ll get into the mechanics of the attack when we get closer to the launch date.

A New Yorker “greets” the Kabbalist leader at 770 Crown…

NOTE (7&12 September 2022): I’ve uncovered some interesting facts concerning three of the danger days ahead of us…

> CONCERNING THE SEPTEMBER 19-20 DANGER DATE: President Barack Obama arrived in New York City on September 27, 2015 to speak on the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals at the 70th UN General Assembly. The next day, on September 28, both he and Putin gave speeches on the first day of the General Debate, and Obama “confronted” Putin at a meeting between the two later that day. Two days later, Putin started bombing Western regime change forces in Syria.

If you count Obama’s arrival at the UN on September 27 as Day 1 of a 7-year (2550-day = 1260 days + 1290 days) Tribulation period, Day 2550 falls on September 19, 2022. And if you count out 2550 days after September 27, Day 1 would fall on September 28 (the day “Antichrist” Obama and “Savior” Putin clashed at the UN), and the final day would fall on September 20, 2022.

So a strike on a gathering of Western leaders on September 19 or 20 can be sold by the globalists as the end of a 7-year Obama Tribulation.

> CONCERNING THE SEPTEMBER 26-27 DANGER DATE: On October 4, 2015, Ukrainian President Poroshenko announced that President Obama had agreed to provide “new models of defensive weapons” to Ukraine in their conflict with pro-Russian separatists. This was done in apparent retaliation for Russia’s airpower intervention in the Syrian conflict days before.

If you count Obama’s decision to counterattack Putin’s Syria move by sending new weapons to Ukraine on October 4 as Day 1 of a 7-year/2550 day Tribulation period, Day 2550 falls on September 26, 2022 — the day world leaders will be gathering in Tokyo for Shinzo Abe’s state funeral the next day. And if you count out 2550 days after October 4, the final day would fall on September 27, 2022, the day of the funeral.

So a strike on Tokyo on September 26 or 27 can also be sold as the end of a 7-year Obama Tribulation.

> CONCERNING THE OCTOBER 16-17 DANGER DATE: The Chinese have scheduled the roughly week-long 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party to begin on October 16, earlier than expected. October 16 is the 58th anniversary of China’s first successful test of an atom bomb, and it is the day that Shemini Atzeret / Kabbalist “Judgment Day” begins at sunset. Shemini Atzeret runs from sunset of the 16th to sunset of the 18th.

October 16 is also…

So strikes on Beijing and Berlin on October 16 or 17 can also be sold as the end of a 7-year Obama Tribulation.

This update was posted unfinished on September 7, then subsequently completed on September 12.

WARNING (9-10 September 2022): Trouble on 9/11 this year is practically a guarantee

The threat we face on Sunday, September 11 couldn’t be more obvious. As the “Christian Watchmen” prophecy propagandists have pointed out…

> On September 11, 1990, President George H.W. Bush gave his infamous speech outlining the “historic opportunity for a New World Order”…

…from CSPAN

> Exactly 11 years later on September 11, 2001, the 9/11 attacks happened under the presidency of his son, George W. Bush…

The attacks gave rise to the “Patriot Act,” a police state law ostensibly aimed at foreign terrorists, but actually aimed at patriots: nationalists who would oppose America’s inclusion in the (evil-version decoy) New World Order (the actual NWO is designed to appeal to nationalists).

> And exactly 21 (blackjack, as in Operation Blackjack) years after the 9/11 Attacks will come the September 11, 2022 Attacks that will justify the police state round-up of the patriots/nationalists (unless the phony White Hats intervene).

This year’s 9/11 will come just three days after the reported death of Queen Elizabeth II flashed a 911 (see yesterday’s update for details). And on the same day she supposedly died, the NFL held its Kickoff Game for the 2022 season. Three days later on 9/11 will be the games of Opening Sunday — games that will present an obvious target for 9/11 II.

More to come on this, including why they’re deliberately being so obvious in their timing

~ MORE ~

The globalists/Kabbalists slavishly adhere to numerology and other manmade, monkey-mind belief systems in the plotting of their schemes. And my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered a plethora of their occult scripting indicators pointing to trouble on 9/11. Here they are, point-by-point:


The date 9/11, which is Day 254 of a standard year, with 111 days remaining in the year

…is reverse symmetrical to…

the date 4/21, which is Day 111 of a standard year, with 254 days remaining in the year.

And since 4/21 is the traditionally recognized date of Rome’s birth, its reverse symmetrical date of 9/11 would numerologically represent Rome’s death.

So the death of the Third Roman Empire (the US/G7/NATO) on 9/11 would allow the Fourth Roman Empire (the reformed UN/NWO) to rise like a phoenix from its ashes. And the decoy Western NWO would attempt to rise under the occult leadership of newly crowned King Charles. Perhaps Londoners will now recognize why hospital beds (representing COVID) and the phoenix bird (representing the birth of the NWO) were part of the 2012 London Olympics ceremonies — and why the Queen “died” exactly 911 days after COVID was declared a pandemic by the WHO.

Onnabugeisha also notes that the Queen was reportedly born on 4/21/1926, Rome’s birthday. So her death foreshadows the death of her Rome and the anticipated birth of Charles’s Global Rome.


The “reform” of the current UN into the NWO will involve amendments to the UN Charter that require the consent of all five of the permanent members of the UN Security Council (the US, UK, France, China and Russia). This means “regime change” will have to occur in either the Western 3 or Eastern 2 members to ensure unanimity. And under the globalists’ current timetable, the NWO will launch during the tenure of the 77th United Nations General Assembly, which begins on September 13 and continues to next September.

9/11 will mark exactly 77 years and 77 days since the current Charter of the United Nations was signed in San Francisco on June 26, 1945.


On September 11, 2022, the NFL’s New York Giants will be in Nashville to play against the Tennessee Titans at 3:25 PM. Some of the “Christian Watchmen” disinformation agents have been making a big deal about this game, saying that the Giants vs. the Titans is an occult reenactment of the wars between the ancient gods — fallen angels and their Nephilim offspring vs. God’s angels — for control of the Earth, and they’ve warned that trouble could arise that day.

There is more to it than that…

You may recall this incident from a few years ago…

…from The New York Times

A group claiming to be “end times prophecy-believing Christians” posted a full-page ad warning that “Islam” was going to set off a nuke in Nashville on July 18, 2020 (note Trump’s presence in the ad’s graphic). The warning was published in the June 21, 2020 editions of The Tennessean in Nashville, and 9/11 marks exactly 116 weeks since it appeared.

If you take a page from the globalist scriptwriters and look up word number 116 in Strong’s Bible Concordance (Greek), you’ll find it is “Athens.” So can you guess which city is called “the Athens of the South” and why?…

…from the Nashville Public Library

So watch for a nuke to go off in Nashville, Tennessee (possibly among other places) on 9/11 — probably near the beginning of the game at 3:30 PM. And watch for the government to blame it on “Christian Trumper doomsday cultists and white supremacist domestic violent extremists armed with backpack nukes supplied by Vladimir Putin”

…from the 2009 predictive programming slideshow from The Telegraph titled…

Blackjack – A slide show story

Operation Blackjack – the story of a series of terrorist nuclear attacks on major western cities and the aftermath.

~ MORE – 10 September 2022 ~


9/11 marks exactly 2520 days (7 prophetic years) since the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the Iran nuclear deal) was adopted on October 18, 2015. According to Christian prophecy expectations, “the Antichrist will make a seven-year peace covenant with the many,” so the nuclear peace deal “Antichrist Obama” struck with Iran and the P5+1+EU nations is scheduled to be broken on Sunday. Nuclear peace will lapse into nuclear terror.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 II attacks, the script will have the “commie” Biden-Harris administration point their fingers at “Trumper insurrectionists,” ISIS/Al Qaeda and Vladimir Putin and go after them, but Israel and Turkey (the Nazionists) will point their fingers at Iran and their allies and launch a war against them.

9/11 is also Bashar Assad’s birthday, so his supposed hand in the attacks will be sold as payback to the West for what they did to Syria.

Remember that the Nazionists are operating under the cover of being “patriots,” “conservatives,” “constitutionalists” and “White Hats.” And they will sacrifice the swastika-bearing street Nazis and flag-waving street Zionists in their ascent to power, just like Hitler sacrificed the Brownshirts.


Wrinkles the Windbag (globalist prophecy propagandist Tom Horn) has lately had his SkyWatchTV disinformation mill stressing the importance of the Essene calendar, essentially claiming that it’s “God’s true calendar.” Well on the Essene calendar, September 11, 2022 is the Hebrew day of 22 Elul and the Hebrew holiday of First Fruits.

Since Elul is the sixth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, 22 Elul can be expressed as 6/22. And if we look up word number 622 in Strong’s Bible Concordance (like the globalist scriptwriters have), we get this…

  • Greek: to destroy, destroy utterly (as in “Operation Blackjack will utterly destroy the West”), and
  • Hebrew: to gather, remove (as in “Christians and Trumpers will be gathered and removed”).

As for the holiday of First Fruits, it “is a religious offering of the first agricultural produce of the harvest.” This again points to 9/11 being a day that’s scripted to bring “a religious burnt offering” (of the stricken cities) and “the harvest” (of the Christians and Trumpers).


September 11, 2022 is the Hebrew day of 15 Elul 5782 (on the standard Hebrew calendar). As such it will be the 14th Jewish anniversary of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, which occurred on 15 Elul 5768 / September 15, 2008.

The Lehman bankruptcy was an event that triggered a near-collapse of the financial system; Operation Blackjack will be an event that triggers a total collapse of the financial system. So this is Lehman II Weekend (unless the globalists can be deterred and pushed back to a later date).


The final point I’ll cover for now comes not from Onnabugeisha, but from the “Christian Watchmen” prophecy propaganda corps…

This point is significant because of Genesis 7, verses 11-12

11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

So just like the “Flood Judgment” fell on Noah’s 600th year, the “Fire Judgment” will fall on Biden’s 600th day. But unlike Noah, Biden is not a righteous man, so he will be consumed by the fire. And while it’s possible that 9/11 will mark the first day and night of the 40-day, 40-night Fire Judgment — meaning the final day will fall on October 20 — it is more likely they’ll count “the day of the Queen’s sacrifice,” September 8, 2022, as the first day. This would allow the final day to fall on October 17, which is Shemini Atzeret / Kabbalist Judgment Day in Jerusalem.

Within the fanciful occult narrative proffered by the controlled alt-media, Balmoral Castle (where the Queen died) is a place where the royals participate in occult rituals and perform blood sacrifices. So we may one day be told that the Queen was ritually sacrificed — that her still-beating heart was plucked out and burnt on an altar — to gain good fortune for their grand endeavor. But this raises an obvious question…

How much juice can you really get from the Infernal Powers by sacrificing a sickly old woman?

The payoff has to be pennies on the dollar, I’d think. Alas, are there no virgins left in the UK? Has the Chlamydian Kingdom consumed all of its occult ritual capital? Let’s see if an old woman was enough…

WARNING (9 September 2022): I’ve come across a bizarre occult historical connection between Joe Biden’s trip today to Columbus, Ohio (a city named after Christopher Columbus) and Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the New World…

Christopher (meaning “Christ bearer“) Columbus departed the Canary Islands for his journey into the unknown on September 9, 1492. On October 12, 33 days later, he made his first landing in the New World on a Caribbean island he named San Salvador, after “Christ the Savior.” And today, on the 530th anniversary of Columbus’s Canary Islands departure to find the New World, Joe Biden is traveling to Columbus, Ohio for the groundbreaking of an Intel computer-chip plant.

Knowing how the globalists operate, there is no way this is mere coincidence, but what are they going for? The worst possibility would be that they’re signalling a human-generated tsunami along an American coastline, since the Canary Island of La Palma is implausibly associated with the risk of such an occurrence (as is Vladimir Putin’s supposed tsunami nuke). So if this is what they’re up to, will the tsunami strike today or on October 12?

Also notable is the fact that Columbus, Ohio received its name at its founding in 1812, a year known for the US vs. UK War of 1812.

WARNING: Tomorrow, 9/9, is North Korean Independence Day (which has already started there), so watch for a potentially dramatic nuclear test by midnight Korea time. Tomorrow is the final day the Kabbalists can start a 40-day, 40-night “Fire Judgment” and still have it land on Sukkot (Day 9 of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret Day 2 / Simchat Torah, which starts at sunset of October 17th).

North Korea’s most recent nuclear test took place on September 3, 2017 at noon Pyongyang time [03:30 UTC (33)]. So watch for them to use the same Masonic time again or go for 2:17 PM (to link it to Genesis 7, verses 11-12).

This came out just an hour ago: Kim Jong-un says new law guarantees North Korea will never give up nuclear weapons: Leader says North Korea’s nuclear status is now ‘irreversible’, with military allowed to ‘automatically’ use atomic weapons.

unfinished NOTE (7 September 2022): I’ve uncovered a few interesting factoids today…

> CONCERNING THE SEPTEMBER 19 DANGER DATE: President Barack Obama arrived in New York City on September 27, 2015 to speak on the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals at the 70th UN General Assembly. The next day, on September 28, both he and Putin gave speeches on the first day of the General Debate, and Obama “confronted” Putin at a meeting between the two later that day. Two days later, Putin started bombing Western regime change forces in Syria.

If you count Obama’s arrival at the UN on September 27 as Day 1 of a 7-year (2550-day = 1260 days + 1290 days) Tribulation period, Day 2550 falls on September 19, 2022. So a strike on the UN on the day Artemis-1 is currently scheduled to launch can be sold by the globalists as the end of a 7-year Obama Tribulation.

> CONCERNING THE SEPTEMBER 27 DANGER DATE: On October 4, 2015, Ukrainian President Poroshenko announced that President Obama had agreed to provide the first lethal aid to Ukraine in their conflict with pro-Russian separatists. This was done in apparent retaliation for Russia’s airpower intervention in the Syrian conflict days before. September 27 marks 2550 days since that announcement, so a strike on that day can also be sold as the end of a 7-year Obama Tribulation.

> CONCERNING THE OCTOBER 17 DANGER DATE: The Chinese have scheduled the roughly week-long 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party to begin on October 16, earlier than expected. October 16 is the 58th anniversary of China’s first successful test of an atom bomb, and it is the day before October 17 (Shemini Atzeret / Kabbalist “Judgment Day”). So if Artemis gets pushed back to October 17, who will be on the receiving end of “space rocks,” the assembled leadership of the CCP in Beijing or the Western leaders in their capitals?

NOTE (7 September 2022): Under the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline, Putin was supposed to make a move on September 2 that leads to the decisive defeat of the West by October 17. He did (by cutting off much of Western Europe’s natural gas supply)…

…from DW

So if the globalists take a Peace Path approach to the NWO Transition (a defeat of the West without a full-on World War III and massive loss of life) under the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline, the West’s economic and financial system will collapse on Monday, October 17 (Shemini Atzeret). So October 15 and 16 could be Lehman Weekend (II).

In a remarkable “coincidence,” October 17 marks exactly 735 weeks since Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy on September 15, 2008. And if we look up word number 735 in Strong’s Bible Concordance (Greek), we get “Artemis“…

…from Bible Hub

So an October 17 ROD MUNCH (Artemis 1) launch could serve as either the benign marker of the West’s collapse or the malevolent bringer of the collapse.

(Expanded Note – 5-6 September 2022) – Do you remember the 25-26 August update about the September 27 state funeral of Shinzo Abe where world leaders will be safely gathered while the West gets destroyed? Well a reader has pointed out what may be the globalist cover story for the West’s destruction by orbital bombardment: “space rocks from the asteroid Didymos impacting the Earth after an unsuccessful deflection/destruction mission”

…from The Guardian (top), Google (middle), and NASA (bottom).

~ MORE – 6 September 2022 ~

Fiery Stones of Judgment and the Rocket Of Doom

The Kabbalist prophecy about the “kings of the world gathering in Rome” to be destroyed by meteoric stones can be interpreted in two ways…

In one interpretation, the “kings of the world” can be the College of Cardinals gathering at the Vatican, which lies within the city of Rome. They are known as “the Princes of the Church,” and they rule over their territories around the world on behalf of the Pope, thus making them the “kings of the world.”

In another interpretation, the “kings of the world” can be actual presidents, prime ministers and royals gathering in the actual city of Rome OR a city that represents the capital of the momentarily-dominant world empire, such as New York City (capital of the current, pre-NWO form of the UN) or Washington, DC (capital of the “American/G7/NATO Empire”).

That being said, any gathering of Catholic cardinals or world leaders in those cities this year is a potential target. And that makes NASA’s published launch windows for Artemis 1 all the more interesting…

…from NASA

The Rocket Of Doom (Artemis 1) is currently scheduled to launch on September 19, when the “kings of the world” are gathering in New York City for the start of the UN General Debate. And if the launch is delayed till the next day, it will happen on the first day of the speeches (when Biden will be speaking).

If the launch gets pushed back a week, it could go on September 26/27, the same days some “kings of the world” are gathered in New York for the final two days of the 77th UN General Assembly and other “kings of the world” (including Obama) are gathered in Tokyo for the Abe state funeral. Either city could be targeted, depending on whether the globalists are giving us a Nazionist NWO (in which case China and Tokyo will get hit) or a communist one (the US/G7/NATO and New York will get hit).

The Rocket Of Doom (ROD) can also be launched on October 17, which is Shemini Atzeret (Kabbalist “Judgment Day”). Watch for an impromptu gathering of the “kings of the world” on that day.

It’s also conceivable that the ROD can fly on November 15/16 when the “kings of the world” gather for the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia (the momentary capital of the G20). The presidency of the G20 rotates each year, and this year it is held by Indonesia — formerly known as the Dutch East Indies, the preeminent example of early Western corporate imperialism in Asia. Something related to the NWO happening there would be very symbolic, and the possibility that “Judgment Day” could be pushed back to then may be the reason Putin may opt out of G20 summit over security concerns.

Let’s see how far back we can push the launch of the most powerful — and soon to be the most glitchy — rocket ever built. Alas, “Made in USA” just doesn’t mean what it used to…

By the way, since “Artemis 1” is such an occulty and old-fashioned name for the mission, I’d prefer it be given a government-standard contrived acronym. So I hereby rename the mission ROD MUNCH (Rocket Of Doom Making an Unbelievable Nuke-like Charred Hellscape)…

(3-4 September 2022) – Today’s Artemis 1 launch is scripted to bring in “God’s Judgment”

Kabbalistic occultism reigns supreme in our world right now, and it dictates many details in public life, including the naming and timing of NASA space missions. That being said, the Artemis 1 Moon mission launch has been rescheduled for today at 2:17 PM EDT. So why 2:17? Why not 2:00 or 2:15? Why today? My partner Onnabugeisha has found the answer…

If you look at 2:17 as a date, 2/17, you find a connection to The Flood, “God’s Judgment of the World,” in Genesis 7, verses 11-12

11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. – from Bible Hub

So both the date (today, September 3) and the time (2:17 PM) were chosen to start a 40 day, 40 night judgment of the world at the hands of the Kabbalists. And since today will be the first day and first night of the “Judgment by Fire,” the fortieth day and fortieth night will fall on October 12, with the judgment stopping on October 13.

So what is the significance of October 13?

> October 13 falls on the 4th day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

> October 13 is the second anniversary of the signing of the Artemis Accords.

> October 13 is the 70th Jewish birthday of Vladimir Putin. Putin was born on October 7, 1952, which was the Jewish day of 18 Tishri 5713. And October 13, 2022 will be the Jewish day of 18 Tishri 5783. But instead of getting a dreidel as a present this year, Putin will get his NWO and a Chinese front man to lead it for the first few years. What a present!

> October 13 marks exactly 500 weeks since Xi Jinping became President of the People’s Republic of China on March 14, 2013. And if you look up word number 500 in Strong’s Bible Concordance, you get…

  • God ascends (Hebrew), and
  • antichristos (Greek), so
    “the antichrist ascends in place of God (Christ).”

Back in the 14 August update, I said this…

At the G20 Summit in November, the NWO could launch under the apparent de facto leadership of Xi Jinping, either as a communist NWO (if he is elected “People’s Leader”) or a Nazionist NWO (if he arrests and ends the CCP).

With the beginning of “God’s fiery judgment” looming before us, one has to wonder if the Artemis 1 rocket will explode (or if it will carry aloft the tungsten rods that will destroy Pittsburgh and Boston on Monday).

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Another setup bites the dust…

…from Reuters

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Before the globalists so rudely interrupted my writing schedule by postponing their villainy, I was planning to get to a few more points today. But now they’ve given me some brand new points to cover. Check this out…

NASA still has a couple more options to attempt to launch its Space Launch System rocket in the current launch period, which ends Tuesday. If it is able to fix the hydrogen leak, the space agency could, in theory, try again Monday. A 90-minute launch window would open at 5:12 p.m. Eastern. If the agency pushes it to Tuesday, it would only have a 24-minute window in which to launch. That window would open at 6:57 p.m Eastern…

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said that if the Space Launch System rocket needs to be rolled back to its assembly building, a new attempt to launch the Artemis I moon mission may not happen until mid-October, at the earliest… The space agency has an availability for the rocket to launch between Oct. 17 and Oct. 31. – from The Washington Post

So why these launch dates? There are a couple of reasons…

Reason 1 – The Aurigids meteor shower ends on September 5, and the Delta Aurigids meteor shower runs from October 10 to October 18, so they want to launch either Monday, September 5 or Monday, October 17. This will allow them to blame space rocks from the deep-space Comet Kiess (the source of the Aurigids) for the destruction caused by Artemis’s payload of tungsten “rods from God.”

They’ll say that Comet Kiess was splintered by a gravitational interaction with “an unknown massive object,” just like Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 was splintered by Jupiter’s gravity before it collided with the planet in a later pass. And they’ll explain that this is why Kiess left two meteor streams, which they’ll track backwards to find the gravitational culprit, “Planet X.” We’ll then be shown a beautiful picture of Planet X and its satellites taken by the James Webb Space Telescope, which can see into the infrared spectrum in which it is most visible (if it exists at all).

Reason 2 – By launching on September 5, they can synchronize Artemis’s true mission with the start of the Red Terror. And counting forward the “forty days and forty nights of God’s Judgment” from Monday will still land them in Sukkot.

Alternatively, if they launch on October 17, which is Shemini Atzeret (Day 8 of Sukkot), they can rescript the “space rock” impacts for “the day God’s Judgment is delivered each year” (according to the Kabbalists).

Give it up, fellas.

~ MORE – 4 September 2022 ~

More on the Aurigids Meteor Shower and Comet Kiess

…from MidnightKite.com

Back when I first heard that Pope Francis was gathering all the cardinals in Rome at the end of August, I knew that the Kabbalist prophecy of Rome’s destruction was in play…

“…the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.” – from News with Views

Knowing that one of the ways this prophecy’s fulfillment could be engineered is through orbital bombardment (which would look like meteors falling), I started looking for meteor showers on which the destruction could be blamed. The winner turned out to be the Aurigids Meteor Shower, which spans August 28 to September 5 this year.

As I looked into the Aurigids, I found that they originated from the Comet Kiess. And upon looking for information on the comet, I didn’t find much. But what I did find lends itself perfectly to Hollywood-style scripting of killer space rocks and a missing planet.

First, I found a mention of the comet in the October 19, 1911 edition of the journal Nature

I found the mention of Comet Kiess in relation to “indications of a hypothetical planet beyond Neptune” quite striking, and my mind immediately went to Planet X (as did the minds of the globalist scriptwriters apparently).

Fast forwarding to August 8 (8/8), 2007, an article appeared in New Scientist that laid out all the other scripting points the globalists need to make their extravagant claims about “killer meteors from Comet Kiess” and “the missing planet that broke it apart”

…Here is an excerpt…

A rare meteor shower predicted to hit Earth on 1 September should give astronomers only their second chance to study an ancient comet’s crust. It could also help them develop a warning system against an otherwise insidious threat — a comet aimed at Earth from the dark fringes of the solar system.

September’s shower, called the alpha Aurigids, has only been seen three times before, in 1935, 1986 and 1994. The reason for this elusiveness is the shower’s unusual origin.

Most meteor showers are caused by short-period comets, dirty iceballs that loop around the inner solar system on orbits lasting less than 200 years, shedding debris each time they approach the Sun’s heat. This debris builds up into a broad band along the comet’s orbit. Every year, when we pass through, it burns up in the atmosphere and appears as shooting stars.

The Aurigids come from a comet that takes 2000 years to orbit the Sun. With such infrequent visits, Comet Kiess can’t build up a broad dust band; it only generates a narrow trail of debris each time.

The showers happen when Earth passes through one of these dust trails in particular, which was thrown off by the comet in 83 BC. “It is only a very narrow trail, and it is only once in a while that it crosses Earth’s path,” says Peter Jenniskens of NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, US…

Several teams of astronomers will be watching the shower, both from the ground and from two aircraft following the Earth’s shadow.

They are hoping to see fragments of the ancient crust of Comet Kiess. For 4.5 billion years before some gravitational accident nudged it towards the inner solar system, Kiess was drifting among a vast swarm of icy bodies called the Oort cloud lying far beyond the planets.

All that time, high-energy particles called cosmic rays bombarded the comet, and astronomers suspect that created a hard crust by blasting out some of its more volatile substances.

Only once before have astronomers knowingly seen a shower from a long-period comet, when Jenniskens predicted an appearance of the alpha Monocerotids in 1995. They penetrated unusually far into the atmosphere, suggesting that they were made of relatively tough material, perhaps from such a cosmic-ray-produced crust

He also wants to know whether meteor showers such as this could warn of planetary peril. At present, astronomers can only spot a long-period comet a few years before it arrives in the inner solar system, leaving little time to deflect it if it were pointed right at Earth.

But if it had visited the inner solar system before, the resulting meteor shower might be used to trace the comet’s orbit and get a much earlier warning. The size and number of Aurigid meteors will tell the researchers how debris has spread along the orbit and how these showers evolve.

Looking at the ideas that are planted in the reader’s head by this article, we see…

(coming later)

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NASA has again shifted the narrative and announced that the Artemis launch may be attempted on September 19. This could be misdirection — to make it look like they’re not aiming for the Delta Aurigids with an October 17 launch — or it could be an abandonment of their Aurigids/Kiess plans.

If they do launch on Monday, September 19, Artemis will go aloft during the 77th UN General Assembly (September 13-27) on the day before Biden and the world leaders begin speaking at the General Debate (September 20-26). This leaves me wondering if they’re attempting a reinterpretation of the Kabbalist prophecy by substituting New York City (the Empire City and “the capital city of the current G7-dominated UN global government”) for Rome

“…the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.” – from News with Views

On September 19, many of the world leaders who will speak during the General Debate will already be in town (or will be arriving that day), but some will have not yet arrived (just like the prophecy says). Biden will be showing up on the 18th, and Putin won’t be going at all (Xi probably won’t either).

So will Artemis now shoot her arrows at New York City, which the prophecy propagandists have identified as “the Great City Babylon”?

Revelation 18:10 (NIV): Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: “’Woe! Woe to you, great city, you mighty city of Babylon! In one hour your doom has come!’

(2 September 2022) – With Independence Hall behind him bathed in communist red light, Joe Biden issued a thinly veiled call to civil war last night…

…from the Drudge Report

“But while the threat to American democracy is real, I want to say as clearly as we can, we are not powerless in the face of these threats. We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on democracy. There are far more Americans, far more Americans from every background and belief, who reject the extreme MAGA ideology than those that accept it. And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.

I believe America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that’s to come after. And now, America must choose to move forward or to move backwards, to build a future or obsess about the past, to be a nation of hope and unity and optimism or a nation of fear, division and of darkness.” – from The New York Times

And Monday — on the September 5 anniversary of the Kabbalist-instigated terror decrees of the French and Bolshevik revolutions — Biden will be among the people he just threatened when he attends Laborfest in Milwaukee. He’ll then travel on to the Labor Day parade in Pittsburgh, the birthplace of Obama’s G20 NWO 12 years, 11 months and 11 days before. Kamala Harris will also attend Labor Day events in Boston, the birthplace of the American Revolution and the site of the Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773. The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts. The Sons of Liberty strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. Protesters, some disguised as American Indians, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.

The demonstrators boarded the ships and threw the chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. The British government considered the protest an act of treason and responded harshly. The episode escalated into the American Revolution, becoming an iconic event of American history. Since then other political protests such as the Tea Party movement have referred to themselves as historical successors to the Boston protest of 1773. – from Wikipedia

On Monday, all signs point to BOOM.

WARNING (31 August – 1 September 2022): The Assassination Threat Level for Biden is Extreme on Thursday, followed by another “shot” on Labor Day…

If the globalists want to bring Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama into the vice presidency or presidency before the November 8 election and the November 15 G20 Summit, time is running short to get rid of Biden. Perhaps this is why three separate assassination opportunities have been set up within a week of each other…

President Biden will deliver a primetime speech from Philadelphia on Thursday about protecting democracy during which he will warn that Americans’ rights and freedoms are “under attack,” according to a White House official.

Biden’s speech outside Independence National Historical Park on Thursday evening will revive his 2020 campaign theme of fighting for the “soul of the nation,” according to the White House advisory, and is a sign of his message to voters coming into focus just two months out from the midterm elections

“The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security. They’re a threat to our very democracy,” Biden said at a rally in Maryland last Thursday, referring to Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan. “They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace, embrace political violence. They don’t believe in democracy”

It’s unclear whether Biden plans to explicitly mention Trump during his Thursday address, but plans for the speech suggest he’ll at least allude to the former president and his false claims about the 2020 election.

Biden is increasing his domestic travel and is slated to travel to Pennsylvania — a key swing state — three times in the next week. He’ll visit Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday to discuss combatting gun violence and on Monday he’ll attend Labor Day festivities in Pittsburgh. – from WWLP

So in a scene right out of a Hollywood movie, they’ll stand Biden outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia in front of a nationwide television audience for an assassination on Thursday. If you’ve seen the Mark Wahlberg movie Shooter, you’ll recognize Independence Hall (pictured at the top of this update) as the building the president was standing in front of when the Ethiopian archbishop was shot right next to him with an automated .50 caliber rifle.

By the way, September 1 (Thursday) was the day in 1752 that the Liberty Bell arrived in Philly. That was 270 years ago, and word 270 in Strong’s Bible Concordance is…

  • to grasp, take hold, take possession (Hebrew), and
  • to reap (Greek).

This makes one picture a farmworker taking hold of wheat before reaping it with the sickle (a communist symbol)…

So the “commies” will reap Biden, then they’ll reap MAGA. And America will crack like the Liberty Bell.

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Looking now to the occult indicators my partner Onnabugeisha has noted for September 5, we begin to get a clear view at what the staged assassination of Biden is intended to lead to…

> September 5 this year is Labor Day in the US — the “less socialist/anarchist” American version of International Workers Day (May Day). As the American May Day, it is ideally suited for scheduling a communist onslaught.

> September 5 is also the day in 1918 that “the Central Committee of the Bolshevik government issued a decree ‘On Red Terror’, prescribing ‘mass shooting‘ to be ‘inflicted without hesitation;’ the decree ordered the Cheka ‘to secure the Soviet Republic from the class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps, as well as stating that counter-revolutionaries must be executed by shooting [and] that the names of the executed and the reasons of the execution must be made public.’ – from Wikipedia

This September 5 development was part of the Red Terror in Russia

The Red Terror in Soviet Russia was a campaign of political repression and executions carried out by the Bolsheviks, chiefly through the Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police. It started in late August 1918 after the beginning of the Russian Civil War and lasted until 1922.

Arising after assassination attempts on Vladimir Lenin and Petrograd Cheka leader Moisei Uritsky, the latter of which was successful, the Red Terror was modeled on the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, and sought to eliminate political dissent, opposition, and any other threat to Bolshevik power. More broadly, the term is usually applied to Bolshevik political repression throughout the Civil War (1917–1922)… – from Wikipedia

> Speaking of the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution and September 5

…from chnm.org

So the Communists’ Red Terror in Russia mirrored the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror right down to the day, September 5, and now it’s our turn. You can think of the Biden-Harris administration as America’s communist revolutionary government (the “Bolshevik government”) and the Department of Homeland Security as the Cheka (their secret police). And the “class enemies” / “counter-revolutionaries” to be shot and sent to concentration (FEMA) camps are the Republicans, conservatives, MAGA people, gun owners, “COVID deniers,” “election deniers,” “human-induced climate change deniers,” et al.

The only things that will stop the September 5 kickoff of “Obama’s Reign of Terror” are either deterrence through exposure of the Kabbalists’ plans or a Kabbalist-scripted September 2 “White Hat Intervention” (under the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline).

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Be on the lookout for a mass shooting in Durham tomorrow

This thought just crossed my mind: the Red Terror was launched in Russia after assassination attempts on TWO Bolshevik leaders: Lenin and Uritsky — so might Kamala Harris be targeted tomorrow too?

Upon checking into it, I found out that she’ll be in Durham, North Carolina on Thursday and will attend a Democratic fundraiser there in the evening. At that event, they’ll probably watch Biden’s prime time speech together, so watch for a potential mass shooting targeting Harris at the same time Biden gets it.

Trump won North Carolina in the presidential election, so there are plenty of MAGA-types around. And the scriptwriters may have chosen Durham because it was the site of the largest Confederate surrender of the Civil War.

Getting back to the primary target, Biden, it’s confirmed: he’ll give his speech outside Independence Hall, just like in the Shooter movie!…

…from ABC7Chicago.com

On another note, our ever-vigilant Onnabugeisha has found a more hidden cue about the Biden assassination and the follow-on Reign of Terror straight from the Kabbalists themselves…

September 1, the planned date of the Biden assassination that will trigger “Obama’s Reign of Terror” on September 5, is the Hebrew day of 5 Elul this year. And since Elul is the 12th month of the Jewish civil calendar, 5 Elul can be written as 12/05 (in the American MM/DD format).

Now if we take a page from the prophecy propagandists and look up word number 1205 in Strong’s Bible Concordance, we get…

~ MORE – 1 September 2022 ~

Will Russia and China invade Alaska on the 2nd-5th? As strange as it may sound, Onnabugeisha has found occult indicators that point to an invasion of Alaska. And you may recall from earlier updates that the Russians and Chinese (and all their allies) have gathered a large military force in Russia’s far east under cover of the Vostok exercise (which is happening in addition to Russia’s military buildup in the Arctic over recent years)…

…from Al Jazeera (top) and CNN (bottom)

If the globalists stick with the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline, Putin and his allies will launch a counteroffensive tomorrow on September 2. Otherwise, under a Commie NWO timeline, the offensive could come as early as Labor Day. And the more I think about it, the more strategic sense an Alaska invasion makes, because it would open a three-front war on America (Ukraine, Taiwan/South China Sea, and Alaska) with all three fronts being on the doorsteps of Russia and China and far away for America.

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Invasion of Alaska factoids…

  • While the number of troops involved in this year’s Vostok “exercise” is being kept secret, 2018’s Vostok included roughly 300,000 troops, 1,000 aircraft, 36,000 combat vehicles, and 80 ships. In contrast, US military forces in Alaska number only about 22,000.
  • Mainland Russia is only about 55 miles away from mainland Alaska, while the US mainland is about 500 miles away.
  • Seizing Alaska would not only net Russia and China the state’s vast natural resources; it would also push America out of the Arctic Circle and away from its natural resources and sea lanes.
  • The current Alaskan population is only about 737,000. China could ship many times that number of Chinese into the state in a short period of time.
  • Invading Alaska at the same time as offensives are launched in Ukraine and Taiwan would catch America in a three-front war, with all three fronts being very close to the Chinese and Russian mainland. America’s forces would be stretched halfway around the world in two different directions plus Alaska.
  • This is how China will transport the Vostok forces to Alaska: China Has Militarized Seafarers Says US Navy Report.
  • Unless America has some aces up its sleeve (a secret Space Force fleet or high-impact black budget weapons), the military situation looks grim.

Later, we’ll look at the possibility that Putin and Xi’s combined invasion force will be playing “good cop” to the “Global Communist Deep State’s” invasion force “bad cop.”

(30 August 2022) – There is a greater-than-average possibility of an assassination attempt on Joe Biden today, August 30…

My partner Onnabugeisha has noted that Biden will be speaking at 3:15 PM (as in 3/15, the Ides of March) today in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (as in John Wilkes Booth, the actor who shot President Lincoln in the head) on “his Safer America Plan to further reduce gun crime and save lives.” So he will be speaking on his effort to disarm the American people, which can be scripted as attracting the “Trumper gun nuts and insurrectionists” to stop him. No wonder the Drudge Report headlined Trump’s “call for an uprising” yesterday

It should also be noted that John Wilkes Booth’s father was named Junius Brutus Booth, as in “Et tu, Brute?” – the famous quote associated with the assassination of Julius Caesar – and the names of two of the ringleaders of Caesar’s assassination, Marcus Brutus and Decimus Brutus Albinus. There’s also a direct Wilkes-Barre connection to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln: LookBack: Wilkes-Barre Civil War veteran witnessed Lincoln’s assassination.

Within the globalist script, Joe Biden is the putative Caesar of the current Roman Empire (the G7/NATO). And Caesar was killed in the year 44 BC (44 is “Communist Antichrist” Obama’s president number). So the NWO narrative would say that Obama’s mouthpiece Biden had become too much of a liability, so Obama had him taken out in a way that would elicit sympathy from the public and justify a move against the Trumpers.

One last thing: if Biden gets shot today and dies the next day (like Lincoln did), his death will fall on the 666th day since the Presidential election of 2020. And having Biden get mortally shot during a speech on gun control would provide the Democrats with the perfect excuse to go nuts on gun confiscation, thus tripping off the Second Civil War.

(Expanded Note – 29 August 2022) – It appears that Artemis won’t be firing her arrows today…

…from AP News

You can tell that occultism was afoot in today’s attempted launch of Artemis 1 not only by the mission’s name, but also by the scheduled launch time: 8:33. Why wasn’t it scheduled for 8:30? Why the need to include the Masonic master number 33? It’s also notable that if you look at the launch time as a date, 8/33, it would fall on September 2, which they’ve indicated is the next opportunity to launch. September 2 is also a critical date in the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline.

With the scrubbing of Artemis 1, whatever was planned for Rome today has likely been scrubbed too — and possibly Pope Francis’s resignation on the 30th as well. But there are other ways they can “gather the kings of the Earth” for their annihilation in Rome on or before November 15…

  1. They can have Pope Francis simply resign at a later date, then convene the “Princes of the Church” for the papal conclave.
  2. They can stage the death of Pope Benedict and gather the cardinals and world leaders for the funeral.
  3. They can blow up UN Headquarters in New York City, then have the Pope invite the next UN summit to Rome (the UN has a building in Rome, the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, that could be used for that purpose — a perfect location given that famine might set in by then).

BTW, the UNFAO Building in Rome overlooks the Circus Maximus, where one of the Triumphal Arches of Titus was located…

The lesser-known Arch of Titus was a triple bay arch erected at the eastern end of the Circus Maximus by the Senate in A.D. 81, in honour of Titus and his capture of Jerusalem in the First Jewish–Roman War.

I’ll explain why this is significant a little later.

~ MORE ~

Here are a couple of additional notes…

1) Zero Hedge is reporting that September 2 and September 5 are potential launch dates for Artemis 1. Both of these dates fall within the timeframe of the September Massacres — an event during the French Revolution in which Catholic clergy were slaughtered [1,2]. I’ve seen a number of attempts to parallel the history of the French Revolution in the “End Times” script — the Kabbalists / “Illuminati” seem to claim credit for the Revolution.

2) September 8 is another potential danger date. According to Wikipedia (which tends to reflect the party line of the globalists), September 8 was the date all of Jerusalem fell under Roman control, thus ending the Siege of Jerusalem (70 AD). This makes it an attractive day to script the fall of the city of Rome and, possibly, the fall of the entire G7/NATO Roman Empire.

September 8 is made all the more attractive by a conjunction that day of the Moon (representing Artemis) and Saturn (representing Lucifer/Obama). After the Transition Event, Putin’s NWO will blame Operation Blackjack on “Obama’s Satanic Communist Deep State” and the CCP (who consider 8 a lucky number and “September 8 a fortuitous day to launch their attack on the West”).

WARNING (28 August 2022): Tomorrow, August 29, is not only a danger day for Rome and the Vatican; it’s also a candidate day for Operation Blackjack

In the course of my research on the Kabbalist plan to simulate “God’s fiery judgment of Rome” tomorrow, I came across a rather provocative headline from The New York Times

The headline struck me as one that had been put out for a larger purpose (occult hinting) on a day that had been specially chosen (September 19, 2018). So I was hardly surprised when I discovered that tomorrow is the 1440th day since the article was printed. To numerologists (who ignore zeros), the number 144 has significant meaning, particularly to Jews and Christians…

The meaning of the number 12 in Scripture is God’s perfect rule through human agency or government. We see that meaning reflected in 12 apostles and 12 tribes of Israel. Furthermore in Hebrew, to double a number implies added emphasis (i.e., 12×2=24) and to multiply a number indicates the highest emphasis (i.e., 12×12=144)…

So when we see 144, we know this is a multiple of 12 indicating the highest emphasis on God ruling through human agency. The 144,000 virgin men are chosen specifically by God and called by God as His agents of salvation. Likewise, the measurements of the New Jerusalem place the highest emphasis on God ruling through and over His people in the New Jerusalem. The symbolism communicates that the population of the New Jerusalem owe their existence to God’s perfect plan manifested through the work of men like the apostles and the sons of Jacob. – from Verse By Verse Ministries

“God’s perfect rule through human agency” pretty much sums up what the Kabbalists have in mind. They see themselves as the Hand of God, and as that Hand, they intend to deliver God’s punishment to Rome and later rule over the entire world from behind the throne of their Kabbalah Christ. And the fact that the NYT headline mentions a nuke points out another way they can blow up the Vatican: as part of Operation Blackjack. This would bring “God’s Judgment” against not only the city of Rome, but also the whole G7/NATO Roman Empire.

In another instance of the number 144 falling on the Vatican tomorrow, my partner Onnabugeisha has noted that Pope Francis visited the site of the Hiroshima atomic bombing on November 24, 2019 (note that it was dark and he was standing in front of an arch-shaped saddle structure)…

…from Politico

Since his visit happened after sunset, it occurred on the Jewish day of 27 Heshvan 5780, which corresponds to November 25, 2019 on the Gregorian calendar. Tomorrow falls exactly 144 weeks after that day.

She also notes that the article “A Nuclear Bomb Inside the Vatican” was published on Yom Kippur (September 19, 2018). Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the Jewish year, and it is the day the Hebrew god supposedly seals the fate of individuals and nations. So it would seem that the Vatican’s fate is to be blown up with a nuke. Perhaps it’ll be hit by numerous small ones that will fall on it like fiery hailstones…

…from Wikipedia

I also ran across another indicator that would seem to support Operation Blackjack happening tomorrow: the London unveiling of the replica Monumental/Triumphal Arch of Palmyra — which went on to tour other cities the Kabbalists have marked for destruction — on April 19, 2016. Tomorrow will mark the 2323rd day since that occurred. But I’ll cover all the details later today or tomorrow (including the reason why they made the Triumphal Arch a part of the script in the first place).

The Vatican and the Globalist-Engineered “Judgments of God”


(21-22 August 2022) – Looking ahead at the Vatican drama planned for the end of this month, the most logical date to artificially fulfill the prophecy of Rome’s destruction by fiery stones from the sky is August 29, when the Church’s cardinals will be arriving for an August 30 meeting with Pope Francis and the 21 new “Satanic” cardinals. August 29 also happens to be the day of NASA’s Artemis 1 Moon launch.

In mythology, Artemis is not only the goddess of the Moon; she’s also the goddess of the hunt (and sudden death) who is often depicted with a bow and arrows or a spear. So will Artemis 1’s expendable launch vehicle be carrying the “arrows/spears” (tungsten rods) that will destroy the Vatican?

I’ll cover all the details of the Vatican drama in an upcoming entry.

~ MORE – 22 August 2022 ~

Drought, famine, monkeypox — these are not the only “Judgments of God” the Kabbalists are deliberately creating. They’re also aiming to “pay back Rome for burning down Jerusalem in 70 AD through a ritual fire sacrifice of the Vatican in about a week. So let’s look at what the globalist scriptwriters have in store, starting with the context they’re creating for “God’s Judgment”…

Pope Francis added fuel to rumors about the future of his pontificate by announcing he would visit the central Italian city of L’Aquila in August for a feast initiated by Pope Celestine V, one of the few pontiffs who resigned before Pope Benedict XVI stepped down in 2013.

Italian and Catholic media have been rife with unsourced speculation that the 85-year-old Francis might be planning to follow in Benedict’s footsteps, given his increased mobility problems that have forced him to use a wheelchair for the last month.

Those rumors gained steam last week when Francis announced a consistory to create 21 new cardinals scheduled for Aug. 27. Sixteen of those cardinals are under age 80 and eligible to vote in a conclave to elect Francis’ successor.

Once they are added to the ranks of princes of the church, Francis will have stacked the College of Cardinals with 83 of the 132 voting-age cardinals. While there is no guarantee how the cardinals might vote, the chances that they will tap a successor who shares Francis’ pastoral priorities become ever greater. – from AP News

Looking at “Antipope” Francis’s official schedule for the end of the month, we see this…

…from the Vatican


  • on Saturday the 27th, Francis will pack the College of Cardinals to ensure another “Satanist commie” pope is elected.
  • on Sunday the 28th, he’ll ritually signal his coming resignation by visiting L’Aquila.
  • on Monday the 29th, he’ll begin meeting with the full College of Cardinals, except for the stragglers who haven’t yet arrived because they attended local Mass on Sunday.
  • on Tuesday the 30th, he’ll resign and the already-gathered cardinals will schedule the papal election for the following days (in which another “Satanist commie” pope is to be elected).

But according to the scriptwriters, “God has another plan — He will rain down fiery judgment on the Satanist Pope and his communist cardinals before they can bring in another Antipope.”

And when will that Kabbalist-engineered judgment occur? – For that, let’s look to the Kabbalist prophecy promoted by Wrinkles the Windbag (globalist disinfo agent Tom Horn)…

“…the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.” – from News with Views

Comparing that last part to the Pope’s schedule, it suggests August 29 as the strike date. And in the aftermath of the strike, a (secretly) Nazi pope will be elected instead.

More to come on this. If you are a new reader, you’ll find additional information on this subject further down the page in the 6 June update.

NOTE: Be advised that something big is planned for Donald Trump on August 27, and something even bigger is planned for the world on September 26/27. The now complete and enhanced update below covers August 27, and the update further down in red covers September 26/27…

(26 August 2022) – My most beloved partner Onnabugeisha has detected a disturbance in The Force, and it relates to another whacked-out Kabbalist setup involving their errand boy Donald Trump and August 27. So let’s have a look at what “God’s Li’l Retards” have cooked up for tomorrow…

It all began with something Donald Trump said to a kid some years ago: “I am Batman”

…from The Washington Post

Fast-forwarding to this month, we have International Bat Night falling on August 27-28, along with a notable (and unlikely) string of occurrences of the number 27 in relation to Trump…

Onnabugeisha also notes that August 27 marks exactly 44 days since Ivana Trump died on July 14, 2022. 44 is the president number of “Communist Antichrist” Obama, Trump’s supposed nemesis.

On top of these things, references to Trump in a GematriaEffect.news article connect him to Batman, The Hanged Man, and death by asphyxiation. The article also connects him to Mercury, and there is a conjunction of Mercury (“the Messenger”) and the Moon (represented by the goddess Artemis) on August 29, immediately after International Bat weekend. August 29 is also the scheduled launch date of the Artemis 1 Moon Mission (a program of the Trump administration) and the potential destruction date of the Vatican by “fiery rocks from the sky” in a “judgment from God” (see the 21-22 August updates for more on that).

So will Saturn’s Day (Saturn = Lucifer = Obama), August 27 bring Trump’s death? Or will he be thrown in a prison pit like Batman in The Dark Knight Rises? And will he rise to save Gotham from nuclear destruction, or is that Mike Pence’s job?

The globalists may be abandoning their current Obama tribulation timeline for a new one

(25-26 August 2022) – My partner Onnabugeisha informed me of this today…

…from Nikkei

Upon seeing that “Communist Antichrist” Obama and “commie” Vice President Kamala Harris would be in Japan on September 27, my mind immediately went to how “convenient” it would be for those two to be safely away in Asia when the NATO capitals (and New York City) get blown up “by the Russians” during Operation Blackjack. And after my mind went there, it went a few other places…

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died on July 8, 2022, and his private funeral and cremation were held on July 12, 2022 (1). So what are the odds that the punctual Japanese would schedule a state funeral for him a full 77 days after his private funeral?

And what are the odds that the polite and considerate Japanese would schedule a state funeral during the 77th UN General Assembly (September 13-27), and on a day that makes it impossible for the world leaders speaking on the last day of the UN General Debate (September 20-26) to attend the funeral? (Noon in New York on September 26 is 1 AM in Tokyo on the day of the funeral, so there is no way for them to get there on time.)

Finally, what are the odds — after the Japanese being so tardy, impolite and inconsiderate in scheduling the date — that the funeral would fall on Jewish New Year / Rosh Hashanah (September 25-27)?

There is no way in hell that all this is just a coincidence, and the Japanese did not choose September 27; the Kabbalists did. And it didn’t take me long to figure out why…

~ MORE – 26 August 2022 ~

As I pondered the possibility of Operation Blackjack occurring on the day of the Abe state funeral, I was struck by what a momentous event it would be — an event that one would expect during the “Great Tribulation” (the second, rougher half of the 7-year Tribulation period). So I decided to check the date of the funeral against the Tribulation timespans put forward by the Kabbalist interpretations of biblical prophecy.

I started by subtracting 1260 days (the length of the first half of a Tribulation) from September 27, 2022, and I landed on April 16, 2019. Upon checking the news events for that day, I ran across an article that mentioned the Notre Dame Cathedral fire that had happened on the previous day, April 15…

…from The Week

As I thought about how interesting it would be if the 1260 days had fallen directly on the date of the Notre Dame fire, I realized something: IT IS A DIRECT HIT. The fire started at approximately 6:20 PM on April 15 in Paris, which was 1:20 AM on April 16 in Tokyo

…from Time and Date

And in a scene right out of an LGBT remake of an Omen movie, Michelle Obama was sipping wine on a boat near the Cathedral when it caught fire…

…from TMZ

So when the globalists scheduled the very belated Abe state funeral exactly 1260 days after Michelle Obama partied on the Seine as Notre Dame burned, they activated a new 7-year Obama Tribulation timeline — only this one started with the fire, is centered on Michelle Obama, and is based on Tokyo time (and Paris time too, but I’ll cover that later). Watch for Michelle to be at Barack’s side at the funeral, watch for her to be (s)elected to the US presidency in 2024, and watch for her to be defeated by the “Jewish Messiah/Moshiach” exactly 1290 days after the funeral on April 9, 2026 (which is the final day of Passover 2026 and the day of the Kabbalist-celebrated Moshiach’s Meal).

There is much more to this story, including the possibility of a scripted “Divine Intervention” to stop this new timeline this year, but I’ll get to it all after I cover what’s planned for Trump tomorrow.

More on that in the afternoon/evening…

(23 August 2022) – In past writings, I’ve explained that the “American Empire” (the G7/NATO) is the outgoing Third Roman Empire and Washington, DC is its putative capital city — the current-day “City of Rome” (although it’s actually controlled from London). I therefore find it of particular interest that for the past two days, the Drudge Report has continually shown an image of a nuclear explosion alongside Donald Trump (the president who supposedly dared to take on “Imperial Washington”)…

…from Monday and Tuesday’s Drudge Report

The image is particularly interesting because of the occult scripting cues my partner Onnabugeisha has found for Wednesday, August 24…

…from Britannica.com (top, bottom).

So it would seem that Washington, DC’s burning in a nuclear fire is a scriptable possibility for tomorrow, especially given a few other things Onnabugeisha notes…

She also found indicators that point to Obamy’s Commies on Wednesday. But before we get to all that, let me post my standard disclaimer…

The national and international dramas we see swirling around us now are part of the globalist “End Times” stageplay that’s being acted out for the public. And while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added –– all on the fly.

It’s also important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians and superstitious followers of numerology and astrology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the play are acted out. They align events with days of historical, numerological, and astrological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

~ MORE ~

I don’t have enough time and energy to cover all the rest of the indicators for tomorrow, so here are the remaining key points…

WARNING (20 August 2022): Be advised that tomorrow, 8/21, is a candidate day for Operation Blackjack (or a large, but less ambitious, terror attack likely related to the Second Civil War — possibly a mass casualty attack attributed to “white supremacist” Trumpers). I’ll cover some details in the late afternoon.

~ MORE ~

Speaking of mass casualty attacks, here is a bit of news that lends itself to mass shootings, mass nukings, or an assassination of Biden to be blamed on Trumpers and Russians: the Russians gathered 270 sniper teams from 37 nations in Venezuela for a competition that started on August 13 and continues through August 27. So are all those teams still in Venezuela, or have they supposedly been smuggled into the US with the help of Venezuela and their drug cartel allies? And are they carrying more than just rifle ammo in their backpacks (like mini-nukes perhaps)? By the way, Sergei Shoigu sent them.

~ MORE ~

Get this: Sergei Shoigu’s announcement that the sniper teams would be sent to Venezuela happened on Tuesday, August 2

…from TASS

That was the very same day the Kremlin declared that the US was directly involved in the Ukraine War…

…from Reuters

So was this cause and effect? Was August 2 the day the Russians supposedly decided to carry out Operation Dagger (the assassination of the Western leaders) and/or Operation Blackjack (the nuke or dirty bomb attacks on Western decision-making centers/capitals)?

Remember what I’ve written about the Seesaw of Blame…

  1. The Biden-Harris administration will first blame the political right and Putin for the attacks (and go after the Right).
  2. The NWO will then reverse the blame onto Obama, the Chicoms, and the Global Communist Deep State (and go after the Left).
  3. And the Kabbalah Christ will finally reverse the blame back to “Final Antichrist” Putin (or Shoigu).

~ MORE ~

In my coverage of what may be planned for tomorrow, 8/21, I didn’t even get to my partner Onnabugeisha’s occult indicators (which alerted me in the first place); I’ll cover them if the globalists make their move. And it should be noted that the “sniper competition” supposedly continues through the 27th, which is a big candidate day for “God’s Judgment.” That’s the day Pope Francis will install his new “Satanic” cardinals at the Vatican. So if the attacks don’t happen tomorrow, they could still come any time from the 22nd through the 27th.

(20 August 2022) – When you get down to brass tacks, the Ukraine War is a farcical conflict led by two Chabad-connected Jews (Putin and Zelensky) that’s designed to fool Christians into slaughtering each other in order to redraw a map and unite ancient Khazaria [1,2] under Jewish King Vladimir Putin. If you are aware of this, you know why you shouldn’t worry about the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant being blown up and spewing radiation all over Europe…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report

The plant lies within the borders of ancient Khazaria (circa 750 AD)…

…so there is no way in hell that the Kabbalists are going to blow it up and poison their own homeland. (The only scenario in which they would is one in which sequestered technology capable of neutralizing radioactivity will be rolled out by the Space Force or the fake ETs.)

So why is Putin warning of this looming catastrophe? – To set a powerful justification for the massive offensive he’s about to unleash on Ukraine — the offensive that will leave him in control of all Khazarian territory in Ukraine (everything east of the Dnieper River). Once the territory is seized and the Kiev government is toppled, we will be told how Putin saved the world by stopping the destruction of the power plant and seizing the “bioweapon research facilities” in Ukraine.

The globalists will want to consolidate Khazarian lands before they end the global conflict and launch the NWO, so the offensive will happen soon. In fact, it may be the big drama that they’ve planned for the last few days of this month through the first few days of next month. This timing for the “good guy” offensive seems to be supported by the fact that another force Putin and Xi are massing near Beijing and North Korea (under cover of the Vostok military exercise) will be in place from August 30 to September 5.

If the globalists are working under the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline, “Savior” Putin will launch his offensive on September 2, and it will spell the beginning of the end for “Antichrist” Obama’s plans for a commie NWO. The end will then come on October 17.

(18 August 2022) – Tomorrow, August 19, is 22 Av on the Hebrew calendar. It’s also Barack Obama and Bill Clinton‘s Jewish birthday (both were born on 22 Av). And the occult indicators for this 22 Av point to “insurrection,” “overthrow,” “revolution,” and “purge.” There is, therefore, a moderate risk of precursor events occurring from sunset of today through August 23. Any such event(s) would likely target the “good guys” [Putin, Xi, Trump, and their ilk (also “bad guy” Biden)] and would feed the big drama planned for the last few days of August through the first few days of September. I’ll cover the details if any attempts are made.

(17-18 August 2022) – In order to “reform” the UN into the NWO, the 77th UN General Assembly will need to get unanimous consent from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council: the US, UK, France, Russia, and China — collectively known as the “P5”. So one of the following needs to happen…

  • The current leadership of Russia and China will need to change so consent can be gained for the Western-version NWO.


  • The current leadership of the US, UK and France will need to change so consent can be gained for the BRICS-version NWO.

This being said, the landscape presented by the event nexuses over the next few months (particularly the Western elections in September thru early November) seems tailor-made for a Western leadership change under a Peace Path scenario. Here is something I wrote about the Peace Path back in 2018 (when Trump was still in office, so the part about him may be obsolete given the “Putin as Octavian” scripting)…

As one would expect, the Peace Path differs from the War Path in that no direct wars break out between major powers and no nukes go off. Any attempts to start the wars will be defeated by “Putin’s masterful geopolitical moves and Trump’s cooperation. And any nuclear missiles that are fired in anger will be intercepted by “unknown parties.”

Although the Peace Path can include a Trump assassination or removal from office, he will be brought back into the public eye by Vladimir Putin. They will also be joined by new Western European leaders who will take control after major revelations about the current leaders are made public.

The UN reforms will proceed either due to the fear created by the intercepted nuclear launches or by simple agreement once the US, France and the UK are under NWO leaders.

One way of insuring that the coming Western elections will bring in the “political right” / “friends of Putin” is to start the Truth Tsunami Psyop on September 2. This would bring forward the “stunning revelations” that would cause a voter stampede from the Left to the Right. And rolling out the Truth Tsunami at that time means the “White Hats” would be scripted to intervene either during or immediately after the “destruction of Rome” event at the end of this month / early next month. The Truth Tsunami would also set in motion a reversal of the “stolen” US election as well as snap elections in the UK and France. So the US-UK-France side of the P5 would have fresh, BRICS-friendly leaders in advance of the November 15-16 G20 (+UN) Summit.

Another way of scripting a Peace Path transition to the BRICS NWO is to stage the “White Hat” intervention during or immediately after the 77th UNGA (September 13-27). This would result in the intervention occurring during the fall Jewish holidays, and there is actually a precedent for this: Putin intervened in Syria with his air force on September 30, 2015, just two days after he gave a speech at the 2015 UNGA General Debate.

Once begun, the intervention would last through Shemini Atzeret, October 17, when Obama would be defeated. And this would leave about a month for the UK and France to have their snap elections before the November 15-16 G20 Summit.

~ MORE – 18 August 2022 ~

It would appear that the “savior’s intervention” this year will be scheduled for 10/10, the first day of Sukkot. It will likely culminate in “God’s Judgment” being delivered to the losing antichrist character on October 17 (Shemini Atzeret). Given 10/10’s historical significance in China, one wonders if Xi Jinping will be tapped for the savior role. Details to come…

~ MORE ~

If we take a look at Putin’s 2015 UN speech on Syria that preceded his airpower intervention in the “Syrian Civil War,” we see that it took place on the morning of September 28, 2015, which was Day 1 of Sukkot that year. The airstrikes then commenced on the third day of Sukkot. So “the messiah Isa” (Putin) intervened in Assad’s failing defensive war at the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles.

This year, Sukkot/Tabernacles runs from sunset of October 9 through sunset of October 16, so Day 1 will fall on the Gregorian day of October 10. Should this year’s messiah not intervene in a failing defensive war on September 2, October 10 would be his or her fallback date. And if we’re on the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline, “Antichrist” Obama’s final defeat would fall on “Day 8 of Sukkot,” Shemini Atzeret (October 17).

In a seeming confirmation that the globalists are planning war action as we near Day 1 of Sukkot, reader Ronin passed along an article from the Greek news site Pentapostagma, which states this (according to Google Translate)…

As it has already become known, the directive to seafarers issued on August 9 after Erdogan’s announcement, for Turkey’s 4th floating drilling rig, Abdulhamid Khan, expires on October 7.

The intelligence services of the Republic of Cyprus have information indicating that the Turkish drilling rig will move immediately after to the northern part of block 6 of the Cyprus EEZ as there are reports of a rich deposit.

So Turkey appears poised to instigate a conflict right as we enter the Feast of Tabernacles. We can expect to see similar moves towards conflict in the other theaters of World War 3 as we approach 10/10.

(14 August 2022) – What We Face Through the End of the Year

Assuming we get through the Ides of Augustus without Biden being “killed by rebels on an island fort (the Secret Service-guarded Kiawah Island) in Charleston, SC” to start the Second Civil War in the same way the First began, we should be okay until the next event nexus at the end of this month — speaking of which, here is a list of the major event nexuses through the end of this year…

  • Pope Francis’s gathering of the cardinals at the Vatican at the end of August, which affords the globalists an opportunity to fulfill a Kabbalist prophecy of Rome being destroyed by fiery stones from the sky (in an act of “God’s Judgment”). This could lead to the rise of the “Nazi Pope” / “Final Pope” (with Pope Francis being decried as an Antipope who didn’t count in the Prophecy of the Popes).
  • The 77th UN General Assembly from 13 September through Rosh Hashanah (27 September), which affords the globalists the opportunity to destroy the current UN so the NWO can rise from its ashes in November.
  • The 2022 Fall Jewish Holidays that run from September 25 through October 18, which afford the globalists opportunities to stage a series of political, economic, and war/”judgment” events (the “October Surprises”) that will push the world towards either a commie or Nazionist NWO in November. The defeat or death of “Communist Antichrist” Barack Obama on Shemini Atzeret (October 17) is one particular potentiality to watch for (and it may be set in motion by something that happens on September 2).
  • The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in early November, which affords the globalists the opportunity to do one of the following: 1) blow up all the CCP leaders, including Xi, 2) have Xi arrest all the CCP leaders and end the CCP, or 3) have Xi elevated to “People’s Leader” just prior to the G20+ (new UN) Summit on November 15-16.
  • The US congressional elections on November 8, which afford the globalists the opportunity to arrange either “another communist stealing of a US election” or “a right-wing-oriented turnout so overwhelming that the efforts to steal are rendered impotent.” The outcomes of the European elections in September/October may set precendents for the US election outcome. And since the US election will happen at roughly the same time as the CCP National Congress, a Democrat victory + Xi’s rise to “People’s Leader” would telegraph a coming commie NWO, while a Republican victory + a destruction or arrest of the CCP would telegraph a Nazionist NWO.
  • The G20 Summit on November 15-16, which affords the globalists the opportunity to launch the “Reformed” UN/New World Order. The motto of the summit is “Recover Together, Recover Stronger.”

Looking at these nexuses together, one particular scenario stands out…

At the G20 Summit in November, the NWO could launch under the apparent de facto leadership of Xi Jinping, either as a communist NWO (if he is elected “People’s Leader”) or a Nazionist NWO (if he arrests and ends the CCP). And since the world economy will be in a shambles by then, China’s vast gold and commodities holdings will put them in a commanding position in the NWO financial system, which will be based on a commodities-backed global reserve currency. Putin can then rise to open leadership of the NWO in 2025 (there’s some interesting history between Octavian and Mark Antony that would be paralleled in Putin’s rise).

~ MORE ~

Get this: There will be a total lunar eclipse on November 8, 2022 (the day of the US election and a day that will potentially fall during the 20th National Congress of the CCP). It spans the Pacific from moonrise in China to moonset in the US, and it starts just 2 minutes after 8 AM UTC, reaching its peak just a minute before 11 AM UTC. It starts just 2 minutes after 4 PM Beijing time (the number 4 equals “death” in Chinese superstition).

In Ancient China, solar and lunar eclipses were regarded as heavenly signs that foretold the future of the Emperor. Will this eclipse be scripted to herald the fall of the CCP?

Beware the Ides of Augustus…

…especially if you live in Gomorrah (New York?)

(13 August 2022) – Looking ahead to the 14th and 15th, there are occult indicators that would support the scripting of a coup attempt in Beijing on those days, and the 15th will be the Ides of August(us) by the informal definition (“the middle day of the month”). Staging the Ides event(s) on the 15th would also tie it more closely to Caesar’s assassination on March 15, 44 BC. So we need to keep an eye on Xi, Putin, and Trump on Monday. It’s not hard to imagine that the “commies” will have Trump arrested on Monday, which could be the trigger for “Day X“/Operation Blackjack (or the “White Hat” intervention to stop it).

NOTE (12 August 2022 @1 AM): When the Biden FBI raided Mar-a-Lago “looking for classified documents,” they were presumably searching for damaging information Trump held on the Democrats. And now the narrative is saying that they were looking for documents relating to nuclear weapons.” So will it turn out that Trump has documents proving Barack Obama had accumulated a private nuclear arsenal while in office — the arsenal that will supposedly be used in Operation Blackjack?

Also, Biden will be staying in Charleston until Tuesday evening, so the Critical Alert is extended through the 16th.

~ MORE ~

In the aftermath of the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago to supposedly seize Trump’s “insurance files” and to plant evidence that will disqualify him from making another presidential run, the mainstream media are hinting that the planted evidence will reveal an attempt by Trump to pass nuclear secrets to the Saudis. So if my early-morning supposition is correct, the narrative will eventually reveal that…

Trump has “real” files that show Barack Obama has personal control over an arsenal of nuclear weapons that will be used to take down the West in “Operation Blackjack.” And the FBI just planted/recovered “fake” files that will be used to blame Trump for those explosions (“Al Qaeda had nukes because Trump gave the Saudis what they needed to build some”).

Also, Onnabugeisha and I may have found the reason Biden is staying in Charleston until late Tuesday, and it relates to Roman history and Kabbalist numerology that point to the time period of August 13-15 as being a time of victory or defeat for Putin & Friends.

For the moment, know that the month of August was named in honor of Roman Emperor Augustus, whose story is being paralleled in the “End Times” stageplay by Vladimir Putin. And by the classical definition of the word “ides,” the “Ides of August(us)” falls tomorrow on August 13. So it could be the day of an attack (or an intervention to stop an attack). I’ll show you what I mean soon.

~ MORE ~

Do you remember this bit of prophecy propaganda from years ago?…

…from YouTube

It used words from the Bible and Strong’s Bible Concordance to demonstrate that Barack Obama (baraq o bamah, “lightning from the high place/heaven”) is the name of Satan/the Antichrist.

With this in mind, let’s start looking at the occult scripting cues Onnabugeisha has uncovered for tomorrow. This first one is a doozy…

August 13 this year is 16 Av on the Hebrew calendar. And since Av is the 11th month of the Jewish civil year and the 5th month of the ecclesiastical year, 16 Av can be expressed as both 11/16 and 5/16. Looking at those dates like numerologists do, you get the numbers 1116 and 516. And if you look them up in Strong’s Bible Concordance (like the prophecy scriptwriters do), you get some very interesting meanings…

Strong’s Hebrew 1116 – “bamah” (a high place)
Strong’s Hebrew 516 – “destroy not” (used in sacred songs/supplications to God)
Strong’s Greek 1116 – “Gomorrah” (one of the wicked cities the Hebrew god supposedly destroyed)

So tomorrow is Shabbat Nachamu, a sabbath day devoted to “comforting the Jewish people for their suffering,” and the numerology/scripting reflects a supplication…

“(Barack) Obama, destroy not Gomorrah.”

…as though sung by the many Jews at temple tomorrow in New York City.

Will they repentantly cry out “in a manner worthy of (Strong’s Greek 516)” deliverance? Will the Jewish Messiah answer the call?

As for the first part of Obama’s name, “baraq,” it is Strong’s Hebrew 1300 (13, as in August 13). And it’s also possible that the West (collectively) are Gomorrah.

WARNING (11 August 2022): Step 1 – Gain control of Ukrainian airspace…

Step 2 – Invade Russia (Crimea). Unless, of course, someone stops this approach in its tracks with a preemptive attack.

There has reportedly been another aircraft-destroying attack on an airbase used by Russian forces, this time in Belarus. Reader Ronin has also pointed out that the US has acknowledged sending AGM-88 HARM missiles to Ukraine for targeting Russian air defense assets, and it’s possible that NATO aircraft might actually be the ones firing them. Suppression of Russian air defenses and depletion of Russian aircraft would be the first steps towards implementing a NATO no-fly zone over parts or all of Ukraine. And the establishment of such airspace dominance would be the first step in launching a ground attack on Crimea.

Pre-false-flag provocations abound. The August 9 Critical Alert posted below remains in effect through at least August 15.

WARNING (10 August 2022): The 411 on 9/11 2.0

My partner Onnabugeisha and I are on the same wavelength today — it appears that the plan for tomorrow, 8/11, is/was to have Al Qaeda return to New York City (and perhaps Washington, DC too) with a Turkish suitcase nuke or two (“provided by Russia”).

To the numerology-bound Kabbalists and their Freemason flunkies, the number 11 is a “master number,” which makes the 11th day of any month a preferred day to schedule big news and big events. Two particularly notable examples of this were the 9/11 Attacks in New York and Washington and the 3/11 Train Bombings in Madrid, both of which were attributed to Al Qaeda. So an Al Qaeda attack on 8/11 would fit the established template.

Also, within the globalist-scripted, phony battle between the “left-wing Global Communist Deep State” and their “former right-wing Nazionist Deep State partners,” Al Qaeda is a terror front that belongs to the Nazionist side. So blaming Al Qaeda for the coming explosions will allow the communists to move against the “political right” in a good ol’ fashioned “People’s War against counter-revolutionary forces” (a.k.a. the Second American Civil War).

The setup for the Al Qaeda role in the 8/11 Attacks is unmistakable…

~ MORE ~

There’s a big birthday tomorrow, and Turkish president Erdogan is providing the party poppers…

…from The Guardian

The party is happening 11 days after Joe Biden sent the standard American birthday and wedding gift, a missile strike, to get the festivities going…

…from Bloomberg

Eager New Yorkers have been preparing for it for weeks, with some Manhattan socialites calling it “the event of the season”


“Hi, I’m Joan Rivers’s reanimated corpse…

…and I’ll be providing you with more coverage of the Al Qaeda Summer Gala after these messages”…

Sometimes the ridiculousness of the globalists’ plans needs to be reflected in their coverage.

~ MORE ~

Ha! Guess where Biden is going for a multi-day “beach vacation” today: Charleston, South Carolina, where the first full battle of the Civil War took place! So that is where he’ll be when the Second Civil War kicks off (perhaps tomorrow).

~ MORE ~

Get ready for 9/11 Truth, commie-style

When the globalists telegraphed what they’re about to do in The Telegraph over 13 years ago, they told us who the governments will initially blame for the attacks: “a coalition (so the fingered groups will supposedly be coordinating their attacks with each other) of home-grown extremists, Islamists and Christian doomsday cultists”

And evidently, Al Qaeda have been chosen as the Islamist part of the coalition. Why Al Qaeda? Because I suspect the Biden-Harris “Communist Revolutionary Government” have been scripted to roll out a weaponized limited-hangout version of 9/11 Truth that will reveal the roles the Bush family, the Saudis, and the Israelis played in carrying out the attacks. This will enable them to go after ALL Republicans, even the Establishment types, not just the MAGA wing. It will also allow them to turn America and the whole world against Israel, resulting in the invasion of Israel that will allow the Kabbalists to bring in the Jewish Messiah.

~ MORE ~

Some Notes on What Comes After

Whether it begins tomorrow or at some later date, there are only three exits from the NWO Transition Event…

  1. the door that leads to an evil-looking commie NWO (unlikely to be open),
  2. the door that leads to a hopeful-looking Putin-hostile Nazionist NWO, or
  3. the door that leads to a hopeful-looking Putin-inclusive Nazionist NWO.

If the globalists are aiming for door number 2, Operation Blackjack may include a nuking of Moscow that takes out Putin and/or Putin’s line of succession, leaving the door open for Sergei Shoigu to take Putin’s place. Shoigu is the defense minister, and he built his career on managing state emergencies (such as the one that would be created after the nuking of Moscow).

If the globalists take door number 2, Putin’s Tribulation would likely follow the 2025-2032 Tom Horn-Apophis timeline.

If they take door number 3, it might follow the 2022-2029 Putin-Apophis timeline.

On another note, Operation Blackjack also provides an opportunity to blow up Ankara (a NATO capital) to take out Erdogan, leaving the door open for the Muslim Antichrist to take his place. Erdogan makes a fine Antichrist figure, though, so I don’t see why they want to replace him.

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Biden has now arrived in the city where the First Civil War started, just in time to begin the Second…

…from The Gazette

CRITICAL ALERT (9 August 2022): The likelihood of Operation Blackjack occurring in the next day or two has skyrocketed thanks to explosions at an airbase deep in Crimea today that are being attributed to a Ukrainian long-range missile attack. The Russians are currently denying a missile strike of course; they are claiming “ammunition explosions,” just like they did when the Moskva was hit. So the West has now crossed the red line that is supposed to lead to attacks on NATO “decision-making centers” (see the 4 August update below for details), which means the West can now false-flag such attacks and blame them on Russia.

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This is from the 18 July Warning (be sure to read it because it applies to today)…

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Now that the globalists have cued the Crimea strike, my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on 8/10 and 8/11 take on a new clarity…

The Wednesday, 8/10 “insurrectionist event” I wrote about today would be Operation Blackjack, since the Biden-Harris administration would blame “Trump-supporting Domestic Violent Extremists supplied with suitcase nukes by Putin” for the explosions (dirty bombs are a possible alternative too). The “commies” will then use the “insurrectionist attacks” as an excuse to move against all of their scripted enemies: MAGA, Trump, Putin, Xi, and the “commie-hostile” governments of Taiwan and South Korea.

For Thursday, Onnabugeisha notes that August 11 will mark exactly 80 years and 8 months (88) since the Western Axis Powers (Germany and Italy) declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941 in response to the US declaration of war against Axis Japan on 12/8. So in a scripted historical parallel, the US move against Russia on August 10 would cause the Chinese to move (with double good luck) against the US on August 11 (Beijing or Washington DC time).

(9 August 2022) – Looking Closer at August 10…

In an uneventful sending-off ceremony, Erdogan announced that Turkey’s new drill ship will start exploring well north of the Cyprus EEZ, which seems to indicate that the globalists have pushed the pause button for now. But I’ll continue covering all the scripting cues in case they’re setting us up to be surprised…

> Keep an eye out for any provocation between Turkey and Greece that might spur Turkey to seize the Greek island of Kastellorizo tomorrow. August 10 is the 102nd (12) anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Sevres, in which the Ottoman Empire handed over territory to France, Greece, Italy, and the UK (all future NATO members). So it would be an attractive date to script the Neo-Ottoman Empire taking some territory (and EEZ space) away from NATO.

> August 10 is the 230th (23) anniversary of the Insurrection of 10 August 1792 during the French Revolution. So keep an eye out for a government-engineered January 6-style “insurrectionist event” arising from the FBI’s seizure of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Also scriptable is the intervention of the “White Hats” to stop the communist onslaught you’ll read about below.

> August 10 (or August 12) is the anniversary of the death of Cleopatra, and Cleopatra’s death effectively ended the final war of the Roman Republic between the remaining triumvirs Octavian and Antony… Since Putin (or Shoigu) is playing Octavian and Xi is playing Mark Antony, tomorrow (or Friday) offers another opportunity for the globalists to script the fall of Xi Jinping to the “Chicom Deep State” / Jiang Faction, leaving Putin (or Shoigu) free to rise to the emperorship of the NWO.

> 77 years ago on August 10, the second (post-WWII) phase of the Chinese Civil War began (according to Wikipedia). This phase would lead to the partitioning of China between a communist mainland and a nationalist Taiwan.


77 years ago on August 10, the partitioning of Korea at the 38th parallel was set in motion. This partitioning led to Korea being divided into a communist North Korea and a “right-wing” South Korea.


August 10 also marks exactly 660 weeks, 6 days (666) since “Communist Antichrist” Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10, 2009 — seemingly an indication of peace turning to war.


August 10 would be a favorable date to script a forceful “Global Communist Deep State” move to remove the partitions and make both China and Korea fully communist. And such a move would be made much easier if America and NATO were gut-punched on the same day, wouldn’t it?

> Keep an eye out for news concerning the Hoover Dam tomorrow.

Thanks to Onnabugeisha and Ronin for their contributions.

(8 August 2022 @ 4 AM CDT) – Looking Ahead to 8/9-10…

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The update block I was experiencing this morning (after I posted today’s early morning note) stopped shortly after I posted the following in the title of this page…

I’m being blocked from updating again. Trouble could be planned for 8 AM Honolulu time today (which is 1 PM Texas/Central time and 2 AM, August 9 in Beijing). August 9 is the 77th anniversary of the nuking of Nagasaki.

So was the block abandoned or was it just some sort of technical glitch that got resolved? Who the hell knows… it’s back to work.

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Looking Ahead to 8/11-13

Everybody cut footjoos!…

The latter part of this week (sunset of Thursday through sunset of Saturday) will feature two Jewish holidays, both of which are celebrated by dancing: Tu B’Av and Shabbat Nachamu. So what would have to happen on those days for us to see dancing Israelis like we did on 9/11? What does it take to make the inbred Kabbalists dance (besides a track of Hava Nagila on continuous replay)?

So these are the scenarios we could face later in the week.

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Looking Closer at August 9

Now here’s an interesting tidbit sent in by reader Ronin: Erdogan sacked/”retired” his Navy and Air Force chiefs on August 4, the day before he went to visit Vladimir Putin in Sochi. What was his scripted reason for doing this? To prevent an assassination attack against himself and Putin by Turkey’s Navy or Air Force, or to create a motive for the senior commanders in the Navy and Air Force to go after him?

If the narrative reflects that Erdogan pissed off the senior commanders with his August 4 actions, they’ll have a second golden opportunity to get rid of him when he visits the Turkish drill ship on Tuesday to announce its destination. And if the announced destination is within the Greek or Cypriot EEZs, they’ll have a plausible reason to blame the Greeks for the attack. The war will then start and the Turkish Antichrist character will then rise.

So if tomorrow is to be the day the Islamist Antichrist pushes aside his placeholder, might he also start off his tenure with a bang by hitting more than just Erdogan?

Onnabugeisha notes that…

In previous updates, I’ve noted that the globalists have promoted a Nostradamus prophecy that the Muslim Antichrist will destroy New York City. And I’ve also noted that the nuke to be used may have been brought into New York in a diplomatic crate and placed in Turkish House (Turkevi Center), which is across the street from UN Headquarters. The Turkevi Center has 36 floors (3x12) by the way.

So do the Kabbalists plan a sudden rise in temperature in Manhattan tomorrow? And since Nagasaki was the second Japanese city to be nuked, might another nuke be parked in Washington, DC? Turkey’s war against Greece would go much easier if the US were preoccupied with more-pressing matters, don’t you think?

ALERT: “The Pearl Harbor of the West” may be imminent

(6 August 2022) – The New Pearl Harbor and the Number 88

There is talk circulating that the Chinese are preparing to launch a “New Pearl Harbor” against US forces in the Pacific [1,2]…

There is considerable discussion these days about the possibility of a Chinese move to invade Taiwan and return what it regards as a breakaway province to the fold. Much of the focus is on building up Taiwanese defense capabilities and figuring out how the United States should and could respond to such an assault.

All of that is important, but perhaps we ought to consider the possibility that an assault on Taiwan would begin not with an attempt to neutralize the defenses of that island nation but with an overwhelming surprise attack on American forces in the Pacific. Rather than wait for the 7th Fleet to come to the rescue and then attempt to destroy the U.S. Navy at sea, perhaps the CCP might begin the conflict from an almost cold start with a strike on U.S. bases, U.S. carrier battle groups, and U.S. Marine Corps installations. – from AND Magazine

Given the deeply ingrained Chinese superstition that 8 is a lucky number, and given the proclivity of the Kabbalists for scheduling events in accordance with numerological factors, Monday (8/8) is an obvious danger day. But my partner Onnabugeisha has found some occult numbers that would support such an attack on Sunday, 8/7 (tomorrow). And one should remember that the original Pearl Harbor attack happened on a Sunday morning just before 8 AM.

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[NOTE: My PC has been locked out from making updates again, so this was posted with a borrowed computer. It is a continuation of the update below.]

Here is another quote from the AND Magazine article

What happened on December 7th was in essence a failure of imagination. We failed to consider the possibility that the war would begin with an attack so audacious and so devastating. We were caught preparing for one war. The enemy decided to fight another.

To ensure that what might happen on 8/7 or 8/8 doesn’t catch us by surprise, let’s expand our imagination by asking ourselves a few questions…

Q – What would make a Chinese sneak attack all across the Pacific even more effective in pushing the US out of Asia?

A – If they or their allies struck Washington, DC and New York City at the same time, decapitating America’s leadership and finishing off its economy and financial system. This would profoundly affect America’s ability to bounce back from the attack.

Q – What would make the Chinese attack and the Washington/NYC attacks even more effective in aiding China’s Russian allies?

A – If the Chinese or their allies struck the NATO capitals and decision-making centers at the same time. Is setting up such an attack the reason the globalists had the G7/NATO nations piss off the Chinese this past week? And is setting up such an attack the reason the globalists had the Russians come out and say this week that the US is directly involved in the Ukraine War?

As we expand our imagination, we begin to see that tomorrow or Monday could be the day the world changes — the day of Operation Blackjack, the Pearl Harbor of the Western World.

Here are some additional notes on this scenario…

  • Putin and Xi might be taken down too (under the Nazionist Antichrist Option). Search for “Nazionist Antichrist” on this page for more information.
  • Turkey and Israel will likely take advantage of the situation to start their war on 8/9.

~ MORE (unfinished) ~

Now let’s look at the reasons tomorrow is a strong candidate day for Global Pearl Harbor…

> August 7 is a Sunday, and the original Pearl Harbor happened on a Sunday.

> August 7 is the Hebrew day of 10 Av, the day the Tisha B’Av fast is observed this year (because the 9th of Av – the saddest day on the Jewish calendar – fell on the sabbath). One of the Jewish “calamities” that serve as the basis for the fast is the destruction of the Second Temple by the Roman Empire. So will the Kabbalists finally return the favor tomorrow by destroying the current Roman Empire (the G7)?

> August 7 marks exactly 80 years and 8 months (88) since the original Pearl Harbor attack.

> August 7 is 7/10 (Seventh Month 10, year of the Tiger) on the Chinese lunar calendar.

Jiang Zemin – after whom the supposedly Xi-opposed “Jiang Faction” is named – was born on August 17, 1926, which also was Seventh Month 10, year of the Tiger.

And between Jiang’s first birthday and tomorrow’s, China will have gone through its 12-year zodiac cycle (from year of the Tiger to year of the Tiger) exactly 8 times.

So tomorrow can be scripted as a lucky day for the Jiang Faction (and a bad day for Xi). During the time of the BRICS NWO, it is the “Deep State” Jiang Faction that will likely be scapegoated for Global Pearl Harbor and COVID.

Getting back to the number 88, it can be looked at two ways…

> as “double luck” from the Chicom perspective, and
> as “Heil Hitler” from the Nazionist perspective.

So it’s also possible that the Nazionist intervention against the communists can be launched during Global Pearl Harbor. As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, the intervention could happen on the day of the big attack, next weekend (for Tu B’Av), or on September 2.

Also, let’s not forget the North Korean part of August 7, which I wrote about in the 30 July update.

NOTE (7 August 2022 @2:15 AM CDT): The block on my ability to update has been removed. In the past, this has always meant that they’ve abandoned their immediate plan.

(7 August 2022) – An interesting aspect of the scripting for the New Pearl Harbor was that the globalists arranged for the US Senate to be in session this weekend for the passing of the “Inflation Reduction Act.” So the strike on Washington would have presumably wiped out the Senate. There is a historical parallel for this in the history of the ancient Roman Empire…

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the senate continued to function under the Germanic chieftain Odoacer, and then under Ostrogothic rule. The authority of the senate rose considerably under barbarian leaders, who sought to protect the institution. This period was characterized by the rise of prominent Roman senatorial families, such as the Anicii, while the senate’s leader, the princeps senatus, often served as the right hand of the barbarian leader. It is known that the senate successfully installed Laurentius as pope in 498, despite the fact that both King Theodoric and Emperor Anastasius supported the other candidate, Symmachus.

The peaceful coexistence of senatorial and barbarian rule continued until the Ostrogothic leader Theodahad found himself at war with Emperor Justinian I [the head of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire] and took the senators as hostages. Several senators were executed in 552 as revenge for the death of the Ostrogothic king, Totila. After Rome was recaptured by the imperial (Byzantine) army, the senate was restored, but the institution (like classical Rome itself) had been mortally weakened by the long war. Many senators had been killed and many of those who had fled to the east chose to remain there, thanks to favorable legislation passed by Emperor Justinian, who, however, abolished virtually all senatorial offices in Italy. The importance of the Roman senate thus declined rapidly. – from Wikipedia

Applying that historical template to today, the American/G7 Roman Empire fell to the Chicom-funded Democrats/communists when they stole the presidential and many congressional elections in 2020, after which the commies kept the current institutions (including the Senate) intact to facilitate seamless rule. But with Trump/”Justinian” and the Republicans in position to overwhelm the commies in the midterm elections this year, the Senate will no longer be of use to them. So in retaliation for the death of their king (Xi Jinping, who was to be killed by the “Jiang Faction Deep State” today with the blame put on America), they were to go for a Pearl Harbor-style hard takedown of the US/G7 today (or tomorrow, 8/8, when the House also convenes to pass the Act), gutting the Senate in the process.

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I was listening this morning to a prophecy propaganda podcast out of Tom Horn’s SkyWatchTV disinformation mill, and he was again selling people on a 2025-2032 Tribulation period. The juicy tidbit offered by this new propaganda was that the Tribulation would be timed by the Essene calendar. So upon cross-referencing previously collected information with the Essene calendar, I think I’ve nailed down the exact days they’re aiming for…

I’ll call this the “Wrinkles the Windbag Timeline” (also to be known as the “Tom Horn-Apophis Timeline”), and I’ll fill in all the details later. But for now, know that if they do go for this timeline, we’ll likely be subjected to an “evil” communist or Nazionist NWO until it begins.

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My partner Onnabugeisha has come across one particularly interesting occult scripting cue for tomorrow…

Monday, 8/8, marks exactly 880 days since the WHO declared COVID a pandemic on March 11, 2020. So the globalist scriptwriters could make use of tomorrow to launch a “new, deadlier virus” or take the monkeypox hype to a new level.

The 2022 End-of-Year Overwatch

NOTE: War alerts are in effect through September 2. See the recent updates for details.

(Expanded Note – 4 August 2022) – Some Good News and Some Bad News & Putin’s 7-year Tribulation timeline

The good news is that the Taiwan confrontation passed through August 4 without the war being sparked.

The bad news is that the Chinese drills around Taiwan continue through Tisha B’Av weekend (which runs from sunset of Friday through sunset of Sunday) — a very hazardous span of time for all war fronts. And it could all kick off with a long-range missile attack on Putin and Erdogan at their meeting in Sochi tomorrow.

A few months ago, I identified a candidate timeline for the Second Tribulation (Putin’s 7-year Tribulation) that was to be activated on June 5. But it didn’t get activated in the way I expected, so I sat it aside. Upon a recent review of the timelines, though, I ran across something that might have set it in motion…

…from U.S. News. Here is an excerpt…

President Vladimir Putin warned the United States in an interview broadcast on Sunday that Russia would strike new targets if the West supplied longer-range missiles to Ukraine for use in high-precision mobile rocket systems…

President Joe Biden last week said Washington would supply Ukraine with M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, after he received assurances from Kyiv that it would not be used to target Russia.

Putin said the arms shipments were “nothing new” and changed nothing but cautioned that there would be a response if the United States supplied longer-range munitions for the HIMARS systems which have a maximum range of up to 300 km (185 miles) or more.

If longer-range missiles are supplied, “we will strike at those targets which we have not yet been hitting,” Putin told the Rossiya-1 state television channel in an interview.

Putin’s June 5 threat to hit new targets was preceded by a more clear statement from Medvedev the day before…

…from the Metro

So it would seem that what Putin meant by “striking new targets” was “striking NATO decision-making centers.” And the condition for triggering such strikes was made clear by Medvedev: it would be done if NATO-supplied long-range missiles hit Russian territory. And one would imagine that if Russia were struck with a nuke, it would respond in kind.

So here are some globalist options for triggering Operation Blackjack over Tisha B’Av weekend…

All this being said, keep the following points in mind:

> The globalists have the option of…

  • allowing Operation Blackjack to go forward, then staging the world-saving event on September 2, OR
  • stopping the attack on Sochi and the NATO cities as the world-saving event, then staging the arrest of Barack Obama on September 2.

> After the changing of the guard (during the time of the NWO), the “official story” will be that Operation Blackjack was plotted by the Satanic Global Deep State and the West.

> After the arrival of the Putin-defeating Kabbalah Christ, the “official story” will be that Putin was behind the plotting of Operation Blackjack: “The Final Antichrist orchestrated the entire East-West Conflict, pulling the strings of his Satanic minions on both sides.”

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And how would you look if Satan had just crawled up your a$$?

…from Newsweek

I’ve identified a new timeline for Putin’s 7-year Tribulation, and it partially overlaps and follows Obama’s Tribulation timelines. I call it the “Putin-Apophis Timeline”

It began on April 20, 2022 when Putin announced the successful first test launch of the Sarmat nuclear missile, dubbed the “Satan II.” So Wednesday, 20 April 2022 was “the day Satan II — the second global antichrist — ascended” (Obama, the global antichrist who preceded him as his decoy, would be “Satan I”).

On the following day, April 21, Putin appeared in a video with Sergei Shoigu gripping at the table, slouching, and looking strange — as though he was struggling to adjust to the presence of Satan’s spirit that had entered him the day before. [NOTE: The video can also be interpreted as his discomfort in the presence of “Antichrist Shoigu,” who may have taken power the day before.]

Counting forward 1260 days from April 20, we arrive at October 1, 2025 (the day Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year, begins at sunset). This is when Putin (or Shoigu) will desecrate the Third Temple.

Counting forward 1290 days from that desecration, we arrive at April 13, 2029 (the day the Apophis asteroid arrives). This is the day the Kabbalah Christ would arrive to defeat Putin (or Shoigu) and save humanity from the Apophis asteroid impact. Forty-five days later (on Day 1335 from the desecration event), the Kabbalah Christ would establish his Millennial Kingdom on May 28, 2029 (which is Orthodox Whit Monday 2029).

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Concerning this timeline, I thought the date of October 1, 2025 looked familiar, so I searched deeper in my notes and found that the “new Putin-Apophis Timeline” is actually the “ideal Tribulation timeline” I started the year with. I just didn’t recognize the April 20 event until now.

NOTE (3 August 2022): August 4 is an early watch day for Israel’s false-flag attack against their Karish drill ship (to be blamed on Hezbollah). I’ll explain why after lunch.

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[NOTE: They’re blocking my updates again, so this is being posted from someone else’s PC. When they block me, I am unable from my PC to alter the contents of posts, pages and text boxes or to create new ones with content — I get “connection reset” errors. I can still, however, alter the titles of posts, pages and text boxes using a feature in WordPress.]

Onnabugeisha notes that August 4 is the second anniversary of the 2020 Beirut Port Explosion. Here is what Wikipedia brands a “conspiracy theory” about the blast…

Numerous conspiracy theories emerged on social media in the days following the explosion. The main themes were that there was a significant weapons cache belonging to Hezbollah stored at the Port of Beirut, and that Israel wished to destroy those weapons. The theories said that Israel launched an attack and the level of destruction took them by surprise. Israel, Lebanon and Hezbollah all denied this theory, and blame the ammonium nitrate stored in the port.

Following the blast, US President Donald Trump asserted that the explosion was the result of an attack, but this was later contradicted by the Pentagon.

Under the controlled alt-media narrative, both Hezbollah and Israel had reasons for not wanting to be associated with the blast, which enraged the Lebanese population. This is why they publicly gave each other a pass on responsibility for it. But the “conspiracy theory” about the planned Karish gas rig explosion will say that “Hezbollah and Lebanon did it as retaliation for Israel’s attack on the port.” Publicly, the Israeli government will blame the Karish blast on Hezbollah’s insistence that the gas field should rightly belong to Lebanon (and by extension, Hezbollah).

Not too far away from this danger zone, the gas-related confrontation between Greece and Turkey has escalated. Reader Ronin has pointed out that Greece and Turkey have set up conflicting military exercises off the Greek island of Kastellorizo, which the Turks may attempt to seize. The Greek exercise is scheduled to go through August 5.

(Twice-Expanded Note – 3 August 2022) – Pelosi has left Taiwan and August 4 begins there at 11 AM Texas time. August 4’s Chinese lunar equivalent day of 7/7 may have already begun for all I know. So the war window is upon us.

Should the war around Taiwan go forward this month, historians will say that it was set in motion on Monday, 8/1 when Pelosi publicly committed to the Taiwan trip and the various militaries mobilized for action. So if you count 8/1 as Day 1, Day 33 of the conflict will fall on September 2, the day Obama and the commies are scheduled to be defeated by the “White Hats” (who are actually the Nazionists). God’s Li’l Retards (the Kabbalists) and their Freemason flunkies just love their master numbers, don’t they?

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It is standard practice for the globalists to pursue their goals through their people in the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path, and the NWO Transition is a standard globalist operation. The Left Hand Path people (the Satanists, leftists, communists) bring chaos and destruction to existing forms so the Right Hand Path people (the religious, rightists, Zionists, Nazis) can restore law and order under the new forms. That’s why the commies have been tasked with destroying the current world order and the Nazionists have been tasked with building the New World Order — these two forces are not actually opposed; they’re working together to build something new (and quite rotten).

That being said, it appears that the Nazionists are scripted to sabotage the communist war effort against Taiwan by bringing the US and its allies into the fight by means of a Gulf of Tonkin-type incident. Here are the occult indicators Onnabugeisha has found that support this scripting…

Seeing these numbers pop up on the day the Chicoms might begin their blockade looks like trouble. Beware the false-flag.

Yesterday’s updates have been placed below in the order they were posted.

ALERT – EXTREME WAR RISK (1-2 August 2022): Watch for fireworks in Asia on August 4

Keep an eye out for a Gulf of Tonkin-type incident between the US and China on August 2 and/or August 4. I’ll go into the reasons tomorrow.

~ MORE – 2 August 2022 ~

Pelosi is now in Taiwan, and she’ll be conducting her meetings on Wednesday the 3rd, as anticipated. Should the Mainland Chinese start their air and sea blockade of Taiwan while she’s there, they’d be holding the Speaker of the House hostage, and that would justify an American military intervention. So look for them to move on Taiwan on the 4th after she’s gone. There are a number of occult indicators to support the globalists scripting it that way…

As I pointed out in yesterday’s update, August 4 was the day in 1927 that the nascent Red Army moved south to engage the nationalists (who ultimately fled to Taiwan) in the first major action of the Chinese Civil War. And my partner Onnabugeisha has discovered that that day, 8/4/1927, was 7/7 (Seventh Month 7) on the Chinese lunar calendar. She also notes that 8/4/2022 (this Thursday) will also be 7/7.

The number 77 is very important in the globalist script because the “Global Communist Deep State” supposedly want to launch their “Orwellian” New World Order at the 77th UN General Assembly next month. The August Wars are meant to destroy the current world order so that can happen.

Here are some other indicators Onnabugeisha has uncovered…

August 4 was the day in 1961 that Barack Obama — the 44th US president who is playing the role of the decoy Communist Antichrist in the globalist stageplay — was born. So according to the script, “the Antichrist will celebrate his birthday with fireworks by launching the Communist Onslaught that will bring in his dark NWO” (or something to that effect). 7/7 will lead to 77 for 44.”

In the next section, we’ll look at how the “Nazionist Deep State” is scripted to sabotage the communist plan with a new Gulf of Tonkin-style incident.

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This just in…

China declared it would conduct missile tests and military drills around Taiwan shortly after US House speaker Nancy Pelosi defied Beijing on Tuesday by landing on the island…

Separately, the official Xinhua News Agency announced military drills would take place from Aug. 4-7 in six areas that encircle Taiwan, giving coordinates for the exercises. “For safety reasons, relevant ships and aircraft should not enter the above sea areas and airspaces during this period,” Xinhua added… [That blue part telegraphs the “Tonkin provocation” that’s planned.]

The Chinese drills will begin the day after Pelosi is scheduled to leave Taiwan, but she’ll still be in the region visiting US allies South Korea and Japan. – from MSN/Bloomberg

So there it is: they’re planning to encircle Taiwan on the 4th, and there are two ways the globalists can script a Gulf of Tonkin-style provocation into what happens…

  1. They can have the Chicoms false-flag a Taiwanese provocation to turn the “partial encirclement exercise” into a “full encirclement blockade.”
  2. They can have the Chicoms use the partial encirclement exercise as cover for going straight to a full encirclement blockade, and have the US false-flag a Chicom provocation to justify a US military intervention (this option more closely follows the historical template, but I’ll get into that later).

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My partner Onnabugeisha is batting a thousand right now. Look at what she just discovered…

Barack Obama was born — or so the official story claims — on August 4, 1961, which was 6/23 (Sixth Month 23) on the Chinese lunar calendar. And if you look up the number 623 in Strong’s Greek Bible Concordance (which is a tool commonly used by prophecy fulfillment scriptwriters for encoding meanings into numbers), you get this…

…from Bible Hub

She also noted that Obama’s Chinese birthday this year fell on July 21.

As usual, her findings inspired me to make some of my own…

If you look at the prophecy propaganda coming out of Tom Horn’s SkyWatchTV disinformation mill, you get this definition of Apollyon…

the identity of Abaddon and Apollyon in Revelation 9:11, the angel of the bottomless pit, is Saturn — the Watcher chief Shemihazah. The opening of the bottomless pit marks his literal return to earth. [1]

Saturn is Lucifer (paraphrased) [2]

So Obama’s Chinese birthday identifies him as Apollyon/Saturn/Lucifer, and it ties him to communism and the “Red Dragon” (China under CCP rule). As for the “opening of the bottomless pit” part, the script will reflect that this will be done by CERN.

According to the globalist script, CERN — with their notorious 666 logo — built the circular Large Hadron Collider not just to smash subatomic particles, but to also generate a stargate-like “gateway to the underworld.” And on July 4, 2012, they finally succeeded in discovering the “God particle,” supposedly opening a portal to the underworld in the process. This is when the spirit of Apollyon supposedly rose up out of the pit and possessed his vessel, Barack Obama. Tom Horn even wrote a book hinting at it: Apollyon Rising 2012.

Taking the lessons they learned from their first success, they shut down the Collider to do some modifications. Have a look at this Ukrainian (hence the writing errors) article about its reactivation this year…

The Large Hadron Collider was restarted. On April 22, he started working again, but so far, in test mode. And on April 25, scientists from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced a record. Two pilot beams of protons were accelerated to record energy for the first time: 6.8 teraelectronvolts per beam.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerates two beams of particles, such as protons, toward each other. These high-energy rays collide, allowing physicists to explore the extreme limits of our physical world and even discover previously unknown aspects of physics.

Due to the upgrades carried out during the planned shutdown (which was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic), the energy of the proton beams of the VAK was to increase from the previously obtained 6.5 teraelectronvolts.

One teraelectronvolt is equivalent to 1 trillion electronvolts and in terms of kinetic energy are approximately equal to the energy of a flying mosquito. However, for one proton, this is an incredible amount of energy, writes Space.

According to the schedule of the Higher Attestation Commission, experiments with proton collisions will begin on August 4, 2022. – from sundries.com.ua

So on Thursday, August 4, CERN will supposedly open the bottomless pit wide-enough for everything in there to come out, and out of it will pour war. And this brings us to something I wrote about in the 15 June update…


In the 29 May update, I wrote about the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline that has the “good guys” making a move to stop the commies on September 2 of this year. And in the 25 May update, I wrote about the prophecy propagandists promoting the idea that “[The Watchers will] get 150 days to torment unrepentant humanity before Saturn’s reign is ended.” So today I decided to check if “The 150 Days” would fit into the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline, and they do.

Counting back 150 days from September 2, I arrived at April 5, the day Obama emerged from the abyss of his defeat by Trump, Putin, and Xi to return to the White House and call Joe Biden his vice president. So under the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline, “the 150 days of torment” began when “Antichrist Obama publicly reappeared as the actual President of the United States (and will intensify when his supernatural army arrives).”

Speaking of his “supernatural army,” the prophecy propagandists also wrote this about The 150 Days…

The supernatural entities known to the world thousands of years ago as Titans, Watchers, Anunnaki, and apkallu are the things that swarm out of the abyss… to torment those without the seal of God on their foreheads for five months. – from SkyWatchTV.com

I suspect that the “End Times” script will narrate them swarming out of the abyss due to a “dimensional gateway” opened up by the newly-upgraded Large Hadron Collider at CERN, which resumes full-power operations in July. But I’ll cover that part of the story in a future update.


Keep in mind that this fulfillment of biblical prophecy is not something that’s “coming from God”; it is a made-for-public-consumption stageplay being meticulously planned and carried out by the Kabbalists. And according to the most likely scenario of the current version of their script…

  • Wars will start on August 4-7 and will continue until “Apollyon” is defeated on September 2.
  • The seemingly-positive BRICS NWO will rise from the ashes, which will be run from behind the scenes by the “Final Antichrist” character played by Vladimir Putin.
  • 3.5 years into the BRICS NWO, Putin will take open leadership of it and things will start getting ugly.
  • 3.5 years after that, the globalists will bring in a frontman to defeat Putin and pose as “the Real Jesus Christ.”

Circling back around to “Obama as Lucifer,” let’s recall that “Lucifer is the Light-Bearer,” and let’s look at what happened on his Chinese birthday this year (which fell on July 21)…

…from YouTube

As you can see, Michelle Obama used the occasion to announce an upcoming book titled The Light We Carry — a book that is coming out on November 15, the first day of the 2022 G20 Summit (a meeting that can be used to launch the NWO if the UN Headquarters in New York City is destroyed during the wars).

~ MORE ~

In today’s Alert, I showed you the importance of the number 77 in the occult underpinning of the globalists’ NWO Transition script. Well a reader has pointed out that…

Saturday (Saturn’s Day), August 6 (the 9th of Av on the Hebrew calendar) will mark the 77th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

And I’ve already pointed out that August 6 is a danger date for Operation Blackjack. What better day would there be for “America to get a taste of their own nuclear medicine” than on the 77th anniversary of their atomic bombing of Japan?

Onnabugeisha has also noted that Barack Obama was the first sitting US president to visit Hiroshima, which happened on May 27, 2016, so…

Monday, August 1 — the day Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan was confirmed and the various militaries went on alert and started positioning themselves for the war — marked exactly 6 years and 66 days (666) since that visit. So Monday (Hiroshima 666 day) marked the day that Obama set in motion the planned Saturn’s Day nuclear attacks on America (and NATO).

ALERT – EXTREME WAR RISK (31 July – 1 August 2022): Israel is planning to sneak attack the Greeks (on behalf of the Turks)

The Israeli Navy is apparently doing live-fire naval exercises just south of Crete through August 5…

…from Hellas Journal

So are the Israelis there to support the Greeks and deter the Turks, or are they there to sneak attack the air bases on Crete in support of Turkey’s move on Cyprus?

Have Israel’s recent military exercises with Cyprus been about preparing a joint defense against a Turkish invasion or gaining on-the-ground, in-the-command-center intelligence on Cyprus’ defenses and procedures to hand over to their Turkish allies?

Special thanks to the reader who watches this area for me, “Ronin,” for alerting me to this.

~ MORE on Israel’s “Operation Trojan Horse” ~

They say, “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts,” but Israelis bearing gifts are triply more worrisome. In recent years the Israelis have ingratiated themselves with the Greeks and Cypriots with joint military exercises and the promise of a gas pipeline that runs from Israeli waters through Cyprus, Crete, and on to mainland Greece. This got the Israelis “inside the walls.” But as Ronin has pointed out, the Israelis had their agents in the US — including none other than Victoria Nuland — kill off the pipeline this year, and now they’re getting ready to militarily cornhole the Greeks “Sparta style.”

Here are the reasons I suspect this…

  • Globalist prophecy propaganda stresses that “the whole world will turn against Israel” when the time of the invasion of Israel comes, including the US. But what could make America and Europe turn against Israel? Israel attacking NATO-member Greece in league with Turkey, that’s what.
  • By cratering all of the air strips on Crete (and perhaps other nearby islands), the Israelis would neutralize much (if not all) of NATO’s ability to reach Cyprus without aerial refueling. They would also neutralize any Greek and NATO aircraft that have been stationed there to protect the Greek islands and Cyprus.
  • During their recent “Chariots of Fire” exercise, the Israelis deployed a major force (including elite special forces) to Cyprus “to train to fight Hezbollah in Lebanon.” So that force has trained on the very island, Cyprus, that they may be tasked with invading (if they’re not still there as Ronin suspects).
  • By seizing the UK air and intelligence bases on Cyprus, the Israelis can block NATO air interference with their activities in the eastern Mediterranean and blind much of NATO’s surveillance capability in the area. The Israelis have a history of doing this to their supposed friends: see the USS Liberty Incident.
  • Why would Israel make such a drastic move? – To supposedly multiply the size of Israel by invading Lebanon and southern Syria, but to actually bring in the Kabbalists’ Jewish Messiah (either the decoy or the real one) when the resulting invasion of Israel happens.

Ronin has also noted this preparatory propaganda that came out today for the Israeli false-flag against the Karish oil rig

The Lebanese Hezbollah movement released a video showing Israeli vessels operating in a disputed area in the Mediterranean Sea, warning that “all platforms and targets of the occupation regime are within the range of its missiles”.

Hezbollah-affiliated Arabic-language al-Manar satellite TV station aired drone footage today showing Israeli ships in the Karish field off the coast of Lebanon in the Eastern Mediterranean, along with their exact coordinates.

The one-minute video begins with the words of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during a recent speech, in which he warned that the resistance movement’s precision missiles can hit any Israeli target at sea or on land. – from Pentapostagma

It is also being reported that Erdogan will visit the Turkish drill ship before it starts its mission. This would provide a “two birds with one stone” opportunity to false-flag the attack on the ship AND kill off Erdogan at the same time.

~ MORE – 1 August 2022 ~

The setup for Israel’s Operation Trojan Horse grows all the more obvious

Reader Ronin has passed along another bit of news: the Israelis are also sending their air force to do live-fire exercises south of Crete…

Greece committed two areas south of Crete for an exercise by the Israeli Air Force from July 27 to August 5. According to military sources who spoke to Pentapostagma, they said that in this particular exercise, which they affectionately call “David’s Spear”, according to the available data, Greek participation is not foreseen, however, in the near future there will be another joint training of Greeks and Israelis in the Athens FIR, but so far there has been no dates have been set…

…from Pentapostagma

So the Israeli Air Force AND Navy are doing live-fire exercises just south of Crete until Tisha B’Av (the 9th of Av starts at sunset on the 5th) — exercises in which the Greeks aren’t participating. Might they make “the Israeli Mistake” on August 5th by executing “Order 66” against the Greeks?

~ MORE – 1 August 2022 (2:20 AM CDT) ~

The gap in Nancy Pelosi’s itinerary is Wednesday, August 3. That would be the day she’d visit Taiwan.

The itinerary for Pelosi’s trip to Asia mentions four nations: Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan…

  • On Monday she is confirmed to be visiting Singapore.
  • On Tuesday she’ll likely visit Malaysia (Singapore is a city-state on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, so it would be just a short hop northwest to visit Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
  • On Wednesday she’ll likely visit ??? (Taiwan exists along the flightpath from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul, South Korea).
  • On Thursday she is confirmed to be visiting South Korea.
  • On Friday she’ll likely visit Japan.

P.S. – An attempted Pelosi visit on August 3rd could lead to the new Chinese Civil War on the 4th. In China, 4 is the number of “death,” and look what happened on August 4, 1927…

On 1 August 1927, the Communist Party launched an uprising in Nanchang against the Nationalist government in Wuhan. This conflict led to the creation of the Red Army. On 4 August, the main forces of the Red Army left Nanchang and headed southwards for an assault on Guangdong. – from Wikipedia

So August 4 could be the day “the rubber meets the road” in the new Chinese Civil War, starting with the assault (blockade) on Taiwan.

P.P.S. – The press are now reporting that Pelosi will visit Taiwan on Tuesday.

NOTE: The Turkish drill ship has moved early and the Greek military are on alert. See the second part of today’s note…

(31 July 2022) – In yesterday’s last update I mentioned Early Intervention Scenario B, in which the war would be stopped on or right before Tu B’Av (sunset of the 11th through sunset of the 12th). And as I wrote that update, I remembered something our favorite Greek Orthodox prophecy propagandist, Metropolitan Neophytos, said in a video…

…from YouTube

As you can see, he talked about how the Cypriots would someday experience 3 days of war fear in relation to Turkey, and he mentioned the previous intrusion of a Turkish drill ship into Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in connection with it. Well a reader passed along a link to this bit of news last week…

…from Al Arabia News. Here is a key excerpt…

It did not say where exactly the drilling would take place, but a top Turkish official last week said it would carry on with exploration near the divided island of Cyprus next month.

So the Turks will again intrude on Cyprus’ EEZ on August 9 with a drill ship named after a sultan of the Ottoman Empire. And once it’s near Cyprus, they plan to false-flag an attack on it in order to justify an invasion of the island. This means that August 9 would be Day One of the Three Days of Fear, with Day 3 falling on August 11. A war-stopping intervention late that day or on the 12th would end the fear.

This bit of predictive programming masquerading as prophecy seems to support Early Intervention Scenario B.

~ MORE ~

The reader who watches the Turkey-Greece situation for me also mentioned that the Turkish drill ship left port earlier than expected. Upon checking on that today, here is what’s currently being reported…

Turkey sends drill ship “Abdul Hamid Khan” to E. Mediterranean earlier than officially announced

The Turkish research vessel Abdul Hamid Khan, Turkey’s fourth drilling ship, left the port of Tasuku, Turkey and is heading southwest, according to the Marine Traffic website.

As Agence France-Presse reported, “the Turkish drilling rig Abdul Hamid Khan would begin a mission in the Mediterranean on August 9, departing from the port of Mersina” in the country’s south.

After the mobility observed today, there are two prevailing scenarios: either the “Abdul Hamid Khan” left the port but not for the official mission, or Turkey decided to start the research mission in the Eastern Mediterranean earlier.

However, according to ERT, the news about the exit of the Turkish research vessel from the port is confirmed by the Hellenic Navy General Staff, and the Hellenic Armed Forces are on the alert, monitoring its course

– from the Greek City Times

If the drill ship is going to make its move early, it could mean…

  • they’ll bring it into the EEZ tomorrow or on Tisha B’Av to start the Turkish-Greek War on one of those days, or
  • they’ll bring it into the EEZ on the 3rd to do the Three Days of Fear before the war intervention on Tisha B’Av (under Early Intervention Scenario A).

WARNING (29-30 July 2022): The CCP-Taiwan Conflict May Erupt by Monday, 8/1

With Nancy Pelosi set to leave on her trip to Asia today, my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered some history and astromythology the globalists may have woven into their Taiwan War script…

Sunday, July 31 is the 30th anniversary of Taiwan’s Cross-Strait Act taking effect. The Act formally normalized relations between Taiwan and the Mainland, taking Taiwan from a war stance to a peace stance towards CCP-controlled China.

Monday, August 1 is the 95th anniversary of the start of the Chinese Civil War between the Chinese communists and the Chinese nationalists (who later fled to Taiwan). It is also the 95th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)…

…from Wikipedia. Note how prominently the PLA features 8/1.

Monday, August 1 is also the date of a conjunction of the planets Uranus (named after the Greek god of the SKY) and Mars (named after the Roman god of WAR). So this conjunction can be scripted as signalling a “SKY WAR.”

So will relations between Taiwan and the Mainland go from peace on Sunday to conflict on Monday when Pelosi tries to fly in to Taipei (and possibly gets shot down or turned away by a PLA aerial blockade)?

And on its 95th anniversary, will the People’s Liberation Army finally live up to its name by starting a conflict that will lead to the scripted fall of the Chinese Communist Party and the liberation of the Chinese people (by “hero” Xi and his foreign allies)?

The conflict will likely begin with an air and sea blockade.

~ ALERT – 29 July 2022 ~

Watch for the possibility that the “Chinese Communist Deep State” will assassinate/disappear Xi Jinping on Monday, August 1 in order to start the Taiwan Conflict. Will they do it in a way that makes the US look responsible?

As I’ve previously written, the globalist script for Putin’s rise to Emperor of the Global Roman Empire (the BRICS NWO) parallels Octavian’s rise to becoming the first emperor of the ancient Roman Empire (Emperor Augustus). They even scripted-in a modern-day Triumvirate (Putin-Xi-Trump) to parallel the Triumvirate that brought Octavian to power (Octavian-Antony-Lepidus)…

…from deceased globalist propagandist Robert David Steele. Here he is talking about the Triumvirate…

President Trump is probably pursuing a Grand Entente with General Secretary Xi and President Putin that is not understood by anyone, least of [all] by his Cabinet Secretaries and all other putative leaders and senior bureaucrats in the West. I do believe those in charge of the Deep State — the Chabad Supremacist cult, the Vatican, and the Rothchilds — understand that this triumvirate, if it can sustain itself, is invincible. They will try very hard in the next year to break the triumvirate, starting with efforts to destroy President Trump in the 2018 elections intended to lead to his impeachment and his replacement by a Deep State favorite, Vice President Mike Pence. – from a March 26, 2018 Steele article titled “Xi, Putin, & Trump For Life — A Few Thoughts” on the Russian International Affairs Council website

In the modern-day Triumvirate, Xi is playing the role of Mark Antony, who fell from power at the Battle of Actium on September 2, 31 BC and who died on August 1 (8/1), 30 BC. So Xi may be scripted to die during the August 1 through September 2 timeframe, thus opening the way for Putin’s rival-free rise to emperor 3.5 years after the NWO is launched. Trump will likely meet the same fate as Xi during the same timeframe as Xi (at the hands of “Obama’s Communist Deep State”), thus opening the way for Mike Pence to take the presidency at the end of the coming war.

Remember that September 2 marks the day Obama’s “Sanhedrin” Tribulation timeline ends (on Day 1290).

~ MORE – 30 July 2022 –

As we watch the globalists attempt to unfold the NWO Transition scene of their “End Times” stageplay, let’s look at the scripted motivations of the actors currently before us…

Q: Why would a Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from “Commiefornia” who is on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) do something that so offends her benefactors that they’d be willing to start a war?

…from Breitbart

A: Because they told her to. They instructed her to take the Taiwan trip so they’d have an excuse to start the Taiwan Conflict and the broader “communist onslaught to take down the West.”

So now we face a situation in which the two “Traitors to the (Western) NWO,” Xi and Putin, face assassination/removal during the same week…

And this brings us to the first “end game scripting option” I’ll cover: the Early Intervention Scenario A, in which the Space Force intervenes on August 6, the 9th of Av, to stop Operation Blackjack and the Israeli false-flag meant to start the invasion of Syria and Lebanon. This intervention would turn Tisha B’Av“the saddest day on the Hebrew calendar” — into its most joyous day, because it would mark the arrival of the Jewish Messiah.

More details and scenarios to come, including the possibility that the Early Intervention would come after sunset on the 5th before Putin is hit.

~ MORE ~

With the Chinese media openly calling for Nancy Pelosi’s plane to be shot down, it brings to mind a detail mentioned in my partner Onnabugeisha’s research notes…

And 23 is a number of some significance to the Kabbalists/numerologists

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has reminded me of an article I referenced in one of my 2015 updates; here is the relevant section…

Wherever neocon Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland shows up (Hillary Clinton’s handpicked choice for the job), trouble usually follows.

Helmer says she’s “in charge of warmaking in Europe.” Her notorious involvement in Ukraine’s February 2014 coup is well documented. – from GlobalResearch.ca

Well Onnabugisha has pointed out where she was this past week…

…from State.gov

According to the globalist script, she was there to set up a war with North Korea, which is why Kim Jong Un came out with this on the final day of her visit…

…from NPR

Victoria Nuland is Jewish of course, which makes one of Onnabugeisha’s other notes all the more interesting: the Korean Armistice Agreement that paused the Korean War was signed on July 27, 1953, which was the Jewish day of 15 Av (Tu B’Av) 5713.

And this brings us to the Early Intervention Scenario B

The Taiwan Conflict / Chinese Civil War would start on 8/1 as planned. The August 5 hit on Sochi would go forward as planned, as would the August 6 Operation Blackjack and an August 6-7 war-starting “North Korean” nuclear explosion. Then a war-stopping intervention would occur on or right before Tu B’Av (sunset of August 11 thru sunset of August 12) — an intervention that “stops an all-out nuclear war from destroying the planet.”

The Korean explosion may occur between sunset of August 6 and sunset of August 7, which is 10 Av. This is because the Republic of Korea (South Korea) was established on August 15, 1948 / 10 Av 5708. And because the 9th of Av falls on Saturday this year, the Jews are observing the Tisha B’Av holiday on 10 Av. So the script would have the false-flagged “North Korean” nuke that ends South Korea explode on the Jewish day it was born.

Tomorrow we’ll look at scenarios that let the wars play out till September 2.

unfinished note (28 July 2022) – Looking at the maps for “Greater Turkey” that are floating about the internet, one thing is abundantly clear: the globalists intend to take Turkey to war with ALL their neighbors…
…from ??? (top), ??? (middle), and ??? (bottom)

The maps show that the Turks will attempt to seize…

> a slice of Georgia,
> all of Armenia (thus triggering a war with Russia’s CSTO Alliance and an opportunity for a savior figure to intervene to stop another Armenian Christian genocide),
> a big chunk of northern Iraq,
> the northern half of Syria,
> all of Cyprus,
> many Greek islands and a big chunk of northeastern Greece, and
> half of Bulgaria (thus triggering a war with the West’s NATO Alliance, of which Greece and Bulgaria are members in much better standing than Turkey).

According to the globalist war script, the Turkish-Israeli strategy is to trigger an all-out conflict between the “Christian West” and the “Christian East” so NATO and CSTO will be focused on fighting each other, thus leaving the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan (ITA) Alliance free to pursue their own war aims without serious interference from the US and Russia. But this Neo-Hitlerian omni-front war plan is purposefully designed to lead to Turkey’s complete evisceration as a state. Israel’s current government won’t fare well either.

Of course, the Turks will not attack in all directions all at once. Their war will almost certainly start on one front and then spread to the others, and it will be preceded by joint Turkish-Israeli false-flag nuclear explosions in the US and Russia to put those two nations at each other’s throats. This brings us to Tisha B’Av.

In 2022, Tisha B’Av – the 9th day of the Hebrew month of Av and the day that commemorates great historical Jewish tragedies – starts at sunset of August 5 and ends at sunset of August 6 (and since that day falls on a Saturday, the Tisha B’Av holiday will be observed the next day, sunset of August 6 through sunset of August 7). So the globalist scriptwriters have August 5-7 to create a new Jewish tragedy: the Israeli false-flag attack that leads to an invasion of Israel and its near-defeat. And this brings us to the Erdogan-Putin meeting in Sochi on August 5.

Earlier this year, I wrote about the “Dawn’s Early Light” scenario (a key section has been highlighted in red)…

Recently, an old (1990) TV movie titled By Dawn’s Early Light showed up on streaming. I found its sudden and prominent appearance a bit odd (as did a reader), so I watched it. Here is how it starts…

>>> In 1991, dissident officials in the Soviet Union launch a nuclear missile at Donetsk from a site in NATO member Turkey. The Soviet automated defence systems, believing that a NATO attack is in progress, execute a measured launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) at the United States. – from Wikipedia <<<

So in the movie, a false-flag attack by Russian dissidents triggers a Russian nuclear response that destroys several American cities.

The Western media narrative of Russian generals being killed in Ukraine and growing disillusionment with Putin within the Russian military is the perfect setup for a very similar scenario…

NATO or Israel false flags a Russian military strike on Putin’s location using a Sparrow that carries a nuclear warhead made from Russian uranium (purchased from Belarus). The globalists then false flag the same-day “Russian response” (Operation Blackjack) with suitcase nukes made from the same uranium. After the dust settles — and is forensically analyzed by nuclear specialists — it will be proclaimed that all the nukes were Russian, and NATO can play the innocent victim of Putin’s folly and wrath.

My guess is that they’d attack Sochi while Putin is there talking to a foreign leader. It is easily within range of an ALBM launched from Middle East airspace (near or over Turkey).

So if the globalists schedule the Sochi hit for after sunset on the 5th, it will fall on the 9th of Av, as would the Operation Blackjack “Russian retaliatory hits” on the US and NATO. After that, the US and Russia would have their attention totally fixed on each other, leaving the ITA alliance free to kick off their war on the 11th (Syria, Lebanon, Iran) and 14th (Greece, Bulgaria)…

> From sunset of the 11th through sunset of the 13th are the Jewish holidays of Tu B’Av and Shabbat Nachamu – both holidays that are celebrated with dancing. And what sort of event would lead to “dancing Israelis” (like those from 9/11) on the 12th and 13th? An attack on Iran and the commencement of the Greater Israel conquests on August 11, that’s what.

> August 14 is the anniversary of Turkey’s second invasion of Cyprus – a symbolic date for Turkey to start their third invasion. And it follows the planned August 9 return of Turkish drill ships to the area.

In the next section, we’ll look at the exact mechanism that will be used to segue Turkey’s already-announced invasion of the Kurdish areas in Syria into a general invasion of Syria and an attack on Iran.

WARNING (27 July 2022): Israel is planning to false-flag a “Hezbollah” attack against their Karish gas rig to justify an invasion of Lebanon and southern Syria…

…from Twitter (top) and Alma (bottom)

Watch too for Turkey to conduct false-flag attacks against their own gas rigs around August 9-14. This will justify their planned war actions.

As I’ve written before, the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan Alliance is scripted to launch a regional war to expand their territories (and also their rights to gas and oil fields associated with those territories). Looking at the “Greater Turkey” map that is being circulated…

  • the Turks have set aside Lebanon and southern Syria east of Lebanon for “Greater Israel” (the red box) and
  • they’ve reserved northwestern Iran for “Greater Azerbaijan” (the blue box)…

    …from Twitter

Also be advised that globalist prophecy propaganda suggests that Erdogan will fall in connection with this war, and the leader who then takes control will betray the Israelis and push down through Lebanon and Syria to invade Israel. Erdogan and Putin may be attacked when the two meet at Sochi on August 5.

On a somewhat related note, Russia’s announcement that they’ll use force to effect regime change in Kiev means that “the West is now emboldened to use force to achieve regime change in Moscow.” This is scripted to lead to tit-for-tat decapitation attacks that will result in snap elections throughout NATO in September or October. The new leaders can then meet at the 77th UNGA in September or the G20 Summit in November to launch the NWO. Remember that Obama’s G20 NWO was launched at a G20 Summit.

(25 July 2022) – Prophecy Propagandist Tom Horn Gets Caught In His Own Lies…

My brilliant partner Onnabugeisha recently stumbled upon a couple of YouTube videos in which globalist disinformation agent and prophecy propagandist Tom Horn (a.k.a. Wrinkles the Windbag) gives two different stories as to how he knew in advance that Pope Benedict would resign.

In the first video, the subject comes up at the 394-second mark, and Horn gives the first version of his lie at the 494-second mark

It was actually kind of funny because we went on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, we went on Jim Bakker’s program — so we’re out there on some of the largest Christian television programs in the world and we’re saying that based on these calculations that Cris had uncovered, that this Belgian Jesuit [Rene Thibaut], 63… now 64 years ago, thought that who would be Gloria Olivae — so Pope Benedict — would step out of the way in 2012. Well that was one thing, and there was some other calculations that we did, so in our book, Petrus Romanus, we actually said we believe that Benedict will step down in April of 2012.

In the second video, he gives the second version of his lie at the 699-second mark

Another Quickening that came to me in the middle of the night — and one that much of the world knows about now — involves how I was able to precisely predict the historic resignation of Pope Benedict the 16th in the bestselling book Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here, as well as on television and radio, more than a year in advance of that resignation.

In 2010, I was again rattled from sleep instantly convinced that Pope Benedict was going to step down — I even knew when: April of 2012. And I even knew that he would do so citing “health reasons” as a cover for his abdication.

So which is it Tom? Did Cris and you find something in an old Jesuit book and make some calculations, or were you “supernaturally gifted” with the knowledge in your sleep?

Since you are a deceitful person, allow me to answer for you…

The truth is that both explanations are lies. You knew Pope Benedict would resign because the Jesuits gave you the information so you could pass it off as “prophecy” — just like they gave you access to Mount Graham so you could write about the Vatican Observatory, the LUCIFER device, and the Vatican stance on (the fake) “space aliens.” You are their controlled opposition, Tom, and your deceptions support the efforts of those who are artificially fulfilling “End Times” prophecies and are acting out two tribulations in order to bring in a fake Jesus Christ.

While we’re on the subject of the for-profit false prophet Tom Horn, let’s have a look at a few of my previous writings on the subject…

(from 24 July 2021) – One of the globalist propaganda fronts that are publicly narrating the “End Times” stageplay is a group of wolves in sheep’s clothing referred to as the “Christian Watchmen.” This group is composed of disinfo guys like Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, and all of their associates (they all do interviews and conferences together to reinforce each other’s messages). The overarching mission of these for-profit prophets is to weave together the paradigm through which people view the stageplay, and their overarching goal is to convince people to accept the being who shows up at the end of the play as the “real Jesus Christ.”

At the end of the stageplay, all these liars will kneel before the Kabbalah Christ and proclaim him to be the Son of God (in order to convince their followers to do the same). But during the journey to that final goal, they also set up their followers to fall for each of the globalist deceptions along the way…

(from 29 March 2021) – Steve Quayle Praises the Antichrist

To make my mundane activities more productive, I listen to MP3s put out by the globalist prophecy propagandists so I can monitor for any shifts in the narrative. And yesterday, I listened to one that was put out by The Undertaker, The Bearded Whore of Babble-On, and The Trailer Tramp (globalist disinfo agents Doug Hagmann, Steve Quayle, and Lisa Haven). This is what I heard from Quayle starting at the 42:23 mark…

“What you’re gonna watch, ladies and gentlemen, is the globalists that control all the major powers of the world – and I believe Putin… he has placed himself antithetical to the globalists; he doesn’t like the New World Order. Put Putin’s credentials, put his… and he is brilliant, brilliant. Put his former occupation, head of Russian intelligence, KGB, very, very good – I mean, the best … So here you have a President of Russia trying to defuse, trying to defuse the situation – that doesn’t make me a Russian agent; it makes me a realist…”

Such high praise for the “man of peace,” Vladimir Putin.

So here’s the deal with Steve Quayle…

  • Steve Quayle isn’t a Russian agent; he’s a globalist agent, and his job is to sell gullible Christians and heathens on the globalist prophecy fulfillment deception.
  • Steve Quayle IS FULLY AWARE THAT VLADIMIR PUTIN IS SCRIPTED TO PLAY THE ANTICHRIST, but he will not reveal this fact to his listeners because the globalists want everyone to be fooled by Putin’s savior act. It is only after Putin does some antichristy things that Quayle and others of his type will pretend to catch on to the deception.
  • Steve Quayle isn’t a real Christian — he’s most likely a Kabbalist, and he works for the Kabbalist “Jews.” That’s why he praises Israel and points to the Nazis as being the ones running the Global Deep State, despite the fact that everywhere you look, the Deep State is populated by Jews or Catholics (the Roman Catholic Church is controlled by the Kabbalist “Jews”).
  • Steve Quayle will get down on his knees and worship the fake Jesus the globalists send out to defeat Antichrist Putin. It is his job to ensure that his listeners follow suit, and he does this by saying everything he can to terrify people so they will “run to Jesus.”
  • Steve Quayle is “Judas Maximus” to real Christians, so it’s no wonder he’s a coin dealer. His starting capital was probably handed down through his family from the original Judas.

When you get right down to it, it’s pretty easy to spot the globalist propagandists in the alt-media…

  • They point to Obama (the decoy Antichrist) as the bad guy trying to bring in the Orwellian New World Order.
  • They point to Putin (the “real” Antichrist) as the enemy of the New World Order and the only sane statesman on the international stage.
  • They praise Putin’s brilliance, oftentimes saying things that portray him as a “master chess player,” like “Putin is playing 3-dimensional chess while the NATO leaders play checkers”…

The chess analogy is a dead giveaway. It’s a standard talking point, as is the “Biden Presidency as the Obama 2.0 Presidency,” which The Trailer Tramp brings up at the 84-minute mark of the interview. To her credit, she worked her way out of the trailer; all she had to do was sell out to “The Man.”

For more information about Tom Horn’s trip to Mount Graham and how it fits into the overall “End Times” Deception, I encourage you to read How the New World Order Agenda Drives the “Planet X / Nibiru” Myth. And after you read it, remember that the James Webb Space Telescope is now operational; it will most likely be the instrument scripted to “find” Planet X.

This update is available as a standalone post here.

WARNING (24 July 2022): The Globalists’ August Timetable for World War III

This morning I decided to have a gander at the Jewish holiday calendar for July and August. And upon surveying all the August holidays, the script for the War Event practically wrote itself…

…from Hebcal

Here is what the Kabbalists are currently planning…

  • To trigger the War Event during the time spanning the sunset of August 5 through the sunset of August 7. A warning of some type may precede it by a day.
  • To stage an early intervention in the war during the time spanning the sunset of August 11 through the sunset of August 13.


I’ll cover the meaning of the holidays and how they relate to the war script later.

~ MORE ~

An insightful reader who watches Turkey and Greece for me previously provided dates that seem to confirm an August 6 to August 30 Turkish War. The dates come from this Pentapostagma article

…Here is a Google-mistranslated excerpt…

…Turkish Ministers, state officials and the media of the neighboring country, have risen to a crescendo of threats against our national sovereignty in the Aegean islands, demanding their demilitarization, otherwise they will intervene…

Although in the analysis you can never be absolute about what is going to happen, since there is a chance that new data will overturn the existing ones, nevertheless we will try to illuminate some interesting points which are so far serious indications regarding where and when to expect for the Turkish aggression against Greece to manifest itself in the coming days-months.

Erdogan “picks” symbolic dates.

If we pay attention to Erdogan, we will notice that he always chooses “symbolic dates and names” in order to make new aggressive lionizations against our country.

When we say “symbolic dates and names”, we mean temporal or nominal events in the past that Turkey has “hurt” Greece, in order to remind us of them…

Therefore, from now until the end of August, the crucial symbolic dates of Turkish aggression against us are July 20 (Attila 1), August 6 (the date of signing the Greece-Egypt EEZ agreement), August 14 (Attila 2) and the 30th of August (day of victory of the Turks against us in 1922).

Seeing that these dates from a globalist preparatory propaganda piece correspond with the Jewish-holiday-based war schedule seems to confirm that we have indeed nailed them on this.

Permission denied…

…(at least for August)

WARNING (24 July 2022): Will this Tuesday be a Black Tuesday?

My partner Onnabugeisha has detected a cluster of occult indicators surrounding July 26 and its Hebrew equivalent, 27 Tammuz. They support the scripting of a “Black Tuesday,” though not necessarily a financial one. This Black Tuesday would be a major “Deep State” move of some sort (particularly by the FBI, CIA, and DHS), which could manifest as one or more of the following events (per the indicators)…

  • the arrest, disappearance or assassination (possibly by bombing) of Donald Trump
  • the fall of Joe Biden and the rise of Kamala Harris (leading to the later rise of Hillary Clinton)
  • a crisis-actor-driven outbreak of a “people’s revolution” / “insurrection”
  • a nuclear explosion somewhere (or in many places) — Tuesday marks 7 Jewish years since Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal was created [1,2,3] (so Tuesday can be scripted as “the fiery end of Antichrist Obama’s 7 year nuclear peace covenant”)
  • the death of Queen Elizabeth (arranged by the Crown)

Should any such attempts be made, I’ll cover the occult and public narrative elements underlying the scripting. It’s just more fake, made-for-TV bullsh*t.

(23 July 2022) – Operation Rain Man is in Motion (Again)

The globalists are remarkably OCD in their approach to staging the NWO transition: they just keep attempting the same maneuvers over and over and over again. Here is what I wrote as they prepared to make an approach earlier this year…

(from 30 March 2022) – Based on the timing indicators I’ve been reviewing for the past couple of days, the globalists may attempt to spark World War III on Monday 4/4.

Before that, possibly on April 2 (or sooner), we’d likely see Biden…

So look at what they’re doing now (right before they make their August attempt to start the transition war/intervention)…

…from The Atlantic (top) and Business Insider (bottom)

(20 July 2022) – Putin the Khazarian Jew is about to complete his seizure of the Ukrainian part of his 750 AD homeland…

…from Zero Hedge. Here is an excerpt…

Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday that Russia’s goals were more ambitious than Moscow had declared at the start of the war in February, when it claimed its goal was to “liberate” the eastern Donbas border region. Moscow’s war aims now extend to the provinces of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia in southern Ukraine, which are mostly occupied by Russian forces, Lavrov said.

In my 16 November 2017 update (which is posted further down on this page — be sure to read it), I wrote about why Jewish King Putin was going to seize all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper River: to expand his control over all the Ukrainian lands of ancient Khazaria. And with the Russians’ newly expanded war goals of seizing Kherson Oblast

…and Zaporizhzhia Oblast

…he will finally possess Ukraine’s Khazarian land circa 750 AD…

…from Google Maps and Wikipedia

The next time “Russia expands their war goals,” Putin will seize Ukraine’s Khazarian land circa 850 AD (everything east of the Dnieper up to Belarus).

So this is all about the West shipping in long-range arms, eh?

NOTE (21 July 2022): WHAT TO WATCH FOR TOMORROW, JULY 22 – Although it appears that the globalists have fallen back to August, I’d be a fool if I overlooked the sneak attack possibilities presented by 7/22. Not only is it “Master Number 22 Day”; it’s also Ceres-Sun Conjunction Day — a day when the West (and/or Biden) can be scripted as “reaping the bitter harvest of the seeds they’ve sown in Ukraine.” Biden has seemingly admitted that he has cancer and the White House are now narrating that he’s sick with COVID.”

The possibilities for tomorrow include…

  • Biden’s death and Harris’s rise, followed by Hillary’s reemergence.
  • Operation Blackjack or “the White Hat intervention to stop it” — this would likely be shortly preceded by news of a provocative development (from Russia’s perspective) in the Ukraine War (like a HIMARS or Western anti-ship missile attack).
  • A coordinated sabotage of the Russian-to-Europe gas pipelines in Ukraine and perhaps even Vyborg, Russia (the Russian end of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline that sits about 20 miles — “special forces range” — from NATO-aspiring Finland’s border).
  • One or more relatively mundane bomb attacks / mass shootings.

(Twice-Expanded Note – 19-20 July 2022) – WHAT TO WATCH FOR TOMORROW, 7/20: 1) Will Shoigu attempt to assassinate Putin?, 2) Will Erdogan attempt to invade Syria and Cyprus?, 3) Might the two events be related?…

If any such attempts are made, I’ll cover the occult reasons behind them.

~ MORE – 20 July 2022 ~

It appears that there will be no Putin assassination attempt or Turkish invasion today, but we did get the fallback plan (from a Greek website)…

The period from next August until the Spring of 2023 will probably be the “hottest” for our region since 1974 and after.

In the occupied territories the 48th anniversary of “Attila” is celebrated with enthusiasm. We had important messages from Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay, who attended the ceremony representing Turkey.

Oktai emphasized that “our new drilling ship is planned to start its operations in the Mediterranean next month”.. Stating that the insatiable attitude of Greece and the Greek Cypriot side makes reconciliation difficult, Oktai said that “coal resources in the Mediterranean are not [the] games of the Greeks”. – from Pentapostagma (Google mistranslated)

So the next starting point for the Turkish War (+WW3 and the follow-on invasion of Israel) appears to be in August when the Turks intrude into Cyprus’ EEZ with their drilling ship. Coincidentally, the Chinese are threatening military action if Nancy Pelosi “intrudes” in Taiwan with her planned visit in August. And don’t be surprised if the Ukrainian military fire their HIMARS into Crimea about that time too.

In the lull between now and then, we’ll look into the currently-active and fallback globalist Tribulation timetables. Let’s deny them “August until the Spring of 2023.”

~ MORE ~

A reader has put me on to the fact that the globalists are using the funeral of Ivana Trump to draw public attention to the “End Times” prophecies of “the Angel of the Apocalypse”…

…from ABC7 (top) and the National Catholic Register (bottom)

The Catholic article is a small treasure trove of prophecy propaganda, so you might consider reading it. I’ll be covering its contents when I write about the Tribulation timetables the globalists are currently using.

(19 July 2022) – Globalist astrology rears its ugly head again

You may have seen reports of Europe’s July 22 “Doomsday”…

…from Zero Hedge

It is the day the Nord Stream 1 pipeline’s scheduled maintenance is supposed to end and the gas from Russia is supposed to be turned back on (but may not be due to Western sanctions that have held back needed equipment).

In what is most definitely NOT a mere coincidence, July 22 is the day of a solar conjunction with the dwarf planet Ceres, which was named after the Roman Goddess of the Harvest

…from Wikipedia

So this is the reason the globalists selected July 22 as the day the formal cutoff of Russian gas begins: “It is the day Western Europe reaps what it has sown” (in the form of economic sanctions) — the day of a bitter harvest indeed.

Thankfully, the delay of the war setups may cause them to back off of the cutoff for now. Here are some articles that have come out in the past 24 hours or so…

Canada sends repaired Nord Stream turbine to Germany, Kommersant reports

EXCLUSIVE Russia seen restarting gas exports from Nord Stream 1 on schedule

[The 18 July 2022 Warning that was here has been moved up the page.]

Twice-Expanded unfinished NOTE (18 July 2022): THE WAR PATH

Nothing that’s happening on the national and global stages right now is happening by accident; what’s unfolding is a carefully scripted trainwreck intended to bring in the NWO and then the Kabbalah-Christ Millennial Kingdom that is to follow it. So let’s focus-in and have a look at how the globalist script has unfolded in Syria until now…

1) They had the “Global Satanic Deep State” (“the Satanic Western/Israeli elite” + “the Turkish Muslim Antichrist”) attempt to take down the Syrian government as part of the “Arab Spring Regime-Change Campaign.” Their apparent strategy was to use (Israel and Turkey-supported) ISIS and Al Qaeda to take down Assad, thus creating a “terror state” on the borders of Israel and Turkey. This would give the Israeli and Turkish governments the excuse they needed to move their militaries into Syria to take the land Israel desired (for their “Greater Israel Project”) and Turkey desired (for their “Neo-Ottoman Turkish Caliphate”).

2) Since “Iran would be next-in-line for regime change if Syria fell,” they had the Iranian “Imam-Mahdi” (Qasem Soleimani) go to Damascus and aid Assad in the ground war with his IRGC Quds forces and Hezbollah. But the Mahdi was unable to overcome the Satanic forces without help, so he went to “Isa” (Vladimir Putin) to request Russian airpower to aid him in battle. Isa agreed, and he and the Mahdi together defeated the Satanic plan.

3) As things stand currently in the stageplay, “Isa”/Russia and the “now-occulted Mahdi”/Iran are the two obstacles standing between Israel-Turkey and the Syrian land they covet, so striking Putin and the Iranian leadership at the summit tomorrow would decapitate both of the Satanic Forces’ enemies. It would also trigger an Iranian, Hezbollah, and Hamas rocket/missile response, which would give Israel and Turkey (and Azerbaijan) the excuse they need to invade Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and the Gaza Strip (“to stop the missiles”).

If Erdogan is also killed in the Summit strike, it is an acceptable loss, since it would open the way for the “Dajjal” (the Muslim Antichrist) to rise to open leadership of Turkey. It would also defuse suspicion that Turkey struck the summit; everyone would blame Israel.

So this is how what happens tomorrow can lead to war. Next I’ll show you how what happens tomorrow can lead to peace (in a scenario in which the Nazionist Antichrist or Putin prevails over the “Satanic Deep State”).

~ MORE (unfinished) ~


In the aftermath of a Tehran summit strike, the globalists can also script “a moment when the world holds its breath”

> Whoever is left in power in Iran will face a number of unknowns…

Facing these unknowns, the new Iranian leader may hold back from a kneejerk retaliation against Israel out of fear of facing Israel, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia and the GCC, and NATO all by themselves.

> With Erdogan dead, the caretaker Acting President in Turkey may — if he is not the Dajjal — hold back from committing Turkey to war in Syria and the Mediterranean until the new election is held and the Dajjal (and a whole new parliament) can take power.

> With the “hardliner” Raisi — and possibly Khamenei too — dead in Iran, the Israeli leadership may “take the win” and hold back from immediately attacking Iran to avoid the appearance that they were responsible for the summit hit.

With the world thusly holding its breath, the days can tick away as far as September 2.

~ MORE ~

The essential character to watch for during this week of the Tehran Summit is the Muslim Antichrist (a.k.a. the “Dajjal“). In recent years, I’ve been looking at Erdogan as the one playing the Dajjal character in the “End Times” stageplay, but some globalist prophecy propagandists have suggested otherwise. I last covered their claims in the 28 June update…

Speaking of the Muslim Antichrist / Dajjal that will come out of Turkey, I’ve previously written about globalist prophecy propagandist Joel Richardson’s assertion that it won’t be Erdogan, but someone else who will emerge around the time of a Middle East war. And in the 13 June note, I mentioned a Greek Orthodox propaganda video that also makes that claim…

…from YouTube

Richardson bases his claim on his interpretations of Bible verses, and Neophytos of Morfu bases his on the words of a mountain-dwelling hermit elder. In reality, though, both come out with the same prediction because both are reading from the same globalist talking points memo. The globalists make their plans, then have their prophecy propagandists foretell elements of those plans in the form of prophecy. And when they later act out the plans on the global stage, the propagandists and their narrative gain credibility because they “supernaturally knew what was coming.” It’s all just a bunch of gypsy con-artistry.

And as I wrote in the 13 June note, the foretelling of Erdogan’s death (or political fall) from two separate propaganda sources…

>>> …confirms the globalists’ intent to stage Erdogan’s death so a new “Dajjal” character can emerge from the shadows (and later invade Israel, Erdogan’s partners-in-crime). <<<

According to the American propagandist, the Turkish leader who will rise after Erdogan’s death is the Muslim Antichrist. And according to the Greek propagandist, the Turk who rises to power after Erdogan’s fall will do the following…

…from YouTube

As things currently stand in the Turkish Straits, Russian warships are blocked, but Russian civilian ships can pass. So the Russians have been using civilian ships to supply their forces in Syria. And Turkish airspace remains open to Russia [1,2], but we can expect all this to change if Turkey further invades Syria: they will completely close their straits and their airspace to Russia while they place Russian forces in Syria under siege or attack. This is how the “prophesied” Turkey-Russia war will start.


  • If the current Turkish Vice President is the Dajjal, we can expect the war to start immediately. And we can also expect New York to be quickly nuked in accordance with a Nostradamus prophecy the globalists intend to fulfill (in which the Muslim Antichrist destroys the “New City”).
  • But if the VP isn’t the Dajjal, we can expect the Dajjal to either seize power or win it in the coming election. Beware if that seizure or election comes between now and mid-August; that means the scriptwriters are setting aside time for the Turkish war before we hit September 2.

(17 July 2022) – The Iranians just handed the Israelis their scripted motivation to strike the Tehran summit on Tuesday…

…from today’s Drudge Report. Here is a link to the headline article: Khamenei adviser says Tehran ‘capable of building nuclear bomb’

Should the summit hit go forward, watch for the “Muslim Antichrist” to rise in Turkey after the death of Erdogan. Whether he’ll legally inherit power, seize power, or be elected (in the election that’s supposed to take place within 45 days of the death of the president) remains to be seen.

By the way, 45 days after July 19 is September 2, a date of some significance.

So will Erdogan’s death start the war or temporarily stop it? We’ll look into that soon…

~ MORE (unfinished) ~

To minimize the chance that we’ll get hit with an unexpected development starting Tuesday, I figure it’s best if we take a systematic look at things. Here are the elements to consider when pondering the summit outcome…

Element 1: The Tehran Summit is about Syria…

…from The Arab Weekly. Here is an excerpt…

Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to Tehran on July 19 for a Syria summit with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Kremlin announced Tuesday.

“The president’s visit to Tehran is being planned for July 19,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reported. He said the trio would meet for peace talks on Syria.

Russia, Turkey and Iran have in recent years been holding talks on Syria as part of the so-called “Astana peace process” to end more than 11 years of conflict in the Middle Eastern country.

Russia and Iran are the key military and political backers of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while Turkey has provided military assistance to the Free Syrian Army and other rebel groups still fighting against Assad’s forces in northwest Syria…

The Turkish leader has been offering to meet Putin for months, as Ankara tries to mediate between Russia and Ukraine.

[Breakdown paragraph – “Forces of Antichrist” (West + Israel + Turkey) battling “Forces of Christ” (Russia + Iran) over fate of Syria. Turkey’s attempt to lure Putin to Istanbul for “Ukraine peace talks” (and assassination). Putin choosing friendly Iran for meeting instead.]

Element 2: The Summit will feature a trilateral meeting and bilateral meetings…

“The president’s trip to Tehran is being prepared” for July 19 and the three leaders will discuss the situation in Syria within the so-called Astana peace process, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call Tuesday. “In addition to the trilateral meeting, of course, there will also be bilateral meetings.” – from Bloomberg

This means the globalist scriptwriters can craft an outcome in which ALL THREE LEADERS ARE KILLED OR ANY TWO OF THEM, depending on if the strike occurs during the trilateral meeting or one of the bilaterals. And depending on who dies, the result could be an outbreak of wider war or the prevention of such.

Element 3: According to the current trajectory of events under Erdogan, Turkey seems poised to further invade Syria and Cyprus (Syria’s seaward flank) on Wednesday, July 20 (the day after the summit). The Kremlin were aware of this before they scheduled the Tuesday, July 19 summit meeting.

[Annexation of Cyprus report]

[Kurdish officer’s warning]

[Possible results paragraph: Erdogan deterred without summit deaths, Erdogan’s death allows Turkish antichrist to proceed with war or delay it, lights in the sky intervention / Mass Arrests Psyop when “Satanic Forces” attempt summit strike. Did Iran hint at its nuclear capability today to lure Israel into attacking the summit — is it a trap for them? Will Netanyahu return to power in the aftermath of the Mass Arrests Psyop?]

Completion of this section and more elements to consider coming…

NOTE (16 July 2022): Biden has now departed Saudi Arabia, so we got through the Friday-Saturday setups without any big drama. Looking back at these two days, I suspect the Mass Arrests Psyop option was dependent on Biden getting hit on Friday. “Commie” Harris’s swearing-in as “president” yesterday would have been the trigger for the “good guys” to make their move over Friday night / Saturday morning (17 Tammuz began Friday evening at sunset).

Now we set our gaze upon Tuesday’s Tehran summit and the setup for the Turkish War next week.

WARNING (15 July 2022): As silly and improbable as it may sound, the globalists may cue the (phony) “White Hats” to do the Mass Arrests Psyop tomorrow, with a little help from JFK Jr. And the occult underpinning for this scripting option has to do with the history of the Jewish day of 17 Tammuz.

~ MORE ~

A few days ago, a disinformation source I monitor spread the Q-anonesque rumor that…

“A message from JFK Jr. will be aired over the emergency broadcast system this week.”

At first, I didn’t think much of it. But after seeing the bizarre Kennedy parallels in the Israeli assassination setup for Biden, the rumor gained more currency in my mind. And then my partner Onnabugeisha pointed out the following occult indicators:

Indicator 1: Tomorrow, 16 July 2022, is the 23rd anniversary of the supposed death of JFK Jr. It’s also the final day of “this week.”

Indicator 2: 16 July 2022 is also the Hebrew day of 17 Tammuz 5782. I previously noted this in some of my earlier coverage of tomorrow’s GCC+3 Summit in Saudi Arabia…

The summit is scheduled to occur on the Hebrew day of 17 Tammuz — a day of tragedy that begins The Three Weeks of mourning that culminate on Tisha B’Av (something bad may currently be scheduled to happen on that day, August 5-7, in Jerusalem).

Indicator 3: The Night of the Long Knives — the night Hitler’s Nazis moved to eliminate internal rivals for power from their ranks — happened on 17 Tammuz 5694 / June 30, 1934. This means tomorrow is the 88th Jewish anniversary of that day (5782-5694=88), and 88 is a number of great significance to the Nazis.

Within the globalist “End Times” stageplay, the Final Antichrist character (Putin) has had his “Satanic Deep State minions” divide into two teams: the White Hats (made up of his Nazis and Zionists) and the Black Hats (made up of his socialists and communists). And he has assigned the Black Hats to create chaos under a decoy antichrist (Obama) so the White Hats (under his leadership) can pose as good guys and defeat them, thus making him look like a savior. So by acting out the Mass Arrests Psyop / Night of the Long Knives tomorrow, the Nazi Deep Staters would again be purging internal rivals for power (the Commie Deep Staters) from their ranks (and would again be bringing an evil dictator, the Final Antichrist, to power).

Indicator 4: The Chinese Communist Party“the current core power of the international communist conspiracy working under (decoy) Antichrist Obama” — was founded on 17 Tammuz 5681 / July 23, 1921. So the CCP’s 101st Jewish anniversary tomorrow would also be its final day (if the Mass Arrests Psyop goes forward).

Indicator 5: The US Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia on 17 Tammuz 5536 / July 4, 1776. And can you guess where the puppet masters are sending “Vice President” Harris tomorrow (for her death in a terror attack or her arrest)? Yep, Philadelphia

…from WGAL

Now you know why I love this woman…

~ MORE ~

While we’re on the subject of JFK Jr.’s role in the Mass Arrests Psyop and the accompanying Truth Tsunami Psyop, here is something I wrote about it back in 2020 (during a previous attempt to stage the NWO Transition Event)…


So the fundamental setup for this week is a three-step scripted process…

Step 1: The globalists will stage a “holy sh*t” moment for the united “Deep States” of the world which will trigger “their last-ditch effort to forestall defeat.”

Step 2: The “Deep States” will move against the NWO hero leaders, leading to either…

  • the “deaths,” removals, and disappearances of some or all of the heroes
  • or the mass arrests of “Deep State” personnel in a “patriot/constitutionalist” counterattack.

Step 3: If the NWO hero leaders are temporarily moved out of the way, the “Deep States” will launch wars in multiple conflict zones to distract the public. But if the “Deep Staters” are mass arrested, the Truth Tsunami PSYOP will begin and moves towards reforming the UN into the multilateral / multipolar NWO will be initiated.

A reader sent me a URL which linked to a page on PhiBetaIota.net containing ten propaganda videos from the Qanon disinfo front. Have a look at the tenth video; I think you’ll find it quite interesting…

…from YouTube (The screenshot shows JFK Junior’s wife at a Trump rally in disguise.)

The video suggests that JFK Jr. will be the spokesman for the “good guys” after the mass arrests take place, so it looks like he will be the “trusted face” of the Truth Tsunami PSYOP in the US. And the video also shows the absurd stunts the globalists have staged to provide building blocks for their cartoonish narrative. Having JFK Jr. attend Trump rallies in prosthetic makeup? How remarkably hacky and juvenile. Who do they have scripting this thing? Disney??

After spending decades hammering people with negative programming about “conspiracy theories” and “tin foil hats,” the globalists are going to present the public with the most ridiculously over-the-top conspiracy theory they’ve ever heard. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Getting back to the Qanon video about JFK Jr, a reader has suggested that the elements that show Vincent Fusca and his companion may have been deep-faked. While this is possible, I consider it unlikely for the following reason: JFK Jr. really would be the ideal choice for the Truth Tsunami spokesman. Think about it…

The Truth Tsunami revelations will be absolutely devastating to the Democratic Party, so if the globalists have a Republican or conservative do the narration, many Democrats will see it as just another partisan attack and close their minds to the revelations. But if a Democratic Party icon like JFK Jr. does the narration, they will be open to hearing what he has to say. And Republicans will accept the narrative because it confirms all of their suspicions about the Democrats.

On top of this, JFK Jr.’s involvement in the “takedown of the Cabal” will bring satisfaction to all Americans that “the people who murdered JFK have finally been brought to justice.” And offering emotional closure is a powerful weapon of manipulation. The abstract concept of the “Deep State” would be made real and believable when they’re identified as “the bastards who assassinated President Kennedy”“the bastards who finally got what was coming to them.”


~ MORE ~

Don’t confuse the coming Nazionist “saviors” with their street-trash pawns…

It’s important to understand the difference between the coming Nazionist “good guys” and the symbol-bearing street-level Nazi and Zionist thugs that are running around Ukraine and Israel right now. As I’ve previously written, the Nazionist saviors will sweep in “without any visible swastikas, Stars of David, or other symbols that would give away their identity — they want to look like good guys, not bad guys.” They will portray themselves as conservative patriots and constitutionalists, and they will appear to defeat ALL the street-trash brownshirts — whether they be socialists, commies, Nazis or Zionists — just like they did during the original Night of the Long Knives.

The globalist political strategy is to steer humanity into a left-wing hell (where we are now), then engineer an overcorrection into a right-wing hell (which we’ll experience under “Antichrist Putin” after a few years of seeming good times have passed). This will allow their “Real Jesus” character to later sweep in, defeat the tyrant Putin, and lead humanity back to the common-sense middle path.

The whole process of driving us to the two polar extremes of “Left” and “Right” is meant to convince people that “we humans can’t govern ourselves — we always go too far — we need God to lead us.” And it is through their “Real Jesus” front man that the Kabbalists intend to provide us with that “godly leadership.”

(14-15 July 2022) – Besides waiting to see if Biden gets shot in the head (or simply falls down the stairs) on Friday, there’s another thing to keep our eyes on: the “urgent, extraordinary” meeting of Russia’s parliament tomorrow…

…from The Moscow Times

Disinformation agents in the alt-media have suggested that Russia may use the session to declare war on Lithuania over their rail blockade of Kaliningrad, which has continued despite the news that the EU has supposedly suspended such sanctions. But I doubt Putin would be planning a trip to Iran on the 19th if he was about to declare war on a NATO nation. I think it more likely that Russia may decide to impose energy sanctions on “unfriendly nations” (NATO) in retaliation for everything they’ve been doing to harass Russia. And OPEC+ may join the Russians in imposing the sanctions.

So why would OPEC join the Russians in punishing the West? Because “the West assassinated the chief of OPEC for failing to abide by their dictates on the price cap for Russian oil” — at least that’s how the globalist script would narrate it.

Just 7 days after this happened…

SCHLOSS ELMAU, Germany, June 28 (Reuters) – The Group of Seven economic powers have agreed to explore imposing a ban on transporting Russian oil that has been sold above a certain price, they said on Tuesday, aiming to deplete Moscow’s war chest.

…this happened…

…from S&P Global

~ MORE – 15 July 2022 ~

The Devil is in the Details

The specific thing to watch for from the Russian Duma today is some sort of policy shift that grants the executive branch new powers to levy sanctions on the fly. Passing such a measure on Friday would enable Putin and OPEC to unveil a big surprise on Saturday at the Saudi summit. Mohammed bin Salman would be the one who gives Biden a taste of his own sanctions medicine.

If the globalists intend for the Saudi summit to get hit, the script would reflect that the “Deep State” found out that the energy sanctions were about to drop “so they blew up the meeting to get a war going before they got checkmated by the master chess player Putin.”

WARNING (12-14 July 2022): It has just been announced that Putin will be traveling to Tehran on the 19th to meet with Erdogan and Raisi. This presents a massive assassination target on the eve of the day Erdogan may announce the annexation of Northern Cyprus and in the shadow of a US-Greek live fire aerial exercise out of Crete that is likely aimed at sinking the Turkish Navy at the onset of the conflict. Thanks to a reader for the info on Cyprus and Crete.

~ MORE – 13 July 2022 ~

Here is a preview of the threats I see immediately ahead of us. I’ll cover all the scenarios and the reasons behind them as we approach each date…

Friday (7/15) – potential hit on Biden on the Mount of Olives or in Bethlehem.

Saturday (7/16) – potential hit on Biden and the other leaders at the GCC+3 Summit in Saudi Arabia OR the announcement of Russian/OPEC+ energy sanctions against the West/NATO.

Tuesday (7/19) – potential hit on two or three of the following leaders during their Tehran trilateral summit or bilateral meetings: Erdogan, Raisi, Putin. War breaks out afterward.

Wednesday-Saturday (7/20-23) – potential nuclear explosion in NYC resulting in the destruction of UN Headquarters.

~ MORE – 13-14 July 2022 ~

Events (and my personal duties) permitting, today I’ll go deeper into the globalist scripting behind Biden’s potential assassination on Friday or Saturday. The factors driving his departure from the stage include…

1) The “Deep State’s” supposed need to maneuver Hillary Clinton into the presidency before the midterm elections (by making her VP in a short-lived Harris or Pelosi presidency)…

…from The Hill

2) The globalists’ desire to artificially fulfill the “Hilarion prophecy”…

…modern Thelemists actually believe Hillary is — or could be — the incarnation of the archetype divine feminine, the Whore of Babylon, the “Hilarion” that is set to take the throne of the most powerful nation on earth to assist Antichrist in his bid to rule the entire world. – from SkyWatchTV

3) The globalists’ desire to simulate of “the Wrath of God” against Biden for “confirming the division of Jerusalem” during his “separate but equal” visits with the Israelis and the Palestinians there. Kabbalist preparatory propaganda for this suggests that Biden may not be accompanied by Israeli security during his visit with the Palestinians

…from Israel365News

4) The globalists’ desire to simulate a “message (of wrath against the Satanic Western elite) from God” on the day of a conjunction of Mercury (“the messenger“) and the Sun (on July 16)…

5) The globalists’ desire to act-out bizarre parallels between the pending assassination of Biden and the assassination of RFK. Here is what my partner Onnabugeisha and I have discovered about that…

As you probably already know, Biden is only the second Roman Catholic to hold the presidency. The first, JFK, was assassinated with a bullet to the head. And JFK’s brother RFK — who shares the same birth date with Joe Biden, November 20 [1,2] — was also assassinated with a bullet to the head by a Palestinian Christian named Sirhan Sirhan

Sirhan was born to an Arab Christian family in Jerusalem, where he attended a Lutheran school. In 1989, he told David Frost: “My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians.” Some scholars believe that the assassination was the first major incident of political violence in the United States stemming from the Palestinian–Israeli conflict in the Middle East. – from Wikipedia

So Sirhan Sirhan had a gripe with RFK over RFK’s support of Israel. And now that the Biden administration has given Israel a pass on their assassination of a Palestinian journalist and has freshly pledged support for Israel’s potential bombing of Iran, the Palestinian patsy-in-waiting has a very similar gripe with Biden…

…from Zero Hedge

And where might one find a Palestinian Christian to shoot Biden in the head? The German Lutheran Church of the Ascension — which is attached to the Jerusalem hospital Biden is visiting tomorrow — is one place. The Church of the Nativity in Bethehem is another. And it goes without saying that the patsy’s background will include ties to Iran’s IRGC Quds (“Jerusalem”) Force. That is the kicker that will supposedly convince “President Harris” to allow Israel to attack the Putin-Raisi-Erdogan summit on the 19th (likely through Israel’s MEK terror proxy).

Speaking of Israel using the MEK to attack the Tehran summit next week, do you remember when Biden abandoned all those American weapons in Afghanistan — a nation that borders Iran? This may have been a sly way for the US and Israel to arm the MEK (by dumping all those advanced weapons into the black hole of Afghanistan and then moving them across the border to Israel’s proxy army in Iran). So don’t be surprised if the MEK utilize advanced US arms in their attack on the summit.

The same tactic is being used in Europe. The “Satanic” Western governments are dumping advanced military weapons into the black hole of Ukraine so they can be moved back across the border into the EU/NATO to arm Turkey’s Grey Wolves proxy army. Won’t the police in the EU be surprised when they roll up to the Islamist riots in their armored vehicles and get blown to bits with Javelins and NLAWs.

~ MORE – 14 July 2022 ~

In another occult indicator of scriptable trouble tomorrow or Saturday, my partner Onnabugeisha has noted that today marks the 7-year anniversary of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the Iran Nuclear Deal created under Barack Obama)…

…from Wikipedia

And within Bible prophecy circles there is a general expectation that the Antichrist will make a peace-related “covenant with many” that will last for seven years. So on today’s 7-year anniversary of the Iran nuclear deal, what did “Antichrist Obama” signal through his supposed sock puppet / “Vice President” Joe Biden?…

…from Zero Hedge

So by staging Biden’s assassination at the hands of the IRGC on Friday or Saturday, “Antichrist Obama’s 7-year covenant with the many” will meet its final end, setting in motion the scripted war against Iran [which may go hot on the 16th (if Biden is hit at the Saudi summit) or the 19th (if he’s hit tomorrow in Israel)].

Onnabugeisha also notes this about today…

And according to numerologists, multiple threes (333) are used in Biblical discussions of the Promised Land.” As I’ve written before, Israel’s determination to attack Iran has nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear program; it’s about removing Iran as an obstacle to Israel’s expansion into “all the territory God promised Moses.” So this 333 can be interpreted as telling the Israelis, “The time for peace is over — it’s time to take the Promised Land.”

(11-12 July 2022) – I am starting my overwatch of the remainder of the year today, and I’ve already come across an additional setup to “assassinate” Biden during his Middle East trip this week. It is intended to occur on Friday during his visit with the Palestinians in Bethlehem, and it may happen at the Church of the Nativity — the “holy place” Obama desecrated in the middle of his 2009-2016 Tribulation period. It would involve the Israelis killing Biden and blaming it on an Oswald-like Palestinian patsy “seeking revenge for the Israeli killing of a Palestinian journalist.” I’ll show you the setup by tomorrow morning…

…from The Intercept

~ MORE – 12 July 2022 ~

Another assassination opportunity has popped-up today, Tuesday the 12th: Biden and Harris will host the White House Congressional Picnic outside on the South Lawn at 4:30 PM Washington time. A hit on that would take out Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Leahy, leaving us with our first Jewish president, Antony Blinken (who is returning to Washington today after having stopped in Japan to offer condolences for the assassination of Shinzo Abe) or Janet Yellen (who is safely in Asia).

If the Picnic proceeds unattacked — except by the ants — Biden will leave for Israel at 10:00 PM, where he will face assassination setups in Bethlehem on Friday and Saudi Arabia on Saturday.

~ MORE ~

Now let’s look at the assassination setup for Friday by starting where I started yesterday, with this article from The Times of Israel

Biden will land Wednesday afternoon at Ben Gurion Airport, where he will be greeted by Prime Minister Yair Lapid in an official welcome ceremony…

On Thursday morning, Biden will hold a meeting with Lapid after which the two will deliver statements to the press. Also in attendance for part of this sit-down will be Lapid’s predecessor, Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who met Biden twice during his year as premier.

No major announcement from either side is expected. Biden is slated to reserve most of his remarks regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for his Friday meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

On Friday morning, Biden will head to the Augusta Victoria Hospital on East Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives, according to an Israeli source familiar with the matter. It will be the first visit by a sitting US president to the largely Palestinian section of the capital outside of the Old City

Biden will then travel to Bethlehem for a meeting with Abbas. The atmosphere may be clouded by the Monday announcement by the US that it did not find Israel to have intentionally killed Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh in clashes that broke out during an IDF raid of Jenin on May 11. The announcement was made following a forensic analysis of the lethal bullet that wound up being too damaged to make a definitive conclusion regarding who was responsible, the State Department said, sparking outrage from Ramallah [home of the Palestinian Authority’s administrative center], which insists the Palestinian-American reporter was killed intentionally by Israel.

Still, Biden will announce alongside Abbas a package of steps aimed at strengthening the PA, the senior US official said. Some of these “deliverables” will be US initiatives and others will be Israeli ones that Biden will announce on behalf of Lapid, who prefers keeping some distance from the concessions. Among the US gestures is one related to the Palestinian economy that Ramallah has long requested, the official said, declining to elaborate further as the matter is still being finalized…

Biden then will head back to Ben Gurion Airport, from where he will make a rare direct flight to Saudi Arabia to attend the GCC+3 summit on Saturday in Jeddah with the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE along with Iraq, Egypt and Jordan.

Here are the key takeaways from the article…

> The Biden administration’s whitewashing of Israel’s assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh has “sparked outrage” among many Palestinians, and this provides the scripted motivation for “Palestinian extremists” to assassinate Biden — a motivation the Israelis will point out when they blame the Palestinians for his death. The Israeli motivation for killing Biden is to avoid giving “the concessions” and to elevate Kamala Harris to the presidency. She is married to a Jewish “friend of Chabad”…

…from Chabad.org

So she will supposedly allow Israel to do whatever they want to Iran.

> During Biden’s visit with the Palestinians, he’ll be going to the Mount of Olives, where Jesus supposedly ascended to heaven after his resurrection. In fact, the hospital he’ll visit is attached to the Church of the Ascension. And the hospital’s name, Augusta Victoria, literally means “Augustus’s Victory” (Putin is playing the role of Emperor Augustus in the globalist script). So Biden’s visit to the hospital is a potential strike point.

> Also during his Palestinian visit, he’ll be going to Bethlehem, where Jesus supposedly descended to Earth into his “tiny little 8-pound, 6-ounce newborn infant Jesus body”


Upon seeing that Biden will go to Bethlehem, I immediately wondered if he’d be visiting the Church of the Nativity, and I found this in a May article about the trip…

The White House is looking into the possibility of Biden visiting a Palestinian hospital in occupied Jerusalem, Al-Makassed or Augusta Victoria, to announce financial support. Biden may also visit the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. – from the Middle East Monitor

Given that Biden’s presidency is supposedly the “Obama 3.0 presidency,” it would be fitting for him to be struck down at the place “Antichrist Obama” desecrated during his failed First Tribulation. So it too is a potential strike point.

I’ll be enhancing and expanding this section over the coming hours.

NOTE (9 July 2022): In addition to (or instead of) a war development occurring during the Saudi regional + US summit of July 16, a Western energy shock may come from the meeting — a final implosion charge that will complete the collapse of the existing financial system so it can be replaced with the BRICS NWO commodities-backed financial system. More to come on this after the weekend…

(4 July 2022) – I felt no special concern over this July 4th weekend until the US Department of Homeland Security rolled out their Khaki Scout division to pretend to be “Neo-Nazi white supremacist patriots” on Saturday…

…from the Boston Herald

Seeing them bring in the clowns in advance of July 4th has raised the threat level sufficiently to briefly cover what may happen. Here are the two most prominent possibilities…

> Most Likely Option: Homeland Security will send out their goons to conduct one or more lone wolf / small group attacks on people watching the fireworks displays this evening. Minority groups (LGBT, black, migrant, etc.) will be targeted with AR-15-type weapons and car/truck bombs. The Jewish media will blame the “evil white man” of course.

> Possible But Low Probability Option: Biden will be targeted sometime after 5 PM when he is outside the White House holding his July 4th BBQ and fireworks watching party. A drone, missile or drive-by attack may be conducted using a suitcase/backpack nuke or a thermobaric warhead. The blast characteristics of a thermobaric explosion would allow the press to falsely claim it was actually a nuke.

Threat Level Now: Low

Also watch for a notable UFO sighting somewhere tonight (which may be caught on camera by people watching the fireworks shows). It is the Jewish anniversary of “Ezekiel’s Wheel“…

On a related note, a small probability exists that Israel will do something to Iran this evening (based on the “Chariots of Fire” mischief theme we’ve been observing from them).

~ MORE ~

They’ve arranged for Kamala Harris to be safely away from Washington DC today, July 4th (she’s reportedly at her home in California).

NOTE (1 July 2022): I’ve been looking into the setup for the July 16 Saudi summit that either “President” Biden or “President” Harris will attend, and I ran across two interesting facts…

1) The summit is scheduled to occur on the Hebrew day of 17 Tammuz — a day of tragedy that begins The Three Weeks of mourning that culminate on Tisha B’Av (something bad may currently be scheduled to happen on that day, August 5-7, in Jerusalem).

2) The Washington D.C.-based Middle East Institute have published a new paper on Hebollah Al-Hejaz, the Iran-linked Saudi group that was blamed for the Khobar Towers Bombing, just in time for the summit. So watch for them to be partly blamed for the hit (along with the Houthi missileers).

On another note, this is July 4th weekend, so the standard threat of a government false-flag to be blamed on patriots applies.

(29 June 2022) – Looking ahead to the second day of the NATO heads-of-state meetings tomorrow, the occult indicators my partner Onnabugeisha has identified support the scripting of a Nazionist attack on the leaders that will appear to be a communist attack. A kinetic orbital strike may be employed (which may initially be blamed on a Bootid meteor).

Among the June 30 indicators are the 88th anniversary of the Night of the Long Knives, the meaning of the number 88 to Nazis, the 888th day since Nazionist Mike Pence privately met with Pope Francis, International Asteroid Day, and the July 1 Communist Party of China Founding Day. There is also a backstory about Chinese kinetic bombardment I covered back in 2021…

…from The Diplomat

A kinetic bombardment or a kinetic orbital strike is the hypothetical act of attacking a planetary surface with an inert projectile from orbit (orbital bombardment), where the destructive power comes from the kinetic energy of the projectile impacting at very high speeds. The concept originated during the Cold War.

Typical depictions of the tactic are of a satellite containing a magazine of tungsten rods and a directional thrust system. (In science fiction, the weapon is often depicted as being launched from a spaceship, instead of a satellite.) When a strike is ordered, the launch vehicle brakes one of the rods out of its orbit and into a suborbital trajectory that intersects the target. The rods would typically be shaped to minimize air resistance and maximize velocity upon impact.

Kinetic bombardment has the advantage of being able to deliver projectiles from a very high angle at a very high speed, making them extremely difficult to defend against. In addition, projectiles would not require explosive warheads, and — in the simplest designs — would consist entirely of solid metal rods, giving rise to the common nickname “rods from God“. Disadvantages include the technical difficulties of ensuring accuracy and the high costs of positioning ammunition in orbit. – from Wikipedia

…from the South China Morning Post

A reusable space vehicle is exactly what you’d need to ferry tungsten “rods of God” into orbit, fire them, and then return to Earth for a reload. And China holds 58% of the world’s tungsten reserve and supplies around 85% of the world’s tungsten.”

~ MORE – 30 June 2022 ~

I wasn’t able to finish yesterday’s update, but it served its purpose nonetheless. Next major stop: the Saudi regional summit during Biden’s visit there. It’s ideal for starting the war against Iran.

WARNING (28 June 2022): Hmmm… given this news today, I’m wondering if the Democrats intend to issue an arrest warrant for Trump today or tomorrow. Will that be what sets off the June 29 fireworks? More later…

~ later ~

Yep, mischief is definitely afoot…

…from the current Drudge Report

~ MORE ~

Tomorrow, June 29, is the most high-probability day during the ongoing summits for the globalists to stage a big event, whether it be Operation Blackjack or the mass arrest of the “commie” Operation Blackjack plotters by the “patriot-constitutionalist good guys” (Q-anon’s puppet pals). Here are the reasons Wednesday is so perfect for their purposes…

> June 29 is the day Ukraine’s Zelensky is slated to give a virtual speech during the first session of the NATO Summit. With the press live-streaming the speech and the NATO heads of state watching it, it presents the most dramatic moment to blow up the summit (or to intervene to stop the explosion and arrest everyone there). Watch for the possibility that Zelensky will be blown up or arrested at the same time, and don’t be shocked if you see some rather exotic craft in the skies if an intervention occurs.

> In the 23 June updates, I pointed out that sunset of June 29 marks the beginning of the Hebrew day of 1 Tammuz — a momentous day in Kabbalist history that brought a major persecution of the Jews and which may now bring a major persecution of the Christians. Well my partner Onnabugeisha has just informed me that June 29 is also Western Christianity’s Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a holiday that’s particularly notable (given current circumstances) because of this…

The Voice of the Martyrs, a non-governmental organization that aids persecuted Christians, has designated 29 June as the “Day of the Christian Martyr”, in honour of the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul, as well as all martyrs for the Christian faith. – from Wikipedia

The histories of 1 Tammuz and the Feast undoubtedly played a role in the globalists scheduling the big event in Spain on June 29.

> Wednesday, June 29 may have been chosen by the globalists also because if you count forward from tomorrow for 77 days — counting tomorrow as Day 1 — you will arrive on September 13. And September 13 is Day 1 of the 77th UN General Assembly, during which the NWO is scheduled to be launched.

Should the globalists opt to abort the big event tomorrow, keep an eye out for Biden to do or say something (or many things) during the NATO Summit to clearly show he is unfit for office. This would open the door for Article 25 proceedings to be launched so Harris can take over as “president” and elevate Hillary Clinton to VP.

(25-28 June 2022) – As we enter the timeframe of the G7 and NATO summits, we find abundant motivations for all sides in the globalist drama to bring down the West…

The “Satanic Global Communist Deep State” face dismal election prospects under Biden-Harris. And they’ve experienced fresh setbacks in their gun-grabbing, fetus-killing, and COVID agendas. These setbacks can all be reversed if they can blow up and then lock down the West under dictatorial emergency powers.

The Russians have seen a partial blockade on a part of their sovereign territory (Kaliningrad) and may soon experience a Ukrainian attack on their lands using US-supplied HIMARS or Harpoons — a “red line” for which they’ve threatened retaliatory strikes on Western “decision-making centers” (capitals). This will make it easy for NATO to set off bombs in their own capitals, lock down their countries, blame Russia, and go to war.

So will we see the explosions during one of the summits, will the (phony) “White Hats” step in to stop them, or will they punt to next month’s Saudi summit?

~ MORE – 27 June 2022 ~

Well lookie-lookie here… the globalists have reactivated the Q-anon disinformation front…

…from this weekend’s Drudge Report. Here is a link to one of the articles: QAnon Creator ‘Q’ Returns After Nearly Two-Year Hiatus.

This opens the door for the globalists to script an intervention by the supposed “patriot/constitutionalist White Hats in the Pentagon and three-letter agencies” (and their worldwide allies). Such an intervention can be expected between now and September 2, and the NATO Summit offers them the opportunity to mass arrest the “Black Hat” baddies while they’re attempting to blow up multiple cities with backpack nukes. They would catch the “commies” red handed, so to speak.

As for the NATO Summit schedule, Tuesday will feature a Royal Gala Dinner hosted by King Felipe VI. My partner Onnabugeisha points out that the Dinner will happen 96 months and 9 days (666) after his reign began on June 19, 2014, and it will be televised live. This means it could be either an assassination target or a Satanic Last Supper for the leaders who will be sacrificed on Wednesday. I kinda wish I were going; Felipe probably makes a mean street taco.

~ MORE ~

Here are a few thoughts that have been on my mind recently…

The massive flow of arms into Ukraine: this is ostensibly occurring to arm the Ukrainians in their battle against the Russians, but news reports on the lack of accountability for the weapons and their ending up on the black market have been circulated in the press. It may turn out many of the weapons going into Ukraine are flowing back out into Europe to Erdogan’s Grey Wolves for the coming European Intifada. As I’ve written in the past, the globalist script has the “Satanic Deep State” and Erdogan moving military-aged men into Europe as refugees in order to arm them later for a terror spree. Arming Ukraine may be the cover they’re using to funnel military arms to the migrant army.

The flow of mobilized forces into Ukraine and surrounding nations: this is ostensibly occurring due to the approaching NATO versus Russia War. But if the globalists script the “White Hat” intervention before the war starts, those same forces — both NATO and Russian — can be marched south to Istanbul for the scripted war against Turkey and the “Muslim Antichrist” / “Dajjal.”

~ MORE – 28 June 2022 ~

Speaking of the Muslim Antichrist / Dajjal that will come out of Turkey, I’ve previously written about globalist prophecy propagandist Joel Richardson’s assertion that it won’t be Erdogan, but someone else who will emerge around the time of a Middle East war. And in the 13 June note, I mentioned a Greek Orthodox propaganda video that also makes that claim…

…from YouTube

Richardson bases his claim on his interpretations of Bible verses, and Neophytos of Morfu bases his on the words of a mountain-dwelling hermit elder. In reality, though, both come out with the same prediction because both are reading from the same globalist talking points memo. The globalists make their plans, then have their prophecy propagandists foretell elements of those plans in the form of prophecy. And when they later act out the plans on the global stage, the propagandists and their narrative gain credibility because they “supernaturally knew what was coming.” It’s all just a bunch of gypsy con-artistry.

And as I wrote in the 13 June note, the foretelling of Erdogan’s death (or political fall) from two separate propaganda sources…

…confirms the globalists’ intent to stage Erdogan’s death so a new “Dajjal” character can emerge from the shadows (and later invade Israel, Erdogan’s partners-in-crime).

So will his supposed death come at the NATO Summit, or will he return to Turkey and receive a “hostile welcome back”?

Remember this too: Joel Richardson is a dildo-licker. No matter what happens, this should never be forgotten.

(23 June 2022) – The media are reporting that Zelensky will give a virtual address at the first session of the NATO summit next week, “which will be attended by all 30 leaders of NATO allies.” If I were a globalist scriptwriter, that’s when I would cue Operation Blackjack

And that first session appears to be scheduled for Wednesday, June 29.

On the US side, it appears that the judgments announced in the final session of the Supreme Court on June 27 will be what sets Blackjack in motion for its June 29 culmination in the US.

~ MORE ~

I’ve uncovered an interesting tie-in to Jewish history that applies to the globalists’ plans for June 29: the 1st of Tammuz begins at sunset that day

…from Hebcal

And the 1st of Tammuz is the anniversary of something very significant in Kabbalist history: the “Beginning of the End,” the Pogroms of 1391…

On June 6, 1391, corresponding to Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, a mob incited by the fanatical priest Ferrand Martinez killed 4000 Jews in Seville, a city in the Spanish kingdom of Castille. The violence soon spread throughout Castille and the neighboring regions, resulting in the murder or forced conversion of tens of thousands of Jews. – from Chabad.org

So 1 Tammuz was the day a great persecution of the Jews began in the lands of Roman Christianity, and the Kabbalists are about to return the favor by scripting a great persecution of the Christians in those same lands — a persecution that begins when Christians are blamed for Operation Blackjack.

It’s no wonder that the Kabbalists chose Spain for the NATO Summit Blood Sacrifice (to take place on Parthenon Avenue).

(21 June 2022) – Now that Biden’s visit to the COVID center is over, I’m suddenly able to update my site again (I did today’s first update by borrowing someone else’s PC). So with the lines of communication restored, let’s have a look at an important bit of news from yesterday…

…from Politico. Here’s an excerpt…

Bennett and his main coalition partner, Yair Lapid, decided to present a vote to dissolve parliament in the coming days, Bennett’s office said. Lapid is then to serve as caretaker prime minister.

The election, expected in October or November, would be Israel’s fifth in three years.

The vote could set the stage for a return to power by longtime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is now the opposition leader.

There are two things to note about this…

  1. The Kabbalists have long been “prophesying” that Israel would be without a government when the Jewish Messiah comes, and this is why they’ve taken Israel through so many elections in the past few years — they take down the government every time they try to bring in their chosen Moshiach. So the coming vote to dissolve the Knesset will open the way for their next attempt in September.
  2. Yair Lapid is someone the Kabbalists have positioned as an opponent of Chabad (just like they recast Netanyahu as Chabad’s opponent). So by making Lapid the caretaker Prime Minister, they are opening up the possibility of scripting him as blocking Chabad’s efforts to start a war, thereby setting up the Peace Path to “the arrival of the Messiah” and the establishment of the New World Order. In the grand scheme of things, the Chabad-Lubavitch organization is a dispensable front in the pursuit of the Kabbalists’ ultimate goals.

Here’s what I mean about Lapid being a supposed opponent of Chabad…

…from Israel National News. Here is an excerpt…

Journalist Nahum Barnea of Yediot Aharonot reported that Yesh Atid’s chairman, MK Yair Lapid, called one of the leaders of Chabad-Lubavitch in Israel to speak with him about the upcoming elections.

According to him, the integration between the more haredi-like Religious Zionists and the right-wing nationalists is something which the Chabad community sees as fitting. In 1996, they funded Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s campaign, which took, “Netanyahu is good for Jews” as its slogan.

The next step, Barnea said, is, “Ben Gvir is good for Jews.”

Itamar Ben-Gvir is the leader of the Otzma Yehudit party, which is currently running in a joint list with MK Bezalel Smotrich’s Religious Zionism party.

According to Barnea, in a phone call earlier this week, Lapid told the Chabad leader he spoke to: “If you support Smotrich and Ben Gvir’s party, I will persecute you.”

“It will be the end of Hanukkah menorahs on every corner during Hanukkah, and Chabad houses around the entire world. It will be the end of your story on loving every Jew.”

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has identified historical and numerological indicators for tomorrow, June 22, that support the globalist scripting of a Ukrainian attack on Russian territory (possibly using HIMARS or Harpoons) and a move to take down Putin. I’ll cover the details if they make any such attempt.

(19-21 June 2022) – I’m seeing occulty indications that the globalists may script the fall of Biden on Tuesday, June 21…

…from this weekend’s Drudge Report

The hit will likely be blamed on “antivax right-wing extremists.” Details to come.

~ MORE – 20 June 2022 ~

After watching the picture of a fallen Biden stay atop the Drudge Report for a couple of days, I began to get the impression that someone was trying to send a message. So I looked into the coming week to see when “Biden’s Fall” might occur and found Tuesday, June 21 to be an obvious candidate.

On the occult side, June 21 is…

On the historical/event side, June 21 is…

So just imagine, for example, that the Supreme Court backs out of “protecting the unborn” on the same day the government begins to clot-shot the kids who made it to birth. It would provide a great scripted motivation for “MAGA to carry out their planned violence,” which would be promptly false-flagged by the government.

On the strategic side, June 21 is an opportunity to finish the job that was attempted last week: taking Biden off the chessboard and starting the “Great Terror against MAGA.” This would leave “President” Kamala Harris to be blown up at the NATO or Saudi summit, thus opening the way for Pelosi/Clinton to take over. But for this to happen, Biden’s death would have to take place in a relatively mundane way, like a shooting

…Otherwise, the leaders won’t physically gather for the upcoming summits.

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has identified a June 21 numerological cluster that points to Xi Jinping. So be on the lookout for something big happening in China on Tuesday (which has already started there).

~ MORE – 21 June 2022 ~

Looking at Biden’s official schedule for today, the location of the hit is exactly in line with what I expected…

The President and The First Lady visit a local COVID-19 vaccination clinic hosted by the District of Columbia’s Department of Health to highlight the recent authorization and recommendation of COVID-19 vaccines for children under age five.

He’ll be there at 2:30 PM DC time, but I doubt they’ll go through with it now (unless they have him fall down the stairs or something).

NOTE (17 June 2022): Well have a look at this…

…from Reuters

Do you think Erdogan is trying to finagle an invitation to the July 16 summit in Saudi Arabia?

In previous entries, I’ve pointed out that the globalist script features the fall of Erdogan around the time of the war against Iran (to open the door for another Turk to play the role of the First Tribulation “Dajjal” / “Muslim Antichrist” and turn Turkey against Erdogan’s covert allies, Israel). So if Erdogan does get invited to next month’s summit in Saudi Arabia, there will be two opportunities to take him down: 1) at the NATO Summit at the end of this month, or 2) at the Saudi regional + US summit in mid-July.

More on the scripting surrounding his “death” later…

Expanded WARNING (16 June 2022): The chessboard has been configured for a nuclear threat against Russia and a Chinese military move on Taiwan…

…from Stratfor

I woke up this morning to discover…

The NATO heads will be gathering in Madrid in about a week and a half.

~ MORE ~

Speaking of the NATO summit near the end of this month, the original setup had Biden stopping in Israel to do something to offend Yahweh before getting whacked at the summit…

Should the globalists bail on starting the war during the Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend, their next target will be the end of June when Biden travels to Israel (and “angers God”) before attending the G7 and NATO summits from June 26-30. A decapitation strike might kick things off on June 28, which is 77 days before the 77th UNGA. – from the 1 June update

Now the globalists have separated that one war-starting opportunity into two by postponing the the Israel trip till mid-July…

President Biden plans to visit Israel and Saudi Arabia in July, the White House confirmed to Axios on Sunday.

Three Israeli officials told Axios Biden is expected to visit Israel and the Palestinian Authority on July 14 and 15 before traveling on to Saudi Arabia. The White House has not confirmed those dates, and the Israeli officials all warned that the timing had shifted several times and could change again….

The tentative agenda for the visit to Saudi Arabia includes a summit with the leaders of Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, as Axios previously reported.

While in Israel, Biden is expected to meet officials including Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and President Isaac Herzog.

He is also expected to visit Bethlehem and meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Biden is planning to travel to Saudi Arabia on July 15, according to the Israeli officials. – from Axios

So under the new arrangement, if they are unable to hit Biden at the NATO summit in late June, they can try again when he “offends God in Israel” and then attends the Saudi summit on July 16. At that summit, all of the America-friendly regional leaders will gather with Biden and MBS within range of “Iranian missiles under the control of Iran’s Houthi allies in Yemen” — though the actual missile attack would be conducted by “Deep State-controlled” Israeli, Saudi, and American agents who are also in Yemen amongst the Saudi coalition forces. According to the script, the “Deep State” will strike all those leaders in order to create a casus belli for war against Iran.

And here’s another thing about July 16: it is the date of a Sun-Mercury conjunction. So what message will the globalists have Mercury bring us at that conjunction? “Don’t screw with Yahweh and his darling Israel,” I would suspect.

On a related note, Biden was scripted to be hit in LA by a suitcase nuke attack during the Summit of the Americas. But what we saw instead that week were the mysterious crashes of three military aircraft — 2 of which occurred between Los Angeles and the Mexican border and one of which was rumored to be carrying nuclear material

…from Zero Hedge

So we must remain aware that the globalists may end up scripting that these war-starting opportunities were thwarted by covert military battles between the “good guys” and the “Deep State.” If this is the case, World War III may continue to be averted until “God judges the Vatican” (in accordance with the Kabbalist “prophecy”) at the end of August or early September and the “good guys” move to take down the “Deep State” on September 2.

(15 June 2022) – Updates might be fewer and further between for a little while, as I’ve taken over 24/7 deathbed care for my mother (brain cancer). But I still managed to dig up some interesting things in my spare moments today…

In the 29 May update, I wrote about the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline that has the “good guys” making a move to stop the commies on September 2 of this year. And in the 25 May update, I wrote about the prophecy propagandists promoting the idea that “[The Watchers will] get 150 days to torment unrepentant humanity before Saturn’s reign is ended.” So today I decided to check if “The 150 Days” would fit into the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline, and they do.

Counting back 150 days from September 2, I arrived at April 5, the day Obama emerged from the abyss of his defeat by Trump, Putin, and Xi to return to the White House and call Joe Biden his vice president. So under the Obama II-Sanhedrin Timeline, “the 150 days of torment” began when “Antichrist Obama publicly reappeared as the actual President of the United States (and will intensify when his supernatural army arrives).”

Speaking of his “supernatural army,” the prophecy propagandists also wrote this about The 150 Days…

The supernatural entities known to the world thousands of years ago as Titans, Watchers, Anunnaki, and apkallu are the things that swarm out of the abyss… to torment those without the seal of God on their foreheads for five months. – from SkyWatchTV.com

I suspect that the “End Times” script will narrate them swarming out of the abyss due to a “dimensional gateway” opened up by the newly-upgraded Large Hadron Collider at CERN, which resumes full-power operations in July. But I’ll cover that part of the story in a future update.

NOTE (13 June 2022): It also looks like the Israelis and Turks will jointly carry out a false-flag in Turkey to justify their allied attack against Iran

…from Zero Hedge

And while we’re on the subject of Turkey, a reader sent a link to a Greek Orthodox propaganda video that confirms the globalists’ intent to stage Erdogan’s death so a new “Dajjal” character can emerge from the shadows (and later invade Israel, Erdogan’s partners-in-crime). More on that later…

(13 June 2022) – Is it finally time to play the “Fed Mistake” card?…

…from today’s Drudge Report

It looks like what they’re planning for the 15th is to trigger a conflagration in the markets with a Fed rate increase…

A string of troubling inflation reports in recent days is likely to lead Federal Reserve officials to consider surprising markets with a larger-than-expected 0.75-percentage-point interest rate increase at their meeting this week.

Before officials began their pre-meeting quiet period on June 4, they had signaled they were prepared to raise interest rates by a half percentage point this week and again at their meeting in July. But they also had said their outlook depended on the economy evolving as they expected. Last week’s inflation report from the Labor Department showed a bigger jump in prices in May than officials had anticipated. – from The Wall Street Journal

Here is something I wrote back in 2015 about the financial crisis that will follow such an increase…

The media will blame the Federal Reserve for setting up the conditions which led to the new financial crisis (with their “too loose for too long” monetary policy) and for triggering the crisis (with an “ill-timed” rate increase).

In the course of harping on the “Fed Mistake,” the mainstream and alternative media will make Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and other Mises Mafia members look like visionary statesmen who “saw it all coming” and “could have prevented it if only they’d been in power.” In the wake of all this propaganda, Congress will pass Rand Paul’s Audit the Fed bill and strategic leaks from the audit may find their way into the news in the months that follow. This process will make the Fed and other national central banks look very bad, while making the Mises Mafia and supranational institutions such as the IMF and BIS look prescient and wise.

The “Mises Mafia” are the Austrian-school economists — the financial system of Putin’s NWO will be based on Austrian economics. Communism has never been the system of choice for the Real NWO, just for the scary decoy. And in a way, the coming financial crisis will qualify as a false-flag because it won’t be caused by the Fed’s actions; it’ll be caused by the globalists imploding the system from a thousand different directions starting from the COVID lockdown.

NOTE (11 June 2022): Due to chatter amongst the prophecy propagandists and the observations of my partner Onnabugeisha, I’m extending the Alert through June 15…

WARNING (9-10 June 2022): They’ve created a reason to keep Kamala Harris at the Summit of the Americas today…

…from the New York Post. Here is an excerpt…

Vice President Kamala Harris will lead a new “Caribbean Climate Partnership” being rolled out Thursday at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles after the leaders of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico decided to snub the event — meaning Harris can’t talk to them about her work addressing the “root causes” of migration.

Harris’ new diplomatic gig was announced aboard Air Force One on Wednesday by White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan, who insisted that the US will still try to engage with lower-level Central American diplomats about the historic numbers of people illegally crossing the US-Mexico border.

So if the globalist script has both Biden and Harris getting hit, it will come today. Tomorrow she’ll be leaving LA at some point to attend a fundraiser in South Carolina.

The alternative scenario is, of course, to hit Biden on Friday or Saturday after Harris leaves LA. This would make her president so she could install Hillary Clinton (or less likely Mike Obama) as VP. Remember that Harris showed up at the presidential inauguration ceremony wearing purple, indicating that she is part of the Purple Color Revolution and may be the instigator of the Purple Reign of Terror…

…from CNN

Now let’s continue our look at today by seeing the occult indicators my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered for Thursday…

> June 9 marks exactly 660 weeks, 6 days (666) since Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize was announced. And this follows the Iran nuclear covenant reaching its 7-year mark on Tuesday (see these June updates: 1,2). Together these indicators point to Iran and the breaching of nuclear peace.

> June 9 is itself a 666 day (to a globalist numerologist). By flipping the nine and adding the twos, you get this: 6/9/2022 > 6/6/2022 > 6/6/6 > 666.

> June 9 marks exactly 888 days since the supposed assassination of Qasem Soleimani (the globalist-selected Imam Mahdi). To the Chinese, who are allies of the Iranians, the triple-8s mean it is a triple-lucky day to set off a nuke in America. And the Iranians supposedly want payback for the killing of Soleimani by order of an American president.

And while we’re on the subject of Iranian payback, you may remember this news from June 3: Iran vows ‘immediate response’ to any Western move against it at IAEA. Well guess what happened yesterday, June 8…

…from Reuters. Here is an excerpt…

Iran has begun further expanding its underground uranium enrichment and said on Wednesday it would switch off two of the U.N. nuclear watchdog’s cameras, as the watchdog’s 35-nation board overwhelmingly passed a resolution criticising Tehran.

Only Russia and China opposed the resolution submitted by the United States, Germany, France and Britain saying the Board of Governors “expresses profound concern” that uranium traces found at three undeclared sites remain unexplained due to insufficient cooperation by Iran. It also calls on Tehran to engage with the watchdog “without delay”.

Iran bristles at such resolutions and had warned beforehand of retaliation, raising the prospect of further damage to already stalled talks on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Just hours before the closed-door vote at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s headquarters, Iran announced a move that diplomats said was most likely either a shot across the bows before more drastic action or a limited early retaliation.

So the stage is set for…

  • a nuclear or radiological bomb to go off in LA, or
  • a “Domestic Violent Extremist” to be caught with such a bomb near the summit site (or Trump’s location), and/or
  • an Israel strike on Iran (between now and Sunday).

In the aftermath of the attack, the “Communist Revolutionary Government” will likely blame ALL their enemies — all the allies of Putin — by saying…

“We have evidence that this was a Russian attack carried out through their proxies acting in league with American insurrectionists. The bomb itself contained Russian-origin uranium and was smuggled into the Western Hemisphere via Iran’s Aeroterror link to Venezuela. From there, Hezbollah and the Venezuelan and Cuban intelligence agencies oversaw its transfer to the US via their drug cartel allies, where Russian agents handed it over to the insurrectionists. We suspect that this was not the only bomb smuggled in.”

Remember that the US has weapons-grade Soviet (Russian) uranium that it secretly obtained via the Cooperative Threat Reduction program in the 1990s (see the 22-23 March update further down this page). So building a bomb with Russian uranium is no problem for the false-flaggers.

As for the summit strike scenario for today, it’s essentially the same as yesterday. The Summit of the Americas is being held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, which is within striking distance of two LA freeways (the 10 and 110) and Flower Street (which apparently hasn’t been closed and which has a metro train line that runs along it)…

…from Google Maps

~ MORE ~

Los Angeles was one of the cities that experienced a trucker convoy, so in the case of a drive-by attack from the 110, don’t be surprised if the vehicle carrying the nuke is a commercial truck with an American flag or Trump symbols on it. Showing the traffic cam footage of that after the blast or arrest would get people to immediately associate the attack with Trumpers. And live coverage of the event could be interspersed with the prime time “January 6 Insurrection” hearing tonight.

According to the official schedule, Biden will be at the InterContinental Los Angeles Downtown at 11 AM LA time (it’s right next to the 110). And Biden and Harris will be together at the Convention Center starting at 1:30 PM at the latest.

~ MORE ~

Look who’s an “American friend of Chabad”…

…from Chabad.org

Looking ahead to tomorrow, Friday the 10th, my partner Onnabugeisha notes that it will be the 666th day since the first of the Abraham Accords — the normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates — was reached on August 13, 2020. Since that day, the two nations have developed military ties aimed at Iran [1,2] that may come into play over the Friday-Sunday weekend. Will the UAE — who have been under attack from Iranian-supplied missiles launched by the Houthis in Yemen — serve as a forward base for Israel’s Iran strikes, and will the UAE military participate?

The specific scenario we face starting Friday is one in which Biden gets hit in LA, making Kamala Harris president and Doug Emhoff, her Jewish husband, “first gentleman.” Being a “friend of Chabad,” one would imagine that he will sway his wife towards supporting an Israeli move against Iran (instead of blocking it like Biden). And now that Iran has been censured by the IAEA and has increased its uranium enrichment efforts, the time is ripe for the attack.

This scripting will leave a clear trail leading to Israel for the hit against Biden, which will be widely publicized when it’s time to turn the whole world against Israel and start Chabad’s Battle of Armageddon invasion to bring in their chosen Moshiach (Jewish Messiah).

~ MORE – 10 June 2022 ~

They’ve scheduled Biden to give a speech at the Port of Los Angeles today. Can you guess what’s the problem with that?…

More than 40 percent of U.S. imports flow through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. An army of 14,000 short-haul truck drivers are tasked with hauling that cargo from the port complex to warehouses and rail yards around Southern California. – from KPCC

Yep, Biden will be surrounded by an army of truck drivers, many of whom are Trumpers and all of whom are extremely unhappy about the price of diesel since he took over. And who knows what kind of weapons are stashed away in the ocean of containers at the port. It’s an excellent spot for a false-flag assassination attempt.

~ MORE ~

In recent updates, I’ve talked about the Purple Color Revolution and the possibility of Doug Emhoff’s shiksa taking over the presidency this week. Well…

…from Yahoo

NOTE (8 June 2022): With the “Biden-Harris Communist Revolutionary Government,” the globalists are scripting parallels between its pursuit of the “January 6 Insurrectionists” (Trumpian counter-revolutionaries) and the “Reigns of Terror” committed by past revolutions.

This week, they are paralleling the stories of Joe Biden and Maximilien Robespierre, one of the central figures of the French Revolution. It was an attempted assassination of Robespierre that brought about the Law of 22 Prairial, the law of the Great Terror.” This law was enacted on June 10, 1794, which is why I’m expecting an assassination attempt tomorrow or on Friday (to complement the prime time “January 6 Insurrection” hearing on June 9). A WMD-related assassination attempt — whether successful or unsuccessful — would lead to a national emergency and an executive order to take down the enemies of the revolution. The “Purple Terror of 2022” would begin…

…from disinformation site The Millennium Report

Today’s (6/8) warning is below the new Vatican update.

(6 June 2022) – Why the Vatican may be destroyed in September

In late August, Pope Francis will be meeting with his new crop of hand-picked “Satanist” cardinals at the Vatican. In order to fulfill a prophecy from the Zohar, have they been scripted to be on a collision course with the supposed “fragments of the Comet Kiess” (the source of the Aurigids meteor shower) — a comet which, according to the script, may have splintered long ago due to the gravitational influence of an “unknown planet” (Planet X)? Details to come later.

~ MORE – 8 June 2022 ~

Whilst the globalists go about their mundane maneuvers arranging this week’s attempt at the assassination of Biden and the launch of the “Purple Terror of 2022” that will follow, let’s do a strategic strike against one of the key elements of their September Climax Show…


Any time the Pope gathers the College of Cardinals (the “Princes of the Church“) at the Vatican — as he will on August 29-30 of this year — my mind immediately goes to “Christian” disinformation agent Tom Horn’s prophecy propaganda about the destruction of Rome (disregard the incorrect dating of the events for reasons I’ll explain later)…

Contemporaneous to the arrival of the False Prophet (Petrus Romanus) is a prophecy from what is widely considered the most important work of Jewish Kabbalah, the Zohar, a collection of books written in medieval Aramaic over seven hundred years ago containing mystical commentary on the Pentateuch (five books of Moses, the Torah). In addition to interpreting Scripture, the “Vaera” section (volume 3, section 34) includes “The signs heralding Mashiach,” or “The coming of the Messiah.” The fascinating date for “his” appearance is set in the Zohar in late 2012! Given the rejection of Jesus by orthodox Jews as Messiah, Christians understand this “coming” would herald the unveiling of Antichrist in 2012.

J. R. Church of Prophecy in the News called our office a couple years back and led us through verses 476–483 of this part of the Zohar to point out what nobody in the 2012 research community had written before — that the time of Jacob’s trouble (the Great Tribulation, which some Catholic scholars say begins with the election of Petrus Romanus) will commence according to this ancient text in the year 2012 when the “kings of the earth” gather in Rome, possibly during a papal conclave, and are killed by fiery stones or missiles from the sky.

The prophecy in the Zohar, given by Jews hundreds of years separate from the divination of “the last pope,” is amazing when compared with the Catholic prediction. The final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign ends in the destruction of Rome, will assume authority during a time of great tribulation, and then “the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible and fearsome Judge will judge his people.” But Dr. Church pointed out how in the Jewish Zohar, this vision of the destruction of Rome is repeated, though one prophecy connects it to the coming of the False Prophet, and the other, the Antichrist:

This ancient rabbinical dissertation claims that Rome will be destroyed in the Jewish calendar year 5773, which, in our calendar begins with the new moon of September 2012 and concludes a year later:

“In the year seventy-three [2012/2013] the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.”

Is he hinting at the destruction of Mystery Babylon? He notes that not all kings will be destroyed. Of those remaining, he says: “These will commence anew to make other wars. From that time the Messiah will begin to declare himself, and round him there will be gathered many nations and many hosts from the uttermost ends of the earth.”

Thus the false messiah (antichrist) is predicted in a seven-hundred-year-old Jewish prophecy to appear in 2012. Similarly, the nine-hundred-year-old Prophecy of the Popes looks to be unfolding in parallel fashion to provide Petrus Romanus in 2012. – from News with Views

Over the coming days (or weeks), I’ll explain how and why they intend to fulfill this prophecy on either September 2 or September 13, 2022. And I’ll show you why a pope may die — probably Benedict — on or a little after August 27.

WARNING (8 June 2022): Watch for the big hack attack…

The first opportunity to stage Hollywood’s “Domestic Violent Extremist Attack on Biden Show” will occur when he goes to film an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel “Live” at 2:40 PM LA time. The show films in Disney’s El Capitan Entertainment Centre, which was formerly the Hollywood Masonic Temple, and it lies a very short distance from a subway line…

…from Rome2Rio

Given that the current crop of globalist scriptwriters are talentless hacks, they may borrow the subway bomb scene from the movie V for Vendetta and give us a suitcase/backpack nuke explosion that will take down the theater from below.

Later, at 4 PM, the second opportunity will arise when Biden greets the other leaders attending the Summit of the Americas at the Microsoft Theater. For this scenario, the scriptwriters may borrow from LA “culture” and the movie Friday by staging a drive-by nuking from the 110 Freeway. Any car on that freeway can get within about 800 feet of the Theater, which is plenty close enough for a 1 kiloton suitcase/backpack nuke to ruin Biden’s day…

…from Nukemap

Should they pull the trigger today, it will provide tremendous ammunition and drive massive viewership to the prime time Congressional hearing on the “Trumper Insurrection” tomorrow. But if they don’t try today, more opportunities will arise between now and Saturday morning (when Biden is scheduled to leave LA at 10 AM).

NOTE: For some unknown reason, the links to this site’s other posts and pages seem to be working again. Thanks for the help, HAL…

“You’re welcome, Ken.”

(Expanded Note – 6 June 2022) – So far (as of 2 AM), Biden’s official schedule doesn’t show him leaving for LA today, and local LA media reports say that the roads won’t start getting tied up until 10 PM on Monday. This is weird; the summit was officially slated to begin today. So any 6/6 hit on Biden might have to come in Washington DC.

Tomorrow, 6/7, is also a dangerous day for an Iranian nuclear event because if you count the 2520 days from the date the Iran nuclear deal was announced (with the date of the announcement as Day 0), the end of the 7-year covenant falls on Tuesday. And Tuesday will mark exactly 44 weeks (Obama’s number) since “the hardliner” Ebrahim Raisi assumed office as the 8th President of Iran (on August 3, 2021).

ALSO, yesterday’s unfinished update is now complete and enhanced.

~ MORE ~

So now it appears that Biden will arrive at the Summit in LA on Wednesday…

One U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, conceded preparations were “messier than we envisioned.”

Lower-level events begin on Monday, then leaders start to arrive. Biden is due in on Wednesday to formally open the first U.S.-hosted summit since the inaugural gathering in 1994. – from VOA News

Given the poor quality of coverage of the event in the news media, I tracked down the official schedule at the Department of State website. It says that Biden will be in LA on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. And in a notable “coincidence,” the congressional Democrats and “RINO Republicans” will be putting on a huge prime-time propaganda event on the “January 6 Insurrection” on Thursday. It’s the kind of propaganda barrage you launch before you do something significant, so is its purpose to get the public thinking about “right-wing insurrectionists and their ties to Russia” before the Biden hit?…

…from CBS News

By the way, my partner Onnabugeisha notes that the day after the prime-time event (Friday, June 10) will be Jewish 9/11 (Sivan 11). Also take note of how the expiration dates of the interim Iran nuclear deal and the Summit of the Americas precisely coincide (June 6-10). It is as though they were made to fit together.

(5 June 2022) – From what I’m gleaning from the press reports, it appears that both Biden and Harris will attend the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles tomorrow (666 Day). So will LA be Biden and Harris’s Dealey Plaza? Will we get a Pelosi/Clinton or Pelosi/Obama administration this week? More on this later.

~ MORE (now complete and enhanced) ~

The more I look at Onnabugeisha’s indicators for tomorrow, 666 Day, the more startling and urgent they become…

> Monday, June 6 will mark exactly 699 weeks since The Telegraph published the Operation Blackjack slide show story

And since numerologists allow themselves to flip sixes and nines, 699 is 666. So an early Operation Blackjack is in play tomorrow, as is a preliminary nuking of LA only.

> June 6 will be the 2520th day (the exact 7-“prophetic year” mark) of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action peace covenant, which Obama announced on July 14, 2015 (Day 1, with Biden standing behind him)…

A “prophetic year” consists of 360 days, so seven of them make a timespan of 2520 days. And prevalent interpretations of biblical prophecy say that “the Antichrist will make a peace covenant with ‘the many’ that will last for 7 years.” So reaching the 7-year mark on the Iran nuclear deal indicates that the nuclear peace will be broken tomorrow, with either Israel attacking Iran’s nuclear sites or an Iranian nuke going off somewhere (like LA). But the Democrats will first blame “Russian-allied Domestic Violent Extremists” for any nuclear explosion.

> June 6 will mark exactly 7 years since the horse “American Pharoah” (owned by an Egyptian) won the Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown on June 6, 2015. And the controlled alt-media have portrayed Obama as the American Pharaoh (the reincarnation of Pharaoh Akhenaten to be precise)…

…from the LA Times

The Russian presidential seal features a two-headed buzzard eagle wearing the three crowns Putin will wear: King of Russia, King of the World, and King of Restored Khazaria…

So will tomorrow be the day Obama seizes the crowns of America, the world, and Egypt?…

> June 6 is the day the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will meet to discuss a nuclear deal with Iran that is set to expire…

…from The Jerusalem Post

And a false-flag enabler has been set for the meeting…

…from Reuters

The meeting will take place in Vienna at 10:30 AM local time, which is 1:30 AM LA time, so there will be plenty of time afterwards for “Iran’s immediate response” to be false-flagged on the 6th. It’s also conceivable that instead of LA, wherever Trump is tomorrow could be hit.

> June 6 is the first day of the 9th Summit of the Americas, which runs through June 10 in Los Angeles…

…from State.gov

Both Biden and Harris seem poised to attend, so the Democrats will have the opportunity to get rid of two very unpopular politicians this week. And this will open a path for a momentary Pelosi presidency that will bring Hillary Clinton or Mike Obama into the vice presidency, then the presidency. The double assassination of Biden-Harris — which would first be blamed on “right-wing Domestic Violent Extremists” / Trumpers / Christians and Putin — would also enable a martial law lockdown and roundup of the communists’ enemies, particularly if a WMD is utilized in the hit.

It’s also possible — if Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton take charge — that the attack could be blamed on Venezuela and Cuba (who weren’t invited to the Summit) on account of their alliance with Putin (and their supposed resistance to the Western-version New World Order)…

Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua aren’t only dictatorships. They’re allies of Vladimir Putin, which practice his politics — jailing, torturing, exiling and sometimes executing opponents. Spreading terror at home isn’t enough; they export revolution, fueling regional instability and destroying liberty. – from The Wall Street Journal

Such an approach would allow Pelosi and Clinton to blame the disaster on the incompetence of the Biden-Harris administration while they move the Democratic Party to a more centrist public appearance. It would also enable them to invade the two countries to stamp out resistance to the Western NWO.

Today’s (6/5) first update is below yesterday’s in Loc-Nar green; it’s now complete and enhanced.

(4-5 June 2022) – My partner Onnabugeisha has identified occult indicators that point to a continued threat of globalist mischief into the coming week, starting with Monday, 666 Day (6/6/2022 > 6/6/2+2+2 > 6/6/6 > 666). She also brought up this Newsweek article: Russia Warns of ‘Horsemen of the Apocalypse‘ as Ukraine War Hits 100 Days.

Upon seeing the “100 Days” reference, I suddenly got the idea to check a number of biblical significance, 144. And it turned out that the 144th day of the Russian invasion will fall on the (postponed) Fast of Tammuz 17

Because of the holiness of Shabbat, the fast of Tammuz 17 is this year postponed to today, Tammuz 18. We refrain from all food and drink from “daybreak” (about an hour before sunrise, depending on location) until nightfall. Special prayers and Torah readings are added to the day’s services.

The fast day mourns the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls and the other tragic events that occurred on Tammuz 17 — see “Today in Jewish History” for that date — and repenting and rectifying their causes…

During the Three Weeks, from 17th of Tamuz to the 9th of Av, we commemorate the conquest of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Holy Temple and the dispersion of the Jewish people. – from Chabad.org

This particular numerological indicator confirms what I’ve been suspecting: that the globalists’ next attempt to start World War 3 will come at the NATO summit near the end of this month, then segue into an invasion of Israel that will run during the “Three Weeks” from the Fast of Tammuz 17 to a Tisha B’Av event in Jerusalem. The event will be either the arrival of the globalist-selected Jewish Messiah or the fall of Jerusalem that will precede his arrival in September.

It should also be noted that there are weird connections between Israel and Ukraine (“Big Israel“) and Jerusalem and Kyiv (“Second Jerusalem“), but I’ll delve into all that as we get closer to the planned events. As for the NATO Summit, it will occur at a venue located on Parthenon Avenue in Madrid (as in the Greek Parthenon, a site of ancient ritual sacrifice).

~ MORE – 5 June 2022 ~

In the 1 June update, I noted the possibility that a decapitation strike will be launched on the NATO Summit on June 28, which is 77 days before the 77th UNGA begins. Well yesterday I ran across this…

…from CNN

So the US will be gathering naval armadas in defensive positions off Hawaii and the US West Coast under cover of the RIMPAC exercise. And since the exercise starts on the 29th, it stands to reason that all of the forces will be in position on the 28th when the war-starting false-flag occurs.

And just yesterday, the false-flag enabler was put in place…

…from the Metro

According to the globalist script (and their disinfo agent “The Saker”), Dmitry Medvedev is an “Atlantic Integrationist” who wants Russia to join the Western-version NWO. So when he threatened a strike against Western “decision-making centers” in response to any Ukrainian HIMARS rocket attack on Russian territory, he was handing NATO exactly what they need to carry out Operation Blackjack and blame it on Putin.

Now all NATO have to do is order Ukraine to strike Russia at the right time, then they can set off “Russian” suitcase nukes in their own capital cities (including Madrid) on June 28. This will allow them to lock down their nations and bring them into the New World Order. It will also give them an excuse to move hard against Putin (and his partner Xi).

Later today, I’ll start covering the indicators Onnabugeisha has found for the week ahead.

(2-3 June 2022) – Here are three developments worth noting today…

1) The Chinese “authorities” have started ending Shanghai’s long “COVID” lockdown. This could be because…

  • the globalists have aborted their plans for this week, and it’s too costly to stretch out the lockdown any further,
  • the Jiang Faction / Shanghai Gang have won the staged power struggle against Xi Jinping, so they’re liberating their city in advance of removing Xi on June 3-5, or
  • Xi has supposedly purged all the key Jiang Faction / Shanghai Gang personnel from Shanghai, so he is liberating the city in advance of liberating all of China (from the CCP) over June 3-5 (the anniversary of the CCP’s Tiananmen Square crackdown).

See the 12 May update (further down this page) for more information about this. And search for Shanghai in your browser’s FIND feature to find all the updates about it.

2) The IDF did a dress rehearsal of the airstrike on Iran on Tuesday night. So after taking a day or two to identify and correct any problems that came up during the rehearsal, they’ll be ready to launch the real strike on June 3-5. And since the Jews begin their days at sunset, the strike could come as early as this evening, June 2.

3) The James Webb Space Telescope has been fully focused and will start releasing photos in July. It sees further into the infrared spectrum than the Hubble Space Telescope can…

…from the BBC/ESA

So it will at some point be used to show the public photos of “Planet X” / “Nibiru” (supposedly a failed star surrounded by moons that supposedly harbor advanced extraterrestrial life). Read The UFO/ET Con for detailed information on why and how the globalists are faking an “ET” Arrival.

~ MORE ~

[NOTE: My ability to update my site from my PC has been blocked again, so this is coming from another’s computer]

Just to be sure that everyone understands the globalist “End Times” scripting that would underlie an event in the June 2-5 timeframe, let’s review some basic points…

Point 1 – Act One of the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay features an epic battle between the “Avatars of God” and the “Satanic Global Deep State.” And when the battle and the Act come to a close, all of the Avatars may appear, some may appear, or only one may be left standing (Vladimir Putin).

Point 2 – The scripted heroes of Act One, the Avatars, include “the Triumvirate” (Putin, Xi, Trump), Benjamin Netanyahu, Qasem Soleimani (who is in “occultation” since his faked death), and Narendra Modi.

Point 3 – The scripted villains of Act One are pretty much everyone else on the global stage, especially Barack Obama (the “Communist Antichrist”).

Point 4 – According to the script (ATTS), the villains have long been planning to depopulate the Earth and lord over the shellshocked remnant in an Orwellian New World Order. So God sent the Avatars to the Earth to infiltrate the Satanic power structure, rise to leadership in the most powerful countries, and deliver humanity from destruction.

Point 5 – ATTS, the “Satanic Global Deep State” have been trying to get rid of the Avatars ever since they realized that they’re “traitors to the New World Order.” So far, the villains have felled Soleimani, Trump, and Netanyahu, and they’re doing everything possible to get rid of the rest, especially Xi and Putin.

Point 6 – ATTS, the Avatars stopped Antichrist Obama from completing his Tribulation in 2016. And since then, the “Satanic Global Deep State” have hatched a plan to steal the Avatars’ thunder by delivering humanity from destruction themselves (while getting rid of the rest of the Avatars in the process).

And this brings us to Platinum Jubilee weekend…

Point 7 – ATTS, the “Satanic Global Deep State” have assigned their communist wing to play the bad guys who get blamed for the depopulation/NWO plot and their Nazionist wing to play the good guys who deliver us from it. By staging this “counterfeit deliverance,” they can take humanity into their NWO (and kill them off later). And by using their Space Force to do the deliverance, they can overpower the conventional militaries commanded by Putin and Xi.

So that’s the basic script, and here are a few other things that should be noted…

  • If the Jiang Faction / Shanghai Gang are scripted to overcome Xi, don’t be surprised if they steal Xi’s thunder and do a “counterfeit deliverance” of the Chinese people from communism. Since they are supposedly part of the “Satanic Global Deep State,” they would help bring in the Nazionist NWO by switching China into the Nazi “New Federal State of China” promoted by propagandists Steve Bannon and Miles Guo.
  • Instead of scripting the Nazionist deliverance, the globalists could opt for a communist victory (but I don’t regard that as likely). You can find one candidate timeline for such a scenario in the 23 May update further down this page.
  • Instead of allowing the Nazionist deliverance to be completed, the script could have the fake ETs sweep in to stop them, thus bringing on “the real deliverance” by the Avatars.

~ MORE ~

The Israeli airstrike on Iran could come as soon as after sunset tonight (on 4 Sivan, King David’s birthday). Pentecost/Shavuot on Sunday the 5th marks his death (on 6 Sivan, in Jerusalem).

~ MORE ~

If you want to cause a collapse of the current financial system on June 3 — the second anniversary of Prince Charles’s Great Reset initiative — setting off a “Russian” suitcase nuke at the City of London (and possibly other places) might do it, even if the financial people aren’t in their offices tomorrow. I therefore find it interesting that the Queen made an excuse to skip tomorrow’s service at St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located right next to the City of London.

~ MORE – 3 June 2022 ~

The Bilderberg Group is meeting in Washington, DC right now. The gathering began on Thursday and will end on Sunday, precisely coinciding with the Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend. They were likely sent to Washington to serve as a target for the “conspiracy theorist Domestic Violent Extremists armed with Russian backpack nukes” (I’m sure there’s a bunker nearby the venue where they would hide during the false-flag). Operation Blackjack clearly is/was a part of this weekend’s planned festivities.

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for July 30-August 2, 2023

Here are her notes on Wednesday, August 2. The notes for the previous days are below the horizontal line…

8/2 (Wednesday)

The Moon at perigee WED, 02 AUG 2023 AT 05:52 UTC (In-The-Sky). The Moon will reach the closest point along its orbit to the Earth and will appear slightly larger than at other times.

• New Albion (Wikipedia) abandoned: “Sailing away on 23 July and leaving behind no colony, Drake eventually circumnavigated the globe and returned to England in September 1580.” Date: 23 July 1579 (Julian) = 2 August (Convert a date), 444 years ago

• United States Declaration of Independence: On this day, the Declaration of Independence is officially signed (Constitution Center). August 2, 1776, is one of the most important but least celebrated days in American history when 56 members of the Second Continental Congress started signing the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, 247 years or 2964 months ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2964. kuroó: to make valid, Usage: I ratify, confirm, make valid, reaffirm, assure. Galatians 3:15 Brothers, let me put this in human terms. Even a human covenant, once it is ratified, cannot be canceled or amended.

• Vice President Calvin Coolidge becomes U.S. President. -> The ‘strange’ death of President Warren G. Harding (PBS NewsHour). Date: 2 August 1923, the 100th anniversary of his death. Warren G. Harding – a forgotten Zionist hero (The Jerusalem Post‏).

• Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany following the death of President Paul von Hindenburg (HISTORY) on 2 August 1934, 89 years ago

• Einstein–Szilard letter (Wikipedia), Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard [lion + lizards] wrote a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, urging him to begin the Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear weapon. Date: 2 August 1939, 84 years ago

• World War II: End of the Potsdam Conference (Wikipedia) Representatives from the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States  gathered to decide how to administer Germany,… The goals of the conference also included establishing the postwar order…Truman had mentioned an unspecified “powerful new weapon” to Stalin during the conference. Date: 2 August 1945, 78 years ago

• The Gulf of Tonkin incident (Wikipedia) was an international confrontation that led to the United States engaging more directly in the Vietnam War. It consisted of a confrontation on August 2, 1964 [59 years ago], when United States forces were carrying out covert operations close to North Vietnamese territorial waters and North Vietnamese forces responded.

• Iraq invades Kuwait (HISTORY) on August 2, 1990, at about 2 a.m. local time, 33 years ago

• Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock (CBS Newsvatican.va). Date: 26 May 2014, 9 years 69 days on 8/3 or 8/2 (inclusive).

• King Charles III, (then Prince of Wales) launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset (World Economic Forum), Date: 3 June 2020, 38 months ago (inclusive) or on 8/3

Chinese calendar: 6th Month 16 (6/16)-> 616 is the alternate “Number of the Beast”.

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN). Date: 19 July 2016 = 6th month 16, year of the Monkey, 7 Chinese years ago-> Note that the video time is 7:11 PM = 19:11 

  1. Donald Trump mixes up ‘9/11’ with ‘7/11’ (CNN)
  2. In the video, Donald Trump Jr. says (a bit clumsily): “It is my honor to be able to throw Donald Trump over the top in the delegate count…” (CNN) -> Strong’s Greek 1911. epiballó: to throw over, to throw 

• Bashar al-Assad (Wikipedia), the 19th and current president of Syria. Assumed office: 17 July 2000 = 6th Month 16, year of the Dragon

After sunset 🌅 ~ 3 August 

Jewish calendar16 Av (5/16 or 11/16)

Strong’s Greek: 1116. Gomorra: Gomorrah, one of the cities near the Dead Sea

Strong’s Hebrew: 1116. bamah: a high place

Amos 5:16… “There will be wailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!’ in all the streets.

• Janet Yellen (Wikipedia), the 78th United States secretary of the treasury Born: 13 August 1946 = 16 Av, Brooklyn, New York City, U.S., her 77th birthday.

• The Trotsky Assassination (HISTORY), Leon Trotsky (Wikipedia) Lev Davidovich Bronstein, was a Russian revolutionary,… Along with Vladimir Lenin, he was a central figure in the October Revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union. He was attacked on 20 August 1940 = 16 Av  and died of his injuries the following day.

Islamic calendar: 16 Muharram (1/16)

• Palestine Liberation organization -> founding (Wikipedia) The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964 = Muharram 16, 1384 AH., 61 Islamic years ago

(After concluding the meeting, the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964. Its stated “complementary goals” were Arab unity and the liberation of Palestine.)

Here are her notes on Sunday, July 30…

7/30 (Sunday)

Julian 7/17 [the Calendar Emoji 📅 shows 17 July]

Southern δ-Aquariid meteor shower (In-The-Sky) [It peaks on Sunday]

α-Capricornid meteor shower (In-The-Sky.org) [It peaks on Sunday too, so watch for Artemis Rodfall]

Navy Day (Russia) (Wikipedia), is national holiday in the Russian Federation and a senior holiday in the Russian Armed Forces, in connection with the Battle of Gangut (Wikipedia) between the Swedish Navy and Imperial Russian Navy. It was the first important victory of the Russian fleet in its history. Celebrated: on the last Sunday of July

• Death of Bismarck (WikipediaHistory Today), Otto von Bismarck was the first chancellor of Germany with the creation of the North German Confederation and later the German Empire. Date: 30 July 1898, 125 years ago (5x5x5)

• Black Tom explosion (Wikipedia) was an act of sabotage by agents of the German Empire (state-sponsored terrorism), to destroy U.S.-made munitions that were to be supplied to the Allies in World War I. This incident, which happened prior to U.S. entry into World War I, also damaged the Statue of Liberty. It was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in history. Date: 30 July 1916, 107 years ago

• Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (WikipediaDefense Department News) the leader of the Salafi jihadist group al-Qaeda, was killed by a United States drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. Date: 31 July 2022 at 6:18 a.m. Kabul, Afghanistan = Washington DC, Friday, 30 July 2022 at 21:48 = 9:48 PM (after sunset) [9/11 timeline: the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center. at 8:46 a.m. (HISTORY) or 7 July 2005 London bombings (Wikipedia) at 8:49.]

• Jerusalem Law (Wikipedia), is a common name of Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel passed by the Knesset on 30 July 1980. Although the law did not use the term, the Israeli Supreme Court interpreted the law as an effective annexation of East Jerusalem. The United Nations Security Council condemned the attempted change in status to Jerusalem and ruled the law “null and void” in United Nations Security Council Resolution 478.

• Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNN). Date: 22 May 2017, 6 years, 69 days  or 6 years, 9 weeks, 6 days ago

• Pope Francis prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, visited the Dome of the Rock (CBS Newsvatican.va). Date: 26 May 2014, 9 years, 66 days ago (inclusive) or on 7/31.

Julian calendar:

• The Battle of Nahrawan (Wikipedia) was fought between the army of Caliph Ali and the rebel group Kharijites on 17 July 658 CE (Julian). Ali was assassinated by a Kharijite in January 661, [about the Assassination of Ali your blog: 9 April 2023].

Ismail I (Wikipedia), also known as Shah Ismail, was the founder of the Safavid dynasty of Iran, ruling as its King of Kings… His reign is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history, as well as one of the gunpowder empires… During Ismail’s reign, the first steps for the Habsburg–Persian alliance were set as well, with Charles V and Ludwig II of Hungary being in contact with a view to combining against the common Ottoman Turkish enemy. He was born on 17 July 1487 (Julian).

After sunset 🌅

Islamic calendar: 13 Muharram [converter]

Jewish calendar: 13 Av

• 1963 demonstrations in Iran (Wikipedia), the 15 Khordad uprising, were protests in Iran against the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini after his denouncement of Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Israel. Protests were crushed -> religious opposition-> Fifteen years later, Khomeini was to lead the Iranian Revolution which overthrew the Shah and the Pahlavi dynasty and established the Islamic Republic of Iran. Date: 5 and 6 June 1963 = Muharram 12 or 13 1383 AH [62 Islamic years ago] -> on its 17th Islamic anniversary Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia) became the 1st Supreme Leader of Iran on 3 December 1979 = Muharram 13  1400 AH, 45 Islamic years ago. 

• The Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (Wikipedia) was a peace treaty between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, ending the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–74 with many concessions to Russia. Signed: 21 July 1774, in Küçük Kaynarca (today Kaynardzha, Bulgaria) = 13 Av, 249 Jewish years ago

Here are her notes on Monday, July 31…

7/31 (Monday)

Ezekiel 1-1 (NLT)

On July 31 of my thirtieth year, while I was with the Judean exiles beside the Kebar River in Babylon, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.

• The Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola (Jesuits), he died on this day [the Julian calendar] in the year 1556, it’s the 467th anniversary of his death. [467 is the 91st primethis is the “McCarthy 91 function” I started watching.]

• The Great North American Solar Eclipse of 2024 countdown [They are counting down: Countdown is on, Fox Weather]. Date: 8 April 2024, 8 months 8 days away on this day.

• US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, he also made a historic speech at the Knesset (abc NEWS). It was his first trip to the Middle East.

Date: 23 January 2018, 2016 days or 66 months 9 days ago (inclusive) or on 8/1. 

• Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (WikipediaDefense Department News) the leader of the Salafi jihadist group al-Qaeda, was killed by a United States drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. Date: 31 July 2022 at 6:18 a.m. Kabul, Afghanistan

After sunset 🌅 ~ 1 August

Jewish calendar: 14 Av

• 2020 Beirut explosion (Wikipedia), a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the Port of Beirut in the capital city of Lebanon exploded, causing at least 218 deaths, 7,000 injuries, and US$15 billion in property damage, as well as leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless. Date: Tuesday, 4 August 2020 = 14 Av = Chinese 6th Month 15 (*)

This event occurred on Obama’s birthday but also on this day on the Jewish calendar ->

2014 Turkish presidential election (Wikipedia) Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was elected outright with an absolute majority of the vote in the first round on 10 August 2014 = 14 Av9 Jewish years ago.

*[Just my observationOn the Chinese calendar it was 6th Month 15 -> Xi Jinping was born 6/15 Gregorian. On the Islamic calendar Dhuʻl-Hijjah 14 (12/14) -> Ebrahim Raisi was born 12/14 Gregorian. I feel it works like this but I need more observations.]

technical note: Chinese calendar (Wikipedia) “Day (日; rì), from one midnight to the next” -> in 2023  Chinese 6th Month 15 = 1 August.

more 7/31 (Monday)

Julian calendar: 18 July

• Nero’s Rome burns (HISTORY, Great Fire of Rome – Wikipedia). The great fire of Rome breaks out and destroys much of the city beginning on July 18 in the year 64 [15 Av (Convert a date)]. Despite the well-known stories, there is no evidence that the Roman emperor, Nero, either started the fire or played the fiddle while it burned. Still, he did use the disaster to further his political agenda.

Hitler’s Decree Concerning Demolitions in the Reich Territory has subsequently become known as the Nero Decree (Wikipedia), after the Roman Emperor Nero, who, according to an apocryphal story, engineered the Great Fire of Rome.

Roman festivals (Wikipedia) -> list of festivals by month, Quintilis 18dies ater (“black day,” meaning a day of ill omen) marking the defeat of the Romans by the Gauls at the Battle of the Allia  in 390 BC, leading to the sack of Rome by the Gauls. 

Here are her notes on Tuesday, August 1…

8/1 (Tuesday) 

Full Moon TUE, 01 AUG 2023 AT 18:31 UTC (In-The-Sky) = 6:31(*) PM, 18:31 is 1111 minutes or 66,660 seconds into the day [time-calculator]. The Full Moon in August is named after North America’s largest fish, the sturgeon. Other names for this Full Moon include Grain Moon, Corn Moon, Lynx Moon, and Lightning Moon (timeanddate). 

• The UK administered the first COVID-19 vaccine in the world, outside of clinical trials.

UK woman [originally from Northern Ireland] becomes first in world to receive Pfizer jab (The Guardian) Margaret Keenan received the jab at 6:31 (*) AM on 8 December 2020.

On the same day -> Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it (NBC news), both 966 days ago. 

*Strong’s Hebrew: 631. asar: to tie, bind, imprison 

Strong’s Greek: 631. apomassó: to wipe off

• The Chinese Civil War (Wikipedia) was fought between the Kuomintang-led government of the Republic of China and forces of the Chinese Communist Party, with armed conflict continuing intermittently from 1 August 1927 until 7 December 1949, and ending with Communist control of mainland China. It began with the Nanchang Uprising(Wikipedia), 96 years ago

China’s Army Day, PLA Day (Wikipedia) is a professional military holiday celebrated by the People’s Liberation Army of the People’s Republic of China on 1 August. It commemorates of the founding of the PLA during the 1927 Nanchang Uprising.

• Armed Forces Day in Syria (timeanddate)

• Lebanese Armed Forces (Wikipedia) were founded on 1 August 1945.

• First White Terror (Wikipedia) The White Terror was a period during the French Revolution in 1795 when a wave of violent attacks swept across much of France. The victims of this violence were people identified as being associated with the Reign of Terror – followers of Robespierre and Marat, and members of local Jacobin clubs. -> Timeline of events leading to the White Terror: 1 August 1794 – Arrest of Jacobin Terrorist Fouquier-Tinville. The Convention repeals the Law of 22 Prairial.

• Iran: The White Revolution (Wikipedia) or the Shah and People Revolution was a far-reaching series of reforms resulting in aggressive modernization in Iran launched on 26 January 1963 by the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, which lasted until 1979, 60 years, 6 months, 6 days ago -> 666

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of Israel) Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Jerusalem Post). Date: 9 March 2022, 511 days ago (inclusive) or in 8/2

• Donald Trump (Wikipedia), served as the 45th president of the United States

Born: 14 June 1946, at 10:54 AM = 0.45… days, 77 years, 7 weeks old (inclusive) or on 8/2.

• Mark Antony (Wikipediadied on 1 August 30 BC (aged 53). 

• Sabbatai Zevi (Wikipedia), was a Jewish mystic and ordained rabbi from Smyrna (now İzmir, Turkey). A kabbalist of Romaniote or Sephardic origin, Zevi, who was active throughout the Ottoman Empire, claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. He was the founder of the Sabbatean movement. Born: 1 August 1626

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for July 28-29, 2023

Here are her notes for Friday, July 28 (with notes on Biden’s travels in blue)…

7/28 (Friday)

World War I Begins (HISTORY) “Convinced that Austria-Hungary was readying for war, the Serbian government ordered the Serbian army to mobilize and appealed to Russia for assistance. On July 28 [1914], Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the tenuous peace between Europe’s great powers quickly collapsed.

Within a week, Russia, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Serbia had lined up against Austria-Hungary and Germany, and World War I had begun.

Jewish calendar (after sunset): 11 Av (5/11 or 11/11)  Shabbat Nachamu, Zelenskyy and his 5.11 Tactical shirt

Joe Biden – President’s Public Schedule (Factba.se, Arch) and Daily guidance and press schedule for Friday, July 28, 2023 (forth.news)

The President will travel to Auburn, Maine [and Brunswick, Maine (Wikipedia)]. He will discuss his Bidenomics at the Auburn Manufacturing Inc. (Wikipedia, Address: PO Box 220, 34 Walker Road, Mechanic Falls, Maine 04256 (*), Contact Us). The company produces heat-and fire-resistant fabrics.. Founded in 1979, Auburn Manufacturing is known for its disputes with Chinese competitors over unfair trade practices. The company manufactures amorphous silica fabric.. Later, the President will participate in a campaign reception. This reception in Freeport, Maine (Wikipedia). 


  • Auburn Manufacturing Inc. = Joe Biden assassination 2x, Angel of the bottomless pit 2x [Wikipedia]
  • Walker Road = Berlin Wall 4x, Mike Pence 2x, Prince Harry 2x, Musicians 2x [Wagner Group]
  • Auburn, Maine = Death Ritual 4x
  • amorphous silica fabric = President Biden will die 2x, “Where we go one, we go all” [QAnon] 2x 
  • Mechanic Falls = JFK assassination 2x  

*Strong’s Hebrew: 4256. machaloqeth: division, course 

Strong’s Greek: 4256. proaitiaomai: to accuse beforehand

7/28 (Friday)

Jewish calendar: 10 Av

Ezekiel 20:1 In the seventh year, on the tenth day of the fifth month, some of the elders of Israel came to inquire of the LORD, and they sat down before me.

•Baptism Day of Kyivan Rus (National Today) and Feast of St. Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles(Society of Saint Pius X)

I don’t know if this could be some kind of tribulation but

Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia), the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia. He also served as the president of Russia and as the prime minister of Russia. Assumed office: 16 January 2020, 1290 days (inclusive) or on 7/29.

•US Vice President Mike Pence visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, he also made a historic speech at the Knesset (abc NEWS). It was his first trip to the Middle East. Date: 23 January 2018, 66 months, 6 days ago (inclusive) or on 7/29 -> 666 [Number of the Beast]

more 7/28

• First inauguration of Barack Obama (Wikipedia) as the 44th president of the United States. The 56th inauguration, which set a record attendance for any event held in the city. Date: 20 January 2009, 5303 days ago (inclusive) or on 7/29

Strong’s Hebrew: 5303. Nephilim: “giants,” name of two peoples, one before the flood and one after the flood

• Obamas Break Ground on Presidential Center (NBC Chicago), Date: Tuesday, 28 September 2021, 669 days ago (inclusive) or on 7/29

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States, Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 6 months, 9 days  ago (inclusive) or on 7/29

Here are her notes for Saturday, July 29 (new additions are at the top in blue)…

7/29 (Saturday)

• Feast of Lazarus (Wikipedia), Western Churches: 29 July [there is a Lazarus in I, Pet Goat II at about 3:12 minutes]

• July 29 (Wikipedia) -> events: 587 BC – The Neo-Babylonian Empire sacks Jerusalem and destroys the First Temple. Date: 29 July 587 BC 

• Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party (history.com) on 29 July 1921, 102 years ago

• Benito MussoliniItalian Duce of Fascism (Wikipedia), Head of Government, Leader of Fascism and Founder of the Empire. Born: 29 July 1883 at 14:00 (Astro), the 140th anniversary of his birth. [14 and 88: Why white supremacists love the numbers.]

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)( IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous organization. Formation: 29 July 1957, 66 years ago. On the same dayFumio Kishida (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Japan was born, his 66th birthday.

• NASA (Wikipedia) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government responsible for the civil space program, aeronautics research, and space research. Formed: 29 July 1958, 65 years ago

7/29 (Saturday)

Essene calendar: 9 Av

Jewish calendar: 11 Av

Islamic calendar: Muharram 11

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: 8 August 2022 = 11 Av

• Death of Bismarck (WikipediaHistory Today), Otto von Bismarck was the first chancellor of Germany with the creation of the North German Confederation and later the German Empire.  Died: 30 July 1898 = 11 Av, Shabbat Nachamu

• Kursk submarine disaster (Wikipedia) The nuclear-powered Project 949A Antey submarine Kursk sank in the Barents Sea. Outcome: Loss of the boat, crew, headquarters personnel, Deaths: 118 (all), Date: 12 August 2000  = 11 Av, Shabbat Nachamu

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia)(also spelled as Ismail Qaani  is an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force — a division primarily responsible for extraterritorial military and clandestine operations. Born: 8 August 1957 = 11 Av =  Muharram 11, his 66th birthday on the Jewish calendar and 68th on the Islamic calendar.

• The 2020 United States presidential election (Wikipedia) was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 999 days ago (inclusive) or on 7/30. Joe Biden breaks Obama’s record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. presidential candidate (CBS News).

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for July 24-27, 2023

Here are her notes for Monday, July 24…

7/24 (Monday)

Julian calendar: 11 July (7/11)

Jewish calendar: 6 Av (5/6 or 11/6)

• Treaty of Lausanne (Wikipedia) is a peace treaty signed in the Palais de Rumine, Lausanne, Switzerland, [after a seven-month conference]. The treaty officially settled the conflict that had originally existed between the Ottoman Empire and the Allied French Republic, British Empire, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Japan, Kingdom of Greece, Kingdom of Serbia, and the Kingdom of Romania since the onset of World War I.

Signed: 24 July 1923, the 100th anniversary

-> category Conspiracy theories: It has been claimed that the treaty was signed to be effective for a century and there are “secret articles” in the treaty regarding Turkey’s mining of natural resources. One conspiracy theory that had following in the 2010s held that the treaty would expire in 2023 and Turkey would be allowed to mine boron [atomic number 5] and petroleum.

• Simon Bolivar Day (National Geographic), celebrated throughout Latin America. Simón Bolívar (Wikipedia), “El Libertador (the Liberator) was a Venezuelan military and political leader who led what are currently the countries of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Panama and Bolivia to independence from the Spanish Empire. 

Born: 24 July 1783, the 240th anniversary of his birth

The Venezuelan War of Independence (Wikipedia) ended on Bolívar’s 40th birthday, on 24 July 1823, the 200th anniversary.

• The Mandate for Palestine (Wikipedia) was a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan, both of which had been conceded by the Ottoman Empire following the end of World War I in 1918. It was approved on 22 July 1922 at a private meeting of the Council of the League of Nations at St. James Palace in London. A public statement confirming this was made by the president of the council on 24 July.

• Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNN). 

Date: 22 May 2017, 322 [Skull and Bones] weeks or 6 years 2 months 2 days ago -> 622

Strong’s Hebrew: 622. asaph: to gather, remove; Strong’s Greek: 622. apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly Usage: (a) I kill, destroy, (b) I lose, mid: I am perishing (the resultant death being viewed as certain).

Also 2255 days or 6 years 2 months 3 days ago (inclusive or on 7/25) -> Strong’s Greek: 2255. hémisus: half, Strong’s Hebrew: 2255. chabal: to destroy, hurt

Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11). Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites

Here are the numbers Onnabugeisha is talking about (for Monday, 7/24)…

…from Time and Date. And if you do an inclusive count, you get the same numbers as 7/25 (below).

Here are the numbers for Tuesday, 7/25…

…from Time and Date

Here are her notes for Tuesday, July 25…

7/25 (Tuesday)

Jewish calendar: 7 Av (5/7 or 11/7)

Chinese calendar: 6th Month 8

• Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People (Wikipedia) …it was met with sharp criticism internationally, including from several prominent Jewish American organizations, and has been branded as racist and undemocratic by some critics

Date: 19 July 2018 = 7 Av

• The Edict of Expulsion (Wikipedia) was a royal decree issued by King Edward I expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England.

Date: 18 July 1290 (Julian) = 25 July = 9 Av 5050 (converter

• The Washington Declaration (UN Peacemaker) was signed by Yitzhak Rabin (5th Prime Minister of Israel), King Hussein (of Jordan) and Bill Clinton (42nd U.S. President) in Washington, DC. The declaration formally ended the 46-year state of war between Jordan and Israel. The declaration committed both Jordan and Israel to aim at the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace between Arab states and the Palestinians, with Israel. Israel–Jordan peace treaty (Wikipedia) -> History 

Date: 25 July 1994, 29 years ago

(From my previous: 

• Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNN).

Date: 22 May 2017, 2255 days or 6 years 2 months 3 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2255. hémisus: half, Strong’s Hebrew: 2255. chabal: to destroy, hurt

Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11). Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites)

• President Truman and Secretary Acheson signed the Instrument of Accession, making the United States a founding member of NATO (nato.int). Date: 25 July 1949, 74 years or 888 months ago

Chinese calendar:

•The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia) were a granite monument (and a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists) that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. The guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing, and were dismantled later that day. 

Date: 6 July 2022 6th Month 8, year of the Tiger

7/24-25 is Saint Christopher [like Columbus] feast day (Wikipedia), a giant or ogre, sometimes a dog-headed man; patronage: storms, Vilnius, Havana,…

Here are her notes for Wednesday, July 26…

7/26 (Wednesday)

Jewish calendar8 Av (5/8 or 11/8)

Civil War in Jerusalem (67 CE), Fighting breaks out inside the besieged city of Jerusalem between Jewish factions divided on the question of whether or not to fight the Roman armies…

Julian calendar: 13 JulyLudi Apollinares  (Wikipedia) in honor of the god Apollo. The tradition goes that at the first celebration hereof, they were suddenly invaded by the enemy, and obliged to take to their arms. A cloud of darts and arrows fell upon their enemies, and the Romans soon returned victorious to their sports.

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States

Date: 20 January 2021, 2 years, 6 months, 6 days ago -> 266 -> Strong’s Greek: 266. hamartia: a sin, failure

Hamartia (Wikipedia) “is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error that leads to a chain of actions which culminate in a reversal of events from felicity to disaster.”

• Hunter Biden’s plea dealHe will make his first court appearance at 10 a.m. July 26 at the federal courthouse in Wilmington, Del. (The Hill)

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States

Date: 20 January 2017, 6 years, 6 months, 6 days ago -> 666 -> Number of the Beast

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president (CNN).

Date: 19 July 2016, 7 years 7 days ago

[In the video attached to the article, Donald Trump Jr. says: “I’ve had the incredible honor … to watch as a small fly on the wall what my father has done.” ->  Lord of the “fly”.]

• Obamas Break Ground on Presidential Center (NBC Chicago)

Date: Tuesday, 28 September 2021, 666 days ago -> Number of the Beast

• Hillary Clinton officially becomes the Democratic Party nominee for president (CNN Fast Facts), Date: 26 July 2016, 7 years ago

• The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 

(Wikipedia) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States and its principal federal law enforcement agency.

Formed: 26 July 1908, 115 years ago [the number 77 is 115 in octal]

• July Revolution (Wikipedia) The French Revolution of 1830, also known as the Second French Revolution, or Trois Glorieuses (“Three Glorious [Days]”)

Outcome: Abdication of Charles X, Ascension of Louis Philippe to the French throne and establishment of the constitutional July Monarchy

Start date: 26 July 1830, 193 years ago [44th prime]

• The National Security Act of 1947 (Wikipedia) was signed into law by President Truman on 26 July 1947, while aboard his VC-54C presidential aircraft Sacred Cow. Jewish calendar: 9 Av, Shabbat Chazon, Erev Tish’a B’Av 

Jewish calendar

• Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his immediate family and retainers are executed by Bolshevik Chekists at the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, Russia -> Murder of the Romanov family (WikipediaHISTORY). [There are claims that Dmitry Medvedev (the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia) is a descendant of Tsar Nicholas II.]

Date: on the night of 16–17 July 1918 = 8 Av, Erev Tish’a B’Av

After sunset

• 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony

(Wikipedia) in the Olympic Stadium, London

Date: 27 July 2012 at 21:00 [Sunset in London, UK 20:56] = 9 Av Shabbat Chazon, Erev Tish’a B’Av

Here are her notes for Thursday, July 27…

Date duration: 7/26 (inclusive) or 7/27

• Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNN).

Date: 22 May 2017, 6 years, 66 days ago

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan).

Date: 27 May 2016, it is “normally” 7 years, 2 months [72 (number)-> in religion] or 86 months ago-> Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). Atomic bombings of Hiroshima occurred on 6 August (8/6) = 27 Av (5/27), Obama visited Hiroshima on 5/27(Gregorian). Hiroshima was bombed after an ultimatum, the Potsdam Declaration, issued on 26 July.

Both numbers 72 and 86 are significant but it is also 6 years, 60 weeks, 6 days ago -> 666 -> Number of the Beast and note that it is normalized 6 years, 426 days -> Chernobyl disaster date4/26/1986.

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News)Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia), 69 weeks, 6 days ago

• The Panmunjom Declaration (Wikipediafor Peace, Prosperity and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula

Signed: 27 April 2018, 1917 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 1917. epiboulé: a plan against Usage: a plot, design against. or 5 years 3 [53 -> your blog on 4 March 2023] months ago or it could be also 62 months, 30 days ago-> 623 -> Strong’s Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss

7/27 (Thursday)

Julian calendar: 7/14 [converter]

Jewish calendar: 9 Av (5/9 or 11/9 or d/m date format -> 9/11)

Islamic calendar: Muharram 9, (1/9)

Chinese calendar: 6th Month 10

Revelation 9:11 They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon.

• Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War (Wikipedia) is a national holiday in North Korea celebrated on July 27 to mark the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement  (Wikipedia) [on 27 July 1953, the 70th anniversary] which brought a cease fire to the Fatherland Liberation War.

• Battle of Fidonisi (Wikipediabetween the fleets of the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire during the Russo-Turkish War (1787–1792) in the area of Snake Island, which in Greek was called Fidonisi. It was a Russian victory.

Date: 14 July 1788 (O.S., the letters O.S. stand for “Old Style”/the Julian calendar). Points: Snake (Serpent) Island (Wikipedia-> Ancient history), Snake Island campaign (Wikipedia), Zelenskyy visits Snake Island to mark 500 days of war (CBS News). 

Chinese calendar:

• Assassination of Shinzo Abe (Wikipedia)

Date: [the 28th anniversary of the death of Kim Il Sung] 8 July 2022 = 6th Month 10

Francis Xavier reached Japan on 27 July 1549 (Julian = 8/6 Proleptic Gregorian -> see Hiroshima above), with Anjiro and three other Jesuits, but he was not permitted to enter any port his ship arrived at until 15 August, when… (Wikipedia).

Date duration: 7/27 (inclusive) or 7/28

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News)Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia)

Date: 25 Mar 2022, 70 weeks or 11,760 hours ago -> yet again Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine godBeelzebub (Wikipedia)

Evening of Thu, Jul 27, 2023 – Fri, Jul 28, 2023 is The Day of AshuraAshura (Wikipedia) a day of commemoration in Islam. In Shia IslamMourning the death of Husayn ibn Ali; In Sunni Islam: Celebrating the salvation of Moses and the Israelites from their enslavement in Biblical Egypt.

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for July 23, 2023

7/23 (Sunday)

Essene Calendar: 3 Av First Fruits of New Wine -> SkyWatchTV at about 3:30 minutes mark: Do these hidden biblical feasts reveal 2025 is the start of the final age of man !?

Jewish calendar5 Av (5/5 or d/m format: 5/11)

Islamic calendar: Muharram 5, 1445 AH

Chinese calendar6th Month 6 is the Double Sixth Festival (Wikipedia) meaning the gift or reward from heaven. Some believe that there exists the king of worms, others believe in the prince of the seedling..

• Neptunalia (Wikipedia), was an obscure archaic two-day festival in honor of Neptune as god of waters, celebrated at Rome in the heat and drought of summer, probably 23 July. 

• Chinese Communist Party (Wikipedia), officially the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the founding and sole ruling party of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Founded: 23 July 1921, 102 years ago

Strong’s Hebrew: 102. agaph: a band, army; Gematria 102: Art of War, World War, Russian Invasion

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal.

Created: 14 July 2015, 96 months, 9 days ago.

Date effective: 18 October 2015 (adoption, Obama White House) = Muharram 4 or 5, 8 Islamic years since the adoption.

• Qasem Soleimani (Wikipedia) was the commander of the Quds Force until his assassination,… considered by some analysts to be the right-hand man of the Supreme Leader of Iran as well as the second-most powerful person in Iran behind him.

Born: Monday, 11 March 1957, 24240 days ago -> Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) was July 23, 2014. And the “Trump Era” began on that day (FiveThirtyEight.com), the 9th anniversary.

explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022

• New Albion (Wikipedia) abandoned: 23 July 1579, 444 years ago, “Sailing away on 23 July and leaving behind no colony, Drake eventually circumnavigated the globe and returned to England in September 1580.”

Jewish and Chinese calendars:

World War I Begins (HISTORY) “Convinced that Austria-Hungary was readying for war, the Serbian government ordered the Serbian army to mobilize and appealed to Russia for assistance. On July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the tenuous peace between Europe’s great powers quickly collapsed.

Within a week, Russia, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Serbia had lined up against Austria-Hungary and Germany, and World War I had begun.

Start date: 28 July 1914 = Av 6th Month 6, year of the Tiger

• Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Wikipedia)

Signed: 1 July 1968 = 6th Month 6, year of the Monkey

• Washington, D.C. (HISTORY) a compromise between Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison—known as the Residence Act—was passed, declaring George Washington’s selection of a site on the Potomac River as the nation’s new permanent capital.

Date: 16 July 1790 = 5 Av 5550 (5/5/5550)

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for July 21-22, 2023

Here are her notes for Friday, July 21…

7/21 (Friday) 

Nehemiah 6:15 So the wall was completed in fifty-two days, on the twenty-fifth of Elul. ->

25 Elul is the 1st day of creation = 9/11/2023, 21 or 22 July + 52 = 11 September

Daniel (biblical figure) (Wikipedia)

Feast: 21 July (Roman Catholicism)

[17 December (Greek Orthodoxy), it means on Saturnalia]

and here is something related to Daniel ->

• Charles and Camilla meet Pope Francis, tour Vatican archives (Catholic News Agency) Pope Francis urged Charles to be a man of peace.

Date: 4 April 2017, 2300 days ago (inclusive).

You wrote about ‘2300 days’ on 26 December 2022 and at the beginning of January.

Daniel 8:14 He said to me, “It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be properly restored.”

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia), the Vatican’s Secretary of State

Appointed: 15 October 2013, 9 years, 9 months 6 days or 117 months, 6 days ago -> Strong’s Hebrew 1176. Baal Zebub: “Baal of flies,” a Philistine god

Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon. In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan. -> category Judaism: Rabbinical literature commentary equates Baal-zebub of Ekron as lord of the “fly”. 

It reminded me of this event: A fly landed on Mike Pence’s head (CBS News)

• Former US vice president Mike Pence toured Hebron and visited the Tomb of the Patriarchs. (The Times of IsraelAnd while we are on the topic of storms. Mufti slams Pence for ‘storming’ Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Jerusalem Post)

Date: 9 March 2022, 500 days ago (inclusive)

Strong’s Greek: 500. antichristos: antichrist, (one who opposes Christ) Usage: antichrist, either one who puts himself in the place of, or the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah.

Strong’s Hebrew 500. Elale: “God ascends,” four Israelites

• July 21 (Wikipedia) -> events: 356 BC – The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is destroyed by arson.

Islamic calendar: 3 Muharram

Muharram (Wikipedia) -> Incidents that occurred during this month -> 3 Muharram: Husayn ibn Ali enters Karbala and establishes camp. Yazid’s forces are present. 61 AH (680 AD). [And one week later on 10 Muharram: Referred to as the Day of Ashurah (lit. “the Tenth”), the day on which Husayn ibn Ali was martyred in the Battle of Karbala.]

After sunset:

Shabbat of Prophecy/Shabbat of Vision 

(Shabbat Chazon)

Here are her notes for Saturday, July 22…

7/22 (Saturday)

Pi Approximation Day (National TodayRatcatcher’s Day (National Today)

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal

Created: 14 July 2015, 8 years 8 days ago

• King David Hotel bombing (Wikipedia)

The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization the Irgun. Deaths 91, Injured 46

Date: 22 July 1946, 77 years ago

[just yesterday I found the McCarthy 91 function -> John McCarthy (computer scientist) was one of the founders of the discipline of artificial intelligence.]

• 2011 Norway attacks (Wikipedia), referred to in Norway as 22 July or as 22/7, were two domestic terrorist attacks by far right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp, in which a total 77 people were killed. 

Date: 22 July 2011

I remembered your 19 July 2022 post: “You may have seen reports of Europe’s July 22 “Doomsday”…”. It was related to the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. 
  1. Pipeline because 22 July is Pi Approximation Day.
  2. Pipeline because 22 July is Ratcatcher’s Day. He is the Pied Piper or Pan Piper who plays a silver pipe/flute (Wikipedia).

[There was Ceres (Wikipedia) at solar conjunction on that day last year.]

This year we have Pluto at opposition: SAT, 22 JUL 2023 AT 12:23 UTC (In-The-Sky), it also makes its closest approach to the Earth – termed its perigee – making it appear at its brightest.

Now coming back to the Pied Piper of Hamelin (Wikipedia) -> note Maxfield Parrish’s mural of the Pied Piper of Hamelin at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco.  ->  President Harding’s mysterious S.F. death (SFGATE) “On the evening of Aug. 21923, President Warren Harding lay in bed in Room 8064, the eighth-floor presidential suite of the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.” It will be the 100th anniversary of his death. Warren Harding (Wikipedia) Nicknamed “Winnie” as a small child,…

From your blog today: “On top of this, Pence’s desecration will reach its 511th day on August 2”.

additional info:

• You wrote about Pluto on 21 and 27 February 2022.

• Pluto (mythology) (Wikipedia)(Greek: Ploutōn) was the ruler of the Greek underworld… ruled the deep earth that contained the seeds necessary for a bountiful harvest.

•12:23 PM is 743 minutes into the day -> Strong’s Greek: 743. archaggelos: a chief angel, i.e. archangel, Usage: a ruler of angels, a superior angel, an archangel.

Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for July 19-20, 2023

Here are her notes on Wednesday, July 19…

7/19 (Wednesday)

Islamic calendar: Islamic New Year [Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar] Muharram 1, 1445 AH

Jewish calendar: 1 Av (5/1 or 11/1)

Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury

WED, 19 JUL 2023 AT  08:57 UTC (In The Sky) -> 8.95 hours -> Strong’s Hebrew: 895. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon

• Russia’s invasion of Ukraine enters 511th day.

Russian invasion of Ukraine (Wikipedia or Address by the President of the Russian Federation) Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Date: Thursday, 24 February 2022 [ 23 Adar I, 6/23 = Apollyon]

Gematria overlaps:

5.11 Tactical (Wikipedia)(pronounced “five eleven tactical”)

five eleven tactical = President Macron 2x (almost 3x), Vilnius Lithuania 2x (almost 3x)

I often see this numerical “phenomenon”-> reverse ordinal: five eleven tactical is 312, President Macron and Vilnius Lithuania are 231) 

Jewish Gematria: Saturn = 511 (Gematrix)

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus. (en.kremlin.ru)

Date: 7 January 2020, 1290 days ago (inclusive)

• The Great New York City Fire of 1845 (Wikipedia) broke out in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The fire started in a whale oil and candle manufacturing establishment and quickly spread to other wooden structures.

Date: 19 July 1845, 178 years ago

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States

Date: 20 January 2021, 911 days ago (inclusive)

• Ron DeSantis (Wikipedia), the 46th and current governor of Florida

Born: September 14, 1978 (Jacksonville, Florida, United States) 44 years, 44 weeks

or 44 years 308 days old.

He has the same birthday as Dmitry Medvedev (Wikipedia)

a little about #46 and Joe Biden: (Gematria Effect News)

• Donald Trump becomes the Republican Party nominee for president. (CNN)

Date: 19 July 2016, 7 years ago

Jewish calendar:

Av (Wikipedia)

The Babylonian Talmud states that “when we enter [the month of] Av, our joy is diminished“. This is because the darkest events in Jewish history occurred during the first week and a half of this month, particularly the Nine Days which culminate in Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of Av.

The Sequence of Plagues (Hebrew4Christians)

Av 1 – Blood 

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)( IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons.

Formation: 29 July 1957 = Muharram 1, 1377 AH = 1 Av

• Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Grand Ayatollah of Iran, the Supreme Leader of Iran and a Telver Shi’a marja.

Born: 17 July 1939 according to Jewish Virtual Library  = 1  Av 5699

[19 April 1939 according to Wikipedia]

These other two points are on the Jewish calendar and also on 20 July (Thursday) ->

• Turkish invasion of Cyprus (Wikipedia)

Start date: Saturday, 20 July 1974 = 1 Av = Jumada II 30, 1394 AH

• Montreux Convention (Wikipedia) is an international agreement governing the Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits in TurkeyStraits in Turkey (Wikipedia) -> Straits Question: The Straits have had major maritime strategic importance at least since Bronze-age armies fought the Trojan War …This Convention gives the Republic of Turkey control over warships entering the straits but guarantees the free passage of civilian vessels in peacetime.

Signed: 20 July 1936 =  1 Av

Here are her notes on Thursday, July 20…

7/20 (Thursday)

Julian calendar: 7/7/2+0+2+3 >>> 777

International Chess Day (Wikipedia) is celebrated annually on 20 July, the day the International Chess Federation (FIDE) was founded, in 1924.

• Pope Francis visited Nagasaki and Hiroshima

(Catholic News AgencyMeeting for peace)

Date: Sunday, 24 November 2019, 1335 days ago (inclusive)

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus. (en.kremlin.ru)

Date: 7 January 2020 = Jumada I 12, 1441 AH (Islamic), 1290 days ago

It was the 253rd [11×23] Islamic anniversary of the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (WikipediaBritannica) Signed: July 10 [July 21, New Style], 1774 = Jumada I 12, 1188 AH

• Battle of Ankara (Wikipedia) between the forces of the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I and the Emir of the Timurid Empire, Timur. The battle was a major victory for Timur, and it led to the Ottoman Civil War

Date: 20 July 1402 (Julian)

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States

Date: 20 January 2021, 911 days ago

I also have these three points for 7/20. 

• 20 July plot (Wikipedia) was a failed attempt to assassinate the German dictator Adolf Hitler and overthrow the Nazi regime on 20 July 1944.

• The Reichskonkordat (Wikipedia) (“Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich”) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats that the Vatican negotiated during the pontificate of Pius XI. It is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust.

Signed: 20 July 1933 

• Pietro Parolin (Wikipedia), the Vatican’s Secretary of State

Appointed: 15 October 2013, 9 years, 9 months, 6 days days ago (inclusive)

7/20 (Thursday)

Joe Biden will travel to Philadelphia.

I’ve found this article The Inquirer and Media Advisory Forth news.

The President’s remarks at Philly Shipyard

Estimated Time of Remarks: 12:30 PM ET

Where: Philly Shipyard, 2100 Kitty Hawk Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19112

Gematria overlaps:

Philly Shipyard = Sturmabreilung [Wikipedia, literally “Storm Division” or Storm Troopers, was the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party.] 2x, The Storm Is Here 2x, Watch The Water 2x, Esmail Qaani 2x, Burnt offering 2x, Order of Malta 2x

• Joe Biden (Wikipedia), the 46th and current president of the United States.

Born: 20 November 1942, at 8:30 AM (Astro-Databank) = 510 minutes, 80 years, 8 months old (exactly) -> Wikipedia: 88 (number) -> cultural significance -> In Chinese culture: fortune and good luck, also “bye bye

-> In neo-Nazism: as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.

• Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States

Date: 20 January 2021, 911 days (exactly)

• Inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia) as the 45th president of the United States

Date: 20 January 2017, years, 6 months ago

-> U.S. Route 66 (Wikipedia) -> in popular culture

• Philadelphia (Wikipedia) -> etymology [official]: Ancient Greek: phílos (beloved, dear) + adelphós (brother, brotherly)

my viewphílos (beloved, dear) + Philadelphia + Delphi (Wikipedia)

Another event on this day in history:

• 1932 Prussian coup d’état (Wikipedia) or Preußenschlag took place on 20 July 1932, when Reich President Paul von Hindenburg, at the request of Franz von Papen, then Reich Chancellor of Germany, replaced the legal government of the Free State of Prussia with von Papen as Reich Commissioner, 91 years ago -> (Wikipedia) 91 = duodecimal 77 or the McCarthy 91 function 😉 and more…