Category Archives: Globalist Agenda Watch 2025

Globalist Agenda Watch 2025 – February Updates

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The NWO Transition Event Overwatch
Don’t Be Fooled when it comes

Twice-Expanded WARNING (20 February 2025): Donald Trump has tweeted that the time is nigh for New York City. Will it be a “nuke” attack or a “tsunami torpedo” strike (by Artemis)?…

…from a pillar of a cathedral in New York City in this Untapped Cities article. Here is an excerpt...

If you examine the intricate, stone facade of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, you might notice something out of the ordinary: presumably etched onto its pillars is a depiction of New York as the new “Babylon the Great” — the most infamous, luxurious, and powerful city in the world. However, these apocalyptic pillars ascribe the same tragic fate to New York as that of Babylon, illustrating the End of Days for the city as it falls to the hands of God.


There’s also this: in Donald Trump’s tweet about ending congestion pricing in New York, there is a gematria-encoded message which reads “Manhattan, and all of New York, is [DEVASTATEE]”

…from X

Let me explain…

The Kabbalists are gematria freaks, and my partner Onnabugeisha has found some very interesting gematria in the capitalized passages of “CONGESTION PRICING IS DEAD” and “LONG LIVE THE KING” (which I’ll show you later today). So as I was eating lunch at my desk and pondering the tweet, I wondered why “SAVED” was also capitalized, and I read the word backwards: “DEVAS“. On a hunch, I decided to see if the gematria of “DEVAS” equalled “TATED” (as in “DEVASTATED“). I found that it was only one point off of a perfect 4X match

…from Gematria Effect News

So I changed the last letter from a “D” to an “E” and got the perfect match…

In English, the word PAYEE refers to the recipient of a payment, so the word DEVASTATEE refers to the recipient of a devastation.

~ MORE ~

Here are some of the gematria matches Onna found on the capitalized passages in Trump’s tweet…

congestion pricing is dead = Donald Trump is the Antichrist 2x, Lincoln assassination 2x

…from Gematria Effect News

Long Live The King Lord God Almighty 4x (Google Search, Genesis 17:1Wikipedia), Lord of the Rings 3x, Jewish God Yahweh 3x (Wikipedia), bolt of lightning 4x (Yahweh lightning –Google Search), the Great Pyramid 3x 

NOTE (19 February 2025): In the 16 February update below, I pointed out how well Trump has been made to fit the role of the “little horn” of the 10-horned fourth beast of Daniel 7. Well look at what a reader just sent me…

…from X and Gematria Effect News

Upon seeing the reader’s note, I went to Google to search for the official White House X account to make sure this isn’t a fake. And the link led me to the above account and tweet, so it appears to be genuine. Now note the time it was posted: 1:31 PM >>> 131, which led me to Revelation 13:1

1 Then I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the sea. There were ten royal crowns on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. 2 The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

3 One of the heads of the beast appeared to have been mortally wounded. But the mortal wound was healed, and the whole world marveled and followed the beast. 4 They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?”

5 The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months… – from Revelation 13 at Bible Hub

I’ll ask Onnabugeisha to check the gematria of “long live the king” to see if it leads to anything else that’s interesting. The “king” might not live so long if Trump is playing the role of a precursor to the “main” Antichrist.


On Sunday, February 16, Antichrist Saturn Trump rode in the presidential limousine, nicknamed “THE BEAST, around the race track at the Daytona 500 (500 = antichrist ascends)…

…from InfoWars

He did this on Sunday afternoon, after Israel had entered the Hebrew day of 19 Shevat (Hebrew Monday and the 500th day of the Israel-Hamas War) [1,2]. Did the “End Times” prophecy nuts surrounding Trump arrange this to serve as the 7-day Noah Warning for the start of “THE (FIRE) STORMon February 23?

While we’re on the subject of Antichrist Saturn Trump, have a look at what my partner Onna came across…

…from The Guardian

Trump is expected to speak on the final day of the February 19-22 CPAC, just like he did last year. So his “deification will be complete” on Saturn’s Day, February 22 (2/22 >>> 222), the day before THE STORM may begin. I’ll show you the significance of the number 222 (according to the idiot numerologists) as we approach the weekend. Here are some links if you want to look into it yourself: 222 Hebrew, 222 Greek, Alexander the Great and the Jews, 222 in the Bible.

As for the “I am your retribution” part, it has two meanings: according to biblical thinking, Satan tempts us to take earthly retribution against our enemies instead of leaving it to God and Satan is often the instrument that inflicts divine retribution against the sinful when God withdraws his protection from the sinners.” So with this statement, the false idol Trump is both tempting us to take earthly retribution and telling us that he will be the one who inflicts “divine” retribution against us.

~ MORE ~

The Kabbalists, “Yahweh’s Li’l Retards” as I like to call them, are obsessed with the gypsy arts (like numerology), and they’re throwing in the kitchen sink in this Trump setup: Trump’s February 22 “deification” will occur 33 days after his January 20 inauguration. And if you count from January 21, the day Trump went to Washington National Cathedral and was rebuked by its bishop, February 22 is Day 33 of his “desecration of the holy place.” So 33 days since his rebuking will be marked on February 23.

~ from yesterday – 18 February 2025 ~

If the Kabbalists kill off Pope Francis on February 19 or 20, they could schedule his funeral for next Monday, February 24, the third anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This would likely result in the gathering of the European leaders and the Francis-appointed commie cardinals in Rome on Sunday the 23rd, which is the same day as the German federal election and the funeral of Hezbollah’s slain leader, Hassan Nasrallah. February 23 also marks 505 days (55) since the start of the Israel-Hamas War. These factors make February 23 a potential high-danger day (with a false-savior option), so I want to nip it in the bud. Further explanation to come tomorrow.

NOTE (17 February 2025): It looks like we’ve earned a reprieve for today, but the threat will continue through the Hebrew day of 20 Shevat / February 18 (which marks 500 days since the Israel-Hamas War started).

WARNING (17 February 2025): One of the prophecy propagandists just gave us a time for the big event that is/was planned for today: 6:42:12 PM (probably EST / Florida time — Trump is at Mar-a-Lago today). Watch this 1 minute video. The timing cue it references was from a movie that features a plane crash at that precise time. See yesterday’s note below for more clues…

Based on everything we’re looking at, the most obvious scripting for today’s event would be Air Force One crashing while taking Trump from Florida to Washington. Such a trip is not on his daily schedule, but Trump’s schedules frequently leave things out. So will Air Force One be taken out by an “Iranian” drone or MANPADS missile that has come across the Mexican border? Remember that Trump has given orders to obliterate Iran if he’s assassinated, and Netanyahu just yesterday talked of finishing off Iran with Trump’s help. So will Bibi’s puppet take one for the team today?

~ MORE ~

After looking through my partner Onna’s notes on the occult cues for today, I see that an alternative scenario is also possible: that Trump survives the assassination attempt and it gets laid at the feet of the CIA. Trump would then declare martial law and begin mass arrests.

NOTE (16 February 2025): If they kill off Pope Francis on Monday or Tuesday, they can hit a sweet timing window for a funeral strike on February 21. I’ll tell you why it’s sweet if they go for it. Also, reader Sohei has informed me that Trump flew Air Force One over the Daytona 500 today after Israel entered the Hebrew Day 500 of the Israel-Hamas War. Not very subtle, are they? Remember Carter and planes. There are also rumors that a financial crisis regarding a lack of gold in European banks could break out soon (amid calls today to audit Fort Knox) — that’s another way to end the American Century.

The Invictus Games ended today, will they try to kill off Prince Harry in a plane crash on the way home?


They were planning to kill off Pope Francis to gather the EU leaders together next week; now they’re using an emergency summit to do it…

…from Politico

They’ve decided to gather them in Paris on Monday, which is Day 500 of the Israel-Hamas War (500 = “antichrist ascends”), so we could be looking at an event of wider scope than just Europe. And the event we’re looking at in Europe is a decapitation strike on the Paris summit — a Nazionist attack on their gathered commie enemies that will be made to look like a commie false-flag to take NATO into the Ukraine War.

The decapitation strike could come as early as sunset on Sunday (tomorrow) in Paris or Jerusalem; that’s when Jewish Monday begins and most of the leaders will have arrived in Paris for the next day’s summit. I’ll crunch some numbers to see what they’re aiming for, but here are some to start with…

> The Monday summit comes 72 days (a very important number to the Kabbalists) after the 7 December (Pearl Harbor Day) Notre Dame Cathedral reopening ceremony in Paris last year.

> It also comes 6 months, 22 days after the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics (which featured a funeral procession on the Seine). In Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, number 622 is “to gather, collect, assemble” (the commie leaders) and “to destroy, to perish, to lose“.

> Expressed in days, it comes 206 days after the Olympic ceremony, and 206 is the “end” of “wickedness” (of the “Commie Deep State“).

~ MORE – 16 February 2025 ~

Watch for the Kabbalists to fake the fulfillment of Daniel 7 tonight or tomorrow…

In the preparatory prophecy propaganda the Kabbalists have put out, the “second coming of Saturn” is strongly connected to the 21 December 2020 “Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn. So I checked the day counts from the Conjunction to Monday the 17th and found this…

> The Monday Paris summit occurs exactly 217 weeks after the Conjunction. And in Strong’s Bible Concordance, number 217 is “fire” and “salt“. These words recall the Bible story of the destruction of Sodom.

This is what Strong’s says about the Hebrew word for “fire”

The Hebrew word “אוּר” (ur) primarily denotes “fire” or “light.” It is used in the context of physical fire, such as that used for warmth, cooking, or sacrifice. It can also symbolize divine presence, judgment, or purification. In some contexts, “ur” is associated with the light of God’s guidance or revelation.

For the word Greek word “salt,” Strong’s connects it to the Hebrew word for salt, which was used in the context of the destruction of Sodom [1,2].

So the summit, led by France’s Macron (who is widely suspected to be a sodomite), faces judgment and destruction by Saturn Trump.

> Expressed in days, the summit comes 1519 days after the Conjunction, and number 1519 is “to burst forth” “into“. This is what Strong’s says about the Hebrew word “to burst forth”

The Hebrew verb “giach” primarily conveys the action of bursting forth or breaking out. It is often used in contexts that describe a sudden or forceful emergence, such as the breaking forth of water or the birth of a child. The term can also imply a sense of vigor or intensity in the action described.

This word is used only once in the Bible, in Daniel 7, which speaks of the forceful emergence of four “beasts” from the sea. Of particular note is the fourth beast…

7 After this, as I watched in my vision in the night, suddenly a fourth beast appeared, and it was terrifying — dreadful and extremely strong — with large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed; then it trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the beasts before it, and it had ten horns. 8 While I was contemplating the horns, suddenly another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like those of a man and a mouth that spoke words of arrogance.

The description of this beast fits the G7, and the “little horn” fits Trump. The G7 has 10 kings: the 7 leaders of the 7 nations, the 2 leaders of the EU, and Pope Francis (the king whose domain sits at the heart of Rome, one of the G7 capital cities). And Trump came up from among these 10 kingdoms, and he is about to uproot some of the first horns with the strike on Paris. “A mouth that spoke words of arrogance” also fits him perfectly.

As you can see, then, Monday could be the day the world “bursts forth into” the reign of Saturn Trump. He may be the antichrist who ascends on Day 500 of the Israel-Hamas War. And even if they don’t strike the summit, the uprooting of the three horns by “little horn” Trump can take place this way: he has already uprooted Biden, Pope Francis’s death could be the second uprooting, and the takedown of the current German government in the upcoming election could be the third.

That being said, there is another interpretation to be considered: that of the Kabbalist prophecy propagandist Joel Richardson, who asserts that the “little horn” is the “Muslim Antichrist”. And if you take a moment to think about it, Monday is the perfect time for the Muslim Antichrist to take down the West…

  • Monday is Day 500 of the Israel Hamas War, the day “antichrist ascends“.
  • Monday comes in the wake of Trump’s plan to clear the Palestinians out of Gaza, with the West Bank and Jerusalem being next on the to-do list. If the Muslim Antichrist moves to stop this, he can pose as the “Mahdi“.

As I’ve mentioned in past entries, the script of the “End Times” stageplay has the “Satanic Global Communist Deep State” partnering with the “Turkish Muslim Antichrist” to take down Christian civilization. It is for this reason that the leftist leaders have thrown the borders of the West wide open so the Muslim Antichrist can send in his Grey Wolves and other terror proxies (ISIS, Al Qaeda, et al.) as unarmed migrants. And with the Ukraine War, the leftist leaders have armed the migrants with military weapons laundered through Ukraine and pushed Russia to the brink of starting a nuclear war. So with an Operation Blackjack-type operation on Monday, targeting both the West and Russia, the migrant armies can be unleashed and the escalation spiral to a full nuclear exchange between the Christian West and Christian East can be initiated.

This scenario is also mentioned in Daniel 7

11 Then I kept watching because of the arrogant words the horn was speaking. As I continued to watch, the beast was slain, and its body was destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. 12 As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was removed, but they were granted an extension of life for a season and a time.

(15 February 2025) – The Kabbalists are/were planning to act out the opening of the Gate to Hell today to make Trump’s threat that “all hell is gonna break out” (of the Abyss) come true. My partner Onna has found further occult confirmation of this:

Today, February 15, is February 2 on the Julian calendar. And February 2 was the day the second part of Sementivae was celebrated in ancient Rome…

Sementivae, also known as Feriae Sementivae or Sementina dies (in the country called Paganalia), was a Roman festival of sowing…

It was held in honor of Ceres (the goddess of agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth). The initial half of the event was a festival in honor of Tellus which ran from January 24 through January 26. The festival honoring Ceres occurred one week later, starting February 2. – from Wikipedia

Ceres was the Roman goddess of agriculture and grain crops (like Ukrainian grain), and she was also the guardian of Rome’s underworld portals — she is the one the gods would go to if they wanted to open the Gate to Hell. So we have this festival of Ceres occurring in conjunction with the “signs in the heavens” I covered in the 13 February note. And just like the dwarf planet named after her, one of the symbols of Ceres is the sickle, which featured in those “heavenly signs.”

If we can get past midnight o’clock and rabbinical midnight without a big attack today, we will have dodged a bullet. But there are more bullets coming.

(14 February 2025) – Watch for a VIP death tomorrow

What I was planning to write about today seems less necessary now that Hamas has been instructed to resume the hostage releases. But we still need to watch for a European false flag to escalate the Ukraine War (one has already been tried). We also need to continue watching for a major death or disappearance tomorrow (possibly of Trump, Putin or Netanyahu) that could trigger a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario from February 15 through 18.

On a related death note, Pope Francis has been admitted to the hospital. It happened today (Rome time), and a reader has pointed out that today marks the 777th day of Pope Benedict’s death on December 31, 2022. That means that tomorrow marks 777 days since Benedict’s death, so Francis’s death or resignation tomorrow would suit the numerologists just fine and could be used to create a new Armageddon setup next week or at the end of the month.

In the 10 February warning below, I mentioned this…

No sooner had I posted the warning on February 17-18 than the trigger setup began taking shape in news reports. First, reader Sohei informed me that the Munich Security Conference will take place from February 14-16 (it is a false flag target — to be blamed on Russia — and the war clown Zelensky will be there).

Well my partner Onna has noted two occult cues the Kabbalists could use to script the hit on Munich and Zelensky: when President Trump issued his warning about all hell breaking out on Saturday, he used the words “Saturday at twelve o’clock“, and in two different systems of gematria, “Saturday at twelve o’clock=Munich Security Conference“…

…from Gematria Effect News

She also notes that Volodymyr Zelensky — who is Jewish — was born on 25 January 1978 at 2 PM, which was the Hebrew day of 17 Shevat 5738. And tomorrow is 17 Shevat 5785, Zelensky’s 47th Jewish birthday. 47 is Trump’s current president number, so will Saturn Trump strike down his enemies tomorrow and blame it on a “Commie Deep State false flag”?


Trump as “Red Caesar” / “American Hitler” and February 15

When Trump issued his “Saturday at noon” warning to Hamas and warned of the consequences for their non-compliance, he used these exact words:

let hell break out


all hell is gonna break out.”

It’s quite illuminating that he talked about “all hell” and “breaking out,” as in “breaking out of prison,” because he is hinting at the opening of the Gate to Hell (the “Abyss”). This opening is what’s scripted to lead to the 150-day Torment of Humanity (particularly the torment of the “Roman Earth“) when “all the denizens of hell” pour out of the open Abyss. And if you start a 150-day (5 prophetic month) torment count on Saturday the 15th, it will reach Day 150 on July 14, which is the Jewish day of 18 Tammuz this year.

According to the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult’s account of Jewish history, 18 Tammuz is the day a false idol (the Golden Calf) was destroyed and Moses re-ascended Mount Sinai. So under this scripting, 18 Tammuz could be the day the Fake Jewish Messiah would arrive atop Mount Sinai (Jebel al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia) in order to stop the Torment. And since 18 Tammuz begins at sunset of July 13, the false savior could arrive on the one-year anniversary of the fake Trump assassination attempt in Butler (which happened on July 13, 2024). This one year anniversary is significant for reasons I’ll explain later.

In keeping with this “let hell break out” theme, my partner Onnabugeisha has noted that there will be “signs in the heavens” to herald the opening of the Gate to Hell. The dwarf planet Ceres, named after the Roman goddess who was the guardian of Rome’s portals to the underworld, will have a conjunction with the Sun on Friday night after Jerusalem enters Jewish Saturday at sunset. The conjunction is happening in the Aquarius constellation, which represents the “Age of Aquarius” (Saturn’s “Golden Age”)

…from Stellarium. Note the presence of Mercury (“the messenger of the gods”).

It should be noted that the sign of the dwarf planet Ceres is the sickle. And at noon on Saturday, Mars (the planet named after the Roman god of war) will conjunct with the sickle held by Pollux in the Gemini constellation, which represents the two false saviors who will come forth to “save the world”

…from Stellarium (10:00 UTC is noon in Israel)

In the mythos of the Gemini Twins…

Castor and Pollux (or Polydeuces) are twin half-brothers in Greek and Roman mythology, known together as the Dioscuri or Dioskouroi.

Their mother was Leda, but they had different fathers; Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, while Pollux was the divine son of Zeus, who seduced Leda in the guise of a swan. – from Wikipedia

While it remains to be seen who will be cast as Castor and Pollux, two likely candidates are Putin and Trump. And if that turns out to be the case, we must ask ourselves which one is playing the mortal Castor and which one is playing the immortal Pollux. In other words, will Trump die so Putin can rise to emperorship of the BRICS New World Order? Or will Putin die so Trump (or his successor, “the Robin to his Batman”) can rule? With these questions in mind, have a careful look at the constellation art for Gemini…

…from Stellarium

As the mortal Castor kneels beside him, the immortal Pollux seems to eye Castor’s throat while holding the Sickle of Mars in his hand. Will Pollux soon play Cain to Castor’s Abel? The fact that the 150 days of torment could end on the anniversary of Trump’s assassination & rebirth ritual suggests that Trump might “die” or disappear soon and be “resurrected” on July 13, just like he rose from death in the ritual that day. This potential outcome is further evidenced by the plot of The Dark Knight Rises: Batman disappears right before the attack on Gotham, 5 months pass and the day the nuke will explode arrives, Batman returns to save the day, then he disappears again (letting Robin take on the role of Batman). Trump is currently playing the role of Batman.

Another cue that they might opt for Trump is The Economist cover from years ago…

Note that Putin is depicted in the color of ash, suggesting his end might occur when the current world order burns to ash and the phoenix of the New World Order rises from it.

Tomorrow we’ll look at another way Trump might win: by Saturn causing “all peace to break out” over February 15-18.

WARNING (10-12 February 2025): America’s Fiery Destruction is Now Planned for February 15-18

Target: Gaza?…

No sooner had I posted the warning on February 17-18 than the trigger setup began taking shape in news reports. First, reader Sohei informed me that the Munich Security Conference will take place from February 14-16 (it is a false flag target — to be blamed on Russia — and the war clown Zelensky will be there). Then, news came out that the Palestinians intend to skip this Saturday’s hostage release. And Saturn Trump is warning that if Hamas doesn’t release ALL of the Israeli hostages by noon on Saturn’s Day, all hell will break loose. Will we see B-52s bombing Gaza this weekend?

So the Kabbalists are aiming to kick the hornet nests in Europe and the Middle East in order to trigger the February 17-18 attack on the US. And as “coincidence” would have it, Trump’s Saturday deadline falls on February 15, which is the Orthodox Feast of the Meeting of the Lord (the holiday that falls 40 days after Orthodox Christmas and commemorates Jesus being presented at the Jewish Temple). So Saturday is a good day for the coming False Messiah to “die” (to be “presented before God’s Throne” before his later “resurrection”). Will it be Prince Harry? Putin? Trump?

It should also be noted that the inferno in Los Angeles started on Orthodox Christmas, January 7, so it can be narrated as having served as America’s 40-day Jonah Warning for its destruction by fire.

~ from yesterday, 10 February 2025 ~

Will we see the end of the American Century next week? And will it, like 9/11, involve planes?…

…from the 30 December 2024 Drudge Report

The next major opportunity for Kabbalist mischief comes on February 1718, which marks 40 days since President Jimmy Carter’s funeral (which was attended by President-Elect Trump and marked a “national day of mourning“). February 1718 also marks Day 500 of the Israel-Hamas War.

As I mentioned in early January, Carter’s funeral may have served as a 40-day Jonah Warning for “the end of the American Century“. And in Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, number 500 means “antichrist ascends” (after Trump’s death?).

We also need to watch for Pope Francis’s imminent death or resignation. He reportedly has bronchitis and his schedule is very bare, with nothing planned for the weeks and months ahead. His death would start a 4-6 day countdown to a possible strike on Rome during his funeral. And his resignation would start a 15+ day countdown to a strike during the replacement conclave. Such a strike would fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy of the destruction of Rome while the “kings of the world” are gathered there.

~ MORE – 11 February 2025 ~

Pondering the Gaza Ceasefire and what may happen this weekend, I’m left wondering if one of the Ceasefire’s chief objectives was to allow for the repositioning of Israeli forces to make way for the saturation bombing of the Gaza Strip. By withdrawing from the Netzarim Corridor (which bisects Gaza along its short axis), the IDF are now out of the way of possible B-52 bombing runs along Gaza’s long axis.

Should Trump proceed with some kind of American attack in Gaza and thereby trigger a massive “Axis of Resistance” counterattack against America, he may be playing the role of “Red Caesar” / “America’s Hitler.” He is attempting to annex the territories of nations near the US (Greenland, Canada, Mexico and the Panama Canal Zone) just like Hitler did in Europe before and during World War II. And he may lead us into a war with two major fronts (Russia to the East and China to the West), just like Hitler did with Nazi Germany. So is he playing the exact same role as Hitler: a Kabbalist Jewish agent leading America into a war of national suicide?

As you ponder that question, you must remember that Trump is Saturn, and that brings a wild card into the mix: the Nazionist Space Force and their (fake) ET allies. When America gets attacked, will a new breed of men sent down from heaven (the “Vril Nordics” and their “Galactic Federation“) arrive to bring victory for Saturn?

Over the coming days, we’ll take a closer look at these possibilities.

~ MORE – 12 February 2025 ~

When I speak of Trump playing the “Red Caesar” role, it is because of a comment sent by a reader some time ago. The comment offers an interesting narrative on the fake assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania

As far as this fake event goes, it was a ritual, and, of course, bohemian grove there a ritual later that evening. Anyways, I just wanted to share a bit of information with you. Trump was in on the fake assassination attempt but he was also performing a ritual to become the 8th beast, Red Caesar.

The ceremony took place on Julius Caesar’s birthday. While Trump was on stage he ducked down after hearing the gun shot. While he was down, the circle of SS makeup artists bloodied his ear. Within the ritual Trump had received a head wound and had died passing out of sight he left the physical plane. Within the ceremony his shoes were removed. In the spirit realm you don’t need shoes. The shoes were acting as a symbolic device within the ritual to denote the different stages in the process. Then Trump stood back up, he had arisen and been reborn. The old Trump was no more. Trump lived again only this time he was Red Caesar.

Having been spared from death through divine intervention Trump returned from the spiritual plane a demigod, part god part man. This was a ritualistic apotheosis ceremony. Before Red Caesar Trump could step forward again on the material plane his shoes had to be put back on. However, one shoe had been thrown off stage by a female Secret Service agent. This was part of the ritual. Because Red Caesar Trump was now an anointed demigod had still had one foot in the spirit realm so he only needed to put on one shoe to return to the physical plane.

The whole thing was a magical working and initiation to make Trump a super president or emperor like figure. Basically the plan is to replace the constitutional democratic system with Caesarism, pushing the power of the president beyond the normal checks and balances. Caesar is the first example of this but Napoleon and Mussolini are also examples of Caesarism, authoritarian tyrannical rule where the roles of president and king are combined. They ultimately want Trump to lead a USA uni-party to war with China and the BRICS nations when the dollar collapses.

The Satanic globalist/Zionist deep state cabal want WWIII between east and west out of which an AI run global control system will emerge. Trump’s next presidency is a key stepping stone towards achieving this goal. The fake assassination attempt and apotheosis ritual was designed to elevate Trump’s status and popularity to new heights. At the same time they want people to believe that they also have no other option than to put their trust in Trump. War is coming and Red Caesar is ready to fight, fight, fight!

In his speech at the RNC, he read his entire story from a Teleprompter when just over a week ago he didn’t want to read from the Teleprompter, because he wanted to speak to the audience, which he is actually good at because he is an actor and has deceived millions of people. He happened to mention that there was lots of blood on his hand, but we see in the money shot, and the image that will go down in history, there was absolutely not a trace of blood on his communist fist. But maybe Trump’s blood is so red that it’s invisible? He also said that the doctor said that he has the toughest ears that he has ever seen. Hahahahaha

If playing the role of “Red Caesar” / “America’s Hitler” really is scripted for Trump, it is important to remember that Caesar was assassinated before completing Rome’s transition from a republic to an empire, and Hitler reportedly died by suicide before seeing his New Order to its completion. So history suggests that Trump too will be killed before the New World Order comes to fruition. But are the Kabbalists scripting a repeat of history this time, or a reversal of it?

Will Caesar Trump be killed so Octavian Putin can complete the New Roman Empire? Or will Saturn Trump sidestep Hitler’s mistakes and succeed in building the New Order? I wrote in detail about the potential path to his success back in 2019 in an entry titled Trump’s Path to World Savior / World Leader Status. Here is an excerpt…

~ MORE – 26 June 2019 ~

In the past, the thing that kept me from considering Trump as a main Antichrist candidate was this: after all the bad press and ridicule he’s received, how can the rest of the world possibly take him seriously enough to follow him into a New World Order? As it turns out, the Secret Space Program (SSP) and its technologies provide the answer.

Once he unveils the SSP, the conventional militaries of the world, including Russia’s and China’s, will be rendered utterly impotent. Trump will stand astride the world like a colossus, and resistance against him will be futile. And since the unveiling will likely happen amidst a global economic meltdown, access to the SSP technologies will hold the key for moving the nations out of desperate poverty into almost instant abundance.

Faced with the choice of rooting around in the mud like starving monkeys or joining a high-tech global paradise, the nations of the world will sign-on to any national and international reforms Trump requires of them. Their acceptance of his reforms will be further aided by the fact that they’ll be popular, commonsense measures — the very ones the BRICS themselves have been seeking to implement.

As for the world’s acceptance of Trump as a leader, it will be helped by the extensive propaganda of the post-Crisis Truth Tsunami and by the new populist, Trump-friendly leaders who will sweep into power around the globe (like Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen).

So when you look at the narrative setup done by Alex Jones, it shows a path for Trump’s ascension to World Savior / World Leader status. And if you look at the bolded sections of the Dave Hodges narrative setup, you’ll see the enemy against whom Trump will rally the world: the “demonic ETs / fallen angels / Nephilim (the mixed offspring of fallen angels and humans, produced sexually and/or through genetic engineering).” Of course, the narrative will later claim that the SSP developed its technology in alliance with the demonic ETs, so the incoming “ETs” against whom Antichrist Trump will rally us are actually, according to the narrative, Jesus Christ and his angels.

Tomorrow we’ll start examining the details of the two paths Trump could follow: 1) the defeated Caesar/Hitler, and 2) the victorious Saturn.


Here are three quick notes on the Super Bowl setup:

> In summary, the death of Caesar is what set in motion Octavian’s rise to becoming Emperor Augustus. So Trump’s death at Caesars Superdome may be meant to set in motion Putin’s rise to becoming Emperor of the NWO. In the predictive programming video I, Pet Goat II, this process is depicted as a 9/11 event (with the lights going out in one of the towers) that leads the Antichrist (the Jesus-looking fellow on the Egyptian boat) to pass through a dark tunnel (a birthing canal) that leads to his emergence and the destruction of the Christian Church. As you watch the video, note the EMP event at the 2:29 mark (the flash in the sky that causes the Statue of Liberty’s torch to lose power).

Here are some things you need to remember when the cities are burning.

> The indicators for an “EMP attack” psyop come from the last time the Superdome hosted a Super Bowl on 3 February 2013…

The last Super Bowl to take place at the home of the New Orleans Saints didn’t exactly go off without a hitch. The lights went out on the San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore Ravens early in the second half at Super Bowl 47, a problem that hopefully will not repeat this time around. – from USA Today (Note that we are early in the “second half” of Trump’s presidency.)

They called it the “Blackout Bowl“, and today marks its 4390th day. Strong’s 4390 is the Hebrew word that means “to fulfill, complete” — will today’s Super Bowl bring the fulfillment of a blackout?

> My partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that the Seal of the City of New Orleans appears to be based on a Tarot card, specifically The Star

…In the Bible’s Book of Revelation, “the star” opens the pit of the abyss (which starts the 5 months of torment). Also note that the stars in the Seal are shaped in the form of an “all-seeing eye” (or a football).

~ from earlier today ~

There is a “sign in the heavens” the Kabbalists can use to script a war event today…

…from Stellarium

Today is the 21st (blackjack) day of Trump’s second presidential term as Saturn, and what is/was planned for the Super Bowl depends on the role the Kabbalists choose for Saturn Trump. If they script him to play the “real” Saturn, he will indeed lead us to great material prosperity in the next few years (after the massive debt that is overhanging the world economy is written off by a financial crisis and international conference or rendered unpayable by a war or pandemic). But if Trump is playing the role of a decoy or precursor Saturn, we could see his death today or in the coming weeks in advance of the arrival of the “real” Saturn and/or Moshiach (the Fake Jewish Messiah).

Factors pointing to war today include the Operation Blackjack cue and today’s conjunction of the Moon (representing Artemis) and Mars (representing war) smack dab in the middle of the Gemini constellation (representing the Gemini Twins, our coming “saviors”). We also have the recent string of air disasters pointing to a Black Sunday-type air attack on the Superdome. And the mostly enclosed bodies of water surrounding New Orleans are particularly well suited for a “Russian” tsunami nuke attack or Artemis strike. In fact, the Seal of the City of New Orleans features Aquarius, the water bearer, pouring out water on the land (and the Aquarius constellation has “all sorts of visitors” hanging around today, including Ceres, who can “open the portal to the underworld”)…

…from Stellarium

It should also be noted that the arrival of Saturn is associated with the arrival of a new breed of men sent down from heaven

…from the SkyWatchTV prophecy propaganda mill

So will we see the Fake ETs rolled out today (or later as a result of what happens today)? They could sweep in to “save us from catastrophe” or come down to “help us rebuild after the catastrophe”…

…from the Illuminati card game

WARNING (4-8 February 2025): Super Bowl Mischief is in Play This Weekend

Note that the arm and head of the wailing woman were drawn in the shape of a Super Bowl trophy. And is that mushroom cloud atop the mountain a “nuclear” explosion or a volcanic eruption (in Santorini)?…

…from I, Pet Goat II (a predictive programming video)

The Powers-That-Be (PTB) are engineering some rather unseasonable weather in the south-central US right now, with ridiculously abnormal high temperatures building into Super Bowl Weekend. I suspect it is being done in order to generate fog in New Orleans, where the Super Bowl will be played on Sunday…

…from Fox 8 (New Orleans)

A few weeks ago, I did some preliminary research on what mischief could be planned for the Super Bowl, and I found indicators pointing to a potential biological fog attack — the natural fog would provide cover for this. And exposing the Super Bowl attendees to an undetected biological agent (possibly a fungal one) would lead to them returning to their homes all over the country after the game and exposing their communities to the agent before they develop the first symptoms. There may even be no agent released at all — the wireless activation of the COVID vax payload could disable the immune systems of the vaxxed and allow opportunistic infections to flourish, with the PTB narrating a Super Bowl bio attack as the cause.

There are also very clear indicators for a “nuclear”/”EMP” attack in connection with the Super Bowl. Whether the target would be the Super Bowl, the entire US, or somewhere else is unclear. I expect more to reveal itself in the coming days.

On another note, a reader has asked if we are on the Peace Path or the War Path to the launch of the Kabbalist-planned BRICS New World Order. And the answer is “yes” and “yes” — we are on both paths simultaneously. And whichever path offers the quickest available offramp to the NWO is the path they’ll take.

~ MORE ~

LOL, reader Sohei just informed me that they’re sending Trump to the Super Bowl. It will be held at Caesars Superdome (remember that Caesar’s death led to Octavian’s rise to becoming Emperor Augustus, who is being played by Vladimir Putin). So Trump’s staged death from a “nuke” or “bio agent” will be blamed on the usual suspects, Russia and Iran, thus allowing the Kabbalists to script the launch of the final assault on Russia and the Ram-Goat War against Iran.

It should also be noted that the date of the Super Bowl, February 9, is January 27 on the Julian calendar (which was in effect in the times of Augustus). And January 27 is the day the ancient Romans celebrated the dies natalis of the Temple of Castor and Pollux, the Gemini Twins. So what is/was planned for Super Bowl Sunday would set in motion the arrival of the two savior figures.

~ MORE ~

LOL! They’re pulling this one straight out of False Flags for Dummies

…from today’s Drudge Report

So Trump orders Iran obliterated if he’s killed, and he does it just a few days before heading to the Super Bowl for his staged assassination. Did he consult Vincent Fusca on this plan? These fu*king guys!

~ MORE – 5 February 2025 ~

An Additional Trump Assassination Option for the Super Bowl: a non-nuclear explosion

It turns out that Trump will be hosted at the Super Bowl by the owner of the New Orleans Saints, Gayle Benson. Benson is a Catholic who has given generously to the Jesuits and has allegedly helped the Roman Catholic Church do damage control in the wake of a child sex abuse scandal. So she can therefore be narrated as “an agent of the Vatican and ‘commie Jesuit’ Pope Francis.” Will she be scripted to betray “Nazi” Trump to his death?

You may remember that there was an attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler with a bomb, and that the Mayor of Gotham in The Dark Knight Rises was killed by a bomb in the owner’s suite at a football game. The number of the owner’s suite in the movie was 322, the Skull and Bones (Brotherhood of Death) number…

…from YouTube

Well Trump attended a Pittsburgh Steelers game in the stadium from the movie on October 20 of last year, and he sat in suite number 337

…from AP News

In Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, number 337 is the Hebrew word for “a geographical area on the coast / surrounded by water” and the Greek word for “to kill, to put to death.” Well New Orleans is a city on the coast that is surrounded by water

…from Google Maps

So was this an occult signal that Trump will be “put to death” there? Will it be a bomb that kills him? And given the recent notable aircraft crashes, will the bomb come in the form of a plane, drone, or missile that hits the stadium?

Super Bowl Sunday will mark Day 112 or 113 (depending on how you count the days) since Trump sat in Box 337. In Strong’s, number 112 is “Godless” and “Edom” (the current-day generic name of Israel’s enemies, the gentile nations). So will the Kabbalists destroy “Godless Edom” (the West) on Super Bowl Sunday? And number 113 is “wicked, lawless, unprincipled, unrighteous” and “lord, master, owner” (a good description of Trump).

~ MORE – 8 February 2025 ~

The weather and arson engineers have been successful in generating the Super Bowl Weekend fog I was expecting…

…from Fox Weather

So if they’re still planning to go with a real or simulated “Operation Sea Spraybioweapon fog release in New Orleans, the natural fog that will cover the supposed release is in place. And assuming they script President Trump being exposed to the bioweapon, it could take several days for him to manifest symptoms, with his life sustained for some time more with presidential-level medical treatment. That brings the February 28-March 1 target date for Trump’s death into play. It would be Iranians, of course, who would be blamed.

As for the cue I originally found that led me to suspect a bioweapon fog attack, it is the number of this year’s Super Bowl, 59. The Kabbalists are fanatical numerologists, and in Strong’s Bible Concordance, number 59 is…

“Assembly, breath, vapor” = bioweapon fog attack on the Super Bowl gathering. So when I saw them building the conditions for foggy weather in New Orleans on Super Bowl Weekend, I decided that I’d better cover it. Then they opted to send Trump to the Super Bowl and have him order Iran’s obliteration if he gets killed, which served to confirm my suspicions.

Next we’ll look again at the other options that could kill him (and even the nation) tomorrow.

(2 February 2025) – Zero Hedge has posted an article today that features Rods from God as the “Next Superweapon“…

They’re doing this to get the public to think that such a system is off in the future and not yet a reality. And if the public believes that, any kinetic weapons that bombard Western cities tonight, tomorrow, or in the coming weeks will be assumed to be Russian Oreshnik missiles. In reality, though, the Artemis system has been around for years now, and it will be the system used to create the large and small “nuclear,” kinetic, and “meteor” explosions in the years ahead.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for the February 2-3 danger period are now up. One of them shows that 5 Shevat (which begins at sunset today) is the Jewish anniversary of the start of Octavian’s reign as Emperor Augustus (Vladimir Putin is playing the role of the current-day Octavian). If you pair that with the “Rome/Moscow will rule the world for 9 months before Moshiach comes” prophecy propaganda we looked at yesterday, it suggests that the 9 months will begin on 5 Shevat, and that the Fake Jewish Messiah could arrive during Sukkot (assuming the 9 months are not an exact count).

~ MORE ~

Both Netanyahu and Trump have arrived in Washington, so both targets are in place for the 5 Shevat hit. The question is, “Do the Kabbalists feel lucky? Well do ya, punks?”

(30 January-1 February 2025) – THE CUMULATIVE WARNING FOR FEBRUARY 2-3

As we approach the month of February 2025, I’m tracking two Kabbalist timelines…

  • One is the 7-year Trump-Saturn Tribulation timeline, which either began or reached its midpoint on inauguration day when Trump was raised to godhood as Saturn. This timeline reaches a key inflection point on February 28 – March 1.
  • The other is a Prince Harry timeline that could lead to the arrival of Moshiach (the Fake Jewish Messiah) this year. And it reaches key inflection points on February 2-3 (this Sunday and Monday) and March 14.

Since the first key inflection point of the Prince Harry timeline is right ahead, we’ll focus on that first.

In the 15-16 January updates, I covered the three approaches to starting the NWO Transition War…

  1. by scripting a January 19-20 “last-ditch Deep State + Iran attack to stop Trump from taking office” on Inauguration Day,
  2. by scripting a “NATO false-flag against Europe so the commissars of the EU can start a war with Russia,” or
  3. by scripting Trump as “Red Caesar” and having him start the war (most likely with an attack on Iran).

We safely transited the opportunity window for the first approach, and now we face the second…

> On Sunday, February 2, Benjamin Netanyahu will travel to Washington, DC. He will arrive on February 3 in preparation for a meeting with Donald Trump on February 4. Watch for his potential death in an aviation accident.

> Also on Sunday the 2nd, the leaders of the EU will be traveling to Brussels, Belgium for an informal summit meeting on European defense and Ukraine that is scheduled for February 3. The Secretary-General of NATO and the Prime Minister of the UK will also be attending.

> So on Sunday night through Monday, the leaders of the West and Israel will be gathered in the capitals of the US and the EU for potential false-flag decapitation strikes that would be blamed on Muslims, Iran, and Russia.

> And as “coincidence” would have it, a 40-day Fire Judgment started on February 3 would end on March 14, which is the Jewish holiday of Purim (commemorating the saving of the Jews from annihilation by a Persian plot) and a “special day” for Prince Harry (a candidate to play the role of the Fake Jewish Messiah)

from Hello Magazine. Here is an excerpt…

This year has seen the Duke and Duchess of Sussex pursue more of their solo ventures, and according to royal astrologer, Debbie Frank, Prince Harry will come to a crossroads in 2025.

“As the rebellious planet Uranus is due to hover over Harry’s destiny point in 2025 he’s facing some decisions about his role in life, where he wants to be and what matters for him personally,” Debbie says.

“All issues that are not easily settled and he could veer back and forth trying to find the answers. He wants to do something different and break with what’s expected of him.

“This maverick energy makes for a degree of disruption and unsettlement. With this aspect he could also be the recipient of change that is thrust upon him.”

But Debbie says spring will be a turning point for Harry.

“Neptune isn’t helping to stabilise matters as he’s in a mid-life transition which entices him with dreams he wishes to fulfil,” she says. “In March, sensible Saturn gives a reality check which helps him to define, structure and clarify his personal life. The accompanying Virgo eclipsed Full Moon on March 14th falls very close to his son and intensifies the need to do the right thing and be true to himself.”

~ MORE – 31 January 2025 ~

While we’re on the subject of staging a fake Fire Judgment on February 2-3, it should be noted that the perfect event to “trigger God’s judgment on the Vatican” is being hosted by Pope Francis that day: the Summit on Children’s Rights…

…from (top) and Vatican News (bottom)

The Kabbalist-controlled Roman Catholic Church is notorious for committing child sex abuse on a mass scale, with reported estimates of 216,000+ Christian child victims over recent decades. So having “Satanic Antipope” Francis host a summit of “world leaders” on child welfare with the theme of “love them and protect them” is meant to “provoke God’s wrath on the apostate Church.” This summit therefore provides a passable opportunity to fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy of Rome’s destruction.

So all the “Romes” and their leaders are targetable on February 2-3: the old Rome (which contains the Vatican), the new European Rome (Brussels, the capital of the “current European hegemon,” the EU), and the new world Rome (Washington, the capital of the “current global hegemon,” the US). This means we’re likely looking at an Operation Blackjack scenario, in which all the NATO capitals will be hit. Artemis would be the system used to produce the explosions, but they would be publicly blamed on “Russia-provided suitcase nukes” or Russian Oreshnik missiles.

~ MORE – 1 February 2025 ~

It appears that the Kabbalists are trying really hard to stage Prince Harry’s death by plane crash…

…from The Times of India

They were going to sneak him to the UK on Inauguration Day on account of his media lawsuit, then they delayed it till the next day and finally had him settle the case. I suspect it was because they couldn’t go forward with the other plans they had for Inauguration Day and the day after. Now they’ve come up with another reason to fly him to the UK: the birth of a new royal named Athena Elizabeth (Athena was the Greek goddess of war). It’s likely that they’re aiming to fly him there on February 2-3, because my partner Onna found a new Drake cue (related to the number 444 and a VIP air disaster) pointing to Harry on those days…

Numbers2/2  (inclusive) – 2/3

• Prince Harry was christened Henry Charles Albert David on 21 December 1984 at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by Robert Runcie, the then Archbishop of Canterbury (WikipediaYouTube), 40 years, 44 days ago [444]

His supposed death would lead to his “miraculous resurrection” later on in the stageplay. And there are other things that should be noted about February 2…

February 2 (Wikipedia) is the 33rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar

Sementivae (Wikipedia) was a Roman festival of sowing. It was held in honor of Ceres (the goddess of agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth)….The festival honoring Ceres started on February 2. [Ceres was also the guardian of Rome’s underworld portals, so she could do the opening of the “Gate to Hell” that was invoked by Pope Francis’s “holy door” ritual in Rome. This would start the 150-day Torment of Humanity (particularly of the “Roman Earth“).]

Candlemas in Western Christianity (AnydayGuideWikipedia), also known as the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Feast of the Holy Encounter. [This commemorates the baby Jesus being presented at the Temple in Jerusalem, so it can be scripted as the day Prince Harry is presented before the throne of God (after his supposed death).]

So Sunday evening may be the targeted time.

~ MORE ~

When Pope Francis opened the first holy door on Christmas Eve last year, he inaugurated the “2025 Jubilee of Hope“…

…from Wikipedia

With that in mind, let’s have a quick look at the timelines arising from the planned February 2-3 “Communist Deep State” attack (masquerading as an “Iran-Russia attack”)…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2025 – January Updates

NOTE: Takin’ a break. I’ll be back with what’s next: February 3. Until then, I’ve moved the following important information to the top (also see ISRAEL’S CHIEF SEPHARDIC RABBI CONFIRMS PUTIN IS A JEW & THE CHABAD-LUBAVITCH KABBALIST CULT GREETS TRUMP AS A JEWISH KING)…

The Rise of the Antichrist Saturn and the Lincoln Bible & Assassination

Based on the blatant symbolism that was on display at the inauguration ceremony, the planets are parading across the sky in celebration of the rise of the antichrist Saturn…

…from The Mirror

Take note of the following…

  • The inauguration ceremony took place under The Apotheosis of Washington (the painting on the ceiling of the Capitol Rotunda that depicts a US president rising to godhood).
  • Trump didn’t place his hand on the Bible during the swear-in (because Saturn is an antichrist).
  • Melania wore a Saturn hat (the round brim symbolized Saturn’s rings).
  • The TV commentators on Fox News spoke repeatedly of the coming “golden age” and “golden era” under Trump. And in his inaugural speech, Trump said, “The Golden Age of America begins right now” (the “golden age” is associated with the god Saturn)…

    …from the SkyWatchTV prophecy propaganda mill


~ MORE ~

Look to the East…

It should be noted that there has been a “sign in the heavens” to confirm the dawn of Saturn’s Golden Age (“the Age of Aquarius”). At 16 (4X4) minutes past midnight Washington DC time today, there was a conjunction in the Aquarius constellation of the planet Venus (representing the “light-bringer” Lucifer who “heralds the dawn) and the planet Saturn (representing antichrist Trump). The Kabbalists can narrate this as “the spirit of Lucifer entering Trump to make him an antichrist.” Here is what was in the sky at noon EST (11 AM Texas time) today when Trump was sworn-in…

…from Stellarium. Note the reddish “E” on the lower left; that’s “East” (the direction to look)

IMPORTANT NOTE (19 January 2025): I’m extending the warning period through January 21, when the “parade of planets” begins. A 40-day count started on that day lands Day 40 on March 1, which is Essene Purim (a holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from a Persian extermination plot). And as “coincidence” would have it, the 42nd day of the Gaza ceasefire — which is the “end of phase one” — also falls on March 1. To cap it off, Mercury (“the messenger”) will join the other six planets of the parade on February 28, the day Essene Purim begins at sunset. THIS PRESENTS A PERFECT 40-DAY WINDOW FOR EITHER A “FIRE JUDGMENT” OR “JONAH WARNING” PSYOP.


…from Politico

While we wait to see if the Liberty Inaugural Ball brings any surprises, there is one more element of the inauguration still to come: Tuesday’s 11 AM National Prayer Service at Washington National Cathedral. President Trump, Vice President Vance, and many other dignitaries will be attending, so an attack on this service could decapitate the entire presidential line of succession. The current line of succession consists only of Vice President Vance, Speaker of the House Johnson, President Pro Tempore Grassley, and Secretary of State Rubio.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio is a Cuban Catholic with Mormon connections, and his confirmation was rushed through the Senate today. He is thus far the only Trump cabinet member to be confirmed. So if he is the “designated survivor” tomorrow and the Prayer Service gets hit, the situation lends itself to being narrated as a papal plot to restore Catholic control over the US (which ended today with Biden’s departure).

Remember that a decapitation strike tonight or tomorrow could mark the beginning of the 40-day fake Fire Judgment, and its final day would fall on March 1, Essene Purim. Since Purim is related to Persia, the strike would be initially narrated as an Iranian attack, and the newly installed President Rubio — being rabidly pro-Israel and anti-Iran — would launch the Ram-Goat War against Iran.

~ MORE – 21 January 2025 ~

Upon double-checking the numbers, I’ve found that the new Tribulation timeline my partner Onna found still works for January 21. So this 7-year Tribulation

This means that today is/was scheduled to be the beginning of the Great Tribulation (the scarier second half of the 7-year Tribulation period). Also watch for a VIP-killing aircraft crash (perhaps Prince Harry?), because Onna found another 444 that hits today (along with some other things)…

• The Great’ Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn [the “Christmas Star”] (NASABBC)[The Second Coming of Saturn: The Great Conjunction, America’s Temple, and the Return of the Watchers by Derek P. Gilbert (Amazon) A new age began…]. Date: 21 December 2020,  4 years4 weeks4 days on 21 January 2025.

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. As the first major spaceflight of NASA’s Artemis program, Artemis 1 marked the agency’s return to lunar exploration after the conclusion of the Apollo program five decades earlier. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 26 months, 6 days ago [266, Pope Francis’s pope number] or 2 years, 2 months, 6 days [2:26, Hezbollah’s “War in the North” number]

• Vladimir Putin becomes acting president of Russia, following Boris Yeltsin’s resignation (KremlinHISTORY). Date: 31 December 1999, 300 months 22 days ago [322 – Skull and BonesGematria: nine eleven terrorist attacks [9/11] = 322]

~ MORE ~

While we’re on the subject of today’s National Prayer Service at Washington National Cathedral being scripted as a “God’s judgment event” and a papal plot to assassinate Donald Trump and install Cuban Catholic Marco Rubio as president, have a look at Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for the event. Here are some selected ones…

Washington National Cathedral (Wikipedia) – Construction began on 29 September 1907 when the foundation stone was laid,  42,850 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew  4285. machshak: darkness, a dark place; 21 January 2025 (after sunset) =  22 Tevet  (10/22) -> Exodus  10:22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days.]

The Cathedral was damaged during the Virginia earthquake (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 23 August 2011, 700 weeks ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier; Strong’s Hebrew 700. Arubboth: Windows, floodgates]

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde will preach (, Mariann Budde – Wikipedia, Washington’s first female diocesan bishop; in 2020 – Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde outraged by Trump visit to church (Google SearchYouTube, Donald Trump photo op at St. John’s Church – Wikipedia). Born: 10 December 1959, 65 years, 6 weeks old [Strong’s Hebrew: 656. aphes: To cease, to fail, to come to an end / Greek 656. aposunagógos: Expelled from the synagogue, excommunicated]

• Pope John Paul II became the first Catholic pontiff to visit Cuba (Business InsiderVatican). Date: 21 January 1998, the 27th anniversary

Gematria:  Marco Antonio Rubio (Wikipedia) = Pope Francis ritual 4x, Iranian president 3xMarco Rubio = John Paul II 3x; The Rise of Marco Rubio ( = The JFK Assassination 2x…

…from Gematria Effect News

CRITICAL INFORMATION (20 January 2025): Jerusalem entered 21 Tevet at 10:02 AM Washington DC time today. Since 21 Tevet corresponds to the Gregorian day of January 21, any actions taken today can draw upon the occult cues for January 20 (in Washington) and January 21 (in Jerusalem). And Jerusalem will enter Gregorian January 21 at 5 PM Washington time, before the Liberty Inaugural Ball begins. This means the Tribulation timeline and the planetary parade are in play TODAY. So what have the gods (all planets besides Earth are named for Greek and Roman gods) gathered in the sky to see, the rise of “Nazionist antichrist” Trump or the rise of “communist antichrist Obaphomet” (Michelle Obama)? Will they witness the Fire Judgment of the Roman Earth or is their presence the Jonah Warning of what’s coming at the end of February? Popcorn at the ready.

[Sections moved to top of page]



If both Trump and Vance are killed before being sworn-in, there would be no new president to take over at the end of Biden’s term (noon of January 20). Should this occur, the Republicans would argue that the presidency should fall to the Speaker of the House, who is next in the line of succession and a Republican. But because the killings would occur while Biden’s term is still in effect, Biden or his successor (if Biden is also killed) would immediately assume the presidency and likely declare a national emergency, holding onto the office under emergency powers “until the threat passes” or “until a new election can take place.”

That being said, imagine what would happen if the Capitol Building is struck when all the nation’s leaders have gathered in the Rotunda for the swearing-in tomorrow. Trump and Vance would be gone, Biden and Harris would be gone, the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate would be gone, and there would be no confirmed Trump cabinet members to assume the presidency. In this case, the presidency would immediately fall to the Biden cabinet member who is highest on the surviving line of succession. That could be a Jew: Antony Blinken (4th in the line of succession) or Janet Yellen (5th in line). And one of the first acts of this new president would be to install a vice president, likely Michelle Obama (the only presidential-level political figure who isn’t attending the inauguration).


My brilliant and beloved Onna has detected another 7-year timeline that relates to the Hawaii false missile alert and “God’s 7-day Fire Judgment Warning” for January 19. First I’ll show you her note, then I’ll explain…

Numbers1/19  (inclusive) – 1/20

• 2018 Hawaii false missile alert (Wikipedia) – On the morning of January 13, 2018, a ballistic missile alert was “accidentally” issued via the Emergency Alert System in Hawaii. Duration: 38 minutes, 7 years 7 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier;  Gematria: US Capitol rotunda = Honolulu Hawaii US 2x]

If you do an inclusive day count — counting the day of the Hawaii alert, 13 January 2018, as Day 1 — you reach the 7-year mark of the alert on January 12 of this year. And if you look to the Jewish history of that day, you’ll find “God’s Warning for America”…

Ezekiel Prophesies Egypt’s Downfall (424 BCE)

On this day, Ezekiel prophesied that Egypt would be destroyed, as punishment for failing to keep their repeated promises to assist the Israelites. – from

Here’s more about the occurrence from another website…

God calls Egypt a “staff of reed to the house of Israel” (verse 6) — just as the Assyrians had described it more than a century earlier (see Isaiah 36:6). This is an allusion to Egypt’s weakness and unreliability as an ally for the Israelites — as well as the worthlessness and even danger of looking to this nation for protection. When the Israelites lean on Egypt for support, it shatters, leaving them seriously wounded (Ezekiel 29:7).

God says He will bring the sword of warfare on Egypt to lay it waste, showing that He, not the pharaoh, is the one who determines whether the nation exists or not (compare verses 8-9). – from


~ from yesterday – 18 January 2025 ~

A Final Chance to Kill Off Biden and Start a Civil War?

On Sunday, January 19, they’re shipping Joe & Jill Biden to Charleston, South Carolinathe city where the Civil War started — to speak at a black church and a black museum. Is this a final attempt to stage a “white supremacist MAGA attack” on black folk and place a “black” woman into the presidency?

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for the January 18-20 time period are now up. And they reveal potential trouble for Prince Harry tomorrow — he has a civil trial starting in the UK on Inauguration Day. It involves the number 444, so it may involve a plane crash…

…from Town & Country

So is Prince Harry the one who is getting the baptism by fire?


Behold Jason Aldean’s arm tattoo…

[a jack is worth 10 and an ace can also be worth 11, equaling 21 (blackjack)]

And take a close look at the location specified in the 11 August 2021 Emergency Alert System “Test”…

…from WAKA. Note the time of the alert, 1:20 (as in 1/20, the date of the inauguration).

Picking up where I left off yesterday, let’s continue following the trail of occult breadcrumbs…

We live in an age of engineered weather, so we must ask ourselves if the “polar vortex” that has pushed Trump’s inauguration ceremony into the Capitol Rotunda was deliberately created. Because now he is set to be sworn-in under The Apotheosis of Washington, a painting on the ceiling of the Rotunda that “depicts George Washington rising to the heavens in glory, flanked by female figures representing Liberty and Victory…” So Trump’s inauguration will take place under a fresco that depicts a US president ascending into heaven, and it has thus been transformed into an occult ritual. What will it signify, his ascension into heaven when he is assassinated or his “Antichrist” ascension to godly authority in this world?

It is important to note that the only other presidential inauguration to take place in the Rotunda was the second inauguration of Ronald Reagan. And you may remember that Reagan’s first inauguration marked the end of the 444-day Iran Hostage Crisis. So this provides another thread of occult connection between Trump’s inauguration and the number 444 & the Drake cues (bomb, airliner, presidential death). Pondering this brought to mind a Tom Clancy book I read a long time ago, Debt of Honor. Its plot featured an airliner being piloted into the US Capitol Building during a joint session of Congress, killing America’s top leaders. Is that what’s in store for the Capitol on the 20th?

It is also important to note that in The Apotheosis of Washington, the ascending president is “flanked by female figures representing Liberty and Victory.” This is significant for two reasons…

1) Trump will take the unprecedented step of holding a “Make America Great Again Victory Rally at Capital One Arena” on the day before his inauguration. And at the rally, the Liberty University choir … will pay tribute to the attempted assassination of Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania… So the Kabbalists have the option of striking him at the Victory Rally.


Second inauguration of Donald Trump (Wikipedia), the 60th U.S. presidential inauguration. Date: Monday, 20 January 2025

• The Revelation 12 Sign ( occurred on 23 September 2017, 2676 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew 2676. chatsoth – meaning: the middle; see also 2677.,/ Strong’s Greek 2676. katartisis – definition: completion, equipping, preparation, restoration, meaning: a perfecting, making fit.; see also 2677.] or 7 years, 17 weeks ago [Strong’s Greek 717. Harmagedón – meaning: Armageddon / Strong’s Hebrew 717. arah: to gather, pluck]

1260 days = Sunday, 2 July ~ Monday, 3 July 2028 = 9 Tammuz (Chabad – Jerusalem Walls Breached (423 BCE)

1290 days = Tuesday, 1 August 2028 9 AvTish’a B’Av 

1335 days = Friday, 15 September ~ Saturday, 16 September 2028 = 25 Elul (Chabad – The 1st day of creation, on which G-d created existence, time, matter, darkness and light, was the 25th of Elul.), Leil Selichot and Prince Harry’s 44th birthday (Wikipedia)

So the midpoint of this new Tribulation timeline would be marked by Trump (and Barack Obama) standing in the US government’s “holy place,” the Capitol Rotunda, on Inauguration Day.

It is important to remember that the great FIRE of Los Angeles started on January 7, which was Orthodox Christmas. And it was on January 14, the Orthodox Circumcision of Jesus, that Michelle/Mike Obama’s office revealed that she/he won’t attend Trump’s inauguration, thus “emasculating Trump.” So will inauguration day lead to Trump’s rise to the presidency or “Obaphomet’s rise” (first as the VP choice of the surviving presidential successor, possibly Janet Yellen). More details below.

(17 January 2025) – Today we’re going to take a look at the start dates and end dates for the January 18-20 scenario, which has the occult theme of “Baptism by Fire.” What’s planned can be the starting event of a 40-day and/or 150-day prophecy fulfillment timeline or it can be the precursor for the February 3 start of such timelines. If it is the starting event, a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario would land its final day on February 28, which is Essene Erev Purim. And a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario would end on June 18, which is the Essene Summer Day of Remembrance. Here is the outline of the January 18-20 timeframe…

January 18: The Eve of the Theophany (God’s Appearance/Manifestation) / 12th and final day of Christmas (Orthodox)Event: Trump fireworks show at his golf club
January 19: The Theophany – Baptism of Jesus (Orthodox)Events: Trump at Arlington National Cemetery, then Capital One Arena in DC for his Victory Rally
January 20: Inauguration DayTrump’s ascension to the presidency (Jesus’s ministry begins after his baptism) or his “ascension to heaven” (if killed and replaced by another)Events: Trump at St. John’s Church in DC, then the White House, and then the Capitol for his 11 AM swearing-in. The next presidential term begins at 12 noon.

Tomorrow we’ll look at how all this fits together and is/was to play out. It is clearly a plan that was designed by the finest minds the Kabbalists have at their disposal…

(15-16 January 2025) – The Pathways to the Kabbalists’ BRICS New World Order in 2025, the Gaza ceasefire deal, and the setup for January 19-20

Looking at recent events and the months ahead, opportunities for the globalists to take the Peace Path or the War Path to the New World Order are clearly evident. The Peace Path would involve Trump incrementally ending the ongoing wars along with a scheduling of snap elections in France and the UK by this fall. The victory of “far-right” Putin-friendly leaders in those elections would allow the Kabbalists to overhaul the existing United Nations into the BRICS NWO during the fall Jewish holidays. And the War Path would involve staging a “prophecy fulfilling” World War III by one of three approaches…

  1. scripting a January 19-20 “last-ditch Deep State + Iran attack to stop Trump from taking office” on Monday,
  2. scripting a “NATO false-flag against Europe so the commissars of the EU can start a war with Russia,” or
  3. scripting Trump as “Red Caesar” and having him start the war (most likely with an attack on Iran).

Today we’ll start looking at the January 19-20 war option.

Did you know that January 19 (the day of Trump’s victory rally in DC) and January 20 (the day he becomes president at noon Washington DC time) mark exactly 444 days since the head of Hezbollah gave his big 3 November 2023 speech warning the US about war if we didn’t stop Israel’s assault on Gaza?…

…from X

This is a significant fact for both the war and peace options for the following reasons…

  • Trump’s inauguration day, 20 January 2025, is the 44th anniversary of the end of the Iran Hostage Crisis, which lasted for 444 days. [44 is Obama’s number]
  • 444 is the number associated with the Drake cues, an occult subnarrative my partner Onnabugeisha has been tracking for years. Two of the fundamental elements of the Drake cues are Unabomber Ted Kaczynski’s attempted bombing of American Airlines Flight 444 and Polish President Lech Kaczynski’s death in a plane crash, so the cues tie together the concepts of a bomb on an aircraft, an aircraft crash, and a presidential deatha combination that could be fulfilled by staging Trump’s death in a suspicious plane crash or from an attack by a bomb-carrying suicide drone or electronically-hijacked airliner. Trump has been associated with the Drake cues in the past.

Onna has also identified another numerological cue that points to aircraft used as weapons and aircraft crashes: January 18 and 19 mark the 9th month and 11th day (9/11) of the X eclipse, which supposedly foreshadowed the fall of the US.

On January 18, Trump is scheduled to hold a reception dinner and fireworks show at his golf club in Sterling, Virginia. And on the 19th, he will be out in the open at Arlington National Cemetery before attending his victory rally at a sports arena in DC. So he will be in areas susceptible to air attack on both days.

With this information in mind, we find ourselves approaching the potential end of another hostage crisis: that of the Israeli citizens taken during the Hamas attack on Israel. And just as it was in 1981, we’re coming to the final day of a “weak Democratic presidency that let it happen” and the first day of a “strong Republican presidency that will set things right.” So will the Kabbalists script a repeat of history with a hostage release? Or will they begin their prophecy fulfillment endgame with a “preemptive Hezbollah attack on Trump to save Iran and avenge Qasem Soleimani?

In answering this question, it should be remembered that the number 226 was associated with the Hezbollah leader’s speech and the start of a “War in the North” (see the alarm clock in the graphic above), and 226 is the number of Qasem Soleimani

…from Gematria Effect News

~ from 15 January 2025 ~

The Ceasefire Agreement That May Bring World War III

With today’s press reports that a ceasefire and hostage release deal has been reached between Hamas and Israel, a narrative is being discreetly woven that “the world, including Trump, are forcing Israel into a premature end to the war with Hamas.” And it should be noted that Israel’s officials have not yet approved the deal — they are scheduled to do so on Thursday — and the deal doesn’t take effect until Sunday, January 19.

Should the deal be approved, here are two potential problems…

  1. Netanyahu’s religious Zionist coalition partners could be instructed to collapse the government in protest to the deal, and Israel being without a government is a scripted prerequisite for the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah (who would sweep in to save Israel from permanent destruction).
  2. The religious Zionists — the people supposedly behind the “Greater Israel Project” — would be given a scripted motivation to kill “the traitorous” Donald Trump in a way that looks like Iran did it. This would allow them to stop the ceasefire and get America to bomb Iran for them (in the “prophesied” Ram-Goat War).

All indications point to a suicide drone or electronically-hijacked airliner attack on Trump, and it could happen on January 18, 19 or 20 (I’ll cover the January 18 possibility later on).

WARNING (11 January 2025): Watch for selective wireless activations of the COVID vax payload in the coming hours/days. This could be narrated as a pandemic outbreak caused by “bioweapon agents reaching their incubation period” after “fog attacks” that started around New Year’s (or at the time the LA fires broke out).

Is there something besides smoke lingering in the air over Los Angeles?…

…from today’s Drudge Report

It all started with real or propaganda social media reports about a strange and widespread fog during Hanukkah…

What are the fog conspiracy theories?

Starting on Dec. 29, social media users on conspiracy-heavy platforms like TikTok and X began publishing videos about a nefarious fog that seemed unusually thick or made of large particles. Some reported an odd smell described as chemical, electrical, or burning, and then claimed to experience fever, coughing, sore throat, headache, and fatigue. – from the Daily Dot

These reports began to show up in the mainstream media on January 1 and 2, then spread wider on January 7 and 8. Here is one of the early reports from the Daily Mail

Note that the report features a link about the wave of “large, car-sized” drone sightings (as perhaps a hint of the fog’s supposed origin). Also note the “burning chemical smell” associated with the fog, and that the report was updated on January 7, the day the Palisades Fire broke out in Los Angeles. Now ask yourself this: If you wanted to disperse a live bioweapon fog that has a burning chemical smell, what better way is there to mask it than with the smoke of a suburban wildfire (which also has a burning chemical smell)?

Whether the “nefarious fog” reports are real or planted propaganda, they create the impression that “people were exposed to something chemical or biological.” And since bioweapons require time to spread through a person’s body — the incubation period, the time between exposure to a disease and the first symptoms appearing — the bioweapon attack would not be recognized until a week or two after it happens…


The incubation period for the supposed “COVID-19 bioweapon” was reportedly 2-14 days, with 5.6 days being typical. So if the globalists decide to narrate that a bioweapon was spread in Los Angeles starting on January 7, they could begin activating disease effects in the highly-vaxxed LA population as soon as this weekend. And they could then start activating disease effects in other places over the following days, narrating that the disease was spread around the country and the world via air traffic out of LAX.

We should also keep an eye on the Steelers-Ravens game tonight to see if “Bane” shows up in some form.

NOTE: They’ve cancelled Biden’s trip to visit the Pope, which could be a good sign. I’ll cover the occult cues surrounding Carter’s death and the Korean plane crash later. Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 10th are now up.

(Expanded Note – 9 January 2025) – SEE THE WARNING FOR TODAY UNDER THIS NOTE

The fiery end begins?…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Jimmy Carter’s funeral is about to begin (at 10 AM DC time). The last time all the presidents got together for a funeral was for George H.W. Bush’s, and you may remember that the controlled alt-media made a fuss about some envelopes that were handed out to the Bushes, Clintons, and other assorted scummers at that gathering — envelopes that supposedly contained a warning that horrified them. Will that narrative pick up today where it left off?

You may also remember what I wrote back in the 30 December warning…

Based on a reader’s tip, I have uncovered substantial occult evidence that the Jeju Air crash in South Korea and Jimmy Carter’s death were deliberately caused and are connected (I’ll show you later). They were a Kabbalist fire sacrifice and blood sacrifice intended to invoke the power to bring a fiery end to the American Century (and the rise of the Asian Century)…

Today is later. So events permitting, I’ll show you how it all connects over the course of the day. “Y’all are gonna have a good time now”

WARNING (8 January 2025): The Setup for 10 Tevet

My partner Onnabugeisha, whose notes on January 9-10 are now up, points out that the Israelis have established a pretense for a “preemptive strike” on Iran — a strike that could set off the planned 10 Tevet mischief…

…from The Jerusalem Post

Sunset of January 9 to sunset of January 10 is the Jewish day of 10 Tevet — a day of mourning that features a dawn to dusk fast to commemorate the Siege of Jerusalem

On the 10th of Tevet of the year 3336 from Creation (425 BCE), the armies of the Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem. Thirty months later — on Tammuz 17, 3338 — the city walls were breached, and on 9 Av of that year, the Holy Temple was destroyed. The Jewish people were exiled to Babylonia for 70 years. – from

This history makes it a good day to script a new siege of Jerusalem or Mystery Babylon (the G7-NATO). And the day will begin in Jerusalem tomorrow at 4:53 PM local time (9:53 AM Washington DC time).

There are three notable events that have been scheduled to occur on 10 Tevet (January 9-10)…

  1. the January 9 funeral of Jimmy Carter, which will gather all five living US presidents in Washington DC;
  2. the January 9-10 arrival of Joe Biden in Rome (the “spiritual capital of Mystery Babylon” — its Jerusalem) to meet Pope Francis about “peace”; and
  3. the January 10 sentencing of Donald Trump in New York.
    According to press reports, the judge has signalled that he won’t sentence Trump to jail time, but are they planning something over the next 48 hours to change his mind — something that he will use as an excuse to jail Trump and touch off a made-for-TV civil war?

Based on the timing of these events, there are at least four scriptable scenarios that can spring from 10 Tevet…

Additional details to come tomorrow.

WARNING (6 January 2025): With the Vatican’s “gate-opening of the Abyss” ritual now complete, will all Hell break loose on Orthodox Christmas?…

…from EWTN

In the 1 January update below, I mentioned the possibility that the holy door ritual at the Vatican was being done to open the way for the arrival of “Final Antichrist” Putin. And upon looking into Orthodox Christmas (January 7, the 3rd day of Sunday’s opening of the Gate to Hell), I’ve found that it’s a high probability date for the start of the 40-day Fire Judgment and/or the 150-day Torment of Humanity

It all began with the “conception” of the antichrist last year when Catholics observed the Annunciation on April 8, which was Day X (the day of the eclipse of America) and Day 1 of a nine-month count to Orthodox Christmas. And it would continue with the Antichrist’s fiery “birth” on Orthodox Christmas Day (tomorrow). This could take the form of Putin’s fake assassination to start the War and set the stage for his later resurrection. From that point, they could land the end of the 40-day Fire Judgment on sunset of February 15 (the Orthodox Meeting of our Lord / Presentation of Jesus at the Temple), and/or the end of the 150-day Torment on June 5 (a good day to start a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that lands on June 8, Pentecost +).

The Footsteps of “Our Lord Putin Christ”

Here’s what I suspect are the milestones for the rise of “Antichrist Putin” according to the Kabbalist script…

Alternative ways to script the start of Putin’s rise that would bridge the timelines could include…

  • delaying the Russian response to Putin’s Christmas Day assassination until January 9-10 / 10 Tevet, or
  • triggering a 4-day Three Days of Darkness upon his death that lands the fourth day on 10 Tevet.

This would allow them to start the 150-day Torment timeline on January 10 and land its end on June 8. They could also schedule the fake Christian Rapture or a sudden Antichrist victory on 10 Tevet.

Reader Sohei has discovered that Putin will celebrate Christmas at a Russian Orthodox church, so he will be in a non-hardened public place where he’ll be targetable by a “Ukrainian drone, NATO-supplied missile, or an ISIS-K strike.” Sohei has also identified the church they may be intending to use in the setup: the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills. Putin attended Christmas service there in 2000, just a week after he became Acting President of Russia. And 2000 was Catholic Jubilee Year, just like this year. This Church also has a connection to the “Life-Giving Trinity,” a feast celebrated on Pentecost (June 8 this year). [1/7: They ended up taking Putin to a midnight service at the Church of St. George the Victorious in Moscow.]

~ from yesterday, 5 January 2025 ~

The fifth door was opened today, so Monday the 6th will bring the first Christian feast day, the Epiphany, since the ritual for “opening the Gate to Hell” was completed. Then on Tuesday the 7th comes Orthodox Christmas.

Keep an eye on Pope Francis, Bashar Assad and Vladimir Putin over the next two days. Francis, who was a no-show at the door opening, will be leading Epiphany Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica tomorrow. Assad is an Alawite Muslim, and Alawites observe the Epiphany (though on a different day than the Catholics). And Tuesday will mark the 5-year anniversary of Putin’s visit to Damascus to fulfill Muslim prophecies related to Isa (Jesus). Mischief (likely in the form of death) could be scripted for any of the three.

NOTE (4 January 2025): The Kabbalists have now established the narrative for blaming the communists for the planned explosions (after the “right-wing” saviors move to save us): They were caused by commie nukes carried by drones.” They’ve also arranged for Biden and Harris to be together at the White House this afternoon, so a hit today could put a Republican in the presidency and spark a civil war.

(2 January 2025) – As we find ourselves in the midst of a Jesuit door-opening ritual for “releasing the demons from the Abyss“…

And as we look ahead five months (150 days) and see a June 1-8 timeframe for the arrival of the next antichrist character, we should take note of a bit of predictive programming that came out in 2012…

On the day of the football stadium attack in The Dark Knight Rises, the last thing Bane does before entering the stadium is to initiate a five-month countdown to the total nuclear destruction of Gotham (which represents the West) — a nuclear destruction that will be averted at the last minute by a savior, the Dark Knight (Batman), WHO CLIMBED OUT OF A PRISON ABYSS

The stadium at which the scene was shot was Heinz Field, home of the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the home team in the movie wore Steeler colors and featured a real Steelers player, Hines Ward (number 86). To start the game, a visiting team player whose name starts with “Ravens” kicked off…

And kickoff marked the moment explosions started going off around Gotham and under the football field, opening an abyss

Can you guess which two teams had games on Christmas Day, THE DAY AFTER the first “Holy Door” was opened? Yep, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Baltimore Ravens

And can you guess which two teams have games this Saturday, THE DAY BEFORE the fifth and final “Holy Door” will be opened? Yep, the Steelers and the Ravens again…

The globalists are intending to make us live The Dark Knight Rises very soon, and it will start with explosions all over the West (Operation Blackjack). Will it happen on Saturday, the day of the games? On Sunday, the day the door-opening ritual is completed? Or on 10 Tevet (January 9-10, sunset to sunset in Jerusalem), the day of Jimmy Carter’s funeral and Biden’s visit with Pope Francis?

NOTE (2-3 January 2025): Watch for the government and mainstream media to ascribe “far-right” motivations to the New Year’s Day attackers, just like they did with the Christmas market attacker in Germany….

…from today’s Drudge Report

This is being done to prepare the public to blame Operation Blackjack on the “far-right,” in accordance to the Day X” narrative put out by The New York Times (which features Germany, the US, and the military)…

The five-prophetic month / 150-day Torment of Humanity that is scheduled to run between Operation Blackjack and the arrival of the False Savior is scripted to be a communist reign of terror set in motion by the “right-wing attack of an alliance of convenience between Islamic extremists and Christian white supremacists.” You may remember that in The Dark Night Rises, the five months between the stadium attack and Batman’s savior moment were presented as a “People’s Revolution.” Listen to Bane’s speech in the stadium.

~ MORE – 3 January 2025 ~

As expected…

…from today’s Drudge Report

If the idea of a Trump-loving MAGA man” trying to blow up a Trump hotel and an “AfD-sympathizing Islamophobe Saudi Muslim” plowing through a Christmas market doesn’t make sense to you, you’re on the right track — the government + mainstream media narrative is meant to smell fishy. Remember that the Kabbalist scriptwriters are setting up a big win for the “right” in about five months. And when the Truth Tsunami begins, the government + mainstream media narrative is designed to fall apart.

I wrote about why the globalists do things like this back in 2015

…there have been more false-flags, including many that appear to have been wag-the-dog theatrical productions staged with crisis actors. This being the case, you gotta ask yourself a few questions:

> Why would the globalist intelligence agencies stage false-flag attacks that are so sloppy that any regular jagoff with an internet connection (like me) can see the inconsistencies?

> Why would alt-media disinformation sites that are known to be globalist mouthpieces be pointing out all the inconsistencies to the public and openly labeling them false-flag attacks?

Cui bono? (Who benefits?)

As I noted in the excerpt above, these are the benefits the globalists accrue from such practices…

1) These blown false-flags help to wake the people up. Dramatic events like this get lots of attention, and as people eventually catch on to the inconsistencies between “the official story” and what actually happened, they start looking for answers. As I’ve written before, the current awakening was engineered by the globalists to facilitate the transition to the NWO. They can’t run a dialectic on the population until the public is awakened to the two sides (the “evil” West and the “good” East).

2) These events help to establish the credibility of the alt-media disinformation sites. As people begin to see the inconsistencies and look for answers, there is a whole cast of colorful alt-media characters waiting to provide them. And once the disinfo sites have established credibility with the newly awakening ones, they sell them the East versus West dialectic.

3) These events provide “evidence” of how “evil” the West is, thus supporting the East vs. West dialectic.

NOTE (2-3 January 2025): Will the only Republican in the current presidential line of succession be removed on Friday, before we enter a very hazardous weekend and beyond?

~ MORE – 3 January 2025 ~

Republican Senator Chuck Grassley entered the presidential line of succession today. He may be cast as a “Deep Stater”; here’s what he said about the January 6 incident…

As violent protesters mobbed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and breached the walls of Congress, U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, then third in line to the presidency, was whisked out of the Senate chamber and moved to a secure location.

In the hours and days afterward, he condemned the “attack on American democracy itself,” praised Vice President Mike Pence for refusing to “kowtow” to a president who wanted him to overthrow the results of a valid election and suggested former President Donald Trump could no longer lead the Republican Party. – from the Des Moines Register

(1 January 2025) – Have a look at what I found out about the “Holy Door” that was opened today…

…from the Basilica website. Here is what it says about the door…

The Holy Door is located on the left side of the portico and evokes the Jubilees that have taken place in Rome since the year 1300 (every 50 years, and every 25 years from 1470). The bronze door was made in 2000 and is a symbol of reconciliation with God and a new beginning. It will be reopened during the Holy Year of 2025.

Boris Yeltsin handed Vladimir Putin the Presidency of Russia on New Year’s Eve of 1999, so the door was made during Putin’s first year as president, which was a Jubilee year. And Putin just marked his 25th year as the Jewish King of Russia. Are they opening the portals to let him take over the world in this Jubilee Year? In the Kabbalists’ “End Times” stageplay, Putin is playing the role of the “real” Jewish Messiah, the Fake Jesus, and the Final Antichrist.

Today Pope Francis was once again a no-show for the opening of the (Un)Holy Door. He opened the first door at St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve and the second door at the prison on Day Z (Hanukkah Day 1), but others have opened the third and fourth doors. Is this intended to show his fading health as we approach his scripted death on the day the final door is opened, January 5? Scripting it this way would still allow them to connect his death to the end of the Tribulation timeline using the door-opening period as the connector.

It should also be noted that the prison where Francis opened the door, Rebibbia Penitentiary, is the prison that held Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turkish Grey Wolf who attempted to murder Pope John Paul II. It makes one wonder if Pope Francis is scripted to die at the hands of Grey Wolves pretending to be ISIS — Grey Wolves supposedly under the command of the Turkish Muslim Antichrist.

NOTE (31 December 2024): Keep this in mind about New Year’s Day (and January 2)…

That being said, Pope Francis is scheduled to open the fourth (un)Holy Door to Hell after sunset of January 1 (after Hanukkah Day 8 has begun in Rome). This will be happening on the 58th World Day of Peace at the Basilica of St. Mary Major on a Marian feast daythe same Mary who supposedly appeared to three Portuguese shepherds and gave a prophecy of the death of a Pope, the “Third Secret of Fatima“.

So is the 58th World Day of Peace scripted to bring Pope Francis’s death and war? According to Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, number 58 is the Greek word “agora: public square” and the Hebrew word “abel: mourning, lamentation“: “mourning in the public square“.

A 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario started on Hanukkah Day 8, which corresponds to the Gregorian date of January 2, would reach its last day on May 31st, another Marian feast day: the Visitation of Mary. See the section below for more details…


Here’s what’s coming next…

  • A golden 8-day timeframe for the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah runs from June 1 through June 8 of 2025.
  • This 8-day Arrival Event timeframe is preceded on May 31 by a Marian feast day: the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which commemorates the supposed visit of Mary, pregnant with Jesus, to Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist. This feast day narratively ties into the original Babington Plot (involving Mary, Queen of Scots, and Queen Elizabeth I) and the New Babington Plot (involving Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II), so it suggests the “arrival” of King Harry, perhaps as one of the Gemini Twins.
  • The Kabbalists’ first opportunity to make use of this timeframe comes on Hanukkah Day 8, which runs from sunset of New Year’s Day to sunset of January 2. A 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario triggered on that day would reach its final day on the May 31 Visitation of Mary, allowing them to run the 8-day Arrival Event immediately afterwards.
  • The Kabbalists’ final opportunity to make use of this timeframe comes on Asara B’Tevet (sunset of January 9 to sunset of January 10), when Western leaders will be gathered for the January 9 funeral of Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden will make his January 10 visit to Pope Francis in Rome. A 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario triggered on that day would reach its final day on June 8, allowing them to run the 8-day Arrival Event as the final 8 days of the Torment period.

Currently, “Satanic Antipope” Francis is the character who has been assigned to perform the ritual that will lead to the opening of the door to the Abyss, and the Bible’s Book of Revelation provides the basis of the Kabbalist scripting of what will follow…

The Fifth Trumpet

1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss. 2 The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.

3 And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them. – from Revelation 9

According to the prophecy propagandists, these “five months” of Revelation 9:5 are 30-day prophetic months, so the Torment is to last for 150 days

The supernatural entities known to the world thousands of years ago as Titans, Watchers, Anunnaki, and apkallu are the things that swarm out of the abyss in Revelation 9. That’s where they are now, confined until the Judgment. They get a short time to torment humanity, taking revenge on God’s prized creation for the punishment of watching their own children, the Nephilim/Rephaim, destroyed in the Flood of Noah.

How do we know? The Watchers from the abyss be allowed to torment those without the seal of God on their foreheads for five months. Now, note the length of time the ark of Noah was on the water before it came to rest:

>>> The fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, and the waters receded from the earth continually. At the end of 150 days the waters had abated, and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8:2–4, emphasis added) <<<

Measured in the thirty-day months of a lunar calendar, the standard in ancient Mesopotamia, 150 days is exactly five months. That’s how long Shemihazah, Asael, and their colleagues watched helplessly while their children were destroyed with the rest of all flesh on the earth. In the end, they’ll get 150 days to torment unrepentant humanity before Saturn’s reign is ended. The parallel is not coincidental, and it identifies the creatures from the abyss as the sinful angels mentioned in the epistles of Peter and Jude—the “sons of God” from Genesis 6, who were led by the entity who’s at the heart of this study, Shemihazah/Saturn. – from SkywatchTV

With this in mind, let’s begin our examination of the 8-day Arrival Event by looking at the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar…


As you can see, the Catholics will be celebrating THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD twice this year: on May 29 and June 1, forming a 4-day window (29, 30, 31, 1). This window can be used to run a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that…

> starts with “the ascension of the Messiah to heaven (through his staged ‘death’ or disappearance on May 29) to receive his heavenly army,”

> features his resurrection / arrival in the sky over Mount Sinai (or Mount Hermon) after sunset of the third day (the May 31 Marian feast day), and

> ends with “his ascension as King of the Jews upon descending from heaven (on the fourth day, June 1).

> His descent from heaven on June 1 is reinforced by the fact that June 1 is also Essene Pentecost (on the Dead Sea Scrolls calendar), which is symbolized by the Holy Spirit / Dove of Peace descending from heaven

…from the Catholic News Agency. Here is a key excerpt about Pentecost…

There is a parallel Jewish holiday, Shavu’ot, which falls 50 days after Passover. Shavu’ot is sometimes called the festival of weeks, referring to the seven weeks since Passover.

Originally a harvest feast, Shavu’ot now commemorates the sealing of the Old Covenant on Mount Sinai, when the Lord revealed the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai. Every year, the Jewish people renew their acceptance of the gift of the Torah on this feast.

> AND JUNE 1 IS EREV SHAVUOT, THE DAY MAINSTREAM JEWISH SHAVUOT 2025 BEGINS AT SUNSET. Shavuot is a Pilgrimage Festival, so it is at this point they can script the planned Triumphal Procession from the arrival mountain to Jerusalem.

> The defeat of the Muslim Antichrist will likely be scheduled for the 6th or 7th day of the Procession outside of Jerusalem, because that will be the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, which is when Muslims stone the devil.

> The Fake Jewish Messiah will then arrive on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on June 8, which is Catholic Pentecost, Orthodox Pentecost, and the end of the Shavuot fulfillment days.

Things you need to remember when the cities are burning

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