Here are my notes and entries from September 25 through November…
ALERT (28 November 2018) – The (planted) smoking gun that will ignite the Russia-Ukraine War
During this morning’s research, I ran across a very important link in the chain of custody of the “North Korean” nuke that will supposedly be used to blow up the G20 Summit…
…from UNIAN, a Ukrainian news agency. Here is an excerpt…
>>> A spokesperson for the SBU Security Service of Ukraine says a statement by Russia’s FSB Federal Security Service on links between the Ukrainian intelligence services and Islamic State (ISIS) is a complete fabrication…
The FSB earlier reported it had allegedly detained an ISIS member who masterminded the assassination of a leader of the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”), which is controlled by Russia.
The man allegedly confessed that the “Ukrainian special services are actively assisting ISIS fighters, providing money, weapons and explosives for terrorist attacks in Russia.” <<<
Hmm… while we’re on the subject of Ukraine providing ISIS with explosives for terrorist attacks, have a look at something I wrote in a previous overwatch entry…
[Section 2 – 29 June 2018] – The “Blame Ukraine” assassination scenario
…from Newsweek
Another way the globalists can script the Trump-Putin assassination is to blame the Ukranians. After the end of the Cold War, Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees from Russia and the US. But in early 2014, Vladimir Putin took the Crimea from them. So in the “Blame Ukraine” scenario, the controlled alt-media will narrate that Ukraine provided ICBM rocket engines to North Korea in exchange for a few nukes to use as “a safeguard against future Russian aggression.”
Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia entry on North Korea’s Hwasong-14 ICBM…
>>> Michael Elleman of IISS and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists both claim that available evidence clearly indicates that the engine is based on the Soviet RD-250 (R-36 (missile)) family of engines, and has been modified to operate as the boosting force for the Hwasong-12 and -14. According to his theory an unknown number of these engines were probably acquired though illicit channels operating in Russia and/or Ukraine. North Korea’s need for an alternative to the failing Musudan and the recent appearance of the RD-250 engine along with other evidence, suggests the transfers occurred in 2015-2017. <<<
So the transfers occurred after Russia took the Crimea in 2014, which fits the script perfectly.
This “Blame Ukraine” scenario can also be used in conjunction with the “Blame Medvedev and the Atlantic Integrationists” scenario. Since both Medvedev and the Ukrainian government are supposedly friends/puppets/agents of the Western powers, it can be said that Ukraine provided the “North Korean” nuke, Erdogan provided the ISIS suicide bombers, and Medvedev & Bortnikov provided safe passage to the target zone.
Of course, this event would be used to start the Ukraine-Russia war. And as I’ve said in past entries, that war will result in Russia taking all Ukrainian territory east of the Dnieper River. That part of Ukraine was once part of ancient Khazaria, and the globalists want to reconstitute Khazaria under Putin (who will “miraculously” return later in the prophecy fulfillment show).
Fast forwarding to today, it’s important to remember that Ukraine and Russia are currently on the precipice of war due to the naval incident 2 days ago.
With these things in mind, let’s take a look at the setup that’s taking shape…
> North Korea may have passed one or more nukes to Ukraine.
> According to the Russians, Ukrainian intelligence provides ISIS with money, weapons, and explosives.
> Vladimir Putin may be killed in a nuclear attack in a few days that will first be blamed on ISIS.
> Russia and Ukraine are already on the brink of war.
So what scenario are they setting up? One in which the Russians blame the Ukrainians for providing ISIS with the North Korean nuke that killed Putin. Since Russia and Ukraine are already on the precipice, this would start an almost immediate war between the two nations, so that part of World War 3 would already be raging before the blame shifts from ISIS to Iran.
Additionally, since the original source of the nuke will be identified as North Korea, the Indians will rage against Pakistan for helping the North Koreans build the nuke that killed Modi, and Pence will rage against North Korea for releasing the nuke that killed Trump. And as soon as the intermediary blame shifts from Ukraine / ISIS to Iran / Hezbollah, the Turks will rage at Iran for providing the nuke that killed Erdogan.
So by pulling the trigger on the G20 nuke attack, the globalists would be pulling the pins on a number of grenades…
- a war between Russia and Ukraine
- a war between India and Pakistan
- a war between Turkey and Iran, and
- a war between the US and North Korea + Iran
And once it finally becomes clear that Israel and the MEK were actually responsible for the G20 attack and for starting all those wars (including other wars that will stem from them), the entire world will be insanely furious at the Israelis (and all Jews in general). This will result in the “Gog-Magog” invasion of Israel and the crushing postwar global “anti-Semitism” that will drive the world’s Jews to Israel (the “ingathering of the exiles”) for refuge at the feet of the Moshiach (the “resurrected” Putin)…
…from, the official sponsors of the Moshiach ben David…
The fact that the globalists staged the naval incident this week tells us that as of two days ago, they were still keeping their options open on the G20 hit. Let’s hope they punt; otherwise, we could be looking at a martial law Christmas courtesy of President Mike Pence.
(27 November 2018 – with an enhanced paragraph in blue) – Of course, it will be hard for people to believe that the Iranians would do such a suicidal thing as attacking the G20. Since the G20 consists of both the “Western” G7 powers and the “Eastern” BRICS powers, killing the leaders of both sides would unite the world in war against Iran. So the globalists have to address the believability factor in their scripting, and that is why they’ll say that Iran set up ISIS to take the fall for the attack. It’s not hard for anyone to believe that ISIS would do it.
For the globalists to initially blame ISIS, though, they have to establish a backstory showing that ISIS has both the ability and the presence in Argentina to conduct the strike. That is why…
1) They’ve narrated ISIS’s possible possession of a nuke purchased from Pakistan or North Korea…
…from The Independent (top) and Business Insider (bottom). Here is an excerpt from the Business Insider article…
>>> With some of the harshest sanctions on earth imposed on North Korea, it’s easy to imagine the nation attempting to raise money through illegal arms sales to the US’s enemies, which could even include non-state actors like al Qaeda or ISIS.
While procuring the materials and manufacturing a nuclear weapon would represent an incredible technical and logistical hardships for a non-state actor, a single compact warhead could be in the range of capabilities for a non-state actor like Hezbollah, said Lamrani. <<<
2) They’ve narrated ISIS’s presence in Argentina (by means of a hack)…
…from Reuters. According to the article, the hacked Argentine Army website said…
“This is a threat. ISIS is in Argentina and you will hear from us soon.”
3) They’ve narrated ISIS’s video-backed claim to have a “Navy SEAL-like” amphibious commando force…
…from YouTube / The Young Turks
4) They’ve narrated ISIS’s “evolving capabilities” in cyberwarfare (as well as its aerial drone capability)…
…from Here is an excerpt…
>>> The United States should not underestimate the ability of terrorist organizations such as ISIS to mount cyber attacks against the homeland, says John Mulligan, former deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center. As the nation works to shrink territorial control of the caliphate in Iraq and Syria, the battlefront extends virtually to the cyber domain, and America must be prepared.
“Unless we contest the other domains in which [terror groups] operate, the problem is going to continue to manifest itself in the years ahead,” he warns. “We need to anticipate that ISIS will move aggressively to develop increased competency in the cybersphere. This is going to occur.”
So far, ISIS has mounted low-level cyber attacks, including doxing-style assaults—stealing and releasing documents with the intent to cause harm — or gaining personally identifiable information to generate kill lists. The organization’s proven ability to evolve its capabilities consistently over time, such as its use and armament of unmanned aerial vehicles or exploitation of social media, warrants attention. “We live in an era in which the free flow of information means that individuals can achieve higher degrees of education, skill and tradecraft fairly easily,” Mulligan says. “They have access to all sorts of information.”
Furthermore, the United States should not make the mistake of minimizing the ability of ISIS to attract skilled hackers. <<<
At the same time, the propaganda corps have also narrated ISIS’s relative incompetence in the cyber arena…
…from Newsweek
So as you can see, the press have narrated ISIS as potentially having all the necessities for the core attack: the small nuclear warhead, the amphibious specialists capable of delivering it from underwater, and the hackers to launch the disabling cyberattack. But as you can also see, they’ve expressed doubt about each element (“The capacity of Isis to acquire such a [nuclear] device is certainly beyond the group at the moment”; “ISIS Special Forces Not That Special”; “ISIS Cyber Jihadis Are ‘Garbage’ at Hacking”). This element of doubt will be useful to the propagandists in breaking down the “ISIS did it” narrative as they begin to switch the blame to Iran / Hezbollah.
With this buildup to the “Blame ISIS” narrative set before us, we begin to see how the narrative will take shape and then collapse…
During the G20 attack, images of commandos in ISIS garb with ISIS flags may be recorded. And after the attack, a claim of responsibility by ISIS will be made. This claim may be backed up by video posts appearing to show ISIS fighters training for the attack. The worldwide 24/7 news coverage will then run with it, taking the stance that “it appears ISIS is responsible for the attack.” But the official government statements will say, “We are aware of the evidence showing that ISIS may be involved in the attack, but we are not prepared to confirm their culpability until we have investigated further.”
After the “Blame ISIS” narrative materializes, the mainstream media will begin interviewing “experts” on the various elements of the attack. And we’ll start hearing things like…
- “The ability to defeat Israel’s world-class, AI-driven cybersecurity system is way beyond the previously-demonstrated capabilities of ISIS hackers. It would take the resources of a nation-state to accomplish such a feat, and the list of nations capable of such an attack is a short one: Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, to name the most likely suspects.”
- “The capabilities of ISIS’s amphibious commandos are considered a joke in serious military circles. Furthermore, the method of attack suggests that a submarine may have been involved. Where did ISIS get a submarine? And how did they gain the expertise to operate it and move it all the way to Argentina? It would take the resources of a nation-state to accomplish such a feat — a nation like Iran for instance: they have submarines, and they’ve been developing the capability to cross the Atlantic with them.”
- “Beyond the splashy hack of the Argentine Army’s website, we’ve seen no serious evidence of a significant Islamic State presence in Argentina, so ISIS’s claim of responsibility rings a bit hollow. What we HAVE seen in Argentina, though, is extensive evidence of the presence and activity of Shia militants supported by Iran, such as Hezbollah.”
So after the “experts” begin to cast doubt on ISIS’s responsibility for the attack, the joint investigation by all the G20 intelligence agencies will break some news…
“We have uncovered evidence that the ‘Islamic State’ chatter, videos and claim of responsibility related to the G20 attack may have been planted by Iranian intelligence.”
The “expert” interviews on the media will thereafter focus on everything Iran stood to gain by covertly conducting the attack.
This being said, you may be asking, “What about Russian and China? Won’t they stop the West from pinning the blame on Iran?” No, they won’t. Both Putin and Xi will supposedly die in the G20 attack, and the power vacuums they leave behind will be filled by Dmitry Medvedev and Li Keqiang. Both Medvedev and Li have been framed as “friends of the West,” so they’ll go along with the “Blame Iran” narrative. And with that being the case, the whole world will mobilize against Iran, Hezbollah, and everyone who helped them (such as the Syrian, Venezuelan, and Bolivian governments).
(26 November 2018 – EXPANDED IN RED) – Adding to the “security nightmare” aspect of the G20 Summit, they just happened to book a venue — the Costa Salguero Center — that is right by the water…
…from Google Maps
This makes the Summit an easy target for a water-borne attack / sail-up nuke scenario.
Since the Iranians are big proponents of small boat swarm tactics, keep an eye out for such a swarm to be part of the distraction attacks. The most effective way for the false-flaggers to employ a swarm would be to man the boats with sign-carrying unarmed protesters. As the protest boats maneuver wildly in their approach to the Summit venue, the security boats will be pulled off of their patrol routes and kept occupied. This, along with the sabotaged Israeli sonars, will allow the attackers to bring a sub within easy striking distance.
In a 10-kiloton nuclear strike scenario, the warhead will need to be brought within a kilometer (1,000 meters) of the Summit venue to ensure effectiveness (click on the image to enlarge it — the Summit building is the red star)…
If the nuke explodes at a range of one-half to one kilometer, the Summit building will be moderately damaged and many of those inside will be killed. So if the globalists wish to narrate certain leaders dying and others surviving, they’ll choose this distance.
And if exploded within one-half kilometer (like the map shows), the Summit building will be totaled and all the leaders will be killed (supposedly).
As for how they’d get the warhead to the desired distance, they could sail close with the sub, then surface and blow the warhead, or they could deploy a conventional or rocket-powered torpedo or an underwater drone from a standoff distance.
Speaking of the theatrics of nuking the G20 leaders, it should be noted that some (like Trump and Putin) or all of the leaders will be taken underground and whisked off to safety before the blast. And how will the globalists do that? By using the Jesuit tunnels of course…
…from the BBC. Here is an excerpt…
>>> The idea of a mysterious underground world has long been a subject of interest and imagination in Buenos Aires. “The old myths about the existence of a great swarm of tunnels under the city come back to life again and again,” said Ricardo Orsini, coordinator at the city’s Interpretive Centre for Archaeology and Palaeontology…
Even the experts don’t know the extent of the Jesuits’ network. In 1767, after failing to convert the indigenous population, the Jesuits abandoned their mission in Buenos Aires, heading inland to establish other missions near the border of Paraguay. The Spanish colonists who remained repurposed the mission buildings for their own use, establishing the Royal College of San Carlos and Argentina’s first national library in their place (both establishments are no longer here). And the Jesuits didn’t leave behind blueprints. “There is very little written documentation,” Schávelzon told me. “It was meant to be a secret.” <<<
So before the attack, the leaders will either be in a bunker or at a safe distance from the point of detonation, and the “live stream” of the Summit will be either prerecorded or streamed from a safe location.
(25 November 2018) – You may have seen the news about the naval encounter between Ukraine and Russia. And seeing it, there is an obvious question to be asked…
Why would Ukraine risk provoking a war against Russia (a major nuclear power) that they can’t possibly win?
The reason is that they have NATO backing and they also may have a few nukes (supposedly received from North Korea in exchange for helping them develop their ballistic missiles).
So what are the globalists scripting here?
Possibly a military buildup in preparation for the battle to retake the Crimea. And possibly an attack on Putin using a smuggled Ukrainian/North Korean nuke, either in Russia or Argentina. The confrontation may also be scripted as leverage in blocking a deal between Putin and Trump during their meeting at the G20 Summit.
As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, the World War 3 script calls for NATO to pull Russia into a two-front war by engaging them in Syria while also hitting them in the Crimea. And according to the script, Russia will win the Crimean War, taking all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper River. You can read about the reason why in the very bottom section of this page, titled Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria.
The Role of the Leftists/Anarchists in the G20 Summit Attack
(25 November 2018) – In the 21 November update on the Mossad strike plan for the Summit, I said…
It will begin with bomb and firearm attacks by leftists/anarchists and “Hezbollah” agents all over Buenos Aires…
So let me show you how the globalist propaganda corps have brought the leftists/anarchists into the mix…
…from the Buenos Aires Times. Here is an excerpt…
Buenos Aires City Security Minister Marcelo D’Alessandro said Thursday that authorities were confident the suspects “are tied to anarchist groups.” He described the bombs as “quite sophisticated.”
“The explosives department has determined that not only that it was a bomb, but even though it was homemade, it was quite sophisticated, in which three detonations were made. It was a pipe[-bomb] but with greater sophistication and power, according to experts,” D’Alessandro told the TN news channel.
He added that the timing was not coincidental…
“Nothing is coincidence or coincidence. We are on the eve of one of the most important international event, which is the G20 summit. We have examples of what has happened in other cities and we are working to provide the necessary security, but without a doubt it has a connection with respect to that,” said D’Alessandro. <<<
And here the propagandists are talking about the leftists/anarchists and the “security nightmare” presented by the Summit…
…from the South China Morning Post. Here is an excerpt…
>>> Argentina has vowed to crack down on any anarchists and anti-capitalist protesters who try to disrupt next week’s Group of 20 gathering in Buenos Aires, saying it was working with foreign governments to identify and block entry to potential troublemakers…
Local leftist groups are planning marches against the gathering and have invited activists from around the world to join them…
Protesters have often taken out their fury about fast-rising prices at Christmas-time by burning stores and blocking roads.
Last December police used tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon to push back rock-throwing protesters angry about the government’s pension reform plan.
Police also clashed with protesters outside parliament in October as lawmakers debated a new budget containing steep spending cuts aimed at erasing the country’s fiscal deficit. <<<
As you can see, they’ve already had some leftist patsies blow up some bombs near the Summit site, and the post-attack mainstream narrative will say that Hezbollah trained them in how to build the “quite sophisticated” bombs they used. So during the Summit, the leftists/anarchists will block roads, set fires to cars and buildings, explode bombs and Molotov cocktails, and engage in sniper and mass shooting activity. “Hezbollah” cells will be out doing the same things, but with even more powerful weaponry. And as the Summit security forces attempt to coordinate a response to all this, their systems and communication networks will be malfunctioning from effective cyberattacks.
“Security nightmare” indeed.
(24 November 2018) – Get a load of this…
…from Breitbart
As you can see, the US State Department is narrating that a flood of Hezbollah jihadis have entered Bolivia, and Bolivia shares a border with Argentina…
…from Google Maps
So the “blame Iran” narrative will say that the Hezbollah cells that attacked the G20 entered Argentina via the Bolivian border. And on top of this, Fox News has narrated the following…
>>> …Iran allegedly helped build a UAV facility in Maracay, Venezuela, with documents reviewed by Fox News suggesting potential dual use technology.
After an unexplained explosion in 2011, Humire says sections of the plant, reinforced with ceramic plates at Tehran ‘s insistence, were largely intact.
“I believe the Iranian UAV program is a cover for something that is more illicit,” he said. “Perhaps something that’s sanctioned and mostly likely involves Iran’s strategic programs, its nuclear program and ballistic missiles.”
Humire found other examples, in Bolivia, with photos showing a government site, alleged to have received backing from Iran. Before 2011, it housed a UN Peacekeeping unit, but since it has been replaced by an air defense command that is heavily secured, with some areas strictly off limits. <<<
So the globalists have placed Iran’s nuclear, ballistic missile, and drone programs in Venezuela, and they’ve hinted at a site in Bolivia that could be used to launch ballistic missiles / drones / cruise missiles.
Given all this, an “Iran / Hebollah” attack on the G20 can also be used as an excuse for Israel and the US to topple the Venezuelan and Bolivian governments…
…from the Jewish Policy Center (top) and the Tehran Times (bottom)
(23 November 2018) – On another subject, have a look at this…
…from Zero Hedge
Now have a look at this section from an article on “deep fakes”…
>>> Fake videos can now be created using a machine learning technique called a “generative adversarial network”, or a GAN. A graduate student, Ian Goodfellow, invented GANs in 2014 as a way to algorithmically generate new types of data out of existing data sets. For instance, a GAN can look at thousands of photos of Barack Obama, and then produce a new photo that approximates those photos without being an exact copy of any one of them, as if it has come up with an entirely new portrait of the former president not yet taken. GANs might also be used to generate new audio from existing audio, or new text from existing text – it is a multi-use technology. — from The Guardian <<<
In the future official narrative of the NWO, it will be said that the CIA “recording” of the MBS “smoking gun” phone call was a deep fake they produced as part of their campaign to take him down.
(By the way, it appears that the 11/22 surprise was Trump authorizing the military to use lethal force on the Mexican border. One or more “immigrant” deaths from this will no doubt be scripted, thus leading to the new Democrat-controlled House of Representatives going nuts in January.)
The Mossad Strike Plan for the G20 Summit
(21 November 2018)
I’ve been looking at the propaganda and security setup for the G20 Summit, and I think I’ve put together the Mossad’s strike plan…
It will begin with bomb and firearm attacks by leftists/anarchists and “Hezbollah” agents all over Buenos Aires (but outside of the core security zone); these may include one or more offshore boat raids as well. The sheer number of these engagements, as well as a concurrent “Iranian” cyberattack, will distract and confuse the Summit security forces so the main attack can slip through unnoticed. And that main attack will be conducted with…
one or more “Iranian” military drones or guided missiles
a submarine or swimmer delivery vehicle sailing a massive bomb or “North Korean” nuke right up to the Buenos Aires shoreline
Why do I say this, you ask? Because I’ve been warning about the sub and drone assassination angles for months, and because of these passages from an Argentina Reports article on the Summit security preparations…
>>> Argentina bought four patrol boats from Israel for US$80 million, reported Israel Noticias, which were received in April and July. They, along with other marine boats, will be used to patrol the Buenos Aires coastline to ensure that no unregistered vessels enter the area. <<<
So these brand new Israeli patrol boats will be the main line of defense against a submarine / frogman infiltration. This is a problem because the Mossad has likely added “poison pill” software to the sonar systems on the boats.
>>> Additionally, Argentina has paid US$5.2 million for a high-tech cybersecurity system, even though Israel is not in the G20 and other countries who are (such as Russia, the US, the UK and China) are also leaders in the cybersecurity sector.
The cybersecurity system employs AI and machine learning to prevent cyber terrorist attacks or malicious code that could affect the systems and networks of the Armed forces, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (EMCO) and the Ministry of Defense. <<<
This means the Mossad will be staging debilitating “Iranian” (and possibly “North Korean”) cyberattacks to disrupt the systems and networks of the Summit security forces. The attacks will succeed because of the backdoors the Mossad has embedded in the cybersecurity system. And since the system employs machine learning AI, the Israelis will have plausible deniability for the system’s failure. They can say, “The AI malfunctioned for reasons we do not understand,” which is a well-known problem with such AI.
>>> Argentina also purchased an anti-drone radar system from Israel, which was used successfully during the Youth Olympics in October earlier this year. <<<
So it will be an Israeli radar watching for drones at the Summit. This is a problem due to “poison pill” software again.
As for what “poison pill” software is, it is a type of hidden malware that activates at a certain time or upon a certain signal to interfere with a system’s normal operation. Once it does what it is programmed to do, it erases itself, leaving no trace. And while I’m sure the IT world has its own term for this type of software, I don’t know what it is, so I call it “poison pill.”
In the case of the sonars on the Israeli patrol boats, the poison pill could generate a false display of what’s underwater or simply prevent the display of objects of a certain size, like a submarine. This would allow an underwater strike to pass through undetected. And in the case of the Israeli drone radar, the poison pill could do the same for what’s in the air, or it could hold the door open for a cyberattack that will take down the radar and/or its network.
So as you can see, the Mossad holds the keys to all the doors needed for a successful attack on the G20, and that’s why I’m expecting what I’m expecting.
MORE COMING tomorrow morning or Friday…
(20 November 2018) – A Reuters article came out yesterday that teases how the takedown of MBS is currently scripted. Here is an excerpt [with my additions in brackets]…
>>> Dozens of princes and cousins from powerful branches of the Al Saud family want to see a change in the line of succession but would not act while King Salman – the crown prince’s 82-year-old father – is still alive, the sources said. They recognize that the king is unlikely to turn against his favorite son, known in the West as MbS.
Rather, they are discussing the possibility with other family members that after the king’s death, Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, 76, a younger full brother of King Salman and uncle of the crown prince, could take the throne, according to the sources.
Prince Ahmed, King Salman’s only surviving full brother, would have the support of family members, the security apparatus [the Saudi “Deep State”] and some Western powers [the US “Deep State” in particular], one of the Saudi sources said. <<<
So all that need happen now is King Salman’s death. And if MBS should die at his side in Buenos Aires, that will make things go all the more smoothly. In the words of Tony Montana and in the context of political assassinations, the G20 Summit is like a “great big pus*y just waiting to get fu*ked.”
According to the future official narrative of the multilateral NWO, the reported killing of Khashoggi was arranged by the US Deep State, the Saudi Deep State, and Turkey’s Erdogan. They will say, “Like Trump, MBS was a reformer who found himself surrounded by Deep State agents, even in his own protective detail. So the Saudi Deep State had some of their agents in his protective detail participate in the killing in order to frame MBS for ordering it.”
With that in mind, it appears that MBS will be one of the multilateral NWO’s future heroes. This is confirmed by the fact that future hero Trump supports him and future hero Putin supports him too. And as of the beginning of this month, Netanyahu is also supporting him…
>>> Israel is concerned that the international pressure on Saudi Arabia over the killing of Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents will destabilize the Sunni kingdom and the Middle East as whole, Senior Israeli officials tell me.
Why it matters: Until today [November 1], Israel refrained from commenting about the crisis publicly. This statement by the senior Israeli officials is very rare and shows Israel is nervous over the reaction of Western countries, including the U.S. The reason is that in the last few years, Saudi Arabia, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has become a staunch secret ally of the government in Jerusalem against Iran. — from Axios <<<
Given Netanyahu’s support of MBS and the particular scripting of the recent Chabad coup, Netanyahu is apparently being added to the pantheon of NWO heroes, and this means I’ll have to start looking for evidence that they might be substituting him for Trump as the “Moshiach ben Yosef,” while switching Trump to the “Cyrus the Great” role…
>>> Cyrus the Great respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered. This became a very successful model for centralized administration and establishing a government working to the advantage and profit of its subjects. In fact, the administration of the empire through satraps and the vital principle of forming a government at Pasargadae were the works of Cyrus. What is sometimes referred to as the Edict of Restoration (actually two edicts) described in the Bible as being made by Cyrus the Great left a lasting legacy on the Jewish religion, where, because of his policies in Babylonia, he is referred to by the Jewish Bible as messiah (lit. “His anointed one”) (Isaiah 45:1), and is the only non-Jew figure in the Bible to be called so. – from Wikipedia <<<
If Netanyahu is to be in the pantheon, that means he is an assassination target too. And given the failure of the staged Chabad coup against him, don’t be surprised if they send him to the G20 to be assassinated alongside the rest. They could say he’s going there because he needs to talk to MBS.
Now let’s look at another article that came out recently…
…from Bloomberg
This provides yet another scripted reason for a G20 assassination of MBS, Trump, and Putin by the Establishment: “to regain control over the pricing of oil from the Anti-Establishment renegades.”
~ MORE ~
(23 November 2018) – Now let me show you how they’re setting up the things I wrote about in the previous portion of this update, starting with a preparatory propaganda article that helps them set up the “sequence of blame” for the G20 attack…
Back in the 19 November update, I showed you an article about two supposed Hezbollah agents who were arrested in Buenos Aires. As I continued searching for more information on the incident, I came across this…
…from The Jerusalem Post
So in the case of the Argentine “Hezbollah agents,” the Israelis are taking credit for foiling yet another “terrorist attack,” just like they previously did with this year’s “Iranian” assassination plots in Paris and Denmark. This raises an obvious question…
Is the Mossad really so brilliant that they pick up on every little “terrorist” plot around the world, or did they know about these particular plots because they are the ones who set them up?
The alt-media is full of stories about our own FBI agents posing as members of radical groups to recruit unstable, weak-minded individuals. Once they have these patsies-in-training on the hook, they train them, send them on trips to “countries with terrorist ties,” arm them, and have them prepare for a specific mission. Then, at the right time, other FBI agents swoop in on the “cell” and arrest them for plotting a terror attack. Such operations help the government maintain the mainstream narrative of the nation being “full of terrorist cells preparing to hurt us.”
The same thing is happening with these “Iranian / Hezbollah” terror operations. The Mossad sets them up and knocks them down, and this helps the globalists establish multiple geopolitical narratives in support of The Plan, such as…
- “the EU nations shouldn’t bypass US sanctions because Iran is conducting terror operations on European soil,”
- “Iran is engaged in an active worldwide campaign to assassinate its critics and enemies,” and
- “Iran’s proxy Hezbollah is preparing for terror attacks in Buenos Aires.”
That being said, why did the globalists plant this story in the press? They did it so the alt-media can point out what I’m pointing out when it comes time to move the blame for the G20 strike from Iran / Hezbollah to Israel / MEK. Remember, the “sequence of blame” will start with ISIS, continue with Iran / Hezbollah, and end with Israel / MEK.
Moving on, here is an article which shows them trying to empty Buenos Aires in preparation for the G20 attack…
…from MercoPress. Here is an excerpt…
>>> Argentine Security Minister Patricia Bullrich has warned Buenos Aires City residents that the staging of the G20 Leaders Summit at the turn of the month will make things very “complicated” in the City, telling residents they should use the long weekend to leave Buenos Aires for a few days.
Last week, the government ruled that Friday, November 30, would be a national holiday…
“Our recommendation is that they use the long weekend to leave [the City and] that they leave on Thursday, because the City will be very complicated,”…
We know that the G20 can generate spaces of extreme violence and situations of chaos and overflow,” said the minister. <<<
So the ostensible reason for people evacuating the city is to avoid inconvenience and chaos due to the Summit security measures, but the article also foreshadows “spaces of extreme violence” in keeping with the first part of the Mossad strike plan. This evacuation could also be an effort to minimize civilian deaths from a nuclear strike. I don’t think the globalists want the “karma” of unnecessary, un-forewarned deaths hanging over them, at least not in the first phase of The Plan. And let’s not forget that the Summit will start on Friday, and it will be the 13th G20 Summit, so it’s got a “Friday the 13th” angle attached to it. This makes Friday the most obvious day for the attack, so it’s a good idea to get out of the city on Thursday as recommended.
Speaking of a potential nuclear strike at the G20, have a look at this…
…from The Washington Free Beacon
The article suggests that “the Islamic Republic had concrete plans [back in 2003] to manufacture and build at least five nuclear weapons and that it was much further along in this scheme than previously known by the international community.” It further suggests that the program to build “five nuclear warheads, each with an explosive yield of 10 kilotons and able to be delivered by ballistic missile” may have covertly continued in the 15 YEARS since then. So it basically suggests that Iran may have nukes right now.
Isn’t it interesting that this article came out just 9 days before the G20 Summit? By putting this information out there, the globalists are expanding their scripting options. They no longer have to narrate that Iran got its nukes from North Korea; they can say that Iran developed its own, with North Korean assistance.
Now let’s have a look at how they’ve narrated Hezbollah’s possession of weapons capable of delivering the nukes…
…from the Middle East Eye. Here is an excerpt…
>>> In terms of military equipment, Iran has used the war to massively increase Hezbollah’s stockpiles, which now include guided missiles, unmanned armed drones, short-range ballistic missiles and anti-tank missiles. In terms of numbers, it now has approximately 130,000 rockets and missiles, compared with 15,000 on the eve of the 2006 war. <<<
So Hezbollah has missiles and drones that could potentially be tipped with 10-kiloton nuclear warheads “provided by Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Quds Force — a division primarily responsible for extraterritorial military and clandestine operations.”
Tomorrow morning, we’ll look at Iran’s drones and the globalists’ setup for anarchist / leftist participation in the distraction attacks.
(19 November 2018) – As if to underscore that the G20 bombing scenario may still be in play, the press have now narrated that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) will attend the G20 Summit (and they announced it while the Saudis were also urging action against Iran). I haven’t yet seen clarification if MBS is traveling WITH King Salman or INSTEAD of King Salman, but if both attend, the “evil US and Saudi Deep States” would get a twofer.
And here are the globalists connecting Hezbollah to the Summit location in advance…
…from Haaretz
So if the Saudis calling for action against Iran get assassinated at the G20, and Hezbollah activity has previously been detected near the summit site, can you guess who will get the blame for killing MBS?
Read the sections below this and Globalist Outcome and Scripting Options for the 2018 G20 Summit for more information on the assassination plan.
ALERT (18 November 2018) – Will Chabad take down Netanyahu tomorrow? (+ lessons from the failed coup)
It looks like the globalists have scripted the fall of Netanyahu at the hands of the Chabad-Lubavitch messianic cult. The cult is basically threatening to take down his government if he doesn’t give them back the defense ministry and let them start the End Times war to bring in their “Jewish Messiah.” So it looks like the globalists are scripting Netanyahu as a “good guy” / “voice of reason” whose political fall leads to Israel’s disastrous descent into war. And If he gets taken down before the G20, they might proceed with more takedowns there.
Here are the basics of the situation…
Israel’s Chabad-connected defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, resigned his position because Netanyahu supposedly blocked his invasion of Gaza. And when he resigned, his political party pulled out of Netanyahu’s governing coalition, leaving it within one seat of failing. Now another political party in the coalition is threatening to leave if Netanyahu doesn’t name one of its members, Naftali Bennett, as the new defense minister…
…from Israel National News
There’s just one problem: Bennett is also a Chabadnik…
…from Israel National News
So far, Netanyahu has refused their demands, so they are threatening to take down his government tomorrow and trigger a snap election. This could potentially lead to a more aggressive government that will start Chabad’s desired End Times war.
~ MORE – 19 November 2018 ~
Wow, there’s been another sudden reversal in Israel…
>>> Benjamin Netanyahu has won a reprieve from the threat of early elections in Israel after a senior member of his cabinet announced he would not resign and break up the coalition government.
Naftali Bennett, the hardliner education minister, was widely expected to quit during a press conference on Monday morning but instead said in a surprise announcement that his Jewish Home party would give the prime minister another chance. – from The Guardian <<<
Tee hee hee…
~ MORE ~
It is important to take a moment and realize that this attempted coup by Chabad was very much a contrived, scripted event. And both Chabad and Netanyahu were reading from the same script because they work for the same people, the Kabbalist elite (specifically, the trillionaire bankster families). So let me show you now what the goal of this foiled drama was to be…
1) The purpose of the coup — had it been completed — was to give the public a logical political narrative that would have flowed into the invasion of the Gaza Strip. And this particular way of scripting it — with Netanyahu trying to hold back the disastrous invasion but getting overpowered by hotheads — suggests they’re trying to preserve Netanyahu’s reputation so he can be used later in the story, perhaps as Putin’s viceroy over Israel.
2) The purpose of the Gaza invasion, which is still in play, is to outrage the Muslim world so the Turks can start organizing the combined Muslim army that will be used to invade Israel in the Gog-Magog War.
3) The purpose of starting the formation of the Muslim army now is so it will be ready for Gog-Magog by next March. Organizing it now will allow the globalist scriptwriters to flow seamlessly out of the planned Turkey-Iran War straight into Gog-Magog. If they waited to organize the invasion force till after Turkey-Iran, there would be a drama-killing pause between the two wars.
4) The scripted, public reason for Chabad-Lubavitch wanting to trigger the invasion of Israel is to force the Moshiach ben David (the Jewish Messiah) to come forward to prevent Israel’s total destruction. Here is a YouTube video of the Lubavitcher Rebbe exhorting Netanyahu to make the invasion happen….
In the video, the two talk about the progress of the Lubavitch agenda…
…and the Rebbe instructs Netanyahu to do something to hasten the Moshiach’s arrival (meaning “trigger the invasion of Israel so it can be redeemed”)…
…Netanyahu then agrees.
What Chabad’s leaders don’t tell their followers it that the Moshiach ben David who will come forward (Vladimir Putin) is someone the leaders have chosen to pose as the Moshiach. They’ve been grooming him for the role…
…There will be no “supernatural” arrival (but there will be a helluva magic show), because it’s all bullsh*t they are making happen through their own efforts…
Even though this whole thing is a scripted stage play, the wars will be quite real. And there will be lots of real death and real destruction in Israel during Gog-Magog and its culminating Battle of Armageddon. So if you live in Israel, I say this to you…
It’s time to pull your head out of your tuchus and face the reality of what your government, the Mossad, and Chabad are doing to you. It’s also time to spread the word to others and to command your representatives to stop. Even though you don’t have the control over them you think you have, letting them know that you’re onto their con will dissuade them from continuing. You can’t pull off a con if your mark knows exactly what you’re doing.
Your life, and the lives of your children in the IDF, depend on you stopping this thing. If you don’t do it now, you’ll not only see lots of death and destruction in the coming months, but you’ll also see the total destruction of Judaism and all Jews living in Israel seven years after that. The final Jewish pogrom, to be provided by your supposed friends the elite Kabbalists, is already scripted.
(18 November 2018) – All the world is a stage, and this is especially true of summits and the nitwit puppets who strut about at them. Just have a look at Mike Pence hamming it up at the Pacific summits this week…
…from The Sun (top) and The Guardian (bottom)
According to the globalist script, Pence is playing the Phase 1 “Grey Champion,” an antichrist character who will take America’s reins after Trump is assassinated or removed from office. So he gave Putin and Xi the death stare for two reasons: 1) because they are supposedly “Avatars” (incarnations of the godhead) and the “two strongest pillars of the resistance to the Satanic West’s unilateral NWO,” and 2) because “glaring is caring.”
You gotta admire Pence for not cracking up while he was delivering “the face.” I’ve not seen such showmanship since the days of Barack Obama and Dr. Drake Ramoray…
(17 November 2018) – The Globalists’ 2018 Script for the Gog-Magog War and the Battle of Armageddon
To properly grasp the globalists’ underlying strategy in blowing up the G20 Summit, one must first understand the basics of the “Battle of Armageddon” they’re trying to orchestrate. Here is a quick primer…
>>> The Battle of Armageddon will take place in Israel, in the prophesied Valley of Megiddo. It will occur after the Great Tribulation Period, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, when He returns to set up His Kingdom on earth…
Revelation chapters 14, 16, 17 and 19 describe Armageddon as a place of great slaughter where troops will be gathered, assembled and pressed together. At Armageddon Christ will come in all of His wrath and glory with His army following Him on white horses. Jesus is pictured here as a man of war, judging in righteousness with the sword of His mouth. Jesus will deliver Israel from destruction by the Antichrist. Nations will be punished for their sins. Those who have received the Mark of the Beast will be judged. And Jesus will take authority over the earth and remove the kingdom and reign of the Antichrist. – from <<<
In some Christian circles, the Battle of Armageddon is viewed as a separate thing from the Gog-Magog War…
>>> There are a number of considerations that make it clear that this invasion by Gog is not the same as the battle of Armageddon. (1) In the battle of Gog definite allies are mentioned, while in Armageddon all nations are engaged. (2) Gog comes from the north, while at Armageddon the armies come from the whole earth. (3) Gog comes to take spoil, while at Armageddon the nations assemble to destroy the people of God. (4) There is protest against Gog’s invasion, but at Armageddon there is no protest for all nations are joined against Jerusalem. (5) Gog is the head of the armies in his invasion, but at Armageddon the Beast is the head of the invasion. – from <<<
But the only prophecy interpretations that matter are those the globalists are using to script their End Times stage play, and in their version, Gog = the Beast (Yildirim = the antichrist) so the Battle of Armageddon is the culminating battle of the Gog-Magog War. If you look at Gog-Magog and Armageddon from that perspective (and within the context of the G20 Summit attack), it implies that…
The Gog-Magog War on Israel will be started by the Turkish antichrist and his allies, who will then be joined by the rest of the world for the final battle.
So after Israel’s hand in the G20 attack is uncovered, Turkey’s Yildirim will rally all the Muslim nations to invade Israel from all directions. And as this invasion gets moving, the UN Security Council will pass a resolution authorizing military action against Israel, thus leading to “all the world’s armies” joining in for the final push. The resolution will not be vetoed because all the P5 nations will have lost their leaders at the G20, leaving Israel completely isolated and without earthly aid.
On a possibly related subject…
File this one under “it could be something or it could be nothing,” but the Argentine submarine San Juan that went missing a year ago turned up at the bottom of the sea today…
…from Zero Hedge
Since I’ve identified “a submarine carrying a ‘North Korean’ nuke” as one of the likely modes of attack on the G20 Summit, I’m left wondering if today’s news has a connection to the Summit bombing scenario. Even though a connection seems like a stretch, the timing of this news left me asking myself a few questions…
Was the San Juan actually lost in an accident, or was it disappeared to be used as a weapon against the seaside G20 Summit a year later? [If so, a year would allow time for the vessel to be cosmetically modified, perhaps to resemble an Iranian or Israeli sub.]
Did the possible cancellation on Tuesday of the G20 bombing cause them to scuttle the vessel to give closure to the mystery of its disappearance?
Was the wreckage found at the bottom of the ocean today actually the hull of some other submarine, possibly even that of San Juan’s abandoned (but 70% complete) sister sub, the Santa Fe? [If so, the decoy sub’s discovery would allow the San Juan to carry out the G20 op unsuspected.]
And if the San Juan did sink from an accident a year ago, was its discovery today the result of somebody scouring the waters off Argentina looking for rogue submarines that could be used against the Summit?
(16 November 2018) – If you visited the blog last night, you probably saw this…
Wow, I just put something together. It is indeed possible that Erdogan is among those scripted to die in the G20 bombing. And it may in fact be Binali Yildirim, the man who would become Acting President of Turkey after Erdogan’s assassination, who will lead Turkey first against Iran and then against Israel (remember: Iran will be blamed for the bombing first, then the blame will shift to Israel, thus resulting in the Gog-Magog War against Israel and its culminating Battle of Armageddon). I’ll fill in the details of this in the morning.
Now that it’s morning, here are the promised details:
In my entry on the G20 bombing scenario, I wrote this about Erdogan…
The nuke option is unlikely if Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey shows up to the Summit. It is doubtful that the globalists will remove him from the board this early (he still has much to do in playing his role), so his attendance would likely mean a nuclear attack isn’t planned. But should something happen in Turkey that prevents him from attending, the nuke option is definitely on the table.
After writing this paragraph, something about it bothered me, so I continued pondering Erdogan’s scripted fate until I remembered something I heard in a prophecy propaganda video months ago. It was part of an interview of Joel Richardson, a Christian Crypto-Jew the globalists have assigned to influence the Christians into accepting the prophecy interpretations they intend to act out for the public…
…from YouTube
In the final minutes of the interview, Richardson suggests that there will be a massive regional war between Turkey and Iran before the Gog-Magog War. He further suggests there is a possibility that Erdogan will be killed during this war, and a Turkish antichrist will rise out of the ashes of the war to lead Gog-Magog against Israel.
Now take a moment to overlay Richardson’s prediction onto the G20 bombing scenario I’ve laid out. Turkey and Iran share a common border, and both have positioned their forces in Syria in advance of this predicted war. So what will happen if “Iran and Hezbollah” kill Erdogan by bombing the G20? Turkey will attack Iran and their Hezbollah proxies in Syria, won’t they? And this would give us the preliminary Turkey-Iran War Richardson has suggested.
What will then happen after it is revealed that “Israel and the MEK” are actually to blame for the G20 attack? Both Turkey and Iran “will realize they were duped into destroying each other by the Israelis,” so they will cease fire and join forces (along with all the other Muslim nations in the region) to furiously attack Israel in response. This would give us the First Gog-Magog War and the First Battle of Armageddon.
All of this could transpire over just a few months time — in time to sync Putin’s savior moment (when he reenters the stage to save Israel) to the prophecy calendar in March.
That being said, who will be the Turkish antichrist who arises after Erdogan is killed? Upon checking into the Turkish rules of presidential succession, I found this…
>>> In the event of a temporary absence of the President on account of illness, travel abroad or similar circumstances, the Vice President of Turkey serves as Acting President, and exercises the powers of the President until the Presidents comes back. If the President resigns or dies, the TBMM Speaker serves as Acting President, and exercises the powers of the President until the new election happens in 45 days. – from Wikipedia <<<
And upon googling “TBMM Turkey,” I came across this…
As it turns out, the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (and Erdogan’s successor) is this man…
…from Wikipedia. Here is a little of what his Wiki says about him [with my comments in brackets]…
>>> As a staunch supporter of Erdogan, Yildirim has been referred to as a ‘low-profile’ Prime Minister and is expected to spearhead a transition from a parliamentary system of government to an executive presidency, which will delegate greater powers to Erdogan and the office of the President… [This transition has occurred, so Yildirim worked to strengthen the office he will soon occupy (just like an antichrist would). And since Erdogan’s assassination will lead to an immediate state of war, it would be impractical to hold an election 45 days after. This means Yildirim will be in office indefinitely.]
As the Director of IDO, Yildirim established a close relationship to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who served as Istanbul’s Mayor from 1994 to 1998. When the latter led efforts to establish a new moderate conservative democratic political party in August 2001, Yildirim joined Erdogan to become a founding member of the Justice and Development Party (AKP). [So Yildirim is both Erdogan’s partner in crime and Erdogan’s carbon copy (politically).] <<<
But it is the following passage that really cemented Yildirim’s candidacy for “the Turkish antichrist” in my mind…
>>> His name, Binali, means son of Ali in Arabic. An Alevi neighbour of his family gave him the name. His surname, Yildirim, means “lightning bolt“… <<<
So Yildirim’s first name hints at his being a son of “the legitimate successor of the Prophet Muhammed, Ali.” And his family name, which means “lightning bolt,” hints at his being the antichrist…
Luke 10:18 – And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”
His name thus loosely translates to “Muhammed’s Antichrist.” And if the globalists proceed with this 2018 script, it is Yildirim who will go down in the history books as being the “Dajjal.”
(15 November 2018) – In another signal that the globalists might be delaying the big drama till next year, the newest Saudi Coalition offensive on Yemen’s Port of Hodeidah was abruptly halted yesterday. Take note of these headlines and the dates below them…
…from RT (top, bottom)
So this new “vast offensive” was suddenly halted just five days after it began. It’s no coincidence that this happened within a day of the Gaza offensive being suddenly halted. The globalists want to hold the “Gaza Invasion” and “Fall of Hodeidah” cards for play the next time they attempt to start the hot phase of the Middle East War — the next time they want to trigger the “Iranian Cruise Missiles out of Yemen” scenario.
But as the globalists put these two cards back in their hand, they’re pulling out another to be played before the G20 Summit: the “Fall of ISIS in Syria” card. Take a look at these three stories about the sudden resumption of the US/Kurd offensive against “ISIS’ final stronghold” in Hajin, Syria…
…from Talk Media News (top), The Sun (middle), and Sputnik (bottom)
I suspect they’re narrating this new phase of the Hajin offensive so they can narrate the capture of ISIS’ leader and a subsequent collapse of the final ISIS pocket in Syria. This could enable Trump to announce a timetable for a US withdrawal from Syria at the Summit (where he’ll be meeting Putin to supposedly coordinate planned actions of that sort).
As a fallback play, they could keep the Hajin offensive grinding on till March of next year so Trump can announce the withdrawal then. In that case, don’t be surprised if a Trump-Putin summit is announced for March. March is the next foreseeable assassination timeframe.
More on this and the G20 later…
(14 November 2018) – Well THAT was a quick adjustment on their part. All of a sudden, the Gaza invasion — a move which would have helped support the “Iran/Hezbollah attacked the G20″ narrative — came to a screeching halt…
…from The Guardian. Here is a short excerpt…
>>> Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups have accepted an Egyptian-mediated agreement to halt two days of intense fighting with Israel…
The sudden announcement late on Tuesday… <<<
And after that, Israel’s Chabad-connected defense minister Avigdor Lieberman — a man who has done everything possible to orchestrate Chabad’s desired “Gog-Magog War” — abruptly resigned…
…from the BBC
For the time being, Netanyahu will take on his duties, and Lieberman’s eventual replacement will likely be someone whose Chabad connection is not publicly documented.
One would hope these developments are the initial signs that the globalists have canceled the G20 bombing operation. Hope is no substitute for putting in the work, though, so this blog’s G20 coverage will continue. There is much to learn by finishing what was started, and the writings can be reused the next time they try this.
Here is yesterday’s addition to the Globalist Outcome and Scripting Options for the 2018 G20 Summit entry…
Why the Globalists Chose Buenos Aires for a G20 Summit Bombing
Will history repeat itself in 17 days?…
…(the aftermath of the 1992 Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires)
(13 November 2018) – As I’ve previously written, in the first days/weeks after an attack at the G20 Summit, ISIS is likely to be blamed (due to fabricated evidence and a false claim of responsibility supposedly planted by Iran). But the Western intelligence agencies (Argentine intelligence in particular) and the Western mainstream media will soon after identify Iran and Hezbollah as the true culprits. The globalists will script it this way so they can get the whole world angry at Iran and start the wheels of World War 3 in motion. We’ll be seeing “Target Iran”…
That being the case, the globalists could pick no better site than Buenos Aires for a mass casualty “terror” attack “carried out by Iran and Hezbollah.” Why, you ask? Because Buenos Aires has already suffered TWO such attacks in recent memory.
THE FIRST was the 1992 attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. Here are some key passages from its Wikipedia page…
>>> The attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires was a suicide bombing attack on the building of the Israeli embassy of Argentina, located in Buenos Aires, which was carried out on 17 March 1992. 29 civilians were killed in the attack and 242 additional civilians were injured…
On 17 March 1992, at 2:42 pm (UTC−3), a pick-up truck driven by a suicide bomber and loaded with explosives smashed into the front of the Israeli Embassy located on the corner of Arroyo and Suipacha, and detonated. The embassy, a Catholic church, and a nearby school building were destroyed…
A group called Islamic Jihad Organization, which has been linked to Iran and possibly Hezbollah, claimed responsibility…
In 1999, the Argentine government issued an arrest warrant for Imad Mughniyah in connection with this attack and the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, which killed 85. It is suspected that the two attacks are linked. <<<
THE SECOND attack was the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires. Here are some key passages from its Wikipedia page…
>>> The AMIA bombing was an attack on the Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA; Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building. It occurred in Buenos Aires on 18 July 1994, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds. It was Argentina’s deadliest bombing ever. Argentina is home to a Jewish community of 230,000, the largest in Latin America and sixth in the world outside Israel (see Demographics of Argentina)…
On 18 July 1994, a suicide bomber drove a Renault Trafic van bomb loaded with about 275 kilograms (606 lb) of ammonium nitrate fertilizer and fuel oil explosive mixture, into the Jewish Community Center building located in a densely constructed commercial area of Buenos Aires…
The bombing came two years after the 17 March 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires which killed 29 and wounded 242, and was Argentina’s deadliest attack until the AMIA bombing. The Islamic Jihad Organization, which according to Robert Baer operates under the umbrella of Hezbollah and is linked to Iran, claimed responsibility for that bombing. Some suspect that the AMIA bombing was connected to the embassy attack. To date, authorities have been unable to locate those responsible for either of the two bombings…
Shortly after the attack, Ansar Allah a Palestinian Jihadist organization widely held as a front for Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack…
On 6 March 2007, former Congressman Mario Cafiero and former government official Luis D’Elia provided evidence at a press conference that Abolghasem Mesbahi, along with two other Iranians that gave alleged evidence implicating Iran in the bombing, were members of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), which is an organization that advocates the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran and was designated until 2012 as a terrorist organization by the US…
In August 2009, BBC News reported that Ahmad Vahidi had become Iran’s defense minister-designate under the 2009 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad administration, and is on Interpol’s wanted list over the AMIA bombing. Vahidi led a unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard called Quds Force at the time of the attack, and has been accused of planning the bombings. Iran dismissed this development as a “Zionist plot”. <<<
So after a mass casualty bombing of the G20 Summit, the talking heads in the mainstream media will point their fingers at these two previous “Iranian/Hezbollah” attacks in Buenos Aires as precedents. And they’ll opine that “Iran returned to its old ways due to the intense pressure their regime is feeling from the Trump sanctions” and “they wanted to strike back at Trump in a way that appeared that Trump wasn’t specifically targeted, and they wanted to avoid blame by making it look like their enemy ISIS did it.”
Getting back to the Wikipedia entries on the two bombings, here are some things of note…
> The entries on both bombings tie them to the 1985 – 2000 South Lebanon conflict, in which Hezbollah waged war against an Israeli occupation of Muslim lands. And wouldn’t you know it, Israel is poised to do another invasion and occupation of Muslim lands right before the G20 Summit…
…from Zero Hedge
Such a move will enable the mainstream media’s “expert” commentators to say that “the G20 bombing was another Iranian/Hezbollah reaction to perceived Israeli aggression” and “the Iranians wanted to strike back in a place where they have a long-established terrorist presence, and they wanted to deprive Israel of its greatest ally, Donald Trump.”
Here is another recent piece of preparatory propaganda that establishes a bombing motive for Iran…
…from Zero Hedge
This bit of news will enable the talking heads to say that “in addition to wanting to kill Trump, Iran wanted to retaliate for the Mossad-Saudi assassination scheme by killing King Salman, who was also scheduled to attend the G20 Summit.”
(12 November 2018) – The Economist got a lot of attention recently for the “blank” cover of their “The World in 2019” issue (these yearly covers typically tease the public with cryptic images depicting globalist intentions)…
…But this 2019 cover is not blank; it simply depicts an all-encompassing darkness. This is because the globalists heartily intend to take us into the “Darkness Before the Dawn” phase of their NWO implementation plan next year (good luck with that, fellas). You can read about this phase in the NWO Schedule of Implementation section further down this page.
One of the main markers of the beginning of “the Darkness Before the Dawn” is the fall of Donald Trump, either by assassination or removal from office. And the upcoming G20 Summit in Buenos Aires offers the final grand stage they can use to put on the assassination show this year. I’ll therefore cover it in a comprehensive manner.
At the top of the “recent posts” section to your right, you’ll notice a link to a new entry titled “Globalist Outcome and Scripting Options for the 2018 G20 Summit.” It is the place where I’ll gather my notes on the G20 and all the players the globalists have positioned to have a role in any hijinks that may transpire there. These players include ISIS, Hezbollah, the Mossad, the MEK, the Pope and the Jesuits, and the various “deep states” of America, Russia, China, India, and Brazil to name a few. If the globalists want to take us into the Darkness Before the Dawn in 2019, a big hit at the G20 would do nicely to get it started. We’d be falling right into the abyss as the new year begins.
(12 November 2018) – This entry is a work in progress. For the next two weeks, I’ll use it as a gathering point for new notes and previous writings on the subject of the Trump assassination show and the G20 Summit at the end of the month. And as the Summit draws near, I’ll edit it all into a coherent entry that offers extensive coverage of what could happen there. The completed entry will then be posted on the home page before the Summit begins.
Here’s my most recent note on the subject…
Why the Globalists Chose Buenos Aires for a G20 Summit Bombing
Will history repeat itself in 17 days?…
…(the aftermath of the 1992 Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires)
(13 November 2018) – As I’ve previously written, in the first days/weeks after an attack at the G20 Summit, ISIS is likely to be blamed (due to fabricated evidence and a false claim of responsibility supposedly planted by Iran). But the Western intelligence agencies (Argentine intelligence in particular) and the Western mainstream media will soon after identify Iran and Hezbollah as the true culprits. The globalists will script it this way so they can get the whole world angry at Iran and start the wheels of World War 3 in motion. We’ll be seeing “Target Iran”…
That being the case, the globalists could pick no better site than Buenos Aires for a mass casualty “terror” attack “carried out by Iran and Hezbollah.” Why, you ask? Because Buenos Aires has already suffered TWO such attacks in recent memory.
THE FIRST was the 1992 attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. Here are some key passages from its Wikipedia page…
>>> The attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires was a suicide bombing attack on the building of the Israeli embassy of Argentina, located in Buenos Aires, which was carried out on 17 March 1992. 29 civilians were killed in the attack and 242 additional civilians were injured…
On 17 March 1992, at 2:42 pm (UTC−3), a pick-up truck driven by a suicide bomber and loaded with explosives smashed into the front of the Israeli Embassy located on the corner of Arroyo and Suipacha, and detonated. The embassy, a Catholic church, and a nearby school building were destroyed…
A group called Islamic Jihad Organization, which has been linked to Iran and possibly Hezbollah, claimed responsibility…
In 1999, the Argentine government issued an arrest warrant for Imad Mughniyah in connection with this attack and the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, which killed 85. It is suspected that the two attacks are linked. <<<
THE SECOND attack was the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires. Here are some key passages from its Wikipedia page…
>>> The AMIA bombing was an attack on the Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA; Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building. It occurred in Buenos Aires on 18 July 1994, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds. It was Argentina’s deadliest bombing ever. Argentina is home to a Jewish community of 230,000, the largest in Latin America and sixth in the world outside Israel (see Demographics of Argentina)…
On 18 July 1994, a suicide bomber drove a Renault Trafic van bomb loaded with about 275 kilograms (606 lb) of ammonium nitrate fertilizer and fuel oil explosive mixture, into the Jewish Community Center building located in a densely constructed commercial area of Buenos Aires…
The bombing came two years after the 17 March 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires which killed 29 and wounded 242, and was Argentina’s deadliest attack until the AMIA bombing. The Islamic Jihad Organization, which according to Robert Baer operates under the umbrella of Hezbollah and is linked to Iran, claimed responsibility for that bombing. Some suspect that the AMIA bombing was connected to the embassy attack. To date, authorities have been unable to locate those responsible for either of the two bombings…
Shortly after the attack, Ansar Allah a Palestinian Jihadist organization widely held as a front for Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack…
On 6 March 2007, former Congressman Mario Cafiero and former government official Luis D’Elia provided evidence at a press conference that Abolghasem Mesbahi, along with two other Iranians that gave alleged evidence implicating Iran in the bombing, were members of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), which is an organization that advocates the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran and was designated until 2012 as a terrorist organization by the US…
In August 2009, BBC News reported that Ahmad Vahidi had become Iran’s defense minister-designate under the 2009 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad administration, and is on Interpol’s wanted list over the AMIA bombing. Vahidi led a unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard called Quds Force at the time of the attack, and has been accused of planning the bombings. Iran dismissed this development as a “Zionist plot”. <<<
So after a mass casualty bombing of the G20 Summit, the talking heads in the mainstream media will point their fingers at these two previous “Iranian/Hezbollah” attacks in Buenos Aires as precedents. And they’ll opine that “Iran returned to its old ways due to the intense pressure their regime is feeling from the Trump sanctions” and “they wanted to strike back at Trump in a way that appeared that Trump wasn’t specifically targeted, and they wanted to avoid blame by making it look like their enemy ISIS did it.”
Getting back to the Wikipedia entries on the two bombings, here are some things of note…
> The entries on both bombings tie them to the 1985 – 2000 South Lebanon conflict, in which Hezbollah waged war against an Israeli occupation of Muslim lands. And wouldn’t you know it, Israel is poised to do another invasion and occupation of Muslim lands right before the G20 Summit…
…from Zero Hedge
Such a move will enable the mainstream media’s “expert” commentators to say that “the G20 bombing was another Iranian/Hezbollah reaction to perceived Israeli aggression” and “the Iranians wanted to strike back in a place where they have a long-established terrorist presence, and they wanted to deprive Israel of its greatest ally, Donald Trump.”
Here is another recent piece of preparatory propaganda that establishes a bombing motive for Iran…
…from Zero Hedge
This bit of news will enable the talking heads to say that “in addition to wanting to kill Trump, Iran wanted to retaliate for the Mossad-Saudi assassination scheme by killing King Salman, who was also scheduled to attend the G20 Summit.”
This is a previous writing on the subject…
(Expanded Note – 2-4 November 2018) – The potential of an assassination show at the G20
(2 November 2018) – There’s an interesting assassination play shaping up for the G20 Summit at the end of the month. Get a load of this…
…from The New York Times
This development creates the appearance of a quid-pro-quo arrangement between Bolsonaro and the judge (it can be claimed the judge improperly convicted Lula in exchange for a promised cabinet post in Bolsonaro’s government).
This being the case, should the globalists do their assassination show at the G20 Summit instead of Paris, they can not only script the “Western Satanists’ assassination of the Avatars” (Trump, Putin, Xi, and Modi), but also script a leftist takedown of Bolsonaro (“Brazil’s Donald Trump”) by removing Brazil’s President Temer from the board.
Under Brazil’s rules of presidential succession, an assassination of Temer at the G20 would allow Brazil’s National Congress to elect a new president to finish out his term. And that means they could elect Lula (if his second appeal meets with success in November or December) or someone else who could pardon Lula. Either way, a free Lula could be combined with a leftist uprising to demand a new presidential election under threat of civil war.
It’s a clever play, but hopefully this early exposure will nix it. Just to be sure, I’ll give it a double-tap before the G20 Summit convenes.
(3 November 2018) – Now allow me to cover this scenario in more depth by looking at its different components, beginning with…
The Replacement President Component
The setup for the Temer assassination show started with the impeachment and removal of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on August 31, 2016. On that day, Vice President Michel Temer rose to the presidency, leaving the office of Vice President vacant. So if Temer gets killed at the G20 this month, there would be a double vacancy in the offices of president and vice president, which triggers the following constitutional process in Brazil…
>>> Should a President die, resign or be removed from office, a Vice-President succeeds as President.
The other officers in the line of succession do not become President in those cases. Instead, the next available person in line merely becomes Acting President, and the Constitution dictates that, whenever both the presidency and the vice-presidency become vacant, new elections are to be held. So in the case of an Acting President taking office due to a double vacancy in the presidency and vice-presidency, the Acting President serves only until the special election takes place and the newly elected President and Vice-President are sworn-in.
If the second vacancy triggering elections takes place in the last two years of the presidential term, the National Congress is empowered and required to elect the President (and his Vice-President). If the double vacancy of the presidency and vice-presidency takes place in the first half of the four-year presidential term, however, a presidential election by popular vote is held.
In any event, the President and Vice-President so elected merely finish what remains of the pending presidential term, and thereafter a new President and a new Vice-President, chosen in the regular general elections, take office for a normal four-year term. <<< – from Wikipedia
So following the “death” of Temer, the President of the Chamber of Deputies (Rodrigo Maia) would become the momentary Acting President until a replacement President can be elected. And since the double vacancy would happen during the last two years of the current presidential term, the National Congress would elect the replacement.
Since the replacement President would have less than a month in office before Bolsonaro is inaugurated on January 1, he or she would only have time to do something simple (like pardoning Lula). So Lula is the next component we’ll look at.
More to come over the course of the weekend, including coverage of the assassination show setup in Paris and the imminent implementation of the US oil export embargo on Iran (which is scripted to provide the Iranians with the motivation to assassinate Trump in Paris or at the G20, even though they won’t be the ones doing it).
The Lula Component
To acquaint you with the current situation of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, a popular former President of Brazil who held office from 2003 – 2010, here is a passage from Wikipedia…
>>> On 12 July 2017, he was convicted of money laundering and passive corruption, defined in Brazilian criminal law as the receipt of a bribe by a civil servant or government official. Lula was sentenced to nine years and six months in prison by judge Sergio Moro, but he remained free pending an appeal of the sentence. On 24 January 2018, the Regional Federal Court of the 4th Region, which is a panel of three appellate judges, unanimously upheld Moro’s ruling against Lula and increased the sentence to 12 years. On 5 April 2018, the Supreme Federal Court voted to reject Lula’s habeas corpus plea and on the same day a warrant was issued for his arrest. He turned himself in and began serving his sentence on 7 April 2018.
Lula announced his candidacy for the 2018 presidential election, but he was disqualified from running under Brazil’s “Clean Record” law by the Superior Electoral Court on 31 August 2018 and was replaced by Fernando Haddad on 11 September 2018. The United Nations Human Rights Committee requested that the Brazilian government allow Lula to exercise his political rights as a presidential candidate. Prior to being barred, Lula led all scenarios in polls for the October election, achieving 39 percent in voter intentions within one month of the first round. <<<
So Lula is the leftist candidate who supposedly would have won the recent Brazilian presidential election if he hadn’t been sidelined by a corruption conviction. And now that Bolsonaro has tapped the judge who convicted Lula for a cabinet post in his administration, an appearance of impropriety has been created that could lead to Lula’s conviction being vacated or pardoned…
This provides the globalist scriptwriters with two ways of scripting the Brazilian “left’s” attempt to overturn the election of Brazil’s Donald Trump…
- They can script the overturning of Lula’s conviction before the National Congress holds the post-assassination election of Temer’s replacement, thus allowing them to elect Lula.
- They can script the National Congress electing a replacement President who will pardon Lula in December, before Bolsonaro takes office.
And as I said yesterday, a free Lula could be combined with a leftist uprising to demand a new presidential election under threat of civil war. Such a strategy was already previewed in the press before Bolsonaro made his questionable appointment of Lula’s judge…
…from the Mail & Guardian. Here is the relevant excerpt…
>>> “Lula-ism is bigger than the PT. The party has the backing of organised labour and social movements, but Lula has the support of the mass of society, the poorest people in Brazil,” said Ricardo Musse, a sociologist at the University of Sao Paulo.
“The PT isn’t a homogeneous party… There will be a sector that will try to ditch Lula, another that will lead the political opposition (to Bolsonaro)… and another that will drive social resistance with street protests.” <<<
Also note the blurb below the photo; they are using the same “resistance” wording the American “left” has used against Trump, and “Not Him” is reminiscent of “Never Trump.” As I’ve said before, the globalists are using this “leftist chaos that pushes people to the right” template all over the place at both the national and global levels.
The next component we’ll look at is the Bolsonaro / National Congress relationship.
The Bolsonaro / National Congress Relationship Component
(4 November 2018) – The relationship between President-Elect Bolsonaro and the National Congress has been narrated as being tense. Bolsonaro once said that if he were ever elected President, he would shut down the National Congress on his first day. And back in July, his son threatened a shutdown of the Supreme Court. If you add to that Bolsonaro’s expressed intention to fire many of the government’s bureaucrats, you get a situation in which those institutions and their members (the current Brazilian “Establishment”) see Bolsonaro as an existential threat.
On top of that, there is the matter of pervasive corruption in the National Congress. In last year’s corruption purge, 66 senators and representatives went under the microscope. And Bolsonaro’s appointment of Lula’s convicting judge to the post of justice minister signals a massive corruption purge will occur after the January 1 inauguration.
That being the case, the corrupt members of the current Congress have less than two months before the new corruption crusade begins and new pro-Bolsonaro congresspersons take office and shift the balance of power. This provides motivation for them to do anything possible to stop Bolsonaro, including assassinating Temer and electing or pardoning Lula.
It is important to note that Argentina is hosting the G20 Summit this year, and they share a common border with Brazil. This makes the infiltration of a G20 hit team by the Brazilian “Deep State” a simple matter. So in the next section, we’ll look at all the potential G20 targets of the various “Deep States” as well as all the nations and groups that stand to be blamed if an attack happens.
The Details of a Possible G20 False-Flag
Here are the likely and possible targets, likely scapegoats, and likely modes of attack for a G20 “terrorist attack” scenario (I’ll flesh out all the details of this section in the coming hours / days / weeks)…
> Donald Trump of the US – the controlled media, both mainstream and alternative, have cast him as a existential threat to the “US Deep State,” the “Satanic Western globalist” agenda, the trade interests of China, and the regimes of Iran and North Korea. So they all supposedly want him dead.
> Vladimir Putin of Russia – He too has been cast as an existential threat to the “US Deep State,” NATO, the EU, and the “Satanic Western globalist” agenda. So they all supposedly want him dead alongside his “fellow Christian” Trump.
> Xi Jinping of China – He has been cast as an enemy of the corrupted, Western-friendly element of the Communist Party, and he is supposedly facing a quiet rebellion against his anti-corruption drive, his consolidation of power and his confrontational stance towards the West. So his domestic rivals would like to see him disappear. (NYT article)
> Narendra Modi of India – As a Hindu nationalist, he has been cast as an enemy to Indian and Pakistani Muslims and ISIS, so the jihadis would like to bathe in his blood (or whatever it is they do after a satisfying kill). And since Pakistan supposedly helped North Korea build their nukes, Modi’s death from a Pakistani / North Korean warhead could trigger the India versus Pakistan element of World War 3.
> Michel Temer of Brazil – His assassination at the G20 would open the door for Brazil’s China-supported Leftist Establishment to bring Lula back to stop or impede President-elect Jair Bolsonaro.
> Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and/or King Salman of Saudi Arabia – MBS has been cast as an enemy of the “US Deep State” and an existential threat to the petrodollar, so both the Saudi and US “Deep States” supposedly want him out of the way. Killing him at the G20 would directly solve the problem; killing his father would remove his biggest supporter, leading to his fall from power; and killing both him and his father would solve the current problem and prevent any future problems. It would be back to business as usual for the US-Saudi cabal.
> Moon Jae In of South Korea – Killing him at the G20 would throw a monkey wrench in the North-South Korean peace process, and doing it with a nuke or other WMD supposedly sourced from North Korea would flat out kill the peace process and bring on war.
> Giuseppe Conte of Italy – As the new “anti-Establishment, populist” leader of Italy, Conte supposedly poses an existential threat to the European Establishment’s EU and Euro projects, as well as their Islamic invasion plan. So they would supposedly like him to “sleep with the fishes” in the Rio de La Plata.
> Macron, May and Merkel – From the perspective of the European Establishment, all three of these leaders are supposedly damaged goods, so their deaths at the G20 could serve the purpose of generating public sympathy for them and their Establishment parties. And from the perspective of the real globalist agenda, moving them off the board would open the way for populists to surge into power (which is what the globalists actually want at this stage of The Plan).
> Tusk and Juncker – From the perspective of the European Establishment, their deaths would be another sacrifice of damaged goods for public sympathy towards the EU.
LIKELY SCAPEGOATS (according to the mainstream narrative)
> Iran
> Qasem Soleimani of Iran
> Hezbollah (most likely), Hezbollah posing as ISIS, Al Qaeda and/or ISIS
One or more advanced “Iranian” drone aircraft or a sub, mini-sub, or swimmer delivery vehicle carrying one of the following…
> conventional explosives and shrapnel (which will actually be theatrical explosives)
> chemical, biological, or radiological agents (fake ones)
> a “North Korean” nuke supposedly given to Iran (real, but not from North Korea or Iran)
The nuke option is unlikely if Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey shows up to the Summit. It is doubtful that the globalists will remove him from the board this early (he still has much to do in playing his role), so his attendance would likely mean a nuclear attack isn’t planned. But should something happen in Turkey that prevents him from attending, the nuke option is definitely on the table.
Going back a moment to the oil embargo and the Iranians, have a look at this pictorial standoff between Trump and the globalists’ “Imam Mahdi”…
…from Tasnim News Agency
When you see things like this, it’s important to remember that nothing is what it appears. What I mean by that will become clear in future writings.
The Setup for the Trump / Putin Assassinations
in Paris and Buenos Aires
(9 November 2018) – Tomorrow, I’ll post the assassination setup for Paris and Buenos Aires. As anticipated, these are the narratives they’ll use if they pull the trigger…
- the mainstream narrative (which will immediately follow the op): “Iranian intelligence and their Hezbollah terror proxies conducted the assassinations of Trump and Putin to strike back against Trump’s crushing Iran policy and prevent Putin from pushing them out of Syria.”
- the controlled alt-media / NWO narrative (which will emerge after the mainstream narrative is released): “It was Netanyahu who ordered the assassinations and the Mossad which carried them out. They did it to prevent unacceptable sacrifices from being forced upon them by the soon-to-be released Trump Middle East peace plan and to move Putin out of the way of their plans for Syria.”
In the morning, I’ll show you the preparatory work they did to set up these narratives. I’ll also show you the recent narrative shifts that suggest Buenos Aires is the preferred strike point (although both strike points remain in play).
(10 November 2018) – Let me preface my remarks by telling new readers that the globalists control both sides in the current political drama: both the “Establishment” side (Obama, Clinton, Soros, the Bilderbergers, the mainstream media, etc.) and the “Anti-Establishment” side (Trump, Le Pen, Putin, the BRICS, the alternative media, etc.). They are deliberately staging a dialectic conflict between these two controlled fronts in order to implode their existing “Establishment” and erect a new one (the New World Order) in its place. That is the true narrative of what’s going on in our world today.
What I’ll be covering in the writings that follow are the specific events and false narratives they’re attempting to use in moving us into the NWO. Since there are two controlled sides to the staged conflict, there are two false narratives the globalists are spinning: 1) the mainstream narrative is the Establishment-side propaganda they sell to the sleepers, and 2) the alt-media narrative is the Anti-Establishment-side propaganda they sell to those who are awakening. They want you to come to see the mainstream narrative as a lie and the alt-media narrative as the truth. That’s because today’s alt-media will be the mainstream media of the New World Order.
That being said, what we might observe in the assassination of Trump and Putin in Paris is a stage play being put on for the public, and it is being done for 3 major reasons…
- to start the “Darkness before the Dawn” phase of the globalist plan, in which it appears that the “evil Western Establishment” will win and complete their “unilateral New World Order,”
- to set in motion the “Gog/Magog War” and the first “Battle of Armageddon” in Israel in accordance with the plans of the Chabad-Lubavitch cult, which is managing the “End Times” show for the globalists, and
- to fake the deaths of Trump and Putin so they can be “resurrected” as religious icons during the “Dawn of a New Day” phase of the plan.
So here is how they’re setting it up…
When attempting to blame someone for a crime (whether in court or in the public eye), it is necessary to establish their means, motive, and opportunity (MMO) to commit the offense. And it certainly helps your case if you can point to previous offenses of a similar nature perpetrated by the accused. So let’s look at how the globalists have established the MMO and previous offenses for both Iran/Hezbollah and Netanyahu/Mossad in relation to a possible assassination of Trump and Putin in Paris.
Iran and Hezbollah’s MMO for the Paris Assassinations
MEANS – To commit an assassination, you need one or more weapons and one or more assassins within striking distance of the target. As a nation-state, Iran has access to a broad array of military weapons, including drone aircraft, military-grade explosives, and possibly a few nukes (transferred from their “proliferation partners” North Korea). And when it comes to having assassins within striking distance of the target, the press have narrated their presence in France…
…from the Jerusalem Post. Here is an excerpt…
>>> “This is a counter-terrorism operation,” read a statement from the prefect’s office.
“The activities of Centre Zahra France are under particularly close watch given its leaders’ clear support for several terrorist organizations and movements espousing ideas contrary to (French) republican values,” it added.
The Centre has ties to Hezbollah and Iranian cells in France, Le Monde reported, and has been a source of “virulent anti-Zionist propaganda.” <<<
So Iran and Hezbollah’s MEANS to assassinate Trump and Putin has been publicly established.
MOTIVE – Iran’s motive to assassinate Trump should be crystal clear to everyone: he broke the nuclear deal, then restarted economic sanctions on them. And just five days ago, he started an active attempt to block all Iranian oil sales. So if Trump were to die, Iran can reasonably expect the US to drop the sanctions and go back to the nuclear deal at some point, but only if some group other than Iran takes the blame for killing Trump — some group like ISIS.
As for their supposed motive to assassinate Putin, it was established a few months ago…
…from Haaretz
The mainstream narrative will say that Iran was worried that with the Syria War all but won, their ally Putin might sell them out to get a deal with the West that is more favorable for Russia. They therefore moved to take Putin down before that could happen. And with Putin dead, Iran can reasonably expect Medvedev to shy away from further conflict in the region, but only if some group other than Iran takes the blame for killing Putin — some group like ISIS.
So Iran and Hezbollah’s MOTIVE to assassinate Trump and Putin has been publicly established, as has their motive to have their assassins pose as ISIS to deflect blame away from Tehran. It is for this reason that ISIS might be the first to be blamed for the attack, but the Western intelligence agencies and mainstream media will soon after identify Iran and Hezbollah as the “true perpetrators.”
OPPORTUNITY – France’s President Emmanuel Macron is a Rothschild minion who previously worked as managing director for Rothschild & Cie Banque. As such, he is the quintessential embodiment of the “Western Satanic Establishment” that supposedly opposes the “Anti-Establishment” Trump and the “Traitor to the Western NWO” Putin. According to the globalist script, this makes Establishment-controlled Paris a very dangerous place for the two to visit, since the French need only open a security hole to allow others to strike them down.
On top of this, demonstrations are planned for the 11th and there is an ongoing protest by Paris ambulance drivers that can be used to create distracting chaos and gridlock to cover an assassination attempt.
So Iran and Hezbollah’s OPPORTUNITY to assassinate Trump and Putin has been publicly established.
Beyond Iran and Hezbollah’s MMO, the globalists have also publicly established PREVIOUS OFFENSES on their part by staging takedowns of “Iranian assassination attempts” in Paris and Denmark in the last six months…
…from The New Arab
And in keeping with the overall assassination script, Iran is blaming the Mossad for these events, claiming they are false-flags meant to defame Iran and sabotage their foreign relations.
This provides a nice segue to…
Netanyahu and Mossad’s MMO for the Paris Assassinations
Since time is of the essence, I’ll keep this section short and sweet…
MEANS – The press have narrated that Mossad has a heavy presence in Paris…
…from ynetnews
MOTIVE – Back in late September, Trump vowed to release his Middle East peace plan within the following four months, and the Israeli press have narrated that it will be released either next month or January. The press have also narrated this…
…from Axios
Since Trump will demand that Netanyahu give up some things “for peace” that Netanyahu has vowed to never give up, Trump’s trips to Paris and Buenos Aires this month represent “the last two off-ramps” before Trump goes from being an asset to Israel to being a liability. In other words, Trump’s peace plan will never see the light of day if he’s dead before December. This is Netanyahu’s motive.
And Netanyahu’s motive for killing Putin? That is provided by Putin’s blocking of Israel’s plans for Syria, most recently by providing the Syrians with the S-300 air defense system. Should Putin die this month, Netanyahu can count on the “Atlantic Integrationist” Medvedev to let the West (and Israel) have their way in Syria.
Needless to say, Israel’s desire to not be squashed like a bug by America and Russia provides their motive to pin the assassination on Iran, Qasem Soleimani, and Hezbollah. But in the end, the script calls for their culpability to be established, and the “Gog/Magog War” against Israel will be the result.
OPPORTUNITY – Netanyahu/Mossad’s opportunity to assassinate Trump and Putin in Paris is the same as Iran/Hezbollah’s.
PREVIOUS OFFENSES – Israel has a long, well-known history of conducting large numbers of political assassinations. This includes the assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, which was supposedly organized by their Paris branch.
Up until a few weeks ago, Paris had everything going for it to be the strike point for the assassinations, including an ominous “death comet” that will passing by the Earth on the 11th. But the globalists have changed the narrative from “Trump and Putin will hold a substantive meeting in Paris” to “Trump and Putin will hold a short meeting in Paris before a more substantive meeting in Buenos Aires” to “Trump and Putin will NOT meet in Paris, but will have a summit in Buenos Aires.” This seems to indicate the globalists moving the focus to Buenos Aires.
If you pair this change of focus with the fact that Buenos Aires provides the globalists with the opportunity to script the killing of four of the Avatars (Trump, Putin, Xi and Modi) in one attack, you begin to see why Buenos Aires may be the preferred strike point. To understand what I mean by “Avatars,” scroll down this page to the Compendium. It contains a section titled “Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan for the Indians and the Chinese, and the 5 Avatars” that will satisfy your curiosity.
Now here are some of my previous writings on the Paris assassination scenario, starting with an alternative scripting in which the “Deep State” and Mossad frame Putin as the murderer of Trump…
(Expanded Note – 13 September 2018) – It looks like the globalists are scripting-in a Russian angle for the 11/11 Trump assassination show in Paris…
…from Zero Hedge. Here’s an excerpt…
>>> The sanctions will kick in some time in November, presumably just after the November midterms, if Moscow does not take steps in the wake of the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal in the United Kingdom, Assistant Secretary of State Manisha Singh said on Thursday. <<<
So if you add these new Russian sanctions that kick in right after the midterms to the Iranian oil embargo that kicks in the day before the election, you have scripted motivations for both Russia and Iran to kill Trump while he’s exposed in Paris on November 11. That being said, an “Iranian” drone carrying a “Russian” WMD would fit the assassination show objectives quite nicely. In the aftermath of the hit, the WMD will probably be identified as Novichok or polonium-210, both of which have supposedly been used by Russia to assassinate Russian dissidents in the UK.
[10 September 2018 – I wrote the above section before I knew that Putin would be coming to Paris too. Since he’ll be there, the globalists could skip the drone attack and merely have Trump suddenly fall ill. If the doctors announce the illness was caused by Novichok or polonium poisoning, who will get the initial blame? Putin and his entourage, right? But who will ultimately be blamed? Netanyahu and his entourage, who will also be in Paris.]
The Globalist Plan for Trump’s Assassination in Paris
(29 August 2018) – I’ve sussed-out the narratives they’ve prepared for Trump’s “death” in Paris on 11/11.
In the mainstream narrative, they’ll blame in on Iranian terror cells in Paris motivated by Trump’s oil embargo.
In the alt-media narrative, it will be identified as a false-flag operation carried out by the US “Deep State” and Mossad through MEK proxies.
(30-31 August 2018) – To show you how I came to the conclusions I mentioned in yesterday’s note, have a look at this Israeli article about the foiled “Iranian” terror bombing in Paris two months ago…
…from Ynet News. Here are some key preparatory propaganda points it features…
>>> Mossad agents uncovered intelligence about an alleged Iranian plan to bomb the annual National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) rally in the town of Villepinte, a northern suburb of Paris, on June 30.
According to Channel 2 News, the attack was thwarted thanks to cooperation between Israel, Germany, France and Belgium…
Iran has said it had nothing to do with the plot, which it called as a “false flag” operation staged by figures within the NCRI, an umbrella bloc of opposition exiles that seek an end to almost 40 years of Shi’ite Muslim clerical rule in Iran… <<<
So if the bombing attempt was a false-flag as the Iranians claim — and it was — the article tells you who carried it out: the NCRI / MEK, the Mossad, German Intelligence, French Intelligence, and Belgian / EU Intelligence.
Moving on to the next point…
>>> The People’s Mujahideen Organization of Iran is the main component of NCRI. The group, also known by its Persian name Mujahideen-e–Khalq, was once listed as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union but not since 2012… <<<
Now can you guess who was responsible for taking the MEK off the Western terror lists?…
…from Reuters
Hillary removed MEK from the terror lists to facilitate their movement from a US base in Iraq (Camp Liberty) to a new terrorist training base in Europe (Albania)…
>>> In 2013, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pragmatically removed the MEK from the US terrorism list to allow members to be sent to third countries so that Iraq could be rid of them. European countries would not take them because of their terrorist past. Instead, the Albanian government agreed to take them only on the promise that a de-radicalization institute be established to reintegrate the extremists back into society.
This did not happen. The allocated budget, lodged with the American embassy in Tirana, has not been touched. Instead, after Donald Trump became president and set about dismantling every detail of Barack Obama’s legacy, the MEK were “allowed” to regroup.
Regrouping meant that the MEK would continue to call for violent regime change against Iran, backed by US extremists like Rudi Giuliani and John Bolton who now occupy influential posts in the Trump administration. As a result, Albania has become a front-line enemy state in relation to Iran.
Regrouping also meant re-enslaving members, who are not paid and have no human rights. It also meant building a closed camp in a remote part of the country to which Albanian authorities and security services have no access. As though Albania wasn’t having a hard time already cracking down on criminal and mafia gangs, now the MEK are implicated in criminal activity. Among several individuals arrested for money laundering last month, two Israelis were found to be associated with FARA NGO. This is the same company involved in building the closed military training base in Manez to which rank-and-file MEK fighters were moved last autumn. — from <<<
And as an added convenience to the assassination plan, the MEK also have a headquarters in Paris…
…from Wikipedia
To further see the covert connections between the MEK and the US “Deep State” and Mossad, have a look at this 2012 Seymour Hersh article in The New Yorker. Here are some key sections…
>>> From the air, the terrain of the Department of Energy’s Nevada National Security Site, with its arid high plains and remote mountain peaks, has the look of northwest Iran. The site, some sixty-five miles northwest of Las Vegas, was once used for nuclear testing, and now includes a counterintelligence training facility…
It was here that the Joint Special Operations Command (jsoc) conducted training, beginning in 2005, for members of the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, a dissident Iranian opposition group known in the West as the M.E.K.…
Five Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated since 2007. M.E.K. spokesmen have denied any involvement in the killings, but early last month NBC News quoted two senior Obama Administration officials as confirming that the attacks were carried out by M.E.K. units that were financed and trained by Mossad, the Israeli secret service. NBC further quoted the Administration officials as denying any American involvement in the M.E.K. activities. The former senior intelligence official I spoke with seconded the NBC report that the Israelis were working with the M.E.K., adding that the operations benefitted from American intelligence. <<<
The MEK have the fingerprints of the “Western” intelligence agencies, the Mossad, and Hillary Clinton all over them. So after they “assassinate” Trump and are finally identified as the culprits, the trail would lead straight to the scripted “bad guys” in the globalist drama: the US “Deep State” and the Israeli Zionists.
According to the script, the Deep State will want him dead because the Democrats will have failed to retake Congress in the election, thus preventing an impeachment. And the Zionists will want him dead because he will have announced his “unacceptable” Middle East peace plan at the UN General Assembly on September 25.
As for the likely mode of a Paris assassination, it will be the same as was planned for the now-cancelled Washington military parade: an Israeli-fashioned, explosives-laden “Iranian” drone attack. A WMD strike is also a possibility, but since the globalists preserved Paris during WWII, I think it unlikely they’ll destroy it now. It is one of their playground cities. I’m sure the croissant are to die for.
Globalist Outcome & Scripting Options
for the Midterms Tomorrow
(5 November 2018) – Well the midterm elections are just a day away now, so let’s have a look at the results we might see and the ways the globalists will weaponize those results.
There are three possible outcomes tomorrow: 1) the Republicans keep both the House and the Senate, 2) the Republicans keep the Senate, but lose the House, and 3) the Democrats take both the House and the Senate.
OUTCOME 1, the Republicans keep both the House and the Senate, is the most likely to transpire. It would lead to profound exasperation and anger among the Democrats, which the globalists could channel into “open warfare” against Trump. “We must stop Trump RIGHT NOW and BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY,” they’ll say, “or there will be 2 to 6 more years of Trump Nazism that our democracy, and all the progress we’ve made, won’t survive.”
As part of the “By Any Means Necessary Campaign,” some or all of the following things will occur…
- the Democratic candidates who lose by small margins in states with Republican election officials will scream “stolen election!”
- the Democrats in the Executive Branch and Congress will push hard for impeachment, possibly on charges related to the Khashoggi killing or the Mueller investigation,
- the Soros crowd will fund violent protests in Democrat-run cities where local officials will let them run wild, like they have in Portland,
- the “Neocon-Neolib Deep State” will go all out to assassinate Trump, starting this month during his trips to Paris and Buenos Aires.
OUTCOME 2, the Republicans keep the Senate, but lose the House, is the second most likely outcome. This outcome would lead to Republicans being relieved over retaining the Senate and Democrats being happy over taking the House, and it could indicate that the globalists are delaying the start of the Big Crisis till some time next year.
As for scripting options, we could see the Congress enter a next-level version of gridlock in which the House and Senate can agree on very little. We would also likely see the House passing articles of impeachment at some point (it takes a simple majority vote, and the Democrats would have that majority).
Should the globalists wish to supersize the drama, though, we could see the Democrats claiming that some Senate races were stolen and/or the Republicans claiming some House races were stolen. In the latter case, Chinese influence operations, illegal campaign contributions, and/or hacking may be blamed, and rank-and-file Democrats would see such allegations as “Trump trying to overturn the election results and consolidate power.” If this option is chosen, we’d be on track for a major sh*tstorm in late December and early January before the new Congress convenes.
OUTCOME 3, the Democrats take both the House and the Senate, is the least likely election result. I say this because it would almost certainly require the globalists to play the “Chinese Hack” card, and that card was publicly exposed weeks ago. Since they didn’t use it in Brazil and they scripted a solid Bolsonaro victory, they’ll probably do the same in the midterms for Trump.
If you are a new reader, you can read about the Chinese Hack by scrolling down this page till you see the red text.
In the next addition, we’ll look at the new Iran sanctions, the European Special Purpose Vehicle, and how it all connects to Paris and Buenos Aires.
(P.S. – 6 November 2018 – 1:54 PM CST) – I’ve already seen a report of malfunctioning voting machines, and it got me thinking of another way the globalists can play the Chinese Hack card: by sabotaging Democratic candidates instead of Republicans, then claiming the problems were the result of Republican skullduggery, possibly “with Russian help.” I’m mentioning it now just in case…
(Expanded Note – 2-4 November 2018) – The potential of an assassination show at the G20
(2 November 2018) – There’s an interesting assassination play shaping up for the G20 Summit at the end of the month. Get a load of this…
…from The New York Times
This development creates the appearance of a quid-pro-quo arrangement between Bolsonaro and the judge (it can be claimed the judge improperly convicted Lula in exchange for a promised cabinet post in Bolsonaro’s government).
This being the case, should the globalists do their assassination show at the G20 Summit instead of Paris, they can not only script the “Western Satanists’ assassination of the Avatars” (Trump, Putin, Xi, and Modi), but also script a leftist takedown of Bolsonaro (“Brazil’s Donald Trump”) by removing Brazil’s President Temer from the board.
Under Brazil’s rules of presidential succession, an assassination of Temer at the G20 would allow Brazil’s National Congress to elect a new president to finish out his term. And that means they could elect Lula (if his second appeal meets with success in November or December) or someone else who could pardon Lula. Either way, a free Lula could be combined with a leftist uprising to demand a new presidential election under threat of civil war.
It’s a clever play, but hopefully this early exposure will nix it. Just to be sure, I’ll give it a double-tap before the G20 Summit convenes.
(3 November 2018) – Now allow me to cover this scenario in more depth by looking at its different components, beginning with…
The Replacement President Component
The setup for the Temer assassination show started with the impeachment and removal of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on August 31, 2016. On that day, Vice President Michel Temer rose to the presidency, leaving the office of Vice President vacant. So if Temer gets killed at the G20 this month, there would be a double vacancy in the offices of president and vice president, which triggers the following constitutional process in Brazil…
>>> Should a President die, resign or be removed from office, a Vice-President succeeds as President.
The other officers in the line of succession do not become President in those cases. Instead, the next available person in line merely becomes Acting President, and the Constitution dictates that, whenever both the presidency and the vice-presidency become vacant, new elections are to be held. So in the case of an Acting President taking office due to a double vacancy in the presidency and vice-presidency, the Acting President serves only until the special election takes place and the newly elected President and Vice-President are sworn-in.
If the second vacancy triggering elections takes place in the last two years of the presidential term, the National Congress is empowered and required to elect the President (and his Vice-President). If the double vacancy of the presidency and vice-presidency takes place in the first half of the four-year presidential term, however, a presidential election by popular vote is held.
In any event, the President and Vice-President so elected merely finish what remains of the pending presidential term, and thereafter a new President and a new Vice-President, chosen in the regular general elections, take office for a normal four-year term. <<< – from Wikipedia
So following the “death” of Temer, the President of the Chamber of Deputies (Rodrigo Maia) would become the momentary Acting President until a replacement President can be elected. And since the double vacancy would happen during the last two years of the current presidential term, the National Congress would elect the replacement.
Since the replacement President would have less than a month in office before Bolsonaro is inaugurated on January 1, he or she would only have time to do something simple (like pardoning Lula). So Lula is the next component we’ll look at.
More to come over the course of the weekend, including coverage of the assassination show setup in Paris and the imminent implementation of the US oil export embargo on Iran (which is scripted to provide the Iranians with the motivation to assassinate Trump in Paris or at the G20, even though they won’t be the ones doing it).
The Lula Component
To acquaint you with the current situation of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, a popular former President of Brazil who held office from 2003 – 2010, here is a passage from Wikipedia…
>>> On 12 July 2017, he was convicted of money laundering and passive corruption, defined in Brazilian criminal law as the receipt of a bribe by a civil servant or government official. Lula was sentenced to nine years and six months in prison by judge Sergio Moro, but he remained free pending an appeal of the sentence. On 24 January 2018, the Regional Federal Court of the 4th Region, which is a panel of three appellate judges, unanimously upheld Moro’s ruling against Lula and increased the sentence to 12 years. On 5 April 2018, the Supreme Federal Court voted to reject Lula’s habeas corpus plea and on the same day a warrant was issued for his arrest. He turned himself in and began serving his sentence on 7 April 2018.
Lula announced his candidacy for the 2018 presidential election, but he was disqualified from running under Brazil’s “Clean Record” law by the Superior Electoral Court on 31 August 2018 and was replaced by Fernando Haddad on 11 September 2018. The United Nations Human Rights Committee requested that the Brazilian government allow Lula to exercise his political rights as a presidential candidate. Prior to being barred, Lula led all scenarios in polls for the October election, achieving 39 percent in voter intentions within one month of the first round. <<<
So Lula is the leftist candidate who supposedly would have won the recent Brazilian presidential election if he hadn’t been sidelined by a corruption conviction. And now that Bolsonaro has tapped the judge who convicted Lula for a cabinet post in his administration, an appearance of impropriety has been created that could lead to Lula’s conviction being vacated or pardoned…
This provides the globalist scriptwriters with two ways of scripting the Brazilian “left’s” attempt to overturn the election of Brazil’s Donald Trump…
- They can script the overturning of Lula’s conviction before the National Congress holds the post-assassination election of Temer’s replacement, thus allowing them to elect Lula.
- They can script the National Congress electing a replacement President who will pardon Lula in December, before Bolsonaro takes office.
And as I said yesterday, a free Lula could be combined with a leftist uprising to demand a new presidential election under threat of civil war. Such a strategy was already previewed in the press before Bolsonaro made his questionable appointment of Lula’s judge…
…from the Mail & Guardian. Here is the relevant excerpt…
>>> “Lula-ism is bigger than the PT. The party has the backing of organised labour and social movements, but Lula has the support of the mass of society, the poorest people in Brazil,” said Ricardo Musse, a sociologist at the University of Sao Paulo.
“The PT isn’t a homogeneous party… There will be a sector that will try to ditch Lula, another that will lead the political opposition (to Bolsonaro)… and another that will drive social resistance with street protests.” <<<
Also note the blurb below the photo; they are using the same “resistance” wording the American “left” has used against Trump, and “Not Him” is reminiscent of “Never Trump.” As I’ve said before, the globalists are using this “leftist chaos that pushes people to the right” template all over the place at both the national and global levels.
The next component we’ll look at is the Bolsonaro / National Congress relationship.
The Bolsonaro / National Congress Relationship Component
(4 November 2018) – The relationship between President-Elect Bolsonaro and the National Congress has been narrated as being tense. Bolsonaro once said that if he were ever elected President, he would shut down the National Congress on his first day. And back in July, his son threatened a shutdown of the Supreme Court. If you add to that Bolsonaro’s expressed intention to fire many of the government’s bureaucrats, you get a situation in which those institutions and their members (the current Brazilian “Establishment”) see Bolsonaro as an existential threat.
On top of that, there is the matter of pervasive corruption in the National Congress. In last year’s corruption purge, 66 senators and representatives went under the microscope. And Bolsonaro’s appointment of Lula’s convicting judge to the post of justice minister signals a massive corruption purge will occur after the January 1 inauguration.
That being the case, the corrupt members of the current Congress have less than two months before the new corruption crusade begins and new pro-Bolsonaro congresspersons take office and shift the balance of power. This provides motivation for them to do anything possible to stop Bolsonaro, including assassinating Temer and electing or pardoning Lula.
It is important to note that Argentina is hosting the G20 Summit this year, and they share a common border with Brazil. This makes the infiltration of a G20 hit team by the Brazilian “Deep State” a simple matter. So in the next section, we’ll look at all the potential G20 targets of the various “Deep States” as well as all the nations and groups that stand to be blamed if an attack happens.
The Details of a Possible G20 False-Flag
Here are the likely and possible targets, likely scapegoats, and likely modes of attack for a G20 “terrorist attack” scenario (I’ll flesh out all the details of this section in the coming hours / days / weeks)…
> Donald Trump of the US
> Vladimir Putin of Russia
> Xi Jinping of China
> Narendra Modi of India
> Michel Temer of Brazil
> King Salman of Saudi Arabia
> Moon Jae In of South Korea
> Giuseppe Conte of Italy
> Macron, May and Merkel of France, the UK, and Germany
> Tusk and Juncker of the European Union
LIKELY SCAPEGOATS (according to the mainstream narrative)
> Iran
> Qasem Soleimani of Iran
> Hezbollah (most likely), Hezbollah posing as ISIS, Al Qaeda and/or ISIS
One or more advanced “Iranian” drone aircraft or a sub, mini-sub, or swimmer delivery vehicle carrying one of the following…
> conventional explosives and shrapnel (which will actually be theatrical explosives)
> chemical, biological, or radiological agents (fake ones)
> a “North Korean” nuke supposedly given to Iran (real, but not from North Korea or Iran)
The nuke option is unlikely if Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey shows up to the Summit. It is doubtful that the globalists will remove him from the board this early (he still has much to do in playing his role), so his attendance would likely mean a nuclear attack isn’t planned. But should something happen in Turkey that prevents him from attending, the nuke option is definitely on the table.
Going back a moment to the oil embargo and the Iranians, have a look at this pictorial standoff between Trump and the globalists’ “Imam Mahdi”…
…from Tasnim News Agency
When you see things like this, it’s important to remember that nothing is what it appears. I’ll tell you what I mean by that after I’ve fully covered the Temer script.
Notes on the Brazilian Election
(27 October 2018) – The second round of the Brazilian presidential election takes place tomorrow, so let’s look at a couple of things before it begins.
First, the polls are predicting a Bolsonaro victory…
…from The Economist
Second, the press are narrating Chinese unease with a Bolsonaro presidency…
…from Google
So the stage is set for the scenario I outlined earlier this month: we’ll see either a Bolsonaro victory or a Chinese hack of the electronic voting machines.
If Bolsonaro wins, the Republicans in the US will likely be scripted to sweep the midterms as well. And with the “far right” thus empowered and emboldened by the election results, we can expect the “far left” and the “Deep State” to go into “any means necessary” mode. Violence and assassinations by “desperate leftists” (paid globalist thugs and agents-provocateur) will follow, and a fake Putin-Trump assassination on 11/11 will be more likely.
But if Bolsonaro loses, the election hack drama could take a few months to unfold before the military steps in to put Bolsonaro in power. And a similar result and scandal in the US would make the 11/11 assassination show less likely and a big blowup in January (before the new Congress takes office) more likely.
On another note, look closely at the first round results on the Economist graph. Bolsonaro’s result was in keeping with the polls, but the leftist’s result was over 10 points less than predicted. This would seem to indicate that Bolsonaro’s supporters were more motivated to show up and vote than the leftist voters. Should we see a similar motivation disparity in the US midterms, the Democrats will not win the US House like the polls are predicting.
Now we just wait and see if the globalists play the “Chinese Hack” card.
(28 October 2018) – Speaking of that, here’s another part of the setup for it…
…from Ars Technica
And as for who made the Brazilian voting machines, here is an excerpt from a Wired article on the subject…
>>> Designed by the government, the machines were made by Unisys and ProComp, a Brazilian company since acquired by Diebold Election Systems. Though computer scientists in the United States have vociferously criticized Diebold’s machines for being vulnerable to tampering, Brazil’s urnas have generated mostly laudatory PR buzz.
Printers have been affixed to a small number of the machines, producing an auditable paper trail. That voting-machine model is “definitely the right idea,” said Dan Wallach, a computer science professor at Rice University. Wallach co-authored the first expert report criticizing Diebold, which launched the electronic-voting controversy on a wide scale in the United States…
Still, Brazil’s urnas are not infallible. Human, hardware and software failures led officials to discard results in a handful of cases in last year’s presidential election. And in what critics call a major setback to the movement for voting transparency, a new law approved in October will do away with printed e-voting receipts. <<<
Both companies that manufacture Brazil’s voting machines are American-owned, so where are the electronic components & circuit boards inside the machines manufactured? Brazil, the US, or China? I’m betting the answer is China. If it’s not, they’ll blame the hack on the Brazilian leftists, “who received financial and technical support from the Chinese.”
Here are some previous election-related updates to give you some background information on what’s coming…
(23 September 2018) – It looks like they’re ramping up the drama going into this week. There are new, over-the-top allegations being brought against Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh, there are leftists protesters reportedly being bussed into Washington, and there’s also this…
…from Infowars
More on all this later…
(26 September 2018) – Pushing the Voters to the Right & The “Mass Arrests” Rumor
In past entries, I’ve talked about the globalist effort to shift people to the “political right” in preparation for the launch of the real “right-wing NWO” (the much publicized and feared “left-wing NWO” is just a decoy used to scare us to the right). And if you look at recent news, you can see some clear examples of this “push ’em to the right” effort…
> The globalists are having the Democrats exhibit “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and conduct their over-the-top, easily disproven smear campaign on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to push fair-minded people into the Trump camp. The Democrats’ blatantly unfair and sleazy attacks are meant to energize Trump’s base, push independents towards the Republicans, and disgust ordinary Democrats. So if you’ve found yourself yelling at your TV or PC over the unfairness of the allegations and press coverage, their strategy is working. Basically, the Democrats are smearing their way to an election loss, and they’re doing it because their bosses told them to.
> The globalists arranged for an ugly group of left-wing extremists to drive Senator Ted Cruz and his wife out of a Washington, DC restaurant yesterday. Cruz is in a tight race with a more charismatic Democrat, Beto O’Rourke, but Texans will think twice before voting for the challenger now. “A vote for Beto is a vote for the left-wing thugs,” is what they’ll be thinking.
> The globalists arranged for “Brazil’s Donald Trump,” Jair Bolsonaro, to be stabbed by a leftist (whether the stabbing was real or done with a theatrical knife, I haven’t examined). Since then, he has surged 10 points in the presidential polls.
Watch for more “left-wing lunacy” and over-the-top outrages as we approach the elections.
In my September 23 update, I mentioned the Kavanaugh news and the “mass arrests” article and said, “More on all this later…” Well, today is later, and what I’ve written above covers the Kavanaugh stuff. So here’s something I wrote earlier this year about the “mass arrests” scenario…
To transition us happily into the NWO, the globalists are having their Western minions wear “dark hats” and play the role of the “bad guys,” and they’re having their Eastern minions wear “white hats” and play the role of the “good guys.” After having the “Western bad guys” push humanity to the seeming brink of nuclear destruction, they’ll have the “Eastern good guys,” led by Vladimir Putin, step up to save the day.
That being said, the globalists need to create a believable chain of events that will lead to the removal of the current “evil Western Establishment” and to their replacement by white hat globalist minions like Rand Paul, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, etc. And there are two ways of getting rid of the old to make way for the new; I wrote about them last year…
>>> And come to think of it, an unexpected nuke strike on Washington while Congress is in town would be a good way for the globalists to “drain the swamp” of federal officialdom. It would save them all the trouble of mass-arresting them for pedophilia / corruption / racketeering / treason, and it would keep their mouths shut (because the bodies to which those mouths are attached would be dead). Look for Mike Pence, Rand Paul, and Elizabeth Warren to survive any such strike; they have roles to play in what happens afterwards. <<<
So the globalists have two options for “changing the guard” in the West: 1) blow them up, or 2) “Mass Arrest” them and put them through Nuremberg-type show trials.
(1 October 2018) – Why the globalists are making history repeat itself
I’ve written extensively of the globalists’ plans to bring in the New World Order, make it look like heaven at first, make it look like hell later, and end it in such a way that the public will conclude that “we humans are incapable of ruling themselves; we need God do it.” They are doing this with the intention of providing us a “God” to do the job: THEIR “Jesus Christ,” who will defeat “the Anti-Christ Putin” and bring the world back to the “center,” with no more left-wing or right-wing extremism (because his bosses, the globalists, will no longer be organizing and funding such mischief).
Well in order to get people to come to the “we can’t rule ourselves” conclusion that will open the way for their god-like rule over us, they are deliberately repeating German World War 2 history on a global scale. They are having their “left-wing liberal internationalists / communists” bring chaos so their “right-wing conservative nationalists / capitalists” can restore order. And just like they did with Hitler, they will have their “right-wing” leaders become increasingly tyrannical after the NWO gets established.
Have a look at this bit of history and ask yourself if you see any parallels to today…
>>> In 1932, German President Paul von Hindenburg, old, tired, and a bit senile, had won re-election as president, but had lost a considerable portion of his right/conservative support to the Nazi Party. Those close to the president wanted a cozier relationship to Hitler and the Nazis…
As Hindenburg’s current chancellor could no longer gain a majority in the Reichstag, and Hitler could bring together a larger swath of the masses and a unified right / conservative / nationalist coalition, the president gave in. In January 1933, Hitler was named chancellor of Germany…
But that was not enough for Hitler either. In February 1933, Hitler blamed a devastating Reichstag fire on the communists…
Intimidation, and fear of the communists, brought Hitler a 90 percent majority. He was now, for all intents and purposes, dictator. – from <<<
As you can see, the globalists are having us repeat history, and they’re doing it to convince us that we are perpetually stuck in cycles “that only God can break us out of.” The reality, though, is that these cycles are entirely artificial. They happen because we allow ourselves to be led around in circles by the carrots and sticks we are offered by our current influencers / controllers. The big drama that is unfolding in the world right now isn’t a natural occurrence; it is the result of a plan, as were WWI and WWII.
If you want God to deliver you from all this, you first need to look to “him,” so look in the mirror, look at the people right next to you, and look to all your hands for action, your mouths for speaking the truth, and your heads, hearts, and intuition for guidance — that’s from where your deliverance will come. But one place to which you shouldn’t look is the trillion-dollar magic show that’s coming — that’s from where your continued enslavement will come. Enjoy the show, but don’t get sucked in by it. It’s just more Hollywood-style bullsh*t.
I almost feel sorry for the globalists. To work on this massive project for hundreds, if not thousands, of years only to have people see through it right before the final show begins — it must be heartbreaking. A thousand years from now, a free humanity will look back at the colossal folly of the Kabbalists and laugh at the sheer hubris and stupidity of what they tried to do. So laughter will be their only lasting legacy. I guess that’s not so bad after all.
(2 October 2018) – A reader brought up an interesting point, so let me share my thoughts on it…
Currently, the polls in Brazil indicate that the leftist Haddad would win over the rightist Bolsonaro in the second round of the presidential election, just like the polls in the US indicate that the Democrats will take control of the Congress. But as I’ve said, the globalists are aiming to generate a backlash against the leftists so there will be a surprise conservative victory in both places.
If the globalists go ahead with their plans and script the conservative victories to happen, the leftists will go bananas and take to the streets flinging feces in all directions. This will enable the domestic crackdowns to begin. It will also help establish the idea in the US that “the only alternative the Deep State and the leftists now have is to assassinate Trump,” which would set the stage for what happens in Paris.
But if the globalists decide to hit the delay button again and script leftist victories, it means they’ll subject us to months if not years more of “leftist insanity,” which will greatly amplify the public backlash against the left and open the door for public acceptance of military coups to restore order.
The military coup in Brazil would involve expelling the leftists and installing Bolsonaro due to “widespread leftist election fraud.” That’s why we saw this in the news last week…
>>> Brazil’s far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro said Friday he would only accept the result of next month’s election if he wins, suggesting that any victory by a rival would be through fraud. – from AP <<<
So as of 4 days ago, the globalists started laying the groundwork for a possible delay in their plans.
As for the military coup / mass arrests in the US, it would save Trump if he’s still alive, or it would install the highest ranking official who isn’t arrested, either Rand Paul or some other conservative caretaker. After the coup, Rand Paul or Tulsi Gabbard would be elected as the first NWO President of the US (I would include Elizabeth Warren in that list, but I think “Pocahontas” has lost too much credibility and is too closely tied to the leftists).
(7 October 2018) – Here are some points worth mentioning today…
> Kavanaugh is now in the Supreme Court, and the “leftists” have a month until the midterms to demonstrate their dissatisfaction. So now we wait and see if the globalists pull the trigger.
> The Brazilian election is underway today, and here is an interesting little tidbit about the “right-wing” frontrunner…
>>> Bolsonaro, a former army captain, has repeatedly spoken out in favour of Brazil’s military government, which was in power from 1964-85.
He has promised to fill his cabinet with military generals and his running mate, retired army general Hamilton Mourao, hinted last year that he would be in favour of a military takeover of government if corrupt officials were not dealt with by Brazil’s courts. — from Al Jazeera <<<
So the globalist plan for “mass arrests” of leftist officials is in play in Brazil as well.
> A massive Chinese hardware hack made the news this week. By telling the public about it, the globalists can now blame the Chinese communists for the cyberattacks that will come when the Big Crisis hits. In reality, though, the globalists will be staging the attacks using hardware backdoors like the Intel Management Engine that are built right into the microprocessors. To learn more about this, scroll down to The Compendium and read the section titled “The Fake EMP Threat, Bitcoin, and the Great Encryption Lie.”
> With all but a few aircraft carriers laid up for long-delayed maintenance and with a high-tech fighting force that is supposedly compromised by sabotaged Chinese computer boards, the US is ill-prepared to fight a three-front war (1. the Middle East, 2. the South China Sea, 3. Ukraine). These conditions will lead to our humbling defeat if the globalists take the War Path, and to our de facto surrender if they take the Peace Path. When we suddenly find out that Russian missiles can shoot down our stealth planes and that Russian “electronic warfare jamming” and Chinese sleeper chips can deactivate our systems, we won’t have a leg to stand on.
As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, Russia’s “revolutionary electronic warfare technology” likely utilizes globalist-supplied kill codes for the microchips in US warfighting systems.
(8 October 2018) – I took my son on an outing today, so there’ll be no update. But tomorrow, we’ll have a look at how China’s big hardware hack will fit in with the “Chinese interference in America’s election” meme Trump launched at the UN last month. This interference by a foreign communist power may also play into the second round of the Brazilian election. The Democratic Party conspiring with a hated foreign government would make for great treason charges and mass arrests, wouldn’t it?
(Expanded Note – 9-10 October 2018) – The hows and whys of the “China interference” script
It all started last month when Trump sat as the President of the UN Security Council. Here is a passage from a Vox article about what happened…
>>> President Donald Trump just publicly accused China of interfering in the 2018 US midterm elections in front of more than a dozen world leaders at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council.
“Regrettably, we found that China has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming 2018 election coming up in November against my administration,” Trump said on Wednesday. “They do not want me or us to win because I am the first president ever to challenge China on trade.” <<<
When I heard about this at the time, I thought he was preparing to launch a “China interference” investigation as a counterstrike to the Democrats’ “Russian interference” investigation. But I decided to wait for more developments before writing about it. This week, those developments occurred.
First, there was the story about China placing spy components on electronic motherboards that are used all over the world. This provided a physical means to interfere with the upcoming election. Then, there was this…
…from Quartz
So the globalists’ “Chinese interference” script for the 2018 elections is becoming quite clear. China will use its spy chips and hacking brigades to support leftists in the Brazilian and American elections via the electronic voting machines and the computer networks that transmit the vote count. In fact, they may have already done so. Bolsonaro claims that he would have won a majority of the vote in the first round of the Brazilian election had it not been for irregularities with the electronic voting machines.
~ MORE – 10 October 2018 ~
Yesterday, the globalists flourished their “China interference” card again by having Bloomberg release another article on “The Big Hack.” The purpose of the new article is to move people towards seeing the ubiquitous nature of the Chinese effort…
>>> “For China, these efforts are all-encompassing,” said Tony Lawrence, CEO of VOR Technology, a Columbia, Maryland-based contractor to the intelligence community. “There is no way for us to identify the gravity or the size of these exploits – we don’t know until we find some. It could be all over the place – it could be anything coming out of China. The unknown is what gets you and that’s where we are now. We don’t know the level of exploits within our own systems.” <<<
Now imagine for a moment that such spy chips are on the motherboards of the electronic voting machines and the PCs used to tabulate the votes. Can you see how the Chinese communists could interfere with the following US vote tabulation process? [My comments are in brackets]…
>>> In most places, the voting process looks a little like this: People go to their designated polling place, their name is checked off the voter rolls and they vote, either with a paper ballot that is optically scanned by a machine, an electronic voting machine or, very rarely, a paper ballot that is hand-read, Foley said. [So for both optical scanning machines and electronic voting machines, which are used in the overwhelming majority of voting places, The Big Hack is in play.]
In the case of optically scanned ballots, once voting for the day is done, a poll worker pushes a little button on a computer that automatically tabulates the votes. Then, the machine will print out a grocery-receipt-like record with the vote tally, which is usually taped to the door of the polling place, Stewart said. Several copies of this printout are generated, and those copies, along with a computer card that stores the results, are bundled together and immediately sent to one of the central counting offices, which may be either a dedicated elections department or the county courthouse, Stewart said. (Some counties take uncounted ballots directly from the polling place to have them read by an optical scanner in the county courthouse, Stewart added.) [So the computer that tabulates the votes and the computer card that stores the results are both hackable.]
Once these memory cards from all of the polling places are received by the central office, “they’re popped into a computer much like you would pop a USB thumb drive into a computer,” Stewart said. This computer then tallies all of the results and begins to generate a preliminary vote-count report, Stewart said. [So after the hackable results come to the central office, they’re processed by another hackable computer.]
Then, this preliminary vote count can be conveyed in a number of ways. In some places, a “stringer” for the Associated Press (AP) will sit there and call in the results to the central AP call center, Stewart said. In other places, the results will be pushed via phone or internet to state officials, who will report the results. [After the two previous layers of hackable activities, states that report by internet can be hacked a third time.]
To prevent an election from being “hacked,” some states even have their own separate, secure wires for transmitting election results between the county and the state, Foley said. [If one or both of the computers that communicate over the “secure wire” is hacked, either at the hardware or software level, the “secure wire” becomes a farce.] – from Live Science <<<
So as you can see, if the Chinese have the will to hack the election (which is provided by Trump’s “trade war”), they have the means to carry it out.
The best way for the globalists to play this “China interference” card is to use it within the context of an election that is stolen by the left. Here’s how that effort is shaping up…
Step 1 – Have the leftist-controlled media band together to bombard Trump and other Republicans with negative press — DONE
Step 2 – Have the leftist-controlled internet companies band together to shut down and marginalize right-wing voices — DONE
Step 3 – Have the leftist-controlled polling organizations band together to portray a Democratic lead in the Congressional races — IN PROGRESS (news of this will come out during the post-election investigation)
Step 4 – Play the “China interference” card by having the Chicoms manipulate the voting results to falsely show key Democratic victories and Democratic control of the next Congress. — COMING
Step 5 – Have the leftist-controlled media announce the Democratic victories as a done deal while decrying any effort to investigate election manipulation as “an attempt to steal the election.” — COMING
In the next addition, I’ll show you their plan for after the stolen election…
(12 October 2018) – The Globalist Script for the Stolen Election and its Aftermath
In the original article on China’s “Big Hack,” it was noted that US intelligence had been tracking the hack for years. And with Trump speaking out about Chinese interference in the midterm election and Bolsonaro complaining about anomalies with Brazil’s electronic voting machines, the globalist script will reflect that Trump and his “white hat” allies in the US letter agencies have set a surveillance trap to catch China red-handed on election day. So when the Chinese manipulate the vote and the US mainstream media rush to declare Democratic victories, Trump will blow the whistle on the hack. That’s when the fun begins.
After announcing the hack, Trump and Congress will order a Mueller-like investigation into Chinese interference in the election, with the aim of thoroughly sorting out what happened prior to the new Congress taking office in January. And unlike the “Russian interference” investigation that dragged on and drilled into a dry hole, the “Chinese interference” investigation will move swiftly and drill into a gusher. Vast evidence of complicity between the Chicoms and the Democratic leaders will be found, and the electronic voting machines will be cracked open and the Chinese spy chips within them will be shown to the public. Trump will then have the Democrats not only on conspiracy and corruption charges, but on treason charges as well, and treason is punishable by death (especially when military tribunals are conducting the trials).
Once Trump announces the investigation, the globalist script will portray the Democrats as desperately fighting for their lives, literally. So they will go to any and all lengths to save themselves from the gallows. This means that they’ll rabidly go after Trump either by assassination, impeachment or the 25th Amendment. It also means that they’ll employ explosive rhetoric with their followers. “We won the election and Trump is trying to steal it from us,” they’ll scream, “The fascist Trump is destroying our democracy RIGHT NOW, and we must use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to stop him!” The paid Soros brigades will then hit the streets to violently (and sometimes fatally) attack conservatives, and any attempt by Trump to restore order will be decried as a “dictatorial crackdown on dissent.”
At some point the military will step in to stop the madness, and the people will cheer. “Mass Arrests” will clear Washington of pretty much everyone except the globalist-chosen new leaders (like Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, etc.).
Of course, the Brazilians will undergo the same process. It is likely that the globalists will script a Bolsonaro loss on October 28 amidst claims of electronic voting machine manipulation. Bolsonaro’s complaints will be trashed by the mainstream media, but they’ll nonetheless receive wide coverage. This will help put the idea into people’s minds a week before the US election.
(after the election) – Well another NWO strongman has been put in place: Bolsonaro wins Brazilian presidency. His selection was a great casting choice on the globalists’ part. His sinister-looking face will match perfectly with the “Antichrist” motif of Putin’s World Order…
…”bienvenido el diablo”
(21-22 October 2018)
The Khashoggi Affair: The Globalists’ Dial-a-Yield October Surprise
In the US nuclear arsenal, there is a “dial-a-yield” nuclear bomb known as the B61. Depending on the settings applied by the technicians arming it, it can explode in a range of yields from 0.3 to 340 kilotons. It is becoming apparent that the globalists’ ongoing Khashoggi October Surprise is structured quite similarly, with three yields I’ve identified so far…
- If the they trigger it to blow in the lowest yield, we will see the US Congress force sanctions on Saudi Arabia (thereby shifting Saudi Arabia’s allegiance over to the BRICS and dealing a fatal blow to the petro-dollar).
- If they have it blow in the middle yield, Trump and Kushner will face allegations that they either withheld intelligence that could have prevented Khashoggi’s death or actively participated in planning it.
- And if they turn the dial all the way up to maximum yield, Trump will face allegations that he conspired with the Bushes and Saudis to withhold 9/11 Truth from the public.
Over the next 24 hours, I’ll work to restructure this page and expand this alert so we’ll be ready for Erdogan’s announcement on Tuesday. That’s the day he might turn the dial to medium yield. A following US investigation could then turn it to maximum.
~ MORE – 22 October 2018 ~
Let me preface my remarks by telling new readers that the globalists control both sides in the current political drama: both the “Establishment” side (Obama, Clinton, Soros, the Bilderbergers, the mainstream media, etc.) and the “Anti-Establishment” side (Trump, Le Pen, Putin, the BRICS, the alternative media, etc.). They are deliberately staging a dialectic conflict between these two controlled fronts in order to implode their existing “Establishment” and erect a new one (the New World Order) in its place. That is the true narrative of what’s going on in our world today.
What I’ll be covering in the writings that follow are the specific events and false narratives they’re attempting to use in moving us into the NWO. Since there are two controlled sides to the staged conflict, there are two false narratives the globalists are spinning: 1) the mainstream narrative is the Establishment-side propaganda they sell to the sleepers, and 2) the alt-media narrative is the Anti-Establishment-side propaganda they sell to those who are awakening. They want you to come to see the mainstream narrative as a lie and the alt-media narrative as the truth. That’s because today’s alt-media will be the mainstream media of the New World Order.
That being said, what we are observing in the ongoing Khashoggi saga is a stage play being put on for the public. The purpose of the play is to convince people that Saudi Arabia’s coming move away from the US and towards the BRICS is happening as a result of the drama. In reality, though, the drama is meant to obfuscate the true reason for Saudi Arabia switching its allegiance: the globalists are deliberately removing the petroleum pillar from under the US dollar so it will fall and the IMF’s SDR / “phoenix” currency can take its place as the world’s primary reserve currency. And if they can use the drama to facilitate Trump’s scripted fall from power too, that’s just icing on the cake. He’s in on the plan, along with Erdogan, MBS, Kushner, Khashoggi and the rest.
Now here are my previous notes on the Khashoggi affair (in chronological order)…
(Expanded Note – 16 October 2018) – Have a look at this piece of preparatory propaganda from a year ago…
…from CNBC. Updating it for this year, the headline should read “US sanctions will ‘compel’ Saudi Arabia to trade oil in yuan…”
Since Saudi Arabia is the cornerstone of the petro-dollar, their post-sanctions choice to accept the petro-yuan would break the petro-dollar’s back. It wouldn’t disappear overnight, of course, but we would witness a downward spiral until we hit the Big Crisis.
Watch this drama over the supposed murder of Khashoggi very closely. You may be witnessing a big event in scripted world economic history — one that rivals Nixon’s abandonment of the gold standard.
Now for a few quick words…
> In response to a reader’s question, yes, I’m still aiming to write about The Protocols. Since November looks to be a busy writing time, I’ll get it done this month.
> Have a look at this RT story about what the Saudis might do if Trump hits them with sanctions over the murdered journalist. The whole thing is a very clear example of how the globalists are having Trump use sanctions to drive nations away from the “US Empire” and into the welcoming arms of the savior Putin. Trump is playing the role of the “precursor messiah” (the Moshiach ben Yossef) who prepares the way for the “main messiah,” Putin (the Moshiach ben David). And with each new sanction, Trump and his Skull and Bones Treasury Secretary Mnuchin are laying a brick on the NWO pyramid.
> Keep an eye on the “special purpose vehicle” (SPV) that the EU, Russia, and China are setting up to facilitate trade with Iran. It may be a working prototype of the “commodities-backed” NWO financial system, as is the petro-yuan. The new US sanctions on Iran are not about their nuclear program — that’s the cover story — they’re actually about the globalists replacing the dollar with the petro-yuan and the special purpose vehicle…
>>> Chinese oil futures contracts denominated in yuan hit their daily limit with a 5-percent spike on Tuesday as the US kicked off the first round of sanctions against Iran.
Washington’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and target the country’s oil sector with sanctions is expected to significantly boost China’s leverage to demand crude imports be priced in yuan…
China, the world’s top oil importer, started its long-anticipated crude oil futures contract that is priced in yuan and convertible into gold. The contract attracted nearly 27 billion yuan ($4 billion) during the first trading session. The step was aimed at diminishing the role of the US dollar in oil trading, strengthening the national currency and at bypassing US sanctions by trading oil in yuan…
China is expected to become a chief beneficiary of the US unilateral sanctions against the world’s biggest energy producers, including Russia, Iran and Venezuela. – from RT <<<
>>> The SPV may prove to be a dangerous precedent, or it may be the boldest move yet in a post-American world that sees China, the EU and others assume greater leadership roles. – from Global Risk Insights <<<
It will be interesting to see if the petro-yuan is included in the SPV.
In my yearly NWO Schedule of Implementation article, I talk about the globalists’ “running game.” Well this year, one of their big running plays was the launch of the petro-yuan, and they’ll get another big gain when the SPV is put in place over the next few weeks. Both of these new mechanisms will continue to grow until the Big Crisis, after which they’ll be merged with the “reformed” UN/NWO and its SDR/“Phoenix” currency for the touchdown.
(Original ALERT – 17-18 October 2018) – Will the globalists use the Khashoggi killing and its (alt-media) suggested link to “9/11 Truth” to topple Trump and install Pence?
If 9/11 Truth comes out, the Bushes will take a beating. And Trump just put a Bush loyalist (Kavanaugh) into the Supreme Court and is reportedly hesitant to confront the Saudis on Khashoggi. Meanwhile, both Establishment Republicans and Establishment Democrats are savaging Saudi Arabia in the media.
Could it be that the globalists are scripting a Bipartisan Establishment takedown of Saudi Arabia, the Bushes, and Trump along with them? It would be quite a plot twist, but it would get Pence into the presidency to play his “Grey Champion” role like they want.
It’s an angle to watch, and I’ll write more on it over the coming 24 hours.
~ MORE ~
Holy crap, I hit a gusher on this one. Have a look at this…
…from The Chicago Tribune. Here is an excerpt…
>>> For all the lingering tensions between President Donald Trump and former President George W. Bush, Trump’s White House shares one thing in common with his Republican predecessor’s: People.
Trump has installed more than three dozen veterans of the Bush administration, putting them in charge of running agencies, implementing foreign policy and overseeing his schedule. While hiring from the last administration controlled by the same party is common, Trump’s staffing moves are notable given his pledges to change politics-as-usual and the frosty relations between the current and former Republican standard-bearers.
The Bush influence has only grown stronger recently, as Trump nominated Alex Azar to lead the Health and Human Services Department, where he served under the Bush administration, and tapped Jerome “Jay” Powell to be chairman of the Federal Reserve. Powell served in the Treasury Department under President George H.W. Bush. <<<
Tomorrow morning, I’ll show you the connections among…
- the influx of Bush officials into the Trump administration,
- the passage of Trump’s tax cuts,
- Trump’s nomination of the Carlyle Group’s Jerome Powell as Federal Reserve Chairman,
- the Bushes’ and Bin Ladens’ connection to the Carlyle Group,
- and possibly more.
I’ll also cover how the mainstream media will sell the Bush-Trump conspiracy narrative and how the controlled alt-media will try to counter it. By tomorrow night, I should have this operation rolled up. Of course, I’d do all this today, but my roommate is coming back from her trip this evening. And if I don’t straighten up before she gets here, she’ll chew my ass in a way that only Korean ajumas can.
~ MORE – 18 October 2018 ~
Well, I succeeded in forestalling a thermonuclear nag-attack from my former wife / current roommate. So I can now return my attention to a less formidable adversary, the globalist cabal.
It looks like I’ve hit a nerve with this alert. After I posted the second part of it yesterday, I was on the receiving end of an unusual number of messages that tried to lead me off in different directions. It’s a standard tactic of the globalists’ sidle-up shills to attempt to distract and sap the energy of someone who stumbles onto something important. It’s so obvious what they’re doing that one wonders why they even try.
That being said, let me get straight to the heart of the matter…
Should the globalists pull the trigger on this Bush-Trump 9/11 collusion operation, we’ll see 9/11 Truth begin to come out in the mainstream media coverage of the Khashoggi disappearance / murder. As for the mechanism they’ll use to introduce it, it could be an information release tied to a dead-man’s trigger set up by Khashoggi or something similar. And once the truth is out and the Saudis and Bushes are in the spotlight, the mainstream media will lump Trump in with them with a narrative that goes something like this…
“Upon taking office, Trump found himself surrounded by hostile officials on both sides of the political divide, and it began to dawn on him that his lack of allies in Washington would mean his agenda had little chance of getting passed by Congress. So after trying and failing to overturn Obamacare, he looked ahead and saw three and a half more years of frustration that would end in a failed presidency. This caused him to take action and do what he’s known for doing, making a deal.
He reached out to the core of the Republican Establishment, the Bush family, and asked for their help in passing legislation that could be spun as fulfilling his campaign promises. In return, the Bushes demanded control of key positions in his administration as well as his silence on 9/11 Truth. The deal was made, and with his handshake, Trump became an accessory after the fact to the Bushes’ horrible crimes against the American people.
After Trump made his first big installment on the deal, nominating the Bushes’ man Jerome Powell as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the Bushes made their first big installment by passing Trump’s tax cuts. Trump has toed the Bush line since then, including placing their man Kavanaugh into the Supreme Court.
Now the Saudis, Bushes and Trumps must be brought to justice.”
In the next addition, I’ll show you the narrative the controlled alt-media will spin, then I’ll start adding in all the background information on how I arrived at this.
~ MORE – 18 October 2018 ~
As for the controlled alt-media, they have been teasing Trump’s release of 9/11 Truth as his ultimate trump card in dealing with the “Deep State”…
…from Infowars. Here is an excerpt…
>>> President Trump is prepared to go beyond exposing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 9/11-Saudi cover-up by releasing new information on how the Bushes and Clintons were also involved, according to high-level government sources.
In short, Mueller’s role in covering up Saudi Arabia’s ties to 9/11 is just the tip of the iceberg; Trump is set to expose even more collusion by the deep state, according to officials who spoke to Infowars. <<<
So when Trump gets hit with the Bush collusion rap, the alt-media will portray it as a case of the “Deep State” weaponizing 9/11 Truth and preemptively using it against him.
This weekend, I’ll share the narrative they’ll spin and start adding all the supporting material to this alert.
On another note, let’s not forget that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS) supposedly arrested Prince Bandar (a.k.a. “Bandar Bush”) during his “crackdown on corruption” last year. So at another level of scripting for the Khashoggi murder, the US and Saudi “Deep States” disappeared Khashoggi as part of a false-flag against MBS. They are aiming to get rid of him, which is why Lindsey Graham said he’s got to go.
On yet another note, here’s a thought we’ll explore…
Did Nikki Haley resign her UN post so Pence could nominate her as Vice President after the Trump takedown? Maybe that’s why the Pence/Haley rumors have been circulated.
(Twice-Expanded Note – 19-20 October 2018) – We saw this one coming, didn’t we?…
…from Zero Hedge
The press are narrating that US intelligence officials are increasingly sure that MBS ordered Khashoggi’s killing, just like they were sure of Russian interference in the 2016 US election. So don’t be shocked if Russian or Chinese (or possibly even Turkish) intelligence comes out with information that clears MBS of the killing and saves his position. It would be a nice way to narrate his shift in allegiance to the BRICS, wouldn’t it?
~ MORE ~
It looks like the Saudi King has sided with MBS, because he’s having MBS lead a reorganization of Saudi intelligence. This will be sold as a clearance of the Saudi “Deep State.” Meanwhile, the US “Deep State” will push sanctions through Congress in an attempt to force out MBS. And that will alienate him from the US and cause him to turn to the BRICS.
Also, the Saudi government confirmed today that the missing Khashoggi has indeed been killed (supposedly), so now we wait and see if the dead-man’s trigger gets pulled on the 9/11 info.
~ MORE – 20 October 2018 ~
Here’s something I came across this morning…
…from AP
It will be interesting to see how the globalists script Turkey’s move in this game. In the prophecy fulfillment script, Erdogan is playing the role of the “Dajjal,” the Muslim version of an antichrist. And his character’s motivation is to build an evil Islamist Empire, with him playing both sides of the East -West divide to advance his own agenda. So on the one hand, he is in league with the “Satanist Western Deep States” in conducting the “Islamic invasion” of the West (since both he and the Satanists supposedly want to destroy Christian civilization); on the other hand, he is in league with Putin in building an energy pipeline and joining the BRICS.
So which play will the globalist scriptwriters have him make? A Western play of blaming MBS for Khashoggi’s killing to help his Western “Deep State” allies get rid of him, or a BRICS play to clear MBS of the killing so he’ll keep his position and switch allegiance to the BRICS?
At the moment, I’m still thinking-through that question. But I can tell you this: MBS fits the mold of the “strong, nationalist” leader type that will comprise the leadership of the New World Order, so I’d be surprised if he gets removed.
(Expanded Note – 21 October 2018) – In addition to the Khashoggi-related scenarios I’ve already covered, the globalists may be laying the groundwork for a Trump impeachment on charges of conspiracy (using Kushner as an intermediary) with MBS in committing war crimes in Yemen and political kidnappings and assassinations around the world. More on this tomorrow too. But if you want to put it together for yourself today, here are the articles you’ll need…
Dem Congressman Claims Jared Kushner Coordinated Khashoggi’s Assassination with Saudi Crown Prince
Saudi Crown Prince Boasted That Jared Kushner Was “In His Pocket”
Saudi prince exiled in Germany says he avoided kidnapping days before Khashoggi
~ MORE ~
From the tone of the reports in Turkey’s Daily Sabah, it looks like Erdogan is colluding with the US “Deep State” in framing MBS, Trump, and Kushner…
>>> According to reports, U.S. intelligence intercepted communications concerning a Saudi plan to lure and capture Khashoggi before he met his horrible fate. If the U.S. administration continues this defensive line of language in favor of MBS and reiterates mostly what they want to hear, one would fairly wonder if Trump and his Middle East peace envoy Jared Kushner also had prior knowledge of this atrocity to come and did nothing. — from the Daily Sabah <<<
(Expanded Note – 24 October 2018) – As of yesterday, an assassination play on 11/11 in Paris has become more likely…
…from Sputnik
In previous updates, I’ve noted that the most likely scenario for a Trump (and now Putin) assassination would involve a “terrorist” attack using an “Iranian” drone. So upon checking in on the preparatory propaganda for such an attack, I found these two things from this month…
…from Fox News (top) and The Drive (bottom)
So you have an “ISIS” poster targeting Paris with a drone and talking of a surprise, and you have news of a supposedly operational stealth-ish drone from Iran that could plausibly penetrate Paris air defenses. If you stick a small “North Korean/Ukrainian” nuke into that “Iranian” drone and pair them with an “ISIS” guy with a laser designator on the ground in Paris, you have a Trump and Putin killer that would open the door to war in all three World War 3 sandboxes.
I’ll cover this in detail as 11/11 approaches.
~ MORE ~
It looks like the Democrats have sent bombs to themselves to pose as victims and make it look like the “right” is violent too. It’s much like what the Jewish activists do when they paint swastikas on their own synagogues.
To read the previous notes and updates, click here: Notes from September and October.
(21 October 2018)
The Khashoggi Affair: The Globalists’ Dial-a-Yield October Surprise
In the US nuclear arsenal, there is a “dial-a-yield” nuclear bomb known as the B61. Depending on the settings applied by the technicians arming it, it can explode in a range of yields from 0.3 to 340 kilotons. And it is becoming apparent that the globalists’ ongoing Khashoggi October Surprise is structured quite similarly, with three yields I’ve identified so far…
- If the they trigger it to blow in the lowest yield, we will see the US Congress force sanctions on Saudi Arabia (thereby shifting Saudi Arabia’s allegiance over to the BRICS and dealing a fatal blow to the petro-dollar).
- If they have it blow in the middle yield, Trump and Kushner will face allegations that they either withheld intelligence that could have prevented Khashoggi’s death or actively participated in planning it.
- And if they turn the dial all the way up to maximum yield, Trump will face allegations that he conspired with the Bushes and Saudis to withhold 9/11 Truth from the public.
Over the next 24 hours, I’ll work to restructure this page and expand this alert so we’ll be ready for Erdogan’s announcement on Tuesday. That’s the day he might turn the dial to medium yield. A following US investigation could then turn it to maximum.
(Expanded Note – 21 October 2018) – We saw this one coming too, didn’t we?…
…from the Drudge Report
RIP, Pocahontas.
~ MORE ~
In addition to the Khashoggi-related scenarios I’ve already covered, the globalists may be laying the groundwork for a Trump impeachment on charges of conspiracy (using Kushner as an intermediary) with MBS in committing war crimes in Yemen and political kidnappings and assassinations around the world. More on this tomorrow too. But if you want to put it together for yourself today, here are the articles you’ll need…
Dem Congressman Claims Jared Kushner Coordinated Khashoggi’s Assassination with Saudi Crown Prince
Saudi Crown Prince Boasted That Jared Kushner Was “In His Pocket”
Saudi prince exiled in Germany says he avoided kidnapping days before Khashoggi
~ MORE ~
From the tone of the reports in Turkey’s Daily Sabah, it looks like Erdogan is colluding with the US “Deep State” in framing MBS, Trump, and Kushner…
>>> According to reports, U.S. intelligence intercepted communications concerning a Saudi plan to lure and capture Khashoggi before he met his horrible fate. If the U.S. administration continues this defensive line of language in favor of MBS and reiterates mostly what they want to hear, one would fairly wonder if Trump and his Middle East peace envoy Jared Kushner also had prior knowledge of this atrocity to come and did nothing. — from the Daily Sabah <<<
(17-18 October 2018)
Will the globalists use the Khashoggi killing and its (alt-media) suggested link to “9/11 Truth” to topple Trump and install Pence?
If 9/11 Truth comes out, the Bushes will take a beating. And Trump just put a Bush loyalist (Kavanaugh) into the Supreme Court and is reportedly hesitant to confront the Saudis on Khashoggi. Meanwhile, both Establishment Republicans and Establishment Democrats are savaging Saudi Arabia in the media.
Could it be that the globalists are scripting a Bipartisan Establishment takedown of Saudi Arabia, the Bushes, and Trump along with them? It would be quite a plot twist, but it would get Pence into the presidency to play his “Grey Champion” role like they want.
It’s an angle to watch, and I’ll write more on it over the coming 24 hours.
~ MORE ~
Holy crap, I hit a gusher on this one. Have a look at this…
…from The Chicago Tribune. Here is an excerpt…
>>> For all the lingering tensions between President Donald Trump and former President George W. Bush, Trump’s White House shares one thing in common with his Republican predecessor’s: People.
Trump has installed more than three dozen veterans of the Bush administration, putting them in charge of running agencies, implementing foreign policy and overseeing his schedule. While hiring from the last administration controlled by the same party is common, Trump’s staffing moves are notable given his pledges to change politics-as-usual and the frosty relations between the current and former Republican standard-bearers.
The Bush influence has only grown stronger recently, as Trump nominated Alex Azar to lead the Health and Human Services Department, where he served under the Bush administration, and tapped Jerome “Jay” Powell to be chairman of the Federal Reserve. Powell served in the Treasury Department under President George H.W. Bush. <<<
Tomorrow morning, I’ll show you the connections among…
- the influx of Bush officials into the Trump administration,
- the passage of Trump’s tax cuts,
- Trump’s nomination of the Carlyle Group’s Jerome Powell as Federal Reserve Chairman,
- the Bushes’ and Bin Ladens’ connection to the Carlyle Group,
- and possibly more.
I’ll also cover how the mainstream media will sell the Bush-Trump conspiracy narrative and how the controlled alt-media will try to counter it. By tomorrow night, I should have this operation rolled up. Of course, I’d do all this today, but my roommate is coming back from her trip this evening. And if I don’t straighten up before she gets here, she’ll chew my ass in a way that only Korean ajumas can.
~ MORE – 18 October 2018 ~
Well, I succeeded in forestalling a thermonuclear nag-attack from my former wife / current roommate. So I can now return my attention to a less formidable adversary, the globalist cabal.
It looks like I’ve hit a nerve with this alert. After I posted the second part of it yesterday, I was on the receiving end of an unusual number of messages that tried to lead me off in different directions. It’s a standard tactic of the globalists’ sidle-up shills to attempt to distract and sap the energy of someone who stumbles onto something important. It’s so obvious what they’re doing that one wonders why they even try.
That being said, let me get straight to the heart of the matter…
Should the globalists pull the trigger on this Bush-Trump 9/11 collusion operation, we’ll see 9/11 Truth begin to come out in the mainstream media coverage of the Khashoggi disappearance / murder. As for the mechanism they’ll use to introduce it, it could be an information release tied to a dead-man’s trigger set up by Khashoggi or something similar. And once the truth is out and the Saudis and Bushes are in the spotlight, the mainstream media will lump Trump in with them with a narrative that goes something like this…
“Upon taking office, Trump found himself surrounded by hostile officials on both sides of the political divide, and it began to dawn on him that his lack of allies in Washington would mean his agenda had little chance of getting passed by Congress. So after trying and failing to overturn Obamacare, he looked ahead and saw three and a half more years of frustration that would end in a failed presidency. This caused him to take action and do what he’s known for doing, making a deal.
He reached out to the core of the Republican Establishment, the Bush family, and asked for their help in passing legislation that could be spun as fulfilling his campaign promises. In return, the Bushes demanded control of key positions in his administration as well as his silence on 9/11 Truth. The deal was made, and with his handshake, Trump became an accessory after the fact to the Bushes’ horrible crimes against the American people.
After Trump made his first big installment on the deal, nominating the Bushes’ man Jerome Powell as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the Bushes made their first big installment by passing Trump’s tax cuts. Trump has toed the Bush line since then, including placing their man Kavanaugh into the Supreme Court.
Now the Saudis, Bushes and Trumps must be brought to justice.”
In the next addition, I’ll show you the narrative the controlled alt-media will spin, then I’ll start adding in all the background information on how I arrived at this.
~ MORE – 18 October 2018 ~
As for the controlled alt-media, they have been teasing Trump’s release of 9/11 Truth as his ultimate trump card in dealing with the “Deep State”…
…from Infowars. Here is an excerpt…
>>> President Trump is prepared to go beyond exposing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 9/11-Saudi cover-up by releasing new information on how the Bushes and Clintons were also involved, according to high-level government sources.
In short, Mueller’s role in covering up Saudi Arabia’s ties to 9/11 is just the tip of the iceberg; Trump is set to expose even more collusion by the deep state, according to officials who spoke to Infowars. <<<
So when Trump gets hit with the Bush collusion rap, the alt-media will portray it as a case of the “Deep State” weaponizing 9/11 Truth and preemptively using it against him.
This weekend, I’ll share the narrative they’ll spin and start adding all the supporting material to this alert.
On another note, let’s not forget that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS) supposedly arrested Prince Bandar (a.k.a. “Bandar Bush”) during his “crackdown on corruption” last year. So at another level of scripting for the Khashoggi murder, the US and Saudi “Deep States” disappeared Khashoggi as part of a false-flag against MBS. They are aiming to get rid of him, which is why Lindsey Graham said he’s got to go.
On yet another note, here’s a thought we’ll explore…
Did Nikki Haley resign her UN post so Pence could nominate her as Vice President after the Trump takedown? Maybe that’s why the Pence/Haley rumors have been circulated.
(Twice-Expanded Note – 19-20 October 2018) – We saw this one coming, didn’t we?…
…from Zero Hedge
The press are narrating that US intelligence officials are increasingly sure that MBS ordered Khashoggi’s killing, just like they were sure of Russian interference in the 2016 US election. So don’t be shocked if Russian or Chinese (or possibly even Turkish) intelligence comes out with information that clears MBS of the killing and saves his position. It would be a nice way to narrate his shift in allegiance to the BRICS, wouldn’t it?
~ MORE ~
It looks like the Saudi King has sided with MBS, because he’s having MBS lead a reorganization of Saudi intelligence. This will be sold as a clearance of the Saudi “Deep State.” Meanwhile, the US “Deep State” will push sanctions through Congress in an attempt to force out MBS. And that will alienate him from the US and cause him to turn to the BRICS.
Also, the Saudi government confirmed today that the missing Khashoggi has indeed been killed (supposedly), so now we wait and see if the dead-man’s trigger gets pulled on the 9/11 info.
~ MORE – 20 October 2018 ~
Here’s something I came across this morning…
…from AP
It will be interesting to see how the globalists script Turkey’s move in this game. In the prophecy fulfillment script, Erdogan is playing the role of the “Dajjal,” the Muslim version of an antichrist. And his character’s motivation is to build an evil Islamist Empire, with him playing both sides of the East -West divide to advance his own agenda. So on the one hand, he is in league with the “Satanist Western Deep States” in conducting the “Islamic invasion” of the West (since both he and the Satanists supposedly want to destroy Christian civilization); on the other hand, he is in league with Putin in building an energy pipeline and joining the BRICS.
So which play will the globalist scriptwriters have him make? A Western play of blaming MBS for Khashoggi’s killing to help his Western “Deep State” allies get rid of him, or a BRICS play to clear MBS of the killing so he’ll keep his position and switch allegiance to the BRICS?
At the moment, I’m still thinking-through that question. But I can tell you this: MBS fits the mold of the “strong, nationalist” leader type that will comprise the leadership of the New World Order, so I’d be surprised if he gets removed.
(Expanded Note – 16 October 2018) – Have a look at this piece of preparatory propaganda from a year ago…
…from CNBC. Updating it for this year, the headline should read “US sanctions will ‘compel’ Saudi Arabia to trade oil in yuan…”
Since Saudi Arabia is the cornerstone of the petro-dollar, their post-sanctions choice to accept the petro-yuan would break the petro-dollar’s back. It wouldn’t disappear overnight, of course, but we would witness a downward spiral until we hit the Big Crisis.
Watch this drama over the supposed murder of Khashoggi very closely. You may be witnessing a big event in scripted world economic history — one that rivals Nixon’s abandonment of the gold standard.
Now for a few quick words…
> In response to a reader’s question, yes, I’m still aiming to write about The Protocols. Since November looks to be a busy writing time, I’ll get it done this month.
> Have a look at this RT story about what the Saudis might do if Trump hits them with sanctions over the murdered journalist. The whole thing is a very clear example of how the globalists are having Trump use sanctions to drive nations away from the “US Empire” and into the welcoming arms of the savior Putin. Trump is playing the role of the “precursor messiah” (the Moshiach ben Yossef) who prepares the way for the “main messiah,” Putin (the Moshiach ben David). And with each new sanction, Trump and his Skull and Bones Treasury Secretary Mnuchin are laying a brick on the NWO pyramid.
> Keep an eye on the “special purpose vehicle” (SPV) that the EU, Russia, and China are setting up to facilitate trade with Iran. It may be a working prototype of the “commodities-backed” NWO financial system, as is the petro-yuan. The new US sanctions on Iran are not about their nuclear program — that’s the cover story — they’re actually about the globalists replacing the dollar with the petro-yuan and the special purpose vehicle…
>>> Chinese oil futures contracts denominated in yuan hit their daily limit with a 5-percent spike on Tuesday as the US kicked off the first round of sanctions against Iran.
Washington’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and target the country’s oil sector with sanctions is expected to significantly boost China’s leverage to demand crude imports be priced in yuan…
China, the world’s top oil importer, started its long-anticipated crude oil futures contract that is priced in yuan and convertible into gold. The contract attracted nearly 27 billion yuan ($4 billion) during the first trading session. The step was aimed at diminishing the role of the US dollar in oil trading, strengthening the national currency and at bypassing US sanctions by trading oil in yuan…
China is expected to become a chief beneficiary of the US unilateral sanctions against the world’s biggest energy producers, including Russia, Iran and Venezuela. – from RT <<<
>>> The SPV may prove to be a dangerous precedent, or it may be the boldest move yet in a post-American world that sees China, the EU and others assume greater leadership roles. – from Global Risk Insights <<<
It will be interesting to see if the petro-yuan is included in the SPV.
In my yearly NWO Schedule of Implementation article, I talk about the globalists’ “running game.” Well this year, one of their big running plays was the launch of the petro-yuan, and they’ll get another big gain when the SPV is put in place over the next few weeks. Both of these new mechanisms will continue to grow until the Big Crisis, after which they’ll be merged with the “reformed” UN/NWO and its SDR/“Phoenix” currency for the touchdown.
Answering a couple of reader comments
(expanded – 13-14 October 2018)
Here’s the first reader comment…
I thought China was going to be spun as part of the good NWO gang, how does that play out with all the negative press they’ll get from rigging elections? Also, doesnt a lot of people in America have a negative view on China already?
This is my response…
China, specifically Xi, WILL be spun as part of the good NWO gang… after the “Truth Tsunami.” Just like the globalists portray Trump as struggling with the “Zionist Deep State” in America and going along with them on certain things in order to mollify them, stay in power, and work his “subtle and genius strategy” to overcome them, they’ll do the same thing for Putin, Xi, and the other “Avatars.” Immediately following the climax point of the Big Crisis, the world public will hear propaganda of how Putin mollified and defeated the KGB / Russian Mafia Deep State, and how Xi mollified and defeated the Chinese Communist Party / Triad Deep State.
In the “Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan for the Indians and the Chinese, and the 5 Avatars” section of The Compendium further down this page, I’ve already written the gist of the globalist post-Crisis narrative…
“When the Dark Forces developed and used the first nuclear weapons in 1945, it became clear that they would use them to slaughter most of humanity and irretrievably subjugate the survivors before the End of the Age. So the Avatars incarnated into human form in order to discreetly intervene. They infiltrated the Dark’s power structure and rose to leadership within the major nuclear nations to prevent a nuclear holocaust.
Sensing the imminent defeat of their plans, the Dark Forces struck back by assassinating the Avatars and starting World War 3. And as they pushed the world to the very brink of nuclear destruction, the godhead had to intervene more dramatically by resurrecting the Avatars and sending in cosmic reinforcements before the scheduled End of the Age.”
So in order to infiltrate the Dark’s “Deep State” power structures, each “Avatar” supposedly had to pretend to be one of them and do things they’d rather not do to climb the ladder (like the election hack, which will actually aid Xi’s friend Trump in locking up the US “Deep State”). But it will be said that the Avatars always tried to go along with the “Dark Forces” in the least destructive ways possible, like when Trump was forced to take action on Syria over a supposed chemical attack back in April. Here is what I wrote about it at the time…
[Special Note – 14 April 2018] – The NWO Historical Account of This Week’s Attack on Syria
Allow me to show you how the New World Order historians will explain what happened this week with the Syria strike. Their future words are italicized and in quotes…
“Under overwhelming pressure from the Deep State and their media over the Stormy Daniels affair, and in a weakened position due to the Monday morning (April 9) FBI raid on his lawyer’s office, President Donald Trump had no choice but to give the neocons the Syria strike they wanted. So late in the morning of April 9th, he agreed to make a decision on a strike within 24-48 hours.”…
…from CBS News
“But in an effort to delay the strike and negotiate for the weakest one possible, he dragged his feet on a decision for the full 48 hours. And in a further effort to protect humanity from the neocon onslaught, Trump took the extraordinary step of warning Russia that a strike was indeed coming, and that it would be done with missiles.”…
…from Al Jazeera
“Captive in a White House full of Deep State agents, Trump gave the warning via his only means of direct, unfiltered communication to the outside world: his Twitter account. He tweeted the warning in the early morning of April 11, and it was interspersed with blustery rhetoric to conceal his true intentions in sending it.”…
“Not understanding Trump’s true reason for sending the tweet, the White House staff were at a loss in explaining it.”…
…from The Guardian
“But upon receiving Trump’s warning to ‘get ready,’ Putin and Assad did exactly that.”…
…from Haaretz
“To give the Syrians and Russians adequate time to prepare for the strikes, Trump delayed giving the final ‘go’ order for two and a half days after the warning.”…
…from NBC News
For a preliminary example of the coming NWO propaganda about Putin being “surrounded by corruption but remaining untouched by it” while he infiltrated Russia’s “evil Deep State,” read this reposted article on the Putin-worshipping cult aggregator site…
The article offers a number of accounts suggesting admirable behavior on the part of Putin, and sums them up in this paragraph…
>>> When I came across Tennison’s article I was still inclined to believe that Putin was corrupt, in some way, so her testimony came as a surprise to me. Tennison’s article painted a portrait of a man who is quite the opposite of a thug: Putin stood up to schoolyard bullies; Putin went to the KGB for similar reasons why many young Americans joined the US Army after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001; Putin took no bribes; Putin was courteous and helpful as a public official; Putin turned down privileged treatment for his wife after her car accident… The way Tennison portrayed Vladimir Putin was at odds with my stereotype of a typical politician. Still, her account seemed credible. Perhaps Vladimir Putin really is a very highly unusual politician. <<<
In my research on Putin, I too encountered a specific account of Putin’s “goodness.” I wrote about it in Vladimir Putin: The mobster who would be the globalist Messiah. In the relevant section from that article, you’ll see why Putin cultivated his public “good guy” image while in Saint Petersburg…
After arriving in Moscow as an unknown in June of 1996, it took Putin only 3 years and 6 months to rise to the Presidency of Russia. Only 3.5 years!
Needless to say, you can’t achieve such a meteoric rise without powerful forces working in the background to arrange it for you. The globalists obviously had big plans for Vladimir Putin, and that is why the Russian oligarchs elevated him to power so swiftly. An insight into this is offered in Masha Gessen’s Putin biography, The Man Without a Face…
>>> Foremost in the dwindling circle of Yeltsin’s allies and supporters known as ‘the family’ was the oligarch Boris Berezovsky; indeed, many believed Berezovsky to be the real power behind Yeltsin’s throne. Berezovsky knew Putin from the early 1990s in St Petersburg when, in the first flush of buccaneering capitalism, Berezovsky was aiming to expand his car dealership and Putin was a minor city bureaucrat.
Putin arranged for Berezovsky to open a service station in the city, and declined to take a bribe. ‘He was the first bureaucrat who did not take bribes,’ Berezovsky told Gessen. ‘Seriously. It made a huge impression on me.’
Berezovsky began to vigorously promote Putin, among ‘the family’ and to Yeltsin himself. He would remember Yeltsin’s reaction on meeting Putin: ‘He seems all right,’ the president said of his putative successor, ‘but he’s kind of small.’ In August 1999 Yeltsin appointed Putin prime minister. <<<
After Putin was installed as the fresh new face of oligarchic rule in Russia, an effort was made to distance him from the scandals of the Yeltsin era and make him look like “change we [Russians] can believe in” (to borrow a phrase from the American version of the trick). It is for this reason that certain oligarchs took on the public roles of “opponents of Putin.” And due to his close ties to Yeltsin, Berezovsky himself took on such a role. As his Wikipedia bio states…
“Berezovsky was politically opposed to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, since Putin’s election in 2000 and remained a vocal critic of Putin for the rest of his life. In late 2000, after the Russian Deputy Prosecutor General demanded that Berezovsky appear for questioning, he did not return from abroad and moved to the UK, which granted him political asylum in 2003.”
So Berezovsky, who played a behind-the-scenes role in placing Putin into the Presidency of Russia, took on the public role of Putin’s opposition, then ran off to the UK. In doing this, he effectively served as the scapegoat that took the sins of the Yeltsin Administration far away from Putin (so the public would think that Putin’s Administration was a real change from Yeltsin’s). As we’ll discover later when looking at Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Berezovsky wasn’t the only oligarch to play the role of fake opposition to make Putin look good.
So having played the “knight in shining armor” role in ending the era of Yeltsin in Russia, Putin will now play the same role in ending the era of Western rule over the world. And to get the public to believe in his goodness, they’ll take advantage of people’s naivete and willingness to believe in fairy tales, like that of the “5 Avatars.”
Here’s the second reader comment…
Why do you always lie? “Looks like the cabal is postponing its plan” should be your catchphrase. You haven’t been right with any of your bullshit predictions. You are worse than the Q Anon cult.
This is my response…
“Looks like the cabal is postponing its plan” IS my catchphrase. Good catch on your part. You must be a regular reader.
As for my “bullsh*t predictions,” I’m not in the prediction business; I’m in the exposure business. A successful exposure and prevention looks like a failed prediction. And a failed exposure and prevention looks like a successful prediction. As frustrating as it is to do this job, I will always choose the successful exposure over the successful prediction. This is not a task for those who seek ego validation, fame or fortune.
That being said, is it possible that I’m some deluded and quixotic figure who’s tilting at globalist windmills? Yes, that’s entirely possible, but I don’t think so. After looking at everything I’ve seen and doing the math, my conclusions check out (at least to my mind). Despite my manifold flaws as a human being, I’m fairly good at getting the right answer on problems, so I’ll stand my ground and continue tilting till I drop dead. And since I refuse to drop dead until I get my son safely through his life, the windmills are doomed. I have decades more in this “charming” reality. Oh joy! 😛
“When in hell, enjoy the barbecue.” – that’s my other catchphrase.
(Twice-Expanded Note – 11-12 October 2018) – In the next few hours, American pastor Andrew Brunson will have his court date in Turkey. Should Erdogan fail to release him, it’s been suggested that Turkey will get hit with a new round of sanctions. So what happens with this situation starting tomorrow will tell us about the globalists’ pacing for the coming Big Crisis: a Brunson release = slow pacing, and his continued detention = fast pacing. Also, a continued detention + immediate sanctions would mean a continued downward move in the markets as we approach the midterm election. Trump’s “impulsiveness” would be blamed.
~ MORE – 12 October 2018 ~
Erdogan has released Brunson. This means that Turkey’s economic collapse and the migrant invasion of Europe that will follow it have been postponed. So time is now available to do the “stolen election” and its aftermath, which I’ll write about today.
~ MORE – 12 October 2018 ~
The Globalist Script for the Stolen Election and its Aftermath
In the original article on China’s “Big Hack,” it was noted that US intelligence had been tracking the hack for years. And with Trump speaking out about Chinese interference in the midterm election and Bolsonaro complaining about anomalies with Brazil’s electronic voting machines, the globalist script will reflect that Trump and his “white hat” allies in the US letter agencies have set a surveillance trap to catch China red-handed on election day. So when the Chinese manipulate the vote and the US mainstream media rush to declare Democratic victories, Trump will blow the whistle on the hack. That’s when the fun begins.
After announcing the hack, Trump and Congress will order a Mueller-like investigation into Chinese interference in the election, with the aim of thoroughly sorting out what happened prior to the new Congress taking office in January. And unlike the “Russian interference” investigation that dragged on and drilled into a dry hole, the “Chinese interference” investigation will move swiftly and drill into a gusher. Vast evidence of complicity between the Chicoms and the Democratic leaders will be found, and the electronic voting machines will be cracked open and the Chinese spy chips within them will be shown to the public. Trump will then have the Democrats not only on conspiracy and corruption charges, but on treason charges as well, and treason is punishable by death (especially when military tribunals are conducting the trials).
Once Trump announces the investigation, the globalist script will portray the Democrats as desperately fighting for their lives, literally. So they will go to any and all lengths to save themselves from the gallows. This means that they’ll rabidly go after Trump either by assassination, impeachment or the 25th Amendment. It also means that they’ll employ explosive rhetoric with their followers. “We won the election and Trump is trying to steal it from us,” they’ll scream, “The fascist Trump is destroying our democracy RIGHT NOW, and we must use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to stop him!” The paid Soros brigades will then hit the streets to violently (and sometimes fatally) attack conservatives, and any attempt by Trump to restore order will be decried as a “dictatorial crackdown on dissent.”
At some point the military will step in to stop the madness, and the people will cheer. “Mass Arrests” will clear Washington of pretty much everyone except the globalist-chosen new leaders (like Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, etc.).
Of course, the Brazilians will undergo the same process. It is likely that the globalists will script a Bolsonaro loss on October 28 amidst claims of electronic voting machine manipulation. Bolsonaro’s complaints will be trashed by the mainstream media, but they’ll nonetheless receive wide coverage. This will help put the idea into people’s minds a week before the US election.
(Expanded Note – 9-10 October 2018) – The hows and whys of the “China interference” script
It all started last month when Trump sat as the President of the UN Security Council. Here is a passage from a Vox article about what happened…
>>> President Donald Trump just publicly accused China of interfering in the 2018 US midterm elections in front of more than a dozen world leaders at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council.
“Regrettably, we found that China has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming 2018 election coming up in November against my administration,” Trump said on Wednesday. “They do not want me or us to win because I am the first president ever to challenge China on trade.” <<<
When I heard about this at the time, I thought he was preparing to launch a “China interference” investigation as a counterstrike to the Democrats’ “Russian interference” investigation. But I decided to wait for more developments before writing about it. This week, those developments occurred.
First, there was the story about China placing spy components on electronic motherboards that are used all over the world. This provided a physical means to interfere with the upcoming election. Then, there was this…
…from Quartz
So the globalists’ “Chinese interference” script for the 2018 elections is becoming quite clear. China will use its spy chips and hacking brigades to support leftists in the Brazilian and American elections via the electronic voting machines and the computer networks that transmit the vote count. In fact, they may have already done so. Bolsonaro claims that he would have won a majority of the vote in the first round of the Brazilian election had it not been for irregularities with the electronic voting machines.
~ MORE – 10 October 2018 ~
Yesterday, the globalists flourished their “China interference” card again by having Bloomberg release another article on “The Big Hack.” The purpose of the new article is to move people towards seeing the ubiquitous nature of the Chinese effort…
>>> “For China, these efforts are all-encompassing,” said Tony Lawrence, CEO of VOR Technology, a Columbia, Maryland-based contractor to the intelligence community. “There is no way for us to identify the gravity or the size of these exploits – we don’t know until we find some. It could be all over the place – it could be anything coming out of China. The unknown is what gets you and that’s where we are now. We don’t know the level of exploits within our own systems.” <<<
Now imagine for a moment that such spy chips are on the motherboards of the electronic voting machines and the PCs used to tabulate the votes. Can you see how the Chinese communists could interfere with the following US vote tabulation process? [My comments are in brackets]…
>>> In most places, the voting process looks a little like this: People go to their designated polling place, their name is checked off the voter rolls and they vote, either with a paper ballot that is optically scanned by a machine, an electronic voting machine or, very rarely, a paper ballot that is hand-read, Foley said. [So for both optical scanning machines and electronic voting machines, which are used in the overwhelming majority of voting places, The Big Hack is in play.]
In the case of optically scanned ballots, once voting for the day is done, a poll worker pushes a little button on a computer that automatically tabulates the votes. Then, the machine will print out a grocery-receipt-like record with the vote tally, which is usually taped to the door of the polling place, Stewart said. Several copies of this printout are generated, and those copies, along with a computer card that stores the results, are bundled together and immediately sent to one of the central counting offices, which may be either a dedicated elections department or the county courthouse, Stewart said. (Some counties take uncounted ballots directly from the polling place to have them read by an optical scanner in the county courthouse, Stewart added.) [So the computer that tabulates the votes and the computer card that stores the results are both hackable.]
Once these memory cards from all of the polling places are received by the central office, “they’re popped into a computer much like you would pop a USB thumb drive into a computer,” Stewart said. This computer then tallies all of the results and begins to generate a preliminary vote-count report, Stewart said. [So after the hackable results come to the central office, they’re processed by another hackable computer.]
Then, this preliminary vote count can be conveyed in a number of ways. In some places, a “stringer” for the Associated Press (AP) will sit there and call in the results to the central AP call center, Stewart said. In other places, the results will be pushed via phone or internet to state officials, who will report the results. [After the two previous layers of hackable activities, states that report by internet can be hacked a third time.]
To prevent an election from being “hacked,” some states even have their own separate, secure wires for transmitting election results between the county and the state, Foley said. [If one or both of the computers that communicate over the “secure wire” is hacked, either at the hardware or software level, the “secure wire” becomes a farce.] – from Live Science <<<
So as you can see, if the Chinese have the will to hack the election (which is provided by Trump’s “trade war”), they have the means to carry it out.
The best way for the globalists to play this “China interference” card is to use it within the context of an election that is stolen by the left. Here’s how that effort is shaping up…
Step 1 – Have the leftist-controlled media band together to bombard Trump and other Republicans with negative press — DONE
Step 2 – Have the leftist-controlled internet companies band together to shut down and marginalize right-wing voices — DONE
Step 3 – Have the leftist-controlled polling organizations band together to portray a Democratic lead in the Congressional races — IN PROGRESS (news of this will come out during the post-election investigation)
Step 4 – Play the “China interference” card by having the Chicoms manipulate the voting results to falsely show key Democratic victories and Democratic control of the next Congress. — COMING
Step 5 – Have the leftist-controlled media announce the Democratic victories as a done deal while decrying any effort to investigate election manipulation as “an attempt to steal the election.” — COMING
In the next addition, I’ll show you their plan for after the stolen election…
(8 October 2018) – I took my son on an outing today, so there’ll be no update. But tomorrow, we’ll have a look at how China’s big hardware hack will fit in with the “Chinese interference in America’s election” meme Trump launched at the UN last month. This interference by a foreign communist power may also play into the second round of the Brazilian election. The Democratic Party conspiring with a hated foreign government would make for great treason charges and mass arrests, wouldn’t it?
(7 October 2018) – Here are some points worth mentioning today…
> Kavanaugh is now in the Supreme Court, and the “leftists” have a month until the midterms to demonstrate their dissatisfaction. So now we wait and see if the globalists pull the trigger.
> The Brazilian election is underway today, and here is an interesting little tidbit about the “right-wing” frontrunner…
>>> Bolsonaro, a former army captain, has repeatedly spoken out in favour of Brazil’s military government, which was in power from 1964-85.
He has promised to fill his cabinet with military generals and his running mate, retired army general Hamilton Mourao, hinted last year that he would be in favour of a military takeover of government if corrupt officials were not dealt with by Brazil’s courts. — from Al Jazeera <<<
So the globalist plan for “mass arrests” of leftist officials is in play in Brazil as well.
> A massive Chinese hardware hack made the news this week. By telling the public about it, the globalists can now blame the Chinese communists for the cyberattacks that will come when the Big Crisis hits. In reality, though, the globalists will be staging the attacks using hardware backdoors like the Intel Management Engine that are built right into the microprocessors. To learn more about this, scroll down to The Compendium and read the section titled “The Fake EMP Threat, Bitcoin, and the Great Encryption Lie.”
> With all but a few aircraft carriers laid up for long-delayed maintenance and with a high-tech fighting force that is supposedly compromised by sabotaged Chinese computer boards, the US is ill-prepared to fight a three-front war (1. the Middle East, 2. the South China Sea, 3. Ukraine). These conditions will lead to our humbling defeat if the globalists take the War Path, and to our de facto surrender if they take the Peace Path. When we suddenly find out that Russian missiles can shoot down our stealth planes and that Russian “electronic warfare jamming” and Chinese sleeper chips can deactivate our systems, we won’t have a leg to stand on.
As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, Russia’s “revolutionary electronic warfare technology” likely utilizes globalist-supplied kill codes for the microchips in US warfighting systems.
(TWICE-EXPANDED ALERT – 5 October 2018) – The Senate has voted 51-49 to end debate on the Kavanaugh nomination, thus setting the stage for a confirmation vote on Saturday. So between now and the vote tomorrow is the ideal timing for a “leftist” attack on at least two Republican senators (or Kavanaugh / his family). The “leftists” could stop the nomination by doing so. Of course, they could also stage the attacks as “retribution” after Kavanaugh is confirmed. Either way, we’ve entered the October Surprise Danger Zone.
~ MORE ~
Here’s another juicy target for the “leftists”…
…from Fox News
Can you imagine the backlash that would be generated if there were an attack on Senator Daines at his daughter’s wedding? They could also do the “sabotaged private plane” bit that is so popular for political assassinations.
By the way, look at the religions of the Supreme Court justices (including Kavanaugh)…
…from CNN
As I’ve noted many times, the Kabbalist “Jews” took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order back when they assassinated Kennedy, so the Court is totally stacked with Kabbalist minions. This grand public battle between “liberal” lefties and “conservative” righties is much ado about nothing.
~ MORE – 6 October 2016 ~
It begins…
…from Fox News. Here is an excerpt…
>>> “Senator Susan Collins is the mother & grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%,” tweeted Linda Sarsour, a far-left activist and a leader of the Women’s March that branded Collins a “rape apologist” after the speech. “She is a disgrace & her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly.”
“A white woman Senator is talking about presumption of innocence that is never offered to Black men in America. You are watching white supremacy live on the Senate Floor,” Sarsour said even before Collins finished her speech.
Kat Calvin, the founder of anti-voter ID group “Spread the Vote” that claims to be non-partisan, urges people to publicly harass Collins over her voting decision.
“Never let Collins have a moment of peace in public again,” she wrote. <<<
As you can see, the “leftist” mouthpieces are spitting venom to piss off white women and trigger a strong rightward backlash once the blood starts flowing. Linda Sarsour is a leftist Muslim, and Kat Calvin’s funding can be traced back to George Soros and his ilk (Spread the Vote > New Media Ventures > Democracy Alliance / Soros).
(Expanded and Enhanced Note – 5 October 2018) – As expected, the Israelis are making noises about striking Syria with their F-35s…
…from Sputnik
The Israelis are confident in attempting new strikes because of the knowledge they’ve gained by training against Greece’s S-300 system. But as press reports have indicated, the Syrian S-300 will slot-in to the existing Russian-Syrian integrated air defense system that includes S-400 anti-stealth radars. So the globalist script will reflect that the F-35s were shot down with S-300 missiles guided by S-400 eyes. And the event is scripted to shock the military confidence of Israel and the West.
~ MORE ~
If Rand Paul is one of the Senators attacked for the October Surprise, look for him to survive it…
…from Fox News
As I’ve covered in previous writings, he is the globalists’ top candidate for the post-crisis US presidency. Adding another “Commie-Crat” assault against him would give him another purple heart to wear during his campaign. But in the unlikely event they decide to remove him from the script, look for Tulsi Gabbard to start getting more media attention.
To keep her clean for what they want to do with her after the Big Crisis, Gabbard’s handlers have had her steer clear of the Kavanaugh / Ford minefield. Here’s her comment on the subject…
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii): “For the good of the country, the Senate needs to put aside partisan politics. ALL Americans need to have faith in the Supreme Court and process. Solution is FBI objectively gather whatever evidence exists and present it to Senate without delay before vote.” – from The Rafu Shimpo
(Enhanced Note – 3-4 October 2018) – Senator Cruz may be one of the “#MeToo murder” targets for the October Surprise. I’ll tell you why later today (or by Thursday morning at the latest).
~ MORE – 4 October ~
While I wait to hear the motive ascribed to the former Navy sailor who created the ricin scare, I’ll simply note that Senator Cruz has been targeted twice in as many weeks: once at the DC restaurant by “crazed leftists” and once at his Houston campaign headquarters by a powder-filled letter. These incidents could be the setup for a more damaging attack on him in the coming weeks.
Cruz, who has the charisma of a wet smallpox blanket, is facing off against a Democratic challenger (Beto) who looks like a Kennedy, and there’s a good chance he’ll lose the election. So making him the target of the October Surprise would serve two purposes: 1) it would hold his seat in the Senate for the right, and 2) it would help generate the backlash that would hold the rest of the Congress for the right too. On top of that, his death or disability could be used to place George P. Bush into the US Senate.
According to Texas election law, a US Senate vacancy created this month would get filled by an appointee of the (Republican) Texas governor until a special election can be held. And if it is a Democrat or Beto supporter who kills or disables Cruz, Beto wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected. They could put literally ANY Republican up against him and the Republican would win. That’s where George P. Bush comes in. The crazy-eyed alleged stalker and Bush scion probably couldn’t get elected to the Senate on his own, but this Cruz gambit could get him through the door. And with incumbency thus bestowed upon him, he might be able to stay.
It’s also worth mentioning that both Kavanaugh and Cruz are very close to the Bush family, and that the Bushes had George P. come out in support of Trump. And let’s not forget that George H.W. Bush was a Director of the CIA.
To also bring a little Hollywood weirdness into this, it should be noted that American Horror Story: Cult just recently came out of Netflix streaming. The series features a cult leader who has his followers kill a city councilman so he can be elected in his place. With that in mind, look at what came out in the news this week…
…from The Hill
The globalists’ bizarro-world psy-op fingerprints are all over this.
(2 October 2018) – Watch for Israeli Drama & More on the Brazilian and US Elections
You may have seen this news yesterday…
…from RT
So the globalist script now reflects that the Iranians have done their counterstrike for the Ahvaz “terror attack,” which means we’ll probably have to wait for another provocation against Iran before we see the “missiles out of Yemen / Iraq” false-flag.
That being the case, we turn our attention to Israel. Back in April of this year, they stated that if Russia provides Syria with the S-300 air defense system (which the Russians are now doing), Russia would be crossing a red line with Israel. They also stated that if the S-300 attacks an Israeli aircraft, they would destroy it. So now we wait for the Israelis to start testing the S-300.
They might start with a standoff attack using Delilah missiles, which have a 250 km range (the same range as the S-300). We can expect these missiles to be shot down. They might then attempt a strike with F-35 stealth planes. We can expect that attack to fail as well. And after the F-35s are shot down, they might attempt another chemical false flag in order to unleash a massive Israel + US coalition air assault upon the system. An interesting question is “would the Turks join in?”
So the drama football is now in the hands of Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli Defense Minister and Chabad-Lubavitcher.
~ MORE ~
A reader brought up an interesting point, so let me share my thoughts on it…
Currently, the polls in Brazil indicate that the leftist Haddad would win over the rightist Bolsonaro in the second round of the presidential election, just like the polls in the US indicate that the Democrats will take control of the Congress. But as I’ve said, the globalists are aiming to generate a backlash against the leftists so there will be a surprise conservative victory in both places.
If the globalists go ahead with their plans and script the conservative victories to happen, the leftists will go bananas and take to the streets flinging feces in all directions. This will enable the domestic crackdowns to begin. It will also help establish the idea in the US that “the only alternative the Deep State and the leftists now have is to assassinate Trump,” which would set the stage for what happens in Paris.
But if the globalists decide to hit the delay button again and script leftist victories, it means they’ll subject us to months if not years more of “leftist insanity,” which will greatly amplify the public backlash against the left and open the door for public acceptance of military coups to restore order.
The military coup in Brazil would involve expelling the leftists and installing Bolsonaro due to “widespread leftist election fraud.” That’s why we saw this in the news last week…
>>> Brazil’s far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro said Friday he would only accept the result of next month’s election if he wins, suggesting that any victory by a rival would be through fraud. – from AP <<<
So as of 4 days ago, the globalists started laying the groundwork for a possible delay in their plans.
As for the military coup / mass arrests in the US, it would save Trump if he’s still alive, or it would install the highest ranking official who isn’t arrested, either Rand Paul or some other conservative caretaker. After the coup, Rand Paul or Tulsi Gabbard would be elected as the first NWO President of the US (I would include Elizabeth Warren in that list, but I think “Pocahontas” has lost too much credibility and is too closely tied to the leftists).
(1 October 2018) – Why the globalists are making history repeat itself
I’ve written extensively of the globalists’ plans to bring in the New World Order, make it look like heaven at first, make it look like hell later, and end it in such a way that the public will conclude that “we humans are incapable of ruling themselves; we need God do it.” They are doing this with the intention of providing us a “God” to do the job: THEIR “Jesus Christ,” who will defeat “the Anti-Christ Putin” and bring the world back to the “center,” with no more left-wing or right-wing extremism (because his bosses, the globalists, will no longer be organizing and funding such mischief).
Well in order to get people to come to the “we can’t rule ourselves” conclusion that will open the way for their god-like rule over us, they are deliberately repeating German World War 2 history on a global scale. They are having their “left-wing liberal internationalists / communists” bring chaos so their “right-wing conservative nationalists / capitalists” can restore order. And just like they did with Hitler, they will have their “right-wing” leaders become increasingly tyrannical after the NWO gets established.
Have a look at this bit of history and ask yourself if you see any parallels to today…
>>> In 1932, German President Paul von Hindenburg, old, tired, and a bit senile, had won re-election as president, but had lost a considerable portion of his right/conservative support to the Nazi Party. Those close to the president wanted a cozier relationship to Hitler and the Nazis…
As Hindenburg’s current chancellor could no longer gain a majority in the Reichstag, and Hitler could bring together a larger swath of the masses and a unified right / conservative / nationalist coalition, the president gave in. In January 1933, Hitler was named chancellor of Germany…
But that was not enough for Hitler either. In February 1933, Hitler blamed a devastating Reichstag fire on the communists…
Intimidation, and fear of the communists, brought Hitler a 90 percent majority. He was now, for all intents and purposes, dictator. – from <<<
As you can see, the globalists are having us repeat history, and they’re doing it to convince us that we are perpetually stuck in cycles “that only God can break us out of.” The reality, though, is that these cycles are entirely artificial. They happen because we allow ourselves to be led around in circles by the carrots and sticks we are offered by our current influencers / controllers. The big drama that is unfolding in the world right now isn’t a natural occurrence; it is the result of a plan, as were WWI and WWII.
If you want God to deliver you from all this, you first need to look to “him,” so look in the mirror, look at the people right next to you, and look to all your hands for action, your mouths for speaking the truth, and your heads, hearts, and intuition for guidance — that’s from where your deliverance will come. But one place to which you shouldn’t look is the trillion-dollar magic show that’s coming — that’s from where your continued enslavement will come. Enjoy the show, but don’t get sucked in by it. It’s just more Hollywood-style bullsh*t.
I almost feel sorry for the globalists. To work on this massive project for hundreds, if not thousands, of years only to have people see through it right before the final show begins — it must be heartbreaking. A thousand years from now, a free humanity will look back at the colossal folly of the Kabbalists and laugh at the sheer hubris and stupidity of what they tried to do. So laughter will be their only lasting legacy. I guess that’s not so bad after all.
(Expanded and Enhanced Note – 30 September 2018) – Switching our gaze back to the Middle East for a moment, the UN is narrating that the fight over the Port of Hodeidah is choking off supplies to the Houthis and the rest of Yemen’s people. This is important because it helps set up the cover story for the “cruise missiles out of Yemen” false flag.
The globalists will have the Israel-US-Saudi Arabia Cabal launch a false-flag missile attack on Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. They will then point the finger of blame at the Houthis and the Iranians, saying…
- “the Houthis were desperate over the pending loss of Hodeidah, so they wanted to strike out against their foes to bring more international attention to the situation in Yemen,” and
- “the Iranians wanted payback against the nations they blame for the military parade massacre in Ahvaz,” so
- “they jointly agreed to launch a large salvo of cruise and ballistic missiles on their mutual enemies.”
In addition to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, watch for targeting of the US garrison in Al Tanf, Syria and the US diplomatic compounds in Iraq.
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Some of the missiles for the false-flag will likely be fired from positions inside Iraq also, so the “Iran-allied Shiite militias in Iraq” will get some blame as well. The alt-media narrative will say that the Israeli-US-Saudi Arabia Cabal did this so they could attack Iranian influence in Iraq and disrupt ground shipments of Iranian supplies to Syria via Iraq.
The Iraq angle could potentially be used to justify a ground incursion into Iraq by a Saudi-led military coalition (+ the US). This could put substantial coalition ground forces on the borders of Iran and Syria for the Big Showdown.
For more information on the setup for this event, scroll down to The Compendium and read the section titled “The false-flag ‘Houthi’ cruise missile attack.”
Election Watch 2018
(+ an Iran False-Flag Watch)
I’ll be using the home page to monitor events as we go through October into the November 6 election and the November 11 Trump trip to Paris. If the globalists follow through with their plans, we’ll see an October Surprise, a Republican victory, a leftist hissy fit, and a possible assassination in Paris. If we see none of that, we will have won again. In a separate section below the Election Watch is information on the pending false-flag attack to be blamed on Iran.
Let me preface my remarks by telling new readers that the globalists control both sides in the current political drama: both the “Establishment” side (Obama, Clinton, Soros, the Bilderbergers, the mainstream media, etc.) and the “Anti-Establishment” side (Trump, Le Pen, Putin, the BRICS, the alternative media, etc.). They are deliberately staging a dialectic conflict between these two controlled fronts in order to implode their existing “Establishment” and erect a new one (the New World Order) in its place. That is the true narrative of what’s going on in our world today.
What I’ll be covering in the writings that follow are the specific events and false narratives they’re attempting to use in moving us into the NWO. Since there are two controlled sides to the staged conflict, there are two false narratives the globalists are spinning: 1) the mainstream narrative is the Establishment-side propaganda they sell to the sleepers, and 2) the alt-media narrative is the Anti-Establishment-Side propaganda they sell to those who are awakening. They want you to come to see the mainstream narrative as a lie and the alt-media narrative as the truth. That’s because today’s alt-media will be the mainstream media of the New World Order.
So here’s what they’re trying to do to bring in the NWO…
(Expanded Note – 28 September 2018) – Well here’s the new number one candidate for the October Surprise: a leftist assault on Kavanaugh and/or his family that results in serious injury or death…
…from the Drudge Report
A #MeToo murder would be an outrage that’ll really push people to the right (and get them talking about civil war). The idea hit me when I was getting ready for dinner. And when I went online to write about it, the preparatory propaganda was sitting right there on Drudge.
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Speaking of propaganda, here’s Infowars narrating the move to the right…
Once the physical attack on the Kavanaughs comes, #walkaway will become #runaway.
(Expanded Note – 27 September 2018) – File this one under “it might’ve been something or it might’ve been nothing”:
RT has reported that Trump and his security team left the Security Council meeting he was chairing while it was still in progress (although the text of the article noted the wrong time). Look at the time stamp on the tweet from one of the reporters…
So Trump bugged out in the minutes before the clock hit 11:11. Did something about being in that place at that time make him uncomfortable? Let’s see if he pulls another disappearing act on November 11 (11/11) in Paris.
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Here’s an interesting portent for Trump’s visit to Paris…
…from the Daily Mail
(26 September 2018) – Pushing the Voters to the Right & The “Mass Arrests” Rumor
In past entries, I’ve talked about the globalist effort to shift people to the “political right” in preparation for the launch of the real “right-wing NWO” (the much publicized and feared “left-wing NWO” is just a decoy used to scare us to the right). And if you look at recent news, you can see some clear examples of this “push ’em to the right” effort…
> The globalists are having the Democrats exhibit “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and conduct their over-the-top, easily disproven smear campaign on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to push fair-minded people into the Trump camp. The Democrats’ blatantly unfair and sleazy attacks are meant to energize Trump’s base, push independents towards the Republicans, and disgust ordinary Democrats. So if you’ve found yourself yelling at your TV or PC over the unfairness of the allegations and press coverage, their strategy is working. Basically, the Democrats are smearing their way to an election loss, and they’re doing it because their bosses told them to.
> The globalists arranged for an ugly group of left-wing extremists to drive Senator Ted Cruz and his wife out of a Washington, DC restaurant yesterday. Cruz is in a tight race with a more charismatic Democrat, Beto O’Rourke, but Texans will think twice before voting for the challenger now. “A vote for Beto is a vote for the left-wing thugs,” is what they’ll be thinking.
> The globalists arranged for “Brazil’s Donald Trump,” Jair Bolsonaro, to be stabbed by a leftist (whether the stabbing was real or done with a theatrical knife, I haven’t examined). Since then, he has surged 10 points in the presidential polls.
Watch for more “left-wing lunacy” and over-the-top outrages as we approach the elections.
In my September 23 update, I mentioned the Kavanaugh news and the “mass arrests” article and said, “More on all this later…” Well, today is later, and what I’ve written above covers the Kavanaugh stuff. So here’s something I wrote earlier this year about the “mass arrests” scenario…
To transition us happily into the NWO, the globalists are having their Western minions wear “dark hats” and play the role of the “bad guys,” and they’re having their Eastern minions wear “white hats” and play the role of the “good guys.” After having the “Western bad guys” push humanity to the seeming brink of nuclear destruction, they’ll have the “Eastern good guys,” led by Vladimir Putin, step up to save the day.
That being said, the globalists need to create a believable chain of events that will lead to the removal of the current “evil Western Establishment” and to their replacement by white hat globalist minions like Rand Paul, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, etc. And there are two ways of getting rid of the old to make way for the new; I wrote about them last year…
>>> And come to think of it, an unexpected nuke strike on Washington while Congress is in town would be a good way for the globalists to “drain the swamp” of federal officialdom. It would save them all the trouble of mass-arresting them for pedophilia / corruption / racketeering / treason, and it would keep their mouths shut (because the bodies to which those mouths are attached would be dead). Look for Mike Pence, Rand Paul, and Elizabeth Warren to survive any such strike; they have roles to play in what happens afterwards. <<<
So the globalists have two options for “changing the guard” in the West: 1) blow them up, or 2) “Mass Arrest” them and put them through Nuremberg-type show trials.
(23 September 2018) – It looks like they’re ramping up the drama going into this week. There are new, over-the-top allegations being brought against Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh, there are leftists protesters reportedly being bussed into Washington, and there’s also this…
…from Infowars
More on all this later…
Now here are some sections about the coming Iran false-flag…
(22 September 2018) – The first part of the false-flag to be blamed on Iran was carried out today. Gunmen attacked a military parade in Iran, reportedly killing two dozen people and injuring about sixty more. And the Iranians are pointing the finger of blame at the usual suspects…
…from ynet news
Now the Israel-US-Saudi Arabia cabal can fire missiles at themselves from positions inside Yemen and/or Iraq and people will think it was the Iranians retaliating for the parade attack and previous offenses.
Here’s another part of the setup…
…from the Express
According to the globalist script, if Iran responds, they fall into the trap for the US-Israeli ambush at the UN next week. And if they don’t respond, the Israel-US-Saudi Arabia cabal (IUSSAC) will respond for them (with the false-flag). Keep in mind that the Iranian leadership work for the globalists too. Their role is to play the victim to the IUSSAC villain.
One wonders if the parade attack was real or just crisis-acted like they do in the US.
(25 September 2018) – Look what I found on Drudge this morning…
…Here is a link to the actual article.
The video is a good setup for the “cruise / ballistic missiles out of Yemen / Iraq” op, so watch for it after Rouhani speaks at the UN today. And if Israel gets hit, be on the lookout for a “retaliatory” IDF strike on Tehran (via Jordan and Saudi Arabia) and the fake Soleimani assassination. Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar may also be a target, but I don’t expect them to hit that until the full-out Middle East war is triggered.