Category Archives: Globalist Prophecy Watch

Chabad Rabbi Greets Trump as a Jewish King (+ a repost of “Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew”)

According to Jewish law, there are two ways a Jew can greet a king or head of state, and the way he chooses is based on whether the king is a Jew or not:

When a Jew greets a king who is a Jew, he says…
Barukh…… shenathan mik’vodo levasar vedam, “Blessed be He … who gave some of His glory to flesh and blood.”

And when greeting a king who isn’t a Jew, he says…
Barukh…… shenathan mik’vdo liv’ru’av, “who gave some of His glory to His creatures.”

That being said, Trump attended a meeting of Orthodox Jews while he was in New York last month, and he was greeted by a Chabad rabbi who addressed him as a Jewish king (in a way that only a Jew “in the know” would detect). If you listen to the last two words of the greeting, you’ll clearly hear “levasar vedam,” not “mik’vdo liv’ru’av.”

Whether Trump is actually Jewish or not is irrelevant, but what is relevant is that Chabad are now presenting him as a Jew, which means he’s eligible to pose as the Jewish Messiah / Christian Antichrist this March. The Jewish Messiah, who is known as the “Moshiach ben David,” has to be a Jew who can trace his lineage back to King David, and you can be certain that Chabad has cooked up just such a pedigree for Trump. So under the globalist script’s “Trump as Antichrist” option, he will pose as the Moshiach ben David with Chabad’s help. And he’ll then be defeated 3.5 years later by the “real” Moshiach ben David, Vladimir Putin.

Speaking of Putin, here is a related entry I wrote in March of 2016 [and improved in 2022]…

Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew

A reader put me on to this 2014 meeting between Putin and leading rabbis…

…and here is a very notable Israeli news article that covered the meeting…

…from Arutz Sheva. Here is the key excerpt…

Rabbi Yosef began by saying “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d, King of the world, and therefore we bless you: Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.

To understand the great significance of this greeting by Rabbi Yosef, let’s look to this article (archived from another site)…

…which was written by this man…
…From Wikipedia

Here are two key excerpts…

So according to Jewish tradition, the specific blessing one gives to a Jewish king — which is worded differently than the specific blessing for a gentile king — is “Blessed be He … who gave some of His glory to flesh and blood.” And the rabbis greeted Putin with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.” If Putin were actually a gentile, they would have instead greeted him with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to His creatures.”

This is the first confirmation that the rabbis know Putin to be a Jew. Here’s the second…

According to Jewish thought (and Rabbi Apple’s article), a Jewish king is appointed by God, and the rabbis greeted Putin with “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d.”

So are we to believe that the Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel mistakenly attributed Putin’s kingship to God AND accidentally used the wrong greeting? Certainly not. With his greeting, Rabbi Yosef publicly signalled that Putin is not just a Jew, but a Jewish king. But it was a proclamation intended for Jewish insiders — those with no understanding of Jewish customs, such as gentile “creatures” and secular Jews, wouldn’t understand the significance of what was said.

To see Putin’s connections to the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult, read Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script (I’ll be updating that entry and posting it here soon). And to look deeper into how Putin has been groomed to play the role of the “Moschiach ben David,” read Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?

How the Kabbalists Will Use Trump/Kushner’s “Legacy” to Drive All Jews to Israel

(24 December 2019) – It is important to realize that the globalists have been using their social engineering apparatus, including the engineered “Truth Movement,” to deliberately foster worldwide hatred of Jews. This engineered Jew-hate (commonly called “anti-Semitism”) is being used to motivate the diaspora to return to Israel in order to fulfill prophecy expectations and concentrate them for final disposal.

At the end of the 14-year prophecy fulfillment program, the globalist intend to have the world united under the religion of (Neo) Christianity, so anyone who might oppose this Kabbalized reboot of the Christian religion will be targeted for culling during the prophecy fulfillment process (especially during the latter part of the Second Great Tribulation). The culled will include all Muslims, all non-Kabbalist and non-Elite Jews, and all Christian “fundamentalists” (Christians who cling to the old form of Christianity). The Jews will be the final group to be slaughtered, since their deaths are slated for the very end of the process during the (Second) Battle of Armageddon.

As for how the Kabbalists will drive the Jews to Israel under the “Trump as Antichrist” option, it’s not hard to figure out. Trump and Kushner’s “Unilateral New World Order” and the “Great Tribulation” it brings will piss off the entire world, and the whole world will see it as a “Jewish operation.” Although Putin — who is slated to defeat the Unilateral NWO and play the “real Jewish messiah” — will seemingly go to great pains to explain that not all Jews are to blame for what happened, the angry mobs will not be in the mood to sort “good Jews” from “bad Jews.” All Jews will be on the receiving end of the anger and hatred, and their savior Putin will point to Israel as the place where they’ll find “safety and security” until the rage passes over.

When the First Tribulation ends and the Second begins, a seven year countdown to the Final Pogrom will begin. Don’t be in Israel when the clock ticks to zero.

Ken’s Collected Writings on the Globalist Prophecy Fulfillment Deception

Draft 7 – Published 29 January 2021

These are my gathered writings on the ongoing globalist effort to artificially fulfill the End Times prophecies of various religions and spiritual traditions. Since the writings were done at different times over the past few years, some sections may contain outdated information. But if you read through them all, you’ll be left with a pretty clear picture of what’s going on. In future drafts, I’ll be adding more writings, updating obsolete sections, and pulling them together into a one coherent essay.

This 7th draft includes the following sections. The first one has been brought up to date and the section added at the bottom talks about Barack Obama…

  • A Quick Introduction to the Core Deception
  • The Globalists’ Religious Goals
  • Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan for the Indians and the Chinese, and the 5 Avatars
  • Qasem Soleimani, the Globalist-Chosen Imam Mahdi
  • Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?
  • Trump, Putin and Netanyahu: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch
  • Recent Writings on the Prophecy Deception
  • Will the globalists substitute Trump for Putin in the main Antichrist role?
  • Jared Kushner’s Role as the Decoy Antichrist
  • Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016

A Quick Introduction to the Core Deception

As we watch the inexorable and seemingly inexplicable march towards ever-deepening “pandemic” oppression, economic collapse, and global war, and as we observe the controlled elements of the alt-media narrating a battle between the forces of “good” and “evil” to set the direction for the future of our world , it’s important to realize that we’re being set up. The setup goes beyond the mere launch of the New World Order, though; it is a setup that ultimately aims to artificially fulfill biblical prophecy and simulate a Second Coming of Christ.

This prophecy fulfillment scheme is a project of the Kabbalist “Jewish” central bankers and their royal family partners in crime, and it is being orchestrated by the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist “Jewish” cult. Chabad is a religious front of the Mossad, and it is focused on producing the globalist End Times show. It also has intimate connections to both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. In fact, both Trump and Putin have large roles within their End Times script. For Act 1, Trump has been cast to play the “Moshiach ben Cyrus” (a precursor messiah), and Putin has been cast to play the “Moshiach ben David” (the main messiah). And in Act 2, Putin’s character will transition into the role of the “Final Antichrist” to be defeated by the globalists’ fake Jesus, the “Kabbalah-Christ.”

In order to deceive the world into accepting their Kabbalah-Christ as the “real Jesus,” the globalists are planning to artificially fulfill the biblical prophecies TWICE. The first fulfillment will provide the “Satanic deception” that Christians are expecting, and the second will provide the “real Second Coming” they’re also expecting. Both fulfillments will feature a Christ and Antichrist. Both will include a 7-headed, 10-horned Beast out of the Sea and a Beast out of the Earth to help the Beast out of the Sea. And both will feature Gog-Magog Wars and Battles of Armageddon. But both are false fulfillments. I know this with certainty because I’ve observed their propagandists laying the groundwork for both, and I’ve documented their deceptions in this blog.

IN THE FIRST FULFILLMENT, the globalists will pit “the American Antichrist and his evil unilateral / unipolar NWO” against “the Russian Christ and his benevolent multilateral / multipolar NWO.”

The Russian Christ will of course be played by Vladimir Putin, and that’s why you’ve heard so much in the controlled alternative media about Putin being “a good Christian who has stood up against the Western Satanists and their NWO.” And the Western Antichrist is currently slated to be played by Jared Kushner, Hillary Clinton, or one of the Obamas (Barack or Michelle).

During the upcoming First Battle of Armageddon, Putin will defeat the West and overhaul the “Western-dominated” UN into the multilateral / multipolar NWO. And to convince people that they’re going through something supernatural, the globalists will be putting on a grand show involving fake assassinations, fake resurrections, and fake extraterrestrials — all made possible by Hollywood magic, sequestered technology, and a near-limitless budget.

At the end of this first fulfillment, most will be convinced that Putin is the Jewish and Christian Messiah, and that the “new, reformed” UN / NWO is his democratic kingdom.

IN THE SECOND FULFILLMENT, Putin’s NWO will turn quite ugly about 3.5 years after it’s launched, and it will become clear to everyone that they’ve been “deceived by Satan” into accepting the Final Antichrist in Christ’s place. After 3.5 more years of “great tribulation,” Putin will lead his UN army and ET pals against a second group of arriving beings, the “real Jesus” and his angels.

At the end of this second fulfillment, the globalists are expecting everyone to buy in and accept the “real Jesus” they presented. And it is through this phony figurehead Jesus that they hope to rule over us like gods in a post-democratic world they own lock, stock, and barrel.

As of the time of this writing, 27 January 2021, these are the currently active timetables for the globalist-engineered First and Second Fulfillments…

  1. The First Tribulation (the “Satanic Deception”) started in September of 2018, will reach its midpoint in March of 2022, and will end in September of 2025.
  2. The Second Tribulation (the “true Tribulation that will end in the return of Jesus Christ”) will start in September of 2025, will reach its midpoint in March of 2029, and will end in September of 2032.

The Globalists’ Religious Goals


Their prophecy fulfillment plan has three steps and two distinct phases.

The three steps are…

1) Propagandize the public to see the Western “elite” as Satanists and Western leaders like Barack Obama as antichrists.

2) Propagandize the public to see Vladimir Putin as a savior – the Jewish/Christian Messiah – then later propagandize them to see him as the “one true Antichrist.”

3) Propagandize the public to see the Kabbalist pod person who shows up to defeat Putin and the New World Order as the “one true Christ.”

As for the two distinct phases, they are…

1) Phase 1 (The Antichrist Phase) – In this phase, the “one true Antichrist” Putin attempts to take “Christ’s throne” through deception. To accomplish this, he has the West and its leaders play the roles of Satanists and antichrists so he can defeat them and appear to be the savior. And through his victory, he defeats the “evil” Western-version New World Order and erects the “good” BRICS-version New World Order. His NWO will appear to be the answer to all our problems until we get to Phase 2.

2) Phase 2 (The Christ Phase) – In this phase, Putin fulfills some Biblical prophecies that show him to be the “one, true, final Antichrist” and the NWO turns ugly. At this point, globalist alt-media figures like Alex Jones, Steve Quayle and Tom Horn will propagandize the public to see Putin as the Antichrist and his NWO as the “Beast system.”

Once people see Putin as the Antichrist and they’re terrified, a new globalist figure (the Kabbalah Christ) will sweep in and defeat him and his New World Order. It is at this point that the globalists will achieve their ultimate goal: total ownership and control of the entire planet and its people in a post-democratic world governed by a figurehead god-king. They want to rule over us like gods.

Turning our attention to the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment script for the Muslims, an excellent overview is offered in this video from Sheikh Imran Hosein

…Here is how it starts out…

“Syria is not just another part of the world of Islam. From an Islamic eschatological perspective, Syria is at the heart – the very heart – of the end of history. There are three main actors at the end of history in Islamic eschatology:

The most important of them all is the return of Jesus, the son of Mary, the true messiah.

And then there is another figure in the end of history who seeks to impersonate the true messiah, and he is the false messiah. The Christians call him the Antichrist, and …Muhammad… called him Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.

And the third important figure in Islamic eschatology at the end of history is the Imam, or the Prince – in Christian theology he’s known as the Prince, or Imam al-Mahdi.

And these three main actors of the end of history are all going to be simultaneously present in Damascus. Imam al-Mahdi will already be there. Dajjal will come to attack him. And at that time when Dajjal is ready for the confrontation with the Imam, the Son of Mary returns.”

The Strategic Culture Foundation is a globalist disinformation front specializing in Step 2 propaganda, so they present news and commentary to make the West look evil and Putin look like a world-saving genius. And if we look at Hosein’s video, it’s not hard to identify which globalist actors are playing the eschatological characters he outlines…

     > Vladimir Putin, the son of Mary (Maria Shelomova), is cast as the “true messiah.”

     > Qasem Soleimani, the “Savior of Syria,” is cast as the “Imam al-Mahdi.” That’s why Hosein says the Mahdi “will already be there” in Damascus (Soleimani managed the war from there). To read more about him, see Updates 9 and 10 of Globalist Agenda Watch 2018.

     > Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who attacked the Mahdi in Syria, is cast as the “Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.” He was stopped when the “true messiah” (Putin) stepped in to aid the “Mahdi” (Soleimani).

It is important to note that since there are two phases to the “End Times” show, the Antichrist Phase (Phase 1, in which “Satan attempts to steal Christ’s throne”) and the Christ Phase (Phase 2, in which “the real Jesus shows up to stop Satan”), the globalists will artificially fulfill Biblical prophecy TWICE. And this means there are two actors cast for every role:

The role of the “Antichrist” is played by…
Jared Kushner in Phase 1, and by Vladimir Putin in Phase 2.

The role of the Muslim Antichrist character, the “Dajjal,” is played by…
Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Phase 1, and by Qasem Soleimani in Phase 2.

The role of the Christian/Muslim “Christ” is played by…
Vladimir Putin in Phase 1, and by “Testy Tubey” (an unknown GMO human) in Phase 2.

The role of the seven-headed, ten-horned “Beast out of the Sea” (the Revived Roman Empire) from Revelation is played by…
the G7 in Phase 1, and by the “reformed” UN/NWO in Phase 2.

The role of the “Beast out of the Earth” that aids the Beast out of the Sea from Revelation is played by…
the EU in Phase 1, and by one of Russia’s Eurasian treaty organizations in Phase 2 (I haven’t yet set my attention to positively identifying which particular one, but the CSTO and SCO are candidates, and I’m leaning towards the SCO).

The globalists are artificially fulfilling the prophecies twice so it will appear that the first fulfillment was a trick and the second is “real,” but both of them are fake. I know this with certainty because I’ve observed their propagandists laying the groundwork for both. There is absolutely nothing “supernatural” or “spiritual” about what’s coming; it’s all Hollywood magic combined with sequestered technology to give the appearance of something supernatural and spiritual.

Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan for the Indians and the Chinese, and the 5 Avatars

In the very first update of Globalist Agenda Watch 2017, I wrote about a globalist effort to script the removal of their boy Xi Jinping in China. In that entry, I tried to make sense of why they were doing it based on what I knew about their agenda at the time. In the year since then, though, I finally stumbled upon the real reason Xi is scripted to fall. But let’s start at the beginning…

In the late 1950’s, the globalists decided to offer Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders the opportunity to displace America as the world’s leading power in exchange for their cooperation in building the New World Order. And starting with Henry Kissinger’s secret trip to China in 1971, the “Illuminati” / CCP partnership began to remake China in the image of the NWO.

A few years ago, though, globalist mouthpieces like Alex Jones began narrating a (fake) split between the Chinese and the “Western globalists”…

…from Infowars

In doing this, the alt-media disinformation agents attempted to establish the perception that “Xi Jinping is a traitor to the NWO,” just like they did for Putin…

…from Google

By establishing Xi as a supposed opponent of the “Western globalists,” the propagandists have essentially put him on the “globalist assassination list,” right alongside Putin and Trump. And something happened just recently that will be offered as “the reason the Western globalists took him out”

…from the Christian disinformation site

So the NWO historians will say that Xi Jinping was assassinated (or deposed) for “trying to break the petrodollar monopoly.” But that’s not the real reason, so let me explain what is.

A few months ago, a reader pointed out an area I’d neglected to cover, and this is that person’s comment and my response to it…

The Comment: Ken, you made your case that we are witnessing a show that is directed by the globalists to artificially fulfill elements common to Christian/Muslim/Jewish end-times prophecies in order to establish a global, post-democratic theocracy with a figurehead “Messiah” ruler.

This may or may not ultimately work to rule the part of the worldwide population that
practices these three aforementioned religions. But what about the populations of China and India?

Excluding the minority of Indian Muslims, there is a combined total of about 2.5 billion people
(1/3 of the world’s population) that does not share Christian/Muslim/Jewish beliefs. They would certainly not follow some “Messiah” branded as the “reincarnated Jesus Christ”, etc.
Wouldn’t that be a huge problem for the globalists?

I think this makes your theory (on where the globalists are ultimately heading) somewhat moot, doesn’t it?

My response: Actually, this is what I wrote about the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment goals in the NWO Schedule of Implementation page for this year…


Since my personal background is in the Abrahamic religions, I’ve focused my attention there and have neglected to write about what the globalists have planned for the Hindus and the Chinese. So I extend my thanks to the commenter for bringing this oversight to my attention.

After my second awakening back in 2008-2009, I started immersing myself in the “rabbit hole”: the fringe zone of the alt-media that deals with “ascension,” cycles, prophecies, extraterrestrials, channelings, and the like. Over time, I began to realize that the globalists were using rabbit hole folk as guinea pigs on whom to beta-test various narratives as they searched for the optimal story to tell the general public at the time of the NWO transition. And one of the narratives I observed them testing was “the End of the Kali Yuga”…

…from The Millennium Report

If you look through the Wikipedia entry on Hindu eschatology, you’ll see that the Kali Yuga is supposedly the fourth and final time period of the current Age of Mankind. It is said to be ruled over by the demon Kali and is “characterized by impiety, violence, and decay.” At its end, the final incarnation of Vishnu known as Kalki will appear on a white horse. He will amass an army of those few pious souls remaining. These, together with all the incarnations of the Godhead (avatars) which have appeared throughout human history, will destroy all demons and sins in the world.”

This narrative of Kalki “riding in on a white horse with all the other avatars to save the world” fits right in with what the globalists have planned, as is evidenced by the conclusions drawn in the Millennium Report propaganda piece

The piece points to at least five eschatological figures who will make the scene at the NWO transition point, and we already know the actors who will play three of them…

> Vladimir Putin is scripted to play two roles: the “Moshiach ben David” (the Messiah of Judaism) and the Second Coming of Jesus.

> Qasem Soleimani is scripted to play the Imam Mahdi (the Muslim savior figure).

So who will play the two remaining roles?

If we look at the two actors we already know, Putin and Soleimani, we see that they’ve fought “side-by-side” in Syria against the proxy forces of the “Satanic West.” And this suggests that the other two actors might have also stood side-by-side with Putin in seeming opposition to the West, with the leaders of the BRICS alliance being the obvious contenders.

So among the BRICS leaders, who is the leading contender to play the role of the Hindu “Lord Kalki”? It would have to be Narendra Modi, right? He is the Prime Minister of India and a Hindu nationalist, and he has stood beside Putin in the BRICS alliance’s phony opposition to “Western domination.”

This leaves the role of the Buddhist Maitreya to be filled, and the only BRICS leader who could possibly play it is Xi Jinping of China. But does Xi have any connection to Buddhism? Lo and behold, he does…

…from The New York Times. Note the wording of the link:

Here is an excerpt…

“In 1982, two men arrived in this dusty provincial town. One was Shi Youming, a Buddhist monk who was taking up a post in the ruins of one of Zhengding’s legendary temples. The other was Xi Jinping, the 29-year-old son of a top Communist Party official putting in a mandatory stint in the provinces as a bureaucrat in the government he would eventually lead.

The two forged an unusual alliance that resonates today. With Mr. Xi’s backing, Youming, who like most Buddhist monks preferred to go by one name, rebuilt the city’s Linji Temple, the birthplace of one of the best-known schools of Buddhism. Even after Mr. Xi was transferred, he regularly visited Youming in Zhengding and sent officials there to study the partnership between the party and religion.”

All I could think when I stumbled upon this was “WOW!” I finally understood the real reason the globalists were planning to remove Xi and replace him with Li Keqiang: it was to portray the “Lord Maitreya” being betrayed by the “evil West’s ally Li” in the same way they’ve scripted Putin to be betrayed by the “evil West’s ally Medvedev.” So Xi has been cast as the “Lord Maitreya,” and Li Keqiang has been cast as the “Chinese Judas.”

So now we know the cast and characters of Act 1 of the globalist prophecy fulfillment show. These are the supposed Avatars…

  • Donald Trump is playing the “Moshiach ben Yosef” (the precursor Jewish Messiah who will aid Putin in taking his throne and serve as his viceroy)
  • Vladimir Putin is playing the “Moshiach ben David” and “Jesus”
  • Qasem Soleimani is playing the “Imam Mahdi”
  • Narendra Modi is (probably) playing the “Lord Kalki”
  • Xi Jinping is (likely) playing the “Lord Maitreya”

Now if you look at these five avatars, you may notice that there is something they all have in common: they’re all known for being nationalists.

Donald Trump is well publicized as an “America Firster” nationalist…

…from Politico

Xi Jinping is also presented as a Chinese nationalist…

…from CNBC

Narendra Modi belongs to a Hindu nationalist political party…

…from the Independent

Qasem Soleimani’s “ascent to stardom coincides with a growing nationalist trend in Iran”

…from The Christian Science Monitor

And Vladimir Putin is well known as a Russian nationalist…

…from The Atlantic (I’ll come back to the notable symbolism of this cover a little later)

So why have the globalists scripted their Avatar characters to be nationalists, you ask? They’re doing it so when the Avatars’ New World Order turns ugly and leads to disaster, people will see nationalism as one of the causes for it going so wrong. This will leave the sheeple with a deep distaste for nationalism (and a great receptivity to globalism).

Putting it another way, the NWO will be presented as a “national sovereignty-respecting democratic institution established by nationalistic leaders,” and it will look great at first but become a nightmare later on. And once the nightmare is over, the globalists want people saying…

“We’re tired of the sovereignty of fallible men; we want the sovereignty of our infallible God.”

“We’re too foolish and wicked to rule ourselves through democracy; we want to live under a wise and benevolent leader.”

“We’re tired of being divided into different nations that war against each other; we want to be united.”

And with those sentiments planted into the shell-shocked minds of the human race, the globalists will unite them under “the wise and benevolent leadership of the savior who defeated the New World Order, Jesus Christ” — a globalist-created, genetically-engineered leader who will be the front man for the Kabbalists’ behind-the-scenes rule.

Getting back to the Avatars, another thing we can see about them is that they’re mere men, and all of them have damaged reputations on account of their past activities. So the globalists are going to have to do something really big to refresh their public image and raise them from the status of mere humans to religious icons. That’s where sequestered technology and Hollywood magic come into play.

We can expect the globalists to do one or two of the following things for each Avatar…

  • stage an assassination attempt in which he appears to be gravely wounded, then portray a “miraculous healing ”
  • stage an assassination in which he appears to be killed, then portray him being “resurrected from the dead”
  • stage the spectacular arrival of (fake) aliens who will bamboozle the public with bullsh*t and proclaim / “prove” that each Avatar is the real deal

In looking at that final “fake ET arrival” element of the plan, we see why one of the men who helped develop the NWO implementation plan, Laurance Rockefeller, was also the man who funded the start of the UFO disclosure movement. He was laying the groundwork for the mind-blowing arrival of fake aliens at the time of the transition to the NWO.

All this being said, by the time the coming war crisis builds to the point that a full-on nuclear war is imminent, you may see faked woundings/assassinations and healings/resurrections of one or all of the “Avatars.” Then you may also see our “space brothers” appear in the sky to stop the nuclear holocaust and point to the Avatars as incarnations of the godhead. Their narrative will go something like this…

“When the Dark Forces developed and used the first nuclear weapons in 1945, it became clear that they would use them to slaughter most of humanity and irretrievably subjugate the survivors before the End of the Age. So the Avatars incarnated into human form in order to discreetly intervene. They infiltrated the Dark’s power structure and rose to leadership within the major nuclear nations to prevent a nuclear holocaust.

Sensing the imminent defeat of their plans, the Dark Forces struck back by assassinating the Avatars and starting World War 3. And as they pushed the world to the very brink of nuclear destruction, the godhead had to intervene more dramatically by resurrecting the Avatars and sending in cosmic reinforcements before the scheduled End of the Age.”

After the Dark Forces and their “unipolar” New World Order are defeated and the Avatars are revealed, the Avatars will erect the “multipolar” NWO and begin uniting the world’s religions in a “Religious UN” based in Jerusalem…

…from Israel National News

Here is something I wrote about it back in January of 2016…

So they want to set up a “Religious UN” in Jerusalem, eh? Seeing this spurred all kinds of questions and ideas…

> Since it is likely that the Al-Aqsa Mosque (which sits on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem) will be destroyed during the Gog/Magog War, will the temple they build in its place be a “Religious UN” / multi-faith temple?

> Will the UN Temple itself be the “abomination of desolation” that stands in the “holy place” (the Temple Mount)? If they open it 3.5 years after Putin takes over the UN, the answer is a definite “yes.”

If the globalists proceed with their plans for Trump and Jerusalem next month, the Al-Aqsa Mosque may be destroyed during the resulting battle. This will clear the way for construction of the Third Temple / UN Temple to begin (probably in September of this year).

Once the Avatars, led by Vladimir Putin, take charge, Act 1 of the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment show will be complete. It is then that they’ll begin Act 2. They’ll start releasing information to the public to make it clear that they’ve been fooled. The first to digest the released information and realize the deception will be those who cling to traditional interpretations of their religions, and the globalist script calls for them to be “persecuted by the UN as the Dark Forces attempt to keep the rest of the public from realizing it too.” So the final 3.5 years of the New World Order will be quite ugly.

When “Jesus Christ” arrives at the NWO’s 7 year mark to defeat the UN and the Avatars, the narrative offered will be something like this…

“As we approached the time of Jesus Christ’s return, Satan devised a diabolical plan. He had his minions bring the world to the seeming precipice of total nuclear war, then had his antichrists [the Avatars] and fallen angels [the “ETs”] step in to stop it and pose as holy saviors. His strategy was to have his antichrists lead humanity into joining his fallen angels in warring against Jesus and his angels at the time of Christ’s return. But in trying to prevent the Bible prophecies from coming to pass, Satan ended up fulfilled them. The true Jesus Christ has now returned to begin His 1,000 year kingdom.”

When Act 2 of the globalist prophecy fulfillment show is complete, there will be only one religion and one savior: (Kabbalized) Christianity and “Jesus Christ” (the Kabbalah-Christ). And Act 1 will have actually aided in moving the religious people of the world into accepting both. When the Avatars show up in Act 1, they will all point to Putin (“fake Jesus”) as the main savior, and they’ll work on bringing the religions together under him. So when the “real Jesus” shows up to end the nightmare and crush the bad guys, people will be residually pre-programmed to see him as the “true son of god.”

Speaking of Putin being the “main savior” of Act 1, let’s look again at the graphic from the Atlantic article on Putin…

Here are some things to note about it…

> It depicts a solar system of 7 heavenly bodies in which Putin is at the center. And as I’ve said, Putin will be the central figure both among the Avatars and within the global government. That’s why the article is titled “It’s Putin’s World.”

> Putin is depicted the Sun (son of God) around whom 6 other heavenly bodies orbit. These six other bodies may represent other Avatars, so we might be seeing 7 Avatars instead of 5. This number of Avatars would fit well with Bible prophecy because the “Beast of Revelation,” which will be played by the UN / NWO in Act 2, is supposed to have “7 heads.” That’s why the graphic shows Putin’s head.

So if there will be 7 Avatars and we’ve accounted for only 5 of them (1. Putin, 2. Trump, 3. Xi, 4. Modi, 5. Soleimani), who will be the other 2? Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama would be at the top of my list of candidates. Have a look at the following article to see 10 of the contenders: The 10 Most Influential Spiritual Leaders Around The World.

The 7-headed Beast of Revelation is also known for having 10 horns with crowns. So one of the ways this 10 number can be fulfilled is by saying each Avatar is a king with a crown, with Putin wearing 4 crowns (1. King of the Jews, 2. King of the Christians, 3. King of the World, 4. King of Khazaria – see the Compendium for information on that last one). Another way it can be fulfilled is by having Putin appoint a leader for each of the ten UN development regions to oversee the postwar economic recovery.

Now before we call this writing complete, let’s get back to China and Xi Jinping for a moment…

After nearly seven decades of Communist rule, the Chinese people have no strong religious tradition to utilize in bringing them into the “religious UN.” This seems to be the reason why the Illuminati have been building a Mao-like cult of personality around Xi Jinping…

…from Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders

Once the Chinese people see Xi defeat the West and be proclaimed a reincarnated Buddha, they’ll buy into his cult of personality to a much greater degree. And Xi will use his exalted position to lead the Chinese people into belief in the One World Religion, the central figure of which will be Vladimir Putin (the “fake Jesus”). This will put them in position to believe in the “real Jesus” when he or she shows up seven years later.

Speaking of “he or she,” another narrative I’ve observed the globalists beta-testing in the rabbit hole is “the return of the divine feminine,” so don’t be thrown if the Kabbalah-Christ turns out to be a woman or a hermaphrodite.

Qasem Soleimani, the Globalist-Chosen Imam Mahdi

There are times when I get the urge to turn on my PC and start searching, and I don’t even know what I’m looking for… until I find it. February 20, 2018 was one of those times, and as it turned out, I was searching for this…

…from the Wall Street Journal. Here is an excerpt…

“U.S. officials consider the commander of an elite Iranian military unit a terrorist supporter and the man ultimately responsible for the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and their Middle East allies.

But many Iranians view Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the face of Tehran’s growing regional clout, as their best defense against foreign aggression.

Gen. Soleimani’s public profile is soaring just as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s popularity sags…

Gen. Soleimani, who is 60 years old, is the public face of Iran’s efforts to arm Shiite militias in Iraq and salvage the regime in Syria, and one of Iran’s biggest celebrities, trailed by photographers when he visits the front lines. With a white beard and a head of hair to match, he poses for selfies with Iraqi and Syrian militiamen and is the subject of tribute videos on YouTube.

Once I saw this article, I immediately recognized it as preparatory propaganda for what is about to transpire in the Middle East. I saw Soleimani as an excellent candidate for both the Imam Mahdi role in the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment play and the martyr role whose assassination by Israel would start Iran’s missiles flying.

Back when I did my original search for the actor who would play the Mahdi, I kept in mind the criteria set out in the prophecy propaganda from Sheikh Imran Hosein

Syria is not just another part of the world of Islam. From an Islamic eschatological perspective, Syria is at the heart – the very heart – of the end of history. There are three main actors at the end of history in Islamic eschatology:

The most important of them all is the return of Jesus, the son of Mary, the true messiah.

And then there is another figure in the end of history who seeks to impersonate the true messiah, and he is the false messiah. The Christians call him the Antichrist, and …Muhammad… called him Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.

And the third important figure in Islamic eschatology at the end of history is the Imam, or the Prince – in Christian theology he’s known as the Prince, or Imam al-Mahdi.

And these three main actors of the end of history are all going to be simultaneously present in Damascus. Imam al-Mahdi will already be there. Dajjal will come to attack him. And at that time when Dajjal is ready for the confrontation with the Imam, the Son of Mary returns.”

Knowing the Mahdi had to be in Damascus, I looked for candidates among the Syrian government and the militia leaders, eventually settling on Assad as the best candidate. I never thought to look at the Iranian generals because I didn’t think any of them would be residing in Damascus. But lookie here…

In the later half of 2012, Soleimani assumed personal control of the Iranian intervention in the Syrian civil war, when Iranians became deeply concerned about the Assad government’s lack of ability to fight the opposition, and the fallout to the Islamic Republic if the Syrian government fell. He is reported to have coordinated the war from a base in Damascus at which a Lebanese Hezbollah commander and an Iraqi Shiite militia coordinator have been mobilized, in addition to Syrian and Iranian officers.” – from Wikipedia

Once I saw that Soleimani was in Damascus before the Dajjal character (Erdogan) entered Syria in August of 2016 (a month before the 2016 prophecy fulfillment show was scheduled to take place), I started looking even more deeply at him. And as I did so, I saw that the media had done an excellent job of setting him up to play the Mahdi role for the globalists.

Have a look at this BBC article

…Here is a critical excerpt…

“In neighbouring Syria he is widely credited with delivering the strategy that has helped President Bashar al-Assad turn the tide against rebel forces and recapture key cities and towns.”

Here is another article setting him up as the “Savior of Syria”…

…from Reuters

This Reuters article is particularly important because it establishes that the Mahdi went to the “Son of Mary” (Putin) to seek help for saving Syria. The globalist prophecy fulfillment script calls for the Jewish/Christian Messiah, Putin, to work with the Mahdi in defeating the “Satanic forces of the West,” with Putin playing the senior role.

The media have also portrayed Soleimani as a hero…

…from The Times of Israel. Here is an excerpt…

After the pilot was downed by Turkey on Tuesday, ‘credible information was obtained that a number of special Turkish units had been sent to the scene to take the Russian pilot captive to blackmail Russia later,’ the semi-official Fars News Agency reported, basing the claim on a report in the Persian-language version of the Russian Sputnik news agency.”

So in the case of the Russian pilot shot down by Turkey, the Mahdi saved him from the grasp of the Dajjal (Erdogan).

Of course, a candidate for the Imam Mahdi role would need a pious religious image to complete his resume. And wouldn’t you know it, Soleimani has exactly that…

…from ABNA

With all this set before you, perhaps you can see why I’m taking Bashar Assad off the Avatar board and replacing him with Qasem Soleimani. Soleimani is almost certainly the globalists’ choice for the Imam Mahdi.

That being said, here are a couple of warnings…

WARNING 1 – The globalists’ plan is to fake either the death or grave wounding of Qasem Soleimani at the hands of the Israelis. This would result in instant outrage in Iran and lead to the firing of over 100,000 rockets and missiles at Israel. It would be instant high-intensity war.

At a later date, the globalists will fake Soleimani’s resurrection (if he’s “dead”) or miraculous healing (if he’s “gravely wounded”) to help raise him to the status of a religious icon in the eyes of the public.

WARNING 2 – If the globalists stage the wounding or killing of Soleimani, there will also be other high-profile fake woundings and killings either before or after Soleimani’s. Those affected may include Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Narendra Modi (or another high-profile Hindu), and Xi Jinping (or another high-profile Buddhist).


Dear Muslims, the Kabbalist “Jews” will use the Imam Mahdi to destroy you

Behold two Jews pretending to be Christians who are talking about the Muslim Messiah, the “Imam Mahdi”…

…from YouTube

According to the script the Kabbalist “Jews” have written, Qasem Soleimani will be unveiled as the Imam Mahdi at roughly the same time Putin is declared the Jewish/Christian Mashiach/Christ (around the climax point of World War 3). And by joining hands with Putin, the “Mahdi” will help the globalists unite the Muslims with the Christians and Jews under a hybrid religion (the “Religious UN,” which will be based in Jerusalem).

Since it is the Kabbalists and their Muslim agents who promote and control Soleimani, Jewish End Times propagandists like Joel Richardson and Sid Roth are telling us exactly what they have planned for him: he will unite the Muslims and lead them to destruction in the Battle of Armageddon. If the Kabbalists are able to pull this off, Islam – and a great many Muslims – will be dead in roughly 7 years.

Getting back to the video, Joel Richardson speaks of the Antichrist as someone who hasn’t yet made the scene, so what does that make Richardson? If you’ve read Update 1, you’ll know that it means he’s a Step 3 propagandist. The Step 3 Propaganda Team are “tasked with blowing the whistle on the Great Deception (Steps 1 & 2) and preparing the way for the third leader the globalists will introduce.” And Richardson is doing exactly that: he is blowing the whistle on the “Antichrist” in order to promote the “real Christ” figure the globalists will present around 2025.

So let’s have a look at how he equates the Mahdi with the Antichrist (starting at the 4:46 mark of the video)…

“In a nutshell, the Antichrist, according to the Bible, he revives an empire. From the Islamic side, they believe the Mahdi revives an Islamic Empire – that he will unify the Islamic world.”

The creation of an Islamic empire will make Muslims feel powerful, and that is first part of the trap. The desire for power is a demonic lure, and a godly person must resist it. The price the Muslims will pay for embracing this illusion of power is their total destruction.

When the Mahdi breaks his peace treaty and turns against Israel, he will appeal to the Muslim peoples’ desire for revenge against the Jews, which is another demonic lure a godly person must resist. He will call for them to completely destroy Israel and all its inhabitants, and if the Muslims accept his call and act on it, they will be marking themselves for the complete destruction of the Islamic Empire and all its inhabitants.

Those who attack Israel will be attacked, and those who act to annihilate Israel will themselves be annihilated. For it is by acting demonically towards Israel that the Muslims will invite demonic attack upon themselves. And that is the nature of the whole trick: the Kabbalists will use the Mahdi to fool the Muslims into trying to wipe out the Jews, thereby giving the Kabbalists spiritual justification (according to their occult belief system) to wipe out the Muslims.

Just take a moment to think about it…

Why does the Mossad recruit Palestinian terrorists and provide them with rockets they can fire into Israel? By fooling gullible Palestinians into conducting clumsy rocket attacks on Israel, the Israelis get justification to conduct precise airstrikes in Palestine. The Jews live by the motto of “an eye for an eye,” so when they want to poke someone’s eye, they lure that person into poking at their eye first. And when they want to tear out a people’s heart (like they do with the children of Ishmael), they will trick them into grabbing for Israel’s heart first.

If/when the destruction of the Muslims comes, it will not come by “God” or any supernatural means; it will be done by “humans” using human technology. With their vast wealth, the Kabbalists have developed a powerful array of secret weapons, and the effect of these will be indistinguishable from “supernatural” destruction. In fact, the Kabbalists have the capacity to slaughter the entire human race – all they lack is the motivation and justification to do so. Their motivation for destroying any people is that those people are in the way of what they want, but they must also have the justification, and they receive that by luring their foes into improper action. Your improper action towards them is their permission to act improperly towards you.

Let’s continue on with Richardson’s Antichrist/Mahdi comparison…

“The Antichrist leads this coalition in the invasion of Israel; the Mahdi also leads the Islamic world in invasion of Israel.”

According to the current globalist script, there will actually be two “coalition” attacks against Israel over the next 7 years or so…

The first attack is imminent, and it will be the First Battle of Armageddon. It will be conducted by the coalition of Muslim groups Soleimani has put together and could also include the US and/or Russia if the globalists opt for the fake assassinations of Trump and/or Putin. Once this battle reaches the point that the Israel Defense Forces are near total collapse, Putin will make a dramatic appearance and put a stop to the fighting, removing Netanyahu and his “Zionist-Neocon warmongers” from power in the process.

The second attack against Israel will occur around 2025, and it will be Second Battle of Armageddon. It will involve the Mahdi’s Muslim army fighting alongside Putin’s UN army to stop an incoming power. This climactic battle is scripted to lead to the destruction of both Islam and Putin’s New World Order, and it will end with the arrival of the Kabbalist-controlled “real Christ,” who will unite the world under the religion of Kabbalized Christianity in a dictatorial 1,000 year kingdom.

This whole scenario sounds too crazy to be true, right? Yet one of Richardson’s books verifies that this is the plan…

Again, the Muslims must turn away from the Kabbalist-controlled Mahdi and his two invasions of Israel in order to survive. If the Muslims insist on invading something, the only appropriate target would be the Mahdi’s palace, not Israel. By acting to lead the Muslims to destruction, Soleimani invites destruction upon himself.

Now let’s continue on with Richardson’s Antichrist/Mahdi comparison…

“The Antichrist rules for 7 years; Mahdi rules for seven years.”

It is important to stop for a moment and remind ourselves that we are looking at the imminent unveiling and 7-year rule of TWO Antichrists (not to mention the fake Buddhist and Hindu messiahs the globalists will be throwing in as well). As Richardson said earlier, “In a nutshell, the Antichrist, according to the Bible, he revives an empire. From the Islamic side, they believe the Mahdi revives an Islamic Empire – that he will unify the Islamic world.”

So on the Islamic side,

the Imam Mahdi, Qasem Soleimani, will revive a Muslim Caliphate.

And on the Jewish/Christian side,

the Jewish Messiah / Christian Anti-Christ, Vladimir Putin. will revive the Roman Empire (in the form of the “new and improved” UN/NWO).

It is no surprise, then, that the globalists’ leading prophecy propagandist, Tom Horn, is preparing his followers for two Anti-Christs. In this interview on the Jim Bakker Show, Horn says this about what the “Israeli rabbis” are expecting…

“So they too believe that we are in the End Times. They too believe that the Messiah is about to appear. We would say the Second Coming is about to happen, but their messiah is going to be a false messiah. He’s going to be the Antichrist, right?”

So out of his mouth, Horn is speaking about the arrival of a Jewish Antichrist, and out of his hand, he’s writing about the arrival of an Islamic Antichrist

This seemingly contradictory message is resolved when you understand that Putin will be the “Final Roman Emperor” and Soleimani will be the “Islamic Antichrist.”

Like the “fake Antichrist” (Barack Obama) who came before them, each of these “real Antichrists” has a specific role, a specific reign, and a specific purpose. So let’s have a look at the roles, reigns, and purposes of all three…

1) Barack Obama…

> His role was to play the fake/decoy Antichrist.

> His 7-year reign began when he symbolically took the helm of the global government in September of 2009 (see Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016), and was to end with his defeat at the hands of the Mahdi and Isa (Jesus/Putin) in September of 2016.

> His purpose was to serve as the evil globalist villain that the “heroic” Mahdi and Isa would jointly defeat in order to “save the world.”

He has now been replaced by Mike Pence.

2) Vladimir Putin…

> His role is to play the Jewish/Christian Savior (Jesus/Isa) who later turns out to be the “real” Antichrist.

> His 7-year reign will begin when he brings in a “reformed, stronger” United Nations and acts as its de facto or de jure leader, and it will end with his defeat at the hands of the “real Christ” in 2025.

> His purpose will be to take the helm of the “democratic” global government and spectacularly crash it 7 years later. During the first 3.5 years of his reign, everything will look great, but it will start getting ugly in the second 3.5 years. And by the time the 7 years have ended, people will be convinced that we human beings are too fallible to govern ourselves. We will be sold the idea that the only way to enduring peace and happy living is to be ruled by “God.”

3) Qasem Soleimani…

> His role is to play the Muslim Mahdi who later turns out to be the “real” Co-Antichrist.

> His 7-year reign will begin when he unites the Muslim nations in a grand coalition and acts as its de facto or de jure leader, and it will end with his defeat at the hands of the “real Christ” in 2025.

> His purpose will be to lead Islam to destruction, thus clearing the way for Kabbalized Christianity to be the only world religion.

So as you can see, the globalists have two objectives in the final phase of their prophecy deception…

1) Crash human government and convince people that only “God” can competently rule humanity.

2) Destroy Islam and cull all Muslims who won’t convert to Kabbalized Christianity.

By completing these two objectives, the way will be clear for them to roll out their “real Christ” figure and rule the world. “When a Jew Rules the World” is when: 1) people are convinced they can’t rule themselves, and 2) Islam isn’t around to get in the way.

Richardson confirms the Kabbalists’ plan for annihilating Islam at the 22:07 mark of the video…

“Sid, Biblically, throughout history, whenever the Lord uses a people to chastise or judge the Earth, or his people, Israel, that’s exactly what he’s gonna do with the Islamic world. He is using the Islamic world as his rod of chastisement against an unrepentant world. But whenever the Lord uses a rod of chastisement, when he’s done, he breaks that rod over his knee. And he will judge the Islamic world after he has used them. But before he judges a people, he calls out a remnant. Sid, right now the Lord is calling a remnant of sincere, passionate believers out of the Islamic world. He’s calling them to himself, and he’s making them willing martyrs for Jesus.”

Now if you substitute the word “Kabbalists” for “the Lord” in this passage, you’ll get an accurate read of what’s really going on. This is their strategy for defeating Islam…

1) They are having their agents in the globalist intelligence services, Al Qaeda, ISIS and other (“Crypto-Satanic”) “Islamist groups” engage in a worldwide reign of terror to create widespread hatred of Islam. This is being done so no one will care if the Muslims are slaughtered later in the script.

At the same time, they’re having those agents create chaos in the Middle East so the Muslims will hate those groups too.

2) They are having their agents Khamenei and Soleimani lead the fight against these “barbaric defamers of Islam,” thus establishing them as the “heroes of the region.” Since the Kabbalists control both sides in the scripted conflict, they have carefully arranged Suleimani’s “victories” to make him look like a military genius. It’s easy to beat ISIS when their controllers tell them to retreat on cue.

3) They will proclaim the hero Soleimani as the Imam Mahdi, and have him lead the Muslims into a disastrous war 7 years later that will leave Islam and most Muslims dead. In the end, the Kabbalists will have the UN and Muslim forces attacking the incoming Kabbalah-Christ turn their weapons on each other, and few will survive. They will say it was “God’s judgment” against Islam, but it will be the Kabbalists’ judgment, not “God’s.”

Once the globalists have carried out this strategy, Islam will cease to exist. The only Muslims who will be allowed to survive are the “remnant” who convert to Christianity. The same goes for all the non-elite, non-Kabbalist Jews. The Kabbalists will use the “Anti-Semitism” that arises after the Truth Tsunami to drive them all to Israel to be slaughtered in the Second Battle of Armageddon. Only those who convert to Christianity will be allowed to live.

The Achilles heel of this prophecy fulfillment strategy is the fact that it is a play that relies on two key actors: Vladimir Putin and Qasem Soleimani. If those two men were to fall before the globalists fake their deaths and bring them back as religious icons, the play would be stopped in its tracks, and billions of lives would be saved. Food for thought…

Finally, let’s move on to the last component of Richardson’s Antichrist/Mahdi comparison…

“The Antichrist engages in a peace treaty with Israel; Mahdi also engages in a so-called ‘peace treaty’ with Israel.”

The first “Antichrist” peace covenant with Israel was made by the fake Antichrist, Barack Obama. He visited Israel as a Presidential candidate in July of 2008 and pledged to protect Israel and prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons…
…From The New York Times

Exactly 7 years later (to the month) in July of 2015, Obama broke that covenant by making a deal with Iran that will allow them a “sure path to nuclear weapons,” according to Netanyahu…
…From The New York Times

The second “Antichrist” peace covenant with Israel will be an actual peace treaty between Israel and all the nations and groups that attack her in the upcoming war. The Co-Antichrists Putin and Soleimani will be parties to the agreement. And just like the first Antichrist peace covenant, the treaty will be broken exactly 7 years later when Putin’s UN forces and the Mahdi’s Islamic forces jointly attack Israel in 2025. But this raises an obvious question…

Why would the “Jewish Messiah” Vladimir Putin turn on Israel and invade her?

The answer is provided by the Richardson video. During an ad that promotes his 4-DVD set of prophecy propaganda, this is shown…

As I’ve mentioned throughout the Globalist Prophecy Watch series, the globalists are aiming to unite the People of the Book (Jews, Christians and Muslims) under one hybrid religion, and it is commonly called “Chrislam.” And in a previous update, we also looked at the likelihood that the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be destroyed during the Gog/Magog War and replaced with a Chrislamic / UN Religion multi-faith temple. So Richardson’s ad offers us a preview of how traditionalist Jews and Christians will respond to this: they’ll view it as a “heresy” and resist it.

While the new temple is being publicly designed and constructed, traditionalist opposition amongst the Christians and Jews will build and build. And when the time comes for the opening ceremony 3.5 years into the reign of the Antichrists, we can expect dramatic civil disobedience in protest of the “Temple of Abomination.” That’s when things will start going south between Israel and Putin, and “persecution” of traditionalist Jews and Christians will begin. 3.5 years later, the Antichrists will attack to wipe out all opposition. That’s when the “real Savior” will come onto the scene to save the day.

Since we’re on the subject of propaganda memes contained in Richardson’s DVD ad, here is another worth noting…

The implementation of a Chrislamic form of Sharia Law may be one of the things that make life so miserable during the Great Tribulation. According to Christian eschatological propaganda, this is how the 7-year Tribulation period will do down…

This 7-year period also corresponds to the full lifespan of the New World Order. As I previously covered in The Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven… at first, during the first 3.5 years of the NWO/Tribulation period, people will think that…

Here is what I wrote about it…

>>> The globalists are in the process of running a problem / reaction / SOLUTION scam on us, not a problem / reaction / PROBLEM scam.

This means that when we reach the end result of this transition process, the NWO will look like the SOLUTION to all our problems, not another PROBLEM (such as a dark, scary fascist regime) we need to overcome. It will appear as though the corrupt have been defeated, World War 3 has been stopped, all regional conflicts have been resolved, biowarfare against the population has been halted, poverty has been alleviated, debt money has been abolished, secrets have been revealed, and so on and so forth. And the masses, after having been force-fed negativity and conditioned to expect a scary NWO for so long, are expected to be so overcome with joy that they’ll willingly embrace the New Order. <<<

So the first 3.5 years of the Tribulation will be the honeymoon period. The globalists will make it very pleasant so people will welcome the new political and monetary systems. And once everyone is dependent on the New Order, they will start tightening the screws again during the second 3.5 years, the Great Tribulation period. Implementing global Chrislamic Sharia Law at the 3.5 year mark would be a great way for them to accomplish the screw tightening.

Can you imagine how strict, worldwide religious law + ubiquitous surveillance technologies + a strengthened UN with vast police and military powers could add up to a reign of terror?


More on the Coming Martyrdom of the “Imam Mahdi”

Behold the Mahdi pondering his scripted (and fake) martyrdom…

…from (What a consummate actor / sneaky little bi*ch he is!)

Earlier in this entry, back when I though Assad was playing the role of the Imam Mahdi, I wrote this…

In the coming days, keep an eye out for an outrageous provocation from the Israelis – perhaps an airstrike against Assad himself – that will “push the Iranians over the edge.” This could lead to a massive missile attack against Israel.

So on February 20 when I realized that Soleimani is the globalists’ actual choice for the Mahdi role, I speculated that he would be the one to be assassinated to start the war, and it didn’t take long to find out I was right. Upon googling “Soleimani” and clicking on the news results, the page laid out exactly what the globalists had planned. Have a look at these three result clusters…

…from Google News

The top cluster talks about Soleimani’s recent threat to wipe out the State of Israel. Given that the Israelis are an eye-for-an-eye type of people, he is effectively inviting them to wipe him out preemptively.

The middle cluster talks about Russia publicly condemning Soleimani’s call to destroy Israel. Putin is obligated to do this since he is scripted to be revealed as the Jewish Messiah (the Moshiach ben David). And at the climax point of the war, PUTIN WILL INDEED SAVE ISRAEL, BUT HE WILL NOT SAVE THE CURRENT ISRAELI LEADERSHIP. The globalists plan to scapegoat Netanyahu and his “Zionist / Neocon” cohorts and install new leadership in Israel after the war. That’s why they’re “dirtying him up” with corruption charges before the war starts. They want the Israeli people to accept his replacement.

The bottom cluster talks about Soleimani within the context of the 10th anniversary of the death of another martyr at the hands of the Mossad and CIA. This is a rather large hint as to what they plan to do with him. And the pro-Iran media in the Middle East have done a great job of setting him up to be both a savior and the ultimate martyr…

…from MEMRI. Here are some excerpts…

>>> On October 30, 2014, the daily Kayhan, which is close to Khamenei and is a mouthpiece of the ideological stream, explained that the Qods Force’s activity in Iraq enhances Tehran’s regional popularity and influence, and establishes commander Soleimani as a savior in the eyes of the Shi’ite and Iranian public, and in the eyes of the world: “Qassem Soleimani had a prominent role in operations to liberate [the Iraqi cities of] Jurf Al-Sakhar and Amirli. The presence of an Iranian strategist and believer in friendly neighboring countries, and his rescue of people of other faiths – Yazidis, Christians, Shi’ites, Sunnis, etc. – not only enhances his popularity in Iran and among the peoples of the world, but also enhances the Islamic Republic’s popularity and influence in the region.”…

Qassem Soleimani’s 2007 Speech

Martyrdom Is A Great Blessing For Which I Pray

In light of the prestige earned by the martyrs, I pray to God for my own end to be martyrdom as well, and that He will not deny me this mighty blessing granted to outstanding individuals. On the frontlines [of the Iran-Iraq War], on the eves of operations and under the most difficult conditions… I felt the divine backing and guiding me, and I entered the war’s most difficult arenas with reliance on God. <<<

The article also notes that Soleimani is “close to Khamenei and is considered his protege,” so Iran’s Supreme Leader has been grooming Soleimani to be the Imam Mahdi in the same way the now-deceased Lubavitcher Rebbe and his personal envoy to Russia, Berel Lazar, have been grooming Putin to be the Moshiach ben David. It’s important to understand that all these religious leaders are working together in this prophecy fulfillment effort, and Khamenei is just another tool of the globalists. He has been assigned to play the role of controlled opposition to the West in the same way Putin has. Virtually all the world’s governments are rotten at the top, and Iran is no exception.

IT IS BECAUSE KHAMENEI IS GROOMING THE MAHDI that he has been spreading Mahdi propaganda and proclaiming his imminent revelation with such certainty…


In these remarks, Khamenei talks about the darkness of the current era (which he and his globalist buddies are deliberately creating) and about life in the “Era of the Mahdi” (the New World Order)…

“Immense oppression that prevails throughout the world, the unjust domination, the hounding of nations around the globe; excessive bloodshed, the disregard of the most noble and the most beloved of human values, this is the treachery that the global supercilious front presents to mankind day after day. Immense immorality, exploitation and oppression naturally strikes at one – who does not have a spring of hope to cling onto – with hopelessness…

However, the nation that is optimistic about the future knows that these times will come to an end. An era will emerge when the mighty power of justice will eradicate all summits of corruption and oppression. A new era that will enlighten humankind’s outlook with the light of justice; this is what the awaiting era of Imam Mahdi our Savior signifies

You should work hard to prepare the ground for a new era; the era wherein there is no form of injustice and oppression. Prepare for an era wherein the deliberation and wisdom of mankind become more active, more creative and more innovative than any other time. Prepare for the era wherein nations do not launch wars on each other, because the warmongers of the world- those who staged regional and global wars in the past and present-will no longer have the ability to stage wars. Absolute peace and security will prevail around the globe.”

The globalists are doing everything possible to plunge us into “Darkness” so we’ll yearn for the “Light.” And as soon as the war is over, they’ll provide us with the “Dawn of a New Day” – a New World Order that will be a short-lived fool’s paradise.

Getting back to Israel’s targeting of Soleimani, have a look at this piece of propaganda from Israel National News

So even the Israeli press are building up his legend of invincibility and talking of his uniting of the Muslims, both of which are very Mahdi-like qualities. But this raises a very obvious question…

If Soleimani has been so effective in defeating the Israeli-Saudi-Western agenda in the Middle East and in encircling Israel, why was he not killed years ago during his many journeys to the front lines with photographers in tow?

The answer is rather obvious: all the combatants in this conflict are working from the same “Armageddon” script, and that script requires that Israel be surrounded and assaulted by its enemies. So all combatants (including the US and Israel) aided Soleimani in achieving his “victories,” and all sides protected him until the final battle. In other words, he was kept alive so he could be built up and sacrificed at the right time.

All this being said, if we consider that…

Netanyahu has threatened to strike the Iranian “empire” directly,
Soleimani is the man most responsible for building that empire and is its public “face,” and
Soleimani is the man tasked by that empire to prepare for war against Israel,

Israel’s strike target is very clear, isn’t it?


A lesson in false martyrs and true martyrs

Both Soleimani and Erdogan serve the elite Kabbalists, so as the globalist Mahdi prepares his martyrs, the globalist Dajjal prepares his too…

…from the Daily Mail

Let it be known that all the martyrs on both sides of the coming war are lining up to die for a lie. Not only that, THEY WILL BE DYING FOR A LIE THAT WILL DESTROY ALL OF ISLAM. Seven years into the New World Order, Soleimani is scripted to lead the entire Muslim world into the Second Battle of Armageddon, and all but a handful of Muslims will be exterminated, along with all the Jews who are not among the Kabbalist elite.

BOTH ERDOGAN AND SOLEIMANI ARE THE TRUE ENEMIES OF ALL MUSLIMS. If you would martyr yourself for Islam, know your true enemies. It is better that two true enemies should fall than a million false enemies. It is better that two impostors should fall than all the Muslims of the world. It is just that those who call others to false martyrdom should themselves be consumed by true martyrs.

And so it is.


The Foreshadowing of Soleimani’s Assassination

Let me show you something I chanced across earlier this year…

…from the Daily Sabah, a Turkish newspaper

This article establishes two things:

1) that the war-starting assassination of Soleimani I’ve been warning about is indeed in play, and
2) that the Turks spell Soleimani’s name “Suleimani.”

Why is the second point significant? Because of this…

“The Ottoman Empire became a world power beginning with the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent in the early modern period.” – from Wikipedia

As I’ve already shown you in other writings, Turkey’s Erdogan has been scripted to play the “Dajjal,” the “Satanic false Mahdi,” who is trying to restore the Ottoman Empire. But the man scripted to play the “real Mahdi,” Qassem Suleimani, has a name that is remarkably similar to that of the historical figure who brought the Ottoman Empire to greatness. It is by no means a coincidence that this is so.

So when they get decimated in the upcoming war, the Turks will turn to the new, true ruler of the restored Ottoman Empire, “Suleimani the Magnificent,” to restore their pride.

Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?

Good news for the Jews: The Israelis already love their Messiah…
…From Sputnik

Also, have a second look at Globalist Prophecy Watch Update 2, then have a look at this…

“At no time in history has the persecution of Christians been as intense and widespread as it is now.

Christians in the Middle East are in dire need of a champion, which, in today’s world can only be a great power, and it is Russia that has taken on that responsibility…

Vladimir Putin knows that modernity’s separation of politics from religion inspires many across the globe to return to their religious roots. In February 2012, he made a solemn vow to the Russian Orthodox Church to protect persecuted Christians all over the world

Notwithstanding the electrifying presence of Pope Francis, in future we could see the Eastern Church replace Rome as the center of Christianity.”

So this Russia Insider article effectively presents Putin as a SAVIOR to “Christians all over the world.” Interesting, no?

There are some articles that I write, and there are others that I give birth to, and this one has been one of the latter. I was “in labor” between December 23 and January 8 to squeeze this puppy out, and amidst the labor pains I had a realization….

The more I look upon the forcible Jewish takeover of the Russian Orthodox Church (through the Communist Revolution), and the guileful Jewish takeover of the Roman Catholic Church (through the Jesuits), the more our current world situation looks like the Jews’ settling of old scores with the Roman Empire. Rome survived its political fall in the form of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and now the Jews have taken over both. They have exacted their revenge for Masada and the Inquisition, and they are currently setting about the task of taking a spoil of all of Rome’s sheep (the Christians) by delivering them two messiahs.

The Jews also have a score to settle with the Muslims, and it supposedly goes back to the days of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael. Just like they are doing with Rome’s sheep, they will soon take a spoil of all of Ishmael’s children by delivering them an Imam Mahdi who will join hands with the first Jewish/Christian Messiah (probably Putin) to unite all the People of the Book under occulted Jewish control.

Beyond the scores they wish to settle, the Jews also have a long-term goal they wish to accomplish: to take over the world for themselves and their god concept. To achieve this goal, they have instigated wars and played money and debt scams in order to bring the world’s royals under their influence and into their fold. They have thus injected the Davidic Bloodline into royal families the world over. And soon, they will attempt to bring all of us into a New World Order, which is the next stop on a road that leads to a global theocratic dictatorship run by them.

All this being said, should we hate the Jews and seek to destroy them? Of course not. They are Source Consciousness indwelling form just like we are, and you must treat them with the same restraint and mercy with which you’d want to be treated if you were acting out bad programming like they are. When you get down to the brass tacks, the Jews aren’t really doing anything to us anyway; they are fooling us into doing all this to ourselves. So the task before us is one of education, not violence. The end of this nightmare will come only when we become wise to their schemes and decline to participate in them any longer.

Now here’s the Putin entry…

In previous installments of the globalist prophecy series, I pointed out that the globalists are running a 3-step religious deception that involves 3 leaders. Step 1 is the introduction of a fake Antichrist, Barack Obama. Step 2 is the introduction of a “fake Christ / real Antichrist” I’ve named “Facra.” And Step 3 is the introduction of a “real Christ” I’ll name “Rech” (pronounced “wretch”). I also pointed out that each step has a designated propaganda team to promote awareness of the 3 figures in the public consciousness.

Well a few days ago, I came across a couple of prophecy videos that are good examples of how the propaganda teams operate, so I began to write an entry about them. In the process of doing so, though, I came across this article on

The “Saker” article to which he refers is just a reapplication of the East/West dialectic that makes excuses for Putin. Such articles are designed to give those who are starting to question Putin a plausible narrative that explains-away the discrepancies they’re seeing between his pro-NWO actions and his manufactured anti-NWO cult of personality.

Propagandists know that people want to hold on to their comforting illusions (such as the illusion that Putin is a really nice guy who is going to save us from the evil globalists), so if you give them any halfway-plausible excuse to cling to the illusion (with a make-believe narrative like the “Saker’s”), most will do so. Note how Makow models this dynamic with his first paragraph: he poses as a person who is starting to question Putin, but is reassured by the “Saker’s” article.

The article did, however, contain one idea that got my attention, which I’ll paraphrase here…

“Putin is a very good man in charge of a very bad system, and he is playing along with the globalists until he can arrange the right opportunity to strike.”

Upon seeing this and connecting it to the two prophecy videos I was writing about, I realized Putin was being groomed to be the Jewish Messiah / Christian Antichrist figure who’ll be unveiled next September. To show you all the reasons I strongly suspect this, let me take you through a series of points that establish the qualifications for the Jewish Messiah, then we’ll look at how Putin measures up to these expectations.


Before we begin, it’s important to set aside any pet theories you might have about how the End Times will unfold. All Biblical arguments over how to properly interpret the prophecies don’t amount to a hill of beans in this. Since the globalists are the ones running this show, the only interpretations that matter are the ones the they are promoting to the public, for those are the ones they intend to fulfill in the three leaders they present to us. That being said, let’s have a look at…

Point 1 – Recent Israeli prophetic propaganda establishes some notable expectations for the Mashiach. The first “prophetic” video I want to show you is actually an interrelated pair of videos, and they were brought to my attention by a reader a few days ago. The first video of the pair shows the testimony of an Israeli boy, Natan, who supposedly died for 15 minutes and was shown how the “End Times” would unfold for Israel. Natan tells us two notable things about the Mashiach. Here is the first thing he says (at the 35:18 mark of the video)…

Natan: And what I saw was simply that…the Mashiach is first of all someone who can’t sin. Someone who repented. Who didn’t commit any transgressions.

Rabbi: He repented?

Natan: He repented. Yes. He didn’t commit any transgressions. He didn’t commit any transgressions. Since he repented, he didn’t commit even one transgression. It can’t be that the Mashiach is someone who committed transgressions.

So with this statement, Natan establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 1: He is a repentant sinner who has committed no sin since he repented.

Here is the second thing Natan says about the Mashiach…

“Now, it can be someone who we actually know very well, who we know very well. Lots and lots of people know him, according to what I understood. But, everyone will be very, very surprised, that he is of all people the Mashiach.

Also, now, this Mashiach, I mean the Mashiach – he will fight against Obama. And not only that – he will kill him and bury him in the Land of Israel.”

So with this statement, Natan establishes two more qualifications…

Mashiach Qualification 2: He is a man everyone will recognize, and everyone will be surprised that he, of all people, is the Mashiach.


Mashiach Qualification 3: He is a man who will fight Obama in the final conflict.

It is also Natan’s testimony that Obama is the man who starts the Gog/Magog (West/East) War, and that he will lead the following war against Israel. So Obama is playing the “Antichrist” role to the Mashiach. As the Jew who produces the Torah Codes has stated…

Setting aside whether or not I find Natan’s testimony credible (I don’t), the reason this video is important is that the End Times script it offers is being promoted by Messianic Jewish propaganda figures like the man in the second video of the pair, Steven Ben-Nun

Let’s have a look at how Ben-Nun supports and spins Natan’s testimony about the Mashiach in his video commentary: at the 41:34 mark of the video, he begins to talk about the qualifications established by Natan and goes on to say this about the “no transgressions” part…

“You know, friends, the only one that I know of that didn’t commit transgressions in this earth is Yeshua.”

He then goes on to say this about the “everyone will recognize him” part…

“And who is the only one that can fit that particular category? It’s Yeshua! Because many, many people know him, and the Jews know him as well…”

So Ben-Nun uses Natan’s testimony to suggest that the Mashiach will be the second coming of Jesus, and that should come as no surprise to anyone who has been observing the Synagogue of Satan vs. Jesus Christ dialectic. The Occulted Powers’ script has called for the Jews to infiltrate and subvert the “true Christian church,” and that’s exactly what they’ve been doing. In fact, I covered a specific instance of this in a previous entry: Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders (Update 1 – More on Kuhn and the Worldwide Church of God). And according to the globalist playbook, the ultimate goal of the Synagogue of Satan is to get the Christians to serve Satan and accept the Antichrist, which is why Ben-Nun equates the Mashiach with Jesus.

Now if we take a moment to think about this, we realize that if the globalists present the Mashiach as BOTH the Jewish AND the Christian messiah, he would have to be BOTH a Jew AND a Christian. If he were only a Jew, the Christians would feel alienated from him, and if he were only a Christian, the Jews would feel the same. The only way to unite both religions behind the one messiah (like the globalists want to do) is to present him as being of both religions. And this establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 4: He is both a Jew and a Christian.

With these first four qualifications established, let’s move on to…

Point 2 – Recent Christian prophetic propaganda establishes a key expectation for the Mashiach. Right after I encountered the Natan and Ben-Nun videos, I stumbled upon an interview of Tom Horn, one of the leading Christian End Times propagandists….

Starting at the 8:02 mark of the video, Horn talks about how dozens of Christian seers over the past 200 years have said that the Antichrist would appear on the Earth in the year 2016. He also talks about how the Jews are expecting the imminent arrival of their messiah, and since the orthodox Jews are the ones who rejected Jesus Christ, Horn says, their messiah would be the Antichrist. In the midst of all this, he mentions a specific Jewish prophecy from the Zohar…

“…in a section in the Zohar called the ‘Vaera’ section, there’s a subsection called ‘Signs Heralding Mashiac or the Coming of the Messiah.’ And in this 700 year-old Jewish document, it says when the Messiah would appear first privately to the rabbis in Israel. Guess when it said that would happen. 700 years ago it said it would happen in the Jewish calendar year 5773, which in our Gregorian calendar started in the middle of 2012 into 2013.”

Upon looking up a calendar for 5773, I found that it actually started in September of 2012, not the “middle of 2012″ as Horn states, so what are we to make of this discrepancy? Given that Horn is working for the globalists, he is fudging the numbers so the Zohar prophecy will fit the man they intend to put forward as the Mashiach. So this establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 5: He is a man who was in Israel at some point from the middle of 2012 into 2013.

After offering this qualification, Horn goes on to say what would happen after the Mashiach reveals himself privately to the rabbis…

“And then it said shortly thereafter, he will start making himself known to the nations of the world.”

Since this supposedly occurred back in 2012-2013, it stands to reason that the Mashiach is already internationally known by now. And given that the Mashiach will fight Obama in the final conflict, it also stands to reason that he is someone who is already working in opposition to Obama’s actions on the world stage. This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 6: He is an internationally known opponent of Obama.

So we’ve already identified six qualifications for the Mashiach by observing globalist preparatory propaganda. Now let’s look for more clues in other places…

Point 3 – Since the Mashiach is being put forward by the Occulted Powers in order to further their agenda, we can uncover more qualifications by reviewing what we know about their agenda and applying a little logic and common sense.

> First, let’s consider the globalists’ intention to unite the Jews and Christians under the Mashiach figure. Given that…

1) The globalists are selling the arrival of the Mashiach as the second coming of Christ,
2) Christ is the world’s ultimate cult of personality, and
3) the Mashiach is already internationally known,

…it stands to reason that the globalists would develop a positive, savior-like cult of personality around him so he could “fill Jesus’ shoes.” It further stands to reason that they would develop a negative, devil-like cult of personality around his dialectic opponent, Barack Obama. This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 7: He is a man who’s had a very positive cult of personality built around him – he is the opposite of Obama.

> Next, let’s consider the globalists’ effort to stage a dialectic struggle between an evil Western NWO and a “benevolent” Eastern NWO. Given that…

1) Obama is portrayed as the leader of an attempt to complete a scary unipolar NWO, and
2) the BRICS are portrayed as leading an attempt to build a welcoming multipolar NWO,

…it stands to reason that the Mashiach is involved in the BRICS effort to bring in the mulitpolar NWO. This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 8: He is a man who is playing a leading role in the BRICS effort to build a New World Order.

> Finally, let’s consider the globalists’ effort to convince the public that extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth, and their intention to use a simulated alien arrival to provide the “WOW” factor in the Mashiach’s unveiling. Given that…

1) the rabbit hole alternative media have promoted the idea that evil lizards from outer space have allied with the United States, and
2) they’ve also promoted the idea that “positive human extraterrestrials” are working to stop the American/Space Lizard evil agenda,

…it stands to reason that the Mashiach is in cahoots with the “positive aliens.” This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 9: He is a man who has been portrayed as being connected with “positive extraterrestrial” forces.

Now that we’ve reached the magic number 9, I think we have enough qualifications to get a good idea of who the Mashiach might be. So let’s turn our attention to how Vladimir Putin measures up to these standards…


Mashiach Qualification 1: He is a repentant sinner who has committed no sin since he repented.

This qualification opens the door for Putin (and any backup candidates the globalists may have groomed) to step forward as the Mashiach. Since Putin has an impure history, it will be said that he repented at some point and was washed clean of his sins, so it is as if they never happened. They will say he had to do impure things in order to work within an impure system, but once he ascended within the system to a point that he could afford to be his authentic self, he left his mask of sin behind and acted in accordance with who he truly is.

It is ironic that since he will be promoted as the second coming of Jesus, he’ll be washed clean of his sins by his own blood. That seems kinda freaky, but I suppose it’s more hygienic than being washed in someone else’s blood. You wouldn’t want to shed your sins only to end up getting spiritual hepatitis.

Mashiach Qualification 2: He is a man everyone will recognize, and everyone will be surprised that he, of all people, is the Mashiach.

If Putin were to emerge from a (holographically projected) dimensional gate on the Mount of Olives as Natan and Ben-Nun suggest, everyone would indeed recognize him, wouldn’t they? And everyone would be quite surprised that he was the Mashiach all along. Although Ben-Nun has suggested that Jesus will emerge from the gate, no one really knows what Jesus looked like, so he would be a stranger to everyone’s eyes. But if Putin emerges with the implication that he is both the Mashiach and the recurrence of Christ, everyone will recognize him and be satisfied.

Mashiach Qualifications 3 & 6: He is an internationally known opponent of Obama who will fight Obama in the final conflict (of 2016).

Who is Obama’s main opponent on the global stage? If you were to ask this question to any person on the street, the answer you would get is “Vladimir Putin.”

Who is the leader who will fight Obama in World War 3? If you were to ask this question also, you would get the same answer, “Vladimir Putin.”

The mainstream and alternative media are chock-full of stories about Putin’s opposition to Obama’s global moves, as well as stories that warn about conventional and nuclear war between America and Russia. This huge media effort leaves no doubt about who Obama’s nemesis is…

Mashiach Qualification 4: He is both a Jew and a Christian.

The more I research this qualification, the more I see and the more I need to write. It appears that the Cabalist Jews effectively rebooted Russia with the Communist Revolution. They all but shut down the Russian Orthodox Church, then later reopened it with clergy that was hand-picked by the KGB. One would imagine that they tweaked the Church doctrine as well, to make it Cabalist-compliant. So if the Church is now under Jewish control, it is no wonder the Jewish Putin would have no problem being both a Jew and a Russian Orthodox “Christian.”

The Cabalists may have also killed-off unruly elements of the Tsarist bloodlines and intermarried with those who remain, effectively rebooting the Russian royals too. Once the mysterious genealogy of Vladimir Putin is revealed, we may find out that he is both a descendant of the Tsars and of King David, the latter of which qualifies him to be the Mashiach.

That being said, let’s start exploring Putin’s dual Jew/Christian status, and we’ll begin with the newly updated entry I first wrote on the subject…


Vladimir (Ras)Putin’s Jewish, Communist, and Bloodline Connections

A reader recently brought to my attention the possible link between Vladimir Putin’s surname and that of Grigori Rasputin, the famed Russian occultist and advisor to the Romanovs (Russia’s “royal” family)…
…The fact that the Romanovs associated so closely with a man so obviously demon-possessed tells you alot about them.

Hearing the conjecture that Putin’s name might be an occultic nod to Rasputin, I recalled something I read about Putin in his Wikipedia bio

“The ancestry of Vladimir Putin has been described as a mystery with no records surviving of any ancestors of any people with the surname ‘Putin’ beyond his grandfather Spiridon Ivanovich.”

And there is something interesting about his grandfather Spiridon…

“Vladimir Putin’s paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879–1965), was a chef who at one time or another cooked for Vladimir Lenin, Lenin’s wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, and on several occasions for Joseph Stalin.”

So Putin’s grandfather had personal connections with both Lenin…
…and Stalin…
…and he was trusted enough by them to be allowed to cook their meals. This relationship between the Putin family and top communist leaders brings to mind another thing to which the communists are connected: occult Judaism. Looking into this connection, a particular passage from this Henry Makow article caught my eye…

“The Illuminati bankers created Communism to harness the working class to their program of a comprehensive world dictatorship (now known as “globalization.”) The Illuminati and Communists are Masonic secret societies that celebrate the same anniversary, May 1, 1776 and share the same satanic symbols.”

Speaking of symbols, let’s have a look at another piece of the Putin puzzle: his reintroduction of Tsarist symbols to Russia, This is the first flag of the Russian Tsar…
…Note the double-headed eagle with the crest on its chest and three crowns above its heads…

…which is now Russia’s Coat of Arms…

And the first flag of the Russian Tsar is now “the Flag of the Commander-in-Chief of Russia”…



And speaking of the three crowns above the eagle’s heads, here is Putin bowing before three crowns worn by clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church…
…Clearly, there is something going on with Putin that the general public is not fully grasping.

While we’re on the subject of crowns, have a look at what a 2002 article from Pravda says about The Mysterious Genealogy of Russian President Putin

“…Is Putin an offspring of the Tver prince? This hypothesis was getting more and more real. The name Putin is not mentioned amid the Russian names. This means that the name is of the artificial origin.

This name has appeared recently, somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. All Putins originally came from the clan of Putins from the Tver region. Illegitimate offsprings of noble families were often given cut names. For example, Russian writer Pnin was an illegitimate son of Field Marshal Repnin. There were lots of other occasions like that – Betskoy instead of Trubetskoy, Gribov instead of Griboyedov. The new names of unofficial clan branches were formed by means of deduction: a syllable was simply taken out of it.

The family book of the Tver region mentions the name of Putyanin – a clan of Russian princes. This clan gave a lot of outstanding military leaders to Russia, as well as artists, politicians and priests. This is one of the oldest clans in the Russian history. If President Putin is a descendant of the Putyatins clan, this means that Vladimir Putin has a relation to all royal families of Europe.”

Since the US Presidents have been shown to be related to European royals, the article’s hypothesis wouldn’t surprise me if true.

With these puzzle pieces set before us, what insights can we draw from them? Given this and previous information I’ve encountered, these are my provisional conclusions:

Conclusion 1 — It’s looking increasingly likely that Putin is a Stealth Jew.

I brought up the subject of Stealth Jews in an update on my second blog after reading another of Henry Makow’s posts. Here is a portion of what I wrote…

>>> Upon reading the post, I was disappointed to see Henry still clutching to the idea that Putin is somehow working against the “Satanist Jews and Freemasons (the Illuminati) [who] control the government and the media in the West” (there is no fence that has kept them confined to the West, Henry; they didn’t even start out in the West). It’s surprising he still sees Putin this way given that his own site contains an entry that explores the probable hidden Jewish roots of Vladimir Epstein… err… Putin. <<<

My current personal take on Vladimir Putin is that he is probably a Khazarian Jew whose family dropped their Jewish-sounding name sometime around the Communist Revolution.

Conclusion 2 — With the Putin family’s communist connections in one hand, and Putin’s reintroduction of the Tsars’ royal symbols in the other, one is led to suspect that the Communist Revolution in Russia served two purposes:

1) It allowed the Jews to take down the Russian royals and the Russian Orthodox Church and Judaize both before relaunching them, and

2) It allowed royal rule to be hidden behind a facade like it was in the West.

As Makow and others suggest, communism in the East — just like the fake democracy of the West — was used to move the people in the direction of a global government under the guidance of a Hidden Hand. The whole time “the workers” (in the East) and “the people” (in the West) were being told they were governing their own direction, they were actually being herded into the NWO. And now that we’re approaching the culmination of the globalist plan, the Hidden Hand is beginning to show itself for all to see. If the Jews (who are the driving force among the Hidden Hand Occulted Powers) get their way, all of the world will be ruled by a god-king controlled by them, and he will be called “Jesus Christ.”


There is much more to write on Putin’s Jewish connections, but I will save that for an upcoming entry. So let’s proceed with…

Mashiach Qualification 5: He is a man who was in Israel at some point from the middle of 2012 into 2013.

Exactly 7 weeks elapsed between 7 May 2012 and 25 June 2012 (the “middle of 2012″), and that’s exactly how long it took Vladimir Putin to go from being inaugurated to his third Presidential term to being received in Israel for a two-day state visit…

…From the Jewish World Review

While there, Putin made a point of meeting with both Jewish religious leaders…

…and Christian leaders…
…including Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem, whose territory includes “Holy Zion”…
…From Wikipedia

This is what Putin did while with the Christians…

During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre…

Entering the church, Vladimir Putting kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud.

After that the president was taken to the Kuviklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour.

Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross…

In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born

Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters.

The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born.” – From

Take a moment to think about this ritual Putin went through. It started at NIGHT at the places associated with Christ’s death at his First Coming, then that NIGHT ended in the MORNING when Vladimir Putin received the Star of Bethlehem and lighted a candle at Christ’s birthspot. That’s a helluva symbolic ritual, was it not? Putin returned Christ’s light to the world after a long night.

When Putin’s status as both Mashiach and Christ is promoted to the public, the spiritual propagandists will say that he revealed himself to the Israeli rabbis in private during this trip, thereby fulfilling the Zohar prophecy. They’ll also say that he revealed himself to the Orthodox Christians too.

As for the Mashiach expectation that he will make himself known to the nations of the world after he reveals himself in private, Putin has certainly done that. While he was vaguely known by the world public as the President and Prime Minister of Russia before 2012, the public got to know him very well after 2012….

“Vladimir Putin entered the international scene – in a big way – in early 2014 by defending the East Ukrainian and Crimean people against repeated attacks from a Western-backed regime in Kiev. He then consolidated his status as an exceptional leader on September 30th 2015, when he ordered the Russian air force to intervene in Syria against what had previously been teed up as “the number 1 global threat: ISIS,” a group defined (not coincidentally) by their purveyance to Western – and, indeed, global – audiences of the fear of death.

In people’s eyes, this courageous and efficient intervention gave him, de facto, the role of world peacekeeper, the leader who protects us. Through the Syrian intervention, Putin became, willingly or not, a world hero.“ – from

This passage doesn’t even mention the Obama versus Putin standoff over American plans to bomb Syria in 2013. The globalists arranged for Obama to retreat, thus making Putin look like a hero.

Moving on, let’s look at…

Mashiach Qualification 7: He is a man who’s had a very positive cult of personality built around him – he is the opposite of Obama.

You’d have to be deaf and blind to have not noticed the overwhelming hero-worship heaped upon Putin – and the overwhelming ridicule heaped upon his dialectic opponent Obama – in the controlled alternative media…
…From All News Pipeline, Veterans Today, and David Icke.

Also note that Putin was born to a “pious Mother Mary” (Maria Shelomova) and Obama was born to a “tawdry whore with a man’s name” (Stanley Dunham)…

So if Obama is the pantywaisted fake Antichrist…
…who is the butch fake Christ?…

Given that the world has seen cults of personality built around so many false messiahs in the past (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, etc.), seeing this new cult being built around Putin should trigger warnings in the minds of every observer. Yet those warnings are not being heeded. Why? Do you really think “it’s different this time”? Will we ever learn?

On we go to…

Mashiach Qualification 8: He is a man who is playing a leading role in the BRICS effort to build a New World Order.

Through the tone and sheer volume of their coverage of Putin, the media have established him as the de facto leader of the BRICS Alliance, and the Russian press leave no doubts as to what he’s up to: he is leading the effort to establish a “multipolar new world order”…
…From Pravda and Russia Beyond the Headlines

Most awakening people are aware of the “elite” practice of using dialectics (the staged conflict between two controlled and seemingly opposing forces to achieve a desired outcome), yet many still fail to wrap their minds around the biggest and most obvious dialectic in all of human history…

the evil Western unipolar NWO vs. the “benevolent” Eastern multipolar NWO

The multipolar NWO is what the globalists have been working towards all along, and the Obama vs. Putin stage play is their tool for launching it in a way that people will welcome rather than resist. I explain their strategy in this in Understanding the NWO Strategy.

That being said, Putin clearly fulfills this Mashiach qualification.

Finally, let’s have a look at…

Mashiach Qualification 9: He is a man who has been portrayed as being connected with “positive extraterrestrial” forces.

If you are going to try to elevate a regular guy to messianic status in the eyes of the public, you have to do something that will really blow their minds, because only by shattering their worldview and normalcy bias can you make them malleable-enough to embrace such a ridiculous idea. It just so happens that the Rockefeller and Jesuit Crypto-Jews, in association with Jew-controlled Hollywood, have spent decades indoctrinating the public in a concept that will serve quite nicely for this purpose: extraterrestrial contact…
…From Close Encounters of the Third Kind by Steven Spielberg, a Jew.

In addition to the alien-themed TV show and movie barrage, they have been beta-testing a variety of alien narratives on the unsuspecting people of the New Age community. This testing has led to the development of a dialectic narrative that pits evil reptilian extraterrestrials aligned with the evil Western New World Order against “benevolent” human extraterrestrials aligned with the “benevolent” BRICS New World Order. It is the intention of the globalists to paint these supposedly extraterrestrial forces as the beings who are described in the Bible, with the reptilians being the demons and the human ETs being the angels.

At the same time they have been developing the script for their End Times play, they have also been developing the actors and props for it. In their hyper-funded ultra-black laboratories, they have been using suppressed biological technologies to genetically engineer hybrid creatures that will look alien to us. They’ve also been using suppressed aerospace technologies to create flying craft that will look and operate in ways that seem alien as well.

When they finally unveil this alien stage play to the unsuspecting public, they’re expecting people to be so blown away that they’ll accept any hopeful narrative offered to them, including the assertion that Putin has all along been the undercover Mashiach/Christ. So let’s now look at how this alien narrative has been tied to Vladimir Putin.

The New Age community has already been programmed to believe that Putin is allied with positive ET forces…
…From Veterans Today. Here is a key excerpt…

“A powerful new treaty has apparently been established between one group of Alien ETs (the Tall White Nordics) and Putin’s New Russia. This new treaty President Putin has supposedly negotiated with this particular Alien ET group is purported to be like the ones American leaders negotiated with in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. However this particular Alien Group group is purported to be substantially anti-WZ and anti-IZCS.”

And the mainstream media have also planted the seed in the minds of the sleepers with articles like this…

So Putin has indeed been tied to positive ET forces, and should the globalists proceed with this fake ET folly, it will be said that he was playing along with the bad aliens until he could arrange the opportunity to strike, just like the “Saker” article suggested.

Now that we’ve looked at the evidence pointing to Putin as being the Step 2 leader (the fake Christ / real Antichrist), check out this little blurb from Skywatch TV
…Since Putin’s secret is now out, the Step 3 propagandists (the guys whose job is to sell the post-Putin leader as the real Christ) have gone ahead and started to name Putin in their disinformation pieces. And given the fact that we’ve already explored Obama’s qualifications as the Step 1 leader (the fake Antichrist), the showdown the Cabalist Jews have scripted for Step 2 is becoming quite clear…

In the Dark Corner, you have the “Antichrist”…
Barack Obama, the effeminate sodomite son of perdition born to a porn whore mother,
who is warring to put humanity under the yoke of a dictatorial, unipolar New World Order.

And in the Light Corner, you have the “Mashiach and Second Coming of Christ”…
Vladimir Putin, the manly, heroic, peacemaking son of pious Madre Maria,
who is fighting to free the world of American hegemony and establish a “fair, free” multipolar New World Order.

That’s one helluva script, is it not? And it’s only the second act of this three-act play. If there’s one thing you can’t accuse the Jews of being, it’s bad showmen…

For the full rundown on the 3-step prophecy deception, read “End Times” Programming. More information on Putin’s Jewish connections and the Jewish takeover of the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christian Churches will be covered in upcoming entries.

[Addendum A – 19 January 2016]

More on Vladimir Putin, the “Savior of all Christians worldwide”

You know you need to take the Putin as Mashiach/Christ meme seriously when you see stories like this in the mainstream media…
…From The Washington Times

And while we’re speaking on the “only defender of Christian civilization,” have a look at this…
…From Russia Insider. Here is a telling excerpt…

>>> A key element of Putin’s world view is not just his commitment to the Russian Orthodox Church as an institution, but also his admiration for three 19th and 20th century Russian Christian philosophers—Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Solovyov and Ivan Ilyin, all of whom he often quotes in his speeches…

The key message of these philosophers is of Russia’s messianic role in world history and of its need to preserve itself through Orthodoxy and restoration of its historic borders…

For their part Solovyov and Berdyaev argued that the historic mission of Russia is to lead the way to human unification. Russia would transcend secularism and atheism and create a unified spiritual kingdom. “The Russian messianic conception,” said Berdyaev, “always exalted Russia as a country that would help to solve the problems of humanity.” <<<

If you’re not taking this Messiah stuff seriously, you should consider doing so. But what of Russia Insider – should it be taken seriously? Is it a propaganda site full of ridiculous bullsh*t, like Veterans Today, or is a propaganda site that should be taken fairly seriously, like RT? It is more the latter than the former, for reasons I will explain in an upcoming entry.

Trump, Putin and Netanyahu: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch

The following is a section I wrote on November 7, 2016; it was part of an update titled Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election. I’m reposting it on this page because it contains information that is vital to your understanding of what’s really going in the world right now. AND NEW MATERIAL ON NETANYAHU’S POSSIBLE ROLE HAS BEEN ADDED AT THE BOTTOM. So here goes…

One of the more overlooked aspects of the 2016 presidential puppet show is the fact that both candidates have offered up their daughters to the Money Power Jews to gain their approval…
…From the New Jersey Jewish News

Don’t you find it interesting that among all the people who ran for the Presidency on both the Republican and Democrat sides, the two who had intermarried with the elite New York Jews ended up winning?

Chelsea Clinton’s husband, Marc Mezvinsky
…is a Goldman Sachs alum who runs his own hedge fund in New York. The fund is reported to have lost nearly 90% of its investors’ money, and his father, Edward Mezvinsky, “embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the Nigerian e-mail scams and was found guilty of fraud in 2001.”

And Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner
…runs a megadollar real estate holding and development company in New York. “Kushner was thrust into his role at Kushner Companies when his father Charles was arrested on charges of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering in 2004.”

Of these two family mergers with the elite Jews, there is one that is qualitatively superior to the other, and it is that of the Trumps. Chelsea Clinton married a non-orthodox Jew in a non-traditional ceremony which was co-officiated by a Jewish rabbi and a Christian priest, and she has not converted to Judaism. That being the case, some traditionalist Jews have taken exception to the marriage…
…From Telegraphic Agency (JTA)

Ivanka Trump, on the other hand, kissed all the right asses in all the right ways by converting to Judaism before her Orthodox wedding to an Orthodox Jew who has intimate ties to the Chabad-Lubavitch cult. Here is a little something about the wedding…

>>> Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner were married in an Orthodox Jewish ceremony by the prominent New York Rabbi Haskal Lowenstein. According to The Jewish Journal, Ivanka commented on her decision to convert to Judaism by saying “it’s been an amazing and fulfilling experience for me …One of the jokes I first started making when Jared and I first started dating is, I’m a New Yorker, I’m in real estate. I’m as close to Jewish, with an ‘i-s-h’ naturally as anyone can start off.” – From <<<

…and here is a little something about Jared’s relationship with Chabad…

>>> Have we mentioned that Ivanka Trump is converting to Judaism, presumably so she will be a better marriage match for Jared Kushner, the equally young owner of the New York Observer? We have. Ivanka is only 27, but she recently auctioned off an internship with her for Chabad, the Hasidic organization her boyfriend supports. This donation and the visibility that comes with sounds like a good way to get in with Kushner’s family, because we hear that they don’t like the idea of Jared marrying outside the tribe…

The Kushners have long been good friends with Chabad groups. Jared was the head of the Chabad House at Harvard. And dad Charles got a rabbi from Chabad’s Living Legacy organization to write a letter on his behalf when he got into all that prostitute-blackmail trouble. Donating to a Chabad effort, a favored charity of the Kushner family, was the kind of smart move she might want to mention in her upcoming “motivational” book. – From <<<

It’s no surprise, then, that Ivanka and Jared prayed at the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe just a few days before the big election…
…From Breitbart

To better understand the significance of the Chabad connection, have a look at an excerpt from Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script

BEGIN EXCERPT>>> If you are unfamiliar with Chabad, here is a brief description…

“Chabad, also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch, is an Orthodox Jewish, Hasidic movement. Chabad is today one of the world’s best known Hasidic movements and is well known for its outreach. It is the largest Hasidic group and Jewish religious organization in the world…

In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson became the seventh Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, and he transformed it from a small chasidic movement into the largest and most widespread Jewish movement in the world today. He established a network of more than 3,600 institutions that provide religious, social and humanitarian needs in over 1,000 cities, spanning 80 countries and 49 of the 50 American states. Chabad institutions provide outreach to unaffiliated Jews and humanitarian aid, as well as religious, cultural and educational activities at Chabad-run community centers, synagogues, schools, camps, and soup kitchens.” – From Wikipedia

To establish a network of over 3,600 institutions in 80 countries requires a lot of money, and Chabad gets it from the elite Cabalist Jews. It is through Chabad that the Cabalists are attempting to define Judaism for ordinary Jews and End Times prophecies for the rest of us. And with Cabalist money in one hand and the Cabalist agenda in the other, the late Rabbi Schneerson fostered the Jewish messianic obsession…

“Menachem Mendel Schneerson (April 5, 1902 OS – June 12, 1994), known to many as the Rebbe, was a Russian Empire-born American Orthodox Jewish rabbi, and the last Lubavitcher Rebbe. He is considered one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century…

Schneerson was criticized for his passion and desire to raise awareness of the coming of the Messiah. Detractors criticized a children’s song with the words ‘We want moshiach (the messiah) now / We don’t want to wait,’ that Schneerson commended.” [1]

“Chabad messianism, or Lubavitch messianism, generally refers to the passion among adherents of the Chabad movement regarding the coming of the Messiah and their goal to raise awareness that his arrival is imminent.” [2]

And it is at this point that Berel Lazar, the Chief Rabbi of Russia and the close associate of Vladimir Putin, comes in. I found this juicy little tidbit in his Wikipedia bio

“A native of Milan, Italy, Rabbi Lazar was born in 1964 to parents who were among the first emissaries of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.”

So Lazar’s family was close to Schneerson, and that led to this…
…From The Internet Archive

So Berel Lazar…

> was personally assigned to Russia by the Russian-born, Messianically-obsessed Rabbi Schneerson,

> came to Russia in the same year, 1990, that Putin returned to Russia and began his lightning-fast ascent to power, and

> was funded by the same Jewish oligarchs that helped Putin rise to the Russian Presidency…

“In 1992 Lazar became acquainted with Israeli diamantaire Lev Leviev, who introduced him to Russian businessmen Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich. The latter became the major benefactor of the synagogue in Maryina Roshcha.” – From Wikipedia


Speaking of Lev Leviev, a notable business deal turned up as I was researching for this entry…
…From Chabad Info. Here is a key point…

The buyer is Jared Kushner (Donald Trump’s son-in-law), and he has transferred a deposit to Africa Israel pending completion of the deal.”

So why is a Kushner-Leviev deal worth noting? Because of Lev Leviev’s ties…
…From Wikipedia. Here are some interesting passages from his bio…

>>> Beginning in the 1990s, Leviev avoided being directly involved with the Yeltsin family, and nurtured ties with Vladimir Putin

He received the blessings for success in business and personal support of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson for his philanthropic activities, which include “an army of some 10,000 Jewish functionaries from Ukraine to Azerbaijan, including 300 rabbis. Most of the 300 rabbis are Chabadniks” – adherents of the Brooklyn-based Chabad Hasidic group…

Leviev is a major supporter of Jewish philanthropic causes and president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS (FJC), an umbrella body representing Jewish communities across the former Soviet Union. <<<

And what is the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS?…

>>> Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS (FJC) is a Jewish organisation dedicated to restoring Jewish life, culture and religion in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the former Soviet Union. The FJC was founded on August 1, 1997.

Current heads of the organization are:

Lev Leviev, President of FJC of the CIS
Rabbi Berel Lazar, chief rabbi of Russia, head of Union of Rabbis of CIS

Its headquarters is in Moscow, Russia, and it has an office in New York City in the United States. <<<

So Lev Leviev runs the FJC along with Putin’s personal Chabad handler, Berel Lazar…

And how did the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS come into being? I wrote about it in Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script


It’s also important to note that when Putin came to power, he brought Chabad-Lubavitch into power with him. Together with the Cabalist oligarchs, they pushed aside the existing Jewish community so Chabad could reign supreme in Russia. Here is an account of how that happened from The Piratization of Russia: Russian Reform Goes Awry, by Marshall L. Goldman…

Fortunately, the curious relationship between Putin and Lazar has not escaped the attention of ordinary Jews…
…From The Times of Israel. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Lazar’s work, his Russia boosterism and his ties to the Kremlin — he is sometimes called “Putin’s rabbi” — has helped Chabad’s Russian branch eclipse all the Jewish groups vying to reshape the country’s community of 250,000 Jews. Now Lazar heads a vast network that comprises dozens of employees and plentiful volunteers working in hundreds of Jewish institutions: schools, synagogues, community centers and kosher shops…

Today, Lazar said, Russia has in Vladimir Putin its “most pro-Jewish leader,” whom he credits with “fighting anti-Semitism more vigorously than any Russian leader before him.”…

Lazar was Chabad’s chief envoy to Russia before staking claim to the title of chief rabbi in 2000. That’s when he quit the Russian Jewish Congress, an umbrella group, after the organization’s founder, Vladimir Gusinsky, and Russia’s other chief rabbi, Adolf Shayevich, criticized Russia’s war in Chechnya and its alleged human rights abuses — including the alleged targeting, by anti-corruption authorities, of political dissidents.

“Challenging the government is not the Jewish way, and [Gusinsky] put the Jewish community in harm’s way,” said Lazar, noting that the chief rabbi should be apolitical, not a government critic. “I wanted to have nothing to do with this.” <<<


With all this set before us, we see why it is interesting that Jared Kushner was forking over cash to Lev Leviev. It helps us begin to see the real connection between Trump and Putin: Donald Trump connects to Chabad operative Jared Kushner, who connects to Chabad operative Lev Leviev, who connects to Vladimir Putin…

So the same Jewish group that brought Putin to power in Russia is now bringing Trump to power in the United States.

While we’re on the subject of Trump’s Jewish connection, it is important to note the profound degree of control his kosher entourage exerts over his political effort. Here is something I wrote about it in a previous entry


More on Trump’s Jewish elite handlers

It will be Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka who gives the last speech before Trump’s own big speech tonight. So in case you are wondering why she was chosen, AP offers an answer…

“And while all of his grown children have had a visible presence on the campaign trail, all seem to agree that none is closer than Ivanka, 34, and husband Jared Kushner, who is now involved with nearly all facets of the campaign.”

Kushner is, of course, an Orthodox Jew from a Money Power family, and here is another passage about his role in the Trump campaign from The New York Times

“A 35-year-old real estate developer, investor and newspaper publisher, Mr. Kushner derives his authority in the campaign not from a traditional resume but from a marital vow. He is Mr. Trump’s son-in-law.

Yet in a gradual but unmistakable fashion, Mr. Kushner has become involved in virtually every facet of the Trump presidential operation, so much so that many inside and out of it increasingly see him as a de facto campaign manager. Mr. Kushner, who is married to Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka, helped recruit a sorely needed director of communications, oversaw the creation of an online fund-raising system and has had a hand in drafting Mr. Trump’s few policy speeches. And now that Mr. Trump has secured the Republican nomination, Mr. Kushner is counseling his father-in-law on the selection of a running mate.”

That very much sounds like what a handler would do, doesn’t it? As does this passage from another New York Times article

“Donald J. Trump has asked his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to begin quietly working to put together a blueprint for a transition team should he win the White House in November.

Mr. Kushner, the husband of Mr. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, will work with Corey Lewandowski, the Trump campaign manager, and Paul Manafort, a senior adviser, to set up a prospective team and determine who its most important members should be.”

But there is more Jewish involvement in Trump’s campaign than just the Kushner couple…
…From the Tablet. Here is a notable section from their coverage…

It should come as no surprise that Trump is in partnership with the Jewish financial elite given his career background. Although naive sleepers seem to think he’s independent of the Money Power “since he has his own money,” they fail to understand how he got it. He didn’t do the real estate megadeals he’s know for by using money from his own bank account; he borrowed the money from the big banks and finance houses. There is simply no way he could be a big mover and shaker in real estate, especially in a Jew-controlled city like New York, without being in the good graces of the Money Power. He’s their boy. But once they get him into office, they’ll flip the script and use him to scare the common Jews to the killing fields of Israel.


Chabad operative Kushner’s control over Trump’s campaign is also noted in his Wikipedia bio

>>> From the outset of the presidential campaign of his father-in-law Donald Trump, Kushner was the architect of Trump’s digital, online and social media campaigns, enlisting talent from Silicon Valley to run a 100 person social-media team dubbed ‘Project Alamo’. Kushner has also helped as a speechwriter and was tasked with working to establish a plan for Trump’s White House transition team should he be elected. He was for a time seen as the de facto campaign manager, succeeding Corey Lewandowski, who was fired in part on Kushner’s recommendation in June 2016. He has been intimately involved with campaign strategy, coordinating Trump’s visit in late August to Mexico. Kushner’s “sprawling digital fundraising database and social media campaign” has been described as “the locus of his father-in-law’s presidential bid”. <<<

Of course, there’s more to see in Trump’s Jewish connections than just Jared Kushner. If you are familiar with the unsavory nature of Jew-controlled Hollywood, Goldman Sachs, and Yale’s Skull and Bones society, you should have a closer look at the Trump campaign’s finance chair, Steven Mnuchin…
…From Bloomberg. Check out the first paragraph…

>>> Until one Tuesday in April, Steven Mnuchin’s life had been ordered meticulously. The son of a Goldman Sachs partner, he was publisher of the Yale Daily News, was tapped into Skull and Bones, made partner at Goldman, ran a hedge fund, and invested in Hollywood blockbusters. One thing followed another. Then, on April 19, the day of the New York primary, Mnuchin’s life veered. <<<

And if we look at Mnuchin’s Wikipedia bio, we also see connections to George Soros and Eddie Lampert (the Skull and Bones member and Chabad operative who has strip-mined Sears and Kmart to oblivion).

All this being said, guess who Trump is floating as the next Treasury Secretary…
…From a Google News search of Trump Treasury Secretary

If you think Donald Trump isn’t a globalist, you are still asleep.

[Addendum – 6 November 2017] – Back on September 8, I finally figured out the roles assigned to Trump and Putin. Here is what I wrote about it at the time…

Chabad-Lubavitch’s two redeemers, Trump and Putin

When the idea that Trump might be converted into an antichrist character came to mind yesterday, I started doing some research and stumbled across this article from the Right Wing Watch propaganda site…

…Here is an excerpt…

>>> Televangelist Jim Bakker hosted several fellow End Times preachers on his television program today to discuss the prophetic implications of the presidential election.

One of Bakker’s guests, Tom Horn, a prolific author of Last Days-themed books, spent an entire segment of the program explaining that “rabbis” have revealed that Trump may be the messiah, or a harbinger to the arrival of the messiah akin to John the Baptist.

“They’re looking at Donald Trump” as the messiah, Horn said of “the rabbis,” saying that Trump’s name “actually means ‘messiah.’”

Among the clues that Trump may be the messiah, he said, is that the president-elect is a kingly and warrior-like leader committed to protecting Israel and, according to Horn, rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem.

Horn said that if Trump is not the messiah, then he is likely “the forerunner” to the messiah who “will start the message in the wilderness and the messiah is going to come in on his heels.”

If Trump turns out to only be a John the Baptist-like figure, Horn explained, then his inauguration will signal the beginning of the “countdown to the appearance of the messiah.” <<<

The “End Times pastor” to whom the article refers, Tom Horn, is the premier prophecy mouthpiece for the Freemasons and Jesuits. He is their standard bearer in the not-so-great work of laying down the preparatory propaganda for the globalist prophecy fulfillment effort, so the scenarios of which he speaks must be taken seriously. Here is the video of Horn speaking about Trump…

…from YouTube

Seeing him speak of Trump in this manner brought to mind the “End Times” script of the Chabad-Lubavitch “Jewish” (Kabbalist) Cult, in which the “Moshiach ben Yossef” is the forerunner of the “Moshiach ben David.” Here are some key parts of it straight from their website (as you read it, think “Trump” whenever you see “Mashiach ben Yossef” and “Putin” whenever you see “Mashiach ben David”…

>>> Jewish tradition speaks of two redeemers, each one called Mashiach. Both are involved in ushering in the Messianic era. They are Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Yossef.

The term Mashiach unqualified always refers to Mashiach ben David (Mashiach the descendant of David) of the tribe of Judah. He is the actual (final) redeemer who shall rule in the Messianic age. All that was said in our text relates to him.

Mashiach ben Yossef (Mashiach the descendant of Joseph) of the tribe of Ephraim (son of Joseph), is also referred to as Mashiach ben Ephrayim, Mashiach the descendant of Ephraim. He will come first, before the final redeemer, and later will serve as his viceroy.

The essential task of Mashiach ben Yossef is to act as precursor to Mashiach ben David: he will prepare the world for the coming of the final redeemer. Different sources attribute to him different functions, some even charging him with tasks traditionally associated with Mashiach ben David (such as the ingathering of the exiles, the rebuilding of the Bet Hamikdash, and so forth).

The principal and final function ascribed to Mashiach ben Yossef is of political and military nature. He shall wage war against the forces of evil that oppress Israel…

The immediate results of this war will be disastrous: Mashiach ben Yossef will be killed. This is described in the prophecy of Zechariah, who says of this tragedy that “they shall mourn him as one mourns for an only child.” (Zechariah 12:10). His death will be followed by a period of great calamities. These new tribulations shall be the final test for Israel, and shortly thereafter Mashiach ben David shall come, avenge his death, resurrect him, and inaugurate the Messianic era of everlasting peace and bliss. – from <<<

Do you see how well the description of Moshiach be Yossef matches what Horn described about Trump?…

Getting back to the American Moshiach, Donald Trump, his primary role is to prepare the way for the Russian Moshiach, Vladimir Putin. So how has Trump done that for Putin? For starters, the “Jewish Christian” Trump beat the “Satanist” Clinton in the presidential election, thus “breaking the hold of the Crypto-Satanists on the highest office in America.” And as Commander-in-Chief, “Trump was able to block the military-industrial complex’s effort to start a war with Russia over Ukraine and Syria.”

According to the dictates of the script, Trump has given ground to the “deep state” on issue after issue – even verbally criticizing Russia at times – but he has also “forced the military to respect the Syria truce he made with Putin” and “cut off US support of regime change forces in Syria.” This has allowed Putin and Assad to advance to near-victory in the “end times battle for Syria.” In fact, just yesterday the US military stopped harassing an ISIS convoy that was retreating under a truce with Assad. And why did they stop? Because Russia simply requested it. Would the Pentagon have accepted Russia’s request if Hillary Clinton were in office?

As for how the two Moshiachs fit in with the overall prophecy fulfillment program, let’s recall the 3 major Judeo-Christian “End Times” characters and actors of the 2016 script

1) THE DECOY ANTICHRIST (who plays “the Satanist bad guy” so the 2nd character can pretend to be “the Christian good guy”), played by Barack Obama.

2) THE FAKE CHRIST / REAL ANTICHRIST (who defeats the Decoy Antichrist, thus appearing to be the Real Jesus, but he actually turns out to be the Real Antichrist who was trying to take Jesus’ place), played by Vladimir Putin

3) THE REAL (KABBALAH) CHRIST (who defeats the “Real Antichrist,” thus appearing to be the true child of God who has returned to save us from Satan and “benevolently” rule over the Earth), to be played by a genetically engineered, cloned human(oid). Since the globalists intend to use this person as a figurehead ruler for 1,000 years, they will need a steady supply of clones to make him / her / it appear supernaturally immune from aging and death.

In the 2017 version of the script, we still have the three basic character types, but the cast has expanded from 3 people to 6 people…

1) THE DECOY ANTICHRISTS, played by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Mike Pence (if/when he becomes President)

2) THE FAKE CHRISTS / REAL ANTICHRISTS, played by Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

3) THE REAL (KABBALAH) CHRIST, played by the GMO clone(s).

To accommodate potential changes like this expansion of the cast, the globalists left room in their script for multiple antichrists to precede the arrival of the Final Antichrist (Putin). Have a look at what Alex Jones says in a propaganda video I covered in a previous entry



The video begins with Alex speaking of the online buzz that surrounded the Devil character on the History Channel’s TV miniseries The Bible. He then goes on to explain Obama’s status as a globalist figurehead and qualifications as an Antichrist. This is from the 5:22 mark

“My point is… is that Obama… Obama is the closest to the Devil of any President we’ve ever had. If you look at the characteristics of the Devil… if you look at the characteristics of the Biblical Devil, or the devil in even other cultures — Hindu, you name it – it is very, very similar and very, very close to what Obama is doing.”

At the 6:30 mark, Alex goes on to read a couple of Bible verses starting with John 2:18, which speaks of “many antichrists.” He then comes to the point at the 8:45 mark: “So yes, Barack Obama is AN Antichrist.”

Once he hits the 11:28 mark, he begins to mix in some Step 3 propaganda by launching into a full-on Christian sermon. After working himself into a frenzy, he says this at the 14:04 mark

“Yes, Obama is the Antichrist – he is A Antichrist. He is the spirit of the world. He is the spirit of Beelzebub, Baphomet, Leviathan, the Devil! He is the Devil! Barack Obama IS the Devil!”

And at the 15:18 mark, he hints at the “Great Evil” that is to come…

“Obama is a Antichrist. Obama is as wicked as the day is long, but he is only a pathetic puppet. He is only a pathetic agent of the Great Evil that is to manifest on this planet. He is only a precursor. He is only in the Satanic evolution… part of the system building towards what is to come.”


In that last quote, Alex is hinting at the arrival of the Final Antichrist (Putin) and his reign over the Earth as the true leader of the “reformed” United Nations / New World Order.

Of course, the Jews and the Christians aren’t the only ones who will soon be seeing devils and messiahs. There are characters and actors for the Muslims too…

1) THE DAJJAL (the Muslim version of an antichrist figure), played by Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey

2) THE PRECURSOR OF THE MAHDI (the one who will help the Mahdi defeat the Dajjal and then trumpet the Mahdi before the Muslim world), played by Ali Khamenei of Iran

3) THE MAHDI (the Muslim version of a messiah figure), played by Qasem Soleimani of Iran.

The Mahdi is already partnered with the Real Antichrist Putin in Syria, and he will unite the Muslim world to help Putin fight the Kabbalah Christ when he shows up (just like Putin helped him). All who join with Putin and Assad in this Final War will be slaughtered, and Islam will cease to exist (if the globalists get their way).

Getting back to Tom Horn and the other Phase 3 prophecy propagandists who work in conjunction with him (Jim Bakker, Steve Quayle, Alex Jones, etc.), their job is to blow the whistle (at the scripted time) on the Antichrist and his Great Deception (his using of others to play the Antichrist so he could pretend to be the Christ). They will also build everyone’s expectation and acceptance of the Real (Kabbalah) Christ in advance of “his” arrival.

Even though they already know Putin is scripted to play the Real Antichrist, they are keeping it secret until the Jews point to him as the Moshiach. That’s the point in the script when they’ll start bashing Putin and selling the Kabbalah Christ who is coming to defeat him. As for the Muslim Mahdi, Bashar Assad, they will refer to him as “the Islamic Antichrist.”

Meanwhile, in Israel…

As of two days ago, the Israeli Defense Forces were preparing for the First Battle of Armageddon…


This globalist-orchestrated First (fake) Battle of Armageddon is not to be confused with the globalist-orchestrated Second (fake) Battle of Armageddon in 3.5 or 7 years, which will be MUCH bloodier.

Once we’re past the climax of this current Big Crisis, the limited-hangout Truth Tsunami will expose the “Zionist Jews’” role in all sorts of evils all over the world. This will inevitably lead to extreme global “Anti-Semitism,” and the Jewish Messiah will gather the ordinary Jews in Israel for their “safety and security” until “the world’s outrage dissipates.”

Once this “ingathering of the exiles” occurs, the Kabbalists intend to stage the Second Battle of Armageddon, during which all their “lesser (non-Kabbalist, non-elite) brethren” will be utterly slaughtered (along with the Muslims). They want the world to believe that “Jewish Power” (which is actually Kabbalist Power) has been broken forever. And now that they have 2.2 billion Christians to hide amongst, they no longer need 14 million Jews as cover.

Make no mistake, the State of Israel is a Kabbalist-built compact atomic oven for all the world’s Jews. STAY THE FU*K AWAY if you want to live.

That concludes my remarks from September.

Netanyahu may be substituted for Trump as the
precursor Jewish messiah (the “Moshiach ben Yosef”)

(8 February 2019) – In November of 2018, I said they might be setting up Netanyahu to be part of the NWO pantheon of heroes. Here is what I wrote about it at the time…

Given Netanyahu’s support of MBS and the particular scripting of the recent Chabad coup, Netanyahu is apparently being added to the pantheon of NWO heroes, and this means I’ll have to start looking for evidence that they might be substituting him for Trump as the “Moshiach ben Yosef,” while switching Trump to the “Cyrus the Great” role…

>>> Cyrus the Great respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered. This became a very successful model for centralized administration and establishing a government working to the advantage and profit of its subjects. In fact, the administration of the empire through satraps and the vital principle of forming a government at Pasargadae were the works of Cyrus. What is sometimes referred to as the Edict of Restoration (actually two edicts) described in the Bible as being made by Cyrus the Great left a lasting legacy on the Jewish religion, where, because of his policies in Babylonia, he is referred to by the Jewish Bible as messiah (lit. “His anointed one”) (Isaiah 45:1), and is the only non-Jew figure in the Bible to be called so. – from Wikipedia <<<

If Netanyahu is to be in the pantheon, that means he is an assassination target too.

Well it looks like it might be Netanyahu, rather than Trump, playing the role of Moshiach ben Yosef after all. If this is so, look for Netanyahu to protect Trump from Chabad in the upcoming events (or be “assassinated” with him).

~ MORE – 10 February 2019 ~

If Netanyahu is rolled out as the incarnated Moshiach ben Yosef, the narrative will be that he played along with Chabad in order to rise to power so he could sabotage their agenda at the right time, which is the same narrative they’ll use for Trump (the incarnated “Cyrus the Great”) and Putin (the incarnated “Moshiach ben David”). Remember, this is the globalists’ NWO narrative for the Avatars of the Pantheon (Putin, Trump, Netanyahu, Xi, Soleimani, Modi and perhaps one more) as covered in the Compendium

“When the Dark Forces developed and used the first nuclear weapons in 1945, it became clear that they would use them to slaughter most of humanity and irretrievably subjugate the survivors before the End of the Age. So the Avatars incarnated into human form in order to discreetly intervene. They infiltrated the Dark’s power structure and rose to leadership within the major nuclear nations to prevent a nuclear holocaust.”

And should the globalists opt for the War Path, this is how the NWO narrative will cover it…

“Sensing the imminent defeat of their plans, the Dark Forces struck back by assassinating the Avatars and starting World War 3. And as they pushed the world to the very brink of nuclear destruction, the godhead had to intervene more dramatically by resurrecting the Avatars and sending in cosmic reinforcements before the scheduled End of the Age.”

Once the NWO has been going for a few years and it’s time to flip the script, this will be the globalists’ Millennial Kingdom (post-NWO) narrative…

“The NWO Antichrists (Avatars) were actually working with Chabad, the neocons, the neolibs, the Zionists, the Nazis, and the Satanists all along. They only pretended to defeat those dark groups so they could substitute themselves for Christ on the global throne. It was Satan’s Great Deception.”

Recent Writings on the Prophecy Deception

An Update on the Globalist Saviors / Avatars

(27 April 2019) – Here is an updated list of the Savior/Avatar roles and the men selected to play them…

> The Christian Jesus / Jewish Moshiach ben David (their main messiah): the leading candidate to play this role remains Vladimir Putin.

> The Jewish Moshiach ben Yosef (their precursor messiah): the leading candidate to play this role is now Benjamin Netanyahu, with Donald Trump being another candidate.

> Cyrus the Great (the gentile Jewish messiah): the leading candidate to play this role is Donald Trump. The Cyrus the Great character will not be utilized in the script if Trump is selected to play the Moshiach ben Yosef.

> The Imam Mahdi (the Muslim messiah): the leading candidate to play this role remains Qasem Soleimani, with Recep Tayyip Erdogan playing the supporting role of Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (the Muslim false messiah). Under a variation of the script, the globalists may switch Erdogan to the Mahdi role and Abu Bakr Al-Bahdadi to the Dajjal role.

> Maitreya Buddha (the Buddhist messiah): the leading candidate to play this role remains Xi Jinping.

> Lord Kalki (the Hindu messiah): the leading candidate to play this role remains Narendra Modi.

> There may be a 7th messiah figure who will join this pantheon, possibly from the Roman Catholic Church (Pietro Parolin, perhaps).

Now that you know the Avatar roles and likely actors, here is a list of the evil figures/forces they will defeat in order to pose as saviors in Phase 1 of the globalist prophecy deception

In Phase 2 of the deception, the globalists will flip the script. All the men you see in the Avatar column will be outed as “the real Antichrists.” And all those in the Defeated Evil Foes column will turn out to be decoys. It will be said that the real Antichrists set up the decoys so they could defeat them and pose as saviors. “They wanted to take Christ’s Throne for themselves,” the prophecy propagandists will say. And after the Avatars/Antichrists have ruled the world through the NWO for seven years, the globalists will bring in “the real Jesus Christ” to defeat them. He’ll be just another actor.

If you are a person who believes in the “End Times” prophecies of your religion or spiritual tradition, I can tell you with absolute certainty — and with tons of proof outlined in this blog — that what you will see over the next several years is a very fake, man-made fulfillment of your expectations. You’ll have to wait a little longer for the real deal.

Israel’s Rabbi Kaduri and “Moshiach” Vladimir Putin (a.k.a. “Yeshua”)

(29 April 2019) – Have a look at what the prophecy propagandists are selling these days…

…from Amazon. Here is a snippet from the promotional blurb…

>>> The ordeal reads like a mystery novel. But, this is not fiction.

In early 2005, Israel’s most venerated Orthodox Rabbi, Yitzhak Kaduri, claimed he had met the true, soon-coming Messiah. He also made a public announcement that he had written Messiah’s name in a note. He said he would turn that note over to his ministry officials to be kept secret and locked away until one year after his death. Then, after that time, the note was to be posted on his website at

Just a few months later, Kaduri was dead. Little did the world know what revelation awaited them.

Finally, the note was posted. JESUS is Messiah. That’s when the global spiritual and political firestorm erupted. Several of the key players in this story are immersed in vicious abandon, attempting to bring the stunning revelation to a grinding halt. And they have already proven that they will stop at almost nothing. <<<

If you look into Rabbi Kaduri’s background, you’ll find he was a Kabbalist, so it makes sense that he left a note saying the name of the Moshiach ben David is “Jesus”; the Kabbalists and Chabad-Lubavitch are orchestrating the effort to paint Putin as the messiah of both the Jews and the Christians. But here’s something interesting I ran across this morning…

…from Israel National News

So Kaduri supposedly met the Moshiach on November 4, 2003 either in person or in a “vision” according to conflicting reports. Can you guess who Putin was meeting on that day?…

…from The Moscow Times. Here is an excerpt…

>>>President Putin is a true friend of Israel,” he said at the start of talks. “We highly appreciate Putin’s attitude, and his repeated personal safety guarantees for the state of Israel.”

Sharon said Israel was ready to compromise for the sake of peace.

In addition to Putin, Sharon was to meet Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov and Russian Jewish leaders before returning to Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening. <<<

So there are two ways Kaduri could have met Putin that day: 1) face-to-face (if he was among Sharon’s entourage), or 2) via television (if there was a teleconference between Israel’s Kabbalist rabbis and “Russian Jewish leaders” — Berel Lazar’s Chabadniks — during Sharon’s meeting with them in Moscow).

Of course, there are more insights to glean from these reports, and I’ll cover them later.

Will the globalists substitute Trump for Putin in the main Antichrist role?

(11 June 2019) – While I was preparing dinner tonight, I started to think about what the globalist script would look like if they decided to replace Putin with Trump as the main Antichrist character. In such a rescripting, America would prevail in the coming conflict due to the advanced technology of the U.S. Space Force (America’s rumored “Secret Space Program” that comes out of the shadows to save the day).

Under the flipped script…

  • Trump would be the one who saves Israel and is proclaimed the Jewish Messiah (Moshiach ben David).
  • Trump would be the one who reforms the UN and launches the “sovereignty-respecting, Austrian-economics-based” NWO.
  • The “ETs” supposedly associated with the Secret Space Program would be the ones who come out as “our benevolent space brothers.”
  • Trump would be the one who sits on the throne of the Third Temple and is recognized as the “real Antichrist.”
  • Trump would be the one defeated by the “real Christ.”

I’ll write more about this “Globalist Plan B” soon.

~ MORE – 20 June 2019 ~

In recent entries, I’ve explored the possibility that the globalists will substitute Trump for Putin as the “World Savior Who Turns Out To Be The Antichrist” character in the prophecy fulfillment play. After looking deeper into it, I’ve found narrative support for this substitution, so they can go with either Putin or Trump depending on what they think will work best.

After surveying the propaganda that sets up Trump as an option, I’ve refined my expectations for the sequence of events that will lead to his rise and fall, so I’ll write about that tomorrow. It involves…

  • America’s Secret Space Program (SSP) coming out of the shadows to save us from either World War III or a global economic collapse,
  • a Trump-led reformed, multilateral UN that nations must join to gain access to the beneficial technologies the SSP will release,
  • “disclosure” of “peaceful ETs” that come from “a multilateral interstellar alliance that a united and peaceful Earth can now join,”
  • Trump taking on the mantle of “Christ” (which the religious will reject), and
  • the “Second Coming of the Real Jesus Christ” to take down Trump, his NWO, and “the fake ETs who are actually the lab-created offspring of the fallen angels.”

We’ll also look at how this sequence will differ if Putin is retained for the Antichrist role.

~ MORE – 22 June 2019 ~

If the globalists opt to substitute Trump for Putin as the “World Savior Who Turns Out To Be The Antichrist,” it means that Putin will be scripted as the decoy antichrist Trump defeats in order to pose as Christ (just like Obama posed as the decoy antichrist for Putin in 2016’s aborted attempt at the End Times Drama).

With that in mind, it should be noted that June 26 will mark 7 years since Putin went to Israel and did the ritual where he took on the mantle of Christ. Here’s what’s written about it in Ken’s Collected Writings on the Globalist Prophecy Fulfillment Deception

This is what Putin did while with the Christians…

>>> During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre…

Entering the church, Vladimir Putting kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud.

After that the president was taken to the Kuviklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour.

Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross…

In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born

Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters.

The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born. – From <<<

Take a moment to think about this ritual Putin went through. It started at NIGHT at the places associated with Christ’s death at his First Coming, then that NIGHT ended in the MORNING when Vladimir Putin received the Star of Bethlehem and lighted a candle at Christ’s birthspot. That’s a helluva symbolic ritual, was it not? Putin returned Christ’s light to the world after a long night.

When Putin’s status as both Mashiach and Christ is promoted to the public, the spiritual propagandists will say that he revealed himself to the Israeli rabbis in private during this trip, thereby fulfilling the Zohar prophecy. They’ll also say that he revealed himself to the Orthodox Christians too.

Since the Antichrist is supposed to have a 7-year tenure, the decoy antichrist will too. And that means the Big Drama we’re expecting could be Trump’s defeat of “Putin’s evil plot against America and Israel” next week. Perhaps that’s why they scheduled things for this particular timeframe, including the G20 Summit on the 28th and 29th. It’s been only 7 months since the last G20 Summit, which is supposed to be an annual thing.

~ MORE – 23 June 2019 ~

In The Globalists’ Current NWO Deception Strategy entry on the home page, I cover a propaganda piece from a disinformation agent named Leo Zagami, whose articles and interviews are featured on a number of controlled alt-media sites (including Alex Jones’ Infowars). The analysis I did on the piece was based on the “Putin as Antichrist” script that has been in effect for the past several years. So today, I thought I’d show you an alternative interpretation based on a “Trump as Antichrist” scripting. Here are some key excerpts…

…between Russia and the Vatican there is an old ultra-secret alliance that make deals with extra-dimensional entities…

…a new dangerous supranational non-governmental structure directly controlled by Vladimir Putin and the Vatican who are in favor of a Communist Jesuit New World Order. Illuminati Piergiorgio Bassi, a close friend of John Podesta, who is also involved in the organization with Hillary Clinton is the Italian spokesman of this powerful international organization…

The Pope will receive Russian President Vladimir Putin in an audience in the Vatican on July 4 2019, Independence Day, to send a cryptic message to the United States and Donald J. Trump who refuse to join the demonic New World Order. It will be the third meeting between the two leaders. The Vatican Illuminati elite is working with the extra-dimensional demons of Satan’s Legion summoned by Russia. This will enable them to fully surround us with a reality of lies and illusions and unveil the identity of the Antichrist upon mankind.

If Trump gets the nod to play the World Savior/Antichrist, we can take this narrative at face value. Let me phrase it in more detail:

“There is a worldwide, Satanic ‘Alliance of Evil’ that includes…

  • KGB man Vladimir Putin of Russia,
  • the Jesuit (and communist) Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church,
  • the communist Xi Jinping of China,
  • the communist Kim Jong Un of North Korea,
  • the communist Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela,
  • the communist Miguel Diaz-Canel of Cuba,
  • KGB recruit Ali Khamenei of Iran, and
  • closet communist Hillary Clinton and her closet communist Democratic Party.

Had Hillary Clinton won the American presidency in the 2016 election, Israel would now be utterly surrounded and isolated by this vast Satanic network.



Unable to realize their final victory while America stands, unable to control America by consent, and unable to remove Trump by chicanery, the Alliance of Evil is now left with just one choice: destroy America by force.

So on the Fourth of July this year, the Pope and Putin will meet to send America and Trump a final message.”

Quite a narrative, isn’t it? But if Zagami were the only one promoting it, I wouldn’t take it too seriously. There’s also this, though…

LTC Maginnis — who also portrays America as being surrounded on all sides by a communist onslaught — is an associate of Tom Horn, who is one of the “Sith Lords” of Christian prophecy propaganda. So we’re seeing the same narrative out of known disinformation agents from both the Alex Jones and Tom Horn orbits, and we’re seeing the current mischief window occurring during Putin’s 7-year mark as the “secretly returned Christ.” What’s more, Trump’s two-week delay of the mass arrests would put their start on or about July 7, right after the Pope-Putin meeting.

It’s important to remember that Zagami’s article connects the Pope-Putin meeting to the idea of UFO Disclosure…

…and it portrays the ETs as the “extra-dimensional demons of Satan’s Legion.”

So if Trump saves America from the communist onslaught by bringing the Secret Space Program out of the shadows, he’ll go on to unite the world against the threat posed by Putin’s “ET” pals. This effort to unite the world against “an alien threat” will later be scripted to turn into the Battle of Armageddon, when the forces of Antichrist Trump’s NWO space fleet battle against “the returning real Christ and his angels.”

~ MORE – 25 June 2019 ~

The time may be drawing nigh…

…from Infowars

In my June 20 update, I talked about the narrative support I found for the “Trump as Antichrist” scenario I’ve been outlining. Let me show you some of what I came across, starting with a found copy of a deleted Alex Jones video on YouTube

…Here are some key passages…

The truth is there’s been a [US] Space Force since the 60’s. NASA is just a cutout for the US military operations in space…

…here’s the deal: All this innovation we have came from space program and military programs. And if you’ve got a good president and a good government that deploys it back to the people, we’re already decades ahead of China, Russia, you name it, but not if we hold on to it. So he [Trump] wants it deployed to the people

…absolutely taking our secret space program and boomeranging 50 years ahead of the Chicoms if we do it now…

…he’s [Trump has] been briefed on all this, he’s been brought in, there are people that want a human future…

China is moving into space, others are moving in, let’s just be honest that we have space superiority so they can be crushed, just like Reagan did with Star Wars — so superior — obviously they were offensive weapons — the Russians knew they had to give up…

…it’s about a human future, it’s about a military budget that actually develops the new high-tech systems that are the civilian future…

Here is some similar information from another disinformation figure named Dave Hodges…

On the surface, President Trump is going to bring the secret space program (militarized) out of the shadows of secrecy. He also plans to eliminate its black budget funding and make the program a line item with Presidential and congressional oversight…

It is clear to me that Trump is transferring the control of the secret space program from Deep State to elected government. However, he is doing so under the ruse that the program is one under development instead of the truth that this a direct transfer of oversight. Make no mistake about it, this is a direct stab at the Deep State who has controlled this program for its own purposes and profit. Personally, I am surprised that Trump has gotten this far with this bold move without JFK type of consequences…

There will be those that believe that this program is about defense, not just of America, but of the planet from outside forces. That was not the opinion of my father, he saw the secret space program of being one that pitted America against the Soviets and any and all future players. However, this view does reflect what Jim Marrs, Vance Davis and Bill Pawelec believed. One has to wonder about Trump’s timing. If there are ET’s (eg fallen angels, or otherwise), is this a prelude to disclosure? – from Trump Brings the Secret Space Program Out Into the Open- Is Disclosure Next? on The Common Sense Show website

And here are some other pieces of the puzzle:

Rockefeller UFO disinfo front man Steven Greer talking about the Secret Space Program (a 9m16s YouTube video)

Steven Greer talking about the need to form “multilateral” relationships with different “ET civilizations” (a 3m20s YouTube video)

Trump and the United Nations: Reform or Die? – from The National Interest

So I’ve laid out the pieces of the puzzle for you. Tomorrow — time permitting — I’ll show you how they fit together (from my perspective).

By the way, Congress is on the verge of approving the Space Force. And once it’s legally established, the slot will be open for bringing the Secret Space Program out of the dark.

~ MORE – 26 June 2019 ~

In the past, the thing that kept me from considering Trump as a main Antichrist candidate was this: after all the bad press and ridicule he’s received, how can the rest of the world possibly take him seriously enough to follow him into a New World Order? As it turns out, the Secret Space Program (SSP) and its technologies provide the answer.

Once he unveils the SSP, the conventional militaries of the world, including Russia’s and China’s, will be rendered utterly impotent. Trump will stand astride the world like a colossus, and resistance against him will be futile. And since the unveiling will likely happen amidst a global economic meltdown, access to the SSP technologies will hold the key for moving the nations out of desperate poverty into almost instant abundance.

Faced with the choice of rooting around in the mud like starving monkeys or joining a high-tech global paradise, the nations of the world will sign-on to any national and international reforms Trump requires of them. Their acceptance of his reforms will be further aided by the fact that they’ll be popular, commonsense measures — the very ones the BRICS themselves have been seeking to implement.

As for the world’s acceptance of Trump as a leader, it will be helped by the extensive propaganda of the post-Crisis Truth Tsunami and by the new populist, Trump-friendly leaders who will sweep into power around the globe (like Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen).

So when you look at the narrative setup done by Alex Jones, it shows a path for Trump’s ascension to World Savior / World Leader status. And if you look at the bolded sections of the Dave Hodges narrative setup, you’ll see the enemy against whom Trump will rally the world: the “demonic ETs / fallen angels / Nephilim (the mixed offspring of fallen angels and humans, produced sexually and/or through genetic engineering).” Of course, the narrative will later claim that the SSP developed its technology in alliance with the demonic ETs, so the incoming “ETs” against whom Antichrist Trump will rally us are actually, according to the narrative, Jesus Christ and his angels.

~ MORE – 28 June 2019 ~

Here are some more points to ponder on the “Trump as Antichrist” option:

POINT 1 – In the Dave Hodges and Alex Jones disinfo pieces I showed you in the June 25 update, Hodges expresses his surprise that Trump is still alive despite his effort to unveil the Secret Space Program (SSP)…

…this is a direct stab at the Deep State who has controlled this program for its own purposes and profit. Personally, I am surprised that Trump has gotten this far with this bold move without JFK type of consequences.

But the explanation for Trump’s survival is offered by Jones…

…he’s [Trump has] been briefed on all this, he’s been brought in, there are people that want a human future…

According to the general gist of the controlled alt-media/NWO narrative, there is a division within the “Deep State” between…

  • the “evil” Zionist-Nazi-Neocon-Neolib Deep State (the “Black Hats”) who are doing Satan’s bidding by working towards a dystopian “post-human” future, and
  • the “good” Patriot-Constitutionalist Deep State (the “White Hats”) who abhor the actions of the Black Hats and wish to build a bright future for humanity.

Trump was supposedly recruited by the White Hats to run for the presidency and is under their protection, so that is the scripted reason for his survival till now. By having Trump maneuver in the public sphere while they maneuver in the secret sphere, the White Hats have supposedly turned the tables on the Black Hats and stand ready for the final takedown.

POINT 2 – There are two possible outcome for the Avatars (Putin, Xi, Modi, et al.) under the “Trump as Antichrist” option…

  1. They can be used as “decoy Antichrists” whom Trump defeats in order to pose as the World Savior / Christ.
  2. They can be retained as Avatars under the explanation that “they were just playing along with their respective Deep States until Trump made his move.” In that case, you will see mass arrests in Russia, China, and India that mirror those in the US and Europe. And Putin, Xi, and Modi will keep their leadership posts. Trump will then be considered “the first among equals” instead of Putin.

Basically, whoever controls the UFOs that “save the day” during the Big Crisis will be the main Antichrist: if the Secret Space Program UFOs save the day, Trump will be the leader; if “ET” UFOs save the day, Putin will be the leader.

POINT 3 – As I wrote to a reader yesterday, the globalists have assigned the Kool-Aid Brigade (the New Agers) to be part of the “Satanic Deception.” This is why Rockefeller lackey and Kool-Aid dispenser Steven Greer claims…

  • there are no bad ETs,
  • the Secret Space Program utilizes human-developed technology that originated with the Nazis and was enhanced by reverse engineering of crashed ET craft (so ETs weren’t involved in it), and
  • the SSP have been the ones doing the “alien abductions,” not the ETs.

Once the coming World Savior — be it Trump or Putin — is identified as the Final Antichrist, the Millennial narrative will claim that…

  • the “ETs” are the fallen angels and their demon spawn (the Nephilim),
  • the SSP developed its technology with their help, and
  • both the SSP and the fallen angels were doing the abductions to breed the Nephilim.

Of course, the “ETs” are neither fallen angels nor Nephilim. They’re merely highly brainwashed, tightly controlled, lab-created GMO human hybrids who were bred to play a role in the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment play. You can read about how they came to be in The UFO/ET Con.

POINT 4 – It is notable that Steven Greer uses the NWO programming word “multilateral” in describing the type of relationship we should form with the “ET civilizations.” Under a “Putin as Antichrist” scenario, which will feature the “ET” UFOs arriving to stop nuclear Armageddon, we will have a multilateral NWO and ISO (Interstellar Order). And after the “ETs” have ingratiated themselves with us, we’ll be told about an “evil ET force headed for Earth” that the ISO came to help us fight. This “evil ET force” will actually be Jesus Christ and his angels, according to the script.

The “multilateral” Greer video dates back to 2015 or earlier, when Barack Obama was playing the decoy antichrist role to Putin’s World Savior / “real” Antichrist role.

POINT 5 – The path was prepared for Trump’s reform of the UN into the NWO back when he held a meeting on UN reform at the 72nd UN General Assembly. Here’s how the State Department website phrased Trump’s intentions…

The President underscored the United States’ support for this vision of United Nations reform. As he concluded his remarks, President Trump affirmed, “We pledge to be partners in your work, and I am confident that if we work together and champion truly bold reforms, the United Nations will emerge as a stronger, more effective, more just, and greater force for peace and harmony in the world.”

A “reformed,” stronger UN / NWO with a refashioned Security Council will occur under either Trump or Putin’s leadership. In Trump’s case, the political roadblocks to the NWO will disappear due to the powerlessness of the other nations and their desperate desire to access SSP technology to recover their collapsed economies. Under Putin, the obstacles will disappear due to the urgent desire of the nations to recover their economies (via access to BRICS gold), prevent another close call with nuclear Armageddon, and get humanity’s sh*t together in the face of the “ET” arrival.

Jared Kushner’s Role as the Decoy Antichrist

The following 3 sections were written as part of an entry covering the globalists’ activities in September 2019…


In the religious part of the globalists’ NWO transition script, Trump and Netanyahu are playing the roles of the “precursor” Jewish messiahs, “Cyrus the Great” and “Moshiach ben Yosef.” These precursors are scripted to prepare the way for the main Jewish messiah, “Moshiach ben David” (played by Vladimir Putin), to save the world from war and establish peace under a “new and just world order.”

To help Putin accomplish this, Trump and Netanyahu are playing “bad cops” to Putin’s “good cop.” They will announce a peace plan that is absurdly weighted in Israel’s favor, fully knowing that the Palestinians will never accept it. This will accomplish two things:

  1. It will get the Palestinians fighting mad, and the globalists will use that anger to orchestrate a conflict that will result in the destruction of Al Aqsa Mosque, thus opening the way for the construction of the Third Temple.
  2. It will provide an opening for Putin to ride in on a white horse and save both Israel and the Palestinians from mutual destruction. In doing this, he will present a “balanced” peace plan that will establish a viable Palestinian state, place Jerusalem’s holy sites under the supervision of the reformed United Nations, and split the rest of Jerusalem into a Palestinian capital and an Israeli capital.


The globalist scriptwriters are attempting to portray a conflict between…

the hardcore Zionists & the evil Chabad-Lubavitchers on one side


the “true” precursor messiahs, Trump & Netanyahu, on the other side.

According to the script, the Zionists and Chabadniks are attempting to start a catastrophic Middle East war so they can present a false Moshiach ben David to the world. And in one of the globalists’ most ridiculous casting choices yet, they have identified Jared Kushner as the false messiah Chabad is attempting to install. I mean, just look at the little dork…

…He has the same “commanding presence” as the average Thai ladyboy.

Anyway, the “true” messiahs are supposedly attempting to foil the evil war plans of Chabad/Mossad, the Zionists, and the “Moshiach ben Pantywaist,” which is why the “bad guys” are attempting to either cow or take down Netanyahu.

Given that Chabad/Mossad have been instrumental in putting Putin, Netanyahu, and Trump into power and have been grooming the three to play their messiah roles, you may be wondering why the globalists are trying to portray a conflict. Here’s the reason…

Back before the 2016 presidential election, I wrote about why Trump would win, specifically citing his connection to Chabad-Lubavitch. And after the election, I continued writing on how Chabad connected him and Putin, and I felt like a lone voice in the wilderness. Neither the mainstream media nor the mainstream alt-media would touch the glaringly obvious connections with a ten foot pole (even though the mainstream media were going to extraordinary lengths to establish some kind of connection between Trump and Putin). It appeared that there was a coverage embargo on the subject of which only a few honest independent bloggers were unaware. That dramatically changed in April of 2017 when Politico finally broached the subject and the controlled alt-media sites started a massive campaign against Chabad.

I suspect that the globalists finally ended the coverage embargo because they didn’t want the independent bloggers writing the narrative on the Chabad connections. Had they not intervened, the public would have come to the obvious conclusion: that the Kabbalist oligarchs, criminals, and spooks who run Chabad were grooming Putin and Trump to be fake moshiachs. So they decided to sacrifice their Chabad front in an effort to save their moshiachs using a three-step process facilitated by their controlled alt-media complex…

Step 1) They outed Chabad as the nefarious group that they are.

Step 2) They promoted Jared Kushner as the moshiach that Chabad is trying to install (watch this video in its entirety if you haven’t already done so; it’s a slick disinfo piece that establishes Kushner in his role).

Step 3) They had their alt-media sites give ambiguous, schizophrenic coverage of Trump and Putin’s connections to Chabad, with some articles claiming that “Trump and Putin are puppets of Chabad” and others claiming that “no, they’re real rebels against the system.” This was designed to arrest their readers / listeners / viewers in a state of suspended judgment on the matter.

Using this three-step process, the globalists have set the stage for Trump and Putin to defeat Chabad and Kushner at a critical point in the upcoming Big Crisis. This will make it look they are “the real moshiachs who triumphed over Chabad’s fake moshiach.” At that time, the controlled alt-media’s conflicted portrayal of Trump and Putin (“Are they real heroes or are they deceiving villains?”) will emphatically crystallize into “they’re heroes!” They will then explain-away Trump and Putin’s intimate connections to Chabad as “part of their ‘holy deep cover mission’ to infiltrate the evil power structure and bring it down from within.”


The globalists’ current promotion of Jared Kushner as the fake moshiach that Chabad is trying to install means that Kushner has now taken over the role of the “decoy Antichrist” formerly held by Obama. And just as they did with Obama when they gave him the Nobel Peace Prize, they have positioned Kushner as a “man of peace” by giving him the lead in creating Trump’s Middle East peace plan. It is a widespread expectation among propagandized Christians that “the Antichrist will enter the world stage masquerading as a ‘man of peace’ who temporarily brings an end to war.”

Here is an article heading from one of the globalists’ key prophecy propaganda sites, Tom Horn’s SkyWatch TV, which hints at Kushner being the Antichrist…

…Within prophecy propaganda circles, the Bible verse above Kushner’s head is widely associated with the Antichrist. And note that Kushner’s image is placed between the Palestinian and Israeli flags, showing him in his “peacemaker” role. Also note the book and its reference to the Third Temple, where the Antichrist will one day “stand in the Holy Place.”

That being said, here is the current plan for the prophecy fulfillment show…

The globalists will make it appear that Kushner is the Antichrist playing the peacemaker so he can rebuild the Third Temple and sit upon its throne. But Putin will defeat Kushner, bring “real peace,” and head a “just” New World Order under the “reformed” UN. And at some point, either at the beginning or the midpoint of his 7-year reign, Putin will claim to be Christ and sit on the throne of rebuilt Third Temple. Three and a half years after that, the (globalist-selected) real Christ will come to remove Putin from his chair.

So when I say that Mr. 666 Park Avenue, Kushner, is the “decoy Antichrist,” I mean that he is the evil-looking guy who will pretend to be the Antichrist so the “real Antichrist,” Putin, can take him down and pretend to be Jesus. When Putin does so, almost the entire controlled alt-media will proclaim him as our savior, with one notable exception: the “Christian Watchmen” (Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, et al). Their job is to notice that Putin’s peace deal divides Jerusalem — “something only the Antichrist would do” — so they will be the ones who sound the alarm over “The Great Deception” and identify Putin as the “real Antichrist.”

Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016

Is the leader of the “evil, Western” decoy New World Order the prophesied “Antichrist”?…

I was researching for a new entry on the bizarre pseudospiritual side of the New World Order — their heavy promotion of “ancient astronauts / UFOs / aliens / disclosure,” spiritual “ascension,” and the coming of a world “savior king” (and his “evil” dialectic counterpart) — when I came to a realization: Barack Obama is hitting enough of the general prophecy points that the globalists can spin him as the “Antichrist.”

Before I go into how Obama is being stage-managed to fulfill the End Time prophecies, it is important to note that these prophecies come from men, not “God.” All the books of the Bible were written by men, and those books were then translated and compiled into the various versions of the Bible by men. These men had an agenda. And what was that agenda? To make sheep of humanity so that they (the priests and “scholars”) could rule us as “shepherds” and fleece us. Put simply, these prophecies were written and compiled by the forefathers of our present-day Occulted Powers. And this being so, they are not “divine predictions,” they are scripts.


Getting back to how Obama fits the script, the Antichrist is prophesied as ruling for seven years, and at the middle point of his tenure, the “abomination of desolation” will “stand in the holy place.” Let’s look at how Obama is fulfilling this…

> September 24, 2009 – The Antichrist begins his seven year reign when he symbolically takes the helm of the world government…
…(source: CBS News)

Some might get the timeline wrong by counting Obama’s inauguration as US President as the beginning of his reign, but the Antichrist is a global figure and the United Nations is the global government. In that global government, the Security Council is the most powerful body, so when Obama sat as the President of the Security Council, that’s when he symbolically began his global reign.

For Obama to continue meeting the Antichrist timeline, the “abomination of desolation” would need to “stand in the holy place” 3 years and 6 months into his reign. So let’s count forward six months from September 2009: 1) October 2009, 2) November 2009, 3) December 2009, 4) January 2010, 5) February 2010, 6) March 2010. Now if we add 3 years to March 2010, we get March 2013. And can you guess where Obama went in March 2013?

> March 22, 2013: After traveling to Israel, the Antichrist stands in the “holy” place…
…(Source: The Palestine Chronicle). This is Obama standing in the Church of the Nativity, which was built on the spot Jesus was supposedly born. What could be more symbolic of the “abomination of desolation” standing in the “holy place” than the Antichrist standing where Christ was born? And was it just coincidence that he stood there 3 years and 6 months after he chaired the UN Security Council?

Some interpret the “abomination of desolation” as being an idol of the “Beast” that will stand in a Jewish temple in Jerusalem. But who needs to stand an idol of the Beast when the real Beast can stand there himself? And isn’t the birthplace of Christ a more symbolically appropriate “holy place” than a Jewish temple? Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:15 were sufficiently vague that it could be spun that way.

If the globalists stick to the timeline, the Antichrist’s reign will end 3 years and 6 months from the time he stood in the holy place. So let’s count forward six months from March 2013: 1) April 2013, 2) May 2013, 3) June 2013, 4) July 2013, 5) August 2013, 6) September 2013. Now if we add 3 years to September 2013, we get September 2016. That being said…

Don’t be surprised if the globalists stage a “divine intervention” and “second coming of Jesus” beginning on or about September 22, 2016 (3.5 years from the date that the Antichrist stood in Christ’s birthplace, symbolically taking his place).

If you see the first shots of World War 3 fired as we approach September of next year, you’ll know it’s on. The phony “divine intervention” would occur in order to “save the world from total destruction.” As Matthew 24:22 puts it…

“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

By helping to raise awareness of this scenario through this entry, I’m hoping that the Occulted Powers will be forced to back off until they can set up another 7 year period, and that would impose a major delay on the full NWO rollout.

Wouldn’t that be sweet…


As we begin to look at more ways Obama fulfills the general prophecy points, it is important to note that there are myriad interpretations of the End Times prophecies floating about, and Christian eschatologists argue endlessly over whose version is the real deal. Given the intentional ambiguity utilized by prophets / fortune tellers / multi-millennial script writers, this is to be expected. Ambiguity leaves plenty of room for differing interpretations, just as it leaves the predictions flexible enough to be stretched to fit whatever actually ends up happening. Given all this ambiguity and confusion, the globalists need only fulfill the broad outlines and popular expectations of the prophecies. They can then spin a custom interpretation that explains away any Biblical discrepancies.

Let’s now look at some more broad outlines and popular expectations that Obama is fulfilling…

Prophecy Point 1 > The Antichrist will make a seven-year covenant with Israel (and “the many”), which he’ll start breaking in the middle.

> July 23, 2008 – The Antichrist makes a covenant with Israel and the many (“leaders on both sides of the Middle East conflict”) “to protect Israel and prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons”…
…(from The New York Times)

To see if he started breaking this covenant in the middle (3 years and 6 months later), let’s count forward six months from July 2008: 1) August 2008, 2) September 2008, 3) October 2008, 4) November 2008, 5) December 2008, 6) January 2009. And if we add 3 years to January 2009, we arrive at January 2012. So did anything related to the covenant happen in January 2012? Have a look at an article from the time

So in January 2012, Obama backed away from Israel and moved towards Iran. But what about the end of the covenant? Wouldn’t you know it, that happened right on schedule…

> July 14, 2015 – The Antichrist makes a deal with Iran over their nuclear program which the Israelis view as a violation of the covenant.

So was it just a coincidence that Obama made a deal with Iran exactly 7 years (from July 2008 to July 2015) after his first visit to Israel? Was it merely another coincidence that he pivoted away from Israel and towards Iran in the middle of the 7 years? The “coincidences” are piling up fast, aren’t they?

Prophecy Point 2 > The Antichrist will present himself as a man of peace, but he’ll bring war…

The globalists wasted no time in establishing Obama as a “man of peace.” They arranged for the Nobel Committee to announce his receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize less than 9 months after he took office (and only 15 days after he chaired the UN Security Council). Since that time, the US has participated in ceaseless war, both overt and covert, in countries throughout the world. And now, globalist propagandists are hyping the threat of West versus East nuclear war brought about by Obama administration policies…
…from RT

With this in mind, let’s look back at what Obama did on the day he chaired the UN Security Council…

“Nine months after his January 2009 inauguration, President Obama made his first visit as president to the United Nations — the first time an American president chaired a meeting of the Security Council — and unanimously passed a resolution reaffirming the world leaders’ goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

He called on the five permanent members of the Security Council — all of them nuclear powers — to reduce nuclear weapons and to prevent weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists.” – (Source: CBS News)

And if we look back at the reason given for his Nobel Peace Prize award, we see this…

“The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation…” – (Source: Wikipedia)

And if we look back to the previous point in this entry, we see that the covenant Obama broke with Israel was to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here? The globalists have not only set up Obama to be “the man of peace who brings war,” but they are also setting him up to be “the man of nuclear peace who brings nuclear war.” And it is at the point we see the ICBMs rise from their silos that the globalists would cue the “divine intervention.” Given the work the Rockefellers, Jesuits, and the Vatican have put into pushing UFOs and aliens into the mainstream consciousness, this intervention would likely take the form of missile-stopping UFOs (black budget aerospace craft posing as alien craft).

Does this sound too far-out to believe? If so, just have a look at this video from the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
…which is a project of Steven Greer, the Rockefellers’ UFO propaganda lackey. To see his connection to the Rockefellers, have a look at what Laurance Rockefeller’s Wikipedia bio says (Laurance was one of the architects of the New World Order implementation plan that was put together back in the 1950’s)…

“In later life, Rockefeller became interested in UFOs. In 1993, along with his niece, Anne Bartley, the stepdaughter of Winthrop Rockefeller and the then-president of the Rockefeller Family Fund, he established the UFO Disclosure Initiative to the Clinton White House… He also supported the work of Dr. Steven M. Greer of the Disclosure Project.”

The globalists even have a former Apollo astronaut doing the rounds as part of the propaganda effort…
This RT article came out just a week ago, and it leaves the hanging implication that “if they did it before, they’ll do it again.”

There is a reason the globalists are introducing the public to the specific idea of aliens’ ability to disable nuclear weapons, and it is to set the stage for the “divine intervention” show they intend to put on for us next September. If we can stop them on this one, it will be a game changer.

Prophecy Point 3 > The Antichrist will be an enemy of God’s people (Israel). (and he’ll bring an “atomic holocaust”)

Much has been made of Obama’s snubs against Netanyahu and animosity towards Israel in the mainstream media…
obamanimus …from Breitbart. (Note how this article came out in October 2012, after Obama began to break the covenant.)

But it is among the globalists’ controlled opposition figures in the Judeo-Christian alt media that the “Obama is evil / Obama is the enemy of Israel” theme is pushed the hardest. Just have a look at this “Torah Code” that was run on Obama…
…from “Signs” like the Torah Code are heavily promoted among many of the “Christian Watchmen,” a group of alternative media personalities who are promoting the Occulted Powers’ End Times programming to the Christian community.

Now have a look at the write-up that accompanied this particular Torah Code…

An “Atomic Holocaust,” eh? Do you see how all these different propaganda sources are pointing in the same direction?

On another interesting note, some of the Christian Watchmen are teaching people to look for a 2nd Second Coming. In this scenario, Obama is the fake Antichrist, the being who shows up with the UFOs will be the real Antichrist, and the true Christ will show up after that. I’ll cover this scenario later in this entry.

Prophecy Point 4 > The Antichrist’s arrival will be heralded by lying signs and wonders…

Something very interesting happened on the eve of Obama’s 2009 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony: a mysterious spiral appeared in the sky over Norway, the nation hosting the event. The Norway Spiral, as it is called, has been variously explained as a tumbling missile, a vortex caused by a scalar energy emitter, and a holographic projection – all of which suggest that it is a “lying” (manmade) sign.  Whatever caused it, though, it was an impressive “sign in the heavens” and “wonder,” and its timing and location associated it with Obama’s debut as “the man of peace.” As such, it can be spun as fulfillment of the “lying signs and wonders” requirement on Obama’s Antichrist resume.

Another interesting thing about the Spiral is what Rockefeller lackey Steven Greer and New Age propagandist David Wilcock said about it
…They claimed it was done to scare Obama into silence on the UFO subject, and this makes Obama look like a sympathetic figure – a real “man of peace.” These two also openly promote the alien visitors (who, if they actually show up, will most likely be black budget GMO humans posing as aliens) as bringers of peace.

This is how Wilcock cast Obama as he made the scene back in 2008…

…and here’s what he says about the “ETs”…
…(source) Note how he uses the magic words, “DIVINE INTERVENTION,” in the title, and how he says the ETs are defeating the “Old World Order.” This would make way for what? The New World Order. And in his writings, Wilcock presents the Western Establishment as the Old World Order and the “Eastern Alliance” (BRICS) as the heroes who will overcome it with ET help.

And this is Greer’s position on our star trekking pals

As was already mentioned, the globalists will promote the being who shows up with the “aliens” as either the real Christ or the real Antichrist (depending on which scenario is actually in play).  Should he/she be cast as the real Antichrist, what would that mean for Greer, Wilcock, and all their New Age playpals? They’d be identified as being on the Antichrist’s side, right? So was the New Age movement set up as a spiritual straw man to be knocked down as the Antichrist’s false religion? It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Prophecy Point 5 > The Antichrist will be a man of lawlessness and sin…
…(source) (Note how this lawlessness is characterized as specifically targeting Christians and Israel supporters, just like an “Antichrist” would.)

If we look at the Antichrist qualification of lawlessness from a regular person’s perspective, Obama certainly fits the bill. The disregard he has shown for the US Constitution through his executive orders and the disdain he shows for our laws on subjects such as immigration have been a very in-your-face display of lawlessness. And from a Biblical perspective, he definitely qualifies as a man of sin. His well-known homosexual tendencies…
…make him an abomination in the eyes of Yahweh, the “Original Queer-Stomper” (who supposedly destroyed an entire city due to his distaste for buggery).

According to 2nd Thessalonians, this man of sin will be “revealed in his time.” Keep this in mind as we explore the next prophecy point…

Prophecy Point 6 > The Antichrist (Satan) will come like lightning from heaven.

This popular prophecy expectation is based on Luke 10:18, and in light of it, take a look at this video
…While there is some dispute over the exact translation of Barack Obama’s name, is it just a coincidence that the globalists put a man in office whose name can be spun as “Lightning From Heaven”? Of all the names that could have been elected President, who would have guessed that we’d end up with that one?

Another interesting thing about this is who produced the video, the PPSIMMONS News & Ministry Network. The founder of PPSIMMONS is Carl Gallups, a pastor involved in End Times programming of the Christian community…

In yet another of the interesting “coincidences” we keep encountering, Pastor Gallups has been closely linked to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation of President Obama, and he has been doing the bulk of the public relations work on behalf of Arpaio and Co. In fact, it was he who hosted the announcement of “universe shattering” information on Obama the investigation has uncovered…
…Take particular note of the date on which this announcement was made: November 22, 2013. Not only is the date a “master number” (thus giving it a Masonic signature), it is also the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination (on November 22, 1963). I’ll get into the remarkable symbolism of this when I cover the next prophecy point. For now, though, just ask yourself this: Was it mere coincidence that Arpaio (through his underling Mike Zullo) and Gallups made this announcement on that particular day, or was there occult numerology and symbolism at play? What does that say about them and their agenda?

Although the announcement stated that Arpaio would “make something happen on this matter very soon,” he has not yet released the information. The excuse he has used — and Gallups has repeatedly publicized — is that new information keeps coming to light and the criminal investigation must be concluded prior to a public announcement. Here is a recent report of theirs from the Birther Report…

I, however, would suggest that Arpaio & Co. haven’t released the information because the globalist script has not yet called for it. When the appointed time comes, the order will be given and out it will come. The globalists have taken great care to establish “Sheriff Joe” as a leading anti-Obama figure and a man who “stands against the federal thugs for the sake of God, country, and the rule of law” (especially immigration law)…

Essentially, he has been positioned as the “Donald Trump of Sheriffs,” and this makes him the perfect front man for the globalist intelligence agencies to use in dumping Obama’s dossier into the public domain. And given his strong connection to Carl Gallups and the PPSIMMONS ministry, I’m sure you can imagine the “revealing the Antichrist in his time” implications that will come with the information release.

This brings us to the next point…

Prophecy Point 7 > The Antichrist will be wounded in the head, but will survive.

This is where the timing of Arpaio and Gallups’ announcement of information that could politically kill President Obama becomes significant. By making it on the 50th anniversary of the day Kennedy was killed by a shot to the head, they symbolically fired a shot to the head of Obama. The bullet has been traveling through the air since then, and it will hit on the day the information is finally released. The prophecy will be symbolically fulfilled when Obama politically survives the revelations, which means they’ll have to do it between now and September of next year. If I were a betting man, I’d wager that the release date will be Monday, June 6, 2016 at 6PM (6/6 at 6).

Does this sound like a roundabout way to fulfill the prophecy? Sure it does, but the people who are staging all this live and die by symbolism, and a symbolic fulfillment can be spun as a fulfillment nonetheless. Why else would they have timed the announcement for that specific day and had a Christian End Times pastor (who has specifically suggested that Obama is the Antichrist) involved? Besides, it is doubtful they’d want to fire an actual bullet at Obama since they need him to be fit enough to push the nuclear button only 13 months from now.


At this point, I think we’ve covered enough of the prophecies to show that Obama’s handlers are putting him in all the right places at all the right times to build him up as a passable Antichrist (either the “real” one or “fake” one). So now let’s move on to see how the Antichrist versus Christ spiritual dialectic fits in with the Western New World Order versus BRICS New World Order geopolitical dialectic.

As I’ve shown in Understanding the NWO Strategy, the globalists have created two New World Orders and pitted them against each other. On one side, there is the Western NWO that has been advertised as scary, evil and totalitarian. And on the other side, there is the BRICS NWO that has been advertised as a place nations can run to escape and rebel against the evil Western NWO. By having the Antichrist head the evil Western NWO and then having Christ come in to lead the BRICS NWO to victory, the globalists are hoping to create a spiritual reason to accept the NWO for the religious people of the world.

Upon looking into Muslim eschatology, I was shocked to learn that they too are expecting a Second Coming of Christ. In the Wikipedia entry on their End Times figure, the Mahdi, we see their popular prophetic expectation…

“There is no explicit reference to the Mahdi in the Qu’ran, but references to him are found in hadith (the reports and traditions of Muhammad’s teachings collected after his death). According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi’s tenure will coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Isa), who is to assist the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal (literally, the “false Messiah” or Antichrist).”

So if the Occulted Powers proceed with their script, the “Mahdi” will show up with “Christ” and his ET pals to jointly defeat the Antichrist. This joint action would effectively unite the two sheep herds (which together comprise roughly half of the world’s population) behind the BRICS New World Order… or so the globalists hope.

As I ponder this scenario, I can already imagine how the “Holy Tag Team” would spin things…

“Satan long ago sowed dissension among the People of the Book in order to divide God’s people. And as the Antichrist’s kingdom [the evil Western NWO] neared completion, his dark servants [the Satanic Western Elite] spread terror under the name of Islam to get Abraham’s descendants to war against each other. What Satan has divided, we, Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi, have come to put back together. God’s people will be one again.”

It is no accident, then, that the putative leader of the BRICS NWO, Vladimir Putin, is being promoted as the Great Champion of Christianity and a friend to the Jews…
…(Source: The Christian Post)

…as well as the defender of Muslim nations such as Iran…
…(Source: The Guardian)

…and Syria…
…(Source: The BBC)

Putin is setting the stage for what is to come, both through his defense of the People of the Book against the Western onslaught and his establishment of the “good” NWO the Holy Tag Team will use to rule the world. But he’s not the only one. The New World Order Pope, Pope Francis, is laying the groundwork as well.

As the globalists attempt to herd humanity away from the “Antichrist’s” NWO and towards “Christ’s” version, the Vatican has already shown the way by completing its own transition. They symbolically pushed out the evil-looking Pope Rat(zinger)…
…who just so happened to be a former member of the Hitler Youth. Given that it is the Nazis (and Zionists) who will be publicly scapegoated for building the Western NWO, it is no mere coincidence that Ratzinger was chosen to play the role of the “Old World Order” Pope of Darkness.

And who took his place? The smiley-faced Bergoglio…
Pope Francis
…who is doing everything in the Catholic Church that “Christ” and the BRICS NWO will do when they take the lead in the UN Complex.

He is turning over the money changers’ tables in the Vatican…
…(Source: FT) Here is a notable excerpt…

“The pontiff’s plan to slim down the bank comes after a series of revelations about mismanagement which insiders suggest may have been partly responsible – together with the mounting clerical sex abuse scandal – for the unprecedented decision of Pope Benedict to step down in February last year.”

So the Pope of Light is cleaning up the mess left behind by the Pope of Darkness. And keeping with the theme of uniting the People of the Book, he is reaching out to Muslims and Jews…
…(Sources: top – Yahoo/AP, bottom – MWEB/Reuters)

And he’s also reaching across the divides within his own religion. He has approached the Orthodox Church
…and got to first base with them. (How appropriate is the crosier with two snakes coiled up together?)

He’s also involving the Protestant Evangelicals in his visit to the US this year

As we can see, Pope Francis is paving the way for the Second Coming on the spiritual side while Putin is paving the way on the geopolitical side. Now all they need is the capstone to float down and sit atop the NWO pyramid they have built…


Now that we have covered the 2-Step Second Coming deception…

Step 1) Set up Obama as the “real Antichrist” and have him lead the decoy (Western) New World Order.

Step 2) Stage a fake alien “divine intervention” to bring in the “real Christ” and the real (BRICS) New World Order.

…it is time to explore the 3-Step Second Coming deception being sold to the public by the Christian Watchmen (the CWs).

Having kept an eye on the CWs for some years now, I can tell you how they would view the 2-Step deception we just explored…

“Satan knows that God’s people are expecting the Antichrist to come before Christ does, so he is presenting us with a counterfeit Antichrist in Obama. When the real Antichrist comes and defeats the counterfeit, many will be deceived and believe he is Christ, but the true Christ will then come to destroy the pretender.”

So this is the CW outline of a 3-Step Second Coming…

Step 1) Obama is being set up as the Antichrist, but he is just a decoy.

Step 2) The “real Antichrist” will show up to defeat Obama and pose as Christ.

Step 3) The “true Christ” will come and crush the Antichrist.

At first glance, one is tempted to dismiss the CWs’ scenario as wishful thinking. Unaware that there is no supernatural reality surrounding the Bible, they see the Occulted Powers scheming to fulfill Bible prophecy and think it is some sort of deception. What they don’t realize is that the Bible itself is a deception, and the people behind that deception are conspiring to breathe life into their creation in order to fulfill their plan for the world. That being said, I cannot dismiss their scenario so easily because I see the hands of the Ziojews, the Freemasons and the Jesuits behind them. Their scenario is being promoted for a reason.

To begin wrapping our minds around this, have a look at this illustrative example of CW propaganda
…The video offers a nice, concise version of what the CWs are “warning” about, and it’s also interesting in that it features two notable spiritual propagandists: Sid Roth and Tom Horn.

The second I saw and heard Sid Roth, my Jewdar was triggered, so I tracked down his bio
…And wouldn’t you know it, he is not only a Jew, he is also one of those Israeli-American dual citizens who are creating so much mischief here in the US.

Roth’s TV program, “It’s Supernatural,” is regularly featured on mainstream Christian TV stations, including those of the Daystar TV Network. I know this because after my grandmother moved in, I started streaming Daystar for her (she is an old-school Christian who regularly attended church before she became enfeebled). And as I’ve walked past the screen for the past number of weeks, I’ve been shocked by the number of rabbis featured on the channel. Not only does Daystar feature a number of programs run by Jews (like this tap-dancing clown, Kirt Schneider)…
…but they also have frequent Jewish guests on their non-Jew programs. The lot of them constantly talk about Israel, Iran and End Times topics such as the Blood Moons and the Schmita. It would appear that the Jewish takeover of Christian media – which I first encountered when I wrote this entry: Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders – is complete.

The other notable person featured on the propaganda video, Tom Horn, is an author and former pastor. Horn presents himself as a “scholar,” and he produces a variety of for-sale media products based on his findings…

In doing this, he is playing the same role in the Christian community that Jordan Maxwell plays in the New Age community. Just like Maxwell establishes his credibility by bragging about his high-level insider contacts…
…and the “secret information” they’ve shared with him. Tom Horn brags about the access and information granted him by high-level contacts in the Vatican, the Jesuits, and the Freemasons.

Here he is talking about the special access he was given by the Scottish Rite Freemasons in Washington, DC…
…In fact, you might wish to listen to the entire speech. It is an interesting and enlightening display of the CW propaganda line (note the reference to the “new breed of men sent down from heaven,” which would actually be black budget GMO humans coming down in black budget aerospace craft).

Pondering Maxwell, Horn, and all their special access and “insider information,” ask yourself a simple question…

Why would the occult conspirators provide so much access and information to prominent opponents who could frustrate their plans?

While the Occulted Powers do tend to publicize their plans in indirect and subtle ways, giving direct, unambiguous, damning information to their leading “enemies” would be self-defeating — unless those enemies were controlled opposition performing a role in the larger deception.

So if Tom Horn is a controlled opposition figure, what is his agenda? It is the same agenda shared by all the Christian Watchmen: to convince people to accept the being who shows up in the third step – to have them see that being as the “true Christ,” the “King of Kings,” and the rightful ruler of the Earth.

Have a look at what this Christian website says about the time after the “true Christ” arrives…

>>> Question: “What is the purpose of the thousand-year reign of Christ?”

Answer: The Millennium (also known as the Millennial Kingdom) is the 1,000-year reign of Jesus after the Tribulation and before all the people of the world are sent to either heaven or hell. Jesus will reign as king over Israel as well as all the nations of the world (Isaiah 2:4; 42:1). The world will live in peace (Isaiah 11:6–9; 32:18), Satan will be bound (Revelation 20:1–3), and, at the beginning, everyone will worship God (Isaiah 2:2–3). The purpose of the 1,000-year reign is to fulfill promises God made to the world that cannot be fulfilled while Satan is free and humans have political authority. Some of these promises, called covenants, were given specifically to Israel. Others were given to Jesus, the nations of the world, and creation. All of these will be fulfilled during Jesus’ 1,000-year reign. <<<

So as you can see, the purpose of the Christian Watchmen and the massive Judeo-Christian End Times propaganda effort is to sell you a One World King who would rule a theocratic Thousand-Year Reich in which humans would have no political say whatsoever. Of course, this World King would be just a figurehead, since the Occulted Powers who orchestrated the whole End Times show would be the ones pulling his/her/its strings. This being so, a more appropriate name for the “Millennial Kingdom” would be the “Sosda Kingdom” (“Sosda” = “Same old sh*t, different as*hole”).

All this being said, let me offer this little bit of advice…

Whether the Occulted Powers present you with one Messiah, two Messiahs, or a dozen, it is by their fruits you should judge them. If they command worship and would rule you in a hierarchical kingdom, they are power-hungry beasts flying a false banner of God, nothing more.

Now that we have immersed ourselves in the mindsets of both the 2-step and 3-step deceptions, I am reminded of something I wrote (or thought about writing) a long time ago: that the ultimate aim of the Illuminati is to establish the 1,000 year Kingdom of Christ. In the time since then, I became so focused on pointing out the New World Order deception that I lost track of the bigger picture a bit. Writing this entry has helped me re-broaden my view and clarify my thinking, and I suspect that the 3-step deception is the one that is in play. We’ll know whether this is true or not if the being who shows up with the UFOs immediately starts to build a new temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This step would be necessary for a “real Antichrist” figure to better fulfill the prophecies than Obama does.


Having explored the whys of conducting these deceptions, let’s now turn our attention to the hows. How can they make this appear in the sky…

…followed, seven years later, by this…

Let’s begin answering this question by remembering Clarke’s Third Law…

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

…and by asking ourselves a couple of other questions…

How much technological advancement could you achieve with trillions of dollars in resources, decades of time, the best minds money can buy (and agents can abduct), and the complete removal of all social and ethical restraints?

If we could see the capabilities of today’s “deep black” aerospace, holographic, biogenetic, and electromagnetic frequency technologies, would they be indistinguishable from magic (or “alien technology” or “supernatural phenomena”)?

If the suggestion that trillions of dollars has been funneled into developing black technologies seems like an overstatement to you, just take a moment to consider the vast wealth the Occulted Powers extract from us through both public and private scams…

> Public Scams: First, they have the difference between the taxes and fees collected by federal, state and local governments and the amount they publicly state was collected (all globalist organizations keep two sets of books: one fictional set for public consumption and one factual set for their purposes). Beyond that, they have the on-the-books black budgets of the world’s militaries (in the US alone, this is estimated at over $50 billion per year). They also have the monies that disappear from the overall defense budgets of the world (in the US alone, roughly 25% of the total military budget simply goes missing each year – with a total of $2.3 trillion missing as of 2001 – there are your trillions right there). On top of that, there are the research budgets of the worldwide network of globalist intelligence agencies (such as the CIA and NSA). Then you add in vanishing monies from other areas of federal, state, and local budgets around the world.

> Private Scams: First, they have the research budgets and the unreported profits of the multinational corporations. Then there are the proceeds from their worldwide vice operations: gambling, prostitution/human trafficking, drug production and distribution, etc. They also have the interest payments received on loans and money creation and the money stolen through financial market scams. And then there is the vast amount of purchasing power harvested by intentional inflation of the money supply (this alone accounts for trillions in income each year).

So as you can see, their resources are vast, and they don’t just dig a hole and hoard-away all that money; they put it to good use in advancing their global agenda. Much of it has been used to buy-up the world’s real assets, and much has also been used to develop secret technologies that are indistinguishable from magic.

Given the nearly limitless funds, man-hours, and brainpower the Occulted Powers have at their disposal, is it so hard to believe…

> that they have developed breeds of genetically modified humans that could be passed off as “aliens” or “angels”? (Scientists working in the public domain with vastly less funding have already cloned complex animals such as sheep and have created genetically modified animals such as goats who produce spider silk in their milk. Isn’t it reasonable to assume that smarter scientists in the hyper-funded black labs have gone much, much further?)

> that they have developed aerospace craft so exotic that they could be passed off as alien craft?

> that they have developed holographic and radio frequency technologies capable of producing dazzling visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as both depressive and elevating mood effects?

> that they could put all these components together to produce a helluva Second Coming show for the unsuspecting public?

While we’re on the subject of technologies that can be used to deceive the public, special attention must be paid to electromagnetic frequency technology. Here is something I wrote about it in my old blog…

>>> A few days ago, I stumbled across an article on Zen Gardner’s site that featured an old CNN Special Report on electromagnetic weapons from 1985. The information it offered was quite interesting; not only did it discuss microwave weapons used to disrupt electronics and radio frequency (RF) weapons used to disorient personnel, but it also brought up scalar weapons which can be used to create massive non-nuclear explosions. This particular video cuts out before it gets to the segment that discusses the use of RF technology to influence the human mind, though, so I looked around and found the missing segment here.

According to this mainstream media report and a vast number of alternative media reports, RF technology, which utilizes certain frequencies and signal patterns to establish brainwave entrainment, can create:

1) Visual Hallucinations – You can be made to see things without having the pattern pass through the mechanism of your eyes.

2) Auditory Hallucinations – You can be made to hear things without having the pattern pass through the mechanism of your ears.

3) Mood Changes – The brainwave patterns that represent the moods of depression, helplessness, agitation, foreboding, anguish, fear, and all other emotional states can be remotely induced in your mind.

With this in mind, if you look around, you’ll see that you are surrounded by a ubiquitous array of RF transmitters in the forms of cellphones, cellphone towers, smart meters, Wi-Fi gateways, broadcast towers, satellites, et cetera, and you can be certain that all of these transceivers have been weaponized to induce mental effects. What many fail to consider, though, is this:

The same RF technology they have been using to torment us can, at the flip of a switch, be used to induce the feelings of well-being and peace and joy in us.

This leads one to wonder the following: after steeping the population in increasing levels of discordant RF vibrations for decades, how would it feel if they turned off those signals and turned on signals of euphoria in their place? It would feel like you’d entered a whole other “dimension,” wouldn’t it? <<<

And therein lies the globalists’ secret weapon in the Great Second Coming Deception: their ability to generate a massive collective mood swing from anxiety to euphoria. Once “Jesus” shows up and they signal the emitters to broadcast “good vibrations,” many people will be fooled into thinking that something truly spiritual has occurred. They will say, “Something has really changed. You can feel it in the air.” The Judeo-Christians will believe it’s due to the presence of their god, and the New Agers will think the Ascension has finally occurred. But it will be nothing more than the RF equivalent of a hydrocodone pill.

With the technological toolbox of deception now laid before us, let’s take a moment to mull over how these tools might be used in the 3-step deception scenario…

Step 1) Obama is set up as the decoy Antichrist: This step is already in its advanced stages of implementation, and not much hocus pocus is needed to complete it. We might see one or more additional lying signs and wonders, and we can expect them to amp-up the fear and anxiety transmissions as we approach the climax point next September. The transmissions will max-out when the missiles fly.

Step 2) The “real Antichrist” shows up to defeat Obama and pose as Christ: I would expect to see a vast fleet of “UFOs” appear in the sky once the missile contrails have made their dramatic rise. This fleet would be a combination of holographically-generated, miles-long “motherships” out of which would pour real “scout ships” which are actually black budget aerospace craft piloted by black budget hybrids. As they make a show of destroying the missiles, I’d expect the Controllers to switch their RF mood transmissions from maxed-out negative to neutral. The fear and irritation would suddenly disappear, and people would feel much better (until the second half of the Antichrist’s rule when they turn up the “bad vibrations” again).

Step 3) The “true Christ” shows up to crush the Antichrist: I’d expect an even more grand and vivid sky show put on with holographics and RF-induced visions and voices. While it’s possible this arrival might include UFOs that look different than the Antichrist’s, I think it more likely that no kind of craft will be evident. That way, the arrival would look “truly supernatural.” It is at this point that the RF mood transmissions would be instantaneously switched from maxed-out negative to maxed-out positive,, which would knock people’s socks off.

Since “Christ’s” 1,000-Year Reich will allow humans no political voice, we can expect an “angelic administration” carried out by a different type of black budget hybrid. These hybrids would likely be tall and strikingly attractive, and may be implanted with their own RF transceivers to induce positive feelings in those who meet them. Additionally, they’ll likely have brain implants that are tied-in to the surveillance and intelligence grid, so they will know exactly who you are and what you’ve been up to. This fake “holy presence” and counterfeit “omniscience” will be a convincing combination for the unsuspecting. Not to mention the fact that “the angels are just so damned good lookin’!”

It is important to remember that the Bible does set a precedent for flesh-and-blood angels who walk among men. Just have a look at Genesis 19

1 Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 And he said, “Now behold, my lords, please turn aside into your servant’s house, and spend the night, and wash your feet; then you may rise early and go on your way.” They said however, “No, but we shall spend the night in the square.” 3 Yet he urged them strongly, so they turned aside to him and entered his house; and he prepared a feast for them, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. 4 Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter:”

So these “angels” walked along the ground like everyone else, and they also needed food and rest. This would apply to our smiling hybrid overlords as well.


Now that we’ve explored why and how the prophecies might be artificially fulfilled, let’s turn our attention to the prophecies themselves. We can start by asking ourselves a simple question…

Why has it supposedly taken 2,000 years for Christ’s prophesied return?

The two answers are quite obvious…

1) He couldn’t return sooner because he’s not real. Christ is a mythical spiritual concept that developed in the minds of ancient mystics over a long period of time. He is real only to the degree that people who are infected by his mythology make him real through their thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. This is why the only way of contacting him is by entering an altered state of consciousness in which one can interact with the subconscious golem of him projected by his priests and worshippers. He is nothing but a ghost haunting the conscious and subconscious minds of humanity.

2) It has taken 2,000 years for the Occulted Powers to amass the resources and technology to convincingly fake his return. Since he’s not real, the only way he could “return” was for the people who first conjured him up to put on a Jesus Show using smoke and mirrors. It has taken till now for them to put up the right kind of smoke…
…(the white reflective chemtrail particles in the air that comprise the 3D movie screen)…

…and to develop the right kind of mirrors…

…to project fire trucks and messiahs midair…

Let’s take a moment, though, to imagine that the characters in the Bible story are actually real – that Satan is a real being who made a free-will choice to oppose Yahweh. Given that Biblical prophecy presents a series of choices and events that leads to Yahweh defeating Satan, some rather obvious questions must be asked…

Why in the world would Satan do what the Bible says he’ll do if it will lead to his defeat? Wouldn’t he avoid every single move the Bible lays out for him? If the prophecy says he’ll betray a 7-year covenant with Israel in the middle of the seven years, wouldn’t he choose instead to betray it sooner or later, or simply avoid making the covenant altogether? Even if he knew he could never win against Yahweh, he’d still avoid fulfilling the prophecy points just to screw with Yahweh and his peeps.

Asking ourselves these questions reveals the nonsensical nature of the Bible’s prophetic paradigm. If Satan were truly warring with Yahweh, he would never make a free-will choice to do what the Bible says he’ll do. And if Yahweh somehow compelled Satan to follow the script, then Yahweh, not Satan, would be responsible for all the evils that result. After all, Satan couldn’t be held responsible for his actions if Yahweh overpowered his free will and forced him to do it.

This being said, the only way Satan would follow the script is if he were in cahoots with Yahweh, and that is actually the true nature of their relationship. Whether you see the two of them as mythical figures or real beings, Yahweh and Satan are a tag team who work together to wrestle humanity into submission. It is Satan’s job to scare and torture the sheep so they’ll run to Yahweh for protection and relief. And by having Satan do his dirty work for him, Yahweh can keep his hands clean and pretend to be “holy.”

You don’t have to take my word for this, though. It is by their fruits you should judge them. Just sit back and watch all the Christian clergymen build fear in people by pointing out the prophecies, then watch them offer the solution: “Run to Jesus! (and his daddy, Yahweh)” They know how the con works. And now, so do you.

(Mod 1 – 10 October 2015)


Behold the globalists’ Icarian phoenix…
…They strove to rule over man as “God,” but Consciousness had other ideas.

As it turns out, the ultimate aim of the globalists may be to take us beyond a UN-centered New World Order into a global theocratic dominion ruled by a god-king, “Jesus Christ.” Their strategy for maneuvering us into this is a 3-step deception within a deception, and it was designed to be too confusing for the average person to think through. It’s really not so hard to understand, though…

Step 1) The globalists are presenting us with Obama as the “Antichrist,” but it will later turn out that he’s a fake – a decoy.

Step 2) The globalists will present us with a second leader who’ll initially be presented as “Christ,” but it will later turn out that he is the “real Antichrist” (the one who attempts to take the place of Christ).

These first two steps are what Christian prophecy propagandists call the “Great Deception”: a fake Christ/Antichrist battle the real Antichrist stages so people will see him as Christ. And once the battle is over and the Antichrist has ruled for 7 years, we’ll be hit by…

Step 3) The globalists will present us with a third leader as the “real Christ.” He will defeat the “real Antichrist” and then stand as the figurehead through which the Occulted Powers will rule over us as “God.” His 1,000 year “Kingdom of Christ” will be utterly devoid of any democratic structures; it will be a “benevolent” totalitarian dictatorship.

So if you take the “Great Deception” of the first two steps and add the third step, you get what I call the “Greater Deception.”

The Greater Deception is actually a clever strategy: by staging a spiritual deception in steps 1 and 2, they will fulfill the expectations of those Christians who are anticipating trickery by the Antichrist. The globalists hope that people will then lower their guard and accept the third leader as the real deal.


Given that their strategy has 3 steps, it stands to reason that the Occulted Powers would need propagandists to lay the groundwork for each step in the public mind. And as it turns out, they do indeed have 3 identifiable prophecy teams at work…

> The Step 1 Propaganda Team is tasked with convincing people that Obama is the Antichrist, and the most notable member of this team I’ve encountered so far is Carl Gallups and his PPSIMMONS News & Ministry Network…
…(from PPSIMMONS) Note the date of this article’s release: just 13 days before Obama stood in the Church of the Nativity, passably fulfilling the “abomination of desolation standing in the holy place” prophecy.

Carl Gallups was responsible for producing this widely known video
…and he is closely associated with Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Obama-investigating Cold Case Posse…

Arpaio might turn out to be the front man designated to release Obama’s CIA files (thus “exposing the Man of Sin in his time”). But since people are already aware of this potential trick, the files may instead be released by Putin or a Snowden-like “whistleblower” as war tensions mount in the coming months.

> The Step 2 Propaganda Team is tasked with preparing the way for the second leader the globalists will introduce. The most prominent members of this team are, of course, the Vatican, Pope Francis, and the Jesuits, which is why they’ve been so busy promoting UFOs and aliens…

The Vatican is preparing to introduce the Anunnaki to us

Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?

The Vatican intends to proclaim the leader who shows up with the UFOs as the returning Christ. And that leader will later turn out to be the Antichrist.

Also on the Step 2 Propaganda Team are many prominent protestant televangelists who are preparing their flocks to merge with Catholicism, Islam and Judaism. This is the “uniting of the People of the Book” I talked about in “Obama and the 2nd Coming,” and it is being done by such well-known names as…

Rick Warren, shown here calling for unity with Catholics…
…From Aleteia

…and shown here “building a bridge” to Muslims…
…From The Orange County Register

Kenneth Copeland, shown here during his trip to the Vatican…
…From Kenneth Copeland Ministries

…and Larry Huch, shown here talking about Pope Francis
…Note how what he says complements what I wrote in “Obama and the 2nd Coming”…

“As the globalists attempt to herd humanity away from the ‘Antichrist’s’ NWO and towards ‘Christ’s’ version, the Vatican has already shown the way by completing its own transition. They symbolically pushed out the evil-looking Pope Rat(zinger) who just so happened to be a former member of the Hitler Youth. Given that it is the Nazis (and Zionists) who will be publicly scapegoated for building the Western NWO, it is no mere coincidence that Ratzinger was chosen to play the role of the “Old World Order” Pope of Darkness.

And who took his place? The smiley-faced Bergoglio, who is doing everything in the Catholic Church that ‘Christ’ and the BRICS NWO will do when they take the lead in the UN Complex. So the Pope of Light is cleaning up the mess left behind by the Pope of Darkness. And keeping with the theme of uniting the People of the Book, he is reaching out to Muslims and Jews…”

Getting back to Larry Huch, he also relentlessly preaches on the need to “break down the wall” between Christians and Jews: For the Messiah to return — in order for the Messiah to return — the wall between Jew and Christians has to come down. It has to — the one New Man… Here he is speaking on the subject again (as well as revealing that his parents were both Jews)…

Also note the Saturnian ring integrated into his ministry’s logo…
…From Larry Huch Ministries

Although Larry isn’t yet as well known as Rick Warren or Kenneth Copeland, there is a good reason to take note of his complicity with the Step 2 Propaganda Team: he is associated with Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael. Have a look at this video of Rafael speaking at Huch’s church

So Rafael Cruz is hanging out with the Step 2 team and Ted was “anointed” by them, but what is Ted’s stance towards the Vatican? While he occasionally speaks out against the Pope’s policies — such as on climate change — to appease his Tea Party base (even while he is not-so-secretly a creature of the Republican Establishment), how he feels about the Pope is made pretty clear in this article he wrote…
…From The Federalist

It would appear that Ted Cruz is part of the Step 2 team, and this is why the globalists are promoting him for higher office at this particular time. Speaking of that, take note of what Larry Huch said at the 10:24 mark of the Rafael video: “…He’s gonna become Senator, and I believe someday either Supreme Court Justice or Vice President…” When I heard him say that, I immediately wondered why he said “Vice President” instead of “President.” Did the insiders know back then that Ted would be the running mate of the post-Obama President? Did they know that Trump would enter the race?

> The Step 3 Propaganda Team are commonly known as the “Christian Watchmen,” and they are tasked with blowing the whistle on the Great Deception (Steps 1 & 2) and preparing the way for the third leader the globalists will introduce. The most notable members of the Step 3 Propaganda Team are Steve Quayle and Tom Horn.

This is Steve Quayle
…(From Note how the “aliens” are presented as real supernatural entities.

Even though the “ETs” will most likely be black budget GMO humans flying black budget aerospace craft, the Christian Watchmen present them as real “fallen angels.” This is because the Step 2 Antichrist and his fallen angels must be seen as real in order for the Step 3 Christ and his unfallen angels to be seen as real.

And this is Tom Horn (on the far left)…
shown here appearing on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” TV program. I highly recommend taking the time to watch this video; it provides an excellent exposition of the Step 3 propaganda line.

When you google Steve Quayle or Tom Horn, you’ll find many interviews they’ve done together. Here is a five-minute sound clip from one of those interviews (which offers a quick and dirty expose of the Great Deception)…
…Be advised that the creator of this video overlaid his own video content on the audio clip, so the two don’t necessarily go together.


With the 3 propaganda teams set before us, it’s interesting to note how the Christian media networks promote all of them and how they all promote each other. Have a look at who’s been a guest on Tom Horn’s Skywatch TV
…So Tom Horn (a Step 3 propagandist who points to an alien Antichrist) has hosted Carl Gallups (a Step 1 propagandist who points to Obama as the Antichrist).

And Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural Program has hosted both Tom Horn (a Step 3 propagandist who points out the Vatican’s complicity in the Antichrist’s arrival) and Larry Huch (a Step 2 propagandist who is participating in the Vatican’s effort to unite the religions)…
Video link

So just imagine the confusion that must be felt by ordinary Christians when they turn on Daystar TV and hear Larry Huch speaking of positive change in the Vatican during his program, then hear Tom Horn speaking of a Vatican Antichrist conspiracy on Sid Roth’s program. Faced with these conflicting messages, some viewers lapse into confusion and others choose sides, and this is the same dynamic I’ve observed in the New Age community with their band of mutually-promoting hucksters who spread conflicting messages.

One thing all these figures, both Christian and New Age, have in common, though, is their promotion of an imminent “extraterrestrial / extradimensional / supernatural” (E/E/S) intervention in human affairs. And this promotion of “outside” intervention masks the very earthly puppeteers who are producing this End Times show. Under the paradigm they’re presenting, the E/E/S forces are the ones pulling the strings of the earthly “elite,” but it seems more likely that the earthly “elite” are the ones creating the E/E/S forces by manipulating the collective consciousness through mass indoctrination, manipulating the collective subconscious through their “magick” practices, and manufacturing the physical E/E/S forces through their deep black research and development programs.

If people believe what’s coming is being managed by extraterrestrial / extradimensional / supernatural forces that are bigger than humanity, they are more likely to feel powerless against it and go along to get along. But if people realize this is all a big magic show being put on by a few million earthly elitists, they are more likely to realize that the seven billion of us can squash the magicians like a bug (although I’d prefer that we place them in a vented jar where they can do no harm; they too are incarnate Source Consciousness after all).


All this being said, how will the Greater Deception play out? If they’re really crazy enough to try it, this would be my best guest at the moment…

As we go forward into the months leading to next September, we can expect progressively more devilish behavior out of the (decoy) Antichrist Obama and the (decoy) Western New World Order. And at some point in 2016, Obama’s secret dossier will be dumped into the public domain. This info-dump will show Obama’s lifelong history with the CIA and his involvement in occult ceremonies. The Step 1 propagandists will then openly declare him the Antichrist.

Once he is “revealed,” he will be publicly seen as becoming desperate, and this will lead to his pushing of the nuclear button in September. The military will comply with his order since the more rational officers of the nuclear forces have been systematically replaced over the past several years in a series of engineered scandals. When “the birds fly” is the point at which the “UFOs” and the “real” Antichrist will take the stage.

The “real” Antichrist could emerge in one of two ways:

1) He will be an “alien” who arrives with the “UFOs,” or

2) He will be a human who will enter the international limelight at roughly the same time as the “alien” arrival.

Whichever way he makes the scene, both the earthly religious authorities (such as the Vatican) and the “aliens” will proclaim him to be the “recurrence” of Christ, and evidence to this fact will be presented. This “evidence” may include “alien” holographic videos of the “actual life of Christ,” a genealogy that supposedly shows a bloodline connection to the first Jesus and King David (if the Antichrist is human), and a DNA test that shows the person to be an exact recurrence of the DNA pattern found on the Shroud of Turin.

Once the “real” Antichrist takes the lead, the first three and a half years of his rule will be pretty sweet. And once people have signed on to his agenda, things will take an ugly turn for his second three and a half years. At the end of the full 7 years, the “real” Christ will come “with power and great glory” to defeat the Antichrist and begin his thousand years of service as the silk glove that conceals the iron fist of the Occulted Powers.

Interestingly, if the “real” Antichrist shows up and takes charge in September 2016 and reigns for 7 years, then the “real Jesus” will show up in 2023 (2016 + 7 = 2023). Perhaps this is one of the reasons the occultists make such a big deal out of…

(Mod 1.1 – 19 October 2015)


After mulling over a more descriptive name to give the globalists’ 3-step prophecy deception, I finally settled on one that sounds about right: the “Christ Conspiracy.” This is its definition…

Christ Conspiracy – The 3-step globalist deception aimed at taking humanity through two “Antichrists” and one New World Order in order to bring about a global theocratic dictatorship ruled by a figurehead named “Jesus Christ.” The 3-steps of the Christ Conspiracy are: 1) the introduction of a fake Antichrist (Barack Obama), 2) the introduction of a fake Christ / “real” Antichrist on or about September 2016, and 3) the introduction of “the real Christ” on or about September 2023 (all times are according to current globalist plans and are subject to change).

In the course of putting together the puzzle pieces that reveal this conspiracy, I stumbled upon this video article from
…While Step 3 propagandist Steve Quayle has been interviewed by Alex Jones a number of times over the past several years, this particular piece really got my attention because it begins with Alex reading Bible verses. It struck me then that he was an active participant in the Christ Conspiracy, so I looked through his videos and discovered that…

Alex Jones is using his position as the premier faux-truther in the alternative media to go for the trifecta: he is actively promoting all three steps of the globalists’ Christ Conspiracy.

To begin seeing how he does this, let’s have a look at how he lends support to both Step 1 (Obama as Antichrist) and Step 3 (Christ as the ultimate solution) in this video

The video begins with Alex speaking of the online buzz that surrounded the Devil character on the History Channel’s TV miniseries The Bible. He then goes on to explain Obama’s status as a globalist figurehead and qualifications as an Antichrist. This is from the 5:22 mark

“My point is… is that Obama… Obama is the closest to the Devil of any President we’ve ever had. If you look at the characteristics of the Devil… if you look at the characteristics of the Biblical Devil, or the devil in even other cultures — Hindu, you name it – it is very, very similar and very, very close to what Obama is doing.”

At the 6:30 mark, Alex goes on to read a couple of Bible verses starting with John 2:18, which speaks of “many antichrists.” He then comes to the point at the 8:45 mark: “So yes, Barack Obama is AN Antichrist.”

Once he hits the 11:28 mark, he begins to mix in some Step 3 propaganda by launching into a full-on Christian sermon. After working himself into a frenzy, he says this at the 14:04 mark

“Yes, Obama is the Antichrist – he is A Antichrist. He is the spirit of the world. He is the spirit of Beelzebub, Baphomet, Leviathan, the Devil! He is the Devil! Barack Obama IS the Devil!”

And at the 15:18 mark, he hints at the “Great Evil” that is to come…

“Obama is a Antichrist. Obama is as wicked as the day is long, but he is only a pathetic puppet. He is only a pathetic agent of the Great Evil that is to manifest on this planet. He is only a precursor. He is only in the Satanic evolution… part of the system building towards what is to come.”

It’s interesting that Alex speaks of “the Great Evil that is to manifest on this planet” given that he is promoting the people who will bring that evil in
…From the 1:31 mark

“And so Russia is trying to have their own currency. They’re trying to team up with India and China. Russia is trying to defend itself. Russia’s trying to build a culture. Russia’s promoting the family. Russia is going after pedophiles. [At this point, Alex signals deception by covering his mouth and touching his ear] Russia doesn’t put fluoride in their water…”

Alex and his guests are tireless promoters of Putin, Russia and the BRICS, which means they are tireless propagandists for the real New World Order. According to Steps 1 and 2 of the Christ Conspiracy plot, the “Satanic” Obama and his Western NWO will be defeated by the “Christian” Putin and his BRICS NWO (with the help of the second leader who will be making the scene next September).

With all this laid before us, let’s recap the three steps and how Alex Jones is promoting each of them…

Step 1) The globalists are presenting us with Obama as the “Antichrist,” but it will later turn out that he’s a fake – a decoy.

As we’ve seen and heard, Alex has clearly stated that Obama “is an Antichrist” and “is the Devil.” He has also hinted that Obama is just a “precursor,” which suggests Alex is aware that the “real” Antichrist is yet to be presented. By casting Obama as an Antichrist and the Devil, he is performing the role of a Step 1 propagandist.

Step 2) The globalists will present us with a second leader who’ll initially be presented as “Christ,” but it will later turn out that he is the “real Antichrist” (the one who attempts to take the place of Christ). This leader will team up with the BRICS leaders and the Pope to defeat Obama and his “evil Western New World Order.” The result will be the rise of the real New World Order under a reformed, rebranded United Nations Complex.

As we’ve seen and heard, Alex is promoting Putin, Russia and the BRICS as the counterforce to the evil Obama, the US and NATO. In doing this, he is supporting the real NWO the globalists have been setting up all along. By promoting the “real” Antichrist’s NWO, Alex is paving the way for the second leader’s agenda and performing the role of a Step 2 propagandist.

Step 3)  The globalists will present us with a third leader as the “real Christ.” He will defeat the “real Antichrist” and then stand as the figurehead through which the Occulted Powers will rule over us as “God.” His 1,000 year “Kingdom of Christ” will be utterly devoid of any democratic structures; it will be a “benevolent” totalitarian dictatorship.

As we’ve seen and heard, Alex is openly preaching for Jesus on his show, so you’ll see him jumping for joy when the globalists present the third leader. By presenting the coming Jesus figure as our true savior, he is performing the role of a Step 3 propagandist.

Although Alex is helping to indoctrinate the public in all three steps of the Christ Conspiracy, his primary focus is on the third step. And as we discovered in the previous entry from this series…

> The Step 3 Propaganda Team are commonly known as the “Christian Watchmen,” and they are tasked with blowing the whistle on the Great Deception (Steps 1 & 2) and preparing the way for the third leader the globalists will introduce.

We’ve just seen how Alex is preparing the way for the third leader, the supposed “real Jesus Christ,” so let’s have a look at how he’s blowing the whistle on the Great Deception…
…From YouTube

As you can see, Alex is pointing out the fact that the Pope is one of the bad guys and is a “mouthpiece for global government”…
…and that’s true enough. What Alex fails to mention, though, is that the Pope will not be siding with Obama and the West in building the NWO; he will be siding with Putin and the BRICS. In full accordance with the globalist script, the BRICS have long been calling for “governance reforms” within the UN Complex (especially in the UN Security Council and the IMF)…
…from The BRICS Post

And guess who else is calling for global governance reforms…
…From Here are some telling excerpts…

>>> However, like his predecessors, he [the Pope] called for “reform and adaptation” of the current institutions of global governance in order to pursue “the ultimate goal of granting all countries without exception, a share in, and a genuine and equitable influence on, decision-making processes.”…

Building on this tradition, Pope Francis makes three important proposals for the reform and renewal of the UN system. These proposals are at the heart of his address and speak directly to present deliberations on the future of the UN. First, Francis echoes a controversial 2011 “Note on Financial Reform” from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace to call for “greater equity” and power distribution in intergovernmental bodies, some of which reflect more the world of 1945 than 2015. With this call, the pope lends his support to the hotly debated proposals to reform the UN Security Council and international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund. <<<

Now that I’ve integrated the Christ Conspiracy into my tracking of the NWO agenda, I understand why the globalists have been delaying the governance reform part of the agenda for so long: they are keeping it in play as a point of contention between the West and East. Governance reform will come only after we have reached the precipice of nuclear war and the second leader (the “fake Christ / real Antichrist”) steps forward and brings peace.

When that time comes (in September 2016, according to their current schedule), the BRICS and the Pope will join with the second leader and give the UN Complex an image makeover. To see how and why the makeover process will take place, have a look these entries…

The BRICS and the UN governance reform scam

Don’t be fooled by globalist rebranding

After the makeover, the New World Order will be in full effect and the “fake Christ / real Antichrist” will be its de facto or de jure leader. So what is Alex going to say when Putin is publicly seen cozying up with Pope Francis and the second leader? I can tell you exactly how he’ll play it…

“I thought Putin was a good guy fighting against the New World Order, but now that I see him joining together with the New World Order Pope and the New Guy, I see that it was all a deception. Putin was just another pathetic globalist puppet! This IS the New World Order!! The New Guy IS the Antichrist!!!”

Alex will then spend the next seven years fighting the rebranded UN and the Antichrist, thus preparing the way for the globalists’ third leader and the abolishment of the UN, all governments, and all traces of democracy. The globalists’ wet dream would then be reality: they’d rule over us completely and without dissent because we’d all think that “God” is finally in control through his son, “Jesus Christ.”

Transmuting the Roman Christ myth into physical reality is the ultimate expression of globalist alchemy.

A key figure who has emerged as part of Alex Jones’ limited hangout expose of the Vatican is a purported Illuminati whistleblower named Leo Zagami…
…who has a face straight out of Satanic Central Casting. From

Alex and Leo are collaborating so closely, in fact, that Alex is allowing him to post articles on, such as this one from the time of the Pope’s US visit

…and this one from just a few days ago

If you are one who has taken the time to plumb the depths of the New Age Rabbit Hole / Sewer, you’ll be familiar with Zagami. He has long been touted by numerous faux-truther figures like David Wilcock…
….from this 2012 article on

He has also been prominently featured by pabulum purveyor Kerry Cassidy…
…from Here is the bio Camelot provided for him…

“Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico – the Masonic Executive Committee – of Monte Carlo, was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati. He is a 33rd degree Freemason, and a senior member of the infamous P2 Lodge. He was the ‘Prince’: prepared to take over after the older Illuminati ‘King’, Licio Gelli. He was born of a Scottish-Sicilian Illuminati aristocratic bloodline, and so has been involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.

Disgusted with satanic black magic rituals, and with the true intentions of those who regard themselves as the elite controllers of the planet, he has now made the commitment to tell the real story of those who seek to rule us all without our consent.”

It is no coincidence that both the Divine Cosmos and Project Camolot articles on Zagami also mention another supposed Illuminati defector named “Svali.” She too has done the faux-truther interview circuit, as have other self-proclaimed “former Illuminati” like Carolyn Hamlett and John Todd. So let’s have a look at what they are all saying and how it serves the Christ Conspiracy…

1) Leo Zagami – In the most recent Inforwars article posted above, did you notice what was said in the final two sentences?…

>>> It is no wonder that Pope Francis will announce his resignation to the world next year, as he has transformed the Church into a monstrosity that has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Leo Lyon Zagami is an Italian-based geopolitical researcher and the author of nine books, including his latest book Pope Francis: The Last Pope? which reveals the money, Masonry and occultism behind the decline of the Catholic Church. <<<

So both he and Infowars are implying that the Vatican was once something good, but has become evil because it has strayed from “the teachings of Jesus Christ.” This promotes the Christ myth as being real, Jesus as being the solution to evil, and the Catholic Church as being a formerly noble institution, and all that is Step 3 propaganda. In reality, the Roman Catholic Church was the Roman Empire’s attempt to take spiritual control over their subjects, and it has always been a scourge upon humanity.

Also notice how the Infowars/Zagami articles fail to mention his status as a self-proclaimed former Illuminist. This is done to make him seem more legit to Alex’s readers.

2) Svali – Note what Svali says about Jesus in this essay of hers posted on a tribute website,…

>>> There is only one rule, one kingdom that will last forever, and that is the reign of Jesus. His reign has already begun in His church, and this gives me hope and joy, and takes away the fear of what the occult “planners” can do. I’ve placed my bet on the winning side, and moved from darkness to His kingdom. <<<

Translation of this statement and her overall message: “Look how scary the Illuminati and their agenda are. Run to Jesus to escape them like I did.”

3) Carolyn Hamlett – Note what Carolyn says in the bio on her website, Beyond the Physical Realm

>>> I am a former “Illuminist” born and raised in the Luciferian organization responsible for implementing the plan for the NWO which is also Satan’s plan to instal his chosen one in global rule under the pretense of ushering in an era of global peace and spiritual harmony…

My on going testimony is of the power of Jesus Christ to deliver from the powers of darkness and to bring healing and restoration to the wounded and broken. I tell my story to expose the lies and tactics of the enemy and to point people to the One I know is in fact, The Way, The Truth and The Life, the One I owe my life to, my Savior, Jesus Christ. <<<

Translation of this statement and her overall message: “Look how scary the Illuminati and their agenda are. Run to Jesus to escape them like I did.”

4) John Todd – Note what John says in one of his speeches posted on YouTube

>>> My job – when I got saved, I told the Lord that everything that I knew the Devil was doing I was gonna let the world know. <<<

Translation of this statement and his overall message: “Look how scary the Illuminati and their agenda are. Run to Jesus to escape them like I did.”

Do you see how all these “Illuminati defectors” are lending credence to the Biblical paradigm? Do you see how they all promote Jesus as the place to run from “evil”? Now let’s recall what I’ve previously written about the roles of “Satan” and “Yahweh/Jesus”…

“It is Satan’s job to scare and torture the sheep so they’ll run to Yahweh for protection and relief.”

Do you see how what Svali said – “His reign… takes away the fear of what the occult ‘planners’ can do” – precisely supports my view?

Do you see how what Carolyn Hamlett said – “My on going testimony is of the power of Jesus Christ to deliver from the powers of darkness and to bring healing and restoration to the wounded and broken – also supports it?

In introducing its readers to the “Satan” character and the “Yahweh/Jesus” characters, the Bible sets up a good cop / bad cop dialectic. The entire Biblical paradigm is a deft manipulation aimed at instilling fear in you, then showing you the escape route from the fear: their Christ figure. So when you run to Jesus, you are actually running into the spiritual cage of the Occulted Powers.

Observing the Step 3 propaganda coming out of the supposed defectors, it is important to remember what I talked about in my previous blog, which I’ll paraphrase here…

The “Truth Movement” did not occur on its own. It was started by the Occulted Powers in order to prepare the public for the transition into the New World Order and the Kingdom of Christ that lies beyond it. And they have populated the Movement with a whole cast of authors, speakers, gurus, and whistleblowers that together constitute a grand symphony of disinformation. It is the role of this symphony to guide the public into perceiving the problems we collectively face in the way they want us to see them and to have the public clamor for the “solutions” the globalists want to institute.

I talked about how their disinformation network works in my entry on Alfred Webre

>>> If you want to build a false paradigm in people’s minds, here’s how you do it:

1) You have paid disinformation agents pose as whistleblowers and tell the public tall tales.

2) You have other disinformation agents promote the whistleblowers with interviews and conferences.

3) You have yet other disinformation agents put together all of the “whisleblower testimonies” into books and videos that outline and support the false paradigm. <<<

Before I declare this entry complete, there is one more thing that must be covered. Let’s begin by recalling this popular prophetic expectation regarding the Antichrist…

“…the placing of the ‘abomination of desolation’ represents the halfway mark in the Antichrist’s seven-year reign.”

In “Obama and the 2nd Coming,” we saw that Obama’s global reign as the decoy Antichrist symbolically began when he became the first US President to sit as President of the UN Security Council…
…That was on 24 September 2009.

We also saw that he placed himself in Christianity’s “holiest” place (the Church of the Nativity, Christ’s supposed birthplace) 3.5 years later on 22 March 2013…
…thus passably fulfilling the “abomination of desolation standing in the holy place” prophecy (and clearly signaling his Antichrist candidacy to observant prophecy watchers).

With his March 20-22, 2013 visit to Israel and Christ’s birthplace in mind, let’s take a second look at some of the Antichrist propaganda we’ve observed…

> Note the date Carl Gallups released this article and the original version of his famous video…
9 March 2013, just 13 days before Obama fulfilled the abomination prophecy.

> Note the date Alex Jones released his “Obama is an Antichrist” video…
23 March 2013, the day after Obama fulfilled the prophecy.

> Note the date the Satan figure appeared in the History Channel’s The Bible miniseries…
…17 March 2013. So just three days before Obama flew to Israel and walked around the “Holy Land,” the History Channel showed the Devil (who looks just like Obama) walking around the “Holy Land.”

Are all these confluences mere coincidence, or was there a coordinated media effort to convey a message that March?

And with that question posed, this update is complete.

To read all my material on the globalists’ prophetic agenda in its proper order, see Obama and the 2nd Coming.

(P.S. – 13 October 2015)

A reader recommended this book to me…
…and I will indeed be ordering it in the next few days.

Based on the Amazon description, it comports to one of two theories floating about my head on the origin of the Christian religion…

1) That it is the Roman Empire’s adaptation of a cult they found suitable for the control of the masses. One of the things that give me pause about this theory, however, is that followers of the “Dragon Family” tradition are pushing it online. They claim that Jesus was part of their bloodline, but Rome took his teachings and perverted them for their own ends. Since I’ve found the Dragon narrative rather mush-brained, I simply don’t find them credible. Plus, they push the East/West dialectic, which is a clear sign that they’re full of sh*t.

2) That the Roman Empire synthesized the Christ myth out of pre-existing spiritual traditions as this book suggests. This theory continues to gain ground in my thinking. In fact, I’ve identified some of the spiritual traditions (such as scapegoating) in my previous writings. Jesus is the ultimate expression of the scapegoat, and scapegoating has no spiritual validity whatsoever.

Fortunately, it isn’t necessary to rely on complex historical theories to poke gaping holes in the Christ myth, and I will show this in future additions to the Debunking the Christian Myth page. The Christ myth has been profoundly destructive to human progress and happiness, and I will piss on its smoldering ashes before I leave this Earth. So it is.

(P.P.S.) – Another reader writes…

“I read that someone put you onto that book by Acharya S on the Christ Conspiracy… that book is the main source for the first Zeitgeist movie, which was very clearly controlled opposition. It has nothing to do with your theory on staging an antichrist or so.  Foster Gamble et Al. are in fact successors of the Zeitgeist movement. Here is her website, and there are many articles where she defends Zeitgeist.”

Yes, Zeitgeist is very much a controlled opposition operation, as is Foster Gamble’s Thrive movement. I’ll check into Acharya S’s statements on Zeitgeist. If it is as you say, thanks for saving me some money.

(P.S. – 19 October 2015)

A reader put me on to this documentary about Rome’s creation of the Christ myth

I’ve not yet had time to sit down and view the whole thing, so I can’t vouch for the information quite yet, nor have I yet discerned the producers’ motivations for making it. Upon scanning through it, though, I think I saw Acharya S, so the video may provide a way to taste her milk before buying the cow, so to speak.

As I mentioned before, I will not be relying heavily on historical records in my approach to debunking the myth. History is a very murky thing and can be quibbled over endlessly, and an academic argument will not appeal to the masses. A much simpler approach is needed, and it has already outlined itself in my head.

(Mod 1.2 – 19 December 2015)


If the Western Roman Catholic Church goes down…
…what Roman church will remain?

Up until recently, I expected Pope Francis to welcome-in the coming “fake Christ / real Antichrist” figure [whom I’ll call “Facra” (fake Christ / real Antichrist)]. But as I observe the preparatory propaganda coming out of Infowars, I’m beginning to think the Pope will be swept aside by Facra. Perhaps I should start from the beginning…

In the originating entry of this series, the globalist-engineered 3-Step Second Coming scenario was laid out:

Step 1) the “fake Antichrist” (Obama) is publicly revealed in 2016 before being taken down in September;

Step 2) the “fake Christ / real Antichrist, “ Facra, makes the scene next year and defeats Obama;

Step 3) the “real Christ” makes the scene in 2023 and defeats Facra, thus bringing in a post-NWO theocratic dictatorship.

Also mentioned earlier in this series was a supposed “Illuminati defector” named Carolyn Hamlett. And wouldn’t you know it, Carolyn has recently come out and talked about the 3-Step Second Coming scenario…

On a hunch, I decided to do a search on “Alex Jones Carolyn Hamlett” and found that the two have had a connection. In fact, Alex featured an article by Carolyn on…

And lately, Alex has featured another supposed “Illuminati defector” named Leo Zagami in his videos and on Infowars…

And this brings us to the Pope. Here are a few points worth noting…

Point 1) Zagami is claiming that Bergoglio will resign the papacy in July of 2016…

>>> Two separate reliable sources within the Vatican stated that Pope Francis will resign next year.

This will occur during his pastoral visit to his nation of Argentina, and the two neighboring countries of Chile and Uruguay, in the period of time that coincides with the bicentennial of the 1816 Argentine Declaration of Independence. <<<

Such a resignation would provide a nice buildup to a September “Christ vs. Antichrist” showdown, wouldn’t it?

Point 2) He also mentions conflict between Pope Francis (who can be characterized as a “leftist”) and conservative bishops (“right-wingers”)…

>>> In fact, the last few days of the Synod, Pope Francis was questioned by influential conservative Bishops for his recent visit to the US. In their eyes it was a complete failure that alienated traditional Catholics in favor of a highly questionable liberal communistic approach that of course was crafted to comply with the New Word Order agenda. <<<

This mirrors the same setup that’s taking place in the political realm. “Liberal” politicians in Europe and the US are carrying out outrageous policies (such as on immigration/refugees) to set up a “conservative” backlash that will propel the “right-wing” into power (and Austrian Economics into the economic system).

Point 3) Zagami ties the Ziojews into the “corruption” of the Catholic Church…

>>> Two conferences were arranged in Rome for this purpose by various Jesuits, one took place Friday, October 2nd, at the Angelicum, the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, the other on October 3rd, at the Centro Pellegrini “Santa Teresa Couderc,” in Via Vincenzo Ambrosio with the title, “Ways of Love.” It became not only the foundation meeting for the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics, but also the place chosen for the “Coming out” stunt of Father Charamsa, arranged by the famous homosexual spin doctor, Emilio Sturla Turno, who is said to be sentimentally involved with a Israeli intelligence asset, demonstrating the many hidden interests involved in this operation. <<<

This ties into the whole “synagogue of Satan” (SOS) theme they’ve been spinning. They claim that the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by the SOS, and this is why traditional Christianity has been upended.

Point 4) In other writings, Zagami also talks about Pope Francis being “the Last Pope”…

So his writings complement those of other “Final Pope” propagandists like Tom Horn.

Viewing these points, here are some questions I’m pondering…

> Will the East/West New World Order dialectic be accompanied by an East/West Roman Empire church dialectic?

> Will mortally-damning information about the Catholic Church be released during next year’s limited hangout truth tsunami?

> If Pope Francis brings the Catholic Church “to its end,” what Roman Empire church will be left standing? The Eastern Orthodox Church (Putin’s Church), right?

> So will Facra be a “conservative Christian” who comes out of the Eastern Orthodox realm to sweep aside the apostate Pope?

> Will Facra then be affirmed as a “recurrence of the Christ” by the fake ETs who show up?

The good news is we won’t have to wait long to find out the answers. Facra should make his presence known by July of next year.

(Mod 1.3 – 9 January 2016)


Good news for the Jews: The Israelis already love their Messiah…
…From Sputnik

Also, have a second look at Globalist Prophecy Watch Update 2, then have a look at this…

“At no time in history has the persecution of Christians been as intense and widespread as it is now.

Christians in the Middle East are in dire need of a champion, which, in today’s world can only be a great power, and it is Russia that has taken on that responsibility…

Vladimir Putin knows that modernity’s separation of politics from religion inspires many across the globe to return to their religious roots. In February 2012, he made a solemn vow to the Russian Orthodox Church to protect persecuted Christians all over the world

Notwithstanding the electrifying presence of Pope Francis, in future we could see the Eastern Church replace Rome as the center of Christianity.”

So this Russia Insider article effectively presents Putin as a SAVIOR to “Christians all over the world.” Interesting, no?

There are some articles that I write, and there are others that I give birth to, and this one has been one of the latter. I was “in labor” between December 23 and January 8 to squeeze this puppy out, and amidst the labor pains I had a realization….

The more I look upon the forcible Jewish takeover of the Russian Orthodox Church (through the Communist Revolution), and the guileful Jewish takeover of the Roman Catholic Church (through the Jesuits), the more our current world situation looks like the Jews’ settling of old scores with the Roman Empire. Rome survived its political fall in the form of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and now the Jews have taken over both. They have exacted their revenge for Masada and the Inquisition, and they are currently setting about the task of taking a spoil of all of Rome’s sheep (the Christians) by delivering them two messiahs.

The Jews also have a score to settle with the Muslims, and it supposedly goes back to the days of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael. Just like they are doing with Rome’s sheep, they will soon take a spoil of all of Ishmael’s children by delivering them an Imam Mahdi who will join hands with the first Jewish/Christian Messiah (probably Putin) to unite all the People of the Book under occulted Jewish control.

Beyond the scores they wish to settle, the Jews also have a long-term goal they wish to accomplish: to take over the world for themselves and their god concept. To achieve this goal, they have instigated wars and played money and debt scams in order to bring the world’s royals under their influence and into their fold. They have thus injected the Davidic Bloodline into royal families the world over. And soon, they will attempt to bring all of us into a New World Order, which is the next stop on a road that leads to a global theocratic dictatorship run by them.

All this being said, should we hate the Jews and seek to destroy them? Of course not. They are Source Consciousness indwelling form just like we are, and you must treat them with the same restraint and mercy with which you’d want to be treated if you were acting out bad programming like they are. When you get down to the brass tacks, the Jews aren’t really doing anything to us anyway; they are fooling us into doing all this to ourselves. So the task before us is one of education, not violence. The end of this nightmare will come only when we become wise to their schemes and decline to participate in them any longer.

Now here’s the Putin entry…

In previous installments of the globalist prophecy series, I pointed out that the globalists are running a 3-step religious deception that involves 3 leaders. Step 1 is the introduction of a fake Antichrist, Barack Obama. Step 2 is the introduction of a “fake Christ / real Antichrist” I’ve named “Facra.” And Step 3 is the introduction of a “real Christ” I’ll name “Rech” (pronounced “wretch”). I also pointed out that each step has a designated propaganda team to promote awareness of the 3 figures in the public consciousness.

Well a few days ago, I came across a couple of prophecy videos that are good examples of how the propaganda teams operate, so I began to write an entry about them. In the process of doing so, though, I came across this article on

The “Saker” article to which he refers is just a reapplication of the East/West dialectic that makes excuses for Putin. Such articles are designed to give those who are starting to question Putin a plausible narrative that explains-away the discrepancies they’re seeing between his pro-NWO actions and his manufactured anti-NWO cult of personality.

Propagandists know that people want to hold on to their comforting illusions (such as the illusion that Putin is a really nice guy who is going to save us from the evil globalists), so if you give them any halfway-plausible excuse to cling to the illusion (with a make-believe narrative like the “Saker’s”), most will do so. Note how Makow models this dynamic with his first paragraph: he poses as a person who is starting to question Putin, but is reassured by the “Saker’s” article.

The article did, however, contain one idea that got my attention, which I’ll paraphrase here…

“Putin is a very good man in charge of a very bad system, and he is playing along with the globalists until he can arrange the right opportunity to strike.”

Upon seeing this and connecting it to the two prophecy videos I was writing about, I realized Putin was being groomed to be the Jewish Messiah / Christian Antichrist figure who’ll be unveiled next September. To show you all the reasons I strongly suspect this, let me take you through a series of points that establish the qualifications for the Jewish Messiah, then we’ll look at how Putin measures up to these expectations.


Before we begin, it’s important to set aside any pet theories you might have about how the End Times will unfold. All Biblical arguments over how to properly interpret the prophecies don’t amount to a hill of beans in this. Since the globalists are the ones running this show, the only interpretations that matter are the ones the they are promoting to the public, for those are the ones they intend to fulfill in the three leaders they present to us. That being said, let’s have a look at…

Point 1 – Recent Israeli prophetic propaganda establishes some notable expectations for the Mashiach. The first “prophetic” video I want to show you is actually an interrelated pair of videos, and they were brought to my attention by a reader a few days ago. The first video of the pair shows the testimony of an Israeli boy, Natan, who supposedly died for 15 minutes and was shown how the “End Times” would unfold for Israel. Natan tells us two notable things about the Mashiach. Here is the first thing he says (at the 35:18 mark of the video)…

Natan: And what I saw was simply that…the Mashiach is first of all someone who can’t sin. Someone who repented. Who didn’t commit any transgressions.

Rabbi: He repented?

Natan: He repented. Yes. He didn’t commit any transgressions. He didn’t commit any transgressions. Since he repented, he didn’t commit even one transgression. It can’t be that the Mashiach is someone who committed transgressions.

So with this statement, Natan establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 1: He is a repentant sinner who has committed no sin since he repented.

Here is the second thing Natan says about the Mashiach…

“Now, it can be someone who we actually know very well, who we know very well. Lots and lots of people know him, according to what I understood. But, everyone will be very, very surprised, that he is of all people the Mashiach.

Also, now, this Mashiach, I mean the Mashiach – he will fight against Obama. And not only that – he will kill him and bury him in the Land of Israel.”

So with this statement, Natan establishes two more qualifications…

Mashiach Qualification 2: He is a man everyone will recognize, and everyone will be surprised that he, of all people, is the Mashiach.


Mashiach Qualification 3: He is a man who will fight Obama in the final conflict.

It is also Natan’s testimony that Obama is the man who starts the Gog/Magog (West/East) War, and that he will lead the following war against Israel. So Obama is playing the “Antichrist” role to the Mashiach. As the Jew who produces the Torah Codes has stated…

Setting aside whether or not I find Natan’s testimony credible (I don’t), the reason this video is important is that the End Times script it offers is being promoted by Messianic Jewish propaganda figures like the man in the second video of the pair, Steven Ben-Nun

Let’s have a look at how Ben-Nun supports and spins Natan’s testimony about the Mashiach in his video commentary: at the 41:34 mark of the video, he begins to talk about the qualifications established by Natan and goes on to say this about the “no transgressions” part…

“You know, friends, the only one that I know of that didn’t commit transgressions in this earth is Yeshua.”

He then goes on to say this about the “everyone will recognize him” part…

“And who is the only one that can fit that particular category? It’s Yeshua! Because many, many people know him, and the Jews know him as well…”

So Ben-Nun uses Natan’s testimony to suggest that the Mashiach will be the second coming of Jesus, and that should come as no surprise to anyone who has been observing the Synagogue of Satan vs. Jesus Christ dialectic. The Occulted Powers’ script has called for the Jews to infiltrate and subvert the “true Christian church,” and that’s exactly what they’ve been doing. In fact, I covered a specific instance of this in a previous entry: Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders (Update 1 – More on Kuhn and the Worldwide Church of God). And according to the globalist playbook, the ultimate goal of the Synagogue of Satan is to get the Christians to serve Satan and accept the Antichrist, which is why Ben-Nun equates the Mashiach with Jesus.

Now if we take a moment to think about this, we realize that if the globalists present the Mashiach as BOTH the Jewish AND the Christian messiah, he would have to be BOTH a Jew AND a Christian. If he were only a Jew, the Christians would feel alienated from him, and if he were only a Christian, the Jews would feel the same. The only way to unite both religions behind the one messiah (like the globalists want to do) is to present him as being of both religions. And this establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 4: He is both a Jew and a Christian.

With these first four qualifications established, let’s move on to…

Point 2 – Recent Christian prophetic propaganda establishes a key expectation for the Mashiach. Right after I encountered the Natan and Ben-Nun videos, I stumbled upon an interview of Tom Horn, one of the leading Christian End Times propagandists….

Starting at the 8:02 mark of the video, Horn talks about how dozens of Christian seers over the past 200 years have said that the Antichrist would appear on the Earth in the year 2016. He also talks about how the Jews are expecting the imminent arrival of their messiah, and since the orthodox Jews are the ones who rejected Jesus Christ, Horn says, their messiah would be the Antichrist. In the midst of all this, he mentions a specific Jewish prophecy from the Zohar…

“…in a section in the Zohar called the ‘Vaera’ section, there’s a subsection called ‘Signs Heralding Mashiac or the Coming of the Messiah.’ And in this 700 year-old Jewish document, it says when the Messiah would appear first privately to the rabbis in Israel. Guess when it said that would happen. 700 years ago it said it would happen in the Jewish calendar year 5773, which in our Gregorian calendar started in the middle of 2012 into 2013.”

Upon looking up a calendar for 5773, I found that it actually started in September of 2012, not the “middle of 2012″ as Horn states, so what are we to make of this discrepancy? Given that Horn is working for the globalists, he is fudging the numbers so the Zohar prophecy will fit the man they intend to put forward as the Mashiach. So this establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 5: He is a man who was in Israel at some point from the middle of 2012 into 2013.

After offering this qualification, Horn goes on to say what would happen after the Mashiach reveals himself privately to the rabbis…

“And then it said shortly thereafter, he will start making himself known to the nations of the world.”

Since this supposedly occurred back in 2012-2013, it stands to reason that the Mashiach is already internationally known by now. And given that the Mashiach will fight Obama in the final conflict, it also stands to reason that he is someone who is already working in opposition to Obama’s actions on the world stage. This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 6: He is an internationally known opponent of Obama.

So we’ve already identified six qualifications for the Mashiach by observing globalist preparatory propaganda. Now let’s look for more clues in other places…

Point 3 – Since the Mashiach is being put forward by the Occulted Powers in order to further their agenda, we can uncover more qualifications by reviewing what we know about their agenda and applying a little logic and common sense.

> First, let’s consider the globalists’ intention to unite the Jews and Christians under the Mashiach figure. Given that…

1) The globalists are selling the arrival of the Mashiach as the second coming of Christ,
2) Christ is the world’s ultimate cult of personality, and
3) the Mashiach is already internationally known,

…it stands to reason that the globalists would develop a positive, savior-like cult of personality around him so he could “fill Jesus’ shoes.” It further stands to reason that they would develop a negative, devil-like cult of personality around his dialectic opponent, Barack Obama. This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 7: He is a man who’s had a very positive cult of personality built around him – he is the opposite of Obama.

> Next, let’s consider the globalists’ effort to stage a dialectic struggle between an evil Western NWO and a “benevolent” Eastern NWO. Given that…

1) Obama is portrayed as the leader of an attempt to complete a scary unipolar NWO, and
2) the BRICS are portrayed as leading an attempt to build a welcoming multipolar NWO,

…it stands to reason that the Mashiach is involved in the BRICS effort to bring in the mulitpolar NWO. This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 8: He is a man who is playing a leading role in the BRICS effort to build a New World Order.

> Finally, let’s consider the globalists’ effort to convince the public that extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth, and their intention to use a simulated alien arrival to provide the “WOW” factor in the Mashiach’s unveiling. Given that…

1) the rabbit hole alternative media have promoted the idea that evil lizards from outer space have allied with the United States, and
2) they’ve also promoted the idea that “positive human extraterrestrials” are working to stop the American/Space Lizard evil agenda,

…it stands to reason that the Mashiach is in cahoots with the “positive aliens.” This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 9: He is a man who has been portrayed as being connected with “positive extraterrestrial” forces.

Now that we’ve reached the magic number 9, I think we have enough qualifications to get a good idea of who the Mashiach might be. So let’s turn our attention to how Vladimir Putin measures up to these standards…


Mashiach Qualification 1: He is a repentant sinner who has committed no sin since he repented.

This qualification opens the door for Putin (and any backup candidates the globalists may have groomed) to step forward as the Mashiach. Since Putin has an impure history, it will be said that he repented at some point and was washed clean of his sins, so it is as if they never happened. They will say he had to do impure things in order to work within an impure system, but once he ascended within the system to a point that he could afford to be his authentic self, he left his mask of sin behind and acted in accordance with who he truly is.

It is ironic that since he will be promoted as the second coming of Jesus, he’ll be washed clean of his sins by his own blood. That seems kinda freaky, but I suppose it’s more hygienic than being washed in someone else’s blood. You wouldn’t want to shed your sins only to end up getting spiritual hepatitis.

Mashiach Qualification 2: He is a man everyone will recognize, and everyone will be surprised that he, of all people, is the Mashiach.

If Putin were to emerge from a (holographically projected) dimensional gate on the Mount of Olives as Natan and Ben-Nun suggest, everyone would indeed recognize him, wouldn’t they? And everyone would be quite surprised that he was the Mashiach all along. Although Ben-Nun has suggested that Jesus will emerge from the gate, no one really knows what Jesus looked like, so he would be a stranger to everyone’s eyes. But if Putin emerges with the implication that he is both the Mashiach and the recurrence of Christ, everyone will recognize him and be satisfied.

Mashiach Qualifications 3 & 6: He is an internationally known opponent of Obama who will fight Obama in the final conflict (of 2016).

Who is Obama’s main opponent on the global stage? If you were to ask this question to any person on the street, the answer you would get is “Vladimir Putin.”

Who is the leader who will fight Obama in World War 3? If you were to ask this question also, you would get the same answer, “Vladimir Putin.”

The mainstream and alternative media are chock-full of stories about Putin’s opposition to Obama’s global moves, as well as stories that warn about conventional and nuclear war between America and Russia. This huge media effort leaves no doubt about who Obama’s nemesis is…

Mashiach Qualification 4: He is both a Jew and a Christian.

The more I research this qualification, the more I see and the more I need to write. It appears that the Cabalist Jews effectively rebooted Russia with the Communist Revolution. They all but shut down the Russian Orthodox Church, then later reopened it with clergy that was hand-picked by the KGB. One would imagine that they tweaked the Church doctrine as well, to make it Cabalist-compliant. So if the Church is now under Jewish control, it is no wonder the Jewish Putin would have no problem being both a Jew and a Russian Orthodox “Christian.”

The Cabalists may have also killed-off unruly elements of the Tsarist bloodlines and intermarried with those who remain, effectively rebooting the Russian royals too. Once the mysterious genealogy of Vladimir Putin is revealed, we may find out that he is both a descendant of the Tsars and of King David, the latter of which qualifies him to be the Mashiach.

That being said, let’s start exploring Putin’s dual Jew/Christian status, and we’ll begin with the newly updated entry I first wrote on the subject…


Vladimir (Ras)Putin’s Jewish, Communist, and Bloodline Connections

A reader recently brought to my attention the possible link between Vladimir Putin’s surname and that of Grigori Rasputin, the famed Russian occultist and advisor to the Romanovs (Russia’s “royal” family)…
…The fact that the Romanovs associated so closely with a man so obviously demon-possessed tells you alot about them.

Hearing the conjecture that Putin’s name might be an occultic nod to Rasputin, I recalled something I read about Putin in his Wikipedia bio

“The ancestry of Vladimir Putin has been described as a mystery with no records surviving of any ancestors of any people with the surname ‘Putin’ beyond his grandfather Spiridon Ivanovich.”

And there is something interesting about his grandfather Spiridon…

“Vladimir Putin’s paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879–1965), was a chef who at one time or another cooked for Vladimir Lenin, Lenin’s wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, and on several occasions for Joseph Stalin.”

So Putin’s grandfather had personal connections with both Lenin…
…and Stalin…
…and he was trusted enough by them to be allowed to cook their meals. This relationship between the Putin family and top communist leaders brings to mind another thing to which the communists are connected: occult Judaism. Looking into this connection, a particular passage from this Henry Makow article caught my eye…

“The Illuminati bankers created Communism to harness the working class to their program of a comprehensive world dictatorship (now known as “globalization.”) The Illuminati and Communists are Masonic secret societies that celebrate the same anniversary, May 1, 1776 and share the same satanic symbols.”

Speaking of symbols, let’s have a look at another piece of the Putin puzzle: his reintroduction of Tsarist symbols to Russia, This is the first flag of the Russian Tsar…
…Note the double-headed eagle with the crest on its chest and three crowns above its heads…

…which is now Russia’s Coat of Arms…

And the first flag of the Russian Tsar is now “the Flag of the Commander-in-Chief of Russia”…



And speaking of the three crowns above the eagle’s heads, here is Putin bowing before three crowns worn by clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church…
…Clearly, there is something going on with Putin that the general public is not fully grasping.

While we’re on the subject of crowns, have a look at what this 2002 article from Pravda says about The Mysterious Genealogy of Russian President Putin

“…Is Putin an offspring of the Tver prince? This hypothesis was getting more and more real. The name Putin is not mentioned amid the Russian names. This means that the name is of the artificial origin.

This name has appeared recently, somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. All Putins originally came from the clan of Putins from the Tver region. Illegitimate offsprings of noble families were often given cut names. For example, Russian writer Pnin was an illegitimate son of Field Marshal Repnin. There were lots of other occasions like that – Betskoy instead of Trubetskoy, Gribov instead of Griboyedov. The new names of unofficial clan branches were formed by means of deduction: a syllable was simply taken out of it.

The family book of the Tver region mentions the name of Putyanin – a clan of Russian princes. This clan gave a lot of outstanding military leaders to Russia, as well as artists, politicians and priests. This is one of the oldest clans in the Russian history. If President Putin is a descendant of the Putyatins clan, this means that Vladimir Putin has a relation to all royal families of Europe.”

Since the US Presidents have been shown to be related to European royals, the article’s hypothesis wouldn’t surprise me if true. And if we take a closer look at the Putyatin clan referenced in the article, we find a reference to the Rasputin connection…
…From Wikipedia

With these puzzle pieces set before us, what insights can we draw from them? Given this and previous information I’ve encountered, these are my provisional conclusions:

Conclusion 1 — Putin is a Stealth Jew (a.k.a. a Crypto-Jew).

I brought up the subject of Stealth Jews in an update on my second blog after reading another of Henry Makow’s posts. Here is a portion of what I wrote…

>>> Upon reading the post, I was disappointed to see Henry still clutching to the idea that Putin is somehow working against the “Satanist Jews and Freemasons (the Illuminati) [who] control the government and the media in the West” (there is no fence that has kept them confined to the West, Henry; they didn’t even start out in the West). It’s surprising he still sees Putin this way given that his own site contains an entry that explores the probable hidden Jewish roots of Vladimir Epstein… err… Putin. <<<

My current personal take on Vladimir Putin is that he is a Khazarian Crypto-Jew who descended from a mating between a Russian nobleman and a Jewish mother.

Conclusion 2 — With the Putin family’s communist connections in one hand, and Putin’s reintroduction of the Tsars’ royal symbols in the other, one is led to suspect that the Communist Revolution in Russia served two purposes:

1) It allowed the Jews to take down the Russian royals and the Russian Orthodox Church and Judaize both before relaunching them, and

2) It allowed royal rule to be hidden behind a facade like it was in the West.

As Makow and others suggest, communism in the East — just like the fake democracy of the West — was used to move the people in the direction of a global government under the guidance of a Hidden Hand. The whole time “the workers” (in the East) and “the people” (in the West) were being told they were governing their own direction, they were actually being herded into the NWO. And now that we’re approaching the culmination of the globalist plan, the Hidden Hand is beginning to show itself for all to see. If the Jews (who are the driving force among the Hidden Hand Occulted Powers) get their way, all of the world will be ruled by a god-king controlled by them, and he will be called “Jesus Christ.”



There is much more to write on Putin’s Jewish connections, but I will save that for an upcoming entry. So let’s proceed with…

Mashiach Qualification 5: He is a man who was in Israel at some point from the middle of 2012 into 2013.

Exactly 7 weeks elapsed between 7 May 2012 and 25 June 2012 (the “middle of 2012″), and that’s exactly how long it took Vladimir Putin to go from being inaugurated to his third Presidential term to being received in Israel for a two-day state visit…

…From the Jewish World Review

While there, Putin made a point of meeting with both Jewish religious leaders…

…and Christian leaders…
…including Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem, whose territory includes “Holy Zion”…
…From Wikipedia

This is what Putin did while with the Christians…

During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre…

Entering the church, Vladimir Putting kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud.

After that the president was taken to the Kuviklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour.

Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross…

In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born

Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters.

The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born.” – From

Take a moment to think about this ritual Putin went through. It started at NIGHT at the places associated with Christ’s death at his First Coming, then that NIGHT ended in the MORNING when Vladimir Putin received the Star of Bethlehem and lighted a candle at Christ’s birthspot. That’s a helluva symbolic ritual, was it not? Putin returned Christ’s light to the world after a long night.

When Putin’s status as both Mashiach and Christ is promoted to the public, the spiritual propagandists will say that he revealed himself to the Israeli rabbis in private during this trip, thereby fulfilling the Zohar prophecy. They’ll also say that he revealed himself to the Orthodox Christians too.

As for the Mashiach expectation that he will make himself known to the nations of the world after he reveals himself in private, Putin has certainly done that. While he was vaguely known by the world public as the President and Prime Minister of Russia before 2012, the public got to know him very well after 2012….

“Vladimir Putin entered the international scene – in a big way – in early 2014 by defending the East Ukrainian and Crimean people against repeated attacks from a Western-backed regime in Kiev. He then consolidated his status as an exceptional leader on September 30th 2015, when he ordered the Russian air force to intervene in Syria against what had previously been teed up as “the number 1 global threat: ISIS,” a group defined (not coincidentally) by their purveyance to Western – and, indeed, global – audiences of the fear of death.

In people’s eyes, this courageous and efficient intervention gave him, de facto, the role of world peacekeeper, the leader who protects us. Through the Syrian intervention, Putin became, willingly or not, a world hero.“ – from

This passage doesn’t even mention the Obama versus Putin standoff over American plans to bomb Syria in 2013. The globalists arranged for Obama to retreat, thus making Putin look like a hero.

Moving on, let’s look at…

Mashiach Qualification 7: He is a man who’s had a very positive cult of personality built around him – he is the opposite of Obama.

You’d have to be deaf and blind to have not noticed the overwhelming hero-worship heaped upon Putin – and the overwhelming ridicule heaped upon his dialectic opponent Obama – in the controlled alternative media…
…From All News Pipeline, Veterans Today, and David Icke.

Also note that Putin was born to a “pious Mother Mary” (Maria Shelomova) and Obama was born to a “tawdry whore with a man’s name” (Stanley Dunham)…

So if Obama is the pantywaisted fake Antichrist…
…who is the butch fake Christ?…

Given that the world has seen cults of personality built around so many false messiahs in the past (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, etc.), seeing this new cult being built around Putin should trigger warnings in the minds of every observer. Yet those warnings are not being heeded. Why? Do you really think “it’s different this time”? Will we ever learn?

On we go to…

Mashiach Qualification 8: He is a man who is playing a leading role in the BRICS effort to build a New World Order.

Through the tone and sheer volume of their coverage of Putin, the media have established him as the de facto leader of the BRICS Alliance, and the Russian press leave no doubts as to what he’s up to: he is leading the effort to establish a “multipolar new world order”…
…From Pravda and Russia Beyond the Headlines

Most awakening people are aware of the “elite” practice of using dialectics (the staged conflict between two controlled and seemingly opposing forces to achieve a desired outcome), yet many still fail to wrap their minds around the biggest and most obvious dialectic in all of human history…

the evil Western unipolar NWO vs. the “benevolent” Eastern multipolar NWO

The multipolar NWO is what the globalists have been working towards all along, and the Obama vs. Putin stage play is their tool for launching it in a way that people will welcome rather than resist. I explain their strategy in this in Understanding the NWO Strategy.

That being said, Putin clearly fulfills this Mashiach qualification.

Finally, let’s have a look at…

Mashiach Qualification 9: He is a man who has been portrayed as being connected with “positive extraterrestrial” forces.

If you are going to try to elevate a regular guy to messianic status in the eyes of the public, you have to do something that will really blow their minds, because only by shattering their worldview and normalcy bias can you make them malleable-enough to embrace such a ridiculous idea. It just so happens that the Rockefeller and Jesuit Crypto-Jews, in association with Jew-controlled Hollywood, have spent decades indoctrinating the public in a concept that will serve quite nicely for this purpose: extraterrestrial contact…
…From Close Encounters of the Third Kind by Steven Spielberg, a Jew.

In addition to the alien-themed TV show and movie barrage, they have been beta-testing a variety of alien narratives on the unsuspecting people of the New Age community. This testing has led to the development of a dialectic narrative that pits evil reptilian extraterrestrials aligned with the evil Western New World Order against “benevolent” human extraterrestrials aligned with the “benevolent” BRICS New World Order. It is the intention of the globalists to paint these supposedly extraterrestrial forces as the beings who are described in the Bible, with the reptilians being the demons and the human ETs being the angels.

At the same time they have been developing the script for their End Times play, they have also been developing the actors and props for it. In their hyper-funded ultra-black laboratories, they have been using suppressed biological technologies to genetically engineer hybrid creatures that will look alien to us. They’ve also been using suppressed aerospace technologies to create flying craft that will look and operate in ways that seem alien as well.

When they finally unveil this alien stage play to the unsuspecting public, they’re expecting people to be so blown away that they’ll accept any hopeful narrative offered to them, including the assertion that Putin has all along been the undercover Mashiach/Christ. So let’s now look at how this alien narrative has been tied to Vladimir Putin.

The New Age community has already been programmed to believe that Putin is allied with positive ET forces…
…From Veterans Today. Here is a key excerpt…

“A powerful new treaty has apparently been established between one group of Alien ETs (the Tall White Nordics) and Putin’s New Russia. This new treaty President Putin has supposedly negotiated with this particular Alien ET group is purported to be like the ones American leaders negotiated with in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. However this particular Alien Group group is purported to be substantially anti-WZ and anti-IZCS.”

And the mainstream media have also planted the seed in the minds of the sleepers with articles like this…

So Putin has indeed been tied to positive ET forces, and should the globalists proceed with this fake ET folly, it will be said that he was playing along with the bad aliens until he could arrange the opportunity to strike, just like the “Saker” article suggested.

Now that we’ve looked at the evidence pointing to Putin as being the Step 2 leader (the fake Christ / real Antichrist), check out this little blurb from Skywatch TV
…Since Putin’s secret is now out, the Step 3 propagandists (the guys whose job is to sell the post-Putin leader as the real Christ) have gone ahead and started to name Putin in their disinformation pieces. And given the fact that we’ve already explored Obama’s qualifications as the Step 1 leader (the fake Antichrist), the showdown the Cabalist Jews have scripted for Step 2 is becoming quite clear…

In the Dark Corner, you have the “Antichrist”…
Barack Obama, the effeminate sodomite son of perdition born to a porn whore mother,
who is warring to put humanity under the yoke of a dictatorial, unipolar New World Order.

And in the Light Corner, you have the “Mashiach and Second Coming of Christ”…
Vladimir Putin, the manly, heroic, peacemaking son of pious Madre Maria,
who is fighting to free the world of American hegemony and establish a “fair, free” multipolar New World Order.

That’s one helluva script, is it not? And it’s only the second act of this three-act play. If there’s one thing you can’t accuse the Jews of being, it’s bad showmen…

More information on Putin’s Jewish connections and the Jewish takeover of the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christian Churches will be covered in upcoming entries.

(Mod 1.4 – 19 January 2016)


With everything that’s going on in the world right now, it’s easy to forget that the Rio Olympics will be taking place later this year…

The Games will be held from August 5 through August 21, right before the big war breaks out this September. And the already deteriorating economic condition in Brazil and the rest of the world should be infinitely worse by then. So we’re looking at a games where…

> the ocean water will be so polluted that aquatic competitors will get sick,

> venues could be unfinished due to corruption and bureaucracy,

> the economy will be so bad that people will use the international limelight to stage demonstrations, and those demonstrations will descend into riots,

> a crime wave will wash over Olympic visitors as desperate people steal to survive, and

> security will be so haphazard and overstretched that “ISIS” attacks could lead to large-scale losses of life.

With this Olympics, the globalists have arranged for all of humanity’s problems to be on vivid display, and these problems will cry out for the solution they intend to provide us after the war. In fact, one wonders if what happens in Rio will be one of the triggering factors of the Global North vs. Global South war. One also wonders if the Jesus statue will survive the Games.

We’ll find out in 200 short days. So if you live in Rio, you have 200 days to prepare and activate your family safety plan.

(P.S. – 18 January 2016)

How to start a holy war in 3 easy steps

After posting the update on the Rio Olympics, it occurred to me that Christians from all over the world will be among the visitors coming to see the Games. And the devout among them will likely seek out local cathedrals for sightseeing and worship services. Upon looking into the places they might go, one place really stood out: the Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Sebastian…
…It is the seat of the local Roman Catholic Archdiocese. And besides looking like the type of cathedral the North Koreans would build, there is something else that’s notable about its architecture…

“The cathedral was designed by Edgar Fonseca in a modern style based on Mayan architectural style of pyramids.” – Source: Wikipedia

And do you remember what the Maya used to do at the top of their pyramids? Pluck out human hearts as a sacrifice to the gods of course. And what modern group is known for plucking out and eating human hearts? It is as if this cathedral was custom-built for human sacrifice.

As I thought about this, I also remembered all the talk I’ve heard out of the two Roman Churches (Catholic and Orthodox) about declaring a “just Christian war” against ISIS and other “Islamic extremist” groups over terrorism and the worldwide slaughter of Christians…
…From Breitbart (top) and the The Christian Post (bottom)

So if someone wanted to start a holy war in the Middle East in September, this is what they’d do while the world’s attention is focused on the Olympics in August:

1) slaughter Christians at one or more Rio de Janeiro cathedrals in Paris-style attacks,

2) crash an explosive-laden aircraft at the base of Rio’s Jesus statue and watch it fall over, and

3) set off a WMD in the middle of the 74% Christian city.

That being said, the Olympics present a prime opportunity for starting the big war. The Catholic Church would give the West the green light, and the Orthodox Church would give the East the green light. And when Putin inevitably attacks the CIA / US military logistical assets supplying ISIS and the Syrian “rebels,” the guns of Global North and Global South would turn from ISIS towards each other.

(P.S. – 18 January 2016)

Two popes for two prophecies

A reader recently left me a comment which talked about Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict, and it reminded me that we have two living popes right now…
…That’s an awfully convenient number given that the globalists have two seemingly conflicting pope prophecies to fulfill:

> Prophecy 1 is the Zohar/Fatima prophecy Tom Horn is promoting to the public…

“Well now you’ve got the Pope saying that it could be that now Fatima, the Third Secret of Fatima, is gonna be fulfilled. What’s the third secret of Fatima? It describes the Pope, the bishop in white, walking in a great city — most people believe this to be the Vatican, right? And something has happened. Dead people are everywhere, and the Pope is walking along – there’s dead Christians, dead bishops, dead people all over the city — and as he’s making his way towards a cross, these ISIS-like people run into the city and shoot him and kill him.”

> Prophecy 2 is the death of the two witnesses in Jerusalem, one of which is Pope Francis.

(For more details on the two prophecies, read Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 4 – How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will unfold)

Since Pope Benedict lives in the Vatican, he is conveniently positioned to be the “bishop in white” who gets killed when Rome is destroyed. And that leaves Pope Francis available to be one of the witnesses killed in Jerusalem. Of course, Pope Francis’ death will be simulated, but you get the idea.

(P.S. – 19 January 2016)

More on Vladimir Putin, the “Savior of all Christians worldwide”

You know you need to take the Putin as Mashiach/Christ meme seriously when you see stories like this in the mainstream media…
…From The Washington Times

And while we’re speaking on the “only defender of Christian civilization,” have a look at this…
…From Russia Insider. Here is a telling excerpt…

>>> A key element of Putin’s world view is not just his commitment to the Russian Orthodox Church as an institution, but also his admiration for three 19th and 20th century Russian Christian philosophers—Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Solovyov and Ivan Ilyin, all of whom he often quotes in his speeches…

The key message of these philosophers is of Russia’s messianic role in world history and of its need to preserve itself through Orthodoxy and restoration of its historic borders…

For their part Solovyov and Berdyaev argued that the historic mission of Russia is to lead the way to human unification. Russia would transcend secularism and atheism and create a unified spiritual kingdom. “The Russian messianic conception,” said Berdyaev, “always exalted Russia as a country that would help to solve the problems of humanity.” <<<

If you’re not taking this Messiah stuff seriously, you should consider doing so. But what of Russia Insider – should it be taken seriously? Is it a propaganda site full of ridiculous bullsh*t, like Veterans Today, or is a propaganda site that should be taken fairly seriously, like RT? It is more the latter than the former, for reasons I will explain in an upcoming entry.

To continue exploring the globalist effort to fulfill the prophecies, read…

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 4 – How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will unfold

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 5 – Dear Muslims, the Jews will use the Imam Mahdi to destroy you

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 6 – New prophetic propaganda still points to September

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 7 – Is “Pope Francis as the Antichrist” the globalists’ Plan B?

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 8 – Apocalyptic propaganda and the “Grey Champion”

Why the Globalists are Splitting Up the Catholic Church

There is a reason the press are pushing the Catholic pedophilia reports so hard now…

…from the Drudge Report

During my September 3rd infoscan, I ran across indications that the globalists may be using the Catholic pedophilia scandal to create a schism in the Church between the “progressives” under Pope Francis and the “traditionalists” under Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin. My preliminary read on their strategy is as follows…

1) They’ll have Parolin’s “traditionalist” half of the Catholic Church heal the longstanding schism with the “traditionalist” Eastern Orthodox Church, and that reunited Church will back Putin in creating the real, multilateral New World Order and becoming the “real Antichrist.”

2) They’ll have Francis’ “progressive/communist” half of the Church go down in flames with the decoy, unilateral New World Order and the decoy Antichrist(s) of the West.

It appears that the mechanism they’ll use to cause the schism will be an attempt to remove Pope Francis from office against his will, possibly by convening an Ecumenical Council without his consent. Since the Church has no standing procedure for the forced removal of a Pope, any effort to do so will be of questionable legality, and it will therefore divide the Church between Francis loyalists who will still see him as Pope and “traditionalist rebels” who will follow Pietro Parolin in reuniting with the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Once this is done, the prophecy propagandists will say that Pope Francis was the “Final Pope” who permanently wrecked the Roman Catholic Church and Pietro Parolin was the “False Prophet” who gave rise to the “Antichrist”…

I first got wind of all this in a recent article posted on SkywatchTV

SkywatchTV is the flagship operation of the globalists’ leading prophecy propagandist, Tom Horn…

…from the SkywatchTV “About” page

And following the links offered in the article, I found this reference to a script change from something he published last year…

>>> It’s not hard to read between the lines above to find the insinuation that Pope Francis is – or is paving the way – for the False Prophet that guides the world’s religious faithful into supporting a political figure called Antichrist.

With all this in mind, and given mine and Cris Putnam’s personal exhaustive investigation into the Vatican, our extensive research into the Prophecy of the Popes, the correct predictions we made regarding the resignation of Benedict before the fact, and our follow-up probe into the conclave that elected Francis, I have a bombshell announcement to make. I am reaching out to those concealed friends in Rome that assisted me in the past to confirm my belief that Pope Francis will either retire soon or be taken out of the way, and that this really is tied to something strange that unfolded in bringing him temporarily to the pontificate. I believe, as they suggested, Francis was not “canonically elected,” as his namesake originally predicted. And the church members that helped me before and the ones already cited above are only the tip of the iceberg of those who will eventually voice how “illegitimate” activity went on behind closed doors during the last papal election,[xvi] and that, for reasons we do not yet understand, Francis was put in as a temporary “placeholder” until the real Pope #112 (Petrus Romanus) could be installed. The mysterious reasons surrounding this “placeholder” false pope may never fully be known, but was foreseen by such mystics as Father Herman Bernard Kramer in his work, The Book of Destiny. During an unusual interpretation he made of the twelfth chapter of the book of Revelation concerning “the great wonder” mentioned in verse 1, Father Kramer wrote:

>> The “sign” in heaven is that of a woman with child crying out in her travail and anguish of delivery. In that travail, she gives birth to some definite “person” who is to RULE the Church with a rod of iron (verse 5). It then points to a conflict waged within the Church to elect one who was to “rule all nations” in the manner clearly stated. In accord with the text this is unmistakably a PAPAL ELECTION, for only Christ and his Vicar have the divine right to rule ALL NATIONS.… But at this time the great powers may take a menacing attitude to hinder the election of the logical and expected candidate by threats of a general apostasy, assassination or imprisonment of this candidate if elected. (capitalized emphasis in original)[xvii] <<

Although I disagree with Kramer’s interpretation of the book of Revelation, his fear that “great powers may take a menacing attitude to hinder the election of the logical and expected candidate” echoes the sentiment of priests mentioned elsewhere in Petrus Romanus, who saw a crisis for the Church coming, and the False Prophet and Antichrist rising as a result.

This, too, was in the news recently when a report was published by Sébastien Maillard, Vatican correspondent for La Croix, in Rome. He noted how a large array of conservative bishops fear that Francis is bypassing critical Church doctrine and fear he has already gone too far. Even those cardinals who voted for Francis now want him to step down so that the Holy See’s secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, can be elected the real pope.[xviii] And these electors understand something else, too. Parolin’s name means “Peter the Roman” from the final line of the Prophecy of the Popes. <<<

Seeing Horn’s writeup on this script change, I decided to see if the globalists had planted other such preparatory propaganda in other outlets. They had indeed.

Here is one example from CNS News

…Also take note of this excerpt…

>>> The London Times quoted a Vatican expert as saying, “A good number of the majority that voted for Bergoglio in 2013 have come to regret their decision, but I don’t think it’s plausible that members of the hierarchy will pressure the Pope to resign.”

“Those who know him know it would be useless,” said the expert. “[Pope Francis] has a very authoritarian streak. He won’t resign until he has completed his revolutionary reforms, which are causing enormous harm.” <<<

Now if you take a minute to think about Pope Francis playing the globalist-scripted role of “the Final Satanic Pope who brings about the end of the Roman Church,” would such a character resign or retire so the Church can heal itself? Certainly not, right? He would cling to power and force the traditionalists to tear the Church apart, because that’s his scripted mission. This is why the globalists will script his removal as resulting from either a coup or an assassination, not a resignation or retirement.

And what could cause so many Catholics to become so outraged that they’d turn their backs on a sitting Pope? It would take systematic clerical abuse of their children organized and covered-up by Jesuits like Pope Francis. If you put that on top of Francis’ flamboyant “apostasy,” you have ample motivation for a schism.

So as talk of “a schism worse than the Reformation” was flying around last year, can you guess where the planned replacement Pope, Pietro Parolin, went for a visit?…

…from La Stampa

During the trip, he touched base with the major figures of Russia’s political and religious power structure…

  • On August 21, he met the “foreign minister” of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion
  • On August 22, he met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • On August 23, he met Vladimir Putin at Putin’s country house in Sochi.

Now just imagine what a boost Putin would receive on the world stage if a major portion of the Roman Catholic Church broke away from the control of the “Satanist Jesuits” and the “Western pedophile elite” and joined forces with “the Christian Champion Putin” and the Russian Orthodox Church. Such a move would be in keeping with the preparatory propaganda Tom Horn has offered on the subject

>>> This could give rise to the False Prophet, who, according to the book of Revelation, leads the world’s religious communities into embracing a political leader known as the Antichrist. This marriage of Church and secular government would give unprecedented global influence to the Man of Sin during the period known as the Great Tribulation. <<<

So Parolin would be cast as “the False Prophet” and Putin as “the Man of Sin.” In light of this, have a look at the theme of another meeting the Man of Sin attended in Sochi less than two months after he met with Parolin…

…from the Valdai Club website

The term “creative destruction” refers to the globalist concept and practice of using their Left Hand Path (Dark) minions to create chaos and destroy existing order so their Right Hand Path (Light) minions can step in and construct new order. The concept is symbolized by the phoenix, which bursts into flames, falls to ash, and is reborn.

In this particular iteration of their creative destruction process, we are in the “burst into flames” phase. And the globalists’ Western minions are playing the role of the Left Handers who create chaos and destruction so the globalists’ Eastern minions (Putin and his BRICS cohorts) can play the role of the Right Handers who save the day and construct the real New World Order.

Given this strategy the globalists are employing, their efforts to bring about a schism in the Roman Catholic Church is about purging the Church of the Left Hand Pathers (the “socialists, communists, leftists, Luciferians, Satanists, Jesuits, ‘Synagogue of Satan’ Crypto-Jews, etc.”) so the Right Hand Pathers can rebuild the Church in partnership with the Russian Orthodox Church. They are also employing this strategy in broader society by having the “leftists” run wild and outrage everyone so the populace will react by shifting to the “right.” The real New World Order will be ruled by right-wingers and Austrian Economics, not left-wingers and socialism/communism.

Now that we see the goal they’re trying to reach through their actions, it should be noted that the schism plan I’ve outlined, which I’ll call the “Vatican Wedgie,” is not the only way for them to get what they want. There are two other contingencies we need to watch: 1) the “Immaculate Abortion” and 2) the “Papal Whack-a-Mole.”

The Immaculate Abortion is the strategy Tom Horn outlines in his article

>>> With all this in mind, and given mine and Cris Putnam’s personal exhaustive investigation into the Vatican, our extensive research into the Prophecy of the Popes, the correct predictions we made regarding the resignation of Benedict before the fact, and our follow-up probe into the conclave that elected Francis, I have a bombshell announcement to make. I am reaching out to those concealed friends in Rome that assisted me in the past to confirm my belief that Pope Francis will either retire soon or be taken out of the way, and that this really is tied to something strange that unfolded in bringing him temporarily to the pontificate. I believe, as they suggested, Francis was not “canonically elected,” as his namesake originally predicted. And the church members that helped me before and the ones already cited above are only the tip of the iceberg of those who will eventually voice how “illegitimate” activity went on behind closed doors during the last papal election,[xvi] and that, for reasons we do not yet understand, Francis was put in as a temporary “placeholder” until the real Pope #112 (Petrus Romanus) could be installed. <<<

So what they would do under an Immaculate Abortion scenario is present irrefutable evidence that Pope Francis’ election was null and void, thus aborting his papacy and removing his name from the official list of Popes. This would allow the globalists to substitute-in Pietro Parolin as the “real” Pope #112, thus making him “Petrus Romanus” and fulfilling the “Prophecy of the Popes.” Presumably, all the Left Hand Pathers would be exposed and purged as part of this process.

The Papal Whack-a-Mole is a strategy based on an assassination prophecy about the Pope that Tom Horn has promoted in the past…

“Well now you’ve got the Pope saying that it could be that now Fatima, the Third Secret of Fatima, is gonna be fulfilled. What’s the third secret of Fatima? It describes the Pope, the bishop in white, walking in a great city — most people believe this to be the Vatican, right? And something has happened. Dead people are everywhere, and the Pope is walking along — there’s dead Christians, dead bishops, dead people all over the city — and as he’s making his way towards a cross, these ISIS-like people run into the city and shoot him and kill him.” – from the 15:13 mark of this interview with Jim Bakker

So under this scenario, Pope Francis would be assassinated during the climactic phase of the coming war — killed by the very “Muslim refugees” whose cause he championed — and Pietro Parolin would survive to lead the Church in the aftermath. He would then “clean house” and join with the Orthodox Church and the real New World Order. No new Pope would be elected because too many of the electors will have died in the attack.

And with these other possibilities laid out, I’ll call this entry complete.

[This entry was written in stages between Sept 3 and Sept 6 of 2018]

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 8 – Apocalyptic propaganda and the “Grey Champion”

There are times when I stumble upon information that makes me stand up and laugh. It happens when I come across something that dovetails with previously discovered information, and it comes with a feeling of “gotcha, motherfu*kers!” I had that feeling when I saw this headline on the prophecy propaganda site

Why did it give me that feeling, you ask? Because I immediately recalled something I learned while studying Vladimir Putin for Vladimir Putin: The mobster who would be the globalist Messiah

…from Putin: Russia’s Choice by Richard Sakwa

In fact, if you google the word “grey cardinal,” Vladimir Putin pops up on the right side of the search results…

Upon reading through the World Net Daily article to which the SkyWatch article pointed, I took away three things…

1) It describes the “Grey Champion” in a way that allows Vladimir Putin to fulfill the role.

2) It lays the foundation for a “decoy Grey Champion” who will come first – a role to be fulfilled by either Mike Pence or “Zombie Trump” (a Trump that cuts a deal with the “deep state” for border wall funding or for killing NAFTA and lets them have their way on Russia).

3) It suggests that Vladimir Putin’s initial leadership role in the New World Order / “reformed” UN will be that of an “eminence grise: a powerful decision-maker or adviser who operates “behind the scenes” or in a non-public or unofficial capacity. The Secretary-General will not make a move unless Putin okays it first.

In the hours/days that follow, I’ll take you on a tour of the article and show you what I mean.

As to the question posed in the Skywatch headline, “Will Pope Francis Facilitate The Rise Of ‘The Grey Champion’?”…

…from Sputnik

The answer is…

Yes, he already is. And you deceitful prophecy propagandists over at SkyWatchTV are in on the whole con.

Here is a question in return: Hey, Tom Horn… do your arms get tired carrying water for the Kabbalist “Jews,” Jesuits, and Freemasons, or do you carry it in suppository form?

As promised, let’s begin our tour of the article…

The concept of the Grey Champion is brought up within the context of a book that describes Anglo-American history as following four cycles, which are called “turnings.” And abstract conceptualizations like the “four turnings,” as well as widely-disseminated religious prophecy interpretations, are used to give cover to the globalist agenda. They inculcate the public in the idea that what we see happening in the world around us is the result of natural human behavioral cycles and larger spiritual forces. But what’s happening is in no way the result of natural forces; it’s the result of a scientifically-devised social engineering program concocted by the world’s royals and their Kabbalist central banking senior partners. I’ll talk more about this later on in this entry.

For now, let’s stay focused on the scripted character of the Grey Champion (the “Grech”), which blends the concept of…

the Grey Cardinal, Vladimir Putin
…with the concept of…
the Champion of Christianity who later turns out to be the Antichrist, Vladimir Putin…

…from the Christian Post

We’ll start by having a look at what the World Net Daily article says about the Grey Champion, and I’ll show you how Vladimir Putin fits the bill…

“At one point during the recordings, Kaiser says Bannon pressured him to agree with something he doesn’t believe. ‘He was talking about the wars of the fourth turnings,’ Kaiser said, recalling how Bannon seemed sharply focused on making the point that another world war was on the horizon and that it would be a catalyst for the arrival of an international leader – the Grey Champion from the Fourth Turning…”


“Bannon, who’s now ensconced in the West Wing as President Donald Trump’s closest adviser, has been portrayed as Trump’s main ideas guy. But in interviews, speeches and writing – and especially in his embrace of Strauss and Howe – he has made clear that he is, first and foremost, an apocalypticist.

In Bannon’s view, we are in the midst of an existential war, and everything is a part of that conflict. Treaties must be torn up, enemies named, culture changed. Global conflagration, should it occur, would only prove the theory correct. For Bannon, the Fourth Turning has arrived. The Grey Champion, a messianic strongman figure, may have already emerged. The apocalypse is now.”


“According to Strauss and Howe, an unexpected national leader would emerge during the current Fourth Turning against all odds from an older generation to become a temporary figurehead or ‘hero’ who leads the globe into a New World Order. This commander – whom they call the Grey Champion (and who some of us could worry is the antichrist) – will continue in power as a result of war or conflict that keeps his regime in command.”


“Strauss and Howe were convinced when they wrote this thesis 20 years ago that the United States was in the Third Turning then, and that the next crises period, or Fourth Turning, would begin sometime following 2005 and end around 2025. In between these dates, the Grey Champion would appear.”


“Will the George Soros and Obama-backed agitators currently wreaking havoc across America ignite the circumstances that lead to the Grey Champion’s authoritarian rule?”

So according to the description scattered about the article, the Grey Champion…

> will arrive on the scene as an international leader – As the putative leader of the BRICS alliance, Vladimir Putin is already an international leader. But it will be his “geopolitically masterful” handling of World War 3 that will make him an international superstar. He will be identified as the man responsible for saving the human race from a nuclear conflagration to which the “Satanist” West was pushing us.

> will have a world war to thank for his emergence – As I just mentioned, Putin’s “brilliant handling” of World War 3 will lead to his emergence as the Grech.

> is a messianic strongman figure – The “strong leader” Putin has already “saved Russia from its post-Soviet chaos.” He did it by planning some apartment bombings, taking charge of Russia after the buildings fell, and boldly leading the nation to war against “the evil Chechens responsible for the carnage.” He will likewise lead the world out of the post-World War 3 chaos.

> will be an unexpected national leader – If any leader were to rise to international leadership after World War 3, everyone would expect it to be the US president. But the US will lose World War 3, and the unexpected underdog victor from Russia, Vladimir Putin, will rise.

> is from an older generation – The article implies that the Grech will be a baby boomer, and Putin’s birth in 1952 qualifies him as the Russian equivalent.

> will be a hero who leads the globe into a New World Order – Vladimir Putin is scripted to be the man who helps shape the post-WW3 overhaul of the UN, and this reform effort will make it into the multilateral / multipolar New World Order the globalists have been planning.

> “may be the Antichrist” – Tom Horn may pretend that he doesn’t know how all this will go down, but he does. He knows Putin’s role, but he won’t tell his sheep about it because it’s not yet the time in the script for Putin to be outed as the “Antichrist.” They want the world to fall for his deception first.

> will continue in power as a result of war – Putin will see a massive increase in his power following WW3, and if WW3 happens before the Russian Presidential Election next March, he’ll be reelected by a landslide (even without fixing the vote).

> will start playing his character between 2005 and 2025 – We’re neck-deep in that timeframe right now, and it looks like they’re getting ready to pull the trigger this year.

> will be an authoritarian ruler – Putin has certainly been authoritarian in Russia, and he’ll continue to be so during his time as the Grech. At some point during the 7-year lifespan of the New World Order – probably right in the middle – his authoritarian tendencies will go into overdrive. He will so horrify the people of the world with what he does that they’ll conclude humans are incapable of governing themselves. And that will set the stage for the arrival of the Kabbalah Christ, the religious figurehead through which the globalists plan to rule a united Earth.

When it comes to the “true Antichrist” character of the globalist prophecy fulfillment play, Vladimir Putin, he is scripted to initially pose as “the good Christian” fighting the “the bad Western Satanist leader” to bring peace to the world and pretend to be the messiah. And according to last year’s abandoned script, Putin was to face off against Obama. In this year’s script, it looks like they’re positioning Pence or Zombie Trump to play Putin’s foil. This is one of the reasons Horn points his readers towards the US in looking for the Grech…

“This commander – whom they call the Grey Champion (and who some of us could worry is the antichrist) – will continue in power as a result of war or conflict that keeps his regime in command. (A second term for a U.S. president or continuance as executive during presidential war powers or martial law that suspends elections?)

The other reason Horn is directing eyes towards the US instead of Russia is to protect Putin’s secret until after the world public accepts him. Because it is only if the public accepts Putin as their leader that they’ll feel responsible for what he ends up doing. “We brought this monster on ourselves,” the public will think, “We’re too stupid to make our own decisions. We need god to do it.” And this is a sentiment the globalists will happily exploit to their advantage when they offer “the true messiah,” the Kabbalah Christ, to do the job.

So when the time comes that Trump finally abandons his pro-Putin stance or is pushed aside for Pence, Tom Horn and Co. will point to the American president as being the Grech (thus pretending to be initially fooled by the “Antichrist’s Great Deception”). And according to the script, they’ll later “realize they were wrong” and finally point to Putin. As Stage 3 prophecy propagandists, it is their assigned role to point out the “true Antichrist” at the right time, then promote the “true Christ (the Kabbalah Christ)” when he shows up on cue to take Putin down.

As for when Trump will be turned or pushed aside, the first window of opportunity is the budget / debt ceiling battle in about a month. Trump will either sell out Russia for a victory on the border wall or NAFTA, or he’ll be shunted aside after triggering a government shutdown and debt default. Should you see Congress kick the can down the road instead, it means the globalists are delaying action yet again.

And speaking of the globalists, I find myself in possession of a message to them…

Surely you realize by now that your plan is utterly doomed to failure. Nothing great or lasting – either for humanity or for yourselves – will ever be built upon an already-shattered foundation of lies and deceit. Your corrupt means hopelessly corrupt your ends.

Your activities continue to profoundly diminish the experiential profitability of this reality system for Source Consciousness and its billions of extensions incarnate in it. And you can rest assured that Consciousness will have its way in this reality sooner or later. Any gang of self-important ape incarnates who stand against Consciousness’s greater expression will find themselves on the wrong side of the cosmic bulldozer.

Your current efforts will not bring forth a savior, whether real or fake; they’ll bring forth only unnecessary suffering for Source’s extensions, including yourselves. Life amidst a population of vibrantly alive human beings is infinitely more stimulating than life amidst a population of moaning serfs. And living life with a clear conscience is icing on the cake. You’d realize that if you’d set aside your psycho-spiritual programming and think clearly about it.

The only successful path before you is one of confession, total honesty, and the gradual surrender of power. You actually have an opportunity to do something genuinely great if you’ll set aside your delusional myths and doctrines. When you stop using intellectual contrivances to override your internal guidance, you’ll find a much brighter life ahead for both you and everyone else.

Now that the pearls have been obligatorily cast before the swine, let’s move on.

Getting back to Putin, I’ve written about his role in the “new” UN numerous times, including in “End Times” Programming and Update 6

[UN] Governance reform will come only after we have reached the precipice of nuclear war and the second leader (the “fake Christ / real Antichrist”) steps forward and brings peace.

When that time comes, the BRICS and the Pope will join with the second leader and give the UN Complex an image makeover.

After the makeover, the New World Order will be in full effect and the “fake Christ / real Antichrist” will be its de facto or de jure leader.


The stronger, BRICS-reformed UN that comes out of the September crisis will be the final Roman empire, and its de facto or de jure leader, Vladimir Putin, will be the final Roman emperor.

So if we add in this “Grey Cardinal” stuff Tom Horn is promoting, it appears that Putin will start out as the de facto leader of the “reformed” UN / NWO. But after a few years’ worth of news stories, books, and movies come out about Putin’s “heroic efforts to save us all during the Big Crisis,” he’ll likely take direct command. It is at this point that things will start getting ugly in world again, and Putin will organize the world to fight against an incoming threat. This incoming threat will turn out to be the scripted arrival of the Kabbalah Christ.

Although it may be hard for you to wrap your mind around this, the globalists will likely present the incoming threat in the form of phony “extraterrestrials.” Their narrative will involve two ET groups: a “friendly group” that wants to help us stay independent and free (and who helped Putin defeat the “Satanic” West) and a “hostile group” that wants to subjugate us. It will later turn out that the “friendly ETs” are actually “the fallen angels from the Bible,” and the “hostile ETs” are actually “Jesus and the angels of god.”

In keeping with the script, Jesus will win of course. And both groups of supposed ETs will be nothing more than lab-grown GMO creatures flying around in aerospace vehicles built with sequestered human technology. You can build a lot of “UFOs” and grow a lot of “test tube angels” when you are sitting upon trillions of dollars’ worth of stolen wealth.

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

~ the finale 1 ~

Before we close out this entry, let’s get back to the idea of abstract conceptualizations and prophecy interpretations that make it seem like what’s happening around us is the result of natural forces. Here is something Tom Horn says about the authors of the Fourth Turning book in his article…

“According to Strauss and Howe in 1997, this chain reaction was already prepped to unfold as the result of natural cycles or ‘Turnings’…”

And if we look at a sections of the book Horn includes in the article, we find them quite “prescient”…

“Just after the millennium, America will enter a new era that will culminate with a crisis comparable to the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War II. The very survival of the nation will almost certainly be at stake…

America feels like it’s unraveling. Although we live in an era of relative peace and comfort, we have settled into a mood of pessimism about the long-term future, fearful that our superpower nation is somehow rotting from within.

The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium. … Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation, and empire…

The very survival of the nation will feel at stake.

Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.

The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and efforts – in other words, a TOTAL WAR.”

So did the authors of the Fourth Turning really come to these startling conclusions solely from looking at historical patterns? To answer that question, let’s have a quick look at their backgrounds…

William Strauss (now deceased) was educated at Harvard and went on to work for the US government and for Senator Charles Percy, a Rockefeller Republican.

Neil Howe was educated at Berkeley and Yale and went on to work in Washington, DC for the infamous Blackstone Group (a bankster financial institution). He also became a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Jesuit institution affiliated with Georgetown University. Among CSIS’ trustees are two names you should find familiar: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger.

So both authors had/have a US government background, and Howe is connected to a Jesuit think tank associated with Henry Kissinger, one of the chief architects of the Rockefellers’ New World Order implementation plan.

Now let’s look at the author of the article, Tom Horn.

More to come and much love…

(P.S. – 29 August 2017) – Hurricane Harvey and the Debt Ceiling

Something I was expecting showed up yesterday (and I found it today). It is an article about Hurricane Harvey’s impact on the debt ceiling. The article argues that the need for disaster aid will overcome Trump and Congress’ resistance to reach a budget / debt deal, and if it does, Hurricane Harvey will be an excuse for the globalists to push the delay button for a little while. But it could also go the other way. Have a look this section from the article…

“Although it will be weeks before we can make an even preliminary estimate, it is clear that Hurricane Harvey costs will total tens of billions of dollars. FEMA and other federal agencies will be picking up a large part of the Hurricane Harvey costs tab.

That brings us to the federal debt ceiling, which prohibits the U.S. Treasury from borrowing additional funds once the debt reaches just over $19.8 trillion, a sum it had been expected to reach in late September. But once FEMA springs into action, we may hit that ceiling a couple of weeks earlier.” – From

If we hit the debt ceiling a couple of weeks before late September, the hit could occur during the big UN meeting in New York (which is scheduled from September 12 – 25). This would present a very tempting timeframe for the dual UN/Washington DC preemptive strike “by North Korea” I’ve been warning about.

In fact, I’m expecting three specific things to happen vis-a-vis the UN meeting, but I won’t tell you about them now. I don’t want the globalists to alter their plan just yet. Perhaps I’ll leave a clue in my next full entry.

P.P.S – On second thought, I’ll just go ahead and outline the “three specific things” in my next entry. There’s no point trying to get too cute about it. These ideas come to me to be expressed, not held back. Besides, I’ve already talked about the first and third ones.

P.P.P.S. – I was waiting for an article on Harvey and the debt ceiling because I wanted to see how the media would play it. Yes, it might cost tens of billions to fix all the damage to Houston, but that money will not be spent over the next month; it will be spent over the next few years. And given that the US government spends north of $10.5 billion per day…

…how can they possibly spend enough money in the next month that we’d lose 14 days from the debt ceiling countdown? Fourteen days of federal expenditures is somewhere in the neighborhood of $150 billion dollars. They will spend only a tiny fraction of that on Harvey by the end of September.

The math doesn’t add up, but it doesn’t have to. All that matters is the script. It would be funny if they decide to accelerate the debt ceiling deadline by 7 days…

…from CNBC

September 29 – 7 days = September 22. If that happened, Freemasons all over America would get so excited that they’d blow their loads. So let’s hope it doesn’t happen, for the sake of the dry cleaners.

Rand Paul and the Phony Holy War

Have a look at this section from a Christian Post article titled 7 Interesting Facts About Rand Paul’s Christian Faith

Here is another such report from the Christian Broadcasting Network…

Propaganda articles such as these serve to implant the Holy War idea into the minds of Christians as well as establish Rand Paul as “one of the Christian good guys who sounded the alarm.” And I’ve shown you in previous entries who are the other “Christian good guys” the globalists have cast for their Holy War production:

> Vladimir Putin is playing the “worldwide Champion of Christianity”…

…From The Washington Times (top) and Sputnik (bottom)

> Donald Trump is playing the “Christian Vindex” who is “under heavy fire” for attacking the “Western Elite’s Satanist Empire” from within…

…from the Huffington Post

According to the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, the Christian Vindex (Trump) will aid the Champion of Christianity (Putin) at a key moment and be struck down because of it. The “Christian Galba” (Rand Paul) will then fill Trump’s shoes after the wars end and the dust settles. You may have noticed that Paul was one of only two senators to vote against the just-passed Russia sanctions law. This was done to make him look principled and to demonstrate goodwill towards his future “Christian” partner in global politics, Putin.

With all this in mind, allow me now to fill you in on the current shape of the globalist prophecy fulfillment script. I’ll do it in a question and answer format…

Q&A 1 – What are the two sides in the globalist-scripted Holy War? Who are the major actors on both sides?

On the “GOOD GUYS” side are the Christians and the “real” Muslims.

The Christian protagonists are…

> Vladimir Putin, the star of the whole show. He will be portrayed as the leader who saves “Christian civilization” and leads the “good guys” to victory. This will catapult him into leadership of the “new, reformed” UN (a.k.a. the New World Order). Either at the climax of the Holy War or 3.5 years later, he will be proclaimed as the returned Christ. (Watch for a very expensive, Hollywood-esque magic show to accompany that proclamation.)

> Donald Trump and Rand Paul playing the roles of Vindex and Galba, respectively. Once Paul ascends to the presidency, he will mend the rift with Putin and lead America into its diminished world role and its place at the new multilateral / multipolar UN round table.

> The “Christian” leaders of the Eastern European EU nations (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic), who will play a role in disrupting and dismantling the “Satanist-led” EU.

As for the “real” Muslim “good guys,” Ali Khamenei and Qasem Soleimani will play the roles of “the Herald of the Mahdi” and the “Imam Mahdi” (the Muslim savior figure), respectively. Their forces will fight alongside the Christian forces to defeat the “bad guys.”

On the “BAD GUYS” side are the “Western Satanist Elite” and their “Crypto-Satanic radical Islamist” allies.

The Satanic protagonists are…

> Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, the European equivalents of America’s “Satanist” Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

> Recep Tayyip Erdogan, playing the role of the “Dajjal” (the Islamic version of the Antichrist figure). He will start the hot phase of the Holy War when he cancels the Turkey-EU migrant deal and starts a three million person migrant invasion of Europe. The globalists might also have him seize the US nukes that are supposedly stored at Incirlik Air Base (in order to create a big nuclear scare to help induce urgent UN “reform”).

>The Crypto-Satanic leaders of the Gulf States and the Islamist terrorist armies, who are supposedly trying to destroy both “true Islam” and Christian civilization in concert with their “Western Satanist” allies.

Q & A 2 – When will the Holy War begin?

You won’t have to wait long. The “limited war” phase has been ongoing for years, and the “total war” phase may begin anytime between now and the end of 2018 (unless the globalists back off again). Keep an eye on the supposed rift between Erdogan and EU leaders that the media are portraying to the public…

…from Google

Something will happen soon that “outrages” Erdogan and gets the whole thing going.

Q & A 3 – So the globalist script calls for Vladimir Putin to play the role of the returned Christ?

No. His actual role is to play the Antichrist, so he will be proclaimed the returned Christ as part of his “attempt to usurp Christ’s throne.” Just look at the ritual he did to stealthily signal his Christhood when he visited the “Holy Land” back in 2012…

>>>During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre…

Entering the church, Vladimir Putting kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud.

After that the president was taken to the Kuviklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour.

Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross…

In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born…

Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters.

The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born.” – From

Take a moment to think about this ritual Putin went through. It started at NIGHT at the places associated with Christ’s death at his First Coming, then that NIGHT ended in the MORNING when Vladimir Putin received the Star of Bethlehem and lighted a candle at Christ’s birthspot. That’s a helluva symbolic ritual, was it not? Putin returned Christ’s light to the world after a long night. <<<

– From Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 3 – Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?

During the upcoming Holy War, look for the buildings atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to be heavily damaged / destroyed by the “bad guys.” Just look at how Erdogan, playing the “Dajjal,” is clashing with Israel over it…

…from a Google search of “Israel Erdogan”

Once the War is won by the Christian / “true” Muslim alliance (with Israel’s help), the Third Temple will be built atop the Temple Mount as a joint “Chrislamijew” holy site. It is at this “unholy” temple that Putin will likely be proclaimed the returned Christ – and recognized as the Antichrist by some.

As Antichrist, Putin’s role is to lead the revived “Global Roman Empire” (a.k.a. the multilateral / multipolar NWO) in “rebellion against God.” So Putin will build his throne atop the Temple Mount (in the form of the Chrislamijew Third Temple) and use the militaries of the world to war against the “true Christ’s forces” when he comes to take back his holy place.

Although the “sovereignty-respecting, democracy-based” NWO will at first look like the solution to all our problems, Putin is scripted to mislead, misuse and crash it so spectacularly that people will become convinced that they’re incapable of governing themselves – that “God must govern us instead.” The globalists’ “true Christ” figure, whom I call “the Kabbalah Christ,” will then take the role of “God-King of the World.” It is from behind this figurehead Christ that the Kabbalist elite plan to rule unopposed over a unified Earth.

NOTE: If you are a new reader and are wondering how I came up with these answers, read “End Times” Programming and the Globalist Prophecy Watch series. It is in these entries that I present the evidence and connect the dots to arrive at this understanding.

More to come.

Love always…

(P.S. – 3 August 2017) – Robert Mueller, China and Trump’s vacation

There were some interesting developments today. Special counsel Robert Mueller has launched an aggressive new phase in his witch hunt while the Senate is moving to block Trump’s ability to fire him…

…from Google News

In the public mind, this establishes motivation for Trump to move quickly to fire Mueller before the House of Representatives return from their August recess.

Also, Trump is expected to fire the first shot in a “trade war” with China on the day (tomorrow) he heads out for a 17-day vacation. While he’s gone, the White House will be torn apart for a partial renovation to ensure he doesn’t return. And when is the renovation scheduled to be complete? On August 21, the day of the Great American Eclipse.

To see why the timing of all these events might be significant, read August 2017: The month the coup likely begins. In addition to the triggers listed in that entry, we can add “Chinese trade retaliation / financial shock / South China Sea confrontation” as potential events to be tied to the “America-dooming” eclipse.

(P.S. – 3 August 2017) – Will Trump kill Obamacare funding, then recall the Senate?

Hmmm… are they setting up a situation in which Trump will kill Obamacare funding this month, then call the Senate back into session to pass the health care bill?…

…from Google News

Publicly forcing the Senate’s hand in this way would create a motive for Congress to strike back against Trump, and the House would likely return to Washington to help. It would be a great way to set up a confrontation for the eclipse on the 21st.

(P.S. – 4 August 2017) – Trump backs down again on China

News has come out that Trump won’t launch the trade war today, so it looks like China-related scenarios won’t play a role in the eclipse. Given that…

> the Senate took action to help block a firing of Mueller,
> Mueller has upped the pressure by empaneling the grand jury, and
> Mueller is going after Trump’s son,

…Trump’s most obvious way to strike back is the Obamacare scenario outlined in the last postscript. So a showdown over healthcare is the odds-on favorite to be the triggering event. And should they back off such a confrontation due to exposure, their most likely fallback scenario would be some sort of attack on Washington. Since both Congress and Trump are out of town, it would be a safe time for them to pop off a WMD there.

On the matter of sanctions and US-Russian relations, hearing the Russians complain of Trump’s weakness goes back to what I talked about in Update 5

Under the new “Vindex Falls” scenario in which Trump is deposed, the white hats will not step up to rescue him because they view him as too weak to stand up to the black hats.

So when the “neolib-neocon deep state” comes for Trump, who will save him? Nobody, that’s who. He is scripted to fall, and the “progressive deep state” counter-coup will not come until we are pushed to the brink of nuclear war.

(P.S. – 5 August 2017) – The likelihood of a globalist-orchestrated “North Korean” sneak attack against the UN and Washington D.C. has substantially increased today. And August 22nd just became a lot more dangerous. I’ll explain why in the morning. Till then, you might want to review my previous alert on the North Korean sneak attack scenario.

(P.P.S.) – My explanation is now posted in this new alert.

Vindex (Trump) walks into an ambush in the belly of the Beast

Today it occurred to me that just like Obama was positioned to be the “decoy/counterfeit Antichrist” within the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, there is a decoy/counterfeit Beast of Revelation as well. It is the G7.

The Beast of Revelation has seven heads, and upon those seven heads are ten horns, each with a crown. Now if we look at the G7, it consists of seven nations (the heads), and it has ten leaders (the horns with crowns). Those leaders are the 7 political heads of the member nations plus the 2 political heads of the EU…

…from Wikipedia

That makes 9 horns. So who is the tenth, you ask? It is the religious head of the G7, the Pope, who hails from the Vatican, a sovereign city-state at the very heart of a G7 member state. This makes Pope Francis the “Hidden Horn,” and when Trump went to Italy to attend the G7 Summit earlier this year, he met first with the Hidden Horn before he went to the Summit to encounter the other eight.

Since Trump is playing the role of the one true Christian amidst a pack of G7 “Satanists” who are using Islam to destroy Christianity, he is the odd man out (they already got rid of the first odd man out, the “true Christian” Putin, when they kicked him out of the G8 to make the G7). So as the odd man out who just enraged the Beast by removing the US from the Paris Agreement, Trump will face an ambush at the G20 Summit on 7/7

…from Google News

At the very least, the G7 component of the G20 will do everything possible to trip Trump up and make him look bad; at worst, he could be “assassinated” right there on Merkel’s home turf (in the belly of the Beast). Whether it happens as early as the G20 or as late as the Turkish Holy War, death is the most likely outcome for the character Trump is playing. And remember too that the prophecy fulfillment script also contains a standing contingency for the “assassination” of Putin that could be activated at any time. Whenever it happens, he will either survive it or be “resurrected” three days afterwards.

If you are unfamiliar with the globalist prophecy script, you can learn about it in “End Times” Programming and the Globalist Prophecy Watch series. And for more information on what’s going on this week of the G20, read the previous update.

Love always…

(P.S. – Same Day) – Upon looking through what’s written about the Beast in Revelation and translating it into what the globalists might do to fake its fulfillment, I can see confirmation that the G7 is “Satanic,” that Trump will indeed be replaced with Pence at some point soon, and that the G7 will meet its end in December of this year. I’ll start filling in the details after I’ve completed my dinner cycle, which takes four hours unfortunately.

[Addendum 1 – Same Day]

Let’s have a look at some of the other things the Book of Revelation says about the Beast…

1) Revelation 13:2 – “…and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”

So who is this dragon who gives the Beast its power, seat, and authority? The answer can be found in…

Revelation 12:9 – “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world…”

So if the G7 is being cast as the decoy Beast, we see why the globalists’ alt-media disinfo guys keep blasting the West as being run by Satanists.

2) Revelation 13:3 – “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed…”

If the seven heads are the seven nations of the G7, the head that was wounded is the US, and it happened when Trump was elected. Instead of leadership passing from the “Satanist” Obama to the “Satanist” Clinton, a “Christian” was elected. And when that happened, talk was rampant that the “Trump Revolution” / populism would sweep through the EU (thus killing the Beast). So if the “deadly wound” is healed, that means a “Satanist” (Pence) will take back the Presidency. And that would have to happen before the Beast meets its end.

3) Revelation 13:5 – “…and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”

If the current incarnation of the G7 is the Beast, it has only 42 months (3 years and 6 months) to live. So let’s look at when the G7 took its current form…

…from Wikipedia

It was at the 40th G7 Summit, on June 4-5, 2014, that Putin was kicked out of the G8 and the current G7 began. So let’s count forward six months…
1. July 4-5, 2014
2. August 4-5, 2014
3. September 4-5, 2014
4. October 4-5, 2014
5. November 4-5, 2014
6. December 4-5, 2014
And if we add 3 years to December 4-5, 2014, we get December 4-5, 2017.

So if the globalists stick with this part of the script, the Beast’s head wound must be healed between now and December, and the Beast will not continue after the first week of December.

Tomorrow morning, we’ll look at some more passages and explore the Second Beast of Revelation, “The Beast out of the Earth” (which is the EU).

[Addendum 2 – 7 July 2017]

Let’s continue our look at the Beast in Revelation…

4) After the Beast’s head wound is healed, this is what is said to happen…

Revelation 3:3-4 – “…and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

Now take a moment to think of what people will say about the G7 / Western Establishment if they assassinate Trump or kick him out of office. Everyone will remark about how invincible is their grip on power in the West and how no one can stand against them.

5) Revelation 3:7 – “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”

Here is where the G7’s “war against Christianity” comes in. The globalists have had their “Satanic Western Establishment” guys…

> create, train, arm, and fund radical Islamist groups that have slaughtered Christians around the world;

> orchestrate Islamist terror attacks on their own people;

> import Muslim immigrants on a vast scale in order to break down Western civilization and defeat Christianity; and

> use their power over government, education, and media to corrupt Western society and depopularize Christianity.

The globalists are having their Western guys do all these terrible things so their Eastern guys (like the “Champion of Christianity” Putin) can step in and play the saviors.

6) Revelation speaks of a second beast in verses 11-15. This second beast has two horns, assists the first beast, and is mentioned in conjunction with the healing of the first beast’s head wound. So if we look at the two horns as two leaders, the second beast must be the European Union, which has two leaders (Tusk and Juncker).

Although the EU is part of the G7, it has its own identity separate from it. So it is its own beast. And after the G7’s American head was wounded, it was the EU that kept the Western Establishment alive by leading the conspiracy to rig the European polls to stop the populist uprising in its tracks (this conspiracy will be brought to light in the near future).

If you look at Revelation 13 at the Bible site, you’ll see that it calls the first beast “The Beast Out of the Sea”

And it calls the second beast “The Beast Out of the Earth”

Looking at these Wikipedia maps of the G7 and EU, you can see why they would call the G7 “The Beast Out of the Sea” and the EU “The Beast Out of the Earth.” All G7 nations border the sea, and they span across both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And all EU nations are on the same continent.

All this being said, if the honest bloggers and commenters do our best to expose the contrived nature of all this, perhaps we can cause them to hold off. If we can only get to January with the G7 still in place, it will blow another of their timelines, and I would enjoy that with wicked delight. I might even celebrate by purchasing my first-ever bottle of Dom Perignon. Given my budget, though, it’ll have to be the vintage from the year Chernobyl blew.

(P.S. – 8 July 2017) – Now here’s a picture of reality…

…from the Drudge Report

Do you see how Xi and Merkel are smiling at the Trumps? Hidden behind all the bullsh*t political pronouncements that will come out of the G20 is the reality that all its leaders are one big happy family of globalist minions. Though they are given different and sometimes adversarial roles to play on the public stage, they are all butt-buddies who party together.

Here’s another example from Zero Hedge

…This is the article’s closing paragraph…

“This slice of life – this snapshot from a party – tells a thousand words. Washington, D.C. is a carefully crafted stage play, designed to distract the American people from what goes on behind the scenes. If we fail to recognize that, we will never achieve substantial change.”

Alt-media sites like Zero Hedge tell you truths like this so you’ll believe the lies they also tell you, such as the lie that the “Deep State” is the source of America’s troubles. In reality, this global stage play is being put on by the world’s royal families, their Kabbalist Jew senior partners, and their Freemason / secret society / mafia uberminions.

[Addendum 3 – 9 July 2017]

The G20 Summit contained far fewer petty slights against Trump than I was expecting, but the script moved forward as anticipated. After finally meeting with Putin face-to-face, Trump is “vowing” he’ll “move forward in working constructively with Russia.” And in response to this, the “Satanic” Pope Francis – the Hidden Horn of the Beast Out of the Sea – is warning about a “dangerous alliance” between America and Russia. This provides the motivation for the “Satanic” coup-plotters to proceed.

Meanwhile, Trump’s Presidential replacement has been gathering coup backers, thus preparing for the Caesarian “Et tu, Mike?” moment with Trump…

…from the Drudge Report

And the press have proclaimed Merkel (who is part of both beasts) as Trump’s replacement as “Leader of the Free World”…

…from Google News

Now all they need is a triggering event that can be blamed on Trump’s “insanity” in order to make their move. The outbreak of conflict with either China / North Korea or Turkey remains the most likely approach. Also, Merkel’s ascension to de facto leadership of the G7 can be spun as a healing of the Beast’s head wound in case they need to move in another direction. We can expect them to make rapid on-the-fly script adjustments in an attempt to keep their agenda in motion.

Globalist Prophecy Watch 2017

In keeping with the globalists’ End Times prophecy script, Trump has stepped up beside Putin to save the Christians…

…From CBN

And when Trump and Putin finally meet this year, the next phase of the globalists’ artificial prophecy fulfillment effort will begin.

The globalists seemed to abandon their prophecy fulfillment plans vis-a-vis Obama last September, but you can be sure that they haven’t given up on their goal of foisting a Kabbalist Christ (I call him the “Kabbalah-Christ”) upon us. That being the case, allow me to offer my best estimate of their amended plans, and I’ll begin with two key points…

Point 1: There is a widespread expectation among Christians that “Satan” will attempt a deception and try to take “Jesus’” throne before “Jesus’ Second Coming.” And to ensure that their Kabbalah-Christ is accepted by Christians, the globalists intend to provide them with just such a deception.

Under their original plan, Obama and Putin were to be the central characters of the deception, with Obama playing the fake Antichrist to Putin’s fake Christ. Then the “real (Kabbalah) Christ” was to show up 7 years later to defeat the “fake Christ / real Antichrist” Putin.

Under their amended plan, Obama and Putin retain their roles (as does Erdogan with his “Dajjal” role), but the timetable has been changed.

Point 2: There is disagreement among Christians over whether the “Tribulation” period that precedes Jesus’ Second Coming is 3.5 years long or 7 years long…


The globalists are making use of this confusion in amending their timetable.

With these two points set before us, let’s compare and contrast the globalists’ original and amended plans…

1) Under their original plan, there were two phases to their introduction of the Kabbalah-Christ: the Obama versus Putin deception phase, and the Putin versus Kabbalah-Christ “real” phase.

Under their amended plan, this two-phase approach is still in play.

2) Under their original plan, the deception phase was to involve a 7-year “counterfeit Tribulation” which began when Obama sat as the President of the UN Security Council in September of 2009. It was to end in Putin’s defeat of Obama in Syria in September of 2016.

Under their amended plan, the deception phase has been shortened to a 3.5 year counterfeit Tribulation which began when the “Satanic” West attacked the “Christian” Putin in Ukraine between 21 November 2013 and 23 February 2014. It is to end in the defeat of Satanic forces in the West between May and August of 2017.

3) Under their original plan, the “real” phase was to involve a 7-year “real Tribulation” which would begin when Putin takes the reins of the “reformed” United Nations. 3.5 years after taking UN leadership, he would go stand in the newly built Third Temple in Jerusalem, thus symbolically taking Jesus’s throne. And in the 3.5 years following that, there would be great ugliness and war until the “real Christ” shows up to take back his throne.

Under their amended plan, they might retain this 7-year timeline, but they might also shorten it to 3.5 years. If they shorten it, look for Putin to travel to Jerusalem shortly after taking over the UN. During the visit, he would stand on the Temple Mount where the Third Temple will be sited, thus fulfilling an important prophecy. Construction of the Third Temple would begin around that time, and it would be completed 3.5 years later. At that point, they’d cue the “big magic show” in which “the True Antichrist Putin” leads the armies of the UN against the Kabbalah-Christ and his forces. This “Battle of Armageddon” would decide who sits on the throne of the Third Temple.

Now I know what you’re thinking…

“Ken, where do you get all this?” – To get the answer to that question, read the End Times Programming material I wrote last year. It’ll give you a good basic background on what the globalists have been up to.

“Ken, do you really they’ll try something like this?” – Normally, I would write off all talk of prophecy as the wishful thinking of religious nuts. But the fact that the Kabbalist Chabad-Lubavitch End Times cult has orchestrated the rise of both Putin and Trump tells me that the globalists really mean business with this artificial prophecy fulfillment stuff. Read Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch. It will open your eyes to the true weirdness of what the globalists are trying to do.

After that, go to the End Times Programming page to read all the background material from last year. You’ll find this entry at the top of the page, so scroll down till you see all the plus signs (++++++++++).

Love always…

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 7 – Is “Pope Francis as the Antichrist” the globalists’ Plan B? (+ a P.S. – Unbusting my balls)

I just came across a prophecy propaganda video which suggests another prophetic scenario that may be the globalists’ Plan B (either that or I was wrong about what Plan A was)…
…From YouTube

This prophecy interpretation suggests that the UN may be the “Beast” from Revelation (the revived Roman Empire) and Pope Francis and his Roman Catholic Church may be the Antichrist/whore who is riding it…

So if Pope Francis is presented as the “real” Antichrist, his 7-year tenure (the Tribulation) began on March 13, 2013 (the day he was made Pope). This would mean the second half of his tenure (the Great Tribulation) started sometime around September 13, 2016. And what was going on in Syria at that time? It was the time period of the US/Russian ceasefire agreement, which was broken when the US bombed Syrian soldiers on September 17. This means September 17th may have been the beginning of the Great Tribulation.

If the globalists are going with the Pope as the Antichrist, it is no wonder that we’re looking at imminent war (Syria) and economic collapse (Deutsche Bank). That’s to be expected during the Great Tribulation, and we’d have three and a half years of misery coming our way. And this would put the arrival of the “real” Christ figure on or about the Ides of March, 2020 — a fitting date for the fall of a global Caesar (the “Antichrist”).

So was I wrong about the globalists’ Plan A? Their very deliberate positioning of Obama argues against it. I blew the whistle on the Obama plot back in August of 2015, and by the end of January 2016, I’d exposed Plan A in depth. The Tomorrow’s World video was posted after that, in March of 2016. Whether I was wrong or not doesn’t matter anyway; the whole purpose of this blog is to forestall action and therefore be wrong. All that really matters is the knowledge that this prophetic fulfillment is the work of men, not anything supernatural.

The bankster “elite” are trying to sell you a Christ in either 2020 or 2023. Will you buy it?

Love always…

(P.S. – 7 October 2016) – A couple of people have left comments to bust my balls over my alleged belief that I am “saving the world” with my blog. While I certainly hope that I’m making some kind of difference with what I do, I view myself as a network printer, not a savior. The fact that I’m writing these things indicates that there are a lot of people out there who are coming to the same conclusions; I’m just one of the few who have the time and inclination to type it up and post it.

It is unwise to assume that our adversaries are invincible and will push ahead regardless of whether we’re aware of their plans or not. In actuality, they care very much if we know what they’re up to. What’s the point of going through with their schemes if they know people will see through the end result? They don’t want a stillborn messiah that everyone laughs at, and that is why they might switch from Plan A to Plan B. Plan B would shave 3.5 years off their journey to the end result, and that means there’d be 3.5 fewer years for our understanding to spread.

The fact of the matter is that their Western NWO vs. Eastern NWO dialectic is blown. Their artificial prophecy fulfillment effort to give the world a god-king is blown. The genie is out of the bottle. Too many people already know, and no amount of UN internet censorship will stop the understanding from spreading. So will they push ahead with building their “1,000-year” sandcastle of lies knowing that the tide of awareness will wash it away?

How the New World Order Agenda Drives the “Planet X / Nibiru” Myth

It’s easy to fake the “arrival” of a mythical planet…
…if you define its size, orbit and type in such a way that it can be detected only by large, specialized telescopes controlled by the globalists. Those who control the telescopes can also control what you see through them.

A reader asked for my opinion on the Planet X / Nibiru narrative yesterday, and I decided to provide an answer because of what I recently saw on the site of a prominent Christian prophecy propagandist…

“Following the release of their first three international bestsellers Petrus Romanus, Exo-Vaticana, and On the Path of the Immortals Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were swamped with interview requests from radio, television, and print media outlets around the world. When they accurately predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI one full year in advance, even naming the very month and year he would step down, global shock waves raised compelling questions regarding why the Vatican has an advanced telescope perched atop Mt. Graham in Arizona (USA) where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring something approaching Earth.

Authors Horn and Putnam visited the mountain and spoke with the astronomers. After their second report was published in Exo-Vaticana, the popes top astronomer took to the airwaves (and on the Vatican Observatory website) in an attempt to explain the role that he and other church astronomers are playing in regard to the LUCIFER device on Mt. Graham, as well as their developing doctrines concerning extraterrestrial life and the impact it may soon have on planet Earth s religions (Christianity in particular).” – From SkywatchTV

The fact that Tom Horn is hinting at the arrival of Nibiru tells us that it might be in play as part of the globalists’ fake alien arrival scenario. And before you dismiss a potential fake alien arrival out of hand, I remind you that it was none other than Laurance Rockefeller – one of the architects of the New World Order implementation plan – who got the modern UFO Disclosure movement started. His association with, and funding of, the Disclosuristas suggests that UFO Disclosure has a part to play in the NWO rollout.

It’s also worth noting that as I prepared to write this entry, I came across a brand new jug of New Age Kool Aid that was written on the subject just yesterday…

Over the course of this week, we’ll have a look at this and other related propaganda, then I’ll tell you how the globalists will fake Nibiru’s arrival (if they are stupid enough to go through with the magic show this year and/or in 2023).

If you read through SkywatchTV and in5d’s material, you’ll see that both sites claim the incoming “aliens” are real. As I’ve written before, the globalists must convince you of their reality so you’ll also see the fake Christ figure who will show up 7 years later as being real. But the sites differ in their characterizations of the “aliens” according to their assigned roles in the “End Times” disinformation effort…

> in5d is assigned to “Team Satan,” so they promote “the channeled doctrines of devils” (New Age material) and portray the “aliens” as being “benevolent space brothers.” Should the globalists opt to follow through with the alien magic show, these space brothers (who are actually nothing more than lab-grown GMO humanoids) will team up with Putin’s “reformed” UN to fight the fake Christ figure when he shows up in 2023.

> SkywatchTV is assigned to “Team God,” so they promote Judaized Christianity and portray the “aliens” as being the “fallen angels” of Biblical myth. Their role is to point out Team Satan’s deception and convince people that the fake Christ figure who shows up to defeat the space brothers is the real “son of god.”

As I outlined in “End Times” Programming, an analysis of globalist prophecy propaganda suggests that 2023 is the year “the real Jesus” will show up to defeat “Satan” and establish his 1,000-year Holy Reich. I therefore found this part of the in5d article particularly interesting…

>>> Pluto in Capricorn will crush money, government and religion

Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and will remain there until 2023. Pluto is known as the “Destroyer” and will destroy everything that is not in humanity’s best interests, including money, government and religion.

The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the 1700’s during the French and American Revolutions. If you look around the world, you will see revolutions in many different countries.

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, we saw the collapse of 100’s of banks, with the exception of the “too big to fail” banks, but even those banks will collapse in the near future. These collapses happened right on schedule! <<<

So both the New Age and Judeo-Christian elements of the globalist “End Times” propaganda effort agree that 2023 is the big year. Since they work for the same people, this should come as no surprise.

Now if we go on to examine some other propaganda reports about Nibiru, we begin to get an idea of how they’ll fake its existence…

> Here is a report that suggests Nibiru is “too distant to be easily spotted by the usual telescopes,” but was sighted by the South Pole Telescope: “The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10 meter (394 in) diameter telescope located at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica. The telescope is designed for observations in the microwave, millimeter-wave, and submillimeter-wave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum…”

> Here is a report that suggests Nibiru has been tracked by the WISE and IRAS telescopes. WISE stands for Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer and IRAS stands for Infrared Astronomical Satellite. Both are NASA space telescopes.

> And we’ve already seen Tom Horn’s suggestions that astronomers are using the Large Binocular Telescope and its LUCIFER (now called “LUCI”) near-infrared camera to watch Nibiru’s approach. In fact, here is an article of his that describes how the Jesuits kindly took him on a tour of the Mount Graham complex (which is something you do for someone who is spreading your propaganda for you).

So as you can see, the propaganda suggest that Nibiru is too distant and too faint to be seen through visible light telescopes. It must instead be viewed by very large telescopes that can see in the infrared and microwave spectra and that are placed in ideal observation locations like the top of an isolated mountain, on Antarctica, or in space. How many people do you think can afford to site, build and operate such telescopes?

The Large Binocular Telescope alone cost over $120 million to build
…Image from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics. And telescopes near the South Pole and in space don’t come cheap either. Building and operating such instruments can be afforded only by globalist-run governments, globalist-financed Big Science constortia, and oligarchs. So the globalists control all the eyes through which we’ll supposedly see Nibiru, and independent astronomers using inferior instruments will have no way of challenging their claims.

Defining Nibiru in such a way that only globalist-controlled infrared telescopes can see it goes beyond merely shutting out debunkers, though. It also enables a critical aspect of the deception…

In the case of a regular telescope, visible light shines down from the sky and is passed through mirrors and lenses directly into your eye. It would therefore be very hard to project a fake object through such an instrument. But in the case of an infrared telescope, infrared light shines down from the sky and is passed through mirrors and lenses directly into an infrared sensor. The data from that sensor is then converted to a visible image through digital image processing. And it is this digital intermediary (DI) between the object and observer that creates the potential for some very convincing fakery.

To create a phantom planet like Nibiru, all you’d have to do is…

1) mathematically define an orbit for it, and

2) create a dynamic 3D image of the object using vector graphics. This would allow the image to be scaled to the native resolution of each telescope involved in the deception.

3) Combine the orbit and image into a custom software package for each telescope, then install it.

With this software in place, each time one of the telescopes is aimed at the right spot, the digital intermediary would generate an image of the phantom planet. And an astronomer using the telescope would have no way of telling the difference between a real object processed through the DI and a phantom object generated by the DI. Conducting the deception in this manner would eliminate the need for the astronomers to be in on the con, and it would allow independent observers to travel to the telescope and “see it for themselves.”

This is the way I’d conduct the deception if I were in their shoes. And if I, a regular jagoff, can think of it, you can be certain that they thought about it and implemented it a long time ago.

Now that we’ve covered HOW they’ll fake Nibiru, the next obvious question is…

WHY would they fake it?

Summing up the answer in a concise phrase, it is “to blow people’s minds.” Can you imagine how the public would react to an announcement – made by “credible mainstream scientists” – that another populated planet exists right here in our own solar system? People’s existing work-a-day reality would be shattered, and their minds would be opened up to new possibilities. And open, malleable minds is what the globalists want as we transition into the New World Order and the Thousand Year Reich of “Jesus” that will follow.

If we get to the underlying objective in the globalists’ promotion of ETs and the Anunnaki myth, it is to revive belief in a “Christ”-based universal religion. The new Kabbalized Christian Catholicism will be based on a story that people can follow (the Anunnaki narrative), and people will be able to see “real proof” (in the form of “ET” visitors and “ET” spacecraft) that what the religion talks about is valid. There will be no more worshipping an invisible, imaginary god; you’ll be able to see “god” for yourself. And it all begins with showing the public counterfeit images of Nibiru taken through an infrared telescope.

This is what I wrote about it two years ago in the Vatican/Anunnaki entry…

>>> So it seems that the ET rollout, should it actually occur, will begin with us supposedly discovering them through a telescope, then the Vatican will make its statement. Once the public has digested the idea, ET/EDs might actually show themselves, claiming, “We were waiting for you guys to discover our existence on your own; we didn’t want to show up out of the blue and shock you.” <<<

For more information on Laurance Rockefeller’s involvement in the NWO and the Disclosure movement, read Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?

For more information on the Anunnaki narrative offered by the in5d article, read The Vatican is preparing to introduce the Anunnaki to us.

And for more information on how the globalists will fake an alien arrival, read the bottom portions of Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016.

With love…

P.S. – Although I highlighted the EIE logo in the Large Binocular Telescope graphic…
…I forgot to point out its remarkable – yet plausibly deniable – similarity to “Nibiru”…
…but I suppose that’s just an insignificant coincidence, right?

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 6 – New prophetic propaganda still points to September

During my evening infoscan, I came across this piece of Jewish prophecy propaganda…
…It was on the website of Skywatch TV, which is Tom Horn’s site that is devoted to selling the Jewish “End Times” prophecy script to gullible Christians.

Seeing Rabbi Kanievsky’s proclamation that the Jewish Messiah would arrive before the end of the Hebrew Year 5776, an obvious question came to mind…

On what Gregorian date does the year 5776 end?

After finding an online conversion site,, I discovered that the last day of 5776 is October 2, 2016. And this fits right in with my expectation that September will be the big month this year.

In previous writings on what will happen in September, I’ve estimated that Putin’s fake assassination will be staged on September 22, which would put his fake resurrection on September 25. On a hunch, I decided to convert September 25 to the Hebrew calendar, and guess what I found…
…Yep, it’s the 22nd day of the corresponding Hebrew month, and it’s on a Sunday.

So allow me to double-down on that prediction. Vladimir Putin, the Jewish Messiah, will be “assassinated” due to the betrayal of the “Russian Judas,” Dmitry Medvedev, on September 22, 2016. He will then be “resurrected” 3 days later at the Mount of Olives on September 25, 2016. This will raise him from “mere human” status to “religious icon” status, thus allowing him to fulfill his role in the globalist script as the “fake Christ / real Antichrist” for the 7 years that follow.

Now if we go back to the Skywatch TV post for a moment, we see that it ends with this…


This too points to September as being the pivotal month. Their intent is to give away a ton of their books and DVDs so people can watch their predictions come true in real time. They hope this will turn the recipients into rabid believers and proselytizers for their prophetic BS. Watch for them to do this giveaway right at the beginning of September.

My long-time readers will know that I’ve written about all this in many entries, but there is one particular update I’d like to point out. Before we read it, though, let’s look at one more thing that came out today…
…From Google News. You’ll understand why this “negligence / corruption” trial, which jeopardizes Lagarde’s post at the IMF, is important by the end of this excerpt from the Globalist Agenda Watch series…


[Update 5 – 27 March 2016]

The new financial system will launch on October 9

The economic steering committee of the New World Order, the G20, is meeting in China this year. And since China is a BRICS nation, there is certainly no Illuminati symbolism surrounding their G20 Presidency…
…except, of course, for the All-Seeing Eye staring right at you.

Now if we overlay what we’ve been uncovering in the Globalist Agenda Watch and Globalist Prophecy Watch series with the globalist meetings scheduled for this year, we see they fit like hand in glove.

On the eve of the September wars, which I’ve estimated will begin on or about September 11, forces from all over the world will be in Syria and Iraq fighting ISIS. So while all the world is still united, and just one week before they cease to be united, the G20 will hold its Leaders Summit…

I suspect that there will be a staged confrontation at that meeting between the G7 and the BRICS – a.k.a. the Global North and the Global South – over the G7’s obvious support of ISIS. Look for Putin to drop some big truth bombs at that meeting, both about Western support for ISIS and Obama’s background. The two sides will be shooting at each other within a week after this; expect the G7 to fire the first shot.

If we then fast-forward through the North/South War and the Global Attack against Israel, which I’ve estimated will all end on or about September 25, we find that the globalist finance ministers and central bank governors will meet 11 days later in Washington, D.C….

This G20 “working dinner” leads directly into the IMF / World Bank Annual Meetings…

It is at this meeting that the new gold-valuated multilateral / multipolar financial system will be launched, and a Chinaman, Zhou Xiaochuan…
…will be made the IMF Managing Director, replacing Christine Lagarde.

So mark October 9 on your calendar; that’s the day the globalists will start handing out money so everyone will embrace the new financial system. And everything will seem wonderful… at first.


++++++++++Part 2++++++++++

Getting back to Tom Horn, he did an interview on “End Times” prophecy with televangelist Jim Bakker that was aired in three parts from July 5-8. Before we get to what he said, though, allow me to once again give an overview of the deception-within-a-deception that the globalists are using to artificially fulfill Bible prophecy. I’ll put it in the words of a theoretical globalist…

“The Christians are expecting a deception before Christ returns, so we’ll give them one. We’ll make it look like Obama is the Antichrist, and we’ll have Putin defeat him and pose as Christ. Later on, we’ll portray Putin as the ‘real Antichrist,’ thus delivering to the Christians the deception they’ve been expecting. Once they see Putin as the Antichrist who tried to take Christ’s throne, we’ll have our final frontman defeat him and pose as the real Jesus Christ. We will then be in total control through our frontman, and people will accept our every command as though it came from the very mouth of God.”

In order to implement this strategy of theirs, the globalists are employing three propaganda teams to sell the whole thing to the public: 1) the Step 1 propaganda team is responsible for selling Obama as the Antichrist; 2) the Step 2 propaganda team is responsible for selling Putin as the Christ; and the Step 3 propaganda team is responsible for selling the final frontman as the real Christ who defeats the real Antichrist, Putin.

Tom Horn and his associates are on the Step 3 propaganda team. That’s why they’re blowing the whistle on the false messiah the Pope is helping to bring in; they’re portraying him as the Antichrist.

So let’s hear what Tom has to say about it at the 6:41 mark of this video, remembering that he has been the leading proponent of Pope Francis being the “final Pope”…

“Think about this prophecy: that it’s believed by modern Catholics today… that the arrival of the final Roman emperor, or what they call the great Catholic monarch might be here – might be imminent… he will appear when the final Pope arrives… when this final Pope arrives, he’s gonna help this emperor.”

And sure enough, the Pope is helping the final Roman emperor…
…isn’t he? From Sputnik

The stronger, BRICS-reformed UN that comes out of the September crisis will be the final Roman empire, and its de facto or de jure leader, Vladimir Putin, will be the final Roman emperor.

I may write some more on this over the weekend.

Much love…

Operation God-King: The globalist/Lubavitch plot to slaughter the Jews and install a Kabbalized Christ as Global King (+ a final note on Christian prophetic propaganda)

Behold the Pied Piper who will lead the Jews to their final destruction, Vladimir Putin…
…along with his Chabad-Lubavitch handler, Berel Lazar

In the Global Prophecy Watch series (GPWS), I’ve shown you that the globalists intend to artificially fulfill End Times prophecies in order to install a global theocratic dictatorship under a Judaized (or to be more precise, Kabbalized) “Jesus Christ.” And I’ve also shown you that they intend to present us with two Messiahs in the course of doing this…

The first Messiah will be Vladimir Putin, and he’ll initially be presented to the Christians as the Second Coming of Jesus. Halfway through his 7 year reign, though, they will realize he is actually the “Antichrist.”

The second Messiah will be an unknown person, and he will come onto the scene in dramatic fashion to dethrone Putin at the 7 year mark. He will thus be presented to the Christians as the “Real Christ” who defeated the “Antichrist,” and the globalists will use him as a front man to rule the Earth under a “benevolent” dictatorship.

I came to the conclusion that there would be two Messiahs based on a survey of popular prophetic expectations, an analysis of globalist prophetic propaganda, and an observation of what was actually unfolding in the real world right now. Quite to my surprise, though, I recently discovered that Chabad-Lubavitch had the Jewish version of the two Messiah narrative right there on their website. So let’s have a look at what the Lubavitchers say about the two Messiahs…

So if we look at the parallel Jewish narrative to the Christian Antichrist/Christ narrative, we see this…

The first Messiah will be Vladimir Putin, and he’ll be presented to the Jews as the Moshiach ben Yosef. What the Lubavitchers don’t tell you, though, is that they’ve scripted him to betray Moshiach ben David three and a half years into his mission as the precursor, and he will claim Moshiach ben David’s throne for himself.

The second Messiah will be an unknown person, and he will come onto the scene in dramatic fashion to dethrone Putin at the 7 year mark. He will thus be presented to the Jews as the “Moshiach ben David” who has come to take back his throne from the usurper, and the globalists will use him as a front man to rule the Earth under a “benevolent” dictatorship.

When Putin is revealed as the Moshiach at the end of the Gog/Magog and “fake Armageddon” wars in September, here is one of the things the Lubavitchers suggest he will do…

“Bet Hamikdash” is the “Holy” Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and Putin’s rebuilding of it will be a watershed moment in the prophetic script. Since the Gog/Magog and “fake Armageddon” wars will be seen as holy wars, the Christ/Moshiach will make an effort to bring peace to the People of the Book (and all other global religions) by creating a “Spiritual UN” in Jerusalem. The globalist Jews have already been arranging this…
…From Arutz Sheva.The globalists used World War 2 as the pretext for creating the UN, and now they will use September’s holy wars as the pretext for creating the Spiritual UN.

So when Bet Hamikdash is rebuilt, it will not be a Jewish Temple; it will be a “Spiritual UN” / “One World Religion” temple. Even the Lubavitchers hint at this…

Do you think the Lubavitchers are saying that the Temple “will be the central focus of all humanity” because the whole world will suddenly convert to Judaism? No, of course not. It will be the central focus because all the major religious leaders around the world will point their flocks towards it.

Since this One World Religion Temple will stand on the Holy Place (Temple Mount), it will be the “abomination that brings desolation” from Mark 13:14

“When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong–let the reader understand–then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

The “Temple of Abomination” will be completed 3.5 years after Putin is revealed as the Second Coming of Christ / Moshiach. And at its opening ceremony, he will do something that symbolizes he is the “true Christ” / “Moshiach ben David.” According to the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, this is when the “Great Tribulation” begins. The Judeo-Christian god will be quite pissed about this turn of events, and he’ll begin his judgement of both the world and Israel, which will climax in the “real Battle of Armageddon” 3.5 years after the Temple is opened. The globalists will be the ones actually creating all the mischief, of course, but it will be attributed to the “wrath of God.” You get the picture.

Now let’s go back and look at another thing the Lubavitchers suggest Putin will do…

Here is the series of events that will lead to the ingathering, as well as what will follow…

The planned event that will kick off the September Wars is a 9/11-scale “ISIS” attack on the Summer Olympics in Rio this August. In response to the attack, ground forces from all over the world will hop aboard airliners to go root out ISIS on their home turf in the Middle East. And not long after the war begins, information tying Israel to both the Rio and 9/11 attacks will hit the mainstream media. The Gog/Magog War will stop, and the assembled world forces will turn against Israel for the “Fake Battle of Armageddon.”

On the third day of Fake Armageddon, the globalists will stage a magic show to present Putin as the Second Coming of Christ / Moshiach. The will bring the fighting to a stop, and Putin will forge a peace agreement between Israel “and the many.” This is when the ingathering of exiles will begin.

In the aftermath of the mainstream media revelations of all the false-flag terror and central banking activities of the “Zionist” Jews, the whole world will viscerally hate Jew guts – ALL Jew guts, whether they’re Zionist or not. This will make the VERY uncomfortable Jews desperate to escape retribution and seek safety. And what is the only nation that will offer Jews real safety? Israel of course. As a Jewish state under the protection of the Moshiach, they will see it as their only haven from persecution.

By the time the Temple of Abomination is completed 3.5 years into Putin’s reign, virtually all of the world’s Jews will be gathered into the killing field of Israel. The Lubavitchers confirm this…

Once the “abomination of desolation” event occurs, the Bible says, “let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” This is because many in Israel will support the Spiritual UN, and all in Israel will have allowed the UN Temple to be built…

Do you know what that means?
Yep, “God will judge Israel.” The UN Temple will be the “golden calf” of this era.

And who will be in Judea?
Virtually all of the world’s Jews.

Where will they flee?
There will be nowhere to flee. The nations of the world won’t take them back, and Israel is too small a country in which to hide in any significant numbers. The globalists know every nook and cranny of Israel – they know everything the IDF know – so if you think you know a safe cave where you can hide, you’ll soon find yourself obliterated by a thermobaric missile.

So when Putin breaks his covenant with Israel at the 7 year mark – on or about September 2023 – and begins the “Real Battle of Armageddon,” the UN (and all human government) will be destroyed, the Muslims led by the Imam Mahdi will be destroyed, and the Jews who gathered under the traitorous Moshiach ben Yosef will be destroyed. All that will be left is the “Real Christ” / “Moshiach ben David” and his “holy rule” under a Kabbalized Christianity. This is the globalist wet dream.

There is one interesting thing to note about Putin’s unveiling as the Moshiach ben Yosef: he will be murdered three days before it happens. Here is what the Lubavitchers say about it…

The Gog/Magog War will begin when Global North and Global South forces turn their weapons on each other during the final assault on ISIS. And about two weeks into this war – on or about September 22 – the globalists will stage a fake assassination of Vladimir Putin (possibly using a lookalike or even a specially-prepared clone). They will then “resurrect” him on the third day after his death during the big magic show. The Lubavitchers were careful to leave the door open for this in their prophetic script…

The prophetic expectations that he will die during Gog/Magog and later rebuild the Temple and gather all Jews to Israel would be perfectly fulfilled by a death and resurrection. And this Jesus-esque feat would also help the globalists sell him to Christians as the Second Coming of Christ. To learn more about this part of the plot, read How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will unfold.

Now if we take a moment to think about Jewish and Christian Messianic expectations, we realize that both groups are expecting two Messianic events…

> The Jews are expecting the appearance of Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David, and they believe neither appearance has happened yet,


> the Christians are expecting the Second Coming of the Messiah, with Jesus’ past appearance being the first Messianic event.

And in these expectations, we find the claim Putin will use to take Moshiach ben David’s throne…

Putin will claim that Jesus was the Moshiach ben Yosef, who came to prepare the way for him, the Moshiach ben David.

After all, Jesus’ earthly father’s name was Joseph, which is “Yosef” in Hebrew, right? He will say that the Jews rejected him when he first appeared as Jesus, the Moshiach ben Yosef, but “all is forgiven.”

As for the “real Jesus” / “real Moshiach ben David,” he will not be a normal living human like Putin. He will come “straight from Heaven” in an even grander magic show than what we’ll see this September. And as crazy as it might sound, it stands to reason that he will be a genetically-modified, lab-grown, cybernetically-enhanced person from a globalist clone factory devoted entirely to his “model.” By keeping a small army of backups in various stages of development, they’ll be able to frequently swap him out and make it appear that he doesn’t age. How else can they have their figurehead live for a thousand years?

If all this sounds a bit far-fetched, I agree. But that is their plan, and they are doing real things in the real world that are in alignment with it. Don’t underestimate the wonders trillions of dollars in stolen wealth can produce. And don’t underestimate how easy it is to sell the public happy illusions. If they can sell Trump as the President, they can certainly sell Putin as the Messiah.

To learn more about the coming magic show and the cloning, read the bottom portions of Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016.

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

In the course of researching this entry, I came across plenty of Christian prophecy websites that comport to the globalist/Lubavitch script. For instance, here is an excerpt from the page for “What is Israel’s role in the end times?”

And here are Jehova’s Witnesses talking about the elimination of all democratic structures when Jehova takes the reins…

As I’ve mentioned, the globalists will stage a 3-day “Fake Battle of Armageddon” immediately after the Gog/Magog War so they can sell Putin as the “Fake Second Coming of Christ.” They’ll then stage the “Real Battle of Armageddon” 7 years later in order to sell the “Real Second Coming of Christ.” So Putin will first come posing as Christ and turning out to be the Antichrist, then Liclob will come 7 years later posing as the Real Christ (Liclob = Little Cloned Bitch).

Finally, here is something I found on the website of a Step 3 propagandist named David Flynn…
…From David Flynn’s Watcher website

The role of a Step 3 propagandist is to convince you that the “Real Christ” character who shows up in 2023 is really the “Son of God,” and that you should allow him to rule over you. And you can see how Flynn does this by pointing out the first part of the deception, but pretending that the second part is really from God. I, on the other hand, am pointing out that it’s all one big deception, and all the characters in this drama – both the “good guys” and the “bad guys” – are following the same script. And who wrote the script? The forefathers of today’s priesthood and royals. And who is now producing the play? The current-day priesthood and royals who descended from the Bible writers/compilers, with the “Jewish” elite in the driver’s seat.

This whole prophetic fulfillment is one big scam. Don’t be a sucker.

Love always…