Category Archives: Globalist Agenda Watch 2021

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – December Updates


[NOTE: There were no more December updates after the 19th due to illness.]

(19 December 2021) – Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been cast as one of the “two witnesses” from Revelation 11

Another piece of the “End Times” puzzle fell into place today. And let’s start by looking at Revelation 11:3-12

3 And I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”

4 These witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. 5 If anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouths and devours their enemies. In this way, anyone who wants to harm them must be killed. 6 These witnesses have power to shut the sky so that no rain will fall during the days of their prophecy, and power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they wish.

The Witnesses Killed and Raised

7 When the two witnesses have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will wage war with them, and will overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city—figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where their Lord was also crucified. 9 For three and a half days all peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will view their bodies and will not permit them to be laid in a tomb. 10 And those who dwell on the earth will gloat over them, and will celebrate and send one another gifts, because these two prophets had tormented them.

11 But after the three and a half days, the breath of life from God entered the two witnesses, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell upon those who saw them. 12 And the witnesses heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched them.

I’ve long suspected that Vigano is one of the witnesses, so I took a minute today to find out when he started his “crusade against the Satanic Establishment” and did a little math…

On August 25, 2018, Vigano published an 11-page letter accusing Pope Francis and numerous other senior church leaders of concealing allegations of sexual misconduct against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Vigano stated that Pope Benedict XVI imposed sanctions on McCarrick in response to accusations that were made against him, but that Pope Francis refused to enforce them and that he made McCarrick an important advisor. Vigano called on Francis to resign. The letter provoked diverse reactions within the church, with some expressing support for the allegations and calling for further investigation and others defending Francis, questioning the statements made in the letter, and attacking Vigano’s credibility. After the publication of the letter, Vigano continued to issue public statements. – from Wikipedia

If you count forward 1260 days from August 25, 2018, you land on February 5, 2022, the day after the Beijing Winter Olympics begin. And we have previously noted some things that point to the Olympics being a crisis period (see the 6-7 December updates further down this page). So February 5 is the day Vigano’s death will be faked.

Now I’ll start looking for another dissident voice who began to speak out around the same time Vigano did.

(15-17 December 2021) – I’ve found no news indicating that Biden has signed the debt limit increase today. Congress worked into the early morning to get the bill to Biden’s desk, but instead of sticking around and signing it, he flew off to Kentucky to make a pointless visit to areas hit by tornadoes. Are they setting something up for tomorrow?

~ MORE ~

Putin and Xi held a virtual meeting today focused on “countering US and EU interference in their affairs.” So if something happens tomorrow that sets the dominoes falling in the West, it will appear that Putin and Xi were behind it.

According to the script for this part of the “End Times” stageplay, it will be the “Satanic Deep State” that attacks the West so they can blame Putin and Xi and take them down (with the assistance of their “Deep State” allies in Russia and China).

~ MORE – 16 December 2021 (early AM) ~

Something strange is going on. I’ve been blocked from accessing — I was able to get through only after using a VPN. And I found that not only is there no mention of Biden signing the debt limit increase today, but there are also references to this: Biden targets drug traffickers with new executive orders. The Chinese-South American drug nexus targeted by today’s executive orders is what the Nazionists will point to when narrating how the Operation Blackjack nukes got into America (the commies will blame Russia and their intelligence services and mafia for smuggling them in).

~ MORE ~

Congress also passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on Wednesday, and it too has yet to be signed. Upon checking Biden’s schedule for Thursday, both he AND Kamala Harris will attend a White House ceremony to award the Congressional Medal of Honor to three servicemen. Does he also intend to sign the NDAA and debt limit increase at that 1:30 PM EST ceremony? Will Nancy Pelosi and the leaders of Congress also attend?

If there’s going to be an attack on Washington today, it will happen sometime around 1:30. And it will take out the national leadership before Biden signs the NDAA and debt ceiling increase, leaving the entire US government (including the military) broke. Any US government activity that happens after that would take place under presidential “emergency powers” exercised by whoever ends up being the top surviving successor. Could it be Blinken or Yellen (both Jews)?

~ MORE (expanded to include occult indicators) ~

As I continue to look deeper into this setup, three preparatory pieces of recent news come to mind. The first two involve Donald Trump…

  1. Trump publicly chastised Netanyahu for recognizing Biden as president after the stolen election, and
  2. Trump publicly chastised Senate Republican leader McConnell for giving in to the Democrats on the debt limit, thus implying that he would have preferred to see the government default in order to deny the Biden-Harris communist revolutionary government any continued funding.

The post-attack continuation of the Biden-Harris regime will point to these things in blaming Trump and Putin (and their supporters) for the attack(s)…

“Still furious and in denial over his election loss, Trump turned to Putin for support in taking down the government with terrorist nuclear attacks.”

In the third bit of news, reports have circulated that Biden has been denying Israeli requests for support in attacking Iran. So later on in the stageplay, a case can be made that Israel was behind the attack that killed Biden and the first three successors to the presidency: Harris, Pelosi, and Leahy (all three will likely be at the signing ceremony)…

It will be said — after the arrival of the Kabbalah Christ — that Israel did this so a Rothschild-aligned Jew would take the presidency and provide the support necessary for the Iran attack.

And can you guess who is suddenly on his way back to Washington (ahead of schedule)?…

…from Google

My partner Onnabugeisha has looked at the occult side of December 16 and found indicators that would support the globalist scripting of an attack on Washington, DC AND New York City (if not the entire Western world)…

December 16 was the final day of the 546 Siege of Rome. The next day, Rome was sacked by the Ostrogoths thanks to assistance from traitors inside of Rome’s walls.

In the globalist historical narrative, the USA is the current incarnation of the Roman Empire, and it must fall in order for the Global Roman Empire (the “reformed” UN) to rise like a phoenix from its ashes.

December 16 was the day in 1835 that the Great Fire of New York began [1,2]. It started at an intersection of Wall Street and devastated the financial district. The flames could be seen from Philadelphia, 80 miles away.

There is a good chance that if they blow up the governmental center of the US today, they’ll also hit its financial center. Of course, UN Headquarters is another target they intend to hit, so that could be thrown in as well. Operation Blackjack may be triggered in its entirety.

It should be remembered that today is also Shemini Atzeret Day 2 of Essene Hanukkah (if recognized as Sukkot), the day when “God’s judgment” is delivered to the people of the world (outside of Israel).

Ha! Aborted! Biden signs debt ceiling increase, preventing first-ever U.S. default

~ MORE ~

We won today, but tomorrow is another danger day. I’ve seen no indications that Biden signed the NDAA today (which targets China, and which China would like to stop). And they’ve found excuses to keep Congress in town on Friday.

~ MORE – 17 December 2021 ~

It looks like we’ll be alright today. Biden beat feet out of Washington bright and early (7:10 AM).

(13-14 December 2021) – What do 20 April 2022, 1 October 2025, and 13 April 2029 have in common? – They may be the key fulfillment dates during the globalist-staged 7-year Tribulation, because…

April 20, 2022 is the day in Passover 2022
that is separated by 1260 days from
October 1, 2025, which is the day Yom Kippur begins in 2025
that is separated by 1290 days from
April 13, 2029, which is the day of the Apophis asteroid “impact.”

Tomorrow I’ll show you the significance of all this. Until then, review the third part of the 8 December update (which is a little further down the page).

~ MORE – 14 December 2021 ~

I won’t have time to concentrate and write until later today. So until then, have a look at part three of the 8 December update…

Prophecy propaganda chatter I’ve been observing is suggesting the possibility of a shortened, hybrid timetable for the arrival of the Kabbalah Christ. It would involve…

  1. the rise of the Nazionist Antichrist and the New World Order during the spring Jewish holidays of 2022.
    …and after 3.5 years pass…
  2. the takeover of the NWO by “Final Antichrist” Putin during the fall Jewish holidays of 2025.
    …and after 3.5 years pass…
  3. Putin and the NWO placing an AI in charge of the global government during the spring Jewish holidays of 2029. This will be done in advance of the “Apophis asteroid impact with Earth” about a week later, since “an AI can impartially and better manage the aftermath of the strike.” This AI will supposedly be “Satan himself,” and the “asteroid strike” will actually be the arrival of “Jesus Christ and his angels.”

If they follow this timetable, the globalist-selected “real Jesus Christ” will arrive on Friday, April 13, 2029.

I’ll cover this timetable in detail over the weeks ahead (until there’s nothing left of it but a smoking hole in cyberspace). But if you want to get an overview of the globalist scripting that will give rise to this scenario, listen to this 2+ hour Mike Adams interview of David Wilcock. In it, Wilcock lays out the “Satan has become AI” narrative.

Also have a gander at Revelation 12 and Daniel 12 to see where the 1260-day and 1290-day time periods come from. There is also (in Daniel) a 1335-day time period that marks the launch of the Kabbalah Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, 45 days after his April 13, 2029 arrival.

(13 December 2021) – Pre-Julian Saturnalia and the “Ten Days of Darkness”

On 1 January 45 BC, Julius Caesar reformed the Roman calendar into the Julian calendar, and the reforms included adding two more days to the month of December. Since the holiday of Saturnalia was defined by counting 16 days backwards from January 1 (with January 1 counting as the first of the 16), the two extra days caused Saturnalia to be moved from December 15 to December 17…

As an observance of state religion, Saturnalia was supposed to have been held ante diem xvi Kalendas Ianuarias, sixteen days before the Kalends of January, on the oldest Roman religious calendar, which the Romans believed to have been established by the legendary founder Romulus and his successor Numa Pompilius. It was a dies festus, a legal holiday when no public business could be conducted. The day marked the dedication anniversary (dies natalis) of the Temple to Saturn in the Roman Forum in 497 BC. When Julius Caesar had the calendar reformed because it had fallen out of synchronization with the solar year, two days were added to the month, and Saturnalia fell on 17 December. It was felt, however, that the original day had thus been moved by two days, and so Saturnalia was celebrated under Augustus as a three-day official holiday encompassing both dates.

By the late Republic, the private festivities of Saturnalia had expanded to seven days, but during the Imperial period contracted variously to three to five days. Caligula extended official observances to five.

The date 17 December was the first day of the astrological sign Capricorn, the house of Saturn, the planet named for the god. Its proximity to the winter solstice (21 to 23 December on the Julian calendar) was endowed with various meanings by both ancient and modern scholars: for instance, the widespread use of wax candles (cerei, singular cereus) could refer to “the returning power of the sun’s light after the solstice”. – from Wikipedia

So “true, original, pre-Julian” Saturnalia falls on December 15 on the Julian calendar. And December 15 on the Julian calendar is December 28 on the Gregorian calendar, which is the same day that “Month-Off” Hanukkah begins.

Putting this together with the “Ten Days of Darkness” propaganda narrative, we get this…

Meanwhile, Tom Horn’s disinformation site SkyWatchTV continues to churn out the “Return of Saturn” preparatory propaganda. They’re already up to Part 7…


They’re laying down this propaganda so people will see the coming “Saturn” character as the Antichrist, thus aiding “Final Antichrist” Putin in gaining the public’s acceptance as the “true savior.” Later, when the script calls for it, they’ll help expose Putin as the Final Antichrist and they’ll fall on their knees for the Kabbalah Christ.

By the way, the Capricorn astrological sign, ruled by Saturn, begins on December 21 this year (the same day as the winter solstice). So the time period from December 21 through Orthodox Christmas will feature The Saturn Show, which will plunge the world deep into fear and darkness before presenting us with relief and false light.

(12 December 2021) – WHAT TO WATCH FOR THIS WEEK

> Biden has signed the bill to fast track the process of raising the debt limit, but Congress must still pass another bill to actually do the deed by the supposed “deadline” (Wednesday the 15th). So we must continue to watch for a big event that will both disable the Congress and create a massive money suck on the federal budget. According to the NWO transition script, America’s adversaries are motivated to cause a US debt default in order to hobble our ability to make war and bring down the “American Empire.”

> While news of tornadoes dominates the headlines, a massive computer hacker war targeting the world’s servers (and the data they store) is underway. Watch for real world consequences of this to manifest soon. The globalists can script this into a “Cyber Tyler Durden Moment” if they wish.

> Watch for a potential provocation from the Israelis that would trigger the start of an intifada in Jerusalem on Tuesday. The uprising may also be started without a provocation and blamed on “the Iranians showing the Israelis that they can touch them too” in advance of the nuclear diplomacy deadline this Friday.

As you can see on the event calendar a little further down, Tuesday through Friday are danger days…

  • Tuesday (from sunset of Monday till sunset of Tuesday) is the 10th day of the Hebrew month of Tevet, the day in Jewish history that Jerusalem came under siege by the Neo-Babylonian Empire. This siege led to the destruction of the First Temple (Solomon’s Temple). The globalists may use this day as a scripting cue to start an Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Jerusalem which may end with the destruction of Al Aqsa Mosque.
  • Wednesday and Thursday are Shemini Atzeret Days 1 and 2 if you observe Essene Hanukkah as Sukkot. These two days could bring “God’s (unfavorable) Judgment” to the people of America and the world.
  • Friday is the deadline for “Iran to show they’re serious about returning to the nuclear deal” before “options other than diplomacy” may come into play. It is also Gregorian Saturnalia Day 1.

While we’re on the subject of Saturnalia, I’ve found a notable correlation between the original, pre-Julian Saturnalia, “Month-Off Hanukkah,” December 28, and the “10 Days of Darkness” propaganda narrative. Basically, original Saturnalia and the sunset start of Month-Off Hanukkah both occur on December 28. So if you stage a scary event on December 28 and count it as the First Day of Darkness, the Tenth Day of Darkness is Orthodox Christmas Eve. So Orthodox Christmas Day would be “the day the Light returns to the world” (Saturn’s Light). I’ll explain all this in more detail tomorrow (events permitting).

(10 December 2021) – The globalists retreated from doing anything today, but they set this up on their way out…

…from Zero Hedge

If you look at the event calendar in the 30 November update, you’ll see that the three days that precede next Friday’s deadline are the danger days at the end of Essene Hanukkah. And the deadline day is Gregorian Saturnalia (Day 1). So the deadline could trigger “preemptive action from the Iranians” during the three danger days, or it could lead to an attack on Iran at the end of Saturnalia (around Christmas Day). Watch for possible trouble in Jerusalem on the 14th.

That being said, enjoy the weekend. We have our work cut out for us next week.

(30 November – 10 December 2021) – If we can push the globalists back just one more month, we will have frustrated them for another year. So to help achieve this, I’ve put together a calendar we can use to track them day-by-day through December…

I’ll build my December Overwatch entry around this calendar, and I’ll adjust it as they try to squirm their way into alternative scenarios. As things currently stand, I expect the leading edge of the Big Event to hit this Friday, with the transition into the full “commie” sh*tshow happening by Tuesday. Our Nazionist false savior should then enter the stage mid-month.

If you are a new reader and don’t understand what’s on the calendar, read the section titled Your Guide to Understanding Nuclear 9/11, which is a little further down the page.

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After completing the calendar, I noticed something: Saturnalia is listed as a seven-day festival, just like Sukkot. So…

  • if you tack a “Roman version” 2-day “Shemini Atzeret” to the end of Gregorian Saturnalia, you land on Christmas, and
  • if you tack on the same two days to Julian Saturnalia, you land on Orthodox Christmas.

That said, if the globalists are unable to hit the two Hanukkahs, they might attempt to pull some Saturnalia-Sukkot connection out of their as$es and hit the two Saturnalias instead (the Roman version of Sukkot would be oriented to the “god” Saturn). I’ve therefore added this potential backup plan to the calendar to save them from embarrassing themselves.

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Ha! Look at what I just ran across…

…from the SkyWatch TV Store

It looks like I’m too late to save them from making fools of themselves; they’re already setting up for Saturnalia. According to Amazon, this book came out this month (November 15, 2021), and its author is a member of Tom Horn’s prophecy propaganda mill “SkyWatch TV.” I’ll therefore give the Saturnalia scenario full coverage.

~ MORE – 1 December 2021 ~

The globalists have set the stage for Biden to go “full COVID tyrant” tomorrow and crash the government. Just look at the setup…

So tomorrow will be the day the globalists either set the dominos falling or push the delay button once more. If they want the dominos to fall, Biden may do one or more of the following…

  • call for state and local shutdowns and lockdowns, blaming the necessity of such measures on the antivaxers and Omicron’s early arrival;
  • order domestic travel restrictions, possibly including air travel bans and interstate travel bans;
  • file and win emergency court appeals (based on the “Omicron crisis”) to put his mandates back into effect; and
  • override the courts with “presidential emergency powers” to put his mandates into effect and/or compel “vaccinations for all” and “total nationwide compliance with CDC guidelines.”

We can expect the new restrictions to especially target “low compliance states” (Republican “red states”), perhaps even going so far as to effectively blockade them. This will give rise to the made-for-TV civil war.

But if the globalists opt for another delay, Biden will give a bland speech calling for more people to get vaccinated and laying out new restrictions for foreign travel. And we’ll know if we’re in for a long or short delay by watching what Congress does on Friday. If they cut a deal to keep the government funded into early next year, we’ve won December. But if they let a shutdown happen, they may make another attempt to stage the Big Event at the end of Essene Hanukkah (midmonth).

I’ll continue coverage in the morning, when we’ll look at why the globalists had the controlled alt-media undercut the Western nations’ Omicron narrative last weekend.

~ MORE – 2 December 2021 ~

On Monday, November 29, the globalists had their Western mainstream media wing narrating that the world was shutting down again as the WHO warned of the severe hazards posed by the “Omicron variant”…

…from CNBC

And on that same day, they had their controlled alt-media wing undermining that narrative. Here are two examples from one of their main disinformation sites…

…from Zero Hedge. Here is an excerpt…

Contrary to the panicmongering unleashed by western mainstream media, Barry Schoub, chairman of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, told Sky News on Sunday that while South Africa, which first identified the new variant, currently has 3,220 people with the coronavirus infection overall and while the variant does appear to be spreading rapidly, there’s been no real uptick in hospitalizations

“The cases that have occurred so far have all been mild cases, mild-to-moderate cases, and that’s a good sign,” said Schoub, adding that it was still early days and nothing was certain yet.

Most importantly, and running counter to the fearmongering narrative being pumped out 24/7 by the mainstream media, Schoub said that the large number of mutations found in the omicron variant appears to destabilize the virus, which might make it less “fit” than the dominant delta strain.

…from Zero Hedge. Here is an excerpt…

Having set off the latest global COVID panic, this time focusing on the omicron strain, which was hastily labeled a variant of concern by the WHO over the long holiday weekend in the US, South Africa’s top epidemiologists now find themselves in the awkward position of having to walk back all – or at least some – of the hysteria first unleashed by news of the omicron variant…

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, chairwoman of the South African Medical Association, affirmed Monday that while the omicron variant appears to spread more quickly than earlier strains, its symptoms appear to be less severe, meaning the new strain – while more infectious – might also prove less deadly than the delta strain, which is the most dominant COVID strain on the planet right now.

According to the controlled alt-media narrative, “the Chinese Communist Party are behind the COVID bioweapon, and they are having their sold-out Western leaders and the commie-run mainstream media, UN and WHO use it to destroy the West.” So the globalists are having their alt-media guys expose the falsity of the Omicron narrative so as many people as possible will think that the coming global lockdown “isn’t about COVID at all, it’s about a communist takeover of the world.” And with that idea implanted in people’s heads, they’ll more easily fall for the savior deception that will follow. “The commies are the bad guys, and the people who save us from the commies are the good guys,” — that’s what they want you to believe.

But there are no “good guys” and “bad guys”; there is only the globalist Right Hand and Left Hand. And they are working together to pull a magic trick on us.

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has informed me that December 5 (the first DANGER day on the event calendar) is the 69th anniversary of the Great Smog of London, an air pollution event that killed between 4,000-12,000 people in 1952. So if the globalists wove this historical parallel into the Event script, we could see an attempt at an aerosolized bioweapon attack on Sunday, likely employing smallpox. Will Operation Blackjack be nuclear, biological, or both?

Of course, we must continue to watch today and in the coming days for the possibility of smallpox cases arising from Thanksgiving. If that shows up in the news, we’re toast.

~ MORE ~

Things are looking good. Biden’s Omicron measures were toothless, and it appears that Congress has reached a deal to fund the government through February 18. We may have won December and the year. But we must maintain vigilance for news that “Omicron is more deadly” or “smallpox cases appear”; either of those headlines could change things in an instant.

I’ll maintain overwatch for the rest of the month, of course, but I’ll also launch a new initiative: a search for a nice demi-sec champagne for my New Year’s Eve celebration of a successful 2021 cockblock.

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LMAO. As it turns out, the just-passed continuing resolution to keep the government funded past Friday night did nothing to address the debt ceiling. So can you guess when we’ll hit the ceiling?…

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen estimates that the government will run out of money on Dec. 15, an extension from the previous deadline of Dec. 3. – from CNN

If you look at the event calendar, December 15 is Essene Hanukkah Day 8 — the day of God’s judgment. So they are using Essene Hanukkah as a backup for the bad events, which would mean they’ll use Saturnalia to bring in “Saturn” as our savior (for Christmas).

So it’s back to the grindstone tomorrow. And over the weekend, we’ll look at the other places the Event could kick off: Israel during Hanukkah, the Azerbaijan-Iran border, the Russia-Ukraine border, the South China Sea & Taiwan, and the Koreas. There are 29 days until I can drink my champagne.

~ MORE – 3 December 2021 ~

The Antarctic solar eclipse starts after midnight in Washington, DC, with the moment of greatest eclipse happening at 2:34 AM Washington time. Will they use the occasion to kill off Biden to start the month’s festivities?…

…from today’s Drudge Report

And once “commie” Kamala takes over presidential powers, will the commies move immediately or build tension till the 15th? Having the “president” die of a “lightning-fast deadly strain of COVID” would provide a nice excuse for Kamala to go full COVID tyrant.

By the way, tomorrow is Saturday (“Saturn’s Day“)

…from Wikipedia

The Romans named Saturday Sāturni diēs (“Saturn’s Day”) no later than the 2nd century for the planet Saturn, which controlled the first hour of that day, according to Vettius Valens.

Tomorrow is also the 4th (the number of death in communist China).

~ MORE – 4 December 2021 ~

The globalists have scheduled “the return of the god Saturn” for early next month (January 5-7, 2022)…

I’ll cover all the details in the afternoon/evening.

~ MORE ~

Before I can tell you why they’ve scheduled Saturn’s return for Orthodox Christmas, we need to cover a few basics about Saturnalia and “Hanukkah as Sukkot”…

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn…

It held theological importance for some Romans, who saw it as a restoration of the ancient Golden Age, when the world was ruled by Saturn. – from Wikipedia

Now if you ignore the Julian calendar part and simply celebrate Saturnalia on December 17-23, you’ll be partaking in what I call “Gregorian Saturnalia.” But if you decide to celebrate it in accordance with the Julian calendar, you’ll be partaking in “Julian Saturnalia” — the “real” Saturnalia — which runs from December 30 to January 5. This is because the Julian calendar is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian (so December 17 + 13 days = December 30).

The Russian Orthodox Church, which still celebrates its holidays in accordance with the Julian calendar, does Christmas on January 7 for the very same reason (December 25 + 13 days = January 7).

We must also remember that to make their scripted Big Event show look like the supernatural result of prophecies being fulfilled, the globalists are treating the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah this year as being the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, which ends with “God’s judgment being delivered to the people of the world” on its 8th and 9th days. You can read more about this in the section titled Your Guide to Understanding Nuclear 9/11, which is a little further down this page.

That being said, let’s get to the meat.

In the 30 November update (below this one), I noted that the globalists have started to lay down prophecy propaganda about “the return of the god Saturn,” and I said…

…if the globalists are unable to hit the two Hanukkahs, they might attempt to pull some Saturnalia-Sukkot connection out of their as$es…

Well thanks to the brilliant and meticulous mind of my partner Onnabugeisha, I’ve been reminded that the connection has already been established.

In early October, we ran across a prophecy propaganda thread that claimed “the Jewish calendar is a month off,” and the source document on the subject listed the “actual” start date of this year’s Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) as October 21. Well if we take that date and count forward the 69 days required to reach Hanukkah, we find that “Month-Off” Hanukkah Day 1 falls on December 29, the day before Julian Saturnalia starts.

So “Month-Off Hanukkah as Sukkot” overlaps Saturnalia! And Shemini Atzeret — the 8th and 9th days when “God’s judgment” is delivered — overlaps the end of Saturnalia, meaning “Saturn’s judgment” will be delivered!…

I’ll go into what this means after dinner.

~ MORE ~

When the globalists cue the “Saturn” character to enter the stage, he (or she) will appear to save humanity from the massive economic and war crisis they are trying to start this month. And there are three candidates to play the role…

  1. “Zionist” Jared Kushner (fronted by Trump or Pence),
  2. “Nazi” Angela Merkel (“Hitler’s daughter”), or
  3. a GMO fake extraterrestrial we haven’t yet seen.

Kushner/Trump/Pence or Merkel would supposedly be indwelled by the spirit of Saturn, and he/she would command the Nazionist Space Force to stop the war and release technologies that can revive the global economy.

The GMO fake ET would pretend to be Saturn and would command his fleet of “alien” UFOs to do the same.

Given that Tom Horn’s “SkyWatch TV” propaganda mill has recently released a movie on the subject of “aliens” / “fallen angels” and the “Christian Watchmen” propaganda corps have been talking about “the Arrival” being imminent, the globalists may be leaning towards the ET scenario.

As for when the Big Crisis will start, it could happen as soon as tomorrow (Sunday the 5th) with the death of Biden at Camp David. And Onnabugeisha has identified occult cues that would support the scripting of an outbreak of war in Ukraine on the 6th and Taiwan on the 7th. Those days (sunset of the 5th through sunset of the 7th) are Shemini Atzeret for standard Jewish “Hanukkah as Sukkot” (see the event schedule in the 30 November update).

Given what happened last week, though, the globalists may have already pushed the start of the war back to the end of Essene Hanukkah (sunset of the 14th through sunset of the 16th). We’ll find out soon enough I guess. Sunset in Jerusalem tomorrow is at 4:35 PM (9:35 AM Camp David time).

~ WARNING – 5 December 2021 ~

After sunset in Washington DC today, a golden opportunity for a decapitation strike will present itself: the Bidens AND the Harrises will be attending the 44th Kennedy Center Honors…

…from (top) and ABC News (bottom). Here is an excerpt from the ABC News article…

President Joe Biden will be in the house for the Kennedy Center Honors on Sunday.

Biden and first lady Jill Biden plan to take their seats in the presidential box in the performing arts center’s Opera House for a star-studded celebration of five artists: Motown Records creator Berry Gordy, “Saturday Night Live” mastermind Lorne Michaels, actress-singer Bette Midler, opera singer Justino Diaz and folk music legend Joni Mitchell.

Biden’s presence there tonight brings to mind two previous presidential assassinations…

> Biden, America’s second Catholic “president,” will be in a performing arts center named after the assassinated first Catholic president, JFK.

> Biden and wife will be seated in the presidential box of a theatre just like Abraham Lincoln was when he was assassinated.

> Biden and wife will be joined by Kamala Harris and husband; Abraham Lincoln was also joined by a woman named Harris…

Despite what [assassin John Wilkes] Booth had heard earlier in the day, Grant and his wife, Julia Grant, had declined to accompany the Lincolns, as Mary Lincoln and Julia Grant were not on good terms. Others in succession also declined the Lincolns’ invitation, until finally Major Henry Rathbone and his fiancee Clara Harris (daughter of U.S. Senator Ira Harris of New York) accepted. – from Wikipedia

It should also be noted that the Kennedy Center is situated right next to the Potomac River, so it is vulnerable to a sail-up nuke or nuclear tsunami attack…

And given that other people in the presidential line of succession will likely be in attendance, there will be quite a bit of confusion as to who has presidential authority in the aftermath of the attack. Meanwhile in Ukraine, it will be the dark early hours of Monday morning — a perfect time to launch an attack. And given that Biden and Putin are scheduled to have a video call on Ukraine on Tuesday, the decapitation strike and Ukraine attack would catch Washington by surprise (according to the script).

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In yesterday’s update, I mentioned that…

…Onnabugeisha has identified occult cues that would support the scripting of an outbreak of war in Ukraine on the 6th and Taiwan on the 7th.

After this preface, I’ll share those cues with you…

The national and international dramas we see swirling around us now are part of the globalist “End Times” stageplay that’s being acted out for the public. And while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added – all on the fly.

It’s also important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians and superstitious followers of numerology and astrology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the play are acted out. They align events with days of historical, numerological, and astrological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

Now here we go…

December 6 is the day Vladimir Putin, born 7 October 1952, turns exactly 69 years and 60 days old (6960). Since numerologists allow themselves to ignore zeros and flip sixes and nines to make their numbers work, 6960 can represent 666, the Number of the Beast.

December 6 marks the 699th day (666) — or 99th week and 6th day (666) — since Putin went to Damascus on Orthodox Christmas to fulfill a Muslim prophecy that will allow him to pose as Isa (Jesus) to them. This happened on January 7, 2020.

December 6 marks exactly 500 weeks since Putin assumed the Russian presidency on 7 May 2012. In Strong’s Greek Bible Concordance, number 500 is “antichrist.”

So as you can see, Putin is flashing “Antichrist” like a neon sign tomorrow. And then there’s this…

December 6 is Armed Forces Day in Ukraine: For the entire Armed Forces of Ukraine, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on 6 December, with fireworks displays and gun salutes nationwide.”

If you put these December 6 cues together, they support the scripting of Putin conducting a false flag against Russian forces to give himself an excuse to invade Ukraine. As I’ve noted in previous updates, Putin wants eastern Ukraine because it used to be part of ancient Khazaria (see Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria for more info on this).

And here’s what Onnabugeisha found for December 7…

December 7 is the anniversary of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, which brought America into the ongoing Pacific conflict of World War 2.

December 7 is the day in 1949 that the Chinese Nationalist government fled to Taiwan. This marked the “end” of the Chinese Civil War, but no formal armistice or peace treaty was ever signed.

So these December 7 cues support the scripting of a preemptive Chicom attack on the US Navy that will allow the communists space to resume the civil war and follow the Nationalists to Taiwan to finish them off.

As I’ve previously noted, we may have already pushed them out of these dates, but I post this information anyway out of an abundance of caution.

(6 December 2021) – Should we be successful in pushing the globalists out of this month and out of Julian Saturnalia, we still won’t be out of the woods. The media have been laying down preparatory propaganda for next year that says, “Russia won’t attack Ukraine until late January or early February when the mud freezes.” [1,2]

In previous updates I’ve noted that I’ve seen the Olympics featured in a number of movies about big world crises (pandemics/zombies/aliens), though I can’t remember which ones. And it just so happens that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics begin in early February on the 4th. In tetraphobic China, this is a most odd day to choose for the start of a big event, since it effectively casts the Winter Games as the “Olympics of Death” or the “Doomed Olympics.”

It’s also notable that the Winter Games continue through February 20th, a time period that includes the Jewish holiday of Purim Katan (which runs from sunset of the 14th to sunset of the 15th). And for reasons I’ll explain next year, Purim Katan can be argued to be the “real” Purim, the day that commemorates the saving of the Jews from a Persian plot to exterminate them.

So do the globalists plan on running a “10 days of darkness” war from early in the Olympics till Purim Katan, the day of salvation? Or will Purim Katan be the day the IDF strikes Iran to “stop their plot to exterminate the Jews with nuclear weapons,” thus triggering the war against Israel?

We’ll have plenty of time to pick all that apart before we get there. Now back to December…

(7 December 2021) – LOL. The “X-date” — the day the US government can no longer pay its bills due to the debt ceiling — was set to coincide with the budget deadline on December 3th (near the end of standard Hanukkah). But Yellen waved her magic wand and moved it back to December 15 to give the globalists the flexibility to shut down the government at the end of Essene Hanukkah too. Now they are flourishing their wands to move it back again…

If we reach the X-date before the debt limit is raised, the federal government will be in default. However, it is very difficult to forecast the X-date, especially in COVID times. The Treasury Department’s most recent estimate is that it could be as soon as 15 December. However, in an earlier letter, Yellen mentioned December 3 as the X-date.

Other organizations put the X-date somewhere between mid-December and mid-February. – from Zero Hedge

So now they are giving themselves the flexibility to push back the X-date and shut down the government during the Winter Olympics to fulfill the scenario I covered yesterday.

It should be understood that they can twist, massage and fudge the numbers to crash the US government, the Chinese property bubble, the financial system, and the global markets whenever they wish. The time such things happen is determined by the agenda and the script, and nothing else. All the news in the meantime is used to fleece the shorts and longs in the markets.

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The Senate Democrat and Republican leaders have reached a deal that may lead to the passing of a debt limit increase before the December 15 “deadline.” Passing the increase would signal a headlong retreat from 2021 by the globalists. But upon reading about the deal, I was reminded that the continuing resolution that keeps the government funded expires on February 18 (during the Winter Olympics). And if the globalists proceed with the February scenario, there may be no Congress left alive to authorize funding again. But we’ve got quite a head start on stomping their February plans.

“So let’s keep them queers on the run!”

(8 December 2021) – With Biden having freshly threatened Putin over Ukraine on Tuesday, he will gather with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and many members of Congress on Friday at Bob Dole’s funeral. It will take place at the Washington National Cathedral, miles from the safety of the White House bunker. Could a hit on that funeral prevent Congress from voting on the debt ceiling increase before the government supposedly runs out of money?

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Just imagine if the funeral gets struck on Friday, and that night, another false-flag causes war to break out in Ukraine (on the morning of 12/11 local time). Mobilizing the US military for combat would create a black hole-sized money suck on the federal budget, especially if China joins in with an attack on Taiwan. The remaining room under the debt ceiling could be expended before the end of the weekend. And who will buy US government debt after that, especially with a “commie” clown like Kamala Harris as president?

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Prophecy propaganda chatter I’ve been observing is suggesting the possibility of a shortened, hybrid timetable for the arrival of the Kabbalah Christ. It would involve…

  1. the rise of the Nazionist Antichrist and the New World Order during the spring Jewish holidays of 2022.
    …and after 3.5 years pass…
  2. the takeover of the NWO by “Final Antichrist” Putin during the fall Jewish holidays of 2025.
    …and after 3.5 years pass…
  3. Putin and the NWO placing an AI in charge of the global government during the spring Jewish holidays of 2029. This will be done in advance of the “Apophis asteroid impact with Earth” about a week later, since “an AI can impartially and better manage the aftermath of the strike.” This AI will supposedly be “Satan himself,” and the “asteroid strike” will actually be the arrival of “Jesus Christ and his angels.”

If they follow this timetable, the globalist-selected “real Jesus Christ” will arrive on Friday, April 13, 2029.

I’ll cover this timetable in detail over the weeks ahead (until there’s nothing left of it but a smoking hole in cyberspace). But if you want to get an overview of the globalist scripting that will give rise to this scenario, listen to this 2+ hour Mike Adams interview of David Wilcock. In it, Wilcock lays out the “Satan has become AI” narrative.

WARNING (9 December 2021): Upon looking into Friday, I found quite a setup. It is not only the day of Bob Dole’s funeral; it’s also the day the West will be engaging in a two-front propaganda offensive against Vladimir Putin. On Friday a Navalny-like, “darling of the West,” Russian opposition journalist will be receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, and Biden will speak at the closing of the virtual “Summit for Democracy,” an event designed to embarrass Russia and China (he gave the opening speech this morning).

So Biden threatened Putin on Tuesday and will be poking him with two fingers on Friday — this will give the mainstream media something to point to when blaming Putin for Biden’s assassination at the funeral. They will also point to Putin’s December 11 attack on Ukraine (triggered by a Ukrainian attack) as another motive for Putin killing Biden: “He wanted to decapitate the US and bet on the weakness of Kamala Harris before he started his attack.”

As for the alt-media version of events, it will read like this…

On December 10, 2021, the 12-year anniversary of Barack Obama’s receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize, the “Man of Peace” brought war. In league with the Chinese Communist Party, Obama arranged a false-flag attack to assassinate Joe Biden in order to trigger a war between the US and Russia. This war was intended to destroy both nations so Obama, China and communism could reign supreme in the world.

Also supporting this scenario are these two pieces of news…

GOP Senator Says Don’t Rule Out First-Use Nuclear Attack On Russia – The mainstream narrative will say, “With the US threatening Russia with the first use of a nuke, Putin decided to nuke Washington first, killing Biden and triggering the US debt default.” RELATED: Moscow says U.S. rehearsed nuclear strike against Russia this month

Evergrande has defaulted on its debt, Fitch Ratings says – The alt-media narrative will say, “With Evergrande in official default, the Chicoms decided to move immediately to trigger the war before their financial system imploded.”

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The best way to ensure that Congress can’t reach a quorum to raise the debt ceiling next week is to include the Capitol complex in the strike. Congress IS in session tomorrow, but the Capitol is over 4 miles (as the crow flies) from the cathedral where the funeral will be held.

So in the unlikely event that they go forward with this exposed plan and false flag “Russia’s preemptive nuking of Washington,” they’ll need to use a megaton-sized nuke, two smaller nukes, or a tsunami nuke. Whatever they use, look for Rand Paul to miraculously survive. They have plans for him.

~ MORE – 10 December 2021 ~

The Seesaw of Blame

Once the “terror attacks” that bring down the West occur, you will see the finger of blame pointed in three directions over the following 7+ years…

  • At first, Vladimir Putin will be blamed for the attacks “in order to get the West and Russia to mutually destroy each other.”
  • But after the “Nazionists Posing as Good Guys” intervene and take down the commies, Barack Obama and the Chicoms will be blamed. And Putin’s name will be cleared.
  • And after Putin is “revealed” as the “Final Antichrist,” the blame will swing back to him.

It will be said that “Antichrist Putin” divided his Global Satanist Deep State into communist “black hats” and Nazionist “white hats” so he could pull off “The Great Deception.” By having his black hats terrorize the public and his white hats intervene to save the world, he could have his Nazionist leader pose as Christ and then be revealed as the Antichrist. Then he could “defeat” that Antichrist so he himself could pose as Christ.

Of course, all these narratives are BS. The whole drama is merely a stageplay and the communists, Nazionists, Obama, and Putin are all working for the same people and reading from the same script. The objective of the play is to get the globalist-selected “Jesus Christ” who shows up to defeat Putin accepted by the public as the “real Jesus Christ.”

They must have had M. Night Shyamalan write this script. He should have retired after The Sixth Sense.

Your Guide to Understanding Nuclear 9/11

The following is a compilation of new and previous writings that will help new readers understand the scripting behind the Second 9/11 (which the globalists are currently struggling to execute). We’ll begin by looking at the big picture, then we’ll focus down to the part of the show where we now find ourselves…

The roiling drama the world is now experiencing is not something that’s happening naturally / on its own. Nor is it something that’s being driven by supernatural forces. It is the result of an ongoing effort by the Kabbalist bankster families + the world’s royal families (the “globalists”) to consolidate complete control over our planet. It is their intention to rule over us like gods in a post-democratic world they own lock, stock, and barrel. And to get there, they are taking us through a religious drama, the “End Times” stageplay, which is currently scheduled to continue for another 11 years.

Their “End Times” stageplay is an engineered attempt to fulfill the various “end of the world” prophecies of the world’s religions, “prophets,” “seers,” and “revelators” — prophecies that the globalists themselves have reinterpreted, organized, and promoted to the public in order to facilitate acceptance of their counterfeit fulfillment — and it consists of two Acts…

Act 1: The Satanic Deception, in which “the Final Antichrist” character will defeat a decoy Antichrist so he’ll be accepted as Jesus.

Act 2: The Return of Christ, in which “the real Jesus Christ” character will come to Earth, defeat the Final Antichrist, and rule over us as a frontman for the globalists who pull his strings.

We’re currently in the midpoint of Act 1, and we’re about to observe the decoy Antichrist (Jared Kushner) defeat his own decoy Antichrist (Barack Obama) so he can come onto the scene as the false savior and lead the world into the evil version of the New World Order. According to the script, both of these decoys are part of the “Satanic Global Deep State,” which will be defeated at the end of the Act by the “Final Antichrist” Vladimir Putin so he can pose as the “real savior.”

So to recap, this is the basic structure of Act 1…

  1. Barack Obama plays the “evil communist Antichrist” who brings to the world to the brink of total disaster.
  2. Jared Kushner — possibly behind a frontman at first (Trump or Pence) — sweeps in with the US Space Force to defeat the communist Antichrist, thus appearing to save the world. But he later turns out to be a false savior — the “evil Nazi-Zionist Antichrist.”
  3. Vladimir Putin, the “Final Antichrist” sweeps in with “help from above” to defeat Kushner, thus appearing to be the real Jesus. End of Act 1.

All this being said, Nuclear 9/11 (“Operation Blackjack“) will be the beginning of the great communist chaos that will end when the Nazionist Antichrist steps in to bring order: the New Order / Global 4th Reich. According to current scripting, this evil Nazionist NWO will rise until 2025 when it is stopped dead by Putin.

With the basics of the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment script laid bare before us, let’s start zooming in on certain elements of it to gain further insights…

Why the globalists are using Christian eschatology as the basis of their prophecy fulfillment program

The globalists’ center of gravity is in Europe, which is historically Christian. And the Kabbalists took control of Christianity by first capturing the Roman Catholic church via the Jesuit Order, then capturing Protestantism one denomination and ministry at a time (here’s one example of that). Since they now have effective control over the 2.4 billion person worldwide Christian empire the Romans built, they are using it as their vehicle for bringing the world under one unifying religion: an updated, Kabbalized form of Christianity under their fake Jesus Christ. “Chrislam” / “the New World Order Religion” is an intermediate step towards this goal — a decoy “One World Religion” to be defeated when the Kabbalah Christ shows up at the end of the drama to bring in the New Christianity.

Why there are multiple Antichrists in Act 1

Let’s start by looking at Wikipedia’s official definition of “Antichrist” (which is the globalists’ official definition)…

In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist, or anti-Christ, refers to people prophesied by the Bible to oppose Christ and substitute themselves in Christ’s place before the Second Coming.

In order for an Antichrist to substitute himself for Christ, he has to come on the scene looking like a savior, not a devil. So the basic globalist strategy for bringing in their Antichrist characters is to have one actor play an evil-looking Antichrist who creates chaos, then have another actor play a benevolent-looking savior who defeats the evil guy and pretends to be Christ. During Act 1, this will be done two times…

  1. when Antichrist Kushner defeats Antichrist Obama to pose as the savior, and
  2. when the Final Antichrist Putin defeats Antichrist Kushner to pose as the savior.

Christians have been programmed to expect an Antichrist to come and attempt to take “Christ’s throne in Jerusalem” before Jesus returns. So in Act 1 the globalists will fulfill this expectation by first bringing in Kushner (the apparent Antichrist), then brining in Putin (the apparent Jesus Christ).

What the communists versus Nazionists subplot is all about

Within the scripting of Act 1, the “Satanic Global Deep State” has been split into “two warring factions fighting for control of the (evil) NWO”: the communist faction versus the Nazionist faction. This is why you’ve seen news of…

This “split of the Deep State” is in the script so Obama can play the role of the “evil-looking Antichrist who creates chaos” and Kushner can play the role of the “benevolent-looking savior who defeats the evil guy and pretends to be Christ.”

So when the Nazionists make their move to end the communist onslaught and defeat Obama, Kushner will look like a savior until he shows up on the Temple Mount and “stands in the holy place.” After that, the Christians will flip out and proclaim him the Antichrist. And things will get rough until Putin & Friends show up to end Kushner’s reign at the conclusion of Act 1.

The process of God’s judgment according to the Jews

According to Jewish tradition and Kabbalist doctrine, God’s yearly judgment of all the world’s people unfolds over the Hebrew month of Tishrei…

  • Tishrei days 1 and 2 are Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), the time when God writes down his judgment for each and every person. For the righteous and the wicked, that judgment is final and can be delivered immediately. But for all the people in between the two extremes (ordinary people), ten days are given to allow them a chance to repent and atone for their sins before the judgment is sealed.
  • Tishrei day 10 is Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). It is at the end of this day that God’s judgment for each ordinary person is sealed, but not delivered (according to the Kabbalists).
  • Tishrei day 15 is the start of Sukkot, a 7-day festival during which the Israelites made a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. It is after the end of this festival that God’s judgment for the ordinary people is delivered by the angels (according to the Kabbalists).
  • Tishrei days 22 and 23 are Shemini Atzeret, the days after Sukkot when the delivery of the judgments takes place; those days can be considered days 8 and 9 of Sukkot. Shemini Atzeret is observed only on day 22 in Israel, and on days 22 and 23 for Jews outside of Israel.

According to the standard Hebrew calendar, these holidays occurred during September. So the globalists missed their chance to time their Big Event in conjunction with them. But they intend to make a second attempt to act out the last two holidays, Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret, during Hanukkah.

Hanukkah as Sukkot

In the 30 October and 5 November updates, I made reference to “Hannukah as Sukkot.” The time has come to explain what I meant by that.

Upon looking into ways the globalists could schedule their big events in conjunction with the Jewish holidays of December — of which there are only two, Hanukkah and Asara B’Tevet — I ran across the rationale they intend to use for Hanukkah…

Jewish scholars have also suggested that the first Hanukkah may have been a belated celebration of Sukkot, which the Jews had not had the chance to observe during the Maccabean Revolt. One of the Jewish religion’s most important holidays, Sukkot consists of seven days of feasting, prayer and festivities. – from

So in order to time their scripted events in accordance with the holidays of the Hebrew calendar (to make it all look like the fulfillment of prophecy), they will claim that Hanukkah is actually Sukkot, and “it brought God’s judgment.” This narrative will be aided by the fact that the coming war will result in Israel retaking control of the Temple Mount, just like they did during the Maccabean Revolt when Hanukkah was first celebrated…

…from Wikipedia

It is also critical to understand that there are two Hanukkahs that will be occurring…

  1. the Hanukkah of the standard Hebrew calendar, which runs from sunset of November 28 to sunset of December 6, and
  2. the Hanukkah of the Essene Hebrew calendar, which runs from sunset of December 7 to sunset of December 15.

One of the globalists’ top-tier prophecy propagandists, Tom Horn, has been claiming that the Essenes were the only Jewish sect that maintained purity in their faith and kept the true Jewish calendar, thus implying that the standard Jewish calendar is the distorted product of the “scribes and Pharisees” (a.k.a. “the Synagogue of Satan”). This has laid the propaganda groundwork for the Hanukkah of the standard Jewish calendar to be cast as “Satan’s Sukkot” and the Hanukkah of the Essene calendar to be cast as “God’s True Sukkot.” So look for bad things to happen during the first Hanukkah and good things to happen during the second.

Getting back to the other Jewish holiday in December, Asara B’Tevet, it falls on December 14 this year, and it commemorates the Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia. And quite strikingly, it falls on the same day (December 14) as Hanukkah Day 7 (“Sukkot Day 7”) in the Essene calendar. So we can expect Jerusalem to be under siege come December 14, and we can also expect the Jewish messiah to arrive as soon as sunset of that day (when Essene Shemini Atzeret begins and “God delivers the judgment of mercy and deliverance to the Israeli people”).

So pencil in the Jerusalem arrival of the “fake, Nazionist Moshiach ben David” for sometime between sunset of December 14 and sunset of December 15.

The arrival times of the antichrists

The Day the Antichrist “Communist Antichrist” Rose…

…from YouTube

In the 22-23 September updates, which are a little further down this page, I explained that the globalists marked the beginning of Barack Obama’s 7-year tenure as Antichrist by having him sit as President of the UN Security Council for a September 24, 2009 meeting on nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament. The 7-year “covenant with the many” Obama made that day was set to expire with an attempted nuclear exchange on September 24, 2016, during the Jewish holiday of Selichot. But instead — according to the script — “God intervened and paused the Satanic plan by sowing dissention in the ranks of the Global Deep State, setting the Nazionists against the communists in a battle for control over the Satanic New World Order and bringing Nazionist Trump to power.”

In keeping with this script change, the globalists had “Nazionist Antichrist” Trump/Pence/Kushner mark the beginning of his 7-year tenure in the same way “Communist Antichrist” Obama did…

…from YouTube

Later in the 22-23 September updates, I said this…

Putin’s savior act is the main event we need to watch for in the next few years. It will mark the end of “Satan’s fake Tribulation” and the beginning of “the real 7-year Tribulation,” and there are two likely times when it could happen: 1) during late March or Passover of next year and 2) during the September/October Jewish holidays in 2025.

Trump’s UN Security Council meeting on September 26, 2018 is why those two timeframes are candidates for Putin’s savior act…

  1. If you count forward 3.5 years from that date, you get the first timeframe, and
  2. if you count forward 7 years you get the second.

(Periods of 3.5 and 7 years are major features in biblical “End Times” prophecies.)

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – July Updates

The Globalist Timetable for August Mischief
(courtesy of the DHS)

(28 July 2021) – It looks like the globalist war plans for July are dead (Kim Jong Un reached out to South Korea yesterday, and China arrested their market plunge today), so we can now focus our attention on August. August is a key month because it’s their last chance to stage the war before Rosh Hashanah (September 6-8). It’s also a month that will feature large Western Coalition naval armadas exercising near China. As for the danger periods to watch, Homeland Security has generously provided us with specific dates…

…from CIA News Network. Here is an excerpt…

Department of Homeland Security officials are warning that the same sort of rhetoric and false narratives that fueled the January 6 attack on the US Capitol could lead to more violence this summer by right-wing extremists.

A growing belief among some Donald Trump supporters that the former President will be reinstated in August, coupled with relaxed Covid-19 restrictions, has DHS officials concerned that online rhetoric and threats could translate into actual violence in the coming months as more people are out and in public places…

Meanwhile, officials are looking to August for potential threats. In addition to the Trump reinstatement conspiracy theory, it is also the anniversary of two devastating domestic terrorism incidents — the 2019 El Paso, Texas, shooting on August 3, which killed 23 people, and the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, car attack on August 12.

So the first danger date, August 3, is related to a 2019 mass shooting of Hispanics by a supposed “white supremacist right-wing extremist” (an “RMVE“)…

…from Wikipedia

What we’ll most likely see this August 3, then, is a copycat attack (or attacks) targeting blacks. And on August 4, “Commie Antichrist” Barack Obama’s birthday, the commies will mobilize BLM/Antifa to hit the streets and stir up a South Africa-style race war in time for the second danger date. We might also see another large cyberattack on August 4.

Now let’s take a moment to look back at some preparatory propaganda I covered earlier this year…

“The [intelligence community] assesses that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and militia violent extremists (MVEs) present the most lethal DVE threats, with RMVEs most likely to conduct mass-casualty attacks against civilians and MVEs typically targeting law enforcement and government personnel and facilities,” the report stated. Finally, “The [intelligence community] assesses that US RMVEs who promote the superiority of the white race are the DVE actors with the most persistent and concerning transnational connections.” – from The Washington Post

So according to the script, the lawlessness triggered by the RMVE attack on August 3rd will lead to the militias (the MVEs) hitting the streets on August 12 (likely due to some outrage committed by the rioters or the government on August 11). This will provide the excuse for the communist onslaught to begin the next day on Friday the 13th.

By the way, note how the CNN article points to “relaxed COVID-19 restrictions” as a contributing factor to the August violence. Is that why we’re seeing the government pushing us back towards restrictions “on account of the Delta variant” as we enter August?

~ MORE – 29 July 2021 ~

Reader Onnabugeisha has noted that August 1st is the anniversary of the start of the Chinese Civil War and the birth of the “People’s Liberation Army.” And in previous entries, I’ve talked about “things coming full circle.” With that in mind, look at who was backing the two sides in the first phase of the Civil War…

…from Wikipedia

As you can see, the Chinese Nationalists (the right-wing) were backed by the Nazi-Zionist partnership which was funded by the European Kabbalist banking cartel, and the

Chinese Communists (the left-wing) were backed by the Soviet Communist-Comintern partnership which was funded by the European Kabbalist banking cartel, so

both the right-wing and the left-wing were flapping to the dictates of the bird to which they’re attached, the Kabbalist phoenix.

Now here we are 94 years later coming right back to where we started: a Kabbalist-scripted battle between the Nazionists and communists for control of China. This time, though, the Nazionist side is scripted to win.

That being said, August 1 is a day that lends itself to the scripting of a precursor event for the mid-August war. Possibilities include…

  • a big development regarding the Taishan nuclear reactor or the Three Gorges Dam,
  • an event that signals open conflict between the “Chinese Deep State” and Xi Jinping, or
  • a Chicom military exercise that encircles Taiwan.

~ MORE ~

News came out today of a division-sized Russian-Chinese military force being assembled in northern China for “joint exercises” in the first half of August [1, 2]. It was organized by Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu (who may be scripted as a Nazionist) and China’s defense minister Wei Fenghe (who was appointed to his position by Li Keqiang, a supposed ally of the Nazionists). This raises some obvious questions…

Is this force being assembled to move against Xi Jinping? And who will stop them if the Xi-allied elements of the Chinese military are deployed (without their war equipment) to central China to do disaster relief after the Three Gorges Dam is blown?

WARNING (26 July 2021): Later today we’ll look at some North Korean numbers that relate to tomorrow. It should also be noted that the HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier strike group is near or in the South China Sea now, and they will be doing continuous exercises with the navies of many nations over the coming weeks. So if we get through the next few days okay, we still have August to get through. August 3-4 is a danger period, and August 12 and onward looks very hairy.

~ MORE ~

My research on what the North Koreans might be blamed for doing tomorrow has led me to a scenario in which a “North Korean” submarine-launched ballistic missile is fired over Japan, with a possible nuclear detonation over Tokyo or over the ocean near Japan. This launch would be a false-flag conducted by an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine firing a modified Sparrow ballistic missile (which is designed to mimic the flight characteristics of other ballistic missiles) from one of their oversized torpedo tubes or a canister mounted on top of the sub.

Just as I set myself to start writing about this scenario, I saw today’s Google doodle…

As you can see, it depicts arrows being fired over a Japanese torii gate, a launch tube opening (the second o in Google), and something that looks like a mushroom (cloud) decorating the top of the gate. Since two arrows are being fired over the gate from opposite directions, the doodle hints that an interception of the SLBM may be attempted.

~ MORE ~

Here is what reader Onnabugeisha sent me on North Korea and July 27…

July 27 is the day in 1953 that the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed to cease active hostilities in the Korean War. In North Korea, the day is celebrated as the “Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War.”

And this year’s “Day of Victory” comes at a very dire time for North Korea…

…from The Korea Herald. Here is an excerpt…

More foreign diplomats stationed in North Korea, including from Indonesia and Bulgaria, have fled the reclusive regime due to dire living conditions amid prolonged COVID-19 restrictions

The latest exodus comes as North Korea shut down its border and imposed strict lockdowns that barred movement inside the country since the onset of the pandemic early last year. The COVID-19 outbreak has also exacerbated the country’s food crisis, as the North, which relies on China for food and other materials, suspended all trade with its main partner to prevent the spread of the virus.

Since then, most foreign missions in North Korea have temporarily shut down offices and sent staff members back home, citing the difficulties of carrying out diplomatic activities inside the reclusive regime as well as shortages of food, health services and necessary goods, as the pandemic-imposed lockdown drags on.

In recent months, there has been an increasing outflow of foreigners from the North, including about 90 Russians in July.

In April, the Russian Embassy in Pyongyang said via Facebook that the exodus of foreigners will continue, and fewer than 290 foreigners remained inside the closed-off country…

Since the outbreak, the UK, Venezuela, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, Pakistan, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Sweden and France have halted their missions in Pyongyang. All foreign staffers of international humanitarian organizations, including the United Nations, have also left the country.

And that’s not all that’s going against them right now…

…from Google News

Seeing all this, it’s not hard to imagine the headline that would come out tomorrow after the false-flag missile launch…

“Desperate Kim Jong Un Violently Lashes Out on Anniversary of Korean Armistice”

(25 July 2021) – Tomorrow, Monday the 26th, we need to keep an eye on Vladimir Putin, Sergei Shoigu (born to a Ukranian Jewish mother), Chabad-run Ukraine, and the Chabad-run 11th President of Israel Isaac Herzog (who took office on 7/7). The developing scenario seems to involve “Israel creating trouble on Russia’s doorstep (Ukraine) due to Russian meddling on their doorstep (Syria).” We also need to watch for the fall of Israel’s governing coalition today or tomorrow. I’ll go into the details this afternoon.

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Here are the numerological and historical cues reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered for Monday, July 26…

July 26 marks the 88th month and 8th day (888) since Crimea was formally incorporated into Russia on 18 March 2014.

July 26 marks the 66th year and 66th day (6666) since Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was born on 21 May 1955. 6666 is the number of the beast, 666, with an extra six tacked on to make it extra Satany.

July 26 marks the 22222nd day since the new Israeli president, Isaac Herzog, was born on 22 September 1960. Now I can’t tell you what all those twos mean to a Kabbalist, but there are clearly too many of them. That’s gotta mean trouble, right? And there are some other notable things about Herzog…

He is the 11th President of Israel, and he took office on 7/7

…from Wikipedia

And he and his family have a deep and longstanding connection to Chabad…

…from (top) and YouTube (bottom)

If you are a new reader, Chabad is a Kabbalist “Jewish” cult that is helping orchestrate the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, is funded by the Jewish oligarchs, is a religious front for Israel’s Mossad, and is obsessed with bringing in a Jewish Messiah (the Moshiach) that they have selected. They have chosen Jared Kushner to play the evil false Moshiach and Vladimir Putin to play the good real Moshiach.

Getting back to Herzog, if we take a moment to look at the duties of the President of Israel, they are largely ceremonial except for this: he is responsible for helping lead the process to form a new government and for dissolving the Knesset when a governing coalition fails. So with that in mind, I started to look into any current threats to the governing coalition. Here is what I found…

…from Hamodia (top) and The Times of Israel (bottom)

So a situation has been set up that could cause the government to fail tomorrow on “the day of too many twos,” and the failure would come at the hands of another Chabad agent, Ayelet Shaked [1, 2, 3]. Chabad would do this because they want Israel to be without a functioning government when the Moshiach appears. Their efforts to hold the door open for their Moshiach to rule Israel is the reason behind the years of political instability and endless elections in Israel. They keep trying to bring him in and they keep failing, so Israel has been held in political limbo.

Circling back around to Shoigu and Ukraine, Shoigu may be scripted as the Nazionist leader who replaces Putin in Russia, and a blowup in Ukraine is scripted as the event that will catalyze Shoigu’s rise. The raison du jour for the blowup came out in a preparatory propaganda piece released yesterday…

…from Asharq Al-Awsat. Here is an excerpt…

The Russian Defense Ministry issued statements on the recent Israeli raids on Syria, which carried unprecedented indications of a change in Moscow’s response to the “continuous attacks on Syrian sovereignty.”

The Ministry, which never previously commented on Israeli raids, issued two separate statements over the past few days after Israel targeted a research center in Aleppo and a site for Iranian forces in al-Qusayr…

A well-informed Russian source told Asharq Al-Awsat that this is directly related to the talks launched with the United States following the first summit between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden last month.

Moscow received a confirmation that Washington does not welcome the continuous Israeli raids, according to the source…

The source added that Israel’s air force has not entered the Syrian airspace and carries out its attacks from neighboring lands, but the attacks are no longer effective because the Syrian anti-aircraft systems have been enhanced, and Moscow provided Damascus with air defense equipment.

The recent developments reflect a shift in how Moscow addresses the Israeli attacks and indicate that Moscow has “run out of patience” because Tel Aviv continues to ignore Russian calls to set clear rules.

So Putin has moved to negate Israel’s ability to carry out airstrikes in Syria, a nation on Israel’s doorstep. According to the script, then, this invites the Nazionists to make a countermove by meddling in Ukraine, a nation on Russia’s doorstep.

(23 July 2021) – Watch Latin America through July 28 (and Tokyo on the 27th)

I’m currently writing an entry on the globalists’ fallback plans and have detected clear indicators that they may attempt a “communist” bombing of Tokyo’s Olympics on July 27. We may also see action over the weekend through the 28th in Venezuela and Cuba, and it could be related to a planned news release about the Miami building collapse.

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The Man of Peace who will bring war (on Wednesday, July 28?)…

As of two days ago, all the rubble has been cleared from the Champlain Towers South site in Miami. This means that “telltale evidence that an explosion caused the collapse” can be “discovered” at any time. This is interesting timing considering that commie nations Venezuela and Cuba — the two countries the Nazionists will blame for blowing up the building — will be celebrating national holidays this weekend…

On Saturday, July 24, Venezuela will celebrate Simon Bolivar Day. Bolivar led Spanish America’s battle for independence from Spanish colonial rule. So will July 24 also be the day a Nazionist leader begins Venezuela’s battle for independence from international communism’s colonial rule?…

…(“Nazionist Antichrist” Jared Kushner in loving embrace with Juan Guaido at Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address)

Guaido, the political adversary of Venezuela’s commie leader Nicolas Maduro, will celebrate his 38th birthday on July 28, which is another potential start date for the new war of independence.

On Sunday, July 25 through Tuesday, July 27, Cuba will be holding its annual celebration of the 1953 communist revolution

Cuba observes three days of public holiday from July 25th – 27th.

The July 25th and July 27th holiday are known as ‘Commemoration of the Assault on Moncada’ (Spanish: Conmemoración del Asalto a Moncada), while the July 26th holiday is known as ‘National Rebellion Day’ (Spanish: Día de la Rebeldía Nacional).

These holidays commemorate the events of 1953 when Fidel Castro stormed the Moncada army garrison in Santiago de Cuba. – from Office Holidays

Watch those three days for more regime change protests (and for possible news that Champlain Towers South was felled by a bomb).

And on July 28, the following historical and numerological cues appear…

Since Obama is playing the role of the “Communist Antichrist” who is pulling Biden’s strings from behind the scenes, these indicators would clearly support the scripting of an outbreak of war between the “Communist Deep State” (led by Commie Antichrist Obama) and the “Nazionist Deep State” (led by Nazionist Antichrist Kushner). Kushner “Trump” is scripted to win

On top of all this, here is another sign of imminent Nazionist action against Latin American communism…

…from MSN / The Washington Post

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Now let’s get to why July 27 isn’t the best day to be in Tokyo…

July 27 was the day in 1549 that the co-founder of the (Kabbalist) Jesuit Order, Francis Xavier, arrived off Japan (where the Olympics have just started). Currently, the Jesuits are portraying themselves as communists. The “commie” Pope Francis is a Jesuit, and the leader of the Jesuit Order is a Latin American communist named Arturo Sosa. And given that their Chinese communist partners (and bankrollers) hate Japan, want their Olympics to be a failure, and want revenge for all the historical Japanese offenses against China, the “Global Communist Deep State” clearly has motive to attack the Tokyo Olympics. Recent propaganda hints that the attack may be nuclear…

…from Komo News

July 27 was also the day in 1996 that the Atlanta Olympic Games were bombed, but here is where it gets interesting: the man convicted for the crime, Eric Rudolph, is reportedly a “right-wing extremist” and a “white supremacist Christian terrorist.” This historical parallel hints that the nuking of Tokyo will be scripted as having been done by the Nazionists (specifically Israel) in order to frame the Chinese Communist Party and create a global rallying cause for the worldwide takedown of communism. And this is what would cause the communists to respond by unleashing war the next day (July 28).

Thanks to reader Onnabugeisha for the diligent research in finding the puzzle pieces.

~ MORE – 24 July 2021 ~

One of the globalist propaganda fronts that are publicly narrating the “End Times” stageplay is a group of wolves in sheep’s clothing referred to as the “Christian Watchmen.” This group is composed of disinfo guys like Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, and all of their associates (they all do interviews and conferences together to reinforce each other’s messages). And the overarching mission of these for-profit prophets is to weave together the paradigm through which people view the stageplay, and their overarching goal is to convince people to accept the being who shows up at the end of the play as the “real Jesus Christ.”

At the end of the stageplay, all these liars will kneel before the Kabbalah Christ and proclaim him to be the Son of God (in order to convince their followers to do the same). But during the journey to that final goal, they also set up their followers to fall for each of the globalist deceptions along the way. So let me show you what they’re saying to set people up to fall for the Nazionist savior act…

“The communists are out to exterminate us!” They identify the “Deep State” as communist and Nazi (but never Zionist or Jewish; they don’t want to anger their masters). And they terrify people with dark tales of everything the evil communists supposedly want to do to them. The solution they offer is, of course, to “run to Jesus” (specifically the Jesus that shows up at the end of the play).

“Trump was holding the Deep State at bay, but he was betrayed by everyone around him, even his own son-in-law (Jared Kushner).” They are maintaining the “Cult of Trump the Good Guy” so when Trump returns to power with the support of the Nazionists, people will believe the “Deep State” has largely been defeated and the Nazionists (who will not publicly appear to be either Nazi or Zionist) are the “good guys.” After being programmed to believe that…

  • “the Deep State are Trump’s enemies,” and
  • “the Deep State are commies and symbol-wearing Nazis,”

…people will see the return of Trump after the commies and symbol-wearing Nazis have fallen as a convincing indication that the Deep State have been dealt a mighty blow.

Once Trump has returned, the Christian Watchmen will proclaim, “God has granted humanity a reprieve! He has returned Trump to office to delay the end of the age so more people can be saved!” But when Jared Kushner later steps forward to take the presidency and/or leadership of the new UN, and he “stands in the holy place” on the Temple Mount, the Watchmen will shriek and proclaim him the Antichrist (thus setting up their followers to be fooled again when Putin, “the real Antichrist,” shows up to defeat Kushner, the decoy).

Kushner is currently scheduled to step up to the power seat early next year (in the February-March-April timeframe).

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It should also be noted that a typhoon is reportedly headed towards the Tokyo Olympics and is expected to arrive on Tuesday the 27th (the day of the expected Tokyo false-flag). So have they substituted a “weather warfare typhoon” in place of a nuke, or will the typhoon create a distraction that will allow the attackers to penetrate Olympic Games security?

WARNING (22 July 2021): There was a widespread internet outage this morning “shortly after 1100ET that affected “nearly 33,000 websites, and it was attributed to Akamai Technologies. Akamai was incorporated on 20 August 1998, which was 22 years, 11 months, and 2 days ago, and one of its founders died in the 9/11 attacks aboard American Airlines Flight 11, which supposedly was the first plane to hit the World Trade Center. So was Akamai tasked with sending a warning signal for what’s coming? Is this the first outage to hit the world internet in the “Second 9/11”?

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Given how occultists think and the fact that Akamai was founded 22 years, 11 months, and 2 days ago, an obvious candidate time for the “Chinese” cyberattack is today, 22 July at 11:02 PM (and perhaps one minute later).

~ MORE ~

File this one under “What are the odds this is all just coincidence?”…

Not only did one of the founders of Akamai supposedly die on 9/11, he was supposedly the first to die that day, and he had a very special connection to Israel

…from CNN

Now here’s a real mind-blower: I’ve watched many videos that were made by people on the streets of New York on 9/11. And I remember seeing at least one in which an eyewitness exclaimed, “That was a military plane!” A Fox News reporter on the scene also reported via telephone that it was a military plane that first hit the WTC, not an airliner. So this raises an obvious question…

Was Danny Lewin, the founder of Akamai Technologies and a “former” member of an elite Israeli Army unit, one of the Israelis that hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and flew it off to some undisclosed location (while a remote-piloted military plane posing as Flight 11 hit the WTC)?

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Here is a compilation of eyewitness reactions on the morning of 9/11…

…from YouTube

It should be noted that the Israelis/Jews WILL be blamed for the first and second 9/11s after Putin does his savior act in 2025 (or this year). It will be part of the Truth Tsunami I’ve warned about, and it will lead to furious Jew-hatred all around the world. The Kabbalists will use this Jew-hate to drive all the world’s Jews to Israel “where they will be safe and secure” (until they are ritually slaughtered at the end of Putin’s reign). As I’ve said many times, the State of Israel is Global Auschwitz. Just look at how the non-Kabbalist/non-elite Jews there are already being treated “on account of COVID.”

WARNING (21 July 2021): Mass government-sponsored terror attacks are indicated for July 22-23

While we’re on the subject of the scripted (and fake) war between the “Communist Deep State” and the “Nazionist Deep State,” we’ll have a look today at what the 1946 King David Hotel Bombing, the current Pegasus Project, and July 22 have in common.

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Seventy-five years ago, a notable “terror attack” occurred in Jerusalem on a July 22

…from Wikipedia. Here is an excerpt…

The King David Hotel bombing was a terrorist attack carried out on Monday, July 22, 1946, by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization the Irgun on the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem during the Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine. 91 people of various nationalities were killed, and 46 were injured…

The Irgun committed the attack in response to Operation Agatha, known in Israel as “Black Saturday”. British troops had searched the Jewish Agency on June 29 and confiscated large quantities of documents directly implicating the Haganah in the Jewish insurgency against Britain. The intelligence information was taken to the King David Hotel, where it was initially kept in the offices of the Secretariat in the southern wing. In order to destroy the incriminating documentation, the Irgun, therefore, determined to destroy that wing of the hotel.

So with the King David Hotel Bombing, the militant right-wing Zionists conducted a “terror attack” to contain a damning intelligence breach.

Now let’s fast forward to this week, when another intelligence breach is threatening catastrophic consequences for the Zionists…

…from The Guardian. Here is a notable excerpt…

The Guardian and its media partners will be revealing the identities of people whose number appeared on the list in the coming days. They include hundreds of business executives, religious figures, academics, NGO employees, union officials and government officials, including cabinet ministers, presidents and prime ministers.

So just like in 1946, militant right-wing Zionist documents have made their way into the hands of their enemies, and just like in 1946, “something must be done about it.” A massive wave of terror attacks on Thursday and/or Friday would certainly divert the public’s focus, wouldn’t it?

If you look carefully at the perps and victims mentioned in the Pegasus Project articles, you’ll notice that the perps are mostly right-wingers (“authoritarian governments”) and the victims are mostly left-wingers (“human rights activists, journalists and lawyers”). So within the “Communist Deep State” versus “Nazionist Deep State” subplot of the globalist “End Times” stageplay, the Pegasus Project is an information offensive by the “commie mainstream media” against the Nazionists. And if it isn’t stopped, it threatens to take down more Nazionist leaders just like Trump was taken down.

All this points to a two-day Terrorpalooza 2021, during which the Nazionists will trigger their wave of attacks on the 22nd and the communists will respond with their own onslaught on the 23rd. And after the attacks, the commies will blame Trump, MAGA and Christians and do a roundup until the Nazionists sweep in to reverse the blame to the commies and round them up.

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The King David Hotel Bombing isn’t the only historical parallel for tomorrow that reader Onnabugeisha’s research has uncovered. There are other “terror” incidences that lend themselves to the scripting of July 22 “right-wing” terror events…

One hundred and five years ago on July 22, there was the Preparedness Day Bombing

The Preparedness Day Bombing was a bombing in San Francisco, California on July 22, 1916, of a parade organised by local supporters of the Preparedness Movement which advocated American entry into World War I. During the parade a suitcase bomb was detonated, killing ten and wounding 40 in the worst attack in San Francisco’s history.

Two labor leaders, Thomas Mooney and Warren K Billings, were convicted in separate trials and sentenced to death, later commuted to life in prison. Later investigations found the convictions to have been based on false testimony, and the men were released in 1939 and eventually pardoned. The identity of the bombers has never been determined.

By mid-1916, after viewing the carnage in Europe, the United States saw itself poised on the edge of participation in World War I. Isolationism remained strong in San Francisco, not only among radicals such as the Industrial Workers of the World (“the Wobblies”), but also among mainstream labor leaders. At the same time, with the rise of Bolshevism and labor unrest, San Francisco’s business community was nervous. The Chamber of Commerce organized a Law and Order Committee, despite the diminishing influence and political clout of local labor organizations. The Preparedness Day Parade was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and the anti-union conservative business establishment.

The huge Preparedness Day parade of Saturday, July 22, 1916, was a target of radicals. An unsigned antiwar pamphlet issued throughout the city in mid-July read in part, “We are going to use a little direct action on the 22nd to show that militarism can’t be forced on us and our children without a violent protest.”

Mooney had been tipped off to threats that preceded the parade and pushed resolutions through his union, the Molders, and the San Francisco Central Labor Council and the Building Trades Council warning that provocateurs might attempt to blacken the labor movement by causing a disturbance at the parade. – from Wikipedia

The Preparedness Day Bombing had all the hallmarks of a “right-wing” false flag attack…

  1. The parade was organized by “conservatives” trying to drag the US into World War 1,
  2. preparatory propaganda (the “unsigned antiwar pamphlet”) was widely circulated to pre-blame the leftists for the bombing,
  3. “left-wing leaders” were arrested after the crime and convicted with false testimony,
  4. thus leaving the pro-war, right-wing side buoyed and the anti-war, left-wing side discredited.

Just like the Preparedness Day Bombing, tomorrow’s attacks would include suitcase/backpack bombs. Some of them may be nuclear or radiological.

Let’s move on to the next example.

Ten years ago on a July 22, there were the Norway Attacks

The 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July (Norwegian: 22. juli) or as 22/7, were two sequential domestic terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp, in which 77 people were killed.

The first attack was a car bomb explosion in Oslo within Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter of Norway, at 15:25:22 (CEST). The bomb was placed inside a van next to the tower block housing the office of the then Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. The explosion killed eight people and injured at least 209 people, twelve severely.

The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp on the island of Utoya in Tyrifjorden, Viken. The camp was organized by the AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party (AP). Breivik, dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification, took a ferry to the island and opened fire at the participants, killing 69 and injuring at least 110, 55 seriously. Among the dead were Stoltenberg’s friends, and the stepbrother of Norway’s crown princess Mette-Marit…

The Norwegian Police arrested Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian right-wing extremist, on Utoya island and charged him with both attacks. – from Wikipedia

Since his imprisonment, Breivik has identified himself as a fascist and a Nazi… – from Wikipedia

Just like the Norway Attacks, tomorrow’s attacks would include bombs inside vans, mass shootings with rifles (AR-15s this time), and “right-wing extremists”…

…from The Telegraph

You may have noticed that I highlighted 22/7 in red (in the Norway Attacks excerpt). In the next section, I’ll show you the occult numerological indicators surrounding these events.

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Also be on the lookout for the imminent demolition of the Three Gorges Dam (see all the news about ongoing Chinese dam failures) and a possible terror attack on Tokyo (or at least a “revelation” that “Fukushima was caused by a Chinese cyberattack”). It is on days like this that I miss being a sleeper.

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The globalists are superstitious occultists, so they take numerology, astrology, and history into account when making their plans. And now that we’ve looked at the historical cues they utilized in planning for tomorrow, let’s look at the numbers (we won’t bother looking at the stars; you can barely see them through the chemtrails anyway).

July 22, which Europeans write as 22/7, is Pi Approximation Day (because 22 divided by 7 rounds to 3.14)…

…from Google

And since Pi is related to circles, its appearance can be interpreted (by superstitious or bullsh*t-spinning people) as “a sign that things have come full circle and our journey has brought us around to where we started.”

Now if we think about the King David Hotel Bombing, it was a local “terror attack” that aided in the foundation of Israel. And if we think about the global “terror attacks” that are planned for tomorrow, they would aid in the foundation of a Zionist global government (“Global Israel”). So according to the musings of the Kabbalist storytellers, the Zionists have come full circle and are back at the beginning of another cycle.

Beyond that, as of tomorrow exactly 900 months have passed since the King David Hotel Bombing. And if you look up the number 900 in Strong’s Bible Concordance

So the time duration suggests that “the Zionists will deepen their treachery to their former communist allies” (by taking the war between them hot).


As of tomorrow exactly 1260 months have passed since the Preparedness Day Bombing. And 1260 is a number that appears in the Book of Revelation (12:6) and is interpreted as being related to the “End Times.”

Before we call it a night, there’s one more occult sign to consider, and it’s related to China. Look at how communism is depicted as drowning in flood waters in the I, Pet Goat 2 video…

And look at China today…

If you are a new reader, I encourage you to read the updates on this page that relate to Three Gorges Dam (just enter “Three Gorges Dam” in your browser’s FIND feature). And in an upcoming entry we’ll have a look at how the globalists are using their weather control grid to portray “weather wars” between the commies and Nazionists.

On a positive note, the stock market rebounded today after first appearing that there would be a big selloff. This could be a sign that they backed off. We’ll find out by Saturday, and we’ll look at their fallback date in the next section.

(20 July 2021) – The Globalist Script for the Tokyo Olympics and the start of the Communist Onslaught…

…from Wikipedia

Reader Onnabugeisha has turned up some very interesting numbers for the coming days through August 2, including some historical points related to the Olympics that have definitely been factored-in to the globalist script:

Point 1…

The 1940 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XII Olympiad, were originally scheduled to be held from September 21 to October 6, 1940, in Tokyo, Japan. They were rescheduled for Helsinki, Finland, to be held from July 20 to August 4, 1940, due to the 1937 Japanese invasion of China, but were cancelled due to the outbreak of World War II. – from Wikipedia

So Tokyo’s first Olympic Games were cancelled because they had invaded China. And now Tokyo’s current Olympic Games have been delayed due to the “Chinese Communist Party virus,” and they may be cancelled due to a CCP cyberattack and attack on Taiwan. This lends itself to being narrated as “China’s revenge against the Japanese.”

Point 2…

The Olympic torch relay is the ceremonial relaying of the Olympic flame from Olympia, Greece, to the site of an Olympic Games. It was first performed at the 1936 Summer Olympics, and has taken place prior to every Games since. – from Wikipedia

The 1936 Summer Olympics were held in Hitler’s Nazi Germany, so the Nazis were the ones who lit the modern Olympic Flame. And now due to “the communist bioweapon COVID-19,” the Nazi Flame will be hidden as it enters Tokyo, and it will be snuffed-out by the communist onslaught scheduled to begin on the day of the opening ceremony.

So the plan for the Olympics reflects the script for the Chinese communist onslaught against their enemies, including Japan and their “Nazionist Deep State rivals.”

Onnabugeisha’s numbers also point to a possible fallback day for the commie attack: July 28. We’ll look at those numbers tomorrow.

ALERT (19 July 2021): The US government is telegraphing a “Chinese” cyberattack

A reader has informed me that the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency emailed a barrage of alerts to IT professionals this morning…

The planned cyberattack will be carried out by the globalists, but blamed on China (by the “Nazionist Deep State”) and Russia and/or Israel (by the “Communist Deep State”). They’re likely planning to turn off the lights and the internet on Thursday the 22nd or Friday the 23rd.

Be sure to save offline copies of this site, and save physical copies (on optical media) if you’re able. In addition to saving what I suggest at the top of this page, you might also consider saving the entries on the Important Pages and Posts page and the previous entries from the All 2020/2021 Updates page (even expired updates, warnings and alerts contain key information on various aspects of the globalist agenda).

~ MORE – 20 July 2021 ~

Speaking of an imminent “Chinese” cyberattack to take down critical infrastructure, here are a couple of things I wrote on the subject in previous updates that show why such an attack can’t be stopped by ordinary IT specialists…

(7 October 2018) – A massive Chinese hardware hack made the news this week. By telling the public about it, the globalists can now blame the Chinese communists for the cyberattacks that will come when the Big Crisis hits. In reality, though, the globalists will be staging the attacks using hardware backdoors like the Intel Management Engine that are built right into the microprocessors.

(14 January 2019) – The media have narrated that the Chinese have snuck hardware backdoors onto pretty much every circuit board that’s been manufactured in mainland China…

…from Bloomberg (top, bottom)

To go deeper into the details of how a “grid down” cyberattack or (fake) EMP attack would be carried out, I recommend you read my 3 May 2020 update. It contains 3 excerpts from previous writings that cover the subject. Just remember that the globalists have modified the endgame script since those writings, and it’s likely that we’ll see the grid restored by the “Nazionist Deep State posing as good guys” instead of Putin and Xi — Putin’s savior act has likely been moved to 2025.

To read it, go to The 2020 Archive 3 and enter “here are three sections” into your browser’s FIND feature (or simply click here to open a parallel page to the right spot if your browser supports link-to-text).

WARNING (19 July 2021) – Let’s hope that when Israeli Prime Minister Bennett supposedly backtracked on his comments today he was cancelling what’s planned for Israel this week…

…from The Times of Israel

The globalist plan to start the Palestinian Independence Intifada appears to be centered around Israeli bullying of Palestinians on the Temple Mount during Eid al-Adha, the Muslim “Festival of Sacrifice.” The Festival runs from sunset today (7/19) through sunset of the 23rd (the moment Essene Tisha B’Av begins). Look for the Palestinians to occupy the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Mosque and for it to turn into a bloody siege that turns into open war by Friday.

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Let’s start looking into the details of the intifada setup with passages from a Middle East Eye report. The article starts with an inaccuracy due to an erroneous news agency report about an Israeli incursion on Monday, so all the following information pertains to the Sunday Jewish incursion on the Temple Mount…

On Sunday, almost 1,600 Israeli settlers entered the compound amid condemnation from Palestinians, Jordan and other countries such as Pakistan.

Dozens of Israeli police officers raided the site on Sunday through the Chain and Moroccan gates, before assaulting Palestinian worshippers attending prayers and making way for the entrance of hundreds of settlers, Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

Some Israeli groups had called on the settlers to force their way into al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday, as Israeli Jews fasted on Tisha B’Av, a day that marks the destruction of temples in ancient Jerusalem.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett thanked security officials for “preserving freedom of worship for Jews on the Mount”, referring to the Al-Aqsa compound.

Bennett then backtracked on Monday, confirming that “there is no change in the status quo”, in the compound, following condemnation from Jordan, which is the custodian of Muslim and Christian holy sites in East Jerusalem.

On Sunday, Jordan’s foreign ministry had called on Israel “to stop its violations and provocations” in Al-Aqsa Mosque, adding that Israel should “respect the historical and legal status quo, respect the sanctity of the mosque and the freedom of worshipers, and respect the authority of the Jordan-run Jerusalem Endowment Department and Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs”.

In a statement, the Palestinian Authority said on Sunday that it held “the Israeli occupation government fully responsible for the escalation resulting from the Israeli incursion in the al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied Jerusalem”, while the Gaza-based Hamas movement urged Palestinians to visit al-Aqsa Mosque in large numbers and to remain there until Tuesday’s Eid al-Adha.

A statement by Pakistan’s foreign ministry condemned the Israeli incursion into Al-Aqsa on Sunday, saying that “Pakistan stands in solidarity with the government and people of the State of Palestine, and stands by their just demands”.

Here are three critical things of note from the Middle East Eye report…

  • During the Sunday incursion, the Israelis completely cut off Muslim access to the Temple Mount, and the Muslims would be very angry if it happens again before or during Eid al-Adha. So it’s quite notable that “Iran-backed” Hamas is urging Palestinians to seize and hold Al Aqsa Mosque. Hamas’ statement will allow the Israelis to claim that Iran is calling the shots (Erdogan actually is) and is responsible for starting the war (thus justifying the start of the war against Iran)…

    …from The Times of Israel
  • The Jordanian government is expressing outrage over the situation even as Jordan’s King Abdullah is meeting with “anti-Israel” Biden (“to plot”) at the White House today. As custodians of the non-Jewish holy sites in Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa, Jordan may be scripted to intervene on behalf of the Palestinians during the siege, likely moving their special forces brigade into Jerusalem. Their special forces are trained to move quickly and stealthily into enemy territory, are well suited for urban combat operations, and “the unit is equipped and trained to be able to operate behind enemy lines for long periods without any logistical support, and is considered some of the best in the Middle East.”
  • Pakistan is mentioned multiple times in the article, and they are the only Muslim nation known to have nuclear weapons. This opens the possibility that a “Pakistani nuke” will make its presence known in Israel on Essene Tisha B’Av — a “Pakistani nuke” that the Israelis will likely say was an “Iranian nuke.”

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It should be noted that this isn’t the first time the globalists have tried to engineer an Israeli-Palestinian war around the time of Tisha B’Av and Eid al-Adha. I tracked previous attempts to get this war going in both 2019 and 2020. So if you are a relatively new reader, I recommend you read the coverages from those two years because they contain information that pertains to this year also…

In 2019, they attempted to mirror the provocations that led to the 2014 Gaza War — HBO even did a propaganda documentary to aid the setup. My coverage of it started on August 8 and ran through August 11, and you can read it by going to The 2019 Archive and entering “8 August” into your browser’s find feature (or simply click here to open a parallel page to the right spot if your browser supports link-to-text).

In 2020, they planned a false-flag missile strike on Israel that involved the Israelis firing missiles at themselves from Lebanon in order to blame Hezbollah and Iran. My coverage of it, which included information about the Israeli tunnels and underground missile silos in Lebanon and the plot to take out Netanyahu and Trump at roughly the same time (a feat they finally accomplished this year by using another method), was a multi-section update posted on July 30. You can read it by going to The 2020 Archive 4 and entering “30 July” into your browser’s find feature (or simply click here).

Essene Tisha B’Av Overwatch

“MY proper-tay!”…

(18 July 2021) – Today is looking quiet, so if they decide to proceed with the “communist onslaught” in the coming days, they’ll likely choose Friday, July 23 (with a possible precipitating event on July 22). The 23rd is the actual 100-year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, so the globalist propagandists may assign the following rationale to the “Chinese-led” attack…

“The CCP spent its first 100 years living in the shadow of the United States; in its second 100 years, the US will live under China’s shadow. The end of the Party’s first 100 years will be the beginning of the Chinese Century.”

At sunset on July 23rd, Tu B’Av begins on the standard Jewish calendar and Tisha B’Av begins on the Essene Jewish calendar. Tu B’Av is a celebration of love and marriage and Tisha B’Av is a commemoration of major Jewish tragedies.

Since Tu B’Av celebrates marriage, the “Christian Watchmen” propaganda front are suggesting that it will be the day “Jesus Christ comes like a thief in the night to take his bride (the Church).” They call this event — in which “true Christians” suddenly disappear from the Earth — “the Rapture,” and it would manifest as a mass arrest of the Christian enemies of the “Deep State” that begins on the night of the communist onslaught. They’ll most likely use Homeland Security forces to carry out “Operation Rapture,” but if they want to add a supernatural flair to the event, they’ll use the Space Force and its “alien abduction” technologies to sneak people out of their beds. Look for the globalists’ “Christian Watchmen” to be among the disappeared. This would be done in order to boost the credibility of the false narrative they’ve been spinning.

As for Essene Tisha B’Av (which falls on the same day as Tu B’Av), that would be the day the Palestinian Independence Intifada would begin, supposedly at the behest of Xi and Putin’s Iranian friends. A Jordanian special forces move into the West Bank/Jerusalem is also possible. King Abdullah is meeting Biden at the White House tomorrow (July 19), which would be narrated as the day they finalize the Jordanian part of the scheme to take down Israel.

In the meantime, we need to watch for a false-flag in or near Ukraine to get the action going on Monday or Tuesday. Tuesday the 20th is Sergei Shoigu’s 666 Day, and it’s also the 77th anniversary of the failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler back in 1944. Here are three possible targets for assassination that day…

  • Vladimir Putin, because “he is an authoritarian dictator like Hitler was”,
  • Volodymyr Zelensky, because he is the leader of “Nazi Ukraine” and his false-flagged death would start the Ukraine war, and
  • Donald Trump, because “he is a Nazi” and his death would allow Mike Pence to return to power as president after the Nazionist victory over the communists. (He would then name Kushner his VP and later die in office, as was portrayed in a TV show about four and a half years ago.)

On a somewhat related note, a number of apocalyptic movies have portrayed an ongoing Olympic Games when all hell breaks loose in the world. And the Tokyo Olympics start on July 23rd, the same day the CCP turns 100. Within the script, then, ruining hated Japan’s Olympics is another motivator for the Chinese to schedule the communist onslaught for that day. What better day is there to deliver a “sudden blow“?…

…from the Global Times

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As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, Jared Kushner is the person most likely to emerge as the Nazionist Hitler during Act 1 of the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay. The scripting will reflect that he is the “false Jewish messiah put in place by evil Chabad,” and he will be defeated by “the real Jewish messiah and returned Jesus, Vladimir Putin,” in 2025. Putin will then go on to play the Final Antichrist in Act 2 (currently scheduled to run from 2025 to 2032).

That being said, if the globalists script a Nazionist move against Putin this week, it will be a preemptive attack by “false messiah” Kushner against “real messiah” Putin, and it will come in connection to Ukraine because…

That’s why Ukraine is key to the scripting of this farcical drama…

…from the Ukraine Jewish Encounter (arch)

(16 July 2021) – Back in 2013, there was widespread fear in South Africa that the blacks would rise up and exterminate the whites as soon as Nelson Mandela passed away. And Mandela ended up dying on 5 December 2013. So if you count that day as Day One of the Campaign for White Genocide, the plot actually went hot on the 7 year, 7 month, and 7 day mark (777) of the Campaign (which was 11 July 2021, the day the weekend unrest segued into widespread rioting/looting in order to provide cover for a coordinated communist attack on food, fuel, and power infrastructure). This is a good example of why we have to watch the numbers, and it is a clear indicator that the “Illuminati” (a.k.a. the Kabbalists) are scripting these events.

On another note, reader Onnabugeisha has detected indicators that the Palestinians may be scripted to begin their Independence Intifada in Jerusalem during Tisha B’Av.

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As I look through Onnabugeisha’s research on the numbers, there are indicators that run from tomorrow through July 24 that point to a broad explosion of troubles. In addition to cues that would support the scripting of a Palestinian offensive, there are other cues that would support the following: the death of a Pope, an escalation of trouble in South Africa, troubles in Belarus and East Ukraine, a betrayal of Putin by Sergei Shoigu, and a Nazi triumph of some sort.

On the last two points, get a load of this…

Of course, the Soviet Union did the lion’s share of the fighting in defeating Nazi Germany, so having Russia fall under the control of a “Nazionist Deep State” agent, Shoigu, would make for “sweet Nazi revenge” in the storyline.

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If they intend to go after Israel on late Saturday or Sunday and Putin on Tuesday, they’ll probably start the communist onslaught in the US on late Saturday or Sunday also. So watch for false-flags, including a potential racial outrage that will be used to roll out BLM/Antifa for South Africa-style riots, from now through the weekend (and then on through July 24). I’ve extended the overwatch period through July 24 because it’s Essene Tisha B’Av.

(15 July 2021) – There are just two days until Tisha B’Av begins and eight days until the Chinese Communist Party’s actual 100th anniversary, and the globalists are preparing people for the Big Event they have planned for that timespan. Look at the things I’ve underlined in purple…

…from today’s Drudge Report

The globalist propagandists worded the headlines in this way to incept the following idea into people’s heads, even if they don’t read the linked articles…

“There is a Putin plot to put Trump in power via a coup featuring a ‘Reichstag moment‘.”

Within the Event script, this propaganda represents an effort by the “Communist Deep State” to pre-blame Putin, Trump, and MAGA people / Christians for the coming massive terror wave that will be used to lock down America and round up the communists’ enemies.

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Let’s start to delve deeper into this by having a look at the Reichstag Fire…

The Reichstag fire was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday 27 February 1933, precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler’s government stated that Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch council communist, was the culprit, and it attributed the fire to communist agitators. A German court decided later that year that Van der Lubbe had acted alone, as he had claimed. The day after the fire, the Reichstag Fire Decree was passed. The Nazi Party used the fire as a pretext to claim that communists were plotting against the German government, which made the fire pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

The first report of the fire came shortly after 9:00 p.m., when a Berlin fire station received an alarm call. By the time police and firefighters arrived, the lower house ‘Chamber of Deputies’ was engulfed in flames. The police conducted a thorough search inside the building and accused Van der Lubbe. He was arrested, as were four communist leaders soon after. Hitler urged President Paul von Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree to suspend civil liberties and pursue a “ruthless confrontation” with the Communist Party of Germany. After the decree was issued, the government instituted mass arrests of communists, including all of the Communist Party’s parliamentary delegates. With their bitter rival communists gone and their seats empty, the Nazi Party went from having a plurality to a majority, thus enabling Hitler to consolidate his power…

The responsibility for the Reichstag fire remains a topic of debate and research. The Nazis accused the Comintern of the act. However, some historians believe, based on archive evidence, that the arson had been planned and ordered by the Nazis as a false flag operation. – from Wikipedia

When people look back at the Champlain Towers bombing and the massive wave of similar attacks to come, they will again argue whether it was the commies or the Nazionists who were behind the “American Reichstag Moment,” but it is a moot point. There is no communists versus Nazionists civil war, and there is no Deep State. There are only the globalists’ Left Hand Path minions (wearing the “black hats”) and Right Hand Path minions (wearing the “white hats”), and they are cooperating with each other in acting out this drama for public consumption.

We already know what’s scripted to happen after the attacks: the Left Hand Path commies will sweep away the globalists’ enemies on the political right, then the Right Hand Path Nazionists will “counterattack” and sweep away the globalists’ enemies on the political left, ending with the restoration of Trump/Kushner. The world will then go into the “Nazionist” New World Order.

Speaking of “the president the voters actually elected last November,” Donald Trump, look at how the commie media are portraying him…

…from the Daily Mail

This propaganda piece is right on script, portraying Trump as a Nazi (who is controlled by Zionists, just like Rothschild-funded Adolf Hitler was). So just as it was after the Reichstag Fire, the “commie Democrats” in Washington will ultimately be mass-arrested, leaving a solid “Nazionist Republican” majority in Congress.

On a related note, Brazil’s Nazionist leader Jair Bolsonaro’s sudden hospitalization for the most dreaded of all diseases, hiccups, may be the prelude to his scripted death. Once that happens, we can expect Brazil’s communists to make a bold grab for power, which will be put down by the newly installed (in March of this year) Nazionist leaders of the Brazilian armed forces.

Watch for the new defense minister, Walter Souza Braga Netto, to take power and for the new head of the Army, Paulo Sergio Nogueira, to take command of Brazil’s “battle against the Chinese Communist Party’s COVID-19 bioweapon.” Getting the military involved in the farcical fight against COVID-19 (like Trump wanted to do here in the US) is how Nazionist authoritarianism will manifest itself in the eyes of the public.

And here’s one final thought: in the Wikipedia entry on the Reichstag Fire, it reads…

Hitler urged President Paul von Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree to suspend civil liberties and pursue a “ruthless confrontation” with the Communist Party of Germany.

So let’s take a quick look at Hindenburg…

In 1925, Hindenburg returned to public life to become the second elected President of the German Weimar Republic. While personally opposed to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party, he nonetheless played a major role in the political instability that resulted in their rise to power. Upon twice dissolving the Reichstag in 1932, Hindenburg ultimately agreed to appoint Hitler as Chancellor of Germany in January 1933 when the Nazis won a plurality in the November elections. In response to the Reichstag Fire allegedly committed by Marinus van der Lubbe, he approved the Reichstag Fire Decree in February 1933 which suspended various civil liberties. Later in March, he signed the Enabling Act of 1933 which gave Hitler’s regime emergency powers. After Hindenburg died the following year, Hitler combined the Presidency with his office as Chancellor before proceeding to declare himself Fuhrer und Reichskanzler des deutschen Volkes (i.e. “Leader and Reich Chancellor of the German People”) and transform Germany into a totalitarian state. – from Wikipedia

In this section from Hindenburg’s bio, you see what is planned for Trump (Trump = Hindenburg). And the one who will play Hitler this time is Jared Kushner (or, less likely, Mike Pence). As I’ve stated in previous entries, Trump may boot the “disloyal” Pence from the vice presidency upon his return to power, and he’d choose “someone he trusts” to take Pence’s place, namely his son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Kushner would then call the shots — like he always has with Trump and like Hitler did with Hindenburg — until Trump dies “the following year” (in early 2022). This would put Kushner into the presidency in time to “stand in the holy place” in March of 2022. I wrote about this in The Three Globalist Messiahs just a little further down this page.

As for how Kushner would leverage the US presidency to take control of the world, I wrote about it on 26 June 2019, but in reference to Trump. So here’s an excerpt from that update with Kushner’s name substituted for Trump’s…

As it turns out, the Secret Space Program (SSP) and its technologies provide the answer.

Once he unveils the SSP, the conventional militaries of the world, including Russia’s and China’s, will be rendered utterly impotent. [Kushner] will stand astride the world like a colossus, and resistance against him will be futile. And since the unveiling will likely happen amidst a global economic meltdown, access to the SSP technologies will hold the key for moving the nations out of desperate poverty into almost instant abundance.

Faced with the choice of rooting around in the mud like starving monkeys or joining a high-tech global paradise, the nations of the world will sign-on to any national and international reforms [Kushner] requires of them.

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Reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out that Friday is the 22nd anniversary of the supposed death of JFK Jr., so it’s possible that he could pop up tomorrow like a Masonic cicada. Such a reappearance was likely planned as a positive event in advance of a positive Tisha B’Av had the globalists started the Big Event at the end of last month on 17 Tammuz. But it seems unlikely now. I nonetheless mention it in case they decide to pull a rabbit out of their hat by staging a pre-emptive appearance of the Nazionist US Space Force.

(14 July 2021) – So on July 11, protests break out in communist Cuba on the same day a communist onslaught begins in South Africa. These will be narrated as competing offensives by the “Nazionist Deep State” (Cuba) and the “Communist Deep State” (South Africa). And in the stageplay, it means that open war has begun between the two sides. Watch for this to spread to other nations, including America.

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Within the script of the globalist “End Times” stageplay, there is a sub-plot that features a civil war within the “Satanic Global Deep State” for control of the evil-version New World Order. It is a war between the “Communist Deep State” and the “Nazionist Deep State” — a war the Nazionists are scripted to win (after the communists do a lot of damage).

The bombing of the Champlain Towers South building in Miami may have been the first big headline-grabbing attack in the escalating covert war between the two supposedly feuding “Deep State” factions. And after their win, the Nazionist victors will claim it was a communist terror attack carried out by Cuban agents in Miami. It will be said that collapsing a building filled with Jews a mere block away from Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s residence was a “message” to Trump and Kushner to “back down, or you’re next.” But of course, the “heroic duo” of Batman (Trump) and Robin (Kushner) will do no such thing.

Caught in the middle of this “Deep State” civil war is Joe Biden. As a “centrist” Democrat, Biden is a member of the Nazionist faction. He was the Nazionist counterbalance to commie Obama during Barack’s presidency, and now commie Kamala is the counterbalance to Biden during his own presidency. And due to past “Deep State” dealings, the communists hold damning information about his family that can be used to destroy both him and his son Hunter. So he is caught in a tug of war between the two sides, and at some point we can expect the communists to remove him in order to place Kamala into the presidency. This may happen at the time the communist onslaught begins in America.

Keep an eye on where Biden goes in the days/weeks ahead. And watch for his assassination, and for President Kamala to blame it on Trump and his MAGA / Christian / “White Supremacist” army of “Domestic Violent Extremists.” If the globalists go for it this year, expect it all to unfold before September (when the “Nazionist elements” of the US military are forced out by the commie vaccination mandate).

(13 July 2021) – I’m seeing very clear signals that the globalists will try to launch the war again this weekend (Tisha B’Av weekend). And since Tisha B’Av is a Jewish holiday, the precipitating event will be an attack on Israel or Jews in general. So watch for news of such an attack on Saturday or Sunday — either a new attack or the sudden discovery of telltale evidence that Champlain Towers South (the Jew-filled condo building in Florida that collapsed) was taken down with a bomb.

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Here’s the most glaring sign that mischief is planned for this coming weekend (July 17-18): NATO has kept its naval force in the Black Sea in place by starting a new “exercise” immediately after the conclusion of the last one (Sea Breeze 21, which ran from June 28 – July 10)…

…from Here is an excerpt…

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Ross (DDG 71) arrived in Varna, Bulgaria for exercise Breeze 2021, July 11, 2021. Ross and one P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance aircraft assigned to Patrol Squadron (VP) 40 will participate in Breeze along with partners and Allies from 13 other nations from July 11-19, 2021.

The Bulgarian-led, multinational exercise includes participants from Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG 2) and Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2).

So the force will remain active until the day after Tisha B’Av.

They’re also retracing their steps towards a big revelation about Champlain Towers South…


If you’ll recall, the last time they planned to use the Miami building collapse to start the war, they brought in “specialists who investigated 9/11 to probe [the] disaster site.” These specialists were supposed to find the smoking gun evidence of a bomb attack in the parking garage beneath the building, but the globalists backed off. And when they did, they whipped up a hurricane and pointed it towards Florida so they would have an excuse to implode the remainder of the building. By covering the parking garage with demolition debris, they delayed the investigation. Now it looks like the new inspector is scripted to find the smoking gun, just in time for Tisha B’Av.

Then there’s the Cuban angle…

…from The Washington Post

In the next section, we’ll look at how the color revolution they’re stirring up in Cuba right now ties into the Champlain Towers narrative and the grander narrative of a battle between the “Communist Deep State” and “Nazionist Deep State” for control of the evil-version New World Order.

(12 July 2021) – The reason for the Haiti assassination has now presented itself…

…from today’s Drudge Report

They killed the Haitian president to replace him with a US-backed stooge in a rather obvious and well-publicized way, and this has set the stage for their next move: a similar regime change operation in Cuba. Such a move against an old Russian ally will allow them to false-flag a “Russian retaliation attack” against the US, thus touching off the war.

(8 July 2021) – Watch for the Israelis to do something stupid to Iran as soon as tonight begins over there. After sunset today, they will be entering the Hebrew day of 29 Tammuz, which is a (militant) Zionist holiday, Jabotinsky Day, and the last day before the Hebrew month of Av begins. And news has just recently come out that Iran has started to enrich uranium metal (this provides the scripted motivation for the Zionist strike / “Israeli Mistake”).

An Iranian counterattack to a 29 Tammuz Israeli strike would give the Jews another reason to mourn during “The Nine Days” of Av that follow: “The Nine Days inaugurates an even greater level of communal and personal mourning in recognition of the many tragedies and calamities that befell the Jewish people at this time.” And since Iran is an ally of China, their retaliation against Israel could also be the starting point of the “communist onslaught” against Israel’s ally, America.

~ MORE – 9 July 2021 ~

The Israelis didn’t move on Iran today, but they did injure and shoot a bunch of Palestinians in the West Bank…

…from Al Jazeera

Let’s see if the globalists run with this, intifada-style.

WARNING: An Imminent Communist Storm is Being Signalled

(6 July 2021) – In the past, I’ve noticed the Drudge Report headline being used for occult signalling, and they just put up the Chinese Boxer Rebellion flag…

…from today’s Drudge Report (top) and Wikipedia (bottom)

Reader Onnabugeisha has also reported a big cluster of numerological indicators for China this month, including these for the Boxer Rebellion (which was a Chinese rebellion against Western imperialism and Christianity)

July 5th marked the 44440th day since the start of the Rebellion (2 November 1899), and
July 9th will mark the 44444th day.

Tomorrow, 7/7, is the midway point between the two markers. It is also the day the hurricane will hit Florida. Also note that it’s been about a century since the last hurricane hit Tampa (in 1921) and since the Boxer Rebellion (in 1899). 22 years separated the two events.

~ MORE – 7 July 2021 ~

According to the globalist “End Times” script, Putin, Xi, Soleimani, and Modi are antichrists who are pretending to be Avatars (“incarnations of the Godhead sent down to Earth to stop the evil ones from depopulating the Earth and ruling over the human remnant”). And Xi has been cast as the Maitreya Buddha, who has labored to take total control of the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese government so he can root-out the entire “Deep State,” both the hardcore communists and the West-aligned Nazionists (like Li Keqiang).

In their current scripting for the takedown of “Avatar Xi,” the globalists are having the “Deep State” mass media tie him to hardcore communism. And they will soon stage a Nazionist takedown of the communists, removing Xi along with them. In the aftermath of the takedown, they will narrate that “Xi was the mastermind behind the CCP plot to depopulate and take over the world through their COVID-19 bioweapon.” And to combat that “bioweapon,” the Nazionists will continue to push the COVID “vaccines” that were produced through Trump/Kushner’s Operation Warp Speed. “Now that we’ve stopped the communists,” they’ll say, “we need to eradicate their COVID bioweapon through a universal vaccination program.” In their push for universal vaccination, their fascist colors will shine through, thus setting the stage for Putin’s messianic return.

With the basics of the strategy now laid before you, let’s look at some more of the China-related occult indicators reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered…

> Today is the 40000th day since the Republic of China (Taiwan) was established on 1 January 1912. And in Asian numerology, the number 4 is associated with death. So both today the 7th and Friday the 9th are opportune times for CCP aggression against Taiwan:

  • Today because it is the day the number 4 occurs, and
  • Friday because if you take the 4444 that occurred on Monday and add today’s 4 to the end, you get 44444, which is the number that occurs on Friday (the number of days since the Boxer Rebellion).

> Both the Dalai Lama and Xi Jinping were born on the 5th day of the 5th month (55) of their native calendars.

The Dalai Lama…

“Born on 6 July 1935, or in the Tibetan calendar, in the Wood-Pig Year, 5th month, 5th day…” – from Wikipedia

Xi Jinping…

…from Google. Here is confirmation of his Gregorian birthday.

This 55 55 is significant given the fact that this Saturday the 10th marks the 55th year + 55th day since the Cultural Revolution started in China on 16 May 1966.

The communist Cultural Revolution swept away everything that came before communism, so a Nazionist Cultural Revolution that starts on Saturday would sweep away communism, along with Xi Jinping and the Dalai Lama (the man who could proclaim Xi the Maitreya Buddha).

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It looks like somebody has backed off. Note the flashy distraction (the Haitian assassination) that has taken the lead, the hurricane’s weakening and demotion to the lower left side bar, and the section at the top left linking Zionist Trump to Nazism…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Reader Onnabugeisha’s research has also turned up numbers that look good for Xi, so don’t forget the alternative scenarios I’ve covered. They could still throw us a curve ball and script the Victory of the Avatars or Option Three (in which Xi falls and Putin rises like Emperor Augustus with the Nazionists). Xi’s good numbers could also indicate his escape from the Nazionists as he goes into hiding in Putin’s secret complex in the Altai Mountains.

The Three Globalist Messiahs

(6 July 2021) – Should the globalists proceed with their currently scripted plan…

a Deep State Nazionist defeat of the Deep State communists, Putin, Xi, and Iran, followed by the establishment of the evil Western-version New World Order

…we will be seeing THREE “messiahs” over the next 11 years, and ALL OF THEM will be globalist figureheads.

The first will be the Nazionist Messiah (Merkel, Pence, Kushner, or “traitor Trump”). He/she will ride in to save us from the “communist plan to depopulate the Earth with their COVID-19 bioweapon.”

The second will be the “real” Jewish Messiah, Vladimir Putin. He will ride in to save us from the evil Nazionist New World Order and then create a “better” NWO to replace it. He will also pose as Jesus but later be revealed as the Antichrist.

The third will be the (globalist-selected) “real Jesus Christ.” He will ride in to save us from Antichrist Putin and lead the world into his 1,000-year Reich (the “Millennial Kingdom”), which will be a post-democratic theocracy controlled by the Kabbalists through him, the figurehead Jesus.

When this third messiah (the “Kabbalah Christ”) shows up, all of the “Christian Watchmen” / “For-Profit Prophets” like Steve Quayle and Tom Horn will prostrate themselves before him and proclaim him to be the “real Jesus” (in order to lead you to do the same). And that’s the whole objective of the Globalist “End Times” Stageplay: to get you to accept the last messiah as the real Jesus, thus (unknowingly) accepting permanent Kabbalist rule over the Earth.

The reason I bring this up today is because the Old Windbag, Tom Horn, recently posted two (mercifully) short videos [1, 2] laying out the globalists’ scripting for Putin’s messianic return in 2025. In them, he hints that the Antichrist will show up in September/October of that year to start the 7 year Tribulation period. What’s particularly interesting, though, is if you go backwards 3.5 years from September of 2025, you arrive at March of 2022 (September 2025 – 3 years = September 2022 – 6 months = March 2022). And I’ve previously written about that month…

(19 February 2021) – In the Victory of Kushner’s Zionists scenario, Jared Kushner is the First Tribulation Antichrist, and Donald Trump was never anything more than a front man and sock puppet Kushner used gain de facto presidential power. According to this narrative, Kushner was the one who…

  • convinced Trump (his father-in-law) to run for president,
  • ran Trump’s presidential campaign, and
  • determined presidential policy after Trump was elected.

Donald Trump was the flashy attention magnet that kept the press and public transfixed while Kushner ran things behind the scenes.

Under this scenario, the First Tribulation began in September of 2018, the month when Kushner’s sock puppet sat as President of the UN Security Council and Barack Obama returned to politics. Kushner orchestrated Obama’s return so he could have an evil foil to defeat when the time came to pose as the savior, which he will do at some point between now and March of 2022. Here is the Antichrist Kushner timeline…

September 2018 – Kushner’s sock puppet, Donald Trump, sits at the head of the existing world government
(+ 3 years = September 2021 + 6 months = March 2022)
March 2022 – “Savior” Kushner “stands in the holy place” of the Jewish tabernacle on the Temple Mount after having defeated “the communist threat to Israel and the world”
(+ 3 years = March 2025 + 6 months = September 2025)
September 2025 – Kushner’s Antichrist tenure would end when Putin defeats him with the help of some “friends from the sky”

Now that “the evil communist Obama has illegally returned to power through the Biden administration and is threatening to mass arrest the American public, purge patriots from the American military, and allow Israel to fall under the threat of a nuclear Iran,” Kushner’s Zionists will conduct a nuclear false flag to be blamed on the communists (including Biden/Harris, Xi and Putin), providing a solid reason for the US military to mass arrest the commies and push Xi and Putin from power under blackmail of a nuclear counterattack. And when the military restores Trump’s presidency “in some form,” Kushner will return to Washington to become president at some point before March of 2022.

Of course, Kushner may skip the US presidency to become head of the UN in March of 2022 — perhaps after Merkel gets the ball rolling in the UN this year. I have yet to look into Merkel’s history to see if she qualifies for the Antichrist role.

As for when Trump sat as President of the UN Security Council, this is what I wrote about it a few years ago…

(18 May 2019) – After running across this hit piece on Trump on a “Christian” site this morning, I decided to look into a few things to see if they might be recasting him as the Western Antichrist next year. As my longtime readers know (and as you can read here), the globalists started Barack Obama’s 7-year Antichrist timeline by having him sit as the President of the UN Security Council in September of 2009. And 3.5 years later on March 22 (3/22), 2013, they had him “stand in the Holy Place” (Christ’s birthplace), which identified him as the Antichrist.

Upon looking into Trump’s history at the UN, I found that he sat as the President of the UN Security Council in September of 2018. So if they decide to rescript him as the Antichrist next year…

  • he’ll be reelected,
  • he’ll help rebuild the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and
  • he’ll “stand in the Holy Place (of the Third Temple)” in March of 2022 (3/22), 3.5 years after his UNSC presidency.

Can you guess which subject both Obama and Trump addressed when they sat as UNSC President? Nuclear non-proliferation (Obama, Trump). So having Trump cancel the nuclear treaties with Iran and Russia could be the globalists positioning him to bring us to the brink of all-out nuclear war, from which Putin & Friends will save us. Putin’s victory over Trump would then happen as late as September of 2025.

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In the next section, I’ll take another look at the COVID narratives. And I’ll lay out why the Nazionists will continue pushing the vaccines until Putin returns with “friends” who can heal both COVID and vaccine damage.

(4 July 2021) – It looks like they’re opening the door for the “Nazi Pope,” Pietro Parolin, to supplant the “commie Pope,” Francis…

…from AP

If Pope Francis kicks the bucket in the coming hours/days/weeks, it’s a pretty good indicator that they’ll go ahead with the Nazionist takedown of the commies soon.

~ MORE ~

Speaking of [the scripted “Nazi Pope” / “Peter the Roman” / “Petrus Romanus”] Pietro Parolin, he was born on 17 January 1955. So he will turn 66 years and 6 months old (666) on July 17. This would be the day the “10 Days of Darkness” end and Tisha B’Av begins (see the second part of yesterday’s update for more on this).

~ MORE – 5 July 2021 ~

Here’s something interesting about Pope Francis’s sudden “planned” hospitalization on July 4: had they scripted his death in surgery, the election of his successor would have begun 15 days later on July 19. And it just so happens that July 19 is a date that is historically tied to the destruction of Rome…

On 19 July 64, the Great Fire of Rome destroyed two-thirds of the city.

On 19 July 1943 (during WWII), Rome was bombed by over 500 Allied planes, causing thousands of casualties.

As my longtime readers know, leading globalist prophecy propagandist Tom Horn has been promoting prophecies of the destruction of Rome during a Papal Conclave for years now. And one of them is a Kabbalist Zohar prophecy, so the globalists will be sure to fulfill it. Here is something Horn wrote on the subject years ago…

J. R. Church of Prophecy in the News called our office a couple years back and led us through verses 476–483 of this part of the Zohar to point out what nobody in the 2012 research community had written before—that the time of Jacob’s trouble (the Great Tribulation, which some Catholic scholars say begins with the election of Petrus Romanus) will commence according to this ancient text in the year 2012 when the “kings of the earth” gather in Rome, possibly during a papal conclave, and are killed by fiery stones or missiles from the sky.

The prophecy in the Zohar, given by Jews hundreds of years separate from the divination of “the last pope,” is amazing when compared with the Catholic prediction. The final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign ends in the destruction of Rome, will assume authority during a time of great tribulation, and then “the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible and fearsome Judge will judge his people.” But Dr. Church pointed out how in the Jewish Zohar, this vision of the destruction of Rome is repeated, though one prophecy connects it to the coming of the False Prophet, and the other, the Antichrist… – from News With Views

Another notable thing about July 19th this year is that it falls on the day after Tisha B’Av, when the Nazionist messiah is/was scheduled to intervene against the communists after the “10 Days of Darkness.” So he would have been the one who “judged Rome for falling into wickedness” by destroying the corrupted College of Cardinals who gathered for the Conclave.

All this being said, yesterday the globalists made their umpteenth attempt to start the clock on the destruction of Rome. May all garlic eaters rejoice that Pope Francis survived!

(4 July 2021) – Reader Onnabugeisha has detected numerological timing cues that point to…

So Monday offers an opportunity for a war event in Ukraine to be followed by an outbreak of war in the Pacific on Wednesday. And have a look at what Nazionist propagandist Steve Bannon’s Chinese co-propagandist Miles Guo says about Li Keqiang in this article…

…from Follow CN. Here is an excerpt…

“There is a 70% chance that China will slip into a disastrous situation when the international allies launch attacks to get rid of the CCP.

There is only a 30% chance that a military coup within the CCP will succeed and destroy the CCP and thus pave the way to have a peaceful transition to a democratic government.

If the Chinese people are lucky, CCP leaders like Hu Chunhua, Wang Yang, Premier Li Keqiang, Zhao Kezhi, Ding Xuexiang, Guo Shengkun and some young military generals from the PLA will take down the CCP criminals responsible for the release of the CCP-virus to the world, and for the manipulation of the U.S. election.

They should then form a transitional government to cooperate with the West and the Chinese people may still have a chance to enjoy a peaceful social transition before it is too late in 3 months’ time.

The globalists have so far retreated from what they had planned for July 1-23, so let’s hope their backward momentum carries us through this week. If we can push them past Tisha B’Av, they’ll probably withdraw until the HMS Queen Elizabeth arrives off China to participate in the massive allied naval “exercises” that are planned in the coming weeks. The QE carries the RAF “Dambusters” squadron [which is symbolic of what’s planned for Three Gorges Dam (and why Miles Guo talks about “preparations being made to help refugees”)].

(3 July 2021) – An RMVE target is born…

…from today’s Drudge Report. Here is a direct link to the article.

When I heard the Trump Organization was going to be charged this week, I checked to see if the prosecutor was black because he would have been the target of the “Racially Motivated Violent Extremist” false-flag. But it turned out the DA is Cyrus Vance Jr. (a.k.a. “Whitey McCrackerton”). Just a few days later, though, the target has come into view.

If you look at Alvin Bragg’s campaign website, you’ll see that he stands for all of the Democratic policies – such as not prosecuting minor crimes – that have turned our big cities into war zones. And he will probably start talking about going directly after Donald Trump. All this makes him an attractive target for false-flag planners. So watch for the race war-starting false flag attack to come at the hands of “Trump’s white supremacists” at one of Bragg’s upcoming public rallies or marches (perhaps even at a Fourth of July public appearance).

~ MORE ~

If the globalists are ever going to play the “race war to distract the public from commie crimes” card, they have to do it while the “Communist Deep State bad guys” are still in charge. And since they are pushing hard to bring us to the point when the Nazionists defeat the communists, they have to play it soon. So in addition to watching for a move on Alvin Bragg and his supporters, keep an eye out for…

  • a mass casualty attack against an “anti-American” black demonstration on the Fourth of July (AR-15s would feature in the script),
  • a particularly outrageous police shooting of a “defenseless” black grandmother, a black couple, a black minor and one or both of his/her parents, or something along those lines,
  • a targeted assassination of the black Olympian who turned her back to the flag this past week,
  • et cetera.

Such an attack would likely be followed by a few days of mass media race-baiting before the globalists turn the lights out and spark the violence, which brings us to this…

Elements of the controlled alt-media have been talking about the “10 Days of Darkness” again, and reader Onnabugeisha suggests that 7/7 could be a target date for such an event. So if the globalists stage the race event on July 4th, they could whip up hatred for three days before the power grid is taken down. And 10 Days of Darkness that begin on 7/7 would end on 7/17, the day Tisha B’Av begins (at sunset).

The current alt-media chatter about the “10 Days” specifically features an attack against America’s power and communications infrastructure using Russian Club-K shipping container missile systems (of which China has made a copycat system). Should the globalists employ such systems to kick off the 10 Days, they will likely be marked with Cyrillic writing to facilitate the blaming of the Russians by the Biden administration. But it will later be revealed (by our Nazionist saviors) that the systems actually originated in China. They would say, “The Chinese Communist Party was trying to get the US and Russia to destroy each other so China would be left standing as the most powerful nation in the world.”

Recent news reports about soaring container traffic and port congestion support such a scenario: “The breakneck container traffic resulted in fewer customs checks, allowing missile containers to enter the US (with the assistance of CCP agents in the DHS) and to loiter off US coastal cities.” They might even narrate that the shipping container missiles were smuggled into the US and Europe under cover of the Afghan withdrawal [1, 2].

(2 July 2021) – I’m feeling no sense of urgency about this weekend, so it may be that they’ve called off their mischief for now. We’ll see. But I will continue to cover what’s planned because they’ll keep trying to do it all the way through September. So let’s do a quick review of where we are in the globalist drama…

In Act 1 of the “End Times” stageplay, the “evil Satanic Global Deep State” is locked in battle with “savior Putin.” And the “Deep State” has cleverly divided itself into “communist bad guys” and “Nazionist good guys” so they can have the Nazionists pretend to save the world from the communists (while eliminating Putin and Xi in the process).

As of right now, the scene in which the US and NATO are hit with a massive wave of terrorist attacks is about to begin. In the immediate aftermath of these “Operation Blackjack” attacks, the communists (who supposedly control the US government) will blame the carnage on “right-wing Domestic Violent Extremists, Trumpers, Christians, and Vladimir Putin.” And they will go to war against those “domestic terrorists” and Russia, taking down Putin in the process.

After the communists sweep up the dissidents on the political right, the “Deep State” will cue the Nazionist good guys to counterattack. They will take down the “illegitimate communist US government,” sweep up the dissidents on the political left, destroy Iran and their terror network, and destroy the Chinese Communist Party and its chairman, Xi Jinping. And people will welcome their (secretly) Nazionist saviors with open arms. The “evil Satanic Global Deep State” will have finally achieved the full global control necessary to launch the New World Order.

Now if we look at who gets blamed for Operation Blackjack in the upcoming sequence of scenes, we see that…

  • the “evil Deep State communists” will blame “right-wing domestic terrorists” / Trumpers / Christians / populists and Putin, and
  • the “evil Deep State Nazionists” will blame leftists / communists, Iran-backed terrorists, and the CCP / Xi Jinping.

But who will be the real culprits behind Operation Blackjack? According to the story that will be told after Putin returns to save us, it will be “Muslim Antichrist Erdogan’s Grey Wolves” working hand-in-hand with the Western Deep State security agencies. Events permitting, we’ll look at the “neo-fascist” Grey Wolves in the next section. Until then, let’s look again at something I covered in early June…

(3 June 2021) – In Act 1 of the globalist “end times” stageplay, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is playing a “bad guy.” His character is called the “Dajjal,” who is the Muslim false messiah who attempts to usurp the kingdom of the Mahdi, “the real messiah who will defeat evil” and rule for 7, 9 or 19 years.

On the Christian side of things, the leading prophecy propagandists have been programming their lemmings to expect the rise of an Islamic Antichrist. And the Christians have been taught that the Antichrist will reveal himself when he “stands in the Holy Place” and defiles it.

This brings us to Tuesday, 29 December 2015, the night Erdogan stood in the holiest place in all of Islam, the Kabaa

…from YouTube (here is a written account)

Since 29 December 2015 can be narrated as Erdogan’s first day as the revealed Dajjal, we can count forward until we reach his 66th month and 6th day (666) as the Muslim Antichrist, which just happens to fall on the Fourth of July…

…from Time and Date

So the Fourth of July promises to be a significant day for the Muslim Antichrist, but what event could it mark?…

> If the globalists do the nuclear false flags in the June 11-16 timeframe to launch the communist onslaught, Independence Day could be the day the Nazionists (including fascist Erdogan) send in their UFOs to rescue (and then dominate) the world…

> But if the globalists use the June summits to launch July wars, the Fourth of July could be the day the false flag attacks begin. What better day is there to narrate an uprising of “violent patriots” against the Biden regime?

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – June Updates

ALERT (30 June 2021): Be on the lookout for a staged, pre-July 4 “Racially Motivated Violent Extremist” (RMVE) mass casualty attack targeting black Americans. It may currently be scheduled for July 1st (US or Beijing time), the day the Chinese Communist Party’s 100th anniversary is celebrated.

(30 June 2021) – The globalist strategy for July 4th weekend appears to be a two-pronged…

1) They will stage a RMVE racial outrage before turning out the lights with a false-flag cyberattack / “EMP” attack this weekend, then order their Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs to take to the streets and get the violence going. They expect angry and opportunistic blacks to take advantage of the disorder. This will start the engineered race war. (Also watch for the “commie” Biden administration to blame the Champlain Towers bombing on “anti-Semitic RMVEs who wanted to kill some Jews and send a message to ‘Trump saboteur’ Jared Kushner.”)

2) Amidst the chaos caused by the power outage and race war, they will stage “Militia Violent Extremist” (MVE) attacks on law enforcement and government facilities. These attacks will include bombings, and some of those bombings may feature “suitcase nukes provided by Russia.” This will enable the “communist onslaught” against MAGA people and Putin.

They laid down the preparatory propaganda for this back in March. Here’s what I wrote about it at the time (I’ve highlighted the parts that set up the two-prong attack in blue)…

(19 March 2021) – If you want to see how the Mainstream Narrative is setting up Russia and “white Christian Trumpers” to be blamed for the planned Operation Blackjoke attacks, google the words “domestic violent extremists” and “Russia” together. Here’s one notable result from The Washington Post

>>> Two intelligence reports released this week confirm what many Americans already know about Russian interference in our election and the rise of right-wing domestic terrorism. They also reveal Republicans’ deep denial regarding the two enemies the United States faces, both of which have a connection to the disgraced former president

The second intelligence report, from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, concerns domestic violent extremists (DVEs). “Enduring DVE motivations pertaining to biases against minority populations and perceived government overreach will almost certainly continue to drive DVE radicalization and mobilization to violence,” the report stated. “Newer sociopolitical developments — such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the US Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence — will almost certainly spur some DVEs to try to engage in violence this year.”

In short, these are right-wing kooks who largely supported the former president and his white-supremacist views. “The [intelligence community] assesses that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and militia violent extremists (MVEs) present the most lethal DVE threats, with RMVEs most likely to conduct mass-casualty attacks against civilians and MVEs typically targeting law enforcement and government personnel and facilities,” the report stated. Finally, “The [intelligence community] assesses that US RMVEs who promote the superiority of the white race are the DVE actors with the most persistent and concerning transnational connections.” <<<

Next, they’ll cue the “Militia Violent Extremist (MVE) + Russia” attack, Operation Blackjoke. That’s when Homeland Security will lock down the country and initiate their mass arrests against the Christians/Trumpers. I wonder if they’ll call it “Operation Rapture.”

The “Deep State commie” onslaught will likely continue till Tisha B’Av when the “Deep State Nazionists” stage their counterattack, reverse the blame for Champlain Towers to the Biden administration, Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, and go after Iran and Chairman Xi. The combination of the commie onslaught and the Nazionist counterattack will bring down all the “combined Deep State’s” enemies: Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Iran. It will also leave the world in a disastrous state that will necessitate the founding of a New World Order.

~ MORE ~

As I pondered the globalists’ bombing narrative for the Champlain Towers collapse the last few days, something was bothering me. The narrative pointed to “Domestic Violent Extremists” AND “Muslim terrorists,” two groups that wouldn’t likely work together, so I was wondering how they would spin a story that blames both groups. And it was this morning that it dawned upon me that the “commies” would first blame the DVEs, then the “Nazionists” would reverse the blame to the Muslims.

So once the “war scene” begins in this part of the “End Times” stageplay, the “evil Global Deep State” will use their “commie Left Hand Path” guys to clear away the right-wingers, Christians, and Putin. And then they’ll use their “Nazionist Right Hand Path” guys to clear away the left-wingers, Iran (and their proxies), and Xi Jinping. So the fake civil war between the two sides of the “Deep State” will allow them to clear-cut all the obstacles in front of them with two swings of the scythe (a swing right and then a swing left).

~ MORE ~

The New York Times has been doing a preparatory propaganda series for the July 4th weekend terror campaign. They call it “Day X,” and it hints at why the American “far-right” would target Jews (Champlain Towers) and conduct a massive terror offensive…

…from the NYT. Note that this installment of the “Day X” series came out the day after the Champlain Towers collapse. And here is an excerpt that establishes Jews as a “right-wing” target…

Just over a century ago, after accepting its defeat in World War I through an armistice, the German government signed the Treaty of Versailles [on June 28, 1919, the day the Ukraine War would have started after last weekend’s planned events] in which the victorious Allies set the terms and price of peace.

The treaty declared Germany to blame for the war and ordered it to pay vast reparations, limit its armed forces and surrender territory. These bitter concessions became emblems of a powerful myth, particularly widespread among veterans: that Germany’s military could have won the war, but instead had been betrayed and humiliated by the civilian leadership.

This toxic conspiracy theory, known as the “stab-in-the-back legend,” became a keystone of Nazi propaganda — in which the civilian leaders were portrayed as the puppets of leftists and Jews.

Here is another excerpt, which sets expectations for Operation Blackjack…

Both this alleged plot and the insurrection at the Capitol could be cited as examples of an “accelerationist” ideology, in which far-right groups promise a moment when the institutions of government, society and the economy will be wiped out in a wave of catastrophic violence, clearing the way for a utopia that will supposedly follow. Cynthia sees this thinking present in both the German and American far right.

~ MORE – 1 July 2021 ~

In the 27 June update (further down this page), I wrote this…

Speaking of intruding upon territorial waters, Putin and Xi likely have a pact that if the US military moves against one of them, the other will open a second front to relieve military pressure. So if the US intrudes upon Crimea’s 12-mile limit, China will likely intrude upon Taiwan’s. And weapons fire in one place would trigger weapons fire in the other.

That being said, a war in Ukraine could trigger a Chinese assault on Taiwan and a Russian strategic attack on Hawaii (where Russian forces recently held an exercise). And once Xi has engaged in the war, Chinese forces will become fair game for the Nazionist UFO fleet. This is another way of creating a catalyst event for a coup to remove Xi. “Xi made enemies of our trading partners and foolishly led us into a war he lost badly,” will be the coup plotters’ rationale.

And yesterday, the mainstream media came out with preparatory propaganda for the opening of this second front…

…from Yahoo News. Here is an excerpt…

Russia and China are coordinating military exercises to threaten not only Taiwan but also Hawaii, according to a senior Japanese defense official who warned the United States to beware of a Pearl Harbor-style surprise attack.

Remember that the Western Sea Breeze 21 naval exercise began on June 28 and runs through July 10, so the war event near Crimea could happen at any time over the next week and a half. The most likely days for it would be July 4th weekend or July 11 (the day after the naval force finishes practicing for the war).

As for the Champlain Towers, the following news hit this morning…

…from Zero Hedge. Here is a direct link to the clearest version of the video, and here is an excerpt from the article…

The footage, shot by Adriana Sarmiento and Roberto Castillero, two tourists staying in a nearby hotel, initially heard a loud bang minutes before the 12-story condominium building collapsed. They grabbed their smartphones and headed to the parking garage.

So now the globalists face a choice: they can narrate the loud bang as a bomb and proceed with their plans, or they can say it was the sound of a support pillar snapping and abort this fatally exposed operation. Desperation is the mother of regret.

(29 June 2021) – Evidence that the building collapse in Miami was caused by a bomb as part of a US-Israeli false flag attack continues to mount, as does evidence that the globalists scripted it as a “Nazionist” false flag intended to trigger war with Iran and discredit the “communist” Biden administration. Let’s look at some information reader Onnabugeisha has turned up.

The Champlain Towers South building collapsed in the early morning of Thursday, June 24th. Two days before that on June 22, a notable opinion piece written by former CIA director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (a Christian Zionist) was posted on the Wall Street Journal…

…from the WSJ. Here is an excerpt…

June 25 marks the 25th anniversary of the 1996 bombing of a housing complex in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, by Iranian-backed terrorists. Nineteen U.S. airmen lost their lives and 372 American personnel were wounded. Many who survived—some of whom went on to work with me at the State Department—have lived the rest of their lives with permanent injuries, brain trauma and tortured memories.

The anniversary of the bombing should serve as a stark reminder that the Iranian regime will probe for vulnerabilities and punish America if we are not strong, and that the costs to America from Iranian malign activity can be enormous. We should never forget that day, and we should never appease Iran’s terrorist leaders.

And the day before the Miami building collapse, Pompeo posted this on his Facebook page

With his posts, Pompeo positioned the Zionists to take military and political advantage of the Champlain Towers bombing, and they scheduled the demolition one day before the anniversary of the Khobar Towers bombing to help tie it to Iran. It’s the “twin towers” all over again.

~ MORE ~

It appears that the false-flaggers seeded their bombing narrative into the alt-media on the same day as the attack. After searching for “Champlain Towers bombing” on Bing, I ran across a blog entry that appears to have been posted on June 24…


So right out of the gate, the Zionist talking points for the false-flag were introduced to the public, including the concepts of an explosive demolition, parallels to the World Trade Center bombing (Muslims) and Oklahoma City bombing (“Domestic Violent Extremists”), Muslim terrorist perpetrators, Jewish victims, and vengeance.

~ MORE ~

In the 27 June update (further down this page), I talked about how the globalists select the dates for their engineered events based on history, numerology, and astrology. So let’s have a look now at the historical and numerological cues the globalists used in selecting June 24 for the Champlain Towers bombing…

June 24 marks exactly 3333 weeks since Esmail Ghaani’s birth on 8 August 1957. Ghaani (also spelled Qaani) is the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Quds Force, the force that would carry out a bombing like Champlain Towers (if Iran had actually been involved).

The bombing was also scheduled to coincide with the 27 year, 9 month, 11 day mark [27 (9+9+9), 9/11] since the signing of the Oslo I Accord by Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat on 13 September 1993. The 999 (666 inverted) is symbolic of the ending of peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, and the 9/11 is symbolic of a false flag attack to start a war. The timespan can also be expressed as 333 months, 11 days.

It should also be noted that globalist numerologists like to tie event numbers to numbers in Strong’s Bible Concordance. In Strong’s Concordance, numbers are assigned to Hebrew words in the Old Testament and Greek words in the New Testament. That being said, Onnabugeisha uncovered this interesting bit of occult numerological interconnection…

> The day of the Champlain Towers bombing, 24 June (2021), is the day of the Saint John’s Day Masonic Feast, and it is on that day in 1717 that the Freemasons’ first Grand Lodge was formed.

> If you look at the timespan between the Khobar Towers bombing on 25 June 1996 and the Miami bombing, you’ll see that 9130 days passed.

Looking up the number 913 in the Greek portion of Strong’s Concordance, you’ll find it is associated with the word “Barak.” And you’ll see this…

Usage: Barak, one of the judges of Israel.

If you’ve been paying attention to the controlled alt-media, you’ll know that they’re portraying Barack Obama as the commie leader who is pulling Biden’s strings and trying to destroy Israel. And they’re also saying that Israel will come to the brink of total destruction when “God” judges them and removes his protective hand (Netanyahu). So now that “God’s hand is removed, Israel’s judgment will come at the hands of the Obamy commies.”

> And if you look at other notable explosions that took out residential towers in the past, you’ll find that…

> So there are two takeaways from all this…

  1. the globalists like to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries with fireworks, and
  2. all these residential bombings are being numerologically woven to persons and groups (the Freemasons, “Antichrist” Obama, the Jesuits) that are slated to be scapegoated and take a fall when Vladimir Putin’s “multilateral/multipolar” reformed UN/NWO starts its rise.

There’s one other occulty thing I ran across whilst doing my research. Have a look at what the following article says about the residents of the Champlain Towers…

…from The Washington Post

In occult circles, the Tower of Babel is associated with the The Tower card in Tarot

This card follows immediately after The Devil in all Tarots that contain it, and is associated with sudden, disruptive revelation, and potentially destructive change. – from Wikipedia

If the globalists roll out the Champlain Towers bombing narrative, it will be a “sudden, disruptive revelation” (as the government starts “securing the homeland”). And it will bring “destructive change” (as a massive Middle East War is triggered).

(28 June 2021) – If they decide to run with the bombing narrative, they’ll likely say the Miami building collapse was the result of a car bomb in the underground parking garage taking out a key support (click on the image to enlarge it)…

…from Architects’ Journal. Here is an excerpt…

The cause of the devastating collapse of a 12-storey residential building in Miami, Florida, which so far has left one dead, many injured and dozens still missing, is not yet known…

And according to Surfside mayor Charles Burkett, roof repairs were underway at the building. He also told the news channel: ‘This [building] is from the 80s. There is no reason for this building to go down like that unless someone literally pulls out the support from underneath, or they get washed out, or there is a sinkhole or something like that, because it just went down.’

A “car bomb in the parking garage” scenario is reminiscent of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing (which was ascribed to Muslim terrorists)…

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, carried out on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the complex. The 1,336 lb (606 kg) urea nitrate–hydrogen gas enhanced device was intended to send the North Tower (Tower 1) crashing into the South Tower (Tower 2), bringing both towers down and killing tens of thousands of people…

On Friday, February 26, 1993, Ramzi Yousef and a Jordanian friend, Eyad Ismoil, drove a yellow Ryder van into Lower Manhattan, and pulled into the public parking garage beneath the World Trade Center around noon. They parked on the underground B-2 level. Yousef ignited the 20-foot fuse, and fled. – from Wikipedia

The Miami building collapse happened just a block away from Jared Kushner’s house. So is blaming Iran / Hamas / Hezbollah also on the table? Remember that Israel targeted high rise apartment buildings when bombing Gaza recently.

~ MORE ~

It looks like false-flaggers targeted the Champlain Towers building due to a heavy Jewish and Israeli presence there [1, 2], so it’s likely that “Muslim revenge for Israel’s bombing of Gaza residential towers” will figure into the narrative. And a reader sent me a link showing that the Israelis are getting involved.

~ MORE ~

The obvious purpose for blowing up the Champlain Towers building was to provide a casus belli for war against Iran (and possibly the roundup of “Domestic Violent Extremists” as well). And it was likely intended to be the first in a series of bombings. But was it a component of the campaign that was scheduled to launch over this past weekend, or is it a component of a campaign that is scheduled to launch on July 4 weekend? If it’s the former, they might cover up the bombing and go with the “structural failure” explanation; if it’s the latter, the mainstream media will roll out the bombing narrative in the next few days. Now that the building is on the ground, it’s hard to imagine them not making use of it.

~ MORE ~

Speaking of a Miami false-flag to justify war against a foreign nation, the Champlain Towers Operation is reminiscent of another such operation planned decades ago: Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes to be shot down or given the appearance of being shot down, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy. – from Wikipedia

Here is a screenshot from the actual Operation Northwoods planning document…

…You can read the documents for yourself here (a PDF link). And “plastic bombs” refers to bombs made with plastic explosives.

(28 June 2021) – This weekend’s alert has been extended through today (June 28). It will be replaced tonight by a general false flag warning that will extend through July 24. This coming July 4th weekend is exceptionally hazardous.

On another note, the collapse of the condo building in Miami is reminiscent of the apartment bombings in Russia that brought Putin to power

So watch for a potential shift in the narrative that blames the collapse on a bomb — a “Domestic Violent Extremist bomb placed by a Trumper with connections to Russia.” This revelation may be announced before July 4 weekend.

The move in that direction seems to be starting…

Miami building collapse: Specialists who investigated 9/11 sent to probe disaster site

June War Watch
ALERT (24 June 2021): A US government cyberattack targeting US utilities is scheduled for this weekend (June 26-27)

This attack will be a false flag attributed to Russia, and its purpose is to create an excuse to “retaliate” by attacking them in eastern Ukraine (on Monday the 28th). The US false flag will roughly coincide with a false flag attack on Israel — likely targeting Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, or the Dimona nuclear reactor — that will be attributed to Iran. Its purpose is to create an excuse for the Israelis to “retaliate” by striking Iran’s nuclear sites.

(27 June 2021) – The weather engineers have turned up the heat in advance of the planned cyberattack

In the 24 June update (a little further down this page), I showed you an article from The Warzone that telegraphed the planned US government cyber-false-flag. Here is an excerpt from that article…

National Guardsmen just completed a two-week training exercise which saw them respond to a simulated cyberattack that took out critical utilities across the United States. The exercises have become an annual event, but this year took on even more significance after coming on the heels of several major ransomware and cyber attacks that crippled large parts of American infrastructure in recent months.

The exercises were part of the seventh Cyber Yankee, an training event that brings together guardsmen from throughout the New England region to test their responses against simulated cyberattacks. This year’s exercises simulated a cyber attack that targeted utilities on the West Coast before spreading east across the United States towards New England.

The writeup on the exercise specifically mentioned two regions: the West Coast and New England. So can you guess which two regions in the country are experiencing unusual heatwaves this weekend?…

…Yep, the West Coast and New England

Record highs shattered as unprecedented heat wave stifles the Northwest

‘Heat Dome’ To Roast Northeast States

So the globalists are not just engineering a power outage; they’re engineering a miserable and deadly heat emergency.

By not triggering the cyberattack earlier in the weekend, they lost the chance to do it on 17 Tammuz. But that doesn’t mean they still won’t do it later today or Monday. I’m hoping it’s been cancelled, along with the Israeli false flag that failed to materialize on 17 Tammuz (it’s already 18 Tammuz in Israel).

~ MORE ~

The national and international dramas we see swirling around us now are part of the globalist “End Times” stageplay that’s being acted out for the public. And while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added — all on the fly.

It’s also important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians and superstitious followers of numerology and astrology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the play are acted out. They align events with days of historical, numerological, and astrological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

So let’s look at what reader Onnabugeisha has found for tomorrow…

June 28 is Tau Day. And tau, which is the number 6.28, is the circumference of a circle divided by its radius. So if you walk one full revolution around a circle, ending up where you started, you will have walked tau number of radians….

…from Wikipedia

Put more simply, tau carries the concepts of “coming full circle” and “ending up at the beginning of another cycle.” And these concepts are quite illuminating considering tomorrow’s historical and numerological connections…

June 28 is the anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which is the event that set World War 1 in motion.

June 28 is the 7 year, 7 month, and 7 day mark (777) since the 21 November 2013 beginning of the “US-EU instigated” color revolution in Ukraine (Euromaidan).

June 28 is the 88 month, 8 day mark (888) since the 20 February 2014 start of the Russo-Ukrainian War.

June 28 is the 8 week mark of Victoria Nuland‘s tenure as Biden’s Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, which began on 3 May 2021. Nuland, a Jewish neocon (Zionist), was a key figure in Ukraine’s color revolution. Just have a look at what the “Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity” — a globalist controlled-opposition organization — said about her…

…from the Ron Paul Institute

So it would seem that we’re coming back around to the beginning of a new Ukrainian revolution, a new Russo-Ukrainian War, and a new World War. The “Russian cyberattack” on US utilities is intended to get the American public pissed at Russia, and the planned false-flag or provocation in Ukraine is intended to turn that anger into kinetic war. So remain on watch for the cyber-false-flag and for the physical war event in Ukraine. The controlled alt-media are suggesting that ships from the Sea Breeze 2021 naval exercise tomorrow will enter Russian territorial waters around Crimea to goad the Russians into attacking them.

Speaking of intruding upon territorial waters, Putin and Xi likely have a pact that if the US military moves against one of them, the other will open a second front to relieve military pressure. So if the US intrudes upon Crimea’s 12-mile limit, China will likely intrude upon Taiwan’s. And weapons fire in one place would trigger weapons fire in the other.

That being said, a war in Ukraine could trigger a Chinese assault on Taiwan and a Russian strategic attack on Hawaii (where Russian forces recently held an exercise). And once Xi has engaged in the war, Chinese forces will become fair game for the Nazionist UFO fleet. This is another way of creating a catalyst event for a coup to remove Xi. “Xi made enemies of our trading partners and foolishly led us into a war he lost badly,” will be the coup plotters’ rationale.

Coming next are more numbers and a look at what meanings the globalists might ascribe to them all (if I have time).

(26 June 2021) – On the Friday before we entered False Flag Weekend (this weekend, which is intended to kick off a war that is scripted to be stopped by UFOs), the National Security Complex finally released the long-awaited UFO report…

…from CNN

The release of the report is intended to put two ideas into the public mind:

  1. “UFOs are real” (they are actual physical objects), and
  2. “they pose a threat to national security”.

The “UFOs are real” idea is to help the sleepers accept what they see when they see it (on the Fourth of July or Tisha B’Av). And the “they pose a threat to national security” idea is intended to dovetail with the controlled alt-media narrative for what is/was about to happen.

To help set up the post-UFO arrival narrative, the controlled alt-media have also put two ideas into the public mind:

  1. “The Global Deep State desperately wants to take down Putin,” and
  2. “The Global Deep State is experiencing infighting between its communist and Nazionist factions, and the communist faction currently controls the US government while the Nazionist faction controls a secret UFO fleet.”

The controlled alt-media storyline is that the US government is controlled by “commie Obama” through “puppet Biden.” So the government is saying “UFOs are a threat” because the commies feel under threat by either the Nazionist UFOs or Putin’s UFOs, and they want the public to see the UFOs as enemies.

But the globalist script will have the UFOs sweep in like saviors, whether they be the “false savior” Nazionists or the “real savior” Putin. The preponderance of the propaganda suggests we’ll more likely see the Nazionists (but without any visible swastikas, Stars of David, or other symbols that would give away their identity — they want to look like good guys, not bad guys).

As for the propaganda setup for the Nazionist UFOs, you might recall news coming out last year from Haim Eshed, who is the former director of space programs for Israel’s defense ministry

…from The Jerusalem Post

The US Secret Space Program, supposedly controlled by Nazis, and the Israeli Secret Space Program, obviously controlled by Zionists, supposedly received their UFO technology from the “aliens” of the “Galactic Federation.” But the GMO human hybrids and the spacecraft that comprise the “Galactic Federation” are themselves nothing more than the products of the secret globalist laboratories. The whole thing is a hocus-pocus psyop being carried out with human-developed technologies, and I cover the details of it in The UFO/ET Con.

~ MORE ~

Of course, if the “Deep State Nazionists” are to “save the world from the communists and their COVID-19 bioweapon,” they’ll need to take down the Chinese Communist Party. And since the Nazionists are “evil Satanic Deep Staters,” the defeat of the CCP will be the cover they’ll use for taking out “good guy” / “Avatar” Xi Jinping. “Nazionist Deep State” propagandist Steve Bannon has been leading the charge for the CCP takedown…

…from YouTube. Note the farcical nature of the video, which reflects the farcical nature of the scripted divide in the imaginary “Deep State.”

And now the propaganda arm of the Falun Gong, The Epoch Times, seems to be joining in

…Here is an excerpt from the interview…

Interviewer: …One of the really interesting things that you mention in here is that these potential coup plotters, these are not people that are coming from outside of the system, these are very much people who would be from the highest ranks of the Communist Party.

And they would be doing this very much in their own self interest, so to speak. Again, contrary to a lot of common thinking today. Tell me a little bit about what is it that is in the self interest of these high level officials to see systemic political change in China?

Mr. Garside: Well, I think it’s in their self interest, but I think they’re not only motivated by self interest. As I read them, these real life characters—and as I portray them in that quarter of my book which is given over to the semi-fictional coup d’etat—have a concern for their country. They see their own personal self interests and those of the country joined going forward together.

They can see the problems, the deep-seated, long-standing problems in China, caused by the system of totalitarian dictatorship, which they have. They understand those problems better than the people in the outside world do.

They can see better than most people can see, that this regime is outwardly strong, but inwardly weak. And that it’s in a state of political decay. And that their best hope for preserving their own wealth and power, as well as the best hope for China, is to lead a coup d’etat to remove Xi Jinping and to launch China into a democratic transition.

So will the catalyzing event for this “coming coup” be the long-planned “failure” of the Three Gorges Dam or the “Taishan Nuclear Disaster Coverup”?…

…from G News (top) and the BBC (bottom)

If we’re looking at an imminent “Nazionist Deep State Victory” scenario, Xi will fall along with Putin. But Putin will be scripted to return and save the world at some point — either this year or in 2025.

~ MORE ~

There is one more thing I want to cover before calling it a night…

Q: Should the Nazionists sweep onto the scene as saviors and take down the “commie” Biden administration, whom will they place into the presidency?

A: One of the two men who actually got elected last November of course: Trump or Pence.

There are four ways they can play it…

  1. Trump gets “killed”/”disappeared” by the communists during the war so Pence can be restored to office as president. He would be a good choice because he looks like a stern Nazi and was deeply involved in creating the US Space Force.
  2. Trump gets restored to office, but dumps “traitor Pence” and taps a VP he trusts, Jared Kushner. Something later happens to Trump so Kushner can take the presidency. Kushner would be a good choice because he “made a peace covenant with Israel and the many” and can be presented as the false Jewish messiah and Antichrist.
  3. Trump/Pence are restored to office and something later happens to Trump so Pence can take over.
  4. Trump gets restored to office and stays there, either as the “puppet of Kushner” or the “traitor to Putin and Xi.”

There is also Option 3 to consider. In the 6 June update (further down this page), I mentioned a scenario in which the Nazionists bring Merkel and Putin to power. In that case, Trump would be restored to office and either stay there or tap Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard to take over.

Tomorrow we’ll look at the occult timing cues.

More details on the Alert can be found in the following updates…

(24-25 June 2021) – On the anniversary of the start of the Nazi invasion of Russia in World War II, look at what the Russian president was talking about…

…from Al Jazeera

Remember that the controlled alt-media have long been stressing that the color revolution in Ukraine was led by Nazis…

…from LaRouchePub (a PDF link)

That being said, we got past the June 20-23 danger window okay, but we don’t have long to rest. The next danger window starts this weekend. It will begin when Israel enters the 17th of Tammuz in the evening of Saturday the 26th (a danger time surrounding Israel) and continues through Monday the 28th (a day that carries historical/numerological indicators of trouble between Ukraine and Russia). We’ll look at the details after I’ve pulled all the data together.

~ MORE ~

Just this morning, I received research notes from reader Onnabugeisha pointing to historical and numerological cues for drama between Ukraine and Russia on June 28. And after lunch, I ran across this…

…from The Warzone

As you can see, the US has just completed an exercise for a massive attack on US utilities, but it was this slide I found in the article that made my eyes pop out…

If you zoom in, you’ll notice the US intent to “Impose Costs” following such an attack, with the arrow clearly pointing to Russia. And if you zoom in and look closely, you’ll see that the “Impose Costs” arrow touches ground in the Balkans (circled in yellow), where US and NATO forces have just completed a massive military exercise [1, 2]. The head of the arrow sweeps straight through Ukraine, ending at the Russian border (I added a yellow arrow that points to Crimea so you can picture things more clearly)…

…Click on the graphic to enlarge it.

To further justify a kinetic “retaliatory” attack against Russian forces in Ukraine, there may be an accompanying physical false flag attack there between now and Monday. Such an attack could take many forms, including a false flag assassination of a Ukrainian leader.

Should war actions commence this weekend, they will likely culminate by July 18 with either a “Global Deep State” victory or a victory by “Putin and his UFOs”…

…from The Guardian

I’ll explain why in tomorrow’s update.

~ MORE – 25 June 2021 ~

At sunset on Saturday in Israel [7:49 PM local time (just before 8)], the 17th of Tammuz will begin, and the window for false flag mischief will open. Here is a little about the history of the day from its Wikipedia entry

The Seventeenth of Tammuz is a Jewish fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple. It falls on the 17th day of the 4th Hebrew month of Tammuz and marks the beginning of the three-week mourning period leading up to Tisha B’Av.

In ancient times, the breaching of a city’s walls represented a devastating penetration of its defenses, so we may see a devastating penetration of Israel’s defenses this weekend. And it would begin three weeks of war leading up to Tisha B’Av. Should the attack happen between sunset and midnight on Saturday on the Gregorian calendar, Tisha B’Av would come 22 days later (a nice, juicy number for the Freemasons).

Continuing on with the history of the day…

The Seventeenth of Tammuz occurs forty days after the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. Moses ascended Mount Sinai on Shavuot and remained there for forty days. The Children of Israel made the Golden Calf on the afternoon of the sixteenth of Tammuz when it seemed that Moses was not coming down when promised. Moses descended the next day (forty days by his count), saw that the Israelites were violating many of the laws he had received from God, and smashed the tablets.

So 17 Tammuz also represents “God’s judgment against a sinful Israel.” And we can expect the globalists to follow that scripting point by bringing Israel to the edge of total defeat by Tisha B’Av.

Here’s another interesting historical point…

The Book of Jeremiah (39.2, 52.6–7) states that the walls of Jerusalem during the First Temple were breached on the 9th of Tammuz. Accordingly, the Babylonian Talmud dates the third tragedy (breach of Jerusalem’s walls) to the Second Temple period. However, the Jerusalem Talmud (Taanit IV, 5) states that in both eras the walls were breached on 17th Tammuz, and that the text in Jeremiah 39 is explained by stating that the Biblical record was “distorted”, apparently due to the troubled times.

Chabad’s page on 9 Tammuz holds to that date for the first breaching of the walls, and 9 Tammuz was last Saturday, the day the Iranian nuclear reactor was supposedly sabotaged by Israel’s Mossad. So the globalist script may hold that what Israel did on 9 Tammuz determined the form of “God’s” judgment against them 8 days later on 17 Tammuz. This “judgment” would likely take the form of an attack on Israel’s nuclear reactor at Dimona and/or an attack on Mossad headquarters. Given the recent boastful remarks by the new head of Mossad — The Iranian [nuclear] program will continue feeling Mossad’s might — how can “God” not humble him?

As for the sequence of events between the start of the war this weekend and its outcome on Tisha B’Av (sunset of July 17 to sunset of July 18), there are two routes they could take…

  1. They could take us on an express elevator to hell until the Fourth of July, stage an “Independence Day” arrival of the UFOs, then let them drive to victory by Tisha B’Av. In this case, this weekend’s target would likely be Dimona, and the resulting radiation release would cause an immediate diaspora out of Israel. The intervening UFO fleet would then return the scattered and captured Israelis to their homes. We looked at this scripting earlier this year.
  2. They could stage the false flags and “retaliation” attacks in eastern Ukraine and Iran over the next few days, then stage Operation Blackjack on the Fourth of July. And after two more weeks of fighting and domestic roundups, they’d bring in the UFOs on Tisha B’Av and have them stop all the crises by Tu B’Av (July 23-24).

Of course, the intervening UFO forces could be narrated as being either evil Nazionist forces or Putin’s “benevolent” forces, and we’ll know which it is by observing whether Putin is out of power or leading the UFOs when they arrive.


There aren’t just historical and numerological indicators pointing to June 28; there’s also this…


If the exercise is scheduled to start on Monday, that means the forces are already in place [assuming this is a real exercise and not a Wag the Dog multimedia production (the recently reported confrontation between a UK warship and the Russians appears to have been faked)].

The weekend false flags will provide the excuse to take the exercise live (whether it’s real or pure psyop).

(21 June 2021) – A factor I didn’t think to include in my assessment for June 20-23 was Iran’s election of a “hardliner” president on Friday [1, 2]. That election led to this…

…from The U.S. Sun. Here’s an excerpt…

IRAN’S sole nuclear power plant has been mysteriously shut down hours after Israel vowed to launch attacks on its “mass murdering hangmen”.

Incoming President Ebrahim Raisi, 60, is a torturing killer who will spread terror and bloodshed across the world, claim those who say they suffered at his hands in Iran.

Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, 49, accused him of being a “mass murderer”.

And a government source said attacks would be “planned” to obliterate Iran’s nuke programme…

Hours later, Iran’s sole nuclear power plant underwent an unexplained temporary emergency shutdown, the country’s state TV reported.

It’s the first time Iran has reported an emergency shutdown of the plant in the southern port city of Bushehr…

On Sunday an official from the state electric company Tavanir, Gholamali Rakhshanimehr, told a talk show that the Bushehr plant shutdown began on Saturday.

He added that it would last “for three to four days.”

Tavanir released a statement saying that the nuclear-powered plant was being repaired, without offering further details.

So if this Iranian shutdown is narrated as the result of an Israeli Stuxnet-type attack, it provides the scripted motivation for an Iranian counterattack on Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor. The shutdown could also be narrated as a preparatory move for an expected kinetic attack by Israel. And since it started on Saturday, “three to four days” means the plant will be shut down during the full Sunday through Wednesday time period I warned about.

~ MORE ~

Even though the overall June 20 script is blown, elements of it could still be implemented. So let’s look at what’s ahead by looking at what’s behind: the start of Eastern Orthodox Pentecost, a holiday that spans 3 days, June 20-22.

According to the Christians, “God” has multiple personality disorder: he consists of the Holy Trinity (3)…

  1. the Father,
  2. the Son, and
  3. the Holy Spirit

And Pentecost celebrates the Holy Spirit’s descent upon Jesus’s disciples after Jesus (the Son) ascended into heaven to be with the Father. Here’s the relevant Bible verse…

Acts 2:1 1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like a mighty rushing wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw tongues like flames of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

As for the Eastern Orthodox celebration of Pentecost…

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Pentecost is one of the Orthodox Great Feasts and is considered to be the highest ranking Great Feast of the Lord, second in rank only to Pascha (Easter)…

The feast itself lasts three days. The first day is known as “Trinity Sunday”; the second day is known as “Spirit Monday” (or “Monday of the Holy Spirit”); and the third day, Tuesday, is called the “Third Day of the Trinity.” – from Wikipedia

[Note: Third Day of the Trinity = 3rd Day of the 3 (33)]

Given that Putin is playing the role of the Antichrist who is pretending to be Jesus, a Pentecost-based event script points to his departure and the arrival of the Holy Spirit to take his place. Putin’s departure would take the form of his disappearance, “death,” or political fall. And the Holy Spirit’s arrival would take the form of an information offensive involving “new revelations” coming out of the Christian prophecy propaganda guys. Their tongues would be on fire due to “the indwelling of the Holy Spirit,” and their pants would be on fire because they’re a bunch of globalist liars.

Now if we look at the numbers surrounding Putin, we see that on June 22, the 3rd Day of the 3, he reaches the 3333rd day of his current presidency of Russia (which began on 7 May 2012). And if we look at June 22, we see that…

So if we put all this together, on June 22 Russia would come full circle since Operation Barbarossa and again fall under Nazi attack, leading to Putin’s fall. This is in keeping with “the Nazionist defeat of the communists and the Avatars” scenario.

We’ll look at the June 22-23 numbers for Xi Jinping, Pope Francis, and Pietro Parolin in the next section. Thanks to reader Onnabugeisha for all the research.

~ MORE ~

Now let’s look at the numbers for Pope Francis and Pietro Parolin (the next pope)…


June 21 marks Pope Francis’s 3022nd day since becoming pope on 13 March 2013. 3022 reduces to 322, the Skull and Bones number…

…a bad omen for him…

…from Fox News (today)


June 22 marks Pope Francis’s 99th month and 9th day as pope. That’s 999, which is 666 inverted, indicating a possible termination.

June 22 marks Pietro Parolin’s 88th month since becoming a cardinal on 22 February 2014. 88 can be interpreted as “double good luck,” indicating possible good fortune (Francis’s termination).


June 23 marks Pietro Parolin’s 11th year, 9th month, and 11th day since his consecration as a bishop on 12 September 2009. 11, 9, 11 can be manipulated into 9/11 and 11:11, both indicating an inflection point (as he takes charge of a decimated Vatican).

So from the perspective of a numerologist, the numbers suggest the fall of (“communist”) Pope Francis and the rise of Pietro Parolin as “the Nazi Pope” over the next day or two.

Conveniently, Parolin went on a trip to Mexico from June 18 through today [1, 2]. So if Francis gets taken out, it would likely happen before Parolin’s return to Rome. And since the flight time from Mexico to Rome is about 14 hours, the hit could take place overnight. Could the cause of Francis’s death be Operation Blackjack?

~ MORE ~

Now let’s look at the numbers for Xi Jinping (who took office as President of the PRC on 14 March 2013, one day after Pope Francis took office)…


June 22 marks Xi Jinping’s 3022nd day since becoming president. 3022 reduces to 322, the Skull and Bones number…

…a bad omen for him.


June 23 marks Xi Jinping’s 99th month and 9th day as president. That’s 999, which is 666 inverted, indicating a possible termination.

So from the perspective of a numerologist, the numbers suggest the fall of (“good guy”/”Avatar”) Xi Jinping over the next day or two and the subsequent rise of the (“Nazionist”) New Federal State of China…

…from Taiwan News

According to the globalist script, the Nazionists will be attempting to steal the thunder of the Avatars by staging a false savior event in place of the “real” savior event planned by the Avatars: “Xi Jinping was going to end the Chinese Communist Party and create a real democracy, but the Deep State had their Nazionist minions act out the defeat of their communist minions so they could create a sham democracy and keep control.”

(19 June 2021) – Now that the element of surprise has been taken away from the potential June 20 attacks, it’s unlikely the globalists will pull the trigger on them. But to be quite sure the plan is dead, we’ll give it a double-tap tomorrow by looking at the historical and numerological cues around which they built their schedule of events. That schedule calls for…

  1. terror attacks on Sunday,
  2. a Constitution-crushing assault on the American people and a collapse in the markets on Monday,
  3. a significant event for Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, and
  4. a significant event for Xi Jinping on Wednesday.

(19 June 2021) – On Thursday the 17th, the day I started warning about the possible June 20 attacks, the Disinfo Ranger started doing the preparatory propaganda setup for them…

…from Natural News. Here is an excerpt…

The national security “deep state” is in an outright panic right now, desperately hoping to criminalize political opponents of the Biden regime before the results of the Arizona / Maricopa County ballot audit are revealed. The hand counting portion of the audit is now complete, and final results are expected in as little as ten days (around June 26th).

Corrupt national security operators know that once the audit results are made public, America will see that around 200,000 ballots are either fraudulent or missing, and Arizona will move to decertify its electoral college votes, thrusting the entire Biden “victory” into question. With audit efforts spreading to other states, it won’t be long before enough states decertify the electoral votes to push Biden below the electoral victory threshold of 270, effectively nullifying the Biden “presidency.”

In order to stop that from happening, it appears the corrupt DOJ and FBI are plotting the largest false flag event in American history as a way to terrorize the nation into obedience while distracting from election audit results…

This is why we expect to see the deep state attempt to pull off a large-scale mass shooting or bombing event of some kind…In order for the Marxists to hold power, they must create a new crisis and use it to strip away any remaining constitutional protections from the American people.

In recent years, I’ve covered a number of attempts by the globalists to apply the “desperate Deep State preemptively attack before a damning and ruinous revelation” template. It has always been tied to some upcoming “bombshell report,” and this year’s attempt is tied to the Arizona election audit report. And while the controlled alt-media try to sell the pre-report false flag, the mainstream media are selling the fallback plan: the July 4th Right-Wing Insurrection false flag

…from Vice, Newsweek, and ABC News. Look at the underlined parts of the headlines and ask yourself, “What will happen if the Arizona election audit report turns out to be a nothingburger?”

If the globalists are unable to act on the 20th, they may release a version of the audit report that fails to live up to the lofty expectations of the Trumpers. And this can be narrated as leading to “disillusioned right-wingers taking matters into their own hands by starting an insurrection on the Fourth of July.”

Should the false flags happen on the Fourth, the globalists would get their two weeks to stage the war before rolling in the UFOs on Tisha B’Av (July 17-18).

(16 June 2021) – Looking Ahead to June 20 and July 4

Back in the 2 June update, I wrote this…

A scenario is beginning to come into view in which the globalists will have the commies launch Operation Blackjack-style attacks on the US and Europe while Biden is at one of his European summits (in the June 11-16 timeframe). Biden would perish in one of the explosions (or in a tsunami caused by one), leaving (commie) Vice President Harris in charge to start the hot phase of the “communist takeover.” The Nazionists would then come roaring in — possibly with UFOs/UAPs — to stop them on the Fourth of July.

And upon looking through reader Onnabugeisha’s notes, I found this…

So having UFOs appear in the sky that day would have been a nice Satanic birthday present for the little guy. Happy birthday, jacka$$!

To understand why Greer is such a disgusting douche, read The UFO/ET Con.

~ MORE – 17 June 2021 ~

Onnabugeisha has turned up some more “mathematical coincidences” connecting July 4 to “space”…

Elon Musk (the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer of SpaceX) has the same birthday as Steven Greer, June 28 (1971), so…

Now if the globalists still want to use July 4 as UFO Arrival Day, they need to move quickly to get the war started; they’ll need about two weeks to let it run before “the intervention.” And June 20 (Sunday) is looking like a candidate day to get that ball rolling — two significant historical events happened on that day…

1) The United States Secretary of State approved the transfer of Wernher von Braun and his team of Nazi rocket scientists to the US under Operation Paperclip on June 20, 1945. According to the controlled alt-media’s Fourth Reich Narrative, this is when the Nazi takeover of the future US space program began. So if the “Nazionist element of the Global Deep State” were to false-flag “communist attacks” on the US and Europe, the “Nazi takeover of the Deep State and New World Order” would begin. In reaction to the attacks, the “Communist element of the Global Deep State” would start mass arrests of “right-wingers,” which would lead to Nazionist UFOs appearing on the Fourth of July to “stop the communist onslaught.”

2) The US Congress adopted the Great Seal of the United States on June 20, 1782. Leading globalist prophecy propagandist Tom Horn has devoted significant effort to tying the Great Seal to rise of the NWO, so June 20 would be a good day to get that rise going. Here are some of his comments about the Great Seal from a March 17 interview on the (Kabbalist controlled) “Christian” TV network Daystar

HORN: I have been invited by Daystar in an upcoming show to explain what is unknown to many Americans and connected to what famous freemason and mystic Manly P. Hall described as “The Secret Destiny” of America. This involves as many as 44 signers of the Declaration of Independence who were freemasons of the European persuasion, dedicated to a scheme reflected on the Great Seal of the United States, upon which the mottoes and symbolism relate to both the Egyptian god Osiris and Greek god Apollo specifically, yet as one…

According to Virgil and the Cumaean Sibyl, whose prophecy formed the novus ordo seclorum of the Great Seal of the United States, the New World Order begins during a time of chaos when the earth and oceans are tottering—a time like today. This is when the “son” of promise arrives on earth—Apollo incarnate—a pagan savior born of “a new breed of men sent down from heaven” when “heroes” and “gods” are blended together … In ancient literature, Jupiter was the Roman replacement of Yahweh as the greatest of the gods—a “counter-Yahweh.” His son Apollo is a replacement of Jesus, a “counter-Jesus.” This Apollo comes to rule the final New World Order, when “Justice returns, returns old Saturn’s [Satan/Lucifer as the god of the air] reign”…

In the New Testament, the identity of the god Apollo, repeat-coded in the Great Seal of the United States as the Masonic “messiah” who returns to rule the earth, is the same spirit—verified by the same name—that will inhabit the political leader of the end-times New World Order…

Among other things, this means the Great Seal of the United States is a prophecy, hidden in plain sight by the Founding Fathers for more than two hundred years, foretelling the return of a terrifying demonic god who seizes control of Earth in the new order of the ages. This supernatural entity was known and feared in ancient times by different names: Apollo, Osiris, and even farther back as Nimrod, whom Masons consider to be the father of their institution.

It should also be noted that the summer solstice begins at 11:32 PM EST on Sunday, so any attacks might be planned for 11:33 PM. And since the summer solstice marks the longest day of the year, the historical accounts of the attacks would practically write themselves…

America’s Longest Day: The day the US government turned on the American people

June 20 is also the anniversary of the beginning of a siege of Beijing during the Boxer Rebellion. So a big event might occur in China on the same day. And get this: if something starts in China on the 20th, the 33rd day after would fall on July 23 (the 100th anniversary of the CCP).

~ MORE ~

In my recent entries, I’ve talked about the possibility that Putin could “die” (either politically or physically) and later stage a miraculous return as savior of the world. And I’ve said that this return could happen as soon as this year and as late as 2025. The reason I’ve mentioned 2025 can be found in some of Tom Horn’s other remarks in the Daystar interview

HORN: The enormous asteroid Apophis will reportedly pass disturbingly close to Earth on April 13, 2029 (approximately 8 years from [now]), according to a statement released by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. In fact, NASA admits Apophis’ proximity in 2029 will be so close to Earth that it will “put some of our orbiting satellites in peril” and even be visible in the daytime sky.

Assuming for the moment that Apophis is biblical Wormwood (as I believe) and that 2029 would thus represent a period sometime around the middle of the Great Tribulation period when the trumpet judgments begin, Monday, October 13, 2025 (April 13, 2029 minus 3.5 years) would thus be the approximate start date for the dreaded 7-years of tribulation foreseen in Scripture (see Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14, Daniel 12:1).

Horn has spent a lot of time and energy in the last year or two setting up expectations for a 2025 to 2032 Tribulation period. And that Tribulation would be narrated as the “real” Tribulation, and it would be the time of Vladimir Putin’s multilateral/multipolar NWO. So what we may be seeing now is the globalist effort to stretch things out till 2025, possibly by taking a detour into an “evil Nazionist NWO” before Putin’s return.

That being said, you may be wondering why they’d delay their plans till 2025. And the answer can be found by googling “how long to complete worldwide 5G“…

By pushing things back to 2025, the globalists will have time to fully deploy the ground-based network of 5G and space-based networks of “internet satellites” that use the same frequency ranges as 5G [1, 2]. So their next-generation “interactive voice and video to your head” mind control network will be in place by then, and it will make for much more convincing “magic shows” when the globalists stage “supernatural events.”

Supernaturalism has been the bread and butter of spiritual con artists throughout the ages.

(15 June 2021) – Both the Flag March and the Palestinian counter-demonstrations are scheduled for 6 PM Israel time (10 AM Texas time). If you see the rockets fly, you might consider topping off your prep supplies and being ready to activate your SHTF plan. The war will expand to US shores as early as tomorrow and as late as July 4.

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Will tonight or tomorrow night be the Palestinian Night of the Bridges?

The Sun will set in Israel at 7:49 PM today (in less than an hour); then the night of June 15-16 will begin. And reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out something interesting that happened about this time 75 years ago…

The Night of the Bridges (formally Operation Markolet) was a Haganah venture on the night of 16 to 17 June 1946 in the British Mandate of Palestine, as part of the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944–7). Its aim was to destroy eleven bridges linking Mandatory Palestine to the neighboring countries Lebanon, Syria, Transjordan and Egypt, in order to suspend the transportation routes used by the British Army. Attacks on a further three bridges had been considered, but were not executed.

Only one operation failed: the Palmach, the elite fighting force of the Haganah, suffered 14 killed and 5 injured at the Nahal Akhziv bridges. The other operations succeeded without injuries.

To disguise and protect the real operations and to confuse the British forces, around 50 diversion operations and ambushes were carried out throughout the country on the same night. The confusion also allowed the Palmach members to escape more easily after completion of the operations. – from Wikipedia

75 years later, the shoe is on the other foot. The Israelis are now the occupiers and the Palestinians are waging the insurgency. So will the globalists script the Palestinians getting strategic tonight or tomorrow night? And will they target bridges or something else (like Iron Dome installations or Dimona)? In light of Yossi Cohen’s admissions, Israel’s nuke site is a logical retaliation target.

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The incendiary balloons have started flying, and get a load of this excerpt from the article about it…

The Night Confusion Units in Gaza announced as well on Tuesday that they planned to return to activity on Tuesday night. When in operation, the units conduct loud riots along the Gaza border, launching explosives and lighting fires.

Does this kind of remind you of something we just read about the Night of the Bridges?…

To disguise and protect the real operations and to confuse the British forces, around 50 diversion operations and ambushes were carried out throughout the country on the same night.

Onnabugeisha has also pointed out this: today marks the 11,900th day [9/11 reversed] since the Palestinian Declaration of Independence on 15 November 1988. So if the Israelis were behind 9/11, a reverse-9/11 would hit them, right? And what strike point in Israel would have a 9/11-grade impact? The Dimona nuclear reactor, right?

So will “holding the provocative Flag March that triggered a precision missile strike on the Dimona reactor” be the “Israeli Mistake” the controlled alt-media have been “predicting” for years?

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It is being reported that the IDF have conducted an airstrike in Gaza.

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The Israelis and Palestinians exchanged attacks today, popping the cherry of last month’s ceasefire like an incendiary balloon. The blood of “the innocent” now trickles down upon the Gazan street, yet the intercourse of hardcore combat has still to begin. It would therefore appear that permission to proceed has not yet been given. These are the times that try men’s souls.

That being said, keep an eye on Gaza, Dimona, and Putin from now through tomorrow night. If they script the death or disappearance of the Moshiach ben David (Putin) tomorrow, it’s likely that Israel will begin its fall too. And Israel will fall best if America falls with it (Operation Blackjack). Tomorrow could be scripted to bring a worldwide “shock and awe” campaign by the “Communist Deep State.”

(14 June 2021) – It’s looking like a move against Putin and his Middle East allies, Assad and Khamenei, is imminent. And it will all start with the Jerusalem Flag Day March tomorrow. Israeli media today are all but confirming that it is a deliberate provocation aimed at starting an Israeli-Palestinian War…

…from The Jerusalem Post. Here is an excerpt…

The IDF has sent reinforcements to the West Bank as Palestinian groups warn against the controversial Flag March set to take place Tuesday in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Border police forces have also been bolstered in Jerusalem’s Old City and the alert level at Iron Dome batteries has been raised through concern over possible violent outbreaks including rocket fire from the Gaza Strip by Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Palestinian groups including both Fatah and Hamas have called for a day of rage on Tuesday in response to the march, encouraging Palestinians to “mobilize” at al-Aqsa Mosque and in the Old City.

“Let next Tuesday be a day of mobilization and a bond towards al-Aqsa Mosque, and a day of anger and defiance of the occupier,” Hamas said in a statement on Sunday. “Show God and your people what you have done in it, and be the best sword for Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.”

The Day of Rage was also called for mixed Jewish and Arab cities inside Israel

Hamas also warned Monday that the flag march was “a detonator for a new battle to defend Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque.”

The right-wing march, that was originally planned for last Thursday, received police permission to pass through the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, despite warnings that the would lead cause tension and possibly violence.

Last week, security sources once again warned that the march could reignite the region. Should Hamas follow through on its threats, Defense Minister Benny Gantz has approved several hundred new targets to be struck in the Hamas-run coastal enclave, Channel 12 reported. Gantz also approved a series of steps should Israel find itself in renewed conflict with Hamas.

You can be sure that Gantz’s “series of steps” includes invasions of the Gaza Strip and Palestinian areas in the West Bank. And the odds are quite good that you’ll see Al Aqsa Mosque struck by Israel (“due to the presence of armed Palestinian militants inside it”). This war will quickly expand due to a follow-on false flag missile attack blamed on Iran and a Turkish offensive in northern Syria. More details coming soon…

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Here are some things to watch for…

CONCERNING IRAN: The former head of the Mossad has publicly admitted Israel’s culpability for numerous attacks inside Iran…

…from The Guardian

Cohen’s supposed reason for doing this was “to support Netanyahu by showing he’s been really tough on Iran.” But the real reason is to publicly establish a motivation for Iran to launch retaliatory attacks on Israel. And once Israel invades Gaza, the US-Saudi-Israeli Coalition will launch missile and terror attacks on themselves and blame it on “Iranian vengeance for the attacks on Qasem Soleimani, their nuclear program, and their Hamas allies in the Gaza Strip.”

The false flag attacks will likely include…

  • cruise missile attacks out of Yemen blamed on the Iran-backed Houthis [but the missiles will be fired by Saudi forces inside Yemen],
  • ballistic missile attacks out of Iraq blamed on Iran-backed Shiite militias [but the missiles will be fired by US forces in Iraq], and
  • ballistic missile attacks out of Syria and Lebanon blamed on Iran-backed Hezbollah [but the missiles will be fired by ISIS forces in Syria and Israeli special forces in Lebanon (smuggled into Lebanon using Israeli tunnels)].

Once Israel blames Iran for the false-flag missile attacks, they’ll strike Iran. And this will lead to Iran and their allies launching real attacks on Coalition targets. Full-on war will erupt.

CONCERNING SYRIA: The false flag missile attacks on Israel will lead to the IDF invading southern Syria “to push the Hezbollah missile crews away from Israel.” Simultaneously, Turkey’s Erdogan will seize the opportunity to drive deep into Syria from Idlib in the north…

…from disinformation site Zero Hedge

During these invasions, Damascus will be destroyed and the Israeli and Turkish forces will at some point meet. What happens at that point will be determined by the globalist timetable…

  • If they intend to have Putin play his savior act by Tisha B’Av of this year, Turkish forces will attack the Israelis and drive them back into northwestern Israel, but
  • if they intend to cue Putin’s arrival later (between next year and 2025), Turkish and Israeli forces will stop at the meeting point and divide Syria between them.

CONCERNING PUTIN: Watch for Putin’s potential death or disappearance as early as Wednesday the 16th, the day he travels to Geneva to meet Biden. He could be struck in Geneva as part of the Operation Blackjack attacks or his plane may disappear or be destroyed. Also watch Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in case the globalists substitute him into Putin’s savior role.

Getting back to the Israeli tunnels into Lebanon I mentioned, this is what I wrote about it in a previous entry…

(11 December 2018) – On the matter of Israeli tunnel-digging into Lebanon, have a look at what this article from The Times of Israel says…

…Here is an excerpt…

>>> As far back as 2014, residents of northern towns raised the alarm regarding the possibility of the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror group tunneling below the border to carry out attacks…

Manelis told Army Radio that the tunnels identified by the IDF were not necessarily located in areas where residents had complained of noise.

“Hezbollah tunnels are not an immediate threat, and we have ruled out the existence of tunnels in places where residents reported digging noise — the location of the tunnels does not necessarily coincide with the complaints of the civilians,” he said.

The attack tunnels were long rumored to have been dug from southern Lebanon into Israeli territory by the Iran-backed terror group, but Israeli defense officials repeatedly either denied their existence or refused to discuss the matter.

MK Itzik Shmuli of the opposition Zionist Union faction tweeted Tuesday that “it is amazing that those who mocked the residents’ reports of excavation noise are now telling us with a straight face that it is a serious and concrete threat.”

In 2014, residents of the town of Zarit were so concerned by the noise and what they perceived to be inaction from the IDF after they submitted complaints that they announced their intention to start an independent digging operation, saying they would coordinate any finds with the IDF. <<<

As you can see, northern Israelis heard tunneling noises under their homes as far back as 2014, but the IDF “denied their existence,” “refused to discuss the matter,” and “mocked the residents’ report of excavation noise.” So why would the IDF respond in such a manner?…


To maintain the coverup, the IDF are now putting on a show (Operation Northern Shield) of looking for Hezbollah tunnels in an area away from where people were hearing the excavation noises. They wouldn’t want to dig up their own tunnels, now, would they?

Here’s another article that unintentionally sheds light on the subject…

…from Israel Today

>>> The operation against Hezbollah was launched hours after Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benyamin Netanyahu met US Secretary of Defense Mike Pompeo in Brussels, Belgium where he discussed “a list of developments in the region” with the Secretary.

One of these developments is Iran’s increasing belligerent activity in Lebanon where it has built underground missile facilities which manufacture guided ballistic missiles…

The Americans are training and equipping 30.000 men of the Syrian Democratic Forces who will confront the Quds Force and Iranian-backed Shiite militias in northern and eastern Syria while the U.S. uses local Iraqi Sunni militias against the Iranian-backed Hashd al-Shaabi umbrella organization of predominantly Shiite militias in northern Iraq. <<<

So by saying that Iran and Hezbollah have built underground missile facilities in Lebanon, the media are preparing people to believe that any ballistic missiles fired from hidden underground silos there are Iran and Hezbollah’s…

Of course, building the tunnels and silos to make it look like Iran and Hezbollah were firing the missiles would be a more effective setup if people in Lebanon witnessed the launch. For this reason, the Israelis will position Arab sellouts in the right places to get cellphone videos of the missiles rising from the ground. They’ll be shouting “Allahu Akbar!” to cement the idea that it’s a Muslim launch. Afterwards, the Israelis will collapse the tunnels and hit the silos with “retaliatory” airstrikes to cover up the evidence.

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Something interesting showed up on Drudge today: Exclusive: US assessing reported leak at Chinese nuclear power facility. Instead of popping Three Gorges Dam, the globalists may opt for a Chernobyl/Fukushima-style nuclear disaster to bring down the Chinese Communist Party. I’ll keep an eye on this.

(13 June 2021) – In the base script for Act 1 of the globalists’ “end times” stageplay, there are three Jewish moshiachs (messiahs): 1) Trump, the “Moshiach ben Cyrus,” 2) Netanyahu, the Moshiach ben Yosef, and 3) Putin, the Moshiach ben David. And in past entries, I’ve noted that the fates of the two “precursor messiahs,” Trump and Netanyahu, are intertwined…

Trump and Netanyahu’s fates are tied together – 24 September 2019

Trump’s Fate Will Mirror Netanyahu’s – 15 December 2019

Let’s also remember my past writings about Trump and Netanyahu’s fates being intertwined – 30 July 2020

I’ve covered a number of globalist attempts to script their mutual fall in the past few years, and the winning scenario has turned out to be “election fraud,” taking them both down within months of each other…

…from The Guardian

Should they proceed with Netanyahu’s removal in a couple of hours, they will have finally pulled it off. And the fall of the two precursor messiahs will mean that there is only one messiah left for the “bad guys” to bring down: Vladimir Putin. So it is no coincidence that Netanyahu’s fall is scheduled for the final day of the G7 Summit (and the day before the NATO Summit). The “bad guys” are going for Putin next.

As for my previous entries about Trump and Netanyahu meeting the same fate, here’s a particularly notable one…

(3 May 2020) – In past entries, I’ve talked about how Trump’s fate would mirror Netanyahu’s because the NWO transition script casts both as “good guys” who are fighting against “evil Deep States.” Well I finally ran across a disinformation piece that clearly shows the propagandists applying the “good guy” vs. “evil Deep State” template to Netanyahu…

…from the prophecy propaganda site Breaking Israel News. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Israel’s Supreme Court, and the Justice System as a whole has long been accused by Israel’s right as enjoying a disproportionate amount of power and clout in the day-to-day political agenda. They are often accused as working in collusion with the EU as well as the Soros backed New Israel Fund to allow for the destruction of various Jewish villages in Judea and Samaria on questionable legal grounds…

One of the more egregious cases of Judicial overreach was when former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was about to be tried on corruption charges. But once he enacted the disengagement from Gaza, which involved evacuating 8,000 Jewish Israelis from the strip and essentially giving the coastal enclave over to Hamas, the case against him was suddenly closed by the Attorney General claiming that “it does not interest the public.”

Former Member of Knesset Zvi Hendel claims to have first hand knowledge that Sharon carried out the disengagement to avoid his legal insurrection in a report revealed by the JCPA…

Netanyahu acknowledges the deep state from within the Justice System. According to a report in Haaretz, The prime minister has been heard saying that strings of this shadow government are ostensibly pulled by the prosecution. He also believes that prosecutors and judges have a symbiotic relationship whose goal is ousting him.

Consistent justice ministers, even from the left have noted that there is a deep state within Israel’s Judicial Branch. Compounding the accusations, Rabbi Daniel Asor notes that the building of the Supreme Court was donated by the Free Masons which is why it features a pyramid on its roof — a widely viewed inappropriate ornament for an institution that’s supposed to represent the Jewish state. <<<

So as you can see, the NWO Narrative surrounding Netanyahu mirrors that of Trump (and closely resembles that of Xi and Putin as well): Netanyahu, “the good guy” who is in league with Israel’s “patriots,” is supposedly under assault by a “Deep State” that has both a left wing and a right wing, with the left wing trying to force him out of office and the right wing (Chabad) trying to force him into a ruinous war so they can bring in their “false messiah” (presumed to be Jared Kushner). This parallels the “American Deep State’s communist element” trying to unseat Trump while the “neocon element” tries to force him into the same ruinous war.

And while we’re on the subject of Israel, it is imperative that I once again point out the purpose underpinning the founding of modern Israel within the broader globalist script: IT IS A TRAP THAT HAS BEEN SET FOR THE WORLD’S JEWS, AND THE DELIBERATE STOKING OF JEW HATRED AND THE CALLS FOR ALIYAH ARE MEANT TO LURE THEM INTO THE TRAP.

To put it more directly…


Let me show you why…

As I was doing research for this entry, I ran across something on the CIA website that was supposedly obtained from Osama Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound (the place where he was supposedly killed). It is Fritz Springmeier’s Bloodlines of the Illuminati, which is a famous disinformation tome that has helped underpin the NWO Narrative. Look at what it says about the Rothschilds and Israel…

…from (a PDF link)

So as you can see, the controlled alt-media / NWO Narrative holds that modern Israel was founded by a Satanist family — the same family that funded the rise of the Nazis in Germany. This raises an obvious question that has an equally obvious answer…

Q: Why would a Kabbalist “Satanist” family build a homeland for “God’s Chosen People,” the Jews?

A: To gather all of “God’s Chosen People” in one place for a ritual slaughter.

The coming war-starting false-flag is scripted to have Israel’s fingerprints all over it, just like the Coronavirus farce. And when the news of Israel’s treachery is spread around the world, it will lead to a massive attack on Israel from all directions. Many Jews will die in the attack, but most will be saved by the “three moshiachs,” Trump (Moshiach ben Cyrus), Netanyahu (Moshiach ben Yosef), and Putin (Moshiach ben David).

After the war, the Truth Tsunami will result in searing hatred of the Jews all over the world, and the Moshiach ben David will encourage all of them to make aliyah to Israel to ensure their “safety and security” until the hatred passes over. And at the 7-year mark from the founding of the multilateral / multipolar New World Order, all those gathered Jews will be slaughtered in a much more cataclysmic war. What else would you expect the “real Antichrist” to do to “God’s Chosen People” as God is supposedly returning to Earth?

Getting past the reasons offered by the globalists’ End Times script, the real reason for the coming extermination of the Jews (and Muslims) is to clear the way for the Kabbalists’ Neo-Christianity to be the universal religion of a world united under their rule. It will also happen because the Jews are simply no longer needed as cover by the Kabbalists; they’ll be hiding behind the captured banner of Christianity from now on.

It should be noted that I do not give this warning out of any affinity for Judaism, just like my warnings to Muslims are not based on sympathy for Islam. From my personal perspective, all Abrahamic religions are primitive and dangerous relics of an uneducated past. But all Jewish and Muslim PERSONS are fellow pieces of God walking the Earth in human bodies, so I do what I can to protect them from harm. “Do unto others” always applies, because others are you and you are others — you simply can’t perceive this fact while your focus is split into different physical vessels.

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Netanyahu is out, so Israel is now ruled by the “bad guy” characters in the “end times” script. What happens from here depends on whether the globalists want to take the fast track or slow track. The fast track looks like this…

> The Palestinians have announced a “Day of Rage” for Tuesday the 15th. This could be used to restart the rocket attacks and trigger an invasion of Gaza (“now that Bibi is no longer there to restrain the war hawks”).

> Operation Blackjack could be initiated during Biden’s summit with the EU on Tuesday the 15th (taking out Biden and the Western leaders) or during his summit with Putin on Wednesday the 16th (taking out Biden and Putin). Wednesday seems the more likely choice because…

  • it would allow Operation Blackjack and the invasion of Gaza to happen simultaneously,
  • it would clear the way for President Kamala Harris to initiate the communist onslaught,
  • it would keep Merkel alive to play her potential role at the UN, and
  • it would set the stage for Putin’s miraculous return by Tisha B’Av (July 17-18).

The time between now and July 23 is exceptionally hazardous.

(12 June 2021) – The Hebrew anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s death on Sunday the 13th is looking even more ominous now…

…from The Sun

The G7 Summit started on Friday and runs through Sunday. And while the article highlights a cruise missile threat from the supposed presence of the Russian sub, it is a “false-flag” nuclear tsunami torpedo attack that is most likely in play. Just look at how close to the ocean the leaders are meeting…

…from CNBC

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A Peek into Chabad’s Script for Israel

“even if we have to kill a million Jews to make it happen.”

Back in April, Henry Makow posted an article on his site titled COVID Vaccine Will Destroy Israel. It was a propaganda piece that seems to have been written by a Chabadnik, and it has since been removed from his site. Fortunately, someone saved a copy to the Internet Archive. Here is an excerpt…

HaShem wants to destroy Israel and almost all its people and is using the evil spirit entities like Baal, Molech and Baphomet among others and their human shills on earth to execute the genocidal job.

With the fall of Israel and the decimation of almost all its 9 million or so population via vax and a concomitant Globalist scripted regional war, the rest of the world, too, enters a massive depopulation phase.

Be prepared. A spiritual Israel should arise from the ashes with remnants of Jewry from around the world post apocalypse.

Now, I understand why Globalist chief spokesperson, Dr Henry Kissinger, remarked to the New York Post in 2012 that “there won’t be an Israel in 10 years..” (i.e. by 2022).


The C19 vax will destroy Israel within a year or two by late 2022 end or thereabouts.

Not surprised the Israeli government (obviously working under orders from the Globalists) has lifted lockdown and done away with masks outdoors so that those vaxxed become “super spreaders” of new infections that their collapsing immune systems won’t be capable of neutralising resulting in their own deaths and destruction of those who catch the infections from them. Add to this the adverse effects of virus/vaccine shedding and a mammoth horror show is unfolding in Israel.

Both mystical vision and science arrive at the same conclusion regarding the fate of Israel in coming days…

Renowned microbiologist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi said to journalist Alex Newman that C19 vaccination has turned Israel into “hell on earth”. He’s right.

As expected of a nationalistic newspaper Haretz ran a counter article to Dr Kissinger’s shocking 2012 prediction of Israel disappearing in 10 years (i.e. by 2022) and Dr Kissinger was forced to recant saying he was misquoted post the the huge outcry from blinkered fellow Jews who don’t understand ethics, Torah or mysticism but are arrogantly claiming Jews are G-d’s treasure without living up to the exceptionally high moral, intellectual and spiritual standards expected of us by HaShem.

Dr Henry Kissinger made another accurate observations saying Jews have been persecuted down the ages because many if not most Jews misbehave.. doing something wrong to ruffle the feathers of Gentiles.

Pogroms, forced conversions, expulsions, Holocaust and now vaccination leading to genocide.

Well, we Jews have been given a long rope to hang ourselves and now after 2000 years since the destruction of the 2nd Temple and the scattering of the “stiff necked” Levantine Jews to other places the time of another G-d created mass destruction of Jews (and of course Non-Jews too) has arrived.

“Is there any evil in a place and I have not done it,” said HaShem to the prophet Amos in Amos 3.6 in the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible.

This statement succinctly lays out the strict meaning of monotheism on which Judaism is based.

The One creates everything and is responsible for everything. Without His consent nothing can happen. The causal law He lays out is inviolable. In Judaism, even Satan is a dutiful servant of G-d not a rival battling G-d and His angels.

G-d is the creator and controller of everything good, evil and transcendant, while His true innate nature is ineffable.

No wonder the Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson of blessed memory did not once step foot in Israel nor condone aliyah because through his spiritual vision he knew that the modern state of Israel was founded on Illuminati demonology (thanks to Albert Pike!) and would as such be destroyed after which a spiritual Israel would arise during the expected Messianic Age.

The Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson had superlative mystical powers following in the footsteps of pioneering medieval Jewish mystic-sages like tzaddik Baal Shem Tov and his own father-in-law, the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Be prepared – the horror is unfolding and results should be visible soon.

Aside from vax, other methods of mass destruction lined up by the Globalists for humanity are world war, cyberpandemic, weather modification, tectonic weapons, starvation, live germ/chemical warfare and others.

The piece portrays a very dim future for Israel and humanity — a future from which Chabad’s chosen Moshiach ben David, Vladimir Putin, will largely save us (after the mass deaths begin to unfold and scare everyone senseless). And the fake ETs who enter the stage with him will have the cure to the COVID vaccine.

As for the part about the Rebbe’s “mystical powers,” that’s typical con artist BS; the Rebbe knew what’s going to happen to Israel because he helped the globalists write the script for it! And it’s true that he never visited Israel. Get a load of what Chabad’s own website says about it…


(11 June 2021) – Behold the path on which the Kabbalists have placed Israel…

The Knesset’s vote to confirm the new coalition government and replace Netanyahu is scheduled for Sunday, after the Saturday sabbath. And many recent news reports have talked about how the conservative lawmakers in the coalition will have to face their angry constituents at their synagogues

As the Lapid-Bennett coalition was coming together in recent days, Netanyahu and his supporters ramped up a pressure campaign against former hawkish allies, including Bennett and his No. 2 in the Yamina party, Ayelet Shaked.

Netanyahu accused them of betraying right-wing values. His supporters launched vicious social media campaigns and staged noisy protests outside Shaked’s home. The prime minister’s Likud party also advertised a demonstration Thursday night outside the home of Yamina lawmaker Nir Orbach, urging him to quit the coalition.

That’s a taste of the pressure to be expected for lawmakers on the right. And some on the left now have time to think about whether they will pay for this partnership in the next election.

“There will be a lot of pressure, especially on right-wingers, especially for religious right wingers,” said Gideon Rahat, a political science professor at Hebrew University. “They will go to the synagogue and people will pressure them. It will be a nightmare for some of them.” – from Arab News

So watch for a scripted assassination of one or more coalition lawmakers between sunset tonight (the 11th) and the vote on Sunday. It would prevent Netanyahu’s replacement and kick open a hornets’ nest in Israeli politics.

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Speaking of Sunday drama, reader Onnabugeisha has brought something to my attention: from sunset on Saturday the 12th through sunset on Sunday the 13th, it will be the Hebrew day of 3 Tammuz, which is a day of great significance to Chabad Lubavitch

  • It was on a 3 Tammuz that the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, was released from a Soviet prison and allowed to go into exile, and
  • it was on a 3 Tammuz that the seventh (and last) Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, died in the early morning.

So who will go into exile or die (politically or physically) this Sunday?

Will it be one or more of the “bad guy” Chabad agents who formed the new government coalition (like Bennett, Shaked, or Lieberman)?

Or will it be Chabad’s chosen Moshiach ben Yosef, Benjamin Netanyahu, whose death (either political or physical) is described in their own prophecy propaganda?

If you are a new reader, you may be wondering why Chabad would have its Israeli political agents attack their own chosen Moshiach ben Yosef. And the answer is that it’s all about cultivating Netanyahu’s “good guy” status. To explain-away his longtime connection to Chabad…

…they will say that he purposefully infiltrated their organization and rose to the top so he could “sabotage their evil plans” at a critical time, specifically by stopping their planned war on Iran that would bring a catastrophe upon Israel. I recorded the moment that happened back in 2018…

(18 November 2018) – It looks like the globalists have scripted the fall of Netanyahu at the hands of the Chabad-Lubavitch messianic cult. The cult is basically threatening to take down his government if he doesn’t give them back the defense ministry and let them start the End Times war to bring in their “Jewish Messiah.” So it looks like the globalists are scripting Netanyahu as a “good guy” / “voice of reason” whose political fall leads to Israel’s disastrous descent into war. And If he gets taken down before the G20, they might proceed with more takedowns there.

Here are the basics of the situation…

Israel’s Chabad-connected defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, resigned his position because Netanyahu supposedly blocked his invasion of Gaza. And when he resigned, his political party pulled out of Netanyahu’s governing coalition, leaving it within one seat of failing. Now another political party in the coalition is threatening to leave if Netanyahu doesn’t name one of its members, Naftali Bennett, as the new defense minister…

…from Israel National News

There’s just one problem: Bennett is also a Chabadnik…

…from Israel National News

So far, Netanyahu has refused their demands, so they are threatening to take down his government tomorrow and trigger a snap election. This could potentially lead to a more aggressive government that will start Chabad’s desired End Times war.

So here we are again, watching history repeat itself once more. If they script Netanyahu’s fall on Sunday, Israel WILL invade Gaza, the war with Iran WILL go forward, and the Kabbalists WILL once again cull millions of their “lesser brothers” (non-Kabbalist, non-elite Jews) to advance their childish and idiotic plan for world conquest.

Israel, remember this: Netanyahu, Bennett, Shaked, Lieberman, and Chabad are all part of this plan for an “End Times” war, and they are very much out to kill you. Will you walk willingly into the gas chamber once more? If I lived in a small country like Israel, I’d get out in the streets, peacefully shut down the whole country, openly call out the Kabbalists on their plan, and negotiate for mutual survival. If even the Jews can’t haggle for their survival, what hope is there for any of us?

(9-10 June 2021) – Biden is now in the UK, ahead of both the Ring of Fire Eclipse tomorrow morning and the G7 Summit on the 11th…

…from the Express

Note that the eclipse is most visible over the North Pole, which brings to mind the occult symbolism of the I, Pet Goat 2 video, which features both the Ring of Fire and Arctic imagery…

If the video’s symbolism is any indication, we’re looking at an imminent commie 9/11 (between now and July 4) which will lead to major war events over the next few weeks/months. And it is during this scripted “communist onslaught” that the Western governments will round up dissidents of the political “right wing” (who will be blamed for the false flags). Then, once the globalists cue the “patriot/constitutionalist” (Nazionist) counterattack, they’ll start a worldwide roundup of dissidents on the political “left wing” (to whom the blame will be switched).

While Biden is at the seaside resort where the G7 Summit will be held, watch for the potential use of a nuclear tsunami weapon against him. The press have gone to great lengths in recent years to highlight Russia’s Poseidon nuclear torpedo, so using such a weapon would allow the commies to sign Russia’s signature to the attack…

…from Business Insider

The funny thing about this Act 1 “commie false flag” is that at the end of Act 2, we’ll be told that it really was a Russian weapon that caused it. And that it was “Antichrist Putin” who ordered it.

~ MORE ~

Looking at the historical and numerological indicators reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered for June 10, here are some events the globalists could potentially schedule:

  • A major move, either overt or covert, from Xi Jinping. And since June 10 is the anniversary of a dam collapse in China that led to the deaths of 100,000 people, the blowing of Three Gorges Dam is one option. It is scripted to be the event that brings down the Chinese Communist Party. And if it is scheduled for tomorrow, it would happen during or after the Ring of Fire Eclipse.
  • The “death” or disappearance of Putin in advance of his later return at the head of a fleet of UFOs.

I’ll go into the details if they attempt either of these tomorrow.

~ MORE ~

I think Onnabugeisha and I have stumbled upon the intended timeframe for the scripted fall of the CCP this year. The move Xi was to make on June 10 would have led to the official end of the Party on July 23. I will indeed cover the details tomorrow — Putin’s also (he was to return on Tisha B’Av).

~ MORE – 10 June 2021 ~

To perceive the globalist timetable for ending the Chinese Communist Party that was to kick off today, we must remember that the Chinese consider the number 8 to be a lucky number associated with prosperity and good fortune. In fact, the numerology of 8 is so deeply ingrained in their culture that they actually scheduled the Beijing Summer Olympics to start at 8:08:08 PM [888] on 8/8/08 [888] [1, 2].

It is quite significant, then, that June 10 is a “triple lucky day” for Xi Jinping. Today marks 8 years and 88 days [888] since he became President of the PRC on 14 March 2013. So it would have been a very auspicious day for him to make a major move towards his goals, like blowing the Three Gorges Dam to facilitate his takedown of the Chinese Communist Party.

Equally significant is that Xi has another “triple lucky day” on July 23. That day will mark 8 years, 8 months, and 8 days [888] since he became General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party on 15 November 2012. July 23 is also the day that the CCP was founded 100 years prior. So it would have been an auspicious day for the General Secretary of the CCP to declare the Party dead on its 100th anniversary.

June 10 and July 23 are additionally significant (to numerologists) because they are calendrically symmetrical…

  • June 10 is the 161st day of the year, with 204 days remaining till the end of the year, and
  • July 23 is the 204th day of the year, with 161 days remaining.

So from a numerological standpoint, they serve well as bookend dates to mark the beginning and end of a timeframe. And the timeframe they mark is also of numerological significance…

There’s also this…

  • July 23/24 is a full moon day.
  • Tu B’Av begins at sunset on July 23 and ends at sunset on July 24. It is the Jewish “holiday of love,” and it “was a joyous holiday in the days of the Temple in Jerusalem.”
  • July 23 is the day the Tokyo Olympics is scheduled to begin. So the Olympics that were so delayed by “the CCP bioweapon COVID-19” would have begun on the day the CCP dies — the day “the world is freed from the communist depopulation plot.” It would have been quite a happy time for all the world to come together.

It should also be noted that Tu B’Av is the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Av, so it comes 6 days after Tisha B’Av, which I’ve previously mentioned as a candidate day for Putin’s arrival in Jerusalem and final defeat of the “bad guys.” Putin’s victory on Tisha B’Av and Xi’s declaration of the CCP’s end on the eve of Tu B’Av would have made for a very joyous Olympics and holiday of love.

Too bad. Easy come, easy go, eh?

In an upcoming section, I’ll explain for new readers why Xi Jinping would want to blow up Three Gorges Dam and take down the CCP.

~ MORE ~

Another indicator of the globalists’ intentions to blow the Three Gorges Dam and end communism this year is found at the 3:33 mark of the I, Pet Goat 2 video

…This segment shows communism (symbolized by the hammer and sickle) drowning in yellow-green water.

As it turns out, the Yangtze River (on which Three Gorges Dam is located) empties into the ocean at Shanghai. And its tidal estuary is the boundary where the yellow water of the Yellow Sea meets the bluer water of the East China Sea

…from Google Maps

Also note that the Venezuelan-looking communist shown in the segment has an eclipse on each cheek, and this year has two eclipses: 1) this morning’s annular eclipse that swept over the Arctic, and 2) December 4th’s total eclipse that sweeps over the Antarctic. It would appear that communism will drown between those two eclipses.

On another note, watch the Iranian warships currently in the Atlantic. If they are at some point narrated as moving towards Venezuela, the US Navy may intervene and a battle would ensue. This would be another way to get the fireworks popping between tomorrow and the Fourth of July.

(6 June 2021) – Möglichkeit Drei

When the Nazis+Zionists make their move, don’t expect them to be waving swastika and Star of David banners; expect them to be rebranded, bring order, and later, repression…

I’m currently pushing to complete some tedious personal business so I can have the working week free to monitor the lead-up to Biden’s European summits. Once I can get back to writing, I’ll cover Merkel and something else I’ve been thinking about: Option 3.

In the 2 June update (below this one), I covered the Nazionist Option and the Putin Option. But upon reexamining my assumptions, I’m now wondering if the globalists will merge the two options into one, with the imminent takedown of the commies resulting in…

  • Merkel heading the NWO for the first 3.5 years before Putin stands in the rebuilt Jewish Temple and leads it for the last 3.5 years,
  • Erdogan taking the role of the Mahdi and remaining in power, with the Dajjal role being reassigned to the defeated leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,
  • Trump returning to power in the US,
  • Netanyahu remaining in power in Israel (or returning to power after the takedown of the commies),
  • Bolsonaro and Modi prevailing over their enemies in Brazil and India, and
  • Xi either helping the others take down the commies or being recast as the defeated commie Antichrist.

If the globalists choose Option 3, the wars and communist takedown will be finished by early September (before Rosh Hashanah), and the NWO will rise from the ashes in late September. Watch for Three Gorges Dam to be blown by then (to end the CCP and knock China down into the dirt with the rest of the nations)…

(2-4 June 2021) – The globalists are preparing the stage for the “Deep State Nazionists” (represented by Merkel) to save us from “Deep State Communists” (represented by Obama)…

Zero Hedge

In 2021, the globalists are planning to have someone “save the world from the commies.” That someone will be either “good guy” Vladimir Putin or a “bad guy/gal” Nazionist leader. Given the chatter I’ve been observing in the mainstream and alternative media recently (since they missed their Passover timing window to bring in Putin), I suspect they’ll attempt to implement the Nazionist Option.

The globalist “end times” stageplay has two Acts. And in the base script for Act 1, the heroes are the “Avatars” and their allies, which include Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump, Qasem Soleimani (who is currently in hiding), Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi, Mohammed bin Salman, Jair Bolsonaro, et al. These heroes are portrayed as being in conflict with the “evil Satanic Global Deep State,” which is populated with villains like Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Barack Obama, Mike Pence, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, et al.

Under a recent modification of the base script, the “Global Deep State” has been split into two warring factions: the communists versus the Nazis+Zionists. This is why you see news of…

The globalist strategy for the Nazionist Option is to have the commies make a big move that is terrifying to the public, then have the Nazionists roll in like heroes to stop them. And in the course of this commie-Nazionist war, the “good guys” will likely be taken down to open the way for the evil Western NWO (before being resurrected by 2025 to put a stop to it).

Of course, the Putin Option remains in play, and by watching him you’ll know which option the globalists have chosen. If Putin falls from power or gets locked into a hardcore cold war between the Atlantic Alliance and the Eurasian Alliance, you’ll know the Putin Option hasn’t yet been activated. Act 1 will not be over until Putin “saves the world from the Global Deep State.”

June is the gateway to this conflagration, and the Biden European summits from the 11th through the 16th are the sparks that will light it — unless, of course, we can queer their pitch.

~ MORE ~

A deal has been reached to oust the Moshiach ben Yosef, Benjamin Netanyahu, but nothing is official yet…

Benjamin Netanyahu will no longer be Israel’s prime minister, as his political opponents announced Wednesday night that they have formed a coalition that will replace him, pending a vote in Israel’s parliament

The new government is set to be approved in a Knesset vote sometime before June 14. Negotiations over its particulars, as well as efforts to undermine it, may continue until the vote takes place. – from the Jewish Telegraph Agency

So it may turn out that Netanyahu’s fate will be decided during the June 11-16 time window of Biden’s summits in Europe. In fact, the fates of all of us will be decided in that timeframe. If you see Netanyahu fall, there is an enhanced likelihood that the scripted war actions will go forward; if you see him survive, it likely means that the globalists are pushing the delay button once more.

We’ll take a deep look at the globalist scripting surrounding Netanyahu and Chabad this weekend. But tomorrow, we’ll take a closer look at Erdogan. As an Islamofascist and the “Dajjal,” he will be one of the figures who rise under the Nazionist Option. And tomorrow I’ll show you why that rise may begin on the Fourth of July.

~ MORE ~

A scenario is beginning to come into view in which the globalists will have the commies launch Operation Blackjack-style attacks on the US and Europe while Biden is at one of his European summits (in the June 11-16 timeframe). Biden would perish in one of the explosions (or in a tsunami caused by one), leaving (commie) Vice President Harris in charge to start the hot phase of the “communist takeover.” The Nazionists would then come roaring in — possibly with UFOs/UAPs — to stop them on the Fourth of July. I’ll cover the details of this scenario when we look at Erdogan tomorrow.

~ MORE – 3 June 2021 ~

I won’t have time to write on Erdogan in depth today, so let me go straight to a key point…

In Act 1 of the globalist “end times” stageplay, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is playing a “bad guy.” His character is called the “Dajjal,” who is the Muslim false messiah who attempts to usurp the kingdom of the Mahdi, “the real messiah who will defeat evil” and rule for 7, 9 or 19 years.

On the Christian side of things, the leading prophecy propagandists have been programming their lemmings to expect the rise of an Islamic Antichrist. And the Christians have been taught that the Antichrist will reveal himself when he “stands in the Holy Place” and defiles it.

This brings us to Tuesday, 29 December 2015, the night Erdogan stood in the holiest place in all of Islam, the Kabaa

…from YouTube (here is a written account)

Since 29 December 2015 can be narrated as Erdogan’s first day as the revealed Dajjal, we can count forward until we reach his 66th month and 6th day (666) as the Muslim Antichrist, which just happens to fall on the Fourth of July…

…from Time and Date

So the Fourth of July promises to be a significant day for the Muslim Antichrist, but what event could it mark?…

  • If the globalists do the nuclear false flags in the June 11-16 timeframe to launch the communist onslaught, Independence Day could be the day the Nazionists (including fascist Erdogan) send in their UFOs to rescue (and then dominate) the world…
  • But if the globalists use the June summits to launch July wars, the Fourth of July could be the day the false flag attacks begin. What better day is there to narrate an uprising of “violent patriots” against the Biden regime?

A little later, I’ll explain why I bolded the “7, 9 or 19 years” part.

~ MORE – 4 June 2021 ~

Some readers, including a German, have expressed skepticism about Angela Merkel being a candidate to lead the Nazionist NWO. “Merkel isn’t a Nazi,” they say, “she is a communist.” To address such concerns, I’ll go into the globalist setup for Merkel soon.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – May Updates

(31 May – 1 June 2021) – The Assassinations That Weren’t?

This is a continuation of the 24-28 May updates, which are just a little further down the page. They covered a potential assassination plot against Putin for May 27-28.

How It Went Down

On May 27 (Shoigu’s 666 Day), Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu had a maskless face-to-face meeting with Vladimir Putin in Sochi…


So was this meeting a symbolic “Judas kiss” of betrayal before the “Russian Deep State” were to kill Putin and replace him with Shoigu? And if so, how would they get rid of Russian prime minister Mikhail Mishustin, the man who is supposed to inherit presidential power in the event of Putin’s death?

The next day, May 28, turned out to be quite interesting. Here is Putin’s official schedule for that day (with notable elements underlined in red)…


As you can see at the top, Putin had a virtual meeting with the permanent members of his security council right before he met with Lukashenko…

…from Also note that it was Border Guards Day, and the Border Guards are run by Alexander Bortnikov’s FSB.

Symbolically, this meeting served as “Putin’s last supper with his 12 disciples” before he was to die. And the fact that it took place virtually — even Shoigu was remote — meant that the council members were safely away from whatever was slated to occur. But if you carefully count the number of attendees, you’ll see that there were only ten. Two were missing: FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

It could be said that Bortnikov — supposedly “Medvedev’s man” and a closeted “Atlantic Integrationist” friend of the West — was absent due to the Border Guards Day festivities. But it could also be narrated that he used Border Guards Day as an excuse to skip the meeting so he could focus on orchestrating the assassination.

As for Mishustin, he was away in Belarus attending a maskless face-to-face meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) prime ministers — a meeting that was scheduled by the CIS Executive Secretary (and former head of the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service) Sergey Lebedev.

Lebedev is another figure whose background lends itself to his being narrated as an “Atlantic Integrationist.” So according to the script, he, Bortnikov, and the Belarusian opposition may have arranged a hit on Mishustin that would coincide with the Putin hit. And since Russia has no clear line of presidential succession beyond the prime minister, a crisis in Russian leadership would have arisen — a crisis best solved by an accomplished crisis manager…

…from The Economist

In the next section, I’ll cover other details of the plot. In the meantime, take note of this: the narrative can also say that Putin and Mishustin were poisoned or infected with something on May 28 — something that would take a few days to show symptoms. So if you see Putin “call in sick” to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which runs June 2-5, you’ll know what’s up.

~ MORE – 1 June 2021 ~

In the 27 May update, I mentioned this…

…today it was announced that Russia is sending more guards to the Ukrainian border. This move could lead to a post-assassination claim that Ukrainian and Western agents were sneaking across the border (to kill Putin).

I wrote this before I knew that May 28 was Border Guards Day. And the assassination occurring on Border Guards Day would have drawn attention to “the failure of Bortnikov’s FSB border guards to stop the infiltration of the Ukrainian terror team that assassinated Putin and Lukashenko.” This narrative would have been further reinforced by this fact: May 28 was the anniversary of 18 year-old Mathias Rust’s 1987 penetration of Soviet airspace and landing of a Cessna on Red Square in Moscow

Soviet air defense forces caught hell for failing to stop Rust, just like the Border Guards would have caught hell for allowing the assassination team’s infiltration. And Rust landed on Red Square at 6:43 PM; Putin and Lukashenko’s meeting started at 6:10 PM. The news articles would have practically written themselves.

After the hit on Putin and Lukashenko…

  • the Russian Mainstream Narrative would have blamed it on a Ukrainian hit team and Border Guard incompetence,
  • the Western Mainstream Narrative would have blamed it on an “inside job” by the Russians, and
  • the NWO Narrative would blame it on a conspiracy by the West and the “Atlantic Integrationists” and “Neo-Communists” within Russia.

As for why the former spymaster of Russia’s version of the CIA, Sergey Lebedev, would “turn to the dark side,” I ran across a scriptable motivation in a Wikileaks file on “Russian Intelligence” (cached on Google)

The fact that Vladimir Putin decided to «extract» Sergey Lebedev from the SVR (the external intelligence service) is probably the sign that he wanted to avoid a «spillover» of the internal struggles into territories outside Russia by placing a man (former Prime minister Mikhail Fradkov) whom he thinks will scrupulously inform him of what goes on in the «service».

Putin placed Lebedev into the SVR post shortly after he became president, reportedly because he wanted “an intelligence chief whom he knows well and has confidence in.” But the Wikileaks passage suggests that Lebedev may have been a little too independent for Putin’s taste, so Putin removed him from the intelligence post and made him the nursemaid to a bunch of CIS politicians — something that didn’t sit well with Lebedev (the narrative would say).

This scripted motivation is enhanced by this bit of preparatory propaganda from RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty [with my comments added in brackets]…


by Victor Yasmann

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent decision to name 52-year-old Sergei Lebedev as the chief of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), replacing Vyacheslav Trubnikov, is about more than just personalities and personal loyalties. It also offers some important clues to the future direction of Russian intelligence operations, both at home and abroad.

Moscow media have suggested that Lebedev’s appointment is only the latest step in Putin’s effort to consolidate power. According to this view, Putin wants an intelligence chief whom he knows well and has confidence in. Putin met Lebedev while serving in East Germany; he belongs to the same generation as Lebedev; and in contrast to most senior Russian intelligence officers, neither Putin nor Lebedev ever worked undercover in the field.

But if Lebedev is close to Putin, he is also very different both from the Russian president and his predecessor, Trubnikov. Lebedev joined the KGB in 1973 after graduating from the Chernigov branch of the Kyiv State University [so he has a connection to Ukraine]. Unlike Putin and most of the former KGB colleagues the Russian president has promoted, Lebedev did not join the KGB either voluntarily or through recruitment. Rather, he was sent to work there by the Komsomol [the Young Communist League; his communist youth can be used to portray a sympathy with the aims of the “Neo-Communists”].

Most KGB officers traditionally have disliked such colleagues because of the privileges they often enjoy. This may help to explain why Lebedev did not go on to the Andropov Institute, the usual path to becoming a foreign intelligence operative. Instead, he studied at the Diplomatic Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, after graduating from there in 1978, was transferred to the central apparatus of the KGB’s First Chief Directorate.

After his posting in East Germany, Lebedev rose through the ranks, eventually becoming chief of an SVR directorate. There his ascent appears to have stopped. In 1998, according to “Segodnya,” Lebedev was sent into “honorable exile” in Washington as the official SVR representative to the US intelligence community [who no doubt courted him to switch to the Western side].

Media speculation on Lebedev has also focused on his “western” experience. Lebedev has worked only in Europe and the U.S., and thus his appointment may represent the end of the dominance of the “orientalists” in Russian intelligence [this hints at a possible predisposition to side with the “Atlantic Integrationists” against the “Eurasian Sovereigntists”]. The last three SVR chiefs — Leonid Shabarshin, Yevgenii Primakov, and Trubnikov — all worked in the Middle East and South Asia, and there is a tendency among both them and those they have promoted to view the “westerners” as having failed in their conduct of the Cold War. But this rise of the “westerners” does not necessarily mean that Russian intelligence will adopt a friendlier approach to the West.

Several other reasons, less widely publicized, suggest, however, that Lebedev’s promotion is likely to lead to a change: the lack of compatibility between the SVR and the emerging Russian national security community, the SVR’s split from the new political elite, and its growing irrelevance to Putin’s foreign-policy goals.

First, unlike the KGB’s domestic offspring, the SVR survived the tumultuous Yeltsin decade relatively unscathed. While in power, Yeltsin appointed almost as many chiefs of Russian domestic security agencies as did the Communists over 74 years. This high turnover, combined with constant reorganization, left those agencies in a state of confusion. The SVR, on the other hand, continued to function much as it had in the past, with few leadership changes and fewer reorganizations. Primakov served from 1991 to 1996, and when he was promoted to foreign minister four years ago, he secured the appointment of his close associate Trubnikov.

Moreover, the SVR’s political role increased dramatically after 1998 as an initiator as well as a tool of foreign policy, bringing it into conflict with the interests of the new political and economic elites. Last September, for example, Yeltsin publicly stated that the SVR plays a greater role in the formulation of Russian foreign policy than the Foreign Ministry or any other institution. The SVR played a key role in defining Russian positions on issues such as the transfer of nuclear technologies to Iran, NATO expansion, any modification of the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty.

The SVR also pushed the favorite notion of its “orientalists” — the doctrine of a multipolar world — into the forefront of Russian national security and military doctrines. And because it maintained its integrity, by the end of the Yeltsin presidency the SVR was one of the few reliable levers Yeltsin had for conducting foreign policy.

At the same time, the SVR was less sensitive to Yeltsin’s personal problems than to the country’s, which may prove to be the real reason for the change at the top now. It devoted a great deal of time toward neutralizing Western reaction to corruption and money-laundering reports, but it did much less to protect the Yeltsin family. That approach won the SVR support in the West but not in the Kremlin. Indeed, some in Yeltsin’s entourage began to suspect that Primakov proteges in the SVR were using their contacts with Western intelligence services to undermine Yeltsin by leaking information to those foreign agencies.

In February 1999, “Novye izvestiya” and “Moskovskaya pravda” published the so-called “Primakov list” of 162 people involved in international corruption. That list included virtually the entire political and economic elite of the country-except for Primakov, Putin, and former Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin. While the Chechen war has detracted Western attention from corruption, the latter remains a major issue of concern for many people in Moscow who might be charged with it. By naming a loyalist to head the SVR, Putin is thus sending a signal that the Russian intelligence services will do what he wants both to protect his friends and to go after his enemies.

So Lebedev’s overall history paints him as a man whose professional career faced difficulty at the hands of the “Orientalists”/”Eurasian Sovereigntists.” This includes “Eurasian Sovereigntist” Putin, who sent him out to pasture back in 2007 as the Executive Secretary to the CIS heads of state. How hard would it be, then, for the “Atlantic Integrationists” and “Neo-Communists” to recruit him to their side? And how hard would it be for him and his “Western” cohorts to schedule the CIS Prime Ministers’ meeting on the same day as Putin’s meeting with Lukashenko — a meeting that was scheduled on Border Guards Day before the airliner incident even happened?

There are a few other things of note about Lebedev that I found in an interview posted on the FAS website

In 1978 he graduated with distinction from the USSR Foreign Ministry
Diplomatic Academy. He speaks German and English.

He has had many foreign tours of duty — to the GDR, the FRG, West
Berlin, and the united Germany

[Rossiyskaya Gazeta] Does the fact that you spent a long time working
in Germany affect your contacts with your German partners?

[Lebedev] I have good contacts with my colleagues in the German
special services. Needless to say, my knowledge of the language and the
fact that I spent a long time working there do help.

[Rossiyskaya Gazeta] You have said, but no one believes it, that you
were not acquainted with Putin prior to your appointment.

[Lebedev] Let me assert once again that I only made his acquaintance
in 2000. I flew in from Washington 20 May and was introduced to the
president. He signed the edict on my appointment in my presence.

Lebedev’s strong connection to Germany is notable because it appears that the globalists are going to take us into a Nazi-Zionist NWO before we enter Putin’s NWO. And there is a good chance that Angela Merkel will be the leader of it. This assassination setup may have been part of the plot to clear the way for its rise.

It’s also notable that he tries to create the impression that he and Putin weren’t close before Putin made him the Director of the SVR. This would help explain why he ends up betraying Putin to Merkel’s Western Nazionist NWO.

NOTE: Reader Onnabugeisha suggests that the motive for the May 28 assassination setup may have been “to stop Putin from suggesting an alternative to the Western ‘Great Reset’ at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum this week.”

(29 May 2021) – Is the Moshiach ben Yosef about to fall?

A report is circulating through the Israeli press that a governing coalition has been formed to oust Netanyahu. Under the terms of the deal, Chabad-aligned Naftali Bennett will be prime minister for the next two years starting on June 8 (just 3 days before Biden’s war-starting summits in Europe begin).

Under Bennett, the IDF will not hesitate to invade Gaza and strike Iran so Chabad can trigger the invasion of Israel that will bring in their fake moshiach (messiah). The only question is whether they’ll bring in a fake “bad guy” moschiach before they bring in their fake “good guy” moshiach (Putin). I’ll cover this in more depth if the coalition gets formally announced.

Since this deal will hasten the deaths of a significant portion of the Israeli population, I would be doing all I can to stop it if I lived in Israel.

~ MORE ~

The Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist End Times Cult is one of the hands through which the Kabbalist banksters exercise their deep control over the world’s governments (other hands include the “intelligence/national security” agencies, the Freemasons and other mafia groups, and the globalist institutions like the CFR and UN). And today, I stumbled upon an example of the depth of their control over the United States: Jimmy Carter’s “Jared Kushner”

…from Good Reads. Here is a portion of the blurb about the book…

Stuart Eizenstat was at Jimmy Carter’s side from his political rise in Georgia through four years in the White House, where he served as Chief Domestic Policy Adviser. He was directly involved in all domestic and economic decisions as well as in many foreign policy ones. Famous for the legal pads he took to every meeting, he draws on more than 7500 pages of notes and 350 interviews of all the major figures of the time, to write the comprehensive history of an underappreciated president — and to give an intimate view on how the presidency works.

Eizenstat reveals the grueling negotiations behind Carter’s peace between Israel and Egypt, what led to the return of the Panama Canal, and how Carter made human rights a presidential imperative. He follows Carter’s passing of America’s first comprehensive energy policy, and his deregulation of the oil, gas, transportation, and communications industries. And he details the creation of the modern vice-presidency.

Stuart Eizenstat wasn’t just at Jimmy Carter’s side, though. He was also at the side of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the now-deceased leader of Chabad…

…from YouTube. The red arrows point at Eizenstat and the Rebbe.

Now look at a photo of Eizenstat with President Carter and ask yourself, “Who is the boss calling the shots, and who is the errand boy doing what he’s told?”

…from The New York Times

Speaking of real Chabad bosses and their presidential errand boys…

(27-28 May 2020) – Putin will be meeting with Belarusian president Lukashenko in Sochi tomorrow (May 28). Sochi is on the Russian Black Sea coast and offers far less security than Moscow, so it presents assassination plotters with both a softer target and a chance at getting a twofer: Putin AND Lukashenko. Also, today it was announced that Russia is sending more guards to the Ukrainian border. This move could lead to a post-assassination claim that Ukrainian and Western agents were sneaking across the border (to kill Putin).

~ MORE – 28 May 2021 ~

As I waited and watched for the meeting of Putin and Lukashenko today, more elements of the assassination setup came into view, including the likelihood that Russian prime minister Mikhail Mishustin was to be simultaneously hit in Belarus today. Tomorrow I’ll take you on a fascinating journey through The Assassinations That Weren’t.

(26 May 2021) – Here are the occult indicators reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered for tomorrow…

May 27 is Henry Kissinger’s birthday. Kissinger led the Rockefeller-funded study group that plotted the NWO Transition back in the late-50s. He has also had numerous interactions with Putin over the years, and their relationship is described as that of “old friends.” So as a birthday gift to the old goat, the globalists may wish to make a significant move towards the implementation of the NWO on Thursday.

May 27 is the day Sergei Shoigu, born 21 May 1955, turns 66 years and 6 days old (666), so it will be his “Satanic activation day.” Shoigu has played a big role in Russia’s operations in Ukraine. Also, he is the member of the Russian national security council who has the most in-person, intimate access to Vladimir Putin.

May 27 marks exactly 7 years and 70 days since Ukraine’s former territories of Crimea and Sevastopol were incorporated into the Russian Federation on 18 March 2014.

May 27 is the 66th day since Vladimir Putin’s 3/22, 3:30 PM phone call with European Council president Charles Michel. The two discussed Russia-EU relations. And in recent days, Charles Michel has been the one who pushed for EU retaliation against Belarus for the airliner incident (which Zero Hedge is claiming was staged by the West). Is he also pushing for retaliation against Putin for Ukraine?

May 27 marks exactly 40 weeks since the supposed poisoning of Putin opponent Alexei Navalny on 20 August 2020.


May 28 marks exactly 90 months and 11 days (9/11) since Navalny became the leader of his political party on 17 November 2013. His party is now called Russia of the Future.

So will the globalists narrate an attack on Putin on the 27th and his death on the 28th, opening the way for the West-oriented Russia of the future? Will Shoigu squeeze Ukraine on the 27th like the West is now squeezing Belarus, triggering an incident on the 28th? Or were the plans for May 27 contingent on what they failed to accomplish last week?

~ MORE ~

There are two other notes from Onnabugeisha that should be mentioned (just in case something is active tomorrow)…

May 27 is the anniversary of the World War II assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, the senior Nazi governor of occupied Bohemia and Moravia. The assassination op was run out of London and called Operation Anthropoid.

So another way to start the war in eastern Ukraine would be for the West to false flag the assassination of the Ukrainian president or the Ukrainian governor of either Donetsk Oblast or Luhansk Oblast. Governor of Donetsk Pavlo Kyrylenko looks like a good target.

After staging the assassination, the West could say that “killer” Putin ordered it in retaliation for the EU’s push against Belarus, and they could use it as an excuse to go for Putin’s assassination the next day.

The possibility that Putin could fall on Friday brings up the second thing of note: Sunday, May 30 is Pentecost on the Essene calendar [1, 2]. So if Putin is killed or disappeared on Friday, they could script his return as soon as Pentecost Sunday (“on the third day”), when he would “descend from heaven on a white horse leading the armies of heaven.” Alternatively, they could bring him back on or about 17 Tammuz (in June) or on Tisha B’Av (in July) — unless Shoigu turns out to be the savior.

(25 May 2021) – Tonight’s Super Blood Moon will be totally eclipsed starting at 11:11 UTC time (that’s 6:11 AM Texas time / 7:11 PM Beijing time) while it is over the South Pacific roughly equidistant between the US and China (see the eclipse map and animation on this page). So if the globalists have/had anything planned for the occasion, it would likely be a provocative act by China.

In the event a plan is active and goes forward, a military dustup between China and the US would almost certainly ignite Ukraine soon after. Xi and Putin likely have a pact to open a second front if either of them enters a conflict with the US.

(24-25 May 2021) – This week, especially on or about May 27, we need to keep our eyes on this guy…

…from The Spectator

Occult indicators point to his involvement in something big in the coming days. It could be related to the planned war in Ukraine, a resignation by Putin, or a coup against Putin. Of course, what’s planned for Putin this week may have been contingent on the things the globalists failed to execute last week (i.e., since they did not initiate the New England attack which was to be blamed on Putin, they may have no reason to depose him or have him resign this week).

Out of an abundance of caution, though, I’ll share some of the indicators in the next section.

~ MORE – 25 May 2021 ~

After spending yesterday looking through information on Sergei Shoigu, I’ve identified three ways the globalists can play him…

1) Have him play the role of Brutus (who betrayed his friend and benefactor Julius Caesar to death) / Judas (a member of Jesus’s 12 disciples who betrayed his master to death). As I’ve pointed out in a previous update, Russia’s national security council has 12 permanent members, and Dmitry Medvedev (a supposed “Atlantic Integrationist” friend of the West), Alexander Bortnikov (“Medvedev’s man”), and Sergei Shoigu are 3 of them. It can be narrated that Shoigu was a sleeper mole for the “Atlantic Integrationists” or “Neo-Communists” whose job was to get close to Putin and wait for the signal to strike.

2) Have him play the role of the leader who shepherds Russia through the aftermath of a decapitation strike on Moscow. Had the globalists gone through with the New England attack last week, it would have been cast as a decapitation strike on Biden orchestrated by Putin, which would have given an excuse for the US to use its secret nuclear strike system to even the score. And since Shoigu is an experienced disaster relief leader, he would rise to the occasion to…

  • (as a “bad guy”) lead Russia into the Western NWO,
  • (as a “good guy”) maintain Russia’s resistance to the West until Putin’s resurrection, or
  • play the role of the Moshiach ben David himself (I’m penciling him in as a dark horse candidate for the role).

3) Have him be the man a resigning Putin taps as Acting President (just like Yeltsin tapped Putin). Had the globalists gone through with the New England attack and the US threatened Russia with nuclear retaliation, Putin may have resigned to save Russia AND the US from destruction. And he would have tapped his trusted ally Shoigu as Acting President to watch his back for him — a duty “good guy” Shoigu would have performed or “bad guy” Shoigu would have betrayed.

I’ll add new material, starting with the occult cues, as we approach the big day.

(22 May 2021) – May 22nd has ended in Israel, so it’s time for some sangria. Let’s drink to the Kabbalists tonight; they almost pulled it off this time.

(21 May 2021) – The Israelis provoked the Palestinians on the Temple Mount again today on the eve of Sivan 11 (which just began in Israel). Sivan is the 9th month of the Jewish civil calendar, so Israel has now entered Jewish 9/11. Sivan 11 also corresponds this year to the Gregorian day of May 22, which is the anniversary of Trump’s visit to the Western Wall in 2017. And, of course, the globalists love to do flashy events on the 22nd day of the month.

Watch for a potential big event in Jerusalem during Sivan 11 / May 22.

(21 May 2021) – A funny thing happened on the way to Armageddon…

…I felt a great disturbance in the Force. It was as if a million Kabbalists squealed out like stuck pigs and then fell silent.

I’m sure you’ve heard that the Gaza ceasefire has taken effect and has held so far (though Israeli police on the Temple Mount today seem determined to reignite the war). This leaves us with a fleeting moment of calm to look back at the globalist campaign plan we just dodged this past week. It was a doozy.

On Friday, May 14, Homeland Security issued a “National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin”…


This was done to pre-blame “Domestic Violent Extremists” (Trumpers/Christians) and Russia, China and Iran (all specifically mentioned in the Bulletin) for the false-flag terror attacks to be conducted by Homeland Security this week.

On Saturday and Sunday, May 15-16, the press offered wall-to-wall coverage of a dangerously escalating exchange of fire between Israel and Hamas. These were the headlines atop Drudge and Zero Hedge on Sunday morning…

This was done to establish the reason for Israel’s planned invasion of Gaza during Shavuot (Monday or Tuesday).

On Wednesday, May 19 — the anniversary of New England’s Dark Day — Homeland Security and the CIA were to false flag “Iran’s retaliation for the Gaza invasion (and the death of Qasem Soleimani).” This would have involved a “domestic terror attack using a foreign government-provided WMD” on the US Coast Guard Academy commencement in Connecticut (killing Joe Biden) and a “Houthi” cruise and ballistic missile attack on Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US and Turkish military bases in Qatar.

These attacks would have led to “commie” Kamala Harris rising to the presidency and launching on Thursday, May 20 (the 1335th day since the “Revelation 12 star sign”) a Homeland Security roundup of Trumpers/Christians (the “Rapture”) and airstrikes on Iran. And a Thursday “assassination” of Ukraine’s president Zelensky would have provided the excuse to go to war in eastern Ukraine against Russia.

After Americans lived through three days of sudden war and Homeland Security round-ups, the “patriot-constitutionalist” elements of the military (including the US Space Force) were to intervene on Sunday the 23rd (Orthodox Pentecost and the day Saturn goes into retrograde).

All this being said, we dodged a bullet this week. Now we look forward to the next bullet.

(20 May 2020) – I’ve been informed that Brazilian president Jair Messias Bolsonaro, born 21 March 1955, turns 66 years and 60 days old today (666) [1+2]. So watch for him to fall like Trump or mass arrest the Brazilian Left soon. Will the Brazilian military be the first to move against the commies?

Donald Trump’s Antichrist Signature

In researching the coming days’ historical and numerological cues, reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out an anniversary that occurs on Saturday, May 22

…from NBC News

In past updates, we’ve observed how the Kabbalist prophecy propagandists referred to Trump as the reincarnation of Cyrus the Great, the only non-Jewish king who has ever been called a “messiah” by the Jews (though Trump may actually be a Crypto-Jew). And on 22 May 2017, HE STOOD IN THE HOLY PLACE, which is an action ascribed to the biblical antichrist. Since the antichrist is supposed to openly reign for 3.5 years, I decided to count ahead 3.5 years from that date to see what came up, and the results were quite interesting…

If you count forward 42 months on the 30-day-per-month prophetic calendar (which comes out to a total of 1260 days), you arrive at 2 November 2020. This was Donald Trump’s final day as president before the 3 November election, which he supposedly lost. So you can say that his reign lasted for 1260 days after he stood in the “holy place.” On December 3, he became a lame duck.

If you count forward 42 months on the Gregorian calendar, you arrive at 22 November 2020. This was attorney Sidney Powell’s final day on Trump’s post-election legal team. Rudy Giuliani kicked her off the team late that day…

…and Rudy’s action led to this bit of news the next day…

…from CNBC

So 22 November can also be viewed as the final day of Trump’s reign, because — as the globalist narrative would explain it — “he would have won his legal challenge of the election results and remained president if Rudy Giuliani hadn’t sabotaged him by kicking the one honest lawyer off the team. On 22 November Trump’s presidency was still alive, but as of 23 November it was dead.”

If you count forward 6 months from the day Trump became the “walking dead,” you arrive at 23 May 2020 (Sunday). And something very astrologically important (to people like the globalists who believe in such twaddle) happens on 23 May: the planet Saturn begins moving backwards in its orbit of the Sun (from the perspective of Earth)

Saturn retrograde 2021 begins on May 23 at 13° Aquarius and ends on October 10 at 6° Aquarius.

Saturn retrograde is generally a time of karmic rebalancing. Previous bad behavior could be punished. But hard work and responsibility could also be rewarded…

Saturn retrograde in transit is a regular cycle occurring just over every twelve months, lasting about 4½ months, and spanning 6 or 7 degrees of the zodiac. Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Retrograde motion is a time when karma is sorted out. Therefore, Saturn retrograde is a double dose of karma. Karma is a form of energy that is very real. Like Saturn, it is very closely bound to time. – from Astrology King

So will Sunday be the day “Putin’s good guys” or “Nazionists pretending to be good guys” start reversing the momentum of events and dishing out “karma” to the commies?

As for Donald Trump’s “antichrist signature,” they put that in because he IS an antichrist (according to the script). But the public probably won’t be told this until Act 2 of the End Times Show.

Thanks to the reader who gave me a heads-up on the astrology stuff, including the “Saturn-Uranus Square” that will coincide with Biden’s scheduled European summits next month. I’ll cover that later.

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If the military takes down the Biden administration and returns Trump to office, the rank-and-file Democrats will flip out. So to keep them calm and start turning them away from their Trump Hate, the globalists will likely trot out a living JFK Jr. to spin some BS. Candidate times for Jr.’s reappearance include this 3-day weekend (Fri-Sun), May 31/June 1, and July 16. I’ll explain why later.

(19 May 2021) – As it turns out, the nuclear attack I mentioned in yesterday’s update may have been an active possibility for today. Elements of the Prophecy Propaganda Corps have been talking about the “Rapture of the Church” tomorrow, which would manifest as Homeland Security arresting Christians in the aftermath of today’s “terror attacks” blamed on Russia, its allies, and Trumpers/Christians.

~ later ~

Get this: Biden is scheduled to be in the upper portion of the Eastern Seaboard today (in the region where New England’s Dark Day occurred)…

President Joe Biden will touch down briefly in Rhode Island on Wednesday morning en route to giving the keynote speech at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy’s 140th Commencement ceremony in New London, Connecticut

He’s slated to leave New London after the commencement around 2 p.m. and take off from Quonset for Joint Base Andrews at 2:55 p.m. – from The Providence Journal

See yesterday’s update for why that is/was significant.

~ MORE ~

Looking at the historical and numerological cues reader Onnabugeisha has compiled for tomorrow, May 20, there are possibilities that the globalists could script…

  • a very negative development for Xi Jinping and/or the Chinese Communist Party, and it could be related to Taiwan and/or Taiwan’s president,
  • a major negative event related to the US and Cuba,
  • the fall of Biden and the rise of Kamala Harris, and
  • the “assassination” of Ukraine’s Zelensky, to be blamed on Putin and proclaimed as an “act of war.”

I’ll cover the details if I see any indicators of movement towards these events.

The Kabbalists are currently maneuvering to sacrifice a large portion of Israel’s Jews to bring in their fake Messiah (Putin)…

…just like they sacrificed a large portion of Europe’s Jews to create Global Auschwitz (the state of Israel). Screenshot from YouTube

(18 May 2021) – 7 Sivan is now over in Israel, so today we’ll look at occult indicators for tomorrow, May 19. On that day, we’ll need to watch for a possible action from Egypt’s Sisi and/or Jordan’s Abdullah that will change the trajectory of the war. We also need to watch for a possible nuclear “terror” attack on the upper portion of the Eastern Seaboard tomorrow and for the death of Biden in the coming days. I’ll get into the details in the afternoon.

~ MORE ~

Now that we’ve pushed the Kabbalists out of Shavuot, we need to push them out of each day between now and Tisha B’Av. And we’ll start that process by looking at the occult indicators reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered for May 19. Given what’s going on in Gaza right now, two of them really stand out…

1) May 19 is the anniversary of the start of the Turkish War of Independence…

The Turkish War of Independence (19 May 1919 – 24 July 1923) was a series of military campaigns waged by the Turkish National Movement after parts of the Ottoman Empire were occupied and partitioned following its defeat in World War I. The campaigns were directed against Greece in the west, Armenia in the east, France in the south, royalists and separatists in various cities, and Britain and Italy in Constantinople (now Istanbul). Simultaneously, the Turkish nationalist movement carried out massacres and deportations in order to eliminate native Christian populations — a continuation of the Armenian Genocide and other ethnic cleansing operations during World War I. These campaigns resulted in the creation of the Republic of Turkey. – from Wikipedia

So tomorrow is a day when military action by Erdogan (either overt or covert) can be scripted.

2) May 19 is the day Egyptian president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi will turn exactly 66 years and 6 months old (666). We’ve seen these 666s popping up with a number of world leaders this year, and within the globalist narrative, it represents their “Satanic activation.”

So tomorrow is a day when “evil action” by Sisi (either overt or covert) can be scripted. This possibility is particularly notable given where he’s been the last two days…

…from the Egypt Independent

Within the globalist “End Times” script, Macron is a Rothschild lackey and a member of the evil “Satanic Global Deep State” (“which wants to destroy Israel”), so it’s quite interesting that Sisi has been in Paris plotting with him on the Israel situation…

…from France24 (top) and Roya News (bottom)

Included in the plotting were Jordan’s King Abdullah II and another member of the “Satanic Global Deep State,” Angela Merkel.

So tomorrow there is the potential for some form of action against Israel that could include Egypt (to Israel’s south), Jordan (to Israel’s east), and Turkey (to Israel’s north). These three nations are key to the Kabbalist-planned invasion of Israel (from all directions).

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Continuing on with Onnabugeisha’s findings for tomorrow…

> May 19 is the day Buddha’s birthday is celebrated this year…

…from Google

In the “classic version” of the globalists’ “End Times” script, Xi Jinping is playing the character of “Maitreya Buddha,” the future Buddha featured in Buddhist eschatology. According to the Act 1 storyline, he incarnated on Earth (as Xi) before the End of the Age to stop the forces of evil from destroying the world with nuclear weapons (and bioweapons, apparently). In Act 2, he will be revealed as one of the antichrists who helped the main Antichrist, Putin, take control of the world.

So tomorrow is a day when significant news concerning Xi can be scripted.

> May 19 is the anniversary of New England’s Dark Day…

1780: In the midst of the Revolutionary War, darkness descends on New England at midday. Many people think Judgment Day is at hand. It will be remembered as New England’s Dark Day – from Wired

New England’s Dark Day occurred on May 19, 1780, when an unusual darkening of the daytime sky was observed over the New England states and parts of Canada. The primary cause of the event is believed to have been a combination of smoke from forest fires, a thick fog, and cloud cover. The darkness was so complete that candles were required from noon on. It did not disperse until the middle of the next night. – from Wikipedia

In May of that year, during a crucial time in the American Revolution, the skies over New England darkened, and no one knew why… notice of the darkness was taken as far south as northern New Jersey and New York City coastal waters, as far north as Portland, Maine and west into the Hudson Valley… – from Highway for the Remnant


> May 19 is the 11 year, 1 month, 11 day mark since the signing of the New START  (a nuclear weapons treaty) by Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev (both are “bad guys” within the script).

So tomorrow is a day when a nuclear attack on the upper Eastern Seaboard can be scripted. Whether or not the current version of the script calls for such a strike at this particular time, I can’t say. But it merits mentioning out of an abundance of caution.

As for the potential death of Biden I mentioned, I have observed prophecy propagandists bringing it up in relation to the brewing military insurrection against the “commie” Western governments. Biden’s fall would lead to “commie” Harris’s rise to the presidency, which could be scripted as the event that finally spurs the “patriots and constitutionalists” to take down the government. The takedown of the Western governments by the Western militaries can lead into either the “Putin as Savior” outcome or the “Nazionists Pose as Saviors” outcome. It all depends on what year the globalists want to start Putin’s seven-year clock.

(17 May 2021) – Night has now fallen in Israel, and the Hebrew day of 7 Sivan has begun. 7 Sivan will provide the Kabbalists with a second opportunity to launch the ground invasion of Gaza.

In Israel, Shavuot is celebrated for one day on 6 Sivan (sunset of May 16 to sunset of May 17 this year). But outside of Israel among the diaspora, it is celebrated for two days on 6 and 7 Sivan (sunset of May 16 to sunset of May 18). So if the Kabbalists trigger the invasion on 7 Sivan, it will still occur during the worldwide celebration of Shavuot, and they can still measure out 40 days till Erdogan’s arrival in Jerusalem on 17 Tammuz (sunset of June 26 to sunset of June 27). It would be said that “they waited until Shavuot was over [in Israel] to launch the invasion.”

Also, someone has pointed out another reason why the numerology-obsessed Kabbalists want to do something big this Shavuot…


If you are in Israel, I advise you to contact whomever you can contact, pull whatever strings you can pull, and make whatever threats you need to make to get the government (and the Kabbalist as*holes running it) to back off and declare a ceasefire. If Israel invades Gaza, Israel will be crushed and the Israeli people will go into captivity. It is part of the script (as revealed by Kabbalist propagandist Joel Richardson).

(Twice-Expanded Note – 16 May 2021) – It may turn out that the Counting of the Omer was a countdown to the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Today at sunset (in Israel), Shavuot begins at the start of the Hebrew day of 6 Sivan…

On the 6th Sivan of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE), seven weeks after the Exodus, G-d revealed Himself on Mount Sinai. The entire people of Israel (600,000 heads of households and their families), as well as the souls of all future generations of Jews, heard G-d declare the first two of the Ten Commandments and witnessed G-d’s communication of the other eight through Moses. Following the revelation, Moses ascended the mountain for 40 days, to receive the remainder of the Torah from G-d. – from

According to Jewish history, 6 Sivan is the day “G-d” gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites, so it is likely to be the day that the state of Israel breaks a number of those commandments by invading Gaza.

If the globalists were running an Old Testament Hebrew script, slaughtering the Palestinians and taking their land would be perfectly acceptable. But the globalists are running a New Testament Christian script, so “God” will punish Israel for their sins 40 days after the invasion on 17 Tammuz, which is the day…

  • Moses came down from Mount Sinai (after 40 days) and broke the tablets of the Ten Commandments upon seeing Israel’s sin, and
  • the walls of Jerusalem were breached by Vespasian’s (Roman) forces.

17 Tammuz — sunset of June 26 to sunset of June 27 — will be the day Erdogan’s forces reach Jerusalem (according to the script as it exists at this moment). And to mark out exactly 40 days between the Israeli invasion of Gaza and the Turkish invasion of Jerusalem, the Kabbalists will likely schedule the Gaza invasion for o dark thirty May 17 and the Jerusalem invasion between sunset and midnight on June 26.

Another indication of Erdogan’s taking of Jerusalem in June is the 42-month (prophetic) time span between the OIC Summit in December of 2017 (at which Jerusalem was declared the capital of Palestine) and June of 2021. You can read about that in the 12 May update further down the page.

By the way, if you are a Muslim and consider Israel your enemy, do not delight in the prospect of their imminent destruction. If the Kabbalists succeed in triggering the (momentary) fall of Israel, the clock starts ticking towards the Kabbalist slaughter of all Muslims (which comes later in the script). Israel’s fall is the doorway to the fall of Islam.

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If the globalists intend to stage Putin’s savior act this year, they may have him make his move as soon as Erdogan reaches Jerusalem or as late as Tisha B’Av (sunset of July 17 to sunset of July 18). And if they follow the Triumphal Procession script presented by Joel Richardson, here’s how things may play out…

Putin and his “UFOs” will arrive when the Israel Defense Forces have fallen back to their last line of defense and are near annihilation. He’ll then do his silly procession from Saudi Arabia to Jordan to Jerusalem — possibly recovering the lost Tabernacle of Moses and the Ark of the Covenant along the way. Upon his arrival in Jerusalem on Tisha B’Av — a day known for great tragedies in Jewish history — he’ll defeat Erdogan and erect the Tabernacle on the Temple Mount, thereby turning “the saddest day in the Jewish calendar” to “the most joyous day in the Jewish calendar.”

It’s a very Spielbergian, “Raiders of the Lost Ark”-like script. And acting it out isn’t worth a single human life, much less millions. You can listen to Richardson present it here: Part 1, Part 2.

~ MORE ~

If anyone other than Putin shows up with “UFO” support to stop the coming war, it will be the “Nazi-Zionist Faction of the Global Deep State” (the “Nazionists”). Within their make-believe narrative, the globalists have had the “Deep State” (which is a propaganda construct) divide into competing factions: the communists versus the Nazionists. And the Nazionists supposedly have UFO technology given to them by aliens (“evil ones”).

So the globalists may script the Nazionists to step in, end the war, and present a false messiah. Likely candidates for the False Nazionist Messiah include Mike Pence, Jared Kushner, and Angela Merkel, but even Donald Trump or Benjamin Netanyahu (who are currently “good guys” in the script) could be cast for the role. Since this scenario would involve the Nazionists arresting the “Communist Deep State,” their arrival would at first appear as “a victory of the good guys,” but they will take us into the evil, Western-version NWO (until Putin and the “good aliens” intervene in a few years to save us).

Just today, preparatory propaganda for this Nazionist scenario hit the news…

…from CNN

The US Secret Space Program / Space Force is supposedly run by the “Fourth Reich Nazis,” so having one of their commanders publicly speak out against the communists foreshadows the coming Nazionist move against them. You may have also heard other stories in the news about the “security threat” posed by “rogue, far-right” elements of the German, French, and US militaries. This is also preparatory propaganda for the Nazionist move against the Leftists.

The Current Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is a Setup for
Attacking Iran

(Thrice-Expanded Note – 13-15 May 2021) – In my next update, we’ll look at a strong indicator that Erdogan is about to do to Iran what he did to Syria. And what’s going on in Israel right now could be part of the setup for that: 1) Israel instigates a conflict with the Palestinians and invades Gaza; 2) Israel & Saudi Arabia false-flag a “Houthi” cruise missile attack on Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US and Turkish military bases in Qatar, which gets blamed on “Iranian retaliation for Gaza”; 3) Biden “is forced to respond” to the false flag by attacking Iran in conjunction with Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and their allies.

~ MORE – 14 May 2021 ~

If you’re a longtime reader, you may recall my coverage of the Nagorno-Karabakh War late last year. Israel and Turkey were jointly assisting Azerbaijan in attacking Armenian lands, and they were “accidentally” lobbing artillery shells into Iranian territory in order to goad the Iranians into attacking Azerbaijani troops. Their strategy in doing this was to incite rebellion among the ethnic Azeris in northwest Iran, then militarily “intervene” to protect their “Azeri brothers” from the Iranian government’s response.

They failed in that setup, which is why we’re seeing the second setup take place in Israel right now. The Turks and Israelis intentionally started the current Palestinian conflict in order to create a plausible reason “for Iran to attack Israel in defense of their Hamas allies.” And now the Turks, Israelis, and Saudis will false flag such an Iranian attack so they can retaliate and destroy Iran.

This is all about attacking Iran. And once they do so, the “Deep State” will false flag attacks against Europe and America too.

I have many more details to add, and I’ll push them out as soon as I can.

~ MORE – 15 May 2021 ~

Here’s another indicator that Iran is the target: they’re heating up the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict again by having the Azerbaijanis seize Sev Lake in Armenia…

…from Bloomberg (top) and eurasianet (bottom)

Of course, Iran isn’t the only target; all Russian allies in the region will be hit after the false-flag. This includes Christian Armenia, Assad and Hezbollah in Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. We’ll see Turkish forces push south into Syria and Lebanon while Israeli forces push north. And once the Turkish and Israeli forces meet, the globalists can script both armies stopping at a predetermined line or fighting each other, depending on how soon they want Putin to do his savior act.

If they intend to bring in Putin’s NWO a few years from now, the forces will link-up and establish a border between Turkey-controlled North Syria / North Lebanon and Israel-controlled South Syria / South Lebanon. This will set them both in position for a later war against each other. But if Putin’s NWO is intended to start this year, the Turks will attack the Israelis, push them back into Israel, and seize Jerusalem.

Whichever way the war goes, watch for New York to get nuked as part of the false-flag operations. As I mentioned in a previous update, the G20 are having their meetings in Rome this year, and the UN will join them there after New York is hit. Regardless of whether the G7 NWO or BRICS NWO is launched this year, the globalist scriptwriters want it to be viewed as the “Global Roman Empire,” so the founding meeting of world leaders will be held in Rome. And should this gathering in Rome be oriented towards establishing the G7 NWO, it’s possible that it will come under attack from a returning Putin and his “secret allies.” Again, it all depends on when the globalists want Putin’s NWO to start.

Beware of Turks Bearing Trade Agreements

Beside the 42-month prophecy period we looked at in the 12 May update, 7-year prophecy periods are also prominently featured in biblical eschatology, particularly in relation to a 7-year Tribulation period and a 7-year covenant made by the Antichrist “with many.” And since there are a number of “antichrists” (including Erdogan) working with the main “Antichrist” (Putin) within the globalist stageplay, multiple 3.5 and 7 year time periods may be featured in the storyline.

That being said, let’s go on a journey back to the year 2004 — a time when life was easier and I was still getting some. On December 22 of that year, Recep Tayyip Erdogan entered into a trade-based peace covenant with Syria’s Bashar Assad

…from Arab News. Here is an excerpt…

Turkey and Syria yesterday signed a free trade agreement to bolster bilateral economic ties and exchanged views on the situation in their common neighbor, Iraq.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan flew to Damascus on a two-day visit aimed at cementing improved ties between the two countries.

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad made a landmark visit to Turkey in January to bury the hatchet after years of tension and disputes over land and water resources.

As “fate” would have it, that peace covenant ended 7 years later in December of 2011 when Turkey intervened in the “Syrian Civil War” on the side of the “rebels”…

…from Wikipedia (top) and (middle/bottom)

Now let’s move forward in time to the year 2014. On June 9 of that year, Recep Tayyip Erdogan entered into a trade-based peace covenant with Iran’s Hassan Rouhani

…Here is an excerpt from the article (along with excerpts from other articles on the meeting)…

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is meeting with Turkish officials, including Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the first official Iranian presidential visit to Turkey since 1996

Rouhani is expected to sign agreements with Turkey aimed at improving ties that have been strained over the war in Syria, where Iran backs the government and Turkey the rebels… – from Taiwan News

Iran’s president begins a landmark trip to Turkey on Monday as the two countries try to build trade ties despite an often fraught competition for regional influence and deep differences over the Syrian war…

The two sides have had a complex and often dysfunctional relationship, which has taken an especially bitter turn in recent years as a result of increasing competition between Sunni and Shiite Muslim powers across the region.

This has become more pronounced following the onset of the Syrian war, in which the two have found themselves on opposite sides.

Iran, a Shiite theocracy, is the chief backer of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while Sunni-majority Turkey has moved from trying to encourage reform in Syria to overtly supporting the armed opposition.

The two also compete for influence in Iraq, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Even on areas where they might be thought to cooperate – such as Kurdish separatism – they have often sought to undermine each other.

Both Turkey and Iran face a threat from Kurdish rebels who wish to break away and form their own country.

But instead of cooperating, the two governments have sponsored rebels in the others’ backyard over the years

On a visit to Tehran in January, Erdogan said the two countries were aiming to more than double trade to $30 billion (22 billion euro) by 2015. – from the Middle East Eye

“We have decided to improve relations in gas, oil and electricity, even though there are some snags,” Rouhani said at a joint press conference in the Turkish capital late yesterday, describing the talks as a “turning point” in relations. – from Bloomberg (cached)

So Erdogan’s covenant with the Iranians will reach its 7th Anniversary this year on June 9. And given that he betrayed Assad 17 days prior to their 7th anniversary, his betrayal of Iran may be scheduled for May 22-23. This affords the globalists a week to trigger Israel’s invasion of Gaza and carry out the follow-on false flags in the Middle East (the “Houthi” missile attack) and the US-Europe (Operation Blackjoke).

Before I cover more details surrounding Erdogan’s 7-year peace covenants with Assad and Rouhani, let me jump ahead to another 7-year antichrist peace covenant that will expire just a day before Erdogan’s: Pope Francis’s prayer-based peace covenant between the Israelis and Palestinians

…from Al Arabiya (top) and the BBC (bottom)

As you can see, Pope Francis hosted a Peace Prayer Summit at the Vatican with Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday, 8 June 2014. So this covenant will reach its 7th anniversary this year on June 8. And something I ran across in the middle of the Drudge Report today hints at the event the globalists have planned for the occasion…

Upon looking into Emperor Nero, his death date caught my attention…

…from Wikipedia. And here is another notable element of his bio…

In 66, there was a Jewish revolt in Judea stemming from Greek and Jewish religious tension. In 67, Nero dispatched Vespasian to restore order. This revolt was eventually put down in 70, after Nero’s death. This revolt is famous for Romans breaching the walls of Jerusalem and destroying the Second Temple of Jerusalem.

So for the sake of symmetry, will the Kabbalists script the fall of another evil Roman emperor before the Jewish Temple is rebuilt? And if so, which one?…

  • the “False Prophet” Pope Francis who has set Religious Rome (the Catholic Church) on fire, or
  • the decoy Antichrist Obama who has set Political Rome (the US) on fire?

And will the designated victim fall at the hands of the very Islamists he embraced?

(10-12 May 2021) – Let’s explore the agenda behind the fireworks…

…from Tuesday’s Drudge Report

(10 May 2021) – Upon looking through the historical and numerological cues and press reports surrounding the unfolding situation in Jerusalem, it appears that the globalists are about to launch the “Palestinian Independence Intifada” — an uprising that will lead to violence not only in Israel, but also in Europe and the US, eventually leading to an invasion of Israel. We’ll look at the setup tomorrow.

~ MORE – 11 May 2021 ~

At the moment, events are moving faster than I am, so let me cut to the chase and show you the occult Israel war schedule reader Onnabugeisha and I have uncovered…

The New Moon began on May 11, so Israel have entered the Hebrew month of Sivan. As of this writing they are in 1 Sivan, which started at sunset on Tuesday…

On the 1st of Sivan of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE), six weeks after their exodus from Egypt, the Children of Israel arrived at Mount Sinai in the Sinai Desert and camped at the foot of the mountain “as one man, with one heart” in preparation for the receiving of the Torah from G-d. On this day, however “Moses did not say anything to them, because of their exhaustion from the journey.” – from

The Israelis received the Torah five days later…

On the 6th Sivan of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE), seven weeks after the Exodus, G-d revealed Himself on Mount Sinai. The entire people of Israel (600,000 heads of households and their families), as well as the souls of all future generations of Jews, heard G-d declare the first two of the Ten Commandments and witnessed G-d’s communication of the other eight through Moses. Following the revelation, Moses ascended the mountain for 40 days, to receive the remainder of the Torah from G-d. – from

So if the globalists intend to have Putin come down from heaven to Mount Sinai on Shavuot this year, they have five days to take the world to the brink of nuclear war. And this brings us back to Wednesday, May 12 (the Gregorian equivalent to 1 Sivan)…

All this makes May 12 a perfect day for the “Russian Deep State” (the “Atlantic Integrationists” and “Neo-Communists”) to make a move on Putin on behalf of the West (who would be “taking revenge for Putin’s theft of Donetsk and Luhansk”). And if you combine this with the May 13 and May 14 Christian ascension days we looked at in the 6 May update, we have three candidate days for Putin’s death or disappearance. Putin’s fall on any of those three days would allow him to return at Mount Sinai on 6 Sivan to play Moshiach.

In the next section, we’ll look past the Putin-Sinai Scenario at some other dates of note for other scenarios, starting with the Palestinian Independence Intifada…

~ MORE – 12 May 2021 ~

What clued me in to the planned Palestinian Independence Intifada was the eruption of Temple Mount violence so close to Israel’s Independence Day, which is May 14. Realizing that a Palestinian war of independence would drag on for a long time and drag other nations into the fight — which is perfect for the Kabbalists’ purposes — I decided to see if they were pushing the word “intifada” in the press. They were…

…from Al Arabiya

The confirmation that it would be an Independence Intifada comes from historical and numerological cues and a curious thing I ran across in an RT report: ‘Israel is not a country, but a terrorist camp,’ Iran’s leader Khamenei says. Here is the curious part…

Khamenei made his comments on the so-called Quds Day, an annual day designated by Iran to mark support for the Palestinian independence movement.

If you look through the Wikipedia page on Quds Day, it says…

Quds Day (Jerusalem Day; Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem), officially called International Quds Day, is an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan that was initiated by the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 to express support for the Palestinians and oppose Zionism and Israel.

Nowhere in the Wikipedia entry is Palestinian independence mentioned, yet the RT article specifically mentioned it. Curious. Also of note is the fact that the violence erupted after nightfall on Quds Day (last Friday), which makes the following article all the more interesting…

…from the Tehran Times

So it appears that the violence was orchestrated: the “Palestinian youths” were told to make trouble, and the Israeli police were told to “go rough” (as if either group needed much encouragement). And the first candidate day for the launch of the Independence Intifada is Friday, May 14, the 73rd (Gregorian) anniversary of Israel’s Independence Day.

Should the globalists opt for that day, watch for a potential massacre of Palestinians on May 13. An Arab massacre of a Jewish kibbutz occurred on the day before Israel declared independence. Although the killings had no bearing on Israel’s declaration, a Thursday massacre of Palestinians definitely would contribute to a Friday start of the Independence Intifada.

In the afternoon, we’ll look at some other candidate dates, two of which involve the Dajjal (Erdogan) and one of which involves the PLO’s Declaration of Independence in 1988.

~ MORE ~

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is playing the role of the evil Dajjal character in the globalist prophecy script, and he has been funding and organizing the Palestinian “resistance”…

…from (archived)here is another article on the subject

Back on December 13, 2017, the Dajjal brought the Organization of Islamic Cooperation together in Istanbul to declare Jerusalem the capital of the Palestinian state…

…from the Daily Sabah

And if you count forward three years and six months from that meeting — which is a standard 42-month Bible prophecy period — you arrive at two dates, depending on what calendar you use…

  1. If you use the 30-day per month prophetic calendar, 42 months comes out to 1260 days, and we arrive at the 1260th day since the Summit on May 26. May 26 is also the day a “Super Blood Moon” occurs, which makes it a day quite favorable for globalist mischief.
  2. If you use the Gregorian calendar, we arrive at 3.5 years since the Summit on June 13, which falls during the Biden summits in Europe next month (June 11-15?). The three summits (G7, NATO, and US-EU) constitute a meeting of the G7 leadership of the “Satanic Global Deep State” and are the gateway to World War 3.

So we could see significant actions vis-a-vis Jerusalem, the Palestinians, and Israel scripted for May 26 and June 13.

It should also be noted that the Palestinians have already declared independence…

In the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)’s Palestinian Declaration of Independence of 1988, Jerusalem is stated to be the capital of the State of Palestine. In 2000, the Palestinian Authority passed a law proclaiming Jerusalem as its capital, and in October 2002, this law was approved by chairman Yasser Arafat. Since that time Israel has shut down all offices and NGO organisations connected to the PLO in East Jerusalem, saying that the Oslo Accords do not permit the Palestinian National Authority to operate in Jerusalem. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) recognised East Jerusalem as capital of the State of Palestine on 13 December 2017. – from Wikipedia

The Palestinian Declaration of Independence is a statement written by the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish and proclaimed by Yasser Arafat on 15 November 1988 (5 Rabi’ al-Thani 1409) in Algiers. – from Wikipedia

So 15 November 1988 was the day the Palestinians declared independence, and we reach the 11,900th day (9/11) since that declaration on June 15, which is the likely day of the Biden-EU Summit. This makes June 15 another scriptable mischief day.

WARNING (9 May 2021) – We need to keep our eyes on the Temple Mount violence in Jerusalem. As reader Onnabugeisha pointed out to me — before it happened — the Hebrew day of Iyar 26, which began Friday after sunset, was the Hebrew anniversary of the Six-Day War (the war that resulted in Israel gaining control of the Gaza Strip and West Bank). Since the violence started on Friday night, it was likely scheduled to coincide with that anniversary.

The Six-Day War started with preemptive Israeli attacks, so who attacked preemptively this time, Israel (through the police) or Turkey (through the Palestinian youths)? Erdogan is now calling for Islamic countries to “take effective action” against Israel.

Keep an eye out for a potential war-starting false flag (the 11th is always a risky day) if it hasn’t happened already.

~ MORE ~

When I’ve monitored the “Palestinian uprising on the Temple Mount” scenario in recent years, it always seemed to be aimed at having Palestinian militants occupy Al Aqsa Mosque to either…

  • start a firefight so Israel will destroy the Mosque with return fire, or
  • blow up the Mosque themselves so Israel can be blamed.

This destruction of the Mosque would then trigger the war.

But it’s also possible that the current violence isn’t meant to trigger immediate war, but to get the ball rolling towards an invasion of Israel to be scheduled later. Eventually, Erdogan (or his successor) WILL invade Israel — it is a major feature of the Act One script. The only question is if it will happen this year or a few years from now after a NATO/Turkish defeat of Iran.

(8 May 2021) – With the triumph of the G7 Beast from the Sea fast approaching, it’s important to note that the Chinese Communist Party is being set up to fall along with Xi…

…from the Daily Mail (top) and (bottom) [Remember that Stephen Bannon is a Catholic]

So the coming victory of the “Satanic” G7 will not only be a triumph of the “Global Deep State” over “good guys” Putin and Xi, but it will also be “a victory of the fascist (Nazionist) faction of the Deep State over the communist faction of the Deep State.” Since the controlled alt-media have narrated that the US Secret Space Program / Space Force is controlled by the “Fourth Reich” Military-Industrial Complex, it makes sense that they’ll be scripted to win the war. And this means the first fake ETs we may see are the ones who supposedly backed the Nazis in World War II.

This raises an obvious question: If the Nazis take control of the world after the coming war, who will take the helm of the “evil, fascist” New World Order?

Right now, I’m thinking it might be “Hitler’s daughter,” Angela Merkel…

…from USA Today (bottom)

Angela Dorothea Merkel (née Kasner; born 17 July 1954) is a German politician serving as the chancellor of Germany since 2005. She served as leader of the Opposition from 2002 to 2005 and as leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 2000 to 2018. A member of the Christian Democratic Union, Merkel is the first female chancellor of Germany. Merkel has been widely described as the de facto leader of the European Union, the most powerful woman in the world and by many commentators since 2016 as the “leader of the free world”. – from Wikipedia

(7 May 2021) – Will the Beast from the Sea Defeat Putin and Xi, or will “god” intervene?

With the Beast’s head wound now healed, it’s ready for war…

…”I’m feeling much better now.”

The G7 foreign ministers met in person in London on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and their focus was on Putin and Xi…

…from Reuters

This is because we’ve reached the part of the script where the “bad guys,” having just completed their first victory over a member of the “Trump-Putin-Xi Triumvirate for Good,” are setting their attention on defeating the remaining members. And with the G-7’s in-person leaders’ summit on June 11-13, they’re aiming to “renew the transatlantic alliance” and promptly go to war to take down Putin and Xi (which is why you’re seeing NATO and their allies positioning forces near Russia and China).

The Bible prophecies from which the globalists derive their script suggest that the G7 will succeed. Here are some things I wrote about the G7 in previous years…

It is important to note that since there are two phases to the “End Times” show, the Antichrist Phase (Phase 1, in which “Satan attempts to steal Christ’s throne”) and the Christ Phase (Phase 2, in which “the real Jesus shows up to stop Satan”), the globalists will artificially fulfill Biblical prophecy TWICE. And this means there are two actors cast for every role…

The role of the seven-headed, ten-horned “Beast out of the Sea” (the Revived Roman Empire) from Revelation is played by…
the G7 in Phase 1, and by the “reformed” UN/NWO in Phase 2. – from The “End Times” Deception

The Beast of Revelation has seven heads, and upon those seven heads are ten horns, each with a crown. Now if we look at the G7, it consists of seven nations (the heads), and it has ten leaders (the horns with crowns). Those leaders are the 7 political heads of the member nations plus the 2 political heads of the EU…

…from Wikipedia

That makes 9 horns. So who is the tenth, you ask? It is the religious head of the G7, the Pope, who hails from the Vatican, a sovereign city-state at the very heart of a G7 member state. This makes Pope Francis the “Hidden Horn”… – from the 6 July 2017 update

With this in mind, let’s have a look at what Revelation 13 says about the “Beast out of the Sea”…

1 Then I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the sea. There were ten royal crowns on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. 2 The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

3 One of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded. But the mortal wound was healed, and the whole world marveled and followed the beast. 4 They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?”

5 The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months. 6 And the beast opened its mouth to speak blasphemies against God and to slander His name and His tabernacle — those who dwell in heaven.

7 Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. 8 And all who dwell on the earth will worship the beast — all whose names have not been written from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life belonging to the Lamb who was slain.

9 He who has an ear, let him hear:

10 “If anyone is destined for captivity,
into captivity he will go;
if anyone is to die by the sword,
by the sword he must be killed.”

Here is a call for the perseverance and faith of the saints.

According to the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, one of the heads of the Beast (the US presidency) was mortally wounded when Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, but the wound was healed with the stealing of the 2020 election. And now the Beast is ready to make war against Putin and Xi, and will defeat them both this year (unless the globalists script-in “divine intervention”).

Since the Beast will have “authority to act for 42 months [3.5 years],” its defeat will come sometime between December of 2024 (counting from June) and April of 2025 (counting from October). This would bring Putin back with his Revelation 19 army just in time for Passover 2025 and to fit Tom Horn’s latest prophecy propaganda

NOTE: The start of Biden’s European summits on June 11 not only coincides with Orthodox Ascension Day, but they could also mark the end of two “7-year antichrist peace covenants”: the June 2014 Erdogan-Rouhani (Turkey-Iran) peace covenant and Pope Francis’s June 2014 prayer covenant between the Israelis and Palestinians.

(5-6 May 2021) – Will our lord Putin Christ ascend this week?…

Reader Onnabugeisha informs me that the Messianic Jewish holiday of Mem B’Omer — the day they celebrate Jesus’s ascension into heaven — is on 25 Iyar, which spans from sunset of May 6 to sunset of May 7. This day presents a golden opportunity for the globalists to script the fall or disappearance of Vladimir Putin.

What’s particular notable about this possibility is that US Secretary of State Blinken is in Kiev scheming with the Ukrainian government tonight after having schemed with the other foreign ministers of the G7 during their just-concluded meeting in England.

So watch for a potential move on Putin during May 6-7 (Moscow time). Details to follow…

~ MORE ~

In Christian belief…

  • Jesus was resurrected from the dead on Easter, and
  • he ascended into heaven 40 days after Easter (Ascension Day), and
  • the Holy Spirit descended on his followers 50 days after Easter (Pentecost).

In Messianic Jewish belief…

  • Easter occurred on Passover, so
  • Jesus ascended into heaven on the 40th day of the Omer count (Mem B’Omer), and
  • the Holy Spirit descended from heaven on Shavuot

Here is a write-up from a Messianic website…

…from Hebrew for Christians

If you are unfamiliar with Messianic Judaism — not to be confused with Jewish Messianism — it is a sect of “Jesus-believing Jews” that emerged in recent decades likely due to Kabbalist religious engineering. They merge Jewish and Christian concepts, which makes their belief system ideal for use by the Kabbalists in presenting Vladimir Putin as both the Jewish and Christian messiah.

As Onnabugeisha pointed out, following the Messianic Jewish version of the Easter-through-Pentecost timeframe would allow the Kabbalists to sync both the Jewish and Christian events to end on Shavuot. This means they could script Putin ascending into heaven on Mem B’Omer, then descending from heaven with his Revelation 19 army on Pentecost/Shavuot. They could then stage his Triumphal Procession from Mount Sinai to Mount Zion in accordance with the prophecy propaganda put out by globalist Joel Richardson

~ MORE – 6 May 2021 ~

Adding Messianic Jewish Easter to the mix, we now have three Easters, three Ascension days, and three Pentecosts to watch…

Messianic Jewish Easter = March 28
Messianic Jewish Ascension (March 28 + 40 days) = May 7 (Mem B’Omer)
Messianic Jewish Pentecost (March 28 + 50 days) = May 17 (Shavuot)
Watch Days: May 6-7 (Putin’s Ascension), May 16-18 (Putin’s Return)

Western Christian Easter = April 4
Western Christian Ascension (April 4 + 40 days) = May 14 (celebrated on May 13)
Western Christian Pentecost (April 4 + 50 days) = May 24 (celebrated on May 23)
Watch Days: May 13-14 (Putin’s Ascension), May 23-24 (Putin’s Return)

Eastern Orthodox Christian Easter = May 2
Eastern Orthodox Christian Ascension (May 2 + 40 days) = June 11 (celebrated on June 10)
Eastern Orthodox Christian Pentecost (May 2 + 50 days) = June 21 (celebrated on June 20)
Watch Days: June 10-11 (Putin’s Ascension), June 20-21 (Putin’s Return)

Given that Putin is both secretly Jewish and publicly Orthodox Christian, the Kabbalists are more likely to choose the Messianic or Orthodox dates for their script. It is therefore quite interesting that the globalists chose to…

(4 May 2021) – I’ve cancelled the war alert for now. After trying to track down the location of the HMS Queen Elizabeth strike group, it appears that they’re headed for a pre-deployment exercise off Scotland for the next two weeks.

Before I ran across the military exercises, I was tracking a scenario in which June summits would lead to July conflicts. The QE strike group might be in position by then.

(2-3 May 2021) – Here we go again…

…from Al Jazeera. Here is an excerpt (with an added map)…

The exercise, running from May 11 to 17, will be the first large-scale exercise in Japan involving ground troops from all three countries, the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) said in a statement on Friday…

The joint drills will be held at the JGSDF’s Kirishima training ground and Camp Ainoura in the Kyushu region and include amphibious operation exercises

…from Google Maps

Today I took a look at the positioning of military forces and observed that the US had stationed a large aircraft carrier presence off both coasts, including near Alaska, last week — likely in anticipation of the planned May Day attacks…

…from Stratfor (Note the mad dash CVN 71 made towards the Aleutians.)

And now military forces from many nations are moving into position for a war against China in the East and South China Seas beginning on or about May 11

…from Al Jazeera. Here is an excerpt…

The United Kingdom’s HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier will lead a flotilla of Royal Navy ships through Asian waters on port visits to Japan and South Korea on its maiden deployment, the British embassy in Tokyo has announced, as Australia warned of threats of conflict in the region…

The British carrier strike group which includes the Queen Elizabeth and 18 F-35B stealth fighters, two destroyers, two frigates and two support ships will have to sail through the South China Sea on its way to East Asia

It will be joined by vessels from the United States and a frigate from the Netherlands and will carry out exercises with forces from Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, the UAE, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Israel, India, Oman and South Korea, the British government said in a statement.

Other foreign ships currently in Asian waters include a French amphibious carrier and two US navy aircraft carriers, one of which, the USS Ronald Reagan, is based in Japan.

On Friday, Japan announced that it would also host a military drill with the US and France from May 11 to 17…

Royal Marines from 42 Commando will also deploy with the carrier, as well as the Dutch frigate HNLMS Evertsen and the American Arleigh Burke destroyer USS The Sullivans.

The deployment comes as Australia’s Home Affairs Department Secretary Mike Pezzullo, a top security official, said the possibility of war was increasing.

Given the vast array of forces involved in these deployments, it is most doubtful this is just an exercise. And the war action may feature a Chinese attack on an aircraft carrier (May 11 is the anniversary of a kamikaze attack on the USS Bunker Hill — an Essex-class carrier that was providing protection for amphibious operations — during WWII).

Having failed to get the “Gog-Magog War” (“World War III”) started in Ukraine, the Kabbalists seem to be switching the flashpoint to China, which is why everyone’s favorite globalist plotter (and Putin booster) is in the news saying this…

…from France 24. Here is an excerpt…

Acclaimed diplomat Henry Kissinger said Friday that US-China tensions threaten to engulf the entire world and could lead to an Armageddon-like clash between the two military and technology giants.

Not this month it won’t, Henry. You will perish from this Earth with your vision unrealized, and it will fall to ruin soon after you’re gone. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Breslov Kabbalist Propaganda Confirms Putin is the
Moshiach ben David
(and this is the year they want to roll him out)

(1 May 2021) – Lookie, lookie what I found this morning — it comes from the Kabbalist Breslov sect of Hasidic Judaism…


So this bigwig Kabbalist rabbi (and convicted, confessed rapist), Berland, said in August of 2015 that the Moshiach (the “Moshiach ben David,” the supposed “Jewish Messiah”) would begin to be revealed 5 days after Yom Kippur that year.

Well, Yom Kippur of 2015 was September 23

…from Google

And 5 days after that was September 28, the day Putin gave a landmark speech before the United Nations


So on the day Rapey McGee (Rabbi Berland) said the Moshiach would be revealed, September 28, Vladimir Putin stood up before the entire world and called for a United Nations that will stop the international mayhem caused by the United States and NATO. And two days later, on September 30, 2015, he put his money where his mouth is by intervening militarily in Syria, thus “blocking the plans of the Satanic Global Deep State led by [decoy] Antichrist Obama”…

…from Reuters

So to know who the (globalist-selected) Moshiach is, you need only put two and two together…


~ MORE ~

As for the year McGee said would bring the redemption of Israel, 5781, that’s this year. And 5781 will end at nightfall on September 6…

…from Google (top) and HebCal (bottom)

So to fulfill the “prediction,” Putin would have to make his move by then.

That being said, the next opportunity for the globalists to stage Putin’s Triumphal Procession as Moshiach comes on Shavuot, May 16-18. Shavuot is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the anniversary of the giving of the Torah by God to the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai in 1312 BCE.” So it may be the time of the giving of the Moshiach by God to the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai in 2021 CE.”

To add a Christian element to it, they may have Putin fall on Sunday May 16 and resurrect on May 18. Alternatively, they may have him disappear from public view on Ascension Day, May 13, then reappear with his “heavenly army” at Mount Sinai (the one in Saudi Arabia) during Shavuot.

On a related note, you might want to read this if you haven’t already: Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew.


Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – April Updates

(30 April 2021) – I came across something on Henry Makow’s homepage (note: I don’t endorse any website but my own) that was written by a Chabadnik, and it reflects the fundamental spiritual misunderstanding that gives rise to their horrific behavior…

The One creates everything and is responsible for everything. Without His consent nothing can happen. The causal law He lays out is inviolable. In Judaism, even Satan is a dutiful servant of G-d not a rival battling G-d and His angels.

G-d is the creator and controller of everything good, evil and transcendant, while His true innate nature is ineffable.

Source, which the religious have mythologized as a controlling man — an anal-retentive micromanaging “G-d” — DOES NOT create and control evil. “He” creates us, and WE create “evil” (so to speak). In fact, the whole concept of “evil” is a human creation. It is the mythologization of the selfish and destructive behaviors that occur when beings of limited perception and understanding harm others by failing to follow the internal guidance provided them by conscience, intuition, common sense, and free-thinking intellect.

As another article currently on Makow’s homepage states…

Those who believe in absurdities will commit atrocities.

And the Kabbalists believe in many absurdities.

Light contains no “darkness.” One can think of darkness as the shadow cast by form — an absence of light made deeper as the form grows more opaque. And the form that is the human spirit grows more opaque to Light as it wraps itself up in human-imagined myths and superstitions.

It is ironic that those who seek wisdom in vast libraries of arcane spiritual volumes move in the opposite direction of what they desire. The volumes contain the very antithesis of wisdom; it is only in observing one’s own internal reactions to them that true wisdom is gained — a wisdom that can also be gained outside of the library by living life.

The path to wisdom is the path to simplicity.

I’ll further develop this thought…

(29 April 2021) – We’ll take a look at the setup for this weekend in the afternoon. If we can get through Sunday with nothing happening, there’s a good chance their plans for the current timeframe will be dead. Then we’ll have to watch Tisha B’Av (July 17-18) and Rosh Hashanah (September).

This weekend, we’ll also have a look at the mundane, slow-burn approach they’re taking to a 2025 NWO transition and 2025-2032 Tribulation period. It involves an engineered “election integrity” movement that will be born out of the Maricopa County election audit. This movement will sweep across the nation and Europe, leading to the subsequent election of “right-wing populists” and the possible return of Donald Trump to the presidency in January of 2025. These populist leaders will then join with Putin to reform the UN and launch the multilateral/multipolar NWO.

~ MORE ~

“And Ken said unto the globalist horde, LET MY PEOPLE ENJOY THEIR WEEKEND!”…

…”And it was so.”

The globalists may attempt to act out their Second Passover / Orthodox Easter Triumphal Procession script tomorrow. So today is a good day to look at the religious objectives they’ll be attempting to fulfill…

  • to convince the Christians that Vladimir Putin is the returned Jesus,
  • to convince the Muslims that Vladimir Putin is the returned Isa, and
  • to convince the Jews that Vladimir Putin is the Moshiach ben David.

To convince the Christians, they’ll have him fall on Good Friday and resurrect on Easter Sunday, just like Jesus supposedly did.

To convince the Muslims, they’ll have him return with the Hidden Imam (Qasem Soleimani) beside him to jointly vanquish the wicked.

And to convince the Jews, they’ll have him walk the Exodus trail with an artificially-generated pillar of cloud (by day) / pillar of fire (by night), just like Moses supposedly did.

But the whole production is nothing more than the acting-out of a Hollywood script with special effects provided by sequestered technology. And elements of it related by propagandist Joel Richardson — like women dancing before Putin proclaiming, “The kings of the Earth flee before him! They flee!” — will come across as laughably absurd to modern eyes. If the globalist planners spent more time outside the unreality bubble of their whacked-out cult, they’d realize this.

Their stupidity is our true salvation.

thru May 20

The War Warnings and Nuclear Alerts, which cover WHAT the globalists are trying to do, are below these important notes, which explain WHY and HOW they’re trying to do it…

(1 April 2021) – Behold the Christian White Knight Putin battling the “Satanic Global Deep State,” both under the control of their globalist masters…

And now that you’ve seen the marionettes, let’s have a look at the script they’re acting out…

What the globalists want you to believe after World War 3,
and what they want to hide

The globalists want you to believe that the future winner of World War 3, Vladimir Putin, is a Christian good guy who has defeated the “Satanic Global Deep State.”

The globalists want to hide the fact that they’ve scripted Putin to play the role of the Antichrist. And about 7 years after he “saves us from the Deep State,” another globalist puppet will come in to defeat him and pose as “the real Jesus Christ.” It is from behind the throne of this coming figurehead that the globalists plan to rule over us like gods.

If you understand this now, their idiotic and wasteful plan is already defeated. But here’s more information so you can understand more deeply…

(22 March 2021) – The coming World War 3 Show is a choreographed affair, and it’s about more than simply collapsing the current system to give rise to the New World Order; it’s part of a broader globalist effort to artificially fulfill the “End Times” prophecies of various religions, especially those of Christianity. And according to the globalist script, we’re at the point when the Antichrist character, Vladimir Putin, will do battle with the “Satanic Global Deep State” so he can pose as the savior of the world and “usurp Christ’s throne.”

We can expect the war to be “short and sharp,” and it will end in one of these three ways (in order of most likely to least)…

  1. Vladimir Putin will prevail, possibly with help from “lights in the sky” (which is why you’ve been seeing so many UFO stories in the news lately) and “revolutionary electronic warfare technology” that can disable many kinds of weapons (the globalists will hand him kill codes to the microchips in Western weapons systems). Xi Jinping may fall as a result of the war, but Putin will go on to “help” launch the real NWO as soon as September of this year.
  2. Vladimir Putin will fall, either through resignation or “death.” The temporarily victorious “Satanic Global Deep State” will then build the “evil-version NWO” until Putin makes his return with backup from the lights in the sky.
  3. Vladimir Putin will prevail with the help of Xi Jinping and the “patriot elements” of the US military (either under Trump or without him), and they’ll all go on to launch the real NWO.

~ MORE ~

Under the globalist script for this part of their prophecy fulfillment show, the “Real and Final Antichrist” Putin is going to defeat a decoy Antichrist so he pose as the messiah. Here is the decoy, who fulfilled Bible prophecy by “standing in the holy place” (Christ’s birthplace) exactly 8 years ago today

…from The Palestinian Chronicle

According to the controlled alt-media narrative, Barack Obama returned to power by stealing the 2020 presidential election and is running the Biden administration from behind the scenes...

…from Steve Bannon’s War Room (added 3/25) [more, more]

And after triggering World War 3 to defeat “the greatest enemy of the evil NWO, Vladimir Putin,” Obama will supposedly begin his public reemergence behind “President Harris,” eventually rising to leadership of the reformed UN/NWO. But Putin will “heroically” stop this, most likely by Easter.

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Given the nearly limitless funds, man-hours, and brainpower the Occulted Powers have at their disposal, is it so hard to believe…

> that they have developed breeds of genetically modified humans that could be passed off as “aliens” or “angels”? Scientists working in the public domain with vastly less funding have already cloned complex animals such as sheep and have created genetically modified animals such as goats who produce spider silk in their milk. Isn’t it reasonable to assume that smarter scientists working in limitlessly-funded black labs without any ethical restraints have gone much, much further?

> that they have developed aerospace craft so exotic that they could be passed off as alien craft?

> that they have developed holographic and radio frequency technologies capable of producing dazzling visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as both depressive and elevating mood effects?

> that they could put all these components together to produce a helluva Second Coming show for the unsuspecting public?

While we’re on the subject of technologies that can be used to deceive the public, special attention must be paid to electromagnetic frequency technology. Here is something I wrote about it in my old blog…

A few days ago, I stumbled across an article on Zen Gardner’s site that featured an old CNN Special Report on electromagnetic weapons from 1985. The information it offered was quite interesting; not only did it discuss microwave weapons used to disrupt electronics and radio frequency (RF) weapons used to disorient personnel, but it also brought up scalar weapons which can be used to create massive non-nuclear explosions. This particular video cuts out before it gets to the segment that discusses the use of RF technology to influence the human mind, though, so I looked around and found the complete video here (archived — and don’t be deterred when the video window says “plugin not supported”; the video will load in a few moments).

According to this mainstream media report and a vast number of alternative media reports, RF technology, which utilizes certain frequencies and signal patterns to establish brainwave entrainment, can create:

1) Visual Hallucinations – You can be made to see things without having the pattern pass through the mechanism of your eyes.

2) Auditory Hallucinations – You can be made to hear things without having the pattern pass through the mechanism of your ears.

3) Mood Changes – The brainwave patterns that represent the moods of depression, helplessness, agitation, foreboding, anguish, fear, and all other emotional states can be remotely induced in your mind.

With this in mind, if you look around, you’ll see that you are surrounded by a ubiquitous array of RF transmitters in the forms of cellphones, cellphone towers, smart meters, Wi-Fi gateways, broadcast towers, satellites, et cetera. And you can be certain that all of these transceivers have been weaponized to induce mental effects. What many fail to consider, though, is this:

The same RF technology they have been using to torment us can, at the flip of a switch, be used to induce the feelings of well-being and peace and joy in us.

This leads one to wonder the following: after steeping the population in increasing levels of discordant RF vibrations for decades, how would it feel if they turned off those signals and turned on signals of euphoria in their place? It would feel like you’d entered a whole other “dimension,” wouldn’t it?

And therein lies the globalists’ secret weapon in the Great Second Coming Deception: their ability to generate a massive collective mood swing from anxiety to euphoria. Once “Jesus” shows up and they signal the emitters to broadcast “good vibrations,” many people will be fooled into thinking that something truly spiritual has occurred. They will say, “Something has really changed. You can feel it in the air.” The Judeo-Christians will believe it is due to the presence of their god, and the New Agers will think the Ascension has finally occurred. But it will be nothing more than the RF equivalent of a hydrocodone pill.

With the technological toolbox of deception now laid before us, let’s take a moment to mull over how these tools might be used in the transition to the NWO and, later, the “Millennial Kingdom”…

Step 1) They bring back Barack Obama as the decoy Antichrist: From this point they will stage their war actions and amp-up the fear and anxiety transmissions as we approach the climax point of the confrontation with Russia. The transmissions will max-out when the nuclear missiles fly and/or people start going crazy or dropping dead when the binary activator to the COVID shot is added to the chemtrail mix.

Step 2) The “real Antichrist” (Putin) defeats the decoy Antichrist and poses as Christ: I would expect to see a vast fleet of “UFOs” appear in the sky once the missile contrails have made their dramatic rise. This fleet would be a combination of volumetrically-projected, miles-long “motherships” out of which would pour real “scout ships” that are actually black budget aerospace craft piloted by black budget hybrids. As they make a show of destroying the missiles, I’d expect the Controllers to switch their RF/microwave (RFM) mood transmissions from maxed-out negative to neutral. The fear and irritation would suddenly disappear, and people would feel much better (until the second half of the Antichrist’s rule when they turn up the “bad vibrations” again).

Step 3) The “true Christ” shows up to crush the “true Antichrist”: I’d expect an even more grand and vivid sky show put on with volumetric projection and RFM-induced visions and voices. While it’s possible this arrival might include UFOs that look different than the Antichrist’s, I think it more likely that no kind of craft will be evident. That way, the arrival would look “truly supernatural.” It is at this point that the RFM mood transmissions would be instantaneously switched from maxed-out negative to maxed-out positive, which would knock people’s socks off.

As for the fake ETs…

Formal “disclosure” will likely occur at some point between the World War 3 climax and the NWO’s 3.5 year mark. And when they finally show their faces, the fake ETs will start making friends by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and sharing their “alien technologies” (the sequestered technologies the globalists have been holding back). Once they’ve won the trust and goodwill of most people, the “ETs” will start telling us about an incoming group of “hostile aliens / supernatural beings.”

As we enter the second 3.5 year period of the NWO, things will start turning ugly as the global government and the “space brothers” prepare for war against the incoming “hostiles.” And once those hostiles (the globalist-selected “real Jesus and his angels”) arrive, they will defeat the NWO and their “fallen angels.” In the course of this final “Battle of Armageddon,” we can expect the globalists to slaughter at least a third of the global population. They’ll narrate it something like this…

“As the fallen angels and their world government began fighting against Jesus and his angels, they quickly realized that they couldn’t win. So they turned their weapons against humanity to deny Jesus his future kingdom. Although Jesus had the power to save everyone, he couldn’t override the free will of those who decided to fight against him or deny them the consequences of their choice. God gave us the capacity of free choice, so Jesus could not take it away from those who chose to live and die by the sword.”

Since “Christ’s” 1,000-Year Reich will allow humans no political voice, we can expect an “angelic administration” carried out by a different type of black budget hybrid. These hybrids will likely be tall and strikingly attractive, and may be implanted with their own RFM transceivers to speak directly into our minds and induce positive feelings in those who meet them. Additionally, they’ll likely have brain implants that are tied-in to the surveillance and intelligence grid, so they will know exactly who you are and what you’ve been up to. Thus equipped, their fake “holy presence,” “telepathy,” and “omniscience” will be a convincing combination for the unsuspecting. Not to mention the fact that “the angels are just so damned good lookin’!”

It is important to remember that the Bible does set a precedent for flesh-and-blood angels who walk among men. Just have a look at Genesis 19

“1 Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 And he said, “Now behold, my lords, please turn aside into your servant’s house, and spend the night, and wash your feet; then you may rise early and go on your way.” They said however, “No, but we shall spend the night in the square.” 3 Yet he urged them strongly, so they turned aside to him and entered his house; and he prepared a feast for them, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. 4 Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter…”

So these “angels” walked along the ground like everyone else, and they also needed food and rest. This would apply to our smiling hybrid overlords as well.

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[To get this section started, I’m posting a previous update on the subject of COVID vaccines and 5G. I’ll modify and update this material and add some info on chemtrails when I resume writing.]

(13 December 2020) – After doing some research, I suspect the COVID vaccines contain brain-targeted DNA, not mRNA or nano dust…

What I’ve been pondering this morning are two things the globalists have been pushing really hard: 5G and the COVID vaccines. What if they’re designed to work together?

It should be noted that the mRNA COVID vaccines employ lipid nanoparticles to deliver their payload. But since COVID is bullsh*t, what is the vaccines’ real payload, and where is it being delivered?…

…from Stat and Google

What if the payload isn’t messenger RNA, but a synthetic DNA? And what if the DNA is designed to bond with neurons and translate specific frequencies/patterns of 5G transmissions into nerve impulses?…

…from Springer Link (top) and Google (bottom)

With these nanosized DNA antennas installed in vaccinated people’s brains, the globalists would be able to influence/control what they hear, see, smell, taste and feel. That would be very useful when the time comes for the magic show. So if people don’t die or become sterilized by the vaccines, they’re not exactly out of the woods.

I first wrote about my suspicions concerning 5G back in the 30 March update…

Is 5G a weaponized technology? – Yes, of course it is. Everything that possibly can be weaponized against the public IS weaponized against the public. It’s standard policy. But don’t expect them to use it for mass murder; its phased array technology is designed to target individuals with steerable beams. And once someone is targeted, it may include a feature that allows them to amp-up the beam power to do some damage.

Why are they rolling it out so quickly? – Besides the obvious applications you can read about in any controlled alt-media fear porn article, what stands out to me is 5G’s ability to target individuals for mood manipulation and customized visual and auditory (“voice in your head”) hallucinations. With 5G, they can take your Big Data psych profile, feed it into an AI algorithm, and hit you with customized “messages.” This will allow for an even more convincing magic show when the time comes to roll out the fake ETs and, later, the Kabbalah Christ. So they are racing to build-out the 5G ground stations and satellite networks before it’s time to cue the magic.

You can read more about the magic show in The UFO/ET Con.

While I’m sure the globalists have had radio frequency technology capable of inducing auditory and visual hallucinations and mood changes for decades, such technology evolves like all tech evolves. And 5G offers a big upgrade in capability due to its ability to target individuals for customized effects rather that broadcasting the same signal to everyone. Now all they have to do is install the antennas in our brains. And since it would be impractical to drill holes in everyone’s head, sending DNA antennas wrapped in lipid nanoparticles through the blood-brain barrier is the way they have to go.

It should also be noted that certain Christian prophecy propagandists have put forth the idea that “the COVID vaccine will turn people into zombies” and “make them susceptible to demonic possession.” With the level of control the 5G/DNA-antenna technology presumably affords the globalists, inducing zombie-like behavior should be no problem. And vaccinated people will indeed be “demonically” possessed, but technologically rather than spiritually.

(newest to oldest)

(27 April 2021) – Biden is scheduled to give an address to a Joint Session of Congress tomorrow night at 9 PM on his 99th day as President (to a numerologist, 999 is 666 inverted). Since the speech will happen after sunset, it will occur on the Hebrew day of 17 Iyar. 17 Iyar was the day Adolf Hitler supposedly died in 1945.

On top of this, April 28 was also the day Benito Mussolini was shot to death by communists (and remember that Hitler supposedly killed himself because the Russian communists were closing in). So a Biden death tomorrow may be attributed to the communist Democrats wanting to replace “Nazi fascist” Biden with Kamala Harris. Just look at how they’re setting up the split within the Democratic Pary: In Unusual Move, Leftist Democrat to Respond to Biden’s Congress Address. Also, some Democrats, including commie AOC, are using COVID as an excuse to not attend the address. Will it be a nuke, then?

The plot thickens: No designated survivor for Biden’s first joint address to Congress. This suggests that they want the US to be leaderless and confused in the aftermath of the hit.

~ MORE – 28 April 2021 ~

Here are some more occult indicators that point to drama tonight (provided by reader Onnabugeisha)…

1) Tonight is the anniversary of Noah’s flood…

…on the 17th day of the second month of that year “the fountains of the Great Deep burst apart and the floodgates of heaven broke open” and rain fell for forty days and forty nights until the highest mountains were covered to a depth of 15 cubits, and all earth-based life perished except Noah and those with him in the Ark…

The flood is a reversal and renewal of God’s creation of the world. – from Wikipedia

Iyar is the second month of the Jewish religious year, and its 17th day starts at sunset today. According to the globalist prophecy propagandists, God’s next renewal of the Earth will not come by flood, but by fire.

2) April 28 exactly marks the 666th month since the October 28, 1965 completion of the Gateway Arch in Saint Lewis, Missouri, which is…

  • referred to as “The Gateway to the West.”
  • symbolic of east to west expansion.
  • located at 100 Washington Avenue.
  • thematically connected to the Palmyra Arch / “triumphal arch.”

So was the Arch — which was built after the Rockefellers and Kissinger completed the NWO implementation plan — erected to commemorate the coming destruction of Washington, which opens the way to Chinese or Russian (Eastern) expansion into the West?

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The Drudge Report is helping set the tone for how the media will narrate the planned attack on the Capitol…

…Here is an excerpt from the Reuters article linked to the third headline…

President Joe Biden’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday will take place in a U.S. Capitol on high alert, with memories fresh of the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the building by supporters of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

The crowd inside the Capitol will be a fraction of the hundreds of members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, top government officials and guests who typically attend, to allow for more social distancing in a COVID-19 pandemic that has killed more than 572,000 Americans.

But security will be higher than usual, even for what is officially designated a “National Special Security Event,” with the Secret Service in charge of security

The limitations on attendance, she said, mostly are being driven by COVID-19 precautions, but security also is playing a role.

The white-domed building is still surrounded by a black steel mesh fence with some 2,250 armed National Guard troops from the District of Columbia and 18 states on duty in the city, the vestiges of a much larger force put in place after Trump supporters stormed the building as Congress was voting to certify Biden’s election victory.

There are two levels to this Reuters propaganda, which I highlighted in red and blue:

  • The red sections indicate the parties that will be blamed for the attack: “Domestic Violent Extremists (Trump supporters / patriots / Christians) armed with backpack nukes supplied by the killer Putin through his Iranian proxies”).
  • The blue sections indirectly support the controlled alt-media narrative that “the real reason the whole Congress, the whole cabinet, and whole Supreme Court won’t attend is because the Deep State fears that the patriot elements of the US military will arrest them if they all gather in one place.” This is the supposed reason that Congress has been fenced off and guarded by National Guard troops and the Democrats have avoided a State of the Union speech this year.

The actual real reason they won’t all attend is because the political figures that will supposedly perish in the blast are being carefully selected in accordance with the globalist scripting for the event. It will likely be mostly the Biden-supporting Democrats and Establishment Republicans who’ll get blown up, with the commie Democrats and Trump Republicans mostly surviving.

Speaking of the “January 6 attack on the Capitol” the article mentions, reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out that today will mark exactly 3 months and 22 days (322) since it happened

And, of course, the article indicates that the Secret Service will be in charge of security — the same Secret Service that allowed the first Catholic President, JFK, to be assassinated. Somebody call Oliver Stone.

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Now let’s get back to why all the Congress aren’t attending and why there will be no designated survivor in place when the speech is given…

…from CBS News. Here is an excerpt…

The “designated survivor” is a tradition that dates back to the Cold War, according to the Constitution Center. The term refers to a person who is chosen to not attend the president’s address before the joint session of Congress so that they are able to take over the government if catastrophe strikes.

The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 created a line of succession if the president dies or is incapacitated. First to take office would be the vice president, followed by the speaker of the U.S. House (Nancy Pelosi) and the president pro tempore of the U.S. Senate (Patrick Leahy).

The next people in line are in the Cabinet: The secretary of state (Antony Blinken), the treasury secretary (Janet Yellen), the defense secretary (Lloyd Austin), attorney general (Merrick Garland), secretary of the interior (Deb Haaland), secretary of agriculture (Tom Vilsack) and so on. Because all those people are usually present for the speech, the White House usually names a designated survivor.

But Psaki said Tuesday that since only Blinken and Austin will be at the speech, they won’t be naming a designated survivor. Vice President Kamala Harris, first lady Jill Biden, second gentleman Doug Emhoff and Pelosi will also be in attendance, Psaki said.

It’s unclear if Leahy will be in attendance. A spokesperson told Politico that he would be in attendance, but Leahy told reporters on Tuesday that he has “got to think about” whether he’s attending. Leahy said if he didn’t attend, he’d be the designated survivor.

If Leahy is at the Capitol, then Yellen would be the person highest in the presidential line of succession who is not attending. Her office confirmed on Tuesday she would not be at the Capitol…

There will only be about 200 people in attendance at the Capitol, according to a Democratic official familiar with the planning. It will be “invitation-only for a limited number of members of Congress,” according to a memo last week from acting House Sergeant at Arms Timothy Blodgett. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise said Monday that he wouldn’t be attending because he gave his ticket to a member who hadn’t been before.

Any members who have not received an invite from their congressional leadership “will not be permitted in the Capitol after 5 p.m.,” according to a copy of the memo obtained by CBS News.

So they’re saying that there’s no need for a designated survivor (DS) because multiple people in the presidential line of succession won’t be attending, but this in no way diminishes the need for such a designee. Having no DS means that the country will be leaderless in the immediate aftermath of the attack as the Secret Service goes searching for the senior-most living person in the line of succession. This search will be made all the more difficult if the planners of the attack dispatch hit teams to the lightly-defended homes and offices of the cabinet members. And until the right successor can be found (or all successors are confirmed dead), there will be no civilian leader with the clear authority to command the military and the nuclear forces.

That being said, a nuking of the Capitol Building with simultaneous killings or arrests of the other members of the civilian line of succession would be one way to achieve a military coup — a coup that could be ascribed to either the “good guys” (the “patriot-constitutionalist elements of the military”) or the “bad guys” (the “military-industrial complex”).

Should Patrick Leahy wind up being in charge, it would be especially bizarre given his strange connection to the Christopher Nolan Batman movies (which have occulty parallels to what’s happening in the world right now) and his being a Catholic.

As the speech approaches, keep your eyes on these two…

  1. Rand Paul – If he doesn’t attend, a strike becomes more likely; if he does attend, it becomes less likely.
  2. Kamala Harris – If she comes up with a last-minute excuse to not attend, such as a “positive COVID test” or the sniffles, the likelihood of a strike dramatically increases.

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It’s important to remember that the planned destruction of the Capitol tonight is happening within the context of a globalist “good guys versus bad guys” stageplay in which…

  • the “good guys,” Vladimir Putin and his political allies, are attempting to launch a “fair and equitable” multilateral/multipolar New World Order


  • the “bad guys,” the “Satanic Global Deep State,” are attempting to launch an “evil” unilateral/unipolar New World Order.

I’ve outlined why the globalists are taking this approach in Understanding the NWO Strategy, which is further down this page (or you can click here to open a parallel page to the proper spot).

Within the script of the globalist stageplay, the “Satanist Global Deep State bad guys” are internally divided into two factions…

  • the “Chicom-led commies” who want an evil, totalitarian communist NWO


  • the “Western-led Nazis and Zionists” who want an evil, totalitarian fascist NWO

You have seen this division narrated in the mainstream media in the form a tug-of-war within the Democratic Party between the “Progressive Left” (“the Squad“) and the “Centrists” (Biden, Hillary, Pelosi). The controlled alt-media have enhanced this narrative by calling it an “internal Deep State conflict between the commies (“the Squad”) and the Nazionists (Biden, Hillary, Pelosi) for control of the New World Order.”

So with these three groups active within the current act of the play, there are three possible outcomes to the Capitol strike and what follows in the next couple of weeks…

  • the “commie bad guys” will win,
  • the “Nazionist bad guys” will win,
  • the “good guys” will win.

If the commies or Nazionists win, Putin and his allies will come under attack and fall. And the “evil” NWO will be implemented until Putin returns in a few years — possibly 2025 — with (fake) ET backup.

If the “good guys” win, Putin and his allies will come under attack and stumble for a few days before decisively counterattacking on Sunday and driving to victory by mid-May. The “good” NWO would then be implemented by September.

It’s also possible that the “good guys” will be scripted to preemptively attack “to stop the bad guys from doing any more damage and starting a nuclear war.”

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I’ve done all I can reasonably do to expose this plot, so now we just wait and see if it was good enough. And here’s one final thing to remember: Hitler’s death day on the Hebrew calendar starts after sunset today (when Biden is slated to be taken out), but on the Gregorian calendar, the death day is Friday (the day Putin is slated to be taken out “with the help of the Russian Neo-Communists).

(26 April 2021) – So will tonight bring nukes, a COVID pestilence, or both?…

I’m delaying what I planned to cover today for this: reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out that there will be a full supermoon tonight, the night of 15 Iyar

The final week of April kicks off with a full moon, known this month as the pink moon. Plus, it’s a “supermoon.”

The moon will officially become full at 11:32 p.m. ET Monday but will look plenty full when it rises above the eastern horizon Monday evening…

So why is it called the pink moon?

“April’s full moon often corresponded with the early springtime blooms of a certain pink wildflower native to eastern North America: Phlox subulata – commonly called creeping phlox or moss phlox – which also went by the name ‘moss pink,'” the almanac says…

And it’s the first of two supermoons this year. A supermoon occurs when the full moon is at its closest approach to Earth in its orbit. The moon appears larger because it’s at a distance of 222,064 miles versus an average of 240,000 miles, according to…

May’s supermoon will occur on May 26. – from USA Today

It just so happens that there was a full moon the night of the original Passover as well…

There is indeed deep astrological significance to the date of Passover. We celebrate the festival of freedom on the 15th of the Jewish month of Nissan, the night the Israelites were freed from Egypt. This is the full moon of the month of Aries, the ram.

The Egyptians worshipped the ram as a god. Aries is the leader of the star signs, the first and most powerful, and the Egyptians saw themselves as the leaders of the world, receiving their strength and fortitude from their god, the ram.

So the strongest time for the Egyptians would have been the month of Aries, when their god is ascendant, and the strongest day of that month would be its full moon.

Egyptian power would reach its zenith on the 15th of Nissan, and that is exactly when the Israelites left Egypt. Aries was rendered impotent at its very moment of strength. – from

So the night of the original Passover, the people who saw themselves as the leaders of the world suffered a shocking catastrophe. Which nation sees themselves as the leaders of the world today? The USA, right? And tonight’s moon becomes full a minute before 11:33 PM Washington DC time, which would be an optimal time for the numerology-obsessed Kabbalists to schedule an attack. They’d not only get their “master numbers” and their war, but they’d also get the April 26 tie-in to Chernobyl. And Mikhail Gorbachev credited Chernobyl with the collapse of the Soviet Empire. Will Operation Blackjoke bring about the collapse of the “American Empire”?

As for why Chabad would schedule the destruction of Israel’s protector, the USA, before the war begins, the rationale would be “to force Israel to rely on G-d, not America, to save them from the approaching destruction — to force Israel to turn to the Moshiach.”

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A nuclear attack isn’t the only way the Kabbalists can come at us tonight; they can also add the binary activator for the COVID vaccine to the overnight chemtrail mix.

According to the preparatory propaganda in the controlled alt-media, the vaccine is designed to cause an overreaction of the immune system to a “COVID variant” that may be encountered at a later date. But that virus or chemical substance would likely be synthetic so people would not encounter it until the designated time. Once exposed to the synthetic activator, people would fall ill, experiencing a cytokine storm. And they’d have little hope for treatment since about half of the doctors, nurses, and first responders have been vaxxed.

With the sudden appearance of such an out-of-control pestilence, people would need a messiah with a heavenly host of healers to save them, wouldn’t they?

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If they opt for a COVID pestilence that begins tonight, it would be the lead-in to a “communist offensive” on May Day (this Saturday). Just look at this interestingly-timed piece of propaganda sent to me by a reader…

…from the New York Post. Here is an excerpt…

People in India are dying in the streets amid a catastrophic surge of COVID-19 infections — prompting an oxygen shortage and mass cremations to deal with the overwhelming amount of bodies.

The virus is swallowing our city’s people like a monster,” said Mamtesh Sharma, an official at the Bhadbhada Vishram Ghat crematorium in Bhopal.

Sharma said the unprecedented crush of bodies has forced them to skip individual ceremonies and rituals that are Hindu traditions.

“We are just burning bodies as they arrive,” Sharma said. “It is as if we are in the middle of a war.”

In some of the hardest-hit cities, bodies were being burned in makeshift facilities that were running mass cremations.

Take note that this is supposedly taking place in India, which is led by a member of the NWO Pantheon of Heroes, Narendra Modi. And look at how the “commie media” are giving him “the Trump treatment”…

…from Bloomberg. Here is an excerpt, with my comment in brackets…

As in so many of the pandemic’s worst-hit countries, this tragedy was avoidable — and is largely the fault of a boastful and incompetent government. Yet, judging by the fate of other bungling far-right politicians such as Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, the U.K.’s Boris Johnson, Hungary’s Viktor Urban, and the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi may well suffer few political consequences for his devastating missteps [so we commies must forcefully intervene “to save the people, man”].

And look at what Brazilian commie Lula has been saying about Jair Bolsonaro, another member of the NWO Pantheon…

…from Al Jazeera

Look also at what Bolsonaro is hinting-at…

…from the Independent

So the globalists are putting the propaganda framework in place for the commies to make a worldwide move against the antivaxxers and the “far-right” leaders “in order to save humanity from a COVID cataclysm.” This May 1st offensive, on the day of the Harrowing of Hell, would be followed by Putin’s dramatic entrance on May 2, Orthodox Easter, to take down the “Satanic Global Deep State” with the help of his Heavenly Host and his earthly allies (the NWO Pantheon of Heroes).

It should also be noted that the globalists have spent a lot of time preparing us for zombies, and people who have Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) move like zombies. CJD is caused by misshapen proteins (prions), and mRNA vaccines are designed to make our cells produce proteins. So by circulating mRNA vaccines that cause the cells to make misshapen proteins, the globalists can induce a “zombie apocalypse” of sorts. The specific production runs of vaccine that are prion-weaponized may have been distributed starting on April 19, or may be distributed tomorrow.

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Turkey is entering a full national lockdown this Thursday, April 29, in advance of the scripted war. Remember that April 30 — the day after Turkey locks down — is when the Good Friday “Satanic” takedown of Putin is scheduled. The lockdown lasts until Shavuot, May 17 [when Putin is scheduled to win after his Orthodox Easter (May 2) return].  Both Erdogan and Turkey are scripted to be big losers in the war.

~ MORE – 27 April 2021 ~

Now we wait to see if people start dropping by the weekend.

(24 April 2021) – You may soon find out why they’re putting so many UFO stories in the news…

Starting this afternoon, I’ll take you on a tour of the next globalist attempt to start the wars and bring in “savior” Putin. Just like the last attempt, they will be mirroring the biblical story of Passover and the Exodus and incorporating (Orthodox) Easter to include the Christians. Here is the plan in a nutshell…

Sunday (tomorrow) is the beginning of Orthodox Christian Holy Week, and sunset on Sunday is the beginning of Jewish Second Passover (Pesach Sheni). So they aim to trigger the war-starting attack after Pesach Sheni ends at sunset on Monday — most likely after dark on Monday night / early Tuesday morning. Drama will ensue.

On Orthodox Good Friday (next Friday), they’ll script a takedown of Putin that will lead to his apparent death or disappearance, but he’ll reappear with a fleet of “exotic aerospace craft” on Orthodox Easter Sunday at Mount Sinai. He’ll then move up through Jordan in a “royal procession” / victory procession — defeating his enemies as he goes — until he winds up at Mount Zion in Israel during Shavuot (May 16-18).

Hearing it told like this, the plan sounds like a crackpot scheme, and it is. But the globalists are the ones who are writing this excrement, not I. Details to come…

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In previous entries, I’ve mentioned prophecy propagandist Joel Richardson. He is a Kabbalist “Jew” who pretends to be a Christian so he can convince Christians to accept the Jewish Messiah, the Moshiach ben David (Vladimir Putin), as the second coming of Jesus. So his job within the globalist stageplay is to help sell the Antichrist as the real savior.

As part of his assignment, Richardson is the one tasked by the globalists to indoctrinate the public on the triumphal procession that will follow Putin’s UFO landing on Mount Sinai, which he outlines in his book Sinai to Zion: The Untold Story of the Triumphant Return of Jesus. Here is the book’s promotional blurb on Amazon

Sinai to Zion is an exciting study of how the Bible uses the Exodus story as the basis for its vision concerning the glorious and triumphant return of Jesus the Messiah. For the first time, this book presents a thorough examination of many often-overlooked, yet critically important Old Testament texts that the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament authors looked to as describing the return of Jesus. Particular emphasis is given to the Blessings of Moses, the Song of Deborah, the Prayer of Habakkuk, the Great Processional Psalm of King David, the Prophecy of Enoch, and several other fascinating prophecies. The reader will discover how both the New and the Old Testaments frame the coming of the Messiah as the greater or final Exodus. Readers will be reinvigorated with excitement for the return of Jesus. The same firey God who came down upon Mount Sinai in the thick clouds, in blazing fire, with the blasting of trumpets, and a mighty earthquake, is indeed coming back in the thick clouds, in blazing fire, with the blasting of trumpets, and a mighty earthquake to save His people Israel and faithful believers throughout the World.

Upon looking a little deeper into this, I’ve come across a curveball they’ll likely be throwing at us: Putin may actually land on a mountain called Jabal al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia. Richardson promotes it as the “real Mount Sinai,” likely basing the claim on the idea that the Hebrews crossed the Gulf of Aqaba when Moses parted the Red Sea.

I spent the afternoon taking notes on a couple of podcasts Richardson did on the subject [1, 2]; I’ll cover those notes tomorrow.

~ MORE – 25 April 2021 ~

Since Ukraine and Jerusalem are fast approaching sunset, let’s start out today by looking at the timing of the war-starting attack. To know when it is scheduled to occur, we must look to the original Passover…

On the Hebrew day of 14 Nissan 1313 BCE, the Eve of Passover (Erev Pesach), the Hebrews were instructed to make an offering to their god. They ate the offering that evening and spread the blood of the slaughtered animals on their doorposts so their homes would be passed-over by the violence that was planned for that night. Later, in the middle of the night after 15 Nissan had begun, the Hebrew men invaded all the homes that weren’t marked by blood and killed the first-born children therein. This was the first Passover, and the Exodus began that day, 15 Nissan.

After that time, the Jews celebrated Passover by making an offering at the Jewish Temple every 14 Nissan. And those who weren’t able to make it to the Temple that day were given a second chance to make the offering exactly one month later on 14 Iyar, the Second Passover (Pesach Sheni).

14 Iyar and Pesach Sheni this year start at sunset in Jerusalem today and end at sunset on Monday. So it is after night falls and 15 Iyar has begun that the Kabbalists will have a second chance to reenact the slaughter of the first-born. We must therefore watch for the war-starting attack to happen between nightfall on Monday and dawn on Tuesday.

It’s also possible that the Kabbalists might schedule the attack tonight, DURING Pesach Sheni, in order to make the people slaughtered during the attack their Passover sacrifice. This is particularly possible if the planned attack involves nuclear explosions.

The Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine happened in the early morning of 26 April 1986 at 1:23 AM Moscow time (which is the same time as Jerusalem time). In fact, Wikipedia lists the time of the Chernobyl explosion as 1, 2, 3, 4 (1:23:40 AM). So if the globalists want to pop off some nukes in the US, Ukraine, Israel, or elsewhere, they might schedule the explosions to coincide with the anniversary of Chernobyl (in the early morning of the 26th).

~ MORE ~

Given the subject matter we’re looking at today (which includes Chernobyl) and the recent missile explosion near Israel’s Dimona nuclear facility, one wonders if the Kabbalists intend to pop Dimona between now and sunset on Tuesday. That would start an Exodus OUT of Israel, wouldn’t it? And the scattering Jews would fall into captivity in the surrounding nations, thus creating a perfect opportunity to roll out Putin as the Jewish Messiah.

~ MORE ~

Now let’s turn our attention back to Joel Richardson’s preparatory propaganda for “Jesus Christ’s royal procession from Sinai to Zion.” In the two podcasts to which I linked in yesterday’s updates, he brings up a number of points about Putin’s coming march through the desert, but I’ll focus on the ones that directly relate to the information we’ve covered today.

In the first podcast, Richardson offers the route of the procession…

At the 14:27 mark: “[Bible passages] portray God Almighty, Jesus, Yahweh God Almighty in the flesh, when He comes back, and there’s going to be this royal procession through the desert of the Exodus that actually goes through Sinai — Mount Sinai in the south — up through the desert, up through Edom, through Basira, until He’s finally enthroned as king in Jerusalem…”

In the second podcast, Richardson goes on to make the following points…

At the 4:22 mark: “[the Old Testament of the Bible] speaks of this procession, and it describes God setting the prisoners free… (5:07) It’s literal. He is going to set the prisoners of the Antichrist free. It says in Luke 21, “the inhabitants of Jerusalem will fall by the sword.” They will be led captive to many of the surrounding, adversarial nations. And some of them have fled; they’ve been given a place of refuge. But He is literally marching… (5:58) …plague goes before Him; pestilence falls in His steps… they’re singing, they’re setting the prisoners free, they’re marching… He is described as crushing His enemies like grapes…”

At the 7:56 mark: “…when Armageddon ultimately concludes, He is slaying the armies of the [Muslim] Antichrist… but then they get to Jerusalem and that’s the culmination — that’s where Jesus himself will slay the Antichrist…”

Starting at the 24:29 mark of the second podcast, Richardson talks of “Jacob’s trouble” and the “final chastisement of Israel”…

At the 24:59 mark: “…eventually you’ll be invaded, you’ll be conquered — most of you will be killed, and you’ll be led captive to the nations… well, scripture says it’s going to happen one last time… the ultimate, final time of chastisement, Antichrist will invade Israel, many will be slain, many will be led away as captives, because they are described as returning IN BELIEF… this chastisement will bring about the final salvation of Israel.”

Since putting this transcription together was so tedious, I’ll do the systematic breakdown of it tomorrow. For today, though, I’ll give you a quick summary of their plan…

  1. They’ll have Israel provoke Iran during the night of 15 Iyar, likely by attacking Iran’s nuclear sites (killing the first-born).
  2. Iran and their allies will unleash a hellstorm of missiles against Israel, and the Dimona nuclear facility will be struck, unleashing radioactive material and causing many Israelis to flee the country in panic (mostly to semi-friendly Jordan).
  3. The surrounding nations, including Jordan, will gather the Israelis in camps “to prevent them from spreading radioactive contamination.”
  4. Turkey will take advantage of the situation to blitzkrieg through Syria into Israel, and at Afula in the Valley of Megiddo, they’ll branch off some forces to follow Route 60 to Jerusalem.
  5. Putin and his “heavenly host” will come down on “the real Mount Sinai,” Jabal al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia, then march up Route 35 through Jordan to Amman before cutting across the Allenby Bridge to Jericho and Jerusalem (crushing his enemies and freeing Israelis as he goes).
  6. Putin and the Muslim Antichrist (Erdogan) will lock horns in Jerusalem, with Erdogan fleeing and meeting his doom near the Church of St. George in Lod.
  7. All hail (momentary) savior (and Antichrist) Putin!

NUCLEAR WARNING (20 April 2021): “Bright Boy Alert” for April 25-26…

In last month’s attempt to trigger the NWO Transition Crisis, the globalists had a big setup in place for the wars to start around Passover (March 28) and culminate with Putin’s victory on Easter (April 4). It is therefore important to note something reader Onnabugeisha just brought to my attention…

There is a second Passover, Pesach Sheni, that takes place this year on April 26 (the Hebrew day of this observance, Iyar 14, spans sunset on the 25th thru sunset on the 26th).

Here is what Chabad’s website says about it…

“It’s never too late. There’s always a second chance.” This, according to Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, 1880–1950), is the message of Pesach Sheni, the biblically ordained “Second Passover” for those who fail to bring the Passover offering on its designated time. [1]

The fourteenth day of the month of Iyar is Pesach Sheni, the “Second Passover.” When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, this day served as a “second chance” for those who were unable to bring the Passover offering on the eve of the “first” Passover one month earlier, the 14th of Nissan…

The eternal significance of the Second Passover, says the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950), is that it is never too late to rectify a past failing. Even if a person has failed to fulfill a certain aspect of his or her mission in life because s/he has been “contaminated by death” (i.e., in a state of disconnection from the divine source of life) or on a distant road” from his people and G‑d, there is always a Second Passover in which s/he can make good on what s/he has missed out. [2]

Being in Russia, Vladimir Putin is “on a distant road” from Jerusalem, so April 25/26 will give him a second chance to make his Passover offering, the “Korban Pesach”…

The Passover sacrifice (Korban Pesakh), also known as the Paschal lamb or the Passover lamb, is the sacrifice that the Torah mandates the Israelites to ritually slaughter on the evening of Passover, and eat on the first night of the holiday with bitter herbs and matzo. According to the Torah, it was first offered on the night of the Exodus from Egypt. – from Wikipedia

A lamb is a young sheep of course, and there are some people in the world who think of themselves as “the sheep of the Good Shepherd”

So April 25/26 offers an opportunity for Chabad, through their string-pulling of Ukraine’s Jewish president Zelensky…

…and Russian Crypto-Jewish president Putin…

…to make a Pesach Sheni burnt sacrifice of Orthodox Christian lambs (young Ukrainian and Russian soldiers) that will give rise to the Jewish Messiah’s (Putin’s) triumphal procession on Orthodox Easter, May 2.

In light of this, it should be noted that April 26 is also the anniversary of a nuclear catastrophe that happened in Ukraine 35 years ago…

…from Google

And Zelensky dropped a very big hint a few days ago: Zelensky says future for Crimea and Donbass will be worse than in Chernobyl.

(20 April 2021): What happens over the next several days will be determined by which speech the globalists hand Putin tomorrow. If they hand him a run-of-the-mill State of the Nation address, or one that outlines bold actions to be taken years from now, it may indicate another globalist delay. But if they hand him one that outlines bold actions to be taken immediately, big drama may lie right ahead.

In the aftermath of a bold speech with immediate action, keep an eye out for scripted assassination attempts and for a possible resurrection of the “good guys mass arrest the bad guys” scenario (disinfo agent Dave Hodges is blowing that horn again).

~ MORE – 21 April 2021 ~

It looks like they gave Putin the most boring version of the speech; we’ll look at that this weekend. We’ll also look at their next attempt to start the wars [with a “commie attack” on Orthodox Good Friday / May Day (April 30 / May 1)].

I remain uneasy about April 22 — if they want to hit us with a “bolt out of the blue” attack, tomorrow would be the perfect day for it (with the Chauvin trial outcome and Putin’s uneventful speech lulling us to sleep). So I’ll be happy when that day is in the rear view mirror.

~ later ~

You may have seen the news about the supposed “Iranian missile from Syria” that struck near Israel’s Dimona nuclear facility. This may be the false flag I was expecting (except they did it at 2 AM on the 22nd instead of during the 21st). The Israelis can potentially use this as a justification to launch the long-expected strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities: “You tried to blow up Dimona, so we’ll blow up Natanz.”

(19 April 2021) – Fed rat Hal Turner suggested on his radio show tonight that Putin’s big speech on Wednesday will feature Russia’s complete and final break from the Western globalists, including the end of Russia’s use of…

  • the US dollar in their international trade, and
  • the Brussels-based SWIFT interbank network for their financial transactions.

According to Turner, the “Deep State” will do anything to stop this, which is why we’re seeing the move towards war in Ukraine.

So why is Turner, a US government-employed disinformation agent, publicly undermining the US position and touting Putin’s position instead? Because as I’ve always said, the West versus East drama is just a stage play the globalists are putting on for the public, and both sides are helping Putin’s New World Order to rise. It’s all about setting up Putin to be the big hero now so he can play the Antichrist a few years later.

~ MORE – 20 April 2021 ~

In previous updates (6 April and onward), we looked at the extraordinary hype surrounding Putin’s speech tomorrow. We also noted that the date of the speech, April 21, is the historical date of the founding of Rome (which is significant given that Putin is acting out a script that portrays him as the Final Roman Emperor), and that April 21 is also the 111th day of the year (which is considered a “power date” by occultists). Fortunately for us all, reader Onnabugeisha’s research has uncovered more about April 21 and the days that follow…

> 4/21 is “symmetrical” with 9/11, in that…

  • September 11 is the 254th day of the year, with 111 days remaining in the year, and
  • April 21 is the 111th day of the year, with 254 days remaining.

So just as 9/11 triggered big changes in the US, 4/21 may trigger big changes across the whole world.

> 4/21 is also Ramadan 9 (of the year 1442) on the Islamic calendar, and marks the 49th (7×7) anniversary of the Yom Kippur sneak attack on Israel (which started at 2 PM on October 6, 1973 / Ramadan 9, 1393).

So watch for a potential false flag against Israel or Netanyahu on 4/21. It may be blamed on the Islamists and communists.

April 22 (10 Iyar 5781) is…

So watch for a potential Nazis + Zionists versus communists + Islamists battle royale on 4/22 (possibly in response to the 4/21 false flag). It will be just as scripted as the professional wrestling version of a battle royale.

April 23 is…

So watch for drama in China (and possibly Turkey) on 4/23. In a Putin Victorious scenario, the CCP and Erdogan may be dealt death blows that day.

WARNING (18 April 2021): Be on the lookout for false-flag attacks/bombings (particularly in the US) from around sunset today through April 19. They will be brought to us by the Chabad-Lubavitch and Jesuit Kabbalist cults. The announcement of the death of Pope Benedict is an additional possibility for this timeframe.

~ MORE ~

Reader Onnabugeisha’s research has turned up some interesting facts about today and tomorrow. We’ll start with this…

The “great spiritual leader” of the Chabad-Lubavitch cult, Menachem Mendel Schneerson (“the Rebbe”), was born on 11 Nissan 5662, which translates to this on the Gregorian calendar…

…from Google

So today marks the 119th anniversary of his birth, and 119 is the reverse of 9/11, which is something the numerology-obsessed Chabadniks could not possibly ignore.

Here is a rare color photo of the nativity of the Rebbe…

…Just look at the goyim run!

Anyway, the Rebbe was maniacally obsessed with artificially creating the arrival of the Jewish Messiah, the Moshiach ben David, and he personally dispatched Berel Lazar to Russia in 1990 to begin grooming Vladimir Putin to play the role. So it could be that the Chabadniks are/were intending to honor the Rebbe’s legacy by triggering the “Gog-Magog War” today — the war that ends with the arrival of the Moshiach.

In the 9 April update (further down this page), I pointed out that the Chabadniks are pulling the strings of both Putin and Zelensky in order to start World War 3 (the Gog-Magog War) in Ukraine. And in the 16 April warning, I noted a plot to stage a war-starting assassination of Zelensky today. So it may be that their plans have already been disrupted. But the 18th isn’t over till it’s over.

After sunset today, the Jews count the 22nd day to the Omer (and the Kabbalists love to do mischief on 22s). Sunset will also mark the beginning of 7 Iyar 5781, which is the Jewish equivalent of April 19. So if there is a plan to do attacks in America on April 19, they can hit us as early as sunset. And since 7 Iyar is the anniversary of when the Rindfleisch Massacres began, Chabad may also target Jews for attacks (as part of their effort to drive them all to Israel for later disposal).

~ MORE ~

Now let’s look at what Onnabugeisha found for April 19…

> April 19 is supposedly the first of the 13 days of the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast, which culminate on Beltane (May Day).

> April 19 is…

Now look at the three groups the government went against in Oklahoma City, Waco, and Boston and compare them to the groups blamed for the nuclear bombings in the foreshadowing propaganda of Operation Blackjack

So tomorrow is a good day for government-run false flag attacks blamed on those groups — false-flags that will be spun as acts of insurrection/revolution against the government.

> April 19 marks the 480th anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola becoming the first Black Pope (the Superior General of the Society of Jesus)…

…from Wikipedia

Under the “Fourth Reich” Narrative I wrote about in yesterday’s entry, the Roman Catholic Church, Jesuit Order, and Catholic Biden are part of the Nazi network. In fact, the narrative says that the Fourth Reich’s organizational structure was modeled on that of the Jesuits. So the Fourth Reichers may be scripted to honor the legacy of Ignatius by launching the hot phase of their takeover plot tomorrow, starting with the false-flag attacks and then expanding into a war to take down the commies.

> April 19 marks the 16th anniversary of Papa Rat becoming Pope Benedict…

…from Wikipedia

And since April 19 is also the first day of the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast, it is a good candidate day for his removal from the stage.

Of course, it’s also possible that whatever was planned for April 19 was contingent on what didn’t happen in Ukraine today. In that case, it will be an uneventful day. So be it.

Let the wine drinking commence…

(17 April 2021) – The “Fourth Reich” Psyop…

A long time ago — I don’t remember exactly when or where — I ran across a narrative that the US would someday feign weakness to invite a Chinese and Russian attack, then roll out the craft of the Secret Space Program to crush the invading nations. This would allow the Western Establishment to conquer Russia and China without looking like the aggressors. Based on narrative adjustments I’ve been observing in the mainstream and controlled alt-media, we may be looking at such a scenario right now, with “Fourth Reich Nazis” being portrayed as running the show. Today (4/17) I’ll take you on a tour of this planned farce.

~ MORE ~

Last year during the Trump administration, the Globalist Propaganda Corps used the controlled alt-media to narrate a conflict between the “Communist Deep State” and the “Zionist Deep State” for control of the (evil Western version) New World Order. But now that Trump is gone and we have the Catholic Biden in the Oval Office, they’ve adjusted the narrative to portray a conflict between the “Communist Deep State” and the “Nazi Deep State,” with the “Nazis” now maneuvering to checkmate the “commies” by…

1) Portraying their man Biden as weak and the (publicly visible) US military as overfatigued and overextended, while having “the delusional Deep Staters controlling Biden simultaneously provoke both China (in Taiwan) and Russia (in Ukraine) into a conflict the US cannot possibly win.”

2) Staging a provocative event to get China and Russia to move on Taiwan and Ukraine, then initiating a massive wave of false flag attacks within the borders of the US to portray China and Russia as waging a full-scale war against the US.

3) Triggering an intervention by the US Space Force posing as either themselves or “benevolent” (to the West) ETs to stop the war and bring down “the authoritarian aggressors Xi and Putin.”

From that point, there are two directions the globalist scriptwriters can take things…

4A) Trigger an immediate “real ET” counter-intervention to stop the US Space Force, save “good guy” Putin (and maybe Xi too), and bring down the “Satanic Global Deep State,” or

4B) Script the fall of both Xi and Putin so the “Nazis” can start building their evil-version NWO until Putin returns in a few years with the backing of the “real benevolent ETs.”

In the next section, we’ll look at the preparatory propaganda setup for this scenario.

WARNING (16 April 2021): It looks like the globalists are aiming to start World War III like they started World War I: with a Sunday political assassination — this time of Ukraine’s President Zelensky on April 18. Details to follow…

~ MORE ~

For whatever reason, I woke from my afternoon nap with thoughts of Volodymyr Zelensky’s assassination on my mind. So I looked through my emails, did a little checking in Wikipedia and in the media, and found that there was indeed a setup for such a thing.

A couple of weeks ago, Reader Onnabugeisha sent me information on a cluster of numerological indicators pointing to Zelensky, the Ukraine Conflict, and April 18. Here are two that stand out…

Now if you’ve been keeping an eye on the news, you might have heard about Biden calling Putin a “killer and Kissinger warning America to “Accept New Global System Or Face A Pre-WWI Geopolitical Situation.”

And what started World War I? A political assassination on a Sunday

…from Google

This April 18 is also a Sunday.

According to the West, Putin is a killer who assassinates his enemies with poisons (like polonium-210 and “the world’s least effective nerve agent,” Novichok). So what would happen if his current enemy, Volodymyr Zelensky, “dies” from such a poison — who would take over Ukraine? [1, 2] This guy would…

…from Ukrinform

Dmytro Razumkov is constantly in the news talking about “Russian aggression” and unifying with the West, and something tells me he would act very quickly “to avenge his fallen president.” The day after April 18 is the beginning of “the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast” of course, and “Old Georgie is a hungerin’ for Christian soldiers’ souls”

“And that’s the true true.”

(10 April 2021) – You may have heard the news about the discovery of the pharaonic “golden city” of Aten in the Egyptian desert…

…from The Guardian

All the press coverage this has gotten in the past few days is related to the rise of Putin and the March 6 flyby of the asteroid Apophis, which is classified by astronomers as an “Aten asteroid.” I’ll explain all this in detail over this weekend, but to give you a quick preview…

Putin, after first appearing to be a savior, will be playing the role of Apophis, which is the Egyptian version of Satan. And when the asteroid Apophis few past us on March 6, that was the sign of “the Spirit of Apophis/Satan possessing Putin” (according to the globalist prophecy fulfillment script).

~ MORE ~

Back in early March, we looked at the globalist prophecy propaganda surrounding this “sign in the heavens”…

They connected the “sign” to Revelation 12, which speaks of a child being born that Satan sought to possess, but which was held back from Satan by God for 1260 days. Those 1260 days expired on March 6, the same day the Apophis asteroid flew by Earth…

…from Here is an excerpt…

Apophis will be at its closest to Earth this year on March 5 at 8:15 p.m. EST (0115 GMT on March 6). [That’s 4:15 AM, March 6 in Moscow]

The asteroid was named after Apophis (Apep) AFTER its orbit was calculated, so the globalists specifically chose this asteroid to represent Apophis because its orbit matched their timetable. Here’s a quick introduction to the corresponding myth…

…from Ancient Egypt Online

So according to the globalist script, the flyby of this asteroid in the dark of night (in Moscow) was a sign in the heavens heralding the arrival of the Spirit of Apep/Satan/Chaos, which at that moment possessed Antichrist Putin as God’s 1260 days of restraint expired.”

~ MORE ~

Now if we take a look at the technical details of asteroid Apophis, two things stand out: the minor planet number it was assigned, and its minor planet category…

…from Wikipedia

Looking at its minor planet number (99942) from the perspective of a whacked-out numerologist, 999 is an inverted 666, and 42 is the sum of 7 sixes, so you’ve got a total of 10 sixes. But this is not what’s interesting. What’s interesting is what reader Onnabugeisha uncovered: if you read the number in reverse, you get 24999, and a couple of notable 24999s turned up in March. The first was this…

On 18 March 2021, Vladimir Putin, born 7 October 1952, turned exactly 24999 days old.

And here is what was significant about March 18…

  • It was monthly 666 Day (18 = 6+6+6).
  • It was the Twelfth Day after Putin’s supposed possession by the Spirit of Apep/Satan/Chaos, marking the Satanic Epiphany, the revelation of Satan incarnate as the Antichrist (through the manifestation of chaos).
  • It was the 77th day of the year.
  • It was the 707th anniversary of the killing of Jacques de Molay, the 23rd and final Grand Master of the Knights Templar, by burning at the stake on orders from the Catholic Church.
  • It was a day the globalists planned to unleash chaos at the Vatican and possibly Ukraine also. Scroll down to the 17 March warning I issued for details (or click here to open a parallel page to the right spot).

And this brings us to the second appearance of 24999…

On 20 March 2021, United Nations Headquarters, completed 9 October 1952, turned exactly 24999 days old.

Had the globalists gone through with what they had planned for the 18th, including a Ukrainian invasion of the breakaway areas near Russia, the “Deep State” would have false-flagged Russia’s retaliation with the Operation Blackjoke attacks on March 20. Washington, DC and UN Headquarters would have been among the targets.

Tomorrow, we’ll look at the other interesting technical detail about asteroid Apophis: its classification as an Aten asteroid.

~ MORE – 11 April 2021 ~

Here’s what Wikipedia says about the Aten asteroids and the NASA scientist (and likely occultist) who named them…

The Aten asteroids are a dynamical group of asteroids whose orbits bring them into proximity with Earth. By definition, Atens are Earth-crossing asteroids. The group is named after 2062 Aten, the first of its kind, discovered on 7 January 1976 by American astronomer Eleanor Helin at Palomar Observatory. As of 2020, 1841 Atens have been discovered, of which 13 are named. Many Atens are classified as potentially hazardous asteroids. – [1]

Eleanor Francis “Glo” Helin was an American astronomer. She was principal investigator of the Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) program of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory…


2062 Aten, provisional designation 1976 AA, is a stony sub-kilometer asteroid and namesake of the Aten asteroids, a subgroup of near-Earth objects. The asteroid was named after Aten from Egyptian mythology

This minor planet was named from Egyptian mythology after Aten, the ancient Egyptian god of the solar disk, originally an aspect of the god Ra. The official naming citation was published by the Minor Planet Center on 1 August 1978. – [3]

The connection between Apophis and Aten is notable because the actions of the Egyptian pharaoh who gave rise to Aten worship, Akhenaten, will serve as the template for the religious actions Emperor Putin will take during the New World Order. To see how, take a look at these selected readings I’ve gathered on Akhenaten and Aten…

During the reign of Akhenaten, The Aten was installed as the principle god of ancient Egypt, and the worship of many of the traditional gods of ancient Egypt was rejected. The Aten was not a new god but an obscure aspect of the sun god worshipped as early as the Old Kingdom.

“Aten” was the traditional name for the sun-disk itself and so the name of the god is often translated as “the Aten”…

During the New Kingdom, the Aten was considered to be an aspect of the composite deity Ra-Amun-Horus. Ra represented the daytime sun, Amun represented the sun in the underworld, and Horus represented the sunrise. Akhenaten proclaimed “the Aten” (the visible sun itself) to be the sole deity, taking sun worship a stage further…

In its early stages, Atenism is best described as a henotheistic religion (a religion devoted to a single god while accepting the existence of other gods) but it developed into a proto-monotheistic system. The full extent of his religious reforms were not apparent until the ninth year of his reign. As well as proclaiming the Aten the only god, he banned the use of idols with the exception of a rayed solar disc. He also made it clear that the image of the Aten only represented the god, but that the god transcended creation and so could not be fully understood or represented. This aspect of his faith bears a notable resemblance to the religion of Moses, prompting Freud to suggest that Akhenaten was the first Monotheist.

The Aten was worshipped in the open sunlight, rather than in dark temple enclosures, as the old gods had been. However, far from being open to the people, only Akhenaten (and his family) could connect with the god. In the Hymn to the Aten, Akhenaten states “there is none who knows thee save thy son Akhenaten”. – from Ancient Egypt Online

…Akhenaten is known for his development of a kind of early monotheism that stressed the uniqueness of the sun god Aten, and of Akhenaten’s own relationship with this god. For this king, there was only one god and only one person who now knew the god: Akhenaten himself.

Initially called Amenhotep IV, Akhenaten came to the throne around 1349 BCE. He spent his early years as king engaged in fairly traditional building projects, including at the great Karnak Temple, home of Amun, and in the gold-rich land of Kush (Nubia) to Egypt’s south. Late in his third year of rule, however, he took the extraordinary step of celebrating a Jubilee Festival, a ritual renewal of kingship usually held after 30 years on the throne. At Karnak, Akhenaten constructed a series of Jubilee buildings with talatat, small stone blocks that became a signature of his reign.

Initially, the king’s building projects embraced a range of cults, including that of the Aten – shown at the time as a falcon-headed man. But the Karnak Jubilee buildings featured the Aten alone and represented in a new form: as the disc of the sun, its rays ending in hands reaching out to the royal family…

Akhenaten’s promotion of the Aten cult soon intensified. He changed his name from Amenhotep to Akhenaten – One Who is Effective for the Aten – and redirected revenue from Egypt’s temples into the Aten cult. Teams of workers were dispatched to chisel out the names and images of other gods from the walls of monuments. Amun, Mut and Khonsu, the patron gods of Thebes, were especially targeted. This removal work was often sloppy and incomplete, but it must surely have been an affront to Egypt’s religious institutions. – from

…from Akhenaten and the Religion of Light, by Erik Hornung (pages 54-56)

In the next installment, I’ll cover how Putin will follow Akhenaten’s lead in establishing the global rule of his own supposed “God of Light,” Lucifer.

~ MORE – 13 April 2021 ~

Before we look at how Akhenaten and Putin’s religious actions will mirror each other, let’s remember two things we’ve already learned about the globalists’ plans…

1) After the coming Big Event, they intend to form a “Religious UN” that will bring all the world’s religions/gods together in Jerusalem…

…and the Third Temple will be where they all worship (click on image to enlarge)…

…from Israel National News (top) and (bottom)

2) There will be two phases to Putin’s leadership of the “reformed” UN/NWO…

  • the eminence grise phase, during which he’ll control it from behind the scenes (the first 3.5 years), and
  • the emperor phase, during which he’ll openly lead it (the second 3.5 years).

Now let’s look at the parallels between Akhenaten and Putin that we’ll be seeing…

Parallel One – Akhenaten began introducing his Aten worship amidst the existing pantheon of gods/religions of Egypt, but he later made it the sole religion, pushing all others aside.

Likewise, Putin will introduce his Lucifer worship (likely under a different name) amidst the existing pantheon of gods/religions of the Religious UN, but he’ll later push all others aside.

Parallel Two – Akhenaten held a Jubilee Festival in the third year of his rule, after which he changed his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten and began instituting Aten as the sole god.

Likewise, Putin will hold a Jubilee Festival in Jerusalem at the 3.5 year mark of his rule, after which he’ll change his name and begin instituting Lucifer as the sole god.

Parallel Three – Akhenaten made his god Aten the pharaoh of Egypt, erecting a royal titulary enclosed in a double cartouche in the Great Temple of Aten, with Akhenaten assuming the role of “the beloved son of Aten” ruling on his behalf.

Likewise, Putin will at the time of his Jubilee Festival make Lucifer the ruler of Earth, erecting a Luciferian idol in the Third Temple in Jerusalem, with Putin assuming the role of “the beloved son of Lucifer” ruling on his behalf.

(8 April 2021) – What the globalists have planned for April 19 thru May 20 has become clear: it will be a month-long multi-step ritual that will feature a COVID (and possibly also nuclear) Beltane fire sacrifice by the “Western Satanists” which will give rise to the Beast from the East (Putin).

“Look to the East for the rise of the Morning Star!” an occultist might say. To this I would reply, “Look to Texas, for Ken is about to pi$$ in your corn flakes.” The golden shower is forecast for the late afternoon.

~ MORE ~

Do you know what watching the globalists trying to put on their “End Times” stage play is like?…

With that in mind, let me show you the doorknob they’ll be humping between April 19 and May 20…

You may have noticed that the “evil Satanist Deep State” is being portrayed as accelerating their effort to get as many Americans as possible to take the COVID vaccine as soon as possible…

…from CNBC

It just so happens that the two specific dates brought up by Biden and the article, April 19 and May 1, are dates of high occult importance that figured-in to the last full-on globalist attempt to launch the NWO back in 2016…

…from Christian Today. Here is an excerpt…

Christians should watch out for two events that would take place simultaneously on April 19 in New York City and London, Christian author Michael Synder says.

On that day, reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria are going to be erected in Times Square and in Trafalgar Square. That would coincide with an occult festival related to the worship of a demon named Baal.

Writing for Charisma News, Synder wonders whether the arches to be installed would be the giant “welcome signs” for the Antichrist.

The author says his fears are based on these facts:

April 19 is the first day of a 13-day period of time known as ‘the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast‘ that culminates on the high occult holy day of Beltane on May 1,” he says.

April 19 is also the date of the Feast of Moloch, an ancient Canaanite god that is repeatedly vilified in the Old Testament.

Synder also notes a series of horrific events that occurred on April 19:

  • April 19, 1993 – Waco Massacre: An FBI assault lead to the burning down of the compound of a sect named Branch Davidians, killing 76 men, women and children.
  • April 19, 1995 – Oklahoma City bombing – 168 people killed…

Synder also notes that since 2016 is a leap year, April 20 will be the 111th day of the year, and triple numbers are considered to be “power dates” in the occult world.

He says the worship of Baal can be traced all the way back to an ancient king of Babylon that is known in Sumerian sources as Enmerkar, but that is known in the Bible as Nimrod.

Nimrod established the very first “New World Order” in the ancient world, and he fundamentally changed the course of human history.

After he died, this ancient king of Babylon eventually came to be worshipped as a sun god under different names: Marduk, Osiris, and Apollo among others.

Many secret societies and occult groups believe that someday this ancient deity will be “resurrected” and will once again take his place as the ruler of the world.

Moreover, many Christian scholars believe that there is a connection between Nimrod and the coming Antichrist.

The article mentions the 111th day of the year as being a “power date,” and that “Nimrod established the very first ‘New World Order’ in the ancient world, and he fundamentally changed the course of human history.” Can you guess which day this year is the 111th day?

April 21 is the 111th day of the year (112th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. 254 days [2+5+4 = 11] remain until the end of the year. – from Wikipedia

So it is on the 111th day of 2021, April 21, that the “Antichrist,” Nimrod / Marduk / Osiris / Apollo / Putin, will give his “Message for a New Age” speech that will begin the transition towards the multilateral/multipolar New World Order, “fundamentally changing the course of human history.” And it is the Western Satanists through their engineered mRNA plague and possible nuclear false-flag attacks on Western cities on May Day that will give the Antichrist the power to begin his rise as the false messiah on May 2, Orthodox Easter.

~ MORE – 9 April 2021 ~

So Putin’s little secret was spilled yesterday, and now the war is off?…

…from The Moscow Times

There are still three weeks till Beltane, though, so they might be merely turning down the heat to simmer so they can turn it back up after Putin’s speech.

And since we’re talking about Ukraine and the pending war, it’s a good time to note that the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult that’s orchestrating the “End Times” stage play dominates Ukraine

…from The Times of Israel (top) and the Ukraine Jewish Encounter (bottom)

So it is these Kabbalist criminals who are pulling the strings of the puppets on both sides of this war: the openly Jewish Zelensky on the Ukrainian side, and the Crypto-Jewish Putin on the Russian side…

And all the Orthodox Christian soldiers who will die on both sides are just blood sacrifices for the building of their New World Order.

To explain-away Putin’s connection to Chabad — public knowledge of which has become a liability to the globalists — the NWO Narrative will present Chabad as “bad guys” and claim that Putin “infiltrated” them so he could “sabotage their plans from within.” Anyone dumb enough to fall for that one is beyond my help.

It should also be noted that Ludwig von Mises, the Austrian-school economist whose ideas will be implemented in the NWO financial and economic system, also comes from a prominent Ukrainian Jewish family that has ties to the royals [1, 2] and the Rockefellers…

…from the Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics

So globalist agent Ron Paul is out there shilling for the new Jewish NWO economic system…


Ron Paul was born and raised in Pittsburgh, so he’s not a real Texan. He just plays one on TV.

Much more to come…

(7 April 2021) – Here’s an interesting little historical parallel that reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out…

Octavian-Putin’s “Message for a New Age” speech, which is scheduled for April 21, will happen on the historical birth date of Rome…

The ancient Romans were certain of the day Rome was founded: April 21, the day of the festival sacred to Pales, goddess of shepherds, on which date they celebrated the Par ilia (or Palilia). – from Wikipedia

And here’s something interesting about Pales…

In ancient Roman religion, Pales was a deity of shepherds, flocks and livestock. Regarded as male by some sources and female by others, Pales can be either singular or plural in Latin, and refers at least once to a pair of deities.

Pales’ festival, called the Parilia, was celebrated on April 21. Cattle were driven through bonfires on this day. Pales and the Parilia were strictly connected to the foundation of Rome which took place on the day of their festival.

Marcus Atilius Regulus built a temple to Pales in Rome following his victory over the Salentini in 267 BC. It is generally thought to have been located on the Palatine Hill, but, being a victory monument, it may have been located on the route of the triumphal procession, either on the Campus Martius or the Aventine Hill. According to the Fasti Antiates Maiores, there was a festival for “the two Pales” (Palibus duobus) on July 7, probably to mark the dedication of this temple. – from Wikipedia

This connection between Pales, the Roman Shepherd God, and a triumphal procession is quite interesting given that another Shepherd God, Jesus, had a triumphal procession into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. And that triumphal procession (Palm Sunday) will be celebrated in Russia on April 25, four days after Putin’s speech. So which donkey will the “Good Shepherd” Putin ride that day? Proshka?

On another note, Pales being male or female is an interesting concept. When Putin went under the knife of an Illuminati surgeon for his face lift, did the doctor Bruce Jennerize him too?

(7 April 2021) – Will the mRNA vaccines be the “nukes” that take down the West?

Due to exacting cold storage requirements, the mRNA COVID vaccines are used exclusively in the US, Europe, and a few wealthy countries in the Middle East and Asia. And I’m currently tracking a scenario in which the binary activator for these weaponized vaccines would be released on the public between April 19 and May 1 (May Day / Beltane), resulting in mass death by cytokine storm and/or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. This scenario would bring about the fall of the West/G7/NATO and provide an opportunity for Putin and some “friends in the sky” to sweep in and play the saviors as soon as May 2. And the whole disaster would be blamed on the Western “Satanic” Deep State.

I’ll start laying out the puzzle pieces as soon as I’m able.

(6 April 2021) – Given the rather dramatic news a reader just shared, I guess I can take an hour off of my time off.

It looks like our modern-day Octavian will address the Senate on the day before April 22

…from RT. Here is an excerpt…

Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly preparing to give a major address in which he will fire the starting pistol on a “new era” and set out a different vision for the future of his country as the Covid-19 pandemic wanes.

The chairwoman of the Russian Senate, Valentina Matvienko, told reporters on Tuesday that the speech would set out answers to a number of challenges facing the world.

“This will be a message for a new age,” she said. “But at the same time, as always, current issues will be addressed, focuses will be defined and direct instructions will be given.” Matvienko added that “in the current difficult environment facing the world, which comes with many obstacles for countries including Russia,” the address would become “the most important political and public event.”

Putin is due to speak to the national parliament, encompassing both the Senate and its lower house, the State Duma, on April 21. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov revealed on Monday that the annual message would be delivered in person, amid a relaxing of social distancing rules governing workplaces across the country. “The rest of the details are being worked out,” he added.

The article goes on to mention the ballooning debt burden and stagnant incomes in the midst of inflation (stagflation). So one can expect that this speech may signal a coming debt jubilee and return to “sound money,” including a possible announcement of a “currency backed by real commodities (including gold).” Here’s something I wrote about this moment back in 2015…

The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers

I just came across a Zerohedge article titled “Is Russia Planning A Gold-Based Currency?” To give a simple answer to the question posed by the title, “yes,” both Russia and China (and possibly other BRICS allies) are planning to go to a partial gold backing for their currencies. And once they do, the globalist propaganda organs will laud the move as “the masterstroke that peacefully defeated the Western banksters.”

The (globalist orchestrated) BRICS move towards a partial gold standard goes beyond their own national currencies, though. To “save the international financial system from cataclysm,” they will also offer a portion of their gold reserves to back the IMF’s SDR, and they will receive a large allotment of SDRs in return. This “gold for SDRs” strategy was hinted at in a (UK) Royal Institute of International Affairs paper titled Adding Gold into the Valuation of the SDR

According to the globalist script, in return for “saving the IMF and the international financial system” with their gold, the BRICS (particularly China) will demand sweeping governance reforms of the IMF and the rest of the UN Complex, as well as a Chinese IMF head. The Chinese would then “own” the New World Order system in the way that George Soros described back in 2009 (if you haven’t read the linked article, please do so; you’ll find it complements this one quite nicely).

Also worth noting is that the article came from The Mises Institute. I’ve been noticing a lot of positive propaganda surrounding Ludwig von Mises and Austrian Economics, and this leads me to believe that the banksters will impose the Austrian model after the Transition. If you go to the Mises Institute website, you’ll notice that their logo looks like a royal crest…
…And if you go to Ludwig von Mises’ bio page on Wikipedia, you find out why…

So the Mises family has a strong connection to the Occulted Powers (the “royals”), and Ludwig himself was brought to America by the leading architects of the New World Order, the Rockefellers. According to this article from The Independent Institute

Many readers may be surprised to learn the extent to which the Graduate Institute and then Mises himself in the years immediately after he came to United States were kept afloat financially through generous grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. In fact, for the first years of Mises’s life in the United States, before his appointment as a visiting professor in the Graduate School of Business Administration at New York University (NYU) in 1945, he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. Even after he finally landed the position at NYU, where he remained only a visiting professor until his retirement in 1969, his salary was paid for not by NYU, but from funds contributed by generous private supporters.”

With Ludwig von Mises’ intimate connections to the European “royals” and the Rockefellers established, it is informative to look at who is pushing his theories today…

You can read more of the article here.

(3 April 2021) – The Antichrist on the White Horse

Revelation 19 11 Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True…

…With righteousness He judges and wages war…

…12 He has eyes like blazing fire, and many royal crowns on His head…

…He has a name written on Him that only He Himself knows…

…13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood,…

…and His name is The Word of God…

(2 April 2021) – In this phase of the Prophecy Fulfillment Show, the globalists will try to introduce Putin as the Jewish and Christian messiah (later on in the script, they’ll reveal him as a false messiah, the Antichrist). So we can expect the upcoming events involving Putin to parallel both Jewish and Christian historical & prophetic events related to their messiah figures: the Moshiach ben David (Jewish) and Jesus Christ (Christian). In Jewish prophecy propaganda, the Moshiach ben David is promoted as the Jewish messiah who will bring the Future Redemption of Israel.

According to the plans of the Kabbalist Chabad-Lubavitch cult (which is helping orchestrate the Prophecy Fulfillment Show on behalf of the Kabbalist central bankers), SOMETHING BIG RELATED TO PUTIN WILL HAPPEN BETWEEN SUNSET ON SATURDAY, 4/3 (in Jerusalem or Moscow) AND SUNSET ON MONDAY, 4/5. It will most likely happen on Sunday, but Monday is also a possibility. Here’s what Chabad say about Sunday, 4/4 (which is Easter Sunday AND the last day of Passover)…

> Sunday, which is 22 Nissan on the Hebrew calendar, is the 8th and final day of Passover, which ends at sunset. And the 8th day has a “special connection with the Future Redemption.” After sunset that day, the 8th day of the Counting of the Omer is counted, so the Kabbalists could also make use of that 8th day (Monday) to stage a significant event.

> A Moshiach’s meal happens Sunday afternoon…

The last day of Passover (“Acharon Shel Pesach”) is particularly associated with Moshiach and the future redemption. The Haftarah (reading from the Prophets) for this day is from Isaiah 11, which describes the promised future era of universal peace and divine perfection. Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov instituted the custom of partaking of a “Moshiach’s meal” on the afternoon of the last day of Passover; in addition to the matzah eaten at “Moshiach’s meal”, the Rebbes of Chabad added the custom of drinking four cups of wine, as in the seder held on Passover’s first days.

In the event that Putin is assassinated or disappeared on the 8th day, the Moshiach’s Meal may serve as his symbolic “Last Supper.” And his return could take a few years, or it could happen as soon as May [either May 2 (Orthodox Easter) or May 16-18 (Jewish Shavuot) — in fact, they may have him reappear at Mount Sinai on Orthodox Easter, then fight his way to Jerusalem by Shavuot].

> Sunday is the anniversary of the encirclement of Jericho…

The Book of Joshua is the story of how Israel conquered Canaan. Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, sent two spies to Jericho, the first city of Canaan that they decided to conquer, and discovered that the land was in fear of them and their God. The Israelites marched around the walls once every day for six days with the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant. On the seventh day they marched seven times around the walls, then the priests blew their ram’s horns, the Israelites raised a great shout, and the walls of the city fell. – from Wikipedia

In the event Putin lives to fight and/or Israel goes into war mode on the 8th day, we may see either the beginning of a battle that ends seven days later on April 11, or six days of warnings that lead to the battle on April 11. As for who will be Jericho this time, it could be the city of Damascus, the nation of Iran, or the nation of Ukraine, or the entire Global Deep State.

~ MORE ~

As I point out in The “End Times” Deception, the globalists are engineering two consecutive prophecy fulfillment periods: the First Tribulation and the Second Tribulation. The First Tribulation will feature “Satan’s Great Deception,” in which Vladimir Putin (the Antichrist) attempts to fulfill Bible prophecy and steal Christ’s throne. And the Second Tribulation will feature Putin being defeated by a pretender the globalists will offer as the “real Jesus Christ.” They’re putting us through these two periods in hopes that Christians will believe the Second Tribulation is the “real Tribulation” and accept the globalist pretender Christ.

That being said, they will be careful to make the Second Tribulation a “perfect fulfillment” of Christian prophecy expectations. But with the First Tribulation, they’ll stage a “passable fulfillment” which will be close enough to what people are expecting that almost everyone will buy it. And this means they’ll “stretch” the interpretations of certain prophecies to match them up with their fulfilling events.

Speaking of “stretching prophecies to fit,” some of the Christian prophecy propagandists I monitor have applied the prophecy timeframes of 1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days from Revelation 12 and Daniel 12 to the “Revelation 12 sign in the heavens” that appeared on 23 September 2017…

They say that significant prophetic events will happen on those days, and they are right (because that’s what the globalists are planning to stage). The first timeframe of 1260 days fell on 6 March, which I covered in the 4 and 5 March updates further down this page. And the second timeframe of 1290 days will fall on 4 or 5 April, depending on how you count the days…

So by stretching the interpretations of the Bible verses and manipulating the day count, Christian prophecy expectations are brought into agreement with Jewish prophecy expectations regarding Sunday, 4/4. Both say that something significant will happen that day (thanks to a little “tweaking”).

As for what might happen, let’s look at another bit of Bible prophecy that Antichrist Putin will fulfill as soon as this month or next, Revelation 19

The Rider on the White Horse

11 Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war. 12 He has eyes like blazing fire, and many royal crowns on His head. He has a name written on Him that only He Himself knows. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God.

14 The armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. 15 And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 And He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh:


Defeat of the Beast and False Prophet

17 Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out in a loud voice to all the birds flying overhead, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings and commanders and mighty men, of horses and riders, of everyone slave and free, small and great.”

19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army. 20 But the beast was captured along with the false prophet, who on its behalf had performed signs deceiving those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. Both the beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword that proceeded from the mouth of the One seated on the horse.

And all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.

In the First Tribulation, Revelation 19 will be fulfilled by Putin’s climactic battle against the “Satanic Global Deep State.” And as you can see, it starts with Putin being in heaven [presumably because he is either dead or has been taken up into heaven (disappeared)]. In heaven, he mounts the “white horse” as the head of “the armies of heaven” who are also on white horses, and they come down to Earth to kick some as$. This matches exactly the scenario we’ve been looking at…

  1. Putin is killed or disappeared on the 4th or 5th.
  2. He returns on Orthodox Easter, Shavuot, or a few years from now riding in a UFO (“white horse”) at the head of a fake ET (“heavenly”) army who are also riding in UFOs.
  3. He pushes from Sinai to Jerusalem kicking as$ as he goes (exactly as Joel Richardson describes in his propaganda book).

It’s all just a stage-managed show, folks. And the Second Tribulation will be just as fake as the First. It’s all bullsh*t.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – March Updates

(31 March 2021 & 1 April 2021) – The globalists may make another attempt to start the war in Ukraine on April 4 or 5 & Watch Putin on April 1 and 4

The mainstream media are now confirming the rumored Russian troop buildup along the border with Ukraine: U.S. watching “escalation of armed confrontation” near Ukraine’s border with Russia. And strong numerological and historical cues point to action on April 4 or 5th. I’ll get into those by noon tomorrow.

~ MORE ~

In previous entries, I’ve noted that the globalists may script-in an attempt by the Russian “Atlantic Integrationists” and “Neo-Communists” to assassinate or disappear Putin. And the beginning of a “Global Deep State” blitzkrieg against its opponents would be the perfect time to play that card. Putin would be attacked from both within Russia and without.

That’s why I find it interesting that on 4/4, it will be exactly 444 days since supposed “Atlantic Integrationist” Dmitry Medvedev left office as Prime Minister of Russia and was on the same day (16 January 2020) appointed by Putin to Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia. “Medvedev’s man,” FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, also sits on the Council. So it may be the Security Council that plays the part of the Roman Senate to Putin’s Caesar by trying to remove Putin “to save Russia from a needless, ruinous, possibly nuclear war.”

In looking around for interpretations of 444 that might apply, I stumbled upon this…

The pattern of the number 444 is manifested as there are 44 months and 4 days between Jesus’ baptism and the day God the Father gave his final confirmation that Christ was the One chosen to die on Passover to make our salvation possible! – from

4/4 is not only Easter; it’s the final day of Passover. So will Putin “rise as Christ rose” on Easter, or will he “die as Christ died” on Passover?

It’s also possible that they’ll try to take down Putin on April 1 and have him rise again three days later on April 4 like I wrote in the 26 March update. If they do the takedown after sunset on April 1, it will happen on Friday (by the Jewish calendar) during Passover…

The Gospels all agree that Jesus died on a Friday during Passover on the Day of Preparation for the Sabbath. – from

~ MORE – 1 April 2021 ~

Reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out that Dmitry Medvedev, born 14 September 1965, turned exactly 666 months and 18 days (18 = 6+6+6) old today, April 1. And April 1 this year is Maundy Thursday: the Christian holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Washing of the Feet (Maundy) and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles (which Judas attended, at least its beginning). Jesus had 12 apostles, and can you guess how many permanent members are in the Security Council of Russia? Yep, there are 12.

Given that Judas is thought to have left the Last Supper before it was over, will Medvedev and/or Bortnikov leave a Thursday meeting of the Security Council of Russia before it’s over? And will the meeting room afterwards explode, Operation Valkyrie-style? Or will someone kill Putin right in front of everyone, Caesar-style? If it happens after sunset in Moscow (which is in the same time zone as Jerusalem, GMT +3), it will occur on Thursday by the Gregorian calendar and Friday by the Jewish calendar. As of this writing, sunset is a little over 2 hours away in Moscow.

~ MORE ~

Upon checking into Putin’s schedule, I found out that he does have meetings with his Security Council that include only him and the 12 “disciples” (permanent members) — they had one on Monday at 3:30 PM, in fact…


And he might have one tonight after making the phone calls he has scheduled for today…

What’s significant about these calls is that both Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan will participate in any Israeli strike on Iran. You can read about how Azerbaijan is working with Israel in my updates from last year. Here is an excerpt from an article that was quoted…

Searching for a new market for its military armaments and for a new Muslim ally in the region, Israel found Azerbaijan. Particularly since 2010, the two countries have formed a strategic alliance, backed by the US, against their mutual foe Iran.

Mossad chiefs, senior military officers and cabinet ministers frequently visit Baku, and their Azeri counterparts reciprocate with meetings in Tel Aviv. Four years ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on his way to Kazakhstan, stopped over for seven hours in Baku…

Moreover, according to foreign sources, Mossad established a station in Azerbaijan, serving as the “eyes, ears and springboard” for monitoring Iran. According to these reports, Azerbaijan prepared an airfield that would assist Israel in case it attacked Iran. Other reports claimed that the Iranian nuclear archive that was stolen by Mossad agents in Tehran two and a half years ago was smuggled to Israel through Azerbaijan.

So watch for the Israeli strike on Iran to move soon too.

~ MORE ~

It looks like the globalist script currently has Putin making his big messianic appearance at Mount Sinai during the Jewish holiday of Shavuot (between sunset of May 16 and sunset of May 18). Right now the Kabbalists are Counting the Omer to his arrival there. From the looks of the preparatory propaganda coming out of disinfo agent Joel Richardson, Putin’s emergence may entail a (fake) ET intervention. You can listen to him setting people’s expectations for it in these two 29-minute podcasts [1, 2]. I’ll be writing about the whole setup over the next few days (there’s a lot to cover).

(30 March 2021) – A reader passed along this piece of preparatory propaganda for the planned nuclear attacks on American cities (Operation Blackjoke)…

…from the Daily Mail

Note how the headline mentions three specific nationalities (Russians, Syrians, and Iraqis) crossing the border, even though it later goes on to say that the influx comes from all parts of the world. Why did they specifically mention those three nationalities in big, bold letters? To help establish a backstory so the mainstream media can blame Russia and NATO can invade Syria and Iraq after a false-flag nuclear attack on US cities (European cities will be hit too).

Here is the currently planned chain of World War 3 events as scripted by the globalists…

  1. They will have the Ukrainian government attack the breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine while the US launches a simultaneous cyberattack on Russia’s communications networks and military systems.
  2. They will have the “American and EU Deep States” trigger nuclear attacks on cities in the US and Western Europe shortly after the fighting starts in Ukraine, then blame it on Russian retaliation.
  3. They will have the entire “Global Deep State” launch World War 3 in retaliation for “Russia’s cowardly nuclear attacks on civilians by proxy.” NATO will then…
  • send their forces that are “exercising” in the Balkans into Ukraine to join the fight against the breakaway regions,
  • launch invasions of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, and once those are complete, invade Iran,
  • launch mass arrests of internal dissidents, who will be among those blamed for the nuclear attacks, and
  • attempt to blackmail Russia into dropping Putin under threat of nuclear attack.

In blaming Russia for the Operation Blackjoke attacks, NATO propagandists will point to recent changes in Russia’s policies on the first-use of nuclear weapons, especially in relation to Ukraine…

…from Real Clear Defense (top), BBC (second),  Defense One (third), and Defense News (bottom)

The narrative will be that “Russia conducted the nuke attacks using their special forces, American militia violent extremist allies, and Shiite allies in an attempt to avoid being directly blamed, and their Shiite allies turned to their own allies in getting the terrorists and the nukes across the US border.” Russia’s Shiite allies include Iran, Hezbollah (which has a strong presence in Lebanon and Syria), and “Iranian-backed militias in Iraq.” And the allies of those Shiite groups include Venezuela, Cuba, and the Mexican drug cartels.

(29 March 2021) – Here are the first few paragraphs of an entry I wrote back in January of 2016…

Behold two Jews pretending to be Christians who are talking about the Muslim Messiah, the “Imam Mahdi”…

…from YouTube

According to the script the Kabbalist “Jews” have written, Qasem Soleimani will be unveiled as the Imam Mahdi at roughly the same time Putin is declared the Jewish/Christian Mashiach/Christ (around the climax point of World War 3). And by joining hands with Putin, the “Mahdi” will help the globalists unite the Muslims with the Christians and Jews under a hybrid religion (the “Religious UN,” which will be based in Jerusalem).

Since it is the Kabbalists and their Muslim agents who promote and control Soleimani, Jewish End Times propagandists like Joel Richardson and Sid Roth are telling us exactly what they have planned for him: he will unite the Muslims and lead them to destruction in the Battle of Armageddon. If the Kabbalists are able to pull this off, Islam – and a great many Muslims – will be dead in roughly 7 years.

Over the next day, I will be updating that entry, titled Dear Muslims, the Jews will use the Imam Mahdi to destroy you, to reflect new insights I’ve gained since then. I wrote it back before I understood the role to be played by the globalist-selected Dajjal (Erdogan). Once the updated version is complete, I’ll post it here on the home page.

(29 March 2021) – Steve Quayle Praises the Antichrist

To make my mundane activities more productive, I listen to MP3s put out by the globalist prophecy propagandists so I can monitor for any shifts in the narrative. And yesterday, I listened to one that was put out by the Undertaker, the Bearded Whore of Babble-On, and the Trailer Tramp (globalist disinfo agents Doug Hagmann, Steve Quayle, and Lisa Haven). This is what I heard from Quayle starting at the 42:23 mark…

“What you’re gonna watch, ladies and gentlemen, is the globalists that control all the major powers of the world – and I believe Putin… he has placed himself antithetical to the globalists; he doesn’t like the New World Order. Put Putin’s credentials, put his… and he is brilliant, brilliant. Put his former occupation, head of Russian intelligence, KGB, very, very good – I mean, the best … So here you have a President of Russia trying to defuse, trying to defuse the situation – that doesn’t make me a Russian agent; it makes me a realist…”

Such high praise for the “man of peace,” Vladimir Putin.

So here’s the deal with Steve Quayle…

  • Steve Quayle isn’t a Russian agent; he’s a globalist agent, and his job is to sell gullible Christians and heathens on the globalist prophecy fulfillment deception.
  • Steve Quayle IS FULLY AWARE THAT VLADIMIR PUTIN IS SCRIPTED TO PLAY THE ANTICHRIST, but he will not reveal this fact to his listeners because the globalists want everyone to be fooled by Putin’s savior act. It is only after Putin does some antichristy things that Quayle and others of his type will pretend to catch on to the deception.
  • Steve Quayle isn’t a real Christian — he’s most likely a Kabbalist, and he works for the Kabbalist “Jews.” That’s why he praises Israel and points to the Nazis as being the ones running the Global Deep State, despite the fact that everywhere you look, the Deep State is populated by Jews or Catholics (the Roman Catholic Church is controlled by the Kabbalist “Jews”).
  • Steve Quayle will get down on his knees and worship the fake Jesus the globalists send out to defeat Antichrist Putin. It is his job to ensure that his listeners follow suit, and he does this by saying everything he can to terrify people so they will “run to Jesus.”
  • Steve Quayle is “Judas Maximus” to real Christians, so it’s no wonder he’s a coin dealer. His starting capital was probably handed down through his family from the original Judas.

When you get right down to it, it’s pretty easy to spot the globalist propagandists in the alt-media…

  • They point to Obama (the decoy Antichrist) as the bad guy trying to bring in the Orwellian New World Order.
  • They point to Putin (the “real” Antichrist) as the enemy of the New World Order and the only sane statesman on the international stage.
  • They praise Putin’s brilliance, oftentimes saying things that portray him as a “master chess player,” like “Putin is playing 3-dimensional chess while the NATO leaders play checkers”…

The chess analogy is a dead giveaway. It’s a standard talking point, as is the “Biden Presidency as the Obama 2.0 Presidency,” which the Trailer Tramp brings up at the 84-minute mark of the interview. To her credit, she worked her way out of the trailer; all she had to do was sell out to “The Man.”

(28 March 2021) – Why the globalists blocked the Suez Canal


There are multiple reasons for the globalists blocking the Suez Canal, but one of the main ones has to do with the coming choreographed war. The scriptwriters are having the “bad guys” (“Satanically-controlled” NATO) block the “good guys” (Russia, China, and Iran) from accessing the Mediterranean Sea.

There are only three waterways through which the Mediterranean can be accessed, and two of them are controlled by NATO (the Turkish Straits and the Strait of Gibraltar). And now the third access point, the Suez Canal, is blocked. This means Syria and Lebanon are isolated by sea (or will be once the war begins).


NATO are also sending troops into Iraq under the excuse of an ISIS resurgence there (conveniently located in areas controlled by America’s Kurdish allies). These NATO forces are intended to block the “land bridge” from Iran to Syria and Lebanon, which can pass only through Turkey (blocked) or Iraq (being blocked).

Here is a map showing the blocked access points to the Med (in red) and the land routes from Iran to Syria/Lebanon, which must pass through either Turkey or Iraq…

…from Google

Blocking all these access routes will leave Syria and Lebanon completely isolated by land and sea (and air) from “good guy” support once the balloon goes up.

This being said, you won’t see the Suez Canal cleared until the war is either finished or cancelled.


When the war begins and Syria and Lebanon are completely cut off from military and logistical aid from their allies…

  • NATO Coalition aircraft will hit Damascus with decapitation strikes and block all air traffic in and out of the war zone,
  • Turkish forces already massed along both sides of the Turkey-Syria border will invade from the north,
  • Israeli forces, who finished their war preparation exercises last Thursday, will invade from the south, while
  • NATO naval forces secure the western flank (the Mediterranean) and
  • NATO ground forces in Iraq and eastern Syria secure the eastern flank.

When the Israelis coming up from the south meet the Turks coming down from the north, one of two things will happen…

  1. They will stop at a mutually agreed line — dividing Syria between their countries — as Putin falls (for a couple of years), or
  2. the Turks, with the full backing of “Satanically-controlled NATO” and the “Israel-hating Biden (Obama) administration,” will attack the Israelis and drive them back to Megiddo in northern Israel. That’s when Moschiach Putin (and “friends”) will intervene in a spectacular fashion.


Now let me show you a real world example of the consequences of blockading the access points to the Mediterranean:

Do you remember when the UK seized the Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar a couple of years ago?…

…from Arab News

That was the beginning of a de facto UK blockade of Iranian oil shipments to Syria through the Strait of Gibraltar. And it led to the diversion of all such shipments through the neutral, Egyptian-controlled Suez Canal, where they were then escorted by Russian warships to Syria…

…from USNI News

But the Brits got “revenge” for the bypassing of their blockade when the Suez Canal was blocked by a ship named “Ever Given,” which is an anagram for “revengive“…

…from the Collins Dictionary

As if to “drive the revenge point home,” the ship took a rather irregular course to the Canal, seeming to draw out a pair of buttocks and a full set of male genitalia…

…from the New York Post

The ship’s captain and helmsman have yet to explain why…

And the results of the now-complete blockade are quite predictable…

…from CNN

If the Syrian Army didn’t already face enough problems fending off the superior equipment and training of the Turkish and Israeli armies, they’ll certainly have their hands full fighting them without fuel.

~ MORE – 29 March 2021 ~

Well, well, well… it looks like the war has been cancelled (or at least delayed until May Day)…

…from Reuters

But I’ll continue maintaining watch until the Hebrew month of Nissan has passed.

The next time they try to start the war, don’t be surprised if the Suez Canal experiences another blockage — this time a deliberate one. The next obstruction may come from a ship sunk by a sea mine “planted in the Canal by ISIS.” The narrative will say that ISIS observed what happened with the Ever Given and it inspired them to launch an attack that would block the Canal for a much longer period of time. A scripted motive for such a “revenge” attack has already been added to the storyline…

…from The Jerusalem Post

The killing of the ISIS leader occurred on the same day as the Ever Given incident.

(27 March 2021) – I’ve finally run across mainstream media confirmation of the NATO military buildup around Ukraine. It’s taking place under cover of an “exercise” called Defender Europe 2021…

…from the Army Times. Here is an excerpt with my addition in [brackets]…

One of the largest U.S.-Army led military exercises in decades has kicked off and will run until June, with 28,000 total troops from 27 nations taking part. Defender Europe 2021 will include “nearly simultaneous operations across more than 30 training areas” in a dozen countries.

The exercise is the deployment of a division-size force from the United States to Europe, pulling equipment from Army prepositioned stocks, then moving personnel and equipment across the theater to multiple training areas…

This year’s wider-ranging exercise will include COVID restrictions and monitoring but will span the Balkans [which border Ukraine] and the Black Sea region and use key ground and maritime routes that bridge Europe, Asia and Africa, according to a U.S. Army Europe and Africa statement…

The multi-faceted, months-long exercise provides the United States and allies a showcase event for crisis response, Cavoli said.

The U.S. Air Force and Navy will see an increased role in this previously largely Army affair. Planners are incorporating “new or high-end capabilities,” which include air and missile defense assets, capabilities from the Army’s Security Force Assistance Brigades and V Corps, which was recently reactivated.

Of the 28,000 total participants, an estimated 2,100 are coming from the Army National Guard and another 800 from the Army Reserve.

Equipment and personnel begin flowing this month from the United States to Europe. Next month units will draw from prepositioned stocks of gear in the Netherlands, Italy and Germany.

And news reports out of Jacksonville and Ukraine show that equipment is continuing to flow into Europe as of yesterday…

…from News4Jax (top) and Zero Hedge (bottom)

If we manage to push the war out of Passover, their next obvious fallback window starts on May Day (May 1). A war started then would lead to Putin’s emergence on the Jewish holiday of Shavuot (May 16-18). Shavuot “celebrates the revelation of the Five Books of the Torah by God to Moses and to the Israelites at biblical Mount Sinai, 49 days (7 weeks) after the Exodus from ancient Egypt,” so it is related to Passover. A holiday celebrating the revelation of the Torah is a suitable time for the revelation of the Messiah, don’t you think?

On another note, seeing that the Kabbalists control goy popular music, I’ve been feeling inspired to make my entry into Kabbalist music. And I’ve already started writing the lyrics for my first song…

You want Moshiach now,
you want Moshiach now,
you want Moshiach now,
but you will have to wait.

WARNING (27 March 2021) – Preparatory propaganda for the Passover move by the “Commie Deep State” against Bolsonaro, which will lead to either his fall or the fall of the Left, is still being featured…

…from today’s Drudge Report (top) and yesterday’s Al Jazeera (bottom)

So are the media guys merely carrying out obsolete instructions under the now-cancelled Passover script, or are the globalists still pushing forward? There’s a good chance we’ll find out within the next two and a half hours, because the specific time mentioned on the Chabad site for the killing of the first born is the stroke of midnight of Nissan 15,” and…

  • midnight happens in Iran at 2:30 PM Texas time / 3:30 PM Washington, DC time, and
  • midnight happens in Israel at 4:00 PM Texas time / 5:00 PM Washington, DC time.

Those are the times to watch Iran for either explosions or UFOs. I would stay away from Washington and New York (and landmarks in other “sin cities”) if we see the explosions.

(27 March 2021) – As of this writing (@ 9 AM Texas time), we are two hours away from sunset in Israel, which starts Passover and takes us into the most likely six hours for a strike on Iran to occur. And all that’s left to say is this…

“MY proper-tay!”…

~ MORE ~

While we wait for the next few hours for nothing to happen (hopefully), let’s take a look at some more things that are/were scheduled to occur. We’ll start with Brazil…

The President of Brazil, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, had his 66th birthday on March 21. So today, six days later, he’s reached an age of 66 years and 6 days (666), his “Satanic Activation Day.” Happy Birthday, little guy…

If the worldwide “Deep State” offensive goes forward during Passover, Baby Jair will meet the same scripted fate as Putin. If Putin rises, you’ll see Bolsonaro lead a military takeover of the Brazilian government in which Lula and all the leftists/commies will be mass arrested. And if Putin falls, Bolsonaro will fall to Lula and his comrades.

Next we’ll look at Soleimani’s 666 day (which starts when Passover starts).

~ MORE ~

When it comes to Qasem Soleimani and his role as the globalist-selected (fake) Imam Mahdi, this Passover is a very special day: it’s the anniversary of the supposed birthday of the Hidden Imam

…from (top) and Google (bottom)

Now look at the Islamic birthday listed for Soleimani…

…from Wikishia

  • From his Islamic birth year of 1376 to the current Islamic year of 1442 is 66 years.
  • From his Islamic birth date of 9 Sha’ban to the Islamic day that begins at sunset today, 15 Sha’ban, is 6 days.

So he reached the Islamic age of 66 years and 6 days (666) at sunset today in Iran. His “Satanic Activation Day” has already begun (and will run through Sunday at sunset).

I’ll explain what this means in a future entry.

WARNING (26 March 2021): Reader Onnabugeisha informs me that Israel has entered Friday the 13th (the 13th day of the Hebrew month of Nissan), and 13 Nissan is known for this…

Haman’s Decree (357 BCE)

In the 12th year of his reign (357 BCE), King Achashverosh of Persia endorsed Haman’s plan “to destroy, kill and annihilate all Jews, from young to old, infants and women, on a single day, on the 13th day of the 12th month, the month of Adar.” On Nissan 13 (11 months before the date chosen for the massacre) proclamations of the decree were drafted and dispatched to all 127 countries of the Persian Empire. Mordechai told Esther to go before the king and plead for her people. Esther asked that a three-day fast be proclaimed (Nissan 14, 15 and 16–including the first two days of Passover) in which all Jews would repent and pray for the success of her mission. – from

So watch for some kind of provocation (real or false-flagged) from Iran before the Sun sets in Israel on Friday. This could lead to the planned airstrikes against the Iranians in the days that follow. More on this in the morning…

~ MORE – 26 March 2021 ~

Today we’re going to look at the details related to the holidays of Passover and Easter in order to figure out the Kabbalists’ war timing cues.

We’ll start by looking at Easter, which this year falls ON THE LAST DAY OF PASSOVER, 22 Nissan (2+2 = 4), corresponding to the Gregorian day of Sunday, April 4

Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a Christian festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day after his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. – from Wikipedia

As I mentioned in the 22 March update, this would be the perfect day for Putin to emerge victorious over the “Satanic Global Deep State” [since Putin will be playing the role of “the Final Antichrist posing as the returned Christ (and the Jewish Messiah)”]. Also note that Jesus was supposedly resurrected on the third day after his death, which means Putin might disappear or appear to die on April 1 (April Fools’ Day), perhaps reappearing with the backup of “lights in the sky” on April 4.

Now let’s look at various aspects of Passover…

The eight-day Jewish holiday of Passover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan, March 27 – April 4, 2021. Passover (Pesach) commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt…

In Hebrew it is known as Pesach (which means “to pass over”), because G‑d passed over the Jewish homes when killing the Egyptian firstborn on the very first Passover eve. – from

According to the script for the war, this Passover will bring “the emancipation of the Israelites from the threat of annihilation by Iranian (Persian) nuclear weapons.” And just like “G-d” struck the Egyptians on the very first Passover Eve, the Israelis (and/or their allies) will strike Iran’s nuclear sites (Iran’s “first-born”) on this Passover Eve (Erev Pesach), which starts at sunset today and ends at sunset on Saturday.

Continuing on…

What is Shabbat Hagadol

The Shabbat which precedes Passover is called Shabbat haGadol, the Great Sabbath, for many and varied reasons, as we shall explain below.

There are also many special customs associated with this Shabbat. It was in Egypt that Israel celebrated the very first Shabbat Ha-Gadol on the tenth of Nissan, five days before their redemption. On that day, the Children of Israel were given their first commandment which applied only to that Shabbat, but not to future generations: On the tenth day of this month [Nissan]… each man should take a lamb for the household, a lamb for each home (Exodus 12:3).

This mitzvah of preparing a lamb for the Passover offering four days before it was to be brought, applied only to that first Passover in Egypt, and the Torah does not tell us that we must continue to do so before every future Passover. Nevertheless, the people continued to do this to make sure that their lambs had no blemishes which would preclude their being sacrificed.

Many miracles were performed for the Children of Israel on this first Shabbat haGadol. The Torah commanded them to take their lambs and tie them to the bedpost. When they did so, their Egyptian neighbors saw this and asked:

“What is the lamb for?”

The Children of Israel answered: “It is to be slaughtered as a Passover sacrifice as G‑d has commanded us.”

The Egyptians, for whom the lamb was a deity, gnashed their teeth in anger but could not utter a sound in protest.

Many other miracles as well were performed in connection with the Passover offering, we therefore refer to this day as Shabbat haGadol.

Why We Celebrate Shabbat Hagadol instead of the 10th of Nissan

Why do we commemorate the miracle on the Shabbat before Passover rather than on the tenth of Nissan, the date on which it actually took place? We see that the Torah itself mentions only the date rather than the day of the week.

It is because the miracle is closely connected to Shabbat. The Egyptians were aware that the Children of Israel observed Shabbat and did not busy themselves tending animals on that day, so when the Egyptians saw them taking lambs and binding them to their bedposts on Shabbat, they were surprised and decided to investigate what was happening.

The Children of Israel were in great danger when they were confronted and were saved only by virtue of a miracle. We therefore commemorate this miracle on Shabbat rather than on the tenth of the month of Nissan.

Moreover, had it not been Shabbat, the Children of Israel would not have needed a miracle to save them. They would have been able to deceive the Egyptians by diverting their attention or making up some kind of explanation. On Shabbat, however, they would not do so, for, as our Sages said, “Even an ignorant man will not tell lies on Shabbat.” Thus, we see that they were endangered because of their observance of Shabbat, and they needed a miracle to save them. – from

What happened on that first Shabbat Hagadol is a bit of whitewashed history, but it’s not hard to figure out. Once the Egyptians found out what the Israelites were doing, they were furious, and negative consequences were sure to follow. So the Israelites spread the word among themselves to place lamb’s blood on their doorposts that night. And once night fell, the able-bodied Israelite men rose up and invaded all the homes that were not thus marked, killing the eldest child in each house. This was an early example of the Israelites using a “preemptive strike” / “terror attack,” and it was a false-flag at that (because the carnage was blamed on an “angel of god”)…

That night, God sent the angel of death to kill the firstborn sons of the Egyptians. God told Moses to order the Israelite families to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood on the door of their houses. In this way the angel would know to ‘pass over’ the houses of the Israelites. This is why the festival commemorating the escape from Egypt is known as Passover – from

Guess what… “angels” don’t need blood on doorposts to know whom to kill. But men do. In pointing this out, I’m not condemning the Israelites for what they did. They were being held in bondage, and they did what was necessary to gain their freedom. But the whole drama with Iran is pure globalist theater, so killing Iranians to act out the NWO transition drama is unacceptable. There is no real threat there. It’s all bullsh*t.

It should be noted that Shabbat Hagadol falls on the day before Passover this year, just like it did the very first time. They’re trying to act out a historical script. And just like the Hebrew slaves did in Egypt on the first Shabbat Hagadol, Israel will make its own “miracle of salvation” by rising up to kill some Iranians on Erev Pesach.

Now let’s circle back to something we saw earlier…

It was in Egypt that Israel celebrated the very first Shabbat Ha-Gadol on the tenth of Nissan, five days before their redemption.

This means the redemption occurred on 15 Nissan, the same day that Passover is celebrated, which falls on Sunday, March 28th this year. Here is what says about it

The Exodus (1313 BCE)

At the stroke of midnight of Nissan 15 of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE), 210 years after Jacob settled in Egypt and 430 years after the “Covenant Between the Parts,” G-d visited the last of the ten plagues on the Egyptians, killing all their firstborn. Earlier that evening, the Children of Israel conducted the first “seder” of history, eating the roasted meat of the Passover offering with matzot and bitter herbs, and sprinkling the blood of the sacrifice on their doorposts as a sign that G-d will “pass over” their homes when inflicting the plague upon the Egyptians. Pharaoh’s resistance to free them was broken, and he virtually chased his former slaves out of the land. Several million souls — 600,000 adult males, plus the woman and children, and a large “mixed multitude” of non-Hebrews who joined them — left Egypt on that day, and began the 50-day trek to Sinai and their birth as G-d’s chosen people.

But this redemption, in which the Israelites were freed from Egyptian bondage, is not the only redemption of which the Chabadniks speak. There’s also this one (on which they are doggedly focused)…


Looking at this information, there are some things worth noting…

> Since “at the stroke of midnight of Nissan 15 of the year 2448 from creation… G-d visited the last of the ten plagues on the Egyptians, killing all their firstborn,” the Primary Time Window for striking Iran’s nuclear sites extends into the early hours of Nissan 15 (Saturday night). So the window started on Friday night and extends into Saturday night (Israeli time).

> Since 15 Nissan is the first day of Passover AND the anniversary of the redemption AND a Sunday, it would be the perfect day for the “Moshiach ben David” / “returned Jesus Christ,” Vladimir Putin, to make his first savior-like move. And since Iran will be inclined to send a massive barrage of thousands of missiles and rockets at Israel in retaliation for the strikes on their nuclear sites, addressing that would be the obvious first step. Will the “great man of peace” Putin persuade KGB-asset and Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei to hold back the retaliation strike? Will lights appear in the sky over Israel to shoot down the missiles?

> Since the original redemption occurred five days after the original Shabbat Hagadol…

Shabbat Hagadol + 5 days = Redemption Day

…there are two possible redemption days this year: one based on the date of the original Shabbat Hagadol, 10 Nissan, and another based on the day Shabbat Hagadol is celebrated this year, 14 Nissan…

10 Nissan + 5 days = 15 Nissan (the primary Redemption Day candidate)

14 Nissan + 5 days = 19 Nissan (the secondary Redemption Day candidate)

The interesting thing about the secondary candidate is that 19 Nissan corresponds to April 1. So if they choose that day, they could have Putin disappear or appear to die after he makes his messiah move, then “resurrect him on the third day,” April 4 (Easter and the last day of Passover).

If the globalists stick with the Friday night through Saturday night attack window, the choice between Sunday, March 28 and Thursday, April 1 as Redemption Day is the choice between a peaceful redemption and a bloody one.

If the IDF and/or their allies strike Iran on Saturday night / Sunday morning and Putin intervenes to stop the retaliation against Israel, or if Putin and “the lights in the sky” stop the Iran-attacking warplanes before they get where they’re going, it will be a true Passover for Israel (since they will be preserved from harm “despite the strike on Iran by the evil Israeli Deep State”).

But if the globalists have the Saturday/Sunday Iran strike go forward and delay Putin’s intervention till next Thursday, Israel will get mauled by the retaliation that will come at them from all sides, and they’ll be close to collapse when he rides in to save the day.

The second alternative fits the standard script for what’s supposed to happen.

There’s also a fallback option for a peaceful redemption on Thursday. In it, the attempted strike against Iran would be pushed back to 18 Nissan (18 = 6+6+6), allowing Putin to immediately intervene on 19 Nissan. And this scenario gives us our Secondary Time Window for a strike on Iran’s nuclear sites: sunset on Tuesday extending through Wednesday night (Israeli time).

Remember too that when the balloon goes up in Israel, it goes up around the world. So we have to watch for the nuke attacks on Western cities (or for the “patriot” military interventions to stop them). Also, Jair Bolsonaro and Qasem Soleimani have “666 days” coming up on the 27th/28th, so watch for activity from them (I’ll go into the details tomorrow).


10 Nissan ran from sunset on March 22 to sunset on March 23 (Tuesday).

13 Nissan runs from sunset on March 25 to sunset on March 26 (today).
14 Nissan runs from sunset on March 26 to sunset on March 27 (Saturday).
15 Nissan runs from sunset on March 27 to sunset on March 28 (Sunday).
16 Nissan runs from sunset on March 28 to sunset on March 29 (Monday).
17 Nissan runs from sunset on March 29 to sunset on March 30 (Tuesday).
18 Nissan runs from sunset on March 30 to sunset on March 31 (Wednesday).
19 Nissan runs from sunset on March 31 to sunset on April 1 (Thursday).
20 Nissan runs from sunset on April 1 to sunset on April 2 (Friday).
21 Nissan runs from sunset on April 2 to sunset on April 3 (Saturday).
22 Nissan runs from sunset on April 3 to sunset on April 4 (Easter Sunday).

NUCLEAR WARNING (25 March 2021): Narrative support propaganda for the “loose North Korean nukes” scenario, in which “Russian-backed Domestic Violent Extremists, Iranian-backed Islamists, and Prophecy-Obsessed Christians blow up cities in the US and Europe”

has come out today…

from The Sun. Note how the headline mentions “DEFCON,” which is related to nuclear alert levels, alongside “UN,” a play on Kim Jong Un’s name that also hints at the United Nations (the headquarters of which is a targeted site in the planned nuclear false-flag).

Here are some excerpts from the article interspersed with my comments…

Scott Snyder, a senior fellow for Korea studies at the Council For Foreign Relations, told The Sun Online the regime is the most “potentially catastrophic security threat” in 2021.

Terming the “North Korean threat” as “catastrophic” hints at a nuclear attack. And this is coming from a CFR globalist.

The launches come as North Korea has already lashed out at Biden with a scathing rebuke by Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo-jong, and reportedly Pyongyang has already refused to engage with efforts by Washington to reopen communication.

As I mentioned in the 21 March update (further down this page), any loose North Korean nukes will eventually be blamed on Kim Jong Un’s sister. I say “eventually” because the Mainstream (“Deep State”) Narrative will first point the finger at Kim Jong Un. But after the “bad guys” are defeated by the “good guys,” the NWO Narrative will point the finger at his sister, Kim Yo Jong. They’ll say it all started last year, and here’s what I wrote about it at the time…

(25 April 2020) – Now here’s an interesting development…

…from Zero Hedge

This news is significant because Kim Jong Un is one of the NWO’s Pantheon of Heroes. He is supposedly trying to bring his country out of the dark ages, and like the other heroes of the Pantheon, he is supposedly beset by a Hardcore Communist Deep State. In Kim Jong Un’s case, the Deep State is led by a former spy chief, Kim Yong Chol.

First off, don’t count Kim Jong Un out just yet. According to the NWO Narrative, Chairman Xi survived the Chinese Deep State’s coup back when he disappeared in late February, so Kim Jong Un may be scripted to survive his brush with death as well. Alternatively, his sister could be scripted to defeat the coup and take up the cause of her martyred brother, successfully leading North Korea out of isolation and into the multilateral / multipolar NWO.

After that, I started tracking a May Day false-flag scenario involving “loose North Korean nukes”…

~ MORE – 1 May 2020 ~

Get a load of this article from Zero Hedge: Pompeo Demands Countries Block Airspace To Iran’s ‘Terrorist Airline’ After Venezuela Deliveries

>>> …Tehran has ramped up cargo deliveries related [to] getting Venezuela’s derelict oil refineries fully operational.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in new statements has called on international allies to block airspace specifically for Iran’s Mahan Air, currently under US sanctions, and which has in recent days delivered cargoes of “unknown support” to the Venezuelan government, according to Pompeo’s words. <<<

So three days ago, the Venezuelans named terrorism-connected Tareck El Aissami the new Minister of Petroleum, and now they are saying that Iran has used “Aeroterror” to transport “cargoes of unknown support” that are presumed to be spare parts for oil refineries. What they’re really narrating here is the delivery of the nukes to El Aissami.

I can only hope this news item was set in motion before the globalists issued an abort order.

~ MORE – 1 May 2020 ~

I’ve come across more preparatory propaganda for the loose nukes PSYOP…

…from ABC News. Here is an excerpt…

>>> If the government in Pyongyang should collapse, a U.S.-South Korean contingency plan called OPLAN 5029 would reportedly come into play.

The plan is meant to secure the border and North Korea’s nuclear weapons if the government can’t function or if control of those weapons becomes uncertain.

“The million-dollar question is: When do you invoke the OPLAN and what indicators do you rely on to do so? Because one country’s ‘securing the country’ operation can look to the other nation like an ‘invasion plan.’ And then all hell can break loose,” said Vipin Narang, a North Korea nuclear specialist at MIT.

The biggest U.S. worry is North Korea’s nuclear stockpile being used, stolen or sold.

“If the U.S. does not have plans to go in and secure and retrieve North Korean nukes — to the extent we know where they are — then we are not doing our job,” said Ralph Cossa, president emeritus of the Pacific Forum think tank in Hawaii. “Beyond that, it makes little sense for the U.S and/or South Korea to get involved in internal North Korean power struggles.” <<<

So if you put together these worries of loose nukes with news of “Aeroterror” delivering “cargoes of unknown support” to Venezuela, it’s not hard to see where they’re going with this.

~ MORE – 1 May 2020 ~

In another indicator that the “loose nukes” PSYOP is/was in play, as of yesterday, the US government “enhanced” their effort to track down drug (nuke) shipments originating from Venezuela…


An article posted yesterday on offers more details…

>>> A Pentagon spokesperson told the Daily Caller that the defense secretary will use the order to mobilize a unit of the Air National Guard to aid in Washington’s “Enhanced Department of Defense Counternarcotic Operation in the Western Hemisphere.”…

On April 1, the Trump administration announced the deployment of US Navy destroyers, AWAC surveillance aircraft, and on-ground special forces units to the Caribbean Sea in what has been reported as one of the largest operations in the region since the 1989 US invasion of Panama.

The operation’s stated goal was to intercept drug shipments allegedly originating in Venezuela, which Washington has targeted with crippling economic sanctions aimed at ousting President Nicolas Maduro. <<<

So the US has an invasion force off Venezuela, likely including the USS Iwo Jima. This will allow the media to suggest that Iran transferred the North Korean nukes to Venezuela so the Venezuelans could use one to destroy the invasion force and the others to deter any retaliation from United States. But, of course, there are no loose North Korean nukes in Venezuela; there is only a globalist script that will have the “bad guys” / “Deep State” blow up a US aircraft carrier using an Israeli nuke, then blame it on North Korea, Iran, Venezuela et al so they can lock down America and have their war.

It should also be noted that on the day before this “enhanced” interdiction effort began, this happened…


So look for the “loose nukes” PSYOP narrative to say that a North Korean nuke was found on that boat, which is what triggered the Presidential Executive Order the next day.

Several weeks later, I wrote this…

~ MORE – 20 June 2020 ~

A dead President lying face-down on the ground — what a lovely Juneteenth Weekend omen…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report

As we enter the day of the summer solstice, it’s important to review the globalist objectives for the immediate time frame, and chief among those objectives is to feature a “last-ditch” worldwide regime change effort by the “bad guys.” Here are the major regime change efforts the globalists have planned…

In the United States, they have scripted the removal of Trump so the war operations can go forward and Rand Paul & Tulsi Gabbard can be brought in after the climax in a “national unity” presidency. Trump’s removal will take the form of a 25th Amendment cabinet coup, a fast impeachment and conviction, an assassination, a suiciding, or a forced resignation if conducted this weekend or over the Fourth of July Weekend. Failing that, he’ll be removed in a November election defeat that will feature clear signs of “Deep State” / Democrat fraud. This would be followed by a short and scary Democratic (Obama/Clinton) presidency that will precede Paul & Gabbard’s installation by the military.

In the UK, they have scripted the removal of the “British Trump,” Boris Johnson, first by a “COVID-19” infection and now by political scandals. Following the planned events of this weekend, BoJo may be driven from office over his support for Trump.

In China, they may script another attempt to remove/assassinate Xi Jinping by the anti-Xi factions led by the Jiang Faction. This is why we’re seeing a new “COVID” lockdown in China’s capital city, Beijing.

In Russia, they may script an attempt to remove/assassinate Putin by the “Atlantic Integrationist” / Medvedev Faction between now and early July. This could take place at the June 24th Victory Day Parade or around the time of the July 1 national referendum to extend Putin’s presidency.

In Brazil, they will script an attempt to remove/assassinate Bolsonaro by the COVID-pushing “Leftist Deep State.”

In India, they may script an attempt to remove/assassinate Modi by the “National Security Deep State” so that a border war between India and China can go forward, thereby breaking India and China’s cooperation in the BRICS. This is why Modi was reluctant to condemn China over the recent border incident; the script has both Xi and him attempting to forestall the conflict. The attempt on Modi may include a Muslim element to also elicit war between India and Pakistan.

In North Korea, they have scripted an apparently-completed “shadow coup” against Kim Jong Un by his sister and the communist hardliners led by Kim Yong Chol. This is why Kim Jong Un’s sister is pushing towards war with South Korea right now. (Perhaps she is doing it in return for the hardliners sparing her brother’s life?)

These scripted removals/assassinations are intended to depict the worldwide alliance of no-goodnik “Deep States” making an attempt to remove resistance to their “evil Western-version unilateral / unipolar NWO” and defeat the BRICS effort to build their competing “good Eastern-version multilateral / multipolar NWO.”

What the globalists did last April was script a shadow coup in North Korea (like they did with Trump a month earlier). According to the story, Kim Jong Un fell ill (or was made ill) and the “North Korean Deep State” (the hardcore commies) moved against him. As for what his sister did, it could be narrated a number of ways…

  • “Kim Yo Jong, wanting power for herself, led the coup against her brother.”
  • “Kim Yo Jong, wanting to protect her brother and the Kim family, struck a compromise with the Deep State to maintain her family’s position by offering policy concessions (cutting off the Trump-Kim peace initiative).”
  • “Kim Yo Jong, wanting to protect her brother and the Kim family, offered a conditional surrender to the Deep State and became its hostage (like Trump had the month before), thereafter becoming their figurehead leader and mouthpiece.”

This shadow coup narrative is supported by Kim Yo Jong’s increased public profile and policy reversals since last April…

…from Slate

Continuing on with excerpts from the Sun article…

Experts explained to The Sun Online the regime continues to keep its coffers flush with enough cash for its weapons despite facing crushing UN sanctions.

They mention the UN’s crushing sanctions here to establish a scripted motivation for North Korea arranging a nuclear attack on UN Headquarters. And here is something I wrote about that back in 2017…

[Addendum – 21 April 2017]

Having been in blogging for a while now, I’ve grown quite hesitant to issue alerts like this. Because if I’m wrong, the event won’t happen and I’ll look like an as*hole. And if I’m right, the event won’t happen because I’ve exposed their methods and objectives, and I’ll look like an as*hole. Fortunately, I have both extensive experience in, and a high tolerance for, looking like an as*hole. And what made me issue this alert was the sheer strategic brilliance of such an attack. Just think about it…

> The overarching goal of all the current geopolitical drama is to “reform” the UN into the NWO, and is there any more sure way of forcing immediate reform than literally blowing up the existing UN and compelling the nations to rebuild both its physical and organizational structure?

> The globalist “elite” are obsessed with the symbolism of the phoenix, the bird which explodes into flames and is then reborn from its own ashes. Now look again at the mural located in the UN’s Security Council chamber…

The mural actually depicts the Security Council chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall in the background of the mural, then look at the color of the wall surrounding the mural. Also look at the shape and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at the semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council. But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.

So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the destruction of the Security Council chamber by fire. Blowing up the UN complex thus becomes the fulfillment of the mural.

> The Korean War was the first major test of the UN, and in the nearly 67 years since the war began in June of 1950, the UN has lacked the power to bring it to a close. The shooting stopped with an armistice, not a peace treaty; technically speaking, the UN and North Korea are still at war. So is there any more effective and dramatic way to demonstrate the “too weak” nature of the current UN structure than having it be destroyed by North Korea? From the ashes of the weak, destroyed UN would rise a new, stronger UN (the New World Order) that would have the power to decisively deal with nations that don’t toe the line.

> With all of the nuclear threats currently being made by North Korea, everyone is focused on the security of Seoul, Japan, Hawaii, and the western US. And since everyone in the US is looking west, a North Korean attack in the east would catch the whole country by surprise. According to the geopolitical script, an attack on New York “would strike at the very heart of North Korea’s enemies, the UN and the US” and it would be “strategically brilliant, but suicidal.” “The insane Kim Jong-un went out in a blaze of glory,” they’d say.

> Since the North Koreans reportedly lack an ICBM capable of reaching New York, the attack would most likely be seaborne. It could take the form of a cruise missile or medium range ballistic missile fired from an offshore submarine or freighter. Or to be more sure of the attack’s success, it could take the form of a suicide boat or sub that sails right up to the UN.

As you can see in this picture, the UN is located right next to a navigable tidal estuary (the “East River”)…

And as you can see in this picture, sizable boats pass by it each day…

Now if you think of the MOAB attack that happened in Afghanistan a few days ago, its explosive yield was the equivalent of 11 tons of TNT, and a boat or sub could carry much more than 11 tons of high explosive (it would be the Mother Of All Boats). A boat or sub could also carry one of North Korea’s nukes, which are estimated by some sources to have a 10 kiloton yield (the same yield featured in the Gotham Shield exercise).

My best guess is that one of North Korea’s missing subs will surface in the shipping channel, sail right up to the UN, and blow its payload (either nuclear, conventional, or conventional / radiological). To ensure that the attack is successful, though, it would be conducted either by the Pentagon or by North Koreans with Pentagon engineering and logistical assistance.

> As previously mentioned, the name of the nuclear response exercise references Batman, and can you remember the plot of the last “Dark Knight” movie? It involved an attempt to blow up Gotham with a nuclear bomb, but Batman ended up flying the bomb away from the city and it blew up over the bay. In this “North Korean” attack, a nuclear bomb could blow up over the water right next to the UN. Is this just a coincidence?

And here’s the final excerpt from the Sun article…

Along with the cyber crime, North Korea is also believed to earn cash through arms deals — potentially even selling weapons to terrorist groups.

Syria, Iran, Somalia and many more nations are all believed to have purchased weapons in under-the-table arms deals with North Korea…

Ms Varriale explained in the past North Korea is believed to have armed terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

The expert urged the world to keep a “closer eye” on North Korea’s arms deals — saying any links to terrorist groups could be intertwined with support for its allies, such as Iran and Syria.

The expert added: “If the economy is under additional pressure at the moment due to Covid-19, North Korea might be proactively looking abroad for customers.”

This section of the article ties North Korea to…

  • the selling of arms to terrorist groups, including Hezbollah (and Hezbollah has strong ties to Venezuela and the drug cartels, who will all be blamed for smuggling the nukes into the US),
  • the selling of arms to Syria and Iran (two countries that have strong ties to Hezbollah and that the “Deep Staters” supposedly want to attack and conquer), and
  • the potential selling of their most potent weapons due to economic pressure created by COVID.

So if we tie together all the information in this update, we can project what the Mainstream and NWO Narratives will tell us about the planned nuke attacks…

The Mainstream Narrative (of the “Deep State”) will say that Trump’s legacy-seeking political opportunism and weakness towards Kim Jong Un allowed the North Korean nuclear program to run wild during his presidency, and his complicity with Putin allowed Russia and its allies to smuggle North Korean nukes into the country in April of 2020. So “the weapons came in under Trump’s watch.”

The NWO Narrative will say that the Democrats colluded with the North Korean Deep State to unseat Kim Jong Un so North Korea’s nuclear weapons could be loosed upon America. But Trump’s decisive security actions in April of 2020 kept the weapons out of the US until Biden came in and flung America’s borders wide open. So “the weapons came in under Biden’s watch.”

~ MORE ~

Check out what a reader shared with me – Cargo ship drew a penis and butt before getting stuck in Suez Canal. I’d say that’s evidence of premeditation, wouldn’t you?

(24 March 2021): Now they’re reporting that the container ship blocking the Suez Canal may be there until after Passover weekend…

…from NDTV

Passover starts the evening of Saturday, March 27, so it looks like they have at least 4 more days to get the war started.

Here are a few things to watch for tomorrow (3/25) based on historical cues and current developments…

  • potential trouble between Greece and Turkey [1, 2, 3],
  • a potential development — such as the death of Pope Benedict — related to the schism in the Catholic Church between the traditionalists who favor Benedict and the commies who favor Francis [4], and
  • potential action related to Ukrainian President Zelensky’s approval today of a strategy to reintegrate Crimea [5].

(24 March 2021) – Years ago, I wrote a post titled Understanding the NWO Strategy. It explains how and why the globalists are using the threat of an “evil unilateral” NWO to scare the public towards embracing a “good multilateral” NWO (the real NWO the globalists have been planning). If you haven’t already, I recommend you read that post before continuing to read this one (it is further down this page, or you can click here to open a parallel page to the right spot).

Also, starting with the 4 March update (which is also further down this page), I’ve covered how the globalist script for this year has Putin’s story paralleling the story of Roman emperor Augustus. Before Augustus became emperor, he took power in Rome as part of a triumvirate of leaders, which is paralleled in the current script by the Triumvirate of Putin, Xi, and Trump. It was the fall of Augustus’s triumvirate that opened the way for him to become emperor, and one member of Putin’s Triumvirate, Trump, has already fallen. Note how the following piece of NWO propaganda shows the remaining two leaders sticking together against the evils of the “unilateralists”…

…from disinfo site Zero Hedge. Here is an excerpt…

On the defensive following the latest wave of Western sanctions targeting the two countries, Russia and China are lashing out. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a press conference to address the spiraling tensions while standing alongside his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi as a show of unity against Western attacks following a meeting in Guilin, China…

Lavrov on Tuesday issued his fiercest words yet, declaring the EU has “destroyed” Russia’s ability to have relations with Brussels. He said “there are no relations with the EU as an organization. The entire infrastructure of these relations has been destroyed by unilateral decisions made from Brussels”…

Interestingly, Lavrov highlighted that Moscow and Beijing see Washington as attempting to strengthen the West’s Cold War military alliances ultimately to undermine developing multi-polarity and the “international legal architecture”.

So for now, the remaining leaders of the Triumvirate are standing together against “the vicious onslaught of the Satanic Global Deep State.” But just like Trump, Xi Jinping will fall. It could happen as soon as before, during, or shortly after the coming war, or it could happen as late as 3.5 years after the “multilateral/multipolar” NWO is brought into being (by “reforming” the current UN). But fall Xi will, and then the NWO will become Putin’s Global Roman Empire / “Satanic Kingdom.”

3.5 years after Putin’s “divinity” is revealed to the world on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the NWO will fall to “the returning Jesus Christ,” who will be a globalist counterfeit of the “real Christ” (if you believe such a being to exist). And that brings us to these guys…

…from (top, bottom)

These mammon-worshipping “vomit brokers” (to use one of Steve Quayle’s own words in describing Steve Quayle and his cohorts) are a mutually-supporting network of globalist propagandists and hucksters who are here to mislead Christians into buying-in to the prophecy fulfillment show. So mark my words on these tap-dancing fools…

When the globalists trot out their GMO Kabbalah Christ to defeat “Antichrist Putin,” EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM will proclaim him the real Jesus.

And each and every one of them will be lying with their serpent tongues.

By the way, if you want to see any of them squirm, ask him or her if Vladimir Putin is the Final Antichrist. Their handlers have forbidden them from revealing this till the right time; they don’t want to blow the scripted surprises and degrade the effectiveness of the script.

~ MORE ~

For the rest of this evening, I’ll try to get to all the occulty indicators for tomorrow — all of which surround Greece, Erdogan, and Putin except for one rather odd (and questionable) one. And we’ll start with that:

This particular indicator is probably nothing, but there is something I don’t like about it. So I’ll mention it out of an abundance of caution because it seems like a potential ritual sacrifice foreshadowing a future event (or it can be narrated as one by enterprising false-flaggers who are out to nuke Washington). It is (Seattle’s) Capitol Hill Massacre of March 25, 2006

The Capitol Hill massacre was a mass murder committed by 28-year-old Kyle Aaron Huff in the southeast part of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. On the morning of March 25, 2006, Huff entered a rave after-party and opened fire, killing six and wounding two. He then killed himself as he was being confronted by police on the front porch of 2112 E. Republican Street.

Here’s what’s weird about it…

  • It occurred at the early morning afterparty of a rave called “Better Off Undead,” and the Wikipedia entry goes out of its way to note it had an attendance of 350 people (3+5 = 8).
  • It happened in the Capitol Hill neighborhood at 2112 E. Republican Street (a numerologically-inclined person might say that 2112 is “mirrored 12s” or “33” and “adds up to 6“).
  • It happened exactly 180 months ago tomorrow (18 = 6+6+6).
  • The killer “spray-painted the word ‘NOW‘ on the sidewalk and on the steps of a neighboring home” on his way into the house to shoot 8 people, killing 6.

Here are photos of the killer and the crime scene…


Given such potential occult weirdness, tomorrow morning is another time I wouldn’t want to be near the Washington Channel. Nor would I want to go to my office if I were this (sinister looking) guy. But, of course, I wouldn’t want to be near Washington, DC any day this week.

(23 March 2021) – If we get through the 23rd OK, it doesn’t mean the war is off — we still have the next few days and Passover to get through. And reader Onnabugeisha has identified occult indicators that point to something happening in Syria tomorrow involving Russia, Turkey and (possibly) the return of the Hidden Imam (Qasem Soleimani). Here is a report on what’s going on there…

…from Arab News

On March 24, it will be exactly 246 years and 246 days since the signing of the Treaty of Kucuk Kaynarca (7/21/1774 to 7/21/2020 = 246 years and 7/21/2020 to March 24, 2021 = 246 days)…

The Treaty of Kucuk Kaynarca, formerly often written Kuchuk-Kainarji, was a peace treaty signed on 21 July 1774, in Kucuk Kaynarca (today Kaynardzha, Bulgaria) between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, ending the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–74 with many concessions to Russia.

Following the recent Ottoman defeat at the Battle of Kozludzha, the Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–74 and marked a defeat of the Ottomans in their struggle against Russia… The treaty was a most humiliating blow to the once-mighty Ottoman realm. – from Wikipedia

With the 246 years / 246 days in mind, adding the digits together (2+4+6) gives you 12/12, which is significant (to numerology lemmings) because 95% of Iranians are 12‘er Shiites who believe that the 12th Imam is the Mahdi (the Muslim savior).

The globalists have selected Qasem Soleimani to play the Mahdi character in the prophecy fulfillment show (with the current head of the Quds Force, Esmail Ghaani, being a backup). And the globalists arranged to leave some slack in the scripting surrounding Soleimani’s death that will allow for his return to the stage.

So if Erdogan launches his long-planned full invasion of Syria tomorrow (with “Ottoman revenge against Russia” being one of his motives), look for Soleimani or Ghaani to play a big role in savaging the invasion forces. And two days later on March 26, look for Putin to make a big move also. March 26 will be the 444th day (4+4+4 = 12) since the globalists sent him to Damascus to fulfill Islamic prophecy relating to the return of Isa (Jesus). His trip there happened on January 7, 2020, Orthodox Christmas.

This scenario presupposes that the globalists will script a Putin victory during Passover. If they play the long game and script his fall instead, the Mahdi will stay hidden and Turkey will defeat Syria and Iran as part of the broader (and temporary) victory of the “Satanic Global Deep State.”

~ MORE ~

Here is my writeup on some more notes about March 24 from reader Onnabugeisha’s research:

The decoy antichrist, Barack Obama, visited the Church of the Nativity to “stand in the holy place” during the daytime (as you can see from the window in the upper left) on March 22, 2013

…from YouTube

This means his visit occurred on the Hebrew day of 11 Nissan 5773

…from Google

It just so happens that in 2021, 11 Nissan falls on March 24

…from Google

So Israel, which entered 11 Nissan today at sunset, has also entered the 8th anniversary of “the standing in the holy place” of “the Obamanation that brings desolation.”

Can you guess what else is significant about 11 Nissan?…


The deceased Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson — the leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch cult — was born on the Hebrew day of 11 Nissan 5662, and Israel has now entered the day of 11 Nissan 5781. This means…

Menachem Mendel Schneerson was born 119 years ago. And to numerologists like the Kabbalist Chabadniks, 119 is the reverse of 911 (as in 9/11).

When it comes to the attitude of the Chabadniks about the coming of the Jewish Messiah (the “Moschiach ben David”), they are known for saying, “Let’s make it happen!” And to them, “making it happen” means plunging Israel into the Gog-Magog War — a war that will drive Israel to the brink of total destruction in order to force the Jewish Messiah to come forward to save them.

The trick is that the top leaders of the cult and the Jewish oligarchs who fund it have selected Vladimir Putin to play the Moshiach ben David. So they are having their Kabbalist lemmings do the dirty work of bringing their boy Putin into power. It’s a total setup. Here is what I wrote about it back in November of 2018

The scripted, public reason for Chabad-Lubavitch wanting to trigger the invasion of Israel is to force the Moshiach ben David (the Jewish Messiah) to come forward to prevent Israel’s total destruction. Here is a YouTube video of the Lubavitcher Rebbe exhorting Netanyahu to make the invasion happen….

In the video, the two talk about the progress of the Lubavitch agenda…

…and the Rebbe instructs Netanyahu to do something to hasten the Moshiach’s arrival (meaning “trigger the invasion of Israel so it can be redeemed”)…

…Netanyahu then agrees.

What Chabad’s leaders don’t tell their followers it that the Moshiach ben David who will come forward (Vladimir Putin) is someone the leaders have chosen to pose as the Moshiach. They’ve been grooming him for the role…

…There will be no “supernatural” arrival (but there will be a helluva magic show), because it’s all bullsh*t they are making happen through their own efforts


Even though this whole thing is a scripted stage play, the wars will be quite real. And there will be lots of real death and real destruction in Israel during Gog-Magog and its culminating Battle of Armageddon.

All this being said, 11 Nissan, which began in Israel at nightfall on March 23 and ends at nightfall on March 24, is a very dangerous day for Israel.

~ MORE ~

There are also numerological and historical cues that point to tomorrow as another candidate day for the planned “ISIS” attack on the Vatican…

March 24 is a historical meeting date for ancient Rome’s comitia calata, which was a religious gathering in which the new high priest of a Roman god was inaugurated. You can read about it in the 18 March update further down this page, which talks about how it could be related to the rise of Pietro Parolin to the papacy (after the death of Pope Francis).

March 24 is also the date that Pietro Parolin reaches the age of 66 years and 66 days (1/17/1955 to 1/17/2021 = 66 years and 1/17/2021 to 3/24/2021 = 66 days). With the 66 years / 66 days in mind, adding the digits together (6+6) gives you 12/12 (like we saw in today’s first update).

~ MORE ~

The Suez Canal — a key strategic waterway in any Middle East war scenario — has been “accidentally” blocked by a massive container ship…

…from The Guardian

This is not good. It blocks the movement of supplies and reinforcements.

~ MORE – 24 March 2021 ~

A Quick Note on When Hebrew Days Begin

It is important to know that the Hebrew and Islamic calendars are lunar calendars, and their days, which begin at sunset, start a few hours before their equivalent Gregorian days, which begin at midnight. So 11 Nissan began in Israel at about 6 PM on Tuesday, six hours before its Gregorian equivalent (March 24) began.

You can confirm this by noting that the Gregorian date for Purim was February 26


But the holiday began at sunset on February 25

…from Google

This is because Purim’s Hebrew date began about 6 hours before its Gregorian date. So when you see a date on a calendar like this…

…know that the 19th of Adar began at sunset on Tuesday the 2nd, and ended at sunset on Wednesday the 3rd.

WARNING (22 March 2021): The Saudi Navy has mobilized with “exercises” that will “enhance the security of vital installations and oil fields, and secure freedom of navigation in the region’s waters.” Here’s something else mentioned by the news report on it

This month alone, the Houthis, who are backed by Iran, have claimed assaults on a fuel depot in Jeddah, the Ras Tanura export terminal and a refinery in Riyadh, the Saudi capital.

The Saudi government said the missiles used for the March 19 refinery attack were made in Iran.

So here we have another case of an “Iran-backed militia” (the Houthis) using “Iranian” missiles to attack poor, innocent Saudi Arabia.

Watch for such an attack in Iraq or against US forces in the Middle East today.

On the Chinese naval drill front, there is no news of such activity, but there is this: 1 pilot killed after 2 Taiwan F-5E fighter jets collide in mid-air. The loss of the two jets is being blamed on a collision, but might there be more to the story?

~ MORE ~

It looks like things are ready to pop in Syria as well. Russian airstrikes have taken out Turkish aid trucks weapons transports that crossed into Syria, and Turkish troops have been placed on alert

…from Arab News

~ MORE ~

Taiwan’s military launched island-wide “field exercises” today, including the deployment of their air-defense assets.

~ MORE ~

As for the occult indicators that point to drama on March 23, you can see them in this video by a Christian prophecy propagandist. Just remember as you watch it that he is actually talking about the coming of the Antichrist, not Jesus as he claims.

And remember, it is already March 23 in Europe and Asia.

~ MORE ~

I just ran across a story that Venezuela has been placed on “radical quarantine” (supposedly “on account of COVID,” but actually on account of the pending war) through Easter, 4/4. I had completely forgotten about Easter (which commemorates the “resurrection of Christ”) — that would be the perfect day to schedule Putin’s emergence as world savior. So look for World War 3 to last till Easter (which is also the last day of Jewish Passover).

NUCLEAR ALERT (21 March 2021) – Preparatory propaganda for a sail-up nuclear strike on Washington, DC came out today…

…from the Military Times / AP

Such an attack would likely be scheduled for the 22nd or 23rd, with the time period in which it is the 22nd in the US and the 23rd in the Middle East being the most dangerous. The UN in New York is also highly vulnerable to such an attack and is a globalist target. If I lived or worked near the Washington Channel in DC or the East River in NY, I would find a reason to be miles away over the next two days. And if I observed the Chinese Navy encircling Taiwan, I would RUN from DC and NYC.

It should be noted that downtown DC is locked down / deserted and the UN Headquarters shows as “temporarily closed” on Google Maps. The UN website is also down (as of this writing).

~ MORE ~

I’ve written extensively in the past about the sail-up nuke scenario in connection with the planned destruction of the “old” UN, potential attacks on a number of past summits (which always seem to be sited next to water), and a decapitation strike on Washington, DC. In such an attack, a “loose North Korean (or Russian) nuke” is placed on a private boat, ferry, minisub, narco-sub, or swimmer delivery vehicle and is sailed right up to its target and detonated.

Now if we look at the Military Times article, it performs narrative support for such an attack by…

  • placing the strike point in the public mind (in this case, the Washington Channel),
  • placing the method of the strike in the public mind (in this case, a sail-up attack similar to the sail-up high explosive attack on the USS Cole),
  • placing the idea that a vulnerability exists in the public mind (“because local Democratic leaders prioritized economic development over security”), and
  • tying all these things to an “Iranian threat” (thus pre-establishing the reason to point the finger of blame at Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and/or Russia after the attack).

The location of the Army base is marked by the pin on the Google Map below (click on the map to enlarge it). As for the actual strike point, I’ve marked the optimal spot with a six-pointed star; it is the place where the water taxis dock at a large commercial development called The Wharf

…As you can see, this places the nuke in striking distance of both the White House and the Congress / Supreme Court.

Here is a map of the Washington Channel that shows Fort McNair and The Wharf more clearly…

…from The Washington Post

If they opt for the standard scripting of a “loose North Korean nuke” being used, we can expect the nuclear yield to match the most powerful weapon North Korea is known to have: a 250-kiloton thermonuclear warhead.

It should also be noted that a “loose North Korean nuke” would eventually be blamed on Kim Jong Un’s sister, since Kim Jong Un is a second-tier member of the NWO Pantheon of Heroes (along with Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro) whose reputation must be protected.

~ MORE ~

While we’re on the subject of the UN Headquarters in New York getting nine-elevened, it looks like a certain family didn’t want their priceless artwork to burn with the current Security Council chamber…

…from CBS News. Here is an excerpt…

For nearly 36 years, a tapestry depicting Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica” adorned the wall at the entrance to the 15-nation Security Council chamber at the United Nations’ New York headquarters. But the tapestry, a haunting and harsh reminder of the horrors of war, has since been removed and returned to its owner.

The tapestry was commissioned in 1955 by Nelson A. Rockefeller and was loaned to the United Nations in 1984, Chef de Cabinet Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti said in a letter to the Security Council’s president. Viotti added that Rockefeller’s son, Nelson A. Rockefeller Jr., had recently, “notified the United Nations of his intention to retrieve it,” and said the tapestry was returned earlier this month…

Stephen Schlesinger, a fellow at the Century Foundation who wrote a book about the founding of the United Nations, told CBS News that the Rockefeller family commissioned the “Guernica” tapestry after Picasso refused to sell them the original.

“This may be an occasion for the Secretary-General or the U.N. Security Council or even the U.N. General Assembly to ask the Rockefellers to reconsider,” he added.

Mr. Schlesinger needn’t worry. I’m sure the Rockefellers will return the tapestry once the new UN Headquarters has been selected.

Twice-Expanded WARNING (21 March 2021): The globalist event cues for tomorrow, March 22, are related to Barack Obama and the Chinese, so it’s a day to watch for a move by the commies / China in the aftermath of the “chilly” US-China “Summit” in Anchorage…

…from The Guardian

The scriptwriters may have Xi Jinping open a second security crisis front in Asia to take some pressure off of Putin in Ukraine. Is that why Putin is “on holiday” with his defense minister in Siberia this weekend — to secretly meet with Xi Jinping in his Altai mountain fortress?

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Since March 22 has just started in China, I’ll go ahead and tell you the move I would expect: a snap Chinese “military exercise” that will encircle Taiwan with Chinese warships and move Chinese invasion forces to their staging areas on the coast opposite Taiwan. The implicit threat of holding this exercise will be that “if the US/NATO exercise near Crimea goes live, the Chinese exercise near Taiwan goes live.”

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Here’s some of the preparatory propaganda put out to set up the Chinese encirclement exercise that is/was planned for March 22.

This came out during the chilly US-China meeting in Alaska last week…

…from Yahoo News / Reuters

This came out today…

…from Kyodo News

And this prepares people for what will happen after the “short but sharp” World War 3 Show ends…

…from Bloomberg

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The US and three other nations are holding a “naval exercise” near Iran today. The forces include France’s aircraft carrier and a US Marine carrier…

…from DVIDS

So if China starts its Taiwan encirclement exercise on March 22, all three sandboxes will be active and ready for World War 3. Here is what I wrote about it back in December 2015, before the globalist attempt to launch the NWO in September of 2016…

The 3 sandboxes of World War 3

If you’re confused by the back and forth motions between war and peace in the globalist war zones, don’t be. World War 3 is being carefully stage-managed so it won’t climax until next September (when the nuclear button gets pushed). Till then, you’ll see increasingly serious confrontations interspersed with peace initiatives to keep the conflict moderated.

In the months ahead, the confrontations will be limited to the 3 sandboxes the globalists have built to play war in: 1) Ukraine, 2) Syria and the Levant, and 3) the South China Sea. With conflict zones in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, it will qualify as a world war. And it will break out of the sandboxes only when we approach the climax.

If you’re a new reader, don’t fret about the nuclear button getting pushed. When you see the missiles rise into the sky, you’ll see something else in the sky with them.

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A Christian prophecy propaganda site I monitor has recently brought up an alternative scenario for the planned nuclear attack on American cities. In it, the US would launch a cyberattack against Russia that would disrupt their military communications networks and sever contact between Putin and his nuclear forces. This would enable the Russian generals, per procedure, to launch nuclear attacks under their own authority. And a “bad apple” among them would launch a limited nuke attack against the US.

Such a scenario could lead to one of two outcomes: 1) a dramatic appearance of “lights in the sky” that stop the attack, leading to Putin’s rise, or 2) the world blaming Putin for the nuke attack, leading to Putin’s resignation or “death.”

(20 March 2021) – The event cues for March 21 are historical in nature, and we’ll begin with the one I already covered in yesterday’s updates: March 21 was the day in 2003 that the US started the “shock and awe” air attacks on Iraq

The U.S. and its allies launched a massive aerial assault against Iraq on Friday [March 21, 2003]. At 12:15 p.m. EST, anti-aircraft fire could be seen rising in the skies above Baghdad. Within an hour, tremendous explosions began rocking the Iraqi capital, as the Pentagon announced “A-Day” was underway.

The campaign was intended to instill “shock and awe” among Iraq’s leaders, and it was directed at hundreds of targets in Iraq, officials said. Plumes of fire could be seen rising above targets in Baghdad at 1:05 p.m. EST. CNN Correspondent Wolf Blitzer reported that in his 30 years of experience, he had never seen anything on the scale of Friday’s attack on the Iraqi capital. – from CNN

The scriptwriters may have intended to launch a new “shock and awe” air campaign against Iran and “Iranian-backed Iraqi militias” tomorrow as “retaliation” for the wave of “terror attacks” that were planned for today. Of course, the air campaign may still occur; all they have to do is initiate a modified false-flag on March 21 — perhaps one that targets US troops and causes a significant death count…

…from The Guardian

Given that the US Secretary of Defense said this back on the 7th, it stands to reason that they’ve already worked up a target list. All they need now is the excuse to pull the trigger.

The rest of the cues relate to potential trouble at the Vatican tomorrow…

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Given that we’re in a stretch of time when the globalists want to script the end of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict so they can script the rise of the NWO pope, Pietro Parolin, here are two historical notes of interest…

On March 21, 537, during the 537-538 Siege of Rome, Rome’s Praenestine Gate came under attack from a force of Goths.

On March 21, 1800, Barnaba Chiaramonti was crowned Pope Pius VII, in Venice, with a paper mache tiara. Wikipedia explains why…

In 1796 French Republican troops under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Italy and defeated the papal troops…

General Berthier marched to Rome, entered it unopposed on 10 February 1798, and, proclaiming a Roman Republic, demanded of the pope the renunciation of his temporal authority.

Upon his refusal, Pius [VI] was taken prisoner… [1]

Following the death of Pope Pius VI, by then virtually France’s prisoner, at Valence in 1799, the conclave to elect his successor met on 30 November 1799 in the Benedictine Monastery of San Giorgio in Venice…

On 14 March 1800, Chiaramonti was elected pope… and took as his pontifical name Pius VII in honour of his immediate predecessor. He was crowned on 21 March, in the adjacent monastery church, by means of a rather unusual ceremony, wearing a paper mache papal tiara. The French had seized the tiaras held by the Holy See when occupying Rome and forcing Pius VI into exile. [