(31 March 2021 & 1 April 2021) – The globalists may make another attempt to start the war in Ukraine on April 4 or 5 & Watch Putin on April 1 and 4
The mainstream media are now confirming the rumored Russian troop buildup along the border with Ukraine: U.S. watching “escalation of armed confrontation” near Ukraine’s border with Russia. And strong numerological and historical cues point to action on April 4 or 5th. I’ll get into those by noon tomorrow.
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In previous entries, I’ve noted that the globalists may script-in an attempt by the Russian “Atlantic Integrationists” and “Neo-Communists” to assassinate or disappear Putin. And the beginning of a “Global Deep State” blitzkrieg against its opponents would be the perfect time to play that card. Putin would be attacked from both within Russia and without.
That’s why I find it interesting that on 4/4, it will be exactly 444 days since supposed “Atlantic Integrationist” Dmitry Medvedev left office as Prime Minister of Russia and was on the same day (16 January 2020) appointed by Putin to Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia. “Medvedev’s man,” FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, also sits on the Council. So it may be the Security Council that plays the part of the Roman Senate to Putin’s Caesar by trying to remove Putin “to save Russia from a needless, ruinous, possibly nuclear war.”
In looking around for interpretations of 444 that might apply, I stumbled upon this…
The pattern of the number 444 is manifested as there are 44 months and 4 days between Jesus’ baptism and the day God the Father gave his final confirmation that Christ was the One chosen to die on Passover to make our salvation possible! – from BibleStudy.org
4/4 is not only Easter; it’s the final day of Passover. So will Putin “rise as Christ rose” on Easter, or will he “die as Christ died” on Passover?
It’s also possible that they’ll try to take down Putin on April 1 and have him rise again three days later on April 4 like I wrote in the 26 March update. If they do the takedown after sunset on April 1, it will happen on Friday (by the Jewish calendar) during Passover…
The Gospels all agree that Jesus died on a Friday during Passover on the Day of Preparation for the Sabbath. – from UChicago.edu
~ MORE – 1 April 2021 ~
Reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out that Dmitry Medvedev, born 14 September 1965, turned exactly 666 months and 18 days (18 = 6+6+6) old today, April 1. And April 1 this year is Maundy Thursday: “the Christian holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Washing of the Feet (Maundy) and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles“ (which Judas attended, at least its beginning). Jesus had 12 apostles, and can you guess how many permanent members are in the Security Council of Russia? Yep, there are 12.
Given that Judas is thought to have left the Last Supper before it was over, will Medvedev and/or Bortnikov leave a Thursday meeting of the Security Council of Russia before it’s over? And will the meeting room afterwards explode, Operation Valkyrie-style? Or will someone kill Putin right in front of everyone, Caesar-style? If it happens after sunset in Moscow (which is in the same time zone as Jerusalem, GMT +3), it will occur on Thursday by the Gregorian calendar and Friday by the Jewish calendar. As of this writing, sunset is a little over 2 hours away in Moscow.
~ MORE ~
Upon checking into Putin’s schedule, I found out that he does have meetings with his Security Council that include only him and the 12 “disciples” (permanent members) — they had one on Monday at 3:30 PM, in fact…

…from Kremlin.ru
And he might have one tonight after making the phone calls he has scheduled for today…

What’s significant about these calls is that both Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan will participate in any Israeli strike on Iran. You can read about how Azerbaijan is working with Israel in my updates from last year. Here is an excerpt from an article that was quoted…
Searching for a new market for its military armaments and for a new Muslim ally in the region, Israel found Azerbaijan. Particularly since 2010, the two countries have formed a strategic alliance, backed by the US, against their mutual foe Iran.
Mossad chiefs, senior military officers and cabinet ministers frequently visit Baku, and their Azeri counterparts reciprocate with meetings in Tel Aviv. Four years ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on his way to Kazakhstan, stopped over for seven hours in Baku…
Moreover, according to foreign sources, Mossad established a station in Azerbaijan, serving as the “eyes, ears and springboard” for monitoring Iran. According to these reports, Azerbaijan prepared an airfield that would assist Israel in case it attacked Iran. Other reports claimed that the Iranian nuclear archive that was stolen by Mossad agents in Tehran two and a half years ago was smuggled to Israel through Azerbaijan.
So watch for the Israeli strike on Iran to move soon too.
~ MORE ~
It looks like the globalist script currently has Putin making his big messianic appearance at Mount Sinai during the Jewish holiday of Shavuot (between sunset of May 16 and sunset of May 18). Right now the Kabbalists are Counting the Omer to his arrival there. From the looks of the preparatory propaganda coming out of disinfo agent Joel Richardson, Putin’s emergence may entail a (fake) ET intervention. You can listen to him setting people’s expectations for it in these two 29-minute podcasts [1, 2]. I’ll be writing about the whole setup over the next few days (there’s a lot to cover).
(30 March 2021) – A reader passed along this piece of preparatory propaganda for the planned nuclear attacks on American cities (Operation Blackjoke)…

…from the Daily Mail
Note how the headline mentions three specific nationalities (Russians, Syrians, and Iraqis) crossing the border, even though it later goes on to say that the influx comes from all parts of the world. Why did they specifically mention those three nationalities in big, bold letters? To help establish a backstory so the mainstream media can blame Russia and NATO can invade Syria and Iraq after a false-flag nuclear attack on US cities (European cities will be hit too).
Here is the currently planned chain of World War 3 events as scripted by the globalists…
- They will have the Ukrainian government attack the breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine while the US launches a simultaneous cyberattack on Russia’s communications networks and military systems.
- They will have the “American and EU Deep States” trigger nuclear attacks on cities in the US and Western Europe shortly after the fighting starts in Ukraine, then blame it on Russian retaliation.
- They will have the entire “Global Deep State” launch World War 3 in retaliation for “Russia’s cowardly nuclear attacks on civilians by proxy.” NATO will then…
- send their forces that are “exercising” in the Balkans into Ukraine to join the fight against the breakaway regions,
- launch invasions of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, and once those are complete, invade Iran,
- launch mass arrests of internal dissidents, who will be among those blamed for the nuclear attacks, and
- attempt to blackmail Russia into dropping Putin under threat of nuclear attack.
In blaming Russia for the Operation Blackjoke attacks, NATO propagandists will point to recent changes in Russia’s policies on the first-use of nuclear weapons, especially in relation to Ukraine…

…from Real Clear Defense (top), BBC (second), Defense One (third), and Defense News (bottom)
The narrative will be that “Russia conducted the nuke attacks using their special forces, American militia violent extremist allies, and Shiite allies in an attempt to avoid being directly blamed, and their Shiite allies turned to their own allies in getting the terrorists and the nukes across the US border.” Russia’s Shiite allies include Iran, Hezbollah (which has a strong presence in Lebanon and Syria), and “Iranian-backed militias in Iraq.” And the allies of those Shiite groups include Venezuela, Cuba, and the Mexican drug cartels.
(29 March 2021) – Here are the first few paragraphs of an entry I wrote back in January of 2016…
Behold two Jews pretending to be Christians who are talking about the Muslim Messiah, the “Imam Mahdi”…

…from YouTube
According to the script the Kabbalist “Jews” have written, Qasem Soleimani will be unveiled as the Imam Mahdi at roughly the same time Putin is declared the Jewish/Christian Mashiach/Christ (around the climax point of World War 3). And by joining hands with Putin, the “Mahdi” will help the globalists unite the Muslims with the Christians and Jews under a hybrid religion (the “Religious UN,” which will be based in Jerusalem).
Since it is the Kabbalists and their Muslim agents who promote and control Soleimani, Jewish End Times propagandists like Joel Richardson and Sid Roth are telling us exactly what they have planned for him: he will unite the Muslims and lead them to destruction in the Battle of Armageddon. If the Kabbalists are able to pull this off, Islam – and a great many Muslims – will be dead in roughly 7 years.
Over the next day, I will be updating that entry, titled Dear Muslims, the Jews will use the Imam Mahdi to destroy you, to reflect new insights I’ve gained since then. I wrote it back before I understood the role to be played by the globalist-selected Dajjal (Erdogan). Once the updated version is complete, I’ll post it here on the home page.
(29 March 2021) – Steve Quayle Praises the Antichrist
To make my mundane activities more productive, I listen to MP3s put out by the globalist prophecy propagandists so I can monitor for any shifts in the narrative. And yesterday, I listened to one that was put out by the Undertaker, the Bearded Whore of Babble-On, and the Trailer Tramp (globalist disinfo agents Doug Hagmann, Steve Quayle, and Lisa Haven). This is what I heard from Quayle starting at the 42:23 mark…
“What you’re gonna watch, ladies and gentlemen, is the globalists that control all the major powers of the world – and I believe Putin… he has placed himself antithetical to the globalists; he doesn’t like the New World Order. Put Putin’s credentials, put his… and he is brilliant, brilliant. Put his former occupation, head of Russian intelligence, KGB, very, very good – I mean, the best … So here you have a President of Russia trying to defuse, trying to defuse the situation – that doesn’t make me a Russian agent; it makes me a realist…”
Such high praise for the “man of peace,” Vladimir Putin.
So here’s the deal with Steve Quayle…
- Steve Quayle isn’t a Russian agent; he’s a globalist agent, and his job is to sell gullible Christians and heathens on the globalist prophecy fulfillment deception.
- Steve Quayle IS FULLY AWARE THAT VLADIMIR PUTIN IS SCRIPTED TO PLAY THE ANTICHRIST, but he will not reveal this fact to his listeners because the globalists want everyone to be fooled by Putin’s savior act. It is only after Putin does some antichristy things that Quayle and others of his type will pretend to catch on to the deception.
- Steve Quayle isn’t a real Christian — he’s most likely a Kabbalist, and he works for the Kabbalist “Jews.” That’s why he praises Israel and points to the Nazis as being the ones running the Global Deep State, despite the fact that everywhere you look, the Deep State is populated by Jews or Catholics (the Roman Catholic Church is controlled by the Kabbalist “Jews”).
- Steve Quayle will get down on his knees and worship the fake Jesus the globalists send out to defeat Antichrist Putin. It is his job to ensure that his listeners follow suit, and he does this by saying everything he can to terrify people so they will “run to Jesus.”
- Steve Quayle is “Judas Maximus” to real Christians, so it’s no wonder he’s a coin dealer. His starting capital was probably handed down through his family from the original Judas.
When you get right down to it, it’s pretty easy to spot the globalist propagandists in the alt-media…
- They point to Obama (the decoy Antichrist) as the bad guy trying to bring in the Orwellian New World Order.
- They point to Putin (the “real” Antichrist) as the enemy of the New World Order and the only sane statesman on the international stage.
- They praise Putin’s brilliance, oftentimes saying things that portray him as a “master chess player,” like “Putin is playing 3-dimensional chess while the NATO leaders play checkers”…

The chess analogy is a dead giveaway. It’s a standard talking point, as is the “Biden Presidency as the Obama 2.0 Presidency,” which the Trailer Tramp brings up at the 84-minute mark of the interview. To her credit, she worked her way out of the trailer; all she had to do was sell out to “The Man.”
(28 March 2021) – Why the globalists blocked the Suez Canal
There are multiple reasons for the globalists blocking the Suez Canal, but one of the main ones has to do with the coming choreographed war. The scriptwriters are having the “bad guys” (“Satanically-controlled” NATO) block the “good guys” (Russia, China, and Iran) from accessing the Mediterranean Sea.
There are only three waterways through which the Mediterranean can be accessed, and two of them are controlled by NATO (the Turkish Straits and the Strait of Gibraltar). And now the third access point, the Suez Canal, is blocked. This means Syria and Lebanon are isolated by sea (or will be once the war begins).
NATO are also sending troops into Iraq under the excuse of an ISIS resurgence there (conveniently located in areas controlled by America’s Kurdish allies). These NATO forces are intended to block the “land bridge” from Iran to Syria and Lebanon, which can pass only through Turkey (blocked) or Iraq (being blocked).
Here is a map showing the blocked access points to the Med (in red) and the land routes from Iran to Syria/Lebanon, which must pass through either Turkey or Iraq…

…from Google
Blocking all these access routes will leave Syria and Lebanon completely isolated by land and sea (and air) from “good guy” support once the balloon goes up.
This being said, you won’t see the Suez Canal cleared until the war is either finished or cancelled.
When the war begins and Syria and Lebanon are completely cut off from military and logistical aid from their allies…
- NATO Coalition aircraft will hit Damascus with decapitation strikes and block all air traffic in and out of the war zone,
- Turkish forces already massed along both sides of the Turkey-Syria border will invade from the north,
- Israeli forces, who finished their war preparation exercises last Thursday, will invade from the south, while
- NATO naval forces secure the western flank (the Mediterranean) and
- NATO ground forces in Iraq and eastern Syria secure the eastern flank.
When the Israelis coming up from the south meet the Turks coming down from the north, one of two things will happen…
- They will stop at a mutually agreed line — dividing Syria between their countries — as Putin falls (for a couple of years), or
- the Turks, with the full backing of “Satanically-controlled NATO” and the “Israel-hating Biden (Obama) administration,” will attack the Israelis and drive them back to Megiddo in northern Israel. That’s when Moschiach Putin (and “friends”) will intervene in a spectacular fashion.
Now let me show you a real world example of the consequences of blockading the access points to the Mediterranean:
Do you remember when the UK seized the Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar a couple of years ago?…

…from Arab News
That was the beginning of a de facto UK blockade of Iranian oil shipments to Syria through the Strait of Gibraltar. And it led to the diversion of all such shipments through the neutral, Egyptian-controlled Suez Canal, where they were then escorted by Russian warships to Syria…

…from USNI News
But the Brits got “revenge” for the bypassing of their blockade when the Suez Canal was blocked by a ship named “Ever Given,” which is an anagram for “revengive“…

…from the Collins Dictionary
As if to “drive the revenge point home,” the ship took a rather irregular course to the Canal, seeming to draw out a pair of buttocks and a full set of male genitalia…

…from the New York Post
The ship’s captain and helmsman have yet to explain why…

And the results of the now-complete blockade are quite predictable…

…from CNN
If the Syrian Army didn’t already face enough problems fending off the superior equipment and training of the Turkish and Israeli armies, they’ll certainly have their hands full fighting them without fuel.
~ MORE – 29 March 2021 ~
Well, well, well… it looks like the war has been cancelled (or at least delayed until May Day)…

…from Reuters
But I’ll continue maintaining watch until the Hebrew month of Nissan has passed.
The next time they try to start the war, don’t be surprised if the Suez Canal experiences another blockage — this time a deliberate one. The next obstruction may come from a ship sunk by a sea mine “planted in the Canal by ISIS.” The narrative will say that ISIS observed what happened with the Ever Given and it inspired them to launch an attack that would block the Canal for a much longer period of time. A scripted motive for such a “revenge” attack has already been added to the storyline…

…from The Jerusalem Post
The killing of the ISIS leader occurred on the same day as the Ever Given incident.
(27 March 2021) – I’ve finally run across mainstream media confirmation of the NATO military buildup around Ukraine. It’s taking place under cover of an “exercise” called Defender Europe 2021…

…from the Army Times. Here is an excerpt with my addition in [brackets]…
One of the largest U.S.-Army led military exercises in decades has kicked off and will run until June, with 28,000 total troops from 27 nations taking part. Defender Europe 2021 will include “nearly simultaneous operations across more than 30 training areas” in a dozen countries.
The exercise is the deployment of a division-size force from the United States to Europe, pulling equipment from Army prepositioned stocks, then moving personnel and equipment across the theater to multiple training areas…
This year’s wider-ranging exercise will include COVID restrictions and monitoring but will span the Balkans [which border Ukraine] and the Black Sea region and use key ground and maritime routes that bridge Europe, Asia and Africa, according to a U.S. Army Europe and Africa statement…
The multi-faceted, months-long exercise provides the United States and allies a showcase event for crisis response, Cavoli said.
The U.S. Air Force and Navy will see an increased role in this previously largely Army affair. Planners are incorporating “new or high-end capabilities,” which include air and missile defense assets, capabilities from the Army’s Security Force Assistance Brigades and V Corps, which was recently reactivated.
Of the 28,000 total participants, an estimated 2,100 are coming from the Army National Guard and another 800 from the Army Reserve.
Equipment and personnel begin flowing this month from the United States to Europe. Next month units will draw from prepositioned stocks of gear in the Netherlands, Italy and Germany.
And news reports out of Jacksonville and Ukraine show that equipment is continuing to flow into Europe as of yesterday…

…from News4Jax (top) and Zero Hedge (bottom)
If we manage to push the war out of Passover, their next obvious fallback window starts on May Day (May 1). A war started then would lead to Putin’s emergence on the Jewish holiday of Shavuot (May 16-18). Shavuot “celebrates the revelation of the Five Books of the Torah by God to Moses and to the Israelites at biblical Mount Sinai, 49 days (7 weeks) after the Exodus from ancient Egypt,” so it is related to Passover. A holiday celebrating the revelation of the Torah is a suitable time for the revelation of the Messiah, don’t you think?
On another note, seeing that the Kabbalists control goy popular music, I’ve been feeling inspired to make my entry into Kabbalist music. And I’ve already started writing the lyrics for my first song…
You want Moshiach now,
you want Moshiach now,
you want Moshiach now,
but you will have to wait.
WARNING (27 March 2021) – Preparatory propaganda for the Passover move by the “Commie Deep State” against Bolsonaro, which will lead to either his fall or the fall of the Left, is still being featured…

…from today’s Drudge Report (top) and yesterday’s Al Jazeera (bottom)
So are the media guys merely carrying out obsolete instructions under the now-cancelled Passover script, or are the globalists still pushing forward? There’s a good chance we’ll find out within the next two and a half hours, because the specific time mentioned on the Chabad site for the killing of the first born is “the stroke of midnight of Nissan 15,” and…
- midnight happens in Iran at 2:30 PM Texas time / 3:30 PM Washington, DC time, and
- midnight happens in Israel at 4:00 PM Texas time / 5:00 PM Washington, DC time.
Those are the times to watch Iran for either explosions or UFOs. I would stay away from Washington and New York (and landmarks in other “sin cities”) if we see the explosions.
(27 March 2021) – As of this writing (@ 9 AM Texas time), we are two hours away from sunset in Israel, which starts Passover and takes us into the most likely six hours for a strike on Iran to occur. And all that’s left to say is this…
“MY proper-tay!”…

~ MORE ~
While we wait for the next few hours for nothing to happen (hopefully), let’s take a look at some more things that are/were scheduled to occur. We’ll start with Brazil…
The President of Brazil, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, had his 66th birthday on March 21. So today, six days later, he’s reached an age of 66 years and 6 days (666), his “Satanic Activation Day.” Happy Birthday, little guy…

If the worldwide “Deep State” offensive goes forward during Passover, Baby Jair will meet the same scripted fate as Putin. If Putin rises, you’ll see Bolsonaro lead a military takeover of the Brazilian government in which Lula and all the leftists/commies will be mass arrested. And if Putin falls, Bolsonaro will fall to Lula and his comrades.
Next we’ll look at Soleimani’s 666 day (which starts when Passover starts).
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When it comes to Qasem Soleimani and his role as the globalist-selected (fake) Imam Mahdi, this Passover is a very special day: it’s the anniversary of the supposed birthday of the Hidden Imam…

…from Pinterest.es (top) and Google (bottom)
Now look at the Islamic birthday listed for Soleimani…

…from Wikishia
- From his Islamic birth year of 1376 to the current Islamic year of 1442 is 66 years.
- From his Islamic birth date of 9 Sha’ban to the Islamic day that begins at sunset today, 15 Sha’ban, is 6 days.
So he reached the Islamic age of 66 years and 6 days (666) at sunset today in Iran. His “Satanic Activation Day” has already begun (and will run through Sunday at sunset).
I’ll explain what this means in a future entry.
WARNING (26 March 2021): Reader Onnabugeisha informs me that Israel has entered Friday the 13th (the 13th day of the Hebrew month of Nissan), and 13 Nissan is known for this…
Haman’s Decree (357 BCE)
In the 12th year of his reign (357 BCE), King Achashverosh of Persia endorsed Haman’s plan “to destroy, kill and annihilate all Jews, from young to old, infants and women, on a single day, on the 13th day of the 12th month, the month of Adar.” On Nissan 13 (11 months before the date chosen for the massacre) proclamations of the decree were drafted and dispatched to all 127 countries of the Persian Empire. Mordechai told Esther to go before the king and plead for her people. Esther asked that a three-day fast be proclaimed (Nissan 14, 15 and 16–including the first two days of Passover) in which all Jews would repent and pray for the success of her mission. – from Chabad.org
So watch for some kind of provocation (real or false-flagged) from Iran before the Sun sets in Israel on Friday. This could lead to the planned airstrikes against the Iranians in the days that follow. More on this in the morning…
~ MORE – 26 March 2021 ~
Today we’re going to look at the details related to the holidays of Passover and Easter in order to figure out the Kabbalists’ war timing cues.
We’ll start by looking at Easter, which this year falls ON THE LAST DAY OF PASSOVER, 22 Nissan (2+2 = 4), corresponding to the Gregorian day of Sunday, April 4…
Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a Christian festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day after his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. – from Wikipedia
As I mentioned in the 22 March update, this would be the perfect day for Putin to emerge victorious over the “Satanic Global Deep State” [since Putin will be playing the role of “the Final Antichrist posing as the returned Christ (and the Jewish Messiah)”]. Also note that Jesus was supposedly resurrected on the third day after his death, which means Putin might disappear or appear to die on April 1 (April Fools’ Day), perhaps reappearing with the backup of “lights in the sky” on April 4.
Now let’s look at various aspects of Passover…
The eight-day Jewish holiday of Passover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan, March 27 – April 4, 2021. Passover (Pesach) commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt…
In Hebrew it is known as Pesach (which means “to pass over”), because G‑d passed over the Jewish homes when killing the Egyptian firstborn on the very first Passover eve. – from Chabad.org
According to the script for the war, this Passover will bring “the emancipation of the Israelites from the threat of annihilation by Iranian (Persian) nuclear weapons.” And just like “G-d” struck the Egyptians on the very first Passover Eve, the Israelis (and/or their allies) will strike Iran’s nuclear sites (Iran’s “first-born”) on this Passover Eve (Erev Pesach), which starts at sunset today and ends at sunset on Saturday.
Continuing on…
What is Shabbat Hagadol
The Shabbat which precedes Passover is called Shabbat haGadol, the Great Sabbath, for many and varied reasons, as we shall explain below.
There are also many special customs associated with this Shabbat. It was in Egypt that Israel celebrated the very first Shabbat Ha-Gadol on the tenth of Nissan, five days before their redemption. On that day, the Children of Israel were given their first commandment which applied only to that Shabbat, but not to future generations: On the tenth day of this month [Nissan]… each man should take a lamb for the household, a lamb for each home (Exodus 12:3).
This mitzvah of preparing a lamb for the Passover offering four days before it was to be brought, applied only to that first Passover in Egypt, and the Torah does not tell us that we must continue to do so before every future Passover. Nevertheless, the people continued to do this to make sure that their lambs had no blemishes which would preclude their being sacrificed.
Many miracles were performed for the Children of Israel on this first Shabbat haGadol. The Torah commanded them to take their lambs and tie them to the bedpost. When they did so, their Egyptian neighbors saw this and asked:
“What is the lamb for?”
The Children of Israel answered: “It is to be slaughtered as a Passover sacrifice as G‑d has commanded us.”
The Egyptians, for whom the lamb was a deity, gnashed their teeth in anger but could not utter a sound in protest.
Many other miracles as well were performed in connection with the Passover offering, we therefore refer to this day as Shabbat haGadol.
Why We Celebrate Shabbat Hagadol instead of the 10th of Nissan
Why do we commemorate the miracle on the Shabbat before Passover rather than on the tenth of Nissan, the date on which it actually took place? We see that the Torah itself mentions only the date rather than the day of the week.
It is because the miracle is closely connected to Shabbat. The Egyptians were aware that the Children of Israel observed Shabbat and did not busy themselves tending animals on that day, so when the Egyptians saw them taking lambs and binding them to their bedposts on Shabbat, they were surprised and decided to investigate what was happening.
The Children of Israel were in great danger when they were confronted and were saved only by virtue of a miracle. We therefore commemorate this miracle on Shabbat rather than on the tenth of the month of Nissan.
Moreover, had it not been Shabbat, the Children of Israel would not have needed a miracle to save them. They would have been able to deceive the Egyptians by diverting their attention or making up some kind of explanation. On Shabbat, however, they would not do so, for, as our Sages said, “Even an ignorant man will not tell lies on Shabbat.” Thus, we see that they were endangered because of their observance of Shabbat, and they needed a miracle to save them. – from Chabad.org
What happened on that first Shabbat Hagadol is a bit of whitewashed history, but it’s not hard to figure out. Once the Egyptians found out what the Israelites were doing, they were furious, and negative consequences were sure to follow. So the Israelites spread the word among themselves to place lamb’s blood on their doorposts that night. And once night fell, the able-bodied Israelite men rose up and invaded all the homes that were not thus marked, killing the eldest child in each house. This was an early example of the Israelites using a “preemptive strike” / “terror attack,” and it was a false-flag at that (because the carnage was blamed on an “angel of god”)…
That night, God sent the angel of death to kill the firstborn sons of the Egyptians. God told Moses to order the Israelite families to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood on the door of their houses. In this way the angel would know to ‘pass over’ the houses of the Israelites. This is why the festival commemorating the escape from Egypt is known as Passover – from bl.uk
Guess what… “angels” don’t need blood on doorposts to know whom to kill. But men do. In pointing this out, I’m not condemning the Israelites for what they did. They were being held in bondage, and they did what was necessary to gain their freedom. But the whole drama with Iran is pure globalist theater, so killing Iranians to act out the NWO transition drama is unacceptable. There is no real threat there. It’s all bullsh*t.
It should be noted that Shabbat Hagadol falls on the day before Passover this year, just like it did the very first time. They’re trying to act out a historical script. And just like the Hebrew slaves did in Egypt on the first Shabbat Hagadol, Israel will make its own “miracle of salvation” by rising up to kill some Iranians on Erev Pesach.
Now let’s circle back to something we saw earlier…
It was in Egypt that Israel celebrated the very first Shabbat Ha-Gadol on the tenth of Nissan, five days before their redemption.
This means the redemption occurred on 15 Nissan, the same day that Passover is celebrated, which falls on Sunday, March 28th this year. Here is what Chabad.org says about it…
The Exodus (1313 BCE)
At the stroke of midnight of Nissan 15 of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE), 210 years after Jacob settled in Egypt and 430 years after the “Covenant Between the Parts,” G-d visited the last of the ten plagues on the Egyptians, killing all their firstborn. Earlier that evening, the Children of Israel conducted the first “seder” of history, eating the roasted meat of the Passover offering with matzot and bitter herbs, and sprinkling the blood of the sacrifice on their doorposts as a sign that G-d will “pass over” their homes when inflicting the plague upon the Egyptians. Pharaoh’s resistance to free them was broken, and he virtually chased his former slaves out of the land. Several million souls — 600,000 adult males, plus the woman and children, and a large “mixed multitude” of non-Hebrews who joined them — left Egypt on that day, and began the 50-day trek to Sinai and their birth as G-d’s chosen people.
But this redemption, in which the Israelites were freed from Egyptian bondage, is not the only redemption of which the Chabadniks speak. There’s also this one (on which they are doggedly focused)…

…from Chabad.org
Looking at this information, there are some things worth noting…
> Since “at the stroke of midnight of Nissan 15 of the year 2448 from creation… G-d visited the last of the ten plagues on the Egyptians, killing all their firstborn,” the Primary Time Window for striking Iran’s nuclear sites extends into the early hours of Nissan 15 (Saturday night). So the window started on Friday night and extends into Saturday night (Israeli time).
> Since 15 Nissan is the first day of Passover AND the anniversary of the redemption AND a Sunday, it would be the perfect day for the “Moshiach ben David” / “returned Jesus Christ,” Vladimir Putin, to make his first savior-like move. And since Iran will be inclined to send a massive barrage of thousands of missiles and rockets at Israel in retaliation for the strikes on their nuclear sites, addressing that would be the obvious first step. Will the “great man of peace” Putin persuade KGB-asset and Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei to hold back the retaliation strike? Will lights appear in the sky over Israel to shoot down the missiles?
> Since the original redemption occurred five days after the original Shabbat Hagadol…
Shabbat Hagadol + 5 days = Redemption Day
…there are two possible redemption days this year: one based on the date of the original Shabbat Hagadol, 10 Nissan, and another based on the day Shabbat Hagadol is celebrated this year, 14 Nissan…
10 Nissan + 5 days = 15 Nissan (the primary Redemption Day candidate)
14 Nissan + 5 days = 19 Nissan (the secondary Redemption Day candidate)
The interesting thing about the secondary candidate is that 19 Nissan corresponds to April 1. So if they choose that day, they could have Putin disappear or appear to die after he makes his messiah move, then “resurrect him on the third day,” April 4 (Easter and the last day of Passover).
If the globalists stick with the Friday night through Saturday night attack window, the choice between Sunday, March 28 and Thursday, April 1 as Redemption Day is the choice between a peaceful redemption and a bloody one.
If the IDF and/or their allies strike Iran on Saturday night / Sunday morning and Putin intervenes to stop the retaliation against Israel, or if Putin and “the lights in the sky” stop the Iran-attacking warplanes before they get where they’re going, it will be a true Passover for Israel (since they will be preserved from harm “despite the strike on Iran by the evil Israeli Deep State”).
But if the globalists have the Saturday/Sunday Iran strike go forward and delay Putin’s intervention till next Thursday, Israel will get mauled by the retaliation that will come at them from all sides, and they’ll be close to collapse when he rides in to save the day.
The second alternative fits the standard script for what’s supposed to happen.
There’s also a fallback option for a peaceful redemption on Thursday. In it, the attempted strike against Iran would be pushed back to 18 Nissan (18 = 6+6+6), allowing Putin to immediately intervene on 19 Nissan. And this scenario gives us our Secondary Time Window for a strike on Iran’s nuclear sites: sunset on Tuesday extending through Wednesday night (Israeli time).
Remember too that when the balloon goes up in Israel, it goes up around the world. So we have to watch for the nuke attacks on Western cities (or for the “patriot” military interventions to stop them). Also, Jair Bolsonaro and Qasem Soleimani have “666 days” coming up on the 27th/28th, so watch for activity from them (I’ll go into the details tomorrow).
10 Nissan ran from sunset on March 22 to sunset on March 23 (Tuesday).
13 Nissan runs from sunset on March 25 to sunset on March 26 (today).
14 Nissan runs from sunset on March 26 to sunset on March 27 (Saturday).
15 Nissan runs from sunset on March 27 to sunset on March 28 (Sunday).
16 Nissan runs from sunset on March 28 to sunset on March 29 (Monday).
17 Nissan runs from sunset on March 29 to sunset on March 30 (Tuesday).
18 Nissan runs from sunset on March 30 to sunset on March 31 (Wednesday).
19 Nissan runs from sunset on March 31 to sunset on April 1 (Thursday).
20 Nissan runs from sunset on April 1 to sunset on April 2 (Friday).
21 Nissan runs from sunset on April 2 to sunset on April 3 (Saturday).
22 Nissan runs from sunset on April 3 to sunset on April 4 (Easter Sunday).
NUCLEAR WARNING (25 March 2021): Narrative support propaganda for the “loose North Korean nukes” scenario, in which “Russian-backed Domestic Violent Extremists, Iranian-backed Islamists, and Prophecy-Obsessed Christians blow up cities in the US and Europe”…

…has come out today…

…from The Sun. Note how the headline mentions “DEFCON,” which is related to nuclear alert levels, alongside “UN,” a play on Kim Jong Un’s name that also hints at the United Nations (the headquarters of which is a targeted site in the planned nuclear false-flag).
Here are some excerpts from the article interspersed with my comments…
Scott Snyder, a senior fellow for Korea studies at the Council For Foreign Relations, told The Sun Online the regime is the most “potentially catastrophic security threat” in 2021.
Terming the “North Korean threat” as “catastrophic” hints at a nuclear attack. And this is coming from a CFR globalist.
The launches come as North Korea has already lashed out at Biden with a scathing rebuke by Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo-jong, and reportedly Pyongyang has already refused to engage with efforts by Washington to reopen communication.
As I mentioned in the 21 March update (further down this page), any loose North Korean nukes will eventually be blamed on Kim Jong Un’s sister. I say “eventually” because the Mainstream (“Deep State”) Narrative will first point the finger at Kim Jong Un. But after the “bad guys” are defeated by the “good guys,” the NWO Narrative will point the finger at his sister, Kim Yo Jong. They’ll say it all started last year, and here’s what I wrote about it at the time…
(25 April 2020) – Now here’s an interesting development…

…from Zero Hedge
This news is significant because Kim Jong Un is one of the NWO’s Pantheon of Heroes. He is supposedly trying to bring his country out of the dark ages, and like the other heroes of the Pantheon, he is supposedly beset by a Hardcore Communist Deep State. In Kim Jong Un’s case, the Deep State is led by a former spy chief, Kim Yong Chol.
First off, don’t count Kim Jong Un out just yet. According to the NWO Narrative, Chairman Xi survived the Chinese Deep State’s coup back when he disappeared in late February, so Kim Jong Un may be scripted to survive his brush with death as well. Alternatively, his sister could be scripted to defeat the coup and take up the cause of her martyred brother, successfully leading North Korea out of isolation and into the multilateral / multipolar NWO.
After that, I started tracking a May Day false-flag scenario involving “loose North Korean nukes”…
~ MORE – 1 May 2020 ~
Get a load of this article from Zero Hedge: Pompeo Demands Countries Block Airspace To Iran’s ‘Terrorist Airline’ After Venezuela Deliveries…
>>> …Tehran has ramped up cargo deliveries related [to] getting Venezuela’s derelict oil refineries fully operational.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in new statements has called on international allies to block airspace specifically for Iran’s Mahan Air, currently under US sanctions, and which has in recent days delivered cargoes of “unknown support” to the Venezuelan government, according to Pompeo’s words. <<<
So three days ago, the Venezuelans named terrorism-connected Tareck El Aissami the new Minister of Petroleum, and now they are saying that Iran has used “Aeroterror” to transport “cargoes of unknown support” that are presumed to be spare parts for oil refineries. What they’re really narrating here is the delivery of the nukes to El Aissami.
I can only hope this news item was set in motion before the globalists issued an abort order.
~ MORE – 1 May 2020 ~
I’ve come across more preparatory propaganda for the loose nukes PSYOP…

…from ABC News. Here is an excerpt…
>>> If the government in Pyongyang should collapse, a U.S.-South Korean contingency plan called OPLAN 5029 would reportedly come into play.
The plan is meant to secure the border and North Korea’s nuclear weapons if the government can’t function or if control of those weapons becomes uncertain.
“The million-dollar question is: When do you invoke the OPLAN and what indicators do you rely on to do so? Because one country’s ‘securing the country’ operation can look to the other nation like an ‘invasion plan.’ And then all hell can break loose,” said Vipin Narang, a North Korea nuclear specialist at MIT.
The biggest U.S. worry is North Korea’s nuclear stockpile being used, stolen or sold.
“If the U.S. does not have plans to go in and secure and retrieve North Korean nukes — to the extent we know where they are — then we are not doing our job,” said Ralph Cossa, president emeritus of the Pacific Forum think tank in Hawaii. “Beyond that, it makes little sense for the U.S and/or South Korea to get involved in internal North Korean power struggles.” <<<
So if you put together these worries of loose nukes with news of “Aeroterror” delivering “cargoes of unknown support” to Venezuela, it’s not hard to see where they’re going with this.
~ MORE – 1 May 2020 ~
In another indicator that the “loose nukes” PSYOP is/was in play, as of yesterday, the US government “enhanced” their effort to track down drug (nuke) shipments originating from Venezuela…

…from WhiteHouse.gov
An article posted yesterday on VenezuelaAnalysis.com offers more details…
>>> A Pentagon spokesperson told the Daily Caller that the defense secretary will use the order to mobilize a unit of the Air National Guard to aid in Washington’s “Enhanced Department of Defense Counternarcotic Operation in the Western Hemisphere.”…
On April 1, the Trump administration announced the deployment of US Navy destroyers, AWAC surveillance aircraft, and on-ground special forces units to the Caribbean Sea in what has been reported as one of the largest operations in the region since the 1989 US invasion of Panama.
The operation’s stated goal was to intercept drug shipments allegedly originating in Venezuela, which Washington has targeted with crippling economic sanctions aimed at ousting President Nicolas Maduro. <<<
So the US has an invasion force off Venezuela, likely including the USS Iwo Jima. This will allow the media to suggest that Iran transferred the North Korean nukes to Venezuela so the Venezuelans could use one to destroy the invasion force and the others to deter any retaliation from United States. But, of course, there are no loose North Korean nukes in Venezuela; there is only a globalist script that will have the “bad guys” / “Deep State” blow up a US aircraft carrier using an Israeli nuke, then blame it on North Korea, Iran, Venezuela et al so they can lock down America and have their war.
It should also be noted that on the day before this “enhanced” interdiction effort began, this happened…

…from BulgarianMilitary.com
So look for the “loose nukes” PSYOP narrative to say that a North Korean nuke was found on that boat, which is what triggered the Presidential Executive Order the next day.
Several weeks later, I wrote this…
~ MORE – 20 June 2020 ~
A dead President lying face-down on the ground — what a lovely Juneteenth Weekend omen…

…from yesterday’s Drudge Report
As we enter the day of the summer solstice, it’s important to review the globalist objectives for the immediate time frame, and chief among those objectives is to feature a “last-ditch” worldwide regime change effort by the “bad guys.” Here are the major regime change efforts the globalists have planned…
In the United States, they have scripted the removal of Trump so the war operations can go forward and Rand Paul & Tulsi Gabbard can be brought in after the climax in a “national unity” presidency. Trump’s removal will take the form of a 25th Amendment cabinet coup, a fast impeachment and conviction, an assassination, a suiciding, or a forced resignation if conducted this weekend or over the Fourth of July Weekend. Failing that, he’ll be removed in a November election defeat that will feature clear signs of “Deep State” / Democrat fraud. This would be followed by a short and scary Democratic (Obama/Clinton) presidency that will precede Paul & Gabbard’s installation by the military.
In the UK, they have scripted the removal of the “British Trump,” Boris Johnson, first by a “COVID-19” infection and now by political scandals. Following the planned events of this weekend, BoJo may be driven from office over his support for Trump.
In China, they may script another attempt to remove/assassinate Xi Jinping by the anti-Xi factions led by the Jiang Faction. This is why we’re seeing a new “COVID” lockdown in China’s capital city, Beijing.
In Russia, they may script an attempt to remove/assassinate Putin by the “Atlantic Integrationist” / Medvedev Faction between now and early July. This could take place at the June 24th Victory Day Parade or around the time of the July 1 national referendum to extend Putin’s presidency.
In Brazil, they will script an attempt to remove/assassinate Bolsonaro by the COVID-pushing “Leftist Deep State.”
In India, they may script an attempt to remove/assassinate Modi by the “National Security Deep State” so that a border war between India and China can go forward, thereby breaking India and China’s cooperation in the BRICS. This is why Modi was reluctant to condemn China over the recent border incident; the script has both Xi and him attempting to forestall the conflict. The attempt on Modi may include a Muslim element to also elicit war between India and Pakistan.
In North Korea, they have scripted an apparently-completed “shadow coup” against Kim Jong Un by his sister and the communist hardliners led by Kim Yong Chol. This is why Kim Jong Un’s sister is pushing towards war with South Korea right now. (Perhaps she is doing it in return for the hardliners sparing her brother’s life?)
These scripted removals/assassinations are intended to depict the worldwide alliance of no-goodnik “Deep States” making an attempt to remove resistance to their “evil Western-version unilateral / unipolar NWO” and defeat the BRICS effort to build their competing “good Eastern-version multilateral / multipolar NWO.”
What the globalists did last April was script a shadow coup in North Korea (like they did with Trump a month earlier). According to the story, Kim Jong Un fell ill (or was made ill) and the “North Korean Deep State” (the hardcore commies) moved against him. As for what his sister did, it could be narrated a number of ways…
- “Kim Yo Jong, wanting power for herself, led the coup against her brother.”
- “Kim Yo Jong, wanting to protect her brother and the Kim family, struck a compromise with the Deep State to maintain her family’s position by offering policy concessions (cutting off the Trump-Kim peace initiative).”
- “Kim Yo Jong, wanting to protect her brother and the Kim family, offered a conditional surrender to the Deep State and became its hostage (like Trump had the month before), thereafter becoming their figurehead leader and mouthpiece.”
This shadow coup narrative is supported by Kim Yo Jong’s increased public profile and policy reversals since last April…

…from Slate
Continuing on with excerpts from the Sun article…
Experts explained to The Sun Online the regime continues to keep its coffers flush with enough cash for its weapons despite facing crushing UN sanctions.
They mention the UN’s crushing sanctions here to establish a scripted motivation for North Korea arranging a nuclear attack on UN Headquarters. And here is something I wrote about that back in 2017…
[Addendum – 21 April 2017]
Having been in blogging for a while now, I’ve grown quite hesitant to issue alerts like this. Because if I’m wrong, the event won’t happen and I’ll look like an as*hole. And if I’m right, the event won’t happen because I’ve exposed their methods and objectives, and I’ll look like an as*hole. Fortunately, I have both extensive experience in, and a high tolerance for, looking like an as*hole. And what made me issue this alert was the sheer strategic brilliance of such an attack. Just think about it…
> The overarching goal of all the current geopolitical drama is to “reform” the UN into the NWO, and is there any more sure way of forcing immediate reform than literally blowing up the existing UN and compelling the nations to rebuild both its physical and organizational structure?
> The globalist “elite” are obsessed with the symbolism of the phoenix, the bird which explodes into flames and is then reborn from its own ashes. Now look again at the mural located in the UN’s Security Council chamber…

The mural actually depicts the Security Council chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall in the background of the mural, then look at the color of the wall surrounding the mural. Also look at the shape and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at the semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council. But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.
So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the destruction of the Security Council chamber by fire. Blowing up the UN complex thus becomes the fulfillment of the mural.
> The Korean War was the first major test of the UN, and in the nearly 67 years since the war began in June of 1950, the UN has lacked the power to bring it to a close. The shooting stopped with an armistice, not a peace treaty; technically speaking, the UN and North Korea are still at war. So is there any more effective and dramatic way to demonstrate the “too weak” nature of the current UN structure than having it be destroyed by North Korea? From the ashes of the weak, destroyed UN would rise a new, stronger UN (the New World Order) that would have the power to decisively deal with nations that don’t toe the line.
> With all of the nuclear threats currently being made by North Korea, everyone is focused on the security of Seoul, Japan, Hawaii, and the western US. And since everyone in the US is looking west, a North Korean attack in the east would catch the whole country by surprise. According to the geopolitical script, an attack on New York “would strike at the very heart of North Korea’s enemies, the UN and the US” and it would be “strategically brilliant, but suicidal.” “The insane Kim Jong-un went out in a blaze of glory,” they’d say.
> Since the North Koreans reportedly lack an ICBM capable of reaching New York, the attack would most likely be seaborne. It could take the form of a cruise missile or medium range ballistic missile fired from an offshore submarine or freighter. Or to be more sure of the attack’s success, it could take the form of a suicide boat or sub that sails right up to the UN.
As you can see in this picture, the UN is located right next to a navigable tidal estuary (the “East River”)…

And as you can see in this picture, sizable boats pass by it each day…

Now if you think of the MOAB attack that happened in Afghanistan a few days ago, its explosive yield was the equivalent of 11 tons of TNT, and a boat or sub could carry much more than 11 tons of high explosive (it would be the Mother Of All Boats). A boat or sub could also carry one of North Korea’s nukes, which are estimated by some sources to have a 10 kiloton yield (the same yield featured in the Gotham Shield exercise).
My best guess is that one of North Korea’s missing subs will surface in the shipping channel, sail right up to the UN, and blow its payload (either nuclear, conventional, or conventional / radiological). To ensure that the attack is successful, though, it would be conducted either by the Pentagon or by North Koreans with Pentagon engineering and logistical assistance.
> As previously mentioned, the name of the nuclear response exercise references Batman, and can you remember the plot of the last “Dark Knight” movie? It involved an attempt to blow up Gotham with a nuclear bomb, but Batman ended up flying the bomb away from the city and it blew up over the bay. In this “North Korean” attack, a nuclear bomb could blow up over the water right next to the UN. Is this just a coincidence?
And here’s the final excerpt from the Sun article…
Along with the cyber crime, North Korea is also believed to earn cash through arms deals — potentially even selling weapons to terrorist groups.
Syria, Iran, Somalia and many more nations are all believed to have purchased weapons in under-the-table arms deals with North Korea…
Ms Varriale explained in the past North Korea is believed to have armed terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
The expert urged the world to keep a “closer eye” on North Korea’s arms deals — saying any links to terrorist groups could be intertwined with support for its allies, such as Iran and Syria.
The expert added: “If the economy is under additional pressure at the moment due to Covid-19, North Korea might be proactively looking abroad for customers.”
This section of the article ties North Korea to…
- the selling of arms to terrorist groups, including Hezbollah (and Hezbollah has strong ties to Venezuela and the drug cartels, who will all be blamed for smuggling the nukes into the US),
- the selling of arms to Syria and Iran (two countries that have strong ties to Hezbollah and that the “Deep Staters” supposedly want to attack and conquer), and
- the potential selling of their most potent weapons due to economic pressure created by COVID.
So if we tie together all the information in this update, we can project what the Mainstream and NWO Narratives will tell us about the planned nuke attacks…
The Mainstream Narrative (of the “Deep State”) will say that Trump’s legacy-seeking political opportunism and weakness towards Kim Jong Un allowed the North Korean nuclear program to run wild during his presidency, and his complicity with Putin allowed Russia and its allies to smuggle North Korean nukes into the country in April of 2020. So “the weapons came in under Trump’s watch.”
The NWO Narrative will say that the Democrats colluded with the North Korean Deep State to unseat Kim Jong Un so North Korea’s nuclear weapons could be loosed upon America. But Trump’s decisive security actions in April of 2020 kept the weapons out of the US until Biden came in and flung America’s borders wide open. So “the weapons came in under Biden’s watch.”
~ MORE ~
Check out what a reader shared with me – Cargo ship drew a penis and butt before getting stuck in Suez Canal. I’d say that’s evidence of premeditation, wouldn’t you?
(24 March 2021): Now they’re reporting that the container ship blocking the Suez Canal may be there until after Passover weekend…

…from NDTV
Passover starts the evening of Saturday, March 27, so it looks like they have at least 4 more days to get the war started.
Here are a few things to watch for tomorrow (3/25) based on historical cues and current developments…
- potential trouble between Greece and Turkey [1, 2, 3],
- a potential development — such as the death of Pope Benedict — related to the schism in the Catholic Church between the traditionalists who favor Benedict and the commies who favor Francis [4], and
- potential action related to Ukrainian President Zelensky’s approval today of a strategy to reintegrate Crimea [5].
(24 March 2021) – Years ago, I wrote a post titled Understanding the NWO Strategy. It explains how and why the globalists are using the threat of an “evil unilateral” NWO to scare the public towards embracing a “good multilateral” NWO (the real NWO the globalists have been planning). If you haven’t already, I recommend you read that post before continuing to read this one (it is further down this page, or you can click here to open a parallel page to the right spot).
Also, starting with the 4 March update (which is also further down this page), I’ve covered how the globalist script for this year has Putin’s story paralleling the story of Roman emperor Augustus. Before Augustus became emperor, he took power in Rome as part of a triumvirate of leaders, which is paralleled in the current script by the Triumvirate of Putin, Xi, and Trump. It was the fall of Augustus’s triumvirate that opened the way for him to become emperor, and one member of Putin’s Triumvirate, Trump, has already fallen. Note how the following piece of NWO propaganda shows the remaining two leaders sticking together against the evils of the “unilateralists”…

…from disinfo site Zero Hedge. Here is an excerpt…
On the defensive following the latest wave of Western sanctions targeting the two countries, Russia and China are lashing out. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a press conference to address the spiraling tensions while standing alongside his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi as a show of unity against Western attacks following a meeting in Guilin, China…
Lavrov on Tuesday issued his fiercest words yet, declaring the EU has “destroyed” Russia’s ability to have relations with Brussels. He said “there are no relations with the EU as an organization. The entire infrastructure of these relations has been destroyed by unilateral decisions made from Brussels”…
Interestingly, Lavrov highlighted that Moscow and Beijing see Washington as attempting to strengthen the West’s Cold War military alliances ultimately to undermine developing multi-polarity and the “international legal architecture”.
So for now, the remaining leaders of the Triumvirate are standing together against “the vicious onslaught of the Satanic Global Deep State.” But just like Trump, Xi Jinping will fall. It could happen as soon as before, during, or shortly after the coming war, or it could happen as late as 3.5 years after the “multilateral/multipolar” NWO is brought into being (by “reforming” the current UN). But fall Xi will, and then the NWO will become Putin’s Global Roman Empire / “Satanic Kingdom.”
3.5 years after Putin’s “divinity” is revealed to the world on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the NWO will fall to “the returning Jesus Christ,” who will be a globalist counterfeit of the “real Christ” (if you believe such a being to exist). And that brings us to these guys…

…from GenSix.com (top, bottom)
These mammon-worshipping “vomit brokers” (to use one of Steve Quayle’s own words in describing Steve Quayle and his cohorts) are a mutually-supporting network of globalist propagandists and hucksters who are here to mislead Christians into buying-in to the prophecy fulfillment show. So mark my words on these tap-dancing fools…
When the globalists trot out their GMO Kabbalah Christ to defeat “Antichrist Putin,” EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM will proclaim him the real Jesus.
And each and every one of them will be lying with their serpent tongues.
By the way, if you want to see any of them squirm, ask him or her if Vladimir Putin is the Final Antichrist. Their handlers have forbidden them from revealing this till the right time; they don’t want to blow the scripted surprises and degrade the effectiveness of the script.
~ MORE ~
For the rest of this evening, I’ll try to get to all the occulty indicators for tomorrow — all of which surround Greece, Erdogan, and Putin except for one rather odd (and questionable) one. And we’ll start with that:
This particular indicator is probably nothing, but there is something I don’t like about it. So I’ll mention it out of an abundance of caution because it seems like a potential ritual sacrifice foreshadowing a future event (or it can be narrated as one by enterprising false-flaggers who are out to nuke Washington). It is (Seattle’s) Capitol Hill Massacre of March 25, 2006…
The Capitol Hill massacre was a mass murder committed by 28-year-old Kyle Aaron Huff in the southeast part of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. On the morning of March 25, 2006, Huff entered a rave after-party and opened fire, killing six and wounding two. He then killed himself as he was being confronted by police on the front porch of 2112 E. Republican Street.
Here’s what’s weird about it…
- It occurred at the early morning afterparty of a rave called “Better Off Undead,” and the Wikipedia entry goes out of its way to note it had an attendance of 350 people (3+5 = 8).
- It happened in the Capitol Hill neighborhood at 2112 E. Republican Street (a numerologically-inclined person might say that 2112 is “mirrored 12s” or “33” and “adds up to 6“).
- It happened exactly 180 months ago tomorrow (18 = 6+6+6).
- The killer “spray-painted the word ‘NOW‘ on the sidewalk and on the steps of a neighboring home” on his way into the house to shoot 8 people, killing 6.
Here are photos of the killer and the crime scene…

…from Murderpedia.org
Given such potential occult weirdness, tomorrow morning is another time I wouldn’t want to be near the Washington Channel. Nor would I want to go to my office if I were this (sinister looking) guy. But, of course, I wouldn’t want to be near Washington, DC any day this week.
(23 March 2021) – If we get through the 23rd OK, it doesn’t mean the war is off — we still have the next few days and Passover to get through. And reader Onnabugeisha has identified occult indicators that point to something happening in Syria tomorrow involving Russia, Turkey and (possibly) the return of the Hidden Imam (Qasem Soleimani). Here is a report on what’s going on there…

…from Arab News
On March 24, it will be exactly 246 years and 246 days since the signing of the Treaty of Kucuk Kaynarca (7/21/1774 to 7/21/2020 = 246 years and 7/21/2020 to March 24, 2021 = 246 days)…
The Treaty of Kucuk Kaynarca, formerly often written Kuchuk-Kainarji, was a peace treaty signed on 21 July 1774, in Kucuk Kaynarca (today Kaynardzha, Bulgaria) between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, ending the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–74 with many concessions to Russia.
Following the recent Ottoman defeat at the Battle of Kozludzha, the Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–74 and marked a defeat of the Ottomans in their struggle against Russia… The treaty was a most humiliating blow to the once-mighty Ottoman realm. – from Wikipedia
With the 246 years / 246 days in mind, adding the digits together (2+4+6) gives you 12/12, which is significant (to numerology lemmings) because 95% of Iranians are 12‘er Shiites who believe that the 12th Imam is the Mahdi (the Muslim savior).
The globalists have selected Qasem Soleimani to play the Mahdi character in the prophecy fulfillment show (with the current head of the Quds Force, Esmail Ghaani, being a backup). And the globalists arranged to leave some slack in the scripting surrounding Soleimani’s death that will allow for his return to the stage.
So if Erdogan launches his long-planned full invasion of Syria tomorrow (with “Ottoman revenge against Russia” being one of his motives), look for Soleimani or Ghaani to play a big role in savaging the invasion forces. And two days later on March 26, look for Putin to make a big move also. March 26 will be the 444th day (4+4+4 = 12) since the globalists sent him to Damascus to fulfill Islamic prophecy relating to the return of Isa (Jesus). His trip there happened on January 7, 2020, Orthodox Christmas.
This scenario presupposes that the globalists will script a Putin victory during Passover. If they play the long game and script his fall instead, the Mahdi will stay hidden and Turkey will defeat Syria and Iran as part of the broader (and temporary) victory of the “Satanic Global Deep State.”
~ MORE ~
Here is my writeup on some more notes about March 24 from reader Onnabugeisha’s research:
The decoy antichrist, Barack Obama, visited the Church of the Nativity to “stand in the holy place” during the daytime (as you can see from the window in the upper left) on March 22, 2013…

…from YouTube
This means his visit occurred on the Hebrew day of 11 Nissan 5773…

…from Google
It just so happens that in 2021, 11 Nissan falls on March 24…

…from Google
So Israel, which entered 11 Nissan today at sunset, has also entered the 8th anniversary of “the standing in the holy place” of “the Obamanation that brings desolation.”
Can you guess what else is significant about 11 Nissan?…

…from Chabad.org
The deceased Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson — the leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch cult — was born on the Hebrew day of 11 Nissan 5662, and Israel has now entered the day of 11 Nissan 5781. This means…
Menachem Mendel Schneerson was born 119 years ago. And to numerologists like the Kabbalist Chabadniks, 119 is the reverse of 911 (as in 9/11).
When it comes to the attitude of the Chabadniks about the coming of the Jewish Messiah (the “Moschiach ben David”), they are known for saying, “Let’s make it happen!” And to them, “making it happen” means plunging Israel into the Gog-Magog War — a war that will drive Israel to the brink of total destruction in order to force the Jewish Messiah to come forward to save them.
The trick is that the top leaders of the cult and the Jewish oligarchs who fund it have selected Vladimir Putin to play the Moshiach ben David. So they are having their Kabbalist lemmings do the dirty work of bringing their boy Putin into power. It’s a total setup. Here is what I wrote about it back in November of 2018…
The scripted, public reason for Chabad-Lubavitch wanting to trigger the invasion of Israel is to force the Moshiach ben David (the Jewish Messiah) to come forward to prevent Israel’s total destruction. Here is a YouTube video of the Lubavitcher Rebbe exhorting Netanyahu to make the invasion happen….

In the video, the two talk about the progress of the Lubavitch agenda…

…and the Rebbe instructs Netanyahu to do something to hasten the Moshiach’s arrival (meaning “trigger the invasion of Israel so it can be redeemed”)…

…Netanyahu then agrees.
What Chabad’s leaders don’t tell their followers it that the Moshiach ben David who will come forward (Vladimir Putin) is someone the leaders have chosen to pose as the Moshiach. They’ve been grooming him for the role…

…There will be no “supernatural” arrival (but there will be a helluva magic show), because it’s all bullsh*t they are making happen through their own efforts…

…from Chabad.org
Even though this whole thing is a scripted stage play, the wars will be quite real. And there will be lots of real death and real destruction in Israel during Gog-Magog and its culminating Battle of Armageddon.
All this being said, 11 Nissan, which began in Israel at nightfall on March 23 and ends at nightfall on March 24, is a very dangerous day for Israel.
~ MORE ~
There are also numerological and historical cues that point to tomorrow as another candidate day for the planned “ISIS” attack on the Vatican…
March 24 is a historical meeting date for ancient Rome’s comitia calata, which was a religious gathering in which the new high priest of a Roman god was inaugurated. You can read about it in the 18 March update further down this page, which talks about how it could be related to the rise of Pietro Parolin to the papacy (after the death of Pope Francis).
March 24 is also the date that Pietro Parolin reaches the age of 66 years and 66 days (1/17/1955 to 1/17/2021 = 66 years and 1/17/2021 to 3/24/2021 = 66 days). With the 66 years / 66 days in mind, adding the digits together (6+6) gives you 12/12 (like we saw in today’s first update).
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The Suez Canal — a key strategic waterway in any Middle East war scenario — has been “accidentally” blocked by a massive container ship…

…from The Guardian
This is not good. It blocks the movement of supplies and reinforcements.
~ MORE – 24 March 2021 ~
A Quick Note on When Hebrew Days Begin
It is important to know that the Hebrew and Islamic calendars are lunar calendars, and their days, which begin at sunset, start a few hours before their equivalent Gregorian days, which begin at midnight. So 11 Nissan began in Israel at about 6 PM on Tuesday, six hours before its Gregorian equivalent (March 24) began.
You can confirm this by noting that the Gregorian date for Purim was February 26…

…from Hebcal.com
But the holiday began at sunset on February 25…

…from Google
This is because Purim’s Hebrew date began about 6 hours before its Gregorian date. So when you see a date on a calendar like this…

…know that the 19th of Adar began at sunset on Tuesday the 2nd, and ended at sunset on Wednesday the 3rd.
WARNING (22 March 2021): The Saudi Navy has mobilized with “exercises” that will “enhance the security of vital installations and oil fields, and secure freedom of navigation in the region’s waters.” Here’s something else mentioned by the news report on it…
This month alone, the Houthis, who are backed by Iran, have claimed assaults on a fuel depot in Jeddah, the Ras Tanura export terminal and a refinery in Riyadh, the Saudi capital.
The Saudi government said the missiles used for the March 19 refinery attack were made in Iran.
So here we have another case of an “Iran-backed militia” (the Houthis) using “Iranian” missiles to attack poor, innocent Saudi Arabia.
Watch for such an attack in Iraq or against US forces in the Middle East today.
On the Chinese naval drill front, there is no news of such activity, but there is this: 1 pilot killed after 2 Taiwan F-5E fighter jets collide in mid-air. The loss of the two jets is being blamed on a collision, but might there be more to the story?
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It looks like things are ready to pop in Syria as well. Russian airstrikes have taken out Turkish aid trucks weapons transports that crossed into Syria, and Turkish troops have been placed on alert…

…from Arab News
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Taiwan’s military launched island-wide “field exercises” today, including the deployment of their air-defense assets.
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As for the occult indicators that point to drama on March 23, you can see them in this video by a Christian prophecy propagandist. Just remember as you watch it that he is actually talking about the coming of the Antichrist, not Jesus as he claims.
And remember, it is already March 23 in Europe and Asia.
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I just ran across a story that Venezuela has been placed on “radical quarantine” (supposedly “on account of COVID,” but actually on account of the pending war) through Easter, 4/4. I had completely forgotten about Easter (which commemorates the “resurrection of Christ”) — that would be the perfect day to schedule Putin’s emergence as world savior. So look for World War 3 to last till Easter (which is also the last day of Jewish Passover).
NUCLEAR ALERT (21 March 2021) – Preparatory propaganda for a sail-up nuclear strike on Washington, DC came out today…

…from the Military Times / AP
Such an attack would likely be scheduled for the 22nd or 23rd, with the time period in which it is the 22nd in the US and the 23rd in the Middle East being the most dangerous. The UN in New York is also highly vulnerable to such an attack and is a globalist target. If I lived or worked near the Washington Channel in DC or the East River in NY, I would find a reason to be miles away over the next two days. And if I observed the Chinese Navy encircling Taiwan, I would RUN from DC and NYC.
It should be noted that downtown DC is locked down / deserted and the UN Headquarters shows as “temporarily closed” on Google Maps. The UN website is also down (as of this writing).
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I’ve written extensively in the past about the sail-up nuke scenario in connection with the planned destruction of the “old” UN, potential attacks on a number of past summits (which always seem to be sited next to water), and a decapitation strike on Washington, DC. In such an attack, a “loose North Korean (or Russian) nuke” is placed on a private boat, ferry, minisub, narco-sub, or swimmer delivery vehicle and is sailed right up to its target and detonated.
Now if we look at the Military Times article, it performs narrative support for such an attack by…
- placing the strike point in the public mind (in this case, the Washington Channel),
- placing the method of the strike in the public mind (in this case, a sail-up attack similar to the sail-up high explosive attack on the USS Cole),
- placing the idea that a vulnerability exists in the public mind (“because local Democratic leaders prioritized economic development over security”), and
- tying all these things to an “Iranian threat” (thus pre-establishing the reason to point the finger of blame at Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and/or Russia after the attack).
The location of the Army base is marked by the pin on the Google Map below (click on the map to enlarge it). As for the actual strike point, I’ve marked the optimal spot with a six-pointed star; it is the place where the water taxis dock at a large commercial development called The Wharf…

…As you can see, this places the nuke in striking distance of both the White House and the Congress / Supreme Court.
Here is a map of the Washington Channel that shows Fort McNair and The Wharf more clearly…

…from The Washington Post
If they opt for the standard scripting of a “loose North Korean nuke” being used, we can expect the nuclear yield to match the most powerful weapon North Korea is known to have: a 250-kiloton thermonuclear warhead.
It should also be noted that a “loose North Korean nuke” would eventually be blamed on Kim Jong Un’s sister, since Kim Jong Un is a second-tier member of the NWO Pantheon of Heroes (along with Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro) whose reputation must be protected.
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While we’re on the subject of the UN Headquarters in New York getting nine-elevened, it looks like a certain family didn’t want their priceless artwork to burn with the current Security Council chamber…

…from CBS News. Here is an excerpt…
For nearly 36 years, a tapestry depicting Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica” adorned the wall at the entrance to the 15-nation Security Council chamber at the United Nations’ New York headquarters. But the tapestry, a haunting and harsh reminder of the horrors of war, has since been removed and returned to its owner.
The tapestry was commissioned in 1955 by Nelson A. Rockefeller and was loaned to the United Nations in 1984, Chef de Cabinet Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti said in a letter to the Security Council’s president. Viotti added that Rockefeller’s son, Nelson A. Rockefeller Jr., had recently, “notified the United Nations of his intention to retrieve it,” and said the tapestry was returned earlier this month…
Stephen Schlesinger, a fellow at the Century Foundation who wrote a book about the founding of the United Nations, told CBS News that the Rockefeller family commissioned the “Guernica” tapestry after Picasso refused to sell them the original.
“This may be an occasion for the Secretary-General or the U.N. Security Council or even the U.N. General Assembly to ask the Rockefellers to reconsider,” he added.
Mr. Schlesinger needn’t worry. I’m sure the Rockefellers will return the tapestry once the new UN Headquarters has been selected.
Twice-Expanded WARNING (21 March 2021): The globalist event cues for tomorrow, March 22, are related to Barack Obama and the Chinese, so it’s a day to watch for a move by the commies / China in the aftermath of the “chilly” US-China “Summit” in Anchorage…

…from The Guardian
The scriptwriters may have Xi Jinping open a second security crisis front in Asia to take some pressure off of Putin in Ukraine. Is that why Putin is “on holiday” with his defense minister in Siberia this weekend — to secretly meet with Xi Jinping in his Altai mountain fortress?
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Since March 22 has just started in China, I’ll go ahead and tell you the move I would expect: a snap Chinese “military exercise” that will encircle Taiwan with Chinese warships and move Chinese invasion forces to their staging areas on the coast opposite Taiwan. The implicit threat of holding this exercise will be that “if the US/NATO exercise near Crimea goes live, the Chinese exercise near Taiwan goes live.”
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Here’s some of the preparatory propaganda put out to set up the Chinese encirclement exercise that is/was planned for March 22.
This came out during the chilly US-China meeting in Alaska last week…

…from Yahoo News / Reuters
This came out today…

…from Kyodo News
And this prepares people for what will happen after the “short but sharp” World War 3 Show ends…

…from Bloomberg
~ MORE ~
The US and three other nations are holding a “naval exercise” near Iran today. The forces include France’s aircraft carrier and a US Marine carrier…

…from DVIDS
So if China starts its Taiwan encirclement exercise on March 22, all three sandboxes will be active and ready for World War 3. Here is what I wrote about it back in December 2015, before the globalist attempt to launch the NWO in September of 2016…
The 3 sandboxes of World War 3
If you’re confused by the back and forth motions between war and peace in the globalist war zones, don’t be. World War 3 is being carefully stage-managed so it won’t climax until next September (when the nuclear button gets pushed). Till then, you’ll see increasingly serious confrontations interspersed with peace initiatives to keep the conflict moderated.
In the months ahead, the confrontations will be limited to the 3 sandboxes the globalists have built to play war in: 1) Ukraine, 2) Syria and the Levant, and 3) the South China Sea. With conflict zones in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, it will qualify as a world war. And it will break out of the sandboxes only when we approach the climax.
If you’re a new reader, don’t fret about the nuclear button getting pushed. When you see the missiles rise into the sky, you’ll see something else in the sky with them.
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A Christian prophecy propaganda site I monitor has recently brought up an alternative scenario for the planned nuclear attack on American cities. In it, the US would launch a cyberattack against Russia that would disrupt their military communications networks and sever contact between Putin and his nuclear forces. This would enable the Russian generals, per procedure, to launch nuclear attacks under their own authority. And a “bad apple” among them would launch a limited nuke attack against the US.
Such a scenario could lead to one of two outcomes: 1) a dramatic appearance of “lights in the sky” that stop the attack, leading to Putin’s rise, or 2) the world blaming Putin for the nuke attack, leading to Putin’s resignation or “death.”
(20 March 2021) – The event cues for March 21 are historical in nature, and we’ll begin with the one I already covered in yesterday’s updates: March 21 was the day in 2003 that the US started the “shock and awe” air attacks on Iraq…
The U.S. and its allies launched a massive aerial assault against Iraq on Friday [March 21, 2003]. At 12:15 p.m. EST, anti-aircraft fire could be seen rising in the skies above Baghdad. Within an hour, tremendous explosions began rocking the Iraqi capital, as the Pentagon announced “A-Day” was underway.
The campaign was intended to instill “shock and awe” among Iraq’s leaders, and it was directed at hundreds of targets in Iraq, officials said. Plumes of fire could be seen rising above targets in Baghdad at 1:05 p.m. EST. CNN Correspondent Wolf Blitzer reported that in his 30 years of experience, he had never seen anything on the scale of Friday’s attack on the Iraqi capital. – from CNN
The scriptwriters may have intended to launch a new “shock and awe” air campaign against Iran and “Iranian-backed Iraqi militias” tomorrow as “retaliation” for the wave of “terror attacks” that were planned for today. Of course, the air campaign may still occur; all they have to do is initiate a modified false-flag on March 21 — perhaps one that targets US troops and causes a significant death count…

…from The Guardian
Given that the US Secretary of Defense said this back on the 7th, it stands to reason that they’ve already worked up a target list. All they need now is the excuse to pull the trigger.
The rest of the cues relate to potential trouble at the Vatican tomorrow…
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Given that we’re in a stretch of time when the globalists want to script the end of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict so they can script the rise of the NWO pope, Pietro Parolin, here are two historical notes of interest…
On March 21, 537, during the 537-538 Siege of Rome, Rome’s Praenestine Gate came under attack from a force of Goths.
On March 21, 1800, Barnaba Chiaramonti was crowned Pope Pius VII, in Venice, with a paper mache tiara. Wikipedia explains why…
In 1796 French Republican troops under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Italy and defeated the papal troops…
General Berthier marched to Rome, entered it unopposed on 10 February 1798, and, proclaiming a Roman Republic, demanded of the pope the renunciation of his temporal authority.
Upon his refusal, Pius [VI] was taken prisoner… [1]
Following the death of Pope Pius VI, by then virtually France’s prisoner, at Valence in 1799, the conclave to elect his successor met on 30 November 1799 in the Benedictine Monastery of San Giorgio in Venice…
On 14 March 1800, Chiaramonti was elected pope… and took as his pontifical name Pius VII in honour of his immediate predecessor. He was crowned on 21 March, in the adjacent monastery church, by means of a rather unusual ceremony, wearing a paper mache papal tiara. The French had seized the tiaras held by the Holy See when occupying Rome and forcing Pius VI into exile. [2]
So March 21 is a day that has seen the Vatican under siege by goths. And these guys, all dressed in black with their all-around bad attitudes, personify gothness…

March 21 is also a day that has seen the Vatican under the control of invaders, its pope held prisoner and dying, and its remnant electing a new pope in the aftermath of its fall…

…from globalist prophecy propaganda agent Tom Horn / Amazon
So tomorrow is a day the globalists might schedule a seizure of the Vatican “by ISIS.”
(20 March 2021) – The looming Ukraine conflict has finally surfaced in the mainstream media…

…from the Daily Beast
Note how they point the finger at “Russian-backed militants” for starting the trouble there (just like they’re pointing the finger at “Iranian-backed militias” in Iraq and “Militia Violent Extremists” here in the US).
WARNING (19 March 2021): Be on the lookout for a series of terror attacks in Iraq on Saturday, possibly killing the Iraqi president. Details can be found in the red section a few paragraphs down the page.
~ MORE – 20 March 2021 ~
My assessment on today’s planned Iraq terror attacks was based on numerological and historical cues, but I just found the “real-world” scripted reason for them…

…from telesurtv
I’ve been unable to find reports on Salih’s action in English-language media, so they may have suppressed the story to hide America’s motive in prosecuting the attacks: to create a justification to keep US troops in Iraq.
WARNING (19 March 2021): Later tonight, I’ll write about the cues for 3/20. But since it’s already March 20 in Ukraine (2:35 AM as of this posting), I’d better go ahead and mention this…

…from the Kyiv Post
The Ukrainian capital is NOT being locked down on account of COVID; it’s due to a planned, imminent war action in the east of the country.
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File this one under “not good, not good at all”: Russia Deploys All Black Sea Submarines as NATO Kicks Off Drills. And here is some info about the “drills” — an “exercise” called Sea Shield 21. If you look through the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet Twitter account, you’ll see that US ships have already entered the Black Sea and the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower and its air wing are involved (from the eastern Mediterranean according to the Navy). If the balloon goes up, watch for the Eisenhower to be sunk; the sinking of a US carrier is a long-planned event meant to herald the end of US power projection around the world (Putin’s “reformed” UN/NWO will take over such activities).
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As for the cues for March 20 that reader Onnabugeisha’s research has uncovered, these are the ones that most concern me…
March 20 is Nowruz, Iranian New Year’s Day.
March 20 is the 9th anniversary of a wave of bombings and shootings that hit Iraq on that day in 2012. It targeted Shiites, and the Islamic State of Iraq claimed credit.
March 20 will be the day that the President of Iraq, Barham Salih, reaches his 900th day in office. In biblical numerology, the number 9 supposedly represents “finality or completeness”…
It is written in the Bible that Jesus Christ, the son of God, died exactly at the 9th hour of the day when he was crucified on the cross.
The death of Christ was a symbol of the finality of His purpose on earth. – from NumerologyNation.com
It’s also notable that Salih has ties to the UK, and on March 18, he became 60 years, 6 months, and 6 days old (666).
So these cues may inspire the globalists to script a wave of terror attacks across Iraq on Saturday, possibly “killing” the Iraqi president. The attacks will supposedly be conducted by ISIS, but may be publicly blamed on “Iranian-backed Iraqi militias,” thus providing a reason to attack both the militias and Iran. “Iranian” missiles may be involved in the attacks.
(19 March 2021) – If you want to see how the Mainstream Narrative is setting up Russia and “white Christian Trumpers” to be blamed for the planned Operation Blackjoke attacks, google the words “domestic violent extremists” and “Russia” together. Here’s one notable result from The Washington Post…
Two intelligence reports released this week confirm what many Americans already know about Russian interference in our election and the rise of right-wing domestic terrorism. They also reveal Republicans’ deep denial regarding the two enemies the United States faces, both of which have a connection to the disgraced former president…
The second intelligence report, from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, concerns domestic violent extremists (DVEs). “Enduring DVE motivations pertaining to biases against minority populations and perceived government overreach will almost certainly continue to drive DVE radicalization and mobilization to violence,” the report stated. “Newer sociopolitical developments — such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the US Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence — will almost certainly spur some DVEs to try to engage in violence this year.”
In short, these are right-wing kooks who largely supported the former president and his white-supremacist views. “The [intelligence community] assesses that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and militia violent extremists (MVEs) present the most lethal DVE threats, with RMVEs most likely to conduct mass-casualty attacks against civilians and MVEs typically targeting law enforcement and government personnel and facilities,” the report stated. Finally, “The [intelligence community] assesses that US RMVEs who promote the superiority of the white race are the DVE actors with the most persistent and concerning transnational connections.”
With this propaganda spreading through the mainstream media, an incident that’s being promoted as an “RMVE” attack by a “white + male + Christian + gun owner” happened this week, as if on cue…

…from The New York Times
And the fact that the perp targeted Asians allowed the media to tie it to Trump…

…from The Washington Post
Next, they’ll cue the “Militia Violent Extremist (MVE) + Russia” attack, Operation Blackjoke. That’s when Homeland Security will lock down the country and initiate their mass arrests against the Christians/Trumpers. I wonder if they’ll call it “Operation Rapture.”
The “good news” is that the reign of terror will be short-lived if the globalists trot out Putin during Passover. But if they script his resignation or “death” instead, we have a few years of serious ugliness ahead.
It’s better to cockblock the whole thing I think.
(19 March 2021) – While we await the fall of US-Israeli-Saudi bombs on Iran and Damascus, we should remember that March 19 is the anniversary of the start of air operations in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. A ground invasion followed on March 20, and the “shock and awe” airstrikes began after nightfall (in Iraq) on March 21. There are other cues pointing to trouble on March 23 also.
As for the “good guy” counterattack, that may begin on the first day of Passover, which runs from the evening of March 27 through the evening of March 28. There are indicators of an emergence by Qasem Soleimani and Jair Bolsonaro on that day. It would be the perfect day for the Jewish Messiah / Jesus (Putin) to make a move as well.
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Speaking of heightened cues for March 23 mischief, get a load of this…
In the two years since Kurdish forces wrested away the Islamic State‘s last Syrian bastion, the jihadist group has proved it does not need a stronghold to pose a potent threat in more countries than ever.
At their apogee, the extremists controlled a territory the size of Britain covering large swaths of Syria and Iraq, where it waged one of the most brutal campaigns of systematic terror in modern history.
Its defeat on March 23, 2019, was, it turns out, far from definitive, with the group managing to maintain its cohesion despite the dispersal of its leadership. – from France 24
It appears that the globalist scriptwriters have penciled-in an ISIS Tet Offensive for next Tuesday the 23rd.
If the producers of this stageplay want to have the “heroes” step in and save the day during Passover, they have to script the “villains” starting some sh*t sometime between today and the 27th. So beginning with the next update (events permitting), I’ll lay out all the cues for the coming days, then we’ll climb into the maggoty cauliflower the globalists call their brains to project their strategy.
WARNING (17 March 2021) – Reader Onnabugeisha’s research has turned up a striking cluster of numerological and historical cues the globalists may seize upon by scheduling mischief in Crimea and the Vatican tomorrow, March 18. Under the most likely scenarios, a war incident may take place in or around Crimea and Pope Benedict may die of “natural causes” or an illness. This would lead to his funeral on March 24, at which Pope Francis would die of “unnatural” or “supernatural” causes, opening the way for Pietro Parolin’s rise to the papacy. I’ll start writing about the cues as soon as I make my afternoon cup of coffee…
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Let’s begin by looking at the cues that relate to the Vatican…
On March 18, Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, born 17 January 1955, will turn exactly 66 years and 60 days old (666). (1/17/1955 to 1/17/2021 = 66 years and 1/17/2021 to 3/18/2021 = 60 days)
On March 18, Pope Francis, born 17 December 1936, will turn exactly 1011 months and 1 day old (11:11).
On March 18, Vladimir Putin, born 7 October 1952, will turn exactly 24,999 days old [24 = 6+6+6+6 (6666) and 999 is 666 inverted].
Should Pope Benedict die on March 18 (“Monthly 666 Day” because 18 = 6+6+6), it should be noted that “…there are many rules in place for the papal funerals. The funeral must take place between the fourth and sixth days after death…” And the 6th day after March 18 is March 24.
On March 24, Pietro Parolin will turn exactly 66 years and 66 days old (6666).
There is also a March 24 Roman historical cue of note…

…from Facebook (Google Cache)
This is significant because March 24 would be the date that the pontifex maximus (Putin) taps Pietro Parolin as his flamen over the Roman Catholic Church. I’ll explain what all this means in tomorrow’s update. For today, though, know that all these cues point to the deaths of the current popes and the selection of the NWO Pope. And it could happen in the way described in the first part of this update or with the death of both popes on March 18 followed by an emergency election of Pope Parolin on the day of their funerals (March 24).
As for the historical cue on Crimea, there’s this…
“Russia formally annexed Crimea on 18 March 2014, incorporating the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol as the 84th and 85th federal subjects of Russia.” – from Wikipedia
So March 18 in Crimea will be the 7th anniversary of its annexation by Russia, and that is happening amidst the rumors of Ukrainian forces massing in eastern Ukraine off its border.
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A reader has passed along links that may relate to what’s planned for tomorrow…

…from RFERL (top, bottom)
So are tomorrow’s new restrictions the paltry price Putin paid? Or will he also see a Ukrainian offensive and/or a cyberattack on March 18?
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Here are a few more signs of trouble: the British Ambassador to Ukraine is calling for Russia to return Crimea to the Ukraine, and Russia has recalled their US ambassador…

…from Twitter (top) and Fox News (bottom)
~ MORE – 18 March 2021 ~
I have not yet done a systematic study of ancient Roman religious structures, but I’ve learned enough about them and about the current globalist agenda to give an educated guess as to how the Religious UN will be structured…
At the very top of the hierarchy will be the globalist-selected Antichrist, Vladimir Putin. And Emperor Putin will be, like Emperor Augustus before him, the pontifex maximus of the Religious UN. The pontifex maximus was the head of the College of Pontiffs, the ancient Roman equivalent to the Catholic Church’s College of Cardinals.
Below Putin in real power, but higher than Putin in apparent position within the UN religion, will be the rex sacrorum (the “king of the sacred”) — a position that Augustus revived during his reign. The globalist scriptwriters may have Putin select the head of the Roman Catholic Church or Eastern Orthodox Church as the rex sacrorum, but I think the most likely candidate is the Imam Mahdi (the currently hidden Qasem Soleimani)…
The Mahdi, meaning “the Rightly Guided One”, is an eschatological Messianic figure who, according to Islamic belief, will appear at the end of times to rid the world of evil and injustice. In Muslim traditions, it is said that he will appear alongside Jesus Christ and establish the Divine kingdom of God. His reign will last 6, 7 or 9 years according to different sources…
In most traditions, the Mahdi will arrive with ‘Isa (Jesus) to defeat Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (“the false Messiah”). – from Wikipedia
Many Muslims expect that after the Mahdi’s arrival, Islam will reign supreme. And by having the Mahdi head the UN religion as the rex sacrorum, that expectation will be fulfilled.
Below the pontifex maximus and rex sacrorum will be the flamines, the heads of the different religions (the Christians, the Hindus, the Buddhists, etc.). And as the head of the largest block of Christians, future pope Pietro Parolin would likely be the Christian flamen, which brings us back to March 24.
Of course, it is doubtful that the Religious UN will use the old Roman terminology for these positions. They’ll be given different names, but their functions will correspond to their ancient Roman equivalents.
More to come in the afternoon, when we’ll look closer at Putin’s role and what is/was planned for March 24. (I suspect they’ve retreated from their plans; sunlight tends to make the roaches scatter.)
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According to biblical doctrine, Satan is the god-king of this world…
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 – 3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. 4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Luke 4:5-6 – 5 And the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, 6 and said to him, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will.
…and his reign will end when Jesus returns to defeat the Antichrist.
And as we saw in the 5 March update (further down this page), this year’s prophecy fulfillment script has the spirit of Satan possessing the man who was born to be the Final Antichrist, Vladimir Putin, on March 6 (exactly 1260 days after the “Revelation 12 sign in the heavens”). Once Satan’s spirit supposedly “devoured” Putin, Putin became the (occulted) god-king of this world — the ruler of the Satanic Host and all the earthly kingdoms, both political and religious (“except for the remnant of true Christians”).
So on March 6, Putin became Antichrist Emperor Putin and pontifex maximus over the unified kingdom that had been prepared by Satan’s minions for his arrival: the NWO / Global Roman Empire. Now all that’s left is the public unveiling of his kingdom and (3.5 years after that) the public unveiling of his “divinity.”
This brings us to what is/was planned for March 24. In Roman history, March 24 is specifically mentioned as a meeting date of the comitia calata…
The comitia calata (“calate assemblies”) were non-voting assemblies (comitia) called for religious purposes… According to Aulus Gellius, these comitia were held in the presence of the college of pontiffs in order to inaugurate the rex (the king in the Regal Period or the rex sacrorum in the Republic) or the flamines. The pontifex maximus auspiciated and presided… – from Wikipedia
So March 24 is the day Putin is/was to inaugurate Pietro Parolin as the flamen of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s possible that this comitia calata may be performed in secret by Putin and his “Satanic College of Pontiffs” in advance of being publicly acted out by the Roman Catholic Church’s College of Cardinals when they select Parolin as the Final Pope.
But of course, the clock is running out on this part of the show…

…“Tick tock, tick tock, Muthafuggaz!”
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To finish out the day, let’s cover some notes from reader Onnabugeisha’s research on upcoming numerological and historical cues. The cues for March 19 aren’t particularly compelling — there are stronger ones for March 23 — but given the current situation, it is better to offer more information than needed rather than less…
Note 1: A noted gematria site published an article on January 9 titled Riddle for March 19. It uses a bunch of numerological hocus pocus to connect 3/19 to the ideas of 9/11, the assassination of JFK (the first Catholic President), and Pope Francis. This makes tomorrow another day to watch for the death of Catholic President Biden, the death of a Pope, and/or the Operation Blackjoke attacks.
Note 2: 3/19 is the death day of science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. A Commander of the OBE (an Establishment tool), he was the writer of Childhood’s End, a novel about a peaceful alien invasion by a species that look like devils. And he co-wrote the screenplay for 2001: A Space Odyssey, a Stanley Kubrick film about a killer AI and human contact with alien intelligence. The film also featured alien monoliths that acted as markers of human evolution (and which started to appear in real life around the world late last year as part of the globalists’ ET psyop). I wrote about this in the 6 March update further down this page.
So watch for potential ET news tomorrow. This timing is another signal of the imminent appearance of the fake ETs to stop a nuclear Armageddon at the end of the coming war.
Note 3: 3/19 is the 322nd day after May Day (so it’s a Skull and Bones number of days since the global commie holiday, and Skull and Bones member George W. Bush was a participant in 9/11). During May Day of last year, I was exposing a globalist scenario involving “loose North Korean nukes being in the hands of the Venezuelans.” If they do Operation Blackjoke tomorrow (or someday soon), will they track the nukes back to that time period?
Note 4: 3/19 is the 27th anniversary of the laying of the Masonic capstone of Denver International Airport…

DIA is considered a “sinister site” noted for its apocalyptic decor and rumored underground tunnel system [1, 2]. So will the NWO transition events depicted in its infamous murals soon materialize?
And what’s with the mural of the brave tourist walking through downtown L.A.?…

…They really did see ahead, didn’t they?
WARNING (15-17 March 2021) – Some additional warning signs showed up in the media on Monday…
> The Jersey Devil has reported this…

…from disinfo site The Hal Turner Radio Show
So the globalists are still flourishing the Ukrainian Invasion card, which would enable Putin to counterattack and seize Ukrainian territory east of the Dnieper River, thus placing the remainder of the former territory of Khazaria under his control.
> Disinfo site Zero Hedge has reported this…

Given that the political drama we see playing out in Washington, DC is a globalist stageplay, we must take time to consider the scripted motivations of its characters…
What is motivating the Democrat “bad guys” to avoid scheduling Biden’s State of the Union Address?
And what is motivating them to keep Washington, DC on lockdown, with fences and National Guard troops guarding the Capitol Building and the Congressional office buildings?
One might answer “to keep Biden from making a fool of himself” to the first question, and “to keep far-right militias from attacking Congress” to the second. But they’ve already trotted out Biden for a televised national address, and they know that there’s no real threat from the militias. And that brings us to the real scripted reason…
“As they race to complete the communist takeover of the US through the Biden administration, the Deep Staters are afraid that elements of the US military will seize DC and arrest them, so they don’t want to make it easy by putting all their eggs (the Congress, Supreme Court, President and cabinet) in one basket (the Capitol Building) for the State of the Union Address. And they’re keeping the states’ National Guard units in Washington — under the command of the DC National Guard, which is under the direct command of the Biden administration — to force the regular military to kill fellow American servicemen if they attempt the arrests. The urban combat that would result from an arrest attempt would give the Deep Staters time to bug out.”
> Russian propaganda site RT has reported this…

This is preparatory propaganda for the planned Operation Blackjoke attacks and what follows (because it helps establish that “the commie and Islamist terrorists and their weapons were deliberately allowed in by Biden’s sabotage of border enforcement”), and it sets up the Republican Party to politically benefit after the deeds are done. In the aftermath of the strikes…
- the Mainstream Narrative will point the finger at Russia, their allies, and MAGA,
- the Controlled Alt-Media / NWO Narrative will point the finger at China, their allies, and BLM/Antifa (“the commies”), and
- the Millennium Narrative will point the finger at Antichrist Putin and his worldwide Satanist network.
If the globalists are aiming to install Putin this year, we’ll see the US military take down the Washington Establishment and damage China in the brief war that will follow, resulting in the fall of Xi Jinping. But they will NOT return Trump to office for a number of stated reasons — the real reason being that the globalists need Trump and Xi to remain fallen from the Putin-Xi-Trump Triumvirate so Putin can rise to his emperor post.
After they prosecute the war, the military may install Republican Rand Paul and Democrat Tulsi Gabbard as interim civilian leaders in order to give them incumbency for the elections that will follow. Whether they do or don’t, though, the Paul-Gabbard presidential ticket will win the election. They are America’s designated NWO leaders who will “bring our boys home,” leaving a power vacuum that will be filled by the “Reformed” UN/NWO and Putin.
So all this points to a scenario in which…
- the Ukraine offensive will go forward,
- the “Deep State” will trigger the Operation Blackjoke attacks, blaming them on Russian retaliation,
- the US military will put its foot down and arrest the “traitorous and corrupt” Washington officials, announcing fresh elections afterwards, and
- the presidential ticket of Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard will win the election.
(15 March 2021) – I’m taking advantage of the lull in the action to take a day off. The only notable indicators for tomorrow surround the Ukrainian situation…
So the obvious play is for Zelensky to pull an Operation Himmler to justify an immediate invasion into the breakaway areas in Eastern Ukraine…
Operation Himmler, also called Operation Konserve or Operation Canned Goods, was a 1939 false flag project planned by Nazi Germany to create the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany. That was then used by the Germans to justify their invasion of Poland.
Operation Himmler included the Germans staging false attacks on themselves using innocent people or concentration camp prisoners. The operation was arguably the first act of the Second World War in Europe. – from Wikipedia
So will Zelensky be the one who starts World War 3 on his 666 day?
(14 March 2021) – “All hail Emperor Putin, King of Earth, King of Russia, King of Khazaria, and Commander of the Cosplay Cossacks!”…

…“For seven years may he reign!”
The assassination of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March was a Roman event, and the globalists are running a Roman script this year. So it stands to reason that a March 15 event would be related to Rome: political Rome, spiritual Rome, and/or future Rome.
Present-day political Rome is the “American Empire,” so a March 15 event could involve an assassination or removal of the current Roman emperor, Joe Biden, and/or the destruction of political Rome itself (by means of the Operation Blackjoke attacks).
Present-day spiritual Rome is the Roman Catholic Church, so a March 15 event could involve the assassination or removal of one or both popes, and/or the attempted destruction of spiritual Rome itself (by means of an attack on the Vatican). The Church, though damaged, would survive such an attack under the leadership of Pope Parolin.
Future Rome, both political and spiritual, is the coming “reformed, multilateral, multipolar UN / NWO” and its “Religious UN,” so a March 15 event could involve an attempted takedown of its founder, Vladimir (Octavian) Putin. But hard it is to kill a Sith…

Under a “shock and awe” approach, the globalists might schedule attacks on all three Romes over the course of Sunday night through Monday. And the outcome would be determined by when they want Putin’s triumph to occur. If they want him to rise over the coming Passover holidays, he’ll survive the Ides of March and go on to victory by early April; if they want to delay his rise for a few years, he’ll do a strategic resignation “to save Russia and himself” (for which he’s already made preparations) or be “killed” until he is later “resurrected.”
~ MORE ~
Here are some things reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out about today (3/14) and tomorrow (3/15)…
ITEM 1 – Today is the first day of the Hebrew month Nissan (its last day falls on 4/12), and this is what the Kabbalists say about it…
The Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 10b-11a) cites two opinions as to the date of G-d’s creation of the universe: according to Rabbi Eliezer: “The world was created in Tishrei” (i.e., the sixth day of creation–the day on which Adam and Eve were created–was the 1st of Tishrei, celebrated each year as Rosh Hashanah); according to Rabbi Joshua, “The world was created in Nissan.” As interpreted by the Kabbalists and the Chassidic masters, the deeper meaning of these two views is that the physical world was created in Tishrei, while the “thought” or idea of creation was created in the month of Nissan. – from Chabad.org
So in accordance with their thinking, the “thought” or idea of the New World Order / Global Roman Empire may be created this month with Putin’s victory in the month of Nissan.
And the NWO’s physical manifestation may occur in the month of Tishrei, which begins with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year: September 7-8 this year). This manifestation would likely occur at an early G20 Summit (which is currently scheduled for October 30-31) and/or the 76th UN General Assembly (which is currently scheduled for September 14).
Can you guess which city is hosting the G20 this year?…

…from G20.org
And if the UN’s current headquarters in New York is targeted in the Operation Blackjoke attacks, might they hold the UN General Assembly in Rome so the G20 and UN can more easily coordinate their reforms?…

…(the UN’s FAO Building in Rome).
ITEM 2 – The ancient Roman festival of Mamuralia falls on Sunday or Monday…
In ancient Roman religion, the Mamuralia or Sacrum Mamurio (“Rite for Mamurius”) was a festival held on March 14 or 15, named only in sources from late antiquity. According to Joannes Lydus, an old man wearing animal skins was beaten ritually with sticks. The name is connected to Mamurius Veturius, who according to tradition was the craftsman who made the ritual shields (ancilia) that hung in the temple of Mars. Because the Roman calendar originally began in March, the Sacrum Mamurio is usually regarded as a ritual marking the transition from the old year to the new. It shares some characteristics with [the] scapegoat or pharmakos ritual. – from Wikipedia
The scapegoat ritual – “In the Bible, a scapegoat is one of two kid goats. As a pair, one goat was sacrificed (not a scapegoat) and the living ‘scapegoat’ was released into the wilderness, taking with it all sins and impurities. The concept first appears in Leviticus, in which a goat is designated to be cast into the desert to carry away the sins of the community.” – from Wikipedia
The pharmakos ritual – “A pharmakos in Ancient Greek religion was the ritualistic sacrifice or exile of a human scapegoat or victim.
A slave, a cripple, or a criminal was chosen and expelled from the community at times of disaster (famine, invasion or plague) or at times of calendrical crisis. It was believed that this would bring about purification. On the first day of the Thargelia, a festival of Apollo at Athens, two men, the Pharmakoi, were led out as if to be sacrificed as an expiation.
Some scholia state that pharmakoi were actually sacrificed (thrown from a cliff or burned), but many modern scholars reject this, arguing that the earliest source for the pharmakos (the iambic satirist Hipponax) shows the pharmakoi being beaten and stoned, but not executed. A more plausible explanation would be that sometimes they were executed and sometimes not, depending on the attitude of the victim.” – from Wikipedia
So who will be the pharmakoi to be burned to mark the transition from the old Rome to the new? Biden? Pope Francis? Pope Benedict?
(13 March 2021) – In the morning we’ll look at the globalists’ Ides of March event options, but tonight I’ll cover a particular scenario I haven’t mentioned this week: a Ukrainian/NATO offensive in eastern Ukraine. The Jersey Devil published a preparatory propaganda piece (arch.) on it yesterday, and some of the Christian prophecy propagandists I monitor have suggested that such an attack would happen “Sunday night / Monday morning in conjunction with Israeli strikes in Syria and Iran” (to paraphrase). This Sunday night / Monday morning (in Russia/Ukraine) timing means that Medvedev/Bortnikov’s assassination attempt on Putin could come Sunday night right before or right at the beginning of a midnight offensive by the West.
I’ve written on the inevitable Ukraine offensive in the past, and I’ve pointed out that the reason they’ll stage it is so Putin can take the part of Ukraine that is east of the Dnieper River. That area was part of ancient Khazaria, and the globalists will unite its former territories under Putin, the “Jewish Messiah.” Here’s what I wrote about it some years ago…
Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria
So what is the globalist purpose in staging a war on Russia’s western border? I suspect that their motive is to reunite all the land of ancient Khazaria under Russian control. Basically, they want to “restore their ancient empire / homeland.” Putin is not only a Jew; I suspect he is also a Khazarian.
Just look at a map of ancient Khazaria…

The area boxed in red is the part of ancient Khazaria bordered by the Dnieper River that the Russians will control after the coming war. The Russians will get all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper.
The area boxed in green is Crimea, a part of ancient Khazaria which the Russians took control of in 2014.
The area boxed in orange is the little notch of Khazaria / Alania near Tbilisi that is now Ossetia. The Russians took control of South Ossetia in 2008…

Putin’s Palace in Khazaria
A few weeks ago, I was poking around Netflix and came across a French documentary called Putin’s Hidden Treasure. At about the 45 minute mark, it started talking about how Putin ordered his business cronies to drop all their projects and focus on building him a palatial complex in the South of Russia. The place is now referred to as Putin’s Palace.
After getting into all this Khazarian stuff this weekend, I decided to check if Putin’s Palace is in Khazarian territory. It is. Not only that, it’s built within the most ancient boundaries of Khazaria (circa 650).
Here is a map that points to Putin’s Palace (a.k.a. Mys Idokopas) at the bottom right…

…from Google Maps. As you can see, Crimea is on the left and the Palace is on the opposite shore across the Black Sea.
Now here is a map of ancient Khazaria at different times of its development…

…from Wikipedia
The area I’ve boxed in blue is the same area from the map of Putin’s Palace (with the Palace marked with a red circle). As you can see, the Palace sits inside the most ancient boundaries of Khazaria. So after the war, Putin will be the Jewish King of the Restored Khazarian Empire (among the many crowns he will wear) with a beautiful palace by the sea…

…Just look at that long walking garden!
Watch the Netflix documentary if you’re able. They actually go as close to the Palace as the massive security presence will allow, and they show that it’s not just a house, but a command center. – from Vladimir (Ras)Putin’s Jewish, Communist, and Bloodline Connections
Here is the core from a related article titled Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew…
A reader put me on to this meeting between Putin and leading rabbis…

…and here is an Israeli headline from that time…

…The accompanying article offers a most remarkable passage…
>>> Rabbi Yosef began by saying “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d, King of the world, and therefore we bless you: Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.” – From Arutz Sheva <<<
To understand the significance of this greeting by Rabbi Yosef, let’s look to this article…

…which was written by this man…

…From Wikipedia
Here are two key excerpts…

So according to Jewish tradition, the specific blessing one gives to a Jewish king — which is worded differently than the specific blessing for a gentile king — is “Blessed be He … who gave some of His glory to flesh and blood.” And the rabbis greeted Putin with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.” If Putin were actually a gentile, they would have instead greeted him with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to His creatures.”
This is the first confirmation that the rabbis know Putin to be a Jew. Here’s the second confirmation…
According to Jewish thought (and Rabbi Apple’s article), a Jewish king is appointed by God, and the rabbis greeted Putin with “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d.”
Assuming the Arutz Sheva article is accurate, Rabbi Yosef has provided us with official confirmation that Putin is not just a Jew, but a Jewish king.
So when the time comes to reveal Emperor Putin’s “divinity,” key Jewish leaders will present a pedigree that traces Putin’s lineage back to King David so they can pronounce him the “Moshiach ben David” (the Jewish Messiah). And Christian leaders will point to Putin’s supposed baptism as a Christian, his restoration of the Russian Orthodox Church, his reuniting of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, and his supposed DNA match to the blood on the Shroud of Turin as proof that he is the returned Jesus Christ.
As for the Shroud of Turin part, get a load of this…

…from National Review. Here is an excerpt…
Secured in a vault in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, the Shroud is believed by millions to be the burial cloth of Jesus. It is a fine linen cloth, measuring 14.5 feet by 3.5 feet, and mysteriously displays a finely detailed negative photographic image — front and back, head to toe, of an anatomically correct man who appears to have been tortured, beaten, and crucified. Note that, in their accounts of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross, all four Gospels mention a “fine linen cloth”…
The only evidence that would conclusively authenticate the Shroud against naysayers and claims of forgery is Jesus’ DNA. It would be matched against the blood — type AB — found on the Shroud and considered rare.
And can you guess what Putin’s blood type is?…

…from ABO Fan
(13 March 2021) – Since it’s already Sunday in Russia and China, it should be noted that 3/14 is a candidate day for…
- the Three Gorges Dam demolition, and
- a move by Dmitry Medvedev against Putin or vice versa.
And the reasons why are a combination of occulty numerology cues uncovered by reader Onnabugeisha, historical parallels, and the scripting the globalists are attempting to act out this month…
The Longtaitou Festival, also known as the Eryue’er Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival held on the second day of the second month of the Chinese calendar. Its name means “Dragon raising its head” because the dragon was regarded as the deity in charge of rain, an important factor in ancient agriculture. The festival is sometimes simply called “2 Month 2” for short. – from Wikipedia
So when the Dragon raises its head this year, will it spew forth the Yangtze River from the mouth of Three Gorges? And will that bring about the political death of Xi, the collapse of the Chinese economy, and (later) the death of the Chinese Communist Party? This would certainly benefit the last standing member of the Triumvirate, Vladimir Putin, wouldn’t it?
As for Dmitry Medvedev, born September 14, 1965, March 14 is the day he turns exactly 666 months old. So watch for “Satanic” behavior from him and/or towards him.
In the current phase of the globalist script, Putin is playing the role of the “good guy” who saves us from the communist onslaught and the “Satanic” leadership of the West. And Dmitry Medvedev is playing the role of a Judas who is aligned with the Russian “Atlantic Integrationists” who supposedly want to merge with the Western-version NWO. Given Putin’s recent attack on the “Deep State” oil smuggling operation in northern Syria, the West may seek payback by having Medvedev and his ally Alexander Bortnikov (the head of the FSB) attempt an assassination of Putin.
Today’s (3/13) two other updates are below the 12 March update that follows…
(12 March 2021) – Our exploration of Roman history and how it relates to Putin’s planned rise this month will continue tomorrow. But tonight, let’s note two other things that will happen on Saturday…
March 13 (which has already started in Rome) will mark Francis‘s 8-year anniversary as Pope. As such, it is a potential target date for his assassination (as is March 15, the Ides of March).
March 13 is also the day Pope Emeritus Benedict, born April 16, 1927, becomes exactly 4900 weeks old. According to biblical numerologists, “the meaning of the number 49 is derived from the fact that it is 7 times 7. Seven is a Biblically perfect numeral representing spiritual perfection.” It supposedly represents this also…
The number eight in the Bible signifies Resurrection and Regeneration. It is the number of a new beginning. Eight is 7 plus 1 and since it comes just after seven, which itself signifies an end to something, so eight is also associated with the beginning of a new era or that of a new order. – from Astro Vera
So tomorrow may mark “the end (7) of spiritual perfection (7)” of the Roman Catholic Church when Pope Emeritus Benedict dies (possibly along with Pope Francis). Or Benedict may die tomorrow days before Francis, resulting in a funeral that will attract world leaders to “an ambush by ISIS,” which will kill the attendees (including Francis). Such an event is foretold by a prophecy promoted by the globalists.
~ MORE – 13 March 2021 ~
Speaking of Francis’s 8th anniversary as Pope…

…from Aleteia
Had the Papal Assassination Show gone forward in Iraq as planned, Franky Boy would have died on his 33rd trip abroad. How delightfully Masonic it would have been (kinda like a Super Bowl Halftime Show, but less evil).
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While we’re on the subject of the popes, let’s go ahead and look at what’s planned after they stage the deaths of Benedict and Francis. The globalists’ intention is to script them out so they can script in the “Final Pope” / “Petrus Romanus,” who will be played by the current Vatican Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin. He will be a “traditionalist, right-wing pope” and run the Roman Catholic Church in sync with Global Roman Emperor Putin and his KGB-run Russian Orthodox Church…

…from the Catholic News Agency (note that Parolin met Putin exactly one month before the “Revelation 12 Sign in the Heavens”). Here is an excerpt…
After his recent visit to Russia, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin said a key message of his overall “positive” trip was the crucial role the country plays in working for peace, which he voiced to President Vladimir Putin.
“I tried above all to say this, this was the message that I wanted to convey: that Russia, because of her geographic position, her history, her culture, her past and her present, has a great role to play in the international community, in the world,” Cardinal Parolin said Aug. 25…
Suggestions for future areas of collaboration between not only the Holy See and Russia, but also the Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church, were also discussed, such as the release of prisoners in Ukraine, the restitution of Church property confiscated during the communist regime, and collaboration in providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine and the Middle East.
Putin has already restored the Russian Orthodox Church’s property in Russia (see the 5 March update below). Look for him to do the same for Parolin once he takes over the Vatican.
During that same trip to Russia, future pope Parolin also met the KGB/Russian Orthodox Church’s Patriarch Kirill…
After a joint meeting during Cardinal Pietro Parolin’s visit to Russia this week, both he and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill said the trip marks “a new stage” in relations between their Churches...
Cardinal Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary of State, was welcomed to Patriarch Kirill’s residence at the monastery of St. Daniel Aug. 22, where the two met as part of Cardinal Parolin’s Aug. 21-24 visit to Moscow.
Taking place 18 months after meeting between Francis and Patriarch Kirill [in Havana], Parolin’s visit marks the first time a Vatican Secretary of State has traveled to Moscow in 18 years…
When it comes to the Middle East, mention was made of the agreement the two Churches found on conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa during last year’s meeting in Havana.
“The collaboration between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church in providing humanitarian assistance to the populations suffering due to conflicts in the Middle East can be an important factor of unity,” Patriarch Kirill said, adding that cooperation in providing aid can provide a basis for common projects in the Middle East in the future.
Following his meeting with the patriarch, Cardinal Parolin visited Putin at the presidential residence in Sochi, nearly 900 miles southwest of Saratov…
They exchanged gifts, with Cardinal Parolin giving the Russian president a bronze olive branch as a symbol of peace, and Putin giving the Vatican secretary of state a set of collector coins commemorating the 2014 Olympics, which were held in Sochi. – from the Catholic News Agency
In a future entry, I’ll point out some interesting things about the passages I’ve bolded, including the symbolic significance of “Antichrist Putin” giving coins to Judas Parolin.
(11 March 2021) – If we make it through the 12th without war breaking out, we can turn our attention to the next danger day. Technically speaking, every day until April 12 is hazardous, but given that the globalists are running the “Putin as Augustus” script this year, Monday, March 15 — the Ides of March — is the next obvious choice for a key event. It is the assassination of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March in 44 BC that started Octavius’s rise to becoming the first Roman emperor, Augustus. So tomorrow, events permitting, we’ll go on a fascinating journey through Roman history, both ancient and future.
~ MORE – 12 March 2021 ~
One Triumvirate, one down (red), one to go (yellow)…

…from disinformation agent Robert David Steele / Amazon
Gaius Octavius Thurinus (Octavian), who would later become Emperor Augustus, was born to the niece of Julius Caesar on September 23, 63 BC. And at the age of 17, he traveled to Hispania to join Caesar’s staff. It is at this point that Caesar took Octavian under his wing, changing his will to make Octavian his heir. About two years later, Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March.
Upon Caesar’s death, Octavian returned to Italy and began to maneuver through Rome’s military and political landscape. And about a year and a half later, in October of 43 BC, he formed the Second Triumvirate with two other powerful Roman leaders, Marc Antony and Marcus Lepidus, restoring order to the Roman Republic.
The Second Triumvirate, which spanned 13 years, reached its definitive end when Octavian defeated Mark Antony on 1 August 30 BC (Lepidus had been defeated earlier). And it is at this point — when both of the other members of the Triumvirate had fallen — that the following happened…
After Actium and the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra, Octavian was in a position to rule the entire Republic under an unofficial principate — but he had to achieve this through incremental power gains. He did so by courting the Senate and the people while upholding the republican traditions of Rome, appearing that he was not aspiring to dictatorship or monarchy…
Years of civil war had left Rome in a state of near lawlessness, but the Republic was not prepared to accept the control of Octavian as a despot. At the same time, Octavian could not simply give up his authority without risking further civil wars among the Roman generals and, even if he desired no position of authority whatsoever, his position demanded that he look to the well-being of the city of Rome and the Roman provinces. Octavian’s aims from this point forward were to return Rome to a state of stability, traditional legality, and civility by lifting the overt political pressure imposed on the courts of law and ensuring free elections – in name at least.
In 27 BC, Octavian made a show of returning full power to the Roman Senate and relinquishing his control of the Roman provinces and their armies. Under his consulship, however, the Senate had little power in initiating legislation by introducing bills for senatorial debate. Octavian was no longer in direct control of the provinces and their armies, but he retained the loyalty of active duty soldiers and veterans alike. The careers of many clients and adherents depended on his patronage, as his financial power was unrivaled in the Roman Republic…
According to H. H. Scullard, however, Octavian’s power was based on the exercise of “a predominant military power and … the ultimate sanction of his authority was force, however much the fact was disguised.” The Senate proposed to Octavian, the victor of Rome’s civil wars, that he once again assume command of the provinces. The Senate’s proposal was a ratification of Octavian’s extra-constitutional power. Through the Senate, Octavian was able to continue the appearance of a still-functional constitution. Feigning reluctance, he accepted a ten-year responsibility of overseeing provinces that were considered chaotic.
The provinces ceded to Augustus for that ten-year period comprised much of the conquered Roman world, including all of Hispania and Gaul, Syria, Cilicia, Cyprus, and Egypt. Moreover, command of these provinces provided Octavian with control over the majority of Rome’s legions. – from Wikipedia
So this is how Augustus exercised imperial control while appearing to respect the constitutional ways of the Roman Republic. Putin is scripted to use the same approach when he “helps” reform the UN into the multilateral/multipolar NWO. And the military force he commands to covertly enforce his will may be that of the (fake) ETs.
Interestingly, it was 2.5 years after the fall of the Second Triumvirate that Octavian became “Augustus”…
On 16 January 27 BC the Senate gave Octavian the new titles of Augustus and Princeps. Augustus is from the Latin word Augere (meaning to increase) and can be translated as “the illustrious one”. It was a title of religious authority rather than political authority. – Wikipedia
In keeping with Bible prophecy timetables, it will take 3.5 years after the fall of the Putin-Trump-Xi Triumvirate (which will end when Xi falls; Trump already has) for Putin to become “Augustus,” and he’ll put on the imperial crown at the Third Temple in Jerusalem, likely in September of 2024 (if the globalists are able to pull the trigger on this thing by April 4).
For a more in-depth, but still clear and concise, history of the transition from Caesar to Augustus, click here.
~ MORE ~

Upon waking from my after-lunch siesta (I rest whenever my son rests in order to stay in sync with his sleep patterns), I recalled something I wrote about Putin back in early 2016. And I realized that when the KGB assigned Putin to Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), they sent him there to train in global leadership (international relations), learn Augustus’s style of covert rulership, and network with the people who would be facilitating his rise to President of Russia and Emperor of the New World Order. Let me show you what I mean by reposting a section from Vladimir Putin: The mobster who would be the globalist Messiah…
Putin rode into power in the aftermath of a series of apartment bombings he arranged during his stint as Director of the FSB…

A great many awakening people continue to be in thrall to the cult of personality that’s been built around Vladimir Putin. They have passively and uncritically accepted the endless barrage of Putin-worshiping propaganda put out by sellouts in the alternative media, and they have not bothered to look into things for themselves. If you are one of these people, I ask you to take a moment to set down your emotionally-held beliefs and open your mind. It literally takes only a few minutes to see through Putin’s sheep costume to the wolf that lies beneath, so let’s get going by looking at Putin’s ascent to power in a point-by-point way…
1) The KGB got Putin started in politics in Leningrad, where he quickly became the city’s KGB/FSB mob boss.
While many people are aware that Putin was a KGB agent, few are aware of how the KGB got him started in politics and the mob back in 1990. To get a clear picture of what transpired with Putin during that critical 1990-1991 period, one must sift through a number of incomplete, sloppy, and misleading reports written by people with varying degrees of awareness of the “big picture.” Having just completed such a sifting, let me show you what I found, starting with Putin’s heavily sanitized official Kremlin biography…

The general public impression of Putin’s personal history is that he left the KGB to enter politics, but as even the Kremlin’s own bio admits, he entered politics while still in the KGB. And what the Kremlin bio fails to admit is that his “international relations” job at Leningrad State University was his new KGB post, where he was assigned to spy on the students…

…From The Washington Post’s January 30, 2000 article Putin’s Career Rooted in Russia’s KGB
As his official bio notes, he also took on the role of “advisor to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council.” And on what subject did Putin advise him?…
“In May 1990, Putin was appointed Mayor Sobchak’s advisor on international affairs.” [Note: Putin didn’t resign from the KGB until August 20, 1991]- From Wikipedia
“International affairs” was the same job title used in his KGB posting to Leningrad State University, so it stands to reason that his position in the Leningrad government was also a KGB posting…

…From Putin: Russia’s Choice by Richard Sakwa
As for the debate over whether Putin’s role in the Leningrad government was KGB-related or not, I found this interesting tidbit in a Moscow Times review of a book by Putin’s former KGB colleague Vladimir Usoltsev…
“Usoltsev suggests that Putin was working for Sobchak as a KGB officer on a special mission.”
No sh*t, Sherlock.
Now if we look closer at Sobchak and his relationship with Putin, we see this [with my comments added in brackets]…
>>> In April 1990, Sobchak was elected a deputy of the Leningrad City Council, and in May he became the chairman of the Council [so Putin joined Sobchak as soon as he became Chairman]. From the beginning his leadership was marked by a strongly authoritarian bent [as one would expect from a KGB operative taking over the city government]. The Council decided to change the structure of the city governance so as to have a Mayor elected by direct elections. The first of such elections in June 1991 were combined with the referendum on the city name. Sobchak won the elections, and the city voted to return to its historical name of Saint Petersburg…
Sobchak was Mayor of Saint Petersburg in 1991–1996… Most of the everyday control of the city structure was handled by two Mayor’s deputies – Vladimir Yakovlev and Vladimir Putin; critics alleged deterioration of city infrastructure, growing corruption, and crime during this time. – From Wikipedia <<<
Going back to Putin: Russia’s Choice, we find a similar narrative of a city being overtaken by corruption during Putin’s tenure…

We also encounter a narrative of the KGB/FSB mafia taking over Saint Petersburg – and later, all of Russia – in another biography of Putin…

…From The Telegraph. Here is a relevant excerpt…
>>> Gessen’s book, The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin, provides a compelling and exhaustive portrait of a man who rose without trace from being a minor KGB and St Petersburg bureaucrat to become what Gessen describes as ‘the godfather of a mafia clan’, who has amassed a personal fortune that in 2007 was estimated by one Kremlin insider to be $40 billion…
Putin returned to St Petersburg, where he became assistant to the mayor, while continuing in the KGB. For all the reforms that were taking place in Russia, St Petersburg, Gessen writes, was ‘a state within a state’: a place where the KGB remained all-powerful, where local politicians and journalists had their phones tapped, and the murder of major political and business players was a regular occurrence.
‘In other words, very much like Russia itself would become within a few years, once it came to be ruled by the people who ruled St Petersburg in the 1990s.’ In other words, Putin. <<<
Having shown you all this, I would be remiss if I didn’t show you one more thing: Putin and Sobchak’s association with Henry Kissinger (who was one of the architects of what would become the BRICS New World Order) during this time. It was done under the cover of “the Kissinger-Sobchak Commission, set up to attract foreign investment”…

…From The Cicero Foundation
Here is another account of their association from The New York Times…

The important facts to be noted from these articles are…
I) Putin has a connection with Kissinger (who is a Cabalist Jew) that goes back at least to the 1990s.
II) Putin was being promoted by a Jewish documentary film maker back in the days he was “only” the Deputy Mayor of Saint Petersburg.
Are you beginning to see the Hidden Hand that guided Putin’s rapid ascent to power?
As for the “aw, shucks” narrative that says Putin and Kissinger didn’t know each other as intelligence agents, that is pure hokum for public consumption. They both work for the globalists, and they knew exactly who each other were. And Kissinger was not in Saint Petersburg to help boost international investment; what the hell would he know about that anyway? He’s not a financial guy; he’s a geopolitical script writer for the globalists, and he was there to coordinate the Russian side of the NWO implementation plan he helped design back in the 1950’s.
Note that Putin…
And if we go back to Anatoly Sobchak’s Wikipedia entry, we find more interesting information…
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak (10 August 1937 – 19 February 2000) was a Russian politician, a co-author of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the first democratically elected mayor of Saint Petersburg, and a mentor and teacher of both Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev…
During his work at Leningrad State University, he established close relations with its then administrator of international affairs, Vladimir Putin, which he maintained for the rest of his life…
After the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, Sobchak was not a member of the central Parliament but was a member of Yeltsin’s Presidential Council and the chairman of the Constitutional Assembly that prepared the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993. The constitution is often informally called Sobchak’s constitution, although its real authors have been somewhat less known.
In April 1990, Sobchak was elected a deputy of the Leningrad City Council, and in May he became the chairman of the Council. From the beginning, his leadership was marked by a strongly authoritarian bent…
During his tenure, a Kissinger-Sobchak commission was formed in order to attract western investment into St. Petersburg. According to Putin who had met with Kissinger a couple of times, when Kissinger stated that the Soviet Union had pulled out of Eastern Europe too quickly under Gorbachev and that Kissinger was being blamed but Kissinger had thought it was impossible, Putin had agreed with Kissinger because so many problems would have been avoided if the pull out wasn’t so hasty…
On 7 November 1997, Sobchak flew to Paris on a private plane without passport processing on the Russian side. The formal reason for his departure was medical treatment in a Paris hospital for his heart condition, but Sobchak never checked in at the hospital. Between 1997 and 1999, he lived the typical life of a political emigre in Paris.
In June 1999, his friend Vladimir Putin became much stronger politically (in a few weeks he became the Prime Minister of Russia), and he was able to make the prosecutors drop the charges against Sobchak. On 12 June 1999, Sobchak returned to Russia. After his return, Sobchak became a very active supporter of Putin in his quest for the Russian presidency…
On 17 February 2000, Putin met with Sobchak and urged him to travel to Kaliningrad to support his election campaign. Sobchak traveled there, accompanied by two assistants who also served as his bodyguards. On 20 February 2000, Sobchak died suddenly in the town of Svetlogorsk of the Kaliningrad Oblast. The initial suspected cause of death was a heart attack, but the findings of two medical experts were contradictory. A criminal investigation of Sobchak’s death as a possible “premeditated murder with aggravating circumstances” was opened only on 6 May 2000, more than two months later. After three months, the investigation was closed without a finding. The Democratic Union party led by Valeria Novodvorskaya made an official statement that not only Sobchak, but also two of his aides had heart attacks simultaneously, which indicated poisoning. Two other men were present with Sobchak during his death, but their names were not publicly disclosed.
According to an independent investigation by Arkady Vaksberg, both bodyguards of Sobchak were treated for symptoms of poisoning after Sobchak’s death, indicating at a probable contract killing by poisoning. Sobchack’s widow Lyudmila had her own autopsy done on her husband’s body, but never made the results public; she told the BBC that she keeps the findings in a secure location outside Russia.
It should be noted that Yeltsin, on whose Presidential Council Sobchak served, handed Putin the Russian Presidency on the eve of the year 2000. And Sobchak was apparently killed less than two months later. Knowing Putin’s secrets and having previously fled to Paris, perhaps Putin had lost trust in his mentor and neutralized the threat he posed before the March 26, 2000 presidential election.
(11 March 2021) – As of the time of this writing, the Sun has set in Israel, and March 12 will begin in China at the top of the hour (10 AM Texas time). For six hours following that, it will be March 11 in Israel and March 12 in China, affording the “Zionist bad guys” an opportunity to do their airstrikes in the Middle East AND blow the Three Gorges Dam in China on 3/11 (Israel time). This sunset in Israel also marked the beginning of the Hebrew day of 28 Adar, which is the date of Purim Cairo, a past event of Jewish deliverance. The planned events are designed to bring on another Jewish deliverance by bringing on the arrival of the Jewish Messiah (Vladimir Putin).
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Now let’s look at the planned demolition of the Three Gorges Dam…
You may remember that the Dam was under stress from severe flooding in China last year, and the controlled alt-media spent a lot of energy planting the idea that it was damaged by all the pressure and might fail (due to shoddy construction). Here is an article on the subject from Gnews.com (a propaganda front founded by Chinese billionaire Miles Guo and Steve Bannon)…

…Here is an excerpt…
Despite opposition from many domestic and international experts, the CCP still proceeded with the dam-building without conducting a comprehensive evaluation.
The project enriched the family of Li Peng, who was nicknamed the “Butcher of Tiananmen Square” because of his support for the killing of the pro-democracy students in 1989. His daughter had been the “Tsarina of Electricity” for many years, reigning in China’s electricity sector…
Some ordinary citizens think of the dam like a sword hanging over their heads. A large earthquake and its potential consequences can devastate millions living in close proximity.
According to the information collected by Miles Guo from the CCP insiders, it is just a matter of time for the Three Gorges Dam to collapse.
Miles’ friends from the Academy of Social Sciences confirmed that the surrounding geological and environmental changes all point to the imminent collapse of the Dam. Some expert was willing to take his own life to convince the CCP leaders about the issue. But the kleptocrats kept ignoring the warnings. In some way, the CCP seems to be hoping for the disaster to happen, which would kill a quarter of the population in China.
The CCP superstitiously believes that it could be saved by some mega-disasters. While the commoners take all the pain, the CCP leaders will survive and thrive, as it did during WWII.
It should be noted that the villain presented in the article, Li Peng, was an ally of the Jiang Faction. And according to propaganda outlets like the Epoch Times, the Jiang Faction constitutes the Chinese Deep State that is working against Xi. So under this year’s version of the script (in which Trump and Xi fall so Putin can reign supreme as the new Augustus), the “evil Zionists” will trigger the destruction of the Dam, and the CCP will use the Dam’s failure to take down Xi.
Here is some more information on the subject I wrote on 3 August 2020 (back when the script called for Xi to take down the CCP after the Dam’s failure)…
To get a glimpse of how the globalists are setting up the NWO Narrative for the planned “failure” of the Three Gorges Dam, let’s look at some articles from one of their NWO propaganda sites, The Epoch Times (which is run by the Falun Gong religious cult).
Like other NWO propaganda sites (such as Zero Hedge), The Epoch Times are narrating an imminent failure of the dam…

…Here is an excerpt…
>>> The Three Gorges Dam in China has become a center of attention, as waters rise and local authorities issue flood warnings nearby. Taiwan News reports that a prominent Chinese hydrologist, Wang Weiluo, is claiming the dam “could collapse at any moment.” He pointed to existing concerns over the dam’s design, construction, and process for inspections. <<<
And if we look at another Epoch Times article on the subject, we get a sneak peak of the setup for the post-collapse mass arrests of Communist Party leaders by Xi and the military…

A casual reader might think Xi’s exhortation that the military be “ready to fight” is a call for them to be ready to fight America, but then why is he also calling for their “absolute loyalty”? Is he afraid the military might switch to the American side? Of course not. He’s saying that the military must be absolutely loyal to him and ready to fight the other factions of the Chinese Communist Party.
This is part of the NWO Narrative of “the good Xi Jinping’s fight against the evil and corrupt Jiang Zemin faction for control of China’s future” that the Epoch Times are helping to establish. And if you look at the history of the Three Gorges Dam, you’ll see that it was approved in 1992, its construction began in 1994, and its body was completed in 2006 — so all but the last year of construction happened during Jiang’s rule over China (and his leave-behinds held power for some time after his departure)…

…from Wikipedia
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Reader Onnabugeisha has done superb research on the occulty side of what’s planned for this month, and this is what was found in relation to the timing of the Three Gorges Dam demolition…
On March 12 (China time), it will be the 96th anniversary of the death of Sun Yat-Sen. Sun is considered the “Father of the Nation” / “Forerunner of the Revolution” in China, and he is the one who first envisioned a dam like Three Gorges back in 1919. So the anniversary of his death is good timing for the death of his dream.
On March 12, it will be 26 years, 2 months and 26 days since the Dam’s construction began on December 14, 1994. And 2 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 6 = 18 = 6 + 6 + 6 (666).
On March 12, it will be 8 years, 8 months, and 8 days (888) since the Dam became fully functional on July 4, 2012. This means the failure of the Dam on that day would be “triple lucky” for the CCP…
The number eight is considered to be a lucky number in Chinese and other Asian cultures. Eight is considered a lucky number in Chinese culture because it sounds like the word meaning “to generate wealth.” Property with the number 8 may be valued greatly by Chinese. For example, a Hong Kong number plate with the number 8 was sold for $640,000. The opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Beijing started at 8 seconds and 8 minutes past 8 pm (local time) on 8 August 2008. – from Wikipedia
On March 12, Israel will reach the 26600th day since its founding on May 14, 1948. In Strong’s Greek Concordance, #266 = Sin – “that which is done wrong, sin, an offence, a violation of the divine law in thought or in act.”
And why would the Zionists/Israel be involved in the destruction of Three Gorges Dam? Because potentially-weaponized Israeli technology was incorporated into it. Here’s one example…

…from ynetnews.com
Last year, I also noted that the dam has 12,000 “sensors” embedded throughout its structure, and that they may be dual-purpose devices: one part sensor and one part explosive. These embedded bombs may be high explosive or small nukes (of the size developed for nuclear artillery shells back in the 1950s). I’ve tried to track down who made them, but have been unsuccessful so far.
Also note that the dam became fully functional on the Fourth of July, and its construction was started on a December 14. December 14 of last year marked the midpoint between the two Great American Eclipses, the paths of which form an X across America. This American tie-in brings to mind something Jabba the Nut (disinfo agent Dave Hodges) brought up recently: the possible failure of Oroville Dam. So will the globalists pop two dams?
And getting back to the #266 = Sin thing…

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The Jersey Devil (disinfo agent Hal Turner) is stating that “Iranian-backed militias” are preparing to launch a missile attack on US troops in Syria (archived). Should the US and Israel false-flag such an attack, it will provide them justification to hit both Assad AND Iran, as expected. With Biden having scheduled a presidential address “on COVID” for tonight at 8, might the false-flag happen before then? As of the time of this writing, there are 46 minutes left before it turns March 12 in Israel.
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Here’s another thought: if they trigger the Syria false flag attack and launch the “retaliation” strikes before Biden’s speech, will they trigger the “Nuke Attack on America” false flag during Biden’s speech? Will people tune in tonight and see a prerecorded theatrical tape depicting Biden’s death as the Operation Blackjoke nuke(s) are simultaneously triggered?
(8 March 2021) – I spent today (3/8) doing research for what comes next, and the March 10-14 time period looks like the next trouble window. Watch for another attack on “Deep State” oil infrastructure (this time in Libya) on the 10th to lead to a “Deep State” counterattack (possibly targeting Assad) on the 11th. We might also see the reappearance of the “Hidden Imam” (Soleimani) soon. Details tomorrow…
~ MORE – 9 March 2021 ~
As my longtime readers know, I regard numerology with profound contempt. And this is because I understand how it originated: with con artists / cult leaders looking at numbers and dreaming up captivating stories and fanciful meanings that sound good to their gullible marks. So numerology is a steaming load of man-made gypsy bullsh*t, but it’s also a key ingredient in a certain “magical potion”…
- If you take a toilet full of gypsy bullsh*t, including numerology, astrology, and spiritual/religious myth,
- add a teaspoon of spiritual truth to make it palatable,
- have generations of dimwitted men suck it up and regurgitate their additions into it, and
- let it ferment for centuries,
…you end up with the toxic brew known as Kabbalah.
Those who have become drunk on the external Kabbalah Kool-Aid have lost touch with their internal connection to Source. Their minds, intuition, and consciences have been overwhelmed by their artificial cult programming, resulting in horrendous behavior that has brought about the vast experience of needless pain by the sparks of Source incarnate in this system. So the time has come to flush Kabbalah down the toilet, and we’ll continue this process by looking at what those whacked-out idiots have planned for March 11.
Reader Onnabugeisha reports “many suspicious numbers surrounding VIPs” on March 11, with these particular standouts…
On 3/11, Bashar al-Assad will turn exactly 666 months old, and he was born on 9/11 (1965). So watch for his potential assassination on that day at the hands of the supposed perpetrators of 9/11 (the “Israeli, US, and Saudi Deep States”).
On 3/11, Qasem Soleimani (who is being hidden by Putin) will turn exactly 64 (8×8) years old. So watch for his potential reappearance on that day to begin the counterattack against the perpetrators of 9/11 and 3/11 [since 3/11 is his birthday and his age of 64 (8x8) signifies “resurrection“]…

…from Google
On 3/11, Benjamin Netanyahu‘s tenure as Israeli Prime Minister will reach exactly 11 years, 11 months, and 11 days. And 11 + 11 + 11 = 33 (the Masonic number). ALSO…
On 3/11, it will be the tenth anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (which happened on 3/11/11).
So watch for a potential Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear sites and a massive release of radioactive fallout from the attack (on the scale of Chernobyl and Fukushima). The powerful bunker busters used by the Israelis will effectively turn the nuclear sites into giant dirty bombs.
On this Thursday, then, watch for the “Satanic Global Deep State” to make its big move on Syria and Iran, and for Putin (the Savior who will later be revealed as the Final Antichrist) and Soleimani (the Mahdi who will later be revealed as the Muslim Antichrist) to begin their countermove to “defeat the Satanic forces” and then build a “just world order of sovereign nations” (the multilateral, multipolar UN / NWO / Global Roman Empire)…

…from globalist prophecy propaganda agent Tom Horn / Amazon
Note the ISIS flag and rubble at the Vatican portrayed on the book cover. This propaganda book was published in May of 2016, and was written to provide backstory for the attempt to launch the NWO in September of that year. But as we saw over the weekend, they have narrated an ISIS resurgence so they can reuse part of the 2016 script. So watch for an imminent ISIS strike on the Vatican (killing Pope Francis) in keeping with the “Rome has come to the Caliphate” / “The Caliphate has come to Rome” foreshadowing I covered in the 7 March update.
~ MORE – 10 March 2021 ~
3/11 begins in Israel at 4 PM Texas time, so there’s a little over 3 hours left before we enter the danger window. To ensure I get the key information out on time, here are some quick notes…
- Should the globalists proceed with their plan for 3/11, we will be entering the World War 3 Show. And they may script the “Global Deep State” as launching a blitzkrieg against all their supposed enemies simultaneously on all fronts, or they may open fronts on a stepwise basis over the next couple of weeks.
- In the aftermath of the Iran and Syria strikes, the “Deep State” will have a free hand to trigger Operation Blackjoke in the US and EU, then blame it on the Iranian and Russian response. This would allow them to lock down their countries and begin the assault on their domestic enemies, who will be framed as “collaborators in the terror campaign.”
- Also in the aftermath of the strikes, the “Chinese Deep State” will blow the Three Gorges Dam and claim that “Xi Jinping knew it was damaged and going to fail, but he did not warn or evacuate the people.” This is scheduled for 3/12 (China time — though it still may be 3/11 in Israeli and US time), and it will lead to the fall of Xi.
- The net result of Operation Blackjoke and the collapse of Three Gorges Dam will be that the three major pillars of global power, the US, EU, and China, will implode and break into pieces, thus collapsing the world economy and leveling-out the nations of the world for the launch of the NWO.
- As for the Vatican, two important days to watch are 3/18 and 3/24. The first date may be the day the Papal Conclave begins after Pope Francis’s 3/11 death (or it may be the day of his death). The second date may be the day Pietro Parolin ascends to the papacy.
The specific dates mentioned are based on numerological cues discovered by reader Onnabugeisha. I’ll get into all the details in the coming hours (hopefully). The current level of exposure should be sufficient to stop them, but not if they’re desperate.
(7 March 2021) – From the looks of it, the intended strike point today for the Pope Assassination Show was the Mass in Erbil’s Franso Hariri Stadium. Pope Francis was scheduled to arrive there at 3:30 PM (the Masonic number) and Mass was to start at 4 PM (the death number). The stadium is the open air type, and the Vatican says that 10,000 people were in attendance, so a missile strike could have resulted in a death count three times that of 9/11. It’s good that it didn’t happen.
But the Pope did manage to do something today that set up tomorrow as a danger day…

…from the Express. Here is an excerpt…
Pope Francis gave a veiled ‘two-finger salute’ to ISIS during a symbolic trip to Mosul in Iraq. The Pope spoke and prayed among the ruins of Mosul’s churches, several of which were obliterated during the battle against ISIS. Christians were among those most brutally persecuted by ISIS when they seized Mosul in 2014…
Sky News’ Mark Stone spoke from Mosul: “In a trip full of historic firsts, this was the most symbolic moment.”
He continued: “The Pope, in the rubble of a city that came to define Islamic extremism, religious intolerance at its worst.
“It was declared just seven years ago the capital of the Islamic State’s so-called caliphate.
“It was a place where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, clad in black in a mosque not far from here, said the caliphate would stretch one day to Rome.
“Well, locals are pointing out that Rome has come to them.
This kind of taunting begs for the obvious response from ISIS: “The Caliphate has come to Rome.” And tomorrow, Pope Francis will need to take off from Baghdad International Airport and arrive at Rome’s Ciampino Airport without getting shot down by one of ISIS’ shoulder-fired missiles. While a papal murder attributed to ISIS would not immediately trigger the war on Iran, it would get military forces flowing into Iraq in advance of another false flag that would.
As it turns out, there is also a historical reason for targeting Pope Francis tomorrow:
Pope Celestine II died on 8 March 1144, and he was the first pope listed in the Prophecies of Saint Malachy (a.k.a. the “Prophecy of the Popes”)…
The Prophecy of the Popes (Latin: Prophetia Sancti Malachiae Archiepiscopi, de Summis Pontificibus, “Prophecy of Saint-Archbishop Malachy, concerning the Supreme Pontiffs”) is a series of 112 short, cryptic phrases in Latin which purport to predict the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few antipopes), beginning with Celestine II. It was first published in 1595 by Benedictine monk Arnold Wion, who attributed the prophecy to Saint Malachy, a 12th-century archbishop of Armagh…
In recent times, some interpreters of prophetic literature have drawn attention to the prophecy due to its imminent conclusion; if the list of descriptions is matched on a one-to-one basis to the list of historic popes since publication, Benedict XVI (2005–13) would correspond to the second to last of the papal descriptions, Gloria olivae (the glory of the olive). The longest and final verse predicts the Apocalypse:
In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus, quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, & judex tremendus judicabit populum suum. Finis.
This may be translated into English as:
In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop]. Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End. – from Wikipedia
Back before the globalist attempt to do the NWO transition in 2016, their prophecy propagandists — particularly Tom Horn — pointed to Pope Francis as Petrus Romanus. But since that time, they have suggested that Francis is an Antipope who improperly seized power from Pope Benedict, and that the current Vatican Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, will rise to the papacy as Peter the Roman.
So by scripting Antipope Francis’ death on the same date as that of Pope Celestine II, they would be tying the death of the first pope in the prophecy to the rise of the final pope.
(7 March 2021) – Upon poking about the internet this morning, I realized that Texas Governor Abbott’s executive order ending the mask mandate and opening businesses to 100% capacity was issued on March 2, Texas Independence Day. And yesterday, he did this: Gov. Abbott Deploys Texas National Guard, State Troopers to Counter Biden’s ‘Open Border Policies’. The civil war psyop is heating up.
What’s also interesting is that I found out about it when doing a Google search for “2021 federal holidays“…

In the leading search results, Texas Independence Day was featured (which is NOT a federal holiday), and the State of Texas was featured alongside the results. I’ve never seen it do that before, so I suspect they altered their algorithm (for IP addresses in Texas at least) in support of the civil war psyop.
It’s all a show, folks — a stage-managed, made-for-TV Civil War Show within a stage-managed, made-for-TV End Times Show. But it’s an audience participation show…

And it’s the kind in which real people will get killed, so we must do our best to expose the script and close the production.
(6 March 2021) – The Pope’s Sunday travel arrangements may run into a little snag…

…from YouTube
March 6 is looking good so far, but today isn’t the only danger day we need to watch; 3/7, 3/11, and 3/12 look dicey as well. Reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out that we are in the middle of an ancient Roman 3-day holiday stretch that began with Navigium Isidis on March 5 and ends with Junonalia on March 7. I doubt it’s mere coincidence that Pope Francis flew across the Mediterranean to Iraq on the Navigium Isidis holiday…
The Navigium Isidis or Isidis Navigium (trans. the vessel of Isis) was an annual ancient Roman religious festival in honor of the goddess Isis, held on March 5… The Navigium Isidis celebrated Isis’ influence over the sea and served as a prayer for the safety of seafarers and, eventually, of the Roman people and their leaders. – from Wikipedia
Speaking of Isis, can you guess which terror group has been narrated as being in resurgence this year?…
And just like that, ISIS is back.
It’s really no coincidence that as soon as strong-on-foreign-policy Donald Trump exited the White House office and weak-with-overseas-players Joe Biden entered that headlines started blasting this: “ISIS could regain capacity to orchestrate attacks in 2021.”
It’s what happens when cupcakes lead: Evil flourishes – from The Washington Times
The recent killing of Islamic State’s top leader in Iraq should not be seen as a crippling sign for the terror group, which has in recent months received fresh recruits and increased its attacks in the country, says a senior Iraqi Kurdish military official…
…IS “has an estimated $100 million in reserves, and continues to use Turkey as a logistical hub,” Clarke said, adding that the group generates revenue from oil smuggling and kidnapping for ransom.
Kurdish officials say IS has found a foothold in several areas in northern Iraq that are disputed between the KRG and the central government. – from VOA
And can you guess where Pope Francis will be tomorrow?…
On Sunday morning, Pope Francis will depart for Erbil [northern Iraq]. On arrival at the airport, he will be welcomed by religious and civil authorities from the region of Iraqi Kurdistan before continuing his journey by helicopter to Mosul…
The Pope will again take a helicopter to Qaraqosh where he will visit the Qaraqosh community at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
In the afternoon, Pope Francis will return to Erbil where he will celebrate Holy Mass at the “Franso Hariri” stadium. Following the celebration, the Pope will depart for Baghdad. – from the Vatican
So tomorrow the Pope will be flying around ISIS-occupied northern Iraq in a helicopter, visiting a church formerly held by ISIS, and holding Sunday Mass at a stadium named after a Kurdish politician who was assassinated by a group that merged with ISIS. And he’ll do all this despite the fact that ISIS’ Iraq division is known to have MANPADS (portable anti-aircraft missiles), ISIS’ Iraq commander was killed on January 29 by an airstrike ordered by Catholic President Joe Biden, and ISIS & Turkey’s oil smuggling operation just got hit by ballistic missiles from Christian Russia’s forces in Syria on Friday (Navigium Isidis).
If the Dajjal (Erdogan) and his demon proxy army (ISIS) decide to deal the “Crusaders” some payback, will they shoot Pope Francis out of the sky, blow him up with pre-planted demolition charges in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, or target his Mass with ballistic missiles? And on whom will the mainstream media blame the attack, ISIS or Iran-supported Iraqi militiamen?
By the way, Sunday’s Roman holiday, Junonalia, was held in honor of the Roman goddess Juno. One of Juno’s aspects involves war.
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The setup for the Pope Francis Assassination Show is quite interesting. The globalists are scripting a situation in which ISIS will be responsible for the attack, but an Iraqi militia with ties to Iran will be publicly blamed. They’ve already set the precedent for this with last month’s missile attack on Erbil (the Iraqi city the Pope is visiting tomorrow)…
The 2021 Erbil missile attacks occurred when multiple missiles were launched against Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq. On 15 February, approximately fourteen rockets were fired from an area south of the city at around 21:30 local time. Three of the rockets directly hit the U.S.-led coalition base near the Erbil International Airport, while the other rockets hit residential areas and civilian facilities near the airport. Two people were killed in the attack, and an additional 13 were injured, including an American service member.
The identity of the attackers was initially unclear, with Iraqi and American authorities launching an investigation to identify the perpetrators. A little-known Shiite armed group called Saraya Awliya al-Dam then claimed responsibility for the attack. Despite this, several Iraqi and Iraqi Kurdish officials and Western analysts blamed Iran and Iranian-backed militias for being behind the attack. The tensions between the U.S. and Iran have been high since the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, a high-ranking Iranian commander of the Quds Force, in January 2020. Iranian authorities refuted and condemned the claims of its involvement in the attacks.
The attack was the worst and deadliest in a year on the U.S.-led military coalition in Iraq, and was the first time since late 2020 that Western military or diplomatic installations were targeted in the country. It was the most serious attack on the U.S.-led coalition since the Biden administration took power in January 2021 and sparked fears of escalation. Following the attack, NATO announced that it will increase the size of its forces in Iraq from 500 to around 4,000 personnel. On 3 March [3/3] the Kurdistan Region’s counterterrorism unit has published what appears to be the taped confession of one of the four alleged perpetrators of the February 15 rocket attacks on Erbil, who says he met one of the other perpetrators, who he says belongs to Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada, a paramilitary group part of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), in November of 2020 & the rockets were Iranian made. – from Wikipedia
As you may recall from the 26 February update (further down this page), Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS) was one of the groups struck by (Roman Catholic) President Biden’s airstrike in Syria on the 25th. And as I noted at the time, that airstrike provided a scripted motivation for KSS to go after the Pope while he’s in Iraq. NATO’s decision to send 3,500 more “European Crusaders” into Iraq provides an additional motivation. But look at NATO’s justification for going there…

…from the Anadolu Agency
So just three days after the Erbil rocket attack, NATO announces that it’s sending lots more troops to Iraq, citing an “increase in ISIS attacks” — yet just 3 days ago, “several Iraqi and Iraqi Kurdish officials and Western analysts blamed Iran and Iranian-backed militias for being behind the attack.” If you’re wondering what’s behind this schizo approach of blaming KSS and Iran for an ISIS attack, there are two reasons that stand out…
- According to the script, Erdogan is behind ISIS, so Turkey will oversee the attack on the Pope. And the completed attack will allow “Erdogan’s Satanist allies in the Israeli and US Deep States” to blame Iran and attack — an attack that Turkey will join.
- The globalists are handing ammunition to the savior figure who will step in at some point to stop the war(s); they want to make it easy for him to point out that the war against Iran was based on an obvious lie.
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Do you remember the monolith psyop from late last year?…

…from Vox
The article notes…
They look like alien artifacts. In part, that’s because they are heavily reminiscent of the monoliths of Stanley Kubrick’s sci-fi classic 2001: A Space Odyssey, where vast black monoliths are deposited by aliens to guide human beings from one stage of evolution to the next.
As it turns out, reader Onnabugeisha has found some notable numerological connections between Stanley Kubrick and March 7 (tomorrow)…
There’s also numerological symmetry between March 7 and September 23 (the date of the “Revelation 12 sign in the heavens”)…
- March 7 is 66th day of the year, with 299 days remaining;
- September 23 is the 266th day of year, with 99 remaining.
So keep an eye out tomorrow for some globalist-engineered weirdness involving fake ETs, monoliths, or “energetic events.” Might a UFO save the Pope?…

…“Hell yesssssssss.”
~ MORE – 7 March 2021 ~
And here’s the last-minute propaganda setup for blaming Iran for the “Deep State false flag” against Washington, DC…

…from Zero Hedge
(5 March 2021) – As we discovered last night, Emperor Augustus, who became sole ruler of Rome after the other two members of his Triumvirate fell, and whose modest public image belied his autocratic nature, was born on September 23, 63 BC. And as we’ve already discovered, the September 23, 2017 “Revelation 12 sign in the heavens” supposedly symbolized a birth…

Revelation 12: 1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.
3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads. 4 His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as she gave birth.
5 And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was caught up to God and to His throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1,260 days.
So who is the woman, and who is the “male child” to whom she gave birth? If you look through the Wikipedia entry on the “Woman of the Apocalypse,” you’ll see many different interpretations, and you can spend a lifetime arguing over which one is “correct” — I’m sure many people have. But in our current circumstances, “which interpretation is correct” doesn’t really matter; what matters is “what interpretation will the globalists act out.” And I suspect that in the globalist script, the woman represents the Christian Church (collectively), and the male child born of her is the Antichrist.
Let me show you why, verse by verse…
Revelation 12:1 – “And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.”
The Woman as “The Church” is a common interpretation of Revelation 12, and in verse 1, she is symbolized as being clothed in light and having the Moon (representing darkness) at her feet, thus portraying her as representing goodness. And if you substitute the word “Church” for the word “Woman” in Revelation 12:17, it fits quite well: “And the dragon was enraged at the [Church], and went to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.”
So if the rest of [the Church’s] children are good Christians, what about the male child?
Revelation 12:3-4 – “Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads. His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as she gave birth.”
So the Dragon (Satan) was ready to “devour” the child as soon as it left the womb. In the globalist scripting, this represents Satan’s desire to spiritually possess the child.
Revelation 12:5 – “And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”
Ruling the nations “with an iron scepter” is something only the Antichrist will do. Although Jesus is expected to return with a sword to vanquish Satan’s kingdom and rid the world of evil, his own thousand-year kingdom is expected to be benevolent and loving and encompass a united Earth free of manmade divisions (borders). It is only during the Antichrist’s “reformed” UN/NWO kingdom that the world will still be divided into nations, and only the Antichrist would rule the world harshly “with an iron scepter.”
Revelation 12:5-6 – “And her child was caught up to God and to His throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1,260 days.”
In the globalist script, these verses show that God held the child back from Satan, preventing him from immediately possessing the child in order to give the Church 3.5 years to prepare for the Antichrist’s possession and emergence, which supposedly happens TOMORROW (under this year’s version of the stageplay).
~ MORE ~
Revelation 12 ends with “and the dragon stood on the shore of the sea,” and Revelation 13 begins with “a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the sea” (which is the rise of the Antichrist’s NWO, a.k.a. the “Beast System”). So Revelation 12 tells us of the time between the sign in the heavens and the emergence of the NWO, and it specifically mentions a 3.5-year span of time in two verses…
Revelation 12:6 – “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1,260 days.”
Revelation 12:14 – “But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle to fly from the presence of the serpent to her place in the wilderness, where she was nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.”
Given the imprecision of the writing in Revelation, it is possible to interpret these verses two different ways…
Under a “sequentialist” approach to Revelation 12, you can interpret a 7-year span of time between the appearance of the sign in the heavens and the rise of the beast from the sea.
Looking at it this way, the events follow a sequential order…
- The sign appears,
- the woman gives birth,
- God snatches away the child,
- the woman flees for 3.5 years,
- there is a war in heaven,
- Satan and his angels are cast down to Earth,
- Satan pursues the woman,
- she flees again on the wings of an eagle for another 3.5 years, so
the woman fled twice, for a total of 7 years.
But under a “concurrentist” approach to Revelation 12, you can interpret a 3.5-year span of time between the appearance of the sign in the heavens and the rise of the beast from the sea.
Looking at it this way, the events spelled out in the three sections of Revelation 12 happened concurrently, so Revelation 12:6 and 12:14 were talking about the same incident of flight, with 12:14 offering more details on how it went down. So…
The sign appears, the woman gives birth, and God snatches the child away from the waiting Dragon, IMMEDIATELY touching off a war in heaven. Satan’s attitude was, “You snatched away my vessel. The child is mine. So I’m going to march up to your throne and snatch him back from you.” But Satan lost the battle, and he and his angels were cast down to Earth. Frustrated and “horny,” he pursued the woman to take out his frustrations upon her, so God helped her flee to the wilderness for 3.5 years before he presumably released the child to its father.
So with the “concurrentist” interpretation set before us, let’s take a look at the current situation we’re facing…
- The commie Pope is mere hours away from being killed (if the globalists go through with their plans). And his death would open the way for the rise of the “traditionalist” Pope of the Real NWO, Pietro Parolin.
- Donald Trump has fallen from power and America is about to get kneecapped by the March 6 attacks. And Xi Jinping is just a week away from potentially losing power over the planned March 12 failure of the Three Gorges Dam, which would kneecap China. Xi’s fall would open the way for the last surviving member of the Triumvirate, Vladimir Putin, to rise to Global Emperor of the Multilateral/Multipolar NWO.
So the globalist script for this scenario would reflect that “Satan’s spirit will possess Antichrist Putin on the 6th, the day he has his earthly minions launch the March 6 attacks.” And the global chaos brought about by the attacks may be ended by “Satan’s fallen angels (the ones who were cast down with him onto the Earth) posing as ETs.”
~ MORE ~
Since the globalist interpretation of Revelation 12 holds that the Antichrist was born of the Church, it is important to note this about Vladimir Putin…
…Mr. Putin oversaw the resurrection of the Russian Orthodox Church, including the reconstruction of some 23,000 churches that had been destroyed or fallen into disuse. The Church on the Blood is not included in that count, since it’s a completely new house of worship, completed in 2003.
To the delight of the church leadership, Mr. Putin’s policies have also taken a sharply conservative turn since his return to the Kremlin last year for a third term as President. Once viewed as a liberal, Mr. Putin has in the past 12 months embraced the church’s positions on such sensitive issues as abortion and gay rights.
“There are no conflicts between the church and the state,” smiles Father Alexey Kulberg, an outspoken priest in Yekaterinburg, this city of 1.4 million near the Ural Mountains that separate Russia into its European and Asian halves. “The President’s ideology for developing Russia coincides with the direction of the Russian Orthodox Church.”
In other words, while the church doesn’t quite recognize Mr. Putin as chosen by God, it’s quite happy with the job he’s doing.
On the surface, it seems an odd match. Mr. Putin, after all, was a long-time member of the KGB, the organization that spearheaded the Soviet Union’s repression of “counter-revolutionary” entities such as the church.
But Mr. Putin is that rare KGB agent who was baptized, in secret, as a child. Meanwhile, the head of the church, Patriarch Kirill, has been publicly accused of working for the KGB during the Soviet era.
Both the Kremlin and the church have benefited from resuming their centuries-old alliance. Early in Mr. Putin’s rule, a law was passed returning all church property that had been seized during the Soviet era, almost surely making the Moscow Patriarchate the largest landowner in Russia. State-owned energy companies have contributed billions of rubles to the reconstruction of churches around the country. – from The Globe and Mail
So according to this, Putin was born of the Church. And Revelation 12:2 applies very well to that birth…
“She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.”
During the Soviet era, the Russian Orthodox Church was savaged by the Kabbalist “Jews” who ran the government under cover of the various secret police agencies. So the Church was indeed in agony when it gave birth to Putin. And after its vivisection was complete, it was rebuilt by the KGB with their Kabbalist agents (like Patriarch Kirill) serving as the clergy.
It should also be noted that if the globalists opt for the 7-year time span and place a decoy Antichrist into power over the next month, Mike Pence was born and baptized into the Roman Catholic Church and Donald Trump was born and baptized into the Protestant Church. Jared Kushner was not.
Since Mike Pence…
…he’d be the leading candidate for the decoy Antichrist role under Revelation 12 requirements.
~ MORE ~
The “World Socialist Web Site” is reporting this…
The US House of Representatives canceled a session scheduled for Thursday morning, March 4, and adjourned for the weekend, after security agencies reported credible threats of right-wing violence against the Capitol set for that day.
So if the House is adjourned and Pelosi won’t be in downtown Washington this weekend, we may very well end up with a President Pelosi tomorrow. Having done my best to expose what’s planned, there’s nothing left to do but wait and see what happens. Waking up to news of a dead Pope would be the first bad sign to watch for.
(4 March 2021) – A link to the following article fell from a steaming digital anus, but let’s not hold that against it…

…from France24
At first glance, this might look like an insignificant special-interest article. But given its timing and the globalists’ known penchant for putting Roman historical parallels into their scripts, I took a quick look at Emperor Augustus and found this…

…from Wikipedia
Upon doing a little more reading, I discovered that Augustus is the Roman archetype for Vladimir Putin’s coming role as “the ruler of the Global Roman Empire” (the multilateral/multipolar NWO)…
After the demise of the Second Triumvirate, Augustus restored the outward facade of the free Republic, with governmental power vested in the Roman Senate, the executive magistrates, and the legislative assemblies, yet maintained autocratic authority by having the Senate grant him lifetime tenure as supreme military command, tribune, and censor. A similar ambiguity is seen in his chosen names, the implied rejection of monarchical titles whereby he called himself Princeps Civitatis (“First Citizen”) juxtaposed with his adoption of the ancient title Augustus.
Before becoming Emperor, Octavius (later Augustus) began his rule of Rome as part of a political alliance with two other prominent leaders, Mark Antony and Marcus Lepidus. This alliance was known as the Second Triumvirate. It was only after the other two leaders fell that Octavius became sole emperor, taking the name Augustus. And it is Augustus’s connection to the Triumvirate that connects him to future Roman Emperor Putin.
Here is something I covered in my 27 April 2020 update…
…let’s look at a propaganda piece written by “ex”-CIA officer (and current NWO disinformation officer) Robert David Steele…

…from Amazon. Here is the book description, which is a lovely example of the NWO Narrative…
>>> As I contemplate the possibilities of Xi Jinping as General Secretary for the People’s Republic of China, and both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump as Presidents of their respective countries, the Russian Federation and the United States of America (USA), all serving together far into the future, I am quite certain that the prospects for long-term peace and prosperity for all have not been better since the Pax Romana, from 28 BC with Augustus formed the Principate until the death of Septimus Severus in 211 AD.
From anti-corruption campaigns in China to oligarch discipline in Russia to an all-out assault against the traitors, pedophiles, and white collar criminals comprising the upper class of the Deep State across the Western world, the tide has turned.
There is no better example of the importance of this new triumvirate to peace than that of the Koreas. In mid-February during my visit to Japan I was told by Princess Kaoru Nakamaru, Chair of the International Affairs Institute for World Peace and a royal family conduit to the North Korean leadership, that General Secretary Xi and President Trump and the leaders of North and South Korea have agreed to the unification of the two Koreas, with China being responsible for no “loose nukes” in the North and the US agreeing to withdraw its military forces from the South once unification was complete.
President Trump is probably pursuing a Grand Entente with General Secretary Xi and President Putin that is not understood by anyone, least of by his Cabinet Secretaries and all other putative leaders and senior bureaucrats in the West. I do believe those in charge of the Deep State – the Chabad Supremacist cult, the Vatican, and the Rothschilds – understand that this triumvirate, if it can sustain itself, is invincible. They will try very hard in the next year to break the triumvirate, starting with efforts to destroy President Trump in the 2018 elections intended to lead to his impeachment and his replacement by a Deep State favorite, Vice President Mike Pence.
It is in this light that we must condemn every person who criticized President Trump for congratulating President Putin on his re-election (or more privately, General Secretary Xi on his Constitutional mandate). Such individuals range from sheer idiots to absolute traitors, and none of them are committed to peace or prosperity to all, only to war and waste benefitting the 1% managing the Deep State.
Three leaders recognizing ten threats and coordinating twelve policies = one century of peace. <<<
So if we look at the Triumvirate of Trump, Xi, and Putin, we see that one member has already fallen (Trump). And if Three Gorges Dam collapses on March 12, Xi will fall shortly after. That would leave just one member of the Triumvirate still standing, Vladimir Putin.
In the next section, we’ll look at another way of interpreting Revelation 12 — a way that would open a path for Putin to pose as the post-March 6 messiah and begin building the Real NWO / Global Roman Empire THIS YEAR.
(4 March 2021) – Should the globalists proceed with the March 6 attacks, they will trot out a leader to “save” us from the resulting chaos…
- If it’s a communist leader, he/she/”it” will lock down the country to save us from the “evil Christian/MAGA insurrectionists.”
- If it’s a Zionist leader, he will lock down the country to save us from the “evil communist revolutionaries.”
- And there’s a good chance that we’d see BOTH, in which case the surviving Democrat in the presidential line of succession would initiate mass arrests of the Christians/MAGA for a few weeks — totally freaking out the country — before the Zionist savior comes in later in the month to deliver us all from the nightmare.
This brings us back to the Bible chapter that is tied to the September 23, 2017 “sign in the heavens”…

The Woman and the Dragon
Revelation 12: 1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.
3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads. 4 His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as she gave birth.
5 And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was caught up to God and to His throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1,260 days.
If you count forward from the date of the sign to 6 March 2021, there are exactly 1,260 days…

…from Time and Date
So if you go by the 360-day prophetic calendar, 1260 days form a perfect 3.5 year / 42 month prophecy period (360 x 3.5 = 1260). As for what happens once we hit the magic number, here is what the Bible says — along with my notes on how the globalists will engineer the fulfillments…
The War in Heaven
Revelation 12: 7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels. 9 And the great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
The red part will be fulfilled by the public emergence of the First Tribulation Antichrist, along with his angels (the fake ETs). They would show up during the Passover holidays. The US Space Force might show up first to save the day using technology supposedly given to them by the “ETs.” The “aliens” would then be unveiled some months later.
10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down — he who accuses them day and night before our God. 11 They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives so as to shy away from death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea; with great fury the devil has come down to you, knowing he has only a short time.”
This would be fulfilled by the globalists starting the Great Tribulation on March 6 with the nuke attacks. And after the First Tribulation Antichrist comes in, it might look like we’ve been saved, but within a few months/years we’d realize that we’ve fallen out of the frying pan into the fire.
The Woman Persecuted
13 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle to fly from the presence of the serpent to her place in the wilderness, where she was nourished for a time, and times, and half a time. [a time (1 year) + times (2 years) + half a time (6 months) = 3.5 years]
The globalists would fulfill the woman’s return to the wilderness with the Great Tribulation, which would run from March 6, 2021 to September 2024 (3.5 years).
15 Then from the mouth of the serpent spewed water like a river to overtake the woman and sweep her away in the torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman and opened its mouth to swallow up the river that had poured from the dragon’s mouth. 17 And the dragon was enraged at the woman, and went to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
The part about the Dragon “spewing water like a river” might be fulfilled by the deliberate destruction of the Three Gorges Dam in China. I’ve noticed the controlled alt-media bringing up the Dam’s failure again lately, and just this morning, Reader Onnabugeisha noted numerological and historical clues that point to March 12 (China time) as a potential target date for the Dam’s destruction. The failure would at first be blamed on shoddy construction and flood damage from last year, but later narration might suggest that the Zionists blew the dam as their opening move in taking down the communists.
~ MORE ~
There are three possible candidates for the First Tribulation Jewish Messiah / Antichrist role: Jared Kushner, Donald Trump, and Mike Pence. Being openly Jewish, Kushner is the most likely candidate, but the globalists have dropped hints in the media that Trump and Pence may be Crypto-Jews (and therefore eligible for the role).
Assuming Jared Kushner gets the nod, he cannot be directly placed into the US presidency — thereby gaining the power to save Israel and the world — without being seen as illegitimate. So to make his presidency kosher, he would need to come into power on the coattails of a legitimately elected president. And since Trump and Pence were the actual winners of the 2020 election, it would have to be one of them.
In my 22 February update (further down this page), I laid out how Kushner could be brought to power through a militarily-restored President Trump making him Vice President (and then dying). The same scenario could happen under Pence, and here’s how it would work…
In the aftermath of the March 6 Attacks, the Democrat replacement president would unleash a Homeland Security onslaught against the evangelical Christians and MAGA. And right at the beginning of the roundup, they would arrest (and disappear/rendition) Donald Trump on charges of inciting insurrection and plotting nuclear attacks on America in collaboration with Putin. Any armed response to the arrest by MAGA would be swallowed-up by the vast Homeland Security deployment and pointed-to as proof that “MAGA are a bunch of violent terrorist insurrectionists.”
Once the patriot/constitutionalist military make their move to take down the commies, they would hand the presidency to Pence due to Trump’s absence, and Pence would follow the Zionists’ orders to make Kushner his VP (before dying). Given Pence’s close relationship to the US Space Force, having them sweep in to restore him to power makes a lot of sense.
Speaking of the “Democrat replacement president,” the Senate (who were responsible for confirming Biden as President-Elect on January 6) will be in session Saturday to work on the COVID relief bill (as anticipated). But will the House be in session? They skipped their session today due to “the threat of a far-right militia attack” — a threat “spanning Thursday through Saturday.” So will they be in session Saturday to make up for the lost day, or will they remain adjourned through Saturday due to the supposed threat? If the House of Representatives are no-shows on Saturday, we may end up with President Nancy Pelosi after the attacks, since Vice President Harris would likely be by Biden’s side when the nuke(s) goes off.
Just imagine if Roman Catholic Nancy Pelosi is the commie president who orders the arrest of the evangelical (Protestant) Christians — it would be like something out of a Dan Brown novel.
(2 March 2021) – Reader Onnabugeisha has brought a Christian prophecy propaganda video to my attention that points to March 6 as being the end date of a perfectly-formed 3.5 year prophecy period that began on September 23, 2017 with an astrological alignment. That means the globalists could narrate the First Tribulation as beginning with that alignment and the Great Tribulation as beginning on March 6. In this case, the First Tribulation Antichrist would make his appearance this month and “stand in the holy place” in Jerusalem, so this is another reason to watch for a big savior move from Donald Trump and/or Jared Kushner this month.
~ MORE – 3 March 2021 ~
Here’s something that crossed my mind this morning:
The Christian prophecy propagandists who have been talking about the “signs in the heavens” have been hinting that the “rapture” may be nigh…
The rapture is an eschatological theological position held by some Christians, particularly within branches of American evangelicalism, consisting of an end-time event when all Christian believers who are alive, along with resurrected believers, will rise “in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.” Adherents of this perspective are referred to as premillennial dispensationalists. The idea of a rapture as it is currently defined is not found in historic Christianity, but is a relatively recent doctrine of Evangelical Protestantism.
In Paul the Apostle’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians in the Bible, he uses the Greek word harpazo, meaning “to snatch away” or “to seize,” and explains that believers in Jesus Christ will be snatched away from earth into the air. The term is most frequently used among Evangelical Protestant theologians in the United States. – from Wikipedia
Given the current circumstances, might we be nearing a “Satanic Rapture” in which Christians are snatched away/seized by Homeland Security following the March 6 attacks? Will it turn out that “the rapture was a Satanic concept introduced into Christian thought so Christians would have a false sense of security and be passive towards the Satanic agenda”? Have rapture-believing Christians been comically misled into looking forward to the day when “Satan’s forces” come to round them up?
What happens to the Christians after this month will depend on which antichrist shows up: a communist one (in which case the Christians are toast) or a Zionist one (in which case they’ll get a reprieve).
Much more to come…
(2 March 2021) – The setup for the “insurrectionist” false-flag continued yesterday with the US Supreme Court’s dismissal of Sidney Powell’s election fraud lawsuits…

…from Newsweek
The dismissals were immediately seized upon by the controlled alt-media to spread the idea that “all legal means to challenge the fraud have been exhausted, so now it’s time to blow sh*t up.”
Here is a subtle example from the Disinfo Ranger’s (Mike Adams’s) website…
The corporate media’s claim is that Beijing Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, and that Trump and his supporters are simply sore losers. Evidence widely presented but as of yet unheard by the courts, however, contradicts this.
“SCOTUS is lost, as is the Republic,” wrote one commenter at The Epoch Times. “They took it without a fight.”
Another concurred, adding that the highest court in the land no longer provides any value to the country.
“They should be forced out of D.C. and the court diminished as a judicial body, only allowed in divorce court where cheating one side in favor of the other is commonplace,” this same commenter added, obviously upset about this ongoing breach of justice.
And here is a less subtle example from the Jersey Devil’s (Hal Turner’s) website…
Now that the US Supreme Court has completed its betrayal of this nation and of its people, I have simple questions:
1) Now that all PEACEFUL means to redress the election fraud that stole the Presidency have been exhausted, at what point will it finally dawn on you that the use of FORCE is required?
2) At what point will you finally acknowledge there is no other choice but to attack and destroy by force, the entities which carried out, oversaw, covered-up, and refused to peacefully redress, the theft of our Presidency?
At this point, the globalists know that MAGA is not going to take the bait on this, so they’re doing the pro forma propaganda in advance of having their army of mutant crisis actors pose as MAGA and show up at the sites to be attacked. Covert operatives will then trigger the devices.
Given the number of targets they’d aim to hit in Washington, DC, multiple backpack nukes or a single large nuke would be needed. In the event they use a large nuke (200+ kt), it may be employed from…
The interesting thing about the stealth drone method is that the drone might appear to be “an Iranian copy” of the CIA’s RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone. Narrating it this way would enable the CIA to use one of their own drones to deliver the nuclear munition (the evidence that it’s a real CIA drone would be vaporized in the explosion). And the inevitable revelation of the CIA’s culpability would be a perfect way to set up them up for a takedown by the false messiahs who sweep in to save the day.
~ MORE ~
Texas’ traitorous governor, The Gimp (Greg Abbott), has announced the end of Texas’ COVID restrictions and mask mandate, but not until next week — AFTER March 6. If the globalists proceed with what they’ve planned for Saturday, the whole country will be locked down over “loose nukes” anyway, so what will it matter? And if we do get to next Wednesday intact, will Starbucks, Walmart and the other corporate chains still require masks “for the safety of their employees”?
The “move of Republican governors towards ending COVID restrictions” may be worked into the NWO Narrative as one of the reasons the “Deep State” staged the March 6 attack. The Narrative might also mention Abbott’s move to end the restrictions as revenge for the recent weather warfare attack on Texas.
(28 February 2021) – If the globalists proceed with the strike on the Pope, it will most likely happen when he’s at the Ziggurat of Sin in Iraq on Saturday, March 6 around noon. And since Iraq time is 8 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, that would be around 4:00 AM Saturday morning at the White House.
Upon “getting the bad news,” we can expect the White House to schedule a presidential address later that morning. It is during this address that we’d likely see the attack on Biden and Washington (and possibly other cities). The globalists will want the press live-streaming during both the Pope and Biden attacks.
As we approach Saturday morning, there are two other targets we must monitor: 1) the Congress and 2) Emma Coronel Aispuro (the wife of El Chapo, the jailed Mexican drug lord of the Sinaloa Cartel).
1) The Congress may be in session on Saturday to finish the COVID Relief Bill “so people can get their checks on Monday.” That would enable the Democrats to schedule Biden’s State of the Union Address for next Tuesday (to take political advantage of the handouts). Biden and Congress’ deaths on Saturday would prevent the Address from occurring, of course, thereby averting the potential exposure of Biden’s supposed dementia.
2) El Chapo’s wife supposedly turned herself in to the Feds and is willing to spill all the secrets of the Sinaloa Cartel. She’s currently being held in Alexandria, Virginia, and the FBI Field Office in charge of her interrogation is near the National Mall, so look for her to die in the blast(s) as well. This will help finger the Sinaloa Cartel as the ones who smuggled the nuke(s) into Washington — they have ties to Venezuela, Iran, and the CIA, which will be handy facts for Donald Trump and Jared Kushner to point out when they sweep in to save the day.
Given that the Jewish holidays that frame the March Event Window, Purim and Pesach (Passover), both celebrate the saving of the Jewish people, this is a particularly opportune time for the globalists to stage the Victory of Kushner’s Zionists scenario. Trump may drop out of the picture at some point before Pesach (and definitely by March/April of 2022) if the globalists go the Kushner route.
~ MORE ~
Thursday, March 4 is getting massive mainstream media coverage in connection to Trumpers and Q-Anon…

If you click on the link and look through the search results, you’ll see articles on March 4 all over the place. You’ll also find multiple articles on Newsweek, including this one…

…Here is a key excerpt…
Democrats have warned that the continuing spread of misinformation, including by lawmakers, is helping fuel the far-right amid concerns of further attacks on Congress.
Some QAnon supporters believe Donald Trump will return as president on March 4, based on arcane reasoning and huge distortion of facts, and there are fears that there could be a repeat next week of the violence seen at the Capitol on January 6.
The head of Capitol Police, Yogananda Pittman, made the case for heightened security on the Hill this week, warning that militia groups involved in the riot want to “blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible.”
So March 4 is another potential date for the Operation Blackjoke strikes. They might also target the Pope on that date to kill him at the Vatican on the day before he takes the trip to Iraq (remember that the “far-right” is being presented as an “international terror threat,” and links between the American “far-right” and the European “far-right” are being alleged).
Another possibility is that they’ll narrate this…
“The massive disappointment and rage felt by Q-Anon-following MAGA insurrectionists when Trump didn’t return on March 4 is what led to the attacks of March 6, exactly two months after the first Capitol Riot.”
And then there’s this…
Just like Pope Francis is being shown as courting “god’s judgment” with his planned apostate prayer meeting at the Ziggurat of Sin, the US Congress is being shown as “begging for a lightning strike from above” as well…

…from YouTube
So this positioning of the Pope and Congress as offending against “god’s will” will be pointed-to in Christian prophecy propaganda as the reason both were destroyed. And this in turn will be pointed-to by the Democrats in assigning blame for the attack to “Q-anon-following white male Christian insurrectionists“: “The Christian terrorists felt justified in attacking Congress and the cities they felt were ‘sinful’ because they thought America had turned against their twisted vision of what ‘God’s Will’ is. We must round them up before they destroy the whole country.”
~ MORE ~
In a recent interview (starting at the 50:43 mark), “The Undertaker” (disinfo agent Doug Hagmann) and the Whore of Babble-On (Christian prophecy propagandist Steve Quayle) spoke of Alex Jones in a way that seemed to foreshadow his coming arrest (or murder). And hearing this brought to mind (disinfo agent) Alex Jones’s January 13 interview of (disinfo agent) Steve Pieczenik.
At the start of the interview, Pieczenik said some things that set off alarm bells from my “inner lawyer” — things that seemed to be setting up Jones for legal liability for a coming event.
The first thing Pieczenik said at the 4:07 mark is this…
“Let’s first tackle the fact that we are now officially in a military coup. What has happened, and why I was part of it, is because I had a history of doing soft coups in the United States and what we call ‘hard’ coups overseas — overthrowing regimes using the military. In this case, we had what we call a ‘hard’ coup.”
At the 6:17 mark, he said this about the January 6 Capitol invasion…
“…we sent special forces operators in there to take Pelosi’s computer.”
[If “special forces operators” took Pelosi’s computer out of the Capitol, might they also have left something behind, like a well-shielded and well-hidden backpack nuke?]
And at the 6:38 mark, he said this to Alex Jones…
“You are the method through which we were able to implement the coup.”
So can you see how Pieczenik’s words can be used as a legal rationale to arrest Alex Jones for assisting in the planned attacks?
Also consider the wording of the Newsweek article we looked at in the previous update…
Democrats have warned that the continuing spread of misinformation… is helping fuel the far-right amid concerns of further attacks on Congress.
Can you see how this could lead to a claim that “Alex Jones’s misinformation instigated a nuclear insurrection.”
In the aftermath of the Blackjoke attacks, the Democrats would initiate a total lockdown of the country and start rounding up the Christians/MAGA. And Alex Jones’s staged arrest at the beginning of the roundup would be the “holy sh*t” moment that wakes a lot of people up. It would also be the event that starts the countdown to the “patriot/constitutionalist” counterattack sometime before or during Passover.
~ MORE – 1 March 2021 ~
Reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out something about Alex Jones’s Infowars website…

…from Wikipedia
Should the globalists proceed with the “Insurrectionist” false-flag this Saturday, Alex Jones’s arrest might fall on the 22nd anniversary of his flagship website. Remember too that Jones portrays himself as a proud Texan and his operation is based in Texas, and the Alamo fell on a March 6.
(27 February 2021) – More narrative support for the Pope and Biden Assassinations showed up in the news yesterday. Let’s have a look at its purpose…

…from the Military Times
The Iraqi militia official told The Associated Press that the strikes against the Kataeb Hezbollah, or Hezbollah Brigades, hit an area along the border between the Syrian site of Boukamal facing Qaim on the Iraqi side…
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based group that monitors the war in Syria, said the strikes targeted a shipment of weapons that were being taken by trucks entering Syrian territories from Iraq. The group said 22 fighters from the Popular Mobilization Forces, an Iraqi umbrella group of mostly Shiite paramilitaries that includes Kataeb Hezbollah, were killed. The report could not be independently verified.
In a statement, the group confirmed one of its fighters was killed and said it reserved the right to retaliate, without elaborating. Kataeb Hezbollah, like other Iranian-backed factions, maintains fighters in Syria to both fight against the Islamic State group and assist Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces in that country’s civil war.
Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces comprise about 40 different militias, but the news reports are specifically mentioning Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH) for two reasons…
Reason 1 – Its founder, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, was supposedly assassinated alongside Qasem Soleimani…

…from The Jerusalem Post
So blaming the Pope attack on KH will help sell the “Iranian-Iraqi revenge” angle of the false flag: “In the aftermath of Roman Catholic President Biden’s attack on them, the Quds Force and Kata’ib Hezbollah saw the Pope’s visit and Biden’s press event as golden opportunities to avenge the murder of their commanders.”
Reason 2 – Kata’ib Hezbollah‘s name will help tie the Pope attack to the Biden Attack. Although it’s technically a separate organization from Lebanon’s Hezbollah, KH is tied to them through the Iranian Quds Force support network, and the US has alleged some direct ties between KH and Hezbollah in the past…
[A US Treasury statement] alleged that Kata’ib Hezbollah was funded by the IRGC-Qods Force and received weapons training and support from Lebanon-based Hezbollah.
In one instance, the statement said, Hezbollah provided training to Kata’ib Hezbollah members in Iran. – from Google News / AFP
By featuring Hezbollah so prominently in the propaganda, the globalist scriptwriters can bring Venezuela into the mix…

…from the Atlantic Council. Here is an excerpt from its Introduction…
…the DOJ indicted a former member of Venezuela’s National Assembly, the Syrian-Venezuelan dual national Adel El Zebayar, for allegedly working with Maduro and several top regime leaders in Venezuela on a narcoterrorism conspiracy that involved dissidents of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), drug cartels in Mexico, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Syria, and the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah…
…for many Latin American policymakers, Hezbollah is viewed as a distant problem far from local concerns. Likewise, for US and European policymakers, Latin America is not a top priority for counterterrorism efforts focused mostly on the Middle East and North Africa. This
state of affairs has allowed legal and policy vacuums to arise regionwide, which the Maduro regime and Hezbollah have exploited to turn Venezuela into a central hub for the convergence of transnational organized crime and international terrorism.
So the globalist narrative of how backpack nukes were smuggled into the US to blow up Washington, New York, and possibly other “sin” cities will likely be that…
- “North Korea, with Chinese President Xi’s authorization, transferred weapons-grade nuclear material to Iran,”
- “Russia provided Iran with the blueprint for an updated Soviet-era backpack nuke,”
- “Iran assembled the nukes with the materials and expertise provided,”
- “Aeroterror flew the nukes to Venezuela,” and
- “Hezbollah, Maduro, and Mexican drug cartels smuggled the nukes into the US and placed them in the waiting hands of Iran-linked terror cells and American right-wing insurrectionists hand-picked by Russia and China.”
To provide “evidence” for this narrative, look for a scripted Homeland Security capture of one of the unexploded nukes in the possession of a “Q-Anon-believing white male Christian insurrectionist.” Upon examining the nuke, nuclear specialists will say that its design is very similar to that of a known Soviet weapon and the specific radiation signature of the fissile material matches that detected by US nuclear sniffer planes after North Korean nuclear tests.
(26 February 2021) – So a day after I warn about the Pope potentially being struck by “Iranian missiles” fired by “Muslim militias” in Iraq during his visit there next week, Catholic President Biden strikes those Iraqi militias (in Syria), thereby giving them a scripted motivation to go after the Pope and Biden himself.
~ MORE ~
Upon seeing the headlines of the Biden airstrike in Syria yesterday, I didn’t pay them much attention. Fortunately, a reader sent me a link to this article…

…from Business Insider. Here is an excerpt…
US President Joe Biden ordered the military to carry out airstrikes against the assets of “Iranian-backed militant groups” in Syria on Thursday evening, the Pentagon said in a statement.
The strikes come after militants last week fired rockets that hit an Iraqi airbase used by the US military. That attack killed a US military contractor and wounded nine others.
The Iranian government supports a number of militant groups in Iraq and Syria and has pledged continued retaliation for the January 2020 killing of its general, Qassim Suleimani. That assassination came after Iraqi militant groups, days earlier, had killed another US military contractor in a rocket attack…
“Specifically, the strikes destroyed multiple facilities located at a border control point used by a number of Iranian-backed militant groups, including Kait’ib Hezbollah (KH) and Kait’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS),” the Pentagon said. The groups have deployed in Syria to support the regime of Bashar al-Assad, a close ally of Tehran.
Now if we look at the specific groups struck by the attack, we see this…
Kata’ib Hezbollah (‘Brigades of the Party of God’) or Hezbollah Brigades is an Iraqi Shia paramilitary group which is part of the Popular Mobilization Forces that is supported by Iran. – from Wikipedia
The Sayyid of Martyrs Battalions, or Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS) is an Iraqi Shia militia formed in 2013. Its stated mission is to protect “(Shia) shrines across the globe”, preserve “Iraqi unity” and to “put an end to the sectarian conflict”.
The group has been described as an Iranian proxy, and is one of the original militias that formed the Popular Mobilization Forces in 2014. The group has close ties to the Badr Organization.
The group is also active in Syria, where its main focus is the protection of the Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque in the southern suburbs of Damascus. It militarily supports the al-Assad Government in the Syria Civil War, and engaged in the Battle of Al-Shaykh Maskin in December 2014 in Syria in support of the Syrian army. – from Wikipedia
So despite the fact that Biden’s strike took place in Syria, Iraqi militias were its target. And now they have a reason to strike back against the Roman Catholic crusaders who are bombing their men (Biden), re-invading Syria to take down their ally Assad (Biden), and holding blasphemous ceremonies in Iraq to pervert Islam (Pope Francis).
Besides having the reasons to strike, they also have the right weapons to strike…

…from euronews. Here is an excerpt…
Iran has given ballistic missiles to Shi’ite proxies in Iraq and is developing the capacity to build more there to deter attacks on its interests in the Middle East and to give it the means to hit regional foes, Iranian, Iraqi and Western sources said…
According to three Iranian officials, two Iraqi intelligence sources and two Western intelligence sources, Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to allies in Iraq over the last few months. Five of the officials said it was helping those groups to start making their own…
The Western source and the Iraqi source said the factories being used to develop missiles in Iraq were in al-Zafaraniya, east of Baghdad, and Jurf al-Sakhar, north of Kerbala. One Iranian source said there was also a factory in Iraqi Kurdistan.
The areas are controlled by Shi’ite militias, including Kata’ib Hezbollah, one of the closest to Iran. Three sources said Iraqis had been trained in Iran as missile operators.
Of course, the globalists will not leave it to chance that the Iraqi militias can be provoked into launching missiles at the Pope (and actually hit him) — they’ll have their own agents do the deed. It will therefore be a false-flag attack, and the Iraqi militias and the Iranians will be blamed, just like the Russians will be blamed for the likely companion strike against Biden…

…from RBC
By bringing up “a blow on the territory of the United States,” the Russians have just handed the “Deep State” a “Free False Flag at Russia’s Expense” Card. And just like the strike on the Pope will be blamed on Iranian weapons provided to Iraqi militias, the strike on Biden will be blamed on Russian weapons provided to American insurrectionists…

…from Just Security. Here is an excerpt…
Both China and Russia “have seemingly become safe (internet) harbors for extremist Western content,” Fergus Ryan points out in Foreign Policy. Still, the decision by Twitter, Facebook and Google to de-platform extremists, and also to cut off other platforms like Parler, has complicated the transnational social media connection for right-wing extremists. But, as Ryan writes, “The founder of neo-Nazi rag the Daily Stormer had some advice for the people who ran Parler, after the app was purged from the internet last week: Ask China or Russia for help.” This China-Russia internet connection has, therefore, allowed right-wing extremists to continue to operate and avoid some restrictions put on them by more mainstream U.S. platforms…
The connection between U.S. and European right-wing extremist groups is not limited to the virtual world. In particular, Ukraine and Russia are centers of activity for these groups. Ukraine is a place where these groups can congregate to train and plan for operations at home…
There is also Russian support for U.S. and other right-wing extremist groups. The Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) and its para-military affiliate, the Imperial Legion, established training camps for right-wing extremists, and, in 2016, trained two Swedish members of the Nordic Resistance Movement who carried out terrorist attacks in Sweden. While there are reports of RIM contact with U.S. based groups, there is no public indication that RIM has trained U.S. right-wing extremists. Nonetheless, RIM and some of its leaders were made part of the U.S. State Department’s Specially Designated Terrorist List, the first white supremacist group to be added to the list.
The reason the piece mentions both China and Russia is because the “Global Deep State” supposedly wants to take down both Xi and Putin. And after these false-flag strikes, the Chinese and Russian “Deep States” will move on Xi and Putin from within as the US “Deep State” moves on them from without.
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It should also be noted that Biden’s strike against the Iraqi militias was done Thursday night. And Thursday night (after sunset) was when the Jewish holiday of Purim began…

…from Business Insider (top) and Google (bottom)
So the strike is intended to be the initiating event in a chain of events that will take us into global crisis next week and culminate in the emergence of the Jewish messiah during the Passover holidays (March 28 – April 4).
Good luck with that, Kabbalitos Geraldos…

(24 February 2021) – Holy Shiite! The Pope will lead an “interfaith prayer” at the Ziggurat of Sin in Iraq next month…

…from Reuters
A more detailed account of the Pope’s intentions is offered by an article from Arab America. Here is an excerpt…
The Vatican recently announced that Pope Francis will be traveling to the ancient Mesopotamian city of Ur in modern-day Iraq to offer a prayer in the hopes of pursuing interfaith dialogue between Iraqi Christians, Muslims, and other religious minorities in the country. Why is this important? Well, for one thing, Pope Francis will be going to the important archaeological and historical site of the Great Ziggurat of Ur which was a pyramid in Mesopotamia. Additionally, Francis’s visit will also highlight the religious significance of the ancient city of Ur which was the birthplace of the Christian and Islamic prophet, Abraham due to the fact that both faiths trace their lineage to him…
Pope Francis will make history as the first Catholic pope to visit the country of Iraq. The pope’s decision to hold interfaith prayers at the Ziggurat located in the ancient city of Ur also holds a special meaning because he recognizes the historical importance of this religious landmark. In ancient times, this ziggurat served as a religious center as it was part of a temple complex. Furthermore, the Great Ziggurat at Ur was originally built in the twenty-first century BCE by King Ur-Nammu who used it as a religious site…
Pope Francis’s visit will focus on religious harmony through a lens of interfaith prayer when all the celebrants come together to pray at the beautiful Great Ziggurat of Ur in Iraq.
So the Pope is holding his Judeochrislamic prayer event at the Ziggurat “because he recognizes the historical importance of this religious landmark.” And what gives the Ziggurat its historical importance? Funny you should ask…
The Ziggurat Of Ur
This temple was built in the 21st century BCE, during the reign of Ur-Nammu [King of Sumer], and was reconstructed in the 6th century BCE by Nabonidus, the last king of Babylon. The ruins, which cover an area of 3,900 feet by 2,600 feet, were uncovered in the 1930s. It was part of a temple complex that served as an administrative center for the city of Ur, and was dedicated to Nanna, the moon god. – from LumenLearning
Sin (or Nannar) was the god of the moon in the Mesopotamian religions of Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, and Babylonia. Nannar is a Sumerian deity, the son of Enlil and Ninlil, and became identified with the Semitic Sin. – from Wikipedia
So the “False Prophet” Pope will soon lead a heretical prayer service at the Ziggurat of Sin. It sounds like someone is “begging for god’s judgment,” isn’t he? And he’s doing this during the March Event Window in the midst of an unstable country supposedly full of Iranian ballistic missiles in the hands of Muslim militias.
Having his prayer service (“AbominationFest 2021”) destroyed by “fiery stones from the sky” (ballistic missiles) would create a passable fulfillment of a Kabbalist prophecy AND touch off a Middle East War. The Pope’s “death by god’s judgment” would also open the way for his replacement by Pietro Parolin, the conservative Pope of the real NWO. So the Victory of the Avatars or the Victory of Kushner’s Zionists is in play.
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As one would expect, Pope Francis will make his pilgrimage to the Ziggurat of Sin on Saturn’s Day (Saturday), March 6. So will the Ziggurat be the Pope’s Alamo? (March 6 was the date of the final attack on the Alamo)
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The Democrats are attempting to set up the US to suffer a nuclear first strike…

…from Fox News
According to military rationale, requiring a committee to approve a nuclear strike effectively amounts to unilateral nuclear disarmament of the US, since gaining such a consensus would almost certainly result in one of the following outcomes:
- It would dramatically slow a retaliation order until after American nuclear forces have been decimated by a first strike.
- It would entirely disable America’s ability to launch a nuclear strike if any one person in the decision chain — like a Nancy Pelosi — personally rules out the use of nuclear weapons “under any circumstances” due to either personal feelings or treasonous intent.
- It would disable America’s ability to retaliate against a covert nuclear strike if any one person in the decision chain “is unsure about who was behind the strike.”
So if Biden agrees to this, America’s nuclear deterrent will be nullified, which would be a scripted event in a storyline that leads to a “communist first strike” or an Operation Blackjoke scenario.
(21 February 2021) – Tomorrow is the 22nd, and this is the week of Purim, so keep an eye out for Israel/Zionist-related mischief. Between now and 4/11, they may attempt to stage a crisis and a messianic deliverance event.
~ MORE – 22 February 2021 ~
Reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out some fascinating occulty connections between Trump and February 23 (tomorrow).
Do you remember where Trump went for his final presidential visit?…

…from Wikipedia’s list of Trump’s presidential trips
He went to Alamo, Texas and visited the wall at the southern boundary of the US. So why is this potentially significant and how does it tie in to February 23, you ask?
Because February 23 is the day the Siege of the Alamo started. It is also the day of the ancient Roman festival Terminalia, which was held in honor of the god Terminus, who presided over boundaries…

…from Wikipedia (Alamo, Terminalia). Note that the sacrifice to Terminus was made at milestone 6. And March 6 was the day the Mexican Army launched their final assault on the Alamo (and all Anglo defenders sacrificed their lives).
It is quite notable that the next day, February 24, is the day of the ancient Roman festival of Regifugium, which celebrated the “Flight of the King“…
Varro and Ovid traced the observance to the flight of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, in 510 BC. In his Fasti, Ovid offers the longest surviving account of the observance:
“Now I must tell of the flight of the King, six days from the end of the month. The last of the Tarquins possessed the Roman nation, an unjust man, but nevertheless strong in war.” – from Wikipedia
Here are some other related notes…
> Globalist disinfo agent Steve Pieczenik is claiming Trump is still president, is running the Southern White House out of Mar-a-Lago, and has the backing of many elements of the military…

…from 2020ElectionCenter.com
So if we have a Northern President (Biden) and a Southern President (Trump), will the Second Civil War soon break out? And if Trump is still President, whom has he named as his new Vice President (after having been supposedly betrayed by Pence)? Could it be Jared Kushner?
> A prophecy propaganda site I monitor has spoken of an assassination attempt against Trump and just recently promoted a “prophetic dream vision” of him being moved from bunker to bunker about the country in a military convoy led by General Michael Flynn. I find it interesting that they’re bringing up the “Flight of the King.”
> General Michael Flynn was recommended for his former post as National Security Advisor by Ivanka Trump. So there is some evidence of a connection between Flynn and the Kushners…

…from The Mercury News
> February 23 is 11 Adar on the Jewish calendar. It was also 11 Adar on 1 March 1920, the day this Russian Jew and Zionist Israeli hero died…

…from Wikipedia
He was mortally wounded while leading Zionist troops in the Battle of Tel Hai, which is regarded as the first military engagement between the Zionists and the Arabs. Will the Battle of Mar-a-Lago be the first military engagement between Trump’s Zionists and Biden’s Communists?
> February 23 was the start of the February Revolution in Russia…

…from Wikipedia
It is notable that the alternative media have been referring to Biden as an “emperor” and “king” due to the flurry of executive orders he has unleashed since his inauguration. Will the Second Civil War lead to “the end of his monarchy” and “the restoration of the Republic”?
> February 23 was the day President-Elect Lincoln safely arrived in Washington, DC despite the Baltimore Plot to assassinate him en route. So February 23 can be narrated as the day he survived an assassination plot — a plot that was purportedly uncovered by a police superintendent named John Kennedy.
So if we spread all these puzzle pieces before us, we begin to see an outline of how the Victory of Kushner’s Zionists scenario might unfold…
A successful or failed assassination of Trump would touch off a civil war between the forces backing Trump and Biden. Trump’s forces would win this war, leading to Kushner returning to Washington as either President or Vice President, depending on whether Trump survives the war. So the “Moshiach ben Satan” would save the day in true messianic fashion.
Thanks to Onnabugeisha for all the brilliant research.
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Reader Onnabugeisha also pointed out that February 23 is the anniversary of the start of the Diocletianic Persecution, which “was the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire.” This brings to mind another way the crisis could start…

…from The Telegraph
Triggering Operation Blackjoke by blowing up Washington, New York, and possibly other cities would open the door for the Biden administration to release the hounds on the Christians and Trumpers. And this in turn would provide a plausible reason for a US military vs. US military civil war breaking out, as the “patriot/constitutionalist elements” take their gloves off for a fight.
The previous February updates can be found here. For all 2020/2021 updates, click here.