Author Archives: kenneth

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 32-34 – The TPP/TTIP, Greece & What do the Dallas police attack, Charlie Hebdo, and the Mises Mafia all have in common?

I’ve been noting with some interest that the globalists have sicced their own controlled opposition fronts on the TPP and TTIP trade deals:

They’ve been using Wikileaks to release damning secret documents…

And they’ve been staging attacks against the deals (and/or the secrecy and fast track effort that surround them) through their Mises Mafia mouthpieces, including…

…Rand Paul…

…Marine Le Pen…

…and Nigel Farage…
…(source: The Independent)

Given that the Mises Mafia promote “free trade,” what is their game in this?

I suspect the globalists are using a bad cop, good cop approach to getting their multilateral trade agreements passed. They are putting forth outrageous proposals in the TPP/TTIP and having their media publicize them and their controlled opposition leaders (COLs) oppose them. This allows the COLs to grandstand and build their credibility with the public (like Rand Paul just did in getting the Patriot Act rebranded).

After the controlled opposition “heroes” stop or roll back the bad elements of the deals, they will put forth “good” trade deals which give the globalists everything they’re genuinely seeking. It all boils down to Negotiation 101: you overreach in your first proposal, then give away the overreach as you negotiate your way to what you really wanted.

It’s also important to note that no multilateral trade agreement will ever lead to real “free trade.” But I’ll tell you why this is so in an update.

[Update 33 – 11 June 2015]

June 18-19 “should be decisive” for Greece

I’ve been seeing a lot of “Greece’s time is up” language in the media today, and one particular passage in one particular article caught my eye. The article was an AP “dynamic” story that has since changed, but this was its title and location: Greece gets wake-up call: coming week could seal its fate. And this was the passage…

“The eurozone’s finance ministers, commonly known as the eurogroup, meet in Luxembourg June 18-19, in a meeting that Tusk says ‘should be decisive.’”

Do you know what else was decisive? The Battle of Waterloo, which took place 200 years ago come June 18, and I covered its possible tie-in to the Greek dramedy back in Update 28.

So while the eurogroup is meeting in Luxembourg and deciding on Greece’s fate, where will Greece’s Prime Minister be? He’ll be in St. Petersburg, Russia signing on to Russia’s Turkish Stream pipeline project. Gee, I wonder how the eurogroup will respond to that.

Putting this together with everything we’ve already covered in previous updates, here is how next week looks:

> Monday, June 15 is the beginning of the weekly news cycle, and it’s also 6/15/15 (6/6/6). Don’t be surprised if some significant news surfaces concerning what will happen later in the week.

> Thursday, June 18 is the 200th anniversary of Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, and it’s also the day that both the eurogroup meeting and the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum will be convening. We already know which meeting the Greeks will be attending.

> Monday, June 22 is a Masonic master number related to the concept of “disastrous downfall,” and it’s the first day Greece’s banks will be open after the two meetings are finished.

So will the EU meet their Waterloo when the Greeks go to Russia on the 18th? And will Greece’s banks meet their “disastrous downfall” when the EU retaliates by yanking back emergency liquidity on the 22nd? We’ll see.

On some interesting side notes…

> The battleground on which the Battle of Waterloo was fought is located in and around Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium. If you were to drive from there to Luxembourg City, you would travel 207 kilometers. This leaves me wondering exactly where the eurogroup is meeting in Luxembourg. If I measured from the battlefield to their meeting place, would it be 200 kilometers (corresponding to the 200th anniversary)? Would the globalists be that ridiculously symbolic about it?

> There are three ways for the EU to play with Greece’s emergency liquidity assistance: 1) cap it and allow no further increases, 2) give Greece’s collateral a “haircut” and thereby reduce the amount they can access, or 3) declare that Greece’s banks are insolvent and/or Greece is acting in opposition to EU policy (both financially and with the pipeline) and ending all ELA.

> The potential tie-in to Waterloo brings to mind the cryptic Economist cover from early this year…
…There is Napoleon in living color. Also take note of the woman’s hat with the ash-colored eggs. The phoenix turns to ash before it is reborn, so the eggs may indicate this is the year the phoenix falls.

[Update 34 – 13 June 2015]

What do the Dallas police attack, Charlie Hebdo, and the Mises Mafia all have in common?

I woke up this morning to news of the rather suspicious attack on Dallas Police Headquarters, but I won’t go into an analysis of what happened there. I’m sure sites like Infowars will sort through it in great detail, and that brings us right back to an entry I wrote in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris:

Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags

In that entry, I talked about how the sloppy false-flag attacks of late have been soft balls the globalists have tossed to their faux-truther sites so the latter can grab the attention and trust of the questioning public. And once such sites have gained people’s attention and trust, they sell them the globalists’ phony East versus West dialectic. That entry is also the point at which the Mises Mafia caught my attention.

Upon looking back at the entry, I saw this photo once again…

In a number of entries, I’ve pointed out the connections that Ron Paul, Nigel Farage, and the UKIP have to Austrian Economics, but let’s look at the other guys in the photo…

> Peter Schiff – “Schiff voices strong support for the Austrian School of economic thought.”source

> Jim Rogers – “Rogers does not consider himself a member of any school of economic thought, but has acknowledged that his views best fit the label of Austrian School of economics.”source

> Jim Rickards – “There is much to admire in Austrian economics. Austrians are correct that central planning is bound to fail and free markets produce optimal solutions to the problem of scarce resources. Complexity Theory as applied to capital markets is just an extension of that thinking with a more rigorous scientific foundation. Computers have allowed complexity theorists to conduct experiments that were beyond the capabilities of early Austrians. The results verify the intuition of the Austrians, but frame the issue in formal mathematical models that are useful in risk management and portfolio allocation. If Ludwig von Mises were alive today he would be a complexity theorist.”source

So this little photo is a glimpse into the New World Order propaganda machine. It shows you two of the political figures and three of the talking heads who are out there shilling for the globalists and their new economic system. When I remember back to my own second awakening back in 2009, Peter Schiff was one of the first guys who really got my attention. I thought to myself at the time, “Man, this guy is really standing up and telling the truth!” I even contributed what little I could to his Senate campaign. It was only after years of sorting through bullsh*t that I finally started to see the bigger con game of which he was a part.

So what do the Dallas police attack, Charlie Hebdo, and the Mises Mafia all have in common? They all draw the public’s attention to the PROBLEM posed by the “evil Western central bankers” and their cadre of minions and thugs. This helps generate an emotional REACTION among the public so the SOLUTION can be sold. What is that solution, you ask? The smiley-faced, Austrian Economics-based New World Order the BRICS will bring in when the “evil Western central bankers” have been seemingly defeated.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Till later, much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 28-31 – Understanding the ELA crisis trigger for Greece & Bank runs and pipeline politics (+ a P.S.)

[Update 28]

The girl is Greece’s banks, and the safety lines are ELA…
…What happens if the ECB decides to cut them?

As we look upon the current Greek situation, it is important to remember that Greece’s banks are already broke, and they would have shut their doors months ago if not for the cash provided by the European Central Bank’s Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA)  provision.

Put in simple terms, ELA provides protection against bank runs. As panicked customers take cash out of a troubled bank’s front door, ELA brings cash in through the back door so the bank doesn’t run out of money and shut down. And although ELA is extended to banks through their own national central bank (in this case, Greece’s central bank), the Governing Council of the ECB can shut it down at any time. This excellent February 4 Bloomberg article which explains ELA offers the following insights…

>>> Uncertainty over Greece’s future in the euro area triggered deposit outflows totaling more than 15 billion euros since the beginning of December. Also, Greek banks lost access to financial markets. ELA is their only lifeline allowing them to replace lost liquidity

the ECB’s Governing Council can restrict “ELA operations if it considers that these operations interfere with the objectives and tasks” of the euro-area system of central banks, or Eurosystem…

ELA… gives Greek banks support until the country and its creditors solve their financing issues and strike a deal. If uncertainty persists, and deposit outflows accelerate, the Governing Council may decide that the problem is not liquidity, but the solvency of lenders. And then ELA will stop. <<<

So if depositors keep taking cash out through the front door and ELA stops bringing cash in through the back door, what happens to the banks? They run out of money and close their doors of course, and the ECB has already stopped ELA from increasing even though deposit outflows are accelerating.

With rumors circulating of a Greek pivot towards the BRICS, and with the Troika offering their “final offer” to Greece today, will a Greek refusal be spun as “interfering with the objectives and tasks of the euro-area system of central banks”? Will reports of increasing deposit flight from Greek banks provide pretext for the ECB to declare that their problem “is not liquidity, but solvency”? Will ELA continue to be capped, or will it be reduced or eliminated? (It depends on how soon they want Greece to fall.)

On a historic side note, June 18 is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. It commenced with a French attack (at Hougoumont). Also, the number 18 is the sum of 6 + 6 + 6. Will the EU’s Waterloo begin with an attack on Greece’s banks on the 18th? Who knows, but it’s a date to watch. The ELA card can be played at any time starting today.

[I’ve added this scenario to the NWO Schedule of Implementation as Mod 1.5]

[Update 29 – 4 June 2015]

The IMF positions itself in advance of the “Fed Mistake”

I saw a number of article this morning about the IMF advising the Federal Reserve to hold off on an interest rate hike till next year, so I tracked down the original IMF press release

By giving this warning now, two weeks before the next FOMC meeting, the “wise,” supranational IMF are positioning themselves to be able to say, “We warned them it wasn’t the right time,” after the Fed hikes rates and triggers an economic shock. As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, the globalists are in the process of making their national-level central banks look stupid and their supranational institutions (the IMF and BIS) look genius so monetary power can be publicly centralized at the global level.

If you visit Zero Hedge (or any other alternative news aggregator) each day, you’ll see an endless stream of articles from various talking heads complaining about the stupidity and incompetence of the Fed and how the Fed’s “too loose for too long” monetary policy will lead to our destruction. The globalists have had their controlled-opposition agents drumming “Blame the Fed” into the public mind for years now. And once the next crisis comes along, this drumbeat will become deafening.

Of course, it isn’t even necessary for the Fed to raise rates in order to be blamed for what’s coming. But raising rates will be a very visible action which will lead to a very visible consequence, and this will make it easier to sell the Fed’s culpability to the public. A clear and current example of cause and effect is a great teaching tool.

[By the way, I’m not implying that Zero Hedge is controlled opposition, just the guys who write a lot of the articles they feature. To their credit, ZH frequently publishes articles by Brandon Smith, a writer who tells the truth about what’s really going on.]

[Update 30 – 4 June 2015]

Greece moves towards the Russian rescue scenario

It’s been announced that Greece will be bundling their IMF payments…
…from RTE News.

This means that another step has been taken towards the Russian rescue / EU smackdown scenario outlined in Update 27. Here is how I see them possibly playing this:

1) Greece will sign on to Russia’s Turkish Stream pipeline project at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (June 18-20) and receive an advance payment or loan for doing so. The payment/loan will be sufficiently large to pay Greece’s June and July IMF payments.

2) The EU will retaliate against Greece by shutting down Emergency Liquidity Assistance to Greece’s banks. Since the ELA provides over 80 billion euros to the Greek banking system, Russia and the BRICS won’t be able to stop a collapse. Bail-ins will take place.

3) As early as July 8, the BRICS’ New Development Bank will help Greece reboot its economy.

[Update 31 – 6 June 2015]

Bank runs and pipeline politics

It has been reported that the Greeks withdrew 700 million euros from their banks on Friday, which represents a major surge in their ongoing bank run. At this rate, the withdrawals will quickly overwhelm the existing ELA, and this raises an obvious question: “How will the ECB publicly justify providing the ‘uncooperative Greeks’ nearly a billion euros per day to keep the drama going?”

The globalists have already set up the public pretexts to deny Greece any further ELA. The Greek government rejected the Troika’s “final offer” on Friday, and Greece has publicly committed to Russia’s Turkish Stream pipeline. Since siding with the Russians on the pipeline issue goes directly against the EU’s energy security policy of developing alternatives to Russian gas, the ECB has all the justification it needs to put the brakes on ELA. Once that happens, we need only watch as the bank run floodwaters overtop the existing ELA sandbags.

One step that could be taken to slow the bank run is a formal announcement of a Russian advance on the pipeline, thus reassuring that the public that the IMF payment at the end of the month will be made. Again, though, this would be a public slap in the face to the EU and their energy policy, which is ample justification to halt ELA increases. So will the ECB allow the collapse to begin this week, or will they string this thing out till the 18th or July 1st? I can’t say for sure, but I’ll be stocking up on popcorn this Monday.

As we watch all this unfold, it is important to remember that the whole Greek situation is a dramedy put on for public consumption. Everyone in the play – the EU, the Greeks, and Russia – knows exactly what the globalist script calls for and is putting on a good show. The whole thing is a cover for the NWO agenda operating behind the scenes, so don’t get sucked in.

(P.S. – 6 June 2015) – I just realized that the St. Petersburg International International Economic Forum takes place Thursday, June 18 through Saturday, June 20. This means that the first day Greek banks will be open after the Forum will be Monday, June 22. Knowing the globalists’ affinity for 22, it is another day to watch.

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 24-27 – Globalist shill Paul Craig Roberts and globalist octopus Goldman Sachs confirm bankster strategy for Greece & The globalists activate the Russian pipeline contingency

[Update 24 – 30 May 2015]

Whilst poking about the internet yesterday, I visited the King World News propaganda mill and came across this Eric King interview of Paul Craig Roberts: Former U.S. Treasury Official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Warns Black Swans Will Engulf The World: “It’s A Perfect Storm”

In past entries, I’ve pointed out Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) as a prototypical Team BRICS propagandist, and many have taken note of the Hidden Hand gang sign he flashes on his website
…If you pair this symbolism with the flavor of propaganda he puts out, any observant person can see exactly where his true loyalties lie: with the Hidden Hand Occulted Powers (the “royals,” Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) and the dialectic scam they’re running to sell their New World Order. Given that he has been positioned as a high-level “respectable journalist,” he is a very good source to watch when you want to back-engineer your way to the truth.

That being said, let’s have a look at what he’s trying to sell us in the interview…

1) Austrian Economics: the interviewer and PCR go out of their way to put in a plug for Austrian Economics…

>>> Eric King:  “Because you were called in along with others to save the United States from collapse when President Reagan came into office, as you watch us push closer and closer to the wall that Austrian economics warns us not to approach, if you had to speculate, what is going to begin to cause this whole (Ponzi scheme) to collapse?”

Dr. Roberts:  “Well actually, Eric, we’ve climbed over that wall that the Austrians warned us against. (LAUGHTER).  We’re not just getting close to it, we’ve already climbed over it. <<<

Austrian Economics is the economic ideology the Occulted Powers intend to implement as part of the Solution phase of the Problem / Reaction / Solution scenario we’re currently undergoing.  If you are a new reader, you might want to have a look at Update 14 and Update 15 to see who is behind the development and adoption of Austrian Economics (the “royals” and the Rockefellers).

2) The “American Empire” myth: PCR implies that the US government is trying to maintain and expand an American Empire…

>>> I think we’ve miscalculated in thinking, Eric, that we could have Russia and China as vassal states.  They’re not going to be vassal states.  Therefore, this realization on the part of Europe could affect Europe’s toleration of their own vassalage to the United States. <<<

The truth, of course, is that America never built an empire; the globalist central bankster families did (the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, et al. built the NWO using America as their expendable tool). And the United States, Europe, Russia and China are ALL under their vassalage. This is evidenced by the fact that all these nations are tied into the G20 and are implementing the Basel III banking regulations (which are tied in to the Bank for International Settlements). Even China’s own propaganda organs admit to their central bank’s subservience to the Basel globalists: Mainstream propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.

3) The “Washington is doing all this because they’re stupid” lie: PCR attributes the US government’s recent self-defeating and outrageous behavior to simple stupidity/incompetence…

>>> So then you have to ask yourself, ‘Why didn’t Washington, which is so empire-crazed, tell the EU, ‘Leave Greece alone’?  Or why didn’t the Fed just print the money to bail out Greece?  If they will print the money to bail out JP Morgan, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and the British banks, why can’t they print the money to bail out Greece and get rid of the problem?  That just shows how stupid they are.  They get more pleasure out of oppressing people, in this case the Greeks, than they do in saving their own empire.  So this thing can blow up at any time…

The scariest thing about the United States is the complete absence of any competent leadership.  There’s not a single competent leader in the political system.  And if you look at the people who are announced as contenders for the presidential nomination in the next election, you are looking at a gaggle of maniacs.  These are people who haven’t got enough sense to be let out of the house on their own.  And this is a superpower — ruled by idiots!  This is the danger.  And this is why I don’t think the United States has a future. <<<

“They’re doing it because they’re stupid/incompetent” is a very common propaganda ploy of the Establishment media. Whenever the government, the Federal Reserve, or any other Establishment institution acts in ways that seem contrary to its respectable, publicly-pronounced raison d’etre, the Establishment media always blame it on stupidity or incompetence. In reality, however, these institutions know exactly what they’re doing and it’s all on purpose. They are pursuing their real agendas, not the textbook agendas they program the public to believe they pursue. Nothing — not the US government, the FBI, the CIA, the Federal Reserve, the UN, etc. — exists for the reason the public is given.

The seeming insanity of recent US government policies is not the result of stupidity or incompetence; it is all very deliberate, and it’s intended to make the West look bad and the East look good. So when the “wise” BRICS leaders sweep in to wrest control of the UN/IMF/World Bank from the “insane” Western leaders, people are expected to accept that the “new management” will finally make these institutions work like the textbooks say they should. Unfortunately, though, the globalists built the BRICS and wrote the textbooks, so the whole setup is an increasingly transparent scam.

Once UN/IMF/World Bank“governance reforms” are enacted by the “heroic” BRICS, watch for controlled opposition agents like Paul Craig Roberts and Ron Paul to temper their criticism of those institutions. “We supported shutting down the UN/IMF/World Bank because they were instruments of the American Empire used to bully the world,” they will say, “but now that they’ve been reformed to be truly balanced and democratic, perhaps these organizations can finally live up to the high ideals they were supposedly built to uphold.”

As the upcoming East versus West climax approaches, remember that the main purpose behind the whole drama is to rejuvenate the UN brand. In the course of building the New World Order, the UN/IMF/World Bank name has become tarnished, so an “Under New Ownership/Management” sign is needed to lure people back to their brand. The BRICS-induced “governance reforms” will provide the fresh coat of paint the UN will need to gain public acceptance.

Getting back to the interview, PCR also confirms that Greece is the tipping point for the takedown of the Eurozone and the US…

>>> The End Of The American Empire

You could see the empire disintegrate.  All it takes is one European country to leave the EU and NATO and the American empire ends.  That’s all it takes.  Now we see who that could be — it could be Greece.

We’ve talked about this before.  If the Greeks say, ‘Look, our European partners don’t give a damn about us; they’re going to press us into the ground.  So we’re defaulting,’ and then they turned to Russia, that’s the end of the American empire. <<<

The unfolding of the globalists’ Greece strategy is outlined in Updates 13, 18, and 19. And as we enter the June 4-18 time window next week, we must watch the Greek situation very carefully. If the globalists allow the Greek default to happen, we know it’s “game on” for the takedown this year. On the other hand, if a miraculous deal is reached with Greece’s creditors or the Russians suddenly prepay for Greek pipeline rights, the globalists are pushing the pause button. Given some indicators I’ve been seeing, it’s hard to imagine them not going for it this year.

There have been rumors that the Greeks might scrape together the first payment in the June 4-18 series of payments, but all that means is that the globalists are squeezing the last little bit of cash out of the Greeks before they crash them. Syriza will strip-mine every possible dime from the Greek populace before they trigger a default. Why leave money on the table?

While we’re on the subject of globalist disinformation sources, if you want to see the best examples of the lies being sold to awakening public, I recommend watching these three sites:

1) Paul Craig Roberts, for the “mainstream alternative” lie.
2) One World of Nations, for the “rabbit hole alternative” lie.
3) Golden Age of Gaia, for the “rabbit hole spiritual” lie.

When/if you go to these sites, ask yourself, “What are they trying to sell me and why?” To find the truth, start by flipping their lies upside down.

[Update 25 – 31 May 2015]

Beware the “Former” Insider

Paul Craig Roberts selling the phony East vs. West conflict…

One of the great things about regular folks like you and me is that we are generally trusting and ready to take a person at his/her word. Unfortunately, this great quality is also a great weakness when dealing with people with forked tongues and impure aims, like the globalists. To help us get past this self-destructive habit of extending unearned trust, allow me to offer…

Ken’s First Rule for Not Being a Sucker: When a “former” insider comes forth to offer you information and interpretation, don’t discount the likelihood that the former insider is a current insider tasked with misleading you.

This would seem to be a rather commonsense rule, but for some reason it is ignored when “insiders” bend our ears to tell us supposed secrets and give us a heads-up on what’s really going on and what it means. The alternative media is chock full of talking heads who are purported “former” insiders at the FBI, CIA, NSA, World Bank, Treasury, Wall Street, and so on. There are even some purported current insiders who go through the rube-impressing pretense of disguising their voices and using code names. And what are virtually all of these guys telling us? They tell us how bad are the US and the West while either ignoring or promoting China and the East. In other words, they are establishing the Bad Cop and the Good Cop so the globalists can run their governance reform scam.

Take Paul Craig Roberts for example:

> He is a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy.

> He is a former editor at the Wall Street Journal.

> He was the “first occupant of the William E. Simon Chair for Economic Policy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS], then part of Georgetown University.” It’s worth noting that Georgetown is a Jesuit institution, and the Board of Trustees of CSIS includes Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and representatives of Exxon Mobil, Boeing, Coca Cola, AIG, GlaxoSmithKline, and Morgan Stanley (to name a few).

Looking at the high positions this guy has held in the Washington/Wall Street Establishment, ask yourself this: “Is PCR really going against all of his lifelong associates or is he simply carrying water for them like he always has?” If you put together his background, his gang sign, and the nature of his information, what does common sense tell you?

[Update 26 – 1 June 2015]

Goldman Sachs issues preparatory propaganda for the Greek pivot

During this morning’s infoscan, I came across this article on Zero Hedge
…which contained a telling passage…

>>> …On the other hand, the Greek government was elected on a platform that promised continued membership of the Euro area but without the austerity, adjustment and oversight that came with the troika programme. Departing from this position requires a change in the political mandate on which the Greek government operates

Euro exit is a political decision. For sure, the Greek authorities could decide to exit in a unilateral manner. But the current Greek government has no mandate to do so: if it announced an intention to leave the Euro area pre-emptively, in our view the government would likely fall. Moreover, there is no process for Euro exit defined in the governing European treaties: the practical and legal challenges could not be resolved overnight…

Viewed first through a political lens, this situation serves to clarify the choice facing the Greek economy. Under the maintained assumption that the European authorities do not give way on their three key principles listed above, the intensification of the liquidity shortage will demonstrate that the platform on which the current Greek government was elected is simply infeasible: the Greeks cannot “have their cake and eat it”, retaining the Euro but not implementing adjustment. A hard choice has to be made between (a) Euro exit and (b) adjustment to remain part of the single currency. Making that choice entails finding a new mandate to govern. This will have to be sought from the electorate, implying a new government, new elections or a referendum (or various combinations of the three). <<<

Back in February/March, I wrote about this scenario in Update 19, The Greek “People’s Revolution” and the New European Renaissance, brought to you by the NWO. I covered how a government shakeup was being engineered to produce a shift to the political right (and more specifically to Panos Kammenos, “the Greek Nigel Farage”). Here is an excerpt…

>>>>>> Have a look at this Reuters article: Greek defence minister says Greece has Plan B if EU rigid on deal

>>> Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos said that if Greece failed to get a new debt agreement with the euro zone, it could always look elsewhere for help.

“What we want is a deal. But if there is no deal – hopefully (there will be) – and if we see that Germany remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the obligation to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get funding from another source,” he told a Greek television show that ran into early Tuesday. “It could the United States at best, it could be Russia, it could be China or other countries,” he said. <<<

So as the Greek crisis reaches its crescendo, Syriza will disintegrate and the Greek government will fail. And when a civilian government fails, who typically steps in to maintain social order? The military, right? And who is the leader of the Greek military? Defense Minister Panos Kammenos.

Kammenos will step up to maintain some semblance of order in the wake of Syriza’s disintegration and will go to his friends in Russia to secure aid from the freshly-launched New Development Bank (NDB, the BRICS Bank — the BRICS will be holding their 7th summit meeting in Russia on July 8–9, and will likely announce the NDB’s launch at that time). An emergency election will then be held to install a new Greek parliament that will restore the drachma and approve the NDB loan. Since this will occur at about the same time as the next financial crisis begins, it will be the first domino in the fall of the EU. From the ashes of the EU, a new multilateral European order will rise — one that “restores sovereignty, freedom and direct democracy” (New World Order style). <<<<<<

Speaking of the political right and Nigel Farage’s buddy Panos Kammenos…
….let’s recall something Paul Craig Roberts wrote in the aftermath of the Paris “terror” attacks…
…(This excerpt came from this King World News article which was covered in Update 7).

So here is PCR promoting the political right / Mises Mafia as the ones who will end European “vassalage.” They are the globalists’ Right Hand which will sweep in to bring order after the Left Hand brings chaos.

So as I look upon June, this is what I currently anticipate…

1) Greece will likely default by June 18.

2) Greek bank runs, which are already forming, will intensify.

3) The European Central Bank will block Greece from gaining any increase in their Emergency Liquidity Assistance (the lifeline that is keeping Greek banks solvent). They will do this under the pretense of pressuring the Greeks to come to terms with the Troika by the end of the month, but their real purpose is to intentionally topple the Greek banking system.

4) There will be a Greek “bank holiday” and a general economic convulsion.

5) The searingly painful economic convulsion will prompt the Greeks to recoil from the source of the burn (the Troika and Syriza). This will trigger the reflexive jump towards Kammenos and the BRICS.

[Update 27 – 2 June 2015]

The globalists activate the Russian pipeline contingency

I took my son out to the movies this morning, and I came back to this
…This news puts the rumored Russian advance pipeline payment to Greece back in play, which opens this contingency:

Given that all of the Greek external payments before July 19 go to the IMF (not any European institutions), the Greeks could bundle those IMF payments and pay them using a Russian advance. This would mean there’d be no default before the BRICS Summit / New Development Bank launch on July 8-9, where the Greeks could secure further financing. An economic development package from the NDB could afford Greece the freedom to partially or wholly stiff the Europeans on July 19.

That being said, this does nothing about Greek dependence on the ECB’s Emergency Liquidity Assistance. By capping, reducing or eliminating those funds, the globalists can topple Greece’s banks at any time. Just think of how good the Russians would look if they “saved Greece from default,” then think of how bad the EU would look if they toppled Greece’s banking system anyway “out of spite.” It would fit right into the Bad West / Good East dialectic circus.

I will write in more detail about this scenario in the next update. For the previous updates from this series, click here.

Till later, much love…

The NWO Schedule of Implementation [Mod 1.4]

[This was a major update of my NWO Schedule of Implementation page. Important new updates have since been added, so click here for the newest version.]

Here is the current Schedule of Implementation for the multilateral/multipolar New World Order as best as I can discern it at this time. As we go forward, I will add more details and supporting material to this page and will modify the timeline as I detect changes in globalist preparatory propaganda.

[Mod 1.4 – 24 May 2015]

First Half of 2015:

> June 4-18: There will be a notable economic downturn which could be set in motion by either a Greek default or a Federal Reserve interest rate hike (the Greek default seems the more likely candidate). The economic situation will grow worse as we approach September and may be accompanied by increasing war rumors and false-flag terror attacks (of both the real and the “crisis actor” varieties). Bank bail-ins and other measures to harvest the public’s wealth may be implemented in the following months. [This section has been updated and modified in Mod 1.5]

> June 16-17: The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will meet. If they choose to raise interest rates at this time, it would be a double-whammy (along with the likely Greek default) on the financial system. Given the globalist meetings occurring in the September – November time frame, though, it is more likely we’ll see the rate increase in September.

A core component of the globalists’ strategy to centralize power over the world’s currencies lies in making the Fed and their other national central banks look bad. For this reason, they’ve been deliberately staging “currency wars” and having their supranational institutions (the IMF and the BIS) and media propagandists point out the destructive nature of the policies being pursued at the national level. “Only at the international level,” they argue, “can currency stability be achieved.”

In keeping with this strategy, they are using their national central banks to blow up the global economy so their supranational institutions can step forward and restore order. And as they transition power from the national to the supranational level, they will close down the Fed and other central banks in order to transfer control of national currencies to their respective treasury departments. Since the central banksters have consolidated power over the national governments, they can safely move their “flag” from the central banks to the treasuries. The treasuries are run by their people anyhow.

So when you hear alternative media propaganda about “ending the Fed” and “bringing back a US Treasury dollar,” know that this is the solution the banksters want you to embrace. It is a solution designed to make it appear that the problem posed by the “evil Western central bankers” has been licked, but it’s just a scam. And in the US, Ron and Rand Paul are the primary controlled-opposition agents the globalists have designated to con you.

Second Half of 2015:

> July 8-9: During this, the 7th month of the year, the BRICS will hold their 7th Summit meeting in Russia. They will likely announce the launch of the New Development Bank (the BRICS Bank) at that time, and Greece will seek membership and aid for the restarting of their economy. This will be a key scene in the “Good East versus Bad West” stageplay the globalists are putting on for the public.

The script of the play calls for Greece, the “birthplace of democracy,” to flee the “anti-democratic” West and join the “BRICS rebellion against the evil Western central bankers.” This will be the point in the drama where the “heroes” finally turn the tide and march on to victory. What the play’s program fails to mention, though, is that the BRICS central bankers have all along been working with their Western siblings in implementing the multilateral / multipolar New World Order. They all cooperate very closely in the IMF, the BIS, and the G20, and it’s all documented in the NWO and Globalist Agenda Watch 2015 sections of this blog.

To get the full skinny on what the globalists are doing with Greece, have a look at this entry: The Greek “People’s Revolution” and the New European Renaissance, brought to you by the NWO.

> September 4-5: The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors will meet. Given the economic turmoil taking place, they will stress the critical urgency of moving past the US’ obstruction of IMF quota reform as soon as possible. Later actions and inactions by the Federal Reserve and Congress will be seen as cementing the G20’s arguments.

If you wish to understand how the economic side of the NWO has developed, it is imperative that you learn how the G20 was formed and what they’ve been up to. A concise and very eye-opening summary can be found in this entry: George Soros and the elite’s China-fronted New World Order.

> September 16-17: The FOMC will meet again. Should they raise interest rates at this meeting, it could create a New Lehman Moment by triggering defaults in financial institutions already weakened (according to the public version of their books) by the likely Greek default in June. Such a sharp crisis would provide the perfect segue for the Pope and UN to step forward to “save the day.”

> September 22: The Pope will arrive in Washington, D.C. to covertly and symbolically remove the crown of world leadership from the US for its transfer to the UN. He will arrive in the evening to signify the end of “America’s Day,” and the Fall Equinox will occur during that night. So when the Pope visits Obama on the 23rd, this can be said: “The Fall (of the ‘American Empire’) begins the day the Pope visits the White House.” He will also speak before a joint session of Congress that day.

Why is it significant that he arrives on the 22nd? “22″ is a Masonic “Master Number” and “because of its great power, the number 22 may result in outstanding ascendancy or disastrous downfall,” according to the numerologically-inclined. Here is the Pope’s itinerary.

> September 25: On the third day after his arrival in Washington, the Pope will speak before the United Nations to covertly and symbolically crown it with world leadership…
…This is a painting of the coronation of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III. Charlemagne was the first “Holy Roman Emperor” crowned after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Despite the collapse of Rome’s public political edifice, the kingmakers of the Roman Catholic Church in the West…
…and the Orthodox Church in the East…
…have kept the “spirit” of the Roman Empire in force to this day. With the Pope’s visit, Rome will invest its new global political edifice (the UN) with full dominion.

The Pope’s speech will take place on the first day of the September 25-27 United Nations Summit to Adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Following the meeting, we’re likely to see the globalists quickly implementing all the policies they’ve been telegraphing in recent times. Just as we’re observing with the Trans-Pacific Partnership here in the US, they will simply ram everything down our throats in rapid succession.

> October 1: The US government will almost certainly shut down due to contrived drama over the budget and debt ceiling. This will be done to make the US look dysfunctional and incompetent. The last time the globalists did this, back in 2013, they used the spectacle to launch a worldwide “it’s time for a de-Americanized world” propaganda campaign. They will use the next shutdown to justify the actual implementation of “de-Americanization.”

For more information on the “de-Americanized world” propaganda campaign, as well as China’s real relationship with the “evil Western central bankers,” see this entry: China’s complicity in building the Rockefeller New World Order, in their own words…

> October 9-11: The UN’s IMF/World Bank Group will hold their annual meeting, and they will move to implement both de-Americanization and the post-2015 policies adopted at the UN Summit. They will do so by bypassing America’s veto power in the IMF to adopt BRICS-friendly governance changes and by adding China’s renminbi to the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies.

At either this meeting or a later point, they will also add a theoretical gold backing to the SDR in order to “restore confidence” in the financial system. China, their BRICS allies, and eventually all nations will also add a theoretical gold backing to their currencies, and China might offer gold to the IMF in exchange for more SDRs (and their accompanying voting power).

> November 15-16: The G20 will hold its leaders summit. They will likely announce a worldwide New Deal-type program of massive infrastructure development. This will be cast as an attempt to get the world economy moving again, but its primary purpose will be in moving the world into the UN’s Agenda 21 development model.

> Late in the year: The media will blame the Federal Reserve for setting up the conditions which led to the new financial crisis (with their “too loose for too long” monetary policy) and for triggering the crisis (with an “ill-timed” rate increase).

In the course of harping on the “Fed Mistake,” the mainstream and alternative media will make Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and other Mises Mafia members look like visionary statesmen who “saw it all coming” and “could have prevented it if only they’d been in power.” In the wake of all this propaganda, Congress will pass Rand Paul’s Audit the Fed bill and strategic leaks from the audit may find their way into the news in the months that follow. This process will make the Fed and other national central banks look very bad, while making the Mises Mafia and supranational institutions such as the IMF and BIS look prescient and wise.

First Half of 2016:

> The New Lehman damage paired with the results of the Fed audit will result in the Fed’s downfall. This could occur at any time from the first half of 2016 to the first half of 2017 (after the new President is inaugurated).

Second half of 2016:

> In the aftermath of all the economic turmoil caused by the Fed Mistake, Rand Paul will be elected President. He will lead America’s retreat from its leading role in the world so the BRICS-overhauled UN Complex can take the lead. And with that, the Rockefeller/”elite”-planned New World Order will be in place.

[Addendum 1 – 21 May 2015]

Confirmed: The BRICS Bank launches in July

I’ve been pretty much out of commission for the past several weeks, so I missed a lot of news. Upon doing some catch-up reading, though, I’ve found confirmation that the New Development Bank is indeed slated for launch in July. Here is an excerpt from the Google translation of this RIA Novosti article
…An English copy of the article was posted at the Russia & India Report.

Also, back on May 11, globalist stooge K.V. Kamath was appointed President of the Bank
…Interestingly, the press reports about his selection used dated information on when the New Development Bank would start, leaving the impression that it wouldn’t happen till 2016. Perhaps they don’t wish to spoil the surprise for the general public.

For more details, see the Globalist Agenda Watch 2015 series.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 21-23 – More aspects of America’s September/October sh*tstorm

[Update 21 – 12 May 2015]

I stumbled upon this article at The Economic Collapse blog today, and then I came across this
…Essentially, it is a meeting to publicly launch the New World Order.

Looking to the left side of the page, the steps of the “Post 2015 process” are given, and the next step is the “Follow up and review” meeting which concludes on May 22. This is followed by a three-stage “Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document” process which begins on June 22

Speaking of 22s, recall from Update 9 that the Pope is scheduled to arrive in Washington D.C. on September 22, specifically in the evening. I wouldn’t be surprised if his plane landed at twilight, thus symbolizing the twilight of American global leadership. If that’s not enough symbolism for you, he will address the UN General Assembly in the morning (the “dawn of a new day”) of September 25, just 3 days later…

This symbolically mimics Jesus’ death and resurrection. The (American-led Interim) World Order will die on the cross on September 22, and the (UN-led New) World Order will be resurrected on the third day. My, how the “elite” love their silly little bullsh*t.

[Update 22 – 13 May 2015]

The next financial crisis may publicly begin on June 4

As you may have noticed in the news, Greece had to raid their IMF piggy bank in order to make their May 11 payment to the IMF. Here is a little snippet from Reuters

>>> With Athens trying to scrape together all public cash reserves to pay pensions and wages this month, the method used to make the IMF payment underlined the government’s predicament.

Greece drew on reserves from the IMF that are denominated in Special Drawing Rights (SDR), a basket of international currencies, which a Greek central bank official said was done with the Fund’s approval. The account must be replenished within weeks. <<<

So not only must the Greeks replenish the piggy bank “within weeks,” they must also make dramatically higher payments to the IMF and the European institutions over the next two months. I found this schedule of Greek payments on Zero Hedge
…So here are the amounts of Greek external payments in millions of Euros:

May – 768
June – 1,573
July – 3,943

Greece had to scrape the bottom of their financial barrel to make this month’s 768 million euro payment, so how are they going to come up with twice as much between June 4 and June 18 and replenish their IMF account to boot? How will they manage to pay their crushing July payments? Barring the rumored advance payment on the Russian pipeline, they won’t. So the financial train wreck that will kick off the next phase of the economic crisis will likely occur in the June 4 – 18 timeframe.

With this in mind, let’s have a look at the Federal Reserve’s FOMC meeting schedule

It’s notable that the June and September meetings are “associated with a Summary of Economic Projections and a press conference by the Chair.” Since the public has been told that the Fed’s decision to raise interest rates will be “data dependent,” and since Yellen will want to give a speech when the increase occurs, these two meetings are the most likely times for the Fed to push the button. So how will this play in to what is happening in Europe right now?

Based on what I see now, my best guess is that Greece will default in June and thus kick off a wave of fallout events over the following months. The Greeks will then go to the BRICS Summit in early July to join the BRICS Bank and restart their economy with the drachma and BRICS loans. We’ve already seen the globalists plant the seed for this in the public mind. With all this in motion, the Fed will then trigger the New Lehman Moment with a September rate hike. This means the world will be in serious crisis right before the Pope and the UN meet on September 25. The “heroes” will be in place to “save the day.”

I would encourage you to have your emergency preparations in place by the end of May and to maintain a full readiness posture through September. Don’t be afraid, though. Remember, it’s all a show.

[Update 23 – 16 May 2015]

More aspects of America’s September/October sh*tstorm

In light of the NWO launch meeting at the UN on September 25 – 27, it is illuminating to consider two dates that closely follow it:

1) Four days after the meeting, on October 1, the US government begins its new fiscal year, and the Establishment have set up the conditions for another 2013-style government shutdown…

> They have staged another debt limit crisis, just like 2013. Here is an excerpt from an April 10 article from The Blaze

>>> Kabuki theater has returned to Washington, D.C.

The statutory ceiling on borrowing was reached more than three weeks ago. The Treasury Department just stopped the clock on March 15. The total debt of the U.S. government remains at $18,112,975,000,000, which is $25 million below the statutory limit.

In due course Congress will take up the issue of raising the debt ceiling. That will open the gates for front-page stories about a divided Republican Party risking a default and crashing credit markets across the globe.

Some will try to use this vote to force policy changes such as ending Obamacare or unfunding President Barack Obama’s amnesty changes. The president will promise to veto any bill that does more than raise the ceiling. <<<

> They have positioned the political parties for another non-election year budget showdown over Obamacare and other divisive issues, just like 2013. Here is an excerpt from a May 5 article from Yahoo News

>>> The Senate passed a budget plan on Tuesday, making this the first time Congress has approved a budget outline in six years. The House passed the plan last week.

So Congress is doing its job, right?

Not exactly. What Congress produced was a GOP budget road map, passed by Republicans – a statement of GOP values. Once it hits the legislative road as spending bills, Senate Democrats will probably throw up barricades (and conservatives in both chambers might, too). Another budget crisis could ensue, even a government shutdown. <<<

Given this setup, there is a very high probability that a shutdown will occur. It would set the stage for the next big event…

2) Just 8 days after the likely shutdown, the IMF/World Bank Group hold their annual meeting
…(take note of the date).

At this meeting, we are likely to see the globalists add China’s currency to the SDR and bypass the US veto to enact long-delayed “governance reforms.” The combination of an economic crisis publicly attributed to the Federal Reserve’s policies and a US government shutdown caused by partisan bickering will provide the perfect pretext to finally end “American leadership” of the IMF/World Bank/UN (needless to say, these organizations have never really been American-led; they’ve always been bankster/globalist-led with America serving as their temporary vehicle for consolidating power). The globalists launched the whole “it’s time for a de-Americanized world” propaganda theme in the wake of the last US government shutdown. Will they now finish the job with the next shutdown?

For more information on the China/renminbi/IMF scenario and its impact on the US, see these entries…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 8-11 – George Soros, the dollar/renminbi peg, and the “Fed mistake” (see Update 11)

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 3 – This episode of “Bend over, here it comes” is brought to you by Citibank (see Update 2 – “What East versus West conflict? The West is helping China’s renminbi to become a reserve currency”)

Much love to you.

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 20 – The Establishment strategy for electing Rand Paul

Now that Rand Paul, the chosen candidate of the Rockefeller/BRICS New World Order, has officially entered the race for President, both his campaign and the mainstream media have been offering previews of how the globalists will sell him to the public.

His campaign is presenting him as the anti-Establishment candidate. This is reflected in his campaign slogan…

As he presents himself in this light, the mainstream media will attack him in a ham-fisted manner…

With one hand, the MSM will attempt to tie him to the “extreme views” of his father, Ron Paul, which will actually enhance his popularity with the frustrated electorate. And with the other hand, they will distort his views in such an obvious way that their attacks will come across as unfair in the public eye. As they fling each absurd allegation at Rand, they will effectively serve him with softballs that he can knock out of the park with his rebuttals. The public will thus perceive him as being under severe attack by the Establishment, and they will see him effectively defeating the attacks and making the attackers look like fools. All this will cement his image as an “outsider” who “strikes fear into the heart of the Washington machine.”

Simultaneously, the press will present heavy coverage of the Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton candidacies. The right-leaning press will present Jeb as the Republican front-runner while highlighting the Clintons’ many scandals, and the left-leaning press will present Hillary as the Democratic front-runner while highlighting the Bushes’ many scandals. This will serve to generate a feeling of disgust among the public at the prospect of facing yet another Bush/Clinton presidential ballot. In fact, the media will present articles on this subject to further foster the seeds of discontent within the public mind…
…(from FT)

Faced with the situation of having the “Washington machine’s” tainted candidates (Bush and Clinton) shoved down their throats again, the public will be looking for a credible “outsider” who offers to “Defeat the Washington Machine and Unleash the American Dream.” And once the next economic crisis hits and the MSM pillory the Federal Reserve for causing it, Mr. “Audit the Fed” will look like a genius.

In the next update, we’ll look at Rand Paul’s connection to the Mises Mafia. For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Much love…

The Illuminati strategy of tension and release (Update 2 – The Mises Mafia is on the move in Brazil)


In the course of looking into the Greek situation, I came across an International Business Times article which contained something that caught my eye…

>>> ANEL [Panos Kammenos’ Independent Greeks Party] opposes immigration, a trait it shares with a lot of Europe’s right wing, while Syriza is in favor of a multicultural society. The Independent Greeks also favor a greater role for the Greek Orthodox Church in education, something that Syriza secularists, led by a man who’s been widely described in the press as an atheist, will hardly stomach. Kammenos is also prone to embarrassing conspiracist statements. In December, he said, according to a report in the London-based Daily Telegraph, that Jews paid fewer taxes.

ANEL “has a track record of xenophobic, homophobic and anti-immigrant policies, whereas, for example, Syriza has traditionally supported a separation of church and state, civil partnerships for same-sex couples and giving second-generation migrants Greek citizenship,” Gerodimos wrote in an email. <<<

What struck me about this passage is the subtle job it does in bashing ANEL on the surface while actually promoting it in the mind of the fed-up reader. How does it do this, you ask? Let’s think it through…

For years now, the Western public have had to helplessly watch as:

> their nations have been intentionally flooded with third-world immigrants while anyone who reasonably objects is labeled as “xenophobic,”

> radical homosexual activists have shoved their agenda down the public’s throat while anyone who reasonably objects is labeled as “homophobic,”

> atheists have used legal maneuvers to ruin cherished traditions while anyone who reasonably objects is labeled as a “religious extremist,”

> race-baiters have created interracial havoc while anyone who reasonably objects is labeled a “racist,”

> Israel and the Ziojewish network have engaged in rampant criminality while anyone who reasonably objects is labeled an “antisemite,” and

> giant conspiracies have been playing out while anyone who reasonably objects is labeled a “conspiracy theorist.”

After many years of observing such outrages and being unable to do anything about them, the public have had a great deal of tension build up in their minds, and this is no accident. The Occulted Powers have intentionally created this tension so that it can be released at a time, and in a direction, of their choosing. The IBT article, and a million more like it, reflect that strategy.

On its surface, the article presents the “Left” (represented in this case by Syriza) in a favorable light while denouncing the “Right” (represented in this case by ANEL). But if we look beyond the surface to the psychological subtext, it is actually associating Syriza with the things that are causing outrage in the public mind, while associating ANEL with the public themselves. Putting it a bit more plainly, the article is promoting these mental associations:

Syriza and the “Left” = all the outrages that have been pissing you off

ANEL and the “Right” = YOU, because like you, ANEL stand in opposition to the outrages and are being marginalized and demonized for it.

So what articles like this actually do is get the battered public to identify with the battered political party / political figure that is out there saying what the public wants to say and doing what the public wants done. And when the “Left” finally collapses and the “Right” stands up to “save the day” (per the NWO script), all the tension that has been building will finally find its release.

Given that the OPs are into “sex magic“…

“Sex magic is any type of sexual activity used in magical, ritualistic or otherwise religious and spiritual pursuits. One practice of sex magic is using the energy of sexual arousal or orgasm with visualization of a desired result. A premise of sex magic is the concept that sexual energy is a potent force that can be harnessed to transcend one’s normally perceived reality.”

…it should come as no surprise that they use a strategy of building up tension and channeling its release to aid in the creation of their monstrosities.

If you look around you at the tense and ever-escalating world situation, you will see that it is building up to a climax. And when that climax comes, the OPs intend to channel the release of all the pent-up tension into solidifying their multilateral New World Order. We are witnessing the buildup to a gigantic global psychospiritual orgasm.

[Update 1 – 30 March 2015]

Bashing Le Pen into the French Presidency

There is no better example of the OPs’ effort to establish channels through which the public’s pent-up tension can flow than in their positioning of Marine Le Pen. Regularly marginalized and demonized by the mainstream media and Establishment politicians, her public stance against the System’s outrages and the aftermath of January’s Paris attacks recently catapulted her to the top among potential candidates for the French presidency…

Although Nicolas Sarkozy’s conservative party took the most seats in yesterday’s French local elections, the media were obsessed with the performance of Le Pen and her National Front Party (FN). Here is The Telegraph painting her and the FN as scary (and using the programming words I talked about in the first part of this entry)…
…and here are some notable excerpts (observe how they bash her on the surface, yet subtly promote her in their subtext)…

>>> But with her brash manner and simplistic solutions of nationalist protectionism, Ms Le Pen has been masterful in channelling French fears of being swallowed by a hostile world. Europe, immigrants and scroungers remain the parties usual scapegoats, but the tone has softened and other villains added – including finance and free marketeers. She has been doing her homework…

Appearances, however, can be deceptive. Indeed, is there really anything “mainstream” about the Front National – a nationalist, anti-immigration, anti-Europe party, which wants to scrap the euro, restore the death penalty and favour French people over immigrants when giving out benefits?…

Ms Le Pen is rather fond of drawing comparisons between her party and Ukip – Nigel Farage isn’t so keen – and sees a future where the two parties will do business with each other “if only because we will both tomorrow be in power in our respective countries”. Indeed, much of what she stands for – monetary, territorial, legislative and economic sovereignty – is what Mr Farage is after too. <<<

[Nigel Farage is, of course, her Mises Mafia compatriot in the UK.]

Here is another example of Le Pen bashing/promoting in Scotland’s The National
…and here is a relevant excerpt…

>>> SINCE Marine Le Pen has come to power there has been a significant attempt to de-demonise the party. With a female leader and an openly gay deputy, the new face of the Front National does not conform to the stereotypical leadership of old. The new party leadership has led to the focus being shifted on to economic issues such as the euro while not straying too far from its far-right roots. Some political commentators have said this approach is simply masking their deeply held bias with an acceptable alternative to the mainstream politicians which hold a monopoly in the parliament.

Political scientist Thomas Guenole said that although there is a new faction of the party, there is still an equal section of “xenophobes, racists, anti-Semites and misogynists”.

He said: “It’s not a neo-Nazi party, but it is a nationalist, sovereignist, protectionist and anti-system party that would reclaim all authority and power for the central French state, and defend the interests and citizens it designates as truly French.” <<<

[Note how the last paragraph would sound great to an ordinary, frustrated Frenchman, yet the article casts it in a negative light.]

Needless to say, it is not just the mainstream media that are attacking Le Pen. Establishment politicians are doing it too…

The New York Times also chimed in with the last paragraph in this article

“The vote Sunday was, to some extent, a test of the popularity of the National Front, which was in a strong position in this second round in hundreds of districts. However, both Mr. Valls on behalf of the Socialists and the conservative coalition led by Mr. Sarkozy urged people not to vote for the extreme right.”

Now put yourself in the shoes of the average French person. You are mad as hell about what has been done to your country, and both the politicians who have been wrecking things and the media who have been supporting them are telling you not to vote for Le Pen or her party. What does that make you want to do?

As the increasingly discredited mainstream media marginalize and demonize them, and as the Establishment parties on both the political “left” and “right” implore voters to turn away from them, controlled opposition “outsiders” like France’s Le Pen, England’s Farage, and America’s Paul will continue to gain ground in the minds of the frustrated electorate. And their popularity will skyrocket once we begin the next round of the financial crisis. To see a perfect example of this, just watch what happens to Mr. Audit the Fed, Rand Paul, once the markets crash and the media start harping on the “Fed Mistake.”

[Update 2 – 2 April 2015]

The Mises Mafia is on the move in Brazil

After writing my last update, I came across this curious headline on Drudge…

Upon following the link, I was led to a Yahoo News article titled Teen libertarian is face of Brazil’s young free-market right. The story is about a 19 year-old kid named Kim Kataguiri who is becoming the poster boy for the Free Brazil Movement. Here are some points that caught my eye…

>>> …Along the way, Kataguiri read the works of free-market economists Milton Friedman and Ludwig Von Mises

…Tequila and mescal bottles sit along a bookshelf holding Rand Paul’s “The Tea Party Goes to Washington” and Russell Kirk’s “The Politics of Prudence.”…

Some members of the movement have brought home techniques from the Atlas Leadership Academy, a training program run by the Atlas Network, a Washington-based organization promoting free-market policies around the world. Affiliated groups in other Brazilian cities where protests took place on March 15 are connected to Students for Liberty, a U.S. youth group allied with the conservative Cato Institute think tank, which is supported by the Koch brothers. <<<

Curious about the Free Brazil Movement’s connection to the Atlas Leadership Academy, I looked up Atlas
…and found out that it was founded by this rather avaricious-looking fellow, Antony Fisher…
…who has a revealing background:

> “In 1945 Fisher had read Road to Serfdom by Austrian economist F. A. Hayek which influenced his thinking. Fisher sought out Hayek at the London School of Economics where he taught and talked about his plans to go into politics. Hayek, however, convinced him that think-tanks were the best medium for effecting political change.” – (Wikipedia)

If you recall what we discovered in Update 15, Hayek received financing from the Rockefeller Foundation (which was arranged by Ludwig von Mises)…
…and David Rockefeller has revealed that he is a follower of the Austrian School of economics and was personally tutored by Hayek at the London School of Economics.

> “In 1952, he undertook a study trip to the United States, where he visited the new Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). F. A. Harper of the FEE introduced Fisher to former colleagues from the Agriculture Department of Cornell University, who showed him intensive chicken farming techniques with which Fisher was very impressed. He returned home to start England’s first battery cage chicken farm, Buxted Chickens, which eventually made him a millionaire.

He used his fortune to set up the influential Institute of Economic Affairs with Ralph Harris in 1955.” – (Wikipedia)

> “In 1971 Fisher founded the International Institute for Economic Research, which went to spawn both the Atlas Network in 1981 and the International Policy Network in 2001. Through these operations, Fisher provided financial and operational support for a huge number of fledgling think-tanks, most of which would not exist without his influence. It was through the Atlas Network that Fisher was able to extend his beliefs worldwide.” – (Wikipedia)

> In 1978, he founded the International Center for Economic Policy Studies, which is now called the…
…Take note of who co-founded it with him: future CIA Director William Casey.

> “Fisher lived in San Francisco in 1981 when, with the help of his second wife Dorian, he founded the Atlas Economic Research Foundation to institutionalize this process of helping start up new think tanks. Friends like Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and Margaret Thatcher applauded the idea of replicating the IEA model far and wide.” – (Atlas Network)

> Fisher died in 1988, just weeks after being honored with knighthood by Queen Elizabeth.

So behind these idealistic kids in Brazil we find the usual suspects: the British Crown, the Rockefellers and Kochs, the London School of [Dialectic] Economics, and the Cult of Austrian Economics – with Ron Paul acting as the international godfather of the movement

An interesting perspective on this dubious crowd is offered in this piece from the LaRouche-affiliated Schiller Institute

Looking ahead, we see that the next Brazilian presidential election is in 2018, so the globalists have three years to move the Brazilian public over to the political “right.” In their attempt to do this, they will use a combination of highly publicized corruption scandals, oppressive taxation and regulation, and economic misery, which is the same formula they are using the world over.

It seems to be the globalists’ hope that the coming “Fed-created” economic tsunami will sweep Ron Paul into the US presidency in 2016, Marine LePen into the French presidency in 2017, and an as-yet-unidentified Mises Mafia candidate into the Brazilian presidency in 2018 (to name but a few nations). This gives us some idea as to the time scale with which the globalists are working.

Currently, I expect the “climax” (the point of inflection at which the media message transitions from “things are getting worse and worse” to “things are turning around”) to come before the end of 2016. The release of tension (which will involve sweeping the Mises Mafia into political office and fully implementing the planned supranational “solutions”) should continue for years thereafter. Fortunately for us, our awareness can grow much faster than they can unfold their NWO.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 19 – The Greek “People’s Revolution” and the New European Renaissance, brought to you by the NWO

[Update 19A]

Is Panos Kammenos, seen here with Nigel Farage, the Mises Mafia’s man in Greece?…
…And will he be the one to lead Greece’s defection to the BRICS?

To give a little context before we proceed, the “Mises Mafia” are the “right wing” political figures (such as Ron Paul, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, et al) who will be implementing Austrian economics after the transition to the BRICS-fronted New World Order. Austrian economics is a system of thought widely associated with economist Ludwig von Mises, and its development was funded by the Rockefellers. It is the theoretical underpinning for the NWO’s economic system of laissez-faire capitalism.

Any talk you’ve heard of the NWO being a police state-like monolithic global government with a socialist/communist economic system was propaganda meant to scare you. The globalists’ strategy has been to get you scared of a boogeyman NWO so you’ll gladly embrace the real NWO when they present it to you.

The real NWO is a multilateral/multipolar global governance system paired with a “free market” capitalist economic system. And when the real BRICS-fronted NWO is publicly seen to defeat the boogeyman Western-fronted NWO (which has never been anything more than a propaganda construct), it will look like the solution to all the problems they have been deliberately creating for us.

Now let’s go on to explore what they have planned for Greece…

Upon observing Syriza’s abrupt about-face on their campaign promises to the Greek people, I knew their leaders were committing slow motion hara-kiri to make way for a coming “right wing” savior figure. So I started looking for the Greek equivalent to Nigel Farage. Upon beginning my search, I soon came upon this Searchlight Magazine article that contained a reference to “the racist-nationalist Independent Greeks, led by Panos Kammenos — the Greek equivalent of Nigel Farage,” and thus began my journey of discovery.

As I delved into Kammenos, I discovered that he leads a Greek political party that fits all the characteristics one would expect from a Mises Mafia franchise…

> It is nationalistic (which fits into the NWO’s “one world of nations” motif).
> It is conservative / “right wing” (after the “left wing” brings down the Interim World Order, the “right wing” will usher in the New World Order).
> It is populist (because the globalists intend to use “people’s revolutions” to destroy the Interim World Order), and
> It is Eurosceptic (because the globalists intend to take down the EU central government and break Europe into smaller units bound by a new regional multilateral framework).

On that last point, I take you back to the 1961 NWO blueprint book Prospect for America. This is from page 26…

The globalists want the NWO to consist of “smaller units” because smaller nations are less likely to be self-sufficient in maintaining their security and a modern standard of living. They want all the nations to be dependent on the multilateral framework for their security and economic wellbeing.

Besides the Rockefellers’ NWO architects, can you guess who else is talking about “smaller units”? Ron Paul (in this interview on RT)…

“I happen to believe in smaller units of government; the larger the unit of government, the worse things are…

So I think people should have the right to leave a larger unit of government.”

And what else is Ron Paul talking about? Secession in the US
Note that he gave this speech at a Mises Institute conference called Breaking Away: The Case for Secession

[Starting from the 1:20 mark] – “I would like to start off by talking about the subject, and the subject, of course, is secession and nullification — the breaking up of government. And the good news is it’s gonna happen. It’s happening. And it’s not gonna be because there will be enough people in the US Congress to legislate it — it won’t happen. It will be de facto.”

So we know the globalists are aiming to break up the EU (which is the Interim World Order in Europe), and Greece is where that will begin. But will they also break up the USA so it can never rise again as the power it once was? Will Russia and China meet the same fate at some point? Breaking up the large powers seems like a good idea on the surface, but not if it results in eagles becoming flies stuck in the globalist multilateral spider web.

Due to the length and complexity of this entry, I’m writing it in stages (19A, 19B, 19C, etc.). Rest assured, though, that I will definitely complete this one (for a change). 🙂 It is rather important.

[Update 19B – 2 March 2015]

Getting back to Panos Kammenos, his “right wing” Independent Greeks Party (ANEL) joined SYRIZA (the Coalition of the Radical Left) to form a coalition government after Greece’s January elections, and Kammenos was elevated to the post of Greek Defense Minister as a result. This is the Yahoo News / Agence France-Presse account of what transpired: Kammenos: from conservative rebel to Greek PM’s unlikely ally, and here are some key excerpts (with my comments added in brackets)…

>>> Panos Kammenos, whose nationalist Independent Greeks party has entered into an unlikely coalition government with the radical left-wing Syriza, once walked the corridors of parliament wearing a T-shirt that read: “Greece is not for sale.”…

The burly politician’s decision to immediately ally his party with Syriza following Sunday’s election saw him rewarded with [the] defence minister’s post in the new government unveiled on Tuesday…

But analysts say ANEL could prove to be something of a time-bomb, unpredictable at best, and that governing with the party could also disrupt the balance among the various left-wing factions that make up Syriza

[A time bomb indeed. Kammenos’ presence, along with mounting pressure as the four-month bailout extension approaches its end, will likely lead to Syriza’s disintegration and a failure to reach agreement with Greece’s European creditors. This will open the way for what Kammenos will do next.]

He is fond of conspiracy theories, blaming shadowy international plots for Greece’s economic plight and frequently accusing some Socialist politicians of backing a homegrown terror group in a country where anarchism has deep roots…

[So he is a truther, but not one of the genuine variety. His statements are designed to make him look like a “straight shooter” who has been “telling truth to power” just like Ron Paul, Marine Le Pen, and Nigel Farage.]

Devoutly Christian Orthodox, Kammenos has been accused of anti-Semitism after he alleged in December that Jews enjoyed preferential tax treatment in Greece…

[His ties to the Eastern Orthodox Church are his occulted connection to Vladimir Putin, which I’ll show you a little later. And his “anti-Semitism” positions him as an enemy of the Zionists (who will be scapegoated along with the Nazis when the Transition comes).]

Kammenos has vowed to end “the humiliation” of painful spending cuts and reforms imposed on Greece in return for the 240-billion-euro bailout ($270 billion) from the EU and the International Monetary Fund.

“Panos Kammenos is deeply patriotic… without being a nationalist in the bad sense of the word,” said Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of the French anti-EU group Debout la France, the French equivalent of ANEL.

“He is not anti-European, he is anti-EU,” he added. “There’s a difference.”

[So Kammenos supports Europe as a region, but he does not support the EU, which he says is governed by “neo-Nazi Germans.” Needless to say, being pro-Europe as a region is very much in line with the region-based NWO, as is blaming the Nazis (instead of the G20 Central Banking Cabal) for all the world’s ills. Kammenos’ list of bad guys includes the (Zionist) Jews, the (neo) Nazis, and the Western banksters (IMF, ECB), and that is precisely what the globalists’ “Bad West vs. Good East” dialectic calls for.] <<<

Speaking of the “Good East,” let’s have a look at Kammenos’ ties to the Eastern Orthodox Church. According to his Wikipedia bio

“He has been honored with the Grand Cross of Merit from the Czech Patriarchate, [and] the Medal of Honor from the Patriarchate of Jerusalem…”

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem has been headed by Theophilos III since 11/22/2005 (the Occulted Powers and their minions just love their “master numbers”)…
…And take note of his double-dragon crosier…
…Could such symbols be a nod to the Dragon bloodlines (the real or mythological products of mating between the “Sons of God / Elohim / Anunnaki” and humans)? Are these bloodlines the ones who are the Occulted Powers?

This is the Patriarch’s official title: “His Most Godly Beatitude, the Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine, Syria, Arabia, beyond the Jordan River, Cana of Galilee, and Holy Zion, Theophilos III.” So his territory is basically the Levant, ISIS/ISIL’s stomping grounds, and it includes “Holy Zion.” Don’t you find that interesting in light of current events?

Here is Theophilos III visiting the Valaam Monastery in Russia…

Guess who else hangs out there

And here is Putin meeting with Theophilos III in Jerusalem

It is also worth noting the intimate ties amongst Valaam, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the bloodline families, and the current Russian political structure. As the Wikipedia entry on Valaam Island points out…

“The island was visited repeatedly by emperors Alexander I, Alexander II, and other members of the imperial family…

The president of the Russian Federation has a dacha on one of the islands of Valaam, but its precise location is not publicly known.”

I show you these things to point out that the Eastern Orthodox Church (a component of the Roman Empire that has functioned continuously since the fall of Rome’s civil government) is a network through which the Occulted Powers work behind the scenes to orchestrate what happens on the public stage, and both Putin and Kammenos are tied in with that network. Kissing the rings (and other objects) of Rome’s kingmakers is a practice that continues unabated to this day, which is aptly demonstrated here by Vladimir Putin…
…”That’s a good little Vladdy-boy.”

It’s also worth noting something about the leader of Kammenos’ coalition partner Syriza: Alexis Tsipras, a self-described atheist, became the first Prime Minister to opt for a secular affirmation instead of the traditional religious oath. He was sworn in by President Karolos Papoulias instead of the Archbishop of Athens…”

[Update 19C – 9 March 2015]

The Orthodox Kammenos-Putin link demonstrates itself in the following report from Business New Europe / Intellinews: New Greek Government: Russia’s Trojan Horse inside the EU?

>>> Concerns over Greece are not restricted to Syriza, but also to the leftwing party’s choice as coalition partner: nationalist party Independent Greeks (Anel), a party that has also taken a pro-Russian line, according to Ukrainian researcher Anton Shekhovtsov.

Panos Kammenos, founder of Anel and Greece’s new defence minister, was quoted in Greek media as saying in May 2014, in the aftermath of the annexation of Crimea, that “we publicly support President Putin and the Russian government who have protected our Orthodox brothers in Crimea”.

Shekhovtsov revealed that Kammenos visited Moscow on January 15, 2015, at the peak of the fierce election campaign, to meet with Putin’s parliamentary allies in defence and foreign affairs. After the meetings, Kammenos declared his opposition to EU sanctions on Russia: “Anel is ready to create a European-wide group involving political forces from South European countries, the economy of which has been damaged as a result of the EU economic sanctions against Russia,” he said. “The aim of this group will be a reversal of this process that affects more the EU countries and less Russia,” he said, as quoted by Shekhovtsov.

Shekhovtsov posted photos of the meetings. “With Russian tool Panos Kammenos as new Greek Minister of Defence, Nato information security is obviously at risk,” he commented. In addition, Syriza’s 2013 manifesto calls for Greece to exit Nato. <<<

I found another account of Kammenos’ interaction with the Russians in mid-January on the site: Independent Greeks Party Leader Calls For Lifting The Sanctions Against Russia

>>> A roundtable discussion ‘The parliamentary elections in Greece: a change of course and exit from the euro zone’ took place in Rossiya Segodnya news agency on Wednesday, January 14.

The discussion was attended by the leader of Independent Greeks opposition party Panos Kammenos, Institute of geopolitical issues Director Philippos Tsadilis, Russian Peacekeeper web review Chied Editor Evgeny Belsky, Russians Abroad Institute Deputy Director Alexander Shchedrin and InfoRos information agency Chief Editor Denis Tyurin. <<<

So 11 days before the Greek elections, Kammenos was talking to the Russians about “a change of course and exit from the Euro Zone.”

[Update 19D – 25 March 2015]

In the time since I last wrote, Syriza has been busy reaching for Greek pensions and utility company funds to make payments to the Troika (the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund), and this complete abrogation of their campaign promises is intended to incense the Greek people and set the stage for a “Greek Spring.” The Establishment will, of course, use their standard “color revolution” techniques to get it started, and the Mises Mafia have been busy stoking the revolutionary fires.

Here is Nigel Farage narrating the beginning of the post-election Greece versus Troika conflict: Farage on Friday: Here’s hoping Greece fights back against Germany and her euro masters.

“SO the great game of poker between Greece and Germany begins, while the IMF, European Central Bank, and other European institutions watch on nervously. The question is, will Greece fight back?…

Now it seems there are some voices in Greece at least suggesting they’re not prepared to meet the repayment terms foisted upon them by the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the other European institutions.

Years of austerity now mean that the annual budget increase is roughly in balance, unlike the United Kingdom. But what is the point of all this pain if nothing is really improving?

That’s the message that won Alexis Tsipras and his Syriza party the election last week. He is now in coalition with my friend Panos Kammenos of the Independent Greeks.”

And here is Farage fanning the flames of Greek revolution before the European Parliament

From the 1:00 mark: “What is European economic governance? I’ll tell you what it is: it’s a plane landing at Athens airport out of which get an official from the Commission, an official from the European Central Bank, and an official from the appalling IMF, and those three people — the ‘Troika’ you call them — go in, they meet the Greek government, and they tell the Greek government what they may or may not do.

You have killed democracy in Greece. You have three part-time overseas dictators that now tell the Greek people what they can and can’t do. It is totally unacceptable. Is it any wonder the Greek people are now burning EU flags and drawing swastikas across them? You are — frankly, unless Greece is allowed to get out of this economic and political prison, you may well spark a revolution in that country.

Needless to say, sparking a revolution in Greece is exactly what the Troika are aiming to do, and Farage is dutifully playing his part in the farce.

Here is another European Parliament speech by Paul Nuttall, a member of Farage’s UK Independence Party and Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy group…

“Mr. President, I will also focus on Greece today, and I want to start by quoting the Chairman of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who only two days ago said, ‘You are mistaken if you think democracy is where one election result can change the way we work in the Eurozone.’ Indeed, Mr. Juncker, you’re on record saying that there can be no democratic choice against the European Union’s treaties. Now that tells us all we really need to know, doesn’t it, about what the Euro fanatics think of democracy. And isn’t it ironic that you are destroying democracy in its very cradle, Greece.

You have allowed Greece to enter a currency that it should never have been in, you have removed the democratically elected Prime Minister when he offered his country a way out through a referendum, you have imposed austerity that has taken the people of Greece to the brink, yet you still shackle this great country with economic chains. To you I say ‘sovereignty and democracy in Greece are not yours to take.’ The Greeks have suffered enough. The battle lines are clear: it is the forces of democracy in Greece against the undemocratic forces of a European Union.

To the Greek Parliament I ask, ‘Will the 300 stand firm?’ And to the Greek people I say, ‘Be courageous. Protect your birthright. You are the creators of democracy and now you must save it. Invoke the courage and spirit of your forefathers. Do not buckle. Do not falter. Do not give in. You are the defenders of democracy now. You are the nation of Homer, Plato and Aristotle, and if you stand your ground, you will prevail, and you will be a beacon of hope to us all.’ Thank you.

Now this is how you propagandize for a “people’s revolution”! 🙂 Note how he invokes the mental imagery of the 300…
…And how symbolically appropriate is it that the Greek Parliament has 300 seats?…
…Hollywood screenwriters couldn’t do any better job than the globalist color revolution engineers are doing in scripting this coming “democratic revolution.”

[Update 19E – 25 March 2015]

Meanwhile, in Greece, this is what some members of Syriza have been talking about:

> From this CNBC article: ‘It’s treason!’ Greek anger at government u-turn

>>> Far left members of Syriza have also accused their party of abandoning previous election pledges to scrap the country’s bailout.

Manolis Glezos, a Syriza member of the European Parliament and veteran left-wing politician, apologized for his party’s move to placate its lenders.

“I apologize to the Greek people because I took part in this illusion,” he wrote in a blog. “Syriza’s members, friends and supporters … should decide if they accept this situation.”…

Wolfango Piccoli, managing director of risk consultancy at Teneo Intelligence, warned that the negotiation process had secured Greece only two concessions: a lower primary surplus for 2015 and the acknowledgment that the program will be amended so as to give Athens a greater say on reform proposals. He added that Tsipras’ standing had been “negatively affected” by the talks.

“The agreement allows both sides to save face but also sets the stage for even tenser negotiations over the country’s financial future and for a possible backlash in Greece,” he said in a note Sunday. “The list of reforms to be presented on Monday will be an important factor determining whether Syriza is able to convince its own MPs and voters.” <<<

The last paragraph reflects the real reason for the four-month bailout extension: it provides a time period of high drama which will be used to generate public sentiment for a Greek Spring and a Summer Revolution.

> From this LA Times article: European creditors endorse Greek reform plans as leftists object

>>> Already, several prominent Syriza members are calling on Tsipras to honor his campaign pledges.

“It’s difficult to determine how the government can fulfill its promises, including a write-off of the country’s debt,” said Costas Lapavitsas, a prominent economics professor recently elected to parliament on the Syriza ticket. “It is imperative for the government to explain how it plans to do just that under the current agreement.”

Even renowned composer Mikis Theodorakis waded into the brewing revolt, meeting with Tsipras Tuesday to try to persuade him to resist the pressure for concessions that would, he said, submit the country to the creditors’ “fatal embrace.”

“Syriza leaders,” he said, “have to find the strength, even now, to say ‘nein’ to Germany.”

More than 40 lawmakers of the ruling party were said to be drafting a petition for an urgent meeting of Syriza’s central committee. Although no one has openly requested Tsipras’ resignation, swelling dissent within the ruling party could complicate the government’s bid to carry out the proposed measures, which require swift approval by the country’s 300-seat parliament. <<<

An interesting thing to note about this passage is one of the people quoted, Costas Lapavitsas, is an economics professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. And who is the chancellor of the University of London? HRH The Princess Royal

So in Costas Lapavitsas you have a paid agent of the London Establishment drumming up dissension within Syriza. But he’s not the only one.

> From this Zero Hedge article: Revolt In Athens: Syriza Central Committee Member Says “Leadership Strategy Has Failed Miserably”

>>> Not everybody is ignoring that fact that just days after the new Prime Minister promised the Greek population on prime time TV that the loathed bailout program wouldn’t be extended and that Greece would have a fresh start – i.e., the mandate it was elected on – one without austerity, Greece folded on virtually every demand, to the point where the European Commission may itself have drafted the “reform agreement” that the Greek finance minister was said to have created.

One person who may be starting a splinter revolt within Syriza itself is Stathis Kouvelakis, a member of the central committee of the leftist organization, a teacher of political theory at King’s College, and the latest to demonstrate that the Syriza facade of cohesive acceptance of the past week’s “negotiations”, is starting to crumble…

If, therefore, we wish to avert a second, and this time decisive, defeat — which would put an end to the Greek leftist experiment, with incalculable consequences for society and for the Left inside and outside this country — we must look reality in the face and speak the language of honesty. The debate on strategy must finally recommence, without taboos and on the basis of the congress resolutions of Syriza, which for some time now have been turned into innocuous icons.

If Syriza still has a reason for existing as a political subject, a force for the elaboration of emancipatory politics, and for contribution to the struggles of the subordinated classes, it must be a part of this effort to initiate an in-depth analysis of the present situation and the means of overcoming it.” <<<

The person being quoted in this article, Stathis Kouvelakis, is a political theorist and faculty member of King’s College London, which is a constituent college of the University of London. So in Kouvelakis, you have another paid agent of the London Establishment helping to magnify the rifts within Syriza and predicting that Syriza’s coming failure will “put an end to the Greek leftist experiment” and lead to “incalculable consequences” for the political left both inside and outside Greece. This is, of course, exactly what the globalists’ script calls for: the “Left” destroying everything and the “Right” sweeping in to bring order (and Austrian Economics).

[Update 19F – 26 March 2015]

Let’s look now to the current situation faced by Syriza. According to this New York Times article

>>> On Feb. 20, Greek leaders signed a four-month bailout extension with its three main creditors — the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. Yet creditors have refused to release a critical 7.2-billion-euro, or about $7.8 billion, loan payment (money that Syriza had once vowed not to accept but that is now badly needed) until the government provides a list of acceptable structural reforms to replace pension cuts and other austerity measures that had been under consideration by the previous government. <<<

So the Troika are refusing to give Greece needed funds unless the Greek government provides an acceptable list of “structural reforms”/austerity measures. And without the funds, it is estimated that the Greek government will run out of cash by late April. This leaves Syriza with four choices:

1) Give the Troika the new austerity measures they are seeking, thus completely and officially betraying their campaign promises to the Greek people. Since Syriza is a coalition party of different “far left” groups, such an action could lead to its disintegration as well as general social unrest.

2) Rob money from the Greek economy to keep making their payments, which would not sit well with those being robbed. This too could lead to party disintegration and public unrest.

3) Remain paralyzed and allow Greece to fall into financial ruin and chaos.

4) Exit the euro and reinstitute the drachma.

It would seem that the globalist script requires Syriza to choose from options 1, 2, or 3 while also requiring Germany to remain intransigent in their demands for Greek compliance, and the situation will come to a head in late June as the bailout extension expires (and as the new BRICS Bank nears its debut). This is where Panos Kammenos comes in. Have a look at this Reuters article: Greek defence minister says Greece has Plan B if EU rigid on deal

>>> Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos said that if Greece failed to get a new debt agreement with the euro zone, it could always look elsewhere for help.

“What we want is a deal. But if there is no deal – hopefully (there will be) – and if we see that Germany remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the obligation to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get funding from another source,” he told a Greek television show that ran into early Tuesday. “It could the United States at best, it could be Russia, it could be China or other countries,” he said. <<<

So as the Greek crisis reaches its crescendo, Syriza will disintegrate and the Greek government will fail. And when a civilian government fails, who typically steps in to maintain social order? The military, right? And who is the leader of the Greek military? Defense Minister Panos Kammenos.

Kammenos will step up to maintain some semblance of order in the wake of Syriza’s disintegration and will go to his friends in Russia to secure aid from the freshly-launched New Development Bank (NDB, the BRICS Bank — the BRICS will be holding their 7th summit meeting in Russia on July 8–9, and will likely announce the NDB’s launch at that time). An emergency election will then be held to install a new Greek parliament that will restore the drachma and approve the NDB loan. Since this will occur at about the same time as the next financial crisis begins, it will be the first domino in the fall of the EU. From the ashes of the EU, a new multilateral European order will rise — one that “restores sovereignty, freedom and direct democracy” (New World Order style).

Unless people know what the globalists are doing beforehand, it’s unlikely the public will ever figure out what’s going on. The adrenaline rush that the NWO will offer them will sweep aside their reason. They will gleefully walk into their new gilded cage. So let’s spread the word.

Much love…

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 18-19 – The stage is set for Greece to switch over to the BRICS this summer & Have a look at Panos Kammenos

The ECB has decided to give Greece some breathing room for a few months [from The Guardian]…
…but did you ever wonder why they are giving the Greeks four months (not the normal 3 or 6)?

If we look back at some previous entries, we discover the potential reason…

> At the G20 Summit last November, the BRICS announced their intention of getting the New Development Bank up and running and ready to hand out money “as soon as possible,” and I noted this at the time…

“The next BRICS Summit in Russia will be their 7th summit, and it will occur in the 7th month of next year (July 8-9). Although I personally view numerology as spiritually ridiculous, the “elite” and their minions do not, as was evidenced by Christine Lagarde’s infamous statement on the numerology of the year 2014 (in which she talks about the “magic 7″). In the eyes of some mythical religionists, 7 is believed to be a symbol of “completion.” It is also believed to indicate “the senses of a change after an accomplished cycle and of a positive renewal.” So the 7th Summit would be a symbolically appropriate venue for announcing the launch of the NDB. – from The Globalists are accelerating the rollout of their new financial system.

> In Update 13 of this series, I took note of what Hidden Hand propagandist Paul Craig Roberts was saying at the time…

“The warning from the EU and Wall Street is clear: ‘Defy us and we will destroy you‘…

Can Greece escape from a situation comparable to the European Dark Ages when populations were ravaged by marauding raiders? Perhaps if Greece realigns with Russia and gains financing from BRICS.”

With these points in mind, if we look at where a four-month extension would take us, we end up at the end of June, just prior to the BRICS Summit in Russia. This sets the stage for Greece to do exactly what the propagandists are calling for: fleeing from the marauding West and running to Russia to get financing from the freshly launched BRICS Bank. Just imagine the symbolism of Greece, the “Birthplace of Democracy,” fleeing the Nazi West for the “freedom fighting” East. It’s coming soon to a summer near you…

[Update 19 (temporary) – 24 February 2015]

Have a look at Panos Kammenos

Seeing Syriza go back on its promises to the Greek people is setting the stage for a revolt, and this revolt may be engineered to bring the Independent Greeks Party leader Panos Kammenos to the fore. Some call him “the Greek equivalent of Nigel Farage,” and if you’ve read my Ron Paul section, you’ll understand the significance of that.

I’ll be preparing a full entry on him tomorrow, but I wanted to get this note out today in case I lose my internet service for a while. It’s having problems, and a tech will be coming to fix it (hopefully) in the morning.

[28 February 2015] – My internet is working great, and the full version of Update 19 is taking shape here.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.