Author Archives: kenneth

Globalist Agenda Watch 2022 – February Updates

(27 February 2022) – The next time window for the globalists’ “Big Event”…

If they go with a “Victory of the Avatars / Putin, Xi, and Trump win” scripting, they’ll likely start the “Ten Days of Darkness / Mass Arrests of the Deep State” psyop on Monday, March 7. It would then run until “the good guys win” by Purim or Shushan Purim. We might also see them stage a “Deep State” attempt to do something really bad between March 5-7, which would trigger the mass arrests move.

But if they go the other way, with an “Operation Blackjack / Victory of the Nazionist Antichrist” scripting, we might see nukes going off in the March 5-7 timeframe. The “Nazionist Antichrist,” posing as a good guy, would then intervene on Erev Purim (between the evening of March 15 and the evening of March 16).

I’ll go into all the details before next weekend.

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It should be noted that “The People’s Convoy” started on February 23, right after “Pluto’s Return” on February 22. So is it intended to be the catalyst to bring down the “tyrant” Biden and the “Deep State’s American Empire”?…

According to astrologers, the United States will also see its first Pluto Return — that is, the planet linked with transformation and power will return to the position it had when the Declaration of Independence was written and ratified on July 4, 1776.

As a result, they anticipate significant power transfers.

Pluto Returns in France and Russia heralded the deaths of Napoleon and Stalin,” writes Shereen Campbell for During Spain’s last Pluto Return, tyrant Francisco Franco surrendered power. Some say that the UK’s previous Pluto Return coincided with their unofficial collapse from world leadership. – from Bol News

Under the two scripting scenarios I’ve noted, the Convoy and other trucker protests will serve their catalytic role by either…

  • being “the citizen uprising the patriots and constitutionalists in the Pentagon and intel agencies were waiting to see before they made their move to take down the Deep State,” or
  • being the scripted mechanism through which the Operation Blackjack nukes were delivered to the cities that will be hit.

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Ha! Guess what I just found…

“The People’s Convoy” will arrive at the Washington, DC beltway on March 5 (the 11th day of their journey). And as it turns out, March 5 is the day of a Jupiter-Sun conjunction!

You may remember that in the I, Pet Goat 2 video, solar conjunction symbolism is prominently featured in connection with the Second 9/11 (“commie Antichrist Obama’s” 9/11), and such a conjunction will appear in the sky this weekend. As for the significance of it being a conjunction with Jupiter, look at what globalist prophecy propagandist Tom Horn says about “the Second Coming of the God Jupiter.”

So are they replacing the recent “Second Coming of Saturn” scripting with the older “Second Coming of Jupiter” scripting? Or is Saturn the Nazionist Antichrist (Trump/Pence/Kushner or Merkel) and Jupiter the Final Antichrist (Putin)?

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A reader put me on to the following “mega thread” from the Disinfo Ranger (globalist tool Mike Adams): URGENT Health Ranger mega thread on Russia, nuclear war, cyber attacks and impending financial collapse.

In it, he gives dire warnings of looming false flags by “Biden/Obama.” So the controlled alt-media are laying down the preparatory propaganda for what’s planned for this coming weekend. Later, I’ll explain why Monday, March 7 is a day to watch for a potential “good guy countermove against the commies.”

(24 February 2022) – They got an early start on the Ukraine invasion, and now we wait for the event that will bring the US into the war. Once Russia and the US are engaged, Israel will move on Iran.

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In launching his attack today, Putin claims that he is seeking the the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, and in this we see the globalists’ proclivity for using historical cues in scheduling their dramas. My partner Onnabugeisha has noted that February 24 is the anniversary of the 1920 founding of the Nazi Party in Munich, Germany (where the Western security conference was just held).

By the way, the “intellectual architect” of the Nazi Party was a Christianity-hating man with the last name of Rosenberg. In the mid-1930’s a Jewish journalist noted that Rosenberg was of Jewish ancestry, but that information has since been deleted from the “official story.” And it’s worth noting that the “anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic” policies he helped set in motion are the reason the Zionists now have their Jewish state. It’s interesting how that worked out…

(23 February 2022) – Why the globalists want to start the Ukraine-Russia war this Friday

As I’ve covered in previous updates, the Essenes — of Dead Sea Scroll fame — were/are a Jewish sect who have been promoted in both the mainstream media and alt-media prophecy propaganda corps as a virtuous group who “kept God’s true calendar” and were “the most accurate prophets of all the Jews.” And as my partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out, their calendar has Purim falling on Saturday, February 26 this year.

In my 14 February update (which you can find on the HOME page), I covered the story behind Purim [the deliverance of the Jews from a Persian (Iranian) genocidal plot], including this bit of information…

On the 13th of Adar, the Jews mobilized and killed many of their enemies. On the 14th of Adar, they rested and celebrated. In the capital city of Shushan, they took one more day to finish the job [15 Adar]. – from

And on the Essene calendar…

  • Friday is 13 Adar,
  • Saturday (Saturn’s Day) is 14 Adar (Purim), and
  • Sunday is 15 Adar (Shushan Purim)

On 13 Adar (this Friday), the Jews attacked those who plotted to genocide them. This is why you are seeing the press report that the Ukraine war will start on Friday. It will enable the Zionists to strike Iran on 13 Adar (since Iran’s ally Russia and the Biden-Harris administration will be focused on Europe).

The justification for the attack on Iran was trumpeted in the US Senate on February 1, when Senator Menendez claimed, “Today, Iran has more fissile materials — 2500kg, more advanced centrifuges, and a shorter breakout time — three to four weeks — than it had in 2015.” So “to prevent Iran’s breakout by the end of this month,” Israel will attack them (with help from Turkey and Azerbaijan).

If we look at this from the perspective of the scripted “Nazi-Zionist Deep State” versus “Communist Deep State” conflict, the commies have been using the Iran nuclear deal to shield the Iranians from Zionist attack, and the news now says that the deal could be renewed by the end of this month: “So the Israelis had to attack before they lost their nuclear weapon excuse to destroy Iran, thus clearing the Iranian obstacle to their territorial expansion into Syria.”

(21 February 2022) – Here’s my read on where the NWO Transition Event narrative is currently going…

“On Sunday the 20th, the US Embassy in Moscow signalled the West’s intention to conduct false-flag attacks in Russia in order to goad Putin into war”…

…from the US Embassy, Moscow

“And news reports have surfaced of Ukrainian ‘saboteurs’ attempting to cross the border to conduct these attacks. But as Russia closely monitors all movement across the Ukraine-Russia border, they are watching the Belarus-Russia border much less closely. And Russia’s Atlantic Integrationists, including FSB head Bortnikov (“Medvedev’s Man” who controls the border guards), have assisted other saboteurs and their weapons in crossing the Belarus border area.

Included in the weapons carried by these infiltrators is a nuclear implosion bomb built with Soviet highly enriched uranium kept in Belarus. The purpose in building it with ‘Russian highly enriched uranium’ is to allow the West to claim that ‘Putin blew up one of his own cities to create a casus belli to blow up Western cities, which were attacked with nukes constructed with the same Soviet/Russian uranium’.”

By the way, tomorrow is another good candidate for Operation Blackjack (given the globalists’ obsession with astrology and numerology)…

…from Woman & Home. Here is an excerpt…

Pluto’s return is happening in the US for the first time ever. Pluto is known as the planet of creation and destruction, as well as the great revealer. According to astrology, this planet’s return, which only happens every 248 years and is historically associated with great change…

Considering the huge length of Pluto’s return cycle, a remarkable 240 years, its return is a very notable and important event. On top of this, it’s also brought great change to countries throughout history…

According to, a return is, “when celestial bodies make a complete circuit around the sky and return to the zodiacal position they once occupied.”

“Astrologically, a Pluto return is when the heavenly body returns to the same position in a birth chart where it was when the chart began. It happens around every 248 years, meaning this is the Pluto return in the United States since the country was founded in 1776.”

Speaking to My Imperfect Life, astrologer Stephanie Campos Powell explained why you need to keep an eye on the news around this date. “For many countries, the Pluto return signifies a period of upheaval, radical reassessment, and change,” she explained.

“It has marked the end of empires, but also new forms of government and structure. There is no going back to how it once was, Pluto destroys what no longer serves us and creates a new path forward”…

Numerology fans, especially those who believe in angel numbers, will know the date in question as it happens on February 22, 2022.

However, speaking to Bustle, astrologer Astrodim explained, “America’s Pluto return technically started November 26, 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn—which was when Pluto entered the same sign it was in when the USA was created 7/4/1776.”

They also pointed out that this was around the time that Barack Obama was elected, whose campaign slogan was ‘change.’

“[His] slogan was ‘change’ and that’s what Pluto is all about!” The February 22, 2022 date marks when Pluto will enter the same exact degree it was in on July 4, 1776, Astrodim says, which was 27 degrees Capricorn.”

(19 February 2022) – I’ve come across some interesting connections amongst Belarus’ Lukashenko, Belarus’ supply of highly enriched uranium from the Soviet era (that would presumably match a Russian nuclear weapon signature), and Turkey’s Erdogan. Will the script include a subplot in which Lukashenko and Erdogan team up to betray Putin by false flagging a “Russian” nuclear attack? I will continue looking into this.

(17-18 February 2022) – They’ve shipped “Vice President” Harris off to Munich for a security conference that lasts from Friday through Sunday (Germany time). This opens the way for the staged assassination of Biden and the ascension of a replacement, presumably due to Operation Blackjack (which is once again in play during the February 18-20 timeframe). Depending on who is where and which cities are attacked, we could end up with “President” Harris, Pelosi, or Yellen.

After the war-starting false-flags, Ukraine/NATO and Russia will be pointing the finger of blame at each other. But a time will come when the final finger of blame will be pointed at Turkey’s Erdogan, who is playing the “Muslim Antichrist” in Act 1 of the stageplay. It will be said that he collaborated with “Commie Antichrist” Obama and the Chicoms in starting the war so “Eastern and Western Christian civilization would annihilate each other.”

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Ha! This is hilarious. Have a look at the top five successors in the US Presidential line of succession…

…from Wikipedia

Three of the five will be at the Munich Security Conference (Harris, Pelosi, Blinken), and one will be at the US Capitol (Leahy — the Senate is in session Friday and he might attend a signing ceremony at the White House). So if the Munich Security Conference, the White House and the Capitol are hit in Operation Blackjack, guess who will take over the presidency: the woman featured atop the Drudge Report today (ascended over Biden)…

…from today’s Drudge Report. Note the tongue-in-cheek headline below her photo.

Also, remember that the US government will start shutting down tomorrow night at midnight if Biden is supposedly vaporized before he can sign the bill to keep it going. Tomorrow may be the targeted day.

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It should also be noted that the US Navy’s strike groups are currently positioned for the war that would follow the false flags…

…from Stratfor

Three aircraft carriers (2 Marine, 1 Navy) are near Taiwan, two (1 Marine, 1 Navy) are in defensive positions off the US coasts, and one Navy carrier is in the Adriatic Sea where it can launch strikes into Ukraine (with aerial refueling provided by the Air Force).

~ MORE – 18 February 2022 ~

An observant reader has pointed out that Ukrainian President Zelensky will also be attending the Munich Security Conference; “Vice President” Harris is scheduled to meet with him there on Saturn’s Day. She is also planning to meet with another dozen heads of state while at the Conference, so a hit on Munich would decapitate Ukraine and a number of other nations. It would also wipe out the West’s “best and brightest” security people. This will make it easy for President Yellen to blame Putin for the attack.

If they plan to do it today, the Washington, DC part of the campaign may be scheduled to coincide with the signing ceremony for the government funding bill.

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Getting back to the “Communist Deep State versus Nazionist Deep State” subplot of the “End Times” stageplay, have a look at the symbols from Steve Bannon & Miles Guo’s GNews website and compare it to the symbol from “The People’s Convoy” website

…Can you see the similarities?

It would appear that the “Nazionists” (such as Bannon and Guo) are the ones organizing the trucker protests, which is why “commies” like Trudeau are coming down so hard on them. The staged conflict between the commies and Nazionists is also why the “commie” Biden-Harris administration is talking about a Russian false flag and linking anti-commie protestors to Putin.

According to the script, the commies know that the Nazionists will stage the false flags, point the finger of blame at them, and try to take them down. So they are preparing the public for when they move against their two greatest enemies: 1) the Nazionists and their support base, and 2) Vladimir Putin (the supposed “traitor to the NWO”).

As I’ve mentioned before, one of the scripted reasons the “Satanic Global Deep State” divided itself into the “Commie Deep State” (the “Black Hats”) and the “Nazionist Deep State” (the “White Hats”) is so they can go after their enemies on both sides of the political spectrum. After the false flags, the commies will go after their enemies on the Right, then the Nazionists will sweep in to go after their enemies on the Left.

The conflict between the commies and Nazionists is as fake as the larger conflict between the Satanic Global Deep State and Putin. And the Final Conflict between Putin and “Jesus Christ” will be fake as well. This is all theater for public consumption, so pop some popcorn and stay clear of any mushroom clouds.

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The globalists seem intent on pulling the trigger this time…

…from the Daily Mail

Note that this “false flag” was a decapitation strike against the head of Donbass security. This sets up the strike against the Munich Security Conference. The “commie” mainstream media will claim, “Putin false-flagged a decapitation strike on Donbass security so he could justify a retaliatory decapitation of the Western security heads.”

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A reader has pointed out that a number of Erdogan’s enemies are also attending the Munich Security Conference, including Ekrem Imamoglu, his chief rival for the Turkish presidency. Imamoglu is scheduled to speak on Saturn’s Day, the same day Kamala Harris, Volodymyr Zelensky, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg — all prime Russian targets — are scheduled to appear.

This juicy target will present itself on the day after the attempted decapitation strike on the head of Donbas security; the same day Putin conducts live fire tests of his nuclear missiles. This gives Erdogan’s Grey Wolves the opportunity to trigger some prepositioned warheads in some Western cities. “Did some Russian missiles slip through and do this?” people would wonder.

(17 February 2022) – Be on the lookout for an imminent false-flag attack by Erdogan’s Grey Wolves that will spark the next Russia-Ukraine War…

…from the Greek City Times. Here is an excerpt…

The relationship between Kiev and Ankara is developing into an alliance as they strengthen their military, technological and political relations. However, such a development is also contributing to the destabilization of Russia’s periphery and aims to encroach on Russia’s sovereignty and sphere of influence.

It is recalled that in 2015, members of the Turkish Far-Right and ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves terrorist organization, which were formerly funded and aided by NATO’s Operation Gladio, are periodically used by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to fight in regional conflicts and enforce Turkification in areas they occupy, such as Syria’s Idlib province. It is now being reported that the Grey Wolves are being deployed on Ukraine’s border with Crimea, particular in the Kherson region. Effectively, the Turkish extremists created a bridgehead for possible aggression against Crimea and enforce a blockade.

Tomorrow is February 18 (6+6+6 Day), and my partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out some historical cues the globalist scriptwriters may follow in scheduling the attack for that day…

We’ll look at the other signs of imminent mischief a bit later…

(15 February 2022) – Is the “Prince of Peace” a Karaite Jew?…

…from today’s Drudge Report

In the course of my recent research, I kept coming across the Karaite Jews. Not only are they of note in the dispute over the proper observance of Purim on Jewish leap years (2022 is such a leap year), they also have connections to Ukraine and the Khazars (which got me thinking about Putin).

The Karaites hold only to the written Torah (the books of Moses) and reject the Talmud and Rabbinic Judaism (which is the “Synagogue of Satan” according to prophecy propaganda). This makes them an attractive group through which to narrate Putin’s lineage. So when the time comes for the fake ETs to tell us that Putin is the “true Moshiach ben David and the reincarnated Jesus Christ,” will they claim he is a descendant of King David through the Khazarian Karaites?

(14 February 2022) – Will Purim Katan bring a ruinous war, a 7-year peace or another globalist delay?

With the (press-promoted) “looming threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine on Wednesday” hanging over us…

…from this morning’s Drudge Report

…let’s take a closer look at Purim according to the Kabbalist cult that is helping orchestrate the “End Times” stageplay…

The Story in a Nutshell

The Persian Empire of the 4th century BCE extended over 127 lands, and all the Jews were its subjects. When King Ahasuerus had his wife, Queen Vashti, executed for failing to follow his orders, he arranged a beauty pageant to find a new queen. A Jewish girl, Esther, found favor in his eyes and became the new queen, though she refused to divulge her nationality.

Meanwhile, the Jew-hating Haman was appointed prime minister of the empire. Mordechai, the leader of the Jews (and Esther’s cousin), defied the king’s orders and refused to bow to Haman. Haman was incensed, and he convinced the king to issue a decree ordering the extermination of all the Jews on the 13th of Adar, a date chosen by a lottery Haman made.

Mordechai galvanized all the Jews, convincing them to repent, fast and pray to G‑d. Meanwhile, Esther asked the king and Haman to join her for a feast. At a subsequent feast, Esther revealed to the king her Jewish identity. Haman was hanged, Mordechai was appointed prime minister in his stead, and a new decree was issued, granting the Jews the right to defend themselves against their enemies.

On the 13th of Adar, the Jews mobilized and killed many of their enemies. On the 14th of Adar, they rested and celebrated. In the capital city of Shushan, they took one more day to finish the job [15 Adar]. – from

As you can see, Purim is a holiday celebrating “deliverance from genocide” and “victory over evil.” And Purim Katan, which is arguably “the True Purim,” is now upon us…

  • today is 13 Adar I
  • Tuesday is 14 Adar I (Purim Katan)
  • Wednesday is 15 Adar I (Shushan Purim Katan)

So if the globalists pull the trigger this week, what’s going to happen during the three days of Purim Katan?

Will they trigger a war that will bring an end to the “communist genocide of the world’s people (via COVID and other schemes)” and give rise to the Nazionist Antichrist?

Or will we see the “White Hats” rise up to take down the Biden administration and prevent the war, resulting in the “Victory of the Avatars” (Trump, Putin, Xi) over “Obama’s communists” and the formation of a “good” New World Order (thus adhering to the version of the script I’ve covered in previous years)?

We’ll soon see.

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For newer readers who weren’t around when I was covering the “Victory of the Avatars” scenario and the “War Path” and “Peace Path” to the NWO, here is the globalist fairy tale that underpins the “Victory of the Avatars” narrative…

As the time approached for the end of the current Age of Evil on our world, the Forces of Darkness conspired to prevent the return of the Forces of Light. They hatched a plot whereby they would annihilate most of the human race, especially those of faith, and firmly subjugate and brainwash the shellshocked remnant under a One World Government run by them. This would be done so that when the Forces of Light made their scheduled return, they would find the entire planet united in opposition to them. But God, fully knowing their plot, made a plan of His own.

To stop the Dark Plot, God sent His Avatars to Earth early and disguised in human form. Their mission was to infiltrate the Dark power structures and work their way to the top so they could sabotage the Plot before it reached fruition. Among these Avatars were…

Moshiach ben David (Jesus Christ), the true Savior of the Jews and the Christians, who incarnated as Vladimir Putin to rise to leadership in the nation that had the most nuclear weapons, Russia, and stand directly and immovably in the path of the Dark Plot.

Moshiach ben Yosef, the Jewish Messiah and assistant to Moshiach ben David, who incarnated as Benjamin Netanyahu to rise to leadership in Israel in order to protect it from the Dark Forces that recreated it for the purpose of taking it to war and making a blood sacrifice of its Jews.

Cyrus the Great, the mighty Persian emperor and Jewish Messiah, who incarnated as Donald Trump to rise to leadership in the belly of the Beast, the United States, and aid Putin and Netanyahu in preventing the blood sacrifice of Israel and the world.

Imam Mahdi, the Muslim Messiah, who incarnated as Qasem Soleimani to stop the Forces of Darkness from subjugating the Islamic world.

Lord Kalki, the Hindu Messiah, who incarnated as Narendra Modi to rise to leadership in the world’s second most populous nation, India, and prevent the annihilation of the Hindus in a nuclear exchange with Pakistan triggered by its own National Security Deep State.

Maitreya Buddha, who incarnated as Xi Jinping to rise to leadership in China and end the stranglehold the Dark Forces held over humanity through the power of mammon.

In the year of 2009 AD, with Dark agents Barack Obama, Dmitry Medvedev, and Hu Jintao leading the US, Russia, and China, the Dark Forces launched their G20 New World Order. They thereafter started toppling governments in the Middle East with color revolutions and military interventions so they could move the nations towards a climactic world war that would devastate the global population and bring in their One World Government. But then something happened, and it began in 2012.

In May of 2012, Vladimir Putin regained the Presidency of Russia and reversed the policies of Medvedev that had allowed the Dark Forces to run wild in the Middle East. And in March of 2013, Xi Jinping displaced Hu Jintao as President of China and began China’s resistance to the Dark Agenda. Xi went on to contest control over the Dark’s NWO in September of 2016, which was also the month Donald Trump rose in resistance to the Dark’s plot by making a covenant with Israel to protect it from destruction.

After spending years trying to remove and assassinate these new Avatar leaders of Russia, China, and America, the Dark Forces grew so desperate that they unleashed a pandemic upon the world, hoping to use it to unseat them. But…

Should they move in the direction of the “Victory of the Avatars” scenario, we won’t be told this story at first; we’ll simply witness the “good guys” roll up the “Global Communist Deep State” and then join together to reform the UN into a “stronger, fairer, national-sovereignty-respecting” body (the New World Order). It is only after they roll out the fake ETs that we’ll be told the fairy tale. We’ll then witness Putin taking leadership of the NWO in 2025.

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The Fed began an “expedited and closed” board meeting at 11:30 AM EST today [1,2]. If they announce an interest rate increase later in the day, it will lead to a market downturn and may signal that “it’s on” for the globalist mischief that’s planned.

(12 February 2022) – The globalist plan for this danger period appears to be DOA so far, but we’re not out of the woods yet. So let me show you the big hints they’ve dropped about a bloody Super Bowl Sunday.

First, look at the Super Bowl logo in the photo below. Note how it was designed to look like it’s been covered in blood, with the blood dripping down to the base of the Roman numerals…

…from NPR

Then, of course, there is the news that accompanies the photo…

The Department of Homeland Security says it has received reports that truck drivers who are protesting vaccine mandates will block roads in major cities in the coming weeks. The protests could potentially affect the Super Bowl in Los Angeles on Sunday and the State of the Union address in Washington, D.C., on March 1, according to an internal memo from DHS obtained by NPR.

So Homeland Security has raised the spectre of a “phantom menace” to the Super Bowl — one that will be quite bloody judging by the logo. And they’ve also provided us with a fallback date for Operation Blackjack: March 1.

Second, there’s the strange connection between the GM Super Bowl teaser ad and the I, Pet Goat 2 video that’s shown in this prophecy propaganda video

Beyond the pinky connection, note that the letters “EV” are featured in both videos (I don’t yet understand why). Also carefully note the wording of the teaser ad and ask yourself, “Is it talking about the return of Obama or Saturn (the “god”)?” An explosion in LA tomorrow would put both returns in motion: first Obama’s, then Saturn’s.

Since (government organized) trucker convoys have not yet materialized in multiple cities across the US and Europe, it doesn’t appear tomorrow will bring Operation Blackjack. But a couple of precursor attacks may be in the cards. One in Los Angeles and one in Paris (where some truckers ARE gathering) would provide a nice excuse for the “authorities” to tighten the screws on both sides of the Atlantic.

(11 February 2022) – Mind Your Sixes and Nines

Before we go into what my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered, let me post my standard disclaimer about numerology and astrology…

The national and international dramas we see swirling around us now are part of the globalist “End Times” stageplay that’s being acted out for the public. And while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added –– all on the fly.

It’s also important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians and superstitious followers of numerology and astrology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the play are acted out. They align events with days of historical, numerological, and astrological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

That being said, Onnabugeisha has detected some interesting numbers…

  • Yesterday, February 10 was the day Barack Obama (born August 4, 1961) turned exactly 60 years, 6 months, and 6 days old (666, because numerologists ignore zeros). And 666 is the Number of the Beast, which is associated with Satan and the Antichrist. So Obama flashed “Antichrist” right before this whole ruckus over the “imminent Ukraine invasion” began.
  • Tomorrow, February 12, will be the 999th day since Volodymyr Zelensky took office as President of Ukraine on May 20, 2019. 999 is the inverted Number of the Beast (which denotes a Satanic connection) and can also represent “the end of something.”
  • Wednesday, February 16, will mark exactly 9 years, 9 months and 9 days since Vladimir Putin began his current tenure as President of Russia on May 7, 2012. So that’s another 999 representing a Satanic connection and “the end of something.”
  • Tuesday, February 22, will mark exactly 9 years and 99 days since Xi Jinping took office as the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party on November 15, 2012. So that’s yet another 999 representing a Satanic connection and “the end of something.”
  • Tuesday, February 22 (02/22/2022), will mark exactly 2 years, 2 months and 2 days since the US Space Force was founded on December 20, 2019. And if you add those three sets of three twos together, you get 666, the Number of the Beast…

2/22/2022 2y,2m,2d = 666

So how will the globalist scriptwriters employ these numbers, you ask? – Here’s the answer…

> The globalists have had their controlled alt-media guys cast Barack Obama as the Antichrist and the “communist mastermind” who actually runs the Biden administration. And when the “Saturn Antichrist” sweeps in to defeat Obama and the communists and pose as our savior, he will blame COVID and the war on his vanquished foes. So having Obama flash a 666 at the beginning of the war will help the propagandists sell him as the “defeated Antichrist” and Saturn as the “victorious messiah” [the Saturn/Nazionist Antichrist will be played by Trump, Pence, Kushner, Merkel or a fake (GMO) “extraterrestrial”].

> Since 999 can signal “the end of something” and it’s showing up in relation to his tenure as President of Ukraine, the occurrence of Zelensky’s 999 on February 12 provides a favorable day to script his incapacitation or assassination. The West would blame it on Putin, saying that he wanted to decapitate Ukraine before the invasion (so the power factions that run Ukraine will be battling with each other even as the country battles the invasion).

> Putin’s 999 on February 16 would represent the same thing as Zelensky’s: the end of his presidency due to incapacitation, death or disappearance. According to the script, the move against him will be “payback from the West” delivered with the help of the “Atlantic Integrationist Deep State” within Russia (Medvedev, Bortnikov, and others).

> Xi’s 999 on February 22 would represent the same thing as Zelensky and Putin’s: the end of his rule due to incapacitation, death, disappearance or arrest. Xi will fall when the Chinese Communist Party falls, and he’ll be blamed for all the recent “crimes against humanity” committed by the CCP (including COVID).

> The Space Force’s 666 indicates that they’re on the side of Satan/Saturn. Note the object circling the Earth in their logo; it was put there to symbolize the rings of Saturn…

So when our Space Force “guardians” show up to stop World War 3 before the planet and Israel are destroyed, they will be bringing the Saturn/Nazionist Antichrist to power. And he will remain in power until Putin’s UFOs show up in 2025.

So this part of the “End Times” stageplay will bring an end to the supposed “traitors to the NWO,” Putin and Xi. Putin would be taken out on the 16th and Xi would be taken out on the 22nd when the US Space Force defeats the CCP and Obama. This will leave the “Satanic Global Deep State” and the “Saturn/Nazionist Antichrist” with a cleared path to the launch of the New World Order.

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Tomorrow, February 12, is the 43rd day of 2022, which means there will be 322 days remaining until the end of the year…

…(322 is the Skull and Bones number)

In recent Ukrainian history, February 12 is the anniversary of the day in 1991 that Crimea gained its autonomy and the day in 2015 when the Minsk II protocol to end the fighting in Donbas was agreed to. It is also the day in 2022 when the globalists may be planning to stage the assassination of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to touch off the US-Russian war.

Should the globalists go ahead with their current schedule for this war, it will likely end on February 22, 10 days later. This scheduling would provide a fulfillment of the “Ten Days of Darkness” period “foretold” by the controlled alt-media.

See today’s (2/11) update for more details on what’s planned. Tomorrow we’ll take a closer look at their plan for Super Bowl Sunday.

(11 February 2022) – The globalists are dropping some rather obvious hints that Super Bowl Sunday (the 13th) is targeted for Operation Blackjack or a precursor attack (and, of course, the controlled alt-media are tying the plot to Obama). We’ll look at those hints this afternoon, and we’ll also look at the occult indicators that support the scripting of assassination attempts targeting the Ukrainian president on the 12th and Vladimir Putin on the 16th.

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The two sets of page-topping headlines that have shown up on Drudge today are actually related to each other…

By telling the public that Russia has committed to an invasion of Ukraine “next week,” the Biden administration is setting up Putin to be blamed for Operation Blackjack: “He blew up the key cities in the West in order to weaken NATO before the invasion started.” So keep an eye out for the sudden materialization of trucker blockades in cities throughout the US and EU over the weekend. Some of those vehicles will contain bombs, including nuclear bombs, to be blown on the 13th, 14th, or 15th. Super Bowl Sunday seems the most likely candidate.

(10 February 2022) – Saturday’s “War Signs in the Heavens”

As I noted in the 4 February update, there will be two planetary conjunctions this Saturday (Saturn’s Day). It’s time to take a closer look at them.

At 02:38 UTC on February 12, Venus and Mars will join each other in the sky

…from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Here is an excerpt…

Venus, the brightest object in the sky after the sun and moon, has long been nicknamed the morning star or the evening star. The dense Venusian cloud cover reflects 70% of the sun’s light, making the planet appear 10 times brighter than Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Venus’ evening and morning appearances were once thought by the ancients to belong to two different objects…

Dimly lit, orange-hued Mars has also arrived as a morning presence. Rising about two hours before sunrise on Saturday, Feb. 12, Mars will be visible below and to the right of dazzling Venus. An attentive eye will spot brightening Mercury hovering to the left of the pair, just above the southeast horizon.

So the “morning star” Venus (which is mythologically associated with Lucifer/Satan and the Antichrist) will join Mars (the Roman god of war) with Mercury (“the messenger“) in attendance.

Later at 19:08 UTC that day, Mercury (“the messenger”) will join Pluto (“the ruler of the underworld“) in the sky. And what message will the two bring? – To answer that, let’s look at something that was written in the promotional blurb for “The Second Coming of Saturn” prophecy propaganda book…

Deep in the earth, this dark god plots and waits. A day is coming when he will be released from his chains. He and his minions will loose literal hell on earth — a time when people will long to die, but death will not come.”

According to the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, this is the message Mercury and Pluto will deliver this Saturn’s Day…

“Saturn has been loosed from his chains, and he has joined with Mars to bring war to the Earth.”

For this reason, the globalists view both the 12th and the 14th/15th (Purim Katan) as favorable times for starting the NWO Transition War.

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has pointed out that tomorrow, February 11, is the anniversary of the fall of the Shah of Iran and the rise of the Ayatollah Khomeini. So it would be a good day for the globalist scriptwriters to schedule an Israeli false-flag targeting either Iran’s president or supreme leader. Watch for an attempted hit by the MEK, Israel’s terror proxy in Iran.

(8 February 2022) – Superimposing the occult indicators identified by my partner Onnabugeisha over the real-world indicators I’ve been monitoring suggests that the globalists may attempt to touch off the Ukraine part of the war on February 11-12 and the follow-on elements of the war (Taiwan, Israel-Iran, Operation Blackjack) on February 15. The war-stopping “intervention” may be scheduled for February 22. Details to come.

(7 February 2022) – The globalists may be intending to start the European part of the NWO Transition War with a “Ukrainian/NATO/US attack” on Russian forces using a Turkish-made armed drone. According to the script, Erdogan would be the one who ordered it (in order to get the “Christian East” and “Christian West” to annihilate each other), and it would be carried out with an electronic override of the drone’s controls by Turkish agents. Details to come.

(4 February 2022) – To the globalist scriptwriters, the upcoming Saturn-Sun conjunction represents “(the god) Saturn’s ascendance to the Sun/(Son of God)’s position” — in other words, “Saturn’s ascendance as the Antichrist”

…from the Skywatch TV Store

So if they stick with this ridiculous “Saturn Returns” theme for this year, the conjunction will mark the beginning his rise. Thus, the official time window for kicking off the events that will lead to his emergence begins today at 18:55 UTC / 12:55 PM Texas time.

I’ll start preparing a list of key dates during the Olympics when they can start something. If we can push them out of the Olympics, there’s no reason we can’t push them all the way out past April, which would ruin their current timetable.

Keep an eye on Archbishop Vigano today and tomorrow. He is a key early indicator of whether they’ll go for it or not.

~ MORE ~

Here is an initial list of the days to watch during the Beijing Olympics. We’ll look at the details of each date as we approach it…

Feb 4-5: Beijing Olympics opening ceremony false-flag opportunity; Saturn-Sun conjunction; Vigano death dates

Feb 11: 11th day of the month

Feb 12: two planetary conjunctions in one day (Mercury-Pluto, Venus-Mars)

Feb 14-15: Purim Katan (Israel-Iran danger date)

Feb 18: budget deadline / US government shutdown at midnight

Feb 20: Beijing Olympics closing ceremony false-flag opportunity

It should be noted that we must watch for trucker rallies during the Olympics timeframe, especially any that take place in Washington (DC), New York City, and other “COVID Nazi” cities. The rallies will provide cover for the government to carry out false-flags to be initially blamed on antivaxxers, Trumpers and other groups labeled as “far-right.”

~ MORE ~

Lookie, lookie what happened on the day of the Saturn-Sun conjunction…

…from US News

This will be spun by the Zionists as “commie-compromised” Biden’s “abandonment of America’s commitment to stop a nuclear Holocaust against Israel by Iran.” And this means America and its nuclear deal partners must prepare for (Zionist Israeli-run) “terror on steroids” intended to scare and provoke them into decisive military action against Iran

…from Reuters

As for the Biden-Harris administration / the commies and the mainstream media, they will direct the blame for the attacks towards Russia (Putin) and the “far-right.”

Of course, this sanctions relief trigger is being pulled 10 days before Purim Katan begins. Purim is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the foiling of a Persian (Iranian) plot to exterminate all the Jews in their lands, so we can expect major action as soon as Purim Katan (February 14-15) or as late as standard Jewish Purim (March 16-17).

Remember, Zionist Israel’s scripted motivation for taking down Iran isn’t really about Iran’s nuclear program; it’s about removing Iran as an obstacle to Israel’s territorial expansion into “Greater Israel.” And they will act in concert with the Turks and Azeris in destroying the Iranian state and dividing up the spoils.

(3 February 2022) – As we await the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics (and the Saturn-Sun conjunction) tomorrow, we see that the aircraft carrier races around the South China Sea and the waters off Taiwan continue unabated…

…from Stratfor

If the USS Ronald Reagan leaves its base at Yokosuka, Japan, there will be 5 carriers at sea near China — while two more hold a defensive position off the US east coast and another approaches Syria in the eastern Mediterranean. So it looks like the US Navy is in position for the war that would start if the supposed “traitors to the NWO (Putin and Xi)” encounter an assassination attempt in Beijing tomorrow…

…from NPR

As for the sudden “tech wreck” today, one wonders how it will affect the markets tomorrow, especially if the “West-aligned Chinese Deep State” are scripted to make their move on Xi and Putin (on the 4th day of the Chinese new year).

On another note, if you count the day Archbishop Vigano’s first “open letter” was published (August 25, 2018) as “Day 1” instead of “Day 0,” he will reach “Day 1260” tomorrow (on the 4th). So his staged death tomorrow (or on the 5th) would be part of the “Day of the Long Knives” in which the “Satanic Global Deep State” attempts to strike down its enemies and implode the remains of the Interim World Order.

More information on Archbishop Vigano’s role in this is further down the page.

~ MORE ~

Over the past several weeks, you may have heard news about the “diplomatic boycott” of the Beijing Olympics…

…from Al Jazeera

Given the “fireworks” that may be planned for Putin, Xi, and perhaps the Olympic stadium, the boycott starts to make more sense: “They didn’t want their diplomats/VIPs in the stadium because they knew it was going to blow up”

The 2022 Winter Olympic opening ceremonies will be dotted with empty seats as some major world VIPs skip the festivities in protest against the Chinese government’s human rights violations. – from ABC News

But the political showdown between Putin and the West over Ukraine remained the main Olympic act ahead of Friday’s opening ceremony, which the Russian president will attend in a show of unity with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. – from Reuters

If you think about it, what better time is there for the globalists to stage the Putin-Xi hit than at the Olympic opening ceremony when all the world is watching? In the aftermath of a backpack nuke explosion at the stadium, the four boycotting nations and their G7 allies would come under immediate suspicion, thus providing the pretext for the “retaliatory” Operation Blackjack attacks against the West.

(1 February 2022) – My sense of urgency about this week declined after the globalists arrested the fall of the markets back on the 24th. But some signs I’m seeing today have caused the urgency to return:

Do you recall when I covered Operation Blackjack, the simultaneous triggering in key Western cities of — as the Biden-Harris administration will spin it — “KGB-provided nukes by right-wing domestic extremists“?…

Note that the nuke is portrayed as being in a commercial vehicle.

Well look at where are bunch of commercial vehicles are now headed…

…from Infowars

Do you recall the snowy and icy imagery of the time the Second 9/11 War breaks out in the occult video I, Pet Goat 2?…

Well look at what the weather engineers have brought us just in time for 2/2/2022

…from Zero Hedge. Also note that the date given for Operation Blackjack was June 22 (6/22), and globalist numerologists can spin tomorrow as 6/22 (2/2/2022 > 6 22).

So as we approach February 4, keep watch for the third danger sign: a resumption of the freefall of the markets (closely preceded or followed by some mushroom clouds sprouting up amidst “THE STORM”)…

…from I, Pet Goat 2

Globalist Agenda Watch 2022 – January Updates

(3 January 2022) – Howdy, all: If you were wondering about my recent “disappearance” and failures to respond, it was because I was dying from the illness I mentioned back around the 17th. I was totally out of it, and taking care of my son was the only thing I could manage. But things took a turn back towards life a few days ago when I finally felt hunger for the first time in weeks. And now I am eating to regain my mind and stamina.

Looking back now upon the totality of the experience, I’m left wondering if it was an illness or a purification. I’ve come out of it with so many positive changes.

I’ll try to write short notes from time-to-time until my writing ability returns to normal. And the current globalist event track starts with the Beijing Olympics (early February) and runs through Passover (April 23). Communism will fall to the false saviors during that time. ~ Ken

(14-22 January 2022) – Why February through April is so important to the globalists

After the ridiculous number of difficulties I’ve faced in my private life over the past month, I find myself feeling better than I have in a long time. I also find myself very much in the mood to go straight for the jugular of the globalists’ plans for February through April. So let’s begin by looking at why that time period is so key to their “End Times” stageplay. And once this core information is out, I’ll construct a guide entry around it (which should be understandable to everyone) and a timetable for tracking their attempt to manifest their (arid) wet dream.

Here goes…

As you can read about in The “End Times” Deception, the globalists are attempting to stage TWO Christian Tribulation periods

  1. The first one will feature a Communist Antichrist who will be defeated (this Feb-April) by an apparent savior. This apparent savior (who is secretly the “Nazionist Antichrist”) will build a New World Order and lead it for 3.5 years before being defeated by another apparent savior, Vladimir Putin. This Tribulation will be billed as “Satan’s Great Deception,” because it is intended to lead to the world accepting Putin as the “returned Jesus Christ.”
  2. The second one will feature Vladimir Putin posing as Jesus, changing the NWO in a crowd-pleasing way, and openly leading it for 3.5 years (it will turn very nasty by the end of his rule). This second Tribulation will be billed as the “God’s Real Tribulation,” because the globalists want you to accept the person they put forward to defeat Putin as the “real Jesus Christ.”

Each of these Tribulation periods will last for two 3.5-year prophecy periods, totalling 7 years. And these two 7-year Tribulations can run consecutively, with a gap between them, or OVERLAP. In the current implementation timetable, they overlap…

In the next section, I’ll tell you why they’re currently planned to overlap. I’ll also tell you why you’ll see TWO Antichrists “stand in the holy place” in the years ahead

  1. Trump/Pence/Kushner in “Moses’ original tabernacle” this March/April, and
  2. Putin in the rebuilt Jewish Temple in 2025.

(If you are a new reader and don’t understand what I mean by this, stick with me. By the time I finish the Guide, you’ll get it.)

Until I post again, read this section from 13-14 December 2021 update. It hints at why 2022-2029 is currently planned to be the time period of “God’s Real Tribulation”…

What do 20 April 2022, 1 October 2025, and 13 April 2029 have in common? – They may be the key fulfillment dates during the globalist-staged 7-year Tribulation, because…

April 20, 2022 is the day in Passover 2022
that is separated by 1260 days from
October 1, 2025, which is the day Yom Kippur begins in 2025
that is separated by 1290 days from
April 13, 2029, which is the day of the Apophis asteroid “impact.”

~ MORE – 15 January 2022 ~

The globalists have spent decades propagandizing Christians to expect the Tribulation to unfold in the way they have planned. And in my past writings about the two-Tribulation deception, I noted that the globalists need not — and in fact cannot — engineer a perfect fulfillment of those expectations in the first Tribulation. They’ll get by with “passable fulfillments” instead. But in the second Tribulation (“God’s true Tribulation”), they will fulfill every expectation with precision, including hitting the exact numbers in the Bible that are interpreted as being part of the Tribulation timeline. Those numbers are 1260 days, 1290 days and 1335 days.

So this is why the February-April timeframe is so dangerous…

  1. It affords the globalists the opportunity to run a 1260-day first half of the “real Tribulation” that will begin during the 2022 Jewish spring holidays and end during the 2025 Jewish fall holidays,
  2. it allows them to run a 1290-day second half of the “real Tribulation” that ends on the exact day of the next Apophis asteroid flyby, and
  3. it permits them to launch their Kabbalah Christ’s “Millennial Kingdom” 45 days after the “asteroid day climax” on the 1335-day mark.

This would provide a perfect fulfillment of the biblical numbers.

~ MORE – 16 January 2022 ~

Now if we look at the Bible verses in which the numbers appear…

Revelation Chapter 12 offers a “prophetic vision” which features a 1260-day period that begins right after the “Dragon”/”Satan” and his angels are cast down to the Earth. The globalist prophecy propagandists will claim that this vision represents “the time when Satan’s spirit comes down to Earth to indwell the Antichrist and start the 7-year Tribulation,” thus attaching the 1260 days to the first half of the Tribulation.

Daniel Chapter 12 offers another “prophetic vision” — supposedly caused by an “angel” appearing to the “prophet” — which says this…

Daniel 12:11 – And from the time the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation set up, there will be 1,290 days.

This verse refers to “the Antichrist’s desecration of the Jewish Temple” (by either standing in the holy place of the Temple himself or having an object placed there, such as a counterfeit Ark of the Covenant). Globalist prophecy doctrine holds that this desecration will occur in the middle of the 7 years, so this ties the 1290 days to the second half of the Tribulation. And both the 1290 days and the 7-year Tribulation will end with the arrival of the globalist-selected “Jesus Christ” to defeat the “Antichrist” (on the day of the asteroid flyby).

If the globalists stick to this timeline, the first Tribulation desecration of the Temple will occur on 20 April 2022 (during this year’s Passover holiday period). And to make the fulfillment possible, they may “miraculously discover” Moses’ original tabernacle, which would be placed upon the Temple Mount after the war. If it’s counterfeit and “Satanically bewitched,” the entire tabernacle and its contents being erected over the former location of the Second Temple’s holy place could turn out to be the planned desecration.

In the very next verse of Daniel Chapter 12, we are told this…

Daniel 12:12 Blessed is he who waits and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.

This verse implies that the 1335th day after the Temple desecration will bring something wonderful. And this would most likely be the start of the Kabbalah Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, thus giving “Jesus” 45 days to defeat the Antichrist, provide needed aid after the battle, and explain to the world what just happened (according to the globalist-penned “official story”).

~ MORE – 17 January 2022 ~

So now that we’ve looked at why April 20, 2022 is such an attractive day for the globalists to start the second Tribulation, let’s look back to the start of the ongoing first Tribulation to see how that fits with April 20.

In a previous (2009-2016) attempt to fake the first Tribulation, the globalists cast Barack Obama as the decoy Antichrist that would be defeated at the end of the 7 years. And they marked the beginning of those 7 years by having him sit as President of the UN Security Council for a September 24, 2009 meeting on nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament

…from YouTube

The 7-year “covenant with the many” Obama made that day (Resolution 1887) was set to expire with an attempted nuclear exchange in September of 2016. But instead — according to the globalist script — “God intervened and paused the Satanic plan by sowing dissention in the ranks of the Global Deep State, setting the Nazionists against the communists in a battle for control over the Satanic New World Order and bringing Nazionist Trump to power.”

In keeping with this script change, the globalists had “Nazionist Antichrist” Trump/Pence/Kushner mark the beginning of his 7-year tenure in the same way Obama did…

…from YouTube

And when they did this on 26 September 2018, they started a 3.5-year countdown to the desecration of the holy place / Temple, which will mark the halfway point of the first Tribulation.

3.5 years after Obama’s countdown started ticking, they had him do this…

…from YouTube (top) and Time and Date (bottom)

With no Jewish tabernacle or temple on the Temple Mount to desecrate, the globalists had their Antichrist character stand in another holy place: the supposed birthplace of Jesus. Having the “Obamanation that brings desolation” stand in “Christ’s birthplace” passably fulfilled the “desecration of the holy place” expectation and marked the beginning of the second half of that aborted Tribulation.

So when will Trump/Pence/Kushner’s 3.5 year “countdown to desecration” end? April 20 is a good candidate…

…from Time and Date

While having the first half of the first Tribulation run for 1302 days does not hit any of the exact numbers in the Bible, it does lie within the 1260-1335 day range of the exact numbers. This makes it a passable fulfillment — one that will be all the more acceptable to prophecy watchers when the second half of the first Tribulation ends up running exactly 1260 days.

(22 January 2022) – As my longtime readers know, the globalists use historical, numerological, and astrological cues in timing their events. And I just found an astrological cue that explains why the Chinese scheduled the start of the Beijing Olympics on February 4 (of all days) and why the globalists’ chief prophecy propaganda mill has been pushing the return of the god Saturn (as the Antichrist)” narrative so hard.

There is a conjunction of the planet Saturn with the Sun on February 4!…

…from (tom) and Stellarium (bottom)

Also, let’s not forget the solar conjunction symbolism associated with the start of the war in the occult video I, Pet Goat 2

…from YouTube

So the war can be expected to start in close proximity to the start of the Olympics (which is the real reason globalist agent Putin is mobilizing his whole navy by then), and it will bring the communist onslaught that will defeated by a savior figure before or during Passover in April.

I’ll expand on all this later today (hopefully). Also, watch for a preliminary false-flag terror event (staged by the government) at the Washington, DC antivaxxer rally tomorrow.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – December Updates


[NOTE: There were no more December updates after the 19th due to illness.]

(19 December 2021) – Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been cast as one of the “two witnesses” from Revelation 11

Another piece of the “End Times” puzzle fell into place today. And let’s start by looking at Revelation 11:3-12

3 And I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”

4 These witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. 5 If anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouths and devours their enemies. In this way, anyone who wants to harm them must be killed. 6 These witnesses have power to shut the sky so that no rain will fall during the days of their prophecy, and power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they wish.

The Witnesses Killed and Raised

7 When the two witnesses have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will wage war with them, and will overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city—figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where their Lord was also crucified. 9 For three and a half days all peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will view their bodies and will not permit them to be laid in a tomb. 10 And those who dwell on the earth will gloat over them, and will celebrate and send one another gifts, because these two prophets had tormented them.

11 But after the three and a half days, the breath of life from God entered the two witnesses, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell upon those who saw them. 12 And the witnesses heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched them.

I’ve long suspected that Vigano is one of the witnesses, so I took a minute today to find out when he started his “crusade against the Satanic Establishment” and did a little math…

On August 25, 2018, Vigano published an 11-page letter accusing Pope Francis and numerous other senior church leaders of concealing allegations of sexual misconduct against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Vigano stated that Pope Benedict XVI imposed sanctions on McCarrick in response to accusations that were made against him, but that Pope Francis refused to enforce them and that he made McCarrick an important advisor. Vigano called on Francis to resign. The letter provoked diverse reactions within the church, with some expressing support for the allegations and calling for further investigation and others defending Francis, questioning the statements made in the letter, and attacking Vigano’s credibility. After the publication of the letter, Vigano continued to issue public statements. – from Wikipedia

If you count forward 1260 days from August 25, 2018, you land on February 5, 2022, the day after the Beijing Winter Olympics begin. And we have previously noted some things that point to the Olympics being a crisis period (see the 6-7 December updates further down this page). So February 5 is the day Vigano’s death will be faked.

Now I’ll start looking for another dissident voice who began to speak out around the same time Vigano did.

(15-17 December 2021) – I’ve found no news indicating that Biden has signed the debt limit increase today. Congress worked into the early morning to get the bill to Biden’s desk, but instead of sticking around and signing it, he flew off to Kentucky to make a pointless visit to areas hit by tornadoes. Are they setting something up for tomorrow?

~ MORE ~

Putin and Xi held a virtual meeting today focused on “countering US and EU interference in their affairs.” So if something happens tomorrow that sets the dominoes falling in the West, it will appear that Putin and Xi were behind it.

According to the script for this part of the “End Times” stageplay, it will be the “Satanic Deep State” that attacks the West so they can blame Putin and Xi and take them down (with the assistance of their “Deep State” allies in Russia and China).

~ MORE – 16 December 2021 (early AM) ~

Something strange is going on. I’ve been blocked from accessing — I was able to get through only after using a VPN. And I found that not only is there no mention of Biden signing the debt limit increase today, but there are also references to this: Biden targets drug traffickers with new executive orders. The Chinese-South American drug nexus targeted by today’s executive orders is what the Nazionists will point to when narrating how the Operation Blackjack nukes got into America (the commies will blame Russia and their intelligence services and mafia for smuggling them in).

~ MORE ~

Congress also passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on Wednesday, and it too has yet to be signed. Upon checking Biden’s schedule for Thursday, both he AND Kamala Harris will attend a White House ceremony to award the Congressional Medal of Honor to three servicemen. Does he also intend to sign the NDAA and debt limit increase at that 1:30 PM EST ceremony? Will Nancy Pelosi and the leaders of Congress also attend?

If there’s going to be an attack on Washington today, it will happen sometime around 1:30. And it will take out the national leadership before Biden signs the NDAA and debt ceiling increase, leaving the entire US government (including the military) broke. Any US government activity that happens after that would take place under presidential “emergency powers” exercised by whoever ends up being the top surviving successor. Could it be Blinken or Yellen (both Jews)?

~ MORE (expanded to include occult indicators) ~

As I continue to look deeper into this setup, three preparatory pieces of recent news come to mind. The first two involve Donald Trump…

  1. Trump publicly chastised Netanyahu for recognizing Biden as president after the stolen election, and
  2. Trump publicly chastised Senate Republican leader McConnell for giving in to the Democrats on the debt limit, thus implying that he would have preferred to see the government default in order to deny the Biden-Harris communist revolutionary government any continued funding.

The post-attack continuation of the Biden-Harris regime will point to these things in blaming Trump and Putin (and their supporters) for the attack(s)…

“Still furious and in denial over his election loss, Trump turned to Putin for support in taking down the government with terrorist nuclear attacks.”

In the third bit of news, reports have circulated that Biden has been denying Israeli requests for support in attacking Iran. So later on in the stageplay, a case can be made that Israel was behind the attack that killed Biden and the first three successors to the presidency: Harris, Pelosi, and Leahy (all three will likely be at the signing ceremony)…

It will be said — after the arrival of the Kabbalah Christ — that Israel did this so a Rothschild-aligned Jew would take the presidency and provide the support necessary for the Iran attack.

And can you guess who is suddenly on his way back to Washington (ahead of schedule)?…

…from Google

My partner Onnabugeisha has looked at the occult side of December 16 and found indicators that would support the globalist scripting of an attack on Washington, DC AND New York City (if not the entire Western world)…

December 16 was the final day of the 546 Siege of Rome. The next day, Rome was sacked by the Ostrogoths thanks to assistance from traitors inside of Rome’s walls.

In the globalist historical narrative, the USA is the current incarnation of the Roman Empire, and it must fall in order for the Global Roman Empire (the “reformed” UN) to rise like a phoenix from its ashes.

December 16 was the day in 1835 that the Great Fire of New York began [1,2]. It started at an intersection of Wall Street and devastated the financial district. The flames could be seen from Philadelphia, 80 miles away.

There is a good chance that if they blow up the governmental center of the US today, they’ll also hit its financial center. Of course, UN Headquarters is another target they intend to hit, so that could be thrown in as well. Operation Blackjack may be triggered in its entirety.

It should be remembered that today is also Shemini Atzeret Day 2 of Essene Hanukkah (if recognized as Sukkot), the day when “God’s judgment” is delivered to the people of the world (outside of Israel).

Ha! Aborted! Biden signs debt ceiling increase, preventing first-ever U.S. default

~ MORE ~

We won today, but tomorrow is another danger day. I’ve seen no indications that Biden signed the NDAA today (which targets China, and which China would like to stop). And they’ve found excuses to keep Congress in town on Friday.

~ MORE – 17 December 2021 ~

It looks like we’ll be alright today. Biden beat feet out of Washington bright and early (7:10 AM).

(13-14 December 2021) – What do 20 April 2022, 1 October 2025, and 13 April 2029 have in common? – They may be the key fulfillment dates during the globalist-staged 7-year Tribulation, because…

April 20, 2022 is the day in Passover 2022
that is separated by 1260 days from
October 1, 2025, which is the day Yom Kippur begins in 2025
that is separated by 1290 days from
April 13, 2029, which is the day of the Apophis asteroid “impact.”

Tomorrow I’ll show you the significance of all this. Until then, review the third part of the 8 December update (which is a little further down the page).

~ MORE – 14 December 2021 ~

I won’t have time to concentrate and write until later today. So until then, have a look at part three of the 8 December update…

Prophecy propaganda chatter I’ve been observing is suggesting the possibility of a shortened, hybrid timetable for the arrival of the Kabbalah Christ. It would involve…

  1. the rise of the Nazionist Antichrist and the New World Order during the spring Jewish holidays of 2022.
    …and after 3.5 years pass…
  2. the takeover of the NWO by “Final Antichrist” Putin during the fall Jewish holidays of 2025.
    …and after 3.5 years pass…
  3. Putin and the NWO placing an AI in charge of the global government during the spring Jewish holidays of 2029. This will be done in advance of the “Apophis asteroid impact with Earth” about a week later, since “an AI can impartially and better manage the aftermath of the strike.” This AI will supposedly be “Satan himself,” and the “asteroid strike” will actually be the arrival of “Jesus Christ and his angels.”

If they follow this timetable, the globalist-selected “real Jesus Christ” will arrive on Friday, April 13, 2029.

I’ll cover this timetable in detail over the weeks ahead (until there’s nothing left of it but a smoking hole in cyberspace). But if you want to get an overview of the globalist scripting that will give rise to this scenario, listen to this 2+ hour Mike Adams interview of David Wilcock. In it, Wilcock lays out the “Satan has become AI” narrative.

Also have a gander at Revelation 12 and Daniel 12 to see where the 1260-day and 1290-day time periods come from. There is also (in Daniel) a 1335-day time period that marks the launch of the Kabbalah Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, 45 days after his April 13, 2029 arrival.

(13 December 2021) – Pre-Julian Saturnalia and the “Ten Days of Darkness”

On 1 January 45 BC, Julius Caesar reformed the Roman calendar into the Julian calendar, and the reforms included adding two more days to the month of December. Since the holiday of Saturnalia was defined by counting 16 days backwards from January 1 (with January 1 counting as the first of the 16), the two extra days caused Saturnalia to be moved from December 15 to December 17…

As an observance of state religion, Saturnalia was supposed to have been held ante diem xvi Kalendas Ianuarias, sixteen days before the Kalends of January, on the oldest Roman religious calendar, which the Romans believed to have been established by the legendary founder Romulus and his successor Numa Pompilius. It was a dies festus, a legal holiday when no public business could be conducted. The day marked the dedication anniversary (dies natalis) of the Temple to Saturn in the Roman Forum in 497 BC. When Julius Caesar had the calendar reformed because it had fallen out of synchronization with the solar year, two days were added to the month, and Saturnalia fell on 17 December. It was felt, however, that the original day had thus been moved by two days, and so Saturnalia was celebrated under Augustus as a three-day official holiday encompassing both dates.

By the late Republic, the private festivities of Saturnalia had expanded to seven days, but during the Imperial period contracted variously to three to five days. Caligula extended official observances to five.

The date 17 December was the first day of the astrological sign Capricorn, the house of Saturn, the planet named for the god. Its proximity to the winter solstice (21 to 23 December on the Julian calendar) was endowed with various meanings by both ancient and modern scholars: for instance, the widespread use of wax candles (cerei, singular cereus) could refer to “the returning power of the sun’s light after the solstice”. – from Wikipedia

So “true, original, pre-Julian” Saturnalia falls on December 15 on the Julian calendar. And December 15 on the Julian calendar is December 28 on the Gregorian calendar, which is the same day that “Month-Off” Hanukkah begins.

Putting this together with the “Ten Days of Darkness” propaganda narrative, we get this…

Meanwhile, Tom Horn’s disinformation site SkyWatchTV continues to churn out the “Return of Saturn” preparatory propaganda. They’re already up to Part 7…


They’re laying down this propaganda so people will see the coming “Saturn” character as the Antichrist, thus aiding “Final Antichrist” Putin in gaining the public’s acceptance as the “true savior.” Later, when the script calls for it, they’ll help expose Putin as the Final Antichrist and they’ll fall on their knees for the Kabbalah Christ.

By the way, the Capricorn astrological sign, ruled by Saturn, begins on December 21 this year (the same day as the winter solstice). So the time period from December 21 through Orthodox Christmas will feature The Saturn Show, which will plunge the world deep into fear and darkness before presenting us with relief and false light.

(12 December 2021) – WHAT TO WATCH FOR THIS WEEK

> Biden has signed the bill to fast track the process of raising the debt limit, but Congress must still pass another bill to actually do the deed by the supposed “deadline” (Wednesday the 15th). So we must continue to watch for a big event that will both disable the Congress and create a massive money suck on the federal budget. According to the NWO transition script, America’s adversaries are motivated to cause a US debt default in order to hobble our ability to make war and bring down the “American Empire.”

> While news of tornadoes dominates the headlines, a massive computer hacker war targeting the world’s servers (and the data they store) is underway. Watch for real world consequences of this to manifest soon. The globalists can script this into a “Cyber Tyler Durden Moment” if they wish.

> Watch for a potential provocation from the Israelis that would trigger the start of an intifada in Jerusalem on Tuesday. The uprising may also be started without a provocation and blamed on “the Iranians showing the Israelis that they can touch them too” in advance of the nuclear diplomacy deadline this Friday.

As you can see on the event calendar a little further down, Tuesday through Friday are danger days…

  • Tuesday (from sunset of Monday till sunset of Tuesday) is the 10th day of the Hebrew month of Tevet, the day in Jewish history that Jerusalem came under siege by the Neo-Babylonian Empire. This siege led to the destruction of the First Temple (Solomon’s Temple). The globalists may use this day as a scripting cue to start an Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Jerusalem which may end with the destruction of Al Aqsa Mosque.
  • Wednesday and Thursday are Shemini Atzeret Days 1 and 2 if you observe Essene Hanukkah as Sukkot. These two days could bring “God’s (unfavorable) Judgment” to the people of America and the world.
  • Friday is the deadline for “Iran to show they’re serious about returning to the nuclear deal” before “options other than diplomacy” may come into play. It is also Gregorian Saturnalia Day 1.

While we’re on the subject of Saturnalia, I’ve found a notable correlation between the original, pre-Julian Saturnalia, “Month-Off Hanukkah,” December 28, and the “10 Days of Darkness” propaganda narrative. Basically, original Saturnalia and the sunset start of Month-Off Hanukkah both occur on December 28. So if you stage a scary event on December 28 and count it as the First Day of Darkness, the Tenth Day of Darkness is Orthodox Christmas Eve. So Orthodox Christmas Day would be “the day the Light returns to the world” (Saturn’s Light). I’ll explain all this in more detail tomorrow (events permitting).

(10 December 2021) – The globalists retreated from doing anything today, but they set this up on their way out…

…from Zero Hedge

If you look at the event calendar in the 30 November update, you’ll see that the three days that precede next Friday’s deadline are the danger days at the end of Essene Hanukkah. And the deadline day is Gregorian Saturnalia (Day 1). So the deadline could trigger “preemptive action from the Iranians” during the three danger days, or it could lead to an attack on Iran at the end of Saturnalia (around Christmas Day). Watch for possible trouble in Jerusalem on the 14th.

That being said, enjoy the weekend. We have our work cut out for us next week.

(30 November – 10 December 2021) – If we can push the globalists back just one more month, we will have frustrated them for another year. So to help achieve this, I’ve put together a calendar we can use to track them day-by-day through December…

I’ll build my December Overwatch entry around this calendar, and I’ll adjust it as they try to squirm their way into alternative scenarios. As things currently stand, I expect the leading edge of the Big Event to hit this Friday, with the transition into the full “commie” sh*tshow happening by Tuesday. Our Nazionist false savior should then enter the stage mid-month.

If you are a new reader and don’t understand what’s on the calendar, read the section titled Your Guide to Understanding Nuclear 9/11, which is a little further down the page.

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After completing the calendar, I noticed something: Saturnalia is listed as a seven-day festival, just like Sukkot. So…

  • if you tack a “Roman version” 2-day “Shemini Atzeret” to the end of Gregorian Saturnalia, you land on Christmas, and
  • if you tack on the same two days to Julian Saturnalia, you land on Orthodox Christmas.

That said, if the globalists are unable to hit the two Hanukkahs, they might attempt to pull some Saturnalia-Sukkot connection out of their as$es and hit the two Saturnalias instead (the Roman version of Sukkot would be oriented to the “god” Saturn). I’ve therefore added this potential backup plan to the calendar to save them from embarrassing themselves.

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Ha! Look at what I just ran across…

…from the SkyWatch TV Store

It looks like I’m too late to save them from making fools of themselves; they’re already setting up for Saturnalia. According to Amazon, this book came out this month (November 15, 2021), and its author is a member of Tom Horn’s prophecy propaganda mill “SkyWatch TV.” I’ll therefore give the Saturnalia scenario full coverage.

~ MORE – 1 December 2021 ~

The globalists have set the stage for Biden to go “full COVID tyrant” tomorrow and crash the government. Just look at the setup…

So tomorrow will be the day the globalists either set the dominos falling or push the delay button once more. If they want the dominos to fall, Biden may do one or more of the following…

  • call for state and local shutdowns and lockdowns, blaming the necessity of such measures on the antivaxers and Omicron’s early arrival;
  • order domestic travel restrictions, possibly including air travel bans and interstate travel bans;
  • file and win emergency court appeals (based on the “Omicron crisis”) to put his mandates back into effect; and
  • override the courts with “presidential emergency powers” to put his mandates into effect and/or compel “vaccinations for all” and “total nationwide compliance with CDC guidelines.”

We can expect the new restrictions to especially target “low compliance states” (Republican “red states”), perhaps even going so far as to effectively blockade them. This will give rise to the made-for-TV civil war.

But if the globalists opt for another delay, Biden will give a bland speech calling for more people to get vaccinated and laying out new restrictions for foreign travel. And we’ll know if we’re in for a long or short delay by watching what Congress does on Friday. If they cut a deal to keep the government funded into early next year, we’ve won December. But if they let a shutdown happen, they may make another attempt to stage the Big Event at the end of Essene Hanukkah (midmonth).

I’ll continue coverage in the morning, when we’ll look at why the globalists had the controlled alt-media undercut the Western nations’ Omicron narrative last weekend.

~ MORE – 2 December 2021 ~

On Monday, November 29, the globalists had their Western mainstream media wing narrating that the world was shutting down again as the WHO warned of the severe hazards posed by the “Omicron variant”…

…from CNBC

And on that same day, they had their controlled alt-media wing undermining that narrative. Here are two examples from one of their main disinformation sites…

…from Zero Hedge. Here is an excerpt…

Contrary to the panicmongering unleashed by western mainstream media, Barry Schoub, chairman of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, told Sky News on Sunday that while South Africa, which first identified the new variant, currently has 3,220 people with the coronavirus infection overall and while the variant does appear to be spreading rapidly, there’s been no real uptick in hospitalizations

“The cases that have occurred so far have all been mild cases, mild-to-moderate cases, and that’s a good sign,” said Schoub, adding that it was still early days and nothing was certain yet.

Most importantly, and running counter to the fearmongering narrative being pumped out 24/7 by the mainstream media, Schoub said that the large number of mutations found in the omicron variant appears to destabilize the virus, which might make it less “fit” than the dominant delta strain.

…from Zero Hedge. Here is an excerpt…

Having set off the latest global COVID panic, this time focusing on the omicron strain, which was hastily labeled a variant of concern by the WHO over the long holiday weekend in the US, South Africa’s top epidemiologists now find themselves in the awkward position of having to walk back all – or at least some – of the hysteria first unleashed by news of the omicron variant…

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, chairwoman of the South African Medical Association, affirmed Monday that while the omicron variant appears to spread more quickly than earlier strains, its symptoms appear to be less severe, meaning the new strain – while more infectious – might also prove less deadly than the delta strain, which is the most dominant COVID strain on the planet right now.

According to the controlled alt-media narrative, “the Chinese Communist Party are behind the COVID bioweapon, and they are having their sold-out Western leaders and the commie-run mainstream media, UN and WHO use it to destroy the West.” So the globalists are having their alt-media guys expose the falsity of the Omicron narrative so as many people as possible will think that the coming global lockdown “isn’t about COVID at all, it’s about a communist takeover of the world.” And with that idea implanted in people’s heads, they’ll more easily fall for the savior deception that will follow. “The commies are the bad guys, and the people who save us from the commies are the good guys,” — that’s what they want you to believe.

But there are no “good guys” and “bad guys”; there is only the globalist Right Hand and Left Hand. And they are working together to pull a magic trick on us.

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My partner Onnabugeisha has informed me that December 5 (the first DANGER day on the event calendar) is the 69th anniversary of the Great Smog of London, an air pollution event that killed between 4,000-12,000 people in 1952. So if the globalists wove this historical parallel into the Event script, we could see an attempt at an aerosolized bioweapon attack on Sunday, likely employing smallpox. Will Operation Blackjack be nuclear, biological, or both?

Of course, we must continue to watch today and in the coming days for the possibility of smallpox cases arising from Thanksgiving. If that shows up in the news, we’re toast.

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Things are looking good. Biden’s Omicron measures were toothless, and it appears that Congress has reached a deal to fund the government through February 18. We may have won December and the year. But we must maintain vigilance for news that “Omicron is more deadly” or “smallpox cases appear”; either of those headlines could change things in an instant.

I’ll maintain overwatch for the rest of the month, of course, but I’ll also launch a new initiative: a search for a nice demi-sec champagne for my New Year’s Eve celebration of a successful 2021 cockblock.

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LMAO. As it turns out, the just-passed continuing resolution to keep the government funded past Friday night did nothing to address the debt ceiling. So can you guess when we’ll hit the ceiling?…

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen estimates that the government will run out of money on Dec. 15, an extension from the previous deadline of Dec. 3. – from CNN

If you look at the event calendar, December 15 is Essene Hanukkah Day 8 — the day of God’s judgment. So they are using Essene Hanukkah as a backup for the bad events, which would mean they’ll use Saturnalia to bring in “Saturn” as our savior (for Christmas).

So it’s back to the grindstone tomorrow. And over the weekend, we’ll look at the other places the Event could kick off: Israel during Hanukkah, the Azerbaijan-Iran border, the Russia-Ukraine border, the South China Sea & Taiwan, and the Koreas. There are 29 days until I can drink my champagne.

~ MORE – 3 December 2021 ~

The Antarctic solar eclipse starts after midnight in Washington, DC, with the moment of greatest eclipse happening at 2:34 AM Washington time. Will they use the occasion to kill off Biden to start the month’s festivities?…

…from today’s Drudge Report

And once “commie” Kamala takes over presidential powers, will the commies move immediately or build tension till the 15th? Having the “president” die of a “lightning-fast deadly strain of COVID” would provide a nice excuse for Kamala to go full COVID tyrant.

By the way, tomorrow is Saturday (“Saturn’s Day“)

…from Wikipedia

The Romans named Saturday Sāturni diēs (“Saturn’s Day”) no later than the 2nd century for the planet Saturn, which controlled the first hour of that day, according to Vettius Valens.

Tomorrow is also the 4th (the number of death in communist China).

~ MORE – 4 December 2021 ~

The globalists have scheduled “the return of the god Saturn” for early next month (January 5-7, 2022)…

I’ll cover all the details in the afternoon/evening.

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Before I can tell you why they’ve scheduled Saturn’s return for Orthodox Christmas, we need to cover a few basics about Saturnalia and “Hanukkah as Sukkot”…

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn…

It held theological importance for some Romans, who saw it as a restoration of the ancient Golden Age, when the world was ruled by Saturn. – from Wikipedia

Now if you ignore the Julian calendar part and simply celebrate Saturnalia on December 17-23, you’ll be partaking in what I call “Gregorian Saturnalia.” But if you decide to celebrate it in accordance with the Julian calendar, you’ll be partaking in “Julian Saturnalia” — the “real” Saturnalia — which runs from December 30 to January 5. This is because the Julian calendar is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian (so December 17 + 13 days = December 30).

The Russian Orthodox Church, which still celebrates its holidays in accordance with the Julian calendar, does Christmas on January 7 for the very same reason (December 25 + 13 days = January 7).

We must also remember that to make their scripted Big Event show look like the supernatural result of prophecies being fulfilled, the globalists are treating the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah this year as being the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, which ends with “God’s judgment being delivered to the people of the world” on its 8th and 9th days. You can read more about this in the section titled Your Guide to Understanding Nuclear 9/11, which is a little further down this page.

That being said, let’s get to the meat.

In the 30 November update (below this one), I noted that the globalists have started to lay down prophecy propaganda about “the return of the god Saturn,” and I said…

…if the globalists are unable to hit the two Hanukkahs, they might attempt to pull some Saturnalia-Sukkot connection out of their as$es…

Well thanks to the brilliant and meticulous mind of my partner Onnabugeisha, I’ve been reminded that the connection has already been established.

In early October, we ran across a prophecy propaganda thread that claimed “the Jewish calendar is a month off,” and the source document on the subject listed the “actual” start date of this year’s Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) as October 21. Well if we take that date and count forward the 69 days required to reach Hanukkah, we find that “Month-Off” Hanukkah Day 1 falls on December 29, the day before Julian Saturnalia starts.

So “Month-Off Hanukkah as Sukkot” overlaps Saturnalia! And Shemini Atzeret — the 8th and 9th days when “God’s judgment” is delivered — overlaps the end of Saturnalia, meaning “Saturn’s judgment” will be delivered!…

I’ll go into what this means after dinner.

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When the globalists cue the “Saturn” character to enter the stage, he (or she) will appear to save humanity from the massive economic and war crisis they are trying to start this month. And there are three candidates to play the role…

  1. “Zionist” Jared Kushner (fronted by Trump or Pence),
  2. “Nazi” Angela Merkel (“Hitler’s daughter”), or
  3. a GMO fake extraterrestrial we haven’t yet seen.

Kushner/Trump/Pence or Merkel would supposedly be indwelled by the spirit of Saturn, and he/she would command the Nazionist Space Force to stop the war and release technologies that can revive the global economy.

The GMO fake ET would pretend to be Saturn and would command his fleet of “alien” UFOs to do the same.

Given that Tom Horn’s “SkyWatch TV” propaganda mill has recently released a movie on the subject of “aliens” / “fallen angels” and the “Christian Watchmen” propaganda corps have been talking about “the Arrival” being imminent, the globalists may be leaning towards the ET scenario.

As for when the Big Crisis will start, it could happen as soon as tomorrow (Sunday the 5th) with the death of Biden at Camp David. And Onnabugeisha has identified occult cues that would support the scripting of an outbreak of war in Ukraine on the 6th and Taiwan on the 7th. Those days (sunset of the 5th through sunset of the 7th) are Shemini Atzeret for standard Jewish “Hanukkah as Sukkot” (see the event schedule in the 30 November update).

Given what happened last week, though, the globalists may have already pushed the start of the war back to the end of Essene Hanukkah (sunset of the 14th through sunset of the 16th). We’ll find out soon enough I guess. Sunset in Jerusalem tomorrow is at 4:35 PM (9:35 AM Camp David time).

~ WARNING – 5 December 2021 ~

After sunset in Washington DC today, a golden opportunity for a decapitation strike will present itself: the Bidens AND the Harrises will be attending the 44th Kennedy Center Honors…

…from (top) and ABC News (bottom). Here is an excerpt from the ABC News article…

President Joe Biden will be in the house for the Kennedy Center Honors on Sunday.

Biden and first lady Jill Biden plan to take their seats in the presidential box in the performing arts center’s Opera House for a star-studded celebration of five artists: Motown Records creator Berry Gordy, “Saturday Night Live” mastermind Lorne Michaels, actress-singer Bette Midler, opera singer Justino Diaz and folk music legend Joni Mitchell.

Biden’s presence there tonight brings to mind two previous presidential assassinations…

> Biden, America’s second Catholic “president,” will be in a performing arts center named after the assassinated first Catholic president, JFK.

> Biden and wife will be seated in the presidential box of a theatre just like Abraham Lincoln was when he was assassinated.

> Biden and wife will be joined by Kamala Harris and husband; Abraham Lincoln was also joined by a woman named Harris…

Despite what [assassin John Wilkes] Booth had heard earlier in the day, Grant and his wife, Julia Grant, had declined to accompany the Lincolns, as Mary Lincoln and Julia Grant were not on good terms. Others in succession also declined the Lincolns’ invitation, until finally Major Henry Rathbone and his fiancee Clara Harris (daughter of U.S. Senator Ira Harris of New York) accepted. – from Wikipedia

It should also be noted that the Kennedy Center is situated right next to the Potomac River, so it is vulnerable to a sail-up nuke or nuclear tsunami attack…

And given that other people in the presidential line of succession will likely be in attendance, there will be quite a bit of confusion as to who has presidential authority in the aftermath of the attack. Meanwhile in Ukraine, it will be the dark early hours of Monday morning — a perfect time to launch an attack. And given that Biden and Putin are scheduled to have a video call on Ukraine on Tuesday, the decapitation strike and Ukraine attack would catch Washington by surprise (according to the script).

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In yesterday’s update, I mentioned that…

…Onnabugeisha has identified occult cues that would support the scripting of an outbreak of war in Ukraine on the 6th and Taiwan on the 7th.

After this preface, I’ll share those cues with you…

The national and international dramas we see swirling around us now are part of the globalist “End Times” stageplay that’s being acted out for the public. And while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added – all on the fly.

It’s also important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians and superstitious followers of numerology and astrology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the play are acted out. They align events with days of historical, numerological, and astrological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

Now here we go…

December 6 is the day Vladimir Putin, born 7 October 1952, turns exactly 69 years and 60 days old (6960). Since numerologists allow themselves to ignore zeros and flip sixes and nines to make their numbers work, 6960 can represent 666, the Number of the Beast.

December 6 marks the 699th day (666) — or 99th week and 6th day (666) — since Putin went to Damascus on Orthodox Christmas to fulfill a Muslim prophecy that will allow him to pose as Isa (Jesus) to them. This happened on January 7, 2020.

December 6 marks exactly 500 weeks since Putin assumed the Russian presidency on 7 May 2012. In Strong’s Greek Bible Concordance, number 500 is “antichrist.”

So as you can see, Putin is flashing “Antichrist” like a neon sign tomorrow. And then there’s this…

December 6 is Armed Forces Day in Ukraine: For the entire Armed Forces of Ukraine, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on 6 December, with fireworks displays and gun salutes nationwide.”

If you put these December 6 cues together, they support the scripting of Putin conducting a false flag against Russian forces to give himself an excuse to invade Ukraine. As I’ve noted in previous updates, Putin wants eastern Ukraine because it used to be part of ancient Khazaria (see Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria for more info on this).

And here’s what Onnabugeisha found for December 7…

December 7 is the anniversary of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, which brought America into the ongoing Pacific conflict of World War 2.

December 7 is the day in 1949 that the Chinese Nationalist government fled to Taiwan. This marked the “end” of the Chinese Civil War, but no formal armistice or peace treaty was ever signed.

So these December 7 cues support the scripting of a preemptive Chicom attack on the US Navy that will allow the communists space to resume the civil war and follow the Nationalists to Taiwan to finish them off.

As I’ve previously noted, we may have already pushed them out of these dates, but I post this information anyway out of an abundance of caution.

(6 December 2021) – Should we be successful in pushing the globalists out of this month and out of Julian Saturnalia, we still won’t be out of the woods. The media have been laying down preparatory propaganda for next year that says, “Russia won’t attack Ukraine until late January or early February when the mud freezes.” [1,2]

In previous updates I’ve noted that I’ve seen the Olympics featured in a number of movies about big world crises (pandemics/zombies/aliens), though I can’t remember which ones. And it just so happens that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics begin in early February on the 4th. In tetraphobic China, this is a most odd day to choose for the start of a big event, since it effectively casts the Winter Games as the “Olympics of Death” or the “Doomed Olympics.”

It’s also notable that the Winter Games continue through February 20th, a time period that includes the Jewish holiday of Purim Katan (which runs from sunset of the 14th to sunset of the 15th). And for reasons I’ll explain next year, Purim Katan can be argued to be the “real” Purim, the day that commemorates the saving of the Jews from a Persian plot to exterminate them.

So do the globalists plan on running a “10 days of darkness” war from early in the Olympics till Purim Katan, the day of salvation? Or will Purim Katan be the day the IDF strikes Iran to “stop their plot to exterminate the Jews with nuclear weapons,” thus triggering the war against Israel?

We’ll have plenty of time to pick all that apart before we get there. Now back to December…

(7 December 2021) – LOL. The “X-date” — the day the US government can no longer pay its bills due to the debt ceiling — was set to coincide with the budget deadline on December 3th (near the end of standard Hanukkah). But Yellen waved her magic wand and moved it back to December 15 to give the globalists the flexibility to shut down the government at the end of Essene Hanukkah too. Now they are flourishing their wands to move it back again…

If we reach the X-date before the debt limit is raised, the federal government will be in default. However, it is very difficult to forecast the X-date, especially in COVID times. The Treasury Department’s most recent estimate is that it could be as soon as 15 December. However, in an earlier letter, Yellen mentioned December 3 as the X-date.

Other organizations put the X-date somewhere between mid-December and mid-February. – from Zero Hedge

So now they are giving themselves the flexibility to push back the X-date and shut down the government during the Winter Olympics to fulfill the scenario I covered yesterday.

It should be understood that they can twist, massage and fudge the numbers to crash the US government, the Chinese property bubble, the financial system, and the global markets whenever they wish. The time such things happen is determined by the agenda and the script, and nothing else. All the news in the meantime is used to fleece the shorts and longs in the markets.

~ MORE ~

The Senate Democrat and Republican leaders have reached a deal that may lead to the passing of a debt limit increase before the December 15 “deadline.” Passing the increase would signal a headlong retreat from 2021 by the globalists. But upon reading about the deal, I was reminded that the continuing resolution that keeps the government funded expires on February 18 (during the Winter Olympics). And if the globalists proceed with the February scenario, there may be no Congress left alive to authorize funding again. But we’ve got quite a head start on stomping their February plans.

“So let’s keep them queers on the run!”

(8 December 2021) – With Biden having freshly threatened Putin over Ukraine on Tuesday, he will gather with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and many members of Congress on Friday at Bob Dole’s funeral. It will take place at the Washington National Cathedral, miles from the safety of the White House bunker. Could a hit on that funeral prevent Congress from voting on the debt ceiling increase before the government supposedly runs out of money?

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Just imagine if the funeral gets struck on Friday, and that night, another false-flag causes war to break out in Ukraine (on the morning of 12/11 local time). Mobilizing the US military for combat would create a black hole-sized money suck on the federal budget, especially if China joins in with an attack on Taiwan. The remaining room under the debt ceiling could be expended before the end of the weekend. And who will buy US government debt after that, especially with a “commie” clown like Kamala Harris as president?

~ MORE ~

Prophecy propaganda chatter I’ve been observing is suggesting the possibility of a shortened, hybrid timetable for the arrival of the Kabbalah Christ. It would involve…

  1. the rise of the Nazionist Antichrist and the New World Order during the spring Jewish holidays of 2022.
    …and after 3.5 years pass…
  2. the takeover of the NWO by “Final Antichrist” Putin during the fall Jewish holidays of 2025.
    …and after 3.5 years pass…
  3. Putin and the NWO placing an AI in charge of the global government during the spring Jewish holidays of 2029. This will be done in advance of the “Apophis asteroid impact with Earth” about a week later, since “an AI can impartially and better manage the aftermath of the strike.” This AI will supposedly be “Satan himself,” and the “asteroid strike” will actually be the arrival of “Jesus Christ and his angels.”

If they follow this timetable, the globalist-selected “real Jesus Christ” will arrive on Friday, April 13, 2029.

I’ll cover this timetable in detail over the weeks ahead (until there’s nothing left of it but a smoking hole in cyberspace). But if you want to get an overview of the globalist scripting that will give rise to this scenario, listen to this 2+ hour Mike Adams interview of David Wilcock. In it, Wilcock lays out the “Satan has become AI” narrative.

WARNING (9 December 2021): Upon looking into Friday, I found quite a setup. It is not only the day of Bob Dole’s funeral; it’s also the day the West will be engaging in a two-front propaganda offensive against Vladimir Putin. On Friday a Navalny-like, “darling of the West,” Russian opposition journalist will be receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, and Biden will speak at the closing of the virtual “Summit for Democracy,” an event designed to embarrass Russia and China (he gave the opening speech this morning).

So Biden threatened Putin on Tuesday and will be poking him with two fingers on Friday — this will give the mainstream media something to point to when blaming Putin for Biden’s assassination at the funeral. They will also point to Putin’s December 11 attack on Ukraine (triggered by a Ukrainian attack) as another motive for Putin killing Biden: “He wanted to decapitate the US and bet on the weakness of Kamala Harris before he started his attack.”

As for the alt-media version of events, it will read like this…

On December 10, 2021, the 12-year anniversary of Barack Obama’s receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize, the “Man of Peace” brought war. In league with the Chinese Communist Party, Obama arranged a false-flag attack to assassinate Joe Biden in order to trigger a war between the US and Russia. This war was intended to destroy both nations so Obama, China and communism could reign supreme in the world.

Also supporting this scenario are these two pieces of news…

GOP Senator Says Don’t Rule Out First-Use Nuclear Attack On Russia – The mainstream narrative will say, “With the US threatening Russia with the first use of a nuke, Putin decided to nuke Washington first, killing Biden and triggering the US debt default.” RELATED: Moscow says U.S. rehearsed nuclear strike against Russia this month

Evergrande has defaulted on its debt, Fitch Ratings says – The alt-media narrative will say, “With Evergrande in official default, the Chicoms decided to move immediately to trigger the war before their financial system imploded.”

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The best way to ensure that Congress can’t reach a quorum to raise the debt ceiling next week is to include the Capitol complex in the strike. Congress IS in session tomorrow, but the Capitol is over 4 miles (as the crow flies) from the cathedral where the funeral will be held.

So in the unlikely event that they go forward with this exposed plan and false flag “Russia’s preemptive nuking of Washington,” they’ll need to use a megaton-sized nuke, two smaller nukes, or a tsunami nuke. Whatever they use, look for Rand Paul to miraculously survive. They have plans for him.

~ MORE – 10 December 2021 ~

The Seesaw of Blame

Once the “terror attacks” that bring down the West occur, you will see the finger of blame pointed in three directions over the following 7+ years…

  • At first, Vladimir Putin will be blamed for the attacks “in order to get the West and Russia to mutually destroy each other.”
  • But after the “Nazionists Posing as Good Guys” intervene and take down the commies, Barack Obama and the Chicoms will be blamed. And Putin’s name will be cleared.
  • And after Putin is “revealed” as the “Final Antichrist,” the blame will swing back to him.

It will be said that “Antichrist Putin” divided his Global Satanist Deep State into communist “black hats” and Nazionist “white hats” so he could pull off “The Great Deception.” By having his black hats terrorize the public and his white hats intervene to save the world, he could have his Nazionist leader pose as Christ and then be revealed as the Antichrist. Then he could “defeat” that Antichrist so he himself could pose as Christ.

Of course, all these narratives are BS. The whole drama is merely a stageplay and the communists, Nazionists, Obama, and Putin are all working for the same people and reading from the same script. The objective of the play is to get the globalist-selected “Jesus Christ” who shows up to defeat Putin accepted by the public as the “real Jesus Christ.”

They must have had M. Night Shyamalan write this script. He should have retired after The Sixth Sense.

Your Guide to Understanding Nuclear 9/11

The following is a compilation of new and previous writings that will help new readers understand the scripting behind the Second 9/11 (which the globalists are currently struggling to execute). We’ll begin by looking at the big picture, then we’ll focus down to the part of the show where we now find ourselves…

The roiling drama the world is now experiencing is not something that’s happening naturally / on its own. Nor is it something that’s being driven by supernatural forces. It is the result of an ongoing effort by the Kabbalist bankster families + the world’s royal families (the “globalists”) to consolidate complete control over our planet. It is their intention to rule over us like gods in a post-democratic world they own lock, stock, and barrel. And to get there, they are taking us through a religious drama, the “End Times” stageplay, which is currently scheduled to continue for another 11 years.

Their “End Times” stageplay is an engineered attempt to fulfill the various “end of the world” prophecies of the world’s religions, “prophets,” “seers,” and “revelators” — prophecies that the globalists themselves have reinterpreted, organized, and promoted to the public in order to facilitate acceptance of their counterfeit fulfillment — and it consists of two Acts…

Act 1: The Satanic Deception, in which “the Final Antichrist” character will defeat a decoy Antichrist so he’ll be accepted as Jesus.

Act 2: The Return of Christ, in which “the real Jesus Christ” character will come to Earth, defeat the Final Antichrist, and rule over us as a frontman for the globalists who pull his strings.

We’re currently in the midpoint of Act 1, and we’re about to observe the decoy Antichrist (Jared Kushner) defeat his own decoy Antichrist (Barack Obama) so he can come onto the scene as the false savior and lead the world into the evil version of the New World Order. According to the script, both of these decoys are part of the “Satanic Global Deep State,” which will be defeated at the end of the Act by the “Final Antichrist” Vladimir Putin so he can pose as the “real savior.”

So to recap, this is the basic structure of Act 1…

  1. Barack Obama plays the “evil communist Antichrist” who brings to the world to the brink of total disaster.
  2. Jared Kushner — possibly behind a frontman at first (Trump or Pence) — sweeps in with the US Space Force to defeat the communist Antichrist, thus appearing to save the world. But he later turns out to be a false savior — the “evil Nazi-Zionist Antichrist.”
  3. Vladimir Putin, the “Final Antichrist” sweeps in with “help from above” to defeat Kushner, thus appearing to be the real Jesus. End of Act 1.

All this being said, Nuclear 9/11 (“Operation Blackjack“) will be the beginning of the great communist chaos that will end when the Nazionist Antichrist steps in to bring order: the New Order / Global 4th Reich. According to current scripting, this evil Nazionist NWO will rise until 2025 when it is stopped dead by Putin.

With the basics of the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment script laid bare before us, let’s start zooming in on certain elements of it to gain further insights…

Why the globalists are using Christian eschatology as the basis of their prophecy fulfillment program

The globalists’ center of gravity is in Europe, which is historically Christian. And the Kabbalists took control of Christianity by first capturing the Roman Catholic church via the Jesuit Order, then capturing Protestantism one denomination and ministry at a time (here’s one example of that). Since they now have effective control over the 2.4 billion person worldwide Christian empire the Romans built, they are using it as their vehicle for bringing the world under one unifying religion: an updated, Kabbalized form of Christianity under their fake Jesus Christ. “Chrislam” / “the New World Order Religion” is an intermediate step towards this goal — a decoy “One World Religion” to be defeated when the Kabbalah Christ shows up at the end of the drama to bring in the New Christianity.

Why there are multiple Antichrists in Act 1

Let’s start by looking at Wikipedia’s official definition of “Antichrist” (which is the globalists’ official definition)…

In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist, or anti-Christ, refers to people prophesied by the Bible to oppose Christ and substitute themselves in Christ’s place before the Second Coming.

In order for an Antichrist to substitute himself for Christ, he has to come on the scene looking like a savior, not a devil. So the basic globalist strategy for bringing in their Antichrist characters is to have one actor play an evil-looking Antichrist who creates chaos, then have another actor play a benevolent-looking savior who defeats the evil guy and pretends to be Christ. During Act 1, this will be done two times…

  1. when Antichrist Kushner defeats Antichrist Obama to pose as the savior, and
  2. when the Final Antichrist Putin defeats Antichrist Kushner to pose as the savior.

Christians have been programmed to expect an Antichrist to come and attempt to take “Christ’s throne in Jerusalem” before Jesus returns. So in Act 1 the globalists will fulfill this expectation by first bringing in Kushner (the apparent Antichrist), then brining in Putin (the apparent Jesus Christ).

What the communists versus Nazionists subplot is all about

Within the scripting of Act 1, the “Satanic Global Deep State” has been split into “two warring factions fighting for control of the (evil) NWO”: the communist faction versus the Nazionist faction. This is why you’ve seen news of…

This “split of the Deep State” is in the script so Obama can play the role of the “evil-looking Antichrist who creates chaos” and Kushner can play the role of the “benevolent-looking savior who defeats the evil guy and pretends to be Christ.”

So when the Nazionists make their move to end the communist onslaught and defeat Obama, Kushner will look like a savior until he shows up on the Temple Mount and “stands in the holy place.” After that, the Christians will flip out and proclaim him the Antichrist. And things will get rough until Putin & Friends show up to end Kushner’s reign at the conclusion of Act 1.

The process of God’s judgment according to the Jews

According to Jewish tradition and Kabbalist doctrine, God’s yearly judgment of all the world’s people unfolds over the Hebrew month of Tishrei…

  • Tishrei days 1 and 2 are Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), the time when God writes down his judgment for each and every person. For the righteous and the wicked, that judgment is final and can be delivered immediately. But for all the people in between the two extremes (ordinary people), ten days are given to allow them a chance to repent and atone for their sins before the judgment is sealed.
  • Tishrei day 10 is Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). It is at the end of this day that God’s judgment for each ordinary person is sealed, but not delivered (according to the Kabbalists).
  • Tishrei day 15 is the start of Sukkot, a 7-day festival during which the Israelites made a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. It is after the end of this festival that God’s judgment for the ordinary people is delivered by the angels (according to the Kabbalists).
  • Tishrei days 22 and 23 are Shemini Atzeret, the days after Sukkot when the delivery of the judgments takes place; those days can be considered days 8 and 9 of Sukkot. Shemini Atzeret is observed only on day 22 in Israel, and on days 22 and 23 for Jews outside of Israel.

According to the standard Hebrew calendar, these holidays occurred during September. So the globalists missed their chance to time their Big Event in conjunction with them. But they intend to make a second attempt to act out the last two holidays, Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret, during Hanukkah.

Hanukkah as Sukkot

In the 30 October and 5 November updates, I made reference to “Hannukah as Sukkot.” The time has come to explain what I meant by that.

Upon looking into ways the globalists could schedule their big events in conjunction with the Jewish holidays of December — of which there are only two, Hanukkah and Asara B’Tevet — I ran across the rationale they intend to use for Hanukkah…

Jewish scholars have also suggested that the first Hanukkah may have been a belated celebration of Sukkot, which the Jews had not had the chance to observe during the Maccabean Revolt. One of the Jewish religion’s most important holidays, Sukkot consists of seven days of feasting, prayer and festivities. – from

So in order to time their scripted events in accordance with the holidays of the Hebrew calendar (to make it all look like the fulfillment of prophecy), they will claim that Hanukkah is actually Sukkot, and “it brought God’s judgment.” This narrative will be aided by the fact that the coming war will result in Israel retaking control of the Temple Mount, just like they did during the Maccabean Revolt when Hanukkah was first celebrated…

…from Wikipedia

It is also critical to understand that there are two Hanukkahs that will be occurring…

  1. the Hanukkah of the standard Hebrew calendar, which runs from sunset of November 28 to sunset of December 6, and
  2. the Hanukkah of the Essene Hebrew calendar, which runs from sunset of December 7 to sunset of December 15.

One of the globalists’ top-tier prophecy propagandists, Tom Horn, has been claiming that the Essenes were the only Jewish sect that maintained purity in their faith and kept the true Jewish calendar, thus implying that the standard Jewish calendar is the distorted product of the “scribes and Pharisees” (a.k.a. “the Synagogue of Satan”). This has laid the propaganda groundwork for the Hanukkah of the standard Jewish calendar to be cast as “Satan’s Sukkot” and the Hanukkah of the Essene calendar to be cast as “God’s True Sukkot.” So look for bad things to happen during the first Hanukkah and good things to happen during the second.

Getting back to the other Jewish holiday in December, Asara B’Tevet, it falls on December 14 this year, and it commemorates the Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia. And quite strikingly, it falls on the same day (December 14) as Hanukkah Day 7 (“Sukkot Day 7”) in the Essene calendar. So we can expect Jerusalem to be under siege come December 14, and we can also expect the Jewish messiah to arrive as soon as sunset of that day (when Essene Shemini Atzeret begins and “God delivers the judgment of mercy and deliverance to the Israeli people”).

So pencil in the Jerusalem arrival of the “fake, Nazionist Moshiach ben David” for sometime between sunset of December 14 and sunset of December 15.

The arrival times of the antichrists

The Day the Antichrist “Communist Antichrist” Rose…

…from YouTube

In the 22-23 September updates, which are a little further down this page, I explained that the globalists marked the beginning of Barack Obama’s 7-year tenure as Antichrist by having him sit as President of the UN Security Council for a September 24, 2009 meeting on nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament. The 7-year “covenant with the many” Obama made that day was set to expire with an attempted nuclear exchange on September 24, 2016, during the Jewish holiday of Selichot. But instead — according to the script — “God intervened and paused the Satanic plan by sowing dissention in the ranks of the Global Deep State, setting the Nazionists against the communists in a battle for control over the Satanic New World Order and bringing Nazionist Trump to power.”

In keeping with this script change, the globalists had “Nazionist Antichrist” Trump/Pence/Kushner mark the beginning of his 7-year tenure in the same way “Communist Antichrist” Obama did…

…from YouTube

Later in the 22-23 September updates, I said this…

Putin’s savior act is the main event we need to watch for in the next few years. It will mark the end of “Satan’s fake Tribulation” and the beginning of “the real 7-year Tribulation,” and there are two likely times when it could happen: 1) during late March or Passover of next year and 2) during the September/October Jewish holidays in 2025.

Trump’s UN Security Council meeting on September 26, 2018 is why those two timeframes are candidates for Putin’s savior act…

  1. If you count forward 3.5 years from that date, you get the first timeframe, and
  2. if you count forward 7 years you get the second.

(Periods of 3.5 and 7 years are major features in biblical “End Times” prophecies.)

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – November Updates

(30 November 2021) – If we can push the globalists back just one more month, we will have frustrated them for another year. So to help achieve this, I’ve put together a calendar we can use to track them day-by-day through December…

I’ll build my December Overwatch entry around this calendar, and I’ll adjust it as they try to squirm their way into alternative scenarios. As things currently stand, I expect the leading edge of the Big Event to hit this Friday, with the transition into the full “commie” sh*tshow happening by Tuesday. Our Nazionist false savior should then enter the stage mid-month.

If you are a new reader, I’ll explain what all this means over the next couple of days. But you can find everything you need to know if you continue reading through the previous entries below.

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After completing the calendar, I noticed something: Saturnalia is listed as a seven-day festival, just like Sukkot. So…

  • if you tack a “Roman version” 2-day “Shemini Atzeret” to the end of Gregorian Saturnalia, you land on Christmas, and
  • if you tack on the same two days to Julian Saturnalia, you land on Orthodox Christmas.

That said, if the globalists are unable to hit the two Hanukkahs, they might attempt to pull some Saturnalia-Sukkot connection out of their as$es and hit the two Saturnalias instead (the Roman version of Sukkot would be oriented to the “god” Saturn). I’ve therefore added this potential backup plan to the calendar to save them from embarrassing themselves.

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Ha! Look at what I just ran across…

…from the SkyWatch TV Store

It looks like I’m too late to save them from making fools of themselves; they’re already setting up for Saturnalia. According to Amazon, this book came out this month (November 15, 2021), and its author is a member of Tom Horn’s prophecy propaganda mill “SkyWatch TV.” I’ll therefore give the Saturnalia scenario full coverage.

(29 November 2021) – The Mercury-Sun conjunction + Mercury-Earth opposition alignment “sign in the heavens” last night was accompanied by a sign on the Earth: the Sunday appearance on the Drudge Report of a stylized solar eclipse (masquerading as an “O”) in Masonic black and white tied to news of the supposed “Omicron variant of COVID”…

And the “momentous news” I was expecting during the November 27-29 Event Window showed up this morning after the conjunction/alignment (and during Hanukkah Day 1)…

…from this morning’s Drudge Report. Here is an excerpt from the “WORLD SHUTS AGAIN” article…

Also take note of the Drudge Report photos to which the indigo arrows are pointing. The top photo has been filtered to take on a dim yellow and black look (the colors of a solar eclipse). And the Ghislaine Maxwell photo has been altered to have a similar look. These photos tie the coming second global lockdown and the Maxwell trial to the December 4 solar eclipse.

It’s quite interesting that the trial commenced on Hanukkah Day 1, especially given the longstanding prophecy propaganda talking point that “before God judges America, He will lay bare the sins of its leaders.” And since the globalists’ intention is to simulate “God’s judgment” at the end of Hanukkah, look for a big development in the trial between now and the eclipse — a development that will help set the Big Event in motion.

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Part of the Big Event will be a total worldwide lockdown and travel ban, yet Joe Biden continues to say that there won’t be shutdowns or lockdowns to fight the supposed Omicron variant. So if the globalists go for it in December, we can expect them to script one of the following developments before the eclipse…

  • the supposed discovery that “Omicron is more lethal” + its supposed discovery in America,
  • Joe Biden’s death or removal from office, or
  • the blooming of smallpox from the Thanksgiving parade in New York.

On the matter of the smallpox, I’ve previously noted that the first smattering of cases could show up on the 7th day after exposure, which would be Thursday, December 2nd. And look what the linked article says about that day…

On Thursday, I’ll be putting forward a detailed strategy outlining how we’re going to fight COVID this winter — not with shutdowns or lockdowns, but with more widespread vaccinations, boosters, testing and more,” the president said during his brief speech at the White House.

Whatever “President” Biden (or newly sworn-in “President” Harris) says on Thursday, the Trumpers, antivaxers, and Christians won’t like it, and it will provide the scripted motivation for the staging of Operation Blackjack at the end of Hanukkah.

For more information about the scriptable smallpox attack, see the November 18, 24, and 26 updates.

~ MORE ~

Here’s an interesting little tidbit as we watch for Joe Biden’s potential death this week…

President Joe Biden is scheduled to stop in the Twin Cities this week to discuss the federal infrastructure package.

According to the White House, the president is slated to be in Rosemount on Tuesday, where he will visit Dakota County Technical College to discuss how the infrastructure package will help Minnesotans and create good-paying jobs. – from CBS Minnesota

“Rosemount” caught my eye because rose symbolism is ubiquitous in the globalist cult due to its ties to Rosicrucianism…

…from Google

And if you look up the meaning of “mount,” you’ll see this: “to go up; climb; ascend

So might Joe Biden “go up upon the rosy cross” tomorrow, “martyring himself for the cause like Saint Andrew”?

Tomorrow, November 30 is Saint Andrew’s Day, and here’s an interesting passage from his Wikipedia entry

Andrew is said to have been martyred by crucifixion at the city of Patras in Achaea, in AD 60. Early texts, such as the Acts of Andrew known to Gregory of Tours, describe Andrew as bound, not nailed, to a Latin cross of the kind on which Jesus is said to have been crucified; yet a tradition developed that Andrew had been crucified on a cross of the form called crux decussata (X-shaped cross, or “saltire”), now commonly known as a “Saint Andrew’s Cross” — supposedly at his own request, as he deemed himself unworthy to be crucified on the same type of cross as Jesus had been. The iconography of the martyrdom of Andrew — showing him bound to an X-shaped cross — does not appear to have been standardized until the later Middle Ages.

I’ll be keeping an eye on Uncle Touchy all week.

WARNING (28 November 2021): One of the reasons tonight’s Mercury conjunction and alignment is significant is that it will happen just a few hours after Hanukkah begins. And judging by the articles posted on the Kabbalist prophecy propaganda site Israel365News, the Middle East conflict will begin due to violent confrontations between religious Zionists and Muslims over menorah lightings this evening

…from (top, bottom)

Will religious Zionists also storm the Temple Mount to light a menorah there?

Once the violence begins over there — led by paid globalist thugs and agents provocateur — it will come to the US. The Department of Homeland Security have already telegraphed their false-flag strategy with the November 10 Terrorism Advisory Bulletin

Summary of the [Our] Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

“The Secretary of Homeland Security has issued an updated National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the current heightened threat environment across the United States. The Homeland continues to face a diverse and challenging threat environment as it approaches several religious holidays and associated mass gatherings that in the past have served as potential targets for acts of violence. These threats include those posed by individuals and small groups engaged in violence…” – (scroll down to the 11 November update for more info on this)

We can expect the false-flag “anti-Semitic” attacks on Hanukkah-celebrating Jews to be blamed on “Al Qaida/ISIS sympathizers” and “Domestic Violent Extremists (DVEs) who falsely blame Jews for the COVID crisis.” The “Omicron” Narrative that was rolled out over Thanksgiving and today’s news that “Fauci Opens Door To Lockdowns” provide the scripted motivation for the supposed “outburst of right-wing violence”: “We won’t let them do it to us again!”

Watch for an attempt to crack down on “anti-Semitic and antivax conspiracies” on the internet following the government false-flags.

(27 November 2021) – As of sunset today in Jerusalem, we have entered the November 27-29 Event Window tied (by the globalists) to the Mercury-Sun conjunction and the opposite alignment of Mercury to Earth. And as readers of my recent updates know, this event window is connected to the December 4-6 Event Window tied to the Antarctic solar eclipse with Mercury in attendance.

We can expect the current event window to bring either a massive incident or momentous news that will lead to a massive incident during the December 4-6 Event Window. Keep an eye on Jerusalem, Tehran, Nantucket, Ukraine and Taiwan.

I would write more, but my site continues to be hobbled by ill-timed “technical glitches.” We’ll have to ride this one out with very concise coverage.

(26 November 2021) – The expected “nu” COVID variant showed-up today, but they haven’t yet narrated it to be “more lethal”…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Once they do announce the increased lethality of this new boogeyman virus, the lockdowns will begin in earnest. And we’re only two days away from the big conjunction and alignment.

As for New York, there were no reports of a bioattack at the Thanksgiving parade, but that’s not unexpected. If a real or simulated attack was staged, the first indicator may be news of parade participants and attendees developing smallpox symptoms. The incubation period for smallpox can range from 7 to 19 days, but is typically 10-14 days. So a smattering of cases may emerge as early as December 2, with a wave of cases hitting on December 5 (during the eclipse event window).

Post-parade news reports prominently featured spectators from out of state and participating high school and college marching bands from around the country.” So by not “detecting” the attack on the day it occurred, all of these out-of-towners are provided the ability to return home. And once their rash develops and they become contagious, there will be very scary-looking reasons to lock down all local, state and interstate travel.

Of course, it’s also possible that they cancelled the attack (hence the heavy push on the new COVID variant today). Time will tell.

WARNING (24 November 2021): Be on the lookout for a US government smallpox attack on the New York City subway system during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade tomorrow. To understand the reasons why, ask yourself some questions…

In COVID-Nazi New York City, why are spectators being allowed to return to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade this year?

Do you remember Homeland Security doing aerosol bioweapon tests in New York’s subways late last month? Were they doing a test run for an upcoming op?…

…from Bloomberg

Do you know that aerosol release is the preferred method to distribute a smallpox bioweapon?

Do you remember when the smallpox vials were found last week, but they later said that they didn’t contain the virus? Will they later say this was told to the public “to avoid a panic”?

Also, given what happened at the Christmas parade in Waukesha, watch for a conventional (firearms/explosives) attack on the Parade as a backup plan. These attacks may also target Chabad centers near the parade route.

I could write more on this, but this coverage should be sufficient to deter it (if it IS planned and it CAN be deterred). Scroll down to the 18 November update for more on this scenario.

(24 November 2021) – Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and it offers the last obvious opportunity for the globalists to make a splash before we get to the November 28/29 target window for Operation Blackjack. With that in mind…

Biden arrived on the island of Nantucket yesterday where he is scheduled to remain through the 28th. He is staying in the home of David M. Rubenstein, who is the Jewish cofounder of The Carlyle Group and the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations…


“Illegitimate President” Biden staying on a vulnerable island at the home of the CFR Chairman makes for a very attractive target for “Trumper conspiracy theorists” / “Domestic Violent Extremists,” don’t you think? So the Biden Assassination Show could be staged there on Thanksgiving or during the 28th/29th target window. Interestingly, a CNN article about the Nantucket trip talked of a Biden “nuclear Thanksgiving.”

There is another potential Thanksgiving target that’s on my mind, but I’ll cover it later tonight.

(23 November 2021) – I’ve received notice from my WordPress provider that someone did indeed hack into my site, apparently from London. The dickhead responsible (DR) had access since Labor Day (6 September), which was an alert day when I was tracking something really big. So it is likely that the DR was the one who sabotaged my ability to update on 5 October when I was tracking something equally big. As for when my site editor got glacial last week on the 16th, that was when my provider locked down my account. Hopefully I can get everything running normally tomorrow.

WARNING (22 November 2021): If the globalists want to stage something big today on the 22nd, Biden’s official schedule offers the template. At the same time this afternoon that Biden departs for Fort Bragg (around 4:30 PM), the White House COVID-19 Response Team will give a press briefing. Biden will then arrive at Fort Bragg at about 5:30 PM.

Fort Bragg is full of soldiers (including lots of special ops guys) who would love to put a bullet in Biden’s brain, and he is arriving there just a week after his administration compelled the Army to start taking action against vax-resisting troops. This provides a perfect opportunity to script an “antivax Christian Trumper” soldier taking him out. And this would lead to President Kamala the Commie cracking down on the military and antivaxers in such a way that Operation Blackjack will be set in motion on the 28th/29th.

By the way, today is the anniversary of JFK’s assassination. He was the first Catholic president; Biden is the second.

(21 November 2021) – In another indication that something huge is planned for November 28/29, my partner Onnabugeisha has informed me that we’re approaching the Catholic holiday of Advent

Advent is a season of the liturgical year observed in most Christian denominations as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for both the celebration of the Nativity of Christ at Christmas and the return of Christ at the Second Coming. Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year in Western Christianity, and is part of the wider Christmas and holiday season.

The term “Advent” is also used in Eastern Orthodoxy for the 40-day Nativity Fast, which has practices different from those in the West. – from Wikipedia

It just so happens that the Western Advent and the Eastern Nativity Fast start on the same day this year: November 28. So Advent begins on the same day “Mercury the Messenger” enters conjunction with the Sun (“representing Jesus, the ‘Son’ of God”), thus making the 28th/29th VERY attractive for scripting a huge event (like Operation Blackjack) or huge news that will start the countdown to the arrival of the Nazionist false messiah.

Tomorrow I’ll pull together all the indicators for November 28/29 from all the updates so everyone can see why the globalists definitely have something massive planned for that time. Pushing them out of it would be…

So Onnabugeisha and I will have to form a megazord or something.

(21 November 2021) – If you are wondering why Austria and Germany are the nations leading the way into the next lockdown of the West, it has to do with…

  • Austria and Germany’s history as the birthplace and homeland of Nazism,
  • the new Chancellor of Austria (who is from a “noble”/bankster lineage, and who took over after the previous Chancellor “got the Trump treatment”),
  • the incoming leftist/liberal government of Germany, and
  • the phony “Communist Deep State” versus “Nazionist Deep State” conflict.

Is it any surprise that as the commies make their final move to take down the West, they’re starting in the Nazi heartland? And is it any surprise that the Nazionists are orchestrating a populist response?…

…from this weekend’s Drudge Report

Events permitting, I’ll expand on this tomorrow.

(19 November 2021) – The lunar eclipse brings an ill omen…

…from this morning’s Drudge Report

They’ve started the pre-Thanksgiving / pre-Mercury Alignment lockdowns…

Austria announced a national lockdown and a plan to mandate vaccinations as coronavirus infections hit a record high Friday, forcing the government to walk back promises that strict shutdowns were a thing of the past…

The lockdown will start Monday and initially will last for 10 days, when it will be reevaluated, Schallenberg said. Starting Feb. 1, the country will also make vaccinations mandatory – though the chancellor gave few details about what that meant or how it would work. – from AP News

Austria will become the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full COVID-19 lockdown, it said on Friday as neighbouring Germany warned it may follow suit, sending shivers through financial markets worried about the economic fallout.

Europe has again become the epicentre of the pandemic, accounting for half of global cases and deaths. A fourth wave of infections has plunged Germany, Europe’s largest economy, into a national emergency, Health Minister Jens Spahn said, warning that vaccinations alone will not cut case numbers.

Austria said it in addition to lockdown it would require the whole population to be vaccinated from Feb. 1. Both decisions infuriated many in a country where scepticism about state mandates affecting individual freedoms runs high, encouraged by the far-right Freedom Party, the third biggest in parliament.

Party leader Herbert Kickl posted a picture on Facebook with the inscription: “As of today Austria is a dictatorship.” The party is planning a protest on Saturday, but Kickl cannot attend because he has tested positive for COVID-19. – from Thomson Reuters Foundation News

So as you can see, the globalists are…

  • initiating draconian measures based on a “COVID surge” instead of a “new, more deadly COVID variant” or “smallpox” (so far),
  • using the term “national emergency” for ordering lockdowns and vaccine mandates for all citizens (instilling rage in the “far-right” citizenry),
  • indicating that the measures will spread (“Germany warned it may follow suit” / The decision comes as a warning sign to other Western countries, including the US), and
  • having their controlled opposition leaders organize populist demonstrations (setting the stage for Operation Blackjack on the 28th/29th).

It is important to note that the Austrian lockdown will take effect on Monday the 22nd, the day I’m expecting Biden to make a similar move in advance of the Thanksgiving travel surge (see the 14 November update), so watch the weekend news for the rationale they’ll use to lock down America.

Given this development, I’ll be topping off my supplies starting tonight. If they proceed with their plans on Monday, the stores will be crazy.

(18 November 2021) – So who will they say was working at this lab, an “Al Qaida/ISIS sympathizer” or a “Domestic Violent Extremist”?…

…from Fox News

Whilst I research the next update, it should be noted that the longest lunar eclipse in 580 years will be visible across the entire US from 11 PM tonight through the morning of the 19th. So tomorrow offers an astronomically-cued opportunity for mischief in advance of the other astronomical events near the end of the month. The announcement of the more lethal COVID variant or a smallpox outbreak are among the options they might employ. Will they be adding the COVID “vaccine” to the smallpox vaccine to sneak it into more people? Will “exposure to smallpox” cause a deadly immune overreaction in COVID-jabbed persons? So many choices…

By the way, a reader passed along the following article a few days ago: Bill Gates warns of smallpox terror attacks as he seeks research funds. The article was published on November 9 (11/9 <> 9/11).

So will they use a “smallpox terror crisis” as a substitute for the “new, more lethal COVID variant crisis” to do the pre-Thanksgiving lockdown we’re expecting? I can already hear the talking points from the coming news barrage…

  • lab worker was preparing smallpox bioweapons
  • lab worker distributed smallpox bioweapons to multiple terror cells
  • smallpox-armed terror cells in multiple cities across the nation
  • “stay at home” orders issued, leave home only for essential purposes
  • smallpox terror persons of interest include airport and mass-transit employees
  • air, bus, train and interstate travel halted as Homeland Security hunts down smallpox terror cell members
  • Russian intelligence may have provided assistance to lab worker, terror cells

(16-17 November 2021) – I’ve discovered what the globalists are planning to do to start a December war between Israel and the Muslims, and it’s a scenario we’ve tracked multiple times before…

…from Haaretz

They will send aggressive religious Zionists onto the Temple Mount during Hanukkah to break the rules against Jewish prayer and worship there. Palestinian militants will respond with an armed seizure of Al Aqsa Mosque and the surrounding grounds, which will result in an Israeli counterattack that will destroy the mosque near the end of Hanukkah (December 4-6). War on.

I suspect the destruction of Al Aqsa will occur on Day 7 of Hanukkah (sunset of December 4th to sunset of the 5th). This will result in the Muslims making war on Israel on Hanukkah Day 8 (Shemini Atzeret of “Hanukkah as Sukkot”).

It should be noted that there is a total solar eclipse over Antarctica on December 4, and it matches the eclipse portrayed in I, Pet Goat 2 — the eclipse that starts a catastrophic collapse of various things. But I’ll get into all that in the afternoon/evening.

In the meantime, watch this video sent to me by a reader (I’ve cued it to the proper spot) to see some astronomical alignments that match up with the dates I’ve been tracking. The video is “Run to Jesus” prophecy propaganda, but the information is notable nonetheless. I’ll cover these alignments too.

~ MORE ~

The following information is coming to me with a lot of energy, which means many people are coming to this conclusion and are dying to explain it to other people. So it flows to the “network printer” to be expressed…

I, Pet Goat 2 is predictive programming for the Second 9/11 and the events that follow it, including the emergence of the First Tribulation Antichrist (who appears as Jesus). And the events seem to be keyed to the December 4 Antarctic eclipse…

…from The Sky Live. This is the view of the coming eclipse from McMurdo Station, Antarctica. Note that Mercury is above and to the right of the eclipse with a red arrow pointed at it. If you follow the link to the page, you can zoom in and out by using your mouse wheel. And if you click on the date and time (in yellow near the top left of the page), a widget opens that allows you to go forward and back in time to observe the progression of the eclipse.

So if you look at the configuration of the eclipse (with “Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods” attending it to the upper right) and compare it to three of the images shown in I, Pet Goat 2, you’ll see that they’re a match (except that the eclipse is mirrored off of Obama’s cheek, the floor, and in the Heliofant logo)…

…(click on the image to enlarge it)

With this in mind, I will start giving my take on what happens in the video, and I’ll post as I go (assuming I’m able; my site editor is working impossibly slowly). Once I get it all out, I’ll clean it up and add some more images.

~ MORE – 17 November 2021 ~

Now let’s get started looking at I, Pet Goat II from the perspective of what’s coming to me…

After the title sequence of the 666-barcoded goat in the FEMA concentration camp, the video begins with puppet George W. Bush in a classroom with a black teacher, just as he was when the first 9/11 happened…

He begins tapdancing, which indicates that he was putting on a show by pretending to be surprised when he was notified of the Twin Towers attacks that day.

If you look carefully, you’ll see a solar eclipse on his left cheek, which ties the concept of a solar eclipse to the concept of a 9/11 (solar eclipse = 9/11), even though no eclipse happened in close proximity to September 11, 2001.

He then says, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again,” which is a variation of the old saying “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Bush’s version is a famous flub from one of his speeches, but it has a specific meaning in this scene: “We fooled you with the First 9/11, so shame on you if you get fooled with the Second 9/11.”

Immediately afterwards, he contorts into the form of Barack Obama sitting in the same 9/11 classroom. And Obama winks when he shows us the solar eclipse mirrored on his left cheek, then starts laughing because he’s about to fool us again. The reappearance of the solar eclipse on Obama’s face indicates a recurrence of 9/11 under his occulted leadership, but the eclipse on his face is different than Bush’s: it shows Mercury above and to the side of the Sun. That keys it to December 4, 2021 (but not necessarily ONLY to that date).

The scene then shifts to a young girl sitting in a painted reflection of the solar eclipse + Mercury. Looking at it from the camera’s perspective, it appears that Mercury is to the bottom right of the eclipse, but if you were to look up from the reflection on the floor and into the sky at the eclipse itself, you would see Mercury to the top right (just like it will be on December 4).

The girl then lets go of an apple which rolls over to Obama’s feet — New York, the “Big Apple,” was the primary target of the First 9/11 — and the apple splits into two, indicating “9/11 numbers 1 and 2.” From the two 9/11s, a flower begins to blossom — a flower that Obama views with fear. This blossoming flower represents the rise of the messiah who will defeat him.

The scene then zooms out of the classroom to show it’s in a frozen place that resembles Antarctica (where December 4th’s total eclipse occurs). One half of a split-in-two American flag, indicating an America torn in two (possibly by civil war), is seen fluttering off into the sky. And a clock by the flag pole shows midnight (possibly a reference to the 12th month, December, and/or “midnight on the nuclear clock,” indicating a nuclear attack has occurred). As the camera continues to zoom out, the Twin Towers are seen to be on fire, indicating that the Second 9/11 has already occurred. They then collapse as the camera exits the scene with someone diving into the water (possibly indicating a tsunami attack is what caused the damage).

~ MORE ~

So far, I’ve covered the video from its beginning to the point when it pulls away from the opening scene and enters the dark tunnel of events that follow the eclipse. And in the opening scene as the “camera” zooms out of the 9/11 classroom in which the eclipse is featured, we saw that the US flag was already torn in two and the Twin Towers were already ablaze, as though Second 9/11 had already occurred (before the eclipse). So if Second 9/11 doesn’t happen during or after the eclipse, when does it occur? We find the answer to this question by looking at Mercury’s path in the days before the eclipse…

Mercury at superior solar conjunction
SUN, 28 NOV 2021 AT 22:54 CST [4:54 UTC, 29 NOV]

Mercury will pass very close to the Sun in the sky as its orbit carries it around the far side of the solar system from the Earth.

This occurs once in every synodic cycle of the planet (116 days), and marks the end of Mercury’s apparition in the morning sky and its transition to become an evening object over the next few weeks.

At closest approach, Mercury will appear at a separation of only 0°43′ from the Sun, making it totally unobservable for several weeks while it is lost in the Sun’s glare.

Mercury will also pass apogee — the time when it is most distant from the Earth — at around the same time, since it will lie exactly opposite to the Earth in the Solar System. It will move to a distance of 1.45 AU from the Earth, making it appear small and very distant. If it could be observed, it would measure 4.6 arcsec in diameter, whilst appearing completely illuminated. – from

So “Mercury the Messenger” will be in conjunction with the Sun and in opposite alignment from the Earth on November 28/29, and THAT will be the astrological cue for Second 9/11 / Nuclear 9/11 / Operation Blackjack.

And as Mercury moves away from that alignment in a direction upwards and towards the right of the Sun in the days following, it will appear to the upper right on the day of the solar eclipse (but will be seen only by those in the path of totality in and around Antarctica)…

Mercury attends a total solar eclipse

When: December 4, 2021

Where: Antarctica

On December 4, 2021 there will be a total solar eclipse in Antarctica. It won’t be witnessed by many — just those on cruises around Antarctica and a lucky few eclipse-chasers in planes — but those viewing totality may be able to see Mercury close to the Sun. – from Science Metro

Now if we look at Mercury’s solar conjunction / Earth alignment on November 28/29 and Mercury’s attendance of the solar eclipse on December 4 and compare them to what I wrote in the 13 November update, we begin to get “Mercury’s message” very clearly…

As for the “interesting scripting options” afforded the Kabbalists by the overlap of “Cosmic” Shemini Atzeret and (standard) Hanukkah Day 1, it allows them two opportunities to script a bad “Judgment Day” for the ordinary people of the world…

> the first “Judgment Day” would fall on November 28/29, “Cosmic” Shemini Atzeret / the first day of Hanukkah, and

> the second “Judgment Day” would fall on December 5/6, “Hanukkah as Sukkot’s” Shemini Atzeret.

The Kabbalists could schedule “Judgment Day” for either time period. Or they can schedule dual “Judgment Days”: one for the world (Nov 28/29) and one for Israel (Dec 5/6). The November 28/29 Judgment Day could bring Operation Blackjack and the commie reign of terror. And the December 5/6 one might bring the battle between Israel and all its neighbors — a desperate conflict that would last until the Moshiach’s arrival on December 14/15.

Remember that because it is keyed to Jewish days, the December 5/6 “Judgment Day” window begins at sunset of December 4 in Jerusalem, which is 4:35 PM local time on Saturday (the moment the Jewish Sabbath ends). And it should be noted that the eclipse occurs during the Sabbath day, reaching its peak at 7:34 UTC (9:34 AM Jerusalem time) on Saturday morning.

There is no sunset in Antarctica in December except that which is caused by the solar eclipse. So if they surprise us by using the Antarctic eclipse “sunset” as the timer, the Event in Israel could happen that Saturday morning.

So if you put together…

  • my previous writings (which are cued to Jewish holidays, both invented and real);
  • the astronomical/astrological conjunction, alignment, and eclipse involving Mercury and the Sun; and
  • the symbolism of the I, Pet Goat 2 video…

…we get the message that…

  • the West’s Nuclear 9/11 is/was scheduled for November 28/29, and
  • Israel’s 9/11 is/was scheduled for December 4/5.

And if the “Jewish messiah” shows up to save Israel on December 14/15 (Essene Shemini Atzeret), “10 Days of Darkness” will have occurred between Israel’s December 4/5 9/11 and the arrival of the messiah (the “fake Nazionist Moshiach ben David,” Trump / Pence / Kushner).

Check and mate.

In the next update, I’ll cover selected elements of the rest of the goat video, including Israel’s 9/11.

(15 November 2021) – They have scheduled the Biden-Xi virtual meeting for 7:45 PM Washington time today. Since it is occurring after sunset, Tuesday on the Jewish calendar will have already begun there, and it will also be the early morning of the 16th in Jerusalem. So the meeting has been set up to fall on “Cosmic” Yom Kippur. And since “God’s judgment is sealed at the end of Yom Kippur,” the globalists’ judgment of America’s death by means of the “lethal” phase of the COVID psyop will be sealed tomorrow at sunset (in Jerusalem or Washington). At some point after that, news may break of a “new, lethal strain of COVID” spreading in some part(s) of the world.

Also, given such news as “NATO Chief Raises Alarm on Russia Military Build-Up Near Ukraine,” it should be noted that my partner Onnabugeisha has identified “666” indicators pointing to Dmitry Medvedev (the supposed “friend-to-the-West Atlantic Integrationist”) and Mikhail Mishustin (the Russian Prime Minister who would take over as Acting President if something happens to Putin). So keep an eye out for an imminent attempt by “the West and their friends in Russia” to “take down Putin before he invades Ukraine.”

More details on both of these subjects later…

~ MORE ~

If we take a moment to think of the sequence of events that would have to occur for Biden to take on emergency powers under a COVID crisis and lock down the country before Thanksgiving, it would go something like this…

Step 1: They would bring COVID back to the top of the headlines, stressing talking points like “increasing infection rates” and “new variants.” And they did that over the past few days, including these clusters of headlines that stayed at the top of the Drudge Report for much of the weekend…

…(click on the image to enlarge it)

Step 2: They would roll out news of a “new, more lethal COVID variant” that has broken out in multiple places due to airline and interstate travel. And they would spend a few days elevating the fear language in a massive wave of press reports until it looks like a profound crisis.

Step 3: Biden would then announce “decisive action” under emergency powers “to stop a catastrophic spread of the variant from Thanksgiving travel and gatherings.” So on Thanksgiving, airlines would be grounded and COVID checkpoints would be set up on interstate highways.

These blatantly unconstitutional and freedom-destroying actions would outrage the Trumpers, patriots, antivaxers, and Christians, thus establishing their scripted motivation for “exploding in violence against the government and its perceived Jewish controllers” mere days after Thanksgiving on the first day of Hanukkah. This is how the government will blame them for the Operation Blackjack attacks.

Looking at these three steps, they’ve already done the first, so it’s time for them to initiate the second. But when?

Given that they scheduled the Biden-Xi virtual meeting for today, they may roll out the news of the “lethal new COVID variant” tomorrow, November 16. But since they will have already hit the “Cosmic” Yom Kippur marker with the meeting, they might also wait until the day after Yom Kippur is over, November 17. And Onnabugeisha has identified occult markers that would support that…

November 17 of 2019 is the day associated with the “very first confirmed case of COVID.”

November 17 of this year marks 616 days since the WHO declared COVID a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. 616 is the alternate “Number of the Beast”.

These indicators make Wednesday a “numerologically favorable” day for announcing the “first confirmed cases of a more lethal COVID variant.” The press would then have 5 days to gin it up into a hysterical crisis before a November 22 “emergency powers” move by Biden.

~ MORE ~

Among the occult indicators we’ll be looking at in the next update, there is one that Onnabugeisha just sent me…

November 16 (tomorrow) marks the 911th day (“9/11“) since Volodymyr Zelensky took office as the 6th President of Ukraine on May 20, 2019.

The appearance of this number may be why we saw this on the Drudge Report this morning

And it provides numerological support for the globalists to script a big event in Ukraine tomorrow. Will it be a military incident? Will it be a false-flag assassination of a Ukrainian leader that would justify a “reciprocal response” from NATO (by going after Putin)? Let’s hope we don’t have to find out.

(13-14 November 2021) – If you are a new reader, I should tell you that the “Cosmic” Hebrew calendar was invented by the globalist prophecy scriptwriters to give themselves another chance to schedule their big events on key Jewish dates. And the fact that “Cosmic” Shemini Atzeret (November 28-29) overlaps Hanukkah Day 1 on the standard Hebrew calendar affords our Kabbalist masters some interesting scripting options. To explain why, though, I need to cover a few things first…

The Process of God’s Judgment According to the Jews

According to Jewish tradition and Kabbalist doctrine, God’s yearly judgment of all the world’s people unfolds over the Hebrew month of Tishrei…

  • Tishrei days 1 and 2 are Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), the time when God writes down his judgment for each and every person. For the righteous and the wicked, that judgment is final and can be delivered immediately. But for all the people in between the two extremes (ordinary people), ten days are given to allow them a chance to repent and atone for their sins before the judgment is sealed.
  • Tishrei day 10 is Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). It is at the end of this day that God’s judgment for each ordinary person is sealed, but not delivered (according to the Kabbalists).
  • Tishrei day 15 is the start of Sukkot, a 7-day festival during which the Israelites made a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. It is after the end of this festival that God’s judgment for the ordinary people is delivered by the angels (according to the Kabbalists).
  • Tishrei days 22 and 23 are Shemini Atzeret, the days after Sukkot when the delivery of the judgments takes place; those days can be considered days 8 and 9 of Sukkot. Shemini Atzeret is observed only on day 22 in Israel, and on days 22 and 23 for Jews outside of Israel.

According to the standard Hebrew calendar, these holidays occurred during September. But according to the “Cosmic” Hebrew calendar the prophecy propagandists pulled out of their collective tuchus, Tishrei 1 occurred on November 7, which means Yom Kippur will fall on November 16 and Shemini Atzeret on November 28-29.

Hanukkah as Sukkot

In the 30 October and 5 November updates, I made reference to “Hannukah as Sukkot.” The time has come to explain what I meant by that.

Upon looking into ways the globalists could schedule their big events in conjunction with the Jewish holidays of December — of which there are only two, Hanukkah and Asara B’Tevet — I ran across the rationale they intend to use for Hanukkah…

Jewish scholars have also suggested that the first Hanukkah may have been a belated celebration of Sukkot, which the Jews had not had the chance to observe during the Maccabean Revolt. One of the Jewish religion’s most important holidays, Sukkot consists of seven days of feasting, prayer and festivities. – from

So in order to time their scripted events in accordance with the holidays of the Hebrew calendar (to make it all look like the fulfillment of prophecy), they will claim that Hanukkah is actually Sukkot, and “it brought God’s judgment.” This narrative will be aided by the fact that the coming war will result in Israel retaking control of the Temple Mount, just like they did during the Maccabean Revolt when Hanukkah was first celebrated…

…from Wikipedia

It is also critical to understand that there are two Hanukkahs that will be occurring…

  1. the Hanukkah of the standard Hebrew calendar, which runs from sunset of November 28 to sunset of December 6, and
  2. the Hanukkah of the Essene Hebrew calendar, which runs from sunset of December 7 to sunset of December 15.

One of the globalists’ top-tier prophecy propagandists, Tom Horn, has been claiming that the Essenes were the only Jewish sect that maintained purity in their faith and kept the true Jewish calendar, thus implying that the standard Jewish calendar is the distorted product of the “scribes and Pharisees” (a.k.a. “the Synagogue of Satan”). This has laid the propaganda groundwork for the Hanukkah of the standard Jewish calendar to be cast as “Satan’s Sukkot” and the Hanukkah of the Essene calendar to be cast as “God’s True Sukkot.” So look for bad things to happen during the first Hanukkah and good things to happen during the second.

Getting back to the other Jewish holiday in December, Asara B’Tevet, it falls on December 14 this year, and it commemorates the Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia. And quite strikingly, it falls on the same day (December 14) as Hanukkah Day 7 (“Sukkot Day 7”) in the Essene calendar. So we can expect Jerusalem to be under siege come December 14, and we can also expect the Jewish messiah to arrive as soon as sunset of that day (when Essene Shemini Atzeret begins and “God delivers the judgment of mercy and deliverance to the Israeli people”).

So pencil in the Jerusalem arrival of the “fake Nazionist Moshiach ben David” for sometime between sunset of December 14 and sunset of December 15.

As for the “interesting scripting options” afforded the Kabbalists by the overlap of “Cosmic” Shemini Atzeret and (standard) Hanukkah Day 1, it allows them two opportunities to script a bad “Judgment Day” for the ordinary people of the world…

  • the first “Judgment Day” would fall on November 28/29, “Cosmic” Shemini Atzeret / the first day of Hanukkah, and
  • the second “Judgment Day” would fall on December 5/6, “Hanukkah as Sukkot’s” Shemini Atzeret.

The Kabbalists could schedule “Judgment Day” for either time period. Or they can schedule dual “Judgment Days”: one for the world (Nov 28/29) and one for Israel (Dec 5/6). The November 28/29 Judgment Day could bring Operation Blackjack and the commie reign of terror. And the December 5/6 one might bring the battle between Israel and all its neighbors — a desperate conflict that would last until the Moshiach’s arrival on December 14/15.

~ MORE – 14 November 21 ~

Armed with the new information we’ve uncovered, let’s pull forward the preliminary schedule of events from the 5 November update and add to it (the notation SSXX-YY means “sunset of the XXth to sunset of the YYth”)…

November 15: Xi-Biden virtual meeting / “Xi orders ‘Lethal COVID’ to begin”
November 16: Rollout of “More Lethal COVID Variant” psyop, SS15-16
November 22: Biden initiates “Lockdown 2” under “Emergency Powers”
November 25: “Canceled Thanksgiving” (no travel, no gatherings per “Dictator Biden”)
November 28-29: Operation Blackjack / Communist Reign of Terror begins, SS27-29
December 3: US Congress deadline on budget AND debt ceiling

December 4: US government shutdown
December 4-6: “Hanukkah as Sukkot” Days 8 and 9 (“Satanic version God’s judgment”)
December 7: Pearl Harbor Day
December 11: monthly big news / big event day 11
December 14: Jerusalem under siege
 14-16: “Essene Hanukkah as Sukkot” Days 8 and 9 (“God’s real judgment”)
December 17-23: Saturnalia (if celebrated on Gregorian without converting from Julian)
> includes December 21: winter solstice (“a time of rebirth”; “light pushes back dark”)
> includes December 22: monthly big news / big event day 22
December 25: Christmas (remember the real reason for the season: presents)
December 30-January 5: Saturnalia (if celebrated on Julian dates)
> includes December 31-January 1: New Year’s Eve/Day
> includes January 3-4: OSHA workplace mandate taking full force or being cancelled

(12 November 2021) – The virtual meeting between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden has been scheduled for Monday, November 15. And my partner Onnabugeisha previously notified me of the following…

November 15 is the 9th anniversary of Xi assuming office as the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party. If you convert those 9 years into months, it has been 108 months since he took office, and 108 is a sacred number to the Buddhists.

Within the Act 1 script of the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, Xi is playing the role of the Maitreya Buddha, who has incarnated here to save the world from destruction before the “End of the Age.” And according to the storyline, he has been endeavoring to take total control over the CCP so he can end the communist/Marxist system that was imposed on the Chinese people by the central bankers. In fact, he reached an important milestone in that “struggle” this week…

…from Bloomberg

Now that Xi has drawn so close to his goal, the central-banker-owned “Global Deep State” is desperate to take him down (according to the script). And for that reason, they will go to Phase 2 of their COVID biowarfare / world takeover plan after the virtual meeting next week. The “Deep State communists” will announce a new, deadlier COVID variant and initiate draconian measures “to stop the spread.” And this will lead to the big terror event near the end of the month and the commie reign of terror that will follow.

When the “Deep State Nazionists” make their move to “save the world from the commies,” they will take down Xi and claim that the was the one behind the communist plot: “When Xi talked to Biden on November 15, he instructed him to initiate Phase 2 of the Chicom biowarfare plan.” Look for India’s Modi and possibly even Putin to go down during the drama also — they too are “incarnated heroes” according to the story.

To read more about the “incarnated heroes” narrative, go to A Globalist Fairytale in The “End Times” Deception page.

(10-11 November 2021) – The US government issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin today, and it outlines precisely how the sold-out thugs of the Department of Homeland Security plan to hit us and exactly whom they intend to blame (and then round-up). Starting tomorrow, I’ll break down their narrative paragraph-by-paragraph so everyone will know exactly what they’re up to.

~ MORE – 11 November 2021 ~

Let’s get started with the paragraph at the top of the bulletin (interspersed with my comments)…

Summary of the Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

“The Secretary of Homeland Security has issued an updated National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the current heightened threat environment across the United States. The Homeland continues to face a diverse and challenging threat environment as it approaches several religious holidays and associated mass gatherings that in the past have served as potential targets for acts of violence. These threats include those posed by individuals and small groups engaged in violence…”

So the DHS are telegraphing that they’ll hit religious holiday gatherings with lone gunmen and small group attacks. And since December will bring Hanukkah and Christmas, they intend to attack next month.

“…including domestic violent extremists (DVEs) and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences…”

The DHS will blame their terror attacks on the usual suspects: “domestic extremists,” foreign terror groups, and foreign governments (namely Russia).

“These actors continue to exploit online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote violent activity…”

The DHS are the ones exploiting online forums to spread violence. Paid webtrolls in the employ of the letter agencies, their contractors, and associated globalist organizations live on the forums and bombard them with hateful propaganda and calls for “patriots to show some backbone, pick up their rifles, and deal with the government tyranny like real men.” And if any weak-minded individuals in the forums show interest in getting involved, they are groomed by the globalist agents to serve as patsies for upcoming operations (both law enforcement arrests to establish the “reality” of the terrorist threat and actual terror attacks).

“The ongoing global pandemic continues to exacerbate these threats, in part due to perceived government overreach in implementation of public health safety measures…”

The DHS will use their massive wave of violent attacks to demonize anyone…

  • who speaks out against the loss of constitutional rights,
  • who speaks out against the COVID psyop,
  • who speaks out against the COVID “vaccine,” and/or
  • who refuses to be jabbed.

The massive all-media propaganda barrage that will follow the attacks will ensure that the frightened sheep see such people not only as “COVID deniers” and “selfish, inconsiderate, ignorant people who don’t mind killing others with their COVID,” but also as “ticking extremist time bombs who must be reported to the authorities before they explode in violence.”

“Further, foreign terrorist organizations and DVEs continue to attempt to inspire potential followers to conduct attacks in the United States, including by exploiting recent events in Afghanistan. As of November 10, 2021, DHS is not aware of an imminent and credible threat to a specific location in the United States.”

It takes only a small tweak to the first sentence to render it truthful: “Further, the DHS and affiliated contractors and organizations continue to attempt to inspire potential followers to conduct attacks in the United States, including by exploiting recent events in Afghanistan.”

~ MORE ~

Given today’s news, I’m going to jump ahead a little to cover something that’s both critically important and imminent. Here is a section from the second paragraph of the “additional details” part of the DHS bulletin…

“Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by DVEs, and they may contribute to more violence this and next year. If a new COVID-19 variant emerges and new public health restrictions are imposed as a result, anti-government violent extremists could potentially use the new restrictions as a rationale to target government or public health officials or facilities.

Mere hours after this advisory was published, Israel telegraphed what’s coming…

…from MSN/Bloomberg. Here is an excerpt…

Israel on Thursday began a nationwide drill to test its readiness in the event of an outbreak of a new, more lethal Covid-19 variant.

The exercise, war-gamed over three sessions to simulate the passage of time after a potential flare-up, will test the resilience of systems that determine lockdown policies, monitor variants, offer economic support for citizens, enforce quarantines and watch border crossings.

So on the 11th day of the month — a day favored by the globalists for scheduling important events or releasing important news — we’re seeing preparatory propaganda for the exact scenario outlined in the bulletin…

…from today’s Drudge Report

As for when the globalists will roll out the “new, more lethal COVID variant” and the accompanying restrictions, the 16th, 17th and 22nd are good candidates…

  • The 16th is Yom Kippur on the “Cosmic” Hebrew calendar (sunset of the 15th to sunset of the 16th).
  • The 17th is the day in November associated with the “very first confirmed case of COVID” in 2019.
  • And the 22nd is the other day of the month favored by the globalists for scheduling important events or releasing important news.

New COVID restrictions implemented on one of those days would “enrage the antivaxer DVEs and lead to attacks” on the 28th/29th, which are…

  • Shemini Atzeret Days 1 & 2 on the “Cosmic” Hebrew calendar, and
  • Hanukkah Day 1 on the standard Hebrew calendar (sunset of the 28th to sunset of the 29th).

“Cosmic” Rosh Hashanah Overwatch

(31 October – 9 November 2021) – Once we get past the October 28 – November 2 summit danger period, the next danger period we’ll face is presented by the “Cosmic”/”Turn of the Year” Jewish calendar the Prophecy Propaganda Corps are pushing. According to this contrived timetable, Rosh Hashanah Day 1 runs from sunset of November 4 to sunset of November 5.

Jewish tradition holds that the wicked (and the righteous) receive instant judgment on Rosh Hashanah, while all those who lie somewhere in between total wickedness and total righteousness receive “God’s” judgment on Shemini Atzeret (21 to 22 days later). This being the case, the globalists might script the beginning of the Big Crisis on November 4/5, with the end of it coming with the Space Force intervention in the November 25-28 timeframe.

I bring this up now so we can stay a step ahead of them, and I’ll cover it in more detail after we get through the current danger period.

~ MORE – 1 November 2021 ~

The Israelis have something big planned for November 4/5 (or possibly the 6th), which is why they mobilized their homeland defense forces yesterday under the guise of a drill. My partner Onnabugeisha has identified an impressive cluster of occult indicators that point to Iran and Damascus, so be on the lookout for one or more of the following…

  • an Israeli false flag against themselves,
  • a big attack on Iran, and/or
  • a massive attack on Damascus that will leave it a “ruinous heap.”

I’ll show you the indicators over the course of the day (11/1).

~ MORE ~

I’ve decided that the best way to approach Onnabugeisha’s extensive notes on the coming days is to roll out the occult indicators a day ahead as we go forward. So let’s look at what tomorrow, November 2nd, holds…

November 2 is the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration…

…from Wikipedia. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia’s writeup…

The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917…

By late 1917, in the lead up to the Balfour Declaration, the wider war had reached a stalemate, with two of Britain’s allies not fully engaged: the United States had yet to suffer a casualty, and the Russians were in the midst of a revolution with Bolsheviks taking over the government

The opening words of the declaration represented the first public expression of support for Zionism by a major political power.

So tomorrow will be the 104th anniversary of the day the state of Israel began to manifest, and this little peek into the past reveals much of how the Kabbalists took control of our world. By orchestrating World War 1 the Rothschild-fronted Kabbalists brought down four empires: the three Christian empires of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia (by means of the Kabbalist-funded Bolsheviks) and the Muslim Ottoman Empire. They later went on to take over China by funding and supporting Mao through the Soviet Union.

In the course of looking into this, I ran across a decent blurb from a book on the subject

The Kabbalah – Book 3: The Rothschild Family

How the Kabbalistic leadership was able to get control of the world banking system.

A successful revolution requires a lot of money, but when the goal is to subdue the world and put it under a dictatorship, entire financial systems must be taken over. The Kabbalistic leadership wants to take dominion of the earth and rule it with their messiah and they need to control the banking system to achieve this objective. The Fugger family was promoted in the 14th century but they did not protect their wealth. Jewish traders became very wealthy during the next two centuries as they operated in all nations and supplied warring armies but there was no centralized control that could be projected over the banking systems of different nations. Meyer Amschel was selected to be the founding father of a global banking family. He was sly and deceitful and intensely loyal to the Jewish cause that is spelled out in the Talmud and the Kabbalah. The Kabbalistic leadership invested funds and coins which Amschel used to build a fairly strong banking house in Frankfurt and his five sons proved to be more shrewd than their father. In less than 50 years the Rothschild family had penetrated the financial markets in Austria, Germany, France, England, Italy and Spain. This is the story of the Rothschilds, who through the Kabbalistic leadership were able to set the policies in these nations and achieve a monopoly that is unrivaled today.

So tomorrow could be another day the Kabbalist agenda makes a big move forward. And one way of doing that would be to have the “Nazionist Deep State” false-flag a “Communist Deep State” attack on the COP26 attendees.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida, whose departure for Scotland was delayed by the Japanese election, is slated to arrive sometime tomorrow morning [he is leaving Japan on Tuesday morning (Japan time) and arriving in Scotland on Tuesday morning (Scotland time)]. And since the national leaders will have to leave Edinburgh bright and early to get to the 9 AM session in Glasgow on Tuesday, the globalists would need to hit them during the night (by about 7:30 AM at the latest). That way, they would fulfill the Catholic and Kabbalist prophecies of “the kings of the Earth being destroyed in the City of Seven Hills except for those who have not yet arrived (Kishida).”

November 2 also marks exactly 555 weeks since the beginning of the Syrian “Civil War” on March 15, 2011. So the numerology-obsessed Kabbalists may orchestrate a precursor event for what they have planned for Damascus on November 4/5/6.

~ MORE – 2 November 2021 ~

The window for a prophecy-fulfilling COP26 strike officially closed around 9 AM Scotland time…

…from NHK

So it’s entirely possible that the globalist whiff in Scotland may lead to an abandonment of their plans for November 4/5/6, since the Israeli move may have been scripted to take advantage of the global disorder and confusion that would have followed the decapitation strike. We can’t just assume that’s the case, though, so let’s look ahead at the occult indicators for tomorrow…

November 3 will mark exactly 666 days (the Number of the Beast) since Vladimir Putin visited Damascus on January 7, 2020 (which was Orthodox Christmas Day). Putin’s visit was designed to fulfill an Islamic “End Times” prophecy that will allow him to be seen as Isa (Jesus) by the Muslims.

In Act 1 of the “End Times” stageplay, Putin is playing the returned Jesus/Isa and the Jewish Messiah. And in Act 2, he’ll be identified as the “Final Antichrist.” So having the Number of the Beast show up at this time is not a good sign for Damascus, a city that was visited by the Final Antichrist on Christmas Day and that the prophecy propagandists say this about…

…from The Christian Post

Onnabugeisha also notes that Putin was accompanied on the trip by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, his constant companion…


Shoigu has a role to play in the “End Times” Show as well, but I’m not yet sure if it’s as Putin’s betrayer, Putin’s tag-team partner, or the dark horse Final Antichrist hiding in Putin’s shadow.

November 3 also marks exactly 6 years and 16 days (616) since the Iran nuclear deal was adopted on October 18, 2015. 616 is the alternative Number of the Beast, and having it show up at this time is not a good sign for Iran. In fact, it’s an especially bad sign given that Israeli Prime Minister Bennett met with the Final Antichrist on October 22 to achieve strategic coordination

…from The Jerusalem Post. Here’s an excerpt…

“There was a huge conversation on strategic topics,” Elkin said. “They spoke in-depth about the current situation in the Iranian nuclear program, and had a very broad conversation about the situation in Syria, while preserving the coordination system. The prime minister presented his worldview when it comes to the ways to stop the Iran nuclear program and stopping Iran from getting a foothold in Syria.

So on November 3, the two Numbers of the Beast mark the two targets for what is/was to come: a decapitation strike on Damascus and attacks on Iran.

For more information on Putin’s “prophetic” visit to Damascus, read Isa’s Descent at the White Minaret in The 2020 Archive 5 (or simply click here if your browser supports link-to-text).

~ MORE ~

It’s already November, and there’s no sign of the Moshiach shofar…

…Tu B’Ad.

This year, Rosh Hashanah occurred on September 7. And all the related Jewish holidays that follow it ended with Simchat Torah on September 29. The globalist had big plans for those holidays, but they were unable to carry them out. So they have been working to give themselves a second chance ever since.

In October, they cooked up two “adjusted” Jewish calendars to give themselves an opportunity to restart Rosh Hashanah on October 7 and 8. This did not work. So they invented yet another “adjusted” calendar, the “Cosmic”/”Turn of the Year” calendar, to make one more attempt to replay Rosh Hashanah on November 5th. This is where we find ourselves now.

The central theme of Rosh Hashanah and its following holidays is “God’s” judgment and repentance. And this is how it works…

According to tradition, God judges all creatures during the 10 Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, deciding whether they will live or die in the coming year. Jewish law teaches that God inscribes the names of the righteous in the “book of life” and condemns the wicked to death on Rosh Hashanah; people who fall between the two categories have until Yom Kippur to perform “teshuvah,” or repentance. As a result, observant Jews consider Rosh Hashanah and the days surrounding it a time for prayer, good deeds, reflecting on past mistakes and making amends with others. – from

5 days after Yom Kippur come the 7+1 days of Sukkot, and that’s where the Kabbalists add more to the process…

Hoshanah Rabbah, the last day of the festival of Sukkot, is considered a day of judgment. According to the Zohar, although one is judged on the Day of Atonement, that verdict is not delivered until the last day of Sukkot, and until then a person may still repent (Zohar, Va-Yehi 120a; Terumah 142a). However, according to the Zohar the day on which the verdict is delivered is actually Shemini Atzeret, the final day of the festival, and not Hoshanah Rabbah (the day before). Hesed le-Avraham explains away the contradiction as follows — the last chance to change one’s judgment is actually Hoshanah Rabbah; whoever has not yet repented by then has his verdict handed down on Shemini Atzeret. – from Bar-Ilan University

Shemini Atzeret, the day God’s judgment is delivered to average people, is the 8th day of Sukkot. And outside of Israel, that 8th day is observed for two days (so God’s judgment for the ordinary folk could be delivered on Day 8 or Day 9). God’s judgment for the wicked, though, can be delivered as soon as Rosh Hashanah begins.

With this religious template for Rosh Hashanah through Shemini Atzeret in mind, the globalist strategy for their Big Event seems to be the following…

They will simulate God’s immediate judgment of the wicked by kicking off a massive campaign of violence on Rosh Hashanah Day 1. A terrifying parade of global events will then ensue over the following three weeks, causing the general public to fall to their knees, repent, and cry out to God for an intervention. The globalists will then simulate that intervention by staging the arrival of the Jewish Messiah on Shemini Atzeret, when “God will deliver his judgment by inscribing the surviving public to the Book of Life.”

According to the “Cosmic” calendar, Rosh Hashanah Day 1 will begin at sunset of Thursday, November 4. We’ll look at the occult indicators for that day tomorrow.

~ MORE – 3 November 2021 ~

File this one under “it should come as no surprise”…

…from Hampshire Live

So two aircraft carriers [one UK and one US Marine (USS Essex)] are in the Persian Gulf this week within striking distance of Iran. This means Israel’s F-35s aren’t the only ones Iran will be facing “if something should happen.” Speaking of which…

Covering all the numbers my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered for November 4 would take more time than I have available today, so let me give you an “executive” / “lazy man’s” summary.

November 4 is the 26th anniversary of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a religious Zionist (and 26 is the gematric number of the name of the god of Israel). So an assassination / decapitation “according to god’s judgment” is something to watch for. And there are November 4 historical and numerological cues pointing to the following persons…

  • Barack Obama (the “Communist Antichrist”),
  • Esmail Ghaani (Commander of Iran’s IRGC Quds Force),
  • Ebrahim Raisi (President of Iran), and
  • Ali Khamenei (Supreme Leader of Iran).

Those men could be scripted as targets or instigators of what is/was planned. And to that list of targets/instigators can be added Bashar Assad (President of Syria), Naftali Bennett (Prime Minister of Israel), and Benjamin Netanyahu.

There are also November 4 historical and numerological cues pointing to the following events…

So tomorrow is quite the witch’s brew of indicators pointing to Iran, Israel, and trouble.

But there has also been a sign that the globalists may have already backed off…

…from Al Jazeera

~ MORE – 4 November 2021 ~

The Dark Jewish Winter Begins…

The big news today was the promulgation of OSHA’s new Emergency Temporary Standard requiring companies employing 100 or more to force COVID vaccinations or COVID tests upon all their employees. The impacted companies have until January 4 to start the forced testing, and the employees that are lost over the next two months will further add to the “supply chain disruptions” the globalists are orchestrating.

This new mandate was announced on the eve of Kislev 1, the beginning of the Jewish winter season, which starts at sunset today. So as the sun goes down tonight, we begin the “Dark Winter” Biden promised us, courtesy of the Kabbalist central banking cartel.

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The same sign in the heavens — the appearance of the first sliver of the new moon — that starts Kislev 1 on the standard Hebrew calendar also starts Tishrei 1 (Rosh Hashanah Day 1) on the “Cosmic”/”Turn of the Year” Hebrew calendar. The first time the prophecy propagandists mentioned the “Cosmic” calendar, they said Rosh Hashanah Day 1 was on November 4. Later they went on to “clarify” that it “might be on November 5 or 6 depending on when the rabbis spot the new moon.” The purpose of their vague pronouncements is to allow some flexibility in the scheduling of events…

If the triggering event happens between sunset of the 4th and sunset of the 5th, they’ll say that Rosh Hashanah Day 1 is the 5th, which means Yom Kippur is the 14th, Shemini Atzeret Day 1 is the 26th, and Shemini Atzeret Day 2 is the 27th.

If the triggering event happens between sunset of the 5th and sunset of the 6th, they’ll say that Rosh Hashanah Day 1 is the 6th, which means Yom Kippur is the 15th, Shemini Atzeret Day 1 is the 27th, and Shemini Atzeret Day 2 is the 28th.

Onnabugeisha thinks they’re angling for the 6th because that would allow Yom Kippur to fall on the 15th, which is 9/11 on the standard Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar. Should we push the start of the violence out of this week, their next obvious fallback date would be Yom Kippur.

All this being said, if we put all the candidate days for Shemini Atzeret together, the November time period to script “god’s judgment of humanity” will run from sunset of the 25th through sunset of the 28th. So… to recap…

  • We could see the start of big trouble on the 5th-6th, which will end with a “heavenly intervention” on the 25th-28th.
  • We could see a warning event on the 5th-6th, the start of big trouble on the 14th-15th, and “heavenly intervention” on the 25th-28th.
  • Or we could see nothing of note because the globalists have abandoned their November plans.

As for occult indicators for the 5th and 6th, they are…

Although it’s kinduva stretch, these indicators could be weaved into the scripting of a Shoigu-arranged big explosion in England that causes a tsunami to wipe out the UN climate conference attendees staying in Edinburgh. And it can be tied to a “nuke-laden minisub” left behind in July when the Iranian naval ship Makran transited the English Channel and North Sea on its way to a Russian naval parade in the Baltic Sea…

…from The Drive

Of course, everything the globalists are doing is kinduva stretch from the perspective of a sane and rational human being, so I covered this scenario out of an abundance of caution.

~ MORE – 5 November 2021 ~

Let’s have a first look at “Satan’s Legos” for December…

I spent this morning compiling a preliminary list of December scripting dates, which are the building blocks the globalist scriptwriters can use to construct a narrative. And I found that they already tell a story of things going very badly during the first two weeks before the “heroes” show up in the second two weeks…

December 3: US Congress deadline on budget AND debt ceiling
December 4: US government shutdown
December 4-6: “Hanukkah as Sukkot” Days 8 and 9 (“Satanic version God’s judgment”)
December 7: Pearl Harbor Day
December 11: monthly big news / big event day 11
December 14-16: “Essene Hanukkah as Sukkot” Days 8 and 9 (“God’s real judgment”)
December 17-23: Saturnalia (if celebrated on Gregorian without converting from Julian)
> includes December 21: winter solstice (“a time of rebirth”; “light pushes back dark”)
> includes December 22: monthly big news / big event day 22
December 25: Christmas (remember the real reason for the season: presents)
December 30-January 5: Saturnalia (if celebrated on Julian dates)
> includes December 31-January 1: New Year’s Eve/Day
> includes January 3-4: OSHA workplace mandate taking full force or being cancelled

Tracking them next month will be very easy. They shouldn’t even bother trying.

~ MORE – 6 November 2021 ~

Which “Antichrist” is slated to be assassinated on November 8-9?…

In the 27 October update, I wondered aloud if Obama was slated to be assassinated in Edinburgh after flying to Scotland on the 4th to attend the COP26 conference. It has since been announced that he will arrive there on Monday the 8th, and I found the news unremarkable until my partner Onnabugeisha informed me of the striking cluster of occult indicators on the 8th and 9th.

In just a few hours, we’ll look at those indicators, which point to revolution and assassination and include another propaganda link to (nuclear) tsunamis. We’ll also look at how the Palm Beach and Miami residences of Trump and Kushner are, like Edinburgh, susceptible to tsunami weapons.

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Here are the November 8/9 indicators Onnabugeisha found…

November 8 is the 5th anniversary of the 2016 presidential election in which “Nazionist Trump peacefully wrested control of the US presidency from the communists and their bought-out (by the CCP) allies.”

November 8 is the anniversary of the 1939 Munich beer hall assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler (by a communist).

November 9 is the anniversary of the 1938 assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler by a Catholic (as Hitler marched to the same Munich beer hall).

November 9, 11/9, is the reverse of 9/11.

November 8-9 is the anniversary of the 1923 Nazi Beer Hall Putsch…

The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch, was a failed coup d’etat by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler, Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff and other Kampfbund leaders in Munich, Bavaria, on 8–9 November 1923, during the Weimar Republic. Approximately two thousand Nazis marched on the Feldherrnhalle, in the city centre, but were confronted by a police cordon, which resulted in the deaths of 16 Nazi Party members and four police officers.

Hitler, who was wounded during the clash, escaped immediate arrest and was spirited off to safety in the countryside. After two days, he was arrested and charged with treason.

The putsch brought Hitler to the attention of the German nation for the first time and generated front-page headlines in newspapers around the world. His arrest was followed by a 24-day trial, which was widely publicised and gave him a platform to express his nationalist sentiments to the nation. Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in Landsberg Prison, where he dictated Mein Kampf to fellow prisoners Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess. On 20 December 1924, having served only nine months, Hitler was released. Once released, Hitler redirected his focus towards obtaining power through legal means rather than by revolution or force, and accordingly changed his tactics, further developing Nazi propaganda.

In the early 20th century, many of the larger cities of southern Germany had beer halls, where hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of people would socialise in the evenings, drink beer and participate in political and social debates. Such beer halls also became the hosts of occasional political rallies. One of Munich’s largest beer halls was the Burgerbraukeller, which became the site where the putsch began.

The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, led to the decline of Germany as a major European power. Like many Germans of the period, Hitler, who had fought in the German Army but still held Austrian citizenship at the time, believed the treaty to be a betrayal, with the country having been “stabbed in the back” by its own government, particularly as the German Army was popularly thought to have been undefeated in the field. For the defeat, Hitler scapegoated civilian leaders, Jews and Marxists, later called the “November Criminals”. – from Wikipedia

So in the Munich Putsch, the Nazis tried to forcefully take back control of their country from “traitors, Jews and Marxists” (the whole Nazi takeover was a classic example of the Kabbalists seeing a revolution brewing against them and sending in their own agent, Hitler, to capture the movement and lead it to ruin).

As you can see, the indicators feature communists and Nazis battling for control using the tools of forceful revolution and assassination, and they strongly feature Munich as well. On a hunch, I decided to see if Edinburgh might be a sister city of Munich. Lookee what I found…

…from Google

There are also some notable Eastern Orthodox Christian and prophecy propaganda indicators for Monday the 8th…

November 8 is Orthodox Michaelmas, a celebration of the Archangel Michael (who supposedly defeated Lucifer in the war in heaven) and other angels, including Uriel (the “Light of God”). Read the “Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers” for more information on that day.

This connection to “Archangel Michael” is quite notable given the attention he’s been given by the Christian prophecy propagandists lately. They talk of “the day Michael stands up” to “move against the Antichrist on Earth like he moved against Lucifer in heaven.” This ties in with a Bible verse they associate with the “End Times”…

Daniel 12:1 “At that time Michael, the great prince who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress, the likes of which will not have occurred from the beginning of nations until that time. But at that time your people — everyone whose name is found written in the book — will be delivered.”

Note the verse’s reference to those “whose name is found written in the book” (of life), which connects with the theme of “god’s judgment” I’ve been covering in recent entries.

Also notable is the fact that a particular prophecy propaganda front I monitor has repeatedly connected “the day Michael stands up” to the “La Palma Tsunami” scenario. While that scenario is scientifically absurd, it’s quite interesting that they’re alluding to a destructive tsunami occurring on the day Michael stands up. Will such a tsunami occur on Orthodox Michaelmas or the day after? And whom will it target: Communist Antichrist Obama in Edinburgh, Nazionist Antichrist Trump in Palm Beach, Nazionist Antichrist Kushner in Miami, or some combination thereof?

As I’ve covered in recent entries, the VIPs attending COP26 have been spending their nights in Edinburgh, which is located on a small and relatively enclosed body of water, the Firth of Forth. So the city where Obama will be staying is vulnerable to a nuke-triggered tsunami attack.

Trump’s residence in Florida, Mar-a-Lago, is also located next to a small, largely enclosed body of water, the Lake Worth Lagoon…

…from Google Maps. So Mar-a-Lago is vulnerable to a tsunami attack, with the red star marking a possible detonation spot.

Jared Kushner’s residences in Miami, the Arte Surfside and Indian Creek, are located next to the North Bay of Biscayne Bay (another small, relatively enclosed body of water)…

…from Google Maps. The red star marks a possible detonation spot for a tsunami weapon.

And it’s important to remember that the Champlain Towers South building that collapsed this year is located very near Kushner’s residences…

…from Google Maps. His new home is located on Indian Creek Island, his leased condo is in the Arte Surfside, and the former location of the Champlain Towers South building (CTS) is marked with a red box.

Looking at the collapse from the perspective of the current script, it may be narrated that the building was blown up with a car bomb by communist Cuban agents as a warning to Kushner. What happens to Obama in Edinburgh would then be “Kushner’s response” to the commies.

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Getting back to the prophecy propagandists and the “catastrophic tsunami” idea they’re pushing, one of them posted pictures of the pillars from the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan. I found more pictures on another site, and there are two pillars that really grabbed my attention.

The first depicts Manhattan being hit by a giant tsunami…


The second depicts the Kabbalist Tree of Life…

…from (top) and Wikipedia (bottom).

Evidently, then, the Kabbalists do have catastrophic tsunamis on their twisted minds. And in the 17 September update (further down this page), I cover the nuclear tsunami threat to New York City and Washington, DC. Click here to open a parallel page at the right spot to read it (if your browser supports link-to-text). Otherwise, enter 17 September in your browser’s FIND feature or just scroll down.

~ MORE – 7 November 2021 ~

The Christian prophecy propaganda guys have stated that the “Cosmic” calendar Jewish New Year would begin “when the rabbis saw the new moon” this month. According to one of the propaganda sites Onnabugeisha monitors, that happened at sunset on the 6th….


So if the globalists are still scheduling their artificial prophecy fulfillment events by this “Cosmic” calendar, Days 1 and 2 of “Cosmic” Rosh Hashanah are November 7 and 8 (starting at sunset on the 6th and ending at sunset on the 8th). This means that…

  • they can script “God’s immediate Rosh Hashanah judgment of the wicked” during that time period, making sunset of today to sunset of the 8th (which overlaps Michaelmas) the most likely time period for the assassination scenario to unfold (Michael would be “delivering God’s judgment to the wicked”),
  • “Cosmic” Yom Kippur will fall on November 16 (sunset of the 15th to sunset of the 16th), and
  • “Cosmic” Shemini Atzeret, the time when “God’s judgment is delivered to the rest of us,” will fall on November 28 and 29 (sunset of the 27th to sunset of the 29th). That would be the time period when the decoy Jewish Messiah (Kushner/Trump/Pence) makes his move to save us.

If they proceed with their plans for Monday-Tuesday and are still running the communists versus Nazionists subplot, Obama will be the one targeted by the assassination attempt (which may not succeed). But if they’re skipping that subplot and going straight to Putin’s savior moment, the “Antichrists” on both sides will be targeted.

~ MORE ~

It has been reported that Obama has arrived in Scotland on Sunday night. There’s no word yet on where he’s staying. So now that the “Communist Antichrist” has arrived at a crucial “Communist UN” conference of all the world’s nations, let’s see if the Nazionists make their scripted move to crash the party.

Also, my partner has identified another sign underlying the globalists’ scripting for tomorrow. Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961, and on Monday the 8th when he gives his speech at COP26, he will have turned…

  • exactly 22,011 days old (numerologists consider 22 and 11master numbers,” and when these two are added together they’re 33, another key master number to occultists), and
  • exactly 60 years and 96 days old (numerologists do things like ignore zeros and flip numbers to make their childish beliefs work, so 6096 qualifies as 666, the Number of the Beast).

~ MORE – 8 November 2021 ~

Who would have guessed that Obama would stay here?…

…from the Edinburgh News

His lodging was likely arranged well in advance, so this doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll go through with the tsunami attack. But it certainly suggests that they intended to.

~ MORE – 9 November 2021 ~

There is growing evidence that we avoided something really big on Monday the 8th. You might recall me stressing the following point over the past several weeks…

In the US, keep an eye out for the announcement of the vaccine mandate for employers taking effect. It may precede the outbreak of war by a day (or a few). This timing would allow Operation Blackjack to first be blamed on Trumpers, antivaxers, and “Mark of the Beast”-avoiding Christians “who erupted in violence due to their outrage over the mandate.” – from the early October advisory (further down this page)

As it turned out, OSHA promulgated the vaccine mandate on November 4, just four days before this was due to start on Monday the 8th…

…from Human Events (top) and #AxeTheVax (bottom, click to enlarge). Note that the “Brought to you by” section of the bottom poster includes known Trumpers, antivaxers and Christians. Here is an excerpt from the Human Events article…

Advocates for Citizens’ Rights, a California non-profit founded by attorney Leigh Dundas, along with Robert Kennedy Jr.’s organization Children’s Health Defense have joined other high-profile groups and individuals to promote a Nationwide Walkout & Stand for Freedom to take place November 8-11. The purpose of the voluntary work strike is to protest vaccine mandates in the workplace. This event carries the social media hashtag of #AxeTheVax.

The movement was started by regular every-day American workers reaching out to Dundas and others looking for a way to join together collectively in order to have their actions felt, and their voices heard. “This nationwide walkout has spread like wildfire, with white collar professionals joining the supply chain workers and truckers — and employees from every industry and all faiths, creeds, races and political affiliations — now pledging they will strike during the week of November 8, as a statement that jobs should never be conditioned on medical mandates and tyranny,” Dundas said…

Some names recognizable to members of the current movement in the U.S. protesting authoritarian government action are Clay Clark & General Flynn, co-hosts of the Re-Awaken America Tour, and Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors, along with Ann Vandersteel and Doug Billings, to name just a few.

This nationwide campaign was apparently organized by attorney Leigh Dundas. And upon looking into her, I found some very interesting information on a Democratic propaganda site…

…from The Underground Bunker. Here is an excerpt…

We first noticed Leigh Dundas, a Scientology OT and “human rights attorney” last year as she made a name for herself as a firebrand anti-vaxx and anti-mask activist who had driven away an Orange County health official with her brand of political extremism.

More recently, we’ve been posting information as it has come in about her remarkable couple of days at the US Capitol on January 5 and 6 as she took part in the speechifying and marching that ended up being a deadly insurrection.

On January 5 she urged on a crowd with this rhetoric: “We would be well within our rights to take any alleged American who acted in a turncoat fashion and sold us out and committed treason, we would be well within our rights and take them out back and shoot ’em or hang ’em…”

And on the day of the riot itself, she filmed herself pushing toward the Capitol and screaming “Traitor!” at Capitol police. Video also emerged showing her near the doors of the Capitol itself. Later that afternoon she gave another fiery broadside exhorting her listeners to “fight on! Fight for your country!” while protesters were breaking windows and pushing into the building behind her.

So Dundas, one of the globalist agents who helped lure the Trumpers into the Capitol Building for the “deadly Capitol insurrection” setup, has now lured them into this organized campaign of nationwide STRIKES. These workplace strikes would have been happening at the same time as the Operation Blackjack terror strikes, thus allowing the “commie” media to conflate the two campaigns and blame the terror attacks on the Trumpers, antivaxers, and “Mark of the Beast”-avoiding Christians.

Over the course of the day, we’ll look deeper into the details of this trap, including the clown posse of circus freaks who organized it.

~ MORE ~

When I wrote this morning that I’d add more to today’s update, I forgot that it’s my son’s birthday. So suffice it to say that all the “high-profile groups and individuals” behind the #AxTheVax setup are not those I would place my trust in. If you look closely at each of them, like the Scientologist “Operating Thetan” Leigh Dundas and the “methed-up hillbilly preacher man” Greg Locke, you see what a bunch of freaks and clowns they are — just the sort the globalists employ for their public circuses.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – October Updates

The Globalist Plot for the End of October

(14-31 October 2021) – This morning I was planning to write about “adjusted” Yom Kippur as a potential date for the start of the war. But before I could get started, another candidate day grabbed my attention…

…from Reuters

This news makes the timeframe of October 29, 30, and 31 the golden candidate for Operation Blackjack. And it just so happens that my partner Onnabugeisha has found yet ANOTHER “adjusted” Jewish calendar that specifically points to those days as “high watch days” for the Christian Rapture (which in the globalist script is the day the Western internal security agencies begin snatching Christians from their homes and workplaces after they’re blamed for Operation Blackjack)…

…from YouTube. Click on the image to enlarge it.

~ MORE – 15 October 2021 ~

So far, I’ve tracked the currently ongoing attempt to stage the New World Order Transition Event across four calendars now…

  1. the standard Jewish calendar,
  2. the Essene Jewish calendar,
  3. the “adjusted” standard Jewish calendar, and
  4. the new “adjusted” Enoch calendar (featured in the graphic above).

In order to make the Event look like it’s the fulfillment of “End Times” prophecy, the globalists need to sync it to the fall Jewish holidays. But in the standard and Essene Jewish calendars, those holidays have already passed. So their dying hopes for staging the Event this year now lie in the two “adjusted” calendars, which are only one day different: on the “adjusted” standard Jewish calendar, the “Great 8th Day of Sukkot” (the prime candidate day for Operation Blackjack) falls on October 28; on the “adjusted” Enoch calendar, it falls on October 29.

Given that the “adjusted” Enoch calendar’s “Great 8th Day” corresponds precisely with the real-world setup for the Event, it appears to be the calendar they’re going with. This is further confirmed by what’s found in another part of it…

…(Click on the graphic to enlarge it.)

Before the latest “adjustment” to the Enoch calendar, the prophecy propagandists had it pointing to September 28 as the “Great 8th Day.” And September the 28th was indeed a previous candidate day for Operation Blackjack. You can read about the setup for that day in the 27 September Warning further down this page.

Now if we look to the real-world setup for October 29, we find that it’s the day Biden meets Pope Francis in Rome. It is also the day “the kings of the Earth” will be gathering in Rome for the G20 Summit, which starts on the 30th. So destroying Rome on that day will allow the globalists to precisely fulfill a Kabbalist prophecy they need to cross off their list…

“…the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.” – from News With Views

The “fire and hail and meteoric stones” part brings us to something I wrote a while back…

(from 20 December 2019) – As for how Rome will be destroyed, the prophecy calls for “fiery stones” to do the deed, and there are at least three methods the globalists could use to achieve the desired result…

Method 1 – Use warheads from a false-flag missile attack out of Lebanon (fired by Israel and blamed on Iran). For details on how this would work, go to The 2019 Archive and use your browser’s find feature to skip to Israel’s Tunnels into Lebanon & Their Planned Missile Attack on Europe.

Method 2 – Use rocks thrown by a deliberate, directional release of volcanic pressure from the Colli Albani volcano complex. For details on this, go to The 2019 Archive and find The Globalist Plot to Destroy Rome This Month.

Method 3 – Use meteors (space rocks or tungsten rods) that are nudged/launched by advanced aerospace vehicles. Assuming the globalists do indeed have “UFOs” based on revolutionary sequestered technologies, it is a simple matter for them to fly out to an asteroid and nudge it onto a certain course or lift tungsten rods into space and release them at high speed along a path to a target. Since natural space rocks are irregular in shape, the rods would more likely be used (to ensure accuracy).

In this current attempt to fulfill the Zohar prophecy, Method 3 is looking like the winner. The globalists would first have the “Nazionist” Space Force destroy Rome to frame the commies and Xi (Xi won’t be attending the G20 Summit and the CCP have been narrated as having space-based kinetic energy weapons). Then Space Force would step in to save the world from the Communist Reign of Terror. So the “Nazionists” will create the problem and then step in to solve it, which is standard globalist procedure.

~ MORE – 16 October 2021 ~

If the globalists want to engineer a perfect fulfillment of the Kabbalist “prophecy”/plan for Rome’s destruction, October 29 — the “Great 8th Day when God’s judgment is delivered” — is the ideal date. This is because when the “fiery stones” start falling, many of the G20 leaders will have already arrived in Rome for the next day’s Summit while a few will still be en route, just like the prophecy specifies. But if the globalists arrange for some leaders to straggle in on the morning of the Summit, they could also stage a perfect fulfillment on October 30 (the second day of observance of the “Great 8th Day” on the Enoch calendar).

This brings us to Halloween, October 31.

The G20 Summit will end on October 31 and the attending leaders will then hop on jets and head to Scotland in advance of the next day’s summit at the COP26 “Climate Change” Conference. And once the leaders get to Scotland, things really get interesting.

First off, there’s this…

…from the Glasgow Times. Here is an excerpt…

More than 100 heads of state are expected to attend the conference along with representatives from around 200 countries.

So by using a cock and bull security excuse, they’re having the world leaders and the Queen spend their nights in Edinburgh, which is over an hour’s drive from Glasgow!

…from Google Maps

Why would the Summit planners do this, you ask? A closer look at Edinburgh reveals the true reason…

Situated in Scotland’s Central Belt, Edinburgh lies on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth…

While the early burgh grew up near the prominent Castle Rock, the modern city is often said to be built on seven hills, namely Calton Hill, Corstorphine Hill, Craiglockhart Hill, Braid Hill, Blackford Hill, Arthur’s Seat and the Castle Rock, giving rise to allusions to the seven hills of Rome. – from Wikipedia

The “allusions to the seven hills of Rome” take on enormous significance when you consider the Catholic companion prophecy to the Zohar prophecy…

The prophecy in the Zohar, given by Jews hundreds of years separate from the divination of “the last pope,” is amazing when compared with the Catholic prediction. The final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign ends in the destruction of Rome, will assume authority during a time of great tribulation, and then the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible and fearsome Judge will judge his people.” – from News with Views

So with Edinburgh being a viable stand-in for Rome, and with 200 heads of state and representatives “from all the kingdoms of the Earth” staying there, you can begin to see how the Kabbalist prophecy for Rome can also be fulfilled in Scotland. And the Queen of England will be “killed” as a topper. Now that’s some lovely Holyrood scripting for a Halloween horror show, wouldn’t you agree?

With our eyes now set on COP26, let’s look a little closer at the schedule for the summit part..


As you can see, the first meeting of the World Leaders’ Summit doesn’t start until 3 in the afternoon of Monday, November 1st. This opens the door to some leaders scheduling their arrival in Scotland for Monday morning instead of Sunday (Halloween), while most will likely arrive on Sunday so they can spend Monday morning schmoozing with their peers. The Zohar prophecy of “all the kings of the Earth being destroyed except those who will not yet have arrived” can thus be fulfilled by scheduling the fiery stones for Halloween night (a Satanic high holiday).

All this being said, we have now accounted for all three “high watch days” (October 29, 30, and 31) proffered by the prophecy propagandists who made the “adjusted” Enoch calendar. But there is one more watch day they left hidden: November 1. After the leaders’ meeting ends at 6 PM that day, the “kings of the Earth” will commute back to Edinburg, with some leaving for their hotels earlier than others. So by scheduling the fiery stones for a time when the majority have arrived, they can also fulfill the Zohar prophecy on Monday night. And here’s the reason they might do that…


After sunset on Monday evening, 27 Cheshvan begins (and continues through sunset of the 2nd). So scheduling the fiery stones for Monday night would allow them to script the beginning of “God’s Second Judgment of the World” — the “Judgment by Fire” — on the Jewish anniversary of the end of “God’s First Judgment of the World,” the “Judgment by Flood.”

Next we’ll look at who will be in Rome and Edinburgh, who won’t be, and who’ll be delayed in arriving. We’ll also look at the destruction of the city of seven hills in its aspect of being a scripted decapitation strike on the West.

~ MORE – 17 October 2021 ~

Is this how they’ll stretch things out till late November?…

This sh*t is getting ridiculous. I was listening to a prophecy propaganda show last night and started laughing when they introduced ANOTHER Jewish calendar. This latest one is called the “Cosmic”/”Turn of the Year” Calendar, and it has Jewish New Year starting on November 4. So we have yet another month of this ridiculousness to look forward to.

If they truly intend to try again next month, they’ll need to come up with a reason to gather the world leaders once more. In September, they did it with the UN General Assembly. And this month, they’re doing it with the Rome G20 Summit and the COP26 World Leaders’ Summit. So what excuse will they use to do it again in late November? Most likely, they’ll use either the death of a Pope or an economic crisis…

  • With the announcement of the death of Pope Francis or Benedict this month, they could postpone COP26 till late November. The press could further narrate that “the delay will give world leaders a chance to convince China’s Xi, whose participation is vital, to attend.”
  • With the announcement of the death late next month, they could gather world leaders for the funeral.
  • With a further breakdown of the global supply chain next month, they could gather world leaders for an economic crisis meeting.

Before I go too deeply into November’s setup, though, I intend to fully complete the coverage for this month’s attempt. And I’ll resume updates on that tomorrow.

~ MORE – 20 October 2021 ~

Guess who isn’t coming to the climate summit ambush…

…from Reuters

At the end of Act 1 of the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, humanity will appear to have been saved twice. The first savior event will occur when the “Nazionist Deep State,” posing as conservative patriots and constitutionalists, defeat the “worldwide communist plot to depopulate the planet and rule over the survivors.” The second savior event will occur when the Nazionists are in turn defeated by Vladimir Putin and his fellow “Avatars.”

Within the script of the play, the “Avatars” are direct incarnations of the godhead who came to Earth to infiltrate the Satanic power structure and save humanity from annihilation by weapons of mass destruction. And there are four major ones…

  1. Vladimir Putin, the returned Jesus Christ and the Moshiach ben David (the Jewish messiah),
  2. Xi Jinping, the Maitreya Buddha,
  3. Narendra Modi, the Lord Kalki, and
  4. Qasem Soleimani, the Imam Mahdi (who is currently in occultation).

So can you guess which world leaders won’t be in Rome or Scotland for the climate summits at the end of the month? Yep, the Avatars…


-The leader of the world’s most populous country, China’s Xi Jinping, will reportedly not be there in person. He has not left China since the COVID-19 pandemic began. He is likely to make an appearance by video. China’s special climate envoy, Xie Zhenhua, said he would travel to the conference.

-Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is yet to decide whether he will attend, a foreign ministry source told Reuters. Between them, India and China make up about a third of the world’s population.

-The Kremlin has said Russian President Vladimir Putin will not travel to Glasgow. – from Reuters

According to the NWO Narrative, they won’t come because they know it’s a trap. But according to the Mainstream Narrative, they will not have come “because Putin/Xi planned the attack on the climate summit to decapitate the Western nations.” So after the Summit and Operation Blackjack Attacks, the commies will blame Putin and move to take him down. Then the Nazionists will later move to take down the commies and Xi.

So can you guess who IS coming to Rome and Scotland? All the Western leaders who need to be killed at the onset of the “Eastern onslaught against the West,” as well as Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. His death (or near-death) will give Israel the excuse to go after Iran, who will be blamed along with the commies by the Nazionists.

Also, keep an eye out for a potential precursor event in New York City on Friday the 22nd (like a government-arranged “DVE attack” against the Homeland Security guys doing the biowarfare tests there).

~ MORE – 23 October 2021 ~

Today is 17 Cheshvan, the anniversary of the day the rain started falling in Noah’s Flood (according to Chabad). It’s also the day Nazionist Erdogan has just announced the expulsion of 10 Western ambassadors for demanding the freedom of a Turkish Soros (commie) collaborator. Oftentimes, the expulsion of diplomats precedes a war — in this case, the fake “Global Nazionist Deep State” vs. “Global Communist Deep State” war…

…from today’s Drudge Report

It should also be noted that the stage is being set for the death of Queen Elizabeth…

…from today’s Drudge Report

In the 17 October update, I covered how the death of a pope before the Halloween start of the COP26 conference could be used to push it back to late November. The death of the Queen before then would accomplish the same thing.

As you look at the Drudge Report photos of Erdogan and the Queen, note that they are in black & white, not living color. This is an indicator of their imminent scripted deaths. Erdogan’s death is scripted to lead to the rise of the Turkish Muslim Antichrist and the Queen’s death will lead to Squidgy’s Tampon becoming King of England. The Tampon will not stay in its position long, though. Prince Harry will likely become King after the Nazionists defeat the commies.

Getting back to the danger period directly ahead, both Erdogan and the Queen are scheduled to be in Scotland for COP26 at the end of the month, so they might both “die” in Edinburgh if the drama proceeds as planned (see the 16 October update for info on the Edinburgh scenario). And given that we’ve just entered the 11-day timespan between the anniversary of the start of Noah’s Flood and the anniversary of its end (on November 2), it should be noted that Edinburgh sits right next to an estuary called the “Firth of Forth“…

…from Google Maps

Being a small and relatively enclosed body of water, the Firth of Forth is ideal for generating a nuclear tsunami to wash over Edinburgh. And as I’ve noted in previous updates, the globalists might include tsunami attacks on one or more Western cities as part of Operation Blackjack, thus allowing the “Communist Deep State” to blame Putin and his “nuclear doomsday torpedoes” for the carnage.

While we’re on this subject, I just ran across this…

…from the Daily Mail

So it may turn out that all of the royals that stand between Prince Harry and the throne will be killed at Edinburgh’s Holyrood Palace (where they’ll be staying during the COP26 conference). It should be noted that Holyrood is 138 feet above sea level, and the projected size of a tsunami generated by Russia’s nuclear torpedo is 300 feet. Squidgy’s Tampon may get waterlogged.

~ MORE – 24 October 2021 ~

Now let’s take a moment to ponder a very obvious question: Why would anyone bother with designing a nuclear tsunami torpedo in the first place? Even the press articles note that it is a very inefficient use of a nuclear weapon, in that a surface or air burst — which could be achieved if the warhead was designed to pop out of the water — would yield much more damage. So why would Vladimir Putin develop a nuke that dissipates much of its energy by pushing on water? The answer lies in the Bible, specifically in Genesis 9:8-11

8 Then God said to Noah and his sons with him, 9 “Behold, I now establish My covenant with you and your descendants after you, 10 and with every living creature that was with you – the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth – every living thing that came out of the ark. 11 And I establish My covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.

In the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, Putin is playing the Final Antichrist character who will be revealed in the middle of Act 2. And after the globalist Jesus character shows up at the end of play to destroy him, he will say that Putin was behind everything bad that happened, including Operation Blackjack. So the only plausible reason I can find for the use of the tsunami nukes is for “Antichrist Putin to make a liar out of God” by making it appear that “God judged the world with more floods, in violation of his covenant with Noah.”

So don’t be surprised if we see engineered floods occurring before (or in conjunction with) the “fiery stones” from the sky. And speaking of fiery stones from the sky, did you see this in the news last weekend?…

…from Bloomberg

The most interesting part of this news was its timing. Even though the Chinese hypersonic test supposedly happened in August, it didn’t hit the headlines until October 16. And it followed another bit of China-related old news that didn’t hit the headlines until October 7

…from the October 7 Drudge Report

It just so happens that October 7 and 16 are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur on the “adjusted” Hebrew calendar, so the news can be narrated as “warnings of God’s intended judgment.” And within the Jewish tradition, this is how God’s judgment works…

On Rosh Hashanah (October 7, the day China decided to “eliminate the invaders” / the West), God supposedly opens his book and enters a judgment for each person and nation. That judgment is then sealed on Yom Kippur (October 16, the day the press revealed the instrument of judgment: the Chinese hypersonic weapon), but it can still be altered until the very last minute of Hoshana Rabbah. And once Shemini Atzeret begins, the judgment is finalized and handed to the angels for execution.

According to the “adjusted” Hebrew calendar, Shemini Atzeret begins on 28 October and continues through its second day of observance on 29 October, the same day many “kings of the Earth” will be gathering in Rome for the G20 Summit and just 2 days before “all the kings of the Earth” will be gathering in Edinburgh (on Halloween) for the COP26 conference in Glasgow.

So while the fiery stones that fall on Rome and/or Edinburgh might first be ascribed to “God’s judgement” or Russian hypersonic weapons, our coming Nazionist savior will claim that they were Chinese hypersonic weapons. And such weapons need not carry nuclear warheads to do great damage…

A kinetic bombardment or a kinetic orbital strike is the hypothetical act of attacking a planetary surface with an inert projectile from orbit (orbital bombardment), where the destructive power comes from the kinetic energy of the projectile impacting at very high speeds. The concept originated during the Cold War.

Typical depictions of the tactic are of a satellite containing a magazine of tungsten rods and a directional thrust system. (In science fiction, the weapon is often depicted as being launched from a spaceship, instead of a satellite.) When a strike is ordered, the launch vehicle brakes one of the rods out of its orbit and into a suborbital trajectory that intersects the target. The rods would typically be shaped to minimize air resistance and maximize velocity upon impact.

Kinetic bombardment has the advantage of being able to deliver projectiles from a very high angle at a very high speed, making them extremely difficult to defend against. In addition, projectiles would not require explosive warheads, and — in the simplest designs — would consist entirely of solid metal rods, giving rise to the common nickname “rods from God“. Disadvantages include the technical difficulties of ensuring accuracy and the high costs of positioning ammunition in orbit. – from Wikipedia

It’s also important to note that China claimed the following about the hypersonic test…

…from the South China Morning Post

A reusable space vehicle is exactly what you’d need to ferry tungsten “rods of God” into orbit, fire them, and then return to Earth for a reload. And China holds 58% of the world’s tungsten reserve and supplies around 85% of the world’s tungsten.”

~ MORE ~

In a number of previous updates, including the one on 2 July, I’ve written about the sequence of blame that will follow Operation Blackjack…

As of right now, the scene in which the US and NATO are hit with a massive wave of terrorist attacks is about to begin. In the immediate aftermath of these “Operation Blackjack” attacks, the communists (who supposedly control the US government) will blame the carnage on “right-wing Domestic Violent Extremists, Trumpers, Christians, and Vladimir Putin.” And they will go to war against those “domestic terrorists” and Russia, taking down Putin in the process.

After the communists sweep up the dissidents on the political right, the “Deep State” will cue the Nazionist good guys to counterattack. They will take down the “illegitimate communist US government,” sweep up the dissidents on the political left, destroy Iran and their terror network, and destroy the Chinese Communist Party and its chairman, Xi Jinping. And people will welcome their (secretly) Nazionist saviors with open arms. The “evil Satanic Global Deep State” will have finally achieved the full global control necessary to launch the New World Order.

Now if we look at who gets blamed for Operation Blackjack in the upcoming sequence of scenes, we see that…

> the “evil Deep State communists” will blame “right-wing domestic terrorists” / Trumpers / Christians / populists and Putin, and

> the “evil Deep State Nazionists” will blame leftists / communists, Iran-backed terrorists, and the CCP / Xi Jinping.

So if the commie Harris administration is going to blame right-wingers and antivaxers for the American part of Operation Blackjack, it will help to have some sort of development to point to and say, “The Trumpers attacked because of THIS.” I’ve been expecting that development to be OSHA’s announcement of the employer mandate for COVID vaccination and testing — which still may happen in time for the fireworks — but last week there was a development that’s almost as good…

…from AP News

If the “patriots and constitutionalists” (the Nazionists) want to save 28 million children from the “COVID vaccine bioweapon,” they’ll need to stop that CDC advisory panel from meeting on November 2. This provides a scripted motivation to launch “Day X” during the October 29 – November 1 timeframe.

Another thing that would be helpful in blaming Operation Blackjack on the political right is a smaller-scale “right-wing terror attack” that happens in advance of the big attacks. That’s why I advised readers to watch New York City…

…from Global Biodefense

They have Homeland Security releasing “harmless gas” all over the city until October 29. And this provides them a perfect opportunity to stage a false-flag Domestic Violent Extremist (DVE) attack against the testers, claiming “the DVEs attacked because they falsely believed the testers were spreading a real bioweapon under the guise of the test.” Alternatively, they could have the “DVEs” use the tests as cover to activate canisters of Zyklon B near a Chabad center in Brooklyn.

~ MORE – 25 October 2021 ~

Two Cities of Seven Hills for Two Prophecies

In The “End Times” Deception, I wrote this…

In order to deceive the world into accepting their Kabbalah-Christ as the “real Jesus,” the globalists are planning to artificially fulfill the biblical prophecies TWICE. The first fulfillment will provide the “Satanic deception” that Christians are expecting, and the second will provide the “real Second Coming” they’re also expecting. Both fulfillments will feature a Christ and Antichrist. Both will include a 7-headed, 10-horned Beast out of the Sea and a Beast out of the Earth to help the Beast out of the Sea. And both will feature Gog-Magog Wars and Battles of Armageddon. But both are false fulfillments. I know this with certainty because I’ve observed their propagandists laying the groundwork for both, and I’ve documented their deceptions in this blog.

To this list of “things there will be two of,” we can add “the destruction of the city of seven hills.” The first “city of seven hills,” Edinburgh, would be destroyed during Act 1, leading to Pietro Parolin (“Peter the Roman”) becoming the “Final Pope” and “False Prophet.” The second “city of seven hills,” Rome, would be destroyed during Act 2 when Putin & Friends roll in to unseat the False Prophet and the Nazionist Antichrist.

Later, we’ll look carefully at the tricky wording of Tom Horn’s prophecy propaganda to see how it supports both the “Satanic Deception” of Act 1 and the way things will actually unfold over both Act 1 and Act 2. We’ll also look at the possibility that Jerusalem (another “city of seven hills”) will be “the great city of (the Empire of New) Rome” destroyed in Act 2. After all, a New Jerusalem is supposed to descend from heaven “after the messiah comes,” and that’s where a dolled-up fake-ET “mothership” would come in handy for Messiah Putin.

~ MORE – 27 October 2021 ~

Will Putin or the Nazionists hit Obama on November 4?…

Chabad’s Nariman House after the Mumbai Attacks

I just ran across a rather interesting occult nexus surrounding the date of November 4. This 11/4 will be…

Upon taking a look at the Mumbai terror attacks, two of the targets immediately stood out: Chabad House in Mumbai was hit, as was a Jesuit college. So the attack, which was conducted by a group allied to the Taliban, could be narrated as a “Communist Deep State” hit (“directed by Antichrist Obama”) on the “Nazionist Deep State” — an attack for which Chabad supposedly seek revenge: May G-d avenge their murders. (Whenever Chabadniks say “may G-d do this,” they mean “we’re going to do this.”)

Another notable thing about November 4 is that it may also be the day Barack Obama is scheduled to arrive in Scotland for the COP26 conference. The press have reported that he’ll go there in November at a time that doesn’t overlap with Biden’s visit (so after the 1st and 2nd), and that he’ll meet with youth activists. Since COP26’s Youth and Public Empowerment Day is on November 5, he may arrive the day before (on 11/4) to be rested and ready.

I’m also left wondering if this scenario is why I saw Emperor Augustus featured at the top of Monday’s Drudge Report (in a way that didn’t connect well with the headlines)…

Are they signalling a switch to an Augustus scenario? Vladimir Putin, who is an agent of Chabad, is playing the role of Augustus in the “End Times” stageplay. Will the script have him make a move on Obama on 11/4?

It should also be noted that another place struck in the Mumbai attacks was the Oberoi Trident Hotel, which may tie-in in some occult way to the missing and downed Malaysian airliners and Ukraine (which use tridents as their symbols). When my partner Onnabugeisha gets a hold of this, I’m sure she’ll uncover more occult connections than my cursory glance has revealed.

I’ll write more on this scenario if it comes into further focus.

~ MORE – 28 October 2021 ~

ADVISORY: Be advised that once Joe Biden arrives in Rome today, we will have entered the October 28 – November 2 danger period for Operation Blackjack, a coordinated campaign of terror attacks designed to complete the destruction of the current world order. The most hazardous days in this period will be October 29 (when many world leaders will gather for the next day’s Rome G20 Summit) and October 31 (when virtually all world leaders will gather for the next two days’ COP26 World Leaders’ Summit in Scotland). Halloween is the most dangerous day.

Globalist plans for this event were exposed well in advance, so it is unlikely to manifest. Overwatch will be maintained nonetheless, including a watch for the death of a pope or the Queen of England in the coming days/weeks to be used to either delay the summit(s) or cause another targetable gathering of world leaders to occur in November or December. Other events, like “China’s Lehman Moment,” may also be used to bring about a November or December gathering.

~ MORE ~

Will the globalists now…

While we await a possible conflagration on Halloween, let me show you something my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered…

If you count forward 1260 days (a number of days specifically mentioned in the Book of Revelation) from October 31, 2021, you arrive at April 13, 2025. And April 13 of that year is Passover Day 1 on the standard Hebrew calendar and first-fruits on the Essene Jewish calendar. So manufactured events on Halloween of 2021 and Passover of 2025 can be linked by the globalist prophecy scriptwriters.

While there are a number of ways the globalists could script this timespan, one way can be found by looking backwards. If you count 3.5 years (3 years, 5 months, and 24 days to be exact) backwards from Halloween of this year, you arrive at Vladimir Putin’s fourth inauguration as President of Russia on May 7, 2018 — an event the New York Times called more a coronation than an inauguration.” This coronation happened after Putin had declared victory in Syria the December before and was supposedly in the driver’s seat of Middle East and world events (with Trump’s assistance).

If the scriptwriters put these 3.5-year periods before and after Halloween together, they could narrate a 7-year Tribulation period starting at Putin’s coronation, reaching its midpoint on Halloween, and continuing through the “Great Tribulation” period to Passover of 2025. This is what I meant when I talked about the “Augustus scenario” in yesterday’s update — Halloween could be the point when Putin begins his meteoric ascent to visible world leadership.

Of course, that’s just one way they could script things, and it would mean that they’d be throwing out much of their script and sprinting towards the arrival of the Kabbalah-Christ in 2025. It’s hard to imagine them doing that, but desperate times may be calling them to desperate measures.

~ MORE ~

Get a load of this…

…from AP News. Here is an excerpt…

The Vatican on Thursday abruptly canceled the planned live broadcast of U.S. President Joe Biden meeting Pope Francis… The live broadcast of Biden’s Friday visit was trimmed to cover just the arrival of the president’s motorcade in the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace.

In other words, the media will only get to see the cars arriving; they won’t get to see if Francis and Biden are actually in the building where they’re supposed to meet. Is that so the two can hide in an underground bunker before the building gets blown up?

~ MORE – 30 October 2021 ~

In previous entries, I’ve talked about how a summit attack would be presented as a decapitation strike on the West carried out by Putin (the first who will be blamed and attacked “in retaliation”) and Xi (the second to be blamed and attacked). And according to the press reports [1, 2, 3] of who’s coming to the COP26 Leaders’ Summit, an attack on Halloween or the following two days would achieve quite a result…

  • The entire G7 + EU would be decapitated. Biden (US), Johnson (UK), Macron (France), Merkel (Germany), Draghi (Italy), Trudeau (Canada), and von der Leyen (EU) will all be there. And Japan’s new prime minister Fumio Kishida is now leaning towards showing up. Don’t be surprised if Merkel (Hitler’s daughter) survives the attack for some reason.
  • The entire Quad Alliance + South Korea would be decapitated. Biden (US), Morrison (Australia), Kishida (Japan), and Moon (South Korea) will all be there. And in a surprise move, India’s Modi decided to show up. Modi and Kishida’s presences make the Summit an even more attractive target (for the Chicoms) than it already was.
  • The second of the four major Avatars (Modi) would join Soleimani in “death.” As I mentioned in the 20 October update, there are four major “incarnations of the godhead” on the Earth right now (according to the globalist “End Times” script): Putin (the Jewish/Christian Avatar), Xi (the Buddhist Avatar), Modi (the Hindu Avatar), and Soleimani (the Muslim Avatar). Soleimani went into “occultation” at the time of his supposed assassination, and the COP26 attack would take out Modi. This would leave only Putin and Xi visibly remaining. And in the aftermath of the strike, Putin would come under “Communist Deep State” attack, followed by Xi coming under “Nazionist Deep State” attack.
  • All the successors to the English Crown ahead of Prince Harry would be “dead,” since Prince Charles, Prince William, and their wives will all be there. This would leave the dying Queen (who now won’t be attending the Summit) to summon Harry back to the UK for a tearful reconciliation before she passes. The public would see Harry comforting his grieving “grandmother” after this year’s passing of her husband, son, grandson, and daughters-in-law, and all will be forgiven. The sleepers will eat it up.

Should we make it through the next three days without such drama, the globalists will by no means give up on their plans. They’ll make additional attempts to carry out a decapitation summit and Operation Blackjack before the year is out. And since they’ll have to schedule such attempts during Jewish holidays, they have only three more chances in 2021. These are the three remaining danger periods…

  1. the “Cosmic”/”Turn of the Year” calendar “Sukkot” danger days: November 25-28,
  2. the “Hanukkah as Sukkot” danger days: December 4-7, and
  3. the “Essene Hanukkah as Sukkot” danger days: December 14-17.

I’ll explain these danger periods after we get past the current one. For now, just remember that they’ll try to arrange another gathering of world leaders during those three periods. Their excuse could be the death of a Pope or Queen Elizabeth, a major financial crisis, a major breakdown of the global supply chain (likely in energy during the cold weather ahead), or something along those lines. And the gathering could be a funeral, a papal conclave, or a G7/G20/UN summit meeting.

~ MORE – 31 October 2021 ~

The press are reporting that Russian troops are moving into position near Ukraine, which will facilitate the blaming of Putin for the summit attack should it occur: “Right before the attack, Putin was moving his forces into position to take advantage of the disorder and confusion it caused.” And a press report a reader sent me earlier this week will facilitate the later blaming of Xi for any nuclear tsunami attacks that happen…

…from Business Insider. Note that the test explosion took place in a smallish, partially contained body of water (much like the Firth of Forth next to Edinburgh).

Also, Israel has just launched a week-long civil defense drill: Drill for 2,000 rockets a day and internal strife: IDF preps for war. And a few days ago, Taiwan’s leader “antagonized” China by confirming the presence of US troops in her country, to which China’s propagandists replied…

Tsai is inviting trouble by confirming presence of US troops on Taiwan… Regardless of the purpose, the fact that US troops are stationed in Taiwan has crossed the bottom line. It is one of the most dangerous factors that could trigger a war in the Taiwan Straitswe hold the initiative in deciding when to punish the Taiwan secessionist forces. – from the Global Times

It should be noted that this provocation occurred at a time when all the US coalition aircraft carriers that were off Taiwan have scattered to the wind (according to public reports, which may or may not be accurate: 1, 2), so it’s a good time for the Chicoms to exercise their initiative.

These are not particularly good signs. And the most hazardous timespan of the current danger period runs from sunset today through Monday night (Scottish time).

(12-13 October 2021) – The Globalists Renew Their War Propaganda

On the 11ths and 22nds of months, the globalists like to either stage major events or release foreshadowing news about upcoming major events. Yesterday they opted for the latter, and here’s one example…

…from Zero Hedge

So Erdogan is preparing to move further into Syria from the north, just as this is happening in Syria’s south…


As I’ve mentioned before, the Iran-Turkey-Azerbaijan (ITA) alliance will likely wait until the war starts in Taiwan or the South China Sea before launching their offensives against Iran, Syria and Lebanon. And as a reader has pointed out, the ongoing power blackouts in Lebanon are serving to soften them up before the invasion. With the Lebanese military releasing their fuel reserves for power generation, they’ll be left helpless against the coming Turkish invasion from the north and Israeli invasion from the south.

As for Iran, they began two days of “massive air maneuvers” today.

On the Pacific side of the war preparations, news broke yesterday of China practicing amphibious warfare on their territory opposite Taiwan and of China’s still-unfolding Lehman Moment (which supposedly provides motivation for the CCP to distract people by going to war).

While this thing could kick off at any time, the next obvious target date is Yom Kippur (on the “adjusted” Jewish calendar). It starts at sunset on Friday the 15th and runs through sunset on Saturday the 16th.

~ MORE – 13 October 2021 ~

I’ve been doing some research on the danger periods ahead and have found that if they start the war on “adjusted” Yom Kippur (this Friday evening to Saturday evening), it will likely end after the conclusion of “adjusted” Hoshana Rabbah (the evening of the 27th, when “adjusted” Sukkot ends). According to the underlying religious scripting, then, “Israel’s Great Sin on Yom Kippur will cause God’s judgment to be delivered at the end of Sukkot in the form of a false messiah who will lead Israel to ruin.”

Events permitting, we’ll explore the details of the script in the next update.

(9-10 October 2021) – The Vatican Setup for October 11

Upon doing some poking around this morning, I ran across indicators for a potential inflection point for the Catholic Church on Monday, October 11. They suggest the scripted onset of mortal illness or death for (“commie”) Pope Francis and the rise of the (“Nazi”) Final Pope (Pietro Parolin), resulting in a change of direction for the Church. I’ll do an update later on the details.

~ MORE – 10 October 2021 ~

The fake, scripted battle between the “Communist Deep State” and the “Nazionist Deep State” extends into the political, economic and religious realms, especially in the case of the Roman Catholic Church. It is in the Vatican that the globalists are portraying a battle between the “communist” Pope Francis and the “conservative” (Nazi) elements of the Church leadership…

…from The Washington Post

Just like in the political and economic realms, the commies in the Catholic Church “who are destroying the foundations of the Catholic faith” are scripted to fall to the Nazionists. And that means Pope Francis will soon “die” and be replaced by a Nazionist, most likely Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin (“Peter the Roman”). Numerous attempts to trigger this transition have been made in recent years, and the current situation combined with occult indicators suggest that another try is/was scheduled for tomorrow, October 11…

October 11 is the day in 1303 that Pope Boniface VIII died (though some accounts suggest it happened on October 12). Here is what Wikipedia says about him

Pope Boniface VIII (born Benedetto Caetani) was the head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 24 December 1294 to his death in 1303. Caetani was of baronial origin with family connections to the papacy. He succeeded Pope Celestine V, who had abdicated from the papal throne. Boniface spent his early career abroad in diplomatic roles.

Boniface VIII put forward some of the strongest claims of any pope to temporal as well as spiritual power. He involved himself often with foreign affairs, including in France, Sicily, Italy and the First War of Scottish Independence. These views, and his chronic intervention in “temporal” affairs, led to many bitter quarrels with Albert I of Germany, Philip IV of France, and Dante Alighieri, who placed the pope in the Eighth Circle of Hell in his Divine Comedy, among the simoniacs.

Boniface systematized canon law by collecting it in a new volume, the Liber Sextus (1298), which continues to be important source material for canon lawyers. He established the first Catholic “jubilee” year to take place in Rome. Boniface had first entered into conflict with Philip IV of France in 1296 when the latter sought to reinforce the nascent nation state by imposing taxes on the clergy and barring them from administration of the law. Boniface excommunicated Philip and all others who prevented French clergy from traveling to the Holy See, after which the king sent his troops to attack the pope’s residence in Anagni on 7 September 1303 and capture him. Boniface was held for three days and beaten badly

He died a month later.

Note that there are a number of parallels between the papacies of Francis and Boniface…

Going back for a moment to Boniface’s establishment of the first jubilee year…

In the Catholic Church, a jubilee is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon. In Leviticus, a jubilee year is mentioned to occur every 50th year, during which slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest.

In Western Christianity, the tradition dates to 1300, when Pope Boniface VIII convoked a holy year, following which ordinary jubilees have generally been celebrated every 25 or 50 years, with extraordinary jubilees in addition depending on need. Catholic jubilees, particularly in the Latin Church, generally involve pilgrimage to a sacred site, normally the city of Rome. The Catholic Church declared the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy for 2015–2016. – from Wikipedia

This thread of the jubilee year connects Boniface to where we are now, since we have now entered the Jewish year of 5782, which is a Shmita (Jewish jubilee) year.

Moving on to the second indicator…

October 11 is the feast day of Pope John XXIII. Here is what’s significant about him…

Pope John XXIII (25 November 1881 – 3 June 1963) was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 28 October 1958 until his death in 1963

Pope John XXIII surprised those who expected him to be a caretaker pope by calling the historic Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), the first session opening on 11 October 1962

He made a major impact on the Catholic Church, opening it up to dramatic unexpected changes promulgated at the Vatican Council and by his own dealings with other churches and nations…

He did not live to see the Vatican Council to completion. His cause for canonization was opened on 18 November 1965 by his successor, Pope Paul VI, who declared him a Servant of God. On 5 July 2013, Pope Francis — bypassing the traditionally required second miracle — declared John XXIII a saint, based on his virtuous, model lifestyle, and because of the good which had come from his having opened the Second Vatican Council. – from Wikipedia

As I covered in How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order, the Second Vatican Council (which started on an October 11) occurred once the Kabbalists had gained effective control over the Church. And the “dramatic unexpected changes” it promulgated transformed the Church to the Kabbalists’ liking, but angered the traditionalists / conservatives / Nazis.

All this makes tomorrow a particularly good day to script Pope Francis as dying or falling into a terminal health crisis.

It should also be noted that Pope Francis met with Nancy Pelosi yesterday…

…from America: The Jesuit Review. Here is an excerpt…

After the papal audience, she had conversations with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican secretary of state…

Ms. Pelosi is the third high-level U.S. official to be received in audience by Pope Francis and senior Vatican officials this year, after John Kerry, the special presidential envoy for climate, on May 15, and Antony Blinken, the U.S. secretary of state, on June 28.

Like President Joseph Biden Jr. and Mr. Kerry, Speaker Pelosi is Catholic..

Yesterday, Oct. 8, Speaker Pelosi was warmly welcomed to the Vatican Dicastery for Integral Human Development by the head of this department, Cardinal Peter Turkson. She was in Rome for the inter-parliamentary preparatory meeting for the U.N.-sponsored COP26 meeting in Glasgow, U.K., on climate change, which the pope was due to address on Oct. 9.

Other press reports on the meeting have suggested that its primary focus was on “stopping climate change” [1, 2]. And given the Pope’s seeming enthusiasm towards that issue, the following news is all the more curious…

…from Yahoo/Axios. Here is an excerpt…

Pope Francis is no longer planning to attend the critical United Nations climate summit that begins in three weeks in Glasgow, Scotland, the Vatican announced Friday.

Why it matters: Francis’ attendance, given his global stature, could have helped provide momentum to what are expected to be difficult talks aimed at spurring more aggressive steps to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

> Emissions and finance pledges under the Paris climate agreement are non-binding and at each nation’s discretion, so diplomacy and persuasion are important to securing stronger action.

Driving the news: The Vatican’s delegation will be lead by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the secretary of state, according to Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican Press Office.

> No explanation was given, per the Associated Press, but Francis, 84, had intestinal surgery in July.

So they’re basically hinting that the Pope isn’t well enough to travel to Scotland due to lingering complications from his colon surgery. And the Vatican announced this on Friday, just three days before October 11 — a day that could mark the beginning of “dramatic unexpected changes” for the Church, just like it did 59 years ago.

Beyond this, we must ask ourselves the question, “What was the scripted purpose of Nancy Pelosi’s meeting with Pope Francis yesterday?” One potential answer is that as the second person in the US presidential line of succession, she went there to kiss the Pope’s ring before ascending to the presidency. So we need to keep an eye out for a potential scripting change that has both Biden and Harris killed in Operation Blackjack.

(8 October 2021) – The blaring headlines of October 7th’s Drudge Report…

…have now fallen down the page and been replaced by schlock…

Have a certain group of pernicious blighters gotten cold feet about this weekend?

In order to ensure that their cold feet become frostbitten, let’s have a look at the occult cues my partner Onnabugeisha has uncovered for Saturday and Sunday.

Recently, the prophecy propaganda weasels have hinted that “the Jewish calendar is a month off,” and the adjustment they’ve put forth holds that Thursday, October 7 was Rosh Hashanah Day 1, the first day of the Jewish month of Tishrei. This means that today is Rosh Hashanah Day 2 (Tishrei 2). And if you follow along with this “corrected” calendar, you’ll find that there are two Jewish observances that occur this weekend. So let’s start by looking at the first one…

October 9 will bring the Jewish observance of Shabbat Shuvah, which occurs on the Sabbath day (Saturday) that falls after days 1 and 2 of Rosh Hashanah and before Yom Kippur. Shabbat Shuvah is known as the “Sabbath of Return.”

So who might the globalists script as returning on that day? A numerological cue reveals the most likely candidate…

October 9 is the day that Barack Obama — the man playing the role of the “Communist Antichrist who is destroying America through his puppet Biden” and who was born on August 4, 1961 — turns 60 years and 66 days old. So Saturday features the “Number of the Beast,” 666, in connection to Obama (numerologists ignore the zero).

And if we look at a historical cue, we see what “Antichrist Obama” may do to signal his return…

October 9 of 2009 was the day the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that Barack Obama would win the Nobel Peace Prize for that year, “citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a ‘new climate’ in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.”

This bit of information, which includes the ideas of peace and nuclear nonproliferation, suggests that he’ll mark his return with war and nuclear explosions. And as I noted in the 23 September update (a little further down this page), the nuclear nonproliferation covenant Obama made at his September 24, 2009 UN Security Council Summit expired 14 days ago on September 24, so he is due to set off some nukes. And another historical cue suggests one of the targets…

October 9 of 1952 was the day the construction of UN Headquarters was completed. So Saturday brings its 69th anniversary — a good day to knock it down like the number 69 suggests (the six is up in the first digit and down in the second).

What better way is there to celebrate the Return of the Antichrist than by nuking the UN, where he made his nuclear peace covenant?

So Operation Blackjack / Nuclear 9/11 is something that could be scheduled for the 9th.

Now let’s look at the other Jewish observance this weekend, which occurs on Sunday…

October 10 brings the Jewish observance of the Fast of Gedalia (according the the “adjusted” Jewish calendar), which occurs on the third day of Tishrei unless the third day falls on a Saturday, in which case it moves to Sunday…

The Fast of Gedalia, also transliterated from the Hebrew language as Gedaliah or Gedalya(h), is a minor Jewish fast day from dawn until dusk to lament the assassination of Gedaliah, the righteous governor of what was the Kingdom of Judah. – from Wikipedia

So which assassinated “righteous governor” of the present day might be mourned on Sunday? Odds are that it’s Trump, who may be taken out during Saturday’s Operation Blackjack. This would open the door for Pence’s entrance with the Space Force later. Netanyahu and Biden are also assassination candidates, but who would mourn Biden? Perhaps only Hunter and the newly sworn-in commie president, Kamala Harris. Harris would be faking it of course, just like she did with Willie Brown.

October 10 is also the National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan). So it would be a very attractive day for the Chicoms to make a military move on Taiwan “to show them they’re not a nation, just a rebellious province of the People’s Republic of China that will now be brought into line.”

Since Taiwan time is 12 hours ahead of Washington, DC time, the globalists can hit all their cues if they schedule Nuclear 9/11 and the Attack on Taiwan between noon and midnight Saturday (Washington time). That way, the American part of the attack would fall on the 9th and the Taiwan part on the 10th.

~ MORE ~

Now that we’ve seen what the weekend will look like if the globalists hit all their cues, let’s look at some scenarios in which they utilize just some of them by doing the assassination but not Nuclear 9/11 on Saturday…

  • If they do the Trump assassination show on Saturday, the Trumpers will mourn on Sunday “and retaliate on Monday.” So Nuclear 9/11 could be triggered on Monday, October 11, and be blamed on “Trump’s Domestic Violent Extremists (DVEs) striking back against those they perceive as having assassinated their leader.”
  • If they do the Biden assassination show on Saturday, “President Kamala” can blame it on Trump and his DVEs and arrest Trump on Sunday, supposedly leading to the DVEs launching Nuclear 9/11 on Monday. According to Biden’s official schedule, he’ll be at his home in Delaware tomorrow (a much softer target than the White House).

Getting back to the blaring headlines on the Drudge Report yesterday, the one that read “MARINES IN TAIWAN” linked to a Wall Street Journal article. Here’s an excerpt…

A U.S. special-operations unit and a contingent of Marines have been secretly operating in Taiwan to train military forces there, U.S. officials said, part of efforts to shore up the island’s defenses as concern regarding potential Chinese aggression mounts.

About two dozen members of U.S. special-operations and support troops are conducting training for small units of Taiwan’s ground forces, the officials said. The U.S. Marines are working with local maritime forces on small-boat training. The American forces have been operating in Taiwan for at least a year, the officials said…

Asian media reports last year suggesting a possible U.S. Marine deployment in Taiwan were never confirmed by U.S. officials. The presence of U.S. special operations forces hasn’t been previously reported.

The Drudge headline that read “BEIJING OUTRAGED: ELIMINATE INVADERS” linked to this U.S. News article

Now if we assume that US troops really are in Taiwan and this is not a fictional element in the ongoing Wag the Dog theatrical production, what are the odds that the CCP didn’t know about their arrival and long stay in Taiwan? With the Chicoms’ massive HUMINT network in Taiwan and with local media reporting on the Marines’ presence, there is zero chance that the CCP didn’t know about it. And this raises two obvious questions…

Q: Why did this suddenly become headline news in the Western press yesterday?

A: Because “government officials” withheld their confirmation of the story until it was time to trigger the war.

Q: Why were Chinese leaders suddenly outraged about something they’ve know about for at least a year?

A: They aren’t outraged. They’re just feigning outrage for public consumption in advance of the war’s beginning. They’ve got to get their patriot sheeple riled up for the fight.

And here’s a bonus question…

Q: Why did the “chief of the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda outlet” say, “See whether the PLA will launch a targeted air strike to eliminate those U.S. invaders!”?

A: Because he was setting up the expectation for a specific type of attack from the Chinese that the Israeli false-flaggers can now implement to trigger the war. All the Israeli sub has to do is fire a missile that targets some of the U.S. troops on Taiwan and it’s off to the races.

Should we be successful in pushing the globalists out of this weekend, we still have a long battle ahead of us. There are a number of Jewish observances ahead if we go by the “adjusted” Jewish calendar: Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hoshana Rabbah, and Shemini Atzeret. So there will be plenty of opportunities to script mischief in October. This battle will go on all month.

(7 October 2021) – Just because we may have pushed them out of the October 5-8 timeframe doesn’t mean this thing is over. Today’s breaking news that US Marines are in Taiwan combined with occult cues suggest that the communist onslaught can be scheduled for this weekend, starting on Saturday the 9th in the US and simultaneously on Sunday the 10th in Taiwan (Taiwan is 12 hours ahead of Washington, DC time). Sunday the 10th is Double Ten Day in Taiwan, the National Day of the Republic of China. This makes it the perfect day for the Chicoms to make a military move.

I’ll cover all the details in the next update.

P.S. – It should be noted that back in August, Senator John Cornyn revealed that there are 30,000 US troops in Taiwan. Was he correct?

~ MORE ~

I had time today to finish the preparatory research for the next update, but there’s not enough time left tonight to write it out like I want to. So let me give you a preview for now…

“Adjusted” Jewish holidays, historical events, and numerological cues point to the globalists scripting “the return” of “Antichrist Obama” on October 9. This return may be marked by an assassination (probably Trump, possibly Biden or Netanyahu) and/or Operation Blackjack (Nuclear 9/11). These events on the 9th (Washington time) will be temporally proximate to the outbreak of the Battle of Taiwan on the 10th (Taipei time). October 10 also has an indicator for “mourning.” These weekend events may spill over into another big event on the 11th, depending on how they structure the scenario.

I’ll fill in all the details and cover all the scenarios tomorrow. If you don’t see the update by noon Texas time on Friday, you can assume that I’m locked out of my site again and can contact me by email to receive it. See the About Me / Contact page for my address.

Also, Biden gave a speech promoting the employer “vax or test” mandate today. If he announces the implementation of it tomorrow, that’s a big warning sign (whether the new standard takes effect immediately or on Monday the 11th).

(6 October 2021) – This afternoon while my site was down, I looked at the Drudge Report and saw this…

Take a careful look at the picture. It shows the Capitol Building under storm clouds (right before the rain begins), thus signalling the imminent start of “The Storm” that the controlled alt-media have been talking about since Trump became president. The Storm is supposedly the time period when “the White Hat good guys and the Black Hat bad guys” will battle it out for control of the destiny of mankind, but it is actually scripted as the fake conflict between the “Nazionist Deep State” and the “Communist Deep State” for control of the New World Order.

This photo of a storm about to begin came amidst a number of troubling developments…

> the positioning of the US alliance naval fleet for the Battle of Taiwan (which you can read about in one of the 5 October updates below)

> the positioning of Iranian and Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan (ITA) ground forces for the Battle of Iran…

…from Bloomberg (top) and The Times of Israel (bottom). Note the time period of the ITA “exercise”: it is exactly the same as the time window I identified for the start of the war based on the occult cues. See the 4 October update (below) for more on the ITA invasion of Iran.

> the seeming inevitability of a US default following the October 18 X-Date when the government is estimated to run out of cash — a date that would be pulled forward to this week by the money spent after the outbreak of a Pacific War and a domestic terror tsunami.

Seeing all this, I decided to write an emergency update for my email subscribers. But when I went to save the Drudge Report picture and headlines in the Internet Archive, I found this…

…from today’s Drudge Report

The globalists had blinked. Or so I hope — because “McConnell’s cave to the Democrats” can also be narrated as showing that “the Senate Republicans lack the will to cut off the funding to the Biden-Harris communist revolutionary government, making immediate war necessary.”

We should know for sure if they’ve backed off or not if we can get through tomorrow (October 7) without incident. Rosh Hashanah Day 1 on the adjusted Jewish calendar began at sunset today and will run through sunset of Thursday the 7th, so the 7th is Day 1 of the “10 Days of Awe,” with October 16 (Yom Kippur and the Space Force intervention day) being Day 10. I doubt the globalists will run their 10-day war if they miss Day 1.

NOTE (6 October 2021): Some sort of remarkably ill-timed system glitch first locked me out of my site and then took it down completely, so my WordPress provider had to restore it to a previous version. As a result, I’ve restored the two 10/5 updates that were lost and completed the third 10/5 update I couldn’t post yesterday. By the way, the news that Mitch McConnell now supports a temporary increase in the debt ceiling may be a signal that the globalists have backed off.

The restored (and completed) 10/5 updates start here>>>

(5 October 2021) – Should the war get triggered this week, it looks like the globalists plan on staging the Space Force intervention on October 16. That is Yom Kippur on the adjusted Jewish calendar9/11 on the Chinese lunar calendar, and the day the US Space Force (founded December 20, 2019) turns exactly 666 days old. Many thanks to my gifted partner Onnabugeisha for digging up the occult cues. More details will be covered in the next update.

~ MORE ~

Other cues Onnabugeisha found point to October 6 (which begins at sunset of the 5th) as the most likely day for the war to start. This is significant because on the Essene calendar, October 6 is marked as the “Great Day.” And on the adjusted Jewish calendar of the prophecy propagandists, October 6 (after sunset) is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets). So if they start the war on the 6th/7th and end it with the Space Force on the 16th, the war will overlap with the “10 Days of Awe”…

The ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are commonly known as the Days of Awe (Yamim Noraim) or the Days of Repentance. This is a time for serious introspection, a time to consider the sins of the previous year and repent before Yom Kippur.

One of the ongoing themes of the Days of Awe is the concept that G-d has “books” that he writes our names in, writing down who will live and who will die, who will have a good life and who will have a bad life, for the next year. These books are written in on Rosh Hashanah, but our actions during the Days of Awe can alter G-d’s decree. The actions that change the decree are “teshuvah, tefilah and tzedakah,” repentance, prayer, good deeds (usually, charity). These “books” are sealed on Yom Kippur. – from the Jewish Virtual Library

Under this scenario, all of the desperate prayer that will take place after the war starts will “incline God towards an intervention,” which will be delivered on Yom Kippur when the Space Force steps in — supposedly with the assent of their “ET” allies. The “ETs’ consent to use their technology for the intervention after getting the green light from God” will be one of the first incidents that ties the fake aliens to “God.” And since the intervention will occur before the commies have time to kill all the Christians they’ll round up, the rescued and relieved Christians are meant to lead a “great revival” under the auspices of the first messiah figure.

As for who will emerge as the immediate messiah figure, Onnabugeisha found this…

On the day the Space Force is scheduled to intervene, October 16, Mike Pence (born June 7, 1959) will turn exactly 22,777 days old (numbers that would appeal to any scriptwriting Kabbalist numerologist). Pence handled all space-related matters during the Trump administration, and he was instrumental in the creation of the Space Force. He even swore-in the service’s first commanding general…


Pence was also previously tapped to play the “decoy Grey Champion” character during the transition to the NWO — the seeming savior who steps up amidst “The Storm“…

…from The Atlantic. Note that he is standing in a grey robe amidst a storm with his right hand displaying the “vav, vav, vav” (666) hand sign. This means that he’s scripted as a Satanist posing as a Christian, and he will “mislead the sheep” when the postwar Christian revival begins.

So if Pence is scripted to be the one who sweeps in to save us, Trump will likely be “killed” during the communist onslaught — an event which may be scheduled for October 9 (for reasons I’ll explain later). And after assuming office as President, watch for Pence to bring Jared Kushner back to Washington to continue his Abraham Accords diplomacy.

~ 5 October 2021 ~

As it turns out, the British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth did indeed join up with the two US carriers (and one Japanese helicopter carrier) in the Philippine Sea near Taiwan…

…from Stars and Stripes

The four-carrier strike group just finished training together over the weekend and now they’re ready for action just in time for the Essene Jewish holidays. These four flattops will also be juicy false-flag targets for the Rothschild U-boat (Israeli submarine) prowling the waters near Taiwan, which can attack any target of choice by employing a conventional or nuclear tipped…

Remember that the Israelis have multiple versions of armable ballistic target missiles capable of mimicking the sensor signatures and flight characteristics of other nations’ ballistic missiles, including those of North Korea and China. These Sparrow missiles, like the IDAS missile, are designed to be fired from aircraft but can be modified for submarine launch.

As for the target, the false-flag will attack an asset on the Taiwanese-US side in order to make the Chicoms look like the ones who initiated the war. And once “the commies” have done enough damage (both in the Pacific and inside the US), the Nazionists will counterattack and crush “the aggressors” using the Space Force they built “with a little help from their friends”

…from The Jerusalem Post

Read The UFO/ET Con for more on that part of the “End Times” scam.

<<<End of restored updates

NOTE: Today’s (10/4) update, The Whys and Hows of Israel’s Taiwan False-Flag, is below the following advisory.

Be advised that the next window for globalist mischief is October 5-8

With the press drawing the public’s attention to the fighter aircraft confrontations taking place in Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ), be on the lookout for a false-flag attack in which a Taiwanese jet is shot down — apparently by one of the ADIZ-invading Chicom jets — leading to retaliation fire that starts the war. The attack would be carried out by a submerged Israeli submarine employing a submarine-launched anti-air missile (either a working prototype of the IDAS missile or an advanced variant of the Blowpipe missile). See the 4 October update (below) for more on this.

In the US, keep an eye out for the announcement of the vaccine mandate for employers taking effect. It may precede the outbreak of war by a day (or a few). This timing would allow Operation Blackjack to first be blamed on Trumpers, antivaxers, and “Mark of the Beast”-avoiding Christians “who erupted in violence due to their outrage over the mandate.”

(4 October 2021) – The Whys and Hows of Israel’s Taiwan False-Flag

Why would Israel send one of their Dolphin submarines all the way to Taiwan to start a war between the superpowers, you ask? The answer starts here…

…from Bloomberg

According the the globalists’ Geopolitical Narrative, Israel is desperate to neutralize Iran’s nuclear weapons program before they build a bomb. But they face a problem: if they move “unilaterally,” they’ll meet resistance from the Biden-Harris administration and from Iran’s allies Russia and China. So as a solution to this problem, Israel will spark a Pacific war between the US + allies and the Russia-China alliance. And once those alliances are engaged in a superpower conflict amongst themselves, none of them will want to get embroiled in a Middle East war and end up fighting on two fronts. This will open the way for the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan (ITA) alliance to militarily move on Iran, Syria, and Lebanon.

Now if we look at this situation from the perspective of the NWO Narrative, ITA’s real problem with Iran is that the Iranians and their proxies (like Hezbollah) are standing in the way of…

  • Azerbaijan expanding into northwest Iran where the ethnic Azeris live,
  • Turkey expanding the territory of its New Ottoman Empire into the northern half of Syria and the northern half of Lebanon, and
  • Israel expanding its territory into the southern halves of Syria and Lebanon under their “Greater Israel Project.”

So once Russia, China, and the US are preoccupied with fighting each other, ITA will have a free hand to invade Syria, Lebanon, and Iran and divide the territorial spoils amongst themselves.

And if we look at the Taiwan false-flag from the perspective of the “End Times” stageplay, it will allow the start of World War 3 to eventually be traced back to the Israelis, thus giving the world’s nations a scripted motivation to band together to invade (and put an end to) Israel. This will lead to the Jewish Messiah character entering the stage.

I will enhance and expand this update either tonight or tomorrow.

WARNING (1-3 October 2021): Multiple indicators suggest that the globalists may script a Nazionist event over the weekend that could touch off a 21-day war that climaxes on October 23 with an attempted nuclear exchange. The war-initiating event may a “patriot / constitutionalist” military move against the commies that “triggers” Operation Blackjack or a Nazionist move against Iran or China. Alternatively, we may see UFOs in the sky.

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha’s research on October 2 turned up some indicators that neither of us found particularly compelling…at first…

October 2 is the Catholic Church’s Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels.

October 2-3 is being pointed to as the time window for a “major worldwide event” by Christian disinfo doofus Steve Fletcher.

October 2 marks the 7326th day since the 9/11 Attacks, and 7326 is 666 x 11.

But upon taking a closer look at the first two indicators, things got plenty compelling.

One of Fletcher’s videos pointed to this Before It’s News article

The Q disinformation front and the supposed “White Hats” (the Nazionists) present themselves as our guardian angels, asking us to “Trust the(ir) Plan” for stepping in and saving us when the time is right. This ties-in to the Catholic Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels on October 2.

Fletcher also mentioned Trump’s call for 21 days of prayer on 9/11 of this year…

…from CBN News. Here is an excerpt [with my comment in brackets]…

Former President Donald Trump urged Americans to pray for our nation in honor of the men and women who perished during the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001.

Trump addressed the nation Saturday in a recorded video that aired during Sean Feucht’s “Let Us Worship” prayer event on the National Mall…

Trump also remembered the beloved New York City Fire Department Chaplain, Father Mychal Judge, who died during the attacks… [I’ll get back to this guy later in the update; he provides an occult connection between 9/11 and October 2.]

As he concluded his speech, Trump commended Let Us Worship for calling Americans to pray for one another despite our differences as we navigate through these challenging times together.

“I want to thank Let Us Worship for calling Americans to 21 days of prayer in the coming weeks…”

In what may come as no surprise, if you count forward 21 days from 9/11, you land on October 2.

~ MORE – 2 October 2021 ~

Another thing Fletcher mentions (in this video on the October 2 date) is the “Angel Michael’s 21-day battle with Satan to cast him out of heaven” (paraphrasing), which is an improper conflation of two different “angelic battles” in two different Bible chapters, Revelation 12 and Daniel 10. Let’s have a look at those verses…

Revelation 12 – 7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels. 9 And the great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

As you can see, there is no mention of a timeframe for this battle in heaven. But the fact that Fletcher brings it up in connection to the 2nd raises the possibility that the October 2 event could happen in or around China, “the great communist dragon” here on Earth.

Daniel 10 – 1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia, a message was revealed to Daniel, who was called Belteshazzar. The message was true, and it concerned a great conflict. And the understanding of the message was given to him in a vision.

2 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three full weeks. 3 I ate no rich food, no meat or wine entered my mouth, and I did not anoint myself with oil until the three weeks were completed.

After these 21 days of mourning, Daniel was supposedly visited by an unnamed angel…

10 Suddenly, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. 11 He said to me, “Daniel, you are a man who is highly precious. Consider carefully the words that I am about to say to you. Stand up, for I have now been sent to you.”

And when he had said this to me, I stood up trembling.

12 “Do not be afraid, Daniel,” he said, “for from the first day that you purposed to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 However, the prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia. 14 Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision concerns those days.”

As you can see, the “21 days” of which Fletcher spoke come from the unnamed angel’s account of an earthly battle that takes place in the spiritual realm between “God’s angels” and the fallen angels that Angel Michael had defeated and cast down to the Earth. And the angel says that he had fought the fallen angel that ruled Persia for 21 days, then Michael came to his aid.

Based on these verses from the Book of Daniel and the fact that Fletcher mentions them in connection to the 2nd, we can draw the following inferences…

  • The planned October 2 event could involve Iran (Persia).
  • The October 2 event could happen on October 3 (because the angel came to Daniel after he had completed his 21 days of mourning, which means the current “angelic” appearance or intervention could happen as a response once the 21 days of 9/11 prayer are completed).
  • Fletcher may have deliberately conflated the heavenly battle of Revelation 12 with the earthly battle of Daniel 10 to hint that the October 2 war will last for 21 days.
  • The Angel Michael is a central figure in the scripting of this event.

And that last point brings us back to the October 2 Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels, which ties-in to Angel Michael…

Devotion to the angels is an ancient tradition which the Christian Church inherited from Judaism. It began to develop with the birth of the monastic tradition. The feast was first kept by the Franciscan order in 1500. This feast, like many others, was local before it was placed in the General Roman Calendar in 1607 by Pope Paul V. The papal decree establishing the feast was cosigned by Robert Bellarmine, which has led some scholars to speculate that the feast was created under the influence of the Society of Jesus. It was originally ranked as a double, and is believed that the new feast was intended to be a kind of supplement to the Feast of St. Michael, since the Church honoured on that day (29 September) the memory of all the angels as well as the memory of St. Michael. Clement X elevated it to the rank of an obligatory double, and, finally, Leo XIII raised the feast to the rank of a double major. Since 1976, it has been ranked an obligatory memorial. – from Wikipedia

Michaelmas (also known as the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels) is a Christian festival observed in some Western liturgical calendars on 29 September.

In Christian angelology, the Archangel Michael is the greatest of all the angels and is honored for defeating Lucifer in the war in heaven. – from Wikipedia

As you can see, Angel Michael defeated Lucifer in heaven, and the globalist scripting for this weekend has him intervening in the battle against Lucifer here on Earth. In the current scene of the “End Times” stageplay, who is the person who supposedly represents Lucifer here on Earth? That would be the Communist Antichrist Obama, wouldn’t it? So If the globalists pull the trigger, Michael and his angels and the Q-anon “White Hats” are about to attack the “Satanic Communist Global Deep State.”

This, then, is the globalist-scripted October 2 Scenario in a nutshell…

21 days of prayer will lead to an “angelic” appearance or intervention on October 2 (or 3), and this could trigger a 21-day battle that culminates on the Jewish day of 17 Cheshvan / October 23, the anniversary of the day Noah’s flood began. Since God promised that he wouldn’t destroy the world with a flood again, the second destruction will come by fire (presumably nuclear fire), so there may be an attempt at a nuclear exchange on the 23rd. And that could be the day the Nazionist Space Force intervenes to save the day.

Alternatively, October 2 could bring a warning event for a war that starts later or a big UFO sighting / “angelic appearance”.

All this being said, they have likely bailed on this plan already.

~ MORE – 3 October 2021 ~

The globalists may have bailed on their weekend plans, but they’ve certainly had China rattling their saber on the Indian border and in Taiwan’s air defense identification zone. The next obvious window for trouble is October 5-6 (which are the Jewish holidays of Hoshana Rabbah and Shemini Atzeret on the Essene calendar). Given that time is short, I’ll be skipping my planned update on Mychal Judge and getting back to more urgent exposures.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – September Updates

UN General Assembly Overwatch

Be advised that the globalists are currently aiming to trigger the Second 9/11 in the September 20-25 timeframe, with a fallback date of September 28. Their Target Package 1 are now in New York City, so we have entered the Event Window. Presidents Moon of Korea, Bolsonaro of Brazil, and Erdogan of Turkey arrived on Sunday the 19th. And according to Grandpa Touchy’s official schedule, Biden entered Manhattan at around 5:45 PM local time today (the 20th). The most dangerous time periods during this Event Window are Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon/evening, and Friday. The Window runs through Saturday.

(18-30 September 2021) – Specific New York / Washington Target Packages and Attack Dates for Nuclear 9/11

Today’s “MAGA” rally in Washington fizzled, which indicates that either the mischief was canceled or the whole event was a head-fake and an excuse to increase security in Washington — such as putting the fence around the Capitol Building — prior to the event that will truly set off the patriots: the announcement of OSHA’s new Emergency Temporary Standard requiring large employers to mandate shots in arms or swabs up the nose for every employee.

Ever since Biden’s last COVID address, employers have been planning what they’re going to do once OSHA announces the new requirement. And those who will go along with it can be expected to turn around and immediately notify their employees that they must comply. This is the moment when both the government and the employers will “get in people’s faces” and threaten to ruin their lives. And it is the moment we can expect immediate verbal and physical confrontations in companies all over the country, with some employees going postal.

Amongst those employees who get violent, we can expect some to use firearms, and we can also expect government MKs to do workplace mass shootings (with “assault rifles”) and bombings. This “national outbreak of antivaxer violence” will precede Operation Blackjack by a day or two, thus helping the Harris administration blame the big attacks on the antivaxers, Trumpers and “Mark of the Beast”-avoiding Christians.

After poring over the details of the current setup for Operation Blackjack, I’ve identified two target packages and up to five specific strike dates…

  1. The Biden+UN Target Package in New York, with September 20 or 21 as the strike date, and
  2. the Quad Target Package in Washington, DC, with September 23, 24, or 25(?) as the strike date.

If they go for the first target package, we can expect the OSHA announcement on Sunday or Monday. And if they go for the second target package, Biden could announce it during his UN General Debate speech on the 21st or his virtual UN COVID Summit on the 22nd. Regardless of which package is chosen, both cities will likely get hit on the strike date.

In the next section, I’ll go into some detail on the target packages and strike dates, including nailing down whether or not the 25th is one of them.

It should also be noted that these dates can change due to the ongoing ruckus between the City of New York and the UN over the vaccination status of the UN General Assembly attendees. This dispute is a wildcard the globalists can play if they want to delay or relocate certain speeches to reconfigure the target packages.

~ MORE ~

After doing some more digging, I’ve uncovered the possibility that both target packages (which I wrote about in today’s entry) could overlap on September 22. So a strike that day in New York, Washington, and Pearl Harbor could take out the lot of them. More details in the coming addition to today’s entry…

~ MORE – 19 September 2021 ~

Let’s begin today by looking at Target Package 1. Besides destroying the current UN, an attack on UN Headquarters would be aimed at taking out four specific leaders (all of whom speak at the UN on the morning of the 21st)…

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro will be targeted because, according to the script, he is a Nazionist who has been locked in a long battle with Brazil’s leftists/communists. The “commies” have tried to use the COVID psyop to take him down, and there is a growing suspicion that he’ll soon counterattack with a military coup to remove them from the government. But he can’t do that if he gets blown up in New York.

“US President” Joe Biden will be targeted because, according to the script, he is a Catholic Nazionist who has been compromised by “communist” Barack Obama and the Chinese Communist Party. Using the dirt they have on him and his son to sway his actions, the commies supposedly used Biden as a frontman to get “commie” drone Kamala Harris into the vice presidency. And now they supposedly want to blow him up so she can take the presidency.

South Korean President Moon Jae In will be targeted because, according to the script, he has incurred the wrath of the communist North Korean leadership, especially Kim Jong Un’s sister. So if Moon gets blown up in New York, it will represent the “complete destruction” of bilateral relations between North and South Korea she has threatened.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be targeted because the larger globalist script calls for the Muslim Antichrist to come forward after his death. This Antichrist will likely be a Yildirim (Benali or Ahmet) or Erdogan’s own son-in-law Berat Albayrak (who did business with ISIS and “stood in the Muslim holy place,” the Kaaba, alongside Erdogan).

According to press reports…

  1. Bolsonaro will arrive in New York on the 19th and depart after his speech on the 21st. But if the New York Police prevent his entry into the UN on Tuesday (over his non-vaxed status), his speech might be delayed until the UN can work out a compromise. This could keep him in New York through the 22nd.
  2. Biden will arrive in New York City on the 20th and speak on the 21st. He will then return to the White House to hold his virtual COVID Summit on the 22nd.
  3. Moon will arrive in New York City on the 19th or 20th and speak on the 21st. He will then travel to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii for a military ceremony on the 22nd. Hawaii time is six hours behind New York City time, so it will be evening in New York by the time the Pearl Harbor ceremony ends.
  4. Erdogan will be in New York City from the 19th through the 22nd.

Since all four targeted leaders will be in New York in the evening of the 20th and the morning of the 21st, the strike could happen either day. There is also a chance — if Bolsonaro stays an extra day — that all four will still be in the US on the 22nd. Bolsonaro and Erdogan would be in New York (a targeted city), Biden will be in Washington, DC (a targeted city), and Moon will be at Pearl Harbor (a first-strike target of the Chinese or North Koreans in any war with America).

Next we’ll look at Target Package 2 in Washington (Biden, Morrison, Suga, and Modi, who may arrive in Washington on the 22nd in advance of their bilateral meetings on the 23rd and the Quad Leaders’ Summit on the 24th). This means that all 7 targeted leaders could be in New York, Washington, and Pearl Harbor at the same time on the 22nd.

~ MORE – 20 September 2021 ~

Now let’s look at Target Package 2. Besides destroying America’s seat of national governance, an attack on Washington, DC would be aimed at taking out four specific leaders: the Quad

…from the South China Morning Post. Here is an excerpt from a different article that was published after the Quad’s virtual summit earlier this year…

The major Indo-Pacific powers of Australia, India, Japan and the United States concluded on Friday the first-ever summit of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, better known as “Quad.”

The 90-minute event, conducted virtually due to Covid-19 restrictions, paves the way for a de facto “Asian NATO” amid growing concern over China’s increasingly assertive behavior in recent years.

US President Joe Biden, who strongly lobbied for the summit early in his term, was joined by his counterparts Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The summit promised an intensified degree of strategic cooperation among the four participants, cutting across traditional and non-traditional security realms. – from the Asia Times

With the September 24 Quad Summit in mind, ask yourself a few questions…

If you were the Chinese Communist Party leadership and you wanted to make a move — like seizing Taiwan — that would be militarily opposed by the Quad, wouldn’t you want to decapitate the Quad’s leadership at the very outset of the campaign?

If you were the Chinese Communist Party leadership and you wanted the US and Russia to destroy each other so China can reign supreme in the world, wouldn’t you make your decapitation strike look like Russia did it?

If you were the Chinese Communist Party leadership and you wanted to complete your takeover of the United States, wouldn’t you make your decapitation strike look like your political enemies in the US (the patriots, Trumpers, antivaxers, and Christians) assisted Russia in doing it?

If you were the Chinese Communist Party leadership and your financial system was facing its “Lehman Moment,” wouldn’t you do your decapitation strike this week so the global financial system will collapse from the New York side and China won’t be blamed?

This is how the globalist scriptwriters are setting up China and the “Obama-led Communist Deep State” to be blamed for the Big Event. So after the Event takes place and “President” Kamala Harris blames the communists’ enemies and starts a reign of terror against them, the Nazionists will sweep in like saviors, defeat the commies, and blame it all on Obama, Xi, the CCP, and worldwide communism. They’ll then start their own mass arrests of the commies, but they won’t stop with just them

After lunch we’ll look at the strike dates for Target Package 2, which span from the afternoon/evening of the 22nd through the 24th (and possibly the 25th? – I still need to check that). But remember: timing the strike in the afternoon/evening of the 22nd (US East Coast time) may provide the opportunity to kill both target packages at the same time. 22 is a “master number,” and the 22nd is the vesica piscis of the two strike windows, which makes that day a particularly attractive Big Event Day to the occultish globalists.

~ MORE ~

According to press reports…

  1. Biden will be in Washington, DC on the 22nd holding his virtual COVID Summit. And he’ll remain at the White House for the Quad Summit on the 24th.
  2. Morrison will arrive in Washington on the 21st and remain through the 24th.
  3. Suga will arrive in Washington on the 23rd and remain through the 26th.
  4. Modi will arrive in Washington on the 23rd and remain through the Quad meetings on the 24th. He’ll then travel on to New York to give his UN speech on the 25th.

But there have been some recent additions to the Quad meeting that may compel Suga and Modi to come to Washington earlier than planned, on the 22nd

PM Modi will hold separate bilateral meetings with Japan and Australia on September 23. On September 24, he will hold first bilateral dialogue with US Vice President Kamala Harris and one in physical capacity with President Joe Biden. This will be followed by the much-awaited Quad summit. – from the Hindustan Times

To ensure that everyone is on-time and rested for their bilateral meetings on the 23rd, logic suggests that Suga and Modi will fly in on the 22nd. And if the globalists want to stage the termination of both target packages that day, the two leaders will arrive in New York before Korean President Moon departs from Pearl Harbor.

~ MORE ~

It is important to note that the downward move in today’s markets caused by the prospect of “China’s Lehman Moment” is entirely contrived. China could bail out Evergrande if they wished to, but they haven’t so far because the globalists have instructed them not to.

The reason they’re being told not to is to create a scripted motivation for China to false-flag an attack on New York: destroying New York would not only kill important CCP enemies at the UN, it would also cause a global financial collapse to radiate out of Wall Street instead of China, thus allowing the CCP to save face.

Also note that if they do announce a full bailout for Evergrande, it likely means the attacks this week won’t go forward.

~ MORE ~

Here’s an interesting bit of information from Nikkei Asia: Evergrande’s first technical (but not formal) default will come on September 23

A series of semiannual coupon payments on Evergrande’s outstanding publicly traded dollar bonds begins to come due on Sept. 23, according to Refinitiv data compiled by Nikkei Asia.

Fitch Ratings, which last week warned that “a default of some kind appears probable,” estimates the company has $129 million in coupon payments due by Sept. 30 and $850 million by Dec. 31. Another six payments come due in January, according to Refinitiv data.

The bond’s offering documents give the company a month from the coupon date to make up the payment before a default is formally triggered, according to Samuel Hui, director of Asia Pacific corporates at Fitch…

Evergrande has yet to default on any bonds, but suppliers and contractors have complained of unpaid bills, leading some to suspend construction at new projects while others have received properties as payment.

Here’s the deal about Evergrande’s first default on the 23rd: nobody will be talking about it if New York City is blown up before business opens that day in China. So if Nuclear 9/11 happens in New York at 6 PM local time on the 22nd, it will be only 6 AM of the 23rd in China. The global markets will already be in limit-down freefall before Evergrande does anything on the 23rd.

WARNING (21 September 2021): The globalists seem to be shifting the strike date from the 22nd to the 24th. They have moved Kamala Harris’s meeting with India’s Modi from the 24th to the 23rd, and they’ve scheduled her to go to New York on the 24th to be on “The View” (a TV show). So she will be out of Washington, DC when the Quad leaders are at the White House on Friday.

If they strike on Friday, they’ll hit Washington first, then have Kamala rushed off the stage by the Secret Service and helicoptered out of the city before New York is hit. On the first 9/11, the first tower was hit 18 minutes before the second. There could be a similar delay between the strikes on Washington and New York.

(22-23 September 2021) – Biden will be convening the virtual COVID Summit from the Oval Office at 11:00 AM EDT. This will give him a golden opportunity to toot his own horn about everything America is doing to “stop” COVID by announcing the official start of the employer mandate. If he does this, it’s a danger sign for Friday. But if he doesn’t announce it today or tomorrow, we’ll likely get through the week safely.

As for the prospects for an attack today…

India’s Modi moved up his arrival to the 22nd like I expected, but as of yesterday, Japan’s Suga is still planning to arrive on the 23rd. Their failure to move up Suga’s arrival means there’s a reduced likelihood of anything happening today, especially when you consider what they did with Kamala Harris’s schedule (you can read about it in yesterday’s warning).

The White House and the media have been portraying Biden and Harris essentially as co-presidents, even calling it “the Biden-Harris administration.” It is therefore quite strange that “Co-President” Harris would miss the gathering of the Quad leaders at the White House in favor of hanging out with a bunch of cackling hens on a morning TV talk show, isn’t it?

~ MORE ~

The occult reasons why Friday the 24th is so dangerous

In the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, Barack Obama is cast as the Communist Antichrist, the first of three Antichrists to be sequentially defeated before they present their fake “Jesus Christ” as the figurehead god-king who will rule the world. And the globalists’ Prophecy Propaganda Corps have inculcated among Christians two key expectations vis-a-vis the Antichrist: 1) that he will bring on a 7-year Tribulation period and 2) that “he will confirm a covenant with many” for 7 years.

As it turns out, both of these expectations are related to September 24 — the day of the Quad Summit in Washington. Here is some information my partner Onnabugeisha has compiled for September 24 that helps explain why it’s a particularly dangerous candidate day for Nuclear 9/11…

September 24, 2009 was the day Barack Obama first sat as President of the UN Security Council. The agenda for the meeting was stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and the meeting marked the beginning of Obama’s 7-year Tribulation period (for reasons I explain here).

September 24, 2021 will mark exactly 444 weeks since Obama marked the 3.5-year midpoint of his Tribulation by “standing in the holy place.” On March 22, 2013 he stood in Jesus’s birthplace, thus symbolically taking Jesus’s place and “putting an end to the sacrifice and offering” Chist supposedly made to his Father. We’ll look into the meaning the globalists will ascribe to the number 4 appearing 3 times later on.

September 24, 2014 was the day Barack Obama sat for the second time as President of the UN Security Council. The agenda of the meeting was stopping the transnational movement of terrorists, particularly those joining ISIS, and the meeting concluded with a binding agreement — a “firm covenant with the many” (15) members of the Security Council. This covenant will reach its 7-year mark on Friday, when “Obama will break it with nuclear terror attacks carried out by Taliban fighters he airlifted into America (posing as ISIS terrorists).”

Over the next 24 hours I’ll delve more deeply into the details of this setup. It’s a doozy, ain’t it?

~ MORE – 23 September 2021 ~

Obama’s Three Covenants

If you aren’t familiar with Christian prophecy and the Bible, you may be wondering about some of the passages I quoted in yesterday’s update, such as…

  • “he will confirm a covenant with many”
  • “standing in the holy place”
  • “putting an end to the sacrifice and offering”
  • “firm covenant with the many”

These passages come from Bible verses that prophecy believers claim are related to the Antichrist. One of them is Daniel 9:27

He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” (New International Version)

Other versions of the Bible refer to a firm covenant in this verse. And since the Third Hebrew Temple is not yet built, they had Obama (the “Obamanation that causes desolation”) stand in the Church of the Nativity as a passable substitute. A related Bible verse, Matthew 24:15, talks about it…

“So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand… (New International Version)

As for “covenants with many,” I’ve identified three that Obama made before and during his presidency.

Covenant 1 In July of 2008, presidential candidate Obama made a verbal peace covenant with Israel and their many adversaries, including a pledge to stop Iran from developing nukes…

…from The New York Times

And seven years later, in July of 2015, he announced the Iran Nuclear Deal, which according to Netananyahu was a breach of the covenant…

…from The New York Times

Covenant 2 – On September 24, 2009, he began his 7-year Tribulation period by making a covenant with all 15 Security Council members: Security Council Resolution 1887…

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1887, adopted unanimously on 24 September 2009, the Council addressed non-proliferation and the prevention of the spread of weapons of mass destruction in the world…

The Council unanimously adopted the resolution. Except for Libya, all members were represented by their heads of state or government. The meeting was presided by U.S. President Barack Obama. – from Wikipedia

Obama was scripted to breach this covenant 7 years later in September of 2016 by triggering a nuclear war. They had arranged for a massive terror attack at the Rio Olympics in August of that year. The attack would have included the destruction of Rio’s Christ statue and was to be blamed on ISIS (who were blowing up non-Muslim religious relics back then). This would have led to the September gathering of the world’s militaries in Syria to fight ISIS, and these militaries were scripted to turn against Israel when it was revealed that the Israeli security company guarding the Olympics orchestrated the attack. You can read my coverage from that time here.

For some unknown reason, the globalists aborted their plan for September and brought in Trump to “suspend” Obama’s seventh-year breach. But “God’s intervention through Trump” ended this year, and Obama’s breach of his nuclear covenant is set to resume on the anniversary of the day he made it, September 24.

Covenant 3 – On September 24, 2014, Obama made his firm covenant (in the form of a binding resolution) with all 15 members of the Security Council to stop the transnational movement of terrorists…


Tomorrow, which is the 7-year mark of that covenant, he is scripted to break it when he “orders massive terror attacks by the Taliban extremists he had airlifted into the US through his puppet Biden.”

And here’s a topper: Obama held another big summit on nuclear weapons in 2010, the Nuclear Security Summit. And the agenda of the meeting was to stop nuclear terror attacks


As an Antichrist character (and a Democrat), everything Obama says he wants to stop are the things he personally intends to do, and we’re supposed to find that out tomorrow… unless, of course, the globalists withdraw again for some unknown reason.

~ MORE ~

In yesterday’s update, I wrote this…

In the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, Barack Obama is cast as the Communist Antichrist, the first of three Antichrists to be sequentially defeated before they present their fake “Jesus Christ” as the figurehead god-king who will rule the world.

Now let’s have a closer look at the three Antichrists, which are…

  1. Communist Antichrist Barack Obama,
  2. Nazionist Antichrist Jared Kushner (or Mike Pence, or Donald Trump), and
  3. the Final Antichrist Vladimir Putin.

It should be noted that the Final Antichrist is the “real Antichrist” — the person in whom Satan’s spirit supposedly dwells — so he is the master of all the other Antichrists and of the worldwide Satanic network.

As the master and commander of all Satanic forces worldwide, Putin is the one who controls…

  • the “Satanic Global Deep State” (his minions in the black hats) AND
  • the persons and forces that supposedly oppose it (his minions in the “white hats,” like Xi Jinping, the BRICS alliance and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization).

So Putin’s phony defeat of the “Satanic Global Deep State” is the Satanic Great Deception that will allow him to pose as the returned Jesus and the Jewish Messiah.

This, then, is the sequence in which the Antichrists will fall…

  1. The evil-looking Communist Antichrist Obama will be defeated by the Nazionist Antichrist Kushner. Kushner will appear to be a savior at first, but will soon be discovered to be “the Antichrist.”
  2. Antichrist Kushner will then be defeated by Putin. This will allow Putin to point to Kushner as “the Antichrist who tried to take Christ’s throne in Jerusalem” and to himself as the real Jesus and the Jewish Messiah.
  3. And seven years after he defeats Kushner and the “Satanic Global Deep State” (including “Muslim Antichrist Erdogan”), Final Antichrist Putin will in turn be defeated by the globalists’ fake Jesus.

All this being said, Putin’s savior act is the main event we need to watch for in the next few years. It will mark the end of “Satan’s fake Tribulation” and the beginning of “the real 7-year Tribulation,” and there are two likely times when it could happen: 1) during late March or Passover of next year and 2) during the September/October Jewish holidays in 2025.

I’ll show you why a little later.

(24 September 2021) – Get a load of this bit of daytime TV drama…

Two hosts of ABC’s “The View” were pulled from set during the show’s live broadcast Friday after learning that they tested positive for COVID-19.

The panelists were moments away from introducing Vice President Kamala Harris to the show for an in-person interview in their New York City studio. Harris’s interview will now take place remotely from another room inside the building. – from ABC11

So why did they do this? Is it public theater to play up the dangers of COVID for the soccer moms? Or was this incident staged to cover up the fact that Harris’s interview is being streamed from a “secure location” (NOT “another room inside the building”)?

~ MORE ~

If they’re going for the strike today, it makes sense that they’d keep Kamala in a secure location and send a body double with a Secret Service detail to “The View” studio. That way, the real Kamala can do the remote interview and the body double can act out Kamala’s evacuation from New York City. Have I failed in my mission?

~ MORE ~

They’ve scheduled Kamala to return to the White House and meet with the Quad leaders AFTER they’ve met with Biden. And due to the delayed interview on “The View” she will likely arrive later than originally scheduled and might still be en route while Biden is in his meeting with them. Biden’s meeting starts at 2 PM EDT. If the strike is to happen, look for it to take place before or during Biden’s meeting and before Kamala lands in Washington.

~ MORE ~

Now let’s look ahead at the reduced — but not zero — threat for shenanigans tonight and tomorrow…

Biden – According to Sniffy McPervy’s official schedule, he should be on his way to Camp David now, so he will be out of Washington and New York tonight and tomorrow.

Morrison – The press reported his visit as going from the 21st to the 24th, so he might depart Washington today. But if he decides to spend the night and fly out in the morning, he’ll still be in the target zone.

Modi – He may already be in New York to spend the night in advance of his UN speech tomorrow, so he’s still in the target zone.

Suga – The press reported that “Suga is set to visit the U.S. capital from Sept. 23 to 26,” so he’s still in the target zone. And the threat won’t go to zero until he departs on Sunday or Monday.

So if they try the attack tonight or tomorrow, they’ll miss Biden but may get all his Quad allies. The supposed Chinese message behind such a strike would be “how can America protect its allies in the Asia-Pacific when it can’t even protect them in its own capital cities?”

That being said, Biden’s absence means an attack is less likely now. Let the wine drinking commence.

(25 September 2021) – Behold who would have taken the blame for transferring “Russian” nukes to “the West’s Domestic Violent Extremists” for Friday’s Operation Blackjack…

…from the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague. Note the final paragraph, which hints that the group is Putin’s — not the current Russian state’s — proxy. It is Putin who is being positioned to be the Tsar of the New Russian Empire (and later, Tsar of the New World Order). But we’ll return to the Russian Imperial Movement a little later.

Before I proceed with this update, let’s start with the disclaimer I wrote back in the 27 June update (because I personally put no stock in occult hogwash like numerology and astrology)…

The national and international dramas we see swirling around us now are part of the globalist “End Times” stageplay that’s being acted out for the public. And while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added – all on the fly.

It’s also important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians and superstitious followers of numerology and astrology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the play are acted out. They align events with days of historical, numerological, and astrological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

That being said, as I looked through the occult-side research notes from my partner Onnabugeisha yesterday, what would have happened over this weekend came into clearer view. Here are two key timing/scripting indicators she found…

September 25 marks exactly 911 months since Retrocession Day (October 25, 1945), the day the island of Taiwan was returned by the Japanese to the Republic of China (which ruled all of China at that time). So had the decapitation of the Quad gone forward yesterday, today would have been well suited for scripting the beginning of the CCP military campaign to take Taiwan.

September 26 marks exactly 999 days since Jair Messias Bolsonaro took office as President of Brazil on January 1, 2019. The number 999 is 666 inverted, and in numerology and computer coding, it carries the meaning of an ending or a crash. So tomorrow would have been a good day to script a communist coup attempt against Bolsonaro. They might still attempt it tomorrow anyway, and given his middle name, Bolsonaro may be scripted as the first Nazionist leader to defeat the communist onslaught in his nation.

Getting back to a Saturday Chinese encirclement of Taiwan after the Friday Quad decapitation strike, the Chinese would have had to move after “President Harris” pointed the finger of blame at the Trumpers, Russia and ISIS. That way, the Chinese would look like opportunists rather than the ones who conducted the decapitation strike. And this helps explain what happened on “The View” yesterday.

After the attack, newly-minted “President Harris” would have explained that she was compelled to do her interview from a remote safe location because the intelligence community had uncovered a credible threat of Friday terror attacks in Washington, DC and New York City from Domestic Violent Extremists (DVEs) with ties to the Russian Imperial Movement. “There was no indication Russian nukes would be involved,” she would have said, “but the threat was sufficient to merit the Secret Service keeping the President and me in separate locations all day, and they decided at the last minute that the TV studios were too soft a target for me to go to.”

Upon stating that she and Biden were targeted for death by Putin and Trump’s DVEs, she would have explained that the DVEs had planned to strike on Friday if the Arizona audit report found no evidence of tampering in last year’s election…

…from Yahoo

That is in fact what the report found, with the news of its conclusions leaking out before Friday. I was so focused on watching for a vaccine move to trigger the patriots that the globalists slipped the audit report move right past me.

So according to the official government narrative that would have come out, the right-wing DVEs had decided to attack Biden, Harris, and the New York bankers if all legal avenues to reversing the election result were blocked, and the “fixed” Arizona audit report was their last hope and the final straw. And with Putin, Trump, and the domestic enemies of the communist revolution in America thus blamed for Operation Blackjack, China would have been free to move on Taiwan without it looking too suspicious, and without any risk of a US military response.

Being a “commie plant,” President Kamala would have restrained any military move to protect Taiwan, saying, “We have to focus our military attention on the nation that nuked us, Russia, and as your president I will not lead America into a two-front war over a Chinese island of no strategic importance to our country.”

Keep all this information in mind, because they will try for Operation Blackjack again.

~ MORE ~

In an upcoming update, I’ll take you on a tour of the preparatory propaganda that supports the post-Operation Blackjack “Communist Deep State”/Mainstream Media Narrative that “Putin and Trump’s Right-Wing Extremists did it using the KGB’s suitcase nukes.” Here is a preview of the nuke part…

…from Here is an excerpt…

Former Russian Security Council Secretary Aleksandr Lebed has stirred controversy in both Russia and the United States with his allegations that the Russian government is currently unable to account for some eighty small atomic demolition munitions (ADMs) which were manufactured in the USSR during the Cold War. Lebed originally made the allegations in a closed meeting with a US congressional delegation in May 1997. His charges generated public controversy three months later when he repeated them in an interview with the CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes, which was broadcast on 7 September 1997. Russian officials initially dismissed Lebed’s charges, saying all of the country’s nuclear weapons were accounted for and under strict control. Top-ranking Russian defense officials later went further and denied that any such weapons had ever been built by the USSR, claiming that they would be too expensive to maintain and too heavy for practical use. Lebed has stood by his statement, however, and his charges have been backed by a former advisor to President Yeltsin, Aleksey Yablokov, who told a US Congressional subcommittee on 2 October 1997 that he was “absolutely sure” that such ADMs had been ordered in the 1970s by the KGB.

Despite a coordinated campaign by Russian officials designed to discredit Lebed and Yablokov, technical inaccuracies and inconsistencies undermine the credibility of the official Russian denials that Soviet ADMs were never manufactured. In addition, the current controversy is not the first public discussion of whether former Soviet ADMs are under adequate control in Russia. During 1995, a flurry of Russian media reports claimed that Chechen separatist fighters had obtained such weapons. And in January 1996, long before the current media furor, the Monterey Institute’s Center for Nonproliferation Studies received information from a Russian presidential advisor that an unspecified number of small ADMs had been had been manufactured in the 1970s for use by the KGB. This evidence does not corroborate Lebed’s claims that ADMs have “gone missing,” but it does strongly suggest that the Russian government is not being completely candid in its discussion of the issue.

Last week, it was the globalists’ turn to blow things up. This week it’s my turn.

WARNING (27 September 2021): Operation Blackjack may occur tomorrow, September 28. Ground Zero in New York will be the Turkish House across from the UN.

In last week’s coverage of the UN General Assembly and Operation Blackjack, I noted that September 28 was the globalists’ fallback date for the attacks. Here’s the reason why…

Sequel to the letter dated 27 July 2021, I have the pleasure to inform you that the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate and promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, will take place on Tuesday, 28 September 2021, during the seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly. The meeting will be convened from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m., in-person in the General Assembly Hall.

The high-level meeting will raise awareness about the threat posed to humanity by nuclear weapons and the necessity for their elimination in order to mobilize international efforts towards achieving the common goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world. Delegations are encouraged to be represented at the highest possible level. – from

In addition to noting the sublime irony of nuking the UN when they are assembled in a high-level meeting to rid the world of nuclear weapons, note that they are trying to draw the most important officials from the attending nations into the General Assembly Hall in-person. The letter goes on to say that Heads of State and Heads of Government will be given priority in the scheduling of speeches. They obviously want the best possible harvest from the attack.

This meeting was arranged by the President of the 75th UN General Assembly Volkan Bozkir, whose term ended on the 14th. Bozkir is a Turk, and while Erdogan was in New York last week, the two held a closed door meeting at the new Turkish House (Turkevi), which is right across the street from UN Headquarters

…from the Anadolu Agency (top) and Google Maps (bottom)

Now if you’ll recall from previous entries…

  • Kabbalist prophecy propagandist Joel Richardson has set the expectation that there will be a fierce war between Turkey and Iran before the Gog-Magog conflict. And he has “predicted” that Turkey will crush Iran in the war, Erdogan will be killed during it, and the Muslim Antichrist will rise in Turkey and take Erdogan’s place. You can read more about this in the 12 September update a little further down this page.
  • One of the prophecies the globalists are trying to fulfill is a Nostradamus quatrain that’s been interpreted as meaning that the Muslim Antichrist will destroy New York City with fire. You can read and watch more about this in the 1 September update a little further down this page.
  • When the resurrected Putin comes in to rescue us from the Nazionists, he will blame the “Satanic Deep State,” including the (Turkish) Muslim Antichrist, for Operation Blackjack. You can read more about this in the 23 September update a little further down this page.

So if Operation Blackjack is launched tomorrow, expect the New York nuke to have been placed in or around the Turkish House. That way, when the Nazionists come in to do their savior act and blame the bombings on the commies and Iranians, Turkey will have cause to launch a furious attack on Iran.

As for Erdogan, he will likely “die” during Operation Blackjack. There may be as many as 80 nukes going off across North America and Europe, and Ankara could very well be a target. And given the fact that Erdogan and Putin are meeting in Sochi on the 29th, the scriptwriters can kill off two leading characters with one nuke by simply having them travel there on the evening of the 28th — Sochi time is 7 hours ahead of New York time. Also, Sochi is only about 260 miles from “Muslim terror haven” Chechnya, so they can narrate the Muslim Antichrist’s nuke as having traveled from Turkey, through Georgia and Chechnya, and on to Sochi (with the help of “Medvedev’s man,” FSB Director Bortnikov)…

…from Google Maps

On top of all this, my partner Onnabugeisha has found a rather ominous occult indicator for the 28th: it is the second day of the observance of Hoshana Rabbah (for Jews outside of Israel)…

Hoshana Rabbah is the seventh day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the 21st day of the month of Tishrei.

Hoshana Rabbah is known as the last of the Days of Judgment, which begin on Rosh Hashana. The Zohar says that while the judgment for the new year is sealed on Yom Kippur, it is not “delivered” until the end of Sukkot (i.e., Hoshana Rabbah, the last day of Sukkot), during which time one can still alter their verdict and decree for the new year. Consequently, an Aramaic blessing that Jews give each other on Hoshana Rabbah, pitka tava or piska tava, which in Yiddish is “A guten kvitel”, or “A good note”, is a wish that the verdict will be positive. – from Wikipedia

So Hoshana Rabbah starts on the 21st day of Tishrei (and “21” is “Blackjack”). And in New York, its observance continues into the 22nd day of Tishrei (September 28), when the judgment is delivered.

~ MORE ~

Now let’s look at some more reasons tomorrow is a strong candidate day for Operation Blackjack…

REASON ONE – This showed up at the top of the right column of today’s Drudge Report

According to the linked article, the “X Date” is the day in the next month or so that the US government will go broke if the debt ceiling isn’t raised by Congress. And there is a strain of propaganda within the controlled alt-media that claims the Republicans in the Senate are deliberately blocking a debt ceiling rise in order to cut off the money supply to the out-of-control Biden-Harris administration: “It’s better to trigger a default than to let the whole country implode under the communist revolution.”

X Date” is also a reversal of “Day X.” And according to a strain of preparatory propaganda put out by The New York Times, “Day X” is the day the following (in bolded text) happens…

Both this alleged plot and the insurrection at the Capitol could be cited as examples of an “accelerationist” ideology, in which far-right groups promise a moment when the institutions of government, society and the economy will be wiped out in a wave of catastrophic violence, clearing the way for a utopia that will supposedly follow. Cynthia sees this thinking present in both the German and American far right. – from “The Threat of Day X

This “Day X” propaganda lays out the “Communist Deep State’s” template for blaming the Operation Blackjack attacks on their supposed rivals, the “Nazionist Deep State” and Vladimir Putin. And when the Nazionists strike back and defeat the communists, they’ll claim that “Day X” was actually carried out by the commies in order to seize total power before the “X Date”: “The commies had to make their big move before the money for their revolution was cut off — first with the government shutdown at midnight of Thursday the 30th, then with the debt ceiling.”

This brings us to…

REASON TWO – Biden and all of Congress will be in Washington tomorrow trying to prevent a government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling. So an attack on the city will yield a good harvest. But you can expect Senator Rand Paul — the globalists’ controlled-opposition leader and scripted future President of the US — to survive the attack. Keep an eye on his movements tomorrow, and if you’re in Washington and see him carrying a surfboard, get one too — Washington may see a Potomac tsunami attack. “If you can’t drain the swamp, flood it.”

REASON THREE – Nuking the UN on the day they’re meeting to talk about getting rid of nukes (for the umpteenth time) will highlight the impotence of the current UN structure. And the horror of the attacks will be used to rally the public in support of “building a stronger UN with the teeth it needs to stop conflicts early and rid the world of weapons of mass destruction so such a horror never happens again.” This will give rise to the NWOs — first the Nazionist decoy NWO, then Putin’s real NWO.

Getting back to the Turkish House, the official opening of the structure was one of the reasons Erdogan traveled to the UN General Assembly this year…

…from Nikkei Asia. Here is an excerpt…

A roughly $300 million Turkish skyscraper rich in symbolism officially opened in New York on Monday, overshadowing its neighbors and the United Nations headquarters across the street.

Turkey’s costliest foreign mission to date, Turkevi, or Turkish House, will serve as home to the country’s permanent mission to the U.N. and its consulate general in New York, as well as diplomatic housing. It was constructed on the site of the previous, smaller building, bought from IBM in 1977.

Turkish planners made sure that the new 171-meter building exceeded the height of the neighboring United Nations Plaza, which houses the U.S. permanent mission to the U.N. Turkevi is 35 stories tall, according to the semiofficial Anadolu Agency.

After pondering tomorrow’s scenario all day, I’m left wondering if this “skyscraper rich in symbolism” was purpose-built as the modern day Trojan Horse. Ancient Troy was located in what is now Hisarlik, Turkey, and Hisarlik is part of Canakkale, Turkey, where the reproduction of the Trojan Horse from the movie Troy is now located…

…from Wikipedia

So 3,199 years ago, the West (Greeks) conquered Troy using a Trojan Horse. Will the West now be conquered by means of a nuclear Trojan Horse built by Troy’s descendants?

And how did the nuclear weapon find its way into the “Turkevi Horse”? Was it brought in by Erdogan’s UN General Assembly delegation in a diplomatic crate? Was one of the closed door, Turks-only meetings there a ritual to install the weapon? Was the Turkevi Horse built to overshadow its neighbors so the nuke could be “airburst” from the top floor?

The Nikkei article also contained this section…

At the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said: “We blend our power in the field with the power we have at the table.”

Cavusoglu was one of the three men who “stood in the Muslim Holy Place,” the Kaaba, with Erdogan. So he is one of the candidates to play the role of the Muslim Antichrist. Did the Antichrist himself arm the bomb?

(28 September 2021) – The Fallback to the Fallback

I was just awakened early with an idea for what’s planned next. Biden took a booster shot yesterday…

…from CNBC

Now all they have to do is narrate a debilitating or deadly reaction to the 3rd shot and Kamala will take the presidency right as we’re entering “a government shutdown and pending debt default caused by the Republicans.” This will lead to her taking aggressive and blatantly unconstitutional action that will trigger a patriot response, thus leading to the execution of Operation Blackjack.

I think I woke up early because I have to post this before they hit the public with the news on Biden.

~ MORE ~

I’ve got some good news, and I’ve got some bad news…

The good news is that if we can safely get to sunset, the second day of Hoshana Rabbah will be over and the globalists will have missed their 8 day Feast of Tabernacles window to start trouble — according to the standard Jewish calendar.

The bad news is that on the Essene calendar, the Feast of Tabernacles BEGINS at sunset today…


The globalists’ main prophecy propaganda guy, Tom Horn, has been promoting the Essenes lately, saying that they had the most accurate prophecies of all the Jewish sects (which means the Kabbalists may run some of their artificial prophecy fulfillment events by the Essene calendar). And given the fact that Essene Feast of Tabernacles will run through the time period Congress is at war over the budget and debt limit, we have another 8 days of high alert ahead.

This is like a Blumhouse version of Groundhog Day in which we’re waiting for the West to get Cronenberged.

~ MORE ~

The Navy was in position to go to war with China over Taiwan today, and they’ll no doubt remain in such a posture for the next week at the very least. As of yesterday, two US Carrier Strike Groups (CSGs) were deployed in the Philippine Sea near Taiwan (to which the red arrow is pointed)…

…from USNI News

As for the British carrier…

The U.K. Royal Navy Carrier Strike Group, led by HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08), got underway Monday, Sept. 27, having just completed its maintenance and upkeep in Guam.

Guam is a key strategic base and a first-strike target in any war with China, so they may be tasked with its defense. They may also be on their way to join the fleet massed off Taiwan by October 6.

~ MORE ~

My partner Onnabugeisha has identified some occult indicators that lend themselves to the scripting of a pope falling ill or dying tomorrow (from a COVID comorbidity). September 29 is also the anniversary of the British Mandate for Palestine and Transjordan and the French Mandate for Syria and Lebanon, which were issued by the League of Nations. So something could be scripted for that region too.

It should also be noted that the League of Nations disbanded itself effective April 20, 1946, transferring its “assets and functions” to the United Nations. Next year, April 20 falls in the midst of Passover, when the Nazionist Antichrist is slated to reveal himself on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Will that also be the time the “reformed UN” (Nazionist NWO) takes over the assets and functions of the current UN?

~ MORE – 29 September ~

The Antichrist “Communist Antichrist” Rises…

…from YouTube

In the 22-23 September updates, which are a little further down this page, I explained that the globalists marked the beginning of Barack Obama’s 7-year tenure as Antichrist by having him sit as President of the UN Security Council for a September 24, 2009 meeting on nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament. The 7-year “covenant with the many” Obama made that day was set to expire with an attempted nuclear exchange on September 24, 2016, during the Jewish holiday of Selichot. But instead — according to the script — “God intervened and paused the Satanic plan by sowing dissention in the ranks of the Global Deep State, setting the Nazionists against the communists in a battle for control over the Satanic New World Order and bringing Nazionist Trump to power.”

In keeping with this script change, the globalists had “Nazionist Antichrist” Trump/Pence/Kushner mark the beginning of his 7-year tenure in the same way “Communist Antichrist” Obama did…

…from YouTube

Later in the 22-23 September updates, I said this…

Putin’s savior act is the main event we need to watch for in the next few years. It will mark the end of “Satan’s fake Tribulation” and the beginning of “the real 7-year Tribulation,” and there are two likely times when it could happen: 1) during late March or Passover of next year and 2) during the September/October Jewish holidays in 2025.

Trump’s UN Security Council meeting on September 26, 2018 is why those two timeframes are candidates for Putin’s savior act…

  1. If you count forward 3.5 years from that date, you get the first timeframe, and
  2. if you count forward 7 years you get the second.

(Periods of 3.5 and 7 years are major features in biblical “End Times” prophecies.)

~ MORE – 30 September 2021 ~

Today, Congress passed the continuing resolution to keep the government funded for a little longer (till it possibly goes broke on the “X Date”). This indicates that the globalists are in delay mode at the moment. The only significant occult indicator for tomorrow is the 72nd National Day of the People’s Republic of China, which is numerologically significant because of all this. So something could potentially be scripted there that would “unleash the demons of hell.” That said, keep your mosquito repellent handy.

(17 September 2021) – Will the globalists add a nuke-induced tsunami to Operation Blackjack to facilitate the initial blaming of Russia?…


Next week, specifically the 21st through the 24th, offers a golden opportunity for the globalists to stage their Big Event — the event that will collapse America, the current financial system, and the current form of the UN. And according to the script, the “terrorist attacks” that kick off the Event will first be blamed on Christian Trumpers, ISIS and Russia, then the blame will shift to China and the “Communist Deep State.”

To facilitate the blaming of the Trumpers, the government will stage a bit of street theater in Washington, DC on Saturday the 18th (tomorrow)…

…from CNBC

In fact, both Trump and Roger Stone have warned that the demonstration is a setup [1, 2], with Stone saying that “the people who will be there will all be working for the government.” Should it go forward, then, look for one or more of the following to occur…

  • one or more “demonstrators” showing up with guns, including AR-15s,
  • one or more “demonstrators” showing up with a bomb,
  • one or more “demonstrators” testing positive for “radioactive contamination,” and/or
  • violence, including the possibility of one or more shootings and/or bombs going off.

To facilitate the blaming of ISIS for the coming attacks, they staged an “ISIS-K” bombing at Kabul Airport during the American evacuation from Afghanistan. They also staged a massive airlift of 100,100 poorly vetted Afghanis to the US in order to later say that “ISIS-K terror teams managed to sneak in amongst the evacuees.”

To facilitate the blaming of Russia, the attacking assets will be provided with Russian weapons, including “Russian” backpack/suitcase nukes. The scriptwriters may even add-in an apparent direct attack from Russia…

In recent days, I’ve monitored a number of controlled alt-media guys (like this dildo) warning about a tsunami hitting the East Coast. They’ve based their warnings on a scientifically bankrupt scenario of an island landslide triggering it — which is akin to slipping a penny into one end of an Olympic-size swimming pool and expecting a five-foot wave to crash over the other end. But in a headline yesterday, disinfo agent Steve Quayle connected the tsunami idea to the Russian doomsday torpedo (which probably can generate a tsunami in one city if it’s set off right next to the city in a relatively confined and smallish body of water). And with all the mainstream media attention that the Russian tsunami torpedo has received, setting off one next to Washington, DC or New York City would immediately lead to suspicion of Russia.

After looking at maps of New York and Washington, I’ve identified the likely detonation locations for such an attack. In New York, they’d probably blow the underwater nuke in the Upper Bay or East River…

…from Google Maps. A tsunami generated from those points would wash over all of Manhattan, especially Wall Street (in Lower Manhattan) and the UN Headquarters (on the East River not far from the Empire State Building).

And in Washington, they’d probably detonate it in the Potomac River near Alexandria, Virginia…

…from Google Maps. The wide channel of the Potomac above Alexandria is pointed like a gun towards downtown DC, and the water north of the explosion would go rushing with great force and height over the National Mall (where the Capitol and White House are situated).

Next we’ll look how they’re setting up the blame for China and the “Communist Deep State.”

(13 September 2021) – I’ve come across no word yet on exactly when Biden will give his pre-UNGA COVID address; his schedule has him taking a tour of the western wildfires today. But it has been confirmed that South Korean President Moon will be giving his speech in-person on the 21st. So if the UN is blown that day, the Nazionists can point to North Korea as the source of the nukes and attack. Initially, the “commie” Biden administration will point to Russia as the source so they can start the war in Ukraine.

Since the first danger day, September 14/15, is almost upon us, we’ll look this evening at the reasons why the globalists may choose that time period to set off the fireworks.

~ MORE ~

As it turns out, Biden ditched his pre-UNGA COVID address and instead sent invitations to world leaders to a virtual COVID summit on September 22 (tentatively titled “Snoozefest 2021”). This further reduces the likelihood that we’ll see the Big Event this week. But next week continues to look more and more dangerous.

The case for the danger period beginning tomorrow is largely based on occult cues + ongoing live-fire military exercises that can turn into wars with a single order. But the case for the danger period next week is based on the fact that there will be lots of world leaders in New York and Washington that the “communists” supposedly want dead + the live-fire dress rehearsals for the wars will be complete, and the troops will be ready for the real thing.

WARNING (12 September 2021): Biden will give a second COVID address, likely tomorrow…

…from U.S. News. Here is an excerpt…

U.S. President Joe Biden will announce new steps to slow the spread of COVID-19 before the U.N. General Assembly meets, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said Sunday.

Murthy did not specify what those steps would be. The next session of the General Assembly opens Tuesday; the first day of general debate will be the following week.

Speaking to CNN on Sunday, Murthy defended Biden’s efforts to expand vaccination in the United States.

“There will be more actions that we continue to work on, especially in the global front,” he said.

Presumably, then, Biden’s speech before the UN General Assembly convenes would address global measures “against COVID.” But to show himself as “leading by example,” will he announce that OSHA’s new employer mandate is now active? Will he announce any new measures for the US? And will the speech elicit an immediate triggering of the antivaxers, Trumpers, and Christians? If it does, then the strike on the UN could happen on the opening day of the General Assembly (Tuesday the 14th, like I mentioned in the September 11 update). But I’ve identified dates that are even more dangerous than the 14th.

On September 21, Biden is scheduled to give an in-person speech at the UN on the first day of the UN General Debate. Also scheduled to speak that day are Turkey’s President Erdogan and Iran’s President Raisi — Erdogan is slated to attend in-person, but Raisi is not (Iran will provide a pre-recorded speech)…

This is most interesting given some preparatory propaganda I covered back in November of 2018…

…I continued pondering Erdogan’s scripted fate until I remembered something I heard in a prophecy propaganda video months ago. It was part of an interview of Joel Richardson, a Christian Crypto-Jew the globalists have assigned to influence the Christians into accepting the prophecy interpretations they intend to act out for the public…

…from YouTube

In the final minutes of the interview, Richardson suggests that there will be a massive regional war between Turkey and Iran before the Gog-Magog War. He further suggests there is a possibility that Erdogan will be killed during this war, and a Turkish antichrist will rise out of the ashes of the war to lead Gog-Magog against Israel.

So if the UN gets taken out on September 21, Biden will be moved out of the way so “commie” Kamala can take the presidency and Erdogan will be moved out of the way so the “Muslim Antichrist” can emerge from the shadows to lead a war. And when the Nazionists sweep in and switch the Islamist part of the blame for the attack from ISIS to Iran — claiming that “Raisi didn’t go to the UN in person because he knew it would be blown up” — Turkey will launch their war against Iran waving the bloody shirt of Erdogan.

In previous entries, I explored Binali Yildirim as the leading candidate to replace Erdogan. And on a hunch today, I did a check on who leads the Grey Wolves – the “Turkish far-right organization and movement… commonly described as ultranationalistic, Islamistic and neo-fascist…” Get this: the Grey Wolves are led by Ahmet Yigit Yildirim. So it looks like the Muslim Antichrist of Act 1 may be a Yildirim.

Tomorrow we’ll look at more details and more danger days beyond the 21st.

(11 September 2021) – Next Stop: September 15

Friday was quiet and today looks quiet so far, so let’s look ahead to the globalists’ next target date, Tuesday/Wednesday the 14th/15th…

September 15 is 1 Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah/Trumpets) on the Essene calendar, and at sunset, it becomes Yom Kippur on the standard Jewish calendar (a day Israel was attacked by its neighbors back in 1973).

September 15 is also the day Taiwan’s massive wargames (which start on Monday the 13th) will reach their peak…

…from the South China Morning Post. Here is an excerpt…

Taiwan will stage a large-scale air raid drill — simulating missile and warplane attacks by Beijing — alongside its annual live-fire military exercise in September, as tensions mount in the Taiwan Strait.

The annual air raid drill, dubbed the “Wan An exercise”, will be carried out on September 15 across Taiwan, including its frontline islands of Kinmen (Quemoy) and Matsu, which lie at the doorstep of the southeastern Chinese province of Fujian.

This will be timed to coincide with the military’s massive annual live-fire Han Kuang exercises to test combat readiness of the island’s forces, especially against the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. This year’s war games will run for five days from September 13.

Russia and Belarus are also having massive wargames right now…

…from France 24. Here is an excerpt…

Top military leaders from the two countries attended the opening ceremony of the war games, called “Zapad-2021”, in western Russia where flags were raised and speeches given.

The active part of the exercise, which comes at a time of heightened tensions between the West and Belarus due to a crackdown on the opposition there, begins on Friday and will run until Sept. 16.

The Russian defence ministry said up to 200,000 military personnel, some 80 aircraft and helicopters, up to 15 ships and nearly 300 tanks would take part.

The drills will involve live fire and mark the culmination of a bigger three-month exercise.

Military personnel from Armenia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia will participate too, the Russian defence ministry said.

If the globalists attempt to pull the trigger for September 15, we’ll probably see OSHA publish the new vaccine rule for private businesses on Monday the 13th. People will be ready to fight when that happens. They might then trigger Operation Blackjack on or after sunset of Tuesday the 14th, with the Homeland Security roundups and wars starting on the 15th.

On thing you might ask yourself is, “Why would China attack Taiwan on September 15, the day the Taiwanese military is at its highest possible readiness”? The answer is that they wouldn’t. Any rational military planner would attack this weekend (before the exercise begins) or a few days after it ends. But there is one group that would schedule an attack on the 15th: the globalists. They’d script it as part of a Chinese loss — a loss that would result in Xi Jinping’s humiliation and downfall — which means they’d also script the “Chinese Deep State” as the ones who triggered it.

~ MORE ~

China’s New Cultural Revolution and the Fall of Avatar Xi

As America undergoes its globalist-scripted communist revolution — and stands on the precipice of the start of its obligatory reign of terror — China is undergoing its own revolution…

…from the Stamford Advocate. Here is an excerpt…

A dizzying regulatory crackdown unleashed by China’s government has spared almost no sector over the past few months. This sprawling “rectification” campaign — with such disparate targets as ride-hailing services, insurance, education and even the amount of time children can spend playing video games — is redrawing the boundaries of business and society in China as Xi prepares to take on a controversial third term in 2022.

“It’s striking and significant. This is clearly not a sector-by-sector rectification; this is an entire economic, industry and structural rectification,” said Jude Blanchette, who holds the Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

At China’s national congress next fall, Xi is expected to retain his title as general secretary of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a move that would upset a decades-old system of term limits and leadership succession. To build momentum, he is pushing an agenda of tackling income inequality under the banner of “common prosperity,” a campaign that gives officials and companies rallying around the cause opportunity to show their loyalty before the reshuffle of party personnel…

Last week, an essay by a retired newspaper editor and blogger described the changes as a response to threats from the United States. “What these events tell us is that a monumental change is taking place in China, and that the economic, financial, cultural, and political spheres are undergoing a profound transformation – or, one could say, a profound revolution,” wrote Li Guangman.

The essay, picked up by China’s state media outlets, prompted comparisons with a 1965 article that launched China’s chaotic decade-long Cultural Revolution, and left even some in the party establishment worried.

Within the Western press, you’ll find an array of articles drawing parallels between Xi’s “rectifications” and Mao’s disastrous Cultural Revolution, and this helps establish the idea that “Xi is rapidly leading China into another cataclysm like Mao did!” As a more sympathetic RT article points out, though, Xi’s campaign targets the “Global Satanic Deep State’s” methods and tools of exploitation, destruction and control…

The scale of Xi Jinping’s social revolution intensifies every day, and nothing seems to be safe from its reach. To go alongside the dramatic reorganisation of private tutoring [for-profit tutoring, which Xi banned, “places excessive financial burdens on parents trying to advance their children’s education” (just like for-profit colleges do here)], the mauling of big tech and the campaign against celebrity culture, now the Chinese state is turning its sights towards what it perceives to be excessive gaming amongst young people. Tough new regulations aim to limit their activities on gaming platforms to just three hours a week, describing it as “spiritual opium” and stressing that it negatively impacts their mental health, as well as seeking to ensure that children focus more on their education.

It’s another effort to move China’s society in line with its national priorities, and yet another indication that the interests of “big business” do not always represent the interests of society as a whole, as many western countries habitually assume. George Soros has recently voiced his disquiet, but that’s probably more of a sign that China is on the right path than anything else.

Within the script for Act 1 of the globalists’ End Times stageplay, Xi is China’s Trump, except Xi has been far more successful in “draining the swamp.” And we’ve reached the part of the Act when all of China’s swamp creatures collude with their Western Satanic allies to remove “Avatar Xi” (just like they’ve already removed Avatars Trump and Netanyahu).

The West + Japan + allies have already amassed naval armadas near Taiwan and the South China Sea. Now all that’s needed to start the war is a well-aimed missile from a Chinese swamp creature officer or a false-flag sinking by an Israeli submarine. And once war breaks out, we can expect China to lose, followed by a takedown of a disgraced Xi by the “Chinese Deep State.”

~ MORE – 12 September 2021 ~

Today’s two big news stories are meant to reflect the supposed battle between the “Nazionist Deep State” and the “Communist Deep State”…

…from Zero Hedge (top, bottom)

The top article on the failure of the UK COVID passport plan begins with this sentence: “The plan to mandate CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus vaccine passports for nightclubs and crowded events in England will not go ahead, UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said on Sunday.” And the Sun article that was featured in the Drudge Report headline on the story suggests that the failure may have been caused by opposition from 50 angry Tory (conservative) Members of Parliament. So the “Nazionists” struck a blow against the commies in the UK.

Not to be outdone, the “communists” fired their own shot by outing Saudi Arabia’s complicity in the 9/11 attacks (according to the “official version” of what happened that day). The “Nazionists,” including the “Nazi” Bush family, run the US-Israeli-Saudi alliance in the Middle East, so this document release is meant to go after them. And since Saudi Arabia is the lynchpin of the petrodollar, the globalists will also use the outing of Saudi Arabia’s 9/11 role to bring about the Saudis’ withdrawal from the arrangement and the terminal fall of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

(9 September 2021) – There are some egregious requirements in Biden’s COVID plan

> Requiring All Employers with 100+ Employees to Ensure their Workers are Vaccinated or Tested Weekly [Note: This will require the unvaccinated workers to put weaponized swabs in their nasal cavities on a regular basis.]

The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is developing a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis before coming to work. OSHA will issue an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) to implement this requirement. This requirement will impact over 80 million workers in private sector businesses with 100+ employees.

> Requiring Vaccinations for all Federal Workers and for Millions of Contractors that Do Business with the Federal Government

> Requiring COVID-⁠19 Vaccinations for Over 17 Million Health Care Workers at Medicare and Medicaid Participating Hospitals and Other Health Care Settings

> Requiring Employers to Provide Paid Time Off to Get Vaccinated

To continue efforts to ensure that no worker loses a dollar of pay because they get vaccinated, OSHA is developing a rule that will require employers with more than 100 employees to provide paid time off for the time it takes for workers to get vaccinated or to recover if they are under the weather post-vaccination. This requirement will be implemented through the ETS.

There is also a call, but not a requirement, that all schools start testing their students (with weaponized nasal swabs). But there is no interstate travel ban for the unvaccinated and no call for lockdowns.

These measures do not seem sufficient to support the scripting of immediate violence, but we’ll have to wait and see. If Friday is uneventful, 9/11 will likely be uneventful too.

The Upcoming Nazionist COVID Narrative

(8 September 2021) – This is what the “commies” have supposedly done to Trump’s “safe and effective” Operation Warp Speed vaccines…

Although the globalists have scheduled Biden’s COVID decree and address for tomorrow, it doesn’t mean the Second 9/11 is locked-in. They can still abort their plans by having Biden read from Speech B instead of Speech A…

Speech A is the “firebomb address” in which Biden will announce substantive new restrictions that will infuriate the antivaxers, Trumpers, and “Christians who are avoiding taking the Mark of the Beast.” These oppressive restrictions may borrow from some of those used in France and Prison Island (formerly known as Australia), and their implementation will serve as “the final straw in pushing the Trumpers and End Times-believing Christians to attack their perceived enemies (on 9/11).”

Speech B is the “nothingburger address” in which Biden will announce nothing substantively new, just recommendations and incentives for state and local governments to return to last March’s lockdowns and for more private businesses to require the jab like some have already done.

In order to ensure that Biden reads Speech B, it’s time to serve up a Kenny Special: a long, satisfying piss in the globalists’ corn flakes. This time, their corn flakes are their Nazionist COVID Narrative — it is absolutely key to what they have planned — so I’ll devote today to laying out exactly what they’re going to say and why it’s all a lie.

The official COVID story we’ll be told after the (secretly Nazionist) “good guys” defeat the “evil Communist Deep State and the Chinese Communist Party” follows in the fine Hollywood tradition of such classics as Sharknado. It features a superhero in an orange mask, Donald Trump, who tried to stop the CCP’s COVID bioweapon with his Operation Warp Speed (OWS).

According to the story, OWS very rapidly produced safe and effective vaccines that would have stopped the spread of the bioweapon, prevented the fatal weakening of the West, and stymied the Democrat/communist assault on personal freedoms enabled by the media’s breathless overhyping of the threat posed by the virus. But alas, the communists pissed in Trump’s vaccine corn flakes.

To stop the hero from foiling their plan, the CCP and the “Communist Deep State” had their agents within the pharmaceutical plants sabotage the vaccine with production errors that nullified their effectiveness and various harmful contaminants, including the COVID bioweapon itself, that actually made more people catch COVID and die from it. So instead of stopping the bioweapon and the communist plot, the tainted vaccines enhanced the effect of the bioweapon and created the multiplied outbreak necessary for the “Final Lockdown” / communist victory. This part of the story explains why Trump still encourages people to get the vaccines: “Because he is unaware that they’ve been tainted and still thinks they’ll help stop the commie plot.”

In the final part of the story, the commie bad guys conduct a sudden, massive false flag campaign across the West to consolidate their victory. They blame the attacks on “the enemies of democracy” — actually the enemies of their communist revolution — and they launch mass arrests to remove the enemies within and wars to remove the enemies without. This “Communist Reign of Terror” becomes the greatest horror every experienced by the currently-living. And when all hope seems lost and mutually assured nuclear destruction between East and West is imminent, lights appear in the sky. Humanity’s saviors have come!

After the world is saved from the Communist Terror and nuclear annihilation, we discover that the conquering heroes are humans in human-built UFOs, and we are told that they “had to intervene to stop the extinction of the human race.” They and their allies then clean up the vaccines to ensure that the bioweapon can be snuffed-out, and they start rounding up the communist agents that pervade the Western nations. “It’s safe to take the jab now,” they say, “and don’t mind the arrests you see going on around you; they were part of the Reign of Terror.”

~ MORE ~

In the 6 September Alert (a little further down this page), we pointed out that September 7 fell exactly 666 days after Mercury (the “Messenger”) transited the Sun on 11/11/2019, and that it was evidence (along with other related numbers/events) that Trump’s assassination was scheduled for yesterday. Well look at what Onnabugeisha just found…

Mercury the Messenger also transited the Sun on 15 November 1999, and the 9/11 Attacks happened exactly 666 days later.

This is yet another occult indicator confirming that the Big Event was supposed to happen on Rosh Hashanah day 1 (sunset of Monday the 6th through sunset of Tuesday the 7th). And if we were able to push them out of that, there’s a good chance we can push them out of September 11 also.

Remember that Rosh Hashanah doesn’t end till sunset tonight, so we’re not completely out of the Jewish New Year woods quite yet.

In a bit of good news, CNN previewed Biden’s COVID address in an article posted at 3:45 PM today. It seems to be pointing towards “Speech B.”

Now here’s…

What to Watch For Tomorrow, September 9

September 9 is 3 Tishrei on the Hebrew calendar, and 3 Tishrei brings the Fast of Gedalia

The Fast of Gedalia is a minor Jewish fast day from dawn until dusk to lament the assassination of Gedaliah, the righteous governor of Judah. His death ended Jewish autonomy following the destruction of the First Temple. – from Wikipedia

Tishrei 3rd is a fast day mourning the assassination of the Jewish royal Gedaliah ben Achikam, governor of the Land of Israel for a short period following the destruction of the First Temple. Gedaliah’s killing spelled the end of the small remnant of a Jewish community that remained in the Holy Land after the destruction. They soon fled to Egypt. (According to many opinions, the assassination of Gedaliah actually occurred on Rosh Hashanah, but the commemoration of the event is postponed to the day after the festival). – from

The last sentence in the Chabad description means that tomorrow lends itself to another attempt to script Trump’s death (he was supposed to die on Rosh Hashanah like Gedaliah did). This possibility is enhanced by the fact that the “Revelation 12 Sign in the Heavens” occurred on 3 Tishrei (September 23, 2017), exactly 4 Hebrew years ago come tomorrow. 4 is the number of death in many cultures. And let’s not forget that September 9 is 9/9 is (99) is (9 x 11).

So how will the antivaxers, Trumpers, and Christians feel if Biden gives a speech advancing COVID vaccinations on the same day Trump dies of heart failure from a tainted vaccine?

Alternatively, the assassination or political fall of another narratively significant leader could be scripted.

(7 September 2021) – Operation Blackjack has been rescheduled for 9/11

Having missed their timing cues for Labor Day, the globalists have now scheduled Biden’s COVID decree and address for Thursday. This is a rather obvious attempt to go for the 9/11 tie-in. Enforcement of the decree will likely begin Friday, and violent confrontations (both staged and real) will start happening all over the country.

So will the globalists schedule Operation Blackjack for Friday and the Communist Reign of Terror for Saturday (9/11)? Or will Operation Blackjack happen on 9/11, with the communist onslaught to follow? We’ll start looking at the numbers. Be advised, though, that there are indicators that the Big Drama could start as late as 9/15, so now is not a time to get tunnel vision; it’s a time to top off one’s preps.

~ MORE ~

It looks like they’ll be splitting up Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on 9/11…

…from Here is an excerpt…

Biden will visit ground zero in New York City, the Pentagon and the memorial outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where United Flight 93 was forced down, the White House said Saturday. He will be accompanied by first lady Jill Biden.

Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Shanksville, Pennsylvania, for a separate event before joining the president at the Pentagon, the White House said. Harris will travel with her spouse, Doug Emhoff.

So while Biden is in New York City, “commie” Harris will be in Pennsylvania. And the Bidens will appear to die in the New York part of Operation Blackjack while Harris is safe at her separate event in the countryside.

Since the 9/11 Memorial in New York is about 3.5 miles (as the crow flies) from UN Headquarters, multiple low-to-medium-yield nukes may be employed to ensure that both Biden and the UN are taken down.

If I were to guess where one of the nukes would be placed, it would be on or around City Hall Park. It is close to the 9/11 Memorial and was the place that hosted the recreated Triumphal Arch of Palmyra when it came to New York City

…from Google Maps and The Guardian. The Arch was unveiled there on 19 September 2016, 1818 days ago come Saturday. Note that the original Arch was destroyed by ISIS, the same group that will be blamed (along with the Trumpers and Christians) for the Blackjack attacks…

All the cities/places that hosted the Arch are potential targets in Operation Blackjack, including Trafalgar Square in London.

As for the nuke that destroys UN Headquarters, I expect it to be placed on the East River on a boat, minisub/SDV, or U Thant Island (a.k.a. Belmont Island)…

…from Google Maps

On another note, here’s…

What to Watch For Tomorrow, September 8

Keep an eye out tomorrow for an Israeli false flag attack in Iran that will be pinned on the Iranian government. Its purpose would be to galvanize the Iranian people to rebel against their leaders. September 8 is the anniversary of Iran’s Black Friday incident.

ALERT (6 September 2021): Three troubling signs have manifested in the past 24 hours

Things are starting to look a bit hairy…

1) Zero Hedge posted a story yesterday — then reposted it this morning — suggesting that China is about to have their Lehman Moment (a cascade failure of their financial system, which would trigger a domino failure of the global financial system).

The Nazionist Narrative will say that “with China’s financial collapse being imminent, Xi Jinping ordered the Communist Reign of Terror to begin before the failure. That way, the collapse could be blamed on the war, not his policies, and the global communist takeover could begin while China is still at the pre-collapse peak of its power.” With the US markets being closed today due to Labor Day, it is the perfect day for the Chinese to make their final financial moves in the global markets before blowing it all up.

2) Brazilian president Bolsonaro has called for his supporters to hit the streets tomorrow. Bolsonaro is Brazil’s Trump, and his call is reminiscent of Trump’s rallying of his supporters on January 6 (the day of the “Invasion of Congress”). So tomorrow would be a perfect time for Brazil’s communists to go after Bolsonaro and his political base.

3) Biden is returning to Washington, DC today from his weekend stay in Delaware. He is scheduled to arrive at the White House at 6:55 PM EDT, just 25 minutes before the likely 7:20 PM start time for the Operation Blackjack attacks. If he gets delayed or the Washington element of the attacks happens early, he’ll be caught out in the open when the nuke goes off and killed. This would elevate “commie” Kamala to the presidency, and she would then order the onslaught.

If I lived in New York, Washington or any of the other major “sin cities” (like Chicago, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, etc.), I would be taking my Labor Day trip to the countryside immediately (and certainly no later than the afternoon), and I’d take a good amount of cash with me. If nothing happens today, I’d consider it a “live exercise” — some good practice for a very dangerous month.

I will expand and enhance this Alert over the course of the day.

~ MORE ~

Reader Onnabugeisha ran across a recently-planted prophecy propaganda video that “predicts” Trump’s death on September 7 (Rosh Hashanah day 1, which starts in the US at 7:20 tonight and ends at sunset of September 7).

After wading through much of the video, I found something quite notable: it correctly states that the time span between the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire (on 15 April 2019) and the start of Trump’s second impeachment trial (on 9 February 2021) is exactly 666 days. This is clearly no accident. But as luck would have it, Onnabugeisha also informed me that the time span between Mercury’s last transit of the Sun (on 11 November 2019) and September 7 is exactly 666 days. In mythology, Mercury is known as “the messenger.”

So I played with some numbers and found this…

  • The time span between the Notre Dame Fire and the 11/11 transit of Mercury the Messenger was exactly 210 days.
  • The time span between Trump’s second impeachment trial and September 7 is exactly 210 days.

Again, this is no accident. The signs are connected (within the globalist narrative and by globalist-scheduled events). So if you were wondering why the Democrats did the pointless second impeachment after Trump left office, now you know — it was to set up this silly numerology BS.

So if Trump was impeached 666 days after the Notre Dame Fire, what will happen to him 666 days after the Messenger crossed the Sun?

I’ve written in previous updates that Trump would be one of the first assassination targets in the communist onslaught. So will he die at their hands tonight/tomorrow? Or will he die “from a heart attack” like the prophecy propaganda video says? Trump supposedly took the COVID vaccine early this year, so will the “clot shot” be what causes his heart attack? And will “deliberate contamination of the COVID vaccines by communist agents” be what the Nazionists point to before they provide “clean vaccines that are safe to take”? Please don’t fall for that ridiculous BS. Nothing they offer is safe.

~ MORE ~

So far, so good. We got through 7:20 PM un-irradiated. Now let’s see if we can make it all the way through the night and September 7 without serious drama. On that note, here’s…

What (Else) to Watch For Tomorrow, September 7

September 7 is the 120th anniversary of the signing of the Boxer Protocol, which was signed after the Chinese forces of the Boxer Rebellion were defeated by the West + Japan and Russia. It is one of the “Unequal Treaties”: the humiliating treaties the Chinese were forced to sign due to Western military superiority. And its 120th anniversary would be a good time for China to even the score. This is one of the scripted motivations for the communist onslaught that is/was scheduled for tomorrow.

September 7 (9/7) can also be written as 7/7, since September was the 7th month (of 10) in the oldest known Roman calendar. This fact brings the two “7 cows” into the mix, since the prophecy propagandists can say that they were “omens sent by God to warn us of September 7.” You can read about the “7 cows” in yesterday’s update (below).

September 7 is also Independence Day in Brazil, so a communist onslaught in Brazil tomorrow would happen on their equivalent of the Fourth of July. Grilled commie may be on the barbecue menu (especially in the Amazon)…


Special thanks to my partner Onnabugeisha for her diligent research and dedication.

(5 September 2021) – What to Watch For Tomorrow, September 6

And the cow prophet said unto them, “In 7 years I shall bring a plague upon you, and you will surely let my herd go”

September 6 is the day that Rosh Hashanah and the Shmita (“sabbath year”) begin at sunset, and we need to watch for a global catastrophe (Operation Blackjack).

With that in mind, let me show you something weird (but quite relevant) that reader Onnabugeisha has turned up…

…from Soul:Ask

The article is about the prophetic significance of two cows that were born with the number 7 on their heads in September of 2014 (in close proximity to Obama’s UN summit on ISIS). And the piece ends with the suggestion that “there will be either a barge crash, or the last wave of the pandemic, or the Third World War, or all three genies in one bottle.”

But the article is mistaken when it says that the two “7 cows” were born on the same day…

  • According to a September 25 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article, the first cow “was born Saturday” (September 20, 2014, which was 25 Elul on the Jewish calendar). And exactly 7 Hebrew years after this “7 cow” was born, New York City was hit with a “biblical flood” after 25 Elul began (see the 2 September update below for details).
  • According to the Jim Bakker Show, the second “7 cow” was born on September 25, 2014, which was 1 Tishrei, the first day of Rosh Hashanah and the previous Shmita. This year, the first day of Rosh Hashanah and the Shmita falls on September 7 (but it begins at sunset on the 6th). So, again, something “biblical” is/was planned for Labor Day.

At first glance, one might think the births of these “7 cows” are mere prophetic trivia being overblown by a bunch of overheated prophecy followers, but the globalists have clearly incorporated them into their narrative. We know this because Jonathan Cahn, a heavy hitter in the prophecy propaganda circuit, appeared on the Jim Bakker Show and heralded the news. During his appearance, he also pointed out that the mainstream media picked up the cow story on September 25, 2014 (Rosh Hashanah). So the release of the news on that particular day was almost certainly deliberate, indicating the guiding hand of the globalists.

More to come on September 6 tonight and/or tomorrow morning. Until then, scroll down to the September 1 Alert for more about what is/was planned.

~ earlier ~

This evening (9/5) I’ll be posting the watch items for September 6. But I just discovered the most likely time for the planned destruction of the UN and New York tomorrow (should they pull the trigger, which I now suspect they won’t). So I thought I’d share that now…

In the September 1 Alert (which is a little further down). I noted that the foreshadowing UN summit that Obama presided over 7 Hebrew years ago was Security Council meeting #7272, and it ended at 7:20 PM New York time (after Rosh Hashanah had begun there).

As it turns out, sunset in New York tomorrow (when Rosh Hashanah begins there) happens at 7:20 PM. So it seems likely that they planned for the UN to end at the same time Obama’s summit ended.

Now we watch and see if Biden delivers his COVID decree today or tomorrow. If I lived in New York City and witnessed that, I would take an immediate trip out of the city for all of Rosh Hashanah (sunset of the 6th through sunset of the 8th). It would be a nice kosher holiday to the countryside, and I’d pick up some bagels and lox on my way out, because it might be the last time I’d get to taste New York City bagels for a while.

(4 September 2021) – What to Watch For Tomorrow, September 5

Will a Biden executive order on COVID tomorrow begin America’s Reign of Terror?…

…from Google and today’s Drudge Report

September 5 is the anniversary of two very notable “Reigns of Terror”…

Both Terrors involved the rounding up, imprisonment, and killing of the enemies of the revolutions. And according to the controlled alt-media, America is currently undergoing its own communist revolution under “China Joe.”

Given what’s headlining the news today, tomorrow offers the opportunity for Biden to issue a decree that would outrage the “far-right patriots, antivaxers, Trumpers, and Christians.” Biden’s action would be followed by a globalist false flag on September 6 which would initially be blamed on the outraged groups. These “enemies of the revolution” would then be subjected to a communist reign of terror.

After the “Nazionist Deep State” (posing as “good guys”) strike back against the communist terror and defeat the commies, they will blame the decree, the false flag, and the reign of terror (all of it) on “the communist plot to take over a world depopulated by the CCP’s COVID bioweapon.” People will think they’ve been saved, but it will be only the first of three such savior moments.

September 5 is also the day the MEK was founded in 1965. So tomorrow offers another opportunity to script the MEK attacks on Iran’s leaders that will weaken the government and set off the next Iranian revolution.

Enjoy a nice Irish wine tonight, for tomorrow may be the start of “The Troubles.” And drink a toast to reader Onnabugeisha for the fantastic research.

You can find more information on the next Iranian revolution and the Red Terror in the updates below…

(3 September 2021) – What to Watch For Tomorrow, September 4…

Here are some things reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out for Saturday, September 4…

September 4 is 27 Elul on the Jewish calendar, and 27 Elul is the anniversary of the signing of the Oslo I Accord (on 13 September 1993). The Oslo I Accord “was an attempt in 1993 to set up a framework that would lead to the resolution of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. It was the first face-to-face agreement between the government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).” The Israeli prime minister who signed the Accord, Yitzhak Rabin, was later assassinated for it by a religious Zionist.

So watch for a development tomorrow in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Will the Jewish anniversary of the Oslo I Accord bring a new Israeli-Palestinian war? And would that war be sparked by the following?…

September 4 is 27 Muharram on the Islamic calendar, and 27 Muharram is the anniversary of the start of the Iranian Revolution (on 7 January 1978). In the course of looking into the scripting possibilities for this anniversary, I ran across a review of a book written by a Zionist-connected [1, 2] vice president of a Washington foreign policy think tank, Ilan Berman. It offers a glimpse into the Israeli strategy for taking down Iran from within…

Berman begins by summing up key characteristics of four external oppositionists. The last shah’s son, Reza Pahlavi, stands out for his vision “of nonviolent resistance to Iran’s clerical regime.” In contrast, the Mujahideen-e Khalq [MEK], the most high profile and controversial of exile groups, “is convinced that the Iranian regime is simply too bru­tal, too entrenched and too invested in maintaining its hold on power to be removed solely by peaceful means. The al­ternative could well be armed resistance, and here the MeK holds a distinct advantage.” – from the Middle East Forum

Instead of striking Iran directly, Israel may be scripted to hit Iran with a one-two punch: 1) have the MEK blow up key leaders in Iran, then 2) have Reza Pahlavi lead a “people’s peaceful uprising” (color revolution) to overturn the government. Since Iran’s top leaders are on the globalist payroll too, they will allow the uprising to succeed (just like Afghanistan’s president allowed the Taliban takeover to succeed). Turkey and Azerbaijan may also be scripted to invade northwest Iran “to protect their brothers there” (the ethnic Azeris).

The move from a direct strike strategy to a hybrid terror bombing / color revolution strategy was publicly signalled recently…

…from Zero Hedge. Here is an excerpt…

Just on the heels of Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s remarks to The New York Times this week wherein he openly acknowledged plans to continue covert attacks on Iran, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi, has followed with his own threat.

“The progress of the Iranian nuclear program has led the IDF to accelerate its operational plans and the recently approved defense budget is earmarked for that,” Kohavi said according to a Jerusalem Post report published Wednesday…

PM Bennett and his top General Kohavi now openly declaring Israel’s intent to step up covert sabotage and espionage attacks against the Iranians is somewhat unprecedented, given that in prior years it remained Israel’s policy to not comment on clandestine intelligence operations. It remains rare if not unheard of for any country to publicly announce plans for covert aggression against sovereign states.

Now if we look at the ongoing occult signals for Iran, we see that…

If the globalists had gone ahead and had the MEK blow up a bunch of Iranian officials on August 30, Reza Pahlavi would have led the civilian uprising over this weekend. And if they still want to carry out the operation, their fallback plan would be to do the whole thing over the Labor Day weekend. So watch for drama in Iran between now and Monday (if it happens, it’s a very bad sign).

(2 September 2021) – “As it was in the days of Noah”

…from today’s Drudge Report

The remnants of Hurricane Ida triggered Flash Flood Emergencies for New York City and New Jersey late Wednesday night as torrential rain, winds, and tornados unleashed chaos across the Northeast – from Zero Hedge

So a “Biblical Flood” hit New York City late Wednesday night after 25 Elul, the anniversary of the “1st day of creation,” had begun. And according to the Bible, one of the things created on the 1st day was “the waters“…

The Creation

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. – Genesis 1

According to the Bible, that was the beginning of times. So what does the Bible say about the “End Times”?…

3 Most importantly, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 “Where is the promise of His coming?” they will ask. “Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything continues as it has from the beginning of creation.”

5 But they deliberately overlook the fact that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water, 6 through which the world of that time perished in the flood. 7 And by that same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. – 2 Peter 3:3-7

So “God” destroyed the world of Noah’s day by flood, and when “the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men” (“Judgment Day”) comes, the present world will be destroyed by fire.

Courtesy of their weather control grid, the Kabbalists have just given New York City a reminder of the destruction of the first world by flood, and they did it on the anniversary of the day “God” created the waters. It is a harbinger of New York City’s coming destruction by nuclear fire on Judgment Day.

So when is Judgment Day scheduled to come? – On the anniversary of the 6th day of creation, when “God” first judged man (Genesis 23). The 6th day, 1 Tishrei, begins after sunset on the 6th day of this month, Labor Day.

Hurricane Ida was well on its way before their Labor Day plot got exposed, so let’s hope Judgment Day has already been postponed (again). You can read more about the plot in the Alert below. Yesterday’s updates have been moved to the bottom of it.

On another note, here’s…

What to Watch For Tomorrow, September 3

The globalist numerology for Friday supports the scripting of “regime change” in Russia and Iran being set in motion either tomorrow or in the coming days…

September 3 marks the day that Russian prime minister Mikhail Mishustin, born 3 March 1966, turns exactly 666 months old. If Russia’s president dies, resigns or is impeached, the prime minister takes over as temporary president.

September 3 marks the day Reza Pahlavi, the Crown Prince of Iran (born 31 October 1960), turns exactly 22222 days old. After the Nazionists take down the Iranian government in the coming war, he would be their obvious choice as Iran’s transitional leader. The CIA and the Israelis have previously schemed to install him, and he has said that he’ll turn Iran into a “secular, parliamentary democracy.”

Thanks to reader Onnabugeisha for her research.

Occult signalling confirms that Operation Blackjack is scheduled for September 6

(1 September 2021) – Reader Onnabugeisha has just uncovered the hidden key to the globalists’ timing of the Operation Blackjack Attacks and the Communist Onslaught…

…from Note that Obama was seated at the same place at the table where the phoenix stands in the mural of the table (click the photo to enlarge it).

On 24 September 2014, the day Rosh Hashanah began 7 years ago, Barack Obama sat as the President of the UN Security Council for the second time. It was the 7272nd meeting of the Council, and it was a summit attended by the national leaders. The meeting began at 3:10 PM (after Rosh Hashanah had started in Jerusalem) and ended at 7:20 PM (after Rosh Hashanah started in New York). Following an opening statement from the UN Secretary General, Obama began speaking at EXACTLY 3:11 (remember that 3/11 of last year was the day the WHO declared COVID a global pandemic, and 3/11 of 2011 was the day of the Fukushima nuclear disaster). The subject of the summit was stopping foreign terrorist fighters, specifically ISIS (the group who supposedly bombed American servicemen in Kabul last week).

All this points to September 6, which is Labor Day and the day Rosh Hashanah begins, as the targeted day for Operation Blackjack (to be blamed on ISIS, the “far-right,” and Russia) and the Communist Onslaught that will follow. Later today I’ll add more links, graphics, and information. I’ll also show you photographic hints from the summit that suggest New York will be nuked during the attacks.

We’ve got ’em by the balls now. And in the afternoon/evening, the twisting will begin.

~ MORE ~

Let’s start looking into the details by looking at the photographic hints I mentioned. The photo at the top of this update is from the UN’s official article on the summit. Notice that they included the mural in the shot of Obama leading the meeting. And the photo of the summit posted by the Obama White House also included the mural, particularly the part that shows the ashes of the dead phoenix lying on the table…

…from Click on the photo to enlarge it.

Their postings of official photographs that include the mural are no accident. They are hinting at what the meeting will set in motion: the death and birth of the phoenix under the leadership of Barack Obama. And by timing the fulfillment on the 7th Jewish New Year since the meeting, they are tying it to popular biblical prophecy interpretations, which speak of a 7-year tribulation due to the presence of the Antichrist (Antichrist Obama).

It was back in April of 2017 when I first realized what was encoded on the mural in the Security Council chamber. Here’s part of what I wrote about it…

> The overarching goal of all the current geopolitical drama is to “reform” the UN into the NWO, and is there any more sure way of forcing immediate reform than literally blowing up the existing UN and compelling the nations to rebuild both its physical and organizational structure?

> The globalist “elite” are obsessed with the symbolism of the phoenix, the bird which explodes into flames and is then reborn from its own ashes. Now look again at the mural located in the UN’s Security Council chamber…

The mural actually depicts the Security Council chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall in the background of the mural, then look at the color of the wall surrounding the mural. Also look at the shape and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at the semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council. But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.

So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the destruction of the Security Council chamber by fire. Blowing up the UN complex thus becomes the fulfillment of the mural.

Of course, it’s also possible to interpret the disfigured Security Council table as being the result of a global conflagration that brings down the current UN (the dying phoenix) and gives rise to the NWO (the new phoenix). But I’m pretty sure they intend to go with a nuke or “MOAB” to demolish UN Headquarters. September 6 is a UN holiday, so the building will be mostly empty. And there is also a Nostradamus prophecy that is interpreted as predicting the nuclear destruction of “the great new city” by the Muslim Antichrist with a Russian nuke (you’ll find the linked video quite interesting; I first saw it when I was a kid, and the part about nukes and Russia begins at the 1:31 mark). In Act 1 of the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, the Muslim Antichrist is played by Turkey’s Erdogan. Erdogan has strong ties to ISIS, and he’s also been buying Russian weapons.

~ MORE – 1 September 2021 ~

If the globalists want to blow up the US on Labor Day and initially blame it on the “far-right white supremacist Christian Trumpers,” they’ll need a convincing reason for the Trumpers going ballistic. So watch for Biden to do something outrageous between now and Monday, like blocking interstate travel over Labor Day weekend “to stop the spread of the Delta variant.”

~ MORE – What to Watch For Tomorrow, September 2 ~

September 2 is 25 Elul in the Jewish calendar (which started at sunset today). And according to the Kabbalists, 25 Elul was the 1st day of creation. The 6th day of creation, supposedly when Adam and Eve were created and history began, falls on September 7, which is 1 Tishrei and Rosh Hashanah Day 1. 1 Tishrei is also supposedly the day that Adam and Eve committed their first sin and were banished from the Garden of Eden, and it begins at sunset on September 6.

Since 25 Elul set in motion what happened on 1 Tishrei, look for an event tomorrow that sets in motion what happens on September 6. Candidate events include Biden’s announcement of something that outrages the “patriots” and a possible “ISIS” terror attack in London

September 2 is the anniversary of the Great Fire of London in 1666. The fire started shortly after midnight on September 2, gutted the City of London (London’s financial center), and continued through September 6

Fears of foreign terrorists and of a French and Dutch invasion were as high as ever among the traumatised fire victims. There was panic on Wednesday night in the encampments at Parliament Hill, Moorfields, and Islington: a light in the sky over Fleet Street started a story that 50,000 French and Dutch immigrants had risen, and were marching towards Moorfields to murder and pillage. Surging into the streets, the frightened mob fell on any foreigners whom they happened to encounter, and were pushed back into the fields by the Trained Bands, troops of Life Guards, and members of the court. The mood was now so volatile that Charles feared a full-scale London rebellion against the monarchy. Food production and distribution had been disrupted to the point of non-existence; Charles announced that supplies of bread would be brought into the City every day, and markets set up round the perimeter. – from Wikipedia

If they use the Great Fire of London as the template, Operation Blackjack may begin tomorrow and stretch through September 6…

…from The Telegraph (UK)

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – August Updates

(31 August 2021) – What to Watch For Tomorrow, September 1

On the September 1 anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland that started World War II, what we need to watch for tomorrow is a military or political incident that starts World War III. I’ve already covered what could happen in the Middle East, so let’s look at the other World War III flashpoints to see what’s going on…

At the North Korea flashpoint, this is what’s currently making the news…

…from Google

So we need to watch for a preemptive North Korean nuclear strike (either a strike for effect or for demonstration).

At the South China Sea flashpoint, China is going “full retard” in their absurd Nine-Dash Line claims

…from The Hindu. Here is an excerpt…

While it remains unclear how, whether, and where China plans to enforce this new regulation starting Wednesday, the Maritime Safety Administration said in a notice “operators of submersibles, nuclear vessels, ships carrying radioactive materials and ships carrying bulk oil, chemicals, liquefied gas and other toxic and harmful substances are required to report their detailed information upon their visits to Chinese territorial waters,” the Communist Party-run Global Times reported.

So what sort of confrontations will arise from this new insanity?

At the Taiwan flashpoint, just as China is taking its aggressive new stance in the South China Sea, an “allied naval armada” is prowling the Philippine Sea in preparation for the Battle of Taiwan…

…from Forbes

So will China’s new September aggressiveness extend to Taiwan also? If not tomorrow, look for the battle to begin by mid-month.

At the Ukraine flashpoint, Zelensky will be meeting with Biden tomorrow just 9 days after this…

…from the Atlantic Council

Notably, Angela Merkel (“the bridge between East and West”) was in Kiev the day before the summit, but did not stick around to attend. Watch for her to play a role in the postwar Nazionist makeover of the UN (the “evil NWO”). And watch for Biden and Zelensky to do something stupid tomorrow to antagonize the Russians. Having just shown “weakness” towards the Taliban, the script may now have Biden show “strength” towards the Russians.

(30-31 August 2021) – What to Watch For Tomorrow, August 31

In the afternoon/evening today (8/30), we’ll look at the indicators for tomorrow, which lend themselves to the scripting of…

  • the first effective protest against the vaccine tyranny in Australia (the “Truckie Blockade,” which would then spread across the Western nations),
  • the deaths of the final planeload(s) of American servicemen evacuating Kabul, and
  • an invasion-triggering Gleiwitz Incident on the Israel-Gaza border.

~ MORE ~

The final planeload of Americans has safely exited Afghanistan a bit early and the Truckie Blockade is in the mainstream news and will either succeed or fizzle, so the Israeli scenario is the only one that requires further coverage. And here is the basic outline of it…

Back in March of this year, the Israeli press reported the completion of a massive underground barrier around Gaza meant to prevent Hamas from attacking Israeli border guards and civilians via “terrorist tunnels.” But in May, Israel bombed the Gaza Strip for about two weeks, targeting Hamas’ tunnel complex in the process. The false flag narrative would say that Hamas used the seismic noise from the May bombings as cover for blowing demolition charges to breach the underground barrier. So Israeli special operations units may conduct one or more mass casualty attacks against Israeli conscripts and civilians in order to blame “Hamas terrorists who tunneled through the barrier breaches.” They’ll then launch a ground invasion to root out the Gaza tunnel system.

As for what happens after that, here’s an interesting passage I found about the May conflict, which the IDF named “Operation Guardian of the Walls”…

Perhaps most significantly, as the first major conflict in the Gaza Strip since Israel finished construction of a massive underground barrier around the enclave to block Hamas’s border-crossing attack tunnels, the operation proved to the IDF that in the absence of that ground-based threat, Israel could fight on two fronts simultaneously: in Gaza, primarily with air power and artillery, and in the north, with ground troops who would be needed to fight the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist militia. – from The Times of Israel

So with the barrier supposedly breached, Israel’s two-front war strategy falls into disarray. Not only will they have to launch ground invasions of Gaza (front 1) and Lebanon/Syria (front 2), they’ll also have to contend with an intifada on the West Bank and in towns across Israel (front 3). The IDF will find themselves overstretched and bogged down in urban combat, which is exactly what the Kabbalists want. Israel has to be driven to the precipice of absolute disaster so they can bring in their false Jewish messiah to save the day.

~ MORE – 31 August 2021 ~

Now let me share why I chose to write about this scenario: reader Onnabugeisha noted that today, August 31, is the anniversary of the false flag that started World War II, so I looked it up…

The Gleiwitz incident was a false flag attack on the German radio station Sender Gleiwitz, staged by Nazi Germany on the night of 31 August 1939. Along with some two dozen similar incidents, the attack was manufactured by Germany as a casus belli to justify the invasion of Poland, which began the next morning. The attackers posed as Polish nationals.

During his declaration of war, Hitler did not mention the Gleiwitz incident but grouped all provocations staged by the SS as an alleged “Polish assault” on Germany. The Gleiwitz incident is the best-known action of Operation Himmler, a series of special operations undertaken by the Schutzstaffel (SS) to serve German propaganda at the outbreak of war. The operation was intended to create the appearance of a Polish aggression against Germany in order to justify the invasion of Poland…

The Gleiwitz incident was a part of a larger operation carried out by Abwehr and SS forces. Other orchestrated incidents were conducted along the Polish-German border at the same time as the Gleiwitz attack, such as a house burning in the Polish Corridor and spurious propaganda. The project was called Operation Himmler and comprised incidents giving the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany. – from Wikipedia

World War II is generally considered to have begun on 1 September 1939, when Nazi Germany, under Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. – from Wikipedia

So if the globalists want to replicate this bit of history today, where would they do it? Where is a place that has ongoing violent border incidents? Where is there a nation chomping at the bit to invade their neighbors and expand their territory? And which nation is at the center of the World War III script? The answer is obvious, isn’t it? Israel. And the corrupt, globalist-bought Palestinian leadership are helping the Kabbalists set it up by staging ongoing border skirmishes…

…from The Jerusalem Post

So just as it was in the days of the Gleiwitz incident, there are nighttime hijinks, fires, and even a dead Israeli border guard (who perished just yesterday). Now all Mossad/Chabad have to do is send in a kill team posing as Hamas (or who were recruited from Hamas) to murder a bunch of Israelis near the border and it’s off to the races — September can begin with a bang.

Looking into the occult side of things, Onnabugeisha also found 9/11 coding for today…

The attacks of September 11, 2001 happened on the Jewish calendar day of 23 Elul 5761. And August 31, 2021 (today) is 23 Elul 5781. So according to the Hebrew calendar, today is the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks.

Also, the month of Elul is the 6th month in the Hebrew (ecclesiastical) calendar, so today is 6/23 (623). And if you look up the number 623 in Strong’s Greek Bible Concordance (which is a tool commonly used by prophecy fulfillment scriptwriters for encoding meanings into numbers), you get this…


Operation Gleiwitz was the false flag that started World War II and the 9/11 Attacks were the false flags that started the War on Terror. Will tonight bring the Gaza false flag that starts World War III?

Watch out for this Gaza scenario even if they don’t try it tonight. They will come back to it at some point.

(29 August 2021) – So will “THE STORM” long-telegraphed by the controlled alt-media begin with an actual storm?…

As I watch a near-Cat 5 hurricane crash into Louisiana today, I find myself wondering if it is the Zionist false flag we’re expecting. I also find myself wondering if it will later be narrated as a “weather warfare attack by China” — and if a deliberately bungled disaster response by Biden will be the final straw that leads to his 25th Amendment removal by “commie” Kamala Harris, touching off “the storm.”

~ MORE ~

What to Watch For Tomorrow, August 30

In the afternoon/evening, we’ll look at the indicators for tomorrow, which lend themselves to the scripting of assassination/coup attempts, including…

  • a move against a commie leader that will lead to a subsequent “Red Terror,”
  • a move against the new President of Iran by the Zionists (possibly through the MEK), and
  • a move against Xi Jinping by Li Keqiang and other “Chinese Deep Staters.”

~ later ~

Now let’s look at the historical and numerological cues that reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered…

August 30 was the day in 1918 when Fanny Kaplan attempted to assassinate Vladimir Lenin by shooting him three times. This assassination attempt, which came 13 days after a successful assassination of a Cheka (secret police) leader, led to the Red Terror…

The Red Terror in Soviet Russia was a campaign of political repression and executions carried out by the Bolsheviks, chiefly through the Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police…

Arising after assassination attempts on Vladimir Lenin and Petrograd Cheka leader Moisei Uritsky, the latter of which was successful, the Red Terror was modeled on the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, and sought to eliminate political dissent, opposition, and any other threat to Bolshevik power

The Red Terror campaign is considered to have officially begun between 17–30 August 1918…

Bolshevik newspapers were especially integral to instigating an escalation in state violence: on August 31, the state-controlled media launched the repressive campaign through incitement of violence…

The first official announcement of a Red Terror was published in Izvestia on September 3, titled “Appeal to the Working Class”, calling for the workers to “crush the hydra of counterrevolution with massive terror!;” it would also make clear that “anyone who dares to spread the slightest rumor against the Soviet regime will be arrested immediately and sent to a concentration camp”…

Subsequently, on September 5, the Central Committee of the Bolshevik government issued a decree “On Red Terror”, prescribing “mass shooting” to be “inflicted without hesitation;” the decree ordered the Cheka “to secure the Soviet Republic from the class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps,” as well as stating that counter-revolutionaries “must be executed by shooting [and] that the names of the executed and the reasons of the execution must be made public.” – from Wikipedia

Looking at the Red Terror, it mirrors the expectations that have been set for the “communist takeover of America.” You just need to reread the Red Terror excerpt while substituting the following words:

  • Communist Onslaught for Red Terror,
  • Joe Biden (or Kamala Harris) for Vladimir Lenin,
  • Department of Homeland Security for Cheka,
  • Mainstream Media for Bolshevik Newspapers, and
  • FEMA Camps for Concentration Camps

So which “commie” leader will be assassinated by the “Christian white-supremacist antivax Trumper(s),” the “betrayer of Afghanistan and the military,” Joseph Biden, or “the communist usurper who took over the presidency by a 25th Amendment cabinet coup,” Kamala Harris? If they have Harris take down Biden and then get shot, the Red Terror could happen under President Pelosi and VP Clinton. If they go for it tomorrow, though, it would have to be Biden, which would lead to “Obama ordering Harris to start the Terror” in retribution.

Getting back to the other cues…

August 30 was the day in 1981 when the office of office of Mohammad Javad Bahonar, Prime Minister of Iran, was bombed by the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (the MEK). The briefcase bombing killed Iran’s prime minister, president, and six other government officials.

The MEK, like ISIS (and “ISIS-K”), is a Zionist terror proxy. And given the hostility shown by the Israeli government to the election of Iran’s new “hardline” president, Ebrahim Raisi, and their recent decision to “accelerate” covert action against Iran, another president-killing MEK bombing may be in the works. It would cause quite a reaction.

August 30 is the day Chinese Premier (and “Deep Stater”) Li Keqiang, born 1 July 1955, reaches the age of 66 years and 60 days (666). And 6 days later on September 5 (the anniversary of the Red Terror Decree), he becomes 66 years and 66 days old. Given that Nazionist propagandist (and Steve Bannon’s business partner) Miles Guo has identified him as one of the Chinese officials who may move against Xi Jinping, watch for such a move between tomorrow and the 5th.

Keep in mind too that September 5th is the day before Rosh Hashanah begins (at sunset on the 6th). The Kabbalists may be aiming to implode the current state of the world as they enter the Jewish New Year, so the 5th and 6th are perilous days.

(28 August 2021) – What to Watch For Tomorrow, August 29

The globalists are coming in over the target (now through September) for starting their big war, so it’s time to start throwing up some flak to deter them from approaching their objectives. Each day from now through September we’ll look ahead to the next day’s historical and numerological cues, starting with Sunday, August 29…

August 29 is the anniversary of the first day of the First Zionist Congress, chaired by “the father of Zionism” Theodor Herzl. It was held in Basel, Switzerland, which is now the home of the Bank for International Settlements, the nerve center of Kabbalist bankster power. The Congress continued through August 31 and gave rise to the World Zionist Organization: “Operating under the aegis of the WZO are organizations that define themselves as Zionist, such as WIZO, Hadassah, B’nai B’rith, Maccabi, the International Sephardic Federation, the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS), and more.”

So watch for the potential scripting of another false flag by the Zionists…

…from Zero Hedge

Remember that they succeeded in pulling off the first Kabul airport bombings on the birthday of Chassidism and Chabad-Lubavitch on Thursday [1, 2, 3]. The bombings started 38 minutes before the end of Chai Elul (in Kabul).

August 29 is when the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the Beheading of St. John the Baptist. The celebrated event is also called the “Beheading of the Forerunner” (of Jesus Christ). So watch for the death or resignation of Pope Francis, the “Forerunner of Petrus Romanus” (the “Final Pope,” likely to be played by Pietro Parolin).

August 29 is the “International Day against Nuclear Tests,” so watch for the potential scripting of a false-flagged “North Korean” SLBM test that ends with a nuclear detonation. In previous entries, I’ve warned that such a test may overfly Japan and detonate over Tokyo or the Pacific Ocean, and there is another August 29 historical cue that would support such a scenario (with the motivation being revenge)…

The Japan–Korea Treaty of 1910, also known as the Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty, was made by representatives of the Empire of Japan and the Korean Empire on August 22, 1910. In this treaty, Japan formally annexed Korea following the Japan–Korea Treaty of 1905 by which Korea became a protectorate of Japan and Japan–Korea Treaty of 1907 by which Korea was deprived of the administration of internal affairs…

The treaty was proclaimed to the public (and became effective) on August 29, 1910, officially starting the period of Japanese rule in Korea. The treaty had eight articles, the first being: “His Majesty the Emperor of Korea makes the complete and permanent cession to His Majesty the Emperor of Japan of all rights of sovereignty over the whole of Korea”. – from Wikipedia

Since tomorrow will mark the 111th anniversary of this Japanese humiliation of Korea, globalist numerology supports such scripting as well.

August 29 is Judgment Day in the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day, so watch for the potential scripting of a nuclear attack somewhere.

Thanks to reader Onnabugeisha for the excellent research.

(26-27 August 2021) – The globalists are visually tying “Commie Antichrist” Obama to the engineered fall of Afghanistan, and the story began 7 years ago come August 28 (this Saturday)…

…from the Washington Post

Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia entry on the Obama Tan Suit Controversy

On August 28, 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama held a live press conference on increasing the military response against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria while wearing a tan suit. Obama’s appearance on television in the tan suit sparked significant attention and led to media and social media criticism…

A light-colored suit is considered casual summer wear that was seen by conservative media outlet Fox News as being too casual for a press conference on such a serious matter…

On the week of Obama’s 60th birthday, and near the 7-year anniversary of Obama’s tan suit incident, President Joe Biden wore a tan suit for a press conference, which was widely reported as a jab at the initial controversy.

After looking into what’s mentioned in the final paragraph of the Wikipedia entry, I discovered that Biden wore the tan suit on August 6

…from Twitter

And can you guess what makes August 6 a significant day?…

…from CBS News. Here is an excerpt…

The collapse no one saw coming began on Friday, August 6, with the fall of a provincial capital in the far west of Afghanistan. The White House said it was time for the Afghans to step up.

Within the scripted drama playing out in our world, the controlled alt-media have been claiming that Biden is a puppet controlled by “commie antichrist” Obama. And this tan suit business provides a visual clue to which they can point when making this case after the Nazionist messiah saves us from Commie-Obamy. This whole thing is stage-managed, including the wardrobe worn by the actors.

Watch Saturday (the 7th anniversary of Obama’s wearing of the tan suit) for a big event related to Biden, ISIS, and/or Afghanistan. What happens that day may be related to what happens at the delayed Biden-Bennett meeting on Friday.

Thanks to reader Onnabugeisha for pointing out the Tan Suit Controversy.

~ MORE – 27 August 2021 ~

Will tomorrow be the tipping point for the Fall of the West?

Getting back to the “Biden as a sock puppet of Obama” element of the script, in yesterday’s press conference Biden portrayed himself as a man who is dutifully following instructions given by others…

They gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O’Donnell of NBC.” – from Twitter (a video)

And on the day of a “terrorist” attack on US forces, he also talked about increasing the military response against ISIS (which is what Obama talked about in his tan suit press conference)…

“Whatever they need, if they need additional force, I will grant it,” he said, adding that the US military can target ISIS-K without “large scale military operations.” – from Zero Hedge

So with the 7th anniversary of Obama’s tan suit falling tomorrow, danger looms. And reader Onnabugeisha’s research has found the following indicators for that day…

August 28 marks the 7-year anniversary of Erdogan becoming President of Turkey. Within the script he is cast as the Act 1 Muslim Antichrist.

August 28 marks the anniversary of the end of the Western Roman Empire (according to… offers 8 reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire, and all of them have been (quite deliberately) replicated for the fall of the current Roman Empire (America and their G7 partners)…

  1. Invasion by Barbarian Tribes
  2. Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor
  3. The rise of the Eastern Empire
  4. Overexpansion and military overspending
  5. Government corruption and political instability
  6. The arrival of the Huns and the migration of the Barbarian tribes
  7. Christianity and the loss of traditional values
  8. Weakening of the Roman legions

So Saturday could bring an event that marks the fall of the G7, like Operation Blackjack, or it could bring news that marks the beginning of ruinous events, like Erdogan announcing concrete policies to back his rhetoric that Turkey will no longer serve as a “warehouse for migrants,” thus unleashing a mass migration into the EU (Biden has already thrown open the borders here in the US).

~ MORE ~

In his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Bennett today, Biden turned down the near-term military option for dealing with Iran’s nuclear program…

…we’re also gonna discuss the threat from Iran and our commitment to ensure Iran never develops a nuclear weapon, and… but we’re putting diplomacy first and seeing where that takes us. But if diplomacy fails, we’re ready to turn to other options… – from YouTube

Given the air of impatience with which he delivered that final line, it’s clear that he won’t move to other options. In keeping with his role as a “commie” figurehead, he will continue to use diplomacy to shield Iran from Israeli action. And with Israel facing its own “10 weeks till Iran has a nuke” deadline (which started more than 3 weeks ago), they may now be scripted to turn to unilateral action.

So an Israeli attack on Iran tomorrow is another candidate event for triggering the Fall of the West.

Getting back to the question I posed at the top of today’s updates, “Will tomorrow be the tipping point for the Fall of the West?” it’s also possible that the tipping point already happened on the day Biden wore the tan suit and Afghanistan began to fall (August 6). I can imagine future historians writing about how Afghanistan’s “unimaginably rapid” fall set in motion the “equally unimaginably rapid” fall of the American Empire.

By the way…

  • August 4, Barack Obama’s birthday, was the day Benny Gantz told the UN Security Council that Iran is “ten weeks away.” And just two days later, Biden wore the tan suit and Afghanistan began to fall.
  • Multiple news stories talk about how Afghanistan fell in 11 days, but they start the count at August 6 and end it at August 15 (the day the Afghan president fled the country). That’s only 9 days. If you go back 11 days from August 15, you end up on Obama’s birthday, August 4.

(26 August 2021) – So suicide bombs explode in Kabul on the day Israeli Prime Minister Bennett is to meet Biden at the White House. And the bombings are ascribed to Zionist/Israeli-controlled ISIS. Now we wait to see if there is a companion terror attack in Washington. If there isn’t, chatter I’ve heard in the controlled alt-media suggests that Biden will give Bennett the cold shoulder, and this will lead to Israel deciding to go it alone in attacking Iran (which will turn out disastrously for Israel). It will also lead to a scripted “God’s judgment against America” in the form of the Operation Blackjack attacks (likely by Rosh Hashanah).

~ MORE ~

With Act 1 of the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay being acted out before us, let’s take a moment to move our focus out of the “Nazionist Deep State vs. Communist Deep State” subplot and onto the larger “Satanic Global Deep State vs. the Avatars of God” plot.

Within the larger plot, both Biden and Bennett are part of the “Satanic Global Deep State,” and they’ve just this year defeated two of “God’s Avatars,” Trump and Netanyahu. So now they’re working together to start the “Gog-Magog War” in order to defeat the remaining Avatars (Putin, Xi, and Modi) and subjugate Israel under the Satanic false Jewish Messiah, Jared Kushner. This “Satanic plot” is scripted to succeed (with the possible exception that Putin will survive as the “last holdout” against the evil NWO).

So when Biden suddenly pulled the plug on the Afghan government, he was “turning on the gas” for the Gog-Magog conflagration, and his “Satanic ally” Bennett will provide the spark that starts the fire (between now and Rosh Hashanah). This is where the “communists vs. Nazionists” subplot comes into play.

According to the Act 1 script, the “Satanic Deep State” has divided itself into “bad guys” (their communist division) and “good guys” (their Nazi-Zionist division). And they’ve had the controlled alt-media point their fingers at the “commie bad guys” as the source of all the evils we’ve been seeing, including the “COVID depopulation plot.” This was done so the Nazionists can sweep in like “good guys” and save the world from the commies (likely using the Space Force to do it). The controlled alt-media will hail their arrival as “divine intervention.” But when Jared Kushner shows up on the Temple Mount early next year, they’ll change their tune and proclaim him “the Antichrist.” We’ll then have a very difficult 3.5 years until Act 1 ends with Putin’s defeat of Kushner in 2025.

WARNING (23-24 August 2021): Chabad are trying to start the Gog-Magog War again

When you put down one fire, they start another…

…from The Times of Israel (top, bottom)

This new flare-up of violence comes just three days before Israeli Prime Minister Bennett meets with Biden at the White House on Thursday…

…from Reuters

And this Thursday is no ordinary August 26; it’s Chai Elul, the “most significant date on the Chassidic calendar”

…from (thanks to reader Onnabugeisha for finding it)

As I’ve previously noted, Bennett is an agent of Chabad (which is connected to Mossad). And according to the globalist script, Netanyahu was removed from office by Chabad and Bennett so they could bring about the Gog-Magog War and present the “false Jewish messiah” (likely Kushner) to Israel and the world. Now it appears that they want to trigger the whole thing on the birthday of their movement.

So why are they stirring up a confrontation with the Palestinians right before Bennett meets with Biden?

To put a hook in the jaw of America and pull us into the war they’re starting.

Watch for a big war event to happen Wednesday evening or Thursday. And watch for Bennett to stand beside Biden and either be vaporized by a nuke or issue a personal plea in front of the cameras for America’s assistance to Israel. If both leaders get killed beside each other, it will trigger a joint American-Israeli war “against those responsible.” And if Bennett stands beside Biden and publicly asks for help, Biden won’t dare say no (or he will say no and thus trigger “God’s judgment against America”).

~ MORE – 24 August 2021 ~

The real reason the US went into Afghanistan…


Let’s take a moment this morning to look at what’s currently going on in Afghanistan and Gaza through the lens of the scripted, phony conflict between the “Nazionist Deep State” and “Communist Deep State.”

After the 9/11 false flag, President George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Afghanistan. This can be narrated as a “Nazionist operation” since the Bush family have longstanding ties with the Nazis…

…from The Guardian

According to the scripting, then, the “Nazi Bushes” + the Zionists conducted 9/11 so they could ride the national outrage into Afghanistan (from which Iran can be attacked from the east) and the other nations of the Middle East that stood against the “Greater Israel Project.” And now that the Nazionists’ supposed communist rivals control the US government, they are moving to stymie the Nazionist plan by shielding Iran with nuclear negotiations and abruptly pulling the plug on American support to the Afghan government.

Now the US faces a “red line” deadline from the Taliban — which is supported by the supposedly commie-controlled, Trump-hostile CIA — to remove all troops by August 31…(“red line” cause and effect?)…

…from RT (top) and CNBC (bottom)

So this means that the Nazionists have one week to do something to save their ability to attack Iran from Afghanistan, which is why we’re facing another 9/11 “to take down the commies” this week. But the commies are not scripted to go down without a fight.

With the Nazionist imperative of stopping the Afghan withdrawal in one hand and the deliberately renewed Gaza Strip violence in the other, we now look to Chabad’s birthday (sunset of the 25th through sunset of the 26th) for the false flag that will set in motion the final victory of the Nazionists over the communists and the Battle of Gog-Magog that will bring in the false Jewish Messiah.

The Nazionists will blame the false flag on their supposed enemies, of course, which include the communists, the Palestinians, and the Iranians. And being numerologists, the Kabbalists will script the event in accordance with occult indicators. So let’s look at the indicators reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered for tomorrow…

  • For the Palestinians: August 25 marks the 6,066th day (666) since Mahmoud Abbas became President of the Palestinian National Authority on 15 January 2005.
  • For the Iranians: August 25 (Muharram 17, 1443 in the Islamic calendar) marks the day Esmail Ghaani turns exactly 66 years and 6 days old (666) according to the Islamic calendar. He was born on August 8, 1957 / Muharram 11, 1377, and he is the commander of Iran’s IRGC Quds Force, which conducts covert military and intelligence operations in foreign countries.

So having the “Number of the Beast” (666) show up for the leaders of the Palestinians and the Quds Force supports the scripting of mischief either conducted by them or attributed to them. And it makes both August 25th and August 26th dangerous days (depending on how the time zones figure in to what happens).

Beyond the Taliban “red line” on August 31, we should take note of another August 31 red line that has been set in Australia…

…from the Daily Mail

If this indefinite shutdown happens in Austrialia, similar shutdowns will sweep the Western nations “and pose a critical problem to the communist COVID biowarfare/depopulation plot.” So the Nazionists will point to this as a motivating factor when blaming the commies for the Big False Flag(s).

And let’s not forget that the “Nazi” Bush family have deep connections to the “commie-controlled” CIA, which goes to show you what a farce this whole drama is. The Kabbalist bankers fund all these ideological groups and pit them against each other on a chessboard they control on both sides. So the “Nazionists” vs. “Communists” Drama is no less orchestrated than the larger “Christians” vs. “Satanists” Drama. And all of it is intended to allow the Kabbalists to consolidate total economic and political dominion over the Earth under their phony Kabbalah Christ (the final savior / globalist tool currently scheduled to arrive in 2032).

The Babyfaces and the Heels

You may be wondering how I know that the Nazionists are scripted to win the Nazionists vs. communists wrestling match…

The answer is simple: the match commentators in the controlled alt-media are very vociferously presenting the commie tag team of Xi and Obama (“Team Antichrist”) as the heels and Nazionist Team Trump as the babyfaces. And World Kabbalist Wrestling wants to give Trump’s Zionist tag team partner the World Championship.

At the moment, Trump is down on the mat and ready to tag in his partner, Kushner, who will enter the stage and defeat the evil-looking Antichrist Obama so the public will welcome him as the Champion. And in March/April of next year, the Management will switch the new Champion to a heel for the next championship match in 2025 versus babyface Putin. This setup will repeat once more when Champion Putin becomes a heel in 2029 before the 2032 championship match versus babyface Kabbalah Christ.

The whole globalist setup is really no more complicated than that — it is three fake wrestling matches that will give us three pre-selected champions…

  1. the “False Jewish Messiah,” Kushner,
  2. the “Final Antichrist,” Putin, and
  3. the “Real Jesus Christ,” the Kabbalah Christ.

Only a fool thinks it’s for real. And only bigger fools would even attempt such a show. But alas, there is no shortage of fools among the hairless apes of Planet Earth.

On another note, reader Onnabugeisha’s research notes offer some indicators pointing to potential drama in North Korea tomorrow…

  • August 25 is the Day of Songun in North Korea, a holiday which promotes the legitimacy of the Kim family’s “military first” rule of the country.
  • August 25 also marks the day Kim Yo Jong (Kim Jong Un’s sister, born 26 September 1987) turns exactly 33 years and 333 days old.

So the indicators would seem to support the scripting of a power transition from the rapidly slimming Kim Jong Un to his “notorious little sister” or a false-flagged “preemptive strike by North Korea.”

(23 August 2021) – It appears that the globalists have abandoned their sprint to the finish and pushed the Big Event back to September again. Biden’s speech today stopped short of calling for nationwide lockdowns “to stop the Delta variant,” and the Arizona audit team delayed the release of their full report because COVID ate their homework. Biden’s call for lockdowns paired with the leak of the full audit report today would have set the stage for tomorrow’s planned drama.

Speaking of tomorrow, reader Onnabugeisha has found historical parallels for the attack on Washington, DC that was scripted for Tuesday, August 24…

  • August 24 is the anniversary of the 410 Sack of Rome by the Visigoths (and Washington, DC is current-day Rome). The Visigoths were a Germanic people — think of them as the “primordial Nazis” whose descendants will destroy Washington in order to frame “their communists rivals” and take control of the evil NWO.
  • August 24 is the anniversary of the Burning of Washington, DC by British troops in 1814.
  • August 24 is the anniversary of the day the NATO treaty came into force. And in the aftermath of the “transnational right-wing terror onslaught with Russia-provided nukes” (which is how the Biden administration and the mainstream media would narrate what happened to Washington and the other stricken cities), NATO would be activated for a counterattack against “Russia and their right-wing agents and allies in the West.”
  • August 24 is the anniversary of the day in 1954 that the Communist Party of the United States was outlawed. And the Nazionists will narrate that the attack on Washington was a false-flag committed by the communists to complete their takedown of the US.

Even though the globalists seem to have backed off, I will leave the Alert up until Kamala Harris returns from her trip.

On another note, Pfizer has given a name to their now-approved COVID “vaccine”…

Comirnaty. It’s a name we’ll all know soon.

The new brand name for Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine, Comirnaty mashes up community, immunity, mRNA and COVID — pretty much everything that could fit into the moniker for the world’s most high-profile product at the moment. – from Fierce Pharma

“Comirnaty” also sounds remarkably similar to “Communist Party” (when spoken by someone with vaccine-induced Bell’s Palsy).

The globalists are attempting to stage the takedown of the United States over the next five days

(20 August 2021): They’re sprinting for the finish line…

…from the Daily Mail

So we could see action on the 22nd or 23rd (both favored occult numbers), just as they’re sending Vice President Harris off to Asia where she will be safe from any nuclear explosion in Washington…

Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will meet with their national security team to be briefed on the evolving situation on the ground in Afghanistan on Friday before Harris departs on a foreign trip to Asia in the evening… – from the Everett Post

She is not due to return to the US until next Thursday, so the danger window extends from tonight to next Friday. Watch for Biden’s action to impose further COVID measures to lead to the “reaction” of a government-simulated “patriot uprising.”

Upon doing a Hebrew calendar search for significant dates during the new danger window, I discovered that World War II started on 17 Elul, which runs from sunset of August 24 through sunset of August 25 this year. So Tuesday/Wednesday is a candidate time for the SHTF moment.

~ MORE ~

According to the globalist scriptwriters, here is the reason the “Communist Deep State” accelerated the approval of the Pfizer vaccine and the rollout of the new vaccine requirements and lockdowns: the Arizona Senate’s audit of the election results is about to release its report…

The Senate contractors are expected to deliver a final report to the Senate soon, with a spokesperson indicating that it could be as soon as Monday. – from an August 19 azcentral article

Since the Arizona audit report will be the first “Nazionist” demolition charge in the takedown of the Biden/Harris presidency, “the commies” supposedly want to go for their hard takedown of the United States NOW (before their “Nazionist Deep State rivals” start their own offensive to return Trump to office).

~ MORE – 21 August 2021 ~

Here are a few interesting things of note…

> “Commie” Vice President Harris is scheduled to arrive in Vietnam “late Tuesday,” which is exactly when 17 Elul begins. So on the day World War 3 is/was slated to break out, she will be in the safe embrace of fellow communists.

> Since the “Communist Deep State” is scripted to make moves to prevent the “Nazionist Deep State” from returning Trump to power, one obvious move is to go after Trump directly with an assassination attempt. And this brings to mind the rumor that Trump was secretly inaugurated as President earlier this year. So if Trump was secretly inaugurated as President, who was inaugurated as his Vice President? Surely it wasn’t “traitor Pence”; could it be Kushner? And will a successful assassination of Trump lead to Kushner riding in as the Nazionist savior?

Remember that within the globalist “End Times” stageplay, we are in the part of Act 1 when the commie and Nazionist “Deep Staters” are battling for control of the evil NWO. And after the Nazionist savior enters the stage to take command, he’ll go on to be defeated by the second globalist savior, Vladimir Putin, as soon as this year and (more likely) as late as 2025. Read The Three Globalist Messiahs (which is further down this page) for more details.

~ MORE – 22 August 2021 ~

The media are now talking about the MANPADS threat I wrote about in the 15 August warning. Interestingly, the “commie” media are pre-assigning responsibility for any aircraft shootdown to Zionist-controlled ISIS

Military planes making evacuation runs into Kabul are dropping flares and carrying out nosedive combat landings amid fears that Islamic terrorists may try to shoot one down as Afghans trying to flee the Taliban have described at least 20 civilians being killed in the chaos.

US military planes are doing rapid diving combat landings to beat the threat of a missile attack, with video showing a French transport plane yesterday deploying flares designed to confuse heat-seeking technology which may have been stolen by Islamic State in Afghanistan.

Taliban forces controlling all access points to Hamid Karzai International Airport are not thought to be attempting to shoot down military aircraft during the Western evacuation effort, as such an action could trigger another American-led intervention in Afghanistan. – from the Daily Mail

(19 August 2021) – The Preliminary Antics Continue

“I’m from the South, I’ve just been muddin’, and I’ve got me a bomb!”

The string of Bizzaro World setup events for the September Big Event continued this morning with a staged “Domestic Violent Extremist” bomb threat that was livestreamed over Facebook (for rather blatant propaganda purposes). Today’s theatrics helped foreshadow the coming Operation Blackjack false flag in which Trumpers, patriots, constitutionalists, prophecy-believing Christians, and Islamists will be blamed (“by the commies”) for a massive wave of domestic terror events. And the engineered fall of the Afghan government in recent days helped foreshadow…

  • a move against Taiwan “by a Xi Jinping embolded by Biden’s weakness,”
  • participation by unvetted Afghani evacuees / terror cells in Operation Blackjack, and
  • a 25th Amendment removal of Biden by “commie” Kamala Harris.

Things seem to be tracking towards a scenario in which Biden will announce new COVID measures upon the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer “vaccine” before Labor Day. Operation Blackjack will then be triggered, which will be “another Biden disaster” that will lead to his removal by Harris. She will then unleash the communist onslaught against America (probably over Labor Day Weekend, America’s version of May Day).

Looking again at the situation in Afghanistan, we also need to watch for Mossad hit squads killing Americans stranded there in an effort to force the US military to reinvade and “save them from the Taliban attacks.” According to the script, Israel wants to keep America in Afghanistan to enable air attacks against Iran from the east.

WARNING (15 August 2021): Be on the lookout for a MANPADS false flag in Kabul…

…from AP

With Americans withdrawing to the Kabul airport to escape Afghanistan, and with Taliban fighters reportedly within shooting distance of the facility, the stage is now set for a potential man-portable air defense system turkey shoot. And can you guess who will be blamed if the “Taliban” start shooting down American evacuation planes with MANPADS?…

Iran’s support to the Taliban, which has included MANPADS and a bounty on US troops, could be a spoiler for peace in Afghanistan

Afghan Police Official Says Iran Supplying Taliban With MANPADS

So if planes start dropping from the sky and provide a casus belli for an American “retaliatory” attack on Iran, who would benefit? The answer to that question will give you the most likely triggermen…

Mossad also has agents in Afghanistan for tracking Taliban: report

(11 August 2021) – Is today’s Emergency Alert Test a malware distribution?…

…from ABC News

Today on 8/11 at 2:20 EDT, the federal government will use their backdoors into our electronic devices to stage an Emergency Alert Test that will last about 30 minutes. Given that globalist preparatory propaganda has suggested that the US is due for a massive cyberattack, will today’s “test” be narrated as the mechanism by which the “commie” Biden administration distributes a “Chicom” malware tool for later activation?

The globalists have many avenues of access into our “smart” devices at the hardware, firmware, operating system, and software levels. I’ll nonetheless be disconnecting power from all my devices during that entire hour. Why walk into a punch they’re telegraphing?

~ later ~

Well the alert took place, and an article about it on Tech Crunch closed with this interesting paragraph…

Security experts have also long warned that the EAS systems pose security risks. Last year, researchers found dozens of internet-connected, special-purpose servers used by television and radio stations to interrupt their broadcasts to relay an emergency alert, which they said could allow a hacker to break in and compromise the servers.

So the foundation has been laid to blame hackers for what the government installed on people’s internet and broadcast-connected devices today. The coming cyberattack will utilize such malware so the globalists don’t have to reveal the deeper access they have to our systems (which is built into the innards of the computer chips).

(9 August 2021) – It appears that the globalists’ desired sequence of events has been sufficiently backed up that they’re delaying the Big Event till September (a month that is full of Jewish holidays to which they can tie their manufactured prophetic events). They’re aiming for trouble by Labor Day [which is September 6, the same day Rosh Hashanah begins (after sunset)]. September 6 is a good candidate for the beginning of the communist onslaught.

In the meantime, we need to keep an eye on a potential 8/11 event in India involving Al Qaeda and Prime Minister Modi. I’ll cover the details if they try anything.

(7 August 2021) – Here’s the scripted motivation for Israel’s planned launch of a nuclear missile over Japan tomorrow…

…from the Daily Mail

On Sunday, 8/8 at 8 PM Tokyo Time (888), the closing ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics will begin. And the timing of it brings to mind something I wrote about in the 10 June update…

…we must remember that the Chinese consider the number 8 to be a lucky number associated with prosperity and good fortune. In fact, the numerology of 8 is so deeply ingrained in their culture that they actually scheduled the Beijing Summer Olympics to start at 8:08:08 PM [888] on 8/8/08 [888] [1, 2].

So tomorrow’s ceremony offers “good fortune” for a move against Japan committed by — or attributed to — the Chinese Communist Party and their proxy state, North Korea. And the preparatory propaganda I’ve observed once again points to a submarine-launched ballistic missile being fired over Japan with a nuclear detonation over the water off their eastern coast.

Look at the news stories that showed up yesterday and today…

…from the AP and The Japan Times

The Japan Times article is based upon “an excerpt of a confidential United Nations report seen by Reuters on Friday.” So a Reuters reporter just happened to see part of a confidential report on North Korea’s nukes and missiles on the anniversary of Hiroshima’s nuclear bombing? Remarkable timing, that.

The Japan Times has also presented a motive for the planned “North Korean” provocation…

The US-South Korean military exercise is scheduled for August 10, so the “commie” mainstream media can narrate the missile launch as a pre-exercise show of force (and a bully’s cry for help) by a regime made desperate by famine and floods. And the “Nazionist” alt-media can narrate it as a ploy by the Chicoms to threaten Japan and the NATO Coalition naval forces gathering in the Pacific. From the globalists’ perspective, such an event would kick off the nuclear war scare they’ll ramp up as we approach the “savior moment” at the end of the coming war.

Should they go through with the launch, remember what I wrote in the 26 July warning…

My research on what the North Koreans might be blamed for doing tomorrow has led me to a scenario in which a “North Korean” submarine-launched ballistic missile is fired over Japan, with a possible nuclear detonation over Tokyo or over the ocean near Japan. This launch would be a false-flag conducted by an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine firing a modified Sparrow ballistic missile (which is designed to mimic the flight characteristics of other ballistic missiles) from one of their oversized torpedo tubes or a canister mounted on top of the sub.

It should be noted that North Korea and Iran have been promoted as “nuclear proliferation partners” who have been cooperating in the development of nuclear warheads and the ballistic missiles to carry them…

…from United Against Nuclear Iran

According to the script, then, false-flagging a North Korean SLBM launch and nuclear explosion will allow the Israelis to give the world an object lesson in “what happens when you wait too long to address a developing threat.” And it will provide an excuse to promptly attack Iran’s nuclear sites…

“The whole world stood by and did nothing while they watched North Korea develop nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them. Now look what has happened! Israel will not sit on our hands waiting for Iran to do to us what their North Korean partners did to Japan. We will take decisive action NOW!”

Getting back to the “lucky number 8” for a sec, reader Onnabugeisha has noted that 8/8 will also mark exactly 8 weeks since Naftali Bennett took office as Israel’s prime minister on 13 June. Bennett is connected to the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult — an organization obsessed with manufacturing the arrival of a Jewish messiah — and he was placed into office in order to bring the “Gog-Magog War” to its violent culmination. You can read more about it by scrolling down to the 11 June update (or simply click here to open a parallel page to the right spot).

Also keep in mind that they don’t have to wait for the Olympic closing ceremony to begin before firing the missile. In fact, the event would be made more dramatic if they launch shortly after sunset in Tokyo (which occurs at 6:39 PM) so they could take advantage of the twilight phenomenon


~ MORE ~

Being Kabbalists, the globalists are slaves to the pseudospiritual pseudoscience of numerology, which makes all the other eights uncovered by reader Onnabugeisha’s research all the more notable…

  • Ebrahim Raisi, the “hated-by-Israel” Iranian leader who was sworn-in on 3 August, is the 8th President of Iran, and his 8th day in office will fall on 8/11 (a good candidate date for Israel’s strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites).
  • Esmail Ghaani, who took command of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Quds Force after the faked death of the globalist-chosen Hidden Imam (Qasem Soleimani) was born on 8/8/1957. And he will turn 64 (8x8) years of age on Sunday.
  • Amir Hatami, Iran’s current defense minister, was chosen for his office by President Hassan Rouhani on 8/8/2017.
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the former “anti-Zionist hardliner” (and 6th) President of Iran born on 28 October 1956, will turn exactly 64 years (8x8), 9 months and 11 days old on Sunday. Alternatively, he’ll be 777 months and 11 days old.

The sheer number of eights connected to tomorrow will have a predictable effect on the Kabbalist mind: “There are just too many 8s!! They’re all over the place!!! Let’s blow some sh*t up!…

What more can we expect from a bunch of puffed-up gypsies and their primitive belief system?

(4 August 2021) – As was noted in the 28 July update, the second danger period this month could kick off with a government outrage on August 11 that stirs up the patriots / constitutionalists on the August 12 anniversary of the “car attack” at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville…

…from Wikipedia. Government-instigated false-flag “Militia Violent Extremist” attacks on August 12 could then be used to justify a communist onslaught by the Biden/Harris administration on Friday the 13th.

And courtesy of the Jersey Devil (disinfo worm Hal Turner), we now have a candidate event for August 11: a national address by Biden calling for nationwide lockdowns “to defeat the delta variant of COVID”

…from the August 2 Hal Turner Radio Show (arch)

The article suggests that Biden’s address will occur sometime between the end of this week and the end of next week, and Wednesday the 11th falls right in the middle of that timespan. So the speech is most likely scheduled for next Wednesday, but they could push it back to Friday the 13th by ditching the tie-in to Charlottesville.

The announcement of lockdowns next Wednesday (or Friday) night would lead to the “right-wingers” hitting the streets for demonstrations the following day. The government can then send out their false-flaggers amidst the protesters to carry out the attacks. The scale of the attacks may be monumental and could include the staged assassination of Biden, and the mayhem would trigger an equally monumental government “response” the next day.

On another note — and amidst all the false-flag nautical hijinks being staged by Israel, the US, and the UK in the Gulf of Oman — reader Onnabugeisha has noted that 15 August is the anniversary of the start of the 1953 Iranian coup d’etat…

The 1953 Iranian coup d’etat, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d’etat, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953. It was orchestrated by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project or “Operation Ajax”) and the United Kingdom (under the name “Operation Boot”). The clergy also played a considerable role. – from Wikipedia

So here we are 68 years later and the US and UK are at it again, with “Operation Tampax” and “Operation reBoot,” blaming the Iranians for their amateurish false flags and calling for “collective action” to destroy Iran.

(3 August 2021) – It appears that the Mossad are continuing their effort to turn the Gulf of Oman into the Gulf of Tonkin, this time with a false-flag hijacking of a ship that is now headed to Iranian waters. The setup for this one isn’t that complicated: you have some Mossad guys pose as Quds Force guys and recruit a band of jihadis to hijack a ship and bring it to Iran. Now Iran faces the awkward situation of potentially having to either board or damage the ship to stop it, all while the US Navy looks on to potentially intervene.

~ MORE – 4 August 2021 ~

And just like that, the plot dissipates like a fart in the wind…

…from the BBC. Here is an excerpt…

Men who boarded and seized a ship in the Gulf of Oman have left the vessel and all those remaining on board are safe, officials say.

A UK maritime security agency said the potential hijacking of the Panama-flagged MV Asphalt Princess had ended but gave no further details.

The bitumen tanker was seized on Tuesday heading into the congested approach to the Strait of Hormuz.

It is not clear who seized the ship, but analysts suspected Iranian forces.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards dismissed reports of possible involvement as a pretext for “hostile action” against Tehran.

The men who boarded the MV Asphalt Princess were reportedly armed and are said to have ordered it to sail to Iran.

The globalists’ magic is weak.

(2 August 2021) – It looks like the globalists’ first concrete attempt to start the war this month is arising from an Israeli false-flag attack on an Israeli-managed tanker last week…

…from CNN. Here is an excerpt…

Maritime tensions are escalating in the Middle East following the deadly attack on a tanker connected to an Israeli billionaire in the Arabian Sea.

Two crewmembers, a Briton and a Romanian, died on Thursday when the Mercer Street tanker was attacked by an armed drone believed to be operated by Iran off the coast of Oman.

The US, Israel and the UK are blaming Iran for the attack, which Tehran denies. Speaking Sunday at a cabinet meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Iran was denying the attack “in a very cowardly manner” and that Israel has intelligence evidence that it was behind the incident…

The ship is Japanese-owned and managed by Zodiac Maritime, an international management company headquartered in London and led by Israeli shipping magnate Eyal Ofer.

As it turns out, Eyal Ofer is a regular at the World Economic Forum (Davos) and a member of Advisory Board of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum. And in the latter role, he appears to have directly participated in planning the fake COVID pandemic and its aftermath…

Over 400 of the world’s influential business and government leaders are set to attend Bloomberg’s New Economy Forum in Singapore on November 6-7, 2018. The forum will convene a first-ever gathering of preeminent leaders to begin seeking private sector-led solutions to challenges created by a world economy in transition, increasingly led by China and India as well as rising powers in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. The goal of the forum is to identify emerging issues that governments have been unable or unwilling to address and commit to steps that will ensure global stability and growth.

“Following the Global Business Forum, we will be hosting the inaugural New Economy Forum in Singapore in November to continue the constructive dialogue we had last week on trade, globalization and innovation,” said Michael R. Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies, mayor of New York City from 2002-2013, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and WHO Global Ambassador for Non-communicable Diseases. “The new emerging world order is creating emerging challenges – issues that the private sector can take steps to ensure global stability and growth, an urgent mission in the face of chronic inaction by governments”…

Advisory Board members of the New Economy Forum include Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, along with Henry M. Paulson, Jr. and Zeng Peiyan as co-Chairs. Reliance Industries Limited Chairman Mukesh Ambani, Alibaba Executive Chairman Jack Ma, Tomoh Advisory CEO Dr. Bassem I. Awadallah and Chairman of Ofer Global, Zodiac Group and Global Holdings Eyal Ofer have joined the forum’s Advisory Board, made up of a group of world leaders across the highest ranks of business, government, education and philanthropy. Additional members include Bill Gates, Gary Cohn, Jorge Paulo Lemann, Jean Liu, Lou Jiwei, Penny Pritzker, Raghuram Rajan, Condoleezza Rice, David Rubenstein, Kevin Rudd, Tu Guangshao, Tung Chee-hwa, Xie Zhenhua, Janet Yellen, Fu Ying, Zhao Qizheng, Zhou Xiaochuan and more…

“One of the key aspects that truly sets the Bloomberg New Economy Forum apart from other conferences is its singular focus on developing a set of concrete solutions to address some of the world’s greatest challenges,” said Kevin Sneader, Global Managing Partner of McKinsey & Company. “We will be working closely with Bloomberg and participants at the forum to produce actionable solutions to be led by the private sector, practical enough to see results starting to appear within 12-24 months.”

The two day forum will cover key topics including “Remaking Global Trade,” “Managing the Supply Chain Threat,” “The Future of Global Manufacturing,” “Energy Challenges in the New Economies,” “Managing the Next Financial Shock,” “Financing the New Economy,” “Supercities in the 21st Century” and “The Geopolitics of Markets.” The forum will consist of plenary meetings, in-depth conversations, breakout sessions, and closed-door solutions workshops. – from

So the first annual Bloomberg New Economy Forum was focused on “actionable solutions” (to manufactured problems) “practical enough to see results starting to appear within 12-24 months.” The Forum took place on 6-7 November 2018, and the COVID lockdowns swept the world 16 months later in March of 2020.

What doubt is there, then, that the tanker explosion is a part of their plan to bring the current situation to its climax so the “solutions” can be implemented afterwards?

By the way, this is not the first time a ship connected to Eyal Ofer has been “attacked by Iran.” Is Iran what the attacks have in common, or is Ofer?

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – July Updates

The Globalist Timetable for August Mischief
(courtesy of the DHS)

(28 July 2021) – It looks like the globalist war plans for July are dead (Kim Jong Un reached out to South Korea yesterday, and China arrested their market plunge today), so we can now focus our attention on August. August is a key month because it’s their last chance to stage the war before Rosh Hashanah (September 6-8). It’s also a month that will feature large Western Coalition naval armadas exercising near China. As for the danger periods to watch, Homeland Security has generously provided us with specific dates…

…from CIA News Network. Here is an excerpt…

Department of Homeland Security officials are warning that the same sort of rhetoric and false narratives that fueled the January 6 attack on the US Capitol could lead to more violence this summer by right-wing extremists.

A growing belief among some Donald Trump supporters that the former President will be reinstated in August, coupled with relaxed Covid-19 restrictions, has DHS officials concerned that online rhetoric and threats could translate into actual violence in the coming months as more people are out and in public places…

Meanwhile, officials are looking to August for potential threats. In addition to the Trump reinstatement conspiracy theory, it is also the anniversary of two devastating domestic terrorism incidents — the 2019 El Paso, Texas, shooting on August 3, which killed 23 people, and the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, car attack on August 12.

So the first danger date, August 3, is related to a 2019 mass shooting of Hispanics by a supposed “white supremacist right-wing extremist” (an “RMVE“)…

…from Wikipedia

What we’ll most likely see this August 3, then, is a copycat attack (or attacks) targeting blacks. And on August 4, “Commie Antichrist” Barack Obama’s birthday, the commies will mobilize BLM/Antifa to hit the streets and stir up a South Africa-style race war in time for the second danger date. We might also see another large cyberattack on August 4.

Now let’s take a moment to look back at some preparatory propaganda I covered earlier this year…

“The [intelligence community] assesses that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and militia violent extremists (MVEs) present the most lethal DVE threats, with RMVEs most likely to conduct mass-casualty attacks against civilians and MVEs typically targeting law enforcement and government personnel and facilities,” the report stated. Finally, “The [intelligence community] assesses that US RMVEs who promote the superiority of the white race are the DVE actors with the most persistent and concerning transnational connections.” – from The Washington Post

So according to the script, the lawlessness triggered by the RMVE attack on August 3rd will lead to the militias (the MVEs) hitting the streets on August 12 (likely due to some outrage committed by the rioters or the government on August 11). This will provide the excuse for the communist onslaught to begin the next day on Friday the 13th.

By the way, note how the CNN article points to “relaxed COVID-19 restrictions” as a contributing factor to the August violence. Is that why we’re seeing the government pushing us back towards restrictions “on account of the Delta variant” as we enter August?

~ MORE – 29 July 2021 ~

Reader Onnabugeisha has noted that August 1st is the anniversary of the start of the Chinese Civil War and the birth of the “People’s Liberation Army.” And in previous entries, I’ve talked about “things coming full circle.” With that in mind, look at who was backing the two sides in the first phase of the Civil War…

…from Wikipedia

As you can see, the Chinese Nationalists (the right-wing) were backed by the Nazi-Zionist partnership which was funded by the European Kabbalist banking cartel, and the

Chinese Communists (the left-wing) were backed by the Soviet Communist-Comintern partnership which was funded by the European Kabbalist banking cartel, so

both the right-wing and the left-wing were flapping to the dictates of the bird to which they’re attached, the Kabbalist phoenix.

Now here we are 94 years later coming right back to where we started: a Kabbalist-scripted battle between the Nazionists and communists for control of China. This time, though, the Nazionist side is scripted to win.

That being said, August 1 is a day that lends itself to the scripting of a precursor event for the mid-August war. Possibilities include…

  • a big development regarding the Taishan nuclear reactor or the Three Gorges Dam,
  • an event that signals open conflict between the “Chinese Deep State” and Xi Jinping, or
  • a Chicom military exercise that encircles Taiwan.

~ MORE ~

News came out today of a division-sized Russian-Chinese military force being assembled in northern China for “joint exercises” in the first half of August [1, 2]. It was organized by Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu (who may be scripted as a Nazionist) and China’s defense minister Wei Fenghe (who was appointed to his position by Li Keqiang, a supposed ally of the Nazionists). This raises some obvious questions…

Is this force being assembled to move against Xi Jinping? And who will stop them if the Xi-allied elements of the Chinese military are deployed (without their war equipment) to central China to do disaster relief after the Three Gorges Dam is blown?

WARNING (26 July 2021): Later today we’ll look at some North Korean numbers that relate to tomorrow. It should also be noted that the HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier strike group is near or in the South China Sea now, and they will be doing continuous exercises with the navies of many nations over the coming weeks. So if we get through the next few days okay, we still have August to get through. August 3-4 is a danger period, and August 12 and onward looks very hairy.

~ MORE ~

My research on what the North Koreans might be blamed for doing tomorrow has led me to a scenario in which a “North Korean” submarine-launched ballistic missile is fired over Japan, with a possible nuclear detonation over Tokyo or over the ocean near Japan. This launch would be a false-flag conducted by an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine firing a modified Sparrow ballistic missile (which is designed to mimic the flight characteristics of other ballistic missiles) from one of their oversized torpedo tubes or a canister mounted on top of the sub.

Just as I set myself to start writing about this scenario, I saw today’s Google doodle…

As you can see, it depicts arrows being fired over a Japanese torii gate, a launch tube opening (the second o in Google), and something that looks like a mushroom (cloud) decorating the top of the gate. Since two arrows are being fired over the gate from opposite directions, the doodle hints that an interception of the SLBM may be attempted.

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Here is what reader Onnabugeisha sent me on North Korea and July 27…

July 27 is the day in 1953 that the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed to cease active hostilities in the Korean War. In North Korea, the day is celebrated as the “Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War.”

And this year’s “Day of Victory” comes at a very dire time for North Korea…

…from The Korea Herald. Here is an excerpt…

More foreign diplomats stationed in North Korea, including from Indonesia and Bulgaria, have fled the reclusive regime due to dire living conditions amid prolonged COVID-19 restrictions

The latest exodus comes as North Korea shut down its border and imposed strict lockdowns that barred movement inside the country since the onset of the pandemic early last year. The COVID-19 outbreak has also exacerbated the country’s food crisis, as the North, which relies on China for food and other materials, suspended all trade with its main partner to prevent the spread of the virus.

Since then, most foreign missions in North Korea have temporarily shut down offices and sent staff members back home, citing the difficulties of carrying out diplomatic activities inside the reclusive regime as well as shortages of food, health services and necessary goods, as the pandemic-imposed lockdown drags on.

In recent months, there has been an increasing outflow of foreigners from the North, including about 90 Russians in July.

In April, the Russian Embassy in Pyongyang said via Facebook that the exodus of foreigners will continue, and fewer than 290 foreigners remained inside the closed-off country…

Since the outbreak, the UK, Venezuela, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, Pakistan, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Sweden and France have halted their missions in Pyongyang. All foreign staffers of international humanitarian organizations, including the United Nations, have also left the country.

And that’s not all that’s going against them right now…

…from Google News

Seeing all this, it’s not hard to imagine the headline that would come out tomorrow after the false-flag missile launch…

“Desperate Kim Jong Un Violently Lashes Out on Anniversary of Korean Armistice”

(25 July 2021) – Tomorrow, Monday the 26th, we need to keep an eye on Vladimir Putin, Sergei Shoigu (born to a Ukranian Jewish mother), Chabad-run Ukraine, and the Chabad-run 11th President of Israel Isaac Herzog (who took office on 7/7). The developing scenario seems to involve “Israel creating trouble on Russia’s doorstep (Ukraine) due to Russian meddling on their doorstep (Syria).” We also need to watch for the fall of Israel’s governing coalition today or tomorrow. I’ll go into the details this afternoon.

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Here are the numerological and historical cues reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered for Monday, July 26…

July 26 marks the 88th month and 8th day (888) since Crimea was formally incorporated into Russia on 18 March 2014.

July 26 marks the 66th year and 66th day (6666) since Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was born on 21 May 1955. 6666 is the number of the beast, 666, with an extra six tacked on to make it extra Satany.

July 26 marks the 22222nd day since the new Israeli president, Isaac Herzog, was born on 22 September 1960. Now I can’t tell you what all those twos mean to a Kabbalist, but there are clearly too many of them. That’s gotta mean trouble, right? And there are some other notable things about Herzog…

He is the 11th President of Israel, and he took office on 7/7

…from Wikipedia

And he and his family have a deep and longstanding connection to Chabad…

…from (top) and YouTube (bottom)

If you are a new reader, Chabad is a Kabbalist “Jewish” cult that is helping orchestrate the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay, is funded by the Jewish oligarchs, is a religious front for Israel’s Mossad, and is obsessed with bringing in a Jewish Messiah (the Moshiach) that they have selected. They have chosen Jared Kushner to play the evil false Moshiach and Vladimir Putin to play the good real Moshiach.

Getting back to Herzog, if we take a moment to look at the duties of the President of Israel, they are largely ceremonial except for this: he is responsible for helping lead the process to form a new government and for dissolving the Knesset when a governing coalition fails. So with that in mind, I started to look into any current threats to the governing coalition. Here is what I found…

…from Hamodia (top) and The Times of Israel (bottom)

So a situation has been set up that could cause the government to fail tomorrow on “the day of too many twos,” and the failure would come at the hands of another Chabad agent, Ayelet Shaked [1, 2, 3]. Chabad would do this because they want Israel to be without a functioning government when the Moshiach appears. Their efforts to hold the door open for their Moshiach to rule Israel is the reason behind the years of political instability and endless elections in Israel. They keep trying to bring him in and they keep failing, so Israel has been held in political limbo.

Circling back around to Shoigu and Ukraine, Shoigu may be scripted as the Nazionist leader who replaces Putin in Russia, and a blowup in Ukraine is scripted as the event that will catalyze Shoigu’s rise. The raison du jour for the blowup came out in a preparatory propaganda piece released yesterday…

…from Asharq Al-Awsat. Here is an excerpt…

The Russian Defense Ministry issued statements on the recent Israeli raids on Syria, which carried unprecedented indications of a change in Moscow’s response to the “continuous attacks on Syrian sovereignty.”

The Ministry, which never previously commented on Israeli raids, issued two separate statements over the past few days after Israel targeted a research center in Aleppo and a site for Iranian forces in al-Qusayr…

A well-informed Russian source told Asharq Al-Awsat that this is directly related to the talks launched with the United States following the first summit between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden last month.

Moscow received a confirmation that Washington does not welcome the continuous Israeli raids, according to the source…

The source added that Israel’s air force has not entered the Syrian airspace and carries out its attacks from neighboring lands, but the attacks are no longer effective because the Syrian anti-aircraft systems have been enhanced, and Moscow provided Damascus with air defense equipment.

The recent developments reflect a shift in how Moscow addresses the Israeli attacks and indicate that Moscow has “run out of patience” because Tel Aviv continues to ignore Russian calls to set clear rules.

So Putin has moved to negate Israel’s ability to carry out airstrikes in Syria, a nation on Israel’s doorstep. According to the script, then, this invites the Nazionists to make a countermove by meddling in Ukraine, a nation on Russia’s doorstep.

(23 July 2021) – Watch Latin America through July 28 (and Tokyo on the 27th)

I’m currently writing an entry on the globalists’ fallback plans and have detected clear indicators that they may attempt a “communist” bombing of Tokyo’s Olympics on July 27. We may also see action over the weekend through the 28th in Venezuela and Cuba, and it could be related to a planned news release about the Miami building collapse.

~ MORE ~

The Man of Peace who will bring war (on Wednesday, July 28?)…

As of two days ago, all the rubble has been cleared from the Champlain Towers South site in Miami. This means that “telltale evidence that an explosion caused the collapse” can be “discovered” at any time. This is interesting timing considering that commie nations Venezuela and Cuba — the two countries the Nazionists will blame for blowing up the building — will be celebrating national holidays this weekend…

On Saturday, July 24, Venezuela will celebrate Simon Bolivar Day. Bolivar led Spanish America’s battle for independence from Spanish colonial rule. So will July 24 also be the day a Nazionist leader begins Venezuela’s battle for independence from international communism’s colonial rule?…

…(“Nazionist Antichrist” Jared Kushner in loving embrace with Juan Guaido at Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address)

Guaido, the political adversary of Venezuela’s commie leader Nicolas Maduro, will celebrate his 38th birthday on July 28, which is another potential start date for the new war of independence.

On Sunday, July 25 through Tuesday, July 27, Cuba will be holding its annual celebration of the 1953 communist revolution

Cuba observes three days of public holiday from July 25th – 27th.

The July 25th and July 27th holiday are known as ‘Commemoration of the Assault on Moncada’ (Spanish: Conmemoración del Asalto a Moncada), while the July 26th holiday is known as ‘National Rebellion Day’ (Spanish: Día de la Rebeldía Nacional).

These holidays commemorate the events of 1953 when Fidel Castro stormed the Moncada army garrison in Santiago de Cuba. – from Office Holidays

Watch those three days for more regime change protests (and for possible news that Champlain Towers South was felled by a bomb).

And on July 28, the following historical and numerological cues appear…

Since Obama is playing the role of the “Communist Antichrist” who is pulling Biden’s strings from behind the scenes, these indicators would clearly support the scripting of an outbreak of war between the “Communist Deep State” (led by Commie Antichrist Obama) and the “Nazionist Deep State” (led by Nazionist Antichrist Kushner). Kushner “Trump” is scripted to win

On top of all this, here is another sign of imminent Nazionist action against Latin American communism…

…from MSN / The Washington Post

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Now let’s get to why July 27 isn’t the best day to be in Tokyo…

July 27 was the day in 1549 that the co-founder of the (Kabbalist) Jesuit Order, Francis Xavier, arrived off Japan (where the Olympics have just started). Currently, the Jesuits are portraying themselves as communists. The “commie” Pope Francis is a Jesuit, and the leader of the Jesuit Order is a Latin American communist named Arturo Sosa. And given that their Chinese communist partners (and bankrollers) hate Japan, want their Olympics to be a failure, and want revenge for all the historical Japanese offenses against China, the “Global Communist Deep State” clearly has motive to attack the Tokyo Olympics. Recent propaganda hints that the attack may be nuclear…

…from Komo News

July 27 was also the day in 1996 that the Atlanta Olympic Games were bombed, but here is where it gets interesting: the man convicted for the crime, Eric Rudolph, is reportedly a “right-wing extremist” and a “white supremacist Christian terrorist.” This historical parallel hints that the nuking of Tokyo will be scripted as having been done by the Nazionists (specifically Israel) in order to frame the Chinese Communist Party and create a global rallying cause for the worldwide takedown of communism. And this is what would cause the communists to respond by unleashing war the next day (July 28).

Thanks to reader Onnabugeisha for the diligent research in finding the puzzle pieces.

~ MORE – 24 July 2021 ~

One of the globalist propaganda fronts that are publicly narrating the “End Times” stageplay is a group of wolves in sheep’s clothing referred to as the “Christian Watchmen.” This group is composed of disinfo guys like Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, and all of their associates (they all do interviews and conferences together to reinforce each other’s messages). And the overarching mission of these for-profit prophets is to weave together the paradigm through which people view the stageplay, and their overarching goal is to convince people to accept the being who shows up at the end of the play as the “real Jesus Christ.”

At the end of the stageplay, all these liars will kneel before the Kabbalah Christ and proclaim him to be the Son of God (in order to convince their followers to do the same). But during the journey to that final goal, they also set up their followers to fall for each of the globalist deceptions along the way. So let me show you what they’re saying to set people up to fall for the Nazionist savior act…

“The communists are out to exterminate us!” They identify the “Deep State” as communist and Nazi (but never Zionist or Jewish; they don’t want to anger their masters). And they terrify people with dark tales of everything the evil communists supposedly want to do to them. The solution they offer is, of course, to “run to Jesus” (specifically the Jesus that shows up at the end of the play).

“Trump was holding the Deep State at bay, but he was betrayed by everyone around him, even his own son-in-law (Jared Kushner).” They are maintaining the “Cult of Trump the Good Guy” so when Trump returns to power with the support of the Nazionists, people will believe the “Deep State” has largely been defeated and the Nazionists (who will not publicly appear to be either Nazi or Zionist) are the “good guys.” After being programmed to believe that…

  • “the Deep State are Trump’s enemies,” and
  • “the Deep State are commies and symbol-wearing Nazis,”

…people will see the return of Trump after the commies and symbol-wearing Nazis have fallen as a convincing indication that the Deep State have been dealt a mighty blow.

Once Trump has returned, the Christian Watchmen will proclaim, “God has granted humanity a reprieve! He has returned Trump to office to delay the end of the age so more people can be saved!” But when Jared Kushner later steps forward to take the presidency and/or leadership of the new UN, and he “stands in the holy place” on the Temple Mount, the Watchmen will shriek and proclaim him the Antichrist (thus setting up their followers to be fooled again when Putin, “the real Antichrist,” shows up to defeat Kushner, the decoy).

Kushner is currently scheduled to step up to the power seat early next year (in the February-March-April timeframe).

~ MORE ~

It should also be noted that a typhoon is reportedly headed towards the Tokyo Olympics and is expected to arrive on Tuesday the 27th (the day of the expected Tokyo false-flag). So have they substituted a “weather warfare typhoon” in place of a nuke, or will the typhoon create a distraction that will allow the attackers to penetrate Olympic Games security?

WARNING (22 July 2021): There was a widespread internet outage this morning “shortly after 1100ET that affected “nearly 33,000 websites, and it was attributed to Akamai Technologies. Akamai was incorporated on 20 August 1998, which was 22 years, 11 months, and 2 days ago, and one of its founders died in the 9/11 attacks aboard American Airlines Flight 11, which supposedly was the first plane to hit the World Trade Center. So was Akamai tasked with sending a warning signal for what’s coming? Is this the first outage to hit the world internet in the “Second 9/11”?

~ MORE ~

Given how occultists think and the fact that Akamai was founded 22 years, 11 months, and 2 days ago, an obvious candidate time for the “Chinese” cyberattack is today, 22 July at 11:02 PM (and perhaps one minute later).

~ MORE ~

File this one under “What are the odds this is all just coincidence?”…

Not only did one of the founders of Akamai supposedly die on 9/11, he was supposedly the first to die that day, and he had a very special connection to Israel

…from CNN

Now here’s a real mind-blower: I’ve watched many videos that were made by people on the streets of New York on 9/11. And I remember seeing at least one in which an eyewitness exclaimed, “That was a military plane!” A Fox News reporter on the scene also reported via telephone that it was a military plane that first hit the WTC, not an airliner. So this raises an obvious question…

Was Danny Lewin, the founder of Akamai Technologies and a “former” member of an elite Israeli Army unit, one of the Israelis that hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and flew it off to some undisclosed location (while a remote-piloted military plane posing as Flight 11 hit the WTC)?

~ MORE ~

Here is a compilation of eyewitness reactions on the morning of 9/11…

…from YouTube

It should be noted that the Israelis/Jews WILL be blamed for the first and second 9/11s after Putin does his savior act in 2025 (or this year). It will be part of the Truth Tsunami I’ve warned about, and it will lead to furious Jew-hatred all around the world. The Kabbalists will use this Jew-hate to drive all the world’s Jews to Israel “where they will be safe and secure” (until they are ritually slaughtered at the end of Putin’s reign). As I’ve said many times, the State of Israel is Global Auschwitz. Just look at how the non-Kabbalist/non-elite Jews there are already being treated “on account of COVID.”

WARNING (21 July 2021): Mass government-sponsored terror attacks are indicated for July 22-23

While we’re on the subject of the scripted (and fake) war between the “Communist Deep State” and the “Nazionist Deep State,” we’ll have a look today at what the 1946 King David Hotel Bombing, the current Pegasus Project, and July 22 have in common.

~ MORE ~

Seventy-five years ago, a notable “terror attack” occurred in Jerusalem on a July 22

…from Wikipedia. Here is an excerpt…

The King David Hotel bombing was a terrorist attack carried out on Monday, July 22, 1946, by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization the Irgun on the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem during the Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine. 91 people of various nationalities were killed, and 46 were injured…

The Irgun committed the attack in response to Operation Agatha, known in Israel as “Black Saturday”. British troops had searched the Jewish Agency on June 29 and confiscated large quantities of documents directly implicating the Haganah in the Jewish insurgency against Britain. The intelligence information was taken to the King David Hotel, where it was initially kept in the offices of the Secretariat in the southern wing. In order to destroy the incriminating documentation, the Irgun, therefore, determined to destroy that wing of the hotel.

So with the King David Hotel Bombing, the militant right-wing Zionists conducted a “terror attack” to contain a damning intelligence breach.

Now let’s fast forward to this week, when another intelligence breach is threatening catastrophic consequences for the Zionists…

…from The Guardian. Here is a notable excerpt…

The Guardian and its media partners will be revealing the identities of people whose number appeared on the list in the coming days. They include hundreds of business executives, religious figures, academics, NGO employees, union officials and government officials, including cabinet ministers, presidents and prime ministers.

So just like in 1946, militant right-wing Zionist documents have made their way into the hands of their enemies, and just like in 1946, “something must be done about it.” A massive wave of terror attacks on Thursday and/or Friday would certainly divert the public’s focus, wouldn’t it?

If you look carefully at the perps and victims mentioned in the Pegasus Project articles, you’ll notice that the perps are mostly right-wingers (“authoritarian governments”) and the victims are mostly left-wingers (“human rights activists, journalists and lawyers”). So within the “Communist Deep State” versus “Nazionist Deep State” subplot of the globalist “End Times” stageplay, the Pegasus Project is an information offensive by the “commie mainstream media” against the Nazionists. And if it isn’t stopped, it threatens to take down more Nazionist leaders just like Trump was taken down.

All this points to a two-day Terrorpalooza 2021, during which the Nazionists will trigger their wave of attacks on the 22nd and the communists will respond with their own onslaught on the 23rd. And after the attacks, the commies will blame Trump, MAGA and Christians and do a roundup until the Nazionists sweep in to reverse the blame to the commies and round them up.

~ MORE ~

The King David Hotel Bombing isn’t the only historical parallel for tomorrow that reader Onnabugeisha’s research has uncovered. There are other “terror” incidences that lend themselves to the scripting of July 22 “right-wing” terror events…

One hundred and five years ago on July 22, there was the Preparedness Day Bombing

The Preparedness Day Bombing was a bombing in San Francisco, California on July 22, 1916, of a parade organised by local supporters of the Preparedness Movement which advocated American entry into World War I. During the parade a suitcase bomb was detonated, killing ten and wounding 40 in the worst attack in San Francisco’s history.

Two labor leaders, Thomas Mooney and Warren K Billings, were convicted in separate trials and sentenced to death, later commuted to life in prison. Later investigations found the convictions to have been based on false testimony, and the men were released in 1939 and eventually pardoned. The identity of the bombers has never been determined.

By mid-1916, after viewing the carnage in Europe, the United States saw itself poised on the edge of participation in World War I. Isolationism remained strong in San Francisco, not only among radicals such as the Industrial Workers of the World (“the Wobblies”), but also among mainstream labor leaders. At the same time, with the rise of Bolshevism and labor unrest, San Francisco’s business community was nervous. The Chamber of Commerce organized a Law and Order Committee, despite the diminishing influence and political clout of local labor organizations. The Preparedness Day Parade was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and the anti-union conservative business establishment.

The huge Preparedness Day parade of Saturday, July 22, 1916, was a target of radicals. An unsigned antiwar pamphlet issued throughout the city in mid-July read in part, “We are going to use a little direct action on the 22nd to show that militarism can’t be forced on us and our children without a violent protest.”

Mooney had been tipped off to threats that preceded the parade and pushed resolutions through his union, the Molders, and the San Francisco Central Labor Council and the Building Trades Council warning that provocateurs might attempt to blacken the labor movement by causing a disturbance at the parade. – from Wikipedia

The Preparedness Day Bombing had all the hallmarks of a “right-wing” false flag attack…

  1. The parade was organized by “conservatives” trying to drag the US into World War 1,
  2. preparatory propaganda (the “unsigned antiwar pamphlet”) was widely circulated to pre-blame the leftists for the bombing,
  3. “left-wing leaders” were arrested after the crime and convicted with false testimony,
  4. thus leaving the pro-war, right-wing side buoyed and the anti-war, left-wing side discredited.

Just like the Preparedness Day Bombing, tomorrow’s attacks would include suitcase/backpack bombs. Some of them may be nuclear or radiological.

Let’s move on to the next example.

Ten years ago on a July 22, there were the Norway Attacks

The 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July (Norwegian: 22. juli) or as 22/7, were two sequential domestic terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp, in which 77 people were killed.

The first attack was a car bomb explosion in Oslo within Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter of Norway, at 15:25:22 (CEST). The bomb was placed inside a van next to the tower block housing the office of the then Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. The explosion killed eight people and injured at least 209 people, twelve severely.

The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp on the island of Utoya in Tyrifjorden, Viken. The camp was organized by the AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party (AP). Breivik, dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification, took a ferry to the island and opened fire at the participants, killing 69 and injuring at least 110, 55 seriously. Among the dead were Stoltenberg’s friends, and the stepbrother of Norway’s crown princess Mette-Marit…

The Norwegian Police arrested Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian right-wing extremist, on Utoya island and charged him with both attacks. – from Wikipedia

Since his imprisonment, Breivik has identified himself as a fascist and a Nazi… – from Wikipedia

Just like the Norway Attacks, tomorrow’s attacks would include bombs inside vans, mass shootings with rifles (AR-15s this time), and “right-wing extremists”…

…from The Telegraph

You may have noticed that I highlighted 22/7 in red (in the Norway Attacks excerpt). In the next section, I’ll show you the occult numerological indicators surrounding these events.

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Also be on the lookout for the imminent demolition of the Three Gorges Dam (see all the news about ongoing Chinese dam failures) and a possible terror attack on Tokyo (or at least a “revelation” that “Fukushima was caused by a Chinese cyberattack”). It is on days like this that I miss being a sleeper.

~ MORE ~

The globalists are superstitious occultists, so they take numerology, astrology, and history into account when making their plans. And now that we’ve looked at the historical cues they utilized in planning for tomorrow, let’s look at the numbers (we won’t bother looking at the stars; you can barely see them through the chemtrails anyway).

July 22, which Europeans write as 22/7, is Pi Approximation Day (because 22 divided by 7 rounds to 3.14)…

…from Google

And since Pi is related to circles, its appearance can be interpreted (by superstitious or bullsh*t-spinning people) as “a sign that things have come full circle and our journey has brought us around to where we started.”

Now if we think about the King David Hotel Bombing, it was a local “terror attack” that aided in the foundation of Israel. And if we think about the global “terror attacks” that are planned for tomorrow, they would aid in the foundation of a Zionist global government (“Global Israel”). So according to the musings of the Kabbalist storytellers, the Zionists have come full circle and are back at the beginning of another cycle.

Beyond that, as of tomorrow exactly 900 months have passed since the King David Hotel Bombing. And if you look up the number 900 in Strong’s Bible Concordance

So the time duration suggests that “the Zionists will deepen their treachery to their former communist allies” (by taking the war between them hot).


As of tomorrow exactly 1260 months have passed since the Preparedness Day Bombing. And 1260 is a number that appears in the Book of Revelation (12:6) and is interpreted as being related to the “End Times.”

Before we call it a night, there’s one more occult sign to consider, and it’s related to China. Look at how communism is depicted as drowning in flood waters in the I, Pet Goat 2 video…

And look at China today…

If you are a new reader, I encourage you to read the updates on this page that relate to Three Gorges Dam (just enter “Three Gorges Dam” in your browser’s FIND feature). And in an upcoming entry we’ll have a look at how the globalists are using their weather control grid to portray “weather wars” between the commies and Nazionists.

On a positive note, the stock market rebounded today after first appearing that there would be a big selloff. This could be a sign that they backed off. We’ll find out by Saturday, and we’ll look at their fallback date in the next section.

(20 July 2021) – The Globalist Script for the Tokyo Olympics and the start of the Communist Onslaught…

…from Wikipedia

Reader Onnabugeisha has turned up some very interesting numbers for the coming days through August 2, including some historical points related to the Olympics that have definitely been factored-in to the globalist script:

Point 1…

The 1940 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XII Olympiad, were originally scheduled to be held from September 21 to October 6, 1940, in Tokyo, Japan. They were rescheduled for Helsinki, Finland, to be held from July 20 to August 4, 1940, due to the 1937 Japanese invasion of China, but were cancelled due to the outbreak of World War II. – from Wikipedia

So Tokyo’s first Olympic Games were cancelled because they had invaded China. And now Tokyo’s current Olympic Games have been delayed due to the “Chinese Communist Party virus,” and they may be cancelled due to a CCP cyberattack and attack on Taiwan. This lends itself to being narrated as “China’s revenge against the Japanese.”

Point 2…

The Olympic torch relay is the ceremonial relaying of the Olympic flame from Olympia, Greece, to the site of an Olympic Games. It was first performed at the 1936 Summer Olympics, and has taken place prior to every Games since. – from Wikipedia

The 1936 Summer Olympics were held in Hitler’s Nazi Germany, so the Nazis were the ones who lit the modern Olympic Flame. And now due to “the communist bioweapon COVID-19,” the Nazi Flame will be hidden as it enters Tokyo, and it will be snuffed-out by the communist onslaught scheduled to begin on the day of the opening ceremony.

So the plan for the Olympics reflects the script for the Chinese communist onslaught against their enemies, including Japan and their “Nazionist Deep State rivals.”

Onnabugeisha’s numbers also point to a possible fallback day for the commie attack: July 28. We’ll look at those numbers tomorrow.

ALERT (19 July 2021): The US government is telegraphing a “Chinese” cyberattack

A reader has informed me that the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency emailed a barrage of alerts to IT professionals this morning…

The planned cyberattack will be carried out by the globalists, but blamed on China (by the “Nazionist Deep State”) and Russia and/or Israel (by the “Communist Deep State”). They’re likely planning to turn off the lights and the internet on Thursday the 22nd or Friday the 23rd.

Be sure to save offline copies of this site, and save physical copies (on optical media) if you’re able. In addition to saving what I suggest at the top of this page, you might also consider saving the entries on the Important Pages and Posts page and the previous entries from the All 2020/2021 Updates page (even expired updates, warnings and alerts contain key information on various aspects of the globalist agenda).

~ MORE – 20 July 2021 ~

Speaking of an imminent “Chinese” cyberattack to take down critical infrastructure, here are a couple of things I wrote on the subject in previous updates that show why such an attack can’t be stopped by ordinary IT specialists…

(7 October 2018) – A massive Chinese hardware hack made the news this week. By telling the public about it, the globalists can now blame the Chinese communists for the cyberattacks that will come when the Big Crisis hits. In reality, though, the globalists will be staging the attacks using hardware backdoors like the Intel Management Engine that are built right into the microprocessors.

(14 January 2019) – The media have narrated that the Chinese have snuck hardware backdoors onto pretty much every circuit board that’s been manufactured in mainland China…

…from Bloomberg (top, bottom)

To go deeper into the details of how a “grid down” cyberattack or (fake) EMP attack would be carried out, I recommend you read my 3 May 2020 update. It contains 3 excerpts from previous writings that cover the subject. Just remember that the globalists have modified the endgame script since those writings, and it’s likely that we’ll see the grid restored by the “Nazionist Deep State posing as good guys” instead of Putin and Xi — Putin’s savior act has likely been moved to 2025.

To read it, go to The 2020 Archive 3 and enter “here are three sections” into your browser’s FIND feature (or simply click here to open a parallel page to the right spot if your browser supports link-to-text).

WARNING (19 July 2021) – Let’s hope that when Israeli Prime Minister Bennett supposedly backtracked on his comments today he was cancelling what’s planned for Israel this week…

…from The Times of Israel

The globalist plan to start the Palestinian Independence Intifada appears to be centered around Israeli bullying of Palestinians on the Temple Mount during Eid al-Adha, the Muslim “Festival of Sacrifice.” The Festival runs from sunset today (7/19) through sunset of the 23rd (the moment Essene Tisha B’Av begins). Look for the Palestinians to occupy the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Mosque and for it to turn into a bloody siege that turns into open war by Friday.

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Let’s start looking into the details of the intifada setup with passages from a Middle East Eye report. The article starts with an inaccuracy due to an erroneous news agency report about an Israeli incursion on Monday, so all the following information pertains to the Sunday Jewish incursion on the Temple Mount…

On Sunday, almost 1,600 Israeli settlers entered the compound amid condemnation from Palestinians, Jordan and other countries such as Pakistan.

Dozens of Israeli police officers raided the site on Sunday through the Chain and Moroccan gates, before assaulting Palestinian worshippers attending prayers and making way for the entrance of hundreds of settlers, Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

Some Israeli groups had called on the settlers to force their way into al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday, as Israeli Jews fasted on Tisha B’Av, a day that marks the destruction of temples in ancient Jerusalem.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett thanked security officials for “preserving freedom of worship for Jews on the Mount”, referring to the Al-Aqsa compound.

Bennett then backtracked on Monday, confirming that “there is no change in the status quo”, in the compound, following condemnation from Jordan, which is the custodian of Muslim and Christian holy sites in East Jerusalem.

On Sunday, Jordan’s foreign ministry had called on Israel “to stop its violations and provocations” in Al-Aqsa Mosque, adding that Israel should “respect the historical and legal status quo, respect the sanctity of the mosque and the freedom of worshipers, and respect the authority of the Jordan-run Jerusalem Endowment Department and Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs”.

In a statement, the Palestinian Authority said on Sunday that it held “the Israeli occupation government fully responsible for the escalation resulting from the Israeli incursion in the al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied Jerusalem”, while the Gaza-based Hamas movement urged Palestinians to visit al-Aqsa Mosque in large numbers and to remain there until Tuesday’s Eid al-Adha.

A statement by Pakistan’s foreign ministry condemned the Israeli incursion into Al-Aqsa on Sunday, saying that “Pakistan stands in solidarity with the government and people of the State of Palestine, and stands by their just demands”.

Here are three critical things of note from the Middle East Eye report…

  • During the Sunday incursion, the Israelis completely cut off Muslim access to the Temple Mount, and the Muslims would be very angry if it happens again before or during Eid al-Adha. So it’s quite notable that “Iran-backed” Hamas is urging Palestinians to seize and hold Al Aqsa Mosque. Hamas’ statement will allow the Israelis to claim that Iran is calling the shots (Erdogan actually is) and is responsible for starting the war (thus justifying the start of the war against Iran)…

    …from The Times of Israel
  • The Jordanian government is expressing outrage over the situation even as Jordan’s King Abdullah is meeting with “anti-Israel” Biden (“to plot”) at the White House today. As custodians of the non-Jewish holy sites in Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa, Jordan may be scripted to intervene on behalf of the Palestinians during the siege, likely moving their special forces brigade into Jerusalem. Their special forces are trained to move quickly and stealthily into enemy territory, are well suited for urban combat operations, and “the unit is equipped and trained to be able to operate behind enemy lines for long periods without any logistical support, and is considered some of the best in the Middle East.”
  • Pakistan is mentioned multiple times in the article, and they are the only Muslim nation known to have nuclear weapons. This opens the possibility that a “Pakistani nuke” will make its presence known in Israel on Essene Tisha B’Av — a “Pakistani nuke” that the Israelis will likely say was an “Iranian nuke.”

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It should be noted that this isn’t the first time the globalists have tried to engineer an Israeli-Palestinian war around the time of Tisha B’Av and Eid al-Adha. I tracked previous attempts to get this war going in both 2019 and 2020. So if you are a relatively new reader, I recommend you read the coverages from those two years because they contain information that pertains to this year also…

In 2019, they attempted to mirror the provocations that led to the 2014 Gaza War — HBO even did a propaganda documentary to aid the setup. My coverage of it started on August 8 and ran through August 11, and you can read it by going to The 2019 Archive and entering “8 August” into your browser’s find feature (or simply click here to open a parallel page to the right spot if your browser supports link-to-text).

In 2020, they planned a false-flag missile strike on Israel that involved the Israelis firing missiles at themselves from Lebanon in order to blame Hezbollah and Iran. My coverage of it, which included information about the Israeli tunnels and underground missile silos in Lebanon and the plot to take out Netanyahu and Trump at roughly the same time (a feat they finally accomplished this year by using another method), was a multi-section update posted on July 30. You can read it by going to The 2020 Archive 4 and entering “30 July” into your browser’s find feature (or simply click here).

Essene Tisha B’Av Overwatch

“MY proper-tay!”…

(18 July 2021) – Today is looking quiet, so if they decide to proceed with the “communist onslaught” in the coming days, they’ll likely choose Friday, July 23 (with a possible precipitating event on July 22). The 23rd is the actual 100-year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, so the globalist propagandists may assign the following rationale to the “Chinese-led” attack…

“The CCP spent its first 100 years living in the shadow of the United States; in its second 100 years, the US will live under China’s shadow. The end of the Party’s first 100 years will be the beginning of the Chinese Century.”

At sunset on July 23rd, Tu B’Av begins on the standard Jewish calendar and Tisha B’Av begins on the Essene Jewish calendar. Tu B’Av is a celebration of love and marriage and Tisha B’Av is a commemoration of major Jewish tragedies.

Since Tu B’Av celebrates marriage, the “Christian Watchmen” propaganda front are suggesting that it will be the day “Jesus Christ comes like a thief in the night to take his bride (the Church).” They call this event — in which “true Christians” suddenly disappear from the Earth — “the Rapture,” and it would manifest as a mass arrest of the Christian enemies of the “Deep State” that begins on the night of the communist onslaught. They’ll most likely use Homeland Security forces to carry out “Operation Rapture,” but if they want to add a supernatural flair to the event, they’ll use the Space Force and its “alien abduction” technologies to sneak people out of their beds. Look for the globalists’ “Christian Watchmen” to be among the disappeared. This would be done in order to boost the credibility of the false narrative they’ve been spinning.

As for Essene Tisha B’Av (which falls on the same day as Tu B’Av), that would be the day the Palestinian Independence Intifada would begin, supposedly at the behest of Xi and Putin’s Iranian friends. A Jordanian special forces move into the West Bank/Jerusalem is also possible. King Abdullah is meeting Biden at the White House tomorrow (July 19), which would be narrated as the day they finalize the Jordanian part of the scheme to take down Israel.

In the meantime, we need to watch for a false-flag in or near Ukraine to get the action going on Monday or Tuesday. Tuesday the 20th is Sergei Shoigu’s 666 Day, and it’s also the 77th anniversary of the failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler back in 1944. Here are three possible targets for assassination that day…

  • Vladimir Putin, because “he is an authoritarian dictator like Hitler was”,
  • Volodymyr Zelensky, because he is the leader of “Nazi Ukraine” and his false-flagged death would start the Ukraine war, and
  • Donald Trump, because “he is a Nazi” and his death would allow Mike Pence to return to power as president after the Nazionist victory over the communists. (He would then name Kushner his VP and later die in office, as was portrayed in a TV show about four and a half years ago.)

On a somewhat related note, a number of apocalyptic movies have portrayed an ongoing Olympic Games when all hell breaks loose in the world. And the Tokyo Olympics start on July 23rd, the same day the CCP turns 100. Within the script, then, ruining hated Japan’s Olympics is another motivator for the Chinese to schedule the communist onslaught for that day. What better day is there to deliver a “sudden blow“?…

…from the Global Times

~ MORE ~

As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, Jared Kushner is the person most likely to emerge as the Nazionist Hitler during Act 1 of the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay. The scripting will reflect that he is the “false Jewish messiah put in place by evil Chabad,” and he will be defeated by “the real Jewish messiah and returned Jesus, Vladimir Putin,” in 2025. Putin will then go on to play the Final Antichrist in Act 2 (currently scheduled to run from 2025 to 2032).

That being said, if the globalists script a Nazionist move against Putin this week, it will be a preemptive attack by “false messiah” Kushner against “real messiah” Putin, and it will come in connection to Ukraine because…

That’s why Ukraine is key to the scripting of this farcical drama…

…from the Ukraine Jewish Encounter (arch)

(16 July 2021) – Back in 2013, there was widespread fear in South Africa that the blacks would rise up and exterminate the whites as soon as Nelson Mandela passed away. And Mandela ended up dying on 5 December 2013. So if you count that day as Day One of the Campaign for White Genocide, the plot actually went hot on the 7 year, 7 month, and 7 day mark (777) of the Campaign (which was 11 July 2021, the day the weekend unrest segued into widespread rioting/looting in order to provide cover for a coordinated communist attack on food, fuel, and power infrastructure). This is a good example of why we have to watch the numbers, and it is a clear indicator that the “Illuminati” (a.k.a. the Kabbalists) are scripting these events.

On another note, reader Onnabugeisha has detected indicators that the Palestinians may be scripted to begin their Independence Intifada in Jerusalem during Tisha B’Av.

~ MORE ~

As I look through Onnabugeisha’s research on the numbers, there are indicators that run from tomorrow through July 24 that point to a broad explosion of troubles. In addition to cues that would support the scripting of a Palestinian offensive, there are other cues that would support the following: the death of a Pope, an escalation of trouble in South Africa, troubles in Belarus and East Ukraine, a betrayal of Putin by Sergei Shoigu, and a Nazi triumph of some sort.

On the last two points, get a load of this…

Of course, the Soviet Union did the lion’s share of the fighting in defeating Nazi Germany, so having Russia fall under the control of a “Nazionist Deep State” agent, Shoigu, would make for “sweet Nazi revenge” in the storyline.

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If they intend to go after Israel on late Saturday or Sunday and Putin on Tuesday, they’ll probably start the communist onslaught in the US on late Saturday or Sunday also. So watch for false-flags, including a potential racial outrage that will be used to roll out BLM/Antifa for South Africa-style riots, from now through the weekend (and then on through July 24). I’ve extended the overwatch period through July 24 because it’s Essene Tisha B’Av.

(15 July 2021) – There are just two days until Tisha B’Av begins and eight days until the Chinese Communist Party’s actual 100th anniversary, and the globalists are preparing people for the Big Event they have planned for that timespan. Look at the things I’ve underlined in purple…

…from today’s Drudge Report

The globalist propagandists worded the headlines in this way to incept the following idea into people’s heads, even if they don’t read the linked articles…

“There is a Putin plot to put Trump in power via a coup featuring a ‘Reichstag moment‘.”

Within the Event script, this propaganda represents an effort by the “Communist Deep State” to pre-blame Putin, Trump, and MAGA people / Christians for the coming massive terror wave that will be used to lock down America and round up the communists’ enemies.

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Let’s start to delve deeper into this by having a look at the Reichstag Fire…

The Reichstag fire was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday 27 February 1933, precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler’s government stated that Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch council communist, was the culprit, and it attributed the fire to communist agitators. A German court decided later that year that Van der Lubbe had acted alone, as he had claimed. The day after the fire, the Reichstag Fire Decree was passed. The Nazi Party used the fire as a pretext to claim that communists were plotting against the German government, which made the fire pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

The first report of the fire came shortly after 9:00 p.m., when a Berlin fire station received an alarm call. By the time police and firefighters arrived, the lower house ‘Chamber of Deputies’ was engulfed in flames. The police conducted a thorough search inside the building and accused Van der Lubbe. He was arrested, as were four communist leaders soon after. Hitler urged President Paul von Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree to suspend civil liberties and pursue a “ruthless confrontation” with the Communist Party of Germany. After the decree was issued, the government instituted mass arrests of communists, including all of the Communist Party’s parliamentary delegates. With their bitter rival communists gone and their seats empty, the Nazi Party went from having a plurality to a majority, thus enabling Hitler to consolidate his power…

The responsibility for the Reichstag fire remains a topic of debate and research. The Nazis accused the Comintern of the act. However, some historians believe, based on archive evidence, that the arson had been planned and ordered by the Nazis as a false flag operation. – from Wikipedia

When people look back at the Champlain Towers bombing and the massive wave of similar attacks to come, they will again argue whether it was the commies or the Nazionists who were behind the “American Reichstag Moment,” but it is a moot point. There is no communists versus Nazionists civil war, and there is no Deep State. There are only the globalists’ Left Hand Path minions (wearing the “black hats”) and Right Hand Path minions (wearing the “white hats”), and they are cooperating with each other in acting out this drama for public consumption.

We already know what’s scripted to happen after the attacks: the Left Hand Path commies will sweep away the globalists’ enemies on the political right, then the Right Hand Path Nazionists will “counterattack” and sweep away the globalists’ enemies on the political left, ending with the restoration of Trump/Kushner. The world will then go into the “Nazionist” New World Order.

Speaking of “the president the voters actually elected last November,” Donald Trump, look at how the commie media are portraying him…

…from the Daily Mail

This propaganda piece is right on script, portraying Trump as a Nazi (who is controlled by Zionists, just like Rothschild-funded Adolf Hitler was). So just as it was after the Reichstag Fire, the “commie Democrats” in Washington will ultimately be mass-arrested, leaving a solid “Nazionist Republican” majority in Congress.

On a related note, Brazil’s Nazionist leader Jair Bolsonaro’s sudden hospitalization for the most dreaded of all diseases, hiccups, may be the prelude to his scripted death. Once that happens, we can expect Brazil’s communists to make a bold grab for power, which will be put down by the newly installed (in March of this year) Nazionist leaders of the Brazilian armed forces.

Watch for the new defense minister, Walter Souza Braga Netto, to take power and for the new head of the Army, Paulo Sergio Nogueira, to take command of Brazil’s “battle against the Chinese Communist Party’s COVID-19 bioweapon.” Getting the military involved in the farcical fight against COVID-19 (like Trump wanted to do here in the US) is how Nazionist authoritarianism will manifest itself in the eyes of the public.

And here’s one final thought: in the Wikipedia entry on the Reichstag Fire, it reads…

Hitler urged President Paul von Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree to suspend civil liberties and pursue a “ruthless confrontation” with the Communist Party of Germany.

So let’s take a quick look at Hindenburg…

In 1925, Hindenburg returned to public life to become the second elected President of the German Weimar Republic. While personally opposed to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party, he nonetheless played a major role in the political instability that resulted in their rise to power. Upon twice dissolving the Reichstag in 1932, Hindenburg ultimately agreed to appoint Hitler as Chancellor of Germany in January 1933 when the Nazis won a plurality in the November elections. In response to the Reichstag Fire allegedly committed by Marinus van der Lubbe, he approved the Reichstag Fire Decree in February 1933 which suspended various civil liberties. Later in March, he signed the Enabling Act of 1933 which gave Hitler’s regime emergency powers. After Hindenburg died the following year, Hitler combined the Presidency with his office as Chancellor before proceeding to declare himself Fuhrer und Reichskanzler des deutschen Volkes (i.e. “Leader and Reich Chancellor of the German People”) and transform Germany into a totalitarian state. – from Wikipedia

In this section from Hindenburg’s bio, you see what is planned for Trump (Trump = Hindenburg). And the one who will play Hitler this time is Jared Kushner (or, less likely, Mike Pence). As I’ve stated in previous entries, Trump may boot the “disloyal” Pence from the vice presidency upon his return to power, and he’d choose “someone he trusts” to take Pence’s place, namely his son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Kushner would then call the shots — like he always has with Trump and like Hitler did with Hindenburg — until Trump dies “the following year” (in early 2022). This would put Kushner into the presidency in time to “stand in the holy place” in March of 2022. I wrote about this in The Three Globalist Messiahs just a little further down this page.

As for how Kushner would leverage the US presidency to take control of the world, I wrote about it on 26 June 2019, but in reference to Trump. So here’s an excerpt from that update with Kushner’s name substituted for Trump’s…

As it turns out, the Secret Space Program (SSP) and its technologies provide the answer.

Once he unveils the SSP, the conventional militaries of the world, including Russia’s and China’s, will be rendered utterly impotent. [Kushner] will stand astride the world like a colossus, and resistance against him will be futile. And since the unveiling will likely happen amidst a global economic meltdown, access to the SSP technologies will hold the key for moving the nations out of desperate poverty into almost instant abundance.

Faced with the choice of rooting around in the mud like starving monkeys or joining a high-tech global paradise, the nations of the world will sign-on to any national and international reforms [Kushner] requires of them.

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Reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out that Friday is the 22nd anniversary of the supposed death of JFK Jr., so it’s possible that he could pop up tomorrow like a Masonic cicada. Such a reappearance was likely planned as a positive event in advance of a positive Tisha B’Av had the globalists started the Big Event at the end of last month on 17 Tammuz. But it seems unlikely now. I nonetheless mention it in case they decide to pull a rabbit out of their hat by staging a pre-emptive appearance of the Nazionist US Space Force.

(14 July 2021) – So on July 11, protests break out in communist Cuba on the same day a communist onslaught begins in South Africa. These will be narrated as competing offensives by the “Nazionist Deep State” (Cuba) and the “Communist Deep State” (South Africa). And in the stageplay, it means that open war has begun between the two sides. Watch for this to spread to other nations, including America.

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Within the script of the globalist “End Times” stageplay, there is a sub-plot that features a civil war within the “Satanic Global Deep State” for control of the evil-version New World Order. It is a war between the “Communist Deep State” and the “Nazionist Deep State” — a war the Nazionists are scripted to win (after the communists do a lot of damage).

The bombing of the Champlain Towers South building in Miami may have been the first big headline-grabbing attack in the escalating covert war between the two supposedly feuding “Deep State” factions. And after their win, the Nazionist victors will claim it was a communist terror attack carried out by Cuban agents in Miami. It will be said that collapsing a building filled with Jews a mere block away from Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s residence was a “message” to Trump and Kushner to “back down, or you’re next.” But of course, the “heroic duo” of Batman (Trump) and Robin (Kushner) will do no such thing.

Caught in the middle of this “Deep State” civil war is Joe Biden. As a “centrist” Democrat, Biden is a member of the Nazionist faction. He was the Nazionist counterbalance to commie Obama during Barack’s presidency, and now commie Kamala is the counterbalance to Biden during his own presidency. And due to past “Deep State” dealings, the communists hold damning information about his family that can be used to destroy both him and his son Hunter. So he is caught in a tug of war between the two sides, and at some point we can expect the communists to remove him in order to place Kamala into the presidency. This may happen at the time the communist onslaught begins in America.

Keep an eye on where Biden goes in the days/weeks ahead. And watch for his assassination, and for President Kamala to blame it on Trump and his MAGA / Christian / “White Supremacist” army of “Domestic Violent Extremists.” If the globalists go for it this year, expect it all to unfold before September (when the “Nazionist elements” of the US military are forced out by the commie vaccination mandate).

(13 July 2021) – I’m seeing very clear signals that the globalists will try to launch the war again this weekend (Tisha B’Av weekend). And since Tisha B’Av is a Jewish holiday, the precipitating event will be an attack on Israel or Jews in general. So watch for news of such an attack on Saturday or Sunday — either a new attack or the sudden discovery of telltale evidence that Champlain Towers South (the Jew-filled condo building in Florida that collapsed) was taken down with a bomb.

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Here’s the most glaring sign that mischief is planned for this coming weekend (July 17-18): NATO has kept its naval force in the Black Sea in place by starting a new “exercise” immediately after the conclusion of the last one (Sea Breeze 21, which ran from June 28 – July 10)…

…from Here is an excerpt…

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Ross (DDG 71) arrived in Varna, Bulgaria for exercise Breeze 2021, July 11, 2021. Ross and one P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance aircraft assigned to Patrol Squadron (VP) 40 will participate in Breeze along with partners and Allies from 13 other nations from July 11-19, 2021.

The Bulgarian-led, multinational exercise includes participants from Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG 2) and Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2).

So the force will remain active until the day after Tisha B’Av.

They’re also retracing their steps towards a big revelation about Champlain Towers South…


If you’ll recall, the last time they planned to use the Miami building collapse to start the war, they brought in “specialists who investigated 9/11 to probe [the] disaster site.” These specialists were supposed to find the smoking gun evidence of a bomb attack in the parking garage beneath the building, but the globalists backed off. And when they did, they whipped up a hurricane and pointed it towards Florida so they would have an excuse to implode the remainder of the building. By covering the parking garage with demolition debris, they delayed the investigation. Now it looks like the new inspector is scripted to find the smoking gun, just in time for Tisha B’Av.

Then there’s the Cuban angle…

…from The Washington Post

In the next section, we’ll look at how the color revolution they’re stirring up in Cuba right now ties into the Champlain Towers narrative and the grander narrative of a battle between the “Communist Deep State” and “Nazionist Deep State” for control of the evil-version New World Order.

(12 July 2021) – The reason for the Haiti assassination has now presented itself…

…from today’s Drudge Report

They killed the Haitian president to replace him with a US-backed stooge in a rather obvious and well-publicized way, and this has set the stage for their next move: a similar regime change operation in Cuba. Such a move against an old Russian ally will allow them to false-flag a “Russian retaliation attack” against the US, thus touching off the war.

(8 July 2021) – Watch for the Israelis to do something stupid to Iran as soon as tonight begins over there. After sunset today, they will be entering the Hebrew day of 29 Tammuz, which is a (militant) Zionist holiday, Jabotinsky Day, and the last day before the Hebrew month of Av begins. And news has just recently come out that Iran has started to enrich uranium metal (this provides the scripted motivation for the Zionist strike / “Israeli Mistake”).

An Iranian counterattack to a 29 Tammuz Israeli strike would give the Jews another reason to mourn during “The Nine Days” of Av that follow: “The Nine Days inaugurates an even greater level of communal and personal mourning in recognition of the many tragedies and calamities that befell the Jewish people at this time.” And since Iran is an ally of China, their retaliation against Israel could also be the starting point of the “communist onslaught” against Israel’s ally, America.

~ MORE – 9 July 2021 ~

The Israelis didn’t move on Iran today, but they did injure and shoot a bunch of Palestinians in the West Bank…

…from Al Jazeera

Let’s see if the globalists run with this, intifada-style.

WARNING: An Imminent Communist Storm is Being Signalled

(6 July 2021) – In the past, I’ve noticed the Drudge Report headline being used for occult signalling, and they just put up the Chinese Boxer Rebellion flag…

…from today’s Drudge Report (top) and Wikipedia (bottom)

Reader Onnabugeisha has also reported a big cluster of numerological indicators for China this month, including these for the Boxer Rebellion (which was a Chinese rebellion against Western imperialism and Christianity)

July 5th marked the 44440th day since the start of the Rebellion (2 November 1899), and
July 9th will mark the 44444th day.

Tomorrow, 7/7, is the midway point between the two markers. It is also the day the hurricane will hit Florida. Also note that it’s been about a century since the last hurricane hit Tampa (in 1921) and since the Boxer Rebellion (in 1899). 22 years separated the two events.

~ MORE – 7 July 2021 ~

According to the globalist “End Times” script, Putin, Xi, Soleimani, and Modi are antichrists who are pretending to be Avatars (“incarnations of the Godhead sent down to Earth to stop the evil ones from depopulating the Earth and ruling over the human remnant”). And Xi has been cast as the Maitreya Buddha, who has labored to take total control of the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese government so he can root-out the entire “Deep State,” both the hardcore communists and the West-aligned Nazionists (like Li Keqiang).

In their current scripting for the takedown of “Avatar Xi,” the globalists are having the “Deep State” mass media tie him to hardcore communism. And they will soon stage a Nazionist takedown of the communists, removing Xi along with them. In the aftermath of the takedown, they will narrate that “Xi was the mastermind behind the CCP plot to depopulate and take over the world through their COVID-19 bioweapon.” And to combat that “bioweapon,” the Nazionists will continue to push the COVID “vaccines” that were produced through Trump/Kushner’s Operation Warp Speed. “Now that we’ve stopped the communists,” they’ll say, “we need to eradicate their COVID bioweapon through a universal vaccination program.” In their push for universal vaccination, their fascist colors will shine through, thus setting the stage for Putin’s messianic return.

With the basics of the strategy now laid before you, let’s look at some more of the China-related occult indicators reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered…

> Today is the 40000th day since the Republic of China (Taiwan) was established on 1 January 1912. And in Asian numerology, the number 4 is associated with death. So both today the 7th and Friday the 9th are opportune times for CCP aggression against Taiwan:

  • Today because it is the day the number 4 occurs, and
  • Friday because if you take the 4444 that occurred on Monday and add today’s 4 to the end, you get 44444, which is the number that occurs on Friday (the number of days since the Boxer Rebellion).

> Both the Dalai Lama and Xi Jinping were born on the 5th day of the 5th month (55) of their native calendars.

The Dalai Lama…

“Born on 6 July 1935, or in the Tibetan calendar, in the Wood-Pig Year, 5th month, 5th day…” – from Wikipedia

Xi Jinping…

…from Google. Here is confirmation of his Gregorian birthday.

This 55 55 is significant given the fact that this Saturday the 10th marks the 55th year + 55th day since the Cultural Revolution started in China on 16 May 1966.

The communist Cultural Revolution swept away everything that came before communism, so a Nazionist Cultural Revolution that starts on Saturday would sweep away communism, along with Xi Jinping and the Dalai Lama (the man who could proclaim Xi the Maitreya Buddha).

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It looks like somebody has backed off. Note the flashy distraction (the Haitian assassination) that has taken the lead, the hurricane’s weakening and demotion to the lower left side bar, and the section at the top left linking Zionist Trump to Nazism…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Reader Onnabugeisha’s research has also turned up numbers that look good for Xi, so don’t forget the alternative scenarios I’ve covered. They could still throw us a curve ball and script the Victory of the Avatars or Option Three (in which Xi falls and Putin rises like Emperor Augustus with the Nazionists). Xi’s good numbers could also indicate his escape from the Nazionists as he goes into hiding in Putin’s secret complex in the Altai Mountains.

The Three Globalist Messiahs

(6 July 2021) – Should the globalists proceed with their currently scripted plan…

a Deep State Nazionist defeat of the Deep State communists, Putin, Xi, and Iran, followed by the establishment of the evil Western-version New World Order

…we will be seeing THREE “messiahs” over the next 11 years, and ALL OF THEM will be globalist figureheads.

The first will be the Nazionist Messiah (Merkel, Pence, Kushner, or “traitor Trump”). He/she will ride in to save us from the “communist plan to depopulate the Earth with their COVID-19 bioweapon.”

The second will be the “real” Jewish Messiah, Vladimir Putin. He will ride in to save us from the evil Nazionist New World Order and then create a “better” NWO to replace it. He will also pose as Jesus but later be revealed as the Antichrist.

The third will be the (globalist-selected) “real Jesus Christ.” He will ride in to save us from Antichrist Putin and lead the world into his 1,000-year Reich (the “Millennial Kingdom”), which will be a post-democratic theocracy controlled by the Kabbalists through him, the figurehead Jesus.

When this third messiah (the “Kabbalah Christ”) shows up, all of the “Christian Watchmen” / “For-Profit Prophets” like Steve Quayle and Tom Horn will prostrate themselves before him and proclaim him to be the “real Jesus” (in order to lead you to do the same). And that’s the whole objective of the Globalist “End Times” Stageplay: to get you to accept the last messiah as the real Jesus, thus (unknowingly) accepting permanent Kabbalist rule over the Earth.

The reason I bring this up today is because the Old Windbag, Tom Horn, recently posted two (mercifully) short videos [1, 2] laying out the globalists’ scripting for Putin’s messianic return in 2025. In them, he hints that the Antichrist will show up in September/October of that year to start the 7 year Tribulation period. What’s particularly interesting, though, is if you go backwards 3.5 years from September of 2025, you arrive at March of 2022 (September 2025 – 3 years = September 2022 – 6 months = March 2022). And I’ve previously written about that month…

(19 February 2021) – In the Victory of Kushner’s Zionists scenario, Jared Kushner is the First Tribulation Antichrist, and Donald Trump was never anything more than a front man and sock puppet Kushner used gain de facto presidential power. According to this narrative, Kushner was the one who…

  • convinced Trump (his father-in-law) to run for president,
  • ran Trump’s presidential campaign, and
  • determined presidential policy after Trump was elected.

Donald Trump was the flashy attention magnet that kept the press and public transfixed while Kushner ran things behind the scenes.

Under this scenario, the First Tribulation began in September of 2018, the month when Kushner’s sock puppet sat as President of the UN Security Council and Barack Obama returned to politics. Kushner orchestrated Obama’s return so he could have an evil foil to defeat when the time came to pose as the savior, which he will do at some point between now and March of 2022. Here is the Antichrist Kushner timeline…

September 2018 – Kushner’s sock puppet, Donald Trump, sits at the head of the existing world government
(+ 3 years = September 2021 + 6 months = March 2022)
March 2022 – “Savior” Kushner “stands in the holy place” of the Jewish tabernacle on the Temple Mount after having defeated “the communist threat to Israel and the world”
(+ 3 years = March 2025 + 6 months = September 2025)
September 2025 – Kushner’s Antichrist tenure would end when Putin defeats him with the help of some “friends from the sky”

Now that “the evil communist Obama has illegally returned to power through the Biden administration and is threatening to mass arrest the American public, purge patriots from the American military, and allow Israel to fall under the threat of a nuclear Iran,” Kushner’s Zionists will conduct a nuclear false flag to be blamed on the communists (including Biden/Harris, Xi and Putin), providing a solid reason for the US military to mass arrest the commies and push Xi and Putin from power under blackmail of a nuclear counterattack. And when the military restores Trump’s presidency “in some form,” Kushner will return to Washington to become president at some point before March of 2022.

Of course, Kushner may skip the US presidency to become head of the UN in March of 2022 — perhaps after Merkel gets the ball rolling in the UN this year. I have yet to look into Merkel’s history to see if she qualifies for the Antichrist role.

As for when Trump sat as President of the UN Security Council, this is what I wrote about it a few years ago…

(18 May 2019) – After running across this hit piece on Trump on a “Christian” site this morning, I decided to look into a few things to see if they might be recasting him as the Western Antichrist next year. As my longtime readers know (and as you can read here), the globalists started Barack Obama’s 7-year Antichrist timeline by having him sit as the President of the UN Security Council in September of 2009. And 3.5 years later on March 22 (3/22), 2013, they had him “stand in the Holy Place” (Christ’s birthplace), which identified him as the Antichrist.

Upon looking into Trump’s history at the UN, I found that he sat as the President of the UN Security Council in September of 2018. So if they decide to rescript him as the Antichrist next year…

  • he’ll be reelected,
  • he’ll help rebuild the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and
  • he’ll “stand in the Holy Place (of the Third Temple)” in March of 2022 (3/22), 3.5 years after his UNSC presidency.

Can you guess which subject both Obama and Trump addressed when they sat as UNSC President? Nuclear non-proliferation (Obama, Trump). So having Trump cancel the nuclear treaties with Iran and Russia could be the globalists positioning him to bring us to the brink of all-out nuclear war, from which Putin & Friends will save us. Putin’s victory over Trump would then happen as late as September of 2025.

~ MORE ~

In the next section, I’ll take another look at the COVID narratives. And I’ll lay out why the Nazionists will continue pushing the vaccines until Putin returns with “friends” who can heal both COVID and vaccine damage.

(4 July 2021) – It looks like they’re opening the door for the “Nazi Pope,” Pietro Parolin, to supplant the “commie Pope,” Francis…

…from AP

If Pope Francis kicks the bucket in the coming hours/days/weeks, it’s a pretty good indicator that they’ll go ahead with the Nazionist takedown of the commies soon.

~ MORE ~

Speaking of [the scripted “Nazi Pope” / “Peter the Roman” / “Petrus Romanus”] Pietro Parolin, he was born on 17 January 1955. So he will turn 66 years and 6 months old (666) on July 17. This would be the day the “10 Days of Darkness” end and Tisha B’Av begins (see the second part of yesterday’s update for more on this).

~ MORE – 5 July 2021 ~

Here’s something interesting about Pope Francis’s sudden “planned” hospitalization on July 4: had they scripted his death in surgery, the election of his successor would have begun 15 days later on July 19. And it just so happens that July 19 is a date that is historically tied to the destruction of Rome…

On 19 July 64, the Great Fire of Rome destroyed two-thirds of the city.

On 19 July 1943 (during WWII), Rome was bombed by over 500 Allied planes, causing thousands of casualties.

As my longtime readers know, leading globalist prophecy propagandist Tom Horn has been promoting prophecies of the destruction of Rome during a Papal Conclave for years now. And one of them is a Kabbalist Zohar prophecy, so the globalists will be sure to fulfill it. Here is something Horn wrote on the subject years ago…

J. R. Church of Prophecy in the News called our office a couple years back and led us through verses 476–483 of this part of the Zohar to point out what nobody in the 2012 research community had written before—that the time of Jacob’s trouble (the Great Tribulation, which some Catholic scholars say begins with the election of Petrus Romanus) will commence according to this ancient text in the year 2012 when the “kings of the earth” gather in Rome, possibly during a papal conclave, and are killed by fiery stones or missiles from the sky.

The prophecy in the Zohar, given by Jews hundreds of years separate from the divination of “the last pope,” is amazing when compared with the Catholic prediction. The final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign ends in the destruction of Rome, will assume authority during a time of great tribulation, and then “the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible and fearsome Judge will judge his people.” But Dr. Church pointed out how in the Jewish Zohar, this vision of the destruction of Rome is repeated, though one prophecy connects it to the coming of the False Prophet, and the other, the Antichrist… – from News With Views

Another notable thing about July 19th this year is that it falls on the day after Tisha B’Av, when the Nazionist messiah is/was scheduled to intervene against the communists after the “10 Days of Darkness.” So he would have been the one who “judged Rome for falling into wickedness” by destroying the corrupted College of Cardinals who gathered for the Conclave.

All this being said, yesterday the globalists made their umpteenth attempt to start the clock on the destruction of Rome. May all garlic eaters rejoice that Pope Francis survived!

(4 July 2021) – Reader Onnabugeisha has detected numerological timing cues that point to…

So Monday offers an opportunity for a war event in Ukraine to be followed by an outbreak of war in the Pacific on Wednesday. And have a look at what Nazionist propagandist Steve Bannon’s Chinese co-propagandist Miles Guo says about Li Keqiang in this article…

…from Follow CN. Here is an excerpt…

“There is a 70% chance that China will slip into a disastrous situation when the international allies launch attacks to get rid of the CCP.

There is only a 30% chance that a military coup within the CCP will succeed and destroy the CCP and thus pave the way to have a peaceful transition to a democratic government.

If the Chinese people are lucky, CCP leaders like Hu Chunhua, Wang Yang, Premier Li Keqiang, Zhao Kezhi, Ding Xuexiang, Guo Shengkun and some young military generals from the PLA will take down the CCP criminals responsible for the release of the CCP-virus to the world, and for the manipulation of the U.S. election.

They should then form a transitional government to cooperate with the West and the Chinese people may still have a chance to enjoy a peaceful social transition before it is too late in 3 months’ time.

The globalists have so far retreated from what they had planned for July 1-23, so let’s hope their backward momentum carries us through this week. If we can push them past Tisha B’Av, they’ll probably withdraw until the HMS Queen Elizabeth arrives off China to participate in the massive allied naval “exercises” that are planned in the coming weeks. The QE carries the RAF “Dambusters” squadron [which is symbolic of what’s planned for Three Gorges Dam (and why Miles Guo talks about “preparations being made to help refugees”)].

(3 July 2021) – An RMVE target is born…

…from today’s Drudge Report. Here is a direct link to the article.

When I heard the Trump Organization was going to be charged this week, I checked to see if the prosecutor was black because he would have been the target of the “Racially Motivated Violent Extremist” false-flag. But it turned out the DA is Cyrus Vance Jr. (a.k.a. “Whitey McCrackerton”). Just a few days later, though, the target has come into view.

If you look at Alvin Bragg’s campaign website, you’ll see that he stands for all of the Democratic policies – such as not prosecuting minor crimes – that have turned our big cities into war zones. And he will probably start talking about going directly after Donald Trump. All this makes him an attractive target for false-flag planners. So watch for the race war-starting false flag attack to come at the hands of “Trump’s white supremacists” at one of Bragg’s upcoming public rallies or marches (perhaps even at a Fourth of July public appearance).

~ MORE ~

If the globalists are ever going to play the “race war to distract the public from commie crimes” card, they have to do it while the “Communist Deep State bad guys” are still in charge. And since they are pushing hard to bring us to the point when the Nazionists defeat the communists, they have to play it soon. So in addition to watching for a move on Alvin Bragg and his supporters, keep an eye out for…

  • a mass casualty attack against an “anti-American” black demonstration on the Fourth of July (AR-15s would feature in the script),
  • a particularly outrageous police shooting of a “defenseless” black grandmother, a black couple, a black minor and one or both of his/her parents, or something along those lines,
  • a targeted assassination of the black Olympian who turned her back to the flag this past week,
  • et cetera.

Such an attack would likely be followed by a few days of mass media race-baiting before the globalists turn the lights out and spark the violence, which brings us to this…

Elements of the controlled alt-media have been talking about the “10 Days of Darkness” again, and reader Onnabugeisha suggests that 7/7 could be a target date for such an event. So if the globalists stage the race event on July 4th, they could whip up hatred for three days before the power grid is taken down. And 10 Days of Darkness that begin on 7/7 would end on 7/17, the day Tisha B’Av begins (at sunset).

The current alt-media chatter about the “10 Days” specifically features an attack against America’s power and communications infrastructure using Russian Club-K shipping container missile systems (of which China has made a copycat system). Should the globalists employ such systems to kick off the 10 Days, they will likely be marked with Cyrillic writing to facilitate the blaming of the Russians by the Biden administration. But it will later be revealed (by our Nazionist saviors) that the systems actually originated in China. They would say, “The Chinese Communist Party was trying to get the US and Russia to destroy each other so China would be left standing as the most powerful nation in the world.”

Recent news reports about soaring container traffic and port congestion support such a scenario: “The breakneck container traffic resulted in fewer customs checks, allowing missile containers to enter the US (with the assistance of CCP agents in the DHS) and to loiter off US coastal cities.” They might even narrate that the shipping container missiles were smuggled into the US and Europe under cover of the Afghan withdrawal [1, 2].

(2 July 2021) – I’m feeling no sense of urgency about this weekend, so it may be that they’ve called off their mischief for now. We’ll see. But I will continue to cover what’s planned because they’ll keep trying to do it all the way through September. So let’s do a quick review of where we are in the globalist drama…

In Act 1 of the “End Times” stageplay, the “evil Satanic Global Deep State” is locked in battle with “savior Putin.” And the “Deep State” has cleverly divided itself into “communist bad guys” and “Nazionist good guys” so they can have the Nazionists pretend to save the world from the communists (while eliminating Putin and Xi in the process).

As of right now, the scene in which the US and NATO are hit with a massive wave of terrorist attacks is about to begin. In the immediate aftermath of these “Operation Blackjack” attacks, the communists (who supposedly control the US government) will blame the carnage on “right-wing Domestic Violent Extremists, Trumpers, Christians, and Vladimir Putin.” And they will go to war against those “domestic terrorists” and Russia, taking down Putin in the process.

After the communists sweep up the dissidents on the political right, the “Deep State” will cue the Nazionist good guys to counterattack. They will take down the “illegitimate communist US government,” sweep up the dissidents on the political left, destroy Iran and their terror network, and destroy the Chinese Communist Party and its chairman, Xi Jinping. And people will welcome their (secretly) Nazionist saviors with open arms. The “evil Satanic Global Deep State” will have finally achieved the full global control necessary to launch the New World Order.

Now if we look at who gets blamed for Operation Blackjack in the upcoming sequence of scenes, we see that…

  • the “evil Deep State communists” will blame “right-wing domestic terrorists” / Trumpers / Christians / populists and Putin, and
  • the “evil Deep State Nazionists” will blame leftists / communists, Iran-backed terrorists, and the CCP / Xi Jinping.

But who will be the real culprits behind Operation Blackjack? According to the story that will be told after Putin returns to save us, it will be “Muslim Antichrist Erdogan’s Grey Wolves” working hand-in-hand with the Western Deep State security agencies. Events permitting, we’ll look at the “neo-fascist” Grey Wolves in the next section. Until then, let’s look again at something I covered in early June…

(3 June 2021) – In Act 1 of the globalist “end times” stageplay, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is playing a “bad guy.” His character is called the “Dajjal,” who is the Muslim false messiah who attempts to usurp the kingdom of the Mahdi, “the real messiah who will defeat evil” and rule for 7, 9 or 19 years.

On the Christian side of things, the leading prophecy propagandists have been programming their lemmings to expect the rise of an Islamic Antichrist. And the Christians have been taught that the Antichrist will reveal himself when he “stands in the Holy Place” and defiles it.

This brings us to Tuesday, 29 December 2015, the night Erdogan stood in the holiest place in all of Islam, the Kabaa

…from YouTube (here is a written account)

Since 29 December 2015 can be narrated as Erdogan’s first day as the revealed Dajjal, we can count forward until we reach his 66th month and 6th day (666) as the Muslim Antichrist, which just happens to fall on the Fourth of July…

…from Time and Date

So the Fourth of July promises to be a significant day for the Muslim Antichrist, but what event could it mark?…

> If the globalists do the nuclear false flags in the June 11-16 timeframe to launch the communist onslaught, Independence Day could be the day the Nazionists (including fascist Erdogan) send in their UFOs to rescue (and then dominate) the world…

> But if the globalists use the June summits to launch July wars, the Fourth of July could be the day the false flag attacks begin. What better day is there to narrate an uprising of “violent patriots” against the Biden regime?

Globalist Agenda Watch 2021 – June Updates

ALERT (30 June 2021): Be on the lookout for a staged, pre-July 4 “Racially Motivated Violent Extremist” (RMVE) mass casualty attack targeting black Americans. It may currently be scheduled for July 1st (US or Beijing time), the day the Chinese Communist Party’s 100th anniversary is celebrated.

(30 June 2021) – The globalist strategy for July 4th weekend appears to be a two-pronged…

1) They will stage a RMVE racial outrage before turning out the lights with a false-flag cyberattack / “EMP” attack this weekend, then order their Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs to take to the streets and get the violence going. They expect angry and opportunistic blacks to take advantage of the disorder. This will start the engineered race war. (Also watch for the “commie” Biden administration to blame the Champlain Towers bombing on “anti-Semitic RMVEs who wanted to kill some Jews and send a message to ‘Trump saboteur’ Jared Kushner.”)

2) Amidst the chaos caused by the power outage and race war, they will stage “Militia Violent Extremist” (MVE) attacks on law enforcement and government facilities. These attacks will include bombings, and some of those bombings may feature “suitcase nukes provided by Russia.” This will enable the “communist onslaught” against MAGA people and Putin.

They laid down the preparatory propaganda for this back in March. Here’s what I wrote about it at the time (I’ve highlighted the parts that set up the two-prong attack in blue)…

(19 March 2021) – If you want to see how the Mainstream Narrative is setting up Russia and “white Christian Trumpers” to be blamed for the planned Operation Blackjoke attacks, google the words “domestic violent extremists” and “Russia” together. Here’s one notable result from The Washington Post

>>> Two intelligence reports released this week confirm what many Americans already know about Russian interference in our election and the rise of right-wing domestic terrorism. They also reveal Republicans’ deep denial regarding the two enemies the United States faces, both of which have a connection to the disgraced former president

The second intelligence report, from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, concerns domestic violent extremists (DVEs). “Enduring DVE motivations pertaining to biases against minority populations and perceived government overreach will almost certainly continue to drive DVE radicalization and mobilization to violence,” the report stated. “Newer sociopolitical developments — such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the US Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence — will almost certainly spur some DVEs to try to engage in violence this year.”

In short, these are right-wing kooks who largely supported the former president and his white-supremacist views. “The [intelligence community] assesses that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and militia violent extremists (MVEs) present the most lethal DVE threats, with RMVEs most likely to conduct mass-casualty attacks against civilians and MVEs typically targeting law enforcement and government personnel and facilities,” the report stated. Finally, “The [intelligence community] assesses that US RMVEs who promote the superiority of the white race are the DVE actors with the most persistent and concerning transnational connections.” <<<

Next, they’ll cue the “Militia Violent Extremist (MVE) + Russia” attack, Operation Blackjoke. That’s when Homeland Security will lock down the country and initiate their mass arrests against the Christians/Trumpers. I wonder if they’ll call it “Operation Rapture.”

The “Deep State commie” onslaught will likely continue till Tisha B’Av when the “Deep State Nazionists” stage their counterattack, reverse the blame for Champlain Towers to the Biden administration, Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, and go after Iran and Chairman Xi. The combination of the commie onslaught and the Nazionist counterattack will bring down all the “combined Deep State’s” enemies: Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Iran. It will also leave the world in a disastrous state that will necessitate the founding of a New World Order.

~ MORE ~

As I pondered the globalists’ bombing narrative for the Champlain Towers collapse the last few days, something was bothering me. The narrative pointed to “Domestic Violent Extremists” AND “Muslim terrorists,” two groups that wouldn’t likely work together, so I was wondering how they would spin a story that blames both groups. And it was this morning that it dawned upon me that the “commies” would first blame the DVEs, then the “Nazionists” would reverse the blame to the Muslims.

So once the “war scene” begins in this part of the “End Times” stageplay, the “evil Global Deep State” will use their “commie Left Hand Path” guys to clear away the right-wingers, Christians, and Putin. And then they’ll use their “Nazionist Right Hand Path” guys to clear away the left-wingers, Iran (and their proxies), and Xi Jinping. So the fake civil war between the two sides of the “Deep State” will allow them to clear-cut all the obstacles in front of them with two swings of the scythe (a swing right and then a swing left).

~ MORE ~

The New York Times has been doing a preparatory propaganda series for the July 4th weekend terror campaign. They call it “Day X,” and it hints at why the American “far-right” would target Jews (Champlain Towers) and conduct a massive terror offensive…

…from the NYT. Note that this installment of the “Day X” series came out the day after the Champlain Towers collapse. And here is an excerpt that establishes Jews as a “right-wing” target…

Just over a century ago, after accepting its defeat in World War I through an armistice, the German government signed the Treaty of Versailles [on June 28, 1919, the day the Ukraine War would have started after last weekend’s planned events] in which the victorious Allies set the terms and price of peace.

The treaty declared Germany to blame for the war and ordered it to pay vast reparations, limit its armed forces and surrender territory. These bitter concessions became emblems of a powerful myth, particularly widespread among veterans: that Germany’s military could have won the war, but instead had been betrayed and humiliated by the civilian leadership.

This toxic conspiracy theory, known as the “stab-in-the-back legend,” became a keystone of Nazi propaganda — in which the civilian leaders were portrayed as the puppets of leftists and Jews.

Here is another excerpt, which sets expectations for Operation Blackjack…

Both this alleged plot and the insurrection at the Capitol could be cited as examples of an “accelerationist” ideology, in which far-right groups promise a moment when the institutions of government, society and the economy will be wiped out in a wave of catastrophic violence, clearing the way for a utopia that will supposedly follow. Cynthia sees this thinking present in both the German and American far right.

~ MORE – 1 July 2021 ~

In the 27 June update (further down this page), I wrote this…

Speaking of intruding upon territorial waters, Putin and Xi likely have a pact that if the US military moves against one of them, the other will open a second front to relieve military pressure. So if the US intrudes upon Crimea’s 12-mile limit, China will likely intrude upon Taiwan’s. And weapons fire in one place would trigger weapons fire in the other.

That being said, a war in Ukraine could trigger a Chinese assault on Taiwan and a Russian strategic attack on Hawaii (where Russian forces recently held an exercise). And once Xi has engaged in the war, Chinese forces will become fair game for the Nazionist UFO fleet. This is another way of creating a catalyst event for a coup to remove Xi. “Xi made enemies of our trading partners and foolishly led us into a war he lost badly,” will be the coup plotters’ rationale.

And yesterday, the mainstream media came out with preparatory propaganda for the opening of this second front…

…from Yahoo News. Here is an excerpt…

Russia and China are coordinating military exercises to threaten not only Taiwan but also Hawaii, according to a senior Japanese defense official who warned the United States to beware of a Pearl Harbor-style surprise attack.

Remember that the Western Sea Breeze 21 naval exercise began on June 28 and runs through July 10, so the war event near Crimea could happen at any time over the next week and a half. The most likely days for it would be July 4th weekend or July 11 (the day after the naval force finishes practicing for the war).

As for the Champlain Towers, the following news hit this morning…

…from Zero Hedge. Here is a direct link to the clearest version of the video, and here is an excerpt from the article…

The footage, shot by Adriana Sarmiento and Roberto Castillero, two tourists staying in a nearby hotel, initially heard a loud bang minutes before the 12-story condominium building collapsed. They grabbed their smartphones and headed to the parking garage.

So now the globalists face a choice: they can narrate the loud bang as a bomb and proceed with their plans, or they can say it was the sound of a support pillar snapping and abort this fatally exposed operation. Desperation is the mother of regret.

(29 June 2021) – Evidence that the building collapse in Miami was caused by a bomb as part of a US-Israeli false flag attack continues to mount, as does evidence that the globalists scripted it as a “Nazionist” false flag intended to trigger war with Iran and discredit the “communist” Biden administration. Let’s look at some information reader Onnabugeisha has turned up.

The Champlain Towers South building collapsed in the early morning of Thursday, June 24th. Two days before that on June 22, a notable opinion piece written by former CIA director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (a Christian Zionist) was posted on the Wall Street Journal…

…from the WSJ. Here is an excerpt…

June 25 marks the 25th anniversary of the 1996 bombing of a housing complex in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, by Iranian-backed terrorists. Nineteen U.S. airmen lost their lives and 372 American personnel were wounded. Many who survived—some of whom went on to work with me at the State Department—have lived the rest of their lives with permanent injuries, brain trauma and tortured memories.

The anniversary of the bombing should serve as a stark reminder that the Iranian regime will probe for vulnerabilities and punish America if we are not strong, and that the costs to America from Iranian malign activity can be enormous. We should never forget that day, and we should never appease Iran’s terrorist leaders.

And the day before the Miami building collapse, Pompeo posted this on his Facebook page

With his posts, Pompeo positioned the Zionists to take military and political advantage of the Champlain Towers bombing, and they scheduled the demolition one day before the anniversary of the Khobar Towers bombing to help tie it to Iran. It’s the “twin towers” all over again.

~ MORE ~

It appears that the false-flaggers seeded their bombing narrative into the alt-media on the same day as the attack. After searching for “Champlain Towers bombing” on Bing, I ran across a blog entry that appears to have been posted on June 24…


So right out of the gate, the Zionist talking points for the false-flag were introduced to the public, including the concepts of an explosive demolition, parallels to the World Trade Center bombing (Muslims) and Oklahoma City bombing (“Domestic Violent Extremists”), Muslim terrorist perpetrators, Jewish victims, and vengeance.

~ MORE ~

In the 27 June update (further down this page), I talked about how the globalists select the dates for their engineered events based on history, numerology, and astrology. So let’s have a look now at the historical and numerological cues the globalists used in selecting June 24 for the Champlain Towers bombing…

June 24 marks exactly 3333 weeks since Esmail Ghaani’s birth on 8 August 1957. Ghaani (also spelled Qaani) is the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Quds Force, the force that would carry out a bombing like Champlain Towers (if Iran had actually been involved).

The bombing was also scheduled to coincide with the 27 year, 9 month, 11 day mark [27 (9+9+9), 9/11] since the signing of the Oslo I Accord by Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat on 13 September 1993. The 999 (666 inverted) is symbolic of the ending of peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, and the 9/11 is symbolic of a false flag attack to start a war. The timespan can also be expressed as 333 months, 11 days.

It should also be noted that globalist numerologists like to tie event numbers to numbers in Strong’s Bible Concordance. In Strong’s Concordance, numbers are assigned to Hebrew words in the Old Testament and Greek words in the New Testament. That being said, Onnabugeisha uncovered this interesting bit of occult numerological interconnection…

> The day of the Champlain Towers bombing, 24 June (2021), is the day of the Saint John’s Day Masonic Feast, and it is on that day in 1717 that the Freemasons’ first Grand Lodge was formed.

> If you look at the timespan between the Khobar Towers bombing on 25 June 1996 and the Miami bombing, you’ll see that 9130 days passed.

Looking up the number 913 in the Greek portion of Strong’s Concordance, you’ll find it is associated with the word “Barak.” And you’ll see this…

Usage: Barak, one of the judges of Israel.

If you’ve been paying attention to the controlled alt-media, you’ll know that they’re portraying Barack Obama as the commie leader who is pulling Biden’s strings and trying to destroy Israel. And they’re also saying that Israel will come to the brink of total destruction when “God” judges them and removes his protective hand (Netanyahu). So now that “God’s hand is removed, Israel’s judgment will come at the hands of the Obamy commies.”

> And if you look at other notable explosions that took out residential towers in the past, you’ll find that…

> So there are two takeaways from all this…

  1. the globalists like to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries with fireworks, and
  2. all these residential bombings are being numerologically woven to persons and groups (the Freemasons, “Antichrist” Obama, the Jesuits) that are slated to be scapegoated and take a fall when Vladimir Putin’s “multilateral/multipolar” reformed UN/NWO starts its rise.

There’s one other occulty thing I ran across whilst doing my research. Have a look at what the following article says about the residents of the Champlain Towers…

…from The Washington Post

In occult circles, the Tower of Babel is associated with the The Tower card in Tarot

This card follows immediately after The Devil in all Tarots that contain it, and is associated with sudden, disruptive revelation, and potentially destructive change. – from Wikipedia

If the globalists roll out the Champlain Towers bombing narrative, it will be a “sudden, disruptive revelation” (as the government starts “securing the homeland”). And it will bring “destructive change” (as a massive Middle East War is triggered).

(28 June 2021) – If they decide to run with the bombing narrative, they’ll likely say the Miami building collapse was the result of a car bomb in the underground parking garage taking out a key support (click on the image to enlarge it)…

…from Architects’ Journal. Here is an excerpt…

The cause of the devastating collapse of a 12-storey residential building in Miami, Florida, which so far has left one dead, many injured and dozens still missing, is not yet known…

And according to Surfside mayor Charles Burkett, roof repairs were underway at the building. He also told the news channel: ‘This [building] is from the 80s. There is no reason for this building to go down like that unless someone literally pulls out the support from underneath, or they get washed out, or there is a sinkhole or something like that, because it just went down.’

A “car bomb in the parking garage” scenario is reminiscent of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing (which was ascribed to Muslim terrorists)…

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, carried out on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the complex. The 1,336 lb (606 kg) urea nitrate–hydrogen gas enhanced device was intended to send the North Tower (Tower 1) crashing into the South Tower (Tower 2), bringing both towers down and killing tens of thousands of people…

On Friday, February 26, 1993, Ramzi Yousef and a Jordanian friend, Eyad Ismoil, drove a yellow Ryder van into Lower Manhattan, and pulled into the public parking garage beneath the World Trade Center around noon. They parked on the underground B-2 level. Yousef ignited the 20-foot fuse, and fled. – from Wikipedia

The Miami building collapse happened just a block away from Jared Kushner’s house. So is blaming Iran / Hamas / Hezbollah also on the table? Remember that Israel targeted high rise apartment buildings when bombing Gaza recently.

~ MORE ~

It looks like false-flaggers targeted the Champlain Towers building due to a heavy Jewish and Israeli presence there [1, 2], so it’s likely that “Muslim revenge for Israel’s bombing of Gaza residential towers” will figure into the narrative. And a reader sent me a link showing that the Israelis are getting involved.

~ MORE ~

The obvious purpose for blowing up the Champlain Towers building was to provide a casus belli for war against Iran (and possibly the roundup of “Domestic Violent Extremists” as well). And it was likely intended to be the first in a series of bombings. But was it a component of the campaign that was scheduled to launch over this past weekend, or is it a component of a campaign that is scheduled to launch on July 4 weekend? If it’s the former, they might cover up the bombing and go with the “structural failure” explanation; if it’s the latter, the mainstream media will roll out the bombing narrative in the next few days. Now that the building is on the ground, it’s hard to imagine them not making use of it.

~ MORE ~

Speaking of a Miami false-flag to justify war against a foreign nation, the Champlain Towers Operation is reminiscent of another such operation planned decades ago: Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes to be shot down or given the appearance of being shot down, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy. – from Wikipedia

Here is a screenshot from the actual Operation Northwoods planning document…

…You can read the documents for yourself here (a PDF link). And “plastic bombs” refers to bombs made with plastic explosives.

(28 June 2021) – This weekend’s alert has been extended through today (June 28). It will be replaced tonight by a general false flag warning that will extend through July 24. This coming July 4th weekend is exceptionally hazardous.

On another note, the collapse of the condo building in Miami is reminiscent of the apartment bombings in Russia that brought Putin to power

So watch for a potential shift in the narrative that blames the collapse on a bomb — a “Domestic Violent Extremist bomb placed by a Trumper with connections to Russia.” This revelation may be announced before July 4 weekend.

The move in that direction seems to be starting…

Miami building collapse: Specialists who investigated 9/11 sent to probe disaster site

June War Watch
ALERT (24 June 2021): A US government cyberattack targeting US utilities is scheduled for this weekend (June 26-27)

This attack will be a false flag attributed to Russia, and its purpose is to create an excuse to “retaliate” by attacking them in eastern Ukraine (on Monday the 28th). The US false flag will roughly coincide with a false flag attack on Israel — likely targeting Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, or the Dimona nuclear reactor — that will be attributed to Iran. Its purpose is to create an excuse for the Israelis to “retaliate” by striking Iran’s nuclear sites.

(27 June 2021) – The weather engineers have turned up the heat in advance of the planned cyberattack

In the 24 June update (a little further down this page), I showed you an article from The Warzone that telegraphed the planned US government cyber-false-flag. Here is an excerpt from that article…

National Guardsmen just completed a two-week training exercise which saw them respond to a simulated cyberattack that took out critical utilities across the United States. The exercises have become an annual event, but this year took on even more significance after coming on the heels of several major ransomware and cyber attacks that crippled large parts of American infrastructure in recent months.

The exercises were part of the seventh Cyber Yankee, an training event that brings together guardsmen from throughout the New England region to test their responses against simulated cyberattacks. This year’s exercises simulated a cyber attack that targeted utilities on the West Coast before spreading east across the United States towards New England.

The writeup on the exercise specifically mentioned two regions: the West Coast and New England. So can you guess which two regions in the country are experiencing unusual heatwaves this weekend?…

…Yep, the West Coast and New England

Record highs shattered as unprecedented heat wave stifles the Northwest

‘Heat Dome’ To Roast Northeast States

So the globalists are not just engineering a power outage; they’re engineering a miserable and deadly heat emergency.

By not triggering the cyberattack earlier in the weekend, they lost the chance to do it on 17 Tammuz. But that doesn’t mean they still won’t do it later today or Monday. I’m hoping it’s been cancelled, along with the Israeli false flag that failed to materialize on 17 Tammuz (it’s already 18 Tammuz in Israel).

~ MORE ~

The national and international dramas we see swirling around us now are part of the globalist “End Times” stageplay that’s being acted out for the public. And while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added — all on the fly.

It’s also important to know that the globalists are meticulous historians and superstitious followers of numerology and astrology, so they carefully choose the dates on which key scenes of the play are acted out. They align events with days of historical, numerological, and astrological significance. It is for this reason that I track such dates along with my partner, who has a knack for uncovering such things.

So let’s look at what reader Onnabugeisha has found for tomorrow…

June 28 is Tau Day. And tau, which is the number 6.28, is the circumference of a circle divided by its radius. So if you walk one full revolution around a circle, ending up where you started, you will have walked tau number of radians….

…from Wikipedia

Put more simply, tau carries the concepts of “coming full circle” and “ending up at the beginning of another cycle.” And these concepts are quite illuminating considering tomorrow’s historical and numerological connections…

June 28 is the anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which is the event that set World War 1 in motion.

June 28 is the 7 year, 7 month, and 7 day mark (777) since the 21 November 2013 beginning of the “US-EU instigated” color revolution in Ukraine (Euromaidan).

June 28 is the 88 month, 8 day mark (888) since the 20 February 2014 start of the Russo-Ukrainian War.

June 28 is the 8 week mark of Victoria Nuland‘s tenure as Biden’s Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, which began on 3 May 2021. Nuland, a Jewish neocon (Zionist), was a key figure in Ukraine’s color revolution. Just have a look at what the “Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity” — a globalist controlled-opposition organization — said about her…

…from the Ron Paul Institute

So it would seem that we’re coming back around to the beginning of a new Ukrainian revolution, a new Russo-Ukrainian War, and a new World War. The “Russian cyberattack” on US utilities is intended to get the American public pissed at Russia, and the planned false-flag or provocation in Ukraine is intended to turn that anger into kinetic war. So remain on watch for the cyber-false-flag and for the physical war event in Ukraine. The controlled alt-media are suggesting that ships from the Sea Breeze 2021 naval exercise tomorrow will enter Russian territorial waters around Crimea to goad the Russians into attacking them.

Speaking of intruding upon territorial waters, Putin and Xi likely have a pact that if the US military moves against one of them, the other will open a second front to relieve military pressure. So if the US intrudes upon Crimea’s 12-mile limit, China will likely intrude upon Taiwan’s. And weapons fire in one place would trigger weapons fire in the other.

That being said, a war in Ukraine could trigger a Chinese assault on Taiwan and a Russian strategic attack on Hawaii (where Russian forces recently held an exercise). And once Xi has engaged in the war, Chinese forces will become fair game for the Nazionist UFO fleet. This is another way of creating a catalyst event for a coup to remove Xi. “Xi made enemies of our trading partners and foolishly led us into a war he lost badly,” will be the coup plotters’ rationale.

Coming next are more numbers and a look at what meanings the globalists might ascribe to them all (if I have time).

(26 June 2021) – On the Friday before we entered False Flag Weekend (this weekend, which is intended to kick off a war that is scripted to be stopped by UFOs), the National Security Complex finally released the long-awaited UFO report…

…from CNN

The release of the report is intended to put two ideas into the public mind:

  1. “UFOs are real” (they are actual physical objects), and
  2. “they pose a threat to national security”.

The “UFOs are real” idea is to help the sleepers accept what they see when they see it (on the Fourth of July or Tisha B’Av). And the “they pose a threat to national security” idea is intended to dovetail with the controlled alt-media narrative for what is/was about to happen.

To help set up the post-UFO arrival narrative, the controlled alt-media have also put two ideas into the public mind:

  1. “The Global Deep State desperately wants to take down Putin,” and
  2. “The Global Deep State is experiencing infighting between its communist and Nazionist factions, and the communist faction currently controls the US government while the Nazionist faction controls a secret UFO fleet.”

The controlled alt-media storyline is that the US government is controlled by “commie Obama” through “puppet Biden.” So the government is saying “UFOs are a threat” because the commies feel under threat by either the Nazionist UFOs or Putin’s UFOs, and they want the public to see the UFOs as enemies.

But the globalist script will have the UFOs sweep in like saviors, whether they be the “false savior” Nazionists or the “real savior” Putin. The preponderance of the propaganda suggests we’ll more likely see the Nazionists (but without any visible swastikas, Stars of David, or other symbols that would give away their identity — they want to look like good guys, not bad guys).

As for the propaganda setup for the Nazionist UFOs, you might recall news coming out last year from Haim Eshed, who is the former director of space programs for Israel’s defense ministry

…from The Jerusalem Post

The US Secret Space Program, supposedly controlled by Nazis, and the Israeli Secret Space Program, obviously controlled by Zionists, supposedly received their UFO technology from the “aliens” of the “Galactic Federation.” But the GMO human hybrids and the spacecraft that comprise the “Galactic Federation” are themselves nothing more than the products of the secret globalist laboratories. The whole thing is a hocus-pocus psyop being carried out with human-developed technologies, and I cover the details of it in The UFO/ET Con.

~ MORE ~

Of course, if the “Deep State Nazionists” are to “save the world from the communists and their COVID-19 bioweapon,” they’ll need to take down the Chinese Communist Party. And since the Nazionists are “evil Satanic Deep Staters,” the defeat of the CCP will be the cover they’ll use for taking out “good guy” / “Avatar” Xi Jinping. “Nazionist Deep State” propagandist Steve Bannon has been leading the charge for the CCP takedown…

…from YouTube. Note the farcical nature of the video, which reflects the farcical nature of the scripted divide in the imaginary “Deep State.”

And now the propaganda arm of the Falun Gong, The Epoch Times, seems to be joining in

…Here is an excerpt from the interview…

Interviewer: …One of the really interesting things that you mention in here is that these potential coup plotters, these are not people that are coming from outside of the system, these are very much people who would be from the highest ranks of the Communist Party.

And they would be doing this very much in their own self interest, so to speak. Again, contrary to a lot of common thinking today. Tell me a little bit about what is it that is in the self interest of these high level officials to see systemic political change in China?

Mr. Garside: Well, I think it’s in their self interest, but I think they’re not only motivated by self interest. As I read them, these real life characters—and as I portray them in that quarter of my book which is given over to the semi-fictional coup d’etat—have a concern for their country. They see their own personal self interests and those of the country joined going forward together.

They can see the problems, the deep-seated, long-standing problems in China, caused by the system of totalitarian dictatorship, which they have. They understand those problems better than the people in the outside world do.

They can see better than most people can see, that this regime is outwardly strong, but inwardly weak. And that it’s in a state of political decay. And that their best hope for preserving their own wealth and power, as well as the best hope for China, is to lead a coup d’etat to remove Xi Jinping and to launch China into a democratic transition.

So will the catalyzing event for this “coming coup” be the long-planned “failure” of the Three Gorges Dam or the “Taishan Nuclear Disaster Coverup”?…

…from G News (top) and the BBC (bottom)

If we’re looking at an imminent “Nazionist Deep State Victory” scenario, Xi will fall along with Putin. But Putin will be scripted to return and save the world at some point — either this year or in 2025.

~ MORE ~

There is one more thing I want to cover before calling it a night…

Q: Should the Nazionists sweep onto the scene as saviors and take down the “commie” Biden administration, whom will they place into the presidency?

A: One of the two men who actually got elected last November of course: Trump or Pence.

There are four ways they can play it…

  1. Trump gets “killed”/”disappeared” by the communists during the war so Pence can be restored to office as president. He would be a good choice because he looks like a stern Nazi and was deeply involved in creating the US Space Force.
  2. Trump gets restored to office, but dumps “traitor Pence” and taps a VP he trusts, Jared Kushner. Something later happens to Trump so Kushner can take the presidency. Kushner would be a good choice because he “made a peace covenant with Israel and the many” and can be presented as the false Jewish messiah and Antichrist.
  3. Trump/Pence are restored to office and something later happens to Trump so Pence can take over.
  4. Trump gets restored to office and stays there, either as the “puppet of Kushner” or the “traitor to Putin and Xi.”

There is also Option 3 to consider. In the 6 June update (further down this page), I mentioned a scenario in which the Nazionists bring Merkel and Putin to power. In that case, Trump would be restored to office and either stay there or tap Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard to take over.

Tomorrow we’ll look at the occult timing cues.

More details on the Alert can be found in the following updates…

(24-25 June 2021) – On the anniversary of the start of the Nazi invasion of Russia in World War II, look at what the Russian president was talking about…

…from Al Jazeera

Remember that the controlled alt-media have long been stressing that the color revolution in Ukraine was led by Nazis…

…from LaRouchePub (a PDF link)

That being said, we got past the June 20-23 danger window okay, but we don’t have long to rest. The next danger window starts this weekend. It will begin when Israel enters the 17th of Tammuz in the evening of Saturday the 26th (a danger time surrounding Israel) and continues through Monday the 28th (a day that carries historical/numerological indicators of trouble between Ukraine and Russia). We’ll look at the details after I’ve pulled all the data together.

~ MORE ~

Just this morning, I received research notes from reader Onnabugeisha pointing to historical and numerological cues for drama between Ukraine and Russia on June 28. And after lunch, I ran across this…

…from The Warzone

As you can see, the US has just completed an exercise for a massive attack on US utilities, but it was this slide I found in the article that made my eyes pop out…

If you zoom in, you’ll notice the US intent to “Impose Costs” following such an attack, with the arrow clearly pointing to Russia. And if you zoom in and look closely, you’ll see that the “Impose Costs” arrow touches ground in the Balkans (circled in yellow), where US and NATO forces have just completed a massive military exercise [1, 2]. The head of the arrow sweeps straight through Ukraine, ending at the Russian border (I added a yellow arrow that points to Crimea so you can picture things more clearly)…

…Click on the graphic to enlarge it.

To further justify a kinetic “retaliatory” attack against Russian forces in Ukraine, there may be an accompanying physical false flag attack there between now and Monday. Such an attack could take many forms, including a false flag assassination of a Ukrainian leader.

Should war actions commence this weekend, they will likely culminate by July 18 with either a “Global Deep State” victory or a victory by “Putin and his UFOs”…

…from The Guardian

I’ll explain why in tomorrow’s update.

~ MORE – 25 June 2021 ~

At sunset on Saturday in Israel [7:49 PM local time (just before 8)], the 17th of Tammuz will begin, and the window for false flag mischief will open. Here is a little about the history of the day from its Wikipedia entry

The Seventeenth of Tammuz is a Jewish fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple. It falls on the 17th day of the 4th Hebrew month of Tammuz and marks the beginning of the three-week mourning period leading up to Tisha B’Av.

In ancient times, the breaching of a city’s walls represented a devastating penetration of its defenses, so we may see a devastating penetration of Israel’s defenses this weekend. And it would begin three weeks of war leading up to Tisha B’Av. Should the attack happen between sunset and midnight on Saturday on the Gregorian calendar, Tisha B’Av would come 22 days later (a nice, juicy number for the Freemasons).

Continuing on with the history of the day…

The Seventeenth of Tammuz occurs forty days after the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. Moses ascended Mount Sinai on Shavuot and remained there for forty days. The Children of Israel made the Golden Calf on the afternoon of the sixteenth of Tammuz when it seemed that Moses was not coming down when promised. Moses descended the next day (forty days by his count), saw that the Israelites were violating many of the laws he had received from God, and smashed the tablets.

So 17 Tammuz also represents “God’s judgment against a sinful Israel.” And we can expect the globalists to follow that scripting point by bringing Israel to the edge of total defeat by Tisha B’Av.

Here’s another interesting historical point…

The Book of Jeremiah (39.2, 52.6–7) states that the walls of Jerusalem during the First Temple were breached on the 9th of Tammuz. Accordingly, the Babylonian Talmud dates the third tragedy (breach of Jerusalem’s walls) to the Second Temple period. However, the Jerusalem Talmud (Taanit IV, 5) states that in both eras the walls were breached on 17th Tammuz, and that the text in Jeremiah 39 is explained by stating that the Biblical record was “distorted”, apparently due to the troubled times.

Chabad’s page on 9 Tammuz holds to that date for the first breaching of the walls, and 9 Tammuz was last Saturday, the day the Iranian nuclear reactor was supposedly sabotaged by Israel’s Mossad. So the globalist script may hold that what Israel did on 9 Tammuz determined the form of “God’s” judgment against them 8 days later on 17 Tammuz. This “judgment” would likely take the form of an attack on Israel’s nuclear reactor at Dimona and/or an attack on Mossad headquarters. Given the recent boastful remarks by the new head of Mossad — The Iranian [nuclear] program will continue feeling Mossad’s might — how can “God” not humble him?

As for the sequence of events between the start of the war this weekend and its outcome on Tisha B’Av (sunset of July 17 to sunset of July 18), there are two routes they could take…

  1. They could take us on an express elevator to hell until the Fourth of July, stage an “Independence Day” arrival of the UFOs, then let them drive to victory by Tisha B’Av. In this case, this weekend’s target would likely be Dimona, and the resulting radiation release would cause an immediate diaspora out of Israel. The intervening UFO fleet would then return the scattered and captured Israelis to their homes. We looked at this scripting earlier this year.
  2. They could stage the false flags and “retaliation” attacks in eastern Ukraine and Iran over the next few days, then stage Operation Blackjack on the Fourth of July. And after two more weeks of fighting and domestic roundups, they’d bring in the UFOs on Tisha B’Av and have them stop all the crises by Tu B’Av (July 23-24).

Of course, the intervening UFO forces could be narrated as being either evil Nazionist forces or Putin’s “benevolent” forces, and we’ll know which it is by observing whether Putin is out of power or leading the UFOs when they arrive.


There aren’t just historical and numerological indicators pointing to June 28; there’s also this…


If the exercise is scheduled to start on Monday, that means the forces are already in place [assuming this is a real exercise and not a Wag the Dog multimedia production (the recently reported confrontation between a UK warship and the Russians appears to have been faked)].

The weekend false flags will provide the excuse to take the exercise live (whether it’s real or pure psyop).

(21 June 2021) – A factor I didn’t think to include in my assessment for June 20-23 was Iran’s election of a “hardliner” president on Friday [1, 2]. That election led to this…

…from The U.S. Sun. Here’s an excerpt…

IRAN’S sole nuclear power plant has been mysteriously shut down hours after Israel vowed to launch attacks on its “mass murdering hangmen”.

Incoming President Ebrahim Raisi, 60, is a torturing killer who will spread terror and bloodshed across the world, claim those who say they suffered at his hands in Iran.

Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, 49, accused him of being a “mass murderer”.

And a government source said attacks would be “planned” to obliterate Iran’s nuke programme…

Hours later, Iran’s sole nuclear power plant underwent an unexplained temporary emergency shutdown, the country’s state TV reported.

It’s the first time Iran has reported an emergency shutdown of the plant in the southern port city of Bushehr…

On Sunday an official from the state electric company Tavanir, Gholamali Rakhshanimehr, told a talk show that the Bushehr plant shutdown began on Saturday.

He added that it would last “for three to four days.”

Tavanir released a statement saying that the nuclear-powered plant was being repaired, without offering further details.

So if this Iranian shutdown is narrated as the result of an Israeli Stuxnet-type attack, it provides the scripted motivation for an Iranian counterattack on Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor. The shutdown could also be narrated as a preparatory move for an expected kinetic attack by Israel. And since it started on Saturday, “three to four days” means the plant will be shut down during the full Sunday through Wednesday time period I warned about.

~ MORE ~

Even though the overall June 20 script is blown, elements of it could still be implemented. So let’s look at what’s ahead by looking at what’s behind: the start of Eastern Orthodox Pentecost, a holiday that spans 3 days, June 20-22.

According to the Christians, “God” has multiple personality disorder: he consists of the Holy Trinity (3)…

  1. the Father,
  2. the Son, and
  3. the Holy Spirit

And Pentecost celebrates the Holy Spirit’s descent upon Jesus’s disciples after Jesus (the Son) ascended into heaven to be with the Father. Here’s the relevant Bible verse…

Acts 2:1 1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like a mighty rushing wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw tongues like flames of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

As for the Eastern Orthodox celebration of Pentecost…

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Pentecost is one of the Orthodox Great Feasts and is considered to be the highest ranking Great Feast of the Lord, second in rank only to Pascha (Easter)…

The feast itself lasts three days. The first day is known as “Trinity Sunday”; the second day is known as “Spirit Monday” (or “Monday of the Holy Spirit”); and the third day, Tuesday, is called the “Third Day of the Trinity.” – from Wikipedia

[Note: Third Day of the Trinity = 3rd Day of the 3 (33)]

Given that Putin is playing the role of the Antichrist who is pretending to be Jesus, a Pentecost-based event script points to his departure and the arrival of the Holy Spirit to take his place. Putin’s departure would take the form of his disappearance, “death,” or political fall. And the Holy Spirit’s arrival would take the form of an information offensive involving “new revelations” coming out of the Christian prophecy propaganda guys. Their tongues would be on fire due to “the indwelling of the Holy Spirit,” and their pants would be on fire because they’re a bunch of globalist liars.

Now if we look at the numbers surrounding Putin, we see that on June 22, the 3rd Day of the 3, he reaches the 3333rd day of his current presidency of Russia (which began on 7 May 2012). And if we look at June 22, we see that…

So if we put all this together, on June 22 Russia would come full circle since Operation Barbarossa and again fall under Nazi attack, leading to Putin’s fall. This is in keeping with “the Nazionist defeat of the communists and the Avatars” scenario.

We’ll look at the June 22-23 numbers for Xi Jinping, Pope Francis, and Pietro Parolin in the next section. Thanks to reader Onnabugeisha for all the research.

~ MORE ~

Now let’s look at the numbers for Pope Francis and Pietro Parolin (the next pope)…


June 21 marks Pope Francis’s 3022nd day since becoming pope on 13 March 2013. 3022 reduces to 322, the Skull and Bones number…

…a bad omen for him…

…from Fox News (today)


June 22 marks Pope Francis’s 99th month and 9th day as pope. That’s 999, which is 666 inverted, indicating a possible termination.

June 22 marks Pietro Parolin’s 88th month since becoming a cardinal on 22 February 2014. 88 can be interpreted as “double good luck,” indicating possible good fortune (Francis’s termination).


June 23 marks Pietro Parolin’s 11th year, 9th month, and 11th day since his consecration as a bishop on 12 September 2009. 11, 9, 11 can be manipulated into 9/11 and 11:11, both indicating an inflection point (as he takes charge of a decimated Vatican).

So from the perspective of a numerologist, the numbers suggest the fall of (“communist”) Pope Francis and the rise of Pietro Parolin as “the Nazi Pope” over the next day or two.

Conveniently, Parolin went on a trip to Mexico from June 18 through today [1, 2]. So if Francis gets taken out, it would likely happen before Parolin’s return to Rome. And since the flight time from Mexico to Rome is about 14 hours, the hit could take place overnight. Could the cause of Francis’s death be Operation Blackjack?

~ MORE ~

Now let’s look at the numbers for Xi Jinping (who took office as President of the PRC on 14 March 2013, one day after Pope Francis took office)…


June 22 marks Xi Jinping’s 3022nd day since becoming president. 3022 reduces to 322, the Skull and Bones number…

…a bad omen for him.


June 23 marks Xi Jinping’s 99th month and 9th day as president. That’s 999, which is 666 inverted, indicating a possible termination.

So from the perspective of a numerologist, the numbers suggest the fall of (“good guy”/”Avatar”) Xi Jinping over the next day or two and the subsequent rise of the (“Nazionist”) New Federal State of China…

…from Taiwan News

According to the globalist script, the Nazionists will be attempting to steal the thunder of the Avatars by staging a false savior event in place of the “real” savior event planned by the Avatars: “Xi Jinping was going to end the Chinese Communist Party and create a real democracy, but the Deep State had their Nazionist minions act out the defeat of their communist minions so they could create a sham democracy and keep control.”

(19 June 2021) – Now that the element of surprise has been taken away from the potential June 20 attacks, it’s unlikely the globalists will pull the trigger on them. But to be quite sure the plan is dead, we’ll give it a double-tap tomorrow by looking at the historical and numerological cues around which they built their schedule of events. That schedule calls for…

  1. terror attacks on Sunday,
  2. a Constitution-crushing assault on the American people and a collapse in the markets on Monday,
  3. a significant event for Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, and
  4. a significant event for Xi Jinping on Wednesday.

(19 June 2021) – On Thursday the 17th, the day I started warning about the possible June 20 attacks, the Disinfo Ranger started doing the preparatory propaganda setup for them…

…from Natural News. Here is an excerpt…

The national security “deep state” is in an outright panic right now, desperately hoping to criminalize political opponents of the Biden regime before the results of the Arizona / Maricopa County ballot audit are revealed. The hand counting portion of the audit is now complete, and final results are expected in as little as ten days (around June 26th).

Corrupt national security operators know that once the audit results are made public, America will see that around 200,000 ballots are either fraudulent or missing, and Arizona will move to decertify its electoral college votes, thrusting the entire Biden “victory” into question. With audit efforts spreading to other states, it won’t be long before enough states decertify the electoral votes to push Biden below the electoral victory threshold of 270, effectively nullifying the Biden “presidency.”

In order to stop that from happening, it appears the corrupt DOJ and FBI are plotting the largest false flag event in American history as a way to terrorize the nation into obedience while distracting from election audit results…

This is why we expect to see the deep state attempt to pull off a large-scale mass shooting or bombing event of some kind…In order for the Marxists to hold power, they must create a new crisis and use it to strip away any remaining constitutional protections from the American people.

In recent years, I’ve covered a number of attempts by the globalists to apply the “desperate Deep State preemptively attack before a damning and ruinous revelation” template. It has always been tied to some upcoming “bombshell report,” and this year’s attempt is tied to the Arizona election audit report. And while the controlled alt-media try to sell the pre-report false flag, the mainstream media are selling the fallback plan: the July 4th Right-Wing Insurrection false flag

…from Vice, Newsweek, and ABC News. Look at the underlined parts of the headlines and ask yourself, “What will happen if the Arizona election audit report turns out to be a nothingburger?”

If the globalists are unable to act on the 20th, they may release a version of the audit report that fails to live up to the lofty expectations of the Trumpers. And this can be narrated as leading to “disillusioned right-wingers taking matters into their own hands by starting an insurrection on the Fourth of July.”

Should the false flags happen on the Fourth, the globalists would get their two weeks to stage the war before rolling in the UFOs on Tisha B’Av (July 17-18).

(16 June 2021) – Looking Ahead to June 20 and July 4

Back in the 2 June update, I wrote this…

A scenario is beginning to come into view in which the globalists will have the commies launch Operation Blackjack-style attacks on the US and Europe while Biden is at one of his European summits (in the June 11-16 timeframe). Biden would perish in one of the explosions (or in a tsunami caused by one), leaving (commie) Vice President Harris in charge to start the hot phase of the “communist takeover.” The Nazionists would then come roaring in — possibly with UFOs/UAPs — to stop them on the Fourth of July.

And upon looking through reader Onnabugeisha’s notes, I found this…

So having UFOs appear in the sky that day would have been a nice Satanic birthday present for the little guy. Happy birthday, jacka$$!

To understand why Greer is such a disgusting douche, read The UFO/ET Con.

~ MORE – 17 June 2021 ~

Onnabugeisha has turned up some more “mathematical coincidences” connecting July 4 to “space”…

Elon Musk (the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer of SpaceX) has the same birthday as Steven Greer, June 28 (1971), so…

Now if the globalists still want to use July 4 as UFO Arrival Day, they need to move quickly to get the war started; they’ll need about two weeks to let it run before “the intervention.” And June 20 (Sunday) is looking like a candidate day to get that ball rolling — two significant historical events happened on that day…

1) The United States Secretary of State approved the transfer of Wernher von Braun and his team of Nazi rocket scientists to the US under Operation Paperclip on June 20, 1945. According to the controlled alt-media’s Fourth Reich Narrative, this is when the Nazi takeover of the future US space program began. So if the “Nazionist element of the Global Deep State” were to false-flag “communist attacks” on the US and Europe, the “Nazi takeover of the Deep State and New World Order” would begin. In reaction to the attacks, the “Communist element of the Global Deep State” would start mass arrests of “right-wingers,” which would lead to Nazionist UFOs appearing on the Fourth of July to “stop the communist onslaught.”

2) The US Congress adopted the Great Seal of the United States on June 20, 1782. Leading globalist prophecy propagandist Tom Horn has devoted significant effort to tying the Great Seal to rise of the NWO, so June 20 would be a good day to get that rise going. Here are some of his comments about the Great Seal from a March 17 interview on the (Kabbalist controlled) “Christian” TV network Daystar

HORN: I have been invited by Daystar in an upcoming show to explain what is unknown to many Americans and connected to what famous freemason and mystic Manly P. Hall described as “The Secret Destiny” of America. This involves as many as 44 signers of the Declaration of Independence who were freemasons of the European persuasion, dedicated to a scheme reflected on the Great Seal of the United States, upon which the mottoes and symbolism relate to both the Egyptian god Osiris and Greek god Apollo specifically, yet as one…

According to Virgil and the Cumaean Sibyl, whose prophecy formed the novus ordo seclorum of the Great Seal of the United States, the New World Order begins during a time of chaos when the earth and oceans are tottering—a time like today. This is when the “son” of promise arrives on earth—Apollo incarnate—a pagan savior born of “a new breed of men sent down from heaven” when “heroes” and “gods” are blended together … In ancient literature, Jupiter was the Roman replacement of Yahweh as the greatest of the gods—a “counter-Yahweh.” His son Apollo is a replacement of Jesus, a “counter-Jesus.” This Apollo comes to rule the final New World Order, when “Justice returns, returns old Saturn’s [Satan/Lucifer as the god of the air] reign”…

In the New Testament, the identity of the god Apollo, repeat-coded in the Great Seal of the United States as the Masonic “messiah” who returns to rule the earth, is the same spirit—verified by the same name—that will inhabit the political leader of the end-times New World Order…

Among other things, this means the Great Seal of the United States is a prophecy, hidden in plain sight by the Founding Fathers for more than two hundred years, foretelling the return of a terrifying demonic god who seizes control of Earth in the new order of the ages. This supernatural entity was known and feared in ancient times by different names: Apollo, Osiris, and even farther back as Nimrod, whom Masons consider to be the father of their institution.

It should also be noted that the summer solstice begins at 11:32 PM EST on Sunday, so any attacks might be planned for 11:33 PM. And since the summer solstice marks the longest day of the year, the historical accounts of the attacks would practically write themselves…

America’s Longest Day: The day the US government turned on the American people

June 20 is also the anniversary of the beginning of a siege of Beijing during the Boxer Rebellion. So a big event might occur in China on the same day. And get this: if something starts in China on the 20th, the 33rd day after would fall on July 23 (the 100th anniversary of the CCP).

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In my recent entries, I’ve talked about the possibility that Putin could “die” (either politically or physically) and later stage a miraculous return as savior of the world. And I’ve said that this return could happen as soon as this year and as late as 2025. The reason I’ve mentioned 2025 can be found in some of Tom Horn’s other remarks in the Daystar interview

HORN: The enormous asteroid Apophis will reportedly pass disturbingly close to Earth on April 13, 2029 (approximately 8 years from [now]), according to a statement released by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. In fact, NASA admits Apophis’ proximity in 2029 will be so close to Earth that it will “put some of our orbiting satellites in peril” and even be visible in the daytime sky.

Assuming for the moment that Apophis is biblical Wormwood (as I believe) and that 2029 would thus represent a period sometime around the middle of the Great Tribulation period when the trumpet judgments begin, Monday, October 13, 2025 (April 13, 2029 minus 3.5 years) would thus be the approximate start date for the dreaded 7-years of tribulation foreseen in Scripture (see Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14, Daniel 12:1).

Horn has spent a lot of time and energy in the last year or two setting up expectations for a 2025 to 2032 Tribulation period. And that Tribulation would be narrated as the “real” Tribulation, and it would be the time of Vladimir Putin’s multilateral/multipolar NWO. So what we may be seeing now is the globalist effort to stretch things out till 2025, possibly by taking a detour into an “evil Nazionist NWO” before Putin’s return.

That being said, you may be wondering why they’d delay their plans till 2025. And the answer can be found by googling “how long to complete worldwide 5G“…

By pushing things back to 2025, the globalists will have time to fully deploy the ground-based network of 5G and space-based networks of “internet satellites” that use the same frequency ranges as 5G [1, 2]. So their next-generation “interactive voice and video to your head” mind control network will be in place by then, and it will make for much more convincing “magic shows” when the globalists stage “supernatural events.”

Supernaturalism has been the bread and butter of spiritual con artists throughout the ages.

(15 June 2021) – Both the Flag March and the Palestinian counter-demonstrations are scheduled for 6 PM Israel time (10 AM Texas time). If you see the rockets fly, you might consider topping off your prep supplies and being ready to activate your SHTF plan. The war will expand to US shores as early as tomorrow and as late as July 4.

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Will tonight or tomorrow night be the Palestinian Night of the Bridges?

The Sun will set in Israel at 7:49 PM today (in less than an hour); then the night of June 15-16 will begin. And reader Onnabugeisha has pointed out something interesting that happened about this time 75 years ago…

The Night of the Bridges (formally Operation Markolet) was a Haganah venture on the night of 16 to 17 June 1946 in the British Mandate of Palestine, as part of the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944–7). Its aim was to destroy eleven bridges linking Mandatory Palestine to the neighboring countries Lebanon, Syria, Transjordan and Egypt, in order to suspend the transportation routes used by the British Army. Attacks on a further three bridges had been considered, but were not executed.

Only one operation failed: the Palmach, the elite fighting force of the Haganah, suffered 14 killed and 5 injured at the Nahal Akhziv bridges. The other operations succeeded without injuries.

To disguise and protect the real operations and to confuse the British forces, around 50 diversion operations and ambushes were carried out throughout the country on the same night. The confusion also allowed the Palmach members to escape more easily after completion of the operations. – from Wikipedia

75 years later, the shoe is on the other foot. The Israelis are now the occupiers and the Palestinians are waging the insurgency. So will the globalists script the Palestinians getting strategic tonight or tomorrow night? And will they target bridges or something else (like Iron Dome installations or Dimona)? In light of Yossi Cohen’s admissions, Israel’s nuke site is a logical retaliation target.

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The incendiary balloons have started flying, and get a load of this excerpt from the article about it…

The Night Confusion Units in Gaza announced as well on Tuesday that they planned to return to activity on Tuesday night. When in operation, the units conduct loud riots along the Gaza border, launching explosives and lighting fires.

Does this kind of remind you of something we just read about the Night of the Bridges?…

To disguise and protect the real operations and to confuse the British forces, around 50 diversion operations and ambushes were carried out throughout the country on the same night.

Onnabugeisha has also pointed out this: today marks the 11,900th day [9/11 reversed] since the Palestinian Declaration of Independence on 15 November 1988. So if the Israelis were behind 9/11, a reverse-9/11 would hit them, right? And what strike point in Israel would have a 9/11-grade impact? The Dimona nuclear reactor, right?

So will “holding the provocative Flag March that triggered a precision missile strike on the Dimona reactor” be the “Israeli Mistake” the controlled alt-media have been “predicting” for years?

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It is being reported that the IDF have conducted an airstrike in Gaza.

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The Israelis and Palestinians exchanged attacks today, popping the cherry of last month’s ceasefire like an incendiary balloon. The blood of “the innocent” now trickles down upon the Gazan street, yet the intercourse of hardcore combat has still to begin. It would therefore appear that permission to proceed has not yet been given. These are the times that try men’s souls.

That being said, keep an eye on Gaza, Dimona, and Putin from now through tomorrow night. If they script the death or disappearance of the Moshiach ben David (Putin) tomorrow, it’s likely that Israel will begin its fall too. And Israel will fall best if America falls with it (Operation Blackjack). Tomorrow could be scripted to bring a worldwide “shock and awe” campaign by the “Communist Deep State.”

(14 June 2021) – It’s looking like a move against Putin and his Middle East allies, Assad and Khamenei, is imminent. And it will all start with the Jerusalem Flag Day March tomorrow. Israeli media today are all but confirming that it is a deliberate provocation aimed at starting an Israeli-Palestinian War…

…from The Jerusalem Post. Here is an excerpt…

The IDF has sent reinforcements to the West Bank as Palestinian groups warn against the controversial Flag March set to take place Tuesday in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Border police forces have also been bolstered in Jerusalem’s Old City and the alert level at Iron Dome batteries has been raised through concern over possible violent outbreaks including rocket fire from the Gaza Strip by Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Palestinian groups including both Fatah and Hamas have called for a day of rage on Tuesday in response to the march, encouraging Palestinians to “mobilize” at al-Aqsa Mosque and in the Old City.

“Let next Tuesday be a day of mobilization and a bond towards al-Aqsa Mosque, and a day of anger and defiance of the occupier,” Hamas said in a statement on Sunday. “Show God and your people what you have done in it, and be the best sword for Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.”

The Day of Rage was also called for mixed Jewish and Arab cities inside Israel

Hamas also warned Monday that the flag march was “a detonator for a new battle to defend Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque.”

The right-wing march, that was originally planned for last Thursday, received police permission to pass through the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, despite warnings that the would lead cause tension and possibly violence.

Last week, security sources once again warned that the march could reignite the region. Should Hamas follow through on its threats, Defense Minister Benny Gantz has approved several hundred new targets to be struck in the Hamas-run coastal enclave, Channel 12 reported. Gantz also approved a series of steps should Israel find itself in renewed conflict with Hamas.

You can be sure that Gantz’s “series of steps” includes invasions of the Gaza Strip and Palestinian areas in the West Bank. And the odds are quite good that you’ll see Al Aqsa Mosque struck by Israel (“due to the presence of armed Palestinian militants inside it”). This war will quickly expand due to a follow-on false flag missile attack blamed on Iran and a Turkish offensive in northern Syria. More details coming soon…

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Here are some things to watch for…

CONCERNING IRAN: The former head of the Mossad has publicly admitted Israel’s culpability for numerous attacks inside Iran…

…from The Guardian

Cohen’s supposed reason for doing this was “to support Netanyahu by showing he’s been really tough on Iran.” But the real reason is to publicly establish a motivation for Iran to launch retaliatory attacks on Israel. And once Israel invades Gaza, the US-Saudi-Israeli Coalition will launch missile and terror attacks on themselves and blame it on “Iranian vengeance for the attacks on Qasem Soleimani, their nuclear program, and their Hamas allies in the Gaza Strip.”

The false flag attacks will likely include…

  • cruise missile attacks out of Yemen blamed on the Iran-backed Houthis [but the missiles will be fired by Saudi forces inside Yemen],
  • ballistic missile attacks out of Iraq blamed on Iran-backed Shiite militias [but the missiles will be fired by US forces in Iraq], and
  • ballistic missile attacks out of Syria and Lebanon blamed on Iran-backed Hezbollah [but the missiles will be fired by ISIS forces in Syria and Israeli special forces in Lebanon (smuggled into Lebanon using Israeli tunnels)].

Once Israel blames Iran for the false-flag missile attacks, they’ll strike Iran. And this will lead to Iran and their allies launching real attacks on Coalition targets. Full-on war will erupt.

CONCERNING SYRIA: The false flag missile attacks on Israel will lead to the IDF invading southern Syria “to push the Hezbollah missile crews away from Israel.” Simultaneously, Turkey’s Erdogan will seize the opportunity to drive deep into Syria from Idlib in the north…

…from disinformation site Zero Hedge

During these invasions, Damascus will be destroyed and the Israeli and Turkish forces will at some point meet. What happens at that point will be determined by the globalist timetable…

  • If they intend to have Putin play his savior act by Tisha B’Av of this year, Turkish forces will attack the Israelis and drive them back into northwestern Israel, but
  • if they intend to cue Putin’s arrival later (between next year and 2025), Turkish and Israeli forces will stop at the meeting point and divide Syria between them.

CONCERNING PUTIN: Watch for Putin’s potential death or disappearance as early as Wednesday the 16th, the day he travels to Geneva to meet Biden. He could be struck in Geneva as part of the Operation Blackjack attacks or his plane may disappear or be destroyed. Also watch Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in case the globalists substitute him into Putin’s savior role.

Getting back to the Israeli tunnels into Lebanon I mentioned, this is what I wrote about it in a previous entry…

(11 December 2018) – On the matter of Israeli tunnel-digging into Lebanon, have a look at what this article from The Times of Israel says…

…Here is an excerpt…

>>> As far back as 2014, residents of northern towns raised the alarm regarding the possibility of the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror group tunneling below the border to carry out attacks…

Manelis told Army Radio that the tunnels identified by the IDF were not necessarily located in areas where residents had complained of noise.

“Hezbollah tunnels are not an immediate threat, and we have ruled out the existence of tunnels in places where residents reported digging noise — the location of the tunnels does not necessarily coincide with the complaints of the civilians,” he said.

The attack tunnels were long rumored to have been dug from southern Lebanon into Israeli territory by the Iran-backed terror group, but Israeli defense officials repeatedly either denied their existence or refused to discuss the matter.

MK Itzik Shmuli of the opposition Zionist Union faction tweeted Tuesday that “it is amazing that those who mocked the residents’ reports of excavation noise are now telling us with a straight face that it is a serious and concrete threat.”

In 2014, residents of the town of Zarit were so concerned by the noise and what they perceived to be inaction from the IDF after they submitted complaints that they announced their intention to start an independent digging operation, saying they would coordinate any finds with the IDF. <<<

As you can see, northern Israelis heard tunneling noises under their homes as far back as 2014, but the IDF “denied their existence,” “refused to discuss the matter,” and “mocked the residents’ report of excavation noise.” So why would the IDF respond in such a manner?…


To maintain the coverup, the IDF are now putting on a show (Operation Northern Shield) of looking for Hezbollah tunnels in an area away from where people were hearing the excavation noises. They wouldn’t want to dig up their own tunnels, now, would they?

Here’s another article that unintentionally sheds light on the subject…

…from Israel Today

>>> The operation against Hezbollah was launched hours after Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benyamin Netanyahu met US Secretary of Defense Mike Pompeo in Brussels, Belgium where he discussed “a list of developments in the region” with the Secretary.

One of these developments is Iran’s increasing belligerent activity in Lebanon where it has built underground missile facilities which manufacture guided ballistic missiles…

The Americans are training and equipping 30.000 men of the Syrian Democratic Forces who will confront the Quds Force and Iranian-backed Shiite militias in northern and eastern Syria while the U.S. uses local Iraqi Sunni militias against the Iranian-backed Hashd al-Shaabi umbrella organization of predominantly Shiite militias in northern Iraq. <<<

So by saying that Iran and Hezbollah have built underground missile facilities in Lebanon, the media are preparing people to believe that any ballistic missiles fired from hidden underground silos there are Iran and Hezbollah’s…

Of course, building the tunnels and silos to make it look like Iran and Hezbollah were firing the missiles would be a more effective setup if people in Lebanon witnessed the launch. For this reason, the Israelis will position Arab sellouts in the right places to get cellphone videos of the missiles rising from the ground. They’ll be shouting “Allahu Akbar!” to cement the idea that it’s a Muslim launch. Afterwards, the Israelis will collapse the tunnels and hit the silos with “retaliatory” airstrikes to cover up the evidence.

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Something interesting showed up on Drudge today: Exclusive: US assessing reported leak at Chinese nuclear power facility. Instead of popping Three Gorges Dam, the globalists may opt for a Chernobyl/Fukushima-style nuclear disaster to bring down the Chinese Communist Party. I’ll keep an eye on this.

(13 June 2021) – In the base script for Act 1 of the globalists’ “end times” stageplay, there are three Jewish moshiachs (messiahs): 1) Trump, the “Moshiach ben Cyrus,” 2) Netanyahu, the Moshiach ben Yosef, and 3) Putin, the Moshiach ben David. And in past entries, I’ve noted that the fates of the two “precursor messiahs,” Trump and Netanyahu, are intertwined…

Trump and Netanyahu’s fates are tied together – 24 September 2019

Trump’s Fate Will Mirror Netanyahu’s – 15 December 2019

Let’s also remember my past writings about Trump and Netanyahu’s fates being intertwined – 30 July 2020

I’ve covered a number of globalist attempts to script their mutual fall in the past few years, and the winning scenario has turned out to be “election fraud,” taking them both down within months of each other…

…from The Guardian

Should they proceed with Netanyahu’s removal in a couple of hours, they will have finally pulled it off. And the fall of the two precursor messiahs will mean that there is only one messiah left for the “bad guys” to bring down: Vladimir Putin. So it is no coincidence that Netanyahu’s fall is scheduled for the final day of the G7 Summit (and the day before the NATO Summit). The “bad guys” are going for Putin next.

As for my previous entries about Trump and Netanyahu meeting the same fate, here’s a particularly notable one…

(3 May 2020) – In past entries, I’ve talked about how Trump’s fate would mirror Netanyahu’s because the NWO transition script casts both as “good guys” who are fighting against “evil Deep States.” Well I finally ran across a disinformation piece that clearly shows the propagandists applying the “good guy” vs. “evil Deep State” template to Netanyahu…

…from the prophecy propaganda site Breaking Israel News. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Israel’s Supreme Court, and the Justice System as a whole has long been accused by Israel’s right as enjoying a disproportionate amount of power and clout in the day-to-day political agenda. They are often accused as working in collusion with the EU as well as the Soros backed New Israel Fund to allow for the destruction of various Jewish villages in Judea and Samaria on questionable legal grounds…

One of the more egregious cases of Judicial overreach was when former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was about to be tried on corruption charges. But once he enacted the disengagement from Gaza, which involved evacuating 8,000 Jewish Israelis from the strip and essentially giving the coastal enclave over to Hamas, the case against him was suddenly closed by the Attorney General claiming that “it does not interest the public.”

Former Member of Knesset Zvi Hendel claims to have first hand knowledge that Sharon carried out the disengagement to avoid his legal insurrection in a report revealed by the JCPA…

Netanyahu acknowledges the deep state from within the Justice System. According to a report in Haaretz, The prime minister has been heard saying that strings of this shadow government are ostensibly pulled by the prosecution. He also believes that prosecutors and judges have a symbiotic relationship whose goal is ousting him.

Consistent justice ministers, even from the left have noted that there is a deep state within Israel’s Judicial Branch. Compounding the accusations, Rabbi Daniel Asor notes that the building of the Supreme Court was donated by the Free Masons which is why it features a pyramid on its roof — a widely viewed inappropriate ornament for an institution that’s supposed to represent the Jewish state. <<<

So as you can see, the NWO Narrative surrounding Netanyahu mirrors that of Trump (and closely resembles that of Xi and Putin as well): Netanyahu, “the good guy” who is in league with Israel’s “patriots,” is supposedly under assault by a “Deep State” that has both a left wing and a right wing, with the left wing trying to force him out of office and the right wing (Chabad) trying to force him into a ruinous war so they can bring in their “false messiah” (presumed to be Jared Kushner). This parallels the “American Deep State’s communist element” trying to unseat Trump while the “neocon element” tries to force him into the same ruinous war.

And while we’re on the subject of Israel, it is imperative that I once again point out the purpose underpinning the founding of modern Israel within the broader globalist script: IT IS A TRAP THAT HAS BEEN SET FOR THE WORLD’S JEWS, AND THE DELIBERATE STOKING OF JEW HATRED AND THE CALLS FOR ALIYAH ARE MEANT TO LURE THEM INTO THE TRAP.

To put it more directly…


Let me show you why…

As I was doing research for this entry, I ran across something on the CIA website that was supposedly obtained from Osama Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound (the place where he was supposedly killed). It is Fritz Springmeier’s Bloodlines of the Illuminati, which is a famous disinformation tome that has helped underpin the NWO Narrative. Look at what it says about the Rothschilds and Israel…

…from (a PDF link)

So as you can see, the controlled alt-media / NWO Narrative holds that modern Israel was founded by a Satanist family — the same family that funded the rise of the Nazis in Germany. This raises an obvious question that has an equally obvious answer…

Q: Why would a Kabbalist “Satanist” family build a homeland for “God’s Chosen People,” the Jews?

A: To gather all of “God’s Chosen People” in one place for a ritual slaughter.

The coming war-starting false-flag is scripted to have Israel’s fingerprints all over it, just like the Coronavirus farce. And when the news of Israel’s treachery is spread around the world, it will lead to a massive attack on Israel from all directions. Many Jews will die in the attack, but most will be saved by the “three moshiachs,” Trump (Moshiach ben Cyrus), Netanyahu (Moshiach ben Yosef), and Putin (Moshiach ben David).

After the war, the Truth Tsunami will result in searing hatred of the Jews all over the world, and the Moshiach ben David will encourage all of them to make aliyah to Israel to ensure their “safety and security” until the hatred passes over. And at the 7-year mark from the founding of the multilateral / multipolar New World Order, all those gathered Jews will be slaughtered in a much more cataclysmic war. What else would you expect the “real Antichrist” to do to “God’s Chosen People” as God is supposedly returning to Earth?

Getting past the reasons offered by the globalists’ End Times script, the real reason for the coming extermination of the Jews (and Muslims) is to clear the way for the Kabbalists’ Neo-Christianity to be the universal religion of a world united under their rule. It will also happen because the Jews are simply no longer needed as cover by the Kabbalists; they’ll be hiding behind the captured banner of Christianity from now on.

It should be noted that I do not give this warning out of any affinity for Judaism, just like my warnings to Muslims are not based on sympathy for Islam. From my personal perspective, all Abrahamic religions are primitive and dangerous relics of an uneducated past. But all Jewish and Muslim PERSONS are fellow pieces of God walking the Earth in human bodies, so I do what I can to protect them from harm. “Do unto others” always applies, because others are you and you are others — you simply can’t perceive this fact while your focus is split into different physical vessels.

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Netanyahu is out, so Israel is now ruled by the “bad guy” characters in the “end times” script. What happens from here depends on whether the globalists want to take the fast track or slow track. The fast track looks like this…

> The Palestinians have announced a “Day of Rage” for Tuesday the 15th. This could be used to restart the rocket attacks and trigger an invasion of Gaza (“now that Bibi is no longer there to restrain the war hawks”).

> Operation Blackjack could be initiated during Biden’s summit with the EU on Tuesday the 15th (taking out Biden and the Western leaders) or during his summit with Putin on Wednesday the 16th (taking out Biden and Putin). Wednesday seems the more likely choice because…

  • it would allow Operation Blackjack and the invasion of Gaza to happen simultaneously,
  • it would clear the way for President Kamala Harris to initiate the communist onslaught,
  • it would keep Merkel alive to play her potential role at the UN, and
  • it would set the stage for Putin’s miraculous return by Tisha B’Av (July 17-18).

The time between now and July 23 is exceptionally hazardous.

(12 June 2021) – The Hebrew anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s death on Sunday the 13th is looking even more ominous now…

…from The Sun

The G7 Summit started on Friday and runs through Sunday. And while the article highlights a cruise missile threat from the supposed presence of the Russian sub, it is a “false-flag” nuclear tsunami torpedo attack that is most likely in play. Just look at how close to the ocean the leaders are meeting…

…from CNBC

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A Peek into Chabad’s Script for Israel

“even if we have to kill a million Jews to make it happen.”

Back in April, Henry Makow posted an article on his site titled COVID Vaccine Will Destroy Israel. It was a propaganda piece that seems to have been written by a Chabadnik, and it has since been removed from his site. Fortunately, someone saved a copy to the Internet Archive. Here is an excerpt…

HaShem wants to destroy Israel and almost all its people and is using the evil spirit entities like Baal, Molech and Baphomet among others and their human shills on earth to execute the genocidal job.

With the fall of Israel and the decimation of almost all its 9 million or so population via vax and a concomitant Globalist scripted regional war, the rest of the world, too, enters a massive depopulation phase.

Be prepared. A spiritual Israel should arise from the ashes with remnants of Jewry from around the world post apocalypse.

Now, I understand why Globalist chief spokesperson, Dr Henry Kissinger, remarked to the New York Post in 2012 that “there won’t be an Israel in 10 years..” (i.e. by 2022).


The C19 vax will destroy Israel within a year or two by late 2022 end or thereabouts.

Not surprised the Israeli government (obviously working under orders from the Globalists) has lifted lockdown and done away with masks outdoors so that those vaxxed become “super spreaders” of new infections that their collapsing immune systems won’t be capable of neutralising resulting in their own deaths and destruction of those who catch the infections from them. Add to this the adverse effects of virus/vaccine shedding and a mammoth horror show is unfolding in Israel.

Both mystical vision and science arrive at the same conclusion regarding the fate of Israel in coming days…

Renowned microbiologist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi said to journalist Alex Newman that C19 vaccination has turned Israel into “hell on earth”. He’s right.

As expected of a nationalistic newspaper Haretz ran a counter article to Dr Kissinger’s shocking 2012 prediction of Israel disappearing in 10 years (i.e. by 2022) and Dr Kissinger was forced to recant saying he was misquoted post the the huge outcry from blinkered fellow Jews who don’t understand ethics, Torah or mysticism but are arrogantly claiming Jews are G-d’s treasure without living up to the exceptionally high moral, intellectual and spiritual standards expected of us by HaShem.

Dr Henry Kissinger made another accurate observations saying Jews have been persecuted down the ages because many if not most Jews misbehave.. doing something wrong to ruffle the feathers of Gentiles.

Pogroms, forced conversions, expulsions, Holocaust and now vaccination leading to genocide.

Well, we Jews have been given a long rope to hang ourselves and now after 2000 years since the destruction of the 2nd Temple and the scattering of the “stiff necked” Levantine Jews to other places the time of another G-d created mass destruction of Jews (and of course Non-Jews too) has arrived.

“Is there any evil in a place and I have not done it,” said HaShem to the prophet Amos in Amos 3.6 in the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible.

This statement succinctly lays out the strict meaning of monotheism on which Judaism is based.

The One creates everything and is responsible for everything. Without His consent nothing can happen. The causal law He lays out is inviolable. In Judaism, even Satan is a dutiful servant of G-d not a rival battling G-d and His angels.

G-d is the creator and controller of everything good, evil and transcendant, while His true innate nature is ineffable.

No wonder the Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson of blessed memory did not once step foot in Israel nor condone aliyah because through his spiritual vision he knew that the modern state of Israel was founded on Illuminati demonology (thanks to Albert Pike!) and would as such be destroyed after which a spiritual Israel would arise during the expected Messianic Age.

The Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson had superlative mystical powers following in the footsteps of pioneering medieval Jewish mystic-sages like tzaddik Baal Shem Tov and his own father-in-law, the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Be prepared – the horror is unfolding and results should be visible soon.

Aside from vax, other methods of mass destruction lined up by the Globalists for humanity are world war, cyberpandemic, weather modification, tectonic weapons, starvation, live germ/chemical warfare and others.

The piece portrays a very dim future for Israel and humanity — a future from which Chabad’s chosen Moshiach ben David, Vladimir Putin, will largely save us (after the mass deaths begin to unfold and scare everyone senseless). And the fake ETs who enter the stage with him will have the cure to the COVID vaccine.

As for the part about the Rebbe’s “mystical powers,” that’s typical con artist BS; the Rebbe knew what’s going to happen to Israel because he helped the globalists write the script for it! And it’s true that he never visited Israel. Get a load of what Chabad’s own website says about it…


(11 June 2021) – Behold the path on which the Kabbalists have placed Israel…

The Knesset’s vote to confirm the new coalition government and replace Netanyahu is scheduled for Sunday, after the Saturday sabbath. And many recent news reports have talked about how the conservative lawmakers in the coalition will have to face their angry constituents at their synagogues

As the Lapid-Bennett coalition was coming together in recent days, Netanyahu and his supporters ramped up a pressure campaign against former hawkish allies, including Bennett and his No. 2 in the Yamina party, Ayelet Shaked.

Netanyahu accused them of betraying right-wing values. His supporters launched vicious social media campaigns and staged noisy protests outside Shaked’s home. The prime minister’s Likud party also advertised a demonstration Thursday night outside the home of Yamina lawmaker Nir Orbach, urging him to quit the coalition.

That’s a taste of the pressure to be expected for lawmakers on the right. And some on the left now have time to think about whether they will pay for this partnership in the next election.

“There will be a lot of pressure, especially on right-wingers, especially for religious right wingers,” said Gideon Rahat, a political science professor at Hebrew University. “They will go to the synagogue and people will pressure them. It will be a nightmare for some of them.” – from Arab News

So watch for a scripted assassination of one or more coalition lawmakers between sunset tonight (the 11th) and the vote on Sunday. It would prevent Netanyahu’s replacement and kick open a hornets’ nest in Israeli politics.

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Speaking of Sunday drama, reader Onnabugeisha has brought something to my attention: from sunset on Saturday the 12th through sunset on Sunday the 13th, it will be the Hebrew day of 3 Tammuz, which is a day of great significance to Chabad Lubavitch

  • It was on a 3 Tammuz that the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, was released from a Soviet prison and allowed to go into exile, and
  • it was on a 3 Tammuz that the seventh (and last) Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, died in the early morning.

So who will go into exile or die (politically or physically) this Sunday?

Will it be one or more of the “bad guy” Chabad agents who formed the new government coalition (like Bennett, Shaked, or Lieberman)?

Or will it be Chabad’s chosen Moshiach ben Yosef, Benjamin Netanyahu, whose death (either political or physical) is described in their own prophecy propaganda?

If you are a new reader, you may be wondering why Chabad would have its Israeli political agents attack their own chosen Moshiach ben Yosef. And the answer is that it’s all about cultivating Netanyahu’s “good guy” status. To explain-away his longtime connection to Chabad…

…they will say that he purposefully infiltrated their organization and rose to the top so he could “sabotage their evil plans” at a critical time, specifically by stopping their planned war on Iran that would bring a catastrophe upon Israel. I recorded the moment that happened back in 2018…

(18 November 2018) – It looks like the globalists have scripted the fall of Netanyahu at the hands of the Chabad-Lubavitch messianic cult. The cult is basically threatening to take down his government if he doesn’t give them back the defense ministry and let them start the End Times war to bring in their “Jewish Messiah.” So it looks like the globalists are scripting Netanyahu as a “good guy” / “voice of reason” whose political fall leads to Israel’s disastrous descent into war. And If he gets taken down before the G20, they might proceed with more takedowns there.

Here are the basics of the situation…

Israel’s Chabad-connected defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, resigned his position because Netanyahu supposedly blocked his invasion of Gaza. And when he resigned, his political party pulled out of Netanyahu’s governing coalition, leaving it within one seat of failing. Now another political party in the coalition is threatening to leave if Netanyahu doesn’t name one of its members, Naftali Bennett, as the new defense minister…

…from Israel National News

There’s just one problem: Bennett is also a Chabadnik…

…from Israel National News

So far, Netanyahu has refused their demands, so they are threatening to take down his government tomorrow and trigger a snap election. This could potentially lead to a more aggressive government that will start Chabad’s desired End Times war.

So here we are again, watching history repeat itself once more. If they script Netanyahu’s fall on Sunday, Israel WILL invade Gaza, the war with Iran WILL go forward, and the Kabbalists WILL once again cull millions of their “lesser brothers” (non-Kabbalist, non-elite Jews) to advance their childish and idiotic plan for world conquest.

Israel, remember this: Netanyahu, Bennett, Shaked, Lieberman, and Chabad are all part of this plan for an “End Times” war, and they are very much out to kill you. Will you walk willingly into the gas chamber once more? If I lived in a small country like Israel, I’d get out in the streets, peacefully shut down the whole country, openly call out the Kabbalists on their plan, and negotiate for mutual survival. If even the Jews can’t haggle for their survival, what hope is there for any of us?

(9-10 June 2021) – Biden is now in the UK, ahead of both the Ring of Fire Eclipse tomorrow morning and the G7 Summit on the 11th…

…from the Express

Note that the eclipse is most visible over the North Pole, which brings to mind the occult symbolism of the I, Pet Goat 2 video, which features both the Ring of Fire and Arctic imagery…

If the video’s symbolism is any indication, we’re looking at an imminent commie 9/11 (between now and July 4) which will lead to major war events over the next few weeks/months. And it is during this scripted “communist onslaught” that the Western governments will round up dissidents of the political “right wing” (who will be blamed for the false flags). Then, once the globalists cue the “patriot/constitutionalist” (Nazionist) counterattack, they’ll start a worldwide roundup of dissidents on the political “left wing” (to whom the blame will be switched).

While Biden is at the seaside resort where the G7 Summit will be held, watch for the potential use of a nuclear tsunami weapon against him. The press have gone to great lengths in recent years to highlight Russia’s Poseidon nuclear torpedo, so using such a weapon would allow the commies to sign Russia’s signature to the attack…

…from Business Insider

The funny thing about this Act 1 “commie false flag” is that at the end of Act 2, we’ll be told that it really was a Russian weapon that caused it. And that it was “Antichrist Putin” who ordered it.

~ MORE ~

Looking at the historical and numerological indicators reader Onnabugeisha has uncovered for June 10, here are some events the globalists could potentially schedule:

  • A major move, either overt or covert, from Xi Jinping. And since June 10 is the anniversary of a dam collapse in China that led to the deaths of 100,000 people, the blowing of Three Gorges Dam is one option. It is scripted to be the event that brings down the Chinese Communist Party. And if it is scheduled for tomorrow, it would happen during or after the Ring of Fire Eclipse.
  • The “death” or disappearance of Putin in advance of his later return at the head of a fleet of UFOs.

I’ll go into the details if they attempt either of these tomorrow.

~ MORE ~

I think Onnabugeisha and I have stumbled upon the intended timeframe for the scripted fall of the CCP this year. The move Xi was to make on June 10 would have led to the official end of the Party on July 23. I will indeed cover the details tomorrow — Putin’s also (he was to return on Tisha B’Av).

~ MORE – 10 June 2021 ~

To perceive the globalist timetable for ending the Chinese Communist Party that was to kick off today, we must remember that the Chinese consider the number 8 to be a lucky number associated with prosperity and good fortune. In fact, the numerology of 8 is so deeply ingrained in their culture that they actually scheduled the Beijing Summer Olympics to start at 8:08:08 PM [888] on 8/8/08 [888] [1, 2].

It is quite significant, then, that June 10 is a “triple lucky day” for Xi Jinping. Today marks 8 years and 88 days [888] since he became President of the PRC on 14 March 2013. So it would have been a very auspicious day for him to make a major move towards his goals, like blowing the Three Gorges Dam to facilitate his takedown of the Chinese Communist Party.

Equally significant is that Xi has another “triple lucky day” on July 23. That day will mark 8 years, 8 months, and 8 days [888] since he became General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party on 15 November 2012. July 23 is also the day that the CCP was founded 100 years prior. So it would have been an auspicious day for the General Secretary of the CCP to declare the Party dead on its 100th anniversary.

June 10 and July 23 are additionally significant (to numerologists) because they are calendrically symmetrical…

  • June 10 is the 161st day of the year, with 204 days remaining till the end of the year, and
  • July 23 is the 204th day of the year, with 161 days remaining.

So from a numerological standpoint, they serve well as bookend dates to mark the beginning and end of a timeframe. And the timeframe they mark is also of numerological significance…

There’s also this…

  • July 23/24 is a full moon day.
  • Tu B’Av begins at sunset on July 23 and ends at sunset on July 24. It is the Jewish “holiday of love,” and it “was a joyous holiday in the days of the Temple in Jerusalem.”
  • July 23 is the day the Tokyo Olympics is scheduled to begin. So the Olympics that were so delayed by “the CCP bioweapon COVID-19” would have begun on the day the CCP dies — the day “the world is freed from the communist depopulation plot.” It would have been quite a happy time for all the world to come together.

It should also be noted that Tu B’Av is the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Av, so it comes 6 days after Tisha B’Av, which I’ve previously mentioned as a candidate day for Putin’s arrival in Jerusalem and final defeat of the “bad guys.” Putin’s victory on Tisha B’Av and Xi’s declaration of the CCP’s end on the eve of Tu B’Av would have made for a very joyous Olympics and holiday of love.

Too bad. Easy come, easy go, eh?

In an upcoming section, I’ll explain for new readers why Xi Jinping would want to blow up Three Gorges Dam and take down the CCP.

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Another indicator of the globalists’ intentions to blow the Three Gorges Dam and end communism this year is found at the 3:33 mark of the I, Pet Goat 2 video

…This segment shows communism (symbolized by the hammer and sickle) drowning in yellow-green water.

As it turns out, the Yangtze River (on which Three Gorges Dam is located) empties into the ocean at Shanghai. And its tidal estuary is the boundary where the yellow water of the Yellow Sea meets the bluer water of the East China Sea

…from Google Maps

Also note that the Venezuelan-looking communist shown in the segment has an eclipse on each cheek, and this year has two eclipses: 1) this morning’s annular eclipse that swept over the Arctic, and 2) December 4th’s total eclipse that sweeps over the Antarctic. It would appear that communism will drown between those two eclipses.

On another note, watch the Iranian warships currently in the Atlantic. If they are at some point narrated as moving towards Venezuela, the US Navy may intervene and a battle would ensue. This would be another way to get the fireworks popping between tomorrow and the Fourth of July.

(6 June 2021) – Möglichkeit Drei

When the Nazis+Zionists make their move, don’t expect them to be waving swastika and Star of David banners; expect them to be rebranded, bring order, and later, repression…

I’m currently pushing to complete some tedious personal business so I can have the working week free to monitor the lead-up to Biden’s European summits. Once I can get back to writing, I’ll cover Merkel and something else I’ve been thinking about: Option 3.

In the 2 June update (below this one), I covered the Nazionist Option and the Putin Option. But upon reexamining my assumptions, I’m now wondering if the globalists will merge the two options into one, with the imminent takedown of the commies resulting in…

  • Merkel heading the NWO for the first 3.5 years before Putin stands in the rebuilt Jewish Temple and leads it for the last 3.5 years,
  • Erdogan taking the role of the Mahdi and remaining in power, with the Dajjal role being reassigned to the defeated leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,
  • Trump returning to power in the US,
  • Netanyahu remaining in power in Israel (or returning to power after the takedown of the commies),
  • Bolsonaro and Modi prevailing over their enemies in Brazil and India, and
  • Xi either helping the others take down the commies or being recast as the defeated commie Antichrist.

If the globalists choose Option 3, the wars and communist takedown will be finished by early September (before Rosh Hashanah), and the NWO will rise from the ashes in late September. Watch for Three Gorges Dam to be blown by then (to end the CCP and knock China down into the dirt with the rest of the nations)…

(2-4 June 2021) – The globalists are preparing the stage for the “Deep State Nazionists” (represented by Merkel) to save us from “Deep State Communists” (represented by Obama)…

Zero Hedge

In 2021, the globalists are planning to have someone “save the world from the commies.” That someone will be either “good guy” Vladimir Putin or a “bad guy/gal” Nazionist leader. Given the chatter I’ve been observing in the mainstream and alternative media recently (since they missed their Passover timing window to bring in Putin), I suspect they’ll attempt to implement the Nazionist Option.

The globalist “end times” stageplay has two Acts. And in the base script for Act 1, the heroes are the “Avatars” and their allies, which include Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump, Qasem Soleimani (who is currently in hiding), Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi, Mohammed bin Salman, Jair Bolsonaro, et al. These heroes are portrayed as being in conflict with the “evil Satanic Global Deep State,” which is populated with villains like Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Barack Obama, Mike Pence, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, et al.

Under a recent modification of the base script, the “Global Deep State” has been split into two warring factions: the communists versus the Nazis+Zionists. This is why you see news of…

The globalist strategy for the Nazionist Option is to have the commies make a big move that is terrifying to the public, then have the Nazionists roll in like heroes to stop them. And in the course of this commie-Nazionist war, the “good guys” will likely be taken down to open the way for the evil Western NWO (before being resurrected by 2025 to put a stop to it).

Of course, the Putin Option remains in play, and by watching him you’ll know which option the globalists have chosen. If Putin falls from power or gets locked into a hardcore cold war between the Atlantic Alliance and the Eurasian Alliance, you’ll know the Putin Option hasn’t yet been activated. Act 1 will not be over until Putin “saves the world from the Global Deep State.”

June is the gateway to this conflagration, and the Biden European summits from the 11th through the 16th are the sparks that will light it — unless, of course, we can queer their pitch.

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A deal has been reached to oust the Moshiach ben Yosef, Benjamin Netanyahu, but nothing is official yet…

Benjamin Netanyahu will no longer be Israel’s prime minister, as his political opponents announced Wednesday night that they have formed a coalition that will replace him, pending a vote in Israel’s parliament

The new government is set to be approved in a Knesset vote sometime before June 14. Negotiations over its particulars, as well as efforts to undermine it, may continue until the vote takes place. – from the Jewish Telegraph Agency

So it may turn out that Netanyahu’s fate will be decided during the June 11-16 time window of Biden’s summits in Europe. In fact, the fates of all of us will be decided in that timeframe. If you see Netanyahu fall, there is an enhanced likelihood that the scripted war actions will go forward; if you see him survive, it likely means that the globalists are pushing the delay button once more.

We’ll take a deep look at the globalist scripting surrounding Netanyahu and Chabad this weekend. But tomorrow, we’ll take a closer look at Erdogan. As an Islamofascist and the “Dajjal,” he will be one of the figures who rise under the Nazionist Option. And tomorrow I’ll show you why that rise may begin on the Fourth of July.

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A scenario is beginning to come into view in which the globalists will have the commies launch Operation Blackjack-style attacks on the US and Europe while Biden is at one of his European summits (in the June 11-16 timeframe). Biden would perish in one of the explosions (or in a tsunami caused by one), leaving (commie) Vice President Harris in charge to start the hot phase of the “communist takeover.” The Nazionists would then come roaring in — possibly with UFOs/UAPs — to stop them on the Fourth of July. I’ll cover the details of this scenario when we look at Erdogan tomorrow.

~ MORE – 3 June 2021 ~

I won’t have time to write on Erdogan in depth today, so let me go straight to a key point…

In Act 1 of the globalist “end times” stageplay, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is playing a “bad guy.” His character is called the “Dajjal,” who is the Muslim false messiah who attempts to usurp the kingdom of the Mahdi, “the real messiah who will defeat evil” and rule for 7, 9 or 19 years.

On the Christian side of things, the leading prophecy propagandists have been programming their lemmings to expect the rise of an Islamic Antichrist. And the Christians have been taught that the Antichrist will reveal himself when he “stands in the Holy Place” and defiles it.

This brings us to Tuesday, 29 December 2015, the night Erdogan stood in the holiest place in all of Islam, the Kabaa

…from YouTube (here is a written account)

Since 29 December 2015 can be narrated as Erdogan’s first day as the revealed Dajjal, we can count forward until we reach his 66th month and 6th day (666) as the Muslim Antichrist, which just happens to fall on the Fourth of July…

…from Time and Date

So the Fourth of July promises to be a significant day for the Muslim Antichrist, but what event could it mark?…

  • If the globalists do the nuclear false flags in the June 11-16 timeframe to launch the communist onslaught, Independence Day could be the day the Nazionists (including fascist Erdogan) send in their UFOs to rescue (and then dominate) the world…
  • But if the globalists use the June summits to launch July wars, the Fourth of July could be the day the false flag attacks begin. What better day is there to narrate an uprising of “violent patriots” against the Biden regime?

A little later, I’ll explain why I bolded the “7, 9 or 19 years” part.

~ MORE – 4 June 2021 ~

Some readers, including a German, have expressed skepticism about Angela Merkel being a candidate to lead the Nazionist NWO. “Merkel isn’t a Nazi,” they say, “she is a communist.” To address such concerns, I’ll go into the globalist setup for Merkel soon.