Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – September Updates

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The NWO Transition Event Overwatch
Don’t Be Fooled when it comes

NOTE: Reader Sohei has found news reports that set up Elon Musk and Donald Trump to take the fall for today’s planned assassination…

Elon Musk Faces Firestorm Over ‘Appalling’ Assassination ‘Joke’ About Biden, Harris

Trump Breaks Silence to Say Who He Blames for Assassination Bid (the “highly inflammatory language” of Biden and Harris)

So after Biden goes down, President Harris will blame Musk and Trump for “siccing their MAGA crazies on Biden.”

WARNING (16 September 2024): Watch for Biden’s Assassination in Philly Today

With Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation being marked yesterday by the Dragon space capsule’s fall to Earth and another fake Trump assassination attempt, watch for the Kabbalists to script “MAGA payback” today in Philadelphia. Joe Biden will be speaking there at 2:30 PM EDT today. Keep in mind that…

Joe Biden was inaugurated as president on 20 January 2021, so today marks 1335 days since that happened. And since 1335 days can be used to mark the end of a Tribulation, it may used to mark the end of Joe Biden’s tumultuous presidency. This would put Kamala Harris into the presidency today and open the way for the appointment of Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton to the vice presidency. Later, I’ll show you how this can be scripted to bring about what is “prophesied” in Revelation 13.

After Harris takes office, watch for her to approve the long-range strikes into Russia. And since her “friend of Chabad” Jewish husband/handler will be running the show, watch for Israel to make its move on Lebanon and Syria…


NOTE (16 September 2024, early AM): So the Dragon (space capsule) fell to Earth off of Florida at 3:37 AM on Sunday (Strong’s 337 is Alas! I murder), thus setting an event marker for Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline. And later that day, there was a “second (fake) assassination attempt on Trump” in Florida. Keep watch for more events that show “the Dragon at work” between now and September 18.

All hail the Nazionist hero Trump for surviving another fake assassination attempt! Let’s see if Elon Musk, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Vladimir Putin are next. What’s life without some manufactured heroes to worship?

(15 September 2024) – Yahweh’s Li’l Retards (the Kabbalists) are at it again

Eagle-eyed reader Sohei has pointed out that the Kabbalists running Israel have set things in motion to once again attempt to start the “War in the North” with Hezbollah. And this is exactly what we’d expect from them as the September 18 lunar eclipse over Israel approaches (lunar eclipses are considered a bad omen for the Jews/Israel).

The next opportunity to close out the Revelation 12 Tribulation comes during the September 18-21 time window that starts with the supermoon eclipse on Essene Rosh Hashanah and ends on the 7-year mark of the Revelation 12 Star Sign on the Essene calendar (Essene 4 Tishrei – 1,2). So watch for a Kabbalist-engineered 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario to run over September 18, 19, 20 and 21.

(13-14 September 2024) – Polaris Dawn and the NWO Transition Event

On Sunday, 15 September 2024, the world will reach Day 1290 of the 7-year Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline. In Christian eschatology, the “Tribulation” is a “prophesied” 3.5 or 7-year period of time that is essentially “the time of the Antichrist.” And it is supposed to bring great worldwide upheaval (like the COVID “pandemic” and the wars in Ukraine and Gaza) and then end with “the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”

The current Tribulation timeline the globalists/Kabbalists are using to artificially fulfill the prophecies, this Revelation 12 one, follows their standard doctrinal format, which is composed of day counts from the Bible (1260 days, 1290 days and 1335 days) that are commonly associated with the Tribulation period

~ from yesterday – 13 September 2024 ~

In the time since the Polaris Dawn orbital mission and its Dragon space capsule took flight on Tuesday morning, it has become clear that the naming and timing of the mission and its components were done to occultly connect the mission to both 9/11 and the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline (see the previous days’ updates below). So the mission itself represents a flashy, highly public occult ritual intended to act-out the Revelation 12 Dragon’s fall to Earth on Sunday, September 15, which is Day 1290 of the Tribulation timeline.

That being the case, let’s look at the verses from Revelation 12 that relate to the Dragon’s fall…

7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels. 9 And the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens,
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea;
with great fury the devil has come down to you,
knowing he has only a short time.”

13 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle to fly from the presence of the serpent to her place in the wilderness, where she was nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.

As you can see, the Dragon is supposed to lash out in fury when he falls to Earth, which may be scripted to manifest in the form of a 9/11-style attack. And Kabbalist prophecy doctrine holds that “a time, and times, and half a time” means “1260 days” [a prophetic year (360 days), and two prophetic years (720 days), and half a prophetic year (180 days) = 1260 days]. BUT, there are other meanings that can be assigned to that timespan, such as…

  • a time” =10 days
  • and times” (three 10-day periods) = 30 days
  • and half a time” = 5 days
  • totaling 45 days, which would land the end of the Dragon’s time at the Day 1335 end of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline [Day 1335 – Day 1290 = 45 days].

So the Dragon’s time of rage can be scripted to last until the October 30 end of the timeline, or it can be expanded out to 1260 days (to end on 26 February 2028, which is Essene Purim).

By the way, the Kabbalists sometime script events in parallel to their Torah study, and their Torah study for October 30 (28 Tishrei) makes for a fitting end to a Great Tribulation (with “Moses’s Tabernacle” being constructed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem). The reading begins with this…

Exiting the Ark

15 Then God said to Noah, 16 “Come out of the ark, you and your wife, along with your sons and their wives. 17 Bring out all the living creatures that are with you—birds, livestock, and everything that crawls upon the ground—so that they can spread out over the earth and be fruitful and multiply upon it.”

18 So Noah came out, along with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives. 19 Every living creature, every creeping thing, and every bird—everything that moves upon the earth—came out of the ark, kind by kind.

Noah Builds an Altar

20 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD. – from Genesis 8

~ MORE ~

It’s Friday the 13th, and reader Sohei has pointed out that Trump will visit Las Vegas’ version of the World Trade Center today…

The Federal Aviation Administration issued a temporary flight restriction over Las Vegas Valley airspace for between 5 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday. That means Trump will land just before he is scheduled to speak to a crowd of supporters at 7 p.m. Friday at the Expo at World Market Center in downtown Las Vegas. – from the Las Vegas Review-Journal

This reminds me of President William McKinley, who was shot at the Pan-American Exposition back in 1901. And in Septenary gematria (Trump’s gematria), World Trade Center = World Market Center

…from Gematria Effect News

Since this has a tie-in to 9/11 and could result in Trump’s “resurrection” on Sunday when the “Revelation 12 War begins in heaven,” his “death” tonight could be part of the setup for Sunday’s Big Event.

Another thing that’s happening today, Friday the 13th, is that the “communist” leaders of Canada and the UK are supposedly pressuring Biden to allow Ukraine to conduct long-range strikes into Russia with Western missiles. And the Kabbalists on the other side of the conflict have had Putin threaten a state of war with NATO if such strikes take place. So this is the “real world” development that’s scripted to trigger the 9/11-style event on Sunday.

Alternatively or additionally, a staged assassination strike on Putin, Netanyahu and/or Trump could be used as the trigger. Also watch for a hit on Biden that would put “commie” Kamala into the presidency to approve the long-range strikes. An aircraft accident may also be used on one of the assassination targets.

CRITICAL INFORMATION (12 September 2024): Hold the presses — I looked back to my August 1 update and remembered some things…

  1. September 15the day the Dragon space capsule “is cast down to Earth”marks Day 1335 of Joe Biden’s presidency (Obama’s Third Term).
  2. If you use a non-inclusive day count on the second half of the Revelation 12 Tribulation, Day 1290 falls on September 15 (which is Fake Jewish Messiah candidate Prince Harry’s birthday).
  3. If they choose not to end things this year, they have the option of tacking a 1260-day half-Tribulation onto September 15 (see the earlier part of this note).

So we’re potentially looking at a new, reversed Tribulation timeline in which the 1260-day half-Tribulation follows the 1335-day half-Tribulation. But who will be the Antichrist figure for the 1260-day second half, “Nazionist” Prince Harry or “communist” Barack/Michelle Obama? There are scripting cues I’ll show you that could be used to take it either way, though I still expect a “Nazionist victory.”

I’ll continue exploring and thinking it through and begin a comprehensive update on Friday.

~ from earlier ~

Later, we’ll look at the longer scenarios — ones that involve war — that could flow out of the September 15-18 time window. One of them is a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario that starts on Sunday and ends on mainstream Jewish Shemini Atzeret (Kabbalist Judgment Day). Another is a 1260-day half-Tribulation that ends on Essene Purim 2028.

NOTE (11-12 September 2024): It’s important to keep in mind that a feature of the Revelation 12 storyline is the Dragon being hurled down to the Earth. So if Polaris Dawn makes its reentry on September 14, Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline, we can expect all hell to break loose (or, at least, that was the plan). See the 10 September note below for more details.

~ MORE – 12 September 2024 ~

Yesterday, I could find no firm date in the news on Polaris Dawn’s return to Earth. But a report from this morning places it on Sunday, so they may have backed off of September 14. We should still watch for a marker event on Saturday — one they can point to if they decide to come back to the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline on October 29 (its Day 1335).

In the event they opt to use the Dragon’s September 15 fall to Earth as its own standalone marker, they can start the Three Days of Darkness on Sunday and land the 4th day “Arrival” on September 18, which is the Essene Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) and the day the partial lunar eclipse appears over Israel — a fitting “ill omen” for the arrival of a False Messiah. They could also extend the four days into an 8-day New Sukkot that ends on September 22, which is the 7-year mark of the “Revelation 12 Star Sign” on the Persian/Iranian calendar (1 Mehr).

~ MORE ~

Well lookie lookie here — the Kabbalist numerology freaks at SpaceX left us with another clue…

…from Gematria Effect News [Polaris Dawn = a red dragon = 51 (a red dragon is part of Revelation 12)]

It should be noted that the number 51 also carries significance. The Book of Isaiah chapter 51 is titled “Salvation for Zion,” and this is verse 9…

Awake, awake, put on strength,
O arm of the LORD.
Wake up as in days past,
as in generations of old.
Was it not You who cut Rahab to pieces,
who pierced through the dragon?

NOTE (10-11 September 2024): My partner Onna has also found that the launch of the Polaris Dawn mission yesterday was occultly connected to both the “Revelation 12 Star Sign” and the 9/11 Attacks. The Kabbalists running SpaceX arranged for the rocket to take flight at 09:23 UTC [and 49 (7×7) seconds]. 9/23 was the Gregorian date of the Star Sign…

The 9/11 Attacks occurred on the Essene day of 24 Elul, which was a Tuesday. And yesterday was Essene 24 Elul and a Tuesday.

~ MORE ~

Reader Sohei has pointed out that there will be a double-assassination opportunity out in the woods of Shanksville, Pennsylvania today, September 11. Biden and Harris will be there at 12:45 PM EDT to lay a wreath for Flight 93.

~ from yesterday – 10 September 2024 ~

It should be noted that Russia and China mobilized their navies earlier today under cover of the Ocean 2024 exercise (1,2), which is supposed to continue through September 16. So they’re poised for war / force preservation through the danger dates of September 11 and September 14.

Today’s alerts (below) will remain in effect through September 11. After that, we’ll face another window of opportunity for a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario over the timeframe of September 14-17. September 14 is Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline, and September 17 is Essene Tekufa Tishrei (the Essene anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords) (the Essenes). So we could face Three Days of Darkness and then peace on the fourth day.

CRITICAL ALERT (10 September 2024): My partner Onnabugeisha just figured out that today, September 10 / Essene 24 Elul, is the Essene anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. If you add this to the information in the alert below, it means that ANOTHER 9/11 IS DEFINITELY PLANNED FOR TODAY (US TIME), POSSIBLY AFTER ISRAEL ENTERS 9/11 AT 5 PM NEW YORK TIME. CHINA, THE RED DRAGON, HAS ALREADY ENTERED 9/11. Watch Benjamin Netanyahu closely.

Also, reader Sohei has pointed out that US Secretary of State Blinken could get hit in Kyiv. Will an Iranian ballistic missile be blamed? Is this what will trigger the Ram-Goat War against Iran?

ALERT (10 September 2024): The Dragon Has Taken Flight Right Before 9/11 Begins

The Dragon space capsule of SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn mission took off this morning at 5:24 AM New York time. Upon seeing this news, I got a poke from my intuition and immediately found this…

…from Gematria Effect News (Polaris Dawn = Nine Eleven)

Keep in mind that…

So watch for a 9/11-type event in those locations. Also watch for the death/fall of a forerunner: possibly Netanyahu, the forerunner of the Fake Jewish Messiah, or Turkish president Erdogan, the forerunner of the Turkish Muslim Antichrist whose fall is the precursor to the “Three Days of Fear”.

See the updates below for more information on the September 11-14 window for a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario — September 14 ties into the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline (and could bring the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah to either stand victorious or begin his “fight to save the world”). An 8-day New Sukkot scenario is also scriptable over the September 11-18 time window, as is a 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario over the September 11 – February 7 time window (Feb. 7 is when Shabbat Shirah begins next year).

9/11 begins in Israel, Ukraine and Turkey at 5 PM New York time TODAY, the day the Dragon took flight.

NOTE (9 September 2024): I’ve added the start and end dates of the Yom Kippur War into the September-October calendar. Take special note of all the cues pointing to October 5. As I mention below the calendar, October 2-5 and October 2-9 have “October Surprise” written all over them in neon letters, especially given that they’re planning to stage a US government shutdown as we enter October.

Later today or early tomorrow, I’ll cover the scenarios that could spring from September 11. In the meantime, keep an eye out for US-NATO airstrikes on Iran “on account of ballistic missiles they’re shipping to Russia.”

(7-9 September 2024) – The Threat Picture for September-October 2024

I’ve now completed the calendar of significant events for September through October. Everything has been checked, all the links have been added, and there are some glaring opportunities for the Kabbalists to run 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenarios (which are highlighted in red and blue, with overlaps shown in purple). As you can see, the first chance runs from September 11 through September 14, and it would likely begin with the Fall of Netanyahu (who is playing the Moshiach ben Yosef character, the forerunner of the Moshiach ben David)…

September 8 – Essene First Fruits of New Oil
September 11 – Orthodox Beheading of the Forerunner John the Baptist
September 14 – Revelation 12 Tribulation Day 1290 (inflection point)
September 14 – Exaltation/Triumph of the Holy Cross
September 17 – Essene Tekufa Tishrei
September 17-18Partial supermoon eclipse (“bad omen for Israel”)
September 18 – Essene Feast of Trumpets (Jewish New Year)
September 21 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (Essene 4 Tishrei – 1,2)
September 21 – Orthodox Nativity of Virgin Mary
September 22 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (Persian calendar – 1 Mehr)
September 23 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (Gregorian, French calendars – Vend. I du Duodi)
September 27 – Orthodox Elevation of the Cross
September 27 – Essene Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
September 28 – Leil Selichot
October 2 – The Holy Guardian Angels
October 2 – Essene Tabernacles Day 1 (Sukkot)
October 2 – Erev Rosh Hashana
October 2 – Annular solar eclipse (“bad omen for the world”)
October 3 – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
October 4 – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
October 4 – Saint Francis of Assisi Memorial
October 5 – Essene Israel-Hamas War anniversary (Essene 18 Tishrei – 1,2)
October 5 – Essene anniversary of Yom Kippur War start (Essene 18 Tishrei – 1,2)

October 5 – Persian (Iranian) anniversary of Yom Kippur War start (14 Mehr)
October 5 – Revelation 12 7-year mark (mainstream Jewish 3 Tishrei – 1,2)
October 5 – Shabbat Shuva (Return)
October 6 – Tzom Gedaliah
October 6 – Gregorian anniversary of Yom Kippur War start

October 7 – Israel-Hamas War Gregorian anniversary
October 7 – Our Lady of the Rosary
October 8 – Essene Tabernacles Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 9 – Essene Great Day (Shemini Atzeret)
October 12 – Yom Kippur (10 Tishrei / Jewish anniversary of Yom Kippur War start)
October 14 – Orthodox Protection of the Virgin Mary
October 16 – Erev Sukkot
October 17 – Sukkot Day 1
October 23 – Sukkot Day 7 (Hoshana Rabbah)
October 24 – Shemini Atzeret
October 24-25 – Persian (Iranian) anniversary of Yom Kippur War end (3-4 Aban)

October 25 – Simchat Torah
October 25-26 – Gregorian anniversary of Yom Kippur War end (1,2)

October 29 – Revelation 12 end point (by day counts)

As we approach each window of opportunity for a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario or an 8-day New Sukkot scenario, I’ll do a full write-up on it. October 2-5 (4 days) and October 2-9 (8 days) are very dangerous periods of time.

(6 September 2024) – The Threat Picture for the Weekend of September 7-8

Starting this weekend, we enter the fall holiday season of the mainstream and Essene Jews. Sunset of September 7 through sunset of September 8 marks the Essene First Fruits of New Oil, which could bring an event that involves the “activation” of the Fake Jewish Messiah (possibly his disappearance or death as he goes before God to be anointed and receive his heavenly army”). This could kick off a 40-day Fire Judgment scenario that ends on October 17, which is mainstream Jewish Sukkot Day 1.

Watch Vladimir Putin and Moscow this weekend. I’ll tell you why if they go for it.