Partially-Completed WARNING (27-28 June 2024): Parisians Beware: The Kabbalist bankers are undeniably planning to have “ISIS” burn Paris during the July 26 – August 11 Olympic Games…

…from TMZ
I’m going to start this update with some questions (and show you everything later)…
Are you aware that the Paris 2024 Olympics logo was purposefully designed to subtly display the initials “iS” (as in “Islamic State“)?
Take a careful look at the logo…
…from Wikipedia
As you can see, the first three letters, “PAR“, are uppercase and of a stylish font that features letters with large tops and small bottoms.
The fourth letter, “i“, is differentiated from the first three letters by being lowercase. Given the simple nature of an uppercase “I”, it would be difficult for an observer to know if the “I” matched or differed from the font of the first three letters, so they had to use letter case to differentiate it.
The fifth letter, “S“, is differentiated from the first three letters by being of an inverted font: the “S” has a small top and large bottom — the opposite of the first three letters — which can be more easily noticed by flipping the logo vertically and horizontally…
So now that it’s abundantly clear that the logo designers purposefully differentiated the “iS” in the logo, the obvious question is “why?” At this point in the update, you already know the answer. And by using opposite letter case on the “i” and opposite font on the “S”, they were able to achieve the desired signalling in a subtle manner. Had they done it like this: PARis, even a casual observer would have noticed it and asked “WTF?” The Kabbalists are sneaky little bastards who like to dangle things in front of their victims.
As for the logo graphic, you can look at it as a white flame with a gold background or as a white woman’s face with her hair and lips in gold. So it conveys the concept of a “fire associated with a woman.” And since it can be explained-away as representing the Olympic flame, it too is a subtle bit of signalling.
Have you noticed the preparatory propaganda rollout for an Islamic State (ISIS) attack on the Paris Olympics?
Here is just a sampling…
…from Google search
Are you cognizant of the fact that this “ISIS strike on the Olympics” is a recycled plan from the unsuccessful 2009-2016 Obama Tribulation?
Do you remember that on the day the Notre-Dame de Paris was set on fire, Michelle Obama watched it while sipping wine on a boat on the Seine River?
Have you heard that on the day of the opening ceremony, they’re planning to have the Parade of Nations take place aboard boats on the Seine?
Do you know that the day of the opening ceremony, July 26, comes 1929 days after the burning of Notre-Dame, and that this number is tied to the Fall of Modern-Day Egypt (Obama’s “communist” G7/NATO/UN)?
Do you also know that July 29, “the fourth day of the Destruction of Paris,” is the final day of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline on the Feast of Lazarus and will mark the 1933rd day of the Notre-Dame fire (1933 was the year Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany).
Do you recall that President Macron has worked (and is working) for the Kabbalist bankers — specifically the Rothschild family — and can you see how they’re using him to drive you into the waiting arms of their controlled-opposition candidate Marine Le Pen?
So does the flame / woman’s face of the Paris 2024 logo symbolize the Hilarion (Hillary Clinton), Baphomet (Michelle Obama), or the future Franco-Fuhrer (Marine Le Pen)?
Of course, there will be other opportunities for the Kabbalists to set the West on fire before the Olympics come along, so let’s see if we can make it that far. I’m betting we can — and that we can get through the Olympics too.
More to come on this.
NOTE (27 June 2024): Today I’ll be adding the missing links to yesterday’s updates. But the fact that they didn’t make the war move yesterday suggests that they’ve backed off until July 3-4 (barring any surprises that turn up in our research in the days ahead). Since the Trump-Biden debate is today, I’ve moved yesterday’s update about it to the top.
~ later ~
I’ve added the links to the update below (the important ones are in bolded green). But I’ll leave the alert below it unfinished (I found something else I need to spend my energy on).
(26 June 2024) – Julian Assange, Hillary Clinton, and the “Insurance Files” + the Debate
As I’ve noted in the past, WikiLeaks is a rather obvious intelligence agency front that has two basic missions: 1) to serve as a sting operation to catch people who naively try to release classified information to them, and 2) to conduct limited hangout operations in support of the globalist narrative of geopolitical events (the driving force behind “geopolitics” is not the crap the think tanks and the press feed to the sleepers).
With this in mind, don’t you find it interesting that Julian Assange — the man involved in the leaks of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton State Department emails — has been released at the same time Hillary Clinton is reemerging into politics?
I suspect that the intended narrative of this psyop is that “Julian Assange and his associates have been holding insurance files on Hillary Clinton and the leading Democrats, so the Dems cut a deal to allow him to go free in exchange for the files remaining unreleased.” But I suspect that the psyop script will feature the release of the files “at a most-sensitive moment.”
Remember that the Democrats and the “Left” are the scapegoats in this stageplay, and the Libertarians and the “Right” are the heroes. What’s about to happen is not a revolution; it’s a carefully orchestrated changing of the guard.
Looking ahead to the presidential debate tomorrow, it is a golden opportunity to bring Hillary Clinton (or an Obama) into the vice presidency (and afterward the presidency). All they have to do is…
- kill off Joe Biden in a plane crash or have him “die suddenly,” or
- arrange for “Dementia Joe” to show up for the debate, thus clearly and unequivocally establishing his incapacity in front of the whole country. Shortly afterwards, they would arrange for his resignation.
Of course, there will be other opportunities to bring in the new VP in the coming days/weeks. And looking at the logo of the Paris Olympics [which is an Olympic flame that also resembles a woman’s face (symbolizing the Hilarion?)], I suspect that timeframe will offer one of those chances.
On another note, watch for a very prominent person to die (or disappear) in a plane crash today or over the next week. It could be Biden, Trump, Putin, Erdogan, or someone else at that level.
(7x) Expanded ALERT (26 June 2024): I’m seeing clear indications that the Kabbalists are/were intending to go for it today/tomorrow, so watch for the Israeli invasion of Lebanon — possibly starting at midnight Jerusalem time / 5 PM Washington DC time today — and the resultant triggering of Operation Blackjack.
Here’s what I’m seeing…
> Fresh off of yesterday’s reports about Sara Netanyahu claiming that the heads of the Israeli military are attempting a coup against her husband (Netanyahu’s son has claimed this too), Israeli Minister of Defence Yoav Gallant met with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan today at the White House. Since “the IDF are chomping at the bit to invade Lebanon” and “Jake Sullivan has a vested interest in seeing them do it before Joe Biden’s mental incapacity gets exposed in tomorrow’s presidential debate,” it can be narrated that “the decision to invade Lebanon on the night of June 26-27 was made at the meeting.”
> The invasion of Lebanon is very likely scripted to trigger an immediate “Islamic Response,” which would be a massive assault on Israel and “their Western enablers.” This real response would be supplemented by globalist false-flags involving nuclear-looking explosions (Operation Blackjack carried out by Artemis) and radioactive fallout psyops. (Links to come)
> Since the Islamic Response is scripted to lead to the scattering of the Israelis (the Second Exodus), the Israeli invasion may start at midnight. That was supposedly the time that the ancient Hebrews attacked Egypt’s firstborn, which resulted in the First Exodus the following morning. (Links to come)
> As for the intended results of Operation Blackjack…
- Joe Biden is at the White House today, so watch for him to be taken out (or, alternatively, Kamala Harris).
- The leaders of the EU are currently in Brussels for their June 26-27 summit meeting, so watch for the decapitation of Europe’s political heads as they sleep. (Links to come)
> Remember that June 28 is the day of the Iranian presidential election, and there are scripted motivations for both the Iranian hardliners and the Israelis to forestall the election with war.
> Remember that there are motivations related to prophecy timelines for the Kabbalists to start the war on June 27 (Jerusalem time).
> Remember that a June 27 war-start would be part of the Pope Francis Communist Tribulation timeline (executed with the adjustment I wrote about in the 22-23 June update).
> My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Thursday the 27th contain many interesting occult cues that underlie what the globalists have scripted for today/tomorrow.
NOTE (25 June 2024): All the links have now been added to today’s expansion of the alert below. If you are a new reader, be sure to visit the links in bolded red. The danger days of Tuesday and Wednesday are covered in the alert, and the danger day of Thursday is covered in the 22-23 June update.
Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 26th are now up. Among them are “Drake cues” on 21 Sivan (the Jewish day that corresponds to Thursday) for a plane crash. Thursday is the day Joe Biden flies to Atlanta for the presidential debate, so if they script his death in an Air Force One crash that day, there will be an outpouring of sympathy to replace all the scorn and contempt. And the way will be opened for the Hilarion (or an Obama) to be brought into the vice presidency.
With that in mind, look at what the cat dragged in to the Drudge Report today…
…Note the fresh facelift, just like the one Joe Biden got before he ran for president. Or is it a dead skin mask? Her kind are fond of that sort of thing…
Expanded ALERT (24-25 June 2024): Onnabugeisha has noted that Tuesday or Wednesday can mark Day 1290 of another Tribulation timeline…
Numbers: 6/25 (inclusive) – 6/26:
• USA: 3 events on 14 December 2020
- The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s president (AP news)
- The COVID-19 vaccination in the United States (Wikipedia) began -> ‘The weapon that will end the war’: First coronavirus vaccine shots given outside trials in U.S. (Washington Post)
- The midpoint of the ‘Great American Eclipses’ (Forbes) -> 1290 days ago
South America – Solar eclipse of December 14, 2020 (Wikipedia)
I saw it reported somewhere that Israel gave Hezbollah a deadline to get out of southern Lebanon by today, so the Israelis can launch their invasion on Tuesday or Wednesday under this timeline. It reaches Day 1335 on Shabbat Chazon (the “Shabbat of Prophecy” / “Black Sabbath” that precedes Tisha B’Av).
~ MORE – 25 June 2024 ~
I’ve tracked down the marker event for the start of this new Tribulation timeline. It was a July 4 meeting of the strategic partnership that’s scripted to bring down the USA…
The article also mentions this…
After the talks, President Xi Jinping was awarded by Vladimir Putin the highest order of Russia, known as the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called.
This is notable because St. Andrew’s Day falls on November 30, which provides an occult link to what’s planned for this July 4 and Sigd. The St. Andrew connection is also notable because of this…
Tradition regarding the early Christian history of Ukraine holds that the apostle Andrew preached on the southern borders of modern-day Ukraine, along the Black Sea. A legend, recorded in the Primary Chronicle (pages 7.21–9.4), has it that he travelled from Sinope towards Chersonesus (Korsun), up the Dnieper River and reached the future location of Kyiv, where he erected a cross on the site where the Saint Andrew’s Church of Kyiv currently stands, and where he prophesied the foundation of a great Christian city. Next, he is said to have journeyed north to the Slovenes near the future site of Veliky Novgorod, although he had a negative attitude towards their customs; then he visited Rome and returned to Sinope. Because of this connection to Kyiv and Novgorod, Andrew is considered to be the patron saint of the two East Slavic nations descended from the Kievan Rus: Ukraine and Russia, the latter country using the Saint Andrew’s Cross on its naval ensign. – from Wikipedia
And can you guess who Christianized the Kievan Rus? Yep, Vladimir the Great…
Originally a follower of Slavic paganism, Vladimir converted to Christianity in 988, and Christianized the Kievan Rus. – from Wikipedia
Does this symbol ring a bell?…
…from Wikipedia
It is, of course, Vladimir Putin who is playing the role of Vladimir the Great. While posing as a “noble Russian Orthodox Christian fighting the Nazis,” the Khazarian Jewish King Putin is in the process of seizing the Ukrainian lands that were part of ancient Khazaria and ridding them of Christians in the process. This is why he and the Jew Zelensky send out capture teams to round up every man on the street, set up artillery kill boxes on the front line, and then march thousands upon thousands of untrained men into them. This isn’t a war; it’s an old fashioned pogrom — a meat grinder for Christians.
It should also be noted that if the Kabbalists make a war move between now and June 27, they can cause the cancellation or delay of the presidential debate on Thursday night, “thus saving Biden from public exposure of his [real or faked] dementia.”
NOTE (24 June 2024): Today was a research day. And in the course of poking about, I uncovered the Tribulation timeline associated with July 4. It originated with Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and it reaches its Day 1290 on November 30 (Sigd) and its Day 1335 on January 14 (Purim Hebron). It involves Trump and Pence, and I’ll cover the details tomorrow.
In case the globalists try something tomorrow, though, Onnabugeisha’s notes on Tuesday the 25th are now up.
See the countdown section at the top of the page to see how July 4 feeds into this new timeline. And it should be noted that July 4 is the final day of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s July 3-4 summit meeting. So a hit on that meeting “by ISIS-K” or a decision made at that meeting is likely the scripted trigger for the fireworks.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION (22-23 June 2024): The Kabbalists’ next window of opportunity to plunge us into a catastrophe that brings a “Divine Intervention” on Christmas Day runs from sundown of June 23 through June 27. And June 27 is the most attractive date from the Kabbalists’ perspective. I’ll explain why tomorrow afternoon/evening (Texas time).
~ MORE – 23 June 2024 ~
Here’s the situation: there are certain prophetic expectations that must be fulfilled before the globalists can close out the First Tribulation. Among these are the expectations of…
- a 40-day Fire Judgment,
- a 150-day Torment of Humanity,
- a 4-day Three Days of Darkness, and
- a destruction of the gathered “kings of the world”.
- (There are many others, including the destruction of Damascus and the Muslim Antichrist’s destruction of New York to name a few.)
One thing these expectations have in common is that they’re catastrophic, which means their fulfillment is best scripted at the end of the Tribulation before the intervention / arrival of the savior character on the final day. With that in mind, let’s focus for a moment on the two expectations that will take the longest to fulfill: the 40-day and 150-day scenarios.
At the beginning of last week, the Kabbalists had the opportunity to fake the death of Vladimir Putin during his trip to Asia. Had they done so and started the “catastrophic period” on June 20, they could have fulfilled the two scenarios consecutively (first the 40-day, then the 150-day) and landed the Fake Jewish Messiah’s Victorious Arrival on December 25 (Christmas/Hanukkah), thus marking the end of the Pope Francis Communist Tribulation timeline. Counting June 20 to December 25 gives you 189 days, which is the minimum day count needed to do the two scenarios consecutively (40 + 150 = 190 – 1 day they overlap = 189).
To run the two scenarios consecutively after the 20th, they had to make an adjustment for their second attempt on June 22nd…
- They scheduled the 150-day scenario to run first,
- the 40-day scenario to run second, and
- they moved the 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario to run from Christmas Day.
This would have allowed them to stage the Messianic Intervention on Christmas Day (thus fulfilling the Tribulation timeline), but delay the Messianic Arrival until December 27-28 (27 Kislev) so the 189-190 day count could be reached.
Now the Kabbalah Cult is left with one more trick up its sleeve (to run the scenarios consecutively): run them while starting an 8-day “Hanukkah as Sukkot” scenario on Christmas Day. This will allow them to stage the Messianic Intervention on Christmas, but delay the Messianic Arrival until New Year’s Day 2025, which is the day Hanukkah Day 8 begins at sundown. In the “Hanukkah as Sukkot” scenario, Day 7 is Hoshana Rabbah and Day 8 is Shemini Atzeret. And according to Kabbalist doctrine, it is at sundown of Hoshana Rabbah, when Shemini Atzeret begins, that God’s Judgment is finalized and handed over to the angels for execution.
The best day for starting this scenario is June 27, because…
- if they run a 40-day Fire Judgment from June 27, it ends on August 5 (the 1st of Av);
- if they run a 150-day Torment of Humanity from August 5, it ends on New Year’s Day 2025;
- June 27 to New Year’s Day is 189 days;
- June 27 is a day they can fulfill the destruction of the gathered “kings of the world” (at the EU summit that day);
- June 27 is the day before the Iranian election, so an “interested party” can be scripted to start a war to prevent its expected (or unexpected) outcome.
- (The likely scripting for the war-start to forestall the Iranian election will be that “it was done to prevent the reformist candidate from winning and trying to make peace with the West and reenter the Iran nuclear deal.” The Israelis will try to blame the Iranian hardliners for starting the war, but the narrative will later shift to “the Israelis did it to stop Biden and the EU from sheltering Iran from Israeli action.”)
In case the globalists try to go for it after sunset today or tomorrow, though, here are Onnabugeisha’s notes on Monday the 24th.
NOTE (22 June 2024): BINGO! After taking note of how the short-term endgame timelines seem to be aiming for Christmas Day (which is also the day Hanukkah begins this year), I decided to check for a Tribulation timeline that reaches its end on December 25. What I discovered is the “Pope Francis Communist Tribulation” that…
- began on 19 November 2017 (the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time and Francis’s first “World Day of the Poor” — the Pope spoke of the “End of the World” and launched the COVID-19 pandemic on the 33rd Sunday two years later),
- reached its Day 1260 midpoint on May Day 2021 (the day of Francis’s “Prayer of the Rosary to invoke an end to the pandemic” in St. Peter’s Basilica),
- reaches its Day 1290 (from the midpoint) on 10 November 2024 (the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time and the day the Russians may conquer Istanbul), and
- reaches its Day 1335 (from the midpoint) on 25 December 2024 (the day the “global commie revolution” will be forcibly ended).
The details of this timeline are quite interesting, and I’ll be filling them in over the weekend.
NOTE (21 June 2024): Onnabugeisha’s notes on Saturn’s Day the 22nd are now up. There are references to 9/11 and Apollyonic destruction, which I’ve highlighted in red.
~ MORE ~
It doesn’t feel like the Kabbalists have been deterred quite yet, so this morning I set about finding what I’m missing. And it may be this timeline…
- A 150-day Torment of Humanity started on 6/22 would end on November 18 / 17 Cheshvan, which is the Jewish anniversary of the beginning of Noah’s Flood (the 40-day Flood Judgment).
- A 40-day Fire Judgment started on November 18 would end on December 27 / 26 Kislev, which is Hanukkah Day 2 this year.
- December 27 / 26 Kislev could be scripted to be Day 3 of a Three Days of Darkness scenario started on December 25, which is the day Hanukkah begins at sunset. And it is after sundown of Day 3 that the Rain of Fire is supposed to end, which means the Messianic Arrival would fall on 27 Kislev, which is the Jewish anniversary of the Flood rains ceasing.
So they may be opting for a 150-day + 40-day timeline that ends with Three Days of Darkness and results in the Messianic Arrival on December 27-28. This is a simple reversal of the expected sequence of events.
ALERT (20-21 June 2024): The Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel intends to order Hezbollah’s attack on Israel as soon as 6/22 starts there
A reader has pointed out that 6/22 is 22/6 in European DD/MM format. And guess what…
…from Twitter
When you consider some additional factors…
- They trotted out Nasrallah yesterday to speak of “all out war” with Israel.
- 6/22 is the date that the small nukes start going off in Operation Blackjack.
- Tomorrow is the day of an all-time record $5.1 trillion options expiration.
…you begin to see why they may cue the black swans as soon as Friday night strikes 12:00 in Israel / 5:00 PM in New York — an hour after options stop trading in the regular session.
The overall “Islamist” attack might be worldwide (Blackjack), and it would cue something dramatic — like the Fake Christian Rapture — on June 23rd (Orthodox Pentecost and the Jewish anniversary of Noah’s Ark touching down).
~ MORE ~
Conjuring up the black swans on options expiration weekend could be all about harvesting some purchasing power, but it might also be an integral part of the “good guys vs. bad guys” storyline. They could script it in such a way that the profiting trades get tracked back to the “Deep State” villains, and it will then be “discovered” that they were the same guys who profited off of 9/11. This will hang the blame snugly around the necks of the intended scapegoats, who will then face judgment at the hands of the “heroes” in a grand spectacle show trial like Nuremberg. Ah, the clownish pageantry of the changing of the guard…
If you are unfamiliar with options expiration, here is an excerpt from the 16-17 February 2023 update that explains it…
And as it turns out, the options expiration process is purposefully designed to give insiders — the ones who can stage and time big events to move the markets — the ability to slice and dice outsiders [my comment has been added in brackets]…
Here’s the skinny on options expiration. Options do expire at 4 p.m. EST on the third Friday of the month in the sense that they no longer trade. Here’s the catch – the stocks themselves do keep trading after hours!
So what could be an in-the-money (ITM) close at 4 p.m. on Friday can be out-of-the-money (OTM) by 5 p.m., or vice versa. Not knowing this one minor detail can be the difference between making money and losing money. – from Option Alpha
The majority of trading activity in the U.S. stock market occurs during regular trading hours, from 9:30 a.m. EST until 4:00 p.m. EST. However, most major brokerage firms facilitate after-hours trading for retail and institutional investors.
After-hours trading takes place from 4:00 p.m. EST to 8:00 p.m. EST.
Trading outside of regular hours is handled through electronic communication networks, or ECNs. ECNs allow traders to participate directly with one another while the exchanges are closed.
After-hours trading carries more risk, as less volume creates illiquid markets and wider bid-ask spreads and potential stock gaps, but it also allows investors to take advantage of unique opportunities after the market closes.
After-hours trading activity is typically greatest around events such as corporate earnings announcements [or major geopolitical events].
Extended hours overnight trading is available through some brokerage firms in major ETFs for near-continuous trading. – from Option Alpha
So who designs a system in which options stop trading before the actual stocks stop trading? Casino operators, that’s who. And it would appear that they’re looking to make a score…
My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on Friday the 21st are now up. They include some striking occult cues (highlighted in red) that support the scripting of Operation Blackjack and big trouble surrounding China, Taiwan, and the Three Gorges Dam.
Remember too that if Hezbollah attacks Israel, Israel will strike Iran. And if Hezbollah strikes Cyprus, it could lead to a long-planned conflict between Turkey and Greece (and Erdogan’s scripted death/fall).
~ MORE ~
They are attempting to run the June 20 to July 29 to Christmas Day timeline (as the endgame of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline)
Upon digging a little deeper, I found that Hezbollah launched a new wildfire attack on Israel today, and this will allow the Kabbalists to mark the beginning of the 40-day Fire Judgment on June 20. Watch for them to continue fire attacks on northern Israel during June 21, then the Big Attack on June 22 will be the one that scatters all the Israelis “to wander in the wilderness for 38 days” till July 29. I’ve already written about this 40-day + 150-day timeline (that reaches an inflection point on July 29 and ends on Christmas Day / the first day of Hanukkah).
~ MORE – 21 June 2024 ~
The manufactured Tribulation timeline that started with a storm will end with “THE STORM“…
…from the Daily Mail
It should be noted that the overall Tribulation timeline that the planned 6/22 attack is based upon is the “Russian Great Patriotic War” timeline that you can read about in the 13 June Alert.
This timeline began on a 6/22, which is Russia’s Day of Remembrance and Sorrow that marks the anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Russia. And it reached its Day 1290 mark (after the midpoint) last Friday, June 14. That was the day “the peacemaker” Putin laid out the terms for an immediate truce with Ukraine (the current-day Nazis who are attacking Russia). So watch for Ukraine and/or the West to possibly invade Russian territory (perhaps in Kaliningrad or Crimea or a Russian base in Transnistria) this 6/22.
WARNING (17-18 June 2024): Putin’s death or disappearance — made to look like the US did it — during his trip to North Korea and Vietnam may be the intended trigger for the June 20 Fire Judgment I wrote about in yesterday’s entry.
Both North Korea and Vietnam have historical reasons to want to see the US burn and practical reasons to please China. And nothing would please China more than seeing the US+EU and Russia annihilate each other, leaving them the lone global superpower.
Putin will likely be traveling over Chinese airspace for the trips, so a plane crash / disappearance is one potential scenario. Another is North Korea’s Kim taking Putin to the DMZ for sniper practice.
Putin’s death or disappearance could lead to his Lazarus-like “resurrection” on July 29. And if it’s a disappearance, watch for UFOs when he comes back (he may even be accompanied by the people who were aboard Flight 370).
~ MORE – 18 June 2024 ~
Onnabugeisha has found historical-numerological support for a Putin plane crash during his trip to Asia, and Wednesday the 19th may be the planned date. Here are the details…
For quite a while, my partner Onnabugeisha has been tracking a bizarre occult theme underlying the Kabbalists’ scripting of events. It revolves around ducks / Drakes / Kaczynskis, and it involves plane crashes (Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, put a bomb aboard a plane (Flight 444); Lech Kaczyński, a former President of Poland, died in a plane crash in Russia). Well on the day Vladimir Putin started his plane trip to Asia, June 18 (today), look at what showed up…
• Lech Kaczyński (Wikipedia), who served as President of Poland from 2005 until his death in a 2010 plane crash (Wikipedia), and his identical twin brother Jarosław Kaczyński (Wikipedia), who served as the Prime Minister of Poland were born on 18 June 1949, 75 years ago. [The Two Who Stole the Moon (Wikipedia), From child star to president: Lech Kaczynski remembered – ABC News, Kaczynski Surname ( – Derived from the Polish, kaczor, meaning ‘drake‘ (male duck).
Roasted: Court Says Kaczynski Can Be Called a Duck (DER SPIEGEL) – It wasn’t the first time the Kaczynskis have been roasted in the press; Court Rules It’s OK to Call Polish Leaders ‘Ducks’ (Fox News).
• Han Duck-soo (Wikipedia), the 34th and current Prime Minister of South Korea. Born: 18 June 1949, his 75th birthday.
News: Saulos Chilima: Malawi vice-president confirmed dead in plane crash (BBC) – The wreck of a plane carrying Malawi’s vice-president has been found with no survivors, President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera (Wikipedia) has said.
Drake also means dragon. And look at what I found when I looked up the number 75 on…
The English word “dragon,” found thirteen times in the book of Revelation (Revelation 12:3 – 4, 7, 9, 13, 16 – 17, 13:2, 4, 11, 16:13 and 20:2), is derived from the Greek drakon (Strong’s Concordance #G1404). Dragons in the New Testament are symbolic of God’s chief adversary Satan the devil.
>>> And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon [China], having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born (Revelation 12:3 – 4, KJV). <<<
The Gematria, or total numeric value of the Greek word for dragon, is 4 + 100 + 1 + 20 + 800 + 50 for a value of 975. This total is 13 times 75. Thirteen is the number of sin, lawlessness and rebellion against God [so 13 relates to the “Man of Sin” in the Bible, the Antichrist, who is being played by Vladimir Putin – Ken].
The English word “white” is found 75 times in 66 King James verses. It is written the most in the book of Leviticus (20 times) followed by Revelation (19) and then Genesis (5).
White generally symbolizes purity, righteousness, holiness, wisdom and dedication to God. This color is used extensively in Revelation 19.
>>> And to her (the bride of Christ) was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints . . . And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war…
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean (Revelation 19:8, 11, 14, KJV). <<<
“White” ties in to the occult theme, which features Albion and New Albion (where Prince Harry, the next King of England, resides). And the Revelation 19 part talks about Jesus’s return and victory over the Beast, which Putin — playing the “Final Antichrist” — will artificially fulfill at the end of the First Tribulation. So tomorrow could be the day “he is caught up before God (in his case, Satan) to receive his heavenly army (of “fallen angels and demons” = UFOs and their occupants).”
Onnabugeisha’s notes on Wednesday the 19 are now up. Among them is a possible Tribulation marker for another Tribulation timeline that started on 28 June 2017, reached its midpoint on 8 December 2020 (the day of the world’s first COVID shot — it was still Pearl Harbor Day in the western US and Honolulu when the shot was given), reaches its Day 1290 on 20 June 2024 (Thursday, a candidate day for a Three Days of Darkness scenario and a 40-day Fire Judgment), and reaches its Day 1335 on 4 August 2024 (the day the Jewish month of Av — the saddest month on the Jewish calendar — begins at sundown).
(16 June 2024) – The Remaining 40-day Fire Judgment Timelines for 2024 + a Bonus Timeline
We know that the globalists are itching to artificially stage a 40-day “Fire Judgment of the wicked” to close out the First Tribulation. So upon looking for windows of opportunity for this in relation to the Tribulation timelines we’ve uncovered, I’ve found three (so far)…
- June 20 to July 29 = 40 days – This false Fire Judgment would start with a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that brings the Fake Christian Rapture on June 23 (Orthodox Pentecost), then continue on to July 29 (Day 1335 of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline).
- September 14 to October 23 = 40 days – This false Fire Judgment would start on Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline and end on Hoshana Rabbah, which the Kabbalists regard as the day “God’s Judgment is finalized at nightfall,” then handed over to the angels for execution on Shemini Atzeret. Day 1335 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline would then follow on October 29, the 7th day of a count that starts on October 23 (when God will rest from completing his remodel of Earth).
- October 28 to December 7 = 40 days – This false Fire Judgment would start on Day 1335 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline and end on Pearl Harbor Day, thus connecting its end to the Rothschild-descended Prince Harry, the next King of England / the West.
Upon doing some further checks, I discovered a BONUS TIMELINE connected to JULY 29: if the Kabbalists start a 150-day Torment of Humanity that day, ITS END WILL LAND ON DECEMBER 25, WHICH IS BOTH CHRISTMAS DAY AND THE DAY HANUKKAH BEGINS AT SUNSET THIS YEAR. So they have the option of scripting the start of a 150-day Torment of Humanity (by “the demons from the Abyss”) — or flipping the script with a 150-day Comforting of Humanity (by “the angels” = “the demons from the Abyss playing nice by the command of the Final Antichrist”) — from the end of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline. If they choose the Comforting, the July 29 “Patriotic Victory” could lead to the launch of the NWO 150 days later on Christmas Day / Hanukkah. Otherwise, December 25 will provide an ideal day to stage a savior moment to end the Torment.
(14 June 2024) – Watch for Hillary Clinton or an Obama to reemerge in the next few days
Looking ahead at the available decapitation targets over the next few days, Ukraine will hold its “peace summit” in Switzerland on Saturday and Sunday, and the EU will hold an informal summit in Brussels on Monday. That being said, keep the following points in mind…
- All of the major European troublemakers — the ones who have given Ukraine “long range” missiles and the permission to use them on Russian territory — will be at the Ukrainian Peace Summit tomorrow: Macron of France, Scholz of Germany, and Sunak of the UK.
- The “Russian Victory Day” Tribulation timeline reaches its Day 1335 tomorrow, so the timing is perfect for the Kabbalists to trigger the final implosion charge of the engineered collapse of the West. Remember that the midpoint desecration event of the Victory Day timeline was Pope Francis’s “International Meeting of Prayer for Peace,” so the timeline could fittingly end with Ukraine’s “International Meeting for Peace.”
- The US is sending Kamala Harris as its representative, so her death there would open the way to bring Hillary Clinton or Barack/Michelle Obama into the vice presidency. This would soon be followed by Joe Biden’s “incapacitation” or “death” to allow the VP to take over.
- On Thursday night after sunset (here is the video), Biden and Zelensky signed a 10-year security agreement between the US and Ukraine. Since it happened after the Jewish day corresponding to Friday the 14th had started, it can serve as a marker event for Day 1290 of the “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation timeline. This means that timeline is still in play, including whatever event is planned for July 28-29 (Day 1335). [Since it would happen in 45 days, will it be the “resurrection” of Trump’s presidency? Is he (or Pence) Lazarus?]
- You can read about the Tribulation timelines in yesterday’s alert below.
ALERT (13 June 2024): On Friday, June 14 — FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER — all the leaders of the First Tribulation’s Beast from the Sea will be gathered together in one place. And upon looking for an occult basis for a decapitation strike on the gathering, I’ve uncovered TWO “Russian Victory” Tribulation timelines. One of these timelines reaches its Day 1290 (the day a reversal of fortune takes place) tomorrow, and the other reaches its Day 1335 on Saturday. Day 1335, which is supposed to bring an event people will be “blessed” to see, will in this case bring “the first day of the post-Western world” (after the West is dealt its death blow tomorrow). Details to follow.
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The “Russian Great Patriotic War” Tribulation Timeline
In checking for an occult basis for a scripted strike tomorrow, I looked back from June 14 using the standard day-counts the Kabbalists associate with the Christian Tribulation (1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days). And looking back 1290 days landed me on 2 December 2020, which is the day Vladimir Putin ordered the mass COVID-19 “vaccination” of Russia. Further checking also showed that he held a meeting on Russian nanotechnology that day (nanotech is rumored to be an ingredient of the Western COVID shots and is a key technology in blending humans with computers under the “Beast System”).
Looking back 1260 days from that midpoint landed me on 22 June 2017, the Russian anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War (World War II). On that day, Putin held a meeting with the Russian Academy of Sciences to reorganize the Russian science effort, and he spoke of the contribution Russian science had made in winning that war…
Today, June 22, marks the start of the Great Patriotic War, the day when the enemy treacherously attacked our homeland. On this occasion, I must recall here the tremendous contribution that Soviet and Russian science made to vanquishing the enemy. We all know the T-34 – experts admit it was the best tank in World War II – Katyusha rocket launchers, the forerunners of the multiple rocket launchers we use today; our attack planes that are among the best in the world, and so on. Soviet science did much indeed to defeat the cunning adversary.
Today, we must ensure our economy’s development, and we must do this in such a way as to make our country not just a part of the technological revolution that is underway, but one of the leaders of this revolution. Russia must be a leader in the new technology landscape taking shape. We have every chance we need to achieve this, despite the setbacks that Russian science suffered in the 1990s and early 2000s.
So this can be narrated as the day Putin resolved to win the Second Great Patriotic War with science, including vaccines, nanotech, nuclear tsunami torpedoes, and AI. Another check revealed that Day 1335 of this “Great Patriotic War” timeline will fall on 29 July 2024, the Feast of Lazarus (so look for someone to “come back from the dead” that day).
The “Russian Victory Day” Tribulation Timeline
Upon looking back 1335 days from June 14, I ran across an event that reaches 1335 days on June 15: Pope Francis’s “International Meeting of Prayer for Peace” at the Church of Saint Maria in Aracoeli on 20 October 2020. The Church is located on the highest summit of Capitoline Hill, so it represents the “High Place” of Rome’s government. And “Satanic Antipope Francis desecrated it with his presence and insincere prayer that day.” Intrigued, I looked back 1260 days from this possible midpoint and landed on 9 May 2017, Russian Victory Day (in the Great Patriotic War).
Here is an excerpt from The New York Times’ coverage of that day…
Russia rolled out a rather subdued version of its annual Victory Day parade on Tuesday, with President Vladimir V. Putin calling for international cooperation in fighting terrorism even though foreign leaders had mostly stayed away…
Despite Mr. Putin’s call for cooperation, the parade served as a reminder of just how isolated Russia has become, particularly in light of strained ties with the West over a variety of issues, including the 2014 crisis in Ukraine and accusations of election meddling…
The parade marked the 72nd anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, during which the Soviet Union lost more than 20 million people, and Mr. Putin used the occasion to call for an effective fight against “terrorism, extremism, neo-Nazism and other threats.”…
Speaking in Kiev, Petro O. Poroshenko, the Ukrainian president, noted that this would be the last year Ukraine celebrated Victory Day in tandem with Russia. Next year, it plans to move the holiday to May 8, when it is marked in much of Europe.
Mr. Poroshenko accused Russia of using the holiday to celebrate its military incursions into Ukraine. The Kremlin has long denied that its military is directly involved in the fighting there…
The Islamic State released a video on Monday that it said showed the beheading of a Russian intelligence officer whom it accused of spying in Syria. The footage, published on SITE, a website that tracks the movements of radical groups, identified the victim as Capt. Yevgeny Petrenko, 36, who it said had infiltrated Islamist militant groups inside Russia, in the northern Caucasus and in Kazakhstan, before trying to do the same in Syria.
Thousands of militants from Russia and its former republics have gone to Syria, and Russia has vowed to fight them there rather than at home.
Note Putin’s call for cooperation in fighting terrorism and the specific mention of ISIS.
Upon doing further checks, I found that Day 1290 after the midpoint fell on 1 May 2024. That was the day Russia put captured Western war weapons on public display in advance of this year’s Victory Day. The display opened just a couple of days after news came out of Ukrainian retreats on the front lines, so Day 1290 brought a sign of Russia’s impending victory, which will be finalized tomorrow if the globalists pull the trigger and “kill” the G7 leaders (along with Ukraine’s Zelensky who is with them). Will ISIS deliver the attacks?
It is important to note that there is no need for “Final Antichrist” Putin to do a desecration event in either of these timelines. That’s because this is the First Tribulation, which is scripted to be “Satan’s fake Tribulation,” and Putin is the one who will emerge as the savior figure in the end. Here is something I wrote in a past entry about his taking of Christ’s place…
…From the Jewish World Review
While there, Putin made a point of meeting with both Jewish religious leaders…
…and Christian leaders…
…including Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem, whose territory includes “Holy Zion”…
…From Wikipedia
This is what Putin did while with the Christians…
“During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre…
Entering the church, Vladimir Putting kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud.
After that the president was taken to the Kuviklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour.
Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross…
In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born…
Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters.
The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born.” – From
Take a moment to think about this ritual Putin went through. It started at NIGHT at the places associated with Christ’s death at his First Coming, then that NIGHT ended in the MORNING when Vladimir Putin received the Star of Bethlehem and lit a candle at Christ’s birthspot. That’s a helluva symbolic ritual, was it not? Putin returned Christ’s light to the world after a long night.
NOTE (12 June 2024): In her notes on Thursday the 13th, Onnabugeisha points out that June 13 is Orthodox Ascension this year, which means that Orthodox Pentecost will come 10 days later on June 23 (June 23 is also the Jewish anniversary of Noah’s Ark touching down on Mount Ararat).
Since June 13th’s Ascension is about someone (Jesus) ascending into Heaven, the Kabbalists could script someone dying or being snatched up into Heaven, possibly one or more of the 3 Moshiachs (Trump, Netanyahu, and/or Putin) or Christians in the Fake Rapture. June 13 is also the second day of Shavuot and the first day of the G7 Summit.
And since June 23rd’s Pentecost is about something (the Holy Spirit) descending from Heaven to Earth, they could script the arrival of…
- the Red Dragon from Revelation 12,
- the angel who will unlock the Abyss and release Apollyon (6/23 = Strong’s Greek 623),
- “Arks” to carry away Christians in the Fake Rapture, or
- “the Deliverer (like Noah) who will save us from destruction.”
So let’s get our popcorn ready and see what kind of show these Kabbalist chimps have in mind. Dance for us, monkeys, dance!…
(12 June 2024) – The West’s Engineered Shift to the Political “Right” and the BRICS NWO
My P5 scoreboard from December of 2018…
While we wait to see if we get blown up during Shavuot (see the warnings below), it is important to note that “surprise” elections have been scheduled in the UK and France, and the US has an election this year as well. So all three of the Western nations among the Permanent Five (P5) members of the UN Security Council may elect new leaders. And if Trump, Le Pen and Farage end up on top, the P5 nations will all be led by Putin-friendly leaders, thus opening the way for the UN’s reform into the BRICS NWO.
With this in mind, let’s have a look at some of this blog’s updates from previous years, starting with an excerpt from 2016:
Now that we’ve seen what the real NWO will look like, let’s move our focus to the globalists’ two paths for getting us there: the war path and the peace path…
> The war path involves a direct military conflict between Russia and the US orchestrated under the pretext of “the Western globalists’ last-gasp effort to save their agenda before Trump takes office.” It would play out something like this…
- [The aftermath] would be devoted to Putin, Trump, and the newly elected “anti-Establishment” leaders of Europe putting the world back together both politically and economically. The “reformed” UN Complex (the UN, IMF, and World Bank) and a new “commodities-backed” financial system will be the result of their efforts.
> The peace path bypasses any direct US – Russia military conflict and instead uses a last-gasp “ISIS” terror barrage to plunge the world into an unconcealable economic depression…
- The terror barrage would result in widespread calls to “reform” the UN to prevent a conflict like Syria’s from ever again spinning out of control.
- The terrible economic conditions, possibly augmented with a WikiLeaks operation targeting the EU, would lead to popular unrest in Europe and the election of “anti-Establishment” leaders, particularly in the P5 nations.
And here’s an excerpt from March of 2019, before they started initiating the “COVID Great Tribulation” late that year…
Remember that the ultimate globalist goal in orchestrating these government transitions in France and the UK is to install Putin-friendly leaders. So if non-Putin-friendly transitional leaders are the first to be put in place, it means they’re opting for a “Great Tribulation” before the Putin-friendly leaders are put in…
In past entries, I’ve talked about the globalist effort to shift people to the “political right” in preparation for the launch of the real “right-wing NWO” — the much publicized and feared “left-wing NWO” being just a decoy used to scare us to the right. This effort to move the herd rightward is the reason the media are using leftist dimwits like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [AOC] to scare the American public into thinking “the heroic Trump” is the only thing standing between them and a leftist catastrophe of open borders, political violence, silenced speech, grabbed guns, and a Venezuela-like socialist/communist economy.
Also noted in that 2019 update was the planned shift to a BRICS gold standard and an Austrian Economics-based NWO economic system…
The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers
Like it or not, here is more on the Rockefeller connection to Austrian economics
So we’ve now completed another circle back to where we were years ago. And we again face a war or terror barrage to bring in the BRICS NWO. Let’s see how it goes this time.
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In light of the information I’ve just shown you, Sunak and Macron’s “incomprehensible” decisions to call snap elections at essentially the same time (July 4 in the UK and June 30 & July 7 in France) make a lot more sense, don’t they? It should be remembered that Sunak worked for Goldman Sachs and Macron worked for Rothschild & Co, so both are Establishment errand boys carrying out the script of their Kabbalist masters. And right now, that script calls for another go at launching the NWO (as the mathematics of the world’s debt load grow exponentially more absurd).
Given the short time between now and the elections, it will take a large-magnitude event to stampede the heavily-programmed UK herd towards Farage. So watch for the UK to be hit especially hard by the imminent “Russian attack” or “ISIS terror wave,” with migrants and the Left (the Labour Party) being positioned to look very bad in its aftermath. A significant portion of London will likely be destroyed, with migrants running wild in the streets afterwards. “Animal control” will become the chief concern among voters.
Alternatively, watch for the Mass Arrests and Truth Tsunami psyops to be launched “in the face of great danger” on the Fourth of July — a perfect time to script a save by Trump/Pence and the Space Force.
Learn about the heroes and the goats. And understand the NWO strategy.
WARNING (11 June 2024): Starting tomorrow, we face the possibility of a globalist-scripted “nuclear” attack that will ignite World War 3. And press reports will state that the G7 leaders (including Pope Francis) plus Turkish president Erdogan and the UAE’s president “were among the first casualties.” But reader Sohei has pointed out something that indicates their deaths will likely be faked…
Borgo Egnazia [the compound where the G7 Summit will be taking place] has been expressly chosen for being a little out of the way, a pocket of luxury in the countryside more easily locked down than a more urban location.
The high-profile guest list means security at G7 summits is always extremely tight, and even the media this year are being kept well away.
The hundreds of journalists descending on Puglia to cover the event will be kept in a media centre in Bari around 60 kilometres away, and only bussed in for press conferences.
Demonstrations are similarly expected to be confined to nearby towns and cities. – from Malay Mail
[As Sohei notes, this means there will be no witnesses to what actually happens to the leaders at the Summit (or to establish that they’re even there), though it is conceivable that they’ll arrange for pre-recorded false footage of the disaster to be streamed from the Summit compound.]
The presence of the President of the United Arab Emirates is quite notable in light of my partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for tomorrow. Here are some of particular interest…
Numbers: 6/12
• Abraham Accords: Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement (Wikipedia) was initially agreed to in a joint statement by the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates on August 13, 2020 (U.S. Embassy in Israel), 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 9 days -> Strong’s Hebrew: 3939. laanah: wormwood [Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (Wikipedia, Chernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)] [this is a nuclear contamination cue].
• President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there (CNN). United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (Wikipedia) Date: 6 December 2017, 6 years, 6 months, 6 days ago -> [Number of the beast: 666]
• Israel–Hamas war (Wikipedia) – 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel (Wikipedia). Start date: 7 October 2023, 6 months, 66 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]
6/12 (Wednesday)
Julian calendar: 5/30 [Convert a date]
• Siege of Jerusalem: Titus and his Roman legions breach the Second Wall of Jerusalem. Jewish defenders retreat to the First Wall (Wikipedia). Date: 30 May, 70 (Julian calendar)
• Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Wikipedia), known to adherents of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement as the Lubavitcher Rebbe or simply the Rebbe, was an Orthodox rabbi and the most recent Rebbe of the Lubavitch Hasidic dynasty. He is considered one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century. Died: Sun, 12 June 1994, 30th anniversary of his death
• Tear down this wall! (Wikipedia, HISTORY: 1, 2) – On June 12, 1987, in one of his most famous Cold War speeches, President Ronald Reagan challenges Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down” the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the repressive Communist era in a divided Germany. Gematria: Tear down this wall = Janet Louise Yellen (Wikipedia) 3x, Ursula von der Leyen (Wikipedia) 2x, VP Kamala Harris 2x Date: 12 June 1987 ->
Russia Day (AnydayGuide, Wikipedia), the day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) on 12 June 1990.… the beginning of constitutional reform in the Russian Soviet state. On 12 June 1991 = 30 Sivan, Boris Yeltsin was elected as the first President of the Russian Federation (Wikipedia)
Numbers: 6/12 (inclusive) – 6/13
• Mossad (Wikipedia), the national intelligence agency of the State of Israel. Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counter-terrorism. Formed: 13 December 1949, 894 months ago -> Strong’s Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (Wikipedia, Chernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – (Atlas Obscura)
• The attack on Pearl Harbor (Wikipedia) was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. Date: 7 December 1941, 990 months, 6 days ago
Be sure to read the important information offered in the updates below (down through the CRITICAL INFORMATION in the red section).
WARNING (11 June 2024): Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be scripted to play a role in the Fire Judgment that is/was planned for Wednesday-Thursday (Shavuot)
- the AI focus of the G7 Summit,
- the well-narrated race to incorporate AI decision-making into automated weapons systems in order to gain a military advantage,
- the previously established concern over Russia and China implementing AI decision-making into nuclear weapon command and control systems,
- the presence during Shavuot of Russian (“nuclear”) missile ships in the Caribbean, and
- the presumed ongoing patrols of “automated Russian nuclear tsunami torpedoes” off the coasts of the NATO nations,
…it is entirely possible that an “AI-involved Russian nuclear attack” could be the narrated mechanism of the Fire Judgment that’s planned (with Artemis being the actual mechanism). Most likely, this “AI accident” would be attributed to the same factors that cause automated cars to have accidents in real-world driving conditions:
an unanticipated (by the system engineers) combination of conditions + human error + automated decision making = an accident.
Alternatively, it could be blamed on “rogue AI that bypassed human control,” but I doubt they’d narrate that until late in the Second Tribulation.
NOTE (11 June 2024): Back in the 7 June update, I noted that the Kabbalists had pushed back Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress to July 24 — the day after Tzom Tammuz — and that this will allow them to script a big event on July 23. Today we’re going to look at some numbers that show why they did this and how it fits in with the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline, which is summarized here…
- It began on 23 September 2017 with the “Revelation 12 Star Sign.”
- It reached its 1260-day midpoint on 5 March 2021 when Pope Francis desecrated a martyred church in Iraq and the Apophis asteroid flew by Earth.
- It reaches its 1290-day (from the midpoint) “reversal day” on 14 September 2024.
- And it reaches its 1335-day (from the midpoint) “blessed day” on 29 October 2024.
- This engineered Tribulation conforms to the Kabbalists’ standard timeline and is based on numbers found in the Bible.
The end of this Revelation 12 timeline is currently scripted to bring the victory of the Nazionist antichrists over the communist antichrists, and its Day 1335 end will most likely feature the Fake Jewish Messiah standing victorious in Jerusalem or New Jerusalem (Kyiv).
So with all this set before us, let’s look at how Tzom Tammuz will play into it…
> As has been noted in recent updates (below), a 40-day Fire Judgment started on Shavuot will reach its end on Tzom Tammuz, a fast that commemorates the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls. So the fall of Jerusalem can be scripted for that day.
> The 1290-day “reversal day” of the Revelation 12 timeline, September 14, falls 53 days after Tzom Tammuz. The number 53 is significant to the Kabbalists on account of this…
Construction of 2nd Temple (370 BCE)
Fifty three years following the destruction of the First Holy Temple (see Jewish History for the 9th of Av), Zerubabel and Joshua the High Priest began construction of the Second Temple, with permission from King Cyrus of Persia.
The offering of sacrifices had actually commenced a few months earlier, on the vacant lot where the 1st Temple stood, however it was only after the construction started on the 1st of Iyar that the Levites began accompanying the service with song and music.
The construction was later halted after the hostile Samaritans supplied false slanderous information to Cyrus about the Jews’ intentions. The construction was resumed many years later, and completed 21 years later under the reign of King Darius (see Jewish History for the Third of Adar). – from [Remember that Trump is playing the role of Cyrus.]
So the rebuilding of Old Jerusalem or New Jerusalem can be scripted to begin on Day 1290 of the Revelation 12 Tribulation.
> Counting from Tzom Tammuz to the end of the Tribulation on October 29 — when the Fake Jewish Messiah may stand victorious in Old or New Jerusalem — there are 99 days. And 99 is significant to the Kabbalists on account of this…
More info to come later, including a companion Tribulation timeline that began after Trump’s second impeachment trial started and will reach its 1260th day on Tzom Tammuz. The presence of this timeline indicates that Tzom Tammuz may be a bad day for Trump, Netanyahu, and Putin (the “persecuted Moshiachs“).
WARNING (10 June 2024): The G7 Summit, AI, and the Fall of Jerusalem
What I was planning to write about on Sunday got shelved after reader Sohei pointed out some interesting things about this week. Among them is the news that Pope Francis will “intervene in the G7 Summit in Italy’s southern Puglia region in the session devoted to Artificial Intelligence (AI).” So Ol’ Scratch will attend the G7 Summit in order to “oversee preparations for Satan’s AI throne” (see the 8 June update below)…
“…the Pope’s presence will provide a decisive contribution to defining a regulatory, ethical, and cultural framework for artificial intelligence…” – from Vatican News
Ukraine’s Zelensky will be there too. And since the participants will start arriving at the Summit location of Apulia, Italy on June 12th for the start of their meetings on the 13th, they’ll be gathering on the two days of Shavuot (which runs from sunset of the 11th to sunset of the 13th). Shavout is one of the three Jewish festivals that involve making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, so the Summit will provide a golden opportunity to either…
- start a 40-day Fire Judgment that will end on Tzom Tammuz, a fast that mourns the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls (so the Fire Judgment would end with the fall of Jerusalem), or
- begin a 40-day Jonah Warning that will bring a destructive event on Tzom Tammuz (the day Netanyahu will be in Washington, DC before giving his speech to Congress the next day).
Remember that the G7 + the Pope (the Atlantic Alliance) are the First Tribulation’s “Beast from the Sea”.
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The UN Security Council is set to vote on a US-drafted Gaza ceasefire resolution this afternoon. If it passes, will it be the “betrayal of Israel that triggers Yahweh’s Wrath on the G7” this week, or will it be the pause in the war that allows the “Jonah Warning” to play out until Tzom Tammuz?
The UN Security Council ceasefire resolution has passed;
will Korah’s (Ben-Gvir’s) Rebellion and its Fire Judgment soon follow?
…from The New York Times
Yesterday, Benny Gantz and his party left the governing coalition that is keeping Netanyahu in power, which supposedly leaves Netanyahu more reliant on the “ultra-right wing warmongers” (“the crazies”) to hold the government together. And now that the UN has passed the ceasefire resolution, a scripted conflict will arise in which “Moshiach ben Yosef” Netanyahu will face a rebellion — or even an assassination attempt — by the crazies if he attempts to accept the ceasefire deal. Keep this in mind while I show you what follows:
It is important to remember that in the Kabbalists, we are dealing with wicked sub-humans / indoctrinated cultist idiots who are obsessed with numerology and history. With that in mind, it should be noted that…
June 12, Day 1 of Shavuot, will mark the 250th day of the Israel-Hamas War. And June 13, Day 2 of Shavuot, will mark 250 days since it began.
In the Bible’s Book of Numbers — “the culmination of the story of Israel’s exodus from oppression in Egypt and their journey to take possession of the land God promised their fathers“ — the number 250 relates to Korah’s Rebellion (Ben-Gvir is Korah, and the Bible verses are in blue)…
Korah’s rebellion was led by a Levite named Korah and three men from the tribe of Reuben (Numbers 16:1). An additional 250 prominent Israelite leaders also joined the uprising. One of their complaints concerned the authority of Moses and Aaron over the people (verse 3).
Korah and the Levites involved in the rebellion also demanded the same priestly rights and privileges as Aaron (Numbers 16:8 – 11). God’s judgment of this unrighteous group first fell on Korah, the three Reubenites and their families.
And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up, and their households, and all the men who were for Korah, and all their goods (Num. 16:32, HBFV).
The Lord then punished the 250 Israelites, who were offering incense at the time, with fire.
And there came out a fire from the Lord and burned up the two hundred and fifty (250) men who offered incense (Num. 16:35, HBFV). – from
So the fall of the Israeli government and/or the assassination of Benjamin Netanyahu are scriptable for Shavuot this week, and it would unleash the (Kabbalist-simulated) “Wrath of Yahweh” upon the world.
Note to the Kabbalists: You are stupid. fu*king. monkeys. And you are meddling in matters that lie far beyond your comprehension. Sit down, eat a banana, and stop making trouble.
(8 June 2024) – Since it appears that we’ll get through the weekend okay, we have an opportunity to review a couple of important subjects before we start focusing on next week’s danger period: 1) the “AI is a threat to humanity” narrative, and 2) why the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array was (supposedly) built with conventional technology. Today we’ll look at the AI narrative…
Beware of charlatans spouting “evil Artificial Intelligence (AI)” propaganda

…from mainstream media outlet CNN (top) and controlled alt-media outlet All News Pipeline (bottom)
You may have noticed the massive mainstream and controlled alt-media coverage being given to the supposed threat to humanity posed by AI. This is part of the preparatory propaganda setup for the final stage of the Kabbalist-planned Second Tribulation, when “Satan himself will rule over Earth via AI.” Here is a modified version of what I wrote about it in the 16 February 2023 update:
…I thought we’d do a strategic strike of our own by exposing the stages of the Antichrist Deception — of which there are three…
1. The First Tribulation Stage, which is the Kabbalist-planned “Satan’s Fake Tribulation” that ends with the rise of the “Nazionist Antichrists” and their New World Order, in which it currently appears that Trump/Pence and Putin/Shoigu will defeat the decoy antichrist Obama (and/or Xi) and save the world from the “commie depopulation scheme.” The reign of Trump/Pence will be short, ending a few days before Rosh Hashanah of 2025 [possibly on September 19, during the 9-23 September UNGA that year (which ends on Rosh Hashanah)].
2. The Second Tribulation Stage, which is the Kabbalist-planned “God’s True Tribulation” that ends with the rise of the “Kabbalah Christ” and his Millennial Kingdom, in which Putin (or Shoigu) rises to leadership of the “reformed” UN and is later exposed as the “Final Antichrist.” His reign will last for either 3.5 or 7 years, depending on how the globalists choose to script 2029.
3. The Second Great Tribulation Stage, which is the Kabbalist-planned “Satan rules through AI” portion of the Second Tribulation, in which Putin will place a “quantum computer-based artificial intelligence” in charge of the global government’s management of the 2029 Apophis asteroid defense and recovery effort (“so all defense and recovery possibilities can be evaluated and implemented with lightning speed and impartiality”).
The “Satan as AI” Stage may last for only a short time or for 3.5 years depending on when the globalists schedule the arrival of their Jesus Christ imposter (a.k.a. the “Kabbalah Christ”). They could have “Jesus and his angels” arrive with Apophis on 13 April 2029, or they could have them arrive during the fall Jewish holidays of 2032. If they opt for the latter, Putin will be “the human figurehead of Satan’s oppressive Great Tribulation reign” until both are defeated by the incoming Kabbalah Christ and his tinklefairies.
A peek at the globalists’ fanciful “Satan as AI” narrative is offered in this video interview of New Age disinfo-doofus David Wilcock by fellow disinfo-dork Mike Adams. They begin touching on the subject and its relation to the COVID jab and the transhumanist movement at the 1:09:35 mark of the video, with Wilcock first mentioning that “Satan is an artificial intelligence” at the 1:12:36 mark.
It should be noted that the video is hosted on Mike Adams’s Brighteon website (Brighteon = Bright Eon = Age of Light = Age of Luciferian Light). Adams is apparently a New Ager who has been assigned to indoctrinate Christians in the New Age aspects of the “End Times” narrative by couching them in Christian terms. And Wilcock presents much of his recent disinfo drivel as revelations from Archangel Michael (the favorite angel of the Nazionists). Wilcock also promotes Vladimir Putin (who is playing the “Final Antichrist” character in the globalists’ “End Times” stageplay). In the stageplay, New Age spirituality is the “channeled doctrines of demons and Satan.”
NOTE (7 June 2024): LOL, these idiots… Netanyahu’s June 13 speech before the US Congress has been rescheduled for July 24 “on account of Shavuot” (as if they weren’t aware of Shavuot when they first scheduled it). This means he’ll be arriving in Washington on July 23, Tzom Tammuz (which commemorates the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls). So now we have a date in July to watch for mischief. But we must first get through this weekend and then the G7 Summit and EU Informal Summit next week (the G7 starts during Shavuot — they could have hit the G7 leaders in Italy and Netanyahu & Congress in Washington on June 13, so maybe they’re switching timelines or flying Netanyahu to the G7).
It has been the Kabbalists’ practice to have Dmitry Medvedev — in his fictional role as an “Atlantic Integrationist who plots to overthrow Putin and bring Russia into the Western-version NWO” — do the false-flag enablers (Russian statements that Western covert operations can point to in blaming Russia for their false-flags). And here is one that will come into play if they pull the trigger in France this week…
…from TASS. Here is an excerpt…
Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev has warned that Russia will also act without restraint toward France, after French President Emmanuel Macron refused to honor any red lines when it comes to supporting Ukraine.
Macron said in a recent meeting that “there are no more red lines, there are no more limits” in terms of providing support to Ukraine, according to Le Monde. In a post on X, Medvedev quoted these words and responded, “Then it means there are no more red lines for Russia with respect to France.”
If you add to this Medvedev’s many warnings of striking NATO decision-making centers and Russian nuclear retaliation, you have a prescription for Operation Blackjack being blamed on Russian nukes (initially, by the commie side). And this week’s D-Day commemorations provide a nice symbolic backdrop for a joint “right-wing extremist + Islamist” offensive against Europe.
To be clear, the commies will blame Blackjack on the “far-right and Putin.” And the “patriots / constitutionalists” (Nazionists) will blame it on “the commies trying to stop the right from rising in the European Parliament elections” (that run from today through Sunday and could be suspended — just like elections have been suspended in Zelensky’s Ukraine — due to Blackjack). But both sides work for the Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel, and the scripted outcome of this farcical drama is the collapse of the Interim World Order and the rise of the “multilateral” BRICS New World Order (the Global Roman Empire under Putin/Augustus).
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Keep in mind this news that came out yesterday…
Ukraine has struck inside of Russia with U.S. weapons for the first time since permission was granted by the Biden administration last week, according to a Ukrainian official.
Ukrainian parliament member Yehor Cherniev confirmed that U.S.-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) have hit Russian logistics and artillery locations inside of Russia near Ukraine’s northeast region of Kharkiv, where Moscow is conducting an offensive. – from The Hill
And consider it in light of what I wrote about in a 2022 update (emphasis added)…
According to the globalist script (and their disinfo agent “The Saker”), Dmitry Medvedev is an “Atlantic Integrationist” who wants Russia to join the Western-version NWO. So when he threatened a strike against Western “decision-making centers” in response to any Ukrainian HIMARS rocket attack on Russian territory, he was handing NATO exactly what they need to carry out Operation Blackjack and blame it on Putin.
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You may have seen the news about Elon Musk’s “triumphant” Starship launch today. I’ve previously written about SpaceX‘s role in placing the Artemis Orbital Weapons Array into orbit…
The Artemis Moon mission program provides public cover for the weapons program. They used the excuse of a manned mission to the Moon in order the build the super-heavy “SLS” rockets needed to lift the tungsten rods into space. In the same way, Elon Musk used his “mission to Mars” as an excuse to build his super-heavy “Starship” rockets for the same purpose.
Whether today’s launch was an operational launch of more Artemis components or a symbolic launch celebrating Artemis’ impending victory, I encourage you to read more about the weapons system and its ties to Trump/Pence.
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Here’s a thought that just crossed my mind: Given that the Ukraine War is the Kabbalist mechanism for consolidating and depopulating (of Slavs) the ancient lands of Khazaria under Jewish King Vladimir (Putin) the Great, it is entirely possible that current-day Israel will be completely wiped out during this artificially-staged Fire Judgment — something Henry Kissinger hinted-at back in 2012. And it is Jews worldwide who will be “wandering in the wilderness” as they run from the Kabbalist-planned explosion of Jew Hate that is right around the corner. This would lead to “Moshiach” Putin gathering the surviving Jews in New Khazaria and New Jerusalem (Kyiv) under his protection…
…from the New York Post (top), The New York Times (middle), and The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words… (bottom).
The scripted “Triumphal Procession from Sinai to Jerusalem” could then return the Jews to the Holy Land when the Kabbalah Christ comes to defeat Putin at the end of the Second Tribulation.
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Today offered a target-rich environment for the execution of Operation Blackjack, but Friday will as well…
- The UN Security Council will be meeting on Ukraine.
- The UN General Assembly will be holding the 88th Plenary of the current session (88 is the Nazi number).
- Macron will be meeting with Zelensky in Paris (a NATO decision-making center).
- And Pope Francis will be commemorating the Vatican’s 2014 “Invocation for Peace” in the Holy Land at the Vatican Gardens.
So look for New York, Paris, and Rome to be among the targets. No surprises there.
As for the start of the kinetic phase of the Israel-Hezbollah War, it could happen on Friday or Saturday. Saturday is the actual June 8 anniversary of the Vatican’s Invocation, and it is also the Jewish anniversary of the end of the Six Day War — the day Israel captured the Golan Heights. So by scripting the start of full-on war that day, they’d be “picking up where they left off in 1967.”
Watch for the possibility that Tel Aviv will be one of the cities hit in Blackjack. They could use that as the mechanism for killing off the precursor Messiah (the Moshiach ben Yosef, played by Benjamin Netanyahu) like the Chabad script calls for. This would also leave Israel without a government, which is another scripted requirement for the arrival of the Moshiach.
~ from earlier today (early AM) ~
The Kabbalists backed off on Wednesday, but they are keeping Israel’s north in flames, so the Fire Judgment is still in play. And now they’ve moved Dodderin’ Joe Biden to France — the nation that is leading the way in provoking Russia — for meetings with Macron and Zelensky.
So Vladimir Putin’s (the Fake Jewish Messiah’s) three greatest enemies will be gathered in France over the next three days commemorating D-Day, the Anglo-American invasion of Nazi Europe. Are they being gathered there merely to enjoy tea and strumpets, or are they sheep gathered for slaughter? What better time is there for the Nazionists to unleash Artemis on Communist Europe?
Wink, wink. Nod, nod. Say no more…
WARNING (5 June 2024): Today is a candidate day for Operation Blackjack
In light of the possibility of Operation Wildfire erupting today (see yesterday’s alert below), today’s UN Security Council (UNSC) schedule bears scrutiny…
They will be meeting today on…
> “peace and security” – “While people are saying, ‘Peace and security,’ destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:3
> “to promote accountability for crimes committed by ISIS” – This begs ISIS to hold the UN accountable for its crimes, and we’ve seen lots of occult cues in recent weeks pointing to ISIS being scripted to destroy cities.
> “Resolution 1718” – This UNSC resolution imposes sanctions on North Korea for an atomic bomb test, and North Korea is technically still at war with the UN since the Korean War ended with an armistice.
So the UNSC will be meeting about all the things you’d expect them to meet about when they are “suddenly destroyed by ISIS armed with North Korean nukes.” And guess what: South Korea holds the UNSC presidency this month.
With this in mind, have another look at a photo and headline that was featured on the Drudge Report yesterday…
Notice how the flattened Sun looks like a nuclear explosion in the distance. And since the Kabbalists who are scripting all this are obsessed with gypsy bullsh*t like numerology and gematria, I did a quick gematria check on “heat dome” and found this…
…from Gematria Effect News (note that the numbers reduce to 8 and 8 — 88, the Nazi number)
So if we read the headline a little differently, it says this: “ISIS bombs” to Scorch West(ern World) with Record Highs.” 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit would certainly qualify as a record high in most Western cities; such temperatures have been recorded only twice (in Japanese cities).
Long story short, Operation Blackjack is scriptable today.
ALERT (4-5 June 2024): “May your villages burn“…
…from Zero Hedge (top) and today’s Drudge Report (bottom)
It is becoming clear that Chabad/Mossad and their terror proxies are intending to stage another October 7 on Jerusalem Day tomorrow, this time involving a FIRESTORM (widespread “Muslim” arson in Israel, the US, and possibly Europe). In doing this, they will be staging a historic reenactment of the Six-Day War on the Gregorian anniversary of its beginning (June 5), but this war will likely last longer (until at least September 14), and it will be disastrous for Israel (until Chabad’s Fake Jewish Messiah intervenes).
The fires will likely begin after sunset on Wednesday in Israel (the Jewish day corresponding to 6/6/24 >>> 666 day, the 44th day of the Omer count — 44 is Obama’s number). If the Israelis truly understood what happened on October 7, they would be burning down Mossad Headquarters and the Chabad Houses, and the war cabinet would be hanging from lampposts. All of this death and destruction is coming from their pernicious plot to bring in their accursed Moshiach. Greet the Moshiach with the limitless hostility he deserves.
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It is being narrated that Hezbollah intensified their incendiary strikes on Monday…
…from Zero Hedge
And Monday was the Hebrew day of Iyar 26 (2/26, since Iyar is the second month of the ecclesiastical calendar). Do you remember the Hezbollah video that hinted at when the “War in the North” would start?…
…from Twitter
So it can be narrated that 26 Iyar (which began after sunset of June 2 and is the Jewish anniversary of the start of the Six Day War) was the day Hezbollah began their war against Israel, and you can rest assured that both the Israeli government and Hezbollah are working from the same script — a script written by the Kabbalist Central Banking Cartel via Chabad. The banksters are the paymasters of both sides.
“Operation Wildfire” / “Operation Firestorm” will be the excuse Israel uses to start the New Six Day War to once again expand their territories. And the reason they haven’t already invaded Lebanon and Syria is because the script calls for Jerusalem Day and the flag march to be the precipitating factors for the sh*t hitting the fan.
It should also be noted that the Kabbalists are the paymasters of the “patriots / constitutionalists” (Nazionists) too — the ones who will be stepping forward to save us on September 14 and October 29. Their role is to take you into a New World Order that will seem like heaven at first, but will end up killing a large swath of the human race 3.5 or 7 years later.
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Have a look at some articles that have come out today…
Israeli war cabinet calls Lebanon meeting as Hezbollah tension spikes
Israel nears decision on Lebanon border offensive, army chief says
Hezbollah ‘ready’ for an all-out war with Israel, deputy head says
Be advised that Operation Blackjack is a possibility for tomorrow. Details to come.
~ MORE – 5 June 2024 ~
As expected…
Ben-Gvir threatens to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque during Jerusalem ‘Flag March’
Hamas warns Israel against any foolish act during flag march
There are 3,000 Israeli police who are supposed to keep the flag marchers in check today. But if Ben-Gvir — a cabinet minister and Israel’s national poster boy on the dangers of inbreeding — leads a charge up to the Temple Mount, will the police stand aside “on account of October 7“? The desecration and burning of Al Aqsa Mosque would set exactly the right mood for carrying out Operation Wildfire, the burning of Israel and the West (with regular fire and possibly “nuclear” fire).
NOTE (3 June 2024): The Jerusalem flag march will take place on Wednesday and follow the usual route through the Muslim Quarter. And The Times of Israel made a point of mentioning this…
Police stressed that the march will not at any point pass through the Temple Mount or the Temple Mount gates.
So, of course, watch for that very scenario: rogue hardliners “taking the hill.”
There was another Israeli wildfire today — this one near the Lebanese border. That makes one in Jerusalem, one on the Syrian border, and one on the Lebanese border (the flashpoints for violence if things go wrong on Jerusalem Day).
(2 June 2024) – Today’s fire in Jerusalem is tied to the Revelation 12 and Saturn’s Possession Tribulation timelines
The fire in Jerusalem today occurred in the Valley of the Cross…
…from The Jerusalem Post
On a hunch that this might be significant, I looked into it and discovered that the Valley of the Cross is named after the Monastery of the Cross. And under the high altar of the Monastery’s church lies “the burial spot of Adam’s head … from which grew the tree that gave its wood to the cross on which Christ was crucified“ (the “Holy Cross“). Upon seeing this reference to the Holy Cross, I recalled the check I’d done into Day 1290 of the second half of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline — Day 1290 falls on 14 September 2024, which is a Christian feast day called The Exaltation of the Holy Cross / The Triumph of the Cross.
I’ve been tracking these occultist nincompoops long enough to know that this is no “mere coincidence.” This was a very subtle marker event to keep the two Tribulation timelines alive. So the Fire Judgment started with a little fire today; let’s see if it will continue with another fire tomorrow before becoming a conflagration on Jerusalem Day.
~ from earlier ~
Fire in Jerusalem: Will Israeli Arabs turn to arson on Jerusalem Day?…
Given the fact that we’re waiting for the staged outbreak of a “Fire Judgment,” it is symbolically notable that fires broke out in Jerusalem and the Golan (the “Gateway to Damascus“) today. Because on Wednesday (Jerusalem Day), militant Israelis will pass through Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate during their provocative flag march…
The event, which passes through the city’s Muslim Quarter, is regularly attended by far-right Jewish Israelis, including the far-right Lehava organisation, and is often accompanied by violence, especially against the Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem. Attendees regularly chant racist and anti-Arab songs such as “death to Arabs,” “A Jew is a soul, an Arab is the son of a whore,” and “may your villages burn.” Palestinian residents frequently shutter their businesses and homes on the day of the march for fear of being subjected to violence from Israeli marchers or after being ordered to do so by the Israel Police, who also institute closures and checkpoints in and around the Old City. – from Wikipedia
With what’s going on in the Gaza Strip, how will the Palestinians respond to the flag marchers’ intimidation this year? And will the marchers set fire to Palestinian homes and businesses “in retaliation for October 7“? Will Jerusalem Day turn into Devil’s Night?
A Kabbalist-engineered escalation spiral can easily arise from this. Watch for fires tomorrow to keep the momentum going into Jerusalem Day.
(1 June 2024) – The Tribulation Timelines and June 2
Since what is/was planned for June 2 involves multiple overlapping and concurrent timelines, today we’ll take a systematic look at everything so everyone can understand what’s going on. And we’ll start with something from The “End Times” Deception page…
In order to deceive the world into accepting their Kabbalah-Christ as the “real Jesus,” the globalists are planning to artificially fulfill the biblical prophecies TWICE. The first fulfillment will provide the “Satanic deception” that Christians are expecting, and the second will provide the “real Second Coming” they’re also expecting.
Currently, the globalists are trying to complete the First Tribulation, in which the “Real Antichrist” defeats a decoy Antichrist so he can be presented as the world savior (the Jewish Messiah / returned Jesus). And it appears that Vladimir Putin remains cast as the “Real Antichrist,” with Barack Obama, Pope Francis, or Xi Jinping playing the decoy.
With that in mind, we have two overlapping Tribulation timelines in progress…
- the Antichrist Timeline, which started with the Revelation 12 Star Sign, reached its midpoint when Pope Francis went to Iraq and the Apophis asteroid flew by, and will reach its end when the Antichrist “saves the world” by defeating the decoy, and
- the Satanic Possession Timeline, which started with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, will reach its midpoint on June 2, and will reach its end on its 150th day when the Antichrist Timeline ends on October 29.
The Satanic Possession Timeline involves the spirit of Saturn “crossing the dimensional divide with his demons” and possessing the body of the decoy on June 2. At that point the decoy will attempt to violently slaughter most of the human race and take complete dominion over the survivors. But his world-conquering “Great Tribulation” is scripted to be cut short at 150 days by the Antichrist / World Savior, “lest no flesh be left alive”.
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In the now-unlikely event that the Great Tribulation breaks out tomorrow, who will be the main communist antichrist who gets possessed when the “Devil Comet” swings by Earth — who will be the one who embarks on a “Shock and Awe” campaign to take over the world? Will it be Barack Obama, Pope Francis, or Xi Jinping (or a “Chicom Deep Stater” who takes down Xi)?
When the Vatican had the child sacrifice set up last weekend in Rome, the Chinese military had surrounded Taiwan and were poised to strike. And it is communist China that precisely fits the description of the RED Dragon in Revelation 12 (A MUST READ). So in this particular combination of timelines, I’m leaning towards Xi being the decoy. It would fit in with Putin’s role as Octavian/Augustus — when Putin defeats Xi to begin his ascension as emperor of the New World Oder, it would mirror Octavian’s defeat of Mark Antony when he began his ascension…
…from the 12 March 2021 update (A MUST READ)
If you are interested in understanding how an artificial fulfillment of Revelation 12 can be scripted to lead to the rise of the “Final Antichrist,” read my 5 March 2021 update (yep, I wrote about it at the very midpoint of the Revelation 12 Tribulation timeline).