Category Archives: Globalist Agenda Watch 2016

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 23 – Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election

[The Morning After]

> 11:54 AM – Well, well, well… Hillary seems to be stepping aside. Will she stick to it? Will her supporters accept defeat? Will the state governments accept the result?

> 11:30 AM – A reader asked “…do you think she knew she going to loose ? do you think he knew he was going to win ? was this all a show ?”

The answer is yes, yes and yes, and I wrote about it back on August 1st…

“As I said before, the globalists are using their Wikileaks front to torpedo Hillary’s campaign so Trump can slide into office and bring the US into Putin’s (and the Rockefellers’) NWO. Rest assured that both candidates know their roles in this, so don’t cry for Hillary.”

The article in which this quote appeared was about the plans the globalists had for the Rio Olympics. Extensive exposure caused them to back off of those plans, though, which in turn caused them to back off of their September plans (either that or I was dead wrong about both). In fact, they’ve delayed or canceled every part of their plan they possibly could since they abandoned Greece’s defection to the BRICS last summer.

Trump’s election is a key element of their endgame, though, so there was no way they could skip it without throwing in the towel completely. And here we are. Let’s see if we can make them put this off for another generation. The human race needs time to wise up and stop being so gullible, and in the Age of the Internet, that is entirely possible. Humanity now has a highly efficient central nervous system and a collective brain. Let’s use it.

> 10:18 AM – Just to give you a glimpse of what you’ll see in the weeks between now and the inauguration, have a look at this magazine cover. It portrays Trump as supposedly posing a threat to the “world order”…
…From the New Statesman

Of course, Trump isn’t the only Lubavitch puppet who is propagandized in this way. Vladimir Putin is also a supposed threat…
…From CBS News/AP

By putting out propaganda of this sort, this is what the G20 globalists want you to believe:

> That Trump and Putin together pose an “apocalyptic” threat to the “evil Western world order,” and

> That the “evil Western globalists” will do anything, including taking us to nuclear war, to survive.

And with you being programmed to believe that, they will indeed take us to war before Trump’s inauguration. Since a war between East and West (BRICS vs. G7) will halt all financial transactions between the two, a wrenching economic collapse will accompany the conflict. And once the nuclear missiles start flying, that’s when the Lubavitchers’ fake messiah bullsh*t will kick in.

You can read about their prophecy fulfillment strategy in End Times Programming. Although they’ve already missed their first deadline (which was in September), that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve abandoned all variants of their plan. Prophecy is indeed bullsh*t, but when the global bankster elite are footing the bill, a nice show of fulfilling it can be staged.

By the way, can you guess who the Lubavitch messiah will be? Find out here. You’ll read about Trump and Putin’s ties to Chabad-Lubavitch, as well as what Chabad-Lubavitch is, a little further down this entry.

> 7:40 AM CST – While we wait to see what the Clinton campaign says this morning, we must take note of what she didn’t say last night…
…From Google News

Once all the lagging precincts are counted, Hillary is expected to end up with 232 electoral votes, which means the globalists will need to put on a show in which she tries to claw 38 or more electoral votes from Trump in an attempt to overturn the election result. Since she is unlikely to succeed in getting them from Texas, she’ll need to get them from at least two other states. So look for…

> Clinton campaign claims of “irregularities” in two or more states, or
> rumblings in two or more state governments about overriding the popular vote to install new electors.

[Election Night Notes]

> 8:47 PM CST – So far, the election is closer than I expected. But as I think about it, a tight race makes it easier to claim that Russian hackers (or Soros voting machines) made the difference. Trump is still going to win, sooner or later.

> 9:03 PM – I continue to find it curious how slow Florida has been about announcing the last 8% of its vote. Could this be a state where mischief will be claimed?

> 10:25 PM – It took forever for Florida to go from 95% of the vote reported to 96% and a win for Trump. If Hillary loses tonight, will she claim that certain precincts held back their results until they knew how many votes they needed to switch to Trump? Florida has a Republican governor, just like back in the days of the Bush vs. Gore fiasco. Will we see Fiasco in Florida Part 2? Time will tell…

> 1:34 AM – Well, I was right about Trump winning, but I’ve known that the Republican candidate would win since early last year. At that time, I thought Rand Paul would be the nominee, but I didn’t know about the Chabad-Lubavitch angle back then. Read this April 2015 entry and substitute “Donald Trump” wherever it says “Rand Paul” to see if I got it right. Also have a look at How Hillary, Trump and Putin figure into the launch of the New World Order to understand why I was so certain about the election’s outcome.

I was off, though, in predicting a landslide. It does make more sense for them to keep it close. Now we can look forward to potential drama in the electoral college, over-the-top Democrat theatrics, and loads of faux-truther bullsh*t about “desperate globalists trying to overturn the election result.” When all is said and done, though, the globalists’ boy will be left standing.

The next act of the Lubavitch messiah show is about to begin.

[Prescript – 7 November 2016]

One of the more overlooked aspects of the 2016 presidential puppet show is the fact that both candidates have offered up their daughters to the Money Power Jews to gain their approval…
…From the New Jersey Jewish News

Don’t you find it interesting that among all the people who ran for the Presidency on both the Republican and Democrat sides, the two who had intermarried with the elite New York Jews ended up winning?

Chelsea Clinton’s husband, Marc Mezvinsky
…is a Goldman Sachs alum who runs his own hedge fund in New York. The fund is reported to have lost nearly 90% of its investors’ money, and his father, Edward Mezvinsky, “embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the Nigerian e-mail scams and was found guilty of fraud in 2001.”

And Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner
…runs a megadollar real estate holding and development company in New York. “Kushner was thrust into his role at Kushner Companies when his father Charles was arrested on charges of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering in 2004.”

Of these two family mergers with the elite Jews, there is one that is qualitatively superior to the other, and it is that of the Trumps. Chelsea Clinton married a non-orthodox Jew in a non-traditional ceremony which was co-officiated by a Jewish rabbi and a Christian priest, and she has not converted to Judaism. That being the case, some traditionalist Jews have taken exception to the marriage…
…From Telegraphic Agency (JTA)

Ivanka Trump, on the other hand, kissed all the right asses in all the right ways by converting to Judaism before her Orthodox wedding to an Orthodox Jew who has intimate ties to the Chabad-Lubavitch cult. Here is a little something about the wedding…

>>> Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner were married in an Orthodox Jewish ceremony by the prominent New York Rabbi Haskal Lowenstein. According to The Jewish Journal, Ivanka commented on her decision to convert to Judaism by saying “it’s been an amazing and fulfilling experience for me …One of the jokes I first started making when Jared and I first started dating is, I’m a New Yorker, I’m in real estate. I’m as close to Jewish, with an ‘i-s-h’ naturally as anyone can start off.” – From <<<

…and here is a little something about Jared’s relationship with Chabad…

>>> Have we mentioned that Ivanka Trump is converting to Judaism, presumably so she will be a better marriage match for Jared Kushner, the equally young owner of the New York Observer? We have. Ivanka is only 27, but she recently auctioned off an internship with her for Chabad, the Hasidic organization her boyfriend supports. This donation and the visibility that comes with sounds like a good way to get in with Kushner’s family, because we hear that they don’t like the idea of Jared marrying outside the tribe…

The Kushners have long been good friends with Chabad groups. Jared was the head of the Chabad House at Harvard. And dad Charles got a rabbi from Chabad’s Living Legacy organization to write a letter on his behalf when he got into all that prostitute-blackmail trouble. Donating to a Chabad effort, a favored charity of the Kushner family, was the kind of smart move she might want to mention in her upcoming “motivational” book. – From <<<

It’s no surprise, then, that Ivanka and Jared prayed at the grave of the Lubavitcher rebbe just a few days before the big election…
…From Breitbart

To better understand the significance of the Chabad connection, have a look at an excerpt from Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script

BEGIN EXCERPT>>> If you are unfamiliar with Chabad, here is a brief description…

“Chabad, also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch, is an Orthodox Jewish, Hasidic movement. Chabad is today one of the world’s best known Hasidic movements and is well known for its outreach. It is the largest Hasidic group and Jewish religious organization in the world…

In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson became the seventh Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, and he transformed it from a small chasidic movement into the largest and most widespread Jewish movement in the world today. He established a network of more than 3,600 institutions that provide religious, social and humanitarian needs in over 1,000 cities, spanning 80 countries and 49 of the 50 American states. Chabad institutions provide outreach to unaffiliated Jews and humanitarian aid, as well as religious, cultural and educational activities at Chabad-run community centers, synagogues, schools, camps, and soup kitchens.” – From Wikipedia

To establish a network of over 3,600 institutions in 80 countries requires a lot of money, and Chabad gets it from the elite Cabalist Jews. It is through Chabad that the Cabalists are attempting to define Judaism for ordinary Jews and End Times prophecies for the rest of us. And with Cabalist money in one hand and the Cabalist agenda in the other, the late Rabbi Schneerson fostered the Jewish messianic obsession…

“Menachem Mendel Schneerson (April 5, 1902 OS – June 12, 1994), known to many as the Rebbe, was a Russian Empire-born American Orthodox Jewish rabbi, and the last Lubavitcher Rebbe. He is considered one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century…

Schneerson was criticized for his passion and desire to raise awareness of the coming of the Messiah. Detractors criticized a children’s song with the words ‘We want moshiach (the messiah) now / We don’t want to wait,’ that Schneerson commended.” [1]

“Chabad messianism, or Lubavitch messianism, generally refers to the passion among adherents of the Chabad movement regarding the coming of the Messiah and their goal to raise awareness that his arrival is imminent.” [2]

And it is at this point that Berel Lazar, the Chief Rabbi of Russia and the close associate of Vladimir Putin, comes in. I found this juicy little tidbit in his Wikipedia bio

“A native of Milan, Italy, Rabbi Lazar was born in 1964 to parents who were among the first emissaries of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.”

So Lazar’s family was close to Schneerson, and that led to this…
…From The Internet Archive

So Berel Lazar…

> was personally assigned to Russia by the Russian-born, Messianically-obsessed Rabbi Schneerson,

> came to Russia in the same year, 1990, that Putin returned to Russia and began his lightning-fast ascent to power, and

> was funded by the same Jewish oligarchs that helped Putin rise to the Russian Presidency…

“In 1992 Lazar became acquainted with Israeli diamantaire Lev Leviev, who introduced him to Russian businessmen Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich. The latter became the major benefactor of the synagogue in Maryina Roshcha.” – From Wikipedia


Speaking of Lev Leviev, a notable business deal turned up as I was researching for this entry…
…From Chabad Info. Here is a key point…

The buyer is Jared Kushner (Donald Trump’s son-in-law), and he has transferred a deposit to Africa Israel pending completion of the deal.”

So why is a Kushner-Leviev deal worth noting? Because of Lev Leviev’s ties…
…From Wikipedia. Here are some interesting passages from his bio…

>>> Beginning in the 1990s, Leviev avoided being directly involved with the Yeltsin family, and nurtured ties with Vladimir Putin

He received the blessings for success in business and personal support of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson for his philanthropic activities, which include “an army of some 10,000 Jewish functionaries from Ukraine to Azerbaijan, including 300 rabbis. Most of the 300 rabbis are Chabadniks” – adherents of the Brooklyn-based Chabad Hasidic group…

Leviev is a major supporter of Jewish philanthropic causes and president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS (FJC), an umbrella body representing Jewish communities across the former Soviet Union. <<<

And what is the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS?…

>>> Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS (FJC) is a Jewish organisation dedicated to restoring Jewish life, culture and religion in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the former Soviet Union. The FJC was founded on August 1, 1997.

Current heads of the organization are:

Lev Leviev, President of FJC of the CIS
Rabbi Berel Lazar, chief rabbi of Russia, head of Union of Rabbis of CIS

Its headquarters is in Moscow, Russia, and it has an office in New York City in the United States. <<<

So Lev Leviev runs the FJC along with Putin’s personal Chabad handler, Berel Lazar…

And how did the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS come into being? I wrote about it in Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script


It’s also important to note that when Putin came to power, he brought Chabad-Lubavitch into power with him. Together with the Cabalist oligarchs, they pushed aside the existing Jewish community so Chabad could reign supreme in Russia. Here is an account of how that happened from The Piratization of Russia: Russian Reform Goes Awry, by Marshall L. Goldman…

Fortunately, the curious relationship between Putin and Lazar has not escaped the attention of ordinary Jews…
…From The Times of Israel. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Lazar’s work, his Russia boosterism and his ties to the Kremlin — he is sometimes called “Putin’s rabbi” — has helped Chabad’s Russian branch eclipse all the Jewish groups vying to reshape the country’s community of 250,000 Jews. Now Lazar heads a vast network that comprises dozens of employees and plentiful volunteers working in hundreds of Jewish institutions: schools, synagogues, community centers and kosher shops…

Today, Lazar said, Russia has in Vladimir Putin its “most pro-Jewish leader,” whom he credits with “fighting anti-Semitism more vigorously than any Russian leader before him.”…

Lazar was Chabad’s chief envoy to Russia before staking claim to the title of chief rabbi in 2000. That’s when he quit the Russian Jewish Congress, an umbrella group, after the organization’s founder, Vladimir Gusinsky, and Russia’s other chief rabbi, Adolf Shayevich, criticized Russia’s war in Chechnya and its alleged human rights abuses — including the alleged targeting, by anti-corruption authorities, of political dissidents.

“Challenging the government is not the Jewish way, and [Gusinsky] put the Jewish community in harm’s way,” said Lazar, noting that the chief rabbi should be apolitical, not a government critic. “I wanted to have nothing to do with this.” <<<


With all this set before us, we see why it is interesting that Jared Kushner was forking over cash to Lev Leviev. It helps us begin to see the real connection between Trump and Putin: Donald Trump connects to Chabad operative Jared Kushner, who connects to Chabad operative Lev Leviev, who connects to Vladimir Putin…

So the same Jewish group that brought Putin to power in Russia is now bringing Trump to power in the United States.

While we’re on the subject of Trump’s Jewish connection, it is important to note the profound degree of control his kosher entourage exerts over his political effort. Here is something I wrote about it in a previous entry


More on Trump’s Jewish elite handlers

It will be Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka who gives the last speech before Trump’s own big speech tonight. So in case you are wondering why she was chosen, AP offers an answer…

“And while all of his grown children have had a visible presence on the campaign trail, all seem to agree that none is closer than Ivanka, 34, and husband Jared Kushner, who is now involved with nearly all facets of the campaign.”

Kushner is, of course, an Orthodox Jew from a Money Power family, and here is another passage about his role in the Trump campaign from The New York Times

“A 35-year-old real estate developer, investor and newspaper publisher, Mr. Kushner derives his authority in the campaign not from a traditional resume but from a marital vow. He is Mr. Trump’s son-in-law.

Yet in a gradual but unmistakable fashion, Mr. Kushner has become involved in virtually every facet of the Trump presidential operation, so much so that many inside and out of it increasingly see him as a de facto campaign manager. Mr. Kushner, who is married to Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka, helped recruit a sorely needed director of communications, oversaw the creation of an online fund-raising system and has had a hand in drafting Mr. Trump’s few policy speeches. And now that Mr. Trump has secured the Republican nomination, Mr. Kushner is counseling his father-in-law on the selection of a running mate.”

That very much sounds like what a handler would do, doesn’t it? As does this passage from another New York Times article

“Donald J. Trump has asked his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to begin quietly working to put together a blueprint for a transition team should he win the White House in November.

Mr. Kushner, the husband of Mr. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, will work with Corey Lewandowski, the Trump campaign manager, and Paul Manafort, a senior adviser, to set up a prospective team and determine who its most important members should be.”

But there is more Jewish involvement in Trump’s campaign than just the Kushner couple…
…From the Tablet. Here is a notable section from their coverage…

It should come as no surprise that Trump is in partnership with the Jewish financial elite given his career background. Although naive sleepers seem to think he’s independent of the Money Power “since he has his own money,” they fail to understand how he got it. He didn’t do the real estate megadeals he’s know for by using money from his own bank account; he borrowed the money from the big banks and finance houses. There is simply no way he could be a big mover and shaker in real estate, especially in a Jew-controlled city like New York, without being in the good graces of the Money Power. He’s their boy. But once they get him into office, they’ll flip the script and use him to scare the common Jews to the killing fields of Israel.


Chabad operative Kushner’s control over Trump’s campaign is also noted in his Wikipedia bio

>>> From the outset of the presidential campaign of his father-in-law Donald Trump, Kushner was the architect of Trump’s digital, online and social media campaigns, enlisting talent from Silicon Valley to run a 100 person social-media team dubbed ‘Project Alamo’. Kushner has also helped as a speechwriter and was tasked with working to establish a plan for Trump’s White House transition team should he be elected. He was for a time seen as the de facto campaign manager, succeeding Corey Lewandowski, who was fired in part on Kushner’s recommendation in June 2016. He has been intimately involved with campaign strategy, coordinating Trump’s visit in late August to Mexico. Kushner’s “sprawling digital fundraising database and social media campaign” has been described as “the locus of his father-in-law’s presidential bid”. <<<

Of course, there’s more to see in Trump’s Jewish connections than just Jared Kushner. If you are familiar with the unsavory nature of Jew-controlled Hollywood, Goldman Sachs, and Yale’s Skull and Bones society, you should have a closer look at the Trump campaign’s finance chair, Steven Mnuchin…
…From Bloomberg. Check out the first paragraph…

>>> Until one Tuesday in April, Steven Mnuchin’s life had been ordered meticulously. The son of a Goldman Sachs partner, he was publisher of the Yale Daily News, was tapped into Skull and Bones, made partner at Goldman, ran a hedge fund, and invested in Hollywood blockbusters. One thing followed another. Then, on April 19, the day of the New York primary, Mnuchin’s life veered. <<<

And if we look at Mnuchin’s Wikipedia bio, we also see connections to George Soros and Eddie Lampert (the Skull and Bones member and Chabad operative who has strip-mined Sears and Kmart to oblivion).

All this being said, guess who Trump is floating as the next Treasury Secretary…
…From a Google News search of Trump Treasury Secretary

If you think Donald Trump isn’t a globalist, you are still asleep.

Now here’s the entry>>>

How many times will the monkeys push the button before they realize they never get the banana?…

Donald Trump is going to win the US presidential election, even if he appears to lose it at first. Why? Because both he and Hillary have well-defined roles vis-a-vis the globalist rollout of the New World Order, and Trump is the scripted winner (read How Hillary, Trump and Putin figure into the launch of the New World Order). So given the inevitability of Trump’s presidency, this entry will explore the two scenarios by which he’ll win the election: the landslide scenario and the electoral college scenario.

Let’s proceed…


[Posted on 31 October 2016]

In Update 22, we explored how the globalists will use the US election in November, the budget deadline in December, and the debt limit deadline in March to take down the US (as the leading nation of the world) and the dollar (as the main global reserve currency). While their plan can be made to work with either a Clinton or Trump win on November 8, some additional considerations have caused me to lean towards a Trump victory…

1) The globalists need Trump in office next year to help Putin “reform” the UN after the coming war, so they’ll want to establish his clear and legitimate claim to the Presidency before all hell breaks loose in the coming few months. This means he’ll be announced as the winner by a wide margin. If they went the other way and announced a Hillary victory, I doubt they’d have enough time to legitimately reverse the result before the March debt limit deadline.

2) Since the globalists are trying to shift the nations to the “political right,” they will let the Democrats be the ones to dispute the election and create chaos, just like they are having their leftists create chaos in Europe, Venezuela, Brazil, etc.

3) All the talk in the news about Hillary’s war with the FBI and the FBI’s internal conflict between “honest” agents and political hacks is preparatory propaganda for the coming “white hat rebellion” within the US security services and military.

Adding these three considerations into the mix, this is how the election should go down…

Trump will win in a landslide, but the Democrats will cry foul, saying, “The polls going into the election were tight, so the only way this lopsided victory could occur is if the Russians hacked the voting systems on behalf of Trump.” They will then go on the warpath against the Republicans and allow the government to shut down in December. The food stamp riots that will follow will lead to Obama’s declaration of a national emergency and his rule by executive order.

According to the globalist script, the “honest” officers in the security services and the Pentagon will know that the Russian hacking claims are bogus, and they’ll see the Democrats’ actions as a coup aimed at overturning the results of the election. This will lead them to stage a counter-coup and take down the top Democrats to “restore Constitutional order.” And with Obama and Biden under arrest, they’ll have to follow the succession rules and install Paul Ryan as interim President.

The designated “bad guys / scapegoats” in the globalist drama, the Zionists / Neocons / Nazis, will then join forces with Ryan (who has a reputation as a closet Democrat and “Western” globalist) to make a “desperate last attempt to salvage their evil Western globalist agenda by starting World War 3.” The war will be short, and America will not fare well.

To see what happens after that, read Update 22, which has been appended to this entry a little further down.

Much love…


[Posted on 3 November 2016]

With the globalists unveiling the coup / counter-coup meme to the public sooner than I expected (see the postscripts below this section), I dedicated this morning’s infoscan to finding any changes to their plan (as well as anything I might have previously missed). This is what turned up…
…From a Google News search for clinton trump electoral votes.

This electoral angle actually sets up a high probability variation of the “Trump wins” scenario in which Trump wins the popular vote and Hillary wins the electoral college vote due to voter fraud in one or more electorally significant states.

The scenario would go down like this…

1) On the night of the election, Trump will decisively win the popular vote, but narrowly lose the electoral vote. This will result in Hillary initially being announced as the winner.

2) Very soon after the election results are announced, and possibly even before election day, the phony intelligence agency / Pentagon “counter-coup” will leak clear, unimpeachable evidence that Hillary’s people shaved votes in one or more key state(s) that she supposedly won. The total electoral votes of the “stolen state(s)” will have been enough to sway the outcome of the electoral vote. Thus, it will be shown that Hillary stole the election.

3) This will supercharge the post-election conflict between the Democrats and the Republicans.

> Hardcore Democrats will say…

“Hillary WON the election! We will not allow the Republicans and their dirty tricks to steal it from her like they stole Al Gore’s election.”

The more reasonable Democrats will be deeply troubled by the evidence against her, but many will still back her.

> The Republicans will say…

“There is no way in hell that we’ll allow this criminal, Hillary Clinton, to assume the Presidency of the United States after stealing the election.”

Even supposedly Trump-hating Republicans will join the fight out of hatred for Hillary and to claw back any congressional seats that were stolen by the vote shaving.

4) The public perception will be that Trump was the clear and legitimate winner of the election. “He decisively won the popular vote,” they will say, “and he would have won the electoral vote if Hillary hadn’t pulled her dirty tricks.”

5) As for the conflict and its end, the Democrats will argue that the evidence of their election fraud was fabricated by the Russians…

Their argument will be undercut, however, by the unmistakable nature of the evidence. The globalist election engineers will be sure to release information that is beyond reproach. Despite this, the conflict will go on for weeks, and it will give rise to everything else I’ve outlined in the remainder of this entry.

So when will Hillary, Obama, Biden, and other top Democrats be arrested, you ask?

Probably sometime after the government shutdown on December 10. The “counter-coup” might arrest them right after the shutdown in order to “save the nation from disintegration,” but they might also wait till early January to let the food stamp riots create more drama and justification before they make their move.

[P.S. – 2 November 2016]

He he he… I posted Update 23 on October 31, and the globalist disinfo guys came out with this the very next day…
…From YouTube

Take the time to watch it. It talks about the coup, the counter-coup, and the phony white hat rebellion I warned about. And given how Alex Jones talks at the beginning of the video, it looks like they’re rushing out their narrative ahead of schedule so they can get it in front of people before our information can reach them. As for the guy who starts talking at the 1:37 mark, Steve Pieczenik, I’ll show you some things about him tomorrow. His globalist pedigree is quite obvious.

[P.S. – 2 November 2016]

It takes only a minute or two on Steve Pieczenik’s Wikipedia bio to see him for what he is…

>>> Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD (born December 7, 1943) is an American psychiatrist, former United States Department of State official, author, and publisher…

Pieczenik was born in Cuba of Jewish parents from Russia and Poland and was raised in France…

Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare

In 1982, Pieczenik was mentioned in an article in The New York Times as “a psychiatrist who has treated C.I.A. employees”…

Pieczenik has consulted with the United States Institute of Peace and the RAND Corporation.

As recently as October 6, 2012, Pieczenik was listed as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). According to Internet Archive, his name was removed from the CFR roster sometime between October 6 and November 18, 2012. Publicly, Pieczenik no longer appears as a member of the CFR. <<<

Pieczenik is another Establishment minion, like Paul Craig Roberts, who has been tasked by his bosses to play the role of controlled opposition and do limited hangouts and propaganda operations in support of the NWO narrative. Isn’t it amazing how much of the truth movement is based around the “revelations” of “former” Establishment apparatchiks with backgrounds in psychology / psychiatry and psychological warfare?…

“If you wanted to mindfu*k a person – change his or her thoughts, feelings, and behaviors using social stimuli conveyed through mass media – whom would you employ? Why, a social psychologist of course. The controlled mainstream and alternative media are all staffed by such professional mindfu*kers. Their bios will show a background in psychology, intelligence, think tanks, and/or military psywar.” – From Let’s cut the crap: Vladimir Putin is helping usher in the globalist New World Order

So why is Pieczenik being interviewed by Alex Jones? To help sell the narrative that the “evil Western globalists” are being defeated by “patriotic, benevolent” spooks and the oligarch Donald Trump. It’s all about setting people up to accept the Rockefeller/Kissinger- planned, BRICS-fronted, “reformed” UN-centered New World Order after the “bad guys” / scapegoats fall.

[P.S. – 2 November 2016]

Ha! Now Drudge is getting in on the Pieczenik disinfo rush-out! The highlighted headline…
…from today’s Drudge Report (archived)

… goes to this Pieczenik video…
…from YouTube.

What people might overlook is the fact that this video confirms what I’ve said all along: Assange is a globalist limited hangout front being fed specific things to leak by the globalist security agencies. So…

> Alex Jones and Steve Pieczenik are telling you that Assange is an honest guy who is helping the “benevolent spooks” in the CIA, FBI, and other agencies defeat the globalists, and

> I am telling you that Alex Jones, Steve Pieczenik, and Julian Assange are all globalist agents performing limited hangout and propaganda operations to sell you on the real New World Order.

Looking at the evidence I’ve presented in this entry and throughout this blog, I ask you…

Which view is more realistic? Who is telling the truth here?

Since the globalists are accelerating their rollout, they might also go with a more abbreviated form of their plan. I’ll keep an eye out for any changes.

[P.S. – 4 November 2016] – For convenience’s sake, this is Update 22. It was posted on 17 October 2016…

Here’s hoping that exposure will push the globalists back one more time. Otherwise…

In 22 days, the United States of America will begin to unravel. Here is the fundamental blueprint of how it will happen…

1) The November 8 election will go forward, and there will be a winner. While it’s possible that a war or other emergency could be staged before the election in order to delay it, I think it more likely that things will go relatively smoothly until after it’s over. The election result is necessary to create a point of extreme conflict between Democrats and conservative Republicans, thus making cooperation between them completely impossible.

2A) If Hillary Clinton is announced as the winner, conclusive evidence will soon leak showing that she and other top Democrats (including Obama and Biden) rigged the election, and conservative Republicans will take drastic action. They will refuse to fund the government when the budget deadline is reached on December 9, resulting in a partial government shutdown.

2B) If Donald Trump is announced as the winner, the Democrats will dispute the result, saying that Russia hacked the voting process. They will take drastic action, including a refusal to fund the government when the budget deadline is reached on December 9, resulting in a partial government shutdown.

Since Congress had previously suspended the US government’s debt limit until March 15, 2017, it would have been logical for them to craft last month’s continuing resolution to provide funding for the government until that date (so the new Congress could address both issues at the same time). But instead of doing that, they scheduled another budget battle to take place on December 9, between the election and the inauguration. And how can they make any kind of deal when they are at each other’s throats over a “stolen election”? Obviously, they won’t. This post-election budget deadline was deliberately scheduled in support of the globalist agenda of taking down America so the BRICS can take charge.

3) The partial government shutdown will choke off the food stamps program, resulting in chaotic outbursts of domestic unrest. Here is an article about that scenario from last year’s budget showdown…
…From The Huffington Post. Here is an excerpt…

“The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides monthly food benefits to 45 million Americans, will go dark if Congress fails to pass a law funding government operations after Oct. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which oversees the program.”

4) Citing the government shutdown, domestic unrest, and a worsening situation in Syria, Obama will declare a national emergency. He’ll begin to rule by executive order.

5) “Patriots within the US military and US security services” (who are actually globalist agents playing the “white hat” role in the scam) will take action “to restore Constitutional order” by arresting Obama, Biden, the Clintons, and other top Democrats. This will result in the “Republican” Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, assuming the role of interim President of the United States.

6) President Ryan, who is a Vatican agent, will take us to war. The war will be short, and the US will lose.

7) Donald Trump will then be inaugurated President. And when the US debt limit deadline is reached on March 15, 2017, he will insist on “an end to business as usual” by vetoing any attempt “to kick the debt limit can down the road again.” This will result in a complete government shutdown for a time, and the US will likely miss a debt payment (in order to shatter faith in the US dollar).

Since President Ryan WOULD allow the debt limit can to be kicked down the road, President Trump MUST be in office prior to March 15. Trump is also needed to help Putin launch the “reformed, national sovereignty-respecting” United Nations after the US falls on its face.

The net result of all this is that America will be left looking like a basket case, and this will allow the BRICS and the UN to step forward as leaders. A new “gold standard” (actually more of a gold valuation) will be implemented by Russia and China, and they will offer some of their gold to the IMF in order to save the international financial system. In return for their gold, they will receive IMF SDRs and a thorough reform of the UN system. This supposedly reformed UN will be the central institution of the new multilateral, multipolar world order (a.k.a. the New World Order).

Read The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words and Understanding the NWO Strategy to understand how this was the globalists’ plan all along.

For other related information, read How Hillary, Trump and Putin figure into the launch of the New World Order.

[P.S. – 4 November 2016]

Here is a Breitbart article you should read: Erik Prince: NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case. It is based on information from Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater (a globalist mercenary company which has changed its name to Academi), and here is a little taste of what he says…

“There is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails they’ve seen of that 650,000, including money laundering, underage sex, pay-for-play, and, of course, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling, sending/receiving of classified information, up to SAP level Special Access Programs.”

As you read the article, remember that it’s coming from a globalist minion, and he’s working from a script.

And here are some interesting questions…

Will Wikileaks’ “Phase 3” release information related to voting fraud in keeping with the electoral college scenario? Will all these new releases result in the Trump landslide scenario?

[P.S. – 6 November 2016]

After reading this entry, you might wonder why I so confidently predict a brief Paul Ryan presidency and a quick “World War 3” between the election and inauguration. It all has to do with the known objectives of the New World Order crowd.

Once the NWO is complete, this is what you’ll see…

> A “reformed” and strengthened United Nations with Vladimir Putin as its de facto or de jure leader.

> A “reformed” IMF / World Bank (which are the financial organs of the UN), with a Chinaman – most likely Zhou Xiaochuan – at the IMF’s helm.

> An IMF SDR with gold added to its valuation, and it will start taking on the role of the primary global reserve currency in replacement of the dollar (on its way to becoming the global consumer currency in a few short years).

That is what the New World Order will look like. And under normal circumstances, it would take many months or even years of negotiations to get the UN from where it is now to that point. But it’s not hard to imagine circumstances that could shorten the process, such as if…

> the world were overtaken by a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, and urgent action were needed to “restore order and confidence,” and

> a detailed plan to “restore order and confidence” were already prepared and ready to be implemented.

Rest assured that the globalists intend to provide us with both the crisis and the recovery plan, and this election is their next window of opportunity for getting it all going…

> The Republican versus Democrat conflict that will follow this election is intended to trigger a partial government shutdown and the food stamp riots that will follow. This will create an urgent domestic crisis in the US that will demand action.

> The globalist-staged “counter-coup” that will take that demanded action is intended to clear out Hillary, Obama, and Biden so House Speaker Paul Ryan can be put in place as the caretaker president before the inauguration. This is necessary because Obama seems unwilling to let the war go forward; Ryan will happily do so. The war will be short so it can end before Trump’s inauguration. It might even end shortly after his inauguration, like the Iranian hostage crisis did after Reagan took office.

> Trump’s presidency is needed to help Putin launch the globalist-planned UN overhaul that will bring the NWO to completion. They will sell the whole thing as a return to national sovereignty, but it will actually be just the opposite. The economically weakened nations of the postwar world will be reliant on the globalists’ multilateral institutions (the UN, IMF, BRICS Bank, etc.) for recovery. It is a spiderweb from which there will be no escape, except when the fake messiah comes.

[P.S. – 31 October 2016]

On an unrelated subject, a reader from Germany contacted me requesting clarification on some things, so I’ll share her questions and my answer in case others need more clarity too.

Q: …I have found a contradicting part here:

“Chrislam is intended to be the companion religion to the BRICS-fronted, UN-centered New World Order, but both Chrislam and the NWO are merely intermediate steps to the globalists’ ultimate objective: doing away with democratic government and installing a Kabbalized god-king named “Jesus Christ” as world ruler. With this ultimate goal in mind, beware of narratives that spin the converso takeover of the Church as the action of “Satanic” forces…”

How can the Chrislam be the intended companion religion to the BRICS-fronted NWO, when all the parties which belong according to you to the “Mises”-Mafia fight against the Islamisation of Europe and are all for shutting the boarders?

Is it not rather so that the Chrislam is intended by the decoy NWO and shall push the people of Europe right into the arms of the opposition parties like FN, AfD (Germany) and others?

Pls elaborate further. Do you also have an idea why in particular the German chancellor Merkel accelerated the Islamisation of Europe and wanna force the rest of Europe to accept Moslems in high numbers in their countries?

A: Allow me to break down the globalist religious agenda and explain the strategy of tension and release.

There are three religious phases to the globalist script…

1) The religion of the decoy NWO’s “evil Western globalists” is being portrayed as Satanism, and according to the globalist narrative, the Satanists are using the Muslims to destroy the Christian Church and Christian civilization. This is why the (pre-reform) UN, the EU, Merkel and Obama are bringing in all the Muslim refugees.

2) The religion of the real, BRICS-fronted, (post-reform) UN-centered NWO is the “Spiritual UN” religion (a.k.a. Chrislam), and it will look nothing like the radicalized Islam and fundamentalist Christianity people have been programmed to hate. Instead, it will be an “it’s all good” religion that pulls in people from all the religions of the world. This is their recruiting pitch…

“We all believe in God in one way or another, so let’s all be friends and find common ground instead of fighting each other. The (Western) New World Order Satanic forces divided us and pitted us against each other; let’s never let that happen again.”

Since these sweet-sounding sentiments are coming from the mouths of the same people who pitted them against each other in the first place, it is a deception of course. What they’re really trying to do is create a global universal church to go along with the Global Roman Empire (the “reformed” UN). But like the political UN, the Spiritual UN will turn authoritarian very quickly, and the “faithful” of the various religions will get cold feet and rebel. This will lead to the scripted “Armageddon” battle.

3) The religion of the post-Armageddon, post-NWO world is scripted to be a Kabbalized version of Christianity led by a figurehead god-king they’ll call “Jesus Christ.” The ultimate goal of any power-hungry gang is to rule over the whole world as gods – to have people accept everything the gang says as though it were the very word of “the almighty creator.” By destroying faith in democracy with the NWO meltdown and installing a god-king with a “magic show” put on by sequestered technology, they believe they can achieve this goal. So the “thousand-year Kingdom of Christ” is the end result the globalists are seeking.

Beyond this religious agenda, there is the general strategy of tension and release that is at play. The globalists are having their Western minions shove the Muslim refugees down people’s throats in order to get the populace frustrated, furious, and ready to lash back. Once people are ready to blow, they present them with controlled opposition figures like Trump and Le Pen to provide a channel through which that desire for vengeance can be sated – a channel that the globalists can control and direct to suit their purposes.

You can read more about this in The Illuminati strategy of tension and release.

Hopefully that answers the reader’s questions.

[P.S. – 5 November 2016]

The previous postscript talks about the globalist religious agenda, which has three phases: 1) the Satanism of the decoy “evil Western NWO,” which will give way to 2) the “Chrislam” / One World Religion of the real, BRICS-fronted NWO, which will give way to 3) the Kabbalized Christianity of the post-NWO “Kingdom of Christ,” which is the ultimate end the globalists are seeking (they want to rule humanity as gods without the impediment of democratic structures).

With that in mind, watch this new Alex Jones video. In it, Alex gives an Oscar-worthy performance pointing out the supposed Satanism of the Western elite…

After talking about Hillary’s Satanism, he then shills for the ultimate globalist objective at the 6:40 mark

“And so here’s the message, here’s the message: We’re not looking for a fight – you want to ram heads, you want to bang heads – you know Christ is more powerful – a thousand, trillion times – I just… I believe in god, and god – they hate Christ. We need to pray to god to heal this land, and I want to thank god. We’ve prayed for the truth to come out – it’s horrible – it’s coming out.”

So in this video, Alex talks about phases 1 and 3, and he has talked about phase 2 previously…

Given all this, allow me to make a prediction: Once the current crisis has passed and the UN is “reformed” into the real New World Order in its aftermath, watch for Alex to freak out and start railing against the new UN, Vladimir Putin, and the One World Religion that will rise with them. The next phase of his job is to point them out as the new “bad guys” and prepare the public to accept the faked “Kingdom of Christ” once the globalists get around to that phase of their plan.

For more information on Alex Jones and his role in the globalists’ artificial prophecy fulfillment effort, read Alex Jones and the Christ Conspiracy. And to understand the difference between the decoy Western NWO and the real Eastern NWO, read Understanding the NWO Strategy (reading it is essential to understanding what’s really going on here).

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 22 – How the US election will be used to destroy global confidence in America and its dollar

Here’s hoping that exposure will push the globalists back one more time. Otherwise…

In 22 days, the United States of America will begin to unravel. Here is the fundamental blueprint of how it will happen…

1) The November 8 election will go forward, and there will be a winner. While it’s possible that a war or other emergency could be staged before the election in order to delay it, I think it more likely that things will go relatively smoothly until after it’s over. The election result is necessary to create a point of extreme conflict between Democrats and conservative Republicans, thus making cooperation between them completely impossible.

2A) If Hillary Clinton is announced as the winner, conclusive evidence will soon leak showing that she and other top Democrats (including Obama and Biden) rigged the election, and conservative Republicans will take drastic action. They will refuse to fund the government when the budget deadline is reached on December 9, resulting in a partial government shutdown.

2B) If Donald Trump is announced as the winner, the Democrats will dispute the result, saying that Russia hacked the voting process. They will take drastic action, including a refusal to fund the government when the budget deadline is reached on December 9, resulting in a partial government shutdown.

Since Congress had previously suspended the US government’s debt limit until March 15, 2017, it would have been logical for them to craft last month’s continuing resolution to provide funding for the government until that date (so the new Congress could address both issues at the same time). But instead of doing that, they scheduled another budget battle to take place on December 9, between the election and the inauguration. And how can they make any kind of deal when they are at each other’s throats over a “stolen election”? Obviously, they won’t. This post-election budget deadline was deliberately scheduled in support of the globalist agenda of taking down America so the BRICS can take charge.

3) The partial government shutdown will choke off the food stamps program, resulting in chaotic outbursts of domestic unrest. Here is an article about that scenario from last year’s budget showdown…
…From The Huffington Post. Here is an excerpt…

“The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides monthly food benefits to 45 million Americans, will go dark if Congress fails to pass a law funding government operations after Oct. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which oversees the program.”

4) Citing the government shutdown, domestic unrest, and a worsening situation in Syria, Obama will declare a national emergency. He’ll begin to rule by executive order.

5) “Patriots within the US military and US security services” (who are actually globalist agents playing the “white hat” role in the scam) will take action “to restore Constitutional order” by arresting Obama, Biden, the Clintons, and other top Democrats. This will result in the “Republican” Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, assuming the role of interim President of the United States.

6) President Ryan, who is a Vatican agent, will take us to war. The war will be short, and the US will lose.

7) Donald Trump will then be inaugurated President. And when the US debt limit deadline is reached on March 15, 2017, he will insist on “an end to business as usual” by vetoing any attempt “to kick the debt limit can down the road again.” This will result in a complete government shutdown for a time, and the US will likely miss a debt payment (in order to shatter faith in the US dollar).

Since President Ryan WOULD allow the debt limit can to be kicked down the road, President Trump MUST be in office prior to March 15. Trump is also needed to help Putin launch the “reformed, national sovereignty-respecting” United Nations after the US falls on its face.

The net result of all this is that America will be left looking like a basket case, and this will allow the BRICS and the UN to step forward as leaders. A new “gold standard” (actually more of a gold valuation) will be implemented by Russia and China, and they will offer some of their gold to the IMF in order to save the international financial system. In return for their gold, they will receive IMF SDRs and a thorough reform of the UN system. This supposedly reformed UN will be the central institution of the new multilateral, multipolar world order (a.k.a. the New World Order).

Read The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words and Understanding the NWO Strategy to understand how this was the globalists’ plan all along.

For other related information, read How Hillary, Trump and Putin figure into the launch of the New World Order.

Much love…

P.S. – Just in case the globalists delay their plans yet again, I’ll be changing the way I track them. Instead of tracking candidate dates and attaching globalist milestones to them, I’ll be tracking globalist milestones and attaching candidate dates to them. It’s a subtle difference, but it will help us keep our eyes on the steps they must take (which can’t be readily changed) instead of the implementation dates (which can be readily changed).

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 21 – So when will World War 3 start?

Keep your eyes on this sneaky little sh*t…
…His name is Paul Ryan, and he’s the Speaker of the US House of Representatives. If the globalists put together a scenario that makes him the acting President sometime between now and January 20, that’s a signal that the fake World War 3 is a go.

A lot of people are wondering when the globalists will pit their Western lackeys against their Eastern lackeys in direct military conflict. The short answer is that it could start at any time, and there are triggers in place that could kick it off this week. But what will happen if they continue to delay? How long can they stretch it out before they have to act? Let’s take a moment to think it through…

In the US presidential election,

Hillary Clinton has been marketed as the “embodiment of the Establishment who is anti-Putin and likely to take us to war with Russia,” and

Donald Trump has been marketed as the “anti-Establishment candidate who is conciliatory to Putin and unlikely to allow a pointless war.”

That being the case, it is clear that the war must be prosecuted before President Trump takes office. This means that it must either take place by his January 20 inauguration, or his inauguration must be delayed long enough for the war to play out. And given Obama’s seeming reluctance to let the war go forward, he’ll have to replaced (or have his hand forced) either way. That being said, here are some candidate scenarios for how they could slip in a war between Obama’s departure and Trump’s inauguration…

Scenario 1 – Hillary wins the election, but damning communications are then leaked by WikiLeaks and other sources which show she and other top Democrats (including Obama and Biden) conspired to steal the election through physical and electronic voter fraud. By means of either impeachment or military action “in support of the Constitution,” Hillary, Obama, and Biden are arrested and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, becomes the acting President. Since he’s a good little globalist errand boy, he’ll do as he’s told and start the war.

Scenario 2 – Trump wins the election, but Hillary screams of Russian election tampering and Democrats use the December 9 budget trigger to shut down the government, thus leaving Obama to rule by executive order. Israel or a hawkish US military element then conducts a convincing false-flag against Russia to get the fighting started, leaving Obama little choice other than allowing the war or surrendering.

Scenario 3 – Nothing happens – no election hijinks and no war – and Trump is inaugurated on January 20, 2017. This is where the other trigger the globalists have installed would come into play. On March 15, 2017, the US runs into the debt limit again. Typically when this happens, the Treasury Department starts using “extraordinary measures” (accounting tricks and money shuffling) to keep the government going until the end of September.

Do you think Donald Trump will allow his Treasury Department to use “extraordinary measures” to get around the debt limit? Do you think he’ll allow Congress to just kick the debt limit can down the road like they’ve been doing? It would seem unlikely; most likely, he’ll get up on his hind legs and demand that Congress starts exercising fiscal responsibility “NOW.” This would lead to a whole mess of trouble for the US government and US dollar, and it would provide a perfect opportunity for Russia and China to play the gold card (and for the IMF to advance its SDR as a more reliable reserve currency). This is another “peace path” to a BRICS victory.

Mind you, these are just the scenarios I could think of off the top of my head, and I may come up with more in the coming hours/days. But we could see any of them, or a combination of elements from all of them, if we hit November without a war.

Whatever happens, keep your eyes on Paul Ryan. Something stinks about him and the way he became Speaker of the House. If you look into his background, you’ll see that he has a strong Catholic background (he is a Vatican agent), and he also has strong connections to the Mises Mafia I’ve so often written about. Not only that, he is anti-Putin…
…From the Los Angeles Times

And he’ll dutifully push any war buttons the globalists tell him to…

“Ryan was a ‘reliable supporter of the [George W. Bush] administration’s foreign policy priorities’ who voted for the 2002 Iraq Resolution, authorizing the 2003 invasion of Iraq.” – From Wikipedia

With love…

ALERT: When Aleppo falls, the “apocalyptic battle” will shortly follow

Keep a close eye on the Syrian offensive in Aleppo…

…From The Washington Post. Here is an excerpt…

“Airstrikes pounded rebel-held areas in the embattled Syrian city of Aleppo on Friday… in a sharp escalation by government forces after the collapse of cease-fire plans that raised fleeting hopes of peace…

The intensifying offensive on Aleppo — a critical foothold for rebel groups — came amid signals of an all-out push by President Bashar al-Assad to reclaim full control over the northern city…”

Once Aleppo falls (which should happen right soon), the remaining “ISIS” forces will retreat north to Dabiq, which is only an hour’s drive or a day’s march away…
and Syrian pursuit forces will follow them there.

Turkey, in turn, will publicly proclaim the “terrorist” influx into Dabiq as a great opportunity to supposedly defeat ISIS, so their forces will push south. They already tried to do this only a week ago…
…From The Guardian. So we know they have the inclination to go there. Seeing Syrian forces approaching the town will give US/Turkish forces the motivation to race them there. And this will result in US/Turkish forces and Russian/Syrian forces meeting head-to-head in the vicinity of Dabiq. Do you think the two sides will shake hands when that happens?

Should the fall of Aleppo happen during Obama’s Weekend, it would provide a perfect setup for Global 9/11 and the US government shutdown / Obama takeover that would follow a week later (Congress did not pass the continuing resolution this week). To understand what I mean by this, see the previous entry (especially the P.S.s which start about midway through). It contains critical information on this whole scenario.

(P.S. – 24 September 2016) – I ran across a notable piece of information in various press reports…

“A pro-government Iraqi militia commander in Aleppo said the aim was to capture all of Aleppo within a week.” – From

This would bring the “apocalyptic battle” in Dabiq within reach by next weekend, which is the same time the US government could be shutting down. It would also allow the “prophetic” climax point to be reachable before the end of the Hebrew year at sunset, October 2. Of course, it isn’t absolutely necessary that the globalists get it done before 5777; they can always say that “God delayed the revelation of the messiah.”

If I have time tomorrow, I’ll produce an updated version of Your Guide to the Operational Launch of the NWO in 2016 to account for the globalists’ current trajectory. Either I was incorrect about how they’d get to this point or they bypassed their previous plans to do what they’re doing now. The 2016 end result offered at the top of that entry remains valid, though.

(P.S. – 25 September 2016) – In the closing sentences of his latest globalist disinformation piece, Paul Craig Roberts makes reference to the supposedly pro-Western elements of the Kremlin, who are supposedly led by Dmitry Medvedev…

“The only common grounds Russia has with Washington requires Russia’s surrender. If Russia will surrender, Russia can achieve Western acceptance, and Washington’s agents, the Russian Atlanticist Integrationists, can rule Russia for Washington.”

…This tells me that the planned fake assassination of Vladimir Putin is still on, and it could happen any time after US/Turkish forces directly engage Russian/Syrian forces. If the globalist prophecy scriptwriters are still aiming to beat the end of the Hebrew year, the last candidate date for Putin’s fake death will be in four days on September 29, with his faked resurrection occurring three days later on Sunday, October 2. Should such a “resurrection” occur, you’ll also see a fake UFO show to go along with it.

Why would the globalists even attempt such a thing, you ask? Because they have to stage something “miraculous” to convince people that Putin is more than just a man, and throwing in an “ET” kicker will blow people’s minds so much that they’ll be open to suggestion.

So here is the apparent order of battle in the currently unfolding Apocalypse Show…

> On the Dark side, we have the Crypto-Islamist Christian Antichrist, Barack Obama,

aiding the Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in attacking the Light side.

> On the Light side, we have the Crypto-Jewish Mashiach / Isa, Vladimir Putin,

aiding the Imam Mahdi, Bashar al-Assad, in defeating the Dark side.

Look for the Resurrection/UFO Show at the moment things look their darkest.

Note: I first wrote about the plan for Putin’s assassination in January…

Does the globalist End Times script call for a Russian Judas to betray the Mashiach/Christ?…
…Will Dmitry Medvedev cut a secret deal with the West and “assassinate” Vladimir Putin after full-on war breaks out this September? Will Putin then “rise from the dead” 3 days later at the Mount of Olives? Current prophetic propaganda suggests this is the plan.

…so you can read more about it in Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 4 – How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will unfold. Some of the Gog/Magog details it covers have changed since then, but you’ll find it still offers good background information on what is taking place.

(P.S. – 25 September 2016) – Let’s take a moment to look at how the globalist propagandists have been building the backstory for Putin’s fake assassination…

> For the past few years, alternative media reports originating from a disinformation figure known as “The Saker” have been circulated to incorrectly suggest there is real opposition to Putin at high levels of the Russian government. Here is an example from 2014 written by disinfo dog Pepe Escobar on RT…

>>> The Kremlin seems to know exactly how high the stakes are. As The Saker told me in an email, “Putin is telling both the West and the Russian people that there is a long war in progress and that the Russian people have to morally be prepared to accept sacrifices for the survival of Russia. This is one more step in the ‘coming-out’ of what I call the ‘Eurasian Sovereignists’ in which the US [has] now openly declared as a Russophobic (Russia-hating and Russia-fearing) enemy, and the Europeans as a powerless colony. Military power is not directly a factor in this, the internal power balance between the pro-Western ‘Atlantic Integrationists’ and the ‘Eurasian Sovereignists’ is.” <<<

In creating these imaginary “Atlantic Integrationists,” the propagandists have supplied us with a “powerful group” that would help “the West” assassinate Putin if things didn’t go their way. And to be clear, ALL those in high positions in the Russian government, including Putin and Medvedev, are “NWO Integrationists,” and they ALL know Russia’s role in bringing in Kissinger’s vision

> On August 8, 2016, the propagandists rolled out former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell to talk about the tactics the US would use to “scare Assad”…
…From YouTube

These tactics include going after Assad’s presidential guard, bombing his offices at night, destroying his presidential aircraft on the ground, and destroying his presidential helicopters. Morell finished by saying, “I want to make him [Assad] think we’re coming after HIM.” And in giving America’s reason for applying such pressure, he said the following…

“I want to put pressure on him. I want to put pressure on the Iranians. I want to put pressure on the Russians… to come to that diplomatic settlement.

> Less than a month later, on September 2, the US applied pressure to Putin in exactly the manner Morell suggested…
…by destroying Putin’s presidential car and killing his favorite driver. From

> About a week after Putin’s car was destroyed, on September 10, Putin did “come to that diplomatic settlement” as Morell suggested, and the US and Russia announced the Syrian ceasefire.

> A week after the ceasefire was announced, on September 17, the US bombed Syrian troops in support of an ISIS offensive. Instead of passively accepting the American provocation, Putin responded by destroying a Western intelligence command center and launching an all-out offensive in Aleppo.

> This brings us to now. Once Aleppo falls, the final obstacle blocking direct confrontation between Russian/Syrian and US/Turkish forces will be breached. And when direct conflict begins, World War 3 begins, and “the West and their Atlantic Integrationist proxies” will make a “real” attempt on Putin’s life.

So this is the public backstory for the assassination. But the real story is that the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment plans require a Putin death and resurrection; all the rest is merely for public consumption.

(P.S. – 25 September 2016) – These headlines on Drudge…
…offer another path to direct conflict: “In an effort to ‘protect civilians’ and stop the ‘war crime’ unfolding in Aleppo, the US has declared a no-fly zone over the area.” Look for the Russians to strike Incirlik Air Base if that happens. And off they’ll go…

(P.S. – 26 September 2016) – A few months ago, a reader sent me a link to this 2015 YouTube video from Sheikh Imran Hosein
…Here is how it starts out…

Syria is not just another part of the world of Islam. From an Islamic eschatological perspective, Syria is at the heart – the very heart – of the end of history. There are three main actors at the end of history in Islamic eschatology:

The most important of them all is the return of Jesus, the son of Mary, the true messiah.

And then there is another figure in the end of history who seeks to impersonate the true messiah, and he is the false messiah. The Christians call him the Antichrist, and …Muhammad… called him Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.

And the third important figure in Islamic eschatology at the end of history is the Imam, or the Prince – in Christian theology he’s known as the Prince, or Imam al-Mahdi.

And these three main actors of the end of history are all going to be simultaneously present in Damascus. Imam al-Mahdi will already be there. Dajjal will come to attack him. And at that time when Dajjal is ready for the confrontation with the Imam, the son of Mary returns.

So if we overlay this information on what we’ve already learned, we see that…

> Vladimir Putin is the first figure. He is the son of Mary (Maria Shelomova).

> The second figure is Obama and/or Erdogan.

> The third figure is Bashar Assad.

As Hosein states, the “Imam Mahdi” (Assad) will already be in Damascus, and when the “Dajjal” (Obama/Erdogan) is ready for the final confrontation with the Mahdi, the “true messiah” (Putin) will return.

There is more in the video that’s worth pointing out, so I might add more to this postscript over the course of the week. We might also look at the “Strategic Culture Foundation,” which is a globalist pro-Russian propaganda outfit.

(P.S. – 27 September 2016) – Another notable section from Hosein’s video begins at the 6:06 mark when he talks about how Libya fell to the West…

“Russia decided to abandon Libya. Russia chose to throw Libya to the dogs. Why did Russia do that? You gotta ask Russia; I don’t know. The Security Council of the United Nations, and you are there, and you are a permanent member. You have responsibility – you’ll have to answer on Judgment Day. You know that if you do not give your veto, you know what’s gonna happen. You can’t hide behind abstaining from the vote. Your abstention from the vote meant that Libya was gone, so you’ll have to answer on Judgment Day. And that’s what Russia did. I don’t know why Russia acted in this way, but now Libya is gone. If Russia had vetoed the resolution, then the Libyan armed forces would still have been there today, struggling against this bogus jihad. It was when NATO was able to bomb the daylights out Libya, as they bombed the daylights out of Belgrade once upon a time… that was when they were able to get Libya.”

Hosein is actually being quite coy in this passage. He DOES know why Russia “chose to throw Libya to the dogs,” but he said what he said to help support the phony “Atlantic Integrationists versus Eurasian Sovereigntists” meme. The hanging implication of this passage is that Dmitry Medvedev, who was President of Russia at the time of the Security Council vote, allowed the West to take Libya because he is an Atlantic Integrationist. The other side of this implication is that Putin, who was President of Russia at the time the US started bombing Syria, stopped the West from taking Syria because he is a Eurasian Sovereigntist.

Should the globalists proceed with their plan for the fake assassination of Putin, the historians will point back to Medvedev’s betrayal of Libya as “proof of his complicity with the West, which eventually led to his participation in the plot to assassinate Putin.” But let me show you why this is bullsh*t.

The UN Security Council Resolution that allowed NATO to militarily intervene in Libya was Resolution 1973…
…From the UN website. Here is a section of the press release worth noting…

“Adopting resolution 1973 (2011) by a vote of 10 in favour to none against, with 5 abstentions (Brazil, China, Germany, India, Russian Federation), the Council authorized Member States, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, to take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory — requesting them to immediately inform the Secretary-General of such measures.”

As it turns out…


> NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM VOTED AGAINST THE RESOLUTION. Four abstained and one, South Africa, voted yes. Had either of the BRICS permanent members (Russia or China) voted no, the resolution would have been vetoed.


So why would the “freedom-fighting BRICS” do that when they knew exactly what would happen to Libya? Because the globalist script called for Libya to go down, and the BRICS members of the G20 follow that script just as closely as the G7 members do. The takedown of Libya not only served practical purposes for the globalists, but it was also a dramatic demonstration of what would have happened to Syria had the Mahdi (Assad) and the Messiah (Putin) not joined to stop the “evil empire of the Western Satanists” dead in its tracks.

(P.S. – 30 September 2016) – Congress has passed and Obama has signed the continuing resolution to temporarily keep the government open, but the measure provides funding only through December 9, after the election. So here are some obvious questions…

What will happen if Trump wins in a landslide and the Republicans pick up 6 of the Democrats’ 10 US Senate seats that are up for reelection (thus giving Republicans a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate)? How would the mainstream narrative play out?

Assuming the big crisis kicks in before December 9, Democrats would be looking at a nation and world in turmoil, and they’d be facing the “abyss” of a Trump presidency and a completely Republican controlled Congress…

Would they be tempted to use their Senate filibuster powers and presidential veto while they still can? Would they attempt to shut down the government and let Obama rule by executive order to prevent Trump and the new Congress from taking office?

What this continuing resolution has put in place is a crisis trigger. The globalists will have the option of using it should we continue pushing back their plans. We won September, and that’s a huge victory to put in our pocket, but the war isn’t over by a longshot. October is looking very dicey.

On another note, I’ve received a number of communications recently that attempt to suggest the NWO isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The latest such communication suggests that the NWO is “evolutionary,” and asks what I would do differently. So here is my answer in a nutshell:

It’s funny you should mention evolution…

All living things are conscious; it is the presence of consciousness that makes them alive. And since they are conscious, every living thing consciously adapts itself to survive and thrive in the environment in which it finds itself (or it consciously chooses to seek out a more hospitable environment). This is what drives evolution: individual adaptation to external challenges. There is no “god” / hierarchical micro-manager that controls it; it happens naturally at the level of the individual and the “collective of mutual advantage.”

That being said, the elite’s attempt to micro-manage social evolution is, in actuality, anti-evolutionary. They create tremendous harm by meddling in that which is best left to nature. This is why so many people suffer and die because of their efforts. The individual is far more motivated and far more capable of guiding his/her successful adaptation than some stranger half a world away who has little understanding of either the individual or the precise environment he/she faces. Successful evolution cannot be achieved when it is done under the remote control of the half-blind (and the wholly-corrupted).

So how would I aid evolution towards a peaceful world community? I’d start by recruiting humans (homo sapiens who are more guided by spiritual impulses than monkey impulses) into a peer-to-peer collective, then I’d let that collective be the beacon that shines to all who are ready to look for a beacon. Genius is everywhere, and a peer-to-peer collective that nurtures the individual and harnesses the genius of the 100% will VASTLY outperform a hierarchical collective that suppresses the genius of the 98% in favor of the delusional schemes of the 2%.

To put it more concisely…

I would fashion “the system” around the wellbeing and full development the individual; I would NOT fashion the individual around the wellbeing and full development of the system. The former is pro-evolutionary; the latter is anti. And since a system is an abstraction that has no real consciousness or ability to experience life, one should always prioritize the individual, which IS conscious and DOES experience life on behalf of Source Consciousness.

Every single person on this Earth is a highly conscious aspect of God who has opted to experience life in the homo sapiens form. This means that every single person born to this world is real royalty, and therefore deserves to be aided in becoming the fullest expression of who he or she can be (just like you would do for any prince or princess). Yet this world treats 99% of people born to it like sh*t. Why is that? Who is responsible?

I think you know. But are the “elite” presenting us with this challenge to force us to become human to overcome it? They probably tell themselves this, but it is the sweet-sounding delusion of the selfish and corrupted. It’s hard to accept such high-sounding rationalizations when they come from the mouths of murderers, thieves, and liars who have hidden in the dark so long that they’ve become more cockroach than human.

The bottom line is that the “elite” are making the experience of life on Earth much harder than it need be, and they are endangering the species by pushing it too far and too fast. A great deal of the meddling they’re doing now is to fix the problems caused by their past meddlings. Thanks for nothin’, you butt-fu*king bastards.

P.S. – I love you butt-fu*king bastards, but I’ve had enough of your bullsh*t.

(P.S. – 1 October 2016) – Tomorrow at sundown, the Hebrew year of 5776 will be over. Should nothing special happen, we will not only have won September, but also the “highly prophetic” year of 5776. So much for the rabbis and their prophecies.

As for what’s ahead, these are the obvious dates to watch for October hijinks…

October 2 – It’s the final day of 5776, and it’s watchable for something related to Putin. The US could stage a new provocation against Russia.

October 11 – A “master number” day; anything could happen.

October 13 – It’s a “13,” and it’s also a good candidate day for Putin’s fake assassination. The third day after the 13th is Sunday the 16th. I’ve got a feeling that they’d like to “resurrect” him on a Sunday.

October 22 – Another “master number” day; anything could happen.

It may turn out that they’ve compressed all their plans and moved them back one month to avoid getting nailed, so everything we expected for September could happen in October. If they do that, watch for them to say, “The Messiah delayed his judgment to offer one last opportunity for peace (the Syria ceasefire agreement), but he was betrayed by the Satanic forces and judgment is upon them. Woe unto the inhabitants of the Earth (and whatnot). Yada yada, fire. Yada yada, brimstone. Yada yada, redemption.”

(P.S. – 2 October 2016) – First there were reports that Obama is blocking Pentagon hawks from being aggressive towards China in the South China Sea…

“The U.S. military’s top commander in the Pacific is arguing behind closed doors for a more confrontational approach to counter and reverse China’s strategic gains in the South China Sea, appeals that have met resistance from the White House at nearly every turn.” – From the Navy Times

…and now there’s the leaked audio from ol’ Skull and Bones Kerry suggesting that Obama is blocking direct US military action in Syria.

It would appear that when the globalists complete their scapegoating of the Neocons / Zionists / Nazis, Obama may be presented as someone who helped save the world from the nuclear war they were trying to start. And since the “real Antichrist” Putin is also being portrayed as someone who is trying to stop “NaZioCon” nuclear war, this is still in keeping with Obama being a “precursor Antichrist” / decoy.

(P.S. – 3 October 2016) – There’s quite a confluence of events going on this week…

1) Wikileaks will be dumping their Hillary file tomorrow.

2) The US stopped talking to Russia about Syria (a likely prelude to provocative action).

3) Aleppo could fall at any time.

4) US/Turkish proxy forces are closing in on Dabiq (which is where their other proxy force, ISIS, wants to trigger the apocalypse).

With all this coming to a head, I wouldn’t be surprised if “weapons of mass destruction” were used in Syria this week…
…to kick it up a notch. The Battle of Dabiq might be the predetermined trigger point for WMD release.

Just remember that the apocalyptic battle isn’t the phony fight against ISIS; it’s the fight between the US/Turkey and Russia/Syria. The role of ISIS in the globalist script is to serve as the public pretext for drawing both sides into Syria and getting them fighting. And a WMD attack would stir the hornets nest quite nicely.

(P.S. – 4 October 2016) – Here’s the first provocation: a US-backed Al-CIAda offshoot group has fired mortar shells on the Russian embassy in Syria.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 20 – The Turkish Double-Cross Scenario (ALERT)

(Prescript – 21 September 2016) – Here we go…
…From FARS News Agency (Iran). Here are some key excerpts…

Several US, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari and British officers were also killed along with the Israeli officers. The foreign officers who were killed in the Aleppo operations room were directing the terrorists’ attacks in Aleppo and Idlib…

…which thwarted the terrorists’ plots and forced many of them [to] flee towards the Turkish borders.”

So if this report is accurate, we not only have direct Russian fire on Western intelligence officers, we also have ISIS retreating towards the Turkish border. And what city is near the Turkish border? Dabiq of course – where ISIS is supposed to make its final apocalyptic stand.

Here is the Google translation of the original Sputnik article on which the FARS report is based. Since the Sputnik report was dated on the 20th — the same day the “UN humanitarian convoy strike” was reported — the “convoy strike” may be a cover story for the operations center strike.

Now here’s the main entry (that talks about what might happen next)…

[Update 20 – 10 September 2016]

I woke up to news of the farcical Kerry/Lavrov Syrian peace deal this morning, and one thing about it stood out right away. That being…

IF the Monday ceasefire holds for one week,

THEN both the US and Russia will gang up on “ISIS.”

THEREFORE, in the public narrative, “ISIS” faces its downward spiral to doom one week from Monday, SO THEY MUST DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO WRECK THE CEASEFIRE AND PEACE DEAL.

According to the public narrative, “ISIS” has just been handed their do-or-die motivation to shoot their wad. Oh, and 9/11 is on a Sunday this year, so Christians will be gathered in their churches like sheep to slaughter.

That being said, let’s take another look at the 3 Sandboxes the globalists have prepared for warplay…

1) In Syria, ISIS has until September 19 (a week from Monday’s ceasefire) to save their apocalyptic agenda by unleashing their final wave of global terror. And since US involvement in training, funding and arming ISIS is well known, ISIS’ attacks will be seen as an American/Western provocation to war.

2) In the South China Sea (SCS), America has until September 19 (which is the last day of the joint Russian/Chinese naval exercise in the SCS) to conduct a joint freedom of navigation and overflight operation with Japan in the SCS. This would cross China’s “red line” and provide an American/Western provocation to war.

3) In Ukraine, an American/Western provocation has already taken place in the form of a staged “assassination attempt” against Putin. To get the shooting started, all Russia has to do is claim that the attempt was orchestrated by the Western intelligence agencies and carried out by a Ukrainian intel asset. If they do so, look for them to release audio recordings of US officials planning the attack (just like they did after the Ukrainian coup).

To understand the globalists’ motivations in staging these conflicts, read…

Your Guide to the Operational Launch of the NWO in 2016

In that entry, I stated…

“As for the exact date of Global 9/11, it could happen any day between today and mid-September…”

…so it appears that the globalists are right on schedule. If there’s going to be a war or a war-like standoff, it looks like it will happen in the next week or so.

If, on the other hand, they allow September to pass without a war, we’ll face another big opportunity for mischief in the “Ides of March Scenario” I hinted at in Update 19. A cancelled war would also mean that we (the “defiant few” bloggers and commenters who have been exposing their plans) have won a huge victory. Without a highly visible Putin win over Obama in September, the globalists’ long term plans will be seriously impacted.


As I’ve continued pondering what the Russian/US peace deal could set in motion, another interesting scenario presented itself to me…

Could the teaming up of two Christian nations, the US and Russia, against ISIS result in the final apocalyptic showdown ISIS has been seeking?

Here is a key thing to know about ISIS…

“One difference between ISIL and other Islamist and jihadist movements, including al-Qaeda, is the group’s emphasis on eschatology and apocalypticism – that is, a belief in a final Day of Judgment by God, and specifically, a belief that the arrival of one known as Imam Mahdi is near. ISIL believes that it will defeat the army of “Rome” at the town of Dabiq, in fulfilment of prophecy.” – From Wikipedia

Now if we look at the live map of ISIS territory at, we see that Dabiq remains under their control and is surrounded on three sides by Turkish forces…
…so the final apocalyptic battle is still in play.

And if we consider the fact that the US is the offspring of Western Europe (the Western Roman Empire) and Russia is descended from the Eastern Roman Empire, a combined US/Russian force would be the “combined armies of Rome.”

If America and Russia team up to bomb ISIS while their “mutual ally” Turkey moves its ground forces to take Dabiq, could Turkey actually link up with ISIS and sweep west to take down Assad and push out Russian forces? Alternatively, could Russia join with Erdogan to jointly push out ALL the Western proxy forces?

To a sleeper, the suggestion that Erdogan would team up with ISIS to attack American forces and possibly Russia’s seems like a ridiculous idea. “Isn’t Turkey opposed to ISIS,” one might ask. But even though Erdogan’s words portray his opposition, his actions betray the truth. If you don’t believe me, just look at what Russia’s RT has written about it…

> December 2, 2015 – Russia says Turkey’s Erdogan & family involved in illegal ISIS oil trade. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Turkey is the main consumer of oil smuggled by Islamic State from Syria and Iraq, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family are involved in the criminal business, Russia’s Defense Ministry has сlaimed.” <<<

> March 24, 2016 – ISIS, oil & Turkey: What RT found in Syrian town liberated from jihadists by Kurds (EXCLUSIVE). Here is an excerpt…

>>> Turkey, which has been actively engaged in the Syrian war since the outset, has repeatedly denied claims that it is aiding IS. However, while Ankara insists that it is the jihadist group’s sworn enemy, facts on the ground often tell a different story…

IS oil goes to Turkey – IS fighters come via Turkey. <<<

> April 1, 2016 – Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS – Russian envoy to UN. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Moscow has submitted data on Turkey’s illegal arms and military hardware supply to Islamic State in Syria to the UN Security Council. Supplies are supervised by the Turkish intelligence service, Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said as cited by Russian media.

The main supplier of weapons and military equipment to ISIL fighters is Turkey, which is doing so through non-governmental organizations. Work in this area is overseen by the National Intelligence Organization of Turkey,” Churkin wrote.

According to the envoy, transportation “mainly involves vehicles, including as part of humanitarian aid convoys.” <<<

And here you have the real reason for Monday’s ceasefire: to allow all the armed groups a week to regroup and resupply before the final showdown. The Syrian War is a globalist production, and everyone, including Russia, is playing along.

So looking at all this from the perspective of the public narrative, the elements of ISIS closest to the Turkish border are essentially Erdogan’s proxy army. Will his proxy army lay down their arms as Turkish forces advance, thus allowing Erdogan to occupy all ISIS-held land for his new caliphate? Or will his proxy army link up with the Turkish Army to sweep through areas held by other Western proxy forces? Will Putin fight Erdogan or join forces with him to push out all Western regime-change forces? Time will tell.

At the time of Turkey’s double-cross, could they also take down Incirlik and its remaining nukes?

I already wrote about this possibility in a previous entry, so here’s the excerpted relevant section…

It is also worth noting that Dabiq is near the Turkish border, and is only 112 miles (by air) and 203 miles (by road) from Incirlik Air Base…
…and Incirlik is where American nukes are supposedly stored. So given that…

> the Russians have already outed Erdogan as a supporter of ISIS, and
> Erdogan is himself a radical Islamist who “abandoned openly Islamist politics” to get elected, and
> Erdogan has used his fake coup to purge the Turkish military of moderates and friends of the US, and
> Erdogan has personally taken control of the Turkish military, and
> Erdogan has already laid siege to Incirlik Air Base twice in the past weeks

…we begin to catch a glimpse of what I call “the Turkey Scenario,” which is…

On the day of, or in the weeks following, ISIS’ Global 9/11, the Turkish military could raid Incirlik Air Base to seize the nukes. And since they are long-time NATO members, they might possess the expertise to bypass the control mechanisms that prevent the nukes from being improperly used. Erdogan and ISIS would then have their own nuclear stockpile.

With all these puzzle pieces set before us, we begin to see how they would fit together in an “End Times” battle. But will this battle be Christians versus Muslims, or will it be Christians (Putin) AND Muslims (Erdogan) versus “the Western Satanists” (Obama)?

Now if we adjust the 3-step prophecy deception to this scenario, we see that…

1) Erdogan is either added to or substituted for Obama as a/the “Muslim Antichrist.”

2) Putin remains the “Jewish Messiah” / “Final Christian Antichrist” / “Final Roman Emperor” (of the “reformed” UN) who either joins or defeats Erdogan. If he defeats Erdogan, he will do so with the help of the “Imam Mahdi”; otherwise, they might try to pass Erdogan off as the Mahdi.

3) The third guy who shows up 7 years after Putin takes over the UN remains the “Real Christ” / “Cryptojewish God-King Figurehead.”

Under normal circumstances, I think through a scenario before I write about it. But this time, the Turkish Double-Cross scenario came to me when I was in the middle of an entry, so I had to think it through as I was writing. Hopefully this process hasn’t left you confused. In case it has, though, I’ll be writing some postscripts that may clarify things.

So until then, much love…

(P.S. – 13 September 2016) – Given the nature of the prophetic propaganda coming out of Cryptomasonic sources…

…one must ask the question…

In what kind of “Last Crusade” would the current Vatican engage?

Do you think Pope Francis would condone a good ol’ fashioned war against Muslims when he and the Occulted Powers are trying to unite the “People of the Book” under the “Religious UN”?…
…Probably not, right?

So with which enemy would the Vatican engage?

Well, the logical choice would be the common imaginary enemy all the “People of the Book” share…
…And by fighting Satan’s forces together, they can be bonded by the shared experience.

That being said, who represents Satan in the globalist drama?…
…The West of course. From Veterans Today.

With all this in mind, it seems logical to assume that the “Final Crusade” will be a joint Christian / Muslim war to expel Satanic forces from the “Holy Lands.” And in “End Times” Programming, we learned that…

“According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi’s tenure will coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Isa), who is to assist the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal (literally, the “false Messiah” or Antichrist).” – From Wikipedia

It is a 99.9% certainty that Putin is playing the role of Isa, so who is playing the other two roles?

Scenario 1: The head of the “American Satanist Empire,” Barack Obama, will play Masih ad-Dajjal against Erdogan as Mahdi. In this case, they’ll say that Erdogan played along with the West in order to pass along intel to Putin that could be used to defeat the Satanic forces when the time was right. “It was all part of their masterful plan,” they’ll explain.

Scenario 2: Erdogan will be cast as Masih ad-Dajjal and another Muslim leader will step forward as the Mahdi to defeat him with Putin’s help.

As to which scenario will unfold, we’ll just have to wait and see.

(P.S. – 14 September 2016) – To further explore the first scenario I offered in the previous postscript, let’s answer another question…

Will the globalists declare Erdogan the Imam Mahdi?

As I began to seek the answer to this, I recalled all the talk I’ve run across that Iran’s Grand Ayatollah Khamenei would be the one who’d proclaim the Mahdi before the world. Here is an example…

>>> Iran’s clerical rulers believe the figure “Seyed Khorasani,” who at the end of times facilitates the coming and passes the flag of Islam to Imam Mahdi, is the current supreme leader of the regime, Ayatollah Khamenei.

In the documentary, close associates of Khamenei reveal that he personally has acknowledged his role as the facilitator of the coming. Khamenei has also stated openly, “I can tell you with utmost confidence: The promise of Allah for The Coming and the establishment of a new Islamic civilization is on its way.” – From The Daily Caller <<<

With that in mind, I looked for meetings between Erdogan and Khamenei, and I came across a report from an October 28, 2009 meeting which offers this interesting passage…

>>> The Leader of the Islamic Revolution met on Wednesday with the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and his accompanying delegation. Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the historical bonds between Iran and Turkey and reiterated: “The current close relations between the two countries are unprecedented in past few centuries, and we are happy about your administration’s consecutive success on national and international fronts.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution praised Turkey’s foreign policy towards the world of Islam and added: “Your positions on supporting the people of Palestine were religiously and logically appropriate. And such moves will consolidate the position of Turkey in the world of Islam.”

Ayatollah Khamenei Further Reiterated: “Your administration’s efforts to develop an increasingly close relationship with the world of Islam will further consolidate your base among the people of Turkey. They will also prepare the ground for global support of Muslims for you.” – From <<<

“Prepare the ground for global support of Muslims” for Erdogan, eh? I guess the “global support of Muslims” is something a Mahdi would need, isn’t it?

Of course, for Erdogan to be the Mahdi, he’d have to be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. So is he?

Like that of Putin, Erdogan’s family background is a bit mysterious…

>>> Erdogan was born in the Kasımpasa neighborhood of Istanbul to which his family had moved from Rize Province. Erdoğan allegedly said in 2003, “I’m a Georgian, my family is a Georgian family which migrated from Batumi to Rize.” However, in a 2014 televised interview on the NTV news network, he said, “You wouldn’t believe the things they have said about me. They have said I am Georgian … even with much uglier things, they have called me Armenian, but I am Turkish.” – From Wikipedia <<<

Since no one is sure where his family is from, the door is left open for the globalists to present a pedigree which shows a direct link to Muhammad (they will do the same in showing Putin’s link to the Old Testament’s Joseph). And if Khamenei – a known descendant of Muhammad and a globalist tool – verifies Erdogan’s pedigree, the world has its Mahdi.

Needless to say, Erdogan would be a fake Mahdi just like Putin will be a fake Messiah. And the being who shows up to defeat Putin and the Mahdi in 7 years will be a fake as well. This is all a grand attempt to erect a religious mind-control element to the global government.

So if Erdogan is presented as the Mahdi, who will play the role of the Dajjal?

Behold Barack Obama, the supposedly “publicly-Christian/privately-Muslim/actually-Satanist” leader who promised the Muslim world “A New Beginning” 7 years ago…

From the “A New Beginning” page on Wikipedia…

>>> “A New Beginning” is the name of a speech delivered by United States President Barack Obama on 4 June 2009, from the Major Reception Hall at Cairo University in Egypt. Al-Azhar University co-hosted the event. The speech honors a promise Obama made during his presidential campaign to give a major address to Muslims from a Muslim capital during his first few months as president.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs indicated that Egypt was chosen because “it is a country that in many ways represents the heart of the Arab world.” Egypt is considered a key player in the Middle East peace process as well as a major recipient of American military and economic aid. Reuters reporter Ross Colvin reported that the speech would attempt to mend the United States’ relations with the Muslim world, which he wrote were “severely damaged” during the presidency of George W. Bush. <<<

So if Erdogan is presented as the Imam Mahdi, it’s not hard to see who’ll be presented as Al-Masih ad-Dajjal. Obama turned out to be quite a “false savior / deceiver” to the Muslim world, didn’t he?

(P.S. – 15 September 2016) – Now that we’ve explored Scenario 1, let’s look at Scenario 2 by asking ourselves a few more questions…

What if the globalists assign Erdogan to be the Dajjal? How would that play out? Who would play the Mahdi?

Given Erdogan’s intimate ties with ISIS, it is not hard to imagine him as the Dajjal. The narrative would shape up something like this…

“After launching a false-flag coup to brutally consolidate his power over Turkey, the Dajjal conducted a false-flag terror attack on a wedding party to justify moving his forces into position to attack the Mahdi’s forces. And once the Crusader armies joined to attack his controlled-opposition proxy force (ISIS), the Dajjal had his proxies launch a global terror strike to justify his full-scale invasion of the Mahdi’s land to supposedly defeat them.

America, whose nuclear weapons and military men were taken hostage at Incirlik on the first day of the invasion, was left paralyzed by a weak President who didn’t know how to respond to an attack by a NATO ally. This left only the Christian Messiah, Putin, and the Muslim Mahdi, Assad, to stand against the Dajjal’s invasion.

In the face of the onslaught in Syria, the Messiah launched a second front on the Dajjal by invading Turkey from the north and taking Istanbul. And with great assistance from their earthly and heavenly allies, the Messiah and Mahdi together defeated the Dajjal and swept all Satanic forces from the Holy Lands.”

This narrative leaves us with one important question: Is Bashar Assad a hidden descendant of the Prophet? With Khamenei’s help he is. Assad’s family are part of the secretive Alawi branch of Islam, so to declare him the Mahdi, the plotters need only produce a hidden Alawi genealogy (either real or faked) that shows his descent from Muhammad. With that in one hand and Khamenei’s backing in the other, the “Hidden Imam” will be presented for all the world to see.

As for Assad’s relationship with Khamenei, here are some passages from an account of an October 2010 meeting between the two…

>>> “The Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: “There are no two other countries in the region that have enjoyed such firm and excellent bilateral relations for thirty years. Therefore, it is necessary to make the best of this experience.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said that America is the main opponent of the axis of resistance in the region. Referring to the efforts by American officials to break this resistance, he stated: “These efforts will not achieve any results, just as they did not in the past.”…

In this meeting, which was also attended by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President Bashar al-Assad described the relations between Iran and Syria as exemplary and stressed: “Syria and the Islamic Republic of Iran are in the same camp and have the same goals.”

President al-Assad added that Iran and Syria will continue cooperating in all fields. “And each day we will be witness to more achievements in the region.” – From <<<

It is noteworthy that former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was also at the meeting given his recent statements about the Mahdi…
…From Here is an excerpt…

>>> Ahmadinejad suggested that the West — and particularly the United States — sees the return of the Hidden Imam as a threat to its “empire,” adding that the U.S. administration is “evil.”

“It is really a government established by Satan to prevent reaching God and the Hidden Imam,” Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying. ” … This evil government knows that its end will come if the Hidden Imam reappears.”

He reportedly acknowledged that “some in Iran laugh about these comments.”

Ahmadinejad, who served as Iran’s president from 2005 to 2013, has previously suggested that the United States is attempting to thwart the Hidden Imam’s return. <<<

Pondering Ahmadinejad’s comments, one must ask…

Of all the current foreign leaders, which one have the United States and EU been most out to get? That would be Bashar Assad, wouldn’t it? “Assad must go” has been the rallying cry of the West for years now. And wouldn’t it be symbolic if after rolling over Gaddafi in Libya, the West got stopped cold in their plans for the Middle East by the Imam Mahdi in Syria.

(P.S. – 17 September 2016) – Let’s take a moment to revisit the 3 Sandboxes…

1) A new opportunity for Western provocation against Russia will present itself tomorrow…
…From RT

The vote will take place tomorrow in Russia’s Ukraine embassy and consular offices, and it’s not hard to imagine what might take place. We could see Ukraine barricading the polling locations and causing potential injuries and deaths in the confrontations that will ensue.

2) Meanwhile, in the South China Sea, we are seeing what we expected…
…From Google News

Now that Japan has declared its firm intent to participate in the US freedom of navigation patrols, the next shoe to drop is the scheduling of one (quite soon, I suspect).

3) And in the Middle East also, things are proceeding as expected…
…From the BBC

The globalists have between now and October 2 (the end of the Hebrew year) to get things going in these three areas. If they tarry beyond that, all the prophecy setup they’ve done with Obama will be for naught. Obama’s 7-year “Antichrist” tenure began on a September 24, and his midpoint was reached on a March 22, so the September 22-24 period is especially important. Once we pass October 2, the timeline (and lots of associated prophecy propaganda) gets screwed up.

If you think about all we’ve covered, there are three ways the globalists can artificially fulfill the Christian “Antichrist” and Muslim “Dajjal” expectations:

1) Present Obama as BOTH the Antichrist and Dajjal,

2) Present Obama as the Antichrist and Erdogan as the Dajjal, or

3) Present Erdogan as BOTH the Antichrist and Dajjal.

If they want to use option 1 or 2, they’ll have to act in the next two weeks. And if they are forced to delay and use option 3, the Christian side of their prophecy fulfillment effort takes a serious hit. Nothing would please me more…

(P.S. – 19 September 2016) – Obama’s 7-year mark as “Antichrist” will be reached over the course of this coming weekend, so it’s interesting to find two big events scheduled for this week.

1) The UN “Summit” in New York kind of caught me by surprise. I didn’t even know it was happening until yesterday…
…From Zero Hedge

So with bombs being found in New York as world leaders gather there, Obama will be meeting today with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. This meeting could be the precursor to a freedom of navigation operation being conducted after the Summit.

2) Also worth watching is the FOMC meeting and its interest rate announcement on Wednesday. If “mischief is a go” for Obama’s 7th, we’ll see the “Fed Mistake” rear its ugly head. I wrote a lot about the Fed Mistake in 2014 and 2015, so if you are a new reader, here is what it would look like in a nutshell…

> The Fed zigs (raises interest rates) when the market expects them to zag.
> Markets are spooked and asset bubbles begin to deflate.
> Emerging market countries are unable to afford enough dollars to pay their dollar-denominated debt, so they run to the BRICS to reboot their economies without dollar-denominated debt.

If the UN Summit and Fed announcement are uneventful, the weekend probably will be too. But if they bring some surprises, well, you know…

(P.S. – 19 September 2016) – In the previous postscript, we examined two things worth watching this week — now let’s add a third: whether or not Congress will pass a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government funded past September 30.

The globalists have been careful to leave the door open for a US government shutdown for the past few years, and now that we’re approaching Obama’s Weekend, they have another opportunity to make it happen. Here is how it would go down…

> Congress fails to pass the CR by Friday.
> They fly home for the weekend to make campaign appearances for the November election.
> “ISIS / Al CIAda” unleash attacks over Obama’s Weekend that keep Congress from reconvening next week (attacks in Washington and/or at campaign rallies would be especially effective at locking down Congressmen in their home districts).
> Obama declares a national emergency and begins ruling by executive order. That would be a very “Antichrist” thing for him to do, wouldn’t it?

While this is going down on the home front, we could also see Assad and/or Putin striking US special forces in Syria as retaliation for the recent American bombing of Syrian government troops. And if they throw in some incidents in the South China Sea and Ukraine, we could see things really come to a boil.

To be or not to be…
…that is the question. And the globalists are running out of time to answer it.

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

(P.S. – 21 September 2016) – Tomorrow is the 22nd of the month — which is always a prime date for staged events — and it marks the beginning of “Obama’s Weekend,” which extends through Sunday the 25th. Although we won’t be fully out of the trouble window until October 3, Obama’s Weekend represents the most dangerous period during that window.

And while we’re on the subject of Obama, the Antichrist candidate, let’s have a look at what Erdogan, the Dajjal candidate, was doing 7 years ago…

So on the day before Obama became the first sitting US President to also sit as the President of the UN Security Council (thus beginning his 7-year Antichrist time clock), Erdogan was calling for a “New Global Order.” And since Turkey was a member of the Security Council that year, Erdogan sat at the Security Council table over which Obama presided the next day…
…From The Press Project

Fancy that… the Antichrist and Dajjal candidates beginning the 7-year period on the same page and at the same table. Team Antichrist, GO!…

Globalist Agenda Watch: Update 19 – Western Boys Behaving Badly and the September 11 – 25 War Window (+ a P.S.)

The most interesting thing about the just-completed G20 Summit was what happened before it began. In the lead-up to the event, China was trying to tamp down any talk of conflict so they could supposedly concentrate on real economic action. And did the US gracefully accede to their hosts’ wishes? Not quite.

First, on September 2, Obama did this interview on CNN

As you can see, CNN chose a rather undiplomatic (and misspelled) title for the interview: President Obama on China’s Aggression in South China Sea. And they made sure to point out that “there will be consequences” to said aggression. So just two days before the Summit, here is Obama and the Western media insulting the Chinese and doing exactly what the Chinese don’t want by talking conflict.

Second, on September 3, the US (perhaps with Chinese complicity) staged a diplomatic incident upon Obama’s arrival in Hangzhou…
…From the Guardian. Fortunately, the President is quite experienced in exiting from asses.

Take special note of this passage…

>>> A Chinese foreign ministry official involved in the visit denied it had been a snub, telling the South China Morning Post the US delegation had declined to use the usual rolling red-carpet staircase.

“It would do China no good in treating Obama rudely,” the official, who declined to be named, was quoted as saying.

“China provides a rolling staircase for every arriving state leader, but the US side complained that the driver doesn’t speak English and can’t understand security instructions from the United States; so China proposed that we could assign a translator to sit beside the driver, but the US side turned down the proposal and insisted that they didn’t need the staircase provided by the airport,” the official added. <<<

So was this really a Chinese snub of Obama, or did the US deliberately engineer the appearance of a snub to embarrass China? Either way, the globalists’ dialectic conflict was well served by the event. The supposed snub overshadowed the beginning of the Summit — at least in the Western media.

Third, and also on September 3, Obama met with Xi and warned him about China’s activities in the South China Sea. Here is an excerpt from the White House report on what was said to Xi…

“The two leaders had a candid exchange on the recent arbitral tribunal ruling on the case between the Philippines and China, with President Obama emphasizing the importance for China, as a signatory to UNCLOS, to abide by its obligations under that treaty, which the United States views as critical to maintaining the rules-based international order. The President also underscored the United States’ unwavering commitment to the security of its treaty allies, and noted that the strength of those alliance relationships has contributed to the security and stability of the Asia Pacific region. The President reaffirmed that the United States will work with all countries in the region to uphold the principles of international law, unimpeded lawful commerce, and freedom of navigation and overflight. The President encouraged efforts by all parties to lower tensions and create conducive conditions for the peaceful resolution of disputes.”

Looking at these three actions, we see the US “insulting and embarrassing” China just like I outlined in Path 2 of Update 18. And the rest of the West piled onto the Chinese during the Summit. Have a look at this rather tellingly-titled RT article that came out today…
…Here is a notable excerpt…

>>> An inexperienced reader might conclude from this Western coverage that bickering between US and Chinese security guards over the intricacies of approaching the US president’s plane was more important than the agreement of the G20 to modernize the regime of international trade and the actual discussions between Xi and Obama, Putin and Erdogan, Theresa May and Putin – which all took place during these two busy days in Hangzhou.

There may be a deeper symbolism in this contrast of the positive Russo-Chinese approach to the summit and the US/EU push for “concessions via confrontation.” The two sides even used different language. For example, the chairman of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that China “must” allow monitoring of its steel production, saying that losses for European job market due to China’s “overcapacity” were “unacceptable.”

It should be noted that Xi and Putin never used the word “must” when talking about problems with their Western partners. <<<

So this article highlights the West’s confrontational approach at the G20 and contrasts it with the “positive” approach of the supposedly benevolent Eastern Alliance.

With all this in mind – especially Obama’s warning to Xi about “freedom of navigation and overflight” in the South China Sea – recall that I’ve previously estimated the September war window as starting on or about September 11 and climaxing on or about September 25, then look at this…
…From the Huffington Post

So what would happen if the US and Japan conducted a freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea during that timeframe? It would cross China’s previously stated “red line,” wouldn’t it? Could we see an incident that gets the two sides shooting at each other? Could we see the two armadas circling each other with their fingers on their triggers? Could we see “Western provocations” also in Ukraine and Syria?

There are also three other notable things that are scheduled for the September 11 – 25 window. One of them is designed to celebrate the end of the September war, and the other two provide the globalists with a fallback crisis point should they choose to cancel their plans for this month.

1) Palmyra’s Roman Triumphal Arch is coming to New York City on September 19
…but unless a portion of the Arch has been hollowed out to house a nuke or it is used as a terror magnet for “ISIS,” its erection in New York will play no role in the war itself. It will, however, play a symbolic role later, especially if its erection gets delayed until the war is over.

The fundamental purpose of staging a war this month is to “defeat the power of the West” and allow the Global Roman Empire (the United Nations, which is headquartered in New York City) to become the undisputed global authority and central hub for human interaction (all roads lead to Rome). So erecting a Roman Triumphal Arch after the war is complete makes symbolic sense.

Information on the other two notable things – the globalists’ resurrection of the “September Fed Mistake” and “Greek Revolution” scenarios – will be posted in Update 20. We’ll see how the two scenarios tie in with the US debt limit deadline of March 15, 2017 and the predictable confrontation between Congress and President Trump that will occur at that time.

Love always…

(P.S. – 8 September 2016) – With the joint Chinese/Russian naval exercises in the South China Sea (SCS) just a couple of days away, Obama Puts South China Sea Back on Agenda at Summit

President Barack Obama put the long-simmering dispute in the South China Sea front and center on the agenda at a regional summit Thursday as it became clear that most of the other leaders gathered in the Laotian capital were going to let China off with a mild rebuke over its territorial expansion in the resource-rich waters.” – From The New York Times/AP

The next logical step for the US would be to counter Chinese/Russian naval “intimidation” in the SCS with a freedom of navigation operation next week, wouldn’t it?

Meanwhile, in Ukraine…
…From Before the Russian “invasion,” though, look for the Ukrainians to do something that provokes them, just like Obama is “provoking” China. For globalist propaganda purposes, the West must be seen as the aggressors who start the war so the East can be the heroes that end it.

Also, in Syria, Erdogan Says Turkey Would Join U.S. to Fight ISIS in Raqqa, an ISIS Bastion in Syria

“Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, suggested that his country was ready to carry out a joint operation with the United States in northern Syria to fight the Islamic State in its de facto capital, Raqqa, Turkish news media reported on Wednesday.

The move would represent a major escalation in the two countries’ interventions in Syria.” – From The New York Times

So as predicted, we are seeing talk of an imminent US escalation in Syria. The 3 sandboxes are getting a little ripe, aren’t they?

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Updates 17-18 – How September will unfold & A preview of the G20 Summit

[Update 17 – 31 August 2016]

The big month begins tomorrow, and events are tracking pretty much as I expected.

The Olympic terror attack I was expecting to launch the final battle against “ISIS” occurred – just not in the manner I expected. Rather than mounting a large-scale attack at the Olympics and other places, the globalists hit a Turkish wedding party during the last 24 hours of the Games. That, in turn, led to the following sequence of events…

1) August 21 – “Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his condolences in a telegram to Turkey’s president following the attack on a Kurdish wedding party, which he says shows the international community must work together in fighting terrorism.

The Kremlin said Putin on Sunday conveyed Russia’s readiness to increase counter-terrorism cooperation with Turkey, including following through on agreements the two presidents reached during their recent talks in Russia. – From ABC/AP

2) August 22 –
…From Breitbart

3) August 24 –
…From CNN

4) August 27 –
…From Zero Hedge

Can you see how the wedding party attack led to the ongoing final battle against “ISIS” and other US-backed forces? One wonders if an attack on a wedding was chosen to symbolically represent Erdogan’s marriage to Putin.

Also as expected, the globalists have continued their PR rollout of “extraterrestrials” with the recent announcement that a candidate ET radio signal has been detected. This happened hot on the heels of another announcement that an Earth-like planet has been discovered orbiting our closest neighboring star. So in the past few years, they have taken us from…

> the first discovery of a planet orbiting another star to…
> more discoveries of more planets around other stars to…
> the discovery of a gas-giant planet in the habitable zone around another star to…
> the discovery of an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone around another star.
> Oh, and we’re picking up a potential ET radio signal too.
> And now they’re talking about how they are zeroing in on the discovery of “Planet 9″…
…From RT. And here is CNN’s version of the story
…so both Eastern and Western propaganda organs are promoting it.

Can you see how they’ve been slowly walking us towards their announcement of fake ETs from a fake inhabited planet (“Nibiru”)?

Finally, as expected, war triggers are in place for potential conflict in the 3 sandboxes the globalists have prepared for warplay.

1) Russian military drills along Ukraine’s borders have the Ukrainians suggesting that war could begin in September…
…From Ukraine Today

2) China has warned Japan against joining the US in its freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea, and given the supposedly hawkish nature of Japan’s new defense minister, look for Japan to cross that “red line” in a couple of weeks…
…From The Diplomat

3) As was previously noted, US-backed forces in Syria are under attack by Turkey / Russia / Syria, which could lead to a “desperate” escalation by the US in the Middle East.

And in the meantime, we keep getting nuclear war warnings from controlled alt-media propagandists…
…From Zero Hedge. Note how Paul Craig Roberts says, “…for the sake of life on earth.” He is speaking in terms that tie in to the fake ET intervention the globalists have planned. If they go through with that magic show, the “ETs” will stop the nuclear war “for the sake of life on earth,” as I outlined last year in Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016.

Can you see how events in the 3 sandboxes are escalating towards a September crescendo?

With all this set before us, this is how September should unfold…

1) Big announcements and revelations will come in the first part of the month.
2) Big provocations that lead us to the precipice (or just past the precipice) of World War 3 will come in the middle of the month.
3) The big climax (and Putin’s victory) will come in the last part of the month.

If the globalists stick with their core plans, things will happen according to the dates I’ve previously outlined (give or take a week or two). But if they abandon the 3-Step Prophecy Deception or the 2016 Rollout, they can put things off and my dates will be wrong. We’ll find out soon enough.

For more in-depth information on this topic, read…

Your Guide to the Operational Launch of the NWO in 2016

[Update 18 – 1 September 2016]

After surveying the propaganda lead-in to the G20 Summit in China on Sunday and Monday, I’ve identified three paths the Summit could take…

Path 1: “The East Take the Reins” – I outlined this scenario in Why Putin and Xi will announce their new gold standard on September 5, and it involves China and Russia taking the initiative at the G20 Summit by announcing their intention to implement gold and commodities backing for their national currencies. It would be presented as a move to restore order, balance and confidence in the global financial system through the reestablishment of “sound money.” And it would result in massive trading out of the Western “fiat” currencies (especially the soon-to-be-nonexistent euro) and into the ruble and yuan, thus triggering a Western banking collapse.

Path 2: “The West’s Final Insult” – This scenario is foreshadowed in this article from Newsweek

The scenario would involve Western leaders “insulting and embarrassing” China and sabotaging any action to implement “positive change” in the global financial system. The Russians and Chinese would afterwards be publicly seen saying, “This is the last straw! Nothing will change if WE don’t take action NOW.”

The actions they’d take would include…

> forcefully blocking any further Western military “provocations” and attacks, whether the attacks are conducted by the West’s uniformed military services or their intelligence agencies and proxies (such as the regime-change terrorists in Syria),

> releasing all their damning dossiers (either directly or through intermediaries like Wikileaks) on Western leaders and Western “Zionist” central bankers, and

> making their gold announcement at some point between September 6 and October 9 (the final day of the IMF / World Bank annual meetings).

Path 3: “The West’s Final Insult Compels the East to Take the Reins” – This hybrid scenario would involve the West behaving badly on the first day of the G20 Summit and the Chinese and Russians responding with their gold announcement on the second day. The Chinese and Russians would then take the other steps outlined in Path 2.

++++++++++Addendum 1++++++++++

While I was researching for this update, I stumbled back upon an instructive BRICS Post article on the G20 Summit that was published last December…
…So I will continue adding to this update by walking you through its notable points. In doing so, we’ll see why interim President Paul Ryan or newly-elected President Donald Trump might nominate someone like Ron Paul to lead the Federal Reserve Bank. And here we go…

Point 1: Take note of the author of the article…
…and its headline…
…(The “G20 must act,” eh? That sounds like what the IMF just said in the P.S. at the bottom of this entry)

Since the author, He Yafei, is a Chinese government official, the expectations he presents for the G20 are the official expectations of China’s leaders. Chinese officials aren’t known for going rogue and presenting their own personal opinions; they stick to the party line. And the headline, which stresses action over talk, is a common theme of both Chinese and Russian G20 propaganda (see the featured articles in Why Putin and Xi will announce their new gold standard on September 5 for more instances of this).

So with all the noise the Chinese and Russians have been making about action over talk from the G20, do you think they’ll let this Summit pass without any substantive action being taken? It seems unlikely, because it would result in the Chinese “losing face.” That’s why I think the 3 Paths I’ve presented are their most likely plays (unless exposure of their plans causes them to wuss out again).

++++++++++Addendum 2++++++++++

Now let’s begin analyzing the article by starting with the first two paragraphs. I’ll bold key sections and include my comments in [brackets]…

>>> President Xi Jinping announced in Turkey a few weeks ago that China, as the rotating chair, will host the G20 summit in Hangzhou in September 2016, with the theme of “promoting the innovative, dynamic, concerted and inclusive world economy”. It dovetails with G20’s lasting efforts in promoting global innovative economic growth, perfecting economic and financial governance [i.e. perfecting globalist control over the world’s economic systems], stimulating international trade and investment in order to have inclusive and concerted development.

As China assumes its chairmanship, the G20 arrives at a historic juncture of turning itself from a “fire brigade” into the global mechanism for addressing long-term and structural deficiencies in world economy. Greater expectations naturally have surfaced for China’s role in shepherding G20 and world economy in the right direction [So the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is going to “shepherd” the world? Prepare to get the rod if you step out of line]. What are the most important expectations and what should be done for China to meet them? <<<

Looking at this passage, we see them talking about “perfecting economic and financial governance,” an “historic juncture,” and the G20 as “THE global mechanism.” So as they affirm the G20’s place as the global mechanism for perfected global control under Chinese leadership, we must recall what notorious Western globalist George Soros said about China and the globalists’ “New Financial World Order” (NFWO)…

“I think this would be the time, because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order — financial world order. They are kind of reluctant members of the IMF. They play along, but they don’t make much of a contribution because it’s not their institution. Their share is not commeasurate — their voting rights are not commeasurate — to their weight. So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order, and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies.”

So the New Financial World Order that China is scheduled to inaugurate at the G20 Summit is, in fact, the crystallization of George Soros’ vision of the NWO/NFWO. In other words, the Chinese are about to do EXACTLY what the “evil Western globalists” want them to do. To see the source of Soros’ quote and to understand how the “evil Western globalists” created BOTH the G20 and the BRICS Alliance, read…

George Soros and the China-fronted NWO

++++++++++Addendum 3++++++++++

Let’s move on by examining excerpts, starting with this one…

>>> Why has China chosen that theme? Broadly speaking, there are three background reasons for the choice:

1. Though the world economy is more or less out of the financial crisis, the economic recovery is slow and unsatisfactory with no visible new driving forces.

[The author goes back to the concept of a “new driving force” later in the article, and it’s a doozy.]

2. Reforms in global governance lack progress and international rules-making on economy and trade is messy and confusing to say the least.

[Speaking of “reforms in global governance,” the IMF finally implemented the long-delayed 2010 reforms in January of this year. And while doing this increased the developing world’s representation in the IMF to some degree, it still left the US holding over 15% of the voting power within the institution, which means the US retains its veto power over big decisions. As part of China’s big gold move, they will offer the IMF some of their gold in exchange for SDRs, so watch for those new SDRs to dilute the US’ voting power to under 15%. This will kill America’s veto power and unleash a tidal wave of reforms within the institution.]

3. The G20 feels powerless or has its hands tied in coordinating global macro-economic policies.

[Here the Chinese are bemoaning the G20’s inability to implement coordinated policies. So the coming Chinese initiatives will enable such coordination like George Soros suggested: “…I think this (the New Financial World Order) would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies.”] <<<

Here’s the next excerpt…

>>> As the G20 creates more than 80% of global GDP, it is safe to say that the world future is in the hands of G20. <<<

“The world future is in the hands of G20,” eh? There is a Soros quote for that too – it is a statement he made immediately after the last quote we examined: “I think the makings of it [the NFWO] are already there because the G20, in agreeing to peer reviews, effectively is moving in that direction.” So according to Soros, the G20 is the nascent NFWO, and that means the Chinese are saying that “the world future” is in the hands of the New Financial World Order that was planned by George Soros and Company. Lovely.

++++++++++Addendum 4++++++++++

Well, it looks like I ran out of time to complete the analysis of the article. The big show is about to start, and I want to relax and watch what they do. I would’ve completed the job today, but the stormy weather finally cleared so I took my son out for Starbucks and grocery shopping. After that I was tired, and I certainly can’t write tonight because it’s Saturday Sangria Night. No earthly crisis (outside of my own household) is ever allowed to interfere with Sangria Night. That’s Ken’s time.

Whenever I do have my sangria, I’m often reminded of when I took “Holy Communion” as a young Christian child. Because Jesus loved me, I was compelled to eat his flesh and drink his blood on a weekly basis, and it would have been alright if he’d tasted better. But alas, his blood tasted like Concord grape juice and his flesh like a tasteless wafer of paper. I think taste is the most overlooked aspect of selecting a god for oneself.

Now that I view Source Consciousness as “God,” I’m so much more pleased with the menu choices. “His” blood tastes like sangria and “his” flesh like jalapeno kettle chips. My new god is, quite simply, delicious. And he offers you a nice buzz too. All I have to do to complete my “Unholy Communion” is take 666 sips of his blood and eat a whole bag of his flesh. I guess you can never be too much like god, right?

Perhaps the Christians would get more converts if they offered a Caribbean jerk messiah…

Anyways, love to all. I’ll see you on the other side of the G20 show.

(P.S. – 1 September 2016) – Yep, here we go! In this simple, made-for-public-consumption video, the IMF is openly calling on the G20 to take “forceful policy actions”…

At the same time, the media are suggesting that the West will coc*block China’s attempts to do so…

“When leaders of 20 major nations and the European Union meet next week, their host China is likely to push far-reaching measures for world economic stimulus. But Beijing’s agenda that covers consolidation of cross-border investment rules and the industrialization of Africa may get just a polite, diluted reaction from the other leaders, who include U.S. President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.” – From Forbes

So how can China take forceful action in the face of foot-dragging by the US and Japan? By announcing their new gold standard of course. They and their Russian allies can take that bold step without the need to bring the whole G20 along. And by doing so, they will be seen as forcing the G20 to move past the Western roadblock in governance reform.

It’s a lovely little dialectic dance, isn’t it? I call it the Globalist Waltz…

Your Guide to the Operational Launch of the NWO in 2016

Around we go one more time on the merry-go-round from hell…


The G20 globalists, which consist of the central bankers from both the East and the West, are working very closely together to put the New World Order in place this year. And should they be undeterred in their efforts, this is what you’ll see in late December…

> A “reformed” and strengthened United Nations with Vladimir Putin being either its Secretary-General-elect or its influential “godfather and global goodwill ambassador.”

> A “reformed” IMF / World Bank (which are the financial organs of the UN), with a Chinaman – most likely Zhou Xiaochuan – at the IMF’s helm.

> An IMF SDR with both the Chinese yuan added to its currency basket and gold added to its valuation, and it will start taking on the role of a global reserve currency (on its way to becoming the global consumer currency).

That is what the New World Order will look like. And under normal circumstances, it would take many months or even years of negotiations to get the UN from where it is now to that point. But it’s not hard to imagine circumstances that could shorten the process, such as if…

> the world were overtaken by a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, and urgent action were needed to “restore order and confidence,” and…

> a detailed plan to “restore order and confidence” were already prepared and ready to be implemented.

Rest assured that the globalists intend to provide us with both the crisis and the recovery plan, and they will attempt to do so between now and the end of the year, with…

> August (through mid-September) being the month of terror, in which a Global 9/11 may be staged,

> September being the month of earth-shaking crisis, which will be economic/financial and possibly military and religious too, and

> October through December being the months of “frantic effort to restore order and confidence” by putting the New World Order structure in place.

Over the next few days, I’ll take you beyond the East vs. West dialectic smokescreen the globalists have thrown up, and I’ll show you their real plans. This includes a look at the three decision points they face in August and September…

1) Do we use ISIS to perform a “Global 9/11” in August or early September, yes or no?

2) Do we launch a short World War 3 in early September, yes or no?

3) Do we put on a religious/prophetic magic show in late September, yes or no?

And we’ll explore how these decisions can result in either a “war path” or “peace path” to the NWO.

As always, my purpose in writing about this is to create sufficient awareness to stymie their efforts. No globalist magician likes to perform a show in front of an audience of hecklers who know exactly which tricks they’ll perform and exactly how those tricks work.

Let’s not go gently into that New Dawn.

[Update 1 – 11 August 2016]

Will the globalists opt for a Global 9/11, yes or no?

Given that we’re already in August and the Olympics are in full swing, the most urgent question facing us is whether or not the globalists will go through with the big ISIS attack they’ve been telegraphing…
…From Business Insider. Here’s a key passage…

>>> Harry also claimed that while he was in ISIS-held territory, he “frequently heard people talking about attacks in the West” and that “pretty much every European jihadist was approached with the same questions he had been asked,” according to the magazine.

ISIS reportedly wants “something that happens everywhere at the same time,” Harry said. <<<

So why would ISIS want such a thing, you ask? Because their group is run by the globalist intelligence agencies, and those agencies are using ISIS as a tool to artificially fulfill religious prophecies. The globalists want the religious majority of the world’s population to see the NWO transition time as the prophesied “End Times” battle between good and evil, with evil (represented by the Western “Satanic” imperialists) being defeated by good (represented by the BRICS freedom fighters). And a Global 911 attack would mobilize the world’s militaries for the big fight.

Globalist prophecy propaganda also tells us why this attack must happen in August or early-September of this year. As was pointed out in Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016, Christian prophecy associates a 7-year term with the “Antichrist” who will “come to deceive us” before “Christ’s Second Coming.” And as it turns out, the globalists positioned Obama to be in all the right places at all the right times to fulfill that Antichrist role. His seven year term in the role began in September of 2009, which means it must end in September of 2016. So a Global 9/11 in August or early-September would set in motion the September confrontation between the “Antichrist” Obama and the “Christ” Putin. And Putin is scripted to defeat Obama in one of two ways…

1) by ending the war that Obama starts, or

2) by preventing the war that Obama attempts to start.

As for the exact date of Global 9/11, it could happen any day between today and mid-September, but given the globalists’ obsession with symbolism, numerology, astrology and prophecy, certain dates stand out as notable candidates…

1) August 14, for reasons outlined in Your Guide to the Rio Olympics and Global 9/11.

2) August 21, due to the Nostradamus quatrain about the “Games of Slaughter” – the “Jeux d’Hecatombe.” In ancient Greece, a Hecatombe was a ritual slaughter performed for Zeus at the end of the Olympic Games. Given that August 21 is the end of the Rio Olympics and is a Sunday when the Christian sheep will be packed in their churches for slaughter, it is the second most likely day.

3) August 22 and September 11, because those dates are “Master Numbers” (11 and 22), and the globalists love doing nasty things on such dates (9/11 was on an 11th; Kennedy’s assassination was on a 22nd).

And by the way, don’t be surprised if Global 9/11 includes one or more low-yield nuclear explosions. The “Syrian rebels” already set one off in Homs, Syria a while back. I covered it in my old blog, and I came to the conclusion that it was nuclear due to the blast characteristics and the US embassy shutdowns that followed in the hours after the video hit the internet.

All this being said, if the globalists opt for “no” on Global 9/11, it might indicate that they’re leaning towards the “peace path.” But we can’t know for sure without answering the other two questions.

[Update 2 – 12 August 2016]

Will the globalists stage a world war and a magic show in September, yes or no?

If World War 3 starts, look to the sky on the 3rd day after Putin is killed…
…and observe the coolest, and most expensive, magic show you’ve ever seen.

The two globalist decision points concerning World War 3 and a religious/prophetic magic show are so intertwined that they must be addressed together. This is because the main purpose in staging a war is to simulate the “End Times” battle that so many religious people have been programmed to expect.

If the globalists opt to start the battle, they will stop it by using the magic show, and that magic show will feature Vladimir Putin as the “hero who saves the day.” He would then be proclaimed the “savior/messiah.” And after observing the trillion dollar messiah show, the gullible religious types are expected to embrace him.

That being said, the globalists need a precipitating event to get the war started, and there are at least two of them that are planned…

1) Global 9/11, which would gather contingents from most of the world’s militaries in Syria and Iraq to put down “ISIS” for good, and

2) The Russian/Chinese announcement of their new gold standard on September 4th or 5th, which would trigger a Western financial crisis that could be used as a pretext for Washington to “lash out in desperation.”

Either or both of these events could lead to the war path…

Precipitating Event(s) >>> War in the 3 Sandboxes >>> “Supernatural” Magic Show to Stop the War

In case you are a new reader, I wrote about the 3 sandboxes last December in Dear Zero Hedge readers: The Zionists are not your ultimate enemy; they are mere foils, decoys and scapegoats (+ The 3 sandboxes of World War 3). Here is the section about the sandboxes…

>>> The 3 sandboxes of World War 3

If you’re confused by the back and forth motions between war and peace in the globalist war zones, don’t be. World War 3 is being carefully stage-managed so it won’t climax until next September (when the nuclear button gets pushed). Till then, you’ll see increasingly serious confrontations interspersed with peace initiatives to keep the conflict moderated.

In the months ahead, the confrontations will be limited to the 3 sandboxes the globalists have built to play war in: 1) Ukraine, 2) Syria and the Levant, and 3) the South China Sea. With conflict zones in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, it will qualify as a world war. And it will break out of the sandboxes only when we approach the climax.

If you’re a new reader, don’t fret about the nuclear button getting pushed. When you see the missiles rise into the sky, you’ll see something else in the sky with them. Follow the “End Times” Programming link to discover what that is. <<<

As for the details of the magic show, you’ll find them in Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016.

But what if the globalists get pee shy and decide to cancel the war and the magic show in order to take a more low-key approach to launching the NWO? When they orchestrated the sudden reversal of Erdogan’s trajectory, they opened the door for this. Under this alternative “peace path,” Erdogan would cut off his support and seal his borders to ISIS, thus allowing the Russians and Syrians to roll over them. Putin would then be portrayed as a “geopolitical master” for turning the Turks and conquering ISIS.

And just like the war path has precipitating events, the peace path has 3 of its own…

1) The Russian/Syrian defeat of ISIS,

2) The Russian/Chinese announcement of their new gold standard on September 4th or 5th, and

3) The release of America’s deepest, darkest secrets by globalist agents Assange and Snowden.

These moves would result in a Western financial and political super-crisis, and that crisis would be portrayed as paralyzing the West’s efforts to start World War 3. The war would be over before it begins, and the triumphant hero Putin would step up to restore global political order while his partner Xi steps up to restore global economic order.

With the peace path thus set before us, we must ask ourselves, “What would happen to the religious/prophetic aspect of the Transition – without a war and magic show, what would happen to all the Antichrist / Christ stuff?”

Most likely, the globalists would pare down their 3-step prophecy fulfillment plan to a 2-step plan. This is their 3-step plan…

Step 1) Obama is portrayed as the Antichrist, but later turns out to be just a decoy.
Step 2) Putin is portrayed as the Christ, but later turns out to be the “real Antichrist.”
Step 3) The globalist-selected “real Christ” shows up.

…and this is what the pared-down plan would look like…

Step 1) 3.5 years into the NWO, things would turn ugly, and Putin would take actions that shock people and make them say, “Holy sh*t, Putin might be the fu*king Antichrist!”
Step 2) At Putin’s 7-year mark, the globalist-selected “real Christ” shows up.

In this 2-step plan, we’d get only one magic show instead of two, and that would be kinduva bummer. But it would mean that we’ve pushed them back, and if we can push them back now, we can push them back 7 years from now.

So which path will they take: the war path or the peace path? Since about a week ago, I’m thinking they might go the peace path, but I’m no mind-reader. I can see the fork in the road they face, but I cannot predict which way they’ll choose to go. And this is why I forewarn you of both.

And speaking of Putin being the Antichrist who runs the UN-centered NWO, he has been paying a lot of attention to strengthening the UN’s military and police forces. I’ll get into that in the next update.

[Update 3 – 15 August 2016]

Putin’s Drive to Militarize the UN

Once the UN-centered New World Order is put in place, the globalists have scripted a honeymoon period during which things will look much better than they do now. But once we hit the 3.5 year mark, Putin and the UN will start doing some ominous things with the upgraded military and police powers the UN will then possess.

It should come as no surprise, then, that less than a month after Putin was handed the Russian Presidency by Yeltsin, he was hosting the UN Secretary-General and talking about strengthening the “authority and influence of the UN”…

A few months later, he attended the UN Millennium Summit and started getting specific about increasing the UN’s power…
…from The People’s Daily. Here is an excerpt…

“During the meeting, they discussed conflict resolution, rapid reaction capability for peacekeepers, post-conflict reconstruction and the U.N. reform.

Putin expressed interest in reviving the U.N. Military Staff Committee which coordinates military activity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in support of international peace and security, but which has never been effective.”

Now if we look into the UN Military Staff Committee, we see this…

“The Military Staff Committee (MSC) is the United Nations Security Council subsidiary body whose role, as defined by the United Nations Charter, is to plan UN military operations and assist in the regulation of armaments.

The greatest purpose of the MSC, arising from Article 45 of the UN Charter, was intended to be providing command staff for a set of air-force contingents. These contingents, provided by the Permanent 5 members (P5) of the Security Council (the People’s Republic of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to be held at ready for the discretionary use of the United Nations.” – From Wikipedia

Clearly, Putin wants the “reformed” UN he will lead to have military teeth. But his (and his globalist handlers’) plans go beyond mere military power, as is shown by this Russian statement at the UN
…Here are some key passages [with my comments added in brackets]…

>>> Russia places a high emphasis on the role that peacekeeping [UN intervention in the internal affairs of nation-states] plays in maintaining international peace and security…

we attach great importance to the establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission, which operates at a cross-juncture of the activities of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council as well as international financial institutions[the UN “Peacebuilding” Commission is designed to move in after the UN military rolls into an area and alter the political and economic order of the invaded area to suit the globalists; it is essentially a colonizing force]

The importance of the UN civil police is increasing. We follow with great interest the implementation of the Summit’s decision to establish a Standing police capacity

It is fundamentally important that all these activities be carried out in accordance with… rational division of labour with the regional organizations. In this connection I would like to stress our conviction that relevant capacities of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Organisation of the Collective Security Treaty and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation might be in high demand. [in other words, they want the UN to use peacekeepers that the Russians and Chinese have trained] I note with satisfaction, that our efforts in strengthening the UN peacekeeping capacity are bearing fruits…

The Peacekeepers’ Training Centre of the Advanced Police Training Academy of the Russian Ministry of Interior organized between the 2nd and 30th of November, 2006 a course “The Civilian Policeman in the UN Missions” for thirty eight representatives of law enforcement institutions from ten African states.

In accordance with the decision of the Russian Government the Ministry of the Interior is planning on training up to 80 people a year till 2010. The next course of training African peacekeepers in Russia is scheduled for the period from March 1st to April 2nd of this year… [so Russia has been recruiting and training agents to embed in UN civil police forces that come from nations they don’t control]

In conclusion I would like to touch upon one more issue. We believe that the improvement of the thorough consideration of all military aspects of specific peacekeeping operations by the UN Security Council would promote greater efficiency of all aspects of UN peacekeeping. The Charter body – the Military Staff Committee (MSC) that is called upon to ensure an appropriate level of military expertise for the UN Security Council decisions, which have a military aspect, might provide a contribution to this. That is why the President of Russia V. Putin set forth the idea of the MSC’s revitalisation at the Millennium Summit. <<<

“Peacekeeping” is an Orwellian doublespeak word for “warmaking.” It involves the UN invasion of a nation-state in order to produce an internal outcome the UN desires. And according to the globalist / Putin plan for a stronger UN, it will involve…

1) more effective application of UN military force, followed by

2) UN civil police to weed out “troublemakers” and pacify the population, and

3) UN “Peacebuilding” agents to remake the affected area’s political and economic structure in accordance with globalist guidelines.

With this 3-step colonization protocol set before us, it’s not hard to imagine where they’re going with it. During the first 3.5 years of the NWO, they might use it only in areas where there are humanitarian crises. This will allow them to practice and fine-tune their approach. But after the 3.5 year mark, they’ll start using the protocol in areas that contain…

> large pockets of resistance to the UN (because “the UN is the source of world peace, so if you’re against the UN, you are a threat to world peace”), and

> large pockets of religious “extremists” (those who cling to traditional religious ideas over the UN’s “It’s All Good” One World Religion).

In both cases, the globalists will use false-flag shootings and bombings to simulate conflict and justify UN intervention.

All this being said, I promised that I’d take you beyond the globalists’ dialectic smokescreen, so that’s where we’re going in the next update. It will be a crash course in understanding who the “globalists” are, what they’re doing, and why they’re doing it.

[Update 4 – 16-24 August 2016]

“What’s Really Going On” 101: A crash course in globalist strategy

I’ve decided that the clearest way to pass on this information is by using a question and answer format, so let’s begin at the beginning…


Part of the deception currently being foisted upon humanity is a false definition of who the globalists are. The controlled mainstream and alternative press have convinced many that the globalists somehow exist only in the West, and “if the Western globalists are defeated, globalism is defeated.” This is childish nonsense.

Here is the real definition of the globalists, as is offered in Understanding the NWO Strategy

>>> Lurking behind the “Democratic Facade” (the so-called “democratic” governments that the public sees as the guiding hands in our world), are the Occulted Powers (OPs). The OPs are a criminal conglomerate of the local royal families throughout the world who are intermarried and/or interoperating with the global network of Jewish bankster families. Under this worldwide royal/Jew “elite,” there are a variety of secret societies (such as the Freemasons) and criminal gangs (such as the Triads) who recruit useful “commoners” into their conspiracy and run societies at the street level.

As with any large gang of criminals, there is some degree of competition amongst the families as they compete for power, position and wealth within the syndicate, but they are all united in furthering their collective control and exploitation of the human race. They are the ones who have been pushing for ever more centralized control of humanity; they are the “globalists.” <<<

As to how the Occulted Powers came to take on their current form, here is the most concise historical narrative I’ve encountered…
…From Wikipedia. This is the opening section from the page it offers on the subject…

>>> In the early modern period, a court Jew, court factor or Sheckler (German: Hofjude, Hoffaktor) was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to, European royalty and nobility. In return for their services, court Jews gained social privileges, including in some cases being granted noble status. Court Jews were needed because prohibitions against usury applied to Christians, but did not apply to Jews.

Examples of what would be later called court Jews emerged in the High Middle Ages when the royalty, the nobility, and the church borrowed money from money changers or employed them as financiers. Among the most notable of these were Aaron of Lincoln and Vivelin of Strasbourg. Jewish financiers could use their family connections to provide their sponsors with finance, food, arms, ammunition, gold, and precious metals.

The rise of the absolute monarchies in Central Europe brought many Jews, mostly of Ashkenazi origin, into the position of negotiating loans for the various courts. They could amass personal fortunes and gain political and social influence. However, the court Jew had social connections and influence in the Christian world mainly through the Christian nobility and church. Due to the precarious position of Jews, some nobles could ignore their debts. If the sponsoring noble died, his Jewish financier could face exile or execution. The most famous example of this occurred in Württemberg when, after the death of his sponsor Charles Alexander in 1737, Joseph Süß Oppenheimer was put on trial and finally executed. In an effort to avoid such fate, some court bankers in the late 18th centurysuch as Samuel Bleichröder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, or Aron Elias Seligmann—successfully detached their businesses from these courts and established what eventually developed into full-fledged banks. <<<

And as we know, these “full-fledged banks” then went on to create central banks, which spread everywhere (all G20 nations have them, including the supposed BRICS “freedom fighters”).

So in the Occulted Powers / Globalists, we have a merger in which…

> the local royals – such as the House of Windsor in the UK — who control the various “democratic” governments, militaries, and police forces

…have joined with…

> the worldwide network of Jewish bankster families – such as the Rothschilds in the UK – who control the money.

Over time, the Jewish banksters (a.k.a. the Jewish “elite”) got the best of the royals and became the senior partners in the arrangement. This is because the global network of banksters had the power to crash the economies of any non-cooperative royals, as well as finance both internal and external enemies to unseat and replace them. In fact, that is exactly what happened to Russia’s Romanov royals: the Jewish elite financed and ran the communist revolution, then killed off the non-cooperative royals and shut down the Russian Orthodox Church. They then merged with the remaining royals and the Church and relaunched a Judaized version of both. Vladimir Putin is a great example of this…

> He is apparently the product of Jewish breeding with the Russian Putyatin “noble” family (see Vladimir (Ras)Putin’s Jewish, Communist, and Bloodline Connections).


> He is greeted and blessed by visiting rabbis in the manner prescribed only for Jewish kings (see Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew).

All this being said, the elite Jews are the element of the globalists who are driving the drama we’re seeing in the world right now. And to correct those who might try to paint me as some sort of Jew-hating “anti-Semite,” I’d like to point out that I’m actually on the side of the ordinary Jew. I know what the elite Jews have scheduled for the ordinary Jews in a little over 7 years. It isn’t pretty, and my aim is to stop it (see Operation God-King: The globalist/Lubavitch plot to slaughter the Jews and install a Kabbalized Christ as Global King).

Now you know who the globalists really are.


One might think that their goal is the establishment of the New World Order, but the NWO retains some “democratic” characteristics and is merely an intermediate step to their ultimate goal. So what, then, is their ultimate goal? It is absolute, undemocratic global rule through a figurehead Jewish god-king…

But their god-king will not be named “Shlomo Goldmanstein”; he’ll be named “Jesus Christ.” And he will come after Vladimir Putin runs the NWO into the ground in order to convince people that humans can’t rule themselves.


For two reasons…

1) Jews have a bad reputation and aren’t terribly popular in much of the world. So if they installed an openly Jewish god-king, there would be widespread, endless rebellion.

2) “Jesus Christ,” on the other hand, has a great reputation and is popular worldwide. So if they install a “Jesus Christ” instead of a “Shlomo Goldmanstein” as god-king, he will face a much smoother road to acceptance…
…A painting of Jesus driving the money changers out of the temple.

Because of these reasons, the Jews have been working for centuries to take over the Christian church and slowly Judaize it…

> The Roman Catholic Church was infiltrated by Marrano Jews through the Jesuit order, and with help from the Jewish money men outside the Church, they rose to positions of power and slowly took control. Now a Jew-hugging Jesuit is Pope, and their dominion over the Church is complete. I suspect that the massive upswing in child molestation revelations in recent years was about purging or silencing the last remaining resisters within the Church hierarchy. The fact that the revelations were so widely circulated by Jew-controlled media and Hollywood would seem to confirm this. They use similar tactics on politicians.

> The largest component of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, was effectively shut down by the Jews’ communist front after the Russian revolution. It was later relaunched using KGB-selected clergy. And who controlled the KGB? The same people who financed and ran the Communist Party, and you know who that is.

> Many components of the Protestant churches were also infiltrated by crypto-Jews who moved to take control of the 3 Ms: money, message (doctrine), and media. One such case is documented in Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders, and the two Jews who allegedly attempted the takeover went for control of the church’s money and doctrine. The Jews’ success in these efforts is reflected any time you tune in to a Christian TV network like Trinity Broadcasting Network or Daystar: you will see an endless parade of rabbis and Jewish-born “Christians” talking about blood moons, shemitahs, prophecies, and other such contrived nonsense. They are programming the Christians to accept their prophecy fulfillment efforts.


The primary reason the globalists are building the UN-centered New World Order is to provide a prophetic segue into their Crypto-Jewish “Kingdom of Christ.” The NWO will play the role of the “Beast” system that Christians have been programmed to expect prior to Jesus’ return. Just have a look at what the Jehova’s Witnesses say on the subject…

Looking at the description they offer of the Beast, it sounds an awful lot like the UN, doesn’t it? So the UN and its leader, Vladimir Putin, will “battle God’s armies commanded by Jesus Christ at Armageddon [a little over 7 years from now], but this war will result in the nations [and the UN] being destroyed.”

Further suggestion that the UN’s NWO is the prophetic Beast system is offered in the article’s final paragraph…

“Likewise, the seven heads of the beast of Revelation 13:1 represent seven governments: the primary political powers that have dominated through history and have taken the lead in oppressing God’s people—Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Anglo-America. If we conclude that the ten horns represent all sovereign states, small and large, then the diadem, or crown, on each horn shows that each nation rules concurrently with the primary political power of the time.”

As you can see, the last political power they mention as “oppressing God’s people” is the supposed Anglo-American empire. And what have the globalists scripted to take over after the fall of the American empire? The UN of course; both Russia and China (as well as the Pope) point to a stronger, reformed UN as the solution to our current woes.

The NWO’s role as the “Beast” from Revelation is also confirmed when the paragraph says “each nation rules concurrently with the primary political power of the time.” That is exactly how the “multilateral / multipolar” NWO is designed to operate: with the UN as the center of global authority and the “free and sovereign” nations as its constituents.

So this and all the other prophetic propaganda I’ve covered point to the UN’s NWO as being the Beast, and to Vladimir Putin as being the Antichrist who leads it. And things will go so wrong in the second half of the NWO’s 7-year life span that people will be convinced they can’t lead themselves and that Christ must instead do it. And who will control the Christ figurehead who shows up to do the job? Yep, the Occulted Powers. They will then undemocratically rule over the whole borderless Earth as “god.”

As for getting “beyond the East vs. West dialectic smokescreen the globalists have thrown up,” which relates to their launch of the NWO, here goes…

The globalists are not so stupid as to come straight at us with their NWO lest they trigger resistance in the global population. So instead, they are using the standard battlefield tactic of sending a distractionary force to engage us in front while they sneak around behind us with the real attack.

The distractionary force – the decoy – is the supposed Western unilateral / unipolar NWO. They are pretending to come straight at us with it, and they have alt-media figures like Alex Jones breathlessly warning us about its approach. So while we are fearfully looking West at the “evil, Satanist unipower” seemingly coming towards us, their real attack is coming from the East in the guise of Putin’s “benevolent, godly” multilateral / multipolar NWO, which is the type of NWO the globalists wanted all along.

To fully understand how they are doing this, it is critically important that you read Understanding the NWO Strategy.

And to understand why Putin’s NWO is the NWO the globalists were planning all along, it is critically important that you read The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS NWO, in their own words.

Finally, to understand how the globalists are using the G20 to bring in the NWO, it is critically important that you read George Soros and the China-Fronted NWO.


When I went to church as a young Christian boy, we used to sing a song called “Jesus Loves Me.” And since Putin is the first of the two coming fake Jesuses, I’ve decided that the song’s lyrics should change…

“Putin loves me this I know
For alt-media tell me so
Foolish rubes to him belong
They are weak but he is strong

Yes Putin loves me
Oh yes, Putin loves me
Yes Putin loves me for alt-media tell me so”

But to answer the question posed in this section, Putin is a globalist tool through-and-through. Unfortunately, though, many quasi-awake people have accepted the heroic picture of him painted by globalist controlled / influenced alt-media sources without bothering to investigate him themselves. So if you are one of those who haven’t bothered to research Putin, let me get you up to speed on the man by posing a few sub-questions and providing links to the entries that answer them…

> Have you ever wondered how Vladimir Putin rose to power in Russia? Vladimir Putin: The mobster who would be the globalist Messiah will take you on a concise tour starting from his days as a KGB officer spying on Leningrad State University students to his oligarch-assisted elevation to the Russian Presidency less than 10 years later. The entry covers…

1) How the KGB got Putin started in politics in Leningrad, where he quickly became the city’s KGB/FSB mob boss,

2) How Putin was placed into the Russian Presidency by the uber-corrupt Boris Yeltsin, and

3) How Putin, Yeltsin, and the FSB Mafia planned and executed the Russian apartment bombings in order to elevate Putin to the Presidency of Russia and redirect the anger of the Russian populace.

> Did you notice what Putin did after 9/11? Let’s cut the crap: Vladimir Putin is helping usher in the globalist New World Order offers a detailed look at how Putin supported the globalists’ 9/11 agenda and how he has promoted the globalists’ UN as the solution to the problems the globalists are creating (they are deliberately creating problems so they can offer the UN as the solution to them).

An important addendum to the “let’s cut the crap” article was offered in another entry. It shows Putin telling a ridiculous and obvious lie about 9/11. Here it is…


In my last entry on Vladimir Putin, Let’s cut the crap: Vladimir Putin is helping usher in the globalist New World Order, I pointed out his cooperation with the globalists’ 9/11 operation and his promotion of the globalists’ United Nations as the solution to all the problems the globalists are purposefully creating for us. But there was one piece of evidence I almost forgot, and I rediscovered it in a Non-Aligned Media write-up on Putin by Brandon Martinez. It was this article from RT (which has been scrubbed from their site, but remains in the Internet Archive)…

There are four important things to be noted about this article (an excerpt of which can be found in the next graphic down)…

1) It shows Putin once again giving his unequivocal support to the 9/11 Official Story, and doing so nearly 10 years after the attacks. By the time this article was published in 2011, just about every regular jagoff with an internet connection (like me) had figured out the attacks were an inside job, and this makes Putin’s remarks all the more ridiculous and damning.

Also damning is the fact that RT removed the article from its site and redirected traffic to an article about a blonde female aerial acrobat. Why would they remove the piece, you ask? To protect Putin’s rep as a truth-teller and to clear the way for him to bring forward 9/11 truth at the appropriate time (according to the globalists’ schedule).

2) The article is from RT, which is a propaganda outlet owned by the Russian government. And this means no excuse can be made that Putin’s remarks were misinterpreted, taken out of context, spun, or meant in jest.

3) Alex Jones’ Infowars reported on the article too, and they haven’t scrubbed it from their site…

This means that Alex Jones knows about Putin’s support of the Official Story. Given that Alex is “Mr. 9/11-was-an-inside-job”…
…why is he still promoting Putin as a truth-teller and opponent of the globalists?…

I can tell you why: Alex Jones’ job is to sell the dialectic conflict. That’s why…

> He is promoting 9/11 truth to make the “evil, Western” globalists look bad
> He is promoting Putin as the solution to “evil, Western” globalists.

4) “Putin added that he could not imagine how ‘any of the current or former US leaders could have such an idea.’” – This has to be Putin’s most absurd statement ever.

So the former intelligence professional Vladimir Putin cannot imagine how George W. Bush, the son of the 11th Director of Central Intelligence…
…could have an idea for a false-flag operation?

Are you fu*king kidding me???

Putin’s absurd statement is made infinitely more ludicrous by the fact that both the PNAC and Operation Northwoods documents were available in the public domain prior to 9/11. Since these documents provide some VERY interesting insights into what’s going on today, this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.


Now let’s go on to the final sub-question about Putin’s globalist status…

> Why does this website associate the term “messiah” with Vladimir Putin? After widely surveying Judeo-Christian prophecy propaganda, it became clear to me that Putin has been selected to play the role of the Jewish messiah (the Mashiach). In Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?, I lay out 9 qualifications of the Mashiach and show how Putin fits them all.

Additionally, it is very important to understand Putin’s connection to the Chabad-Lubavitch messianic cult. Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script explores the intimate connections among the Jewish oligarchs, Putin, and the cult, and it shows how Putin aided Chabad in a “hostile takeover” of Russian Jewry. Given that the cult was born out of Imperial Russia, it makes sense that they’d choose a Russian to play the Mashiach role.

That being said, I’m reasonably certain that Putin will be revealed as the Mashiach, but I’m growing a bit uncertain as to how the revelation will take place. Will the globalists trumpet him before the public this year, or will they “keep it on the down low” this year and slowly leak information until the public realizes it for themselves? If they opt for the war path, you’ll hear trumpets; otherwise, it could be a slow revelation.

And here is the final Q&A for the crash course…


I never viewed prophecy as a real factor in the NWO rollout until I saw what the globalists did with Obama. But now that I’ve incorporated artificial prophecy fulfillment into my tracking of their agenda, I feel I have the final piece of the puzzle that I was missing. To see what they did with Obama, it is very important that you read Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016. It not only talks about him; it outlines both the 2-step and 3-step prophecy fulfillment deceptions that I mentioned earlier in this entry.

For additional important information, read…

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 1 – Alex Jones and the Christ Conspiracy

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 2 – Will Pope Francis go down with the West?

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 3 – Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 4 – How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will unfold

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 5 – Dear Muslims, the Jews will use the Imam Mahdi to destroy you

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 6 – New prophetic propaganda still points to September

Love always…

(P.S. – 14 August 2016) – It’s now one hour past sunset in Rio, so Tisha B’Av has ended there without a terror attack. On a hunch, I decided to check for any news of Turkish cooperation with Russia against ISIS and found this…
…from (note how the headline says “Vladimir Putin” teams up with Turkey, not “Russia” teams up with Turkey; they had to mention the name of the “hero”)

To see such a story in a Western rag tells me that the odds of us seeing the peace path are increasing. So the next things to watch for are giant releases from Assange and Snowden, as well as the Russian/Chinese gold announcement on September 4-5. And not long after the announcement, the second set of Twin Towers will fall (figuratively, not literally)…
…From Wikipedia

(P.S. – 18 August 2016) – Speaking of the peace path, on the same day that articles about Putin and Erdogan teaming up against ISIS began appearing, August 11, a new “prophecy” was circulated on End Times news sites. It states that…

“Megillat Setorim describes the Messiah as conquering the world without firing even a single bullet

Not in Megillat Setorim, but in other places, Rabbi Natan writes that he understood from his teacher Rebbe Nachman that the War of Gog and Magog would not be a physical war, but a spiritual and cultural war.”

So now we have a new prophecy that points to the peace path and suggests that the Gog / Magog War is the (contrived) conflict we’ve been observing between the Global North (the West) and the Global South (the BRICS). If the globalists have indeed switched to the peace path, the growing crescendo of war warnings coming out of the Ukraine and the South China Sea are meant to convey the supposed gravity of the situation from which Putin will save us.

On an interesting side note, a One World Religion festival will be taking place in Jerusalem during the critical days of September. It starts on September 4 (the first day of the G20 Summit in China) and ends on September 23. The festival’s artistic director offers this interesting quote…

“It is nothing short of a miracle that between four walls, we will inaugurate a temporary home for the three religions that share Jerusalem and for all those who wish to dwell under the wings of the Almighty.”

As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, the permanent home for this “Spiritual UN” religion will be the Third Temple that will be completed in about 3.5 years on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It will then stand as the “abomination that brings desolation,” which will start the NWO going downhill fast.

(P.S. – 21 August 2016) – Erdogan’s security forces have once again staged an “ISIS” attack in Turkey…
…From Google News

Will this one be the “last straw” that begins the final Turkey-Russia-Syria assault against ISIS?

(P.S. – 22 August 2016) – More evidence of the peace path?

Instead of the usual terrorist attack on a 22nd, we get the messiah starting his effort to make “a covenant of peace between Israel and the many”…
…From Haaretz

Putin’s effort to broker a peace between Israel and the Palestinians will, of course, be successful. It will be yet another example of his “steady statesmanship” and “geopolitical mastery.” All hail the Mashiach and Prince of Peace!

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 16 – Why Putin and Xi will announce their new gold standard on September 5

In less than a month comes the golden dawn, and it will rise over the September 4-5 G20 Summit…

[Note: Read Your Guide to the Operational Launch of the NWO in 2016 to see how this gold standard announcement fits into the overall globalist plan.]

Whilst I was rolling my son to the grocery store yesterday morning, some questions came to mind…

With their Olympic ISIS operation fully exposed, what happens if the globalists back off – is there another way to get the September war started?

And with their war and prophecy plans fully exposed, what happens if they cancel the war – is there a “peaceful path” to getting the NWO operationally launched this year?

As I pondered it all, I realized that the answer to both questions is “yes,” and that I’d already written about how they’d do it in an entry from February of last year…

>>> I just came across a Zerohedge article titled “Is Russia Planning A Gold-Based Currency?” To give a simple answer to the question posed by the title, “yes,” both Russia and China (and possibly other BRICS allies) are planning to go to a partial gold backing for their currencies. And once they do, the globalist propaganda organs will laud the move as “the masterstroke that peacefully defeated the Western banksters.”

The (globalist orchestrated) BRICS move towards a partial gold standard goes beyond their own national currencies, though. To “save the international financial system from cataclysm,” they will also offer a portion of their gold reserves to back the IMF’s SDR, and they will receive a large allotment of SDRs in return. This “gold for SDRs” strategy was hinted at in a (UK) Royal Institute of International Affairs paper titled Adding Gold into the Valuation of the SDR

According to the globalist script, in return for “saving the IMF and the international financial system” with their gold, the BRICS (particularly China) will demand sweeping governance reforms of the IMF and the rest of the UN Complex, as well as a Chinese IMF head. The Chinese would then “own” the New World Order system in the way that George Soros described back in 2009. – From Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 14 – The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers <<<

[Addendum 1 – 8 August 2016]

Clues on the upcoming G20 meeting

Once I got home, I started searching through propaganda pieces from Russian and Chinese news sites, and I realized they might be setting up to play the gold card at the upcoming G20 Summit. So let me take you on a tour of 9 articles that offer clues as to what might happen…

Article 1 – From Sputnik
…Here is an excerpt…

President Putin will be the chief guest in Hangzhou, which he will attend at the invitation of Xi Jinping. Aside from the summit, the leaders of the two countries will have a separate meeting on the sidelines of the G20. They will discuss the results of the June 24 Putin’s visit to China, as well as further promotion of Sino-Russian relations,”…

The Chinese are making a big deal about Putin being their top guest at the Summit, and Putin & Xi will hold a bilateral meeting on the sidelines. It is at the end of this meeting that I would expect their big announcement. The article also makes reference to Putin’s visit to China on June 25, which is covered in…

Article 2 – From Russia Beyond The Headlines

As you can see, they signed a large number of agreements at the meeting, but it was the agreement they didn’t publicize that interests us. I suspect that when globalist historians write of what happens in September, they will say that it was at this June meeting that Putin and Xi agreed to announce their gold standard at the G20 Summit. A hint that this may be so is offered in…

Article 3 – From TASS
…Here is an excerpt…

The visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China to attend the G20 summit in September will be an important political event in the Russian-Chinese relations, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui told reporters on Tuesday…

‘I am confident that these two important political events will be a further step in expanding and developing the comprehensive strategic cooperation and partnership,’ the ambassador said, adding that the two sides should take advantage of these opportunities.”

So the Ambassador said that the June meeting provided a “powerful impetus,” and that the September summit will be a “further step in… comprehensive strategic cooperation” which will be a “milestone.” Now let’s look at the “world’s” expectations of the Summit offered in…

Article 4 – From Xinhuanet
…Here is an excerpt…

“With Europe largely impacted by the Brexit, and the United States in election year, China is the one country that has the largest potential to lead the world economy, said Mauricio Santolo, an international relations professor with Rio de Janeiro State University in Brazil.

Santolo said China has a broad domestic market and is politically stable, so it has the capacity to lead other countries, especially the BRICS and other developing countries to enact new policies that would facilitate economic recovery.

Stephan Perry, chairman of Britain’s 48 Group Club, also noted that as China is the current G20 president and the meetings are being held in the country, the world has to look to China for leadership at the meeting of the G20 leaders.”

As we can see, “Chinese leadership” will be on prominent display at the Summit, as will their guest of honor, Vladimir Putin. Given this, it is important to note the expectations that the Chinese have for the event, which is offered in…

Article 5 – From TASS
…Here is an excerpt…

>>> “Russia is main developing economy of the globe; its presence at the G20 summit will be important for promotion of global economic governance and ending of deadlock of the world’s economy,” the [Chinese] diplomat said. <<<

So… “ending the deadlock of the world’s economy” is the Chinese expectation for the Summit, and the big announcement I’m talking about would do that, wouldn’t it? But what of Russia? Their expectations are offered in…

Article 6 – From Xinhuanet
…Here is an excerpt…

>>> He [Russian “expert” Alexey Maslov] stressed that the G20 summit has to become a real working body, not just a platform for discussion.

By implementing a “fairly correct” model of economic structural reform, China has proved its strong political will to the world, he said.

“But the state of the economy, both Chinese and Asian in general, requires the most rapid implementation of these reforms,” Maslov added. <<<

So the Russians too want to end the economic deadlock and achieve “the most rapid implementation” of what they have planned. They also want the G20 to transition from a “platform for discussion” to a “real working body” — a sentiment that is echoed by the Chinese in…

Article 7 – From the South China Morning Post
…Here is an excerpt…

“The G20 summit in Hangzhou in September offers leaders the chance to restore order and confidence in a world full of danger and risk, a Chinese deputy foreign minister has said…

His comments underscore Beijing’s desire to gain a bigger say in international affairs by taking advantage of its presidency of the bloc. China is trying to shift the grouping away from a mostly toothless talk shop towards an effective mechanism for global governance – one where Beijing can play an active role.”

As you can see, the Chinese too want to transition the G20 from a “mostly toothless talk shop” to “an effective mechanism for global governance,” and they want to use their 2016 presidency of the G20 to achieve that. And how does one “restore order and confidence” in the financial system? Replacing “fiat” currencies with “gold-backed” currencies might do the trick — isn’t that what we’re told?

Now that we’ve seen how the Eastern press are setting up the Summit, let’s look at an example of how the Western press are treating it in…

Article 8 – From Newsweek
…Here is an excerpt…

“Vladimir Putin will be the guest of honor at the next G20 summit, hosted by China, a Beijing official told Russian state news agency Itar-Tass.

Putin was ostracized during the G20 summit in 2014 and left early, as he was heavily criticized for backing rebels in east Ukraine, fighting government forces. Russia was also banned from G8 summits and has not been invited to one since. In 2015, the Russian president attended a G20 summit during which he held tense talks with U.S. President Barack Obama, where they were at odds on the conflicts in both Ukraine and Syria.”

So Newsweek stresses the dialectic conflict aspect of the Summit, Putin vs. Obama. And looking at this meeting as an East vs. West showdown, It will no doubt be greatly satisfying to the Chinese public to see the Western leaders – the perceived descendants of the opium-dealing powers that humiliated China so often back in the 19th century – come to China and get their legs cut off by the move China and Russia will make.

That being said, let me show you one more article…

Article 9 – From Sputnik
…Here is an excerpt…

“The summit that will be the 11th G20 meeting is scheduled to take place on September 4-5.

‘I want to particularly emphasize that the G20 summit has always been a platform for enhancing international cooperation between China and Russia, joint actions on construction of a just, rational international political and economic order.’…

The ambassador added that the Chinese government paid great attention to holding the summit in the Chinese eastern city of Hangzhou.”

When the Chinese ambassador talks of the “construction of a just, rational international political and economic order,” he is talking about the New World Order the globalists have been trying to implement since World War 2. And the political aspect of the Order will be led by Putin, while the economic aspect will be led by the Chinese. As for the significance of holding the Summit in Hangzhou, I’ll get to that in the next update (in which I’ll be tying everything together and finishing this entry).

[Addendum 2 – 9 August 2016]

Where all this is going

Now let’s gather all these clues together and view them within the context of the day…

We have Russia and China talking about the “promotion of global economic governance” via a G20 that is more action and less talk, “the most rapid implementation of reforms” due to the current economic climate, “restoring order and confidence” in the global economy, and “ending the deadlock of the world’s economy” (caused by the intransigence of the US in allowing IMF reform). We also have propaganda that “the world” is looking to Chinese leadership at the G20 Summit to revive economic growth, and that the Chinese are looking to use their G20 presidency to take a more active role in global economic leadership.

And while all this is being told to us, we see news of an approaching East/West war in Ukraine…

…and we see news of an approaching “sudden, cruel, and short” East/West war in the South China Sea…
…From The Sun

…not to mention the ongoing East/West action in Syria…
…From Reuters

With these clues and this context set before us, can you imagine a more perfect moment for the globalists to play the gold card? It would kick off a giant shift of capital out of the Western “fiat” currencies and into the new “gold and commodities-backed” currencies, and it would hit the euro the hardest. Just think about it… in what currency would you rather store your wealth: a currency that is getting gold and commodity backing or a “fiat” currency that will soon collapse when the EU falls to pieces?

As capital shifts out of the euro, we can expect the EU banking system to seize up and take the US financial system with it. And if we add in a slew of “new and shocking revelations” from the globalists’ Wikileaks and Snowden operations, we could see the West economically and politically paralyzed. The globalists can then opt to take us to war as “the West desperately lashes out,” or take us on the peaceful path as “the West loses the ability to wage war due to systemic paralysis.”

So with this momentous possibility before us, one has to ask, “Why aren’t the Chinese holding the G20 Summit at a place of national prestige, like Beijing?” One possible answer is that the city they’ve “paid great attention” to designate as the host, Hangzhou…

“…was an important center of Chinese Jewry, and may have been the original home of the better-known Kaifeng Jewish community.” – From Wikipedia

In case you’re not familiar with the Kaifeng Jews, here’s a little article I ran across on Henry Makow’s site: Are the “Tiao-Kiu-Kao”(TKK) Jews Running China? And here is an excerpt…


Since the beginning of the Opium trade in 1831, Jews like David Sassoon cooperated exclusively with Jews (ie the Kaifeng jews) inside China to destroy the strength of China and its divinely inspired 5000 year old culture. One such example is the destruction of the Summer Palace, called “Yuanmingyuan – Garden of Perfect Brightness” outside Beijing in 1860. It was considered the prime cultural treasure of China, its size being five times bigger than the “forbidden city” in Beijing. The destruction of Chinese culture by the Jews is now replicated by cultural Marxism destroying the Western culture. <<<

Given that the G20 was organized by the Jewish central banksters through their finance minister proxies, where else in China would they hold such an important meeting than a place of great significance to the Chinese Jews?

Here is a related article: Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders.

[+ A note on the Putin – Erdogan meeting on the 9th – 7 August 2016]

Will Erdogan repent and be saved?…
…Only the globalist scriptwriters know. From Sputnik

In the globalists’ NWO transition script, ISIS is playing a “bad guy” role. And Putin, the “ultimate good guy” is determined to vanquish them. So there is no way in hell that anyone who supports ISIS (like Erdogan has in the past) is going to survive the Transition.

That being said, Christ is forgiving, so if Erdogan confesses his sins to Putin and repents, he will be washed clean by Putin’s grace.

So there are two ways the Turkey situation could go, and it depends on what Erdogan is seen doing after the meeting…

1) If he is seen continuing his support for ISIS, he will be swept from office and replaced by Gulen, and Turkey will be offered up as an example of “the Lord’s wrath.”

2) If he is seen cutting off all support from ISIS and commanding US forces (and their nukes) to leave Turkey, he will remain in office and the globalist propaganda organs will proclaim Gulen a “color revolution” agent. Turkey will then be offered up as an example of “the Lord’s grace.”

It’s important to note that this meeting is a departure from the previous flow of the transition script: Erdogan is an Islamist who was scripted to be taken down with the rest of them. So what changed? Well, their plans for Gulen were exposed on July 16, and ten days later on July 26, they suddenly announced this bilateral summit. Rest assured that no matter how much they squirm, they’re not getting past us.

Should the globalists opt for Erdogan’s “redemption,” it could mean that they’re backing off from the war scenario and choosing the “peaceful path” (in which “masterful” geopolitical and financial moves by Putin and his allies will defeat the “Western imperialists” without military conflict). Will the “Prince of Peace,” Vladimir Putin, save us from war?

Quite possibly, but Putin isn’t all he’s cracked up to be.

(P.S. – 7 August 2016) – Yep, here we go!…
…From Bloomberg

Turning Erdogan and cutting off ISIS’ support from Turkey would be one of the “masterful geopolitical moves” I wrote about. But as much as it looks like a move towards the “peaceful path,” the first sentence of the article suggests that it could also go the other way…

“Vladimir Putin may be on the cusp of a pivotal victory in Syria’s civil war that would make it much harder for the U.S. to achieve its stated goal of ousting Bashar al-Assad without a major military escalation.”

So will a “desperate Washington” lash out due to the pending defeat of ISIS and the launch of the BRICS gold standard, or will the combination “take the legs out from under the Neocons”? This question is explored in…

Your Guide to the Operational Launch of the NWO in 2016

And for more information on the G20 Meeting, read…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Updates 17-18 – How September will unfold & A preview of the G20 Summit

With love…