Category Archives: Globalist Agenda Watch 2015

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 20 – The Establishment strategy for electing Rand Paul

Now that Rand Paul, the chosen candidate of the Rockefeller/BRICS New World Order, has officially entered the race for President, both his campaign and the mainstream media have been offering previews of how the globalists will sell him to the public.

His campaign is presenting him as the anti-Establishment candidate. This is reflected in his campaign slogan…

As he presents himself in this light, the mainstream media will attack him in a ham-fisted manner…

With one hand, the MSM will attempt to tie him to the “extreme views” of his father, Ron Paul, which will actually enhance his popularity with the frustrated electorate. And with the other hand, they will distort his views in such an obvious way that their attacks will come across as unfair in the public eye. As they fling each absurd allegation at Rand, they will effectively serve him with softballs that he can knock out of the park with his rebuttals. The public will thus perceive him as being under severe attack by the Establishment, and they will see him effectively defeating the attacks and making the attackers look like fools. All this will cement his image as an “outsider” who “strikes fear into the heart of the Washington machine.”

Simultaneously, the press will present heavy coverage of the Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton candidacies. The right-leaning press will present Jeb as the Republican front-runner while highlighting the Clintons’ many scandals, and the left-leaning press will present Hillary as the Democratic front-runner while highlighting the Bushes’ many scandals. This will serve to generate a feeling of disgust among the public at the prospect of facing yet another Bush/Clinton presidential ballot. In fact, the media will present articles on this subject to further foster the seeds of discontent within the public mind…
…(from FT)

Faced with the situation of having the “Washington machine’s” tainted candidates (Bush and Clinton) shoved down their throats again, the public will be looking for a credible “outsider” who offers to “Defeat the Washington Machine and Unleash the American Dream.” And once the next economic crisis hits and the MSM pillory the Federal Reserve for causing it, Mr. “Audit the Fed” will look like a genius.

In the next update, we’ll look at Rand Paul’s connection to the Mises Mafia. For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 19 – The Greek “People’s Revolution” and the New European Renaissance, brought to you by the NWO

[Update 19A]

Is Panos Kammenos, seen here with Nigel Farage, the Mises Mafia’s man in Greece?…
…And will he be the one to lead Greece’s defection to the BRICS?

To give a little context before we proceed, the “Mises Mafia” are the “right wing” political figures (such as Ron Paul, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, et al) who will be implementing Austrian economics after the transition to the BRICS-fronted New World Order. Austrian economics is a system of thought widely associated with economist Ludwig von Mises, and its development was funded by the Rockefellers. It is the theoretical underpinning for the NWO’s economic system of laissez-faire capitalism.

Any talk you’ve heard of the NWO being a police state-like monolithic global government with a socialist/communist economic system was propaganda meant to scare you. The globalists’ strategy has been to get you scared of a boogeyman NWO so you’ll gladly embrace the real NWO when they present it to you.

The real NWO is a multilateral/multipolar global governance system paired with a “free market” capitalist economic system. And when the real BRICS-fronted NWO is publicly seen to defeat the boogeyman Western-fronted NWO (which has never been anything more than a propaganda construct), it will look like the solution to all the problems they have been deliberately creating for us.

Now let’s go on to explore what they have planned for Greece…

Upon observing Syriza’s abrupt about-face on their campaign promises to the Greek people, I knew their leaders were committing slow motion hara-kiri to make way for a coming “right wing” savior figure. So I started looking for the Greek equivalent to Nigel Farage. Upon beginning my search, I soon came upon this Searchlight Magazine article that contained a reference to “the racist-nationalist Independent Greeks, led by Panos Kammenos — the Greek equivalent of Nigel Farage,” and thus began my journey of discovery.

As I delved into Kammenos, I discovered that he leads a Greek political party that fits all the characteristics one would expect from a Mises Mafia franchise…

> It is nationalistic (which fits into the NWO’s “one world of nations” motif).
> It is conservative / “right wing” (after the “left wing” brings down the Interim World Order, the “right wing” will usher in the New World Order).
> It is populist (because the globalists intend to use “people’s revolutions” to destroy the Interim World Order), and
> It is Eurosceptic (because the globalists intend to take down the EU central government and break Europe into smaller units bound by a new regional multilateral framework).

On that last point, I take you back to the 1961 NWO blueprint book Prospect for America. This is from page 26…

The globalists want the NWO to consist of “smaller units” because smaller nations are less likely to be self-sufficient in maintaining their security and a modern standard of living. They want all the nations to be dependent on the multilateral framework for their security and economic wellbeing.

Besides the Rockefellers’ NWO architects, can you guess who else is talking about “smaller units”? Ron Paul (in this interview on RT)…

“I happen to believe in smaller units of government; the larger the unit of government, the worse things are…

So I think people should have the right to leave a larger unit of government.”

And what else is Ron Paul talking about? Secession in the US
Note that he gave this speech at a Mises Institute conference called Breaking Away: The Case for Secession

[Starting from the 1:20 mark] – “I would like to start off by talking about the subject, and the subject, of course, is secession and nullification — the breaking up of government. And the good news is it’s gonna happen. It’s happening. And it’s not gonna be because there will be enough people in the US Congress to legislate it — it won’t happen. It will be de facto.”

So we know the globalists are aiming to break up the EU (which is the Interim World Order in Europe), and Greece is where that will begin. But will they also break up the USA so it can never rise again as the power it once was? Will Russia and China meet the same fate at some point? Breaking up the large powers seems like a good idea on the surface, but not if it results in eagles becoming flies stuck in the globalist multilateral spider web.

Due to the length and complexity of this entry, I’m writing it in stages (19A, 19B, 19C, etc.). Rest assured, though, that I will definitely complete this one (for a change). 🙂 It is rather important.

[Update 19B – 2 March 2015]

Getting back to Panos Kammenos, his “right wing” Independent Greeks Party (ANEL) joined SYRIZA (the Coalition of the Radical Left) to form a coalition government after Greece’s January elections, and Kammenos was elevated to the post of Greek Defense Minister as a result. This is the Yahoo News / Agence France-Presse account of what transpired: Kammenos: from conservative rebel to Greek PM’s unlikely ally, and here are some key excerpts (with my comments added in brackets)…

>>> Panos Kammenos, whose nationalist Independent Greeks party has entered into an unlikely coalition government with the radical left-wing Syriza, once walked the corridors of parliament wearing a T-shirt that read: “Greece is not for sale.”…

The burly politician’s decision to immediately ally his party with Syriza following Sunday’s election saw him rewarded with [the] defence minister’s post in the new government unveiled on Tuesday…

But analysts say ANEL could prove to be something of a time-bomb, unpredictable at best, and that governing with the party could also disrupt the balance among the various left-wing factions that make up Syriza

[A time bomb indeed. Kammenos’ presence, along with mounting pressure as the four-month bailout extension approaches its end, will likely lead to Syriza’s disintegration and a failure to reach agreement with Greece’s European creditors. This will open the way for what Kammenos will do next.]

He is fond of conspiracy theories, blaming shadowy international plots for Greece’s economic plight and frequently accusing some Socialist politicians of backing a homegrown terror group in a country where anarchism has deep roots…

[So he is a truther, but not one of the genuine variety. His statements are designed to make him look like a “straight shooter” who has been “telling truth to power” just like Ron Paul, Marine Le Pen, and Nigel Farage.]

Devoutly Christian Orthodox, Kammenos has been accused of anti-Semitism after he alleged in December that Jews enjoyed preferential tax treatment in Greece…

[His ties to the Eastern Orthodox Church are his occulted connection to Vladimir Putin, which I’ll show you a little later. And his “anti-Semitism” positions him as an enemy of the Zionists (who will be scapegoated along with the Nazis when the Transition comes).]

Kammenos has vowed to end “the humiliation” of painful spending cuts and reforms imposed on Greece in return for the 240-billion-euro bailout ($270 billion) from the EU and the International Monetary Fund.

“Panos Kammenos is deeply patriotic… without being a nationalist in the bad sense of the word,” said Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of the French anti-EU group Debout la France, the French equivalent of ANEL.

“He is not anti-European, he is anti-EU,” he added. “There’s a difference.”

[So Kammenos supports Europe as a region, but he does not support the EU, which he says is governed by “neo-Nazi Germans.” Needless to say, being pro-Europe as a region is very much in line with the region-based NWO, as is blaming the Nazis (instead of the G20 Central Banking Cabal) for all the world’s ills. Kammenos’ list of bad guys includes the (Zionist) Jews, the (neo) Nazis, and the Western banksters (IMF, ECB), and that is precisely what the globalists’ “Bad West vs. Good East” dialectic calls for.] <<<

Speaking of the “Good East,” let’s have a look at Kammenos’ ties to the Eastern Orthodox Church. According to his Wikipedia bio

“He has been honored with the Grand Cross of Merit from the Czech Patriarchate, [and] the Medal of Honor from the Patriarchate of Jerusalem…”

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem has been headed by Theophilos III since 11/22/2005 (the Occulted Powers and their minions just love their “master numbers”)…
…And take note of his double-dragon crosier…
…Could such symbols be a nod to the Dragon bloodlines (the real or mythological products of mating between the “Sons of God / Elohim / Anunnaki” and humans)? Are these bloodlines the ones who are the Occulted Powers?

This is the Patriarch’s official title: “His Most Godly Beatitude, the Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine, Syria, Arabia, beyond the Jordan River, Cana of Galilee, and Holy Zion, Theophilos III.” So his territory is basically the Levant, ISIS/ISIL’s stomping grounds, and it includes “Holy Zion.” Don’t you find that interesting in light of current events?

Here is Theophilos III visiting the Valaam Monastery in Russia…

Guess who else hangs out there

And here is Putin meeting with Theophilos III in Jerusalem

It is also worth noting the intimate ties amongst Valaam, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the bloodline families, and the current Russian political structure. As the Wikipedia entry on Valaam Island points out…

“The island was visited repeatedly by emperors Alexander I, Alexander II, and other members of the imperial family…

The president of the Russian Federation has a dacha on one of the islands of Valaam, but its precise location is not publicly known.”

I show you these things to point out that the Eastern Orthodox Church (a component of the Roman Empire that has functioned continuously since the fall of Rome’s civil government) is a network through which the Occulted Powers work behind the scenes to orchestrate what happens on the public stage, and both Putin and Kammenos are tied in with that network. Kissing the rings (and other objects) of Rome’s kingmakers is a practice that continues unabated to this day, which is aptly demonstrated here by Vladimir Putin…
…”That’s a good little Vladdy-boy.”

It’s also worth noting something about the leader of Kammenos’ coalition partner Syriza: Alexis Tsipras, a self-described atheist, became the first Prime Minister to opt for a secular affirmation instead of the traditional religious oath. He was sworn in by President Karolos Papoulias instead of the Archbishop of Athens…”

[Update 19C – 9 March 2015]

The Orthodox Kammenos-Putin link demonstrates itself in the following report from Business New Europe / Intellinews: New Greek Government: Russia’s Trojan Horse inside the EU?

>>> Concerns over Greece are not restricted to Syriza, but also to the leftwing party’s choice as coalition partner: nationalist party Independent Greeks (Anel), a party that has also taken a pro-Russian line, according to Ukrainian researcher Anton Shekhovtsov.

Panos Kammenos, founder of Anel and Greece’s new defence minister, was quoted in Greek media as saying in May 2014, in the aftermath of the annexation of Crimea, that “we publicly support President Putin and the Russian government who have protected our Orthodox brothers in Crimea”.

Shekhovtsov revealed that Kammenos visited Moscow on January 15, 2015, at the peak of the fierce election campaign, to meet with Putin’s parliamentary allies in defence and foreign affairs. After the meetings, Kammenos declared his opposition to EU sanctions on Russia: “Anel is ready to create a European-wide group involving political forces from South European countries, the economy of which has been damaged as a result of the EU economic sanctions against Russia,” he said. “The aim of this group will be a reversal of this process that affects more the EU countries and less Russia,” he said, as quoted by Shekhovtsov.

Shekhovtsov posted photos of the meetings. “With Russian tool Panos Kammenos as new Greek Minister of Defence, Nato information security is obviously at risk,” he commented. In addition, Syriza’s 2013 manifesto calls for Greece to exit Nato. <<<

I found another account of Kammenos’ interaction with the Russians in mid-January on the site: Independent Greeks Party Leader Calls For Lifting The Sanctions Against Russia

>>> A roundtable discussion ‘The parliamentary elections in Greece: a change of course and exit from the euro zone’ took place in Rossiya Segodnya news agency on Wednesday, January 14.

The discussion was attended by the leader of Independent Greeks opposition party Panos Kammenos, Institute of geopolitical issues Director Philippos Tsadilis, Russian Peacekeeper web review Chied Editor Evgeny Belsky, Russians Abroad Institute Deputy Director Alexander Shchedrin and InfoRos information agency Chief Editor Denis Tyurin. <<<

So 11 days before the Greek elections, Kammenos was talking to the Russians about “a change of course and exit from the Euro Zone.”

[Update 19D – 25 March 2015]

In the time since I last wrote, Syriza has been busy reaching for Greek pensions and utility company funds to make payments to the Troika (the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund), and this complete abrogation of their campaign promises is intended to incense the Greek people and set the stage for a “Greek Spring.” The Establishment will, of course, use their standard “color revolution” techniques to get it started, and the Mises Mafia have been busy stoking the revolutionary fires.

Here is Nigel Farage narrating the beginning of the post-election Greece versus Troika conflict: Farage on Friday: Here’s hoping Greece fights back against Germany and her euro masters.

“SO the great game of poker between Greece and Germany begins, while the IMF, European Central Bank, and other European institutions watch on nervously. The question is, will Greece fight back?…

Now it seems there are some voices in Greece at least suggesting they’re not prepared to meet the repayment terms foisted upon them by the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the other European institutions.

Years of austerity now mean that the annual budget increase is roughly in balance, unlike the United Kingdom. But what is the point of all this pain if nothing is really improving?

That’s the message that won Alexis Tsipras and his Syriza party the election last week. He is now in coalition with my friend Panos Kammenos of the Independent Greeks.”

And here is Farage fanning the flames of Greek revolution before the European Parliament

From the 1:00 mark: “What is European economic governance? I’ll tell you what it is: it’s a plane landing at Athens airport out of which get an official from the Commission, an official from the European Central Bank, and an official from the appalling IMF, and those three people — the ‘Troika’ you call them — go in, they meet the Greek government, and they tell the Greek government what they may or may not do.

You have killed democracy in Greece. You have three part-time overseas dictators that now tell the Greek people what they can and can’t do. It is totally unacceptable. Is it any wonder the Greek people are now burning EU flags and drawing swastikas across them? You are — frankly, unless Greece is allowed to get out of this economic and political prison, you may well spark a revolution in that country.

Needless to say, sparking a revolution in Greece is exactly what the Troika are aiming to do, and Farage is dutifully playing his part in the farce.

Here is another European Parliament speech by Paul Nuttall, a member of Farage’s UK Independence Party and Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy group…

“Mr. President, I will also focus on Greece today, and I want to start by quoting the Chairman of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who only two days ago said, ‘You are mistaken if you think democracy is where one election result can change the way we work in the Eurozone.’ Indeed, Mr. Juncker, you’re on record saying that there can be no democratic choice against the European Union’s treaties. Now that tells us all we really need to know, doesn’t it, about what the Euro fanatics think of democracy. And isn’t it ironic that you are destroying democracy in its very cradle, Greece.

You have allowed Greece to enter a currency that it should never have been in, you have removed the democratically elected Prime Minister when he offered his country a way out through a referendum, you have imposed austerity that has taken the people of Greece to the brink, yet you still shackle this great country with economic chains. To you I say ‘sovereignty and democracy in Greece are not yours to take.’ The Greeks have suffered enough. The battle lines are clear: it is the forces of democracy in Greece against the undemocratic forces of a European Union.

To the Greek Parliament I ask, ‘Will the 300 stand firm?’ And to the Greek people I say, ‘Be courageous. Protect your birthright. You are the creators of democracy and now you must save it. Invoke the courage and spirit of your forefathers. Do not buckle. Do not falter. Do not give in. You are the defenders of democracy now. You are the nation of Homer, Plato and Aristotle, and if you stand your ground, you will prevail, and you will be a beacon of hope to us all.’ Thank you.

Now this is how you propagandize for a “people’s revolution”! 🙂 Note how he invokes the mental imagery of the 300…
…And how symbolically appropriate is it that the Greek Parliament has 300 seats?…
…Hollywood screenwriters couldn’t do any better job than the globalist color revolution engineers are doing in scripting this coming “democratic revolution.”

[Update 19E – 25 March 2015]

Meanwhile, in Greece, this is what some members of Syriza have been talking about:

> From this CNBC article: ‘It’s treason!’ Greek anger at government u-turn

>>> Far left members of Syriza have also accused their party of abandoning previous election pledges to scrap the country’s bailout.

Manolis Glezos, a Syriza member of the European Parliament and veteran left-wing politician, apologized for his party’s move to placate its lenders.

“I apologize to the Greek people because I took part in this illusion,” he wrote in a blog. “Syriza’s members, friends and supporters … should decide if they accept this situation.”…

Wolfango Piccoli, managing director of risk consultancy at Teneo Intelligence, warned that the negotiation process had secured Greece only two concessions: a lower primary surplus for 2015 and the acknowledgment that the program will be amended so as to give Athens a greater say on reform proposals. He added that Tsipras’ standing had been “negatively affected” by the talks.

“The agreement allows both sides to save face but also sets the stage for even tenser negotiations over the country’s financial future and for a possible backlash in Greece,” he said in a note Sunday. “The list of reforms to be presented on Monday will be an important factor determining whether Syriza is able to convince its own MPs and voters.” <<<

The last paragraph reflects the real reason for the four-month bailout extension: it provides a time period of high drama which will be used to generate public sentiment for a Greek Spring and a Summer Revolution.

> From this LA Times article: European creditors endorse Greek reform plans as leftists object

>>> Already, several prominent Syriza members are calling on Tsipras to honor his campaign pledges.

“It’s difficult to determine how the government can fulfill its promises, including a write-off of the country’s debt,” said Costas Lapavitsas, a prominent economics professor recently elected to parliament on the Syriza ticket. “It is imperative for the government to explain how it plans to do just that under the current agreement.”

Even renowned composer Mikis Theodorakis waded into the brewing revolt, meeting with Tsipras Tuesday to try to persuade him to resist the pressure for concessions that would, he said, submit the country to the creditors’ “fatal embrace.”

“Syriza leaders,” he said, “have to find the strength, even now, to say ‘nein’ to Germany.”

More than 40 lawmakers of the ruling party were said to be drafting a petition for an urgent meeting of Syriza’s central committee. Although no one has openly requested Tsipras’ resignation, swelling dissent within the ruling party could complicate the government’s bid to carry out the proposed measures, which require swift approval by the country’s 300-seat parliament. <<<

An interesting thing to note about this passage is one of the people quoted, Costas Lapavitsas, is an economics professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. And who is the chancellor of the University of London? HRH The Princess Royal

So in Costas Lapavitsas you have a paid agent of the London Establishment drumming up dissension within Syriza. But he’s not the only one.

> From this Zero Hedge article: Revolt In Athens: Syriza Central Committee Member Says “Leadership Strategy Has Failed Miserably”

>>> Not everybody is ignoring that fact that just days after the new Prime Minister promised the Greek population on prime time TV that the loathed bailout program wouldn’t be extended and that Greece would have a fresh start – i.e., the mandate it was elected on – one without austerity, Greece folded on virtually every demand, to the point where the European Commission may itself have drafted the “reform agreement” that the Greek finance minister was said to have created.

One person who may be starting a splinter revolt within Syriza itself is Stathis Kouvelakis, a member of the central committee of the leftist organization, a teacher of political theory at King’s College, and the latest to demonstrate that the Syriza facade of cohesive acceptance of the past week’s “negotiations”, is starting to crumble…

If, therefore, we wish to avert a second, and this time decisive, defeat — which would put an end to the Greek leftist experiment, with incalculable consequences for society and for the Left inside and outside this country — we must look reality in the face and speak the language of honesty. The debate on strategy must finally recommence, without taboos and on the basis of the congress resolutions of Syriza, which for some time now have been turned into innocuous icons.

If Syriza still has a reason for existing as a political subject, a force for the elaboration of emancipatory politics, and for contribution to the struggles of the subordinated classes, it must be a part of this effort to initiate an in-depth analysis of the present situation and the means of overcoming it.” <<<

The person being quoted in this article, Stathis Kouvelakis, is a political theorist and faculty member of King’s College London, which is a constituent college of the University of London. So in Kouvelakis, you have another paid agent of the London Establishment helping to magnify the rifts within Syriza and predicting that Syriza’s coming failure will “put an end to the Greek leftist experiment” and lead to “incalculable consequences” for the political left both inside and outside Greece. This is, of course, exactly what the globalists’ script calls for: the “Left” destroying everything and the “Right” sweeping in to bring order (and Austrian Economics).

[Update 19F – 26 March 2015]

Let’s look now to the current situation faced by Syriza. According to this New York Times article

>>> On Feb. 20, Greek leaders signed a four-month bailout extension with its three main creditors — the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. Yet creditors have refused to release a critical 7.2-billion-euro, or about $7.8 billion, loan payment (money that Syriza had once vowed not to accept but that is now badly needed) until the government provides a list of acceptable structural reforms to replace pension cuts and other austerity measures that had been under consideration by the previous government. <<<

So the Troika are refusing to give Greece needed funds unless the Greek government provides an acceptable list of “structural reforms”/austerity measures. And without the funds, it is estimated that the Greek government will run out of cash by late April. This leaves Syriza with four choices:

1) Give the Troika the new austerity measures they are seeking, thus completely and officially betraying their campaign promises to the Greek people. Since Syriza is a coalition party of different “far left” groups, such an action could lead to its disintegration as well as general social unrest.

2) Rob money from the Greek economy to keep making their payments, which would not sit well with those being robbed. This too could lead to party disintegration and public unrest.

3) Remain paralyzed and allow Greece to fall into financial ruin and chaos.

4) Exit the euro and reinstitute the drachma.

It would seem that the globalist script requires Syriza to choose from options 1, 2, or 3 while also requiring Germany to remain intransigent in their demands for Greek compliance, and the situation will come to a head in late June as the bailout extension expires (and as the new BRICS Bank nears its debut). This is where Panos Kammenos comes in. Have a look at this Reuters article: Greek defence minister says Greece has Plan B if EU rigid on deal

>>> Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos said that if Greece failed to get a new debt agreement with the euro zone, it could always look elsewhere for help.

“What we want is a deal. But if there is no deal – hopefully (there will be) – and if we see that Germany remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the obligation to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get funding from another source,” he told a Greek television show that ran into early Tuesday. “It could the United States at best, it could be Russia, it could be China or other countries,” he said. <<<

So as the Greek crisis reaches its crescendo, Syriza will disintegrate and the Greek government will fail. And when a civilian government fails, who typically steps in to maintain social order? The military, right? And who is the leader of the Greek military? Defense Minister Panos Kammenos.

Kammenos will step up to maintain some semblance of order in the wake of Syriza’s disintegration and will go to his friends in Russia to secure aid from the freshly-launched New Development Bank (NDB, the BRICS Bank — the BRICS will be holding their 7th summit meeting in Russia on July 8–9, and will likely announce the NDB’s launch at that time). An emergency election will then be held to install a new Greek parliament that will restore the drachma and approve the NDB loan. Since this will occur at about the same time as the next financial crisis begins, it will be the first domino in the fall of the EU. From the ashes of the EU, a new multilateral European order will rise — one that “restores sovereignty, freedom and direct democracy” (New World Order style).

Unless people know what the globalists are doing beforehand, it’s unlikely the public will ever figure out what’s going on. The adrenaline rush that the NWO will offer them will sweep aside their reason. They will gleefully walk into their new gilded cage. So let’s spread the word.

Much love…

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 18-19 – The stage is set for Greece to switch over to the BRICS this summer & Have a look at Panos Kammenos

The ECB has decided to give Greece some breathing room for a few months [from The Guardian]…
…but did you ever wonder why they are giving the Greeks four months (not the normal 3 or 6)?

If we look back at some previous entries, we discover the potential reason…

> At the G20 Summit last November, the BRICS announced their intention of getting the New Development Bank up and running and ready to hand out money “as soon as possible,” and I noted this at the time…

“The next BRICS Summit in Russia will be their 7th summit, and it will occur in the 7th month of next year (July 8-9). Although I personally view numerology as spiritually ridiculous, the “elite” and their minions do not, as was evidenced by Christine Lagarde’s infamous statement on the numerology of the year 2014 (in which she talks about the “magic 7″). In the eyes of some mythical religionists, 7 is believed to be a symbol of “completion.” It is also believed to indicate “the senses of a change after an accomplished cycle and of a positive renewal.” So the 7th Summit would be a symbolically appropriate venue for announcing the launch of the NDB. – from The Globalists are accelerating the rollout of their new financial system.

> In Update 13 of this series, I took note of what Hidden Hand propagandist Paul Craig Roberts was saying at the time…

“The warning from the EU and Wall Street is clear: ‘Defy us and we will destroy you‘…

Can Greece escape from a situation comparable to the European Dark Ages when populations were ravaged by marauding raiders? Perhaps if Greece realigns with Russia and gains financing from BRICS.”

With these points in mind, if we look at where a four-month extension would take us, we end up at the end of June, just prior to the BRICS Summit in Russia. This sets the stage for Greece to do exactly what the propagandists are calling for: fleeing from the marauding West and running to Russia to get financing from the freshly launched BRICS Bank. Just imagine the symbolism of Greece, the “Birthplace of Democracy,” fleeing the Nazi West for the “freedom fighting” East. It’s coming soon to a summer near you…

[Update 19 (temporary) – 24 February 2015]

Have a look at Panos Kammenos

Seeing Syriza go back on its promises to the Greek people is setting the stage for a revolt, and this revolt may be engineered to bring the Independent Greeks Party leader Panos Kammenos to the fore. Some call him “the Greek equivalent of Nigel Farage,” and if you’ve read my Ron Paul section, you’ll understand the significance of that.

I’ll be preparing a full entry on him tomorrow, but I wanted to get this note out today in case I lose my internet service for a while. It’s having problems, and a tech will be coming to fix it (hopefully) in the morning.

[28 February 2015] – My internet is working great, and the full version of Update 19 is taking shape here.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 17B – Debunking the phony “BRICS Bank versus World Bank/IMF” conflict

Observe the “Good East vs. Bad West” dialectic propaganda surrounding the New Development Bank (the NDB / “BRICS Bank”)…

As this RT article demonstrates, both Western and Eastern mainstream and alternative media sources are attempting to sell us the idea that the NDB is being developed as an alternative to the UN’s World Bank and IMF, and that it is part of the larger conflict between East and West. But as I’ve gone to great pains to document in my NWO section, this conflict is phony and is being staged as a public relations maneuver to get the public to accept the New World Order.

Beyond this made-for-public-consumption pabulum surrounding the establishment of the New Development Bank, though, is the reality being discussed in the globalists’ own policy papers. And that reality is that the NDB is just another plug-and-play addition to the constellation of multilateral international institutions that constitute the Rockefeller-planned NWO. To show you this is so, allow me to take you on a guided tour of this March 2014 document from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

As the title indicates, this paper enthusiastically supports the establishment of the NDB despite the fact that it comes from the United Nations (of which the World Bank and the IMF are components). In fact, if we look to the paper’s table of contents…
…we see how it talks about the NDB filling gaps in the globalists’ “southern financial architecture” and providing investment for “infrastructure and more sustainable development needs in the emerging and developing countries.” It also talks about how the NDB will link-in with other multilateral, regional, and national development banks (the financial side of the NWO).

If there were an actual conflict between the BRICS and the “Western-led” (as RT puts it) financial institutions, you’d expect a UN paper to whine about the NDB, not promote it. Isn’t that so? They would be complaining about the “divisive agenda” of the NDB instead of talking about how well it will fit in. Obviously, there is no real conflict; there is only the illusion of conflict being propagated in the media.

Proceeding to the paper’s abstract on page 1…
…we see that it talks about how the NDB will play a “complementary role” (NOT a conflicting role) with existing development banks. And it mentions the NDB’s “importance for enhancing the influence of BRICS and other developing countries in the international development architecture.” In unspun words, forming the NDB is an important step in drawing the developing countries into the globalists’ multilateral spider web.

Let’s continue into the introduction on page 1…

This passage reiterates that the NDB will be “a complement, not a substitute, for existing financial institutions” and that it will supposedly help give the developing nations a “voice” (by bringing them into the NWO system where they can moan under the weight of brand new debt). It also offers the globalist rationale for creating the NDB…

On the one hand, you have developing countries like China who have lots of extra cash, and on the other, you have other developing countries which are short on cash. The NDB brings those two hands together within a multilateral framework. The multilateral framework ensures that all nations involved cede key aspects of their national economic sovereignty to the supranational institution. Whether a nation joins a supranational development bank or merely borrows from one, there are rules that must be followed, and those rules tie the hands of the national governments.

As to the broader strategy behind the globalists’ creation of the NDB, the fact that it will appear to be “BRICS-owned” makes it easier for governments to justify going into debt. A population that might be resistant to their government borrowing money from “Western imperialist” institutions like the World Bank or IMF might be less hesitant about borrowing from the BRICS “freedom fighters.” Their government can say, “We’re borrowing this money from the good guys, not the bad guys, so we don’t have to worry.” Since all these international institutions are run by the Occulted Powers from behind the scenes, though, they will still be borrowing from the same people. Instead of borrowing from the globalist left hand, they’ll be borrowing from the globalist right hand. It will be no different than what has gone on before.

Going into page 2…
…we see that the “Western-led” UN complex finds the creation of the NDB “very welcome.” And we see the BRICS leaders also stating that the NDB is intended “to supplement the existing efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development.”


Going on to Section II, “EXISTING GAPS IN THE SOUTHERN FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE,” the paper identifies two needs vis-a-vis the southern financial architecture:

1) the need for money to fund “more sustainable” development (think Agenda 21), and
2) the need for a pool of cash to draw upon during times of crisis.

It then establishes the need for the pool of cash based on negative effects Federal Reserve monetary policy has had on the developing nations, and it points to a previous, similar effort to provide such a pool, the Chang Mai Initiative

“The Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI) is a multilateral currency swap arrangement among the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong), Japan, and South Korea. It draws from a foreign exchange reserves pool worth US$120 billion and was launched on 24 March 2010. That pool has been expanded to $240 billion in 2012.

The initiative began as a series of bilateral swap arrangements after the ASEAN Plus Three countries met on 6 May 2000 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, at an annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank. After 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, member countries started this initiative to manage regional short-term liquidity problems and to facilitate the work of other international financial arrangements and organisations like International Monetary Fund.”

If we look back at the Asian Financial Crisis, we see evidence that the globalists instigated it

“The foreign ministers of the 10 ASEAN countries believed that the well co-ordinated manipulation of their currencies was a deliberate attempt to destabilize the ASEAN economies. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused George Soros of ruining Malaysia’s economy with “massive currency speculation”. Soros claims to have been a buyer of the ringgit during its fall, having sold it short in 1997.”

…and then used it to pull the Asian nations into a multilateral framework with the Chiang Mai Initiative…
…Problem / reaction / solution strikes again.

Continuing on with Section II, the paper points out that the “Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM)” has a provision that requires the member nations to seek IMF approval if they wish to access the majority of the available funds, and it goes on to explain that the BRICS Bank’s Contingent Reserve Agreement (the BRICS version of the “pool of cash”) would have the benefit of not requiring such approval. This raises an obvious question: why would a UN paper be lauding such a feature?

The answer, of course, is that such an arrangement is necessary in order to carry out the globalists’ “governance reform” script. When the next “Lehman Shock” is triggered, the BRICS will be able to stand on their own feet and weather the storm while the West and the IMF flounder. This will put them in position to step up and “save” the West and the IMF in exchange for “reforms.” In this way, the NWO will rise like a phoenix from the ashes of the next Lehman.

[Like all globalist policy documents, this one is written in insufferably dull “Technocratese,” so I know most people won’t go to the trouble of plodding through the whole thing. I’ll therefore cover the rest of the paper’s salient points in additions I’ll make to this entry over the next day or two. As I add each module, I’ll change the title of this entry to “Update 17B, 17C, etc.” until it is complete. You’ll know it’s finished when I drop the letter and title it simply “Update 17.”]

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 16 – The BRICS and the UN governance reform scam

Let’s revisit a quote from a 2009 FT interview of George Soros

“…you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order — financial world order. They are kind of reluctant members of the IMF. They play along, but they don’t make much of a contribution because it’s not their institution… I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the current order.”

It is important to realize that this concept of drawing a nation into the New World Order by letting them help build it and giving them “ownership” of it is not limited to just China and the International Monetary Fund; it applies to all of the BRICS nations and the entire United Nations complex. How do you get the traditionally oppressed nations of the world to enter a global government built by their oppressors? You bring them into the planning and construction of it and you hand them a set of keys.

As I’ve documented in previous entries, the propaganda coming out of the Chinese government unequivocally supports an overhauled UN as the core of a new world order (just like the Rockefellers planned)…
…and this “governance reform” overhaul extends beyond just the IMF and the World Bank Group to include the UN political body as well, especially the UN Security Council (UNSC).

Once we reach the Transition Point in which another Lehman-type crisis is staged and the dollar is taken down as the main global reserve currency, many (if not all) of the BRICS currencies will be added to the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights currency basket, and many (if not all) of the BRICS nations will take seats as permanent members of the UNSC.

These are the current permanent members of the Security Council (click on the image to enlarge)…
…and there are two things about this that should be noted…

1) Notice how China’s seat in the UN was taken away from the Taiwanese government and given to the mainland communist government in 1971. This occurred when the globalists began to integrate China into the developing New World Order structure:

> July 9-11, 1971 – Henry Kissinger, who led the late-1950’s Rockefeller project (the Special Studies Project) that planned the implementation of the New World Order, made a secret visit to China to tell the Chinese government “it’s time.”

> July 15, 1971 – Richard Nixon announced that he would be visiting mainland China.

> July 15, 1971“17 UN members requested that a question of the ‘Restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations’ be placed on the provisional agenda of the twenty-sixth session of the UN General Assembly.”from Wikipedia.

> October 25, 1971 – United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 is adopted, and the People’s Republic of China replaced the Republic of China as China’s UN representative.

So Kissinger’s first visit was the moment the “dragon phoenix” began to rise from the ashes of the Illuminati-sponsored Cultural Revolution in China (see the middle of this entry for more details on this), and 1971 was the year that China began its long journey into the NWO.

2) Notice that the UNSC has 3 permanent members from the West and 2 permanent members from the East. This creates the impression that the Security Council is dominated by the Western allies. Once additional BRICS representatives are added as permanent members, there will likely be more from the BRICS alliance than from the Western alliance, thus creating the impression that the UNSC is dominated by the BRICS allies. The BRICS will then be seen to “own” the UN in the public eye.

Over the past few years, the globalists have been laying the propaganda groundwork for exactly this sort of Security Council “reform.” Here is what the Chinese have to say on the subject…
…which is supported by similar language being circulated about the three BRICS members which currently lack permanent seats on the UNSC:

1-2) Brazil and India are widely mentioned as candidates for permanent seats for the reasons mentioned by this United Nations Foundation webpage

>>> Membership Reform
There have been frequent calls to reform the membership of the UN Security Council, most of which include accepting Japan, Germany, India, and Brazil (known as the G4) as permanent members. Japan and Germany are the second and third largest contributors to the UN budget respectively. India is a nuclear power, the world’s largest democracy, and the second most populous nation. Brazil is the largest, most populous, and most prosperous nation in Latin America. The United Kingdom, France, and Russia are said to support permanent G4 membership on the Security Council. The Bush Administration has said that it supports Japan’s bid.

In addition to the proposal to make the G4 permanent members of the Security Council, there have been several other proposals floated by various groups and individual countries, none of which have met with positive response from the Security Council. <<<

The response mentioned by the last sentence will change once the BRICS step forward to “save the international system,” which will likely open the way for South Africa. And China is already openly supporting India’s bid

3) South Africa – In this UN press release, we see the unfolding of the Rockefeller-sponsored “regional institutions under UN guidance” NWO model, as well as the call for reform of the UNSC to give Africa a voice…

>>> “We feel that the voice of Africa was, to a large extent, heard,” said Baso Sangqu, briefing on his country’s two years on the 15-member organ.  South Africa had been able to build upon the experience gained during its 2007-2008 term on the Council, and had contributed to resolving the many prevailing international peace and security challenges.  Among its main aims, it had worked to confront lingering, new and emerging conflicts around the world, and had worked to forge a stronger relationship between the Peace and Security Council of the African Union and the United Nations Security Council

Indeed, the role of the African Union Peace and Security Council must always be considered when tackling conflicts on the African continent, he reiterated.  To that end, Security Council resolution 2033 (2012) laid the framework for further cooperation between the regional body and the United Nations Security Council, and would remain an effective bridge between the two organs going forward…

Asked about the number of African countries seeking a seat on the Security Council and his country’s position on the need to reform it, he stressed that the organ “desperately needs to be reformed”, adding that South Africa subscribed fully to the proposal that African States hold both permanent and non-permanent membership.  Once that change was made, the African Union would decide which countries would represent it, he said, noting that South Africa was an aspiring permanent member. <<<

In pondering the BRICS push for “governance reform” of the UN complex, it is important to remember that the BRICS alliance is a controlled opposition front erected by the Western globalists. To understand this is so, all that’s needed is a little common sense and a knowledge of three basic facts…

1) The G7 created the G20 back in 1999 and specifically included Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa in order to formally bring them into the process of building the NWO (in the manner described by George Soros). – see Update 2 of this entry.

2) Goldman Sachs coined the term BRIC in 2001 with a paper that introduced the public to the concept of Brazil, Russia, India and China being an emerging economic bloc. – see this entry.

3) The BRIC nations never actually met as a group until 2006, when they met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. – see Update 2 of this entry.

Observing these three facts, it is abundantly clear that the BRICS alliance was fashioned by the Western globalists. The West brought the BRICS into the global economic governance system back in 1999, the West gave them a name and introduced the idea of them becoming a bloc back in 2001, and the BRIC nations accommodated the West by forming the bloc in 2006, just before the 2007-2009 economic crisis hit. They then held their first BRIC Summit right after the effects of the Lehman Shock eased in 2009, which was the same year that the BRIC-inclusive G20 formally supplanted the G7 as the world’s “permanent council for international economic cooperation.”

Since the G20 nations are all run by politicians owned by the same International Banking Cabal, getting them to form the NWO is something that could be done at any time. It takes more than simply getting the “leaders” to vote for it, though; the general population of these nations must follow their leaders into the new system, and this is what the BRICS alliance is all about. It is an exercise in public relations.

As I mentioned in a previous entry, the BRICS alliance “gives form to the dialectic clash between Anglo-American bankers and BRICS bankers which will birth the NWO.” The BRICS concept gives the people of the traditionally oppressed nations the illusion that they have formed a mighty alliance which will take over the global governance system from the imperialist West, and the perception that they have triumphed and taken over is supposed to lead to their enthusiastic embrace of the NWO system. But alas, it is all a scam.

The first step of our emergence from bankster control is to see the BRICS and the UN for what they are, then we can focus on building Our World Order. We must reject the false savior in order to accept responsibility for being our own saviors.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 15 – Like it or not, here is more on the Rockefeller connection to Austrian economics

A truly better future starts with better choices…an-inconvenient-truth

When you pursue the truth, you sometimes come across information that you really wish wasn’t true, even though you know it is. And after being programmed for many years to see Ron Paul as a hero and Austrian economics as an economic panacea, it appears that many are feeling discomfort from being told it was all part of the bankster plan. In fact, one reader has challenged me to prove my observations about Paul and the Austrian school. In response to this challenge, I can say only one thing: as you wish. 🙂 Since providing more supporting evidence will require a lot of extra effort on my part, though, I ask this of you in return: please set aside your emotional attachments to Paul and Mises and follow wherever the evidence leads. You cannot learn and grow if you let your emotions tether you to fixed ideas.

As I began my research for “Project Paul,” I quickly realized that I’m not the first to see Ron Paul and Austrian economics for what they are. I ran across an intriguing article from Anthony Migchels called How the Money Power created Libertarianism and Austrian Economics. Although I’m still in the process of exploring and vetting the article’s information, here are a couple of interesting passages worth sharing…

1) >>> Fred Koch founded the John Birch Society in 1958. Ed Griffin was educated there. He later wrote a famous book, “the Creature of Jekyll Island”. This was a rehash of Eustace Mullins’ brilliant ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’, with one exception: it left out all Mullins’ analysis of the Gold Standard as a Banker operation and how Britain’s demand for taxes payed in Gold were the cause of the war of Independence. Instead it called for the reinstatement of a Gold Standard. This is a key part of the story how Austrian Economics managed to take over the ‘Truth Movement’. <<<

If we look back at the two books, Mullins’ works on the Federal Reserve were published in 1952 (Mullins on the Federal Reserve) and 1983 (Secrets of the Federal Reserve). Griffin’s works came in 1993 and 1994 with first a movie, then a book, called The Creature from Jekyll Island. Given Griffin’s connection to the John Birch Society and the Kochs, it makes sense that his work was meant to co-opt Mullins’ work. If we look at Griffin’s background, we see this…

>>> Griffin was born in Detroit, Michigan, on November 7, 1931, and became a child voice actor on local radio from 1942 to 1947. He later emceed at WJR (CBS), and continued as an assistant announcer at the public radio station WUOM. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1953, majoring in speech and communications. In 1954, he served in the United States Army, and in 1956 was discharged as a sergeant. Griffin worked as a writer for Curtis LeMay [firebomber of Japan’s cities], vice presidential running mate for George Wallace during his 1968 presidential campaign. Shortly thereafter, he began writing and producing documentary-style videos about the same controversial topics covered in his books, such as cancer, the historicity of Noah’s Ark, the Federal Reserve System, the Supreme Court of the United States, terrorism, subversion, and foreign policy. <<<

With his background as a voice actor working for Establishment media and his training in speech and communications, he would be a suitable choice for a faux-truther talking head, wouldn’t he? This is all part of the way the Illuminati work: through “philanthropic” foundations and direct giving, they fund think tanks, societies, movements and talking heads which indoctrinate the public in their various “isms,” such as communism (on the “political left”) and libertarianism (on the “political right”). They then work their dialectics using the two sides they created.

2) >>> David Rockefeller himself was quoted as saying: “Finally, in his most surprising statement, he revealed he considers himself a follower of the Austrian school of economics. Friedrich Hayek had been his tutor at the London School of Economics in the 1930s.” <<<

Clicking on the link Migchels provided with this quote, I was led to a website belonging to Mark Skousen

Austrian economist Skousen has an even more Establishment background than G. Edward Griffin…

>>> Skousen was an economic analyst for the CIA from 1972 to 1975. He later worked as a consultant for IBM and Hutchinson Technology, and other companies. He was a columnist for Forbes magazine from 1997 to 2001, and has contributed articles to The Wall Street Journal as well as to various libertarian periodicals. He has been a speaker at investment conferences and has lectured for think tanks. From 2008-2010 he was a weekly contributor on CNBC’s Kudlow & Company and has also appeared on C-SPAN Book TV and Fox News. <<<

…and the Migchels link led to this specific article of his

Note the passage that mentions “the new global free market economy of the 1990s and beyond.” This gives a description of exactly what the globalists have been building with the New World Order, and if you think about it, Austrian economics is the perfect economic theory to underlie such a system.

As for the second passage I highlighted, it clearly establishes that David Rockefeller is a Mises devotee, and has been since he studied at the London School of Economics. If you know anything about the London School, you’ll know that it was founded by the Fabian Society, which is socialist. Seeing this, unawakened people might wonder how someone can go to a socialist economic school and emerge a libertarian, but if you realize that the London School is an Establishment institution tasked with upholding their dialectic strategy, it’s easy to understand. Both the “left wing” and the “right wing” are attached to the same demon.

To add one more tidbit on how far back the connection between Ludwig von Mises and the Rockefellers goes, have a look at this passage from page 144 of an economics reference text titled the Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics

There can be no mistake about who is behind the promotion of Austrian economics, but I will continue to write more on the subject nonetheless.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 14 – The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers

I just came across a Zerohedge article titled “Is Russia Planning A Gold-Based Currency?” To give a simple answer to the question posed by the title, “yes,” both Russia and China (and possibly other BRICS allies) are planning to go to a partial gold backing for their currencies. And once they do, the globalist propaganda organs will laud the move as “the masterstroke that peacefully defeated the Western banksters.”

The (globalist orchestrated) BRICS move towards a partial gold standard goes beyond their own national currencies, though. To “save the international financial system from cataclysm,” they will also offer a portion of their gold reserves to back the IMF’s SDR, and they will receive a large allotment of SDRs in return. This “gold for SDRs” strategy was hinted at in a (UK) Royal Institute of International Affairs paper titled Adding Gold into the Valuation of the SDR

According to the globalist script, in return for “saving the IMF and the international financial system” with their gold, the BRICS (particularly China) will demand sweeping governance reforms of the IMF and the rest of the UN Complex, as well as a Chinese IMF head. The Chinese would then “own” the New World Order system in the way that George Soros described back in 2009 (if you haven’t read the linked article, please do so; you’ll find it complements this one quite nicely).

Also worth noting is that the article came from The Mises Institute. I’ve been noticing a lot of positive propaganda surrounding Ludwig von Mises and Austrian Economics, and this leads me to believe that the banksters will impose the Austrian model after the Transition. If you go to the Mises Institute website, you’ll notice that their logo looks like a royal crest…
…And if you go to Ludwig von Mises’ bio page on Wikipedia, you find out why…

So the Mises family has a strong connection to the Occulted Powers (the “royals”), and Ludwig himself was brought to America by the leading architects of the New World Order, the Rockefellers. According to this article from The Independent Institute

Many readers may be surprised to learn the extent to which the Graduate Institute and then Mises himself in the years immediately after he came to United States were kept afloat financially through generous grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. In fact, for the first years of Mises’s life in the United States, before his appointment as a visiting professor in the Graduate School of Business Administration at New York University (NYU) in 1945, he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. Even after he finally landed the position at NYU, where he remained only a visiting professor until his retirement in 1969, his salary was paid for not by NYU, but from funds contributed by generous private supporters.”

With Ludwig von Mises’ intimate connections to the European “royals” and the Rockefellers established, it is informative to look at who is pushing his theories today.

Wouldn’t you know it, Ron Paul is involved

…as are Marine Le Pen and Nigel Farage…

>>> In November 2011, a press release announces laconic Marine Le Pen’s accession to the European Alliance for Freedom. This alliance carefully selects its members. It is a creation of Godfrey Bloom, member of the Von Mises Institute and UKIP [the UKIP is the UK Independence Party, which is headed by Nigel Farage]. Marine Le Pen is currently vice-president of the FAE.

Ludwig von Mises was an Austrian and American economist who has had a significant influence on the liberal and modern libertarian movement. Strong supporter of the invisible hand against the state, in all things, it is the market that any decision should be ordered.

Frits Bolkestein, the origin of the famous deregulation Directive is also a member of the Von Mises Institute

[This is a Google translation of this portion of a Wikipedia discussion of Marine Le Pen (with my comments added in brackets).] <<<

As I covered in an entry titled Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags (and the real agenda behind the Paris attacks), these are the political figures being positioned by the globalists to take over after the Transition Crisis (during which the dollar will be taken down as the global reserve currency). So keep these facts in mind…

> The Mises Institute is a globalist institution and Austrian Economics is the next globalist economic theory-du-jour.

> Ron Paul is a sellout who has been positioned as “the principled outsider/dissenter” so he (or his son Rand) can take leadership after the Transition (click here to read entries about Ron Paul’s NWO role).

> The New World Order will look like freedom… at first. This is so you’ll embrace it. And once you become dependent on it, they will start tightening the screws.

[Addendum 1 – 17 June 2015]

More on Austrian Economics’ connection to the “royals”

Let’s have look at how Austrian Economics began…

“The school originated in Vienna, in the Austrian Empire. Carl Menger’s 1871 book, Principles of Economics, is generally considered the founding of the Austrian School.”source

“Menger was born in the city of Nowy Sącz in Austrian Galicia, which is now in Poland. He was the son of a wealthy family of minor nobility

In 1876 Menger began tutoring Archduke Rudolf von Habsburg, the Crown Prince of Austria in political economy and statistics…

In 1878 Rudolf’s father, Emperor Franz Josef, appointed Menger to the chair of political economy at Vienna. The title of Hofrat [Councilor] was conferred on him, and he was appointed to the Austrian Herrenhaus [Imperial Council] in 1900.”source

As you can see, the connection between the “royals” and Austrian Economics goes all the way back to its origin. Knowing this, ask yourself, “What was the royals’ interest in this? Were they developing this theory for the good of the serfs, or was it developed in an attempt to maximize the power and wealth of their royal families?”

The answer is pretty clear, isn’t it? The interest of the “royals” (who are now the “Occulted Powers” since they erected the Democratic Facade between themselves and their slaves) is in maximizing their wealth and power by finding the best balance between wealth production and wealth extraction. In other words, “How do you get the serfs to produce the most while simultaneously getting them to hand over the most?”

For more information on the Rockefeller connection to Austrian Economics, click here. And for the previous updates in this series, click here.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 13 – The globalist-run “people’s revolution” has begun in Europe

“Let’s get all our Greek cliches in formation…
…It’s time to march the people into another revolution against us.”

If you google “the birthplace of democracy,” this is what you get…
…So Greece is a very symbolically appropriate place to begin a revolution to restore “true democracy,” don’t you think? So does the Central Banking Cabal.

As I’ve said before, if you want to know the truth of what’s going on in the world, pick a person you know is an Establishment propagandist and back-engineer what he says. In my book, there is no better disinfo source to use than Paul Craig Roberts. Before I show you what he said yesterday, though, let me remind you of something I wrote in an old entry…

>>> It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap. <<<

With that in mind, here is Roberts’ latest croaking of doom

“The warning from the EU and Wall Street is clear: ‘Defy us and we will destroy you‘…

Can Greece escape from a situation comparable to the European Dark Ages when populations were ravaged by marauding raiders? Perhaps if Greece realigns with Russia and gains financing from BRICS.”

Bingo! The entire Roberts article portrays the Western banks, the EU, and the US as insane, rapacious thugs from whom the rabbits must flee. And where should the rabbits run? To the BRICS of course.

Let me also remind you of what I said in the last update…

>>> As I’ve shown in previous entries, the globalists seem to be positioning the “right wing dissenters” to take the political stage after the transition. This is symbolically appropriate given the whole Left Hand/Right Hand approach of the “elite.” They use the Left Hand to cause chaos and destruction and the Right Hand to bring about order and construction. <<<

With that in mind, have a look at the new political party which has taken power in Greece this week, Syriza

The Coalition of the Radical Left, known colloquially by its acronym SYRIZA, is a left-wing political party in Greece, originally founded as a coalition of left-wing and radical left parties.”

And what is this party implicitly threatening to do? Bring chaos and destruction to the existing post-WW2 economic and political order in Europe. This will create a vacuum into which “nationalistic” and “independence-minded” right wing parties can flow and bring order and construction (of the New Order).

Let’s see what Roberts says about Syriza in his article…

The party’s intentions and that of its leaders are honest and deserve our respect. Syriza is a people’s party, and that is what marks it for doom. The voice of the people is no longer permitted to affect politics in the Western world. The powerful rich interest groups that rule the West could not care less about the people over whom they rule.”

So here is Roberts telling us that Syriza’s “intentions and that of its leaders are honest and deserve our respect,” which is a sure indicator that the truth is the exact opposite. And he calls Syriza “a people’s party,” which is exactly what the Russian and Chinese communists call themselves. Syriza is “about the people” just as much as the Chinese Communist Party is “about the people” — which is to say “not at all.”

We will never get out of this trap as long as we look to co-opted political parties and globalist-controlled governmental structures as our saviors. Salvation lies in our own two hands, not theirs.

For the previous update in this series, click here. To see all the updates, visit the Globalist Agenda Watch category.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 12 – Don’t be fooled by globalist rebranding

[Update 12 – 25 January 2015]

How would you like a mouthful of Ayds?…
…Probably about as much as you want to be financially ruled by the IMF and the BIS, and the globalists know this.

When I was young, I remember seeing commercials for the weight loss chews pictured above. Their Wikipedia entry tells what happened to them…

“Ayds (pronounced as “aids”) was an appetite-suppressant candy which enjoyed strong sales in the 1970s and early 1980s…

By the mid-1980s, public awareness of the disease AIDS caused problems for the brand due to the phonetic similarity of names. While initially sales were not affected, by 1988 the chair of Dep Corporation announced that the company was seeking a new name because sales had dropped as much as 50% due to publicity about the disease. While the product’s name was changed to Diet Ayds (Aydslim in Britain), it was eventually withdrawn from the market.”

As you can imagine, the public formed negative associations with the name of the product, so the manufacturer recognized the need to change it. The problem was that they didn’t change it enough to get rid of the bad associations. As we head into the public debut of the multilateral / multipolar New World Order, it’s important to note that many of the globalist brands (such as the IMF and the Bank for International Settlements) have also garnered negative associations, so don’t be surprised if they move their offices and change their nameplates when the system resets.

If we look back to the 1988 Economist article “Get ready for the phoenix,” we see that it hints at the replacement of the existing IMF brand with something new…

So what will be the name of the new world central bank? They probably won’t call it “The Illuminati Central Bank” because they’ll want to avoid using words in the name that have bad associations in the public consciousness. Words like “global(ist),” “bank,” “central bank,” “authority,” etc. will likely be omitted and benign-sounding words will be used instead. The name might be “The New Monetary Council” or something along those lines.

As for other globalist entities, the Bank for International Settlements might be renamed something like “The Financial Coordination Council” and the UN’s World Bank might be folded into the BRICS-founded “New Development Bank” (which might explain why they left “BRICS” out of the name). If you think about it, how hard is it for the globalists to take the BIS and World Bank coversheets off of their reports and planning documents and replace them with new FCC and NDB coversheets? Not hard at all.

The replacement of tainted existing brands by fresh new brands extends beyond globalist organizations of course; it includes political figures as well. Many of the leaders people associate with the current crises (the scapegoats) will be swept aside by “heroic” controlled opposition figures who “saw it all coming” and could have prevented it “if only we’d had the power.”

As I’ve shown in previous entries, the globalists seem to be positioning the “right wing dissenters” to take the political stage after the transition. This is symbolically appropriate given the whole Left Hand/Right Hand approach of the “elite.” They use the Left Hand to cause chaos and destruction and the Right Hand to bring about order and construction. It is for this reason that they’ve carefully built-up a public image of foresighted/conscientious dissent for “right wing” figures like Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz. They have also done this for “left-winger” Elizabeth Warren, so she must have some role to play in bringing the “political left” into the fold after the transition.

All this being said, we are heading into the biggest mind f*ck that has ever been foisted upon the human race. The “elite” will be “changing the guard,” so expect them to make a big show of…

> “taking down the wrongdoers” (like they are in China right now). In reality, though, they are not taking down the corrupt; they are merely disposing of those who have outlived their usefulness or who “know where the bodies are buried.”

They might even make a show of scapegoating certain Western “elite” families that have become tainted in the public eye (such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers), but no real harm will come to them. That’s why disinfo agents like David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford tell sob stories about how the Illuminati were abused as children (“so they shouldn’t be blamed for doing things they didn’t really want to do”) and suggest that the Illuminati face “truth and reconciliation commissions” rather than punitive criminal courts. The “elite” don’t mind having some of their Family members wear dark hats and play the fall guy, but they don’t want their Bloodline brethren actually harmed.

> “replacing corrupt institutions” (like I’ve explained in this entry). In reality, though, they’ll simply be moving their operations from one shell to another…

> and “building a fair economic system based on sound money.” In reality, though, you’ll find the asset/commodity backing of the new currencies to be more theoretical than actual, especially when it comes to “elite”-coveted gold.

According to a Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs, a globalist think tank / propaganda center) paper titled Adding Gold into the Valuation of the SDR, these are some methods the banksters might use to keep the gold securely in their hands…
…So good luck trying to trade an SDR or national treasury note for physical gold.

Like I’ve said many times before, any global solution to our problems is a globalist solution. There is no other group of people who have the organization and power to erect a global solution at this time. So no matter what they call the new institutions or who they say are behind them, just look at what the institutions actually do. If they centralize power over your life at the global level, they are your enemies, no matter how nicely they might treat you at first.

And with that, I’ll call it a day. For the previous updates in this series, click here. To see all the updates, visit the Globalist Agenda Watch category.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 8-11 – George Soros, the dollar/renminbi peg, and the “Fed mistake”

[Update 8 – 22 January 2015]

With the globalists sipping champagne and nibbling caviar at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, it’s no surprise to see preparatory propaganda for the coming “Fed mistake” being presented on the 22nd of January…

In this instance, former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers is preparing us for what is to come. According to the Telegraph article

>>> The United States risks a deflationary spiral and a depression-trap that would engulf the world if the Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy too soon, a top panel of experts has warned…

“There is no confident basis for tightening. The Fed should not be fighting against inflation until it sees the whites of its eyes. That is a long way off,” he [Larry Summers] said, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Mr Summers said the world economy is entering treacherous waters as the US expansion enters its seventh year, reaching the typical life-expectancy of recoveries. <<<

So with his remarks, he is establishing an expectation for the end of the “recovery” and for the “mistake” the Fed will make this year. And after establishing that an “epochal deflationary crisis” will come if the Fed tightens money policy “too soon,” Christine Lagarde is then reported saying this…

>>> Mrs Lagarde said the IMF expects the Fed to raise rates in the middle of the year, sooner than markets expect. <<<

In other words, she is expecting the Fed to tighten monetary policy too soon.

The article also quotes Lagarde saying something that is interesting in light of the George Soros interview I’ve been writing about…

>>> “If the US is in a bad place, we are short of any engine at the moment, so I hope you are wrong,” said Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund. <<<

So if the US economic engine stops driving the world economy, which nation will take its place? According to the George Soros FT interview

China will emerge as the motor replacing the US consumer and, of course, it’s a smaller motor because the Chinese economy is much smaller. So the world economy will have less of a motor, so it will move forward slower than it has in the last 25 years. But China will be the engine driving it forward…”

Another thing that Soros mentions in the interview is the effect of China de-pegging the renminbi from the dollar. Given what happened with the Swiss franc and the euro this month, that is something else we should be watching for. Another form the “Fed mistake” could take is doing quantitative easing instead of raising rates, and that could trigger de-pegging like it did in Europe. I’ll cover this in another update.

[Update 9 – 23 January 2015]

Are Netanyahu and the Pope setting up a time window for war?

Two peculiar things I’ve watched pop up in the news are the planned US visits of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Francis, both of whom are to give speeches before joint sessions of Congress this year.

When I first saw news of Netanyahu’s visit, his speech was scheduled for February 11 (2/11), but it has since moved to March 3 (3/3). And the Pope’s arrival in the US is scheduled for September 22 (9/22). These dates suggest that Judeo-Masonic mischief is afoot. But what sort of mischief?

If we look to the public personas of the two, Netanyahu is seen as a war hawk and the Pope as a peace dove, so this suggests we might be looking at a “war window”: two points in time that mark the beginning and end of a period of staged military conflict. According to some news reports, such as this one at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
…the Israelis and Republicans are doing an end-run around Obama which could possibly lead to war. Will the Pope then come to bring peace?

During any other year, I wouldn’t pay much mind to the two visits, but 2015 isn’t going to be like any other year.

I’ll keep an eye on this…

[Update 10 – 24 January 2015]

Congress may be waiting for “Fed Mistake” before passing audit bill

We’re nearing the end of January, and neither the mainstream media nor the Congress have been talking much about the “Audit the Fed” effort. The articles that have been trickling out of the MSM have appeared in local outlets, but they feature wording that’s worth noting. Here’s a snippet from a Raleigh News & Observer piece

“Detractors from both major political parties are preparing legislation to rein in the powers of the Federal Reserve, moves that would test and potentially restrain its independence.

The proposals include ordering a broad audit of the central bank, including its secret policy making, and giving Congress the power to confirm or reject the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, one of the most influential…

Since 1913, the Fed has used closed-door deliberations to conduct monetary policy, raising its benchmark interest rates when the economy gets too hot and inflation is a threat, and cutting them in a bid to spark activity when economic recovery loses steam.”

They are making a point of mentioning that the audit will cover the Fed’s monetary policymaking, which could be a hint that the legislation will be advanced when the Fed makes its big “mistake” with regards to monetary policy.

In the meantime, Sputnik (a newly branded Russian government propaganda outlet), is promoting Ron Paul and the endgame of the Fed audit maneuver
…May God bless our elite-sponsored “hero,” Ron Paul. 🙂

[Update 11 – 24 January 2015]

George Soros, the dollar/renminbi peg, and the “Fed mistake”

So far this month, we have seen lots of drama coming out of the central banks. And amidst this drama, three notable precedents have emerged…

1) Central banks are making abrupt, market-shocking changes in policy direction.

As noted in Update 4, we have seen this in Switzerland, and we’ve also now seen it in Canada. If you haven’t heard what Canada did, have a look at this Economist article

THE Bank of Canada does not like to surprise the markets and usually signals changes to its benchmark interest rate well in advance. But on January 21st markets were shocked by the bank’s decision to drop the target for the overnight rate from 1% to just 0.75%.”

2) Central banks are lowering interest rates and doing quantitative easing.

Canada lowered its rate and the European Central Bank announced a 60 billion euro per month bond buying program.

3) A central bank has removed a currency peg.

The Swiss de-pegged their franc from the euro using the ECB’s anticipated quantitative easing as an excuse.

Looking at these three precedents, let’s have another look at the anticipated “Fed mistake.” So far, the expectation has been that it would take the form of the Fed raising their interest rates too soon and/or too much. But what would happen if they instead followed the precedents set by the other central banks?

Before answering this question, let’s look back at what George Soros said about the dollar and China’s renminbi back in 2009 (for more information on this interview, see George Soros and the elite’s China-fronted New World Order)…

From here: “Well, certainly a decline in the value of the dollar is necessary in order to compensate for the fact that the US economy will remain rather weak — will be a drag on the global economy.”

From here: “And basically the renminbi is permanently undervalued because it’s tied to the dollar.”

From here: “As long as the renminbi is tied to the dollar, I don’t see how the decline in the dollar can go too far.”

From here: Interviewer – “Do you think it’s possible to persuade China to allow the renminbi to become stronger?”

Soros – “I think that they would be… they have been agitating for it, so I would take them at their word…”

(Keep in mind that the Chinese are attempting to transition from an export-based economy to one based on domestic consumption, so an increase in the renminbi’s value would help with that.)

What Soros is implying with his statements is that the renminbi is like a helium balloon that naturally wants to go up (because of the “strength” of the Chinese economy and China’s vast commodity assets), and the dollar is like a weight that naturally wants to go down (because of the “weakness” of the US economy and the dollar’s diminishing use as the world’s reserve currency). So as long as the two currencies are tied together by the Chinese government’s dollar peg policy, the renminbi is weighed down by the dollar and the dollar is held up by the renminbi. If you untie the two, the balloon will rise and the weight will fall.

Now imagine this…

After making a big show of supposedly tapering and then stopping its quantitative easing, and after getting all the markets to expect an interest rate increase sometime in 2015, the Fed instead does the exact opposite and restarts QE (they would do this under the pretext that the QE from all the other central banks is making the dollar too strong and exports too expensive, thus threatening the US “recovery”). The Chinese, in turn, could use such a Fed move as the pretext for de-pegging their currency like the Swiss did. This could cause an abrupt dollar/renminbi currency move which could be greatly exacerbated if the Chinese also did one or both of the following:

1) Announce that in addition to depegging, they will start moving towards a gold backing for the renminbi.

2) Begin unloading large quantities of their US Treasury bonds using the excuse that the Fed is irresponsibly inflating away the value of China’s dollar holdings.

The ensuing currency shock could then give rise to a “multilateral solution” through the IMF.

This leaves us with three candidates for the “Fed mistake”…

1) The Fed goes against the flow of the other central banks and raises interest rates too much / too soon, thus causing a shock in the markets.

2) The Fed goes with the flow of the other central banks by reversing course and reinstituting QE, thus causing the Chinese to abandon their dollar peg.

3) The Fed does nothing, and after the speculative bubbles burst and sink the system, they get blamed for letting the bubbles grow too large on account of their too loose, too long monetary policy.

Get out the popcorn. This should be fun to watch.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 4-7 – George Soros openly talks of collusion with China in building the New World Order & Paul Craig Roberts confirms Le Pen, Farage, and Paul are controlled opposition

[Update 4 – 15 January 2015]

The Swiss National Bank and the “Fed Mistake”


If you’ve visited Zero Hedge this morning, you’ll know that the Swiss National Bank has made some sudden, unexpected changes in policy that have roiled the currency exchange markets as well as the Swiss export and tourism industries.

As this article notes…

“Just before lunch local time, the Swiss National Bank took on virtually every single macro hedge fund, the vast majority of which were short the Swiss Franc and crushed them, when it announced, first, that it would go further into NIRP, pushing its interest rate on deposit balances even more negative from -0.25% to -0.75%, a move which in itself would have been unprecedented and, second, announcing that the 1.20 EURCHF floor it had instituted in September 2011, the day gold hit its all time nominal high, was no more.”

Also mentioned is this outcome of the policy changes…

“However, the best soundbites today will surely come from US hedge funds which are just waking up to the biggest FX shock in years, and of course, any retail investors who may have been long the EURCHF, and who are not only facing epic margin calls, but are unable to cover their positions…”

So here we have yet another example of the Central Banking Cabal ripping off retail investors while simultaneously creating problems that can “only be solved by giving the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) more power over national central banks.” You can be certain that the central banksters and their traders were on the profitable side of the market moves this morning, because they, of course, knew what was coming. The international financial markets have never been anything but a rigged casino designed to extract wealth from the masses.

Another article notes the supposed cause of the SNB’s “shocking” changes…

“Removing the SNB peg takes out one of the biggest EUR buyers in the market. And of course, VERY notable this is happening 1-week ahead of the ECB, they possibly realised they could not continue to buy unlimited quantities when the ECB might print unlimited quantities.”

So the SNB’s actions are supposedly a preemptive measure against the expectation that the European Central Bank will print more money. This, then, is a case of market turmoil created by national central banks working at cross-purposes, which is exactly what the BIS is using as justification for centralized supranational control.

Yet another article shows this…

>>> From January 12, 2015:

    The Swiss National Bank’s cap on the franc at 1.20 per euro will remain its key monetary policy tool, the central bank’s vice-chairman said in a television interview broadcast on Monday. “We took stock of the situation less than a month ago, we looked again at all the parameters and we are convinced that the minimum exchange rate must remain the cornerstone of our monetary policy,” Jean-Pierre Danthine told RTS.

From January 15, 2015:

    Recently, divergences between the monetary policies of the major currency areas [translation: “national central banks working at cross-purposes”] have increased significantly – a trend that is likely to become even more pronounced. The euro has depreciated considerably against the US dollar and this, in turn, has caused the Swiss franc to weaken against the US dollar. In these circumstances, the SNB concluded that enforcing and maintaining the minimum exchange rate for the Swiss franc against the euro is no longer justified. <<<

So in just a few days, the SNB completely changed direction. This sets the stage for the Fed to do the same thing…

[Update 5 – 15 January 2015]

Enter Hyperbole

According to this USA Today article

So what’s the solution? Wouldn’t you know it…

>>> What’s the Fed to do? George Selgin, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, is against any delay in the U.S. raising interest rates. Delaying, he warns, could lead to another asset price bubble that could pop and make a mess. David Wessel, director of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings, says that getting the timing of the rate hike right is one “really tricky” issue to keep Yellen awake at night. It’s an art, not a science, and easy to mess up. Too early and recovery could be choked off. Too late and inflation could sap the Fed’s credibility. <<<

Needless to say, the Fed will get it wrong.

[Update 6 – 15 January 2015]

George Soros openly talks of collusion with China in building the New World Order

A reader has brought to my attention a 2009 FT interview of George Soros. At the 12 second mark
…he drops this bomb…

“…So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order…”

I’ve scanned both parts of the interview (here is Part 1), and they are chock full of reality checks for those who have bought-in to the East/West dialectic. I will be mining it for quotes and publishing a full article on its implications as soon as possible.

[Update 7 – 16 January 2015]

Paul Craig Roberts confirms Le Pen, Farage, and Paul are controlled opposition

The great thing about globalist disinfo agents is that once you identify them, they become a great source of insight into what the globalist agenda actually is. Whatever they are selling is what the globalists want sold, and whatever they are bashing is what the globalists want bashed. Discerning the underlying agenda then becomes child’s play.

Paul Craig Roberts is one such disinfo agent, and he is on the globalists’ “Team BRICS.” Team BRICS media agents are tasked with pointing out the (deliberately) insane policies of the US and the West and/or pointing out the hope offered by “freedom fighting” China and the East. Roberts is a particularly shrill propagandist who assails “insane” American policy.

On top of the clear propaganda signature offered by his writings and interviews, he makes a point of displaying the “Hidden Hand” gang sign of the “elite” on his webpage

All this triggers “Ken’s Rule for Discerning Globalists”…

If it quacks like a dialectic propagandist, looks like a Hidden Hand, and smells like a vinegary fish, it’s a globalist douchebag.

Now have a look at what Roberts said in this King World News interview

His promotion of “dissenters” like Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, and (by extension) Ron Paul tells us that the globalists want them promoted, just like I noted in these two entries…

Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags (and the real agenda behind the Paris attacks)

The Paris Attacks, Marine Le Pen and Ron Paul

And don’t be confused if these “dissenters” break up the EU. Just remember the quote attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” This concept extends to the global level as well. Once the globalists have locked the nations into the SDR-based, Chinese “owned” (as Soros puts it) multilateral/multipolar New Financial Order, they no longer have to hold together fragile combinations like the EU. New multilateral regional and functional institutions can rise from the ashes of the EU. Once the centralized money power has been secured, the rest is academic.

For the first three installments of this series, click here.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 3 – This episode of “Bend over, here it comes” is brought to you by Citibank

Given all the things the globalists set in motion in the final few months of last year, as well as all the preparatory propaganda they laid down in December, I’ll be going to an event watch format so I can be more agile in keeping up with them. For today, I thought I’d share a preface Brandon Smith wrote for an article over on

Brandon is one of the few (if not the only) financial writers out there who… A) get it, and B) have the guts to write about it. Not only is he dead-on about the BIS playing the wise man to the national central banks’ fool, but the BIS is also chiming in on the “strong dollar” as well. Just have a look at what I got when I did a Google News search on the terms “BIS warns”:
…and this is just the top part of the first page of results. They are setting themselves up to be the wise supranational institution that “saw it all coming” and could have prevented it “if only we’d had the power to rein in the national central banks.”

As you look upon the search results, note how they are warning about the strong dollar, and the propaganda press is writing stories about it too. They are basically setting the stage for transitioning to the SDR as the global reserve currency. This is their basic argument:

1) The sudden strength of the dollar is putting pressure on other nations who have taken out loans denominated in dollars. When the dollar gets stronger, it takes more of their currency to purchase each dollar they need to pay back their loans, which creates great difficulty for those with restricted budgets. For example, a $1 million loan payment would have cost a Russian about 33 million rubles to pay back in July of last year; to pay it this month will cost about 58 million rubles.

2) If only we had a supranational currency that was stable in value, difficulties like this could be avoided. We wouldn’t have to worry about fluctuations between the values of national currencies.

What the BIS central bankers don’t tell you, of course, is that they are the ones intentionally causing volatility in the exchange rates in order to profit from trading them. They are creating the problem that they are proposing to solve (by giving themselves even more power).

Few people know that the BIS’s Board of Directors is actually made up of the very central bank heads it’s criticizing. Here are three of them who will get a lot of heat from BIS propaganda when things go south: the previous head of the Bank of Japan, Masaaki Shirakawa; the current head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen; and the current head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi…
…Do you really think the BIS and the members of the BIS Board of Directors are in disagreement with each other? Of course not. They are simply putting on a show of incompetence at the national level and competence at the supranational level so power can be centralized.

For a more in-depth look at the BIS and their strategy, read this entry: Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.

More to come in Update 1…

[Update 1 – 3 January 2015]

BRICS Propaganda and the BIS

In “Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce,” I took an in-depth look at a BIS-related propaganda article from state-owned China Daily, so let’s now take a look at a recent propaganda piece out of government-funded RT

Here are some key excerpts (with my comments in brackets)…

“A study by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) suggests dollar dominance could spell disaster for emerging markets.

The spectacular recovery by the US dollar could ruin emerging market economies that have large dollar-denominated debts, which in turn could trigger chaos in the global financial markets, the Swiss-based global watchdog said…”

[In case you didn’t get the message they’re trying to convey, here it is: dollar dominance = disaster, especially for the “emerging market economies” to whom the globalists are marketing the BRICS institutions. And the BIS, a joint creation of the English banksters and their Nazi buddies, is the “global watchdog” (substitute “mad” for “watch” and you’ll be closer to the truth).]

“The Bank for International Settlements, dubbed the bank for central bankers, warns of the imbalance between dollar debt and dollar output, and said it could have a ‘profound impact on the global economy.’…”

[So dollar dependence could lead to “chaos in the global financial markets,” which could have a “profound impact on the global economy” (thus leaving the hanging implication that we need to move on to some alternative to the dollar, like the SDR).]

A tightened monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve, paired with the strong dollar, could exacerbate debt problems in emerging markets.

A strong dollar, as pointed out by Borio, can raise debt burdens for countries with weaker currencies, as a strong dollar has historically triggered turmoil in emerging markets, such as in Latin America in the 1980s, and Asia in the 1990s.”

[So it’s also the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve that is creating problems for the emerging markets (“Blame the Fed” and “Sieg Heil, BIS”).]

After going on to bemoan the “outdated” dominance of the dollar as the primary global reserve currency, they offer the globalist solution to the problems posed by the strong dollar and the Fed’s policies…

As I’ve noted in previous entries, the globalists have intentionally instigated Western misconduct and market volatility in order to drive the rest of the world into the waiting arms of the BRICS institutions. In fact, the BRICS’ New Development Bank will have a safety net ready for the emerging economies once things get dicey. It’s called the Contingent Reserve Arrangement

“The Bank would also provide assistance to other countries suffering from the economic volatility in the wake of the United States’ exit from its expansionary monetary policy.”

Of course, loans from globalist multilateral institutions always come with strings attached. 😉

The article then goes on to point to the light at the end of the dollar dominance tunnel…
…China and its yuan.

[Update 2 – 4 January 2015]

What East versus West conflict? The West is helping China’s renminbi to become a reserve currency

Continuing our review of globalist preparatory propaganda, let’s have a look at a Financial Times article titled “IMF decision could propel renminbi past sterling and yen” from December of last year (you’ll have to do a Google News search for the title to read the full article)…

It was written by Jukka Pihlman…
…who has strong central bankster connections.

Here are some notable excerpts…

>>> Last time the IMF reviewed the composition of the SDR, in 2010, it concluded the RMB did not meet the key criteria of being a freely usable currency. But a lot has changed since, making next year’s decision much more finely poised…

Nevertheless, the fast-paced adoption of the RMB by central banks and the inclusion of RMB in their reserves – underpinned by the Chinese authorities’ continued and conscious efforts in making the RMB more accessible – could help swing the IMF decision in the RMB’s favour.

The final decision is in part discretionary and politics will invariably play a part. But supporters of the RMB’s inclusion may draw comfort from the fact that changes to the SDR composition are relatively ‘easy’ to vote through.

Most big IMF decisions require an 85 per cent majority, effectively giving the US, with its almost 17 per cent share of the vote, the power of veto. However, according to Article XV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreements, the IMF Executive Board can make the SDR decision with only 70 per cent of the vote, provided there is no change to the methodology.

Importantly, the Europeans have indicated by their actions that they are unlikely to stand in the RMB’s way, as long as the technical argument stacks up. Recent reports that the European Central Bank was considering adding the RMB to its reserves, joining France and Switzerland who have already decided to do so, is a highly significant development and shows how rapidly attitudes to the RMB are changing. <<<

So in this article, we have a Western globalist minion telegraphing that the RMB will be added to the SDR this year. Not only that, he points out that the Europeans are welcoming the RMB as a reserve currency by adding it to their own central bank reserves. The article also mentions England’s selling of RMB-denominated bonds…

Here is an excerpt from the UK government’s website

>>> The UK government has today successfully issued a sovereign bond in China’s currency, the renminbi (RMB), becoming the first western country to do so and issuing the largest ever non-Chinese RMB bond.

The RMB 3 billion bond, which is equivalent to approximately £300 million, has a maturity of 3 years and delivers on the Chancellor’s announcement at the recent annual UK-China economic summit in London that the government intended to issue an RMB bond.

It is the world’s first non-Chinese issuance of sovereign RMB debt and will be used to finance Britain’s reserves. Currently, Britain only holds reserves in US dollars, euros, yen and Canadian dollars, so today’s issuance signals the RMB’s potential as a future reserve currency.

The bond issuance, which saw strong demand from investors, also further cements Britain’s position as the most important RMB market in the western world, and represents the next step in the government’s long term economic plan to establish Britain as the centre of global finance. <<<

And everyone seems to overlook that a former People’s Bank of China Deputy Governor is now a Deputy Managing Director of the IMF
…who will most likely be joined by his former PBOC boss, Zhou Xiaochuan, when the latter takes over as Managing Director of the IMF once the trigger is pulled on “governance reform.”

So where is the East versus West clash all the mainstream and alternative propagandists are talking about? It doesn’t exist, except as a propaganda ploy to make the multilateral / multipolar NWO look like real, positive change.

As for when the renminbi might be added to the SDR, let’s look to the globalist meeting schedule for this year. The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors will be meeting on February 9…
…so expect to hear a lot of noise in late January / early February about the need to go to “Plan B” due to “the United States’ failure to uphold its responsibility to adopt quota reform” at the IMF. There will be talk of dismantling the US’ veto power in the IMF as well as bringing the renminbi into the SDR basket of currencies.

The IMF/World Bank Group will have meetings on April 17 and October 9…
…so they will probably announce specific plans for quota reform and the RMB in April and take action by October 11. This would sync well with the BRICS Bank / economic collapse / Fed takedown timetable outlined in The Globalists are accelerating the rollout of their new financial system.

[Update 3 – 5 January 2015]

This episode of “Bend over, here it comes” is brought to you by Citibank

I’ll have to take a break from China and the IMF so we can take a look at something that just popped up on Zero Hedge: Is Citi The Next AIG?

Apparently, data was released today that showed an FDIC-insured entity of Citibank added a massive volume of derivatives to its books in the 3rd quarter of last year…
…And conveniently, Congress passed Citi-backed legislation last month that left taxpayers on the hook for any derivatives that go bad in such entities.

So here we have a case of the banksters loading up trillions of dollars of potentially bad contracts on the taxpayers just prior to what? Given the wave of derivative “credit events” that could be coming due to the strong dollar and the sudden drop in oil prices, are they going to trigger the global economic train wreck before the Fed can do it by raising interest rates? If so, don’t worry, the Fed will be blamed no matter what they do or don’t do.

This is not a year when you want to take life too seriously. 😉

Back to China and the IMF in the next update…