Category Archives: Globalist Agenda Watch 2015

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 51-53 – Guess who’s running the new BRICS Bank & Happy ISIS Weekend? (+ a P.S.)

[Update 51]

While examining Eastern press reports of the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Forum for news that went largely unnoticed in the West, I came across a Greek Reporter article titled Greek PM Tsipras Meets with Gazprom Chief, BRICS Delegation in St Petersburg. It contained this telling section…

>>> Tsipras also met with representatives of the new development bank for BRICS countries, who expressed their intense interest in cooperating with Greece.

The Greek Prime Minister was accompanied by Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, while the BRICS delegation included its chief, Kundapur Vaman Kamath, IMF’s Executive Director and new Vice President of the BRICS bank Paulo Nogueira Batista, Russia’s Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak and the head of state bank Vnesheconombank (VEB), Vladimir Dmitriev. <<<

In the Western news reports of the time, I saw it mentioned that Tsipras met with Putin, but I heard nothing about him meeting with the head of the BRICS Bank, K.V. Kamath…
…who is one of the “Davos boys.” It was an interesting oversight on the part of the Western press.

Even more interesting than that was the mention that one of the IMF’s Executive Directors is also a Vice President of the BRICS Bank. According to the IMF website

“The Executive Board (the Board) is responsible for conducting the day-to-day business of the IMF. It is composed of 24 Directors, who are appointed or elected by member countries or by groups of countries, and the Managing Director, who serves as its Chairman. The Board usually meets several times each week. It carries out its work largely on the basis of papers prepared by IMF management and staff.”

One of those Board members is this man…
who was selected on June 11 as a Vice President of the BRICS Bank.

And who trained this Mr. Batista?…

The Jesuits…

…and the London Establishment…

If we look again at the BRICS Post article that announced Batista’s selection to the BRICS Bank, it offers an additional bit of interesting information…

“The first meeting of the bank’s board of governors will be in early July during the BRICS summit in Russia, at which it will formally appoint its president and vice-presidents…

Zhu Xian, vice-president of the World Bank, has been picked by China as one of the four vice-presidents.”

So who will be running the “fresh, new” BRICS Bank? Guys who hang out at Davos, who help run the “tainted, old” IMF and World Bank, and who are trained by the London Establishment and the Vatican Jesuits.

The BRICS Freedom Fighters: change we can believe in
…(as we ride the Turnip Truck Express into the New World Order)

[Update 52 – 2 July 2015]

The BRICS Bank will be ready this month for the Fed’s interest rate hike

In yet another sign of how carefully the globalists have choreographed the supposed East vs. West conflict, the BRICS Post is reporting that the BRICS Bank’s $100 billion Contingency Fund will be in place at the end of the month. This will give them a good six weeks to work out procedural bugs before the Federal Reserve delivers the New Lehman Shock with an expected September interest rate increase, and it even raises the possibility that the Fed could surprise us with a rate hike this month.

Originally, the BRICS Bank was scheduled to launch sometime in 2016. But during last November’s G20 Summit, the BRICS’ language changed to an “as quickly as possible” stance. I took note of it at the time in The Globalists are accelerating the rollout of their new financial system. In that entry, I predicted that the Bank would be launched at next week’s BRICS Summit, and I took note of what the Brazilian President said about the Bank

>>> With $100 billion in its coffers, the bank will help ensure infrastructure investments in BRICS countries and provide assistance for countries suffering from the economic volatility in the wake of the US’ exit from its expansionary monetary policy <<<

The $100 billion Contingency Fund is the money that is earmarked for that assistance, so the globalists must ensure it’s in place before they instruct the Fed to do the deed. Since it will be ready at about the same time the FOMC meets this month (on the 28th and 29th), a surprise July increase isn’t out of the question. It all depends on how much time they want to space between the “Fed Mistake” and the UN Summit in late September. I still favor a September rate hike for the time being, but I will be watching what they say very closely this month.

[Update 53 – 3 July 2015]

Happy ISIS Weekend?

A rare photograph of ISIS General Mohammed Hachmed Jihadi and his globalist intelligence agency handler…

Now that we’ve firmly entered the event horizon of the next global financial crisis, a progressive increase in war propaganda and false-flag terror is to be expected. So could we be looking at “ISIS” attacks in America during the Fourth of July weekend? I wouldn’t be surprised.

Should such attacks arise, watch for the following things (and laugh)…

> The attack(s) will be sloppy and easily seen through.

> The faux-truthers will be all over them exposing the inconsistencies between what happened and “the official story.”

> The trail will ultimately lead to the globalist elements that have been designated to play the scapegoat role during the NWO transition: the Neocons, the Zionists, the Nazis, and the Anglo-American banksters.

For a more detailed explanation of how all this works, see this entry: Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags.

(P.S. – 3 July 2015) – Whilst poking about the internet this evening, I came across this LaRouche webpage
…So Lyndon LaRouche is selling the BRICS Kool Aid, eh? No surprise there.

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 48-50 – The BIS, the anti-democratic West & Greece and the BRICS Bank (+ a P.S. x 2)

[Update 48]

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) released its 2014/2015 Annual Report today, and it hits the propaganda talking points I’ve been expecting.

It outlines the source of the global financial problem: the national central banks’ “too loose for too long” monetary policies…
…(from the BIS website)

And it offers the globalist solution to the problem…

“International policy coordination can occur at various depths. Enlightened self-interest takes international spillovers into account to the extent that they spill back on one’s own economy. However, even if countries did their best individually, this would still fall short of the mark if there were significant international spillovers, as in today’s era of global liquidity. Moving towards a more efficient outcome would require greater cooperation, including ad hoc joint action, and possibly even agreement on rules of the game that constrain domestic policies.”

…(from Section V of the Report)

Putting these passages in clearer terms, “The ‘self-interested’ national central banks have screwed everything up with their conflicting policies and ‘too loose for too long’ interest rate regimes, so we want to transfer more control of currencies and financial systems to wise international bodies like the IMF and BIS.”

Isn’t it interesting that they released this report on the eve of the next financial crisis? The BIS is  pre-positioning itself as the voice of sanity in a world of financial chaos.

And guess what else the report says…

“Given where we are, [interest rate] normalisation is bound to be bumpy. Risk-taking in financial markets has gone on for too long. And the illusion that markets will remain liquid under stress has been too pervasive (Chapter II). But the likelihood of turbulence will increase further if current extraordinary conditions are spun out. The more one stretches an elastic band, the more violently it snaps back. Restoring more normal conditions will also be essential for facing the next recession, which will no doubt materialise at some point. Of what use is a gun with no bullets left? Therefore, while having regard for country-specific conditions, monetary policy normalisation should be pursued with a firm and steady hand.” – (from page 22 of the Report / PDF page 26)

Look for the Fed to follow this advice in September. And look also for the “bumpiness” the BIS “wisely” warned about.

[Update 49 – 29 June 2015]

The “anti-democratic” West

From my NWO Schedule of Implementation page…

“The script of the play calls for Greece, the ‘birthplace of democracy,’ to flee the ‘anti-democratic’ West and join the ‘BRICS rebellion against the evil Western central bankers.’”

From the front page of Zero Hedge today…

Not only does the article’s title hit the “anti-democratic West” talking point, it also touches on what I wrote about in Understanding the NWO Strategy. As I’ve said innumerable times, the “Economic Totalitarianism from Arrogant [European] people” is a clear evil that is being widely advertised to stir an emotional reaction amongst the sheeple. The globalists WANT the sheeple to see this evil coming upon them so the herd will want to flee to safety. And to where shall those scared sheepfolk go? To the BRICS and their NWO of course, just like the Greeks will do next week. We are meant to flee the scary Left Hand of the globalists to find sanctuary in their reassuring Right Hand.

(P.S. – 29 June 2015) – Here is a little blast from the past. It’s a section from an entry I wrote in my second blog, and it speaks to the subject at hand. I’ve added it to the Understanding the NWO Strategy page as Mod 1.3…

The NWO strategy in pictures


For people to embrace the New World Order, they have to see it as the SOLUTION to their problems, not the SOURCE of their problems. And in order to get folks to see the it that way, the globalists are having their Western minions create all kinds of mischief so their Eastern minions can step in and save everyone. So in…

Step 1: The globalists have released the Western hounds on everyone, and they are mauling us with theft, oppression and war.

Step 2: They’ve had their faux-truther / controlled-opposition press screaming to everyone that the hounds are coming after us so we’ll get scared and look for safety.

Step 3: They are having their BRICS minions step up and save us from the hounds. Welcome, saviors!

And with that, we end up in the NWO. It’s not so hard to understand, is it?

[Update 50 – 29 June 2015]

Greece and the BRICS Bank

I just came across an article on Russian propaganda site Sputnik titled Greeks Enthusiastic About Joining BRICS New Development Bank. Here is an interesting passage…

On June 19, Greek Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis told Sputnik that Greece could become the first non-founder members of the NDB, joining on an equal footing as its current members, as soon as the bank was launched.

The NDB is expected to begin operations on July 7, according to Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak.”

So the NDB will open its doors on 7/7, eh? It’s the “magic 7″ again…

(P.S. – 30 June 2015) – As expected… Reuters: Greek drama not likely to waylay Federal Reserve

“The fuse may be lit for a Greek exit from the euro zone but the fallout in the United States is expected to be modest and not enough to throw the Federal Reserve’s likely September rate hike off course, said former Fed officials and outside analysts watching the latest turn in Greece’s crisis.”

It’s interesting that they could draw such a conclusion on the very first day of the new economic crisis when the markets were going haywire. It’s almost as if this was pre-planned. wink

(P.S. – 30 June 2015) – Speaking of faux-truthers / controlled-opposition figures in the alt media, a reader has sent me a link to a very extensive and interesting entry about Alex Jones allegedly being Bill Hicks, the supposedly dead comedian: ALEX JONES REALLY IS BILL HICKS. Have a look at it and see what you think. It’s a fun way to fill the boredom until next week’s BRICS Summit…

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 45-47 – After Greece Pops & Let the Cyrusing begin (+ a numerological sidenote)

[Update 45]

The dead guy in the middle is the financial markets, and the two guys holding him up are the central banks…
…The central banks can hold up the markets pretty much as long as they wish, take them wherever they want them to go, and then drop them when the timing suits their agenda. Don’t ever forget that.

The Greeks are taking their sweet time and a long convoluted road to get there, but we all know where they’re going: to the Eurozone’s off-ramp, then a right turn onto BRICS Boulevard. But what will happen once they finally exit the Autobahn?

While the Grexit could be used to trigger a Lehman moment, I doubt the globalists will allow that so early in the year. I still anticipate them allowing the Grexit aftermath to ripple through the EU political and economic systems through the summer and then having the Fed administer the global economic coup de grace in September. We have a long summer of revolution in the EU periphery to look forward to.

Look for the Grexit financial preparations made by the Eurozone to prevent a total meltdown until the September FOMC meeting. That way, the Fed can say “the systemic aftermath of Greece’s departure from the Eurozone appears to be sufficiently contained to allow a normalization of interest rates.” Then we’re going down fast…

[Update 46 – 26 June 2015]

Tsipras takes it like a true Spartan

I couldn’t help but notice the wording in this headline from The Telegraph
…So the German leader says there’s no Plan B, eh?

That’s not what the Greek Defense Minister has said

>>> “What we want is a deal. But if there is no deal – hopefully (there will be) – and if we see that Germany remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the obligation to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get funding from another source,” he told a Greek television show that ran into early Tuesday. “It could the United States at best, it could be Russia, it could be China or other countries,” he said. <<<

As we enter the weekend, the Eurozone is saying that Greece and the Troika must agree to terms tomorrow. And it appears that Tsipras has surrendered the Greeks’ ultimate red line of cutting pensions. As the reports

“Under the latest proposal, Athens said it will cut the contribution from the Greek state to pensions by between 0.25pc and 0.5pc of GDP this year and by 1pc next year.”

This being so, I wouldn’t be surprised if a deal is struck tomorrow. But that’s not all there is to it. The Greek Parliament must still agree to the deal in order to access the bailout money needed to avoid a default. As India’s Economic Times reports

“The money, profits from Greek bonds held by the European Central Bank, would be paid out ‘as soon as the Greek parliament has approved with a resolution the agreement with the (creditor) institutions and adopted a first set of legislative actions,’ the document said.”

So the sticking point is still the Parliament. Wouldn’t it be funny if they debated it all week only to finally reject it on July 4th? Would the globalists be so brazen about it? Probably not, now that I’ve spoiled the surprise…

(P.S. – 26 June 2015) – There are reports that Tsipras has rejected the latest proposal, but we’ll see where the puppeteers set his spine switch tomorrow…

(P.S. – 26 June 2015) – There’s been yet another abrupt change of course: Greek PM Tsipras to announce referendum on bailout-sources. According to another report, the referendum would take place on July 5, just 3 days prior to the BRICS Summit.

[Update 47 – 27 June 2015]

Let the Cyrusing begin…

The Telegraph is reporting that Greece’s creditors may be pulling the plug on Monday, and capital controls could begin then. As for the IMF payment on Tuesday, this was reported in mid-June…

“Greece will be in default with the International Monetary Fund at the start of July if it fails to make a repayment on June 30 because there is no grace period or possibility to delay, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said on Thursday.” – (from Fox Business)

Meanwhile in China, their stock market took quite a plunge on Friday. It would appear that the “notable economic downturn” I’ve been expecting is being launched in both the West and East simultaneously.

(P.S. – 27 June 2015)Zero Hedge is reporting that some Greek banks may not open on Monday for lack of cash. Apparently, the ECB has left Greece’s Emergency Liquidity Assistance capped since Wednesday, and I wouldn’t expect them to allow any more increases given the propaganda that’s coming out now. When they pushed the pause button on the 22nd, it was for only one week it appears.

Now I’m wondering if the script calls for the Greek government to protect their people from being Cyprused. Will the globalists empty out Greece’s assets before the BRICS switchover, or will they let them keep some so the Greek government can play the hero? We’ll just have to wait and see.

(Numerological Sidenote – 28 June 2015) – The whole referendum dustup between Greece and the EU was staged on Saturday the 27th (2 + 7 = 9), and the bank holiday kicks off on Monday the 29th (2 + 9 =11), so we have another 9/11. How cute and diabolical…

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 44 – Putin confirms farcical nature of “BRICS bank vs. IMF” propaganda, and The Two NWOs

I came across this article on NewsX today. Have a look at what it says…
…(IANS is the Indo-Asian News Service, and here is info on NewsX)

If you are a longtime reader of this blog, you’ll recall that I covered this subject in Update 17B: Debunking the phony “BRICS Bank versus World Bank/IMF” conflict. In that entry, we looked at an internal UN document that talked about the BRICS Bank as “a dream coming true”…
…which filled “gaps in the Southern Financial Architecture.” Since the IMF is part of the UN Complex, that pretty well ruled out any real conflict between the IMF and the BRICS Bank. Talk of the BRICS Bank being at odds with the IMF is pure propaganda used to support the phony East vs. West dialectic. You will find such bullsh*t all over the mainstream and alternative media, but you can also find the truth if you look hard enough.

Speaking of the phony East vs. West dialectic, I will be appending the completed version of “The Two NWOs” to this entry today…

The Two NWOs

The key to understanding the globalists’ strategy in implementing the New World Order is to understand that there are actually two NWOs: a Western-fronted decoy New World Order and a BRICS-fronted real New World Order. Once you understand how and why the globalists created them and played them against each other, all of the confusing information floating about the mainstream and alternative media will start making sense.

> The Western-fronted decoy NWO

This evil, menacing NWO is supposedly being constructed by the US and the EU, but it has never really existed as anything but a media construct. It is much like the fake army of inflatable tanks that Patton “commanded” prior to the Normandy invasion; there is no real substance to it. It was created as a propaganda prop to serve as the “dark side” in the play the globalists are putting on for the public. They even gave it a dark-skinned figurehead for dramatic flair…

When you listen to the many faux-truthers in the alternative press, it is this decoy NWO to which they point as they make their fearful predictions in order to create an emotional reaction within their viewers/readers/listeners. They portray it as an evil Zionist/Nazi/Neocon monster that is destroying the world and bringing humanity to the brink of World War 3. This is being done so the public will welcome the real NWO when it makes its move, defeats the decoy, and snatches peace from the jaws of war.

Another function of the Western decoy is to serve as the scapegoat for all the damage that was done while the globalists were erecting the real NWO. By blaming the Western NWO for all the evils we’ve seen for the past 100+ years – and then getting rid of it — they are hoping the real NWO will start with a clean slate in the public eye.

You will know you’re listening to a controlled-opposition / faux-truther figure talk about the decoy NWO when he or she uses words with the prefix “uni-“…

…such as “unilateral”…


…and “unipower”…

Of course, you’ll know they’re talking about the decoy also when they use the terms “Western elite,” “Nazis,” “Zionists,” and “Neocons” when identifying its builders.

> The BRICS-fronted real New World Order

The emerging United Nations-based, BRICS-fronted New World Order is the REAL NWO the globalists have been working towards since the last vestiges of the Old World Order fell after World War 2…
…(from The Moscow Times)

This BRICS-fronted New World Order is nothing more than the old United Nations Complex with a phony “under new management” sign hanging in front. You will know that a commentator is talking about this REAL NWO when he or she uses words with the prefix “multi-“…

…such as “multilateral”…
…(from The Atlantic)

…and “multipolar”…
…(from RT)

This being said, you don’t have to take my word for all this. Look for yourself. Just visit the websites of the IMF and the BIS and enter the following words, one-at-a-time, into their search boxes: “multilateral,” “multipolar,” “unilateral,” and “unipolar.” If you do this and scan through the results you get, you’ll see scores of internal speeches and papers talking about moving towards a multilateral/multipolar world and away from a unilateral/unipolar world. You’ll find virtually nothing on their sites that talks about moving towards a global order ruled by a hegemonic US. That was never the globalists’ real plan.

To learn more about who the globalists really are and what the Old World Order, Interim World Order, and New World Order are, continue reading

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 42-43 – Tsipras kills Syriza & Yesterday WAS the turning point (+ a P.S. x 4)

[Update 42]

Now that Tsipras is committing political suicide, look for this guy to start making the news in the coming weeks…
…(from The Moscow Times)

Zero Hedge is reporting that Greece Capitulates: Tsipras Crosses “Red Line”, Will Accept Bailout Extension. Upon seeing this, I went back and read the comprehensive entry on Greece, Update 19, where Syriza’s four choices were laid out. Here is the relevant section…


1) Give the Troika the new austerity measures they are seeking, thus completely and officially betraying their campaign promises to the Greek people. Since Syriza is a coalition party of different “far left” groups, such an action could lead to its disintegration as well as general social unrest.

2) Rob money from the Greek economy to keep making their payments, which would not sit well with those being robbed. This too could lead to party disintegration and public unrest.

3) Remain paralyzed and allow Greece to fall into financial ruin and chaos.

4) Exit the euro and reinstitute the drachma.

It would seem that the globalist script requires Syriza to choose from options 1, 2, or 3 while also requiring Germany to remain intransigent in their demands for Greek compliance, and the situation will come to a head in late June as the bailout extension expires (and as the new BRICS Bank nears its debut). This is where Panos Kammenos comes in. Have a look at this Reuters article: Greek defence minister says Greece has Plan B if EU rigid on deal

>>> Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos said that if Greece failed to get a new debt agreement with the euro zone, it could always look elsewhere for help.

“What we want is a deal. But if there is no deal – hopefully (there will be) – and if we see that Germany remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the obligation to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get funding from another source,” he told a Greek television show that ran into early Tuesday. “It could the United States at best, it could be Russia, it could be China or other countries,” he said. <<<

So as the Greek crisis reaches its crescendo, Syriza will disintegrate and the Greek government will fail. And when a civilian government fails, who typically steps in to maintain social order? The military, right? And who is the leader of the Greek military? Defense Minister Panos Kammenos.

Kammenos will step up to maintain some semblance of order in the wake of Syriza’s disintegration and will go to his friends in Russia to secure aid from the freshly-launched New Development Bank (NDB, the BRICS Bank — the BRICS will be holding their 7th summit meeting in Russia on July 8–9, and will likely announce the NDB’s launch at that time). An emergency election will then be held to install a new Greek parliament that will restore the drachma and approve the NDB loan. Since this will occur at about the same time as the next financial crisis begins, it will be the first domino in the fall of the EU. From the ashes of the EU, a new multilateral European order will rise — one that “restores sovereignty, freedom and direct democracy” (New World Order style).


So it appears we may be headed for a political deadlock and social disintegration scenario now.

[Update 43 – 23 June 2015]

Yesterday WAS the turning point

Looking back on yesterday, it turns out that the 22nd was the turning point I expected; it just wasn’t fulfilled in the flashy way I thought it would be. Instead of a public announcement that ELA would be capped, which would have led to a near-immediate Greek banking collapse and a follow-on Syriza collapse, the ELA card was played “behind the scenes.” According to Zero Hedge

“After one final attempt to table a proposal that retains some semblance of Tsipras’ defiant posturing, it appears he may have finally broken after a meeting with ECB chief Mario Draghi where is sounds as though the central bank warned the PM that without concessions, ELA to Greek banks would be cut off and that, of course, would mean game over as Greeks would take to the streets en masse.” [The meeting occurred at high noon by the way. How’s that for Hollywoodesque drama?]

So the threat of an immediate ELA cap is what led to Tsipras’ capitulation, which led to Syriza’s disintegration and a follow-on Greek banking collapse – that is the narrative history will record. Of course, it is bullsh*t because both men are in on “the Plan,” but the public needed a story they can understand, and this is it.

And wouldn’t you know it…
It begins.

(P.S. – 23 June 2015) – And here comes the Fed setting expectations for the September Fed Mistake… Fed’s Powell: Conditions for rate hike could be met in September.

(P.S. – 23 June 2015)Greece’s next hurdle is to get the austerity package passed by the Greek Parliament before the EU Summit this Thursday, June 25-26. This is what one Syriza member is saying about that…

>>> “I believe that this program as we see it … is difficult to pass by us,” deputy parliament speaker and Syriza lawmaker Alexis Mitropoulos told Greek Mega TV.

“The prime minister first has to inform our people on why we failed in the negotiation and ended up with this result,” he said. “I believe (the measures) are not in line with the principles of the left. This social carnage … they cannot accept it.”from Reuters <<<

And according to the same article, the Greeks are being threatened with this if they don’t comply…

>>> Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan, whose country has successfully completed its bailout program and returned to growth, warned that emergency funding for Greece’s banks could be cut off unless a deal is reached soon.

“The new round of negotiations have a very short timeframe to be concluded satisfactorily or there is a risk that ELA will be cut off because they are bound by legal arrangements in the European Central Bank,” he told parliament in Dublin. <<<

All this being said, be on the lookout for political gridlock in the Greek Parliament. That’s all that has to happen for the EU to have the pretext to stop increasing ELA (supposedly to pressure the Greeks to move, but actually to begin the big show).

(P.S. – 23 June 2015) – According to FT, Germany is giving Greece until Monday. To read the article, enter the following title into Google News search and click on the result: Berlin insists Greek parliament approves all reforms by Monday.

As a reminder, the bundled IMF payment is due next Tuesday, and the BRICS Summit in Russia is the second Wednesday after that. These bastards are gonna keep me busy…

(P.S. – 23 June 2015) – Let’s add another scenario to the seemingly endless number we’re already watching: Tsipras gets the deal through the Greek Parliament but the IMF torpedoes it because it is “unsustainable” and based more on tax increases than budget cuts…

Greece: could debt deal be scuppered from above?

Why The IMF Will Reject The Latest Greek Proposal In Just Two Numbers

I’ve been seeing lots of articles referencing the IMF as “the Washington-based IMF,” so such a scenario could play into the “blame Washington and de-Americanize” propaganda effort. And with no deal possible with a divided Troika, Greece would have to resort to the BRICS to forestall doom.

For the previous update in this series, click here.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 38-41 – Tomorrow is the 22nd, the day the phoenix catches fire & Did the globalists just blink? (+ a P.S.)

[Update 38]

On tomorrow, June 22nd, the Eurozone will cap Emergency Liquidity Assistance to Greece’s banks, and both the banks and the EU will go down in flames…
…the Greek banks almost immediately, the EU in months – and it’s all by design.

And on the very same day that the Western Interim World Order begins its fall to ashes, the New World Order will prepare its rise. At the UN, the world’s nations will begin negotiations to finalize the “outcome document” to be agreed-to at September’s United Nations Summit to Adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda
…Isn’t it interesting how they term it the “Post-2015″ Development Agenda? It’s as if they knew in advance that 2015 would be a year after which a new economic approach would be needed (wink wink, nod nod, say no more).

As today’s Summer Solstice brings us into the Summer of Revolution, I look back on the past week with some amusement. I was able to watch everything I’ve been writing about unfold before me on the pages of Zero Hedge. Not only did the globalists hit all the dates of the June 18 Scenario, they also trotted out the Paul family to continue building their credentials as “heroic dissenters”…

Rand railed against the tax system

…and Ron continued with the “Blame the Fed” chorus

The globalists also kicked off their Summer of Revelations about the IMF…

…to show its unfairness and bias towards the “US/EU” agenda

…and its shady tactics

They are doing this to demonstrate to the public that the IMF needs “governance reform,” which they will kick off in October. So as early as this October, you will see China’s Zhou Xiaochuan replace Christine Lagarde as the IMF’s Managing Director…

In the course of my internet research, I’ve run across a rumor here and there that Zhou might be moved from his governorship of the People’s Bank of China to the managing director post at the IMF. But the rumor took on validity when I came across this October 2014 CNBC article: Status of China central bank chief remains a mystery after meetings. Here are the key excerpts…

Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, was very visible at the International Monetary Fund meetings in Washington, D.C. over the weekend, but did not address publicly—nor it appears privately—speculation about his future and possible departure.

Recent reports in the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere have suggested Zhou might be leaving his post or even pushed out…”

He would have to leave his current post to take on the IMF job, wouldn’t he?

There was a ripple of excitement when Zhou arrived at a JPMorgan cocktail reception where CNBC was present on Saturday night.”

I can think of many reactions to the arrival of an elderly Chinese economist at a JPMorgan cocktail reception — “yawning indifference” and “walking coma” being among them – but excitement? I suspect there was excitement among the key players in the room because they know he will soon be put in charge of the world’s new global currency, the SDR (or whatever new name they end up giving it).

About the time Zhou takes his new post, be on the lookout for a charm offensive from China’s first lady, Peng Liyuan…
…(from The Guardian)

The Western press has been building a cult of personality around her, and I suspect the globalists are grooming her to be the smiling face that will help sell the NWO to the world. The BBC has called her “China’s secret weapon for wooing the West.”

[Update 39 – The Two NWOs]

I’ve just added this section to the Understanding the NWO Strategy page as Mod 1.1…

The Two NWOs

The key to understanding the globalists’ strategy in implementing the New World Order is to understand that there are actually two NWOs: a Western-fronted decoy New World Order and a BRICS-fronted real New World Order. Once you understand how and why the globalists created them and played them against each other, all of the confusing information floating about the mainstream and alternative media will start making sense.

> The Western-fronted decoy NWO

This evil, menacing NWO is supposedly being constructed by the US and the EU, but it has never really existed as anything but a media construct. It is much like the fake army of inflatable tanks that Patton “commanded” prior to the Normandy invasion; there is no real substance to it. It was created as a propaganda prop to serve as the “dark side” in the play the globalists are putting on for the public. They even gave it a dark-skinned figurehead for dramatic flair…

When you listen to the many faux-truthers in the alternative press, it is this decoy NWO to which they point as they make their fearful predictions in order to create an emotional reaction within their viewers/readers/listeners. They portray it as an evil Zionist/Nazi/Neocon monster that is destroying the world and bringing humanity to the brink of World War 3. This is being done so the public will welcome the real NWO when it makes its move, defeats the decoy, and snatches peace from the jaws of war.

Another function of the Western decoy is to serve as the scapegoat for all the damage that was done while the globalists were erecting the real NWO. By blaming the Western NWO for all the evils we’ve seen for the past 100+ years – and then getting rid of it — they are hoping the real NWO will start with a clean slate in the public eye.

You will know you’re listening to a controlled-opposition / faux-truther figure talk about the decoy NWO when he or she uses words with the prefix “uni-“…

…such as “unilateral”…


…and “unipower”…

Of course, you’ll know they’re talking about the decoy also when they use the terms “Western elite,” “Nazis,” “Zionists,” and “Neocons” when identifying its builders.

[The next part of this section will be completed soon.]

[Update 40 – 21 June 2015]

Tomorrow’s summit is the Eurozone’s 13th

A commenter brought to my attention that tomorrow’s Eurozone Summit is the 13th such meeting…

And according to students of numerology (such as the “elite” themselves), this is the significance of 13

“The Number 13 is a karmic number and is the number of upheaval so that new ground can be broken. The number 13 has great power. If this power is used for selfish purposes, it will bring destruction of the self…”

As the commenter noted, that seems to be a lock on what will happen tomorrow.

[Update 41 – 22 June 2015]

Did the globalists just blink?

News is surfacing this morning that the Eurozone might be backing down today, but tonight’s summit meeting is still on. We’ll just have to wait and see if they have the balls to go through with what they have planned with so many of us watching them in awareness of what they’re doing…

(P.S. – 22 June 2015) Wow, how bizarre! The Eurozone Summit degenerated into a farce and the ECB raised Greece’s ELA cap by an unspecified amount. In other words, the globalists got “tinkle shy.” And where did the number crunchers from the Troika gather to receive Greece’s pre-summit proposal? On the 13th floor of the Berlaymont building.

So now we watch day by day till the bailout extension expires on the 31st. Regardless of what happens, come July 8-9, the Greeks will sign up with the BRICS.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 36-37 – The active phase of the “People’s Revolution” kicks off & Waterloo all over again: a Frenchman drops a bomb on Greece’s banks (+ a P.S. x 5)

[Update 36]

Going into today’s dueling Eurogroup and St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) meetings, I thought the Russians might give the Greeks a pipeline advance and the Greeks might at least make the pretense of offering it to the IMF, but they seem to be going in a different direction. So far this week, Tsipras has called the IMF “criminal” and the Greek “Truth Committee on Public Debt” has called all Troika debt “illegal, illegitimate, and odious.” And news out of St. Petersburg is saying this…
from RT’s live coverage of the SPIEF

So it looks like the Greeks will stiff both the EU and the IMF and won’t get BRICS money before July 8-9 at the earliest. As I think about it, this approach makes better sense from an engineered “people’s revolution” perspective. By repudiating the debt, campaigning against austerity, and publicizing the treachery of the EU and IMF, the Greeks will be providing the narrative for rebellion by other marginal EU countries and for the governance reform of the IMF.

To get the revolutionary ball rolling, the globalist color revolution engineers arranged for an anti-austerity protest in Greece Wednesday evening. When most people see a banner like this, they might think, “Hell yeah! Let’s do it!”…
…But when I see it, I think, “That banner looks expensive. Who paid for it?” The Money Power’s policy is to lead every revolution against themselves. That way, the outcome is always to their liking. When the Western Interim World Order falls and the East brings in the New World Order, that is very much to their liking.

On a sidenote, guess what else I found in RT’s live coverage of SPIEF…

You might remember Jim Rogers from this Mises Mafia photo I talked about in Update 34
…It’s no surprise to find the Mises Mafia in bed with the BRICS. They all work together on selling the globalist solution to all the problems the globalists are causing us.

[Update 37 – 18 June 2015]

Waterloo all over again: a Frenchman drops a bomb on Greece’s banks

Here is a little excerpt from Update 28

“On a historic side note, June 18 is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. It commenced with a French attack (at Hougoumont). Also, the number 18 is the sum of 6 + 6 + 6. Will the EU’s Waterloo begin with an attack on Greece’s banks on the 18th? Who knows, but it’s a date to watch. The ELA card can be played at any time starting today.”

Wouldn’t you know it, the ECB — specifically citing a French executive board member named Benoit Coeure – leaked to the press that Greece’s banks may be unable to open on Monday. Needless to say, such a suggestion will send every Greek to the bank tomorrow to withdraw funds. So it appears that the EU’s Waterloo began with a French attack, just like the last one.

(P.S. – 18 June 2015)Bloomberg is reporting that the ECB will hold an emergency session on Friday to discuss a Greek request for more than 3 billion euros of additional Emergency Liquidity Assistance. This will happen on the same day that Greeks will be in full bank run mode and Tsipras will be in St. Petersburg signing on to the EU-opposed Turkish Stream pipeline project. Gee, I wonder if they’ll say no…

(P.S. – 19 June 2015) – Now that I think about it, it is possible that the ECB may give the Greeks just enough ELA to open their banks on Monday. There will be an emergency meeting of Eurozone leaders on that day, and the leaders might want to be the ones who “cut the ribbon” to commence the carnage…

Cutting red tape
Guess what time on Monday they’ll meet… 7PM. Yep, the “magic 7,” as Christine Legarde called it, and the meeting takes place on the master number of June 22. Who needs soap operas when the world’s a soap opera?

(P.S. – 19 June 2015)The Canadian Press is reporting that Putin and Tsipras have signed the pipeline deal, and the RT live feed of SPIEF has a video which appears to show the signing…

(P.S. – 19 June 2015) – More from the RT’s live feed of SPIEF

China is continuing the drumbeat on IMF governance reform in accordance with the globalist plan. The stage-managed revelations about the IMF that will come out over the next few months will strengthen their case in the public eye. The big move comes in October.

(P.S. – 19 June 2015) –  Yep, it’s on for the Monday ribbon cutting: ECB Gives Greek Banks Barely Enough Cash To Cover One Day’s Bank Run

For the previous update in this series, click here.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 35 – What the Fed might do on Wednesday (Addendum 3 – Drats! No announcement.)

The scapegoat must be sacrificed before the BRICS-fronted NWO can begin…

The globalists don’t need the Federal Reserve to raise rates in order to blame it for causing the coming economic conflagration. Bankster-controlled media and bankster-funded historians can already point to the Fed’s “too loose for too long” monetary policies for that. They also don’t need a Fed rate increase in order to trigger the Next Lehman Moment – any number of black swan events can be utilized for such a purpose. What they do need a Fed increase for is to get the public to see the Fed make a move, then see the economy immediately seize up. This will be a clear example to which the media can point in convincing the public to “blame the Fed.” And once everyone blames the Fed (and other national central banks) for causing the problem, the globalists can offer their solution.

Currently, I anticipate a Fed rate increase in September. This will allow them to shock the global economy just prior to the Pope’s US visit in September and the looming US government shutdown on October 1st. A Fed mistake coupled with a government shutdown will make the US look like idiots, and that will pave the way for the IMF’s accommodation of the BRICS in October. In thinking of how they’ll pull it off, though, one question has been bugging me…

How can the Fed publicly justify raising rates AFTER the Greek situation pops and starts a cascade of financial instability in the EU?

Pondering that question last night, an answer came to me…

They need to announce the rate increase BEFORE Greece pops, and this Wednesday will probably be the last chance they’ll have to do so.

Think about it: before they started tapering bond purchases in January 2014, they publicly announced it the month before. That being so, would they do something as big as the first rate increase in years without announcing it beforehand? If they announced a September increase tomorrow, they would be giving the markets 90 days of advance notice, which they would characterize as being a very responsible thing to do. And by doing it this way, they can follow through with the increase no matter what’s going on in the markets by saying, “The markets have already priced-in the September rate hike we announced three months ago. If we don’t follow through, we fear it could create further market dislocations.”

That being said, don’t be shocked if Yellen surprises the world at her press conference tomorrow.

I may add more supporting material to this update as the day goes on.

[Addendum 1 – 16 June 2015]

Have a look at the following excerpt from this Fox Business article: FOMC Members to Make Case for 2015 Rate Hikes

>>> Members of the Federal Reserve eager to normalize U.S. monetary policy will have two days this week to make their best case for raising interest rates sooner rather than later…

A majority of the FOMC, including the influential voices of Yellen and Vice Chair Stanley Fischer, have expressed their view that rates will likely move higher before the end of 2015.

Prominent global voices, however, have called on the Fed to delay any hikes until 2016. The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank both argued last week that the global economy remains too fragile to absorb higher borrowing costs imposed by the U.S. central bank.

David Kelly, chief global strategist at JPMorgan Funds, said the Fed should ignore those pleas, suggesting that “it’s not clear that the economists from either institution understand the real position of the American economy.” <<<

Do you see how it displays the “national central bank vs. supranational institution” propaganda format I write about? Who is pushing to raise rates this year? Yellen, Fischer, a majority of the FOMC members, and some Wall Street douchebag. And who is trying to warn them that it’s not the right time? The “prominent global voices” of the IMF and World Bank. So when rates go up and things go pear-shaped, who gets the blame? Who gets credit for being wise?

[Addendum 2 – 17 June 2015]

I just added this addendum to a previous update, but I’ll also post it here so you don’t miss it…

More on Austrian Economics’ connection to the “royals”

Let’s have look at how Austrian Economics began…

“The school originated in Vienna, in the Austrian Empire. Carl Menger’s 1871 book, Principles of Economics, is generally considered the founding of the Austrian School.”source

“Menger was born in the city of Nowy Sącz in Austrian Galicia, which is now in Poland. He was the son of a wealthy family of minor nobility

In 1876 Menger began tutoring Archduke Rudolf von Habsburg, the Crown Prince of Austria in political economy and statistics…

In 1878 Rudolf’s father, Emperor Franz Josef, appointed Menger to the chair of political economy at Vienna. The title of Hofrat [Councilor] was conferred on him, and he was appointed to the Austrian Herrenhaus [Imperial Council] in 1900.”source

As you can see, the connection between the “royals” and Austrian Economics goes all the way back to its origin. Knowing this, ask yourself, “What was the royals’ interest in this? Were they developing this theory for the good of the serfs, or was it developed in an attempt to maximize the power and wealth of their royal families?”

The answer is pretty clear, isn’t it? The interest of the “royals” (who are now the “Occulted Powers” since they erected the Democratic Facade between themselves and their slaves) is in maximizing their wealth and power by finding the best balance between wealth production and wealth extraction. In other words, “How do you get the serfs to produce the most while simultaneously getting them to hand over the most?”

[Addendum 3 – 17 June 2015]

Drats! No announcement.

The FOMC didn’t commit to the September rate hike today — they left only hints

Given what’s about to happen in Europe over the next few months, a rate hike in September would look like the most tone-deaf move in financial history. But maybe that’s the point. We’ll just have to wait till September to see.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 32-34 – The TPP/TTIP, Greece & What do the Dallas police attack, Charlie Hebdo, and the Mises Mafia all have in common?

I’ve been noting with some interest that the globalists have sicced their own controlled opposition fronts on the TPP and TTIP trade deals:

They’ve been using Wikileaks to release damning secret documents…

And they’ve been staging attacks against the deals (and/or the secrecy and fast track effort that surround them) through their Mises Mafia mouthpieces, including…

…Rand Paul…

…Marine Le Pen…

…and Nigel Farage…
…(source: The Independent)

Given that the Mises Mafia promote “free trade,” what is their game in this?

I suspect the globalists are using a bad cop, good cop approach to getting their multilateral trade agreements passed. They are putting forth outrageous proposals in the TPP/TTIP and having their media publicize them and their controlled opposition leaders (COLs) oppose them. This allows the COLs to grandstand and build their credibility with the public (like Rand Paul just did in getting the Patriot Act rebranded).

After the controlled opposition “heroes” stop or roll back the bad elements of the deals, they will put forth “good” trade deals which give the globalists everything they’re genuinely seeking. It all boils down to Negotiation 101: you overreach in your first proposal, then give away the overreach as you negotiate your way to what you really wanted.

It’s also important to note that no multilateral trade agreement will ever lead to real “free trade.” But I’ll tell you why this is so in an update.

[Update 33 – 11 June 2015]

June 18-19 “should be decisive” for Greece

I’ve been seeing a lot of “Greece’s time is up” language in the media today, and one particular passage in one particular article caught my eye. The article was an AP “dynamic” story that has since changed, but this was its title and location: Greece gets wake-up call: coming week could seal its fate. And this was the passage…

“The eurozone’s finance ministers, commonly known as the eurogroup, meet in Luxembourg June 18-19, in a meeting that Tusk says ‘should be decisive.’”

Do you know what else was decisive? The Battle of Waterloo, which took place 200 years ago come June 18, and I covered its possible tie-in to the Greek dramedy back in Update 28.

So while the eurogroup is meeting in Luxembourg and deciding on Greece’s fate, where will Greece’s Prime Minister be? He’ll be in St. Petersburg, Russia signing on to Russia’s Turkish Stream pipeline project. Gee, I wonder how the eurogroup will respond to that.

Putting this together with everything we’ve already covered in previous updates, here is how next week looks:

> Monday, June 15 is the beginning of the weekly news cycle, and it’s also 6/15/15 (6/6/6). Don’t be surprised if some significant news surfaces concerning what will happen later in the week.

> Thursday, June 18 is the 200th anniversary of Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, and it’s also the day that both the eurogroup meeting and the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum will be convening. We already know which meeting the Greeks will be attending.

> Monday, June 22 is a Masonic master number related to the concept of “disastrous downfall,” and it’s the first day Greece’s banks will be open after the two meetings are finished.

So will the EU meet their Waterloo when the Greeks go to Russia on the 18th? And will Greece’s banks meet their “disastrous downfall” when the EU retaliates by yanking back emergency liquidity on the 22nd? We’ll see.

On some interesting side notes…

> The battleground on which the Battle of Waterloo was fought is located in and around Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium. If you were to drive from there to Luxembourg City, you would travel 207 kilometers. This leaves me wondering exactly where the eurogroup is meeting in Luxembourg. If I measured from the battlefield to their meeting place, would it be 200 kilometers (corresponding to the 200th anniversary)? Would the globalists be that ridiculously symbolic about it?

> There are three ways for the EU to play with Greece’s emergency liquidity assistance: 1) cap it and allow no further increases, 2) give Greece’s collateral a “haircut” and thereby reduce the amount they can access, or 3) declare that Greece’s banks are insolvent and/or Greece is acting in opposition to EU policy (both financially and with the pipeline) and ending all ELA.

> The potential tie-in to Waterloo brings to mind the cryptic Economist cover from early this year…
…There is Napoleon in living color. Also take note of the woman’s hat with the ash-colored eggs. The phoenix turns to ash before it is reborn, so the eggs may indicate this is the year the phoenix falls.

[Update 34 – 13 June 2015]

What do the Dallas police attack, Charlie Hebdo, and the Mises Mafia all have in common?

I woke up this morning to news of the rather suspicious attack on Dallas Police Headquarters, but I won’t go into an analysis of what happened there. I’m sure sites like Infowars will sort through it in great detail, and that brings us right back to an entry I wrote in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris:

Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags

In that entry, I talked about how the sloppy false-flag attacks of late have been soft balls the globalists have tossed to their faux-truther sites so the latter can grab the attention and trust of the questioning public. And once such sites have gained people’s attention and trust, they sell them the globalists’ phony East versus West dialectic. That entry is also the point at which the Mises Mafia caught my attention.

Upon looking back at the entry, I saw this photo once again…

In a number of entries, I’ve pointed out the connections that Ron Paul, Nigel Farage, and the UKIP have to Austrian Economics, but let’s look at the other guys in the photo…

> Peter Schiff – “Schiff voices strong support for the Austrian School of economic thought.”source

> Jim Rogers – “Rogers does not consider himself a member of any school of economic thought, but has acknowledged that his views best fit the label of Austrian School of economics.”source

> Jim Rickards – “There is much to admire in Austrian economics. Austrians are correct that central planning is bound to fail and free markets produce optimal solutions to the problem of scarce resources. Complexity Theory as applied to capital markets is just an extension of that thinking with a more rigorous scientific foundation. Computers have allowed complexity theorists to conduct experiments that were beyond the capabilities of early Austrians. The results verify the intuition of the Austrians, but frame the issue in formal mathematical models that are useful in risk management and portfolio allocation. If Ludwig von Mises were alive today he would be a complexity theorist.”source

So this little photo is a glimpse into the New World Order propaganda machine. It shows you two of the political figures and three of the talking heads who are out there shilling for the globalists and their new economic system. When I remember back to my own second awakening back in 2009, Peter Schiff was one of the first guys who really got my attention. I thought to myself at the time, “Man, this guy is really standing up and telling the truth!” I even contributed what little I could to his Senate campaign. It was only after years of sorting through bullsh*t that I finally started to see the bigger con game of which he was a part.

So what do the Dallas police attack, Charlie Hebdo, and the Mises Mafia all have in common? They all draw the public’s attention to the PROBLEM posed by the “evil Western central bankers” and their cadre of minions and thugs. This helps generate an emotional REACTION among the public so the SOLUTION can be sold. What is that solution, you ask? The smiley-faced, Austrian Economics-based New World Order the BRICS will bring in when the “evil Western central bankers” have been seemingly defeated.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Till later, much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 28-31 – Understanding the ELA crisis trigger for Greece & Bank runs and pipeline politics (+ a P.S.)

[Update 28]

The girl is Greece’s banks, and the safety lines are ELA…
…What happens if the ECB decides to cut them?

As we look upon the current Greek situation, it is important to remember that Greece’s banks are already broke, and they would have shut their doors months ago if not for the cash provided by the European Central Bank’s Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA)  provision.

Put in simple terms, ELA provides protection against bank runs. As panicked customers take cash out of a troubled bank’s front door, ELA brings cash in through the back door so the bank doesn’t run out of money and shut down. And although ELA is extended to banks through their own national central bank (in this case, Greece’s central bank), the Governing Council of the ECB can shut it down at any time. This excellent February 4 Bloomberg article which explains ELA offers the following insights…

>>> Uncertainty over Greece’s future in the euro area triggered deposit outflows totaling more than 15 billion euros since the beginning of December. Also, Greek banks lost access to financial markets. ELA is their only lifeline allowing them to replace lost liquidity

the ECB’s Governing Council can restrict “ELA operations if it considers that these operations interfere with the objectives and tasks” of the euro-area system of central banks, or Eurosystem…

ELA… gives Greek banks support until the country and its creditors solve their financing issues and strike a deal. If uncertainty persists, and deposit outflows accelerate, the Governing Council may decide that the problem is not liquidity, but the solvency of lenders. And then ELA will stop. <<<

So if depositors keep taking cash out through the front door and ELA stops bringing cash in through the back door, what happens to the banks? They run out of money and close their doors of course, and the ECB has already stopped ELA from increasing even though deposit outflows are accelerating.

With rumors circulating of a Greek pivot towards the BRICS, and with the Troika offering their “final offer” to Greece today, will a Greek refusal be spun as “interfering with the objectives and tasks of the euro-area system of central banks”? Will reports of increasing deposit flight from Greek banks provide pretext for the ECB to declare that their problem “is not liquidity, but solvency”? Will ELA continue to be capped, or will it be reduced or eliminated? (It depends on how soon they want Greece to fall.)

On a historic side note, June 18 is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. It commenced with a French attack (at Hougoumont). Also, the number 18 is the sum of 6 + 6 + 6. Will the EU’s Waterloo begin with an attack on Greece’s banks on the 18th? Who knows, but it’s a date to watch. The ELA card can be played at any time starting today.

[I’ve added this scenario to the NWO Schedule of Implementation as Mod 1.5]

[Update 29 – 4 June 2015]

The IMF positions itself in advance of the “Fed Mistake”

I saw a number of article this morning about the IMF advising the Federal Reserve to hold off on an interest rate hike till next year, so I tracked down the original IMF press release

By giving this warning now, two weeks before the next FOMC meeting, the “wise,” supranational IMF are positioning themselves to be able to say, “We warned them it wasn’t the right time,” after the Fed hikes rates and triggers an economic shock. As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, the globalists are in the process of making their national-level central banks look stupid and their supranational institutions (the IMF and BIS) look genius so monetary power can be publicly centralized at the global level.

If you visit Zero Hedge (or any other alternative news aggregator) each day, you’ll see an endless stream of articles from various talking heads complaining about the stupidity and incompetence of the Fed and how the Fed’s “too loose for too long” monetary policy will lead to our destruction. The globalists have had their controlled-opposition agents drumming “Blame the Fed” into the public mind for years now. And once the next crisis comes along, this drumbeat will become deafening.

Of course, it isn’t even necessary for the Fed to raise rates in order to be blamed for what’s coming. But raising rates will be a very visible action which will lead to a very visible consequence, and this will make it easier to sell the Fed’s culpability to the public. A clear and current example of cause and effect is a great teaching tool.

[By the way, I’m not implying that Zero Hedge is controlled opposition, just the guys who write a lot of the articles they feature. To their credit, ZH frequently publishes articles by Brandon Smith, a writer who tells the truth about what’s really going on.]

[Update 30 – 4 June 2015]

Greece moves towards the Russian rescue scenario

It’s been announced that Greece will be bundling their IMF payments…
…from RTE News.

This means that another step has been taken towards the Russian rescue / EU smackdown scenario outlined in Update 27. Here is how I see them possibly playing this:

1) Greece will sign on to Russia’s Turkish Stream pipeline project at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (June 18-20) and receive an advance payment or loan for doing so. The payment/loan will be sufficiently large to pay Greece’s June and July IMF payments.

2) The EU will retaliate against Greece by shutting down Emergency Liquidity Assistance to Greece’s banks. Since the ELA provides over 80 billion euros to the Greek banking system, Russia and the BRICS won’t be able to stop a collapse. Bail-ins will take place.

3) As early as July 8, the BRICS’ New Development Bank will help Greece reboot its economy.

[Update 31 – 6 June 2015]

Bank runs and pipeline politics

It has been reported that the Greeks withdrew 700 million euros from their banks on Friday, which represents a major surge in their ongoing bank run. At this rate, the withdrawals will quickly overwhelm the existing ELA, and this raises an obvious question: “How will the ECB publicly justify providing the ‘uncooperative Greeks’ nearly a billion euros per day to keep the drama going?”

The globalists have already set up the public pretexts to deny Greece any further ELA. The Greek government rejected the Troika’s “final offer” on Friday, and Greece has publicly committed to Russia’s Turkish Stream pipeline. Since siding with the Russians on the pipeline issue goes directly against the EU’s energy security policy of developing alternatives to Russian gas, the ECB has all the justification it needs to put the brakes on ELA. Once that happens, we need only watch as the bank run floodwaters overtop the existing ELA sandbags.

One step that could be taken to slow the bank run is a formal announcement of a Russian advance on the pipeline, thus reassuring that the public that the IMF payment at the end of the month will be made. Again, though, this would be a public slap in the face to the EU and their energy policy, which is ample justification to halt ELA increases. So will the ECB allow the collapse to begin this week, or will they string this thing out till the 18th or July 1st? I can’t say for sure, but I’ll be stocking up on popcorn this Monday.

As we watch all this unfold, it is important to remember that the whole Greek situation is a dramedy put on for public consumption. Everyone in the play – the EU, the Greeks, and Russia – knows exactly what the globalist script calls for and is putting on a good show. The whole thing is a cover for the NWO agenda operating behind the scenes, so don’t get sucked in.

(P.S. – 6 June 2015) – I just realized that the St. Petersburg International International Economic Forum takes place Thursday, June 18 through Saturday, June 20. This means that the first day Greek banks will be open after the Forum will be Monday, June 22. Knowing the globalists’ affinity for 22, it is another day to watch.

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 24-27 – Globalist shill Paul Craig Roberts and globalist octopus Goldman Sachs confirm bankster strategy for Greece & The globalists activate the Russian pipeline contingency

[Update 24 – 30 May 2015]

Whilst poking about the internet yesterday, I visited the King World News propaganda mill and came across this Eric King interview of Paul Craig Roberts: Former U.S. Treasury Official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Warns Black Swans Will Engulf The World: “It’s A Perfect Storm”

In past entries, I’ve pointed out Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) as a prototypical Team BRICS propagandist, and many have taken note of the Hidden Hand gang sign he flashes on his website
…If you pair this symbolism with the flavor of propaganda he puts out, any observant person can see exactly where his true loyalties lie: with the Hidden Hand Occulted Powers (the “royals,” Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) and the dialectic scam they’re running to sell their New World Order. Given that he has been positioned as a high-level “respectable journalist,” he is a very good source to watch when you want to back-engineer your way to the truth.

That being said, let’s have a look at what he’s trying to sell us in the interview…

1) Austrian Economics: the interviewer and PCR go out of their way to put in a plug for Austrian Economics…

>>> Eric King:  “Because you were called in along with others to save the United States from collapse when President Reagan came into office, as you watch us push closer and closer to the wall that Austrian economics warns us not to approach, if you had to speculate, what is going to begin to cause this whole (Ponzi scheme) to collapse?”

Dr. Roberts:  “Well actually, Eric, we’ve climbed over that wall that the Austrians warned us against. (LAUGHTER).  We’re not just getting close to it, we’ve already climbed over it. <<<

Austrian Economics is the economic ideology the Occulted Powers intend to implement as part of the Solution phase of the Problem / Reaction / Solution scenario we’re currently undergoing.  If you are a new reader, you might want to have a look at Update 14 and Update 15 to see who is behind the development and adoption of Austrian Economics (the “royals” and the Rockefellers).

2) The “American Empire” myth: PCR implies that the US government is trying to maintain and expand an American Empire…

>>> I think we’ve miscalculated in thinking, Eric, that we could have Russia and China as vassal states.  They’re not going to be vassal states.  Therefore, this realization on the part of Europe could affect Europe’s toleration of their own vassalage to the United States. <<<

The truth, of course, is that America never built an empire; the globalist central bankster families did (the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, et al. built the NWO using America as their expendable tool). And the United States, Europe, Russia and China are ALL under their vassalage. This is evidenced by the fact that all these nations are tied into the G20 and are implementing the Basel III banking regulations (which are tied in to the Bank for International Settlements). Even China’s own propaganda organs admit to their central bank’s subservience to the Basel globalists: Mainstream propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.

3) The “Washington is doing all this because they’re stupid” lie: PCR attributes the US government’s recent self-defeating and outrageous behavior to simple stupidity/incompetence…

>>> So then you have to ask yourself, ‘Why didn’t Washington, which is so empire-crazed, tell the EU, ‘Leave Greece alone’?  Or why didn’t the Fed just print the money to bail out Greece?  If they will print the money to bail out JP Morgan, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and the British banks, why can’t they print the money to bail out Greece and get rid of the problem?  That just shows how stupid they are.  They get more pleasure out of oppressing people, in this case the Greeks, than they do in saving their own empire.  So this thing can blow up at any time…

The scariest thing about the United States is the complete absence of any competent leadership.  There’s not a single competent leader in the political system.  And if you look at the people who are announced as contenders for the presidential nomination in the next election, you are looking at a gaggle of maniacs.  These are people who haven’t got enough sense to be let out of the house on their own.  And this is a superpower — ruled by idiots!  This is the danger.  And this is why I don’t think the United States has a future. <<<

“They’re doing it because they’re stupid/incompetent” is a very common propaganda ploy of the Establishment media. Whenever the government, the Federal Reserve, or any other Establishment institution acts in ways that seem contrary to its respectable, publicly-pronounced raison d’etre, the Establishment media always blame it on stupidity or incompetence. In reality, however, these institutions know exactly what they’re doing and it’s all on purpose. They are pursuing their real agendas, not the textbook agendas they program the public to believe they pursue. Nothing — not the US government, the FBI, the CIA, the Federal Reserve, the UN, etc. — exists for the reason the public is given.

The seeming insanity of recent US government policies is not the result of stupidity or incompetence; it is all very deliberate, and it’s intended to make the West look bad and the East look good. So when the “wise” BRICS leaders sweep in to wrest control of the UN/IMF/World Bank from the “insane” Western leaders, people are expected to accept that the “new management” will finally make these institutions work like the textbooks say they should. Unfortunately, though, the globalists built the BRICS and wrote the textbooks, so the whole setup is an increasingly transparent scam.

Once UN/IMF/World Bank“governance reforms” are enacted by the “heroic” BRICS, watch for controlled opposition agents like Paul Craig Roberts and Ron Paul to temper their criticism of those institutions. “We supported shutting down the UN/IMF/World Bank because they were instruments of the American Empire used to bully the world,” they will say, “but now that they’ve been reformed to be truly balanced and democratic, perhaps these organizations can finally live up to the high ideals they were supposedly built to uphold.”

As the upcoming East versus West climax approaches, remember that the main purpose behind the whole drama is to rejuvenate the UN brand. In the course of building the New World Order, the UN/IMF/World Bank name has become tarnished, so an “Under New Ownership/Management” sign is needed to lure people back to their brand. The BRICS-induced “governance reforms” will provide the fresh coat of paint the UN will need to gain public acceptance.

Getting back to the interview, PCR also confirms that Greece is the tipping point for the takedown of the Eurozone and the US…

>>> The End Of The American Empire

You could see the empire disintegrate.  All it takes is one European country to leave the EU and NATO and the American empire ends.  That’s all it takes.  Now we see who that could be — it could be Greece.

We’ve talked about this before.  If the Greeks say, ‘Look, our European partners don’t give a damn about us; they’re going to press us into the ground.  So we’re defaulting,’ and then they turned to Russia, that’s the end of the American empire. <<<

The unfolding of the globalists’ Greece strategy is outlined in Updates 13, 18, and 19. And as we enter the June 4-18 time window next week, we must watch the Greek situation very carefully. If the globalists allow the Greek default to happen, we know it’s “game on” for the takedown this year. On the other hand, if a miraculous deal is reached with Greece’s creditors or the Russians suddenly prepay for Greek pipeline rights, the globalists are pushing the pause button. Given some indicators I’ve been seeing, it’s hard to imagine them not going for it this year.

There have been rumors that the Greeks might scrape together the first payment in the June 4-18 series of payments, but all that means is that the globalists are squeezing the last little bit of cash out of the Greeks before they crash them. Syriza will strip-mine every possible dime from the Greek populace before they trigger a default. Why leave money on the table?

While we’re on the subject of globalist disinformation sources, if you want to see the best examples of the lies being sold to awakening public, I recommend watching these three sites:

1) Paul Craig Roberts, for the “mainstream alternative” lie.
2) One World of Nations, for the “rabbit hole alternative” lie.
3) Golden Age of Gaia, for the “rabbit hole spiritual” lie.

When/if you go to these sites, ask yourself, “What are they trying to sell me and why?” To find the truth, start by flipping their lies upside down.

[Update 25 – 31 May 2015]

Beware the “Former” Insider

Paul Craig Roberts selling the phony East vs. West conflict…

One of the great things about regular folks like you and me is that we are generally trusting and ready to take a person at his/her word. Unfortunately, this great quality is also a great weakness when dealing with people with forked tongues and impure aims, like the globalists. To help us get past this self-destructive habit of extending unearned trust, allow me to offer…

Ken’s First Rule for Not Being a Sucker: When a “former” insider comes forth to offer you information and interpretation, don’t discount the likelihood that the former insider is a current insider tasked with misleading you.

This would seem to be a rather commonsense rule, but for some reason it is ignored when “insiders” bend our ears to tell us supposed secrets and give us a heads-up on what’s really going on and what it means. The alternative media is chock full of talking heads who are purported “former” insiders at the FBI, CIA, NSA, World Bank, Treasury, Wall Street, and so on. There are even some purported current insiders who go through the rube-impressing pretense of disguising their voices and using code names. And what are virtually all of these guys telling us? They tell us how bad are the US and the West while either ignoring or promoting China and the East. In other words, they are establishing the Bad Cop and the Good Cop so the globalists can run their governance reform scam.

Take Paul Craig Roberts for example:

> He is a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy.

> He is a former editor at the Wall Street Journal.

> He was the “first occupant of the William E. Simon Chair for Economic Policy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS], then part of Georgetown University.” It’s worth noting that Georgetown is a Jesuit institution, and the Board of Trustees of CSIS includes Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and representatives of Exxon Mobil, Boeing, Coca Cola, AIG, GlaxoSmithKline, and Morgan Stanley (to name a few).

Looking at the high positions this guy has held in the Washington/Wall Street Establishment, ask yourself this: “Is PCR really going against all of his lifelong associates or is he simply carrying water for them like he always has?” If you put together his background, his gang sign, and the nature of his information, what does common sense tell you?

[Update 26 – 1 June 2015]

Goldman Sachs issues preparatory propaganda for the Greek pivot

During this morning’s infoscan, I came across this article on Zero Hedge
…which contained a telling passage…

>>> …On the other hand, the Greek government was elected on a platform that promised continued membership of the Euro area but without the austerity, adjustment and oversight that came with the troika programme. Departing from this position requires a change in the political mandate on which the Greek government operates

Euro exit is a political decision. For sure, the Greek authorities could decide to exit in a unilateral manner. But the current Greek government has no mandate to do so: if it announced an intention to leave the Euro area pre-emptively, in our view the government would likely fall. Moreover, there is no process for Euro exit defined in the governing European treaties: the practical and legal challenges could not be resolved overnight…

Viewed first through a political lens, this situation serves to clarify the choice facing the Greek economy. Under the maintained assumption that the European authorities do not give way on their three key principles listed above, the intensification of the liquidity shortage will demonstrate that the platform on which the current Greek government was elected is simply infeasible: the Greeks cannot “have their cake and eat it”, retaining the Euro but not implementing adjustment. A hard choice has to be made between (a) Euro exit and (b) adjustment to remain part of the single currency. Making that choice entails finding a new mandate to govern. This will have to be sought from the electorate, implying a new government, new elections or a referendum (or various combinations of the three). <<<

Back in February/March, I wrote about this scenario in Update 19, The Greek “People’s Revolution” and the New European Renaissance, brought to you by the NWO. I covered how a government shakeup was being engineered to produce a shift to the political right (and more specifically to Panos Kammenos, “the Greek Nigel Farage”). Here is an excerpt…

>>>>>> Have a look at this Reuters article: Greek defence minister says Greece has Plan B if EU rigid on deal

>>> Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos said that if Greece failed to get a new debt agreement with the euro zone, it could always look elsewhere for help.

“What we want is a deal. But if there is no deal – hopefully (there will be) – and if we see that Germany remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the obligation to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get funding from another source,” he told a Greek television show that ran into early Tuesday. “It could the United States at best, it could be Russia, it could be China or other countries,” he said. <<<

So as the Greek crisis reaches its crescendo, Syriza will disintegrate and the Greek government will fail. And when a civilian government fails, who typically steps in to maintain social order? The military, right? And who is the leader of the Greek military? Defense Minister Panos Kammenos.

Kammenos will step up to maintain some semblance of order in the wake of Syriza’s disintegration and will go to his friends in Russia to secure aid from the freshly-launched New Development Bank (NDB, the BRICS Bank — the BRICS will be holding their 7th summit meeting in Russia on July 8–9, and will likely announce the NDB’s launch at that time). An emergency election will then be held to install a new Greek parliament that will restore the drachma and approve the NDB loan. Since this will occur at about the same time as the next financial crisis begins, it will be the first domino in the fall of the EU. From the ashes of the EU, a new multilateral European order will rise — one that “restores sovereignty, freedom and direct democracy” (New World Order style). <<<<<<

Speaking of the political right and Nigel Farage’s buddy Panos Kammenos…
….let’s recall something Paul Craig Roberts wrote in the aftermath of the Paris “terror” attacks…
…(This excerpt came from this King World News article which was covered in Update 7).

So here is PCR promoting the political right / Mises Mafia as the ones who will end European “vassalage.” They are the globalists’ Right Hand which will sweep in to bring order after the Left Hand brings chaos.

So as I look upon June, this is what I currently anticipate…

1) Greece will likely default by June 18.

2) Greek bank runs, which are already forming, will intensify.

3) The European Central Bank will block Greece from gaining any increase in their Emergency Liquidity Assistance (the lifeline that is keeping Greek banks solvent). They will do this under the pretense of pressuring the Greeks to come to terms with the Troika by the end of the month, but their real purpose is to intentionally topple the Greek banking system.

4) There will be a Greek “bank holiday” and a general economic convulsion.

5) The searingly painful economic convulsion will prompt the Greeks to recoil from the source of the burn (the Troika and Syriza). This will trigger the reflexive jump towards Kammenos and the BRICS.

[Update 27 – 2 June 2015]

The globalists activate the Russian pipeline contingency

I took my son out to the movies this morning, and I came back to this
…This news puts the rumored Russian advance pipeline payment to Greece back in play, which opens this contingency:

Given that all of the Greek external payments before July 19 go to the IMF (not any European institutions), the Greeks could bundle those IMF payments and pay them using a Russian advance. This would mean there’d be no default before the BRICS Summit / New Development Bank launch on July 8-9, where the Greeks could secure further financing. An economic development package from the NDB could afford Greece the freedom to partially or wholly stiff the Europeans on July 19.

That being said, this does nothing about Greek dependence on the ECB’s Emergency Liquidity Assistance. By capping, reducing or eliminating those funds, the globalists can topple Greece’s banks at any time. Just think of how good the Russians would look if they “saved Greece from default,” then think of how bad the EU would look if they toppled Greece’s banking system anyway “out of spite.” It would fit right into the Bad West / Good East dialectic circus.

I will write in more detail about this scenario in the next update. For the previous updates from this series, click here.

Till later, much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 21-23 – More aspects of America’s September/October sh*tstorm

[Update 21 – 12 May 2015]

I stumbled upon this article at The Economic Collapse blog today, and then I came across this
…Essentially, it is a meeting to publicly launch the New World Order.

Looking to the left side of the page, the steps of the “Post 2015 process” are given, and the next step is the “Follow up and review” meeting which concludes on May 22. This is followed by a three-stage “Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document” process which begins on June 22

Speaking of 22s, recall from Update 9 that the Pope is scheduled to arrive in Washington D.C. on September 22, specifically in the evening. I wouldn’t be surprised if his plane landed at twilight, thus symbolizing the twilight of American global leadership. If that’s not enough symbolism for you, he will address the UN General Assembly in the morning (the “dawn of a new day”) of September 25, just 3 days later…

This symbolically mimics Jesus’ death and resurrection. The (American-led Interim) World Order will die on the cross on September 22, and the (UN-led New) World Order will be resurrected on the third day. My, how the “elite” love their silly little bullsh*t.

[Update 22 – 13 May 2015]

The next financial crisis may publicly begin on June 4

As you may have noticed in the news, Greece had to raid their IMF piggy bank in order to make their May 11 payment to the IMF. Here is a little snippet from Reuters

>>> With Athens trying to scrape together all public cash reserves to pay pensions and wages this month, the method used to make the IMF payment underlined the government’s predicament.

Greece drew on reserves from the IMF that are denominated in Special Drawing Rights (SDR), a basket of international currencies, which a Greek central bank official said was done with the Fund’s approval. The account must be replenished within weeks. <<<

So not only must the Greeks replenish the piggy bank “within weeks,” they must also make dramatically higher payments to the IMF and the European institutions over the next two months. I found this schedule of Greek payments on Zero Hedge
…So here are the amounts of Greek external payments in millions of Euros:

May – 768
June – 1,573
July – 3,943

Greece had to scrape the bottom of their financial barrel to make this month’s 768 million euro payment, so how are they going to come up with twice as much between June 4 and June 18 and replenish their IMF account to boot? How will they manage to pay their crushing July payments? Barring the rumored advance payment on the Russian pipeline, they won’t. So the financial train wreck that will kick off the next phase of the economic crisis will likely occur in the June 4 – 18 timeframe.

With this in mind, let’s have a look at the Federal Reserve’s FOMC meeting schedule

It’s notable that the June and September meetings are “associated with a Summary of Economic Projections and a press conference by the Chair.” Since the public has been told that the Fed’s decision to raise interest rates will be “data dependent,” and since Yellen will want to give a speech when the increase occurs, these two meetings are the most likely times for the Fed to push the button. So how will this play in to what is happening in Europe right now?

Based on what I see now, my best guess is that Greece will default in June and thus kick off a wave of fallout events over the following months. The Greeks will then go to the BRICS Summit in early July to join the BRICS Bank and restart their economy with the drachma and BRICS loans. We’ve already seen the globalists plant the seed for this in the public mind. With all this in motion, the Fed will then trigger the New Lehman Moment with a September rate hike. This means the world will be in serious crisis right before the Pope and the UN meet on September 25. The “heroes” will be in place to “save the day.”

I would encourage you to have your emergency preparations in place by the end of May and to maintain a full readiness posture through September. Don’t be afraid, though. Remember, it’s all a show.

[Update 23 – 16 May 2015]

More aspects of America’s September/October sh*tstorm

In light of the NWO launch meeting at the UN on September 25 – 27, it is illuminating to consider two dates that closely follow it:

1) Four days after the meeting, on October 1, the US government begins its new fiscal year, and the Establishment have set up the conditions for another 2013-style government shutdown…

> They have staged another debt limit crisis, just like 2013. Here is an excerpt from an April 10 article from The Blaze

>>> Kabuki theater has returned to Washington, D.C.

The statutory ceiling on borrowing was reached more than three weeks ago. The Treasury Department just stopped the clock on March 15. The total debt of the U.S. government remains at $18,112,975,000,000, which is $25 million below the statutory limit.

In due course Congress will take up the issue of raising the debt ceiling. That will open the gates for front-page stories about a divided Republican Party risking a default and crashing credit markets across the globe.

Some will try to use this vote to force policy changes such as ending Obamacare or unfunding President Barack Obama’s amnesty changes. The president will promise to veto any bill that does more than raise the ceiling. <<<

> They have positioned the political parties for another non-election year budget showdown over Obamacare and other divisive issues, just like 2013. Here is an excerpt from a May 5 article from Yahoo News

>>> The Senate passed a budget plan on Tuesday, making this the first time Congress has approved a budget outline in six years. The House passed the plan last week.

So Congress is doing its job, right?

Not exactly. What Congress produced was a GOP budget road map, passed by Republicans – a statement of GOP values. Once it hits the legislative road as spending bills, Senate Democrats will probably throw up barricades (and conservatives in both chambers might, too). Another budget crisis could ensue, even a government shutdown. <<<

Given this setup, there is a very high probability that a shutdown will occur. It would set the stage for the next big event…

2) Just 8 days after the likely shutdown, the IMF/World Bank Group hold their annual meeting
…(take note of the date).

At this meeting, we are likely to see the globalists add China’s currency to the SDR and bypass the US veto to enact long-delayed “governance reforms.” The combination of an economic crisis publicly attributed to the Federal Reserve’s policies and a US government shutdown caused by partisan bickering will provide the perfect pretext to finally end “American leadership” of the IMF/World Bank/UN (needless to say, these organizations have never really been American-led; they’ve always been bankster/globalist-led with America serving as their temporary vehicle for consolidating power). The globalists launched the whole “it’s time for a de-Americanized world” propaganda theme in the wake of the last US government shutdown. Will they now finish the job with the next shutdown?

For more information on the China/renminbi/IMF scenario and its impact on the US, see these entries…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 8-11 – George Soros, the dollar/renminbi peg, and the “Fed mistake” (see Update 11)

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 3 – This episode of “Bend over, here it comes” is brought to you by Citibank (see Update 2 – “What East versus West conflict? The West is helping China’s renminbi to become a reserve currency”)

Much love to you.

For the previous updates from this series, click here.