Today it occurred to me that just like Obama was positioned to be the “decoy/counterfeit Antichrist” within the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, there is a decoy/counterfeit Beast of Revelation as well. It is the G7.
The Beast of Revelation has seven heads, and upon those seven heads are ten horns, each with a crown. Now if we look at the G7, it consists of seven nations (the heads), and it has ten leaders (the horns with crowns). Those leaders are the 7 political heads of the member nations plus the 2 political heads of the EU…

…from Wikipedia
That makes 9 horns. So who is the tenth, you ask? It is the religious head of the G7, the Pope, who hails from the Vatican, a sovereign city-state at the very heart of a G7 member state. This makes Pope Francis the “Hidden Horn,” and when Trump went to Italy to attend the G7 Summit earlier this year, he met first with the Hidden Horn before he went to the Summit to encounter the other eight.
Since Trump is playing the role of the one true Christian amidst a pack of G7 “Satanists” who are using Islam to destroy Christianity, he is the odd man out (they already got rid of the first odd man out, the “true Christian” Putin, when they kicked him out of the G8 to make the G7). So as the odd man out who just enraged the Beast by removing the US from the Paris Agreement, Trump will face an ambush at the G20 Summit on 7/7…

…from Google News
At the very least, the G7 component of the G20 will do everything possible to trip Trump up and make him look bad; at worst, he could be “assassinated” right there on Merkel’s home turf (in the belly of the Beast). Whether it happens as early as the G20 or as late as the Turkish Holy War, death is the most likely outcome for the character Trump is playing. And remember too that the prophecy fulfillment script also contains a standing contingency for the “assassination” of Putin that could be activated at any time. Whenever it happens, he will either survive it or be “resurrected” three days afterwards.
If you are unfamiliar with the globalist prophecy script, you can learn about it in “End Times” Programming and the Globalist Prophecy Watch series. And for more information on what’s going on this week of the G20, read the previous update.
Love always…
(P.S. – Same Day) – Upon looking through what’s written about the Beast in Revelation and translating it into what the globalists might do to fake its fulfillment, I can see confirmation that the G7 is “Satanic,” that Trump will indeed be replaced with Pence at some point soon, and that the G7 will meet its end in December of this year. I’ll start filling in the details after I’ve completed my dinner cycle, which takes four hours unfortunately.
[Addendum 1 – Same Day]
Let’s have a look at some of the other things the Book of Revelation says about the Beast…
1) Revelation 13:2 – “…and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”
So who is this dragon who gives the Beast its power, seat, and authority? The answer can be found in…
Revelation 12:9 – “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world…”
So if the G7 is being cast as the decoy Beast, we see why the globalists’ alt-media disinfo guys keep blasting the West as being run by Satanists.
2) Revelation 13:3 – “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed…”
If the seven heads are the seven nations of the G7, the head that was wounded is the US, and it happened when Trump was elected. Instead of leadership passing from the “Satanist” Obama to the “Satanist” Clinton, a “Christian” was elected. And when that happened, talk was rampant that the “Trump Revolution” / populism would sweep through the EU (thus killing the Beast). So if the “deadly wound” is healed, that means a “Satanist” (Pence) will take back the Presidency. And that would have to happen before the Beast meets its end.
3) Revelation 13:5 – “…and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”
If the current incarnation of the G7 is the Beast, it has only 42 months (3 years and 6 months) to live. So let’s look at when the G7 took its current form…

…from Wikipedia
It was at the 40th G7 Summit, on June 4-5, 2014, that Putin was kicked out of the G8 and the current G7 began. So let’s count forward six months…
1. July 4-5, 2014
2. August 4-5, 2014
3. September 4-5, 2014
4. October 4-5, 2014
5. November 4-5, 2014
6. December 4-5, 2014
And if we add 3 years to December 4-5, 2014, we get December 4-5, 2017.
So if the globalists stick with this part of the script, the Beast’s head wound must be healed between now and December, and the Beast will not continue after the first week of December.
Tomorrow morning, we’ll look at some more passages and explore the Second Beast of Revelation, “The Beast out of the Earth” (which is the EU).
[Addendum 2 – 7 July 2017]
Let’s continue our look at the Beast in Revelation…
4) After the Beast’s head wound is healed, this is what is said to happen…
Revelation 3:3-4 – “…and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”
Now take a moment to think of what people will say about the G7 / Western Establishment if they assassinate Trump or kick him out of office. Everyone will remark about how invincible is their grip on power in the West and how no one can stand against them.
5) Revelation 3:7 – “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”
Here is where the G7’s “war against Christianity” comes in. The globalists have had their “Satanic Western Establishment” guys…
> create, train, arm, and fund radical Islamist groups that have slaughtered Christians around the world;
> orchestrate Islamist terror attacks on their own people;
> import Muslim immigrants on a vast scale in order to break down Western civilization and defeat Christianity; and
> use their power over government, education, and media to corrupt Western society and depopularize Christianity.
The globalists are having their Western guys do all these terrible things so their Eastern guys (like the “Champion of Christianity” Putin) can step in and play the saviors.
6) Revelation speaks of a second beast in verses 11-15. This second beast has two horns, assists the first beast, and is mentioned in conjunction with the healing of the first beast’s head wound. So if we look at the two horns as two leaders, the second beast must be the European Union, which has two leaders (Tusk and Juncker).
Although the EU is part of the G7, it has its own identity separate from it. So it is its own beast. And after the G7’s American head was wounded, it was the EU that kept the Western Establishment alive by leading the conspiracy to rig the European polls to stop the populist uprising in its tracks (this conspiracy will be brought to light in the near future).
If you look at Revelation 13 at the Bible site, you’ll see that it calls the first beast “The Beast Out of the Sea”…

And it calls the second beast “The Beast Out of the Earth”…

Looking at these Wikipedia maps of the G7 and EU, you can see why they would call the G7 “The Beast Out of the Sea” and the EU “The Beast Out of the Earth.” All G7 nations border the sea, and they span across both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And all EU nations are on the same continent.
All this being said, if the honest bloggers and commenters do our best to expose the contrived nature of all this, perhaps we can cause them to hold off. If we can only get to January with the G7 still in place, it will blow another of their timelines, and I would enjoy that with wicked delight. I might even celebrate by purchasing my first-ever bottle of Dom Perignon. Given my budget, though, it’ll have to be the vintage from the year Chernobyl blew.
(P.S. – 8 July 2017) – Now here’s a picture of reality…

…from the Drudge Report
Do you see how Xi and Merkel are smiling at the Trumps? Hidden behind all the bullsh*t political pronouncements that will come out of the G20 is the reality that all its leaders are one big happy family of globalist minions. Though they are given different and sometimes adversarial roles to play on the public stage, they are all butt-buddies who party together.
Here’s another example from Zero Hedge…

…This is the article’s closing paragraph…
“This slice of life – this snapshot from a party – tells a thousand words. Washington, D.C. is a carefully crafted stage play, designed to distract the American people from what goes on behind the scenes. If we fail to recognize that, we will never achieve substantial change.”
Alt-media sites like Zero Hedge tell you truths like this so you’ll believe the lies they also tell you, such as the lie that the “Deep State” is the source of America’s troubles. In reality, this global stage play is being put on by the world’s royal families, their Kabbalist Jew senior partners, and their Freemason / secret society / mafia uberminions.
[Addendum 3 – 9 July 2017]
The G20 Summit contained far fewer petty slights against Trump than I was expecting, but the script moved forward as anticipated. After finally meeting with Putin face-to-face, Trump is “vowing” he’ll “move forward in working constructively with Russia.” And in response to this, the “Satanic” Pope Francis – the Hidden Horn of the Beast Out of the Sea – is warning about a “dangerous alliance” between America and Russia. This provides the motivation for the “Satanic” coup-plotters to proceed.
Meanwhile, Trump’s Presidential replacement has been gathering coup backers, thus preparing for the Caesarian “Et tu, Mike?” moment with Trump…

…from the Drudge Report
And the press have proclaimed Merkel (who is part of both beasts) as Trump’s replacement as “Leader of the Free World”…

…from Google News
Now all they need is a triggering event that can be blamed on Trump’s “insanity” in order to make their move. The outbreak of conflict with either China / North Korea or Turkey remains the most likely approach. Also, Merkel’s ascension to de facto leadership of the G7 can be spun as a healing of the Beast’s head wound in case they need to move in another direction. We can expect them to make rapid on-the-fly script adjustments in an attempt to keep their agenda in motion.