Don’t be ashamed if you’ve ever fallen for some form of New Age BS…

…It is a highly-polished, massively-promoted, multi-billion dollar product that was scientifically formulated over decades by the brightest sellouts the globalists could buy. The only shame is in not listening to inner and outer warnings to move past it.
While the globalists’ political and financial people have been busy erecting the superstructure of the multilateral/multipolar New World Order, their psychologists and sociologists have been busy as well. Through institutions like the Tavistock Institute in the UK and the Stanford Research Institute in the US, globalist minions have been formulating ways of molding the thinking of the masses to make them NWO-compatible.
Information about Tavistock and Stanford Research (now called SRI International) is all over the internet, but I found a particularly concise and informative introduction to them on page 326 of David Livingstone’s Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age…

SRI is based in Menlo Park, California, and you can find hints of their involvement in the development of the 1960’s drug counterculture and CIA mind control techniques in the Wikipedia entry for MKUltra…
“Merry Prankster Ken Kesey, author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, volunteered for MKUltra experiments involving LSD and other psychedelic drugs at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Menlo Park while he was a student at nearby Stanford University. Kesey’s experiences while under the influence of LSD inspired him to promote the drug outside the context of the MKUltra experiments, which influenced the early development of hippie culture.
Robert Hunter is an American lyricist, singer-songwriter, translator, and poet, best known for his association with Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead. Along with Ken Kesey, Hunter was an early volunteer MKUltra test subject at Stanford University. Stanford test subjects were paid to take LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline, then report on their experiences. These experiences were creatively formative for Hunter…”
As it turns out, an alumnus of SRI has been very active in the alternative media, and he has been applying New Age mind control themes to the newly awakening in order to facilitate their acceptance of the nascent BRICS-fronted NWO. His name is Alfred Lambremont Webre…
“In 1977, he joined SRI International in Menlo Park, California, as a futurist for the Center for the Study of Social Policy. His responsibilities were the studies in alternative futures, innovation diffusion, and social policy applications for clients including the Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communications Study, the National Science Foundation, U.S. Congress (Office of Technology Assessment), the U.S. Department of Energy, and the State of California (Energy Plan).”
So Webre was responsible for dreaming up “alternative futures,” and he has used that experience to good effect in the “alternate timelines” mind-screw he is currently foisting upon the awakening public. Let’s have a look at the sh*t he’s been shoveling by examining a recent interview of him…

…Here is an overview offered by an associated news page…
“VANCOUVER, BC – In an interview with JF Simard of,’s Alfred Lambremont Webre discusses how a positive holographic timeline that activated around December 21, 2012 will transforms a planned 2015 financial collapse of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank fiat Petrodollar into a new planetary age of individual Sovereignty and a BRICS Golden Age.
This planned and unsuccessful 2015 (or so) $dollar collapse is actually one of the functional components of the Jesuit-Matrix depopulation plan that includes Fukushima radiation, GMOs, Vaccines, GeoEngineering, Wars, planned financial collapse and the Transhumanist Agenda, all orchestrated along a catastrophic timeline that is no longer operative in our time-space hologram.”
In the interview, Webre claims that the evil Anglo-American “elite” (in association with Draco Reptilian aliens who have a penchant for ‘human sushi’) had plans to depopulate the Earth through a Mad Max-style economic collapse (in conjunction with “Fukushima radiation, GMOs, Vaccines, and GeoEngineering”), but this “catastrophic timeline” was altered by the timeline fairies on December 21, 2012. He asserts that humanity is now on a “positive timeline” that will feature a “BRICS Golden Age.” So according to him, the evil Anglosphere is trying to kill everybody, therefore “the whole world is migrating over to the BRICS system” (41:03).
This narrative of his precisely follows the Decoy-NWO vs. Real-NWO problem / reaction / solution format I’ve identified in many previous entries (here is one). The following excerpts speak about the globalist strategy:
“They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies (thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another)…
Problem – The evil Western power elite are out to steal everything and kill everybody!!!
Reaction – People are both angry and fearful, and are longing to end the old system and start something new.
Solution – The angelic BRICS power elite swoop in on white unicorns to save the day and give us a new financial system and all the money people need.“
Now let’s have a look at some specific quotes from the interview…
From the 30:09 mark: “What occurred is that on December 21, 2012, a number of things happened. One is that the holographic timeline on which our collective travels shifted from a catastrophic timeline to a positive timeline, such that plans and projects that were conceived on the catastrophic timeline, in what we call duality consciousness of ‘I win, you lose,’ no longer have the traction now in the positive timeline of unity consciousness, which is ‘we are one.’ Somebody changed the video game. We’re no longer in ‘war, disease, crime and poverty’; we’re now in ‘paradise on earth‘…”
If you consider the implication of this timeline idea, it is the same as the “Ascension” and “Alien Saviors” memes: “Don’t bother doing anything about the NWO, because we’re on a positive timeline that will sweep you where you want to go. Just relax, don’t feed the evil with your attention, and concentrate on ‘raising your vibration.'” The whole idea of “the ‘light’ has already won” only serves to de-motivate awakening people from taking action that could actually make a difference (such as forming their own political and monetary structures). As for the “paradise on earth” part of the passage, I talked about this in The Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven… at first.
From the 32:15 mark: “Now, getting around to this… what this means is that the controllers, the matrix, as part of their depopulation plan had included a financial collapse component as sort of the centerpiece, or one of the centerpieces, of their depopulation plan that would click in, say, around 2015. And if they could combine that with World War 3, if they could combine that with famine, if they could combine that with ebola, if they could combine that with GMOs, hey, you know, it’s mass extinction. It’s exterminate all those surface-dwellers…
(34:16) So it remains to be seen that the financial system is going to collapse in the usual, the expected way in February of [2015]. Why? Because none of their false flags has worked in the way that we think.“
It is true that the evil depopulation plan and its associated false flags will fail, but it has nothing to do with a new “positive timeline.” I laid out the reasons the globalists are sabotaging their own false flags in Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags. In fact, Webre suffers from a Freudian Slip when he says “none of their false flags has worked in the way that we think.” A normal person would not expect the globalists to sabotage their own attacks, so they certainly haven’t worked in the way that we think, but they have served the purpose for which they were designed. As for the whole “total economic collapse / depopulation” narrative, it is a scary campfire story the propagandists are spreading so that people will rush into the arms of the BRICS “saviors” when they step up to stop it.
From the 37:45 mark, speaking of the financial transition: “Right now, in kind of a 3D perspective, there are a lot of forces that are jockeying, but right now what it appears to be is that it’s not going to be a sudden collapse; it’s going to be a gradual transition. And what’s occurring is that the Rothschild dollar sector is collapsing because of its own lawlessness, which it itself has induced. Whereas the BRICS sector is based on honored contracts, respect for individual and national sovereignty, and they’re coming together by the two major gold producers in the world around a gold-centered currency…”
In an interview full of ridiculous statements, this passage qualifies as one of the worst. The transition to the new financial system will indeed be gradual, because it has been going on since the IMF created the dollar’s reserve currency replacement, the SDR, back in 1969. And the “Rothschild dollar sector” isn’t collapsing because of lawlessness; it’s coming down because the Rothschilds want the SDR to take the dollar’s place. I pointed this out when I covered a 1988 article from the Economist (an economic propaganda magazine partly owned by the Rothschilds) which openly speaks of replacing national currencies with a renamed SDR sometime around 2018…

…(according to the globalists’ plan, once the BRICS are seen to “take over” the IMF, both the IMF and SDR will get fresh new names to make a clean break from the past).
As for the BRICS sector being based on respect for individual sovereignty, are you kidding me? Just ask the regular Joes in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa how their governments treat them. “Like dirt” would be the most prevalent answer.
From the 45:09 mark: “Thankfully, in December 21, 2012 we shifted timelines … we’re back here now… we’re on the positive timeline, and the destiny of the American people is to go back to their original constitutional roots to operate… to become once again their own bankers, and to operate their own currency as all of the other nations do within the basket of currencies that will exist, as a nation inside a worldwide gold system.”
When you think about killing off the Federal Reserve and going back to the Constitution and some form of gold standard, what political figure comes to mind? Ron Paul, right? This is why I’ve been warning that he’s a sellout. And when Webre mentions a “worldwide gold system” and “the basket of currencies that will exist,” he’s talking about the IMF’s SDR, which is a basket of currencies that will soon include a gold component in its valuation.
Finally, at the 53:22 mark, he can’t resist mentioning “Ascension”: “We are ascending up densities of consciousness.”
This is actually sort of true, because if you listen to Webre and his ilk, your mind will become progressively more dense.
Beyond Alfred Lambremont Webre’s involvement with SRI International, which is part of the Rockefeller-funded Tavistock complex, the rest of his resume further betrays his status as a globalist minion…
1) He attended Yale University (one of the “elite’s” Ivy League indoctrination academies), and he was a Fulbright Scholar (one of the scholarship programs used by the globalists to recruit the brightest and most ambitious minds into their system). This scholarship was used to study international economic integration in Uruguay. Needless to say, international economic integration is core to the globalist agenda.
2) He has worked with globalist-run governments, foundations and NGOs, including the Ford Foundation.
3) He’s been involved with the Rockefeller-founded/funded United Nations. As his bio states…
“Between 1982–1987, he was a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Delegate at the United Nations in New York. He was involved with the Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations, with the UNISPACE Outer Space Conference (Vienna) and involved with the United Nations Second Special Session on Disarmament.”
4) And he’s been involved in the Rockefeller-founded/funded UFO Disclosure Movement. According to his bio…
“He helped draft the Citizen Hearing in 2000 with Stephen Bassett and serves as a member of the Board of Advisors. Webre is also the congressional coordinator for The Disclosure Project [founded by Steven Greer].”
Information on the Disclosure Movement’s connection with Laurance Rockefeller, who was one of the Special Studies Project architects of the New World Order, can be found in my Extraterrestrials category.
So there you have it: Alfred Lambremont Webre has the resume of a globalist minion, is baffling the awakening community with New Agey BS, and is promoting the Rockefeller-designed BRICS New World Order as a gift from the timeline fairies. What more do you need to see in order to recognize him for what he is?
Webre is just one of a truly overwhelming number of BS artists who are assisting with the NWO rollout, so I’ve got my work cut out for me. The next stop for this train will be “Cobra” and Rob Potter.
[Update 1 – 6 February 2015]
Subtle techniques of mind control
This morning, I received an email from someone trying to do damage control on Alfred Webre’s behalf. Since the points brought up in the email have interesting counterpoints, I thought I might share them with you. For privacy purposes, I’ll paraphrase what the writer said…
> “Alfred’s theories on time travel are based on evidence provided by whistleblowers like Cramer and Basiago.”
I’ve noticed that there are lots of “whistleblowers” running around on the interview and conference circuits. Many of them claim to be offering “beyond top secret” information and openly brag that they’re violating secrecy oaths and contracts to tell us their stories, yet they never go to jail and have no problem boarding planes to attend the various paid conferences (so they’re not even on the No-Fly List). Don’t you find that interesting?
If you want to build a false paradigm in people’s minds, here’s how you do it:
1) You have paid disinformation agents pose as whistleblowers and tell the public tall tales.
2) You have other disinformation agents promote the whistleblowers with interviews and conferences.
3) You have yet other disinformation agents put together all of the “whisleblower testimonies” into books and videos that outline and support the false paradigm.
Do you think any of these three steps is beyond the capacity of the globalist intelligence services? Alfred’s job at SRI was to dream up crap like alternate timelines for Chrissake.
> “Alfred has said many times that he’s suspicious of the BRICS.”
Of that I have no doubt. Have you ever noticed how the information of some alternative media sources is “all over the place”? They offer information that is contradictory and seems to point in every direction, and this creates great confusion in the minds of their followers. In my experience, there are two kinds of people who do this: people who are very confused in their own thinking, and people who are running mind control on their followers. Let me tell you about the latter type…
If you wanted to move people in a certain direction, how would you do it? There are actually many ways, but this is one:
1) You point them in every direction so they become confused and can’t tell which way is north anymore.
2) As you do so, you point them in the direction you want them to go more often than you point them in the other directions.
3) The net result is that people move in the direction you want in a zombie-like state. They are so overwhelmed by conflicting messages that they stop trying to think for themselves and just go with the flow (right into the NWO).
> “Alfred has pointed to one of your articles before on his Facebook page.”
I’ve observed a number of known disinformation sources pointing to my articles before (usually because their followers doggedly pursued them about it), and they typically do one of two things:
1) They feign interest or agreement, but then offer their own subtle commentary to try to tie in what I’m saying to what they’ve been saying, thus moving their followers back onto the narrative they’re selling. Some trolls on the comment boards also use this technique; I call them “sidle-up shills.”
2) They feign interest or agreement, but then go right back to selling their narrative as though nothing had happened.
All this being said, this entry on Albert is not the product of my coming across one bad interview of his. I’ve observed him actively promoting lots of bad information over time, and when I came across the title of this particular interview, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Another reason I chose to bust him with this interview is because it is an interview of him (not an interview in which he is questioning someone else), so it reflects his “personal views” / core talking points. And when you tie his talking points to his background, there can be no confusion about who he is and what he’s doing.
When you finally reach the end of your earthly journey, I want you to remember one thing: Ken loved you so much that he forced himself to listen to an Alfred Lambremont Webre interview for a whole hour. If that’s not commitment to the Truth and to your well being, I don’t know what is. So when you commune with Source and hand out your blessings, remember that I’d like a thousand-year vacation at an exotic island resort, complete with umbrella drinks and a nice woman. 😉
[Update 2 – 6 February 2015]
It’s hard to kick the Kool Aid habit
I visited Jean Haines’ blog this morning to see if she had posted or acknowledged this article. It was due to so often seeing Webre’s information on her site that I chose to do this entry, and I had her and her readers in mind as I wrote it. As it turns out, she did post it, but with this preface…

To address Alfred’s comment, there are a significant number of “whistleblowers” who have “come out” of bankster agencies like the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, the World Bank, SRI, etc. to supposedly tell the truth. Noting this, one has to ask, “Did they really make a break with their employers, or did their employers simply assign them the job of playing the whisleblower?” This is where the concept of the “limited hangout” comes into play…
“A limited hangout, or partial hangout, is a public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in order to prevent a greater exposure of more important details.”
So as “whistleblowers” like Webre come forward and reveal previously hidden information about Cabal operations, they are drawing people’s attention away from the big secret: that the Cabal is behind the BRICS Alliance and is using it to implement the multilateral / multipolar NWO they’ve been planning since World War 2. In fact, not only are the whistleblowers’ efforts drawing our attention away from the Cabal/BRICS connection, they are actually serving to build up the West as villains and the BRICS as heroes.
Remember that the BRICS-fronted New World Order will be presented as a happy solution to all the problems that are being deliberately created by the Western institutions. And when the BRICS heroes get their cue to step up and “save the day,” the evil Western institutions will be either shut down or overhauled and renamed. Phony whistleblower information facilitates this switchover. Since it’s “out with the Old (World Order)” and “in with the New (World Order),” the whistleblowers are bashing the old and promoting the new.
As for Jean standing with Alfred, she did the same thing when I busted Neil Keenan back in July of 2013. Here is the final paragraph from the first entry I wrote on him, Neil Keenan Reveals his Illuminati Ties…
“So if you are among those who have not yet seen the Keenan information for what it really is, how much more is it going to take? I realize how difficult it is to admit to being scammed and to give up on something you really, really want to be true. But if you cannot admit to yourself when you’re wrong, you cannot grow. And we need every conscious being we can muster if we are going to bypass the trap the Illuminati have prepared for us.” [Since I encountered the Keenan video I wrote about on Jean’s site, I wrote this paragraph with her in mind.]
I went on to write more articles debunking him and his narrative, and I sent Jean the links in a comment I wrote on her site, but I was rebuffed. She sided with Neil just like she is siding with Alfred now. How long must history repeat itself before we learn from it?
[Update 3 – 6 February 2015]
When in trouble, trot out the straw man
I just saw this little tidbit from Webre on Jean Haines’ site…

The only problem with his argument is that he’s refuting a claim I never made. If you read what I wrote, I first introduced the reader to Tavistock and SRI (including evidence of SRI’s involvement with MKUltra), then I introduced Webre’s involvement with SRI as a futurist (with a passage straight out of his Wikipedia bio). I never made the argument that he was a “futurist with MKUltra.” This little trick he’s pulling is called a straw man argument.
He then tries to distract people with details about the Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study. I guess he’s saying he’s a whistleblower because he promoted the existence of UFOs and ETs back then. But if that makes you a whistleblower, then Laurance Rockefeller, the Jesuits, and the Vatican were/are whistleblowers too. They have been deeply involved in the promotion of UFOs/ETs…
The Vatican is preparing to introduce the Anunnaki to us
Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?
What is Jordan Maxwell’s role in the New World Order rollout?
As for the “misleading projection” allegation, he is doing that with his own comment. Physician, heal thyself.
Love always…