Author Archives: kenneth

Special Globalist Agenda Watch Note – 2 April 2017: The 2017 Crisis Schedule

Yesterday, I asked myself how the globalists will fit all their planned crises together in a coherent chain of events. The answer came to me today: if the globalists go for it this year, the NWO transition will take place in three phases…

Phase One – Initial US vs China war crisis, global economic crisis, May Day chaos in the streets, and Trump replaced with Pence (late-April thru May)

Phase Two – Wealth confiscation (bank bail-ins), crisis building between US and Russia, and a formal BRICS proposal to implement the NWO’s “gold-backed” financial system and UN “reforms” as the solution (May thru September)

Phase Three – War crisis with Russia, counter-coup in America (Pence replaced with Rand Paul), total system shutdown, and a reboot into the Putin-led NWO (September onward)

I will expand on all this in the next full update (which is now up). If you are a new reader, read Understanding the NWO Strategy and the NWO Schedule of Implementation 2017 to bring yourself up to speed.

Addendum to Update 6: China built its South China Sea bases for the United Nations

Behold the future UN Peacekeeper base on Fiery Cross Reef…

With everything that I’ve had to cover over the last few weeks, I was forced to leave Updates 6 and 7 incomplete. But now that there is a wee bit of slack time available, I intend to go back and finish them. So let’s begin that process with this addendum to Update 6: China’s coming humiliation in the South China Sea

As I’m sure you’ve heard, China has built military bases atop manmade islands in the highly contested South China Sea. Ostensibly, they did it to enforce their supposed historical claims in the area, but the true purpose behind the construction was to provide the post-“reform” United Nations with bases of operation for their peacekeepers, fishery enforcers, and environmental police.

When the Chinese hand over the bases, though, they won’t be left empty-handed. By claiming exclusive rights in the area and moving to enforce them, they have established themselves as a “claimant” and staked-out a strong bargaining position. In negotiations, it is standard practice to ask for way too much, then “compromise” your way back to what you really want. So once the newly-“reformed” UN rules on what each claimant will get, China will be left with assets in the area that they wouldn’t have received if they hadn’t barged in. Instead of owning nothing in the South China Sea, they’ll own something, and something is better than nothing.

To understand why I say all this, let’s have a look at the situation in the South China Sea…

> China’s globalist-controlled communist government has made claims in the South China Sea that are deliberately ridiculous, outrageous and provocative…

…Just look at how far their red-line region extends from China – and how close it cuts to their neighbors.

> This absurd overreach has led their aggrieved neighbors to begin groping for a regional grouping that can counterbalance Chinese expansionism…

…From the Tokyo Foundation. Here is a notable passage…

China prefers bilateral talks to multilateral talks for discussions of the dispute in South China Sea because it recognises that multilateral talks will result in it losing advantage over individual ASEAN countries. On the other hand, the problems it creates for multilateral security cooperation isolates China in international society.”

In other words, “the individual ASEAN countries need to act multilaterally to take away China’s advantage.” And “China has to stop acting up or it will wind up an isolated backwater like it was before.”

> The Chinese overreach has also set up aggressive nationalists in China for a fall. The Chinese will be chastened by their coming humiliation in the South China Sea, and strident nationalistic voices will lose face and fall out of favor. This, the globalists hope, will leave the Chinese “better multilateral citizens.” Just have a look at the thinking behind this strategy…

…From LSE Research Online

In case the insufferable “academic tone” of the abstract obscures its point, it’s basically saying that Chinese nationalism is getting in the way of its multilateralism (and from the globalist perspective, that’s a big no-no)…

“…multilateralism is an effective way for Beijing to increase its regional power while avoiding confrontation with the United States or regional powers like India and Japan. However, Beijing’s multilateralism is still premised on hard conceptions of state sovereignty and has to be developed in the context of a nationalistic political culture that prevents the achievement of regional stability through compromise on issues such as the South China Sea disputes…”

With the three preceding bullet points in mind, you begin to see how the South China Sea scenario is scripted to play out…

1) Trump and Xi will blunder into a confrontation over the area.

2) China will be forced to compromise and retreat.

3) When they retreat from their bases, they’ll have to hand them over to someone. Since they won’t want to give the bases to their regional rivals or the United States, they’ll hand them over to a “neutral party” that will enforce and secure their “legitimate” economic claims and security needs in the area: the “reformed” United Nations (NWO) that will rise after the conflict.

4) The UN NWO will use the bases to enforce the post-conflict compromise, patrol the fisheries to stop the conflict among fishing and coast guard vessels in the area, and take control of maritime environmental monitoring and management.

That being said, the Chinese won’t be the only ones chastened by a South China Sea conflict. Although the clash would end in a victory or favorable draw for the US side, America would likely suffer a serious bloody nose. Considering all the media attention given to the nuclear threat supposedly posed by the North Koreans, this bloody nose could take the form of a nuke going off somewhere – either in a US territory or a US military base – but the most likely scenario is that the globalists will script the destruction of the USS Carl Vinson (either through conventional or nuclear means).

The aircraft carrier is the most potent symbol of America’s ability to project power anywhere in the world. By having one sunk along with the 6,000 lives aboard, the globalists will shatter the American sense of invincibility, and the nation will thereafter be much more skittish about sending its carriers into other nations’ backyards. This will result in BOTH China and America pulling back after the conflict, and that will open a power vacuum that a stronger United Nations can fill.

Also, the globalists could use the event to trigger their coup/counter-coup psyop with Trump. The psyop script calls for the supposed “neocon-neolib Deep State” to pounce on Trump and remove him from office through either impeachment, assassination, or suiciding. And if they use the conflict with China as cover for making their move, this is the argument they’ll present…

“Trump has only been in office a few months, and he has already got us into a shooting war with nuclear-armed China and got an aircraft carrier sunk. We have to remove this bumbling lunatic before he destroys the nation!”

So a South China Sea conflict could end up taking out both Xi and Trump. This would be no surprise given that both are considered nationalists, and that both the Chinese and the Americans are known for their nationalistic fervor. Therefore it’s not just Chinese nationalism that will take a hit if the two nations come to blows.

As is outlined in Update 1, Update 6, and Update 7, leaders who are “more reasonable, soft-spoken, civil, and cooperative” will take the place of the fallen nationalists, namely Li Keqiang and, after the counter-coup, Rand Paul…

…From Zero Hedge

Rand Paul will play Galba to Donald Trump’s Vindex…

“Galba, acclaimed by the Senate, struck coins to commemorate Vindex, to whom he owed his position as emperor.” – From Wikipedia

Now if we step back and take a bird’s eye view of what the globalists are doing with China and the South China Sea, we see the strategy they hinted at back in 1961 at play…

…From Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Reports, page 26

As the underlined passages suggest, they are using China’s seizure of the South China Sea to create a problem “the separate [ASEAN] nations will not be able to solve alone.” This pressures those nations to “organize and act in common effort” in a “regional institution” to preserve their national interests.

So let’s make a list of all the ways the South China Sea conflict serves the globalist agenda…

1) It serves as one of the three conflict zones (along with Syria and Ukraine) through which they are fomenting a global war crisis that will give rise to its “logical solution”: the “reformed” UN system (the multilateral / multipolar NWO).

2) It serves to push the ASEAN nations towards a multilateral approach to their (manufactured) common problem. As each aggrieved nation sees the futility of facing China on its own, they grope their way towards a regional security institution that can counterbalance Chinese aggression.

3) It serves as an object lesson to the Chinese and American peoples on the fruits of aggressive nationalism. Once their overreach in the South China Sea leads to their national humiliation, the Chinese will see the wisdom of working with others multilaterally rather than aggressively confronting them unilaterally. And once the Americans get shocked and bloodied by unilaterally poking their nose into a foreign conflict, they will be more inclined to fall back and stick with a multilateral diplomatic approach. This will make both peoples better citizens of the New World Order.

As for when the direct clash between the US and China could begin, we could see the first step in that direction next week when Trump meets Xi at the Mar-a-Lago resort on April 6-7…

…From CNN

If the meeting is portrayed as having gone south, a personal conflict between them could be narrated from there. And given that the Japanese will send their helicopter carrier into the South China Sea in May, a shooting war could be triggered any time from May onward.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 8 – The globalist strategy for the French and UK elections

Three down; two to go…

As is explained in the NWO Schedule of Implementation 2017


In order to overcome the UN’s jaded reputation and get people to accept its leadership, they will take it through a “reform” process to rebrand it and give it an image makeover. This reform effort will make it appear as though Western domination and “corruption” of the institution has been ended, and it will include two very important elements…

1) The Security Council will be reformed to include permanent members from all 10 UN regions, and the power of the P5 nations to unilaterally veto resolutions will be eliminated. The elimination of unilateral veto power will be sold as being necessary to allow the UN to effectively address divisive conflicts, but its real purpose will be to ensure that no nation can insulate itself from UN action by casting a veto. All nations will be equally helpless against the multilateral UN mob and the Occulted Powers who pull their strings. <<<

Now if you think about it, it would be hard to get to this goal if one or more of the veto-wielding five Permanent Members of the UN Security Council (the P5) is anti-Putin, so the globalists are attempting to place Putin-friendly leaders in all of those nations. They hope to get it done this year, and as you can see in the scoreboard graphic above, there are just two left to go.

To achieve their objective, the globalists have three basic options…

OPTION 1: Install Putin-friendly leaders in early May via the already-scheduled presidential election in France and a yet-to-be-scheduled snap election in the UK.

OPTION 2: Install Putin-friendly leaders either during or after the coming Big Crisis via government shakeups.

OPTION 3: Combine Options 1 & 2 by starting the Big Crisis in April, thus allowing the early May elections to serve as the government shakeups.

In upcoming sections of this entry, we’ll explore the details of these three options, and we’ll see why Marine Le Pen and Jeremy Corbyn are the leaders the globalists have selected to complete the P5 pro-Putin makeover. Before we begin, though, let me give my standard heads-up to new readers…

The globalists control both sides in the current political drama – both the “Establishment” side (Obama, Clinton, Soros, the Bilderbergers, the mainstream media, etc.) and the “Anti-Establishment” side (Trump, Le Pen, Putin, the BRICS, the alternative media, etc.). They are deliberately staging a dialectic conflict between the two sides in order to implode their existing “Establishment” and erect a new one (the multilateral / multipolar New World Order) in its place. Read Understanding the NWO Strategy for more information on what they’re doing.

With the heads-up now complete, let’s begin with…


The French presidential election is scheduled for April 23. And under the French system, if no candidate gets a majority of the vote, the top two vote-getters will face off in a runoff election on May 7. Currently, opinion polls purportedly show that no candidate will receive a majority vote, and that the globalist Neo-Establishment candidate Le Pen and her dialectic foil Emmanuel Macron will be the two candidates who will make the runoff election…

…From a Google News search for “Macron”

Le Pen’s public support reportedly tops out at about 39%, and she is forecast to lose the runoff election by a wide margin. So to elect her under Option 1, the globalists will have to stage a massive event to move a large chunk of the electorate over to her. I wrote about this in my previous article

>>> In order for the globalists to shift enough of the French public to give Le Pen majority support, something over-the-top has to happen. And people will have to see that it was done by “Islamic terrorists” who came in among the migrants. As for timing, it will have to happen sometime between now and the runoff election on May 7. Otherwise, Le Pen will fail and the globalists will face an uphill climb to get their 2017 agenda implemented…

In the Special Notes at the bottom of Update 6, I showed how the globalists were helping Wilders and Le Pen get elected, and I noted that Wilders’ loss meant they had to do something dramatic to push more of the French public towards Le Pen. With that in mind…

What do you think will happen if Le Pen places in the top two of the first round of voting and qualifies for the runoff election?

You’d expect to see “angry, fearful migrants” rioting in the streets and carrying out terrorist attacks, wouldn’t you? This is especially true if Le Pen places first.

So I think that’s what the globalists will do to push Le Pen over the top: have their paid provocateurs and terrorists stage riots and terror attacks possibly before, and DEFINITELY AFTER, the first round of voting. If voters have to walk by burning cars and rioting Muslims on their way to the runoff polls, whom do you think they’ll choose? <<<

Under Option 1, then, a 9/11-scale event will be orchestrated for France before either the first or second phase of the election, and it will galvanize the electorate in support of the candidate who is most seen as a strident defender of France against the Muslim migrant invasion, Marine Le Pen.

Under Option 2, Macron, who is a former Rothschild banker and a poster boy for the Old Establishment, will win the election and be the French president when the Big Crisis hits this year. Since the Old Establishment’s policies will be blamed for causing the crisis, their poster boy president will face the wrath of the public, and he’ll be forced to leave office. This is where French law takes over…

“Upon the death, removal, or resignation of the President, the President of the Senate takes over as acting president… he or she does not become the new President of the Republic as elected and therefore does not have to resign from his or her position as President of the Senate…

The first round of a new presidential election must be organized no sooner than twenty days and no later than thirty-five days following the vacancy of the presidency. Because fifteen days can separate the first and second rounds of a presidential election, this means that the President of the Senate can only act as President of the Republic for a maximum period of fifty days.” – from Wikipedia

So within fifty days after Macron takes the fall, a new president would be elected. And with the electorate being furious at the Old Establishment for causing the Big Crisis, they’ll vote for the Neo-Establishment candidate, Le Pen, who would then be seen as prescient and correct in all of her previous policy stances.

Under Option 3, the globalists will go ahead and trigger the Big Crisis before the election, and this might still include a French 9/11 as one of its components. Just like under Options 1 and 2, this would propel the electorate away from the Old Establishment and towards Le Pen.

Now that we’ve covered the three options vis-a-vis the French election, you might be wondering why I see Le Pen as a globalist agent. This is where some of my previous writings can shed some light. First, let’s have a look at an excerpt from Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags (and the real agenda behind the Paris attacks)


…But the great thing about disinformation sites is that if you know how to correct for their spin, they also give you the real reasons behind everything. Take the Paris terror attacks of the past week for example. Veterans Today blurted out the real agenda behind them for everyone to see (in the VT article linked above)…

“One thing I missed in the original blog post: The timing of the Charlie Hebdo event was suspicious, not only because it closely followed Netanyahu’s threat that France was making a grave mistake by supporting Palestinian statehood and unleashed pre-scripted Zionist talking points against France’s pro-Palestine position……But also because the Zionists are panicking at the success of European anti-New-World-Order parties in general, and the French Marine LePen/Alain Soral/Dieudonné contingent in particular.”

Let me explain why I bolded that last section…

Once the globalists trigger the New Lehman Event and take down the West, the Western populations will be furious at their leaders. The globalists know this. This is why they’ve been preparing to scapegoat the existing political figures and replace them with pre-marketed “outsiders” who will “set things right again.”

If you’ve noticed, the Establishment has had existing leaders like America’s Obama and France’s Hollande force wildly unpopular policies upon the people, thus preparing the scapegoats for the slaughter. Now can you guess who they’ve been grooming as the “outsiders” who will replace these unpopular figures? In America, it is politicians like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Elizabeth Warren. And in France, it is the “French Ron Paul“…
…This picture shows Jean-Marie Le Pen and his daughter Marine Le Pen, who are the French analogs to Ron Paul and his son Rand Paul.


Next, let’s have a look at some excerpts from The Paris Attacks, Marine Le Pen and Ron Paul


It didn’t take long for the propaganda exploitation to flow after the false-flag attacks on January 7. On the 8th, Slate posted this article on Marine Le Pen
…Isn’t it interesting how they thought to write about this in the immediate aftermath of the attacks?

Here are some notable excerpts (with my comments added in brackets)…

>>> Marine Le Pen, the leader of the increasingly popular party with the slogan “The French Come First,” appeared in front of three French flags and hammered out her demands—and a selfless offer.*

It is time for “frank and clear responses” against “inaction and denial,” she declared. In other words: The country’s two main political parties have failed to stem the Islamist tide, and you the voters now have all the evidence you need that France requires new leadership. “I intend to assume this vital responsibility so France can defend itself in the war that has been declared upon her,” she continued…

After Wednesday’s tragic attack, the party’s relevance [Le Pen’s FN Party] can no longer be doubted…

Marine Le Pen’s challenge has been to dissociate her party from its founder, her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, a polarizing figure known for frequent racist and anti-Semitic commentary…

[In much the same way, Rand Paul has had to distance himself from the “extreme” stances of his father Ron, and Ron Paul has toned down his language to support his son’s political ambitions.]

Le Pen’s attractive force, however, does not rely on the logic of the political world as it is. It lies in the brand her father built as a political pariah speaking “truth to power” in a system dominated by Gaullists and Socialists who all attended the same elite schools.

[Here again we see the similarities to the Pauls — being “political pariahs” speaking “truth to power” to the “elite.”]

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack, there is no obvious limit to how high Marine Le Pen and National Front could rise. <<<

To further cement Le Pen’s reputation as an “outsider” to the French Establishment, she was noticeably snubbed from the recent National Unity March. As France 24 noted…

>>> By Thursday afternoon, most other parties had followed suit, with the notable exception of the National Front (FN). Its leader, Marine Le Pen, said she had not received an invitation. She denounced the FN’s “exclusion” from the rally and proclaimed “the end of national unity”.

The Socialist government has yet to confirm that her party was not invited. <<<

…and as the Irish Times noted…

>>> Mr Hollande is marching alongside his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, whom he defeated in the presidential election in 2012, providing a rare image of unity between the two rivals. All senior figures in Mr Sarkozy’s UMP are attending, as are the leaders of smaller parties on the left and right.

Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front, is not among them. Speaking after a meeting with Mr Hollande at the Élysée Palace this week, Ms Le Pen said the president didn’t invite her to the march and that she “regretted” this. <<<

It’s also worth noting who was pictured with French President Hollande in the March…
…Benjamin Netanyahu. This picture is going to come back and bite Hollande once the mainstream media is instructed to “tell the truth” about all the false flags and the Nazi/Zionist involvement in them. When the MSM start openly promoting the truth about 9/11, the London 7/7 attacks, and the Paris attacks, you’ll know the globalists are making their move…

Having looked at all this (along with everything we saw in the last entry), we see how the Paris attacks are serving to “move the herd” in the general direction of Le Pen, France’s savior-to-be.

Let’s not forget someone else who released a major political manifesto on the day after the attacks…
…This article got lots of attention over the last few days, including over 266,000 views (so far) on Zero Hedge alone. It is designed to make Paul look prescient once the fireworks get started, thereby cementing his reputation as “the one who saw it all coming and warned us.” This in turn would make him or his son the obvious choice as the one who can “set things right again.”


Finally, let’s have a look at Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 7


[Update 7 – 16 January 2015]

Paul Craig Roberts confirms Le Pen, Farage, and Paul are controlled opposition

The great thing about globalist disinfo agents is that once you identify them, they become a great source of insight into what the globalist agenda actually is. Whatever they are selling is what the globalists want sold, and whatever they are bashing is what the globalists want bashed. Discerning the underlying agenda then becomes child’s play.

Paul Craig Roberts is one such disinfo agent, and he is on the globalists’ “Team BRICS.” Team BRICS media agents are tasked with pointing out the (deliberately) insane policies of the US and the West and/or pointing out the hope offered by “freedom fighting” China and the East. Roberts is a particularly shrill propagandist who assails “insane” American policy.

On top of the clear propaganda signature offered by his writings and interviews, he makes a point of displaying the “Hidden Hand” gang sign of the “elite” on his webpage

All this triggers “Ken’s Rule for Discerning Globalists”…

If it quacks like a dialectic propagandist, looks like a Hidden Hand, and smells like a vinegary fish, it’s a globalist douchebag.

Now have a look at what Roberts said in this King World News interview

His promotion of “dissenters” like Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, and (by extension) Ron Paul tells us that the globalists want them promoted…

And don’t be confused if these “dissenters” break up the EU. Just remember the quote attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” This concept extends to the global level as well. Once the globalists have locked the nations into the SDR-based, Chinese “owned” (as Soros puts it) multilateral/multipolar New Financial Order, they no longer have to hold together fragile combinations like the EU. New multilateral regional and functional institutions can rise from the ashes of the EU. Once the centralized money power has been secured, the rest is academic.


With all this in mind, hopefully you can understand why I view Le Pen as controlled opposition.

Now let’s turn our attention to…


To begin our exploration of the coming snap election in the UK, let’s look at how the propaganda press are selling it to the public…

…From Business Insider. Here are some key passages interspersed with my comments…

>>> The alleged thinking behind an early election is that a comfortable majority victory for the Conservatives — which polls currently suggest is the most likely outcome — would give May a much stronger hand in the Commons ahead of crucial votes on Brexit legislation and divisive policies like the ban on new grammar schools being lifted. <<<

This section hints at the public justification that will be offered when the snap election is scheduled: that it’s necessary due to political turbulence that arises after Wednesday, March 29 when the UK officially triggers Article 50 to leave the EU.

>>> Tory Party chairman Patrick McLoughlin, chief whip Gavin Williamson, and May’s private secretary George Hollingbery have all discussed advising May to call a snap election on May 4, according to the Times. <<<

So the election would take place a mere three days before the French runoff election. Can you imagine what might happen if Jeremy Corbyn and Marine Le Pen were to take power in the UK and France over the course of just three days? I wrote about it in the NWO Schedule of Implementation: “An economic collapse triggered by shocking developments in the EU (like the election of Le Pen and other “anti-Establishment” figures) and their effect on weak, systemically important financial institutions (like Deutsche Bank).”

>>> Downing Street has repeatedly ruled out an early election, but a number of Tory MPs have privately been encouraging Williamson to push the idea to the prime minister with a crushing victory over the Labour Party a strong possibility.

Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour has been on “early election footing” since the end of last year in preparation for a 2017 general election, the party’s chief elections strategist Andrew Gwynne said over the weekend.

Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson told Sky News on Monday that he thinks the chances of an early election are high. “I think we’re heading for an early UK election. I think it’s more likely than not,” he said…

Labour shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott told The Independent last week that her party would win an election “whenever” May decides to hold it, despite the party’s continuing to trail the Tories by massive margins in opinion polls. <<<

So despite the one-sided polls, both parties seem to want the election. In a political system that wasn’t fixed, that would seem odd, wouldn’t it? But in a political system that is orchestrated by Freemasons on behalf of the royals, it makes perfect sense that all this is being set up.

To elect Corbyn under Option 1, two things must occur…

1) Something has to happen to justify the scheduling of the election.
2) Something has to happen to shift public opinion towards the Labour Party.

Since Brexit-related political turmoil is the likely justification for having the election, what will happen to push people towards Labour?

Here are some candidate developments…

> Given that Corbyn is anti-war, the Tories might engage in a controversial, ill-conceived and disastrous military action that leads to a significant loss of British life, possibly in Syria.

> Wikileaks or some other limited-hangout “whistleblower” might come forward with information that is very damaging to May and the conservatives. It could be related to the GCHQ’s surveillance of Trump and a reciprocal arrangement that allows the NSA to spy on UK citizens, it could tie the Tories to the planning and execution of false-flag “terrorist attacks” in the UK, it could tie the Tories to outrageous instances of pedophilia, etc.

> A shocking downturn in the UK markets might follow the triggering of Article 50, which would lead to disaffected anti-Brexit voters rallying behind Labour for revenge against the Tories.

Under Option 2, May will simply delay scheduling the election until the Big Crisis hits this year. Since the current government’s policies will be blamed for causing the crisis, the voters will predictably react by voting in the opposition party.

Under Option 3, the globalists will go ahead and trigger the Big Crisis before the election. And just like under Options 1 and 2, this would propel the electorate away from the existing government and towards the opposition.

Regardless of the circumstances and timing of the election, the Conservative Party will lose their majority position, and the Labour and Scottish National parties will join to form the nucleus of a coalition government…

…From Wikipedia

This is the reason you may have seen this in the news…

…From The Sun

In exchange for joining with Labour to form the government, the Scots will receive their independence. This is in keeping with the globalists’ objective of breaking up nations that are large and/or powerful into “smaller units.” I wrote about this in Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 65: The globalist plan to break up the great nations


…I take you back to the 1961 NWO blueprint book Prospect for America. This is from page 26…

The globalists want the NWO to consist of “smaller units” because smaller nations are less likely to be self-sufficient in maintaining their security and a modern standard of living. They want all the nations to be dependent on the multilateral framework for their security and economic wellbeing.

Besides the Rockefellers’ NWO architects, can you guess who else is talking about “smaller units”? Ron Paul (in this interview on RT)…

“I happen to believe in smaller units of government; the larger the unit of government, the worse things are…

So I think people should have the right to leave a larger unit of government.”

It makes sense that the globalists will want to break up the large nations because it fits in to their PR strategy of restoring the appearance of sovereignty (while actually undermining sovereignty by making the divided peoples less able to resist the power of the globalist institutions). Once separated from their central governments, the newly-minted nations will need assistance in getting started, and to whom will they turn for guidance and help? To the United Nations and the multilateral institutions of course! They will turn away from the old power centers of Washington, Moscow, Beijing, and New Delhi and turn towards the new power center, the UN Complex.


Getting back to Jeremy Corbyn, you may be asking, “Why that guy? Why did the globalists choose him to be the UK Prime Minister?” Actually, I doubt he’s either their first or ideal choice. Their dream candidate was Nigel Farage, but their decision to abruptly cancel the Greek defection to the BRICS in 2015 forestalled the chain of events that would have led to his rise. Now that the UKIP hasn’t a single seat in the House of Commons, the globalists are forced to settle for “Mr. Good Enough,” Corbyn.

So what makes him “good enough,” you ask?…

Well, he’s willing to let the UN decide when the UK can use military force…

…From RT

If you think that sounds like a good idea because you’re sick of all the (seemingly) senseless wars, remember this:

The globalists DELIBERATELY marched the West into all those wars so you’d feel the way you do and accept the UN-based NWO as the solution to the problem. They created the problem of out-of-control warfare, your predictable reaction is to want it to end, and now they’ll offer you the solution of UN supervision. This is how they get the public to accept the changes they wish to make.

As for the other reason Corbyn is “Mr. Good Enough,” he is conciliatory towards Putin…

…From (Note how closely this hit piece resembles the treatment Trump and Le Pen get in the MSM. The globalists are bashing them with their discredited MSM while simultaneously praising them with their controlled-opposition alt-media.)

Of course, this gentle attitude towards Putin is something Corbyn shares with his French and American counterparts, Le Pen and Trump…

…From The New York Times (top) and Mother Jones (bottom)

All this being said, I hope you can now see what the globalists are really up to in these elections. And if you want to do your part to stop them, share this information through social media, comments on websites, and emails to your contact lists. Hopefully, enough awareness can be raised to trigger the “heckler effect” and push them back for another year. Each year we can slow them down is another year for more people to wake up to what’s really going on.

With love…

(P.S. – 28 March 2017) – A reader has asked why I feel the globalists need to stage an event to ensure an election win for Le Pen. Can’t they just rig the election however they please? This is my answer…

An election outcome has to look plausible, if not desirable, to the electorate. And right now, roughly 2/3 of French voters would vote for whomever opposes Le Pen in the runoff. This being the case, the powers-that-be have to give the public a reason to believe that’s changed before they can hand her the election. Besides, this whole giant global drama is about moving the herd into the NWO pen, so they need public opinion to actually move in the direction they want. Otherwise, the public will not embrace the NWO. The NWO leaders must appear legitimate to make the NWO appear legitimate.

(P.S. – 28 March 2017) – I’ve adjusted the NWO Schedule of Implementation with the following mod…

[Mod 1.0 – 28 March 2017: The “mid-March to mid-April” timeframe for the first government shutdown / debt default window has been lengthened to “mid-March thru April.” When I wrote that section (at the bottom), I was mistakenly thinking that the US government’s continuing (budget) resolution expired on March 28, but it’s actually April 28. Coincidentally, the April 28 date places a potential government shutdown in the midst of nationwide rioting in France that may occur after the first round of the French presidential election. The last week of April through the first week of May is a perilous timeframe, as it could be the starting point for a downturn in the markets.]

Alex Jones, the Kabbalist banksters, and the “Deep State” con

Back in February, I wrote this about the “Deep State”…

>>> As for the “Deep State” concept itself, whenever you see an article talking about it, you are looking at a globalist propaganda piece. The “Deep State” is the collection of minion-level scapegoats the Occulted Powers have tasked with playing the soon-to-be vanquished “bad guys” in the dialectic drama. It is a manufactured propaganda concept meant to obscure our view of the real powers driving the globalist agenda: the world’s royals, the worldwide network of Jewish banking interests (which is much larger than just the Federal Reserve and the Rothschilds, and which encompasses ALL of the G20 nations and beyond), and the Freemasons and other such secret societies and mafia groups. – From Update 5 <<<

I found it quite interesting, then, that on March 15, Alex Jones and (retired) Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer were propping up the Deep State concept beginning at the 2:01:07 mark of this YouTube video

As Alex tells us in his introduction of him, Shaffer works for the “London Center for Policy Research”


But here is something Alex conveniently neglects to mention: the London Center is run by this man…


1) Herbert London is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)…

…From the National Review

…so he is directly involved in the globalist conspiracy. The CFR is such a notorious organization that Alex himself has railed against it in the past…

…From YouTube

2) Herbert London is on the Board of Trustees of BlackRock Fund Advisors, a subsidiary of BlackRock Inc, so he has direct ties and high standing with the Jewish (Kabbalist) banksters. BlackRock is one of the crown jewels of the bankster empire. As Wikipedia puts it…

“BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager with $5.1 trillion in assets under management… Due to its power, Blackrock has been called the world’s largest shadow bank.”

3) Herbert London is a fanatically pro-Israel Jew…

“Although London has never been an observant Jew, being Jewish means a lot to him and has become increasingly important. “At 25 I was an agnostic, at 35 I started to believe, and at 45 I thought I should become a rabbi,” he jokes. But even if he wasn’t destined to be a rabbi, that didn’t stop him from doing the rabbi’s job. London often found that when he went to temple the rabbis had insinuated politics into their speeches. It drove him crazy. He soon began writing sermons for the rabbis to tell them what they should be saying.” – From


And wouldn’t you know it, the number 2 man at the London Center is also a pro-Israel Jewish activist…

4) Herbert London is connected to the Jewish National Fund (JNF)…


And the JNF is chaired by Ronald Lauder, a Jewish oligarch with a net worth of about $3.5 billion


Lauder is a key figure in the Kabbalist conspiracy. In addition to being Chairman of the Board of the JNF, he is President of the World Jewish Congress and has connections to the Anti-Defamation League. But it is his connection to the Chabad-Lubavitch cult that is the most interesting.

Chabad is a Kabbalist End-Times cult that is funded by Jewish oligarchs / conspirators like Lauder. So far, I’ve found two Chabad centers he has funded, which are the Rabbinical College of America


…and the Lauder Chabad school in Vienna…


And here is Lauder meeting with the (now deceased) spiritual leader of the group, Menachem Mendel Schneerson (a.k.a. the Lubavitcher Rebbe)…


Can you guess to whom else Lauder is connected?…


In fact, both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin were brought into power by Lubavitchers, and both have handlers assigned to them by the cult. I outline both this and the Chabad agenda in Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch.

All this being said, it is no surprise to find Herbert London in bed with Ronald Lauder’s organization.

5) Herbert London is associated with the National Security Advisor who was supposedly taken down by the “Neocon-Neolib Deep State,” Michael T. Flynn

…From the Internet Archive

And with this bit of knowledge, you begin to see how the “Deep State” con works. Globalist think tanks like the London Center dream up false narratives for public consumption, then they orchestrate events (like the resignation of their “fellow” Flynn) to make it look like their narrative is real. But as I said at the beginning of this entry, the “Deep State” narrative is a manufactured propaganda play put on to obscure the public’s view of what’s really going on. If you want to know what’s really happening, read Update 5 and Understanding the NWO Strategy.

6) Herbert London has used his think tanks to advance the globalist objective of “reforming” the UN into the multilateral / multipolar New World Order. Here is another excerpt from the puff piece on London

>>> And since London always keeps a discerning eye on the future, he can’t help but question what place the United Nations has in it. Keeping close tabs on the UN’s activities is among the
institute’s many important undertakings. London recently organized a highpowered conference in New York City that included senators, congressmen, and scholars, to evaluate the relevancy of the self-serving international body that has mastered the art of sanctioning resolutions against Israel. “The United Nations has to be reformed dramatically,” London says, “or eliminated.” <<<

This passage sounds critical of the UN on its surface, but that’s just for public consumption. In reality, reforming their UN into the NWO has always been the Kabbalist plan. They pulled the major nations into the UN after World War II with the promise that they could veto any UN military action that wasn’t to their liking. Now, they are manufacturing crises in Syria, Ukraine, and the South China Sea to make it look like those vetoes are getting in the way of the UN stopping a big war. After these crises reach their climax in the months or years ahead, they’re counting on the P5 nations being so shell-shocked that they’ll willingly surrender their unilateral veto powers “so it will never happen again.”

You can read more about the globalists’ UN reform plans in the NWO Schedule of Implementation 2017.

On a related note, can you guess who was a fan of Herbert London’s work at the think tank he formerly led, the Hudson Institute?…

“With London at the helm of the think tank, it continues to forge forward and make major inroads on policy makers’ thinking and decisions. Henry Kissinger regards it as one of America’s foremost policy research centers and a leader in innovative thinking and creative solutions to the challenges of the present and the future.” – From

And as I explain in The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words…, Henry Kissinger was the man who led the effort to develop the NWO implementation plan back in the 1950’s.

Now let’s turn our attention from Herbert London to Tony Shaffer, who is a career Pentagon spook…


I’ll start by sharing something I wrote back in 2015 [with new comments added in brackets]…

>>> I’ve noticed that there are lots of “whistleblowers” running around on the interview and conference circuits. Many of them claim to be offering “beyond top secret” information and openly brag that they’re violating secrecy oaths and contracts to tell us their stories, yet they never go to jail and have no problem boarding planes to attend the various paid conferences (so they’re not even on the No-Fly List). Don’t you find that interesting?

If you want to build a false paradigm in people’s minds, here’s how you do it:

1) You have paid disinformation agents pose as whistleblowers and tell the public tall tales. [This is what Shaffer does.]

2) You have other disinformation agents promote the whistleblowers with interviews and conferences. [This is what Alex Jones does with his radio program.]

3) You have yet other disinformation agents put together all of the “whisleblower testimonies” into books and videos that outline and support the false paradigm. [Alex has made many such documentaries.] <<<

So if we go back to the Alex Jones interview of Shaffer, we see the “Deep State” propaganda construct being propped up by two globalist disinformation agents – one who is posing as a truther radio host, and another who is posing as a whistleblower. And if we look to Michael Flynn, a supposed victim of the evil Deep State the two disinformation agents talk about, we see a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency who is playing his own little part in the play…

…From Wikipedia

If you didn’t believe the Deep State was bullsh*t before today, I hope all this opens your eyes. It is nothing but a Kabbalist fairy tale animated by disinfo spooks.

Love always…

(P.S. – 21 March 2017) – A reader has informed me that Michael Flynn was removed from the list of senior fellows at the London Center’s website…


One wonders what they’ll do next. Will Eli Gold shave his head and have “white power” tattooed on his forehead? Will Herbert London wear a WASP mask? Will they change the Center’s name to “Just Us Gentiles Center for Policy Research”? Anyway, I’ve redirected the link in the article to the Internet Archive, which has a copy of the Center’s Leadership and Fellows page showing Flynn.

Another reader has informed me that his blog feed of my site was deleted. On top of this, I’ve noticed a precipitous drop in Facebook traffic over the last several weeks, and my Twitter traffic plummeted a long while ago. Also, the gatekeepers at nearly all the alt-media news aggregators have long kept my articles from reaching their visitors. So if you want to share my articles with others, I recommend that you build an email list of your contacts and share them that way.

[P.S. – 21 March 2017] – In the Special Notes at the top of Update 6, I showed how the globalists were helping Wilders and Le Pen get elected, and I noted that Wilders’ loss meant they had to do something dramatic to push more of the French public towards Le Pen. With that in mind…

What do you think will happen if Le Pen places in the top two of the first round of voting and qualifies for the runoff election?

You’d expect to see “angry, fearful migrants” rioting in the streets and carrying out terrorist attacks, wouldn’t you? This is especially true if Le Pen places first.

So I think that’s what the globalists will do to push Le Pen over the top: have their paid provocateurs and terrorists stage riots and terror attacks possibly before, and DEFINITELY AFTER, the first round of voting. If voters have to walk by burning cars and rioting Muslims on their way to the runoff polls, whom do you think they’ll choose?

Also, tomorrow is 3/22, so don’t be surprised if they stage a big terror attack in France that day. If they do, remember that they’re doing it to propel the French towards the globalists’ controlled-opposition candidate, Le Pen. And if you are French, please realize that both candidates are Establishment hacks, so go vote for Macron. That’ll really throw a monkey wrench in the globalists’ hopes for reforming the UN this year.

[Special Note 1 – 22 March 2017] – I was expecting a globalist false-flag in France today in support of Le Pen’s candidacy, but they went with London instead…


I find it interesting that they targeted the vicinity of Parliament. Could this be a precursor to a future attack that kills a number of MPs (Members of Parliament)? That would be one way to get their desired snap election, wouldn’t it? In tomorrow’s update, we’ll explore what the globalists may be planning to get Putin-friendly, UN reform-friendly leaders installed in both France and the UK in early May.

[Special Note 2  – 23 March 2017] – A reader has informed me that French high schoolers were among those caught up in the Parliament attack. Upon checking into it, I found this…


So that particular school had connections to both the Parliament attack and the Bataclan massacre, eh? That’s an awfully propaganda-friendly coincidence, isn’t it? But this and the Orly Airport attack are only precursors to what will occur in France (with more precursors likely to come). In order for the globalists to shift enough of the French public to give Le Pen majority support, something over-the-top has to happen. And people will have to see that it was done by “Islamic terrorists” who came in among the migrants. As for timing, it will have to happen sometime between now and the runoff election on May 7. Otherwise, Le Pen will fail and the globalists will face an uphill climb to get their 2017 agenda implemented.

P.S. – As I noted in the last postscript at the bottom of this entry, France’s 9/11 could take the form of the entire country being set ablaze after Le Pen places first in the first round of the election on April 23.

[Special Note 3  – 24 March 2017] – I’ve been waiting and watching to see how an alliance of convenience might develop between House Republican fiscal conservatives and Democrats that would jeopardize the US budget process, and today’s healthcare vote could be the catalyst for it. If Trump’s attempt to force-through RyanCare alienates enough members of the House Freedom Caucus, they could come back later and hold him hostage over the budget. This could take place when the current continuing resolution expires on April 28 or at the end of September.

P.S. – An even better read on the developing situation may be that it is not Trump they’ll hold hostage, but House Speaker Ryan.

[Special Note 4  – 24 March 2017] – Wow, here is Le Pen setting herself up for the “Russian influence” charges that have dogged Trump…


Seeing this obligates me to mention the globalists’ Option 2: maintaining the status quo (no UK snap election, and Macron wins in France) until the Big Crisis breaks out. Since the existing Establishment’s policies will be blamed for what happens, government shakeups will then occur that result in Le Pen and Corbyn taking power. I’ll go into all the details as soon as I can make time to write the next update.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 7 – Why the globalists might replace Trump with Rand Paul

After I wrote about the Vindex Falls scenario in Update 5, I started wondering who would be the one to take Trump’s place after the counter-coup sweeps in to make arrests and “restore the republic.” This question was answered just a few days later when I saw this on the March 7 Drudge Report…

The second I saw it, I knew the globalists were using the Obamacare replacement debate to put Paul back in the public eye, thus positioning him to be Trump’s replacement should they opt for Vindex Falls. This impression was bolstered when I saw this Alex Jones video yesterday…

…From YouTube

The video talks about Senator John McCain’s outburst on the Senate floor in which he claimed Paul was working for Putin. McCain’s stunt thus served the purpose of positioning Paul as a clear opponent of his, which will make Paul look very good after McCain is arrested in the counter-coup and charged with all the evils Alex Jones attributes to him in the video. Alex also takes the time to personally plug Paul at the 2:24 mark of the video

“…Rand Paul is a professional doctor – (he) isn’t screwing around, and he is VERY effective – not in his rhetoric so much but what he gets done. He’s one of the best senators we’ve seen in decades – and a patriot. Amazing. I wish he was part of the (Trump) administration.”

Now if you think about it, after the counter-coup takes place, America is going to need a president whom the whole country can trust and get behind (unlike Trump, whom half of the country viscerally despises), and who can work well with Congress to get the nation moving again. Can you see how the “genial, effective and vindicated” Rand Paul would fit the bill?

But how would they maneuver him into the presidency, you ask? That’s where the giant alt-media / mainstream media pedophilia propaganda effort comes into play…


I call the allegations of widespread Establishment pedophilia a “propaganda effort” not because I don’t believe it’s factual to some degree, but because it is being pushed the hardest by media sources I know to be disinformation agents. Whenever Establishment-controlled media push a story like this, you have to realize that it serves the Establishment agenda in some way. And in the case of these pedophilia revelations, they serve as the pretext by which the Establishment’s designated scapegoats (the “Deep State Zionists, Nazis, Neocons and Neolibs”) will be rounded up in mass arrests by the US military…

…From YouTube

Should the globalists opt for the Vindex Falls scenario, it will go down something like this…

Trump will be removed from the presidency by the “Neocon-Neolib Deep State Coup” by being impeached, assassinated and/or suicided. Mike Pence will then take office and lead us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia this autumn. It is at this point that the “Progressive Deep State” is scripted to stage its counter-coup.

In the counter-coup, the US military – acting on information provided by “Progressive Deep State” operatives in the intelligence services – will flood Washington with troops and arrest virtually all of the elected officials and senior bureaucrats. The charges against the arrestees will include treason, conspiracy, corruption and the rape of children, and these rape charges will mobilize public sentiment in support of the arrests.

When the arrests are over, the entire presidential line of succession may be in jail because Trump picked insiders for his cabinet…


As a result, the military will turn the presidency over to the most senior elected official remaining, who will likely be a senator. And since Rand Paul might be the only senator left standing, he’ll “accept the responsibility of leading the nation through its darkest hour.”

Under an alternative scenario, a member of the Trump cabinet will take office until snap elections can be held to reconstitute the government, and Rand Paul will win the presidency in that election. One possible candidate for the short caretaker presidency is this man…


It’s important to note that Rand Paul was actually the globalists’ first choice to fill the post-Obama presidency, but he proved incapable of sufficiently exciting the public with his candidacy. As Alex Jones put it in the above-mentioned quote, Rand “is VERY effective – not in his rhetoric so much but what he gets done.” So the globalists brought in the rhetorically-gifted Donald Trump as a pinch hitter. Have a look at what I wrote about Rand’s candidacy back on April 10th of 2015 and see if it turned out to be true for Trump…


Now that Rand Paul, the chosen candidate of the Rockefeller/BRICS New World Order, has officially entered the race for President, both his campaign and the mainstream media have been offering previews of how the globalists will sell him to the public.

His campaign is presenting him as the anti-Establishment candidate. This is reflected in his campaign slogan…

As he presents himself in this light, the mainstream media will attack him in a ham-fisted manner…

With one hand, the MSM will attempt to tie him to the “extreme views” of his father, Ron Paul, which will actually enhance his popularity with the frustrated electorate. And with the other hand, they will distort his views in such an obvious way that their attacks will come across as unfair in the public eye. As they fling each absurd allegation at Rand, they will effectively serve him with softballs that he can knock out of the park with his rebuttals. The public will thus perceive him as being under severe attack by the Establishment, and they will see him effectively defeating the attacks and making the attackers look like fools. All this will cement his image as an “outsider” who “strikes fear into the heart of the Washington machine.”


Now have a look at Rand receiving the “Trump treatment” from the mainstream media before he even announced his candidacy, and note the policy over which he’s being attacked…

…From MSNBC. Here is a notable excerpt…

>>> Paul, by any fair measure, is one of the most prominent conspiracy theorists in American politics. I’ve generally assumed, however, that he’ll tone down his more colorful views in order to appear more like a mainstream candidate and less like a fringe ally of Glenn Beck and Alex Jones (which the senator is).

It was of interest, then, to see Paul express support yesterday for dissolving the United Nations.

“Rand Paul is not a fan of the United Nations, and on a campaign-style swing through New Hampshire on Wednesday, the likely Republican presidential hopeful said that he would support dissolving the international governing body entirely.

Speaking to a room full of gun rights advocates at the Londonderry Fish & Game Club, Paul said that while the concept of having a multinational body to “discuss diplomacy” isn’t necessarily a bad one, he objects to the current structure, in which the United States has to foot “a huge chunk” of the U.N.’s bill.” <<<

As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, the most important globalist objective in electing Paul/Trump and other controlled opposition candidates in the P5 nations is filling the P5 with leaders who will work with Putin in “reforming” the UN into the NWO. And as I’ve also mentioned numerous times, this “reform” will be sold as a move to restore respect for national sovereignty, even though it will actually undermine such sovereignty by removing veto protections and making the UN more powerful.

But don’t take my word for it. Have a look at what Putin said on the subject at the Valdai International Discussion Club last October…

“Colleagues, it is clear that the international community should concentrate on the real problems facing humanity today, the resolution of which will make our world a safer and more stable place and make the system of international relations fairer and more equal. As I said, it is essential to transform globalisation from something for a select few into something for all. It is my firm belief that we can overcome these threats and challenges only by working together on the solid foundation of international law and the United Nations Charter.

Today it is the United Nations that continues to remain an agency that is unparalleled in representativeness and universality, a unique venue for equitable dialogue. Its universal rules are necessary for including as many countries as possible in economic and humanitarian integration, guaranteeing their political responsibility and working to coordinate their actions while also preserving their sovereignty and development models.

We have no doubt that sovereignty is the central notion of the entire system of international relations. Respect for it and its consolidation will help underwrite peace and stability both at the national and international levels.

If you take the time to read his whole speech, it follows the standard globalist “problem / reaction / solution” format. He outlines the problems posed by Western globalism, then offers the UN and multilateral globalism as the solution. I’ll write an entry on the whole speech at a later date.

I will continue to expand and enhance this update over the coming weeks, and in the next part, I’ll continue giving you background on Rand Paul’s relationship to the globalists – specifically relating to their Austrian economics agenda.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 6 – China’s coming humiliation in the South China Sea

It looks like the globalists have set the timeframe for the expected Trump vs. Xi showdown in the South China Sea…

…From Yahoo News / Reuters. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Japan plans to dispatch its largest warship on a three-month tour through the South China Sea beginning in May, three sources said, in its biggest show of naval force in the region since World War Two

“The aim is to test the capability of the Izumo by sending it out on an extended mission,” said one of the sources who have knowledge of the plan. “It will train with the U.S. Navy in the South China Sea,” he added, asking not to be identified because he is not authorized to talk to the media. <<<

If you recall, China has previously stated that joint US / Japan operations in its claimed “territorial waters” would be the red line for war. So if Japan’s largest helicopter carrier starts sailing beside the US aircraft carrier that is already in the area, the USS Carl Vinson, political and/or military fireworks could ensue. And as I stated in Update 1, the globalists have scripted that any Chinese confrontation with Trump will end in humiliation for China and political death for Xi.

Speaking of Xi, his likely replacement, Li Keqiang, came out a week ago to publicly proclaim that Xi is the boss and the “core” of China’s leadership, so any humiliation suffered in the South China Sea will fall squarely on his shoulders. This will open the path to Li’s ascension to the top leadership position at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China this autumn.

One question you might be asking yourself is…

Why would the globalists get rid of Xi?

It all started a couple of years ago when their “the benevolent BRICS and Putin will save us” narrative started falling apart. As more and more people began to see the BRICS and Putin as the controlled opposition mechanisms that they are, the alt-media propaganda corps began to circle their wagons around Putin in order to preserve his reputation as a supposed globalist fighter. Instead of portraying Putin in the laughably adulatory light they had been, faux-truthers like Alex Jones started saying this…

“OK, Putin’s no angel, but at least he kicked the Rothschilds out of Russia and he’s standing up to the New World Order. The ones you really need to watch are the communist Chinese…”

This statement would be followed by a long diatribe against the “globalist-controlled Chinese.” And this technique of distracting negative attention away from Putin by pointing at the Chinese and Xi has turned Xi into something of a scapegoat. By getting rid of Xi, the Occulted Powers hope to remove the taint of globalism from the BRICS and Putin, leaving the public with these basic impressions…

“Communist China is a globalist-controlled monstrosity.”

“There has been a change in China.”

“China has a new leader (Li Keqiang) who is kinder, gentler, and more cooperative.”

Just like the globalists are portraying a phony battle between the “neocon-neoliberal deep state led by Obama” and the “progressive deep state led by Trump” here in the US, they are portraying a phony battle between the “princeling faction of the Chicom party led by Xi” and the “Youth League faction of the Chicom party led by Li” in China. When all is said and done, Trump and Li’s factions are scripted to win their battles.

So if the globalists choose to activate the South China Sea confrontation option, Xi is a goner. From the globalist perspective, he is just another expendable Chinaman, but Putin is the central figure of their NWO plans. If Xi has to go in order to carry the stink of globalism away from Putin, they consider it a small price to pay.

[Addendum – 2 April 2017]

China built its South China Sea bases for the United Nations

Behold the future UN Peacekeeper base on Fiery Cross Reef…

As I’m sure you’ve heard, China has built military bases atop manmade islands in the highly contested South China Sea. Ostensibly, they did it to enforce their supposed historical claims in the area, but the true purpose behind the construction was to provide the post-“reform” United Nations with bases of operation for their peacekeepers, fishery enforcers, and environmental police.

When the Chinese hand over the bases, though, they won’t be left empty-handed. By claiming exclusive rights in the area and moving to enforce them, they have established themselves as a “claimant” and staked-out a strong bargaining position. In negotiations, it is standard practice to ask for way too much, then “compromise” your way back to what you really want. So once the newly-“reformed” UN rules on what each claimant will get, China will be left with assets in the area that they wouldn’t have received if they hadn’t barged in. Instead of owning nothing in the South China Sea, they’ll own something, and something is better than nothing.

To understand why I say all this, let’s have a look at the situation in the South China Sea…

> China’s globalist-controlled communist government has made claims in the South China Sea that are deliberately ridiculous, outrageous and provocative…

…Just look at how far their red-line region extends from China – and how close it cuts to their neighbors.

> This absurd overreach has led their aggrieved neighbors to begin groping for a regional grouping that can counterbalance Chinese expansionism…

…From the Tokyo Foundation. Here is a notable passage…

China prefers bilateral talks to multilateral talks for discussions of the dispute in South China Sea because it recognises that multilateral talks will result in it losing advantage over individual ASEAN countries. On the other hand, the problems it creates for multilateral security cooperation isolates China in international society.”

In other words, “the individual ASEAN countries need to act multilaterally to take away China’s advantage.” And “China has to stop acting up or it will wind up an isolated backwater like it was before.”

> The Chinese overreach has also set up aggressive nationalists in China for a fall. The Chinese will be chastened by their coming humiliation in the South China Sea, and strident nationalistic voices will lose face and fall out of favor. This, the globalists hope, will leave the Chinese “better multilateral citizens.” Just have a look at the thinking behind this strategy…

…From LSE Research Online

In case the insufferable “academic tone” of the abstract obscures its point, it’s basically saying that Chinese nationalism is getting in the way of its multilateralism (and from the globalist perspective, that’s a big no-no)…

“…multilateralism is an effective way for Beijing to increase its regional power while avoiding confrontation with the United States or regional powers like India and Japan. However, Beijing’s multilateralism is still premised on hard conceptions of state sovereignty and has to be developed in the context of a nationalistic political culture that prevents the achievement of regional stability through compromise on issues such as the South China Sea disputes…”

With the three preceding bullet points in mind, you begin to see how the South China Sea scenario is scripted to play out…

1) Trump and Xi will blunder into a confrontation over the area.

2) China will be forced to compromise and retreat.

3) When they retreat from their bases, they’ll have to hand them over to someone. Since they won’t want to give the bases to their regional rivals or the United States, they’ll hand them over to a “neutral party” that will enforce and secure their “legitimate” economic claims and security needs in the area: the “reformed” United Nations (NWO) that will rise after the conflict.

4) The UN NWO will use the bases to enforce the post-conflict compromise, patrol the fisheries to stop the conflict among fishing and coast guard vessels in the area, and take control of maritime environmental monitoring and management.

That being said, the Chinese won’t be the only ones chastened by a South China Sea conflict. Although the clash would end in a victory or favorable draw for the US side, America would likely suffer a serious bloody nose. Considering all the media attention given to the nuclear threat supposedly posed by the North Koreans, this bloody nose could take the form of a nuke going off somewhere – either in a US territory or a US military base – but the most likely scenario is that the globalists will script the destruction of the USS Carl Vinson (either through conventional or nuclear means).

The aircraft carrier is the most potent symbol of America’s ability to project power anywhere in the world. By having one sunk along with the 6,000 lives aboard, the globalists will shatter the American sense of invincibility, and the nation will thereafter be much more skittish about sending its carriers into other nations’ backyards. This will result in BOTH China and America pulling back after the conflict, and that will open a power vacuum that a stronger United Nations can fill.

Also, the globalists could use the event to trigger their coup/counter-coup psyop with Trump. The psyop script calls for the supposed “neocon-neolib Deep State” to pounce on Trump and remove him from office through either impeachment, assassination, or suiciding. And if they use the conflict with China as cover for making their move, this is the argument they’ll present…

“Trump has only been in office a few months, and he has already got us into a shooting war with nuclear-armed China and got an aircraft carrier sunk. We have to remove this bumbling lunatic before he destroys the nation!”

So a South China Sea conflict could end up taking out both Xi and Trump. This would be no surprise given that both are considered nationalists, and that both the Chinese and the Americans are known for their nationalistic fervor. Therefore it’s not just Chinese nationalism that will take a hit if the two nations come to blows.

As is outlined in Update 1Update 7, and this update, leaders who are “more reasonable, soft-spoken, civil, and cooperative” will take the place of the fallen nationalists, namely Li Keqiang and, after the counter-coup, Rand Paul…

…From Zero Hedge

Rand Paul will play Galba to Donald Trump’s Vindex…

“Galba, acclaimed by the Senate, struck coins to commemorate Vindex, to whom he owed his position as emperor.” – From Wikipedia

Now if we step back and take a bird’s eye view of what the globalists are doing with China and the South China Sea, we see the strategy they hinted at back in 1961 at play…

…From Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Reports, page 26

As the underlined passages suggest, they are using China’s seizure of the South China Sea to create a problem “the separate [ASEAN] nations will not be able to solve alone.” This pressures those nations to “organize and act in common effort” in a “regional institution” to preserve their national interests.

So let’s make a list of all the ways the South China Sea conflict serves the globalist agenda…

1) It serves as one of the three conflict zones (along with Syria and Ukraine) through which they are fomenting a global war crisis that will give rise to its “logical solution”: the “reformed” UN system (the multilateral / multipolar NWO).

2) It serves to push the ASEAN nations towards a multilateral approach to their (manufactured) common problem. As each aggrieved nation sees the futility of facing China on its own, they grope their way towards a regional security institution that can counterbalance Chinese aggression.

3) It serves as an object lesson to the Chinese and American peoples on the fruits of aggressive nationalism. Once their overreach in the South China Sea leads to their national humiliation, the Chinese will see the wisdom of working with others multilaterally rather than aggressively confronting them unilaterally. And once the Americans get shocked and bloodied by unilaterally poking their nose into a foreign conflict, they will be more inclined to fall back and stick with a multilateral diplomatic approach. This will make both peoples better citizens of the New World Order.

As for when the direct clash between the US and China could begin, we could see the first step in that direction next week when Trump meets Xi at the Mar-a-Lago resort on April 6-7…

…From CNN

If the meeting is portrayed as having gone south, a personal conflict between them could be narrated from there. And given that the Japanese will send their helicopter carrier into the South China Sea in May, a shooting war could be triggered any time from May onward.

Love always…

[Special Note 1 – 14-15 March 2017] – Do you think it’s merely a coincidence that there was a big dust-up between Turkey and the Netherlands just four days before the Dutch election? Do you think it’s also just a coincidence that Turkey threatened to unleash millions of refugees on Europe just two days before the election? Obviously, the globalists want to scare the Dutch into voting for their controlled opposition candidate, Wilders…

…From The Sun

If millions more refugees are on their way to Europe, to whom can Dutch voters turn to keep them out of the Netherlands? This orchestrated spat with Turkey serves to energize Wilders’ base and anti-immigration independents while simultaneously making opposing voters less enthusiastic about showing up and voting against him.

And to put a finishing touch on their electioneering efforts, the globalist intelligence agencies put on their “Turkish hacker” masks and staged a propaganda assault on election day…

…From ZeroHedge

This was done to create further outrage among the Dutch and get the voters racing to the polls to elect Wilders.

Looking now to France, do you think it’s merely a coincidence that Fillon was saddled with corruption charges, thus leaving Le Pen to square off against Macron, a former Rothschild banker, in the ultimate Anti-Establishment versus Establishment showdown? Again, the globalists are giving their controlled opposition candidate (Le Pen) a helping hand by eliminating a candidate that would have split her voting base.

Here is a beautiful example of another recent dust-up orchestrated to help Le Pen…

…From The Telegraph

This supposed “error in judgment” by Fillon’s party serves two purposes…

1) It drives more voters away from him, and
2) It highlights Macron’s Rothschild connection, which aids Le Pen.

Now if you look at Macron’s policies…

  • He’s confrontational with Russia
  • He’s pro-immigrant
  • He’s pro-EU
  • He’s pro-climate change agenda

…you see that he is the “French Hillary” who is “leading in the polls” against the “French Trump,” Le Pen. I suspect more Establishment outrages will surface before the French election to make its outcome mirror that of America’s.

As I’ve mentioned many times before, the globalists are electing Putin-friendly leaders in Europe who will join with him in “reforming” the UN into the (real) New World Order.

[Special Note 2 – 15 March 2017] – Even with all the help he was given, including a revelation two days before the election that Prime Minister Rutte had conspired with Merkel to bring in the refugees, Wilders fell short in the election. Of course, none of the European elections really matter except those in France and the UK (which has yet to be scheduled), so this Dutch election was merely a “test of the Anti-Establishment mood in Europe.” Given that the test showed much work left to be done, I’m expecting something really dramatic to happen before the French election to give Le Pen a boost. The globalists’ objective is to install Putin-friendly leaders in all the P5 nations, and France and the UK are the only ones left to go.

If Le Pen falls short next month, both a UK snap election and UN reform won’t likely happen this year, so a Macron victory won’t bother me at all.

[Special Note 3 – 16 March 2017] – In tomorrow’s update, I’ll cover why Rand Paul is being reintroduced into the spotlight. And we’ll see how the alt-media pedophilia propaganda meme will figure into clearing the way for his ascension to the presidency (if the globalists opt for the Vindex Falls scenario). So before tomorrow, you might want to read Update 5 to understand what the Vindex Falls scenario is, if you haven’t read it already.

Thoughts on “The Astral Plane” by C.W. Leadbeater, Part 2 – Where Theosophy starts going to sh*t

Let’s resume our exploration of The Astral Plane with a passage that spans pages 2 and 3…

In this passage the author admits that he is peddling a religion (“the Wisdom-Religion”), and he goes on to describe a core doctrine of it: “the fact that in our solar system there exist perfectly definite planes.” He then explains that there are 7 such planes and he names 5 of them.

When I read this, I immediately wondered who was the first person to come up with this “7 planes” idea. It’s not hard to imagine how it got started: a spiritual seeker / meditator in the distant past came up with his own pet theory of how the world worked, then he went into the astral and was shown what he was expecting. Upon sharing the idea with others, he taught them how to see what he was seeing, and since they all then saw it, they thought it was objective reality. The students then became masters who passed it down to more students who became masters until it became widely accepted doctrine.

In truth, the 7 planes are a subjective reality that has been constructed in the collective subconscious – it is a subjective form that has been overlaid upon the Astral Plane by those who believe in it. It isn’t objectively real at all, which is evidenced by the fact that the 7 planes can be seen only by those who have been programmed to see it (either because they’ve been taught by a “master” or they’ve picked up the idea somewhere – in a book, on a website, etc. – and accepted it). If the first master had instead came up with the idea of 11 planes, the Theosophists and others would now believe in and see 11 planes.

That being said, I would suggest that there are not 7 planes; there are only the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, and when we consciously enter the subconscious mental space, we are shown what we most expect / fear / want to see, whether that’s 7 planes, 11 planes, or no planes at all. Just because two or more conscious minds can be programmed to see the same subconscious illusion does not change the fact that illusion is what they’re seeing.

But you don’t have to take my word for it; the author inadvertently admits this is the case when he says this about the Astral Plane…

It has often been called the realm of illusion – not that it is itself any more illusory than the physical world, but because of the extreme unreliability of the impressions brought back from it by the untrained seer.”

In this statement, he calls anyone who isn’t programmed to see what he’s been programmed to see an “untrained” seer (thus implying their incompetence), and he calls their unprogrammed impressions of the Astral Plane “extremely unreliable” (because their impressions do not reflect what he’s been brainwashed to see). I find this a rather condescending attitude coming from a 19th Century Kool-Aid drinker. In reality, “untrained” seers are “unprogrammed / unbrainwashed” seers, and they see subconscious illusions according to their own dominant expectations, not the dominant expectation they’ve allowed someone else to place in their minds.

With this concept of programmed seeing in mind, let’s switch for a moment to the Introduction offered in the Kindle edition of The Astral Plane. It was written by C. Jinarajadasa, the man who assisted Leadbeater in writing the book. In describing his own “psychic education” under “Master Djwal Kul,” he says this…

>>> I know not how to thank Him for the enormous amount of care and trouble which He took in my psychic education; patiently and over and over again He would make a vivid thought-form, and say to me: “What do you see?” And when I described it to the best of my ability, would come again and again the comment: “No, no, you are not seeing true; you are not seeing all; dig deeper into yourself, use your mental vision as well as your astral; press just a little further, a little higher.”

This process often had to be many times repeated before my mentor was satisfied. <<<

So here we see a very clear example of a master programming his student to see what he wants him to see, and this process of mental and psychic entrainment continues in all the things the master trains the student to see, including the 7 planes. They too are another thought-form conjured up by the masters.

Much love…

Thoughts on “The Astral Plane” by C.W. Leadbeater, Part 1 – Source and Reality

For the past week, I’ve struggled in finding the right words and the right sequence of concepts to convey the thoughts I want to share in the most clear and concise manner possible. So like the rest of this series of entries, I’ll just go one thought at a time, then piece them all together in the proper sequence later on.

As we begin reading the remarks in the Introduction of the book, we run across the first notable passage on page 2…

So far, so good. The author seems to be talking about Source Consciousness (the “One Unmanifested,” a.k.a. “God”) and the fact that only two things can be said to exist…

The Thinker
Its Thoughts

The Thinker is permanent and considered to be real, but Its Thoughts are impermanent and considered to be “unreal.” In other words, thoughts come and go, but the mind thinking them always remains.

All of the imaginings of The Thinker are projected as forms in the mental space of Eternal Mind, so all things, including our physical universe, can be said to be “illusion” because they have no real existence beyond being thoughts. This also includes the forms we call our souls and our incarnations, so both the soul form and the body form you currently inhabit are illusion / not real.

All forms manifest according to definitions, so anything that can be defined is a form. If you take a moment to describe the electronic device by which you are reading these words, including its physical dimensions, its materials, its color, its functions, its configuration, et cetera, you are back-engineering its definitions. Eternal Mind is projecting its existence according to those definitions you’re describing.

Now if you take a moment to describe your own body, you’ll realize that it can be defined, so it is a form. And if you take a moment to describe your soul, including the things that make it different from all the other souls, you’ll realize that it too can be defined, so it too is a form.

All forms have a beginning point and an end point, with the beginning point being the moment consciousness focuses upon them, and the ending point being the moment consciousness finally casts them aside. For example, in the case of the human body you are currently experiencing, it is projected by the consciousness that creates this reality, with its beginning point being the moment of “conception,” and its end point occurring when posthumous decomposition finally renders it to dust. After that, it exists only as a memory.

The soul form is a little different, though. Its definitions do not provide for aging, degradation, death and decomposition like those of your body form. So when Source Consciousness sets it aside, it is stored in memory in usable form and can be reinhabited. You can think of your soul as a telescope with a lens that is unique in all Creation. Source looks through it to see Creation in an entirely unique way, then sets it aside sometimes until it picks it up again.

So when your soul is set aside, do you die? Of course not, you simply realize that you are not the soul through which you were viewing Creation; you are, in fact, Source Consciousness, and the concept of you and I was just an idea you were exploring. You are One, and you experience being many through soul forms.

Moving on, another point in the book passage that’s worth addressing is its claim that the astral world and its forms are just as real as the physical world and its forms. Given that both the astral and physical are mere thoughts within Eternal Mind, this is true. But there is an important difference between the two worlds that must be noted: we humans can create objects in the astral world through thought, but we cannot do the same in the physical world.

In the physical world, we can work only with the objects that are already here through the application of physical effort; we cannot create objects out of nothing. Our inability to conjure physical objects into existence is a pretty good indicator that the physical world isn’t the product of OUR minds, but of another level of consciousness. And the fact that we CAN conjure astral objects into existence is a pretty good indicator that the astral world IS the product of our minds.

Some magician-types may claim that they can conjure physical objects out of thin air, but this is merely a trick of perception caused by a breaching of the barrier between the conscious and subconscious minds. In such cases, the effected minds aren’t seeing a real physical object being created; they are merely perceiving an astral overlay being projected upon the physical world.

To understand what I mean by this, take a moment to look at the floor and imagine a red book lying upon it. By imagining the red book, you are creating it in the astral world, but since you are viewing the floor through your conscious mind, you can see that your thought hasn’t really created a physical book there. But if I were to hypnotize you and suggest that the red book was really there, you would see it just as clearly as the real physical floor. By using hypnosis to compromise the normal function of your mind, I’d be causing you to see the astral book overlaid upon the physical floor, but I wouldn’t actually be creating a real physical book. Other people in the room whose minds weren’t hacked would see that there is no book there.

Let us now proceed to the final point from the passage: the “majority of mankind” being “yet unconscious, or but vaguely conscious” of the Astral Plane. Because of our general lack of awareness of the subconscious mental space and how it functions, most of us are unaware that we create within it, so our creations are all over the place. Resultantly, our collective subconscious has accumulated a vast grab bag of diverse and disorganized forms and realities.

There is no real order to the Astral Plane, but the illusion of order can be created when two or more minds synchronize their expectations about it. This is exactly what occultists like the Theosophists have done, and we’ll explore this concept of imagined / imposed order as we go deeper into the book.

On a somewhat related note, I’d like to clarify my reasons for taking you on a tour of this book. I’m not doing it to promote Leadbeater or Theosophy; I’m doing it because this book offers a good overview of the Astral Plane from the perspective of the occultists. And after we’re done looking at it, we’ll be exploring material from other ideological groups – none of which I’m trying to promote. I’m doing this survey in order to challenge the conventional wisdom about the Astral Plane and to suggest that a fundamental misunderstanding of it exists in the public mind, and there is no more powerful a way to point out this misunderstanding than to use the very words of those who wittingly or unwittingly promote it.

In the next passage we examine, we’ll see where the book starts to jump the tracks.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 5 – The globalist preparations for the Ides of March

Has Trump been rescripted to play Vindex to Obama’s Nero?…

Let me preface my remarks by telling new readers that the globalists control both sides in the current political drama – both the “Establishment” side (Obama, Clinton, Soros, the Bilderbergers, the mainstream media, etc.) and the “Anti-Establishment” side (Trump, Le Pen, Putin, the BRICS, the alternative media, etc.). They are deliberately staging this dialectic conflict in order to implode their existing “Establishment” and erect a new one (the New World Order) in its place. Read Understanding the NWO Strategy for more information on what they’re doing.

That being said…

Now that we’re approaching the first implementation window for the globalists’ 2017 script – which begins on March 15 – it’s time to have a look at the preparations they’ve made for the big show. And looking at those preparations, three things really stand out…

1) The Coup/Counter-Coup contingency has been kept alive, and Trump has been painted as a man surrounded by (“Western globalist”) enemies who are ready to pounce.

In the original version of the coup/counter-coup, the globalists were going to have Hillary’s forces attempt to reverse Trump’s election through the Electoral College. Their “white hat” minions in the government would have then staged a counter-coup to preserve the result of the election and restore Constitutional order.

In the revised version of the coup/counter-coup, the globalists are aiming to have their “black hat” minions in the government (who are described as “globalist agents” and “Obama/Clinton/Democrat loyalists” in the controlled alt-media) make a move to unseat Trump. Their “white hat” minions (who are described as “patriots” and “constitutionalists” in the controlled alt-media) would then stage a counter-coup to take down the black hats either before or after Trump is removed.

2) An American aircraft carrier has been deployed to the South China Sea. This provides the globalists with a standing opportunity to start the fireworks between Trump and China. Will the supposed coup-plotters make their move when a potentially war-provoking incident occurs (under the justification of “this madman Trump is going to get us in a war with China”)?

3) The Pentagon plan for defeating ISIS will be released in draft form on Monday. If it calls for the intervention of substantial American ground forces, will Trump’s reluctance to carry it out be attributed to his “Russian ties”? Will it be used as another justification for the coup?

And getting back to the question and picture at the top, will the globalists reignite the Syria war contingency and the End Times script by writing Trump out of the script as “Vindex”?

Vindex, a Roman governor who “had a passionate love for freedom and a vast ambition,” led a rebellion against the wicked Emperor Nero and was defeated and died. Should they decide to dust off the old Roman script for Trump, there is no more appropriate time than the Ides of March to get things started.

In the NWO Schedule of Implementation 2017 page, I predicted that Trump would emerge victorious from the coming big crisis, and he would join with Putin and the newly-elected “Anti-Establishment” EU leaders to transform the UN into the NWO. This scenario is still in play. But now I also see the Vindex scenario in play with Trump, and here is the outline of it…

> Obama has remained in Washington D.C. and supposedly has a 30,000-person “neoliberal” provocateur army ready to stage an “American Spring” against Trump…

…From (top) and (bottom)

> “Neoconservative warmongers” in the government, especially those in the intelligence agencies, are also being portrayed as attempting a coup against Trump…

…From The Nation

> According to the globalist propaganda narrative, these combined forces of the “Neocon-Neoliberal Deep State” (the black hats) are locked in a life-and-death battle with Trump and the “progressive Deep State” (the white hats). Needless to say, the only difference between these two supposed factions is the role each has been given by their globalist masters.

As for the “Deep State” concept itself, whenever you see an article talking about it, you are looking at a globalist propaganda piece. The “Deep State” is the collection of minion-level scapegoats the Occulted Powers have tasked with playing the soon-to-be vanquished “bad guys” in the dialectic drama. It is a manufactured propaganda concept meant to obscure our view of the real powers driving the globalist agenda: the world’s royals, the worldwide network of Jewish banking interests (which is much larger than just the Federal Reserve and the Rothschilds, and which encompasses ALL of the G20 nations and beyond), and the Freemasons and other such secret societies and mafia groups.

> Under the new “Vindex Falls” scenario in which Trump is deposed, the white hats will not step up to rescue him because they view him as too weak to stand up to the black hats. They will point to such things as…

1) His lapdog status with Israel…

…From Al Jazeera

2) His cave-in to Xi on the “One China” policy…


3) And his failure to protect his National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, from “Neocon” attack…


…as proof that he is unsuitable to lead the revolution against the Neocons/Neolibs.

So according to the Vindex Falls narrative, the white hats will preserve their position by not sticking their necks out for Trump; they’ll intervene only when his replacement, Mike Pence, brings us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia.

> Replacing Trump with Vice President Pence will allow the globalists to continue progressing towards the new financial system and UN reform while simultaneously allowing them to reopen the door to war with Russia via Syria.

Pence is a fiscal conservative who supports the gold standard, so the globalists can continue preparing the new “gold valuated” financial system that will kick in after the Big Crisis. And he is a social conservative and former Tea Partier, so he would be amenable to the initial moves towards a “sovereignty respecting” UN overhaul, especially if it ends the UN’s Population Fund and its abortion activities. And when it comes to Putin and Syria, he’s the right man to resurrect the World War 3 / End Times (WET) scenario…


Exposure forced the globalists to abandon their WET dreams for last September, but replacing Trump with Pence in the first half of the year would allow them to try again this September.

All this being said, which scenario can we expect to see…

“Trump’s Triumph”
“Vindex Falls”?

Although both scenarios are still in play, it seems like the globalists are moving more towards Vindex Falls since the 13th of February or so (just look at the dates on all the articles). And this recent move by Putin could be an indicator of what’s ahead…


Another harbinger of Trump’s likely new fate is this article from a known globalist alt-media disinformation agent called “The Saker”…

…From ZeroHedge. Here are some notable passages…

>>> Less than a month ago I warned that a ‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in the USA…

The Neocon run ‘deep state’ has now forced Flynn to resign under the idiotic pretext that he had a telephone conversation, on an open, insecure and clearly monitored, line with the Russian ambassador.

And Trump accepted this resignation.

Ever since Trump made it to the White House, he has taken blow after blow from the Neocon-run Ziomedia, from Congress, from all the Hollywood doubleplusgoodthinking “stars” and even from European politicians. And Trump took each blow without ever fighting back. Nowhere was his famous “you are fired!” to be seen. But I still had hope. I wanted to hope. I felt that it was my duty to hope.

But now Trump has betrayed us all….

It’s over, folks, the deep state has won.

From now on, Trump will become the proverbial shabbos-goy, the errand boy of the Israel lobby…

Today’s Neocon victory is a huge event and it will probably be completely misrepresented by the official media. Ironically, Trump supporters will also try minimize it all. But the reality is that barring a most unlikely last-minute miracle, it’s over for Trump and the hopes of millions of people in the USA and the rest of the world who had hoped that the Neocons could be booted out of power by means of a peaceful election. That is clearly not going to happen.

I see very dark clouds on the horizon.

UPDATE1: Just to stress an important point: the disaster is not so much that Flynn is out but what Trump’s caving in to the Neocon tells us about Trump’s character (or lack thereof). Ask yourself – after what happened to Flynn, would you stick your neck out for Trump? <<<

Seeing “The Saker” stick a fork in Trump like that is a powerful signal for those with eyes to see.

And with that, I’ll call this entry complete.

Much love…