Globalist Agenda Watch 2025 – February Updates

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The NWO Transition Event Overwatch
Don’t Be Fooled when it comes


Enhanced NOTE (2 February 2025): Zero Hedge has posted an article today that features Rods from God as the “Next Superweapon.” They’re doing this to get the public to think that such a system is off in the future and not yet a reality. And if the public believes that, any kinetic weapons that bombard Western cities tonight, tomorrow, or in the coming weeks will be assumed to be Russian Oreshnik missiles. In reality, though, the Artemis system has been around for years now, and it will be the system used to create the large and small “nuclear,” kinetic, and “meteor” explosions in the years ahead.

Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for the February 2-3 danger period are now up.

(30 January-1 February 2025) – THE CUMULATIVE WARNING FOR FEBRUARY 2-3

As we approach the month of February 2025, I’m tracking two Kabbalist timelines…

  • One is the 7-year Trump-Saturn Tribulation timeline, which either began or reached its midpoint on inauguration day when Trump was raised to godhood as Saturn. This timeline reaches a key inflection point on February 28 – March 1.
  • The other is a Prince Harry timeline that could lead to the arrival of Moshiach (the Fake Jewish Messiah) this year. And it reaches key inflection points on February 2-3 (this Sunday and Monday) and March 14.

Since the first key inflection point of the Prince Harry timeline is right ahead, we’ll focus on that first.

In the 15-16 January updates, I covered the three approaches to starting the NWO Transition War…

  1. by scripting a January 19-20 “last-ditch Deep State + Iran attack to stop Trump from taking office” on Inauguration Day,
  2. by scripting a “NATO false-flag against Europe so the commissars of the EU can start a war with Russia,” or
  3. by scripting Trump as “Red Caesar” and having him start the war (most likely with an attack on Iran).

We safely transited the opportunity window for the first approach, and now we face the second…

> On Sunday, February 2, Benjamin Netanyahu will travel to Washington, DC. He will arrive on February 3 in preparation for a meeting with Donald Trump on February 4. Watch for his potential death in an aviation accident.

> Also on Sunday the 2nd, the leaders of the EU will be traveling to Brussels, Belgium for an informal summit meeting on European defense and Ukraine that is scheduled for February 3. The Secretary-General of NATO and the Prime Minister of the UK will also be attending.

> So on Sunday night through Monday, the leaders of the West and Israel will be gathered in the capitals of the US and the EU for potential false-flag decapitation strikes that would be blamed on Muslims, Iran, and Russia.

> And as “coincidence” would have it, a 40-day Fire Judgment started on February 3 would end on March 14, which is the Jewish holiday of Purim (commemorating the saving of the Jews from annihilation by a Persian plot) and a “special day” for Prince Harry (a candidate to play the role of the Fake Jewish Messiah)

from Hello Magazine. Here is an excerpt…

This year has seen the Duke and Duchess of Sussex pursue more of their solo ventures, and according to royal astrologer, Debbie Frank, Prince Harry will come to a crossroads in 2025.

“As the rebellious planet Uranus is due to hover over Harry’s destiny point in 2025 he’s facing some decisions about his role in life, where he wants to be and what matters for him personally,” Debbie says.

“All issues that are not easily settled and he could veer back and forth trying to find the answers. He wants to do something different and break with what’s expected of him.

“This maverick energy makes for a degree of disruption and unsettlement. With this aspect he could also be the recipient of change that is thrust upon him.”

But Debbie says spring will be a turning point for Harry.

“Neptune isn’t helping to stabilise matters as he’s in a mid-life transition which entices him with dreams he wishes to fulfil,” she says. “In March, sensible Saturn gives a reality check which helps him to define, structure and clarify his personal life. The accompanying Virgo eclipsed Full Moon on March 14th falls very close to his son and intensifies the need to do the right thing and be true to himself.”

~ MORE – 31 January 2025 ~

While we’re on the subject of staging a fake Fire Judgment on February 2-3 (see yesterday’s update below), it should be noted that the perfect event to “trigger God’s judgment on the Vatican” is being hosted by Pope Francis that day: the Summit on Children’s Rights…

…from (top) and Vatican News (bottom)

The Kabbalist-controlled Roman Catholic Church is notorious for committing child sex abuse on a mass scale, with reported estimates of 216,000+ Christian child victims over recent decades. So having “Satanic Antipope” Francis host a summit of “world leaders” on child welfare with the theme of “love them and protect them” is meant to “provoke God’s wrath on the apostate Church.” This summit therefore provides a passable opportunity to fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy of Rome’s destruction.

So all the “Romes” and their leaders are targetable on February 2-3: the old Rome (which contains the Vatican), the new European Rome (Brussels, the capital of the “current European hegemon,” the EU), and the new world Rome (Washington, the capital of the “current global hegemon,” the US). This means we’re likely looking at an Operation Blackjack scenario, in which all the NATO capitals will be hit. Artemis would be the system used to produce the explosions, but they would be publicly blamed on “Russia-provided suitcase nukes” or Russian Oreshnik missiles.

~ MORE – 1 February 2025 ~

It appears that the Kabbalists are trying really hard to stage Prince Harry’s death by plane crash…

…from The Times of India

They were going to sneak him to the UK on Inauguration Day on account of his media lawsuit, then they delayed it till the next day and finally had him settle the case. I suspect it was because they couldn’t go forward with the other plans they had for Inauguration Day and the day after. Now they’ve come up with another reason to fly him to the UK: the birth of a new royal named Athena Elizabeth (Athena was the Greek goddess of war). It’s likely that they’re aiming to fly him there on February 2-3, because my partner Onna found a new Drake cue (related to the number 444 and a VIP air disaster) pointing to Harry on those days…

Numbers2/2  (inclusive) – 2/3

• Prince Harry was christened Henry Charles Albert David on 21 December 1984 at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by Robert Runcie, the then Archbishop of Canterbury (WikipediaYouTube), 40 years, 44 days ago [444]

His supposed death would lead to his “miraculous resurrection” later on in the stageplay. And there are other things that should be noted about February 2…

February 2 (Wikipedia) is the 33rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar

Sementivae (Wikipedia) was a Roman festival of sowing. It was held in honor of Ceres (the goddess of agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth)….The festival honoring Ceres started on February 2. [Ceres was also the guardian of Rome’s underworld portals, so she could do the opening of the “Gate to Hell” that was invoked by Pope Francis’s “holy door” ritual in Rome. This would start the 150-day Torment of Humanity (particularly of the “Roman Earth“).]

Candlemas in Western Christianity (AnydayGuideWikipedia), also known as the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Feast of the Holy Encounter. [This commemorates the baby Jesus being presented at the Temple in Jerusalem, so it can be scripted as the day Prince Harry is presented before the throne of God (after his supposed death).]

So Sunday evening may be the targeted time.

~ MORE ~

When Pope Francis opened the first holy door on Christmas Eve last year, he inaugurated the “2025 Jubilee of Hope“…

…from Wikipedia

With that in mind, let’s have a quick look at the timelines arising from the planned February 2-3 “Communist Deep State” attack (masquerading as an “Iran-Russia attack”)…