Monthly Archives: March 2016

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Updates 4-6 – A September blackout, an October financial reset, and a new Olympic terror target

[Update 4]

If you’ve spent any time surveying the alternative media, you’ll know that a great many globalist-controlled outlets and personalities have been claiming that the “Western elite” (or Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, ISIS, etc.) will be using a nuclear EMP attack to kill 90% of the population…
…From Here is an excerpt…

“The problem is, now we are finding that the terrorists are getting smarter, and Americans are growing more complacent. This could be a deadly combination. People who want to destroy America have figured out that they don’t have to wipe out the whole population, they only need to take away our basic needs, and we will kill each other.

An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) is a short burst of energy that will completely fry any and all electronics. It can be brought about by exploding a nuclear device at a high altitude, or even just by a solar flare.”

Although the lofty claims of total destruction brought about by one high-altitude nuclear explosion are exceedingly unrealistic (see this EMP effects report prepared for Oak Ridge National Laboratory for details), let’s look to other, non-technical reasons why a civilization-ending blackout event won’t be happening…

REASON 1 – Such a long-term power outage doesn’t actually fit the globalist script.

Scary predictions of this sort are part of the general “fear to relief” strategy being used to bring in the multilateral / multipolar NWO:

1) Spread FEAR in the population of all the terrible things the evil Western decoy NWO will do to them.

2) Generate a climax point where all signs suggest they are carrying out their dastardly plans.

3) Have the “benevolent” BRICS NWO ride in to save the day, thus triggering great RELIEF in the population and generating appreciative support for the New World Order.

Since the globalist-assigned role of the BRICS-fronted multilateral / multipolar NWO is to “save us from total destruction at the hands of the Satanic Western elite,” a civilization-ending EMP event, whether real or faked, simply isn’t in the cards.

REASON 2 – No power means no surveillance grid.

The globalists have spent decades of time and trillions of dollars developing the ubiquitous surveillance grid which now surrounds us: the nascent “Internet of Everything”…

In order to function, this surveillance grid needs power, including power to consumer-owned electrical devices and appliances. Without electricity, their vast investment becomes useless. So a long-term power outage that lasts months or years is totally out of the question. The longer any power outage goes on, the longer people will go untracked, the more social order will break down, and the more surveillance infrastructure will be destroyed.

REASON 3 – No power means no mass media, which means they lose control of the narrative of events.

The last thing the globalists want as we transition to the New World Order is to lose control of how people are perceiving events. And the longer the power is out, the more people will talk to each other and form their own ideas about what’s really going on. In order to maintain control of the narrative of what’s transpiring, they’ll want to keep the TVs, radios, and printing presses going. This too means a long-term power outage is out of the question.

So having ruled out a long-term power outage, what about a short-term outage lasting days to weeks? What about rolling blackouts? Do the globalists have any intention of implementing such things? There are reasons to suspect they do…

REASON 1 – “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” The globalists are big into symbolism, so the idea of plunging the population into darkness right before hitting them with “the brilliant dawn of the (false) light” may be irresistible to them.

REASON 2 – It will generate additional misery and fear in the population, making them all the more grateful when the NWO turns the lights back on.

REASON 3 – Their alt-media propaganda agents are suggesting there will be such a short-term outage. For an example of this, let’s look to the writings of New Age disinfo doofus David Wilcock – who, rather than being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, I suspect is the real-world incarnation of George McFly…

This is what he says about a possible blackout in his latest missive…


At some point we lose power and internet access, at least throughout America and possibly Europe, for up to 2-3 weeks. Most people are in a blackout…

When the lights come back on, everything will have changed. The controlled media will be telling a completely different story.” – From

When he says “the controlled media will be telling a completely different story,” he is referring to the limited-hangout Truth Tsunami the globalists have been preparing for us. To understand how and why they will do it, read the “DON’T GET SWEPT AWAY BY THE COMING TRUTH TSUNAMI” section at the bottom of Understanding the NWO Strategy. Here is a preview…

“Once a crescendo of awareness and fear has been reached, that’s when the surprise will come. As if out of nowhere, military and economic forces will jump into action to bring a dead stop to the unfolding nightmare. Posing as a benevolent alliance, they will commandeer all media to broadcast in-depth exposes of all that has been going on behind the scenes in our world. The public will be both shocked and jubilant to finally hear the truth, and it will wash over them like a tsunami. Unfortunately, this limited hangout truth tsunami is intended to carry them away towards an acceptance of the real New World Order.”

Now that we’ve looked at the globalists’ objectives and concerns vis-a-vis a blackout scenario, here is what we can expect if they opt to go through with it…

> During the Summer from Hell, we may see sporadic outages in various areas that last for hours or days. These would be attributed to cyberattacks and physical infrastructure attacks by extremist groups such as ISIS, and they would be done to acclimatize the people to what’s coming.

> During the two-week Gog/Magog War in September, we could see nationwide rolling blackouts culminating in a near-total national blackout. This would likely be done in a progressive manner, with power…

going out for hours, then coming on for an hour;
going out for days, then on for a day;
then going out completely.

The reason they might do it in a progressive manner is so people will retain the hope that the power will come back on at some point. If the power went out and people thought it might never come on again, the resulting disorder could spin out of the globalists’ control, and people might start tearing down key elements of the surveillance infrastructure (tossing their cell phones, smashing the smart meters, pulling down cell towers, shooting CCTV cameras, and so on).

An additional benefit of this approach is that people will eagerly gather around their TVs, radios, and computer screens for news each time the power returns. With a war going on and power going out, people will hang on every word uttered by the newscasters, thus maintaining globalist control of the narrative. Also, people would communicate with each other using electronic means during the up times, thus allowing the surveillance apparatus to monitor how the public is responding to everything.

As for the real cause of the blackouts, it will be selective manipulation of power grid controls and smart meters by the globalist security services, but the outages will be publicly blamed on some combination of the following…

1) Nation-state-level cyberattacks conducted by China and Russia due to the ongoing Gog/Magog War (WWIII).

2) Physical sabotage of the power grids by Chinese and Russian special forces.

3) Nuclear and/or conventional EMP attacks that create damage and instability in the power grids.

So when will the power come back on, you ask? You can bet it will be on the Third Day of the “Fake Battle of Armageddon” which will directly follow the Gog/Magog War

Gog/Magog War (roughly two weeks) + Fake Battle of Armageddon (three days) = 2-3 weeks (like McFly suggested)

Since the globalists will want everyone to see the nuclear missiles rise into the sky on the Third Day, as well as watch the big magic show they will be staging in Jerusalem, that’s when the power will come back on. And how will it be restored so quickly, you ask? Some very capable “people” will see to it. If I told you who they were, you’d think I’m crazy, but I will give you a hint: after they turn the power back on, they might want to “phone home” – or so the globalists would have you believe.

[Update 5 – 27 March 2016]

The new financial system will launch on October 9

The economic steering committee of the New World Order, the G20, is meeting in China this year. And since China is a BRICS nation, there is certainly no Illuminati symbolism surrounding their G20 Presidency…
…except, of course, for the All-Seeing Eye staring right at you.

Now if we overlay what we’ve been uncovering in the Globalist Agenda Watch and Globalist Prophecy Watch series with the globalist meetings scheduled for this year, we see they fit like hand in glove.

On the eve of the September wars, which I’ve estimated will begin on or about September 11, forces from all over the world will be in Syria and Iraq fighting ISIS. So while all the world is still united, and just one week before they cease to be united, the G20 will hold its Leaders Summit…

I suspect that there will be a staged confrontation at that meeting between the G7 and the BRICS – a.k.a. the Global North and the Global South – over the G7’s obvious support of ISIS. Look for Putin to drop some big truth bombs at that meeting, both about Western support for ISIS and Obama’s background. The two sides will be shooting at each other within a week after this; expect the G7 to fire the first shot.

If we then fast-forward through the North/South War and the Global Attack against Israel, which I’ve estimated will all end on or about September 25, we find that the globalist finance ministers and central bank governors will meet 11 days later in Washington, D.C….

This G20 “working dinner” leads directly into the IMF / World Bank Annual Meetings…

It is at this meeting that the new gold-valuated multilateral / multipolar financial system will be launched, and a Chinaman, Zhou Xiaochuan…
…will be made the IMF Managing Director, replacing Christine Lagarde.

So mark October 9 on your calendar; that’s the day the globalists will start handing out money so everyone will embrace the new financial system. And everything will seem wonderful… at first.

[Update 6 – 30 March 2016]

A possible Olympic terror target has been identified

A reader has pointed out a logical terror target at the Rio Olympics; it is this soccer game on Tisha B’Av…
…From Wikipedia

Let me show you the reasons why it might be hit…

1) The game takes place in the early hours of Tisha B’Av, which begins at sunset on the 13th and goes for 25 hours till nightfall on the 14th. When the match begins, it will be Tisha B’Av in both Sao Paulo and Jerusalem, and it will be 4 AM in Jerusalem. In Asian numerology, 4 is the number of death

2) The numbers are right. The globalists love numbers like 13 and 22 (just look at what they did on 3/22 in Brussels), and striking a soccer game that begins at 22:00 hours would sign their name to it. Signing their name with the 22 will help them blow the whistle on their “Zionist” minions who will later be scapegoated for the attack.

3) The Brazilian Olympic soccer team will likely be playing in the game. As the host nation, Brazil has been assigned to Group A in the tournament…
…and the top-ranking team from Group A will play in the game. From Wikipedia

Since the Brazilians are mad for soccer, the stadium will be packed and all eyes in Brazil will be on the kickoff at 22:00 hrs. This presents the globalists with the perfect setup for an impactful false-flag: a target rich environment, a 22, and lots of focused attention. The attack would be a national tragedy.

4) Such a Saturday night strike will drive Brazilians into the kill zones the next morning. If Sao Paulo gets struck Saturday night, what will people 200 miles away in Rio do on Sunday morning?

> They will pack the churches to mourn and pray for the victims and their families.

> They will hit the streets to demonstrate solidarity with the victims, condemnation of the terrorists, and anger over government incompetence.

So “ISIS” would use the soccer match attack to beat their prey out of the bushes and create a target rich environment for the follow-on strike in Rio, which will be focused on Christian churches, large gatherings (demonstrations), and the Jesus statue. And speaking of the Jesus statue, its high position over the city would make it the perfect point from which to disperse a chemical, biological, or radiological weapon…
…In particular, I’d watch for a private plane packed with explosives and radioactive material. Such a strike could bring down the statue and spread nuclear contaminants all over the city.

All this being said, if you are in Brazil and see this soccer match get hit, it’s your cue to get out of the city before morning. In fact, I wouldn’t want to be in any of the Olympic cities that weekend. The 13th and 14th would be a great time to visit relatives in the countryside.

(P.S. – 30 March 2016) – I did a Google News search for ISIS “dirty bomb” and found all this…

(P.S. – 30 March 2016) – It looks like the globalists are indeed preparing us for a dirty bomb attack. Obama will be holding a nuclear security summit this Thursday and Friday, and the articles about it are making specific mention of nuclear terrorism…

All this is what I call “preparatory propaganda.”

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Updates 2-3 + a P.S. x 2 – The year ahead, the Slaughter in Rio, and more on ISIS and airliners

[Update 2 – 22 March 2016]

I was wondering what the globalists were going to do for 3/22
…From Zero Hedge

Now that we’ve entered Spring, it looks like the globalists are beginning the ramp-up to the Summer from Hell. This is what we’ll be seeing between now and the end of September…

> False-flag terror attacks of increasing frequency and ferocity throughout the Western world. This will eventually include airliners being shot out of the sky during takeoffs and landings.

> Major economic dislocations accompanied by bank bail-ins and other such wealth confiscation measures. The media will portray it all as a desperate attempt to save the financial system and global economy, but it is nothing more than organized theft. The globalists will steal everything they can before they finally crash the old system and boot-up the new multilateral/multipolar financial system.

> Violent demonstrations initiated by paid provocateurs over issues such as race, economic policies, immigration policies, Donald Trump, etc. “ISIS” will conveniently show up at some of these rallies either to disperse the ones the globalists don’t like or to slaughter Trump supporters in order to promote him to the angry public.

> A culmination in the “Slaughter in Rio” on Tisha B’Av, 14 August 2016, which will be the beginning of a full-on “holy war.” Due to this attack, ground forces from all over the world will stream into Syria and Iraq to destroy ISIS, but once there, they will start firing at each other — Team Russia vs Team America — due to Team America’s obvious support of ISIS. This is how the War on ISIS will transform into the Gog/Magog War (on or about September 11, 2016).

After about two weeks of fighting, the two sides will join forces and turn against Israel on account of newly released information which ties Israel to ISIS, the Slaughter in Rio, and the original 9/11 attacks on America. This is how the Gog/Magog War will segue into the “Fake Battle of Armageddon.” In turning US forces against Israel, Obama will use the “geographically-unrestricted” ISIS war authorization Congress will give him this Summer, and the three-day “Fake Armageddon” will end with a big surprise from Putin and his “friends.”

In case you’re wondering why I mentioned airliners being shot out of the sky, it all has to do with the partial Russian “withdrawal” from Syria. As I mentioned in a previous entry

“If you’re confused by the back and forth motions between war and peace in the globalist war zones, don’t be. World War 3 is being carefully stage-managed so it won’t climax until next September (when the nuclear button gets pushed). Till then, you’ll see increasingly serious confrontations interspersed with peace initiatives to keep the conflict moderated.”

The recent ceasefire in Syria was one of the peace initiatives I was predicting. ISIS was cratering under the Russian assault too quickly, and they wouldn’t have made it all the way to September if they hadn’t been given a break. So the globalists arranged a break for them. As for the Russian “withdrawal,” it was more hype than reality. After nearly six months of continuous air operations, the jets involved likely needed depot-level maintenance back in Russia, and the Russians replaced the jets with ground attack helicopters…
…From Foxtrot Alpha. Here is an excerpt…

“Russia says that its pullout from its air base in Syria will be complete in just two or three more days, but it is leaving behind a more potent attack helicopter force than what was ever there before…

None of the Russian aircraft that had been flying in the conflict had modern defensive aid suites that protect against man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS). Now, after a shoot-down of a Syrian MiG-21 by one of these weapons, and after Saudi Arabia’s top foreign minister stated that introducing shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles into the conflict may be necessary to counter-balance Russian air power, these aircraft have rapidly exited the war zone.

What have arrived at least partially in their place are aircraft that are known to have more modern missile launch detection and infrared countermeasures suites that can be optionally installed. In other words, these high-end attack helicopters, when properly equipped, are far more suited for a battlefield with a MANPADS threat present than their predecessors.”

So the pullout of obsolete Russian aircraft signals that the globalists are about to release MANPADS to their Islamist proxy forces. And do you think those missiles will stay in Syria? Nope, they’ll find their way to destinations throughout the Western world, Russia, and China…

What better way to bring Russian and Chinese forces into Syria than stationing some MANPADS near their commercial airports and blowing up some airliners during takeoff and landing? In fact, once it is publicly known that ISIS have gotten their hands on MANPADS, Russian and Chinese security forces can blow up the airliners themselves, then blame it on ISIS. Such airliner attacks will give the Chinese populace someone else to hate in place of the Communist government.

All this being said, don’t allow yourself to be gripped by fear during the Summer from Hell. Realize that it’s just a choreographed public relations campaign to help the globalists launch their New World Order this year. Compared to the total global population, the number of deaths will be insignificant; there will be no “90% depopulation.” The faux-truthers offer such predictions to scare you so you’ll be relieved when the New World Order “saves humanity from destruction.”

[Update 3 – 23 March 2016]

How 9/11 connects to Brussels through Menachem J. Atzmon

I ran across a number of articles today that tell of a possible Israeli connection to the Brussels terror attacks. They point out that an Israeli-owned security company called ICTS operates at the Brussels Airport…

While I was unable to find information on what role they play there – whether they provide security for the whole airport or for specific airlines – their majority owner caught my attention…

Upon checking into him, I found this rather interesting bit of information…

After doing some fact checking, I found that the key connections in the passage are legitimate, and isn’t that interesting? Even more interesting is that another Israeli security firm, ISDS, is designing, installing, and running all of the Rio Olympics security systems.

According to the globalist plan, all these Israeli connections to terror attacks will make the mainstream news this September. And this is what will turn the whole world against Israel and the Jews. If you want to know why the globalists are doing this, read about Operation God-King.

(P.S. – 24 March 2016)

Speaking of the Slaughter in Rio, a reader sent me a link to this…
…From Business Insider

(P.S. – 24 March 2016)

Speaking of MANPADS, the mainstream media are already laying the groundwork for the “ISIS may have snuck MANPADS into the Western nations” meme…
…From Newsweek. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of working Libyan shoulder-held missiles remain unaccounted for, U.S. and United Nations officials say. And some have probably fallen into the hands of Islamic State militants, U.S. intelligence sources tell Newsweek…

No one has downed a passenger plane using stolen Libyan missiles, known in military parlance as manpads or man-portable air defense systems, yet the likelihood that ISIS now has these weapons in Libya means the group or its affiliates could be well-equipped to strike at civilian aircraft in Africa or Europe, U.S. officials say. “These missiles are very portable and easily smuggled,” says a senior State Department official who leads a special U.S. team tasked to secure the Libyan missiles. “All it takes is for one to get through.”

Despite the dangers these Libyan missiles pose, the Obama administration has effectively stopped trying to locate and destroy them, State Department officials tell Newsweek. The primary reason: It’s too dangerous to go looking for them in Libya. <<<

The article goes on to tell how this connects to what happened in Benghazi. You might want to give it a read. So even if new missiles aren’t supplied to the “rebels,” the globalists have already established the backstory for airliner downings. When the time comes that they want to restrict the movement of the public, that’s when planes will start falling out of the sky.

Much love…

Operation God-King: The globalist/Lubavitch plot to slaughter the Jews and install a Kabbalized Christ as Global King (+ a final note on Christian prophetic propaganda)

Behold the Pied Piper who will lead the Jews to their final destruction, Vladimir Putin…
…along with his Chabad-Lubavitch handler, Berel Lazar

In the Global Prophecy Watch series (GPWS), I’ve shown you that the globalists intend to artificially fulfill End Times prophecies in order to install a global theocratic dictatorship under a Judaized (or to be more precise, Kabbalized) “Jesus Christ.” And I’ve also shown you that they intend to present us with two Messiahs in the course of doing this…

The first Messiah will be Vladimir Putin, and he’ll initially be presented to the Christians as the Second Coming of Jesus. Halfway through his 7 year reign, though, they will realize he is actually the “Antichrist.”

The second Messiah will be an unknown person, and he will come onto the scene in dramatic fashion to dethrone Putin at the 7 year mark. He will thus be presented to the Christians as the “Real Christ” who defeated the “Antichrist,” and the globalists will use him as a front man to rule the Earth under a “benevolent” dictatorship.

I came to the conclusion that there would be two Messiahs based on a survey of popular prophetic expectations, an analysis of globalist prophetic propaganda, and an observation of what was actually unfolding in the real world right now. Quite to my surprise, though, I recently discovered that Chabad-Lubavitch had the Jewish version of the two Messiah narrative right there on their website. So let’s have a look at what the Lubavitchers say about the two Messiahs…

So if we look at the parallel Jewish narrative to the Christian Antichrist/Christ narrative, we see this…

The first Messiah will be Vladimir Putin, and he’ll be presented to the Jews as the Moshiach ben Yosef. What the Lubavitchers don’t tell you, though, is that they’ve scripted him to betray Moshiach ben David three and a half years into his mission as the precursor, and he will claim Moshiach ben David’s throne for himself.

The second Messiah will be an unknown person, and he will come onto the scene in dramatic fashion to dethrone Putin at the 7 year mark. He will thus be presented to the Jews as the “Moshiach ben David” who has come to take back his throne from the usurper, and the globalists will use him as a front man to rule the Earth under a “benevolent” dictatorship.

When Putin is revealed as the Moshiach at the end of the Gog/Magog and “fake Armageddon” wars in September, here is one of the things the Lubavitchers suggest he will do…

“Bet Hamikdash” is the “Holy” Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and Putin’s rebuilding of it will be a watershed moment in the prophetic script. Since the Gog/Magog and “fake Armageddon” wars will be seen as holy wars, the Christ/Moshiach will make an effort to bring peace to the People of the Book (and all other global religions) by creating a “Spiritual UN” in Jerusalem. The globalist Jews have already been arranging this…
…From Arutz Sheva.The globalists used World War 2 as the pretext for creating the UN, and now they will use September’s holy wars as the pretext for creating the Spiritual UN.

So when Bet Hamikdash is rebuilt, it will not be a Jewish Temple; it will be a “Spiritual UN” / “One World Religion” temple. Even the Lubavitchers hint at this…

Do you think the Lubavitchers are saying that the Temple “will be the central focus of all humanity” because the whole world will suddenly convert to Judaism? No, of course not. It will be the central focus because all the major religious leaders around the world will point their flocks towards it.

Since this One World Religion Temple will stand on the Holy Place (Temple Mount), it will be the “abomination that brings desolation” from Mark 13:14

“When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong–let the reader understand–then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

The “Temple of Abomination” will be completed 3.5 years after Putin is revealed as the Second Coming of Christ / Moshiach. And at its opening ceremony, he will do something that symbolizes he is the “true Christ” / “Moshiach ben David.” According to the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, this is when the “Great Tribulation” begins. The Judeo-Christian god will be quite pissed about this turn of events, and he’ll begin his judgement of both the world and Israel, which will climax in the “real Battle of Armageddon” 3.5 years after the Temple is opened. The globalists will be the ones actually creating all the mischief, of course, but it will be attributed to the “wrath of God.” You get the picture.

Now let’s go back and look at another thing the Lubavitchers suggest Putin will do…

Here is the series of events that will lead to the ingathering, as well as what will follow…

The planned event that will kick off the September Wars is a 9/11-scale “ISIS” attack on the Summer Olympics in Rio this August. In response to the attack, ground forces from all over the world will hop aboard airliners to go root out ISIS on their home turf in the Middle East. And not long after the war begins, information tying Israel to both the Rio and 9/11 attacks will hit the mainstream media. The Gog/Magog War will stop, and the assembled world forces will turn against Israel for the “Fake Battle of Armageddon.”

On the third day of Fake Armageddon, the globalists will stage a magic show to present Putin as the Second Coming of Christ / Moshiach. The will bring the fighting to a stop, and Putin will forge a peace agreement between Israel “and the many.” This is when the ingathering of exiles will begin.

In the aftermath of the mainstream media revelations of all the false-flag terror and central banking activities of the “Zionist” Jews, the whole world will viscerally hate Jew guts – ALL Jew guts, whether they’re Zionist or not. This will make the VERY uncomfortable Jews desperate to escape retribution and seek safety. And what is the only nation that will offer Jews real safety? Israel of course. As a Jewish state under the protection of the Moshiach, they will see it as their only haven from persecution.

By the time the Temple of Abomination is completed 3.5 years into Putin’s reign, virtually all of the world’s Jews will be gathered into the killing field of Israel. The Lubavitchers confirm this…

Once the “abomination of desolation” event occurs, the Bible says, “let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” This is because many in Israel will support the Spiritual UN, and all in Israel will have allowed the UN Temple to be built…

Do you know what that means?
Yep, “God will judge Israel.” The UN Temple will be the “golden calf” of this era.

And who will be in Judea?
Virtually all of the world’s Jews.

Where will they flee?
There will be nowhere to flee. The nations of the world won’t take them back, and Israel is too small a country in which to hide in any significant numbers. The globalists know every nook and cranny of Israel – they know everything the IDF know – so if you think you know a safe cave where you can hide, you’ll soon find yourself obliterated by a thermobaric missile.

So when Putin breaks his covenant with Israel at the 7 year mark – on or about September 2023 – and begins the “Real Battle of Armageddon,” the UN (and all human government) will be destroyed, the Muslims led by the Imam Mahdi will be destroyed, and the Jews who gathered under the traitorous Moshiach ben Yosef will be destroyed. All that will be left is the “Real Christ” / “Moshiach ben David” and his “holy rule” under a Kabbalized Christianity. This is the globalist wet dream.

There is one interesting thing to note about Putin’s unveiling as the Moshiach ben Yosef: he will be murdered three days before it happens. Here is what the Lubavitchers say about it…

The Gog/Magog War will begin when Global North and Global South forces turn their weapons on each other during the final assault on ISIS. And about two weeks into this war – on or about September 22 – the globalists will stage a fake assassination of Vladimir Putin (possibly using a lookalike or even a specially-prepared clone). They will then “resurrect” him on the third day after his death during the big magic show. The Lubavitchers were careful to leave the door open for this in their prophetic script…

The prophetic expectations that he will die during Gog/Magog and later rebuild the Temple and gather all Jews to Israel would be perfectly fulfilled by a death and resurrection. And this Jesus-esque feat would also help the globalists sell him to Christians as the Second Coming of Christ. To learn more about this part of the plot, read How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will unfold.

Now if we take a moment to think about Jewish and Christian Messianic expectations, we realize that both groups are expecting two Messianic events…

> The Jews are expecting the appearance of Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David, and they believe neither appearance has happened yet,


> the Christians are expecting the Second Coming of the Messiah, with Jesus’ past appearance being the first Messianic event.

And in these expectations, we find the claim Putin will use to take Moshiach ben David’s throne…

Putin will claim that Jesus was the Moshiach ben Yosef, who came to prepare the way for him, the Moshiach ben David.

After all, Jesus’ earthly father’s name was Joseph, which is “Yosef” in Hebrew, right? He will say that the Jews rejected him when he first appeared as Jesus, the Moshiach ben Yosef, but “all is forgiven.”

As for the “real Jesus” / “real Moshiach ben David,” he will not be a normal living human like Putin. He will come “straight from Heaven” in an even grander magic show than what we’ll see this September. And as crazy as it might sound, it stands to reason that he will be a genetically-modified, lab-grown, cybernetically-enhanced person from a globalist clone factory devoted entirely to his “model.” By keeping a small army of backups in various stages of development, they’ll be able to frequently swap him out and make it appear that he doesn’t age. How else can they have their figurehead live for a thousand years?

If all this sounds a bit far-fetched, I agree. But that is their plan, and they are doing real things in the real world that are in alignment with it. Don’t underestimate the wonders trillions of dollars in stolen wealth can produce. And don’t underestimate how easy it is to sell the public happy illusions. If they can sell Trump as the President, they can certainly sell Putin as the Messiah.

To learn more about the coming magic show and the cloning, read the bottom portions of Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016.

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

In the course of researching this entry, I came across plenty of Christian prophecy websites that comport to the globalist/Lubavitch script. For instance, here is an excerpt from the page for “What is Israel’s role in the end times?”

And here are Jehova’s Witnesses talking about the elimination of all democratic structures when Jehova takes the reins…

As I’ve mentioned, the globalists will stage a 3-day “Fake Battle of Armageddon” immediately after the Gog/Magog War so they can sell Putin as the “Fake Second Coming of Christ.” They’ll then stage the “Real Battle of Armageddon” 7 years later in order to sell the “Real Second Coming of Christ.” So Putin will first come posing as Christ and turning out to be the Antichrist, then Liclob will come 7 years later posing as the Real Christ (Liclob = Little Cloned Bitch).

Finally, here is something I found on the website of a Step 3 propagandist named David Flynn…
…From David Flynn’s Watcher website

The role of a Step 3 propagandist is to convince you that the “Real Christ” character who shows up in 2023 is really the “Son of God,” and that you should allow him to rule over you. And you can see how Flynn does this by pointing out the first part of the deception, but pretending that the second part is really from God. I, on the other hand, am pointing out that it’s all one big deception, and all the characters in this drama – both the “good guys” and the “bad guys” – are following the same script. And who wrote the script? The forefathers of today’s priesthood and royals. And who is now producing the play? The current-day priesthood and royals who descended from the Bible writers/compilers, with the “Jewish” elite in the driver’s seat.

This whole prophetic fulfillment is one big scam. Don’t be a sucker.

Love always…

Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew

A reader put me on to this meeting between Putin and leading rabbis…

…and here is an Israeli headline from that time…
…The accompanying article offers a most remarkable passage…

>>> Rabbi Yosef began by saying “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d, King of the world, and therefore we bless you: Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.” – From Arutz Sheva <<<

To understand the significance of this greeting by Rabbi Yosef, let’s look to this article

…which was written by this man…
…From Wikipedia

Here are two key excerpts…

So according to Jewish tradition, the specific blessing one gives to a Jewish king – which is worded differently than the specific blessing for a gentile king – is “Blessed be He … who gave some of His glory to flesh and blood.” And the rabbis greeted Putin with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.” If Putin were actually a gentile, they would have instead greeted him with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to His creatures.”

This is the first confirmation that the rabbis know Putin to be a Jew. Here’s the second confirmation…

According to Jewish thought (and Rabbi Apple’s article), a Jewish king is appointed by God, and the rabbis greeted Putin with “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d.”

Assuming the Arutz Sheva article is accurate, Rabbi Yosef has provided us with official confirmation that Putin is not just a Jew, but a Jewish king. And given the information we explored in Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script about Putin being groomed for the role of “Moshiach ben Yosef David,” it’s doubly interesting that Rabbi Yosef said what he did.

To see more confirmation of Putin’s status as the “Jewish Messiah,” read Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?

Why the Jews will flee America at the end of this year

I ran across an article the other day that provided a key piece to the End Times Script puzzle. It talked about how a Trump Presidency would drive American Jews to Israel, and I then realized how it all fit in to the big picture.

In numerous previous writings, I’ve talked about the Truth Tsunami – how 9/11 truth and financial truth (about the Fed and Wall Street) will be broadcast on mainstream media at the time of the transition. Since all of these revelations will implicate the “Zionist” Jews, America will become a very uncomfortable place for ALL Jews virtually overnight. This will leave American Jews looking in two directions…

> On one side, they’ll see President Trump playing the role of a populist blowhard catering to the groundswell of anti-Jew sentiment, which will make them quite fearful of staying in America


> On the other side, they’ll see the victorious Moshiach ben Yosef, Vladimir Putin, standing in Jerusalem ready to welcome them.

What do you think they’ll do?

They’ll flee America of course, thus putting all the ordinary Jews in one basket for their ultimate destruction in 2023. If any ordinary Jews believe the “Jewish” elite really care for them, they are fools. They will slaughter you just like they did during World War 2. It has already been scripted.

I’ll write a full entry on this soon, and then I’ll get back to showing how the Cabalists took over Christianity. Family distractions and an overwhelming amount of information to share shut me down temporarily.

With love…

(P.S. – 14 March 2016) – The deliberately engineered shift to the political right in the West is already initiating the gathering of the Jews to Putin. Those who run to him are running to their doom…
…From The Washington Post

How the Cabalist Jews took over Christianity (+ The Origin of Jewish Antipathy to the Roman Empire, the Jewish-Roman wars)

What began as a Jewish vendetta against Rome…
…has turned into an opportunity to rule the world…

While I was writing Is Vladimir the Jewish Messiah?, I came to a realization…

The more I look upon the forcible Jewish takeover of the Russian Orthodox Church (through the Communist Revolution), and the guileful Jewish takeover of the Roman Catholic Church (through the Jesuits), the more our current world situation looks like the Jews’ settling of old scores with the Roman Empire. Rome survived its political fall in the form of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and now the Jews have taken over both. They have exacted their revenge for Masada and the Inquisition, and they are currently setting about the task of taking a spoil of all of Rome’s sheep (the Christians) by delivering them two messiahs…

Beyond the scores they wish to settle, the Jews also have a long-term goal they wish to accomplish: to take over the world for themselves and their god concept. To achieve this goal, they have instigated wars and played money and debt scams in order to bring the world’s royals under their influence and into their fold. They have thus injected the Davidic Bloodline into royal families the world over. And soon, they will attempt to bring all of us into a New World Order, which is the next stop on a road that leads to a global theocratic dictatorship run by them.”

Over the course of the next few days, we’re going to explore this realization in more depth, and we’ll do so by covering five points…

Point I – The Origin of Jewish Antipathy to the Roman Empire, the Jewish-Roman wars
Point II – How the Jews took over the Western Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church
Point III – How the Jews took over the Eastern Roman Empire, the Eastern Orthodox Church
Point IV – How the Jews took over the Roman Rebels, the Protestant Churches
Point V – How the Jews will use the Roman Imperial Religion, Christianity, to install a Jewish God-King over the Earth (unless we wake up and alter the script)

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

So let’s get started…

Point I – The Origin of Jewish Antipathy to the Roman Empire, the Jewish-Roman wars

Tension between Rome and the Jews began 2,010 years ago in 6 CE, and it grew into four major Jewish-Roman conflicts. Here is a quick summary of how it all got started (from Wikipedia)…

>>> Following increasing Roman domination of the Eastern Mediterranean, the client kingdom of the Herodian dynasty had been officially merged into the Roman Empire in the year 6 CE with the creation of Roman Judea. The transition of the Tetrarchy of Judea into a Roman province immediately brought a great deal of tensions and a Jewish uprising by Judas of Galilee erupted right away as a response to the Census of Quirinius. [1]

The Census of Quirinius was a census of Judaea taken by Publius Sulpicius Quirinius, Roman governor of Syria, upon the imposition of direct Roman rule in 6 CE… Quirinius was tasked to carry out a census of the new territory for tax purposes. The census sparked a rebellion, and while the majority of Judeans were eventually persuaded by the High Priest to participate, those who still resisted formed the nucleus of the Zealot movement. [2]

The Zealots were originally a political movement in 1st century Second Temple Judaism which sought to incite the people of Judaea Province to rebel against the Roman Empire and expel it from the Holy Land by force of arms, most notably during the First Jewish–Roman War (66-70). [3]

The First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 AD), sometimes called The Great Revolt… began in the year 66 AD, originating in Roman and Jewish ethnic tensions. The crisis escalated due to anti-taxation protests and attacks upon Roman citizens. The Romans responded by plundering the Jewish Temple and executing up to 6,000 Jews in Jerusalem, prompting a full-scale rebellion… [In the Roman counter-attack] All three walls of Jerusalem were eventually destroyed as well as the Temple and the citadels; the city was then put to the torch, with most survivors taken into slavery… [4]

In 66 CE, a group of Jewish rebels, the Sicarii, overcame the Roman garrison of Masada with the aid of a ruse. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, additional members of the Sicarii fled Jerusalem and settled on the mountaintop after slaughtering the Roman garrison. According to Josephus, the Sicarii were an extremist Jewish splinter group antagonistic to a larger grouping of Jews referred to as the Zealots, who carried the main burden of the rebellion.

In 73 CE, the Roman governor of Iudaea, Lucius Flavius Silva, headed the Roman legion X Fretensis and laid siege to Masada. The Roman legion surrounded Masada, and built a circumvallation wall and then a siege ramp against the western face of the plateau… The ramp was complete in the spring of 73, after probably two to three months of siege, allowing the Romans to finally breach the wall of the fortress with a battering ram on April 16… when Roman troops entered the fortress, they discovered that its 960 inhabitants had set all the buildings but the food storerooms ablaze and committed mass suicide or killed each other. [5] <<<

“Remember the Alamo!”…
…The Fortress of Masada

So if we look at the outcome of the Great Revolt, we find that the Romans did these things to the Jews…

1) They pillaged and destroyed the Jews’ holiest temple, the Second Temple.
2) They destroyed the Jews’ holy city, Jerusalem.
3) They left over a million dead in Jerusalem and sent nearly 100,000 others into slavery.
4) The conquered Masada, the Jewish Alamo.

Needless to say, this didn’t exactly endear the Romans to the Jews. And things got even worse after the third Jewish-Roman conflict, the Bar Kokhba Revolt, when the Romans did to all of Judea what they had done to Jerusalem in the first war…

>>> The Bar Kokhba revolt was a rebellion of the Jews of Judea Province, led by Simon bar Kokhba, against the Roman Empire. Fought circa 132–136 CE, it was the last of three major Jewish–Roman wars, so it is also known as The Third Jewish–Roman War or The Third Jewish Revolt… The revolt erupted as a result of religious and political tensions in Judea province, bringing the conflict of the Romans and the Jews into its climax. Simon bar Kokhba, the commander of the revolt, was regarded by many Jews as the Messiah, who would restore their national independence…

The Bar Kokhba revolt resulted in an extensive depopulation of Judean communities, more so than the First Jewish–Roman War of 70 CE. The Jewish communities of Judea were devastated in events some scholars describe as a genocide. According to Cassius Dio, 580,000 Jews perished in the war and many more died of hunger and disease, while those who survived were sold into slavery… According to a Rabbinic midrash, in addition to Bar Kokhba himself, the Romans executed eight leading members of the Sanhedrin

[In the aftermath of the war, Roman Emperor Hadrian] prohibited the Torah law and the Hebrew calendar, and executed Judaic scholars. The sacred scroll was ceremonially burned on the Temple Mount. At the former Temple sanctuary, he installed two statues, one of Jupiter, another of himself. In an attempt to erase any memory of Judea or Ancient Israel, he wiped the name off the map and replaced it with Syria Palaestina. By destroying the association of Jews to Judea and forbidding the practice of Jewish faith, Hadrian aimed to root out a nation that inflicted heavy casualties on the Roman Empire. Similarly, he re-established Jerusalem, but now as the Roman pagan polis of Aelia Capitolina, and Jews were forbidden from entering it, except on the day of Tisha B’Av. – From Wikipedia <<<

So as you can see, the Romans decimated the Jewish people and spread them to the wind. Unfortunately for the modern Roman Empire, though, ancient Rome simply fu*ked with the wrong people. The Jews, a people whose religious fervor defined the word Zealot and who live in accordance with “an eye for an eye,” would come back for revenge.

Continue reading here: How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order

Love always…