Category Archives: Globalist Prophecy Watch

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 6 – New prophetic propaganda still points to September

During my evening infoscan, I came across this piece of Jewish prophecy propaganda…
…It was on the website of Skywatch TV, which is Tom Horn’s site that is devoted to selling the Jewish “End Times” prophecy script to gullible Christians.

Seeing Rabbi Kanievsky’s proclamation that the Jewish Messiah would arrive before the end of the Hebrew Year 5776, an obvious question came to mind…

On what Gregorian date does the year 5776 end?

After finding an online conversion site,, I discovered that the last day of 5776 is October 2, 2016. And this fits right in with my expectation that September will be the big month this year.

In previous writings on what will happen in September, I’ve estimated that Putin’s fake assassination will be staged on September 22, which would put his fake resurrection on September 25. On a hunch, I decided to convert September 25 to the Hebrew calendar, and guess what I found…
…Yep, it’s the 22nd day of the corresponding Hebrew month, and it’s on a Sunday.

So allow me to double-down on that prediction. Vladimir Putin, the Jewish Messiah, will be “assassinated” due to the betrayal of the “Russian Judas,” Dmitry Medvedev, on September 22, 2016. He will then be “resurrected” 3 days later at the Mount of Olives on September 25, 2016. This will raise him from “mere human” status to “religious icon” status, thus allowing him to fulfill his role in the globalist script as the “fake Christ / real Antichrist” for the 7 years that follow.

Now if we go back to the Skywatch TV post for a moment, we see that it ends with this…


This too points to September as being the pivotal month. Their intent is to give away a ton of their books and DVDs so people can watch their predictions come true in real time. They hope this will turn the recipients into rabid believers and proselytizers for their prophetic BS. Watch for them to do this giveaway right at the beginning of September.

My long-time readers will know that I’ve written about all this in many entries, but there is one particular update I’d like to point out. Before we read it, though, let’s look at one more thing that came out today…
…From Google News. You’ll understand why this “negligence / corruption” trial, which jeopardizes Lagarde’s post at the IMF, is important by the end of this excerpt from the Globalist Agenda Watch series…


[Update 5 – 27 March 2016]

The new financial system will launch on October 9

The economic steering committee of the New World Order, the G20, is meeting in China this year. And since China is a BRICS nation, there is certainly no Illuminati symbolism surrounding their G20 Presidency…
…except, of course, for the All-Seeing Eye staring right at you.

Now if we overlay what we’ve been uncovering in the Globalist Agenda Watch and Globalist Prophecy Watch series with the globalist meetings scheduled for this year, we see they fit like hand in glove.

On the eve of the September wars, which I’ve estimated will begin on or about September 11, forces from all over the world will be in Syria and Iraq fighting ISIS. So while all the world is still united, and just one week before they cease to be united, the G20 will hold its Leaders Summit…

I suspect that there will be a staged confrontation at that meeting between the G7 and the BRICS – a.k.a. the Global North and the Global South – over the G7’s obvious support of ISIS. Look for Putin to drop some big truth bombs at that meeting, both about Western support for ISIS and Obama’s background. The two sides will be shooting at each other within a week after this; expect the G7 to fire the first shot.

If we then fast-forward through the North/South War and the Global Attack against Israel, which I’ve estimated will all end on or about September 25, we find that the globalist finance ministers and central bank governors will meet 11 days later in Washington, D.C….

This G20 “working dinner” leads directly into the IMF / World Bank Annual Meetings…

It is at this meeting that the new gold-valuated multilateral / multipolar financial system will be launched, and a Chinaman, Zhou Xiaochuan…
…will be made the IMF Managing Director, replacing Christine Lagarde.

So mark October 9 on your calendar; that’s the day the globalists will start handing out money so everyone will embrace the new financial system. And everything will seem wonderful… at first.


++++++++++Part 2++++++++++

Getting back to Tom Horn, he did an interview on “End Times” prophecy with televangelist Jim Bakker that was aired in three parts from July 5-8. Before we get to what he said, though, allow me to once again give an overview of the deception-within-a-deception that the globalists are using to artificially fulfill Bible prophecy. I’ll put it in the words of a theoretical globalist…

“The Christians are expecting a deception before Christ returns, so we’ll give them one. We’ll make it look like Obama is the Antichrist, and we’ll have Putin defeat him and pose as Christ. Later on, we’ll portray Putin as the ‘real Antichrist,’ thus delivering to the Christians the deception they’ve been expecting. Once they see Putin as the Antichrist who tried to take Christ’s throne, we’ll have our final frontman defeat him and pose as the real Jesus Christ. We will then be in total control through our frontman, and people will accept our every command as though it came from the very mouth of God.”

In order to implement this strategy of theirs, the globalists are employing three propaganda teams to sell the whole thing to the public: 1) the Step 1 propaganda team is responsible for selling Obama as the Antichrist; 2) the Step 2 propaganda team is responsible for selling Putin as the Christ; and the Step 3 propaganda team is responsible for selling the final frontman as the real Christ who defeats the real Antichrist, Putin.

Tom Horn and his associates are on the Step 3 propaganda team. That’s why they’re blowing the whistle on the false messiah the Pope is helping to bring in; they’re portraying him as the Antichrist.

So let’s hear what Tom has to say about it at the 6:41 mark of this video, remembering that he has been the leading proponent of Pope Francis being the “final Pope”…

“Think about this prophecy: that it’s believed by modern Catholics today… that the arrival of the final Roman emperor, or what they call the great Catholic monarch might be here – might be imminent… he will appear when the final Pope arrives… when this final Pope arrives, he’s gonna help this emperor.”

And sure enough, the Pope is helping the final Roman emperor…
…isn’t he? From Sputnik

The stronger, BRICS-reformed UN that comes out of the September crisis will be the final Roman empire, and its de facto or de jure leader, Vladimir Putin, will be the final Roman emperor.

I may write some more on this over the weekend.

Much love…

Operation God-King: The globalist/Lubavitch plot to slaughter the Jews and install a Kabbalized Christ as Global King (+ a final note on Christian prophetic propaganda)

Behold the Pied Piper who will lead the Jews to their final destruction, Vladimir Putin…
…along with his Chabad-Lubavitch handler, Berel Lazar

In the Global Prophecy Watch series (GPWS), I’ve shown you that the globalists intend to artificially fulfill End Times prophecies in order to install a global theocratic dictatorship under a Judaized (or to be more precise, Kabbalized) “Jesus Christ.” And I’ve also shown you that they intend to present us with two Messiahs in the course of doing this…

The first Messiah will be Vladimir Putin, and he’ll initially be presented to the Christians as the Second Coming of Jesus. Halfway through his 7 year reign, though, they will realize he is actually the “Antichrist.”

The second Messiah will be an unknown person, and he will come onto the scene in dramatic fashion to dethrone Putin at the 7 year mark. He will thus be presented to the Christians as the “Real Christ” who defeated the “Antichrist,” and the globalists will use him as a front man to rule the Earth under a “benevolent” dictatorship.

I came to the conclusion that there would be two Messiahs based on a survey of popular prophetic expectations, an analysis of globalist prophetic propaganda, and an observation of what was actually unfolding in the real world right now. Quite to my surprise, though, I recently discovered that Chabad-Lubavitch had the Jewish version of the two Messiah narrative right there on their website. So let’s have a look at what the Lubavitchers say about the two Messiahs…

So if we look at the parallel Jewish narrative to the Christian Antichrist/Christ narrative, we see this…

The first Messiah will be Vladimir Putin, and he’ll be presented to the Jews as the Moshiach ben Yosef. What the Lubavitchers don’t tell you, though, is that they’ve scripted him to betray Moshiach ben David three and a half years into his mission as the precursor, and he will claim Moshiach ben David’s throne for himself.

The second Messiah will be an unknown person, and he will come onto the scene in dramatic fashion to dethrone Putin at the 7 year mark. He will thus be presented to the Jews as the “Moshiach ben David” who has come to take back his throne from the usurper, and the globalists will use him as a front man to rule the Earth under a “benevolent” dictatorship.

When Putin is revealed as the Moshiach at the end of the Gog/Magog and “fake Armageddon” wars in September, here is one of the things the Lubavitchers suggest he will do…

“Bet Hamikdash” is the “Holy” Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and Putin’s rebuilding of it will be a watershed moment in the prophetic script. Since the Gog/Magog and “fake Armageddon” wars will be seen as holy wars, the Christ/Moshiach will make an effort to bring peace to the People of the Book (and all other global religions) by creating a “Spiritual UN” in Jerusalem. The globalist Jews have already been arranging this…
…From Arutz Sheva.The globalists used World War 2 as the pretext for creating the UN, and now they will use September’s holy wars as the pretext for creating the Spiritual UN.

So when Bet Hamikdash is rebuilt, it will not be a Jewish Temple; it will be a “Spiritual UN” / “One World Religion” temple. Even the Lubavitchers hint at this…

Do you think the Lubavitchers are saying that the Temple “will be the central focus of all humanity” because the whole world will suddenly convert to Judaism? No, of course not. It will be the central focus because all the major religious leaders around the world will point their flocks towards it.

Since this One World Religion Temple will stand on the Holy Place (Temple Mount), it will be the “abomination that brings desolation” from Mark 13:14

“When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong–let the reader understand–then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

The “Temple of Abomination” will be completed 3.5 years after Putin is revealed as the Second Coming of Christ / Moshiach. And at its opening ceremony, he will do something that symbolizes he is the “true Christ” / “Moshiach ben David.” According to the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, this is when the “Great Tribulation” begins. The Judeo-Christian god will be quite pissed about this turn of events, and he’ll begin his judgement of both the world and Israel, which will climax in the “real Battle of Armageddon” 3.5 years after the Temple is opened. The globalists will be the ones actually creating all the mischief, of course, but it will be attributed to the “wrath of God.” You get the picture.

Now let’s go back and look at another thing the Lubavitchers suggest Putin will do…

Here is the series of events that will lead to the ingathering, as well as what will follow…

The planned event that will kick off the September Wars is a 9/11-scale “ISIS” attack on the Summer Olympics in Rio this August. In response to the attack, ground forces from all over the world will hop aboard airliners to go root out ISIS on their home turf in the Middle East. And not long after the war begins, information tying Israel to both the Rio and 9/11 attacks will hit the mainstream media. The Gog/Magog War will stop, and the assembled world forces will turn against Israel for the “Fake Battle of Armageddon.”

On the third day of Fake Armageddon, the globalists will stage a magic show to present Putin as the Second Coming of Christ / Moshiach. The will bring the fighting to a stop, and Putin will forge a peace agreement between Israel “and the many.” This is when the ingathering of exiles will begin.

In the aftermath of the mainstream media revelations of all the false-flag terror and central banking activities of the “Zionist” Jews, the whole world will viscerally hate Jew guts – ALL Jew guts, whether they’re Zionist or not. This will make the VERY uncomfortable Jews desperate to escape retribution and seek safety. And what is the only nation that will offer Jews real safety? Israel of course. As a Jewish state under the protection of the Moshiach, they will see it as their only haven from persecution.

By the time the Temple of Abomination is completed 3.5 years into Putin’s reign, virtually all of the world’s Jews will be gathered into the killing field of Israel. The Lubavitchers confirm this…

Once the “abomination of desolation” event occurs, the Bible says, “let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” This is because many in Israel will support the Spiritual UN, and all in Israel will have allowed the UN Temple to be built…

Do you know what that means?
Yep, “God will judge Israel.” The UN Temple will be the “golden calf” of this era.

And who will be in Judea?
Virtually all of the world’s Jews.

Where will they flee?
There will be nowhere to flee. The nations of the world won’t take them back, and Israel is too small a country in which to hide in any significant numbers. The globalists know every nook and cranny of Israel – they know everything the IDF know – so if you think you know a safe cave where you can hide, you’ll soon find yourself obliterated by a thermobaric missile.

So when Putin breaks his covenant with Israel at the 7 year mark – on or about September 2023 – and begins the “Real Battle of Armageddon,” the UN (and all human government) will be destroyed, the Muslims led by the Imam Mahdi will be destroyed, and the Jews who gathered under the traitorous Moshiach ben Yosef will be destroyed. All that will be left is the “Real Christ” / “Moshiach ben David” and his “holy rule” under a Kabbalized Christianity. This is the globalist wet dream.

There is one interesting thing to note about Putin’s unveiling as the Moshiach ben Yosef: he will be murdered three days before it happens. Here is what the Lubavitchers say about it…

The Gog/Magog War will begin when Global North and Global South forces turn their weapons on each other during the final assault on ISIS. And about two weeks into this war – on or about September 22 – the globalists will stage a fake assassination of Vladimir Putin (possibly using a lookalike or even a specially-prepared clone). They will then “resurrect” him on the third day after his death during the big magic show. The Lubavitchers were careful to leave the door open for this in their prophetic script…

The prophetic expectations that he will die during Gog/Magog and later rebuild the Temple and gather all Jews to Israel would be perfectly fulfilled by a death and resurrection. And this Jesus-esque feat would also help the globalists sell him to Christians as the Second Coming of Christ. To learn more about this part of the plot, read How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will unfold.

Now if we take a moment to think about Jewish and Christian Messianic expectations, we realize that both groups are expecting two Messianic events…

> The Jews are expecting the appearance of Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David, and they believe neither appearance has happened yet,


> the Christians are expecting the Second Coming of the Messiah, with Jesus’ past appearance being the first Messianic event.

And in these expectations, we find the claim Putin will use to take Moshiach ben David’s throne…

Putin will claim that Jesus was the Moshiach ben Yosef, who came to prepare the way for him, the Moshiach ben David.

After all, Jesus’ earthly father’s name was Joseph, which is “Yosef” in Hebrew, right? He will say that the Jews rejected him when he first appeared as Jesus, the Moshiach ben Yosef, but “all is forgiven.”

As for the “real Jesus” / “real Moshiach ben David,” he will not be a normal living human like Putin. He will come “straight from Heaven” in an even grander magic show than what we’ll see this September. And as crazy as it might sound, it stands to reason that he will be a genetically-modified, lab-grown, cybernetically-enhanced person from a globalist clone factory devoted entirely to his “model.” By keeping a small army of backups in various stages of development, they’ll be able to frequently swap him out and make it appear that he doesn’t age. How else can they have their figurehead live for a thousand years?

If all this sounds a bit far-fetched, I agree. But that is their plan, and they are doing real things in the real world that are in alignment with it. Don’t underestimate the wonders trillions of dollars in stolen wealth can produce. And don’t underestimate how easy it is to sell the public happy illusions. If they can sell Trump as the President, they can certainly sell Putin as the Messiah.

To learn more about the coming magic show and the cloning, read the bottom portions of Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016.

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

In the course of researching this entry, I came across plenty of Christian prophecy websites that comport to the globalist/Lubavitch script. For instance, here is an excerpt from the page for “What is Israel’s role in the end times?”

And here are Jehova’s Witnesses talking about the elimination of all democratic structures when Jehova takes the reins…

As I’ve mentioned, the globalists will stage a 3-day “Fake Battle of Armageddon” immediately after the Gog/Magog War so they can sell Putin as the “Fake Second Coming of Christ.” They’ll then stage the “Real Battle of Armageddon” 7 years later in order to sell the “Real Second Coming of Christ.” So Putin will first come posing as Christ and turning out to be the Antichrist, then Liclob will come 7 years later posing as the Real Christ (Liclob = Little Cloned Bitch).

Finally, here is something I found on the website of a Step 3 propagandist named David Flynn…
…From David Flynn’s Watcher website

The role of a Step 3 propagandist is to convince you that the “Real Christ” character who shows up in 2023 is really the “Son of God,” and that you should allow him to rule over you. And you can see how Flynn does this by pointing out the first part of the deception, but pretending that the second part is really from God. I, on the other hand, am pointing out that it’s all one big deception, and all the characters in this drama – both the “good guys” and the “bad guys” – are following the same script. And who wrote the script? The forefathers of today’s priesthood and royals. And who is now producing the play? The current-day priesthood and royals who descended from the Bible writers/compilers, with the “Jewish” elite in the driver’s seat.

This whole prophetic fulfillment is one big scam. Don’t be a sucker.

Love always…

Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew

A reader put me on to this meeting between Putin and leading rabbis…

…and here is an Israeli headline from that time…
…The accompanying article offers a most remarkable passage…

>>> Rabbi Yosef began by saying “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d, King of the world, and therefore we bless you: Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.” – From Arutz Sheva <<<

To understand the significance of this greeting by Rabbi Yosef, let’s look to this article

…which was written by this man…
…From Wikipedia

Here are two key excerpts…

So according to Jewish tradition, the specific blessing one gives to a Jewish king – which is worded differently than the specific blessing for a gentile king – is “Blessed be He … who gave some of His glory to flesh and blood.” And the rabbis greeted Putin with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.” If Putin were actually a gentile, they would have instead greeted him with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to His creatures.”

This is the first confirmation that the rabbis know Putin to be a Jew. Here’s the second confirmation…

According to Jewish thought (and Rabbi Apple’s article), a Jewish king is appointed by God, and the rabbis greeted Putin with “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d.”

Assuming the Arutz Sheva article is accurate, Rabbi Yosef has provided us with official confirmation that Putin is not just a Jew, but a Jewish king. And given the information we explored in Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script about Putin being groomed for the role of “Moshiach ben Yosef David,” it’s doubly interesting that Rabbi Yosef said what he did.

To see more confirmation of Putin’s status as the “Jewish Messiah,” read Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?

Why the Jews will flee America at the end of this year

I ran across an article the other day that provided a key piece to the End Times Script puzzle. It talked about how a Trump Presidency would drive American Jews to Israel, and I then realized how it all fit in to the big picture.

In numerous previous writings, I’ve talked about the Truth Tsunami – how 9/11 truth and financial truth (about the Fed and Wall Street) will be broadcast on mainstream media at the time of the transition. Since all of these revelations will implicate the “Zionist” Jews, America will become a very uncomfortable place for ALL Jews virtually overnight. This will leave American Jews looking in two directions…

> On one side, they’ll see President Trump playing the role of a populist blowhard catering to the groundswell of anti-Jew sentiment, which will make them quite fearful of staying in America


> On the other side, they’ll see the victorious Moshiach ben Yosef, Vladimir Putin, standing in Jerusalem ready to welcome them.

What do you think they’ll do?

They’ll flee America of course, thus putting all the ordinary Jews in one basket for their ultimate destruction in 2023. If any ordinary Jews believe the “Jewish” elite really care for them, they are fools. They will slaughter you just like they did during World War 2. It has already been scripted.

I’ll write a full entry on this soon, and then I’ll get back to showing how the Cabalists took over Christianity. Family distractions and an overwhelming amount of information to share shut me down temporarily.

With love…

(P.S. – 14 March 2016) – The deliberately engineered shift to the political right in the West is already initiating the gathering of the Jews to Putin. Those who run to him are running to their doom…
…From The Washington Post

How the Cabalist Jews took over Christianity (+ The Origin of Jewish Antipathy to the Roman Empire, the Jewish-Roman wars)

What began as a Jewish vendetta against Rome…
…has turned into an opportunity to rule the world…

While I was writing Is Vladimir the Jewish Messiah?, I came to a realization…

The more I look upon the forcible Jewish takeover of the Russian Orthodox Church (through the Communist Revolution), and the guileful Jewish takeover of the Roman Catholic Church (through the Jesuits), the more our current world situation looks like the Jews’ settling of old scores with the Roman Empire. Rome survived its political fall in the form of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and now the Jews have taken over both. They have exacted their revenge for Masada and the Inquisition, and they are currently setting about the task of taking a spoil of all of Rome’s sheep (the Christians) by delivering them two messiahs…

Beyond the scores they wish to settle, the Jews also have a long-term goal they wish to accomplish: to take over the world for themselves and their god concept. To achieve this goal, they have instigated wars and played money and debt scams in order to bring the world’s royals under their influence and into their fold. They have thus injected the Davidic Bloodline into royal families the world over. And soon, they will attempt to bring all of us into a New World Order, which is the next stop on a road that leads to a global theocratic dictatorship run by them.”

Over the course of the next few days, we’re going to explore this realization in more depth, and we’ll do so by covering five points…

Point I – The Origin of Jewish Antipathy to the Roman Empire, the Jewish-Roman wars
Point II – How the Jews took over the Western Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church
Point III – How the Jews took over the Eastern Roman Empire, the Eastern Orthodox Church
Point IV – How the Jews took over the Roman Rebels, the Protestant Churches
Point V – How the Jews will use the Roman Imperial Religion, Christianity, to install a Jewish God-King over the Earth (unless we wake up and alter the script)

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

So let’s get started…

Point I – The Origin of Jewish Antipathy to the Roman Empire, the Jewish-Roman wars

Tension between Rome and the Jews began 2,010 years ago in 6 CE, and it grew into four major Jewish-Roman conflicts. Here is a quick summary of how it all got started (from Wikipedia)…

>>> Following increasing Roman domination of the Eastern Mediterranean, the client kingdom of the Herodian dynasty had been officially merged into the Roman Empire in the year 6 CE with the creation of Roman Judea. The transition of the Tetrarchy of Judea into a Roman province immediately brought a great deal of tensions and a Jewish uprising by Judas of Galilee erupted right away as a response to the Census of Quirinius. [1]

The Census of Quirinius was a census of Judaea taken by Publius Sulpicius Quirinius, Roman governor of Syria, upon the imposition of direct Roman rule in 6 CE… Quirinius was tasked to carry out a census of the new territory for tax purposes. The census sparked a rebellion, and while the majority of Judeans were eventually persuaded by the High Priest to participate, those who still resisted formed the nucleus of the Zealot movement. [2]

The Zealots were originally a political movement in 1st century Second Temple Judaism which sought to incite the people of Judaea Province to rebel against the Roman Empire and expel it from the Holy Land by force of arms, most notably during the First Jewish–Roman War (66-70). [3]

The First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 AD), sometimes called The Great Revolt… began in the year 66 AD, originating in Roman and Jewish ethnic tensions. The crisis escalated due to anti-taxation protests and attacks upon Roman citizens. The Romans responded by plundering the Jewish Temple and executing up to 6,000 Jews in Jerusalem, prompting a full-scale rebellion… [In the Roman counter-attack] All three walls of Jerusalem were eventually destroyed as well as the Temple and the citadels; the city was then put to the torch, with most survivors taken into slavery… [4]

In 66 CE, a group of Jewish rebels, the Sicarii, overcame the Roman garrison of Masada with the aid of a ruse. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, additional members of the Sicarii fled Jerusalem and settled on the mountaintop after slaughtering the Roman garrison. According to Josephus, the Sicarii were an extremist Jewish splinter group antagonistic to a larger grouping of Jews referred to as the Zealots, who carried the main burden of the rebellion.

In 73 CE, the Roman governor of Iudaea, Lucius Flavius Silva, headed the Roman legion X Fretensis and laid siege to Masada. The Roman legion surrounded Masada, and built a circumvallation wall and then a siege ramp against the western face of the plateau… The ramp was complete in the spring of 73, after probably two to three months of siege, allowing the Romans to finally breach the wall of the fortress with a battering ram on April 16… when Roman troops entered the fortress, they discovered that its 960 inhabitants had set all the buildings but the food storerooms ablaze and committed mass suicide or killed each other. [5] <<<

“Remember the Alamo!”…
…The Fortress of Masada

So if we look at the outcome of the Great Revolt, we find that the Romans did these things to the Jews…

1) They pillaged and destroyed the Jews’ holiest temple, the Second Temple.
2) They destroyed the Jews’ holy city, Jerusalem.
3) They left over a million dead in Jerusalem and sent nearly 100,000 others into slavery.
4) The conquered Masada, the Jewish Alamo.

Needless to say, this didn’t exactly endear the Romans to the Jews. And things got even worse after the third Jewish-Roman conflict, the Bar Kokhba Revolt, when the Romans did to all of Judea what they had done to Jerusalem in the first war…

>>> The Bar Kokhba revolt was a rebellion of the Jews of Judea Province, led by Simon bar Kokhba, against the Roman Empire. Fought circa 132–136 CE, it was the last of three major Jewish–Roman wars, so it is also known as The Third Jewish–Roman War or The Third Jewish Revolt… The revolt erupted as a result of religious and political tensions in Judea province, bringing the conflict of the Romans and the Jews into its climax. Simon bar Kokhba, the commander of the revolt, was regarded by many Jews as the Messiah, who would restore their national independence…

The Bar Kokhba revolt resulted in an extensive depopulation of Judean communities, more so than the First Jewish–Roman War of 70 CE. The Jewish communities of Judea were devastated in events some scholars describe as a genocide. According to Cassius Dio, 580,000 Jews perished in the war and many more died of hunger and disease, while those who survived were sold into slavery… According to a Rabbinic midrash, in addition to Bar Kokhba himself, the Romans executed eight leading members of the Sanhedrin

[In the aftermath of the war, Roman Emperor Hadrian] prohibited the Torah law and the Hebrew calendar, and executed Judaic scholars. The sacred scroll was ceremonially burned on the Temple Mount. At the former Temple sanctuary, he installed two statues, one of Jupiter, another of himself. In an attempt to erase any memory of Judea or Ancient Israel, he wiped the name off the map and replaced it with Syria Palaestina. By destroying the association of Jews to Judea and forbidding the practice of Jewish faith, Hadrian aimed to root out a nation that inflicted heavy casualties on the Roman Empire. Similarly, he re-established Jerusalem, but now as the Roman pagan polis of Aelia Capitolina, and Jews were forbidden from entering it, except on the day of Tisha B’Av. – From Wikipedia <<<

So as you can see, the Romans decimated the Jewish people and spread them to the wind. Unfortunately for the modern Roman Empire, though, ancient Rome simply fu*ked with the wrong people. The Jews, a people whose religious fervor defined the word Zealot and who live in accordance with “an eye for an eye,” would come back for revenge.

Continue reading here: How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order

Love always…

Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script (+ a message to the non-Cabalist Jews)

[Update – 18 December 2017] – The globalists did not go through with their 2016 plans, and the script changed for 2017 and beyond. It is now clear that Vladimir Putin will play the role of “Moshiach ben David” and Trump will play the role of “Moshiach ben Yosef.”

Here is a rather telling photoshop I found online…
…The man on the left is Berel Lazar, Putin’s Chabad-Lubavitch handler…
…And the man on the right is another International Jew, Henry Kissinger, Putin’s friend and mentor…
…The man in the middle of the top photo is, of course, Vladimir Putin sitting on his “Moshiach ben Yosef” throne. Chabad-Lubavitch, you see, is a Jewish cult obsessed with bringing about the “Messianic Era” through their own efforts. But don’t take my word for it…

As I was looking into Chabad-Lubavitch for the final section of the Putin entry, I discovered that they put the globalist End Times Script right there on their website. From my initial scanning of it, it looks like Putin will play the role of “Moshiach ben Yosef”…
…From Here is a preview…

“The prophet Ezekiel describes a climactic war, the Battle of Gog and Magog, that will occur prior to the arrival of the Moshiach. This topic is shrouded in mystery: we are uncertain as to the identity of Gog and Magog, whether Gog and Magog are the names of nations or individuals, whether this battle will be a physical or spiritual battle, and even whether it has already occurred or not.

According to tradition, the central personality in this war is Moshiach ben Yosef—Moshiach of the tribe of Joseph, who will be killed in this battle.”

I encourage you to read the article and follow its links. Then you can read Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 4 – How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will unfold to see how this messianic script is being played out in the real world.

If you are unfamiliar with Chabad, here is a brief description…

“Chabad, also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch, is an Orthodox Jewish, Hasidic movement. Chabad is today one of the world’s best known Hasidic movements and is well known for its outreach. It is the largest Hasidic group and Jewish religious organization in the world…

In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson became the seventh Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, and he transformed it from a small chasidic movement into the largest and most widespread Jewish movement in the world today. He established a network of more than 3,600 institutions that provide religious, social and humanitarian needs in over 1,000 cities, spanning 80 countries and 49 of the 50 American states. Chabad institutions provide outreach to unaffiliated Jews and humanitarian aid, as well as religious, cultural and educational activities at Chabad-run community centers, synagogues, schools, camps, and soup kitchens.” – From Wikipedia

To establish a network of over 3,600 institutions in 80 countries requires a lot of money, and Chabad gets it from the elite Cabalist Jews. It is through Chabad that the Cabalists are attempting to define Judaism for ordinary Jews and End Times prophecies for the rest of us. And with Cabalist money in one hand and the Cabalist agenda in the other, the late Rabbi Schneerson fostered the Jewish messianic obsession…

“Menachem Mendel Schneerson (April 5, 1902 OS – June 12, 1994), known to many as the Rebbe, was a Russian Empire-born American Orthodox Jewish rabbi, and the last Lubavitcher Rebbe. He is considered one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century…

Schneerson was criticized for his passion and desire to raise awareness of the coming of the Messiah. Detractors criticized a children’s song with the words ‘We want moshiach (the messiah) now / We don’t want to wait,’ that Schneerson commended.” [1]

“Chabad messianism, or Lubavitch messianism, generally refers to the passion among adherents of the Chabad movement regarding the coming of the Messiah and their goal to raise awareness that his arrival is imminent.” [2]

And it is at this point that Berel Lazar, the Chief Rabbi of Russia and the close associate of Vladimir Putin, comes in. I found this juicy little tidbit in his Wikipedia bio

“A native of Milan, Italy, Rabbi Lazar was born in 1964 to parents who were among the first emissaries of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.”

So Lazar’s family was close to Schneerson, and that led to this…
…From The Internet Archive

So Berel Lazar…

> was personally assigned to Russia by the Russian-born, Messianically-obsessed Rabbi Schneerson,

> came to Russia in the same year, 1990, that Putin returned to Russia and began his lightning-fast ascent to power, and

> was funded by the same Jewish oligarchs that helped Putin rise to the Russian Presidency…

“In 1992 Lazar became acquainted with Israeli diamantaire Lev Leviev, who introduced him to Russian businessmen Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich. The latter became the major benefactor of the synagogue in Maryina Roshcha.” – From Wikipedia

All this raises an interesting question…

Was Berel Lazar sent to Russia to personally oversee the rise of the Mashiach?…

Before you answer this question, read this: Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 3 – Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?

It’s also important to note that when Putin came to power, he brought Chabad-Lubavitch into power with him. Together with the Cabalist oligarchs, they pushed aside the existing Jewish community so Chabad could reign supreme in Russia. Here is an account of how that happened from The Piratization of Russia: Russian Reform Goes Awry, by Marshall L. Goldman…

Fortunately, the curious relationship between Putin and Lazar has not escaped the attention of ordinary Jews…
…From The Times of Israel. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Lazar’s work, his Russia boosterism and his ties to the Kremlin — he is sometimes called “Putin’s rabbi” — has helped Chabad’s Russian branch eclipse all the Jewish groups vying to reshape the country’s community of 250,000 Jews. Now Lazar heads a vast network that comprises dozens of employees and plentiful volunteers working in hundreds of Jewish institutions: schools, synagogues, community centers and kosher shops…

Today, Lazar said, Russia has in Vladimir Putin its “most pro-Jewish leader,” whom he credits with “fighting anti-Semitism more vigorously than any Russian leader before him.”…

Lazar was Chabad’s chief envoy to Russia before staking claim to the title of chief rabbi in 2000. That’s when he quit the Russian Jewish Congress, an umbrella group, after the organization’s founder, Vladimir Gusinsky, and Russia’s other chief rabbi, Adolf Shayevich, criticized Russia’s war in Chechnya and its alleged human rights abuses — including the alleged targeting, by anti-corruption authorities, of political dissidents.

“Challenging the government is not the Jewish way, and [Gusinsky] put the Jewish community in harm’s way,” said Lazar, noting that the chief rabbi should be apolitical, not a government critic. “I wanted to have nothing to do with this.” <<<

Ordinary Jews would be well advised to do what they can to blow the whistle on the Cabalist elite’s plan to fulfill the messianic prophecies. Why? Because under the plan, ordinary Jews will be slaughtered when Putin turns the UN against Israel in 2025, leaving it “desolate.” It is necessary for you to die in order for the world to think Jewish power has been broken, but the Cabalist elite will remain of course. You’ll get a preview of what’s coming this year, when Gog/Magog leads you to the precipice of destruction and Putin temporarily saves you. So if you are a normal Israeli Jew, you have just a little over 7 years to live. I’d use it wisely.

Much love…

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 5 – Dear Muslims, the Jews will use the Imam Mahdi to destroy you

Behold two Jews pretending to be Christians who are talking about the Muslim Messiah, the “Imam Mahdi”…

…from YouTube

According to the script the Kabbalist “Jews” have written, Qasem Soleimani will be unveiled as the Imam Mahdi at roughly the same time Putin is declared the Jewish/Christian Mashiach/Christ (around the climax point of World War 3). And by joining hands with Putin, the “Mahdi” will help the globalists unite the Muslims with the Christians and Jews under a hybrid religion (the “Religious UN,” which will be based in Jerusalem).

Since it is the Kabbalists and their Muslim agents who promote and control Soleimani, Jewish End Times propagandists like Joel Richardson and Sid Roth are telling us exactly what they have planned for him: he will unite the Muslims and lead them to destruction in the Battle of Armageddon. If the Kabbalists are able to pull this off, Islam – and a great many Muslims – will be dead in roughly 7 years.

Getting back to the video, Joel Richardson speaks of the Antichrist as someone who hasn’t yet made the scene, so what does that make Richardson? If you’ve read Update 1, you’ll know that it means he’s a Step 3 propagandist. The Step 3 Propaganda Team are “tasked with blowing the whistle on the Great Deception (Steps 1 & 2) and preparing the way for the third leader the globalists will introduce.” And Richardson is doing exactly that: he is blowing the whistle on the “Antichrist” in order to promote the “real Christ” figure the globalists will present around 2025.

So let’s have a look at how he equates the Mahdi with the Antichrist (starting at the 4:46 mark of the video)…

“In a nutshell, the Antichrist, according to the Bible, he revives an empire. From the Islamic side, they believe the Mahdi revives an Islamic Empire – that he will unify the Islamic world.”

The creation of an Islamic empire will make Muslims feel powerful, and that is first part of the trap. The desire for power is a demonic lure, and a godly person must resist it. The price the Muslims will pay for embracing this illusion of power is their total destruction.

When the Mahdi breaks his peace treaty and turns against Israel, he will appeal to the Muslim peoples’ desire for revenge against the Jews, which is another demonic lure a godly person must resist. He will call for them to completely destroy Israel and all its inhabitants, and if the Muslims accept his call and act on it, they will be marking themselves for the complete destruction of the Islamic Empire and all its inhabitants.

Those who attack Israel will be attacked, and those who act to annihilate Israel will themselves be annihilated. For it is by acting demonically towards Israel that the Muslims will invite demonic attack upon themselves. And that is the nature of the whole trick: the Kabbalists will use the Mahdi to fool the Muslims into trying to wipe out the Jews, thereby giving the Kabbalists spiritual justification (according to their occult belief system) to wipe out the Muslims.

Just take a moment to think about it…

Why does the Mossad recruit Palestinian terrorists and provide them with rockets they can fire into Israel? By fooling gullible Palestinians into conducting clumsy rocket attacks on Israel, the Israelis get justification to conduct precise airstrikes in Palestine. The Jews live by the motto of “an eye for an eye,” so when they want to poke someone’s eye, they lure that person into poking at their eye first. And when they want to tear out a people’s heart (like they do with the children of Ishmael), they will trick them into grabbing for Israel’s heart first.

If/when the destruction of the Muslims comes, it will not come by “God” or any supernatural means; it will be done by “humans” using human technology. With their vast wealth, the Kabbalists have developed a powerful array of secret weapons, and the effect of these will be indistinguishable from “supernatural” destruction. In fact, the Kabbalists have the capacity to slaughter the entire human race – all they lack is the motivation and justification to do so. Their motivation for destroying any people is that those people are in the way of what they want, but they must also have the justification, and they receive that by luring their foes into improper action. Your improper action towards them is their permission to act improperly towards you.

Let’s continue on with Richardson’s Antichrist/Mahdi comparison…

“The Antichrist leads this coalition in the invasion of Israel; the Mahdi also leads the Islamic world in invasion of Israel.”

According to the current globalist script, there will actually be two “coalition” attacks against Israel over the next 7 years or so…

The first attack is imminent, and it will be the First Battle of Armageddon. It will be conducted by the coalition of Muslim groups Soleimani has put together and could also include the US and/or Russia if the globalists opt for the fake assassinations of Trump and/or Putin. Once this battle reaches the point that the Israel Defense Forces are near total collapse, Putin will make a dramatic appearance and put a stop to the fighting, removing Netanyahu and his “Zionist-Neocon warmongers” from power in the process.

The second attack against Israel will occur around 2025, and it will be Second Battle of Armageddon. It will involve the Mahdi’s Muslim army fighting alongside Putin’s UN army to stop an incoming power. This climactic battle is scripted to lead to the destruction of both Islam and Putin’s New World Order, and it will end with the arrival of the Kabbalist-controlled “real Christ,” who will unite the world under the religion of Kabbalized Christianity in a dictatorial 1,000 year kingdom.

This whole scenario sounds too crazy to be true, right? Yet one of Richardson’s books verifies that this is the plan…

Again, the Muslims must turn away from the Kabbalist-controlled Mahdi and his two invasions of Israel in order to survive. If the Muslims insist on invading something, the only appropriate target would be the Mahdi’s palace, not Israel. By acting to lead the Muslims to destruction, the Mahdi invites destruction upon himself.

Now let’s continue on with Richardson’s Antichrist/Mahdi comparison…

“The Antichrist rules for 7 years; Mahdi rules for seven years.”

It is important to stop for a moment and remind ourselves that we are looking at the imminent unveiling and 7-year rule of TWO Antichrists (not to mention the fake Buddhist and Hindu messiahs the globalists will be throwing in as well). As Richardson said earlier, “In a nutshell, the Antichrist, according to the Bible, he revives an empire. From the Islamic side, they believe the Mahdi revives an Islamic Empire – that he will unify the Islamic world.”

So on the Islamic side,

the Imam Mahdi, Qasem Soleimani, will revive a Muslim Caliphate.

And on the Jewish/Christian side,

the Jewish Messiah / Christian Anti-Christ, Vladimir Putin. will revive the Roman Empire (in the form of the “new and improved” UN/NWO).

It is no surprise, then, that the globalists’ leading prophecy propagandist, Tom Horn, is preparing his followers for two Anti-Christs. In this interview on the Jim Bakker Show, Horn says this about what the “Israeli Rabbis” are expecting…

“So they too believe that we are in the End Times. They too believe that the Messiah is about to appear. We would say the Second Coming is about to happen, but their messiah is going to be a false messiah. He’s going to be the Antichrist, right?”

So out of his mouth, Horn is speaking about the arrival of a Jewish Antichrist, and out of his hand, he’s writing about the arrival of an Islamic Antichrist

This seemingly contradictory message is resolved when you understand that Putin will be the “Final Roman Emperor” and Soleimani will be the “Islamic Antichrist.”

Like the “fake Antichrist” (Barack Obama) who has come before them, each of these “real Antichrists” has a specific role, a specific reign, and a specific purpose. So let’s have a look at the roles, reigns, and purposes of all three…

1) Barack Obama…

> His role was to play the fake/decoy Antichrist.

> His 7-year reign began when he symbolically took the helm of the global government in September of 2009 (see Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016), and was to end with his defeat at the hands of the Mahdi and Isa (Jesus/Putin) in September of 2016.

> His purpose was to serve as the evil globalist villain that the “heroic” Mahdi and Isa would jointly defeat in order to “save the world.”

He has now been replaced by Mike Pence.

2) Vladimir Putin…

> His role is to play the Jewish/Christian Savior (Jesus/Isa) who later turns out to be the “real” Antichrist.

> His 7-year reign will begin when he brings in a “reformed, stronger” United Nations and acts as its de facto or de jure leader, and it will end with his defeat at the hands of the “real Christ” in 2025.

> His purpose will be to take the helm of the “democratic” global government and spectacularly crash it 7 years later. During the first 3.5 years of his reign, everything will look great, but it will start getting ugly in the second 3.5 years. And by the time the 7 years have ended, people will be convinced that we human beings are too fallible to govern ourselves. We will be sold the idea that the only way to enduring peace and happy living is to be ruled by “God.”

3) Qasem Soleimani…

> His role is to play the Muslim Mahdi who later turns out to be the “real” Co-Antichrist.

> His 7-year reign will begin when he unites the Muslim nations in a grand coalition and acts as its de facto or de jure leader, and it will end with his defeat at the hands of the “real Christ” in 2025.

> His purpose will be to lead Islam to destruction, thus clearing the way for Kabbalized Christianity to be the only world religion.

So as you can see, the globalists have two objectives in the final phase of their prophecy deception…

1) Crash human government and convince people that only “God” can competently rule humanity.

2) Destroy Islam and cull all Muslims who won’t convert to Kabbalized Christianity.

By completing these two objectives, the way will be clear for them to roll out their “real Christ” figure and rule the world. “When a Jew Rules the World” is when: 1) people are convinced they can’t rule themselves, and 2) Islam isn’t around to get in the way.

Richardson confirms the Kabbalists’ plan for annihilating Islam at the 22:07 mark of the video…

“Sid, Biblically, throughout history, whenever the Lord uses a people to chastise or judge the Earth, or his people, Israel, that’s exactly what he’s gonna do with the Islamic world. He is using the Islamic world as his rod of chastisement against an unrepentant world. But whenever the Lord uses a rod of chastisement, when he’s done, he breaks that rod over his knee. And he will judge the Islamic world after he has used them. But before he judges a people, he calls out a remnant. Sid, right now the Lord is calling a remnant of sincere, passionate believers out of the Islamic world. He’s calling them to himself, and he’s making them willing martyrs for Jesus.”

Now if you substitute the word “Kabbalists” for “the Lord” in this passage, you’ll get an accurate read of what’s really going on. This is their strategy for defeating Islam…

1) They are having their agents in the globalist intelligence services, Al Qaeda, ISIS and other (“Crypto-Satanic”) “Islamist groups” engage in a worldwide reign of terror to create widespread hatred of Islam. This is being done so no one will care if the Muslims are slaughtered later in the script.

At the same time, they’re having those agents create chaos in the Middle East so the Muslims will hate those groups too.

2) They are having their agents Khamenei and Soleimani lead the fight against these “barbaric defamers of Islam,” thus establishing them as the “heroes of the region.” Since the Kabbalists control both sides in the scripted conflict, they have carefully arranged Suleimani’s “victories” to make him look like a military genius. It’s easy to beat ISIS when their controllers tell them to retreat on cue.

3) They will proclaim the hero Soleimani as the Imam Mahdi, and have him lead the Muslims into a disastrous war 7 years later that will leave Islam and most Muslims dead. In the end, the Kabbalists will have the UN and Muslim forces attacking the incoming Kabbalah-Christ turn their weapons on each other, and few will survive. They will say it was “God’s judgment” against Islam, but it will be the Kabbalists’ judgment, not “God’s.”

Once the globalists have carried out this strategy, Islam will cease to exist. The only Muslims who will be allowed to survive are the “remnant” who convert to Christianity. The same goes for all the non-elite, non-Kabbalist Jews. The Kabbalists will use the “Anti-Semitism” that arises after the Truth Tsunami to drive them all to Israel to be slaughtered in the Second Battle of Armageddon. Only those who convert to Christianity will be allowed to live.

The Achilles heel of this prophecy fulfillment strategy is the fact that it is a play that relies on two key actors: Vladimir Putin and Qasem Soleimani. If those two men were to fall before the globalists fake their deaths and bring them back as religious icons, the play would be stopped in its tracks, and billions of lives would be saved. Food for thought…

Finally, let’s move on to the last component of Richardson’s Antichrist/Mahdi comparison…

“The Antichrist engages in a peace treaty with Israel; Mahdi also engages in a so-called ‘peace treaty’ with Israel.”

The first “Antichrist” peace covenant with Israel was made by the fake Antichrist, Barack Obama. He visited Israel as a Presidential candidate in July of 2008 and pledged to protect Israel and prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons…
…From The New York Times

Exactly 7 years later (to the month) in July of 2015, Obama broke that covenant by making a deal with Iran that will allow them a “sure path to nuclear weapons,” according to Netanyahu…
…From The New York Times

The second “Antichrist” peace covenant with Israel will be an actual peace treaty between Israel and all the nations and groups that attack her in the upcoming war. The Co-Antichrists Putin and Soleimani will be parties to the agreement. And just like the first Antichrist peace covenant, the treaty will be broken exactly 7 years later when Putin’s UN forces and the Mahdi’s Islamic forces jointly attack Israel in 2025. But this raises an obvious question…

Why would the “Jewish Messiah” Vladimir Putin turn on Israel and invade her?

The answer is provided by the video. During an ad that promotes Richardson’s 4-DVD set of prophecy propaganda, this is shown…

As I’ve mentioned throughout this Globalist Prophecy Watch series, the globalists are aiming to unite the People of the Book (Jews, Christians and Muslims) under one hybrid religion, and it is commonly called “Chrislam.” And in the previous update, we also looked at the likelihood that the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be destroyed during the Gog/Magog War and replaced with a Chrislamic / UN Religion multi-faith temple. So Richardson’s ad offers us a preview of how traditionalist Jews and Christians will respond to this: they’ll view it as a “heresy” and resist it.

While the new temple is being publicly designed and constructed, traditionalist opposition amongst the Christians and Jews will build and build. And when the time comes for the opening ceremony 3.5 years into the reign of the Antichrists, we can expect dramatic civil disobedience in protest of the “Temple of Abomination.” That’s when things will start going south between Israel and Putin, and “persecution” of traditionalist Jews and Christians will begin. 3.5 years later, the Antichrists will attack to wipe out all opposition. That’s when the “real Savior” will come onto the scene to save the day.

Since we’re on the subject of propaganda memes contained in Richardson’s DVD ad, here is another worth noting…

The implementation of a Chrislamic form of Sharia Law may be one of the things that make life so miserable during the Great Tribulation. According to Christian eschatological propaganda, this is how the 7-year Tribulation period will do down…

This 7-year period also corresponds to the full lifespan of the New World Order. As I previously covered in The Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven… at first, during the first 3.5 years of the NWO/Tribulation period, people will think that…

Here is what I wrote about it…

>>> The globalists are in the process of running a problem / reaction / SOLUTION scam on us, not a problem / reaction / PROBLEM scam.

This means that when we reach the end result of this transition process, the NWO will look like the SOLUTION to all our problems, not another PROBLEM (such as a dark, scary fascist regime) we need to overcome. It will appear as though the corrupt have been defeated, World War 3 has been stopped, all regional conflicts have been resolved, biowarfare against the population has been halted, poverty has been alleviated, debt money has been abolished, secrets have been revealed, and so on and so forth. And the masses, after having been force-fed negativity and conditioned to expect a scary NWO for so long, are expected to be so overcome with joy that they’ll willingly embrace the New Order. <<<

So the first 3.5 years of the Tribulation will be the honeymoon period. The globalists will make it very pleasant so people will welcome the new political and monetary systems. And once everyone is dependent on the New Order, they will start tightening the screws again during the second 3.5 years, the Great Tribulation period. Implementing global Chrislamic Sharia Law at the 3.5 year mark would be a great way for them to accomplish the screw tightening.

Can you imagine how strict, worldwide religious law + ubiquitous surveillance technologies + a strengthened UN with vast police and military powers could add up to a reign of terror?

Love always…

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 4 – How 2016’s Gog/Magog War will unfold

Does the globalist End Times script call for a Russian Judas to betray the Mashiach/Christ?…
…Will Dmitry Medvedev cut a secret deal with the West and “assassinate” Vladimir Putin after full-on war breaks out this September? Will Putin then “rise from the dead” 3 days later at the Mount of Olives? Current prophetic propaganda suggests this is the plan.

In the previous update, we explored two Jewish prophetic propaganda videos that talked about the arrival of the Mashiach, the Jewish Messiah. One video recorded the “testimony” of a Jewish boy who supposedly died and was shown how the End Times would unfold, and the other video was from a Messianic Jew propagandist who trumpeted the boy’s “revelations” and spun them to suggest that the Mashiach would be the second coming of Jesus…

So let’s explore the key talking points from the videos to see what our Cabalist Jew amigos have scripted for the upcoming Putin vs. Obama battle royale…

POINT 1 – “The redemption of Israel and the revelation of the Mashiach is IMMINENT – it’s going to happen ‘in the coming months.’”

Since September of this year falls within the “in the coming months” timeframe, this prediction matches what I’ve been expecting. The man who is playing the “Antichrist” character in the Mashiach unveiling, Barack Obama, began his seven year reign when he sat as the President of the UN Security Council in September of 2009, so his time will come to an end in September of this year. This means the Mashiach (who almost certainly will be Vladimir Putin) will be revealed this year, before the end of September.

POINT 2 – “If the people commit transgressions, the redemption will come in a more difficult manner, but if they repent, it will come to pass in an easy way.”

This concept is key to the whole drama. When the final battle of 2016 turns out to be much less bloody than everyone was expecting, this will be the reason given…

“When the Satanic Western leaders started the final battle, so many people cried out in repentance of war that God heard their cries and sent down a Divine Intervention.”

POINT 3 – “It is Gog, Barack Obama, who will start the Gog/Magog War. The War will kill ‘more than a few million people,’ but it will last for only two weeks before the two sides strike a deal to carve up Israel. At that point, they’ll all turn against Israel, and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will hold out for only 2 days before Israel falls and the Mashiach appears.”

In this part of his testimony, the Israeli boy is presenting the “nightmare scenario” that will supposedly unfold if people commit transgressions rather than repenting. Frightening scenarios of this sort are widely circulated by the globalists’ alt media propaganda outlets, and the purpose of this effort is to scare people as much as possible so they’ll be shocked and thrilled when the actual endgame (which will appear very positive) is unveiled.

That being said, the boy’s scenario contains much more information than a casual reading would reveal, so let’s look a little deeper by exploring a few key points:

SUBPOINT 3a — It is important to understand what the boy means when he talks about “Gog.”

The Gog/Magog War will be a war between the “King(s) of the North” and the “King(s) of the South,” and since this thoroughly contrived conflict is being staged by the globalists, you must identify the two sides using globalist terms.

I figured out the proper interpretation by remembering something I covered in a previous entry: Debunking the phony “BRICS Bank versus World Bank/IMF” conflict. Here is the relevant excerpt…


Beyond this made-for-public-consumption pabulum surrounding the establishment of the New Development Bank, though, is the reality being discussed in the globalists’ own policy papers. And that reality is that the NDB is just another plug-and-play addition to the constellation of multilateral international institutions that constitute the Rockefeller-planned NWO. To show you this is so, allow me to take you on a guided tour of this March 2014 document from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

As the title indicates, this paper enthusiastically supports the establishment of the NDB despite the fact that it comes from the United Nations (of which the World Bank and the IMF are components). In fact, if we look to the paper’s table of contents…
…we see how it talks about the NDB filling gaps in the globalists’ “SOUTHERN financial architecture” and providing investment for “infrastructure and more sustainable development needs in the emerging and developing countries.” It also talks about how the NDB will link-in with other multilateral, regional, and national development banks (the financial side of the NWO).

If there were an actual conflict between the BRICS and the “Western-led” (as RT puts it) financial institutions, you’d expect a UN paper to whine about the NDB, not promote it. Isn’t that so? They would be complaining about the “divisive agenda” of the NDB instead of talking about how well it will fit in. Obviously, there is no real conflict; there is only the illusion of conflict being propagated in the media.


So the globalists are talking about the BRICS and other “emerging (market) and developing countries” when they talk about the “south,” and it all fits in to the concept of the Global North-South Divide, in which…

> the Global North consists of the G7 and other developed nations
> the Global South consists of the G5 (the BRICS) and other developing nations.

In fact, the globalists created the BRICS Alliance for the very purpose of providing a dialectic counterweight to the G7, and it also serves as a vehicle to entrap the developing nations in the UN-centered, region-based, multilateral NWO. This is why they chose a nation from each Global South region to serve as an integration hub for their neighboring countries…
…(Original Image Source:

Russia, which was considered a Global North country, joined them and got “kicked out” of the G8. This was done strictly for show, of course, because both the G7 and G5 are actually united in the G20, which is the global economic steering committee of the NWO.

All this being said, if you take a moment to think about the NWO dialectic the globalists are running – in which the “imperialist” G7 nations are pitted against the “oppressed” G5 nations in a phony struggle over which form of New World Order, unipolar or multipolar, we will have – you’ll realize that it is a conflict between the Global North and Global South. And this artificial conflict will reach its climax when full-fledged war (Gog/Magog) breaks out this September.

So Gog, the “King(s) of the North,” are the leaders of the G7 nations and their allies, with the singular King of the North being the leader of its more powerful nation, Barack Obama


Magog, the “King(s) of the South,” are the leaders of the BRICS nations and their allies, with the singular King of the South being the southern leader who takes all the bold stands and makes all the headlines, Vladimir Putin.

After the Gog/Magog climax point passes, we’ll enter the denouement, when the limited hangout “truth tsunami” will hit us and the New World Order will take effect.

SUBPOINT 3b – It is important to note that the boy’s timeline conflates the Gog/Magog War with the Battle of Armageddon.

It is a common expectation among Christians that the Gog/Magog War and the Battle of Armageddon (“when ALL nations shall turn against Israel to destroy her”) will be separated by a 7-year Tribulation period…

And again…

Yet the Israeli boy’s “prophetic revelation from God” has the Gog/Magog War immediately segueing into the Battle of Armageddon. Should this year’s unfoldment occur in that manner, the Step 3 propagandists, whose job is to sell the globalist-controlled leader who shows up in 2023 as the “real Jesus Christ,” will point to this and other Biblical discrepancies as proof that it’s a Satanic deception.

The whole purpose behind the Cabalist Jews’ 3-Step prophecy deception is to fulfill the expectations they themselves have instilled in people. People have been programmed to expect a Satanic deception before the “real savior” shows up, so the Cabalists are giving them the Obama versus Putin showdown this year. And people are expecting the real savior to show up and end the deception, so the Cabalists are giving them the Putin versus Rech (Real Christ) showdown in 2023. By creating and fulfilling peoples’ expectations in this manner, the Jews hope to end up controlling a global theocratic dictatorship under a figurehead named “Jesus Christ.” And that’s a helluva payoff for a little propaganda and sleight of hand.

SUBPOINT 3c – It is important to note that the boy’s war scenario, when viewed in conjunction with other prophetic propaganda, suggests that Vladimir Putin will be “assassinated” and “resurrected” this September.

According to the timeline offered by the boy and Ben-Nun, the Gog/Magog War will last for about two weeks before a sudden armistice is reached and a deal is made to carve up Israel. The two sides will then join forces and turn upon Israel, overcoming the IDF in 2 days. Given Putin’s status as the Jewish Messiah, an obvious question is raised…

How can Putin strike a deal with the West and attack Israel, then show up in Israel a few days later as the Jewish Messiah?

Obviously, he can’t. So who will strike the deal on behalf of Russia? The answer is provided in a piece of preparatory propaganda offered by a blogger named the “Saker.” Here is the key excerpt…

>>> I have already explained many times in the past that the candidature of Putin to succeed Eltsin was a compromise reached between the Russian security services and Russian “big money” who pushed Medvedev as a counter-weight to Putin. I usually refer to the forces backing Putin as “Eurasian Sovereignists” and the forces backing Medvedev as “Atlantic Integrationists”. The goal of the former is to fully sovereignize Russia and make her a key element in a multi-polar but unified Eurasian continent while the goal of the latter is to be accepted by the AngloZionist Empire as an equal partner and to integrate Russia into the western power structures. <<<

So according to the globalist propaganda line, Medvedev wants to cozy up with the West. And wouldn’t you know it, Medvedev is the first person in the Russian presidential line of succession. So if Putin gets killed, Medvedev becomes the Russian President. Are you beginning to get the picture?

So let’s put all these puzzle pieces together into the scenario the globalists are preparing us to accept…

1) The Gog/Magog War breaks out in September, and the Kings of the North battle it out with the Kings of the South in the Middle East, Ukraine, and South China Sea.

2) As the war rages, Medvedev and his Western pals reach a secret agreement to end the North/South conflict and take Israel as a spoil.

3) Medvedev helps arrange Putin’s (fake) assassination at around the two week mark of the War.

4) On the FIRST DAY following Putin’s supposed death, there is a ceasefire and the two sides pivot towards Israel to begin the (fake) Battle of Armageddon.

5) On the SECOND and THIRD DAYS, the Israel Defense Forces hold off the attack (remember that the boy said the IDF would hold out for only two days).

6) As the Israel Defense Forces near collapse on the THIRD DAY, they launch a retaliatory strike using nuclear-tipped cruise missiles fired from submarines pre-positioned off the coasts of their enemies. Since the cruise missiles are fired from stand-off distances and are slow, their launch is detected and a counterstrike is launched. Nuclear missile smoke trails rise into the sky all over the world, and the whole world stops to behold the unfolding nightmare.

7) Suddenly, “alien UFOs” (which are actually globalist black-budget aerospace craft) appear in the skies and destroy the missiles. And word begins to spread of something amazing that’s happening in Israel. As the world turns its attention towards Jerusalem, a shining (holographic) portal seems to split the Mount of Olives in two, and the ground shakes. And who comes out of this portal? The “resurrected” Vladimir Putin, Pope Francis, and Rabbi Amar. “Behold the Christ,” says the Pope; “Behold the Mashiach” says the rabbi. And with that, the “real” 7-year Tribulation begins.

This scenario sounds absolutely nuts, doesn’t it? Yet this is what all the propaganda is pointing towards. And it actually makes sense in its own warped way. What would be more convincing…

Putin suddenly proclaiming himself to be the Mashiach and Christ?


Putin “dying” and being “resurrected” on the THIRD DAY to SHOW he is the Messiah, then having two credible resurrected witnesses proclaim him as such?

[Addendum 1 – 11 January 2016]

Why the Pope will be “assassinated,” then “resurrected” with Putin

After watching Ben-Nun’s video again yesterday and posting the first part of this entry, I started thinking about the “two witnesses” he talked about. According to Biblical prophecy, they are supposed to come onto the scene and preach “God’s true doctrine” before Christ’s arrival, and according to Ben-Nun’s spin of the Israeli boy’s testimony, they will be martyred and then resurrected when Christ shows up at the Mount of Olives.

Whilst thinking about them, I recalled something he said at the 10:55 mark of the video

“…many people are believing in a seven year tribulation: the Antichrist gets three and a half, the two witnesses get three and a half…”

And pondering this, I immediately got the idea to check on when Pope Francis began his ministry. As it turned out, Francis took office exactly three and a half years before this September…
…From Wikipedia. Now if you count forward six months from March 2013, you get 1) April 2013, 2) May 2013, 3) June 2013, 4) July 2013, 5) August 2013, and 6) September 2013. And if you add 3 years to September 2013, you get September 2016.

So Pope Francis took office on the same month that the fake Antichrist, Barack Obama, visited Israel and stood in the holy place…
…thus beginning the second three and a half years of his 7-year tenure as the decoy Antichrist (see Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016).

Once I realized that the Pope’s ministry perfectly matched the timeframe of the witnesses, I recalled that Ben-Nun said the witnesses would be hated for their ministry, and Pope Francis IS hated among conservative Catholics for his liberal teachings…
…From the National Catholic Reporter. Here is a blurb from the article…

“Some have given up on Pope Francis. Others say he is ‘the false prophet’ who will accompany the anti Christ in the end times. Others don’t like his dress sense, grumble about his media gaffes and some think they are all intentional and that he is a very shrewd Jesuit who wants to undermine the Catholic faith.”

Like the highlighted sentence suggests, he certainly IS the false prophet, but he is also one of the two witnesses.

As for the suggestion that the witnesses will be martyred, I remembered what Tom Horn said about Pope Francis in an interview with Jim Bakker. He starts talking about the Pope at the 13:15 mark and goes on to say this at the 15:13 mark…

“Well now you’ve got the Pope saying that it could be that now Fatima, the Third Secret of Fatima, is gonna be fulfilled. What’s the third secret of Fatima? It describes the Pope, the bishop in white, walking in a great city — most people believe this to be the Vatican, right? And something has happened. Dead people are everywhere, and the Pope is walking along – there’s dead Christians, dead bishops, dead people all over the city — and as he’s making his way towards a cross, these ISIS-like people run into the city and shoot him and kill him.”

So the expectation that the Pope will be martyred is already being promoted to the public, and this fits right in with the Pope being one of the two witnesses.

Judging by the prophetic propaganda I’ve heard over the last few years, this is how the martyring will go down: the Pope will gather together with other religious leaders (“the Kings of the Earth”) in either Jerusalem or Rome (New Jerusalem). Presumably, they’ll be meeting to call for peace during the ongoing Gog/Magog War, and they will be killed. I suspect that the other witness will be there and die with him, but who is the other witness?

Given that the globalists wish to unite the Christians and Jews behind one Messiah, it stands to reason that one witness will be a Christian bishop (Pope Francis) and the other will be a Jewish rabbi. Like Pope Francis is to Christians, this rabbi…

> is controversial among the conservatives of his faith, but popular among common Jews,
> is involved in the effort to overcome the divisions among the People of the Book,
> is friendly toward Messianic Jews, and
> he started his ministry in March of 2013.

Since I don’t know which rabbis are popular in Jewish circles, it might take me a while to identify him, but I’m sure he’ll turn up. If you know of a good candidate, contact me with his name.

So when Putin emerges from the holographically-projected dimensional gate at the Mount of Olives, he will have the resurrected Christian Pope at his right hand and the resurrected Jewish rabbi at his left hand. The Pope will proclaim him the Christ, and the rabbi will proclaim him the Mashiach. Mischief managed….

[Addendum 1.2 – 12 January 2016]

Is Rabbi Shlomo Amar the Second Witness?

I woke up this morning with some ideas on how to search for the second witness, and I was led to the first promising candidate, Rabbi Shlomo Amar

Amar served as the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel from 2003 till March 24, 2013, which began his move to Jerusalem, where he became (and currently is) the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of the city.

As would be expected from the second witness, he is conciliatory towards other faiths…

“In a letter to the Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, Sephardic Chief Rabbi Amar criticized Benedict XVI’s remarks on Islam, writing: “our way is to honour every religion and every nation according to their paths, as it is written in the book of prophets: ‘because every nation will go in the name of its Lord.'” – From Wikipedia

And he is heavily involved in promoting the imminent coming of the Mashiach…
…From Breaking Israel News.

I find it quite interesting that he gave this ruling amongst rabbis from the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. It just so happens that Russia’s chief rabbi — and Putin’s close companion – Rabbi Berel Lazar
…is a member of Chabad-Lubavitch. And wouldn’t you know it, Rabbis Amar and Lazar have personal ties…

While I’m not yet as certain about Rabbi Amar as I am about Pope Francis, he’s a strong-enough candidate to be my placeholder. If I come across someone better, I’ll do an update.

[Addendum 2 – 17 January 2016]

A reader has put me onto this man, Rabbi David Rosen

While I don’t view him as a good candidate for the second witness, he is very clearly up to his eyeballs in this conspiracy. Not only does he hang out with the other globalist douchebags in Davos (he is on the advisory board of the World Economic Forum’s Council of Religious Leaders), but he has also received a knighthood from the Vatican and is a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. It is every globalist’s wet dream to have a resume like that.

Just have a look at one of the things he’s been up to…
…(From Note that Rabbi Amar was also at this meeting. The other rabbis mentioned shouldn’t factor in to what’s coming, though; Froman is dead and Metzger has been sidelined with corruption charges.

So they want to set up a “Spiritual UN” in Jerusalem, eh? Seeing this spurred all kinds of questions and ideas…

> Since it is likely that the Al-Aqsa Mosque (which sits on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem) will be destroyed during the Gog/Magog War, will the temple they build in its place be a “Spiritual UN” / multi-faith temple?

> Will the UN Temple itself be the “abomination of desolation” that stands in the “holy place” (Temple Mount)? If they open it 3.5 years after Putin takes over the UN, the answer is a definite “yes.”

> Will the two witnesses and the Imam Mahdi be at Al-Aqsa when it is destroyed? That would be an elegant way to justify the building of an inter-faith temple in its place, since a prominent Christian, Jew, and Muslim leader would be martyred there together by the “Satanic” King of the North.

In the next Prophecy Watch update, I’ll start looking into the fake Imam Mahdi the globalists will present us. He is the Muslim Messiah who will join hands with Putin to unite the People of the Book (under occulted Jewish control).

Until later, much love….

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 3 – Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?

Good news for the Jews: The Israelis already love their Messiah…
…From Sputnik

Also, have a second look at Globalist Prophecy Watch Update 2, then have a look at this…

“At no time in history has the persecution of Christians been as intense and widespread as it is now.

Christians in the Middle East are in dire need of a champion, which, in today’s world can only be a great power, and it is Russia that has taken on that responsibility…

Vladimir Putin knows that modernity’s separation of politics from religion inspires many across the globe to return to their religious roots. In February 2012, he made a solemn vow to the Russian Orthodox Church to protect persecuted Christians all over the world

Notwithstanding the electrifying presence of Pope Francis, in future we could see the Eastern Church replace Rome as the center of Christianity.”

So this Russia Insider article effectively presents Putin as a SAVIOR to “Christians all over the world.” Interesting, no?

There are some articles that I write, and there are others that I give birth to, and this one has been one of the latter. I was “in labor” between December 23 and January 8 to squeeze this puppy out, and amidst the labor pains I had a realization….

The more I look upon the forcible Jewish takeover of the Russian Orthodox Church (through the Communist Revolution), and the guileful Jewish takeover of the Roman Catholic Church (through the Jesuits), the more our current world situation looks like the Jews’ settling of old scores with the Roman Empire. Rome survived its political fall in the form of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and now the Jews have taken over both. They have exacted their revenge for Masada and the Inquisition, and they are currently setting about the task of taking a spoil of all of Rome’s sheep (the Christians) by delivering them two messiahs.

The Jews also have a score to settle with the Muslims, and it supposedly goes back to the days of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael. Just like they are doing with Rome’s sheep, they will soon take a spoil of all of Ishmael’s children by delivering them an Imam Mahdi who will join hands with the first Jewish/Christian Messiah (probably Putin) to unite all the People of the Book under occulted Jewish control.

Beyond the scores they wish to settle, the Jews also have a long-term goal they wish to accomplish: to take over the world for themselves and their god concept. To achieve this goal, they have instigated wars and played money and debt scams in order to bring the world’s royals under their influence and into their fold. They have thus injected the Davidic Bloodline into royal families the world over. And soon, they will attempt to bring all of us into a New World Order, which is the next stop on a road that leads to a global theocratic dictatorship run by them.

All this being said, should we hate the Jews and seek to destroy them? Of course not. They are Source Consciousness indwelling form just like we are, and you must treat them with the same restraint and mercy with which you’d want to be treated if you were acting out bad programming like they are. When you get down to the brass tacks, the Jews aren’t really doing anything to us anyway; they are fooling us into doing all this to ourselves. So the task before us is one of education, not violence. The end of this nightmare will come only when we become wise to their schemes and decline to participate in them any longer.

Now here’s the Putin entry…

In previous installments of the globalist prophecy series, I pointed out that the globalists are running a 3-step religious deception that involves 3 leaders. Step 1 is the introduction of a fake Antichrist, Barack Obama. Step 2 is the introduction of a “fake Christ / real Antichrist” I’ve named “Facra.” And Step 3 is the introduction of a “real Christ” I’ll name “Rech” (pronounced “wretch”). I also pointed out that each step has a designated propaganda team to promote awareness of the 3 figures in the public consciousness.

Well a few days ago, I came across a couple of prophecy videos that are good examples of how the propaganda teams operate, so I began to write an entry about them. In the process of doing so, though, I came across this article on

The “Saker” article to which he refers is just a reapplication of the East/West dialectic that makes excuses for Putin. Such articles are designed to give those who are starting to question Putin a plausible narrative that explains-away the discrepancies they’re seeing between his pro-NWO actions and his manufactured anti-NWO cult of personality.

Propagandists know that people want to hold on to their comforting illusions (such as the illusion that Putin is a really nice guy who is going to save us from the evil globalists), so if you give them any halfway-plausible excuse to cling to the illusion (with a make-believe narrative like the “Saker’s”), most will do so. Note how Makow models this dynamic with his first paragraph: he poses as a person who is starting to question Putin, but is reassured by the “Saker’s” article.

The article did, however, contain one idea that got my attention, which I’ll paraphrase here…

“Putin is a very good man in charge of a very bad system, and he is playing along with the globalists until he can arrange the right opportunity to strike.”

Upon seeing this and connecting it to the two prophecy videos I was writing about, I realized Putin was being groomed to be the Jewish Messiah / Christian Antichrist figure who’ll be unveiled next September. To show you all the reasons I strongly suspect this, let me take you through a series of points that establish the qualifications for the Jewish Messiah, then we’ll look at how Putin measures up to these expectations.


Before we begin, it’s important to set aside any pet theories you might have about how the End Times will unfold. All Biblical arguments over how to properly interpret the prophecies don’t amount to a hill of beans in this. Since the globalists are the ones running this show, the only interpretations that matter are the ones the they are promoting to the public, for those are the ones they intend to fulfill in the three leaders they present to us. That being said, let’s have a look at…

Point 1 – Recent Israeli prophetic propaganda establishes some notable expectations for the Mashiach. The first “prophetic” video I want to show you is actually an interrelated pair of videos, and they were brought to my attention by a reader a few days ago. The first video of the pair shows the testimony of an Israeli boy, Natan, who supposedly died for 15 minutes and was shown how the “End Times” would unfold for Israel. Natan tells us two notable things about the Mashiach. Here is the first thing he says (at the 35:18 mark of the video)…

Natan: And what I saw was simply that…the Mashiach is first of all someone who can’t sin. Someone who repented. Who didn’t commit any transgressions.

Rabbi: He repented?

Natan: He repented. Yes. He didn’t commit any transgressions. He didn’t commit any transgressions. Since he repented, he didn’t commit even one transgression. It can’t be that the Mashiach is someone who committed transgressions.

So with this statement, Natan establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 1: He is a repentant sinner who has committed no sin since he repented.

Here is the second thing Natan says about the Mashiach…

“Now, it can be someone who we actually know very well, who we know very well. Lots and lots of people know him, according to what I understood. But, everyone will be very, very surprised, that he is of all people the Mashiach.

Also, now, this Mashiach, I mean the Mashiach – he will fight against Obama. And not only that – he will kill him and bury him in the Land of Israel.”

So with this statement, Natan establishes two more qualifications…

Mashiach Qualification 2: He is a man everyone will recognize, and everyone will be surprised that he, of all people, is the Mashiach.


Mashiach Qualification 3: He is a man who will fight Obama in the final conflict.

It is also Natan’s testimony that Obama is the man who starts the Gog/Magog (West/East) War, and that he will lead the following war against Israel. So Obama is playing the “Antichrist” role to the Mashiach. As the Jew who produces the Torah Codes has stated…

Setting aside whether or not I find Natan’s testimony credible (I don’t), the reason this video is important is that the End Times script it offers is being promoted by Messianic Jewish propaganda figures like the man in the second video of the pair, Steven Ben-Nun

Let’s have a look at how Ben-Nun supports and spins Natan’s testimony about the Mashiach in his video commentary: at the 41:34 mark of the video, he begins to talk about the qualifications established by Natan and goes on to say this about the “no transgressions” part…

“You know, friends, the only one that I know of that didn’t commit transgressions in this earth is Yeshua.”

He then goes on to say this about the “everyone will recognize him” part…

“And who is the only one that can fit that particular category? It’s Yeshua! Because many, many people know him, and the Jews know him as well…”

So Ben-Nun uses Natan’s testimony to suggest that the Mashiach will be the second coming of Jesus, and that should come as no surprise to anyone who has been observing the Synagogue of Satan vs. Jesus Christ dialectic. The Occulted Powers’ script has called for the Jews to infiltrate and subvert the “true Christian church,” and that’s exactly what they’ve been doing. In fact, I covered a specific instance of this in a previous entry: Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders (Update 1 – More on Kuhn and the Worldwide Church of God). And according to the globalist playbook, the ultimate goal of the Synagogue of Satan is to get the Christians to serve Satan and accept the Antichrist, which is why Ben-Nun equates the Mashiach with Jesus.

Now if we take a moment to think about this, we realize that if the globalists present the Mashiach as BOTH the Jewish AND the Christian messiah, he would have to be BOTH a Jew AND a Christian. If he were only a Jew, the Christians would feel alienated from him, and if he were only a Christian, the Jews would feel the same. The only way to unite both religions behind the one messiah (like the globalists want to do) is to present him as being of both religions. And this establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 4: He is both a Jew and a Christian.

With these first four qualifications established, let’s move on to…

Point 2 – Recent Christian prophetic propaganda establishes a key expectation for the Mashiach. Right after I encountered the Natan and Ben-Nun videos, I stumbled upon an interview of Tom Horn, one of the leading Christian End Times propagandists….

Starting at the 8:02 mark of the video, Horn talks about how dozens of Christian seers over the past 200 years have said that the Antichrist would appear on the Earth in the year 2016. He also talks about how the Jews are expecting the imminent arrival of their messiah, and since the orthodox Jews are the ones who rejected Jesus Christ, Horn says, their messiah would be the Antichrist. In the midst of all this, he mentions a specific Jewish prophecy from the Zohar…

“…in a section in the Zohar called the ‘Vaera’ section, there’s a subsection called ‘Signs Heralding Mashiac or the Coming of the Messiah.’ And in this 700 year-old Jewish document, it says when the Messiah would appear first privately to the rabbis in Israel. Guess when it said that would happen. 700 years ago it said it would happen in the Jewish calendar year 5773, which in our Gregorian calendar started in the middle of 2012 into 2013.”

Upon looking up a calendar for 5773, I found that it actually started in September of 2012, not the “middle of 2012″ as Horn states, so what are we to make of this discrepancy? Given that Horn is working for the globalists, he is fudging the numbers so the Zohar prophecy will fit the man they intend to put forward as the Mashiach. So this establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 5: He is a man who was in Israel at some point from the middle of 2012 into 2013.

After offering this qualification, Horn goes on to say what would happen after the Mashiach reveals himself privately to the rabbis…

“And then it said shortly thereafter, he will start making himself known to the nations of the world.”

Since this supposedly occurred back in 2012-2013, it stands to reason that the Mashiach is already internationally known by now. And given that the Mashiach will fight Obama in the final conflict, it also stands to reason that he is someone who is already working in opposition to Obama’s actions on the world stage. This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 6: He is an internationally known opponent of Obama.

So we’ve already identified six qualifications for the Mashiach by observing globalist preparatory propaganda. Now let’s look for more clues in other places…

Point 3 – Since the Mashiach is being put forward by the Occulted Powers in order to further their agenda, we can uncover more qualifications by reviewing what we know about their agenda and applying a little logic and common sense.

> First, let’s consider the globalists’ intention to unite the Jews and Christians under the Mashiach figure. Given that…

1) The globalists are selling the arrival of the Mashiach as the second coming of Christ,
2) Christ is the world’s ultimate cult of personality, and
3) the Mashiach is already internationally known,

…it stands to reason that the globalists would develop a positive, savior-like cult of personality around him so he could “fill Jesus’ shoes.” It further stands to reason that they would develop a negative, devil-like cult of personality around his dialectic opponent, Barack Obama. This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 7: He is a man who’s had a very positive cult of personality built around him – he is the opposite of Obama.

> Next, let’s consider the globalists’ effort to stage a dialectic struggle between an evil Western NWO and a “benevolent” Eastern NWO. Given that…

1) Obama is portrayed as the leader of an attempt to complete a scary unipolar NWO, and
2) the BRICS are portrayed as leading an attempt to build a welcoming multipolar NWO,

…it stands to reason that the Mashiach is involved in the BRICS effort to bring in the mulitpolar NWO. This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 8: He is a man who is playing a leading role in the BRICS effort to build a New World Order.

> Finally, let’s consider the globalists’ effort to convince the public that extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth, and their intention to use a simulated alien arrival to provide the “WOW” factor in the Mashiach’s unveiling. Given that…

1) the rabbit hole alternative media have promoted the idea that evil lizards from outer space have allied with the United States, and
2) they’ve also promoted the idea that “positive human extraterrestrials” are working to stop the American/Space Lizard evil agenda,

…it stands to reason that the Mashiach is in cahoots with the “positive aliens.” This establishes…

Mashiach Qualification 9: He is a man who has been portrayed as being connected with “positive extraterrestrial” forces.

Now that we’ve reached the magic number 9, I think we have enough qualifications to get a good idea of who the Mashiach might be. So let’s turn our attention to how Vladimir Putin measures up to these standards…


Mashiach Qualification 1: He is a repentant sinner who has committed no sin since he repented.

This qualification opens the door for Putin (and any backup candidates the globalists may have groomed) to step forward as the Mashiach. Since Putin has an impure history, it will be said that he repented at some point and was washed clean of his sins, so it is as if they never happened. They will say he had to do impure things in order to work within an impure system, but once he ascended within the system to a point that he could afford to be his authentic self, he left his mask of sin behind and acted in accordance with who he truly is.

It is ironic that since he will be promoted as the second coming of Jesus, he’ll be washed clean of his sins by his own blood. That seems kinda freaky, but I suppose it’s more hygienic than being washed in someone else’s blood. You wouldn’t want to shed your sins only to end up getting spiritual hepatitis.

Mashiach Qualification 2: He is a man everyone will recognize, and everyone will be surprised that he, of all people, is the Mashiach.

If Putin were to emerge from a (holographically projected) dimensional gate on the Mount of Olives as Natan and Ben-Nun suggest, everyone would indeed recognize him, wouldn’t they? And everyone would be quite surprised that he was the Mashiach all along. Although Ben-Nun has suggested that Jesus will emerge from the gate, no one really knows what Jesus looked like, so he would be a stranger to everyone’s eyes. But if Putin emerges with the implication that he is both the Mashiach and the recurrence of Christ, everyone will recognize him and be satisfied.

Mashiach Qualifications 3 & 6: He is an internationally known opponent of Obama who will fight Obama in the final conflict (of 2016).

Who is Obama’s main opponent on the global stage? If you were to ask this question to any person on the street, the answer you would get is “Vladimir Putin.”

Who is the leader who will fight Obama in World War 3? If you were to ask this question also, you would get the same answer, “Vladimir Putin.”

The mainstream and alternative media are chock-full of stories about Putin’s opposition to Obama’s global moves, as well as stories that warn about conventional and nuclear war between America and Russia. This huge media effort leaves no doubt about who Obama’s nemesis is…

Mashiach Qualification 4: He is both a Jew and a Christian.

The more I research this qualification, the more I see and the more I need to write. It appears that the Cabalist Jews effectively rebooted Russia with the Communist Revolution. They all but shut down the Russian Orthodox Church, then later reopened it with clergy that was hand-picked by the KGB. One would imagine that they tweaked the Church doctrine as well, to make it Cabalist-compliant. So if the Church is now under Jewish control, it is no wonder the Jewish Putin would have no problem being both a Jew and a Russian Orthodox “Christian.”

The Cabalists may have also killed-off unruly elements of the Tsarist bloodlines and intermarried with those who remain, effectively rebooting the Russian royals too. Once the mysterious genealogy of Vladimir Putin is revealed, we may find out that he is both a descendant of the Tsars and of King David, the latter of which qualifies him to be the Mashiach.

That being said, let’s start exploring Putin’s dual Jew/Christian status, and we’ll begin with the newly updated entry I first wrote on the subject…


Vladimir (Ras)Putin’s Jewish, Communist, and Bloodline Connections

A reader recently brought to my attention the possible link between Vladimir Putin’s surname and that of Grigori Rasputin, the famed Russian occultist and advisor to the Romanovs (Russia’s “royal” family)…
…The fact that the Romanovs associated so closely with a man so obviously demon-possessed tells you alot about them.

Hearing the conjecture that Putin’s name might be an occultic nod to Rasputin, I recalled something I read about Putin in his Wikipedia bio

“The ancestry of Vladimir Putin has been described as a mystery with no records surviving of any ancestors of any people with the surname ‘Putin’ beyond his grandfather Spiridon Ivanovich.”

And there is something interesting about his grandfather Spiridon…

“Vladimir Putin’s paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879–1965), was a chef who at one time or another cooked for Vladimir Lenin, Lenin’s wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, and on several occasions for Joseph Stalin.”

So Putin’s grandfather had personal connections with both Lenin…
…and Stalin…
…and he was trusted enough by them to be allowed to cook their meals. This relationship between the Putin family and top communist leaders brings to mind another thing to which the communists are connected: occult Judaism. Looking into this connection, a particular passage from this Henry Makow article caught my eye…

“The Illuminati bankers created Communism to harness the working class to their program of a comprehensive world dictatorship (now known as “globalization.”) The Illuminati and Communists are Masonic secret societies that celebrate the same anniversary, May 1, 1776 and share the same satanic symbols.”

Speaking of symbols, let’s have a look at another piece of the Putin puzzle: his reintroduction of Tsarist symbols to Russia, This is the first flag of the Russian Tsar…
…Note the double-headed eagle with the crest on its chest and three crowns above its heads…

…which is now Russia’s Coat of Arms…

And the first flag of the Russian Tsar is now “the Flag of the Commander-in-Chief of Russia”…



And speaking of the three crowns above the eagle’s heads, here is Putin bowing before three crowns worn by clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church…
…Clearly, there is something going on with Putin that the general public is not fully grasping.

While we’re on the subject of crowns, have a look at what a 2002 article from Pravda says about The Mysterious Genealogy of Russian President Putin

“…Is Putin an offspring of the Tver prince? This hypothesis was getting more and more real. The name Putin is not mentioned amid the Russian names. This means that the name is of the artificial origin.

This name has appeared recently, somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. All Putins originally came from the clan of Putins from the Tver region. Illegitimate offsprings of noble families were often given cut names. For example, Russian writer Pnin was an illegitimate son of Field Marshal Repnin. There were lots of other occasions like that – Betskoy instead of Trubetskoy, Gribov instead of Griboyedov. The new names of unofficial clan branches were formed by means of deduction: a syllable was simply taken out of it.

The family book of the Tver region mentions the name of Putyanin – a clan of Russian princes. This clan gave a lot of outstanding military leaders to Russia, as well as artists, politicians and priests. This is one of the oldest clans in the Russian history. If President Putin is a descendant of the Putyatins clan, this means that Vladimir Putin has a relation to all royal families of Europe.”

Since the US Presidents have been shown to be related to European royals, the article’s hypothesis wouldn’t surprise me if true.

With these puzzle pieces set before us, what insights can we draw from them? Given this and previous information I’ve encountered, these are my provisional conclusions:

Conclusion 1 — It’s looking increasingly likely that Putin is a Stealth Jew.

I brought up the subject of Stealth Jews in an update on my second blog after reading another of Henry Makow’s posts. Here is a portion of what I wrote…

>>> Upon reading the post, I was disappointed to see Henry still clutching to the idea that Putin is somehow working against the “Satanist Jews and Freemasons (the Illuminati) [who] control the government and the media in the West” (there is no fence that has kept them confined to the West, Henry; they didn’t even start out in the West). It’s surprising he still sees Putin this way given that his own site contains an entry that explores the probable hidden Jewish roots of Vladimir Epstein… err… Putin. <<<

My current personal take on Vladimir Putin is that he is probably a Khazarian Jew whose family dropped their Jewish-sounding name sometime around the Communist Revolution.

Conclusion 2 — With the Putin family’s communist connections in one hand, and Putin’s reintroduction of the Tsars’ royal symbols in the other, one is led to suspect that the Communist Revolution in Russia served two purposes:

1) It allowed the Jews to take down the Russian royals and the Russian Orthodox Church and Judaize both before relaunching them, and

2) It allowed royal rule to be hidden behind a facade like it was in the West.

As Makow and others suggest, communism in the East — just like the fake democracy of the West — was used to move the people in the direction of a global government under the guidance of a Hidden Hand. The whole time “the workers” (in the East) and “the people” (in the West) were being told they were governing their own direction, they were actually being herded into the NWO. And now that we’re approaching the culmination of the globalist plan, the Hidden Hand is beginning to show itself for all to see. If the Jews (who are the driving force among the Hidden Hand Occulted Powers) get their way, all of the world will be ruled by a god-king controlled by them, and he will be called “Jesus Christ.”


There is much more to write on Putin’s Jewish connections, but I will save that for an upcoming entry. So let’s proceed with…

Mashiach Qualification 5: He is a man who was in Israel at some point from the middle of 2012 into 2013.

Exactly 7 weeks elapsed between 7 May 2012 and 25 June 2012 (the “middle of 2012″), and that’s exactly how long it took Vladimir Putin to go from being inaugurated to his third Presidential term to being received in Israel for a two-day state visit…

…From the Jewish World Review

While there, Putin made a point of meeting with both Jewish religious leaders…

…and Christian leaders…
…including Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem, whose territory includes “Holy Zion”…
…From Wikipedia

This is what Putin did while with the Christians…

During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre…

Entering the church, Vladimir Putting kneeled at the Stone of the Anointing. It was at this place that Righteous Joseph and Nicodim laid the lifeless body of Jesus after taking Him down from the Cross and anointed Him with incense and wrapped Him in the Shroud.

After that the president was taken to the Kuviklia, the chapel erected at the place of the three days-long burial of the Saviour.

Then Mr. Putin ascended Golgotha, the place where the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified and after that descended to the cave in which St. Helen Equal-to-the-Apostles found Christ’s Life-Giving Cross…

In the morning of June 26, Mr. Putin came to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a Byzantine basilica with the 5th century mosaics built over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born

Then Mr. Putin was presented with a token, a copy of the Star of Bethlehem executed by Palestinian masters.

The president lighted a candle at the place where Christ was born.” – From

Take a moment to think about this ritual Putin went through. It started at NIGHT at the places associated with Christ’s death at his First Coming, then that NIGHT ended in the MORNING when Vladimir Putin received the Star of Bethlehem and lighted a candle at Christ’s birthspot. That’s a helluva symbolic ritual, was it not? Putin returned Christ’s light to the world after a long night.

When Putin’s status as both Mashiach and Christ is promoted to the public, the spiritual propagandists will say that he revealed himself to the Israeli rabbis in private during this trip, thereby fulfilling the Zohar prophecy. They’ll also say that he revealed himself to the Orthodox Christians too.

As for the Mashiach expectation that he will make himself known to the nations of the world after he reveals himself in private, Putin has certainly done that. While he was vaguely known by the world public as the President and Prime Minister of Russia before 2012, the public got to know him very well after 2012….

“Vladimir Putin entered the international scene – in a big way – in early 2014 by defending the East Ukrainian and Crimean people against repeated attacks from a Western-backed regime in Kiev. He then consolidated his status as an exceptional leader on September 30th 2015, when he ordered the Russian air force to intervene in Syria against what had previously been teed up as “the number 1 global threat: ISIS,” a group defined (not coincidentally) by their purveyance to Western – and, indeed, global – audiences of the fear of death.

In people’s eyes, this courageous and efficient intervention gave him, de facto, the role of world peacekeeper, the leader who protects us. Through the Syrian intervention, Putin became, willingly or not, a world hero.“ – from

This passage doesn’t even mention the Obama versus Putin standoff over American plans to bomb Syria in 2013. The globalists arranged for Obama to retreat, thus making Putin look like a hero.

Moving on, let’s look at…

Mashiach Qualification 7: He is a man who’s had a very positive cult of personality built around him – he is the opposite of Obama.

You’d have to be deaf and blind to have not noticed the overwhelming hero-worship heaped upon Putin – and the overwhelming ridicule heaped upon his dialectic opponent Obama – in the controlled alternative media…
…From All News Pipeline, Veterans Today, and David Icke.

Also note that Putin was born to a “pious Mother Mary” (Maria Shelomova) and Obama was born to a “tawdry whore with a man’s name” (Stanley Dunham)…

So if Obama is the pantywaisted fake Antichrist…
…who is the butch fake Christ?…

Given that the world has seen cults of personality built around so many false messiahs in the past (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, etc.), seeing this new cult being built around Putin should trigger warnings in the minds of every observer. Yet those warnings are not being heeded. Why? Do you really think “it’s different this time”? Will we ever learn?

On we go to…

Mashiach Qualification 8: He is a man who is playing a leading role in the BRICS effort to build a New World Order.

Through the tone and sheer volume of their coverage of Putin, the media have established him as the de facto leader of the BRICS Alliance, and the Russian press leave no doubts as to what he’s up to: he is leading the effort to establish a “multipolar new world order”…
…From Pravda and Russia Beyond the Headlines

Most awakening people are aware of the “elite” practice of using dialectics (the staged conflict between two controlled and seemingly opposing forces to achieve a desired outcome), yet many still fail to wrap their minds around the biggest and most obvious dialectic in all of human history…

the evil Western unipolar NWO vs. the “benevolent” Eastern multipolar NWO

The multipolar NWO is what the globalists have been working towards all along, and the Obama vs. Putin stage play is their tool for launching it in a way that people will welcome rather than resist. I explain their strategy in this in Understanding the NWO Strategy.

That being said, Putin clearly fulfills this Mashiach qualification.

Finally, let’s have a look at…

Mashiach Qualification 9: He is a man who has been portrayed as being connected with “positive extraterrestrial” forces.

If you are going to try to elevate a regular guy to messianic status in the eyes of the public, you have to do something that will really blow their minds, because only by shattering their worldview and normalcy bias can you make them malleable-enough to embrace such a ridiculous idea. It just so happens that the Rockefeller and Jesuit Crypto-Jews, in association with Jew-controlled Hollywood, have spent decades indoctrinating the public in a concept that will serve quite nicely for this purpose: extraterrestrial contact…
…From Close Encounters of the Third Kind by Steven Spielberg, a Jew.

In addition to the alien-themed TV show and movie barrage, they have been beta-testing a variety of alien narratives on the unsuspecting people of the New Age community. This testing has led to the development of a dialectic narrative that pits evil reptilian extraterrestrials aligned with the evil Western New World Order against “benevolent” human extraterrestrials aligned with the “benevolent” BRICS New World Order. It is the intention of the globalists to paint these supposedly extraterrestrial forces as the beings who are described in the Bible, with the reptilians being the demons and the human ETs being the angels.

At the same time they have been developing the script for their End Times play, they have also been developing the actors and props for it. In their hyper-funded ultra-black laboratories, they have been using suppressed biological technologies to genetically engineer hybrid creatures that will look alien to us. They’ve also been using suppressed aerospace technologies to create flying craft that will look and operate in ways that seem alien as well.

When they finally unveil this alien stage play to the unsuspecting public, they’re expecting people to be so blown away that they’ll accept any hopeful narrative offered to them, including the assertion that Putin has all along been the undercover Mashiach/Christ. So let’s now look at how this alien narrative has been tied to Vladimir Putin.

The New Age community has already been programmed to believe that Putin is allied with positive ET forces…
…From Veterans Today. Here is a key excerpt…

“A powerful new treaty has apparently been established between one group of Alien ETs (the Tall White Nordics) and Putin’s New Russia. This new treaty President Putin has supposedly negotiated with this particular Alien ET group is purported to be like the ones American leaders negotiated with in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. However this particular Alien Group group is purported to be substantially anti-WZ and anti-IZCS.”

And the mainstream media have also planted the seed in the minds of the sleepers with articles like this…

So Putin has indeed been tied to positive ET forces, and should the globalists proceed with this fake ET folly, it will be said that he was playing along with the bad aliens until he could arrange the opportunity to strike, just like the “Saker” article suggested.

Now that we’ve looked at the evidence pointing to Putin as being the Step 2 leader (the fake Christ / real Antichrist), check out this little blurb from Skywatch TV
…Since Putin’s secret is now out, the Step 3 propagandists (the guys whose job is to sell the post-Putin leader as the real Christ) have gone ahead and started to name Putin in their disinformation pieces. And given the fact that we’ve already explored Obama’s qualifications as the Step 1 leader (the fake Antichrist), the showdown the Cabalist Jews have scripted for Step 2 is becoming quite clear…

In the Dark Corner, you have the “Antichrist”…
Barack Obama, the effeminate sodomite son of perdition born to a porn whore mother,
who is warring to put humanity under the yoke of a dictatorial, unipolar New World Order.

And in the Light Corner, you have the “Mashiach and Second Coming of Christ”…
Vladimir Putin, the manly, heroic, peacemaking son of pious Madre Maria,
who is fighting to free the world of American hegemony and establish a “fair, free” multipolar New World Order.

That’s one helluva script, is it not? And it’s only the second act of this three-act play. If there’s one thing you can’t accuse the Jews of being, it’s bad showmen…

For the full rundown on the 3-step prophecy deception, read “End Times” Programming. More information on Putin’s Jewish connections and the Jewish takeover of the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christian Churches will be covered in upcoming entries.

[Addendum A – 19 January 2016]

More on Vladimir Putin, the “Savior of all Christians worldwide”

You know you need to take the Putin as Mashiach/Christ meme seriously when you see stories like this in the mainstream media…
…From The Washington Times

And while we’re speaking on the “only defender of Christian civilization,” have a look at this…
…From Russia Insider. Here is a telling excerpt…

>>> A key element of Putin’s world view is not just his commitment to the Russian Orthodox Church as an institution, but also his admiration for three 19th and 20th century Russian Christian philosophers—Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Solovyov and Ivan Ilyin, all of whom he often quotes in his speeches…

The key message of these philosophers is of Russia’s messianic role in world history and of its need to preserve itself through Orthodoxy and restoration of its historic borders…

For their part Solovyov and Berdyaev argued that the historic mission of Russia is to lead the way to human unification. Russia would transcend secularism and atheism and create a unified spiritual kingdom. “The Russian messianic conception,” said Berdyaev, “always exalted Russia as a country that would help to solve the problems of humanity.” <<<

If you’re not taking this Messiah stuff seriously, you should consider doing so. But what of Russia Insider – should it be taken seriously? Is it a propaganda site full of ridiculous bullsh*t, like Veterans Today, or is a propaganda site that should be taken fairly seriously, like RT? It is more the latter than the former, for reasons I will explain in an upcoming entry.

With love…

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 1 – Alex Jones and the Christ Conspiracy

After mulling over a more descriptive name to give the globalists’ 3-step prophecy deception, I finally settled on one that sounds about right: the “Christ Conspiracy.” This is its definition…

Christ Conspiracy – The 3-step globalist deception aimed at taking humanity through two “Antichrists” and one New World Order in order to bring about a global theocratic dictatorship ruled by a figurehead named “Jesus Christ.” The 3-steps of the Christ Conspiracy are: 1) the introduction of a fake Antichrist (Barack Obama), 2) the introduction of a fake Christ / “real” Antichrist on or about September 2016, and 3) the introduction of “the real Christ” on or about September 2023 (all times are according to current globalist plans and are subject to change).

In the course of putting together the puzzle pieces that reveal this conspiracy, I stumbled upon this video article from
…While Step 3 propagandist Steve Quayle has been interviewed by Alex Jones a number of times over the past several years, this particular piece really got my attention because it begins with Alex reading Bible verses. It struck me then that he was an active participant in the Christ Conspiracy, so I looked through his videos and discovered that…

Alex Jones is using his position as the premier faux-truther in the alternative media to go for the trifecta: he is actively promoting all three steps of the globalists’ Christ Conspiracy.

To begin seeing how he does this, let’s have a look at how he lends support to both Step 1 (Obama as Antichrist) and Step 3 (Christ as the ultimate solution) in this video

The video begins with Alex speaking of the online buzz that surrounded the Devil character on the History Channel’s TV miniseries The Bible. He then goes on to explain Obama’s status as a globalist figurehead and qualifications as an Antichrist. This is from the 5:22 mark

“My point is… is that Obama… Obama is the closest to the Devil of any President we’ve ever had. If you look at the characteristics of the Devil… if you look at the characteristics of the Biblical Devil, or the devil in even other cultures — Hindu, you name it – it is very, very similar and very, very close to what Obama is doing.”

At the 6:30 mark, Alex goes on to read a couple of Bible verses starting with John 2:18, which speaks of “many antichrists.” He then comes to the point at the 8:45 mark: “So yes, Barack Obama is AN Antichrist.”

Once he hits the 11:28 mark, he begins to mix in some Step 3 propaganda by launching into a full-on Christian sermon. After working himself into a frenzy, he says this at the 14:04 mark

“Yes, Obama is the Antichrist – he is A Antichrist. He is the spirit of the world. He is the spirit of Beelzebub, Baphomet, Leviathan, the Devil! He is the Devil! Barack Obama IS the Devil!”

And at the 15:18 mark, he hints at the “Great Evil” that is to come…

“Obama is a Antichrist. Obama is as wicked as the day is long, but he is only a pathetic puppet. He is only a pathetic agent of the Great Evil that is to manifest on this planet. He is only a precursor. He is only in the Satanic evolution… part of the system building towards what is to come.”

It’s interesting that Alex speaks of “the Great Evil that is to manifest on this planet” given that he is promoting the people who will bring that evil in
…From the 1:31 mark

“And so Russia is trying to have their own currency. They’re trying to team up with India and China. Russia is trying to defend itself. Russia’s trying to build a culture. Russia’s promoting the family. Russia is going after pedophiles. [At this point, Alex signals deception by covering his mouth and touching his ear] Russia doesn’t put fluoride in their water…”

Alex and his guests are tireless promoters of Putin, Russia and the BRICS, which means they are tireless propagandists for the real New World Order. According to Steps 1 and 2 of the Christ Conspiracy plot, the “Satanic” Obama and his Western NWO will be defeated by the “Christian” Putin and his BRICS NWO (with the help of the second leader who will be making the scene next September).

With all this laid before us, let’s recap the three steps and how Alex Jones is promoting each of them…

Step 1) The globalists are presenting us with Obama as the “Antichrist,” but it will later turn out that he’s a fake – a decoy.

As we’ve seen and heard, Alex has clearly stated that Obama “is an Antichrist” and “is the Devil.” He has also hinted that Obama is just a “precursor,” which suggests Alex is aware that the “real” Antichrist is yet to be presented. By casting Obama as an Antichrist and the Devil, he is performing the role of a Step 1 propagandist.

Step 2) The globalists will present us with a second leader who’ll initially be presented as “Christ,” but it will later turn out that he is the “real Antichrist” (the one who attempts to take the place of Christ). This leader will team up with the BRICS leaders and the Pope to defeat Obama and his “evil Western New World Order.” The result will be the rise of the real New World Order under a reformed, rebranded United Nations Complex.

As we’ve seen and heard, Alex is promoting Putin, Russia and the BRICS as the counterforce to the evil Obama, the US and NATO. In doing this, he is supporting the real NWO the globalists have been setting up all along. By promoting the “real” Antichrist’s NWO, Alex is paving the way for the second leader’s agenda and performing the role of a Step 2 propagandist.

Step 3)  The globalists will present us with a third leader as the “real Christ.” He will defeat the “real Antichrist” and then stand as the figurehead through which the Occulted Powers will rule over us as “God.” His 1,000 year “Kingdom of Christ” will be utterly devoid of any democratic structures; it will be a “benevolent” totalitarian dictatorship.

As we’ve seen and heard, Alex is openly preaching for Jesus on his show, so you’ll see him jumping for joy when the globalists present the third leader. By presenting the coming Jesus figure as our true savior, he is performing the role of a Step 3 propagandist.

Although Alex is helping to indoctrinate the public in all three steps of the Christ Conspiracy, his primary focus is on the third step. And as we discovered in the previous entry from this series…

> The Step 3 Propaganda Team are commonly known as the “Christian Watchmen,” and they are tasked with blowing the whistle on the Great Deception (Steps 1 & 2) and preparing the way for the third leader the globalists will introduce.

We’ve just seen how Alex is preparing the way for the third leader, the supposed “real Jesus Christ,” so let’s have a look at how he’s blowing the whistle on the Great Deception…
…From YouTube

As you can see, Alex is pointing out the fact that the Pope is one of the bad guys and is a “mouthpiece for global government”…
…and that’s true enough. What Alex fails to mention, though, is that the Pope will not be siding with Obama and the West in building the NWO; he will be siding with Putin and the BRICS. In full accordance with the globalist script, the BRICS have long been calling for “governance reforms” within the UN Complex (especially in the UN Security Council and the IMF)…
…from The BRICS Post

And guess who else is calling for global governance reforms…
…From Here are some telling excerpts…

>>> However, like his predecessors, he [the Pope] called for “reform and adaptation” of the current institutions of global governance in order to pursue “the ultimate goal of granting all countries without exception, a share in, and a genuine and equitable influence on, decision-making processes.”…

Building on this tradition, Pope Francis makes three important proposals for the reform and renewal of the UN system. These proposals are at the heart of his address and speak directly to present deliberations on the future of the UN. First, Francis echoes a controversial 2011 “Note on Financial Reform” from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace to call for “greater equity” and power distribution in intergovernmental bodies, some of which reflect more the world of 1945 than 2015. With this call, the pope lends his support to the hotly debated proposals to reform the UN Security Council and international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund. <<<

Now that I’ve integrated the Christ Conspiracy into my tracking of the NWO agenda, I understand why the globalists have been delaying the governance reform part of the agenda for so long: they are keeping it in play as a point of contention between the West and East. Governance reform will come only after we have reached the precipice of nuclear war and the second leader (the “fake Christ / real Antichrist”) steps forward and brings peace.

When that time comes (in September 2016, according to their current schedule), the BRICS and the Pope will join with the second leader and give the UN Complex an image makeover. To see how and why the makeover process will take place, have a look these entries…

The BRICS and the UN governance reform scam

Don’t be fooled by globalist rebranding

After the makeover, the New World Order will be in full effect and the “fake Christ / real Antichrist” will be its de facto or de jure leader. So what is Alex going to say when Putin is publicly seen cozying up with Pope Francis and the second leader? I can tell you exactly how he’ll play it…

“I thought Putin was a good guy fighting against the New World Order, but now that I see him joining together with the New World Order Pope and the New Guy, I see that it was all a deception. Putin was just another pathetic globalist puppet! This IS the New World Order!! The New Guy IS the Antichrist!!!”

Alex will then spend the next seven years fighting the rebranded UN and the Antichrist, thus preparing the way for the globalists’ third leader and for the abolishment of the UN, all governments, and all traces of democracy. The globalists’ wet dream would then be reality: they’d rule over us completely and without dissent because we’d all think that “God” is finally in control through his son, “Jesus Christ.”

Transmuting the Roman Christ myth into physical reality is the ultimate expression of globalist alchemy.

A key figure who has emerged as part of Alex Jones’ limited hangout expose of the Vatican is a purported Illuminati whistleblower named Leo Zagami…
…who has a face straight out of Satanic Central Casting. From

Alex and Leo are collaborating so closely, in fact, that Alex is allowing him to post articles on, such as this one from the time of the Pope’s US visit

…and this one from just a few days ago

If you are one who has taken the time to plumb the depths of the New Age Rabbit Hole / Sewer, you’ll be familiar with Zagami. He has long been touted by numerous faux-truther figures like David Wilcock…
….from this 2012 article on

He has also been prominently featured by pabulum purveyor Kerry Cassidy…
…from Here is the bio Camelot provided for him…

“Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico – the Masonic Executive Committee – of Monte Carlo, was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati. He is a 33rd degree Freemason, and a senior member of the infamous P2 Lodge. He was the ‘Prince’: prepared to take over after the older Illuminati ‘King’, Licio Gelli. He was born of a Scottish-Sicilian Illuminati aristocratic bloodline, and so has been involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.

Disgusted with satanic black magic rituals, and with the true intentions of those who regard themselves as the elite controllers of the planet, he has now made the commitment to tell the real story of those who seek to rule us all without our consent.”

It is no coincidence that both the Divine Cosmos and Project Camolot articles on Zagami also mention another supposed Illuminati defector named “Svali.” She too has done the faux-truther interview circuit, as have other self-proclaimed “former Illuminati” like Carolyn Hamlett and John Todd. So let’s have a look at what they are all saying and how it serves the Christ Conspiracy…

1) Leo Zagami – In the most recent Inforwars article posted above, did you notice what was said in the final two sentences?…

>>> It is no wonder that Pope Francis will announce his resignation to the world next year, as he has transformed the Church into a monstrosity that has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Leo Lyon Zagami is an Italian-based geopolitical researcher and the author of nine books, including his latest book Pope Francis: The Last Pope? which reveals the money, Masonry and occultism behind the decline of the Catholic Church. <<<

So both he and Infowars are implying that the Vatican was once something good, but has become evil because it has strayed from “the teachings of Jesus Christ.” This promotes the Christ myth as being real, Jesus as being the solution to evil, and the Catholic Church as being a formerly noble institution, and all that is Step 3 propaganda. In reality, the Roman Catholic Church was the Roman Empire’s attempt to take spiritual control over their subjects, and it has always been a scourge upon humanity.

Also notice how the Infowars/Zagami articles fail to mention his status as a self-proclaimed former Illuminist. This is done to make him seem more legit to Alex’s readers.

2) Svali – Note what Svali says about Jesus in this essay of hers posted on a tribute website,…

>>> There is only one rule, one kingdom that will last forever, and that is the reign of Jesus. His reign has already begun in His church, and this gives me hope and joy, and takes away the fear of what the occult “planners” can do. I’ve placed my bet on the winning side, and moved from darkness to His kingdom. <<<

Translation of this statement and her overall message: “Look how scary the Illuminati and their agenda are. Run to Jesus to escape them like I did.”

3) Carolyn Hamlett – Note what Carolyn says in the bio on her website, Beyond the Physical Realm

>>> I am a former “Illuminist” born and raised in the Luciferian organization responsible for implementing the plan for the NWO which is also Satan’s plan to instal his chosen one in global rule under the pretense of ushering in an era of global peace and spiritual harmony…

My on going testimony is of the power of Jesus Christ to deliver from the powers of darkness and to bring healing and restoration to the wounded and broken. I tell my story to expose the lies and tactics of the enemy and to point people to the One I know is in fact, The Way, The Truth and The Life, the One I owe my life to, my Savior, Jesus Christ. <<<

Translation of this statement and her overall message: “Look how scary the Illuminati and their agenda are. Run to Jesus to escape them like I did.”

4) John Todd – Note what John says in one of his speeches posted on YouTube

>>> My job – when I got saved, I told the Lord that everything that I knew the Devil was doing I was gonna let the world know. <<<

Translation of this statement and his overall message: “Look how scary the Illuminati and their agenda are. Run to Jesus to escape them like I did.”

Do you see how all these “Illuminati defectors” are lending credence to the Biblical paradigm? Do you see how they all promote Jesus as the place to run from “evil”? Now let’s recall what I’ve previously written about the roles of “Satan” and “Yahweh/Jesus”…

“It is Satan’s job to scare and torture the sheep so they’ll run to Yahweh for protection and relief.”

Do you see how what Svali said – “His reign… takes away the fear of what the occult ‘planners’ can do” – precisely supports my view?

Do you see how what Carolyn Hamlett said – “My on going testimony is of the power of Jesus Christ to deliver from the powers of darkness and to bring healing and restoration to the wounded and broken – also supports it?

In introducing its readers to the “Satan” character and the “Yahweh/Jesus” characters, the Bible sets up a good cop / bad cop dialectic. The entire Biblical paradigm is a deft manipulation aimed at instilling fear in you, then showing you the escape route from the fear: their Christ figure. So when you run to Jesus, you are actually running into the spiritual cage of the Occulted Powers.

Observing the Step 3 propaganda coming out of the supposed defectors, it is important to remember what I talked about in my previous blog, which I’ll paraphrase here…

The “Truth Movement” did not occur on its own. It was started by the Occulted Powers in order to prepare the public for the transition into the New World Order and the Kingdom of Christ that lies beyond it. And they have populated the Movement with a whole cast of authors, speakers, gurus, and whistleblowers that together constitute a grand symphony of disinformation. It is the role of this symphony to guide the public into perceiving the problems we collectively face in the way they want us to see them and to have the public clamor for the “solutions” the globalists want to institute.

I talked about how their disinformation network works in my entry on Alfred Webre

>>> If you want to build a false paradigm in people’s minds, here’s how you do it:

1) You have paid disinformation agents pose as whistleblowers and tell the public tall tales.

2) You have other disinformation agents promote the whistleblowers with interviews and conferences.

3) You have yet other disinformation agents put together all of the “whisleblower testimonies” into books and videos that outline and support the false paradigm. <<<

Before I declare this entry complete, there is one more thing that must be covered. Let’s begin by recalling this popular prophetic expectation regarding the Antichrist…

“…the placing of the ‘abomination of desolation’ represents the halfway mark in the Antichrist’s seven-year reign.”

In “Obama and the 2nd Coming,” we saw that Obama’s global reign as the decoy Antichrist symbolically began when he became the first US President to sit as President of the UN Security Council…
…That was on 24 September 2009.

We also saw that he placed himself in Christianity’s “holiest” place (the Church of the Nativity, Christ’s supposed birthplace) 3.5 years later on 22 March 2013…
…thus passably fulfilling the “abomination of desolation standing in the holy place” prophecy (and clearly signaling his Antichrist candidacy to observant prophecy watchers).

With his March 20-22, 2013 visit to Israel and Christ’s birthplace in mind, let’s take a second look at some of the Antichrist propaganda we’ve observed…

> Note the date Carl Gallups released this article and the original version of his famous video…
9 March 2013, just 13 days before Obama fulfilled the abomination prophecy.

> Note the date Alex Jones released his “Obama is an Antichrist” video…
23 March 2013, the day after Obama fulfilled the prophecy.

> Note the date the Satan figure appeared in the History Channel’s The Bible miniseries…
…17 March 2013. So just three days before Obama flew to Israel and walked around the “Holy Land,” the History Channel showed the Devil (who looks just like Obama) walking around the “Holy Land.”

Are all these confluences mere coincidence, or was there a coordinated media effort to convey a message that March?

And with that question posed, this update is complete.

To read all my material on the globalists’ prophetic agenda in its proper order, see Obama and the 2nd Coming.

Much love…

(P.S. – 13 October 2015)

A reader recommended this book to me…
…and I will indeed be ordering it in the next few days.

Based on the Amazon description, it comports to one of two theories floating about my head on the origin of the Christian religion…

1) That it is the Roman Empire’s adaptation of a cult they found suitable for the control of the masses. One of the things that give me pause about this theory, however, is that followers of the “Dragon Family” tradition are pushing it online. They claim that Jesus was part of their bloodline, but Rome took his teachings and perverted them for their own ends. Since I’ve found the Dragon narrative rather mush-brained, I simply don’t find them credible. Plus, they push the East/West dialectic, which is a clear sign that they’re full of sh*t.

2) That the Roman Empire synthesized the Christ myth out of pre-existing spiritual traditions as this book suggests. This theory continues to gain ground in my thinking. In fact, I’ve identified some of the spiritual traditions (such as scapegoating) in my previous writings. Jesus is the ultimate expression of the scapegoat, and scapegoating has no spiritual validity whatsoever.

Fortunately, it isn’t necessary to rely on complex historical theories to poke gaping holes in the Christ myth, and I will show this in future additions to the Debunking the Christian Myth page. The Christ myth has been profoundly destructive to human progress and happiness, and I will piss on its smoldering ashes before I leave this Earth. So it is.

(P.P.S.) – Another reader writes…

“I read that someone put you onto that book by Acharya S on the Christ Conspiracy… that book is the main source for the first Zeitgeist movie, which was very clearly controlled opposition. It has nothing to do with your theory on staging an antichrist or so.  Foster Gamble et Al. are in fact successors of the Zeitgeist movement. Here is her website, and there are many articles where she defends Zeitgeist.”

Yes, Zeitgeist is very much a controlled opposition operation, as is Foster Gamble’s Thrive movement. I’ll check into Acharya S’s statements on Zeitgeist. If it is as you say, thanks for saving me some money.

(P.S. – 13 October 2015)

On an unrelated note…

For that group of readers out there who are wondering whether I’m right or Foster Gamble / David Wilcock / Benjamin Fulford are right about the globalists’ relationship to China and the BRICS, here is a quick lesson in credibility:

Behold what Benjamin Fulford wrote today…

…and behold what the Internet Archive has recorded about “”…
…and “Federal”…

The Fed’s website has always been at the .gov address. And this is a prime example of the quality of information you get from those three bozos, which is LTWS (lower than whale sh*t).

It’s time to stop eating the cotton candy these clowns are feeding you. My broccoli might not taste as good, but it’s good for you.

(P.S. – 14 October 2015)

A rather interesting comment was left for me overnight, so I thought I’d share it along with my response. It has to do with the concept of morality…

Comment – “And on a personal note, why. Why search for truth? Why share it and risk crosshairs with the nsa? Why not volunteer to join the propagandists working for the masons/Jesuits? Perhaps their organ harvesting genetic modification technology can help your son. Why is evil repugnant? you seem to be believe in truth and justice, which implies a cosmic judge.”

Response – If population estimates are to be believed, there are over seven billion aspects of Source Consciousness on this planet inhabiting the human form to experience human lives. To have several billion of them living greatly stunted lives and undergoing unnecessary negative experience so a few million can live marginally enhanced lives is a sub-optimal condition. My efforts are not about cosmic judgment; they are about restoring balance and equilibrium to a malfunctioning system within Creation. True morality is not about right and wrong or good and evil, it is about doing what is optimal versus doing what is permissible but sub-optimal.

…I’ll have to do a full entry on morality sometime. My take on the subject is a bit different than what you may be accustomed to hearing.

(P.S. – 19 October 2015)

A reader put me on to this documentary about Rome’s creation of the Christ myth

I’ve not yet had time to sit down and view the whole thing, so I can’t vouch for the information quite yet, nor have I yet discerned the producers’ motivations for making it. Upon scanning through it, though, I think I saw Acharya S, so the video may provide a way to taste her milk before buying the cow, so to speak.

As I mentioned before, I will not be relying heavily on historical records in my approach to debunking the myth. History is a very murky thing and can be quibbled over endlessly, and an academic argument will not appeal to the masses. A much simpler approach is needed, and it has already outlined itself in my head.

(P.S. – 21 March 2015) – After posting this entry, I came to the realization that Vladimir Putin is the “New Guy” — the fake Christ / Real Antichrist. Visit the Vladimir Putin category archive for articles which show this.