Author Archives: kenneth

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 76-77 – A new black swan joins the flock: a strategic default of Russia’s debt

(Update 76 -19 October 2015)


”Now I’m going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the Magic 7”…

Most of the time, the globalist agenda plods along at a pace so slow that the few in the public register its movement. But at certain times, they take a big leap towards their goals, such as…

> On September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers fell, the world was plunged into perpetual war, and totalitarian amendments began creeping into the Western societies…

…and 7 years later…

> On September 15, 2008, when Lehman Brothers fell and took the global financial system with it, thus leading to a massive, ongoing consolidation of wealth into the banksters’ hands…

…and 7 years later…

> On September 17, 2015, when another crisis was to be set in motion, BUT WASN’T.

So what happened? Why did the globalists miss their 7-year window last month and mess up their Magic 7 crisis numerology? Let’s take a moment to think it through…

They had set the stage for the September 2015 crisis very well:

1) Expectations for a September rate hike from the Federal Reserve had been established over the course of the year, and the IMF, World Bank, and BIS had issued their warnings to give themselves “we warned the Fed not to do it” bragging rights.

2) The US federal budget process was allowed to drift aimlessly through the year to set up another dramatic shutdown opportunity on October 1st.

3) The US government debt limit was ignored since March 15 to allow it to be brought up as a dire issue in the Fall.

With a pre-arranged set of crisis points in hand, the globalists were to use them as follows:

1) They planned to hike the Fed interest rate on September 17 to trigger an external crisis in the developing markets.

2) They planned to then trigger a US government shutdown on October 1st after the Pope’s visit to – and judgement of – the US. This would have brought the crisis home and led to a shutdown of record-setting duration.

3) They planned for the shutdown to segue into the debt limit battle in early November, and the US was intended to hit the limit and default, thus triggering a crisis of confidence in the US dollar and a full-on sh*tstorm in the global financial system. This would have set the stage for increasing military conflict as we march towards next September.

So why did they back off? Was it due to unfinished preparations, such as the non-adoption of bank bail-in rules in some EU nations? Was it due to excessive awareness of their plans in the blogosphere? And what is the significance of their inability to fulfill their Magic 7 numerological voodoo? Christine Lagarde must be heartbroken. Oh well, perhaps she can take solace in knowing that I think she’s a helluva gilf.

Although the globalists appear to have pressed the delay button, they certainly haven’t pressed the cancel button. They have a chance to trigger the same three events starting at the end of this month, and that will be the subject of an upcoming update.

(Update 77 – 20 October 2015)


I came across a rather provocative propaganda piece on RT this morning: Moscow doubles down on Washington. It begins with this…

“History may eventually decide the ‘New World Order’ started on September 28, when Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama had a 90-minute face off at the UN in New York.”

September 28 was the day of the Super Blood Moon if you recall, and Putin met Obama after the eclipse had transpired. Given the deeply superstitious nature of the globalist “elite,” the article’s author, Brazilian Pepe Escobar, is probably right in saying the 28th will be the day history records the tide as turning against the West.

Escobar continues…

“Putin did press Obama for the US to join Russia in a real grand coalition bent on smashing ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. The Obama administration, once again, relented.”

Of course Obama didn’t join the “grand coalition”; the globalist script didn’t call for that. I wrote about the hidden purpose of ISIS back in September of 2014 (link)…

BEGIN EXCERPT >>> In my last update, I wrote this about the globalist strategy for the September – November time frame: “Bad Western conduct will also be clearly noted in the press. This combination of economic weakness and bad behavior will be seized upon by the BRICS nations as they press for the dissolution of Western dominance of the IMF and related institutions.” Well, the whole ISIS debacle is a glaring example of this; it is purposely transparent foolishness that sets up the BRICS alliance for an easy propaganda win.

And the BRICS knock it out of the park!…


It’s really a very simple strategy on the globalists’ part: have the Western division (which controls the old financial system) create transparent havoc, then have the Eastern division (which will bring in the new financial system) point out the West’s misconduct and earn trust from the public. The people will then see the BRICS as straight talking guys who are different from the evildoers in NATO. Of course, all one needs to do to see through this propaganda campaign is look at how the 99% are treated in the BRICS countries. Despite the stage plays the G20 politicians put on for public consumption, all the G20 central bankers are working from the same script. <<< END EXCERPT

And now we get to the good part of the RT article…

“So what Glazyev proposes, essentially, is that Moscow must gain total control of its Central Bank, preventing speculators to move their credit around for non-productive purposes…

Essentially, once again, a Russian default on a $1 trillion-plus debt to private Western parties remains a possible scenario discussed at the highest level – assuming Washington will persist in its anti-Russia demonization campaign.

It’s clear the squeeze Russia is feeling has less to do with sanctions than the grip maintained by Western financial powers over the Russian Central Bank. The Russian Central Bank did create a debt trap by maintaining high interest rates in Russia while the West was lending at low interest rates.

Needless to add, such a default, if it ever happened, would collapse the entire Western financial system.”

In this passage, we see a very clear application of the East versus West propaganda template. And the solution it offers is exactly what I wrote about in the NWO Schedule of Implementation page

BEGIN EXCERPT >>> A core component of the globalists’ strategy to centralize power over the world’s currencies lies in making the Fed and their other national central banks look bad. For this reason, they’ve been deliberately staging “currency wars” and having their supranational institutions (the IMF and the BIS) and media propagandists point out the destructive nature of the policies being pursued at the national level. “Only at the international level,” they argue, “can currency stability be achieved.”

In keeping with this strategy, they are using their national central banks to blow up the global economy so their supranational institutions can step forward and restore order. And as they transition power from the national to the supranational level, they will close down the Fed and other central banks in order to transfer control of national currencies to their respective treasury departments. Since the central banksters have consolidated power over the national governments, they can safely move their “flag” from the central banks to the treasuries. The treasuries are run by their people anyhow.

So when you hear alternative media propaganda about “ending the Fed” and “bringing back a US Treasury dollar,” know that this is the solution the banksters want you to embrace. It is a solution designed to make it appear that the problem posed by the “evil Western central bankers” has been licked, but it’s just a scam. And in the US, Ron and Rand Paul are the primary controlled-opposition agents the globalists have designated to con you. <<< END EXCERPT

So this RT article hits all the points we’ve been expecting, but it adds something new to the mix: the specter of a strategic Russian debt default. Such a move would provide the pretext for collapsing the old financial system without the need for a Fed rate hike, a US government shutdown, and/or a debt ceiling-triggered US debt default. Nonetheless, these three events remain highly desirable for advancing the globalist agenda, and I’ll outline the reasons why in the next update.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

With love…

Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 1 – Alex Jones and the Christ Conspiracy

After mulling over a more descriptive name to give the globalists’ 3-step prophecy deception, I finally settled on one that sounds about right: the “Christ Conspiracy.” This is its definition…

Christ Conspiracy – The 3-step globalist deception aimed at taking humanity through two “Antichrists” and one New World Order in order to bring about a global theocratic dictatorship ruled by a figurehead named “Jesus Christ.” The 3-steps of the Christ Conspiracy are: 1) the introduction of a fake Antichrist (Barack Obama), 2) the introduction of a fake Christ / “real” Antichrist on or about September 2016, and 3) the introduction of “the real Christ” on or about September 2023 (all times are according to current globalist plans and are subject to change).

In the course of putting together the puzzle pieces that reveal this conspiracy, I stumbled upon this video article from
…While Step 3 propagandist Steve Quayle has been interviewed by Alex Jones a number of times over the past several years, this particular piece really got my attention because it begins with Alex reading Bible verses. It struck me then that he was an active participant in the Christ Conspiracy, so I looked through his videos and discovered that…

Alex Jones is using his position as the premier faux-truther in the alternative media to go for the trifecta: he is actively promoting all three steps of the globalists’ Christ Conspiracy.

To begin seeing how he does this, let’s have a look at how he lends support to both Step 1 (Obama as Antichrist) and Step 3 (Christ as the ultimate solution) in this video

The video begins with Alex speaking of the online buzz that surrounded the Devil character on the History Channel’s TV miniseries The Bible. He then goes on to explain Obama’s status as a globalist figurehead and qualifications as an Antichrist. This is from the 5:22 mark

“My point is… is that Obama… Obama is the closest to the Devil of any President we’ve ever had. If you look at the characteristics of the Devil… if you look at the characteristics of the Biblical Devil, or the devil in even other cultures — Hindu, you name it – it is very, very similar and very, very close to what Obama is doing.”

At the 6:30 mark, Alex goes on to read a couple of Bible verses starting with John 2:18, which speaks of “many antichrists.” He then comes to the point at the 8:45 mark: “So yes, Barack Obama is AN Antichrist.”

Once he hits the 11:28 mark, he begins to mix in some Step 3 propaganda by launching into a full-on Christian sermon. After working himself into a frenzy, he says this at the 14:04 mark

“Yes, Obama is the Antichrist – he is A Antichrist. He is the spirit of the world. He is the spirit of Beelzebub, Baphomet, Leviathan, the Devil! He is the Devil! Barack Obama IS the Devil!”

And at the 15:18 mark, he hints at the “Great Evil” that is to come…

“Obama is a Antichrist. Obama is as wicked as the day is long, but he is only a pathetic puppet. He is only a pathetic agent of the Great Evil that is to manifest on this planet. He is only a precursor. He is only in the Satanic evolution… part of the system building towards what is to come.”

It’s interesting that Alex speaks of “the Great Evil that is to manifest on this planet” given that he is promoting the people who will bring that evil in
…From the 1:31 mark

“And so Russia is trying to have their own currency. They’re trying to team up with India and China. Russia is trying to defend itself. Russia’s trying to build a culture. Russia’s promoting the family. Russia is going after pedophiles. [At this point, Alex signals deception by covering his mouth and touching his ear] Russia doesn’t put fluoride in their water…”

Alex and his guests are tireless promoters of Putin, Russia and the BRICS, which means they are tireless propagandists for the real New World Order. According to Steps 1 and 2 of the Christ Conspiracy plot, the “Satanic” Obama and his Western NWO will be defeated by the “Christian” Putin and his BRICS NWO (with the help of the second leader who will be making the scene next September).

With all this laid before us, let’s recap the three steps and how Alex Jones is promoting each of them…

Step 1) The globalists are presenting us with Obama as the “Antichrist,” but it will later turn out that he’s a fake – a decoy.

As we’ve seen and heard, Alex has clearly stated that Obama “is an Antichrist” and “is the Devil.” He has also hinted that Obama is just a “precursor,” which suggests Alex is aware that the “real” Antichrist is yet to be presented. By casting Obama as an Antichrist and the Devil, he is performing the role of a Step 1 propagandist.

Step 2) The globalists will present us with a second leader who’ll initially be presented as “Christ,” but it will later turn out that he is the “real Antichrist” (the one who attempts to take the place of Christ). This leader will team up with the BRICS leaders and the Pope to defeat Obama and his “evil Western New World Order.” The result will be the rise of the real New World Order under a reformed, rebranded United Nations Complex.

As we’ve seen and heard, Alex is promoting Putin, Russia and the BRICS as the counterforce to the evil Obama, the US and NATO. In doing this, he is supporting the real NWO the globalists have been setting up all along. By promoting the “real” Antichrist’s NWO, Alex is paving the way for the second leader’s agenda and performing the role of a Step 2 propagandist.

Step 3)  The globalists will present us with a third leader as the “real Christ.” He will defeat the “real Antichrist” and then stand as the figurehead through which the Occulted Powers will rule over us as “God.” His 1,000 year “Kingdom of Christ” will be utterly devoid of any democratic structures; it will be a “benevolent” totalitarian dictatorship.

As we’ve seen and heard, Alex is openly preaching for Jesus on his show, so you’ll see him jumping for joy when the globalists present the third leader. By presenting the coming Jesus figure as our true savior, he is performing the role of a Step 3 propagandist.

Although Alex is helping to indoctrinate the public in all three steps of the Christ Conspiracy, his primary focus is on the third step. And as we discovered in the previous entry from this series…

> The Step 3 Propaganda Team are commonly known as the “Christian Watchmen,” and they are tasked with blowing the whistle on the Great Deception (Steps 1 & 2) and preparing the way for the third leader the globalists will introduce.

We’ve just seen how Alex is preparing the way for the third leader, the supposed “real Jesus Christ,” so let’s have a look at how he’s blowing the whistle on the Great Deception…
…From YouTube

As you can see, Alex is pointing out the fact that the Pope is one of the bad guys and is a “mouthpiece for global government”…
…and that’s true enough. What Alex fails to mention, though, is that the Pope will not be siding with Obama and the West in building the NWO; he will be siding with Putin and the BRICS. In full accordance with the globalist script, the BRICS have long been calling for “governance reforms” within the UN Complex (especially in the UN Security Council and the IMF)…
…from The BRICS Post

And guess who else is calling for global governance reforms…
…From Here are some telling excerpts…

>>> However, like his predecessors, he [the Pope] called for “reform and adaptation” of the current institutions of global governance in order to pursue “the ultimate goal of granting all countries without exception, a share in, and a genuine and equitable influence on, decision-making processes.”…

Building on this tradition, Pope Francis makes three important proposals for the reform and renewal of the UN system. These proposals are at the heart of his address and speak directly to present deliberations on the future of the UN. First, Francis echoes a controversial 2011 “Note on Financial Reform” from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace to call for “greater equity” and power distribution in intergovernmental bodies, some of which reflect more the world of 1945 than 2015. With this call, the pope lends his support to the hotly debated proposals to reform the UN Security Council and international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund. <<<

Now that I’ve integrated the Christ Conspiracy into my tracking of the NWO agenda, I understand why the globalists have been delaying the governance reform part of the agenda for so long: they are keeping it in play as a point of contention between the West and East. Governance reform will come only after we have reached the precipice of nuclear war and the second leader (the “fake Christ / real Antichrist”) steps forward and brings peace.

When that time comes (in September 2016, according to their current schedule), the BRICS and the Pope will join with the second leader and give the UN Complex an image makeover. To see how and why the makeover process will take place, have a look these entries…

The BRICS and the UN governance reform scam

Don’t be fooled by globalist rebranding

After the makeover, the New World Order will be in full effect and the “fake Christ / real Antichrist” will be its de facto or de jure leader. So what is Alex going to say when Putin is publicly seen cozying up with Pope Francis and the second leader? I can tell you exactly how he’ll play it…

“I thought Putin was a good guy fighting against the New World Order, but now that I see him joining together with the New World Order Pope and the New Guy, I see that it was all a deception. Putin was just another pathetic globalist puppet! This IS the New World Order!! The New Guy IS the Antichrist!!!”

Alex will then spend the next seven years fighting the rebranded UN and the Antichrist, thus preparing the way for the globalists’ third leader and for the abolishment of the UN, all governments, and all traces of democracy. The globalists’ wet dream would then be reality: they’d rule over us completely and without dissent because we’d all think that “God” is finally in control through his son, “Jesus Christ.”

Transmuting the Roman Christ myth into physical reality is the ultimate expression of globalist alchemy.

A key figure who has emerged as part of Alex Jones’ limited hangout expose of the Vatican is a purported Illuminati whistleblower named Leo Zagami…
…who has a face straight out of Satanic Central Casting. From

Alex and Leo are collaborating so closely, in fact, that Alex is allowing him to post articles on, such as this one from the time of the Pope’s US visit

…and this one from just a few days ago

If you are one who has taken the time to plumb the depths of the New Age Rabbit Hole / Sewer, you’ll be familiar with Zagami. He has long been touted by numerous faux-truther figures like David Wilcock…
….from this 2012 article on

He has also been prominently featured by pabulum purveyor Kerry Cassidy…
…from Here is the bio Camelot provided for him…

“Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico – the Masonic Executive Committee – of Monte Carlo, was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati. He is a 33rd degree Freemason, and a senior member of the infamous P2 Lodge. He was the ‘Prince’: prepared to take over after the older Illuminati ‘King’, Licio Gelli. He was born of a Scottish-Sicilian Illuminati aristocratic bloodline, and so has been involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.

Disgusted with satanic black magic rituals, and with the true intentions of those who regard themselves as the elite controllers of the planet, he has now made the commitment to tell the real story of those who seek to rule us all without our consent.”

It is no coincidence that both the Divine Cosmos and Project Camolot articles on Zagami also mention another supposed Illuminati defector named “Svali.” She too has done the faux-truther interview circuit, as have other self-proclaimed “former Illuminati” like Carolyn Hamlett and John Todd. So let’s have a look at what they are all saying and how it serves the Christ Conspiracy…

1) Leo Zagami – In the most recent Inforwars article posted above, did you notice what was said in the final two sentences?…

>>> It is no wonder that Pope Francis will announce his resignation to the world next year, as he has transformed the Church into a monstrosity that has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Leo Lyon Zagami is an Italian-based geopolitical researcher and the author of nine books, including his latest book Pope Francis: The Last Pope? which reveals the money, Masonry and occultism behind the decline of the Catholic Church. <<<

So both he and Infowars are implying that the Vatican was once something good, but has become evil because it has strayed from “the teachings of Jesus Christ.” This promotes the Christ myth as being real, Jesus as being the solution to evil, and the Catholic Church as being a formerly noble institution, and all that is Step 3 propaganda. In reality, the Roman Catholic Church was the Roman Empire’s attempt to take spiritual control over their subjects, and it has always been a scourge upon humanity.

Also notice how the Infowars/Zagami articles fail to mention his status as a self-proclaimed former Illuminist. This is done to make him seem more legit to Alex’s readers.

2) Svali – Note what Svali says about Jesus in this essay of hers posted on a tribute website,…

>>> There is only one rule, one kingdom that will last forever, and that is the reign of Jesus. His reign has already begun in His church, and this gives me hope and joy, and takes away the fear of what the occult “planners” can do. I’ve placed my bet on the winning side, and moved from darkness to His kingdom. <<<

Translation of this statement and her overall message: “Look how scary the Illuminati and their agenda are. Run to Jesus to escape them like I did.”

3) Carolyn Hamlett – Note what Carolyn says in the bio on her website, Beyond the Physical Realm

>>> I am a former “Illuminist” born and raised in the Luciferian organization responsible for implementing the plan for the NWO which is also Satan’s plan to instal his chosen one in global rule under the pretense of ushering in an era of global peace and spiritual harmony…

My on going testimony is of the power of Jesus Christ to deliver from the powers of darkness and to bring healing and restoration to the wounded and broken. I tell my story to expose the lies and tactics of the enemy and to point people to the One I know is in fact, The Way, The Truth and The Life, the One I owe my life to, my Savior, Jesus Christ. <<<

Translation of this statement and her overall message: “Look how scary the Illuminati and their agenda are. Run to Jesus to escape them like I did.”

4) John Todd – Note what John says in one of his speeches posted on YouTube

>>> My job – when I got saved, I told the Lord that everything that I knew the Devil was doing I was gonna let the world know. <<<

Translation of this statement and his overall message: “Look how scary the Illuminati and their agenda are. Run to Jesus to escape them like I did.”

Do you see how all these “Illuminati defectors” are lending credence to the Biblical paradigm? Do you see how they all promote Jesus as the place to run from “evil”? Now let’s recall what I’ve previously written about the roles of “Satan” and “Yahweh/Jesus”…

“It is Satan’s job to scare and torture the sheep so they’ll run to Yahweh for protection and relief.”

Do you see how what Svali said – “His reign… takes away the fear of what the occult ‘planners’ can do” – precisely supports my view?

Do you see how what Carolyn Hamlett said – “My on going testimony is of the power of Jesus Christ to deliver from the powers of darkness and to bring healing and restoration to the wounded and broken – also supports it?

In introducing its readers to the “Satan” character and the “Yahweh/Jesus” characters, the Bible sets up a good cop / bad cop dialectic. The entire Biblical paradigm is a deft manipulation aimed at instilling fear in you, then showing you the escape route from the fear: their Christ figure. So when you run to Jesus, you are actually running into the spiritual cage of the Occulted Powers.

Observing the Step 3 propaganda coming out of the supposed defectors, it is important to remember what I talked about in my previous blog, which I’ll paraphrase here…

The “Truth Movement” did not occur on its own. It was started by the Occulted Powers in order to prepare the public for the transition into the New World Order and the Kingdom of Christ that lies beyond it. And they have populated the Movement with a whole cast of authors, speakers, gurus, and whistleblowers that together constitute a grand symphony of disinformation. It is the role of this symphony to guide the public into perceiving the problems we collectively face in the way they want us to see them and to have the public clamor for the “solutions” the globalists want to institute.

I talked about how their disinformation network works in my entry on Alfred Webre

>>> If you want to build a false paradigm in people’s minds, here’s how you do it:

1) You have paid disinformation agents pose as whistleblowers and tell the public tall tales.

2) You have other disinformation agents promote the whistleblowers with interviews and conferences.

3) You have yet other disinformation agents put together all of the “whisleblower testimonies” into books and videos that outline and support the false paradigm. <<<

Before I declare this entry complete, there is one more thing that must be covered. Let’s begin by recalling this popular prophetic expectation regarding the Antichrist…

“…the placing of the ‘abomination of desolation’ represents the halfway mark in the Antichrist’s seven-year reign.”

In “Obama and the 2nd Coming,” we saw that Obama’s global reign as the decoy Antichrist symbolically began when he became the first US President to sit as President of the UN Security Council…
…That was on 24 September 2009.

We also saw that he placed himself in Christianity’s “holiest” place (the Church of the Nativity, Christ’s supposed birthplace) 3.5 years later on 22 March 2013…
…thus passably fulfilling the “abomination of desolation standing in the holy place” prophecy (and clearly signaling his Antichrist candidacy to observant prophecy watchers).

With his March 20-22, 2013 visit to Israel and Christ’s birthplace in mind, let’s take a second look at some of the Antichrist propaganda we’ve observed…

> Note the date Carl Gallups released this article and the original version of his famous video…
9 March 2013, just 13 days before Obama fulfilled the abomination prophecy.

> Note the date Alex Jones released his “Obama is an Antichrist” video…
23 March 2013, the day after Obama fulfilled the prophecy.

> Note the date the Satan figure appeared in the History Channel’s The Bible miniseries…
…17 March 2013. So just three days before Obama flew to Israel and walked around the “Holy Land,” the History Channel showed the Devil (who looks just like Obama) walking around the “Holy Land.”

Are all these confluences mere coincidence, or was there a coordinated media effort to convey a message that March?

And with that question posed, this update is complete.

To read all my material on the globalists’ prophetic agenda in its proper order, see Obama and the 2nd Coming.

Much love…

(P.S. – 13 October 2015)

A reader recommended this book to me…
…and I will indeed be ordering it in the next few days.

Based on the Amazon description, it comports to one of two theories floating about my head on the origin of the Christian religion…

1) That it is the Roman Empire’s adaptation of a cult they found suitable for the control of the masses. One of the things that give me pause about this theory, however, is that followers of the “Dragon Family” tradition are pushing it online. They claim that Jesus was part of their bloodline, but Rome took his teachings and perverted them for their own ends. Since I’ve found the Dragon narrative rather mush-brained, I simply don’t find them credible. Plus, they push the East/West dialectic, which is a clear sign that they’re full of sh*t.

2) That the Roman Empire synthesized the Christ myth out of pre-existing spiritual traditions as this book suggests. This theory continues to gain ground in my thinking. In fact, I’ve identified some of the spiritual traditions (such as scapegoating) in my previous writings. Jesus is the ultimate expression of the scapegoat, and scapegoating has no spiritual validity whatsoever.

Fortunately, it isn’t necessary to rely on complex historical theories to poke gaping holes in the Christ myth, and I will show this in future additions to the Debunking the Christian Myth page. The Christ myth has been profoundly destructive to human progress and happiness, and I will piss on its smoldering ashes before I leave this Earth. So it is.

(P.P.S.) – Another reader writes…

“I read that someone put you onto that book by Acharya S on the Christ Conspiracy… that book is the main source for the first Zeitgeist movie, which was very clearly controlled opposition. It has nothing to do with your theory on staging an antichrist or so.  Foster Gamble et Al. are in fact successors of the Zeitgeist movement. Here is her website, and there are many articles where she defends Zeitgeist.”

Yes, Zeitgeist is very much a controlled opposition operation, as is Foster Gamble’s Thrive movement. I’ll check into Acharya S’s statements on Zeitgeist. If it is as you say, thanks for saving me some money.

(P.S. – 13 October 2015)

On an unrelated note…

For that group of readers out there who are wondering whether I’m right or Foster Gamble / David Wilcock / Benjamin Fulford are right about the globalists’ relationship to China and the BRICS, here is a quick lesson in credibility:

Behold what Benjamin Fulford wrote today…

…and behold what the Internet Archive has recorded about “”…
…and “Federal”…

The Fed’s website has always been at the .gov address. And this is a prime example of the quality of information you get from those three bozos, which is LTWS (lower than whale sh*t).

It’s time to stop eating the cotton candy these clowns are feeding you. My broccoli might not taste as good, but it’s good for you.

(P.S. – 14 October 2015)

A rather interesting comment was left for me overnight, so I thought I’d share it along with my response. It has to do with the concept of morality…

Comment – “And on a personal note, why. Why search for truth? Why share it and risk crosshairs with the nsa? Why not volunteer to join the propagandists working for the masons/Jesuits? Perhaps their organ harvesting genetic modification technology can help your son. Why is evil repugnant? you seem to be believe in truth and justice, which implies a cosmic judge.”

Response – If population estimates are to be believed, there are over seven billion aspects of Source Consciousness on this planet inhabiting the human form to experience human lives. To have several billion of them living greatly stunted lives and undergoing unnecessary negative experience so a few million can live marginally enhanced lives is a sub-optimal condition. My efforts are not about cosmic judgment; they are about restoring balance and equilibrium to a malfunctioning system within Creation. True morality is not about right and wrong or good and evil, it is about doing what is optimal versus doing what is permissible but sub-optimal.

…I’ll have to do a full entry on morality sometime. My take on the subject is a bit different than what you may be accustomed to hearing.

(P.S. – 19 October 2015)

A reader put me on to this documentary about Rome’s creation of the Christ myth

I’ve not yet had time to sit down and view the whole thing, so I can’t vouch for the information quite yet, nor have I yet discerned the producers’ motivations for making it. Upon scanning through it, though, I think I saw Acharya S, so the video may provide a way to taste her milk before buying the cow, so to speak.

As I mentioned before, I will not be relying heavily on historical records in my approach to debunking the myth. History is a very murky thing and can be quibbled over endlessly, and an academic argument will not appeal to the masses. A much simpler approach is needed, and it has already outlined itself in my head.

(P.S. – 21 March 2015) – After posting this entry, I came to the realization that Vladimir Putin is the “New Guy” — the fake Christ / Real Antichrist. Visit the Vladimir Putin category archive for articles which show this.

Update for Saturday, October 10

I’ve added the first installment of the Globalist Prophecy Watch series to the Obama and the 2nd Coming page as Mod 1. On Sunday, I hope to post an entry on Alex Jones’ involvement with what I’ve now termed the “Christ Conspiracy” (a.k.a the Greater Deception). Then on Monday, I hope to post a new Globalist Agenda Watch entry to catch up on all the goings-on of late. As for today, though, it’s Saturday Sangria Night, so I’ll see you on the other side…


Globalist Prophecy Watch – The “Antichrist’s” Great Deception, “Christ’s” Greater Deception, and Ted Cruz

Behold the globalists’ Icarian phoenix…
…They strove to rule over man as “God,” but Consciousness had other ideas.

As it turns out, the ultimate aim of the globalists may be to take us beyond a UN-centered New World Order into a global theocratic dominion ruled by a god-king, “Jesus Christ.” Their strategy for maneuvering us into this is a 3-step deception within a deception, and it was designed to be too confusing for the average person to think through. It’s really not so hard to understand, though…

Step 1) The globalists are presenting us with Obama as the “Antichrist,” but it will later turn out that he’s a fake – a decoy.

Step 2) The globalists will present us with a second leader who’ll initially be presented as “Christ,” but it will later turn out that he is the “real Antichrist” (the one who attempts to take the place of Christ).

These first two steps are what Christian prophecy propagandists call the “Great Deception”: a fake Christ/Antichrist battle the real Antichrist stages so people will see him as Christ. And once the battle is over and the Antichrist has ruled for 7 years, we’ll be hit by…

Step 3) The globalists will present us with a third leader as the “real Christ.” He will defeat the “real Antichrist” and then stand as the figurehead through which the Occulted Powers will rule over us as “God.” His 1,000 year “Kingdom of Christ” will be utterly devoid of any democratic structures; it will be a “benevolent” totalitarian dictatorship.

So if you take the “Great Deception” of the first two steps and add the third step, you get what I call the “Greater Deception.”

The Greater Deception is actually a clever strategy: by staging a spiritual deception in steps 1 and 2, they will fulfill the expectations of those Christians who are anticipating trickery by the Antichrist. The globalists hope that people will then lower their guard and accept the third leader as the real deal.


Given that their strategy has 3 steps, it stands to reason that the Occulted Powers would need propagandists to lay the groundwork for each step in the public mind. And as it turns out, they do indeed have 3 identifiable prophecy teams at work…

> The Step 1 Propaganda Team is tasked with convincing people that Obama is the Antichrist, and the most notable member of this team I’ve encountered so far is Carl Gallups and his PPSIMMONS News & Ministry Network…
…(from PPSIMMONS) Note the date of this article’s release: just 13 days before Obama stood in the Church of the Nativity, passably fulfilling the “abomination of desolation standing in the holy place” prophecy.

Carl Gallups was responsible for producing this widely known video
…and he is closely associated with Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Obama-investigating Cold Case Posse…

Arpaio might turn out to be the front man designated to release Obama’s CIA files (thus “exposing the Man of Sin in his time”). But since people are already aware of this potential trick, the files may instead be released by Putin or a Snowden-like “whistleblower” as war tensions mount in the coming months.

> The Step 2 Propaganda Team is tasked with preparing the way for the second leader the globalists will introduce. The most prominent members of this team are, of course, the Vatican, Pope Francis, and the Jesuits, which is why they’ve been so busy promoting UFOs and aliens…

The Vatican is preparing to introduce the Anunnaki to us

Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?

The Vatican intends to proclaim the leader who shows up with the UFOs as the returning Christ. And that leader will later turn out to be the Antichrist.

Also on the Step 2 Propaganda Team are many prominent protestant televangelists who are preparing their flocks to merge with Catholicism, Islam and Judaism. This is the “uniting of the People of the Book” I talked about in “Obama and the 2nd Coming,” and it is being done by such well-known names as…

Rick Warren, shown here calling for unity with Catholics…
…From Aleteia

…and shown here “building a bridge” to Muslims…
…From The Orange County Register

Kenneth Copeland, shown here during his trip to the Vatican…
…From Kenneth Copeland Ministries

…and Larry Huch, shown here talking about Pope Francis
…Note how what he says complements what I wrote in “Obama and the 2nd Coming”…

“As the globalists attempt to herd humanity away from the ‘Antichrist’s’ NWO and towards ‘Christ’s’ version, the Vatican has already shown the way by completing its own transition. They symbolically pushed out the evil-looking Pope Rat(zinger) who just so happened to be a former member of the Hitler Youth. Given that it is the Nazis (and Zionists) who will be publicly scapegoated for building the Western NWO, it is no mere coincidence that Ratzinger was chosen to play the role of the “Old World Order” Pope of Darkness.

And who took his place? The smiley-faced Bergoglio, who is doing everything in the Catholic Church that ‘Christ’ and the BRICS NWO will do when they take the lead in the UN Complex. So the Pope of Light is cleaning up the mess left behind by the Pope of Darkness. And keeping with the theme of uniting the People of the Book, he is reaching out to Muslims and Jews…”

Getting back to Larry Huch, he also relentlessly preaches on the need to “break down the wall” between Christians and Jews: For the Messiah to return — in order for the Messiah to return — the wall between Jew and Christians has to come down. It has to — the one New Man… Here he is speaking on the subject again (as well as revealing that his parents were both Jews)…

Also note the Saturnian ring integrated into his ministry’s logo…
…From Larry Huch Ministries

Although Larry isn’t yet as well known as Rick Warren or Kenneth Copeland, there is a good reason to take note of his complicity with the Step 2 Propaganda Team: he is associated with Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael. Have a look at this video of Rafael speaking at Huch’s church

So Rafael Cruz is hanging out with the Step 2 team and Ted was “anointed” by them, but what is Ted’s stance towards the Vatican? While he occasionally speaks out against the Pope’s policies — such as on climate change — to appease his Tea Party base (even while he is not-so-secretly a creature of the Republican Establishment), how he feels about the Pope is made pretty clear in this article he wrote…
…From The Federalist

It would appear that Ted Cruz is part of the Step 2 team, and this is why the globalists are promoting him for higher office at this particular time. Speaking of that, take note of what Larry Huch said at the 10:24 mark of the Rafael video: “…He’s gonna become Senator, and I believe someday either Supreme Court Justice or Vice President…” When I heard him say that, I immediately wondered why he said “Vice President” instead of “President.” Did the insiders know back then that Ted would be the running mate of the post-Obama President? Did they know that Trump would enter the race?

> The Step 3 Propaganda Team are commonly known as the “Christian Watchmen,” and they are tasked with blowing the whistle on the Great Deception (Steps 1 & 2) and preparing the way for the third leader the globalists will introduce. The most notable members of the Step 3 Propaganda Team are Steve Quayle and Tom Horn.

This is Steve Quayle
…(From Note how the “aliens” are presented as real supernatural entities.

Even though the “ETs” will most likely be black budget GMO humans flying black budget aerospace craft, the Christian Watchmen present them as real “fallen angels.” This is because the Step 2 Antichrist and his fallen angels must be seen as real in order for the Step 3 Christ and his unfallen angels to be seen as real.

And this is Tom Horn (on the far left)…
shown here appearing on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” TV program. I highly recommend taking the time to watch this video; it provides an excellent exposition of the Step 3 propaganda line.

When you google Steve Quayle or Tom Horn, you’ll find many interviews they’ve done together. Here is a five-minute sound clip from one of those interviews (which offers a quick and dirty expose of the Great Deception)…
…Be advised that the creator of this video overlaid his own video content on the audio clip, so the two don’t necessarily go together.


With the 3 propaganda teams set before us, it’s interesting to note how the Christian media networks promote all of them and how they all promote each other. Have a look at who’s been a guest on Tom Horn’s Skywatch TV
…So Tom Horn (a Step 3 propagandist who points to an alien Antichrist) has hosted Carl Gallups (a Step 1 propagandist who points to Obama as the Antichrist).

And Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural Program has hosted both Tom Horn (a Step 3 propagandist who points out the Vatican’s complicity in the Antichrist’s arrival) and Larry Huch (a Step 2 propagandist who is participating in the Vatican’s effort to unite the religions)…
Video link

So just imagine the confusion that must be felt by ordinary Christians when they turn on Daystar TV and hear Larry Huch speaking of positive change in the Vatican during his program, then hear Tom Horn speaking of a Vatican Antichrist conspiracy on Sid Roth’s program. Faced with these conflicting messages, some viewers lapse into confusion and others choose sides, and this is the same dynamic I’ve observed in the New Age community with their band of mutually-promoting hucksters who spread conflicting messages.

One thing all these figures, both Christian and New Age, have in common, though, is their promotion of an imminent “extraterrestrial / extradimensional / supernatural” (E/E/S) intervention in human affairs. And this promotion of “outside” intervention masks the very earthly puppeteers who are producing this End Times show. Under the paradigm they’re presenting, the E/E/S forces are the ones pulling the strings of the earthly “elite,” but it seems more likely that the earthly “elite” are the ones creating the E/E/S forces by manipulating the collective consciousness through mass indoctrination, manipulating the collective subconscious through their “magick” practices, and manufacturing the physical E/E/S forces through their deep black research and development programs.

If people believe what’s coming is being managed by extraterrestrial / extradimensional / supernatural forces that are bigger than humanity, they are more likely to feel powerless against it and go along to get along. But if people realize this is all a big magic show being put on by a few million earthly elitists, they are more likely to realize that the seven billion of us can squash the magicians like a bug (although I’d prefer that we place them in a vented jar where they can do no harm; they too are incarnate Source Consciousness after all).


All this being said, how will the Greater Deception play out? If they’re really crazy enough to try it, this would be my best guess at the moment…

As we go forward into the months leading to next September, we can expect progressively more devilish behavior out of the (decoy) Antichrist Obama and the (decoy) Western New World Order. And at some point in 2016, Obama’s secret dossier will be dumped into the public domain. This info-dump will show Obama’s lifelong history with the CIA and his involvement in occult ceremonies. The Step 1 propagandists will then openly declare him the Antichrist.

Once he is “revealed,” he will be publicly seen as becoming desperate, and this will lead to his pushing of the nuclear button in September. The military will comply with his order since the more rational officers of the nuclear forces have been systematically replaced over the past several years in a series of engineered scandals. When “the birds fly” is the point at which the “UFOs” and the “real” Antichrist will take the stage.

The “real” Antichrist could emerge in one of two ways:

1) He will be an “alien” who arrives with the “UFOs,” or

2) He will be a human who will enter the international limelight at roughly the same time as the “alien” arrival.

Whichever way he makes the scene, both the earthly religious authorities (such as the Vatican) and the “aliens” will proclaim him to be the “recurrence” of Christ, and evidence to this fact will be presented. This “evidence” may include “alien” holographic videos of the “actual life of Christ,” a genealogy that supposedly shows a bloodline connection to the first Jesus and King David (if the Antichrist is human), and a DNA test that shows the person to be an exact recurrence of the DNA pattern found on the Shroud of Turin.

Once the “real” Antichrist takes the lead, the first three and a half years of his rule will be pretty sweet. And once people have signed on to his agenda, things will take an ugly turn for his second three and a half years. At the end of the full 7 years, the “real” Christ will come “with power and great glory” to defeat the Antichrist and begin his thousand years of service as the silk glove that conceals the iron fist of the Occulted Powers.

Interestingly, if the “real” Antichrist shows up and takes charge in September 2016 and reigns for 7 years, then the “real Jesus” will show up in 2023 (2016 + 7 = 2023). Perhaps this is one of the reasons the occultists make such a big deal out of…

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 74-75 – The Vatican Conspiracy to Shut Down the US Government (Addendum 9)

[Update 74]

The globalists continued their pattern of pressing the delay button on their 2015 agenda today, but one major US-related element remains: the potential government shutdown at the end of this month. Given that the Fed delayed their rate hike, the possibility of a shutdown seems more remote, but it remains a possibility to be watched…
…From U.S.News

After meeting with President Obama today, Congressional Democratic leaders expressed their desire to pass a short-term continuing resolution to keep the government open, but as the U.S. News article suggests, conservative Republicans may use the abortion issue to justify a possible shutdown…

“House Republican leaders scrambled on Thursday to head off a politically damaging government shutdown in two weeks over rebellious conservatives’ demand that any stopgap spending bill block federal funds for Planned Parenthood…

Boehner’s clear but unstated preference is to pass a temporary funding bill that’s free of the Planned Parenthood controversy. Democrats are sure to filibuster any bill defunding Planned Parenthood should it come to a vote in the Senate, and Obama has promised a veto regardless.”

If we look at the Congressional calendar, we see that after Friday, the first day both chambers of Congress will be in session to work out any possible spending measure will be on September 24, the day the Pope speaks to them
…(Source: – red means only the Senate is in session; blue means both the Senate and House are in session)

This raises a few obvious questions…

On the day after Obama insults the Pope at their White House meeting (by having pro-abortion and pro-gay activists there to meet him), what will the Pope have to say about abortion and the Planned Parenthood issue?

Will Obama’s disrespect of the Pope enrage conservative Republicans and spur them to dig in their heels and stop any budget deal that includes Planned Parenthood funding?

When the Pope leaves the US on September 27, will he leave behind a corpse that will start smelling on October 1?

Oh, the drama! 🙂

(P.S. – 17 September 2015)

Here is a very observant comment from a reader concerning the Fed rate hike…

“I have been reading your blog for a while now and… I thought your take on this week’s fed meeting was spot on, but something kept nagging at me. Why would the Fed trip a panic BEFORE the Pope passes God’s judgement on America? The economic downfall has to be seen as a consequence of America’s evils. Then they hit delay again today, so I looked at the next FOMC meeting – October 28th. Then I checked the end of the rugby world cup – October 31st. Plenty of time to drum up a lot more warnings to the Fed and still have the market collapse fall under the shadow of the world cup. This also allows for whatever condemnations the Pope has in store to be delivered first. Just something I noticed, you probably did too!”

Well, dear reader, I probably would have noticed it… tomorrow. wink I have to say that I’m thrilled when my readers can beat me to the punch on something like this (it saves me extra mental work)…

(P.S. – 19 September 2015)

Upon looking into the media propaganda surrounding the Planned Parenthood Issue and the potential government shutdown, I ran across this

So the guy behind the Planned Parenthood controversy is Catholic, eh? Methinks I smell a setup. wink I’ve found a number of other interesting connections that I’ll tell you about in a new update tomorrow.

[Update 75 – 20-21 September 2015]

Whilst pondering the question posed by Update 74…

What will the Pope say about Planned Parenthood?

…an idea came to me: that the people behind the Planned Parenthood controversy would likely release one of their most incriminating videos during the week of the Pope’s visit. So I decided to have a look at them.

First, I came across this very telling article from Yahoo News

It states that the group behind the videos, the “Center for Medical Progress,” released its 6th video this past week. So if they release another one this coming week (likely on Tuesday), it will be number 7. The article goes on to explain that the group has been releasing videos since July 14 (7/14). Given the “elite’s” obsession with the “Magic 7” in what’s going on right now in the world, all these sevens raised my eyebrow. Here are some notable excerpts from the article…

>>> The Hill reports that Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., was but one of many Republican leaders invited to a screening of the CMP tapes held by antiabortion colleagues in Congress held “weeks before” the footage was publicly released

The Center for Medical Progress describes its own work as “a 30-month-long investigative journalism study … documenting how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted babies. Citizen journalists at CMP spent two-and-a-half years logging thousands of research hours to painstakingly gather hundreds of hours of undercover footage, dozens of eye-witness testimonies, and nearly two hundred pages of primary source documents. This information will continue to be made available to the public at this site.” <<<

This tells us that the group has serious political connections and deep pockets backing it up. As for the whole effort being conducted by “citizen journalists,” I had to laugh. Looking at the Catholic leader of the group, David Daleiden…
….one sees the smart, tricky eyes of a hardcore political operative, and his face has the “I just got pumped in the keister” look of a Catholic altar boy. Although I can’t speak to the accuracy of the above photo’s caption, the two other people it mentions, Lila Rose and James O’Keefe, also have ties to Catholicism.

Seeing Catholic hands pushing the Planned Parenthood controversy, seeing the imminent arrival of the Pope on the eve of a potential government shutdown caused by the controversy, and seeing one-third of the Congress being Catholic (including both leaders in the House of Representatives)…
…I began to smell a setup.

But why? Why would the Vatican want to shut down the US government?

The short answer is twofold: 1) to initiate self-fulfillment of the Bible’s End Times prophecies, and 2) to start the launch sequence of the Rockefeller-planned, UN-Centered, BRICS-fronted, G20-implemented, multilateral / multipolar New World Order. But let’s look a little deeper into these motives to gain a better understanding…

As was noted in Update 73 (which is a must-read), the Pope’s visit was timed to coincide with the start of Yom Kippur and the prophetic Jubilee Year. He will be meeting Obama at the White House during “the Day of Atonement for personal and national sins,” and Obama will not be atoning. As is noted by this Breitbart article and numerous other reports, Obama has invited some provocative guests to confront the Pope…
…,The guest list includes…

> A slavishly pro-Obama (and stealthily pro-abortion) nun named Sister Simone Campbell…
…who has built her own political fiefdom in contravention to Vatican authority.

> A transexual (born male / now female) religious activist named Vivian Taylor…

> A transexual (born female / now male) religious activist named Mateo Williamson…

Just imagine the spectacle that will be created if the White House arranges for them to be in the meet and greet line for the Pope. It will be the photo op seen ‘round the world. Christian eschatologists will later point to this meeting as the day God judged America for its immorality. And by arranging a government shutdown just days after the Pope leaves, the US would be seen as sputtering into disarray in his wake.

As for the New World Order aspect, a government shutdown would make America look like a dysfunctional basket case as the world gathers for the October 9-11 IMF/World Bank Group Annual Meeting. Given that the US Congress has blocked governance reform at the IMF since 2010, the shutdown would be used to great propaganda effect in the globalists’ de-Americanization effort.

On top of this, the US is forecast to run out of money due to the debt limit in early November, just prior to the November 15-16 G20 Leaders Summit…
…from The Huffington Post

If Congress stumbles on the debt limit as well, even if only for a few days, they will hand ammunition to the rest of the G20 to de-Americanize without delay. A debt limit hit could also lead to “a catastrophic default, which would freeze credit markets, undermine global economic stability and threaten the dollar’s role in international finance” – just what the globalists want. The judged nation, America, would then head into 2016 in very serious trouble.

With all this in mind, let’s now project our minds forward to Thursday at 10 AM. The Pope is standing before a joint session of Congress on the day after being insulted by Obama and after having been hounded by the press over the Planned Parenthood video that came out on Tuesday. Will he hesitate to speak out about the abortion issue? And if he does speak of it, what obligation will that impose on the Catholic leaders of the House and the one-third of Congress who are Catholic? What effect will it have on other anti-abortion members of Congress?

Looking at it logically…

> It will embolden abortion foes to not give an inch on their demands to strip out Planned Parenthood funding from any resolution to fund the government.

> It will cause Congressional leaders to be more permissive of a filibuster to block any funding resolution that includes Planned Parenthood funding. This would result in a government shutdown caused by abortion foes (most likely by Senator Ted Cruz).

> Alternatively, it will increase the likelihood that a funding resolution with no Planned Parenthood funding will pass. This would result in a government shutdown caused by Obama’s veto.

So if they pull the trigger on this, who will be the one who shuts down the government, Ted Cruz or Barack Obama? It’s hard to say, but let me tell you about Ted Cruz:

Ted Cruz is the man the media are promoting as the most likely to shut down the government…
…from Legal Insurrection

Fellow Republicans are cautioning against him doing so because they see no “path to victory,” but that didn’t stop Cruz from helping shut down the government last time…
…from Politico

And if you think about it from a long-term political perspective, shutting down the government over abortion might be a good move for Cruz. With our borders being held wide open by Obama, our nation is becoming more Mexican by the day, and 83% of Mexicans are Catholic. So being an Hispanic Senator who stands strong with the Pope on abortion should make him a political hero. It will increase his popularity with non-Hispanic Catholics and Protestants as well.

Another person who supports shutting down the government over Planned Parenthood is Donald Trump…
…from CNN

And wouldn’t you know it, he and Ted Cruz are in bed together…
…from The Blaze

So will a Pope-blessed government shutdown over abortion lead to a surge in popularity for the “principled” Ted Cruz? Will it help lead to a Trump/Cruz Presidential ticket? Or will Trump step out of the way later on and let Cruz ride his wave into the White House?

If you think about it, Cruz is a good substitute for the underperforming Rand Paul. Like Paul, he has a Tea Party background; like Paul, he is into Austrian Economics; and like Paul, he is an Establishment stooge. It doesn’t take long looking into Cruz’s background to see his ties with the Bush family and his wife’s ties with Wall Street and Goldman Sachs.

Now that we’ve had a look at the likely instigator of a shutdown, let’s turn our attention to the next obvious question…

How long would the government shutdown last?

Although even a one day shutdown would be damaging to America’s image, they’d most likely draw it out until after the October 9-11 IMF/World Bank meeting. It’s even possible they might string it out all month long. That way, it would run right into the early-November debt limit controversy too.

So with the outline of the Jesuit-orchestrated shutdown plot laid bare before us, we now wait and see if they have the balls to pull the trigger. The first hint will be if a new Planned Parenthood video is released tomorrow. Up until just recently, I’d been tracking the globalist agenda from a purely secular perspective. I viewed all the prophetic nonsense as a sideshow, and I simply didn’t believe the globalists would be so dumb as to try to carry them out. A government shutdown after the Pope’s visit, however, will be strong evidence that they’re really trying to put on an End Times show (as part of the NWO rollout), and that’s a good thing for us. Attempting to animate the prophecies would be a strategic blunder of monumental proportions. The internet is going to eat these dinosaurs alive.

For more information on the End Times scenarios they might throw at us, see Obama and the 2nd Coming. To see Austrian Economics’ connection to the banksters, see Update 14 and Update 15. And to understand the motives behind the creation of the TEA Party, read this excerpt from my old blog…

(Addendum 1 – 22 September 2015)

So they went to some lengths to be sure that the Pope arrived at the 4 o’clock hour, the hour of death
…And he encountered the President of the US during that hour, so that part has gone as expected. (Source: The Atlantic)

The Catholic-run “Center for Medical Progress” didn’t release a new Planned Parenthood video today, though. They could be saving it for tomorrow in order to show America’s sins during the day of Yom Kippur, or they might forego the release altogether. A new video release isn’t essential to the plot, and by having the CMP sit this out, the Catholic hand pushing the whole shutdown situation will be less evident. We shall see.

(Addendum 2 – 23 September 2015)

After surveying the media articles released over the last 24 hours, I’ve not detected any negative news coming out of the White House meeting. So it appears the Pope and Obama played it cool. Conservatives, however, have continued to harp on Obama’s disrespect…
…From The Daily Caller

A cattle call, eh? Well here’s one of the cows…

Since it is the conservatives who are threatening to shut down the government, it’s significant that they’re keeping the issue alive.

One notable bit of news that did come out of the Pope’s White House visit was his emphasis on climate change, which demonstrates the underlying New World Order agenda driving his visit to the US. Carbon caps are essential to the UN’s global control plans as they transition from their “Millennium Development Goals” to their “Sustainable Development Goals” at the end of this year…
…From the UN website

Just as we have seen with the federal government here in the US, hyped-up environmental crises will be tool the UN will use to intrude on every aspect of every life on Earth. So while the sleepers line the parade route and cheer the smiley-faced head of the Beast religion, he is preparing the chains of their bondage.

Switching gears a bit, China’s President Xi landed in Washington state on the same day the Pope landed in Washington, D.C. Can you guess who he met that evening?…
…From The New York Times

(Addendum 3 – 23 September 2015)

According to a Think Progress article titled USDA Does Not Have The Cash To Keep Food Stamps Running If The Government Shuts Down

>>> Tens of millions of vulnerable Americans would lose their food stamps benefits if Republicans bent on defunding Planned Parenthood force the second government shutdown of the Obama era next week, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) warned on Tuesday.

Unlike the 2013 shutdown when cash reserves allowed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to be disbursed as normal, “USDA will not have the funding necessary for SNAP benefits in October and will be forced to stop providing benefits within the first several days of October,” a spokeswoman told the Associated Press. The agency notified state SNAP administrators on Friday that they should not begin the process of doling out October’s food stamps dollars this week as they normally would. <<<

Should the government shut down and the food stamps get turned off, be on the lookout for another nationally publicized “white cop kills unarmed black person” incident. If you want to start a sh*tstorm in America, that’s the way to do it.

(Addendum 4 – 24 September 2015)

So far this week, we’ve seen no new Planned Parenthood video from the “Center for Medical Progress.” This is despite the fact that they have about a half dozen additional videos and this week and next are the most strategic times to release a couple of them. And we’ve heard only fleeting mentions of abortion in the Pope’s speeches to US bishops and to Congress:

> In his speech to the bishops, he devoted only 5 words to abortion…

The innocent victim of abortion, children who die of hunger or from bombings, immigrants who drown in the search for a better tomorrow, the elderly or the sick who are considered a burden, the victims of terrorism, wars, violence and drug trafficking, the environment devastated by man’s predatory relationship with nature – at stake in all of this is the gift of God, of which we are noble stewards but not masters. It is wrong, then, to look the other way or to remain silent.”

> And in his speech to Congress, he devoted just one sentence to it before swiftly changing the subject to the death penalty…

“The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development.”

So are the Jesuits backing off of the shutdown or merely trying to hide their hand in causing it?

It’s also interesting that even if a continuing resolution is passed, it will keep the government open only till December 11 (hmmm… who would have guessed it’d be on an 11…). So not only would we face this drama now, we’d also face the debt limit drama in early November and a repeat of this budget drama in December. They are setting us up for continuous turmoil.

On another note, take a look at the Drudge Report headlines from yesterday (Yom Kippur)…
…and today…
…So we can see that the Jewish Matt Drudge is following the Judeo-Christian prophecy script: “America is called to atone on the 23rd and is rebuked on the 24th.”

Oh, and let’s not forget the little bit of symbolism we were shown with this photo that shows Obama with “horns”…
…but I’m sure the picture was totally accidental… twice…

Of course, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen such a suggestive accident…

When I see crap like this, it reminds me of how silly the whole prophecy thing is. It is pabulum for children manufactured by juvenile pranksters.

(Addendum 5 – 25 September 2015)

On the day after the Pope’s speech before Congress, House Speaker John Boehner, a devout Catholic, announces his resignation effective at the end of October – a mere coincidence, I’m sure. This clears the way for him to seek Democratic help in passing a clean continuing resolution without worrying about the political consequences. And this means the House will pass a stopgap spending bill without any cuts to Planned Parenthood.

On the Senate side, there is talk that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “could do away with the 60-vote threshold to overcome a filibuster, as Democratic Leader Harry Reid did for judicial appointments.” This means that Ted Cruz would be unable to block a clean bill from passing the Senate. So it looks like they’ve backed off of a shutdown until December 11, and there is something worth noting about that…

As we saw on the UN graphic from Addendum 2, the UN is aiming to reach two key agreements before the end of this year: 1) the agreement to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda, and 2) an agreement on Climate Change (which is necessary to make the Post-2015 Development Agenda work). This being so…

> Why is the US locked in this government shutdown drama as the UN is adopting the Post-2015 Development Agenda at its summit today through Sunday?

> Why will the US be locked in another government shutdown drama as the UN holds its Climate Change Conference in Paris from November 30 to December 11 (the day the new continuing resolution is set to expire)?

Could their objective be this…
…(from Google News) Note how the headline is about Boehner and the shutdown, not the UN agenda.

So is the shutdown drama a circus show intended to draw our attention away from the UN’s consolidation of power?

(Addendum 6 – 26 September 2015)

During this morning’s infoscan, I came across a scenario in a Bloomberg Business article which sounds about right…

For years, there has been speculation that Boehner would strike a grand compromise with Obama and the Democrats and then resign. The first part of that — a push for a grand bargain on tax and entitlement spending, as he tried to negotiate in 2011 – – is probably out of reach given the proximity of the next elections.

More in realm of possibility before Boehner leaves is a smaller agreement, perhaps on the debt ceiling and reviving the Export-Import Bank. If not, all bets are off.”

An intention to push the delay button on the debt limit fiasco is a good explanation for Boehner timing his resignation for the end of October. And this means we’ll also see little movement at the IMF/World Bank meeting and the G20 Summit this year. Once the globalists have secured the UN Climate Agreement on December 11, though, we face another real risk of a government shutdown on December 12. Some kind of big crisis is necessary at some point, because they need an excuse to write off the excessive debt in the system in order to start a new growth/harvest cycle. A crisis beginning in mid-December would be a good way to kick off the Post-2015 Development Agenda in January of 2016.

P.S. – I have updated the NWO Schedule of Implementation page to Mod 1.91.

P.S. – Let me also add that a risk remains that the Fed will hike the interest rate at the end of October (this would fulfill the infamous cover from the Economist magazine). Such a move would start an economic crisis that a December 12 government shutdown would complement quite well.

(Addendum 7 – 27 September 2015)

As the UN is having its September 25-27 Summit to finalize their Post-2015 Development Agenda right before the Super Blood Moon this evening, another meeting worth noting is taking place during the same timeframe…

You may have heard in the news that Ted Cruz, the man who is pushing for the government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding, won their Presidential poll…
…(From The Hill)

Upon seeing this, I got the urge to check on Cruz’s stance on the Audit the Fed bill, and I found out that he has tied himself to that issue also…
…(From The New York Times)

So when the “Fed Mistake” finally becomes front page news (perhaps after an October rate hike?), he can use his co-sponsorship of the bill to ride the “we warned you about the Fed” popularity wave along with Rand Paul. Earlier in this update, we saw that he is also riding Donald Trump’s popularity wave by teaming up with him on opposing the Iran nuclear deal…
…(From NBC News – Watch the video to see how Cruz threatens Iran at the 24 second mark.)

Viewing all this, it is becoming pretty clear that the Establishment has sidelined Rand Paul and is pushing Ted Cruz as their preferred candidate instead. Whether we’ll end up with a Trump/Cruz Presidential ticket or a Cruz ticket after a Trump bow-out is hard to say, but I would lean towards the latter right now.

Another thing worth noting about the Values Voter Summit is the heavy presence of Jewish speakers, including talk show host Mark Levin and Judeo-Christian prophecy propagandists Joel C. Rosenberg…
…(From You Tube – Watch this section)…

…and Jonathan Cahn…

So how interesting is it that we see real-world politics mixing with Biblical prophecy during this remarkable week? And how interesting is it that Cruz is threatening Iran over nukes when that is a centerpiece of the prophetic unfolding the globalists are directing? If you haven’t yet read Obama and the 2nd Coming, it is imperative that you do. Foreknowledge of their plot is inoculation against the Great Deception.

(Addendum 8 – 30 September 2015)

Out of an overabundance of caution, I decided to leave this entry at the top until the continuing resolution has been passed by the Congress and signed by Obama. At that point, I’ll make some closing remarks and move on to the next entry, which came to me when I saw this on The Federalist

So Ted Cruz is riding the Trump train, eh? And he is gushing over Pope Francis? I’ll get into the significance of these two things in my next article, which will be the start of a new Globalist Prophecy Watch series. From now on, I’ll be monitoring the prophecy front with the same focus I put on monitoring the globalist political and economic institutions. By watching both the secular and religious sides and integrating the information, I hope to be able to expose their agenda with even greater accuracy. In the first installment of the new series, I’ll cover the two Christian propaganda fronts that are serving to set up the 3-Step Deception I talked about in “Obama and the 2nd Coming,” and I’ll show you which step Ted Cruz is part of.

If the 3-Step Deception is truly in motion as I suspect, my past writings on the phony East/West NWO dialectic only served to expose Step 2, which is something they were going to do eventually anyway. But with my upcoming writings on Step 3, I might finally be entering the realm of really fu*king their sh*t up. So it will be interesting to see how it all plays out over the next year.

We have a year to ruin their plans for next September. Here’s to fu*king sh*t up…

(P.S. – 30 September 2015) – One of my readers is convinced that I’m being too hasty in overlooking Rand Paul and focusing on Ted Cruz, and that’s entirely possible. As I tracked the NWO from a secular point of view, Rand looked more like their man. He is hanging back and being the “reasonable statesman” who is not overly attentive to Israel and is oriented towards peace. Looking at it from a prophetic viewpoint, though, Ted looks more tailor-made for the role (plus he’s an Establishment darling).

Given that Ted is the man of the hour (and also given that I’ve found some interesting information on him), I’ll write about him for a while. But rest assured that I’m not done with the Pauls. A long-delayed entry on Ron and Rand sits as notes on my PC, and I’ll get around to writing it over the next several weeks. I also purchased Donald Trump’s book, Time to get tough: Making America #1 again, and I’ll write about that too. When all is said and done, it might turn out that he ran for President just to sell more of these books; they released the paperback edition on August 31. It makes me sick that I had to waste my money on it. The things I do for love…

(Addendum 9 – 30 September 2015)

Now that the funding bill has been passed and signed, it’s time for the…

With a Papal visit occurring, a government shutdown looming, and a complete stopping of federal Planned Parenthood funding within arm’s reach, who would have thought that Jesuit front group “The Center for Medical Progress” would have stayed silent and not released a provocative video? A video release could have led to the Pope adding a simple statement to his address to Congress: “We must not turn a blind eye to the greed that has caused the desecration of the aborted innocents.” And such a statement would have induced the weepily devout Boehner into allowing the shutdown to go forward. Instead, though, Boehner met with the Pope, cried, and resigned the very next day.

Why did they blink? What’s their next move? We’ll explore that in an upcoming entry.

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 71-73 – London, the gold standard, and the BRICS & The Pope’s US visit was scheduled according to prophecy (+ a P.S. x 2)

[Update 71]

While researching for an entry on the financial system takedown, I came across a rather interesting document: Gold, the renminbi and the multi-currency reserve system. Here is a snippet from its foreword…
…(Take note of the expectation of “twin shocks” from the dollar and euro.)

The author of this foreword, Baron Desai…
…of the notorious London School of Economics, has a rather interesting pedigree. From Wikipedia

“Meghnad Jagdishchandra Desai, Baron Desai (born 10 July 1940) is an Indian-born, naturalised British economist and Labour politician. He unsuccessfully stood for the Speaker in the British House of Lords in 2011, the first ever non-UK born candidate to do so

Currently, he is chairman of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) Advisory Board, an independent membership-driven research network. It focuses on global policy and investment themes for off the record public and private sector engagement and analysis…

 He was made a life peer as Baron Desai, of St Clement Danes in the City of Westminster, in April 1991 [a “life peer” is someone who has been granted a non-hereditary title of nobility by the British “royals”]…

In 2003, he retired as Director of the Centre for the Study of global governance, which he founded in 1992 at the London School of Economics (LSE), where he is now Professor Emeritus.

So this is a guy who is in deep with the globalist London Establishment. That makes what he suggests in this foreword all the more interesting. After establishing the East versus West dialectic for his readers, he goes on to say this…

I favour extending the SDR to include the R-currencies – the renminbi, rupee, real, rand and rouble – with the addition of gold. This would be a form of indexation to add to the SDR’s attractiveness. Gold would not need to be paid out, but its dollar or renminbi or rouble equivalent would be if the SDR had a gold content. By moving counter-cyclically to the dollar, gold could improve the stabilising properties of the SDR. Particularly if the threats to the dollar and the euro worsen, a large SDR issue improved by some gold content and the R-currencies may be urgently required.”

This just goes to show what a scripted farce the whole East versus West conflict has been. Here is a high-level London Establishment minion calling for the BRICS currencies and gold to be added to the SDR basket, and he even broaches the subject of the inclusion being done urgently if a problem develops with the dollar and euro. Of course, none of this is a surprise to you if you are a longtime reader of this blog. Here is an excerpt from Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 14 – The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers

BEGIN EXCERPT>>> I just came across a Zerohedge article titled “Is Russia Planning A Gold-Based Currency?” To give a simple answer to the question posed by the title, “yes,” both Russia and China (and possibly other BRICS allies) are planning to go to a partial gold backing for their currencies. And once they do, the globalist propaganda organs will laud the move as “the masterstroke that peacefully defeated the Western banksters.”

The (globalist orchestrated) BRICS move towards a partial gold standard goes beyond their own national currencies, though. To “save the international financial system from cataclysm,” they will also offer a portion of their gold reserves to back the IMF’s SDR, and they will receive a large allotment of SDRs in return. This “gold for SDRs” strategy was hinted at in a (UK) Royal Institute of International Affairs paper titled Adding Gold into the Valuation of the SDR

According to the globalist script, in return for “saving the IMF and the international financial system” with their gold, the BRICS (particularly China) will demand sweeping governance reforms of the IMF and the rest of the UN Complex, as well as a Chinese IMF head. The Chinese would then “own” the New World Order system in the way that George Soros described back in 2009 (if you haven’t read the linked article, please do so; you’ll find it complements this one quite nicely). <<< END EXCERPT

And here is a relevant excerpt from Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 16 – The BRICS and the UN governance reform scam

Once we reach the Transition Point in which another Lehman-type crisis is staged and the dollar is taken down as the main global reserve currency, many (if not all) of the BRICS currencies will be added to the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights currency basket, and many (if not all) of the BRICS nations will take seats as permanent members of the UNSC.”

[Update 72 – 14 September 2015]

More Crisis Clues from the Economist

Back in Update 4, I showed this graphic from the Economist’s famous 2015 cover…
…It shows the Federal Reserve kicking off a financial panic.

And during this morning’s infoscan, I ran across an entry on the Investment Watch Blog that unlocks some more of the symbolism from the cover…

> At the bottom left, it shows the world as a football sitting on a tee. And when do footballs sit on tees? During kickoffs. So I would agree that this shows the world’s “big game” kicking off during football season (which itself kicked off this week).

> At the top right, it shows a ghost together with the word “holiday.” Given all the talk I’ve heard on Daystar TV about the Jubilee Year
…(which starts this September and ends next September and will supposedly bring war in the Middle East and the restoration of Israel) and the four blood moons (the last of which occurs late this month), I would agree that this indicates the old system becoming a ghost during that timeframe.

> At the bottom right, there is a different interpretation I would offer. It shows a Sumo wrestler (which is Japanese, not Chinese) holding a battery (which represents power). So if you pair a muscle-bound Chinese panda bear with an Asian wrestler holding a battery, it might represent Asia holding the power.

(P.S. – 15 September 2015)

One of our brothers across the Pond has told me that the football at the bottom left is actually a rugby ball, and the Rugby World Cup starts this week (the day after the Fed announcement in fact)…
…This would explain why the ball looks like the world.

The Rugby World Cup (RWC) is held once every four years, so was its inclusion on the cover simply a reference to its taking place this year? Possibly so, but the fact that it physically overlaps the panic board is suggestive of a dual meaning. If you take a look at the panic board, as the plinko puck begins to fall from the Federal Reserve, two shadows are being cast on the board, those of the RWC and China. This seems to suggest that the panic is set in motion by the Fed in the shadow of the RWC and something related to China (perhaps their recent market turmoil).

(P.S. – 15 September 2015)

A reader pointed out this article that showed up on the BBC today…
…and it is yet another example of the plethora of warnings we’ve seen out of the multilateral institutions in September, such as this one from the BIS
…and this one from the IMF…
…(Source: FT – enter the title in Google News search to read it)

The fact that the mainstream media are plastering so many multilateral warnings about the rate hike is evidence for the “yes, they will hike” argument.

If you are a new reader, I offer this insight into their strategy from the NWO Schedule of Implementation page…

>>> A core component of the globalists’ strategy to centralize power over the world’s currencies lies in making the Fed and their other national central banks look bad. For this reason, they’ve been deliberately staging “currency wars” and having their supranational institutions (the IMF and the BIS) and media propagandists point out the destructive nature of the policies being pursued at the national level. “Only at the international level,” they argue, “can currency stability be achieved.”

In keeping with this strategy, they are using their national central banks to blow up the global economy so their supranational institutions can step forward and restore order. And as they transition power from the national to the supranational level, they will close down the Fed and other central banks in order to transfer control of national currencies to their respective treasury departments. Since the central banksters have consolidated power over the national governments, they can safely move their “flag” from the central banks to the treasuries. The treasuries are run by their people anyhow.

So when you hear alternative media propaganda about “ending the Fed” and “bringing back a US Treasury dollar,” know that this is the solution the banksters want you to embrace. It is a solution designed to make it appear that the problem posed by the “evil Western central bankers” has been licked, but it’s just a scam. And in the US, Ron and Rand Paul are the primary controlled-opposition agents the globalists have designated to con you. <<< END EXCERPT

I might add to this that Donald Trump will almost certainly jump on the “Blame the Fed” bandwagon. He may be the pinch hitter assigned to take the place of an underperforming Rand Paul, or as a reader has suggested, he may do something later that makes Rand look much more appealing to the voters.

[Update 73 – 16 September 2015]

The Pope’s US visit was scheduled according to prophecy

Yesterday, I got the urge to listen further into the Jonathan Cahn video, and I’m glad I did. He goes on to state that the “Jubilee Year” will begin on Yom Kippur…

And who will arrive in Washington, D.C. just three hours before Yom Kippur begins at sunset? The King of the Roman Empire, of course…

As my longtime readers know, I regard numerology and astrology as spiritually absurd, self-fulfilling silliness. The “elite,” however, love the stuff, and the Pope’s arrival is pregnant with numerological, astrological, and prophetic meaning.

The Pope’s arrival in Washington, D.C. is scheduled for September 22 at 4 PM, and he will be met at the plane by Barack Obama. Given the contextual backdrop of an Asia-centered world order battling it out with a Western-centered world order, the 4 o’clock arrival is significant. In Asian numerology, 4 is considered the number of death, so the Pope will arrive in D.C. and meet Obama at the Hour of Death. The significance of the date, September 22, is also worth noting. From the NWO Schedule of Implementation page…

>>> “22″ is a Masonic “Master Number” and “because of its great power, the number 22 may result in outstanding ascendancy or disastrous downfall,” according to the numerologically-inclined. [Kennedy died on a 22 (Nov 22)] <<<

So the Pope and Obama will face each other on a date that symbolizes disastrous downfall and at an hour that symbolizes death. Three hours after that, at 7:06 PM (7+6=13), the Sun will set over Washington and Yom Kippur will begin. And what is the significance of Yom Kippur? According to Wikipedia
…so you can imagine the fate a nation will suffer for the next year if it doesn’t atone for its sins on that day. Do you think Obama will atone?

Of course, this is no ordinary, run-of-the-mill Yom Kippur. According to the Judeo-Christian eschatologists, this one marks the beginning of a special Jubilee Year that will bring war to the Middle East and Israel (just think of the Russian and Iranian forces that are supposedly now in Syria, which borders Israel) and will end in the “restoration of Jerusalem.”

On top of all this, there is also the fact that the Autumn Equinox will take place a mere twelve hours (at 4:21 AM ET on the 23rd) after the Pope’s arrival. I wrote about this in the NWO Schedule of Implementation…

>>> The Pope will arrive in Washington, D.C. to covertly and symbolically remove the crown of world leadership from the US for its transfer to the UN. He will arrive in the evening to signify the end of “America’s Day,” and the Fall Equinox will occur during that night. So when the Pope visits Obama on the 23rd, this can be said: “The Fall (of the ‘American Empire’) begins the day the Pope visits the White House.” <<<

So is it mere coincidence that the Pope’s visit coincides with all these numerological, astrological, and prophetic elements? Not bloody likely. What, then, does it all mean? As I wrote in a previous entry, this is what I suspect it symbolizes…

The Pope’s arrival on the 22nd at 4 PM marks the symbolic death of the American-led Interim World Order (the post-WW II Bretton Woods arrangement). And just like Christ supposedly rose on the 3rd day after his death, the New World Order will symbolically rise on the 3rd day after the Interim World Order’s death (when the Pope speaks before the United Nations on the 25th).

His speech comes on the first day of the “United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015″…
…which was renamed from the “United Nations Summit to Adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda”…
…because it sounded too suspicious (like they were deliberately planning a 2015 economic collapse which would necessitate a “Post-2015 Development Agenda”).

To prepare yourself for the weirdness you might see as we go through the Jubilee Year, I recommend you read Obama and the 2nd Coming if you haven’t already. It explains why war tensions might lead to a nuclear launch a year from now, and how “divine intervention” might be staged to stop the missiles and “restore Jerusalem.”

(P.S. – 16 September 2015)

Speaking of “Obama the Antichrist,” have a look at this report from Breitbart
…Here are some quotes…

>>> President Obama will apparently test just how far Pope Francis’ notorious tolerance will go by inviting a rogue’s gallery of people opposed to Catholic teaching to greet the pontiff at the White House during his visit next week.

In a stunning show of political indecorum, Obama has invited a series of individuals who publicly flout Catholic teaching, including a pro-abortion religious sister, a transgender woman and the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, along with at least two Catholic gay activists…

Though Pope Francis has said that he doesn’t believe in judging persons and is ready to welcome anyone in Christ’s name, he has also said that Catholics do not accept the modern mentality of transgenderism and once said that gay marriage is the devil’s “attempt to destroy God’s plan.” <<<

So much for atoning, eh? It looks like Obama is doubling down instead. Mind you, this White House meeting will occur in the morning of the 23rd during Yom Kippur. It’s a great little show of scripted conflict between the “Antichrist leading the evil Western NWO” and the Pope who will side with “Christ’s BRICS NWO.”

(P.S. – 17 September 2015)

Here’s one that made me chuckle…
…It is a story out of BRICS NWO propaganda mill King World News, and it tells of the Economist magazine warning that a Fed rate hike is premature. KWN specifically mentions China’s stock market troubles in connection to this.

This brings us right back again to the Economist cover from the beginning of the year…
…which shows the Fed setting a panic in motion in the shadow of China (and also in the shadow of Friday’s Rugby World Cup). Should they pull the trigger on the rate hike (or a shock QE) today, this cover will be used as a propaganda tool to point out “the treachery of the Western elite” in support of the BRICS cause.

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 70 – The BRICS and the Fed Rate Hike

There was something in the World Bank’s recent warning about a Fed rate hike that caught my eye: it specifically mentioned that a rate hike would trigger “panic and turmoil” in the emerging market economies (the economies the BRICS Alliance was created to capture). On a hunch, I decided to check on the status of the BRICS’ Contingent Reserve Fund, and I found this

So just 11 days prior to the September 16-17 FOMC Meeting, the BRICS announce that the Contingent Reserve Arrangement is fully operational. Interesting. Equally as interesting is the last paragraph of the article…

“As the BRICS countries launched new financial institutions like the $100 billion BRICS Bank, the China-led Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, and a $100 billion BRICS currency reserve fund, the IMF has once again delayed voting reforms to give emerging countries greater say.”

Are you beginning to see a strategy at play?…

1) The Fed hikes rates to set off panic and turmoil in the emerging market economies (EMEs).

2) The EMEs run to the now fully functioning BRICS institutions for help (per the globalist design).

3) The “Coalition of the Pissed” gang up to demand immediate action on the IMF’s governance reforms.

But will they set these dominoes falling next week? We’ll know soon enough.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 69 – The lead-in to the September interest rate decision (+ a P.S.)

With just a week to go until the September FOMC meeting, all eyes are on the Fed and their interest rate decision. So what will she say this time?…

On the “no, they won’t hike” side of the argument, we’ve seen the globalists delay a whole series of things they had planned for this year…

> They delayed the Greek switchover to the BRICS and the trainwreck that would have resulted within the EU.

> They delayed the IMF’s decision on adding the renminbi to the SDR basket till next September.

> They delayed the US handover of the internet until next September.

…so it is conceivable that they’ll delay the rate hike also.

But on the “yes, they will hike” side of the argument,..

> We are hearing the “Fed mistake” language I’ve been warning about for so long…
…from Zero Hedge

> We have seen the World Bank join the chorus of “wise” multilateral organizations warning against a September rate hike, thus setting themselves up to look like prescient geniuses after the rate hike triggers the Next Lehman Moment.

> We have seen no movement on addressing the potential government shutdown at the end of this month, which suggests that part of the agenda is still in play for this year. Since a combination of a Fed Mistake and a US government shutdown is perfect grist for the globalist propaganda mill, the rate hike is also likely still in play – for the moment.

So as we proceed through this month, it is useful to track the rate hike and the government shutdown together. If the Fed delays the rate hike next Thursday, you can expect to see a Congressional agreement on a stopgap funding measure to keep the government going for a few more months. If, on the other hand, the rate is hiked, the government will definitely shut down as well.

(P.S. – 10 September 2015) – For those of you wondering why I’ve suddenly taken on the task of dismantling the Christian religion, it all has to do with the Obama and the 2nd Coming article I recently wrote. If the globalists really are batsh*t crazy enough to stage a Second Coming to install a One World Dictator, it is imperative to destroy the Christ myth they will use to give him cover.

The difficult thing about fighting the globalist agenda is that they are great contingency planners. Whenever you move to block one of their plans, they always have fallback plans they can activate to keep moving forward. If you think about it, pursuing their agenda is much like taking a road trip from Point A in New York to Point B in Los Angeles: there are a million different ways to get from Point A to Point B, so if you try to block the road they’re traveling on, they can simply change roads and keep on truckin’. The one thing they can’t change, though, is their destination. So if you build a fence around Point B, they can’t reach their destination regardless of which route they take.

For the globalists, it appears that their “Point B” might be installing a theocratic world leader clothed in the myth of Christ. So if we can shred the myth of Christ before they can put forward their leader, we have denied them their destination. You can’t put a wolf in sheep’s clothing if the sheep costume has been shredded beyond repair. Everyone will see the wolf for what he is. And this is why I’ve taken on this new subject.

If any of the historical accounts are to be believed, Christianity was just another insignificant cult before the Occulted Powers of ancient Rome decided to use it as a universal religious control mechanism for their Empire. It was they who codified it, made it mainstream, and spread it around the world. And it is they who will attempt to bring the prophecies (along with their dreams of worldwide dominion) to fruition. But like any other big lie, the Christ myth is ever-teetering on the brink of implosion. To knock it down, you just have to know exactly how and where to hit it.

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

With love…

On the Gifts of God and the Doctrines of Men

In all the annals of medical practice, you’ll not find a single recorded case of a baby being born with a Torah, Bible or Koran tethered around his neck. And why is that so? Because God does not give us those books, men do. This does not mean we are born without guidance from God, though, because every baby ever born in a properly formed body came with the gifts of intellect, intuition, emotion and common sense pre-installed. God gives all humans these gifts so we’ll be able to find our way through this world of deception and confusion. God’s gifts are our homing beacon to Truth. This being so…

I encourage you to set aside the doctrines of men and all of the mental and emotional programming they have instilled in you and start listening to the gifts God gave you.

If you are currently a Christian, you probably believe that people in all the other religions, such as Hinduism for example, are embracing false doctrines. So let me ask you this…

What if you had been born in India instead of here?

What would you believe if all the authority figures around you had brought you up with the Hindu writings and all the associated mental and emotional programming of that religion? Being a person who strives for a relationship with God, you probably would have accepted what they told you and embraced their “false doctrine,” is that not so? Now look at that Hindu you from your current Christian perspective – how would you find your way out of their “false doctrine” to embrace “salvation in Jesus Christ”? You would have to question everything they taught you and consider something new, wouldn’t you?

Well here I am standing beyond the maze of Christian thought telling you that you have embraced false doctrine. Do you care enough about the Truth – do you care enough about God – to find out if I might be right? If you are standing in Truth right now, you have nothing to fear by using God’s gifts to question it. It would only be affirmed by such questioning. But if you are standing in falsehood, wouldn’t you want to know? Do you care enough about your relationship with God to do the work and find out? Or will you hide in the Land of “Just Have Faith”?

Going back to the Hindu you we just discussed, would you be able find your way out of Hinduism if those around you told you to “just have faith” and you accepted that? Certainly not, right? “Just have faith” would be your spiritual prison for life. This being so, we must recognize that…


In telling you to “just have faith,” the manipulators are telling you to turn off God’s gifts and blindly accept the doctrines of men. Common sense, which is one of God’s gifts, would suggest instead that you turn off your blind acceptance and wholeheartedly embrace the gifts God gave you. Use your intellect. Use your intuition. Use your emotions. Use your common sense. And use them all together, ignoring none of them. The only way to find the Land of Truth is to apply your indomitable will to Truth in navigating the Sea of Lies using the compass God gave you. Cast off your fear and let’s get to sailin’.

Much love…

This entry will be added to Debunking the Christian Myth.