Globalist Agenda Watch 2025 – March Updates

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The NWO Transition Event Overwatch
Don’t Be Fooled when it comes

ALERT: The Kabbalists are currently aiming to start World War III during the first week of March, with March 1-3 and 5-7 being particularly dangerous timing windows


NOTE: Upon looking deeper into the “designated survivor” who showed up in the news this afternoon, he turned out to be the Democrats’ designated survivor. And it is being reported that a Democratic boycott of Trump’s speech is growing.


If they intend to hit Trump’s speech to Congress tonight (see yesterday’s update below), watch for the designated survivor to be Wall Street douchebag Scott Bessent (a George Soros acolyte) or Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick (a Jewish billionaire who accompanied Trump when he paid homage to Chabad’s dead Rebbe)

…from [Chabad is the Kabbalist cult that is pushing to artificially fulfill “End Times” prophecy in order to bring in the Fake Jewish Messiah (Moshiach) and the Kabbalah Christ 7 years after him].

Lutnick grew up in JERICHO, New York. Did you ever see the TV shows Jericho and Designated Survivor?…

One of today’s articles about Trump’s (yet-unannounced) designated survivor mentions the scripted motivations for the hit on the speech…

Trump will go to Capitol Hill with first lady Melania Trump tonight, with remarks slated to begin just after 9 p.m. ET — mere hours after he paused aid to Ukraine and enacted hefty tariffs on Canada, China and Mexico. – from NEWSNATION

It should also be noted that today’s speech occurs on the 44th day of Trump’s second term (44 is Obama’s number). Today also marks 330 days since the Day X Eclipse over America.

Expanded WARNING (3 March 2025):Commie Doomsday” is/was Scheduled for Tuesday through Thursday

Yesterday was a research day. And upon looking at the scripted direction of world events and overlaying a calendar of Jewish holidays and historical events, I’ve detected the possibility of a 26-27 day (depending on how you count them) “War and Redemption” scenario that would start on March 5 (Moses’s last day of leadership). It would lead to a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario over the four days of Purim (March 13-16), and continue with the building of a Jewish Tabernacle on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Tabernacle would be completed on March 30, and the first red heifer would be prepared on Mar 31.

It just so happens that Trump has a big address to a joint session of the 119th (911 reversed) Congress scheduled for March 4, the day before this scenario would begin. So if they intend to proceed with it, watch for Trump to do a limited hangout of “Deep State secrets” during his speech. And watch for the “Deep State” to make a “desperate move” on the 5th — a war-triggering decapitation move that could impact Trump, Netanyahu, Putin, and/or the leaders gathering in Brussels that day for the March 6 Special European Council. They might even target the US Capitol during Trump’s speech (since the speech will occur after Jerusalem has entered March 5).

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Reader Sohei has pointed out that the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party are currently gathering in Beijing for the National People’s Congress, which runs from March 5 to March 11. So China’s commies will be gathered together in Beijing on the same day, March 5, that Europe’s commies will be gathering together in Brussels for the March 6 Special European Council. This makes March 5 (or 6) a great time to kill off all the commies with Artemis.

Remember that March 5 is also Ash Wednesday (the first of the 40 days of Lent), so the Kabbalists have the option of running a 40-day Fire Judgment / “The Storm” scenario that would start on Wednesday and end on April 13 with the False Messiah’s arrival on Palm Sunday (the first day of Holy Week). April 13 is also Essene First Fruits of Barley, Day 555 of the Israel-Hamas War, and mainstream Passover Day 1.

Because the 40-day Lent count doesn’t include Sundays, Lent actually ends on April 17. So the scriptwriters have the additional option of staging a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario on April 17, 18, 19 and 20. This would result in the False Messiah’s arrival on April 20, which is Easter Sunday, Passover Day 8, and the day of the Moshiach’s Meal.

Another option is to have one of the Gemini Twins arrive on Passover Day 1 and the other on Day 8.

(2 March 2025) – The likely chain-of-escalation the Kabbalists are/were planning around today’s and Thursday’s EU summits is…

  1. Israel’s resumption of their assault on Gaza, which would trigger…
  2. Israeli false flags in Europe and the US (to be blamed on the Palestinians, Iran, and Russia), which would trigger…
  3. NATO attacks on Iran with massive airpower (the Ram-Goat War of Daniel 8) and NATO’s entry into the Ukraine War.

The second part of that escalation chain would involve decapitation strikes on the EU summit and Trump, which is why the London summit was arranged for today, the 42nd day of Trump’s second term as president (Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on the 42nd day of his second term). And with NATO engaged against Russia and Iran, Israel would concentrate on unrestricted warfare against Gaza and the West Bank, taking all the land as part of “Greater Israel“.

It appears, however, that the Kabbalists may have blinked — all the way through Passover next month. Instead of attacking Gaza or Iran at midnight, they agreed to informally maintain the ceasefire…

…from Shine

So our mission now becomes to compel them to maintain this delay through Passover by keeping overwatch of all the possible inflection points between now and then.

(1 March 2025) – Just to be clear, Kabbalist prophecy propaganda associates an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear sites with the Three Days of Darkness / Three Days of Fear. We can expect them to attempt this strike on March 1-3 (in temporal proximity to the London summit) or March 5-7 (proximate to the Special European Council). The strike will likely be timed for midnight (midnight o’ clock or rabbinical midnight — the halfway point between sunset and sunrise — Jerusalem or Tehran time).

And here’s Plan B: during this morning’s infoscan, I came across a summary article that’s quite relevant to the moment in which we find ourselves…

An Afghan website asserted recently that the West is preparing a “Plan B,” in which Israel will lead European countries into a direct war with Iran. This, in turn, would activate hidden terror groups in Europe, causing bombings

“The complexities of war and peace in the Middle East, and the management of these two fundamental issues, have a direct and strong connection with European security, especially Germany as the heart of Europe. The recent missile attacks by Iran’s proxy forces against Israel showed that the continuation of direct war between Israel and Iran might lead to the elimination of Israel from the Middle Eastern scene.”

The article continues: “Netanyahu and the officials of the U.S. and the U.K. are well aware that the continuation of the current management of the war in the Middle East could end up going against their interests, causing them to lose control of the region. Therefore, a ‘Plan B,’ involving bringing Europe into a direct war with Iran, has been put on the agenda.

“This scenario is being pursued with the goal of maintaining European security, especially that of Germany, and the conditions for its realization are being prepared. In this scenario, explosions will occur inside European countries that support Netanyahu and are engaged in sending weapons to Israel, and the world media will attribute these attacks to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

“The scale and intensity of these explosive attacks will be such that they will push European public opinion toward direct confrontation with Iran. The number and scope of these operations in major European cities will be so extensive that they will instill fear across the continent.

“In this way, Israel, without needing to fire a single missile at Iran, will lead European countries and their allies into a war with Iran. Since the Islamic Republic of Iran has proxy networks and dormant cells in many countries, including in Europe, these forces will be activated to attack these countries, and ultimately, Europe will turn into a crisis zone.

“It is said that hidden terrorist and extremist groups have been established in sensitive areas of European societies, especially in Germany. These groups can produce explosives from ordinary and readily available market items in such a way that explosive detection systems at airports and scanning devices installed in sensitive locations will be unable to detect these materials.”

Now let’s take a moment to consider a Kabbalist prophecy propaganda narrative that my beloved Onna found recently: the “Putin will rule the world for 9 months with hypersonic missiles before the arrival of Moshiach” scenario (listen to this YouTube video from the 56:25 mark to the 57:50 mark). Sunday, March 2nd — the day of the planned strike on the London summit — will mark 15 Adar on the Essene Jewish calendar. So counting 9 months forward lands you on Essene 15 Kislev, which is November 30 this year. And it just so happens that November 30 marks the first day of Advent 2025…

Advent is a season observed in most Christian denominations as a time of waiting and preparation for both the celebration of Jesus’s birth at Christmas and the return of Christ at the Second Coming. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, often referred to as Advent Sunday. Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year in Western Christianity. The name comes from Latin adventus (‘coming; arrival’), translating the Greek parousia from the New Testament, originally referring to the Second Coming.
The season of Advent in the Christian calendar anticipates the “coming of Christ” from three different perspectives: the physical nativity in Bethlehem, the reception of Christ in the heart of the believer, and the eschatological Second Coming. – from Wikipedia

So the “9 months” scenario is also in play tomorrow, because Moshiach (the Fake Jewish Messiah) will also pretend that he is the returned Jesus.

My partner Onnabugeisha’s notes on the occult scripting cues for tomorrow are now up, and here are two particularly notable ones…

 Coronation of Charles III and Camilla (WikipediaBritannica) – In the first British coronation in some seven decades, Charles III and Camilla were crowned king and queen, respectively. Date: 6 May 2023 (5/6 -> 56 is the “corona number”), 666 days ago

Numbers3/2 (inclusive) – 3/3

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, PBS NewsHour – YouTube). Date: 27 May 2016 [Japan Standard Time is UTC +9], 8 years, 9 months, 4 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894.apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl); ‘Monument of the Third Angel’ – Chernobyl, Ukraine – Atlas Obscura]

(28 February 2025) – Eagle-eyed reader Sohei has passed along news of an impromptu London summit being organized for Sunday…

…from The Guardian

The war clown Zelensky will attend, and Turkey’s Erdogan has been invited, so a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario is possible. I’ll cover all the details, including the intended timelines, over the course of the day.

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I find it quite interesting that all of the “European warmonger leaders” are being gathered in one place (London) on Sunday, the day after the Gaza ceasefire deal may be allowed to expire. It’s an excellent setup for one or more of the following scenarios…

  • a massive “Islamist” retaliation attack on the West to immediately follow Israel’s resumption of their assault on Gaza,
  • a massive “Islamist” (Mossad false flag) attack to justify a NATO attack on Iran and an Israeli attack on Gaza (and possibly the West Bank), and/or
  • a massive “Russian” (EU-NATO false flag) attack to compel the US and NATO to enter the Ukraine War against Russia.

Now seems a good time to recall Netanyahu’s 2023 threat to the EU and US of “you’re next”…

…from AOL

And this weekend seems like an opportune time for the Kabbalists to script the World War III-starting false flag…

…from today’s Drudge Report

Looking at this setup and the calendar ahead, the timeline that stands out is one that starts with a 4-day Three Days of Darkness (3DOD) that runs the days of March 2, 3, 4 and 5. The rain of fire during the first three days of 3DOD would likely take the form of massive exchanges of missile and drone fire (with Artemis attacks mixed in).

Wednesday, March 5 would bring a false messiah and fake ET arrival, possibly in Jerusalem or at Mount Sinai / Jebel al Lawz. A Jerusalem arrival could end the war and commence a Mass Arrests of the Deep State psyop that runs to March 14 (a key date to watch). More likely, though, this Ash Wednesday arrival would happen atop Mount Sinai and start a 40-day Lent scenario, with the arrived false messiah “contending with Satan in the desert for 40 days” until he victoriously completes the journey from Sinai to Jerusalem. The 40th day triumphal arrival in Jerusalem would land on Palm Sunday, April 13 (another key date to watch).

Keep in mind that the attack on the summit could be scheduled for after sunset on Saturday (when Jewish Sunday begins and many of the leaders will have arrived in London). Watch for King Charles and Pope Francis to “die” as well.

I’ll be examining other timeline possibilities as we approach Sunday.

Getting back to yesterday’s note on Pope Francis, the number 88, Mercury’s appearance in the parade tonight, and the numerology-obsessed Kabbalists, my partner Onna has passed along some interesting numerical finds…

Here is 88. Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here (Book by Cris Putnam and Thomas Horn – Google Search) [The Final Pope is Here = 88]…

…from Gematria Effect News

[Ken’s Note – Pope Francis was initially tapped to be the final pope. But since they couldn’t finish Barack Obama’s 2009-2016 Tribulation setup, they’ll cast Francis as an anti-pope and the incoming Nazi pope as Petrus Romanus (watch for Vigano or Parolin to take the job).]

Today I did a gematria check onMetatron (WikipediaYouTube) – From my understanding he is the Kabbalistic Jesus or chronologically opposite Jesus is Christian Metatron.Anyway, I found thatMetatron is reverse Apollyon [Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

Apollyon (110, 38, 10634) = Metatron (reverse) (1063411047)…

andJewish Gematria: Metatron Return = 911

Another thing that I find interesting, Jewish vs Satanic Gematria ->

Jewish Gematria623: Sixth seal, Barack Hussein Obama (Google Search), Biden Administration, Artemis program, agent Trump

Satanic Gematria623: Christmas Star, Vladimir Putin, Trump returns, European Union, the next Hitler, …

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