On the morning the Turks downed the Russian aircraft, I stumbled across this article from notorious disinformation mill Veterans Today…

It is such a good example of East/West dialectic propaganda and the “Putin as Savior” con that I decided it would be a good teaching tool for helping people to get real. And given all the confusing narratives that swirl around Putin and the current world situation, I think the best approach is to focus on two fundamental, telling things…
1) Putin’s cooperation in the globalists’ 9/11 operation, and
2) Putin’s promotion of the globalists’ UN as the solution to our current woes.
So let’s get started…
Even if one looks at Vladimir Putin from a naive, conventional perspective, he is a former KGB officer and is therefore fully familiar with the concept of false-flag terror. This being the case, it would not have escaped his attention that on the day of the 9/11 attacks, three New York high-rises fell after only two were hit by aircraft. So as an intelligence professional, he would have known that something was fishy on the very first day. And in the days following the attacks, Russian intelligence merged with holes in the US government’s official story would have made the inconsistencies quite glaring. This raises an obvious question…
Why did he spend the next 14 years playing along with the 9/11 “Official Story”?
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, Putin stuck to the globalist talking points…

…From the BBC. Raw (untranslated) video of Putin making his remark on Bin Laden can be found here…

And here are some key excerpts from the BBC article along with my comments…
>>> No proof needed
Mr Putin, who is in Brussels for meetings with European Union and Nato leaders, told reporters: “For us it is already clear. The only thing we do not know is the exact role he (Bin Laden) played (in the terror attacks on America). <<<
So Putin joined the globalist minion chorus in blaming the 9/11 attacks on Osama Bin Laden. This being so, could it be that Russian intelligence was unaware of Bin Laden’s close relationship with the CIA? Given that Bin Laden was a key figure in Russia’s war in Afghanistan, you can be sure they knew all about his CIA ties. And this means that Putin was attributing 9/11 to someone he knew was a CIA asset. For any reasonable person, this strongly suggests the possibility that the attacks were a false-flag operation conducted by the CIA, but Putin said nary a word about that, did he?
>>> The Russian president criticised Saudi Arabia for refusing to let the US launch attacks against Afghanistan from bases on its territory. <<<
So in addition to blaming the 9/11 attacks on Bin Laden, Putin was a cheerleader for the US attack on Afghanistan. One wonders if he was compensated for his support by being given the Russian distribution rights for Afghan opium.
>>> BBC Europe correspondent Justin Webb says President Putin is likely to try to persuade EU leaders that they, in turn, must be more willing to accept that Russia needs the freedom to take what actions it deems necessary in its ongoing battle against rebels in Chechnya. <<<
And this section brings us to Putin, Russian intelligence, and their own false-flag attacks against the Russian people. The Russian government are no strangers to the art of statecraft, and they too have used 9/11-style attacks to launch military action in places like Chechnya. See the Russian Apartment Bombings and the Beslan School Massacre for examples of their operations.
Getting back to Bin Laden and Afghanistan for a moment, have a look at this section of his Wikipedia bio…
“Bin Laden met and built relations with Hamid Gul, who was a three-star general in the Pakistani army and head of the ISI agency. Although the United States provided the money and weapons, the training of militant groups was entirely done by the Pakistani Armed Forces and the ISI.”
So Bin Laden was connected to Hamid Gul, and can you guess who sat on the Editorial Board of Directors of Veterans Today until he died this past August?…

…from Veterans Today
CIA to Bin Laden to Hamid Gul to Veterans Today — interesting connections, no? Truth be told, these high-level intelligence agents all work for the same people (the people who control all the money, the globalist central banksters) and they all know each other, which is why Putin’s support of the “blame Bin Laden” meme is all the more ridiculous. And if you are unfamiliar with what a rat’s nest of spooks and fraudsters Veterans Today is, have look at…
1) VT’s Chairman, Gordon Duff: Shady as Hell: The Veterans Today / RT / PressTV Disinformation Conglomerate (Part 1 – The Amazing Gordon Duff)
2) Gordon Duff’s company, Adamus Defense Group: The Veterans Today / RT / PressTV Disinformation Conglomerate (Part 3 – Gordon Duff’s “Adamus Group”)
3) VT’s Advisor, Leo Wanta: The Veterans Today / RT / PressTV Disinformation Conglomerate (Part 2 – Deconstructing the Bizarre Tale of Leo Wanta)
These guys are heavily involved in selling the East/West dialectic and the “savior” Putin to alternative news readers, which is why they put out garbage like the article featured at the top of this entry.
Now back to Putin…
Lest you think that Putin’s playing along with the Official Story was just BBC’s spin of his words, here are some things straight from the Kremlin website:
> Putin and Bush together pressed “all countries” to join the war on “terrorism” after 9/11…

…From Kremlin.ru
> In the following month, November 2001, Putin visited the US and talked about Afghanistan during a speech at Rice University…

…From Kremlin.ru. So even by the Kremlin’s own words, he was supporting the US invasion of Afghanistan and calling Bush’s stance “well grounded.” Yep, that’s a real truth-teller for ya.
> From there, Putin went on to visit Ground Zero in New York…

…From Kremlin.ru. If you read the article, you’ll see that he played it totally straight: he laid a wreath and expressed sorrow and solidarity over the “terrorist attack.”
> And Putin also sat for an interview with National Public Radio…

…From Kremlin.ru
I located the transcript of that interview on NPR.org. Here are two key excerpts…
>>> Question 17:
Mr. Siegel: President Bush now speaks of Osama bin Laden as “the evil one.” He uses the word “evil.” Is he also exaggerating now, and is it also a slogan for the day, or do you think that’s true?
President Putin: Actually, I think President Bush is being very mild in his choice of words. I have other definitions and epithets to offer, but I, of course, am being restrained by the fact that I am talking to the media and this is hardly appropriate.
The thing is that the people that you have just referred to, terrorists, especially terrorists who base themselves on man-hating fundamentalist ideas, these people, these terrorists, don’t really treat the rest of humanity as human beings. We are not even enemies, as far as they’re concerned. We’re just dust. We’re nothing and we’re a bunch of nobodies. And as people, these criminals deserve the most serious of attention and the most rigorous of treatment. <<<
So when questioned on Bin Laden, Putin expressed no reservations; he backed up President Bush’s narrative with gusto.
>>> From the Question 18 answer:
President Putin: …And I’m not afraid to say that openly, and I can tell you why, because exactly two years ago Russia was the first to come across the kind of terrorism that the Americans had to deal with on Sept. 11. And, of course, the scale was not as large but it was just as horrendous, where, in downtown Moscow and in other cities of the Russian Federation, residential buildings, apartment buildings, were exploded. And as a result of those acts of terror, hundreds of completely innocent people died. <<<
This passage reveals why Putin didn’t blow the whistle on Bush and 9/11. It’s because both he and Bush are globalist agents, and both he and Bush had conducted 9/11-style false-flags on their own people in order to advance the globalist agenda, both domestically (by tightening control over their people) and internationally (by drawing nations into multilateral efforts to fight “terrorism”).
Putin hasn’t told the truth about 9/11 because it simply isn’t time yet. The globalists had much to do after 9/11 to get us to where we are today, and now that they’re about ready to spring the Good Cop beats Bad Cop con, you’ll finally hear Putin speak the truth (some time between now and September of 2016).
[Part 2 – 27-28 November 2015]
During Putin’s post-9/11 US tour in November of 2001, he also made a notable stop at the United Nations…

…From Kremlin.ru. Have a look at what the Russian article said about it…
>>> Mr Putin, in his turn, actively supported United Nations efforts against international terrorism, and stressed the necessity for all countries to comply with the resolutions and decisions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly. Mr Annan thanked Russia for its vanguard role in the UN’s fight against terrorism.
They also had a detailed discussion about the political settlement in Afghanistan and measures to prevent the country from turning into a hotbed of international terrorism. Mr Putin and Mr Annan agreed that decision-making on the future of Afghanistan was mainly up to Afghans with active assistance from the international community. <<<
So as you can see, both Putin and Annan were in with Bush on casting 9/11 as a real “international terrorist” attack and on “liberating” Afghanistan so it would stop being a “hotbed of international terrorism” (and start being a plantation for international opium production). But why, you ask? Because in order to bring the peoples of the world under UN/NWO control, the globalists must create global problems that require global solutions. One of the global problems they have purposefully manufactured is “international terrorism”; another is “manmade” climate change, and you’ll hear much more about this one in 3 short days…

Besides Putin’s trip to the US, another very notable thing happened in November of 2001: the public was introduced to the “BRIC” concept. And it was done by none other than our good friends at Goldman Sachs…

…Here is a little about the paper’s author, Jim O’Neill, from Wikipedia…
>>> Terence James “Jim” O’Neill, Baron O’Neill of Gatley (born 17 March 1957), retiring chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, is a British economist best known for coining BRIC, the acronym that stands for Brazil, Russia, India, and China—the four rapidly developing countries that have come to symbolise the shift in global economic power away from the developed G7 economies…
He joined Goldman Sachs in 1997 and he was appointed as the head of global economics research in 2001, which is also when he published the seminal BRIC paper…
On 28 May 2015 he was created a Life Peer as Baron O’Neill of Gatley, of Gatley in the County of Greater Manchester. <<<
Isn’t it interesting that Goldman Sachs’ Head of Global Economics Research (and a darling of the London Establishment), “Baron O’Neill of Gatley,” was the one who started the BRICS movement? And from that point on, the globalists began to slowly divide the G20 into “shirts and skins” in order to run the East/West dialectic. The G7 shirts would be given the role of the bad guys, and the G5 skins (the BRICS) would be given the role of the good guys. Since the public have been raised from childhood on good guy vs. bad guy stories, letting the “good guys” bring in the NWO would be a nice, easy way to win the public over to the new system.
The slow transition from the post-9/11 love-in to the current-day East/West dialectic conflict began a year after “Baron” O’Neill unveiled the BRIC concept. As the globalists moved the US towards the invasion of Iraq, Putin took the public stance of opposing “unilateral” action…

…From CBS News
As you can see, Putin was calling for compliance with the UN from both Iraq (in its weapons programs) and the US (in sticking to the UN’s multilateral approach instead of taking unilateral action). Making unilateral action by nation-states look bad while making multilateral actions within the globalist UN framework look good is a core element of globalist propaganda. Neutering the nation-state and empowering the global central government is what globalism is all about, and that’s what “good guy” Putin is selling. As the CBS article goes on to say…
>>> Putin said Russia agrees with United States that it is important to “make sure that Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction in its possession.” But he added that “we do believe that we have to stay within the framework of the work being carried out within the United Nations.” <<<
Now if we step back for a moment and ponder all this, we see that there are two globalist agendas in play at the end of 2002: 1) the war on terror agenda and 2) the dialectic conflict agenda. In the war on terror agenda, the globalists were using the US to forcefully restructure the Middle East through invasions and color revolutions. And in the dialectic conflict agenda, they were building a counterbalance (the BRICS) to the US’ “increasingly insane unilateral actions.”
Putin’s support for both of these agendas was demonstrated after the Iraq invasion took place in 2003. Have a look at this article from 2004…

…From CNN
Reading this article, one might ask him/her self, “If the Russians were really opposed to the Iraq War, why would Putin reveal ‘intelligence’ that supports the position of those who started the War?” The answer is simple: because he was supporting both globalist agendas…
> As the article states, the Iraq War was facing domestic criticism, so Putin said what was needed to help fend off opposition to the war on terror agenda. Since the globalists still had several years worth of work to do in the Middle East, Putin had to help keep the operation on track.
> At the same time, he had to keep up the public stance of opposing the war so the dialectic conflict agenda could continue to develop. At the time the CNN article was written, there was still two years to go until the BRIC nations held their first unofficial meeting at the UN.
So by talking opposition from one side of his mouth and providing support from the other side of his mouth, Putin followed the globalist plan to a T.
A few years later, the East/West dialectic began to take material form. Here is something from the Kremlin website on “Cooperation within BRIC”…
>>> Political dialogue within the BRIC format began in New York in September 2006, when their foreign ministers conferred during the 61st UN General Assembly. Since then, the BRIC foreign ministers have met four times, including at a full-scale meeting in Yekaterinburg on May 16, 2008. The joint statement adopted as a result of the latter meeting formulated common approaches to crucial issues on the international agenda. <<<
So it was in the womb of the United Nations that Baron O’Neill’s BRIC spermatozoon found its target, and the BRIC alliance was born there nearly five years later. A full-scale meeting was held three years after that, which gave rise to a statement on their joint agenda in May of 2008. Before we examine that statement, though, we must have a look at what Putin said at the Munich Conference on Security Policy in February of 2007.
At the Conference, Putin unveiled the “world order dialectic” that we have become so familiar with over the past several years. This is from the transcript of his speech (which can also be watched on YouTube)…
>>> …what is happening in today’s world – and we just started to discuss this – is a tentative to introduce precisely this concept into international affairs, the concept of a unipolar world.
And with which results?
Unilateral and frequently illegitimate actions have not resolved any problems. Moreover, they have caused new human tragedies and created new centres of tension. Judge for yourselves: wars as well as local and regional conflicts have not diminished. Mr Teltschik mentioned this very gently. And no less people perish in these conflicts – even more are dying than before. Significantly more, significantly more!
Today we are witnessing an almost uncontained hyper use of force – military force – in international relations, force that is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts. As a result we do not have sufficient strength to find a comprehensive solution to any one of these conflicts. Finding a political settlement also becomes impossible.
We are seeing a greater and greater disdain for the basic principles of international law. And independent legal norms are, as a matter of fact, coming increasingly closer to one state’s legal system. One state and, of course, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations. Well, who likes this? Who is happy about this?…
[In these paragraphs, Putin introduces the PROBLEM: a United States that is running wild in the world trying to impose a unilateral order. He also expresses the collective REACTION (“This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations. Well, who likes this? Who is happy about this?”). Watch now as he promotes the SOLUTION: the BRIC alliance, multipolarity, and the UN…]
…The combined GDP measured in purchasing power parity of countries such as India and China is already greater than that of the United States. And a similar calculation with the GDP of the BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India and China – surpasses the cumulative GDP of the EU. And according to experts this gap will only increase in the future.
There is no reason to doubt that the economic potential of the new centres of global economic growth will inevitably be converted into political influence and will strengthen multipolarity.
In connection with this the role of multilateral diplomacy is significantly increasing…
I am convinced that the only mechanism that can make decisions about using military force as a last resort is the Charter of the United Nations. And in connection with this, either I did not understand what our colleague, the Italian Defence Minister, just said or what he said was inexact. In any case, I understood that the use of force can only be legitimate when the decision is taken by NATO, the EU, or the UN. If he really does think so, then we have different points of view. Or I didn’t hear correctly. The use of force can only be considered legitimate if the decision is sanctioned by the UN. And we do not need to substitute NATO or the EU for the UN. When the UN will truly unite the forces of the international community and can really react to events in various countries, when we will leave behind this disdain for international law, then the situation will be able to change. <<<
So there you have it. The globalists are using the United States to do all the dirty work in restructuring the world for the UN-centered NWO, and they are laying all the blame for the damage on the US nation-state, not themselves or their UN. At the same time, they are building up the BRICS as heroes who will save the world from the “rampaging American unipower” by bringing about a STRONGER UN which “will truly unite the forces of the international community and can really react to events in various countries.”
As you can see, Putin is all about bringing in a United Nations that is able to dominate the nation-states of the world, including the US. And this is reflected also in the joint statement from the first full-scale BRIC meeting. If you read through the statement, you’ll realize very quickly that it’s all about the UN. Allow me to take you on a tour of the key points…
> According to the BRIC alliance, what kind of world order should we have?…
“The Ministers reiterated that today’s world order should be based on the rule of international laws and the strengthening of multilateralism with the United Nations playing the central role.”
- One with the globalists’ UN playing the central role.
> According to the BRIC alliance, how do you make the UN stronger like Putin suggested at Munich?…
“They reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN with a view to making it more efficient so that it can deal with the current global challenges more effectively. The Ministers of Russia and China reiterated that their countries attach importance to the status of India and Brazil in international affairs, and understand and support India’s and Brazil’s aspirations to play a greater role in the United Nations.”
- Translation: “Reform it by giving the rest of the BRIC nations permanent seats on the UN Security Council.”
> According to the BRIC alliance, how do we solve the world’s economic malaise?…
“The Ministers noted that sustainable development of global economy in the long-term as well as finding solutions to the acute global problems of our time, such as poverty, hunger and diseases are only possible if due account is taken of the interests of all nations and within a just global economic system…
The Ministers spoke in favour of intensifying the dialogue to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, primarily the Millennium Development Goals, on the basis of global partnership for development. They supported international efforts to combat hunger and poverty.”
- By conforming to the UN’s Sustainable Development rules and reaching the UN’s Millennium Development Goals of course.
> According to the BRIC alliance, how do you end the scourge of terrorism?…
“The Ministers unequivocally condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, committed for whatever purposes. They reiterated that terrorism constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that the international community should take necessary steps to enhance cooperation to prevent and combat terrorism. They particularly highlighted the importance of the UN cooperation framework and the need for all member states to implement international conventions of the United Nations and UN Security Council resolutions on fighting terrorism.
The Ministers emphasized the importance of the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in all its aspects and expressed their opinion that all member states should make concerted efforts towards expeditious finalization of a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism at the UN.”
- So we end globalist organized and funded terrorism by fully complying with the globalist UN’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Why didn’t I think of that?!
> According to the BRIC alliance, is manmade climate change for real?…
“The Ministers spoke in favour of strengthening international cooperation to address climate change in the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. They expressed their desire to work closely together in order to carry out the Bali Action Plan.”
- Yep, it’s real, and everyone needs to follow the UN plan to mitigate it.
It was after this joint BRIC statement was released that the Kremlin posted the “Cooperation within BRIC” statement, and the latter contains a passage that we also need to see…
“BRIC is a loose group of countries including Brazil, Russia, India and China, the largest economic growth and political influence centres among emerging economies. These countries have a substantial integration potential in their respective regions.”
So what do the Russians mean by “substantial integration potential in their respective regions”? They are talking about a BRIC role in helping integrate the world’s nations into the United Nations Development Regions…

Take a moment to think about the continents of the world:
In North America, the globalists have the US to lead the UN integration effort;
in Western Europe, they have the EU to lead the integration.
Now let’s add the BRICS…
In Eurasia (the middle part of the Europe/Asia landmass), they have Russia to lead the integration;
in Asia, they have China and India to lead the integration;
in South America, they have Brazil to lead the integration;
in Africa, they have South Africa to lead the integration.
Can you see how the BRIC alliance helps pull the developing world into the UN’s regional system?
With all this laid before us, we see that Putin and his BRICS alliance are helping bring in a New World Order centered on a region-based United Nations. And in doing this, they are stopping the evil plans of the Western globalists, right?
The Western globalists’ plan for the New World Order has always called for it to be UN-centered and region-based. They published the blueprint for it back in 1961, and here are some excerpts from pages 35 and 26 (please pardon my crooked scanning)…

Can you guess from which book these excerpts were taken? It was this one…

…And it was the result of a Rockefeller-funded initiative called the Special Studies Project.
Can you guess who was the director of the Project? It was Vladimir Putin’s personal friend, Henry Kissinger…

…From the New York Times
So Putin is helping implement the NWO his pal Henry Kissinger helped design back in 1956…

…To learn more about this subject, read The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words…
Now that I’ve shown you what Putin and the BRICS are up to — using their own verifiable words — it’s time to state the obvious…
If this reality causes you to lose your false hope, good. False hope must be released in order to grasp on to true hope. And false solutions must be rejected in order to make way for real solutions.
[Part 3 – 29 November 2015]
Now that we’ve explored what Putin and the BRICS are really about, it’s time to turn our attention back to the laughably absurd Veterans Today article that inspired this essay. As we look upon it, let’s make some observations, address some key points, and find a reason for hope.
POINT 1 — The first thing of note is the author, Preston James, who describes himself as a Social Psychologist with “numerous” intel contacts.

If you wanted to mindfu*k a person – change his or her thoughts, feelings, and behaviors using social stimuli conveyed through mass media – whom would you employ? Why, a social psychologist of course. The controlled mainstream and alternative media are all staffed by such professional mindfu*kers. Their bios will show a background in psychology, intelligence, think tanks, and/or military psywar. Just have a look at who else sits on the Veterans Today Editorial Board of Directors…

It’s important to realize that when you read Veterans Today, you are subjecting yourself to psywar. Their job is to mindfu*k you into accepting both the East/West geopolitical dialectic and the Christ/Antichrist spiritual dialectic.
POINT 2 — Take note of the fearful imagery…

…and fearful words they use in the article…
>>> And these “most evil criminals in history” fully realize that in order to take over the whole World they will eventually need to establish their own centralized massive military forces and secret police power.
Most normal folks would define such crimes against humanity as raw tyranny and psychopathy beyond imagination.
And that is exactly what the system is that these Globalists are trying to engender, Worldwide Tyranny and their own 24/7 surveillance system coordinated together to produce what is best described as a virtual boot in the face of all humanity 24 hours a day, seven days a week with no end ever. [“with no end ever”: this sounds like hell, doesn’t it, and hell is the same concept they use to scare you in the Christ/Antichrist dialectic] <<<
Fear is a very powerful force within the human psyche, and it is the mind-killer. If they can keep you in fear and present you with a simple good guys vs. bad guys fairy tale that requires no thought, they are doing your thinking for you. You can no longer afford to allow that. Here is something I previously wrote about their use of fear in the East/West dialectic…
BEGIN EXCERPT>>> 1 – They set up a China-centered alliance as an opposing force to the Western alliance.
This part of the strategy was hinted at in the mainstream press in this 2002 UPI article, titled “China Wants Its Own ‘New World Order’ To Oppose US Version.” It is common practice for the Cabal to use opposing forces to achieve their ends, and they always make sure they have influence or control over both sides.
2 – They have been driving the world public into the hands of the Chinese alliance.
How have they approached this, you ask?
> They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies (thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another).
> They have instigated outrageous and provocative action, both economic and military, by the Western powers (this adds a new insight into the open-for-all-to-see Wall Street / City of London criminality and recent Western military boondoggles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Syria).
> They have broadly exposed damaging information about Western nations, especially the US. This is the motivation behind WikiLeaks, Snowden, and a thousand smaller disclosures. And after Snowden outed the NSA’s activities to the general public, where did he run to hide? First to China (Hong Kong), then to Russia. So what is the psychological message? China and Russia (the BRICS alliance) is where you run for safety from the evil US, its Western allies, and all their horrible behavior.
It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap. <<<END EXCERPT
As you read the Veterans Today article, note how it serves to scare people away from the West and towards Putin (and the stronger UN he will bring in). Can you see how the rampaging Western horsemen in the picture would scare rabbits towards the BRICS trap?
POINT 3 — Take note of the references to BABYLON and LUCIFER in the article. This is part of the Christ/Antichrist spiritual dialectic the globalists are also trying to sell the awakening public. If you look at some of the author’s previous work on the “Secret Space War”…

…you’ll begin to see that the…
“bad unilateral NWO” vs. “good multilateral NWO” conflict
is supposedly part of a larger
“bad aliens” vs. “good aliens” conflict.
Before you write the guy off as a nutter, though, it’s important to note that it was none other than the Rockefellers who launched the UFO Disclosure Movement (see Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?), and the Vatican has been talking about aliens as well (see The Vatican is preparing to introduce the Anunnaki to us). As insane as it all might sound, this ET stuff actually appears to be a real part of their agenda. And if you read the article, you get a basic idea of the two sides they are presenting to the public:
The “Bad Aliens” – “…subterranean Reptoids who are luciferians, evil to the core and allegedly working very hard to set up a Globalist NWO system using the ‘mystery Babylon religion’…”
The “Good Aliens” – “the so-called actual invading aliens from outer space in the final battle will turn out to be God’s army against the aliens (Dracos or Reptoids) which come up from underground to fight at the battle of Armageddon.”
So the Antichrist side is the US, the West, and the Luciferian lizards, and the Christ side is Russia, the BRICS, and the angel army from outer space. Sounds like an Ed Wood movie…

…does it not? But the globalists might actually try to put on such a show. If you are interested in delving into this particular rabbit hole, I recommend you read Obama and the 2nd Coming. It’s a good primer on what to expect.
And now we find a reason for real hope…
Point 4 – Note that the article attempts to address the growing awareness of Putin’s dialectic role…
>>> The Russian Federation under President Putin’s leadership seems to be a major exception to this apparent Worldwide Globalist control matrix.
Some fear Russia is just playing an assigned dialectical role and not really against the NWO System that these Globalists are trying to shove in place. <<<
The fact that they even mentioned this tells us the War of the Narrative is turning against them. If their “Putin as hero” fairy tale were holding up, they would make no mention of the dialectic out of fear of drawing attention to it. They brought it up because they had to bring it up — they had to do something to combat it.
They even went so far as to slightly distance themselves from Putin in an effort to feign reasonability and open-mindedness…
>>> Until President Putin releases all this Intel to the Russian Mass Media and to the Alternative Media on the Internet, we must reserve judgment as to his true motives despite how promising they now appear. <<<
Of course, this distancing is just for show. They have always been tireless promoters of Putin’s cult of personality…

The article also offers a way for Putin to prove he’s really a hero and not a dialectic roleplayer…
>>> Now is the time for Putin and the Russian Federation to clearly show it true hand if it is legitimate in its fight against the Globalists by doing a big public Intel dump. <<<
Given that Putin’s good guy role in the dialectic is to…
1) block the West (like he’s doing in Syria),
2) EXPOSE the West (like he did with the Turks), and
3) ultimately defeat the West,
…what the article suggests is essentially this…
“Please, Mr. Putin, prove you’re not a dialectic roleplayer by doing exactly what the dialectic calls for you to do.”
How ridiculous is that?
And therein lies our hope: they are losing control of the narrative. This might seem like a small thing right now, but the complications this unleashes on the globalists will grow over time.
Love always…
[Addendum 1 – 29 November 2015]
With the Paris Climate Change Summit just hours away, it’s time to look back to the G20 Summit that happened earlier this month. Here is an excerpt from Update 87…
[Addendum 10 – 16 November 2015] – East versus West on Climate Change
According to a Bloomberg Business article titled As Terrorism Unites G-20, Climate Change Exposes Divisions…
>>> The divide at the G-20 initially emerged over whether countries will back a more “differentiated” approach, where developed nations carry an extra burden, or “shared” emissions responsibilities, which would require developing nations to make bigger cuts, according to officials who asked not to be named…
The BRICS nations called for a greater focus on emissions pledges to be “differentiated” based upon national circumstances, suggesting they favor industrialized nations doing more to limit emissions than developing ones. <<<
This last paragraph is in keeping with Putin’s reported skepticism on manmade climate change: Putin Believes Global Warming ‘Is A Fraud To Restrain Developing Nations’. So this argument over “differentiated” measures versus “shared” measures might end up being the reason cited for Putin’s potential blocking of a climate deal at the upcoming summit.
In addendum 3 of this update I asked, “What kind of show will they put on, a cooperative love-in or a breakdown between West and East?” Looking at the back-and-forth over Syria and Climate Change, it appears that this G20 Summit is being used to demonstrate the (phony) conflict between the West and East. Should the BRICS be seen as frustrating the West on both Syria and Climate Change, it will set the stage for more provocative actions by the “insane West.”
Given the recent shoot-down of the Russian warplane in Syria, we can expect Putin to put on a big show of being tough on the West in the climate negotiations. This will likely result in one of two outcomes:
1) The BRICS will force the West to accept “differentiated” carbon-cutting responsibilities in order to get a deal.
2) A unanimous deal will not be reached, and Putin will be cast as the one who blocked it.
Either way, the globalist script will probably call for the evil West to punish Putin, so be on the lookout for “terrorist attacks” in Russia at some point after the Summit ends (and probably before the end of the year).
[Addendum 2 – 2 December 2015]
Over the past few years, I’ve had a number of readers ask for my take on Alex Jones and David Icke. Let me begin my answer by stating that there are two mind control matrices that surround us: 1) the mainstream matrix in which most people are trapped, and 2) the controlled alternative matrix in which most awakening people get ensnared after they escape the mainstream matrix. Alex and David are both leading figures in the controlled alternative matrix. And just like Veterans Today, their job is to grab the attention of people who are starting to ask questions and mindfu*k them into accepting the dialectic.
If you want to see an example of Alex Jones doing this, read Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 1 – Alex Jones and the Christ Conspiracy. You’ll find it quite interesting.
And if you want to see David Icke promoting the dialectic, just visit his website’s Putin archive. You need only scroll down the page looking at the headlines and the graphics to see how he bashes the West…

…promotes Putin’s cult of personality…

…and supports the dialectic conflict…