Author Archives: kenneth

Wag the Sobaka: Why the assassination of the Russian ambassador appears faked (+ Turkey’s motive for killing the Russian ambassador)

[Update 2: Turkey’s motive for killing the Russian ambassador]

[Update 1: According to Sputnik (which is an official propaganda organ of the Russian government), the ambassador was supposedly shot in the back NINE TIMES. That makes the total lack of blood on the white podium, the floor, and the ambassador’s clothes all the more astounding. The more I see the video and pictures of this thing, the more ridiculous it looks.]

Now here’s the original entry>>>

The first video I saw of the Russian ambassador’s “assassination” gave an unobstructed view of the exit wound area, like this one I found on

…but it was taken down and now all other videos of the supposed shooting have red boxes which wholly or partially cover over the area…

Despite this effort to cover up evidence of fakery, you can see that there is no red spray (forward blood splatter) coming from the ambassador’s supposed exit wound. The area is lily-white, so it seems more likely that his vest was blown forward by a movie squib.

This lack of any hint of forward blood splatter was something I noticed the very first time I saw the video, and other questions came to mind as well…

Why is the floor around his fallen body so immaculate when there should be a pool of blood?

Why was the assassin able to stand around and give his backstory for the attack without coming under fire?

Why were there no other policemen besides the assassin near the Russian ambassador?

Why were there no armed bodyguards from the Russian embassy near him?

Is it standard practice to leave an ambassador alone with NO SECURITY at a public event in a high-terror nation like Turkey?

The whole thing just didn’t add up to me. And now I have observed that Infowars (a known globalist disinformation site) is treating this assassination as real when they are normally among the first to point out inconsistencies in false flag attacks of this sort.

I’m not going to go into a long analysis of this “assassination.” I simply wanted to point out that there are some glaring inconsistencies that anyone with common sense can see. This looks very much like a staged PR event, and it is therefore quite instructive to see how different alt-media sites report it. Controlled sites will not want to admit that the Russians are complicit in this sort of skulduggery. They point out the obvious only when it supports the globalist East versus West con job. See Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags to understand why.

Tomorrow morning, we’ll have a look at why they pulled this apparent hoax.

Love always…

(P.S. – Same Day) – Here are two close-ups from a photo of the assassination posted on Infowars. In the first, note that there is not a single drop of blood either on or below the white podium where the ambassador was supposedly shot NINE TIMES IN THE BACK (which should have sprayed the podium with blood splatter)…

In the second, there is not a single drop of blood on the ambassador’s collar or on the floor around him…

Not bleeding when shot in the chest: now THAT’S Russian stoicism for you! One hopes he enjoyed the quick nap and the ambulance ride to the safe house.

(P.S. – 20 December 2016) – As for why the globalist intelligence services staged this hoax, it is part of their ongoing effort to bring about a direct US versus Russia war crisis in Syria. The globalists are controlling both sides in the Syria conflict, and they have scripted the situation to run out of control and lead us to the brink of nuclear war. This is meant to scare the public and convince them that reform of the UN is necessary so “such a crisis never happens again.” It is this reformed, strengthened UN that will be the central institution of the New World Order.

If we look to the assassination-related propaganda coming out of Establishment controlled alt-media sites like Infowars, it supports this agenda…


After reading the Infowars article and watching its attached video, you’ll see that it treats the “assassination” as real and blames NATO and Turkey for it. In painting it this way, they are providing support for the NATO + Turkey versus Russia + Syria + Iran dialectic conflict that will transition us into the New World Order.

If you still cling to the idea that the dialectic conflict is real, it is very important that you read…

Understanding the NWO Strategy

The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words…

NWO Schedule of Implementation [3.0]

These entries will snap you out of the illusion and give you an overview of what’s really going on.

Your Guide to the Electoral College Coup and Counter-Coup (+ The coup attempt won’t be over till after Jan 6)

[Update 1 – 19 December 2016]

(Special Note: The Russian ambassador to Turkey has been shot. Let’s see how this plays out vis-a-vis the Syria conflict.)

(P.S.: Having seen the video of the incident, there are some things that create doubt about the authenticity of the assassination: the conspicuous absence of blood spatter, blood pooling, other police, and bodyguards — it’s as though they intended to give the assassin time to spout his motivations before taking him out. Let’s see how the controlled alt-media play it too.)

Now here’s the Electoral College update>>>

It’s important to remember that however the Electoral College votes today, the coup scenario won’t end until after January 6. To understand why, there are three things we need to recall…

1) Obama has ordered a “full review” of the Russian hacking allegations, and a report is due to come out before January 20.

2) Members of Congress can still dispute electoral votes on January 6, and doing so would halt the certification of Trump’s presidency until the disputes are resolved.

3) Some Republican electors have said things that establish grounds for disputing their votes. Here is one example from a Politico article that mentions a Texas Republican elector, Alexander Kim…

>>> There’s a reason electors like Kim make Republicans nervous. While he insists he’s voting for Trump when the body meets on Monday and that nothing can shake him from that position, there is a caveat: “unless Trump does something to violate the compact that he created with American citizens.” <<<

So here’s the scenario we’re looking at even if the Electoral College votes Trump’s way today…

Prior to January 6, the intelligence agencies release a damning report on Russian interference, and it is accompanied by a coordinated mainstream media hissy fit and Soros-funded demonstrations. Democrats in Congress seize upon this and dispute the votes of electors like Kim, saying, “If these electors had been allowed to see the information in the intelligence report, they would have seen that Trump did indeed ‘violate the compact’ between him and the American people by encouraging this Russian interference in our democracy. They would not have voted for him if they had been properly briefed.”

It’s important to note that it isn’t necessary for them to make an ironclad case that will prevail in Congress and the courts and overturn the election. It’s necessary only that they make enough of a case to slow down Trump’s certification process for a number of weeks. This would allow Paul Ryan to sneak into the presidency and stage the war crisis with Russia.

Sadly, even if the globalists cancel the coup and Trump is sworn in on January 20, we still might see a war crisis. They have been laying down preparatory propaganda for a Trump confrontation with China over their activities in the South China Sea. Such a Trump vs. Xi conflict would perfectly position Putin to play the peacemaker between the two, thus setting him up for his ascension to leadership of the coming “reformed” UN. I’ll write more on this if the coup falls flat.

Here’s the original entry>>>

The globalists are clearly setting the stage for mischief at the Electoral College vote on December 19, so this entry will expose their objectives and strategies in hopes of backing them off from their plan. To make things easy to understand, I’ll offer this information in a question and answer format. So let’s begin…

What are the globalists planning to do at the Electoral College?

Originally, they planned to use Jill Stein’s recounts to delay the certifications of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin’s electors past the December 13 deadline. This would have either stopped their votes or made them legally disputable, which in turn would have lowered the number of faithless electors required to change the result of the election or hang the Electoral College. “Faithless electors” are electors who are pledged to a candidate by the popular vote in their state, but who choose to vote for another candidate due to their lack of faith in the people’s choice.

Had the globalists’ original plan succeeded, an election reversal would have required only 15 faithless Trump electors switching their votes to Hillary, and a hung electoral college – when no candidate gets enough votes to win – would have required only 14 faithless Trump electors voting for anyone else but Trump.

We know this was their plan because of two reasons…

1) After Stein launched her recount effort, controlled alt-media sources like Infowars came out with stories about 15 Trump electors abandoning him…

It is no mere coincidence that they were trumpeting the exact number of faithless electors that Stein’s recount scenario would have required for disrupting the election.

2) It was only after Judge Diamond failed to order a Pennsylvania recount on Friday that the “secret CIA report” hit the press. By late Friday, both the Michigan and Pennsylvania recounts were essentially dead, and Wisconsin’s was nearing completion, so the globalists needed to create a public justification for more electors abandoning Trump.

As to why they abandoned their recount scenario, I suspect it was to obscure Chabad-Lubavitch’s hand in orchestrating the whole drama. The Jewish judge who oversaw the Michigan recount case, Judge Mark Goldsmith, has a demonstrable tie to the Lubavitchers. And the Jewish judge who oversaw the Pennsylvania recount case, Judge Paul Diamond, grew up in Brooklyn, the nerve center of the Lubavitch movement. It appears that once the alt-media started sniffing around those connections (something the Lubavitchers trusted the mainstream press to never do), they backed off and kicked the ball over to the CIA.

With their original strategy now abandoned, reversing the election result will require 38 faithless Trump electors to vote for Hillary, and hanging the electoral college will require 37 faithless Trump electors voting for anyone else. So in the time between now and the 19th, you’ll see the mainstream media slamming Trump over his Goldman Sachs / ExxonMobil cabinet picks and his denial of Russian intervention on his behalf. This will be done to convince the electorate that there are plausible reasons for dozens of electors to abandon him.

For more background information on the Electoral College Coup, read The strategy behind Jill Stein’s recount effort.

What specific objective are the globalists seeking by conducting the coup?

They are aiming to create a temporary Paul Ryan presidency between Obama and Trump’s presidencies. When Congress unseals and counts the Electoral College votes on January 6, either a Hillary win or a hung vote will result in a firestorm of controversy in both the Congress and the courts, and settling the matter will take more than the two week period between the vote count and the January 20 inauguration day. Since Obama’s presidency (and Biden’s vice-presidency) will expire on January 20 and no replacements will yet be available, the presidency will temporarily fall to the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, until the election controversies are finally settled by either Congress and the courts or a US military counter-coup.

A Ryan presidency was made necessary by Obama’s refusal to allow a full-on US vs. Russia war to develop in Syria. Ryan’s assignment is to ensure the war crisis takes place in order to provide the segue to the post-crisis New World Order. Trump will then be sworn in as President to assist Putin in “reforming” the UN and helping the NWO to gel.

Why do the globalists want a US vs. Russia war crisis?

The most important remaining step in establishing the New World Order is reforming its central institution, the United Nations, so the globalists have orchestrated the Syrian war crisis to provide the opportunity and motivation to carry out the changes they seek. Key elements of this reform include…

  • eliminating the Security Council vetoes of the P5 nations (the US, UK, France, China, and Russia) so that no nation will be immune from UN action due to its veto power,
  • strengthening the military and police powers and forces of the UN to better enforce its dictates on the nations, and
  • broadening the number of permanent members of the Security Council to create the impression that “the institution is no longer under Western imperialist control.”

If you take a careful look at press reports and government propaganda releases on the Syria conflict, you’ll see this reform agenda in play. Here is an example from Fox News
…Take note of this excerpt, which blames UN “impotence” on one nation’s veto power…

>>> UNITED NATIONS – Russia and Syria faced a growing chorus of international condemnation over their actions in Aleppo, but U.N. officials conceded Thursday there was little they could do beyond shaming the two countries for what they are increasingly calling “war crimes.”…

Attempts to take action at the U.N. to end Syria’s civil war, now in its sixth year, have repeatedly failed because Russia, Syria’s close ally, is one of the Security Council’s five veto wielding members. <<<

Also have a look at this UN press release from last Friday…

The propaganda narrative underlying such reports is this…

“The situation in Syria slowly spiraled out of control because of the inability of the UN Security Council to overcome unilateral vetoes and field sufficient force to compel compliance with its peacekeeping efforts. We need to get rid of unilateral Security Council vetoes and strengthen the UN’s peacekeeping forces so something like this will never happen again.”

And while Western reports present this argument in terms of overcoming Russia and China’s veto power, Russia and China will present the argument to their people in terms of overcoming the US, UK, and France’s veto power. “If the Western powers hadn’t had veto powers,” they will say, “we could have pushed through a resolution that would have stopped their illegal regime change efforts and prevented the Syrian war entirely.”

All this being said, you begin to see why the globalists need to push us to the brink of a West vs. East nuclear war in Syria: to so scare the populations of the P5 nations that they’ll gladly give up their UN veto powers “so something like this will never happen again.” And since Obama won’t allow the war crisis to climax and Trump’s role is to cooperate with Russia after it’s over, they need a brief Ryan presidency to make it happen. Rest assured that this coup has nothing to do with electing Hillary; she has absolutely no role in the BRICS-fronted, reformed UN-centered New World Order, and she knows it.

For more background information on the subjects addressed in this answer, read…

The endgame in Syria

Don’t be fooled by globalist rebranding

The BRICS and the UN governance reform scam

How does the “Syria conflict to UN reform” agenda fit in to the big picture globalist strategy?

As I noted in a previous entry…

The globalists are in the process of running a problem / reaction / SOLUTION scam on us, not a problem / reaction / PROBLEM scam.

This means that when we reach the end result of this transition process, the NWO will look like the SOLUTION to all our problems, not another PROBLEM (such as a dark, scary fascist regime) we need to overcome. It will appear as though the corrupt have been defeated, World War 3 has been stopped, all regional conflicts have been resolved, biowarfare against the population has been halted, poverty has been alleviated, debt money has been abolished, secrets have been revealed, and so on and so forth. And the masses, after having been force-fed negativity and conditioned to expect a scary NWO for so long, are expected to be so overcome with joy that they’ll willingly embrace the New Order.

That’s how a problem / reaction / solution scam works when you’re using it to create a New Order for the entire planet: 1) you intentionally create an overwhelming number of terrible problems, 2) you make sure the public is fully aware of all those problems (by carpet-bombing their consciousness with mainstream and alternative media coverage of all the ills in the world), then 3) you present them with the solution to all their problems (the NWO). In that final phase, you don’t present them with something ugly and scary; you give them something attractive and inviting. And once they have accepted it and come to depend on it, you start tightening the screws again.

To get the public to see their “multilateral/multipolar” NWO as the solution to all that ails us, the globalists have created fear by publicizing an “evil, Western” NWO that is out to get us…
…while simultaneously creating hope by publicizing a “benevolent, Eastern” alternative NWO that is out to save us…

Since both the Western nations and the BRICS belong to the G20, which is the chrysalis of the multilateral/multipolar NWO, the seeming conflict between the two sides is being staged for public relations purposes. In actuality, both “sides” are fully on board with the globalist agenda.

So if we look to the culmination of the Syria war crisis and the UN reform that will follow it, we see the transition point when the scary decoy NWO is defeated and the attractive real NWO rises.

To better understand how the globalists are playing these “competing” NWOs against each other, read Understanding the NWO Strategy.

How will the counter-coup unfold?

I answered this question in my previous entry, so I’ll repost the relevant excerpt here for your convenience…


You may have noticed that Trump has appointed three former generals to high positions in his administration…
…From a Google News search for trump generals

And just yesterday, he attended the annual Army-Navy football game…
…From the Military Times

He is doing this to be publicly seen courting the military, thus creating backstory for why the military “counter-coup” will put him in office after the Democrats carry out their “soft coup” in the Electoral College. Among the federal institutions, the military has the best public image, so the globalists have tasked the Pentagon with the lead role in “stopping the Democrat coup” and unseating Paul Ryan (or Hillary Clinton). This is all part of the globalist coup/counter-coup operation I talked about in Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election

The sole purpose behind a Paul Ryan caretaker presidency (or a Hillary Clinton momentary presidency) is to take us to the brink, or slightly past the brink, of war with Russia (since Obama seems unwilling to let it happen on his watch). And this war would be stopped by a US military coup at one of two points…

  • the moment Ryan gives the order for the war-starting provocation, thus stopping the war before it begins, or
  • the moment the war leads to a high threat of a nuclear exchange, thus stopping the war before nukes are employed by either side.


And with that, I’ll call this entry complete.

With love…

(P.S. – 18 December 2016) – Since I’d never before paid any attention to an Electoral College vote, I was wondering how soon we’d know the result. According to this ABC News article, the voting process is open to the public, so we should know by tomorrow night. Time to break out the popcorn…

The strategy behind Jill Stein’s recount effort

(Prescript – 11 December 2016) – Due to the developments of the last few days, there are three points that need addressing…

POINT 1: Earlier in this entry, I said…

…be on the lookout for a Trump controversy that supposedly angers the Republican electors before the 19th. If you see such a thing develop in the mainstream or alternative media, it means they’re establishing justification for an increased number of faithless electors at the December 19 vote.

Just a day after I posted this, news came out that Trump has chosen the current president of Goldman Sachs to run his economic policy team. And the day after that, we heard news that he will choose the current head of ExxonMobil as his secretary of state. These cartoonishly blatant Establishment choices has led to talk of Trump performing a bait and switch on the electorate.

On top of that, they’ve come out with this…
…From Google News

So in just two days, the globalists have established the public justification for a double-digit loss of Trump electors to either Hillary or a protest candidate.

POINT 2: The UN General Assembly voted on Friday to demand an immediate ceasefire in Syria…

As I noted yesterday, a Russian choice to grant such a ceasefire before Aleppo is fully captured would mean the globalists are saving the final Aleppo showdown for a temporary Paul Ryan presidency. After Ryan is sworn in, the final battle would begin and he would declare a no-fly zone over Aleppo to start a direct confrontation with Russia.

But if Aleppo is taken before January 20, the globalists will likely opt for a direct ground confrontation between Syrian and Turkish forces or a high-casualty attack on US special forces in Syria. Ryan would then order a forceful response to “aid our Turkish allies” or “stop attacks on US forces.”

The sole purpose behind a Paul Ryan caretaker presidency (or a Hillary Clinton momentary presidency) is to take us to the brink, or slightly past the brink, of war with Russia (since Obama seems unwilling to let it happen on his watch). And this war would be stopped by a US military coup at one of two points…

  • the moment Ryan gives the order for the war-starting provocation, thus stopping the war before it begins, or
  • the moment the war leads to a high threat of a nuclear exchange, thus stopping the war before nukes are employed by either side.

POINT 3: You may have noticed that Trump has appointed three former generals to high positions in his administration…
…From a Google News search for trump generals

And just yesterday, he attended the annual Army-Navy football game…
…From the Military Times

He is doing this to be publicly seen courting the military, thus creating backstory for why the military “counter-coup” will put him in office after the Democrats carry out their “soft coup” in the Electoral College. Among the federal institutions, the military has the best public image, so the globalists have tasked the Pentagon with the lead role in “stopping the Democrat coup” and unseating Paul Ryan (or Hillary Clinton). This is all part of the globalist coup/counter-coup operation I talked about in Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election.

(Prescript – 10 December 2016) – If Russia acts in accordance with yesterday’s UN resolution and establishes a ceasefire before Aleppo is fully captured, it means the globalists are saving the final showdown in Aleppo for a temporary Paul Ryan presidency. It therefore means we’ll see mischief in the electoral college on December 19 and a short war after January 20. I’ll expand on this later…

(Prescript – 8 December 2016)

Given that…

> the recount disputes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin were leading to a situation in which only 15 faithless electors could have disrupted the outcome of the election, and

> controlled alt-media sources like Infowars were specifically talking about the existence of 15 faithless electors,

…it’s pretty safe to assume that the disputed Electoral College scenario outlined in this entry has, in fact, been in play. And with the mainstream media focusing people’s attention on the fact that Stein’s recounts couldn’t reverse the election outcomes in the three states, this back door scenario would have really caught people by surprise.

Now that the Michigan recount is essentially dead, though, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the scenario has died with it. There are five conditions under which it could still play out…

Condition 1: Michigan’s electors show up and are valid, but not Pennsylvania and Wisconsin’s. And 23 faithless Trump electors (7.5% of his total electors) change their votes to Hillary. This is the current condition now that Judge Goldsmith has ended the recount in Michigan.

Condition 2: Michigan and Wisconsin’s electors show up and are valid, but not Pennsylvania’s. And 28 faithless Trump electors (9.2% of his total electors) change their votes to Hillary. We’ll face this condition if Judge Diamond grants Stein a Pennsylvania recount on Friday AND Wisconsin completes its recount by the 13th.

Condition 3: Michigan and Pennsylvania’s electors show up and are valid, but not Wisconsin’s. And 33 faithless Trump electors (10.8% of his total electors) change their votes to Hillary. We’ll face this condition if Judge Diamond denies Stein a Pennsylvania recount on Friday AND Wisconsin is unable to complete its recount by the 13th.

Condition 4: All electors show up and are valid. And 38 faithless Trump electors (12.4% of his total electors) change their votes to Hillary. We’ll face this condition if Judge Diamond denies Stein a Pennsylvania recount on Friday AND Wisconsin completes its recount by the 13th.

Condition 5: However many electors vote, there are a sufficient number of faithless electors to deny both candidates an absolute majority of votes. This would result in a hung Electoral College, and the Presidency would be decided by the House of Representatives voting for one of the three candidates who won the most electoral votes in the election. Since Trump and Clinton won all of the electoral votes, it would be one of them. I’ll go into the sticky details of this scenario in the next addition.

Given these potentialities, be on the lookout for a Trump controversy that supposedly angers the Republican electors before the 19th. If you see such a thing develop in the mainstream or alternative media, it means they’re establishing justification for an increased number of faithless electors at the December 19 vote.

(Prescript – 9 December 2016)

If we revisit the Electoral College information page at the National Archives website, we see what lies ahead from the 19th onward…

As you can see, the electors meet in their respective states and vote, then they seal the votes and pass them on to Congress. So we might not know the result of the Electoral College election until the votes are unsealed and officially counted on…

If the Electoral College votes for Hillary or is hung, it is safe to assume that there will be objections to the vote in Congress and lawsuits filed in the courts. Should Congress delay certifying a Hillary election or voting for President (after a hung electoral vote) until all the objections and lawsuits are settled, the process could very well end up taking more than two weeks to resolve. And this means the offices of President and Vice-President would be vacant on January 20, and Paul Ryan would temporarily take the Presidency.

As for any talk among the “rogue electors” about electing a third, compromise candidate, that simply won’t fly. How would 50 or so rogue electors convince another 220 electors to vote for a candidate who didn’t even stand in the election? It would be seen as a disenfranchisement of the entire electorate, and both Republicans and Democrats would rage against it. Such third candidate talk is merely a cover for a deliberate effort to hang the Electoral College vote.

By the way, expect a big shock to the markets as soon as the public finds out about an election reversal or hung electoral vote. The dizzying “Trump rally” would pop like a bubble.

And with that, I’ll finally call this entry complete (for now).


If Jill Stein succeeds in preventing Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania’s electors from attending the electoral college, Hillary Clinton will need to get only 15 Trump electors to change their votes in order to win the Presidency. Here’s why…

In order to become President of the United States, one must receive an absolute majority (more than half) of votes in the Electoral College. Since there are currently 538 electoral slots in the College, if we divide that by two, we get 269 (which is exactly half). So to get an absolute majority, a presidential candidate needs one vote over that, which is 270.

But what happens if the 46 combined electors of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania don’t show up?

The electoral college would meet with only 492 electors. And if we divide that by two, we get 246 (which is exactly half). So to get an absolute majority in this case, a presidential candidate needs one vote over that, which is 247. Since Hillary already has 232, she’d need only 15 more to win.

But why would Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania’s electors fail to show up?

Because the recounts and the court cases surrounding them might prevent those states from certifying their electors in time…

As you can see, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have only 10 days to wrap up the recounts and court challenges and certify their electors. If they don’t, they might have no electors to send for the December 19 presidential vote.

And this is where the Clinton/Stein strategy reveals itself…

> Stein waited until the last possible moment to file for the recounts, thus assuring the recount efforts would have the minimum amount of time possible to complete them.

> Stein is further slowing down the recount efforts by insisting on hand counts and filing lawsuits.

So if the globalists opt to grant her success in her efforts, she will put Hillary within striking distance in the Electoral College, and that’s where the Clinton Machine will kick in. They have likely already identified the weakest links among the Trump electors – those who have skeletons in their closets and are persuadable by death threats and bribes – and they need turn only 15 of them (just 3% of the total electors) to succeed in “stealing the election.” But even then it wouldn’t be over.

There is another bump along the way to becoming President…

Should Stein and Clinton succeed in “stealing the electoral vote,” there would be a hellstorm in Congress. But I won’t go into that until we see how the vote goes.

All this being said, I consider it unlikely that the globalists will opt for this path, but I won’t rule it out either. The war path to the NWO will not be closed until Trump takes office (for the reasons given in my previous entry).

Love always…

(P.S. – 5 December 2016) – Here is something I came across during this morning’s infoscan…

So it appears that the 15 electors I talked about in this entry are already lined up.

(P.S – 5 December 2016) – THE PAUL RYAN SCENARIO

Whilst pondering the Stein/Clinton recount strategy, I realized that regardless of which way a disputed Electoral College vote might go, Paul Ryan would be placed in the Presidency on January 20. To see why, let’s recall the reason for the December 13 deadline…

So if Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania’s recount controversies are not settled before December 14, the validity of their electoral votes becomes legally questionable. This means that even if they send their electors to the vote on the 19th, motions to discount their votes can be made in both the courts and the Congress.

That being said, a missed December 13 deadline in all three recount states would give rise to two scenarios for a disputed Electoral College vote…

1) The three states’ 46 electors are unable to attend the December 19 vote and 15 or more “faithless Trump electors” from other states switch their votes to Hillary, resulting in a Hillary win. The Republicans could then dispute the “disenfranchisement” of the three states’ voters by the Democrats’ sneaky legal maneuvers (done with plausible deniability through Stein), and if they win their challenge, Trump’s victory will be restored.

2) The three states’ 46 electors attend the December 19 vote despite the disputes and vote Trump. This would result in a Trump win despite the faithless electors. The Democrats could then dispute the votes of the 46 electors, and if they win their challenge, Hillary wins the Presidency.

Either way it turns out, who gets the Presidency would be decided by the courts and Congress. And this “weighty responsibility,” along with the legal can of worms opened by the whole situation, could result in the final decision taking several weeks or months to reach. That raises an obvious question…

What happens if there are no clear Electoral winners to take the offices of the President and Vice-President when Obama’s term expires on January 20?

The Presidency would temporarily fall in the lap of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan. And given the fact that he just passed a House resolution calling on the President to study options for a no-fly zone over Syria, he’d likely implement such a policy and trigger a war with Russia.

By the way, regardless of any drama that might be coming, Trump will eventually be sworn in as President. It’s what the globalist agenda calls for.

(P.S. – 6 December 2016)

Do I look like a man you can trust?…
…Judge Paul Steven Diamond

A key step in enacting the disputed Electoral College scenario is getting a recall triggered in Pennsylvania. And wouldn’t you know it, Jill Stein’s federal lawsuit is being heard by Judge Paul S. Diamond, whose hometown is Brooklyn, NY (home to Chabad-Lubavitch’s world headquarters). With a surname and hometown like those, I’m wondering if there’s a connection.

Whether there is or not, Judge Diamond has scheduled a hearing for Friday afternoon. So if he grants Stein the recount then, the state would have only 4 days to complete it in order to meet the December 13 deadline. This would seem to be an unworkable time frame, so Diamond is basically holding Pennsylvania’s electors in his hands. Let’s see what he does with them.

P.P.S – Watch for Democrat-controlled precincts in all three states dragging their feet on the recounts to ensure the deadline is not met.

(P.S. – 7 December 2016) – Last night, news came out that a Michigan appeals court has ruled against Jill Stein’s recount, but the recount continues under an order from a federal judge, Mark Goldsmith. Goldsmith has scheduled a hearing for 10:30 AM today to address a motion to end the recount on account of the state court’s decision. If he orders the recount to continue, I’d expect Judge Diamond to issue an order on Friday for Pennsylvania’s recount to begin.

On a side note, Judge Goldsmith and Judge Diamond received their commissions on June 22, 2010 and June 22, 2004 respectively.

P.P.S. – Judge Goldsmith backed off on the Michigan recount, so it appears that the threat of a disputed Electoral College vote is waning. If Michigan’s electors now show up on the 19th and are valid, but Wisconsin and Pennsylvania’s electors remain in limbo, Hillary Clinton would need 23 faithless Trump electors to switch their votes to her in order to win. I’ll wrap this entry up in the morning, then move on to something new.

(P.S. – 4 December 2016) – There were some interesting election outcomes in Europe today, including the election of Alexander Van der Bellen in Austria…
…From NBC News/AP

Despite being critical of Russia in public, he has quite a connection to them behind the scenes…

His “noble” status may be why the globalists went against theme (their shift of Europe to the right) in (s)electing him.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 26 – The endgame in Syria

Now that the Chabad-Lubavitch “End Times” cult has its chosen leaders in position in both the US…
…and Russia…
…the conflict in Syria is being pushed towards its climax by the renewed offensive in Aleppo.

And there are two ways the climax can go…

1) A direct US/Turkey versus Russia/Syria conflict can be sparked. This would lead to the “war path” to the NWO.

2) “Masterful geopolitical moves” by Vladimir Putin can forestall full-on war until Trump can take office and defuse it from the American side. This would lead to the “peace path” to the NWO.

If the globalists are aiming for the war path, THE WAR MUST BE TRIGGERED BEFORE TRUMP TAKES OFFICE, which is why you are seeing this…
…From a Google News search of russia syria aleppo before trump

Why must it be so, you ask? Because Trump’s scripted role in this drama is to…

So which will it be: the war path or peace path?

The big news from yesterday can be used as propaganda fodder for taking us either way…
…From the Hurriyet Daily News

Under the war path, Erdogan’s admission could lead to a breakdown of cooperation between Turkey and Russia and a direct confrontation between the Turkish and Russian air forces, with allies and ground forces on both sides quickly piling on. Since the fall of Aleppo will effectively break the back of the Western/Turkish regime change effort, this direct conflict can be expected to take place just before or just after Russia and Syria take the city.

Under the peace path, Erdogan’s admission will serve to point out the “great success of Putin’s diplomatic efforts in keeping the peace.” “Even though Erdogan was attempting to take down Assad,” the propaganda will say, “Putin’s deft use of carrots (offers of pipeline money and permission to inhibit the Kurds) and sticks (threats of energy cutoffs and the possible use of Russian air/anti-air forces against any overstep in Syria) kept Erdogan at bay and enabled a peaceful resolution to a situation that could have devolved into World War 3.”

Of the two paths, I suspect they’ll go with the peace path. The globalists have been trending that way since July, and Putin’s “masterful use of diplomacy in preventing World War 3″ would be a great justification for elevating him to the top of the “new, reformed” United Nations (a.k.a. the New World Order). That being said, I don’t consider the door to the war path closed until Trump is inaugurated.

Getting back to the news article on Erdogan’s admission, there are two things about it that deserve special note. The first is this section…

>>> Erdogan also said the U.N. could not provide justice with its current structure, suggesting that all continents and all belief groups around the world should be represented at the Security Council apart from the five permanent members. The president has constantly voiced his criticism on the structure of the Security Council, saying “the world is bigger than five,” referring to the number of permanent members. <<<

This passage is preparatory propaganda for the UN reform I talked about in the NWO Schedule of Implementation. Here is the relevant excerpt…



Here are two specific elements of the planned UN reform…

1) The Security Council will be reformed to include permanent members from all 10 UN regions, and the power of the P5 nations to veto resolutions will be eliminated. The elimination of veto power will be sold as being necessary to allow the UN to effectively address divisive conflicts, but its real purpose will be to ensure that no nation can insulate itself from UN action by casting a veto. All nations will be equally helpless against the multilateral UN mob and the Occulted Powers who pull their strings. (The Occulted Powers are the intermarried / interacting network of local royals and international Jewish banksters, along with the secret society commoners – such as the Freemasons – who run things for them behind the facade of democratic government.)…

As was covered earlier in this entry, the globalists want to provide a pretext for taking away the veto powers of the P5 nations in the UN. The crisis which precipitates this solution could be one of these two potential events…

  • A global terror wave that is unleashed after Putin and Trump team up to “annihilate ISIS.”
  • A mass casualty event in Syria. The most effective approach would be to unleash a nuclear explosion in a Syrian city, and the most likely target of such an attack would be Damascus (in order to artificially fulfill the Biblical prophecy of Damascus becoming a “ruinous heap”). If such a nuclear attack does occur, expect Bashar Assad to survive.

As a third, low-key option, the “Anti-Establishment” leaders could point to the total Middle Eastern carnage caused by the “Western Establishment” from the 2003 invasion of Iraq through the ongoing regime change operation in Syria as ample justification for doing away with Security Council vetoes.


So the fact that Erdogan specifically griped about the UN’s “current structure” and the need for Security Council reform confirms that he is just another globalist puppet playing his role in helping to launch the NWO. EVERYTHING that is going on in Syria is being scripted by the globalist intelligence agencies (which includes those of the BRICS nations). It’s all a “crisis stage play” being put on so the public will accept the solution the globalists will offer for the “crisis”: the “reformed” UN / NWO. You can think of the Syria conflict this way: just like they stage mass shootings in the US in an effort to take away our guns, they’ve staged a really big “mass shooting” in Syria in an effort to take away our Security Council vetoes.

The second thing worth noting about Erdogan’s admission is that it indisputably establishes him as an enemy of Assad who attacked Syria to take him out. This is necessary for the development of Erdogan’s character within the Chabad-Lubavitch prophecy script. The role he’s been assigned is that of “Al-Masih ad-Dajjal,” the Muslim version of the “Antichrist.”

To understand the globalist prophecy script vis-a-vis the Syrian conflict, look to this YouTube video from Sheikh Imran Hosein of “The Strategic Culture Foundation” (a pro-Russian globalist propaganda outfit)…
…Here is how it starts out [with my comments added in brackets]…

Syria is not just another part of the world of Islam. From an Islamic eschatological perspective, Syria is at the heart – the very heart – of the end of history. There are three main actors at the end of history in Islamic eschatology:

The most important of them all is the return of Jesus, the son of Mary, the true messiah.

And then there is another figure in the end of history who seeks to impersonate the true messiah, and he is the false messiah. The Christians call him the Antichrist, and …Muhammad… called him Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.

And the third important figure in Islamic eschatology at the end of history is the Imam, or the Prince – in Christian theology he’s known as the Prince, or Imam al-Mahdi.

And these three main actors of the end of history are all going to be simultaneously present in Damascus. Imam al-Mahdi [Assad] will already be there. Dajjal [Erdogan] will come to attack him. And at that time when Dajjal is ready for the confrontation with the Imam, the Son of Mary [Putin] returns.

So the Dajjal has now admitted that he went into Syria to destroy the Mahdi, but he was prevented from doing so by the “true messiah,” the Son of Mary (Putin’s mother was named Maria Shelomova). According to the globalist prophecy plan, Putin will first be presented as the Judeo-Christian messiah, then he’ll be unmasked as the “true Antichrist” about 3.5 years after he takes over the UN. The globalists’ “true Christ” figure will then show up to defeat him 3.5 years after that. And with that bit of prophetic sleight of hand, they intend to take total control over us under their “Kingdom of Christ,” which will be completely devoid of any democratic structures.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 25 – Alert: Here comes a recount (+ the trigger point moves back to Syria)

(Prescript – 29 November 2016) – The globalists appear to have bypassed the recount and November 29 “Fight for $15″ triggers and have shifted the trigger back to Syria instead…
…From the Hurriyet Daily News

More on this tomorrow morning. Now here’s the original entry>>>

In Update 23, I warned that a post-election drama would take place…

>>> Once all the lagging precincts are counted, Hillary is expected to end up with 232 electoral votes, which means the globalists will need to put on a show in which she tries to claw 38 or more electoral votes from Trump in an attempt to overturn the election result. Since she is unlikely to succeed in getting them from Texas, she’ll need to get them from at least two other states. So look for…

> Clinton campaign claims of “irregularities” in two or more states, or
> rumblings in two or more state governments about overriding the popular vote to install new electors. <<<

And I was wrong. Sort of. Because the Occulted Powers are having Jill Stein do it instead of Hillary…
…From The Boston Globe. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein on Wednesday called for a recount in three key states — Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania — and appeared to quickly raise more than the $2.2 million her campaign said was needed to pay for the recounts. <<<

Needless to say, there is no way that a recount could benefit Stein’s bid for the Presidency, but it can certainly benefit Hillary’s. And the three states Stein is attempting to recount are the very ones that were pointed out by “computer scientists” on November 22

Since a reversed result in those three states would lead to a reversed result for the whole election, this recount could give us the “Democratic coup” which would bring on the scripted counter-coup and potential war with Russia. That being said, these are the first dates to watch in the NWO Schedule of Implementation: November 25 – 30 (to see if the recounts proceed).

Much love…

[P.S. – same day] – To take note of how ridiculously scripted this whole election drama is, as well as who is doing the scripting, let’s recall what Stein said about Hillary during the election campaign…

So how absurd is it that after warning a Hillary presidency could bring nuclear war, she’s enlisting herself to help Hillary overturn Trump’s election? And as her last name suggests, Stein is a Jew (a descendant of Russian Jews, to be exact). So here is a Jew helping to change the course of the election after another Jew, Anthony Weiner, helped change it before. Are you beginning to see who is orchestrating this back-and-forth stage play?

In case you can’t see it yet, read the section on Trump and Putin’s connection to Chabad-Lubavitch…
…in Update 23 (it is the November 7 prescript near the top of the article).

By the way, here is a notable excerpt from the Forbes article on Trump’s Lubavitcher son-in-law

“The most compelling figure in this intrigue, however, wasn’t in Trump Tower. Jared Kushner was three blocks south, high up in his own skyscraper, at 666 Fifth Avenue, where he oversees his family’s Kushner Companies real estate empire. Trump’s son-in-law, dressed in an impeccably tailored gray suit, sitting on a brown leather couch in his impeccably neat office, displays the impeccably polite manners that won the 35-year-old a dizzying number of influential friends even before he had gained the ear, and trust, of the new leader of the free world.”

[P.S. – 25 November 2016] – In addition to the November 25 – 30 window for starting the recounts, the next date to watch is November 29. This is why…

We have seen agents provocateur staging “protests” in a number of cities since the election, but November 29 offers the possibility of a widespread disruption just as the recounts are getting started. Also, a reader has pointed out that “Fight for $15″ can also be read “Fight for ISIS” (the “$” can be separated into an I and an S, and the “15″ can be read as IS). So could the Left Hand Path guys be telegraphing some sort of terror tie-in that will kick in at some point down the line? Possibly.

[P.S. – 25 November 2016] – Just like Hillary’s supposed concession on the day after the election defused tension over the election outcome (only to see that tension resurrected by Jill Stein two days ago), Paul Ryan’s supposed deal to pass a continuing resolution to keep the government funded has defused tension over a government shutdown on December 10. But will the government shutdown threat also be resurrected in the next few days?

  • How will conservative Republicans publicly respond if the recounts go forward?
  • How will they respond if Soros and Co. turn November 29 into a national day of riots?
  • Could the public narrative reflect a total breakdown in Congressional cooperation due to the Republican perception of a violent Democratic coup aimed at overturning the election?

It just so happens that the first day the House of Representatives will return to work will be the evening of November 29…
…How are the Republicans going to feel that evening after watching what happened during the day?

This makes December 10 the next date to watch – the day the government might shut down, leading to chaos by Christmas.

[P.S. – 25 November 2016] – If you’ve been keeping tabs on the mainstream news, there is a lot of pressure being exerted on electoral college members to switch their vote to Hillary…
…From a Google News search for electoral college

So here are the worst-case conditions the electors might face when they vote…

  • The election outcome in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may still be in dispute.
  • The press will be screaming about how Hillary won the popular vote and why “the electors should respect that.”
  • There may be ongoing riots across the country in supposed protest of Trump’s victory.
  • The government may be shut down due to controversy over the election, with resulting food stamp cutoffs helping fuel the riots.

In those conditions, will enough electors waver to elect Hillary?

If they do, the “coup” will be complete, and the stage will be set for the “counter-coup” to begin. I’ll go into the details of how that might go down if events start moving in that direction.

So this makes December 19 another date to watch – the date the electoral college might elect Hillary Clinton and set off a globalist-orchestrated coup circus.

The New World Order Schedule of Implementation [Mod 3.0]

What will the New World Order look like when it’s complete? Through what steps will the globalists take us to get there? When will those steps happen? These are three questions this entry will answer. So let’s get straight to it…


Here are two specific elements of the planned UN reform…

1) The Security Council will be reformed to include permanent members from all 10 UN regions, and the power of the P5 nations to veto resolutions will be eliminated. The elimination of veto power will be sold as being necessary to allow the UN to effectively address divisive conflicts, but its real purpose will be to ensure that no nation can insulate itself from UN action by casting a veto. All nations will be equally helpless against the multilateral UN mob and the Occulted Powers who pull their strings. (The Occulted Powers are the intermarried / interacting network of local royals and international Jewish banksters, along with the secret society commoners – such as the Freemasons – who run things for them behind the facade of democratic government.)

2) The size and powers of the UN’s military and police forces will be significantly increased to ensure that “no unilateral power can ever again threaten world peace.” I wrote about this element in a previous entry…


Putin’s Drive to Militarize the UN

Once the UN-centered New World Order is put in place, the globalists have scripted a honeymoon period during which things will look much better than they do now. But once we hit the 3.5 year mark, Putin and the UN will start doing some ominous things with the upgraded military and police powers the UN will then possess.

It should come as no surprise, then, that less than a month after Putin was handed the Russian Presidency by Yeltsin, he was hosting the UN Secretary-General and talking about strengthening the “authority and influence of the UN”…

A few months later, he attended the UN Millennium Summit and started getting specific about increasing the UN’s power…
…from The People’s Daily. Here is an excerpt…

“During the meeting, they discussed conflict resolution, rapid reaction capability for peacekeepers, post-conflict reconstruction and the U.N. reform.

Putin expressed interest in reviving the U.N. Military Staff Committee which coordinates military activity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in support of international peace and security, but which has never been effective.”

Now if we look into the UN Military Staff Committee, we see this…

“The Military Staff Committee (MSC) is the United Nations Security Council subsidiary body whose role, as defined by the United Nations Charter, is to plan UN military operations and assist in the regulation of armaments.

The greatest purpose of the MSC, arising from Article 45 of the UN Charter, was intended to be providing command staff for a set of air-force contingents. These contingents, provided by the Permanent 5 members (P5) of the Security Council (the People’s Republic of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to be held at ready for the discretionary use of the United Nations.” – From Wikipedia

Clearly, Putin wants the “reformed” UN he will lead to have military teeth. But his (and his globalist handlers’) plans go beyond mere military power, as is shown by this Russian statement at the UN
…Here are some key passages [with my comments added in brackets]…

>>> Russia places a high emphasis on the role that peacekeeping [UN intervention in the internal affairs of nation-states] plays in maintaining international peace and security…

we attach great importance to the establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission, which operates at a cross-juncture of the activities of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council as well as international financial institutions[the UN “Peacebuilding” Commission is designed to move in after the UN military rolls into an area and alter the political and economic order of the invaded area to suit the globalists; it is essentially a colonizing force]

The importance of the UN civil police is increasing. We follow with great interest the implementation of the Summit’s decision to establish a Standing police capacity

It is fundamentally important that all these activities be carried out in accordance with… rational division of labour with the regional organizations. In this connection I would like to stress our conviction that relevant capacities of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Organisation of the Collective Security Treaty and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation might be in high demand. [in other words, they want the UN to use peacekeepers that the Russians and Chinese have trained] I note with satisfaction, that our efforts in strengthening the UN peacekeeping capacity are bearing fruits…

The Peacekeepers’ Training Centre of the Advanced Police Training Academy of the Russian Ministry of Interior organized between the 2nd and 30th of November, 2006 a course “The Civilian Policeman in the UN Missions” for thirty eight representatives of law enforcement institutions from ten African states.

In accordance with the decision of the Russian Government the Ministry of the Interior is planning on training up to 80 people a year till 2010. The next course of training African peacekeepers in Russia is scheduled for the period from March 1st to April 2nd of this year… [so Russia has been recruiting and training agents to embed in UN civil police forces that come from nations they don’t control]

In conclusion I would like to touch upon one more issue. We believe that the improvement of the thorough consideration of all military aspects of specific peacekeeping operations by the UN Security Council would promote greater efficiency of all aspects of UN peacekeeping. The Charter body – the Military Staff Committee (MSC) that is called upon to ensure an appropriate level of military expertise for the UN Security Council decisions, which have a military aspect, might provide a contribution to this. That is why the President of Russia V. Putin set forth the idea of the MSC’s revitalisation at the Millennium Summit. <<<

“Peacekeeping” is an Orwellian doublespeak word for “warmaking.” It involves the UN invasion of a nation-state in order to produce an internal outcome the UN desires. And according to the globalist / Putin plan for a stronger UN, it will involve…

1) more effective application of UN military force, followed by

2) UN civil police to weed out “troublemakers” and pacify the population, and

3) UN “Peacebuilding” agents to remake the affected area’s political and economic structure in accordance with globalist guidelines.

With this 3-step colonization protocol set before us, it’s not hard to imagine where they’re going with it. During the first 3.5 years of the NWO, they might use it only in areas where there are humanitarian crises. This will allow them to practice and fine-tune their approach. But after the 3.5 year mark, they’ll start using the protocol in areas that contain…

> large pockets of resistance to the UN (because “the UN is the source of world peace, so if you’re against the UN, you are a threat to world peace”), and

> large pockets of religious “extremists” (those who cling to traditional religious ideas over the UN’s “It’s All Good” One World Religion).

In both cases, the globalists will use false-flag shootings and bombings to simulate conflict and justify UN intervention.


So how will the globalists get the nations to agree to these reforms, you ask?

Their tried-and-true method is to offer their plans as a solution to a crisis they deliberately create. If they apply that standard method to UN reform, it would mean…

1) They will orchestrate a war that the UN can’t prevent due to the existence of P5 veto powers. The current war in Syria is perfect for that purpose. Note the competing resolutions on Syria that were circulated in the Security Council in October; neither had a chance because both sides had vetoes…
…From the UN website

2) They will be sure that all of the P5 nations get a serious bloody nose from the unprevented conflict. The harm they’ll suffer will provide the motivation to surrender their veto powers “so it can never happen again.”

As to how these bloody noses will manifest, one particular scenario is already being resurrected by the globalist propagandists…

…It is the “Armies of Rome versus ISIS final battle” scenario.

The globalists already attempted an East vs. West version of this scenario back in early September, but now they seem poised to attempt a Trump + Putin version. In this version, the combined “Christian Crusader armies” of Putin and Trump will fight the final battle against ISIS and Turkey, which will cause ISIS to unleash its big terror finale in the P5 nations. The resulting terror attacks will be sufficiently shocking to convince people that the UN must be strengthened and P5 veto power must be surrendered “so something like this can never happen again.”

If you’ve been paying attention to the preparatory propaganda for the Syrian endgame, you’ll know that…

1) Putin has been presented as the great savior of Christians all over the world…
…From The Christian Post

2) And now, Trump too has been presented as a Christian…
…and a defender of the faithful…
…Also from The Christian Post

This establishes the potential for a united Christian front against ISIS, which will supposedly trigger ISIS’s long-awaited Apocalyptic showdown against the religion of Rome.

3) All P5 nations are now engaged in the Syrian conflict, including China…
…From RT

4) And the propaganda organs have made sure to point out that “thousands” of China’s Uyghurs have joined ISIS in Syria (and might go back home to commit terrorist acts)…

Here is a notable excerpt…

>>> The communist superpower has long been concerned about a growing number of “Chinese-origin” terrorists tied to the abhorrent jihadi sect.

And Mr Li, who heads the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, warned returning jihadis could pose a “major” threat to China.

According to India Today, he said: “I believe this will be a major source or threat because if these people come back to the country of origin they could constitute a considerable threat to the security of the country of origin.” <<<

So all of the P5 nations supposedly have returned ISIS fighters or ISIS “refugees” inside their countries. Their alleged presence will provide cover for each nation’s security services to actually carry out the attacks (ISIS is just a front, like Wikileaks and Snowden, through which the globalist intelligence agencies do their mischief).

5) At least two specific high-shock attack methods have been foreshadowed by the propaganda organs: dirty bombs and airliner downings…
…From a March Google News search for ISIS “dirty bomb” (top) and Newsweek (bottom)

Putting all this together, this is the scenario they could put in motion…

Trump joins Putin in the final assault against “ISIS,” and the intelligence agencies subsequently carry out “ISIS’s” final terror barrage. After watching their airliners getting blasted out of the sky and/or seeing areas of their cities rendered temporarily uninhabitable by dirty bombs, the stunned people of the P5 nations undergo a propaganda barrage about how the UN could have prevented what happened if only it had been stronger and unencumbered by P5 vetoes. And with that pretext established, the newly elected Western leaders of 2017 join with the BRICS in “reforming” the UN.

Now that we’ve covered what the NWO will look like politically, let’s take a look at what it’ll look like financially and economically…


I first wrote about the Enhanced China Model last November…

>>> From my current knowledge of what the globalists have planned, they seem to be aiming for an “Enhanced China Model” for the global economy. In China, the central government dictates the direction of the economy, but that direction is pursued with a capitalistic approach. And if the central planners don’t like something that’s going on in the capitalistic level, they step in and crush it. This is how I suspect the new globalist economy will operate.

At the UN level, the neo-Roman authorities will steer the direction of the economy (such as with the “Sustainable Development Agenda”), but they will allow the corporations to pursue that direction under an Austrian Economic Framework. That way, they’re in control (such as in a communist/socialist system), but things actually get done (such as in a capitalist system). <<<

So the socialist/communist New World Order you’ve been programmed to fear is the decoy NWO. The real NWO will be based on Austrian Economics operating within globalist-defined boundaries.

To learn more about who’s really behind the Austrian Economics fad, read these entries…

The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers

Like it or not, here is more on the Rockefeller connection to Austrian economics

Turning our attention to the IMF, the first steps towards its “reform” were taken earlier this year when the 2010 quota reforms took effect. But the really big step will occur in the near future when China offers a portion of their gold reserves to help provide gold “backing” for the SDR. In return for their gold, China will receive a large special allocation of SDRs, and these new SDRs will dilute the US’s share of total SDRs to below the 15% level. This will eliminate America’s veto power in the IMF, which will unleash even more reforms. At the time this is done, we’ll also see a Chinaman replace Christine Lagarde as the Managing Director of the IMF.

As for the SDR, moves towards its reform and wider use were taken this year when China’s renminbi was added to its currency basket and SDR-denominated bonds were sold by the World Bank and Standard Chartered Bank…
…From the (the article is a short and informative read, so have a look at it)

It is the intention of the globalists to replace the US dollar as the primary reserve currency with the SDR and then promote the SDR’s use as a global consumer currency. To see their detailed plans for replacing the dollar with the SDR, read this speech given by Zhou Xiaochuan, the Governor of China’s central bank (and the currently designated replacement for Christine Lagarde at the IMF)…
…The speech was given during the depths of the 2007-2009 financial crisis and follows the globalists’ standard “let’s create a problem, then offer our solution” template. He begins by pointing to the problems posed by the (engineered) economic meltdown, then he goes on to explain how a new kind of global reserve currency would solve all those problems. Finally, he makes his recommendation…

“The scope of using the SDR should be broadened, so as to enable it to fully satisfy the [IMF] member countries’ demand for a reserve currency.”

And to see how the globalists will promote the SDR as the world’s consumer currency, have a look at this Economist article from 1988…
…Here is an excerpt…

>>> THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let’s say, the phoenix. The phoenix will be favoured by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today’s national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the last twentieth century…

…The phoenix would probably start as a cocktail of national currencies, just as the Special Drawing Right is today. In time, though, its value against national currencies would cease to matter, because people would choose it for its convenience and the stability of its purchasing power…

…The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments. There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF…

…Governments are far from ready to subordinate their domestic objectives to the goal of international stability. Several more big exchange-rate upsets, a few more stockmarket crashes and probably a slump or two will be needed before politicians are willing to face squarely up to that choice…

…Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes. <<<

To learn more about this, read Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.

Now that we’ve seen what the real NWO will look like, let’s move our focus to the globalists’ two paths for getting us there: the war path and the peace path…

> The war path involves a direct military conflict between Russia and the US orchestrated under the pretext of “the Western globalists’ last-gasp effort to save their agenda before Trump takes office.” It would play out something like this…

Congress would fail to make a budget deal in December, and the government would go into partial shutdown, including a shutdown of the food stamp program. Food riots would then erupt as Soros-sponsored agitators draw desperate regular folks into the street. This would lead to Obama declaring a national emergency and ruling by executive order.

The supposed “white hats” in the Pentagon and security agencies would take exception to this “Democrat-led coup” and move to arrest the top Democrats, including Obama and Biden. This would lead to Paul Ryan being made interim US President, and he would lead us into a short, disastrous war with Russia before Trump is inaugurated. This war would create a global economic collapse due to the temporary shutdown of trade and financial payments between East and West.

The rest of 2017 would be devoted to Putin, Trump, and the newly elected “anti-Establishment” leaders of Europe putting the world back together both politically and economically. The “reformed” UN Complex (the UN, IMF, and World Bank) and a new “commodities-backed” financial system will be the result of their efforts. So the New World Order would be in full effect by late 2017 or early 2018.

> The peace path bypasses any direct US – Russia military conflict and instead uses a last-gasp “ISIS” terror barrage to plunge the world into an unconcealable economic depression…

  • The terror barrage would result in widespread calls to “reform” the UN to prevent a conflict like Syria’s from ever again spinning out of control.
  • The terrible economic conditions, possibly augmented with a Wikileaks operation targeting the EU, would lead to popular unrest in Europe and the election of “anti-Establishment” leaders, particularly in the P5 nations.

And like the war path, the remainder of 2017 would be devoted to “reforming” the existing world order into the New World Order.


After writing and posting this first summary of the peace path, I came across news that a deal had been struck to postpone the budget showdown until March, which means the peace path is most likely in play. So let’s look a little deeper at the core elements of it…

1) The globalists want their controlled-opposition “anti-Establishment” figures to win the European elections of 2017. To ensure their “(s)election” occurs in a convincing way, the Occulted Powers will do most or all of the following…

  • Increase economic pressures in the EU nations.
  • Continue the migrant offensive against the European populace.
  • Conduct more “terrorist” attacks in Europe.
  • Launch more EU policies that are blatantly outrageous.
  • Unleash their Wikileaks front on the “Establishment” politicians and parties of the EU nations.

2) As was covered earlier in this entry, the globalists want to provide a pretext for taking away the veto powers of the P5 nations in the UN. The crisis which precipitates this solution could be one of these two potential events…

  • A global terror wave that is unleashed after Putin and Trump team up to “annihilate ISIS.”
  • A mass casualty event in Syria. The most effective approach would be to unleash a nuclear explosion in a Syrian city, and the most likely target of such an attack would be Damascus (in order to artificially fulfill the Biblical prophecy of Damascus becoming a “ruinous heap”). If such a nuclear attack does occur, expect Bashar Assad to survive.

As a third, low-key option, the “Anti-Establishment” leaders could point to the total Middle Eastern carnage caused by the “Western Establishment” from the 2003 invasion of Iraq through the ongoing regime change operation in Syria as ample justification for doing away with Security Council vetoes.

3) The globalists want to transition to a financial system that revolves around their “multilateral institutions” and a “gold backed” IMF SDR. I use quotes around the term “gold backed” because the new currencies won’t have a traditional gold backing; it will be more of a gold valuation, but the public will perceive it as gold backing. The crisis which precipitates this solution could take one of these two forms…

  • an economic collapse triggered by the final “ISIS” terror barrage
  • an economic collapse triggered by shocking developments in the EU (like the election of Le Pen and other “anti-Establishment” figures) and their effect on weak, systemically important financial institutions (like Deutsche Bank).

As a third, low-key option, the Western “anti-Establishment” leaders could simply resolve to move the world out of the economic doldrums by instituting the new system in collaboration with the BRICS nations.

With these basic strategies in mind, let’s start looking at specific dates that offer opportunities to advance these strategy paths…

[See Update 25 for the upcoming dates to watch. They’ll be added to this section soon.]

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 24 – A second, slower path to the New World Order (+ Addendum 1 – Why the UK WILL have a general election in 2017)

Have you noticed all of the New World Order talk coming out of the mainstream media since Trump’s win?…
…From a Google News search for world order

Buried amidst all this chatter is a narrative outlining a second, slower path to the New World Order. It would involve bypassing a Western escalation in Syria until Trump is in office and cuts a deal with Putin, then waiting for all the 2017 European elections to install new “right wing” leaders like Le Pen. Once the core of the West has Putin-friendly leaders in place, they can all cut a deal to “reform” the UN and launch the “kinder, gentler” NWO I’ve been warning about.

Of course, this is just the basic, bare bones outline of it; I’ll write more over the next day or two.

[Addendum 1 – same day]

If we look at the most powerful grouping in the United Nations, the UN Security Council’s permanent members, we see that three of the five seats will be held by Putin-friendly countries in early 2017 (Russia, China, and Trump’s US). And once Le Pen is elected in the April-May French election, FOUR will be in NWO hands. That leaves the UK.

A recent court ruling has required the UK parliament to vote on the BREXIT before proceeding, and Prime Minister May has publicly stated that parliament must accept that the BREXIT vote was legitimate. So here’s my prediction…

> Parliament will vote on the BREXIT in 2017, and they will go against the result of the referendum. There will be outrage.

> May will then schedule a snap election for sometime in 2017.

> A Farage-like anti-Establishment figure will emerge as the new PM.

This will put all the veto-wielding UN Security Council seats in Putin-friendly hands.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 23 – Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election

[The Morning After]

> 11:54 AM – Well, well, well… Hillary seems to be stepping aside. Will she stick to it? Will her supporters accept defeat? Will the state governments accept the result?

> 11:30 AM – A reader asked “…do you think she knew she going to loose ? do you think he knew he was going to win ? was this all a show ?”

The answer is yes, yes and yes, and I wrote about it back on August 1st…

“As I said before, the globalists are using their Wikileaks front to torpedo Hillary’s campaign so Trump can slide into office and bring the US into Putin’s (and the Rockefellers’) NWO. Rest assured that both candidates know their roles in this, so don’t cry for Hillary.”

The article in which this quote appeared was about the plans the globalists had for the Rio Olympics. Extensive exposure caused them to back off of those plans, though, which in turn caused them to back off of their September plans (either that or I was dead wrong about both). In fact, they’ve delayed or canceled every part of their plan they possibly could since they abandoned Greece’s defection to the BRICS last summer.

Trump’s election is a key element of their endgame, though, so there was no way they could skip it without throwing in the towel completely. And here we are. Let’s see if we can make them put this off for another generation. The human race needs time to wise up and stop being so gullible, and in the Age of the Internet, that is entirely possible. Humanity now has a highly efficient central nervous system and a collective brain. Let’s use it.

> 10:18 AM – Just to give you a glimpse of what you’ll see in the weeks between now and the inauguration, have a look at this magazine cover. It portrays Trump as supposedly posing a threat to the “world order”…
…From the New Statesman

Of course, Trump isn’t the only Lubavitch puppet who is propagandized in this way. Vladimir Putin is also a supposed threat…
…From CBS News/AP

By putting out propaganda of this sort, this is what the G20 globalists want you to believe:

> That Trump and Putin together pose an “apocalyptic” threat to the “evil Western world order,” and

> That the “evil Western globalists” will do anything, including taking us to nuclear war, to survive.

And with you being programmed to believe that, they will indeed take us to war before Trump’s inauguration. Since a war between East and West (BRICS vs. G7) will halt all financial transactions between the two, a wrenching economic collapse will accompany the conflict. And once the nuclear missiles start flying, that’s when the Lubavitchers’ fake messiah bullsh*t will kick in.

You can read about their prophecy fulfillment strategy in End Times Programming. Although they’ve already missed their first deadline (which was in September), that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve abandoned all variants of their plan. Prophecy is indeed bullsh*t, but when the global bankster elite are footing the bill, a nice show of fulfilling it can be staged.

By the way, can you guess who the Lubavitch messiah will be? Find out here. You’ll read about Trump and Putin’s ties to Chabad-Lubavitch, as well as what Chabad-Lubavitch is, a little further down this entry.

> 7:40 AM CST – While we wait to see what the Clinton campaign says this morning, we must take note of what she didn’t say last night…
…From Google News

Once all the lagging precincts are counted, Hillary is expected to end up with 232 electoral votes, which means the globalists will need to put on a show in which she tries to claw 38 or more electoral votes from Trump in an attempt to overturn the election result. Since she is unlikely to succeed in getting them from Texas, she’ll need to get them from at least two other states. So look for…

> Clinton campaign claims of “irregularities” in two or more states, or
> rumblings in two or more state governments about overriding the popular vote to install new electors.

[Election Night Notes]

> 8:47 PM CST – So far, the election is closer than I expected. But as I think about it, a tight race makes it easier to claim that Russian hackers (or Soros voting machines) made the difference. Trump is still going to win, sooner or later.

> 9:03 PM – I continue to find it curious how slow Florida has been about announcing the last 8% of its vote. Could this be a state where mischief will be claimed?

> 10:25 PM – It took forever for Florida to go from 95% of the vote reported to 96% and a win for Trump. If Hillary loses tonight, will she claim that certain precincts held back their results until they knew how many votes they needed to switch to Trump? Florida has a Republican governor, just like back in the days of the Bush vs. Gore fiasco. Will we see Fiasco in Florida Part 2? Time will tell…

> 1:34 AM – Well, I was right about Trump winning, but I’ve known that the Republican candidate would win since early last year. At that time, I thought Rand Paul would be the nominee, but I didn’t know about the Chabad-Lubavitch angle back then. Read this April 2015 entry and substitute “Donald Trump” wherever it says “Rand Paul” to see if I got it right. Also have a look at How Hillary, Trump and Putin figure into the launch of the New World Order to understand why I was so certain about the election’s outcome.

I was off, though, in predicting a landslide. It does make more sense for them to keep it close. Now we can look forward to potential drama in the electoral college, over-the-top Democrat theatrics, and loads of faux-truther bullsh*t about “desperate globalists trying to overturn the election result.” When all is said and done, though, the globalists’ boy will be left standing.

The next act of the Lubavitch messiah show is about to begin.

[Prescript – 7 November 2016]

One of the more overlooked aspects of the 2016 presidential puppet show is the fact that both candidates have offered up their daughters to the Money Power Jews to gain their approval…
…From the New Jersey Jewish News

Don’t you find it interesting that among all the people who ran for the Presidency on both the Republican and Democrat sides, the two who had intermarried with the elite New York Jews ended up winning?

Chelsea Clinton’s husband, Marc Mezvinsky
…is a Goldman Sachs alum who runs his own hedge fund in New York. The fund is reported to have lost nearly 90% of its investors’ money, and his father, Edward Mezvinsky, “embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the Nigerian e-mail scams and was found guilty of fraud in 2001.”

And Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner
…runs a megadollar real estate holding and development company in New York. “Kushner was thrust into his role at Kushner Companies when his father Charles was arrested on charges of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering in 2004.”

Of these two family mergers with the elite Jews, there is one that is qualitatively superior to the other, and it is that of the Trumps. Chelsea Clinton married a non-orthodox Jew in a non-traditional ceremony which was co-officiated by a Jewish rabbi and a Christian priest, and she has not converted to Judaism. That being the case, some traditionalist Jews have taken exception to the marriage…
…From Telegraphic Agency (JTA)

Ivanka Trump, on the other hand, kissed all the right asses in all the right ways by converting to Judaism before her Orthodox wedding to an Orthodox Jew who has intimate ties to the Chabad-Lubavitch cult. Here is a little something about the wedding…

>>> Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner were married in an Orthodox Jewish ceremony by the prominent New York Rabbi Haskal Lowenstein. According to The Jewish Journal, Ivanka commented on her decision to convert to Judaism by saying “it’s been an amazing and fulfilling experience for me …One of the jokes I first started making when Jared and I first started dating is, I’m a New Yorker, I’m in real estate. I’m as close to Jewish, with an ‘i-s-h’ naturally as anyone can start off.” – From <<<

…and here is a little something about Jared’s relationship with Chabad…

>>> Have we mentioned that Ivanka Trump is converting to Judaism, presumably so she will be a better marriage match for Jared Kushner, the equally young owner of the New York Observer? We have. Ivanka is only 27, but she recently auctioned off an internship with her for Chabad, the Hasidic organization her boyfriend supports. This donation and the visibility that comes with sounds like a good way to get in with Kushner’s family, because we hear that they don’t like the idea of Jared marrying outside the tribe…

The Kushners have long been good friends with Chabad groups. Jared was the head of the Chabad House at Harvard. And dad Charles got a rabbi from Chabad’s Living Legacy organization to write a letter on his behalf when he got into all that prostitute-blackmail trouble. Donating to a Chabad effort, a favored charity of the Kushner family, was the kind of smart move she might want to mention in her upcoming “motivational” book. – From <<<

It’s no surprise, then, that Ivanka and Jared prayed at the grave of the Lubavitcher rebbe just a few days before the big election…
…From Breitbart

To better understand the significance of the Chabad connection, have a look at an excerpt from Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script

BEGIN EXCERPT>>> If you are unfamiliar with Chabad, here is a brief description…

“Chabad, also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch, is an Orthodox Jewish, Hasidic movement. Chabad is today one of the world’s best known Hasidic movements and is well known for its outreach. It is the largest Hasidic group and Jewish religious organization in the world…

In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson became the seventh Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, and he transformed it from a small chasidic movement into the largest and most widespread Jewish movement in the world today. He established a network of more than 3,600 institutions that provide religious, social and humanitarian needs in over 1,000 cities, spanning 80 countries and 49 of the 50 American states. Chabad institutions provide outreach to unaffiliated Jews and humanitarian aid, as well as religious, cultural and educational activities at Chabad-run community centers, synagogues, schools, camps, and soup kitchens.” – From Wikipedia

To establish a network of over 3,600 institutions in 80 countries requires a lot of money, and Chabad gets it from the elite Cabalist Jews. It is through Chabad that the Cabalists are attempting to define Judaism for ordinary Jews and End Times prophecies for the rest of us. And with Cabalist money in one hand and the Cabalist agenda in the other, the late Rabbi Schneerson fostered the Jewish messianic obsession…

“Menachem Mendel Schneerson (April 5, 1902 OS – June 12, 1994), known to many as the Rebbe, was a Russian Empire-born American Orthodox Jewish rabbi, and the last Lubavitcher Rebbe. He is considered one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century…

Schneerson was criticized for his passion and desire to raise awareness of the coming of the Messiah. Detractors criticized a children’s song with the words ‘We want moshiach (the messiah) now / We don’t want to wait,’ that Schneerson commended.” [1]

“Chabad messianism, or Lubavitch messianism, generally refers to the passion among adherents of the Chabad movement regarding the coming of the Messiah and their goal to raise awareness that his arrival is imminent.” [2]

And it is at this point that Berel Lazar, the Chief Rabbi of Russia and the close associate of Vladimir Putin, comes in. I found this juicy little tidbit in his Wikipedia bio

“A native of Milan, Italy, Rabbi Lazar was born in 1964 to parents who were among the first emissaries of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.”

So Lazar’s family was close to Schneerson, and that led to this…
…From The Internet Archive

So Berel Lazar…

> was personally assigned to Russia by the Russian-born, Messianically-obsessed Rabbi Schneerson,

> came to Russia in the same year, 1990, that Putin returned to Russia and began his lightning-fast ascent to power, and

> was funded by the same Jewish oligarchs that helped Putin rise to the Russian Presidency…

“In 1992 Lazar became acquainted with Israeli diamantaire Lev Leviev, who introduced him to Russian businessmen Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich. The latter became the major benefactor of the synagogue in Maryina Roshcha.” – From Wikipedia


Speaking of Lev Leviev, a notable business deal turned up as I was researching for this entry…
…From Chabad Info. Here is a key point…

The buyer is Jared Kushner (Donald Trump’s son-in-law), and he has transferred a deposit to Africa Israel pending completion of the deal.”

So why is a Kushner-Leviev deal worth noting? Because of Lev Leviev’s ties…
…From Wikipedia. Here are some interesting passages from his bio…

>>> Beginning in the 1990s, Leviev avoided being directly involved with the Yeltsin family, and nurtured ties with Vladimir Putin

He received the blessings for success in business and personal support of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson for his philanthropic activities, which include “an army of some 10,000 Jewish functionaries from Ukraine to Azerbaijan, including 300 rabbis. Most of the 300 rabbis are Chabadniks” – adherents of the Brooklyn-based Chabad Hasidic group…

Leviev is a major supporter of Jewish philanthropic causes and president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS (FJC), an umbrella body representing Jewish communities across the former Soviet Union. <<<

And what is the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS?…

>>> Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS (FJC) is a Jewish organisation dedicated to restoring Jewish life, culture and religion in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the former Soviet Union. The FJC was founded on August 1, 1997.

Current heads of the organization are:

Lev Leviev, President of FJC of the CIS
Rabbi Berel Lazar, chief rabbi of Russia, head of Union of Rabbis of CIS

Its headquarters is in Moscow, Russia, and it has an office in New York City in the United States. <<<

So Lev Leviev runs the FJC along with Putin’s personal Chabad handler, Berel Lazar…

And how did the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS come into being? I wrote about it in Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script


It’s also important to note that when Putin came to power, he brought Chabad-Lubavitch into power with him. Together with the Cabalist oligarchs, they pushed aside the existing Jewish community so Chabad could reign supreme in Russia. Here is an account of how that happened from The Piratization of Russia: Russian Reform Goes Awry, by Marshall L. Goldman…

Fortunately, the curious relationship between Putin and Lazar has not escaped the attention of ordinary Jews…
…From The Times of Israel. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Lazar’s work, his Russia boosterism and his ties to the Kremlin — he is sometimes called “Putin’s rabbi” — has helped Chabad’s Russian branch eclipse all the Jewish groups vying to reshape the country’s community of 250,000 Jews. Now Lazar heads a vast network that comprises dozens of employees and plentiful volunteers working in hundreds of Jewish institutions: schools, synagogues, community centers and kosher shops…

Today, Lazar said, Russia has in Vladimir Putin its “most pro-Jewish leader,” whom he credits with “fighting anti-Semitism more vigorously than any Russian leader before him.”…

Lazar was Chabad’s chief envoy to Russia before staking claim to the title of chief rabbi in 2000. That’s when he quit the Russian Jewish Congress, an umbrella group, after the organization’s founder, Vladimir Gusinsky, and Russia’s other chief rabbi, Adolf Shayevich, criticized Russia’s war in Chechnya and its alleged human rights abuses — including the alleged targeting, by anti-corruption authorities, of political dissidents.

“Challenging the government is not the Jewish way, and [Gusinsky] put the Jewish community in harm’s way,” said Lazar, noting that the chief rabbi should be apolitical, not a government critic. “I wanted to have nothing to do with this.” <<<


With all this set before us, we see why it is interesting that Jared Kushner was forking over cash to Lev Leviev. It helps us begin to see the real connection between Trump and Putin: Donald Trump connects to Chabad operative Jared Kushner, who connects to Chabad operative Lev Leviev, who connects to Vladimir Putin…

So the same Jewish group that brought Putin to power in Russia is now bringing Trump to power in the United States.

While we’re on the subject of Trump’s Jewish connection, it is important to note the profound degree of control his kosher entourage exerts over his political effort. Here is something I wrote about it in a previous entry


More on Trump’s Jewish elite handlers

It will be Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka who gives the last speech before Trump’s own big speech tonight. So in case you are wondering why she was chosen, AP offers an answer…

“And while all of his grown children have had a visible presence on the campaign trail, all seem to agree that none is closer than Ivanka, 34, and husband Jared Kushner, who is now involved with nearly all facets of the campaign.”

Kushner is, of course, an Orthodox Jew from a Money Power family, and here is another passage about his role in the Trump campaign from The New York Times

“A 35-year-old real estate developer, investor and newspaper publisher, Mr. Kushner derives his authority in the campaign not from a traditional resume but from a marital vow. He is Mr. Trump’s son-in-law.

Yet in a gradual but unmistakable fashion, Mr. Kushner has become involved in virtually every facet of the Trump presidential operation, so much so that many inside and out of it increasingly see him as a de facto campaign manager. Mr. Kushner, who is married to Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka, helped recruit a sorely needed director of communications, oversaw the creation of an online fund-raising system and has had a hand in drafting Mr. Trump’s few policy speeches. And now that Mr. Trump has secured the Republican nomination, Mr. Kushner is counseling his father-in-law on the selection of a running mate.”

That very much sounds like what a handler would do, doesn’t it? As does this passage from another New York Times article

“Donald J. Trump has asked his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to begin quietly working to put together a blueprint for a transition team should he win the White House in November.

Mr. Kushner, the husband of Mr. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, will work with Corey Lewandowski, the Trump campaign manager, and Paul Manafort, a senior adviser, to set up a prospective team and determine who its most important members should be.”

But there is more Jewish involvement in Trump’s campaign than just the Kushner couple…
…From the Tablet. Here is a notable section from their coverage…

It should come as no surprise that Trump is in partnership with the Jewish financial elite given his career background. Although naive sleepers seem to think he’s independent of the Money Power “since he has his own money,” they fail to understand how he got it. He didn’t do the real estate megadeals he’s know for by using money from his own bank account; he borrowed the money from the big banks and finance houses. There is simply no way he could be a big mover and shaker in real estate, especially in a Jew-controlled city like New York, without being in the good graces of the Money Power. He’s their boy. But once they get him into office, they’ll flip the script and use him to scare the common Jews to the killing fields of Israel.


Chabad operative Kushner’s control over Trump’s campaign is also noted in his Wikipedia bio

>>> From the outset of the presidential campaign of his father-in-law Donald Trump, Kushner was the architect of Trump’s digital, online and social media campaigns, enlisting talent from Silicon Valley to run a 100 person social-media team dubbed ‘Project Alamo’. Kushner has also helped as a speechwriter and was tasked with working to establish a plan for Trump’s White House transition team should he be elected. He was for a time seen as the de facto campaign manager, succeeding Corey Lewandowski, who was fired in part on Kushner’s recommendation in June 2016. He has been intimately involved with campaign strategy, coordinating Trump’s visit in late August to Mexico. Kushner’s “sprawling digital fundraising database and social media campaign” has been described as “the locus of his father-in-law’s presidential bid”. <<<

Of course, there’s more to see in Trump’s Jewish connections than just Jared Kushner. If you are familiar with the unsavory nature of Jew-controlled Hollywood, Goldman Sachs, and Yale’s Skull and Bones society, you should have a closer look at the Trump campaign’s finance chair, Steven Mnuchin…
…From Bloomberg. Check out the first paragraph…

>>> Until one Tuesday in April, Steven Mnuchin’s life had been ordered meticulously. The son of a Goldman Sachs partner, he was publisher of the Yale Daily News, was tapped into Skull and Bones, made partner at Goldman, ran a hedge fund, and invested in Hollywood blockbusters. One thing followed another. Then, on April 19, the day of the New York primary, Mnuchin’s life veered. <<<

And if we look at Mnuchin’s Wikipedia bio, we also see connections to George Soros and Eddie Lampert (the Skull and Bones member and Chabad operative who has strip-mined Sears and Kmart to oblivion).

All this being said, guess who Trump is floating as the next Treasury Secretary…
…From a Google News search of Trump Treasury Secretary

If you think Donald Trump isn’t a globalist, you are still asleep.

Now here’s the entry>>>

How many times will the monkeys push the button before they realize they never get the banana?…

Donald Trump is going to win the US presidential election, even if he appears to lose it at first. Why? Because both he and Hillary have well-defined roles vis-a-vis the globalist rollout of the New World Order, and Trump is the scripted winner (read How Hillary, Trump and Putin figure into the launch of the New World Order). So given the inevitability of Trump’s presidency, this entry will explore the two scenarios by which he’ll win the election: the landslide scenario and the electoral college scenario.

Let’s proceed…


[Posted on 31 October 2016]

In Update 22, we explored how the globalists will use the US election in November, the budget deadline in December, and the debt limit deadline in March to take down the US (as the leading nation of the world) and the dollar (as the main global reserve currency). While their plan can be made to work with either a Clinton or Trump win on November 8, some additional considerations have caused me to lean towards a Trump victory…

1) The globalists need Trump in office next year to help Putin “reform” the UN after the coming war, so they’ll want to establish his clear and legitimate claim to the Presidency before all hell breaks loose in the coming few months. This means he’ll be announced as the winner by a wide margin. If they went the other way and announced a Hillary victory, I doubt they’d have enough time to legitimately reverse the result before the March debt limit deadline.

2) Since the globalists are trying to shift the nations to the “political right,” they will let the Democrats be the ones to dispute the election and create chaos, just like they are having their leftists create chaos in Europe, Venezuela, Brazil, etc.

3) All the talk in the news about Hillary’s war with the FBI and the FBI’s internal conflict between “honest” agents and political hacks is preparatory propaganda for the coming “white hat rebellion” within the US security services and military.

Adding these three considerations into the mix, this is how the election should go down…

Trump will win in a landslide, but the Democrats will cry foul, saying, “The polls going into the election were tight, so the only way this lopsided victory could occur is if the Russians hacked the voting systems on behalf of Trump.” They will then go on the warpath against the Republicans and allow the government to shut down in December. The food stamp riots that will follow will lead to Obama’s declaration of a national emergency and his rule by executive order.

According to the globalist script, the “honest” officers in the security services and the Pentagon will know that the Russian hacking claims are bogus, and they’ll see the Democrats’ actions as a coup aimed at overturning the results of the election. This will lead them to stage a counter-coup and take down the top Democrats to “restore Constitutional order.” And with Obama and Biden under arrest, they’ll have to follow the succession rules and install Paul Ryan as interim President.

The designated “bad guys / scapegoats” in the globalist drama, the Zionists / Neocons / Nazis, will then join forces with Ryan (who has a reputation as a closet Democrat and “Western” globalist) to make a “desperate last attempt to salvage their evil Western globalist agenda by starting World War 3.” The war will be short, and America will not fare well.

To see what happens after that, read Update 22, which has been appended to this entry a little further down.

Much love…


[Posted on 3 November 2016]

With the globalists unveiling the coup / counter-coup meme to the public sooner than I expected (see the postscripts below this section), I dedicated this morning’s infoscan to finding any changes to their plan (as well as anything I might have previously missed). This is what turned up…
…From a Google News search for clinton trump electoral votes.

This electoral angle actually sets up a high probability variation of the “Trump wins” scenario in which Trump wins the popular vote and Hillary wins the electoral college vote due to voter fraud in one or more electorally significant states.

The scenario would go down like this…

1) On the night of the election, Trump will decisively win the popular vote, but narrowly lose the electoral vote. This will result in Hillary initially being announced as the winner.

2) Very soon after the election results are announced, and possibly even before election day, the phony intelligence agency / Pentagon “counter-coup” will leak clear, unimpeachable evidence that Hillary’s people shaved votes in one or more key state(s) that she supposedly won. The total electoral votes of the “stolen state(s)” will have been enough to sway the outcome of the electoral vote. Thus, it will be shown that Hillary stole the election.

3) This will supercharge the post-election conflict between the Democrats and the Republicans.

> Hardcore Democrats will say…

“Hillary WON the election! We will not allow the Republicans and their dirty tricks to steal it from her like they stole Al Gore’s election.”

The more reasonable Democrats will be deeply troubled by the evidence against her, but many will still back her.

> The Republicans will say…

“There is no way in hell that we’ll allow this criminal, Hillary Clinton, to assume the Presidency of the United States after stealing the election.”

Even supposedly Trump-hating Republicans will join the fight out of hatred for Hillary and to claw back any congressional seats that were stolen by the vote shaving.

4) The public perception will be that Trump was the clear and legitimate winner of the election. “He decisively won the popular vote,” they will say, “and he would have won the electoral vote if Hillary hadn’t pulled her dirty tricks.”

5) As for the conflict and its end, the Democrats will argue that the evidence of their election fraud was fabricated by the Russians…

Their argument will be undercut, however, by the unmistakable nature of the evidence. The globalist election engineers will be sure to release information that is beyond reproach. Despite this, the conflict will go on for weeks, and it will give rise to everything else I’ve outlined in the remainder of this entry.

So when will Hillary, Obama, Biden, and other top Democrats be arrested, you ask?

Probably sometime after the government shutdown on December 10. The “counter-coup” might arrest them right after the shutdown in order to “save the nation from disintegration,” but they might also wait till early January to let the food stamp riots create more drama and justification before they make their move.

[P.S. – 2 November 2016]

He he he… I posted Update 23 on October 31, and the globalist disinfo guys came out with this the very next day…
…From YouTube

Take the time to watch it. It talks about the coup, the counter-coup, and the phony white hat rebellion I warned about. And given how Alex Jones talks at the beginning of the video, it looks like they’re rushing out their narrative ahead of schedule so they can get it in front of people before our information can reach them. As for the guy who starts talking at the 1:37 mark, Steve Pieczenik, I’ll show you some things about him tomorrow. His globalist pedigree is quite obvious.

[P.S. – 2 November 2016]

It takes only a minute or two on Steve Pieczenik’s Wikipedia bio to see him for what he is…

>>> Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD (born December 7, 1943) is an American psychiatrist, former United States Department of State official, author, and publisher…

Pieczenik was born in Cuba of Jewish parents from Russia and Poland and was raised in France…

Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare

In 1982, Pieczenik was mentioned in an article in The New York Times as “a psychiatrist who has treated C.I.A. employees”…

Pieczenik has consulted with the United States Institute of Peace and the RAND Corporation.

As recently as October 6, 2012, Pieczenik was listed as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). According to Internet Archive, his name was removed from the CFR roster sometime between October 6 and November 18, 2012. Publicly, Pieczenik no longer appears as a member of the CFR. <<<

Pieczenik is another Establishment minion, like Paul Craig Roberts, who has been tasked by his bosses to play the role of controlled opposition and do limited hangouts and propaganda operations in support of the NWO narrative. Isn’t it amazing how much of the truth movement is based around the “revelations” of “former” Establishment apparatchiks with backgrounds in psychology / psychiatry and psychological warfare?…

“If you wanted to mindfu*k a person – change his or her thoughts, feelings, and behaviors using social stimuli conveyed through mass media – whom would you employ? Why, a social psychologist of course. The controlled mainstream and alternative media are all staffed by such professional mindfu*kers. Their bios will show a background in psychology, intelligence, think tanks, and/or military psywar.” – From Let’s cut the crap: Vladimir Putin is helping usher in the globalist New World Order

So why is Pieczenik being interviewed by Alex Jones? To help sell the narrative that the “evil Western globalists” are being defeated by “patriotic, benevolent” spooks and the oligarch Donald Trump. It’s all about setting people up to accept the Rockefeller/Kissinger- planned, BRICS-fronted, “reformed” UN-centered New World Order after the “bad guys” / scapegoats fall.

[P.S. – 2 November 2016]

Ha! Now Drudge is getting in on the Pieczenik disinfo rush-out! The highlighted headline…
…from today’s Drudge Report (archived)

… goes to this Pieczenik video…
…from YouTube.

What people might overlook is the fact that this video confirms what I’ve said all along: Assange is a globalist limited hangout front being fed specific things to leak by the globalist security agencies. So…

> Alex Jones and Steve Pieczenik are telling you that Assange is an honest guy who is helping the “benevolent spooks” in the CIA, FBI, and other agencies defeat the globalists, and

> I am telling you that Alex Jones, Steve Pieczenik, and Julian Assange are all globalist agents performing limited hangout and propaganda operations to sell you on the real New World Order.

Looking at the evidence I’ve presented in this entry and throughout this blog, I ask you…

Which view is more realistic? Who is telling the truth here?

Since the globalists are accelerating their rollout, they might also go with a more abbreviated form of their plan. I’ll keep an eye out for any changes.

[P.S. – 4 November 2016] – For convenience’s sake, this is Update 22. It was posted on 17 October 2016…

Here’s hoping that exposure will push the globalists back one more time. Otherwise…

In 22 days, the United States of America will begin to unravel. Here is the fundamental blueprint of how it will happen…

1) The November 8 election will go forward, and there will be a winner. While it’s possible that a war or other emergency could be staged before the election in order to delay it, I think it more likely that things will go relatively smoothly until after it’s over. The election result is necessary to create a point of extreme conflict between Democrats and conservative Republicans, thus making cooperation between them completely impossible.

2A) If Hillary Clinton is announced as the winner, conclusive evidence will soon leak showing that she and other top Democrats (including Obama and Biden) rigged the election, and conservative Republicans will take drastic action. They will refuse to fund the government when the budget deadline is reached on December 9, resulting in a partial government shutdown.

2B) If Donald Trump is announced as the winner, the Democrats will dispute the result, saying that Russia hacked the voting process. They will take drastic action, including a refusal to fund the government when the budget deadline is reached on December 9, resulting in a partial government shutdown.

Since Congress had previously suspended the US government’s debt limit until March 15, 2017, it would have been logical for them to craft last month’s continuing resolution to provide funding for the government until that date (so the new Congress could address both issues at the same time). But instead of doing that, they scheduled another budget battle to take place on December 9, between the election and the inauguration. And how can they make any kind of deal when they are at each other’s throats over a “stolen election”? Obviously, they won’t. This post-election budget deadline was deliberately scheduled in support of the globalist agenda of taking down America so the BRICS can take charge.

3) The partial government shutdown will choke off the food stamps program, resulting in chaotic outbursts of domestic unrest. Here is an article about that scenario from last year’s budget showdown…
…From The Huffington Post. Here is an excerpt…

“The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides monthly food benefits to 45 million Americans, will go dark if Congress fails to pass a law funding government operations after Oct. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which oversees the program.”

4) Citing the government shutdown, domestic unrest, and a worsening situation in Syria, Obama will declare a national emergency. He’ll begin to rule by executive order.

5) “Patriots within the US military and US security services” (who are actually globalist agents playing the “white hat” role in the scam) will take action “to restore Constitutional order” by arresting Obama, Biden, the Clintons, and other top Democrats. This will result in the “Republican” Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, assuming the role of interim President of the United States.

6) President Ryan, who is a Vatican agent, will take us to war. The war will be short, and the US will lose.

7) Donald Trump will then be inaugurated President. And when the US debt limit deadline is reached on March 15, 2017, he will insist on “an end to business as usual” by vetoing any attempt “to kick the debt limit can down the road again.” This will result in a complete government shutdown for a time, and the US will likely miss a debt payment (in order to shatter faith in the US dollar).

Since President Ryan WOULD allow the debt limit can to be kicked down the road, President Trump MUST be in office prior to March 15. Trump is also needed to help Putin launch the “reformed, national sovereignty-respecting” United Nations after the US falls on its face.

The net result of all this is that America will be left looking like a basket case, and this will allow the BRICS and the UN to step forward as leaders. A new “gold standard” (actually more of a gold valuation) will be implemented by Russia and China, and they will offer some of their gold to the IMF in order to save the international financial system. In return for their gold, they will receive IMF SDRs and a thorough reform of the UN system. This supposedly reformed UN will be the central institution of the new multilateral, multipolar world order (a.k.a. the New World Order).

Read The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words and Understanding the NWO Strategy to understand how this was the globalists’ plan all along.

For other related information, read How Hillary, Trump and Putin figure into the launch of the New World Order.

[P.S. – 4 November 2016]

Here is a Breitbart article you should read: Erik Prince: NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case. It is based on information from Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater (a globalist mercenary company which has changed its name to Academi), and here is a little taste of what he says…

“There is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails they’ve seen of that 650,000, including money laundering, underage sex, pay-for-play, and, of course, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling, sending/receiving of classified information, up to SAP level Special Access Programs.”

As you read the article, remember that it’s coming from a globalist minion, and he’s working from a script.

And here are some interesting questions…

Will Wikileaks’ “Phase 3” release information related to voting fraud in keeping with the electoral college scenario? Will all these new releases result in the Trump landslide scenario?

[P.S. – 6 November 2016]

After reading this entry, you might wonder why I so confidently predict a brief Paul Ryan presidency and a quick “World War 3” between the election and inauguration. It all has to do with the known objectives of the New World Order crowd.

Once the NWO is complete, this is what you’ll see…

> A “reformed” and strengthened United Nations with Vladimir Putin as its de facto or de jure leader.

> A “reformed” IMF / World Bank (which are the financial organs of the UN), with a Chinaman – most likely Zhou Xiaochuan – at the IMF’s helm.

> An IMF SDR with gold added to its valuation, and it will start taking on the role of the primary global reserve currency in replacement of the dollar (on its way to becoming the global consumer currency in a few short years).

That is what the New World Order will look like. And under normal circumstances, it would take many months or even years of negotiations to get the UN from where it is now to that point. But it’s not hard to imagine circumstances that could shorten the process, such as if…

> the world were overtaken by a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, and urgent action were needed to “restore order and confidence,” and

> a detailed plan to “restore order and confidence” were already prepared and ready to be implemented.

Rest assured that the globalists intend to provide us with both the crisis and the recovery plan, and this election is their next window of opportunity for getting it all going…

> The Republican versus Democrat conflict that will follow this election is intended to trigger a partial government shutdown and the food stamp riots that will follow. This will create an urgent domestic crisis in the US that will demand action.

> The globalist-staged “counter-coup” that will take that demanded action is intended to clear out Hillary, Obama, and Biden so House Speaker Paul Ryan can be put in place as the caretaker president before the inauguration. This is necessary because Obama seems unwilling to let the war go forward; Ryan will happily do so. The war will be short so it can end before Trump’s inauguration. It might even end shortly after his inauguration, like the Iranian hostage crisis did after Reagan took office.

> Trump’s presidency is needed to help Putin launch the globalist-planned UN overhaul that will bring the NWO to completion. They will sell the whole thing as a return to national sovereignty, but it will actually be just the opposite. The economically weakened nations of the postwar world will be reliant on the globalists’ multilateral institutions (the UN, IMF, BRICS Bank, etc.) for recovery. It is a spiderweb from which there will be no escape, except when the fake messiah comes.

[P.S. – 31 October 2016]

On an unrelated subject, a reader from Germany contacted me requesting clarification on some things, so I’ll share her questions and my answer in case others need more clarity too.

Q: …I have found a contradicting part here:

“Chrislam is intended to be the companion religion to the BRICS-fronted, UN-centered New World Order, but both Chrislam and the NWO are merely intermediate steps to the globalists’ ultimate objective: doing away with democratic government and installing a Kabbalized god-king named “Jesus Christ” as world ruler. With this ultimate goal in mind, beware of narratives that spin the converso takeover of the Church as the action of “Satanic” forces…”

How can the Chrislam be the intended companion religion to the BRICS-fronted NWO, when all the parties which belong according to you to the “Mises”-Mafia fight against the Islamisation of Europe and are all for shutting the boarders?

Is it not rather so that the Chrislam is intended by the decoy NWO and shall push the people of Europe right into the arms of the opposition parties like FN, AfD (Germany) and others?

Pls elaborate further. Do you also have an idea why in particular the German chancellor Merkel accelerated the Islamisation of Europe and wanna force the rest of Europe to accept Moslems in high numbers in their countries?

A: Allow me to break down the globalist religious agenda and explain the strategy of tension and release.

There are three religious phases to the globalist script…

1) The religion of the decoy NWO’s “evil Western globalists” is being portrayed as Satanism, and according to the globalist narrative, the Satanists are using the Muslims to destroy the Christian Church and Christian civilization. This is why the (pre-reform) UN, the EU, Merkel and Obama are bringing in all the Muslim refugees.

2) The religion of the real, BRICS-fronted, (post-reform) UN-centered NWO is the “Spiritual UN” religion (a.k.a. Chrislam), and it will look nothing like the radicalized Islam and fundamentalist Christianity people have been programmed to hate. Instead, it will be an “it’s all good” religion that pulls in people from all the religions of the world. This is their recruiting pitch…

“We all believe in God in one way or another, so let’s all be friends and find common ground instead of fighting each other. The (Western) New World Order Satanic forces divided us and pitted us against each other; let’s never let that happen again.”

Since these sweet-sounding sentiments are coming from the mouths of the same people who pitted them against each other in the first place, it is a deception of course. What they’re really trying to do is create a global universal church to go along with the Global Roman Empire (the “reformed” UN). But like the political UN, the Spiritual UN will turn authoritarian very quickly, and the “faithful” of the various religions will get cold feet and rebel. This will lead to the scripted “Armageddon” battle.

3) The religion of the post-Armageddon, post-NWO world is scripted to be a Kabbalized version of Christianity led by a figurehead god-king they’ll call “Jesus Christ.” The ultimate goal of any power-hungry gang is to rule over the whole world as gods – to have people accept everything the gang says as though it were the very word of “the almighty creator.” By destroying faith in democracy with the NWO meltdown and installing a god-king with a “magic show” put on by sequestered technology, they believe they can achieve this goal. So the “thousand-year Kingdom of Christ” is the end result the globalists are seeking.

Beyond this religious agenda, there is the general strategy of tension and release that is at play. The globalists are having their Western minions shove the Muslim refugees down people’s throats in order to get the populace frustrated, furious, and ready to lash back. Once people are ready to blow, they present them with controlled opposition figures like Trump and Le Pen to provide a channel through which that desire for vengeance can be sated – a channel that the globalists can control and direct to suit their purposes.

You can read more about this in The Illuminati strategy of tension and release.

Hopefully that answers the reader’s questions.

[P.S. – 5 November 2016]

The previous postscript talks about the globalist religious agenda, which has three phases: 1) the Satanism of the decoy “evil Western NWO,” which will give way to 2) the “Chrislam” / One World Religion of the real, BRICS-fronted NWO, which will give way to 3) the Kabbalized Christianity of the post-NWO “Kingdom of Christ,” which is the ultimate end the globalists are seeking (they want to rule humanity as gods without the impediment of democratic structures).

With that in mind, watch this new Alex Jones video. In it, Alex gives an Oscar-worthy performance pointing out the supposed Satanism of the Western elite…

After talking about Hillary’s Satanism, he then shills for the ultimate globalist objective at the 6:40 mark

“And so here’s the message, here’s the message: We’re not looking for a fight – you want to ram heads, you want to bang heads – you know Christ is more powerful – a thousand, trillion times – I just… I believe in god, and god – they hate Christ. We need to pray to god to heal this land, and I want to thank god. We’ve prayed for the truth to come out – it’s horrible – it’s coming out.”

So in this video, Alex talks about phases 1 and 3, and he has talked about phase 2 previously…

Given all this, allow me to make a prediction: Once the current crisis has passed and the UN is “reformed” into the real New World Order in its aftermath, watch for Alex to freak out and start railing against the new UN, Vladimir Putin, and the One World Religion that will rise with them. The next phase of his job is to point them out as the new “bad guys” and prepare the public to accept the faked “Kingdom of Christ” once the globalists get around to that phase of their plan.

For more information on Alex Jones and his role in the globalists’ artificial prophecy fulfillment effort, read Alex Jones and the Christ Conspiracy. And to understand the difference between the decoy Western NWO and the real Eastern NWO, read Understanding the NWO Strategy (reading it is essential to understanding what’s really going on here).

Why the Jewish bankster elite assassinated John F. Kennedy (+ How the Jews took over EVERYTHING through their communist front)

It takes a very powerful group, such as the one that gained control of all US currency 50 years before the Kennedy assassination, to kill a sitting US President in broad daylight…

While I was writing How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order, I couldn’t help but notice that it was during the Second Vatican Council (11 October 1962 – 8 December 1965), when the Crypto-Jews were remaking the Roman Catholic Church, that US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated (on 22 November 1963). Kennedy was the first and only President to have been a Roman Catholic, and as such, he was perhaps the only man in the world who had sufficient power to interfere with the takeover (both of the Church through the Crypto-Jewish Jesuits and of the United States through the Jews’ Federal Reserve Bank and Communist front). Upon noticing this, I decided to do a little sniffing around.

The first thing I checked on was Kennedy’s relationship with the Jewish elite, and I discovered this about his father, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr…

>>> According to Harvey Klemmer, who served as one of Kennedy’s embassy aides, Kennedy habitually referred to Jews as “kikes or sheenies”. Kennedy allegedly told Klemmer that “[some] individual Jews are all right, Harvey, but as a race they stink. They spoil everything they touch.” When Klemmer returned from a trip to Germany and reported the pattern of vandalism and assaults on Jews by Nazis, Kennedy responded, “Well, they brought it on themselves.”

On June 13, 1938, Kennedy met with Herbert von Dirksen, the German ambassador to the United Kingdom, in London, who claimed upon his return to Berlin that Kennedy had told him that “it was not so much the fact that we want to get rid of the Jews that was so harmful to us, but rather the loud clamor with which we accompanied this purpose. [Kennedy] himself fully understood our Jewish policy.” Kennedy’s main concern with such violent acts against German Jews as Kristallnacht was that they generated bad publicity in the West for the Nazi regime, a concern that he communicated in a letter to Charles Lindbergh.

Kennedy had a close friendship with Viscountess Nancy Witcher Langhorne, wife of Viscount Waldorf Astor of the Astor family. The correspondence between them is reportedly replete with anti-Semitic statements. According to Edward Renehan:

As fiercely anti-Communist as they were anti-Semitic, Kennedy and Astor looked upon Adolf Hitler as a welcome solution to both of these “world problems” (Nancy’s phrase)….. Kennedy replied that he expected the “Jew media” in the United States to become a problem, that “Jewish pundits in New York and Los Angeles” were already making noises contrived to “set a match to the fuse of the world”.

By August 1940, Kennedy worried that a third term as the President for Roosevelt would mean war. As Leamer reports, “Joe believed that Roosevelt, Churchill, the Jews, and their allies would manipulate America into approaching Armageddon.” Nevertheless, Kennedy supported Roosevelt’s third term in return for Roosevelt’s promise to support Joseph Kennedy Jr. in a run for Governor of Massachusetts in 1942. However, even during the darkest months of World War II, Kennedy remained “more wary of” prominent American Jews, such as Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter, than he was of Hitler.

Kennedy told the reporter Joe Dinneen:

It is true that I have a low opinion of some Jews in public office and in private life. That does not mean that I….. believe they should be wiped off the face of the Earth….. Jews who take an unfair advantage of the fact that theirs is a persecuted race do not help much….. Publicizing unjust attacks upon the Jews may help to cure the injustice, but continually publicizing the whole problem only serves to keep it alive in the public mind. – From Wikipedia <<<

I then did a check on the man who replaced JFK as President, Lyndon B. Johnson…

“Later, as a politician, Johnson was influenced in his positive attitude toward Jews by the religious beliefs that his family, especially his grandfather, had shared with him (see Operation Texas).” – From Wikipedia

And what was Operation Texas?…

>>> Operation Texas was an alleged undercover operation to relocate European Jews to Texas, USA, away from Nazi persecution first reported in a 1989 Ph.D dissertation the University of Texas at Austin titled Prologue : LBJ’s foreign-affairs background, 1908-1948. The following are some of the key arguments of the dissertation:

In 1938, Lyndon B. Johnson, then a Congressman and later the 36th President of the United States of America, worked covertly to establish a refuge in Texas for European Jews fleeing Nazi Germany. Johnson helped hundreds of European Jews enter Texas through Cuba, Mexico and South America.

In part, Johnson was influenced in his attitude towards the Jews by the religious beliefs that his family, especially his grandfather (Samuel Ealy Johnson, Sr.), who was a member of the Christadelphian church, shared with him. Christadelphians believe that the Jews are God’s chosen people, and LBJ’s grandfather once said to him, “Take care of the Jews, God’s chosen people. Consider them your friends and help them any way you can.” – From Wikipedia <<<

So Kennedy, who was a Roman Catholic traditionalist and an anti-communist from an “anti-Semitic” family, was killed and replaced by a man who was favorably disposed towards the Jews and wouldn’t get in their way. Of course, there is much more to the story than this, and I’ll add more information to this entry over the weekend.

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

Focusing on the subject of communism, it is worth noting that no ideology cooked up by coffeehouse intellectuals, no matter how appealing its slogans may be, is going to seize nations as large as Russia and China from entrenched political establishments without massive funding for hired goons, bribes of government officials and internal security officers, and nationwide political campaigns. And who had the means and motive to supply the vast funding needed for such undertakings? The international bankster Jews of course…
…From The Times of Israel. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish

According to the official transcription of Putin’s speech at the museum, he went on to say that the politicians on the predominantly Jewish Soviet government “were guided by false ideological considerations and supported the arrest and repression of Jews, Russian Orthodox Christians, Muslims and members of other faiths. They grouped everyone into the same category. [Note: it wasn’t “false ideological considerations” that drove the Jewish government’s behavior; it was the global agenda of the Jewish elite who financed them.] <<<

It was the elite bankster Jews who coveted Russia, because Russia was the last bastion of Roman power. It had traditionalist Christian royals and traditional Christian religion (Eastern Orthodox Christianity). So once the banksters’ communist front gained control, they killed off all the non-cooperative royals and effectively shut down the Eastern Orthodox Church. Later, they relaunched Orthodoxy with clergy that were hand-picked by the Jewish-controlled KGB. And most recently, they have begun to subtly reintroduce the now-Judaized royals through the rule of Vladimir Putin…
…Putin appears to be a descendant of both the Putyatin “noble” family and the Jews. Read these entries for more information about this…

Vladimir (Ras)Putin’s Jewish, Communist, and Bloodline Connections

Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew

Looking at the timeline of the Jewish takeover of the Roman Empire, we see this…

> In the centuries preceding the 20th, the Jews gained the upper hand over the Western Christian royals through banking activities and their increasing control over the administration of royal power. They also infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order and grew like a cancer within it (so a new Jewish cancer was metastasizing within an old Roman tumor).

> In 1917, they took over Russia by financing and directing the communist revolution. They then took control of the Russian royals and the Eastern Orthodox Church using a brute force approach.

> In 1949, they took over China by financing and directing the communist revolution. The takeover of China was not about revenge against Rome, of course; it was about gaining dominion over the most populous nation on Earth in pursuit of their global ambitions.

> In 1965, two years after Kennedy’s assassination, they completed their Jesuit-fronted takeover of the Roman Catholic Church, which was demonstrated by the promulgation of Nostra aetate. The Catholic Church was the last major Christian/Roman edifice to fall to Jewish power. The Crypto-Jews later went on to elect a Jesuit Pope, Pope Francis, to serve as the Final Pope and trigger their “Armageddon” scenario that Joseph P. Kennedy talked about. You’ll be seeing how that plays out over the next 3.5 – 7 years.

In the next installment, I’ll show you some things about JFK’s stance against the communists (and therefore against the Jewish elite takeover of the Christian elite). I’d also like to mention two things:

  1. I’m not sharing this with you as a tale of “good guys” versus “bad guys.” This is a tale of “Christian monsters” versus “Jewish monsters” – there are no good guys in this story, just two different mafia groups battling for control (a battle that the Jews won).
  2. When I talk about the Jews behind all this, I’m talking about the Jewish “haves,” not the Jewish “have nots.” According to the plan of the haves, the have nots (including the minion-level Zionists) will be gathered in Israel over the next few years, then slaughtered. This will be done to create the appearance that Jewish power has been completely broken for all time. But the haves will live on as Kabbalized “Christians,” and their power monopoly will remain intact.

More coming.

With love…