Author Archives: kenneth

Globalist Agenda Watch 2018: Update 20 – The Kabbalists’ efforts to restart the 7-year prophecy cycle

(This post was published on the Home Page from July 30 through July 31)

[30 July 2018] – In order for Vladimir Putin to start his 7-year reign as “Antichrist” (“the one who substitutes himself for Christ”), he must defeat a decoy Antichrist at the 7-year mark of the decoy’s reign. Originally, it was planned that Putin would defeat Obama in September of 2016; you can read all about it in “End Times” Programming. And ever since they had to abort that plan, they’ve been trying to cobble something together that will passably fulfill the prophecies.

It now appears that they’ll substitute Erdogan into Obama’s role, with his 7-year mark being reached in late August of 2021, thus placing Putin’s ascension to “world leader” on or about September 15, 2021.

So what does this mean for us? If we continue to hold off their “passing plays” (the Trump-Putin “assassination” attempts), the globalists might grind things out on the ground for another 3 years, during which we’d continue experiencing the decoy “Great Tribulation”: a long economic downturn filled with war tension and chaos that would leave Trump finishing out his presidential term weakened and unwilling or unable to run again. A “Satanic” figure would then ascend to the presidency in January of 2021, and we’d see the climactic battle that August.

——MORE – 31 July 2018——

I stumbled upon all this while visiting one the major Christian prophecy propaganda sites earlier this month. As I looked through the fanciful bullsh*t on offer, this caught my eye…

…from Skywatch TV

So here we have a globalist mouthpiece site suggesting that Hillary Clinton might run in the next presidential election and help the “Antichrist” take his throne. Here is a bit of what they say about her

>>> On October 31, 1948, a full sixty-nine years ago when the female child would have been only around one year of age, Parsons wrote that her spirit contacted him, calling itself “Hilarion,” who, he said, would become an international public figure dedicated to bringing the work of the Antichrist to fruition. Why is that important? Because the etymology of Hilarion is the arcane “Hillary.”

I asked myself: 1) how many internationally influential feminists were 2) born in 1947 who are 3) named “Hillary” and that 4) have the potential to become the leader or vice president of the most powerful nation on earth, which 5) was dedicated from its inception to the enthronement of Osiris-Apollo, who 6) the Bible recognizes as Antichrist and 7) a spirit calling itself “Hillary” made clear to Jack Parsons sixty-nine years ago it was dedicated to helping the rise of the Man of Sin?… <<<

The article doesn’t seem to say that Hillary will win the election, but it does suggest that her involvement in the race will “bring the work of the Antichrist to fruition.” So the presidential election could go one of three ways…

1) “Satanist” Hillary Clinton could win with clear signs of election fraud: illegal aliens voting, felons voting, and Soros fixing the vote count. This is the least likely outcome of the election.

2) “Communist” Bernie Sanders could win with the same signs of election fraud. His candidacy would result from a revolt against Hillary by the “progressives” in the Democratic Party. And the fact that he is a stereotypical Jew who won under shady circumstances would help generate virulent “anti-Semitism” in America after he leads us to ruin, which would in turn assist the Kabbalists’ effort to drive American Jews to Israel for the final pogrom. This is the more likely outcome of the election.

3) “Antichrist” Mike Pence could win as a result of mainstream America revolting against a Clinton or communist presidency. Getting Pence into the presidency has been one of the core objectives of the Trump assassination attempts the globalists have been setting up, and his job is to bring us to the brink of full-out nuclear war with Russia before he is defeated (along with his fellow “Antichrist”/”Dajjal” Erdogan). So this is how they make him President if they’re unable to do the assassination show, and it is the most likely outcome of the election…

…from The Atlantic

With all this in mind, the task before us is to continue guarding against the pass play (a Trump “assassination”) while also beginning to block their running game (the election play). If we can push them past August 2021, they’ll be fresh out of Antichrist candidates with 7-year cycles behind them. And that would put them in a world of hurt. They’d have to wait until the new US President (presumably Pence) reaches his 7-year mark in 2024 or 2028 (depending on whether or not they count his years as Vice President). Keeping the world situation as it is for 6-10 more years would be a real challenge.

Next, I’ll show you what they’ve done / are doing to extend Erdogan and Putin’s presidential terms through 2028.


To read the previous entry, click here: Tisha B’Av and the Blood Moon.

For the latest information, visit the Home Page.


Tisha B’Av and the Blood Moon

(This post was published on the Home Page from July 18 through July 16)

[18 July 2018] – Tisha B’Av, which is considered by Jews to be a day destined for tragedy, falls on Sunday, July 22 this year…

…from Google

And as we approach this Tisha B’Av weekend, Israel is preparing to make a “tragic mistake”…

…from Sputnik

Why would an Israeli invasion of Gaza be viewed as a tragic mistake, you ask? Because in the current climate, it will likely be used as a rallying cry to begin the physical formation of Erdogan’s Muslim army for the invasion of Israel. It could also be used by the Israeli false-flaggers as cover for their “cruise missiles out of Yemen” attack on Israel, which they’d narrate as “a proxy attack on Israel by Iran in response to the Gaza invasion.” You can read more about this long-planned operation by scrolling down this page till you see SUBJECT: The false-flag “Houthi” cruise missile attack.

All this is coming at a time when Israel’s lawmakers have stripped Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Lieberman of their ability to declare war without the approval of a larger body, which raises the question of why it was done. Did they do it because elements of the government who aren’t in on The Plan want to constrain Netanyahu and Lieberman? Or did they do it so the globalists can write the following into future history books: “most Israelis wanted to prevent the war, but the evil Zionists and Lubavitchers could not be stopped.”

It is also conceivable that Netanyahu could start the invasion of southern Syria under the pretext of some action by the Syrian military or Iranian proxy forces. But this will be the deeper narrative offered for his actions…

“After the Trump-Putin Summit, Netanyahu feared that Israel would be left exposed to an Iranian threat from the north by America’s imminent withdrawal from Syria and Russia’s lack of real resolve to expel Iranian forces from Syria. So he decided to push past the Golan Heights and seize a sizable buffer zone in southern Syria before the Trump-Putin deal was finalized. He knew that neither Trump nor Putin would take any action to stop him.”

——MORE – 19 July 2018——

The globalists have just announced a surrender deal between Assad and the rebels near the Golan Heights…

…from The Globe and Mail

Once the buses arrive to evacuate the rebels to Idlib, the Syrian Army will occupy the area with embedded Russian military police. So the stage managers of the engineered Middle East conflict have set up a situation in which Netanyahu has only a few days to invade southern Syria. To do it, he’ll have to arrange a false-flag attack against Israel or produce evidence that Iranians or their proxies are also embedded in the Syrian Army units. Perhaps he’ll do one of his speeches with the silly props or videos.

Given the situation, I consider the Gaza invasion more likely than the southern Syria invasion. But if the globalists want to progress towards the “First Battle of Armageddon” sooner rather than later, we could see both.

——MORE – 21 July 2018——

The media are reporting a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israelis. This could mean one of two things: 1) the globalists are backing-off on the Tisha B’Av op, or 2) they are stopping the premature fighting so they can have an explosion of violence once Tisha B’Av begins Saturday evening or it’s the 22nd. We’ll find out soon enough.

[Closing Remarks – 23 July 2018] – The 22nd has now passed, so the Tisha B’Av operation is officially dead – at least for this year. As for what happened, it’s best summed up in the title of this Haaretz article

So this is what we’ve observed over the last few days…

  • On the 18th, we looked forward at what they had planned for the Golan Heights and Gaza.
  • On the 19th, they did their first U-turn by suddenly announcing a Golan Heights ceasefire.
  • And on the 21st, they did their second U-turn by suddenly announcing a Gaza ceasefire.

I guess the quantum theorists are right: you do change the outcome by looking at it. But just because the globalists backed off from Tisha B’Av doesn’t mean the Golan Heights and Gaza are out of the woods quite yet.

There is still fighting going on near the Golan Heights between Syria/Russia and “ISIS” holdouts who didn’t sign on to the ceasefire. And Gaza can be reignited at any time for any reason. So although it appears that the globalists have pressed the delay button for a few weeks or months, they could still fan the smoldering flames in those two areas on July 27, when a “Blood Moon” will appear over the Middle East. If we get through the 27th okay, though, we can rest a little easier.

After pondering all this, I’m left wondering if the now-postponed Gaza invasion on Tisha B’Av was meant to be a lead-in to an “Iranian response” during the Blood Moon (in the form of the “cruise missiles out of Yemen” op). That would have been a nice one-two “prophetic” punch.

ALERT (+ MORE 5) – 23-27 July 2018

Be on the lookout for an Israeli false-flag / fabricated attack involving an “Iranian” surface-to-surface missile armed with a “chemical weapon,” possibly Sarin (nerve agent), fired into Israeli territory from Syria. This Israeli strike yesterday was part of the setup for it. This attack would be used to justify the Israeli invasion of southern Syria. They also appear to be reheating the Gaza situation. Details tomorrow.

——MORE 1 – 24 July 2018——

Now let me explain why I issued this alert, starting with the Times of Israel article about the Israeli strike (which came on a day of the month the globalists like to use for meaningful events, the 22nd)…

Here is a key excerpt…

“Israeli jets reportedly carried out a strike Sunday on a missile production facility in northwest Syria that observers say was supervised by Iranians. In the past, the site was allegedly used to produce and store chemical weapons…

In September, Syria accused Israel of carrying out a strike on the facility that left two dead. The bombing came after opposition sources claimed that Iranian and Syrian specialists were working there to develop chemical weapons capability for missiles.”

So both the strike and the press coverage of it were done to create public awareness of a chemical missile threat to Israel. Awareness of this threat was further increased by something they did the next day…

…from The Times of Israel. In this article, they telegraph the type of missile that “Hezbollah” will supposedly use in the coming attack…

“David’s Sling is aimed at filling the gap between these systems, against missiles like the Iranian Fateh 110 and its Syrian equivalent, the M600, both of which have seen extensive use in the Syrian civil war and are known to be in the Hezbollah terrorist group’s arsenal.”

The Fateh-110 missile they mention has a range of approximately 300 kilometers.

In a related development, we also saw this yesterday…

…from The Times of Israel

So this is what they have planned according to the geopolitical narrative…

Israel will conduct the false-flag to demonstrate that it’s unsafe for Iran or Hezbollah to be anywhere in Syria, and they will use it as an excuse to invade a chunk of southern Syria. Beyond the stated security issues, the supposed realpolitik of the invasion will be to gain leverage for pushing Iran out of Syria: “We’ll give the land back to Syria only after they remove all Iranian and Hezbollah forces from their country.” In fact, the article about the rejected 100-kilometer exclusion zone spells out everything Israel will demand before returning the land…

“Israel is sticking to its demand that Iran not be allowed any military foothold in Syria, the official stressed. Israel is furthermore demanding that all long-range missiles be removed from the war-torn country and that any factories producing precision-guided missiles there be shut, the official said.

Additionally, Jerusalem has asked Moscow to guarantee that all air-defense systems that protect the aforementioned arms be taken out of Syria. Lastly, Israel requested the closing of border crossings between Syria and Lebanon and between Syria and Iraq, to prevent Iranian weapons being smuggled into Syria.”

Of course, this geopolitical reasoning is merely the cover story hiding the real reason for all this: the play-out of the “First Battle of Armageddon” part of the globalist prophecy fulfillment script.

It’s also worth mentioning that the Times of Israel article on the Sunday missile strike included this: “Al-Mayadeen, a television channel associated with Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group… reported the airstrike was carried out from Lebanese airspace.” And an article from Zero Hedge mentioned this…

Why are these little factoids important? Because they’re setups for Erdogan’s assassination of Assad, which will be blamed on Netanyahu. Turkey is scripted to strike Assad through Lebanese airspace to make it look like Netanyahu “held him responsible.”

——MORE 2 – 25 July 2018——

Guess who will get personally blamed for the planned chemical missile attack on Israel…

…from Google

On a hunch, I decided to google Soleimani to see how the search results are structured. And as it turned out, the top three news article results blame him for a previous missile attack against Israel, portray him as Israel’s most dangerous enemy, and point out how he killed Americans in Iraq and is now “running the [Syrian] war himself.”

So they’ve sculpted the search results to finger him for the coming chemical missile attack and give the reasons the US and Israel want him dead. And with Netanyahu vowing to hold Assad responsible for whatever Iran does from Syria against Israel, the stage is beautifully set for the follow-on assassination of both men.

As I’ve written before, Assad and Soleimani will probably be meeting when the hit occurs, and everyone will think the Israelis and Americans did it. But eventually it will be Erdogan who is identified as the culprit. The globalist-scripted Dajjal (Erdogan) must kill the globalist-scripted Mahdi (Soleimani); how could it happen any other way?

——MORE 3 – 25 July 2018——

So will today’s reported sniper attack on an IDF officer lead to Thursday’s heavy-handed Israeli response? And will that response lead to Friday night’s chemical missile attack?

By the way, can you guess who will be blamed by the Israelis for what happens in Gaza?…

…from Newsmax

Read the article and see how they build up Soleimani’s legend as a “mastermind,” “maestro,” “Shadow Commander,” and “inspirational icon.” They really lay it on thick.

——MORE 4 – 26 July 2018——

As I was doing this morning’s infoscan, I ran across something interesting…

…from The Times of Israel

Upon seeing this, I dug a little deeper and ran across a Haaretz article that offered this bit of background on the man…

>>> Col. Ofer Winter, the commander of the Givati Brigade, is a thorough officer. Before going into Gaza he asked Kabbalists and yeshiva heads to pray for the operation’s success…

Winter added that before going into combat he reads his soldiers the words “Hear, O Israel, ye draw nigh this day unto battle,” from Deuteronomy 20:3. According to the colonel, “When a person’s life is in danger, he gets connected to his deepest inner truth, and when that happens, even the greatest unbeliever meets God.”

That is missionary terminology of Gog and Magog heralding the end of days. The written message Winter sent his soldiers — he declared a religious war on the Gaza enemy who blasphemes against the Lord of Hosts… <<<

So Israeli Defense Minister Lieberman, who is a Kabbalist with close ties to the Chabad-Lubavitch End Times cult, has brought in another Kabbalist crazy to assist him in launching the first Gog-Magog War. You can read about Lieberman and Netanyahu’s connection to Chabad a little further down this page; scroll down till you see SUBJECT: How and why the Chabad-Lubavitch cult is steering the Middle East towards war.

The Gog-Magog War and Battle of Armageddon the Kabbalists are currently fomenting is just the first of two. And between the first and the second, they will fan global “anti-Semitism” into a raging fire that will drive almost all the Jews to Israel. Once this “ingathering of the exiles” is complete, they will burn all the non-Kabbalist, non-elite Jews in a nuclear fire.

I warn Jews of this not because I am a fan of the Jewish religion — I find all Abrahamic religions intolerably backwards. So do the Kabbalists. That’s why they’re trying to destroy all obsolete forms of religion and unite the world under a Kabbalized Christianity that they control. The old religions are filled with scientifically implausible beliefs and centered around the worship of invisible sky gods that cannot speak. The new Christianity will be based on scientifically plausible beliefs and a GMO “god” everyone can see and talk to. But even though the new religion will be better than what we have now, it will still be a system of lies and manipulation, so I will not abide its formation. That’s why I warn.

Behold the coming reborn phoenix…

…If not stillborn, it won’t last long. And so it is.

——MORE 5 – 26-27 July 2018——

It looks like it’s about time for an Iranian Doolittle Raid, except they’ll call theirs the “Soleimani Raid.” And instead of launching theirs from an aircraft carrier, it’ll be launched from Syria, Lebanon and Yemen…

Tomorrow, we’ll look at the easiest way for the globalists to orchestrate the chemical missile attack on Israel: by ordering the Iranians to launch a one-off missile salvo on Israel, and ordering the Israelis to dispatch chemical decontamination teams to some of the landing sites. This would create the illusion that some of the Iranian missiles bore chemical weapons, much like the chemical weapons fakery they’ve used in Syria.

We’ll also look at how they’ll time the attack, with the first window being around 11:11 PM Friday night in Israel.

—continued – 27 July 2018—

There is so much information to convey that I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning. So let me start with the basics and build from there…

In the coming days/weeks — and possibly tonight during the “Blood Moon” over Israel — I’m expecting the globalists to have their Iranian minion Qasem Soleimani launch a large, one-off salvo of conventionally armed missiles and rockets at IDF targets in Israel (and possibly American ships and bases too). This attack would be done through Iranian proxies: the Houthis in Yemen, Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. “Soleimani’s” goal in doing this will be to raise Muslim morale and deter Israel and America by shattering their sense of invulnerability.

I’m also expecting the globalists to order their Israeli minions to turn the attack to their advantage by claiming that some of the missiles fired from Syria were carrying chemical warheads. This claim would be bolstered by frightful footage of IDF teams in chemical suits treating “casualties” and decontaminating land and equipment. It would be like the UK’s Skripal false-flag on steroids…

…from The Times

This fabricated chemical attack would be used to justify an immediate Israeli incursion into southern Syria.

Should the globalists schedule the event during the total lunar eclipse tonight, it would not only shatter the Israelis’ sense of invulnerability, but also get them thinking fearful thoughts about the “apocalypse”…

…from The Times of Israel. Here is a notable excerpt…

>>> According to popular American evangelical pastor John Hagee, the blood moons are historically linked with a time period “that begins with a tragedy and ends with a triumph” for the Jewish people…

In May, Hagee delivered the closing benediction at the ceremony marking the US embassy’s historic move to the Israeli capital. <<<

Isn’t it interesting that the US and Israeli governments had a Blood Moon apocalyptic preacher close the embassy ceremony a few months ago? And he was introduced by the Chabad-connected US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman…

…from YouTube

Things like this show you why this stuff must be taken seriously.

Here is another notable excerpt from the Times of Israel article…

“In Israel the partial eclipse will begin at 9:24 p.m., with the full eclipse visible from 10:30 p.m. and reaching its maximum at 11:21 p.m.

If I were a betting man and had to pick a specific time for the attack, it would be 11:11 PM as the eclipse approaches its maximum (that’s 3:11 PM Texas Time). As I post this, it’s just a little over three hours away.

Should we get through the eclipse unscathed, I’ll show you another timing indicator they’ve given the public.

[Closing Remarks – 27 July 2018] – Now that we’re past the Blood Moon, the chemical missile false-flag scenario becomes a standing contingency that can be executed at any time, with the highest risk period being the coming days and weeks. This article from The Times of Israel offers a clue on the next time window for trying it…

Here is a key excerpt…

>>> The official claimed Israel supports “terrorist centers” in southern Syria and shot down the jet to stop the regime’s operations against them.

The first step of the Syrian response would be to complete operations against those centers, he said. Afterwards “the direct response to the Israeli forces will come at the appropriate time.”

The third part of the response would be to “foil any attempt to push Syria’s allies away from the (border) area.” <<<

And wouldn’t you know it, Syrian media are reporting TODAY that the southern ISIS pocket (where the last of the terrorist centers are presumably located) has fallen to Syrian forces…

…from Al Mazdar News

So now we’re just waiting on the “appropriate time” for the “direct response.” We also have to watch for a new precipitating event — some new outrage committed by the Israelis — to make Soleimani decide it’s time to respond. In fact, here is one that happened TODAY that could get the ball rolling…

…from Aljazeera

And here is the inevitable response: Hamas calls on Muslims to defend al-Aqsa mosque.

[Special Note – 20 July 2018] – The Forecast for Fall: A Limited Hangout Followed by a Storm

Here is something I spotted yesterday…

…from Politico

And here is something I spotted today…

…from RT

At first glance, you might not think the two stories are related, but Assange’s imminent expulsion from the Ecuadoran embassy will at some point lead to the release of his “insurance files.” And if that happens before Putin’s visit to Washington, it could set up a kill-or-be-killed situation between the “Deep State” and their supposed foes, Trump and Putin (Trumputin).

The possibility of upcoming bombshell information releases is also supported by preparatory propaganda from disinfodorks Alex Jones and Hal Turner…

…from Infowars (top) and the Hal Turner Radio Show (bottom)

Such releases would likely occur in the August – October timeframe, before the US election. And if they happen before the next Trump-Putin Summit, they would provide a great setup for the Washington, D.C. / New York City Nuclear 9/11 the globalists have planned. The “evil Deep State” would do it while Putin is on their home turf (Washington), and since Medvedev is supposedly allied with the West, he’d go along with the false-flag cover story.

To be clear, Assange is merely a front for the globalist intelligence agencies, and his “insurance files” are nothing more than a limited hangout mechanism through which those agencies will release carefully selected information to support the globalists’ East vs. West NWO conflict. The “Deep State vs. Trumputin” drama is entirely fake, but the consequences for Washington and New York would be quite real.

By the way, they are scheduling Putin’s visit for the fall, and autumn begins on September 22 this year. So if they opt to schedule Putin’s visit on that day, they’d have “the energy of the master number 22″ and the symbolism of “the first day of the fall” going for them. We’ll just have to wait and see if they want to be that obvious about it.

To read the previous entry, click here: Assassination Watch: Helsinki (completed).

For the latest information, visit the Home Page.



(This post was published on the Home Page from June 27 through July 16)

[Closing Remarks – 16 July 2018] – The Helsinki Summit is now over and Trump is on his way back home. The globalists held back on any big events or announcements, but that doesn’t mean the Syria withdrawal deal isn’t happening. Here is a Trump quote from TASS: “Our national security councils will meet to follow up all the agreements we made today. We have made the first steps towards a brighter future, grounded on cooperation and peace.”

And here is a Putin quote from NPR: As far as Syria is concerned,” Putin said, standing next to President Trump at the Helsinki summit, “the task of establishing peace and reconciliation in this country could be the first showcase example of this successful joint work.”

Look for them to announce the full withdrawal of all foreign forces from Syria after the fall of the last major ISIS stronghold of Hajin and/or when a crisis point is reached between Syria and Israel at the Golan Heights.

Now for some chips and salsa…

The aim of this entry is to expose the globalists’ plans and objectives for the Trump-Putin Assassination Show with such clarity and detail that it would be foolish for them to proceed with it. So immediately below this paragraph, you’ll find all the sections of this entry in chronological order. And below that is a crash course in understanding the true globalist agenda. So here goes…

[Section 1 – 27-28 June 2018] – The globalists activate the Medvedev / “Atlantic Integrationists” assassination option for Putin and Trump

When I first heard that the Trump-Putin Summit may be held in Helsinki instead of Vienna, I thought they might be backing off on the assassination show. They are announcing the Summit date and location on Thursday after “an auspicious sign” appears in the sky over Finland Wednesday night…


But after digging a little further, I realized the globalists might actually be playing the “Medvedev betrayal” card to take both Putin and Trump off the board…


~ MORE ~

It’s now confirmed that the Trump-Putin Summit will be held in Helsinki on July 16. And the remarkable thing about Helsinki is its resemblance to the most recent planned assassination site, Singapore…

…from Google Maps

Like Singapore, Helsinki is a compact city surrounded by the sea, which makes it relatively easy to sneak in a nuke. So also like Singapore, the most likely assassination method is “ISIS” detonating a 100-300 kiloton “North Korean” thermonuclear weapon within 1-1.5 km of the summit site. By using this scenario, the globalists can lock down the West “because ISIS has nukes and is using them,” and they can also reverse the supposed Korean peace process.

In the globalists’ mainstream media narrative, ISIS suicide bombers from Chechnya will be blamed for the attack, and it will be said that they smuggled a nuke they purchased from North Korea into Helsinki via the Russia-Finland border or the Baltic Sea.

In the globalists’ controlled alt-media narrative, it will later be said that Erdogan and Medvedev worked together on the assassination, with Erdogan supplying the ISIS suicide bombers and Medvedev supplying a Russian nuke and safe passage to Helsinki. If the narrative says the nuke was smuggled across the land border, it will be claimed that it was done by FSB elements who are loyal to the “Atlantic Integrationists.” If by sea, it will be attributed to naval officers loyal to the same. Russian subs regularly probe the territorial waters of Finland and Sweden, and in one particular incident in the waters near Helsinki, the Finns dropped small depth charges on a sub.

As we approach the summit date, I’ll go into intricate detail on all this.

~ MORE 2 ~

After Putin and Trump are “assassinated” at the Helsinki Summit, this is the man to whom the controlled alt-media will point their fingers…

…from Wikipedia (top) and The Moscow Times (bottom)

Here is an excerpt from the Moscow Times article…

>>> President Dmitry Medvedev has replaced the Federal Security Service’s longtime director with a veteran security agent who, analysts said, could tackle economic crimes with gusto and strengthen Medvedev’s hand over the law enforcement agencies…

Bortnikov — like Patrushev, Putin and Medvedev — comes from St. Petersburg but is believed to be closer to Medvedev than the Kremlin’s siloviki clan, which includes Patrushev and Putin’s longtime deputy chief of staff, Igor Sechin

He is Medvedev’s man, not Sechin’s,” Andrei Soldatov, an analyst who tracks the security services, said of Bortnikov. <<<

So according to the controlled alt-media script, “Medvedev’s man” can get the ISIS guys and their nuke across the Finnish border. And since the FSB apparently has its own submarines, they can handle a sea infiltration too. There is no need to involve the Russian Navy.

By the way, Helsinki (marked by the red pin) is less than 165 miles away from Russia’s Kronstadt, Saint Petersburg naval base (where some of the FSB’s subs may be based)…

…from Google Maps

Saint Petersburg / Leningrad is the Putin Gang’s home city.

[Section 2 – 29 June 2018] – The “Blame Ukraine” assassination scenario

…from Newsweek

Another way the globalists can script the Trump-Putin assassination is to blame the Ukranians. After the end of the Cold War, Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees from Russia and the US. But in early 2014, Vladimir Putin took the Crimea from them. So in the “Blame Ukraine” scenario, the controlled alt-media will narrate that Ukraine provided ICBM rocket engines to North Korea in exchange for a few nukes to use as “a safeguard against future Russian aggression.”

Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia entry on North Korea’s Hwasong-14 ICBM

>>> Michael Elleman of IISS and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists both claim that available evidence clearly indicates that the engine is based on the Soviet RD-250 (R-36 (missile)) family of engines, and has been modified to operate as the boosting force for the Hwasong-12 and -14. According to his theory an unknown number of these engines were probably acquired though illicit channels operating in Russia and/or Ukraine. North Korea’s need for an alternative to the failing Musudan and the recent appearance of the RD-250 engine along with other evidence, suggests the transfers occurred in 2015-2017. <<<

So the transfers occurred after Russia took the Crimea in 2014, which fits the script perfectly.

This “Blame Ukraine” scenario can also be used in conjunction with the “Blame Medvedev and the Atlantic Integrationists” scenario. Since both Medvedev and the Ukrainian government are supposedly friends/puppets/agents of the Western powers, it can be said that Ukraine provided the “North Korean” nuke, Erdogan provided the ISIS suicide bombers, and Medvedev & Bortnikov provided safe passage to the target zone.

Of course, this event would be used to start the Ukraine-Russia war. And as I’ve said in past entries, that war will result in Russia taking all Ukrainian territory east of the Dnieper River. That part of Ukraine was once part of ancient Khazaria, and the globalists want to reconstitute Khazaria under Putin (who will “miraculously” return later in the prophecy fulfillment show).

On a related note, if the globalists opt to proceed with the assassination show despite its thorough exposure, it is highly likely that the “ISIS” suicide bombers will live-stream the attack over social media. I’ll tell you why and how as we get closer to the 16th.

[Section 3 – 30 June 2018] – Where Putin and Trump will be when the bomb goes off

As I’ve continued exploring the mechanics of the assassination show, I stumbled upon the place they’ll take Putin and Trump before the bomb goes off…

…from the Express

They’ll most likely use two synchronized video feeds to ensure the public buys the assassination. There will be one live social media feed from the bombers, and one prerecorded “live” press pool feed from the hotel. The hotel feed will show the two leaders (and possibly some carefully selected members of the press / intelligence services) in the meeting room. But in reality, the leaders and others will have long since exited through the back doors and into Helsinki’s underground complex.

Since the bomb will be detonated from a kilometer or so away from the meeting site, the shelters need only protect them from the shockwave sweeping along the surface of the city. There is no need for them to be in a bunker hardened for a direct nuclear hit. They’ll then exit at a safe, distant point of the complex and go into hiding until the script calls for their “miraculous return.”

[Section 4 – 2 July 2018] – The summit venue and infiltration methods

Upon searching for the particular Helsinki venue for the assassination show, I found this on a Finnish website…

“Details have yet to emerge on the summit venue. A veteran diplomat who requested to remain anonymous told Svenska Yle that Helsinki is an ideal location for the meeting – logistically and in terms of security.

The diplomat said there are two likely locations in Helsinki for the meeting. The first is the Hilton Kalastajatorppa hotel in Helsinki’s Munkkiniemi neighbourhood, a secluded seaside location where many high-level international diplomatic meetings have been held.

The second alternative, according to the diplomat, is the Presidential Palace, located by the city’s bustling South Harbour and Market Square.” – from

Based on this information, I prepared a map that shows a one kilometer radius around each site…


Since a 100 kiloton nuclear explosion would have a one kilometer “certain kill” radius, the assassination nuke could be placed anywhere inside the blue circles. As you can see, there is plenty of room to play with. They could bring the nuke…

> into the waters near the chosen venue using an FSB-operated Piranha minisub and a swimmer delivery vehicle

…from the Daily Mail

> into the waters near the venue using a boat, ship or FERRY; or

> into an FSB safe house near the venue using a van or SUV.

Since the FSB will be part of the summit security team, it will be easy for them to smuggle the suicide bombers and nuke into the kill zone. They might even provide the “ISIS” guys with security credentials and a security vehicle. And since the ISIS guys will likely be Chechen, they might be Russian-speaking Caucasians who will blend in with all the other Russians in town.

While the assassination show can be made to work from either of the candidate locations, the Presidential Palace offers some key advantages over the hotel…

Advantage 1 – The Presidential Palace has built-in entrances to Helsinki’s underground bunker complex. If they didn’t exist before, they were almost certainly added during the recent renovation…


This will make it very easy for “those in the know” to sneak underground before the blast.

Advantage 2 – The Presidential Palace is a secure building with limited access. This means there will be no civilian hotel staff to manage. The only people in the compound will be those insiders who have been preselected to survive and those outsiders who have been preselected to die (like the ordinary Secret Service guys who will be doing their patrols and standing their posts while the top guys bug out).

Advantage 3 – The Presidential Palace offers more options for the infiltration script. It is located a stone’s throw away from the Port of Helsinki, which is the busiest passenger port in Europe. Just look at all the ferry routes (the dashed lines cutting through the water) that unload right near the Palace (which is marked with a red star)…


There is even a ferry arriving from Saint Petersburg at 7AM on the day of the summit.

Do you think they’ll be stopping and searching all the ferries and ships coming into port for nuclear weapons? Not likely – at least not before they’re within a kilometer from the dock. With the leaders of the two top nuclear powers in the world meeting there, no one will be expecting a nuke (or so they’ll say in the aftermath).

With these advantages in its favor, the Presidential Palace is the obvious choice for the op.

[Section 5 – 3-5 July 2018] – Putin’s assassination and the Israeli invasion of southern Syria

The globalists seem to be timing the Syrian offensive in the south to bring them near the Golan Heights around the time of the summit. So once Putin is taken out and Medvedev orders Russian forces into a force protection posture back at their Syrian bases, the way will be open for Israel’s move into southern Syria. Also, with their “great protector” Putin gone, both Assad and Soleimani will be left exposed for assassination by Israel and/or Turkey (according to the script). I’ll explain the hows and whys of this by tomorrow morning.

~ MORE ~

The current Syrian government offensive in the southwest is aimed at collapsing two pockets of resistance: the (green) pocket east of Dara’a, which borders Jordan; and the (green) pocket west of Dara’a, which borders Jordan and the Israeli-held Golan Heights…

…from Gulf News

Right now, the Syrian Army seems to be primarily focused on the eastern pocket. And according to a July 2 Aljazeera report, they have taken 60% of that area in about two weeks. So if they continue at that pace, they’ll likely take the other 40% of the area in less than two weeks. This means that right before the Helsinki Summit, the eastern pocket may fall and the Syrians and Russians would start focusing the whole of their attention on the western pocket near the Golan Heights.

What happens then is hinted-at in the globalists’ preparatory propaganda…

…from Israel National News. Here is a key excerpt…

“The coalition is now advancing towards the Israeli border in the south of the Golan Heights and on Wednesday bombed the city of Nawa, only 12 kilometers from Israel.

The situation has been further complicated by the fact that the Russian Air Force is participating in the bombing of rebel positions in southern Syria.

Israel has an agreement with Russia to prevent confrontations between the IAF and the Russian Air Force in Syrian airspace.

Russia’s participation in the offensive in southern Syria will probably mean Israel will not be able to intervene militarily in southern Syria so as to keep the pro-Assad coalition away from the border on the Golan Heights.

So to proceed with their planned invasion of southern Syria, the Israelis need to get Russia to withdraw its air support, and that’s where the assassination comes in. Back when Medvedev was President of Russia, the globalists instructed him to stand idly by while the West took down Libya. And once Putin came back as president, they instructed him to “stand up to the West and stop them in Syria.” This bit of scripting helped establish Medvedev as an “extension of the West” and Putin as an “opponent of the West.”

So when Medvedev assumes the Russian presidency after the assassination, look for him to order Russian forces in Syria to stay at their bases and “avoid getting involved in war escalations while the nation mourns.” This withdrawal of air support would open the door for the Israeli invasion.

That being said, exposure of their plan may be forcing them to alter the script. After yesterday morning’s short update, the Israelis suddenly came out with a brief statement that Netanyahu will be meeting Putin in Moscow on the 11th. So is this part of the lead-up to the assassination, or is it an adjustment to their plans?

On the one hand, the meeting is happening on the 11th, a day favored by the globalists for mischief. It could be the day that Netanyahu asks Putin to withdraw air support from the Syrian offensive, gets rebuffed, then decides to proceed with the assassination (forensic analysis of the post-explosion nuclear residue will point to Israel as the actual builders of the assassination bomb).

On the other hand, the meeting could be reported as the day that Netanyahu persuades Putin to withhold Russian air support from the Golan Heights part of the Syrian offensive. It would be said that Putin agreed in order to avoid any accidental engagements between Russian and Israel forces and to avoid any accidental deaths of civilians at Russian hands. Such an agreement would cause Netanyahu to call off the assassination… for now.

As for Israel’s ambitions in southern Syria, they were laid out in a January 23, 2018 article from The Intercept. Here is the map they offered…

We can expect to see Israeli forces advance to the “Safe Zone Goal” line before stopping. They’ll try to sell it to the world as both a “humanitarian intervention” and a righteous effort to defend their borders from Iranian proxy forces. Just look at how hard the mainstream media are flogging the humanitarian angle in advance of the operation…

…from Google News

~ MORE 2 ~

So after the invasion, what comes next?

I’ve already written about the aftermath of the attack in Update 19, so I’ll give just a brief summary…

The globalist script calls for the invasion to infuriate the entire Muslim world and be the straw that broke the camel’s back. It will drive many Organisation of Islamic Cooperation nations to join Erdogan’s “Palestinian protection force” / Muslim army. And to ensure that the Turkish Army can invade Israel from Syria, Erdogan will assassinate Syria’s Assad and Iran’s Soleimani in a way that makes it look like Israel did it.

Since the press are narrating that Turkey’s F-35 stealth jets are still in the US, I suspect the Turks will use F-16s armed with stealthy SOM cruise missiles…

…from Wikipedia

Israel has a history of firing missiles on Damascus from Lebanese airspace, and the Turks can use that against them by sending their F-16s on a radar-evading low-level attack run over the Mediterranean, then releasing their missiles to follow a flight path that will take them over Lebanon to Damascus (the red line = the F-16 flight path, the yellow line = the SOM flight path)…

…from The blue circle marks a 250 km radius around Damascus. Since the SOM has a 250 km range, it can hit Damascus from any firing point inside the circle (which includes a part of the Mediterranean). And the closer they are to Damascus when they fire it, the more indirect they can make the missile’s flight path. To ensure that an Israeli standoff munition is blamed for the assassination, they’ll want the SOM to approach Damascus from due West.

Update 19 contains a lot of interesting information on what Erdogan will be doing, so make sure to read it if you haven’t already.

~ MORE 3 ~

On a related note, an article in the Air Force Times states that the Turkish pilots training to fly Turkey’s two newly-delivered F-35s will take their first flight in the planes around the end of this month / early next month. What’s interesting is that the training is taking place at Luke Air Force Base, which is roughly 120 miles from the Mexican border. So don’t be shocked if the Turkish pilots turn south and make a dash for the border. They could link up with a Turkish Air Force tanker outside US airspace and fly the jets straight home.

Of course, the Pentagon has probably a dozen different ways of remotely disabling key systems of the F-35s to make them unusable, but don’t expect them to do so. The government doesn’t want the public to know that they can remotely disable all high-end military systems whenever they wish. The globalists plan on using that technology during the War Climax Show to simulate “revolutionary electronic warfare technology” supposedly possessed by Russia, China and/or “ETs.”

The article also mentions this about the US government’s attempt to freeze Erdogan out of the F-35 program…

If the F-35 transfer is blocked, it could agitate the NATO ally to the point that use of Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base is restricted. The U.S. has depended on Incirlik to conduct its air campaign against the Islamic State in Syria.”

This blog has long tracked a scenario in which Turkey would seize American personnel, planes and nukes based at Incirlik, so this row over the F-35s may be the way they get that ball rolling.

July 3rd Supplementary Addition

Get a load of this…

…from Google

The Romanovs were killed by Communist revolutionaries exactly 100 years before the summit date. And given all the alt-media propaganda about the “Western Communist NWO” that’s swirling about right now, this anniversary “coincidence” has implications for both Trump and Putin…

…from YouTube (top) and RFERL (bottom)

Given that the Romanov assassination occurred during the night that spanned June 16/17, this raises the specter of the strike occurring after dark. In that case, we need to watch for 2 things…

1) for the summit to either be scheduled for two days (the 16th and 17th) or extended for a day, and
2) for Trump and Putin to either have a late dinner together or sleep in accommodations that are near each other.

To understand how the globalists are using fear of a “Western Communist NWO” to facilitate acceptance of their real NWO — which will be fronted by the BRICS and based on Austrian economics — read Understanding the NWO Strategy, which can also be found a little further down this page.

[Addendum – 7 July 2018] – According to press reports, Secretary of State Pompeo’s meeting with the North Koreans did not go well. So now we wait and see if Trump fires off a Twitterstorm over the weekend. Some threats against North Korea would provide a nice segue into assassination week.

[Section 6 – 8-10 July 2018] – The Week of the Dajjal

We’re mere hours away from the globalist-selected Dajjal, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, taking his oath of office to become the de facto Sultan of Turkey. After the ceremony on the 9th, he’ll depart for Turkish-occupied Cyprus on the 10th and the NATO Summit on the 11th and 12th. At some point this week or next, look for him to dispatch the Turkish drilling ship Fatih (which translates to “conqueror”) to Cypriot waters to get the war provocations started…

…from FleetMon

Since this is the first time Erdogan will be entering Europe as the “Sultan of the Restored Ottoman Empire,” keep an eye out for blue turban symbolism. It may appear at his swearing in or at his attendance of the NATO summit, where he’ll either don a blue turban or be depicted wearing one in a notable press report.

To understand why I bring up blue turban symbolism, let me show you a section I wrote back on May 8…

As I’ve explained previously, the globalists are aiming to fulfill pretty much every prophecy known to man in an effort to sell as many people as possible on the idea that we’re in the “End Times.” And Nostradamus’ “prophecies” are among those they’re trying to manifest. You’ll therefore find the following video of particular interest. It is part of an old movie on Nostradamus that tells of an Antichrist Muslim leader who will enter Europe wearing a blue turban…

…from YouTube

Iran’s Qasem Soleimani has been scripted to play this leader, but why would he enter Europe wearing a blue turban?

Because of the coming 3 million migrant invasion of Europe.

This invasion, which will be triggered by the Dajjal character played by Turkey’s Erdogan, will unleash great civil conflict in Europe. And Soleimani, who will be going into Europe under the banner of the “reformed” UN (NWO) to “reestablish order and bring peace,” will thus enter wearing a blue turban…

According to the globalist plan for TWO prophecy fulfillments, the first fulfillment has Turkey’s Erdogan playing the evil “Dajjal” character. The Dajjal will pose as an Antichrist so Soleimani’s Imam Mahdi character can pose as the savior. And in the second fulfillment, Soleimani’s Mahdi character will be revealed as another Antichrist so the globalists’ Kabbalah-Christ character can pose as the real “Jesus Christ.”

Since there will be two fulfillments, we may see two blue turbans in the near future: one worn by Erdogan and one worn by Soleimani. So don’t be surprised if you see Erdogan sporting a blue turban after the upcoming Turkish presidential election. The election will effectively make him the Caliph of Turkey, and the greatest caliph of the Ottoman Empire, Suleiman the Magnificent, wore a turban…

…from Wikipedia

As for why the turban would be blue, it’s quite simple: Erdogan frequently wears blue suits…

…and blue is a presidential color. So look for him to wear it (either actually or symbolically) during a post-election summit with the EU, right before he “releases the hounds.”


And get a load of this…

…from Breitbart

The Justice and Development Party is Erdogan’s party, and their party colors are orange and BLUE. So don’t be shocked if he shows up at the NATO Summit in Ottoman garb – or at least the blue turban – to indicate that he has “restored the power of the Ottoman Empire” and become its sultan and caliph.

Now let me show you how Hollywood (with the Nostradamus film) and the globalist geopolitical scriptwriters (with planned events like the migrant invasion) have teamed up to fulfill Nostradamus’ predictions. Here are some quotes from the film about the man who will “enter Europe wearing a blue turban”; I’ve matched them with their corresponding fulfillments…

…He will be the terror of mankind. Never more horror…

…from RT (top) and RT (bottom)

…“This king, this warlord,” Nostradamus says, “will wage war against the West”…

…from the Gatestone Institute

…The kingdom of the Fez shall come to the throne of Europe…

…from Wikipedia (top) and Google News (bottom)

…The Great One of the East by land, sea, and air with a great army shall cross with death…

…from CNN (top) and the Express (bottom)

The kingdom of the Church will be overcome by the sea

…From Persia very nearly a million, from Persia, from greater Arabia, from the kingdom of Muhammad

…from the Express

All prophecies are bullsh*t of course, but you ignore the globalists’ attempts to fulfill them at your own peril.

Now let’s take another look at the article about the secret migrant flights from Turkey to Germany…

…from the Express. Here is a key excerpt…

“Speculation has been rife that the country is ushering in thousands of migrants via Cologne Bonn Airport, fuelled by the fact every night numerous planes from Turkey are landing.”

The article goes on to offer the German government’s denials of any secret flights, so it’s quite interesting that the author states as a “fact” that “every night numerous planes from Turkey are landing.” The article offers a preliminary glimpse into the secret cooperation between the Western leaders and Erdogan. And to see how that cooperation fits into the larger context of globalist operations, let me show you something I wrote a couple of years ago. It starts by examining a couple of headlines from the Drudge Report…

In the headlines outlined in red, we see Drudge foreshadowing the Summer of Terror. Note that the two cities specifically mentioned for attack are the core power centers of the EU. The coming attacks against these power centers and the Vatican will give rise to a growing disinformation meme about an attack against “Christian civilization.” This is what the globalists want you to believe…

“Christian civilization is under full-scale assault by Islamists from without and Satanists from within. The secretly-Satanic Western elite made common cause with the Muslims to create a terrorist army and get it into the Western nations in order to bring down Christianity. The Muslims supplied the men and the Satanists opened the gates and brought them in under ‘migrant’ cover.”

This idea of a war between civilizations – Muslim versus Christian – is why Drudge added the headline (outlined in yellow) mentioning “civilizational jihad.”


Over the past couple of days, I’ve noticed some propaganda pieces that are worth pointing out. So without further ado, here is…

EXHIBIT A: This is an example of the “war of civilizations” meme I mentioned earlier in this update…
…From And here is an excerpt…

>>> Erik Prince, former CEO of private security firm Blackwater who served as a Navy SEAL and CIA asset, told Breitbart News Sunday’s Stephen K. Bannon that to win the war against radical Islamic terrorism, the United States must deny entry to people who pose a threat to America’s Christian way of life

“We have no obligation as a country to allow people in that are an inherent threat or could be an inherent threat to our way of life — to our Western Judeo-Christian civilization”… <<<

So here we have a “former” CIA asset pointing out the need to deny jihadis entry into America so that “America’s Christian way of life” and “Western Judeo-Christian civilization” can be protected. Seeing this, you have to ask yourself a question…

If the “evil Western elite” are really trying to destroy Christianity and bring in Luciferianism, Satanism, and the New Age, why is one of their CIA flunkies (Erik Prince) speaking about the need to protect Christianity?

The answer is that it’s all part of the good cop / bad cop strategy the globalists are using to bring in the real NWO. They are using the “Satanic Western elite’s unipolar world order” to scare people into the arms of the “Christian-led (Putin) multipolar world order.” This is why the fear-mongering disinformation agents who dominate the alternative media (such as Alex Jones) scream so loudly about the Western Satanists…
…and speak so positively about the “Christian” Putin…
…From (top, bottom)

Make no mistake…

The globalists are bringing in their New World Order through Putin and the BRICS, and their ultimate goal is to unite the people of the world under an updated, Kabbalized Christianity.

Now let me share a paragraph I wrote in Update 19 last month…

As part of their prophecy fulfillment plan, the globalists have had elements of their controlled alternative media narrate a “clash of civilizations” between Islam and Christendom. And according to the script of this contrived drama, the “Western Satanists and Middle-East Islamists” have struck an alliance to destroy Christian civilization. Part of their strategy to do this has been to infiltrate an Islamist army into Europe under “migrant” cover, then have the “Satanist-run” intelligence agencies of Western Europe supply them with the weapons they need to wreak havoc at the appointed time.

With this in mind, if we look at the globalists’ own statistics on the migrants, we see that roughly half of them are males of fighting age…

…from the Pew Research Center

Roughly 42% are males aged 18-35 (military age), and if you add in the teens and over-35s who are also able to fight, you easily reach over 50% — not even counting the women who will participate. So once Erdogan calls on the migrants to “take Europe for Islam” and the globalist intelligence services hand them their weapons, an army of up to half a million or more jihadis will be running wild in Europe. In comparison, do you know how many personnel are in the German Army? A paltry 60,000. In the French Army? Only 109,000. Europe will have its hands full.

So the secret migrant flights from Erdogan’s Turkey to Merkel’s Germany highlight their secret “Satanic” collaboration to take down “Western Christian Civilization,” and it’s all a contrived part of a larger plan: to bring in the New World Order, which is the gateway to their ultimate goal, the fake “Millennial Kingdom.”

On another note, guess who’s coming to dinner…

…from Hurriyet Daily News

To understand why it’s significant that the two of them, along with Ukraine’s President Poroshenko, are getting together a week before the Trump-Putin Summit, read the rest of this entry.

Over the next couple of days, I will be gathering my writings on Erdogan for a new addition to the Compendium. Here is the preface I’ve written for the section…

Erdogan’s globalist-assigned role as Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, the first of two Muslim Antichrists

The ultimate goal of the globalist plan vis-a-vis the Muslims is to destroy Islam as a religion and exterminate all Muslims who will not convert to Kabbalized Christianity. To achieve this, they have selected two of their minions, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iran’s Major General Qasem Soleimani, to play the eschatological roles of Al-Masih ad-Dajjal and the Imam Mahdi respectively.

If you are unfamiliar with Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, Erdogan’s character, here is a little about him from Wikipedia

>>> Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (“the false messiah, liar, the deceiver”) is an evil figure in Islamic eschatology. He is to appear, pretending to be al-Masih (i.e. the Messiah), before Yawm al-Qiyamah (the Day of Resurrection). He is an anti-messianic figure, comparable to the Antichrist in Christian eschatology and to Armilus in medieval Jewish eschatology. <<<

If you are also unfamiliar with the Imam Mahdi, Soleimani’s character, here is a little about him from Wikipedia

>>> The Mahdi (literally “guided one”) is an eschatological redeemer of Islam who will appear and rule for five, seven, nine or nineteen years (according to differing interpretations) before the Day of Judgment and will rid the world of evil. <<<

Of course, neither the Dajjal nor the Mahdi were included in the Quran by Allah and Muhammad. They are make-believe characters that were created by lesser men in the Hadith, a collection of writings that were assembled several generations after Muhammad’s passing.

It is the common practice of deceivers to make their lies palatable by mixing them with truths, and so it is with the men who assembled the Hadith. The Hadith were written and compiled to subvert Islam for the selfish purposes of men, and if they are not rejected as the invalid lies that they are, they will give rise to the total destruction of the Muslim world. God does not protect those who live a lie and act improperly because of it.

Using the lies of the Hadith, the globalists will have their chosen Dajjal (Erdogan) create havoc on the international stage so they can script his defeat at the hands of their chosen Mahdi (Soleimani). This will make their Dajjal appear to be a Satanic liar and their Mahdi appear to be Allah’s faithful servant. And seven years later, they will have their Mahdi lead Muslims to their destruction in the Second Battle of Armageddon.

If we cannot deter the globalists from acting on their plans for this year, the Second Battle of Armageddon will occur in the year 2025. So if you are a Muslim, you have just a little over seven years to live — unless you stop Erdogan and Soleimani. Either Islam will end or those two pretenders will end. The choice is yours.

That being said, this is what I’ve previously written about Erdogan’s role as the Dajjal…

More to come.

[Section 7 – 10-13 July 2018] – The NATO Summit and the Putin-Netanyahu meeting (continued 2)

Tomorrow is the 11th, the first day of the NATO Summit and the day Putin and Netanyahu will be meeting, and it should give us indications as to which direction the globalists will take the Trump-Putin Summit next week. This is what we’re watching for…

> Trump-confronting drama at the NATO Summit. If we see it, the assassination is more likely to go forward. But if the proceedings are portrayed as relatively cordial, it may indicate a backing-off.

> Whether Netanyahu emerges from his meeting with Putin smiling or frowning. A frown will suggest that the assassination is a go; a smile will suggest a backing-off (on the assassination by Netanyahu and on Russia’s air support for the Syrian offensive by Putin). Netanyahu would then take advantage of the Russian Air Force’s absence by launching his invasion within a week or two.

Should Putin remain alive and maintain his air support for the offensive, it indicates that the globalists are pressing the delay button once again (and there won’t be an Israeli invasion at this particular time). They’ll move on to their next contingency plan.

[Addendum – 12 July 2018] – So was there drama at the NATO Summit? Yep…

…from The Atlantic

The Atlantic is a propaganda rag for those globalists assigned to Team Atlantic Empire (to which the Russian “Atlantic Integrationists” are supposedly tied). So having them portray Trump as threatening the viability of the Empire’s military arm establishes another motive for his assassination.

On top of this, the globalists staged a public fight between Trump and Erdogan (who is scripted to be one of the ring leaders of the assassination)…

“During public portions of the meeting’s opening, Erdogan was seen involved in a lengthy, heated discussion with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump.” – from the Daily Sabah

So from the Trump side, the assassination is still an active possibility.

[Addendum – 13 July 2018] – On the Putin side, Netanyahu began his meeting with Putin with a veiled threat over Russian air support for the Syrian offensive. Right in front of the press, he mentioned the Israeli shootdown of a drone “over Israeli territory” that quite conveniently occurred while he was traveling to Moscow (the Israelis were likely piloting the drone). He then said this…

“We will continue to act decisively against any spillover and any infiltration of Israeli territory or airspace.” – from Time

At first glance, this statement might not sound like a threat. But if you take a moment to look at the circumstances of what occurred as well as what the Israelis said about it, you begin to see the sinister overtones of Netanyahu’s comments…

> The drone was over the Golan Heights when it was shot down, and as the Syrian offensive continues to approach that area, Russian warplanes will be flying closer and closer to it.

> The Israelis went out of their way to say that the drone may have accidentally crossed over the Heights before being shot down. Given the speed of combat jets and the small area they’ll be operating in, Russian aircraft could easily stray over the Heights during their air support sorties.


  • Netanyahu has said that Israel will act decisively against ANY spillover from the Syrian offensive.
  • The Israelis have established that they’ll shoot down aircraft even if they accidentally fly over the Golan Heights.
  • Both the Syrian Air Force and Russian air force fly Russian aircraft, which makes positive identification of an intruding armed aircraft difficult.

So Netanyahu’s veiled threat to Putin was this…

“If Russian planes inadvertently cross over the Golan Heights during their air support missions, we’ll shoot them down. Accidents happen, so you might want to pull back your air support.”

Given this threat, let’s watch for any Russian airstrikes near the Golan Heights over the weekend. If they occur, the assassination is still an active possibility from Putin’s side.

Next, we’ll look at a fallback scenario the globalists are setting up with Hillary Clinton and Erdogan for 2021.

[Section 8 – 13 July 2018] – Friday the 13th

Well lookie lookie here…

…from the Drudge Report

It’ll be interesting to see how the alt-media spin this. Is it a “Deep State effort to sabotage the Trump-Putin Summit” or is it “Trump adding another bargaining chip before his negotiations with Putin”?

Later – After scanning through the indictment, it looks like this will be played as an attempt by Mueller to sabotage Trump and Putin’s effort to reach agreements and team up.

Later – When I ran across this little gem a few minutes ago, I literally laughed out loud…

…from Zero Hedge

The propaganda guys are going to cartoonish lengths to establish the supposed “Deep State / Western Globalist effort to derail the Trump-Putin Summit.”

Adding to the incredible spectacle of the last few days, the Secret Service just allowed a JFK-level security breach to occur in close proximity to POTUS. Watch the video as a leftist protester is allowed to fly up to Trump while the Secret Service does nothing. You can even see Trump scurry into the building as the glider moves within striking distance of him. Such theatrics!

All the summit-sabotaging shenanigans we’ve seen today on Friday the 13th will serve as an excellent setup for one of two possible outcomes on Monday…

Putin and Trump’s “assassination” at the Helsinki Summit


Putin and Trump’s “triumph” at the Helsinki Summit

As I read the tea leaves today, the globalists appear to be on the path to delivering the latter. So tomorrow I’ll cover what will happen at the Summit if there is no assassination attempt:

a Putin-Trump agreement to withdraw all foreign forces from Syria
(Iranian, Russian, AND American).

I’ll go into all the hows and whys, including how they’ll handle the Turks, British and French, in the morning.

[Section 9 – 14 July 2018] – What will happen if there’s no assassination

Should the globalists decide against the assassination show on Monday, they will instead script a big win for the “peacemakers” Trump and Putin. It will take the form of an agreement to withdraw all foreign forces from Syria after the defeat of the final ISIS stronghold of Hajin, Syria. The withdrawal will include Russian and Iranian forces from Putin’s side and American, British and French forces from Trump’s side. And since neither US nor Russian forces will leave Syria while Turkish forces are still in the north, you’ll later see Erdogan accept a deal to withdraw in return for geographic boundaries for the Kurds. According to the script, Erdogan very much wants the withdrawal of all foreign forces; it would leave Assad as the only barrier between him and the Israeli border.

Such an agreement would be a win-win for Trump and Putin…

ON TRUMP’S SIDE, the narrative has been that he wants to withdraw US forces from Syria, but the “Deep State” twisted his arm to stay until ISIS’s final defeat…

…from an April 4, 2018 article on Vox

Well, guess what… the press are now narrating that ISIS is facing the collapse of its last major stronghold…

…from the Independent

So according to the globalist script, Putin will offer Trump Russia and Iran’s withdrawal from Syria, which will give him political cover for the American pullout. Trump will be able to say…

“ISIS is defeated. Russia is withdrawing. Iran is withdrawing. We won! Now it’s time to go!”

ON PUTIN’S SIDE, the agreement will thoroughly fulfill his stated mission for Russia’s intervention in Syria…

>>> Shortly after the operation began, Russian officials were cited as saying that, apart from fighting terrorist organisations such as ISIL, Russia’s goals included helping the Syrian government retake territory from various anti-government groups that are labelled by the U.S. and its coalition as “moderate opposition”, a broader geopolitical objective being to roll back U.S. influence. In his televised interview broadcast on 11 October 2015, Russian president Vladimir Putin said the military operation had been thoroughly prepared in advance; he defined Russia’s goal in Syria as “stabilising the legitimate power in Syria and creating the conditions for political compromise.” – from Wikipedia <<<

So Putin will be able to say…

“We began the intervention in Syria to help defeat the ISIS terrorists. This mission was accomplished. We intended to help the Syrian government retake its territory from foreign proxy groups. This mission was accomplished. We intended to roll back US influence in the internal affairs of Syria and the region. With the American withdrawal, this mission is accomplished. We intended to stabilize the legitimate government of Syria. This mission was accomplished. We intended to create conditions for a political compromise. With this agreement with President Trump, this mission is accomplished and our goals are fulfilled. Now we can bring our victorious forces home.”

Putin will also be able to say that he kept his word to President Assad…

…from CNN

Given the advantages of such an agreement to both sides, this deal seems the globalists’ obvious scripting for a “Trump Triumphant” scenario. The preparatory propaganda is certainly hinting at it…

…from Google News

…even as it also talks of supposed “Neocon panic” over such a deal (which would provide the Evil Deep State characters with another strong motivation to follow through on an assassination as part of a “Vindex Falls” scenario)…

…from Zero Hedge

So will the globalists opt for the deal or the assassination show to supposedly stop the deal? I currently think it’s a little more likely that they’ll do the deal, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it. We’ll find out Monday.

By the way, I wrote this back in Section 5…

The globalists seem to be timing the Syrian offensive in the south to bring them near the Golan Heights around the time of the summit…

This means that right before the Helsinki Summit, the eastern pocket may fall and the Syrians and Russians would start focusing the whole of their attention on the western pocket near the Golan Heights.

Well, lo and behold…

…from Al-Masdar News

Everything is cued-up to go in either direction.

Oh, and one more thing…

As I mentioned earlier in this entry, if a 100 kiloton nuclear attack by “ISIS terrorists” occurs, look for them to either live-stream the attack or post a pre-recorded video around the time of the attack. They’ll do this for two reasons: 1) to establish that the attack was conducted by ISIS (since the attackers will be vaporized in the blast, it will be hard for the globalists to credibly blame ISIS without video evidence), and 2) to show the bomb, which will look like this…

They’ll show the bomb in the video so people will recognize it as a “North Korean” nuke (even though it will actually be an Israeli copy). The controlled alt-media guys will go crazy measuring it and counting the number of bolts on it to prove that it’s North Korean. This is how the globalists will ignite the Asian part of the war.

[Section 10 – 15 July 2018] – The Summit is now hours away, so what will we see? A mushroom cloud? A pandemic? A deal on Syria? The best outcome would be a few quick meetings followed by a meaningless agreement and a quick afternoon departure, just like the Singapore Summit. Such a result would indicate that the globalists abandoned any big plans they had for it.

Here are two more things to watch for as we go into tomorrow…

1) A “Deep State” chemical false flag in Syria to prevent a Syria agreement at the Summit.

2) A “sonic attack” on Trump and/or Putin like those the American diplomats have been suffering around the world. If such an attack were to “incapacitate” Trump, he could be removed from office under the 25th Amendment. The presence of sonic weapons could be another reason for the seagulls leaving town.

Let’s just hope the seagulls left because of non-weaponized sonic emitters the Finns used to drive out the birds and clean up before the Summit — a measure they would publicly deny to avoid pissing off the environmentalists.

The Helsinki Summit and “Disease X”

A reader passed along a rather curious article this morning…

…from Sputnik

Back during the Singapore Summit, I warned about a possible biological method of assassination whereby an agent that takes a week or more to manifest infection symptoms would be administered to the target(s). They would then leave the Summit feeling fine only to die of an “untreatable” infection days later. And if you think about it, there are two ways to accomplish such a hit: 1) directly infect the target(s) from close range, or 2) infect the hosting city before the target’s arrival, leading to the infection of the target while he’s there. So did the seagulls sense something in the air? Are they feeling ill?

Given the extensive research the Soviet Union conducted on biological agents and dispersal mechanisms, it’s certainly within the capabilities of the FSB to infect a city (and then point the finger at ISIS). And if it’s been done, it’s already too late for the people of Helsinki (and everywhere else).

Helsinki is a very busy transportation hub for people traveling all over Europe. So if a communicable biological agent was released there in the past week or so, it’s already spreading globally (helped along by people from all over the world who are mixing together at the World Cup). And its spread will enable the globalists to activate the “Disease X” lockdown scenario for which they’ve been preparing the public…

…from Newsweek

If “Disease X” is a highly-communicable bird flu engineered to have a slow (7-17 day) incubation period in humans, might it affect seagulls more quickly?

The net effect of a Disease X outbreak in Helsinki is that both Putin and Trump will pretend to die from it (rest assured that they’ve been inoculated against the agent and that the infection is treatable for “the right people”). And this would elevate Pence and Medvedev to the presidencies, with the “pandemic” giving them an excuse to do their police state lockdown right off the bat.

Let’s hope the seagulls come back.

To read the previous entry, click here: Globalist Agenda Watch: Update 19 – The Status of Ongoing Globalist Operations.

For the latest information, visit the Home Page.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2018: Update 19 – The Status of Ongoing Globalist Operations

(This post was published on the Home Page from June 13 – June 26)

In this entry, we’ll check in on all the event triggers and plots the globalists are attempting to set up and carry out this year. And we’ll start with Erdogan’s planned invasion of Israel (see Update 18 for background information on this plot).

Today at 3PM EDT(US), the United Nations General Assembly will hold another meeting of the 10th Emergency Special Session on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In this meeting, they will overwhelmingly pass a Turkish/Algerian draft resolution calling for an “international protection force” for the Palestinians. And while I’ve been unable to track down an online copy of the draft resolution, I did come across one element of it in a press report…

>>> The draft resolution “requests the [UN] Secretary-General to examine the present situation and to submit a written report, as soon as possible, but not later than 60 days from the adoption of the present resolution, containing, inter alia, his proposals on ways and means for ensuring the safety, protection and well-being of the Palestinian civilian population under Israeli occupation, including, inter alia, recommendations regarding an international protection mechanism”. – from the Andalou Agency <<<

So once the resolution passes, the question will be…

Will it contain language that Erdogan can seize upon to quickly move an initial protection force into place before or slightly after the Turkish election (June 24), or will he have to wait till August?

Once the passed resolution is posted online, I’ll dig through it to get the answer.

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The resolution has passed by a vote of 120-8, so now I wait for them to post the text of the resolution on the UN website.

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I’ve read through the resolution, and they’ve essentially pressed the delay button until the Secretary General issues his report. Although the report deadline is in mid-August, it’s possible it could be completed in July, especially if there is an “urgent need” due to “increasing Israeli atrocities.” Should they wait until mid-August, though, the invasion will occur in September, right on time for the “Battle of Armageddon.”

“Erdogan’s Plan” to Assassinate the “Two Great Christian Leaders” in Austria

As part of their prophecy fulfillment plan, the globalists have had elements of their controlled alternative media narrate a “clash of civilizations” between Islam and Christendom. And according to the script of this contrived drama, the “Western Satanists and Middle-East Islamists” have struck an alliance to destroy Christian civilization. Part of their strategy to do this has been to infiltrate an Islamist army into Europe under “migrant” cover, then have the “Satanist-run” intelligence agencies of Western Europe supply them with the weapons they need to wreak havoc at the appointed time.

With this in mind, have a look at what is happening in Austria right now…

…from Breitbart. Here are some striking excerpts…

>>> Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attacked Austria’s impending closure of mosques and consequent expulsion of Turkish-funded imams, saying the move is anti-Islamic while promising a response…

Mr. Erdogan, speaking Saturday, said: “They say they’re going to kick our religious men out of Austria. Do you think we will not react if you do such a thing?”

“That means we’re going to have to do something,” he added without elaborating…

The new policy comes after a number of scandals involving mosques in Austria, including one in which Islamists were plotting to overthrow the government to replace it with an Islamic caliphate. The ATIB association came under fire last week when a Turkish mosque posted images of young children swearing oaths to the Turkish state.” <<<

And can you guess where they’re currently planning to hold the Trump-Putin Summit? Here is some preparatory propaganda about it that came out this week…

>>> At present a Trump-Putin summit carries a literal life-and-death urgency. There must be a clear understanding between the leaders of the two nuclear superpowers before some mishap somewhere results in unimaginable catastrophe for both countries and for the whole world.

The summit must happen – soon. Judging from their statements both presidents agree, and Austria has already offered to host the meeting in Vienna. – from The Washington Times <<<

Within the prophecy fulfillment / “Clash of Civilizations” stage play, Erdogan is playing a character named Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, the Muslim version of the Anti-Christ. So when the “two great Christian leaders,” Trump and Putin, show up in Austria this summer, the Dajjal can retaliate against Austria and “destroy the heart of the Christian resistance” in one fell swoop. And the most likely method of assassination will be “ISIS detonating a North Korean nuke in Vienna.”

I have lots more information on this scenario, and I’ll write about it in intricate detail if they foolishly attempt to go forward with it.

Why Rome also will be nuked by Erdogan

According to the globalist script, it was inevitable that Erdogan would butt heads with the new “populist government” of Austria and its anti-migrant policies. That being said, can you think of another European country that just got a new anti-migrant “populist government”?…

…from The New York Times

Italy’s new government has already moved to block the arrival of a migrant ship, and in a remarkable “coincidence,” their capital city also hosts one of the “great Christian leaders,” the Pope. So it’s only a matter of time before the script has Erdogan spitting fire at them. And just like a well-timed nuclear attack against Austria’s capital city would bring the death of two of Christianity’s “great leaders,” Trump and Putin, another such attack against Italy’s capital city would bring the death of the third. A destroyed Vatican would “decapitate the Crusaders” once and for all.

If the globalists proceed with their war plan this year, a nuclear attack on Rome is almost a certainty. The “prophesied” fiery destruction of Rome is something their premier Christian prophecy propagandist, Tom Horn, has heavily promoted. With “prophetic” quote after “prophetic” quote, he says that “the City of Seven Hills will be destroyed” at a time of “apostasy and the rise of the False Prophet and Antichrist.”

Here is the apostasy…

…from YouTube (top) and Life Site News (bottom)

Here is the false prophet…

…from The Wild Voice

And here is Pope Francis assisting in the rise of the Antichrist…

…from Sputnik

After the planned Islamist Intifada in Europe, people will think that Erdogan was the Antichrist. But when the NWO approaches its 3.5 year mark, the globalists will make sure the public realize that Putin, who will have defeated Erdogan, “was the real Antichrist all along” — that “he had Erdogan pretend to be the Antichrist so he could pretend to be Christ.” And 3.5 years after that, the globalists will present us with their “real Christ” who will defeat Putin.

Erdogan’s war on the EU will begin in Cyprus

If you are a longtime reader, you may remember that we tracked a developing scenario back in March that involved a Turkish drill ship violating Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to start a confrontation with the EU (Cyprus is an EU member state). Here are some key excerpts from back then…

To provide a little historical context to what’s happening now…

>>> On 15 July 1974, the Greek military junta under Dimitrios Ioannides carried out a coup d’etat in Cyprus, to unite the island with Greece. The coup ousted president Makarios III and replaced him with pro-enosis nationalist Nikos Sampson. In response to the coup, five days later, on 20 July 1974, the Turkish army invaded the island, citing a right to intervene to restore the constitutional order from the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee. This justification has been rejected by the United Nations and the international community. – from Wikipedia <<<

This Turkish invasion led to the partitioning of the island, and the Turks subsequently established the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is “a partially recognised state that comprises the northeastern portion of the island of Cyprus. Recognised only by Turkey, Northern Cyprus is considered by the international community to be part of the Republic of Cyprus.

Turkey’s claim on resources in the Cyprus EEZ is based on this Northern Cyprus puppet regime, which is not recognized by the UN or the “international community.” So when Cyprus requests assistance in keeping the Turks out of their EEZ, the US and EU will respond under the pretext of “upholding international law.” And their successful expulsion of the Turkish drill ship and navy will lead to Erdogan’s “embarrassment and outrage,” thus spurring his cancellation of the migrant deal.

Here is how the confrontation spiral may develop:

1) Turkey will send the drill ship into Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
2) The Cyprus Navy will send their patrol boats to confront it.
3) Turkey will then send some of their large warships to intimidate the patrol boats.
4) Cyprus will reach out to the US and EU navies for assistance, which will be provided.
5) An “outraged” Erdogan will “release the hounds.”

Of course, when the big events they had planned for that timeframe got cancelled, the whole drill ship confrontation scenario got put on the back burner… until this month…

The Turkish drillship Fatih, formerly DeepSea Metro II, is close to Antalya in Turkey on with the intention of heading at some point soon for the Eastern Mediterranean to begin deep-sea drilling, possibly close to or inside Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

Observers expect the drillship to remain in Antalya until after the Turkish elections on June 24. According to Politis, its sources said any drilling actions by Turkey in the region could trigger tensions, not only around Cyprus but also in Israel, Egypt and Lebanon.

It said, the arrival of the Fatih, (‘Conqueror’ in Turkish)…” – from a June 5 Cyprus-Mail article

So this is the trigger scenario the globalists now plan to use to get the Erdogan-EU war started after the Turkish election. Following the naval confrontation, Erdogan will cancel the migrant deal and flood the EU with a new wave of migrants. Later, he’ll kick off the European Intifada when he hits the Trump-Putin summit and/or the Vatican.

[ALERT Addendum – 17 June 2018] – Be on the lookout for a Turkish strike against Assad and Soleimani in the coming weeks. Turkey is taking delivery of its first F-35 stealth jet on June 21 (right here in Fort Worth), just three days before the Turkish election. This jet would be the perfect instrument to strike the two leaders without warning. Look for it to possibly happen during a meeting of the two, and look for the strike to initially be blamed on Israel.

Also be on the lookout for an imminent Israeli military incursion into southern Syria “to establish a buffer zone between Israel and Iranian forces in the area.” This incursion may be accompanied by or followed by a massive Israeli and/or US Coalition air assault on Syrian and Iranian forces throughout the country.

Israel and the US will ostensibly be doing this to “kick Iran out of Syria,” but the real purpose is to clear the way for Turkish forces to roll down through Syria to attack Israel for the “Battle of Armageddon.” Surviving government and rebel forces in Syria will then be eager to join with Erdogan to push Israel out of Syria and destroy her completely.

[ALERT Addendum, Part 2 – 19 June 2018] – I stumbled across all this by observing currently unfolding events and by watching a prophecy propaganda interview of Joel Richardson on Tom Horn’s Skywatch TV network — an interview that begins with what appears to be a thumb-on-knuckle Masonic handshake

Near the end of the interview at the 23:33 mark, Richardson brings up something I haven’t heard out of them before. And he prefaces his remarks by talking of the need to be humble when interpreting the Bible (because he knows he is about to give a deliberately misleading, halfway accurate prediction).

He suggests that before the Gog-Magog War begins, there will be a “massive regional Iranian-Turkish war first” and that “we may be seeing that right now with Iran invading all the way over to Syria and eventually Turkey responding.” “ Turkey’s already invading Syria right now,” he adds. He then offers the reason for the preliminary war with a question: “How is it that we expect Iran to come under a Turkish-led coalition, unless one is defeated?”

Upon hearing this, it didn’t take long to realize what he’s driving towards.

The globalists have neither the time nor inclination to stage a big war between Turkey and Iran before Gog-Magog, but they do have both the time and inclination to stage an assassination. Within the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, Erdogan is playing Islam’s Satanic false messiah, the Dajjal, and Iran’s Qasem Soleimani is playing the real messiah, the Mahdi. So the scriptwriters will have the Dajjal strike down the Mahdi in a fake assassination before Gog-Magog begins. The Mahdi will then be “resurrected” to return at the climax of the “Battle of Armageddon,” which will culminate Gog-Magog.

Previously, I had been wondering how they would get Turkey, Iran and Syria to cooperate in the invasion of Israel. And thanks to the propagandists at Skywatch TV and current events, I now know how they’ll do it…

1) They’ll have Israel invade southern Syria, which will make every Muslim fighting in every faction in Syria want to stop fighting each other and start fighting Israel.

On the same day I listened to the Skywatch TV interview, I saw this in the news…

…from The Jerusalem Post. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Hezbollah and Iranian- backed Shi’ite militias are concentrating in an area dubbed the “triangle of death” near the Golan Heights, as the Syrian regime prepares its major post-Ramadan offensive.

The offensive is designed to defeat the rebels in southern Syria and has raised concerns in Jerusalem, Washington, Moscow and Amman as a potential crisis looms.

This comes as Israel continues warning the Syrian regime to remove Iranian forces from the country. <<<

For a while now, Israel has been supporting a group of Muslim militias in southern Syria to supposedly keep Iranian forces away from the Israeli border. But this supposed post-Ramadan Syrian offensive threatens to displace those militias and leave Iran-backed militias in their place. This is something Netanyahu will not accept.

So if you combine this with recent news of Israeli reservists being activated for a surprise “drill” near the Golan Heights, you start to see that the IDF will be pushing into southern Syria to ostensibly stop Iran from getting closer to their border. And as the Jerusalem Post article suggests, Netanyahu will not confine his air support for the operation to southern Syria. He’ll be hitting Iranian forces everywhere in the country.

2) They’ll have Israel and the US Coalition hobble Iranian and government forces in Syria with massive airstrikes. This will save Erdogan from having Muslim blood on his hands as he moves his forces through Syria.

In addition to the Israeli air campaign hinted-at in the Jerusalem Post article, we’ve seen this warning coming out of Russia…

…from Zero Hedge

So when the Syrian offensive in the south begins, we may also see a chemical false-flag blamed on the Syrian government that will unleash US Coalition airstrikes on government forces. The result would be a massive combined air campaign in which the IDF would focus on Iranian targets in Syria and the Coalition would focus on Syrian government targets.

3) They’ll have Erdogan (the Dajjal) assassinate Soleimani (the Mahdi) in a way that looks like Israel did it (probably with a stealth air strike). This, plus the airstrikes from point 2, will result in Iran blaming Israel and the US for the deaths of Soleimani and their forces.

And since they’ll have no organized forces left in Syria, Iran will…

  • order their surviving men to fight alongside the remnants of the Syrian army in the invasion of Israel
  • support Soleimani’s invasion of Israel with their rocket forces
  • possibly unleash a few “North Korean-made nukes” on the US

Back on March 29, I wrote this…

Israel just established their capability to take out Soleimani wherever he may be…

…from the Jerusalem Post. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Sources quoted in Al-Jarida stated that two stealth fighters flew over Syrian and Iraqi airspace to reach Iran, and even targeted locations in the Iranian cities Bandar Abbas, Esfahan and Shiraz. <<<

Syria, Iraq and Iran are the places Qasem Soleimani spends the bulk of his time, so if the stealth fighters can fly through those nations undetected, they can get to him any time they want.

At that time, I expected Netanyahu to take out Soleimani in order to enrage the Iranians into attacking Israel. But now that I think about the planned Soleimani assassination show within the context of the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan, it seem only natural that the Dajjal will be the one to kill the Mahdi, and that he’ll do it in a way that casts suspicion on Israel. And since the Israelis made such a big deal about threatening Iran with their stealth strike capabilities, a stealth jet attack will do nicely as a means of assassination.

As I pointed out in the alert, Erdogan will get his first stealth jet on June 21st, and this is the official plan they’ve had for it…

>>> Turkey should be officially delivered the first of 100 F-35As on order, on Jun. 21, in the U.S.

Two TuAF pilots are currently being trained in the U.S.; after the training is completed, and another stealth aircraft is delivered, the F-35 jets are planned to be brought to Turkey in September of 2019. The trained pilots will fly the two F-35s from the U.S., accompanied by a refueling plane… – from The Aviationist <<<

So the world thinks that Turkey’s first stealth aircraft won’t arrive in Turkey until late 2019, but will they really wait that long? The globalists have arranged for both Israel and the US Congress to talk about denying Turkey any F-35s, thus giving the Turks motivation to fly it home immediately. And to ostensibly avoid triggering the Israelis and the Congress, both the Pentagon and the Turks will want to do it quietly. We may not learn about it until after the war.

Once enough time has elapsed to fly the F-35 from Fort Worth to Turkey, the globalists will be free to stage the Soleimani assassination any time they wish. And to ensure that Erdogan will eventually get credit for the strike, they may employ a Turkish SOM cruise missile…

…Here’s more about the SOM: 1, 2.

In case the Turkish F-35 isn’t mission-ready at the chosen time, they’ll make sure the Israelis have a SOM to fire from one of their F-35s. Netanyahu and Erdogan work for the same people after all.

Both the F-35 and the SOM are stealthy, so the total lack of radar warning before the missile impact will lead everyone to conclude that it was a stealth attack. And given that everyone knows of Israel’s stealth capability and no one will suspect that Turkey’s is operational, the blame will naturally fall on Israel (until after the war when the missile debris is objectively analyzed).

4) They’ll have someone assassinate Assad. It could be Erdogan, Netanyahu, or the US “Deep State” that ultimately gets the historical credit, but the initial war-starting blame will be put on Netanyahu’s shoulders…

…from the Independent

Assad’s death will leave Syria in disorder, and the Syrians will then be eager to fall in behind a strong leader, Erdogan, to strike at Israel.

As for when this chain of events will be set in motion, the first time window is June 21- June 25. But the climactic battle won’t likely take place until early September…

…from Google

[Addendum – 20 June 2018] – The Lubavitchers plot the Jordanian invasion of Israel

Before I tell you what happened yesterday, here is a bit of background on what’s been going on in Jordan from a previous entry

Shifting our gaze to the Middle East, there are IMF austerity-inspired protests underway in Jordan. And such unrest could potentially lead to the fall of the existing government led by Prime Minister Hani Al-Mulki. This would be significant because Mulki “chaired the negotiating committee which produced the Israel-Jordan peace treaty between Jordan and Israel in 1994.” So a new government would likely be anti-IMF, anti-West, and anti-Israel. And the press have already been narrating Jordan’s king growing closer to Erdogan.

The globalists may be orchestrating this in order to open Jordan to Erdogan’s invasion force for Israel. Israel would then face invasion from the north (Lebanon and Syria), east (Jordan), and south (Egypt) in September. It would literally take a miracle to save Israel from all that, and that’s exactly what the globalists have planned.

Fast forwarding now to yesterday, Lubavitch agents Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt met with Jordan’s King Abdullah. A day before they arrived, Abdullah also received a visit from Benjamin Netanyahu, who has his own Lubavitch connections…

…from YouTube

The meetings were no doubt coordination efforts in preparing the invasion of Israel from the east, and they followed a political development that moved Jordan in that direction…

…from Albawaba News. Here is an excerpt…

Jordan’s new prime minister will be more responsive to the public mood than his predecessor, who quit on Monday, analysts have said.

King Abdullah accepted Hani Al-Mulki’s resignation after nearly a week of street protests against a draft tax law linked to an economic package from the International Monetary Fund.

Al-Mulki’s fate was sealed at a face-to-face meeting with the king at the Husseiniya palace on Sunday night, sources said. Local media reported that the education minister, Omar Al-Razzaz, has been asked to form a government.”

So if the new Jordanian Prime Minister, Omar Razzaz, is going to be more responsive to the public mood, what might that mean for Israel?…

…from The Times of Israel

It should also be noted that Razzaz’s father, Munif Razzaz, was an Arab nationalist who was murdered while under house arrest. Here is a bit of his ideology — the ideology under which Omar was raised…

>>> Resentments towards the Western powers for creating Israel could never be forgotten Razzaz believed, and the creation of Israel led to the popular demand of an end to all Western tutelage in the Arab world. Razzaz claimed that Arab nationalism was the conflict between two forces; the reactionary classes and the masses. The reactionary classes were inefficient vassals of Western capitalist imperialism who had betrayed the nation, while the masses were “anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist and anti-Zionist, and in favour of unity, freedom, socialism and neutralism.” – from Wikipedia <<<

So now his son Omar is in position to help bring about the destruction of Israel and see his father’s dream fulfilled. It’s some rather Disney-esque scripting on the globalists’ part, but I’m sure the ladies will like it.

[Addendum – 21 June 2018] – I stumbled upon an article today that raises some interesting questions…

…from Zero Hedge

Question 1: Are we only two weeks away from the Trump-Putin summit? The NATO Summit takes place on July 11-12 in Brussels, so will Trump first swing by Austria to see Putin?

Question 2: Are the scriptwriters working in some angle in which the UK Establishment assists Erdogan in the Trump-Putin assassinations?…

…from The Times

Will ISIS be getting a chemical/biological/radiological agent from the people responsible for the Skripal spectacle? Or help in smuggling a “North Korean nuke” into Vienna?

Here’s another thing…

On the day before the 22nd (the most likely day for the beginning of the mischief outlined in the ALERT), Netanyahu’s wife gets indicted…

…from The Jerusalem Post

A new war in Syria would provide Netanyahu with a timely distraction, don’t you think? And that’s precisely what the scriptwriters want you to think: that what’s about to happen is driven by political forces, not occult agendas.

[Addendum – 22 June 2018] – It’s getting very close now…

…from Al-Masdar News. Here is an excerpt regarding the element of the offensive that will trigger the coming Israeli incursion…

“In addition to the upcoming assault on northeast Dara’a, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies from the National Defense Forces (NDF) have also moved in position to launch their Al-Quneitra offensive.

With the jihadist rebels launching several attacks on Al-Quneitra recently, the Syrian military has made the decision to kickoff this operation in the coming days.

The U.S. State Department has warned the Syrian and Russian governments against launching this offensive; however, Damascus has ignored Washington’s calls regarding this upcoming operation.

The Israelis have had their militia proxy forces attack Syrian forces in Quneitra to goad the Syrians into launching the offensive. Once they do, the Israeli incursion and air strikes will begin. The last paragraph about the Syrians and Russians ignoring US warnings hints at the US Coalition airstrikes to come.

What’s going on with Merkel and Erdogan

Before I show you what I want to show you today, let’s review a little background information from a couple of previous entries…

They have pressed the replay button for Erdogan’s migrant invasion / intifada in Europe. I wrote about this in [Update 17 – 17 May 2018] – The Dajjal, Turkey’s Erdogan, prepares his invasions of Israel and Europe. Here is the relevant section…

>>> On the European front, the globalists have installed another trigger for Erdogan’s “migrant invasion of Christendom.” The Turkish presidential election that will give him new powers is scheduled for June 24. And the next EU summit to deal with the migrant problem is scheduled for June 28-29. This close timing is no mere coincidence.

The globalist script will have Erdogan either win the election with clear signs of improprieties or be forced into a second round election with his power in jeopardy. So less than a week after the first round of the election, they’ll have him pick a fight with Europe to either distract the Turkish people from the voting improprieties or create an emergency that will forestall the second round of the election. <<<

Now if we look at the economic troubles that are flaring up on Erdogan right now, as well as the uniting of the opposition parties against him, there is talk that he could lose the election or at least the first round. This is in keeping with the scenario I’ve outlined.

In the May 8 Special Note, I talked about the globalist attempt to artificially fulfill the “prophecies” of Nostradamus, and I said this…

>>> So don’t be surprised if you see Erdogan sporting a blue turban after the upcoming Turkish presidential election. The election will effectively make him the Caliph of Turkey, and the greatest caliph of the Ottoman Empire, Suleiman the Magnificent, wore a turban…

…look for him to wear it (either actually or symbolically) during a post-election summit with the EU, right before he “releases the hounds.” <<<

With the idea of Erdogan showing up in the EU after the election in mind, get a load of this…

…from the Hurriyet Daily News

On the day after this report showed up in the Turkish media, the German media refuted it, perhaps based on the improper protocol of the invitation. But these competing accounts raise an obvious question…

Did Merkel really invite Erdogan, or has Erdogan invited himself?

The second round of the Turkish election will occur, if needed, on July 8. So according to the mainstream narrative, if Erdogan fails to secure a majority of the vote on June 24, he’ll have two weeks to do something to get the Turkish people to “rally around the flag.” Showing up at the EU Summit or in Berlin in the days that follow will provide him with the perfect opportunity to pick a fight with the EU over their migration policies.

Also, let’s not forget that the press are narrating the potential fall of Merkel’s government; her coalition partner has supposedly given her till the end of June to toughen Germany’s migration policies. So if her meeting with Erdogan triggers a massive new wave of migrants, the globalists can take things in one of two directions…

1) they can trigger the immediate fall of Merkel’s government and stage a populist uprising that will sweep through Germany and the rest of Europe, or

2) they can have Merkel, Macron, and other Establishment EU leaders declare states of emergency “in an attempt to hold on to power and loot the banks.” This would be followed by a “populist revolution” that would force them out of power.

Now let’s look at the timing of all this…

If the globalists follow the natural course of events as they’ve set them up, we’ll see an imminent Israeli incursion into southern Syria. This would be followed by Erdogan showing up in the EU next week, picking a fight, and then releasing a massive new wave of migrants. Trump would then arrive in Europe in the following week for the (now urgent) NATO Summit and Putin Summit/Assassination. After that, Erdogan will unleash the European intifada, in which we’ll see mass shootings, IEDs that blow high speed trains off their tracks, missiles that shoot airliners out of the sky, etc.

As a “shock and awe” alternative timing, they could set off all these events over the course of the Fourth of July through Friday the 13th timeframe next month.

[Addendum – 23-24 June 2018] – Trump’s Lubavitchers, Kushner and Greenblatt, were in Egypt on Thursday arranging the invasion of Israel from the south and west…

…from The Times of Israel

That being the case, I think it timely to review what we’ve learned about Chabad’s involvement in arranging the coming hot phase of the “Gog-Magog War” and its concluding “Battle of Armageddon.” So I’ve added a new section near the top of the Compendium article (which is further down this page). Here are the new section’s title and introduction…

How and why the Chabad-Lubavitch cult is steering the Middle East towards war

In Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch, I showed the intimate connections both Trump and Putin have with the Kabbalist Chabad-Lubavitch “End Times” cult. And in this section, I’ll show you how Chabad is connected to all the other big players in the Middle East peace war process, as well as how Chabad is connected to the Mossad. These connections are significant because the Kabbalists are the ones pushing for an “End Times” war in the Middle East. They’re doing it so they can bring in the Jewish Messiah (the Moshiach), a role they’ve cast Vladimir Putin to play.

To read it, scroll down to the Compendium or enter “Compendium” into your browser’s FIND feature and skip down to the 8th result.

~ MORE ~

In addition to visiting Jordan and Egypt during their Middle East “peace” tour, Trump’s Lubavitchers also visited Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Israel — the three nations that will be involved in the planned false-flag “Houthi” cruise missile attack. The current battle for the Yemeni Port of Hodeidah is being staged to create a desperate situation for the Houthis which will be pointed-to as “the reason they launched the missile attack on Al-Udeid Airbase, Prince Sultan Airbase, and Tel Aviv.”

I’ve posted what I’ve written about this false-flag in a new addition to the Compendium.

Another thing to note about the Lubavitcher “peace” tour is that Kushner has said the peace plan will be ready “soon.” Expect to hear them either announce the plan or announce a release date for it prior to Trump’s trip to Europe. This will reestablish one of the motives for Trump’s assassination: “Netanyahu wanted to stop Trump’s peace plan and its concessions to the Palestinians.”

~ MORE 2 ~

The Guardian is reporting that “Russian media quoted the Kremlin as saying on Tuesday there were no plans for a meeting between Trump and Putin before a Nato summit in Brussels on 11-12 July.” So this means the meeting will likely occur on Friday the 13th — a perfect day for an assassination.

If you recall what happened a few weeks ago, the globalists staged a dramatic confrontation between Trump and the other G7 leaders right before he flew to Singapore for the last planned assassination opportunity at the Trump-Kim summit. And now they’ll stage similar drama at the NATO Summit immediately before he flies to Vienna for the next planned assassination opportunity at the Trump-Putin summit.

Getting back to the Trump-Kim summit, have you noticed that there’s been no real progress on a peace deal since then? That’s because they weren’t planning on the attendees to be alive after the summit. All that came out of the summit process was North Korea froze their warhead and missile tests and the US froze their wargames, thus effectively implementing Putin and Xi’s “freeze for freeze” proposal. So even in their retreats, the globalists make lemonade out of lemons: they added to Putin’s “peacemaker” mythos.

[Addendum – 24 June 2018] – Erdogan has been declared the winner of the Turkish presidential election, and reports of vote rigging are already coming out. If the globalists intend to proceed with what they have planned, you’ll see LOTS of news about election irregularities and mass protests in Turkey. According to the script, this is what will drive him to Europe to confront the EU leaders and distract the Turkish populace.

[Addendum – 26 June 2018] – So far, so good. Despite the initial article about Turkish police impounding a car filled with election ballots, the globalists have not driven the Turkish people to the streets with reports of election fraud. Now we wait to see if Erdogan shows up at the EU Summit or in Germany under the pretext of “combating Anti-Muslim migration policies.” We also wait to see if/when the Turkish drillship Fatih shows up in the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone. Erdogan may be scripted to send it in response to the EU Summit’s failure to set migrant policy according to his wishes.

Meanwhile, in Syria, the script has the US luring the Syrian Army into a trap…

…from The Guardian

In signaling that the US won’t intervene in the Syrian offensive in southern Syria, the US is doing to the Syrians what they did to Saddam Hussein before his invasion of Kuwait. And we all saw what happened after that. Of course, the US can “keep their word” on this matter by intervening after a conveniently timed false-flag chemical attack instead. 😉

To read the previous entry, click here: Trump-Kim Summit Assassination Watch (completed).

For the latest information, visit the Home Page.

Trump-Kim Summit Assassination Watch (completed)

(Enhanced Closing Note – 12 June 2018) – Whatever scenario the globalists had planned for the Singapore Summit obviously got cancelled…

…from the Washington Post

The Singapore government had announced a security zone at Trump’s hotel from June 10-14, and he arrived on the evening of the 10th, but he certainly didn’t depart on the 14th or 15th. They just held a few hours of meetings, signed a meaningless letter, then got out of Dodge on the 12th. Now we watch to make sure neither leader becomes ill, and we wait for them to schedule the fallback scenario.

One thing of note was the groin-level hand sign Trump displayed during the summit…

…It is the Illuminati hand sign for “I have a mangina.” Maybe that’s why he ran off early.

Now we turn our attention to what’s happening in Yemen, Northern Israel, and Austria.

Here are the previous Notes in chronological order…

(Notes – 1-3 June 2018) – The US-North Korea summit is being held at a location that leaves Trump and Kim wide open to the type of nuclear assassination I’ve been predicting. According to the Washington Post, preparations for the summit meetings are already underway at the Capella Hotel on Singapore’s Sentosa resort island…

…from Google Maps

If we look a little closer, we see the hotel is only 900 feet from the beach, which makes it a sitting duck for an attack by a nuke-carrying minisub or swimmer delivery vehicle…

…from Google Maps

Given that the estimated yield of North Korea’s most recent nuclear test was 100 kilotons – 300 kilotons, such an underwater nuclear threat need only surface and detonate within 1-1.5 km of the hotel to obliterate it with its air blast. And if it surfaces within 500-780 meters, it can consume the hotel in its fireball.

Here is a map of the destruction radius of a 100 kiloton explosion. If the explosion occurs within the smaller circle, the fireball will take the hotel; if it occurs within the larger circle, the air blast will take the hotel…


As you can see, a sub or swimmer delivery vehicle has plenty of room to sneak in near the coast to do its business.

Besides making Trump and Kim sitting ducks, the choice of summit location reduces the amount of collateral damage that would be inflicted on Singapore’s main island…


There would be mostly burns and broken windows there. It may be that the globalists don’t want to heavily damage or destroy the city itself; it is one of their showcase “global cities.” As for Sentosa, here is the damage estimate from a 100 kiloton blast located near the offshore shipping lane (click on the image to enlarge it — the hotel is the red star)…


Beside the nuke-bearing submarine / swimmer delivery vehicle option, I’ve identified another scenario that already has some preparatory propaganda behind it. It would involve ISIS loading a nuke provided to them by North Korean hardliners onto the Singapore-bound ferry from Sebana Cove, Malaysia. Looking again at the third map (the one with the two circles), we see the route of the ferry as it passes by Sentosa (it is the dashed line labeled “Sebana, MY – Harbourfront, SG”). And as you can see by the circle, a 100 kiloton or larger nuke would destroy the summit site from that distance…

As for the other two ferry lanes next to Sebana’s lane, they are from Nongsapura Ferry Terminal and Batam Centre Ferry Terminal, both in Indonesia. So the nuke could be loaded at those two places as well. And the fourth ferry lane that lies outside of the 100 kiloton effective radius is from Harbour Bay, Indonesia. A nuke could be loaded there, but it would have to have a yield of near 200 kilotons or higher.

And now for the news…

With the Trump-Kim summit just a week and a half away, the propaganda corps have released a sudden flurry of articles on a coming Trump-Putin summit…

…from Google News

This is being done to provide yet another scripted motivation for an assassination during the Korean summit or peace treaty signing: to prevent Trump and Putin from ganging up against the “evil Deep State” and taking control of the US-Russia conversation. So according to the script, the “Deep State” is now faced with this situation: “If we don’t act now, peace could start breaking out everywhere!”

Since Trump has been cast as the precursor messiah in this phase of the globalist prophecy fulfillment show, they want to portray him as a man of peace. So to drive that point home, the fake assassination will most likely take place at the moment a Korean peace agreement is either announced or signed.

(Note – 5 June 2018) – In the past few days, there have been additional confirmations that the Capella Hotel on the island of Sentosa will be the actual meeting site for the summit. Here is a blurb from a New York Times article

“Officials have not yet announced exactly where the landmark meeting will take place in Singapore. The Shangri-La Hotel has been favored by previous American presidents as a place to stay, while a former Singaporean official suggested that the meeting was likely to take place on the resort island of Sentosa, just off the southern tip of Singapore.

And here is another excerpt from a Japan Times article

Of all of Singapore’s big hotels, only one shows all its rooms and restaurants are blocked out for the week surrounding June 12, when U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un are due to meet in the city.

The booking crunch at the Capella, which sits in the middle of 30 acres of lawns and rain forest on the resort island of Sentosa, just south of the city, is among a handful of overt signs that Singapore is preparing for one of the most controversial summits since the end of the Cold War.”

If the summit planners were serious about security, they’d hold the meeting at the hotel where Trump will be staying, the Shangri-La. It is far enough from the shore to make a sail-up nuclear attack impractical. But their choice of venue isn’t really about security; it’s about enabling a false-flag attack to advance the globalist Event script.

In the June 1-3 notes, I said that “the fake assassination will most likely take place at the moment a Korean peace agreement is either announced or signed.” Well, get a load of this…

…from The Straits Times, a Singaporean newspaper. Here are some key excerpts…

>>> A Seoul-based security expert told The Korea Herald the deal to declare an end to the Korea War could be reached as soon as the day after their meeting on June 12…

Mr Cho said [South Korean] President Moon could travel to Singapore in time for the Trump-Kim summit and join the two leaders in reaching a trilateral agreement to end the Korean War…

“If Beijing want to be involved in the process, we don’t have to prevent them from doing so. But I don’t think [South Korean] President Moon and Trump should wait on declaring an end to the Korean War until President Xi Jinping flies to Singapore,” Mr Cho said. <<<

This summit extension to declare peace seems to be in the cards given what The Straits Times says in another article on the summit…

>>> The Government has declared the area surrounding the Shangri-La Hotel a ‘special event area’ for the period of June 10 to 14, for the upcoming summit between United States President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. <<<

And although the first article seems to imply that it’s OK if Xi doesn’t fly in for the big announcement, what are the odds that Trump, Moon, and Kim will offend the Chinese by not inviting him?

So we could see a nuclear assassination on the day of the peace declaration that would kill four supposed enemies of the “Deep State” all at once…

  1. Trump, who is supposedly a danger to their whole agenda,
  2. Moon, who is soft towards North Korea and has attempted to block US strategic moves,
  3. Kim, who is developing nuclear weapons that could strike the US, and
  4. Xi, who is supposedly rebelling against the Western New World Order along with Putin

Also in the June 1-3 notes, I brought up a scenario in which ISIS loads a nuke provided to them by North Korean hardliners onto a ferry that passes close to the summit site, then detonates it to assassinate the gathered leaders with the nuclear air blast. After taking some time to think about it further, I’ve gotten the feeling that this is the exact scenario the globalists have planned, except the ferry part is optional. They could also use a ship, boat or submersible.

Should “ISIS” destroy the summit using a “North Korean” nuke, news will soon circulate that the North Korean hardliners provided them with more than one, and this will be used as a pretext for security crackdowns in every nation that supposedly has ISIS terror cells in it (which is pretty much every country in the world). Newly installed President Pence will then have the power to completely lock down any American city he wants at any time he wants, citing “intelligence reports” or ISIS threats to set off a nuke in that city. He will also vow that “we will not live in fear” as he continues to stoke the fear and leads us to war.

So if the globalists proceed with this scenario, we’ll get exactly what I’ve predicted in past entries: an initial nuclear scare that will lead to months of fear and make the big nuclear scare in September all the more real and all the more terrifying (for the sleepers).


Before I start talking about the globalists’ motivations in conducting a nuclear assassination next week, it’s important to remember that there are three concurrently-running narratives that surround this event…

1) The globalists’ mainstream media narrative, which is aimed at the sleepers. It will have them seeing what happens as being the result of North Korean hardliners teaming up with ISIS/Al Qaeda terrorists to take down ‘Merica.

2) The globalists’ controlled alt-media narrative, which is aimed at people who are awakening. It will have them seeing what happens as being the result of the “evil Deep State” / “evil Western globalists” making a last-gasp attempt at saving their agenda from defeat at the hands of the “good guys” (Trump, Putin, Xi, etc).

3) The real narrative available on this blog, which reveals that might happen in Singapore is part of a globalist “good guys vs. bad guys” stage play that is aimed at getting the public to accept the real New World Order (and what lies beyond it).

So as I go through each motivation, I’ll identify which narrative it belongs to: main narrative, alt narrative or real narrative.

That being said, we’ve covered these three motivations for the nuclear assassination in the Notes so far…

Motivation 1 – It will rid the “evil Deep State” of 4 supposed opponents (Trump, Xi, Moon, and Kim). This is part of the alt narrative. In reality, those four are globalist minions, just like the “evil Deep State” guys they’re supposedly fighting. The conflict between them is artificial and staged for public consumption.

Motivation 2 – It will prevent the Trump-Putin summit from ever occurring. This is part of the alt narrative. In reality, Trump, Putin, and the “evil Deep State” guys are all globalist actors reading from the same script. But according to the alt narrative (which supports the script), Trump and Putin are “good guys” who may join forces at their summit, so the “bad guys” must stop at nothing to keep them apart.

Motivation 3 – It will enable months of nuclear terror-mongering and a police state lockdown. This is part of the alt and real narratives. The controlled alt-media guys will tell you that the “evil Deep State” controls ISIS/Al Qaeda, so they’re the ones who really conducted the nuclear assassination, and they did it so they could take dictatorial control over the West and force their “unilateral New World Order” into being. In reality, though, the assassination is scripted by the globalists to be the transition point into the “Darkness before the Dawn” phase of their NWO transition plan. You can read more about the transition plan further down this page.

The summer of nuclear terror the assassination would unleash is not a new element of the NWO transition script; it’s just a slight modification to what the globalists had planned for 2016. This is what I wrote about it back then

Clearly, the globalists are using ISIS as the catalyst to get World War 3 going, so it makes a lot of sense that ISIS activity will peak as we head into the outbreak of full-scale hostilities this September. If you want a war in September, a “Summer of Terror” will do quite nicely to get it started.

The Summer of Terror will serve the globalist agenda in a number of ways…

1) It will create an atmosphere of tension and fear throughout the nations that experience it. They want to generate maximum dread as they go forward into the war; this will make the solution they offer after the war look enormously appealing to the populace.

2) It will create an angry backlash against ISIS among the sleeping populations of the affected nations and make them eager for payback and war. “Onward Christian soldiers!”

3) It will allow the Western governments to selectively lock down the public whenever they wish. Although they’ll allow many demonstrations to go forward (to create the public appearance of popular unrest), they will disperse demonstrations they don’t like by dispatching a terror squad to bomb or shoot up the demonstrators. As the banksters begin their final looting of the world’s economies through bank bail-ins and asset seizures, ISIS terror will be the knife they hold to the public’s throat to prevent us from uncontrollably rising up.

4) It will allow the Western governments to institute draconian domestic controls that will make the population see their governments as evil and Satanic. This will make the populace all the more welcoming towards the Christ figure who ends the war and defeats the “Satanists.”

So in this year’s script, the Singapore Summit could be used to kick off the Summer of Terror, and it will be intensified once Erdogan “unleashes the hounds” on the West.

Getting back to the motivations for the assassination, here are six more that this blog identified back in Update 14 (April 1)…

Motivation 4 – It will stop a US withdrawal from Syria and allow a direct war to depose Assad.

Motivation 5 – It will allow the “Satanists” to conspire with Turkey to stage a confrontation that will set off a massive Muslim migrant invasion of Christendom.

Motivation 6 – It will stop a peaceful nuclear resolution and reunification in Korea, thus retaining US influence there and allowing US forces to remain on the same landmass as China.

Motivation 7 – It will prevent the “Western globalists’ free trade system” from collapsing due to tariff wars.

Motivation 8 – It will crash the markets and allow the final bank bail-ins and wealth confiscations to take place.

Motivation 9 – It will allow the final confrontation with Russia to go forward.

And here is a new motivation I learned about today…

Motivation 10 – It will enable US involvement in cutting off the most important port available to the rebels (and civilians) in Yemen.

Time permitting, I’ll add more details to Motivations 4-10 before the big day.

And now for the news…

Well, not only have they officially confirmed that the Capella Hotel on Sentosa will be the summit site, but they’ve also subtly attached a 9/11 coding to the event…

…from CNN

By discreetly working in a 9/11 reference to the opening of the summit, they’re connecting it to the idea of a terrorist sneak attack and of an event that leads to a security crackdown. The first 9/11 resulted in the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security department; this next 9/11 is meant to bring in the full police state (for a few months).

(Note – 7 June 2018) – BE READY FOR THE “G6+1” HISSY FIT TOMORROW

As I mentioned in the June 6 Note, motivation 7 for next week’s assassination is to supposedly prevent the “Western globalists’ free trade system” from collapsing due to tariff wars. And you’ve probably seen in the news that Trump has enacted tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and Europe. So as a final measure to drive motivation 7 into the minds of the public before Trump heads to Singapore, the globalists have arranged for a grand confrontation over trade at the 44th G7 Summit of June 8-9. Some have even started to petulantly call the G7 the “G6+1″…

…from the Financial Post

And get a load of the headline atop Zero Hedge this morning

It hints at the “Satanic Western globalists” threatening Trump for standing in the way of their “evil, unipolar New World Order.” And “no leader is eternal” is exactly what you’d expect the “evil globalists” to say before they assassinate someone.

Here’s more from today’s news…

Back in the June 1-3 Note, I brought up prevention of a Trump-Putin summit as one of the “Deep State’s” motivations to kill Trump next week. And now the controlled alt-media is hinting at it too…

…from Zero Hedge (an NWO propaganda site). Here is the closing paragraph of their article…

>>> Incidentally, both presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, each held summits with Putin within six months of taking office. So far, the “deep state” has managed to withhold Trump from doing the same 16 months into his tenure. <<<

All these little hints have me wondering if they’ll proceed with their plan this time despite being exposed, or if I’m missing something. North Korean bioweapons perhaps? I’ll have to add them into the mix before Tuesday.

With everything that’s going on, I almost forgot that the 2018 Bilderberg Conference started today and continues through Sunday. So what will they be talking about, you ask?…

…from the Express

In a related article titled Trump-EU trade war will stoke the POPULIST FIRES in Europe, warns France, the Express offers this notable passage…

>>> He [French finance chief Bruno Le Maire] added trade wars “fuel populism and isolationism” at a time when Europe has been shaken to its core by anti-establishment parties who “feed” on these disputes.

Mr Le Maire said: “By trying to weaken the bloc, the United States [Trump] is encouraging the populist wave that is threatening Europe.” <<<

So both the G7 and the Bilderbergers are portraying Trump as an existential threat to the “evil Western-version” New World Order right before he travels to Singapore. And this is meant to establish the “evil Western globalists” as an existential threat to Trump right before the assassination occurs.

(Note – 8 June 2018) – THE 11th & 12th ASSASSINATION MOTIVATIONS

When I put together the 10 “Deep State” motives for the assassination back in the June 6 Note, I forgot to add one of the most important ones: Motivation 11 – to prevent Trump from announcing or implementing his Middle East “peace plan.” This motivation is particularly important because a few months after the “Deep State” blames North Korean hardliners for providing the nuke, it will turn out that the Israeli Zionists provided it. This revelation is what will trigger the whole world to gang up on Israel for the “Battle of Armageddon.”

As for the scripted reason for Netanyahu providing the nuke to assassinate Trump, it is to prevent Trump from forcing Israel to make painful concessions to the Palestinians. Now that Israel have gotten what they wanted out of him, the recognition of Jerusalem as their capital, he has become expendable – he has nothing to offer them now except the losses imposed by his “peace plan.” I wrote about this motive in depth in [Special Note – 4 May 2018] – Lubavitchers meet in Washington to establish the motive for Trump’s assassination. After clicking the link, you’ll need to scroll down almost halfway to see it.

Keep in mind that the whole scenario is part of the phony controlled alt-media narrative. In reality, all this is taking place so the globalists can artificially fulfill religious prophecies. All the players in this drama are reading from a script.

Oh, and there’s a Motivation 12 also, and it too is part of the alt narrative: to prevent Trump from prosecuting the Clintons and the rest of the Democratic Party Establishment

…from Fox News. Take note of the timing of the release…

>>> The long-awaited watchdog report on the FBI and DOJ’s Hillary Clinton investigation during the 2016 presidential campaign will be released next Thursday, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz said.

In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Horowitz said “we anticipate releasing the report on June 14, 2018.” That day is also President Trump’s birthday. <<<

Since Singapore time runs 12 hours ahead of Washington time, the Inspector General’s report is scheduled for release after any potential Trump assassination on the 11th-14th. And if Trump gets clipped, you can be sure that the report will be shelved.

It should be noted that Trump’s hotel in Singapore is being secured from June 10 thru 14, so if the Summit is extended for two days and he’s killed on the 14th, he’ll be 72 years old. 72 is a significant number to the occultists; here are a few of its associations according to Wikipedia

  • 72 is the number of names of God, according to Kabbalah.
  • 72 is the number of demons sealed away by King Solomon with The Lesser Key of Solomon.
  • 72 is the number of evil disciples and accomplices of Set who enclosed Osiris in a coffin.
  • 72 is the number of steps on Jacob’s Ladder.
  • 72 is the number of chapters in the oldest known division of the Book of Revelation.

By killing him on his 72nd birthday, the globalists would attach a nice occultic flair to the event.


President Trump is already en route to Singapore, so let me give a brief preview of the first assassination threat both he and Kim Jong Un will face: a gauntlet of ISIS/Al Qaeda surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) on Indonesian and Malaysian soil and on ships and boats in the waters around Singapore.

Singapore is surrounded by Muslim-majority Malaysia to the north and east and by Muslim-majority Indonesia to the south and west, and the press have narrated an ISIS/Al Qaeda presence in both countries. So as the aircraft carrying Trump and Kim descend for a landing on Singapore island, they will be at low altitude over Muslim-majority territory. This will make them vulnerable to both MANPADS and air-to-air missiles modified for ground launch (which the Houthis have used against Saudi aircraft over Yemen). The press have narrated that ISIS/Al Qaeda are in possession of both types of missiles.

Although Air Force One is presumably outfitted with the latest-and-greatest missile defense technology, its systems could conceivably be overwhelmed by a large number of missiles fired at the same time. And Kim Jong-Un’s aircraft will have little or no protection. So Kim would be the most likely target of an “assassination by SAM.” Kim also faces the threat of having his airliner sabotaged by hardliners.


You may have seen in the news that tensions are on the upswing in the South China Sea…

…from Fox News (top) and The National Interest (bottom)

You may have also seen that China is supposedly trying to bug the summit site since they’ve been locked out of this phase of the negotiations…

…from NBC News

This pre-summit adversarial propaganda about China sets the stage for an interesting scenario…

IF Xi doesn’t show up for the peace deal announcement,
AND Moon, Kim, and Trump get blown up,
THEN China will be blamed for conspiring with the North Korean hardliners to conduct the assassination.

The mainstream media will say the Chinese government did it to forestall a trade war that could threaten their grip on power over the Chinese people and to maintain the status quo on the Korean Peninsula and keep North Korea as a buffer between their border and US forces.

And according to the controlled alt-media narrative, this would allow the “Deep State” to start a war against China and North Korea that would result in three things:

  1. the destruction of China’s South China Sea bases,
  2. the fall of North Korea and its takeover by the South, and
  3. the death or removal of Xi Jinping (who is supposedly a traitor to the Western NWO) and his replacement by “globalist-friendly” Li Keqiang.

(Note – 10 June 2018) – Kim Jong-Un has safely arrived in Singapore aboard an Air China airliner, and he brought North Korean hardliner Kim Yong-Chol with him…

…from the Daily Mail

Since Kim Yong-Chol is the hardliner I expected to lead the coup, his presence reduces the likelihood of a nuclear assassination occurring in Singapore, but it doesn’t eliminate it. Notably absent is Kim Jong-Un’s sister, Kim Yo-Jong, who now becomes the leading candidate to stage a coup attempt. Is she really loyal to her brother, or has she been sucking up to him to get close enough to power to make a move at the right time?

~ MORE ~

Trump has now arrived safely in Singapore, over an hour after sunset. So to avoid the ISIS/Al Qaeda surface-to-air missile threat I talked about in the June 9 Note, Kim Jong-Un used two decoy planes and arrived in a Chinese airliner, and Air Force One arrived under cover of darkness, thus making it harder for ground spotters to pick it out from among the airliners circling the city.

Circling back to the G7 meeting that ended yesterday, they staged the “Western globalist” hissy fit I was expecting…

…from Drudge Report

And in its aftermath, this popped up on Zero Hedge…

Note the gist of the article and the timing of its posting, which was no accident. It has the same hint of 9/11 that the time and date of Trump and Kim’s first meeting has. As you may recall from the June 6 Note, their first meeting is scheduled for 9AM on June 12 (Singapore time), which is 9PM on June 11 (Washington time). So they are subtly attaching the concept of the empire striking back to the summit.

Both leaders should be safe until the first meeting. That’s when the weapons of mass destruction watch begins.


In previous writings, I’ve already laid out the timing of a potential assassination:

June 12-14 Singapore time (assuming the summit is extended by one or two days), with the most likely moments for the hit being when the leaders first shake hands and when they stand together to announce a peace deal. Since doing it at the moment they announce the peace deal would be the most dramatic, it’s probably the globalists’ favored timing.

Also in previous writings, I laid out two of the three assassination methods they’ll likely employ:

1) The shoot-down of either Air Force One or “North Korea One,” supposedly by ISIS/Al Qaeda using MANPADS or air-to-air missiles fired from the ground. This scenario was covered in the June 9 Note.

2) The obliteration of the summit venue by a nuke aboard a boat, ship, or submarine from up to a kilometer and a half away, supposedly by ISIS/Al Qaeda using a nuke provided to them by North Korean hardliners. This scenario was covered June 1-3 Notes.

Now here’s the third method…

3) The deployment of an air or surface-borne chemical or biological agent inside one or more of the three hotels hosting the two leaders and the summit, supposedly by ISIS/Al Qaeda using a chem/bio agent provided to them by North Korean hardliners.

In this scenario, it will be said that the chem/bio agent was smuggled into the hotel(s) and hidden in some nook or cranny before the pre-summit security operation even began. And they’ll say that the security sweep didn’t find it because the summit preparations were so rushed. As for who brought in the materials and deployed them, it will likely be blamed on one or more Muslim hotel employees who are agents or sympathizers of ISIS/Al Qaeda or who were desperate for money to help their families.

And let’s not forget what happened to Kim Jong-Un’s brother…

…from CNN

It’s possible that this summit, which was arranged by “Deep State” spooks, was set up to draw Trump into close proximity with the North Koreans so he could be infected with a living biological agent. Since the symptoms of such an agent would take days to appear, Trump could drop dead after the summit is over and everyone has gone home. The assassination would be blamed on the North Koreans — perhaps even on Kim Jong-Un himself —  at first. But it might later come out that “Deep Staters” in Trump’s own entourage infected him at the summit so they could blame the North Koreans and start the war.

In pretty much every assassination scenario, the same people will get the blame…

The mainstream media will blame North Korean hardliners, ISIS/Al Qaeda, and possibly China.

The controlled alternative media and North Korea will blame the “Deep State” / “Western globalists.”

And in every assassination scenario, we get the same outcome: war…

If Trump is the only leader killed, the US will strike North Korea and North Korea will counterstrike with Nuclear 9/11. You can read about Nuclear 9/11 by scrolling down this page to the Compendium article and reading the section titled “North Korean Submarines and Nuclear 9/11.”

If Kim is the only leader killed, his sister will launch Nuclear 9/11 in retaliation, killing Trump in the process.

If Kim, Trump and Moon are killed, we’ll see a Pacific war with the US and South Korea on one side and China and North Korea on the other.

If Kim, Trump, Moon and Xi are killed, we’ll see a standoff until the investigation eventually leads to the Israeli Zionists and war in the Middle East (everybody vs. Israel).

As for the globalists’ backup assassination plan, I wrote about it in my post of May 27

In Panmunjom, the globalists might employ “North Korean hardliners” to kill all the leaders who show up to sign the peace treaty (Kim, Trump, Xi, and Moon). The killing could come in the form of a nuke that has been planted under Panmunjom via a North Korean tunnel, or in a sudden, massive artillery or rocket barrage. North Korea has lots of artillery dug into the mountains in that area.

To read the previous entry, click here: June 11 – 30 is shaping up to be a sh*tstorm (+ other notes).

For the latest information, visit the Home Page.

June 11 – 30 is shaping up to be a sh*tstorm (+ other notes)

As I’ve monitored the news for the past week, I’ve gotten the distinct feeling that the globalists have pressed the replay button on many things they attempted earlier in the year, and a number of planned events are converging in mid-to-late June. Let’s look at what’s happening point-by-point…

1) They seem to be pressing the replay button on a progressive financial system collapse with the black swan events in Italy…

…from The Hill

If you recall, they attempted to get the financial collapse ball rolling back on February 2nd when the Dow plunged 666 points, its steepest point decline since the 2008 financial crisis. That was a Friday, and on the following Monday we saw this…

…from CNN

But a point was reached when they decided to cancel the mischief they had planned for the February-March timeframe, and they reinflated the market. Now they’re starting to deflate it again in advance of their planned June mischief.

2) They have pressed the replay button for the trade war with China…

…from Nikkei. Here is an excerpt…

>>> After declaring the trade war “on hold,” U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration says it will proceed with tariffs against Chinese goods as he tries to gain leverage in talks with Beijing.

The final list of targeted goods will be announced by June 15, with the tariffs imposed “shortly thereafter,” the White House said in a statement on Tuesday.

A 25% tariff will be imposed on $50 billion in imported Chinese goods containing “industrially significant technology,” the statement said. <<<

According to the globalist script, this June 15 deadline will motivate the “Deep State” to assassinate him before it comes, thus saving the liberal trade system the “Deep State” has spent decades constructing. And this is a repeat of what they did earlier this year…

…from The Japan News

The original deadline of early June was intended to provide scripted motivation for a May 14 assassination of Trump in Jerusalem. But since they had to cancel the May 14 assassination, they also had to cancel the early June tariff implementation. And now they’ve rescheduled it for June 15 to accommodate the new assassination dates of June 12 and June 25…

  • If Trump is assassinated on June 12, he won’t be alive to announce the new tariffs on June 15.
  • If Trump is assassinated on June 25, he won’t be alive to implement the new tariffs, since no implementation would be attempted before the Chinese show up to sign the peace treaty.

Should the globalists be forced to cancel the assassination once again, they’ll also cancel the tariffs once again, and this will be the narrative they’ll offer the public…

“Trump’s threat to impose the new tariffs was aimed at deterring the Chinese from interfering with the Korean peace process and ensuring they’d sign the peace treaty once the negotiations were complete. Since the Chinese backed off and played ball, Trump backed off on the tariffs.”

3) They are pressing the replay button on releasing Trump’s Middle East “peace plan” for sometime after June 14 (the end date of Ramadan)…

…from Haaretz

Although there are conflicting reports on when Trump may formally announce his “peace plan,” it makes sense that he’ll do it after declaring victory on Korean peace, so it could happen as early as mid-to-late June. And regardless of when the announcement comes, it makes sense that he’ll start giving it his full attention after he inks his Korea deal on June 12 or June 25. According to the script, this means Trump will be pressuring Netanyahu and his Zionists into making unacceptable concessions, which gives them a motivation to kill him before he can build momentum for his plan.

Before the previous assassination date of May 14, they were saying the plan would be announced “shortly after” the Jerusalem embassy opening, which provided Netanyahu and Co. with motivation to assassinate him during his visit to Jerusalem. But when the globalists cancelled the operation and Trump’s visit, they had to put off the peace plan announcement until after their next try at staging the assassination show.

To see why Trump’s “peace plan” is unacceptable to Netanyahu and the Zionists, read [Special Note – 4 May 2018] – Lubavitchers meet in Washington to establish the motive for Trump’s assassination. After you click on the link, you’ll have to scroll down to see the Special Note.

4) They have pressed the replay button on the “Deep State exposure that leads to a desperate counterattack to save themselves and their agenda” ploy…

…from the Daily Mail

Before each of the recent assassination time windows, I’ve noticed the globalists releasing “damning information about the Deep State” that creates a scripted motivation for the “Deep State” to kill Trump and replacing him with Pence. So this new damning information release, the IG report, will come out on June 5, exactly one week before Trump is in Singapore. And here are articles from the mainstream and controlled alternative media that talk about how it will make the “Deep State” desperate…

…from RealClearPolitics/The Hill (top) and All News Pipeline (bottom)

What would be a more massive false-flag than an assassination on June 12 or 25?

5) They have pressed the replay button for Erdogan’s migrant invasion / intifada in Europe. I wrote about this in [Update 17 – 17 May 2018] – The Dajjal, Turkey’s Erdogan, prepares his invasions of Israel and Europe. Here is the relevant section…

On the European front, the globalists have installed another trigger for Erdogan’s “migrant invasion of Christendom.” The Turkish presidential election that will give him new powers is scheduled for June 24. And the next EU summit to deal with the migrant problem is scheduled for June 28-29. This close timing is no mere coincidence.

The globalist script will have Erdogan either win the election with clear signs of improprieties or be forced into a second round election with his power in jeopardy. So less than a week after the first round of the election, they’ll have him pick a fight with Europe to either distract the Turkish people from the voting improprieties or create an emergency that will forestall the second round of the election.

Now if we look at the economic troubles that are flaring up on Erdogan right now, as well as the uniting of the opposition parties against him, there is talk that he could lose the election or at least the first round. This is in keeping with the scenario I’ve outlined.

With all these pressings of the replay button set before us, it’s easy to see how June could be the month the shi’ite hits the fa’an. I’ll therefore start drafting the warning entry for what may come on June 11/12.

(Note – 1-2 June 2018) – The US-North Korea summit is being held at a location that leaves Trump and Kim wide open to the type of nuclear assassination I’ve been predicting. According to the Washington Post, preparations for the summit meetings are already underway at the Capella Hotel on Singapore’s Sentosa resort island…

…from Google Maps

If we look a little closer, we see the hotel is only 900 feet from the beach, which makes it a sitting duck for an attack by a nuke-carrying minisub or swimmer delivery vehicle…

…from Google Maps

Given that the estimated yield of North Korea’s most recent nuclear test was 100 kilotons – 300 kilotons, such an underwater nuclear threat need only surface and detonate within 1-1.5 km of the hotel to obliterate it with its air blast. And if it surfaces within 500-780 meters, it can consume the hotel in its fireball.

Here is a map of the destruction radius of a 100 kiloton explosion. If the explosion occurs within the smaller circle, the fireball will take the hotel; if it occurs within the larger circle, the air blast will take the hotel…


As you can see, a sub or swimmer delivery vehicle has plenty of room to sneak in near the coast to do its business.

Besides making Trump and Kim sitting ducks, the choice of summit location reduces the amount of collateral damage that would be inflicted on Singapore’s main island…


There would be mostly burns and broken windows there. It may be that the globalists don’t want to heavily damage or destroy the city itself; it is one of their showcase “global cities.” As for Sentosa, here is the damage estimate from a 100 kiloton blast located near the offshore shipping lane (click on the image to enlarge it — the hotel is the red star)…


I’ll cover more details of the hows, whys, and alternative attack modes in the pre-summit warning entry.

On the Middle East front, the US vetoed Kuwait’s UN Security Council proposal for an “international protection force” for the Palestinians (as expected). What’s notable about the outcome is that 10 of the 15 Security Council members voted for the force, but only 1 of the 15 members, the US, voted for the US-Israeli counterproposal. This 10 to 1 ratio is what we’ll see when the protection force resolution passes in the General Assembly later on. Read the previous update for more information on this.

P.S. – Here we go…

…from Xinhua

According to the report, action on this could be taken within days. So if the resolution passes next week, will Erdogan hurry a force to Gaza in advance of the Turkish election to show voters what a tough guy he is against Israel?

(Note – 3 June 2018) – With the Trump-Kim summit just a week and a half away, the propaganda corps have released a sudden flurry of articles on a coming Trump-Putin summit…

…from Google News

This is being done to provide yet another scripted motivation for an assassination during the Korean summit or peace treaty signing: to prevent Trump and Putin from ganging up against the “evil Deep State” and taking control of the US-Russia conversation. So according to the script, the “Deep State” is now faced with this situation: “If we don’t act now, peace could start breaking out everywhere!”

Since Trump has been cast as the precursor messiah in this phase of the globalist prophecy fulfillment show, they want to portray him as a man of peace. So to drive that point home, the fake assassination will most likely take place at the moment a Korean peace agreement is either announced or signed.

Getting back to the assassination plan for Sentosa, I’ve identified another scenario that already has some preparatory propaganda behind it. It would involve ISIS loading a nuke provided to them by North Korean hardliners onto the Singapore-bound ferry from Sebana Cove, Malaysia. If you scroll back up to the third map (the one with the two circles), you’ll see the route of the ferry as it passes by Sentosa (it is the dashed line labeled “Sebana, MY – Harbourfront, SG”). And as you can see, a 100 kiloton or larger nuke would destroy the summit site from that distance.

As for the other two ferry lanes next to Sebana’s lane, they are from Nongsapura Ferry Terminal and Batam Centre Ferry Terminal, both in Indonesia. So the nuke could be loaded at those two places as well. And the fourth ferry lane that lies outside of the 100 kiloton effective radius is from Harbour Bay, Indonesia. A nuke could be loaded there, but it would have to have a yield of near 200 kilotons or higher.

Shifting our gaze to the Middle East, there are IMF austerity-inspired protests underway in Jordan. And such unrest could potentially lead to the fall of the existing government led by Prime Minister Hani Al-Mulki. This would be significant because Mulki “chaired the negotiating committee which produced the Israel-Jordan peace treaty between Jordan and Israel in 1994.” So a new government would likely be anti-IMF, anti-West, and anti-Israel. And the press have already been narrating Jordan’s king growing closer to Erdogan.

The globalists may be orchestrating this in order to open Jordan to Erdogan’s invasion force for Israel. Israel would then face invasion from the north (Lebanon and Syria), east (Jordan), and south (Egypt) in September. It would literally take a miracle to save Israel from all that, and that’s exactly what the globalists have planned.

To read the previous entry, click here: Globalist Agenda Watch 2018: Update 18 – How the United Nations General Assembly will Unleash Erdogan’s Invasion of Israel.

For the latest information, visit the Home Page.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2018: Update 18 – How the United Nations General Assembly will Unleash Erdogan’s Invasion of Israel

Whilst doing a standard checkup on all the buns the globalists have in the oven, I stumbled upon a key element of the globalist strategy for starting the “Battle of Armageddon.” Have a look at this excerpt from a Palestinian News & Info Agency article

The “Uniting for Peace” extraordinary meeting of which the article speaks is a reference to this…


It is a UN resolution that allows the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to bypass the UN Security Council (UNSC) when the Security Council fails to take action on an issue due to a veto by one or more permanent members. In the time since the UNGA established this mechanism, 10 such emergency special sessions have been convened, with the most recent being the one that was initiated on account of “illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

This 10th Session on Israel has had 37 plenary meetings since it first took form in 1997, and the most recent of these took place last December after Trump announced the move of the US embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It led to the passage of this resolution…

…from Wikipedia

Given the grand spectacle that was this month’s “Gaza massacre” and the worldwide condemnation that followed, we can expect the next resolution calling for an “international protection force” for the Palestinians to pass by a similarly overwhelming margin. As to what resolution might say, we can look to the wording of a past resolution from the 8th Emergency Special Session on South Africa…


The key section is when it calls for “other international organizations” to render military assistance. And since the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an international organization that has already called for an “international protection force” for the Palestinians, Erdogan will have the blessing of both the OIC and the UN to form his “coalition of the willing.” Given that the only way into the Palestinian areas that isn’t controlled by Israel is Egypt’s Rafah Border Crossing into Gaza, Egypt, a member of both the UN and OIC, will “feel obligated” to open the door for Erdogan’s force.

As for what will happen after that, I’ve already written about it in Update 17

Once the OIC force is inside Gaza, Hamas will be emboldened to resume mass-scale demonstrations along the Israeli border fence, and Israel will respond as they did on May 14th. This will lead to a confrontation between the OIC force and the IDF, and the IDF will invade Gaza and crush Erdogan’s force, sealing off Egypt’s crossing point to Gaza in the process. According to the script, Erdogan is counting on this.

With the slaughter of the first OIC force in Gaza, great rage and humiliation will be felt across the Muslim world. Erdogan will harness these feelings to form a much larger coalition, assemble a large and heavily armed invasion force, and enter the Palestinian territories via Egypt (who will be pissed at Israel for killing the protection force and seizing their Gaza border crossing) and Jordan.

I’ll write more on this in future updates.

[Note – 29 May 2018] – Two of the major assassination motivations have been reset for June 15 – 18

In the 20 May Special Note, I wrote about how the cancellation of the Trump Assassination Show in Jerusalem led to the cancellation of the originally-planned trade war and to a delay in the unveiling of Trump’s Middle East “peace plan.” Now it appears that they’ve been rescheduled for June 15 and June 18, so this reestablishes two major motivations for the “Deep State” to assassinate Trump in Singapore on June 12: 1) to stop him from relaunching the trade war, and 2) to stop him from announcing his “peace plan” after the end of Ramadan.

June 11 – 30 is shaping up to be the next war alert period.

To read the previous entry, click here: A Note on the Singapore Summit.

For the latest information, visit the Home Page.



A Note on the Singapore Summit

“Welcome to Singapore, Supreme Leader Kim”…

It looks like the Trump-Kim summit is back on for the 12th, and this will provide the globalist scriptwriters with TWO assassination dates to play with: 1) June 12, the day of the Singapore Summit, and 2) June 25, the anniversary of the start of the Korean War and the likely date of a Panmunjom peace treaty signing.

In Singapore, the globalists might use either a pop-up MANPADS threat or a pop-up nuclear threat to take out Kim, Trump, and/or Xi (if he shows up). Kim Jong-Un will be flying in on an old airliner that probably lacks state-of-the-art missile defenses, so if they take him out with a MANPADS, it could lead to a scenario in which his sister supposedly seeks revenge with a Nuclear 9/11 attack (“killing” Trump in the process).

In Panmunjom, the globalists might employ “North Korean hardliners” to kill all the leaders who show up to sign the peace treaty (Kim, Trump, Xi, and Moon). The killing could come in the form of a nuke that has been planted under Panmunjom via a North Korean tunnel, or in a sudden, massive artillery or rocket barrage. North Korea has lots of artillery dug into the mountains in that area.

I’ll prepare an in-depth article on all the hows and whys of what might happen as we approach the 12th.

To read the previous entry, click here: Globalist Agenda Watch 2018: War / “Mass Arrests” Watch, Part 2.

For the latest information, visit the Home Page.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2018: War / “Mass Arrests” Watch, Part 2

(Note – 24 May 2018) – You may have seen the news…

…from the Drudge Report

So they’ve decided to push the delay button on the summit. They’ll probably resurrect it at a later date and narrate that Trump was just playing hardball with Kim to stop his pre-summit hijinks.

It’s too bad. I had something special planned for June 11.

[Special Note – 23 May 2018] – The Singapore Summit, Xi Jinping, and a false-flag nuke (+ more 2)

In my May 6th warning about a false-flag attack at the Singapore Summit, I said this…

If they did the attack on the day of the peace treaty signing, they could “kill” the presidents of North Korea, South Korea, China, and the US all in one day. This would supposedly benefit the “deep states” of all four nations, and it would take Xi and Trump temporarily off the stage in accordance with the prophecy fulfillment script.

Well, it’s looking like that’s exactly what the globalists are going for…

…from The National Interest

And a more recent article from Nikkei suggests that North Korea’s threat to withdraw from the Summit was done to pressure Trump into including China…

“But China could be sidelined. The joint declaration issued on April 27, after Moon and Kim held their summit, refers to a three-party framework that includes the U.S. and the two Koreas, before mentioning an additional four-party framework that also involves China.

The best way to ensure China’s voice to be heard is for Xi himself to travel to Singapore to join the Trump-Kim summit. There has been speculation that he may look to do that.”

Should Xi attend the Summit, the odds of a false-flag nuclear strike during the proceedings increase dramatically. Blame for the attack might initially be pinned on the North Korean hardliners, but I suspect the script will later identify Israel as the perpetrator. This would help bring the Chinese into the planned “Battle of Armageddon” with full force.

As for Netanyahu’s supposed motive in ordering the attack, it would be to turn China’s military attention towards North Korea and away from Syria, where Chinese forces are fighting alongside Assad’s forces. And his real motive: to do his assigned part in the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, just like the Chinese will be doing.

I’ll write in detail on this subject as we approach June 12.

~ MORE ~

While we’re on the subject of globalist “Avatars” being assassinated according to the prophecy fulfillment plan (Trump and Xi being the first of those), look at this preparatory propaganda from last month on Narendra Modi, who may be slated to play the Hindu “Lord Kalki”…

…from Sputnik

The man arrested for plotting the assassination is Muslim. Now just imagine what would happen if Modi were assassinated in the coming weeks/months by a Muslim with ties to Pakistan. India and Pakistan would go to the precipice of nuclear war immediately, wouldn’t they? And that would fit right in with the whole “End Times” motif. So that is the globalist play in India: Narendra Modi will be assassinated by a Muslim with ties to Pakistan.

~ MORE 2 ~

As for the chief Avatar, Vladimir Putin, the globalist play continues to be an assassination at the hands of Medvedev and the “Atlantic Integrationists.”

Within the controlled alt-media, there is a globalist disinformation front known as “the Saker” that has been tasked with presenting a political narrative for Putin’s coming assassination. This narrative, which pits “Medvedev’s Atlantic Integrationists” against “Putin’s Eurasian Sovereignists,” is a fiction that is meant to obscure the real driving force behind the fake assassination: the globalist prophecy fulfillment script.

So when those duped by the phony narrative were up in arms after Putin renominated Medvedev as Russia’s Prime Minister, the Saker had to do some real tap dancing…

…from The Saker

Of course, the real reason Medvedev was renominated is because the Saker’s narrative is utter bullsh*t and Medvedev is scripted to play the Judas character to Putin’s Christ character. The globalists need to keep Judas close to Jesus so he can betray him at the proper time, so Putin was instructed to keep him in place. Both Medvedev and Putin are actors in a play, and they both know their roles.

Now if we look at all four known globalist Avatars, we see a Judas character attached to each…

  • “Avatar” Trump has “Judas” Pence
  • “Avatar” Xi has “Judas” Li (Keqiang)
  • “Avatar” Putin has “Judas” Medvedev
  • But “Avatar” Modi’s “Judas” is less clear due to my sketchy knowledge of Indian politics. The first person I’d examine for this role is Indian President Ram Nath Kovind. Once the Prime Minister is dead and his council of ministers is automatically dissolved, Kovind has the power to declare a national emergency and go to war. He also has the power to appoint a caretaker prime minister.

[Special Note – 20 May 2018] – Trump’s delayed assassination results in a canceled trade war with China and a delayed Middle East peace plan

Have a look at this…

…from Yahoo/AFP

And have a look at this too…

“The Trump administration is aiming to roll out its much-hyped but long-delayed Middle East peace plan next month…

Five U.S. officials and a congressional aide say the administration intends to release the peace plan in mid- to late-June…” – from AP

As I mentioned in previous updates, the globalist script called for the “Deep State” to assassinate Trump in Jerusalem before the heavy China tariffs could kick in and before he could announce his “peace plan,” which calls for major sacrifices from the Israelis (the plan was supposed to be unveiled right after the embassy opening).

But on May 7 (a little further down this entry), I noted that the globalists changed their plans…

News has come out today that Trump will be announcing his decision on the Iran deal tomorrow (look at the numbers of the date and time of the tweet). The decision is coming 4 days sooner than expected. It’s also been announced that he WON’T be attending the Jerusalem embassy opening. So now we watch for false-flag activity on May 11 and assassination activity at the US-North Korea Summit.

So as a consequence of the delayed assassination show, the globalists have been forced to cancel the trade war and delay the unveiling of the peace plan till mid-to-late June. Why is this significant? Because the Trump-Kim Summit is scheduled for June 12, before the peace plan is unveiled. And this provides a scripted motivation for the “Deep State” to assassinate Trump and/or Kim in Singapore.

I’ll write more on this as we approach June 12. And you can read more about the Singapore assassination setup by scrolling down to the 6 May update.

[Update 17 – 17 May 2018] – The Dajjal, Turkey’s Erdogan, prepares his invasions of Israel and Europe

(MORE+ has been added to the section on the OIC Summit, which can be read by scrolling down to the “New Material” marker)

In the wake of the Israeli “massacre” of Palestinian protesters in Gaza, Erdogan will be convening an “extraordinary summit” of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul tomorrow. This is coming after a Turkish newspaper called for the formation of an OIC army before the previous extraordinary summit that was held following Trump’s announcement of the Jerusalem embassy move…

…from Breitbart

Since Erdogan has been cast to play the Dajjal (the Muslim Anti-Christ figure) in the first phase of the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, he will be the one to lead the coming invasion of Israel. Tomorrow’s extraordinary summit is another step in that direction. And it is Erdogan’s move against Israel that will put him at odds with Putin, who is scripted to play the Jewish Messiah. This is what will start the war between Turkey and Russia that was “prophesied” by the Greeks.

On the European front, the globalists have installed another trigger for Erdogan’s “migrant invasion of Christendom.” The Turkish presidential election that will give him new powers is scheduled for June 24. And the next EU summit to deal with the migrant problem is scheduled for June 28-29. This close timing is no mere coincidence.

The globalist script will have Erdogan either win the election with clear signs of improprieties or be forced into a second round election with his power in jeopardy. So less than a week after the first round of the election, they’ll have him pick a fight with Europe to either distract the Turkish people from the voting improprieties or create an emergency that will forestall the second round of the election. And it is the resulting surge in migration across the Turkey-Greece border that will start the Turkish war with Greece. According to the Greek prophecy this is meant to fulfill, Greece and Russia will defeat Turkey and Erdogan, thus thrusting the humbled Turks into the orbit of Iran and Soleimani.

The Greek prophecy to which I’m referring is outlined in this Greek Reporter article

The recent conflict between Turkey and Greece you may have seen in the news is part of the foreshadowing and foreplay for what’s coming…

…from Google

Here is what the Greek Reporter article says about the prophecy…

>>> Specifically, Paisios wrote: “Events will start that will culminate with us taking back Constantinople. Constantinople will be given to us. There will be war between Russia and Turkey. In the beginning the Turks will believe they are winning, but this will lead to their destruction. The Russians, eventually, will win and take over Constantinople. After that it will be ours. They will be forced to give it to us.”

The text reads further, “(The Turks) will be destroyed. They will be eradicated because they are a nation that was built without God’s blessing. One third of the Turks will go back to where they came from, the depths of Turkey. One third will be saved because they will become Christians, and the other third will be killed in this war.” <<<

Now if you look at the part of the prophecy that says the Turks will think they’re winning in the beginning, it’s hard to believe they’d feel that way if they’re facing off against the US, NATO, Russia and Israel in a Hitlerian multi-front war. But here are some reasons they might see themselves on top of the situation…

  • Trump might be assassinated by the “Deep State” and Incirlik Air Base & its American nukes might be seized by Erdogan right at the beginning of the war. The captive US servicemen and nukes would give the “Crypto-Satanist” Pence an excuse to negotiate instead of attack, thus putting the US on the sidelines.
  • Erdogan might release 3 million refugees on Europe. That would leave NATO occupied with internal security and on the sidelines.
  • Russia’s Medvedev and his “Atlantic Integrationists” might assassinate Putin. This would be done in the early days of the war in an attempt to stop Russia from achieving victory.
  • Israel may be weakened by the onslaught of Iranian missiles unleashed after they assassinate Qasem Soleimani.

As for how the war turns out, the prophecy says this…

>>> “Turkey will be dissected. This will be to our benefit as a nation. This way our villages will be liberated, our enslaved homelands. Constantinople [Istanbul] will be liberated, will become Greek again. Hagia Sophia will open again,” the text reads.

“Turkey will be dissected in 3 or 4 parts. The countdown has begun. We will take the lands that belong to us, the Armenians will take theirs and the Kurds their own.” <<<

Speaking of Erdogan seizing US military personnel and nukes at Incirlik, here is something hot off the presses…

…from the Daily Sabah

If Erdogan’s opposition is willing to go this far, how much farther is Erdogan willing to go? Also note that the article narrates that the American nukes are still at Incirlik Air Base: “It continues to house a stockpile of dozens of American tactical nuclear weapons.”


In the May 8 Special Note, I talked about the globalist attempt to artificially fulfill the “prophecies” of Nostradamus, and I said this…

>>> So don’t be surprised if you see Erdogan sporting a blue turban after the upcoming Turkish presidential election. The election will effectively make him the Caliph of Turkey, and the greatest caliph of the Ottoman Empire, Suleiman the Magnificent, wore a turban…

look for him to wear it (either actually or symbolically) during a post-election summit with the EU, right before he “releases the hounds.” <<<

As we’ve seen today, the post-election EU summit occurs just four days after the election. And get a load of this…

…from Breitbart

The Justice and Development Party is Erdogan’s party, and their party colors are orange and BLUE. So it will be no surprise if Erdogan invites himself to the June 28-29 EU summit and shows up in Ottoman garb – or at least the blue turban – to indicate that he has “restored the power of the Ottoman Empire” and become its sultan and caliph.

++++++++++NEW MATERIAL++++++++++

[Addendum – 19 May 2018] – The Outcome of the OIC Summit

In the wake of the OIC Summit yesterday, you may have seen headlines such as this: Istanbul summit urges international force to protect Palestinians. But let’s go beyond such news accounts and look at the wording of the summit communique itself. Here are the four key sections that foreshadow how the “international force” initiative will lead to the invasion of Israel…

1) “[We, the OIC] Declare that these acts constitute savage crimes committed by the Israeli forces with the backing of the U.S. Administration, including through shielding the Israeli occupation in the UN Security Council from accountability;”

2)[We] Call on the international community, in particular the UN Security Council, to uphold its legal obligations to defend the international law and order as they relate to Palestine; to act in line with its legal and moral obligation to ensure accountability for these unchecked crimes that Israel, the occupying power, is carrying out with impunity; and to put an end to these atrocities, and to provide international protection for the Palestinian people.”

3)[We] Call for the international protection of the Palestinian population including through dispatching of international protection force.”

4)[We] Affirm support for the historical Hashemite Custodianship assumed by His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussain [of Jordan] on Muslim and Christian holy sites in Al-Quds [Jerusalem], which was reaffirmed by the agreement signed between His Majesty King Abdullah II and His Excellency Mahmud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine on 31 March 2013; and for the role of the Jordanian Department of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque Islamic Waqf in preserving and defending Al-Haram Al-Quds Al-Sharif.”

~ MORE ~

As sections 1 and 2 suggest, the OIC will first ask the UN Security Council to provide the “international protection force,” but the US will unilaterally veto the initiative. This will provide the NWO propagandists with yet another example of how “the unilateral veto powers of the P5 nations lead to war by preventing the UN from effectively addressing conflicts.” The NWO planners want these unilateral vetoes eliminated to ensure that no nation can protect itself from the UN mob.

Having struck out at the UN, Erdogan will take a page out of America’s playbook by creating a “coalition of the willing” to send an international OIC “protection force” to Palestine. Since the West Bank and Jerusalem are cordoned-off by the Israeli military and the Gaza Strip is where the “massacre” took place, the force will first be deployed to Gaza via the entry point controlled by Egypt…

…from Wikipedia

Here is Egypt setting the stage for that…

…from France 24

Once the OIC force is inside Gaza, Hamas will be emboldened to resume mass-scale demonstrations along the Israeli border fence, and Israel will respond as they did on May 14th. This will lead to a confrontation between the OIC force and the IDF, and the IDF will invade Gaza and crush Erdogan’s force, sealing off Egypt’s crossing point to Gaza in the process. According to the script, Erdogan is counting on this.

With the slaughter of the first OIC force in Gaza, great rage and humiliation will be felt across the Muslim world. Erdogan will harness these feelings to form a much larger coalition, assemble a large and heavily armed invasion force, and enter the Palestinian territories via Egypt (who will be pissed at Israel for killing the protection force and seizing their Gaza border crossing) and Jordan…

Since the Jordanian border is the only way for the OIC force to enter the West Bank, they made a point of promising the King of Jordan custodianship of Jerusalem in point 4 of the communique. This will give him motivation to allow the invasion.

ALERT: The American/Israeli/Saudi “cruise missiles out of Yemen” false-flag may be in play in the coming days

(EXPANDED NOTE – 14 May 2018) – File this one under “it comes as no surprise”…


The buildup to Middle East war is NOT about the Zionist scapegoats; it’s about the Kabbalists and the Lubavitchers. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister Lieberman, US Ambassador to Israel Friedman, US President Trump, Russian President Putin – ALL OF THEM are connected to the Kabbalist Chabad-Lubavitch End-Times cult, and this is the basic outline of the cult’s plan from its own website. As you read it, realize that Trump has been cast as the Moshiach ben Yosef, Putin as the Moshiach ben David, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe as Elijah.

As for the Middle East situation, the press are reporting 52 dead and 1,200+ injured in the Gaza protest so far. With this “massacre” in hand, let’s see what the Lubavitchers do with it.

(NOTE – 13 May 2018) – In today’s addendum, I’ll show you how Trump’s delegation to the Jerusalem embassy opening is full of Lubavitchers and other Kabbalist agents. This is significant because the Kabbalists are the ones pushing for an “End Times” war in the Middle East. They’re doing it so they can bring in the Jewish Messiah (the Moshiach). They’ve selected Vladimir Putin to play that role.

To show you how all this connects to what’s going on tomorrow, here is young Netanyahu meeting the godfather of the Lubavitchers, the Lubvitcher Rebbe, who was obsessed with bringing in the Moshiach through the efforts of the cult…

…from YouTube. Be sure to watch the video.

In it, the two talk about the progress of the agenda…

…and the Rebbe instructs Netanyahu to do something to hasten the Moshiach’s arrival…

Netanyahu then agrees, and it may be tomorrow that he finally comes through on his promise.

You’ll find the information about the Jerusalem delegation a little further down, under the 10 May section.

(Update – 11 May 2018: It looks like we got through the 11th okay, so the next dates to watch are the 14th and 15th. Big Palestinian protests and border crashings have been threatened for those days, and if they occur, there will be a lot of bloodshed. This bloodshed can be used as an excuse to kick off the false-flag, with the mainstream narrative being that the Iranians are retaliating for both the Syria strikes and the Palestinian deaths. As an added bonus, the presence of Trump’s daughter in Jerusalem when all this happens can be used to script a “vengeful father” angle into the narrative, thus “unleashing Trump’s fury on Hamas and the Iranians.”)

Original Article, written 10 May: Scroll down to the 17 April Special Note to see details on what’s planned for the false-flag. Of course, this attack is the prelude to an Israeli assassination of Qasem Soleimani, which will start a full-on war between Iran and Israel…

…from Google News

But since Trump and Putin are still alive at this point in the globalist script, expect them to force a ceasefire between the two sides after a few days to a week of fighting. Trump will supposedly convince Israel to stand down, and Putin will do the same for Iran. “Diplomacy” will then delay the resumption of the war till September.

Getting back to the false-flag and the propaganda setup for it, look what Sputnik reported TODAY

The Kuwaiti report to which it refers came out months ago, so why is a Russian propaganda site covering it just now?

And here is news that came out yesterday to remind people that the “Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen” have been firing missiles at their enemies: Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen fire missiles at Saudi capital.

Here is some more news that started showing up in the past week: US special forces secretly deployed to assist Saudi Arabia in Yemen conflict. This US special forces presence near the Houthis serves two purposes…

  1. It establishes a reason for the Houthis to fire missiles at American bases. Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia, Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, and/or the Eskan Village Compound in Saudi Arabia may be targeted in the false-flag.
  2. It provides expert American personnel on the ground to assist the Saudis in firing off the cruise missiles that will be used in the attack. Since the Iranian Soumar cruise missile is a copy of the Soviet KH-55, the false-flag will likely utilize KH-55s that the Israelis have modified for ground launch and decorated with Iranian markings.


Now have a look at this…


According to the article, Iran’s ability to strike Israel from Syria was largely destroyed in last night’s big air raid. So if Iran can’t launch a revenge strike from Syria, they’ll have to strike from another place. Yemen, perhaps?

And note how the Israelis baited their enemy into striking first so they could “retaliate” by doing what they’ve been wanting to do. The Muslims had better remember this lesson when the Second Battle of Armageddon is fought in 2025. It is the globalists’ plan to have the “Imam Mahdi,” Qasem Soleimani, bait the Muslims into trying to exterminate Israel. This will set in motion the planned and comprehensive annihilation of Islam by the globalists.


Since Iran’s leaders are also in league with the globalists, their propaganda apparatus has participated in the setup for the false-flag. Here they are establishing that the Yemenis have lots of cruise missiles…

…from YouTube

So expect the Americans and Saudis to launch a large salvo of missiles aimed at multiple targets in Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Qatar. The attack will likely be conducted under cover of darkness.

According to the globalist script, this false-flag will be Phase 2 of Israel’s pre-planned “retaliation for the Iranian rocket attack.” Phase 1 was the big air strike last night, and Phase 3 will be the assassination of Qasem Soleimani.


In thoroughly predictable fashion, Iran has vowed revenge for the big Israeli airstrike last night, and this vow will be used by the mainstream media to help pin the blame on the Iranians for the coming cruise missile attack…

…from The Times of Israel

But here is how New World Order historians will describe what happened…

“Knowing that the Iranians would vow revenge after Israel’s massive air strike in Syria, the Israeli plan was to beat them to the punch. So they quickly took revenge on Iran’s behalf with a showy, deadly, but militarily ineffective false-flag attack against themselves and the US. By doing so, they provided themselves with the justification to strike Iran’s leadership as well as bring the US into the war on their side. The Israelis plotted this with the full cooperation of the American and Saudi Arabian Deep States. Both US President Trump and Saudi King Salman were unaware of the treacherous plot.”


What the globalists have planned for this weekend is now coming into focus. The plan is to have Israel do the big Syria strike, the false flag, and the Soleimani assassination by the end of the weekend, then have the Hamas leader respond by sending “hundreds of thousands” of outraged Palestinians across the Israeli border for the US embassy opening on Monday. It would be a stunning outbreak of chaos and war. Let’s hope this exposure is causing them to rethink.

There is also something peculiar about the delegation the US is sending for the opening: it’s composed of one Catholic, one Skull and Bones Jew, and four other Jews with some degree of connection to Chabad-Lubavitch. I’ll go into detail on this over the weekend.

Since all the big Chabad agents will be out of Washington for the embassy opening, we need to keep an eye on the locations of Mike Pence, Rand Paul, and Elizabeth Warren. If they’re out of Washington too, something might be planned for Trump.

[Addendum – 13 May 2018] – Trump’s Lubavitcher-Dominated Delegation to the Jerusalem Embassy Opening

Here are the people Trump is sending as his delegation to the Jerusalem embassy opening…

“Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan will lead the delegation to Jerusalem for the May 14 events.

Joining Sullivan will be Ambassador David Friedman, Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Assistant to the President and Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt.” – from The Washington Free Beacon

Now let’s look at them one-by-one:

1) John Sullivan is a Catholic, as he indicates in this speech…

“I would like to share a bit of my own personal history on these topics, as they are central to who I am. I am the grandson of Irish-Catholic immigrants who arrived in Boston, Massachusetts in the 1880s. At the time they arrived – and for many decades that followed – Catholics in the United States faced widespread prejudice based on their religion. When John F. Kennedy – another Catholic from my home state – ran for President of the United States in 1960, he even had to give a prominent speech to reassure the nation that his faith was compatible with the duties of the office of President.” – from the State Department website

This is significant because the Catholic Church has been dominated by the Kabbalist “Jews” of the Jesuit Order since the Second Vatican Council of the early 1960s. Since then, the people the Vatican helps promote to high political positions are those who are loyal to the Kabbalist agenda. You can therefore be certain that Sullivan is a Kabbalist lackey.

If you look at the high political positions in the Trump administration, you’ll see that they’re dominated by either Jews or Catholics, both of which groups are pursuing the same agenda. Jews typically get the positions related to money; Catholics typically get the positions related to the military. One exception to this division of labor is the new Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, who is a Jesuit-trained Catholic given a money position.

2) Steven Mnuchin is openly Jewish, and it is a safe bet that he’s a Kabbalist. Here is a section from Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election to show you his connections…

Of course, there’s more to see in Trump’s Jewish connections than just Jared Kushner. If you are familiar with the unsavory nature of Jew-controlled Hollywood, Goldman Sachs, and Yale’s Skull and Bones society, you should have a closer look at the Trump campaign’s finance chair, Steven Mnuchin…
…From Bloomberg. Check out the first paragraph…

>>> Until one Tuesday in April, Steven Mnuchin’s life had been ordered meticulously. The son of a Goldman Sachs partner, he was publisher of the Yale Daily News, was tapped into Skull and Bones, made partner at Goldman, ran a hedge fund, and invested in Hollywood blockbusters. One thing followed another. Then, on April 19, the day of the New York primary, Mnuchin’s life veered. <<<

And if we look at Mnuchin’s Wikipedia bio, we also see connections to George Soros and Eddie Lampert (the Skull and Bones member and Chabad operative who has strip-mined Sears and Kmart to oblivion).

3 & 4) Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are the connecting point of the Kushner and Trump families, and both families are intimately connected to Chabad-Lubavitch…

…from Google

To show you Jared and Ivanka’s specific connection to Chabad, here is another excerpt from Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election

Ivanka Trump, on the other hand, kissed all the right asses in all the right ways by converting to Judaism before her Orthodox wedding to an Orthodox Jew who has intimate ties to the Chabad-Lubavitch cult. Here is a little something about the wedding…

>>> Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner were married in an Orthodox Jewish ceremony by the prominent New York Rabbi Haskal Lowenstein. According to The Jewish Journal, Ivanka commented on her decision to convert to Judaism by saying “it’s been an amazing and fulfilling experience for me …One of the jokes I first started making when Jared and I first started dating is, I’m a New Yorker, I’m in real estate. I’m as close to Jewish, with an ‘i-s-h’ naturally as anyone can start off.” – From <<<

…and here is a little something about Jared’s relationship with Chabad…

>>> Have we mentioned that Ivanka Trump is converting to Judaism, presumably so she will be a better marriage match for Jared Kushner, the equally young owner of the New York Observer? We have. Ivanka is only 27, but she recently auctioned off an internship with her for Chabad, the Hasidic organization her boyfriend supports. This donation and the visibility that comes with sounds like a good way to get in with Kushner’s family, because we hear that they don’t like the idea of Jared marrying outside the tribe…

The Kushners have long been good friends with Chabad groups. Jared was the head of the Chabad House at Harvard. And dad Charles got a rabbi from Chabad’s Living Legacy organization to write a letter on his behalf when he got into all that prostitute-blackmail trouble. Donating to a Chabad effort, a favored charity of the Kushner family, was the kind of smart move she might want to mention in her upcoming “motivational” book. – From <<<

It’s no surprise, then, that Ivanka and Jared prayed at the grave of the Lubavitcher rebbe just a few days before the big election…
…From Breitbart

5) David Friedman is an Orthodox Jew who is closely connected to the Lubavitch cult, as is evidenced by this article from one of the Lubavitchers’ own websites…

…from COLLIVE (the Chabad Lubavitch Community News Service)

And since becoming Ambassador to Israel, he continues hanging out with his Lubavitch brothers…

…from the US Embassy website

6) Jason Greenblatt is another Orthodox Jew with Lubavitch connections. Have a look at this article from the Lubavitch website…


And like David Friedman, Greenblatt hangs out with the Lubavitchers during holidays…


He is also on the record as meeting with Vladimir Putin’s Lubavitch handler, Berel Lazar…

…from Google News / The New York Times

Since Trump has been tapped to play the role of the precursor Jewish messiah, the Moshiach ben Yosef, it’s only natural that one of his Chabad guys met with Putin’s Chabad rabbi. Putin’s role is that of the main messiah, the Moshiach ben David.

[Special Note – 8 May 2018] – The Globalist Prophecy Fulfillment Plan, Nostradamus, and the Iran Nuclear Deal

Given that we’re 20 minutes away from Trump “breaking an agreement” (the Iran nuclear deal), you may find the last part of this Infowars video quite interesting…

…from Infowars

It mentions a section from a Nostradamus quatrain that is supposedly related to Trump and World War 3…

“The TRUMPet shakes with great discord,
an agreement broken…”

As I’ve explained previously, the globalists are aiming to fulfill pretty much every prophecy known to man in an effort to sell as many people as possible on the idea that we’re in the “End Times.” And Nostradamus’ “prophecies” are among those they’re trying to manifest. You’ll therefore find this other video of particular interest. It is part of an old movie on Nostradamus that tells of an Antichrist Muslim leader who will enter Europe wearing a blue turban…

…from YouTube

Iran’s Qasem Soleimani has been scripted to play this leader, but why would he enter Europe wearing a blue turban?

Because of the coming 3 million migrant invasion of Europe. This invasion, which will be triggered by the Dajjal character played by Turkey’s Erdogan, will unleash great civil conflict in Europe. And Soleimani, who will be going into Europe under the banner of the “reformed” UN (NWO) to “reestablish order and bring peace,” will thus enter wearing a blue turban…

According to the globalist plan for TWO prophecy fulfillments, the first fulfillment has Turkey’s Erdogan playing the evil “Dajjal” character. The Dajjal will pose as an Antichrist so Soleimani’s Imam Mahdi character can pose as the savior. And in the second fulfillment, Soleimani’s Mahdi character will be revealed as another Antichrist so the globalists’ Kabbalah-Christ character can pose as the real “Jesus Christ.”

Since there will be two fulfillments, we may see two blue turbans in the near future: one worn by Erdogan and one worn by Soleimani. So don’t be surprised if you see Erdogan sporting a blue turban after the upcoming Turkish presidential election. The election will effectively make him the Caliph of Turkey, and the greatest caliph of the Ottoman Empire, Suleiman the Magnificent, wore a turban…

…from Wikipedia

As for why the turban would be blue, it’s quite simple: Erdogan frequently wears blue suits…

…and blue is a presidential color. So look for him to wear it (either actually or symbolically) during a post-election summit with the EU, right before he “releases the hounds.”

(Note – 7 May 2018) – It looks like the globalists have changed their plans again. News has come out today that Trump will be announcing his decision on the Iran deal tomorrow (look at the numbers of the date and time of the tweet). The decision is coming 4 days sooner than expected. It’s also been announced that he WON’T be attending the Jerusalem embassy opening. So now we watch for false-flag activity on May 11 and assassination activity at the US-North Korea Summit.

(Expanded Note – 6 May 2018) – The South China Morning Post is reporting that Trump and Kim may have chosen to meet in Singapore in the third week of June. If this is accurate, they may be planning to sign the Korean War peace deal on June 25, which is the date the Korean War began. Knowing the globalists and their numerology, the summit might begin on June 22.

The Potential Peril of a Singapore Summit

The choice of Singapore as the summit site would provide the globalist scriptwriters with all sorts of possibilities for mischief. Singapore’s close proximity to Malaysia and Indonesia gives them the option of scripting an ISIS WMD attack. And due to Singapore’s small size and it’s being surrounded by the ocean, it also gives them the option of popping off a nuke in a “North Korean” midget submarine by the shore.

Don’t forget the two North Korean characters the globalists introduced to the world during the recent Olympic Games: Kim Jong-Un’s sister, Kim Yo-Jong, and the “combative North Korean spy chief and hardliner,” Kim Yong-Chul. If Kim Jong-Un travels to Singapore for the summit, he’ll likely leave his sister in charge in North Korea. So the globalists could script a hardliner coup led by Kim Yong-Chul that either includes or murders Kim’s sister, and the coup could begin with the hardliners exploding a nuke off of Singapore to “kill off the traitor and preserve the independence of the North Korean state.”

If they did the attack on the day of the peace treaty signing, they could “kill” the presidents of North Korea, South Korea, China, and the US all in one day. This would supposedly benefit the “deep states” of all four nations, and it would take Xi and Trump temporarily off the stage in accordance with the prophecy fulfillment script.

Remember that this summit was arranged by the intelligence agencies, not the departments of state. And spies don’t do peace.

I’ll write about this scenario in more detail if Singapore is officially announced as the summit site.

[Special Note – 4 May 2018] – Lubavitchers meet in Washington to establish the motive for Trump’s assassination

Look who showed up in Washington last week…

…from Google News

This “Trump Peace Plan,” which will be unveiled AFTER the Jerusalem embassy opening, is designed to piss off both the Palestinians and the hardline Israelis. Should Trump “die” before implementing it, both sides would be quite happy.

~ continued – 5 May 2018 ~

To show you why I say this, let me take you on a guided tour of a Jerusalem Post article on the subject…

The Trump administration will ask Israel to withdraw from four Arab neighborhoods in east Jerusalem, which will likely become the capital of a future Palestinian state, US officials told Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman during his visit to Washington last week.”

The scripted reaction of Netanyahu and the Israeli Establishment to these measures isn’t hard to imagine. Hardline Israelis believe that all of Jerusalem belongs to the Jews, so giving up areas to which they’ve regained control is unthinkable. And there is no way they’ll accept a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Here are just a few Netanyahu headlines on the subject…

…from The Times of Israel (top), The Jerusalem Post (middle), and The Times of Israel (bottom)

And on the prophecy side of this, there is a ton of talk out of globalist prophecy propagandists that “tragedy will befall those who try to divide Israel / Jerusalem.” So according to the prophecy fulfillment script, Trump’s Peace Plan “will cause God to remove his protective hand from Trump and America.”

Now here’s more from the Jerusalem Post article about the peace plan

“…Israel, the officials indicated, would be expected to accept the plan once it is presented despite the potentially painful concessions

The full plan is expected to be unveiled shortly after the embassy moves.

This passage implies that the US will compel Israel to accept the concessions, and it says the full plan will be announced AFTER the Jerusalem embassy opening. So up until the embassy opens, the Israelis are gaining a big benefit from Trump: US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. But AFTER it’s opened, Trump becomes a liability. That being the case, if they can remove Trump either before the Peace Plan is formally announced or before it’s implemented, they can keep the big benefit and stop any losses. It’s a great motivation for either a Jerusalem or Panmunjom assassination this month.

Getting back to the Jerusalem Post article

“During his visit to Washington, Liberman met with Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, National Security Adviser John Bolton, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and the president’s Middle East envoy, Jason Greenblatt.”

That’s a helluva roster for a meeting. Here’s why…

1) Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, is strongly connected to Chabad-Lubavitch “End Times” cult. You can read about it in Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch.

2) Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s defense minister, is also strongly connected to Chabad-Lubavitch. You can read about it by scrolling down a little to the section of this entry titled “Avigdor Lieberman and the End Times Cult.”

3) Jason Greenblatt, a long-time Trump lackey and Orthodox Jew, has had some associations with Chabad-Lubavitch as well…

…from COLlive (top) and Google News / The New York Times (bottom). Note that Berel Lazar is a Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi who was assigned to prepare Putin for the role of Moshiach ben David, the Jewish Messiah.

In addition to the three meeting attendees with Lubavitch connections, there was also John Bolton, a notorious Neoconservative war hawk with Jewish connections, and James Mattis, a Catholic. Why is it significant that Mattis is a Catholic, you ask? Let me show you…

…from the National Catholic Register

So as the article mentions, both the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are Catholics. This is significant because the Catholic Church has been under the dominion of the Jesuit Order’s Crypto-Jews since the Second Vatican Council and the JFK assassination. So Catholicism, just like Freemasonry, is just another hidden hand of the Kabbalist “Jews.”

Read How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order to see how they took over the Church (the article uses the Jesuits’ own information to make its case), and read Why the Jewish bankster elite assassinated John F. Kennedy to see the overriding reason for JFK’s removal.

With the backgrounds of the meeting attendees set before us, we see that this Washington meeting was a war council. Chabad-Lubavitch has written the prophecy script for the war, and John Bolton and James Mattis will be key in orchestrating it from the American side. Trump is just a front man who is along for the ride.

Finally, here’s one more thing of note from the Jerusalem Post article on the peace plan

“Alongside the concessions expected of Israel, the administration has promised its full support in the event of a widespread conflict with Iran or Syria. The administration has told Israel it would supply the IDF with significant support, including advanced weaponry, if a war broke out with Iran, even one instigated by Israeli action against Iran’s presence in Syria.

Last month, PA President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinians will not accept any US plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

So this peace deal would give Israel a carte blanche to do anything they want in Syria, and it promises them unequivocal support if they trigger a war with Iran. Such an open license for war is something the Palestinians will never accept, so they too will want to see Trump go down.

As for Israel, they don’t really need Trump’s guarantee. They’re already doing anything they want in Syria, and if they start a widespread conflict with a false-flag against the US military that gets blamed on Iran, they’ll have America’s full support anyway. So why not kill Trump and blame it on the Iranians and their anger over the cancelled nuclear deal? It would kill two birds with one stone, wouldn’t it?

[Update 16 – 30 April 2018] – The Globalist Plan for May

I’m sure you’ve heard about the big news that came out on Friday…

…from the Drudge Report

According to what’s been announced, a deal for both permanent peace and the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula is ready to go. All Trump has to do is show up to the US-North Korea summit and “close the deal.” And THAT’S what sets up the coming drama in Jerusalem.

According to the globalist script, the “Zionist-Neocon-Neolib Deep State” has one last opportunity to stop Trump before he goes to the Korea summit and ruins their dastardly plans for Asia. That opportunity comes in mid-May when Trump goes to Jerusalem to open the new American embassy there. While he’s in Israel, he’ll be on the Zionists’ home turf and therefore vulnerable. So if they can assassinate him there and blame it on Iran, they can start the first phase of the Mideast war AND stop the Korean peace process in its tracks. And if they follow the false-flag plan I expose in the Special Note below this update, they can bring war to Korea too.

(Special Note – 29 April 2018) – An Israeli naval false-flag warning for May & How the “evil Deep State” is scripted to save war from the jaws of peace

Will the start of World War III be attributed to an Iranian copy of a Russian rocket torpedo with a North Korean nuclear warhead…

Have a look at this Newsweek article from 3 days ago: IRAN THREATENS TO SINK U.S. WARSHIPS AS TRUMP CONSIDERS LEAVING NUCLEAR DEAL

Then have a look at this Newsweek article from last year: IRAN’S MILITARY FIRES ADVANCED TORPEDO BASED ON RUSSIA’S FASTEST IN THE WORLD

Given the Iranian naval chief’s threat to sink US ships, the door is now open for an Israeli false-flag attack on a US Navy ship, with the most likely method of attack being a Russian-made Shkval-E rocket torpedo fired from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. The blame can then be laid on the Iranian navy and their Hoot rocket torpedo, which is a copy of the Shkval. The attack would most likely be staged after May 12, when Trump may decide to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.

Since the Shkval is known to be a very noisy weapon that gives away the position of the sub that fires it, the Israeli sub would likely fire it from a shadowing position behind an Iranian sub. They would then fire a conventional torpedo to sink the sub they’re shadowing. That way, Israel can claim they “sank the Iranian sub that sank the American ship.”

What heroes! 

By the way, this is the likely target of the Shkval…

…from Google News (the Truman left port on April 11, which is another indicator of mischief)

The sinking of one or more American aircraft carriers during the war is a key part of the globalist script. The event is meant to mark the end of the era of American force projection around the world.

As to why their sub was in the Persian Gulf, the Israelis will have a built-in excuse…

…from Israel National News. Since Israel’s submarines are diesel-powered, the words “nuclear submarine” in the title imply a submarine with nuclear warheads aboard.

How the “evil Deep State” is scripted to save war from the jaws of peace

The more I look into the crystal ball on this one, the bigger it gets. Have a look at this testimony from a Congressional Joint Hearing on the Iran-North Korea Strategic Alliance (page 35)…

“I think, make it clear that North Korea has made this singular achievement in its nuclear weapons program. The danger immediately from this—and reports are that production of these warheads is increasing. That is what the Chinese nuclear experts told our people in February in Beijing. The danger simply is this: Iran’s Shahab-3 intermediate-range missile is a twin of the Nodong, developed with considerable North Korean assistance. Nodong nuclear warheads will be, and I believe are, compatible with the Shahab-3. A North Korean-Iranian agreement to share Nodong nuclear warheads, it seems to me, is a realistic possibility at this stage. North Korea and Iran have had successful sea and air clandestine transportation networks. There have been few interdictions of these networks. The transfer of Nodong warheads from North Korea to Iran would have a good chance of success. And given the forecast for production increases in North Korea, you could see a real danger of this developing, it seems to me, as early as 2016. Thus, if this happens, Iran would have a secret stockpile of nuclear warheads, in Iran, that it could unveil at any time of its own choosing and thus present the United States, Israel, and the rest of the world with a fait accompli, regardless of what happens with the Iran agreement or anything else that goes on with the Iranian nuclear program.”

In light of this testimony and the fact that the Shkval torpedo is designed to be nuclear-capable, we see how the Deep State may be scripted to “kill” Trump and start a war with both Iran and North Korea at the same time (then pivot into the “Battle of Armageddon” with Israel).

1) Bring Trump to Jerusalem and “assassinate” him during an outbreak of chaos.
2) Sink the U.S.S. Harry Truman with a nuclear Shkval.
3) Have Pence point the finger at Iran for the torpedo and North Korea for its nuclear warhead, then start a war with both.
4) After the war is raging, have forensic tests from the sunken Truman show an Israeli radiation signature. At that point, EVERYONE will turn on Israel for starting the whole thing.

[Addendum – 30 April 2018] – Avigdor Lieberman and the End Times Cult

If you’ve been watching the news, you’ll know that Israel’s defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, has been busy trying to stir up the globalists’ apocalyptic battle.

Here he is doing the preparatory propaganda work for an Israeli attack on Tehran…

…from Google News

According to the globalists’ script, the “Deep States” of the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia will stage a false-flag cruise missile strike out of Yemen that will target an American military base and Tel Aviv. This will provide Israel with the justification to strike Tehran. You can read about the details of the scenario in the 17 April Special Note (which is below).

And here is Lieberman threatening to strike Russian missiles in Syria, which would kill Russian missile technicians…

Although Putin’s response to such a strike would not attack the Israeli people (he is scripted to play the Jewish messiah after all), he may start engaging any Israeli military targets that offend against Syria. And he will support the takedown of the “evil Zionist leadership (Netanyahu & pals) that kills Russians, attacks Syria, and holds Israel hostage to war.”

As my longtime readers know, both sides in this conflict are being scripted by the globalists, and Avigdor Lieberman belongs to the Kabbalist “Jewish” cult that is orchestrating the apocalyptic battle that will bring the revelation of the Jewish messiah, Vladimir Putin. Both Putin and Trump are intimately connected to this cult, which is known as “Chabad-Lubavitch.”

Here are some sections from the first entry of the year that will show you some key connections regarding Avigdor Lieberman and Chabad…

Israel’s Defense Minister is in bed with Chabad-Lubavitch

As war looms in the Middle East, it’s important to note that the Israel Defense Forces are being controlled by a Lubavitch agent, Avigdor Lieberman (Israel’s current Defense Minister and former Foreign Minister)…

…from Lieberman is circled in red; his Chabad handler, Rabbi Levi Edri in yellow. Here is another article about the two…


Chabad-Lubavitch is the oligarch-funded, Russian-founded Kabbalist cult that has been planning and orchestrating the coming “apocalypse” and the arrival of the “Jewish Messiah.” So having an agent at the helm of the Israeli military is quite useful if you’re coordinating the Middle East war that will cue the “Messiah’s” revelation. If you are a new reader and want to know who will be proclaimed the Jewish Messiah, read Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch (+ Trump and Putin’s Lubavitch-assigned roles).

As for what brought me to this realization about Lieberman, it was the following passage from a Zero Hedge article titled Watch: Colonel Says Israel Is Dragging The United States Into World War III

The second I saw that Lieberman was Russian-born, my thoughts immediately went to Chabad, which was founded in Russia and headquartered there until the early 20th Century…

>>> Founded in 1775 by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the name “Chabad” is a Hebrew acronym for Chochmah, Binah, Da’at: “Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge”, which represent the intellectual underpinnings of the movement. The name “Lubavitch” is the Yiddish name for the originally Belorussian village Lyubavichi, now in Russia, where the movement’s leaders lived for over 100 years.

In the 1930s, the sixth Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, moved the center of the Chabad movement from Russia to Poland. After the outbreak of World War Two, the sixth Rebbe moved the center of the movement to the United States.

In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson became the seventh Chabad Rebbe. The seventh Rebbe transformed the movement into one of the largest and most widespread Jewish movements in the world today. – from Wikipedia <<<

It should also be noted that the seventh Chabad Rebbe, the messianically-obsessed “Lubavitcher Rebbe,” was born in the Russian Empire too. Chabad has deep ties to Russia and Russian mysticism, which is no doubt why they chose a Russian to be the “Jewish Messiah.”

So after seeing the Zero Hedge article, I did a simple Google search for “Avigdor Lieberman” Chabad, and their connection became crystal clear. If you do some searches on your own, you’ll find that when Lieberman went to foreign countries as Israel’s Foreign Minister, he had a habit of visiting the local Chabad centers and schools. As a comparison, just imagine US Secretary of State Tillerson going out of his way to visit Jehovah’s Witnesses compounds in the countries he visits. That would be rather troubling, wouldn’t it? But Israel has more than its fair share of whacked-out religious weirdos, so I guess they have a high tolerance for strangeness.

But among all the search results there are two that deserve special attention. Here is the first…

…from The Jerusalem Post

The ultimate goal of the Kabbalists is to rule over humanity through a figurehead god-king named “Jesus Christ.” And the plan calls for this “true Christ” figure to be the head of the world’s only major religion, Kabbalized Christianity. Since traditionalist Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. could be a source of dogged resistance to the new religion, the Kabbalists will be setting up a “convert or die” scenario over the coming years.

In the specific case of the Jews, the Kabbalists intend to gather them all in Israel for conversion or slaughter. To achieve compliance, they’ll be releasing all kinds of damning information about Jewish political, financial, and criminal activities around the world as part of the “Truth Tsunami” (which you can read about here). This will stir massive global “anti-Semitism.” So on one hand, Jews will feel very unsafe wherever they are currently living, and on the other hand, the Jewish Messiah will be urging their return to the “safety and security” of Israel. All who go will effectively be walking into an oven.

Once they’re gathered in Israel, all but a “Jesus-believing remnant” will be slaughtered in the Second Battle of Armageddon around the year 2025. This slaughter will serve two purposes:

  1. It will prevent any resistance to Kabbalized Christianity from stubborn traditionalist Jews.
  2. It will lead the world to believe that the Jews, and Jewish power, have been destroyed forever.

But “Jewish power” is really “Kabbalist power,” and the elite Kabbalists will still be in control.

Now here is the second search result that deserves special attention…

…from Forward

Birds of a feather flock together, don’t they? Especially if they are Chabad vultures.

On a final note, there are rumors on the Net that Chabad is actually a front for the Mossad. It makes a lot of sense that this is so, and Lieberman’s rise to Defense Minister pretty much confirms it. Do you think the Mossad would allow someone who has ties to a dangerous cult to control the Israeli military if the cult wasn’t part of the Establishment? Not a chance in Isra-hell.

P.S. – It’s worth noting that Lieberman was made Defense Minister four months prior to September of 2016, which was the original planned month for the prophecy fulfillment show (and three months prior to the aborted ISIS attack on the Rio Olympics that was supposed to trigger the war)…

…from the BBC

Confirmed: Chabad-Lubavitch is a religious front of the Mossad

During one of my research sessions earlier this year, I came across a confirmation of Chabad’s connection to the Mossad right on a Chabad community website…

…from Here’s an excerpt…

>>> The [Lubavitcher] Rebbe‘s unknown ties to the head of the Mossad and their assistance to Chabad’s educational and outreach activities in the Former Soviet Union were mapped out in the Hebrew book “The Rebbe and the Mossad,” published in 1998.

The inside story of the Rebbe’s involvement in Israel’s security, as told by its defense and government leaders, is told in JEM’s documentary film Faithful and Fortified – Volume 1. <<<

I’d encountered internet rumors of Chabad’s connection to the Mossad before, but to see it spelled out by the Chabadniks themselves pretty much closes the case for anyone who can put two and two together. If you are new to this site, you might consider reading Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch (+ Trump and Putin’s Lubavitch-assigned roles) to see why this is significant.

[Special Note – 17 April 2018] – Israel is preparing to launch a false-flag attack against the US

Israel is putting in place the preparatory events and propaganda for the long-planned false-flag attack on Al-Udeid Air Base and/or Prince Sultan Air Base. More to come…

[Addendum 1 – 19 April 2018] – I first wrote about the coming Israeli-Saudi-“US Deep State” false-flag attack back in October of last year. Here is a key section from that entry…

Saudi Arabia would move one or more black market ground-launched cruise missiles across the Yemeni border and sneak it into a sparsely populated part of Houthi-controlled territory (the Houthis are Iranian allies). At the appointed time, the Saudis would launch the missile(s) at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar. The attack would cause heavy casualties. And in its immediate aftermath, the US military would claim that the missile wreckage was that of the Iranian-made Soumar ground-launched cruise missile, and that “intelligence suggests the Iranians smuggled them into Yemen in order to conduct a sneak attack on the base.”

To understand why this false-flag scenario fits the situation so perfectly, imagine (just like a false-flag plotter would) that you are an Iranian general preparing a strike against US forces in your region. Then ask yourself two questions…

Question 1: What is the most valuable target to strike?

The answer is a no-brainer: Al Udeid Air Base…

…from CNN. Here is an excerpt…

The base houses the forward headquarters of the US Air Force Central Command, Combined Air and Space Operations Center and the 379th Air Expedition Wing.

The Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) oversees US military air power in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and 18 other nations, according to the Air Force.

Manned by personnel from the US Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines as well as coalition partner countries, the CAOC is “the nerve center” of air campaigns across the region, according to the Air Force.”

Question 2: If your enemy is expecting a high-flying ballistic missile threat from his front, what do you actually hit him with?

With a low-flying cruise missile from behind him of course. And from the perspective of Qatar, what lies 180 degrees opposite of Iran? Houthi-controlled western Yemen…

…from Google Maps

By answering these two simple questions, you are given the target of the attack, the weapon to be used, and the launching point.

Here are some other reasons this scenario fits the situation so well…

> There was a well-publicized dispute between Saudi Arabia and Qatar in recent months, and it centered around Qatar being too friendly with Iran. Before the situation calmed, Donald Trump supposedly stopped a Saudi attack on Qatar…

…from the Express (UK)

So this false-flag scenario would allow the Saudis to finally hit the Qataris (Qatari forces are also stationed at Al Udeid), and it would drive a wedge between Qatar and Iran (since Iran will be blamed for the strike). According to the bullsh*t geopolitical script (which exists to cover the actual globalist script), this attack would be a big, satisfying win for the Saudis.

> Saudi Arabian forces are currently in Yemen as combatants in their civil war. This means they can move things across the Saudi-Yemeni border at will, and they have a deep understanding of the situation on the ground there. It would therefore be quite easy for them to smuggle cruise missiles into the country and then sneak them into a poorly defended part of Houthi territory (shown in green)…

…from Wikipedia

> There is a well-developed propaganda narrative which states that Iran is smuggling weapons into Yemen (which they probably are, since they have to support their allies). Recently, the propaganda has stated that they are smuggling “increasingly potent weapons”…

…from Google News

So it will be easy to sell the public on the idea that Iran smuggled some cruise missiles in (which they probably haven’t). Cruise missiles are considerably smaller than ballistic missiles, and they require no big, specialized equipment to transport or launch them (a 40-foot cargo container and an improvised railing system will do). This makes them ideal for the purposes of this false-flag.

And sure enough, just two months after I wrote this, the press took the next step in the preparatory propaganda rollout for the attack…

…from Google News (top, bottom)

These news stories served to establish that the Houthis supposedly have a large number of Soumar cruise missiles, thus giving them the MEANS to sneak-attack Al Udeid AB. And since there are now rumors that America has moved / is moving their Combined Air Operations Center from Al Udeid AB to Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia, it too has become a target.

As for the MOTIVE for “Iran” firing missiles at those places “through their Houthi proxy forces,” this is good for starters…

…from Jerusalem Online. This adds Israel to the list of cruise missile targets as well.

Now all that’s left for the globalists to do is create the OPPORTUNITY for the false-flag. More Iranian-killing air strikes in Syria by either the US or Israel would do…


Trump’s trip to Jerusalem next month would also do nicely…

…from Newsweek

Speaking of Jerusalem, it is within range of the Soumar cruise missiles supposedly held by the Houthis

…from (top) and Google (bottom)

If the Israelis start gunning down Gazans during Trump’s Jerusalem visit, it won’t be surprising if cruise missiles make an appearance too.

[Addendum 2 – 22 April 2018] – One more thing worth noting about the Jerusalem Online article is that its headline specifically mentions Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian general who will be playing the role of the “Imam Mahdi” in the globalist prophecy fulfillment show…

There are four things to remember about Soleimani’s involvement in the coming cruise missile false-flag…

1) The Israeli media have already established that he is intimately tied to the Gazans who will be warring with Israel over Jerusalem during Trump’s visit…

…from The Times of Israel

2) And the Western media have already established that he’s the mastermind behind Iran’s arming of the Houthis in Yemen…

>>> A senior Iranian official said Major General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Qods Force – the external arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – met top IRGC officials in Tehran last month to look at ways to “empower” the Houthis.

“At this meeting, they agreed to increase the amount of help, through training, arms and financial support,” the official said.

“Yemen is where the real proxy war is going on and winning the battle in Yemen will help define the balance of power in the Middle East.” – from Reuters, 21 March 2017 <<<

So when Israel gets hit by its own false-flag cruise missile attack, they have a plausible story with which to blame Soleimani and justify his assassination: “Angry over the deaths of his Hamas allies in Gaza, Soleimani struck a blow at Israel through his Houthi allies in Yemen. Now it’s time to pay him back.”

3) The Muslim media have already established the rumor that the US has given clearance for Israel to assassinate Soleimani…

…from the Daily Sabah

4) And the Israeli media have already established that the IDF can penetrate any airspace over Soleimani to strike at him…

…from The Jerusalem Post

So the Israeli strike on the T-4 base in which 7 Iranians were killed was just the latest step towards their inevitable strike on Soleimani, which is scripted to outrage the Iranians into launching a direct war on Israel. But since the attack will be simulated, not real, Soleimani will remain alive to “miraculously recover from his wounds” or be “resurrected by God,” thus establishing his bona fides as the “real Imam Mahdi.” Although Iran and Israel are portrayed as enemies in the globalists’ geopolitical play, both Netanyahu and Khamenei get their scripts from the same masters.

[Special Note – 14 April 2018] – The NWO Historical Account of This Week’s Attack on Syria

Allow me to show you how the New World Order historians will explain what happened this week with the Syria strike. Their future words are italicized and in quotes…

“Under overwhelming pressure from the Deep State and their media over the Stormy Daniels affair, and in a weakened position due to the Monday morning (April 9) FBI raid on his lawyer’s office, President Donald Trump had no choice but to give the neocons the Syria strike they wanted. So late in the morning of April 9th, he agreed to make a decision on a strike within 24-48 hours.”

…from CBS News

“But in an effort to delay the strike and negotiate for the weakest one possible, he dragged his feet on a decision for the full 48 hours. And in a further effort to protect humanity from the neocon onslaught, Trump took the extraordinary step of warning Russia that a strike was indeed coming, and that it would be done with missiles.”

…from Al Jazeera

“Captive in a White House full of Deep State agents, Trump gave the warning via his only means of direct, unfiltered communication to the outside world: his Twitter account. He tweeted the warning in the early morning of April 11, and it was interspersed with blustery rhetoric to conceal his true intentions in sending it.”

“Not understanding Trump’s true reason for sending the tweet, the White House staff were at a loss in explaining it.”

…from The Guardian

“But upon receiving Trump’s warning to ‘get ready,’ Putin and Assad did exactly that.”

…from Haaretz

“To give the Syrians and Russians adequate time to prepare for the strikes, Trump delayed giving the final ‘go’ order for two and a half days after the warning.”

…from NBC News

Note (night of April 13/14): There are two things worth noting about the Syria strike tonight: 1) “Trump delayed it, minimized it, and warned Russia about it before it happened,” and 2) it could set off economic sanctions against the US, including the possible cut-off of Russian titanium and Chinese rare-earth minerals.

In light of that last part, I find the timing of this announcement very interesting.

[Update 15 – 9-13 April 2018] – So will it be War or “Mass Arrests”?

We may be 24-48 hours away from finding out if the globalists have opted for the War Path or Peace Path. If it is to be the latter, watch for reports of military convoys in the Washington, D.C. area in the coming hours/days. This would be a preparatory step for the “Mass Arrests of the Evil Deep State” Psyop.

To see why I say this, have a look at this CNBC article

I found the wording of Trump’s statements quite curious – as if they were designed to have two possible meanings.

Note that Trump didn’t say “Russia, Syria and Iran will pay a price,” he said “everyone [involved in the chemical attack] is going to pay a price.” So if the script calls for him to decide that the Neocon-Neolib-Zionist Deep State is involved, they will be the ones paying the price.

Also note that he says, “If it’s Russia, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out.” The “we’ll figure it out” part leaves the door open for him to figure out “it’s the Deep State, stupid.”

~ continued ~

They’ll be sending Pence out of the country this week, so the following script options will be in play:

  1. A fake assassination of Trump
  2. A fake “suiciding” of Trump, in keeping with his role as Vindex
  3. A Nuclear 9/11 attack on Washington, DC and New York, to be initially blamed on Russia and their nuclear torpedoes and later blamed on the “evil Deep State”

Tomorrow, April 11, is a day to watch for war, Trump’s “death,” and/or “nuclear torpedoes.” Friday the 13th is a day to watch for those things and/or “Mass Arrests.”

~ continued 2 ~

Speaking of nuclear torpedoes, I’ve done some checking and found that they’ve been laying down preparatory propaganda for such an attack.

Here they are in February stoking fear about Russia’s “city-killing nuclear torpedoes”…

…from Newsweek

Here they are in March establishing that Russian subs can approach the US coast undetected…

…from Google News

Note how they connect the idea of “undetectable Russian subs” to the idea of “Russia’s nuclear capabilities.”

And here they are today telegraphing Russia’s threat to respond in force to an attack on Syria using “all military measures”…

…from The Hill

Of course, a “Russian” nuclear strike against Washington and New York would be a massive overreaction to a US strike on Syria, even if the US strike kills Assad. But according to the script, it won’t be the Russians who do it; it will be the “evil Deep State.” And the well-publicized Russian threats of retaliation will provide the perfect cover for such a false-flag attack. The move, which would catch the US by total surprise and catch the US government above ground, is scripted to allow the “Deep State” to put their man Pence into the presidency and lock down the US under dictatorial “emergency measures,” thus completing the police state they started building after the first 9/11 false-flag.

With this in mind, watch for a possible US cruise missile strike on Syria launched from an Ohio-class guided missile submarine (each one carries 154 cruise missiles). Such a move would get the whole “death from below” ball rolling.

Don’t Forget “Putin and Trump’s Big Surprise”

While we’re on the subject of the different ways the globalists might play the current Syria situation, don’t forget the “Putin and Trump’s Big Surprise” scenario I covered last year

Under it…

> Trump is deliberately creating the impression that he is falling under globalist influence in order to draw them into inadvertently helping him.

> The Syria strike, to which Russia was forewarned by Trump, was done to create the impression that the US will confront Russia in Syria, so as the “Neocon-Neolib Deep State” enthusiastically helps Trump stack Syria with US troops, Russia and Iran will do so as well.

> Instead of using the amassed US forces to confront Syria, Russia and Iran, though, Trump will actually order them to join forces with the three against Erdogan and ISIS. It will give rise to a joint Christian-Muslim victory in a Holy War against the Dajjal (Erdogan) and his “Satanic Western allies.”

Now if you think about the nations the press say are lining up to attack Syria this week, the US, UK, and France, those are the same three nations that are squaring off against Erdogan in Manbij. The Saudis have also been mentioned as possibly joining in, and the new Saudi leader has been at odds with Erdogan.


More About the “Mass Arrests” Scenario

It is important to remember that events we’re watching unfold right now aren’t what they seem to be. There is no real conflict between the Eastern and Western members of the nascent New World Order, the G20; there is only the illusion of conflict being staged for public consumption as the G20 moves the human herd into their next pen: the multilateral / multipolar “reformed” UN / NWO.

To transition us happily into the NWO, the globalists are having their Western minions wear “dark hats” and play the role of the “bad guys,” and they’re having their Eastern minions wear “white hats” and play the role of the “good guys.” After having the “Western bad guys” push humanity to the seeming brink of nuclear destruction, they’ll have the “Eastern good guys,” led by Vladimir Putin, step up to save the day.

That being said, the globalists need to create a believable chain of events that will lead to the removal of the current “evil Western Establishment” and to their replacement by white hat globalist minions like Rand Paul, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, etc. And there are two ways of getting rid of the old to make way for the new; I wrote about them last year

And come to think of it, an unexpected nuke strike on Washington while Congress is in town would be a good way for the globalists to “drain the swamp” of federal officialdom. It would save them all the trouble of mass-arresting them for pedophilia / corruption / racketeering / treason, and it would keep their mouths shut (because the bodies to which those mouths are attached would be dead). Look for Mike Pence, Rand Paul, and Elizabeth Warren to survive any such strike; they have roles to play in what happens afterwards.

So the globalists have two options for “changing the guard” in the West: 1) blow them up, or 2) “Mass Arrest” them and put them through Nuremberg-type show trials.

~ Section 2 ~

Now if we look at Option 1 (“blowing them up”) in terms of what is happening this week on Friday the 13th, we see that…

1) Congress is in session Friday, and all the bureaucrats will be at their offices too, so Washington will be a “target-rich environment”…

…from K&L Gates

2) Mike Pence will be in Peru on Friday, so he’d survive to become the president…

…from Google News

3) Ivanka Trump and her Lubavitcher husband will be in Peru on Friday, so she’d survive to carry on the Trump media presence until her father’s “miraculous” return…

…from Politico

4) Elizabeth Warren will be in Ohio Friday, so she’d survive to become the leader of the new, post-Crisis “Democratic” party…

…from U.S. News / AP. Watch Tulsi Gabbard too.

5) All we have to do now is watch Rand Paul, the designated leader of the new, post-Crisis “Republican” party. If he makes an excuse to be out of downtown Washington for some or all of Friday, we’ll know that the nuclear strike is just a “go” order away. If you live or work in downtown DC and you see Rand Paul slipping out, you’d better beat feet out of town too. The same goes if you’re in Manhattan.

Since the nuclear attack would be attributed to a stealthy Russian nuclear torpedo deployed from an undetected Russian submarine, it would catch Congress, the federal bureaucracy, and (supposedly) Trump unaware and above ground. The entire government would be wiped out. But rest assured that Trump will be in a safe place when the explosion occurs; he has a role to play later on in the drama.

As for the other target, New York City, the “Deep State-owned” mainstream media would narrate that Russia destroyed it to hobble the American economy. “By hitting America’s twin towers, Washington and New York, the Russians crippled both the US government and the US economy in a single day,” they’ll say. But after Putin steps up later to save the world, we’ll hear another story entirely: that the “evil Deep State” hit the two cities to put the country into a severe emergency situation that would permit them to take absolute control.

Of course, the real reasons for the globalists staging Nuclear 9/11 would be…

  1. to get rid of the old government and make way for the new,
  2. to get rid of the old financial system and make way for the new, and
  3. to get rid of the old UN and make way for the “new” UN / NWO.

~ Section 3 ~

While we’re on the subject of the old UN being blown up by a nuke, it’s important to note that the destruction of the existing UN by fire is depicted by the mural in the Security Council Chamber. Here’s what I wrote about it in a previous alert on the Nuclear 9/11 scenario

The globalist “elite” are obsessed with the symbolism of the phoenix, the bird which explodes into flames and is then reborn from its own ashes. Now look again at the mural located in the UN’s Security Council Chamber…

The mural actually depicts the Security Council Chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall depicted in the mural, then look at the color of the Security Council Chamber wall surrounding the mural. (It’s the same.) Also look at the shape and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at the semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council. But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.

So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the destruction of the Security Council Chamber by fire. Blowing up the UN complex thus becomes the fulfillment of the mural.

(Note – 11 April 2018) – If the “Mass Arrests” option is in play, we may see military units heading for DC once Trump makes a decision on a strike plan for Syria. According to the script, the “Deep State” will believe the forces are being positioned to protect the capital from foreign commando / saboteur / terrorist cells that may be activated after the US conducts its strike. But the units will be commanded by “military officers loyal to the Constitution,” and their actual mission will be to help arrest the “Deep State coup conspirators.”

~ Section 4 ~

Now if we look at Option 2 (“mass arresting them”) in terms of what has been happening this week, we see that…

1) Pro-Trump alt-media propaganda agents Alex Jones and Roger Stone were in Washington this week ostensibly to do speeches and a Q&A session at the National Press Club…

…from Infowars

But in one of his videos yesterday, Jones let slip something notable at the 4:56 mark

“I was in DC today with former CIA contractors and a bunch of folks – patriots

I was in a room of former Navy Seals and Marine Force Recon and Army Special Operations…”

So Jones wasn’t in Washington just to give a speech. He attended a globalist minion meeting as well, where he was likely briefed on what’s coming and given the propaganda package he is supposed to release during his “Stop the Collapse of America” broadcast marathon, which started today and lasts through the 13th

…from Infowars

As for the “former CIA contractors” he met with, I strongly suspect they are connected to Blackwater’s Erik Prince…

…from The Economist

If you’ll recall, Prince made the news about an offer to set up a private spy network for Trump – one that would supposedly bypass the “Trump-hostile, Deep State-compromised” government intelligence agencies…

…from The Intercept

And he also made the news with this…

…from The Washington Post

Are you beginning to see how all this is fitting together – and how it would impact both Washington and Syria? If not, don’t fret; I have more to add after lunch. By the time I’m done, it will be crystal-clear.

~ more ~

Getting back to the “former Navy Seals and Marine Force Recon and Army Special Operations” folks Jones met with in Washington, those are precisely the type of people Erik Prince hires, aren’t they? And wouldn’t you know it, such people have been on Alex Jones’ media outlets as part of the “elite pedophilia” propaganda campaign…

…from YouTube

Here is another Infowars video featuring the same former Navy Seal, Craig “Sawman” Sawyer. Take note that he is being interviewed by Quentin Carter

…from YouTube

And besides Infowars, can you guess for whom Quentin Carter has worked / is working? ERIK PRINCE…

…from YouTube. Note the date of the post: it was on a 322.

So one of Erik Prince’s operatives is now working as “Alex Jones’ personal bodyguard”…

…from YouTube

In that last video, LISTEN TO THE INTRODUCTION. He is introduced as “Quentin Carter, A.K.A. Q.” Q as in “Q-Anon”? It may be one of Alex Jones and Erik Prince’s own men who has been jerking around all those suckers on the message boards.

~ more 2~

Now if we start looking at some articles on Infowars, we see where all this is headed.

This is one of note…

…from Infowars. Here is an excerpt…

>>> When Donald Trump gets hit, he always hits back even harder.

So when the deep state decided to conduct a legal witch hunt against President Trump and his family, they should have expected that Trump would return the favor. In recent days, there have been all sorts of rumblings about sealed indictments, pending arrests and a “deep state takedown”. Many believe that we are on the verge of seeing some of the most prominent Democrats in the entire nation being arrested and thrown in prison. <<<

And here is another Infowars article of note…

If you take the time to listen to the interview, they talk about going after the Clinton machine – and possibly Obama too – by summer, just in time to influence the midterm Congressional elections. So if they go ahead and start arresting / indicting the Clinton/Obama network on Friday the 13th, they will say they’re doing it “to save the world from the Deep State’s effort to start nuclear war with Russia.”

On another note, there is historical / mythological reason the globalists are/were aiming to start the arrests tomorrow. You can find it in the Wikipedia article on Friday the 13th

“A suggested origin of the superstition—Friday, 13 October 1307, the date Philip IV of France arrested hundreds of the Knights Templar—may not have been formulated until the 20th century. It is mentioned in the 1955 Maurice Druon historical novel The Iron King (Le Roi de fer), John J. Robinson’s 1989 work Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, Dan Brown’s 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code and Steve Berry’s The Templar Legacy (2006).”

And if we look at King Philip IV of France’s Wikipedia entry, we see this…

“In 1306, Philip the Fair expelled the Jews from France and, in 1307, he annihilated the order of the Knights Templar. Philip was in debt to both groups and saw them as a ‘state within the state’.”

So just as King Philip IV arrested the “Deep State” of his day on Friday the 13th, President Trump will do so with the “Deep State” of his day, or so the Freemasons would like to play it.

With their plans now openly exposed, we’ll see if the globalists have the huevos to follow through. If they don’t, they’ll make an excuse about delaying the Syria strike for an international investigation of the chemical attack or for the arrival of the Truman strike group off Syria, and they’ll reschedule for the 22nd. But by the 22nd, their plans will be ripped to shreds.

~ more 3~

It is at this point that we should take a common sense break and do a reality check. So let me ask you…

Do your really believe Erik Prince – a man who ran a mercenary company that helped the globalists subdue Iraq and Afghanistan – has turned against his former masters (without being killed for his betrayal)?

Or has he simply been contracted to play a new role for them?

Before you answer, let me remind you of something I wrote in one of my entries on globalist minion Paul Craig Roberts…

One of the great things about regular folks like you and me is that we are generally trusting and ready to take a person at his/her word. Unfortunately, this great quality is also a great weakness when dealing with people with forked tongues and impure aims, like the globalists. To help us get past this self-destructive habit of extending unearned trust, allow me to offer…

Ken’s First Rule for Not Being a Sucker: When a “former” insider comes forth to offer you information and interpretation, don’t discount the likelihood that the former insider is a current insider tasked with misleading you.

This would seem to be a rather commonsense rule, but for some reason it is ignored when “insiders” bend our ears to tell us supposed secrets and give us a heads-up on “what’s really going on” and what it means. The alternative media is chock full of talking heads who are purported “former” insiders at the FBI, CIA, NSA, World Bank, Treasury, Wall Street, and so on. There are even some purported current insiders who go through the rube-impressing pretense of disguising their voices and using code names. And what are virtually all of these guys telling us? They tell us how bad are the US and the West while either ignoring or promoting China and the East. In other words, they are establishing the Bad Cop and the Good Cop so the globalists can run their governance reform scam.

Take Paul Craig Roberts for example:

> He is a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy.

> He is a former editor at the Wall Street Journal.

> He was the “first occupant of the William E. Simon Chair for Economic Policy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS], then part of Georgetown University.” It’s worth noting that Georgetown is a Jesuit institution, and the Board of Trustees of CSIS includes Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and representatives of Exxon Mobil, Boeing, Coca Cola, AIG, GlaxoSmithKline, and Morgan Stanley (to name a few).

Looking at the high positions this guy has held in the Washington/Wall Street Establishment, ask yourself this: “Is PCR really going against all of his lifelong associates or is he simply carrying water for them like he always has?”

So take a moment to set aside WHAT YOU REALLY, REALLY WANT TO BE TRUE and see the situation for what it is…

The whole “white hat” rebellion against the “Deep State” is a load of bullsh*t being sold to the awakening public BY A BUNCH OF SPOOKS, MERCENARIES, GLOBALIST MINIONS, AND PROPAGANDISTS. And TRUMP IS NOTHING MORE THAN A FLAMBOYANT REALITY TV STAR WHO HAS BEEN CAST TO PLAY A ROLE ON THE PUBLIC STAGE.

If you want to see positive change in this world, stop looking to the saviors the globalists are selling you and start looking to yourself.

[Note – 8 April 2018] – Watch for an Israeli false-flag in Syria

You may have seen this in the news tonight…

…from Politico

With Russia promising to attack any US platform conducting a strike against Syria, the script may call for an Israeli false-flag to get the ball rolling. An Israeli submarine firing submarine-launched cruise missiles from a position near a US warship or submarine could be used to get the war started. The Russians would supposedly think that the US vessel fired the missiles and retaliate against it, and the payoff for Israel would supposedly be a US intervention that would topple Assad and push the Iranians out of the country.

[Special Note – 8 April 2018] – The globalists stir the pot in Syria (+ a showdown in the South China Sea)

Well so much for an April vacation…

…from Google News

Now that the “evil Deep State” has played the chemical attack card, will America strike soon (perhaps today on Orthodox Easter, on the 11th, on Friday the 13th, or on the 22nd)? Or will they do a UN “investigation” before they strike, thus pushing it into May? Out of an abundance of caution, I’m reactivating this entry.

As I’ve explained earlier in this post, this false-flag chemical attack is scripted to justify a US Coalition attack on Syria’s Bashar Assad and Iran’s Qasem Soleimani. According to the conflict script, this attack will push the Iranians over the edge and get direct warfare going between the major powers.

P.S. – Here’s something interesting: the disinfo guys are narrating that the Neocon Deep State is twisting Trump’s arm on Syria…

…from the Hal Turner Radio Show

Such drama – and all to maintain Trump’s reputation as one of the “good guys” and a “messiah.”

A Showdown in the South China Sea

Let’s not forget the naval exercises that are going on in the South China Sea right now…

…from Google News / Global Times

According to another Global Times article, there are two massive fleets doing exercises in the same area: a 40-ship Chinese armada which includes one aircraft carrier and a 58-ship US armada which includes three aircraft carriers.


P.S. – Meanwhile, in the Mediterranean, Turkey will be sending an oil exploration vessel into Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone as early as Monday. So will the Cyprus navy confront it, or will they go crying to the UN?