Globalist Agenda Watch 2025 – January Updates

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The NWO Transition Event Overwatch
Don’t Be Fooled when it comes


NOTE (4 January 2025): The Kabbalists have now established the narrative for blaming the communists for the planned explosions (after the “right-wing” saviors move to save us): They were caused by commie nukes carried by drones.” They’ve also arranged for Biden and Harris to be together at the White House this afternoon, so a hit today could put a Republican in the presidency and spark a civil war.

Yesterday’s notes have been moved below the following update.

(2 January 2025) – As we find ourselves in the midst of a Jesuit door-opening ritual for “releasing the demons from the Abyss“…

And as we look ahead five months (150 days) and see a June 1-8 timeframe for the arrival of the next antichrist character, we should take note of a bit of predictive programming that came out in 2012…

On the day of the football stadium attack in The Dark Knight Rises, the last thing Bane does before entering the stadium is to initiate a five-month countdown to the total nuclear destruction of Gotham (which represents the West) — a nuclear destruction that will be averted at the last minute by a savior, the Dark Knight (Batman), WHO CLIMBED OUT OF A PRISON ABYSS

The stadium at which the scene was shot was Heinz Field, home of the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the home team in the movie wore Steeler colors and featured a real Steelers player, Hines Ward (number 86). To start the game, a visiting team player whose name starts with “Ravens” kicked off…

And kickoff marked the moment explosions started going off around Gotham and under the football field, opening an abyss

Can you guess which two teams had games on Christmas Day, THE DAY AFTER the first “Holy Door” was opened? Yep, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Baltimore Ravens

And can you guess which two teams have games this Saturday, THE DAY BEFORE the fifth and final “Holy Door” will be opened? Yep, the Steelers and the Ravens again…

The globalists are intending to make us live The Dark Knight Rises very soon, and it will start with explosions all over the West (Operation Blackjack). Will it happen on Saturday, the day of the games? On Sunday, the day the door-opening ritual is completed? Or on 10 Tevet (January 9-10, sunset to sunset in Jerusalem), the day of Jimmy Carter’s funeral and Biden’s visit with Pope Francis?

NOTE (2-3 January 2025): Watch for the government and mainstream media to ascribe “far-right” motivations to the New Year’s Day attackers, just like they did with the Christmas market attacker in Germany….

…from today’s Drudge Report

This is being done to prepare the public to blame Operation Blackjack on the “far-right,” in accordance to the Day X” narrative put out by The New York Times (which features Germany, the US, and the military)…

The five-prophetic month / 150-day Torment of Humanity that is scheduled to run between Operation Blackjack and the arrival of the False Savior is scripted to be a communist reign of terror set in motion by the “right-wing attack of an alliance of convenience between Islamic extremists and Christian white supremacists.” You may remember that in The Dark Night Rises, the five months between the stadium attack and Batman’s savior moment were presented as a “People’s Revolution.” Listen to Bane’s speech in the stadium.

~ MORE – 3 January 2025 ~

As expected…

…from today’s Drudge Report

If the idea of a Trump-loving MAGA man” trying to blow up a Trump hotel and an “AfD-sympathizing Islamophobe Saudi Muslim” plowing through a Christmas market doesn’t make sense to you, you’re on the right track — the government + mainstream media narrative is meant to smell fishy. Remember that the Kabbalist scriptwriters are setting up a big win for the “right” in about five months. And when the Truth Tsunami begins, the government + mainstream media narrative is designed to fall apart.

I wrote about why the globalists do things like this back in 2015

…there have been more false-flags, including many that appear to have been wag-the-dog theatrical productions staged with crisis actors. This being the case, you gotta ask yourself a few questions:

> Why would the globalist intelligence agencies stage false-flag attacks that are so sloppy that any regular jagoff with an internet connection (like me) can see the inconsistencies?

> Why would alt-media disinformation sites that are known to be globalist mouthpieces be pointing out all the inconsistencies to the public and openly labeling them false-flag attacks?

Cui bono? (Who benefits?)

As I noted in the excerpt above, these are the benefits the globalists accrue from such practices…

1) These blown false-flags help to wake the people up. Dramatic events like this get lots of attention, and as people eventually catch on to the inconsistencies between “the official story” and what actually happened, they start looking for answers. As I’ve written before, the current awakening was engineered by the globalists to facilitate the transition to the NWO. They can’t run a dialectic on the population until the public is awakened to the two sides (the “evil” West and the “good” East).

2) These events help to establish the credibility of the alt-media disinformation sites. As people begin to see the inconsistencies and look for answers, there is a whole cast of colorful alt-media characters waiting to provide them. And once the disinfo sites have established credibility with the newly awakening ones, they sell them the East versus West dialectic.

3) These events provide “evidence” of how “evil” the West is, thus supporting the East vs. West dialectic.

NOTE (2-3 January 2025): Will the only Republican in the current presidential line of succession be removed on Friday, before we enter a very hazardous weekend and beyond?

~ MORE – 3 January 2025 ~

Republican Senator Chuck Grassley entered the presidential line of succession today. He may be cast as a “Deep Stater”; here’s what he said about the January 6 incident…

As violent protesters mobbed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and breached the walls of Congress, U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, then third in line to the presidency, was whisked out of the Senate chamber and moved to a secure location.

In the hours and days afterward, he condemned the “attack on American democracy itself,” praised Vice President Mike Pence for refusing to “kowtow” to a president who wanted him to overthrow the results of a valid election and suggested former President Donald Trump could no longer lead the Republican Party. – from the Des Moines Register

(1 January 2025) – Have a look at what I found out about the “Holy Door” that was opened today…

…from the Basilica website. Here is what it says about the door…

The Holy Door is located on the left side of the portico and evokes the Jubilees that have taken place in Rome since the year 1300 (every 50 years, and every 25 years from 1470). The bronze door was made in 2000 and is a symbol of reconciliation with God and a new beginning. It will be reopened during the Holy Year of 2025.

Boris Yeltsin handed Vladimir Putin the Presidency of Russia on New Year’s Eve of 1999, so the door was made during Putin’s first year as president, which was a Jubilee year. And Putin just marked his 25th year as the Jewish King of Russia. Are they opening the portals to let him take over the world in this Jubilee Year? In the Kabbalists’ “End Times” stageplay, Putin is playing the role of the “real” Jewish Messiah, the Fake Jesus, and the Final Antichrist.

Today Pope Francis was once again a no-show for the opening of the (Un)Holy Door. He opened the first door at St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve and the second door at the prison on Day Z (Hanukkah Day 1), but others have opened the third and fourth doors. Is this intended to show his fading health as we approach his scripted death on the day the final door is opened, January 5? Scripting it this way would still allow them to connect his death to the end of the Tribulation timeline using the door-opening period as the connector.

It should also be noted that the prison where Francis opened the door, Rebibbia Penitentiary, is the prison that held Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turkish Grey Wolf who attempted to murder Pope John Paul II. It makes one wonder if Pope Francis is scripted to die at the hands of Grey Wolves pretending to be ISIS — Grey Wolves supposedly under the command of the Turkish Muslim Antichrist.

NOTE (31 December 2024): Keep this in mind about New Year’s Day (and January 2)…

That being said, Pope Francis is scheduled to open the fourth (un)Holy Door to Hell after sunset of January 1 (after Hanukkah Day 8 has begun in Rome). This will be happening on the 58th World Day of Peace at the Basilica of St. Mary Major on a Marian feast daythe same Mary who supposedly appeared to three Portuguese shepherds and gave a prophecy of the death of a Pope, the “Third Secret of Fatima“.

So is the 58th World Day of Peace scripted to bring Pope Francis’s death and war? According to Strong’s Bible Concordance, a tool frequently used by the Kabbalists to link meanings to numbers in their prophecy fulfillment setups, number 58 is the Greek word “agora: public square” and the Hebrew word “abel: mourning, lamentation“: “mourning in the public square“.

A 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario started on Hanukkah Day 8, which corresponds to the Gregorian date of January 2, would reach its last day on May 31st, another Marian feast day: the Visitation of Mary. See the section below for more details…


Here’s what’s coming next…

  • A golden 8-day timeframe for the arrival of the Fake Jewish Messiah runs from June 1 through June 8 of 2025.
  • This 8-day Arrival Event timeframe is preceded on May 31 by a Marian feast day: the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which commemorates the supposed visit of Mary, pregnant with Jesus, to Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist. This feast day narratively ties into the original Babington Plot (involving Mary, Queen of Scots, and Queen Elizabeth I) and the New Babington Plot (involving Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II), so it suggests the “arrival” of King Harry, perhaps as one of the Gemini Twins.
  • The Kabbalists’ first opportunity to make use of this timeframe comes on Hanukkah Day 8, which runs from sunset of New Year’s Day to sunset of January 2. A 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario triggered on that day would reach its final day on the May 31 Visitation of Mary, allowing them to run the 8-day Arrival Event immediately afterwards.
  • The Kabbalists’ final opportunity to make use of this timeframe comes on Asara B’Tevet (sunset of January 9 to sunset of January 10), when Western leaders will be gathered for the January 9 funeral of Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden will make his January 10 visit to Pope Francis in Rome. A 150-day Torment of Humanity scenario triggered on that day would reach its final day on June 8, allowing them to run the 8-day Arrival Event as the final 8 days of the Torment period.

Currently, “Satanic Antipope” Francis is the character who has been assigned to perform the ritual that will lead to the opening of the door to the Abyss, and the Bible’s Book of Revelation provides the basis of the Kabbalist scripting of what will follow…

The Fifth Trumpet

1 Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss. 2 The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit.

3 And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them. – from Revelation 9

According to the prophecy propagandists, these “five months” of Revelation 9:5 are 30-day prophetic months, so the Torment is to last for 150 days

The supernatural entities known to the world thousands of years ago as Titans, Watchers, Anunnaki, and apkallu are the things that swarm out of the abyss in Revelation 9. That’s where they are now, confined until the Judgment. They get a short time to torment humanity, taking revenge on God’s prized creation for the punishment of watching their own children, the Nephilim/Rephaim, destroyed in the Flood of Noah.

How do we know? The Watchers from the abyss be allowed to torment those without the seal of God on their foreheads for five months. Now, note the length of time the ark of Noah was on the water before it came to rest:

>>> The fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, and the waters receded from the earth continually. At the end of 150 days the waters had abated, and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8:2–4, emphasis added) <<<

Measured in the thirty-day months of a lunar calendar, the standard in ancient Mesopotamia, 150 days is exactly five months. That’s how long Shemihazah, Asael, and their colleagues watched helplessly while their children were destroyed with the rest of all flesh on the earth. In the end, they’ll get 150 days to torment unrepentant humanity before Saturn’s reign is ended. The parallel is not coincidental, and it identifies the creatures from the abyss as the sinful angels mentioned in the epistles of Peter and Jude—the “sons of God” from Genesis 6, who were led by the entity who’s at the heart of this study, Shemihazah/Saturn. – from SkywatchTV

With this in mind, let’s begin our examination of the 8-day Arrival Event by looking at the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar…


As you can see, the Catholics will be celebrating THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD twice this year: on May 29 and June 1, forming a 4-day window (29, 30, 31, 1). This window can be used to run a 4-day Three Days of Darkness scenario that…

> starts with “the ascension of the Messiah to heaven (through his staged ‘death’ or disappearance on May 29) to receive his heavenly army,”

> features his resurrection / arrival in the sky over Mount Sinai (or Mount Hermon) after sunset of the third day (the May 31 Marian feast day), and

> ends with “his ascension as King of the Jews upon descending from heaven (on the fourth day, June 1).

> His descent from heaven on June 1 is reinforced by the fact that June 1 is also Essene Pentecost (on the Dead Sea Scrolls calendar), which is symbolized by the Holy Spirit / Dove of Peace descending from heaven

…from the Catholic News Agency. Here is a key excerpt about Pentecost…

There is a parallel Jewish holiday, Shavu’ot, which falls 50 days after Passover. Shavu’ot is sometimes called the festival of weeks, referring to the seven weeks since Passover.

Originally a harvest feast, Shavu’ot now commemorates the sealing of the Old Covenant on Mount Sinai, when the Lord revealed the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai. Every year, the Jewish people renew their acceptance of the gift of the Torah on this feast.

> AND JUNE 1 IS EREV SHAVUOT, THE DAY MAINSTREAM JEWISH SHAVUOT 2025 BEGINS AT SUNSET. Shavuot is a Pilgrimage Festival, so it is at this point they can script the planned Triumphal Procession from the arrival mountain to Jerusalem.

> The defeat of the Muslim Antichrist will likely be scheduled for the 6th or 7th day of the Procession outside of Jerusalem, because that will be the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, which is when Muslims stone the devil.

> The Fake Jewish Messiah will then arrive on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on June 8, which is Catholic Pentecost, Orthodox Pentecost, and the end of the Shavuot fulfillment days.

Things you need to remember when the cities are burning

Updates from December and the previous months of 2024 are under the following two sections; click here to go to them.