Category Archives: NWO

Understanding the NWO Strategy (Mod 1 – The Old World Order, the Interim World Order, and the New World Order)

I’ve added a new page called Understanding the NWO Strategy. It is a companion to the new NWO Schedule of Implementation page, and it is likewise located at the upper left corner of the website next to HOME and ABOUT ME. Here is a direct link.

Like its companion page, it will be built and modified over time, so check back frequently. Here is the Mod 0 version…

An Overview of the Occulted Powers

Lurking behind the “Democratic Facade” (the so-called “democratic” governments that the public sees as the guiding hands in our world), are the Occulted Powers (OPs). The OPs are a network of intermarried and interoperating gangster families (some call them “royals”) who together form a worldwide mafia. As with any large gang of criminals, there is some degree of competition amongst the families as they compete for power, position and wealth within the syndicate, but they are all united in furthering their collective control and exploitation of the human race. They are the ones who have been pushing for ever more centralized control of humanity; they are the “globalists.”

An interesting thing about these OPs is that they have their own system of spirituality, which can most accurately be called “the Mystery School.” Whether the gang leaders at the very top actually believe in the spiritual mumbo jumbo of the Mystery School, though, is unclear. There may be some sort of “spiritual” force feeding them their religion, or they may have simply made it up as a control mechanism for their underlings. Whether it’s real or made up, though, it plays a central role in everything they do.

With this in mind, have a look at the Masonic art outside of the New Carrollton Federal Building in Lanham, Maryland…
…This sculpture depicts the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path of the OPs’ occultic spirituality. As you can see, the Left Hand (which sits on a black base) is pointing over to the open Right Hand (which sits upon a white base). This reflects the OPs’ practice of using the Left Hand (the “dark side,” which brings about destruction and chaos) to scare people into the open, welcoming Right Hand (the “light side,” which brings about construction and order).

If you look upon the world situation now, you can see that the Anglo-American branch of the OPs are acting as the Left Hand (bringing terror, war, and theft that is destroying the existing world order and scaring humanity towards something new), and the BRICS branch of the OPs are acting as the Right Hand (“opposing” the actions of the Anglo-American axis and welcoming humanity into a “peaceful, fair” new world order that they are constructing). Once you understand this basic idea of how the Two Hands work together to control the world, everything you see around you starts making sense.

The Old World Order, the Interim World Order, and the New World Order

In attempting to understand the New World Order (NWO), many people become confused due to the intentionally misleading definition of the NWO offered by mainstream and alternative propaganda news sources. Before I go into why the news sources are doing this, though, let’s learn the proper definition of the NWO straight from the globalists themselves.

In 1961, the globalists published a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports. It was the (public-version) final report of a Rockefeller-funded study called the Special Studies Project, and it gives a sanitized, sugar-coated overview of the post-World War II plan to transition from the Old World Order to the New World Order.

The book offers this definition of the Old World Order

So the 13 empires that ruled the world before they were brought down by the twin towers (World War I and World War II) were the Old World Order. And after their collapse, the world entered the period of chaos that precedes the arrival of the New World Order. This time of chaos has been governed by what I’ll call the Interim World Order, which is the current Bretton Woods system in which the US has played a central role due to its post-World War II military power, economic strength, and control of the global reserve currency. It is important to note that the Interim World Order is NOT the New World Order; it was designed to last for a finite period of time (long enough to expend America’s power and wealth to construct the NWO).

Prospect for America also offers the true definition of the New World Order
…which is a system of regional institutions operating under the supervision of an “international body of growing authority.” I’m sure you can imagine which body that is…

It is important to note that a United Nations-based New World Order is one that cannot be dominated by the US. The US is only 1 vote amongst 193 in the General Assembly and only 1 vote amongst 15 in the Security Council. Any perception of US leadership of the UN has arisen from America’s post-World War II power and prestige and the temporary role of the US dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency. That prestige is now gone, and the post-WWII power will be largely gone once the dollar is replaced by a renamed SDR as the world’s primary reserve currency. For the UN Complex to rise as the central power, the superpowerful US that emerged from WWII had to be taken down, and Prospect for America was the blueprint for its downfall.

Getting back to the misleading definition of the NWO offered by globalist propaganda sources, they attempt to paint the NWO as an effort by the US (and their UK partners in crime) to erect a “unipolar” empire to control the world. This supposed attempt to build a US/UK-centric “Unipolar New World Order” has never existed. As Prospect for America states…

The supposed US-led “Unipolar New World Order” has never been anything but a golem dreamed up by the globalist propaganda masters to distract people’s attention away from the real NWO. While people are being programmed to look West for a scary monster that is closing in on them, the actual NWO is sneaking in from the East looking like a heroic knight in shining armor. And once it is publicly unveiled, the NWO will look like heaven… at first.

So when you see things in the news like this

>>> Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that his country would never accept a unipolar world.

Noting that there was one “undisputed” unipolar leadership trying to control the current world and force others to obey, Putin said Russia would never accept such attempts. <<<

…realize it’s just the “knights in shining armor” doing their preparatory public relations work. All of the BRICS leaders are under firm OP control, as is evidenced by Putin’s open display of the symbols of Russia’s Romanov “royals”…
…and Chinese President Xi’s association with his Illuminati handler/promoter, Robert Lawrence Kuhn

I will post new modifications on this entry as long as it is at the top of the blog. Once I post a different entry, you’ll have to click on the link below to see further updates.

***Under Construction – Check here for updates***

The NWO Schedule of Implementation (Update 1 – Alfred Webre calls in the “Silver Legion”)

Since most new readers won’t go through all the entries on this site to get a broad overview of what the globalists are up to, I’ve decided to add a one-stop page to give them a Cliff’s Notes version. You can find the page on the upper left side of my blog next to HOME and ABOUT ME, or just click here.

I will continually update the page to add new information and to track adjustments in the NWO timeline in real time. When the audience is fully aware of how the magician’s tricks work, the magician doesn’t get the kind of response he’s seeking.

The G20 finance ministers and central back governors are meeting Monday and Tuesday, so I’ll be getting back to financial updates soon.

[Update 1 – 9 February 2015]

Switching subjects…

Alfred Webre calls in the “Silver Legion”

After I posted my entry on Alfred Lambremont Webre, he apparently reached out to his fellow fraudsters so they could apply a fresh coat of mind control muck to their own followers. In particular, he contacted a woman who calls herself “Tanaath” and who claims to be an astral warrior in a galactic band of soldier gypsies called “the Silver Legion” (no folks, I’m not making this up; there are really people who claim this and there are really people who believe it). This is what “Tanaath” wrote on behalf of Webre, and it includes this passage…

“Many of the people involved are well meaning and have the best intentions for humanity. This includes people such as Drake Bailey, Thomas Williams, Chloe Kirker, Jean Haines, Alfred Webre, David Wilcock, Neil Keenan, myself, and many others – people who are, to the best of my knowledge, sincere in their drive to help humanity. Of the people I just mentioned, the only ones I can say who have never tried to lash out and take someone else down are Alfred and David.”

Oh really, “Tanaath”? You might want to tell that to Michael Tellinger

>>> It has come to my attention that I, and my integrity have come under attack by Alfred Lambremont Webre, whom I believed to be my friend and ally in the global movement of higher consciousness. The email below is what I responded in my defence and is a pre-emptive response to Alfred’s slanderous attack on me and the UBUNTU Movement – for those that may stumble upon it on the internet.

Dear Alfred Webre and friends
I write this email with great sadness in my heart because I do believe that we are friends and share a common passion for truth, integrity, uniting humanity in the face of severe division.

I am deeply saddened about the fact that you did not take the time to call me personally, since you have my personal cell phone number, or at least email me, to verify the slanderous attacks against me and UBUNTU – but instead you simply jumped right in and publicly promoted this false and libellous information that you received without verifying its legitimacy and accuracy.

Louise and I received several emails from UBUNTU members around the world bringing to our attention your remarks and comments about our integrity, accusing us of all kinds of things that are all lies and half truths – demanding that we declare our integrity and explain our actions.

This is obviously a huge shock to us as we pride ourselves of doing everything above board and displaying the highest level of honour and integrity in EVERYTHING we do. I was stunned when I watched your latest YouTube interview posted 6 Jan 2015, which confirmed your public attacks on me, implicating me and UBUNTU in all kinds of dirty activity.

For the record:
You were one of several hundred people who received emails from a man called Mike van Niekerk, who has developed a personal vendetta against me and started a public smearing and defamation campaign against me – claiming to destroy me and UBUNTU. <<<

Let’s call spades “spades” and face the truth: people like “Tanaath,” “Tolec,” Drake Bailey, Alfred Webre, Neil Keenan, Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock, et al, are ridiculous frauds who are distracting awakening humans from crucial issues by luring them into phony rabbit holes. Many of them are also promoting the nascent BRICS-fronted New World Order. So there is nothing wrong with pointing out clear lies and the con artists and propagandists who are selling them. The awakening community won’t stop smelling funny until we take out the trash.

Whenever one tries to unmask one of these phonies, their first line of defense is to say, “Hey, you shouldn’t do that. You are promoting division in the ‘light’ community.” But there is a big difference between…

dividing people along racial, religious and political lines


dividing truth from lies.

The first is destructive; the latter is constructive. If you don’t separate the wheat from the chaff, your bread will taste like sh*t.

So to these charlatans I say this: evade, prevaricate and distract all you want. It doesn’t matter. Kenny’s comin’ for ya. And to be fair, I should offer this warning to the “Silver Legion”: if any one of your galactic warrior princesses shows up at my door, she’ll likely end up tied to my headboard. Daddy’s hungry. 😉


The NWO and the New Age Mind-Screw: Part 1 – Alfred Lambremont Webre (Updates 1-3 – When in trouble, trot out the straw man)

Don’t be ashamed if you’ve ever fallen for some form of New Age BS…
…It is a highly-polished, massively-promoted, multi-billion dollar product that was scientifically formulated over decades by the brightest sellouts the globalists could buy. The only shame is in not listening to inner and outer warnings to move past it.

While the globalists’ political and financial people have been busy erecting the superstructure of the multilateral/multipolar New World Order, their psychologists and sociologists have been busy as well. Through institutions like the Tavistock Institute in the UK and the Stanford Research Institute in the US, globalist minions have been formulating ways of molding the thinking of the masses to make them NWO-compatible.

Information about Tavistock and Stanford Research (now called SRI International) is all over the internet, but I found a particularly concise and informative introduction to them on page 326 of David Livingstone’s Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age

SRI is based in Menlo Park, California, and you can find hints of their involvement in the development of the 1960’s drug counterculture and CIA mind control techniques in the Wikipedia entry for MKUltra

“Merry Prankster Ken Kesey, author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, volunteered for MKUltra experiments involving LSD and other psychedelic drugs at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Menlo Park while he was a student at nearby Stanford University. Kesey’s experiences while under the influence of LSD inspired him to promote the drug outside the context of the MKUltra experiments, which influenced the early development of hippie culture.

Robert Hunter is an American lyricist, singer-songwriter, translator, and poet, best known for his association with Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead. Along with Ken Kesey, Hunter was an early volunteer MKUltra test subject at Stanford University. Stanford test subjects were paid to take LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline, then report on their experiences. These experiences were creatively formative for Hunter…”

As it turns out, an alumnus of SRI has been very active in the alternative media, and he has been applying New Age mind control themes to the newly awakening in order to facilitate their acceptance of the nascent BRICS-fronted NWO. His name is Alfred Lambremont Webre

“In 1977, he joined SRI International in Menlo Park, California, as a futurist for the Center for the Study of Social Policy. His responsibilities were the studies in alternative futures, innovation diffusion, and social policy applications for clients including the Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communications Study, the National Science Foundation, U.S. Congress (Office of Technology Assessment), the U.S. Department of Energy, and the State of California (Energy Plan).”

So Webre was responsible for dreaming up “alternative futures,” and he has used that experience to good effect in the “alternate timelines” mind-screw he is currently foisting upon the awakening public. Let’s have a look at the sh*t he’s been shoveling by examining a recent interview of him
…Here is an overview offered by an associated news page

“VANCOUVER, BC – In an interview with JF Simard of,’s Alfred Lambremont Webre discusses how a positive holographic timeline that activated around December 21, 2012 will transforms a planned 2015 financial collapse of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank fiat Petrodollar into a new planetary age of individual Sovereignty and a BRICS Golden Age.

This planned and unsuccessful 2015 (or so) $dollar collapse is actually one of the functional components of the Jesuit-Matrix depopulation plan that includes Fukushima radiation, GMOs, Vaccines, GeoEngineering, Wars, planned financial collapse and the Transhumanist Agenda, all orchestrated along a catastrophic timeline that is no longer operative in our time-space hologram.”

In the interview, Webre claims that the evil Anglo-American “elite” (in association with Draco Reptilian aliens who have a penchant for ‘human sushi’) had plans to depopulate the Earth through a Mad Max-style economic collapse (in conjunction with “Fukushima radiation, GMOs, Vaccines, and GeoEngineering”), but this “catastrophic timeline” was altered by the timeline fairies on December 21, 2012. He asserts that humanity is now on a “positive timeline” that will feature a “BRICS Golden Age.” So according to him, the evil Anglosphere is trying to kill everybody, therefore “the whole world is migrating over to the BRICS system” (41:03).

This narrative of his precisely follows the Decoy-NWO vs. Real-NWO problem / reaction / solution format I’ve identified in many previous entries (here is one). The following excerpts speak about the globalist strategy:

“They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies (thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another)…

Problem – The evil Western power elite are out to steal everything and kill everybody!!!

Reaction – People are both angry and fearful, and are longing to end the old system and start something new.

Solution – The angelic BRICS power elite swoop in on white unicorns to save the day and give us a new financial system and all the money people need.

Now let’s have a look at some specific quotes from the interview…

From the 30:09 mark: “What occurred is that on December 21, 2012, a number of things happened. One is that the holographic timeline on which our collective travels shifted from a catastrophic timeline to a positive timeline, such that plans and projects that were conceived on the catastrophic timeline, in what we call duality consciousness of ‘I win, you lose,’ no longer have the traction now in the positive timeline of unity consciousness, which is ‘we are one.’ Somebody changed the video game. We’re no longer in ‘war, disease, crime and poverty’; we’re now in ‘paradise on earth‘…”

If you consider the implication of this timeline idea, it is the same as the “Ascension” and “Alien Saviors” memes: “Don’t bother doing anything about the NWO, because we’re on a positive timeline that will sweep you where you want to go. Just relax, don’t feed the evil with your attention, and concentrate on ‘raising your vibration.'” The whole idea of “the ‘light’ has already won” only serves to de-motivate awakening people from taking action that could actually make a difference (such as forming their own political and monetary structures). As for the “paradise on earth” part of the passage, I talked about this in The Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven… at first.

From the 32:15 mark: “Now, getting around to this… what this means is that the controllers, the matrix, as part of their depopulation plan had included a financial collapse component as sort of the centerpiece, or one of the centerpieces, of their depopulation plan that would click in, say, around 2015. And if they could combine that with World War 3, if they could combine that with famine, if they could combine that with ebola, if they could combine that with GMOs, hey, you know, it’s mass extinction. It’s exterminate all those surface-dwellers…

(34:16) So it remains to be seen that the financial system is going to collapse in the usual, the expected way in February of [2015]. Why? Because none of their false flags has worked in the way that we think.

It is true that the evil depopulation plan and its associated false flags will fail, but it has nothing to do with a new “positive timeline.” I laid out the reasons the globalists are sabotaging their own false flags in Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags. In fact, Webre suffers from a Freudian Slip when he says “none of their false flags has worked in the way that we think.” A normal person would not expect the globalists to sabotage their own attacks, so they certainly haven’t worked in the way that we think, but they have served the purpose for which they were designed. As for the whole “total economic collapse / depopulation” narrative, it is a scary campfire story the propagandists are spreading so that people will rush into the arms of the BRICS “saviors” when they step up to stop it.

From the 37:45 mark, speaking of the financial transition: “Right now, in kind of a 3D perspective, there are a lot of forces that are jockeying, but right now what it appears to be is that it’s not going to be a sudden collapse; it’s going to be a gradual transition. And what’s occurring is that the Rothschild dollar sector is collapsing because of its own lawlessness, which it itself has induced. Whereas the BRICS sector is based on honored contracts, respect for individual and national sovereignty, and they’re coming together by the two major gold producers in the world around a gold-centered currency…”

In an interview full of ridiculous statements, this passage qualifies as one of the worst. The transition to the new financial system will indeed be gradual, because it has been going on since the IMF created the dollar’s reserve currency replacement, the SDR, back in 1969. And the “Rothschild dollar sector” isn’t collapsing because of lawlessness; it’s coming down because the Rothschilds want the SDR to take the dollar’s place. I pointed this out when I covered a 1988 article from the Economist (an economic propaganda magazine partly owned by the Rothschilds) which openly speaks of replacing national currencies with a renamed SDR sometime around 2018
…(according to the globalists’ plan, once the BRICS are seen to “take over” the IMF, both the IMF and SDR will get fresh new names to make a clean break from the past).

As for the BRICS sector being based on respect for individual sovereignty, are you kidding me? Just ask the regular Joes in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa how their governments treat them. “Like dirt” would be the most prevalent answer.

From the 45:09 mark: “Thankfully, in December 21, 2012 we shifted timelines … we’re back here now… we’re on the positive timeline, and the destiny of the American people is to go back to their original constitutional roots to operate… to become once again their own bankers, and to operate their own currency as all of the other nations do within the basket of currencies that will exist, as a nation inside a worldwide gold system.”

When you think about killing off the Federal Reserve and going back to the Constitution and some form of gold standard, what political figure comes to mind? Ron Paul, right? This is why I’ve been warning that he’s a sellout. And when Webre mentions a “worldwide gold system” and “the basket of currencies that will exist,” he’s talking about the IMF’s SDR, which is a basket of currencies that will soon include a gold component in its valuation.

Finally, at the 53:22 mark, he can’t resist mentioning “Ascension”: “We are ascending up densities of consciousness.”

This is actually sort of true, because if you listen to Webre and his ilk, your mind will become progressively more dense.

Beyond Alfred Lambremont Webre’s involvement with SRI International, which is part of the Rockefeller-funded Tavistock complex, the rest of his resume further betrays his status as a globalist minion…

1) He attended Yale University (one of the “elite’s” Ivy League indoctrination academies), and he was a Fulbright Scholar (one of the scholarship programs used by the globalists to recruit the brightest and most ambitious minds into their system). This scholarship was used to study international economic integration in Uruguay. Needless to say, international economic integration is core to the globalist agenda.

2) He has worked with globalist-run governments, foundations and NGOs, including the Ford Foundation.

3) He’s been involved with the Rockefeller-founded/funded United Nations. As his bio states…

“Between 1982–1987, he was a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Delegate at the United Nations in New York. He was involved with the Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations, with the UNISPACE Outer Space Conference (Vienna) and involved with the United Nations Second Special Session on Disarmament.”

4) And he’s been involved in the Rockefeller-founded/funded UFO Disclosure Movement. According to his bio…

“He helped draft the Citizen Hearing in 2000 with Stephen Bassett and serves as a member of the Board of Advisors. Webre is also the congressional coordinator for The Disclosure Project [founded by Steven Greer].”

Information on the Disclosure Movement’s connection with Laurance Rockefeller, who was one of the Special Studies Project architects of the New World Order, can be found in my Extraterrestrials category.

So there you have it: Alfred Lambremont Webre has the resume of a globalist minion, is baffling the awakening community with New Agey BS, and is promoting the Rockefeller-designed BRICS New World Order as a gift from the timeline fairies. What more do you need to see in order to recognize him for what he is?

Webre is just one of a truly overwhelming number of BS artists who are assisting with the NWO rollout, so I’ve got my work cut out for me. The next stop for this train will be “Cobra” and Rob Potter.

[Update 1 – 6 February 2015]

Subtle techniques of mind control

This morning, I received an email from someone trying to do damage control on Alfred Webre’s behalf. Since the points brought up in the email have interesting counterpoints, I thought I might share them with you. For privacy purposes, I’ll paraphrase what the writer said…

> “Alfred’s theories on time travel are based on evidence provided by whistleblowers like Cramer and Basiago.”

I’ve noticed that there are lots of “whistleblowers” running around on the interview and conference circuits. Many of them claim to be offering “beyond top secret” information and openly brag that they’re violating secrecy oaths and contracts to tell us their stories, yet they never go to jail and have no problem boarding planes to attend the various paid conferences (so they’re not even on the No-Fly List). Don’t you find that interesting?

If you want to build a false paradigm in people’s minds, here’s how you do it:

1) You have paid disinformation agents pose as whistleblowers and tell the public tall tales.

2) You have other disinformation agents promote the whistleblowers with interviews and conferences.

3) You have yet other disinformation agents put together all of the “whisleblower testimonies” into books and videos that outline and support the false paradigm.

Do you think any of these three steps is beyond the capacity of the globalist intelligence services? Alfred’s job at SRI was to dream up crap like alternate timelines for Chrissake.

> “Alfred has said many times that he’s suspicious of the BRICS.”

Of that I have no doubt. Have you ever noticed how the information of some alternative media sources is “all over the place”? They offer information that is contradictory and seems to point in every direction, and this creates great confusion in the minds of their followers. In my experience, there are two kinds of people who do this: people who are very confused in their own thinking, and people who are running mind control on their followers. Let me tell you about the latter type…

If you wanted to move people in a certain direction, how would you do it? There are actually many ways, but this is one:

1) You point them in every direction so they become confused and can’t tell which way is north anymore.

2) As you do so, you point them in the direction you want them to go more often than you point them in the other directions.

3) The net result is that people move in the direction you want in a zombie-like state. They are so overwhelmed by conflicting messages that they stop trying to think for themselves and just go with the flow (right into the NWO).

> “Alfred has pointed to one of your articles before on his Facebook page.”

I’ve observed a number of known disinformation sources pointing to my articles before (usually because their followers doggedly pursued them about it), and they typically do one of two things:

1) They feign interest or agreement, but then offer their own subtle commentary to try to tie in what I’m saying to what they’ve been saying, thus moving their followers back onto the narrative they’re selling. Some trolls on the comment boards also use this technique; I call them “sidle-up shills.”

2) They feign interest or agreement, but then go right back to selling their narrative as though nothing had happened.

All this being said, this entry on Albert is not the product of my coming across one bad interview of his. I’ve observed him actively promoting lots of bad information over time, and when I came across the title of this particular interview, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Another reason I chose to bust him with this interview is because it is an interview of him (not an interview in which he is questioning someone else), so it reflects his “personal views” / core talking points. And when you tie his talking points to his background, there can be no confusion about who he is and what he’s doing.

When you finally reach the end of your earthly journey, I want you to remember one thing: Ken loved you so much that he forced himself to listen to an Alfred Lambremont Webre interview for a whole hour. If that’s not commitment to the Truth and to your well being, I don’t know what is. So when you commune with Source and hand out your blessings, remember that I’d like a thousand-year vacation at an exotic island resort, complete with umbrella drinks and a nice woman. 😉

[Update 2 – 6 February 2015]

It’s hard to kick the Kool Aid habit

I visited Jean Haines’ blog this morning to see if she had posted or acknowledged this article. It was due to so often seeing Webre’s information on her site that I chose to do this entry, and I had her and her readers in mind as I wrote it. As it turns out, she did post it, but with this preface…

To address Alfred’s comment, there are a significant number of “whistleblowers” who have “come out” of bankster agencies like the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, the World Bank, SRI, etc. to supposedly tell the truth. Noting this, one has to ask, “Did they really make a break with their employers, or did their employers simply assign them the job of playing the whisleblower?” This is where the concept of the “limited hangout” comes into play…

“A limited hangout, or partial hangout, is a public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in order to prevent a greater exposure of more important details.”

So as “whistleblowers” like Webre come forward and reveal previously hidden information about Cabal operations, they are drawing people’s attention away from the big secret: that the Cabal is behind the BRICS Alliance and is using it to implement the multilateral / multipolar NWO they’ve been planning since World War 2. In fact, not only are the whistleblowers’ efforts drawing our attention away from the Cabal/BRICS connection, they are actually serving to build up the West as villains and the BRICS as heroes.

Remember that the BRICS-fronted New World Order will be presented as a happy solution to all the problems that are being deliberately created by the Western institutions. And when the BRICS heroes get their cue to step up and “save the day,” the evil Western institutions will be either shut down or overhauled and renamed. Phony whistleblower information facilitates this switchover. Since it’s “out with the Old (World Order)” and “in with the New (World Order),” the whistleblowers are bashing the old and promoting the new.

As for Jean standing with Alfred, she did the same thing when I busted Neil Keenan back in July of 2013. Here is the final paragraph from the first entry I wrote on him, Neil Keenan Reveals his Illuminati Ties

“So if you are among those who have not yet seen the Keenan information for what it really is, how much more is it going to take? I realize how difficult it is to admit to being scammed and to give up on something you really, really want to be true. But if you cannot admit to yourself when you’re wrong, you cannot grow. And we need every conscious being we can muster if we are going to bypass the trap the Illuminati have prepared for us.” [Since I encountered the Keenan video I wrote about on Jean’s site, I wrote this paragraph with her in mind.]

I went on to write more articles debunking him and his narrative, and I sent Jean the links in a comment I wrote on her site, but I was rebuffed. She sided with Neil just like she is siding with Alfred now. How long must history repeat itself before we learn from it?

[Update 3 – 6 February 2015]

When in trouble, trot out the straw man

I just saw this little tidbit from Webre on Jean Haines’ site…

The only problem with his argument is that he’s refuting a claim I never made. If you read what I wrote, I first introduced the reader to Tavistock and SRI (including evidence of SRI’s involvement with MKUltra), then I introduced Webre’s involvement with SRI as a futurist (with a passage straight out of his Wikipedia bio). I never made the argument that he was a “futurist with MKUltra.” This little trick he’s pulling is called a straw man argument.

He then tries to distract people with details about the Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study. I guess he’s saying he’s a whistleblower because he promoted the existence of UFOs and ETs back then. But if that makes you a whistleblower, then Laurance Rockefeller, the Jesuits, and the Vatican were/are whistleblowers too. They have been deeply involved in the promotion of UFOs/ETs…

The Vatican is preparing to introduce the Anunnaki to us

Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?

What is Jordan Maxwell’s role in the New World Order rollout?

As for the “misleading projection” allegation, he is doing that with his own comment. Physician, heal thyself.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 13 – The globalist-run “people’s revolution” has begun in Europe

“Let’s get all our Greek cliches in formation…
…It’s time to march the people into another revolution against us.”

If you google “the birthplace of democracy,” this is what you get…
…So Greece is a very symbolically appropriate place to begin a revolution to restore “true democracy,” don’t you think? So does the Central Banking Cabal.

As I’ve said before, if you want to know the truth of what’s going on in the world, pick a person you know is an Establishment propagandist and back-engineer what he says. In my book, there is no better disinfo source to use than Paul Craig Roberts. Before I show you what he said yesterday, though, let me remind you of something I wrote in an old entry…

>>> It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap. <<<

With that in mind, here is Roberts’ latest croaking of doom

“The warning from the EU and Wall Street is clear: ‘Defy us and we will destroy you‘…

Can Greece escape from a situation comparable to the European Dark Ages when populations were ravaged by marauding raiders? Perhaps if Greece realigns with Russia and gains financing from BRICS.”

Bingo! The entire Roberts article portrays the Western banks, the EU, and the US as insane, rapacious thugs from whom the rabbits must flee. And where should the rabbits run? To the BRICS of course.

Let me also remind you of what I said in the last update…

>>> As I’ve shown in previous entries, the globalists seem to be positioning the “right wing dissenters” to take the political stage after the transition. This is symbolically appropriate given the whole Left Hand/Right Hand approach of the “elite.” They use the Left Hand to cause chaos and destruction and the Right Hand to bring about order and construction. <<<

With that in mind, have a look at the new political party which has taken power in Greece this week, Syriza

The Coalition of the Radical Left, known colloquially by its acronym SYRIZA, is a left-wing political party in Greece, originally founded as a coalition of left-wing and radical left parties.”

And what is this party implicitly threatening to do? Bring chaos and destruction to the existing post-WW2 economic and political order in Europe. This will create a vacuum into which “nationalistic” and “independence-minded” right wing parties can flow and bring order and construction (of the New Order).

Let’s see what Roberts says about Syriza in his article…

The party’s intentions and that of its leaders are honest and deserve our respect. Syriza is a people’s party, and that is what marks it for doom. The voice of the people is no longer permitted to affect politics in the Western world. The powerful rich interest groups that rule the West could not care less about the people over whom they rule.”

So here is Roberts telling us that Syriza’s “intentions and that of its leaders are honest and deserve our respect,” which is a sure indicator that the truth is the exact opposite. And he calls Syriza “a people’s party,” which is exactly what the Russian and Chinese communists call themselves. Syriza is “about the people” just as much as the Chinese Communist Party is “about the people” — which is to say “not at all.”

We will never get out of this trap as long as we look to co-opted political parties and globalist-controlled governmental structures as our saviors. Salvation lies in our own two hands, not theirs.

For the previous update in this series, click here. To see all the updates, visit the Globalist Agenda Watch category.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 12 – Don’t be fooled by globalist rebranding

[Update 12 – 25 January 2015]

How would you like a mouthful of Ayds?…
…Probably about as much as you want to be financially ruled by the IMF and the BIS, and the globalists know this.

When I was young, I remember seeing commercials for the weight loss chews pictured above. Their Wikipedia entry tells what happened to them…

“Ayds (pronounced as “aids”) was an appetite-suppressant candy which enjoyed strong sales in the 1970s and early 1980s…

By the mid-1980s, public awareness of the disease AIDS caused problems for the brand due to the phonetic similarity of names. While initially sales were not affected, by 1988 the chair of Dep Corporation announced that the company was seeking a new name because sales had dropped as much as 50% due to publicity about the disease. While the product’s name was changed to Diet Ayds (Aydslim in Britain), it was eventually withdrawn from the market.”

As you can imagine, the public formed negative associations with the name of the product, so the manufacturer recognized the need to change it. The problem was that they didn’t change it enough to get rid of the bad associations. As we head into the public debut of the multilateral / multipolar New World Order, it’s important to note that many of the globalist brands (such as the IMF and the Bank for International Settlements) have also garnered negative associations, so don’t be surprised if they move their offices and change their nameplates when the system resets.

If we look back to the 1988 Economist article “Get ready for the phoenix,” we see that it hints at the replacement of the existing IMF brand with something new…

So what will be the name of the new world central bank? They probably won’t call it “The Illuminati Central Bank” because they’ll want to avoid using words in the name that have bad associations in the public consciousness. Words like “global(ist),” “bank,” “central bank,” “authority,” etc. will likely be omitted and benign-sounding words will be used instead. The name might be “The New Monetary Council” or something along those lines.

As for other globalist entities, the Bank for International Settlements might be renamed something like “The Financial Coordination Council” and the UN’s World Bank might be folded into the BRICS-founded “New Development Bank” (which might explain why they left “BRICS” out of the name). If you think about it, how hard is it for the globalists to take the BIS and World Bank coversheets off of their reports and planning documents and replace them with new FCC and NDB coversheets? Not hard at all.

The replacement of tainted existing brands by fresh new brands extends beyond globalist organizations of course; it includes political figures as well. Many of the leaders people associate with the current crises (the scapegoats) will be swept aside by “heroic” controlled opposition figures who “saw it all coming” and could have prevented it “if only we’d had the power.”

As I’ve shown in previous entries, the globalists seem to be positioning the “right wing dissenters” to take the political stage after the transition. This is symbolically appropriate given the whole Left Hand/Right Hand approach of the “elite.” They use the Left Hand to cause chaos and destruction and the Right Hand to bring about order and construction. It is for this reason that they’ve carefully built-up a public image of foresighted/conscientious dissent for “right wing” figures like Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz. They have also done this for “left-winger” Elizabeth Warren, so she must have some role to play in bringing the “political left” into the fold after the transition.

All this being said, we are heading into the biggest mind f*ck that has ever been foisted upon the human race. The “elite” will be “changing the guard,” so expect them to make a big show of…

> “taking down the wrongdoers” (like they are in China right now). In reality, though, they are not taking down the corrupt; they are merely disposing of those who have outlived their usefulness or who “know where the bodies are buried.”

They might even make a show of scapegoating certain Western “elite” families that have become tainted in the public eye (such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers), but no real harm will come to them. That’s why disinfo agents like David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford tell sob stories about how the Illuminati were abused as children (“so they shouldn’t be blamed for doing things they didn’t really want to do”) and suggest that the Illuminati face “truth and reconciliation commissions” rather than punitive criminal courts. The “elite” don’t mind having some of their Family members wear dark hats and play the fall guy, but they don’t want their Bloodline brethren actually harmed.

> “replacing corrupt institutions” (like I’ve explained in this entry). In reality, though, they’ll simply be moving their operations from one shell to another…

> and “building a fair economic system based on sound money.” In reality, though, you’ll find the asset/commodity backing of the new currencies to be more theoretical than actual, especially when it comes to “elite”-coveted gold.

According to a Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs, a globalist think tank / propaganda center) paper titled Adding Gold into the Valuation of the SDR, these are some methods the banksters might use to keep the gold securely in their hands…
…So good luck trying to trade an SDR or national treasury note for physical gold.

Like I’ve said many times before, any global solution to our problems is a globalist solution. There is no other group of people who have the organization and power to erect a global solution at this time. So no matter what they call the new institutions or who they say are behind them, just look at what the institutions actually do. If they centralize power over your life at the global level, they are your enemies, no matter how nicely they might treat you at first.

And with that, I’ll call it a day. For the previous updates in this series, click here. To see all the updates, visit the Globalist Agenda Watch category.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 8-11 – George Soros, the dollar/renminbi peg, and the “Fed mistake”

[Update 8 – 22 January 2015]

With the globalists sipping champagne and nibbling caviar at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, it’s no surprise to see preparatory propaganda for the coming “Fed mistake” being presented on the 22nd of January…

In this instance, former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers is preparing us for what is to come. According to the Telegraph article

>>> The United States risks a deflationary spiral and a depression-trap that would engulf the world if the Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy too soon, a top panel of experts has warned…

“There is no confident basis for tightening. The Fed should not be fighting against inflation until it sees the whites of its eyes. That is a long way off,” he [Larry Summers] said, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Mr Summers said the world economy is entering treacherous waters as the US expansion enters its seventh year, reaching the typical life-expectancy of recoveries. <<<

So with his remarks, he is establishing an expectation for the end of the “recovery” and for the “mistake” the Fed will make this year. And after establishing that an “epochal deflationary crisis” will come if the Fed tightens money policy “too soon,” Christine Lagarde is then reported saying this…

>>> Mrs Lagarde said the IMF expects the Fed to raise rates in the middle of the year, sooner than markets expect. <<<

In other words, she is expecting the Fed to tighten monetary policy too soon.

The article also quotes Lagarde saying something that is interesting in light of the George Soros interview I’ve been writing about…

>>> “If the US is in a bad place, we are short of any engine at the moment, so I hope you are wrong,” said Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund. <<<

So if the US economic engine stops driving the world economy, which nation will take its place? According to the George Soros FT interview

China will emerge as the motor replacing the US consumer and, of course, it’s a smaller motor because the Chinese economy is much smaller. So the world economy will have less of a motor, so it will move forward slower than it has in the last 25 years. But China will be the engine driving it forward…”

Another thing that Soros mentions in the interview is the effect of China de-pegging the renminbi from the dollar. Given what happened with the Swiss franc and the euro this month, that is something else we should be watching for. Another form the “Fed mistake” could take is doing quantitative easing instead of raising rates, and that could trigger de-pegging like it did in Europe. I’ll cover this in another update.

[Update 9 – 23 January 2015]

Are Netanyahu and the Pope setting up a time window for war?

Two peculiar things I’ve watched pop up in the news are the planned US visits of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Francis, both of whom are to give speeches before joint sessions of Congress this year.

When I first saw news of Netanyahu’s visit, his speech was scheduled for February 11 (2/11), but it has since moved to March 3 (3/3). And the Pope’s arrival in the US is scheduled for September 22 (9/22). These dates suggest that Judeo-Masonic mischief is afoot. But what sort of mischief?

If we look to the public personas of the two, Netanyahu is seen as a war hawk and the Pope as a peace dove, so this suggests we might be looking at a “war window”: two points in time that mark the beginning and end of a period of staged military conflict. According to some news reports, such as this one at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
…the Israelis and Republicans are doing an end-run around Obama which could possibly lead to war. Will the Pope then come to bring peace?

During any other year, I wouldn’t pay much mind to the two visits, but 2015 isn’t going to be like any other year.

I’ll keep an eye on this…

[Update 10 – 24 January 2015]

Congress may be waiting for “Fed Mistake” before passing audit bill

We’re nearing the end of January, and neither the mainstream media nor the Congress have been talking much about the “Audit the Fed” effort. The articles that have been trickling out of the MSM have appeared in local outlets, but they feature wording that’s worth noting. Here’s a snippet from a Raleigh News & Observer piece

“Detractors from both major political parties are preparing legislation to rein in the powers of the Federal Reserve, moves that would test and potentially restrain its independence.

The proposals include ordering a broad audit of the central bank, including its secret policy making, and giving Congress the power to confirm or reject the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, one of the most influential…

Since 1913, the Fed has used closed-door deliberations to conduct monetary policy, raising its benchmark interest rates when the economy gets too hot and inflation is a threat, and cutting them in a bid to spark activity when economic recovery loses steam.”

They are making a point of mentioning that the audit will cover the Fed’s monetary policymaking, which could be a hint that the legislation will be advanced when the Fed makes its big “mistake” with regards to monetary policy.

In the meantime, Sputnik (a newly branded Russian government propaganda outlet), is promoting Ron Paul and the endgame of the Fed audit maneuver
…May God bless our elite-sponsored “hero,” Ron Paul. 🙂

[Update 11 – 24 January 2015]

George Soros, the dollar/renminbi peg, and the “Fed mistake”

So far this month, we have seen lots of drama coming out of the central banks. And amidst this drama, three notable precedents have emerged…

1) Central banks are making abrupt, market-shocking changes in policy direction.

As noted in Update 4, we have seen this in Switzerland, and we’ve also now seen it in Canada. If you haven’t heard what Canada did, have a look at this Economist article

THE Bank of Canada does not like to surprise the markets and usually signals changes to its benchmark interest rate well in advance. But on January 21st markets were shocked by the bank’s decision to drop the target for the overnight rate from 1% to just 0.75%.”

2) Central banks are lowering interest rates and doing quantitative easing.

Canada lowered its rate and the European Central Bank announced a 60 billion euro per month bond buying program.

3) A central bank has removed a currency peg.

The Swiss de-pegged their franc from the euro using the ECB’s anticipated quantitative easing as an excuse.

Looking at these three precedents, let’s have another look at the anticipated “Fed mistake.” So far, the expectation has been that it would take the form of the Fed raising their interest rates too soon and/or too much. But what would happen if they instead followed the precedents set by the other central banks?

Before answering this question, let’s look back at what George Soros said about the dollar and China’s renminbi back in 2009 (for more information on this interview, see George Soros and the elite’s China-fronted New World Order)…

From here: “Well, certainly a decline in the value of the dollar is necessary in order to compensate for the fact that the US economy will remain rather weak — will be a drag on the global economy.”

From here: “And basically the renminbi is permanently undervalued because it’s tied to the dollar.”

From here: “As long as the renminbi is tied to the dollar, I don’t see how the decline in the dollar can go too far.”

From here: Interviewer – “Do you think it’s possible to persuade China to allow the renminbi to become stronger?”

Soros – “I think that they would be… they have been agitating for it, so I would take them at their word…”

(Keep in mind that the Chinese are attempting to transition from an export-based economy to one based on domestic consumption, so an increase in the renminbi’s value would help with that.)

What Soros is implying with his statements is that the renminbi is like a helium balloon that naturally wants to go up (because of the “strength” of the Chinese economy and China’s vast commodity assets), and the dollar is like a weight that naturally wants to go down (because of the “weakness” of the US economy and the dollar’s diminishing use as the world’s reserve currency). So as long as the two currencies are tied together by the Chinese government’s dollar peg policy, the renminbi is weighed down by the dollar and the dollar is held up by the renminbi. If you untie the two, the balloon will rise and the weight will fall.

Now imagine this…

After making a big show of supposedly tapering and then stopping its quantitative easing, and after getting all the markets to expect an interest rate increase sometime in 2015, the Fed instead does the exact opposite and restarts QE (they would do this under the pretext that the QE from all the other central banks is making the dollar too strong and exports too expensive, thus threatening the US “recovery”). The Chinese, in turn, could use such a Fed move as the pretext for de-pegging their currency like the Swiss did. This could cause an abrupt dollar/renminbi currency move which could be greatly exacerbated if the Chinese also did one or both of the following:

1) Announce that in addition to depegging, they will start moving towards a gold backing for the renminbi.

2) Begin unloading large quantities of their US Treasury bonds using the excuse that the Fed is irresponsibly inflating away the value of China’s dollar holdings.

The ensuing currency shock could then give rise to a “multilateral solution” through the IMF.

This leaves us with three candidates for the “Fed mistake”…

1) The Fed goes against the flow of the other central banks and raises interest rates too much / too soon, thus causing a shock in the markets.

2) The Fed goes with the flow of the other central banks by reversing course and reinstituting QE, thus causing the Chinese to abandon their dollar peg.

3) The Fed does nothing, and after the speculative bubbles burst and sink the system, they get blamed for letting the bubbles grow too large on account of their too loose, too long monetary policy.

Get out the popcorn. This should be fun to watch.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

The BRICS were the brainchild of Goldman Sachs

A commenter over on has brought the following summary article to my attention: The BRICS and the International Development System: Challenge and Convergence? from the Institute of Development Studies, a UK think tank. Here is an excerpt…

“The ‘BRICs’ acronym, in its most common usage, derives from a report to investors by Goldman Sachs’ analyst Jim O’Neill, signalling the new dynamic that four large countries; Brazil, Russia, India and China, were bringing to the global economy at the beginning of the new millennium.

A conclusion advanced in the Goldman Sachs report was that the BRICs should be included in the G7 as their macroeconomic significance increased in the decade to come.”

The “at the beginning of the new millennium” part must be why the globalists launched the G20 on the eve of the new millennium (the inaugural meeting was in December 1999). They brought the BRICS into the global governance system even before the actual alliance began to form in 2006 — even before the term “BRIC” was coined in 2001.

After looking into all this, I found the PDF of the 2001 O’Neill report on the Goldman Sachs website. It was through this report that the public was introduced to the BRIC concept…
…Here is what’s on the first page…

So Goldman Sachs’ Head of Global Economics Research originated the BRIC idea, and five years later, the four nations began to meet with each other. See George Soros and the elite’s China-fronted New World Order for more details on how the BRICS got started and how the G7 was superseded by the G20 in accordance with the recommendation offered in the Goldman Sachs paper.

Here is another excerpt from the Institute of Development Studies article…

“We look at this BRICS Summit process as part of the broadening of the global governance system created following the Second World War, in which United States (US) leadership and hegemony has been a vital element…”

And who are the ones behind “the global governance system created following the Second World War”? For the answer, have a look at China’s complicity in building the Rockefeller New World Order, in their own words, which gives a quick overview of the UN Complex and the Rockefellers’ role in helping create it.

And to see why “US leadership and hegemony” has been a “vital element” in broadening the global governance system, have a look at The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words, which shows how the globalists planned to lead the US into national suicide in order to give rise to the New World Order.

Much love…

George Soros and the elite’s China-fronted New World Order (Updates 1-3 – The BRICS were the brainchild of Goldman Sachs)

Behold the engine that is driving humanity into the New World Order, the G20…
…This picture was taken during their first summit, “The G-20 Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy,” which was held in Washington, D.C. two months after the Lehman Shock in 2008.

Almost a year later, FT conducted an interview of George Soros in which he subtly laid out the banksters’ post-crisis plan for ushering in the NWO. When a reader first passed me a link to the interview, though, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought it might be faked, so I did some checking on its authenticity and found out it was actually real. Here was George Soros — who is unquestionably a Western elitist even in the eyes of the most ardent Kool Aid drinker — speaking of using China to bring in the New World Order. But it just goes to show that the banksters have never really hidden what they’re doing; they just reveal it in dry interviews and insufferably bland policy papers while the public is distracted by an emotionally charged, easily understood “good guy” versus “bad guy” fairy tale.

According to this fairy tale, which is offered by both the mainstream media outlets and the overwhelming majority of alternative media sources, the US is in conflict with Russia, and a determined band of freedom fighting nations (the BRICS) are on a quest to free themselves from the evils of Western imperialism once and for all. Well isn’t that precious? It’s also a load of childish bullsh*t.

In reality, both the Western powers and the BRICS nations are working closely together through the G20 to bring in the Central Banking Cabal’s New World Order. Here are the nations of the G20 (the 20th “nation” is the EU), with the core Western powers circled in blue and the BRICS circled in red…
g20 members
…Once their plans come to culmination, the world will be ruled by a multilateral / multipolar financial and political order that will feature China as the most prominent nation, supplanting the United States. But don’t take my word on this; take it straight from the gefilte fish-eating horse’s mouth…

Starting at the 9:26 mark of this video and continuing on into the second part, George Soros tells us why the globalists used China to bring in the NWO…

>>> I think this would be the time, because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order — financial world order. They are kind of reluctant members of the IMF. They play along, but they don’t make much of a contribution because it’s not their institution. Their share is not commeasurate — their voting rights are not commeasurate — to their weight. So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order, and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies. <<<

So he is saying that the way to bring the Chinese into the NWO is to have them help create it and to give them “ownership” of it. This is not a new idea, of course, since the Rockefellers hinted at this strategy back in 1961 in their NWO blueprint book Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports
…(from page 75) This is the entry I wrote about the book: The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words.

I also wrote about the globalists’ China strategy and their use of a dialectic problem / reaction / solution scenario in an entry titled David Wilcock and the Real NWO, Part 2 of 2

>>> Problem – The evil Western power elite are out to steal everything and kill everybody!!! (The engineered truth movement has ensured that we got this message loud and clear.)

Reaction – People are both angry and fearful, and are longing to end the old system and start something new.

Solution – The angelic BRICS power elite swoop in on white unicorns to save the day and give us a new financial system and all the money people need. (The false-light crowd has ensured that we’ll look at our “saviors” in this light.)

Pondering this problem / reaction / solution scenario begs the question…

Why China? Why would the Illuminati, whose home base is in Western Europe, have the Chinese front the public face of their New World Order?

A clue to their motivations and strategy can be found in this article, titled “Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati.” In it, the author states…

“The Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace their place in the NWO if they believed they were in control.”

The Chinese have suffered greatly at the hands of Western imperialism, as has much of the world. As a result, the Illuminati would have trouble roping many nations into a Western-led New World Order, especially the nationalistic Chinese. Since you can’t have a truly global order without the most populous nation on Earth, the Illuminati opted to use their own legacy of destruction to their advantage. Their two-part strategy to do so is as follows:

1 – They set up a China-centered alliance as an opposing force to the Western alliance.
This part of the strategy was hinted at in the mainstream press in this 2002 UPI article, titled “China Wants Its Own ‘New World Order’ To Oppose US Version.” It is common practice for the Cabal to use opposing forces to achieve their ends, and they always make sure they have influence or control over both sides.

2 – They have been driving the world public into the hands of the Chinese alliance.
How have they approached this, you ask?

> They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies (thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another).

> They have instigated outrageous and provocative action, both economic and military, by the Western powers (this adds a new insight into the open-for-all-to-see Wall Street / City of London criminality and recent Western military boondoggles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Syria).

> They have broadly exposed damaging information about Western nations, especially the US. This is the motivation behind WikiLeaks, Snowden, and a thousand smaller disclosures. And after Snowden outed the NSA’s activities to the general public, where did he run to hide? First to China (Hong Kong), then to Russia. So what is the psychological message? China and Russia (the BRICS alliance) is where you run for safety from the evil US, its Western allies, and all their horrible behavior.

It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap. <<<

Soros’ admissions effectively confirm all this. And if we look again at Prospect for America, it confirms this viewpoint as well. On page 60, it says this…

So the globalists, recognizing the resolve of the peoples of the world to “emerge rapidly and conclusively from the era of colonialism,” have graciously provided them with a mechanism to do so: the BRICS alliance. And when the G20-connected BRICS emerge as victors over the “insane” G20-connected Western powers, the peoples’ longsuffering desire will find satisfaction. They will finally be free from the uncomfortable grip of the banksters’ Left Hand so they can rest more comfortably in the snug embrace of the banksters’ Right Hand. Ain’t freedom grand?

[Update 1 – 21 January 2015]

Due to the complexity of this part of the entry, I’ll do an individual update for each section till the interview has been thoroughly covered. Expect frequent updates…

Soros points to the makings of the New World Order in the G20

From the 0:12 mark of the second video: “So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order, and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies. I think the makings of it are already there because the G20, in agreeing to peer reviews, effectively is moving in that direction.”

In the last sentence, Soros points to the makings of the New World Order being in the G20. And when he refers to them agreeing to peer reviews, he is talking about agreements reached at the second G20 Summit in September 2009 (a month before his interview with FT). According to the New York Times

Later in the article, it goes on to say this…

>>> The ideas are not new, and there is no enforcement mechanism to penalize countries if they stick to their old habits. But for the first time ever, each country agreed to submit its policies to a “peer review” from the other governments as well as to monitoring by the International Monetary Fund. <<<

So here you have it: both “rich countries” (the West) and “fast-growing powerhouses” (the East) agreeing to a “far-reaching effort to revamp the economic system” and to oversight by the globalist-run International Monetary Fund (which is part of the United Nations complex). In other words, they agreed to join together to create the New World Order.

[Update 2 – 21 January 2014]

More on the G20 and the BRICS

Now that George Soros has told us that the G20 is an aspect of the nascent New World Order, let’s get to know the organization a little better. We’ll begin with Wikipedia (with my comments interjected as needed)…

>>> The Group of Twenty (also known as the G-20 or G20) is an international forum for the governments and central bank governors from 20 major economies. The members, shown highlighted on the map at right, include 19 individual countries—Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States—along with the European Union (EU). The EU is represented by the European Commission and by the European Central Bank.

The G-20 was founded in 1999 with the aim of studying, reviewing, and promoting high-level discussion of policy issues pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability. It seeks to address issues that go beyond the responsibilities of any one organization. Collectively, the G-20 economies account for around 85% of the gross world product (GWP), 80% of world trade (or, if excluding EU intra-trade, 75%), and two-thirds of the world population. The G-20 heads of government or heads of state have periodically conferred at summits since their initial meeting in 2008.

With the G-20 growing in stature after the 2008 Washington summit, its leaders announced on 25 September 2009, that the group would replace the G8 as the main economic council of wealthy nations. <<<

Take special note of the last passage. The G20 took over the G8’s role as the main globalist economic council back in 2009…

With this in mind, have a look at this CNN article titled U.S., other powers kick Russia out of G8

So when Russia was kicked out of the G8 in early 2014 (supposedly over the staged conflict in Ukraine), it was a purely symbolic gesture designed to give some semblance of reality to the phony East versus West dialectic. The (now) G7 is just a sideshow; the real action takes place in the G20 (to which Russia still belongs).

Continuing on

>>> The G-20 is the latest in a series of post-World War II initiatives aimed at international coordination of economic policy, which include institutions such as the “Bretton Woods twins”, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and what is now the World Trade Organization. The G-20 superseded the G33 (which had itself superseded the G22), and was foreshadowed at the Cologne Summit of the G7 in June 1999, but was only formally established at the G7 Finance Ministers’ meeting on 26 September 1999. The inaugural meeting took place on 15–16 December 1999 in Berlin. Canadian finance minister Paul Martin was chosen to be the first chairman and German finance minister Hans Eichel hosted the inaugural meeting.

According to researchers at the Brookings Institution, the group was founded primarily at the initiative of Eichel, who was also concurrently chair of the G7. However, some sources identify the G-20 as a joint creation of Germany and the United States. According to University of Toronto professor John Kirton, the membership of the G-20 was decided by Eichel’s deputy Caio Koch-Weser and then US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers’ deputy Timothy Geithner. In Kirton’s book G20 Governance for a Globalised World, he claims that:

“Geithner and Koch-Weser went down the list of countries saying, Canada in, Spain out, South Africa in, Nigeria and Egypt out, and so on; they sent their list to the other G7 finance ministries; and the invitations to the first meeting went out.”

Though the G-20’s primary focus is global economic governance, the themes of its summits vary from year to year… <<<

Isn’t it interesting that the G20’s inaugural meeting took place on the eve of the new millennium? And after the globalists triggered the 2008 financial crisis, they raised the G20’s stature by beginning to hold summit meetings

>>> The G-20 Summit was created as a response both to the financial crisis of 2007–2010 and to a growing recognition that key emerging countries were not adequately included in the core of global economic discussion and governance. <<<

The Wikipedia entry also mentions the role of the Asian countries

>>> A 2011 report released by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) predicted that large Asian economies such as China and India would play a more important role in global economic governance in the future. The report claimed that the rise of emerging market economies heralded a new world order, in which the G-20 would become the global economic steering committee. The ADB furthermore noted that Asian countries had led the global recovery following the late-2000s recession. It predicted that the region would have a greater presence on the global stage, shaping the G-20’s agenda for balanced and sustainable growth through strengthening intraregional trade and stimulating domestic demand. <<<

Putting all this together, we see that the Western nations haven’t been trying to keep the Eastern nations out of the New World Order; they have been enthusiastically inviting them in. And once they were all in league with each other, they turned their attention to herding the public into accepting the NWO. This is why they formed the BRICS alliance. But don’t take my word for it; look at what the Russian President’s Office has to say about it
…Here is the full text of the page (with my comments interjected)…

>>> Cooperation within BRIC

BRIC is a loose group of countries including Brazil, Russia, India and China, the largest economic growth and political influence centres among emerging economies. These countries have a substantial integration potential in their respective regions <<<

Consider what they mean when they say “substantial integration potential in their respective regions.” As I pointed out in the article on Prospect for America, the New World Order the Rockefellers and their fellow “elite” have planned is one based on regional groupings of nations…

Now think about the continents of the world:

In North America, the globalists have the US to lead the integration effort;
in Europe, they have the EU to lead the integration.

Now let’s add the BRICS…

In Eurasia (the middle part of the Europe/Asia landmass), they have Russia to lead the integration;
in Asia, they have China and India to lead the integration;
in South America, they have Brazil to lead the integration;
in Africa, they have South Africa to lead the integration.

It all fits in with the UN plan. Continuing on…

>>> The global problems of international terrorism and multinational crime, environmental degradation and climate change, plus food and energy security cannot be effectively solved without the involvement of the BRIC countries. <<<

Note how the Russian government is talking about terrorism and climate change as if they were real phenomena that weren’t purposefully stirred up / fabricated by the “elite.” In this, they are following the globalist problem / reaction / solution template.

>>> BRIC partnership is becoming increasingly important amid the global economic and financial downturn, when the four countries should coordinate their efforts with the international community to weather the crisis on global financial markets and reform the world financial system.

Political dialogue within the BRIC format began in New York in September 2006, when their foreign ministers conferred during the 61st UN General Assembly. <<<

So the BRICS started in the UN. No surprise there.

>>> Since then, the BRIC foreign ministers have met four times, including at a full-scale meeting in Yekaterinburg on May 16, 2008. The joint statement adopted as a result of the latter meeting formulated common approaches to crucial issues on the international agenda. <<<

So they got together for a full-scale meeting just months before the Lehman Shock in September 2008. Interesting timing. I will show you their joint statement after we finish with this one.

>>> Ties between the BRIC foreign ministers were completed by the meetings between their finance ministers in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on November 7, 2008 and in London on March 13, 2009. The finance ministers adopted joint statements on their meetings, which reflected common views of global economic problems, including the reasons for and ways to weather the global financial crisis.

At the initiative of Russia, the four leaders had a short meeting on July 9, 2008, during the G8 summit in Japan, to agree on drafting a full-scale BRIC summit. <<<

So they made plans for a full-scale summit just two months before Lehman.

>>> Official contacts in the BRIC format have been buttressed by interaction between the respective regional authorities and public organisations.

Russia would like the cooperation between the BRIC countries to become a major factor of multilateral diplomacy and to make a substantial contribution to promoting the nascent multipolarity and development of collective leadership by the world’s leading countries. <<<

Could this last statement be any more New World Orderish? But don’t take just the Russians’ word for it; have a look at what all the BRIC nations said after their Yekaterinburg meeting in 2008 (with my comments interjected)…

>>> The Joint Communique of the Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the Federative Republic of Brazil

The Foreign Ministers of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) held their meeting in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on May 16, 2008.

The Ministers emphasized that the BRIC dialogue is based on mutual trust and respect, common interests, identical or similar views on pressing problems of global development and has bright prospects.

The Ministers agreed that building a more democratic international system founded on the rule of law and multilateralism is an imperative of our time. They pledged to work together and with other states to strengthen international security and stability and ensure equal opportunities for development to all countries.

The Ministers reiterated that today’s world order should be based on the rule of international laws and the strengthening of multilateralism with the United Nations playing the central role. <<<

Wouldn’t you know it, the BRIC nations called for a multilateral world order “with the United Nations playing the central role.” This is exactly as the Rockefellers designed it back in the 50’s…
…from page 26 of Prospect for America, and the following is from page 35…
…Now to continue with the communique…

>>> They reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN with a view to making it more efficient so that it can deal with the current global challenges more effectively. The Ministers of Russia and China reiterated that their countries attach importance to the status of India and Brazil in international affairs, and understand and support India’s and Brazil’s aspirations to play a greater role in the United Nations. <<<

Here they are talking about the “governance reforms” we’ve heard so much about in the past few years. Once the BRICS “heroes” take down the Western scapegoats, the globalists will make a big show of overhauling the UN Complex, including the IMF. They’ll do it to make it appear that “things really are changing.”

>>> The Ministers noted that sustainable development of global economy in the long-term as well as finding solutions to the acute global problems of our time, such as poverty, hunger and diseases are only possible if due account is taken of the interests of all nations and within a just global economic system. Among other issues they discussed the current global food crisis. The Foreign Ministers of Russia, India and China welcomed the initiative of Brazil to organize a meeting of economy and/or finance ministers of the BRIC countries to discuss global economic and financial issues.

The Ministers expressed their strong commitment to multilateral diplomacy in dealing with common challenges to international security. They reiterated their support for political and diplomatic efforts to peacefully resolve disputes in international relations. A cooperative approach to international security is required that takes into account the concerns of all and addresses them in a spirit of dialogue and understanding. The Ministers emphasized that disarmament and non-proliferation are mutually reinforcing. They also agreed on the need for multilateral efforts to prevent an arms race in the outer space.

The Ministers unequivocally condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, committed for whatever purposes. They reiterated that terrorism constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that the international community should take necessary steps to enhance cooperation to prevent and combat terrorism. They particularly highlighted the importance of the UN cooperation framework and the need for all member states to implement international conventions of the United Nations and UN Security Council resolutions on fighting terrorism.

The Ministers emphasized the importance of the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in all its aspects and expressed their opinion that all member states should make concerted efforts towards expeditious finalization of a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism at the UN. <<<

So according to the BRIC nations, what is the solution for globalist organized and funded terrorism? Implementing the policies of the globalist UN of course.

>>> The Ministers noticed a close interconnection between energy security, socio-economic development and environmental protection. They reaffirmed their commitment to the multilateral efforts aimed at reaching an optimum balance of interests between producers, transit states and consumers of energy resources. In this respect the parties emphasized the need for supporting energy programmes, such as programmes to increase access to energy, energy efficiency as well as the development and use of new and renewable sources of energy, including biofuels, which are compatible with sustainable development.

The Ministers spoke in favour of strengthening international cooperation to address climate change in the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. They expressed their desire to work closely together in order to carry out the Bali Action Plan. <<<

Here the BRIC nations are promoting the concept of human-induced global warming just like the carbon traders want.

>>> The Ministers spoke in favour of intensifying the dialogue to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, primarily the Millennium Development Goals [of the UN], on the basis of global partnership for development. They supported international efforts to combat hunger and poverty… [and so on…] <<<

As you can see from their own words, the BRICS are helping to bring about a UN-led New World Order. So if you are one of those who are still holding on to the illusion that they are your saviors coming to rescue you, what’s it going to take to wake you up? Should I beg?

Pretty please…
With sugar on top…

[Update 3 – 22 January 2014]

The BRICS were the brainchild of Goldman Sachs

This update can be found in this new article.

I send you my love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 4-7 – George Soros openly talks of collusion with China in building the New World Order & Paul Craig Roberts confirms Le Pen, Farage, and Paul are controlled opposition

[Update 4 – 15 January 2015]

The Swiss National Bank and the “Fed Mistake”


If you’ve visited Zero Hedge this morning, you’ll know that the Swiss National Bank has made some sudden, unexpected changes in policy that have roiled the currency exchange markets as well as the Swiss export and tourism industries.

As this article notes…

“Just before lunch local time, the Swiss National Bank took on virtually every single macro hedge fund, the vast majority of which were short the Swiss Franc and crushed them, when it announced, first, that it would go further into NIRP, pushing its interest rate on deposit balances even more negative from -0.25% to -0.75%, a move which in itself would have been unprecedented and, second, announcing that the 1.20 EURCHF floor it had instituted in September 2011, the day gold hit its all time nominal high, was no more.”

Also mentioned is this outcome of the policy changes…

“However, the best soundbites today will surely come from US hedge funds which are just waking up to the biggest FX shock in years, and of course, any retail investors who may have been long the EURCHF, and who are not only facing epic margin calls, but are unable to cover their positions…”

So here we have yet another example of the Central Banking Cabal ripping off retail investors while simultaneously creating problems that can “only be solved by giving the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) more power over national central banks.” You can be certain that the central banksters and their traders were on the profitable side of the market moves this morning, because they, of course, knew what was coming. The international financial markets have never been anything but a rigged casino designed to extract wealth from the masses.

Another article notes the supposed cause of the SNB’s “shocking” changes…

“Removing the SNB peg takes out one of the biggest EUR buyers in the market. And of course, VERY notable this is happening 1-week ahead of the ECB, they possibly realised they could not continue to buy unlimited quantities when the ECB might print unlimited quantities.”

So the SNB’s actions are supposedly a preemptive measure against the expectation that the European Central Bank will print more money. This, then, is a case of market turmoil created by national central banks working at cross-purposes, which is exactly what the BIS is using as justification for centralized supranational control.

Yet another article shows this…

>>> From January 12, 2015:

    The Swiss National Bank’s cap on the franc at 1.20 per euro will remain its key monetary policy tool, the central bank’s vice-chairman said in a television interview broadcast on Monday. “We took stock of the situation less than a month ago, we looked again at all the parameters and we are convinced that the minimum exchange rate must remain the cornerstone of our monetary policy,” Jean-Pierre Danthine told RTS.

From January 15, 2015:

    Recently, divergences between the monetary policies of the major currency areas [translation: “national central banks working at cross-purposes”] have increased significantly – a trend that is likely to become even more pronounced. The euro has depreciated considerably against the US dollar and this, in turn, has caused the Swiss franc to weaken against the US dollar. In these circumstances, the SNB concluded that enforcing and maintaining the minimum exchange rate for the Swiss franc against the euro is no longer justified. <<<

So in just a few days, the SNB completely changed direction. This sets the stage for the Fed to do the same thing…

[Update 5 – 15 January 2015]

Enter Hyperbole

According to this USA Today article

So what’s the solution? Wouldn’t you know it…

>>> What’s the Fed to do? George Selgin, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, is against any delay in the U.S. raising interest rates. Delaying, he warns, could lead to another asset price bubble that could pop and make a mess. David Wessel, director of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings, says that getting the timing of the rate hike right is one “really tricky” issue to keep Yellen awake at night. It’s an art, not a science, and easy to mess up. Too early and recovery could be choked off. Too late and inflation could sap the Fed’s credibility. <<<

Needless to say, the Fed will get it wrong.

[Update 6 – 15 January 2015]

George Soros openly talks of collusion with China in building the New World Order

A reader has brought to my attention a 2009 FT interview of George Soros. At the 12 second mark
…he drops this bomb…

“…So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order…”

I’ve scanned both parts of the interview (here is Part 1), and they are chock full of reality checks for those who have bought-in to the East/West dialectic. I will be mining it for quotes and publishing a full article on its implications as soon as possible.

[Update 7 – 16 January 2015]

Paul Craig Roberts confirms Le Pen, Farage, and Paul are controlled opposition

The great thing about globalist disinfo agents is that once you identify them, they become a great source of insight into what the globalist agenda actually is. Whatever they are selling is what the globalists want sold, and whatever they are bashing is what the globalists want bashed. Discerning the underlying agenda then becomes child’s play.

Paul Craig Roberts is one such disinfo agent, and he is on the globalists’ “Team BRICS.” Team BRICS media agents are tasked with pointing out the (deliberately) insane policies of the US and the West and/or pointing out the hope offered by “freedom fighting” China and the East. Roberts is a particularly shrill propagandist who assails “insane” American policy.

On top of the clear propaganda signature offered by his writings and interviews, he makes a point of displaying the “Hidden Hand” gang sign of the “elite” on his webpage

All this triggers “Ken’s Rule for Discerning Globalists”…

If it quacks like a dialectic propagandist, looks like a Hidden Hand, and smells like a vinegary fish, it’s a globalist douchebag.

Now have a look at what Roberts said in this King World News interview

His promotion of “dissenters” like Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, and (by extension) Ron Paul tells us that the globalists want them promoted, just like I noted in these two entries…

Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags (and the real agenda behind the Paris attacks)

The Paris Attacks, Marine Le Pen and Ron Paul

And don’t be confused if these “dissenters” break up the EU. Just remember the quote attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” This concept extends to the global level as well. Once the globalists have locked the nations into the SDR-based, Chinese “owned” (as Soros puts it) multilateral/multipolar New Financial Order, they no longer have to hold together fragile combinations like the EU. New multilateral regional and functional institutions can rise from the ashes of the EU. Once the centralized money power has been secured, the rest is academic.

For the first three installments of this series, click here.