Category Archives: Globalist Agenda Watch 2015

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 8-11 – George Soros, the dollar/renminbi peg, and the “Fed mistake”

[Update 8 – 22 January 2015]

With the globalists sipping champagne and nibbling caviar at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, it’s no surprise to see preparatory propaganda for the coming “Fed mistake” being presented on the 22nd of January…

In this instance, former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers is preparing us for what is to come. According to the Telegraph article

>>> The United States risks a deflationary spiral and a depression-trap that would engulf the world if the Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy too soon, a top panel of experts has warned…

“There is no confident basis for tightening. The Fed should not be fighting against inflation until it sees the whites of its eyes. That is a long way off,” he [Larry Summers] said, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Mr Summers said the world economy is entering treacherous waters as the US expansion enters its seventh year, reaching the typical life-expectancy of recoveries. <<<

So with his remarks, he is establishing an expectation for the end of the “recovery” and for the “mistake” the Fed will make this year. And after establishing that an “epochal deflationary crisis” will come if the Fed tightens money policy “too soon,” Christine Lagarde is then reported saying this…

>>> Mrs Lagarde said the IMF expects the Fed to raise rates in the middle of the year, sooner than markets expect. <<<

In other words, she is expecting the Fed to tighten monetary policy too soon.

The article also quotes Lagarde saying something that is interesting in light of the George Soros interview I’ve been writing about…

>>> “If the US is in a bad place, we are short of any engine at the moment, so I hope you are wrong,” said Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund. <<<

So if the US economic engine stops driving the world economy, which nation will take its place? According to the George Soros FT interview

China will emerge as the motor replacing the US consumer and, of course, it’s a smaller motor because the Chinese economy is much smaller. So the world economy will have less of a motor, so it will move forward slower than it has in the last 25 years. But China will be the engine driving it forward…”

Another thing that Soros mentions in the interview is the effect of China de-pegging the renminbi from the dollar. Given what happened with the Swiss franc and the euro this month, that is something else we should be watching for. Another form the “Fed mistake” could take is doing quantitative easing instead of raising rates, and that could trigger de-pegging like it did in Europe. I’ll cover this in another update.

[Update 9 – 23 January 2015]

Are Netanyahu and the Pope setting up a time window for war?

Two peculiar things I’ve watched pop up in the news are the planned US visits of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Francis, both of whom are to give speeches before joint sessions of Congress this year.

When I first saw news of Netanyahu’s visit, his speech was scheduled for February 11 (2/11), but it has since moved to March 3 (3/3). And the Pope’s arrival in the US is scheduled for September 22 (9/22). These dates suggest that Judeo-Masonic mischief is afoot. But what sort of mischief?

If we look to the public personas of the two, Netanyahu is seen as a war hawk and the Pope as a peace dove, so this suggests we might be looking at a “war window”: two points in time that mark the beginning and end of a period of staged military conflict. According to some news reports, such as this one at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
…the Israelis and Republicans are doing an end-run around Obama which could possibly lead to war. Will the Pope then come to bring peace?

During any other year, I wouldn’t pay much mind to the two visits, but 2015 isn’t going to be like any other year.

I’ll keep an eye on this…

[Update 10 – 24 January 2015]

Congress may be waiting for “Fed Mistake” before passing audit bill

We’re nearing the end of January, and neither the mainstream media nor the Congress have been talking much about the “Audit the Fed” effort. The articles that have been trickling out of the MSM have appeared in local outlets, but they feature wording that’s worth noting. Here’s a snippet from a Raleigh News & Observer piece

“Detractors from both major political parties are preparing legislation to rein in the powers of the Federal Reserve, moves that would test and potentially restrain its independence.

The proposals include ordering a broad audit of the central bank, including its secret policy making, and giving Congress the power to confirm or reject the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, one of the most influential…

Since 1913, the Fed has used closed-door deliberations to conduct monetary policy, raising its benchmark interest rates when the economy gets too hot and inflation is a threat, and cutting them in a bid to spark activity when economic recovery loses steam.”

They are making a point of mentioning that the audit will cover the Fed’s monetary policymaking, which could be a hint that the legislation will be advanced when the Fed makes its big “mistake” with regards to monetary policy.

In the meantime, Sputnik (a newly branded Russian government propaganda outlet), is promoting Ron Paul and the endgame of the Fed audit maneuver
…May God bless our elite-sponsored “hero,” Ron Paul. 🙂

[Update 11 – 24 January 2015]

George Soros, the dollar/renminbi peg, and the “Fed mistake”

So far this month, we have seen lots of drama coming out of the central banks. And amidst this drama, three notable precedents have emerged…

1) Central banks are making abrupt, market-shocking changes in policy direction.

As noted in Update 4, we have seen this in Switzerland, and we’ve also now seen it in Canada. If you haven’t heard what Canada did, have a look at this Economist article

THE Bank of Canada does not like to surprise the markets and usually signals changes to its benchmark interest rate well in advance. But on January 21st markets were shocked by the bank’s decision to drop the target for the overnight rate from 1% to just 0.75%.”

2) Central banks are lowering interest rates and doing quantitative easing.

Canada lowered its rate and the European Central Bank announced a 60 billion euro per month bond buying program.

3) A central bank has removed a currency peg.

The Swiss de-pegged their franc from the euro using the ECB’s anticipated quantitative easing as an excuse.

Looking at these three precedents, let’s have another look at the anticipated “Fed mistake.” So far, the expectation has been that it would take the form of the Fed raising their interest rates too soon and/or too much. But what would happen if they instead followed the precedents set by the other central banks?

Before answering this question, let’s look back at what George Soros said about the dollar and China’s renminbi back in 2009 (for more information on this interview, see George Soros and the elite’s China-fronted New World Order)…

From here: “Well, certainly a decline in the value of the dollar is necessary in order to compensate for the fact that the US economy will remain rather weak — will be a drag on the global economy.”

From here: “And basically the renminbi is permanently undervalued because it’s tied to the dollar.”

From here: “As long as the renminbi is tied to the dollar, I don’t see how the decline in the dollar can go too far.”

From here: Interviewer – “Do you think it’s possible to persuade China to allow the renminbi to become stronger?”

Soros – “I think that they would be… they have been agitating for it, so I would take them at their word…”

(Keep in mind that the Chinese are attempting to transition from an export-based economy to one based on domestic consumption, so an increase in the renminbi’s value would help with that.)

What Soros is implying with his statements is that the renminbi is like a helium balloon that naturally wants to go up (because of the “strength” of the Chinese economy and China’s vast commodity assets), and the dollar is like a weight that naturally wants to go down (because of the “weakness” of the US economy and the dollar’s diminishing use as the world’s reserve currency). So as long as the two currencies are tied together by the Chinese government’s dollar peg policy, the renminbi is weighed down by the dollar and the dollar is held up by the renminbi. If you untie the two, the balloon will rise and the weight will fall.

Now imagine this…

After making a big show of supposedly tapering and then stopping its quantitative easing, and after getting all the markets to expect an interest rate increase sometime in 2015, the Fed instead does the exact opposite and restarts QE (they would do this under the pretext that the QE from all the other central banks is making the dollar too strong and exports too expensive, thus threatening the US “recovery”). The Chinese, in turn, could use such a Fed move as the pretext for de-pegging their currency like the Swiss did. This could cause an abrupt dollar/renminbi currency move which could be greatly exacerbated if the Chinese also did one or both of the following:

1) Announce that in addition to depegging, they will start moving towards a gold backing for the renminbi.

2) Begin unloading large quantities of their US Treasury bonds using the excuse that the Fed is irresponsibly inflating away the value of China’s dollar holdings.

The ensuing currency shock could then give rise to a “multilateral solution” through the IMF.

This leaves us with three candidates for the “Fed mistake”…

1) The Fed goes against the flow of the other central banks and raises interest rates too much / too soon, thus causing a shock in the markets.

2) The Fed goes with the flow of the other central banks by reversing course and reinstituting QE, thus causing the Chinese to abandon their dollar peg.

3) The Fed does nothing, and after the speculative bubbles burst and sink the system, they get blamed for letting the bubbles grow too large on account of their too loose, too long monetary policy.

Get out the popcorn. This should be fun to watch.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 4-7 – George Soros openly talks of collusion with China in building the New World Order & Paul Craig Roberts confirms Le Pen, Farage, and Paul are controlled opposition

[Update 4 – 15 January 2015]

The Swiss National Bank and the “Fed Mistake”


If you’ve visited Zero Hedge this morning, you’ll know that the Swiss National Bank has made some sudden, unexpected changes in policy that have roiled the currency exchange markets as well as the Swiss export and tourism industries.

As this article notes…

“Just before lunch local time, the Swiss National Bank took on virtually every single macro hedge fund, the vast majority of which were short the Swiss Franc and crushed them, when it announced, first, that it would go further into NIRP, pushing its interest rate on deposit balances even more negative from -0.25% to -0.75%, a move which in itself would have been unprecedented and, second, announcing that the 1.20 EURCHF floor it had instituted in September 2011, the day gold hit its all time nominal high, was no more.”

Also mentioned is this outcome of the policy changes…

“However, the best soundbites today will surely come from US hedge funds which are just waking up to the biggest FX shock in years, and of course, any retail investors who may have been long the EURCHF, and who are not only facing epic margin calls, but are unable to cover their positions…”

So here we have yet another example of the Central Banking Cabal ripping off retail investors while simultaneously creating problems that can “only be solved by giving the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) more power over national central banks.” You can be certain that the central banksters and their traders were on the profitable side of the market moves this morning, because they, of course, knew what was coming. The international financial markets have never been anything but a rigged casino designed to extract wealth from the masses.

Another article notes the supposed cause of the SNB’s “shocking” changes…

“Removing the SNB peg takes out one of the biggest EUR buyers in the market. And of course, VERY notable this is happening 1-week ahead of the ECB, they possibly realised they could not continue to buy unlimited quantities when the ECB might print unlimited quantities.”

So the SNB’s actions are supposedly a preemptive measure against the expectation that the European Central Bank will print more money. This, then, is a case of market turmoil created by national central banks working at cross-purposes, which is exactly what the BIS is using as justification for centralized supranational control.

Yet another article shows this…

>>> From January 12, 2015:

    The Swiss National Bank’s cap on the franc at 1.20 per euro will remain its key monetary policy tool, the central bank’s vice-chairman said in a television interview broadcast on Monday. “We took stock of the situation less than a month ago, we looked again at all the parameters and we are convinced that the minimum exchange rate must remain the cornerstone of our monetary policy,” Jean-Pierre Danthine told RTS.

From January 15, 2015:

    Recently, divergences between the monetary policies of the major currency areas [translation: “national central banks working at cross-purposes”] have increased significantly – a trend that is likely to become even more pronounced. The euro has depreciated considerably against the US dollar and this, in turn, has caused the Swiss franc to weaken against the US dollar. In these circumstances, the SNB concluded that enforcing and maintaining the minimum exchange rate for the Swiss franc against the euro is no longer justified. <<<

So in just a few days, the SNB completely changed direction. This sets the stage for the Fed to do the same thing…

[Update 5 – 15 January 2015]

Enter Hyperbole

According to this USA Today article

So what’s the solution? Wouldn’t you know it…

>>> What’s the Fed to do? George Selgin, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, is against any delay in the U.S. raising interest rates. Delaying, he warns, could lead to another asset price bubble that could pop and make a mess. David Wessel, director of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings, says that getting the timing of the rate hike right is one “really tricky” issue to keep Yellen awake at night. It’s an art, not a science, and easy to mess up. Too early and recovery could be choked off. Too late and inflation could sap the Fed’s credibility. <<<

Needless to say, the Fed will get it wrong.

[Update 6 – 15 January 2015]

George Soros openly talks of collusion with China in building the New World Order

A reader has brought to my attention a 2009 FT interview of George Soros. At the 12 second mark
…he drops this bomb…

“…So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order…”

I’ve scanned both parts of the interview (here is Part 1), and they are chock full of reality checks for those who have bought-in to the East/West dialectic. I will be mining it for quotes and publishing a full article on its implications as soon as possible.

[Update 7 – 16 January 2015]

Paul Craig Roberts confirms Le Pen, Farage, and Paul are controlled opposition

The great thing about globalist disinfo agents is that once you identify them, they become a great source of insight into what the globalist agenda actually is. Whatever they are selling is what the globalists want sold, and whatever they are bashing is what the globalists want bashed. Discerning the underlying agenda then becomes child’s play.

Paul Craig Roberts is one such disinfo agent, and he is on the globalists’ “Team BRICS.” Team BRICS media agents are tasked with pointing out the (deliberately) insane policies of the US and the West and/or pointing out the hope offered by “freedom fighting” China and the East. Roberts is a particularly shrill propagandist who assails “insane” American policy.

On top of the clear propaganda signature offered by his writings and interviews, he makes a point of displaying the “Hidden Hand” gang sign of the “elite” on his webpage

All this triggers “Ken’s Rule for Discerning Globalists”…

If it quacks like a dialectic propagandist, looks like a Hidden Hand, and smells like a vinegary fish, it’s a globalist douchebag.

Now have a look at what Roberts said in this King World News interview

His promotion of “dissenters” like Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, and (by extension) Ron Paul tells us that the globalists want them promoted, just like I noted in these two entries…

Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags (and the real agenda behind the Paris attacks)

The Paris Attacks, Marine Le Pen and Ron Paul

And don’t be confused if these “dissenters” break up the EU. Just remember the quote attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” This concept extends to the global level as well. Once the globalists have locked the nations into the SDR-based, Chinese “owned” (as Soros puts it) multilateral/multipolar New Financial Order, they no longer have to hold together fragile combinations like the EU. New multilateral regional and functional institutions can rise from the ashes of the EU. Once the centralized money power has been secured, the rest is academic.

For the first three installments of this series, click here.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 3 – This episode of “Bend over, here it comes” is brought to you by Citibank

Given all the things the globalists set in motion in the final few months of last year, as well as all the preparatory propaganda they laid down in December, I’ll be going to an event watch format so I can be more agile in keeping up with them. For today, I thought I’d share a preface Brandon Smith wrote for an article over on

Brandon is one of the few (if not the only) financial writers out there who… A) get it, and B) have the guts to write about it. Not only is he dead-on about the BIS playing the wise man to the national central banks’ fool, but the BIS is also chiming in on the “strong dollar” as well. Just have a look at what I got when I did a Google News search on the terms “BIS warns”:
…and this is just the top part of the first page of results. They are setting themselves up to be the wise supranational institution that “saw it all coming” and could have prevented it “if only we’d had the power to rein in the national central banks.”

As you look upon the search results, note how they are warning about the strong dollar, and the propaganda press is writing stories about it too. They are basically setting the stage for transitioning to the SDR as the global reserve currency. This is their basic argument:

1) The sudden strength of the dollar is putting pressure on other nations who have taken out loans denominated in dollars. When the dollar gets stronger, it takes more of their currency to purchase each dollar they need to pay back their loans, which creates great difficulty for those with restricted budgets. For example, a $1 million loan payment would have cost a Russian about 33 million rubles to pay back in July of last year; to pay it this month will cost about 58 million rubles.

2) If only we had a supranational currency that was stable in value, difficulties like this could be avoided. We wouldn’t have to worry about fluctuations between the values of national currencies.

What the BIS central bankers don’t tell you, of course, is that they are the ones intentionally causing volatility in the exchange rates in order to profit from trading them. They are creating the problem that they are proposing to solve (by giving themselves even more power).

Few people know that the BIS’s Board of Directors is actually made up of the very central bank heads it’s criticizing. Here are three of them who will get a lot of heat from BIS propaganda when things go south: the previous head of the Bank of Japan, Masaaki Shirakawa; the current head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen; and the current head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi…
…Do you really think the BIS and the members of the BIS Board of Directors are in disagreement with each other? Of course not. They are simply putting on a show of incompetence at the national level and competence at the supranational level so power can be centralized.

For a more in-depth look at the BIS and their strategy, read this entry: Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.

More to come in Update 1…

[Update 1 – 3 January 2015]

BRICS Propaganda and the BIS

In “Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce,” I took an in-depth look at a BIS-related propaganda article from state-owned China Daily, so let’s now take a look at a recent propaganda piece out of government-funded RT

Here are some key excerpts (with my comments in brackets)…

“A study by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) suggests dollar dominance could spell disaster for emerging markets.

The spectacular recovery by the US dollar could ruin emerging market economies that have large dollar-denominated debts, which in turn could trigger chaos in the global financial markets, the Swiss-based global watchdog said…”

[In case you didn’t get the message they’re trying to convey, here it is: dollar dominance = disaster, especially for the “emerging market economies” to whom the globalists are marketing the BRICS institutions. And the BIS, a joint creation of the English banksters and their Nazi buddies, is the “global watchdog” (substitute “mad” for “watch” and you’ll be closer to the truth).]

“The Bank for International Settlements, dubbed the bank for central bankers, warns of the imbalance between dollar debt and dollar output, and said it could have a ‘profound impact on the global economy.’…”

[So dollar dependence could lead to “chaos in the global financial markets,” which could have a “profound impact on the global economy” (thus leaving the hanging implication that we need to move on to some alternative to the dollar, like the SDR).]

A tightened monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve, paired with the strong dollar, could exacerbate debt problems in emerging markets.

A strong dollar, as pointed out by Borio, can raise debt burdens for countries with weaker currencies, as a strong dollar has historically triggered turmoil in emerging markets, such as in Latin America in the 1980s, and Asia in the 1990s.”

[So it’s also the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve that is creating problems for the emerging markets (“Blame the Fed” and “Sieg Heil, BIS”).]

After going on to bemoan the “outdated” dominance of the dollar as the primary global reserve currency, they offer the globalist solution to the problems posed by the strong dollar and the Fed’s policies…

As I’ve noted in previous entries, the globalists have intentionally instigated Western misconduct and market volatility in order to drive the rest of the world into the waiting arms of the BRICS institutions. In fact, the BRICS’ New Development Bank will have a safety net ready for the emerging economies once things get dicey. It’s called the Contingent Reserve Arrangement

“The Bank would also provide assistance to other countries suffering from the economic volatility in the wake of the United States’ exit from its expansionary monetary policy.”

Of course, loans from globalist multilateral institutions always come with strings attached. 😉

The article then goes on to point to the light at the end of the dollar dominance tunnel…
…China and its yuan.

[Update 2 – 4 January 2015]

What East versus West conflict? The West is helping China’s renminbi to become a reserve currency

Continuing our review of globalist preparatory propaganda, let’s have a look at a Financial Times article titled “IMF decision could propel renminbi past sterling and yen” from December of last year (you’ll have to do a Google News search for the title to read the full article)…

It was written by Jukka Pihlman…
…who has strong central bankster connections.

Here are some notable excerpts…

>>> Last time the IMF reviewed the composition of the SDR, in 2010, it concluded the RMB did not meet the key criteria of being a freely usable currency. But a lot has changed since, making next year’s decision much more finely poised…

Nevertheless, the fast-paced adoption of the RMB by central banks and the inclusion of RMB in their reserves – underpinned by the Chinese authorities’ continued and conscious efforts in making the RMB more accessible – could help swing the IMF decision in the RMB’s favour.

The final decision is in part discretionary and politics will invariably play a part. But supporters of the RMB’s inclusion may draw comfort from the fact that changes to the SDR composition are relatively ‘easy’ to vote through.

Most big IMF decisions require an 85 per cent majority, effectively giving the US, with its almost 17 per cent share of the vote, the power of veto. However, according to Article XV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreements, the IMF Executive Board can make the SDR decision with only 70 per cent of the vote, provided there is no change to the methodology.

Importantly, the Europeans have indicated by their actions that they are unlikely to stand in the RMB’s way, as long as the technical argument stacks up. Recent reports that the European Central Bank was considering adding the RMB to its reserves, joining France and Switzerland who have already decided to do so, is a highly significant development and shows how rapidly attitudes to the RMB are changing. <<<

So in this article, we have a Western globalist minion telegraphing that the RMB will be added to the SDR this year. Not only that, he points out that the Europeans are welcoming the RMB as a reserve currency by adding it to their own central bank reserves. The article also mentions England’s selling of RMB-denominated bonds…

Here is an excerpt from the UK government’s website

>>> The UK government has today successfully issued a sovereign bond in China’s currency, the renminbi (RMB), becoming the first western country to do so and issuing the largest ever non-Chinese RMB bond.

The RMB 3 billion bond, which is equivalent to approximately £300 million, has a maturity of 3 years and delivers on the Chancellor’s announcement at the recent annual UK-China economic summit in London that the government intended to issue an RMB bond.

It is the world’s first non-Chinese issuance of sovereign RMB debt and will be used to finance Britain’s reserves. Currently, Britain only holds reserves in US dollars, euros, yen and Canadian dollars, so today’s issuance signals the RMB’s potential as a future reserve currency.

The bond issuance, which saw strong demand from investors, also further cements Britain’s position as the most important RMB market in the western world, and represents the next step in the government’s long term economic plan to establish Britain as the centre of global finance. <<<

And everyone seems to overlook that a former People’s Bank of China Deputy Governor is now a Deputy Managing Director of the IMF
…who will most likely be joined by his former PBOC boss, Zhou Xiaochuan, when the latter takes over as Managing Director of the IMF once the trigger is pulled on “governance reform.”

So where is the East versus West clash all the mainstream and alternative propagandists are talking about? It doesn’t exist, except as a propaganda ploy to make the multilateral / multipolar NWO look like real, positive change.

As for when the renminbi might be added to the SDR, let’s look to the globalist meeting schedule for this year. The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors will be meeting on February 9…
…so expect to hear a lot of noise in late January / early February about the need to go to “Plan B” due to “the United States’ failure to uphold its responsibility to adopt quota reform” at the IMF. There will be talk of dismantling the US’ veto power in the IMF as well as bringing the renminbi into the SDR basket of currencies.

The IMF/World Bank Group will have meetings on April 17 and October 9…
…so they will probably announce specific plans for quota reform and the RMB in April and take action by October 11. This would sync well with the BRICS Bank / economic collapse / Fed takedown timetable outlined in The Globalists are accelerating the rollout of their new financial system.

[Update 3 – 5 January 2015]

This episode of “Bend over, here it comes” is brought to you by Citibank

I’ll have to take a break from China and the IMF so we can take a look at something that just popped up on Zero Hedge: Is Citi The Next AIG?

Apparently, data was released today that showed an FDIC-insured entity of Citibank added a massive volume of derivatives to its books in the 3rd quarter of last year…
…And conveniently, Congress passed Citi-backed legislation last month that left taxpayers on the hook for any derivatives that go bad in such entities.

So here we have a case of the banksters loading up trillions of dollars of potentially bad contracts on the taxpayers just prior to what? Given the wave of derivative “credit events” that could be coming due to the strong dollar and the sudden drop in oil prices, are they going to trigger the global economic train wreck before the Fed can do it by raising interest rates? If so, don’t worry, the Fed will be blamed no matter what they do or don’t do.

This is not a year when you want to take life too seriously. 😉

Back to China and the IMF in the next update…