Onnabugeisha’s Notes on the Occult Scripting Cues for 2024, Volume 3

For the previous volume of Onna’s notes, covering the days of March 14 through July 29 of 2024, click here.


Here are her notes on Friday, September 6…

9/6  (Friday) 

Julian calendar: 8/24 (Convert a date)

Joe Biden schedule (Forth): Friday, September 6, 2024 – In the afternoon, the President will travel to Ann Arbor, Michigan (Wikipedia).

Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky (In The Sky). Mercury (mythology – Wikipedia) is a major god in Roman religion and mythology. He is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld and the “messenger of the gods”.

Roman festivals:

Sextilis/Augustus 24 (Wikipedia): sacrifices to Luna (Rome’s divine embodiment of the Moon  – Wikipedia) on the Graecostasis; and the first of three days when the mysterious ritual pit called the mundus was opened (The mundus of Ceres (literally “the world” of Ceres) –  Wikipedia, Lapis manalis – Wikipedia).

• Sack of Rome (410) (Wikipedia) was undertaken by the Visigoths led by their king, Alaric.… This was the first time in almost 800 years that Rome had fallen to a foreign enemy, and the sack was a major shock to contemporaries, friends and foes of the Empire alike. The sacking of 410 is seen as, a major landmark in the fall of the Western Roman Empire. St. Jerome, living in Bethlehem, wrote: “the city which had taken the whole world was itself taken”. Date: 24 August 410 AD (Julian), 1614 years ago [Bible Strong’s Hebrew 1614. gophrith: brimstone]

• Suleiman I (Wikipedia) commonly known as Suleiman the Magnificent in Western Europe and Suleiman the Lawgiver  in his Ottoman realm, was the longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. Under his administration, the Ottoman Empire ruled over at least 25 million people. Died (before an Ottoman victory at the siege of Szigetvár, Hungary): 6 September 1566 (Julian)

• President William McKinley Assassinated (Library of Congress, HISTORY) – McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was shot twice in the stomach while attending the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Date: 6 September 1901

• South African prime minister Hendrik Verwoerd, the architect of apartheid, is assassinated (HISTORYWikipedia). Date: 6 September 1966

• The Soviet Union recognized the independence of the Baltic states—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. (Britannica) Date: 6 September 1991

• Benedict Arnold orders burning of New London (HISTORY), Connecticut. Date: 6 September 1781

• Israel executes the air strike Operation Orchard (Wikipediato destroy a suspected nuclear reactor in Syria. Outcome: Successful destruction of the site; Casualties: 10 North Korean nuclear scientists allegedly killed. Date: 6 September 2007

Palestinian terrorists:

1. Dawson’s Field hijackings (WikipediaBBC) – Four New York-bound airliners (and one for London) have been hijacked over western Europe in an unprecedented operation carried out by a militant Palestinian group (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – Wikipedia). Date: 6 September 1970

2. Munich massacre: Nine Israeli athletes die (along with a German policeman) at the hands of the Palestinian “Black September” terrorist group after being taken hostage at the Munich Olympic Games. Two other Israeli athletes were slain in the initial attack the previous day (Wikipedia). Date: 6 September 1972 

3. In Istanbul, two terrorists from the Abu Nidal Organization (ANO – a Palestinian militant group) kill 22 and wound six congregants inside the Neve Shalom Synagogue during Shabbat services (Wikipedia). Date: 6 September 1986

4. The Gilboa Prison break (Wikipedia) was a security event in Israel which occurred on 6 September 2021, when six Palestinian prisoners escaped from Gilboa Prison, a maximum security prison in northern Israel, through a tunnel. By September 19, all 6 escapees had been re-captured.

Chinese calendar8th Month 4

• The Revelation 12 Sign (unsealed.orgVatican Observatory) occurred on 23 September 2017 = 8th Month 4, year of the Rooster

• National Security Act of 1947 (Wikipedia) was a law enacting major restructuring of the US government’s military and intelligence agencies following World War II. Effective: 18 September 1947 = 8th Month 4, year of the Pig, 77 Chinese years ago

• In an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, U.S. President George W. Bush declares a “War on Terror“(The White HouseHISTORY), saying, “Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.” Date: 20 September 2001 = 8th Month 4, year of the Snake

• Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Wikipedia), the 12th and current president of Turkey. Assumed office: 28 August 2014 = 8th Month 4, year of the Horse, 10 Chinese years ago and on the same day -> Obama tan suit controversy (Wikipedia) … For Obama, the tan suit controversy became a topic to joke about at future events (People).

• 1980 Turkish coup d’état (Wikipedia) – Date: 12 September 1980 = 8th Month 4, year of the Monkey

• Mikhail Gorbachev (Wikipedia) was a Soviet and Russian politician and statesman who served as the last leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to the country’s dissolution in 1991. Died: 30 August 2022 at approximately 10:00 p.m. Moscow time (Wikipedia) = 8th Month 4, year of the Tiger

Numbers9/6 (inclusive) – 9/7

• Prince Harry Makes Surprise Visit to Pearl Harbor (People). Date: Friday, 11 November 2022, 666 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

• United States Space Force (Wikipedia) – Founded: Friday, 20 December 2019, 4 years, 8 months, 18 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 4818. merkabah: a chariot]

After sunset 🌅 – 9/7

Jewish calendar4 Elul, 4 Elul (One Messianic Gentile)

• Ignatius of Loyola, a Spaniard from the Basque city of Loyola, and six others mostly of Castilian origin, all students at the University of Paris, met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis, now Saint Pierre de Montmartre, to pronounce promises of poverty, chastity, and obedience – initial vows, leading to the creation of the Society of Jesus (Wikipedia). Date: 15 August 1534 (Julian) = 4 Elul 5294 (Convert a date), the 490th (7×70) Jewish anniversary 

• The Panic of 1857 (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) was a financial panic in the United States caused by the declining international economy and over-expansion of the domestic economy. Because of the invention of the telegraph by Samuel F. Morse in 1844, the Panic of 1857 was the first financial crisis to spread rapidly throughout the United States. The world economy was more interconnected by the 1850s, which made the Panic of 1857 the first worldwide economic crisis. Start date: Mon, 24 August 1857 (Wikipedia: herehere) = 4 Elul

• Mikhail Gorbachev (Wikipedia) was a Soviet and Russian politician and statesman who served as the last leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to the country’s dissolution in 1991. Died: 30 August 2022 at approximately 10:00 p.m. Moscow time (Wikipedia), after sunset [Sunset in Moscow, Russia at 7:29 p.m. – Google Search] = 4 Elul

• 1953 Iranian coup d’état (Wikipedia) was the U.S.- and UK-instigated, Iranian army-led overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on 19 August 1953. It was aided by the United States (under the name “Operation Ajax”). Start date: 15 August 1953 = 4 Elul 

• The Blitz begins as Germany bombs London (HISTORY). On September 7, 1940 [at about 4:00 in the afternoon (Britannica)] = 4 Elul, 300 German bombers raid London, in the first of 57 [The Number 57] consecutive nights of bombing. This bombing “blitzkrieg”  (lightning war) would continue until May 1941. 

Islamic calendar: Rabi’I 3 (Convert a date), Rabi’I 4

• Mehmed the Conqueror (Wikipedia) was twice the sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Died: 3 May 1481 = Rabi’I 4, 886 AH, 560 Islamic years ago. [Ottoman armies under Mehmed II conquered Constantinople and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire – ending the Roman Empire after over 2,000 years (Wikipedia).]

• Kyshtym disaster (Wikipedia), the second worst nuclear incident by radioactivity released, after the Chernobyl disaster. Location: Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union. Date: 29 September 1957 = Rabi’I 4 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 5, 1377 AH

• Blue Line (withdrawal line) (Wikipedia) is a demarcation line dividing Lebanon from Israel and the Golan Heights. It was published by the United Nations on 7 June 2000 = Rabi’I 4 (Convert a date) or Rabi’I 5, 1421 AH. It is the subject of an ongoing border dispute between Israel, Lebanon, and Hezbollah.

Here are her notes on Thursday, September 5…

9/5 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 8/23 (Convert a date)

Joe Biden’s schedule (Forth): In the afternoon, the President will travel to Westby, Wisconsin (Wikipedia).

GematriaWestby, Wisconsin (219, 66, 186, 87) = The Yom Kippur War 2x, Year of the Wood Dragon (Wikipedia)  2x, Stock market collapse (Google Search) 2x, United States dollar 2x, St. Ignatius, Loyola 2x

Westby, Vernon County, Wisconsin (405, 126, 324, 144) = US Declaration of Independence 2x, The America We Deserve (Wikipedia) 1x

Westby, Vernon County, Wisconsin, United States (562, 166, 491, 221) = Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici (Knights Templar – Wikipedia, Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon) 1x

Calendar of Astronomical Events 5 September (In The Sky) – …, Conjunction of the Moon and Venus (In The Sky) at 10:16 UTC = 616 minutes into the day [616 is the alternate Number of the Beast (Wikipedia); Strong’s Greek: 616. apokueó: to give birth / Hebrew: 616. assir: prisoners]

International Day of Charity (United Nations) – Global Solidarity to Eradicate Poverty

Roman festivals:

Augustus 23 (Wikipedia) [Sextilis/Augustus was originally the sixth month in the Roman calendar – Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon]: Vulcanalia in honour of Vulcan, along with sacrifices to Maia, the Nymphs in campo (“in the field”, perhaps the Campus Martius), Ops Opifera, and a Horam.-> Mount Vesuvius begins stirring, on the feast day of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire (Wikipedia). Date: 23 August 79 

September 5 (Wikipedia) : anniversary of one of the temples to Jupiter Stator; 5–19, Ludi Romani or Ludi Magni, “the oldest and most famous” of the ludi”

Julian calendar

• After the successful invasion of Egypt, Octavian executes Marcus Antonius Antyllus, the eldest son of Mark Antony, and Caesarion, the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt and only child of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra (Wikipedia). Date: 23 August 30 BC

• Odoacer, chieftain of the Germanic tribes, is proclaimed rex Italiae (“King of Italy”) by his troops (Wikipedia, Wikipedia) Date: 23 August 476 [Romulus Augustulus abdicates on 4 September 476 = Fall of the Western Roman Empire (Wikipedia)]

• Siege of Moscow (Wikipedia): The Golden Horde led by Tokhtamysh lays siege to the capital of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Date: 23 August 1382 

• September 5 is the anniversary of two very notable “Reigns of Terror”… (your blog on 4 September 2021 – here) the Reign of Terror committed by the revolutionary government in France and the Red Terror committed by the communist revolutionaries in Russia.

  1. The Reign of Terror began (Britannica: herehere) as harsh measures were undertaken against those suspected of being enemies of the French Revolution (nobles, priests, and hoarders); in Paris a wave of executions followed. Date: 5 September 1793
  2. The Red Terror (WikipediaTime) in Soviet Russia was a campaign of political repression and executions which was carried out by the Bolsheviks, chiefly through the Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police. The Council of People’s Commissars issued a decree “On Red Terror” on 5 September 1918, 106 years ago [Hebrew: 106. egroph: a fist]

• The First Labor Day (Library of Congress) – On September 5, 1882, some 10,000 workers assembled in New York City to participate in America’s first Labor Day parade. 

• Gerald Ford survives first assassination attempt (HISTORY) – Date: 5 September 1975

• People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (Wikipedia) is an Iranian dissident organization. Founded: 5 September 1965

Palestinian terrorists

• Munich massacre (WikipediaHISTORY): A Palestinian terrorist group called “Black September” attacks and takes hostage 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games. Two die in the attack and nine are murdered the following day. Date: 5 September 1972

• Pan Am Flight 73 (Wikipedia) was hijacked while on the ground at Karachi by four armed Palestinian terrorists of the Abu Nidal Organization. Date: 5 September 1986

Chinese calendar8th Month 3

• Xi proposes a ‘new Silk Road’ (China DailyBelt and Road Initiative – Wikipedia) – Xi Jinping proposed that China and Central Asian countries build an “economic belt along the Silk Road”, a trans-Eurasian project spanning from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea. Date: 7 September 2013 = 8th Month 3, year of the Snake11 Chinese years ago 

• United States Army Military Government in Korea (Wikipedia) was the official ruling body of the Southern half of the Korean Peninsula from 8 September 1945 = 8th Month 3, year of the Rooster. 

Numbers9/5 (inclusive) – 9/6

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus (Kremlin). Date: 7 January 2020, 240 weeks, 24 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.]

• Vladimir Putin becomes President of Russia – The first inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia (Wikipedia) took place on 7 May 2000, 8888 days ago. [888 (number) (Wikipedia), 8888-Angel-Number (wikihow)]

After sunset 🌅 – 9/6

Jewish calendar3 Elul, 3 Elul (One Messianic Gentile) [m/d date format 12/3 – Revelation 12:3 NIV: Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.]

• Oslo I Accord (Wikipedia) was an attempt in 1993 to set up a framework that would lead to the resolution of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. It was the first face-to-face agreement between the government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Negotiations concerning the agreement, an outgrowth of the Madrid Conference of 1991, were conducted secretly in Oslo, Norway, hosted by the Fafo institute, and completed on 20 August 1993 (here) = 3 Elul 

Islamic calendar: Rabi I 2 (Convert a date) or Rabi I 3

• Jared Kushner (Wikipedia) the son-in-law of former president Donald Trump through his marriage to Ivanka Trump, and served as a senior advisor to Trump from 2017 to 2021. He was also Director of the Office of American Innovation. Born: 10 January 1981 = Rabi’I 3 or 4 (Convert a date), 1401 AH, his 45th Islamic birthday

Here are her notes on Thursday, August 29 and Friday, August 30…

(Since she was unable to follow her normal procedure in double-checking these notes, they may contain an error or two.)

8/29 (Thursday/ Thor’s day) Julian calendar: 8/16 (Convert a date) [Antichrist (Wikipedia)-Jeremiah

8:16] August 29 (Wikipedia) / August 16 (Wikipedia)

Jewish calendar: 25 Av (5/5×5)

Islamic calendar: Safar 25 [2/25 War and the Number 225(or 23 – Convert a date)

Chinese calendar: 7th Month 26

Haggai 1:1 On August 29 of the second year of King Darius’s reign, the LORD gave a message through the prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest.

International Day against Nuclear Tests (United Nations)

• August 29th is the official date given by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character in the film ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day‘ (IMDbWikipedia)

• The Feast of the Beheading of St John the Baptist – Translation of Relic (Wikipedia). The head of John the Baptist is now in Umayyad Mosque in Damascus according to Christian and Muslim tradition (Wikipedia). Umayyad Mosque is the mosque visited by Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu (Kremlin).

• United States Space Command (Wikipedia) was reestablished on 29 August 2019 = 28 Av. Trump Launches US Space Command to Control the ‘Next Warfighting Domain’ (Space) Pentagon Activates Space Command to Prepare for War in the Final Frontier (Military.com)

• The Soviet Union tests its first atomic bomb, known as First Lightning, Izdeliye 501…(Wikipedia). The United States assigned it the code-name Joe-1, in reference to Joseph Stalin. Date: 29 August 1949

• The Treaty of Nanking (Wikipedia) was an unequal treaty between Great Britain and the Qing dynasty of China to end the First Opium War (Wikipedia). Signed: 29 August 1842 

• World Zionist Organization (Wikipedia) was founded at the initiative of Theodor Herzl at the First Zionist Congress (Wikipedia) in Basel, Switzerland. Date: August 29–31, 1897.

Jewish calendar:

• The Communist Control Act of 1954 (Wikipedia) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954 = 25 Av, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party…, 70 Jewish years ago 

• Taishan Nuclear Power plant (Wikipedia) – Excavation work began on August 26, 2008 = 25 Av

Islamic calendar:

• The Biological Weapons Convention (Wikipedia) is a disarmament treaty that effectively bans biological and toxin weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use. Signed: 10 April 1972 = Safar 25, 1392 AH

Chinese calendar

• The Communist Control Act of 1954 (Wikipedia) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954 = 7th Month 26, year of the Horse, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party…

• Assassination of James A. Garfield (Wikipedia) – James A. Garfield, the 20th president of the United States, was shot [2x] at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C., at 9:30 am on Saturday, July 2, 1881. He died in Elberon, New Jersey, 79 days later on 19 September 1881 = 7th Monthbis 26, year of the Snake

Numbers 8/28 (inclusive) – 8/29

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, PBS NewsHour – YouTube). Date: 27 May 2016 [Japan Standard Time is UTC +9], 8 years, 94 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city, Babylon / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIMEThe Times of Israel) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date: 25 – 28 June 2018, 6 years, 2 months, 3 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

• Kim Jong Un (Wikipedia) – Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army. Assumed office: 30 December 2011 (or 31 December – CNN) , 660 weeks, days ago [Gematria: Kim Jong = Lincoln 4x, closing 4x].

• Lightning struck (twice) St Peter’s Basilica just hours after Pope Benedict announced his resignation (BBC). Date: 11 February 2013, 602 weeks, 3 days ago. [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, about 6066 % of a common year (365 days)

• Donald Trump Launches His NFT Card Collection (Blockzeit) Date: Thursday, 15 December 2022, 623 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss. Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

• Vladimir Putin becomes President of Russia – The first inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia (Wikipedia) took place on Sunday, Date: Sun, 7 May 2000, 8880 days ago [888 (number) (Wikipedia), Hebrew 888.  beesh: to be evil, bad, the Number 888 (Bible Study)]

• Pope Francis consecrated Russia, Ukraine and all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart (Vatican News). Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia). Date: 25 Mar 2022, 888 days ago  [888 (number) (Wikipedia), Hebrew 888.  beesh: to be evil, bad, The Number 888 (Bible Study)]. Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Wikipedia) -> The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a reigning pope was requested during a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima on 13 July 1917. (Wikipedia)

Numbers 8/29 (inclusive) – 8/30

• Three Gorges Dam at full capacity (China Daily) – Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest hydropower project, started working at full capacity Wednesday as the last of its 32 large turbine generators was put into operation. Date: 4 July 2012, 4440 days ago

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIMEThe Times of Israel) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date: 25 – 28 June 2018, 6 years, 2 months, 3 days  ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

Numbers 8/30 (inclusive) – 8/31

• Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu visited the Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus, and the Orthodox Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus. (Kremlin) Date: 7 January 2020, 242 weeks, 4 days ago [Strong’s Greek: 2424. Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.] 

• Prince William’s Trip to Israel and the West Bank (TIMEThe Times of Israel) – Prince William arrived in Israel on Monday, part of his a Middle East trip that involves a historic visit to Israel and the West Bank. The trip marks the first official trip to Israel by a British royal since the country’s founding in 1948. Date: 25 – 28 June 2018, 6 years, 2 months, 3 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss; Usage: …a Greek translation of the Hebrew: Abaddon (Wikipedia)…, i.e. Satan (used only in Rev 9:11).]

Here are her notes on Thursday, August 8…

8/8 (Thursday/Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 7/26  (Convert a date)

Fourteen Holy Helpers (Wikipedia)

14 and 88: Why white supremacists love the numbers (SLATE) [88 (number)(Wikipedia) -> Cultural significance in Chinese culture: fortune, good luck and “bye bye” / In neo-Nazism:  an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.]

Christian watchmen connect the number 726 with the Rapture – Strong’s Greek 726. harpazó: to seize, catch up, snatch away.  Usage: I seize, snatch, obtain by robbery. 726 harpázō – properly, seize by force; snatch up, suddenly and decisively – like someone seizing bounty (spoil, a prize); to take by an open display of force (i.e. not covertly or secretly

• Esmail Qaani (Wikipedia), an Iranian brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its Quds Force [ lit. ’Jerusalem Force’] He was appointed to succeed Qasem Soleimani. Born: 8 August 1957

• Richard Nixon’s resignation speech (WikipediaHISTORY) President Richard Nixon made an address to the American public from the Oval Office to announce his resignation from the presidency due to the Watergate scandal. Date: 8 August 1974 at 9:01 pm. The following morning, August 9, Nixon submitted a signed letter of resignation to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, becoming the only U.S. president to resign from office. Vice President Gerald Ford became the 38th president [the only person to serve as president without being elected to either the presidency or the vice presidency.] Gematria: Richard Milhous Nixon = Big boy press conference [Biden survives his “big boy” press conference – Economist] 2x 

• FBI search of Mar-a-Lago (Wikipedia) – the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the residence of former U.S. president Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. Date: 8 August 2022 

• The United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France signed the London Agreement, which authorized the Nürnberg trials, in which former Nazi leaders were indicted and tried as war criminals by the International Military Tribunal (BritannicaWikipedia). Date: 8 August 1945 

• President Harry S. Truman signs the United Nations Charter (HISTORY), and the United States becomes the first nation to complete the ratification process and join the new international organization. Date: 8 August 1945

• Lloyd Austin (Wikipedia), the 28th and current United States secretary of defense. Born:  8 August 1953. 

• 1975 Banqiao Dam failure (Wikipedia) – The Banqiao Dam and 61 others throughout Henan, China collapsed following the landfall of Typhoon Nina. The dam collapse created the third-deadliest flood in history. Date: 8-9 August 1975

• The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, commonly abbreviated as ASEAN (Wikipedia), is a political and economic union of 10 states in Southeast Asia. Created: 8 August 1967

 Chinese calendar7th Month 5

• The Panic of 1857 (Wikipedia) was a financial panic in the United States caused by the declining international economy and over-expansion of the domestic economy. Because of the invention of the telegraph by Samuel F. Morse in 1844, the Panic of 1857 was the first financial crisis to spread rapidly throughout the United States. The world economy was more interconnected by the 1850s, which made the Panic of 1857 the first worldwide economic crisisStart date: 24 August 1857 (Wikipedia: herehere) (NPS.gov) = 7th Month 5, year of the Snake

• Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (Wikipedia, born  Rachel Meghan Markle) is an American member of the British royal family and a former actress. She is married to Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex. Born: Tuesday, 4 August 1981 (Obama’s 20th birthday) = 7th Month 5, year of the Rooster. [Family of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (Wikipedia) – The Markle (formerly spelt Merckel) family is of German descent and originates in Alsace on the modern French–German border].

• A second national referendum in France confirmed Napoleon as “First Consul for Life” (Wikipedia). Date: 2 August 1802 = 7th Month 5, year of the Dog

After sunset 🌅 – 8/9

Jewish calendar5 Av, 5 Av(One Messianic Gentile)

[11/5 or 5/11 – President Zelenskyy’s 5.11 Shirt (Athlon OutdoorsWikipedia, your blog on 15 July 2023); Jewish Gematria: Saturn = 511, Mary = 511; Gregorian 11/5 is Gunpowder Plot – Wikipedia), 5/11= 0.45454545…]

Passing of “Ari” (1572) – Isaac Luria (Wikipedia, The Holy Ari – Chabad, on numerous occasions Elijah the Prophet revealed himself and taught the Ari the mysteries of the Torah –  here,…) was a leading rabbi and Jewish mystic in the community of Safed in the Galilee region of Ottoman Syria, now Israel. He is considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah, his teachings being referred to as Lurianic Kabbalah. Died: 25 July 1572 (proleptic Gregorian calendar) or 15 July (Julian) = 5 Av Safed, Damascus Eyalet, Ottoman Empire, 452 Jewish years ago [Strong’s Hebrew 452Eliyyah: “Yah is God,” a well-known prophet of Isr., also three other Isr., Elijah (Wikipedia)] 

• Washington, D.C. was founded – Congress declares new nation’s capital shall rise along the Potomac River (HISTORYLibrary of Congress). Date: 16 July 1790 = 5 Av 5550 [5/5/5550, five fives], 234 years ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 234. azkarah: a memorial offering / Greek: 234. alisgéma: pollution Usage: pollution, perhaps a polluted thing (especially of food).]

• World War I begins – Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 28, 1914 = 5 Av, one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War. 110 Jewish years ago

• First White Terror (Wikipedia) The White Terror was a period during the French Revolution in 1795 when a wave of violent attacks swept across much of France. The victims of this violence were people identified as being associated with the Reign of Terror – followers of Robespierre and Marat, and members of local Jacobin clubs. -> Timeline of events leading to the White Terror (Wikipedia): 1 August 1794 = 5 Av – Arrest of Fouquier-Tinville. The Convention repeals the Law of 22 Prairial

• South African anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela was arrested (AP News) on charges of leaving the country without a passport and inciting workers to strike; it was the beginning of 27 years of imprisonment. Date: 5 August 1962 = 5 Av

• Belarus: The Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (Wikipedia) was a formal document issued by the Supreme Soviet of Belarus to assert its independence from the Soviet Union. Passed on 27 July 1990 = 5 Av [the declaration started the process of Belarus’ eventual independence on 25 August 1991.]

• Mary, Queen of Scots (Wikipedia, Babington Plot – Wikipedia) Burial: 30 July 1587 (Julian) = 5 Av (Convert a date)

Islamic calendar: Safar 3 (Convert a date) or Safar 5

• July Revolution (Wikipedia) – The French Revolution of 1830, also known as the Second French Revolution, or Trois Glorieuses (“Three Glorious [Days]”). Outcome: Abdication of Charles X, Ascension of Louis Philippe to the French throne and establishment of the constitutional July Monarchy. Start date: 26 July 1830 = Safar 5, 1246 AH

• European Central Bank (Wikipedia) – Established: 1 June 1998  = Safar 5 (Convert a date) or Safar 6, 1419 AH

• At the death of Mary I this day, Elizabeth Tudor came to the English throne as Elizabeth I. Elizabethan Age Begins (HISTORYWikipedia). Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history. Date: November 17, 1558 (Julian) = Safar 5, 966 AH

• Amerigo Vespucci (Wikipedia) was an Italian explorer and navigator from the Republic of Florence, from whose name the term “America” is derived. Born: 9 March 1451 = Safar 5, 855 AH

Safar 4 

• Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy (Wikipedia) – During the French Revolution, it was a proclamation by the National Convention of France announcing that it had abolished the French monarchy on 21 September 1792 = Safar 4, 1207 AH, giving birth to the French First Republic.

• The 1138 Aleppo earthquake (Wikipedia) was among the deadliest earthquakes in history. Its name was taken from the city of Aleppo, in northern Syria, where the most casualties were sustained. Local date: 11 October 1138 (Julian) = Safar 4

• Ich bin ein Berliner (Wikipedia) is a speech by US President John F. Kennedy given on June 26, 1963, in West Berlin. It is one of the best-known speeches of the Cold War and among the most famous anti-communist speeches (underlining the support of the United States for democratic West Germany shortly after Soviet-supported East Germany erected the Berlin Wall – Wikipedia) Date: 26 June 1963 = Safar 3 (Convert a date) or Safar 4, 1383 AH

• The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuit Order or the Jesuits: On 15 August 1534  (Wikipedia) = Safar 4, 941 AH, Ignatius of Loyola, a Spaniard from the Basque city of Loyola, and six others mostly of Castilian origin, all students at the University of Paris, met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis [Denis of Paris (Wikipedia)], now Saint Pierre de Montmartre, to pronounce promises of poverty, chastity, and obedience, 505 Islamic years ago 

• The Eastern Schism, also known as the 2018 Moscow–Constantinople schism (Wikipedia), is a schism between the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC, also known as the Moscow Patriarchate) and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Date: 15 October 2018 (~ present) = Safar 4 (Convert a date) or Safar 6, 1440 AH

Here are her notes on Tuesday, August 6…

8/6  (Tuesday/ day of Mars – the god of war)

Julian calendar: 7/24 (Convert a date)

Strong’s Greek 86. hadés: Hades, the abode of departed spirits. -> Greek underworld, or Hades (Wikipedia) and its patron god is Hades/Pluto (Wikipedia). Gematria: Harmagedon [a variant spelling of Armageddon, Harmagedon] = 86

• The Feast of the Transfiguration (WikipediaAnydayGuide) in honor of the transfiguration of Jesus, an event described in the New Testament, where Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain. It is unique among the rest of the miracles because it happened to Jesus himself rather than was performed by him.

• Atomic bombings of Hiroshima (HISTORYWikipedia) – On August 6, 1945, the United States becomes the first and only nation to use atomic weaponry during wartime when it drops an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima [Little Boy (Wikipedia) was the name of the type of atomic bomb used in the bombing. Gematria: Little Boy = Communism 4x, Kim Jung Un 4x, fake story 4x]. -> Hiroshima Day (National Today)

• Ali Khamenei (Wikipedia) is the 2nd and current Supreme Leader of Iran. Assumed office: 6 August 1989, 35 years ago

Chinese calendar7th Month 3

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)( IAEA) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. It was established in 1957 as an autonomous organization within the United Nations system… Formation: 29 July 1957 = 7th Month 3, year of the Rooster [On the same day, Fumio Kishida (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Japan was born].

Numbers8/6  (inclusive) – 8/7

• United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall. (WikipediaNBC News). Date: 22 May 2017, 7 years, 77 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier]

• Michelle Obama (Wikipedia), the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, being married to former president Barack Obama. Born: 17 January 1964, 60 years, 203 days old. [Strong’s Greek: 623.Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss /Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites] 

After sunset 🌅 – 8/7

Jewish calendar3 Av (5/3 or 11/3) [the number 53 – your blog on 15 March 2024; 3 Av on the Essene calendar is First Fruits of New Wine] 

• The Hijrah of Muhammad begins, marking the beginning of the Islamic calendar (Wikipedia). Date: 16 July 622 (Julian) = Muharram 1 = 3 Av (Convert a date), 1402 years ago [Strong’s Greek 1402. douloó: to enslave, bring under subjection].

• Oppenheimer (film) (Wikipedia) Release dates:  21 July 2023 (United States and United Kingdom) = 3 Av

• Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (WikipediaDefense Department News) the leader of the Salafi jihadist group al-Qaeda, was killed by a United States drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. Date: 31 July 2022 at 6:18 a.m. Kabul, Afghanistan = Washington DC 30 July 2022 at 21:48 (after sunset)  = 3 Av [Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh (Wikipedia) occurred also on 31 July

Islamic calendarSafar 3 [or Safar 1 (Convert a date)]

• Vladimir Putin becomes President of Russia – The first inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia (Wikipedia) took place on Sunday. Date: 7 May 2000 = Safar 2 (Convert a date) or Safar 3, 1421 AH, 25 Islamic years ago [25 (number) In religion (Wikipedia, Bible Study: In Ezekiel’s vision of a new temple: The number twenty-five is of cardinal importance in Ezekiel’s Temple Vision (in the Bible, Ezekiel chapters 40–48). In Islam, there are 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran.]

• Mikhail Gorbachev (Wikipedia), the last leader of the Soviet Union, died on 30 August 2022 (aged 91) = Safar 2 (Convert a date) or Safar 3, 1444 AH

• Carrington Event (Wikipedia) was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 = 3 Safar, 1276 AH

Here are her notes on Sunday, August 4…

8/4 (Sunday)

Chinese calendar7th Month 1

• NATO (Wikipedia), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance of 32 member states—30 European and 2 North American. Established in the aftermath of World War II, the organization implements the North Atlantic Treaty (Wikipedia) – Effective: 24 August 1949 = 7th Monthbis 1, year of the Ox, 75 Chinese years ago

• The Black Tom explosion (Wikipedia)  was an act of sabotage by agents of the German Empire, to destroy U.S.-made munitions that were to be supplied to the Allies in World War I. It was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in history. Date: 30 July 1916 at 2:08:00 a.m. in New York Harbor = 7th Month 1, year of the Dragon

• Kamala Harris makes history as first woman of color to accept a major party nomination for vice president (The Washington Post), 19 August 2020 = 7th Month 1, year of the Rat [on the same day from Barack Obama covertly declared the beginning of the “American Communist Revolution” (NBC news) your blog on 24 February -> COSMIC ALERT], 4 Chinese years ago

After sunset – 8/5 (Monday)

Jewish calendar1 Av (5/1 or 11/1), 1 Av (One Messianic Gentile)

Ezra Arrives in Israel (348 BCE)

Av (month) (Wikipedia) – The Babylonian Talmud states that “when we enter [the month of] Av, our joy is diminished“. This is because the darkest events in Jewish history occurred during the first week and a half of this month, particularly the Nine Days which culminate in Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of Av. 

Av 1 (from 17 Cheshvan – Chabad): The mountain peaks break the water’s surface.

The Sequence of Plagues (Hebrew for Christians) – 1 Av 1 – Blood

• The Dark Knight Rises (Wikipedia) – Release dates: 20 July 2012 (United States and United Kingdom) = 1 Av

• The International Atomic Energy Agency (Wikipedia)( IAEA) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. It was established in 1957 as an autonomous organization within the United Nations system… Formation: Monday, 29 July 1957 = 1 Av [On the same day, Fumio Kishida (Wikipedia), Prime Minister of Japan was born].

• Ali Khamenei, 2nd Supreme Leader of Iran. Born: 17 July 1939 (Jewish Virtual Library) = 1  Av, 5699 [or 15 July 1939 (Britannica) or 19 April 1939 (Wikipedia)]

• The Montreux Convention (Wikipedia) is an international agreement governing the Bosporus and Dardanelles. Straits in Turkey (Wikipedia, Straits Question- Britannica) – This Convention mandates that Republic of Turkey allow the free passage of all civilian vessels in peacetime, and requires Turkey to allow warships of some nations to traverse the straits in peacetime, but only under strict conditions… Signed: 20 July 1936 =  1 Av, 5696

• Turkish invasion of Cyprus (Wikipedia): Forces from Turkey invade Cyprus after a coup d’état, organised by the dictator of Greece, against president Makarios (Wikipedia). Date: 20 July 1974 = 1 Av, 50 Jewish years ago

• Zachary Taylor (Wikipedia,  HISTORY), the 12th president of the United States, dies unexpectedly after only 16 months in office. The exact cause of his death is still disputed by some historians. Date: 9 July 1850 (at 10:35 p.m., after sunset) = 1 Av.

Islamic calendar: Muharram 29 (Convert a date) or 

Safar 1

1 Safar 61 AH, prisoners of Karbalā entered Yazid’s Palace in Syria (Wikipedia)

• CERN (Wikipedia) is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world.  Formation: 29 September 1954 = Safar 1, 1374 AH ->

• Killing of Ahmed Yassin (Wikipedia) – On 22 March 2004 = Safar 1, 1425 AH, the Palestinian leader and one of the founders of the Hamas militant organization, Ahmed Yassin, was assassinated in Gaza City. His assassination caused a state of anger and Palestinian factions vowed revenge, with Hamas saying that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon “opened the gates of hell.”

• Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu (Wikipedia), 9th Prime Minister of Israel, assumed office (the first time): 18 June 1996 = Safar 1, 1417 AH. [Twenty-seventh government of Israel (Wikipedia) –  First Netanyahu Cabinet. Netanyahu formed the government after winning the country’s first ever direct election for Prime Minister. This government was the first formed by an Israeli national born in the state after independence in 1948.]

• November 2015 Paris attacks (WikipediaHISTORY) – A series of coordinated Islamist terrorist attacks took place on Friday, 13 November 2015 (after sunset) = Safar 1 (Convert a date) or Safar 2, 1437 AH in Paris, France, and the city’s northern suburb, Saint-Denis. Beginning at 21:16 (after sunset), three suicide bombers struck outside the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, during an international football match. 

• United States announces that it will recognize communist China (HISTORYPolitico).

President Jimmy Carter states that as of January 1, 1979 = Safar 1 (Convert a date) or Safar 2, 1399 AH, the United States will formally recognize the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) and sever relations with Taiwan.

• Hitler descends into his bunker (HISTORY). Hitler took up residence in the Führerbunker on 16 January 1945  = Safar 1 (Convert a date) or Safar 2, 1364 AH(Wikipedia), and it became the centre of the Nazi regime until the last week of World War II in Europe.

• Pakistan successfully conducted several underground nuclear tests, making it the seventh country to possess nuclear weapons (Britannica). Date: 28 May 1998 = Safar 1 (Convert a date) or  Safar 2, 1419 AH [Youm-e-Takbir (AnydayGuide) (the day of greatness) is a Pakistani holiday commemorating the anniversary of the country’s first nuclear tests.]

Here are her notes on Saturday, August 3…

8/3 (Saturday / Saturn’s Day)

Julian calendar: 7/21 (Convert a date) [7/7+7+7]

Augustus 3 (Wikipedia): Supplicia canum (“punishment of the dogs”) an unusual dog sacrifice and procession at the temples of Iuventas (“Youth”) and Summanus, connected to the Gallic siege. 

Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendarProphet Ezekiel (Wikipedia) [Ezekiel’s vision of God and the chariot – The Torah]

• Columbus’s first transatlantic voyage begun (BritannicaHISTORY). Hoping to find a westward route to India. Date: 3 August 1492

• WWI: Germany declares war on France (HISTORY). Date: August 3, 1914

Essene calendar16 Av (m/d date format 5/16)

Amos 5:16  Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says: “There will be rwailing in all the public squares and cries of ‘Alas! Alas!‘ in all the streets. The farmer will be summoned to mourn, and the mourners to wail.

Chinese calendar6th Month 29

• Atomic bombing of Hiroshima – Date: 6 August 1945 (Google) = 6th Month 29, year of the Rooster

• Al-Qaeda is formed (The Guardian), 11 August 1988 = 6th Month 29, year of the Dragon 

Numbers8/3 (inclusive) – 8/4

• COVID-19 vaccine: UK woman becomes the first patient in the world to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine after its approval in the UK (The Guardian, Britain becomes first to roll out clinically approved BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine – NBC News). Date: 8 December 2020 (at 6:31 a.m.), 1335 days ago [On 24 June 2020, China approved the CanSino vaccine for limited use (Wikipedia). On 11 August 2020, Russia announced the approval of its Sputnik V vaccine for emergency use (Wikipedia).]

On the same day (8 December 2020) this was published-> Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it (NBC News). 

• President Obama’s Speech in Cairo: A New Beginning (whitehouse.gov 12) Date: 4 June 2009 = Jumada II 10, 1430 AH [Convert a date],  5 years, 30 month, 2800 days ago if the larger units (months/years) are added before the smaller units (days).-> Strong’s Greek: 5328. Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king

• NASA created (BritannicaWikipedia) – Criticized for allowing the Soviet Union to launch the first man-made satellite to orbit Earth (Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957), U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation that created NASA. Date: 29 July 1958, 66 years, 6 days ago [Number of the beast: 666]

After sunset 🌅 – 8/4 

Jewish calendar29 Tammuz, 29 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

Jabotinsky Day (HebcalWikipedia) commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky. On this day; a state memorial service is held on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. [With Joseph Trumpeldor, he co-founded the Jewish Legion of the British Army in World War I., established the militant organization Irgun,…; Ze’ev (Wikipedia) is a masculine given name of Hebrew origin meaning wolf.]. Jabotinsky died on 3 August 1940, 84th Jewish anniversary of his death 

• The 20 July plot (Wikipedia) was a failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler, the chancellor and leader of Nazi Germany, and overthrow the Nazi regime on 20 July 1944 (at 12:42 pm the bomb detonated) = 29 Tammuz. Location: Wolf’s Lair (Wikipedia) Outcome: Hitler survives with minor injuries; Military coup fails within 5 hours; 7,000 arrested, 4,980 executed (including 200 conspirators), 80 years ago

• The Black Tom explosion (Wikipedia)  was an act of sabotage by agents of the German Empire, to destroy U.S.-made munitions that were to be supplied to the Allies in World War I. It was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in history. Date: 30 July 1916 at 2:08:00 a.m. in New York Harbor = 29 Tammuz

• Marco Polo Bridge Incident or the July 7 Incident (WikipediaBritannica), conflict between Chinese and Japanese troops near the Marco Polo Bridge outside Beiping (now Beijing), which developed into the warfare between the two countries that was the prelude to the Pacific side of World War II. Date: 7 July 1937 (on the night of 7 July – Wikipedia) = 29 Tammuz

• North Korea’s “Great Leader”dies (HISTORY, Wikipedia). Kim Il-Sung (Wikipedia), the communist dictator of North Korea since 1948, dies of a heart attack at the age of 82. Date: 8 July 1994 (at around 2:00 am local time) = 29 Tammuz, the 30th Jewish anniversary of his death. 

Islamic calendar: Muharram 28  (Convert a date) or Muharram 29

• Pope Francis arrived in Sweden to mark the 500th anniversary [your blog on 21 October 2023 – hereCBS News] of the Protestant Reformation (which was a Kabbalist endeavor to break the Church). Date: 31 October 2016 = Muharram 30, 1438 AH or Muharram 29 (Convert a date)

• Lodge–Fish Resolution (Wikipedia) was a joint resolution of both houses of the US Congress that endorsed the British Mandate for Palestine. On September 21, 1922 = Muharram 29, 1341 AH, US President Warren G. Harding signed the joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine, per the 1917 Balfour Declaration, 105 Islamic years ago.

• Samuel Byck attempts to hijack an aircraft at Baltimore/Washington International Airport with the intention of crashing it into the White House to assassinate Richard Nixon, but commits suicide after being wounded by police (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: 22 February 1974 = Muharram  29, 1394 AH [Gematria: Samuel Byck(112, 31, 158, 59) = Artemis 1x]

• North Korea’s “Great Leader”dies (HISTORY, Wikipedia). Kim Il-Sung (Wikipedia), the communist dictator of North Korea since 1948, dies of a heart attack at the age of 82. Date: 8 July 1994 (at around 2:00 am local time) = Muharram 28, 1415 AH or Muharram 29 (Convert a date)

Here are her notes on Thursday, August 1…

Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh (Wikipedia)

Gematria: Ismail Haniyeh (133, 70, 218, 74) = Notre Dame Fire 4x, King of Babylon 2x, The Dragon King (Wikipedia) 3x 

8/1 (Thursday/ Thor’s day)

Julian calendar: 7/19 (Convert a date)

Roman calendarAugustus (Sextilis) (Wikipedia) Until renamed for Augustus Caesar, this month was called Sextilis, originally the sixth month (sext-) when the year began in March.

Holy Maccabean Martyrs (Wikipedia) Feast: 1 August (Traditional Catholics)

Harvest festivals: Lughnasadh (WikipediaAnydayGuide) is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season.; Lammas (WikipediaNational Today) is a Christian wheat harvest festival that is also known as Loaf Mass Day.; Pachamama Raymi (AnydayGuide) – “Mother Earth feast“) in Ecuador and Peru.

Syrian Armed Forces (timeanddate)

Lebanese Armed Forces (WikipediaAnydayGuide) Founded:  1 August 1945 

China: Army Day or PLA Day (Wikipedia) is a professional military holiday celebrated annually by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). It commemorates of the founding of the PLA during the 1927 Nanchang Uprising. The Nanchang Uprising marks the first major Nationalist Party of China (Kuomintang) – Chinese Communist Party engagement of the Chinese Civil War. [Flag of the People’s Liberation Army (Wikipedia) – A Chinese red field with a yellow star at the canton, and the Chinese numerals for “8” and “1]

Memorial Day for the Victims of World War I in Russia (AnydayGuide); Warsaw Uprising Memorial Day in Poland (AnydayGuide)

• Mary I (Wikipedia) also known as Mary Tudor, and as “Bloody Mary” by her Protestant opponents, replaces Lady Jane Grey (or Edward VI) as Queen of England (timeanddateHISTORY) Date: 19 July 1553 (Julian) 

• First White Terror (Wikipedia) – The White Terror was a period during the French Revolution in 1795 when a wave of violent attacks swept across much of France. The victims of this violence were people identified as being associated with the Reign of Terror – followers of Robespierre and Marat, and members of local Jacobin clubs. -> Timeline of events leading to the White Terror (Wikipedia): 1 August 1794 – Arrest of Fouquier-Tinville. The Convention repeals the Law of 22 Prairial.

• First World War erupts (HISTORY) – Four days after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Germany and Russia declare war against each other, France orders a general mobilization, and the first German army units cross into Luxembourg in preparation for the German invasion of France. Date: 1 August 1914

• Cyprus dispute: The United Nations Security Council authorizes the UNFICYP to create the “Green Line”, dividing Cyprus into two zones (Wikipedia). Date: 1 August 1974 

• Hitler oversees Berlin Olympics opening ceremony (HISTORY)Date: 1 August 1936

Essene calendar14 Av

Chinese calendar6th Month 27

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (FiveThirtyEight.com), Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014 = 6th Month 27, year of the Horse

Numbers: 8/1 (inclusive) – 8/2

• The Inauguration of Joe Biden (Wikipedia) as the 46th president of the United States took place on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, marking the start of the four-year term of Joe Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice president, 1290 days ago 

• President Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to visit Hiroshima and pay his respects at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, PBS NewsHour – YouTube). Date: 27 May 2016 [Japan Standard Time is UTC +9], 8 years, 9 weeks, 4 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 894. Babel: an E. Mediterranean empire and its capital city / Greek: 894. apsinthos: wormwood / -> Chernobyl is Artemisia – Wormwood (WikipediaChernobyl)]

• President Obama’s Speech in Cairo: A New Beginning (Wikipediaobamawhitehouse) Date: 4 June 2009, years, 30 month, 2800 days ago, if the smaller units (days) are added first -> Strong’s Greek: 5328. Pharaó: Pharaoh, an Eg. king. Usage: Pharaoh, the title of ancient Egyptian kings.

• John F. Kennedy Jr. (WikipediaAstro-databank) – Born: 25 November 1960, 3323 weeks old [Strong’s Hebrew: 3323. yitshar: fresh oil, NASB Translation anointed / Greek: 3323. Messias: Messiah, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ. Usage: Messiah, the Anointed One.

• Outer Space Treaty (Wikipedia) formally the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, is a multilateral treaty that forms the basis of international space law. Negotiated and drafted under the auspices of the United Nations, it was opened for signature in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union on 27 January 1967, 690 months, 6 days ago.

• United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (WikipediaCNN) – President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there, a move expected to inflame tensions in the region and unsettle the prospects for peace. Date: 6 December 2017, about 666 % of a common year (365 days) [Number of the beast: 666]

• The Federal Reserve System (WikipediaLibrary of Congress) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on 23 December 1913, 40,400 days ago [Barack Obama President number 44].

After sunset 🌅 – 8/2 

Jewish calendar27 Tammuz, 27 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

Third expulsion from France (1322)

• The House of Windsor (Wikipedia) is a British royal house, and currently the reigning house of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. Founded (Britain’s King George V changes royal surname…, the decidedly Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, to Windsor (HISTORY). Date: 17 July 1917  = 27 Tammuz

• Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Wikipedia) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) together with the European Union.

Created: 14 July 2015 = 27 Tammuz [The Obama White House: The President Announces a Historic Nuclear Deal with Iran]

• Isaac Herzog (Wikipedia), 11th President of Israel. Assumed office: 7 July 2021 = 27 Tammuz

• The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI(WikipediaHISTORY) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States and its principal federal law enforcement agency. Formed: 26 July 1908 = 27 Tammuz116 years ago

Islamic calendar: Muharram 26 (Convert a date) or Muharram 27

• The Abraham Accords (Wikipedia) are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain. Signed: 15 September 2020 = Muharram 27, 1442 AH

• The Iranian Revolution (Wikipedia) was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979. The revolution also led to the replacement of the Imperial State of Iran by the present-day Islamic Republic of Iran, as the monarchical government of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was superseded by the theocratic government of Ruhollah Khomeini. Start date: 7 January 1978 = Muharram 27, 1398 AH

Here are her notes on Wednesday, July 31…

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter (In The Sky) 30 July at 23:54 (11:54 PM) UTC [Strong’s Greek 1154. Damaskos: Damascus, a city of Syria]

7/31 (Wednesday)

Julian calendar: 7/18 (Convert a date) [d/m date format 18/7 – Positive Commandment 187]

Ezekiel 1:1 (NLT) On July 31 of my thirtieth year, while I was with the Judean exiles beside the Kebar River in Babylon, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. [Ezekiel’s Vision of the “Chariot” (Chabad)]

Harry Potter’s Birthday on 31 July (AnydayGuide)

Roman festivals: Quintilis 18 (Wikipedia): a dies ater (“black day,” meaning a day of ill omen) marking the defeat of the Romans by the Gauls at the Battle of the Allia in 390 BC, leading to the sack of Rome by the Gauls.

• Nero’s Rome burns (HISTORYGreat Fire of Rome – Wikipedia) – The great fire of Rome breaks out and destroys much of the city beginning on July 18 (National Geographicor 19 in the year 64 (Julian). Despite the well-known stories, there is no evidence that the Roman emperor, Nero, either started the fire or played the fiddle while it burned. Still, he did use the disaster to further his political agenda. [Obama Nero – Google Search, or Hitler’s Nero Decree – Wikipedia]

• The Edict of Expulsion (Wikipedia) was a royal decree expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England that was issued by Edward I 18 July 1290 [Julian) = 9 Av (Convert a date)]; it was the first time a European state is known to have permanently banned their presence, 734 years years ago [Strong’s Greek 734. Artemas: “gift of Artemis,” Artemas, a friend of the apostle Paul] and

• All remaining Jews are expelled from Spain when the Alhambra Decree takes effect (Wikipedia: herehere). Date: by 31 July 1492 (Julian)

• Feast Day of Ignatius of Loyola (AnydayGuide) – Ignatius of Loyola (WikipediaHISTORY) was a Spanish-French Basque Catholic priest and theologian, who, with six companions, founded the religious order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and became its first Superior General, in Paris in 1541(*). Died: 31 July 1556, Rome, 468 years ago [*On 15 August 1534, Ignatius of Loyola, a Spaniard from the Basque city of Loyola, and six others mostly of Castilian origin, all students at the University of Paris, met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis (Denis of Paris – Wikipedia), now Saint Pierre de Montmartre, to pronounce promises of poverty, chastity, and obedience (Wikipedia). 2024 Summer Olympics closing ceremony (Wikipedia) Venue: Stade de France (Wikipedia), location: Saint-Denis, France].

• Preparations for the Final Solution to the Jewish Question begin (HISTORYWikipedia) – On 31 July 1941, Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring wrote to Reinhard Heydrich (Himmler’s deputy and chief of the RSHA), authorizing him to make the “necessary preparations” for a “total solution of the Jewish question”. 

• Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (WikipediaCNN) the leader of the Salafi jihadist group al-Qaeda, was killed by a United States drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. Date: 31 July 2022 at 6:18 a.m. Kabul, Afghanistan 

Essene calendar13 Av (5/13)

Chinese calendar6th Month 26 

• Benito Mussolini (Wikipedia) was an Italian dictator who founded and led the National Fascist Party (PNF). He was Prime Minister of Italy, as well as Duce of Italian fascism (Wikipedia) = Head of Government, Leader of Fascism and Founder of the Empire. Born: 29 July 1883 at 14:00 (Astro-databank) = 6th Month 26, year of the Goat

 The United States and NATO – The United States Senate ratifies the North Atlantic Treaty (nato.int). Date: 21 July 1949 = 6th Month 26, year of the Ox

Numbers: 7/31 (inclusive) – 8/1 

After sunset 🌅 – 8/1 

Jewish calendar26 Tammuz (4/26), 26 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile) [the Chernobyl disaster (Wikipedia) occurred on 4/26 (Gregorian).]

• 1st Masonic Grand Lodge formed in London (HISTORY, Premier Grand Lodge of England – Wikipedia). Date: 24 June 1717 (Julian) = 26 Tammuz (Convert a date)

• Mein Kampf (WikipediaHISTORY) (lit. ’My Struggle’) is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Hitler originally wanted to call his forthcoming book Four and a Half Years [of Struggle] Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice [4.5 years ] (Wikipedia). Publication date: 18 July 1925 = 26 Tammuz

• The Reichskonkordat (Wikipediaewtnvatican.com) (“Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich”) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. Signed: 20 July 1933 =  26 Tammuz. [It was ratified 10 September 1933 and it has been in force from that date onward.]

• The Tennessean, the largest newspaper in the state of Tennessee, ran a full-page advertisement from a fringe religious group Sunday that cited the Bible and warned Nashville residents that a nuclear bomb will be set off by “Islam” next month [on 18 July 2020 = 26 Tammuz] (Newsweek). It featured images of Donald Trump and Pope Francis.

• Ismail I (Wikipedia), also known as Shah Ismail, was the founder of the Safavid dynasty of Iran. His reign is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history. During Ismail’s reign, the first steps for the Habsburg–Persian alliance were set as well… against the common Ottoman Turkish enemy. Born: 17 July 1487 (here) (Julian) = 26 Tammuz (Convert a date)

• The Mandate for Palestine (WikipediaJewish Virtual Library) was a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan – which had been part of the Ottoman Empire for four centuries – following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. In Palestine, the Mandate required Britain to put into effect the Balfour Declaration’s “national home for the Jewish people” alongside the Palestinian Arabs, who composed the vast majority of the local population (Wikipedia). The Mandate was approved on Sat, 22 July 1922 = 26 Tammuz at a private meeting of the Council of the League of Nations at St. James Palace in London (Wikipedia), a public statement confirming this was made by the president of the council on 24 July = 28 Tammuz (Wikipedia).

Islamic calendar: Muharram 25 (Convert a date) or Muharram 26

Here are her notes on Tuesday, July 30…

7/30 (Tuesday/day of Mars – the god of war)

Julian calendar: 7/17 (Convert a date) Julian “World Emoji Day” 📅 (WikipediaGematria:  = Coronation Day 4x, Knight Templar 4x, the Antichrist 3x, Lord of the Flies [Beelzebub (Wikipedia) a major demon] 2x, I am John F Kennedy 2x, Prince of Whales 2x (The Guardian)

Southern δ-Aquariid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky); α-Capricornid meteor shower 2024 (In The Sky); Conjunction of the Moon and Mars (In The Sky) at 10:38 UTC

• The first Masonic Grand Lodge in the future United States is constituted in Massachusetts (Wikipediamassmoments). Date: 30 July 1733

• President Eisenhower signs “In God We Trust” into law (HISTORY) On July 30, 1956, two years after pushing to have the phrase “under God” inserted into the pledge of allegiance, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a law officially declaring “In God We Trust” to be the nation’s official motto. 

• Death of Bismarck (WikipediaHistory Today), the first chancellor of the German Empire. Otto von Bismarck was a Prussian statesman and diplomat who oversaw the unification of Germany. Bismarck’s Realpolitik and firm governance resulted in his being popularly known as the Iron Chancellor.  Date: 30 July 1898

• The Black Tom explosion (Wikipedia)  was an act of sabotage by agents of the German Empire, to destroy U.S.-made munitions that were to be supplied to the Allies in World War I. It was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in history. Date: 30 July 1916 

• Ismail I (Wikipedia), also known as Shah Ismail, was the founder of the Safavid dynasty of Iran. His reign is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history. During Ismail’s reign, the first steps for the Habsburg–Persian alliance were set as well… against the common Ottoman Turkish enemy. Born: 17 July 1487 (here) (Julian) 

• Jerusalem Law (Wikipedia), is a common name of Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel passed by the Knesset on 30 July 1980, 44 years ago. Although the law did not use the term, the Israeli Supreme Court interpreted the law as an effective annexation of East Jerusalem. The United Nations Security Council condemned the attempted change in status to Jerusalem and ruled the law “null and void” in United Nations Security Council Resolution 478. 

• Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri (WikipediaCNN) the leader of the Salafi jihadist group al-Qaeda, was killed by a United States drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. Date: 31 July 2022 at 6:18 a.m. Kabul, Afghanistan = 30 July 2022 (EDT)

Essene calendar: 12 Av 

• World War I begins – Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 28, 1914 = 12 Av (Essene) one month to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War. 110 years ago

Chinese calendar6th Month 25

• The Gulf of Tonkin incident (Wikipedia) was an international confrontation that led to the United States engaging more directly in the Vietnam War. Date: 2 August 1964 = 6th Month 25, year of the Dragon

• Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party (HISTORYWikipedia) – On July 29, 1921 = 6th Month 25, year of the Rooster, Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party. Under Hitler, the Nazi Party grew into a mass movement and ruled Germany as a totalitarian state from 1933 to 1945, 103 years ago

Numbers7/30 (inclusive) – 7/31 

• Artemis I (Wikipedia) was an uncrewed Moon-orbiting mission. As the first major spaceflight of NASA’s Artemis program, Artemis 1 marked the agency’s return to lunar exploration after the conclusion of the Apollo program five decades earlier. Launch date: 16 November 2022, 623 days ago [Strong’s Hebrew: 623. Asaph: “gatherer,” the name of several Israelites / Greek: 623. Apolluón: “a destroyer,” Apollyon, the angel of the abyss]

• Donald Trump became the first sitting US president to visit the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism (CNN). Date: 22 May 2017, 7 years, 70 days ago [Trump and the number 7 – The Ceres Courier or 770 Eastern Parkway (Wikipedia)].

After sunset 🌅 – 7/31

Jewish calendar25 Tammuz, 25 Tammuz (One Messianic Gentile)

• The first Batman Day (Wikipedia) and the “Trump Era” began on that day (FiveThirtyEight.com), Donald Trump is Batman (The Washington Post) [explanation in detail: your blog on 16 September 2022]. Date: 23 July 2014 = 25 Tammuz

Islamic calendar: Muharram 24 (Convert a date) [see 7/29 notes] or Muharram 25