Monthly Archives: July 2015

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 58 – The BRICS Summit and Greece: What tomorrow may bring (+ a P.S. x 5)


As we head into the two-day BRICS Summit tomorrow, there are some questions weighing on the minds of many people: Will Greek Prime Minister Tsipras attend? Will he request aid? Will Greece join the BRICS Bank? And if they do, will it happen immediately or will they have to wait a while? Let’s consider these questions in light of an RT article which came out today…

A reader sent me a link to this RT piece in which a Putin aide attempts to throw cold water on the Greece/BRICS Bank scenario. Here are some excerpts worth examining…

>>> “There has been speculation in the media that Greece may apply for accession to the New Development Bank. We know of these assumptions, but so far no one has officially discussed such an option with us,” Yury Ushakov, President Putin’s aide, said.  <<<

Take careful note of the words Ushakov used here. He didn’t say “no one has discussed such an option”; he said “no one has officially discussed such an option.” If you were throwing a surprise party for someone, would you plan it openly and officially, or would you plan it discreetly and unofficially?

Note also that he said “no one has officially discussed such an option with us [the Russians]”; he didn’t say “no one has officially discussed such an option with anyone [in the BRICS].” We already know that Tsipras met with the head of the BRICS Bank in St. Petersburg a few weeks ago, so was their meeting considered “official” or “unofficial”? And if they weren’t talking about aid and membership for Greeece, what were they talking about? Baklava recipes?

>>>  The NDB is just launching its operations, Ushakov noted, and it still has to “set out its priorities and start to function.”

“And it certainly won’t start its operations with Greece,” Ushakov added, pointing out that the NBD has “its own tasks and challenges to deal with.”

The issue of Greece is going to be discussed anyway, but not in the context of its accession to the NDB “even in the long term,” the presidential aid said.

The BRICS’ New Development Bank has an initial capital of $50 billion and is believed to have triggered a major reshape of the Western-dominated financial system. The NDB is expected to be up and running by the end of the year. <<<

So the issue of Greece’s accession to the NDB won’t be discussed, eh? Is that because Greece hasn’t yet “officially” made such a request? If Tsipras attends the BRICS Summit and submits such a request, what will happen then? And RT is being a bit disingenuous when it says “the NDB is expected to be up and running by the end of the year.” According to other reports cited in my previous updates, the NDB launch process begins today, and it will have its $100 billion Contingency Fund in place by the end of this month. I don’t yet know the status of its $50 billion in starting Development Capital, but I would guess it’ll be ready at about the same time as the Contingency Fund. This raises the possibility that Greece might have to wait a few weeks before getting any money (unless the Russians slip them some as a pipeline advance).

All this brings us back to the orderly and disorderly switchover scenarios I outlined in Update 54. The orderly scenario is…

> Tsipras goes to the BRICS Summit, makes an official request for aid and/or membership, and gets immediate help in rebooting the Greek economy with the drachma.

But now I can see that the disorderly scenario actually comes in two variations…

> Tsipras goes to the BRICS Summit, makes an official request for aid and/or membership, but has to wait a few weeks until the NDB’s funds are all in place. This could create a scenario in which the Eurozone might attempt to sabotage the Greeks by pulling all Emergency Liquidity Assistance from their banks. Chaos would ensue and Panos Kammenos (the pro-Russian Defense Minister) would step forward to restore order and complete the BRICS switchover.

> Tsipras fails to close the deal with either the Eurozone or the BRICS. Chaos ensues and Kammenos steps up.

(P.S. – 7 July 2015) – Here they go again. The New York Times and other media outlets are featuring another factual, yet misleading, statement from another Russian Minister…

>>> Russia is pouring cold water on the prospect that the so-called BRICS nations could help Greece financially at their summit this week.

Russian Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev told Russian media that the idea of providing any financial help to a non-BRICS member such as Greece is “premature and, it seems to me, not current.” <<<

So what if Greece becomes a BRICS member, Mr. Ulyukaev? Will there be help then? Until they officially request membership and aid, I guess it is “premature,” isn’t it? wink

Once Greece finally makes its official request to join the BRICS and receive development assistance – whether Tsipras does it in the next few days or Kammenos does it in the next few weeks – you’ll see officials in both the West and East feign surprise. And the same press outlets that are currently downplaying the Greek scenario will feature blaring headlines like this: “GREECE SHOCKS EUROPE BY ASKING TO JOIN THE BRICS.” Silly rabbits, tricks are for kids…

(P.S. – 7 July 2015) – A reader sent me the link to this BRICS Post article, which is another account of the Tsipras-Putin phone call on Monday. The most interesting part of the report, though, is Tsipras’ recitation of the New World Order propaganda line at the bottom…

>>> “Earlier last month at a Russian economic forum in Saint Petersburg, the Greek Prime Minister criticized the EU for believing that it “was the center of the world”.

“The economic center of the planet has shifted. There are new emerging forces that are playing a more important role geopolitically and economically. International relations are more and more characterized by multi-polarity,” said Tsipras.

“Enhanced cooperation among the BRICS countries is another manifestation of the new world order at the moment,” he added. <<<

Of course, he isn’t the only Greek government minister reading from the NWO talking points. In this RT article, the head of the Greek Foreign Ministry’s economic relations department, Giorgos Tsipras, offered this…

>>> When asked about highly skeptical reports in Western media, Tsipras jokingly replied that those who expressed doubts that Moscow-Athens relations would go far were “jealous”.

“The new government means that we will have more multidimensional foreign policy and economic foreign policy and Russia is one of the countries that we will have for more relationship.”

He added that Russia “is one of the main forces of the multipolar world that comes up in the new economic environment after the crisis of 2008.” <<<

The “new economic environment” to which he is referring was born here, at the 2009 G20 Summit (from The New York Times)…
…The G20 is the economic steering committee of the NWO, and both the G7 and the BRICS are in on it. For more information on this subject, see George Soros and the China-fronted NWO.

(P.S. – 7 July 2015) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s remarks, as reported by Zero Hedge on July 7, 2015: Merkel Mocks Greece And The Referendum: There Is Money, But The Deal Is Much Harsher Now (And No Debt Haircut).

Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos’ remarks, as reported by Reuters on February 10, 2015: “…if we see that Germany remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the obligation to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get funding from another source. It could the United States at best, it could be Russia, it could be China or other countries,”

(P.S. – 7 July 2015) – It’s almost midnight here in Texas, but I had to add one more P.S. before bedtime. I came across this New York Times article which relates what Tsipras said after today’s emergency Eurozone meeting (to which Greece didn’t even bother bringing a proposal)…

>>> In comments to reporters after the meeting, Mr. Tsipras struck an almost sunny tone by contrast, saying that the talks had been held in “a positive climate” and that his government would continue efforts to secure “a final exit” from the crisis. “The process will be fast,” he said, “beginning in the coming hours with the aim of concluding by the end of the week, at the latest.” <<<

If you look at his comments through the BRICS scenario lens, they are quite striking. I guess we’ll see by the end of Thursday (the last day of the BRICS Summit and the deadline the Troika has given Greece to submit their final proposal).

(P.S. – 8 July 2015) – Um-hum
…but who will buy the shares, Tsipras (tomorrow or early next week) or Kammenos (after Syriza self-destructs)?

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

With love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 56-57 – Paul Craig Roberts’ dialectic propaganda & The Greek trip to the BRICS Summit begins to materialize (+ a P.S. x 4)

[Update 56]

Paul Craig Roberts trying to look fierce…
…or was he just constipated that day?

In the course of researching for a new entry, I came across this short piece of dialectic propaganda from Paul Craig Roberts: Cracks In Washington’s Empire. Here are some excerpts worth commenting upon:

Excerpt 1…

>>> Washington uses its development banks such as the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, along with the IMF, in order to exercise financial and political hegemony. These banks are crucial elements of American economic and political imperialism. <<<

So what kind of “American imperialism” has the World Bank been working towards? Have a look at what the then-head of the World Bank was talking about back in 2011…
…(from The Atlantic)

A world order that is “multilateral,” not unilateral? “A tomorrow in which developing countries wield more power,” not Washington? Hey, wait a minute… isn’t that exactly the kind of New World Order the BRICS are talking about? wink

And what about the IMF? What kind of future world order are they talking about?…
…(from a speech by Christine Lagarde located on the IMF website)

The head of the IMF is talking about “a more multi-polar world,” not a unipolar one? And she’s speaking of the IMF’s need to mirror that multipolarity in its governance structure? Hey, wait a minute… “multipolar”… isn’t that the sort of world order Putin is talking about?…
…(from RT)

How can these two bitter enemies…
…the evil Lagarde and the messianic Putin, be talking about moving towards the same sort of New World Order? If you believe guys like Paul Craig Roberts, it doesn’t make much sense, does it? Bullsh*t never does.

Excerpt 2…

>>> The Chinese-led bank [the AIIB] will, of course, be much more effective. The Chinese will use the bank to actually help countries and thereby make friends and grow trust, whereas Washington uses its banks for domination by force. <<<

The IMF and the World Bank put nations into debt. So will the BRICS Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank just hand out money as grants rather than loans? No, they too will put nations into debt. And whether you’re in debt to the Left Hand or the Right Hand, you’re still in debt, right? The only difference between these four globalist institutions are the nameplates on their doors and the brand images being manufactured by the media.

Excerpt 3…

>>> This new bank, together with the BRICS Bank, will provide countries with escape routes from Washington’s domination. <<<

This part reminds of something I wrote back in 2013…

>>> It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap. <<<

This quote came from an entry on my old blog. You can find a repost of it on another site by following this link: David Wilcock and the Real NWO.

Here is the section the quote came from…

>>> The Chinese have suffered greatly at the hands of Western imperialism, as has much of the world. As a result, the Illuminati would have trouble roping many nations into a Western-led New World Order, especially the nationalistic Chinese. Since you can’t have a truly global order without the most populous nation on Earth, the Illuminati opted to use their own legacy of destruction to their advantage. Their two-part strategy to do so is as follows:

1 – They set up a China-centered alliance as an opposing force to the Western alliance.
This part of the strategy was hinted at in the mainstream press in this 2002 UPI article, titled “China Wants Its Own ‘New World Order’ To Oppose US Version.” It is common practice for the Cabal to use opposing forces to achieve their ends, and they always make sure they have influence or control over both sides.

2 – They have been driving the world public into the hands of the Chinese alliance.
How have they approached this, you ask?

> They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies (thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another).

> They have instigated outrageous and provocative action, both economic and military, by the Western powers (this adds a new insight into the open-for-all-to-see Wall Street / City of London criminality and recent Western military boondoggles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Syria).

> They have broadly exposed damaging information about Western nations, especially the US. This is the motivation behind WikiLeaks, Snowden, and a thousand smaller disclosures. And after Snowden outed the NSA’s activities to the general public, where did he run to hide? First to China (Hong Kong), then to Russia. So what is the psychological message? China and Russia (the BRICS alliance) is where you run for safety from the evil US, its Western allies, and all their horrible behavior.

It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap. <<<

Excerpt 4…

>>> The crazed American and British neocon nazis, and their dupes among the populations, comprise the greatest human threat that the world has ever known. The sooner the Evil Empire collapses, the safer the world will be. <<<

So PCR ends his idiotic rant by lashing out at the globalist elements who have been designated to play the scapegoat role during the NWO transition: the Anglo-American “neocon nazis,” or as fellow propagandist goofball Benjamin Fulford calls them, the “nazionists.” Once these evil “neocon nazis” have been defeated by our BRICS saviors, the world will be safe for “helpful” multilateral debt slavery. Well isn’t that precious…

[Update 57 – 6 July 2015]

The Greek trip to the BRICS Summit begins to materialize

Well whaddaya know! The media are reporting that Greece has 48 hours before things start getting ugly. That would bring us safely to Wednesday, and that’s the day the BRICS Summit starts.

And Tsipras and Putin talked on Monday. Note what Europe Online Magazine said about it

“Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed Greece‘s referendum against further economic austerity measures on the phone on Monday, the Kremlin said…

The Kremlin‘s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said earlier on Monday that Moscow would consider providing financial aid if Athens specifically requests it.

Peskov said in comments carried by state media that the aid issue would likely be addressed during an upcoming BRICS emerging economies summit that starts on Wednesday in the Russian city of Ufa.

(P.S. – 6 July 2015) – The media are now reporting that Greece will attend an emergency Euro Summit on Tuesday. All this continuing talk of a deal between Greece and the Troika is being staged to keep people calm until the big surprise (Greece’s defection to the BRICS). It will also serve a propaganda purpose later on.

(P.S. – 6 July 2015) – The Western press are systematically ignoring the pending Greek defection to the BRICS. Read this Bloomberg article and see how it spins things. I suspect they are keeping things under wraps in order to maximize the shock value when the switchover occurs. Even Zero Hedge seems to be doing it: ECB To Keep Greece On Hold Until Wednesday When Balyasny Sees Rioting Begin (the article’s failure to mention the BRICS scenario was so striking that I left a comment below it).

(P.S. – 6 July 2015) – Isn’t it convenient…

> that the emergency Eurozone Summit was scheduled for Tuesday (so it won’t interfere with the BRICS Summit on Wednesday)?

> that the ECB and the commentators “see Greek banks coping to Wednesday [the day of the BRICS Summit] without more aid”?

> that the whole Syriza vs. Troika drama has drawn out over the past six months only to culminate with a Greek referendum just 3 days before the BRICS Summit?

Those are some uncanny coincidences, don’t you think?

As I’ve said so many times before, this is all just globalist theater, and they are writing the script for both sides. The G7 are globalists wearing black masks; the G5 (BRICS) are globalists wearing white masks. And they all belong to the G20, the economic steering committee of the real New World Order.

(P.S. – 6 July 2015) – Even the Chinese are operating in stealth mode concerning Greece’s possible attendance at the BRICS Summit. According to

“China is confident that Greece’s economy will turn around with the hard work of all parties, a deputy foreign minister said on Monday, but would not say if the Greek prime minister could attend an emerging powers summit later in the week in Russia….

Asked whether Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras might come to this week’s summit of the BRICS group of five major emerging nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – Cheng said that as Russia was the host it was its decision on whether to invite other countries.

Russia’s finance minister said last week that Russia had not offered Greece the chance to become a member of the New Development Bank that is being created by the BRICS group.”

So the Chinese Minister is being coy and the Russian Minister is hiding behind technicalities: Russia may not have offered the Greeks a chance to become a member of the NDB, but what did NDB President Kamath offer Tsipras when the two met in St. Petersburg last month?

It would seem that the globalists are quite intent on making the BRICS switchover a big surprise. Unfortunately for them, my highest aspiration as a blogger is to play Newman to their Seinfeld…


What could be more fun?…

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 54-55 – Greece and the BRICS Summit & Bank depositors, prepare to be wiped out

[Update 54]

As time marches forward to the 7th BRICS Summit and the opening of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) next week, let’s take a look at some clues in the media about what Greece might do…

Clue #1 – On January 14th of this year, 11 days before Syriza was elected and he was given the post of Greek Defense Minister, Panos Kammenos was in Russia attending a roundtable discussion called “The parliamentary elections in Greece: a change of course and exit from the euro zone
…Kammenos is the one boxed in red.

Here is what the site reported at the time…

>>> A roundtable discussion ‘The parliamentary elections in Greece: a change of course and exit from the euro zone’ took place in Rossiya Segodnya news agency on Wednesday, January 14.

The discussion was attended by the leader of Independent Greeks opposition party Panos Kammenos, Institute of geopolitical issues Director Philippos Tsadilis, Russian Peacekeeper web review Chied Editor Evgeny Belsky, Russians Abroad Institute Deputy Director Alexander Shchedrin and InfoRos information agency Chief Editor Denis Tyurin. <<<

“A change of course and exit from the euro zone,” eh? What did they know then that we still don’t seem to know now?

Clue #2 – In an article titled Greeks Enthusiastic About Joining BRICS New Development Bank, Sputnik has reported that…

>>> On June 19, Greek Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis told Sputnik that Greece could become the first non-founder members of the NDB, joining on an equal footing as its current members, as soon as the bank was launched. <<<

Since the bank is being launched next Tuesday, that suggests Greece might join next week.

Clue #3 – In this RT article, the remarks of another Greek government minister was reported…

>>> “I think there is a lot of potential [in Russian-Greek relations] in a number of sectors,” Giorgos Stathakis, Minister of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism said. As soon as problems which “exist at this point between the EU and Greece are overcome, then relations [between Moscow and Athens] will be fully developed,” he added.

Stathakis added that he was “happy with that,” but was reluctant to disclose if any “results” had been achieved at the forum.” <<<

So what are the “problems which exist at this point between the EU and Greece”? The bailout question, right? And that question will be settled by Sunday’s Greek referendum. This would suggest that Greece might “fully develop” Eastern relations as soon as the votes are counted. I also found it was quite curious that the article said Stathakis was “reluctant to disclose” any results that had been achieved. The wording made it sound like he was keeping a secret – a secret that may give birth to a big surprise later on.

So while the Western media have been downplaying Greece’s overtures towards Russia as mere bargaining maneuvers in reaching a deal with the Troika, Greece’s government ministers have been saying some very interesting things for those with ears to hear. Given this, there are two ways I see next week playing out: an orderly switchover or a disorderly switchover.

The Orderly Switchover – Greece will join the BRICS Bank next week and begin their transition back to the drachma with the backing of the East.

The Disorderly Switchover – Greece will fail to join the BRICS Bank next week, and they will fall into economic and social disarray. Having failed to close a deal with either the Troika or the BRICS, Syriza will disintegrate and the Greek military will have to step up to maintain some semblance of order. The Defense Minister, Panos Kammenos (the one who attended the roundtable discussion in Russia), will then take the reins and cut a deal with the BRICS (as I outlined in Update 19).

Either way, the weather calls for popcorn next week.

[Update 55 – 4 July 2015]

Bank depositors, prepare to be wiped out

Zero Hedge is reporting some interesting things going on in the world of derivatives right now. The banksters appear to be gathering all their derivatives contracts into a few “fall guy” banks, including entities within those banks that are FDIC-insured…

Citigroup Just Cornered The “Precious Metals” Derivatives Market

JPMorgan Just Cornered The Commodity Derivative Market, And This Time There Is Proof

If you read the following article, you’ll see why this is bad news for depositors in those banks: It Can Happen Here: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for US and UK Depositors.

I’ll sort through everything and produce an understandable explanation of all this as soon as I’m able. For now, suffice it to say that I won’t be keeping any money in the banks except what is needed to pay immediate bills. For when the derivatives go pop, they’ll steal it all.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 51-53 – Guess who’s running the new BRICS Bank & Happy ISIS Weekend? (+ a P.S.)

[Update 51]

While examining Eastern press reports of the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Forum for news that went largely unnoticed in the West, I came across a Greek Reporter article titled Greek PM Tsipras Meets with Gazprom Chief, BRICS Delegation in St Petersburg. It contained this telling section…

>>> Tsipras also met with representatives of the new development bank for BRICS countries, who expressed their intense interest in cooperating with Greece.

The Greek Prime Minister was accompanied by Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, while the BRICS delegation included its chief, Kundapur Vaman Kamath, IMF’s Executive Director and new Vice President of the BRICS bank Paulo Nogueira Batista, Russia’s Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak and the head of state bank Vnesheconombank (VEB), Vladimir Dmitriev. <<<

In the Western news reports of the time, I saw it mentioned that Tsipras met with Putin, but I heard nothing about him meeting with the head of the BRICS Bank, K.V. Kamath…
…who is one of the “Davos boys.” It was an interesting oversight on the part of the Western press.

Even more interesting than that was the mention that one of the IMF’s Executive Directors is also a Vice President of the BRICS Bank. According to the IMF website

“The Executive Board (the Board) is responsible for conducting the day-to-day business of the IMF. It is composed of 24 Directors, who are appointed or elected by member countries or by groups of countries, and the Managing Director, who serves as its Chairman. The Board usually meets several times each week. It carries out its work largely on the basis of papers prepared by IMF management and staff.”

One of those Board members is this man…
who was selected on June 11 as a Vice President of the BRICS Bank.

And who trained this Mr. Batista?…

The Jesuits…

…and the London Establishment…

If we look again at the BRICS Post article that announced Batista’s selection to the BRICS Bank, it offers an additional bit of interesting information…

“The first meeting of the bank’s board of governors will be in early July during the BRICS summit in Russia, at which it will formally appoint its president and vice-presidents…

Zhu Xian, vice-president of the World Bank, has been picked by China as one of the four vice-presidents.”

So who will be running the “fresh, new” BRICS Bank? Guys who hang out at Davos, who help run the “tainted, old” IMF and World Bank, and who are trained by the London Establishment and the Vatican Jesuits.

The BRICS Freedom Fighters: change we can believe in
…(as we ride the Turnip Truck Express into the New World Order)

[Update 52 – 2 July 2015]

The BRICS Bank will be ready this month for the Fed’s interest rate hike

In yet another sign of how carefully the globalists have choreographed the supposed East vs. West conflict, the BRICS Post is reporting that the BRICS Bank’s $100 billion Contingency Fund will be in place at the end of the month. This will give them a good six weeks to work out procedural bugs before the Federal Reserve delivers the New Lehman Shock with an expected September interest rate increase, and it even raises the possibility that the Fed could surprise us with a rate hike this month.

Originally, the BRICS Bank was scheduled to launch sometime in 2016. But during last November’s G20 Summit, the BRICS’ language changed to an “as quickly as possible” stance. I took note of it at the time in The Globalists are accelerating the rollout of their new financial system. In that entry, I predicted that the Bank would be launched at next week’s BRICS Summit, and I took note of what the Brazilian President said about the Bank

>>> With $100 billion in its coffers, the bank will help ensure infrastructure investments in BRICS countries and provide assistance for countries suffering from the economic volatility in the wake of the US’ exit from its expansionary monetary policy <<<

The $100 billion Contingency Fund is the money that is earmarked for that assistance, so the globalists must ensure it’s in place before they instruct the Fed to do the deed. Since it will be ready at about the same time the FOMC meets this month (on the 28th and 29th), a surprise July increase isn’t out of the question. It all depends on how much time they want to space between the “Fed Mistake” and the UN Summit in late September. I still favor a September rate hike for the time being, but I will be watching what they say very closely this month.

[Update 53 – 3 July 2015]

Happy ISIS Weekend?

A rare photograph of ISIS General Mohammed Hachmed Jihadi and his globalist intelligence agency handler…

Now that we’ve firmly entered the event horizon of the next global financial crisis, a progressive increase in war propaganda and false-flag terror is to be expected. So could we be looking at “ISIS” attacks in America during the Fourth of July weekend? I wouldn’t be surprised.

Should such attacks arise, watch for the following things (and laugh)…

> The attack(s) will be sloppy and easily seen through.

> The faux-truthers will be all over them exposing the inconsistencies between what happened and “the official story.”

> The trail will ultimately lead to the globalist elements that have been designated to play the scapegoat role during the NWO transition: the Neocons, the Zionists, the Nazis, and the Anglo-American banksters.

For a more detailed explanation of how all this works, see this entry: Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags.

(P.S. – 3 July 2015) – Whilst poking about the internet this evening, I came across this LaRouche webpage
…So Lyndon LaRouche is selling the BRICS Kool Aid, eh? No surprise there.

For the previous updates from this series, click here.

With love…