Category Archives: Veterans Today

Understanding the Different Brands of Alt-media Disinformation (Duff vs. Heneghan, OPPT vs. Swissindo vs. Neil Keenan vs. Karen Hudes, etc.) Update 1

When globalist puppets fight…
…the puppeteers are always on the winning side.

The G-20 Central Banking Cabal are very sophisticated in their disinformation techniques, but their methods are relatively easy to understand once you take a bird’s eye view of things. To elevate one’s self to such a view, the first thing that must be understood is this:

Just like GM employs different-looking brands to appeal to different demographics,
the globalists employ different disinformation brands for the same purpose.

Exactly how and why do they do this, you ask? Let’s go step-by-step…

1) The globalists have something to sell you: their East versus West, Good Illuminati versus Bad Illuminati global dialectic. They are trying to sell it to you so you’ll see their new multilateral/multipolar NWO and financial system as godsends rather than scourges.

2) They know that you can’t use the same salesman and same sales pitch with every person. Due to differences in personality types, personal experiences, levels of awareness, prejudices, etc., you have to match the right salesman and pitch to each “consumer.” In other words, you must tailor the bait you use to the type fish you’re trying to catch.

3) This being the case, the globalists deploy/develop a variety of disinfo agents who offer different sets of information and different spins to attract different types of people. Some of these talking heads are paid shills who know exactly what they’re doing; others might be well-intentioned bloggers who “got noticed” and were subsequently contacted by “insiders” who fed them bad information and influenced their outlook (I know this happens because they’ve tried to do it to me).

4) Since no two disinfo agents offer the same exact version of the lie, they frequently get into conflicts with each other, both real and staged. These conflicts actually serve the propaganda effort in the following ways:

> They create the impression that the disinfo agents aren’t working for the same people. If they’re fighting with each other, they can’t be on the same side, right? Wrong. Just look at the Republicans and Democrats.

> When disinfo agents fight over BS like the “global collateral accounts,” they distract people from questioning whether the accounts actually exist and instead get them focused on who is providing the “real intel” about them. If all these guys are fighting over something, that something must be real, right? Wrong. I have no doubt the Illuminati have vast stockpiles of gold scattered about, but it was gathered for their benefit, not humanity’s. They might try to tell you that it belongs to all of us, but they are the ones holding the keys to the vaults.

To show you what I mean by all this, consider Veterans Today and Tom Heneghan. If you are predisposed to see the Zionists as the source of the world’s ills, the globalists have Gordon Duff and Veterans Today to tell you what you want to hear. This is from VT’s front page today (the “bad guys” are in boxes and the “good guys” are circled)…

But if you are able to see through Duff’s bullsh*t, the globalists have Tom Heneghan there to catch you (and to blame everything on the Paperclip Nazis)…

Despite their supposed differences and staged conflict, the bottom line for both Duff and Heneghan is that Western ideological factions are to blame for what’s going on in the world. And that is what the globalists want to sell you.

Of course, VT also markets the saviors the globalists are selling…

And Heneghan offers a well-known globalist douchebag as the savior…
…Mr. Manmade Global Warming / Carbon Tax / Carbon Trading himself…
…Note the time and date of the article. The Skull and Bones “322” / Masonic “22” are featured, and it was the same day these two were meeting
…They do enjoy their silly little numbers, don’t they? 🙂

While we are on this subject, take a look at something I wrote in my old blog. It is about how the globalists do “leadership marketing”…

In another old entry, I touched on the concept of Cabal dialectics and brand marketing as it relates to spirituality…

[Update 1 – 9 January 2015]

The part of this article about the OPPT, Swissindo, Keenan and Hudes is growing into a full-sized entry, so I’ll post it as “Part 2” in the next day or two. Until then, I thought I’d repost something I posted back on 4/21/2014…

>>> Tom Heneghan: “International Intelligence Expert” and Cabal Disinfo Hack

During this morning’s infoscan, I came across a Tom Heneghan article which features this photo…

Right away, I noticed two things:

1) The photographic clarity of LaVey’s face and Kerry’s face seems different.

2) The upper right of the “newspaper” is folded-over so you can’t see the date of the “article.”

Upon looking into this, I found that the photo has already been written about in a Web Urbanist article titled Politics of Photoshop: 15 Shady Edits for Political Purposes. The article features this collage which seems to show the source photos from which the fake photo was assembled…
…According to this analysis of the fake photo, it is a composite made from a photo of John Kerry meeting a clown named Rami Salami and a photo of Anton LaVey with musical artist Marilyn Manson. This begs the question…

If Tom Heneghan is an “international intelligence expert,” why can’t he handle a simple vetting of a photograph? I’m just a home health aide, and I managed to pull it off.

So does this mean I think John Kerry isn’t a bad man? Absolutely not. But I’ve long considered “Tom Heneghan” to be a disinformation source, and this offers a nice, clear example of why. <<<

For more information on his counterparts, Gordon Duff and Leo Wanta, just visit my Veterans Today category.

Love always…

A rat’s nest full of brown pellets: COINTELPRO, Leo Wanta, Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock


It’s my birthday today, so I probably won’t be posting my next update until tomorrow at the earliest. During my morning coffee/infoscan, though, I ran across an interesting factoid I thought I’d share.

In the course of scanning an article, I came across a reference to the John Birch Society, a group frequently mentioned in the same breath as COINTELPRO (most likely because they were infiltrated and subverted by it). Upon looking at their Wikipedia entry, I saw something that caught my eye…

“Originally based in Belmont, Massachusetts, it is now headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin…”

And who/what else is associated with Appleton, Wisconsin? Leo Wanta.

On a hunch, I decided to have another look at Wanta’s official bio, Black Swan, White Hat (a PDF written in a remarkably juvenile and hero-worshipping tone) to see if it included any references to the John Birch Society. I found this on PDF page 15…

“Milwaukee was the first place where, at the tender age of 15, Leo Wanta worked for a government alphabet agency… the FBI. At night, he cleaned offices for the John Birch Society on West Vliet Street. He emptied trash, swept floors, collected handbills and books and other literature. Each night, the trash from John Birch meetings was placed in a large green bag which Lee Wanta carried to the #18 street car line – the Vliet Street run – where he handed the trash over to FBI agent Joe Kriofsky. When he got to 37th Street in the 53208 zip code, he departed and went home for the night.”

Now this is one piece of info from the largely fictional and overhyped Wanta bio that actually rings true: he was a low-level informant who helped the FBI spy on a patriot group. A connection between Wanta and COINTELPRO makes a lot of sense given the kind of propaganda he and his co-conspirators in the Veterans Today disinfo network are spreading around. As a general rule, anyone who is actively promoting Leo Wanta to the awakening public is either a government shill or someone who bleeds Kool Aid (because they’ve drunk so much).

Speaking of Kool Aid and those who dispense it, here is a portion of an interview of Veterans Today “Japan Bureau Chief” Benjamin Fulford by disinfo co-conspirator David Wilcock


Specifically, there is an article that Story wrote on January 7th regarding “OPERATION STILLPOINT.” Now, what is that?

“OPERATION STILLPOINT” was something that Story uncovered through his on investigative journalism research and his work with Leo Wanta.

I’ve been aware of Leo Wanta all the way back to when Sherman Skolnick was discussing him, I believe, in the late 1990s, and I even referred to it in my article called “The Changing of the Guard: Corporate Media Whistleblower Speaks.”

This is in fact, something that really has changed the game, bringing Wanta into the equation. He came forward and was trying to get people hip to the idea of disembodying the Federal Reserve, putting everybody on US Treasury Notes, printed by the US Treasury in accordance with the Constitution.

But, the real key is, he said, the elimination of the banking system. <<<

Further down in the article, there is also this…


As I indicated in the above introduction, Fulford also called special attention to a critical January 7th article by Christopher Story, independently validating that it was true.

When I had an Illuminati-linked financier approach me and offer to fund my CONVERGENCE film in 2006 (I denied his proposal, of course,) I directly asked him if he knew who Leo Wanta was. He said, “Yes, he used to work for us, but we no longer want to have any involvement with him.”

This is all part of the grand back-story where the Rockefeller faction betrayed and broke off from the Rothschild faction. Wanta sided with the Rockefellers to help assist in massive money-laundering campaigns.

According to Story, “Operation Stillpoint” was, in short, a secret Rockefeller plan to take over the entire American financial system, under the guise of abolishing the Federal Reserve… <<<

So according to Fulford/Wilcock, Wanta’s BS is real, he used to work for the Illuminati, and he broke ranks with them at some point (so he is a “good guy” now). In upcoming entries on Leo Wanta and Veterans Today, I’ll show why this is all nonsense meant to sow confusion and promote acceptance of the (very unified) Illuminati’s multilateral/multipolar NWO.

Till later, much love…

Is PressTV distancing itself from Veterans Today? – VT, Iran, Ukraine and the Future

During this morning’s infoscan, I came across this piece on Veterans Today

I’ve been so busy for the past few months that I haven’t been watching what the
VT clowns have been up to lately. From the looks of this article, though, it would appear that the PressTV folks are distancing themselves from them. Let’s have a look at what the article says…

“We have fond memories of our early days with Press TV when the Zionist Lobby in Europe was pressuring satellite media distributors to illegally pull them off the air…

Our interview work helped build commentary readership, and vice versa. And cross-posting our Press TV articles and then their news stories on VT began and two way leveraging effort to gain us both wider exposure. But the media business is a stressful one, with pressures on it from many directions…

We have been emails from readers for two months asking what was happening at Press TV and all we could say is we just don’t know. It could be management changes, nuclear talk jitters, our coverage of Israel and Turkey backing ISIL along with the US and Gulf States, etc…

We long to get back to doing that work with them once again like in the good ole days. Much more  remains to be done, and we opened a new front at the Syrian Counter Terrorism Conference in early December.”

So it seems that PressTV pulled away from VT a few months ago, and it was a few months ago that I wrote the first three installments of my series on VT. I guess “great minds think alike”; they must have come to the same conclusions that I did at roughly the same time. But this leaves us with a question:

Did they dump the VT disinfo clowns because they hadn’t previously realized what they are, or did they know what they are and dumped them because they’d become publicly exposed?

The answer to this question would tell us alot about how deeply under globalist influence the Tehran government has fallen.

Going on into the article, Gordon Duff begins attacking PressTV for their choice:

>>> There may well be factors involved.  The most telling of which is the recent New Horizons conference in Tehran.  Those managing this conference got “suckered” into inviting Gareth Porter and several others Iranians mistakenly saw as “great thinkers” and “intellectuals.” <<<

So according to Duff, the Iranians are “suckers.”

>>> Though the conference had Ken O’Keefe and Kevin Barrett in attendance, people with strong reputations, many were simply hacks or, as was proven out, “paid opposition.” <<<

Wow, “strong reputations,” eh? I guess being a VT bureau chief or correspondent

…or an editorial board member…
…qualifies you as having a “strong reputation.” So are O’Keefe’s and Barrett’s reputations as strong as Gordon Duff’s and Leo Wanta’s? One wonders… 🙂

>>> You can really name the disease, those who consider themselves “alternative media,” and some at Press TV and other institutions in Iran qualify as such, continually look to “mainstream media” for approval.  The insanity of this never sinks in. <<<

So according to Duff, the Iranians are diseased and insane.

>>> Others who had written for Press TV had simply rehashed the work of others, developing a formula based on plagiarism and dogma, hitting messages Iranians were unaware made them seem inept.  You see, giving a platform to those reviled in their own nation, not just by the media but the public at large, always backfires.  Americans hate the “smarmy” and weak, the whiny and tedious.  To some extent, Press TV’s website had been hijacked by such as this. <<<

PressTV’s non-VT writers and editors are plagiaristic, dogmatic, inept, smarmy, weak, and whiny, eh? What dogs they are! 🙂

>>> Veterans Today sources have told us that a veritable army of Zionist stooges have “wormed” their way to Tehran.  Their goal is to get Iranians to turn on each other and mistrust the real “truth tellers.” <<<

So Tehran is infested with worms, and Gordon Duff qualifies as a “real truth teller,” eh?

Here is the “real truth teller” Gordon Duff at the recent “Damascus Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism“…
…For a “100% disabled Marine combat vet,” he’s looking awful spry. I see no wheelchair around, so he appears to be walking and standing under his own power, and given everything he’s doing at VT and conferences such as this, he’s clearly able to work. I guess the 100% disability is in his character. As for the photo caption, if projectile vomiting in reaction to juvenile bullsh*t qualifies as “shockwaves,” I suppose it’s accurate…

A Message to the Iranians

If there are any within the Tehran establishment who genuinely care about the greatness of the Iranian nation and the welfare of the Iranian people, I invite you to consider a few points…

1) You cannot make a deal with the globalists…
…any more than you can make a deal with the Devil. In such deals, the “junior partner” always gets screwed (in this case, quite literally, with a bayonet). The globalists are out to break your nation, break you personally, and take everything you have and will ever have.

2) If you do not join regional and functional globalist institutions (such as a regional development bank, the IMF, the BRICS, a regional security alliance, etc.), they will attempt to do to you what they did to Ukraine. The real reason for the Ukraine takedown is shown in this Christian Science Monitor article
…Ukraine refused to join the globalists’ Eastern bloc, and when they later refused to join their Western bloc too
…the globalists took down their government.

The G20 central bankers don’t really care which side you join, East or West, because they control both sides. All they care about is that you do join, because when you do, you are ceding important elements of your sovereignty to them. Any nation that attempts to be independent and refuses to join the NWO through one of their multilateral arrangements is slated for destruction.

So what do you do? Do you surrender and go along? If you do, you have no chance of winning.

Do you fight them? If you do, you at least have a chance of winning, no matter how small it may seem.

If you choose to fight, though, you cannot do it militarily or economically, because they will obliterate you. You can fight them only in the information space, like I do.

What most people do not yet recognize is that the globalists have already lost. They took a big risk when they chose to wake up the people in the belief they could control where their minds went once the deed was done, and it’s going to bite them in the ass…

A critical mass of people already understand their magician tricks and dialectic strategies, and that knowledge will eventually expand to become common knowledge. When it does, their empire of lies will collapse in on them. It may take years or even decades, but it is inexorable. The truth is an unstoppable cancer within any body of lies.

So if you wish to speed the day of their collapse, what you can do is educate your people and the world as to what is really going on with the New World Order. People hunger for the truth, and when they encounter it, it flows into them like a breath of fresh air. But you must tell them the whole, unvarnished truth. Nothing else will yield the necessary effect.

If there are any true Iranians out there, 2015 is the year to take your stand. Life in this world requires courage. Those without steely spines and brassy balls need not apply.

Love always…

The Veterans Today / RT / PressTV Disinformation Conglomerate (Part 3 – Gordon Duff’s “Adamus Group”)

While I await information to be used in a coming article about the circle of fraudsters who promote the Leo Wanta nonsense, I thought I’d go ahead and address Gordon Duff’s supposed company, the “Adamus Group.” When I first started looking into Adamus, it appeared to be entirely imaginary. I could find no indications of its existence except for a few online items which Duff himself had posted. And the only concrete Adamus project of which I could find mention was a blimp proposal in Africa. So to begin our journey through Adamus, let’s start there…

Full of Hot Air: Gordon Duff and his Blimps

In a 4 September 2012 Veterans Today article titled Africa: Adamus To Begin Skyship Survey of Wildlife/Climate Change, Duff makes the following claims…

Setting aside, for the moment, what the real agenda might be for putting a military surveillance airship over Africa, have a look at the video attached to the article. To create it, Duff appears to have purloined an old promotional video from Science & Technology International (STI), a Honolulu-based defense contractor that operated airships prior to May 6, 2004 (when it was bought-out by BAE Systems), and injected an old CNN video into the middle of it. In the news crawler at the bottom of the CNN video, a reference is made to Typhoon Etau striking Japan, and that happened in 2003. So both source videos are quite dated.

Despite the fact that Adamus had nothing to do with either video, Duff slapped them together and titled the resulting video “Adamus Skyship Security” to create the impression that Adamus was involved. But I’ve found no evidence that Adamus ever had a formal contractual relationship with STI. Therefore, Gordon Duff’s purpose in creating and posting this video seems to be to impress his readers and make it look like Adamus was/is actually active in the airship industry.

I also came across another questionable airship video of his here
…For this video, Duff purloined a news report from Orlando’s WKMG Local 6 and simply attached a crude Adamus title screen to the beginning…
…thus creating the impression that Adamus was involved with what was going on in the video. They were not.

The Cloud Lab airship shown in the news report was part of a BBC2 TV project titled Operation Cloud Lab: Secrets of the Skies. BBC contracted with an airship company called Skyship Services to provide the blimp, but Adamus had no involvement in the project. I confirmed this by querying the BBC directly. This was their response…

>>> Thank you for being so patient while we looked into this query for you.

We have taken it back to the production crew for a little more information on this, which is why it has taken a little longer to come back to you. They have supplied the following information:

“It is true that Julian Benscher’s company (not Adamus) hired us a Skyship 600 for the purposes of filming a 2 part BBC Two series called Operation Cloud Lab”. <<<

The “not Adamus” in parentheses were their words, not mine. So with this video, Duff is taking credit for the work of others.

Setting aside the misleading videos, I decided to look deeper into Duff and Adamus’ supposed “airships for Africa” endeavor, so I contacted one of the airship companies involved and enquired about it. To my surprise, I received a prompt call from a highly placed individual within the company who confirmed that he was familiar with Duff and held him in “reasonable regard.” He explained that according to his knowledge of Adamus, they had acquired an entity on the UK stock exchange and had changed its name, and that they were funded by a Middle Eastern group. He also stated that the airship project hasn’t gotten off the ground because the Adamus principals haven’t yet put together the right package of funding and contracts to operate in Africa. The contact’s personal perspective on Duff was that “his heart is in the right place.” [Actually, I agree that Duff’s heart is in the right place — to the same degree that the UN’s heart is in the right place. 😉 ]

It was after talking to this source that I upgraded my view on Adamus: I no longer saw it as an entirely imaginary company, but as a group of guys who were attempting to get a company going. As for how a bunch of cowboys trying (and so far, failing) to put together a blimp deal in Africa can be characterized as “one of the world’s largest energy technology firms,” or as this
…you’ll have to ask Gordon Bluff… err… Duff. After all, why would Adamus be trying to put a conventionally fueled, manned blimp over Africa if it had access to all those “after next-gen” technologies? An automated / remotely piloted blimp or anti-gravity craft powered by a fusion reactor could stay aloft indefinitely. Why doesn’t Adamus field something like that? Perhaps because they’re full of sh*t.

This being said, let’s now turn our attention to a new airship article Duff put out last week: Secret Surveillance Platform Offered for Ebola Outbreak. To show how far the truth is stretched in this article, I’ll go step by step…

The article begins by showing this photo…
…of a purported Adamus Skyship.

But if you enlarge the photo, you’ll see that it says “” on it…
…and is one of Skyship Services’ web addresses, so this is actually a Skyship Services airship. This means it cannot possibly be an Adamus skyship, because as of last week, Adamus still hasn’t purchased or leased any airships from them. I confirmed this with my airship industry contact. So with this photo, Duff is trying to impress others using someone else’s property.

Moving on to the following paragraph, Duff again makes a misleading claim…
…by implying that Adamus already operates blimps in conjunction with Skyship Services. They do not.

The article then goes on to show another purloined video — this time from the BBC…
…Duff titles the video, “Skyship Services and Adamus Corporation ‘Cloud Lab,'” but as I’ve already mentioned, Adamus had nothing to do with the Cloud Lab project. So with this video, Duff is trying to impress others using someone else’s project.

From there, Duff goes on to add yet another credential to his already lengthy and questionable resume
…So now he is a specialist on African cultural issues too.

His embellishments conclude with a word he inserts into a quotation…
…Doubting that Adamus had any space-based assets, I queried my airship industry contact on whether he knew if Adamus owned or leased any satellites. In response, I was told that Benscher never actually mentioned “Adamus” satellites; he had simply stated that his airships had the capability of uplinking to satellites. So in this section, Duff misquoted someone to create the impression that Adamus has capabilities they do not, in fact, seem to possess.

Surveillance Airships over Africa: What’s the Real Reason?

Looking beyond Gordon Duff’s amazing capacity to exaggerate, fabricate, and self-promote, one wonders about Adamus’ real motives in trying to put military surveillance airships over Africa. They first tried to bring in the airships under the pretext of environmental monitoring, but now that the engineered ebola crisis has come along, they’ve dropped that like a hot potato and latched onto a humanitarian pretext instead. The one thing that hasn’t changed about the African airship proposal is the dual-use nature of the airships themselves: once the sensors have been uplinked to satellites, anyone who pays can use the feed for purposes both civilian and military.

A clue to the airship’s true purpose can be found in this 25 September 2013 post on Ideal Group Africa’s Facebook page
…As you can see, it talks about “safety and security operations” and about the airship being  “a valuable asset in the fight against crime.”

Seeing this brings to mind the Hunger Games and the airships that patrolled over the re-wilded restricted zones in the movie…

The whole airship proposal reeks of the UN and Agenda 21. And given that Gordon Duff’s “expansive” bio brags of experience in defense contracting, government security consulting, and counterinsurgency, it’s hard to imagine him not selling surveillance data to globalist military interests. The advanced sensor capabilities and long mission durations of the airships would be a great complement to the growing Pentagon drone and ground forces in Africa (which also are using the ebola situation to expand their presence).

After looking through all this, my personal take on Adamus is that it’s 95% bluff and bluster, 5% negotiations over African blimp contracts, and 0% black budget / UFO / deep intelligence. So any tales of “White Hat” intrigues, alien species, secret space programs, etc. coming out of Duff and his Veteran’s Today cohorts are profoundly dubious in my view. But I’ll go deeper into this in the next entry.

Till next time, much love…

The Veterans Today / RT / PressTV Disinformation Conglomerate (Part 2 – Deconstructing the Bizarre Tale of Leo Wanta)

Leo Wanta and Veterans Today

Since my second awakening back in 2009, I’ve come across information about Leo Wanta numerous times, but I never really paid it any mind because it always came across as quite odd and ridiculous. Now that I’m exploring Veterans Today (VT), though, I am compelled to address the Wanta issue. He is listed as a member of their editorial board

…and as their “bureau chief” in Austria…

So let’s begin our examination of Leo Wanta by looking at the credentials listed next to his name.

In the editorial board listing…
…it is claimed that he was the “National Director of Intelligence” under Reagan, and also the “Inspector General, Department of Defense.” Upon researching these claims, this is what I found…

> “National Director of Intelligence”: this title would lead the typical casual reader to assume that Wanta had served as the DNI (the Director of National Intelligence), but this couldn’t possibly be true because the Office of the Director of National Intelligence wasn’t formed until April 22, 2005, well after Reagan’s tenure as President. And you will find Leo Wanta’s name nowhere in the listing of the Directors of National Intelligence or in the listing of the Directors of Central Intelligence, the DNI’s predecessor office. This being the case…

It would appear that Leo Wanta’s “National Director of Intelligence” title is both phony and misleading.

> “Inspector General, Department of Defense”: the Office of Inspector General, US Department of Defense was formed in 1982, so it did exist during Reagan’s presidency. Unfortunately for Mr. Wanta, though, he never served in that Office
…Do you see Leo Wanta’s name among the Directors or Acting Directors? Neither do I. This being the case…

It would appear that Leo Wanta’s “Inspector General, Department of Defense” title is fraudulent.

Now let’s look at his listing as the “bureau chief” in Austria…
…In this listing, his name is written “Lee” Wanta, and he is again fraudulently given the title of “Inspector General, Department of Defense US under President Reagan.” But he is given a new intelligence title this time: “White House Director of Intelligence.” Let’s have a look at that…

> “White House Director of Intelligence”: this title is different than the “National Director of Intelligence” title he is given in his editorial board listing, but it too sounds quite impressive to the casual reader. The only problem is that this position seems to have never existed. After searching for any records relating to this claimed office/position, I found that there were only two intelligence positions in President Reagan’s White House staff. They are listed here in this page from the Reagan Presidential Library…
…and both Chairpersons served from 1982 through the remainder of the Reagan presidency.

This being said…

It would appear that Leo Wanta’s “White House Director of Intelligence” title is phony.

Seeking clarification on these apparently phony/fraudulent titles, I decided to go to Leo Wanta’s official website
…and see what it might say about his past.

On the site, I found a link to a 339-page PDF titled WANTA! Black Swan, White Hat by Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall, so I examined it to find information that might clarify things. This was found on page 13…

>>> Leo/Lee Emil Wanta has never been employed by an American intelligence agency, but has worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Department of the Treasury (including the Secret Service), U.S. Customs Service (et al), US State Department, the National Security Council, US Department of Defense, the US Department of Justice, Office of Strategic Investigations (OSI), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), among others. Wanta is – or was, depending on your perspective – what is termed “a junkyard dog” – a covert intelligence operative, a Secret Agent. He reported directly to President Reagan. In fact, he was Ronald Reagan’s favorite “junkyard dog.” Wanta’s official title was Personal Intelligence Coordinator to the President of the United States. <<<

So despite having “never been employed by an American intelligence agency” (this explains-away the lack of any records that he ever did anything he claims), he somehow “worked for” all those different agencies. And although he was an off-the-books “Secret Agent,” he still had an “official title”: “Personal Intelligence Coordinator to the President of the United States” (another made-up, yet impressive-sounding title). So now he has three imaginary titles from his supposed time as Ronald Reagan’s personal superspy:

1) “National Director of Intelligence”
2) “White House Director of Intelligence”
3) “Personal Intelligence Coordinator to the President of the United States”

“Well, gol-ly, Mr. Wanta, that’s mighty impressive”…

As for his supposed tenure as the “Inspector General, Department of Defense,” the Black Swan, White Hat PDF offers this passage on page 79…

Grassley and Roth both wrote letters to President Reagan recommending Wanta as Inspector General of the Department of Defense. Other well-known names did, too. Copies of these letters can be found in Chapter One links.”

Let’s have a look at those letters. 🙂

The Roth Letter: on page 13 of the Black Swan, White Hat PDF, there is a link to a PDF of this letter

Now that you’ve read the letter, take a moment to imagine yourself as a US Representative, and one of your constituents (who is also a local activist in your party) sends you his resume and tells you he wants to be the Department of Defense Inspector General. What would you do? You’d write a letter of recommendation (just like this one) to go with the resume, and you’d pass them both along to the relevant government office. In your letter, you’d make sure to highlight the person’s claimed qualifications to make the constituent happy, even though you know he has no chance of getting what he wants. That is exactly what this letter is.

The Grassley Letter: also on page 13 is a link to a PDF of this letter

From the looks of it, Mr. Wanta had been pressing a number of Congressmen and Senators on the Inspector General post through calls and correspondence, and they were trying to appease him. Note how the letter says “your loyalty and support of the Reagan administration as you had outlined to my Administrative Assistant.” Apparently, Mr. Wanta had tried to sell his qualifications to be Inspector General to one of Grassley’s staff, and the letter assures him that what he conveyed was taken into consideration.

Beyond what the letters say, take a look at the dates on them. The Roth letter was dated June 9, 1981, and the Grassley letter was dated March 25, 1984. This indicates that Mr. Wanta had been pestering various Congressmen over the Inspector General post for about 3 years. In light of this, one needs to note what else Mr. Wanta claims he was doing during that timeframe. According to Black Swan, White Hat, this was going on…

(page 15) “The adventure of this $27.5 trillion American began before January 20, 1981, when Ronald Wilson Reagan took his Oath of Office to become the 40th President of the United States of America. It began in Los Angeles when Wanta was contacted and was asked to go to the office of William French Smith (who Reagan appointed Attorney General) where Wanta met with Smith, William Colby (CIA Director, 1973-76), and William Casey (CIA Director 1981 to 1987. After President Reagan was sworn in, the meetings moved to Washington, D.C.

(page 22) “As Reagan’s Task Force began meeting in late 1980, Bill Casey decided Leo Wanta should work with him. Casey would become Reagan’s CIA Director and Wanta would become Reagan’s Personal Intelligence Coordinator – and, his favorite ‘junkyard dog.'”

(page 27) “This was the set-up planned for Wanta in the early 1980s – during the task force days – when it became apparent secret agent and covert intelligence operative Leo Wanta was the person on whom President Reagan was relying to cause the fall of the Soviet Union Ruble.”

(page 30) “Massive plans to bring down the economic stability of another nation take time to implement. The Presidential Task Force began meeting in late 1980; in 1981, a recommendation was made to President Reagan by the Task Force and there were things he needed to implement to pave the road for Leo Wanta’s entry into the Soviet Union’s monetary system.”

These passages bring to mind a few questions:

If Mr. Wanta was already being groomed back in 1980 for his crucial “secret mission” to bring down the Soviet Union, why would he be trying in 1981 to become the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, an office that would have completely sidetracked him from his “historic” task?

If Mr. Wanta was already rubbing elbows with the heavy hitters on the Presidential Task Force back in 1980, why was he trying to pass his resume to the Reagan administration via his local Congressman in 1981? Wouldn’t he just tell Reagan face-to-face that he wanted the job?

His story makes no sense, but nothing about Wanta does. When scammers tell so many lies that they can’t keep track of them, discrepancies like this pop up. There are more letters of his I can pick apart, but I’ll save them for an update. Right now, I’d like to go ahead and explore one last fraudulent title of his…

“Ambassador” Leo Wanta

I’ve been wondering why all of Leo Wanta’s supporters, as well as his Black Swan, White Hat biography, refer to him as “Ambassador.” As it turns out, he claims to have been the Somali Ambassador to Canada and Switzerland. So how did an American guy from Wisconsin become Somalia’s ambassador to Canada and Switzerland? That’s a damn good question. 🙂 In Black Swan, White Hat, this is what we are told about it…

(page 96) “At the beginning of the 90’s, Wanta became Ambassador of Somalia in Canada. The ‘how’ and ‘why’ is mysterious, but one thing is clear; diplomatic strings must have been pulled fiercely. In April 1993 the Ruble-manipulator changed functions and was appointed Somalian Ambassador in Switzerland.”

(page 106) “In addition to being the Somali Ambassador to Canada and also to Switzerland, Wanta was named Chairman of the Somali Central Bank. Though the central bank appointment was never finalized by the Tribal Council (the ambassadorships were) because of Wanta’s bogus arrest in Lausanne, Switzerland, the appointment as Central Bank Chairman was made by the recognized (by Somalia) President of that nation, Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile.”

(page 115) “He had been named Somali Ambassador in June, a month before his arrest this day, July 7, 1993.”

Hmmm… so not only did the Somalis trust the “Great White Man from the North” so much that they made him (a foreigner) their ambassador to two separate nations at the same time, but they also made him chairman of their central bank. Wow, this guy’s resume is as impressive as that of his Veterans Today cohort, Gordon Duff! The only problem with this story is that in 1993, Somalia was in the middle of a civil war and had no functioning government

“In 1991, the Barre administration was ousted by a coalition of clan-based opposition groups…

Many of the opposition groups subsequently began competing for influence in the power vacuum that followed the ouster of Barre’s regime. In the south, armed factions led by USC commanders General Mohamed Farah Aidid and Ali Mahdi Mohamed, in particular, clashed as each sought to exert authority over the capital. In 1991, a multi-phased international conference on Somalia was held in neighbouring Djibouti. Aidid boycotted the first meeting in protest. Due to the legitimacy bestowed on Muhammad by the Djibouti conference, he was subsequently recognized by the international community as the new President of Somalia. Djibouti, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Italy were among the countries that officially extended recognition to Muhammad’s administration. However, he was not able to exert his authority beyond parts of the capital. Power was instead vied with other faction leaders in the southern half of the country and with autonomous subnational entities in the north….

…Aidid saw UNOSOM II as a threat to his power and in June 1993 his militia attacked Pakistan Army troops, attached to UNOSOM II in Mogadishu, inflicting over 80 casualties. Fighting escalated until 19 American troops and more than 1,000 civilians and militia were killed in a raid in Mogadishu during October 1993.”

As you can see, Wanta claims to have been made a Somalian ambassador and the chairman of the Somalian central bank at a time when there was open warfare on the streets of Mogadishu. While he was supposedly receiving his ambassadorial appointment in June of 1993, Aidid’s militia was attacking UN troops, and the Blackhawk Down incident happened just a few months later. Also worth noting is that the only quasi-recognized Somali President at the time was Ali Mahdi Mohamed, not the man who supposedly gave Wanta his positions, Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile.

When searching for information on Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile, I came across this article at The American Muslim

>>> The vampire image comes into greater focus when one notes the growing indications of involvement of international organized crime. The south central lands of Somalia were colonized by Italy. Specialists on Somalia have noted that the individual with the largest army in Mogadishu is an Italian “who refuses to give his surname.” The principle accused toxic trade company is the Italian import-export firm Progresso. The Sunday Telegraph of London dated September 13, 1992 ran an article entitled “Has the ‘savior’ of Somalia just sold his country for $4 billion?” The article speaks of the business relations that a person named Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile (who claims to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Somalia and President of the United Somali Salvation) has with an organization called the Investor Corporation of America. The President of Investors Corporation of America is Joseph C. Ripp. Ripp was sentenced to four years in federal prison on November 13, 1984 after pleading guilty at a Pittsburgh court to a huge mail fraud scheme. He served more than three years. “Mr. Ripp is also alleged to have had links to the Mafia and the drug underworld” as a result of having “been identified as a business associate of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra member Raymon ‘Long John’ Martorano, convicted on July 31,1984, in the murder of Philadelphia union boss John McCullough.” <<<

Given all this information, the most likely scenario is that Leo Wanta purchased his illegitimate ambassadorial credentials from this Somali scammer.

One further note on Wanta’s ambassadorial status is offered by Greg Szymanski in a 2006 pro-Wanta article on The Story Of Leo Wanta ‘The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man’

>>> Regarding the Rich arrest in Switzerland and his meeting with Foster, Wanta said this on The Investigative Journal last week:

“I was named Ambassador from Somalia to Switzerland and Canada as a cover to arrest Rich…” <<<

Here we have another example of a scammer telling so many lies to so many people that discrepancies in his story inevitably develop:

If the Somali ambassadorship was just a cover (and was demonstrably phony), why does his official bio claim the ambassadorship was real, and that he was also appointed as chairman of the Somali central bank? Why do Wanta and his supporters continue to call him “Ambassador Wanta”? (Because it impresses the rubes, that’s why.)

The Final Verdict

Having looked through all this information, I find myself remembering a passage I encountered in the first version of Leo Wanta’s Wikipedia bio

Wanta’s lawyer claimed that his client was delusional, and really believed to be a secret agent of international central bankers, being disappeared at the behest of powerful figures.

…which is confirmed by Black Swan, White Hat on page 180…

“Chavez did not submit written evidence provided to him by Wanta in time to get it included in Discovery… thus, when it came time for Wanta to testify and present his evidence, none was available to prove Wanta’s history of working with American intelligence agencies as a covert operator. Thus, it was never presented to the jury. For example, AAG Haag and his chief witness (Dennis Ullman) – and even Wanta’s lawyer, Chavez – couldn’t decide (they told the jury) whether Leo Wanta was a secret agent or (playing the Swiss card) someone who imagined his life as Ronald Reagan’s James Bond.

It’s pretty clear to me that Leo Wanta is indeed delusional, and like many of his type, he is convincing in his portrayal of himself. It is also clear that Wanta’s story is being used by a constellation of faux-truther figures, websites, and organizations to dupe awakening people into believing a false narrative about who is really behind the chaos in our world (and the New Order that will follow).

Seeing the ridiculously phony nature of Wanta’s story laid before us, what does it say about the people who actively promote it and/or treat it as though it is something real, such as…

> the editors and writers of Veterans Today,
> Alfred Lambremont Webre,
> Christopher Story,
> David Wilcock,
> Kerry Cassidy,
> Jeff Rense,
> Greg Szymanski,
> Benjamin Fulford,

(I will address these folks in the next entry of this series.)

All of these people promote each other’s garbage information in one giant circle-jerk of fraud, and the narrative they offer the public is nothing more than rancid pabulum for the infantile mind. It’s time to set aside the pabulum and start eating our broccoli.

During my time blogging, a number of people have written to me and said, “Ken, we need to kill the elite in order to put a stop to what they’re doing. No other solution will work.” This is not true. If we were to somehow kill off all the top-level parasites in the system, new parasites would inevitably gather to fill in the vacuum left behind. Wherever you have chum in the water, sharks will gather to eat it up, and wherever you have gullible humans, conmen will gather to exploit them. You don’t stop the con by killing the current crop of conmen; you stop it by educating the overly-trustful so they can’t be conned anymore.

The “elite” offer us the mainstream media and the controlled side of the alternative media to keep us ignorant and juvenile in our thinking, and by doing so, they make strong, capable humans into helpless children who need “parents” to guide them. If we want to move out of the shadow of our abusive and controlling “elite” parents, we have to grow up. So let’s give up the ridiculous fairy tales of White Hats versus Dark Hats and Nazionists versus Dragons and face reality. Facing reality is the first step to recovery.

Offered with love to all…

Shady as Hell: The Veterans Today / RT / PressTV Disinformation Conglomerate (Part 1 – The Amazing Gordon Duff – Update 1)

Family and household issues have kept me away from writing for the past two weeks, but I was able to read enough news to notice the continuing wave of faux-truther propaganda coming out of Veterans Today (VT). Having noticed a number of shady things about that group over the years, I figure it’s about time to take their inventory. And to begin, I thought we’d have a look at VT’s Senior Editor, Gordon Duff

With a little research on the Internet Archive, I was able to determine that Duff became an officially listed VT staff writer sometime between October 13, 2007 and December 19, 2007, and he went on to be the officially listed senior editor sometime between August 19, 2009 and October 19, 2009. And by studying how his official biography morphed over time, I was able to get a good feel for what the guy is really about.

This was the first archived version of his bio…
…in which he established these credentials:

> he was a former Marine grunt in Vietnam,
> he was/is a UN diplomat,
> he was/is a defense contractor,
> he was/is a “widely published experton military and defense issues,
> he was/is active in the financial industry,
> he holds “senior positions in several major banks” in the area of oil and gas, commodity, bond, and currency related issues,
> and he has done all this despite being a 100% DISABLED vet.

As the 24/7 caregiver of a 100% disabled person, I found his level of achievement quite “remarkable” to say the least, so I looked through the Veterans Administration website to see what qualifies a person to be a 100% disabled vet. Though the process of determining the level of disability is somewhat subjective, two key criteria kept showing up:

1) the inability to perform one or more essential life functions, and
2) the inability to work.

So if a vet’s service-related injury resulted in him/her being completely unable to work in any capacity, he/she would be considered 100% disabled. Keep this “inability to work” criterion in mind as you view everything else the “amazing” Gordon Duff has achieved.

In the second archived version of his bio…
…this is added:

> he is a specialist on global trade (what isn’t he a specialist on?), and
> he acts as a political and economic advisor to a number of governments in Africa and the Middle East.

In the third version…
…this is tacked on:

> he was/is working on economic development projects in Pakistan and Afghanistan to counter the effects of poverty and global extremism.

In the fourth version…
…there is more:

> he was/is a featured commentator on TV and radio, including Al Jazeera, and
> his articles have been carried by news services around the world.

In the fifth version…
…he doesn’t stop:

> his banking experience includes trade and monetary policy roles in over 80 countries.

In the sixth version…
…could there be more? Yes, there can be:

> he has extensive experience consulting on counterinsurgency and defense technologies,
> and he was/is acting as a diplomatic officer of UN humanitarian groups.

In the seventh version…
…does he stop? Nope:

> he is a popular and sometimes controversial guest on radio and TV.

In the eight version…
…there is a slight change:

> he has “traveled” to over 80 nations.

Back in the fifth version, he claimed “trade and monetary policy roles in over 80 countries.” Now he just says he traveled to over 80 nations. Is he backtracking here? Will his bio someday say, “Gordon Duff once traveled to Tijuana…”

In the ninth version…
…the legend resumes its exponential growth:

> he consults on surveillance technologies,
> he consults on intelligence analysis,
> he acts as a UNspecial consultant,”
> he serves on the board of a “private financial institution” participating in the Federal Reserve Banking Group,
> he was/is a military affairs analyst for PressTV (a propaganda organ of the Iranian government and the BRICS-oriented Republican Guard), and
> he serves on the board of theAdamus Group,” which is supposedly “one of the world’s largest energy technology firms.”

My preliminary investigation of the “Adamus Group” suggests that it is little more than an imaginary company Duff and his buddies dreamed up (much like Benjamin Fulford and his “White Dragon Society”).

Here is a publicity photo from Prestige Worldwide, a private security company I suspect is affiliated with the Adamus Group…

Once I finish looking into Adamus, I will devote an entry in this series to it.

In the tenth version of Duff’s bio…
…he adds another project to his dozens of others:

> he adapted advanced military technologies to wildlife and land management in cooperation with the UN, USAID, and the International Wildlife Federation.

And in the eleventh (and current) version…
…the Duffian ego goes supernova:

> he has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades,
> he is an “accredited diplomat” (with the UN, one would guess),
> he is “generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists,”
> he “manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization” (one would presume he’s referring to the “Adamus Group” here, but in the ninth version, he stated it was an “energy technology” firm,
> he regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues (so if a government’s citizens/slaves get out of line, he helps quell the uprising),
> he is a trained chef,
> he is a wine enthusiast (who is also great at making Kool Aid),
> he is an avid motorcyclist (and is probably the UN’s Special Envoy to Sturgis), and
> he is a gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration.

Having seen all this, one can only say…

WOW!!! Is there anything this fella doesn’t do??? What a renaissance man! And he does all this despite being 100% disabled?!

But having smelt all this, I can only say…

What a colossal pile of steaming bullsh*t. This guy is the king of self-promoting resume padders. To be a specialist or expert on any one of the areas he claims would take a normal person a lifetime of study and experience, yet he says he has mastered them all despite being completely disabled. Can any rational person buy this?

So what do you think? Is the 100% disabled Gordon Duff exaggerating his credentials, or are they genuine? Let’s look at both answers to see what they say about him…

If he has deliberately misled people with his bio, he has done it to impress gullible readers/viewers with his supposed expertise. By falsely claiming experience and knowledge in all these diverse areas, he is attempting to show that he knows what he’s talking about. But if he’s bullsh*tting about his resume, is he not also bullsh*tting in the information he’s putting out?

But if, on the other hand, his biographical entries are real, they read like a globalist devil’s resume. He claims extensive and continuing relationships with the globalist-controlled defense industry, the globalist-controlled intelligence industry, the globalist-controlled finance and banking industry (including the Federal Reserve itself), and the globalist-controlled United Nations. If he really has all these relationships, then he is clearly spreading disinformation for the globalists. If he were telling us things that were truly damaging to the globalist bankster agenda, they would have frozen him out or suicided him long ago.

Either way you look at it, Gordon Duff is not a person to be trusted. And the information he and his associates are putting out precisely follows the “blame the Anglo-American bankers / Nazis / Zionists” propaganda template of the globalists.

As for my personal take on the man, his claim of being an accredited UN diplomat brings to mind something dutchsinse said back in 2013. He reported that he’d been offered money and UN credentials to participate in a “media revolution” (a propaganda campaign to provide positive spin for the transition to the new globalist control system), but he refused due to his personal convictions. I suspect that Gordon Duff is a willing participant in that campaign. He strikes me as a low-to-midlevel globalist propaganda asset who pads his resume to look important to his readers.

In the coming entries of this series, I will delve into the shady histories of the “Adamus Group,” VT, RT, and PressTV. I will also explore the relationships VT and Duff have with “Leo Wanta,” Kerry Cassidy, Benjamin Fulford, Jeff Rense, John Stokes and other shady figures in the globalist-controlled side of the alternative media (which I call “Bullsh*t Incorporated”).

Buckle up, this is gonna be fun. 🙂

[Update 1 – 6 October 2014]

While researching the “Adamus Defense Group,” I came across this entry from another blogger that does a good job of de-spinning Duff’s resume to show people what his claims really mean. Have a look.

With love…