Category Archives: Globalist Agenda Watch 2017

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 6 – China’s coming humiliation in the South China Sea

It looks like the globalists have set the timeframe for the expected Trump vs. Xi showdown in the South China Sea…

…From Yahoo News / Reuters. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Japan plans to dispatch its largest warship on a three-month tour through the South China Sea beginning in May, three sources said, in its biggest show of naval force in the region since World War Two

“The aim is to test the capability of the Izumo by sending it out on an extended mission,” said one of the sources who have knowledge of the plan. “It will train with the U.S. Navy in the South China Sea,” he added, asking not to be identified because he is not authorized to talk to the media. <<<

If you recall, China has previously stated that joint US / Japan operations in its claimed “territorial waters” would be the red line for war. So if Japan’s largest helicopter carrier starts sailing beside the US aircraft carrier that is already in the area, the USS Carl Vinson, political and/or military fireworks could ensue. And as I stated in Update 1, the globalists have scripted that any Chinese confrontation with Trump will end in humiliation for China and political death for Xi.

Speaking of Xi, his likely replacement, Li Keqiang, came out a week ago to publicly proclaim that Xi is the boss and the “core” of China’s leadership, so any humiliation suffered in the South China Sea will fall squarely on his shoulders. This will open the path to Li’s ascension to the top leadership position at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China this autumn.

One question you might be asking yourself is…

Why would the globalists get rid of Xi?

It all started a couple of years ago when their “the benevolent BRICS and Putin will save us” narrative started falling apart. As more and more people began to see the BRICS and Putin as the controlled opposition mechanisms that they are, the alt-media propaganda corps began to circle their wagons around Putin in order to preserve his reputation as a supposed globalist fighter. Instead of portraying Putin in the laughably adulatory light they had been, faux-truthers like Alex Jones started saying this…

“OK, Putin’s no angel, but at least he kicked the Rothschilds out of Russia and he’s standing up to the New World Order. The ones you really need to watch are the communist Chinese…”

This statement would be followed by a long diatribe against the “globalist-controlled Chinese.” And this technique of distracting negative attention away from Putin by pointing at the Chinese and Xi has turned Xi into something of a scapegoat. By getting rid of Xi, the Occulted Powers hope to remove the taint of globalism from the BRICS and Putin, leaving the public with these basic impressions…

“Communist China is a globalist-controlled monstrosity.”

“There has been a change in China.”

“China has a new leader (Li Keqiang) who is kinder, gentler, and more cooperative.”

Just like the globalists are portraying a phony battle between the “neocon-neoliberal deep state led by Obama” and the “progressive deep state led by Trump” here in the US, they are portraying a phony battle between the “princeling faction of the Chicom party led by Xi” and the “Youth League faction of the Chicom party led by Li” in China. When all is said and done, Trump and Li’s factions are scripted to win their battles.

So if the globalists choose to activate the South China Sea confrontation option, Xi is a goner. From the globalist perspective, he is just another expendable Chinaman, but Putin is the central figure of their NWO plans. If Xi has to go in order to carry the stink of globalism away from Putin, they consider it a small price to pay.

[Addendum – 2 April 2017]

China built its South China Sea bases for the United Nations

Behold the future UN Peacekeeper base on Fiery Cross Reef…

As I’m sure you’ve heard, China has built military bases atop manmade islands in the highly contested South China Sea. Ostensibly, they did it to enforce their supposed historical claims in the area, but the true purpose behind the construction was to provide the post-“reform” United Nations with bases of operation for their peacekeepers, fishery enforcers, and environmental police.

When the Chinese hand over the bases, though, they won’t be left empty-handed. By claiming exclusive rights in the area and moving to enforce them, they have established themselves as a “claimant” and staked-out a strong bargaining position. In negotiations, it is standard practice to ask for way too much, then “compromise” your way back to what you really want. So once the newly-“reformed” UN rules on what each claimant will get, China will be left with assets in the area that they wouldn’t have received if they hadn’t barged in. Instead of owning nothing in the South China Sea, they’ll own something, and something is better than nothing.

To understand why I say all this, let’s have a look at the situation in the South China Sea…

> China’s globalist-controlled communist government has made claims in the South China Sea that are deliberately ridiculous, outrageous and provocative…

…Just look at how far their red-line region extends from China – and how close it cuts to their neighbors.

> This absurd overreach has led their aggrieved neighbors to begin groping for a regional grouping that can counterbalance Chinese expansionism…

…From the Tokyo Foundation. Here is a notable passage…

China prefers bilateral talks to multilateral talks for discussions of the dispute in South China Sea because it recognises that multilateral talks will result in it losing advantage over individual ASEAN countries. On the other hand, the problems it creates for multilateral security cooperation isolates China in international society.”

In other words, “the individual ASEAN countries need to act multilaterally to take away China’s advantage.” And “China has to stop acting up or it will wind up an isolated backwater like it was before.”

> The Chinese overreach has also set up aggressive nationalists in China for a fall. The Chinese will be chastened by their coming humiliation in the South China Sea, and strident nationalistic voices will lose face and fall out of favor. This, the globalists hope, will leave the Chinese “better multilateral citizens.” Just have a look at the thinking behind this strategy…

…From LSE Research Online

In case the insufferable “academic tone” of the abstract obscures its point, it’s basically saying that Chinese nationalism is getting in the way of its multilateralism (and from the globalist perspective, that’s a big no-no)…

“…multilateralism is an effective way for Beijing to increase its regional power while avoiding confrontation with the United States or regional powers like India and Japan. However, Beijing’s multilateralism is still premised on hard conceptions of state sovereignty and has to be developed in the context of a nationalistic political culture that prevents the achievement of regional stability through compromise on issues such as the South China Sea disputes…”

With the three preceding bullet points in mind, you begin to see how the South China Sea scenario is scripted to play out…

1) Trump and Xi will blunder into a confrontation over the area.

2) China will be forced to compromise and retreat.

3) When they retreat from their bases, they’ll have to hand them over to someone. Since they won’t want to give the bases to their regional rivals or the United States, they’ll hand them over to a “neutral party” that will enforce and secure their “legitimate” economic claims and security needs in the area: the “reformed” United Nations (NWO) that will rise after the conflict.

4) The UN NWO will use the bases to enforce the post-conflict compromise, patrol the fisheries to stop the conflict among fishing and coast guard vessels in the area, and take control of maritime environmental monitoring and management.

That being said, the Chinese won’t be the only ones chastened by a South China Sea conflict. Although the clash would end in a victory or favorable draw for the US side, America would likely suffer a serious bloody nose. Considering all the media attention given to the nuclear threat supposedly posed by the North Koreans, this bloody nose could take the form of a nuke going off somewhere – either in a US territory or a US military base – but the most likely scenario is that the globalists will script the destruction of the USS Carl Vinson (either through conventional or nuclear means).

The aircraft carrier is the most potent symbol of America’s ability to project power anywhere in the world. By having one sunk along with the 6,000 lives aboard, the globalists will shatter the American sense of invincibility, and the nation will thereafter be much more skittish about sending its carriers into other nations’ backyards. This will result in BOTH China and America pulling back after the conflict, and that will open a power vacuum that a stronger United Nations can fill.

Also, the globalists could use the event to trigger their coup/counter-coup psyop with Trump. The psyop script calls for the supposed “neocon-neolib Deep State” to pounce on Trump and remove him from office through either impeachment, assassination, or suiciding. And if they use the conflict with China as cover for making their move, this is the argument they’ll present…

“Trump has only been in office a few months, and he has already got us into a shooting war with nuclear-armed China and got an aircraft carrier sunk. We have to remove this bumbling lunatic before he destroys the nation!”

So a South China Sea conflict could end up taking out both Xi and Trump. This would be no surprise given that both are considered nationalists, and that both the Chinese and the Americans are known for their nationalistic fervor. Therefore it’s not just Chinese nationalism that will take a hit if the two nations come to blows.

As is outlined in Update 1Update 7, and this update, leaders who are “more reasonable, soft-spoken, civil, and cooperative” will take the place of the fallen nationalists, namely Li Keqiang and, after the counter-coup, Rand Paul…

…From Zero Hedge

Rand Paul will play Galba to Donald Trump’s Vindex…

“Galba, acclaimed by the Senate, struck coins to commemorate Vindex, to whom he owed his position as emperor.” – From Wikipedia

Now if we step back and take a bird’s eye view of what the globalists are doing with China and the South China Sea, we see the strategy they hinted at back in 1961 at play…

…From Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Reports, page 26

As the underlined passages suggest, they are using China’s seizure of the South China Sea to create a problem “the separate [ASEAN] nations will not be able to solve alone.” This pressures those nations to “organize and act in common effort” in a “regional institution” to preserve their national interests.

So let’s make a list of all the ways the South China Sea conflict serves the globalist agenda…

1) It serves as one of the three conflict zones (along with Syria and Ukraine) through which they are fomenting a global war crisis that will give rise to its “logical solution”: the “reformed” UN system (the multilateral / multipolar NWO).

2) It serves to push the ASEAN nations towards a multilateral approach to their (manufactured) common problem. As each aggrieved nation sees the futility of facing China on its own, they grope their way towards a regional security institution that can counterbalance Chinese aggression.

3) It serves as an object lesson to the Chinese and American peoples on the fruits of aggressive nationalism. Once their overreach in the South China Sea leads to their national humiliation, the Chinese will see the wisdom of working with others multilaterally rather than aggressively confronting them unilaterally. And once the Americans get shocked and bloodied by unilaterally poking their nose into a foreign conflict, they will be more inclined to fall back and stick with a multilateral diplomatic approach. This will make both peoples better citizens of the New World Order.

As for when the direct clash between the US and China could begin, we could see the first step in that direction next week when Trump meets Xi at the Mar-a-Lago resort on April 6-7…

…From CNN

If the meeting is portrayed as having gone south, a personal conflict between them could be narrated from there. And given that the Japanese will send their helicopter carrier into the South China Sea in May, a shooting war could be triggered any time from May onward.

Love always…

[Special Note 1 – 14-15 March 2017] – Do you think it’s merely a coincidence that there was a big dust-up between Turkey and the Netherlands just four days before the Dutch election? Do you think it’s also just a coincidence that Turkey threatened to unleash millions of refugees on Europe just two days before the election? Obviously, the globalists want to scare the Dutch into voting for their controlled opposition candidate, Wilders…

…From The Sun

If millions more refugees are on their way to Europe, to whom can Dutch voters turn to keep them out of the Netherlands? This orchestrated spat with Turkey serves to energize Wilders’ base and anti-immigration independents while simultaneously making opposing voters less enthusiastic about showing up and voting against him.

And to put a finishing touch on their electioneering efforts, the globalist intelligence agencies put on their “Turkish hacker” masks and staged a propaganda assault on election day…

…From ZeroHedge

This was done to create further outrage among the Dutch and get the voters racing to the polls to elect Wilders.

Looking now to France, do you think it’s merely a coincidence that Fillon was saddled with corruption charges, thus leaving Le Pen to square off against Macron, a former Rothschild banker, in the ultimate Anti-Establishment versus Establishment showdown? Again, the globalists are giving their controlled opposition candidate (Le Pen) a helping hand by eliminating a candidate that would have split her voting base.

Here is a beautiful example of another recent dust-up orchestrated to help Le Pen…

…From The Telegraph

This supposed “error in judgment” by Fillon’s party serves two purposes…

1) It drives more voters away from him, and
2) It highlights Macron’s Rothschild connection, which aids Le Pen.

Now if you look at Macron’s policies…

  • He’s confrontational with Russia
  • He’s pro-immigrant
  • He’s pro-EU
  • He’s pro-climate change agenda

…you see that he is the “French Hillary” who is “leading in the polls” against the “French Trump,” Le Pen. I suspect more Establishment outrages will surface before the French election to make its outcome mirror that of America’s.

As I’ve mentioned many times before, the globalists are electing Putin-friendly leaders in Europe who will join with him in “reforming” the UN into the (real) New World Order.

[Special Note 2 – 15 March 2017] – Even with all the help he was given, including a revelation two days before the election that Prime Minister Rutte had conspired with Merkel to bring in the refugees, Wilders fell short in the election. Of course, none of the European elections really matter except those in France and the UK (which has yet to be scheduled), so this Dutch election was merely a “test of the Anti-Establishment mood in Europe.” Given that the test showed much work left to be done, I’m expecting something really dramatic to happen before the French election to give Le Pen a boost. The globalists’ objective is to install Putin-friendly leaders in all the P5 nations, and France and the UK are the only ones left to go.

If Le Pen falls short next month, both a UK snap election and UN reform won’t likely happen this year, so a Macron victory won’t bother me at all.

[Special Note 3 – 16 March 2017] – In tomorrow’s update, I’ll cover why Rand Paul is being reintroduced into the spotlight. And we’ll see how the alt-media pedophilia propaganda meme will figure into clearing the way for his ascension to the presidency (if the globalists opt for the Vindex Falls scenario). So before tomorrow, you might want to read Update 5 to understand what the Vindex Falls scenario is, if you haven’t read it already.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 5 – The globalist preparations for the Ides of March

Has Trump been rescripted to play Vindex to Obama’s Nero?…

Let me preface my remarks by telling new readers that the globalists control both sides in the current political drama – both the “Establishment” side (Obama, Clinton, Soros, the Bilderbergers, the mainstream media, etc.) and the “Anti-Establishment” side (Trump, Le Pen, Putin, the BRICS, the alternative media, etc.). They are deliberately staging this dialectic conflict in order to implode their existing “Establishment” and erect a new one (the New World Order) in its place. Read Understanding the NWO Strategy for more information on what they’re doing.

That being said…

Now that we’re approaching the first implementation window for the globalists’ 2017 script – which begins on March 15 – it’s time to have a look at the preparations they’ve made for the big show. And looking at those preparations, three things really stand out…

1) The Coup/Counter-Coup contingency has been kept alive, and Trump has been painted as a man surrounded by (“Western globalist”) enemies who are ready to pounce.

In the original version of the coup/counter-coup, the globalists were going to have Hillary’s forces attempt to reverse Trump’s election through the Electoral College. Their “white hat” minions in the government would have then staged a counter-coup to preserve the result of the election and restore Constitutional order.

In the revised version of the coup/counter-coup, the globalists are aiming to have their “black hat” minions in the government (who are described as “globalist agents” and “Obama/Clinton/Democrat loyalists” in the controlled alt-media) make a move to unseat Trump. Their “white hat” minions (who are described as “patriots” and “constitutionalists” in the controlled alt-media) would then stage a counter-coup to take down the black hats either before or after Trump is removed.

2) An American aircraft carrier has been deployed to the South China Sea. This provides the globalists with a standing opportunity to start the fireworks between Trump and China. Will the supposed coup-plotters make their move when a potentially war-provoking incident occurs (under the justification of “this madman Trump is going to get us in a war with China”)?

3) The Pentagon plan for defeating ISIS will be released in draft form on Monday. If it calls for the intervention of substantial American ground forces, will Trump’s reluctance to carry it out be attributed to his “Russian ties”? Will it be used as another justification for the coup?

And getting back to the question and picture at the top, will the globalists reignite the Syria war contingency and the End Times script by writing Trump out of the script as “Vindex”?

Vindex, a Roman governor who “had a passionate love for freedom and a vast ambition,” led a rebellion against the wicked Emperor Nero and was defeated and died. Should they decide to dust off the old Roman script for Trump, there is no more appropriate time than the Ides of March to get things started.

In the NWO Schedule of Implementation 2017 page, I predicted that Trump would emerge victorious from the coming big crisis, and he would join with Putin and the newly-elected “Anti-Establishment” EU leaders to transform the UN into the NWO. This scenario is still in play. But now I also see the Vindex scenario in play with Trump, and here is the outline of it…

> Obama has remained in Washington D.C. and supposedly has a 30,000-person “neoliberal” provocateur army ready to stage an “American Spring” against Trump…

…From (top) and (bottom)

> “Neoconservative warmongers” in the government, especially those in the intelligence agencies, are also being portrayed as attempting a coup against Trump…

…From The Nation

> According to the globalist propaganda narrative, these combined forces of the “Neocon-Neoliberal Deep State” (the black hats) are locked in a life-and-death battle with Trump and the “progressive Deep State” (the white hats). Needless to say, the only difference between these two supposed factions is the role each has been given by their globalist masters.

As for the “Deep State” concept itself, whenever you see an article talking about it, you are looking at a globalist propaganda piece. The “Deep State” is the collection of minion-level scapegoats the Occulted Powers have tasked with playing the soon-to-be vanquished “bad guys” in the dialectic drama. It is a manufactured propaganda concept meant to obscure our view of the real powers driving the globalist agenda: the world’s royals, the worldwide network of Jewish banking interests (which is much larger than just the Federal Reserve and the Rothschilds, and which encompasses ALL of the G20 nations and beyond), and the Freemasons and other such secret societies and mafia groups.

> Under the new “Vindex Falls” scenario in which Trump is deposed, the white hats will not step up to rescue him because they view him as too weak to stand up to the black hats. They will point to such things as…

1) His lapdog status with Israel…

…From Al Jazeera

2) His cave-in to Xi on the “One China” policy…


3) And his failure to protect his National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, from “Neocon” attack…


…as proof that he is unsuitable to lead the revolution against the Neocons/Neolibs.

So according to the Vindex Falls narrative, the white hats will preserve their position by not sticking their necks out for Trump; they’ll intervene only when his replacement, Mike Pence, brings us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia.

> Replacing Trump with Vice President Pence will allow the globalists to continue progressing towards the new financial system and UN reform while simultaneously allowing them to reopen the door to war with Russia via Syria.

Pence is a fiscal conservative who supports the gold standard, so the globalists can continue preparing the new “gold valuated” financial system that will kick in after the Big Crisis. And he is a social conservative and former Tea Partier, so he would be amenable to the initial moves towards a “sovereignty respecting” UN overhaul, especially if it ends the UN’s Population Fund and its abortion activities. And when it comes to Putin and Syria, he’s the right man to resurrect the World War 3 / End Times (WET) scenario…


Exposure forced the globalists to abandon their WET dreams for last September, but replacing Trump with Pence in the first half of the year would allow them to try again this September.

All this being said, which scenario can we expect to see…

“Trump’s Triumph”
“Vindex Falls”?

Although both scenarios are still in play, it seems like the globalists are moving more towards Vindex Falls since the 13th of February or so (just look at the dates on all the articles). And this recent move by Putin could be an indicator of what’s ahead…


Another harbinger of Trump’s likely new fate is this article from a known globalist alt-media disinformation agent called “The Saker”…

…From ZeroHedge. Here are some notable passages…

>>> Less than a month ago I warned that a ‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in the USA…

The Neocon run ‘deep state’ has now forced Flynn to resign under the idiotic pretext that he had a telephone conversation, on an open, insecure and clearly monitored, line with the Russian ambassador.

And Trump accepted this resignation.

Ever since Trump made it to the White House, he has taken blow after blow from the Neocon-run Ziomedia, from Congress, from all the Hollywood doubleplusgoodthinking “stars” and even from European politicians. And Trump took each blow without ever fighting back. Nowhere was his famous “you are fired!” to be seen. But I still had hope. I wanted to hope. I felt that it was my duty to hope.

But now Trump has betrayed us all….

It’s over, folks, the deep state has won.

From now on, Trump will become the proverbial shabbos-goy, the errand boy of the Israel lobby…

Today’s Neocon victory is a huge event and it will probably be completely misrepresented by the official media. Ironically, Trump supporters will also try minimize it all. But the reality is that barring a most unlikely last-minute miracle, it’s over for Trump and the hopes of millions of people in the USA and the rest of the world who had hoped that the Neocons could be booted out of power by means of a peaceful election. That is clearly not going to happen.

I see very dark clouds on the horizon.

UPDATE1: Just to stress an important point: the disaster is not so much that Flynn is out but what Trump’s caving in to the Neocon tells us about Trump’s character (or lack thereof). Ask yourself – after what happened to Flynn, would you stick your neck out for Trump? <<<

Seeing “The Saker” stick a fork in Trump like that is a powerful signal for those with eyes to see.

And with that, I’ll call this entry complete.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Updates 3-4 – The first week of the Lubavitch presidency & The globalist schedule for the Trump-Putin Summit

[Update 3 – 26 January 2017]


Behold the REAL President of the United States…

…Trump’s Chabad-Lubavitch handler (and son-in-law) Jared Kushner

President Trump has wasted no time in getting his handler a top position in his administration…

…From NPR

…And both the handler and his wife (Trump’s daughter Ivanka) have now moved into “the real White House”…

…From Business Insider

It is through Ivanka and her rumored incestuous relationship with her father that the Kabbalists exercise complete control over Trump…

Should Trump step out of line, they need only have her say “daddy diddled me” and his life, brand, and presidency would come crashing down. So Trump will in no way vary from the Lubavitch End Times script, which calls for both Putin and him to be outed as the forces of “true Antichrist” in the next few years. Why else do you think they gave him a slick-looking handler who worked out of 666 Fifth Avenue?…


Kushner looks like someone straight out of the cast of The Devil’s Advocate, and that’s no accident. The End Times prophetic show is a Hollywood production after all.

On a related note, if you are unfamiliar with Chabad-Lubavitch’s connection to Kabbalism, just have a look at some of the courses offered by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (Chabad’s adult education arm)…

Kabbalah Rhythms: A Spiritual Roadmap to Higher Living
Men, Women & Kabbalah: Wisdom and Advice From the Masters
Soul Maps: Kabbalah to Navigate Your Inner World
The Kabbalah of Time
The Kabbalah of Character
The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential
Kabbalah Unplugged: The Secret Power of Prayer

And speaking of Chabad’s obsession with scripting the End Times to lead to total Kabbalist Jew control, this course looks interesting…

The Messiah Mystery: Toward a Perfect World

For more information on Trump and Putin’s connection to the Kabbalist Chabad-Lubavitch End Times cult, read Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch.

[Update 4 – 27 January 2017]


During this morning’s infoscan, something caught my eye…

…From ZeroHedge

The reason the underlined passage stood out is because the globalist prophecy script calls for a 3.5-year “Great Tribulation” period to precede the arrival of the “Christ.” In fact, there will actually be two Great Tribulation periods: 1) the “counterfeit” one they’ve scripted to precede Putin’s elevation as the “false Christ” and 2) the “real” one they’ve scripted to precede the arrival of the “true Christ.”

So if we trace back the source of the “open hostility” between the “Satanic Western leaders” and the “Christian Putin,” it goes back to when the West most directly attacked Russia: the Euromaidan color revolution in Ukraine…

…From Wikipedia

Since that point, the West has been portrayed as being at Russia’s throat as “the heroic Putin bravely stood his ground.” So if we look to the Ukraine confrontation as the beginning of counterfeit Great Tribulation, the two obvious dates that stick out as the starting point are the day Euromaidan started and the day the Russia-friendly Ukrainian government actually fell.

Now if we count forward 6 months from the day Euromaidan started, 21 November 2013, we get 1) December 2013, 2) January 2014, 3) February 2014, 4) March 2014, 5) April 2014, 6) May 2014. And if we count forward three years from May 2014, we get May 2017. So the first candidate date for the end of the counterfeit Great Tribulation period is on or about 21 May 2017.

And if we count forward 6 months from the day the Yanukovych government fell, 23 February 2014, we get 1) March 2014, 2) April 2014, 3) May 2014, 4) June 2014, 5) July 2014, 6) August 2014. And if we count forward three years from August 2014, we get August 2017. So the second candidate date for the end of the counterfeit Great Tribulation period is on or about 23 August 2017.

Since the first Trump-Putin Summit is the obvious venue for establishing peace between “the new populist leaders of the West” and Putin’s Russia (thus ending the counterfeit Great Tribulation period), it should be scheduled at one of the two aforementioned dates.

Most likely, the Trump-Putin Summit will be scheduled in August, as this would give France and the UK time to elect new Putin-friendly leaders, and it would give Putin time to bring peace to the Trump/China relationship. A late-August summit would also segue nicely into the 9th BRICS Summit and the 72nd United Nations General Assembly, which kick off in early September. That’s when we can expect the UN “reform” process to begin — unless we back them off again.

There is much more to write about this, but I think that’s enough for today.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 2 – What Xi’s speech in Davos tells us about the globalist strategy for economic restructuring

As I survey the propaganda coming out of Chinese President Xi’s speech before the Davos globalists, the choreography of the coming economic crisis is becoming pretty clear…

> The “populist revolution” in the US and Western Europe will lead to “protectionism,” a trade war and a wrenching economic depression. The West will thus cede its global economic leadership.

> China will step up to fill the gap in leadership and will break out their gold reserves to resurrect their own economy and save the international multilateral institutions (such as the IMF).

> The desperate West will then go hat-in-hand to the multilateral institutions to resurrect their own economies, thus becoming ensnared in the new globalist system (the NWO economic system).

The conditioning that will be delivered to the people will thus be…



If we view all this in terms of the globalist dialectic strategy, we see that…

…the tension between the Thesis: unbridled Western-style globalism is the way to go

…and the Antithesis: returning to “protectionist” nationalism is the way to go

will yield the Synthesis: kinder, gentler Eastern-style “nationalistic globalism” is the way to go.

With love…

The New World Order Schedule of Implementation for 2017

I’ve completed the update to the NWO Schedule of Implementation page. If you are a longtime reader, you’ll find the most changes at the beginning and end. And the end contains the specific timeframes when things should happen. Of course, if the things I’ve described do happen, I will have failed in my self-selected mission, so let’s hope I’m wrong about all of it. 


The globalist advance towards the New World Order is analogous to an American football team’s advance towards a touchdown: they can slowly and incrementally drive towards their goal using their running game (small, dull, publicly-unnoticed institutional changes that accumulate over time), or they can quickly leap towards their goal using their passing game (staging big crises like 9/11 that demand large, sudden “solutions”). The purpose of this NWO Schedule of Implementation page is to anticipate, expose, and hopefully prevent their passing plays. By forcing them to grind slowly towards their goals with their ground game, time is bought to allow people to wake up to their agenda and begin to counteract it.

That being said, let’s start examining the goal they’re driving towards and the pass plays they’re setting up to get there quickly…


In order to overcome the UN’s jaded reputation and get people to accept its leadership, they will take it through a “reform” process to rebrand it and give it an image makeover. This reform effort will make it appear as though Western domination and “corruption” of the institution has been ended, and it will include two very important elements…

1) The Security Council will be reformed to include permanent members from all 10 UN regions, and the power of the P5 nations to veto resolutions will be eliminated. The elimination of veto power will be sold as being necessary to allow the UN to effectively address divisive conflicts, but its real purpose will be to ensure that no nation can insulate itself from UN action by casting a veto. All nations will be equally helpless against the multilateral UN mob and the Occulted Powers who pull their strings.

(The Occulted Powers are the intermarried / interacting network of local royals and international Jewish banksters, along with their subordinate secret society commoners (such as the Freemasons) who run things for them from behind the facade of democratic government. When you lump these OPs together with their publicly visible minions that operate at the government / banking / corporate level, you get the “globalists” to which I so often refer.)

2) The size and powers of the UN’s military and police forces will be significantly increased to ensure that “no unilateral power can ever again threaten world peace.” I wrote about this element in a previous entry…


Putin’s Drive to Militarize the UN

Once the UN-centered New World Order is put in place, the globalists have scripted a honeymoon period during which things will look much better than they do now. But once we hit the 3.5 year mark, Putin and the UN will start doing some ominous things with the upgraded military and police powers the UN will then possess.

It should come as no surprise, then, that less than a month after Putin was handed the Russian Presidency by Yeltsin, he was hosting the UN Secretary-General and talking about strengthening the “authority and influence of the UN”…

A few months later, he attended the UN Millennium Summit and started getting specific about increasing the UN’s power…
…from The People’s Daily. Here is an excerpt…

“During the meeting, they discussed conflict resolution, rapid reaction capability for peacekeepers, post-conflict reconstruction and the U.N. reform.

Putin expressed interest in reviving the U.N. Military Staff Committee which coordinates military activity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in support of international peace and security, but which has never been effective.”

Now if we look into the UN Military Staff Committee, we see this…

“The Military Staff Committee (MSC) is the United Nations Security Council subsidiary body whose role, as defined by the United Nations Charter, is to plan UN military operations and assist in the regulation of armaments.

The greatest purpose of the MSC, arising from Article 45 of the UN Charter, was intended to be providing command staff for a set of air-force contingents. These contingents, provided by the Permanent 5 members (P5) of the Security Council (the People’s Republic of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to be held at ready for the discretionary use of the United Nations.” – From Wikipedia

Clearly, Putin wants the “reformed” UN he will lead to have military teeth. But his (and his globalist handlers’) plans go beyond mere military power, as is shown by this Russian statement at the UN
…Here are some key passages [with my comments added in brackets]…

>>> Russia places a high emphasis on the role that peacekeeping [UN intervention in the internal affairs of nation-states] plays in maintaining international peace and security…

we attach great importance to the establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission, which operates at a cross-juncture of the activities of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council as well as international financial institutions[the UN “Peacebuilding” Commission is designed to move in after the UN military rolls into an area and alter the political and economic order of the invaded area to suit the globalists; it is essentially a colonizing force]

The importance of the UN civil police is increasing. We follow with great interest the implementation of the Summit’s decision to establish a Standing police capacity

It is fundamentally important that all these activities be carried out in accordance with… rational division of labour with the regional organizations. In this connection I would like to stress our conviction that relevant capacities of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Organisation of the Collective Security Treaty and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation might be in high demand. [in other words, they want the UN to use peacekeepers that the Russians and Chinese have trained] I note with satisfaction, that our efforts in strengthening the UN peacekeeping capacity are bearing fruits…

The Peacekeepers’ Training Centre of the Advanced Police Training Academy of the Russian Ministry of Interior organized between the 2nd and 30th of November, 2006 a course “The Civilian Policeman in the UN Missions” for thirty eight representatives of law enforcement institutions from ten African states.

In accordance with the decision of the Russian Government the Ministry of the Interior is planning on training up to 80 people a year till 2010. The next course of training African peacekeepers in Russia is scheduled for the period from March 1st to April 2nd of this year… [so Russia has been recruiting and training agents to embed in UN civil police forces that come from nations they don’t control]

In conclusion I would like to touch upon one more issue. We believe that the improvement of the thorough consideration of all military aspects of specific peacekeeping operations by the UN Security Council would promote greater efficiency of all aspects of UN peacekeeping. The Charter body – the Military Staff Committee (MSC) that is called upon to ensure an appropriate level of military expertise for the UN Security Council decisions, which have a military aspect, might provide a contribution to this. That is why the President of Russia V. Putin set forth the idea of the MSC’s revitalisation at the Millennium Summit. <<<

“Peacekeeping” is an Orwellian doublespeak word for “warmaking.” It involves the UN invasion of a nation-state in order to produce an internal outcome the UN desires. And according to the globalist / Putin plan for a stronger UN, it will involve…

1) more effective application of UN military force, followed by

2) UN civil police to weed out “troublemakers” and pacify the population, and

3) UN “Peacebuilding” agents to remake the affected area’s political and economic structure in accordance with globalist guidelines.

With this 3-step colonization protocol set before us, it’s not hard to imagine where they’re going with it. During the first 3.5 years of the NWO, they might use it only in areas where there are humanitarian crises. This will allow them to practice and fine-tune their approach. But after the 3.5 year mark, they’ll start using the protocol in areas that contain…

> large pockets of resistance to the UN (because “the UN is the source of world peace, so if you’re against the UN, you are a threat to world peace”), and

> large pockets of religious “extremists” (those who cling to traditional religious ideas over the UN’s “It’s All Good” One World Religion).

In both cases, the globalists will use false-flag shootings and bombings to simulate conflict and justify UN intervention.


So how will the globalists get the nations to agree to these reforms, you ask?

Their tried-and-true method is to offer their plans as a solution to a crisis they deliberately create. If they apply that standard method to UN reform, it would mean…

1) They will orchestrate a war that the UN can’t prevent due to the existence of P5 veto powers. The current war in Syria is perfect for that purpose. Note the competing resolutions on Syria that were circulated in the Security Council last October; neither had a chance because both sides had vetoes…
…From the UN website

2) They will be sure that all of the P5 nations get a serious bloody nose from the unprevented conflict. The harm they’ll suffer will provide the motivation to surrender their veto powers “so it will never happen again.”

As to how these bloody noses will manifest, one particular scenario is already being resurrected by the globalist propagandists…

…It is the “Armies of Rome versus ISIS final battle” scenario.

The globalists already attempted an East vs. West version of this scenario back in early September, but now they seem poised to attempt a Trump + Putin version. In this version, the combined “Christian Crusader armies” of Putin and Trump will fight the final battle against ISIS and Turkey, which will cause ISIS to unleash its big terror finale in the P5 nations. The resulting terror attacks will be sufficiently shocking to convince people that the UN must be strengthened and P5 veto power must be surrendered “so something like this can never happen again.”

If you’ve been paying attention to the preparatory propaganda for the Syria endgame, you’ll know that…

1) Putin has been presented as the great savior of Christians all over the world…
…From The Christian Post

2) And now, Trump too has been presented as a Christian…
…and a defender of the faithful…
…Also from The Christian Post

This establishes the potential for a united Christian front against ISIS, which will supposedly trigger ISIS’s long-awaited apocalyptic showdown against the religion of Rome.

3) All P5 nations are now engaged in the Syrian conflict, including China…
…From RT

4) And the propaganda organs have made sure to point out that “thousands” of China’s Uyghurs have joined ISIS in Syria (and might go back home to commit terrorist acts)…

Here is a notable excerpt…

>>> The communist superpower has long been concerned about a growing number of “Chinese-origin” terrorists tied to the abhorrent jihadi sect.

And Mr Li, who heads the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, warned returning jihadis could pose a “major” threat to China.

According to India Today, he said: “I believe this will be a major source or threat because if these people come back to the country of origin they could constitute a considerable threat to the security of the country of origin.” <<<

So all of the P5 nations supposedly have returned ISIS fighters or ISIS “refugees” inside their countries. Their alleged presence will provide cover for each nation’s security services to actually carry out the attacks (ISIS is just a front, like Wikileaks and Snowden, through which the globalist intelligence agencies do their mischief).

5) At least two specific high-shock attack methods have been foreshadowed by the propaganda organs. The first is dirty bombs…

…From a March 2016 Google News search for ISIS “dirty bomb”

And the second attack method is airliner downings using MANPADS
…From Newsweek

When it comes to this “ISIS MANPADS” threat against airliners, it is important to note that both the US mainstream media and Russian alternative media have hinted that Obama has started handing out MANPADS to the “Syrian rebels” (as of December 23, 2016). This preparatory propaganda is being put out so the coming attacks can be blamed on ISIS (and Al Qaeda)…

…From The Washington Times (top) and Sputnik (bottom)

Putting all this together, this is the scenario the globalists are putting in motion…

Trump joins Putin in the final assault against “ISIS,” and the intelligence agencies subsequently carry out “ISIS’s” final terror barrage. After watching their airliners getting blasted out of the sky and/or seeing areas of their cities rendered temporarily uninhabitable by dirty bombs, the stunned people of the P5 nations undergo a propaganda barrage about how the UN could have prevented what happened if only it had been stronger and unencumbered by P5 vetoes. And with that pretext established, the newly elected pro-Putin Western leaders of 2017 join with the BRICS in “reforming” the UN.

Now that we’ve covered what the NWO will look like politically, let’s take a look at what it’ll look like financially and economically…


I first wrote about the Enhanced China Model in November 2015…

>>> From my current knowledge of what the globalists have planned, they seem to be aiming for an “Enhanced China Model” for the global economy. In China, the central government dictates the direction of the economy, but that direction is pursued with a capitalistic approach. And if the central planners don’t like something that’s going on in the capitalistic level, they step in and crush it. This is how I suspect the new globalist economy will operate.

At the UN level, the neo-Roman authorities will steer the direction of the economy (such as with the “Sustainable Development Agenda”), but they will allow the corporations to pursue that direction under an Austrian Economic Framework. That way, they’re in control (such as in a communist/socialist system), but things actually get done (such as in a capitalist system). <<<

So the socialist/communist New World Order you’ve been programmed to fear is the decoy NWO. The real NWO will be based on Austrian Economics operating within UN-defined (globalist-defined) boundaries.

To learn more about who’s really behind the Austrian Economics fad, read these entries…

The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers

Like it or not, here is more on the Rockefeller connection to Austrian economics

Turning our attention to the IMF, the first steps towards its “reform” were taken early last year when the 2010 quota reforms took effect. But the really big step will occur in the near future when China offers a portion of their gold reserves to help provide gold “backing” for the SDR. In return for their gold, China will receive a large special allocation of SDRs, and these new SDRs will dilute the US’s share of total SDRs to below the 15% level. This will eliminate America’s veto power in the IMF, which will unleash even more reforms. At the time this is done, we’ll also see a Chinaman replace Christine Lagarde as the Managing Director of the IMF.

As for the SDR, moves towards its reform and wider use were taken last year when China’s renminbi was added to its currency basket and SDR-denominated bonds were sold by the World Bank and Standard Chartered Bank…
…From the (the article is a short and informative read, so have a look at it)

It is the intention of the globalists to replace the US dollar as the primary reserve currency with the SDR and then promote the SDR’s use as a global consumer currency. To see their detailed plans for replacing the dollar with the SDR, read this speech given by Zhou Xiaochuan, the Governor of China’s central bank (and the currently designated replacement for Christine Lagarde at the IMF)…
…The speech was given during the depths of the 2007-2009 financial crisis and follows the standard globalist “let’s create a problem, then offer our solution” template. He begins by pointing to the problems posed by the (engineered) economic meltdown, then he goes on to explain how a new kind of global reserve currency would solve all those problems. Finally, he makes his recommendation…

“The scope of using the SDR should be broadened, so as to enable it to fully satisfy the [IMF] member countries’ demand for a reserve currency.”

And to see how the globalists will promote the SDR as the world’s consumer currency, have a look at this Economist article from 1988…
…Here is an excerpt…

>>> THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let’s say, the phoenix. The phoenix will be favoured by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today’s national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the last twentieth century…

…The phoenix would probably start as a cocktail of national currencies, just as the Special Drawing Right is today. In time, though, its value against national currencies would cease to matter, because people would choose it for its convenience and the stability of its purchasing power…

…The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments. There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF…

…Governments are far from ready to subordinate their domestic objectives to the goal of international stability. Several more big exchange-rate upsets, a few more stockmarket crashes and probably a slump or two will be needed before politicians are willing to face squarely up to that choice…

…Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes. <<<

To learn more about this, read Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.

Now that we’ve seen what the real NWO will look like, let’s move our focus to the globalists’ two paths for getting us there: the war path and the peace path

Last year under Obama’s reign, the war path involved a direct military conflict between Russia and the US in Syria. It was to be orchestrated under the pretext of “the Western globalists’ last-gasp effort to save their agenda before Trump takes office.” But now that we’re approaching Trump’s inauguration, the revised war path involves…

  • A “Christianity versus radical Islam” conflict in Syria triggered when “the combined Crusader armies of Rome” (US and Russian forces) begin their final assault on ISIS. Rather than seeing their terrorist proxies destroyed and their new caliphate prevented, the globalist script reads, Turkey will seize the remaining US nukes at Incirlik and move against Putin and Trump’s forces in Syria.
  • A direct US versus China conflict in the South China Sea in which the “populist hero Trump” will be victorious over the “Davos-globalist villain Xi.” The conflict will end with a Putin-brokered ceasefire, and will result in the political fall of Xi and the ascension of his rival, Li Keqiang…

    …From Fortune. Read The globalists will take down China’s Xi this year for more details on why Xi will be removed from power under the war path (and retained under the peace path).

Just like last year’s planned war option, these conflicts would create a global economic collapse due to market reactions to the war in the Middle East and the temporary shutdown of trade and financial payments between the US and China due to the war in the South China Sea. The rest of 2017 would be devoted to Putin, Trump, Li, and the newly elected “anti-Establishment” leaders of Europe putting the world back together both politically and economically. The “reformed” UN Complex (the UN, IMF, and World Bank) and a new “commodities-backed” financial system will be the result of their efforts. So the New World Order could be in full effect by late 2017 or early 2018.

The peace path bypasses open military conflict and instead uses a last-gasp “ISIS” terror barrage to plunge the world into an unconcealable economic depression…

  • The terror barrage would result in widespread calls to “reform” the UN to prevent a conflict like Syria’s from ever again spinning out of control.
  • The terrible economic conditions, possibly augmented with a Wikileaks operation targeting the EU’s “Establishment” leaders, would lead to popular unrest in Europe and the election of “anti-Establishment” leaders, particularly in the P5 nations (France and the UK).
  • And like the war path, the remainder of 2017 would be devoted to “reforming” the existing world order into the New World Order.

Now let’s look a little deeper at the core elements of the peace path…

1) The globalists want their controlled-opposition “anti-Establishment” figures to win the European elections of 2017. To ensure their “(s)election” occurs in a convincing way, they will do most or all of the following…

  • Increase economic pressures in the EU nations.
  • Continue the migrant offensive against the European populace.
  • Conduct more “terrorist” attacks in Europe.
  • Launch more EU policies that are blatantly outrageous.
  • Unleash their Wikileaks front on the “Establishment” politicians and parties of the EU nations.

2) As was covered earlier in this entry, the globalists want to provide a pretext for taking away the veto powers of the P5 nations in the UN. The crisis which precipitates this solution could be one of these potential events…

  • A global terror wave that is unleashed after Putin and Trump team up to “annihilate ISIS.”
  • A mass casualty event in Syria. The most effective approach would be to unleash a nuclear explosion in a Syrian city, and the most likely target of such an attack would be Damascus (in order to artificially fulfill the Biblical prophecy of Damascus becoming a “ruinous heap”). If such a nuclear attack does occur, expect Bashar Assad to survive.
  • As a third, low-key option, the “Anti-Establishment” leaders could point to the total Middle Eastern carnage caused by the “Western Establishment” from the 2003 invasion of Iraq through the ongoing regime change operation in Syria as ample justification for doing away with Security Council vetoes.

3) The globalists want to transition to a financial system that revolves around their “multilateral institutions” and a “gold backed” IMF SDR. I use quotes around the term “gold backed” because the new currencies won’t have a traditional gold backing; it will be more of a gold valuation, but the public will perceive it as gold backing. The crisis which precipitates this solution could take one of these forms…

  • An economic collapse triggered by the final “ISIS” terror barrage.
  • An economic collapse triggered by a deadlock between Trump and Congress over the US budget and debt limit
  • An economic collapse triggered by shocking developments in the EU (like the election of Le Pen and other “anti-Establishment” figures) and their effect on weak, systemically important financial institutions (like Deutsche Bank).
  • As a fourth, low-key option, the Western “anti-Establishment” leaders could simply resolve to move the world out of the economic doldrums by instituting the new system in collaboration with the BRICS nations.

With these basic strategies in mind, let’s start looking at specific times that offer opportunities to advance these strategy paths…

> Mid-March to mid-April: This is when Trump and Congress will lock horns over the debt limit and the budget deficit. Given the Democrats’ scripted insanity towards Trump, they might attempt to trigger a US government shutdown and debt default in order to sabotage Trump’s presidency early.

> Mid-September to mid-October: If Trump and Congress delay their conflict over the debt limit and budget deficit till the end of the fiscal year, the ugliness will begin in this timeframe.

> First half of the year: This is when Trump and Putin will likely join forces to double-team ISIS and set off the jihadist holy war. It is also the likely timeframe for Trump and Xi to start fighting. The combination of Trump’s mouth and the Chicoms’ hypersensitivity shouldn’t leave us waiting long for the conflict.

Much love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 1 – The globalists will take down China’s Xi this year

President Xi of China will be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos in a few days…

…From a Google News search for xi davos populism

His Illuminati handlers are sending him there to make him look like the very embodiment of “evil Western-style globalism” in preparation for his showdown with Trump. In the coming Xi versus Trump stageplay, Xi will play the “globalist villain” to Trump’s “populist hero” and then be taken down and replaced by China’s Premier, Li Keqiang. Li, in turn, will play the role of China’s Gorbachev as the globalists split China into smaller units in keeping with their NWO plan…

…From The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words…

One wonders if Xi knows what his handlers have in store for him.

If he didn’t before, he does now. 

So why am I saying all this, you ask?

First off, I’ve been monitoring a propaganda strain in the media that has been highlighting the conflict between the two…

…From The Wall Street Journal (top) and the Nikkei Asian Review (bottom)

The propaganda has been subtly casting Xi as someone who has “gone too far” while suggesting Li as the figure best able to counter him. Here is an excerpt about Li in the Nikkei article…

“But since Li’s latest pep talk, China’s political winds have been shifting, though slightly. The Communist Party is even hearing calls for someone to counterbalance Xi.

The shift reflects party concerns that:

  • Xi has concentrated too much power via his anti-corruption campaign;
  • there is a personality cult being built around Xi;
  • Xi’s silencing of the media has gone too far;
  • his political campaign has adversely affected the economy.

Fully realizing how the political climate now favors him, Li has decided to take a first step to counter Xi’s unrivaled power.”

By injecting these thoughts into the public consciousness, the globalists are establishing the backstory for the switchover.

Secondly, we’ve all seen the mainstream and alternative media propaganda suggesting a coming conflict between Trump and Xi over the South China Sea, Taiwan, and trade policy. And given that Putin and Trump are the globalists’ NWO golden boys, Trump is scripted to win the confrontation with Xi. This will result in embarrassment for China, loss of face for Xi, and economic calamity for China if the conflict goes military (if the US and China start shooting at each other, they’ll stop paying each other). As a result, the Communist Party will quickly purge the disgraced Xi and elevate Li to lead the post-calamity transition of China.

Thirdly, China’s claims and activities in the South China Sea are in violation of UN standards. So just as the Syria Conflict highlights a situation in which the UN failed to keep peace due to the Security Council veto powers of the P5 nations, the South China Sea Conflict will highlight a situation in which the UN failed to keep peace because it was too weak to rein in a strong unilateral power (China). Thus, the coming conflict will help the globalists make their case for a veto-free UN with stronger enforcement mechanisms. And Xi’s fate will reflect what happens to a leader who defies “the multilateral consensus.”

Love always…

[Addendum 1 – 16 January 2017]

The Wall Street Journal put out a piece this morning that highlights Xi’s role if the globalists opt for the peace path to the NWO…

…It paints Xi as a kindred spirit to Trump and casts him as someone calling for a benevolent reinvention of globalism to make it “more resilient, inclusive and sustainable, so that people will get a fair share of its benefits and will see that they have a stake in it” (which is exactly how the globalists would describe the NWO economic system).

So to be more precise with my estimate, Xi is history if the globalists take the war path, but he’ll remain in power if they take the peace path. To understand what I mean when I say “war path” and “peace path,” read the NWO Schedule of Implementation.

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: The Year Ahead

In 2017, look for Putin to bring peace between the soon-to-be-conflicting US and China, thus making a big move towards his UN throne…

…To understand why the Lubavitcher on the left is in this picture, read this. And to understand why Henry Kissinger is in this picture, read this.

Last year, the globalists made incremental progress towards their New World Order by achieving such milestones as the entry into force of the Paris Agreement (on “climate change”), the addition of the Chinese renminbi to the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies, and the transfer of internet governance from the US to a multilateral international body. Despite this solid, gradual progress towards their goals, their efforts to create a big international crisis by which they could massively advance their agenda appear to have been stymied yet again.

In 2015, they appeared to be moving towards a “people’s revolution” in Europe, in which the “birthplace of democracy” (Greece) was to lead the defection of the peripheral EU nations to the BRICS alliance. This plan was widely exposed and they backed off.

In 2016, they appeared to be moving towards an Armageddon-like conflict in Syria, which would have led to the fall of the “evil Western globalists” and the rise of “a reformed UN that is stronger and more inclusive.” This plan was also widely exposed and they backed off — at least for a while.

As is outlined in the NWO Schedule of Implementation, the Syria endgame will play out when Trump and Putin launch joint operations in Syria “to wipe out ISIS.” It is then when we can expect Turkey’s Erdogan to betray Putin and fight the US/Russian alliance. It is also at that time when we can expect airliners to start dropping out of the sky in the US, UK, France, Russia, and China…

…From Sputnik

So beyond Syria, what is the globalists’ “big crisis” plan for 2017?

It appears to be a fake confrontation between the Trump-led United States and the Xi-led China in which their “mutual friend and peacemaker Vladimir Putin” will play the starring, heroic role. This will be accompanied by a globalist-instigated “populist revolution” in Europe by which Putin-friendly leaders will be installed in France and the UK. Ultimately, the combination of “uncontrollable” international conflict and Putin-friendly leaders in the West will lead to UN “reform” that will transform it into the central control hub of the NWO.

I’ve updated the NWO Schedule of Implementation to show their objectives and strategies in more detail.

Much love to all…