Author Archives: kenneth

The Vatican is preparing to introduce the Anunnaki to us

The Jesuit Pope says, “Come meet your new space brothers!”…

With the globalists turning up the heat on all the mundane aspects of their buildup to the NWO, the woo woo aspects are moving forward as well. Yesterday, I encountered a Before Its News link that led to a post titled Vatican Preparing Statement on Extraterrestrial Life. Given the often questionable nature of such posts, I decided to look into it and see if everything checked out. It did. The Vatican is indeed preparing to “take us to their leader.”

The post, in turn, pointed to an article on
…Upon looking into Voxxi, I found out it’s a news site for English-speaking Hispanics that was started by the former Director of News at Agencia EFE, the world’s fourth largest wire service, so it is a mainstream site. Here are some relevant excerpts from the article…

>>>Many scientists affirm we’re not far from establishing the “First Contact,” given the advances made is astronomy. Because of this, the Vatican wishes to be ready with a statement. It might not be a easy task for the church to interpret holy scripture—if not analyzed properly—if life is found on other planets and man is not the only creature made in the image of God…

In 2009 Jose Gabriel Funes, the director of the Vatican Observatory, gave an interview to the Vatican’s L’Osservatore Romano newspaper, where he stated the existence of alien life posed no problems for Catholic theology.

Conspiracy theories aside, are we really that close to discovering extraterrestrial life? And if so, what will the Catholic Church say about it? Details of the statement the Vatican is working on have not been revealed publicly.<<<

So it seems that the ET rollout, should it actually occur, will begin with us supposedly discovering them through a telescope, then the Vatican will make its statement. Once the public has digested the idea, ET/EDs might actually show themselves, claiming, “We were waiting for you guys to discover our existence on your own; we didn’t want to show up out of the blue and shock you.”

Another notable thing about the Voxxi article was their inclusion of this link after the first paragraph…
…It struck me as odd that they would think to connect the idea of alien intervention in Flight 370 to an article about a Vatican ET announcement. Although the linked article ridiculed the ET angle on Flight 370’s disappearance, I was left wondering if any ETs who show up might play that card. Will they arrive with the missing passengers and crew to show what sweet spaceguys they are?

As I kept investigating, I found another mainstream media mention of the Vatican and ETs in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. In a post titled Progress, American-style, sort of, the author ties an upcoming astrobiology symposium to the idea of suppressed UFO information…

>>>…what makes this symposium particularly mind-bending are the contortions in play to avoid contact with the UFO elephant in the room, especially given how so much of its content is devoted to hypothetical scenarios. Garnished heavily (not surprisingly) with SETI radioastronomers, its topics come with provocative titles like “The Moral Status of Non-Human Organisms,” “Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?,” “Equating Culture, Civilization, and Moral Development in Imagining ETI: Anthropocentric Assumptions?” and “Communicating With the Other.” But here’s the one that really grabs De Void by the eyeballs — “Alien Minds,” by Susan Schneider.<<<

The symposium to which the author refers is this one
…And a notable attendee is the one to whom all the articles refer either directly or indirectly, Guy Consolmagno.

Guy Consolmagno is a Jesuit astronomer at the Vatican Observatory, which is headed by another Jesuit named Jose Gabriel Funes. Both portray aliens as good guys, with Consolmagno stating that he would baptize an alien and Funes stating “the extraterrestrial is my brother.” This raises the question: if the Jesuits (of all people) are pointing to the ETs and saying they’re good, is that how it really is? As I’ve written before, if aliens are real and they show up, it makes sense that the first ones we’ll see are the ones who have been here all along.

Interestingly, the “Vatican Preparing Statement on Extraterrestrial Life” post shares the Jesuit view…

>>>Not all will welcome a statement from Pope Francis advocating extraterrestrials as brothers and worthy of being baptized into the Christian faith. According to Chris Putnam and Tom Horn, authors of Exovaticana, Pope Francis I is preparing to lead the Catholic Church to embrace aliens as “brothers in Christ” – reflective of the 1950s and 1960s contactee reports of benevolent “space brothers.” Putnam’s and Horn’s Exovaticana portends a future religious war between those accepting extraterrestrials as “brothers in Christ” and those believing them to be returning demons about to enslave us. Despite the extensive scholarship found in Exovaticana, it unfortunately skews data towards an overly negative assessment of the motivations of extraterrestrial visitors. Thankfully, the Vatican’s evolving public position, as reflected by statements from its leading astronomers, shows a far more enlightened stance on how to consider the discovery of alien life from a theological perspective. A statement or “Urbi et Orbi” speech from Pope Francis expounding on various themes associated with the view that extraterrestrials are potential “brothers in Christ’ is a welcome position to take on a controversial issue with major world significance.<<<

As it turns out, the post appears to have been written by Michael Salla, the founder of, and it’s good that he brings up Tom Horn.

Tom Horn is the Establishment’s “David Wilcock figure” in the Christian community. Like his New Age compatriot, he wrote a big, “scholarly” book…
…that hyped all the various prophecies leading into December 21, 2012. When that date passed with a whimper, he withdrew the book, reworked it to point to 2016, and gave it a new title: Zenith 2016. Although he removed the ad for the original book from his site, I was able to find it in the Internet Archive. Here are the bullet points he presented…


> Unrecognized by the vast majority of peoples around the world is the greatest conspiracy of all time, sitting right out in the open in Washington DC and at the Vatican. It is an ancient, magical, talismanic diagram—the Lost Symbol—which waits its final use by the hidden, occult hand guiding the Secret Destiny of America toward the year 2012.

> To make sure they are prepared, the ritual for what is coming has been rehearsed in the Heredom by the Supreme Council over Washington DC with every passing US president starting with George Washington in anticipation of the deity’s return in 2012.

> Many US Founding fathers were aware of these prophecies and designed the Capitol City to serve as the home of these pagan gods on their return.

> This secret is also openly hidden in the most spectacular way in the US Capitol Dome, directly tying the US and Vatican to the Mesoamerican 2012 date.

> Catholic priests who tried to warn about what was coming died under mysterious circumstances.

> 200 Year Old cipher encoded on the Great Seal of the United States points to the same prophecy concerning the return of the gods in the year 2012.

> early 500 years ago the Maya prophesied about the Colonial date 1776 as the beginning of the last 13 katuns leading to apocalypse in 2012. When academic Richard N. Luxton interpreted The Book of Chumayel: The Counsel Book of the Yucatec Maya 1539–1638, he was astonished to find it was connected to the “Christian Last Judgment” and the date 2012.

>  couple modern “Mayan elders” – who have been getting themselves in the news lately by claiming the year 2012 will not lead to the end of the world – are covering up how their prophecies diametrically contradict the prophecies of their forefathers including the Maya, Aztec, and numerous other ancient peoples who foresaw this time as portending destruction and “judgment from the gods.”

> 200 Years ago Cherokee Indians prophesied likewise and set their calendar, like the Maya and Aztec, to end in the year 2012.

> In more than one place in the New Testament, scripture reveals by the same name that the deity encoded in the Masonic prophecy on the Great Seal and elsewhere throughout Washington DC will be the dreaded Antichrist.

> Over 700 years ago Orthodox Jewish priests prophesied in the Zohar that their Messiah would arrive in the year 2012.

> The first degree Masonic Tracing Board contains the same prophecy toward the year 2012.

> Jesus Himself in Matthew 24 may have set the date for the apocalypse around the year 2012.

> This is a short sample of the HUNDREDS of new revelations in Apollyon Rising 2012.<<<

Very Wilcockian, wasn’t it? 😉 And wouldn’t you know it, David Wilcock has also started talking about 2016. Here is a passage from one of the comments he left on Benjamin Fulford’s blog

>>>Then, since The Synchronicity Key talks about how cycles are always at play in the cases of reincarnation, I said “could there be an American Revolution / BRICS revolution cycle playing out?”

I already saw a Rome / US overlap predicting key events in 2014, but we can’t be sure that it will “all” happen in one year. This is all taking longer than I thought, though there is definite progress along the way.

That led to a quick calculation. The main cycles I identified were the Zodiac cycle of 2,160 years (such as between Rome and the US) and the Zodiac quarter-cycle of 539 years (such as the precise time-lock between the Battle of Swiecino and 9/11, down to a few days.)

Another harmonic cycle is 120 years — though the ‘century’ of 100 years is also cyclical. 120 years divides into the “Great Year” of 25,920 years exactly 216 times, making it perfectly harmonic.

The first 120 years after the American Revolution brings us to 1896, which was the precise year that all the problems began with America turning into a war-making state. This was when McKinley got elected and America immediately started moving into the international arena as an imperial power, starting a chain of events that led to the Federal Reserve being founded.

I already have this in the book, but only equated 1896 to a cross-over with Rome in the Zodiac cycle. I never caught that 1896 is also 120 years after the American Revolution.

So if this first cycle is where the problem got a lot worse, 120 years later it may finally resolve. At the speed things are now going, the cycle equivalent of two 120-year cycles lands on July 4, 2016 — 240 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.<<<

Looking at everything Horn and Wilcock have written, I am compelled to forge a new scientific axiom: prophecy + astrology + numerology = BS spiritual propaganda

2016 is an interesting year in one respect, though: how it might fit in with Christian “End Times” prophecy. There are many different interpretations of Biblical prophecy, but the “Christian Watchman” Propaganda Corps with whom Tom Horn frequently interacts have been trumpeting a version that boils down to something like this…

There will be seven years of tribulation that feature wars and rumors of wars, famine, disease, earthquakes in diverse places, etc. To save us from these disasters, the “Antichrist” will come on the scene posing as the “real Christ.” He/she/it will bring a temporary peace and rule for a short time, then will be swept aside when the “real Christ” stages his Second Coming.

Looking at this script, I am left wondering if the 2007-2009 financial crisis might count as the beginning of the Tribulation Period. If so, the seven years would expire sometime from 2014 through 2016. And if the globalists are trying to act out a scenario somewhat like this, how will they play it? Will the coming “BRICS-founded” Multipolar/Multilateral NWO bring in the Antichrist character? Or will the decoy “Nazionist” dark NWO and Obama be painted as the Antichrist side who are vanquished by the BRICS NWO and the “real Christ” character?

However they play it, it is important to remember that both the “Antichrist” and the “real Christ” are scripted characters in a Blood Cult play. They are the dialectic thesis and antithesis of the False God / Yahweh / Demiurge spiritual paradigm, and neither one is on humanity’s side.

It is also important to note that Christianity is a religion centered on Anunnaki (a.k.a. Elohim) worship. Under the Biblical paradigm, the beings who supposedly created modern man are called the Elohim; under the Sumerian paradigm, those same beings are called the Anunnaki. And whether the Anunnaki/Elohim are mythological or real, they are bad news for Planet Earth.

All this being said, if any ET/EDs show up in the next several years, who will we really be meeting? Will they be the real-deal Anunnaki flying in on spaceships, or will they be the genetically-engineered spawn of underground labs flying in on black budget aerospace craft? It all depends on whether the beings worshipped by the “elite” are genuine ET/EDs or just myths they finally have the technology to bring to life.

[Update 1 – 13 September 2014]

This article was reposted on, and an interesting comment was left by one of the readers. I thought I’d share the comment and my response…

Commenter “Lozion”: Ken, just curious is this Apollyon (Abaddon) Horn refers to is another epithet for Antichrist? If yes, then I would theorize this being is the head of the Annunaki (sons of An), Enlil (otherwise known as YHWE and to the Gnostics, the Demiurge) trying to sell himself as the Messiah of our times. Hey, maybe we’ll finally get to meet the Big Enlilada! 😉

My Response: I included Yahweh in the False God/ Yahweh/ Demiurge sandwich for the sake of the Christians, who are programmed to see him as the Big Kahuna. From the various versions of the Sumerian Anunnaki narrative I’ve encountered, though, he is below the actual Anunnaki godking and is aligned with the loyalist faction that believes the human slaves are to be kept barefoot and ignorant, and are not to [be] bred with. The rebels, on the other hand, gave us some degree of knowledge (perhaps in hope of winning us to their side), and fancy “monkey love.” This might explain why I’ve heard certain self-proclaimed “Satanists” complaining, “We tried to give you freedom, but you love being slaves. So we’re going to give you exactly what you want.”

Of the two supposed factions, I am sympathetic to the rebels because I despise the concept of “royalty” in any form, and also because they are simply more fun. But I would choose neither side. Humanity must find a middle path, and we must walk it ourselves.

To answer your question, though, Tom Horn does seem to label “Apollyon” as the “Antichrist.”

On an unrelated note, I’ve come across some mainstream globalist propaganda from 1988 and 2014 that confirms the West versus East conflict is a sham. Look for a big article about it on Monday.

[Update 2 – 14 September 2014]

Commenter “Lozion”: According to Annunaki ‘canon’, the rebels were headed by An’s older son and Enlil’s half-brother Enki, who genetically engineered us (a triplicity of genes from their DNA, native Neanderthal and from IGIGI, who were slaves from a foreign conquered planet) with the help of Ninhursag. They were the ones who thought humans should be allowed to evolve on their own and tried to protect us to a degree against Enlil’s wrath. The God/King you refer to would be An who left their sons to their schemes while busy with affairs far away

My Response: Yes, that’s one version I’ve heard. The herebedragons site has a page that shows what you’re talking about:

Here is the family diagram:

Commenter “Lozion”: I’ve started a thread on the Conscious Hugs forum on this subject if anyone cares to contribute. See here:

Yes, I’ve seen that diagram before. Add Nergal under Enlil.

My Response: I would hasten to add a word of caution on this matter: be wary of any historical or mythical narrative that would sway you to take sides in an alien civil war. If you choose a side, you choose the war, and if you choose the war, you invite attack upon yourself.

If a “red gang” member came to your door and told you, “You should join our war against the ‘blue gang.’ They want to kill everyone in the ‘hood, so if we lose, you die,” would you believe him? While such a claim could possibly be true, it is more likely a ruse to scare you into cooperation. It’s more likely that the other gang will want to profit off you than kill you. You can’t sell drugs to a dead man, nor can you enslave him.

If there is any reality to the Enki versus Enlil narrative, there are three ways to look at it:

1) It is a real civil war within the Anunnaki kingdom. If this is the case, we should leave them to settle their conflicts themselves while we deal with our own challenges ourselves. To join one side against the other is to expose ourselves to potential ruin.

2) It is a contrived situation Anu put in play to ensure that one of his sons couldn’t set up his own kingdom here. By keeping the two feuding, neither brother can get firm control of the planet. All Anu has to do is sit back and maintain a balance of forces by providing support to one or the other when he grows weak. If this is the case, it has nothing to do with us and we should maintain our focus on the self-liberation of our species.

3) It is a dialectic play put on for human consumption. By recruiting some humans to Enki and others to Enlil, they keep us fighting amongst ourselves. Some may point to supposed evidence (most notably in the Indian ancient texts) of an antediluvian nuclear war as proof that there are two alien factions fighting, but I would point such people to World War 2. It was a massive conflict that involved nuclear explosions, but it was fought by two alliances of human states that were pitted against each other by a transnational “elite.” The antediluvian war, if it actually happened, might have been the same sort of deal: humans pitted against each other by a hidden hand.

It seems prudent to stay out of any wars, either human or alien. I think it better to free myself, then help free my community. And once my community is free, we can network with other such communities until the whole world is free.

Love always…

Dear David Wilcock, PressTV, and RT: It’s all about the CENTRAL BANKERS, not the Nazis

Here are the bad guys who’ve been causing all our problems…
…Once the heroic politicians and central bankers of the paradise-like BRICS nations defeat them, all will be right again in the world… NOT.

A couple of days ago, I ran across a short essay from globalist spokesman David Wilcock (and left some comments underneath it). His basic point was that he saw two Disney movies that had plot elements kinda similar to the geopolitical narrative he’s been putting out, so that constitutes the “most compelling pieces of physical proof that what we have been talking about is real.” After recovering from the shock of encountering such absurdity, I started wondering…

Is this “blame the Nazis (and Zionists)” propaganda theme something only fringe conmen like Wilcock, Fulford and Keenan are putting out, or do the globalists really intend to roll it out as the mainstream cover story?

To answer this question, I searched BRICS mainstream propaganda outlets RT and PressTV, and I found that they had indeed exposed their readers to the Nazi narrative. To see what they’ve been saying, let’s have a look at RT first.

RT has introduced their readers to the narrative through articles in their Op-Edge section written by Tony Gosling…

Here is the first one I found: From ‘Free’ West to fascist fire-starters in 60 yrs: Where did we go so wrong? And here are some relevant excerpts…

“The seeds of the West’s succession of bloodbaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and possibly Syria were sown in the final days of World War II

…So it was the failure of the post-war Western alliance to deliver justice in the decades after World War II that is behind the West’s obsession with military adventurism. That’s why we struggle to deliver justice and democracy in the West to this day.

Humanity will not shake itself free of the curse of bigger and better guns in the nuclear age until it recognizes that Nazism was not defeated in 1945, but embraced by Western governments, big business and yes, even by the Israeli state.”

Like Benjamin Fulford, Gosling pegs the beginning of the West’s troubles to “the final days of World War II,” and through his narrative, he seems to imply that the Western Establishment was all about “justice and democracy” before the Nazis were embraced by them and corrupted them. Any rational person should know better than this.

But let’s go on to the second: A betrayal too far: Only brutal honesty will do at Arnhem’s 70th anniversary. Here are some salient points…

>>>Bilderberg is where the transatlantic banking, royal, media and corporate elite give our politicians their orders, and has been meeting annually in Europe or North America from 1954 to this day. Its connection to NATO is umbilical, yet often overlooked, as all Bilderberg steering group members and important attendees are from the NATO countries.

NATO’s Nazi ties go right back to the supposedly defensive alliance’s first meetings. Quoted in AJ Barker’s “Waffen SS at War”, HIAG, the SS veterans association’s chief after the war, former Eastern front Panzer corps General Paul Hausser, “claimed that the foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army.”

Critics point out that, through politically motivated state terror campaigns such as Operation Gladio, which left hundreds of innocent European civilians dead, right through to liaison with Ukraine’s far right paramilitaries UNA/UNSO, NATO’s covert operations with fascist groups have been continuous since the end of World War II. As Italian “gladiator” Vincenzo Vinciguerra put it in a BBC Timewatch documentary: “In 1945 World War Two ended, and World War Three began.”<<<

So Bilderberg = NATO = Nazi fascists, and that is what ruined the West, according to Tony. Although he does mention the “banking, royal, media and corporate elite,” this time, he fails to point out that Nazism, just like Communism and a dozen other ideological “isms,” is driven by the banksters and their agenda, not the other way around.

The truth is that the “elite” don’t give a rat’s ass about ideologies like Nazism; what matters to them is centralization of wealth and power into their hands. Ideologies, like religions, are mere tools they use for socioeconomic experimentation and global geopolitical engineering. The central banking families are no more Nazis than they are Islamists, but they do support both movements (and many more) to move the global population in the directions they want them to go.

Moving on to PressTV, they have introduced their readers to the Nazi narrative through another UK Zone columnist, Finian Cunningham (this is starting to smell like MI5/6)…
..and through an Operation Paperclip book review.

The book review was titled US gave immunity to war criminals, and here are some highlights…

“After World War II, the U.S. military hired sixteen hundred former Nazi scientists and doctors, including some of Adolf Hitler’s closest collaborators…

The U.S. military shifted in numerous ways when former Nazis were put into prominent positions

Permanent war thinking, limitless war thinking, and creative war thinking in which science and technology overshadowed death and suffering, all went mainstream…

In 1947 Operation Paperclip, still rather small, was in danger of being terminated. Instead, Truman transformed the U.S. military with the National Security Act, and created the best ally that Operation Paperclip could want: the CIA.”

The overall impression created by this article is that the transplanted Nazis were the force that drove America’s aggression after WW2 (not the globalist agenda, which is never mentioned).

And Finians article was titled US driven by Nazi war machine. Here is a key passage…

The absorption of Nazi military practice and intelligence into the CIA and other Western organizations at the end of the Second World War had fateful and far-reaching pernicious consequences – consequences that are becoming more and more manifest today, as US-led wars of aggression rage around the world.

If we want to understand why US-led wars of aggression, covert and overt, are plaguing the planet, from Iraq, Afghanistan, to Libya, Syria and Iran, we can gain much insight into today’s problems by going back to events at the end of the Second World War.”

Again we detect the characteristic propaganda pattern: the Paperclip/Rat Line Nazis ruined poor little innocent America. 🙂 It’s amazing that the Pentagon figured out how to firebomb and nuke entire cities before the evil Nazis came along.

Finian goes on from there to make a mistake. He claims that Nazi intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen was close with OSS chief “John Foster Dulles,” but it was John Foster’s brother Allen who was in the OSS. Allen Dulles went on to become the first civilian Director of the Central Intelligence agency, and John Foster went on to become US Secretary of State. And looking at the two Dulles brothers is quite informative in discovering who was really in the driver’s seat of the West’s pre-and-post-WW2 behavior.

Here are some key points of information about the Dulles brothers and their connections:

John Foster Dulles

> was a US Secretary of State

> was a Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1935 to 1952 (and served as its Chairman from 1950-1952).

> was “an early member, along with future First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, of the League of Free Nations Association, founded in 1918 and after 1923 known as the Foreign Policy Association, which supported American membership in the League of Nations.”

> “participated in the San Francisco Conference as an adviser to Arthur H. Vandenberg and helped draft the preamble to the United Nations Charter.”

> was a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations

> and had a son, Avery, who went on to become a Jesuit Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church…


Allen Dulles

> was the first civilian Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

> “became a director of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1927″

> and “served as legal adviser to the delegations on arms limitation at the League of Nations

In addition to these points, it’s worth noting a passage from David Rockefeller’s bio

Rockefeller also reportedly has connections to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As well as knowing Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles—who was an in-law of the family since his college years, it was in Rockefeller Center that Allen Dulles had set up his WWII operational center after Pearl Harbor, liaising closely with MI6 which also had their principal U.S. operation in the Center.”

So both Allen Dulles and MI6 had their bases of operation in Rockefeller Center, and both Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles had strong personal connections to the Rockefeller bankster family, the Jesuits, and many top globalist organizations. Given all this, was it their love of Nazism that led them to support Hitler’s rise and aggression, or was it the globalist bankster agenda that guided their actions? A simple application of common sense should provide the answer (Hitler’s war was a nice setup for the United Nations, the seed of global governance).

If we boil the “blame the Nazis and Zionists (Nazionist)” propaganda paradigm down to its bare bones…

…this is the lie:

The problem is confined to the West and is caused by the Nazionists.

Therefore, once the Nazionists are taken down, the problem is solved.

…and this is the truth:

The problem is worldwide and is caused by the globalist banksters.

Therefore, once the Nazionists are taken down, the problem will still be left standing.

The first step to stopping them is to stop falling for their BS.

In closing, allow me to say this to our globalist bankster buddies…

By all means, go ahead and set out your Nazionist punch bowl. I’m gonna crap in it. Let’s see if anyone notices. 😉

Much love to all….

ISIS: A globalist scheme to make the West look evil and the BRICS look good (Update 1 – NATO and the Russian Financial Sector)

After seeing this on disinformation source Tom Heneghan’s latest update
…and this on Press TV
…it became clearer to me exactly how ISIS is being utilized in the globalists’ West versus East dialectic.

In my last update, I wrote this about the globalist strategy for the September – November time frame: “Bad Western conduct will also be clearly noted in the press. This combination of economic weakness and bad behavior will be seized upon by the BRICS nations as they press for the dissolution of Western dominance of the IMF and related institutions.” Well, the whole ISIS debacle is a glaring example of this; it is purposely transparent foolishness that sets up the BRICS alliance for an easy propaganda win.

And the BRICS knock it out of the park!…


It’s really a very simple strategy on the globalists’ part: have the Western division (which controls the old financial system) create transparent havoc, then have the Eastern division (which will bring in the new financial system) point out the West’s misconduct and earn trust from the public. The people will then see the BRICS as straight talking guys who are different from the evildoers in NATO. Of course, all one needs to do to see through this propaganda campaign is look at how the 99% are treated in the BRICS countries. Despite the stage plays the G20 politicians put on for public consumption, all the G20 central bankers are working from the same script.

Getting back to the current propaganda campaign, if you look closely at how faux-truthers like Heneghan are outing ISIS, you’ll see that they are following the “blame the Western Nazis / Zionists” template I talked about in this entry. Here is the title of one of Heneghan’s other articles on the subject: ISIS PsyOp Exposed as British Intelligence-NAZI Paperclip U.S. NSA Trickery. The article also contains information that the Mossad (Zionists) trained the ISIS leader. Such information is also parroted by BRICS-leaning PressTV: Documents show al-Baghdadi trained by MOSSAD (for an example of PressTV’s allegiance, see BRICS ‘counterbalance’ to Anglo-American hegemony).

PressTV is state-funded and is a division of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). IRIB is independent of the Iranian government, but is said to be close to the country’s conservative political faction, especially the elite Revolutionary Guards [RG].” And back when I was looking into the IMF’s activities, I briefly fell into the dialectic trap and thought that the Guards might actually be enemies to the globalists. When I found out that PressTV was a Revolutionary Guards media asset, though, I realized that both PressTV and the RG were actually working on the BRICS side of the globalist dialectic.

As we look ahead to the coming week, we find Congressional leaders publicly calling for Obama to “form a strategy” against ISIS before the Thursday-Friday NATO summit, and this presumably means they are urging him to begin airstrikes in Syria. And if you recall the controversy over potential US strikes on Syria last year, it was said

>>>The warnings raise the possibility of a supposedly “limited” strike on Syria turning into a proxy tit-for-tat between Russia and the U.S.

Rep. George Holding, R-N.C., went further during a hearing on Syria on Wednesday, pressing military officials on what the U.S. would do “if Russia decided to strike at us in that theater.”

“We can certainly say that Russia would have options to strike us in that theater in retaliation for us striking their ally,” he warned.

Dempsey declined to engage in that discussion, saying only that “Russia has capabilities that range from the asymmetric, including cyber, all the way up through strategic nuclear weapons. And again, it wouldn’t be helpful in this setting to speculate about that.”<<<

So airstrikes on Syria (on top of Ukraine-related economic sanctions) might very well be the trigger to unleash the globalists’ long planned cyberattack against the old financial system (to be pinned on Russia). They might also be the trigger for biological and conventional terror attacks in the US (to be pinned on ISIS – Lawmakers: Islamic State groups wants to hit US). Should such attacks occur, it doesn’t necessarily mean there will be a total economic collapse or instant Armageddon…


…The attacks can be moderated in such a way to achieve specific globalist outcomes without taking us beyond Thunderdome, so don’t have a cow.

[Update 1 – 1 September 2014]

NATO and the Russian Financial Sector

While looking into the propaganda setup for the NATO meeting this week, I came across an FT article titled “Three critical tests for Nato leaders in Wales” (it’s behind a paywall, so search for the title in Google News to access it). I found this part interesting…

“Allied leaders in Wales must counter by adopting the only measures that might give Mr Putin pause – the strongest sanctions to date, targeted on Russia’s critical financial sector.”

So NATO might be targeting Russia’s financial sector, eh? 🙂 That smells like the perfect pretext for a retaliatory cyberattack….

With love….

The globalists are gearing up for September – November mischief (Update 2: Yellen’s Role)

When I woke up this morning and saw this…
…and this…
…I knew it was time to resume tracking the Event.

After observing the NWO’s gradual implementation over the last four years, I’ve come to see it like a football game in which the banksters are playing offense and the aware public are playing defense. Month after month, year after year, decade after decade, the banksters keep grinding away with their ground game, and they make incremental gains that go largely unnoticed by most people. Every once in a while, though, they set us up for a pass play so they can make a big gain towards their goal (like they did on 9/11 and in 2008).

In the January – March timeframe this year, they set up a large number of triggers that could have enabled a big pass play, but they audibled back to their ground game. For the September – November time frame, a whole new set of triggers is being put in place. These triggers will enable them to stage an economic/war shock event if they so choose, but will most likely lead to a disarming of the US’s veto power in the IMF and a changing of the guard in that and related organizations.

According to the G20’s official schedule, the following meetings are planned for the coming months…

20 Sep to 21 Sep – Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting #3 – Cairns, Australia
09 Oct to 10 Oct – Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting #4 – Washington, D.C.
13 Nov to 15 Nov – Finance Ministers meeting – Brisbane, Australia
15 Nov to 16 Nov – G20 Leaders Summit – Brisbane, Australia

With these meetings in the offing, it is important to consider all the public crises currently being staged in the background…

> Ukraine – The globalists have kept the armed conflict there simmering and have publicized repeated threats of potential cutoffs of the gas flowing to/through Ukraine. And as we enter September, the temperature in Ukraine begins dipping below 60 degrees Fahrenheit…

Should gas transit to/through Ukraine be halted as the cold sets in, it is easy to imagine the other Russian pipelines feeding Europe being shut down or sabotaged due to the fallout. The pipelines flowing through Belarus and the Baltic Sea could be shut off by Russia using the excuse of retaliation against US/EU sanctions…
…or against NATO military movements.

These pipelines could also be damaged by “Ukrainian special forces” under the pretext of forcing Russia to turn the Ukrainian pipelines back on. This nasty mixture of armed conflict, a downed airliner, rogue humanitarian convoys, gas disruptions, and retaliatory sanctions will be one of the pillars on which the supporting arguments for the West to East transition will be founded.

> ISIS – The globalist intelligence agencies’ ISIS is succeeding in broadening armed conflict throughout the Middle East and is providing a pretext for Washington to begin long-sought airstrikes in Syria. It is also providing a scary new bogeyman upon whom false-flag terror attacks within the US can be blamed.

> Aerial confrontations between the US and China – The highly publicized encounters between Chinese fighter aircraft and American surveillance flights provide the public with an additional staged NATO versus BRICS point of conflict to complement the action in Ukraine.

> Russian hacking of US banks – There were some important talking points (highlighted in bold) offered in the mainstream media account of the recent JP Morgan hack. According to Bloomberg

Russian hackers attacked the U.S. financial system in mid-August, infiltrating and stealing data from JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and at least one other bank, an incident the FBI is investigating as a possible retaliation for government-sponsored sanctions, according to two people familiar with the probe…

…Authorities are investigating whether recent infiltrations of major European banks using a similar vulnerability are also linked to the attack

…The sophistication of the attack and technical indicators extracted from the banks’ computers provide some evidence of a government link.”

As you can see, the article links the ideas of sophisticated hack attacks on Western banks to Russian government retaliation against sanctions arising from the Ukrainian situation. The specter of crippling cyberattacks against the Western financial system due to additional sanctions is thus implanted in the public consciousness. And wouldn’t you know it…

With all this in mind, what conclusions can we draw about the globalists’ intentions? Given the ideas and attitudes they are pre-positioning in the public mind, I see them setting up two options.

Option 1 (the more likely choice) – They will stage a high-intensity period of international drama as we enter the time period of the G-20 meetings.

This drama will include some degree of gas disruptions and cyber attacks to create economic misery in the West. Bad Western conduct will also be clearly noted in the press. This combination of economic weakness and bad behavior will be seized upon by the BRICS nations as they press for the dissolution of Western dominance of the IMF and related institutions.

Russian Finance Minister Siluanov will demand that the G20 fulfill their promise to go to “Plan B” and rewrite IMF rules to remove America’s veto power in the organization. The BRICS might also demand that the directorship of the Fund be taken away from Europeans and that Christine Lagarde be replaced by People’s Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan.

Lagarde has already floated the idea that the IMF’s headquarters might one day be moved from Washington to Beijing, and she has just been formally charged with criminal misconduct in France

In an interesting “coincidence,” the G20 meeting schedule also includes this…

So the G20 Anti-corruption Working Group will meet in Paris (the city in which Lagarde is under a criminal charge) less than a month before the G20 finance ministers and leaders meet for a summit. How timely! 🙂

Whether the Plan B changes happen immediately (in November) or are just officially set in motion remains to be seen.

Option 2 – They will stage a full-on shock event that will include a simulated World War 3 startup and global economic collapse.

Once everyone is scared and before any serious loss of control occurs, the BRICS will step up to provide their vast stockpile of gold (and other commodities) to stabilize the global financial system. In return, they will receive extensive IMF reforms and its directorship.

I’ll be keeping a careful watch on this as they try to move forward and will post an update this weekend.

[Update 1 – 29 August 2014]

ISIS and Obama

The globalists’ propaganda organs are wasting no time in preparing the public for a false-flag bioweapon attack to be pinned on ISIS…

> The UK has raised their terror alert level to “severe,” specifically citing ISIS as the cause.

> This headline showed up on


...along with a similar article appearing in the UK Daily Mail.

> And a piece in the National Review titled Judicial Watch: Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border offered this notable passage…

“For those of us who’ve been raising alarms about both the jihadist threat and the national-security vulnerability created by the Obama administration’s non-enforcement of the immigration laws, this is not a surprise — particularly less than two weeks before September 11.”

It was quite predictable that the supposed ISIS terror threat would be tied to the recent border hysteria, but it is important to also note how this ties in with Obama’s role as a globalist scapegoat. If you recall, Sheriff Joe Arpaio was scheduled to release “universe-shattering” revelations about Obama’s background back in March, but he has employed various excuses to keep the information on the back burner. And recently, he has been speaking out about Obama’s culpability in not securing the border against illegal immigrants and terrorists…

Should the globalists pull the trigger on these bioweapon attacks, look for Arpaio to step forward on cue to present his long delayed evidence. His role in the great drama is to kick off Obama’s takedown and replacement by a controlled opposition Tea Party figure.

[Update 2 – 30 August 2014]

Janet Yellen’s Looming Fat Finger

In previous Event updates on my second blog, I laid out the reasons why Federal Reserve Chairperson Janet Yellen would be scapegoated for the wrenching economic transition that is planned…

“My interpretation, on the other hand, has been that she [Yellen] is being put in place as the fall girl, and that the initial downward moves in the market next year will be blamed on standard turbulence that accompanies a transition in the Fed chairmanship. Later, she will be seen as making a mistake that causes the big implosion. In the aftermath, she and the Fed will be taken down and replaced by the Treasury in a “rejuvenated, Constitutionally-recentered Republic of the United States,” possibly under Ron Paul.

One must not forget that the central banks themselves, just like the regular banks and corporations, are expendable fronts for those who hold power behind the scenes. And after 100 years of bribing, blackmailing, and killing, the elite families’ Fed parasite has thoroughly subsumed the US Government host. They can now discard the Fed and operate directly from the completely captured federal government.”

All the Yellen bashing I’ve seen since I wrote this seems to be upholding that scenario. When I went looking this morning for a specific article I saw back in July
…I found it freshly updated with a new time stamp so it could be included in the pre-September propaganda barrage.

And if we look at what the Fed will be doing during the September – November time frame, we find they will “end quantitative easing” in October and raise interest rates at an undetermined time afterwards. Whether or not they are actually ending quantitative easing is irrelevant; the fact that they are publicly announcing its end is what matters. QE’s perceived end can be used to trigger a downward move in the market at any time thereafter. And wouldn’t you know it, look what showed up on CNBC



All this being said, I’m looking for Yellen to be the perceived source of some of the Western economic weakness going into the November G20 summit.

Getting back to the ISIS false-flag terror threat, I ran across a rather humorous article this morning: Saudi king warns West will be jihadists’ next target. Here is a notable passage…

“King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has warned that the West will be the next target of the jihadists sweeping through Syria and Iraq, unless there is ‘rapid’ action.

‘If we ignore them, I am sure they will reach Europe in a month and America in another month,’ he said…”

So Saudi Arabia, one of the main organizers, trainers, and funders of ISIS, is predicting that ISIS will attack Europe and the US (who are also organizers, trainers, and funders of ISIS) during the September – November timeframe. Since Abdullah is party to ISIS’ strategic planning, I guess we should listen to the guy. 🙂

And speaking of ISIS, Brandon Smith put out another great article on the subject: The Time Is Ripe For A False-Flag Attack On American Soil

Much love….

Debunking Wilcock and Fulford’s Operation Paperclip Narrative

Don’t focus on the colorful puppets…

…focus on the drab puppeteers…


As I pick through the faux-history narrative that David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford are offering to sugarcoat the rise of the new globalist systems, I will post entries to debunk it on a point-by-point basis. So let’s begin with this point of theirs:

1) The current world situation is the fault of the Nazis/Zionists.

Wilcock and Fulford seem to be claiming that Nazis brought in by Operation Paperclip after World War II are the architects of the chaos we see around us. As Fulford states in his latest article

Essentially what we are seeing is a battle between the fascist forces who lost World War II and everybody else. The fascists, also known as the Nazis/Zionists or Nazionists are trying to establish a family controlled absolute Babylonian style world dictatorship known as the New World Order. Everybody else is trying to prevent that from happening.

It is hard to know where to draw a line and say the battle started here because as far as the Nazionists are concerned World War II never ended. It is well known now many were brought to the United States where they heavily infiltrated the intelligence apparatus. We also know much of the top Nazi leadership was part of the group of families that controlled the financial system after the war.”

So according to Fulford, Nazis infiltrated the US intelligence agencies and the international financial system after the war, and we’re now facing a battle against those evil guys and all the sweet and innocent bankers, politicians and royals of the BRICS alliance. If we look a little deeper, though, we see that this isn’t exactly the way it went down.

Most people within the truther community are already aware that the Central Banksters fund a variety of often-competing factions in the realms of both politics and war. And most are aware that the banksters bankrolled the Nazi rise to power in Germany as well as their war effort (in addition to funding the Allied side also). As this 2004 Guardian article titled How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power notes…

“George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.”

And if you look into Prescott Bush’s personal history, you’ll find some interesting things…

He was a Wall Street executive banker and a United States Senator [in other words, a consummate “elite” insider], representing Connecticut from 1952 until January 1963. He was the father of George H. W. Bush (41st President of the United States) and the grandfather of George W. Bush (43rd President of the United States) and Jeb Bush (43rd Governor of Florida).”

…and even more interestingly…

“Prescott Bush was admitted to the Zeta Psi fraternity and Skull and Bones secret society. George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush are also members of that society.

If we also look at the history of Skull and Bones, we find it goes a long way back (to 1832,  way before Nazism was a gleam in Hitler’s eye), and it has quite a group of former members…

“Among prominent alumni are former President and Supreme Court Justice William Howard Taft (a founder’s son); former Presidents George H. W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush; Supreme Court Justices Morrison R. Waite and Potter Stewart; James Jesus Angleton, “mother of the Central Intelligence Agency”; Henry Stimson, U.S. Secretary of War (1940-1945); U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett, who directed the Korean War; and Henry Luce, founder and publisher of Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated magazines.

John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State and former U.S. Senator; Stephen A. Schwarzman, founder of Blackstone Group; Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers; Harold Stanley, co-founder of Morgan Stanley; and Frederick W. Smith, founder of FedEx, are all reported to be members.”

Looking at this chain of connections, we can take note of a few simple points:

> Prescott Bush was among the banksters who helped give rise to Nazism, and he was a Bonesman


>  Bonesmen were among the founders of the CIA

Given all this, it is more logical to conclude that Nazis did not infiltrate US intelligence; they were simply placed in US intelligence by the people who created both Nazism and the intelligence agencies in the first place. Operation Paperclip, just like the Vatican Ratlines, was an effort to redeploy bankster assets/agents to countries where they would be safe from retribution from the angry German populace and where they could continue to operate from infrastructures that had not been destroyed by war.

The Nazis and Zionists are just subgroups of the Globalist Cabal, and since they have been so vilified in the public eye, they make the perfect scapegoats upon whom to pin the blame for the engineered destruction of the old international system. The masters of the Nazis and Zionists, the globalist “Illuminati” Central Banking Cabal, will then be free to erect their new system under the auspices of their relatively unsullied BRICS agents, such as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Unfortunately for them, though, they are moving too slow and we are learning too fast.

More to come in subsequent entries….

Cobra the Snake strikes again

This morning I woke up to another article from the likely con man and Cabal disinfo whore Cobra. His new blurb contained a clearly photoshopped image of a supposed TR3B…

I recognized the foreground of the photo as showing the after-landing servicing of the space shuttle, so I did a little digging and found the original photo on the NASA website
…It was attached to this article.

Cobra is a clever one, so he didn’t put a caption on the photo, although the paragraph below it implied that it represented an example of the “Chimera Group’s” technologically advanced negative military craft. Not captioning it allows him to claim, “Oh, I knew it was photoshopped, but I included it for illustration purposes only.” But I suspect he used the photo to impress gullible readers. I’ve caught other Cabal con operations using similar techniques: An Illustrative Example of Faux-Truther Disinfo: SecureTeam10.

I also noticed a fresh round of propaganda coming out of David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford this week. I’ll look into it and see if I get inspired to do a little counter-programming. 😉

With love….

Choosing Optimism in Spite of Current Appearances

Turning this ship is gonna take a while…

A reader commented, “[in the last entry] you wrote with so much certainty:

‘Sorry, fellas, but this sh*t ain’t gonna fly.’

That I had to ask: what makes you so sure? I see a lot of people buying Fulford’s BS… and those that aren’t, are so asleep that they haven’t even noticed what’s going on, let alone realize it is a script. Are you beeing too optimistic (if so, why? – what information do you have?) or am I pessimistic?”

I thought I’d share my response to this for the benefit of others who have similar questions:

It’s easy to look at the world around us and fall into pessimism, but is that the most admirable choice? You can look around at all the negatives and feel down, or you can seek out the positives and feel up. Only one of these choices will allow you to be the most effective warrior for Truth, and the choice is yours.

When it comes to direction, our world is much like a petroleum supertanker. After you turn the helm, it takes a long time before the ship begins to shift in a new direction…

In our world, ideas lead to decisions, decisions lead to words and actions, and words and actions lead to outcomes (both expected and unanticipated). This chain of causality takes a while to unfold, and what we see unfolding around us right now is the result of things that were set in motion long before the Occulted Powers faced any meaningful opposition. But things are different now, and what you and I are setting in motion today will be reflected in the times ahead. Although the OPs may look invincible at the moment, that is only the materialized reflection of their past power; it is not reflective of the state of things today.

As you look upon the comments and counters in the alternative blogs, don’t be dismayed by the seeming prevalence of Kool Aid drinking. The OPs have vast armies of internet trolls who fill the comment boards in praise of false-light propaganda and in scorn of truthful reports. They also inflate the page views and reaction counters of their preferred messages while suppressing those of dissidents. There are far more people who see through their ruses than you might think.

When you get down to the bare bones of the matter, what the OPs are doing goes against Source’s purpose in Creation. Source incarnates as us to experience all the possibilities offered by the human form and the other forms with which it interacts. The OPs are trying to lock all those Source extensions into a set of limited choices and repetitive cycles, and that’s as boring and frustrating as hell.

No group of differentiated beings can stand against the natural flow of Source for long, and the time they do stand is only so Source can experience the unique possibilities offered by their construct. My sense is that this construct is pretty well played out and we’re ready for something new, and if that is so, it will be so. Nothing they do can prevent it. They can only let go and flow with us, or hold on and be rolled over by us. The choice is theirs, and they’d best pull their heads out of their asses tout suite.

So am I confident? Sure! But it won’t happen nearly as quickly as I’d like, so Source is in for lots of continued griping from me. If “he” had ears, they would’ve melted from my prayerful tirades long ago. 🙂

The Fall Guys of the NWO Transition

Exit the evil-looking scapegoat…

Enter the smiley-faced “hero”…
Pope Francis

I came across another article yesterday that does a good job of summarizing the true nature of “Judaism”: The Jews are not Israelites. While it offers good information, it is important to keep in mind that attacks upon Zionist Jews and Israel are actually part of the globalist transition narrative. Ziojews/Israel represent the Left Hand Path in the scripted global drama, and the Left Hand is in the process of being publicly scapegoated as the Right Hand Path “heroes” come forth to save the day.

A passage from a recent Benjamin Fulford propaganda piece offers a nice overview of who the scripted goats and heroes are…

“What we are witnessing is clearly the end game for the nazionists. Let us recap some of the big changes that have taken place in the campaign to oust these psychopathic killers from the top levels of world power. The Queen of the Netherlands plus the Kings of Spain and Belgium have resigned, the top Warburg family member committed suicide, Richard Rockefeller died, Senator J. Rockefeller resigned, pope malevolent resigned, 200 nazi US military officers have been fired, former French President Sarkozy was arrested and now, last week 660 pedophiles were arrested in the UK. The Vatican has also fired over 400 pedophiles and is continuing a major purge of the Catholic church. The Vatican bank, which was used by the cabal to bribe world leaders, has shut down over 3000 corrupt accounts.”

So let’s take stock of what this little passage (along with the propaganda coming from other such sources) is telling us…

1) The scripted villains/fall guys are the Western Bloodline (“royal”) Families.
The scripted heroes are the Eastern Bloodline (“Dragon”) Families.

2) The scripted villains/fall guys are the Fed banksters and their Dark Hat agency/Pentagon associates.
The scripted heroes are the BRICS banksters and their White Hat agency/Pentagon associates.

3) The scripted villain/fall guy is Pope “Malevolent” (Benedict).
The scripted hero is Pope Francis.

4) The scripted villains/fall guys are the Zionist Jews, the Neocon Christians, and the Jihadist Muslims (all “religious fundamentalists”).
The scripted heroes are the New Age Judeochrislamists…

Once all the troubles of the world have been laid upon the scapegoats, they will be run out of town and the heroes will take their place. But with what would that leave us?

We would be ruled by the same groups and institutions that we are now, but with smiley new faces and a fresh coat of white paint. We would still be controlled by Bloodline Families, BRICS-oriented central bankers, and the Vatican with its new version of Catholic doctrine (an all-encompassing doctrine that blends all existing religions into the new global state religion).

With all this in mind, allow me to say this to the “elite” script writers: sorry, fellas, but this sh*t ain’t gonna fly. The only way you’ll survive what’s ahead is to come clean, surrender, and let us forgive you.

Much love to all….

Vladimir (Ras)Putin’s Jewish, Communist, and Bloodline Connections

[Mod 2.2 – 4 April 2020] – Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria has been added to the bottom.

A reader recently brought to my attention the possible link between Vladimir Putin’s surname and that of Grigori Rasputin, the famed Russian occultist and advisor to the Romanovs (Russia’s “royal” family)…
…The fact that the Romanovs associated so closely with a man so obviously demon-possessed tells you alot about them.

Hearing the conjecture that Putin’s name might be an occultic nod to Rasputin, I recalled something I read about Putin in his Wikipedia bio

“The ancestry of Vladimir Putin has been described as a mystery with no records surviving of any ancestors of any people with the surname ‘Putin’ beyond his grandfather Spiridon Ivanovich.”

And there is something interesting about his grandfather Spiridon…

“Vladimir Putin’s paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879–1965), was a chef who at one time or another cooked for Vladimir Lenin, Lenin’s wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, and on several occasions for Joseph Stalin.”

So Putin’s grandfather had personal connections with both Lenin…
…and Stalin…
…and he was trusted enough by them to be allowed to cook their meals. This relationship between the Putin family and top communist leaders brings to mind another thing to which the communists are connected: occult Judaism. Looking into this connection, a particular passage from this Henry Makow article caught my eye…

“The Illuminati bankers created Communism to harness the working class to their program of a comprehensive world dictatorship (now known as “globalization.”) The Illuminati and Communists are Masonic secret societies that celebrate the same anniversary, May 1, 1776 and share the same satanic symbols.”

Speaking of symbols, let’s have a look at another piece of the Putin puzzle: his reintroduction of Tsarist symbols to Russia, This is the first flag of the Russian Tsar…
…Note the double-headed eagle with the crest on its chest and three crowns above its heads…

…which is now Russia’s Coat of Arms…

And the first flag of the Russian Tsar is now “the Flag of the Commander-in-Chief of Russia”…



And speaking of the three crowns above the eagle’s heads, here is Putin bowing before three crowns worn by clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church…
…Clearly, there is something going on with Putin that the general public is not fully grasping.

While we’re on the subject of crowns, have a look at what this 2002 article from Pravda says about The Mysterious Genealogy of Russian President Putin

“…Is Putin an offspring of the Tver prince? This hypothesis was getting more and more real. The name Putin is not mentioned amid the Russian names. This means that the name is of the artificial origin.

This name has appeared recently, somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. All Putins originally came from the clan of Putins from the Tver region. Illegitimate offsprings of noble families were often given cut names. For example, Russian writer Pnin was an illegitimate son of Field Marshal Repnin. There were lots of other occasions like that – Betskoy instead of Trubetskoy, Gribov instead of Griboyedov. The new names of unofficial clan branches were formed by means of deduction: a syllable was simply taken out of it.

The family book of the Tver region mentions the name of Putyanin – a clan of Russian princes. This clan gave a lot of outstanding military leaders to Russia, as well as artists, politicians and priests. This is one of the oldest clans in the Russian history. If President Putin is a descendant of the Putyatins clan, this means that Vladimir Putin has a relation to all royal families of Europe.”

Since the US Presidents have been shown to be related to European royals, the article’s hypothesis wouldn’t surprise me if true. And if we take a closer look at the Putyatin clan referenced in the article, we find a reference to the Rasputin connection…
…From Wikipedia

With these puzzle pieces set before us, what insights can we draw from them? Given this and previous information I’ve encountered, these are my provisional conclusions:

Conclusion 1 — Putin is a Stealth Jew (a.k.a. a Crypto-Jew).

I brought up the subject of Stealth Jews in an update on my second blog after reading another of Henry Makow’s posts. Here is a portion of what I wrote…

>>> Upon reading the post, I was disappointed to see Henry still clutching to the idea that Putin is somehow working against the “Satanist Jews and Freemasons (the Illuminati) [who] control the government and the media in the West” (there is no fence that has kept them confined to the West, Henry; they didn’t even start out in the West). It’s surprising he still sees Putin this way given that his own site contains an entry that explores the probable hidden Jewish roots of Vladimir Epstein… err… Putin. <<<

My current personal take on Vladimir Putin is that he is a Khazarian Crypto-Jew who descended from a mating between a Russian nobleman and a Jewish mother.

Conclusion 2 — With the Putin family’s communist connections in one hand, and Putin’s reintroduction of the Tsars’ royal symbols in the other, one is led to suspect that the Communist Revolution in Russia served two purposes:

1) It allowed the Jews to take down the Russian royals and the Russian Orthodox Church and Judaize both before relaunching them, and

2) It allowed royal rule to be hidden behind a facade like it was in the West.

As Makow and others suggest, communism in the East — just like the fake democracy of the West — was used to move the people in the direction of a global government under the guidance of a Hidden Hand. The whole time “the workers” (in the East) and “the people” (in the West) were being told they were governing their own direction, they were actually being herded into the NWO. And now that we’re approaching the culmination of the globalist plan, the Hidden Hand is beginning to show itself for all to see. If the Jews (who are the driving force among the Hidden Hand Occulted Powers) get their way, all of the world will be ruled by a god-king controlled by them, and he will be called “Jesus Christ.”

Much love…

(P.S. – 12 March 2016) – Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi has confirmed that Putin is a Jew.

Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria

So what is the globalist purpose in staging a war on Russia’s western border? I suspect that their motive is to reunite all the land of ancient Khazaria under Russian control. Basically, they want to “restore their ancient empire / homeland.” Putin is not only a Jew; I suspect he is also a Khazarian.

Just look at a map of ancient Khazaria…

The area boxed in red is the part of ancient Khazaria bordered by the Dnieper River that the Russians will control after the coming war. The Russians will get all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper.

The area boxed in green is Crimea, a part of ancient Khazaria which the Russians took control of in 2014.

The area boxed in orange is the little notch of Khazaria / Alania near Tbilisi that is now Ossetia. The Russians took control of South Ossetia in 2008

Putin’s Palace in Khazaria

A few weeks ago, I was poking around Netflix and came across a French documentary called Putin’s Hidden Treasure. At about the 45 minute mark, it started talking about how Putin ordered his business cronies to drop all their projects and focus on building him a palatial complex in the South of Russia. The place is now referred to as Putin’s Palace.

After getting into all this Khazarian stuff this weekend, I decided to check if Putin’s Palace is in Khazarian territory. It is. Not only that, it’s built within the most ancient boundaries of Khazaria (circa 650).

Here is a map that points to Putin’s Palace (a.k.a. Mys Idokopas) at the bottom right…

…from Google Maps. As you can see, Crimea is on the left and the Palace is on the opposite shore across the Black Sea.

Now here is a map of ancient Khazaria at different times of its development…

…from Wikipedia

The area I’ve boxed in blue is the same area from the map of Putin’s Palace (with the Palace marked with a red circle). As you can see, the Palace sits inside the most ancient boundaries of Khazaria. So after the war, Putin will be the Jewish King of the Restored Khazarian Empire (among the many crowns he will wear) with a beautiful palace by the sea…

…Just look at that long walking garden!

Watch the Netflix documentary if you’re able. They actually go as close to the Palace as the massive security presence will allow, and they show that it’s not just a house, but a command center.