Author Archives: kenneth

My Journey Out of Christianity (Update 1)

The response I got from some readers on the Antichrist article has pointed out the need to do a systematic debunking of the Christian paradigm. Since writing such an article could tie me up for weeks, I’m going to do it in a modular way. As I write each module, I’ll post it as an entry, and I will collect all the modules together on a page linked at the top of the blog: Debunking the Christian Myth. We’ll begin with something I wrote in my old blog…

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a good person, and I’ve felt an inexplicable urge to reach out for something beyond what I can see — to reach out to God. Since I was raised in the United States, the authority figures around me pointed to the Christian Church, telling me that is where God could be found. A dutiful child, I did what I was told and looked for God there.

As time progressed, I found myself dissatisfied with the definitions of God that were proffered to me. The book I was given contained many beautiful ideas, and many of those ideas resonated with me, but there were also many other ideas that struck a sour note, and the entire spiritual narrative made little sense to me: eat an apple, be condemned forever; kill God’s son, all’s forgiven. Say what?!?

To give you an example of the sort of ideas that repelled me, let me share a few NIV Bible passages on the practice of slavery from Exodus 21. I remind you that this is the supposedly righteous “Creator of the Universe” speaking directly to Moses:

>>> 7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her.9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter.10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights.11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money.” <<<

…In this passage, Yahweh states that it’s okay for fathers to sell their daughters into permanent slavery, and he gives rules for what can and can’t be done with her afterwards. In the context of this passage, does being a good father entail getting a good price for your daughter on the slave market?

>>> 2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free.” <<<

…In this passage, Yahweh establishes a condition under which a married male slave who is freed must leave behind his wife and children because they are his master’s property. Is this what religious folk mean when they talk of “family values”?

>>> 26 “An owner who hits a male or female slave in the eye and destroys it must let the slave go free to compensate for the eye. 27 And an owner who knocks out the tooth of a male or female slave must let the slave go free to compensate for the tooth.” <<<

…This section is where Yahweh gets progressive and establishes the world’s first workers comp law. If you poke out the eye of your slave, you have to set him free?!? How revolutionary and enlightened!

And here is the most inspiring passage of all…

>>> 20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.” <<<

…So if a slavemaster beats his slave, he’s to be punished only if the slave dies from the beating (and only if a rod was used)? Hmmm, it’s pretty sweet to be a slavemaster in Yahweh’s kingdom, isn’t it?

Even as a young child, when I read passages such as this, my heart and mind raged against them. Whether they condoned barbaric acts or presented scientifically false information, such verses stuck in my mind like splinters. In time, these vile ideas fermented to the point that I could no longer stomach them, and I had to spit them out.

Naturally, it took a while to get to that point, because the belief system I was taught told me that I would burn forever in a pit of fire if I didn’t hold my nose, swallow every bitter concept, and “just have faith.” This cage of fear kept me locked up for years. Eventually, though, I was able to make a prison break and start looking for God on my own.

As I searched for the truth of things, I looked into a variety of religions and found the same sort of problems. Every belief system I found was a mixed bag of inspired thought, myth, superstition, cultural bias, and flagrant falsehoods. And every “holy” book I found was written by men, compiled by men, translated by men, and interpreted by men (and those men had a variety of agendas, both pure and impure, driving what they did).

Over time, it became clear to me that there was no one out there who could hand me an understanding of God or myself. Such an understanding had to be a personal journey, and I had to earn it. Since each fragment of God’s consciousness begins its journey from a different place, each must chart its own unique path back home.

Looking back at my former religion, I used to see it as a well-meaning but misguided interpretation of our relationship to God. Now that I have been awakened to what’s really going on in this world, though, I see it in a more sinister light. In its roots, it began as a religion based on animal sacrifice. With this in mind, we must ask ourselves what sort of entity feeds off of the negative energy released when a living thing dies a traumatic death? Is it God or someone else who savors such a thing?

I will leave you to ponder this question until next time.

(Update 1 – 7 September 2015)

File this one under “a failure to think it through”…

Here is a Christian TV network campaigning to end slavery while at the same time proclaiming the Bible to be the complete and unerring “Word of God.” As I’ve just shown you, Yahweh’s own words in that book proclaim that slavery is perfectly acceptable, so what are they doing? Are they rebelling against their own god? I think I’ll put a yellow “x” on my hand signifying “Shine a Light on Inconsistency Day.”

BTW, the whole species is enslaved to varying degrees, not just 27 million.

With love…

Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016

Is the leader of the “evil, Western” decoy New World Order the prophesied “Antichrist”?…

I was researching for a new entry on the bizarre pseudospiritual side of the New World Order — their heavy promotion of “ancient astronauts / UFOs / aliens / disclosure,” spiritual “ascension,” and the coming of a world “savior king” (and his “evil” dialectic counterpart) — when I came to a realization: Barack Obama is hitting enough of the general prophecy points that the globalists can spin him as the “Antichrist.”

Before I go into how Obama is being stage-managed to fulfill the End Time prophecies, it is important to note that these prophecies come from men, not “God.” All the books of the Bible were written by men, and those books were then translated and compiled into the various versions of the Bible by men. These men had an agenda. And what was that agenda? To make sheep of humanity so they (the priests and “scholars”) could rule us as “shepherds” and fleece us. Put simply, these prophecies were written and compiled by the forefathers of our present-day Occulted Powers. And this being so, they are not “divine predictions,” they are scripts.


Getting back to how Obama fits the script, the Antichrist is prophesied as ruling for seven years, and at the middle point of his tenure, the “abomination of desolation” will “stand in the holy place.” Let’s look at how Obama is fulfilling this…

> September 24, 2009 – The Antichrist begins his seven year reign when he symbolically takes the helm of the world government…
…(source: CBS News)

Some might get the timeline wrong by counting Obama’s inauguration as US President as the beginning of his reign, but the Antichrist is a global figure and the United Nations is the global government. In that global government, the Security Council is the most powerful body, so when Obama sat as the President of the Security Council, that’s when he symbolically began his global reign.

For Obama to continue meeting the Antichrist timeline, the “abomination of desolation” would need to “stand in the holy place” 3 years and 6 months into his reign. So let’s count forward six months from September 2009: 1) October 2009, 2) November 2009, 3) December 2009, 4) January 2010, 5) February 2010, 6) March 2010. Now if we add 3 years to March 2010, we get March 2013. And can you guess where Obama went in March 2013?

> March 22, 2013: After traveling to Israel, the Antichrist stands in the “holy” place…
…(Source: The Palestine Chronicle). This is Obama standing in the Church of the Nativity, which was built on the spot Jesus was supposedly born. What could be more symbolic of the “abomination of desolation” standing in the “holy place” than the Antichrist standing where Christ was born? And was it just coincidence that he stood there 3 years and 6 months after he chaired the UN Security Council?

Some interpret the “abomination of desolation” as being an idol of the “Beast” that will stand in a Jewish temple in Jerusalem. But who needs to stand an idol of the Beast when the real Beast can stand there himself? And isn’t the birthplace of Christ a more symbolically appropriate “holy place” than a Jewish temple? Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:15 were sufficiently vague that it could be spun that way.

If the globalists stick to the timeline, the Antichrist’s reign will end 3 years and 6 months from the time he stood in the holy place. So let’s count forward six months from March 2013: 1) April 2013, 2) May 2013, 3) June 2013, 4) July 2013, 5) August 2013, 6) September 2013. Now if we add 3 years to September 2013, we get September 2016. That being said…

Don’t be surprised if the globalists stage a “divine intervention” and “second coming of Jesus” beginning on or about September 22, 2016 (3.5 years from the date that the Antichrist stood in Christ’s birthplace, symbolically taking his place).

If you see the first shots of World War 3 fired as we approach September of next year, you’ll know it’s on. The phony “divine intervention” would occur in order to “save the world from total destruction.” As Matthew 24:22 puts it…

“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

By helping to raise awareness of this scenario through this entry, I’m hoping that the Occulted Powers will be forced to back off until they can set up another 7 year period, and that would impose a major delay on the full NWO rollout.

Wouldn’t that be sweet…


As we begin to look at more ways Obama fulfills the general prophecy points, it is important to note that there are myriad interpretations of the End Times prophecies floating about, and Christian eschatologists argue endlessly over whose version is the real deal. Given the intentional ambiguity utilized by prophets / fortune tellers / multi-millennial script writers, this is to be expected. Ambiguity leaves plenty of room for differing interpretations, just as it leaves the predictions flexible enough to be stretched to fit whatever actually ends up happening. Given all this ambiguity and confusion, the globalists need only fulfill the broad outlines and popular expectations of the prophecies. They can then spin a custom interpretation that explains away any Biblical discrepancies.

Let’s now look at some more broad outlines and popular expectations that Obama is fulfilling…

Prophecy Point 1 > The Antichrist will make a seven-year covenant with Israel (and “the many”), which he’ll start breaking in the middle.

> July 23, 2008 – The Antichrist makes a covenant with Israel and the many (“leaders on both sides of the Middle East conflict”) “to protect Israel and prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons”…
…(from The New York Times)

To see if he started breaking this covenant in the middle (3 years and 6 months later), let’s count forward six months from July 2008: 1) August 2008, 2) September 2008, 3) October 2008, 4) November 2008, 5) December 2008, 6) January 2009. And if we add 3 years to January 2009, we arrive at January 2012. So did anything related to the covenant happen in January 2012? Have a look at an article from the time

So in January 2012, Obama backed away from Israel and moved towards Iran. But what about the end of the covenant? Wouldn’t you know it, that happened right on schedule…

> July 14, 2015 – The Antichrist makes a deal with Iran over their nuclear program which the Israelis view as a violation of the covenant.

So was it just a coincidence that Obama made a deal with Iran exactly 7 years (from July 2008 to July 2015) after his first visit to Israel? Was it merely another coincidence that he pivoted away from Israel and towards Iran in the middle of the 7 years? The “coincidences” are piling up fast, aren’t they?

Prophecy Point 2 > The Antichrist will present himself as a man of peace, but he’ll bring war…

The globalists wasted no time in establishing Obama as a “man of peace.” They arranged for the Nobel Committee to announce his receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize less than 9 months after he took office (and only 15 days after he chaired the UN Security Council). Since that time, the US has participated in ceaseless war, both overt and covert, in countries throughout the world. And now, globalist propagandists are hyping the threat of West versus East nuclear war brought about by Obama administration policies…
…from RT

With this in mind, let’s look back at what Obama did on the day he chaired the UN Security Council…

“Nine months after his January 2009 inauguration, President Obama made his first visit as president to the United Nations — the first time an American president chaired a meeting of the Security Council — and unanimously passed a resolution reaffirming the world leaders’ goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

He called on the five permanent members of the Security Council — all of them nuclear powers — to reduce nuclear weapons and to prevent weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists.” – (Source: CBS News)

And if we look back at the reason given for his Nobel Peace Prize award, we see this…

“The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation…” – (Source: Wikipedia)

And if we look back to the previous point in this entry, we see that the covenant Obama broke with Israel was to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here? The globalists have not only set up Obama to be “the man of peace who brings war,” but they are also setting him up to be “the man of nuclear peace who brings nuclear war.” And it is at the point we see the ICBMs rise from their silos that the globalists would cue the “divine intervention.” Given the work the Rockefellers, Jesuits, and the Vatican have put into pushing UFOs and aliens into the mainstream consciousness, this intervention would likely take the form of missile-stopping UFOs (black budget aerospace craft posing as alien craft).

Does this sound too far-out to believe? If so, just have a look at this video from the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
…which is a project of Steven Greer, the Rockefellers’ UFO propaganda lackey. To see his connection to the Rockefellers, have a look at what Laurance Rockefeller’s Wikipedia bio says (Laurance was one of the architects of the New World Order implementation plan that was put together back in the 1950’s)…

“In later life, Rockefeller became interested in UFOs. In 1993, along with his niece, Anne Bartley, the stepdaughter of Winthrop Rockefeller and the then-president of the Rockefeller Family Fund, he established the UFO Disclosure Initiative to the Clinton White House… He also supported the work of Dr. Steven M. Greer of the Disclosure Project.”

The globalists even have a former Apollo astronaut doing the rounds as part of the propaganda effort…
This RT article came out just a week ago, and it leaves the hanging implication that “if they did it before, they’ll do it again.”

There is a reason the globalists are introducing the public to the specific idea of aliens’ ability to disable nuclear weapons, and it is to set the stage for the “divine intervention” show they intend to put on for us next September. If we can stop them on this one, it will be a game changer.

Prophecy Point 3 > The Antichrist will be an enemy of God’s people (Israel). (and he’ll bring an “atomic holocaust”)

Much has been made of Obama’s snubs against Netanyahu and animosity towards Israel in the mainstream media…
obamanimus …from Breitbart. (Note how this article came out in October 2012, after Obama began to break the covenant.)

But it is among the globalists’ controlled opposition figures in the Judeo-Christian alt media that the “Obama is evil / Obama is the enemy of Israel” theme is pushed the hardest. Just have a look at this “Torah Code” that was run on Obama…
…from “Signs” like the Torah Code are heavily promoted among many of the “Christian Watchmen,” a group of alternative media personalities who are promoting the Occulted Powers’ End Times programming to the Christian community.

Now have a look at the write-up that accompanied this particular Torah Code…

An “Atomic Holocaust,” eh? Do you see how all these different propaganda sources are pointing in the same direction?

On another interesting note, some of the Christian Watchmen are teaching people to look for a 2nd Second Coming. In this scenario, Obama is the fake Antichrist, the being who shows up with the UFOs will be the real Antichrist, and the true Christ will show up after that. I’ll cover this scenario later in this entry.

Prophecy Point 4 > The Antichrist’s arrival will be heralded by lying signs and wonders…

Something very interesting happened on the eve of Obama’s 2009 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony: a mysterious spiral appeared in the sky over Norway, the nation hosting the event. The Norway Spiral, as it is called, has been variously explained as a tumbling missile, a vortex caused by a scalar energy emitter, and a holographic projection – all of which suggest that it is a “lying” (manmade) sign.  Whatever caused it, though, it was an impressive “sign in the heavens” and “wonder,” and its timing and location associated it with Obama’s debut as “the man of peace.” As such, it can be spun as fulfillment of the “lying signs and wonders” requirement on Obama’s Antichrist resume.

Another interesting thing about the Spiral is what Rockefeller lackey Steven Greer and New Age propagandist David Wilcock said about it
…They claimed it was done to scare Obama into silence on the UFO subject, and this makes Obama look like a sympathetic figure – a real “man of peace.” These two also openly promote the alien visitors (who, if they actually show up, will most likely be black budget GMO humans posing as aliens) as bringers of peace.

This is how Wilcock cast Obama as he made the scene back in 2008…

…and here’s what he says about the “ETs”…
…(source) Note how he uses the magic words, “DIVINE INTERVENTION,” in the title, and how he says the ETs are defeating the “Old World Order.” This would make way for what? The New World Order. And in his writings, Wilcock presents the Western Establishment as the Old World Order and the “Eastern Alliance” (BRICS) as the heroes who will overcome it with ET help.

And this is Greer’s position on our star trekking pals

As was already mentioned, the globalists will promote the being who shows up with the “aliens” as either the real Christ or the real Antichrist (depending on which scenario is actually in play).  Should he/she be cast as the real Antichrist, what would that mean for Greer, Wilcock, and all their New Age playpals? They’d be identified as being on the Antichrist’s side, right? So was the New Age movement set up as a spiritual straw man to be knocked down as the Antichrist’s false religion? It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Prophecy Point 5 > The Antichrist will be a man of lawlessness and sin…
…(source) (Note how this lawlessness is characterized as specifically targeting Christians and Israel supporters, just like an “Antichrist” would.)

If we look at the Antichrist qualification of lawlessness from a regular person’s perspective, Obama certainly fits the bill. The disregard he has shown for the US Constitution through his executive orders and the disdain he shows for our laws on subjects such as immigration have been a very in-your-face display of lawlessness. And from a Biblical perspective, he definitely qualifies as a man of sin. His well-known homosexual tendencies…
…make him an abomination in the eyes of Yahweh, the “Original Queer-Stomper” (who supposedly destroyed an entire city due to his distaste for buggery).

According to 2nd Thessalonians, this man of sin will be “revealed in his time.” Keep this in mind as we explore the next prophecy point…

Prophecy Point 6 > The Antichrist (Satan) will come like lightning from heaven.

This popular prophecy expectation is based on Luke 10:18, and in light of it, take a look at this video
…While there is some dispute over the exact translation of Barack Obama’s name, is it just a coincidence that the globalists put a man in office whose name can be spun as “Lightning From Heaven”? Of all the names that could have been elected President, who would have guessed that we’d end up with that one?

Another interesting thing about this is who produced the video, the PPSIMMONS News & Ministry Network. The founder of PPSIMMONS is Carl Gallups, a pastor involved in End Times programming of the Christian community…

In yet another of the interesting “coincidences” we keep encountering, Pastor Gallups has been closely linked to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation of President Obama, and he has been doing the bulk of the public relations work on behalf of Arpaio and Co. In fact, it was he who hosted the announcement of “universe shattering” information on Obama the investigation has uncovered…
…Take particular note of the date on which this announcement was made: November 22, 2013. Not only is the date a “master number” (thus giving it a Masonic signature), it is also the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination (on November 22, 1963). I’ll get into the remarkable symbolism of this when I cover the next prophecy point. For now, though, just ask yourself this: Was it mere coincidence that Arpaio (through his underling Mike Zullo) and Gallups made this announcement on that particular day, or was there occult numerology and symbolism at play? What does that say about them and their agenda?

Although the announcement stated that Arpaio would “make something happen on this matter very soon,” he has not yet released the information. The excuse he has used — and Gallups has repeatedly publicized — is that new information keeps coming to light and the criminal investigation must be concluded prior to a public announcement. Here is a recent report of theirs from the Birther Report…

I, however, would suggest that Arpaio & Co. haven’t released the information because the globalist script has not yet called for it. When the appointed time comes, the order will be given and out it will come. The globalists have taken great care to establish “Sheriff Joe” as a leading anti-Obama figure and a man who “stands against the federal thugs for the sake of God, country, and the rule of law” (especially immigration law)…

Essentially, he has been positioned as the “Donald Trump of Sheriffs,” and this makes him the perfect front man for the globalist intelligence agencies to use in dumping Obama’s dossier into the public domain. And given his strong connection to Carl Gallups and the PPSIMMONS ministry, I’m sure you can imagine the “revealing the Antichrist in his time” implications that will come with the information release.

This brings us to the next point…

> Prophecy Point 7 > The Antichrist will be wounded in the head, but will survive.

This is where the timing of Arpaio and Gallups’ announcement of information that could politically kill President Obama becomes significant. By making it on the 50th anniversary of the day Kennedy was killed by a shot to the head, they symbolically fired a shot to the head of Obama. The bullet has been traveling through the air since then, and it will hit on the day the information is finally released. The prophecy will be symbolically fulfilled when Obama politically survives the revelations, which means they’ll have to do it between now and September of next year. If I were a betting man, I’d wager that the release date will be Monday, June 6, 2016 at 6PM (6/6 at 6).

Does this sound like a roundabout way to fulfill the prophecy? Sure it does, but the people who are staging all this live and die by symbolism, and a symbolic fulfillment can be spun as a fulfillment nonetheless. Why else would they have timed the announcement for that specific day and had a Christian End Times pastor (who has specifically suggested that Obama is the Antichrist) involved? Besides, it is doubtful they’d want to fire an actual bullet at Obama since they need him to be fit enough to push the nuclear button only 13 months from now.


At this point, I think we’ve covered enough of the prophecies to show that Obama’s handlers are putting him in all the right places at all the right times to build him up as a passable Antichrist (either the “real” one or “fake” one). So now let’s move on to see how the Antichrist versus Christ spiritual dialectic fits in with the Western New World Order versus BRICS New World Order geopolitical dialectic.

As I’ve shown in Understanding the NWO Strategy, the globalists have created two New World Orders and pitted them against each other. On one side, there is the Western NWO that has been advertised as scary, evil and totalitarian. And on the other side, there is the BRICS NWO that has been advertised as a place nations can run to escape and rebel against the evil Western NWO. By having the Antichrist head the evil Western NWO and then having Christ come in to lead the BRICS NWO to victory, the globalists are hoping to create a spiritual reason to accept the NWO for the religious people of the world.

Upon looking into Muslim eschatology, I was shocked to learn that they too are expecting a Second Coming of Christ. In the Wikipedia entry on their End Times figure, the Mahdi, we see their popular prophetic expectation…

“There is no explicit reference to the Mahdi in the Qu’ran, but references to him are found in hadith (the reports and traditions of Muhammad’s teachings collected after his death). According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi’s tenure will coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Isa), who is to assist the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal (literally, the “false Messiah” or Antichrist).”

So if the Occulted Powers proceed with their script, the “Mahdi” will show up with “Christ” and his ET pals to jointly defeat the Antichrist. This joint action would effectively unite the two sheep herds (which together comprise roughly half of the world’s population) behind the BRICS New World Order… or so the globalists hope.

As I ponder this scenario, I can already imagine how the “Holy Tag Team” would spin things…

“Satan long ago sowed dissension among the People of the Book in order to divide God’s people. And as the Antichrist’s kingdom [the evil Western NWO] neared completion, his dark servants [the Satanic Western Elite] spread terror under the name of Islam to get Abraham’s descendants to war against each other. What Satan has divided, we, Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi, have come to put back together. God’s people will be one again.”

It is no accident, then, that the putative leader of the BRICS NWO, Vladimir Putin, is being promoted as the Great Champion of Christianity and a friend to the Jews…
…(Source: The Christian Post)

…as well as the defender of Muslim nations such as Iran…
…(Source: The Guardian)

…and Syria…
…(Source: The BBC)

Putin is setting the stage for what is to come, both through his defense of the People of the Book against the Western onslaught and his establishment of the “good” NWO the Holy Tag Team will use to rule the world. But he’s not the only one. The New World Order Pope, Pope Francis, is laying the groundwork as well.

As the globalists attempt to herd humanity away from the “Antichrist’s” NWO and towards “Christ’s” version, the Vatican has already shown the way by completing its own transition. They symbolically pushed out the evil-looking Pope Rat(zinger)…
…who just so happened to be a former member of the Hitler Youth. Given that it is the Nazis (and Zionists) who will be publicly scapegoated for building the Western NWO, it is no mere coincidence that Ratzinger was chosen to play the role of the “Old World Order” Pope of Darkness.

And who took his place? The smiley-faced Bergoglio…
Pope Francis
…who is doing everything in the Catholic Church that “Christ” and the BRICS NWO will do when they take the lead in the UN Complex.

He is turning over the money changers’ tables in the Vatican…
…(Source: FT) Here is a notable excerpt…

“The pontiff’s plan to slim down the bank comes after a series of revelations about mismanagement which insiders suggest may have been partly responsible – together with the mounting clerical sex abuse scandal – for the unprecedented decision of Pope Benedict to step down in February last year.”

So the Pope of Light is cleaning up the mess left behind by the Pope of Darkness. And keeping with the theme of uniting the People of the Book, he is reaching out to Muslims and Jews…
…(Sources: top – Yahoo/AP, bottom – MWEB/Reuters)

And he’s also reaching across the divides within his own religion. He has approached the Orthodox Church
…and got to first base with them. (How appropriate is the crosier with two snakes coiled up together?)

He’s also involving the Protestant Evangelicals in his visit to the US this year

As we can see, Pope Francis is paving the way for the Second Coming on the spiritual side while Putin is paving the way on the geopolitical side. Now all they need is the capstone to float down and sit atop the NWO pyramid they have built…


Now that we have covered the 2-Step Second Coming deception…

Step 1) Set up Obama as the “real Antichrist” and have him lead the decoy (Western) New World Order.

Step 2) Stage a fake alien “divine intervention” to bring in the “real Christ” and the real (BRICS) New World Order.

…it is time to explore the 3-Step Second Coming deception being sold to the public by the Christian Watchmen (the CWs).

Having kept an eye on the CWs for some years now, I can tell you how they would view the 2-Step deception we just explored…

“Satan knows that God’s people are expecting the Antichrist to come before Christ does, so he is presenting us with a counterfeit Antichrist in Obama. When the real Antichrist comes and defeats the counterfeit, many will be deceived and believe he is Christ, but the true Christ will then come to destroy the pretender.”

So this is the CW outline of a 3-Step Second Coming…

Step 1) Obama is being set up as the Antichrist, but he is just a decoy.

Step 2) The “real Antichrist” will show up to defeat Obama and pose as Christ.

Step 3) The “true Christ” will come and crush the Antichrist.

At first glance, one is tempted to dismiss the CWs’ scenario as wishful thinking. Unaware that there is no supernatural reality surrounding the Bible, they see the Occulted Powers scheming to fulfill Bible prophecy and think it is some sort of deception. What they don’t realize is that the Bible itself is a deception, and the people behind that deception are conspiring to breathe life into their creation in order to fulfill their plan for the world. That being said, I cannot dismiss their scenario so easily because I see the hands of the Ziojews, the Freemasons and the Jesuits behind them. Their scenario is being promoted for a reason.

To begin wrapping our minds around this, have a look at this illustrative example of CW propaganda
…The video offers a nice, concise version of what the CWs are “warning” about, and it’s also interesting in that it features two notable spiritual propagandists: Sid Roth and Tom Horn.

The second I saw and heard Sid Roth, my Jewdar was triggered, so I tracked down his bio
…And wouldn’t you know it, he is not only a Jew, he is also one of those Israeli-American dual citizens who are creating so much mischief here in the US.

Roth’s TV program, “It’s Supernatural,” is regularly featured on mainstream Christian TV stations, including those of the Daystar TV Network. I know this because after my grandmother moved in, I started streaming Daystar for her (she is an old-school Christian who regularly attended church before she became enfeebled). And as I’ve walked past the screen for the past number of weeks, I’ve been shocked by the number of rabbis featured on the channel. Not only does Daystar feature a number of programs run by Jews (like this tap-dancing clown, Kirt Schneider)…
…but they also have frequent Jewish guests on their non-Jew programs. The lot of them constantly talk about Israel, Iran and End Times topics such as the Blood Moons and the Schmita. It would appear that the Jewish takeover of Christian media – which I first encountered when I wrote this entry: Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders – is complete.

The other notable person featured on the propaganda video, Tom Horn, is an author and former pastor. Horn presents himself as a “scholar,” and he produces a variety of for-sale media products based on his findings…

In doing this, he is playing the same role in the Christian community that Jordan Maxwell plays in the New Age community. Just like Maxwell establishes his credibility by bragging about his high-level insider contacts…
…and the “secret information” they’ve shared with him, Tom Horn brags about the access and information granted him by high-level contacts in the Vatican, the Jesuits, and the Freemasons.

Here he is talking about the special access he was given by the Scottish Rite Freemasons in Washington, DC…
…In fact, you might wish to listen to the entire speech. It is an interesting and enlightening display of the CW propaganda line (note the reference to the “new breed of men sent down from heaven,” which would actually be black budget GMO humans coming down in black budget aerospace craft).

Pondering Maxwell, Horn, and all their special access and “insider information,” ask yourself a simple question…

Why would the occult conspirators provide so much access and information to prominent opponents who could frustrate their plans?

While the Occulted Powers do tend to publicize their plans in indirect and subtle ways, giving direct, unambiguous, damning information to their leading “enemies” would be self-defeating — unless those enemies were controlled opposition performing a role in the larger deception.

So if Tom Horn is a controlled opposition figure, what is his agenda? It is the same agenda shared by all the Christian Watchmen: to convince people to accept the being who shows up in the third step – to have them see that being as the “true Christ,” the “King of Kings,” and the rightful ruler of the Earth.

Have a look at what this Christian website says about the time after the “true Christ” arrives…

>>> Question: “What is the purpose of the thousand-year reign of Christ?”

Answer: The Millennium (also known as the Millennial Kingdom) is the 1,000-year reign of Jesus after the Tribulation and before all the people of the world are sent to either heaven or hell. Jesus will reign as king over Israel as well as all the nations of the world (Isaiah 2:4; 42:1). The world will live in peace (Isaiah 11:6–9; 32:18), Satan will be bound (Revelation 20:1–3), and, at the beginning, everyone will worship God (Isaiah 2:2–3). The purpose of the 1,000-year reign is to fulfill promises God made to the world that cannot be fulfilled while Satan is free and humans have political authority. Some of these promises, called covenants, were given specifically to Israel. Others were given to Jesus, the nations of the world, and creation. All of these will be fulfilled during Jesus’ 1,000-year reign. <<<

So as you can see, the purpose of the Christian Watchmen and the massive Judeo-Christian End Times propaganda effort is to sell you a One World King who would rule a theocratic Thousand-Year Reich in which humans would have no political say whatsoever. Of course, this World King would be just a figurehead, since the Occulted Powers who orchestrated the whole End Times show would be the ones pulling his/her/its strings. This being so, a more appropriate name for the “Millennial Kingdom” would be the “Sosda Kingdom” (“Sosda” = “Same old sh*t, different as*hole”).

All this being said, let me offer this little bit of advice…

Whether the Occulted Powers present you with one Messiah, two Messiahs, or a dozen, it is by their fruits you should judge them. If they command worship and would rule you in a hierarchical kingdom, they are power-hungry beasts flying a false banner of God, nothing more.

Now that we have immersed ourselves in the mindsets of both the 2-step and 3-step deceptions, I am reminded of something I wrote (or thought about writing) a long time ago: that the ultimate aim of the Illuminati is to establish the 1,000 year Kingdom of Christ. In the time since then, I became so focused on pointing out the New World Order deception that I lost track of the bigger picture a bit. Writing this entry has helped me re-broaden my view and clarify my thinking, and I suspect that the 3-step deception is the one that is in play. We’ll know whether this is true or not if the being who shows up with the UFOs immediately starts to build a new temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This step would be necessary for a “real Antichrist” figure to better fulfill the prophecies than Obama does.


Having explored the whys of conducting these deceptions, let’s now turn our attention to the hows. How can they make this appear in the sky…

…followed, seven years later, by this…

Let’s begin answering this question by remembering Clarke’s Third Law…

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

…and by asking ourselves a couple of other questions…

How much technological advancement could you achieve with trillions of dollars in resources, decades of time, the best minds money can buy (and agents can abduct), and the complete removal of all social and ethical restraints?

If we could see the capabilities of today’s “deep black” aerospace, holographic, biogenetic, and electromagnetic frequency technologies, would they be indistinguishable from magic (or “alien technology” or “supernatural phenomena”)?

If the suggestion that trillions of dollars has been funneled into developing black technologies seems like an overstatement to you, just take a moment to consider the vast wealth the Occulted Powers extract from us through both public and private scams…

> Public Scams: First, they have the difference between the taxes and fees collected by federal, state and local governments and the amount they publicly state was collected (all globalist organizations keep two sets of books: one fictional set for public consumption and one factual set for their purposes). Beyond that, they have the on-the-books black budgets of the world’s militaries (in the US alone, this is estimated at over $50 billion per year). They also have the monies that disappear from the overall defense budgets of the world (in the US alone, roughly 25% of the total military budget simply goes missing each year – with a total of $2.3 trillion missing as of 2001 – there are your trillions right there). On top of that, there are the research budgets of the worldwide network of globalist intelligence agencies (such as the CIA and NSA). Then you add in vanishing monies from other areas of federal, state, and local budgets around the world.

> Private Scams: First, they have the research budgets and the unreported profits of the multinational corporations. Then there are the proceeds from their worldwide vice operations: gambling, prostitution/human trafficking, drug production and distribution, etc. They also have the interest payments received on loans and money creation and the money stolen through financial market scams. And then there is the vast amount of purchasing power harvested by intentional inflation of the money supply (this alone accounts for trillions in income each year).

So as you can see, their resources are vast, and they don’t just dig a hole and hoard-away all that money; they put it to good use in advancing their global agenda. Much of it has been used to buy-up the world’s real assets, and much has also been used to develop secret technologies that are indistinguishable from magic.

Given the nearly limitless funds, man-hours, and brainpower the Occulted Powers have at their disposal, is it so hard to believe…

> that they have developed breeds of genetically modified humans that could be passed off as “aliens” or “angels”? (Scientists working in the public domain with vastly less funding have already cloned complex animals such as sheep and have created genetically modified animals such as goats who produce spider silk in their milk. Isn’t it reasonable to assume that smarter scientists in the hyper-funded black labs have gone much, much further?)

> that they have developed aerospace craft so exotic that they could be passed off as alien craft?

> that they have developed holographic and radio frequency technologies capable of producing dazzling visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as both depressive and elevating mood effects?

> that they could put all these components together to produce a helluva Second Coming show for the unsuspecting public?

While we’re on the subject of technologies that can be used to deceive the public, special attention must be paid to electromagnetic frequency technology. Here is something I wrote about it in my old blog…

>>> A few days ago, I stumbled across an article on Zen Gardner’s site that featured an old CNN Special Report on electromagnetic weapons from 1985. The information it offered was quite interesting; not only did it discuss microwave weapons used to disrupt electronics and radio frequency (RF) weapons used to disorient personnel, but it also brought up scalar weapons which can be used to create massive non-nuclear explosions. This particular video cuts out before it gets to the segment that discusses the use of RF technology to influence the human mind, though, so I looked around and found the missing segment here.

According to this mainstream media report and a vast number of alternative media reports, RF technology, which utilizes certain frequencies and signal patterns to establish brainwave entrainment, can create:

1) Visual Hallucinations – You can be made to see things without having the pattern pass through the mechanism of your eyes.

2) Auditory Hallucinations – You can be made to hear things without having the pattern pass through the mechanism of your ears.

3) Mood Changes – The brainwave patterns that represent the moods of depression, helplessness, agitation, foreboding, anguish, fear, and all other emotional states can be remotely induced in your mind.

With this in mind, if you look around, you’ll see that you are surrounded by a ubiquitous array of RF transmitters in the forms of cellphones, cellphone towers, smart meters, Wi-Fi gateways, broadcast towers, satellites, et cetera, and you can be certain that all of these transceivers have been weaponized to induce mental effects. What many fail to consider, though, is this:

The same RF technology they have been using to torment us can, at the flip of a switch, be used to induce the feelings of well-being and peace and joy in us.

This leads one to wonder the following: after steeping the population in increasing levels of discordant RF vibrations for decades, how would it feel if they turned off those signals and turned on signals of euphoria in their place? It would feel like you’d entered a whole other “dimension,” wouldn’t it? <<<

And therein lies the globalists’ secret weapon in the Great Second Coming Deception: their ability to generate a massive collective mood swing from anxiety to euphoria. Once “Jesus” shows up and they signal the emitters to broadcast “good vibrations,” many people will be fooled into thinking that something truly spiritual has occurred. They will say, “Something has really changed. You can feel it in the air.” The Judeo-Christians will believe it’s due to the presence of their god, and the New Agers will think the Ascension has finally occurred. But it will be nothing more than the RF equivalent of a hydrocodone pill.

With the technological toolbox of deception now laid before us, let’s take a moment to mull over how these tools might be used in the 3-step deception scenario…

Step 1) Obama is set up as the decoy Antichrist: This step is already in its advanced stages of implementation, and not much hocus pocus is needed to complete it. We might see one or more additional lying signs and wonders, and we can expect them to amp-up the fear and anxiety transmissions as we approach the climax point next September. The transmissions will max-out when the missiles fly.

Step 2) The “real Antichrist” shows up to defeat Obama and pose as Christ: I would expect to see a vast fleet of “UFOs” appear in the sky once the missile contrails have made their dramatic rise. This fleet would be a combination of holographically-generated, miles-long “motherships” out of which would pour real “scout ships” which are actually black budget aerospace craft piloted by black budget hybrids. As they make a show of destroying the missiles, I’d expect the Controllers to switch their RF mood transmissions from maxed-out negative to neutral. The fear and irritation would suddenly disappear, and people would feel much better (until the second half of the Antichrist’s rule when they turn up the “bad vibrations” again).

Step 3) The “true Christ” shows up to crush the Antichrist: I’d expect an even more grand and vivid sky show put on with holographics and RF-induced visions and voices. While it’s possible this arrival might include UFOs that look different than the Antichrist’s, I think it more likely that no kind of craft will be evident. That way, the arrival would look “truly supernatural.” It is at this point that the RF mood transmissions would be instantaneously switched from maxed-out negative to maxed-out positive,, which would knock people’s socks off.

Since “Christ’s” 1,000-Year Reich will allow humans no political voice, we can expect an “angelic administration” carried out by a different type of black budget hybrid. These hybrids would likely be tall and strikingly attractive, and may be implanted with their own RF transceivers to induce positive feelings in those who meet them. Additionally, they’ll likely have brain implants that are tied-in to the surveillance and intelligence grid, so they will know exactly who you are and what you’ve been up to. This fake “holy presence” and counterfeit “omniscience” will be a convincing combination for the unsuspecting. Not to mention the fact that “the angels are just so damned good lookin’!”

It is important to remember that the Bible does set a precedent for flesh-and-blood angels who walk among men. Just have a look at Genesis 19

1 Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 And he said, “Now behold, my lords, please turn aside into your servant’s house, and spend the night, and wash your feet; then you may rise early and go on your way.” They said however, “No, but we shall spend the night in the square.” 3 Yet he urged them strongly, so they turned aside to him and entered his house; and he prepared a feast for them, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. 4 Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter:”

So these “angels” walked along the ground like everyone else, and they also needed food and rest. This would apply to our smiling hybrid overlords as well.


Now that we’ve explored why and how the prophecies might be artificially fulfilled, let’s turn our attention to the prophecies themselves. We can start by asking ourselves a simple question…

Why has it supposedly taken 2,000 years for Christ’s prophesied return?

The two answers are quite obvious…

1) He couldn’t return sooner because he’s not real. Christ is a mythical spiritual concept that developed in the minds of ancient mystics over a long period of time. He is real only to the degree that people who are infected by his mythology make him real through their thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. This is why the only way of contacting him is by entering an altered state of consciousness in which one can interact with the subconscious golem of him projected by his priests and worshippers. He is nothing but a ghost haunting the conscious and subconscious minds of humanity.

2) It has taken 2,000 years for the Occulted Powers to amass the resources and technology to convincingly fake his return. Since he’s not real, the only way he could “return” was for the people who first conjured him up to put on a Jesus Show using smoke and mirrors. It has taken till now for them to put up the right kind of smoke…
…(the white reflective chemtrail particles in the air that comprise the 3D movie screen)…

…and to develop the right kind of mirrors…

…to project fire trucks and messiahs midair…

Let’s take a moment, though, to imagine that the characters in the Bible story are actually real – that Satan is a real being who made a free-will choice to oppose Yahweh. Given that Biblical prophecy presents a series of choices and events that leads to Yahweh defeating Satan, some rather obvious questions must be asked…

Why in the world would Satan do what the Bible says he’ll do if it will lead to his defeat? Wouldn’t he avoid every single move the Bible lays out for him? If the prophecy says he’ll betray a 7-year covenant with Israel in the middle of the seven years, wouldn’t he choose instead to betray it sooner or later, or simply avoid making the covenant altogether? Even if he knew he could never win against Yahweh, he’d still avoid fulfilling the prophecy points just to screw with Yahweh and his peeps.

Asking ourselves these questions reveals the nonsensical nature of the Bible’s prophetic paradigm. If Satan were truly warring with Yahweh, he would never make a free-will choice to do what the Bible says he’ll do. And if Yahweh somehow compelled Satan to follow the script, then Yahweh, not Satan, would be responsible for all the evils that result. After all, Satan couldn’t be held responsible for his actions if Yahweh overpowered his free will and forced him to do it.

This being said, the only way Satan would follow the script is if he were in cahoots with Yahweh, and that is actually the true nature of their relationship. Whether you see the two of them as mythical figures or real beings, Yahweh and Satan are a tag team who work together to wrestle humanity into submission. It is Satan’s job to scare and torture the sheep so they’ll run to Yahweh for protection and relief. And by having Satan do his dirty work for him, Yahweh can keep his hands clean and pretend to be “holy.”

You don’t have to take my word for this, though. It is by their fruits you should judge them. Just sit back and watch all the Christian clergymen build fear in people by pointing out the prophecies, then watch them offer the solution: “Run to Jesus! (and his daddy, Yahweh)” They know how the con works. And now, so do you.

For additional information on this subject, visit the Globalist Prophecy Watch archive.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 67-68 – Another sign of potential delay for the NWO rollout & Are delays in passing bail-in rules the reason things have been pushed back? (+ a P.S. x 3)

This report came out in the Wall Street Journal today: U.S. Delays Giving Up Oversight of Internet Administrator Icann

“The U.S. Commerce Department on Monday delayed for at least a year its plans to give up oversight of a key component of Internet governance…

Last year, the Obama administration said it planned to transfer Icann oversight to an unspecified group of international stakeholders by September 2015.”

Since placing the internet under “multilateral” control is a key milestone in the NWO’s implementation, this delay is potentially significant. Putting it beside the potential delay in the IMF’s new SDR basket and the talk of delay in the Fed’s interest rate “normalization,” we again face an important question…

Are these delays signs that the globalists are putting off the “Big Move” till 2016, or are they just giving an abundance of justifications / propaganda ammunition to the BRICS in advance of a 2015 move against the US?

This question will be answered next month. Another punt from the Fed on raising interest rates and a deal in Congress that keeps the government running another 6-12 months will be clear signals that the Big Move has been rescheduled for 2016. But should the Fed raise rates or the government shut down, it’s still game on for 2015.

[Update 68 – 18 August 2015]

Are delays in passing bail-in rules the reason things have been pushed back?

During this morning’s infoscan, I came across this: Greek Deposits Become Eligible For Bail-In On January 1, 2016. And this brought to mind something I saw a few months ago: EU regulators tell 11 countries to adopt bank bail-in rules. Here is an excerpt (with a comment added in brackets)…

>>> The European Commission on Thursday gave France, Italy and nine other EU countries two months to adopt new EU rules on propping up failed banks or face legal action.

The rules, known as the bank recovery and resolution directive (BRRD), seek to shield taxpayers from having to bail out troubled lenders, forcing creditors [depositors are now considered “unsecured creditors”] and shareholders to contribute to the rescue in a process known as “bail-in”. <<<

Since this article is dated May 28, the nations were supposed to pass the new rules by the end of July. Is their failure to do so the reason we are seeing all the talk of delays? It stands to reason that the globalists will want to confiscate all the money they can when they pull the plug on the old system, so they want all the bail-in rules in place before they make the Big Move.

If you live in France, Italy, or one of the nine other nations that hadn’t passed the BRRD rules by May 28, let me know if it has passed yet in your nation and if so, when it takes effect. Send a link to a news report if you can. I can be contacted from the About Me page.

(P.S. – 18 August 2015) – Italy passed it on or about July 3: Italy approves EU “bail-in” measure for bank rescue. But the article offers no implementation date.

(P.S. – 18 August 2015) – I tracked down the original press release from the European Commission, and these are the nations they called out: the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Malta, Poland, Romania and Sweden.

(P.S. – 18 August 2015) – Since finding the answer of which nations have adopted BRRD is proving difficult, I’ve decided to go straight to the source. I’ve contacted the European Commission via email and should receive a response in about 3 days.

For the previous updates in this series, click here.

Much love…

Luciferianism: the controlled opposition of the phony god

What do people like this all have in common?…
…These dark-looking characters are all equated with opposition to ‘Yahweh.” And as such, they serve as scarecrows to frighten people away from questioning the phony god concept.

Last week, I ran across an article on Henry Makow’s site that got my spiritual juices flowing: How Luciferians Think. In the piece, Makow (who is a Christian) lashes out at an essay written by Luciferian author Max More. While, on the surface, More’s argument makes vastly more sense than the name-calling and reflexive dogma of Makow, I couldn’t help but notice the subtle dialectic manipulation running under the surface of what both had written.

On one hand, you have Makow attempting to equate the Christian god with the concepts of “Love, Truth, Beauty, Justice, Peace“ (and if you’ve ever read the Bible with an open mind, you’ll know how silly it is to equate the beastly “Yahweh” with any of those attributes). And on the other hand, you have More making sensible arguments while associating them with the rather unsavory concepts of selfishness, untethered morality, and darkness…

…Just look at More’s own predatory and sinister appearance for example…

The net result of this is that Christianity gets equated with ideas of “goodness” and Luciferianism gets equated with ideas of “darkness.” This reinforces the mindset that if you question “god,” you are siding with darkness, and this mindset actually restrains people from questioning religious programming. Most people just don’t want to walk down a path that looks dark and foreboding.

Earlier in my own spiritual journey, I often wondered why Theosophists, Luciferians, Satanists, and Gnostics – who espoused so many ideas that agreed with my own spiritual ponderings – were so “dark” in their appearance, words and behavior. It was only after I came to understand the roles of the Left Hand and Right Hand that it started making sense…
…It is the job of the Left Hand (Luciferianism/Satanism) to make the Right Hand (“Yahweh”) look good.

So in the case of organized Luciferians, Satanists, and the lot, you have another controlled opposition front of the Occulted Powers. Just like in politics, these spiritual movements are led by sellouts and dupes who direct those trying to escape the mainstream spiritual prison onto a path that leads nowhere. To escape their trap, simply avoid being led by others and realize that questioning religious dogma doesn’t mean you are moving towards the dark side. You can question the phony god while still remaining a caring and loving person.

There is nothing more beautiful than casting off the chains of fear and walking into the unknown to seek the Truth about your relationship to God. And all ideas you encounter, both those which are socially accepted and taboo, can help you in your search. If you set aside the associational programming that has been attached to certain ideas and simply let them reflect off your spiritual core, the perceptions that bounce back at you will lead you in the right direction. Let your own spiritual compass guide you, not some abstract “ism” or mythology others are trying to sell you.

Thus sayeth the Ken wink… with love…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 65-66 – The globalist plan to break up the great nations & Why are they talking about delaying the new SDR currency basket? (+ a P.S.)

Let’s take a second look at a section from Update 19…


…I take you back to the 1961 NWO blueprint book Prospect for America. This is from page 26…

The globalists want the NWO to consist of “smaller units” because smaller nations are less likely to be self-sufficient in maintaining their security and a modern standard of living. They want all the nations to be dependent on the multilateral framework for their security and economic wellbeing.

Besides the Rockefellers’ NWO architects, can you guess who else is talking about “smaller units”? Ron Paul (in this interview on RT)…

“I happen to believe in smaller units of government; the larger the unit of government, the worse things are…

So I think people should have the right to leave a larger unit of government.”

And what else is Ron Paul talking about? Secession in the US
Note that he gave this speech at a Mises Institute conference called Breaking Away: The Case for Secession

[Starting from the 1:20 mark] – “I would like to start off by talking about the subject, and the subject, of course, is secession and nullification — the breaking up of government. And the good news is it’s gonna happen. It’s happening. And it’s not gonna be because there will be enough people in the US Congress to legislate it — it won’t happen. It will be de facto.”

So we know the globalists are aiming to break up the EU (which is the Interim World Order in Europe), and Greece is where that will begin. But will they also break up the USA so it can never rise again as the power it once was? Will Russia and China meet the same fate at some point?


With that last question in mind, have a look at an Economist article I ran across today…
”UNDER Vladimir Putin’s presidency, Russia is seen in the outside world as an expansionist power trying to revise post-Soviet borders and rebuild an empire. But what if Russia itself—a country of nearly 200 nationalities that stretches across 11 time zones—is in danger of crumbling?”

It is quite interesting to see this coming out of the Economist. If we look back to the their infamous cover from early this year, we see Putin (and other major leaders including America’s Obama, China’s Xi, and India’s Modi) presented in the color of ash….
…which is the color of the phoenix eggs on the woman’s hat. This would indicate that those leaders will be part of the ash heap from which the NWO phoenix will rise.

After seeing the Economist article, I decided to check into China and came across this Wall Street Journal article
”Despite appearances, China’s political system is badly broken, and nobody knows it better than the Communist Party itself. China’s strongman leader, Xi Jinping, is hoping that a crackdown on dissent and corruption will shore up the party’s rule. He is determined to avoid becoming the Mikhail Gorbachev of China, presiding over the party’s collapse. But instead of being the antithesis of Mr. Gorbachev, Mr. Xi may well wind up having the same effect. His despotism is severely stressing China’s system and society—and bringing it closer to a breaking point.”


Upon checking into India, I came across this paper from Arshi Saleem Hashmi. Here is a germane passage…
…(from pages 38-39)

It makes sense that the globalists will want to break up the large nations because it fits in to their PR strategy of restoring the appearance of sovereignty (while actually undermining sovereignty by making the divided peoples less able to resist the power of the globalist institutions). Once separated from their central governments, the newly-minted nations will need assistance in getting started, and to whom will they turn for guidance and help? To the United Nations and the multilateral institutions of course! They will turn away from the old power centers of Washington, Moscow, Beijing, and New Delhi and turn towards the new power center, the UN Complex. And this predictable dynamic gives us a clue as to the timeframe during which the breakups will occur.

Common sense suggests that the great nations will be broken up once the multilateral institutions and agreements that will pick up the pieces are finalized. That way, when they break up into their smaller components, those components will be offered continued membership in the multilateral institutions their former central governments set up. And since they’ll need help, they’ll accept that continued membership and thus become dependent on the UN and the regional and functional multilateral institutions (just like the Rockefellers planned back in the 1950’s). Given that the BRICS institutions have been rushed into existence this year, I would expect the breakups to occur sometime between September of this year and 2020, with most of it done by 2018.

I’ll continue to keep an eye on all this.

[Update 66 – 6 August 2015]

Why are the globalists talking about delaying the new SDR currency basket?

A watershed moment in the contrived East versus West dialectic will be the inclusion of China’s renminbi into the IMF’s SDR currency basket. The globalists had planned to do it this October, but an IMF staff report that came out this week calls for a 9-month delay in implementing any changes. From the IMF website

“IMF Survey: Why is staff proposing an extension of the current SDR basket?

Tiwari: To put this in context, the current SDR basket expires at the end of this year. We are proposing extending the current SDR basket by nine months until September 30, 2016. This is in response to feedback from SDR users on the desirability of avoiding changes in the basket at the end of the calendar year and facilitating continued smooth functioning of SDR-related operations. An extension of nine months would also allow users to adjust to a potential changed basket composition should the Executive Board decide to include the RMB.

The proposed extension, which will be decided by the Executive Board later this month, would not in any way prejudge the timing of conclusion or outcome of the review.”

In addition to this talk of a delay, the staff report questions whether the renminbi is sufficiently “freely usable” to be included in the basket.

So what is their game? Is this merely more propaganda fodder to set up the US versus China showdown later this year, or are the globalists pushing the delay button on their plans and setting up for a dramatic September next year?

I’ll be having a close look at the IMF and press reports to get a feel for what they’re up to.

(P.S. – 10 August 2015) – I ran across this Zero Hedge article this morning: Why Goldman Is Confident The Fed Will Wait To Hike Until December (At Least). It lays out the public propaganda rationale for the Fed delaying its rate increase till December or even next year. If you pair this with the possible postponement of the new IMF SDR basket, it increasingly appears that the globalists may be pushing the delay button on their agenda.

Lately, I’ve also been wondering if Donald Trump has been designated to take the place of Rand Paul as the Establishment’s preferred “anti-establishment” candidate. Rand Paul, like his Mises Mafia compatriot Panos Kammenos in Greece, doesn’t appear to be getting the traction the globalists had hoped for. If Trump starts talking about “sound money,” look out.

On a personal note, I apologize for my dearth of writings over the past few weeks. My grandmother’s visit has turned into a permanent stay, so I will be her caretaker also for the remainder of her stay here on Earth. That makes one son, one grandmother, two dogs, and one former wife I must tend to. My hands are a tad full and my mind a bit scattered right now. Rest assured that I’ll adapt and be fully back on the job at some point in the near future.

Love always…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 64 – Looking ahead to the Fall government fiasco

Reuters is reporting that…

“The U.S. federal government can stay below its legal limit on borrowing until at least late October and likely do so a little longer than that, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said on Wednesday.”

“Late October and a little longer than that” would put the debt limit hit very close to the November 15-16 G20 Summit. Interesting.

So as we cast our gaze upon the US budget / debt limit situation, there are three questions that must be asked…

1) Will the Congress pass a budget for FY 2016 before October 1? Not likely. According to this article about the federal budget from The Fiscal Times, House Speaker John Boehner is already talking about the necessity of passing a continuing resolution to keep the government funded past September 30.

2) Will Congress pass a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown? Seeing articles like this makes you wonder…

If it is the globalists’ intention to trigger a US government shutdown prior to the October 9-11 IMF/World Bank Annual Meeting, and I suspect it is, it will be a hot button issue like this that they’ll use for cover. Don’t forget that the Pope will visit the US Congress in late September. What will he have to say about the Planned Parenthood revelations?

3) Will Congress deal with the debt limit before it is hit? I have my doubts. Just imagine how well an October government shutdown (before the IMF meeting) and a November debt limit hit (before the G20 Summit) would set up the UN/IMF/World Bank governance reform agenda.

Much love…

Solutions, Part 2: The main problem with government is hierarchy

He who places the person on top…
…controls all that is below.

When pondering a properly functioning government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” it’s hard to imagine a more ill-suited organizational structure than a hierarchy…

A hierarchy, by its very nature, is structured for the rule of the few over the many, not the rule of the many over themselves. As such, it is utterly antithetical to the democratic ideal.

Let’s consider a few reasons why this is so:

1) Since the person atop a hierarchy exercises authority over all those below, a hierarchical government is easily corrupted. This predisposition towards corruptibility is so strong, in fact, that corruption is inevitable (so it is no accident that this structure was used in the design of our fake democracies). A corrupting force need only place their agent at the top of the organization to completely capture it. And should they fail to achieve that, the corruptors need only bribe, blackmail, or intimidate the person at the top to do their bidding. Providing corrupting forces with a single target makes their work child’s play.

2) Since a hierarchy concentrates power, that concentrated power attracts all the wrong people into government and sets in motion what I call the “cesspool effect.” The cesspool effect is a naturally occurring phenomenon whereby people of questionable character and dubious motives are drawn to the power and money of government, then in turn draw others of their type into the offices around them…Original caption: President Richard Nixon, claiming he was misled by his staff, has assumes "full responsibility" for the Watergate bugging and indicated a special prosecutor may be named to investigate the worst crisis of his presidency. Six top administration officials have resigned as a consequence of the case. Attorney General Richard G.Kleindienst and top White House aides H.R.Haldeman, John D.Ehrlichman and John W.Dean III all resigned April 30. Last week, L.Patrick Gray III, acting director of the F.B.I., and Jeb Stuart Magruder, a former Haldeman aide, also resigned.

Have you ever taken a moment to consider what kind of people run for political office? Since most good, honest people are busy doing real, productive things in the world and are not motivated by the desire to have power over others, running for office is left mostly to a rather motley pool of potential candidates: charismatic Illuminati family members and Freemasons; attractive, intellectually underdeveloped people with a sense of entitlement and grandeur; favored sons and daughters carrying on the family business (politics); clueless crusaders who are trying to “change the world” (even though most of them barely understand how the world really works); sharp criminals trying to put themselves within arms reach of the biggest pools of money; and slick opportunists who want power, sex, and whatever else they can parlay from being in government. This is quite a lovely bunch we’re left to choose from, is it not?

Of course, good people do sometimes run for office, but they find themselves greatly outgunned. Since honest people are prone to following campaign finance laws, they often get outspent by those who respect no boundaries. And when they do get in office, they find themselves amidst a very bad element, and are often subject to bribery, intimidation and blackmail. Most succumb to corruption or leave office, with only a few – if any — remaining to fight the good, but futile, fight.

Once ensconced in office, the corrupt find themselves threatened by any honest person in an elected or appointed post. They therefore collude to drive the honest ones out of office and bring in other unsavory people, thereby intensifying the cesspool effect. A crooked governor, for instance, can be held in check by an honest attorney general. But if that governor can help maneuver an unscrupulous friend into that office, “he” can run all of the scams he wishes, and working together, they can launch even grander schemes of villainy. In this way, standing hierarchical government becomes progressively more criminal over time.

We see the result of this cesspool effect in the current-day federal government of the U.S. It is an organization of such brazen and thorough corruption that it boggles the mind. The governments in virtually all other nations are no different. Some are simply better than others at putting up clean-looking facades.

3) Hierarchy breeds megalomaniacs and sheeple. When someone takes or is given power over the lives of others, there is a progressive tendency for “him” to view himself as smarter and grander than those he rules, and this results in arrogance which leads to bad decisions. Hitler’s generals received a great lesson in this principle during the campaign against Russia, as did Mao’s followers during the Great Chinese Famine.

On the opposite end of this, as power and responsibility over their lives is taken or given away, the people become progressively more weak and irresponsible under a hierarchy. In this, the “sheeple” are no different than children whose parents decide and do everything for them: their growth is retarded. Hierarchy thus turns its subjects into spoiled, incompetent, dependent children and retards humanity’s progression from a herd of primitive apes to a civilization of developed humans.

So this is the second concept I offer: since hierarchy is antithetical to government by the people, a proper government must be anti-hierarchical in nature. In the next entry, we’ll explore the structure of elections before going on to outline a system of government that incorporates the three concepts: fractal democracy.

For the first part of this series, click here: Why standing government must be replaced by coalescent government

With love…

Leaked Federal Reserve graph indicates a possible July rate hike

Upon coming across a Zero Hedge article which showed a leaked Fed Funds Rate graph
…I enlarged it and applied grid lines to it, The grid allocated 60 blocks for 2015, which is 5 blocks per month. When I measured the point where the graph began its rapid ascent, it was at the 35th block (measured from the top side of the line). This indicates that the rate of change for the Fed Funds Rate will take a dramatic turn after the end of July (July = month 7 x 5 grid boxes = 35)…
….So if this graph is indicative of what the Fed is thinking, a September rate hike is pretty well assured.

Looking again at a broader section of the graph, we see that it stays steady through 2014, then begins a modest upward slope which reaches its peak at the July inflection point…
…So there could be a rate increase at the July meeting. if there is, it will be a small introductory increase which will be followed by steady, more aggressive increases in the following meetings.

‘Nuff said…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 63 – The behind-the-scenes story of the Greek surrender (complete)

These corrupt politicians are not saviors; they are globalists…
…who, as the Greeks found out, will stab you in the back once you embrace them.

A most interesting report popped up in the Greek media this week: Greek PM Tsipras Allegedly Asked Russia for $10 Bln to Print Drachmas. Here is a key excerpt…

>>> The July 5 referendum was a test for Tsipras to see what the Greek people were thinking about Europe and the Eurozone. However, on the night of the referendum, word came from Russia that Putin did not want to support Greece’s return to the drachma. That was confirmed the days that followed. After that, Tsipras had no choice left but to “surrender” to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and sign the third bailout package. <<<

In the days since the report surfaced, both RT and Sputnik have come out with Russian denials. So who is telling the truth, the Greek newspaper or the Russian news services? To answer this question, let’s go back to Waterloo Day, June 18th.

If you recall, two separate meetings convened on that day: the Eurozone was meeting to supposedly decide Greece’s fate, and the BRICS were meeting at the St. Petersburg Forum. And which meeting did Tsipras and his delegation of government ministers attend? The St. Petersburg meeting. Here is a June 19 report of what one of Greece’s Ministers did there…

>>> Russia signed a preliminary agreement on building a natural-gas pipeline through Greece, a deal that signals strengthening ties between the countries as the crisis-stricken government in Athens is increasingly isolated from the rest of Europe.

Russia’s development bank, known as VEB, will own 50% of the 2 billion-euro link and provide all financing, Greek Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis told reporters after the signing in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Friday. Greece will own the rest, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said. <<<

And on the day that Minister Lafazanis was attending that signing, can you guess what else he told the press? According to Sputnik

On June 19, Greek Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis told Sputnik that Greece could become the first non-founder members of the NDB, joining on an equal footing as its current members, as soon as the bank was launched.

The NDB is expected to begin operations on July 7, according to Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak.”

And let’s not forget that Greek Prime Minister Tsipras met with the President of the BRICS Bank during the Forum as well. From the Greek Reporter

“Tsipras also met with representatives of the new development bank for BRICS countries, who expressed their intense interest in cooperating with Greece.”

So as of June 19, the Greeks had signed with the Russians and were expecting to be welcomed into the BRICS Bank as soon as it began operations in early July. When the time came, though, Putin balked. Why? What happened – or didn’t happen – that made Putin reverse direction in the time between June 19 and the BRICS Summit on July 8-9?


In order to correctly answer these questions, we must first remind ourselves of a key facet of the New World Order transition strategy: the planned rise of the Mises Mafia.

Once the globalists trigger the final collapse of the Interim World Order (the Bretton Woods arrangement), people will be angry, current political leaders will take the blame, and new leadership will be needed. It goes without saying that the globalists did not leave the public’s search for new leaders to chance; they have been pre-marketing a cadre of controlled opposition leaders who will ride the wave of public outrage into office (and then implement the NWO’s policies). This cadre includes Ron and Rand Paul in the US, Marine Le Pen in France, and Nigel Farage in the UK.

In Greece, though, it is this man…
…Panos Kammenos, leader of “the Greek UKIP.” – (from Breitbart)

The globalists arranged for the odd pairing of Tsipras’ “left wing” Syriza Party and Kammenos’ “right wing” Independent Greeks Party in order to place Kammenos into the post of Greek Defense Minister. As the civilian leader of the Greek military, he would be in a key position should any civil disorder occur as the West puts the screws to the Greek people.

This being said, the Russians DO want the Greeks to switch over to the BRICS, but they don’t want Tsipras to be the one who does it; they want Kammenos to bring the Greeks in. If they had let Tsipras lead the switchover, he and Syriza would have been the heroes and the way forward for Kammenos would be blocked. Being part of the Occulted Powers who are pulling the strings on this whole East vs. West puppet show, the Eastern Orthodox Church wants an award-winning Orthodox Christian (Kammenos) to be the hero, not a godless communist (Tsipras). Tsipras and Syriza’s role is to take the fall.

With Panos Kammenos’ central role in mind, we can now ask ourselves why Putin stiffed the Greeks earlier this month. And in pondering the answer, two plausible scenarios come to mind…

1) The globalists’ failure to pull the trigger on Greece’s banks on June 22 meant there was no civil disorder and no opportunity for Kammenos to step in and play the hero before the BRICS Summit occurred. Therefore, Putin had no choice but to backtrack on a Greek rescue until another opportunity presents itself.

2) The whole process of inviting Syriza into the BRICS Bank was a setup. Once the Greeks were fully committed (the day of the referendum), Putin withdrew his offer and left Syriza to twist in the wind. Now the globalists will apply pressure to the Greeks until they snap, and Syriza will fall so Kammenos can step up.

I’ll be adding more supporting information to this entry over the next few days.

For the previous update from this series, click here.

Love always…