Category Archives: Deprogramming Religion

More about “Jesus”

A reader sent me a rather common type of comment, so I thought I’d share the comment and my response (in hopes of preventing future comments of this type)…

Comment: I find your website fascinating, probably a bit too fascinating! One wonders if you have been led down a few paths by dark spirits as well? I agree with most of your projections regarding the NWO and their relation to biblical scripture. HOWEVER, the part that the NWO enacts or plays WILL bring the true CHRIST who will destroy the false christs, false prophet, false watchmen, zombie world armies. No matter how much you try and debunk Christianity you will not prevail. You make many references to Old Testament scriptures that were rules intended for God’s chosen people, the true Jews, not rules for us, the Gentiles. Apart from the ten commandments, these rules changed when Christ died on the cross for us. We are free from sin if we repent. Having done all your research, do you deny the dark side? Are you telling me that the occultists have not sold their soul to the devil? Do they just ‘put on or fake’ their demonic possession! I think we know the answer, just look at the world today! The only thing that can control and destroy the darkness is the light. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the light, and he will come again, this time to destroy Satan and judge the wicked. When Christ comes we will know it is not a deception like the NWO will stage because the whole world will see him at once and his mere presence will have us quaking. Time is short, you know this only too well. Repent and be saved. Ask Jesus to come into your life and he will. You will then see the real truth. Amen

My Response: Whether you view the Biblical characters as real beings, beings we manifest in our collective subconscious, or myths, one thing is abundantly clear: they are ALL “demonic” (including “Jesus” and “Yahweh”). A demon cannot force you to worship it or do what it says, so it has to trick you into choosing to do those things. That is what the Christ versus Antichrist dialectic is for: to use fear of Satan to trick people into choosing to worship and obey Yahweh.

Even the Bible admits that Satan works with Yahweh’s permission, but they just spin it differently. Rather than being there to “test the faithful,” Satan is actually there to scare people so they’ll run to Yahweh for relief and protection. It’s a spiritual version of the tried and true Bad Cop / Good Cop deception.

As for Jesus, he is the crown prince of the demonic realm. That’s why the demons said, “Have you come here to torment us before the appointed time?” when he commanded them into the pigs. The demonic realm has a “timed” plan (whether it is real or imagined), and the demons knew their boss was confronting them too early. Still, they did what they were told by their master and commander because they didn’t want to get their asses kicked.

As I’ve written before, we are not born with a Bible slung around our necks, so the Bible does not come from God. We are, however, born with capacities for common sense, rational thought, intuition, and feeling, and when we use all those God-given gifts together – without listening to some and ignoring others – we are guided to Truth. So will you now deny the gifts God gave you to embrace the book men gave you? I wouldn’t recommend it. Christianity is a cult, nothing more, and it is a ridiculous one at that. The only reason it has grown large and gained social respectability is because the Roman Empire embraced it for mind control.

So before you write to me in hopes of converting me back to Christianity (which I’ll never do), have a look at the brainwashing techniques used by cults and compare them to what happens among Christians. Know what you’re selling before you knock on the door.

Here is a closing thought…

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

Isn’t it time to put away childish spirituality? Isn’t it time to stop believing in manmade fairy tales and start embracing Truth and the responsibility of what you really are? If you do the right thing only out of a desire for blessings and a fear of hell, you are merely an animal responding to a master’s carrot and stick. But when you understand that you are God and so is every living thing around you, you begin to do the right thing because it’s the only thing that makes sense. Will you continue to be a sheep led around by false shepherds, or will you start being a human embracing the responsibility of spiritual adulthood/godhood?

On a related note, when the time comes for the globalists to introduce the post-Putin “real Christ,” they will be presenting him in the context of “pre-Roman Christianity.” They will say that the Romans took over “real Christianity” and perverted it, and this approach will allow their Christ figure to wash his hands of all the Christian atrocities over the past centuries as well as old Christian doctrine. You’ll find it quite remarkable how closely “pre-Roman Christianity” resembles Jewish Kabbalism. 

[Addendum 1 – 23 January 2017]

Let’s look again at a particular passage from the comment…

“No matter how much you try and debunk Christianity you will not prevail. You make many references to Old Testament scriptures that were rules intended for God’s chosen people, the true Jews, not rules for us, the Gentiles. Apart from the ten commandments, these rules changed when Christ died on the cross for us.”

In this quote, the commenter is addressing some troubling Bible passages I bring up in Debunking the Christian myth. The referenced scriptures are the ones in which “god” tells Moses the proper rules for selling your daughter into slavery and the proper guidelines for beating your slaves without incurring a civil penalty. And like many Christians, the commenter’s defense is to discount the Old Testament as either not applying to us or being obsolete after the supposed coming of Jesus. But the true question is not…

Do these Old Testament rules from the Christian god apply to us?

The real question is…

Would the one, true God EVER tell ANYONE such things?

If you look at those scriptures and ask yourself that question, your undeniably God-given intellect, heart, intuition, and common sense give you a very clear and resounding answer: “NO!” The only way you can answer “yes” to the question is if you ignore your inborn guidance system in favor of blind belief in what men wrote in the Bible.

The truth about the Old Testament slave scriptures is that Moses never talked to the one, true God. He either made up the things he said god said or he channeled demons (just like the New Agers do today). And either way, his God paradigm is profoundly flawed and invalid. This realization is both very simple and profound for any Christian, because…

If Moses’ god is not the one, true God, then Jesus, whom the Bible presents as the son of Moses’ god, is not the “son of the one, true God.”

The Christ concept is based on Moses’ god. So if his god is a lie, so is Christ.

The logic of this is inescapable.

And here’s another thing about the commenter’s passage: the one, true God does NOT play favorites. So the Biblical assertion that the Jews are “god’s chosen people” is a sure sign that the god of the Bible is not really God. God (Source Consciousness) is equally present in all people, so no person is inherently superior to another on the basis of his/her spiritual relationship to God.

The actual reason that Jews are the chosen people of the Biblical god is that the Biblical god was imagined as the patron god for the Jewish tribe. So why should anyone who is not Jewish believe in the Jewish tribal god? You have to be a spiritual masochist to believe in a god who sees you as a second-class citizen. Your innate guidance rages against it, so why do you continue your unreasoned belief in such silliness?

The Spiritual Origins of the Christian Blood Cult

“There is power in the blood of Jesus.”

“My sins were washed clean by Christ’s blood.”

“Cover yourself in the blood of the Lamb”…

Christians never seem to realize the true meaning of the words they use or why they use them, and I used to be the same way, because I was Christian until I hit my twenties. Now that I’m older and more experienced, though, I’ve learned why such words are spoken, and now so will you.

If you look at the basic Christ concept without rose-colored glasses, this is how it goes…

The first humans did something that God told them to not do, so God condemned all humans to spiritual death. But God told Moses that his chosen people could escape spiritual death if they would kill innocent animals. Since death was required for breaking God’s rules, an animal’s death could be substituted for the human’s death; since the shedding of blood was required for remission of sin, the animal’s blood could be substituted for the human’s blood.

Hebrews 9:22 – And almost all things are by the law purged with blood;
and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Then, along came Jesus. God sent his own son down to Earth and humans murdered him. And because we murdered him, we were offered forgiveness for our sins. Why? Because Jesus became the ultimate human sacrifice for our sins. In the same way innocent animals took on the sins of the Jews, Jesus took on all the sins of the whole world. And when we murdered him, the sins were expiated. So the path to remission of sins is the cold-blooded murder of the innocent, and our murder of God’s own son was a very fortunate day for us.

When you take a moment to step back and think about this, it’s all very bizarre, isn’t it? Eat an apple, be condemned forever; murder God’s own son, all is forgiven. It’s absolutely nuts. So why did people accept such an odd belief? It was because the Christ myth was cobbled together from pre-existing spiritual traditions, so it made sense to people at the time.

These are the three ancient (and invalid) spiritual traditions that were cobbled together to make the Christ myth…

1) Scapegoating – an ancient practice whereby the evils or sins of a people were symbolically attached to an animal, then the animal was driven away or killed, thus carrying away the evil or expiating the sin.

2) Blood sacrifice – an insane practice in which a valuable animal or human (such as one’s own child) was killed to make amends for sin or to seek material gain or power. The sacrificed being’s blood was then considered to have the power to purify a person or place…

Exodus 29:20 – Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his blood,
and put it upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron,
and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons,
and upon the thumb of their right hand,
and upon the great toe of their right foot,
and sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about.

3) Eating flesh and drinking blood to consume the spirit and/or take on the qualities of an animal or person – this practice is still followed today by hunters who drink the blood or eat the heart of their kill to take on its spirit, and by Asian men who take rhino horn powder in the belief they’ll get an erection.

If we apply these three superstitions to Christianity, we see that Jesus took upon himself all the “sins” of humanity (thus becoming the scapegoat), and he was blood sacrificed on the cross to release those sins. Due to his sacrifice, his believers can wash away their sins by covering themselves in his blood, and they can become more like him by consuming his flesh and drinking his blood in ritual communion.

That’s Judeo-Christianity in a nutshell: shirked responsibility, bloody murder, cannibalism, and vampirism. But are these three spiritual traditions that form its basis valid in any way? Let’s take a moment to think it through.

1) Scapegoating – In determining if scapegoating is spiritually valid, ask yourself a simple question and feel the feedback you get from your spiritual core…

Does God allow people to shirk responsibilities for their words and actions by putting it onto others?

The answer to this question is a clear “no,” isn’t it? Even in our earthly experience as parents, a good parent doesn’t allow a child to deny responsibility by putting it on his sibling or pet. A child who never confronts the consequences of her words and actions never learns to become a better person. So is God a bad parent? Besides, allowing people to put their sins onto others gives the sinner an unlimited license to sin; he can do whatever he wants as long as he can find another being to kill.

In reality, when you try to shift your wrongdoing onto another human or animal, you are adding to your wrongdoing by shirking responsibility. And if you then kill that human or animal to take away your sin, you are committing another sin, that of murder. Scapegoating is primitive bullsh*t, and there is nothing spiritual about it. It is the delusional practice of a*sholes who are trying to avoid the consequences of their bad behavior.

2) Blood sacrifice – In determining if blood sacrifice is spiritually valid, ask yourself a simple question and feel the feedback you get from your spiritual core…

Does covering yourself in the blood of a murdered innocent, whether animal or human, clean away sin or cover you with sin?

Again, it’s pretty clear that you are actually marking yourself as a wrongdoer and a ghastly weirdo when you actually or symbolically cover yourself in the blood of a murdered being. So covering yourself in the blood of Jesus does nothing more than show you are a primitive lunatic. On a personal note, though, I was not above elements of this practice when I was younger. The last time I was “covered in the blood” was when I went down on my Chinese girlfriend during her period (true story). It was kinda chunky, if you know what I mean. I guess that means more sins were being shed.

3) Eating flesh and drinking blood to consume the spirit and/or take on the qualities of an animal or person – If this actually worked, I’d be clucking and scratching about my back yard rather than typing this entry. I eat a lot of chicken.

So as we have so far seen in this series, Christianity is a rather nonsensical belief system cobbled together from the invalid spiritual practices that predated it. It was fashioned over time, beginning with the lies of Moses, continuing on through to the lies of the Roman Empire, and culminating in the Crypto-Jewish lies of today. It is a religion that is, and always has been, about power, control, and parasitism. By claiming a special relationship with — and special revelations from — God, the priestly con artists have lived off of our gullibility for millennia…

Exodus 25 – 1 The LORD said to Moses,
2 “Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give.
3 These are the offerings you are to receive from them: gold, silver and bronze;
4 blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen; goat hair;
5 ram skins dyed red and another type of durable leather; acacia wood;
6 olive oil for the light; spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense;
7 and onyx stones and other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece.
8 “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them.
9 Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.

Hmmm… so God needed all these fine and sumptuous material things in order to commune with his people? Or was it Moses who wanted all these things? And was it God or Moses showing a flash of anal-retentiveness in verse 9?

Clearly, it’s all a lie, and all we have to do to end it is collectively wake up to the truth and stop going along with it. But the primary appeal of Christianity has never been intellectual; it has been emotional. So in the next entry on this subject, we’ll explore how the priests and preachers manipulate people’s emotions to sell their religion.

Much love…

Jesus, and the lies we tell ourselves to keep going

In case you’re wondering, this is what “Jesus” really looks like (he’s the one on the left)…
image source

One of my favorite television shows is called Cheaters. In it, people who think their sexual partners are cheating on them enlist the show to discover the truth, even though the aggrieved parties actually know the truth already. You’ll often hear them say that “something doesn’t feel right” in their relationship, which is their intuition warning them of the infidelity. And they often find evidence such as condom wrappers, telephone numbers, and text messages that their intellect knows is proof that something inappropriate is going on. Yet they still don’t want to face the truth, and they call in the show to give them the slap on the face they need to deal with reality.

So why do they do it – why do they make excuses for their cheating partners even though they know better? Is it because they don’t want to feel the pain of acknowledging that they were lied to? Is it because they don’t want to leave the comfort zone of being in the relationship? Is it because they’re afraid they won’t be able to find a new relationship? Whatever the reasons may be, they lie to themselves to keep going on the path they’re on, even though they know they need to take a new path.

As it is with the cheated-upon, it is with the religious. All those in the manmade religions have felt internal warnings and seen evidence that is contradictory to their faiths, yet they continue lying to themselves to keep going. It’s time for the lying to stop. So if you are still trapped in the Christian religion like I once was, I’m here to offer you the slap on the face you need to deal with reality. I ask you only to take a few minutes to…

mentally set aside the “holy” books and sermons men have given you
embrace the intellect, intuition, emotion and common sense God has given you.

I’m here to guide you back to God, not to take you away from “him.” And if you are honest with yourself, this won’t take long. Let’s get started…

No matter how impressive a building might look or how beautifully it’s decorated, if it sits on a defective foundation and its structural pillars are faulty, it must be condemned. So let’s take a moment to look at the foundation and core pillars of the Christian religion:

1) The foundation of the Christian religion is the Bible, and it contains two pillars: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The figure of “Jesus Christ” stands upon these pillars.

2) The Old Testament pillar tells us about “God the Father,” and its whole spiritual paradigm is based upon the writings of Moses. All its other books spring from what Moses tells us about God.

3) The New Testament pillar tells us about “Jesus Christ”; it lays out why he is the “Son of God” and the “Messiah.” The argument it makes for Jesus’ status is based upon his fulfillment of what is in the Old Testament, so the Old Testament pillar is the pedestal upon which the New Testament pillar stands.

These three things are the very core of Christianity, and fortunately for us, judging the soundness of this foundation and its two pillars doesn’t require a doctorate in theology. After all, one gets a doctorate by studying the writings and doctrines of men, not God. The only way to study God is to bounce those manmade ideas off your spiritual core and see how they feel. So let’s take a few passages from the Bible and ask ourselves what our inner guidance tells us. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll use the Bible verses we began with in Debunking the Christian Myth.

According to Moses, the following passages are what his god — who in the Bible is most commonly called “Yahweh” — directly told him. They come from Exodus 21, and as Exodus 20:1 says, “And God spoke all these words…”

1) “7 If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money.”

…In this passage, Yahweh states that it’s okay for fathers to sell their daughters into permanent slavery, and he gives rules for what can and can’t be done with her afterwards. Now take a moment to ask yourself a simple question, and take note of how you feel when answering it…

Did the real God really talk to Moses and tell him it’s okay for people to sell their daughters into bondage and give him instructions on how it should be done?

If you are unsure of what your core is telling you when you ask yourself this question, try answering it both ways, yes and no, and take a moment after each answer to feel which one makes your head protest and your heart feel constricted. The answer that elicits such negative responses from your spiritual core is the wrong answer.

2) “2 If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free.”

…In this passage, Yahweh establishes a condition under which a married male slave who is freed must leave behind his wife and children because they are his master’s property. So now ask yourself…

Did the real God really talk to Moses and tell him it’s okay for a slavemaster to keep another man’s family as property?

After asking yourself the first question, the answer to this one should be quite obvious.

3) “26 An owner who hits a male or female slave in the eye and destroys it must let the slave go free to compensate for the eye. 27 And an owner who knocks out the tooth of a male or female slave must let the slave go free to compensate for the tooth.”

…In this passage, Yahweh condones the beating of slaves as long as it doesn’t get too rough and causes the loss of a body part. So the question is…

Did the real God really talk to Moses and tell him it’s okay to physically abuse slaves as long as body parts aren’t destroyed?

4) “20 Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.”

…In this passage, Yahweh says that it’s okay to use a rod to beat a slave to near death as long as the slave doesn’t die as a result. Therefore, the question…

Did the real God really talk to Moses and tell him it’s okay to beat a slave to near death?

As you answered these questions, you might have felt a conflict between your religious programming and your spiritual core. Your programming may have told you, “The answer is YES! The real God really told Moses these slave-owning rules because the Bible is true and unerring!” But your spiritual core was unmoved by your programming. It gave you clear feelings to guide you to the correct answer. That “still, small voice” within us always guides us in the right direction, but we often overrule it because it gets in the way of what we think we want. So if you were honest with yourself, the answer to all of these questions was…

No, the real God did not tell Moses any of these things.

And this means…

> Moses was told these things by some real or imagined being that is not the real God
> Moses wrote down the rules he thought were appropriate and falsely claimed that God dictated them.

Given the mundane and anal-retentive nature of the myriad rules Moses wrote, the latter seems the more likely scenario to me. But if you are unsure, say each of the two above statements to yourself and see which one feels right.

Now that we have allowed our God-given intuition and emotion to guide us to the correct answers, it’s time to employ our God-given intellect and common sense to draw some conclusions…

GIVEN THAT Moses was lying about God instructing him in proper slaving techniques,
IT STANDS TO REASON THAT Moses was lying about all his interactions with God.

GIVEN THAT Moses was lying about all his interactions with God,
IT STANDS TO REASON THAT the spiritual paradigm he presents in the first five books of the Bible is a fabrication.

GIVEN THAT the spiritual paradigm Moses presents in the first five books of the Bible is a fabrication,
IT STANDS TO REASON THAT the Old Testament pillar of Christianity is faulty, since all other Old Testament books are based on Moses’ original lies.

GIVEN THAT the Old Testament pillar of Christianity is faulty, and that it is the source of Jesus’ claimed legitimacy as the “Son of God” and the “Messiah,”
IT STANDS TO REASON THAT Jesus has no legitimacy as the “Son of God” or the “Messiah.”

So as you can see, the whole Biblical foundation of Christianity is defective. Moses’ original fictions begat Jewish fictions, which later begat Rome’s fictions. “Jesus Christ” is a lie based upon a lie based upon a lie. And what better cult was there for Rome to promote than one that condones human slavery and tells us to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s?” The wolves who ruled the Roman Empire made sheep of men by giving them a god like this…

With all this laid before you, what will you do? Will you continue lying to yourself to keep going? Will you continue allowing the con artists in the clergy to run your spiritual life and enslave you under a fake second coming of Christ?

Will you continue to ignore the real God in favor of the manmade god of the Bible?

The choice, as always, is yours.

In case you need more convincing, though, my next entry on this subject will point out the primitive spiritual traditions that were cobbled together to manufacture the Christ myth. And if you want to see what I’ve discovered about the Real God, read Our Relationship with Source Consciousness: The Spiritual Basics. I’ll be writing an updated and more thorough version of it in the coming weeks, but it will get you started.

Although my writings can give you a snapshot of your spiritual destination, they cannot take you there. It is a path you must walk for yourself. You must satisfy yourself to the correct answers in your own head and heart, and you must have the personal aha moment when you realize your true relationship to God. That is the moment when everything within you starts to change.

With love always…

On the Gifts of God and the Doctrines of Men

In all the annals of medical practice, you’ll not find a single recorded case of a baby being born with a Torah, Bible or Koran tethered around his neck. And why is that so? Because God does not give us those books, men do. This does not mean we are born without guidance from God, though, because every baby ever born in a properly formed body came with the gifts of intellect, intuition, emotion and common sense pre-installed. God gives all humans these gifts so we’ll be able to find our way through this world of deception and confusion. God’s gifts are our homing beacon to Truth. This being so…

I encourage you to set aside the doctrines of men and all of the mental and emotional programming they have instilled in you and start listening to the gifts God gave you.

If you are currently a Christian, you probably believe that people in all the other religions, such as Hinduism for example, are embracing false doctrines. So let me ask you this…

What if you had been born in India instead of here?

What would you believe if all the authority figures around you had brought you up with the Hindu writings and all the associated mental and emotional programming of that religion? Being a person who strives for a relationship with God, you probably would have accepted what they told you and embraced their “false doctrine,” is that not so? Now look at that Hindu you from your current Christian perspective – how would you find your way out of their “false doctrine” to embrace “salvation in Jesus Christ”? You would have to question everything they taught you and consider something new, wouldn’t you?

Well here I am standing beyond the maze of Christian thought telling you that you have embraced false doctrine. Do you care enough about the Truth – do you care enough about God – to find out if I might be right? If you are standing in Truth right now, you have nothing to fear by using God’s gifts to question it. It would only be affirmed by such questioning. But if you are standing in falsehood, wouldn’t you want to know? Do you care enough about your relationship with God to do the work and find out? Or will you hide in the Land of “Just Have Faith”?

Going back to the Hindu you we just discussed, would you be able find your way out of Hinduism if those around you told you to “just have faith” and you accepted that? Certainly not, right? “Just have faith” would be your spiritual prison for life. This being so, we must recognize that…


In telling you to “just have faith,” the manipulators are telling you to turn off God’s gifts and blindly accept the doctrines of men. Common sense, which is one of God’s gifts, would suggest instead that you turn off your blind acceptance and wholeheartedly embrace the gifts God gave you. Use your intellect. Use your intuition. Use your emotions. Use your common sense. And use them all together, ignoring none of them. The only way to find the Land of Truth is to apply your indomitable will to Truth in navigating the Sea of Lies using the compass God gave you. Cast off your fear and let’s get to sailin’.

Much love…

This entry will be added to Debunking the Christian Myth.

My Journey Out of Christianity (Update 1)

The response I got from some readers on the Antichrist article has pointed out the need to do a systematic debunking of the Christian paradigm. Since writing such an article could tie me up for weeks, I’m going to do it in a modular way. As I write each module, I’ll post it as an entry, and I will collect all the modules together on a page linked at the top of the blog: Debunking the Christian Myth. We’ll begin with something I wrote in my old blog…

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a good person, and I’ve felt an inexplicable urge to reach out for something beyond what I can see — to reach out to God. Since I was raised in the United States, the authority figures around me pointed to the Christian Church, telling me that is where God could be found. A dutiful child, I did what I was told and looked for God there.

As time progressed, I found myself dissatisfied with the definitions of God that were proffered to me. The book I was given contained many beautiful ideas, and many of those ideas resonated with me, but there were also many other ideas that struck a sour note, and the entire spiritual narrative made little sense to me: eat an apple, be condemned forever; kill God’s son, all’s forgiven. Say what?!?

To give you an example of the sort of ideas that repelled me, let me share a few NIV Bible passages on the practice of slavery from Exodus 21. I remind you that this is the supposedly righteous “Creator of the Universe” speaking directly to Moses:

>>> 7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her.9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter.10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights.11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money.” <<<

…In this passage, Yahweh states that it’s okay for fathers to sell their daughters into permanent slavery, and he gives rules for what can and can’t be done with her afterwards. In the context of this passage, does being a good father entail getting a good price for your daughter on the slave market?

>>> 2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free.” <<<

…In this passage, Yahweh establishes a condition under which a married male slave who is freed must leave behind his wife and children because they are his master’s property. Is this what religious folk mean when they talk of “family values”?

>>> 26 “An owner who hits a male or female slave in the eye and destroys it must let the slave go free to compensate for the eye. 27 And an owner who knocks out the tooth of a male or female slave must let the slave go free to compensate for the tooth.” <<<

…This section is where Yahweh gets progressive and establishes the world’s first workers comp law. If you poke out the eye of your slave, you have to set him free?!? How revolutionary and enlightened!

And here is the most inspiring passage of all…

>>> 20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.” <<<

…So if a slavemaster beats his slave, he’s to be punished only if the slave dies from the beating (and only if a rod was used)? Hmmm, it’s pretty sweet to be a slavemaster in Yahweh’s kingdom, isn’t it?

Even as a young child, when I read passages such as this, my heart and mind raged against them. Whether they condoned barbaric acts or presented scientifically false information, such verses stuck in my mind like splinters. In time, these vile ideas fermented to the point that I could no longer stomach them, and I had to spit them out.

Naturally, it took a while to get to that point, because the belief system I was taught told me that I would burn forever in a pit of fire if I didn’t hold my nose, swallow every bitter concept, and “just have faith.” This cage of fear kept me locked up for years. Eventually, though, I was able to make a prison break and start looking for God on my own.

As I searched for the truth of things, I looked into a variety of religions and found the same sort of problems. Every belief system I found was a mixed bag of inspired thought, myth, superstition, cultural bias, and flagrant falsehoods. And every “holy” book I found was written by men, compiled by men, translated by men, and interpreted by men (and those men had a variety of agendas, both pure and impure, driving what they did).

Over time, it became clear to me that there was no one out there who could hand me an understanding of God or myself. Such an understanding had to be a personal journey, and I had to earn it. Since each fragment of God’s consciousness begins its journey from a different place, each must chart its own unique path back home.

Looking back at my former religion, I used to see it as a well-meaning but misguided interpretation of our relationship to God. Now that I have been awakened to what’s really going on in this world, though, I see it in a more sinister light. In its roots, it began as a religion based on animal sacrifice. With this in mind, we must ask ourselves what sort of entity feeds off of the negative energy released when a living thing dies a traumatic death? Is it God or someone else who savors such a thing?

I will leave you to ponder this question until next time.

(Update 1 – 7 September 2015)

File this one under “a failure to think it through”…

Here is a Christian TV network campaigning to end slavery while at the same time proclaiming the Bible to be the complete and unerring “Word of God.” As I’ve just shown you, Yahweh’s own words in that book proclaim that slavery is perfectly acceptable, so what are they doing? Are they rebelling against their own god? I think I’ll put a yellow “x” on my hand signifying “Shine a Light on Inconsistency Day.”

BTW, the whole species is enslaved to varying degrees, not just 27 million.

With love…

Luciferianism: the controlled opposition of the phony god

What do people like this all have in common?…
…These dark-looking characters are all equated with opposition to ‘Yahweh.” And as such, they serve as scarecrows to frighten people away from questioning the phony god concept.

Last week, I ran across an article on Henry Makow’s site that got my spiritual juices flowing: How Luciferians Think. In the piece, Makow (who is a Christian) lashes out at an essay written by Luciferian author Max More. While, on the surface, More’s argument makes vastly more sense than the name-calling and reflexive dogma of Makow, I couldn’t help but notice the subtle dialectic manipulation running under the surface of what both had written.

On one hand, you have Makow attempting to equate the Christian god with the concepts of “Love, Truth, Beauty, Justice, Peace“ (and if you’ve ever read the Bible with an open mind, you’ll know how silly it is to equate the beastly “Yahweh” with any of those attributes). And on the other hand, you have More making sensible arguments while associating them with the rather unsavory concepts of selfishness, untethered morality, and darkness…

…Just look at More’s own predatory and sinister appearance for example…

The net result of this is that Christianity gets equated with ideas of “goodness” and Luciferianism gets equated with ideas of “darkness.” This reinforces the mindset that if you question “god,” you are siding with darkness, and this mindset actually restrains people from questioning religious programming. Most people just don’t want to walk down a path that looks dark and foreboding.

Earlier in my own spiritual journey, I often wondered why Theosophists, Luciferians, Satanists, and Gnostics – who espoused so many ideas that agreed with my own spiritual ponderings – were so “dark” in their appearance, words and behavior. It was only after I came to understand the roles of the Left Hand and Right Hand that it started making sense…
…It is the job of the Left Hand (Luciferianism/Satanism) to make the Right Hand (“Yahweh”) look good.

So in the case of organized Luciferians, Satanists, and the lot, you have another controlled opposition front of the Occulted Powers. Just like in politics, these spiritual movements are led by sellouts and dupes who direct those trying to escape the mainstream spiritual prison onto a path that leads nowhere. To escape their trap, simply avoid being led by others and realize that questioning religious dogma doesn’t mean you are moving towards the dark side. You can question the phony god while still remaining a caring and loving person.

There is nothing more beautiful than casting off the chains of fear and walking into the unknown to seek the Truth about your relationship to God. And all ideas you encounter, both those which are socially accepted and taboo, can help you in your search. If you set aside the associational programming that has been attached to certain ideas and simply let them reflect off your spiritual core, the perceptions that bounce back at you will lead you in the right direction. Let your own spiritual compass guide you, not some abstract “ism” or mythology others are trying to sell you.

Thus sayeth the Ken wink… with love…

Dismantling the Channelers: Part 2 – Sheldan Nidle

[When I reposted an old entry called Dismantling the Channelers, it got a lot of attention from new readers. So I’ll go ahead and repost the second entry in the series, which I originally published on July 9, 2013]

Dratzo! Ken returns. And I, your loving brother, have come to take you on a magical journey 17 years into the past. So let’s jump in the Hot Tub Time Machine…
…and go back to 1996, a year when Bill Clinton was President, dinosaurs roamed the Earth (in cable reruns of Jurassic Park), and Sheldan Nidle was preparing us for the arrival of a massive alien fleet on December 17.

Let’s begin by looking at the messages he was conveying before the big date. In his November 22, 1996 update, he stated…

“…The first major activity to occur was the initial spotting of the ancient battle planet that many of you have called “Nibiru” during the period from November 10 till approximately November 15. Its first appearance was to signify that it had been moved into a position near the so-called Hale-Bopp Comet (in reality, a large spacecraft) to act as its guardian before its destined rendezvous with planet Earth in the Spring of 1997 (March 27 to May 5, 1997). After the ceremony of arrival of the 10,000 Ambassadors is completed at the new Ayers rock colony in Australia, the battle planet will remain in orbit behind the Hale-Bopp space craft until the new year occurs on July 26, 2002…”

The battle planet Nibiru, eh? Hey, didn’t I hear that it was arriving last year [2012]? Or was it this year [2013]? And the Hale-Bopp Comet was a large spacecraft? I seem to recall hearing people like Richard Hoagland saying the same thing about Comet Elenin back in 2011. Kerry Cassidy even held a pay-per-view conference about that comet. And the “galactics” planned to deliver 10,000 space ambassadors? I recently heard from Tolec that only three ambassadors were going to arrive this year, so what happened to the other 9,997? They must have been in Benghazi

The first and smaller photon belt is presently on course to encounter planet Earth on December 31, 1996. The second and much larger photon belt will collide with the first photon belt on January 1, 1997. These events will move the Earth’s population into full consciousness and also complete the planet’s graduation into its own full consciousness status. Evidence of this steady movement toward the planet’s full conscious status has been the progressive movement of the planet’s Schuman resonance cycle this year from around 9 to almost 11.2 Hertz. This phenomenon has been reinforced by the world-wide observation of the increasing brightness of the Earth’s skies, the glowing of the ocean bottoms, the unusual activity of the Aurora Borealis (or northern lights) and the rapid decreasing of the Earth’s magnetic field. The next progression of the Shuman cycle to a full conscious 13 will occur when the second belt engages planet Earth on the aforementioned date of 1 January 1997. This reality has been verified by Earth’s scientists, who as we speak are now in the midst of a project in Utah and in Argentina to measure these photon belts since they were first reported in the early part of 1987…”

So we encountered the photon belt back in 1996? I thought we just entered it on December 21 of last year [2012]. It’s interesting that I’ve also heard about the photon belt from “Christian Watchmen” such as Augusto Perez. And the Schumann Resonance (it’s funny that super-intelligent galactic beings couldn’t spell his name right) was increasing back then? I’ve been hearing talk of that from various sources in the past year. So which is it: did it change back in 1996 or is it changing now? As for the supposedly-varying Schumann Resonance and “the increasing brightness of the Earth’s skies, the glowing of the ocean bottoms, the unusual activity of the Aurora Borealis (or northern lights) and the rapid decreasing of the Earth’s magnetic field,” these things couldn’t have anything to do with chemtrails and HAARP, could they? Naw, it’s gotta be the photon belt and the space fairies

“…The purpose of this anchoring [of a “large Sirian Peace Angel”] was to complete the energies needed to prepare Earth’s new grid for its vitalization before the end of December or the ending of the galactic month of Mol. These grids are part of the entire process of preparing Earth for the divine intervention of the Galactic Federation of Light by a mass landing on or before the date of December 17, 1996…”

Anchoring energies for the Earth’s new grid… now where have I heard this before?

“Our present plan is to progressively increase the activity in your skies during the next few weeks as well as the boldness of your sightings with our fleet’s ships. The point of this activity is to prepare for first contact with Earth’s human population, and in so doing to end the vast cover-up that has existed on your planet since the late 1940s…”

Yep, I’ve heard this one too, and quite recently.

Since the Sheldan Nidle material is so rich with spiritual propaganda themes, examining it is very instructive, and it might take a number of entries to cover it all. Once I’m done examining his updates, I’ll write an entry on the strategy behind all this disinformation and the lessons we can learn from it.

[After I wrote this entry, events drew my attention to different subjects, so I never got around to pointing out the rest of his false predictions. I’d actually have to write an encyclopedia set to cover them all. I also never got around to busting the other channelers, but all of them have been recycling the same old predictions year after year. Channeled information comes from what I call “the Trickster Consciousness,” and I will write about that soon.]

With all my love…

Dismantling the Channelers: Part 1 – Here Comes the Boom

[This is a repost from July 5, 2013. Take special note of the channeled message about “Ascension.” I want spiritual people to see the Ascension idea for the recycled Kool-Aid it is before I start posting about real solutions to our world’s “elite infestation” problem.]

If you have been awake for a while, you’ve probably fallen into a lot of the same traps I have. Once you wake up, it feels like you are home free, but you soon discover that the land around the thought prison is littered with mines, snares, quicksand, and mantraps put in place by the prison warden. You find there is a massive maze that has been set up to slow you down, confuse you, break your will, and send you slinking back into your cell. This being so, those of us who have stumbled through those grounds owe it to those who come after us to set signposts along the way. That is the reason I’m writing this series.

“Stay on the path we have prepared for you…
…and you will soon encounter the promised changes.” – Ascended Master Hamstron

Before we begin, there are two ideas I’d like you to keep in mind…

“The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.”
– a popular paraphrase of a Nazi propaganda principle

“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
– a quote ascribed to Vladimir Lenin

…and here we go…

Let me start off by sharing a channeled message I found on page 66 (67 on the PDF) of one of the old Phoenix Journals. It is a 1994 channeling from “Sanaka”…

“I come to speak to you of the 12:12. There are those of you who participated in the 8:8 and the 11:11 and now there is the completion–the 12:12. That is coming on the 12th day of December, 1994. Yes, that is World Ascension Day, the time when all the 144,000 will ascend into the 4th dimension. And when those of you of this sacred number ascend then all of your brothers and sisters on this Earth will ascend as well

…As St. Germain spoke through this channel on the 4th of July, 1993 the key to transforming your economy would be the takeover of the Federal Reserve Banking System and the elimination of the IRS. This has occurred–those forces which control the Federal Reserve Bank have turned its assets over to your government. This action will eliminate your national debt. Soon there will be more announcements of the illegality of your 16th amendment and you, the people, will demand the dissolvement and it will be the end of the IRS. And that which has been taken away will be restored to you. The monetary sums which you have paid into your systems will be restored to you.

This will start the transition in your form of government–for this will lead eventually, with the 12:12 of 1994 and into the year of 1995, a transformation where you no longer will be in a system of federal government but in a system of community.”

Anyone who has been monitoring recent [2013] channeled information will find this talk of energetic portals and governmental & economic changes very familiar. This standardized script, which they ran back in 1994 (and probably many years before and since), is the same one they ran last year [2012]. And didn’t we just hear echoes of that second paragraph in the last few days?

One of the things I found odd about the script when I was following it last year [2012] was the focus on “portal dates.” It seemed peculiar that universal energetic changes planned for millennia would be scheduled to coincide with repeating numerical dates (8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11, 12/12) on the Gregorian Calendar (which has only been around since the year 1582). And when such dates passed and nothing really happened, they would release messages to screw with peoples’ heads and undermine their confidence in their own perceptions, like this one from Ron Head

“Today we are happy to point out to you the build-up of the ten-ten portal energy.  Those who are sensitive will already know this.  Still, many insist that nothing is happening.  It is amazing to us that so many are still in denial when there is so much happening about them to confirm what we are telling you.  Yet we understand that, for those who are locked in old reasoning, it will continue to be so for long times to come.”

So, one is “in denial” if she has the courage to open her eyes and notice that these perennially recycled prognostications have failed to materialize? One is “locked in old reasoning” if he won’t hold his nose and take a bite of the fluffy, cotton candy-covered BS the channelers try to feed him? Sorry, fellas, but you don’t have to be a sucker to be on a spiritual path.

After finally escaping the mind control systems of the old religions, my awakening brothers and sisters continue to be caught in a drip pan of interlaced deceptions put in place by the same chefs who cooked up the religions in the first place. And in the new religion, the channelers are the prophets, those who unquestioningly post and promote the channelings are the priests, and those who get swept up in the empty feel-good messages are the parishioners. It’s time for this system of deception to be dismantled.

Towards that end, I will use this series to dissect the active channelers one-at-a-time, and even though he claims to receive his messages by technological means, I think Sheldan Nidle is the perfect one to start with. Stay tuned.

With love…

Should one be loyal to God or to religion? – The Five Pats

“It’s all bollocks — all of it”…

Tomorrow is Christmas, so it is a good time for us to pause and ponder humanity’s belief in the Anunnaki/Elohim-worshipping Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc.) and their controlled opposition, Satanism. Whether these ET/ED “gods” are real or mythological, and whether they dress up as angels or demons, are they the ones we should look to as God? Should we blindly cling to their religious programming out of fear of them hurting or killing us?

In light of these questions I offer the most popular spiritual entry from my first two blogs…

At a certain point in my past, I realized that when I came out of the birth canal as a newborn, there was no “holy” book hung around my neck. What God gave me instead was a heart, a mind, two eyes and two ears. The book was given to me later by men. Pondering this, I decided that I would no longer allow the abstract ideas of men to overshadow the heart and mind given me by Source, nor would I allow them to convince me to close my God-given eyes and ears.

Having been brought up in the Christian paradigm, it took till my early adulthood for my fear of hell to be overcome by the disquiet in my soul. Even as a child, I remember being troubled by many of the ideas about God and me that were conveyed in the “holy” book. So once my mind finally wriggled free, I began to explore all the existing religions looking for something better.

As I pondered each faith, I found many ideas that resonated with my soul, and many others that did not. Each established religion was, in my view, a mixed bag of truth and misconception. Some of those mixed bags were nicer than others, but none of them set my soul on fire.

During this exploration, one thing that struck me as odd was the fact that the believers of each religion thought theirs was the “only true faith.” I knew that, at best, only one group could be right about that, but how could someone know if he or she was in the right one? Most people practice their religion because it was the one they were raised in, so they accept it without question and are afraid to look outside of it. But what if the full truth of God lies outside of the particular religion you are stuck in? Where should your loyalties be, to God or to the religion?

While you ponder this question, consider The Five Pats….

Imagine, for a moment, that your name is “Pat.” And imagine that instead of just one of you being born, you are one of five quintuplets. Also imagine that the five of you were separated at birth and raised in different countries….

The first Pat was raised in the USA.

The second Pat was raised in Saudi Arabia.

The third Pat was raised in Thailand.

The fourth Pat was raised in India.

The fifth Pat was raised in Russia.

Now imagine that you, the American Pat, grew to have an interest in God and a desire to be a good person, so you sought out God in the world around you. Because you were raised in the USA, everyone you consulted about God told you to go to church. “If you want to be with God,” they explained, “you need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” Accepting these views from the authority figures and peers around you, you went to church and became a devoted Christian.

The second you, the Saudi Arabian Pat, also grew to have an interest in God and a desire to be a good person, so you sought out God in the world around you. Because you were raised in the Middle East, everyone you consulted about God told you to go to mosque. “If you want to be with Allah,” they explained, “you need to follow the writings of Muhammad, Allah’s True Prophet.” Accepting these views from the authority figures and peers around you, you went to mosque and became a devoted Muslim.

The third you, the Thai Pat, also grew to have an interest in God and a desire to be a good person, so you sought out God in the world around you. Because you were raised in the Far East, everyone you consulted about God told you to go to temple. “If you want spiritual enlightenment,” they explained, “you need to study the teachings of the Buddha.” Accepting these views from the authority figures and peers around you, you went to temple and became a devoted Buddhist.

The fourth you, the Indian Pat, also grew to have an interest in God and a desire to be a good person, so you sought out God in the world around you. Because you were raised in South Asia, everyone you consulted about God told you to go bathe in the sacred water of the Ganges. “If you want a spiritual life,” they explained, “you need to follow the teachings of the Vedas.” Accepting these views from the authority figures and peers around you, you went to the Ganges and became a devoted Hindu.

The fifth you, the Russian Pat, also grew to have an interest in God and a desire to be a good person, so you sought out God in the world around you. Because you were raised in Russia, everyone you consulted about God told you to not believe in such superstitious nonsense. “Religion is just a collection of fairy tales,” they explained, “and it is the opiate of the masses.” Accepting these views from the authority figures and peers around you, you rejected the idea of God and became a steadfast Atheist.

So in each place you grew up, the people around you had a unique set of ideas about God, and each you grew to accept the ideas you were raised with. But which Pat has the right ideas? Which Pat are you?

Now imagine that the five Pats have a reunion, and you all meet around a table. When the subject swings around to God, conflict erupts. Each Pat is utterly convinced that the others are embracing false faiths, so you begin to deconstruct each other’s religions, idea by idea. One by one, you disprove each idea that is scientifically false or spiritually questionable. The debate rages for days. Eventually, as you dispatch each myth and absurdity of your differing faiths, you come to see that they are all wrong. And in losing your religions, you find God.

It seems to me that God gave each of us eyes to see, a mind to think, and a heart to feel, and “he” gave us those things so we might use them. He did not give us those gifts so we would cover our eyes to the truth, close our minds to new ideas, and ignore our feelings about what we find. This being so, I feel glad that after all the time I wasted, I finally used the gifts he gave me.

When I finally decided to abandon the established religions and find the Truth for myself, I opened my eyes, mind and heart as wide as I could, and I prayerfully asked God to guide my steps. He did. And as I’ve walked the path he prepared for me, I’ve seen beauty like I never imagined, encountered ideas that boggled my mind, and felt love that has brought me to tears. Having seen all these wondrous things, I’m happy that I finally set down my fear, sought the Truth, and opened my mind to what God wanted to show me. This is what I’ve found so far.

My love to you, fellow explorer…