Monthly Archives: November 2020

An Introduction to What’s Really Going On

Beyond the false paradigm presented to the sleeping public through the mainstream media, academia, and religion — and beyond the new false paradigm presented to the awakening public through the controlled alternative media — there is the truth of what’s really going on in our world. This blog is dedicated to exposing that truth for all to see.

What follows are four articles that will bring you up to speed on the basics. They are…

  1. THE RED PILL: A Short Overview of the True Globalist Agenda
  2. Understanding the NWO Strategy
  3. The NWO Schedule of Implementation 2019
  4. The Compendium

But before you read them, it seems appropriate to remind you of a warning from The Matrix movie…

“You take the blue pill [by leaving this website now] — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill — you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

All I’m offering is the truth, nothing more.”

You may find what follows unsettling, but it will also confirm many of the thoughts you’ve had yourself. And ultimately, facing reality frees one from fear.

THE RED PILL: A Short Overview of the True Globalist Agenda

If this is your first time visiting, there’s a very good chance that everything you think you know about the “globalists” and the “New World Order (NWO)” is wrong. This is because the globalists are using their massive alt-media disinformation network to sell you a “good versus evil” fairy tale. According to their fable’s script, the “evil Western unilateral / unipolar NWO” is trying to take over the world and plunge us into an Orwellian dark age…

…from Infowars

And the “good guys,” Vladimir Putin and the BRICS nations, are standing against the evil and working to build a “benevolent multilateral / multipolar NWO” that “will usher in a new Golden Age / Renaissance for all mankind”…

…from LaRouchePAC

Faced with these two manufactured choices, the globalists expect you to resist the “evil West” and embrace the “benevolent East,” thus embracing the New World Order they’ve been planning all along. So in this entry, I will inoculate you against their fairy tale programming by showing you what they’re doing in the economic, political and religious realms to build their REAL New World Order. I’ll also show you their ultimate goal, which goes far beyond the NWO.

The True Globalist Economic Agenda

The globalists’ post-World War 2 plan for implementing a global government began to crystallize in 1956 under the Rockefeller-funded Special Studies Project. The Project was organized by Nelson Rockefeller, who recruited Henry Kissinger as its director and numerous globalist luminaries of the day, including John D. Rockefeller III and Laurance Rockefeller, as its participants. Five years later, the Project published the public version of its results in a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports – a book which extols the importance of America “helping to shape a new world order”…

…from page 35

On page 173, the book lays out an “essential component” of the economic approach to the NWO: opening America’s markets to aid the economic development of foreign nations…

And on page 75, it hints at the intended recipients of this policy, Communist China…

Since it would be impossible to build a global New World Order without the world’s most populous nation, the globalists decided to use America’s markets, jobs and wealth as bait for luring the insular Chinese into the fold. And in return for joining the New World Order, China’s communist officials were offered the prestige and power of being the world’s new economic leaders. This strategy was publicly admitted by globalist super-minion George Soros in a 2009 video interview with FT…

…from YouTube

Starting at the 9:26 mark of the video and continuing on into the second part, Soros says the following…

“I think this would be the time, because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order – financial world order. They are kind of reluctant members of the IMF. They play along, but they don’t make much of a contribution because it’s not their institution. Their share is not commeasurate – their voting rights are not commeasurate – to their weight. So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order, and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies.”

So as you look at America today – a nation sapped of its well-paying jobs and economic vitality – you now know how it started: with the Rockefellers and Henry Kissinger deciding to hand America’s economic position to China. That’s why Kissinger made his secret trip to “open up” China in 1971…

…and why David Rockefeller Sr. followed him in in 1973…

This article is under construction; there’s more to come. Until it’s done, though, here are some entries you will find very illuminating (the one in bold is a must-read)…

  1. To understand more about the Special Studies Project and its plan for the currently-developing New World Order, read The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words…
  2. To see the East versus West conflict as the sham it is, read Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.
  3. To understand the religious aspect of the globalist plan (and Vladimir Putin’s upcoming role as “savior” and head of the NWO), read “End Times” Programming.
  4. To see the “Deep State” as the propaganda ploy it is, read Alex Jones, the Kabbalist banksters, and the “Deep State” con.


In this section, I’ll offer an overview of the New World Order’s true nature and the globalist strategy in building it and presenting it to the public.

The Two NWOs

The key to understanding the globalists’ strategy in implementing the New World Order is to understand that there are actually two NWOs: a Western-fronted decoy New World Order and a BRICS-fronted real New World Order. Once you understand how and why the globalists created them and played them against each other, all of the confusing information floating about the mainstream and alternative media will start making sense.

1) The Western-fronted DECOY NWO

This evil, menacing NWO is supposedly being constructed by the US and the EU, but it has never really existed as anything but a media construct. It is much like the fake army of inflatable tanks that Patton “commanded” prior to the Normandy invasion; there is no real substance to it. It was created as a propaganda prop to serve as the “dark side” in the play the globalists are putting on for the public. They even gave it a dark-skinned figurehead for dramatic flair…

When you listen to the many faux-truthers in the alternative press, it is this decoy NWO to which they point as they make their fearful predictions in order to create an emotional reaction within their viewers/readers/listeners. They portray it as an evil Zionist/Nazi/Neocon monster that is destroying the world and bringing humanity to the brink of World War 3. This is being done so the public will welcome the real NWO when it makes its move, defeats the decoy, and snatches peace from the jaws of war.

Another function of the Western decoy is to serve as the scapegoat for all the damage that was done while the globalists were erecting the real NWO. By blaming the Western NWO for all the evils we’ve seen for the past 100+ years – and then getting rid of it — they are hoping the real NWO will start with a clean slate in the public eye.

You will know you’re listening to a controlled-opposition / faux-truther figure talk about the decoy NWO when he or she uses words with the prefix “uni-“…

…such as “unilateral”…


…and “unipower”…

Of course, you’ll know they’re talking about the decoy also when they use the terms “Western elite,” “Nazis,” “Zionists,” and “Neocons” when identifying its builders.

2) The BRICS-fronted REAL NWO

The emerging United Nations-based, BRICS-fronted New World Order is the REAL NWO the globalists have been working towards since the last vestiges of the Old World Order fell after World War 2…
…(from The Moscow Times)

This BRICS-fronted New World Order is nothing more than the old United Nations Complex with a phony “under new management” sign hanging in front. You will know that a commentator is talking about this REAL NWO when he or she uses words with the prefix “multi-“…

…such as “multilateral”…
…(from The Atlantic)

…and “multipolar”…
…(from RT)

This being said, you don’t have to take my word for all this. Look for yourself. Just visit the websites of the IMF and the BIS and enter the following words, one-at-a-time, into their search boxes: “multilateral,” “multipolar,” “unilateral,” and “unipolar.” If you do this and scan through the results you get, you’ll see scores of internal speeches and papers talking about moving towards a multilateral/multipolar world and away from a unilateral/unipolar world. You’ll find virtually nothing on their sites that talks about moving towards a global order ruled by a hegemonic US. That was never the globalists’ real plan.

To learn more about who the globalists really are and what the Old World Order, Interim World Order, and New World Order are, continue reading…

An Overview of the Occulted Powers

Lurking behind the “Democratic Facade” (the so-called “democratic” governments that the public sees as the guiding hands in our world), are the Occulted Powers (OPs). The OPs are a criminal conglomerate of the local royal families throughout the world who are intermarried and/or interoperating with the global network of Jewish bankster families. Under this worldwide royal/Jew “elite,” there are a variety of secret societies (such as the Freemasons) and criminal gangs (such as the Triads) who recruit useful “commoners” into their conspiracy and run societies at the street level.

As with any large gang of criminals, there is some degree of competition amongst the families as they compete for power, position and wealth within the syndicate, but they are all united in furthering their collective control and exploitation of the human race. They are the ones who have been pushing for ever more centralized control of humanity; they are the “globalists.”

An interesting thing about these OPs is that they have their own system of spirituality, which can most accurately be called “the Mystery School.” Whether the gang leaders at the very top actually believe in the spiritual mumbo jumbo of the Mystery School, though, is unclear. There may be some sort of “spiritual” force feeding them their religion, or they may have simply made it up as a control mechanism for their underlings. Whether it’s real or made up, though, it plays a central role in everything they do.

With this in mind, have a look at the Masonic art outside of the New Carrollton Federal Building in Lanham, Maryland…
…This sculpture depicts the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path of the OPs’ occultic spirituality. As you can see, the Left Hand (which sits on a black base) is pointing over to the open Right Hand (which sits upon a white base). This reflects the OPs’ practice of using the Left Hand (the “dark side,” which brings about destruction and chaos) to scare people into the open, welcoming Right Hand (the “light side,” which brings about construction and order).

If you look upon the world situation now, you can see that the Anglo-American branch of the OPs are acting as the Left Hand (bringing terror, war, and theft that is destroying the existing world order and scaring humanity towards something new), and the BRICS branch of the OPs are acting as the Right Hand (“opposing” the actions of the Anglo-American axis and welcoming humanity into a “peaceful, fair” new world order that they are constructing). Once you understand this basic idea of how the Two Hands work together to control the world, everything you see around you starts making sense.

The Old World Order, the Interim World Order, and the New World Order

In attempting to understand the New World Order (NWO), many people become confused due to the intentionally misleading definition of the NWO offered by mainstream and alternative propaganda news sources. Before I go into why the news sources are doing this, though, let’s learn the proper definition of the NWO straight from the globalists themselves.

In 1961, the globalists published a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports. It was the (public-version) final report of a Rockefeller-funded study called the Special Studies Project, and it gives a sanitized, sugar-coated overview of the post-World War II plan to transition from the Old World Order to the New World Order.

The book offers this definition of the Old World Order

So the 13 empires that ruled the world before they were brought down by the twin towers (World War I and World War II) were the Old World Order. And after their collapse, the world entered the period of chaos that precedes the arrival of the New World Order. This time of chaos has been governed by what I’ll call the Interim World Order, which is the current Bretton Woods system in which the US has played a central role due to its post-World War II military power, economic strength, and control of the global reserve currency. It is important to note that the Interim World Order is NOT the New World Order; it was designed to last for a finite period of time (long enough to expend America’s power and wealth to construct the NWO).

Prospect for America also offers the true definition of the New World Order
…which is a system of regional institutions operating under the supervision of an “international body of growing authority.” I’m sure you can imagine which body that is…

It is important to note that a United Nations-based New World Order is one that cannot be dominated by the US. The US is only 1 vote amongst 193 in the General Assembly and only 1 vote amongst 15 in the Security Council. Any perception of US leadership of the UN has arisen from America’s post-World War II power and prestige and the temporary role of the US dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency. That prestige is now gone, and the post-WWII power will be largely gone once the dollar is replaced by a renamed SDR as the world’s primary reserve currency. For the UN Complex to rise as the central power, the superpowerful US that emerged from WWII had to be taken down, and Prospect for America was the blueprint for its downfall.

Getting back to the misleading definition of the NWO offered by globalist propaganda sources, they attempt to paint the NWO as an effort by the US (and their UK partners in crime) to erect a “unipolar” empire to control the world. This supposed attempt to build a US/UK-centric “Unipolar New World Order” has never existed. As Prospect for America states…

The supposed US-led “Unipolar New World Order” has never been anything but a golem dreamed up by the globalist propaganda masters to distract people’s attention away from the real NWO. While people are being programmed to look West for a scary monster that is closing in on them, the actual NWO is sneaking in from the East looking like a heroic knight in shining armor. And once it is publicly unveiled, the NWO will look like heaven… at first.

So when you see things in the news like this

>>> Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that his country would never accept a unipolar world.

Noting that there was one “undisputed” unipolar leadership trying to control the current world and force others to obey, Putin said Russia would never accept such attempts. <<<

…realize it’s just the “knights in shining armor” doing their preparatory public relations work. All of the BRICS leaders are under firm OP control, as is evidenced by Putin’s open display of the symbols of Russia’s Romanov “royals”…
…and Chinese President Xi’s association with his Illuminati handler/promoter, Robert Lawrence Kuhn

The NWO Strategy in Pictures


For people to embrace the New World Order, they have to see it as the SOLUTION to their problems, not the SOURCE of their problems. And in order to get folks to see it that way, the globalists are having their Western minions create all kinds of mischief so their Eastern minions can step in and save everyone. So in…

Step 1: The globalists have released the Western hounds on everyone, and they are mauling us with theft, oppression and war.

Step 2: They’ve had their faux-truther / controlled-opposition press screaming to everyone that the hounds are coming after us so we’ll get scared and look for safety.

Step 3: They are having their BRICS minions step up and save us from the hounds. Welcome, saviors!

And with that, we end up in the NWO. It’s not so hard to understand, is it?

Don’t Get Swept Away by the Coming “Truth Tsunami”

Let’s begin this section by reminding ourselves what a “limited hangout” is…

“spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”

When you think about it, the whole engineered truth movement has been a limited hangout operation. There have been “insiders” and “whistleblowers” (disinfo agents) coming out from under every rock to tell us a mixture of truth and falsehood, and the gist of their message is…

“The evil West is out to get us, and Putin and the BRICS are the only ones who can stop them.”

So the objective of the limited hangout operation known as the “Truth Movement” is to publicize facts that make the West look bad and the East look good. And in doing this, they are distracting people from “the key and damaging” fact that the BRICS are the ones actually bringing in the NWO.

But you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The rising floodwaters of limited hangout truth will give way to a full-on tsunami next year. You will see all sorts of radical truth-telling, including stunning information about Obama’s background and what really happened on 9/11. When you see the mainstream media parroting all the explanations the globalists have been beta testing in the alternative media rabbit hole, you’ll know we’ve reached the climax point.

Here is something I wrote about their plans back in 2013…

>>> Let’s begin with the Cliff’s Notes version of the basic three-step process I see them trying to implement:

Create a PROBLEM – Through social engineering and the power of mass media, they have created dissatisfaction and dissociation with our old social forms and norms, including the traditional religions, in order to make us amenable to a new order of things. They’ve also sicced their dark dogs on us, who’ve been enthusiastically preparing a vast global police state grid, an economic and military conflagration, and a mass culling of the population.

Generate a REACTION – Through the engineered truth movement, they have advertised the actions of their dark minions in order to create fear in the population as well as a strong desire for some escape from what they have planned [here is a prime example]. They’ve also been disseminating vastly more accurate spiritual information through false-light channelings and New Age gurus for those weary of the old religions, but have blended in some misleading ideas that will be useful to them later.

Offer a SOLUTION – They’ll allow their minions to go to the brink (or a bit past the brink) of unleashing their planned horrors upon the world so people will desperately grasp for any solution. The solution will then be offered by the BRICS nations in the form of a new precious metals-backed financial system and by a BRICS-allied “alien” power who will come onto the scene to stop the wars and address urgent needs. With a timely arrival to save the day, they are expecting the relieved public to warmly embrace their version of a “love and light” New World Order of (apparent) freedom, as well as the “aliens” and their “god,” who will pose as Prime Creator/Source (but he/she/it IS NOT).

With the overview in place, let’s now delve into some of the juicy details of offering the solution

The dark minions and Homeland Security types who have been preparing the Great Culling and the global police state genuinely believe they’ll get to slaughter lots of people, and they are orgasmically licking their chops in anticipation. They kinda remind me of the character “Psycho” from the movie Stripes…

…“All I know is I finally get to kill somebody”…

Naturally, it is essential to the overall plan that actors on the lower levels of the power/awareness pyramid sincerely believe their roles and make concrete preparations for the Culling. The threat they pose would be unconvincing otherwise. Unfortunately for the planners, though, the general population is so distracted and drugged-out from other Cabal activities that they’re having a hard time generating the desired awareness and fear. Unintended consequences are a bi*ch, aren’t they? Nonetheless, when the economy suddenly grinds to a halt, war actions have begun, and thugs in armored cars can be seen on the streets, that should provide enough of a wake-up slap to get the attention of the public.

Once a crescendo of awareness and fear has been reached, that’s when the surprise will come. As if out of nowhere, military and economic forces will jump into action to bring a dead stop to the unfolding nightmare. Posing as a benevolent alliance, they will commandeer all media to broadcast in-depth exposes of all that has been going on behind the scenes in our world. The public will be both shocked and jubilant to finally hear the truth, and it will wash over them like a tsunami. Unfortunately, this limited hangout truth tsunami is intended to carry them away towards an acceptance of the real New World Order. <<<

Speaking of the “love and light” NWO, here is a preview of what to expect: The Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven… at first.

So enjoy the big show, but don’t forget that’s what it is.

Knowing the Heroes and the Goats

Here is something important to know about the real New World Order…

The real BRICS-fronted NWO the globalists are bringing into being will be based on Austrian economics, not Communism. And it will in the beginning appear to be libertarian and respectful of national sovereignty.

As I point out throughout this blog, the globalists have divided their minions into two teams: the Black Hats and the White Hats. And they’re having their controlled alt-media paint the Black Hats as people who are trying to build an evil “Western” NWO. At the same time, they are portraying the White Hats as people who are trying to stop the evil and build a benevolent BRICS-fronted NWO instead. Needless to say, the White Hat “heroes” are scripted to win this conflict, and their victory will bring in the real New World Order the globalists have been planning all along.

That being said, here is a list of Black Hat people and things that will be defeated (on the left) and White Hat people and things that will triumph (on the right)…

Keep in mind that the people and things on both sides of this list work for the same bosses. They’re simply assigned to play opposing roles on the public stage.

Armed with this list, you can look at any alt-media site and know if it’s controlled or honest by simply noticing two things:

1) If it portrays the conflict between the “evil” West and “benevolent” East as real (instead of what it really is: a fake stage play put on for public consumption)


2) if it bashes the people and things in the left column while promoting the people and things in the right column

…the site is either globalist-aligned or run by someone who has fallen for their propaganda.


“Rejoice, for the revelation of the Messiah is at hand!”…

…This is an APNews photo of the “Christlike” Vladimir Putin, who is scripted by the globalists to play the roles of the Jewish/Christian Messiah, the Head of the NWO / Revived Roman Empire, and the “Final Antichrist.” This page will show you why I say that, so let’s begin…

The globalist advance towards the New World Order (NWO) is analogous to an American football team’s advance towards a touchdown:

  • they can slowly and incrementally drive towards their goal using their running game (small, dull, publicly-unnoticed institutional changes that accumulate over time), or
  • they can quickly leap towards their goal using their passing game (staging big crises like 9/11 that demand large, sudden “solutions”).

The purpose of this NWO Schedule of Implementation page is to anticipate, expose, and hopefully prevent their passing plays. By forcing them to grind slowly towards their goals with their ground game, time is bought to allow people to wake up to their agenda and begin to counteract it.

That being said, let’s start examining the goal they’re driving towards and the pass plays they’re setting up to get there quickly…

Their Political Goals


In order to overcome the UN’s jaded reputation and get people to accept its leadership, they will take it through a “reform” process to rebrand it and give it an image makeover. These reforms will make it appear that “Western domination and corruption” of the institution has been put to an end, and they will include three very important elements…

  1. The UN Security Council will be reformed to include more permanent members.
  2. Unilateral Security Council vetoes will be eliminated.
  3. The size and powers of the UN’s military, police, and colonization (“peacebuilding”) forces will be significantly increased.

Now let’s look a little closer at these three elements…

1) The UN Security Council will be reformed to include more permanent members.

In their reform of the United Nations, the globalists want to make it appear that it is no longer a “tool of the West,” and adding new permanent members to the Security Council will allow them to “bring the East’s representation into parity with the West’s.” The reform could go one of two ways: 1) they could blow up the existing permanent membership structure and expand the number of permanent members to 10 (one for each UN Development Region), or 2) they could expand the existing structure to include two new members, India and Germany. Here’s why they will most likely do the latter:

Currently, there are five permanent members, and “the West has a numerical advantage”…

Western Permanent Members: 3 (US, France, UK)
Eastern Permanent Members: 2 (China, Russia)

By adding India, they would numerically balance West and East, and by adding Germany, they would provide a neutral, tie-breaking vote…

Western Permanent Members: 3 (US, France, UK)
Eastern Permanent Members: 3 (China, Russia, India)
Neutral Members: 1 (Germany, “the bridge between East and West”)

But there is another reason the globalists might want “7 heads” on the Security Council, and it is related to their NWO religious agenda. We’ll explore that a little further down this page.

Now let’s move on to the second element of the UN “reform”…

2) Unilateral Security Council vetoes will be eliminated.

The elimination of unilateral veto power will be sold as being necessary to allow the UN to effectively address divisive conflicts, but its real purpose will be to ensure that no nation can insulate itself from UN action by casting a veto. All nations will be equally helpless against the multilateral UN mob and the globalists who pull their strings from behind the scenes.

The globalists will accomplish this by either doing away with permanent member vetoes entirely or requiring four permanent members (within the new 7 permanent member structure) to join together to veto a measure. By requiring four votes for a veto, neither the East nor West could block a measure on their own; they would need help from the neutral member or the other side.

Of course, the globalists’ tried-and-true method for spurring such a change is to deliberately create a problem, then offer their plans as a solution. So applying this standard method to eliminate unilateral vetoes is as easy as ONE-TWO-THREE…

ONE – Stage wars the UN can’t prevent due to the existence of unilateral veto powers. The long war in Syria is a perfect example of this. Note the competing resolutions on Syria that were circulated in the Security Council in October of 2016; neither had a chance because both sides had vetoes…

…from the UN website

And if you look at other conflicts the globalists have stirred up…

  • the UN cannot resolve the simmering conflict in the South China Sea because of China’s unilateral veto,
  • the UN cannot resolve the North Korean “nuclear crisis” because of China and Russia’s vetoes,
  • the UN cannot resolve the Ukraine-Russia war over the Crimea because of Russia’s unilateral veto, and
  • the UN cannot restrain the hyper-aggressive warmaking and regime-changing of the United States because of America’s unilateral veto.

TWO – Ensure that all of the nations that possess unilateral veto power get a serious bloody nose from the unprevented conflicts. The harm they’ll suffer and the horrors they’ll witness will provide the motivation to surrender their veto powers “so it will never happen again.”

THREE – Present the pre-planned new veto rules to the General Assembly for adoption. After all, “unilateral vetoes have no place in a multilateral body, do they?”

Finally, let’s look at the last element of the UN “reform”…

3) The size and powers of the UN’s military, police, and colonization (“peacebuilding”) forces will be significantly increased.

The globalists will promote this strengthening of the UN as insurance that “no unilateral power will ever again threaten world peace,” but the actual reason is to ensure that the global government reigns supreme. Once the UN-centered New World Order is put in place, the globalists have scripted a honeymoon period during which things will look much better than they do now. But once we hit the 3.5 year mark, Putin and the UN will start doing some ominous things with the upgraded powers the UN will then possess. Nations that don’t toe the UN line will first be subjected to multilateral sanctions. And if they still refuse to correct their behavior, the UN’s military will roll in, followed by UN police and “peacebuilders.”

It should come as no surprise, then, that less than a month after Boris Yeltsin handed the Russian Presidency over to Vladimir Putin, the future NWO leader Putin was hosting the UN Secretary-General and talking about strengthening the “authority and influence of the UN”…


A few months later, Putin attended the UN Millennium Summit and started getting specific about increasing the UN’s power…

…from The People’s Daily. Here is an excerpt…

“During the meeting, they discussed conflict resolution, rapid reaction capability for peacekeepers, post-conflict reconstruction and the U.N. reform.

Putin expressed interest in reviving the U.N. Military Staff Committee which coordinates military activity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in support of international peace and security, but which has never been effective.”

Now if we look into the UN Military Staff Committee, we see this…

“The Military Staff Committee (MSC) is the United Nations Security Council subsidiary body whose role, as defined by the United Nations Charter, is to plan UN military operations and assist in the regulation of armaments.

The greatest purpose of the MSC, arising from Article 45 of the UN Charter, was intended to be providing command staff for a set of air-force contingents. These contingents, provided by the Permanent 5 members (P5) of the Security Council (the People’s Republic of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to be held at ready for the discretionary use of the United Nations.” – From Wikipedia

Clearly, Putin wants the “reformed” UN he’ll lead to have military teeth. But his and his globalist handlers’ plans go beyond mere military power, as is shown by this Russian statement at the UN

…Here are some key passages [with my comments added in brackets]…

>>> Russia places a high emphasis on the role that peacekeeping [UN intervention in the internal affairs of nation-states] plays in maintaining international peace and security…

we attach great importance to the establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission, which operates at a cross-juncture of the activities of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council as well as international financial institutions… [the UN “Peacebuilding” Commission is designed to move in after the UN military rolls into an area and alter the political and economic order of the invaded area to suit the globalists; it is essentially a colonizing force]

The importance of the UN civil police is increasing. We follow with great interest the implementation of the Summit’s decision to establish a Standing police capacity

It is fundamentally important that all these activities be carried out in accordance with… rational division of labour with the regional organizations. In this connection I would like to stress our conviction that relevant capacities of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Organisation of the Collective Security Treaty and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation might be in high demand. [in other words, they want the UN to use peacekeepers that the Russians and Chinese have trained] I note with satisfaction, that our efforts in strengthening the UN peacekeeping capacity are bearing fruits

The Peacekeepers’ Training Centre of the Advanced Police Training Academy of the Russian Ministry of Interior organized between the 2nd and 30th of November, 2006 a course “The Civilian Policeman in the UN Missions” for thirty eight representatives of law enforcement institutions from ten African states.

In accordance with the decision of the Russian Government the Ministry of the Interior is planning on training up to 80 people a year till 2010. The next course of training African peacekeepers in Russia is scheduled for the period from March 1st to April 2nd of this year… [so Russia has been recruiting and training agents to embed in UN civil police forces that come from nations they don’t control]

In conclusion I would like to touch upon one more issue. We believe that the improvement of the thorough consideration of all military aspects of specific peacekeeping operations by the UN Security Council would promote greater efficiency of all aspects of UN peacekeeping. The Charter body – the Military Staff Committee (MSC) that is called upon to ensure an appropriate level of military expertise for the UN Security Council decisions, which have a military aspect, might provide a contribution to this. That is why the President of Russia V. Putin set forth the idea of the MSC’s revitalisation at the Millennium Summit. <<<

“Peacekeeping” is an Orwellian doublespeak word for “warmaking.” It involves the UN invasion of a nation-state in order to produce an internal outcome the UN desires. And according to the globalist / Putin plan for a stronger UN, it will involve…

  1. more effective application of UN military force, followed by
  2. UN civil police to weed out “troublemakers” and pacify the population, and
  3. UN “Peacebuilding” agents to remake the affected area’s political and economic structure in accordance with globalist guidelines.

With this 3-step colonization protocol set before us, it’s not hard to imagine where they’re going with it. During the first 3.5 years of the NWO, they might use it only in areas where there are humanitarian crises. This will allow them to practice and fine-tune their approach. But after the 3.5 year mark, they’ll start using the protocol in areas that contain…

  • large pockets of resistance to the UN (because “the UN is the source of world peace, so if you’re against the UN, you are a threat to world peace”), and
  • large pockets of religious “extremists” (those who cling to traditional religious ideas over the UN’s “It’s All Good” One World Religion).

In both cases, the globalists will use false-flag shootings and bombings to simulate conflict and justify UN intervention.

Now that we’ve covered the political aspect of the NWO agenda, let’s have a look at the financial / economic aspect…

Their Financial / Economic Goals


I first wrote about the Enhanced China Model back in November of 2015…

>>> From my current knowledge of what the globalists have planned, they seem to be aiming for an “Enhanced China Model” for the global economy. In China, the central government dictates the direction of the economy, but that direction is pursued with a capitalistic approach. And if the central planners don’t like something that’s going on in the capitalistic level, they step in and crush it. This is how I suspect the new globalist economy will operate.

At the UN level, the neo-Roman authorities will steer the direction of the economy (such as with the “Sustainable Development Agenda”), but they will allow the corporations to pursue that direction under an Austrian Economic Framework. That way, they’re in control (such as in a communist/socialist system), but things actually get done (such as in a capitalist system). <<<

So the socialist/communist economic takeover you’ve been programmed to fear is part of the decoy NWO. The real NWO will be based on Austrian Economics operating within UN-defined (globalist-defined) boundaries.

To learn more about who’s really behind the Austrian Economics fad, read these entries…

The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers

Like it or not, here is more on the Rockefeller connection to Austrian economics

Turning our attention to the IMF, the first steps towards its “reform” were taken in early 2016 when the 2010 quota reforms finally took effect. But the really big step will occur in the near future when China offers a portion of their gold reserves to help provide gold “backing” for the SDR. In return for their gold, China will receive a large special allocation of SDRs, and these new SDRs will dilute the US’s share of total SDRs to below the 15% level. This will eliminate America’s veto power in the IMF, which will unleash even more reforms. At the time this is done, we’ll also see a Chinaman replace Christine Lagarde as the Managing Director of the IMF.

As for the SDR, moves towards its reform and wider use were taken in 2016 when China’s renminbi was added to its currency basket and SDR-denominated bonds were sold by the World Bank and Standard Chartered Bank…

…from the The article is a short and informative read, so have a look at it.

It is the intention of the globalists to replace the US dollar as the primary reserve currency with the SDR and then promote the SDR’s use as a global consumer currency. To see their detailed plans for replacing the dollar with the SDR, read this speech given by Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of China’s central bank (and the currently designated replacement for Christine Lagarde at the IMF)…

…The speech was given during the depths of the 2007-2009 financial crisis and follows the standard globalist “let’s create a problem, then offer our solution” template. He begins by pointing to the problems posed by the (engineered) economic meltdown, then he goes on to explain how a new kind of global reserve currency would solve all those problems. Finally, he makes his recommendation…

“The scope of using the SDR should be broadened, so as to enable it to fully satisfy the [IMF] member countries’ demand for a reserve currency.”

And to see how the globalists will promote the SDR as the world’s consumer currency, have a look at this Economist article from 1988…

…Here is an excerpt…

>>> THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let’s say, the phoenix. The phoenix will be favoured by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today’s national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the last twentieth century…

…The phoenix would probably start as a cocktail of national currencies, just as the Special Drawing Right is today. In time, though, its value against national currencies would cease to matter, because people would choose it for its convenience and the stability of its purchasing power…

…The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments. There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF…

…Governments are far from ready to subordinate their domestic objectives to the goal of international stability. Several more big exchange-rate upsets, a few more stockmarket crashes and probably a slump or two will be needed before politicians are willing to face squarely up to that choice…

…Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes. <<<

To learn more about this, read Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.

With the political and financial/economic aspects of the NWO agenda now laid before us, let’s look at an aspect most serious people overlook: the religious aspect…

Their Religious Goals


Their prophecy fulfillment plan has three steps and two distinct phases.

The three steps are…

1) Propagandize the public to see the Western “elite” as Satanists and Western leaders like Barack Obama as antichrists.

2) Propagandize the public to see Vladimir Putin as a savior – the Jewish/Christian Messiah – then later propagandize them to see him as the “one true Antichrist.”

3) Propagandize the public to see the Kabbalist pod person who shows up to defeat Putin and the New World Order as the “one true Christ.”

As for the two distinct phases, they are…

1) Phase 1 (The Antichrist Phase) – In this phase, the “one true Antichrist” Putin attempts to take “Christ’s throne” through deception. To accomplish this, he has the West and its leaders play the roles of Satanists and antichrists so he can defeat them and appear to be the savior. And through his victory, he defeats the “evil” Western-version New World Order and erects the “good” BRICS-version New World Order. His NWO will appear to be the answer to all our problems until we get to Phase 2.

2) Phase 2 (The Christ Phase) – In this phase, Putin fulfills some Biblical prophecies that show him to be the “one, true, final Antichrist” and the NWO turns ugly. At this point, globalist alt-media figures like Alex Jones, Steve Quayle and Tom Horn will propagandize the public to see Putin as the Antichrist and his NWO as the “Beast system.”

Once people see Putin as the Antichrist and they’re super-scared, a new globalist figure (the Kabbalah Christ) will sweep in and defeat him and his New World Order. It is at this point that the globalists will achieve their ultimate goal: total ownership and control of the entire planet and its people in a post-democratic world governed by a figurehead god-king. They want to rule over us like gods.

Turning our attention to the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment script for the Muslims, an excellent overview is offered in this video from Sheikh Imran Hosein

…Here is how it starts out…

“Syria is not just another part of the world of Islam. From an Islamic eschatological perspective, Syria is at the heart – the very heart – of the end of history. There are three main actors at the end of history in Islamic eschatology:

The most important of them all is the return of Jesus, the son of Mary, the true messiah.

And then there is another figure in the end of history who seeks to impersonate the true messiah, and he is the false messiah. The Christians call him the Antichrist, and …Muhammad… called him Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.

And the third important figure in Islamic eschatology at the end of history is the Imam, or the Prince – in Christian theology he’s known as the Prince, or Imam al-Mahdi.

And these three main actors of the end of history are all going to be simultaneously present in Damascus. Imam al-Mahdi will already be there. Dajjal will come to attack him. And at that time when Dajjal is ready for the confrontation with the Imam, the Son of Mary returns.”

The Strategic Culture Foundation is a globalist disinformation front specializing in Step 2 propaganda, so they present news and commentary to make the West look evil and Putin look like a world-saving genius. And if we look at Hosein’s video, it’s not hard to identify which globalist actors are playing the eschatological characters he outlines…

     > Vladimir Putin, the son of Mary (Maria Shelomova), is cast as the “true messiah.”

     > Qasem Soleimani, the “Savior of Syria,” is cast as the “Imam al-Mahdi.” That’s why Hosein says the Mahdi “will already be there” in Damascus (Soleimani managed the war from there). To read more about him, see Updates 9 and 10 of Globalist Agenda Watch 2018.

     > Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who attacked the Mahdi in Syria, is cast as the “Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.” He was stopped when the “true messiah” (Putin) stepped in to aid the “Mahdi” (Soleimani).

It is important to note that since there are two phases to the “End Times” show, the Antichrist Phase (Phase 1, in which “Satan attempts to steal Christ’s throne”) and the Christ Phase (Phase 2, in which “the real Jesus shows up to stop Satan”), the globalists will artificially fulfill Biblical prophecy TWICE. And this means there are two actors cast for every role:

The role of the Christian “Antichrist” is played by…
Obama, Clinton, etc. in Phase 1, and by Vladimir Putin in Phase 2.

The role of the Muslim Antichrist character, the “Dajjal,” is played by…
Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Phase 1, and by Qasem Soleimani in Phase 2.

The role of the Christian/Muslim “Christ” is played by…
Vladimir Putin in Phase 1, and by “Testy Tubey” (an unknown GMO human) in Phase 2.

The role of the seven-headed, ten-horned “Beast out of the Sea” (the Revived Roman Empire) from Revelation is played by…
the G7 in Phase 1, and by the “reformed” UN/NWO in Phase 2.

The role of the “Beast out of the Earth” that aids the Beast out of the Sea from Revelation is played by…
the EU in Phase 1, and by one of Russia’s Eurasian treaty organizations in Phase 2 (I haven’t yet set my attention to positively identifying which particular one, but the CSTO and SCO are candidates, and I’m leaning towards the SCO).

The globalists are artificially fulfilling the prophecies twice so it will appear that the first fulfillment was a trick and the second is “real,” but both of them are fake. I know this with certainty because I’ve observed their propagandists laying the groundwork for both. There is absolutely nothing “supernatural” or “spiritual” about what’s coming; it’s all Hollywood magic combined with sequestered technology to give the appearance of something supernatural and spiritual.

For information on the prophecy fulfillment plan for the Chinese and the Indians, visit the Compendium page and read the section titled “Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan for the Indians and the Chinese, and the 5 Avatars.”

Now that you know the political, economic and religious goals the globalists are driving towards, it’s time to examine the pass plays they’ll attempt this year to get there quickly…

The 2019 Implementation Campaign

The globalists are close to unleashing a massive global crisis to artificially fulfill religious “End Times” prophecies and usher in the New World Order. In making their 2019 attempt to put it in motion, they’ll likely follow the same three-phase global crisis template they tried to implement in the past few years. The three phases are…

1) The Initial Conflict Phase in which the domestic and international situation builds towards a big crisis. This crisis is typically scheduled to start in March, April, or May, with March being the most likely month this year.

2) The “Darkness before the Dawn” Phase in which there is global political and economic disarray that demands a swift solution. This is typically scheduled for the interim period between the initial crisis and September.

3) The Final Conflict / “Dawn of a New Day” Phase in which a final climax and solution is reached for the global crisis. This is typically scheduled for September (to coincide with Jewish New Year).

It’s important to understand that this three-phased Big Event template has two possible paths and three possible variants. The two paths are…

1) The War Path, and
2) The Peace Path.

And the three variants are…

1) Trump is “killed” or removed, but Putin stays in place;
2) Both Trump and Putin are “killed” or removed; or
3) Both Trump and Putin stay in place.

Of these two paths and three variants, the most likely global crisis configuration this year is the Peace Path + both Trump and Putin stay in place. To read the details of how it might unfold this year and to monitor its progress (or lack thereof), read Globalist Agenda Watch 2019: What to watch for between now and the end of March, and look for new updates on the Home Page.

On a final note, it is of vital importance that you steel yourself against the globalists’ two aces in the hole: 1) their limited-hangout “Truth Tsunami” and 2) their technological ability to affect human mood through electromagnetic transmissions.

As I point out in Understanding the NWO Strategy, the “Truth Tsunami” will involve their release of vast amounts of secret information to the public. The intent of it is to overwhelm people with the sense that “all the secrets are finally coming out,” but the reality is that it’s a carefully tailored release of information meant to lead people’s thinking in desirable directions, including…

  • leading them to accept the “reality” of the scripted “evil Deep State” versus “good Deep State” / “Satanic forces” versus “God’s forces” drama the globalists are directing, and
  • leading them to accept the multilateral / multipolar New World Order as the solution to the problems which have beset us.

And as I point out in “End Times” Programming, the globalists possess the ability to affect human mood (and possibly create hallucinations and “voices”) through electromagnetic signals transmitted by the cell phone network and other sources. They will use this technology at the appropriate time(s) in the “End Times” script, such as during the arrival of the fake “ETs” and/or the arrival of “Jesus Christ,” to make people feel euphoric. This “feeling of something different in the air” will lead many to believe they’re experiencing something spiritual and real, but it’s merely the entrainment of their brainwaves to an EM carrier signal.

When the Truth Tsunami and the carrier signals hit you, it’s important that you remember this warning. Don’t be swept away to your destruction by simple parlor tricks; just enjoy the show and the free high. And remember that we have roughly seven years to stop the murder of at least a third of the world’s population in the scripted final war between “Satan” and “Jesus Christ.”


This Compendium is a gathering point for my previous writings on a variety of subjects, and it’s a continuous work in progress. It is here where I’ll collect my past writings, group them by subject, and eventually strip out obsolete references to dangerous dates and combine the writings into concise overviews on each subject. If you are a longtime reader who has gone through the entire blog, you’ll find nothing new here. But if you a new reader or you haven’t read everything from the past, you may find things of interest. These are the subjects currently covered:

  • The Israeli False-Flag Sinking of a US Aircraft Carrier in the Persian Gulf
  • The false-flag “Houthi” cruise missile attack
  • How and why the Chabad-Lubavitch cult is steering the Middle East towards war
  • Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan for the Indians and the Chinese, and the 5 Avatars
  • Qasem Soleimani, the Globalist-Chosen Imam Mahdi
  • Globalist Disinformation, the Higgins Memo, Michael Flynn and “Q-Anon”
  • The Fake EMP Threat, Bitcoin, and the Great Encryption Lie
  • The Globalists’ Prophecy Fulfillment Plan
  • The Three Endgames of the NWO Transition
  • A false-flag blamed on Iran & Khamenei’s complicity in the globalist prophecy deception
  • North Korean Anthrax
  • A preliminary “alien intervention” in a ballistic missile launch
  • A provocation scenario for a North Korean satellite launch
  • Putin and Trump, the Lubavitcher Messiahs
  • UFOs and Fake Aliens
  • North Korean Submarines and Nuclear 9/11
  • The Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path
  • The North Korean Oil Embargo and the New Pearl Harbor Attack
  • The Three Sandboxes of World War 3
  • Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria

The sections highlighted in red can be read below. The ones in black can be read by visiting the Compendium page.

SUBJECT: The Israeli False-Flag Sinking of a
US Aircraft Carrier in the Persian Gulf

(3 December 2018) – Here comes a rather obvious false-flag play…

…from Zero Hedge

The aircraft carrier will be arriving a mere matter of days after the Fifth Fleet Commander (who is in charge of the Middle East) was found dead in “an apparent suicide”…

…from The Navy Times

And I’ve heard rumors in the controlled alt-media that the commander was suicided over his resistance to a false-flag plan vis-a-vis Iran. So what we have here is a rather clumsy, obvious, and well-telegraphed setup for a “carrier down” false-flag. Tomorrow, I’ll look around and see if they’ve added anything hidden or interesting to the scenario. In the meantime, have a look at what I wrote about the “carrier down” scenario back in April…

(Special Note – 29 April 2018) – An Israeli naval false-flag warning for May & How the “evil Deep State” is scripted to save war from the jaws of peace

Will the start of World War III be attributed to an Iranian copy of a Russian rocket torpedo with a North Korean nuclear warhead…

Have a look at this Newsweek article from 3 days ago: IRAN THREATENS TO SINK U.S. WARSHIPS AS TRUMP CONSIDERS LEAVING NUCLEAR DEAL

Then have a look at this Newsweek article from last year: IRAN’S MILITARY FIRES ADVANCED TORPEDO BASED ON RUSSIA’S FASTEST IN THE WORLD

Given the Iranian naval chief’s threat to sink US ships, the door is now open for an Israeli false-flag attack on a US Navy ship, with the most likely method of attack being a Russian-made Shkval-E rocket torpedo fired from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. The blame can then be laid on the Iranian navy and their Hoot rocket torpedo, which is a copy of the Shkval. The attack would most likely be staged after May 12, when Trump may decide to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.

Since the Shkval is known to be a very noisy weapon that gives away the position of the sub that fires it, the Israeli sub would likely fire it from a shadowing position behind an Iranian sub. They would then fire a conventional torpedo to sink the sub they’re shadowing. That way, Israel can claim they “sank the Iranian sub that sank the American ship.”

What heroes! 

By the way, this is the likely target of the Shkval…

…from Google News (the Truman left port on April 11, which is another indicator of mischief)

The sinking of one or more American aircraft carriers during the war is a key part of the globalist script. The event is meant to mark the end of the era of American force projection around the world.

As to why their sub was in the Persian Gulf, the Israelis will have a built-in excuse…

…from Israel National News. Since Israel’s submarines are diesel-powered, the words “nuclear submarine” in the title imply a submarine with nuclear warheads aboard.

How the “evil Deep State” is scripted to save war from the jaws of peace

The more I look into the crystal ball on this one, the bigger it gets. Have a look at this testimony from a Congressional Joint Hearing on the Iran-North Korea Strategic Alliance (page 35)…

>>> I think, make it clear that North Korea has made this singular achievement in its nuclear weapons program. The danger immediately from this—and reports are that production of these warheads is increasing. That is what the Chinese nuclear experts told our people in February in Beijing. The danger simply is this: Iran’s Shahab-3 intermediate-range missile is a twin of the Nodong, developed with considerable North Korean assistance. Nodong nuclear warheads will be, and I believe are, compatible with the Shahab-3. A North Korean-Iranian agreement to share Nodong nuclear warheads, it seems to me, is a realistic possibility at this stage. North Korea and Iran have had successful sea and air clandestine transportation networks. There have been few interdictions of these networks. The transfer of Nodong warheads from North Korea to Iran would have a good chance of success. And given the forecast for production increases in North Korea, you could see a real danger of this developing, it seems to me, as early as 2016. Thus, if this happens, Iran would have a secret stockpile of nuclear warheads, in Iran, that it could unveil at any time of its own choosing and thus present the United States, Israel, and the rest of the world with a fait accompli, regardless of what happens with the Iran agreement or anything else that goes on with the Iranian nuclear program. <<<

In light of this testimony and the fact that the Shkval torpedo is designed to be nuclear-capable, we see how the Deep State may be scripted to “kill” Trump and start a war with both Iran and North Korea at the same time (then pivot into the “Battle of Armageddon” with Israel).

1) Bring Trump to Jerusalem and “assassinate” him during an outbreak of chaos.
2) Sink the U.S.S. Harry Truman with a nuclear Shkval.
3) Have Pence point the finger at Iran for the torpedo and North Korea for its nuclear warhead, then start a war with both.
4) After the war is raging, have forensic tests from the sunken Truman show an Israeli radiation signature. At that point, EVERYONE will turn on Israel for starting the whole thing.

Tomorrow, we’ll also look into the possibility of a drone speedboat or drone aircraft being used to carry a nuke right up to the Stennis…

…from Google

(4 December 2018) – I took my son on an outing today, but I continued pondering how the American / Israeli / Saudi false-flaggers might get a nuke near the Stennis. Here’s what I came up with…

  1. They may use an “Iranian” ballistic missile fired out of Yemen or Iraq, with Iraq being the more likely choice.
  2. They may use a specially modified drone or cruise missile, with a replica of Iran’s Shahed S-171 Simorgh drone being the most likely choice.
  3. They may use a conventionally-powered or rocket-powered torpedo, with the rocket-powered Shkval/Hoot being the more likely choice.
  4. They may use a drone speedboat (with either dummies or jihadi martyrs aboard).

(5 December 2018) – I did a little poking around yesterday to see why the Stennis was chosen as the carrier to be sacrificed, and I came across this…

…from USNI News (note the Pearl Harbor headlines in the website graphics at the top). Here is an excerpt…

>>> The John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group left Naval Base Kitsap last week for a deployment and an eventual homeport change with no public notice…

The Navy is not publically acknowledging much about the deployment.

“Stennis is underway, operating in the 3rd Fleet area of operations. However, we don’t discuss future operations,” spokesman Cmdr. John Fage told USNI News in a Monday statement.

Following the deployment, Stennis will begin its four-year mid-life refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH) at Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding in Virginia. <<<

The last part I bolded is what really got my attention, so I looked into what the RCOH entails…

>>> Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH) is a process for refueling and upgrading nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the US Navy. The nuclear reactors that power some aircraft carriers typically use up their nuclear fuel about halfway through their desired 50-year life spans. Because carriers can last so long before being retired, they are refueled and refurbished with an RCOH to extend their usable lifetime. At the same time a ship is refueled, it is given a complex overhaul in which broken, worn or obsolete parts are repaired or replaced and systems are modernized. The modernization typically includes an upgrade of ship’s combat systems and warfighting capabilities, its internal distribution systems are upgraded, and allowance is made for future upgrades over the ship’s remaining operational service life. Given the size of an aircraft carrier and the number of systems and subsystems it has, an RCOH is extremely complex, costly (several billion dollars), and time-consuming. Each RCOH is planned to take 46 months. — from Wikipedia <<<

So the Stennis is at the end of the first half of its usable life, and sinking it now will save billions of overhaul dollars AND start the desired war with Iran.

I also ran across a Press TV article that said the Stennis will spend the next two months in the Persian Gulf (and that time will certainly be extended if a crisis develops). This means that even if nothing happens this week, the “carrier down” card will remain in the globalists’ hand for play at any time in the coming weeks.

(7 December 2018) – Today, let’s take a deeper look at the ways the US/Israel/Saudi cabal can nuke the Stennis and blame Iran for it. We’ll start with…

Method of Attack 1: They may use an “Iranian” ballistic missile fired out of Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, or Iran, with Iraq being the most likely choice.

In the original Wall Street Journal article on the Stennis’ deployment, it was suggested that it is being done to “exhibit a show of force against Iran,” with one of the precipitating factors being “Iran’s latest ballistic missile tests.” The article went on to mention the n-word…

>>> On Monday, the Trump administration urged Europe to impose new sanctions on Iran after it test fired a medium-range ballistic missile considered capable of carrying nuclear warheads that could reach parts of the European continent. <<<

Now if we recall what we read in the congressional testimony earlier in this entry, it has been suggested that North Korea may have given Iran nuclear warheads that are compatible with the Shahab-3 ballistic missile. And Israel claims that Iran has been testing the medium-range Shahab-3s this year. On top of all this, The Hill ran an article just this week that says Iran “probably” has nuclear warheads for the Shahab-3…

>>> Washington officialdom believes Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons based on little more than wishful thinking.

Two years ago, senior Reagan and Clinton administration officials warned that Iran probably already has nuclear weapons…

Iran probably has nuclear warheads for the Shahab-III medium-range missile, which they tested for making EMP attacks… And at a time of its choosing, Iran could launch a surprise EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack against the United States by satellite, as they have apparently practiced with help from North Korea.” <<<

So the mainstream media are not only suggesting Iran already has nuclear-armed Shahab-3s, but they’re also laying down the preparatory propaganda for an “Iranian” EMP attack on the US (we’ll get to that later). And the specific variant of the Shahab-3 that will likely be blamed for a ballistic missile sinking of the Stennis would be the “Emad”…

>>> The Emad (Pillar) surface-to-surface missile, designed and built by Iranian experts, is the country’s first long-range missile that can be precision-guided until it reaches its target, said Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehqan, Iran’s defense minister…

Anthony Cordesman, a researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, wrote in October last year that the Emad was a variant of Iran’s existing Shahab-3 long-range missile, “but with a maneuvering reentry vehicle to improve system accuracy and complicate missile defense.”

The liquid-propelled rocket had a range of 1,700 kilometers (1,056 miles) and was accurate to within 500 meters (1,640 feet) of the target. — from CNN <<<

It just so happens that 500 meters is the “sure kill” radius of a 10-kiloton nuke. So if the warhead blows within 500 meters of the Stennis, the ship would be totaled by the air blast; if it blows within 200 meters, the ship would be consumed by the nuclear fireball.

(6 December 2018) – I am in the process of researching and writing more about the four ways the false-flaggers can put a nuke near the Stennis, and I came across Israel’s Sparrow “target” missile…

The Sparrow is an air-launched ballistic missile specifically designed to simulate the flight characteristics of Iran’s Shahab-3, and it has a modular warhead section. So it could be fired from an Israeli aircraft over Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen or even Iran to simulate an Iranian Shahab-3 nuclear attack against the Stennis.

To understand the true capabilities of the Israeli Sparrow, have a look at a similar missile developed by the Russians, the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal

Since it looks like I’ll be unable to complete the new section today (the research keeps ballooning on me), let me mention one other key bit of information about “Iran’s” possible use of a stealth drone as the warhead platform:

Iran’s Shahed S-171 Simorgh drone was designed to be a full-scale copy of the CIA’s RQ-170 drone that was lost over Iran back in 2011. So to stage a false-flag with what appears to be a Simorgh, all the plotters need do is repaint one of the CIA’s RQ-170s with Iranian markings, replace the surveillance equipment package with a compact 10 kiloton warhead, and send it on its merry way. Such a strike would thus eventually be revealed as a joint CIA-Mossad false-flag conducted with a CIA drone and a Mossad warhead.

(7 December 2018) – As I continue looking into this thing, it is becoming clear that the false-flag nuking of the Stennis is meant to scare Europe into joining a war in Lebanon and Syria (both these nations are purported to host Quds Force / Hezbollah missile factories). It will also play into the globalists prophecy fulfillment plan.

The Iranian missile that was tested last week was most likely the Khorramshahr, which is supposedly capable of carrying multiple warheads and may have an actual range of 2,500 km. This would put Rome within range of a Khorramshahr based in Lebanon…

…from Google Maps

And that particular development is interesting in light of one of the prophecies the globalists are trying to fulfill…

>>>the “kings of the earthgather in Rome, possibly during a papal conclave, and are killed by fiery stones or missiles from the sky. <<<

MIRVed warheads look like fiery stones falling from the sky, don’t they? And can you guess what’s happening early next year?…

>>> …a February conclave of world Catholic leaders meets in Rome [on the Church’s sexual abuse problem]…” – from <<<

So the Catholic “kings of the earth” will gather in a conclave in Rome from February 21-24, and their destruction by “Iranian” MIRVs would be a great lead-in to March, which is the next potential globalist climax point.

(28 December 2018) – Qasem Soleimani is set to be assassinated after the planned Israeli false-flags against the USS Stennis and/or Rome. This faked assassination will lead to his later “resurrection” as the recognized Imam Mahdi, in keeping with the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment plan.

SUBJECT: The false-flag “Houthi” cruise missile attack

I first wrote about the coming Israeli-Saudi-“US Deep State” false-flag attack on US and Israeli targets back in October of 2017. Here is a key section from that entry…

Saudi Arabia would move one or more black market ground-launched cruise missiles across the Yemeni border and sneak it into a sparsely populated part of Houthi-controlled territory (the Houthis are Iranian allies). At the appointed time, the Saudis would launch the missile(s) at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar. The attack would cause heavy casualties. And in its immediate aftermath, the US military would claim that the missile wreckage was that of the Iranian-made Soumar ground-launched cruise missile, and that “intelligence suggests the Iranians smuggled them into Yemen in order to conduct a sneak attack on the base.”

To understand why this false-flag scenario fits the situation so perfectly, imagine (just like a false-flag plotter would) that you are an Iranian general preparing a strike against US forces in your region. Then ask yourself two questions…

Question 1: What is the most valuable target to strike?

The answer is a no-brainer: Al Udeid Air Base…

…from CNN. Here is an excerpt…

The base houses the forward headquarters of the US Air Force Central Command, Combined Air and Space Operations Center and the 379th Air Expedition Wing.

The Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) oversees US military air power in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and 18 other nations, according to the Air Force.

Manned by personnel from the US Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines as well as coalition partner countries, the CAOC is “the nerve center” of air campaigns across the region, according to the Air Force.”

Question 2: If your enemy is expecting a high-flying ballistic missile threat from his front, what do you actually hit him with?

With a low-flying cruise missile from behind him of course. And from the perspective of Qatar, what lies 180 degrees opposite of Iran? Houthi-controlled western Yemen…

…from Google Maps

By answering these two simple questions, you are given the target of the attack, the weapon to be used, and the launching point.

Here are some other reasons this scenario fits the situation so well…

> There was a well-publicized dispute between Saudi Arabia and Qatar in recent months, and it centered around Qatar being too friendly with Iran. Before the situation calmed, Donald Trump supposedly stopped a Saudi attack on Qatar…

…from the Express (UK)

So this false-flag scenario would allow the Saudis to finally hit the Qataris (Qatari forces are also stationed at Al Udeid), and it would drive a wedge between Qatar and Iran (since Iran will be blamed for the strike). According to the bullsh*t geopolitical script (which exists to cover the actual globalist script), this attack would be a big, satisfying win for the Saudis.

> Saudi Arabian forces are currently in Yemen as combatants in their civil war. This means they can move things across the Saudi-Yemeni border at will, and they have a deep understanding of the situation on the ground there. It would therefore be quite easy for them to smuggle cruise missiles into the country and then sneak them into a poorly defended part of Houthi territory (shown in green)…

…from Wikipedia

> There is a well-developed propaganda narrative which states that Iran is smuggling weapons into Yemen (which they probably are, since they have to support their allies). Recently, the propaganda has stated that they are smuggling “increasingly potent weapons”…

…from Google News

So it will be easy to sell the public on the idea that Iran smuggled some cruise missiles in (which they probably haven’t). Cruise missiles are considerably smaller than ballistic missiles, and they require no big, specialized equipment to transport or launch them (a 40-foot cargo container and an improvised railing system will do). This makes them ideal for the purposes of this false-flag.

And sure enough, just two months after I wrote this, the press took the next step in the preparatory propaganda rollout for the attack…

…from Google News (top, bottom)

These news stories served to establish that the Houthis supposedly have a large number of Soumar cruise missiles, thus giving them the MEANS to sneak-attack Al Udeid AB. And since there are now rumors that America has moved / is moving their Combined Air Operations Center from Al Udeid AB to Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia, it too has become a target.

As for the MOTIVE for “Iran” firing missiles at those places “through their Houthi proxy forces,” this is good for starters…

…from Jerusalem Online. This adds Israel to the list of cruise missile targets as well.

Now all that’s left for the globalists to do is create the OPPORTUNITY for the false-flag. More Iranian-killing air strikes in Syria by either the US or Israel would do…


“Houthi desperation” caused by the seizure of their key port would also work…

…from Eyewitness News


Here is news that came out recently to remind people that the “Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen” have been firing missiles at their enemies: Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen fire missiles at Saudi capital.

And here is some more news that started showing up recently: US special forces secretly deployed to assist Saudi Arabia in Yemen conflict. This US special forces presence near the Houthis serves two purposes…

  1. It establishes a reason for the Houthis to fire missiles at American bases. Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia, Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, and/or the Eskan Village Compound in Saudi Arabia may be targeted in the false-flag.
  2. It provides expert American personnel on the ground to assist the Saudis in firing off the cruise missiles that will be used in the attack. Since the Iranian Soumar cruise missile is a copy of the Soviet KH-55, the false-flag will likely utilize KH-55s that the Israelis have modified for ground launch and decorated with Iranian markings.

SUBJECT: North Korean Submarines and Nuclear 9/11

A reader sent me a link to this…


This news about a potential Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) test is notable in that it establishes public awareness of a means by which a regional EMP strike on America can be staged. To see what I mean, have a look at this section from a 2013 propaganda piece on North Korea’s missile technology and EMP threat…

“An EMP warhead launched from the Gulf of Mexico, detonated at an altitude of 400 kilometers (250 miles) could shutdown America’s vital electric grids. A more modest EMP strike launched from a ship in the Atlantic, could easily detonate a super-EMP warhead at a 30-kilometer altitude (19 miles). This is high enough to cover an area of 600 kilometers (375 miles), and could take down the eastern portion of America’s electric grid, which alone provides 70 percent of America’s electric power supply.” – From the London Center for Policy Research (Michael Flynn’s old outfit)

So if the North Koreans do an SLBM test in the days ahead, the public will be reminded that they have such a capability, and that fresh awareness will afford the globalists the option of blaming a North Korean SLBM fired from the Atlantic for the EMP event. The test would also bring attention to the “threat” posed by North Korean subs in general.

Now let’s take a moment to think through the different options for the “Dual Strike-Double Tap” attacks on New York and Washington, DC…

For the dual nuclear strike on the cities, the best option remains the nuke-carrying minisub or swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV) approach I first outlined back in April

In New York, a small “North Korean” sub or SDV loaded with a nuclear weapon would travel submerged up the East River, surface right next to the UN, then pop off its nuke. The same thing would happen on the Potomac River in Washington. The “Deep State” would ensure that the defenses are down in both places, just like they did for the first 9/11.

The reason this is the best approach is that the nuclear explosions would happen with no warning, thus catching Trump, Congress, and the UN staff above ground. If they were to instead use seaborne or land-based ballistic or cruise missiles for the strikes, there would be somewhere between 5 to 30 minutes of warning, giving Trump and perhaps Congress time to evacuate the strike zone or get to a bunker.

For the Double Tap element of the attack (the nuclear explosions being the first tap, and the EMP strike being the second), there are three ways to do it…

> With one or more SLBMs fired from one or more of North Korea’s “missing subs.”

> With one or both of North Korea’s “EMP satellites,” KMS-3-2 and KMS-4. Each of these satellites passes over the United States 2-3 times per day. So to stage a regional EMP strike, they’d have to give commands to the satellite to adjust its orbit so it would fly over the Northeast and descend to a lower altitude.

> With an ICBM that our missile defenses can’t stop, either because the interceptors fail (the reports of the recent failure of Saudi Arabia’s American missile interceptors are preparatory propaganda for this) or it is flown over the South Pole instead of the North Pole (the preparatory propaganda for this is offered by the London Center article we just looked at)…

“The North has been given technology assistance by Russia, via Iran, concerning what the former Soviet Union developed in the 1960s, the Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (FOBS).

FOBS could launch a weapon from North Korea into a satellite orbit passing over the south polar region, suddenly descending into the U.S. on a track outside the cone of coverage of our current land-based missile defense radars. Our radars were deployed to deflect an ICBM attack passing over the north polar region.”

As I’ve mentioned before, a sub-orbital nuclear EMP explosion would have some scattered effects on electrical systems within the targeted area. But the vast majority of the system shutdowns would come from the globalist microchip kill codes broadcast immediately after the nuclear pulse.

Interestingly, if the globalists follow the “blow their fu*king minds” path, they might also broadcast “wake codes” to resurrect first the power grid, then the bricked electrical devices (once they receive power). These “magical repairs” would be carried out by the fake ETs using “advanced technology beyond current human understanding” (a microwave transmitter and a keypad).

Like it or not, fake aliens / GMO humans / glopps (globalist pod persons) WILL show up sooner or later. It is a necessary part of the prophecy fulfillment plan. That’s why they’ve invested so much time and money into science fiction programming and UFO disclosure.


Here’s another thing I’ve been thinking about: if “Kim Jong-Un” nukes Washington, DC and New York, would he (or the “Deep State” using him as cover) leave Tokyo and Seoul untouched? There is a good possibility that all four cities would be targeted. In Asian numerology, 4 is a number associated with death.

So what would happen to Beijing?

The American counterstrike would definitely take out Pyongyang, but it won’t likely target Beijing even if the Chinese are fighting on the North Korean side. Nuking Beijing in the immediate counterstrike would trigger a full-scale nuclear war, and the globalists don’t want that. They want the short (14 day or less) war to build towards a climax in which full-scale nuclear war is imminent, and that’s when the “Progressive Deep State good guys” will step in to stop it by taking down President Pence.

Once it’s over, China’s three main rivals in Asia (the US, Japan and South Korea) would be greatly weakened. This would be the globalists’ New World Order inaugural gift to the Chinese. But who will be the Chinese leader who accepts the gift, Xi Jinping or Li Keqiang? Will Xi be ousted over the damage China suffers from the war like I’ve been expecting?

The Jewish UN Under-Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman visited North Korea from Tuesday to Friday last week. He may have been there to give Kim Jong Un new instructions. Is this the beginning of a globalist retreat? Only time will tell.

I just ran across some chatter on the net about the Arab states moving in unison away from the petrodollar and towards the petroyuan to punish the US for its Jerusalem move. Will this be discussed at the Turkey summit this Wednesday? And RT is featuring an article that talks about a BRICS move to get their gold standard going. Those are some mighty ominous economic storm clouds on the horizon.

The 2020 Archive 5

(7 October 2020) – Turkey Deploying S-400 System to Block Direct Air Attack from Russia & The Globalists Back Off Again

The press began reporting last night that Turkey is setting up its newly-purchased S-400 system near the Black Sea city of Samsun for “tests” that will commence next week. This is, of course, a cover story. The Turks’ real intentions are easily ascertained if you note the S-400 system’s 250 mile range and draw a 250-mile circle around Samsun…

…from Map Developers

As you can see by looking at the top half of the circle, an S-400 system based in Samsun can theoretically block any air attacks on Turkey originating from Russian soil. I say “theoretically” because any modern export-version Russian air defense system is utterly useless against the Russian military due to backdoors built into the equipment. Using special coded transmissions, the electronic warfare suites aboard Russian military aircraft can render themselves invulnerable or invisible to any export-version Russian air defense system. And using specialized equipment and personnel, it is likely that Turkey’s S-400 system can be remotely controlled by the Russians and redirected against Turkey’s own combat aircraft. Turkey’s American-supplied air defense systems would fare no better if Trump supplies Putin with their codes too.

Although the Turkish S-400 system is militarily useless against Russia, the general public do not know this, so it IS useful as a propaganda tool. And the propaganda would be this: “With Turkey about to activate the S-400 system in Samsun next week, Putin had to make his move against the Turks this week.” Isn’t it interesting, then, that this news broke last night, on the eve of Putin’s birthday.

~ MORE ~

Tee hee hee… Putin has come out today and said that since the killing of the Armenians is happening outside of Armenian national territory, Russia is under no obligation to intervene. Given that Putin’s End Times role is that of “the Final Antichrist who is going to pretend to be Christ,” it’s not a surprising move — as an Antichrist character, he wants to see as many Christians slaughtered as possible — but it won’t help his credentials when it comes time to pretend to be Jesus. Many Christians will look back at this as one of the indications that he isn’t what he claims to be.

On the practical side of this, it means the globalists are delaying again, just like with the announcement of Trump’s supposed heart failure (despite him putting on a show of grimacing and sucking wind when he returned to the White House). So to borrow an indelicate expression…

“Let’s keep them queers on the run!”…


(6 October 2020) – A reader previously informed me that January 7, the day Putin “descended to the east of Damascus” (thereby fulfilling a Muslim prophecy expectation), is also Eastern Orthodox Christmas. So Putin posed as “Isa” (Jesus) on Christmas. And tomorrow, October 7, is Putin’s birthday (“the day Jesus returned to Earth”). So will tomorrow be the day that he’ll face a “Satanist” assassination attempt? Will it be the day he intervenes to save the Armenian Christians?

(5 October 2020) – Upon looking around a bit, I’ve detected a propaganda backstory for Trump coming down with congestive heart failure. This would not immediately incapacitate or kill him, but it would force him to withdraw from the presidential race. And that could lead to the Republican National Committee handing the baton to Pence or Romney, which would ensure a “Deep State” victory in the election (since Romney/Pence and Biden/Harris/Clinton have been assigned “black hats” in the globalist drama). Details after lunch…

~ later ~

I just got up from lunch rest to find out Trump will be returning to the White House, but “he’s still not out of the woods yet.” And as long as they keep talking about him being in the woods, the heart failure angle will remain in play, so I’ll finish my coverage of it today.

~ MORE ~

To see the setup for the congestive heart failure option, let’s start by looking at two pieces of information that surfaced this weekend…

1) The statement released today (2 October) by the president’s physician said that in addition to the antibodies, Trump “has been taking zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin.” – from Science

2) One of the physicians treating President Donald Trump, Dr. Brian Garibaldi, said Sunday the President is being given the steroid drug dexamethasone as part of his Covid-19 treatment.

It’s an indication that Trump’s condition is worrying, as the drug should not be given to anyone who is not ill enough to justify the downsides of taking steroids — including that it suppresses the immune system.

“We decided that in this case the potential benefits, early on in the course, probably outweighed the risks at this time,” White House physician Dr. Sean Conley told reporters outside Walter Reed national Military Medical Center Sunday. – from CNN

While dexamethasone may offer some benefit for patients experiencing dangerous inflammation, it’s also bad for the heart…

Taking high doses of steroids (glucocorticoids) seems to increase the risk of heart disease including heart attack, heart failure, and stroke, according to new research.

Steroids fight inflammation and are often prescribed for conditions including asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and inflammatory arthritis. Prednisone and hydrocortisone are two examples of steroids. – from WebMD

There are several types of corticosteroids, including cortisone, prednisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone, betamethasone and hydrocortisone. – from Live Science

Upon looking up a drug information page on Dexamethasone, I found this in the “drug interactions” section…

Dexamethasone may interact with other medications:

Aspirin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It’s often used to treat pain, as well as thin the blood to reduce your risk of heart attack. Dexamethasone can decrease your aspirin levels. This can make aspirin less effective and increase your risk of heart attack. Also, aspirin can increase your risk of bleeding from stomach ulceration (sores) when used with dexamethasone. If you take aspirin, talk with your doctor about whether dexamethasone is safe for you.

And guess what I found in the “warnings” section…

Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:

Congestive heart failure. Symptoms can include: shortness of breath, tiredness, swollen legs, and rapid heartbeat

On a hunch, I looked for references to “congestive heart failure” in recent articles about Trump, and I came across this rather large hint…

…from The Washington Post. Here is an excerpt…

At the naval hospital, now called Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, cardiologist Howard Bruenn examined him.

“Listening to Roosevelt’s heart and lungs with a stethoscope increased Bruenn’s sense of alarm: as Roosevelt inhaled and exhaled, Bruenn heard rales, telltale rattling or bubbling sounds indicating that fluid was building up inside the president’s lungs,” Winik wrote. “Roosevelt was literally starting the slow process of drowning from within.”

The diagnosis: congestive heart failure. Roosevelt, about to embark on a reelection campaign for a fourth term in office, probably had a year to live, the doctor said. The president, a Democrat, decided to run anyway — and to do everything he could to put a healthy face on a dying one.

On another hunch, I looked to see if there were any articles talking about what would happen if Trump had to drop out of the presidential race, and I came across an October 2 article from The Atlantic (a magazine notorious for telegraphing “Western globalist” intentions) titled What Happens If a Presidential Candidate Becomes Incapacitated or Dies. It offers the following…

Both parties provide in their rules for replacing a candidate. Even at this late date, if a candidate died or became so sick that withdrawing was necessary, party leaders would confer and select a replacement. The process by which they would do this is not set, and is entirely up to them. The leadership in this case are the 168 members of the Republican National Committee, and the 400-plus members of the Democratic National Committee. (The RNC allows for the possibility of reconvening its national convention, but doing so this late seems unlikely.)

The obvious replacement for a presidential candidate who dies or drops out is the person’s running mate — who, after all, is running for the post of presidential understudy. But neither party would be formally bound to move the vice-presidential nominee up to the top of the ticket. With the stakes as high as they are, no one should be surprised if other candidates were to make a play for the top spot. And if the running mate were to be chosen, the party would need to pick a new vice-presidential nominee — a process that would necessarily be wide open. Drama would surely ensue.

My instincts tell me that this last paragraph telegraphs the possibility that Mitt Romney might be chosen as the nominee. Having voted for Trump’s impeachment conviction, he would be “free from the taint of Trump.” And there’s also the “White Horse Prophecy” the globalists may want to fulfill. To read more about Romney and the Prophecy, have a look at these…

Romney and the Mormon Factor

Did Mitt Romney fulfill a Mormon prophecy with vote to convict Trump?

If Romney were to keep Pence in the Vice President spot, it would help him solve the “Mormon problem” with evangelical Christian voters mentioned in the first article, since Pence is their darling. And it would be said that with Romney’s election and stabilization of the country, the White Horse Prophecy would be fulfilled. Of course, Romney is also a “black hat” and a “Western antichrist,” which makes him perfect for taking the country into the “evil NWO” in 2023.

By the way, if you’ve been wondering how Hillary will remove Biden from her path to the Presidency or Vice Presidency, have a look at this…

…from US News

…and then have a look at this…

…from CNBC

So will Biden die from “an airborne Coronavirus infection caught from superspreader Trump at the debate”? It would be a great way to take Biden off the board and blame Trump at the same time.


Some notable news stories came out yesterday: Trump put on a show to convince the public that he’s feeling better, Rudy Giuliani pointed the finger at China (“the commies”) for Trump’s illness, and the Senate Republican leader has so far refused to back down from holding the confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court nominee before the election. So on the surface, it looks like Trump will prevail over the coup attempt. But what will happen to the markets today or tomorrow if Trump is suddenly incapacitated or drops dead from a “COVID-caused” heart attack or stroke [the media have already narrated that he has a pre-existing heart disease, and they have also narrated that his vital signs are “very concerning” (the four primary vital signs are body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate, two of which are related to the heart)]…

Despite the fact that COVID-19 is considered an illness of the lungs, many patients who contract the new coronavirus experience cardiac issues.

Early evidence suggests that up to 1 in 5 patients with COVID-19 have signs of heart injury, regardless of whether or not they had respiratory symptoms.

Though a good portion of these patients already had underlying health issues involving the heart, like heart disease or high blood pressure, many otherwise healthy patients have also developed heart problems, including blood vessel injuries, blood clots, arrhythmia, strokes, and heart attacks. – from Healthline

After looking so well yesterday, Trump’s sudden incapacitation or death would look all the more suspicious to his supporters and be all the more shocking to the markets.

Later, we’ll look at why Qasem Soleimani might soon publicly resurface in Azerbaijan…

More on the Ongoing “Communist Attack on America’s Leadership”
(+ the propaganda setup for the Putin assassination attempt)

(3 October 2020) – Well, well, well, they are indeed moving pretty quickly. They moved Trump to the hospital yesterday after the markets closed (to show he’s not in the bunker and to set up a possible Monday market plunge). And now three Republican Senators have supposedly tested positive for Coronavirus, with all eyes now on Pence to see if he’ll test positive too. With all this going on, let’s have a look at what I wrote eleven days ago…

(22 September 2020) – WARNING: With the press now narrating that…

  1. Trump will announce his Supreme Court nominee on Saturday, and
  2. the Senate Republicans have enough votes to confirm the nominee,

there is a strong scripted motivation for the Democrats / “commies” / “Deep State” to make a move against Trump, Pence and/or one or more Republican Senators. According to the likely globalist scripting, “the Deep State is now threatening to crash the markets if Trump doesn’t back off of a pre-election nomination.” So this might be the supposed reason for a Friday market collapse.

And now look at this…

…from CNN

So we managed to push all of this out of September, but they’re obviously trying again this month. It’s time to push some more. After my morning coffee starts taking effect, we’ll look at what’s ahead, including what will happen if the “commie coup” succeeds, is counteracted, or the delay button is pushed again.

~ MORE ~

The globalists have some interesting scripting options going forward, so let’s first look at the options that show the coup succeeding. In either option, we’d see Trump pronounced incapacitated or dead within the next 3-4 days (and possibly tomorrow, if they want to spook the markets more before they open on Monday).

IN OPTION 1, they can have Trump and then Pence fall to COVID before the election. This would be seen by Trump supporters as an obvious coup and could be used to spark a civil war. The military would then intervene to either arrest the coup plotters or round up Trump supporters.

  • If the military ignores President Pelosi’s orders and moves against the coup plotters (including her), we’ll see mass arrests followed by the installation of Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard as President and Vice President by the end of the year.
  • If the military follows President Pelosi’s orders and moves against Trump supporters, we’ll see at least 3 more years of COVID totalitarianism.

IN OPTION 2, Trump would fall but Pence would not. And as a “Deep Stater,” Pence would halt Operation Warp Speed’s distribution of the Sputnik 5 vaccine, put off filling the Supreme Court vacancy until after the election, and accept the result of the Democrat-rigged election next month (with the full support of almost all the Republican Senators). Power would go over to the Democrats, and at least 3 more years of suffering would follow.

As for how these “3 more years” options would impact the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment timetable, it would lead to them narrating that the 7-year Tribulation…

  • started with the events of September, 2016,
  • reached its midpoint (and the beginning of the 3.5 year “Great Tribulation” period) in March of 2020 (when the COVID lockdowns began), and
  • will reach its end at the September, 2023 UN World Summit (this is when the “good guys” would come back and save us from an “evil” NWO).

Of course, they also have the option of narrating that the 7-year Tribulation started in March of this year, but that would mean that it would end in a March, and I think they’d really prefer to end it in a September (so it can coincide with Jewish New Year). If you want to know what “the events of September, 2016” were, copy and paste the following into your browser’s FIND feature: It reached its midpoint 3.5 years later in September of 2016 when these significant events occurred

I will continue brainstorming these and other options over the weekend, so more options are coming and some changes might be made as I think things through more deeply.

As the press narrate Trump’s supposedly worsening condition…

…from today’s Drudge Report

…let’s take a little trip down memory lane on the subject of Walter Reed Medical Center…

The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), formerly known as the National Naval Medical Center and colloquially referred to as the Bethesda Naval Hospital, Walter Reed, or Navy Med, is a United States’ tri-service military medical center, located in the community of Bethesda, Maryland…

In November 1963, the autopsy of U.S. President John F. Kennedy was performed at the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was shot and killed while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas with his wife, Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and his wife, Nellie. The wounded president was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The Parkland doctors and local coroner insisted that they perform the autopsy, since he had been murdered in Dallas County. However, the Secret Service demanded that the assassinated president’s body be taken to Washington, D.C. immediately aboard Air Force One. – from Wikipedia

So Trump is being “treated for COVID” in the same place the JFK coup plotters took President Kennedy’s body to cover up their role in the assassination. There’s also this…

May 22, 1949 was the date on which the first U.S. Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, died. Specifically at 1:50 a.m. As will quickly become apparent, the circumstances surrounding Forrestal’s final hours are swamped in controversy. All that we know with absolute certainty is that in the early hours of the 22nd, Forrestal’s body was found on a third-floor canopy of the Bethesda Naval Hospital, Maryland. Did he take a fatal leap out of the window of the 13th floor of the hospital, his mind in turmoil and suicide on his mind? Was it an accident? Or, was Forrestal terminated? – from Mysterious Universe

Should Trump’s incapacitation or death occur, the NWO Narrative will explain that Walter Reed Medical Center is a facility that has long been under the control of the “Deep State,” so “that’s where they took Trump to complete the medical assassination and cover up the evidence, just like they did with JFK.”

Now here’s a possible bit of globalist casting that’ll throw you for a loop: Trump as Judas

…from The New York Times

Seeing what’s going on with Trump this weekend brought to mind two things I mentioned in updates earlier this year…

1) Trump can be narrated as “a populist frontman foisted on the Republicans by the Deep State / Democrats in order to either lose to the election to Hillary or serve as their proxy president.”

2) …it would be said that Trump and/or Xi were Western controlled-opposition leaders who were assigned to befriend and then betray Putin…

To complete this thought, it is possible that Trump is using a fake COVID diagnosis to deliberately take a dive for Hillary Clinton and ensure that she can come to power as President or Vice President / Shadow President next January (following the “disposal” of Biden)…

And as Hillary’s “deep cover mole and controlled opposition,” he may have secretly cooperated with Putin in order to gain his trust, learn his plans, and set him up for a fall (possibly as soon as this coming Tuesday). Could it be possible that he has set Netanyahu up for a fall as well?

This scenario, which would give “Satanist” Hillary Clinton power with Putin removed as an obstacle to the “evil New World Order,” bears monitoring. So I shall.

~ MORE – 4 October 2020 ~

Continuing with the “Trump as Judas” line of thought, it is important to note that the official Chabad Lubavitch script for Netanyahu’s “Moshiach ben Yosef” character features his death as the most likely outcome of his “mission” (this death could be physical or political). So Netanyahu’s fall due to Trump’s betrayal or faked death would fit the script nicely. And Putin’s “death” would be the first step to his “resurrection” 3 years later with an army of “special friends” backing him up.

Another angle of “Trump as controlled opposition to Hillary” is how his supposed death by COVID would impact COVID skeptics. Trump has been posing as the leader of COVID skepticism, so if he “dies” from it in the next few days, it would energize the COVID lemmings and discredit the skeptics. This would prepare the way for more draconian control measures after the Democrats are elected. The “Great Tribulation” would get a lot more ugly.

With the “Trump as Judas” scenario now adequately covered, I’ll move on to other plot elements in the coming hours. And on an unrelated note, there are rumors circulating that Trump is on a ship because of motion in the video address he released yesterday. It appears to me that this motion is due to the video being recorded with a shoulder-mounted camera, so the camera is moving, not Trump or the flags. To verify this for yourself, watch the video on full screen mode and focus on the spot where the gold fringe meets the cabinet gap (you’ll see that the flag isn’t moving)…

~ MORE – 4 October 2020 ~

In the afternoon/evening, I’ll be covering the propaganda setup for a coming staged assassination attempt on Putin. The key figure in the setup is the director of Russia’s FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, a man whose Wikipedia bio reads like a piece of propaganda structured to show “why he did it.” It ties him to assassination schemes against Russians, it describes him as “Medvedev’s man” (Dmitry Medvedev is supposedly a key figure among the “5th Column Atlantic Integrationists who want to bring Russia into the evil Western-version NWO”), and it portrays him as someone who longs for the “good ol’ days” of communist purges (which would make him sympathetic to the aims of the “6th Column Neo-Communists who also oppose Putin”). Despite the fact that these 5th and 6th Columns are fictional disinformation constructs, the assassination script will portray Bortnikov as the man who facilitates their access to Putin. More later…

~ later ~

Now here is the assassination backstory as conjured up by globalist disinfo agent “The Saker” in his cave at Mount Doom…

…while the first PSYOP (Putin the new Hitler) failed, and while the second PSYOP (Putin the sellout) also failed, the PSYOP specialists in the West came up with a much more potentially dangerous and effective PSYOP operation.

But first, they did something truly brilliant: they realized that their best allies in Russia would not be the (frankly, clueless) “liberals” but that they would find a much more powerful “ally” in those nostalgic of the Soviet Union

The core of this opposition is formed of Communists and Communist sympathizers who absolutely hate Putin for his (quite outspoken) anti-Communism. Let’s call them “new Communists” or “Neo-Communists”. And here is what makes them much more dangerous than the “liberal” opposition: the Neo-Communists are often absolutely right…

This new Neo-Communist 6th column is, however, a much more dangerous threat to the future of Russia than the pro-western 5th columnists

Now lets add it all up.

There is a very vocal internal opposition to Putin in Russia which is most unlikely to ever get real popular support, but which could possibly unite enough of the nostalgics of the Soviet era to create a real crisis.

This internal opposition clearly and objectively weakens the authority/reputation of Putin, which has been main goal of the western “alphabet soup” ever since Putin came to power.

This internal opposition, being mostly nostalgics of the Soviet era, will get no official support from the West, but it will enjoy a maximal covert support from the western “alphabet soup”.

Finally, this Neo-Communist opposition will never seize power, but it might create a very real internal political crisis which will very much weaken Putin and the Eurasian Sovereignists. – from The Unz Review

So just like Trump, Putin is supposedly under threat from the commies. And according to the script, it is these commies, together with the Western intelligence agencies and the remaining “Atlantic Integrationists” in the Russian government (like Bortnikov), who will make an attempt on Putin’s life before the Sputnik 5 vaccine gets widely distributed later this month. And once he’s gone, they’ll say the vaccine failed its final safety trial, thus keeping the worldwide COVID Psyop in operation.

The Saker’s article also features this…

What he fails to mention in this sidebar is that it is Putin (the Moshiach ben David) and Netanyahu (the Moshiach ben Yosef) who are working together, not Russia and Israel. All the evil Israeli plans he mentions will be hung around the neck of the “Israeli Deep State” once they are rounded up in the Mass Arrests Psyop. And the NWO Narrative will state that Putin was working to block the Israeli Deep State’s moves from the Syria side while Netanyahu was working to restrain them from within Israel. “That’s why Netanyahu came under such a withering political attack in Israel,” they will say.

So now we wait and see if the globalists go through with their fatally exposed plans. If they do, we’ll get to see either the fall or the triumph of the Moshiachs. But if they back off, we’ll have to watch how they handle the rest of the month. Will they try another confrontation before the vaccine distribution at the end of the month, or will they narrate its delay?

A Big Event, Mass Arrests, and a COVID Vaccine: The globalist plan for October 2020

(28 September 2020) – Tomorrow, we’ll look at why Trump said this at the end of his UN speech on the 22nd…

I am supremely confident that next year, when we gather in person, we will be in the midst of one of the greatest years in our history – and frankly, hopefully, in the history of the world.

(HINT: “Operation Warp Speed” may propel “Sputnik V” to a vaccination station near you on New Year’s Day. ANOTHER HINT: How can 2021 be “one of the greatest years in our history” if the “Deep State” haven’t already been mass arrested by then?)

(29 September 2020) – Let me show you a couple of articles that telegraph the globalists’ current plan for bringing the phony COVID pandemic to a close. It kicks off next month and will hit its full stride by New Year’s Day.

The first article was posted on August 11 by the Moscow Times, and it’s titled Putin Announces ‘World’s First’ Coronavirus Vaccine. Here is an excerpt…

The state-run Gamaleya research institute last week launched Phase III trials of the Covid-19 vaccine involving thousands of volunteers. The Health Ministry has said it plans to begin mass production of the vaccine as soon as next month and launch a mass vaccination drive in October.

“This morning, for the first time in the world, a vaccine against the new coronavirus was registered,” Putin said in a televised cabinet session broadcast.

“I know that it’s effective and forms sustainable immunity,” he said…

Its registration certificate on the Health Ministry website notes that the vaccine, an injection solution called “Sputnik-V,” will enter civilian circulation on Jan. 1, 2021.

Next, let’s look at the second article, which was posted on September 28 on Stat and is titled New document reveals scope and structure of Operation Warp Speed and underscores vast military involvement. Here is an excerpt…

Operation Warp Speed’s central goal is to develop, produce, and distribute 300 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine by January — and the military is intimately involved, according to Paul Mango, HHS’ deputy chief of staff for policy. It has already helped prop up more than two dozen vaccine manufacturing facilities — flying in equipment and raw materials from all over the world. It has also set up significant cybersecurity and physical security operations to ensure an eventual vaccine is guarded very closely from “state actors who don’t want us to be successful in this,” he said, adding that many of the Warp Speed discussions take place in protected rooms used to discuss classified information.

“This is a massive scientific and logistical undertaking,” said Mango. “We are weeks away, at most, a month or two away from having at least one safe and effective vaccine.”

Speaking of being “weeks away,” have a look at this tweet…

…from Twitter

Are you beginning to see the parallels between Trump and Putin’s vaccination plans? And whose vaccine do you think Operation Warp Speed will distribute “by the end of October” (after the mid-October Big Event and mass arrests)? Will it be a vaccine from Big Pharma, with whom Trump has been portrayed as being at war? Or will it be Sputnik V? I actually wrote about this earlier in the year…

(15 May 2020) – You may have heard that…

This setup can be applied in one of two ways:

The NWO Way – Under a “mass arrests leading to the NWO in September” scenario, the syringes would be prefilled with a “clean” Russian vaccine. It would then be voluntarily administered to those who remain fearful of COVID-19 even after the hoax has been exposed and a cure has been announced. The comfort blanket of an immunization would allow “the terrified third” to rejoin society…

…from Zero Hedge

Since the military, operating under the President, would be running the country until the November elections, it makes sense that they’d be the ones distributing the vaccine.

The Trump as Antichrist Way – If September rolls around and the multilateral / multipolar NWO is nowhere in sight, the syringes may be prefilled with a Western/Israeli “fu*k you up” vaccine. And those who refuse to take it will be denied access to public facilities, including restaurants and grocery stores. “Anti-vaxers” will be unable to buy, sell, or work outside their homes in the mainstream economy. You can read more about the “Trump as Antichrist” option further down this page.

Back in May, they were planning this for September, but now they’re aiming for October. And the multilateral / multipolar NWO definitely IS in sight — the UN committed to it on September 21 — so we’re currently on “The NWO Way” mentioned in the 15 May excerpt.

One thing you might notice about all this is the outer space terminology Trump and Putin used: “Operation Warp Speed” and “Sputnik 5.” This may hint at the imminent unveiling of the Secret Space Program / US Space Force. If you wanted to start worldwide chaos and then stop it on a dime, spacecraft hovering in the sky all around the world would do nicely, wouldn’t they? People would be left dumbstruck.

So here’s the basic outline of what’s currently planned…

From now to mid-October – the Climax Event / Final Confrontation between the “bad guys” and the “good guys”

From mid-October to late October – the “Mass Arrests”/”Truth Tsunami” psyops, when the “bad guys” are taken down and the globalist-written Alt-Media/NWO Narrative becomes the new mainstream narrative

Late October – suppressed treatments/cures for COVID are released and voluntary vaccinations are made available “for those who need it most”; lockdowns and restrictions are relaxed or ended

Late November (21st & 22nd) – the G20 leaders at the Riyadh Summit reach an agreement for reforming the UN and restructuring the financial system

Early January – voluntary COVID vaccinations are made available to all, thus freeing the fearful to rejoin society and launching the full economic recovery

December 2020, March 2021, or September 2021 – the “reformed” multilateral/multipolar NWO formally launches

(30 September 2020) – My most studious reader, who watches significant dates and gematria (Jewish numerology) for me, informs me that gematria points to Monday, October 5 as a candidate date for a fall in the markets, and that it is followed on October 6 by a dies ater (black day) on the Roman festival calendar. This October 6 “black day,” which commemorates a crushing military defeat due to conflicts between the two Roman commanders, is then followed on October 7 by Vladimir Putin’s Gregorian birthday.

The reader also informs me that Vladimir Putin’s birthday on the Hebrew calendar was 18 Tishri, which falls on October 6 this year…

…from Google (top, middle, bottom)

So Putin’s Hebrew birthday this year coincides with the October 6 “black day.”

Given what’s going on in Azerbaijan right now, the globalists may indeed be targeting those three days. The obvious catalyst for an October 5 market plunge would be Turkey and Russia openly entering the Armenia-Azerbaijan war and/or a Turkish economic shock that will spell doom for the EU banks invested there. That Monday would be followed by a “Black Tuesday” (in the markets or on the battlefield, and possibly looking bad for Putin), which could be followed on Wednesday by a significant positive move by Putin (toppling Erdogan perhaps).

It’s also worth noting that a long Jewish holiday period begins with Sukkot at sunset on October 2, continues on through Shemini Atzeret, and ends with Simchat Torah at nightfall on October 12 (for those outside Israel). So this October Hebrew holiday period not only coincides with Putin’s two birthdays; it also ends right as we arrive at Mars Opposition on October 13. I’m sure the Kabbalist gypsies are creamin’ their li’l nappies in excitement over this.

Bad babies!…

(1 October 2020) – The news out of Israel today is that their COVID lockdown has been extended thru October 14, even though the holidays there end on the 11th. This new end date now encompasses the October 13 Mars Opposition and the day after. Globes also reports this

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is talking about up to six months of restrictions with the ‘coronavirus routine’ continuing throughout 2021, even if a vaccine is available.

These six months of restrictions would would take us through March of 2021:

  1. October
  2. November
  3. December
  4. January
  5. February
  6. March

And as I’ve pointed out in previous updates, March of 2021 is one of the candidate times for the Climax Event (if they can’t do it this month or in December). So this means the globalists are laying the groundwork for a possible delay past the end of 2020, which is very good news.

There’s also notable news out of Armenia…

…from Public Radio of Armenia

So Iran is laying out the rationale — “we won’t allow another terrorist-filled chaos zone like Libya or Syria to develop across from our border” — for an invasion across Azerbaijan’s southern border. This invasion would be done in conjunction with Armenia (which is to Azerbaijan’s west) and the coalition forces Putin has assembled on Azerbaijan’s northern border and off Azerbaijan’s east coast on the Caspian Sea. The Azerbaijani military would be crushed from all directions.

An alternative scenario that could develop from the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict is a Turkey-Iran War. The globalists would script this if they intend to stretch things out till the UN World Summit in September of 2023. I’ll write more about this scenario if I see it developing, but here is what I’ve already written about it back in the 16 November 2018 update…

…I continued pondering Erdogan’s scripted fate until I remembered something I heard in a prophecy propaganda video months ago. It was part of an interview of Joel Richardson, a Christian Crypto-Jew the globalists have assigned to influence the Christians into accepting the prophecy interpretations they intend to act out for the public…

…from YouTube

In the final minutes of the interview, Richardson suggests that there will be a massive regional war between Turkey and Iran before the Gog-Magog War. He further suggests there is a possibility that Erdogan will be killed during this war, and a Turkish antichrist will rise out of the ashes of the war to lead Gog-Magog against Israel.

(1 October 2020) – Tomorrow we’ll have a look at one possible scenario for the “Black Tuesday” that may be planned for October 6 (which is Putin’s Hebrew calendar birthday): Putin’s (faked) assassination or disappearance at the hands of Russia’s “Fifth and Sixth Columnists.” Such a move would clear the way for a Turkey-Iran War (without Russia, under the bureaucrat Mikhail Mishustin, interfering), which would allow the globalists to push back the Climax Point (and Putin’s Lazarus act) as far as September of 2023, when the UN holds its World Summit.

~ later, after midnight ~

So now Trump and Melania are supposedly infected with COVID…

…from Twitter

This provides a scripted opportunity for Trump’s medical assassination or incapacitation next week (which could happen around the same time as Putin’s “black day”). It gets really simple from here: the NWO heroes (Trump, Putin, Xi, et al.) will survive and we’ll see the NWO within a year, or they’ll fall and we’ll see three more years of winter. Which way will it go?…

(2 October 2020) – Now would be a good time to look at the globalist setup for what’s directly ahead of us.

First, we should take note of the controlled alt-media COVID narrative that’s being pushed by the disinformation sites: “COVID-19 is a Western Satanist / Chinese Communist bio-psyop attack on the whole world in which a low-grade bioweapon release was paired with a leftist propaganda barrage to induce a worldwide politico-economic collapse into an Orwellian medical tyranny that will never end — into an evil New World Order”…

…from Infowars (top) and The Epoch Times (bottom)

And second, we should remember what was covered in the 29 September update: that Trump and Putin plan on releasing millions of doses of the “safe and effective” Sputnik 5 vaccine by the end of this month, which, according to the script, would deal a mortal blow to the COVID psyop regardless of the outcome of the US election.

All this sets the stage for an early-October “fight to the death” between the “good guys” (Trump and Putin), and the “bad guys” (the Satanists and Communists). And this means the “bad guys” will pull out all the stops to take down Trump and Putin before they can roll out the vaccine later in the month.

So now that Trump has supposedly tested positive for Coronavirus, the script will portray an attempt at a medical assassination or incapacitation of him, which would put “Deep Stater” Pence into office to stop Operation Warp Speed. Get a load of this bit from a Yahoo News article titled Pence negative for COVID-19, vice president’s office says

Following the announcement that President Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19, a spokesman for Vice President Mike Pence announced Friday that Pence and his wife, Karen, had tested negative…

If Trump were incapacitated by the virus, Pence would take over presidential duties via the 25th Amendment. After British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tested positive for the virus earlier this year, he spent time in an intensive care unit. He has since recovered. At age 74, Trump is in the at-risk group for complications, and Bloomberg reported that aides said the president wasn’t feeling well on Wednesday.

As for Putin, I had an impulse yesterday to check if the lead NWO disinfo front on Russian politics, known as “The Saker,” had set up any new bogeymen in Russia who might be narrated as taking him down. The Saker had indeed set up a new foe: the hardcore communists! “He” also narrates that the “Neo-Communist Sixth Column” are being supported by the Western (“Satanist“) intelligence agencies. So if Putin goes down next Tuesday (or on any other day), the NWO Narrative will blame it on the Satanist “alphabet soup” agencies, the Russian Atlantic Integrationist “Fifth Column,” and the Russian Neo-Communist “Sixth Column.”

Later, I might post the key talking points from his propaganda piece.

~ MORE ~

They’re moving quickly…

…from The Guardian

As for how quickly they might narrate Trump’s deterioration, have a look at an anecdote from a February 14 NPR propaganda piece titled How COVID-19 Kills: The New Coronavirus Disease Can Take A Deadly Turn

Del Rio notes that it’s not just COVID-19 that can bring on multi-organ failure. Just last month, he saw the same thing in a previously healthy flu patient in the U.S. who had not gotten a flu shot.

“He went in to a doctor. They said, ‘You have the flu – don’t worry.’ He went home. Two days later, he was in the ER. Five days later, he was very sick and in the ICU” with organ failure, del Rio says. While it’s possible for patients who reach this stage to survive, recovery can take many weeks or months.

In fact, many infectious disease experts have been making comparisons between this new coronavirus and the flu and common cold, because it appears to be highly transmissible.

Now imagine that Trump is in the ER two days after his COVID diagnosis (Oct 1 + 2 days = Saturday the 3rd). That could bring on the Monday, March 5 market plunge I wrote about in the 30 September update, couldn’t it? Also imagine that Trump is incapacitated in the ICU with organ failure in five days (Oct 1 + 5 days = October 6). That would take him down about the same time as Putin’s “Black Tuesday,” wouldn’t it?

It should also be noted that Trump’s diagnosis came on the eve of Sukkot, which starts today at sunset. And his 14-day quarantine would keep him in isolation through the October 13 Mars Opposition. His COVID quarantine would parallel Israel’s COVID lockdown.

~ MORE ~

Now that we’ve looked at how the globalists can use Trump’s supposed COVID diagnosis to take the left fork in the road by scripting the FALL of the “good guys,” let’s consider what will happen if they take the right fork with the TRIUMPH of the “good guys.” And it’s actually pretty simple: Trump is using a positive COVID test and quarantine as a cover story to go into the bunker before commencing imminent moves against the Deep State.”

In this case, we’ll see Trump, Putin, Xi, Netanyahu (and perhaps others like Modi and MBS) begin a worldwide counterattack against the Satanist/Communist alliance (perhaps this is why Netanyahu is trying to block anyone from leaving Israel during their lockdown; he doesn’t want any of the “Israeli Deep State bad guys” to get away). And this counterattack will open the path to distribution of Sputnik 5 by the end of the month.

So this raises a question…

Will the counterattack begin once the whole world enters Sukkot and end on the October 13 Mars Opposition?

If so, it will last about a week and a half, and the New Age disinfo guys have long been programming people to expect “the Event that will bring Nova Earth” to last about two weeks.

~ MORE ~

If now is the time for the big showdown, we can expect the “Satanist/Communist” alliance to unleash everything they’ve got, so the Communist Attack on America may finally materialize. Perhaps this is why these planes took flight yesterday…

…from Zero Hedge

Watch the seas around China, and watch for “lights in the sky” between now and the 13th.


(29 September 2020) – As I write this, it is approaching 2 AM, September 30 in Armenia. So Putin has only 22 hours left to do something “saviory” before September is over. At this point, it would have to be one of two things: 1) “orchestrating a September 30 coup or assassination against Erdogan,” or 2) brokering a ceasefire that halts the fighting. Let’s see if one of these options plays out (option 2 has the better chance).

(29 September 2020) – In the 27 September update, we looked at the large-scale Russian Coalition military exercise that started in the Caucasus on September 21. Such exercises typically require weeks, if not months, of careful planning. So don’t you find it a “remarkable coincidence” that the Caucasus exercise placed a significant military intervention force near Azerbaijan right before the outbreak of the current fighting? And don’t you find it peculiar that Azerbaijan would pick a fight while the intervention force is in position to do something about it? The exercise was telegraphed in the press at least 10 days in advance, so why wouldn’t Azerbaijan attack before the force arrived or after they left?

If you take a moment to think about these peculiarities, you begin to sense the Hidden Hand that is stage-managing the current batch of conflicts across the globe. These confrontations in the eastern Mediterranean, Syria, Libya, Azerbaijan, Taiwan, the South China Sea, etc. are carefully choreographed on both sides by the Kabbalist central bankers who control all these nations, and we know how the dance ends: with the victory of the “good guys” (Putin, Xi, Trump, Netanyahu, etc.) over their “Antichrist Deep State” foes.

It’s all made-for-TV bullsh*t, with real violence taking place at the ground level to make it convincing. And it’s being play-acted to convince the public that we’re in the “End Times.” Don’t forget that as you watch what happens over the next 90 days (+ 7 years).

~ MORE ~

A reader has brought up a notable candidate date for the start of the big war: October 13th, which is the day the planet Mars goes into opposition. Given that…

  • Mars is named after the Roman god of war,
  • the moronic Kabbalists are obsessed with gypsy bullsh*t like astrology,
  • a preparatory propaganda article to which I linked yesterday talks of a potential “October Surprise” mass arrest event,
  • the White House is suggesting that 100 million COVID vaccine doses could be ready in October, and
  • an October 13 outbreak of worldwide chaos could provide a good excuse to delay the November 3rd election until after the “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” and “Truth Tsunami” psyops are triggered,

…October 13 is indeed a strong candidate (if they don’t start it today or tomorrow).

WARNING – 28 September 2020: The globalists are definitely trying to stage a big event before September is over…

…from Reuters

So in addition to the ongoing drama in Azerbaijan, the Chinese are holding five naval exercises in four seas Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (the last three days of September). So will we see…

  • a short, sharp, major war confrontation (lasting as little as a day) followed by mass arrests,
  • a preemptive takedown of the “bad guys” by the “good guys,” or
  • yet another globalist retreat?

Roaches will be roaches, so I suspect they’ll skitter back into their cracks — unless they’ve gotten so desperate that they’ll ignore sound procedure this time. They’re screwed either way.

(28 September 2020) – As Armenia stands ready to call on the Russian-led CSTO alliance for military support, which would trigger “Putin the Messiah’s defeat of the Muslim Antichrist / Dajjal Erdogan,” let’s not forget the Imam Mahdi. The globalists have assigned that role to Qasem Soleimani (also spelled Suleimani).

According to the coming NWO Narrative, Suleimani avoided the assassination trap set for him in January by going into hiding at the Russian command center in Damascus, where he has been coordinating the Muslim side of the war alongside Putin’s Christian generals. So the coming defeat of the Dajjal will be a joint Christian/Muslim victory, and we can expect Suleimani to publicly reappear on or before the day Erdogan falls. This is why we need to keep an eye on September 29-30.

On September 30, 1520, Suleiman the Magnificent was proclaimed Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, which makes it an ideal day for Suleimani the Magnificent to defeat the Dajjal alongside Putin (which would be the first step in the Mahdi’s building of a multilateral Muslim empire). And if Erdogan falls that day, it will mark not only the defeat of the Dajjal at the hands of Isa and the Mahdi, but also the event that triggers the fall of the current world order (with the sequential collapses of the Turkish economy, the current financial system, and the Western Satanic governments). And mass arrests of the “bad guys” by the “good guys” would be Trump’s October Surprise (here’s some preparatory propaganda for that).

Now if we take a moment to look at the life of Suleiman the Magnificent, we find that he died on September 6, 1566, which was the day before the September 7 final attack that brought his Ottoman forces victory in the Siege of Szigetvar. So will Suleimani the Magnificent “come back to life” the day before his final victorious attack on the forces of Antichrist/Dajjal?

It should also be noted that if the globalists want to throw us a curve ball, they may put forth Suleimani’s replacement, Esmail Ghaani, as the Imam Mahdi. You can read about this possibility in The Real Story on the Assassination of Qasem Soleimani. Copy and past the title into your browser’s FIND feature to skip down the page to the right spot.

(27 September 2020) – Keep an eye on Armenia…

…from Google Maps

Recently, there has been an escalating series of skirmishes between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh territory, and there was a new incident this weekend that could lead to a broader conflict…

…from Al Jazeera (top) and Al Masdar News (bottom)

In keeping with the “Muslim Antichrist” / “Dajjal” / “Neo-Ottoman Caliph” role Turkey’s Erdogan is playing in the globalists’ End Times script, he has been instigating the war against Armenia with the scripted motivation of completing the Armenian genocide that was started under the previous Ottoman Empire…

Turkey-Azerbaijan military drills intimidate Armenia, President Aliyev says

Turkey warns Armenia not to play with fire after Azerbaijani soldier’s killing

So this weekend’s potentially war-starting incident will provide perhaps the final opportunity for Putin to step into the savior role before the end of September — something that would really help with the globalists’ Tribulation timeline. Towards that end, Putin has used a military exercise as cover to move a significant multinational force to the Caucasus Mountains (which border Azerbaijan to the north)…

…from The Defense Post. Given the recent skirmishes between the Azerbaijanis and Armenians, what are the odds that the troops went home after finishing the exercise yesterday?

Now the question is how “Putin the Messiah” will deliver Armenia, which is considered the first Christian nation and remains overwhelmingly so. Will he use the multinational force as a bargaining chip to force the Turks and Azerbaijanis to back down. Or will he “unsheath his holy sword and slay the enemies of his people”? And if Putin unsheaths his sword in Azerbaijan, will Erdogan do the same in Syria and Libya?

Here is what I wrote about this situation in my 8 September update…

There was also news about Putin providing arms to Armenia in advance of an Erdogan offensive there. And given that…

…you can be sure that Putin is indeed sending arms and that he will indeed respond militarily if Erdogan attacks Armenia.

The central banksters funded the rise of the Islamist Erdogan just like they funded the rise of the Nazi Hitler. And just like Hitler, Erdogan’s assigned role is to lead his country into a multi-front war that will bring about its total defeat. It is unfortunate that the Germans had no idea of what was planned for them, but the Turks do. And if they don’t want history to repeat itself, they must REMOVE ERDOGAN NOW and at any cost.

~ MORE ~

It looks like the Armenians have declared a state of war and are mobilizing to defend against an attack.

And here’s how the globalists can salvage September in the next three days…


The Yom Kippur Coups Against Trump and Netanyahu

(24 September 2020) – Yom Kippur begins on the evening of Sunday, September 27 and ends on the evening of Monday, September 28. Here is what Wikipedia says about it

Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central themes are atonement and repentance… According to Jewish tradition, God inscribes each person’s fate for the coming year into a book, the Book of Life, on Rosh Hashanah, and waits until Yom Kippur to “seal” the verdict.

So who will be made to atone for their crimes that day, Netanyahu and Trump or the US/Israeli “Deep States”? Whose sealed fate in the Book of Life will be death, physical or political, this coming year?

As I’ve stated in previous entries, the fates of Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu are tied together. This is because they are playing the role of precursor messiahs in the globalist prophecy fulfillment show, with Trump playing the “Moshiach ben Cyrus” and Netanyahu playing the Moshiach ben Yosef — both of whom are preparing the way for the Moshiach ben David (Vladimir Putin) to “save Israel and the world from the Western Satanist Establishment.”

Both “set off political firestorms with their unconstitutional stances” on Wednesday — Netanyahu with his political demonstration-limiting full lockdown plan and Trump with his refusal to commit to a peaceful transition of power…

…from today’s Drudge Report. Notice how Trump is portrayed in the photo; it’s like he has been cut out of it.

So both Trump and Netanyahu are open to coups this month for “disregarding the US and Israeli constitutions and causing national upheaval.” And the US/Israeli “Deep Staters” who orchestrate the coups are open to counterattack (through mass arrests) at the moment they attempt them or at some later time.

If the globalist want to salvage their timetable for this year, they’ll need to convincingly mark the death of the Bretton Woods World Order and the rise of the Multilateral New World Order by the end of this month. To accomplish this will require three things…

  1. The UN must make a clear move to reform itself into the multilateral NWO,
  2. the current financial system must begin its final collapse, and
  3. the current political Establishment must be dealt a death blow.

The first of these requirements was accomplished on September 21, when the entire UN approved the Declaration for the Multilateral “UN 2.0″…

…from the UN website (top) and the Business Standard (bottom). Note the “Decade of Action” reference in the bottom one.

So just like the age of the United States is counted from the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the age of the Multilateral UN/NWO can be counted from the approval of Monday’s Multilateral Declaration.

The second of these requirements can be accomplished by a limit-down drop of the markets as early as tomorrow (Friday). It would be said that the “Deep State” triggered this drop and threatened many more to pressure Republican Senators and Trump’s cabinet into backing off the Supreme Court nomination and making a move to remove Trump. “You can’t possibly win with Trump leading your ticket and the economy in free-fall, so take down Trump or it’s all over for you,” the “Deep State” would supposedly say. And in a scenario in which the “good guys” launch an immediate counterattack, the “Deep State” would activate their financial doomsday contingency by triggering the collapse of a systemically-important financial institution, thus ensuring the total collapse of the current system.

The third of these requirements can be accomplished by an immediate mass-arrests counterattack against the coup plotters by the “good guy” military (including the US Space Force) using NSA-supplied evidence. The first slew of arrests would lead to a cascade of further arrests across all the Western governments as the “bad guys” turn on each other to lessen their punishments.

Of course, if the military makes this move and then tries to keep Trump in office, half the population will see it as an illegal Trump takeover of the government. So Trump would have to move aside so the military can put “non-threatening bi-partisan civilian leaders” in place. These leaders would the be ones the globalists have been grooming as their controlled opposition: Rand Paul (a Republican) and Tulsi Gabbard (a Democrat).

The other path the globalists can take this month is to script the coup as succeeding. This would take us through three more years of a 3.5 year Great Tribulation period that started with the COVID lockdowns this March. The Great Tribulation would then end with the “World Summit” the UN has scheduled for September of 2023, when Putin would overpower the West to launch a “positive” multilateral UN instead of the “evil” one the West has supposedly been striving for. This would mark the beginning of the Second 7-Year Tribulation (which the globalists will cast as the “real one”). If you add the 3 remaining years of the First Great Tribulation to the 7 years of the Second Tribulation, you get 10 years; this is the “Decade of Action” the UN spoke of this week.

So what’ll it be? Will the NWO begin this month or three years from now? We’ll find out in the next several days (if they don’t abort the coups).

Here are the previous updates on this (including the one I posted early in the morning, with my comments now added)…

(23 September 2020) – Israel and Madrid are going to full lockdowns this Friday. Keep an eye out for more. They’ll be locking down the places where they’re planning drama.

~ MORE – 24 September 2020 ~

After looking through the preparatory propaganda reports about the full lockdown offered by the Israeli press, it looks like they’re setting up a “Deep State” / leftist coup against Netanyahu for Yom Kippur weekend (this weekend).

The planned coup is just another drama put on for public consumption, and it features Netanyahu playing the “good guy” and the “Israeli Deep State” and liberals playing the “bad guys.” The plot of this particular drama is that the Deep State bad guys in the healthcare field are manipulating the COVID data to show surging infection and mortality rates and recommending unnecessary measures to Netanyahu to “stop the surge.” And good guy Netanyahu is making courageous and reasonable decisions based on this phony information they’re feeding him.

After the lockdown goes into effect and the public is pissed off, the bad guys in the healthcare field will claim that the measures Netanyahu took were unreasonable and far beyond what they advised. And Netanyahu’s opposition and the press will hammer the public with the idea that Netanyahu did the full lockdown to unconstitutionally suppress the demonstrations against him and save his political skin. This will be their excuse to move against him, with the intention of forcibly removing him from office and replacing him with Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz.

Let me show you how all this is reflected in the propaganda reports, starting with the one from Haaretz {with my comments added [in red brackets]}…

On the Basics of the New Lockdown Rules

In two rounds of voting, the government has approved the tightened coronavirus restrictions presented by the ministerial coronavirus cabinet. The full lockdown will begin on Friday and last until after the Jewish holiday of Sukkot ends on October 11.

As opposed to the current restrictions, which allow the private sector to operate so long as they do not serve customers face-to-face, only essential businesses, such as pharmacies and supermarkets, and stores that sell hygiene products, will remain open.

Synagogues will remain open for the Yom Kippur holiday. Protests will be limited to a kilometer from the demonstrator’s home, and in groups of no more than 20 people. Up to 20 people will be able to gather up to a kilometer outside the home, and Ben-Gurion airport will close for departures.

[I found the last bit interesting; no one will be able to escape via Israel’s main international airport — an airport that is right next to the City of Lod (see the 18 September update to understand why that may be significant).]

On the Constitutional Trap

Protests can only be banned in event of full lockdown, says Mendelblit.

Demonstrations can’t be banned unless Israel imposes a full lockdown, which would also ban prayer services, Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit said. According to Mendelblit, banning protests specifically “raises constitutional problems”…

Over the past months, Israel has seen a growing wave of anti-government protests, calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign over his trial in three corruption cases and his government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis.

[Note that Mandelblit established a legal standard that required Netanyahu to apply religious ceremony restrictions in order to apply restrictions to political demonstrations. This was done to alienate Netanyahu’s political base from him. Mandelblit also brought up constitutional issues with banning political demonstrations. The coup plotters will argue that by scaring people so they’ll stay home, limiting them from gathering in groups larger than 20, and limiting them from traveling more than a kilometer from home, Netanyahu is making effective political demonstrations impossible, which is essentially equivalent to banning them altogether. “So let’s get the bastard!”]

On Netanyahu’s Side of the Argument

Netanyahu: I support right to protest, but professionals all tell me to stop them

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that all the professionals advising him have recommended was to ban all gatherings, including protests and prayer within an enclosed space. Netanyahu said that he “fully supports the right to protest, but every week the citizens of Israel see how they are required to celebrate the holiday alone, how they are required to follow the health guidelines, and on the other hand how protesters gather en masse against every health-related rule.”

[Take note of how Netanyahu is saying that the health professionals are telling him to lock down everything. Also take note of his “reasonable” stance on the hypocrisy of allowing unrestricted political gatherings while limiting all other types of gatherings. This is meant to show that his decisions are based in logic and a sense of consistency and fairness, not a desire to end political protest. In the globalist script, he’s the good guy (in Act One of the play).]

Now let’s look at the report from The Jerusalem Post {with my comments added [in red brackets]}…

On the Coronavirus Meeting and the Bad Guys’ Side of the Argument

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed for the total closure during the coronavirus cabinet meeting Wednesday, despite opposition by the Finance Ministry and some other senior officials. They said that a total lockdown was not needed…

“The situation is bad; we’re seeing a steep increase in morbidity rates,” Netanyahu said via a video message during a break from the coronavirus cabinet meeting. “We need to reach decisions, hard decisions. But as prime minister, I’m obligated to protect your lives, and everyone must understand that this is a life-threatening situation.

“That’s why there’s no other choice. We’re going to make hard decisions and save lives – with your cooperation,” he concluded…

From the meeting’s start, it was apparent that Netanyahu was planning to push for a complete closure, which Blue and White ministers claimed was in order to stop the protests against him.

Several quotes from the session were leaked, which painted a picture of the chaos that led to the closure.

“Why do we need to close down factories to stop demonstrations?” asked Finance Minister Israel Katz.

“Who is asking for a complete closure?” asked Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi. “It is not us – it is the prime minister.”

“I hear the health professionals say there is no reason for a general closure,” he continued. “I therefore want to understand why a full closure is recommended here. A full closure is a last resort and not a solution to demonstrations.”

Ashkenazi said that a closure would destroy the economy and close down businesses for good.

“The decision cannot go against the health professionals,” he stressed, “because of political considerations.”

Added Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn: “We agreed to a closure, but now you suddenly want a decision that will ban only demonstrations on Balfour” Road, in front of the Prime Minister’s Residence…

Likud MK Haim Katz, who chairs the party’s powerful Central Committee, said the government and Knesset should be dispersed.

“Nothing is working,” he lamented.

[This passage establishes a number of elements of the coup script…

1) It establishes that a number of senior officials are positioning themselves as opponents of the lockdown. These are the officials that will move against Netanyahu.

2) It establishes that Netanyahu is trying his best to protect the people with his decisions — which are based on the health professionals’ data and recommendations — even if those decisions might not be popular. This portrays him as courageous.

3) It establishes the coup plotters’ argument that Netanyahu’s chief motivation is stopping the demonstrations and holding onto power.

4) It establishes that the health professionals are telling the opponents of the lockdown the exact opposite of what they’re telling Netanyahu. And after the lockdown takes effect, whose story do you think the “Deep State” COVID-hoaxing “health professionals” will back? They’ll back the coup plotters of course.

5) It establishes that the second full lockdown will “destroy the economy and close down businesses for good.” This will allow the coup plotters to claim that “Netanyahu is bringing the whole country to ruin just to hold onto power for himself! So let’s get the bastard!”

6) It establishes that high level members of Netanyahu’s own party, Likud, are frustrated with the situation and are ready for a change. According to the scripting, this will make them less resistant to replacing Netanyahu with Gantz.]

NOTE: Today’s (9/23) update on the Supreme Court farce is below the red section in blue. It goes into why every serving Supreme Court justice and Trump nominee is either Catholic or Jewish…

(22 September 2020) – WARNING: With the press now narrating that…

  1. Trump will announce his Supreme Court nominee on Saturday, and
  2. the Senate Republicans have enough votes to confirm the nominee,

there is a strong scripted motivation for the Democrats / “commies” / “Deep State” to make a move against Trump, Pence and/or one or more Republican Senators. According to the likely globalist scripting, “the Deep State is now threatening to crash the markets if Trump doesn’t back off of a pre-election nomination.” So this might be the supposed reason for a Friday market collapse.

So was the engine trouble Pence’s plane experienced today the first assassination attempt?

~ MORE – 23 September 2020 ~

While we watch the drama over the Supreme Court nominee unfold, it is a good time to remind ourselves of how very fake it all is. There is no real dispute between Democratic and Republican leaders over Supreme Court nominees or anything else, because they all work for the same people: the Kabbalist Central Bankers — the only difference between them is how they market themselves and Kabbalist policies to the public. And in the case of the Supreme Court, Kabbalist control is very easy to see. Have a look at the information highlighted in the red box…

…from CNN

As you can see, EVERY SINGLE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE IS EITHER A CATHOLIC OR A JEW. And the reason for this is quite simple: the Kabbalists dominate both Judaism and Roman Catholicism — both groups are arms of Kabbalist power. The Jews flock around the Kabbalists because of their vast wealth and because they publicly “identify” as Jews, and the Catholics revolve around the Kabbalists because the Jesuits control the Vatican.

It was because of President Kennedy’s opposition to the Kabbalist takeover of America and the Catholic Church that he was assassinated, with his murder occurring on Friday, November 22, 1963, 13 months to the day after the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) began on October 11, 1962. It was during Vatican II that the Kabbalists cemented their control over Roman Catholicism.

So can you guess which religion is practiced by Trump’s top two candidates for nominee?…

…from the National Catholic Reporter

And you can bet your bottom dollar that if Biden were to nominate someone, she would be either a Catholic or a Jew too; he’s a Catholic himself.

For more information on all this, it is very important you read How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order. It lays out the takeover process using information from the Jesuits’ own sources. And here is a post I wrote on the Kennedy assassination: Why the Jewish bankster elite assassinated John F. Kennedy.

More to come on this…

(22 September 2020) – Trump’s speech was remarkably short and positive, except for his rhetoric towards China. And as I’ve noted in previous updates, the globalists have created a 7-year Xi Jinping-centered prophecy timeline that terminates this month, which…

So watch very carefully for Chinese mischief over the next 8 days.

And while we’re on the subject of the Xi timeline ending this month, let’s take a second look at something I wrote in the 22 August update…

the 7-year Xi timeline that expires next month will give the globalists a second chance to collapse the Bretton Woods financial system this year. It would be the point at which Bretton Woods explodes in flames and “Xi’s vision of a Belt and Road World Order” rises like a phoenix from its ashes exactly 7 years after he proposed it. And this collapse of the current financial system will likely be set off by a black swan event: the collapse of Three Gorges Dam, the CCP invasion of Taiwan (supposedly without Xi’s permission), a nuke going off somewhere, etc.

Fast forwarding to today, the markets are already having trouble, and you can add a second wave of COVID lockdowns to the list of black swans the globalists can use to pull the plug on the current financial system…

…from last night’s Drudge Report

So watch for lots of lockdowns and a financial system crash in the next 8 days as well (and perhaps by this weekend).

(21 September 2020) – After waiting all morning to see a video or transcript of Trump’s first speech, I ran across this…

U.S. President Donald Trump was on the speaker list for the commemoration, but he did not speak. In a snub to the United Nations, the United States was represented by its acting deputy U.N. ambassador, Cherith Norman Chalet. – from WEEK

So was it really a snub, and is Trump saving all his ammunition for his Tuesday speech? Or did they have to abort their plans at the last minute, leaving only the acting deputy UN ambassador available to get up and say something in Trump’s place?

Trump’s schedule was left free today all the way till 3 PM (except for an 8 AM telephone interview that may have been scheduled overnight)…


Was he planning to travel to the UN this morning, then fly on from there to his afternoon commitment in Ohio? Or did he have a prerecorded speech to play at the UN event, but decided to dump it? We’ll probably never know.

~ later ~

It appears that the UN Multilateral Declaration has been adopted, so the US didn’t get in the way. And I think what I’ve already written about Trump and Putin’s speeches constitutes sufficient coverage. Now we wait to see what tomorrow brings.

ALERT: Big Drama at the UN Monday and Tuesday May Trigger War

(19 September 2020) – It looks like they may have called off the Palestinian uprising (for the moment), so I’ll save what I was planning to write today for the next time they try it. Besides, I find my mind already focused on the second opportunity for the “Messiah to take the world stage,” which is coming at the United Nations virtual meetings on September 21 and 22.

The globalists are setting up a scenario in which Trump will set the ball so Putin can spike it. They’ll do this by having Trump squeeze two big unilateral turds into the UN punch bowl during his speeches on Monday and Tuesday. Putin will then use his Tuesday speech to point the way to a future, multilateral, turd-free United Nations. I’ll show you the setup tomorrow.

~ ALERT – 20 September 2020 ~

Now that Israel has locked down its own population for three weeks, they are also locking down the Palestinians for the next two days…

The Israeli occupation army announced the full closure of the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip for the Jewish Rosh Hashanah holiday, Quds Press reported on Friday.

According to Quds Press, the complete closure will start from Sunday at midnight until Tuesday.

During this period, all crossings between Israel and the occupied territories will be closed with the exception of humanitarian or medical emergencies, and these “must” be coordinated with the Israeli army.

This is a routine closure, but Israel intends to tighten its measures against the movement of Palestinians under claims of fearing attacks. – from the Middle East Monitor

It should be noted that Rosh Hashanah ENDS at nightfall today, and that’s when the Palestinian lockdown begins, so the lockdown has nothing to do with Rosh Hashanah. And since the lockdown covers Monday and Tuesday, which are the days Trump is giving his two speeches to the United Nations, it appears that he may say something in those speeches that will set the Palestinians off.

Will he announce that several more Arab nations will sign the Abraham Accords? Will he announce the imposition of Kushner’s “peace” deal? Will he announce that the West Bank annexation will go forward? Will he announce the building of the Third Temple?

Will Trump’s unilateral speeches spark war by Wednesday?

Getting back to the possibility of a Palestinian uprising, I ran across a hint yesterday that the Palestinians were indeed preparing something for Rosh Hashanah. Here is an excerpt from an Al Jazeera article that was published on the 15th (the day the Abraham Accords were signed)…

Senior Fatah official and spokesperson Iyad Nasser told Al Jazeera, “The threats and dangers facing the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause is what led to this progress achieved in forming the committees and in forming the national field leadership for popular resistance.”

Nasser said his party is optimistic the efforts to mend fences will work.

“At this stage, unity is needed to confront all projects and schemes that aim to liquidate the Palestinian cause and Palestinian rights. At this critical time, we must transcend the minor factional disputes towards full devotion to defend and advance the central issue, which is the Palestine issue,” Nasser added.

“Confronting normalisation requires the acceleration in the achievement of national unity and the escalation of popular resistance in the occupied Palestinian land“…

In addition to their unified rejection of the Israeli and American measures against the Palestinians, the two movements agreed non-violent popular resistance is the preferred strategy.

The joint leadership, led by Hamas and Fatah, is expected to activate popular resistance in the West Bank this week, though it did not elaborate…

Jibril Rajoub, secretary-general of Fatah’s central committee — who was behind the initiative within Fatah to re-launch talks with Hamas in June — told reporters that the Palestinian factions agreed there will be a change in the rules of engagement with Israeli occupation forces.

We will not allow the occupation to uproot an olive tree, or injure one Palestinian without paying the price,” said Rajoub.

Speaking of that last bit, look at what happened to 50 olive trees in the West Bank on the morning before Rosh Hashanah began

…from Haaretz

Isn’t it a “remarkable coincidence” that this tree incident occurred just three days after the Palestinian leadership spoke of their intention to “activate popular resistance in the West Bank this week”? As for the parts where they talk of “non-violent popular resistance,” that sounds a lot like the rhetoric of BLM and the CHAZ idiots in Seattle, doesn’t it? And just like the CHAZ idiots, I suspect the Palestinians were planning to “Occupy the Temple Mount” on 9/18. Will that now happen after one of Trump’s speeches?

The media are reporting that Trump will announce his Supreme Court nominee “in days,” which means it could happen after his UN speeches on Monday and Tuesday. So stopping this nomination has now become a scripted motivation for the “Deep State” / Democrats / “Commies” to do something dramatic like starting a war and/or removing Trump before Wednesday. I’ll write more on this after I preview Trump and Putin’s speeches — Trump’s first speech airs at 9 AM tomorrow (EDT). The next three days are looking quite hairy.

Things to Watch For During Trump and Putin’s Speeches

The first thing we should note about Trump’s first speech is that the door has been left open for him to make a surprise visit to the UN to deliver it in person. Here’s an excerpt from the Politico article that reported the supposed cancellation of his visit

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows ended the “Will he? Won’t he?” intrigue surrounding President Donald Trump’s possible in-person appearance at the U.N., telling reporters aboard Air Force One Thursday night that the president will not go to New York next week to give his speech to the assembly.

That confirms a State Department email, seen by POLITICO, labeled a “final update” regarding UNGA, that states neither President Trump nor Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would travel to New York. “Dignitary Protection does not have any planned protection details planned for UNGA 75,” the email said, further noting the Department of Homeland Security has canceled this year’s designation of UNGA as a National Special Security Event.

“In the event that we have a detail pop up it will be managed as we normally do for visits to NYC throughout the year,” the email said.

U.N. Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric also said Thursday that the organization was not expecting any head of state or government to visit New York this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, but stressed that the final decision remained with the White House

Trump’s virtual remarks will eliminate some of the drama of a live speech, particularly given a seating plan that’s placed Iran’s delegate directly in front of the speaking podium. Due to coronavirus restrictions, just one New York-based representatives from each country will be allowed in the hall for the speeches, instead of its normal six-person delegation.

Can you see how the article subtly suggests that Trump might change his mind and show up at the UN (with only normal trip security) to look the Iranian delegate in the eyes when he gives his speech? It’s also notable that the DHS will not be providing the heightened security normally afforded such a big event. This opens the door for a sneak attack by aggrieved nations on Trump, the UN building, or both. Of course, if Trump shows up in New York for the Monday speech, he’ll probably stay there to give Tuesday’s in person as well. That’s the day I’d expect any attack, Tuesday the 22nd.

Now let’s look at the expectations the Politico article sets for Trump’s Monday speech…

Diplomats are even more reticent than usual when asked about their expectations for Trump next week — a sign of how nervous they are that the U.S. president will ruin what’s left of a long-planned U.N. 75th anniversary commemoration.

The centerpiece of those commemorations is a declaration negotiated over several months, “to be adopted, hopefully consensually, on Monday,” said Olof Skoog, the EU’s ambassador to the U.N.

Some foreign diplomats fear the U.S. may prevent consensus adoption of the resolution, after already objecting in June to earlier draft language around the Paris climate deal and a “shared vision for common future.”

The celebrations are already clouded by the Trump administration’s broadsides on U.N. bodies such as the WHO and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); the patchy global response to the coronavirus pandemic; and an ongoing failure of U.N. member countries to stay on track with the body’s Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Climate Agreement.

On Monday, world leaders will deliver speeches marking the U.N.’s successes and failures. The U.S., as host, is set to deliver the first speech. That’s a move European diplomats consider to be an own goal: letting the United Nations’ most powerful critic set the tone for a landmark anniversary. “The U.N. is great for inflicting upon itself these unwritten rules that make no sense under the current circumstances,” said one European ambassador.

As for the big declaration Trump seems poised to sabotage, let’s have a look at what Pass Blue says about it

…”A daring commitment for a more perfect world…

…says Trump’s UN speechwriter.”

Here’s an excerpt…

This September, world leaders will mark the UN’s 75th anniversary. On this occasion, they will endorse, through the adoption of a declaration, a renewed vision for collective global action and a set of commitments to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, extreme poverty, armed conflict, disarmament, disruptive technologies and other global challenges.

Similar to Dumbarton Oaks, can the UN-75 commemoration catalyze a wider global conversation toward a new San Francisco moment that creates a more dynamic global governance system?

Signifying their intent that the 75th anniversary should be more than a diplomatic birthday party, the UN’s 193 member states began work earlier this year on the UN-75 Declaration, with Qatar’s permanent representative, Alya Al-Thani, and Sweden’s permanent representative, Anna Karin Enestrom, facilitating the effort. The ensuing negotiations to develop a “concise, substantive, forward-looking and unifying declaration” progressed. Yet it also revealed fault lines between great powers and among major groupings of countries…

With pressure and forward-leaning ideas from UN2020, Together First and other civil society networks, the declaration demonstrates an unequivocal commitment to reform and recovery, calling repeatedly, for example, to address global challenges “through reinvigorated multilateralism” and the importance of rebuilding better and greener after the pandemic

Most important, the UN-75 Declaration — expected to be adopted formally by world leaders on Sept. 21 at the start of the General Assembly’s annual high-level week — mandates “the Secretary-General to report back before the end of the seventy-fifth session of the General Assembly with recommendations to advance our common agenda and to respond to current and future challenges.”

By signaling a serious follow-up during the General Assembly’s next session, the declaration creates an opportunity to further bridge the gap between governments and global civil society’s view of the “Future we want, the United Nations we need,” as manifested in the preliminary assessment of the secretary-general’s UN75 Global Conversation and countless other dialogues and studies worldwide…

“UN 2.0” stresses that international organizations, starting with the UN, must creatively harness the ideas, networks and abilities of governments, civil society and the private sector to successfully solve global problems. It calls on member states to convene a world summit in 2023 on inclusive global governance to usher in a compact for renewed governance worldwide and to rebuild confidence in global institutions.

Such high-sounding fluffery! So after all of this work put in by the UN muckety-mucks and after all of this buildup, Trump might tear the whole thing down tomorrow morning by saying, “We tried multilateralism to get the Security Council sanctions reimposed on Iran and it didn’t work, so what good is it? It’s fired.” That would be the first turd in the punchbowl. And if the globalists back off on their plans for Monday and Tuesday and order Trump to instead approve the declaration, they are setting a timer for the launch of the NWO at the “world summit” in September of 2023, which would make the 3.5 years between the March COVID lockdowns and the summit “the Great Tribulation.”

As we approach this first speech tomorrow morning, it’s important to remember that Trump is playing the character of the “Moshiach ben Cyrus,” whose role is to “aid the Moshiach ben David (Putin) in the redemption of Israel and the world.” So if the globalists proceed with the current plan, they’ll have Trump deliberately piss off the whole world and start a terrible war with America’s “unilateral hubris” so the nations will finally say “enough is enough” and turn away from American leadership/protection and America’s dollar. This will open the way for them to turn to Putin’s vision of a “more representative, stronger, sovereignty-respecting” multilateral UN for leadership/protection and the SDR/”phoenix” as the new reserve currency.

It’s one of the oldest tricks in the globalist playbook…

  • Scare them with the Left Hand (an American superpower that unilaterally attacks, regime changes, robs, and sanctions any and every nation on a whim), and
  • welcome them with the Right Hand (a multilateral NWO strong enough to stop any power, even America, from disrupting world peace and prosperity ever again).

So Trump will set the ball with his unilateral outrages, and Putin will spike it with his “inspiring” vision of a peaceful multilateral future.

Now let’s look at an excerpt from another Pass Blue article that offers some additional things we might see in tomorrow’s speech, with my comments added [in brackets]…

The timing of the Sept. 22 statement by the US, during the last weeks of Trump’s campaign for re-election on Nov. 3, is generating much speculation in the international community and among media about what he might say, given his bombastic style and hostility to the UN.

Over the past three and a half years, the US administration’s America First policy has taken many steps to distance the US from multilateralism. Some readers may be familiar with two or three of them that have been reported across the world. In fact, since the Trump administration has been in office since Jan. 20, 2017, it has taken 20 actions to deconstruct the post-WW II global governance system

[Deconstructing the post-WWII global governance system, commonly known as the Bretton Woods system, is a key step in clearing the way for the construction of the NWO. Part of Trump’s job was to set the Interim World Order aflame so the New World Order phoenix can rise from its ashes.]

So what should the world expect from Trump’s statements, on Sept. 21 and 22, to the General Assembly? Experts have raised a wide range of possibilities…

On the high-risk side for multilateralism, UN-watchers have suggested that he could retaliate to the recent snub in the Security Council for its refusal in August to approve a resolution extending the Iran arms embargo (part of the Iran nuclear deal) and announce a postponement or cancellation of the US’s regularly scheduled October payment to the UN. He could advise his fellow UN members that he would consider in his next term withdrawing from the UN; or more dramatically and in line with the views of his base, he could announce that the US is withdrawing from the UN immediately.

That there are no provisions in the UN Charter for a member to withdraw would not undermine the political effect of any of these actions. According to Security Council Procedure, an independent organization that tracks the UN body’s work, wrote on Twitter on Sept. 14 (though not addressing whether the US would remain the host country):

“If Trump takes US out of the UN, this will *not* mean #UNHQ has to leave New York. By res. 100(I) the GA accepted Rockefeller gift of $8,500,000 by which UN bought the land where UN premises are now located.”

Since tomorrow’s speeches are supposed to be about the strengths and weaknesses of the current UN and how it might be reformed into something “better,” I’d expect Trump’s speech to be focused on the UN’s failures, with him rejecting the big declaration and sanctioning the UN (by withholding dues). He may even announce America’s intention to leave the UN, which would provide a nice excuse for the UN to start planning a move out of the US (if its building doesn’t get blown up on Tuesday).

Trump’s Tuesday speech would then be focused on the Middle East “peace” effort, with him saying things that will anger Iran, Turkey, and the Palestinians. Their anger would then be used by the “evil Deep State” as cover for war-starting false-flags.

Tomorrow, we’ll look at Putin’s “prescient and visionary” speech on Tuesday (he isn’t speaking Monday). Then we’ll look at how the different globalist narratives will explain what Trump did this week.

The Setup for the Rosh Hashanah Palestinian Uprising

(17 September 2020) – As part of their Big Crisis plan for the September 18-23 time period, the globalists are planning to lock down Israel tomorrow in order to stage a Palestinian uprising on Rosh Hashanah. The uprising would include, but not be limited to, violence in and around the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Lod [a small city in Israel], and the Temple Mount [with Al Aqsa Mosque being seized (and later blown up) by Erdogan-funded Islamist zealots]. Fortunately, it appears that they’re already wavering on the lockdown, which means they’re wavering on going forward with the uprising and the broader Middle East War this week…

…from The Jerusalem Post

Over the course of the day, let’s see if we can expose them enough to make them to zag away from mischief instead of zigging towards it. And since I’m on information overload right now, today’s updates will come in baby steps.

Baby Step 1 – “Baby step to the Palestinian motivation”…

Whether the planned Palestinian uprising occurs this Rosh Hashanah or in the weeks/months to follow, there is one — and ONLY ONE — reason it will happen: because the people paying the Palestinian groups’ leadership tell them to do it. And the people who do the paying work for the central bankers.

So the reasons for events offered by the propaganda press aren’t the real reasons; they’re just plausible motivations dreamt up by think tanks and told to the public so people will believe these events are occurring naturally (rather than by the scripting and direction of the Hidden Hand). With that being said, this FT propaganda piece lays out the Palestinians’ scripted motivation for the uprising…

In the past, the Palestinians were always at the front of the line when it came to Middle East peace initiatives. It was assumed that their situation had to be resolved before there could be peace between Israel and the Muslim nations. But Trump and Netanyahu have bypassed them by starting at the back of the line and making deals with individual Muslim states, and a big milestone in that effort was reached just two days ago…

…from VOA

The Palestinian leadership responded to the signing of the “Abraham Accords” in a predictable fashion…

…from The Jerusalem Post. Here is an excerpt…

Palestinian protests against the normalization agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain could lead to an intifada, Palestinian activists warned on Tuesday.

The warning came as Palestinians held protests against the “treacherous” agreements in some parts of the West Bank. The protests, organized by several Palestinian factions that are part of a new group called the Unified Leadership of the Popular Resistance, were held under the banner: “Normalization is a crime.”

“We are on the brink of a third intifada,” a Fatah activist told The Jerusalem Post. “The Palestinian people feels betrayed by the Arabs and will show the world that the Palestinian issue remains the central issue of all Arabs and Muslims.”

Speaking of the “Unified Leadership of the Popular Resistance” group leading the charge against Trump and Netanyahu’s efforts, can you guess what the Hamas leader discussed with Erdogan at their meeting last month?…


So the scripted Palestinian motive for an uprising is to stop Israel and the US from bypassing them and to trigger “an Israeli outrage against Muslims” to get the Muslim world firmly back on their side. Of course, the Dajjal (Erdogan) who helps fund many Palestinian projects (including the “Unified Leadership”) would also like such an Israeli outrage to occur so he can lead the Muslim world in an invasion and conquest of Israel. And now the Iranians (who arm Hamas) have also been provided a scripted motivation to strike out against Netanyahu and Trump: the reimposition of sanctions by the US this week…

…from the Minneapolis Star Tribune

As you can see, quite a sh*tstorm has been built up just in time for the September 18-23 Danger Period. And it is important to keep this in mind…


To achieve this, I suspect the globalists will have Erdogan order his Jerusalem proxies to seize the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Mosque. And at some point after the Israeli security forces respond and engage with the invaders, the Mosque will be blown up. The Palestinians will blame the explosion on an Israeli bomb or missile, but people will later be told one of two things…

  1. that “the Islamists occupying the Mosque did it in order to trigger a war to destroy Israel,” or
  2. that “Erdogan did it with a cruise missile” for the same reason.

A thermobaric warhead may be used to ensure that the Mosque is completely destroyed and to make it look like the explosion in Beirut (which many blame on Israel).

On a related note, also keep an eye out for the “cruise missiles out of Yemen / ballistic missiles out of Iraq & Lebanon” false-flag during Rosh Hashanah. Copy and paste The false-flag “Houthi” cruise missile attack into your browser’s FIND feature to read more on the subject. One of this false-flag’s projected targets is the Combined Air Operations Center at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, and given that Trump is threatening to retaliate ‘1,000 times’ harder against Iran if it attacks U.S. personnel overseas,” the “evil Deep State” can use it to trick Trump into a war with Iran.

~ MORE – 18 September 2020 ~

After I posted the full update yesterday, the globalists made an adjustment…

…from Politico

So I guess the UN/Trump flambee is off the menu for the 22nd, and this could be a sign of a general retreat from the Kabbalist plans for this week. As for the Israeli lockdown, they finalized the rules for it yesterday, but the Knesset has the ability to modify or cancel it. Let’s see if they do so. If they don’t, the 3+ week lockdown will remain in effect till about 8/11, which is a good day to try things again.

Also this morning, I ran across narrative support for the “cruise missiles out of Yemen” false-flag…

…from Al Masdar News. “Ansar Allah” are the Houthis, who are regarded as proxies of the Iranians. So with Netanyahu encroaching on Yemen and Trump slapping Iran with more sanctions tomorrow, both the Houthis and their sponsors have scripted motivations to strike Israel and the US. This will make it easy for the “evil Deep State” to blame the false-flag on them.

Since I don’t know if the globalists have called off the festivities for this week, I’ll go ahead and write about the planned uprising in Lod. It will remain part of their plan whether they execute it now or later.

Baby Step 2 – “Baby step to Lod, the happiest place on Earth!”…

There is one reason — and ONLY ONE REASON — the globalists may script a major Palestinian uprising event in Lod, and it’s featured on the city’s Wikipedia page

The city also finds reference in an Islamic Hadith, as the location of the battlefield where the antichrist (Dajjal) will be slain before the Day of Judgment.

And as we know from an earlier update a little further down this page, the “Dajjal” (who is being played by Erdogan) will be slain by “Isa” (who is being played by Putin).

As for the scripted motivation for a Palestinian uprising in Lod (which was previously called Lydda), it has its roots in the history of the city…

During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War most of the city’s Arab inhabitants were expelled in the 1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle. The town was resettled by Jewish immigrants, most of them from Arab countries, alongside 1,056 Arabs who remained. Today, the city has an Arab population of 30%. – from Wikipedia

Lod is the microcosm that reflects the macrocosm; it is a case study in the displacement of Palestinians from their lands by Jewish immigrants. And there was a massacre there during the displacement. This will be the rationale offered to the public for the Palestinian uprising there.

Now if we look at the city itself, three potential targets stand out immediately…

…from Google Maps

Those three targets are…

  1. the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Israel,
  2. the Border Police Headquarters, and
  3. the Church of St. George.

In a future entry, I’ll show you the significance of these three targets, particularly that of the Church of St. George. Then we’ll look at how the globalists will fulfill Isa’s slaying of the Dajjal. Until then, here’s the bottom line: what Erdogan’s proxies do at Lod’s Church of St. George (the Christian and Muslim saint who “slayed the dragon”) may convince Putin to go ahead and slay the dragon (Erdogan).

ALERT (15 September 2020)
Imminent Chemical False-Flag in Ukraine

Have you been wondering why “the West” has rolled out the “Novichok poisoning” of Navalny at this particular time?…

…from Google

It may have been done to set the stage for a follow-up event, and a reader may have stumbled across the next shoe to drop…

…from the WHO website

In my 12 August update, I talked about how the unrest in Belarus was being used to position Russian forces to fulfill a major globalist objective: Putin’s retaking of eastern Ukraine in order to reunite the lands of ancient Khazaria. And I’ve been wondering how the globalists planned to get the fighting started. Now we know. “The West” will conduct a chemical (possibly Novichok) false-flag in Ukraine and use it as an excuse to move forces into eastern Ukraine (with the supposed hidden objective of retaking Crimea). Putin will in turn counterattack and crush them, seizing all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper in the process.

So this chemical false-flag could happen during the WHO’s full-scale SimEx (by “taking it live”) or right after it (during Rosh Hashanah).

The Rosh Hashanah / UN General Assembly Danger Period
[+ today’s (9/15) addition in blue]

(13 September 2020) – Updates will resume on Monday the 14th as part of the lead-up to the coming September 18-23 danger period. Oh, by the way…

“MY proper-tay!”…

(14 September 2020) – The September 18-23 Danger Period is beginning to take shape, and this is what it looks like…

September 15: The 75th UN General Assembly (UNGA) begins. Presiding over the event will be the new UN General Assembly President Volkan Bozkir, a Turk. Having him open the 75th UNGA is meant to tie the current UN to the Antichrist/Dajjal, Erdogan.

Due to the “Coronavirus pandemic,” the UNGA will be a virtual event with teleconferenced meetings and prerecorded speeches, but with one possible exception: Trump may give his speech at the UN in person. This opens the possibility of an explosion that takes out both the current UN complex and Trump when he gives his speech on September 22.

September 18-20: Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) begins at sunset on September 18 (6+6+6 day) and ends at nightfall on September 20. Israel has already announced a national lockdown that will begin before the holiday starts (possibly to prepare for an Erdogan-initiated Palestinian attack/uprising in Gaza, the West Bank, and on the Temple Mount). During the two days of Rosh Hashanah, we may see one of three things…

  • World War 3 will be spectacularly prevented,
  • World War 3 will be launched on the first day and stopped on the second, or
  • World War 3 will begin and stretch on for months afterwards.

I’ll cover all three of these possibilities before the 18th, but for today let’s assume that war will be spectacularly prevented, with Putin causing Erdogan to be deposed and Xi possibly halting a war between China and India. The following event projections for September 21 and 22 will reflect that scenario…

September 21: The UN will hold a high-level virtual meeting titled The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism. This will be the meeting at which world leaders, led by Putin, will resolve to reform the UN to make it “stronger and more equitable” — to turn it into the multilateral NWO.

September 22: On this first day of the UN General Debate, Trump, Xi, Putin, and Turkey’s leader will give their speeches…

…from Pass Blue

These speeches will launch the “Truth Tsunami” that will lay out the reasons for the mass arrests (“of Deep State personnel”) taking place the world over. Under the scenario in which war is prevented by the ouster of Erdogan, the interim Turkish leader will give Turkey’s speech, which will lay out what Erdogan had planned / what Putin saved us from.

So as you can see, this could be the week that changes the world (by taking us into the transition period that will end in the launch of the NWO). Over the course of the next day or two, I’ll enhance and expand this entry to cover all their contingencies, including the not-so-peaceful ones.

~ MORE – 14 September 2020 ~

Coming into this year, the globalist plan was to stage the Crisis Climax in March, then enter a months-long resolution phase that would have culminated in the launch of the NWO this week. This didn’t work out for them. But they can still salvage their timetable if they stage a big event this month that will mark the point when the NWO was born. The resolution phase could then be held in the months that follow, resulting in a March 2021 formal launch of the NWO.

In order to achieve this, they need to give Putin a history-making win going into his landmark UN speech on the 22nd, and that’s what the first two Rosh Hashanah scenarios would provide:

Under the “World War 3 will be spectacularly prevented” scenario, Erdogan would order the Turkish military to launch the war, but be immediately removed for doing so (perhaps after Putin has given a public warning to the Turks). The rationale for his removal would be that launching the war would be suicidal due to the moves Putin and his allies have made to block every aspect of the war plan. So the Turkish generals would act to save Turkey by sacrificing Erdogan.

This first scenario is supported by one of the Islamic prophecy expectations about the confrontation between Isa (Putin) and the Dajjal (Erdogan)…

The defeat of the Dajjal in Ahmadi eschatology is to occur by force of argument and by the warding off of its mischief through the very advent of the Messiah rather than through physical warfare, with the Dajjal’s power and influence gradually disintegrating and ultimately allowing for the recognition and worship of God along Islamic ideals to prevail throughout the world… – from Wikipedia

Under the “World War 3 will be launched on the first day and stopped on the second” scenario, Erdogan would order the Turkish military to launch the war and they’d obey. But the first day of the war would be so utterly disastrous, with their war plan so profoundly disrupted and their attacking forces so heavily slaughtered, that the Turkish generals would remove Erdogan and sue for peace. Putin would graciously grant them peace in return for a number of concessions, including Turkey’s withdrawal of all their military and proxy forces from Syria and Libya and their surrender of all the land on the west side of the Turkish Straits, which includes western Istanbul (Constantinople) and the Hagia Sophia. Putin would then give this land to Greece, with the Greeks in turn granting Russia the unconditional and irrevocable right of passage through the Straits.

Since this second scenario would result in the fulfillment of the Paisios Prophecies and would allow the globalists a day to blow up Al Aqsa Mosque (to make room for the Third Temple), it is the more likely of the two. And don’t be surprised if “lights in the sky” help to stop the fighting.

Tomorrow, we’ll have a look at the hairier, longer-running scenarios, which include possible “assassinations” / removals of the NWO heroes this week.

~ MORE – 15 September 2020 ~

In the 24 August update, we looked at a prophecy propaganda report in which a bullsh*t artist “Kabbalist rabbi” claimed that the Messiah may be revealed this Rosh Hashanah. And yesterday we looked at two scenarios in which this supposed Messiah would take the stage in a victorious manner, having “saved the world” from the evil Antichrist/Dajjal and a terrible war. Now let’s look at a scenario in which he would take the stage as “the Messiah beginning his final battle against the forces of Satan.”

Under the “World War 3 will begin and stretch on for months afterwards” scenario, Erdogan would attack and the war would drag on until December 21 of this year, March of 2021, or September of 2023. This would allow a full unfolding of the “Gog-Magog War” and the “Battle of Armageddon,” and Erdogan’s forces would finally be stopped near Megiddo and Lod in Israel.

Should the globalists proceed with this extended war option, September 21 and 22 at the UN would turn out very differently. There would be conflict at the September 21 high-level meeting as the West pulls in the opposite direction of Putin, “the Novichok-poisoning Russian dictator.” And Putin’s September 22 speech might be described as “visionary” and “pointing the way to the future,” but it will also seem like a pipe dream given that war has just broken out.

In the event the globalists have Erdogan launch the attack, the script will likely call for the world’s “Deep States” to pull out all the stops and attack everywhere. They would try to start wars and conduct terror attacks everywhere they can and they’d try to take down every NWO hero leader, including Trump, Netanyahu, Xi, Bolsonaro, Mohammed bin Salman, Kim Jong Un, and possibly even Putin. Wouldn’t it be dramatic if Putin “disappeared” right before his prerecorded UN General Debate speech was scheduled to be aired on September 22? And wouldn’t it be doubly dramatic if the UN complex was blown up while Trump was inside it giving his speech on September 22?

Do you remember what happened to the port city of Beirut just recently?…

Well New York is a port city too. And if a thermobaric or nuclear bomb were sailed up and exploded beside the UN building on the 22nd, it would end up looking like the grain silo in Beirut…

The “assassination” of Trump and the fiery destruction of the old UN (to make way for the new UN to be rebuilt elsewhere, perhaps in Astana, Jerusalem, or Ordos), are two “Illuminati playing cards” the globalists have been flourishing for years now. And they might have a chance to play them both on the 22nd. Here is a section I wrote a couple of years ago (in this post) about the plan to blow up the UN…


(23 September 2018) – While we’re on the subject of the old UN being blown up by a nuke, it’s important to note that the destruction of the existing UN by fire is depicted by the mural in the Security Council Chamber. Have a look at the part of it I’ve boxed in red, taking careful note of the bird and what it’s standing on…

Here’s what I wrote about it in a previous alert on the Nuclear 9/11 scenario

The globalist “elite” are obsessed with the symbolism of the phoenix, the bird which explodes into flames and is then reborn from its own ashes. Now look again at the mural located in the UN’s Security Council Chamber…

The mural actually depicts the Security Council Chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall depicted in the mural, then look at the color of the Security Council Chamber wall surrounding the mural. It’s the same. Also look at the shape and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at the semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council. But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.

So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the destruction of the Security Council Chamber by fire. Blowing up the UN complex thus becomes the fulfillment of the mural.

The overarching goal of all the current geopolitical drama is to “reform” the UN into the NWO, so I ask you this…

What better way is there to bring in a “new, reformed” UN than to blow up the existing one? After it’s destroyed, the nations will rebuild it in a new place (likely on the Eurasian Continent) and reform it to be “more fair and more strong so such a disaster will never happen again.”

As you can see in this picture, the current UN is located right next to a navigable tidal estuary (the “East River”)…

And as you can see in this picture, sizable boats pass by it each day…

This means the UN is vulnerable to a “sail-up demolition.” If you think of the MOAB attack that happened in Afghanistan back in 2017, its explosive yield was the equivalent of 11 tons of TNT, and a boat or sub could carry much more than 11 tons of high explosive (it would be the Mother Of All Boats). Radioactive material could also be added to turn the conventional bomb into a dirty bomb. A boat, sub or swimmer delivery vehicle could also carry one of “North Korea’s” nukes, which have estimated yields between 10 kilotons and 100+ kilotons.


North Korea would get fingered by the Mainstream Narrative for blowing up the UN because it has a clear motive for such an attack: it is still technically at war with the UN (the Korean War), and its economy is struggling under a massive sanctions regime imposed by the UN. So what better time than the UN’s 75th anniversary to blow it up? The NWO Narrative will blame “the Deep State’s desire to kill Trump” for the explosion of course, but the real reason for it is that it’s a convenient way for the globalists to achieve their goals and free up some prime real estate at the same time. Perhaps Trump Jr. can build some condos there after the war.

Isa’s Descent at the White Minaret
[+ Saturday’s (9/12) addition in blue]

(10 September 2020) – On January 7, just four days after Qasem Soleimani was reportedly killed after supposedly flying from Damascus to Baghdad, Vladimir Putin made a surprise visit to Damascus…


This was a big event in the globalist prophecy fulfillment show — a day when Putin fulfilled an important milestone in Islamic eschatology. Tomorrow, I’ll show you the significance of what happened.

~ MORE – 11 September 2020 ~

Before we get into Putin’s visit to Umayyad Mosque, it’s necessary to give new readers a bit of context…

The globalists are in the process of attempting to fulfill pretty much every “End Times” prophecy known to man. They’re able to do this because they have spent decades indoctrinating the public in the prophecy interpretations worked up by their Kabbalist scholars. And by bombarding us with this prophecy propaganda, they have painstakingly established peoples’ expectations of what the End Times will look like — expectations they are now working to fulfill with carefully staged world events.

A notable part of this indoctrination took place back in 2015, when a globalist agent named Sheikh Imran Hosein set expectations for what would happen during the Muslim End Times…

“Syria is not just another part of the world of Islam. From an Islamic eschatological perspective, Syria is at the heart — the very heart — of the end of history. There are three main actors at the end of history in Islamic eschatology:

The most important of them all is the return of Jesus, the son of Mary, the true messiah.

And then there is another figure in the end of history who seeks to impersonate the true messiah, and he is the false messiah. The Christians call him the Antichrist, and …Muhammad… called him Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.

And the third important figure in Islamic eschatology at the end of history is the Imam, or the Prince — in Christian theology he’s known as the Prince, or Imam al-Mahdi.

And these three main actors of the end of history are all going to be simultaneously present in Damascus. Imam al-Mahdi will already be there. Dajjal will come to attack him. And at that time when Dajjal is ready for the confrontation with the Imam, the Son of Mary returns.” – from an interview of Hosein by the Strategic Culture Foundation, an NWO propaganda organization

Sometime after I first ran across Hosein’s interview, I figured out which leaders were playing which roles…

  1. Putin is playing Jesus (Isa/Issa),
  2. Erdogan is playing the Dajjal, and
  3. Soleimani, who coordinated Syria’s defense from a base in Damascus (and who is in hiding there now), is playing the Mahdi.

So what happened in January of this year is that the globalists had Soleimani go into occultation, which is something the Mahdi is reputed to do when “the forces of Satan make it impossible for him to do his work in this world.” His occultation began after he boarded an airliner on January 3rd that was scheduled to leave Damascus for Baghdad at 20:20. For an unexplained reason, the flight’s departure was delayed for two hours. The globalists will narrate that this delay was caused by Soleimani receiving a warning about what was waiting for him in Baghdad, after which he deplaned and sent a body double wearing his ring in his place. He then made his way to refuge at the only place he’d be safe from an American airstrike: the Russian command center in Damascus — the command center Putin visited four days later. You can read more about this by copying and pasting The Real Story on the Assassination of Qasem Soleimani in your browser’s FIND feature. It will take you down this page to the proper spot. Read from that point through the 11 January update to see all the information on Soleimani.

~ MORE – 11 September 2020 ~

After visiting the Hidden Imam in the command center, Putin went to Umayyad Mosque. I wasn’t aware of this until two days ago when I was looking into the prophecy expectations surrounding the Dajjal and ran across this: “…prophet Isa son of Maryam will descend at the white minaret to the east of Damascus.” Upon being reminded of this expectation concerning Isa, I decided to do a google search to check if Putin had ever gone to the White Minaret and BOOM, there it was. And I found more details on the prophecies surrounding his visit on a website devoted to “Abrahamic Archaeology,” the Madain Project (take special note of the things underlined in red)…

So this is how Putin fulfilled the prophecies…

“Isa descended from the heavens east of Damascus on a group of people” (when his plane landed at Damascus International Airport and was met by a large security detail and a Syrian delegation that included President Assad). The airport is east-southeast of the city center…

…from Google Maps

“His descent was in the direction of the Minaret of Isa” (which is located at the southeast corner of Umayyad Mosque)…

…from Google Maps

“Isa entered Umayyad Mosque bearing the Word of God” (the 17th-century Koran he brought as a gift)…

“Isa then entered one of his own houses of worship (the Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus, the Church of Mary) bearing an icon of his mother” (the name of Putin’s mother is Maria Shelomova)…

~ MORE – 12 September 2020 ~

My most studious and helpful reader has discovered why Isa (Putin) descended towards the White Minaret on January 7, 2020

…from Wikipedia (bottom)

Here is what Wikipedia says about the Treaty…

Following the recent Ottoman defeat at the Battle of Kozludzha, the Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–74 and marked a defeat of the Ottomans in their struggle against Russia. The Russians were represented by Field-Marshal Count Pyotr Rumyantsev while the Ottoman side was represented by Musul Zade Mehmed Pasha. The treaty was a most humiliating blow to the once-mighty Ottoman realm. It would also stand to foreshadow several future conflicts between the Ottomans and Russia. It would be only one of many attempts by Russia to gain control of Ottoman territory.

So by descending into Damascus on the anniversary of a watershed Russian victory over the Ottomans, Isa was foreshadowing the coming humiliating defeat of the Dajjal’s New Ottoman Empire at the hands of Christian Russia and her allies, “just like Greek Elder Paisios’s prophecy foretold.” It is exceedingly unlikely that this timing was mere coincidence.

The other reason Putin descended towards Umayyad in January is that the Crisis Climax we’re currently approaching was originally scheduled to transpire in March, but I’ll cover that in the next addition.

(8 September 2020) – Well, the scheming Shlomos in the Kabbalah caves of Mount Doom spared us any mischief yesterday. And although we must maintain watch through the 11th, the chances of them going for the Climax Crisis before Rosh Hashanah are rapidly approaching zero. The closer we get to the election, the more they are forced to fall back to it as their last-ditch chance to trigger the Climax this year. And on that matter, controlled alt-media propagandist Mike Adams is promoting the Constitutional rationale for Trump’s coming mass arrest of the “Deep State”…

…from Natural News

Once Trump initiates the mass arrests “to stop the insurrection and prevent the stealing of the election,” half of the country will think he is doing it just to hold onto power for himself. To nullify these suspicions, he’ll likely announce a new, “clean” election and that he will not seek reelection in it. This will open the door for the globalists’ “Republican/Democrat unity ticket” of Rand Paul/Tulsi Gabbard to come forward and win.

Getting back to Syria for a moment, another report came out yesterday on how Putin is stacking the deck against Erdogan’s invasion…

…from Al Masdar News. Here is more information on the anti-tank system the article references (1,2).

There was also news about Putin providing arms to Armenia in advance of an Erdogan offensive there. And given that…

…you can be sure that Putin is indeed sending arms and that he will indeed respond militarily if Erdogan attacks Armenia.

The central banksters funded the rise of the Islamist Erdogan just like they funded the rise of the Nazi Hitler. And just like Hitler, Erdogan’s assigned role is to lead his country into a multi-front war that will bring about its total defeat. It is unfortunate that the Germans had no idea of what was planned for them, but the Turks do. And if they don’t want history to repeat itself, they must REMOVE ERDOGAN NOW and at any cost.

(6 September 2020) – Keep an Eye on September 7

Tomorrow, September 7, is a rather hazardous day for a number of reasons, and here they are:

Reason 1 – This September 7 is Labor Day in the US, a day of significance to communists…

The date of May 1 (an ancient European folk holiday known as May Day) emerged in 1886 as an alternative holiday for the celebration of labor, later becoming known as International Workers’ Day. The date had its origins at the 1885 convention of the American Federation of Labor, which passed a resolution calling for adoption of the eight-hour day effective May 1, 1886. While negotiation was envisioned for achievement of the shortened work day, use of the strike to enforce this demand was recognized, with May 1 advocated as a date for coordinated strike action. The proximity of the date to the bloody Haymarket affair of May 4, 1886, further accentuated May First’s radical reputation.

There was disagreement among labor unions at this time about when a holiday celebrating workers should be, with some advocating for continued emphasis of the September march-and-picnic date while others sought the designation of the more politically-charged date of May 1. Conservative Democratic President Grover Cleveland was one of those concerned that a labor holiday on May 1 would tend to become a commemoration of the Haymarket Affair and would strengthen socialist and anarchist movements that backed the May 1 commemoration around the globe. In 1887, he publicly supported the September Labor Day holiday as a less inflammatory alternative, formally adopting the date as a United States federal holiday through a law that he signed in 1894. – from Wikipedia

Since the “communists” were unable to go through with their “May Day” attack this year, Labor Day presents an alternative target date for what was planned. So watch for the possibility of BLM/Antifa/NFAC/etc. doing something truly outrageous tomorrow. Also watch for a potential Chicom attack (military or cyber) on America and for the potential of “a loose North Korean nuke smuggled into the US by Venezuela and the drug cartels” going off somewhere (wherever Trump will be is a prime target).

Reason 2 – September 7 is a day of significance to the Chinese…

The Boxer Protocol was signed on September 7, 1901, between the Qing Empire of China and the Eight-Nation Alliance that had provided military forces (including Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the United States as well as Belgium, Spain, and the Netherlands) after China’s defeat in the intervention to put down the Boxer Rebellion. It is often regarded as one of the Unequal Treaties. – from Wikipedia

The Boxer Rebellion was a Chinese uprising that aimed to end foreign domination of China, and it officially ended on a September 7. So this historic day of Chinese defeat could this year become the date when the Rebellion is reborn and finally achieves its victory. And such a rebirth would begin with the Final Purge of the Communist Party…

…from Nikkei

While Xi could start the Final Purge without a precipitating event, such an event would provide a nice transition point for the globalist storytellers. And the candidate precipitating event that stands out at the moment is a Chicom attack on a US Navy ship in the South China Sea or Taiwan Strait. It stands out because Xi recently ordered the military to not fire the first shot in any confrontation with US forces…

…from the South China Morning Post

In relating the history of this attack, the NWO Narrative will say that…

“With Xi’s Final Purge about to commence, the Chinese Deep State / Jiang Faction had a loyal military officer carry out the attack in order to start a war with the United States. The Deep Staters figured they could use the chaos unleashed by such an event to take down Xi or maneuver to save themselves.”

And since the attack would go against his direct orders and threaten all the progress China has made in the past decades, Xi would have the perfect excuse to launch a fast and furious Final Purge / mass arrest of the “Deep State,” thereby achieving total control over the Chinese Communist Party.

In one of my favorite movies, Dune, the protagonist says…

“He who can destroy a thing controls a thing.”

The converse of that is also true…

“He who controls a thing can destroy a thing.”

So when Xi gains total control over the CCP, he can be the hero who destroys it, thereby ending the domination of China by a foreign ideology foisted on them by foreign bankers.

Reason 3 – September 7 is 18 Elul on the Hebrew calendar this year, and 18 Elul is a day of significance to the Chabadniks who control Trump, Putin, and the End Times script

…from Here is an excerpt from the history section of the page…

Passing of Maharal (1609)
Elul 18 is the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yehudah Loewe, the “Maharal” of Prague (1525-1609), outstanding Torah scholar, philosopher, Kabbalist and Jewish leader. Popularly known for creating a “golem” (clay man) to protect the Jewish community of Prague from the frequent threat of blood libels.

Baal Shem Tov Born (1698)
Elul 18 is the birthday of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Chassidism

Chassidic Movement Founded (1734)
After many years as a member of the society of “hidden tzaddikim”, living under the guise of an ignorant clay-digger, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov was instructed by his masters to reveal himself and begin to publicly disseminate his teachings. This he did on his 36th birthday, Elul 18, 5494 (1734).

1st Chabad Rebbe Born (1745)
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), founder of the “Chabad” branch of Chassidism, was born on Elul 18 of the year 5505 from creation — the 47th birthday of his “spiritual grandfather”, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (Rabbi Schneur Zalman was the disciple of the Baal Shem Tov’s disciple and successor, Rabbi DovBer of Mezeritch).

Since tomorrow has strong ties to the mental illnesses known as Kabbalism, Chassidism, and Chabadism, the whacked-out cultists who practice this age-old lunacy may decide to mark the day with something significant, especially since we’re in the endgame stage that will bring forth Vladimir Putin as their Moshiach ben David. And if they hope for Putin to emerge this Rosh Hashanah (11 days after tomorrow), the significant event may mark the beginning of the two-week Climax Crisis that breaks the world.

For the three reasons we’ve just reviewed, September 7 is a day pregnant with possibility. And it is my hope that this blog is the back alley and this entry is the wire hanger that will put an end to it. So in closing, here are a few more things to watch for or remember…

  • Watch for an “EMP attack” element to the Communist Attack on America. And remember that the effects of an EMP attack are as overhyped as the effects of COVID-19, so most of the “EMP” effects will actually result from a hardware-level cyberattack. An EMP attack is simply a cyberattack with fireworks.
  • Watch for a North Korean SLBM launch and a potential overwater nuclear explosion, possibly resulting in the damage or sinking of one or more ships.
  • Watch for wars to break out in all the conflict zones after the Communist Attack on America.
  • Watch for Erdogan to be removed or assassinated by the Turkish military (if the globalists decide to take the peace path instead of the war path).
  • Remember that any nuclear attack on a US naval vessel will likely be conducted by Israel, not the stated scapegoat.
  • Watch September 11 and September 22 if the globalists bail on September 7.
  • Remember to stock up on wine. There’s nothing better than sitting on your patio with a glass of wine watching the world burn, especially if you don’t have a fireplace of your own. Remember marshmallows too.

More Information on Turkey’s Pending Invasion of Syria

Some significant news has come out today about Erdogan’s invasion of Syria. Let’s start with this…

…from Al Masdar News. Here is an excerpt…

On Saturday, the Turkish Ministry of Defense announced that the leadership of its peace forces in Cyprus and the leadership of the security forces in the Republic of Northern Cyprus will launch maneuvers from September 6th to 10th in Northern Cyprus.

According to Anadolu Agency, the Turkish Ministry of Defense’s statement said that the “Mediterranean Storm” maneuvers, which are organized annually, aim to develop mutual training, cooperation and work together between the forces of the two countries.

The statement continued that “Turkish air, land and sea forces are participating in the exercises.”

The statement added that “the exercises include joint and actual exercises on air strikes and combat search and rescue operations.”

So the Turks suddenly announced today exercises that will begin tomorrow in and around northern Cyprus, which is key to protecting the western flank of Turkey’s overwater invasion route to Tripoli, Lebanon. And given that the “exercise” goes from September 6-10, it could potentially “go live” with the invasion kick-off on the 7th or 11th.

Here’s another notable report…

…from Al Masdar News. Here is an excerpt…

A large Turkish military convoy was observed heading to the northeastern region of Syria on Friday, amid rumors of a new offensive inside the Al-Hasakah Governorate.

According to reports, the large Turkish military convoy was seen heading to the border city of Ras Al-Ayn, bringing with them heavy weapons and vehicles for the rumored attack on Al-Derbasiyeh and Abu Rasin…

Given the recent turmoil over the obstruction of water to Al-Hasakah residents by the Turkish-backed forces, it is highly unlikely that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) would allow the former to push further east towards Al-Qamishli, especially since that area is densely populated and has one of Syria’s most important installations: Al-Qamishli Airport.

In a full-scale invasion of Syria, the most logical place for these Turkish forces to attack is Al-Hasakah, a city they’ve been weakening by shutting off its water supply (the location of the Turkish convoy, Ras al-Ayn, is marked with a pin)…

…As you can see, taking or encircling Al Hasakah would give Turkish forces control of key highways and allow them to cut off the northeast Syrian population center from the Damascus government. They could then proceed east to encircle all of northeast Syria and/or push south down the M20 motorway to attack Damascus.

After pushing into Al Hasakah from Ras al-Ayn (the red line on the following map), a Turkish move south along the M20 to Damascus (the purple line) would have to pass through Kurdish/US controlled territory (the yellow area) before they run into Syrian Army forces south of the Euphrates/Deir Ez-Zour…

…This would expose them to attacks by the Kurdish militia and US forces in the region. According to the Mainstream Narrative, Erdogan may figure that with an election looming, Trump will avoid getting America into a war in a country from which he previously vowed to withdraw. But as an NWO hero, Trump will order American ground forces (which were recently reinforced with additional armored vehicles) and air forces to savage the Turkish invaders.

And any Turkish forces that survive the Kurdish/American gauntlet will face a new obstacle which materialized today…

…from Al Masdar News. Here is an excerpt…

The Syrian and Russian armed forces managed to inflict heavy damage on the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) hideouts and bases in central Syria this weekend.

According to a field report from the city of Palmyra (Tadmur), the Russian and Syrian armed forces, backed by their air forces, were able to eliminate several Islamic State terrorists, while also destroying several of their sites between Al-Sukhnah and Al-Shoula…

While the total number of ISIS dead is unknown, the report said several sites were cleared, including a number of points around the key town of Al-Sukhnah, which is located in eastern Homs.

As you can see from this map, Al Sukhnah (noted by the pin) lies along the M20 motorway…

…So the Turk-friendly ISIS forces that were holding that point are now gone, and a Syrian/Russian blocking force is there instead.

Tomorrow, we’ll look at some strategic elements of the invasion, and I’ll show you why the circles on the last two maps are there.

(3 September 2020) – Putin moves to block Erdogan’s overwater invasion route to Lebanon

I ran across this bit of interesting news this morning…

…from Zero Hedge

To understand the significance of these Russian exercises off of Cyprus, it is necessary to note the ferry route that runs from Tasucu, Turkey to Tripoli, Lebanon (Tasucu is marked by the pin and the ferry route is the dotted blue line; click on the image to enlarge it)…

…from Google Maps. Note that the route passes by the tip of Turkish-controlled northern Cyprus.

It’s also necessary to note the following information on Tasucu…

In 2000 a military pier, Agalar, was built 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) south-west of the town. During the Syrian Civil War the pier was used to ship weapons to Syrian rebel groups as part of the U.S. Timber Sycamore program. – from Wikipedia

So with the necessary military infrastructure in place at Tasucu, the ferry route from there to Tripoli is the route the Turks will follow in moving invasion troops and equipment into Lebanon for an attack that will likely target Homs, Syria…

…from Google Maps

By seizing Homs, the Turks can take control of the M5 motorway and sever Damascus from northern Syria. This would cut off the Syrian military’s resupply and reinforcement route between Damascus and Idlib. So during the invasion of Syria, the Turkish military and their proxies in Idlib would serve as the hammer and the Turkish military and their proxies in Homs would serve as the anvil. And after linking up, they would proceed to Damascus (and later Israel).

But as I’ve covered in the 27-30 August updates, Putin and friends are positioning themselves to crush every element of Erdogan’s war plan, and the Russian naval exercises are the element that will foil Erdogan’s overwater invasion of Lebanon.

Here’s an interesting question, though: When the shooting starts, will Rothschild lackey Macron order French forces to fire on Turkish forces, or will he play the Benedict Arnold role and betray Greece and Cyprus?

The Fall of America Will Look Like the Salvation of America

(1 September 2020) – You may have noticed globalist disinformation agents warning that “America will be invaded by Russian, Chinese, and UN forces as part of the worldwide communist revolution funded by the Western Satanist bankers.” Here’s the thing, though: if we do see the “Communist Attack on America” this month, the United States will indeed fall, but not to communism. And the public perception of the fall will be that America has been saved.

Once all the “bad guy” communist/narco forces begin their attacks within our borders, the US military will defeat them “with the worldwide help of Putin’s Russian forces and Xi’s Chinese forces” (only forces supposedly controlled by the current UN and the “Chinese Deep State” will be on the side of the “bad guys”). It will be a joint “US patriot”/Xi/Putin victory in which it appears that America and the world was saved from the communists.

It is only after a few years have passed that everyone will realize that America actually did fall; not to communism, but to “the forces of Antichrist.” It is then when people will realize that Trump really was Putin’s agent — that he was a bankrupt man whose business empire was saved by money infusions from the Russian mafia and the “antichrist Chabadniks” — that he was their agent by which they gained control of the US government and military and brought about the fall of “Christian” America.

I say that it will be a “joint US patriot/Xi/Putin victory” because I don’t know if Trump will still be in office when the attack begins — he may be scripted to fall to a “Deep State” coup right before things go fubar. But the elements of the US military that backed Trump will be the victors. And if one of those elements is the US Space Force, we’ll later be told that they got their amazing technologies from “fallen angels” posing as extraterrestrials. Since the US Space Force is allied with those “ETs” / “fallen angels,” they are in fact aligned with the “Final Antichrist,” Putin.

All that being said, the “communist attack” fearmongering being done by the controlled alt-media is meant to create a false expectation of what the “victory of evil” will look like: “it will look communist and Orwellian.” This sets you up to be pleasantly surprised when it actually looks like the victory of freedom and national sovereignty. It sets you up to fall for “Satan’s Great Deception.”

On another personal note, my window-sniping neighbor struck again this morning. But it was a big mistake on his part because I was able to deduce who it was based on clues that were left behind. The police had a talk with him today.

(31 August 2020) – If we don’t see anything break out in the next few days, keep a close eye on Labor Day weekend, including Monday the 7th. September 7th is a day of significance to the Kabbalists, the Chinese, and the communists (it’s Labor Day here in the US). As such, it presents another opportunity for the globalists to stage the Communist Attack on America, and we could see all the other conflict zones around the world go hot at about the same time. It’ll scare the sh*t out of the sleepers.

Once all the conflicts are raging, we might see “Scenario 2s” across the board, with the war plans of the “bad guys” being crushed by the prepared, counterattacking “good guys.” Otherwise, the initial successes of the “bad guys” will be stopped cold by the US Space Force. I’d expect the conflicts to end before the 21st, when the UN is scheduled to have its special event: “The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism.”

On a personal note, the people around me are losing their minds and reverting to middle school mentalities. This morning, one of my backdoor neighbors (I don’t know which) shot out one of our back windows while I was sitting on the back patio (apparently with a slingshot). This led to a chain of events that resulted in my roommate having one of her screaming-and-throwing-things conniption fits. Why am I stuck here with these crazy hairless chimps? Why bother to sacrifice for them when they don’t deserve it?

After pondering these questions, the answer that came back is that among all the violent, lying, cheating chimps here, there are some humans that I would like if I met them and care about if I got to know them. So I do it for them. I also do it because the globalists are the most vile and destructive chimps of them all. They know better and could do better, but they choose not to out of their selfishness. And I’ll be damned if I let them profit by their mayhem.

So I aim to get back on track tomorrow.

Yesterday’s (8/30) THREE updates have been added in alternating blue and red below the following update…

(29 August 2020) – “Erdogan’s Folly”: The Epic Military Disaster Awaiting the Dajjal

I’m seeing more indicators that we might be looking at a “Scenario 2,” in which every element of Erdogan’s war plan will fall flat “due to preemptive measures taken by Putin and his friends.” So there’s a good chance that Erdogan will see…

  • the regime change uprisings in Egypt and Jordan crushed (here’s why),
  • his air force swept from the sky by Russian air defenses and “special weapons,”
  • his massed forces in Sirte, Libya and Idlib, Syria savaged by air strikes,
  • the nuclear bunkers at Incirlik Air Base empty, and
  • his beach-head in Tripoli, Lebanon seized by the Lebanese Army and Hezbollah (under the leadership of the Hidden Imam).

He will also see the counterattack by Haftar in Libya take Tripoli and the counterattack by Assad in Syria sweep Turkish forces back across the Turkish border.

I’ll go into the details tomorrow, and we’ll take a closer look at Scenario 3 too (just in case). In the meantime, have a look at this Ahval article that provides narrative support for the fulfillment of Greek Elder Paisios’s prophecy. I’ll cover this tomorrow also.

~ MORE – 30 August 2020 ~

In previous entries, I’ve written about the globalists’ intention to artificially fulfill Greek Elder Paisios’s prophecy about a Russian-Turkish war that will return Constantinople (Istanbul) to Greece and the Hagia Sophia to Orthodox Christianity. Here is a notable part of that prophecy…

“There will be war between Russia and Turkey. In the beginning the Turks will believe they are winning, but this will lead to their destruction.

With that in mind, have a look at this article from the Turkish (dissident) website Ahval

…Here is an excerpt…

Over and over again, in Syria, Libya and the Black, Aegean and Mediterranean seas, Turkey has proven its willingness to take aggressive action to advance its interests.

In the past two weeks, Turkey beefed up its military presence in Syria’s Idlib province and had a ceasefire announced in Libya, strengthening its expansionist aims; extended its drilling operation near the Greek island of Kastellorizo, which had already put Greek forces on high alert; and announced a significant gas find in the Black Sea that could be a game-changer for its energy interests.

The West has responded with little more than admonishments and pageantry. Greece, Cyprus, France and Italy performed joint military drills south of Cyprus this week, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas visited Athens and Ankara in an effort to calm sky-high tensions, a top U.S. State Department official denounced Turkey’s aggressive posture, and European Union foreign ministers met to discuss sanctions and further punishments against Turkey.

In other words, no real step was taken to curb Turkish aggression, solidifying Ankara’s position of leverage.

“As things stand now, it’s a qualified success on the Turkish part, at least in the short term,” Atlantic Council fellow Dimitar Bechev told Ahval in a podcast…

In Libya, the main foes, the GNA and General Khalifa Haftar’s eastern-based Libyan National Army, pulled back from the brink with a ceasefire announced last weekend. Thus, Turkey’s intervention has ensured the survival of its GNA deal, expanding its eastern Mediterranean claims, successfully defended Tripoli and pushed Haftar’s forces into retreat, and possibly enabled Turkish firms to resume billions of dollars worth of contracts.

Right now Turkey’s winning and it has become an asset for [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan,” said Bechev.

Can you see how this article provides narrative support for the fulfillment of the Paisios Prophecy (“In the beginning the Turks will believe they are winning, but this will lead to their destruction.”)? The article serves the purpose of noting the high-water mark of Erdogan’s success as a regional bully — the point after which Turkey’s “destruction” will come when the Dajjal (Erdogan) militarily assaults the Moshiach/Messiah (Putin). The article also suggests that Turkey’s recent gas find may be the reason Erdogan can become more aggressive in dealing with Putin (because Turkey no longer has to rely on Russia for energy).

To read more about the globalist setup to fulfill the prophecy, copy and paste 31 January 2019 into your browser’s FIND feature. It will take you down this page to the right spot.

In my 28 August update, I touched on three scenarios for when Erdogan’s defeat will occur: 1) before he launches the attack, 2) soon after he launches the attack, or 3) at a later climactic battle near Megiddo, Israel. So let’s take a look at what will happen to each element of Erdogan’s war plan under Scenario 2…

ELEMENT A: Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood will attempt regime change uprisings in Egypt and Jordan in order to gain control of those nations’ governments and turn their militaries against Israel.

Under Scenario 2, these uprisings will be crushed “because their operational details were revealed under ‘energetic’ interrogation of the acting supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.” He was captured just two days ago…

…from Al Jazeera

This means the attack on Israel from the south (Egypt) and east (Jordan) won’t materialize, leaving the Israeli Air Force free to concentrate on helping the Russians in Syria and Libya.

ELEMENT B: Erdogan’s air force will launch a zero-hour attack on Syrian-Russian and Haftar-Russian air defenses, air bases, and aircraft in order to dominate the airspace over the attacking Turkish ground forces.

Under Scenario 2, the Russians’ recent “reinforcement of their air defenses in Syria and Libya with experimental weapons” will enable them to withstand the Turkish onslaught and sweep Turkish airpower from the sky. This would leave the Turkish troop concentrations in Libya and Syria wide open for annihilation by thermobaric airstrikes (which the Russians have reportedly been using against Turkish proxy forces in Idlib).

Turkey and the West-supported Libyan government have been massing their forces near the city of Sirte, Libya for an offensive, leaving the capital city of Tripoli, Libya with fewer defenders. After those forces near Sirte are gutted by airstrikes, Haftar’s massed forces will be able to counterattack and drive all the way into the capital.

In Syria, Turkish military and proxy forces have massed in Idlib. Once they too are gutted by airstrikes, Assad’s massed forces can sweep in and kick their as*es all the way out of Syria. This would help fulfill Putin’s vow that all foreign forces will be expelled from Syria.

ELEMENT C: Erdogan will order the Turkish military to seize the American side of Incirlik Air Base in order to seize the nuclear weapons stored there and hold the American personnel stationed there as hostages. This move would supposedly give his New Ottoman Empire a sizable nuclear arsenal and human leverage to keep the United States from intervening against his offensive.

Although rumors about the American nukes being moved out of Incirlik AB have circulated online from time-to-time, Stars and Stripes reported that they were still there as of October of last year. And recent media reports have suggested their continued presence there (1, 2, 3). Should Erdogan get control of them, it will be said that he possesses the codes and instructions that will enable their use thanks to Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

Under Scenario 2, the Turkish military will open the nuclear bunkers only to find that they’ve been emptied out due to an earlier Trump order to sneak the weapons (or their nuclear cores) out of Turkey. The Turks will also find their American hostages to be no deterrent at all to Trump’s retaliation; they’ll instead be his rallying cry as he launches ferocious attacks on Turkey. “The attacks won’t stop until you give them all back” will be Trump’s bargaining position.

More elements to come over the coming 24 hours.

The King of the North (Erdogan) Girds for War
[+ Erdogan’s live exercise has begun (in red)]

(27 August 2020) – In my 25 August update, I covered the September of 2020 Climax scenario and said, “I consider this the least likely of the four scenarios, but I’ll cover it in more detail if I see them making moves towards it.”

Well lookie lookie here…

…from Zero Hedge (top, bottom)

If conflict breaks out in one of these areas, it’ll break out in the other. And whether these conflicts spark in early September or mid December, the strategies will be the same…

> Erdogan, who is playing the role of a First Tribulation decoy Antichrist, will attack Syria from his Idlib beach-head and drive down the coast to Damascus while simultaneously “pulling a MacArthur” by landing forces in Tripoli, Lebanon to flank and split Syrian forces. A successful execution of this plan will put Erdogan’s forces on Israel’s northern border…

The prophet Daniel in his summary of the world struggle which ends the age declares: “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Daniel 11:40) – from

> The CCP will attack the US in the South China Sea and/or attack Taiwan, leading to Xi “making his move to purge the Chinese Deep State / Jiang Faction once and for all.” The “Chinese Deep State” might then “demolish Three Gorges Dam to create chaos they can exploit to save themselves.”

More details on “Erdogan’s Blitzkrieg” will follow over the coming hours/days, including…

  • Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood’s planned offensive in Libya and regime change uprisings in Egypt and Jordan,
  • Erdogan’s planned proxy seizure of the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Mosque (leading to its destruction),
  • Erdogan’s overwater invasion route from Tasucu, Turkey to Tripoli, Lebanon,
  • Erdogan’s planned seizure of American military personnel and tactical nukes at Incirlik Air Base,
  • Erdogan’s planned destruction of Damascus by means of a Turkish thermobaric barrage or nuke (“from North Korea or Pakistan”), and
  • Hezbollah’s counterattack against Erdogan under the leadership of the Hidden Imam (Soleimani).

The fact that the Kabbalists are signalling the imminent emergence of the Moshiach (Putin) during Rosh Hashanah (and the UN General Assembly) suggests that he will “masterfully” defeat Erdogan before he gives his seminal “multilateral New World Order” speech in mid-to-late September. The conflicts will therefore last about two-to-three weeks… IF they choose to go forward.

Don’t count on it.

~ MORE – 28 August 2020 ~

A reader has pointed out that the day Erdogan will begin his “shooting exercises” in the eastern Mediterranean, September 1, is also the anniversary of the beginning of World War II (which started when Hitler invaded Poland after false-flagging Polish incursions into Germany). And on that day, Erdogan will be 66 years, 6 months, and 6 days old (“mark of the Beast,” y’all — he was born on 26 February 1954). Watch for these potential plot developments before and on that day (Day 1):

  1. a staged “assassination” or removal of Erdogan by “Eurasianist elements” of the Turkish military (this will happen if they intend to script Putin as “masterfully preventing” the war),
  2. false-flag attacks by Erdogan on Turkish forces in northern Syria (these will be blamed on Syrian and Russian forces to provide justification for the invasion),
  3. a manufactured outrage on the Temple Mount intended to mobilize Muslims against Israel,
  4. an attack on Russian air defenses and aircraft in Syria (to clear the way for close air support of the invasion troops),
  5. Turkey’s closure of its airspace and the Turkish Straits to Russian aircraft and ships (to prevent resupply and reinforcement of Syria from Russia), and
  6. a “shock and awe” destruction of Damascus to decapitate, demoralize, and disable the Syrian military and attempt to kill Assad and the Hidden Imam (a surprise Turkish nuke may be used to make other powers think twice about intervening, and the Turkish seizure of Incirlik AB will add to the nuclear fear).

Muslim Brotherhood uprisings in Egypt and Jordan might also occur on Day 1. Erdogan needs to quickly gain control of those nations’ governments in order to point their militaries in Israel’s direction.

According to the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, Putin (with the help of his friends) is destined to defeat Erdogan. This defeat could happen at one of three points in the scripted war drama:

  1. before Erdogan launches his attack, with Putin’s friends in Turkey removing or “killing” Erdogan to save Turkey from a war it can’t possibly win,
  2. after Erdogan launches his attack, by Putin working with his allies to foil every element of Erdogan’s war plan long before he gets to the borders of Israel, or
  3. at the First Battle of Armageddon, by Putin helping to annihilate Turkish forces after they cross into northern Israel and reach Megiddo.

Here is a fresh piece of preparatory propaganda that supports the second scenario…

…from Al Masdar News

You can tell the article is a propaganda piece because it mentions “experimental” weapons. How in the hell would some aviation website know that experimental weapons are aboard those aircraft? They can’t possibly know, yet they added it in to support the narrative the globalists intend to use.

Under scenario 2, the NWO Narrative will say that the aircraft were transporting directed energy weapons and/or “revolutionary electronic warfare systems” that allowed Russian air defenses in Syria to fend off the Turkish onslaught and totally control the airspace in northern Syria and southern Turkey. This would be key to blunting the Turkish ground attack. On the modern battlefield, any ground invasion under enemy-controlled airspace is suicide.

~ MORE – 29 August 2020 ~

Erdogan has launched his live exercises early, and he has extended their duration to two weeks…

Turkey has announced shooting drills in the eastern Mediterranean that will last from 29 August until 11 September. Ankara informed about its decision via NAVTEX… – from Sputnik

So at any point over the next two weeks, Turkey can redirect its ongoing weapons fire from hitting open ocean to hitting real targets.

I also ran across this…

…from MEMO

The article states that 150 Turkish military vehicles entered Syria in 6 convoys about 10 days ago; that’s an average of 25 vehicles per convoy. It also states that 23 convoys entered Syria since the beginning of August, which means roughly 575 Turkish tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled howitzers, etc. may have staged in Idlib this month. And this is not counting all the equipment that was brought in before August and since the 20th.

(24 August 2020) – Well, Rosh Hashanah approaches and another whacked-out Kabbalist rabbi [1,2] has pulled yet another Moshiach arrival timeframe out of his tuchus…

…from Breaking Israel News. Here is an excerpt…

Rabbi Shalom Arush, an Israeli Breslov rabbi and founder of the Chut Shel Chessed Institutions, made an entirely uncharacteristic announcement: On September 18, Jews will be celebrating the last New Year without the Messiah.

“I am going to tell you with certainty that Hashem (God, literally ‘the name’) will help us meet together after Rosh Hashanna,” Rabbi Arush said in an interview last week. “And remember well what I am telling you, that this Rosh Hashana will be the last one without Moshiach (Messiah). And it could very well be that on this Rosh Hashanna the Messiah will be revealed.”

This year’s Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset on September 18 and ends at nightfall on September 20. And can you guess what global event is happening during that timeframe?…

…from IISD

As you can see, the UN is holding a special event related to the transition from the current UN to the “reformed” NWO UN on September 21 (immediately after the end of Rosh Hashanah). And on the day after that, September 22, the General Debate will begin — that’s when the national leaders give their grand speeches. So look for Vladimir Putin to loom large over this year’s UN General Assembly proceedings during and after Rosh Hashanah. It looks like they’re setting him up to give a landmark speech that will point the way to the multilateral / multipolar NWO the globalists have been building.

Over the next 24 hours, I’ll lay out the globalist timeframe options for the rest of 2020. Let’s shut ’em down and win the year.

~ MORE – 25 August 2020 ~

The manufactured crises our world is currently experiencing are scripted to build to a climax point at which the globalist-chosen “heroes” will defeat the globalist-chosen “villains” and bring us into the multilateral / multipolar New World Order. And looking ahead, there are four foreseeable points in time that could bring the planned climax and resolution:

  1. September of 2020, with the final climax day occurring before or during the 75th UN General Assembly (and Rosh Hashanah),
  2. December of 2020, with the final climax day occurring on the 21st,
  3. Late February to Late March of 2021, with the final climax day occurring on or around the Jewish holiday of Purim (February 25/26) or Passover (March 27 – April 4), and
  4. September of 2023, with the final climax day occurring on or around Rosh Hashanah (September 15-17).

Now let’s look at the basics of how each option would play out…

1) The September of 2020 Climax would most likely kick off with a Chinese black swan event (Three Gorges or Taiwan) sometime between now and early September. Xi would then launch a massive, preplanned campaign of arrests of CCP officials before declaring the end of the CCP on September 7. His concurrent release of the bribery/blackmail files on CCP agents worldwide would provide the evidence necessary for the global mass arrests psyop to move forward over the following week. This would gut the worldwide “communist revolution” just in time for Putin to give his seminal UN speech.

With his job of “draining the swamp” complete and his continued presence prolonging division, Trump would resign the presidency and hand it over to Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard until order is restored and a fair election can be held. And the multilateral New World Order would formally launch in either March or September of 2021.

I consider this the least likely of the four scenarios, but I’ll cover it in more detail if I see them making moves towards it.

2) The December of 2020 Climax would include the Putin speech, the fall of the CCP at some point in the coming months, and the 2020 presidential election in the US. In the leadup to the election, the mainstream media will heavily publicize manipulated polling data showing a Biden lead, and soon after the election, they’ll declare Biden the projected winner “based on exit polls of in-person voters and telephone polls of mail-in voters.” This MSM declaration of Biden’s victory will come long before the actual vote counts are completed and verified.

The actual election result will likely show a Biden victory if disputed and invalid mail-in votes are counted and a Trump victory if only valid votes are counted. This, paired with Trump’s unwillingness to accept a loss by Democrat fraud, will lead to an escalating showdown between the two sides. The resulting unrest will be ended in December when the military moves on the information provided by Xi by arresting practically all of the Washington leadership and installing Paul and Gabbard as bipartisan caretaker leaders (with Trump’s approval).

The multilateral New World Order would formally launch in either March or September of 2021.

3) The Late February to Late March of 2021 Climax would follow the same template as the December Climax, except the election battle would be dragged out past the 2021 inauguration date. The NWO would then launch in September of 2021.

I’ll cover the fourth scenario tomorrow. Then I’ll show you why the December scenario is the one they’re most likely aiming for.

~ MORE – 26 August 2020 ~

4) The September of 2023 Climax would require an adjustment to the globalists’ current 7-year Tribulation timeline (which I showed you in the 22 August update). They would have to drop the events of March 2013 from the narrative and point to the events of September 2016 as the beginning of the Tribulation. This would allow them to point to the events of March 2020 (the COVID lockdowns) as the 3.5 year midpoint and the beginning of the Great Tribulation period.

But there’s a problem with this timeline adjustment: the End Times script requires that the Antichrist be revealed by “standing in the holy place” at the midpoint of the Tribulation. And after looking at what Obama, Kushner, and Hillary Clinton were doing in March, I could find no instance of them standing in a holy place. But I did find this…

…from Mission Network News

These new rules went into effect on the first of February, which means that by the time Xi visited Wuhan and declared victory over the Coronavirus on Purim (March 10), a picture of him was hanging in every church sanctuary in China — he was “standing in the holy place.”

If you are a new reader, it’s important for you to know that the globalists are attempting to artificially fulfill biblical prophecy by taking us through TWO Tribulation periods:

  • The First Tribulation will be narrated as “Satan’s Great Deception,” and it will have the antichrists (Putin, Xi, Trump, Netanyahu, et al.) pose as saviors by defeating some evil-looking decoy antichrists (Obama, Erdogan, Kushner, et al.).
  • The Second Tribulation will be narrated as “the Real Tribulation,” and it will have the globalist-chosen “Real Jesus Christ” come and save us from the antichrists.

So according to the “classic” version of the globalist script, Xi is going to pose as a good guy in the First Tribulation and then be revealed as an antichrist in the Second. But if they are forced to string things out till 2023, they might have to rescript Xi to be the First Tribulation decoy Antichrist. They also have the option of rescripting him to that role and taking him down next month, in keeping with the 7-year Xi timeline I outlined in the 21 August update. But switching Xi from a Second Tribulation Antichrist to a First Tribulation Antichrist would cause major repercussions for the rest of the script. I doubt they’d want to do that, especially when there is an alternative.

Whilst researching all this, I ran across another 7-year timeline to which the globalists can resort. It terminates in September of 2021, and this event marked its 3.5-year midpoint…

On March 31, 2018 Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan recited the first verse of the Quran in Hagia Sophia, dedicating the prayer to the “souls of all who left us this work as inheritance, especially Istanbul’s conqueror,” reiterating his position to make Hagia Sophia a mosque once again. – from the Greek Reporter

This new timeline — in which Erdogan would play the main decoy Antichrist — began at a NATO meeting where Erdogan and Obama met in September of 2014, which led to the US providing air support for ISIS attacks in Syria starting later that month. I’ll write more about this timeline in a future update.

Next, we’ll take a closer look at the most likely scenario: the December of 2020 Climax.

Something Big Will Happen In China In September

(21 August 2020) – Back in my 25 January update, I wrote this…

On a hunch, I decided to check on what Xi was doing in September of 2013 (which is 7 years ago come this September). As it turns out, that’s the month he first announced the Belt and Road Initiative. He did it on September 7, the day after he left his first G20 Summit, in the bizarre globalist city of Astana, Kazakhstan. This means that a 7-year “Antichrist Xi” timeline can also be narrated as starting in September 2013 and ending in September 2020, so March isn’t the only month we need to watch this year. I’ll cover the September timetable later of course; we need to get through March first.

Since we’re now just 11 days from entering September, I’d say it’s about time to cover that 7-year Tribulation timeline, which…

  • began on September 7, 2013 when Xi announced his Belt and Road (New) World Order initiative,
  • reached its midpoint — the point at which its “Great Tribulation” period began — 3.5 years later in March of 2017 when the Chinese Communist Party decided to get tough on Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Xinjiang (places where things are currently coming to a head), and
  • will end in September of 2020 when “hero Xi” fully defeats the “CCP Deep State” (here’s some prepartory disinfo on that) OR takes a fall as an “antichrist” (a less likely scenario).

I hope to write on this over this weekend. But in the meantime, keep an eye on the 8/22 Weekend alert items below. And considering the fact that Lebanon was just put on a two-week “COVID” lockdown, watch for Erdogan to make a move there. This could be a weekend when “the strongmen make big moves on the geopolitical stage due to Trump’s inability to keep them in check.” And what starts on 8/22 Weekend could provide the segue to what happens in China in September.

Watch for a potential “right-wing assassination attempt” on Netanyahu also.

~ MORE – 22 August 2020 ~

Those readers who have been around since the beginning of this year will recall that I spent January and February warning about the big things that would happen in March. I did this because there was a very well-developed 7-year Tribulation timeline that terminated in March…

It began in March of 2013 when these significant events occurred:

It reached its midpoint 3.5 years later in September of 2016 when these significant events occurred:

And it reached its endpoint in March of 2020 when Xi declared victory over COVID (a pandemic psyop supposedly launched by the “CCP Deep State”) and Putin was effectively crowned as King of Russia. But there was a problem: the globalists were unable to follow through on other key elements of their March plans, including the overt coup against Trump that was planned for March 22. I wrote about what happened during this “Battle of 322 Weekend” back at the time; copy and paste 20 March 2020 in your browser’s FIND feature and read through to 23 March to see what happened.

When they were unable to carry out the March 22 coup and proceed with their crash of the Bretton Woods financial system, there was a great disturbance in the Force. It was as if a million Kabbalists all cried out at once…

And they did…

It appears that we’ve won the Battle of 322 Weekend. The globalists sounded the retreat this morning by having the Federal Reserve announce limitless asset purchases to “support” the markets. – from my 23 March 2020 update

Their abandoning of their collapse plan on March 22 is what led to this Zero Hedge article that came out a few days ago

Here is a graph of the S&P 500 that shows what they’re talking about…

…from Marketwatch

SO, the 7-year Xi timeline that expires next month will give the globalists a second chance to collapse the Bretton Woods financial system this year. It would be the point at which Bretton Woods explodes in flames and “Xi’s vision of a Belt and Road World Order” rises like a phoenix from its ashes exactly 7 years after he proposed it. And this collapse of the current financial system will likely be set off by a black swan event: the collapse of Three Gorges Dam, the CCP invasion of Taiwan (supposedly without Xi’s permission), a nuke going off somewhere, etc.

That’s why you need to watch the things below…

ALERT – (19 August 2020) – When it rains, it pours — it looks like the Three Gorges Dam demolition is back on the program…

…from Zero Hedge

Scroll down to the 2 August update for more information on that scenario.

We also need to watch for a Maidan-style massacre of Belarusian protesters by “Western agents” over the weekend. According to the scripting, such an incident will allow the “Deep States” to either topple Belarusian President Lukashenko or force Putin to move in on Belarus right before the Republican National Convention starts — “Trump let Putin invade ANOTHER country!” the Democrats will say. We may see a number of ugly events in the US and around the world over 8/22 Weekend as “the Deep States create bad news to overshadow Trump’s convention.”

(19 August 2020) – The globalists are setting up an assassination attempt on Trump by means of a missile attack on Air Force One (possibly during a future visit to Mar-a-Lago). The plot will feature a French air-to-air missile fired from the ground as the Iran-linked Houthis have done in the past. Since the missile will be of the radar-homing variety, parts from old Iraqi Mirage F1s (their radar and fire control systems) will be utilized in the attack.

The attempted assassination will initially be blamed on Iran and their Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces allies, and it will provide the “Deep State” with an excuse to surge ground forces into Iraq (ostensibly to later attack Iran). But if Trump survives the attack, those surged forces will instead be used to flank Erdogan’s forces when they move through Syria and/or Lebanon to attack Israel.

In the after-climax Truth Tsunami, the attempted assassination will be blamed on the “Deep State.”

Why The Beirut Explosion May Be Blamed On Erdogan

(7 August 2020) – Here are a few questions about the Beirut explosions: Was a thermobaric bomb or missile used? And if so, who fired it, the “Israeli Deep State” or a Turkish warship or F-16 transiting between Turkey and Libya?

Look at the title of this article that came out the same day as the explosion: Where Will Erdogan Strike Next?: Erdogan Aggressive Abroad While Turkish Economy Flounders. Erdogan knows that Israel would be suspected of any strike on Beirut, and he would certainly like to spark a war between Israel and Hezbollah, would he not?

(15 August 2020) – Be on the lookout for a Turkish move to gain control of northern Lebanon, including the port city of Tripoli. Under the “Erdogan did it” angle of the Beirut explosion, the Turkish objective was to cause a power vacuum through the fall of the Hezbollah-linked Lebanese government so Turkey could establish a beachhead there. I’ll write more on this in an upcoming entry.

(16 August 2020) – If there’s any group out there that’s always searching for the hidden Turkish plot, it’s the Armenians. So let’s have a look at what they have to say about Turkey’s recent activities in Lebanon…

…from The Armenian Weekly. Here is an excerpt…

Lebanese resilience is being severely tested by the ongoing financial crisis. Economic and social costs are overwhelming, and the middle class is disappearing as poverty spirals out of control. The Lebanese currency has almost lost 60 percent of its value compared to US dollars in the black market. Unemployment has reached 55 percent. Poverty has exceeded 65 percent, and we have an uncertain and unpredictable political environment. The roaring but essentially non-violent civilian protests, which have swept through Lebanon for several months, have conveyed a compelling demand for change. However, during the last two months, protesters took a violent path, looting and burning banks and stores. On a regional level, the Sunni-Shia conflict has been intensified from Yemen to Syria where institutional decay has further inflamed the region. Amid these uncertainties, Turkey has started to spread its tentacles and mobilize its proxies in Lebanon

In recent years, the Sunni-Shia relations have been increasingly marked by conflict, particularly the Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy conflict. Sectarian violence persists to this day from Pakistan to Yemen and is a major element of friction throughout the Middle East. Regionally, Saudi Arabia, once the champion of the Muslim cause in the region, is in retreat. The Saudis are unable to win a war they started in Yemen against the Houthi rebels, they failed in isolating tiny Qatar, they failed to prevent the expansion of Iranian influence in the region, and finally, they are no more the main players in Syria and Lebanon. All these developments created a power vacuum in the Sunni street. It was within this geopolitical context that Turkey under President Erdogan engaged in strategic opportunism and spread its influence in the region. Turkey wanted to replace moderate Islam with an ideology based on the beliefs of Muslim Brotherhood

Turkey’s soft power in the region has many components and Lebanon is not immune to them. The Turkish embassy, similar to the embassies of other regional actors, started sending political messages through its proxies on the ground. Who are those proxies? It is unknown the exact number of Turkomans, Turks and Mardinlis are in Lebanon. Some estimate it is in the thousands. Turkomans are located in the northern regions of Akkar; they settled in northern Lebanon centuries ago and used to collect taxes from local peasants. Turks, who are descendants from the Ottomans of the island of Crete, are located in Tripoli, and during the last parliamentary elections were supporting a political block funded by Turkey and Qatar…

Turkey’s role was also significant during the anti-government protests in Tripoli. In October 2019, during the beginning of anti-government protests that spread in the country, some protesters raised Turkish flags to show solidarity with Erdogan. Activists prevented them and the flags were taken down, however I believe that a political landscape is being prepared to welcome a Turkish intervention in the city. If political instability continues in Tripoli and the community becomes a “target,” then I would not be surprised to hear Erdogan call for Turkish intervention “in defense of the Ottoman descendants in Tripoli.” Let’s not forget such announcements were made before the Turkish military involvement in Syria and Libya.

With all this in mind, isn’t it a remarkable stroke of “luck” that a blast has leveled the port facilities in Beirut, leaving the Port of Tripoli — a stronghold of Turkish influence in Lebanon’s Sunni north — as the only Lebanese port left standing?…

Ankara is ready to send more medical assistance and food aid to help Lebanon in its hour of need, Turkey’s vice president said Saturday…

Speaking after a meeting with Lebanese President Michel Aoun, Oktay said Ankara had told Lebanon that it can use the port of Mersin, on the Mediterranean coast, until Beirut port is rebuilt.

“We have said goods could be transported with smaller ships and other means of transportation from Mersin to Lebanon,” he said…

“Our aid agency, TIKA (Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency), came here immediately, bringing around 400 tons of wheat to the Port of Tripoli (in northern Lebanon) to help with the food shortage. We also brought medicines and medical equipment,” Oktay said. – from the Daily Sabah

So here’s the hidden Turkish plot underlying the “Erdogan did it” scenario…

  1. The Turkish military blows up the Hezbollah missile site in the Port of Beirut — a move everyone will assume was made by Israel.
  2. The blast disables the port, shifting economic power to Turkey-friendly northern Lebanon and the Port of Tripoli.
  3. The blast enables Turkey to immediately step in and play the heroes by shipping-in relief supplies (along with god knows what else).
  4. The blast brings down the Lebanese government and forces Hezbollah to walk on eggshells, creating a power vacuum that will allow Turkish proxy activity in Lebanon to expand.
  5. The political turmoil creates an unstable environment for Lebanon’s Turkmen and Sunnis, opening the door for Turkish intervention to “protect them.”
  6. The Turkish intervention will create a beachhead for Turkish military and proxy forces, who will later move towards Israel’s northern border — advancing where Putin can’t block them as he has in Syria.
  7. The Turkish beachhead in northern Lebanon will leave Hezbollah as the only force blocking the Turks from the Israeli border. And by using his Jerusalem proxies to trigger an “Outrage on the Temple Mount (by Israeli security forces),” Erdogan can convince Hezbollah to set aside their differences and jointly attack Israel.

Here’s another key part of the Turkish plot…

…from Ahval

So why do you think Erdogan has personally ordered that Lebanese Turkmen can receive Turkish citizenship? It’s because THE DEATH OF TURKISH CITIZENS IN LEBANON WOULD PROVIDE AN EXCUSE FOR A TURKISH INCURSION INTO LEBANON. And can you imagine what would happen if Turkish citizens were killed in an “airstrike” ascribed to Israel? It would provide an excuse for Turkey to move NATO-grade air defenses into Lebanon “to protect Turks and Lebanese from the Israeli Air Force.” And such an air defense umbrella would be necessary if Turkey hopes to mass forces in northern Lebanon and later move them towards Israel.

Interestingly, the “Turkish air defenses in Lebanon” scenario hints at what would happen in the climactic battle to come. The air defenses used by the Turks would be either American or Russian made, and both nations have the ability to remotely deactivate such systems. So at a key point in the battle, Trump and/or Putin could turn off the Turks’ air defenses, thus allowing Israeli airpower to decimate the invasion forces. Such a deactivation might be done under cover of a “revolutionary electronic warfare system” deployed by Russia (there’d be nothing “revolutionary” about it; it would simply broadcast the deactivation codes under cover of electronic noise). And this intervention would make Putin the savior of Israel, just like he’s scripted to be.

(17 August 2020) – Today let’s look at some other articles that offer insight into Erdogan’s plot to hijack Lebanon.

1) Here’s an article from The Portal about Turkey’s efforts to expand its soft power in Lebanon…

2) Here’s an excerpt about the Turkish corruption of Lebanese leaders from an article titled Turkey denies supporting anti-government protests in northern Lebanon posted by The New Arab…

Turkey on Tuesday denounced allegations made by Lebanese politicians that it was supporting anti-government protests in northern Lebanon in order to expand its influence in the region…

The statement seems to be in response to claims made in a TV interview, and later in a tweet, by the leader of Lebanon’s Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) and former foreign minister Gebran Bassil.

Bassil tweeted on Monday that Lebanon’s relationship with Turkey is important but implied that Ankara is undertaking “political, financial, and security expansion” in the country and accused it of “sowing sedition.

Local media had reported that Turkish officials allegedly made secret payments to Sunni leaders in northern Lebanon, in what critics say is an attempt by Ankara to gain support and influence along sectarian lines, amid Lebanon’s worst economic crisis in decades.

3) Here’s an excerpt about Turkey’s moves to become “protector of the Sunnis” and controllers of Lebanese commerce from an Ahval article titled Turkey vies with Saudi Arabia as ‘protector of Lebanon’s Sunnis’

Observers in Lebanon pointed out the total absence of any Saudi political role in Lebanon after the Beirut explosion at a time when Turkey was quick to present itself as a political and economic actor in the country.

Ankara sought to take advantage of declining Saudi interest in Lebanon and of Iran’s wariness about being conspicuously present in a setting drawing a lot of Western attention.

Observers pointed out that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reacted quickly to the Beirut disaster

…Riyadh’s choice to withdraw from Lebanon because of its opposition to Hezbollah opens the door to Turkey’s expanding role in the country, as Ankara seeks to position itself as the “protector of the Sunnis”…

A prominent Lebanese politician described Turkish presence in Lebanon as rather sizeable and important in light of the presence of a number of charities supported by Ankara, especially in Tripoli, the capital of northern Lebanon.

Prior to the deadly blast at Beirut port, there had been a political debate between two Sunni political figures over who is loyal to Saudi Arabia and who is loyal to Turkey in Lebanon.

Asas Media, a website administered by former interior minister close to Saudi Arabia, Nihad al-Machnouk, has accused former Lebanese security director and Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi of working with Turkish intelligence to take control of northern Lebanon

Sunni politicians believe that Turkey is seeking to achieve wide encroachment into Lebanon and to “represent the Sunni community” by sponsoring several Islamic societies and investing in the restoration of old buildings, with a special focus on those reminiscent of the Ottoman era…

Furthermore, Turkey did not waste the economic opportunity represented by the port of Beirut being out of commission. Oktay was quick to suggest the port of Mersin in southern Turkey as an alternative to the port of Beirut

A political observer told The Arab Weekly that Oktay’s words “caused discontent in many circles, including the Sunni community, which has a vested interest in saving Beirut’s port and fixing it as quickly as possible. (Oktay’s statements) revealed Turkish opportunism”.

Still, the fact remains that the new map of large ports in the eastern Mediterranean reveals the size of the opportunity Ankara sees to control trade with Lebanon.

With the Beirut seaport out of service and the limited capacity of the port of Tripoli for receiving large container ships makes Mersin port one of the main candidates as a handling port, especially with the international ban on Syrian ports, and the impossibility of access to alternative Israeli ports.

4) And here’s another excerpt about the Lebanese port situation from a China Daily article titled Lebanon’s Tripoli port ready to temporarily replace Port of Beirut after deadly blasts

Lebanon’s Port of Tripoli said Thursday that it is ready to temporarily replace the Port of Beirut which was devastated by two powerful explosions on Tuesday.

Ahmed Tamer, director of the Tripoli port, told Xinhua that the port has completed all its preparations to receive the aid ships sent to Lebanon and the vessels that transport products and goods

Tripoli, the largest city in northern Lebanon, is located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, about 80 km north of the capital Beirut and 30 km away from the Lebanese-Syrian northern border.

The port of Tripoli is expected to play a vital role in [Beirut’s] reconstruction as it is the only sea port connecting Lebanon with the outside world.

Two huge explosions rocked Port of Beirut on Tuesday evening, killing at least 137 people and injuring nearly 5,000 others, while causing massive damages in the city.

In the next section, we’ll look at some of the things that were pointed out in these articles and at another reason the Beirut blasts will ultimately be blamed on Erdogan instead of Netanyahu.

(13 August 2020) – A Question for every Turk…

Is it better than that one corrupt politician dies or that the nation of Turkey be devastated and dismembered by a ruinous war against all its neighbors?

By directing his provocative war actions throughout the region and his recent conversion of the Hagia Sophia to a mosque, the globalists have clearly committed to having Erdogan play the role of Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, the “Muslim Antichrist.” And they have previously signaled their intention to artificially fulfill the prophecies of Greece’s Elder Paisios, which will bring devastation to Turkey…

Specifically, Paisios wrote: “Events will start that will culminate with us taking back Constantinople. Constantinople will be given to us. There will be war between Russia and Turkey. In the beginning the Turks will believe they are winning, but this will lead to their destruction. The Russians, eventually, will win and take over Constantinople. After that it will be ours. They will be forced to give it to us.”

The text reads further, “(The Turks) will be destroyed. They will be eradicated because they are a nation that was built without God’s blessing. One third of the Turks will go back to where they came from, the depths of Turkey. One third will be saved because they will become Christians, and the other third will be killed in this war.”

“Turkey will be dissected. This will be to our benefit as a nation. This way our villages will be liberated, our enslaved homelands. Constantinople [Istanbul] will be liberated, will become Greek again. Hagia Sophia will open again,” the text reads.

Turkey will be dissected in 3 or 4 parts. The countdown has begun. We will take the lands that belong to us, the Armenians will take theirs and the Kurds their own.” – from the Greek Reporter

So unless Turks wish to endure such a disaster, it’s critically important they understand that Erdogan is an actor in the employ of the globalists, and his role is to bring Turkey to utter ruin. But here’s the thing: if the actor dies before his big scene, the globalists will have to rescript what happens to Turkey. And without the need to defeat the “evil Dajjal,” it is likely that the rescripting will be much more peaceful and gentle on the Turks.

That being said, any Turk in a position to do what is necessary knows what he must do. Even if such a person has held his nose and worked for the globalists all his life, he now has an opportunity to do the right thing and redeem himself through sacrifice for the greater good. Greater love has no man than this: that he lay down his life so millions of others may live.

(12 August 2020) – Keep an Eye on Belarus

The globalists are running a psyop in Belarus that portrays the “evil West” trying to get control of the country like they did in Ukraine. And the objective of the operation can be found in the final paragraph of a write-up on the subject posted by “The Saker,” an NWO propagandist…

…from South Front. Here’s the paragraph…

Personally, I have always believed that fully reincorporating Belarus into Russia would not only solve the “Belarusian problem” but that it would also solve the “Lukashenko problem”. I am confident that Russia has more than enough influence and resources in Belarus to force a change. Yes, that would be both difficult and dangerous, but not doing so could result in a much worse outcome. Russia needs to act. Quickly and resolutely.

Basically, the globalists are arranging an excuse for Putin to take control of Belarus, and I suspect they’re doing it to help him retake Ukraine east of the Dnieper River so he can reunite the ancient Khazarian Empire (the red box shows Khazarian land east of the Dnieper; the green and orange boxes show Khazarian areas Putin has already seized in Ukraine and Georgia)…

You can read about Putin’s effort to rebuild Khazaria in Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria, which is found at the bottom of the Compendium.

With control of Belarus, Putin can move the Russian-augmented Belarusian Army into attack positions on the Ukrainian border west of the Dnieper (the red horizontal oval below). This will compel the Ukrainian Army to deploy defensive forces along that border (the blue horizontal oval), thereby splitting their army in two (with a one part west of the Dnieper guarding the Belarusian border and the other part east of the Dnieper guarding the Russian border)…

At the outset of a conflict, Russia can then blow the bridges across the Dnieper, isolating the eastern part of the Ukrainian army from reinforcement, resupply or retreat. The Belarusian Army will likely hold their positions, leaving western Ukraine to the non-Russian Ukrainians while Russia gobbles up eastern Ukraine.

There was other notable news that came out yesterday: Putin’s COVID vaccine announcement and Kamala Harris’s nomination as Biden’s VP. I’ll get to those subjects as soon as I can.

(9 August 2020) – Yesterday turned out to be a day of good news…

1) Antifa/BLM were no-shows in Weatherford…

…from The Dallas Morning News

2) Xi Jinping seems to have turned off the weather attack on the Three Gorges Dam…


3) And Trump announced relief measures that signal a likely globalist delay in triggering the final collapse of the economy…

…from Zero Hedge

So the things to watch this week are which way they take the narrative on the Beirut explosions and what kind of war-starting mischief Erdogan might engage in.

(7 August 2020) – Will the Second Civil War start in Weatherford, Texas tomorrow?

I know someone who lives in Weatherford — a small city west of Fort Worth — and she reports (based on credible sources) that Antifa/BLM are planning to bus in a large mongrel army tomorrow after having been run out of town in an earlier, smaller protest (and after having been run out of Austin last weekend). Reportedly, their objectives are to tear down a memorial statue to Confederate soldiers, burn down the historic courthouse, then fan out and burn down the antebellum homes in the city. But they’ll be greeted by an eclectic mix of armed farmers, good ol’ boys, rednecks, bikers and Aryan Nation types who won’t hesitate to stop them from torching the city. And the Texas National Guard are reportedly in town with orders to surround the courthouse.

The Weatherford police chief is denying that Antifa are coming to town and I can find no news of the National Guard deployment, which raises two important questions…

1) Is this all just hot air from an overactive rumor mill, or are the “authorities” suppressing news of the coming showdown to prevent additional combatants from driving in from surrounding counties?

2) Do the “authorities” want the violent showdown to happen, and do they want it to be a surprise to the nation when it does?

The protest is supposed to start at 4 PM tomorrow, so I guess we’ll find out then.

~ MORE – 8 August 2020 ~

I found some notable press pieces on Weatherford this morning, including an August 1 article on the previous protest there…

If civil war breaks out in America, what happened in Weatherford a week ago shows how easily it can begin. Out-of-town protesters clashed with Parker County residents on the courthouse lawn in one of the more violent Texas gatherings this troubled year.

Weatherford came close to becoming a symbol like Fort Sumter, site of first shots fired in 1861. There was enough weaponry on both sides to classify the event as a mini-gun show. – from the Denton Record-Chronicle

And the Dallas Morning News posted this headline yesterday…

…The article mentions the earlier protest in Weatherford…

And last month there was a confrontation in Weatherford that balanced so precariously on the knife-edge of violence that it caused our reporter to invoke the image of Fort Sumter and even entertain the possibility of 2020 seeing the beginning of a second American civil war.

“I was afraid that somebody would pull a trigger and war would erupt,” a protester on one side said.

“I’m surprised no shots were fired. It would have been a massacre,” said a protester on the other side.

(6 August 2020) – I’ll have to take the rest of the day off to tend to mundane tasks about the house. But first let me give you a preview of coming attractions. Upcoming additions to the Xi Jinping article will include…

  • how the “Good Guys” versus “Bad Guys” / “Bad Horses”/ scapegoats trick pervades the NWO transition script at every level,
  • how Xi and Putin are connected to the Kissinger/Rockefeller effort to build the multilateral NWO,
  • how communism, an ideology dreamt-up by a Western intellectual and funded into control of Russia and China by Western bankers, constitutes the “foreign domination” that Xi’s Boxer Rebellion will end,
  • why Xi Jinping will release the Chicom blackmail/bribery files on politicians the world over, including the Democrats in the US, and how that will give the “good guys” the Treason Sword with which they’ll cut down the “bad guys,” and
  • additional information on the weather-engineered floods and embedded mini-nukes (similar to this) that will bring down Three Gorges Dam.