Category Archives: Vatican

How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order

A Crypto-Jewish conspiracy that started, appropriately, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis in 1534 reached its culmination in 2013…
…Let’s have a look at what happened.

Several months ago, I came across this rather intriguing narrative…
…From the Israel Elect of Zion website

Upon reading it, my inner guidance gave me a thumbs up. But since it was on a website run by religious weirdos, I decided it would be best if I verified its major points for myself. So over the course of the next few days, I’ll show you what I found. Then we’ll arrive at a rational, commonsense conclusion based on the available evidence.

Before we begin, it is necessary to know who the Marranos (also referred to as the “conversos”) were…

Marrano, in Spanish history, a Jew who converted to the Christian faith to escape persecution but who continued to practice Judaism secretly. It was a term of abuse and also applies to any descendants of Marranos. The origin of the word marrano is uncertain.

In the late 14th century, Spanish Jewry was threatened with extinction at the hands of mobs of fanatical Christians. Thousands of Jews accepted death, but tens of thousands found safety by ostensibly converting to Christianity. The number of converts is moderately estimated at more than 100,000. By the mid-15th century the persons who had been baptized but continued to practice Judaism in secret—Marranos—formed a compact society. The Marranos began to grow rich and to rise to high positions in the state, the royal court, and the church hierarchy. They intermarried with the noblest families of the land. The hatred directed against them by the old Christians, ostensibly because they were suspected of being untrue to their converted faith, was in fact directed indiscriminately against all conversos, or Jewish converts.” – From The Encyclopaedia Brittanica

So the Jews, after already having been massacred and spread to the wind by the political Roman Empire (see The Origin of Jewish Antipathy to the Roman Empire, the Jewish-Roman wars), were yet again under assault by monarchs crowned by the surviving religious element of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church…

Alonso de Hojeda, a Dominican friar from Seville, convinced Queen Isabella of the existence of Crypto-Judaism among Andalusian conversos during her stay in Seville between 1477 and 1478. A report, produced by Pedro González de Mendoza, Archbishop of Seville, and by the Segovian Dominican Tomás de Torquemada, corroborated this assertion. In 1480 a plot to overthrow the government of Seville under armed insurrection lead by Don Diego de Susona, a wealthy merchant converso was discovered and suppressed.

Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella requested a papal bull establishing an inquisition in Spain in 1478 in response to the conversos returning to the practice of Judaism.” – From Wikipedia

This Spanish Inquisition lasted from 1478 to 1834, and it was during this period that Ignatius of Loyola conceived the Jesuit Order in a crypt beneath a church. So the first obvious question is…

Was Ignatius really a Crypto-Jew / Marrano / converso?

Given the inherent bias of all historical narratives, to which narrative should we look to find the answer to this question? I decided that the surest way to confirm Ignatius’ converso background was to look for admissions of it from the Jesuits themselves. And lookie what I found…
…from If you look to the “S.J.” in the names of the authors, it refers to the Society of Jesus; both the listed authors are Jesuits (I’ll cover other points from this book description later).

Here is an informative section from a review of the book…
…From (a PDF link)

And it’s worth noting that the book was published by Fordham University, a Jesuit institution…
…From Wikipedia

So as you can see, the Jesuits do not dispute that Ignatius came from a converso family, although they do gloss over the obvious implication that Ignatius himself was a Crypto-Jew. They also attempt to spin away the pervasive Crypto-Jewish nature of their Order (while simultaneously heaping praise upon the Jews). Again, I’ll get back to that later.

It is here where we must take our first common sense break. The Jesuits would retort that the Marranos (Crypto-Jews) are somehow a subset of the conversos (“real” Jewish converts to Christianity), so the terms shouldn’t be conflated. As the Establishment’s Encyclopaedia Brittanica said in one of the previous quotations…

“The hatred directed against them [the Marranos] by the old Christians, ostensibly because they were suspected of being untrue to their converted faith, was in fact directed indiscriminately against all conversos, or Jewish converts.”

Let’s bring a little common sense into the mix…

Under threat of torture and death by the followers of Jesus (who were the descendants of the Romans who slaughtered and scattered the Jewish people in Judea), how many conversos sincerely converted to Christianity and suddenly held a love for Jesus in their hearts?

The answer to this question is “few to none.” You can call the Jews many things, but “pushovers” isn’t one of them. When their opportunity to convert or die arrived, the strident Jews were tortured and killed, the practical Jews fled, and the stubborn, strong Jews stood their ground and said, “Yeah. Sure. We’re Christians now.” But as that last group, the conversos, professed Christ with their tongues, their hearts professed something else: their Jewish identity and a desire for revenge.

That being said, “converso” DOES equal “Marrano / Crypto-Jew,” because virtually no Jews would ever embrace a bastardized / Romanized version of their religion forced upon them by the enemies of their people. Almost all conversions were done for practical purposes, not out of a real realignment of faith.

So it is here where you face your first moment of decision. You need to pick the truer narrative…

A. The Jesuit version – Ignatius did have a Jewish family background, but his family was among the “good” conversos. When they were told to “convert or die” during one of the many pogroms that occurred before and during the Inquisition, his family realized the err of their Jewish ways and repented of them. They cast aside their Jewish identity and embraced a true love of their savior, Jesus Christ. It was with this pure-hearted love of Christ that Ignatius begat the Jesuit Order.

B. This blog’s version – When Ignatius’ family faced their “convert or die” or “convert for acceptance and gain” moment, they told the Christians what they wanted to hear. But secretly, they maintained their Jewish identities and practices like virtually all Jews did. So when Ignatius put together the Jesuit Order, he had on his mind what all Jews had on their minds: seeking shelter from the persecutors and seeking change to put an end to the persecution.

Which narrative do you find more realistic? If your answer is “the Jesuit version,” stop reading this entry now and go find something else to read. The rest will be of no benefit to you. But if your answer is “this blog’s version,” let’s keep going.

Now that we’ve established that the Jesuit Order was started by a Crypto-Jew, and given that at least one of the other co-founders, Diego (James) Laynez, was also a Crypto-Jew (who went on to lead the Order after Ignatius)…

Did any other Crypto-Jews / Marranos / conversos join the Jesuit Order?

To answer this question, let’s look to this Jesuit-affiliated “scholar”

…who is an Associate Director of the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at a Jesuit university…
…From Wikipedia

In an interview with The Boston Globe, Professor Maryks provided the answer to this Q & A…

The answer to our question, then, is “yes.” The Jesuit Order was founded by at least two Crypto-Jews (not just one like the Professor suggests), and they flung open the doors for more to follow them in. As the Professor said in the understatement of the year, “The Society of Jesus was substantially influenced by Christians of Jewish ancestry.”

So did this new order of Crypto-Jews escape the attention of other members of the Catholic hierarchy? No, they did not.

Let’s have a quick look at page 86 from Professor Maryks’ book A Companion to Ignatius of Loyola

…From Google Books

From this passage, we see that the “Old Christians” (traditional non-converso Christians) within the Church “suspected Loyola of Crypto-Judaism” so much that at least one investigation was mounted against him. Maryks also mentions “Ignatius’ alleged Basque pride in his blood purity.” I’ll get back to that a little later. And by the way, the “Alumbrados” of “Jewish origins” with whom Ignatius had “numerous contacts” translates to “Illuminated.” Now isn’t that a little foreshadowing of things to come. wink

Now let’s have a look at page 41 of another of Professor Maryks’ books, The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews
…From Google Books

This passage offers three important points…

1) It speaks of the Jewish infiltration of civil and ecclesiastical institutions that gave rise to a protective backlash against the conversos. From the perspective of the Old Christians, they saw an insidious takeover of their society taking place, and it had to be stopped (we Americans know exactly how that feels). They were right of course. But from the perspective of the “New Christians” (the conversos), they perceived the Old Christians as engaging in persecution against them, and they too were right. Looking at it rationally, the Old Christians had no reason to complain; they forced the Jews into their religion, so they fully deserved what was coming to them. They brought “the Crypto-Jewish virus” in by their own hand.

2) It confirms that conversos did see the clerical ranks of the Church as a haven from persecution, although Maryks fails to mention the other obvious motivation the conversos had in becoming clergy: ending the persecution of their people by changing or even taking over the Church once they were on the inside.

3) It points out that Crypto-Jews penetrated other orders of the Church. It is standard Jewish operating procedure to infiltrate all factions within an institution for the purpose of monitoring their activities and taking control if possible. They didn’t need to take over the Jesuit Order, though. It was theirs from the very beginning. It was their hand within the Church.

It is here where we’ll take another common sense break and put ourselves in the shoes of the Crypto-Jews of the early Jesuit Order. Upon doing so, we find that we’re facing a worsening environment in which our Order is suspected of being a synagogue of Jews, and blood purity laws are popping up to stop conversos from taking positions in civil society and the clergy. What do we do?

Do we give up, go home, and cry in our Manischewitz? Or do we make adjustments to allay suspicion and get around the blood purity laws? Being Jews, the choice is obvious: we adjust and move on – we never give up.

After thinking about it, these are the specific things we’d do to keep going….

1) We would double-down on leading the charge against converso influence in the both the Order and the wider Church, like our co-founder Francis Xavier did in encouraging the Inquisition of Goa
…By leading the effort against ourselves, we can control where the investigations go, and we can shield our core operatives while staging controlled sacrifices (such as in a faraway place like Goa, India) to make it look like we’re making progress.

2) We would double-down on our efforts to pose as the most rabidly loyal order in the whole Church. This would place us above any suspicion of being subversives. If we want to sneak around as Jews and change the Church, we must stop acting like Jew-lovers and start acting like the complete opposite. People will find it incomprehensible that we are Jewish influencers if we outwardly act like we are against Jewish influence.

Stepping back out of our Jewish shoes, we find this is exactly what the Jesuits did. Here is another excerpt from Professor Maryks’ Boston Globe interview…

“The archbishop of Toledo issued a purity-of-blood law in 1547. So the foundation of the Jesuits coincided with the increase of purity-of-blood laws. In 1593, the society issued a law which said that no candidate of Jewish ancestry could enter the society, and those conversos already in the society who had not finished their vows had to leave. This was much harsher than the first because it did not limit the genealogical inquiry. In 1608, an inquiry was set at five generations.”

So the Jesuits not only made their own blood purity law, they made one that was “much harsher” than that of the archbishop of Toledo. This helped put them above suspicion. But take note that they did not kick out the conversos who had already finished their vows, which left conversos in the Order to do the background checks. By having their own people doing the background checks, they could falsify clean certificates for the conversos they wanted, and reject conversos who weren’t “connected.”

As for any background checks that weren’t conducted by insiders, getting around them was a simple matter: they just bribed the inspectors and/or presented falsified documents. As Wikipedia’s entry on limpieza de sangre (blood purity) states…

“The religious and military orders, guilds and other organizations incorporated in their by-laws clauses demanding proof of cleanliness of blood. Upwardly mobile New Christian families had to either contend with their plight, or bribe and falsify documents attesting generations of good Christian ancestry.”

In the time of these blood purity laws, falsified documents and bribes were commonplace. And within the context of the Jesuit Order, this gave rise to the “closet-converso” – a deep-cover Crypto-Jew who had a “clean Christian background.” Even Professor Maryks recognizes the existence of such persons…
…From page 84 of A Companion to Ignatius of Loyola on Google Books

So in the year 1593, the Society of Jesus went from being a synagogue of conversos to being a synagogue of closet-conversos, and it is here where you face another moment of decision. You must choose the truer narrative…

A. The Jesuit version – The Society of Jesus enacted a very strict purity of blood law in 1593, and it was faithfully observed. This resulted in the end of the Order’s liberal period, and the converso presence within the Society waned. The Order then went on to centuries of strict adherence to Catholic doctrine and faithful service to the Church.

B. This blog’s version – The Society of Jesus responded to its increasingly hostile environment by putting on a show of casting out conversos and blocking them from entry. But in reality, they had ways of dodging blood purity laws, and they kept bringing in Jews under deep cover. With the financial assistance of the “Court Jew” money-men outside the Church, the Order then spent centuries spreading its tentacles both within the Church and around the world, eventually taking over the Church entirely.

Which narrative do you find more realistic?

Before you answer this question, you might want to have a look at this inconspicuous sentence from the Jesuits’ Wikipedia entry

The Society participated in the Counter-Reformation and, later, in the implementation of the Second Vatican Council.”

By the late 1950’s, the Crypto-Jews had amassed enough power within the Church to be able to remake it in their image, making it more worldly and cosmopolitan. And they officially began the process on 11 October 1962 by convening the Second Vatican Council.

Have a look at what this Huffington Post article
…written on the 50th anniversary of the Council, says about it [with my comments added in brackets]…

>>> With Vatican II, the Catholic Church sent out the message that it was part of the modern world, said Thomas Ryan, director of the Loyola Institute for Ministry. “Not against, not above, not apart, but in the modern world,” he said. “The church sought to engage, not condemn.” [Note who is saying this about the Church’s new worldliness: one of the directors of a Jesuit institution] <<<

The article also talks about the most notable change of all…

>>> Perhaps the biggest of these changes came in the church’s approach to Judaism. Before Vatican II, Jews were stigmatized as the people who killed Jesus Christ. That changed with the council, when the Catholic Church acknowledged its Jewish roots and Jews’ covenant with God, Ryan said.

“It had the effect that the sun has when it comes up and interrupts the night,” said Rabbi Edward Cohn of New Orleans’ Temple Sinai, whose best friend as a child had to get permission from the archbishop to attend Cohn’s bar mitzvah. “It was no less dramatic than that. It provided an entirely new day. It changed everything.” [So in this passage we have the Jesuit-affiliated Ryan and a Jewish rabbi telling us how great Vatican II was; telling, no?] <<<

And can you guess who led the effort in the Council to change the Church’s stance on Jews?

It was this Jesuit Cardinal, Augustin Bea (seated, next to his rabbi co-conspirator, Abraham Joshua Heschel)…
…Here is what Wikipedia says about Bea and his role in Vatican II…

>>> Augustin Bea, S.J. (28 May 1881 – 16 November 1968), was a German Jesuit priest and scholar at the Pontifical Gregorian University specialising in biblical studies and biblical archeology. He also served as the personal confessor of Pope Pius XII.

In 1959, Pope John XXIII made him a cardinal of the Catholic Church. He served as the first president of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity from 1960 until his death. Bea was a leading biblical scholar and ecumenist, who greatly influenced Christian-Jewish relations during the Second Vatican Council in Nostra aetate…

Bea was highly influential at the Vatican II Council in the 1960s as a decisive force in the drafting of Nostra aetate, which repudiated anti-Semitism. In 1963, he held secret talks with Abraham Joshua Heschel, promoting Catholic-Jewish dialogue. John Borelli, a Vatican II historian, has observed that, “It took the will of John XXIII and the perseverance of Cardinal Bea to impose the declaration on the Council”. <<<

And for more information about Bea’s co-conspirator, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, have a look at what this article from America magazine (which is published by the Jesuits)…
…says about him…

>>> The two key figures that inspired the preparation of “Nostra Aetate” were Cardinal Augustin Bea, the Jesuit who was head of the Secretariat for Christian Unity, and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, theological consultant of the American Jewish Committee. Between them a sincere friendship began, which helped to work out the declaration, though not without difficulties. From the very beginning, Rabbi Heschel worked hard to remove from the teaching of the Catholic Church any anti-Semitic words and any reference to a mission of the church for the conversion of the Jews. In May 1962 he presented a memorandum in which he asked the council fathers to eliminate once and for all any accusation of deicide on the part of the Jewish people, to acknowledge the integrity and the perpetuity of the election of Jews in the history of salvation and, lastly, to give up proselytizing Jews. The American Jewish Committee presented three memoranda; in the last of these his influence was essential. He wanted the council fathers to know that a Jew has a dignity as a Jew and not as a possible convert to Christianity. He repeated quite often: “If I were asked either to convert or to die in Auschwitz, I’d rather go to Auschwitz.” <<<

As for getting the Church “to give up proselytizing Jews,” that would have to wait until the Crypto-Jewish takeover of the Church was fully completed with the installation of the first Jesuit pope, Pope Francis…
…From National Public Radio

So it is now the official stance of the Roman Catholic Church that the death of chickens Jews sacrifice to expiate their sins…
…is fully equivalent to the death of Jesus Christ to expiate sins…
…(It’s no wonder the Catholic communion wafers taste like chicken)

I’m sure you can imagine how traditional Christians feel about this change in Vatican policy.

So with Jesuit activities during Vatican II and Pope Francis’ reign set before us, let’s return to the question…

Which narrative do you find more realistic?

A. The Jesuit narrative that the Order was never Crypto-Jewish, and that conversos stopped joining them in 1593, or

B. This blog’s narrative that the Jesuit Order was created as an instrument of Jewish infiltration and subversion of the Roman Catholic Church, and it has succeeded in taking over.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the past, it’s time to look at what the Jesuit Crypto-Jews are doing now.

If we check in on Thomas Michel, the Jesuit whose book told us about Ignatius’ converso background earlier in this entry, we see he has been involved in the Vatican effort to “unify the People of the Book” under “Chrislam” (a.k.a. the “One World Religion” or the “Spiritual UN”)…
…From (a PDF link)

Chrislam is intended to be the companion religion to the BRICS-fronted, UN-centered New World Order, but both Chrislam and the NWO are merely intermediate steps to the globalists’ ultimate objective: doing away with democratic government and installing a Kabbalized god-king named “Jesus Christ” as world ruler. With this ultimate goal in mind, beware of narratives that spin the converso takeover of the Church as the action of “Satanic” forces…

By blaming the takeover on “Satanic” forces, which play the “bad guys” in the Christian spiritual dialectic, they are establishing the traditionalist Christians as the “good guys.” But in reality, there are no good guys to be found in the whole drama. The Roman Catholic Church was created by the Roman imperial elite as an instrument of spiritual control over their subjects. It is a man-made religion and an abomination, and it always has been. All that happened with the Jesuit takeover is that Jewish elite monsters took over from Roman elite monsters.

The reason the globalists are casting this battle as one between “Christian forces of good” and “Satanic/Jewish (‘Synagogue of Satan’) forces of evil” is so their god-king figure can sweep in, defeat the “Satanic” forces, and look like the good guy. So do not be confused by their disinformation; both sides of the spiritual dialectic are manned by the same bad guys, and the final “Jesus Christ” who shows up will be nothing more than a front man for the Crypto-Jews.

In a P.S. I’ll post later, we’ll have a look at the possible connection between the Second Vatican Council and the assassination of JFK. I’ll also post a P.S. that gets back to those things I said I’d get back to later.

Much love…

Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?

“Invite us in…
…The Rockefellers, the Jesuits, and the channelers can vouch for us. We’re your benevolent space brothers.”

The Rockefellers: Founders of the Disclosure Movement

Last week, I came across a video titled Stephen Bassett E.T. Disclosure Conference 2014, and I couldn’t help but notice the reaction counters below it. If they are correct, the information in the video was uncritically accepted by the site’s visitors, and I found that quite troubling. No one paused to think of who might be behind the information being presented or of how it might fit in with the globalists’ transition plan. This being the case, I decided to do a little investigating so I could show everyone what’s really going on with Disclosure.

To begin, let’s look at what Bassett says at the 3:54 mark of the video…

“The Truth Embargo, which I casually refer to, was a massive program in which billions upon billions of dollars were spent not only to keep the research secret, to keep the finances secret, and to keep the media under control, and the philanthropists out of the picture, and the universities pretty much out of the picture…”

To the casual viewer, his mention of “the philanthropists” might sail by unnoticed, but if you’ve researched how the disclosure movement got started, you know he is actually referring to one specific “philanthropist”: the true father of the Disclosure Movement, Laurance Rockefeller…
…This is a portion of an article on the Open Minds: UFO News and Investigations website which was written by Antonio Huneeus. Huneeus has a long history in the Disclosure Movement, has worked with Rockefeller, and testified to Rockefeller’s involvement in the Movement at the Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure
…The video is only 9 min 40 sec long, and if you can suffer through Huneeus’ dry delivery, it is quite informative.

The Rockefeller role in getting the Disclosure ball rolling is something of an open secret among the Disclosure people (the Disclosuristas, as I call them). On Stephen Bassett’s own Paradigm Research Group website, a specific Rockefeller effort referred to as the “Rockefeller Initiative” is openly touted  The same effort is also touted on Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project website as “Project Starlight“…

“This letter from The Project Starlight Coalition was the result of the historic Asilomar, California meeting that Dr. Greer organized and Laurance Rockefeller paid for in June of 1995, just before Clinton’s meeting with Rockefeller in August 1995.”

As I continued to examine the Rockefeller family connection to the Disclosure Movement, I came across this MUST SEE video which puts together a number of video clips on the subject. At the 1:54 mark, Steven Greer (the putative head of the Disclosure Movement) speaks of Laurance Rockefeller…

In his remarks on Laurance, Greer refers to him as “the philosopher of the (Rockefeller) family,” which is typical of how the Disclosuristas attempt to explain-away Rockefeller family involvement in their movement. They try to paint Laurance as a family maverick who was unlike all the other globalists in the Rockefeller clan. Greer also speaks of a supposed conflict between brothers David and Laurance Rockefeller over whether the UFO secrets should be exposed, and this theme of a supposed rift or divergence of interests among the Rockefellers is also parroted by Grant Cameron in his testimony at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (page 90)

“Basically what the FOIA documents show is that billionaire businessman Laurance Rockefeller had approached the White House to get the government to disclose the truth behind the UFO mystery. There are different Rockefellers; there is Nelson Rockefeller who was the political guy who ran for government; there was David who was the money guy and Laurance Rockefeller was the humanitarian. He had a philosophy degree from Princeton University and was very interested in this phenomenon.”

Unfortunately for the Disclosuristas, this attempt to paint Laurance as a renegade “good Rockefeller” doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

According to Laurance Rockefeller’s bio

“In 1937, he inherited his grandfather’s seat on the New York Stock Exchange. He served as founding trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for forty-two years, from its inception in 1940 to 1982; during this time he also served as president (1958–1968) and later its chairman (1968–1980) for twenty-two years, longer than any other leader in the Fund’s history. He was also a founding trustee of the Rockefeller Family Fund from 1967 to 1977.”

So not only was Laurance deeply involved in the financial industry, but he was also among the founders of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Family Fund. These Funds are notorious for advancing globalist aims under the pretense of “philanthropy.” Laurance also served on the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Special Studies Project

From 1956 to 1960 the Fund financed an ambitious study conceived by its then president, Nelson Rockefeller, to ‘define the major problems and opportunities facing the U.S. and clarify national purposes and objectives, and to develop principles which could serve as the basis of future national policy’.

Nelson recruited Henry Kissinger, who was then on the faculty of Harvard University, as director of the project; he had first met Kissinger in 1955. He also brought on board such luminaries as Edward Teller, Charles Percy, Dean Rusk, John Gardner (president of the Carnegie Corporation) and Henry Luce, along with his brothers Laurance and John D. III. Seven panels were constituted that looked at sweeping issues ranging from military/security strategy to foreign policy, to international economic strategy and defense department and governmental reorganization.”

Of the Special Studies Project’s seven sub-panels, Laurance is specifically mentioned as having served on…

“Panel II – International Security Objectives and Strategy; directed by Henry Kissinger. Panellists included Frank Altschul, Gordon Dean, James B. Fisk, Roswell Gilpatric, Townsend Hoopes, Henry Luce, Laurance Rockefeller, Edward Teller, Carroll L. Wilson, and economist Arthur Smithies.”

The Special Studies Project’s Wikipedia page also had another paragraph that caught my eye…

“The project was finally published in its entirety in 1961 as Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports. The archival study papers are stored in the Rockefeller Archive Center at the family estate; portions of the papers are still restricted, over four decades after the report was published.”

Upon reading this, I ordered a copy of Prospect for America, and it is exactly what I expected: a blueprint for using the United States as a tool to help build the New World Order. Here is a little snippet from page 35…

So as you can see, Laurance was deeply involved in pursuing the Rockefeller family’s globalist objectives. There was no rift or divergence of interests within the family (as is evidenced by the cooperation of the three brothers in the Special Studies Project); there was only a division of labor as they collectively worked to build the multilateral/multipolar New World Order.

Being an Illuminati family, the Rockefellers were/are involved in all three aspects of the UFO phenomenon: the black budget part, the government coverup part, and the public disclosure part. In pitting disclosure-demanding citizens against secrecy-maintaining governments, the “elite” are creating a conflict that will find resolution when the New World Order and Disclosure are publicly unveiled. At that time, the US government, the Paperclip Nazis, the Zionists, and the West will be blamed for the secrecy while the BRICS and the East will be credited with revealing the truth. UFO Disclosure is just another aspect of the West is Bad / East is Good propaganda effort being used to usher in the NWO.

Don’t Forget the Vatican

Of course, the globalist-directed Disclosure Movement isn’t run solely by the Rockefellers; the Vatican is involved too. In an entry titled The Vatican is preparing to introduce the Anunnaki to us, I showed how the Jesuits are working to prepare the public for the announcement of extraterrestrial life, and their preparations extend beyond merely revealing the existence of microbes on Mars. Have a look at what non-Jesuit Monsignor Corrado Balducci told the Italian public about UFOs and ETs
…And here is another video where he talks about human-like extraterrestrials.

According to his bio

“Monsignor Corrado Balducci (born May 11, 1923, in Italy; died September 20, 2008 in Italy) was a Roman Catholic theologian of the Vatican Curia, a close friend of the pope, a long-time exorcist for the Archdiocese of Rome, and a Prelate of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. He has written several books about the subliminal messages in rock and metal music, diabolic possessions, and extraterrestrials. Monsignor Balducci often appeared on Italian TV to talk about satanism, religion, and extraterrestrials.”

Assuming this bio is genuine (I’m looking into it, and it has checked out so far), we see that belief in the reality of extraterrestrial spacecraft and beings has existed at the top level of the Vatican for a long time. Of course, since the Vatican is aligned with the traditionalist faction of the Anunnaki and is oriented towards worship of the Anunnaki god-king, it makes perfect sense that they believe in ETs, doesn’t it? 😉

The Alien Card: How will the globalists play it?

It is clear that the globalist “elite” are inculcating the belief in benevolent extraterrestrials in the public mind. But why? From my current perspective, there are three ways they can play the alien card:

1) They are already playing it, and they are using UFOs and ETs to distract inquisitive people. If the globalists can get people to look up at the skies, no one will notice what is happening on the ground as the NWO unfolds. This is the most conventional way of looking at the UFO question.

2) They are preparing the public to accept a fake alien arrival. Instead of seeing real ETs arrive in real ET spacecraft, we’ll see genetically modified humans arriving in black budget aerospace craft. Given that scientists have been publicly cloning complex animals like sheep and genetically modifying goats to produce spider silk in their milk, is it so hard to believe that black budget science has produced a cloned, genetically modified human? If the globalists unleash upon the public a race of mind-controlled, mystery religion-indoctrinated hybrids flying antigravity craft, they can really play with people’s minds.

3) They are trying to generate public consent for an intrusion by real extraterrestrial / extradimensional beings. By getting people to believe that all our problems will be solved when the ET/EDs show up, they are building freewill permission for the ET/EDs to step in and run things. The globalists have built the multipolar NWO pyramid…
…so now the capstone (the Anunnaki) can float down and control the world.

I can’t yet say with certainty which of these three scenarios is in motion. We’ll just have to wait and see how weird things get.

There is more to write on this subject, but I’ll stop here and save the rest for a companion entry.

Till then, I send you my love…

The Vatican is preparing to introduce the Anunnaki to us

The Jesuit Pope says, “Come meet your new space brothers!”…

With the globalists turning up the heat on all the mundane aspects of their buildup to the NWO, the woo woo aspects are moving forward as well. Yesterday, I encountered a Before Its News link that led to a post titled Vatican Preparing Statement on Extraterrestrial Life. Given the often questionable nature of such posts, I decided to look into it and see if everything checked out. It did. The Vatican is indeed preparing to “take us to their leader.”

The post, in turn, pointed to an article on
…Upon looking into Voxxi, I found out it’s a news site for English-speaking Hispanics that was started by the former Director of News at Agencia EFE, the world’s fourth largest wire service, so it is a mainstream site. Here are some relevant excerpts from the article…

>>>Many scientists affirm we’re not far from establishing the “First Contact,” given the advances made is astronomy. Because of this, the Vatican wishes to be ready with a statement. It might not be a easy task for the church to interpret holy scripture—if not analyzed properly—if life is found on other planets and man is not the only creature made in the image of God…

In 2009 Jose Gabriel Funes, the director of the Vatican Observatory, gave an interview to the Vatican’s L’Osservatore Romano newspaper, where he stated the existence of alien life posed no problems for Catholic theology.

Conspiracy theories aside, are we really that close to discovering extraterrestrial life? And if so, what will the Catholic Church say about it? Details of the statement the Vatican is working on have not been revealed publicly.<<<

So it seems that the ET rollout, should it actually occur, will begin with us supposedly discovering them through a telescope, then the Vatican will make its statement. Once the public has digested the idea, ET/EDs might actually show themselves, claiming, “We were waiting for you guys to discover our existence on your own; we didn’t want to show up out of the blue and shock you.”

Another notable thing about the Voxxi article was their inclusion of this link after the first paragraph…
…It struck me as odd that they would think to connect the idea of alien intervention in Flight 370 to an article about a Vatican ET announcement. Although the linked article ridiculed the ET angle on Flight 370’s disappearance, I was left wondering if any ETs who show up might play that card. Will they arrive with the missing passengers and crew to show what sweet spaceguys they are?

As I kept investigating, I found another mainstream media mention of the Vatican and ETs in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. In a post titled Progress, American-style, sort of, the author ties an upcoming astrobiology symposium to the idea of suppressed UFO information…

>>>…what makes this symposium particularly mind-bending are the contortions in play to avoid contact with the UFO elephant in the room, especially given how so much of its content is devoted to hypothetical scenarios. Garnished heavily (not surprisingly) with SETI radioastronomers, its topics come with provocative titles like “The Moral Status of Non-Human Organisms,” “Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?,” “Equating Culture, Civilization, and Moral Development in Imagining ETI: Anthropocentric Assumptions?” and “Communicating With the Other.” But here’s the one that really grabs De Void by the eyeballs — “Alien Minds,” by Susan Schneider.<<<

The symposium to which the author refers is this one
…And a notable attendee is the one to whom all the articles refer either directly or indirectly, Guy Consolmagno.

Guy Consolmagno is a Jesuit astronomer at the Vatican Observatory, which is headed by another Jesuit named Jose Gabriel Funes. Both portray aliens as good guys, with Consolmagno stating that he would baptize an alien and Funes stating “the extraterrestrial is my brother.” This raises the question: if the Jesuits (of all people) are pointing to the ETs and saying they’re good, is that how it really is? As I’ve written before, if aliens are real and they show up, it makes sense that the first ones we’ll see are the ones who have been here all along.

Interestingly, the “Vatican Preparing Statement on Extraterrestrial Life” post shares the Jesuit view…

>>>Not all will welcome a statement from Pope Francis advocating extraterrestrials as brothers and worthy of being baptized into the Christian faith. According to Chris Putnam and Tom Horn, authors of Exovaticana, Pope Francis I is preparing to lead the Catholic Church to embrace aliens as “brothers in Christ” – reflective of the 1950s and 1960s contactee reports of benevolent “space brothers.” Putnam’s and Horn’s Exovaticana portends a future religious war between those accepting extraterrestrials as “brothers in Christ” and those believing them to be returning demons about to enslave us. Despite the extensive scholarship found in Exovaticana, it unfortunately skews data towards an overly negative assessment of the motivations of extraterrestrial visitors. Thankfully, the Vatican’s evolving public position, as reflected by statements from its leading astronomers, shows a far more enlightened stance on how to consider the discovery of alien life from a theological perspective. A statement or “Urbi et Orbi” speech from Pope Francis expounding on various themes associated with the view that extraterrestrials are potential “brothers in Christ’ is a welcome position to take on a controversial issue with major world significance.<<<

As it turns out, the post appears to have been written by Michael Salla, the founder of, and it’s good that he brings up Tom Horn.

Tom Horn is the Establishment’s “David Wilcock figure” in the Christian community. Like his New Age compatriot, he wrote a big, “scholarly” book…
…that hyped all the various prophecies leading into December 21, 2012. When that date passed with a whimper, he withdrew the book, reworked it to point to 2016, and gave it a new title: Zenith 2016. Although he removed the ad for the original book from his site, I was able to find it in the Internet Archive. Here are the bullet points he presented…


> Unrecognized by the vast majority of peoples around the world is the greatest conspiracy of all time, sitting right out in the open in Washington DC and at the Vatican. It is an ancient, magical, talismanic diagram—the Lost Symbol—which waits its final use by the hidden, occult hand guiding the Secret Destiny of America toward the year 2012.

> To make sure they are prepared, the ritual for what is coming has been rehearsed in the Heredom by the Supreme Council over Washington DC with every passing US president starting with George Washington in anticipation of the deity’s return in 2012.

> Many US Founding fathers were aware of these prophecies and designed the Capitol City to serve as the home of these pagan gods on their return.

> This secret is also openly hidden in the most spectacular way in the US Capitol Dome, directly tying the US and Vatican to the Mesoamerican 2012 date.

> Catholic priests who tried to warn about what was coming died under mysterious circumstances.

> 200 Year Old cipher encoded on the Great Seal of the United States points to the same prophecy concerning the return of the gods in the year 2012.

> early 500 years ago the Maya prophesied about the Colonial date 1776 as the beginning of the last 13 katuns leading to apocalypse in 2012. When academic Richard N. Luxton interpreted The Book of Chumayel: The Counsel Book of the Yucatec Maya 1539–1638, he was astonished to find it was connected to the “Christian Last Judgment” and the date 2012.

>  couple modern “Mayan elders” – who have been getting themselves in the news lately by claiming the year 2012 will not lead to the end of the world – are covering up how their prophecies diametrically contradict the prophecies of their forefathers including the Maya, Aztec, and numerous other ancient peoples who foresaw this time as portending destruction and “judgment from the gods.”

> 200 Years ago Cherokee Indians prophesied likewise and set their calendar, like the Maya and Aztec, to end in the year 2012.

> In more than one place in the New Testament, scripture reveals by the same name that the deity encoded in the Masonic prophecy on the Great Seal and elsewhere throughout Washington DC will be the dreaded Antichrist.

> Over 700 years ago Orthodox Jewish priests prophesied in the Zohar that their Messiah would arrive in the year 2012.

> The first degree Masonic Tracing Board contains the same prophecy toward the year 2012.

> Jesus Himself in Matthew 24 may have set the date for the apocalypse around the year 2012.

> This is a short sample of the HUNDREDS of new revelations in Apollyon Rising 2012.<<<

Very Wilcockian, wasn’t it? 😉 And wouldn’t you know it, David Wilcock has also started talking about 2016. Here is a passage from one of the comments he left on Benjamin Fulford’s blog

>>>Then, since The Synchronicity Key talks about how cycles are always at play in the cases of reincarnation, I said “could there be an American Revolution / BRICS revolution cycle playing out?”

I already saw a Rome / US overlap predicting key events in 2014, but we can’t be sure that it will “all” happen in one year. This is all taking longer than I thought, though there is definite progress along the way.

That led to a quick calculation. The main cycles I identified were the Zodiac cycle of 2,160 years (such as between Rome and the US) and the Zodiac quarter-cycle of 539 years (such as the precise time-lock between the Battle of Swiecino and 9/11, down to a few days.)

Another harmonic cycle is 120 years — though the ‘century’ of 100 years is also cyclical. 120 years divides into the “Great Year” of 25,920 years exactly 216 times, making it perfectly harmonic.

The first 120 years after the American Revolution brings us to 1896, which was the precise year that all the problems began with America turning into a war-making state. This was when McKinley got elected and America immediately started moving into the international arena as an imperial power, starting a chain of events that led to the Federal Reserve being founded.

I already have this in the book, but only equated 1896 to a cross-over with Rome in the Zodiac cycle. I never caught that 1896 is also 120 years after the American Revolution.

So if this first cycle is where the problem got a lot worse, 120 years later it may finally resolve. At the speed things are now going, the cycle equivalent of two 120-year cycles lands on July 4, 2016 — 240 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.<<<

Looking at everything Horn and Wilcock have written, I am compelled to forge a new scientific axiom: prophecy + astrology + numerology = BS spiritual propaganda

2016 is an interesting year in one respect, though: how it might fit in with Christian “End Times” prophecy. There are many different interpretations of Biblical prophecy, but the “Christian Watchman” Propaganda Corps with whom Tom Horn frequently interacts have been trumpeting a version that boils down to something like this…

There will be seven years of tribulation that feature wars and rumors of wars, famine, disease, earthquakes in diverse places, etc. To save us from these disasters, the “Antichrist” will come on the scene posing as the “real Christ.” He/she/it will bring a temporary peace and rule for a short time, then will be swept aside when the “real Christ” stages his Second Coming.

Looking at this script, I am left wondering if the 2007-2009 financial crisis might count as the beginning of the Tribulation Period. If so, the seven years would expire sometime from 2014 through 2016. And if the globalists are trying to act out a scenario somewhat like this, how will they play it? Will the coming “BRICS-founded” Multipolar/Multilateral NWO bring in the Antichrist character? Or will the decoy “Nazionist” dark NWO and Obama be painted as the Antichrist side who are vanquished by the BRICS NWO and the “real Christ” character?

However they play it, it is important to remember that both the “Antichrist” and the “real Christ” are scripted characters in a Blood Cult play. They are the dialectic thesis and antithesis of the False God / Yahweh / Demiurge spiritual paradigm, and neither one is on humanity’s side.

It is also important to note that Christianity is a religion centered on Anunnaki (a.k.a. Elohim) worship. Under the Biblical paradigm, the beings who supposedly created modern man are called the Elohim; under the Sumerian paradigm, those same beings are called the Anunnaki. And whether the Anunnaki/Elohim are mythological or real, they are bad news for Planet Earth.

All this being said, if any ET/EDs show up in the next several years, who will we really be meeting? Will they be the real-deal Anunnaki flying in on spaceships, or will they be the genetically-engineered spawn of underground labs flying in on black budget aerospace craft? It all depends on whether the beings worshipped by the “elite” are genuine ET/EDs or just myths they finally have the technology to bring to life.

[Update 1 – 13 September 2014]

This article was reposted on, and an interesting comment was left by one of the readers. I thought I’d share the comment and my response…

Commenter “Lozion”: Ken, just curious is this Apollyon (Abaddon) Horn refers to is another epithet for Antichrist? If yes, then I would theorize this being is the head of the Annunaki (sons of An), Enlil (otherwise known as YHWE and to the Gnostics, the Demiurge) trying to sell himself as the Messiah of our times. Hey, maybe we’ll finally get to meet the Big Enlilada! 😉

My Response: I included Yahweh in the False God/ Yahweh/ Demiurge sandwich for the sake of the Christians, who are programmed to see him as the Big Kahuna. From the various versions of the Sumerian Anunnaki narrative I’ve encountered, though, he is below the actual Anunnaki godking and is aligned with the loyalist faction that believes the human slaves are to be kept barefoot and ignorant, and are not to [be] bred with. The rebels, on the other hand, gave us some degree of knowledge (perhaps in hope of winning us to their side), and fancy “monkey love.” This might explain why I’ve heard certain self-proclaimed “Satanists” complaining, “We tried to give you freedom, but you love being slaves. So we’re going to give you exactly what you want.”

Of the two supposed factions, I am sympathetic to the rebels because I despise the concept of “royalty” in any form, and also because they are simply more fun. But I would choose neither side. Humanity must find a middle path, and we must walk it ourselves.

To answer your question, though, Tom Horn does seem to label “Apollyon” as the “Antichrist.”

On an unrelated note, I’ve come across some mainstream globalist propaganda from 1988 and 2014 that confirms the West versus East conflict is a sham. Look for a big article about it on Monday.

[Update 2 – 14 September 2014]

Commenter “Lozion”: According to Annunaki ‘canon’, the rebels were headed by An’s older son and Enlil’s half-brother Enki, who genetically engineered us (a triplicity of genes from their DNA, native Neanderthal and from IGIGI, who were slaves from a foreign conquered planet) with the help of Ninhursag. They were the ones who thought humans should be allowed to evolve on their own and tried to protect us to a degree against Enlil’s wrath. The God/King you refer to would be An who left their sons to their schemes while busy with affairs far away

My Response: Yes, that’s one version I’ve heard. The herebedragons site has a page that shows what you’re talking about:

Here is the family diagram:

Commenter “Lozion”: I’ve started a thread on the Conscious Hugs forum on this subject if anyone cares to contribute. See here:

Yes, I’ve seen that diagram before. Add Nergal under Enlil.

My Response: I would hasten to add a word of caution on this matter: be wary of any historical or mythical narrative that would sway you to take sides in an alien civil war. If you choose a side, you choose the war, and if you choose the war, you invite attack upon yourself.

If a “red gang” member came to your door and told you, “You should join our war against the ‘blue gang.’ They want to kill everyone in the ‘hood, so if we lose, you die,” would you believe him? While such a claim could possibly be true, it is more likely a ruse to scare you into cooperation. It’s more likely that the other gang will want to profit off you than kill you. You can’t sell drugs to a dead man, nor can you enslave him.

If there is any reality to the Enki versus Enlil narrative, there are three ways to look at it:

1) It is a real civil war within the Anunnaki kingdom. If this is the case, we should leave them to settle their conflicts themselves while we deal with our own challenges ourselves. To join one side against the other is to expose ourselves to potential ruin.

2) It is a contrived situation Anu put in play to ensure that one of his sons couldn’t set up his own kingdom here. By keeping the two feuding, neither brother can get firm control of the planet. All Anu has to do is sit back and maintain a balance of forces by providing support to one or the other when he grows weak. If this is the case, it has nothing to do with us and we should maintain our focus on the self-liberation of our species.

3) It is a dialectic play put on for human consumption. By recruiting some humans to Enki and others to Enlil, they keep us fighting amongst ourselves. Some may point to supposed evidence (most notably in the Indian ancient texts) of an antediluvian nuclear war as proof that there are two alien factions fighting, but I would point such people to World War 2. It was a massive conflict that involved nuclear explosions, but it was fought by two alliances of human states that were pitted against each other by a transnational “elite.” The antediluvian war, if it actually happened, might have been the same sort of deal: humans pitted against each other by a hidden hand.

It seems prudent to stay out of any wars, either human or alien. I think it better to free myself, then help free my community. And once my community is free, we can network with other such communities until the whole world is free.

Love always…