Category Archives: Globalist Disinfo

ISIS: A globalist scheme to make the West look evil and the BRICS look good (Update 1 – NATO and the Russian Financial Sector)

After seeing this on disinformation source Tom Heneghan’s latest update
…and this on Press TV
…it became clearer to me exactly how ISIS is being utilized in the globalists’ West versus East dialectic.

In my last update, I wrote this about the globalist strategy for the September – November time frame: “Bad Western conduct will also be clearly noted in the press. This combination of economic weakness and bad behavior will be seized upon by the BRICS nations as they press for the dissolution of Western dominance of the IMF and related institutions.” Well, the whole ISIS debacle is a glaring example of this; it is purposely transparent foolishness that sets up the BRICS alliance for an easy propaganda win.

And the BRICS knock it out of the park!…


It’s really a very simple strategy on the globalists’ part: have the Western division (which controls the old financial system) create transparent havoc, then have the Eastern division (which will bring in the new financial system) point out the West’s misconduct and earn trust from the public. The people will then see the BRICS as straight talking guys who are different from the evildoers in NATO. Of course, all one needs to do to see through this propaganda campaign is look at how the 99% are treated in the BRICS countries. Despite the stage plays the G20 politicians put on for public consumption, all the G20 central bankers are working from the same script.

Getting back to the current propaganda campaign, if you look closely at how faux-truthers like Heneghan are outing ISIS, you’ll see that they are following the “blame the Western Nazis / Zionists” template I talked about in this entry. Here is the title of one of Heneghan’s other articles on the subject: ISIS PsyOp Exposed as British Intelligence-NAZI Paperclip U.S. NSA Trickery. The article also contains information that the Mossad (Zionists) trained the ISIS leader. Such information is also parroted by BRICS-leaning PressTV: Documents show al-Baghdadi trained by MOSSAD (for an example of PressTV’s allegiance, see BRICS ‘counterbalance’ to Anglo-American hegemony).

PressTV is state-funded and is a division of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). IRIB is independent of the Iranian government, but is said to be close to the country’s conservative political faction, especially the elite Revolutionary Guards [RG].” And back when I was looking into the IMF’s activities, I briefly fell into the dialectic trap and thought that the Guards might actually be enemies to the globalists. When I found out that PressTV was a Revolutionary Guards media asset, though, I realized that both PressTV and the RG were actually working on the BRICS side of the globalist dialectic.

As we look ahead to the coming week, we find Congressional leaders publicly calling for Obama to “form a strategy” against ISIS before the Thursday-Friday NATO summit, and this presumably means they are urging him to begin airstrikes in Syria. And if you recall the controversy over potential US strikes on Syria last year, it was said

>>>The warnings raise the possibility of a supposedly “limited” strike on Syria turning into a proxy tit-for-tat between Russia and the U.S.

Rep. George Holding, R-N.C., went further during a hearing on Syria on Wednesday, pressing military officials on what the U.S. would do “if Russia decided to strike at us in that theater.”

“We can certainly say that Russia would have options to strike us in that theater in retaliation for us striking their ally,” he warned.

Dempsey declined to engage in that discussion, saying only that “Russia has capabilities that range from the asymmetric, including cyber, all the way up through strategic nuclear weapons. And again, it wouldn’t be helpful in this setting to speculate about that.”<<<

So airstrikes on Syria (on top of Ukraine-related economic sanctions) might very well be the trigger to unleash the globalists’ long planned cyberattack against the old financial system (to be pinned on Russia). They might also be the trigger for biological and conventional terror attacks in the US (to be pinned on ISIS – Lawmakers: Islamic State groups wants to hit US). Should such attacks occur, it doesn’t necessarily mean there will be a total economic collapse or instant Armageddon…


…The attacks can be moderated in such a way to achieve specific globalist outcomes without taking us beyond Thunderdome, so don’t have a cow.

[Update 1 – 1 September 2014]

NATO and the Russian Financial Sector

While looking into the propaganda setup for the NATO meeting this week, I came across an FT article titled “Three critical tests for Nato leaders in Wales” (it’s behind a paywall, so search for the title in Google News to access it). I found this part interesting…

“Allied leaders in Wales must counter by adopting the only measures that might give Mr Putin pause – the strongest sanctions to date, targeted on Russia’s critical financial sector.”

So NATO might be targeting Russia’s financial sector, eh? 🙂 That smells like the perfect pretext for a retaliatory cyberattack….

With love….

Debunking Wilcock and Fulford’s Operation Paperclip Narrative

Don’t focus on the colorful puppets…

…focus on the drab puppeteers…


As I pick through the faux-history narrative that David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford are offering to sugarcoat the rise of the new globalist systems, I will post entries to debunk it on a point-by-point basis. So let’s begin with this point of theirs:

1) The current world situation is the fault of the Nazis/Zionists.

Wilcock and Fulford seem to be claiming that Nazis brought in by Operation Paperclip after World War II are the architects of the chaos we see around us. As Fulford states in his latest article

Essentially what we are seeing is a battle between the fascist forces who lost World War II and everybody else. The fascists, also known as the Nazis/Zionists or Nazionists are trying to establish a family controlled absolute Babylonian style world dictatorship known as the New World Order. Everybody else is trying to prevent that from happening.

It is hard to know where to draw a line and say the battle started here because as far as the Nazionists are concerned World War II never ended. It is well known now many were brought to the United States where they heavily infiltrated the intelligence apparatus. We also know much of the top Nazi leadership was part of the group of families that controlled the financial system after the war.”

So according to Fulford, Nazis infiltrated the US intelligence agencies and the international financial system after the war, and we’re now facing a battle against those evil guys and all the sweet and innocent bankers, politicians and royals of the BRICS alliance. If we look a little deeper, though, we see that this isn’t exactly the way it went down.

Most people within the truther community are already aware that the Central Banksters fund a variety of often-competing factions in the realms of both politics and war. And most are aware that the banksters bankrolled the Nazi rise to power in Germany as well as their war effort (in addition to funding the Allied side also). As this 2004 Guardian article titled How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power notes…

“George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.”

And if you look into Prescott Bush’s personal history, you’ll find some interesting things…

He was a Wall Street executive banker and a United States Senator [in other words, a consummate “elite” insider], representing Connecticut from 1952 until January 1963. He was the father of George H. W. Bush (41st President of the United States) and the grandfather of George W. Bush (43rd President of the United States) and Jeb Bush (43rd Governor of Florida).”

…and even more interestingly…

“Prescott Bush was admitted to the Zeta Psi fraternity and Skull and Bones secret society. George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush are also members of that society.

If we also look at the history of Skull and Bones, we find it goes a long way back (to 1832,  way before Nazism was a gleam in Hitler’s eye), and it has quite a group of former members…

“Among prominent alumni are former President and Supreme Court Justice William Howard Taft (a founder’s son); former Presidents George H. W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush; Supreme Court Justices Morrison R. Waite and Potter Stewart; James Jesus Angleton, “mother of the Central Intelligence Agency”; Henry Stimson, U.S. Secretary of War (1940-1945); U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett, who directed the Korean War; and Henry Luce, founder and publisher of Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated magazines.

John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State and former U.S. Senator; Stephen A. Schwarzman, founder of Blackstone Group; Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers; Harold Stanley, co-founder of Morgan Stanley; and Frederick W. Smith, founder of FedEx, are all reported to be members.”

Looking at this chain of connections, we can take note of a few simple points:

> Prescott Bush was among the banksters who helped give rise to Nazism, and he was a Bonesman


>  Bonesmen were among the founders of the CIA

Given all this, it is more logical to conclude that Nazis did not infiltrate US intelligence; they were simply placed in US intelligence by the people who created both Nazism and the intelligence agencies in the first place. Operation Paperclip, just like the Vatican Ratlines, was an effort to redeploy bankster assets/agents to countries where they would be safe from retribution from the angry German populace and where they could continue to operate from infrastructures that had not been destroyed by war.

The Nazis and Zionists are just subgroups of the Globalist Cabal, and since they have been so vilified in the public eye, they make the perfect scapegoats upon whom to pin the blame for the engineered destruction of the old international system. The masters of the Nazis and Zionists, the globalist “Illuminati” Central Banking Cabal, will then be free to erect their new system under the auspices of their relatively unsullied BRICS agents, such as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Unfortunately for them, though, they are moving too slow and we are learning too fast.

More to come in subsequent entries….

Cobra the Snake strikes again

This morning I woke up to another article from the likely con man and Cabal disinfo whore Cobra. His new blurb contained a clearly photoshopped image of a supposed TR3B…

I recognized the foreground of the photo as showing the after-landing servicing of the space shuttle, so I did a little digging and found the original photo on the NASA website
…It was attached to this article.

Cobra is a clever one, so he didn’t put a caption on the photo, although the paragraph below it implied that it represented an example of the “Chimera Group’s” technologically advanced negative military craft. Not captioning it allows him to claim, “Oh, I knew it was photoshopped, but I included it for illustration purposes only.” But I suspect he used the photo to impress gullible readers. I’ve caught other Cabal con operations using similar techniques: An Illustrative Example of Faux-Truther Disinfo: SecureTeam10.

I also noticed a fresh round of propaganda coming out of David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford this week. I’ll look into it and see if I get inspired to do a little counter-programming. 😉

With love….