Key Information from Older Updates


A reader put me on to this 2014 meeting between Putin and leading rabbis…

…and here is a very notable Israeli news article that covered the meeting…

…from Arutz Sheva. Here is the key excerpt…

Rabbi Yosef began by saying “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d, King of the world, and therefore we bless you: Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.

To understand the great significance of this greeting by Rabbi Yosef, let’s look to this article (archived from another site)…

…which was written by this man…
…From Wikipedia

Here are two key excerpts…

So according to Jewish tradition, the specific blessing one gives to a Jewish king — which is worded differently than the specific blessing for a gentile king — is “Blessed be He … who gave some of His glory to flesh and blood.” And the rabbis greeted Putin with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.” If Putin were actually a gentile, they would have instead greeted him with “Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to His creatures.”

This is the first confirmation that the rabbis know Putin to be a Jew. Here’s the second…

According to Jewish thought (and Rabbi Apple’s article), a Jewish king is appointed by God, and the rabbis greeted Putin with “according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d.”

So are we to believe that the Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel mistakenly attributed Putin’s kingship to God AND accidentally used the wrong greeting? Certainly not. With his greeting, Rabbi Yosef publicly signalled that Putin is not just a Jew, but a Jewish king. But it was a proclamation intended for Jewish insiders — those with no understanding of Jewish customs, such as gentile “creatures” and secular Jews, wouldn’t understand the significance of what was said.

To see Putin’s connections to the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist cult, read Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script (I’ll be updating that entry and posting it here soon). And to look deeper into how Putin has been groomed to play the role of the “Moschiach ben David,” read Is Vladimir Putin the Jewish Messiah?

Chabad Rabbi Greets Trump as a Jewish King

According to Jewish law, there are two ways a Jew can greet a king or head of state, and the way he chooses is based on whether the king is a Jew or not:

When a Jew greets a king who is a Jew, he says…
Barukh…… shenathan mik’vodo levasar vedam, “Blessed be He … who gave some of His glory to flesh and blood.”

And when greeting a king who isn’t a Jew, he says…
Barukh…… shenathan mik’vdo liv’ru’av, “who gave some of His glory to His creatures.”

That being said, Trump attended a meeting of Orthodox Jews while he was in New York a few years ago, and he was greeted by a Chabad rabbi who addressed him as a Jewish king (in a way that only a Jew “in the know” would detect). If you listen to the last two words of the greeting, you’ll clearly hear “levasar vedam,” not “mik’vdo liv’ru’av.”

Whether Trump is actually Jewish or not is irrelevant, but what is relevant is that Chabad are presenting him as a Jew, which means he’s eligible to pose as a Jewish Messiah / Christian Antichrist.


The artificially manufactured “Fire Judgment from God” we’re about to experience is just a scene in the “End Times” stageplay put on by the Kabbalist central banking families and the world’s royals (whom I collectively call “the globalists“). And there are no “good guys” or “bad guys” on the global stage; there are only actors playing opposing roles under the same producers, directors and writers. The Money Power pays for the whole show. So…

  • Don’t be fooled when the “good guys” step forward to save us this year or in 2025/2026 — they are just the Right Hand sent to save us from the Left Hand.
  • Don’t be fooled when the House of Windsor, the Rothschild family, and the Rockefeller family are “brought to justice” — they are just the public faces of the Kabbalist hydra, and there is a back door in every prison.
  • Don’t be fooled when the “criminal” central banks are closed and the control of money creation reverts to national treasury departments — the governments have become wholly-owned subsidiaries of the central banks, and the treasury departments will still be controlled by their minions.
  • Don’t be fooled when Chabad-Lubavitch and the Kabbalah are publicly denounced — very few people understand Kabbalism, so they’ll continue moving forward in immersing us in it.
  • Don’t be fooled when the fake ETs appear before you and the RF-generated good vibrations sweep over you — all of these black-tech props and magic tricks were paid for with the wealth they stole from us.
  • And don’t be fooled when someone calling himself “Jesus Christ” shows up in 2029 or 2032-33 to defeat “Final Antichrist Putin” and his New World Order — he’s just another front man through whom the Kabbalists aim to rule over us for a thousand years.

Just enjoy the show, and if you see any nuclear missiles or falling meteors coming your way, remember the five Ds…


The Artemis Program was established by the Trump administration in 2017, months after this article was first published…

…from the Daily Star (top) and Trump’s NFT cards that were released two days ago (bottom). Note that he is wearing an Artemis space suit that bears his president number, 45. The number 45 is also featured prominently beneath him. And remember that the 45th day since Prince Harry started the Fire Judgment countdown on 11/11 is Day 8 of Hanukkah, which starts at sunset on Christmas.

Should the globalists initiate an Artemis “Rod from God” attack in the coming days, the impacting rod will release so much kinetic energy that it will appear to be a nuclear explosion. And if such an explosion happens, the globalist script will have the commies and Nazionists offer competing narratives on what caused it…

  • The commies will blame it on a “Russian hypersonic nuke attack” or a “Russian backpack nuke supplied to right-wing domestic violent extremists.” This will allow them to lock down the West, arrest their political opponents, and start a direct war with Russia.
  • The Nazionists (who are posing as “patriots,” “conservatives” and “constitutionalists”) will blame it on a “commie false-flag using a nuke (or a ‘Chicom orbital weapon‘)” or on an “Act of God.”

This is what I wrote about the planned attack in the 18 November update

As I’ve covered in previous entries, we could see an Operation Blackjack-style suitcase nuke attack or a “Rods from God Meteor Judgment” to trigger the NWO Transition Event. But there’s also a third option: the Artemis rod attack could be used to simulate either a “Russian/White Supremacist” suitcase nuke attack or a “Russian” ballistic/hypersonic missile attack WITHOUT UNLEASHING RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT. If the tungsten rods were designed to have clean reentry characteristics, they would appear to be falling nuclear warheads to the untrained eye. And if the attack comes by day, no one would see anything – it would seem like “nuclear” explosions went off out of nowhere. And afterwards, the governments and media would narrate it as a nuke attack and people would take their poison pills (the “iodine” tablets various governments have been distributing).

With that in mind, let me offer clarification on the four forms an Artemis attack can take and how the “commies” would narrate it…

  1. A nighttime attack in which an object can be seen entering the atmosphere and streaking down to the target. This would be blamed on a Russian “hypersonic” nuke attack.
  2. A nighttime attack in which artificial meteors fill the sky and a rod amongst them hits the target. This would be blamed on a “meteor impact” or a “Russian hypersonic nuke attack using a natural meteor shower as cover.”
  3. A daytime attack in which the impacting rod cannot be seen and the government narrates that an incoming warhead caused it. This would be blamed on a Russian hypersonic nuke attack.
  4. A daytime attack in which the impacting rod cannot be seen and the government narrates that a terrorist ground nuke caused it. This would be blamed on a “Russian nuke supplied to right-wing domestic violent extremists.”

Of course, we are likely looking at more than just one attack / one explosion if they proceed with their plans.

According to the broader storyline of Act One of the “End Times” stageplay, the “aliens” have forbidden the earthly governments from using nukes so that the Earth doesn’t get destroyed by the radioactive fallout. So using orbital kinetic bombardment will allow them to get around that limitation and carry out nuke-like attacks. And when the Nazionist kinetic attack leads to a communist attempt at a full nuclear launch, that’s when the “aliens” will intervene.