Category Archives: Website Notices

The NWO Schedule of Implementation (Update 1 – Alfred Webre calls in the “Silver Legion”)

Since most new readers won’t go through all the entries on this site to get a broad overview of what the globalists are up to, I’ve decided to add a one-stop page to give them a Cliff’s Notes version. You can find the page on the upper left side of my blog next to HOME and ABOUT ME, or just click here.

I will continually update the page to add new information and to track adjustments in the NWO timeline in real time. When the audience is fully aware of how the magician’s tricks work, the magician doesn’t get the kind of response he’s seeking.

The G20 finance ministers and central back governors are meeting Monday and Tuesday, so I’ll be getting back to financial updates soon.

[Update 1 – 9 February 2015]

Switching subjects…

Alfred Webre calls in the “Silver Legion”

After I posted my entry on Alfred Lambremont Webre, he apparently reached out to his fellow fraudsters so they could apply a fresh coat of mind control muck to their own followers. In particular, he contacted a woman who calls herself “Tanaath” and who claims to be an astral warrior in a galactic band of soldier gypsies called “the Silver Legion” (no folks, I’m not making this up; there are really people who claim this and there are really people who believe it). This is what “Tanaath” wrote on behalf of Webre, and it includes this passage…

“Many of the people involved are well meaning and have the best intentions for humanity. This includes people such as Drake Bailey, Thomas Williams, Chloe Kirker, Jean Haines, Alfred Webre, David Wilcock, Neil Keenan, myself, and many others – people who are, to the best of my knowledge, sincere in their drive to help humanity. Of the people I just mentioned, the only ones I can say who have never tried to lash out and take someone else down are Alfred and David.”

Oh really, “Tanaath”? You might want to tell that to Michael Tellinger

>>> It has come to my attention that I, and my integrity have come under attack by Alfred Lambremont Webre, whom I believed to be my friend and ally in the global movement of higher consciousness. The email below is what I responded in my defence and is a pre-emptive response to Alfred’s slanderous attack on me and the UBUNTU Movement – for those that may stumble upon it on the internet.

Dear Alfred Webre and friends
I write this email with great sadness in my heart because I do believe that we are friends and share a common passion for truth, integrity, uniting humanity in the face of severe division.

I am deeply saddened about the fact that you did not take the time to call me personally, since you have my personal cell phone number, or at least email me, to verify the slanderous attacks against me and UBUNTU – but instead you simply jumped right in and publicly promoted this false and libellous information that you received without verifying its legitimacy and accuracy.

Louise and I received several emails from UBUNTU members around the world bringing to our attention your remarks and comments about our integrity, accusing us of all kinds of things that are all lies and half truths – demanding that we declare our integrity and explain our actions.

This is obviously a huge shock to us as we pride ourselves of doing everything above board and displaying the highest level of honour and integrity in EVERYTHING we do. I was stunned when I watched your latest YouTube interview posted 6 Jan 2015, which confirmed your public attacks on me, implicating me and UBUNTU in all kinds of dirty activity.

For the record:
You were one of several hundred people who received emails from a man called Mike van Niekerk, who has developed a personal vendetta against me and started a public smearing and defamation campaign against me – claiming to destroy me and UBUNTU. <<<

Let’s call spades “spades” and face the truth: people like “Tanaath,” “Tolec,” Drake Bailey, Alfred Webre, Neil Keenan, Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock, et al, are ridiculous frauds who are distracting awakening humans from crucial issues by luring them into phony rabbit holes. Many of them are also promoting the nascent BRICS-fronted New World Order. So there is nothing wrong with pointing out clear lies and the con artists and propagandists who are selling them. The awakening community won’t stop smelling funny until we take out the trash.

Whenever one tries to unmask one of these phonies, their first line of defense is to say, “Hey, you shouldn’t do that. You are promoting division in the ‘light’ community.” But there is a big difference between…

dividing people along racial, religious and political lines


dividing truth from lies.

The first is destructive; the latter is constructive. If you don’t separate the wheat from the chaff, your bread will taste like sh*t.

So to these charlatans I say this: evade, prevaricate and distract all you want. It doesn’t matter. Kenny’s comin’ for ya. And to be fair, I should offer this warning to the “Silver Legion”: if any one of your galactic warrior princesses shows up at my door, she’ll likely end up tied to my headboard. Daddy’s hungry. 😉


Gone on Vacation (Update 2 – Will Putin be sacrificed on Sunday?)

…if you can call scrubbing floors a vacation.

With all of the pre-Christmas housecleaning weighing on me, I’m having difficulty focusing my mind to write. Therefore, Kenny’s taking a little break. I’ll be back on January 1st with entries on Putin and on solutions.

Until then, please enjoy these pictures of a ravishing young Christine Lagarde…
Christine Lagarde in her youth

…the bathing beauty of the IMF…
…from my upcoming “Pin-up Girls of the Bankster Elite” calendar.

Hubba hubba, and merry Christmas!…

[Update 1 – 14 December 2014]

A New Girl for the Calendar

Also appearing in the calendar will be the new EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini
L.elettorale: Renzi non c'e' in Aula ma banchi governo pieni

She has that hot “Satan Face” like suspected roommate-killer Amanda Knox

“Satan Face” is a broken, vacant look in the face and eyes that typically results from being subjected to Satanic Ritual Abuse. I recognize it because I once had a girlfriend who had it. Whenever I see it in a woman, I just want to wrap my arms around her and love her back to her humanity.

The great thing about dating girls with Satan Face is that they usually have multiple personalities, so you can effectively have a different girlfriend for each day of the week. Who can pass that up? You just have to be sure to keep a strong pair of handcuffs for the days the assassin alter shows up…

I might be posting more updates like this during my “vacation.” I need something to do while I sip my morning coffee. 😉

[Update 2 – 18 December 2014]

Will Putin be sacrificed on Sunday?

I ran across this numerology article today that points to the Winter Solstice on Sunday as a supposedly big day. While I don’t personally put much stock in dates or numerology, I decided to track down what might happen just for fun. This would be my best bet:

1) The Solstice falls on December 21 at 23:03 UT. Converting to Moscow time, that is December 22 at 3:03 AM, so you’ve got both a 22 and a 33, which the occultists love.

2) The Winter Solstice is often tied to the idea of human sacrifice.

3) There has been a lot of talk in the media this week about a “palace coup” in Moscow. Just do a Google News search of “Putin coup” to see all the articles that mention it.

So my first guess would be that Putin gets sacrificed. It would be a sort of Archduke Ferdinand moment to support the fake World War 3 narrative.

My second guess would be that Russia makes a military move on Ukraine at that time. This would be in response to Obama okaying “lethal aid” to Kiev.

My third guess would be a market disruption that starts in Asia.

Let’s see if they try anything. And if one of my guesses is a winner, somebody owes me some sangria! 🙂 Of course, since I’m posting this to prevent any such activities, I’ll probably end up buying my own sangria as usual. 🙁

Anyways, back to housecleaning. The carpet cleaning guy is coming tomorrow…

[Correction – 21 December 2014]

It looks like I got screwed by the time conversion site I used. This is what it showed me…
…but the Solstice actually occurs at 2:03 AM Moscow Time.

Here is the reason why (according to the Wikipedia entry on Moscow Time)…

“Moscow Time is the time zone for the city of Moscow, Russia, and most of western Russia, including Saint Petersburg. It is the second-westernmost of the nine time zones of Russia. It has been set to UTC+3 permanently on 26 October 2014; before that date it had been set to UTC+4 year-round since 27 March 2011.

My Third Blog Begins

My son and I are somewhat established in our new place now, so I’ve got my computer back and can begin writing once again. Normally, my moves go much more smoothly because I typically move into a place that’s empty, but this time I’m renting space in my former wife’s home, and she’s been quite busy accumulating material items since we moved out nine and a half years ago. There is a vast amount of decluttering, cleaning, and repair work to be done here.

My “ex” and I aren’t “getting the band back together” or anything like that. We’re simply cohabitating for mutual advantage. This new arrangement allows my son to see his mommy each day, allows my former wife to have extra income during her current career transition (as well as have a caretaker for her home and dogs so she can go visit her family in Korea for as long as she wishes), and allows me to have all the Korean food I can eat. I’m neck-deep in rice, kimchi, and spicy fish stews, and I’m loving it. 🙂

So far, we’re getting along quite well. With all the expectations and complications of marriage, romance, and sex out of the way, all that’s left is two old friends joking and laughing together. Besides, if a sexual situation ever arose, I’m not sure I’d know what to do anyway. After 4 years of celibacy, I’ve forgotten most of what I know about sex (although I do seem to remember something about a hole).

The only trace of the old relationship that remains is her insistent urgings for me to stop “wasting my life” writing for free and start making “lots of money.” To mollify her, I’ve been thinking of moneymaking ideas, and I think I have a few winners…

1) When she suggested that I use one of her scented candles in my bedroom, I came up with an idea for a line of candles that will feature scents that men enjoy, such as Grilled Meat, Used Panty, Napalm in the Morning, and for Freemason/Elite customers, Goat Stank.

2) Since the “elite” are concentrating most of the world’s money into their own hands, I decided to come up with something that will appeal to them. So I settled on the idea of hosting a 3-day conference, Kabbalahpalooza 2014. It will feature seminars of interest to Bloodline folk, such as…

When Your Demon Stops Calling: maybe “he’s just not that into you”


Brute Force or Cunning Deception: finding your own style in exploiting the weak

And for musical entertainment, what could be more appealing to Blood Cult devotees than this band?

Switching gears a bit, you may have noticed that my old blog has been nuked into oblivion by Godaddy’s transition from their Quick Blogcast platform to a Managed WordPress platform. But I’ll try to consolidate, update and repost as many of my old entries as possible. In the meantime, you can find many of my old entries on…

enerchi’s blog

…or in…

the Wayback Machine.

All the entries from before May 2013 are from my “first blog” and are obsolete (that was back when I was stumbling through all the false-light deception), and all the entries from May 2013 through June 2014 are from my “second blog” (when I came out swinging against the false-light BS). We’re now in my “third blog” of course, and when I ponder what shape it will take, the word “coup de grace” comes to mind.

And so we begin anew once again. Much love to all….