Xi’s Boxer Rebellion and the September Fall of the CCP
[+ today’s (8/6) update on Xi Jinping’s plan to sabotage Three Gorges Dam, in blue]
(2 August 2020) – As I’ve oft mentioned in the past, the globalists love putting historical parallels into their event scripts, and the reader who clued me in to the Boxer flag last night is convinced that they’ve put a parallel to the Boxer Rebellion into this year’s script. After reviewing my writings from earlier this year, I suspect she’s right. So starting today, we’ll look at the parallel between the Boxer Rebellion (which ended in failure on September 7, 1901) and Xi’s New Silk Road Initiative (which he launched on September 7, 2013). And we’ll look at how next month could bring the end of the Chinese Communist Party (and the role a weather-engineered failure of the Three Gorges Dam — the Chicoms’ Chernobyl Event — could play in that).
Let’s own September like we owned Tisha B’Av.
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Let me jump ahead to something important on the Three Gorges Dam (which could pop any day now). If the globalists intend to break the dam, they will not rely on floodwater pressure alone (the dam can probably handle that); they’ll use demolition charges. That’s the only way they can be sure that the dam will break (and do so on schedule). And I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that demolition charges were embedded in the dam during its construction as part of the sensor network (some of the sensors aren’t sensors; they’re explosive charges)…
Zhang Shuguang, director of the Three Gorges Corp’s Hub Management Bureau, echoed Wang’s judgement, saying nothing could topple the dam in the next 500 years and that not one of the 12,000 sensors fitted throughout the humongous concrete barrier had ever flashed red on the central control panel. – from the Asia Times
So if I were a dam engineer who wanted to stop the globalists from blowing it up, I’d cut off all power to the embedded sensors. That would cut off power to the demolition charges too. And I’d cross my fingers in hope that the demolition guys neglected to put battery backups into the embedded explosive units.
It’s quite likely that the Three Gorges Dam project was pushed through for the very purpose of demolishing it at the right time (much like the European Union was pushed through so they could demolish it on cue and crash all of the formerly-independent European nations at the same time). So all Chinese people should remember that if Three Gorges Dam breaks, it is Xi Jinping and his Kabbalist friends who are behind it…
Xi and the globalists aim to destroy the dam and harness the resulting public outrage to consolidate power and move China out of Communism and into the New World Order. And within 7 years of that move, they will bring much more death to China.
~ MORE – 3 August 2020 ~
To get a glimpse of how the globalists are setting up the NWO Narrative for the planned “failure” of the Three Gorges Dam, let’s look at some articles from one of their NWO propaganda sites, The Epoch Times (which is run by the Falun Gong religious cult).
Like other NWO propaganda sites (such as Zero Hedge), The Epoch Times are narrating an imminent failure of the dam…
…Here is an excerpt…
The Three Gorges Dam in China has become a center of attention, as waters rise and local authorities issue flood warnings nearby. Taiwan News reports that a prominent Chinese hydrologist, Wang Weiluo, is claiming the dam “could collapse at any moment.” He pointed to existing concerns over the dam’s design, construction, and process for inspections.
And if we look at another Epoch Times article on the subject, we get a sneak peak of the setup for the post-collapse mass arrests of Communist Party leaders by Xi and the military…
A casual reader might think Xi’s exhortation that the military be “ready to fight” is a call for them to be ready to fight America, but then why is he also calling for their “absolute loyalty”? Is he afraid the military might switch to the American side? Of course not. He’s saying that the military must be absolutely loyal to him and ready to fight the other factions of the Chinese Communist Party.
This is part of the NWO Narrative of “the good Xi Jinping’s fight against the evil and corrupt Jiang Zemin faction for control of China’s future” that the Epoch Times are helping to establish. And if you look at the history of the Three Gorges Dam, you’ll see that it was approved in 1992, its construction began in 1994, and its body was completed in 2006 — so all but the last year of construction happened during Jiang’s rule over China (and his leave-behinds held power for some time after his departure)…
…from Wikipedia
So after Xi and his Kabbalist friends demolish the dam, Xi will point to Communist Party corruption under Jiang as the reason the dam was designed, built, and inspected in an incompetent manner. And he will have the Chinese military mass arrest all of Jiang’s faction and their allies, thus eliminating all of his remaining political foes in one final, giant purge. From that point, he’ll pose as the “Hero of the People” as he moves China out of communism and into the New World Order Henry Kissinger planned back in the 1950’s…
Over the coming 24 hours, we’ll look at more globalist propaganda pieces that outline the phony battle between “good guy” Xi and the “Jiang faction bad guys.”
~ MORE – 4 August 2020 ~
The grand drama we’re all witnessing on the global stage right now is the New World Order Transition Show, and it is being presented to the public so that we’ll welcome the NWO when it arrives (rather than resisting it). Like many dramas, it has “bad guy” characters and “good guy” characters, and the plot is that the “bad guys” are trying to start an “evil” unilateral NWO, but they’ll be defeated by the “good guys” who will start a “good” multilateral NWO (which is the REAL NWO the globalists have been working towards for decades if not centuries). Since it will be seen as “the victory of good over evil,” the globalists expect the multilateral NWO to be welcomed by the sleeping public with open arms.
As for the characters in the Chinese part of the drama, the Central Banking / Royal Cartel have selected Jiang Zemin and his associates to play the “bad guys” and Xi Jinping and his associates to play the “good guys” (both Jiang and Xi work for the same people of course). So let me show you now how the globalist propaganda corps are introducing the public to the “bad guys” and “good guys” (by looking at this bit of NWO propaganda from The Epoch Times)…
…Here is an excerpt…
A Chinese idiom goes: “The dark clouds cannot block the sun forever.”
Throughout the ages, however mighty the power possessed by a regime, if it dared to mistreat or defame a righteous religion or commit crimes against humanity, in the end, it would have to face world condemnation and receive the opprobrium that it earned.
History has made that clear following the Roman Empire’s torture of Christians, the Nazis’ genocide of Jews, and Stalin’s gulags (harsh forced labor camps).
History repeats itself with China’s state persecution of Falun Gong. The same ending will result for Jiang Zemin and the CCP for their role in attacking the Chinese culture and traditional religions, undermining the human race’s moral standards, and persecuting the peaceful Falun Gong.
The last chapter of the battle in China between the righteous and the evil has already begun with the final outcome in plain view…
Jiang Zemin left two shameful legacies that still haunt China: a top-to-bottom corrupt government and the persecution of Falun Gong. At the time of this writing, Jiang is still alive but his influence is very much diminished.
To the world, Jiang had fully leveraged the CCP’s propaganda and state resources to acquire the support, or at least buy the silence, of anyone who comes into contact with the result of his infamous legacies: bringing about massive corruption of the Party and committing the genocide and torture of Falun Gong practitioners.
Jiang was fully aware of the consequences to him if the political direction reversed against his “contributions” to the people. With the anti-corruption campaign of Xi Jinping, that day has begun.
Not just Jiang himself has that worry. The members of the political faction that supports and benefits from his immorality are all in the same boat. Jiang has developed and promoted a large group of officials who promoted and executed his policies and were rewarded with the largess and privileges that come with corruption with impunity. Sharing guilt in the same areas, they have had to watch each other’s backs.
Therefore, when Jiang retired, he and his faction worked very hard to ensure that China’s political boat stayed on the same course and the world’s attitude toward China would not be altered.
They were successful against Hu Jintao, Jiang’s successor. Hu was not Jiang’s pick. China’s paramount leader Deng Xiaoping picked both Jiang and Hu at the same time, Jiang being the top leader and Hu being the heir. Deng’s reputation and influence made Jiang honor the arrangement of transitioning to Hu in 2002.
However, Jiang being Jiang, he created a system to contain Hu’s power and influence…
Jiang’s misdeeds continued. The damage to China and the world continued.
Nevertheless, however hard Jiang and his faction tried, the evil could not suppress righteousness forever…
When it came time to plan for the next leader, Jiang was out of cards. Hu had as a candidate, Li Keqiang. To prevent Hu from enthroning his man, Jiang nominated Xi Jinping. Hu agreed, because Xi, not identified on either side, was an acceptable compromise.
Unlike Hu Jintao who rose up in political ranks with no base, Xi Jinping is a princeling (the second generation of a former top CCP top leader). Other princelings, many of whom have political influence, are supportive of Xi. Xi had the legitimacy and a supporting base. It wouldn’t be that easy to control him.
The worrisome thing to Jiang and his gang was that Xi Jinping didn’t have a notable record of abuse of power or corruption. Free of culpability, Xi could, at any time, stop the course of Jiang’s policies and make the criminals accountable…
Right after he took office, Xi launched the anti-corruption campaign. Wang Qishan, Xi’s long-time friend and another princeling, was the frontline commander of the campaign. It took only a few years for Xi and Wang to gain the upper hand and become much stronger than their rivals. They expanded the campaign to include many corruption-prone officials who formed factions to protect themselves…
Some people may call his anti-corruption campaign a political maneuver by Xi to fully wrestle the power away from Jiang’s hands. Indeed, it did that. But from a spiritual vantage point, it had another meaning. The punishment meted out to those officials who persecuted and killed peaceful and innocent Falun Gong believers, even though sentenced ostensibly on an entirely different basis (corruption), was inevitable per the basic principle that rules the universe: good begets good and evil begets evil!
Not only are Jiang’s colluders being taken down, but the system that the CCP created and Jiang reinforced is being cleaned out. Rumors are that even Jiang himself is being targeted…
Xi has at moments been attuned to the traditional culture of China that serves as a salvation for all. Unfortunately, at the time of the publication of this book, he has still not made a definitive break with the communist spirit that is strangling the nation and bringing ruin to the people’s future.
Within the script of this stage play, then, it will be the enormous national tragedy caused by the failure of the Three Gorges Dam that will cause Xi to make his “definitive break with the communist spirit.”
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In this next propaganda piece from The Epoch Times, we find that the purge that will follow the destruction of Three Gorges Dam was already set in motion a month ago on July 8…
…Here is an excerpt…
Top Chinese officials recently announced that the Communist Party would begin a purge of the powerful Political and Legal Affairs Commission (PLAC), a Party agency that oversees the country’s security apparatus, including police, courts, and prisons.
The Party will complete the purge by the first quarter of 2022, right before its 20th National Congress, a conference that occurs every five years to determine the next succession of Party leaders.
The PLAC was formerly the stronghold of current Party leader Xi Jinping’s political rivals, namely, officials who were loyal to former Party leader Jiang Zemin.
Since Xi took power in 2012, he has launched a wide-ranging anti-corruption campaign that has felled many of his opposition, including top officials within the PLAC. In recent years, the agency’s power was diminished when Xi removed the PLAC chief from the Politburo Standing Committee, the Party’s top decision-making body.
But experts say the announcement of a forthcoming purge indicates Xi is still struggling to keep PLAC officials in line…
On July 8, PLAC Secretary-General Chen Yixin hosted a meeting in Beijing to begin the “cleansing” campaign.
“The PLAC teams [in the whole country] are impure, unjust, and lack executive force. Some members even violate law and discipline. They are bad horses, have bad impact, and have done great damage,” Chen said. “We have to turn the blade to face ourselves … in order to treat the problem.”…
U.S.-based China affairs commentator Tang Jingyuan says the Party may be seeking to achieve two purposes with the purging campaign.
“One is removing officials who have power but don’t follow Xi Jinping’s lead,” he said, as Xi may be concerned that the PLAC would grow into an anti-Xi faction and “become the Party’s second Central Committee,” referring to the Party’s 200-plus committee of top officials.
The other purpose is to distract the Chinese public from current crises such as the economic depression, pandemic, flooding, and other disasters.
“The CCP wants to convince people that all bad things were done by these so-called ‘bad horses,’” Tang said in an interview…
So far this year, two high-ranking officials who made their careers in the PLAC system were recently ousted.
China’s vice public security minister Sun Lijun was detained on April 19 for an internal Party investigation, before being officially dismissed on May 8. Meanwhile, minister of justice Fu Zhenghua, a member of the Jiang faction who opposed Xi’s rule, was dismissed from several positions he held within the legal system between April 20 and May 5.
Sun and Fu were promoted by Meng Jianzhu, who was PLAC chairman from 2012 to 2017, and another key player in the Jiang faction. Several other subordinates of Meng were dismissed in May and June.
Sun was dismissed because he was involved in a coup plan, in which the Jiang faction was vying to replace Xi, an insider from Beijing told the Chinese-language Epoch Times in April.
Of course, the purge will not have to wait until the first quarter of 2022 to be completed. After the Dam breaks, all of China will be screaming for blood and demanding the heads of those responsible for the devastation. And Xi Jinping will harness that outrage to immediately purge the PLAC and all other divisions of China’s government. The mass arrests, conducted by the military, will eliminate all meaningful political opposition to Xi, and he’ll use his unopposed control to make the changes planned by his Kabbalist masters, including 1) leading China out of communism and into the multilateral New World Order, and 2) allowing ethnic and special regions to secede from the Beijing government, thereby splintering the nation into the “smaller units” favored by NWO planners.
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Back in December of 2014 in Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders, I talked about the relationship between Kuhn and Xi Jinping, pictured here…
…Xi (left) and Kuhn (right) in their happy early days.
Well in 2017, Kuhn wrote a fawning propaganda piece about his li’l buddy for the South China Morning Post…
…So let’s have a look at some of its notable points that relate to what’s happening now…
To the untrained eye, the structure and phrases of work reports look similar to those of previous years. But look closely and one sees the small but revelatory differences…
…while “Marxism-Leninism” and “Mao Zedong thought” were duly noted in the draft general provisions of civil law, the famous phrases didn’t make the more important government work report. I doubt the cut was made to save space…
One other development is notable: the NPC is becoming more an empowered deliberative body and less a “rubber stamp” cheerleader. An example of this is the multifaceted process of constructing a comprehensive civil code, targeted for 2020. After three revisions, the general provisions of civil law finally provides a framework for codifying some 200 civil and commercial laws in constructing a legal system to serve civil society…
And what of Xi’s anti-corruption drive? Foreign media typically assume that the drive reflects a power struggle among leaders and factions, while some Chinese officials claim that it has nothing to do with political struggle.
There are multiple reasons for the campaign, of course. More incisively, we can see how the campaign has been energised by Xi’s “four comprehensives” political theory. One, realising a moderately prosperous society is hindered by corruption; two, reform is resisted by corrupt officials who protect their illicit financial benefits; three, the drive exemplifies the rule of law; four, strictly governing the party could be defined as anti-corruption.
A few of the now-caged “tigers” were convicted of “seriously violating the party’s political discipline” “banding together in gangs and forming factions”, and conducting “non-organisational political activities” – a not very veiled code-phrase for attempting to undermine China’s leadership. By eliminating these political threats, the anti-corruption campaign helps ensure political stability…
There is now no ambiguity: China is under the firm leadership of the party’s Central Committee, with Xi as its core, and alignment with Xi’s “four confidences” doctrine – in which officials are urged to be “confident in China’s chosen path, political system, guiding theories, and culture” – is non-negotiable.
Many areas of society and government are open to debate, but not the core principles and not the core leader. These have been decided and conformity is expected. Only with such unity can the “four comprehensives” bring about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and realise the Chinese dream.
So back in 2017, Kuhn was hinting at Xi’s move away from “Marxism-Leninism” and “Mao Zedong thought” — a move away from communism — and Xi was overseeing the construction of a new comprehensive civil code targeted for this year. And what part of the Chinese government would be involved in implementing the new civil code? The PLAC of course — the division that is now being purged as of July 8.
With a new comprehensive civil code now ready to govern a “New China,” all Xi Jinping needs is the right major crisis to sweep aside any remaining opposition and implement the Kabbalist vision for China. So by blowing up the Three Gorges Dam, Xi will take China through the “Chinese Nightmare” on the way to the “Chinese Dream.” But take no solace in “the Dream” once it arrives; it will turn back into a nightmare soon enough.
NOTE: I am aware of the explosions in Beirut, the imminent death of Pope Benedict (whose funeral could serve to “gather the kings of the Earth” to fulfill the Kabbalist prophecy of Rome’s destruction), and Turkey’s movement towards economic crisis and war with all its neighbors. But I will remain focused on the Three Gorges Dam until my coverage is complete. Preventing its destruction is priority one.
~ MORE – 5 August 2020 ~
A reader has pointed out that tomorrow, August 6, is a candidate day for the destruction of Three Gorges Dam (for a variety of reasons). The chief reason is that the Three Gorges Dam event would be a mass murder conducted in furtherance of the globalists’ vision. And as that, they would make it an occult ritual sacrifice on a significant date…
August 6 is significant because it was the day in 1945 that Hiroshima was struck with an atom bomb, and as such, it is a day on which a mass death event led to the end of a long conflict. The Japanese surrender was signed about a month later on September 2. So a Three Gorges Dam event on August 6 (or August 9, Nagasaki day) could lead to the end of the Chinese Communist Party on or about September 7.
P.S. – When people connected Madonna’s Super Bowl performance to Hoover Dam, they thought it was the target. But perhaps the planners just used its unique shape to discreetly represent a dam. A chair back shaped like Three Gorges Dam would have been a little too conspicuous.
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Today I’ll be looking through the three articles I posted yesterday to add my comments. And I’ll start with these passages from the “Unbridled Evil” article…
Jiang was fully aware of the consequences to him if the political direction reversed against his “contributions” to the people…
When it came time to plan for the next leader… Jiang nominated Xi Jinping…
Xi had the legitimacy and a supporting base. It wouldn’t be that easy to control him…
The worrisome thing to Jiang and his gang was that Xi Jinping didn’t have a notable record of abuse of power or corruption. Free of culpability, Xi could, at any time, stop the course of Jiang’s policies and make the criminals accountable…
Right after he took office, Xi launched the anti-corruption campaign.
When the “evil and corrupt” Jiang — a man who “was fully aware of the consequences to him if the political direction reversed against his ‘contributions’ to the people” — decided to nominate a replacement, he chose a man (Xi)…
- who “wouldn’t be that easy to control,”
- who “didn’t have a notable record of abuse of power or corruption,”
- who was “free of culpability” and “could, at any time, stop the course of Jiang’s policies and make the criminals accountable,” and
- who “launched the anti-corruption campaign right after he took office”?
But if this concept of the “establishment bad guy” — deliberately and in full awareness of the risk — naming the “good guy reformer” to succeed him seems ridiculous to you, you’re not alone. It is one of the absurd contortions the globalist script must make to get its plot to work. As such, it is a massive plot hole. What’s worse is that that they not only made this contortion with Jiang and Xi, but they also made it with Yeltsin and Putin!
Back in February of 2016, I wrote Vladimir Putin: The mobster who would be the globalist Messiah, in which I laid out how the KGB officer Putin made his lightning ascent to the Russian presidency. It contains this section in which “the corrupt leader passes the torch to the supposedly honest leader” (just like what would later happen in China when Jiang passed the torch to Xi)…
> December 31, 1999 – Yeltsin resigns and hands the Presidency to Putin.
Looking upon this timeline, you notice something quite remarkable…
After arriving in Moscow as an unknown in June of 1996, it took Putin only 3 years and 6 months to rise to the Presidency of Russia. Only 3.5 years!
Needless to say, you can’t achieve such a meteoric rise without powerful forces working in the background to arrange it for you. The globalists obviously had big plans for Vladimir Putin, and that is why the Russian oligarchs elevated him to power so swiftly. An insight into this is offered in Masha Gessen’s Putin biography, The Man Without a Face…
>>> Foremost in the dwindling circle of Yeltsin’s allies and supporters known as ‘the family’ was the oligarch Boris Berezovsky; indeed, many believed Berezovsky to be the real power behind Yeltsin’s throne. Berezovsky knew Putin from the early 1990s in St Petersburg when, in the first flush of buccaneering capitalism, Berezovsky was aiming to expand his car dealership and Putin was a minor city bureaucrat.
Putin arranged for Berezovsky to open a service station in the city, and declined to take a bribe. ‘He was the first bureaucrat who did not take bribes,’ Berezovsky told Gessen. ‘Seriously. It made a huge impression on me.’
Berezovsky began to vigorously promote Putin, among ‘the family’ and to Yeltsin himself. He would remember Yeltsin’s reaction on meeting Putin: ‘He seems all right,’ the president said of his putative successor, ‘but he’s kind of small.’ In August 1999 Yeltsin appointed Putin prime minister. <<<
After Putin was installed as the fresh new face of oligarchic rule in Russia, an effort was made to distance him from the scandals of the Yeltsin era and make him look like “change we [Russians] can believe in” (to borrow a phrase from the American version of the trick). It is for this reason that certain oligarchs took on the public roles of “opponents of Putin.” And due to his close ties to Yeltsin, Berezovsky himself took on such a role. As his Wikipedia bio states…
“Berezovsky was politically opposed to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, since Putin’s election in 2000 and remained a vocal critic of Putin for the rest of his life. In late 2000, after the Russian Deputy Prosecutor General demanded that Berezovsky appear for questioning, he did not return from abroad and moved to the UK, which granted him political asylum in 2003.”
So Berezovsky, who played a behind-the-scenes role in placing Putin into the Presidency of Russia, took on the public role of Putin’s opposition, then ran off to the UK. In doing this, he effectively served as the scapegoat that took the sins of the Yeltsin Administration far away from Putin (so the public would think that Putin’s Administration was a real change from Yeltsin’s). As we’ll discover later when looking at Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Berezovsky wasn’t the only oligarch to play the role of fake opposition to make Putin look good.
~ MORE – 6 August 2020 ~
It is at this point that I’d like you to pause and ask yourself a question:
How many times have you seen a runner in a relay race pass his baton to a member of another team?
My guess is that the answer is “never,” because that’s simply not how it’s done.
Likewise, “evil and corrupt” politicians don’t pass along power to outsiders who might prosecute them for their crimes, only to allies (on whom they have blackmail files). So when Yeltsin handed power over to Putin on the eve of the millennium, he was passing the baton to a member of his own team…
But this transfer of power was different than any that came before. In handing power to Putin, Yeltsin was giving the Russian presidency to the man scripted to rise to leadership of the multilateral New World Order. And since the NWO is scripted to be the SOLUTION to the problems with which the globalists are deliberately plaguing humanity — the “triumph of good over evil” — Putin needed to cultivate a “good guy” image.
To help Putin achieve this, the oligarchs who put him in power divided themselves into two groups: Team Bad Guys and Team Good Guys. Team Bad Guys would be made up of those oligarchs most closely tied in the public eye to Yeltsin’s corruption and the West/Rothschilds, with the remainder assigned to Team Good Guys. And the job of Team Bad Guys would be to publicly oppose Putin and flee Russia, taking Yeltsin’s scandals with them and making Putin look like “the good guy who ran off the villains” and “the traitor to the (evil, unipolar, Western, decoy) New World Order”…
…from Google
Similarly, when Jiang handed over power to Xi, he was passing the baton to a member of his own team. And just like Putin, Xi was scripted to be a major figure in the multilateral New World Order, so he too needed to cultivate a “good guy” image. To accomplish this, those officials most closely associated with “bad guy” Jiang were put into Team Bad Guys, and those most closely associated with Xi became Team Good Guys. Xi then led Team Good Guys in conducting the “anti-corruption campaign” to purge Team Bad Guys, and like Putin, he was portrayed as “the traitor to the (evil, unipolar, Western, decoy) New World Order”…
…from InfoWars
More to come…
(Thrice-Expanded Note – 1-2 August 2020) – Saturday has passed over Israel uneventfully, so that’s a good sign. We still have two more days of Eid al-Adha to watch, though.
And since I’m tuckered, I’ll save the hydroxychloroquine update for tomorrow. For now, suffice it to say that we’ll see big revelations on that subject if the Mass Arrests Psyop breaks out soon. And if it doesn’t, the revelations may be Trump’s October Surprise or December Christmas Gift.
By the way, a reader points out that the red flags that have been displayed on the Drudge Report for a full day now are almost identical to the flag of the Boxers (of China’s Boxer Rebellion)…
The Boxer Rebellion was a Chinese attack against foreign domination. So could a Chinese attack hit us soon? Could it be related to this?…
…from Infowars
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After pondering this a bit, I’m wondering if Alex Jones’s exposure of the Antifa op is the globalists’ way of cancelling it. During the short time I tuned into his broadcast, he talked of debating with himself whether to let Antifa go ahead and shoot themselves in the foot or expose their operation. Perhaps it was meant to happen in conjunction with the Netanyahu strike (a “double-strike by the Deep States”). Let’s see if they go through with it tonight, then revisit it in the morning.
~ MORE – 2 August 2020~
The storm struggles, eh? No sh*t, Sherlock. Its struggles are only beginning…
(Twice-Expanded Note – 1 August 2020) – There are a few things to cover today…
- Netanyahu will reportedly be staying at his private residence in Caesarea today (an appropriately named location for someone to be assassinated by his own government), and the demonstrators will be following him there.
- It is possible that a foiled attempt on Netanyahu’s life today could lead to the Mass Arrests Psyop as early as tomorrow.
- There’s news on the “hydroxychloroquine cure” coming out of the US and Brazil. Are we approaching the announcement of the COVID cure?
Details will be added over the course of the day.
Have a look at what I ran across last night in this Jerusalem Post article about the anti-Netanyahu protests…
Organizers of the demonstrations said their protests would escalate on Saturday night and that thousands more would attend a mass demonstration. There will also be demonstrations against Netanyahu over the weekend near his private residence in Caesarea…
Rozen called Thursday night’s demonstration “the quiet before the storm” when the demonstrations will escalate.
“We heard that Netanyahu will be going to his other home in Caesarea in order to have a quiet Shabbat,” a woman on the loudspeaker said at Thursday’s rally. “That is why we will be in Caesarea on Friday night and Saturday night.”
So Netanyahu will supposedly be in Caesarea for the Jewish sabbath. And if we look into the history of that city, we find various Wikipedia entries which say the following…
Caesarea, Keysariya or Qesarya, often simplified to Keisarya, and Qaysaria, is a town in north-central Israel, which inherits its name and much of its territory from the ancient city of Caesarea Maritima. [1]
The site, along with all of Judea, was awarded by Rome to Herod the Great in 30 BCE. The pagan city underwent vast changes under Herod, who renamed it Caesarea in honour of the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus. [2]
After he was adopted by Julius Caesar, [Augustus] adopted Caesar’s name in accordance with Roman naming conventions. [3]
So the name of the town ultimately originates with Julius Caesar, who was famously assassinated by opponents in his own government (just like Netanyahu supposedly stands to be assassinated by the “Deep Staters” within the Israeli government).
Like I’ve said before, the globalists just LOVE scripting historical parallels, especially Roman ones, into their operations. As for the part of the JPost article that mentions “the quiet before the storm,” we’ll get to that in the next section.
A reader has pointed out something interesting about the storm that’s due to sweep across the US East Coast over the coming days, Hurricane Isaias. “Isaias” is the Spanish and Portuguese word for the biblical Isaiah. And if we look into Isaiah, we find a connection to the character Trump is playing in the Kabbalist End Times script (the “Moshiach ben Cyrus” / reincarnation of Cyrus the Great)…
Isaiah[a] was the 8th-century BC Israelite prophet after whom the Book of Isaiah is named.
Within the text of the Book of Isaiah, Isaiah himself is referred to as “the prophet”, but the exact relationship between the Book of Isaiah and any such historical Isaiah is complicated. The traditional view is that all 66 chapters of the book of Isaiah were written by one man, Isaiah, possibly in two periods between 740 BC and c. 686 BC, separated by approximately 15 years, and that the book includes dramatic prophetic declarations of Cyrus the Great in the Bible, acting to restore the nation of Israel from Babylonian captivity. – from Wikipedia
[On a related note, I recently noticed a known controlled alt-media site bashing the Babylonian Talmud, which is the basis of Rabbinic Judaism (a.k.a. the Pharisees / Synagogue of Satan, who supposedly were the enemies of Jesus). So will the Moshiach ben Cyrus (along with the Moshiach ben Yosef) save Israel from Babylonian captivity again — this time in the form of captivity to the Babylonian Talmud? Will they free Jews from the written Talmud so they can return to an oral Talmud the Moshiach ben David (Putin) will pass along?]
Getting back to Hurricane Isaias, if you’ve been keeping an eye on the Q-anon disinformation front and the controlled alt-media sites (including InfoWars), you’ve probably heard about “The Storm” that will bring down “The Cabal”…
Well look at the (possibly symbolic) picture that showed up on Drudge yesterday…
…Could the two flags in the Drudge photo also be a veiled reference to August 2?
Isn’t it funny that we’re seeing all these weird connections — high strangeness is characteristic of globalist operations — during a weekend when Netanyahu’s assassination is/was planned? Could Hurricane Isaias mark “the Final Storm” that will bring down “the Deep State”? Is the Mass Arrests Psyop going to hit us in the next few days?
Don’t count on it.
More tomorrow…
(31 July 2020) – During this morning’s infoscan, I ran across some interesting information. It appears that with the (likely phony) IDF report of a Hezbollah cross-border raid on Monday, and with the IDF’s planned false-flag missile attack on Israel during the four-day weekend, the Israelis are copying the lead-up to the 2006 Second Lebanon War in an attempt to start the Third.
Once Netanyahu is “dead” from the false-flag missile strike, Gantz will give the order to invade Lebanon in accordance with Netanyahu’s vow to hold both Hezbollah and Lebanon responsible for any attack (this vow would be extended to Iran too if an Iranian missile is supposedly used in the attack). And the script will have Trump being either tricked or pressured by the “Deep State” into supporting the invasion in the wake of his friend Netanyahu’s death.
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Today’s fantabulous journey of discovery began when I visited Al Masdar News and saw this…
…Here is an excerpt…
According to the Kuwait-based Al-Rai newspaper, the situation along the Lebanese border is witnessing “the largest mobilization of the Israeli military on Lebanon border since 2006.”
The article said that the Israeli army kept its forces on high alert, and that the border forces were reinforced with advanced artillery, intelligence units, and special forces, adding that the reinforcements come with direct orders from Defense Minister Benny Gantz, to prevent “another attack” that may be carried out by Hezbollah against Israeli targets in light of the current state of tension…
Hezbollah has maintained that they have not yet responded to the killing of one of its members in Syria, as they denied the Israeli army’s previous claims about attempting to carry out a “sabotage operation” along the border.
So the takeaways from this article are as follows…
- Since the (likely faked) Monday border incursion by Hezbollah, an Israeli invasion force has been amassed on the Lebanese border.
- This military “reinforcement” was ordered by Gantz under the pretext of deterring and defending against another attack.
- Hezbollah has yet to respond to a recent killing of one of their members.
- Hezbollah denies carrying out the Monday incursion.
Upon seeing the reference to the 2006 War, I decided to look it up. This is what Wikipedia has to say about it…
The 2006 Lebanon War, also called the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War and known in Lebanon as the July War and in Israel as the Second Lebanon War, was a 34-day military conflict in Lebanon, Northern Israel and the Golan Heights…
Due to unprecedented Iranian military support to Hezbollah before and during the war, some consider it the first round of the Iran–Israel proxy conflict, rather than a continuation of the Arab–Israeli conflict…
The conflict was precipitated by the 2006 Hezbollah cross-border raid. On 12 July 2006, Hezbollah fighters fired rockets at Israeli border towns as a diversion for an anti-tank missile attack on two armored Humvees patrolling the Israeli side of the border fence. The ambush left three soldiers dead. Two Israeli soldiers were abducted and taken by Hezbollah to Lebanon. Five more were killed in Lebanon, in a failed rescue attempt.
So the takeaways from this are…
- The 2006 War is considered the “first round” of a war between Israel and Iran’s proxy forces (so this weekend’s planned war would be the second round).
- It was triggered by a cross-border raid (like the one that supposedly happened on Monday) in which Hezbollah fired rockets at Israeli civilians and anti-tank missiles at Israeli vehicles near the Lebanese border.
After seeing the parallels between what’s happening now and what happened back in 2006, I did some further digging and ran across this article from Israel Hayom…
…Here is an excerpt…
The Israel Defense Forces reported on Monday noon that an incident has taken place on the Israel-Lebanon border near Har Dov, also known as Shebaa Farms, which has been contested by Hezbollah since 2000.
The incident appears to have been triggered by a Hezbollah terrorist squad that had attempted to stage a cross-border attack. IDF troops managed to thwart the attack and fired at the squad…
According to unconfirmed reports in the Arab media, the IDF managed to thwart an attack by a Hezbollah terrorist squad that had tried to breach the border and hit Israeli troops. The Hezbollah-affiliated TV outlet Al Mayadeen reported that the terrorist group fired an antitank missile on Israeli troops…
The incident comes amid heightened tension between the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist group and the Jewish state after a senior Hezbollah official was killed in a strike that has been attributed to Israel in Syria…
Hezbollah warned Israel it might retaliate, but said that it would not give clues as to when and where. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Monday that the “IDF is ready for any scenario” and warned that Lebanon would pay the price for any provocation by Hezbollah.
So the takeaways from this are…
- It was the IDF who reported the Hezbollah incursion (so one wonders if it was real or something they merely fabricated to justify the buildup of an invasion force along the border).
- The supposed incursion involved a small-unit infiltration in which an anti-tank missile was fired at an Israeli vehicle, exactly mirroring the 2006 attack. But in this attack, no Israelis were injured and there was no rocket attack on Israeli civilians (yet). This meant there was no cause for an immediate counterstrike, but there WAS cause for a reinforcement of the border forces.
- The Hezbollah member who was recently killed in an Israeli strike was a senior official, so an appropriate payback would be a Hezbollah strike on an Israeli senior official (such as Netanyahu), wouldn’t it? This tit-for-tat setup will make it easy for Gantz to blame the Netanyahu strike on Hezbollah.
Now if we gather all of these takeaways together within the template of the NWO Narrative, we get the story the NWO historians will tell when describing how the “Israeli Deep State” finally killed (or incapacitated) Netanyahu and got their Middle East War…
“After being caught in a seemingly endless string of Israeli elections and repeatedly failing to unseat the Prime Minister, the Deep State decided to offer Netanyahu a deal: he could remain Prime Minister if their agent Gantz could get the Defense Minister post. Netanyahu accepted, and this set the stage for the trap to come.
Later, as Tisha B’Av approached, Deep State elements of the IDF faked a border incursion by Hezbollah. This provided them with an excuse to move an invasion army to the Lebanese border under the pretext of defending against another attack. Days later, they followed-up with the false-flag ‘Hezbollah’ missile attack that killed Netanyahu and scores of Israeli citizens. This finally removed Netanyahu as an obstacle to the Deep State’s plans and provided them the public outrage they needed to launch the invasion of Lebanon and the strike campaign against Iran. They got their Middle East War.”
I may enhance and expand this section through tomorrow morning.
Eid al-Adha False-Flag Watch
[with a new (7/30) section in blue & a section on the Israeli false-flag tunnels into Lebanon in red]
(30 July 2020) – Be on the lookout for a “Hezbollah” missile strike on Israel from Lebanon. As I’ve previously written, the Israelis have tunneled under their border into Lebanon and built underground missile silos from which they can strike themselves, Europe, and other targets in false-flag attacks to be blamed on Iran and Hezbollah. I bring this up now because of a piece of preparatory propaganda that showed up on Zero Hedge early this morning…
…Note the timestamp.
“Iran” and “underground missiles” have been featured in lots of articles today and in recent weeks…
…from Google News
The globalist propaganda corps are doing this so the public will immediately suspect “Iran” if any “underground missiles” pop out of the Lebanese soil. They also staged a skirmish on the Israel/Lebanon border this week to set the stage for such an attack. But it won’t be Hezbollah that fires any underground missile(s) towards Israel or other places; it’ll be the “Israeli Deep State” (according to the NWO Narrative).
For details on Israel’s false-flag tunnels into Lebanon, scroll down to the section in red.
~ MORE ~
The Mainstream/”Deep State” Narrative would be that the strike was carried out with an “Iranian”…
- precision-guided ballistic missile with evasive capabilities, or
- precision-guided cruise missile or drone (or a swarm of such weapons, as was supposedly used in the “Iranian” attack on the Saudi oil facility).
And the most likely target of the strike would be the Prime Minister’s residence. By striking there, they can narrate the death or incapacitation of Netanyahu AND kill lots of leftist protesters outside the residence. This would unite the Israeli right and left in seeking vengeance against the supposed perpetrators: “Hezbollah and their sponsors (Lebanon and Iran).”
~ MORE ~
Now let’s look at the planned victims of the attack, starting with…
Protests outside of Netanyahu’s residence have been ongoing for weeks now, and beyond providing the illusion of “Deep State” political pressure against him, I’ve been wondering why else they’re being staged. “Surely they can’t be hoping to narrate that some protesters got past security and whacked Netanyahu,” I’ve thought. But in light of what seems to be planned for today, I now see the protesters for what they are: pawns put in the right place to pad the body count of the strike on Bibi’s house. And it would have been suspicious if they started the protests on the same day as the strike, so they’ve been establishing the protesters’ presence there for weeks.
Needless to say, they’ll be there this evening (for the end of Tisha B’Av)…
…from The Times of Israel
This provides what military men call a “target rich environment.” So let’s look at the other target that makes the environment really rich…
In yesterday’s update, we looked at Chabad’s official script for the “Redemption” and its “Moshiach ben Yosef” character, and it says this…
…Mashiach ben Yossef will be killed. This is described in the prophecy of Zechariah, who says of this tragedy that “they shall mourn him as one mourns for an only child.”
So what better day is there to script the death of the Moshiach ben Yosef than on Tisha B’Av, the most mournful day on the Jewish calendar — a day that commemorates great tragedies in Jewish history?
So, was the July 29 meal before the Tisha B’Av fast Netanyahu’s Last Supper?…
…from The Guardian
Remember that “the Last Supper is the final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion.” So isn’t it a “funny coincidence” that this sculpture should suddenly appear right as we entered Tisha B’Av? It is, of course, intended to portray a death threat against Netanyahu by the “Deep State” before the strike.
But I wouldn’t bet on the strike happening now.
~ MORE ~
It is now July 31st in Israel, so we have pushed them out of Tisha B’Av…
…“Call me Fuzzy, Jerry.”
But it appears that they’re going to try again during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha…
…from Zero Hedge [Note that the picture under the headline is of the Iron Dome system, which is a rocket interceptor.]
Eid al-Adha begins on the evening of July 30 (so it’s already underway in the Middle East), and it ends on the evening of Monday, August 3rd. So it covers the full four-day weekend. And the original Al Masdar News report states that the Israelis fear an attack in the next 48 hours, which extends into Saturday — the same Saturday that another large demonstration is expected outside of Netanyahu’s residence. So it’s a repeat attempt to do what was planned for today.
Now that they have us watching what might happen along the Lebanon border, though, we need to be wary of an attack from another direction. These are some possibilities…
- The strike could come from Iraq and be attributed to the Iran-supported Popular Mobilization Forces, whose de facto leader, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, was supposedly killed alongside Qasem Soleimani in January.
- The strike could come from the Gaza Strip and be attributed to Iran-supported Hamas.
- The strike could come from Yemen and be attributed to the Iran-supported Houthis.
Let’s also remember my past writings about Trump and Netanyahu’s fates being intertwined. So as we enter a long weekend when Netanyahu may be “killed,” Trump has just given cause for a cabinet coup or assassination attempt here in the US…
…from today’s Drudge Report. Note the religious symbolism of the picture; it looks kinda like the disciples saying goodbye to Jesus.
So will the “Moshiach ben Cyrus” fall alongside the Moshiach ben Yosef this weekend?
~ MORE ~
Here is what I previously wrote about the Israeli false-flag tunnels into Lebanon. It was part of an entry in which I was covering how Israel might false-flag a missile attack on the USS Stennis…
(11 December 2018) – As for the other option of firing ground-launched ballistic missiles from Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon or Iran, that would be more problematic, but doable. A short-range ballistic missile could be smuggled into those nations in a cargo container (the Israelis have developed and currently sell such container-borne missiles). And a medium-range missile could conceivably be brought across Yemen and/or Iraq’s border with Saudi Arabia by the Saudi and US militaries. To get a medium-ranger into Iran, though, would be risky without inside help, and to get one into Lebanon would likely involve digging a tunnel from Israel into Lebanon and moving a Jericho II missile through it to an underground silo.
On the matter of Israeli tunnel-digging into Lebanon, have a look at what this article from The Times of Israel says…
…Here is an excerpt…
>>> As far back as 2014, residents of northern towns raised the alarm regarding the possibility of the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror group tunneling below the border to carry out attacks…
Manelis told Army Radio that the tunnels identified by the IDF were not necessarily located in areas where residents had complained of noise.
“Hezbollah tunnels are not an immediate threat, and we have ruled out the existence of tunnels in places where residents reported digging noise — the location of the tunnels does not necessarily coincide with the complaints of the civilians,” he said.
The attack tunnels were long rumored to have been dug from southern Lebanon into Israeli territory by the Iran-backed terror group, but Israeli defense officials repeatedly either denied their existence or refused to discuss the matter.
MK Itzik Shmuli of the opposition Zionist Union faction tweeted Tuesday that “it is amazing that those who mocked the residents’ reports of excavation noise are now telling us with a straight face that it is a serious and concrete threat.”
In 2014, residents of the town of Zarit were so concerned by the noise and what they perceived to be inaction from the IDF after they submitted complaints that they announced their intention to start an independent digging operation, saying they would coordinate any finds with the IDF. <<<
As you can see, northern Israelis heard tunneling noises under their homes as far back as 2014, but the IDF “denied their existence,” “refused to discuss the matter,” and “mocked the residents’ report of excavation noise.” So why would the IDF respond in such a manner?…
To maintain the coverup, the IDF are now putting on a show (Operation Northern Shield) of looking for Hezbollah tunnels in an area away from where people were hearing the excavation noises. They wouldn’t want to dig up their own tunnels, now, would they?
Here’s another article that unintentionally sheds light on the subject…
…from Israel Today
>>> The operation against Hezbollah was launched hours after Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benyamin Netanyahu met US Secretary of Defense Mike Pompeo in Brussels, Belgium where he discussed “a list of developments in the region” with the Secretary.
One of these developments is Iran’s increasing belligerent activity in Lebanon where it has built underground missile facilities which manufacture guided ballistic missiles…
The Americans are training and equipping 30.000 men of the Syrian Democratic Forces who will confront the Quds Force and Iranian-backed Shiite militias in northern and eastern Syria while the U.S. uses local Iraqi Sunni militias against the Iranian-backed Hashd al-Shaabi umbrella organization of predominantly Shiite militias in northern Iraq. <<<
So by saying that Iran and Hezbollah have built underground missile facilities in Lebanon, the media are preparing people to believe that any ballistic missiles fired from hidden underground silos there are Iran and Hezbollah’s. And an American / SDF attack on the Quds Force may be the trigger for the sinking of the Stennis. After all, the Quds Force is an official armed force of Iran, so the Americans using a proxy force to kill Iranian soldiers may supposedly anger the Iranians enough to kill American sailors with one of their own proxy forces.
Of course, building the tunnels and silos to make it look like Iran and Hezbollah were firing the missiles would be a more effective setup if people in Lebanon witnessed the launch. For this reason, the Israelis will position Arab sellouts in the right places to get cellphone videos of the missiles rising from the ground. They’ll be shouting “Allahu Akbar!” to cement the idea that it’s a Muslim launch. Afterwards, the Israelis will collapse the tunnels and hit the silos with “retaliatory” airstrikes to cover up the evidence.
The Globalist Plan for Tisha B’Av and the 2020 Endgame
(27 July 2020) – I’ve found the setup for this Tisha B’Av, and it’s a repeat of last year’s setup: they’re planning a provocative event on that day involving an intrusion by “Jewish extremists” on Al Aqsa Mosque. This would enable the “Israeli Deep State” to strike Israel and/or Netanyahu and blame it on Iran’s proxies (Hezbollah, Hamas, and/or the Houthis).
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The provocation chain leading to this year’s planned Tisha B’Av event started on the First of Av (July 22)…
…from Turkey’s Daily Sabah
And that raid has led to a predictable Islamist response…
…from the Middle East Monitor
So Sheikh Salah has “called on Palestinians in Jerusalem and inside Israel to defend Al-Aqsa and resume worship in it to counter the extremists’ calls.” And when can we expect the next “Jewish extremist raid to perform Talmudic rituals” to take place? On Tisha B’Av of course.
With another confrontation on the Temple Mount set to take place over the next few days and with growing Muslim anger over Israel’s attempts to strong-arm their way into sovereignty over the West Bank and the Temple Mount, the ingredients for a war-sparking event will be present this week. And it will come amidst a supposed battle between the Israeli “Deep State” (“who want to start the war”) and Netanyahu (“who is trying to prevent the war”), so the script may call for an assassination attempt on Netanyahu by “Jewish extremists” if he moves to block them from mumbling their silly nonsense on the Temple Mount.
So what we need to specifically watch for is…
- one or more Muslims being killed by Israeli police on the Temple Mount during either the “extremist raid” or Israel’s forcible shuttering of the Bab al-Rahma prayer house,
- an intrusion and desecration of the Al Aqsa Mosque building by the “Jewish extremists,” and
- an occupation of Al Aqsa Mosque and/or the prayer house by Islamists, thus setting up a “Muslim Masada” scenario.
More to come, including Sheikh Salah’s connection to Erdogan (the Dajjal / “Muslim Antichrist”), whose Jerusalem proxies might take part in the Temple Mount confrontation…
~ MORE – 28 July 2020 ~
Now if we take a closer look at Sheikh Raed Salah, we see that he is the leader of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel. And that organization has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan’s political party (the AKP)…
…from Take special note of the section in red; it shows where the Islamists who might occupy the Al Aqsa Mosque and Bab al-Rahma prayer house come from.
So if we step back and look at the current Middle East situation from the perspective of the NWO Narrative, Erdogan (“the Dajjal”) is looking to unite the Muslim World under his leadership so he can attack and destroy Israel. And right now, his military and proxy forces (including ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood) are blocked from the borders of Israel by buffer zones held by Putin (“the Judeo-Christian Messiah” / “Isa”) and his Muslim allies.
On Israel’s northern border, Erdogan’s forces are being contained in northern Syria by Putin, Assad, and Iran. And on Israel’s southern border, Erdogan’s forces are being contained in western Libya by Putin, Haftar, and Egypt. [Israel’s eastern border is protected by Jordan, which will turn against Israel if its hardliners seize sovereignty over the West Bank and Temple Mount (Jordan currently has sovereignty over the Temple Mount).]
So should the Tisha B’Av “Outrage on the Temple Mount” occur, it would strengthen the hand of Erdogan and turn Jordan into an enemy. This could eventually lead to an attack on Israel from all sides (including the western maritime border by the combined navies of the Islamic nations).
With this in mind, we can take another step back and look at this situation through the lens of reality. And in reality, both sides of this seeming conflict are controlled by the globalist central banking / royal cartel (this is why everyone on both sides is currently playing along with the COVID hoax — only at a later, appointed time will the “good guys” go against it).
Since the direction and pace of this phony conflict are carefully stage-managed by the globalist scriptwriters, here’s what we can look forward to…
If the globalists want to schedule the triumph of the “good guys” this year (or early next), the buffer zones on Israel’s borders will hold and Putin & Pals will defeat Erdogan and his forces. The post-climax NWO Truth Tsunami will then tell the public how Vladimir Putin “brilliantly prevented” World War 3.
But if the globalists want to schedule the triumph of the “good guys” for sometime after next year (such as in 2023), Erdogan’s forces will gradually close in on Israel’s borders. And once they’re in position, the attack on Israel would begin (but be stopped within days by “friends of the good guys”).
Right now, it looks like the globalists might be aiming for the “good guy” counterattack to begin on December 21st, after the disastrous US presidential election takes us all into a steeper downward spiral. December 21st is the day of the Winter Solstice (“the darkest day of the year, when light begins to push back against the dark”), and it’s also the date in 2012 when everything was supposed to change. This year, they’ve been spreading the idea that “2020 is 2012,” and that “a miscalculation of the Mayan calendar led to them assigning the wrong date to the change,” so they can tie a “good guy” counterattack on the Winter Solstice to all the New Age mumbo jumbo they circulated about December 21, 2012. I’ll write more on this particular subject in an upcoming update.
~ MORE – 29 July 2020 ~
Speaking of the “good guys,” let’s have a look at some Russian propaganda about Bibi Netanyahu a reader passed along…
…from Sputnik. Here is an excerpt…
In a dramatic twist of fate, Benny Gantz, who repeatedly vowed to never join a government headed by the indicted Israeli prime minister, agreed to form a unity government with Benjamin Netanyahu last Thursday. The choice came at a price for Gantz as he broke with nearly half of his party while his coalition collapsed…
Israeli author, publicist and blogger Yuri Moor, explains that one should bear in mind that during the last three election campaigns the Israeli “post-Zionist media” were unanimously backing Gantz in order to unseat the incumbent prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu…
Nelly Gutina, an Israeli author and political commentator agrees that the coronavirus pandemic was one of the reasons why Gantz decided to team up with Netanyahu.
The second reason, according to Gutina, is that the Kahol Lavan leader could have realised that his political allies are using him as “a tool against Bibi” while trying to oust the prime minister no matter what…
Benny Gantz’s sudden political maneouvre has seemingly caught his ally, Yisrael Beiteinu’s Avigdor Lieberman, off guard. Ahead of the March elections Lieberman predicted that the Kahol Lavan-led coalition would have “61 seats without Netanyahu”, adding that a “unity government” was no longer on the table.
“This is a knockdown for Lieberman”, says Eskin. “He is left outside with no real influence. This will be an electoral blow for him in the future”.
“From the point of view of those who created this politico-technological project for the purpose of ousting Bibi… Gantz failed to meet their expectations”, [Gutina] says.
As I’ve written before, the globalists have tasked the hardcore Zionists, Mossad/Chabad, and Chabad-connected Avigdor Lieberman (among others) to play the Israeli “Deep State” bad guys / scapegoats during the NWO transition. All the terrible things that Israel’s globalists did to help lay the groundwork for the NWO will be tied around their necks so they can be sacrificed, thus clearing the many globalist outrages from the public mind. The “good guy” globalist minions can then launch the real (multilateral/multipolar) NWO with a clean slate.
Now let’s look at a similar article from this month…
…from Sputnik. Here’s an excerpt…
Benjamin Netanyahu’s political antagonists have instrumentalised a whole set of tools to unseat the prime minister, including “anti-corruption” protests and banning him from receiving aid to pay for legal services during the trial, say Israeli observers, discussing whether the politician will manage to withstand the pressure…
On Tuesday, Israeli protesters took to the streets of Jerusalem, chanting “shame, shame” and “Bibi, go home”, according to The Times of Israel. For its part, Nir Hasson of Haaretz alleged that Tuesday’s demonstration “was a turning point in the evolution of protests against Netanyahu”, recognising the growing number of youths among the demonstrators. As the anti-Netanyahu protest turned violent, the police stepped in and arrested some 50 individuals. On Friday, hundreds of Israeli protesters demonstrated outside Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem…
Israeli society is growing increasingly polarised, with one side believing that Netanyahu is being chased by the old established elites who have weaponised the Israeli court system against the prime minister, while the other claims that Bibi is a corrupt politician who “stole” Israeli democracy, notes Nelly Gutina, an Israeli author and political commentator…
…the prime minister was recently forbidden by Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit from receiving donations to fund his legal team. Mandelblit stated that a $2.9 million donation from American businessman Spencer Partrich to Netanyahu was tantamount to an “illicit gift”. As a result, Micha Fettman, one of Netanyahu’s top defence lawyers, was forced to quit over unpaid fees days before the second hearing…
In fact, one of the supposed motivations behind the ruling is to either financially bankrupt Netanyahu or to force him to leave office, the publicist suggests, citing the prime minister’s opponents as saying: “If he wants to pay for his defence, let him mortgage the house” and “If he wants to borrow money for lawyers, let him leave politics”.
In addition to this, Netanyahu was banned from naming police and judicial officials during his corruption trial. Following Mandelblit’s decision, the prime minister openly accused the attorney general of scheming to oust him.
Both the recent wave of violent “anti-corruption” protests and attempts to limit Netanyahu’s abilities to defend himself in court reflect the Israeli “deep state’s” frustration over its obvious inability to topple him, according to Nelly Gutina.
The fact that an official Russian government propaganda site (Sputnik) is featuring articles that portray the “Deep State bad guys” as desperately trying to unseat Netanyahu helps establish Bibi’s bona fides as a “good guy.” But Netanyahu is no ordinary “good guy” in the globalist script; he plays none other than the precursor Jewish Messiah himself, the Moshiach ben Yosef…
…from Breaking Israel News (a globalist/Kabbalist prophecy propaganda site). Here’s an excerpt…
Rabb Levi Sudri, an award-winning Bible expert, makes the case that Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is the reincarnation of the biblical figure Jonathan, the son of King Saul, who has returned in order to fulfill his promise of helping David bring in the Messiah…
The Shem M’Shmuel discusses the Jewish tradition of a two-stage process for Messiah. The first stage, referred to as Moshiach ben Yosef, is a practical, mundane process that includes the ingathering of the exiles and building up of the Land of Israel. The second stage is a miraculous process which includes the reestablishment of the Davidic Dynasty and the completion of the Third Temple.
“It is written in the Shem M’Shmuel that in the future, Jonathan will come in the reincarnation of Moshiach ben Yosef (Messiah from the house of Joseph), and it is in the end-of-days that he will serve as the second to the Moshiach Ben David (Messiah from the house of David), which will be the reincarnation of David. At that time, he will fulfill his promise to serve as David’s second in command.”
And if we have a look at the official Chabad script for Netanyahu’s Moshiach ben Yosef character, we see why his supposed enemies are trying so hard to cause his political death or physical assassination: the script calls for it…
It should be noted that Chabad have been orchestrating the rise of Trump (the “Moshiach ben Cyrus”), Netanyahu (the Moshiach ben Yosef), and Putin (the Moshiach ben David) for decades. But exposure of their effort caused the globalists to assign them to Team Bad Guys and spread a false narrative that they’re really trying to install Jared Kushner as the Moshiach (which is laughable).
Over the course of the next 24 hours (during Tisha B’Av), I’ll show you how every underlined section of the Chabad script relates to what’s going on right now. It’ll be a hoot…
(26 July 2020) – Proxy Attack Week
Keep an eye out for attacks-by-proxy this week, and the first one could come tomorrow, July 27, in Korea (where it is already July 27). July 27 is the anniversary of the Korean Armistice Agreement that brought an end to the active combat phase of the Korean War. And given that Kim Jong Un just placed his nation on maximum alert (supposedly over a Coronavirus case), we might see a provocative event from North Korea on that day. The possibilities include a commando raid, a long-range ballistic missile launch (or an SLBM launch), and/or a nuclear explosion somewhere, and the event might be cast as a Chinese effort to hit back at Trump through their North Korean proxy.
(24 July 2020) – Today we need to watch for a potential sit-in protest by Chinese officials at the Houston consulate. By not leaving at 4 PM (Texas Time) as required, they could set in motion a siege and/or a forcible removal by US agents. And since Houston is a Democrat-run city, Antifa and BLM could be dispatched to guard the exterior of the building “in solidarity with China,” forcing a larger showdown. Such a scenario could be the lead-in to a war-starting event in the South China Sea in the coming days. As a reader noted, July 28 is the anniversary of the start of World War I (“the war to end all wars”), so that’s a day to be watched.
(22 July 2020) – So far today, the only big news is China’s announcement that retaliation is coming on account of the US shutdown of their Houston consulate (which is a good setup event for a naval false-flag in the South China Sea). Now I’m watching 8:46 PM Washington and Libya time to see if there is a Q-anon data dump and/or an airstrike on Turkish personnel in Libya.
8:46 PM Libya time will come at 1:46 PM Texas time (God’s time).
8:46 PM Washington time will come at 7:46 PM Texas time.
See the 18 July update below if you don’t know why that time is significant. 11:11 PM is also a possible target time. In Texas time, that’s 4:11 PM (Libya) and 10:11 PM (Washington).
(WARNING – 20 July 2020) – It looks like the July 22 scenario they’re aiming for is an Israeli drone strike against Turkish forces in the Battle of Sirte, Libya that will touch off a Turkey versus Israel confrontation. A second possible scenario is a “Financial Twin Towers” event that would involve the failure of Bank of America on this side of the Atlantic and Deutsche Bank on the other side.
~ MORE – 21 July 2020 ~
The EU pandemic recovery package negotiations, which they were dragging out to collapse on Tuesday in order to trigger a problem on Wednesday, have now ended with a deal. So we can take the “Financial Twin Towers” event off the board for the time being. Later today, we’ll look at the setup for the Battle of Sirte and at the Russian propaganda narrating a “Deep State” vs. Netanyahu battle that could result in an assassination attempt on Wednesday.
~ MORE – 21 July 2020 ~
I have limited time to write tonight, so here are the Cliffs Notes on the 22nd…
Watch for drone or manned airstrikes in Libya tomorrow that might kill Turks and be blamed on Israel (and possibly the US). Also watch for the outbreak of combat between the two opposing forces in Libya:
- the UN-recognized Libyan government forces supported by Erdogan with Islamist mercenaries backed by Turkish officers, Turkish technicians, and the Turkish Navy, and
- General Haftar’s opposition government forces supported by Putin with Wagner Group mercenaries backed by the Russian military, General Sisi and the Egyptian military, and covertly-applied Israeli (and possibly US) airpower.
If Turkey and Egypt get into a war over Libya and Egypt loses, Israel would have a well-armed hostile power (Turkey) on their southern border, so they will covertly intervene on behalf of Haftar. And if Turkey catches them in the act (or merely claims to catch them in the act) of killing Turkish military personnel with drone or F-35 strikes, things could escalate quickly. The globalists might even script that the Israeli “Deep State” was behind any such attack(s), and that they did it with the intention of getting the “End Times” War started.
So there are two ways this thing could go…
- Turkey will get a bloody nose in Libya and back off both there and in Syria (this would be portrayed as another great victory for Putin), or
- Turkey will eventually overcome Libya, Egypt, and Syria and move their forces to Israel’s northern and southern borders.
The bloody nose scenario would indicate that the globalists are taking the fast track towards launching the NWO this year. And the Turkish victory scenario would indicate that we’re moving towards a full Great Tribulation period that could last for a few years.
I’ll fill in the details tomorrow.
It should also be noted that Zerohedge is reporting that Twitter is purging accounts that support Q-anon. This is happening in advance of the potential Q-anon limited-hangout operation we looked at in the 18 July update directly below…
The Nine Days of Av Overwatch
(18 July 2020) – Starting today and extending through July 22-23 and on through July 29-30 (and as far as August 11), we’re in the danger zone. A fast outbreak of economic ruin and war followed by an equally fast outbreak of mass arrests of the “bad guys” by the “good guys” is in the offing. Keep your eyes open, listen to the “still, small voice” of your intuition, and let me know if something grabs your attention.
One thing readers brought up recently was a series of tweets purportedly from the still-living JFK Jr. and the Q-anon disinformation front. There is no way of knowing if the messages were official disinformation or just some idiot screwing with the Q-lemmings, but this is what they said…
…from Twitter (the account has changed since then)
Given the propaganda crescendo we’re reaching and the current “sign in the heavens” (the 22nd brings the closest approach to Earth by Comet Neowise), it is conceivable that the first breaking wave of the limited-hangout Truth Tsunami might arrive with the Comet. But be advised that if “John-John” really is alive, he has unquestionably sold out to the Kabbalists who killed his father, and that makes him a real piece of sh*t. Fu*k that pathetic worm and the garbage he’ll be feeding the sheep. It’s better to die as a man than live as a worm.
On another note, readers have also pointed out this little factoid about the September 11 attacks…
At 8:46 a.m., five hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the northern facade of the World Trade Center’s North Tower (1 WTC). – from Wikipedia
So the 9/11 attacks began at 8:46 AM and the George Floyd Uprising began with 8 minutes and 46 seconds of one man’s knee on another man’s neck. So will the next round of trouble start with an 8:46?
~ MORE – 19 July 2020 ~
Saturday turned out to be a mundanarum dies rather than a dies ater. Now we look forward to July 22nd, which is Rosh Chodesh Av (the first day of the Hebrew month of Av). A big event on that day would be a precursor to either a tragedy or a triumph for the “good guys” on Tisha B’Av (the ninth day of Av). And if Tisha B’Av (July 29-30) brings a tragedy, August 11 might bring a triumph.
This is what the Orthodox Union says about Rosh Chodesh Av (note: “Beit HaMikdash” is the former Jewish temple(s) on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem)…
The mishna says: “As Av enters, we diminish joy”. Rosh Chodesh Av is the beginning of the stricter mourning period for the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash — First and Second… Notwithstanding the mournful nature of the first third of Av, we must keep in mind that after the 10th of the month, the consolation and promise for a brighter future takes over.
May we soon merit the coming of Moshiach and the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash — and everything that goes with it — and may our joy then become untarnished and complete.
So the timespan of July 22-30 is the most perilous period of the danger zone we’re in. If the globalists don’t move during this period, their chances of establishing the NWO in September will be significantly reduced. Are they willing to risk putting it off for yet another year?
Tomorrow, I’ll add some more notes on July 22 that readers have passed along.
“Nelson Mandela International Day” Weekend Overwatch
(16 July 2020) – A reader has alerted me that Saturday, July 18th (6+6+6 day) is Nelson Mandela International Day…
…from (top) and the UN (bottom). Behold the raised communist fist in the top graphic and the reference to ’67’ in the bottom one. Also note this little piece of Mandela’s personal history, which makes “Nelson Mandela International Day” a communist holiday…
Influenced by Marxism, he secretly joined the banned South African Communist Party (SACP). Although initially committed to non-violent protest, in association with the SACP he co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe in 1961 and led a sabotage campaign against the government. He was arrested and imprisoned in 1962, and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the state following the Rivonia Trial. – from Wikipedia
In the wake of the “communist/Deep State sabotage” of the USS Bonhomme Richard, keep an eye out for another act of “communist” sabotage on Mandela Day. Here are some specific things to watch for…
Watch for an attack featuring the number ’67’ — a number that is prominently referenced in the Mandela Day propaganda. This could mean another “communist” attack on a US Navy ship: the USS Cole (DDG-67) or the USS Shiloh (CG-67). And it could mean an attack involving Venezuela (Caracas sits near the 67th meridian west). ’67’ is also the registry number of the former USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67, an aircraft carrier); this could be significant for a reason I’ll explain later.
There’s also an outside chance of a nuclear explosion in the US that day on account of another thing brought up by the same reader…
…from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette
Upon seeing this, my first thought was, “Why would ‘Islam’ nuke Nashville of all places?”…
- Did Achy Breaky Heart finally make its way to the Middle East?
- Do they want to “make jihad against the painted whores called the Dixie Chicks”?
- Do they aspire to hold the First Annual Nashville Infidel Burning & Country Music Festival?
But I found my questions answered by reading further down into the article…
“We have made the case that the prediction for Nashville is based on its association with Greece,” according to a summary at “Those that know Nashville know that it is called the ‘Athens of the South.’ It was in Athens, Greece, that the Parthenon temple was located, and its perfect scale model is in Nashville with a statue of the goddess Athena inside. Education, war, and the Greek games are all prophetically represented there.”
The summary also refers to “the influence of unsanctified music on the mind,” noting that Nashville is the nation’s country music capital and that country music was part of the stew that resulted in rock and roll.
‘False education, competition, humanism, war and unsanctified entertainment can be associated with Nashville, and this association comes from a city that resides in a part of the USA that is known as the Bible belt,” according to the summary.
Adding to the weirdness of this End Times cult’s prediction is that The Tennessean newspaper went ahead and printed it and then essentially said “we didn’t read it first” in making their apologies to the Outrage Brigade. Was there a hidden reason why they printed it? And then there’s the exact replica of the Greek Parthenon that stands in Nashville’s Centennial Park…
The Nashville Parthenon was reportedly the brainchild of Eugene Castner Lewis, a Freemason. Get a load of his grave marker…
…from Wikipedia
And the Parthenon was designed by another Freemason, William Crawford Smith, who was a Knight Templar and an architect. Here’s a note on one of his other notable projects…
In 1874, he designed the Main Building of Vanderbilt University, later known as Kirkland Hall, as two French Gothic towers. The building burnt down in a fire in 1905, and it was later rebuilt with only one tower. – from Wikipedia
Here is the new and old Kirkland Hall side-by-side…
Can you think of another, more recent circumstance in which two towers were burned down and then replaced with just one?
So Nashville lies at the confluence of End Times Cultism, Freemasonic Mythophilia, and the ongoing NWO transition, which means that it isn’t inconceivable that someone could pop off a nuke there for both occultic and practical reasons. It might therefore be prudent for Nashville residents to move their steel guitars to the nearest fallout shelter and set their air conditioners to max. The recent heat wave has been harsh, but Saturday could be a real scorcher.
Seriously, though, an act of conventional or nuclear destruction this weekend would fit the globalist script quite well. So tomorrow, we’ll look at the provocation setup for such an event and see how it would lead in to what might be planned for July 22nd.
~ MORE – 17 July 2020 ~
The globalists have set up a number of provocations over the past week(s) that can be used as backstory for why an attack on the US happened this weekend. Let’s have a look at some of them…
The Iranian Provocation Spiral
1) In Iran, they have been staging a series of explosions and fires in recent weeks that are rumored to be caused by US/Israeli cyberattacks, F-35 strikes, and commando operations. These preceded the fire aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard that broke out on the morning of Sunday, July 12.
2) On Tuesday, July 14, Iranian General Esmail Ghaani — who replaced the “assassinated” Qasem Soleimani as head of Iran’s covert foreign warfare force — publicly stated that the USS Bonhomme Richard fire was “divine punishment” for America’s “crimes.” “Zionist” propagandists then spun his words into meaning he was taking credit for the fire…
…from the Jewish News Syndicate
But if we look closely at what Ghaani actually said, he seemed to be hinting that the “communists/Deep State” elements within the US were actually responsible for the fire…
“What has happened in America today, especially the warship incident, is the result of the actions, behavior and crimes of the US government,” Ghaani said in a rare statement carried by the semi-official Fars news agency.
Ghaani stopped short of claiming responsibility for the fire, saying: “This incident is an answer to your crimes, which has come about at the hands of your own elements… God punishes you using your own hands.”
“It is a divine promise that oppressors and criminals will suffer divine punishment,” he said, adding that “difficult times” await both the US and Israel.
The Iranian commander said the US should not “waste time” looking for culprits, adding: “This is the fire that they have lit themselves.” – from Al Arabiya
So the “Zionists” are spinning Ghaani’s words, which means that any weekend attack on the US will be framed by the NWO Narrative as a Zionist false-flag to be blamed on Iran.
3) On Wednesday, July 15 — the day after Ghaani made his remarks about the Bonhomme Richard fire — Iranian ships were set on fire, presumably by US/Israeli commandos…
…from the Daily Mail
All this, then, sets the stage for a supposed “Iranian retaliatory attack” on the US tomorrow.
And here’s another interesting thing: I found this on the Wikipedia page for the USS Bonhomme Richard…
On 12 July 2020, an explosion occurred about 8:50 a.m. aboard Bonhomme Richard while in home port at Naval Base San Diego undergoing maintenance.
I find the timing of the explosion quite interesting in light of something a reader sent to me yesterday about the time/number 8:46. 8 minutes and 46 seconds was the amount of time the policeman’s knee was on George Floyd’s neck during his supposed death. So did the explosion on the Bonhomme Richard take place at 8:46? If so, that puts the fingerprints of the communists/BLM/Antifa on the fire.
The reader also found this about 8:46 and Nashville…
Shabbat is the Jewish Sabbath — a day when they refrain from work. So the Kabbalists go back to work in Nashville at precisely 8:46 PM on Saturday. Is that the planned timing for a Nashville attack?
In the next section, we’ll look at the Chinese provocation spiral, then we’ll step back and look at the globalist chessboard to remember why they are moving their dark pieces (the “bad guys”) and light pieces (the “good guys”) in this way.
~ MORE – 17 July 2020 ~
My readers are kicking a$$ all over the place. One of them just found a Roman reference to July 18…
Quintilis (July) 18: a dies ater (“black day,” meaning a day of ill omen) marking the defeat of the Romans by the Gauls at the Battle of the Allia in 390 BC, leading to the sack of Rome by the Gauls. – from Wikipedia
So will America have a dies ater on Saturday that will lead to Trump’s fall and America’s sacking by the galling Leftists?
~ MORE – 17 July 2020 ~
I don’t know what time tomorrow I’ll be able to post the next section of the Weekend Overwatch entry, so let me give you a quick peek tonight…
The globalists have had the US poke China in the eye twice this week. First came a change in US policy that officially rejects China’s claims in the South China Sea. Second came a law that opens the door to sanctions that would block Chinese banks’ access to dollars (which could crash the current financial system). Provocation for “an aggressive Chinese response” has thus been established.
So when it comes to China, we need to watch for the potential sinking of an aircraft carrier in the South China Sea and/or the potential sinking of a US ship conducting a “freedom of navigation operation” near a Chinese base. The globalist-controlled mainstream media would point the finger of blame at China to get the East-West conflict started, and the US and Chinese governments would halt all economic and financial transactions between the countries, thus triggering a collapse of the current financial system. Later, the globalist-controlled alt-media would point the finger at Israel so the “End Times” attack on Israel that brings forth the “Jewish Messiah” can begin.
China can also be blamed if a “loose North Korean nuke” explodes in the US (“after having been smuggled in by Iran, Venezuela, and the Sinaloa Cartel”).
(13 July 2020) – Later, we’ll have a look at how the fire aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard (which is named after a founding father, Benjamin Franklin) will fit into the globalist disinfo narrative of “a battle within the military,” in which…
- “the bad guy communist officers installed by Obama are using the COVID-19 hoax and sabotage to lower American military readiness in advance of the Communist Attack on America,” and
- “the good guy patriot officers installed by Trump are fighting desperately to maintain readiness and stave off the attack.”
~ MORE – 15 July 2020 ~
Let me show you what I mean about the fake “battle within the military” by taking you on a guided tour of this Washington Times article…
Although the Washington Times is considered to be a conservative newspaper, it is owned by the Moonies (so it is tied into religious cultism/occultism), and this article was written by a reporter who previously followed Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and Obama’s White House. The piece is written in accordance with the mainstream media/”Deep State” narrative, and if you read between the lines, it portrays the phony conflict between the Pentagon’s supposed “Deep State” and “patriot” elements (in reality, all high level military officers bend the knee to the bankers and fight their wars, so the distinction between the two elements exists only within the psyop).
I’ll place my additions in [brackets], and after each excerpted section, I’ll post the controlled alt-media/NWO narrative‘s rebuttal for contrast…
A rash of resignations has left U.S. military leaders scrambling to fill vacancies in key positions throughout the Pentagon and has sparked a standoff with lawmakers [communist Democrats and Deep State Republicans] who are convinced that President Trump’s personal politics drive hirings, firings and promotions inside the Defense Department.
“The Communist Democrats and Deep Staters don’t like that Trump is filling key Pentagon positions with loyal patriots.”
The Pentagon over the past three weeks has been given at least four high-level resignations, including from top officials who had privately raised concerns with some of Mr. Trump’s foreign policy moves, most notably the decision last year to temporarily halt military aid to Ukraine.
“The Bush and Obama people who are pushing for World War 3 within the Pentagon are resigning in protest of Trump’s restraint of their efforts.”
Mr. Trump’s influence on personnel moves now is coming under an even harsher spotlight. Last week, Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Illinois Democrat, vowed to block the Senate confirmations of more than 1,100 senior military promotions until Mr. Esper confirmed the promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who offered testimony in the House’s impeachment inquiry against the president.
“The Democrats/Deep State are trying to preserve the position of their agents within the Pentagon, including Lt. Col. Vindman (who directly betrayed the President) and Captain Crozier (who sidelined his aircraft carrier using the COVID hoax).”
While deep concerns over political retribution exist inside the Pentagon, specialists say, the wave of resignations goes beyond that. They argue that a perfect storm of circumstances has come together: the usual exodus during the final months of any presidential term, frustration with Mr. Trump’s policies among top Pentagon officials, and a White House that increasingly feels it has to get genuine supporters of Mr. Trump’s agenda into key posts if the president’s often untraditional foreign and military policies are to be carried out.
“Bush and Obama Deep Staters within the Pentagon have been preventing Trump from ending the unnecessary wars, and he is finally moving to replace them en masse before they trigger World War 3 with their antics.”
For Pentagon leaders, the exits have come at a crucial time. The military is dealing with a long-term strategy shift to face a growing threat posed by China, is implementing an unexpected redeployment of troops from Germany ordered by Mr. Trump, and is managing a major drawdown of forces from Afghanistan. That list does not even include the COVID-19 pandemic, which has slowed training and deployments, sidelined aircraft carriers, and forced the Pentagon to direct huge amounts of time and resources toward domestic medical assistance and research into a coronavirus vaccine.
“The Democrats/Deep Staters have used the COVID-19 hoax and other acts of sabotage (like the aircraft carrier fire) to hamper military readiness while simultaneously provoking our enemies into launching an attack. By successfully inviting an attack on America, they can lock down the US population and have the war they need to launch their evil Orwellian NWO.”
The resignation trend, however, began even before those issues emerged. In December, at least five top Pentagon officials announced their departures. They included Randall G. Schriver, a key policy voice who served as assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific security.
“Schriver resigned because he was spoiling for a war with China and Trump was blocking it, and the other resignations were from Bush (Deep State) people and those who directly betrayed Trump.”
So now you see the “he said, she said” (“Deep State bad guys” said, “NWO good guys” said) narratives of the supposed war within the Pentagon.
“And I said unto them, LET MY PEOPLE GO to the branches!!!”…
A reader told me yesterday that the current generation of globalists were a bunch of beta-cucks who would definitely back off. And it looks like they have indeed lost something in their zeal to emulate Baphomet. So enjoy the fecal suppository, fellas…
…And I just LOVE the white outfit!
~ MORE ~
In my July 4th update, I wrote…
They might even be brewing up a new Lehman Moment over the weekend that will hit us on Monday.
Of course, they punted on their July 4th plans and no new Lehman Moment made the news on Monday the 6th, but they did make the following announcements that day…
…from WFLA 8 (top), KSNV 3 (middle), and the Orlando Business Journal (bottom)
So immediately after the July 4th weekend, they began moving towards the “Bank of America Moment” that was planned for today. And you may have noticed that on July 4th and after, the media dropped the constant drumbeat of Antifa/BLM news and refocused on COVID news, which provided the cover story for the B of A closures that took place during last week.
Now if we go back to July 4th, we’ll see that Trump did something that signaled the globalists were extending their timeframe for “setting the phoenix afire” (presumably because they were bailing on their July 4th plans)…
President Trump on Saturday signed legislation that extends the deadline for businesses to apply for aid under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
The bill extends the deadline for businesses to apply for PPP loans until Aug. 8. The program, set up to assist businesses impacted by closures related to the coronavirus pandemic, had expired on Tuesday night with roughly $130 billion left unused. – from The Hill
The PPP is one of the programs that are keeping the current economic order on life support, and it expired 4 days before July 4th. Now the extension is set to expire 3 days before August 11, which means something big may be planned for that day just like it was for the Fourth of July.
With this in mind, here are the dates to watch for the next month…
- Watch every weekend for a bank holiday/financial event/false-flag.
- Watch the 22nd for a big event.
- Watch the 29th and 30th (Tisha B’Av) for a big event.
- Watch August 11 for a big event.
I’ll go into detail on what to watch for as we approach each date. And if you see something that you think might be part of their plans, send me a comment or email. I probably wouldn’t have caught the Bank of America thing if a reader hadn’t contacted me. If we can get past August 11 without them “setting the phoenix afire,” their plans for launching the Real NWO in September are going to be in serious jeopardy.
(11 July 2020) – Bank of America Death Watch
Here’s another thing to watch for this weekend: the Next Lehman Moment / “Bank of America Moment” (which is something I thought might happen last weekend). A reader sent me some social media posts about Bank of America locations closing, and upon looking into it, this is what I found…
…from Google
The first Lehman Moment was organized over a weekend and then sprung on the public on a Monday. Is the same thing happening to Bank of America this weekend (under the cover story of “we’re closing branches to reduce the spread of COVID”)? If it is, they might blame the bank’s collapse on CLOs (but the real reason will be that it’s being collapsed on purpose).
This weekend, we’ll have to put B of A on suicide watch along with Ghislaine Maxwell. I’ll continue looking into how widespread the closings are. And if you notice anything where you live (closed branches, non-functioning ATMs), let me know.
~ MORE ~
WOW! I just did a location search on the Bank of America website, and it turned up two kinds of results: ATMs (which show to be open) and Financial Centers & ATMs (which all show to be “temporarily closed”)…
Do a search where you live and see the result.
~ MORE ~
I’ve done searches in a few other cities, and they show a mix of “temporarily closed” branches and branches that are open till noon today.
~ MORE ~
I decided to look at the one “hopeful looking” article in the search results — the one that includes “Bank of America to begin reopening branches“ in its title — to see what it says, and it’s worse than I thought…
…from ABC 7 (Los Angeles). Here is an excerpt…
Customers are finding doors locked at a number of Bank of America branches in Anaheim and Garden Grove.
“Nothing on a door except the, ‘temporary closed’ so don’t know if that’s because of the virus or,” said Steve Simon in Anaheim.
It’s not just closed to in-person banking.
“I just come into the ATM to take money, but I can’t right now,” said Eswinomar Pineda Hernandez in Anaheim.
The ATM’s are also not working at this branch…
Some customers tell Eyewitness News their bank branch has been closed for the past week. Another Anaheim branch that was open, had a long line outside…
Bank of America says it expects to begin reopening sites that were briefly closed starting later this week and into next week.
For at least one customer, that might not be soon enough.
“There’s a B of A where I live in Corona. I don’t know if that bank is open, but if it is, I’m gonna go and get all my money and I’m closing my accounts,” said Desiree Andreozzi, a resident of Corona…
Bank of America says customers also have access 24/7 through its mobile app and online banking. It also says its ATM network gets restocked regularly. Although as we heard from customers, some ATMs have been closed for days.
- the supposed branch reopenings won’t happen till next week (the article was apparently written yesterday and posted at 12:05 AM),
- the article hints at a bank run (which would explain why only a limited number of branches are open today and only until noon or 1PM), and
- the article mentions that some ATMs aren’t working and haven’t for days (indicating a cash crunch at the bank), so
- the article appears to be a cover-up piece that was posted after midnight so it would attract the least attention.
If they do use Bank of America as the New Lehman this weekend, July 11 will be the last day they were open before the bankruptcy — 7/11 would be the financial 9/11. And they will have chosen B of A because it represents “the bankruptcy of America.”
~ MORE ~
An alternative explanation for the branch closings and ATM outages is that they’re part of the bankster campaign to make the use of physical currency increasingly difficult so people will be forced to use digital payment methods. Driving people into a cashless monetary system is a well-established goal of the “evil-version” NWO. The real NWO, on the other hand, will make a big show of “preserving people’s freedom to choose whatever form of payment they wish,” but both the coins and paper money will be discreetly embedded with RFID chips. In fact, they probably already are.
~ MORE – 12 July 2020 ~
As we wait to see if B of A declares bankruptcy on Monday, it should be noted that it is impossible for such a big bank to fail unless the Federal Reserve people wish it to. If they want to keep the doors open, the public version of the bank’s books can always be cooked and liquidity can always be provided by the Fed’s unlimited digital printing press. The only way a big bank can fail is if the Federal Reserve Note fails or the Fed deliberately turns off the bank’s Zombie Liquidity Facility life support.
So if B of A fails, it won’t be due to any of the reasons given in the press. It will be a strategic move by the central bankers to set the Bretton Woods World Order Phoenix aflame.
Speaking of the press, have you noticed how both the mainstream media and controlled alt-media are treating the mass closures of B of A branches nationwide as either a non-story or a local phenomenon. There hasn’t been a word about it on Zero Hedge. This press blackout is deliberate; it allows the globalists to maximize the shock value and provides cover for them to back out if they so choose. Since the operation was exposed on Saturday morning, let’s hope they have chosen to retreat.
Should the globalists proceed, the economic shock caused by B of A’s failure would serve nicely as a lead-in to another attempt at the “Communist Attack on America” psyop on July 22. July 22 is Rosh Chodesh Av (the first day of the Hebrew month of Av), and Av is the fifth month of the Hebrew ecclesiastical year. So July 22 is the Jewish equivalent of 5/1 (May Day). Thanks to a reader for pointing that out. And the First of Av also marks the death of Moses’s brother Aaron, so it would be a good day for an attempt on Netanyahu’s life.
~ MORE – 12 July 2020 ~
On a hunch, I decided to search Zero Hedge’s articles to see if they had mentioned anything about B of A in the last few days. While I found no mentions of the mass branch closures, I did find a remarkable piece of foreshadowing they reposted from the Sovereign Man blog…
…from Zero Hedge. Here is the relevant excerpt…
Now the Fed (and FDIC) are once again telling us that everything is fine.
Yes, everything is fine despite the fact that large sections of the economy have shut down, tens of millions of people are unemployed, countless businesses have failed and will never re-open, major cities across the United States have experienced extreme social unrest and continued economic disruption, and now a second wave of the pandemic is upon us.
But other than that, everything is just fine.
And, definitely, DEFINITELY, don’t worry about the banks. Don’t even think about the banks. Nevermind that some of the largest banks in the world failed in 2008. This time is different.
In fairness, they might be right. But who really knows?
This is one of the [many] big problems in banking: there’s practically zero transparency.
As an example, I was looking at Bank of America’s financial statements yesterday; their balance sheet shows $983 billion in loans.
And that’s about all the detail you get; even doing a deep dive into the footnotes and annual report shows little additional information.
What are the loan terms? What’s the duration risk? How valuable and marketable is the collateral? What legal security was taken over the collateral? Is there even any collateral at all?
Plus there’s extremely limited information on the bank’s exposure to riskier derivatives and collateralized loan obligations (CLOs– which are the toxic securities du jour).
In fact there’s far more information about Bank of America’s diversity and inclusion programs than disclosures about potential financial threats.
Again, it’s possible that there’s nothing to see here and everything is just fine. But given the lack of transparency, it’s impossible to independently verify.
The Fed and FDIC insist everything is OK. But the Fed and FDIC (along with the entire financial system) insisted that everything was OK back in 2008 right before everything collapsed.
Both the original article and the Zero Hedge copy were posted on Thursday the 9th, when the B of A closures were already underway. So it appears that we may have caught the banksters right in the middle of their B of A defecation; let’s hope it “crawls back up” on them. It’s a sensation I’m sure they’re quite used to.
~ MORE – 12 July 2020 ~
Now to get to some things brought up by multiple readers…
The controlled alt-media have presented Bank of America as a sinister “bad guy” organization. Not only are they known for their infamous Masonic murals…
…but they’re also known as a funding source for “Cabal” activities.
I remember hearing an alt-media interview some years back with a “whistleblower” / disinfo peddler who spoke of going to a special window at Bank of America when he required funds for the nefarious activities he conducted on behalf of the banksters. So once the globalists stage the mass arrests psyop, don’t be surprised if they narrate Bank of America as the funding source for the Antifa/BLM chaos that has afflicted the nation…
…from the World Tribune
It has been the New Age side of the controlled alt-media that has led the charge on establishing the narrative for the mass arrests psyop, and they have spoken of “taking down the Cabal economic system.” So also don’t be suprised if the “good guys” take credit for bringing down B of A once this is all over. “It was necessary to stop the chaos on the streets,” they’ll say.
Remember that within the “bad guys” versus “good guys” drama the globalists are staging…
…it is the job of the Left Hand Path “communist bad guys” to bring the chaos the public will be desperate to flee…
…(note the clenched left hand fist of the BLM logo)…
…and it is the job of the Right Hand Path “libertarian good guys” to bring the order to which the public will flock…
…(note the open right hand from the Messiah movie Dune).
This whole show is intended to make the public welcome the Real NWO when it’s unveiled. Don’t fall for it.
(10 July 2020) – The next window for mischief is 7/11 Weekend, which starts in a few hours. So over the next 48 hours, we need to watch for…
- a possible change in Bolsonaro’s health condition,
- a possible move against Netanyahu,
- a possible “Iranian” move against Israel, and
- a possible clash between the Turkish and Egyptian militaries in Libya.
The current globalist objective is to get the war escalations in motion so things can reach a head by Tisha B’Av.
Over the weekend, I’ll map out the mischief timeline for the next 30 days.
(9 July 2020) – Bolsonaro, Trump, and the COVID-19 Peak
Have you noticed how the COVID-19 press coverage seems to be building to a…
…from today’s Drudge Report
You’ve probably heard that Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has supposedly caught COVID and is taking hydroxychloroquine to treat it, and you may have seen the preparatory hint that was dropped at the top of the July 4 Drudge Report (which suggests that Trump might catch COVID due to being surrounded by it)…
What the globalists are building towards with all this is a peak event, in which…
- Bolsonaro will supposedly be cured by the hydroxychloroquine regimen in advance of the big COVID cure announcement by the “good guy” world leaders, or
- Bolsonaro will “die” despite taking the hydroxychloroquine treatment regimen and Trump will contract COVID despite taking hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic.
IN THE ANNOUNCEMENT SCENARIO, the militaries would start distributing the hydroxychloroquine treatments in the “good guy”-run nations and the scary epidemic will become nothing more than a treatable cold…
Bolsonaro was initially inspired by his political idol, U.S. President Donald Trump, who was an early advocate of hydroxychloroquine, a dozen sources said. But Bolsonaro has gone much further than his U.S. counterpart.
At his command, the Army has drastically ramped up production of chloroquine.
His new-look Health Ministry, now led by soldiers and Bolsonaro loyalists, has eagerly promoted the antimalarials as the best hope against COVID-19. – from Reuters
IN THE DEATH SCENARIO, it will be said that the “Deep States” dosed Bolsonaro and Trump with a bioweapon that mimics COVID symptoms but is untreatable by hydroxychloroquine. Their resulting incapacitations/deaths by “COVID-19” or “hydoxychloroquine side effects” would move them out of the way of the “Deep States” and discredit the hydroxychloroquine cure. And with the two of them out of the way, national lockdowns would be intitiated “to flatten the curve of the Second Wave,” thus moving us further into the “evil version” NWO.
If the globalists can’t complete their checklist to launch the multilateral / multipolar NWO this September, they will take us into the “evil version” NWO for as little as a year and as long as the timespan to September of 2023. So the announcement scenario would move us towards the September launch, and the death scenario would move us towards months or years more of this COVID bullsh*t. But it’s better to endure this bullsh*t than to let them move forward with their plan.
~ MORE ~
A reader has asked, “Ken, what’s so special about September of 2023? Why do you think they won’t extend this Covid psyop further than that?”
My longtime readers who have seen all the 2020 updates should know the answer to this, but new readers might have trouble piecing it all together. So I’ll write up a concise and comprehensive answer soon. The short answer is that if the globalists can’t get the Real NWO launched this year or next, they’ll modify their script to mark March of 2020 (when the worldwide COVID lockdowns began) as the beginning of the “Great Tribulation” period. This 3.5-year period would then end in September of 2023, bringing all its elements (including the COVID hoax) to a close.
~ MORE ~
On another note, if the globalists want to support the COVID hoax by causing a real-life surge to the “COVID” death rate, they’ll embed some sort of bioweapon on the tip swab of the Coronavirus tests…
In fact, they may have already done this. So be wary of the ongoing testing ramp-up. A Coronavirus test might end up being just as dangerous as a Coronavirus vaccine.
What took my mind in this direction was a conversation I had with my roommate. The daughter of a friend of hers is an intern at a hospital, and she related how people with COVID symptoms (which are the same as any cold, flu, or other respiratory illness) came to the hospital for testing, then went home and died. She specifically observed this with frightened Hispanic people who came to the ER in large numbers.
In the intern’s mind, this reflected the real danger posed by COVID. But in my mind, I couldn’t help but notice that scared people went to the hospital with cold symptoms, then died after getting a testing swab stuffed down their nasal cavities. Doctors are giving people these tests under the assumption that they’re safe and effective, just like they do when they give children dozens of vaccine shots. The reality is that both the tests and the vaccines may be neither safe nor effective — they may, in fact, be weaponized.
(8 July 2020) – The Seventeenth of Tammuz has begun in Israel and will continue until Thursday evening. This day commemorates…
“…the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple… and marks the beginning of the three-week mourning period leading up to Tisha B’Av,” and
“also traditionally commemorates the destruction of the two tablets of the Ten Commandments and other historical calamities that befell the Jewish people on the same date.” – from Wikipedia
So keep an eye out for something disastrous coming out of Israel on Thursday. The most obvious globalist play would be to have Netanyahu announce the annexation plan for the West Bank, which would set in motion the war progression that would climax on Tisha B’Av. But we could also see an attack on Israel “by Iran” in retaliation for the rash of “mysterious” explosions happening there. An assassination attempt on Netanyahu is also a possibility.
(6 July 2020) – Over the course of the next 24 hours week, we’ll have a look at the “Illuminati game cards” the globalists are flourishing ahead of their next attempt to bring on the crisis climax. Their cards suggest…
> ANOTHER ATTEMPT at the Israeli false-flag attack on one or more US aircraft carriers (to be blamed on China, North Korea, and Venezuela),
> ANOTHER ATTEMPT at the naval blockade and invasion of Venezuela, and
> ANOTHER ATTEMPT at the “Communist Attack on America.”
We’ll also look at the timeline they’ll be following in instigating the trouble, which begins this Wednesday evening (the 17th of Tammuz) and now extends past Tisha B’Av to August 11 (the day in 3114 BC that the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar began).
After that, we’ll look at how the NWO narrative will explain Trump’s stopping of the West Bank annexation (the “heroic” Trump and Netanyahu dangled annexation to attract the rank-and-file Ultra-Zionist support Netanyahu needed to maintain power, then paused it to prevent the evil Chabadniks from getting the war they want). [Or is it back on the table as of this morning?]
Instead of focusing their coverage on the protests yesterday, the press spent the day releasing preparatory propaganda for the next round of mischief. We’ll have a look at what’s in the pipeline later today or tomorrow morning. For now, let’s just take a breath of fresh air.
I love the smell of torched globalist oplans in the morning…
(4 July 2020) – What’s Planned for the Fourth of July…
Today is the Fourth of July, and by midnight tonight, we’ll see either a “leftist insurrection” or another globalist punt. So in case tonight’s fireworks bring with them real-life scenes from The Purge, I thought I’d write a quick summary of what’s going on so new readers can put things in their proper context.
The globalists have foisted the COVID hoax upon us in order to bankrupt the current world system and take us into the New World Order (NWO). And to ensure that people will welcome the NWO instead of resisting it, they divided their minions into two teams: Team Bad Guys and Team Good Guys. Team Bad Guys are the Communist Democrats and the “Left” (including the Clintons and Obamas) and Team Good Guys are the Libertarian Republicans and the “Right” (including the Pauls and the Trumps).
To open the way for the REAL NWO, they are having Team Bad Guys drive the world into a huge crisis in a purported attempt to start World War 3 and build an “evil” NWO in its aftermath. And they have scripted Team Good Guys to oppose this effort, which is why Trump is being portrayed as standing in the way of their many attempts to start the war and the Democrats are being portrayed as doing everything they can to get him out of the way.
With the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell this week, the globalist scriptwriters have created an urgent motivation for Team Bad Guys to take down Trump before the election. According to the storyline, they need to remove him from office and suicide Maxwell before he can use her testimony to take them down, win the election, and stop the evil-version NWO. So by setting off a leftist insurrection that will leave America burning on the Fourth of July, they’ll have an excuse to remove him “before he tears the nation apart.”
So keep an eye on the demonstrations in Washington, DC today. They’ll probably use an outrage there to start the wildfire that will sweep through America. Also watch for either an EMP or cyberattack (the latter being more likely today) that will turn out the lights across the country after the shooting starts. They might even be brewing up a new Lehman Moment over the weekend that will hit us on Monday.
If you see all this, don’t worry too much; Team Good Guys is scripted to win the war. Their victory will happen as soon as this month or as late as September of 2023, and it will be followed by a few years of relative peace before things get ugly again.
Let’s hope for a punt.
Will July be the month the Bretton Woods World Order phoenix burns to ashes?
Will August be the month the New World Order phoenix gestates?
And will September be the month the New World Order phoenix rises and takes flight?…
…We’ll start finding out tomorrow, July 1.
(30 June 2020) – Tomorrow should give us a good indication how the rest of July will go. It is the day Netanyahu is supposed to announce Israel’s plan for annexing part of the West Bank. And if he opts for a quick grab of the maximum amount of territory under the rationale that “we’d better take everything we can while Trump is still in office,” we’ll see “fireworks” very quickly. In fact, we’ve already seen fireworks around Tehran that may play into what’s planned.
An aggressive annexation announcement paired with the revelation that Israel is behind the two explosions in Iran would provide motivation for Iran to attack Trump and Netanyahu under the rationale that “without Trump and Netanyahu, the Israeli attacks and the West Bank land grab will stop in their tracks.” And the “evil Deep States” would thus have cover for false-flag attacks on the two leaders to be blamed on Iran.
Watch for a July 3rd attempt on Trump at Mount Rushmore by “swarming Iranian drones / precision missiles smuggled into the US via Venezuela by the Sinaloa Drug Cartel” or by “a loose North Korean nuke” smuggled in the same way. Oppenheimer’s Firecracker would provide a strong close to the fireworks show, would it not? Netanyahu could face similar attacks.
In another scenario, a weak or delayed annexation announcement could lead to Netanyahu’s assassination by “a hardcore Zionist lone gunman,” thus making Bibi “the victim of his own boomeranging incitement”…
…from The Jerusalem Post
Trump’s assassination would then be blamed on the “Communist Attack on America.”
~ MORE – 1 July 2020 ~
Netanyahu has delayed the annexation announcement, which has led to the expected response from the Israeli hardliners…
…from The Times of Israel. Take note of the assassin-inciting claims being made by Chabad-allied Avigdor Lieberman.
According to The Jerusalem Post, the annexation announcement is now expected next week after Trump personally approves the plan. This means that if Trump and Netanyahu were to die between now and then, the annexation would die with them, since Gantz would replace Netanyahu following an assassination (and he’s been portrayed as trying to block the annexation).
So with the stage now set for false-flag assassinations by the “evil US/Israeli Deep States,” we wait for “Lee Harvey Oswaldstein” or “the Iranians” to make their move on Netanyahu and “the communists + the Iranians” to make their move on Trump.
Speaking of Lee Harvey Oswaldstein, have a look at the weird sh*t I ran across when I googled to check the spelling on “Harvey”…
…WTF is an “Armed force officer”??? Is it a Marxist who appoints himself an officer exercising armed force on behalf of “the people,” like the BLM/Antifa as*holes? As the globalists go to ever more ridiculous lengths to portray a Marxist revolution in America, has Lee Harvey Oswald — a Marxist who supposedly killed a US President — now become a Bizarro American hero?
(Note: There IS such a thing as an “armed forces officer,” which is an officer in the military. But Oswald never rose above the rank of private first class while he was in the Marines, so he was never an officer, either commissioned or non-commissioned.)
~ MORE – 2 July 2020 ~
A critical care facility with surgical capability for overflow COVID-19 patients, eh? Will they be cutting the COVID out of them one virus at a time?…
…from The Texas Tribune
In this past week’s leadup to July 4th weekend, we’ve seen a massive ramp-up in COVID-19 propaganda that seems to be leading to an imminent “Second Lockdown.” And just like we saw during the approach to the aborted May Day “Communist Attack on America,” we’re seeing elective surgeries being canceled to free up surgeons and hospital beds as well as overflow hospitals being staffed-up to provide even more. This is being done to prepare for casualties from the planned violence that might start this weekend (and run until Tisha B’Av).
Last week in Texas, our traitorous governor, Greg Abbott, ordered elective surgeries to be canceled in four Texas counties: Harris (which contains Houston), Travis (Austin), Bexar (San Antonio), and Dallas (Dallas). Clearly, these will be the Texas cities hit hardest by the planned suburban invasions. Both Houston and Dallas are run by black Democratic mayors [Sylvester Turner (Houston), and former investment banker Eric Johnson (Dallas)]. And both Austin and San Antonio are run by mayors of Jewish descent [Democrat Steve Adler (Austin) and “Progressive Independent” / closet Democrat Ron Nirenberg (San Antonio)]. As a reminder, the city in which the George Floyd PSYOP took place, Minneapolis, is also run by a Jewish mayor (Jacob Frey).
So check the news in your area to see where elective surgeries are being canceled and overflow hospitals are being activated. If it’s happening in your city, be ready for action by tomorrow night (and stay on alert for the rest of the month in case they delay the show till mid-month).
Oh, and there’s this…
On the night of July 4, the full moon will pass through part of Earth’s shadow, creating a lunar eclipse that will be visible across North America and South America…
The eclipse will be the perfect celestial event for those across the United States staying up late after Independence Day fireworks, as long as clouds don’t interfere.
The eclipse will get underway on July 4 at 11:07 p.m. EDT and continue until July 5 at 1:52 a.m. EDT, but the best time to look will be during the middle of the event. – from Accuweather
So on the night of July 4th, “the Moon will be covered in shadow and darkness will fall over the land” starting at 11:07 PM Eastern Time. Watch, then, for the “other fireworks show” to begin at 11:11 Eastern Time.
Back in my 23 June update, I mentioned a possible EMP component to the “communist attack.” Here’s more on that…
Less than two weeks ago, North Korea threatened a new round of the Korean War to end the US, specifically threatening to use their nuclear weapons against the United States in “a particularly sensational event.” Well guess what… North Korean satellite KMS-4, which globalist propagandists have suggested might be a nuclear EMP satellite, will pass over the geographical center of the contiguous United States at about 11:27 PM Central Time on July 3rd, the night of Trump’s fireworks display at Mount Rushmore…
…from N2YO and Wikipedia
Trump’s fireworks are scheduled to begin at 10:30-10:45 Central Time, so KMS-4 will be over the heart of America 42-57 minutes after the sensational display begins. That would be a nice time for Kim Jong Un to supposedly set off his own firework, would it not?
Keep in mind that the EMP threat is deliberately and cartoonishly overstated by the globalist think tanks, the press, and Hollywood (much like the Coronavirus threat is). The orbital explosion would be little more than a firework, with most of the supposed “EMP effects” being faked using globalist backdoor controls into the microprocessors that run the power grid and most everything else. You can read more about the Fake EMP Attack in the 3 May 2020 update further down this page (just copy and paste the bolded date in your browser’s FIND feature).
Now here’s an interesting (and timely) development…
…from today’s Drudge Report. Take note of the part highlighted in red.
There are two directions the globalist scriptwriters can go with this:
1) Into “the Storm”: Maxwell’s arrest could mark the point in the script when the “bad guys” get so frightened that they unleash everything they’ve got to take down the “good guys” and save their evil unilateral NWO. If they move in this direction, it’ll be a helluva weekend.
2) Into “the Eye”: Maxwell’s arrest could be an attempt to change the music and delay the “communist attack” act of the play. If they move in this direction, the Q-anon disinfo narrative will say that her arrest was a successful White Hat move to block the July 4th attacks by pressuring the “bad guys” on the pedophilia front. They might also say that they arrested her on the 2nd because the US financial markets are closed on the 3rd, thus preventing any market-crashing retaliation until after the weekend.
The mass arrests (of the “bad guys”) scenario is possible this weekend, but I’m not expecting it till the month’s end.
~ MORE – 3 July 2020 ~
Tomorrow in Washington, DC, there will be leftist protests all over the city that will begin in the morning and span into nightfall. There will also be hardcore patriots (those who are unafraid of COVID and leftist violence) in town to attend Trump’s July 4th “Salute to America.” The mixture of aggressive leftists and hardcore patriots will be a rather volatile one to say the least. If you add to that a potential “blue flu” or deliberate stand-down of police by the black Democrat mayor of DC, Muriel Bowser (who is opposed to the “Salute to America” celebration), it’s easy to see how Washington could explode along with the fireworks.
The sun will set in DC at 8:37 PM, and the 35-minute firework display will start at 9:07 PM (precisely two hours before the lunar eclipse begins at 11:07 PM). The 35 minutes of explosions and crackles in the dark will provide excellent cover for paid thugs in both the leftist and patriot groups to “whip out their gats” and start slaughtering opposing protesters.
The mainstream media will, of course, report that “Trump-loving, far-right white supremacists” started the fighting by trying to “massacre peaceful protesters and people of color.” And as this news propagates through the population, paid Antifa/BLM thugs throughout the country will mobilize in the 11 o’clock hour (after the eclipse begins) to hit their preselected neighborhoods. Opportunistic local thugs mobilized via social messaging will join in the mayhem.
As bad as this scenario sounds, this is only the “go small” version. In the “go big” version, the Antifa/BLM/street thug army will be joined by “jihadis, foreign government terror cells, foreign special operations teams, and drug cartel armies” attacking predetermined targets throughout the country. This “go big” version would be the full “Communist Attack on America.”
Of course, things will go differently on July 4th if Trump is assassinated tonight by “Iranian drones,” a “North Korean nuke,” or a combination EMP/Indian militant attack (in which Trump’s security detail loses comms and security gear due to the EMP and is overwhelmed by “Native American protesters“). Trump could go down like Custer in that scenario, so I’m sure the globalist scriptwriters have considered it.
One thing I should mention at this point is that any of the scenarios we face will be made-for-TV events. Although the attacks would be portrayed as ubiquitous and overwhelming by the media’s narrow and obsessive focus, they would only scratch the surface of our nation. Even if the globalists scrounge up a million man misfit army for this operation, there are 3,141 counties in the US, which would come out to 318 revolutionaries per county. Obviously, they can’t attack everywhere, so the odds are that you won’t see any action in your neighborhood and I won’t see any in mine. But I’m choosing to be ready in case my neighborhood has been pre-targeted or stray street thugs come in and try to take advantage of the situation.
With this in mind, I’ll now post the first-ever ad on my website…
July 4th Weekend is BOGO Weekend at Ken’s Place!

And customers are busting through the door!
This July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, rampaging home invaders will receive…
with every bullet to the heart you earn this weekend only!
(while supplies last)
+++ PLUS, you’ll receive a FREE carbon-neutral 100% hemp bag for storing your ashes if you bleed out without staining our carpet. It’s our little way of saying “thanks for coming to stay with us… forever… and ever… and ever.” +++
Now that I’ve paid the bills, more updates will come as developments warrant…
ALERT: July 3/4 “Communist Attack on America”
(23 June 2020) – I’m seeing strong indicators that the globalists may make a second attempt at the “Communist Attack on America” on the Fourth of July Weekend (utilizing the sound of fireworks as cover for the sneak attack). If you live in an area that has been experiencing a recent rash of nighttime fireworks and has seen an Antifa or Black Lives Matter presence (my peaceful corner of Fort Worth has seen both), you may considering prepping for an attack that could include armed home invading/burning thugs in your neighborhood and a simulated regional or nationwide “EMP” attack.
Common sense preparations for those living in areas that have seen such warning indicators would include arming up, obtaining door security bars and extra fire extinguishers, and readying a bugout bag with necessary supplies and essential valuables. And if I lived in New York City, Chicago, or DC, I would make plans to be out of town by Thursday, July 2. Major metropolitan areas run by Democrats will get the worst of it.
We also need to watch Thursday, June 25 (the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War) for a preliminary attack or nuclear demonstration “by North Korea.”
I’ll begin full coverage in the morning.
~ MORE – 24 June 2020 ~
During one of my infoscans yesterday, I ran across an article from a known faux-truther disinformation site. Since the particular site is notorious for breathlessly promoting fear porn, I disregard the vast majority of its posts. But this one caught my attention…
…from the Hal Turner Radio Show. Here is an excerpt…
The real eye-opener is from a Controlled Unclassified Law Enforcement Bulletin issued as “Law Enforcement Sensitive – For Official Use Only” to Police and Fire Departments about ANTIFA already using fireworks to acclimate suburbia with sounds of explosions, so they can use those to cover for gun fire when they attack white, suburban, neighborhoods the same day.
According to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in a Bulletin issued to Police and Fire Departments, ANTIFA has been taking deliveries of very large shipments of professional-grade fireworks. They have been sending teams out to various areas throughout America to detonate those fireworks for the past two weeks…
The reason this particular scenario stood out is because I myself have heard unexplained fireworks recently, and when I first heard them, I thought of how much they sounded like explosions and gunfire. Also, my mother recently told me of strong-arm panhandling by big, threatening Black Lives Matter thugs at an intersection about a mile from my home. They slapped hard on the window of her car and presented cans that simply said “give money.” Fortunately, my mother shares my intense disgust for predators, so she ignored them. But the nearby fireworks and BLM activity now have my spidey-sense tingling.
After seeing the Hal Turner article, I started looking into how widespread the “unexplained fireworks” problem is, and I found plenty of stories from cities both large and small:
Here’s a June 23 article from The New York Times…
New York City residents have reported booms and crackles in skyrocketing numbers in recent days. The city received more than 12,500 calls to its 911 system for illegal fireworks this month, according to the police. That is roughly 12 times the number of comparable calls received by the city in the first six months of 2019, the police said.
Here’s a June 23 article from the Chicago Sun Times…
You’re not just hearing things. A lot more fireworks are being set off in Chicago neighborhoods this year – and the Fourth of July is still more than a week away.
Here’s a June 22 article from The Washington Post…
“It’s happening across New York City. It’s happening in California. It’s happening in Illinois. It’s happening in North Carolina, in D.C.,” he says. It “could be a strange coincidence, but I need an explanation.”
And here’s a June 22 article from WKTV in the small city of Utica, NY…
A mundane explanation for this nationwide outbreak of fireworks is that it’s a leftist attempt to deny people sleep in a “no justice, no peace” annoyance operation. Unfortunately, we are not living in mundane times, and we know that the globalists want to simulate a civil war / communist attack in America as part of the transition to the post-American NWO. So by acclimatizing people to the nightly sounds of simulated explosions and gunfire, the sounds of an actual attack on white neighborhoods would be ignored by most people (who would assume it’s just more fireworks, especially on the Fourth of July). And the flood of complaints to 911 over all the recent fireworks will provide a reason for why the police won’t respond to such calls on the 4th. Another reason they won’t respond is the growing outbreak of “blue flu,” which may expand to a nationwide police sickout by July 4th.
~ MORE – 28 June 2020 ~
Behold the Antifa commander casing your suburban neighborhood…
…What are you going to do when he shows up at your door (besides laugh)?
I’ve spent the last few days gathering my home defense tools and getting some rest. Preparing for the planned July 4 mischief is much like prepping for a flood or a tornado: even though the odds are that it won’t hit my particular neighborhood, it is prudent to prepare in case it does. Some nasty surprises await the street thugs and their soy-boy familiars should they attempt to kick in our door.
My personal prepping has revolved around four areas…
1) Denying home invaders dynamic entry (making sure the thugs can’t easily kick in my door and bum-rush into our house): To ensure they can’t, I’m taking the following measures…
> I’m placing one of these door security bars on each external door…
This alone might be sufficient to keep out opportunistic and irresolute invaders, and in the case of determined invaders, it will slow their entry long enough to give me time to ready myself.
> I’m placing my son’s old power wheelchair very near the main door. It’s very heavy and will prevent the door from opening completely if the the security bar is defeated. Any body parts they stick in the cracked door will get blasted.
> I’m keeping large jars full of clear, round marbles near the doors. If they attempt to make entry, I’ll pour out a jar on the floor in front of the door. So if they use extreme force and get past the security bar and wheelchair, they’ll run in, slip on the marbles, and take a hard fall, or they’ll drag their feet, which will slow them down. Anyone who falls or shuffles into the house will get a bullet in the brain.
2) Preparing the battle space: I’m making sure to deny any cover or concealment near the doors. In our house, there is an entrance to the front bedrooms near the main door. I’ll be blocking it off with heavy objects to ensure they can’t duck in there for cover. So if they come in any of the external doors, they’ll be fully exposed to fire from my fighting position (which affords me some degree of cover). Also, I’ll have all the inside lights off and my tactical flashlight ready to dazzle them as they attempt entry.
3) Preparing fire suppression: I’ve doubled the number of fire extinguishers in the house, I’m attaching the garden hoses to the spigots, and I’ll have the ladder fully extended and ready in case I need to get on the roof to fight a fire.
4) Preparing for escape: In case the house catches fire in a way I cannot stop, we’ll have our bugout bags ready and an escape plan in place. I’ll also be checking all the escape windows to make sure they open fully. When you’re running for your life from a fire, it’s a bad time to discover your windows are stuck. There are how-to videos on YouTube on how to unstick them.
On top of all this, I’m getting my roommate / battle buddy ready. Her duties will be to document the home invasion on video (to avoid court hassles), fight fires, reload magazines, and (if necessary) bash skulls with her aluminum bat. I’ll be handling the primary combat duties and providing cover fire for her firefighting efforts.
Hopefully, Spirit will make it unnecessary for me to employ these measures. It is not my wish to harm anyone. But as they say, “God helps those who help themselves,” so I’ll do my part by exposing the globalists’ objectives and making all reasonable preparations to defend my family. Spirit can then do its part, and Universe can sort out the result.
Speaking of exposing the globalists’ objectives, overwatch coverage of the July 1 through July 4 event window will start tomorrow soon.
(28 June 2020) – Be on the lookout for a fresh racial outrage they might use to fan the flames of hate going into the July 4th weekend — watching especially for a “white supremacist” or suburban murder/massacre of “po’, innocent black folk” that would “justify” the planned violence. This fresh outrage might happen as soon as the start of this week’s news cycle (Sunday night / Monday) or as late as July 3rd night / July 4th day.
[Edit Point]
Here are the most recent updates (from newest to oldest)>>>
Juneteenth Weekend Watch
(17 June 2020) – One of my main goals in writing this blog is “to expose and hopefully block any quick advances towards [the globalists’] goals — to prevent the next 9/11-style big leap forward.” Clearly, I’ve partially failed in this mission (if it was ever possible to begin with); the globalists have made their big leap towards the NWO with the COVID-19 psyop. But as they say, it ain’t over till it’s over, and there are two parts to every leap: 1) the part when you commit to the jump and hop into the air and 2) the part where you land (hopefully in the spot you were aiming for).
As of this moment, the globalists have started their leap but are trapped midair looking for a welcoming place to land. They are keeping themselves aloft by swinging from vines much like Tarzan, only the vines they’re using are trillion-dollar bailouts from the federal government and the Federal Reserve Bank. If they want their NWO this year, though, they’re going to have to land sometime soon. So our mission now it to plant punji sticks in every landing zone we can spot.
Towards that end, keep an eye out for a new racial outrage between now and Saturday. It would be used as an excuse to get Antifa and the useful idiots out on the streets for a violent Juneteenth weekend. Watch Tulsa in particular, since Trump is holding a rally there on Saturday. A situation might be staged in which some “peaceful” protesters who are harassing/assaulting Trump rally attendees get shot by “far-right white supremacists,” and the mainstream media will claim that Trump is responsible for inciting the violence. Then John Bolton’s ABC interview will be aired on Sunday, and he’ll suggest that Trump has committed “multiple impeachable offenses.”
According to the script, this weekend’s combination of events “will convince Trump’s cabinet members and many Republican Senators that Trump’s continued presence in the White House will bring disaster to both the Republican Party and the nation.” A move against Trump might then be made as soon as Monday the 22nd or as late as July 4th. The Fourth of July provides the globalists with another opportunity to stage the “Communist Attack on America” that was originally scheduled for May Day.
~ MORE – 18 June 2020 ~
It’s June 18 (6+6+6 Day), and they’re laying it on thick for this weekend…
…from the Daily Star
In order to formally launch the multilateral / multipolar NWO this September, the globalists need time to stage the economic collapse / war climax and the reform process of the United Nations that will follow the climax. So they’ll have to take us to war in July if they want to have August for UN reform. That’s why you see all the regional conflicts heating up right now.
A good way to kick off the July Wars would be to have Israel launch their West Bank annexation effort on July 1st. This would provide a timely provocation to trigger the “Communist Attack on America” on July 4th. The globalist script would then have China, Turkey, and North Korea seize the opportunity to launch regional war operations while America is supposedly focused on its own defense. With America “distracted” by attacks from within and without, Israel would come under attack from within (the Palestinians) and without (all their Muslim neighbors plus Turkey), and the whole war would climax in the Battle of Jerusalem on Tisha B’Av (the end of July).
If we can successfully deter the July Wars, it’s hard to see how the globalists can get to the NWO in September. They’d most likely reschedule its launch for next September at the earliest. We will have won the year, but it would be a bitter victory. We’d have to suffer through a (fraudulent) Democratic/communist sweep in the November elections and endure the Second Wave (of COVID) Psyop all winter. It would be a most depressing display of human stupidity.
Getting back to what I wrote about yesterday, we’re seeing a replay of the setup for the 6/6 Massacre in Tulsa: unarmed National Guardsmen are being sent in (to attract leftist bullets), and a Juneteenth rally and anti-Trump demonstrations are being planned not far from the Trump rally (to attract rightist bullets). On top of this, the media are already hyping the Bolton allegations…
…from today’s Drudge Report
~ MORE – 18 June 2020 ~
…and now for the occultic bullsh*t…
As it turns out, Juneteenth weekend holds some significance according to occultic symbolism, numerology and prophecy…
1) The summer solstice, which is the longest day of the year and the day after which “darkness begins to overtake the light” (the days become progressively shorter), falls on June 20th at 4:44 PM (CDT), the day of the Trump rally in Tulsa (which is in the CDT time zone). So if the “Deep State-planned” violence at the rally & demonstrations goes forward, “the Forces of Darkness would begin their great assault on the Forces of Light.” Such symbolism is of particular note lately due to Archbishop Carlo Vigano’s letter to President Trump, which speaks of the battle between “the children of light and the children of darkness.”
2) According to a “recalculation of the Mayan calendar” currently circulating on the internet (including on Zero Hedge today), this June 21st is actually December 21, 2012, which is the supposed day of the Mayan Apocalypse. Although the word “apocalypse” has taken on a destructive meaning in modern parlance, its Greek root word means “uncover/reveal.”
3) According to a reader, Donald Trump will be 888 months and 8 days old (8888) on June 22nd (Trump’s birthday is June 14, 1946, so 2020 – 1946 = 74 years and 74 years x 12 months/year = 888 months and June 22 – June 14 = 8 days). Eight is actually a lucky number according to Asian numerology, so 4 eights (8888) represent a double-edge sword given that 4 is the number of death in Asian numerology. Four eights could represent the “death of Trump’s good luck” or “Trump’s deadly good luck” against his enemies.
So this weekend’s planned events could be the beginning of “the darkness overtaking the light” or it could be the weekend the “patriot / constitutionalist / good guy Deep State” stage their counterattack against the rampaging “zionist / nazi / neocon / neolib / bad guy Deep State.” A “three days of darkness” counterattack by the “good guys” this weekend would lead to victory over the “evil Deep State(s)” by June 24th, the day of Putin’s Victory Day Parade in Moscow.
~ MORE – 20 June 2020 ~
A dead President lying face-down on the ground — what a lovely Juneteenth Weekend omen…
…from yesterday’s Drudge Report
As we enter the day of the summer solstice, it’s important to review the globalist objectives for the immediate time frame, and chief among those objectives is to feature a “last-ditch” worldwide regime change effort by the “bad guys.” Here are the major regime change efforts the globalists have planned…
In the United States, they have scripted the removal of Trump so the war operations can go forward and Rand Paul & Tulsi Gabbard can be brought in after the climax in a “national unity” presidency. Trump’s removal will take the form of a 25th Amendment cabinet coup, a fast impeachment and conviction, an assassination, a suiciding, or a forced resignation if conducted this weekend or over the Fourth of July Weekend. Failing that, he’ll be removed in a November election defeat that will feature clear signs of “Deep State” / Democrat fraud. This would be followed by a short and scary Democratic (Obama/Clinton) presidency that will precede Paul & Gabbard’s installation by the military.
In the UK, they have scripted the removal of the “British Trump,” Boris Johnson, first by a “COVID-19” infection and now by political scandals. Following the planned events of this weekend, BoJo may be driven from office over his support for Trump.
In China, they may script another attempt to remove/assassinate Xi Jinping by the anti-Xi factions led by the Jiang Faction. This is why we’re seeing a new “COVID” lockdown in China’s capital city, Beijing.
In Russia, they may script an attempt to remove/assassinate Putin by the “Atlantic Integrationist” / Medvedev Faction between now and early July. This could take place at the June 24th Victory Day Parade or around the time of the July 1 national referendum to extend Putin’s presidency.
In Brazil, they will script an attempt to remove/assassinate Bolsonaro by the COVID-pushing “Leftist Deep State.”
In India, they may script an attempt to remove/assassinate Modi by the “National Security Deep State” so that a border war between India and China can go forward, thereby breaking India and China’s cooperation in the BRICS. This is why Modi was reluctant to condemn China over the recent border incident; the script has both Xi and him attempting to forestall the conflict. The attempt on Modi may include a Muslim element to also elicit war between India and Pakistan.
In North Korea, they have scripted an apparently-completed “shadow coup” against Kim Jong Un by his sister and the communist hardliners led by Kim Yong Chol. This is why Kim Jong Un’s sister is pushing towards war with South Korea right now. (Perhaps she is doing it in return for the hardliners sparing her brother’s life?)
These scripted removals/assassinations are intended to depict the worldwide alliance of no-goodnik “Deep States” making an attempt to remove resistance to their “evil Western-version unilateral / unipolar NWO” and defeat the BRICS effort to build their competing “good Eastern-version multilateral / multipolar NWO.” And during or after the war operations take place, other, successful regime change efforts will ensue, including…
The scripted fall of the French and UK political establishments so the UK and France’s UN Security Council votes can fall into pro-Putin hands (thereby enabling the reform of the UN into the multilateral / multipolar NWO). The fall of the two establishments will be achieved by blockbuster revelations, outrageous suppressive actions towards the public, and a resulting rightist “people’s revolution.” In France, Marine Le Pen will take power, with BoJo, Nigel Farage, or a Farage-like figure taking power in the UK.
Besides the regime change effort, other immediate globalist objectives are to…
- complete the crash of the global financial system (during the war operations) so the NWO Financial System (NWOFS) can be installed (the NWOFS will feature “sound” commodity-backed currencies, a global reserve currency run by the “reformed” UN/NWO, and an Austrian economic system of free enterprise overseen by UN/NWO policymakers), and
- destroy Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (during the war operations) so the Third Temple can be built in its place (the Third Temple will be a multi-faith center where Vladimir Putin will reveal himself as “the final Antichrist” halfway through the 7-year NWO).
It should also be noted that both Vice President Pence and President Trump will be speaking at the Tulsa rallies today, though it appears that the Secret Service is keeping them at separate locations through the day. This raises the possibility of a two-fer assassination that would clear the way for Nancy Pelosi to become President. The easiest way to achieve the two-fer would be to narrate both of them becoming infected with Coronavirus. Trump and Pence might then test positive on Monday the 22nd and become “incapacitated” by July 4.
(21 June 2020) – Yesterday’s Trump rally was delightfully anticlimactic, but they did go forward with one element of the setup: in the afternoon, they broke news that six Trump staffers tested positive for Coronavirus…
…from CNBC
Here is an excerpt…
Six members of President Donald Trump’s advance team preparing for his Tulsa rally that kicks off Saturday evening have tested positive for coronavirus, according to his re-election campaign…
A source familiar with the matter tells NBC News the staffers have been on the ground for about a week, have not been wearing masks and have been going out to restaurants…
Of the six members of the Trump advance team who tested positive for coronavirus ahead of the Tulsa rally, at least two of them are United States Secret Service agents, a law enforcement official told NBC News.
Since the six staffers interacted with the other staffers, who in turn interacted with Trump and Pence on Saturday, the door has been opened for the “Trump and Pence caught COVID in Tulsa” scenario. Now let’s get out the popcorn and see what Bolton has to say tonight.
Now have a look at this…
…from the Catholic News Agency
So Pope Emeritus Benedict is allowed to take a final trip to visit his brother, his family’s graves, and his former home, and now he is returning to the Vatican on the 22nd? I can’t decide what his trip reminds me of more: a final meal given to a death row inmate before his execution or a plot device that keeps a protagonist away from his house when it’s attacked.
So what’s the plan? Will the returning Papa Rat get whacked by “ISIS jihadis” on a street outside the Vatican, or will the Vatican get whacked by a “space rock” before he gets back? Perhaps he’ll just die of “natural causes” during travel so they can gather the “Kings of the Earth” in Rome for his funeral (and their destruction).
June 11 Overwatch & The Communist Insurrection Kicks Off
(8 June 2020) – I was checking June 11 for historical parallels and came across one that really stood out: it was the date in 2018 that Trump and Kim Jong Un had their first summit in Singapore. They met and shook hands at 9:04 PM on June 11 (Washington time) / 9:04 AM on June 12 (Singapore time).
So watch Thursday the 11th for a show of force from North Korea or a “Deep State” false-flag attributed to North Korea. It may be related to their new ballistic missile submarine and SLBM, but it could also be related to these helicopters that showed up in the press yesterday…
…from The National Interest. Here is an excerpt…
Thus, it seems that North Korea likely acquired the MD 500s so it could use them to infiltrate across the demilitarized zone with South Korean markings, conducting surprise raids and inserting spies and saboteurs. North Korea maintains more than two hundred thousand commandos in its Special Operations Forces, more than any other country in the world. In the event of a conflict with its southern neighbor, Pyongyang would deploy thousands of operatives behind South Korean lines via tunnels, submarines, stealthy motor boats and helicopters to disrupt communication and supply lines and spread panic. Indeed, upon learning of the MD 500 caper, South Korean president Chun Doo-hwan angrily upbraided Washington for inadvertently making infiltration easier.
Notably, this article on the helicopters surfaced right before this occurred…
…from the BBC
Here are more stories (1,2) on what a big deal this leaflet confrontation supposedly is. But given that such propaganda leafleting has been going on for decades (the video in the article is from 6 years ago), one wonders why they’re making a big deal out of it at this particular time.
We could be looking at a covert operation on Thursday involving “a North Korean Special Forces incursion across the Demilitarized Zone to attack dissidents who are sending balloon-borne propaganda leaflets across the border.” The attack would initially be blamed on Kim Jong Un of course, but the NWO Narrative would later reveal that “it was set up by North Korean hardliners and/or the US-South Korean ‘Deep States’ who were intent on unseating Kim Jong Un.”
~ MORE – 9 June 2020 ~
Another thing to watch for on the 11th (or the 22nd) is Vladimir Putin’s public announcement of the COVID cure (the hydroxychloroquine + antibiotic + zinc regimen). According to Wikipedia, June 11 was the day in the year 980 that the coronation of Vladimir the Great took place, and it was also the day in the year 1938 that the Battle of Wuhan began in the Second Sino-Japanese War. The Battle marked the point in the war when the invading Japanese (the “bad guys”) lost their strategic momentum. So with tie-ins to Wuhan, stopping rampaging evil forces, and glory for Vladimir the Great, it would be a good day for “Saint” Putin to defeat the COVID dragon. In fact, Moscow is “inexplicably” being freed from COVID restrictions in advance of the planned announcement…
…from The Moscow Times
As I mentioned in a previous update, the Victory Day Parade in Moscow was rescheduled to June 24 because the globalists missed a previous target date. And the Parade is meant to represent more than just victory in World War 2; it is meant to celebrate Putin’s victory over the COVID PSYOP and possibly over the “Satanic Forces” in World War 3. And a week after the jubilant victory parade, Russia will hold the July 1 referendum on allowing Putin to extend his presidency to 2036. Convenient timing, that.
So here is my gift for Putin’s victory announcement…
…(Now I know why God made me such a tool.)
On another note, a reader has brought a self-proclaimed “real” King of England to my attention as a possible replacement for the royal family when they take their planned drubbing during the NWO transition. Here is what I wrote back…
It’s possible they might bring in some dark horse from another “noble line” to take on the public face of the British Monarchy. But it’s also possible they might bring back Prince Harry to play that role (son of the “beloved” Diana and her lover James Hewitt, not Prince Charles). The supposed break between the Queen and Harry may have been an effort to “put him on a lifeboat way off in America” before the planned sinking of the “Royal Titanic” during the NWO transition.
I may look deeper into this in a future update.
~ MORE – 10 June 2020 ~
In the run-up to June 11, it appears that the overt “communist revolution” has been kicked off here in the US, and it has seized its first territory: the “Seattle Autonomous Zone”…
…from Zero Hedge
What’s happening in Seattle is a textbook example of an insurrection, so according to the script, Trump now has justification to apply the Insurrection Act at a time of his choosing.
Also to be noted is what’s happening in Chicago now…
…from the Daily Mail
The mention of rioters running around with commie assault rifles is being narrated as follows in a known fear-porn disinformation site…
The United States of America is in the early stages of an actual Insurrection.
Riots and looting taking place in many major US cities are NOT a spontaneous, grass-roots, outpouring of anger over the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police, but rather a carefully scripted, race-based incitement, to attack our Constitutional Republic.
These events are being fomented, enabled, and coordinated, by certain elected officials, certain political party leaders in various states and counties. Enabling of the property damage and destruction is being funded by the “usual suspects,” with coordination of the entire effort allegedly being handled through a SCIF (Segregated, Compartmentalized, Information Facility) located in a former US President’s home…
At the meeting yesterday, communications intercepts were played/displayed showing that weapons of war are being deployed inside the USA, to be given to the Communists presently rioting.
AK-47 fully automatic machine guns, belts and boxes full of ammunition. Hand grenades. Anti-personnel explosives. Outright bombs.
Guess where they’re coming from? CHINA. Yes, our “friend” Xi Jinping, whose fingerprints can’t be on the weapons, has allegedly been using middle men to move vast quantities of weapons INTO the United States. He’s allegedly been doing it for more than 18 months! – from The Hal Turner Radio Show
So who might this former President be — the one who is supposedly coordinating the entire effort from a SCIF in his home? Well, “Barack Obama traveled with a SCIF tent during his presidency that could be set up on short notice inside, say, a hotel room [or his home].” Perhaps this means that Obama will still get to play the Western decoy antichrist. Time will tell, and it won’t take too long to start talking because this thing could be driven to a climax by June 22 or Tisha B’Av (July 29-30). If they do the mass arrests by the 22nd, Putin’s Victory Day Parade on the 24th will have historic import, as would the impromptu Victory Day Parade in Washington DC on July 4th.
We therefore need to watch this weekend and the next very carefully — this weekend for a potential takedown of Trump and the next for the mass arrests psyop. The three days of June 20, 21, and 22 mark the anniversary of the Detroit Race Riot of 1943, which was put down by 6,000 federal troops. So will federal troops be putting down the “communist insurrection” on those three days (of darkness)?
(11 June 2020) – This situation with Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) may be an effort to retry the “Trump Massacres Peaceful Protesters” show they had planned for 6/6. Here are the scripted steps…
- Have “peaceful” armed protesters take over part of an American city.
- Have Trump invoke the Insurrection Act and send in the military to take back the area.
- Have the press and the nationwide protests explode after protesters are killed in the resulting firefights.
- Stage the 25th Amendment removal to “save the country from Trump’s horrific leadership.”
And given how much the barricaded streets remind me of Mogadishu, we might even be treated to a Blackhawk Down-type scenario as well…
A military disaster amidst the operation would add to the overall narrative that it was a catastrophically bad decision by Trump.
The attack might come at night after power is cut off to the area. It would give the night vision-equipped military troops an advantage.
(12 June 2020) – This weekend will likely be quiet, as Trump is staying at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. He will give a commencement speech at West Point on Saturday, then celebrate his birthday at the club on Sunday. Barring any breaking developments, I’ll take the weekend off too. See you Monday.
ALERT: The 6/6 Massacre
(5 June 2020) – From this evening through tomorrow morning, I’ll lay out the puzzle pieces that point to a 6/6 massacre of protesters in Washington D.C. It is scripted to be a “Deep State” operation that will lead to a suiciding or removal (through a cabinet coup or second impeachment) of Trump.
~ MORE ~
Here are the key puzzle pieces that have been spread around the media…
#1 – A huge George Floyd demonstration is planned for Washington, D.C. on Saturday, 6/6.
#2 – This demonstration is occurring amidst a media campaign that paints Trump as a man who is “inciting violence and threatening to use military force on peaceful civilian protesters exercising their constitutional rights”…
#3 – Antifa and other Soros goons will no doubt show up to make trouble from the protesters’ side, but the mainstream media are pretending they aren’t factors in the violence, instead pointing the finger at “far-right groups,” “white supremacists,” and armed citizens guarding their neighborhoods and businesses…
#4 – On the law enforcement side, there is a confused array of local police, national guardsmen from various states, and federal goons from various departments, including many that are poorly uniformed and display no identification. Look at this pack of grabasstic gorillas…
…Note the wide variations in their uniforms. This lack of uniform standards and identification will make the law enforcement side easier to infiltrate.
#5 – A heavily armed civilian was arrested while trying to infiltrate a Guard unit at a George Floyd demonstration this week. He was identified because his uniform was incorrect. With the hodgepodge of law enforcement and military units in D.C. tomorrow, along with the lax uniform standards among the civilian agencies, identifying infiltrators amidst the chaos of the demonstration will be much harder. This leaves room for the government to sneak in some uniformed “white supremacist” gunmen to start shooting (and possibly grenading/bombing) the protesters.
#6 – It is being reported that Defense Secretary Esper has ordered active duty troops to leave Washington and National Guard troops there to disarm WITHOUT CONSULTING WITH TRUMP…
…from the Daily Mail
There are two ways the globalist scriptwriters can play this…
- They can have Trump reverse Esper’s orders, then have “Deep State” agents and/or MK Ultra drones within the rearmed units fire on the protesters. In this way, they can have Trump fully own the massacre.
- They can have Esper’s orders stand and have the controlled alt-media narrate that it was a move by the “Deep State” to isolate Trump from military support when the coup goes down. They can also narrate that it was a move to block Trump from using the military to make mass arrests on the “Deep State” over the weekend.
The 6/6 Massacre will, of course, be blamed on Trump. And it would be the straw that broke the camel’s back. A 25th Amendment Cabinet Coup or second impeachment would quickly follow, unless the scripted patriot/constitutionalist counterattack occurs immediately before or after the massacre.
~ MORE – 6 June 2020 ~
Let’s continue on with the next puzzle piece…
#7 – A (probably induced) lightning strike hit the Washington Monument as the propaganda buildup for the 6/6 protest hit the media…
…from the Drudge Report
The last time the globalists used an induced lightning strike to signal something was the day the news of Pope Benedict’s resignation hit the media…
…from YouTube
17 days after the lightning strike, Benedict left office. And 13 days after that, Pope Francis took the throne.
Within the globalist script, Benedict represents the “Bishop of God” and Francis represents the “Bishop of Satan.” So the lightning strike represented regime change from the Forces of Light to the Forces of Darkness, and it struck on the day the reason for the regime change was revealed. At the Vatican city-state, the regime change reason was Pope Benedict’s decision to resign at the end of February (supposedly made under duress); at the Washington D.C. city-state, the regime change reason will be the 6/6 march and massacre.
But when the “President of Satan” takes the throne from the supposed “President of God” (Trump), who will it be?
Mike Pence has been groomed to play the role of the “Grey Champion” (a decoy antichrist figure), so he could be the one who takes the presidency and leads us to war. But given that the globalists are going with the “communist revolution” theme this year, Pence might get skipped-over in favor of Nancy Pelosi. It would go down like this…
After the massacre of black protesters by “white supremacists,” “a panicked Congress will gather for an emergency session to figure out a way to stop a black-white race war.” In the meeting, they’ll decide to do an overnight impeachment of both Trump and Pence, citing the fact that Pence backed Trump’s calls for force against the protests…
…from The Hill
(And also because “a stern-looking white man is not the leader the country needs during this emergency.”)
The overnight impeachment and removal of both the President and Vice President would be of questionable legality, but they’d proceed anyway, and Nancy Pelosi would take the oath of office. Immediately afterwards, she’d nominate Michelle Obama as her Vice President, and after Congress swiftly approves the nomination, she’d resign so Obama can be President. President Obama would then nominate Hillary Clinton as her VP. Of course, a 25th Amendment cabinet coup that skips over Pence would be the alternative play to impeachment. In fact, Pence might resign the vice presidency to aid the scenario.
~ MORE – 6 June 2020 ~
Given that this demonstration is happening on 6/6, the obvious time to kick off violence and a massacre would be the 6 o’clock hour; that would put a nice “Satanic” signature on the whole thing. But if exposure of their plans causes the globalist stage managers to back off from advancing the play to the Trump removal act, their fallback option would be to use the protest to continue pushing the population to the political right…
…from Infowars
So the fallback plan would be to direct the law enforcement side to “take a knee” while the Antifa/Soros guys and opportunistic criminals turn the protest into an orgy of violence, arson, vandalism and looting throughout the D.C. Metro Area. They might even arrange to have some of the disarmed National Guard guys get injured or killed in the mayhem. That would drive the “Trump is Right” point home with a flourish.
~ MORE – 7 June 2020 ~
Yesterday’s D.C. protest was delightfully anticlimactic. After having the current and former defense secretaries, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the former White House Chief of Staff, and all four ex-Presidents come out and pillory Trump in advance of this weekend, the globalists bailed on both their primary and secondary plans. Of course, we’ll still need to watch today (Eastern Pentecost), the 11th and the 22nd for another attempt at scripting Trump’s exit. Tisha B’Av is just around the corner.
Watch The Three-Day Weekend Very Carefully (June 5 – 7)
(3 June 2020) – It looks like a cabinet coup is brewing around Trump over the Floyd Riots PSYOP. Given that the bankster boot-licking council of my own city, Fort Worth, is voting tomorrow to extend a completely unnecessary curfew through the 9th, the 5th through the 11th are danger days. Watch for any coup to be announced overnight (which will allow for the curfew to be extended into a lockdown the next morning).
~ MORE – 4 June 2020 ~
A potential cabinet coup isn’t the only thing we might be facing tomorrow. A number of media outlets have laid the propaganda groundwork for what could be either a nuclear decapitation of the US or the “Mass Arrests of the Deep State” PSYOP…
…from The Drive (top) and Sputnik (bottom)
This massive deployment of security assets to Washington D.C. could be narrated as…
1) “a frantic effort to locate and apprehend a Venezuela-allied narcoterror cell and their North Korean nuke that intelligence indicates may be in the Washington area,” or
2) “a final staging of forces to conduct the mass arrest of the Deep State before they tear the country apart.”
As I mentioned in a previous update, globalist disinformation agents on the New Age side have told of “three days of darkness” during which the mass arrests of the “bad guys” would take place. And June 5, 6, and 7 are three days — three days that end on Orthodox Pentecost. So will an attempted cabinet coup as early as tonight lead to mass arrests tomorrow and over the weekend?
As for the nuclear decapitation option, Trump might be joined in supposed death by Netanyahu…
…from The Jerusalem Post. Here is an excerpt…
“A few days ago, I filed a complaint with the police about a series of threats to murder me and my family,” Netanyahu tweeted Monday. “Today, unfortunately, I had to file another complaint against a vile man who detailed how he intended to murder me and my family.”
The tweet included a screenshot of one of the threats, which called for Netanyahu, his wife and two sons to be beheaded, and then have their bodies hung from the balcony of the prime minister’s residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem.
“When will the media and the Left, who do not stop for a moment trying to topple a right-wing prime minister, finally condemn the unruly and incessant incitement against me and against my family?” he also tweeted.
The “Deep States” / communists may move on Bolsonaro also, so watch all the NWO heroes over the weekend.
~ later ~
In a bit of good news, the Fort Worth City Council withdrew their effort to extend the curfew. It seems the people here, including me (I contacted my councilman for the first time yesterday), were clear in their demand that it be stopped.
Watch for a Potential Escalation of Violence in the US Tomorrow (June 2)
(1 June 2020) – A reader has brought up some interesting points…
On tomorrow, June 2, George Floyd’s family will be marching to Houston City Hall and the Illuminati Uncle Toms in the music industry will be staging their “Blackout Tuesday.” Both of these event will add fuel to the fire on a day of historical import: the anniversary of the June 2 anarchist bombings…
The 1919 United States anarchist bombings were a series of bombings and attempted bombings carried out by the Italian anarchist followers of Luigi Galleani from April through June 1919.
These bombings led to the Red Scare of 1919–1920…
On the evening of June 2, 1919, the Galleanists managed to detonate nine large bombs nearly simultaneously in eight cities. These bombs were much larger than those sent in April, using up to 25 pounds (11 kg) of dynamite and all were wrapped or packaged with heavy metal slugs designed to act as shrapnel. – from Wikipedia
So keep an eye out for bombings tomorrow and in the days to come. The blasts may be attributed to Antifa or to “white supremacists” depending on how the globalists want to play it. And if they opt to blame whites, they’ll target the protesters, which could raise the violence to an entirely new level. Ultimately, the bombings will be blamed on Antifa, George Soros, and the communists.
The 1919 Bombings’ connection to the Red Scare is also notable…
The First Red Scare was a period during the early 20th-century history of the United States marked by a widespread fear of Bolshevism and anarchism, due to real and imagined events; real events included the Russian Revolution and anarchist bombings. At its height in 1919–1920, concerns over the effects of radical political agitation in American society and the alleged spread of communism and anarchism in the American labor movement fueled a general sense of concern. – from Wikipedia
What the globalists are doing with the current Floyd Riots is inducing another Red Scare in America. They’re frightening Americans with a communist “Tet Offensive” from within and without the country. This is intended to drive people to the political right and make them all the more receptive when the “saviors” step in and restore order.
The reader also brought up two additional historical parallels for tomorrow…
- June 2, 455 was the day the Vandals entered Rome and plundered the city for two weeks. We certainly have a lot of thieving vandals running around the US now, don’t we?
- Between 1972 and 1980, there was an anarchist group in Germany known as the 2 June Movement. They conducted bombings, shootings, and kidnappings. So don’t be shocked if shootings and kidnappings start happening in connection to the Floyd Riots. There’s a good chance that the globalists will go for broke with this made-for-TV uprising just like they have with the Coronavirus hoax.
The Target Guam Scenario
(30 May 2020) – Imagine that a missile suddenly emerges from the Western Pacific Ocean in the next 24 hours. Infrared satellites immediately alert to the fiery plume of the rising death phallus and tracking radars project its trajectory terminating in Guam. Minutes later, one of two things happens: 1) the death phallus is destroyed when it “crosses swords” with an American anti-ballistic missile death phallus, or 2) it explodes in an atomic orgasm directly above Andersen Air Force Base, destroying a vital strategic asset that is key to any US defense of Taiwan.
The event would raise an immediate and urgent question: Who fired the missile?
Radar records will show that the missile’s flight profile matches that of the two-stage North Korean Pukguksong 2/3 SLBMs — China’s JL-2 SLBM is a three-stage design — so all eyes will initially turn to North Korea. Suspicion of North Korea’s guilt will be further bolstered by the intelligence and news reports that preceded the missile’s launch…
…from NHK (top), Navy Recognition (middle), and Yonhap (bottom). Here is an excerpt from the Yonhap article (note how it hints that the new sub may not be in port anymore)…
The Yonhap story quoted a military source as saying that the new 3,000-ton submarine, capable of carrying three submarine-launched ballistic missiles, appears almost ready to be deployed, with South Korean intelligence authorities watching closely for a launching ceremony.
38 North said “no notable activity” has been observed at the construction and finishing halls or their associated parts yard.
“While the awning at the secure boat basin obscures whether or not a submarine is berthed there, the submersible barge is partially visible,” it added.
~ MORE – 31 May 2020 ~
Citing “leaks” from “government sources,” many media talking heads will take the “Kim Jong Un did it” explanation and run with it, demanding immediate retaliation against North Korea. But other talking heads will urge caution…
“We shouldn’t rush to judgment in assigning blame for this attack to North Korea. The North Koreans have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose from a nuclear attack on Guam. There has been no great American provocation to trigger such an attack from them, so striking Guam out of the blue would be an irrational and suicidal move on their part.
In discovering the true culprit behind this attack, we must ask ourselves who benefits. And it is not the North Koreans who benefit from striking Guam; it is the Chinese and their ambition to invade Taiwan. Xi Jinping did this.”
The “Kim Jong Un did it” talking heads (the Kimmers) will make a weak attempt to counter the argument of the “Xi Jinping did it” talking heads (the Xiers) by saying that Kim Jong Un may be suffering from postperfusion syndrome (pumphead) after his rumored recent heart surgery. “He may be suffering from confusion and be prone to making irrational decisions,” the Kimmers will opine, “and the communist hardliners may have taken advantage of his diminished capacity to talk him into approving the attack.” The Xiers will respond by pointing out that Kim’s sister is there to watch her brother’s back, so it’s unlikely the hardliners could take advantage of any temporary weakness, especially on something as big as a nuclear attack on America.
The Xiers will go on to point out that…
“Even if the North Koreans were the ones who physically carried out the attack, they would never do such a thing without the approval and support of their Chinese benefactors. So China is behind this attack either way. Either they did it themselves by programming one of their JL-2s to jettison the second stage with the first stage to make it look like a two-stage missile did the attack, or they had the North Koreans do the attack for them. Regardless of which way it went, China and North Korea must be treated as one unit and dealt with at the same time. If you attack just one of them, the other will respond anyway.”
And with that, the evil “Deep State” will have an excuse to take out their supposed enemies, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un, and start World War III to “bring in the evil-version New World Order.”
~ MORE – 1 June 2020 ~
At a certain point before or after war actions commence between the US and China, indisputable “intelligence” will be leaked that shows Israel was behind the Guam attack. The submarine used will be identified as a Dolphin 2 that has been refitted with nuclear batteries or a compact nuclear reactor to enable global operations. And the missile used will be identified as a naval variant of Israel’s Sparrow ballistic missile.
The Sparrow family of target missiles were designed to mimic the flight characteristics of various Iranian ballistic missiles and are used in live-fire tests of Israel’s missile defense systems…
There are three known versions of the Sparrow: the Black Sparrow, Blue Sparrow, and Silver Sparrow. Here is a Space News article that offers details on the now-operational Silver Sparrow…
Israel is developing an air-launched target missile to simulate the type of longer-range, evasive ballistic missile threats that its future two-tier Arrow active defense network is designed to intercept.
The two-stage missile, dubbed Silver Sparrow, is a much larger and faster version of the Black Sparrow and Blue Sparrow maneuvering target missiles developed and produced by state-owned Rafael Ltd.
Under a previously unpublicized Ministry of Defense (MoD) contract awarded in recent weeks, Rafael is slated to deliver the first Silver Sparrows by the end of 2012 for testing of Israel’s Arrow-3 upper-tier interceptor now in development.
“We need a new target to simulate as realistically as possible the speeds, ranges and [radar cross-section and infrared] signatures of threats likely to be encountered in the future by Arrow-3,” a senior MoD official said. “We should have that capability at the end of next year with Silver Sparrow, the newest in the family of Rafael target missiles.”
Unlike Israel’s F-15-launched single-stage Black and Blue Sparrows used to test existing Arrow-2 interceptors, the larger Silver Sparrow is planned for launch from C-130 military transport aircraft. But like the 1.2-ton Black Sparrow — designed to mimic Scud-type missiles — and the 1.9-ton Blue Sparrow resembling the Iranian Shahab series of missiles, Silver Sparrow will feature modular warheads to simulate conventional and nonconventionally tipped missiles and will be designed to replicate multiple types of re-entry trajectories.
This modular warhead capability also includes the ability to carry live warheads, which makes the Silver Sparrow ideal for false-flag operations. Any target that gets hit by a Sparrow would assume, based on the flight characteristics of the missile observed on radar and other sensors, that it was hit by an Iranian (or North Korean) missile.
Depending on the size of the naval variant (which I’ll dub the “Gold Sparrow”), it would be fired from the outsized 650 mm torpedo tubes of the Dolphin 2 or released from a canister mounted on the outer hull (modern subs have docking stations on their hulls for the minisubs used by naval commandos). And since it would be a two-stage missile that flies like and looks like (on sensors) a North Korean SLBM, people would assume that’s what it was.
~ MORE – 2 June 2020 ~
Last night, my mother called and told me that Fox News was going after Jared Kushner and blaming him for leading Trump astray, showing sinister pictures of him lurking behind the President. I’d previously told her about Kushner being positioned to play the false Moshiach / decoy Antichrist, so she found it rather amusing. And that brings us to the reason that the Guam attack (or whatever war-starting false-flag they do instead) will ultimately be pinned on Israel: this whole grand drama is about bringing in the Jewish Messiah (the Moshiach), and the globalists need the world to attack Israel so the Moshiach (Putin) can step in and save both Israel and the world from annihilation. So watch for the revelation of Israel’s guilt to come soon before or soon after World War 3 begins. And watch for the final battle to be in Jerusalem.
As for the details of the scripting, the NWO Narrative will claim that the religious Zionists, the Chabad-Lubavitchers, and all their allies and minions unleashed COVID-19 and the war-starting false-flag upon us in order to create a manufactured crisis to which the solution would be Jared Kushner’s elevation as savior and the rise of the evil unilateral / unipolar New World Order. This is bullsh*t of course, because those groups have been grooming Vladimir Putin for the savior role all along. They’re just propping up Kushner as an evil-looking foil that Putin can vanquish, making it look like the “forces of good” have defeated the “forces of evil.”
The globalists have never had any intention of making Jared Kushner the King of the World. “King Jared the Twink” would inspire little awe in his head-scratching subjects…
And as I mentioned yesterday, any war-starting false-flag the globalists attempt will follow the same basic template as the Target Guam Scenario…
- Hit the US with what appears to be an attack from Russia, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and/or China.
- Bring the world to the brink (or a little past the brink) of World War 3.
- Reveal that Israel was behind the hit on the US.
- Have the whole world turn on Israel and attack.
- Have Israel ready its nukes for retaliation, perhaps even firing them.
- Have lights in the sky and Vladimir Putin save Israel and the world from destruction.