Lately, I’ve been so busy pushing back against fraudsters and propaganda that I haven’t had time to engage in my first love: spiritual writing. As my web address suggests, I created this site with the main purpose of helping change the definition of “God” that people hold in their heads. Writing about the Occulted Powers and their intrigues was supposed to be just a secondary task, but given how little time we have to change direction and the dearth of writers who clearly see what’s really going on and are willing to write about it, I am obligated to do what must be done. Nonetheless, I decided to take some time today and gather the core spiritual entries from my second blog.
Fortunately, all but one of my old articles was saved, complete with the embedded pictures, in the Internet Archive. So to avoid the laborious process of reformatting them for my new blog, I’ll just give you the links to them along with a short excerpt from each one. None of the entries are very long; I try to keep things as simple and succinct as possible…
> Our Relationship with Source, Part 1: The False God
This is the week I rethink everything. After spending the nearly four years since my second awakening trying out external spiritual concepts from self-styled gurus and channeled entities — all of whom were so certain, so detailed, and so contradictory with their ideas — it’s time to set everything down and sort through it. It’s time to take a hard second look at things like the obligation to spiritually evolve, soul contracts, karmic debt bondage, spiritual hierarchies who tightly control spiritual expression, and other such ideas that make my spirit want to curl up in a ball and die forever. And it’s time to call BS on the channeled entities who sugarcoat such ideas with their sickly-sweet spiritual aspartame…
> Our Relationship with Source, Part 2: Why we are God
Having laid out my perspective on the old, fraudulent God concept in the first entry of this series, I’ll now go on to explain how I approached what I currently view as the correct concept. For simplicity’s sake, I will mostly use the term “God” for Source (since it’s the term most familiar to those who are newly awakening), but just mentally edit in whatever term you prefer as you read. I will also use the pronoun “him” when referring to God (but only because English lacks a good gender-neutral singular pronoun). With the grammar notices now out of the way, let’s get to thinking about our relationship to God…
> Our Relationship with Source, Part 3A: The Differentiation of Source
Today, I thought I’d take a break from fraud-busting and get back to the central purpose of my blog: to redefine God. Once I’ve completed all of Part 3, I’ll start writing some other types of entries and you’ll see why I chose to share this with you. So let’s proceed…
In the first entry of this series, I talked about the false God concept, and in the second, I shared how I came to see that we are not separate from God, but are parts of “him.” So in this entry, I’ll continue by sharing my perspective on how the One Consciousness becomes the many.
To begin, take a moment to consider all the games you’ve played during your life. Some of them, like Solitaire, require only one player; others, like Monopoly, require multiple players…
> Our Relationship with Source, Part 3B: The Differentiation of Source
In the previous entries of this series, I shared my views on the false god concept, on why we are God, and on how Source differentiates into souls. In this entry, I’ll share how I see our souls branching off into different realities…
> Addressing some misconceptions about Source
I was planning for this entry to be a continuation of the Our Relationship with Source series, but some of the comments from previous installments have shown me the need to address a few things first. It seems that there are some who have taken to equating God to manmade religions, as well as to equating “him” to the concept of a controlling earthly king. And from the disgust generated by such false associations, some have even gone so far as to deny God’s existence outright, calling him “our imaginary friend in the sky.” That last perspective really makes me smile, because it involves incarnate pieces of God vehemently proclaiming that God doesn’t exist…
In my current thinking, there are three possible types of realities, and each type is based on who the architect of the reality actually is. Those three types are:
1) Self-Generated Realities,
2) Collective Realities, and
3) Administered Realities…
Imagine, for a moment, that you wanted to create something you could produce and sell to make a living. As you ponder what to make, you recall your daughter’s complaint about the sandwich and chips you packed for her lunch getting crushed, and you remember the hard metal lunchboxes you took to school when you were a kid. Using this as inspiration, you decide to make a retro lunchbox for kids, and you set about putting your vision into a design. You decide, “My creation will be”…
> The Soul Trap: Hijacking the Point of Attention
Imagine a theater that has been constructed amidst a beautiful garden. As you walk through the garden, you are approached by a ticket hawker. “You simply have to come in and see the show,” he says, “It’s called ‘Good versus Evil,’ and it’s absolutely thrilling. You’ll love it!” Persuaded by his enthusiasm, you enter the theater to watch the show…
That’s all for now. I hope you’ll find some tidbit within them that is useful in your own spiritual journey.
Love always…